Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<<set $StayAtHome = 0>>\
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '17:55')>>\
<style> body.street {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/StreetMorning.jpeg");
<style> body.street {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/StreetEvening.jpg");
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:20')>>\
<<md>>I cannot miss work. I should go to school.<</md>>
<<md>>The new street that I live on. I like this place. It's not very noisy here, and there are not many cars.<</md>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:50', '08:00') && $MoneyHelp is 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>> \
<strong>Angela -</strong> <<link "Talk with her">><<goto "AngelaHelp">><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>><hr><</if>>\
[[My home |Home corridor]]
[[School entrance|School gate]]
[[Mall - Cheap pleasure]]
<<if $AngelaNewWork == 7 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '22:00')>>\
[[Slice of heaven]]
<<elseif $AngelaNewWork == 8 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '22:00')>>\
[[Slice of heaven]]
<<elseif $AngelaNewWork == 93 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:05', '22:00')>>\
[[Slice of heaven]]
<<elseif $AngelaNewWork == 94 && $id.whisky > 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:05', '20:55')>>\
[[Slice of heaven]]
<<if $CamillaQuest6 == 322 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:45', '09:15') && $QuestNextDay is false && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 5>>\
[[Hiking with Camilla|CamillaQuest8.533]]
[[Street York-Road]]
[[Sycamore Heights]]
[[Entrance to the subway|Central Station]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '17:55') && $AngelaStealPhoto == 2>>\
<<goto "AngelaStealPhotoForum2">>\
<<elseif $ClaraM20Quest == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:20') && $Clara3Quest == 3 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>\
<<goto "Clara1Qbegin">>\
<<elseif $ClaraM12Quest == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '08:00')>>\
<<goto "ClaraTruePicnicMorning">>\
<<elseif $mc.SwimSetActive == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '18:00')>>\
<<goto "SeaSubwayDive">>\
<<elseif $CoffeeHurt > 80 && $CoffeeHurtNurse1 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:30') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>\
<<goto "CoffeeHurt 2.0">>\
<<elseif $SubSmoking == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '18:00') >>\
<<goto "SmokingHoliday">>\
<<elseif $CamillaQuest4 == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '18:00') && $CamillaQuest3 == 2 >>\
<<goto "CamillaQuest 4.1">>\
<<elseif $CamillaQuest4 == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '18:00') && $CamillaQuest3 == 3 >>\
<<goto "CamillaQuest 4.1">>\
<<elseif $AutumnCheerleader2 == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '19:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "Grateful cheerleader 2">>\
<<elseif $AutumnCheerleader2 == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '19:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "Grateful cheerleader 3">>\
<<elseif $AutumnMonicaCheerleader1 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '19:00') >>\
<<goto "AutumnMonicaQuest1.1">>\
<<elseif $DenisseQuest == 0 && $DenisseQuestAvailable == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '19:00')>>
<<if random(1, 100) <= 25>>
<<goto "DenisseQuest1">>
<<elseif $DenisseQuest == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '19:00') && id.whisky > 0 >>\
<<goto "DenisseQuest5">>\
<<elseif $TraceyQuest == 4 && $CocoQuest == 5 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "TraceyThug1">>\
<<elseif $SummerLikes1 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '16:30') >>\
<<goto "SummerQuest1.1">>\
<<elseif $SummerLikes1 == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '16:30') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
[[Second date with Summer |SummerQuest2.1]]
<<if $SubSmoking == -4 && $PoliceQ1 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '18:00')>>\
[[Help police|PoliceQuest1Intro]]
<<if $ClaraM16Quest == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '09:00')>>\
[[Check your phone|ClaraPrincipal 1.8]]
<<if $Naomi6Q == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:55')>>\
[[Walk home|Naomi pool 1]]
<<if $LivewithLexi == 1 && $LivewithLexiGoNotHome == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:10')>>\
<<set _LexiLiveAfterLessonsPhoto = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LexiLiveAfterLessonsPhoto.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<goto "LexiLiveAfterSchoolPhoto">>
<<case 3>>\
<<else >>
<<if $AutumnCheerleader2 == 142 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00')>>\
[[Meet with Autumn|AutumnQuest3.22]]
<</if>>\<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '18:00')>>\
<<md>>I was really lucky to work in this school filled with such beautiful girls. I wonder how many little pussies I will discover for myself.<</md>>
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $PunishTalk is 0 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '18:30')>>\
<<md>>Clara wanted to talk to me in her office.<</md>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '19:00')>>\
Just check if working
<<include "PrologueQuests">>\
<<include"Monica quests">>\
<<if $AutumnCheerleader2 == 131 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00')>>\
<<goto "AutumnQuest3.2">>\
<<elseif$PrologueQuest1 == 14 && $phone == 0>>\
<<goto "Prologue3.41">>\
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 > 35 && $NoraQuest1 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:30')>>\
<<goto "NoraBooks">>\
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 > 47 && $NoraQuest1 == 14 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "RubyDiscuss">>\
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 > 49 && $NoraQuest1 == 16 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:30') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "NoraSecondTrainingAgreeAfter">>\
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 > 50 && $NoraQuest1 == 17 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '12:30') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "RubyDisctraction">>\
<<elseif $ClaraM3Quest == -3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "Clara3QBegin">>\
<<elseif $Lexi1 == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '13:00', '15:00') && $PrologueQuest1 > 32>>\
<strong>Lexi and Veronica -</strong> [[Overhear them|LexiSFPE]]
<<elseif $ClaraM12Quest == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '15:00')>>\
[[Check how is Clara|ClaraTruePicnicBegin]]
<<elseif $ClaraM12Quest == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '15:00')>>\
[[Buy book for Clara|ClaraTruePicnicLesson]]
<<elseif $ClaraM6Quest == 31 && $id.weed > 4>>\
[[Give weed to Veronica|ClaraStudentsVeronicaTruthWeed]]
<<elseif $ClaraM10Quest == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '09:00')>>\
<<goto "ClaraTrueClaraDrunk">>\
<<elseif $ClaraM11Quest == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '09:00')>>\
<<goto "ClaraLieMorningOffice">>\
<<elseif $ClaraM11Quest == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '13:00', '15:20')>>\
<<goto "ClaraLieMorningCorridor">>\
<<elseif $LucyQuest2 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:20')>>\
[[Go to Lucy|LockedAuditoriumLucyMorning]]
<<elseif $LucyQuest3 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '14:20')>>\
[[Visit Lucy|LucyStudentHospital1]]
<<elseif $Fiona6Q == 1>>\
<<goto "Fiona(Girls)">>\
<<elseif $SmokingSF == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '14:00')>>\
<<goto "SmokingCheckDinner">>\
<<elseif $SmokingSF == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '15:30')>>\
[[Looking for smokers|SmokingChoose]]
<<elseif $CoffeeHurt > 40 && $CoffeeHurtNurse1 == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:30')>>\
<<goto "CoffeeHurt1.1">>\
<<elseif $Fiona8Q == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:20')>>\
<<goto "FionaFightSophia">>\
<<elseif $LucyQuest12 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '14:00', '16:20')>>\
<<goto "LucyRememberGym1">>\
<<elseif $Fiona10Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:20')>>\
<<goto "FionaTattooSophia">>\
<<elseif $Fiona12Q == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:30')>>\
<<goto "FionaClubFuck2Sfloor">>\
<<elseif $Fiona12Q == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:30')>>\
<<goto "FionaClubFuck2Choice1">>\
<<elseif $ClaraM14Quest == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:20') && $ClaraM7Quest == 1>>\
[[Talk with Clara|ClaraMonicaExtra1]]
<<elseif $Jane1Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '16:30')>>\
[[Ask Monica about papers|JaneQuest1FolderMonica]]
<<elseif $ChristmasDecoration == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '18:00') >>\
[[Decorate school|ChristmasDecorationChoice]]
<<elseif $ChristmasTalentCompetition == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '18:15') >>\
[[Decision time!|ChristmasDecisionChoice]]
<<elseif $ChristmasTalentWinnerMonica == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00')>>\
[[Go to the hall |SpecialNumberMonica]]
<<elseif $ChristmasTalentWinnerMonica == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00')>>\
[[Go to the concert|ChristmasConcert]]
<<elseif $ChristmasTalentWinnerFiona == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00')>>\
[[Go to the hall |SpecialNumberFiona]]
<<elseif $ChristmasTalentWinnerFiona == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00')>>\
[[Go to the concert|ChristmasConcert]]
<<elseif $ChristmasTalentWinnerVeronica == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00')>>\
[[Go to the hall|SpecialNumberVeronica]]
<<elseif $ChristmasTalentWinnerVeronica == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00')>>\
[[Go to the concert|ChristmasConcert]]
<<elseif $ClaraM16Quest == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00')>>\
[[Check Clara again |ClaraPrincipal 1.2]]
<<elseif $LucyQuest15 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:20')>>\
[[Go to Lucy |LucyPills 2.3]]
<<elseif $Jane3Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:20') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "JaneQuest2Injection1">>\
<<elseif $Lexi11 > 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:20', '15:00')>>\
[[Speak with Clara|LexiQuest11B1]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader4 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00')>>\
[[Wait for Monica|MonicaHomeTraining 1.2]]
<<elseif $Fiona15Q == 2>>\
[[Talk to Sophia|FionaClubAnnieHorne1.1]]
<<elseif $Fiona15Q == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00')>>\
[[Wait for Annie|FionaClubAnnieHorne1.2]]
<<elseif $VeronicaQuest5 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '18:00')>>\
[[Wait for Veronica|Veronica 5.2]]
<<elseif $LucyQuest8 == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00')>>\
<<goto "LucyRetreatBeat1">>\
<<elseif $LivewithVeronicaBegin == 2>>\
[[Wait for Veronica|VeronicaLiveBegin3]]
<<elseif $AutumnMeet is 1 && $DormSex1 == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:20')>>\
[[What a beauty|DormSexEvent4.1]]
<<elseif $AutumnMeet is 3 && $DormSex1 == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:20') >>\
[[What a beauty|DormSexEvent4.1]]
<<elseif $Jane5Q == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00')>>\
[[Walk downstairs|JaneQuest5.1]]
<<elseif $Jane5Q == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '16:00')>>\
[[Time for action|JaneQuest5.3]]
<<elseif $Jane5Q == 64 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00')>>\
[[Wait for Veronica|JaneQuest 5.17]]
<<elseif $Jane5Q == 63 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00')>>\
[[Wait for Monica|JaneQuest 5.19]]
<<elseif $LindaQuest5 == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '16:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<elseif $EllieBreakdown == 0 && $SponsorFirstMeet == 1>>\<<goto"EllieBreakdown1">>\
<<elseif $Jane.Meet == 1 && $Jane1Q == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '14:50', '16:30')>>\
<<goto "JaneQuest1Folder">>\
<<elseif $ClaraM2Quest == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '14:50', '16:30')>>\
<<goto "Clara2QOffice">>\
<<elseif $ClaraM2Quest == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '14:50', '16:30')>>\
<<goto "Clara2QOffice">>\
<<elseif $Fiona2Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '15:00')>>\
<<goto "Fiona(Club1)">>\
<<elseif $Fiona3Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '15:00')>>\
<<goto "Fiona(Club2)">>\
<<elseif $Fiona8Q == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '14:50', '16:20')>>\
<<goto "FionaFightClara1">>\
<<elseif $Fiona11Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:30')>>\
<<elseif $Fiona15Q == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00')>>\
<<goto "ClubGirlArielle2">>\
<<elseif $BusEventGoth == 11 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "BusEventGoth1.3">>\
<<elseif $BusEventGoth == 12 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00') && $QuestNextWeek == 0>>\
<<goto "BusEventGoth1.4">>\
<<elseif $Olivia2Q == 51 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:30') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Talk with Olivia|OliviaQuest2NewCoffee2]]
<<elseif $Olivia2Q == 61 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:30') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "OliviaQuest3NewDisband1">>\
<<elseif $Olivia2Q == 62 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:30') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "OliviaQuest3NewDisband3">>\
<<elseif $Sophia3Quest == 3 &&isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:30') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
[[Talk with Monica|SophiaQuestNew3.5]]
<<elseif $SummerLikes2 == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:30') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
<<goto "SummerQuest3.3">>\
[[Yoga and Summer|SummerQuest3.1]]
<<if $LivewithLexi == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:10')>>\
<<set _LexiLiveAfterLessons = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LexiLiveAfterLessons.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<goto "LexiLiveAfterSchool">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<else >>\
<<if $PrologueQuest1Failed == 1>>\
[[Biology class|Prologue1.1Failed2]]
[[Biology class]]
[[Math class]]
<<include "SophiaQuests">>\
<<if $McPrinciple == 1>>\
[[My office]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1Failed == 1>>\
[[Director's office|Prologue1.1Failed]]
[[Director's office]]
[[School gym]]
<<include "TimeTest">>\
[[First floor|School reception]]<<md>>The sports field is a place that always energizes you with life. Looking at how beautiful this place is, how easily and naturally the students here are engaged in various sports, you think that it would be nice for yourself to join this group of people.<</md>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '16:00') && $SportfieldRun == 0>>\
[[Run few laps|Runnining SF]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '16:00') && $SportfieldRun != 0>>
<<talk "Run few laps" 1 $talk "Enough running for today">><</talk>>
<<include "PrologueQuests">>\
<<include"Monica quests">>\
<<if $SmokingSF == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '14:20') && $id.cigarrete > 0 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 > 40 && $NoraQuest1 == 7 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00')>>\
[[Talk with Monica|MonicaPrologue]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 > 44 && $NoraQuest1 == 11 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '12:30')>>\
[[Talk with Monica|Monica News]]
<<elseif $SmokingSF == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '14:20') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<elseif $Jane1Q == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '16:30')>>\
[[Ask Veronica about papers|JaneQuest1FolderVeronica]]
<<elseif $Jane5Q == 641 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00')>>\
[[Meet with Veronica|JaneQuest 5.18]]
<<elseif $AutumnCheerleader2 == 10 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:20') >>\
[[Check how is Autumn|AutumQuest1]]
<<elseif $AutumnCheerleader2 == 14 && $QuestNextDay is false && $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:20') >>\
[[Watch Autumn performance|AutumnQuest2.31]]
<<if $BaseballRose == 1 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 4>>\
[[Train with Rose|BaseballRoseFirst]]
<<elseif $BaseballRose == 2 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 4>>\
[[Train with Rose|BaseballRoseSecond]]
[[Back|School reception]]
<<set $WC_visited = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<md>>One bathroom for the entire school. Given that I am the only man here, I'm in heaven.<</md>>
[[Enter the toilet cubicle|WCT]]
[[School reception]]<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '10:00')>>\
<<md>>My class smells of fresh pussies.<</md>>
<<if $mc.TeacherLevel gte 6>>\
[[Start working|Work]]\
<<elseif $mc.TeacherLevel gte 5>>\
[[Start working|Work]]\
<<elseif $mc.TeacherLevel gte 4>>\
[[Start working|Work]]\
<<elseif $mc.TeacherLevel gte 3>>\
[[Start working|Work]]\
<<elseif $mc.TeacherLevel gte 2>>\
[[Start working|Work]]\
[[Start working|Work]]\
<<if $Clara7Quest > 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '15:00')>>\
[[Take student`s phone|PhoneTakeStart(Random)]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:05', '11:55')>>\
<<md>>I came too late. The class is empty.<</md>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00')>>\
<<goto "Basic work done">>\
<<md>>My class smells of fresh pussies.<</md>>
<<include "PrologueQuests">>\
<<include"Monica quests">>\
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 33 && $NoraQuest1 == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '09:00') && $Clara2Quest > 0>>\
<<goto "NoraFirstQuarrel">>\
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 > 35 && $NoraQuest1 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:30') >>\
<<goto "NoraBooks">>\
<<if $Lexi2 > 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Talk to Lexi|LexiQuest2]]
<<if $Lexi5 > 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00')>>\
[[Discuss what happened|Lexi Quest 5]]
<<if $Lexi16 > 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '15:00') && $Lexi12 is 1>>\
[[Wait for commision|LexiQuest13Clara]]
<<if $Lexi16 > 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '15:00') && $Lexi13 is 1 >>\
[[Wait for commision|LexiQuest13Sophia]]
<<if $Lexi16 > 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '15:00') && $Lexi14 >>\
[[Wait for commision|LexiQuest13Lexi]]
<<if $Naomi1Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00')>>\
[[Break up with Lexi|Naomi school]]
<<if $Naomi3Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00')>>\
[[What is present|Naomi mast1]]
<<if $ClaraM6Quest == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Talk with Monica|ClaraStudentsMonicaConversation]]
<<elseif $ClaraM6Quest == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Talk with Lexi|ClaraStudentsLexiConversation]]
<<elseif $ClaraM6Quest == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Talk with Veronica|ClaraStudentsVeronicaConversation]]
<<if $ClaraM5Quest == 32>>\
[[Think about plan|MichaelCheatingSecondPlan1]]
<<if $ClaraM5Quest == 2>>\
[[Meet Michael|MichaelCheatingLie1]]
<<if $LucyQuest7 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '10:00')>>\
[[Try to focus|LucyDateLessons]]
<<if $Jane1Q == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:30')>>\
[[Take papers|JaneQuest1Cabinet1]]
<<if $ChristmasOn == 1>>\
[[Stay more|CHristmasOverhearClass]]
[[Leave the class|Second floor]]
<<if $VeronicaQuest5 == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00')>>\
[[What's that?|Veronica 6.1]]
<<if $AutumnCheerleader2 == 13 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:20')>>\
<<goto "AutumQuest2.1">>\
<<if $Sophia1Quest == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00')>>\
[[Look for dildo|SophiaQuest1.2]]
<<if $ClaraM1Quest > 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:25')>>\
<<goto "Clara2QBegin">>
<<elseif $LindaQuest4 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:30')>>\
<<goto "LindaQuest 4.2">>\
<<elseif $LindaQuest4 == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:30')>>\
<<goto "LindaQuest 5.1">>\
<<elseif $LindaQuest4 == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:30')>>\
<<goto "LindaQuest 5.1">>\
<<elseif $Clara10Quest == 2 && $Clara.AffectionLvl gte 3 >>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<elseif $Clara5Quest == 2 && $Clara.AffectionLvl gte 2 >>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<elseif $Clara22Quest == 2 && $Clara.AffectionLvl gte 4 >>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<elseif $AutumnCheerleader2 == 16 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '15:10') && $QuestNextDay is false>>
<<goto "AutumnQuest2.34">>\
<<if $LindaQuest6 == 5 &&isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
<<goto "LindaQuestLaptopWay1.2">>\
<<elseif $Sophia1Quest == 2 &&isDateBetween($gameDate, '14:55', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
<<goto "SophiaQuestNew1.3">>\
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '09:00')>>
<<if $LucyFirstMeet is 0>>
<<goto "Lucy meet new">>
<<elseif $LucyFirstMeet is 1 and isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:55')>>
<<include "MathClassRandomEvents">>
<<say $Lucy>>Hello $mc.Name. Looking for something?<</say>>
<<if $LucyFirstClass is 2>>
[[Lucy can we speak?|LucyGym]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:00', '11:55')>>
<<if $LucyImage9Unlocked is 0>>
<<set $LucyImage9Unlocked to 1>>
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<if $LucyImage5Unlocked is 0>>
<<set $LucyImage5Unlocked to 1>>
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>There is a lesson there, I should not disturb her.<</md>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '16:00')>>
<<if $Sophia1Quest is 1 and isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00')>>
[[Look for dildo|SophiaQuest1.21]]
<<elseif $LucyQuest2 is 1 and isDateBetween($gameDate, '14:00', '16:00')>>
[[Check Lucy's success|LockedAuditoriumLucyStart]]
<<elseif $LucyQuest13 is 1 and isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:30')>>
<<if $GymTimes < 15>>
[[Go to gym|LucyGymClass]]
<<elseif $GymTimes is 15>>
[[Visit gym|LucyPills4]]
<<elseif $ClaraM3Quest > 0>>
<<if $ClaraM3Quest > 2>>
/* Do nothing (placeholder for future content) */
<<goto "Clara2QLucy">>
<<elseif $LucyQuest10 is 2 and isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:30')>>
[[Walk with Lucy|LucyHelpRememberPark]]
<<elseif $LucyQuest12 is -1 and isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:30')>>
[[Ask about gym|LucyRememberGymClass]]
<<elseif $VeronicaQuest2 is 1 and isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00')>>
[[Ask about Veronica|VeronicaQuest 2.2]]
<<elseif $Jane5Q is 62 and isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00')>>
[[Talk with Lucy|JaneQuest 5.16]]
[[Talk with Lucy|LucyTalk]]
<<if $pants2 is 1 and $Pants2Lucy is 0>>
<<goto "Pants2Lucy">>
[[Leave the class|Second floor]]
<<include "PrologueQuests">>
<<include "Monica quests">>
<<if $SophiaFirstMeet is 0>>\
<<if $PrologueQuest1 == 6 && $currentPassage == "English class" && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:30')>>\
<<md>>Samantha sits alone in the empty classroom, pencil gliding across blank pages as she loses herself in her writing, focused only on the story unfolding from her thoughts.<</md>>
<<include "PrologueQuests">>\
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:00', '15:00')>>\
<<md>>Looks like the classes are running. Yet I don't know our English teacher.<</md>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '23:59') || isDateBetween($gameDate, '00:00', '07:59')>>\
<<md>>I don't know our English teacher yet.<</md>>
<<elseif $ClaraM3Quest == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '16:00')>>\
<<md>>I should meet Sophia in the morning before I can ask her about help.<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 == 6 && $currentPassage == "English class" && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:30')>>\
<<md>>Samantha sits alone in the empty classroom, pencil gliding across blank pages as she loses herself in her writing, focused only on the story unfolding from her thoughts.<</md>>
<<include "PrologueQuests">>\
<<if $ClaraM3Quest == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '16:00')>>\
<<md>>Looks like she is still here. I can ask her for help.<</md>>
<strong>Sophia - </strong>[[Talk with her|SophiaTalk]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:55')>>\
<<md>>The lesson has not yet begun, but Sophia is already at her workplace.<</md>>
<strong>Sophia - </strong>[[Talk with her|SophiaTalk]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:00', '11:55')>>\
<<md>>Damn, she seems to be having a lesson right now.<</md>>
<<if $SophiaImage7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $SophiaImage7Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
[[Leave the class|Second floor]]
<<if $FirstClass is 1 && $PunishTalk is 0 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '12:30') && $PrologueQuest1 == 1>>\
<<include "Prologue1.1">>\
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $PunishTalk is 0 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '15:30') && $PrologueQuest1 == 33>>\
<<include "OfficeMeet">>\
<<elseif $IBCheck is 1 && $UndressAviable is 0 && $PrologueQuest1 > 33>>\
<<include "GGSuggest">>\
<<elseif $ClaraM15Quest == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '09:00')>>\
<<goto "ClaraLieLesbianCabinet">>\
<<elseif $ClaraM15Quest == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00')>>\
<<goto "ClaraLieLesbianCabinet2 ">>\
<<elseif $Sophia1Quest == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '17:00')>>\
[[Look for dildo|SophiaQuest1.21]]
<<elseif $Clara10Quest == 2 && $Clara.AffectionLvl gte 3 >>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<include "Clara's office regular">>\
<<elseif $Clara5Quest == 2 && $Clara.AffectionLvl gte 2 >>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<include "Clara's office regular">>\
<<elseif $Clara22Quest == 2 && $Clara.AffectionLvl gte 4 >>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<include "Clara's office regular">>\
<<include "Clara's office regular">>\
[[Leave the office|Second floor]]<<include "AngelaSchedule">>\
<<if _angelaKitchenSchedule>>\
<<if $AngelaTennis == 0 && $AngelaYoga > 2>>\
<<goto "AngelaTennis1">>\
<<elseif $MoneyHelp is 1 && $BustyDinner is 0>>\
<<say $Angela>>Hello roommate, care to keep me company? There's enough food for two.<</say>>
[[Join her|DinnerTalk]]
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() > 4 && $Angela.Lust > 600>>\
<<md>>What a sweet ass she has.<</md>>
<<if $AngelaImage20Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage20Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Angela>>Hungry? Give me a couple more minutes. I'll be finished soon.<</say>>
<<if $AngelaNewWork == 6 >>\
[[Told Angela about your success|AngelaWorkEating]]
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() < 5 && $Angela.Lust > 450>>\
<<md>>A uniquely sultry smile finds its way across Angela's lips. From the look on her face, it's plain to read she wants my dick. My thoughts and penis's reaction have led me to a similar idea - I want her pussy.<</md>>
<<if $AngelaImage40Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage40Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Angela>>Hey darling, can you wait? A couple minutes more and meal will be ready.<</say>>
<<include "Fucking Coffee">>\
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() > 4 && $Angela.Lust > 250>>\
<<include "Kitch EventBreak fast2">>\
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() > 4 && $Angela.Lust > 150>>\
<<say $Angela>>Hello darling, food will be ready soon if you can wait a bit.<</say>>
<<include "Fucking Coffee">>\
[[Help her and start meal|LunchTalk]]
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() > 4 && $Angela.Lust > 50>>\
<<say $Angela>>Hey roommate, meal is ready. Want to eat together? I've made pancakes. Make sure to grab the nutella!<</say>>
[[Join her|LunchTalk]]
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
<<elseif $Angela.Lust > 40>>\
<<md>>It seems that Angela forgot to put on her clothes, or maybe this is intentional.<</md>>
<<if $AngelaImage19Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage19Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Angela>>How are you? Care to have meal with me? I only have bananas, but I could be persuaded to share them.<</say>>
[[Join her|Kitch EventBreak fast]]
<<include "Fucking Coffee">>\
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
<<elseif _angelaKitchenSchedule && $AngelaСan == 0 && $mc.Strength > 2>>\
<<goto "AngelaCan">>\
<<elseif $make_up_coffee == 1 && $id.aphrodisiac gte 1 && $ gte 1>>\
[[Make a special meal for Angela|Make up 3]]
<<include "Fucking Coffee">>\
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
<<include "Kitchen Common Meals">>\
<<md>>Thanks to Angela’s attention, the kitchen is well kept and clean. On another note, we have a great coffee maker.<</md>>
<<include "Fucking Coffee">>\
<<if $ClaraM10Quest == 3>>\
<<goto "ClaraTrueMorningHomeCocktail">>
<<if $Fiona8Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '08:15')>>\
<<goto "FionaFightKitchen">>
<<elseif $Fiona12Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '08:15')>>\
<<goto "FionaClubFuck2Phone">>\
<<elseif $SchoolExhibitionism gte 52 && $mc.Boldness gte 4 && $AriaCoffeEvent == 3>>\
<<goto "AriaCoffeEvent1.31">>\
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:05', '08:15') && $LivewithLexi == 1>>\
[[Prepare breakfast for Lexi|LexiLiveBreakfast]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:05', '08:15') && $LivewithVeronica == 1>>\
[[Prepare breakfast for Veronica|VeronicaLiveBreakfast]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:05', '08:15') && $LivewithMonica == 1 && $MonicaKitchenSex == 0 >>\
[[Prepare breakfast for Monica|LiveWithMonicaMorningBreakfast]]
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
<<include "AngelaSchedule">>\
<<if $AngelaNewWork == 92 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:05', '20:55')>>\
[[Wait for Angela |AngelaWorkRegret3]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:05', '20:55') && $AngelaStealPhoto == 3>>\
<<goto "StealPhotoAgent2">>\
<<elseif $ClaraFoodRight == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:05', '20:55') && $FoodKnown < 2>>\
[[Watch cooking show|TVOwnFoodPrepare]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader8 == 17 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:05', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Lay on the couch|MonicaNewTraining 1.53]]
<<if $gameDate.getUTCDay() is 5 && _angelaSchedule && $SaturdayMovie is 1>>\
<<goto "Saturday Movie">>\
<<elseif _angelaSchedule && $gameDate.getUTCDay() is 5>>\
<<md>>Wow, Angela practices Yoga. In this position, she demonstrates the beauty and flexibility of her body superbly.<</md>>
[img[img/Angela/Living room/Yoga.jpg]]
<<if $AngelaImage34Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage34Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<if $AngelaYoga == 0>>\
<<talk "Help with Yoga" 3 $mc.Boldness "I'm not bold enough.">><<goto "Yoga">><</talk>>
<<elseif $AngelaYoga == 1 >>\
<<talk "Another help with yoga" 3 $mc.Boldness "I'm not bold enough.">><<goto "AngelaYoga2">><</talk>>
<<elseif $AngelaYoga > 1 && $AngelaYoga < 6 >>\
<<talk "Do yoga with her" 3 $mc.Boldness "I'm not bold enough.">><<goto "AngellaCommonYoga">><</talk>>
<<elseif $AngelaYoga == 6 >>\
<<elseif $AngelaYoga == 7>>\
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
<<elseif _angelaSchedule>>\
<<md>>Angela watches a movie on TV.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Hey, what are you up to? Want to watch something with me?<</say>>
[[Join her|Movie Event]]
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
<<elseif _angelaSchedule && $AngelaWatchFilms > 15 && $AngelaTVBroke is 1>>\
[[Check TV|AngelaTv2]]
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
<<elseif _angelaSchedule && $AngelaWatchFilms > 15>>\
[[Watch TV|AngelaTV]]
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
<<md>>Pretty empty, except for the TV and couch.<</md>>
<<if $Amber1Q == 1>>\
[[Watch news|Amber1Q3]]
<<if $TVPerDay is 0>>\
<<link "Watch TV">><<goto "TVWatch">><<addmins 60>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<talk "Watch TV" 1 $talk "I've watched enough TV today.">><</talk>>
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
<<include "AngelaSchedule">>\
<<if _angelaToiletSchedule>>\
<<md>>Angela is pissing<</md>>
<<include "Peek Event Toilet">>\
<<md>>Thousands of condoms are flushed into the toilet every hour and pollute the oceans.<</md>>
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]<<include "AngelaSchedule">>\
<<if _angelaBathroomSchedule && $gameDate.getUTCDay() > 4 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() < 7>>\
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 1>>
<<md>>The door is locked. Angela is washing herself now. I can try to peek on her, but it would be very risky<</md>>
<<include "Peek Event Bathroom">>
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
<<elseif _angelaBathroomSchedule && $gameDate.getUTCDay() < 5>>\
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 1>>
<<md>>The door is locked. Angela is washing herself now. I can try to peek on her, but it would be very risky<</md>>
<<include "Peek Event Bathroom">>
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:00') && $LivewithLexi == 1||isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '19:30') && $LivewithLexi == 1 >>\
<<md>>Looks like Lexi's taking a shower. Maybe I shouldn't be here...<</md>>
<<include "LexiLiveShower">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:00') && $LivewithVeronica == 1||isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '19:30') && $LivewithVeronica == 1 >>\
<<md>>It looks like Veronica is on the inside. Her body is so seductive, so sexy... Every curve of her body is a work of art...<</md>>
<<include "VeronicaLiveShower">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:00') && $LivewithVeronica == 1||isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '19:30') && $LivewithVeronica == 1 >>\
<<md>>It looks like Monica is inside. Her body is so seductive, so sexy... Every curve of her body is a work of art...<</md>>
<<include "MonicaLiveShower">>
<<md>>I like the smell of this place. Maybe I should move in?<</md>>
<<if $ShowerTaked is 0>>\
[[Take a shower|TakingShower]]
<<talk "Take a shower" 1 $talk "Let's save water.">><</talk>>
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
<</if>>\<<md>>My comfortable room furnished with a small TV, a simple bed, and armoire. It even has a fireplace. It's my hope that I can get around to updating the furnishings and design someday.<</md>>
<<if $BoyfriendAvailable == 4 and isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:05', '23:00') and $repair_quest != 2 and $MallVisit == 2 && $QuestNextDay is false>><<goto "Repair Quest">><</if>>\
<<if $AngelaPearl == 3 and $punish1 == 0 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:05', '17:00') >><<goto "punish_clothes">><</if>>\
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '21:59')>>\
<strong>Take a nap -</strong> <<link [[30 minutes|My room]]>><<addmins 30>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>, <<link [[1 hours|My room]]>><<addmins 60>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>, <<link [[2 hours|My room]]>><<addhours 2>><<check_all_achievements>><</link>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '22:00', '23:59')>>\
<<if $CharismaBook is 1>>\
[[Read "How to get animals and influence them"|ReadBookCharm]]
<<if $AngelaPearl is 1 && $id.pearl gte 3>>\
[[Work on the necklace|Peark Neck]]
<strong>Turn on -</strong> <<link "laptop">><<goto "Laptop">><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<if $MeditationToday is 0>>\
[[Do meditation|Meditation]]
<<talk "Do meditation" 1 $talk "I already meditated today.">><</talk>>
<<include "SG Invite">>\
<<include "PrologueQuests">>\
<<include "MyRoomGotoWork">>\
<<include "Monica quests">>\
<<if $Lexi6 > 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '19:00')>>\
[[Have rest|Lexi Quest 6]]
<<if $Lexi8 > 0>>\
[[Check laptop for relaxing|Lexi Quest 8]]
<<if $Fiona1Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '22:00')>>\
[[Check student`s blog|Fiona(Soda2)]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '14:00', '17:55') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5 && $SGInvitePrologue == 0>>\
<<goto "SGPrologue">>
<<if $AngelaStealPhoto == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:00', '21:00')>>\
[[Look at Angela`s photo|AngelaStealPhotoRoom]]
<<if $Naomi4Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:00', '22:30')>>\
<<goto "NaomiBanditsBegin">>
<<if $ClaraM5Quest == 3>>\
[[Think how to frame Michael|MichaelCheatingPrologue]]
<<if $ClaraM10Quest == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '08:00')>>\
<<goto "ClaraTrueMorningAfter">>
<<if $ClaraM11Quest == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '08:00')>>\
<<goto "ClaraLieMorning">>\
<<if $ClaraM11Quest == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '19:00')>>\
<<goto "ClaraLieThoughEvening">>\
<<if $CafeTrouble == 1>>\
[[Call girl from cafe|CafeTrouble1]]
<<if $LucyQuest4 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '07:20') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>\
[[Call Lucy|LucyCarryThings1]]
<<if $LucyQuest8 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '08:00')>>\
<<goto "LucyNurseMorning">>
<<if $Fiona5Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '08:15')>>\
<<goto "Fiona(Sophia1)">>
<<if $SmokingDealer == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '22:15')>>\
[[Check email|SmokingCheckSupplier3]]
<<if $SmokingStudent == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '18:30')>>\
[[Going to Veronica|SmokingCheckVeronica2]]
<<if $Fiona7Q == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '18:30')>>\
[[Wait for Fiona|FionaSex1Part2]]
<<if $LucyQuest10 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:20', '07:30') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>\
[[Visit Lucy|LucyHelpMorningRemember]]
<<if $LucyQuest11 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '06:30', '07:30') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>\
[[Visit Lucy|HelpRememberSad1]]
<<if $Fiona9Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '23:00')>>\
<<goto "FionaTattooEvening">>
<<if $Fiona10Q == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:30')>>\
[[Think about Fiona|FionaBeach1]]
<<if $ChristmasOn == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '22:30') >>\
[[Check mail|CHristmasOverhearLaptop]]
<<if $ChristmasTalentCompetition == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '08:15') >>\
[[Think about yesterday|ChristmasDecisionMorning]]
<<if $ChristmasTalentWinnerMonica == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '22:00')>>\
[[Write to Monica|SpecialNumberMonicaStart]]
<<if $ChristmasTalentWinnerLexi == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '20:00')>>\
[[Think about Lexi|SpecialNumberLexiStart]]
<<if $ChristmasConcert == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '22:00') >>\
[[Enjoy the evening |ChristmasSexHome]]
<<if $LucyQuest14 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:20') >>\
[[Write to Lucy |LucyPills2.1]]
<<if $MonicaCheerleader2 == -1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '22:00', '23:55') >>\
[[Think about Monica |MonicaDream1.1]]
<<if $Lexi11 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '22:55') >>\
[[Call Lexi|LexiQuest10H]]
<<if $PoliceQ2 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '22:55')>>\
[[Police work|PoliceQuest2Begin]]
<<if $PoliceQ2 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '22:55')>>\
[[Police work|PoliceQuest2Begin]]
<<if $PoliceQ2 == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '22:55')>>\
[[Police work|PoliceQuest3.1]]
<<if $PoliceQ2 == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '22:55')>>\
[[Police work|PoliceQuest4]]
<<if $PoliceQ2 == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '22:00', '22:55')>>\
[[Police work|PoliceQuest 5.1]]
<<if $MonicaCheerleader4 == 1>>\
[[Think about Monica|MonicaHomeTraining 1.1]]
<<if $MonicaCheerleader6 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '20:55')>>\
[[Fantasy about Monica|MonicaAutumnHouse1]]
<<if $MonicaCheerleader7 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '20:55')>>\
[[Date with Monica|MonicaBeachDatePrologue]]
<<if $MonicaCheerleader7 == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '18:00')>>\
[[Choose place for a date|BeachDateMonicaChoosing1]]
<<if $Fiona15Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00')>>\
<<goto "FionaBestFriend1">>\
<<if $VeronicaQuest2 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '08:30')>>\
[[Think about locker|VeronicaQuest 3.1]]
<<if $VeronicaQuest3 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '20:30')>>\
[[Wait for Veronica|VeronicaQuest 3.3]]
<<if $VeronicaQuest4 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '22:00', '23:30')>>\
[[Situation with Veronica|VeronicaQuest 4.1]]
<<if $VeronicaQuest5 == 1 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '23:30') >>\
[[About Veronica...|Veronica 5.1]]
<<if $Jane5Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '06:00', '07:00')>>\
<<goto "JaneQuest4Dream1">>\
<<if $MonicaCheerleader8 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '06:00', '07:00')>>\
<<goto "MonicaNightmareBegin">>\
<<if $ClaraM15Quest == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '08:00')>>\
<<goto "ClaraLieLesbianMorning">>\
<<if $VeronicaQuest7 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '07:00')>>\
[[Call Veronica|Veronica 6.10]]
<<if $MonicaCheerleader8 == 3>>\
[[About nightmare|MonicaHospitalBegin]]
<<if $RadioBugGet == 1 && $RadioBugPolice == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '23:00')>>
[[Ask about bug|RadiobugPolice]]
<<if $RadioBugGet == 2 >>
[[Insert bug into radio|RadiobugInsert]]
<<if $mc.Intellect > 7 && $showeradio > 0 >>\
[[Hack the radio|RadioBugHacking]]
<<elseif $RadioBugGet == 2.1 && $tools > 0 >>\
[[Hack the radio|RadioBugHacking]]
<<if $RadioBugGet == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '23:00') >>\
[[Spy on girls|RadioListenGeneral]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '22:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() is 6 && $JerryFootball == 1>>\
[[Check phone|JerrySms]]
<<if $LindaQuest2 == 2>>\
<<goto "LindaQuest 2.3">>\
<<if $CamillaQuest4 == 1>>\
<<goto "CamillaQuest 5.1">>\
<<if $LindaQuest3 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '23:00')>>\
[[About Linda…|LindaQuest 4.1]]
<<if $LindaQuest5 == 2 && $LindaQuest6 == 0 & isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '23:00')>>\
[[Think about Linda and Anna|LindaQuest 6.1]]
<<if $LindaQuest6 == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '21:15') && $mc.Intellect > 6>>\
[[Hack Linda's laptop|LindaQuest 6.9]]
<<if $MonicaCheerleader8 == 11 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '21:00')>>\
[[About Monica's pills|MonicaHospitalWeekend1]]
<<if $MonicaCheerleader8 == 8 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '22:00')>>\
[[Think about pills for Monica|JanePillsMyRoom]]
<<if $PoliceQ2 == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '22:00', '23:00')>>\
[[Time to sleep|PoliceQuest 6.1]]
<<if $ClaraM17Quest == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '22:00')>>\
[[Time to deal with Michael|ClaraBlackmailMichaelGeneral]]
<<if $ClaraM17Quest == 50 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '22:00') && $ClaraMichaelProblem == 1>>\
[[About Clara|ClaraBlackmailMichaelBed]]
<<elseif $ClaraM17Quest == 50 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '22:00') && $ClaraMichaelProblem == 2>>\
[[About Clara|ClaraBlackmailMichaelBed]]
<<if $Bella1Q == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '18:15') >>\
[[About Bella and my double|Bella2Q1]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:00', '23:00') && $LivewithLexi == 1 && $LivewithLexiSexPerDay < 2>>\
[[Fuck Lexi|LexiLiveSexBed]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:00', '23:00') && $LivewithLexi == 1 >>\
<<talk "Fuck Lexi" 2 $talk "Lexi is tired today for sure">><</talk>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:00', '23:00') && $LivewithMonica == 1 && $LivewithMonicaSexPerDay < 2>>\
[[Fuck Monica|MonicaLiveSexBed]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:00', '23:00') && $LivewithMonica == 1 >>\
<<talk "Fuck Monica" 2 $talk "Monica is tired today for sure">><</talk>>
<<if $Veronica.LustLvl gte 4 && $VeronicaQuest5 == 1>>\
[[About Veronica|VeronicaLiveBegin1]]
<<if $LivewithVeronica == 1 && $LivewithVeronicaCloset == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '18:15')>>\
[[What happened ?|VeronicaLiveCloset]]
<<if $LivewithVeronica == 1 && $LivewithVeronicaParty == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '21:15')>>\
[[Talk with Veronica|VeronicaLiveParty1]]
<<if $LivewithVeronica == 1 && $LivewithVeronicaParty == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '16:15')>>\
[[Look at Veronica's list|VeronicaLiveParty2]]
<<if $LivewithVeronicaParty == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:50', '21:00')>>\
[[Start party!|VeronicaLiveParty5]]
<<if $AutumnMeet is 1 && $DormSex1 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:00', '23:00') >>\
[[Before the sleep|DormSexEvent4]]
<<elseif $AutumnMeet is 3 && $DormSex1 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:00', '23:00') >>\
[[Before the sleep|DormSexEvent4]]
<<if $Monica.LustLvl gte 4 && $Livewithschoolgirl == 0 && $LivewithMonicaBegin == 0>>\
[[About Monica|MonicaLiveBegin1]]
<<if $AutumnCheerleader2 == 135 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00')>>\
[[Think about Autumn|AutumnQuest3.6]]
<<if $AutumnCheerleader2 == 141 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '21:00')>>\
[[Look at rental site|AutumnQuest3.14]]
<<if $Amber1Q == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '08:00') >>\
[[Think about Amber|Amber4Q1]]
<<if $Amber1Q == 7 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '21:00') >>\
[[Message from Amber|Amber4Q61]]
<<if $LivewithMonica == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '14:00') && $MonicaUniform == 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 5 && QuestNextDay == 0>>\
[[Talk with Monica about cleaning|LiveWithMonicaCleaningBegin]]
<<if $LivewithMonica == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '14:00') && $MonicaUniform == 1 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 5 && QuestNextDay == 0>>\
[[Watch Monica's cleaning|LiveWithMonicaCleaningRoutine]]
<<if $LivewithMonica == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '23:00') && $MonicaUniform == 4 && QuestNextDay == 0>>\
[[Give uniform to Monica|LiveWithMonicaCleaningUniform3]]
<<if $LivewithMonica == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '10:00') && $MonicaUniform == 5 && QuestNextDay == 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 5>>\
<<goto "LiveWithMonicaCleaningUniform4">>
<<if $MonicaCheerleader8 == 12>>\
[[Monica and her health|MonicaNewTraining 1.1]]
<<if $JerryBaseball == 3 && $JerryDick == 0>>\
[[How to impress Jerry?|JerryDick1]]
<<if $JerryDick == 11 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '23:00')>>\
[[Send photo to Jerry|JerryDick6]]
<<if $Jane5Q == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '22:00')>>\
[[Who is Jane?|JaneQuest5.2]]
<<if $Jane5Q == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '22:00')>>\
[[Lucy's plan|JaneQuest 5.11]]
<<if $Bella1Q == 8 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '23:00')>>\
[[More about my double|Bella3Q1]]
<<if $Bella2Q == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:20', '20:50') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>\
[[Call Bella|Bella3Q3]]
<<if $Amber1Q == 0 && $Amber.Meet == 1 && $Amber0Q == 0>>\
[[How to impress Amber?|Amber0Q1]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 52 && $mc.Boldness gte 4 && $AriaCoffeEvent == 0>>\
[[Strange noise in the kitchen...|AriaCoffeEvent1.1]]
<<if $CamillaQuest5 == 7 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:20', '22:50') >>\
[[Camilla and dreams|CamillaQuest8.1]]
<<if $CamillaQuest6 == 4 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '22:20', '23:50') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "CamillaQuest8.61">>\
<<if $CamillaQuest6 == 42>>\
[[Check Camilla's phone|CamillaQuest8.63]]
<<if $CamillaQuest6 == 43 && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
[[Check Camilla's phone again|CamillaQuest8.64]]
<<if $CamillaQuest6 == 44 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '22:20', '23:50') >>\
[[Spying on Camilla's phone|CamillaQuest8.8]]
<<if $Sophia1Quest == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '21:00')>>\
[[Strange message|SophiaQuest1.4]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '23:55') && $LilyQuest == 2 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 2 >>\
[[Ask Lily for a date|LilyBarQuest2.1]]
<<if $LilyQuest == 3>>\
[[Think about Lily|LilyBarQuest2.2]]
<<if $AngelaNewWork == 9 && $AngelaNewWorkPills == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '22:00')>>\
[[About Angela and energy drink |AngelaWorkRegret1]]
<<if $CamillaQuest6 == 32 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '22:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Camilla and hiking|CamillaQuest8.531]]
<<if $Amber1Q == 71 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '22:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Call from Amber|Amber6Q]]
<<elseif $Amber1Q == 8 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '22:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>
<<if $ClaraM15Quest == 4 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '22:00')>>\
[[Think about Michael and Clara|ClaraLieRacing1.1]]
<<if $ClaraM11Quest == 4.5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:30', '18:00')>>\
<<goto "ClaraLieThoughEvening">>\
<<if $AutumnCheerleader2 == 18 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:30', '23:00')&& $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "AutumnQuest2.36">>\
<<if $AutumnMonicaCheerleader1 == 4>>\
[[Check homework|AutumnMonicaQuest1.31]]
<<if $Olivia2Q == 56 && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
[[About Olivia and necklace|OliviaQuest2NewNecklace4]]
<<if $Olivia2Q == 57 && $QuestNextDay is false && $id.pearl gte 10>>\
<<goto "OliviaQuest2NewNecklace4.1">>\
<<if $Fiona3Q == 2 && $Sophia1Quest == 0>>\
[[About Sophia and the club|SophiaQuestNew1]]
<<if $DenisseQuest == 3 && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
[[Denisse and her dance|DenisseQuest4]]
<<if $DenisseQuest == 4 && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
[[Call Denisse|DenisseQuest4.1]]
<<if $DenisseQuest == 5 && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
[[Denisse and her dance|DenisseQuest4]]
<<if $SummerLikes1 == 2>>\
<<set $Summer.Meet = 1>>\
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
<<include "AngelaSchedule">>\
<<if $AngelaPhoto == 1 && _angelaWorkSchedule && $ToolsUsed != 0 >>\
[[Search for the photos|AngelaPhotoSearchMap]]
<<elseif _angelaAngelasroomSchedule2 >>\
<<md>>It seems that this is the only time of the day when Angela is free from her worries and I can talk to her.<</md>>
<strong>Angela - </strong>[[Talk with her|AngelaTalk]]
<<if $AngelaNewWork == 3 >>\
[[Told her about your success|AngelaWorkChanging]]
<<elseif $AngelaNewWork == 4 >>\
[[Told her about your success|AngelaWorkChanging]]
<<elseif $AngelaNewWork == 5 >>\
[[Told her about your success|AngelaWorkChanging]]
<<elseif $AngelaNewWork == 91 && _angelaAngelasroomSchedule >>\
[[About some fun|AngelaWorkRegret2]]
<<elseif $BoyfriendAvailable == 4 && $MallVisit is 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:00', '21:35')>>\
[[Talk about situation|MallVisit]]
<<elseif _angelaAngelasroomSchedule && $MallVisit is 1>>\
<<goto "MallVisit1">>\
<<elseif _angelaAngelasroomSchedule && $AngelaFurniture == 0 && $mc.Strength > 2>>\
<<goto "AngelaFurniture">>\
<<elseif _angelaAngelasroomSchedule && $SaturdayMovie is 3 && $AngelaShoot lte 2>>\
<<include "AngelaShoot">>\
<<include "Angela talk quests">>\
<<elseif _angelaAngelasroomSchedule && $gameDate.getUTCDay() > 4 && $Angela.LustLvl gte 1 && $ToolsUsed is 1>>\
<<set $MCseeAngelaFap = 1>>\
<<md>>Fuck! I watch how my beauty neighbor masturbates, gorgeous. I wish I could come in and help her.<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 20>>
<div id="message-placeholder"></div>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Angela", "moments", "Image10", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<elseif _angelaAngelasroomSchedule && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5 && $Angela.LustLvl gte 1>>\
<<md>>Damn, I hear strange sounds. It seems Angela is having fun playing with her pussy. It would be cool if I could look at that.<</md>>
<<elseif _angelaSleepSchedule>>\
<<md>>Angela is sleeping. The door is locked.<</md>>
<<elseif _angelaWorkSchedule>>\
<<md>>Strange, Angela's door is closed.<</md>>
<<elseif $ToolsUsed is 0 and $BoyfriendKnow != 2>>\
<<md>>Strange, Angela's door is closed.<</md>>
<<elseif $ToolsUsed != 0>>\
<<md>>Now her door will always be open for me. Excellent.<</md>>
<<include "UsingTools">>\
<<elseif $BoyfriendKnow == 2>>\
<<md>>I think Angela forgot to close the door. Wonderful.<</md>>
[[Enter there|Examine Angela's room]]
[[Corridor|Home corridor]] <<include "PrologueQuests">>\
<<include "Monica quests">>\
<<if $PrologueQuest1 == 12 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '10:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto"Prologue 3.21">>\
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 43 && $NoraQuest1 == 10 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:30')>>\
[[Talk with Nora|NoraNews]]
<<if $LindaQuest1 == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '17:25') && $Linda.Meet == 1 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "LindaQuest 1.1">>\
<<elseif $LindaQuest4 == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:30')>>\
<<goto "LindaQuest 5.1">>\
<<elseif $LindaQuest4 == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:30')>>\
<<goto "LindaQuest 5.1">>\
<<elseif $LindaQuest4 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:30')>>\
<<goto "LindaQuest 4.2">>\
<<elseif $ClaraM1Quest > 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:10')>>\
<<md>>There are hell a lot of students today. I need to check what is this!<</md>>
[[Look at the crowd|Clara2QBegin]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '18:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>\
<strong>Information board - </strong>\
<<if $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $IBCheck is 0>>\
<<talk "Check">>
<<md>>It turns out the school is participating in a regional competition. The quality of grades, discipline, reputation of the school, and staff are assessed. The current position of our school is also displayed here. It seems we are currently near the bottom in rankings.<</md>>
<<text y "I can use this information in the faculty meetings to convince my colleagues to do what is best for the school and set rules that interest me first.">>
<<md>>I should also talk to Clara, so that I may have an opportunity to have a greater influence on the students.<</md>>
<<set $IBCheck = 1>>\
<<talk "Check" 1 $talk "Nothing interesting for now.">>
<<if $Tutorial > 2.49>>\
<strong>Linda -</strong> [[Talk with Receptionist|LindaTalk]]
<<if $ClaraM8Quest == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00') >>\
[[Visit ball|ClaraBallPrologue]]
<<if $LucyKnown == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:25')>>\
<<goto "Lucy meet new">>\
<<if $LucyQuest7 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:25')>>\
[[Think about your date|LucyDateLindaTalk]]
<<if $LucyQuest8 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:25')>>\
[[Whats wrong with Lucy|LucyNurseHall]]
<<if $SmokingSF == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:25')>>\
<<goto "SmokingCheckMorning">>\
<<if $Fiona7Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '15:25') >>\
<<goto "FionaSex1Part1">>\
<<if $Fiona11Q == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00')>>\
[[Meet Fiona|FionaBeach3]]
<<if $Sophia3Quest == 2 &&isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
[[Talk with Fiona|SophiaQuestNew3.4]]
<<if $SchoolDormitory is 1 && $DaysPassed gte $SchoolDormitoryAviable>>\
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:55', '15:10')>>\
<<talk "School dormitory" 1 $talk "Knock Knock. The door is closed.">><</talk>>
<<elseif $SchoolDormitory is 1 && $DaysPassed lt $SchoolDormitoryAviable>>\
<<talk "School dormitory" 1 $talk "Dormitory is being reformed, wait a week.">><</talk>>
<<elseif $SchoolDormitory is 1 && $AutumnMeet == 1 && $QuestNextDay is true >>\
<<talk "School dormitory" 1 $talk "I think it's better to come when she's not so busy.">><</talk>>
<<elseif $SchoolDormitory is 1 && $AutumnMeet == 2 && $QuestNextDay is true>>\
<<talk "School dormitory" 1 $talk "Autumn is a capricious girl. I'll come back tomorrow.">><</talk>>
<<elseif $SchoolDormitory is 1 && $AutumnMeet == 3 && $QuestNextDay is true>>\
<<talk "School dormitory" 1 $talk "She's too drunk, it's best not to bother her now..">><</talk>>
[[School dormitory]]
[[Second floor]]
[[Sport field]]
[[Nurse room|Hospital]]
<<if $WCAvailable is true>>\
<<if $LucyQuest2 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '14:00', '16:00')>>\
<<talk "Leave" 1 $talk "I can’t leave. Need to check how is Lucy">><</talk>>
<<if $Fiona15Q == 7 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:20') >>\
[[Say hi to Fiona|FionaMassage1]]
<<if $AutumnCheerleader2 == 137 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00')>>\
[[Wait for Autumn|AutumnQuest3.10]]
<<if $Jane5Q == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00')>>\
[[Break-in time|JaneQuest 5.9]]
<<if $Jane5Q == 41 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00')>>\
[[Break-in time|JaneQuest5.8]]
[[Leave|School gate]]
<<include "NewVariables">>\
<<include "Minds in corridor">>\
<<include "AngelaSchedule">>\
<<if _angelaSchedule>>\
[[Living room]] - Angela is here
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:30', '20:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() <= 4 && $LivewithLexi == 1 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '11:10') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() >= 4 && $LivewithLexi == 1>>\
[[Living room]] - Lexi is here
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:30', '20:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() <= 4 && $LivewithVeronica == 1 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '11:10') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() >= 4 && $LivewithVeronica == 1>>\
[[Living room]] - Veronica is here
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:30', '20:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() <= 4 && $LivewithMonica == 1 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '11:10') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() >= 4 && $LivewithMonica == 1>>\
[[Living room]] - Monica is here
[[Living room]]
<<if _angelaKitchenSchedule>>\
[[Kitchen]] - Angela is here
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:05', '08:15') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() <= 4 && $LivewithLexi == 1 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '21:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() <= 4 && $LivewithLexi == 1 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '16:35') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() >= 5 && $LivewithLexi == 1>>\
[[Kitchen]] - Lexi is here
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:05', '08:15') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() <= 4 && $LivewithVeronica == 1 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '21:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() <= 4 && $LivewithVeronica == 1 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '16:35') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() >= 5 && $LivewithVeronica == 1>>\
[[Kitchen]] - Veronica is here
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:05', '08:15') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() <= 4 && $LivewithMonica == 1 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '21:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() <= 4 && $LivewithMonica == 1 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '16:35') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() >= 5 && $LivewithMonica == 1>>\
[[Kitchen]] - Monica is here
<<if _angelaToiletSchedule>>\
[[Toilet]] - Angela is here
<<if _angelaBathroomSchedule>>\
[[Bathroom]] - Angela is here
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:00') && $LivewithLexi == 1 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '19:30') && $LivewithLexi == 1>>\
[[Bathroom]] - Lexi is here
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:00') && $LivewithVeronica == 1 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '19:30') && $LivewithVeronica == 1>>\
[[Bathroom]] - Veronica is here
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:00') && $LivewithMonica == 1 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '19:30') && $LivewithMonica == 1>>\
[[Bathroom]] - Monica is here
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:00', '23:00') && $LivewithLexi == 1>>\
[[My room]] - Lexi is here
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:00', '23:00') && $LivewithVeronica == 1>>\
[[My room]] - Veronica is here
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:00', '23:00') && $LivewithMonica == 1>>\
[[My room]] - Monica is here
[[My room]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:05', '23:00') && $QuestNextDay is true && $AngelaDinnerYes == 3>>\
<<talk "Angela's room" 1>>I should give her some space. At least, for today.<</talk>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '11:00', '11:55') && $MCseeAngelaFap == 1>>\
<<talk "Angela's room" 1>>It’s dangerous to continue peeping.<</talk>>
<<elseif _angelaAngelasroomSchedule>>\
[[Angela's room]] - Angela is here
[[Angela's room]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:50', '08:00') && $MoneyHelp is 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>\
[[Street Raw-Road]] - Angela is here
[[Street Raw-Road]]
<<if $ChristmasTalentWinnerFiona == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '19:00')>>\
[[Call Fiona|SpecialNumberFionaStart]]
<<if $ChristmasTalentWinnerVeronica == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '22:00')>>\
[[Call Veronica|SpecialNumberVeronicaStart]]
<<if $Bella1Q == 6 >>\
[[Check phone|Bella2Q6]]
<<if $LivewithVeronicaParty == 3>>\
<<goto "VeronicaLiveParty4">>
<<if $MoneyHelp == 2 && $AngelaNewWork == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '19:15') >>\
<<goto "AngelaMoneyNotGiven">>\
<<if $photo_camera > 0 && $id.whisky > 0 && $SaturdayMovie == 2>>\
<<set $SaturdayMovie = 3>>\
<<if $AngelaTennis == 1 && _angelaTennisSchedule>>\
[[Go to the court with Angela|AngelaTennis2]]
<<elseif $AngelaTennis == 2 && _angelaTennisSchedule>>\
[[Go to the court with Angela|AngelaTennis3]]
<</if>>\<<set $uiBarVisible to true>>
<<set $gameDate to new Date("2019-07-14T07:50Z"); >>
<<set window.GameDays to [
"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"
<<include "Quests">>
<<include "Characters">>
<<include "Professions">>
<<include "SchoolUpgrades">>
<<include "Achievements Module">>
<<include "AchivementShopModule">>
<<include "AchievementsList">>
<<include "AchivementShopList">>
<<include "clothes">>
<<set $FsCo = 0>>
<<set $GloryHole = 0>>
<<set $GymAvailable = 0>>
<<set $GymPerDay = 0>>
<<set $WalkPerDay = 0>>
<<set $PUPerDay = 0>>
<<set $TVPerDay = 0>>
<<set $ReadPerDay = 0>>
<<set $cash = 50>>
<<set $achivementCash = 0>>
<<set $stamina = 100>>
<<set $MeditationSkill = 0>>
<<set $MeditationToday = 0>>
<<set $talk = 0>>
<<set $CoffeeDrinked = 0>>
<<set $ShowerTaked = 0>>
<<set $DollarToHomeless =0>>
<<set $HomelessBonus = 0>>
<<set $HomeBonus = 0>>
<<set $MeditationBonus = 0>>
<<set $GymProgress = 0>>
<<set $GymPass = 0>>
<<set $LibraryPass = 0>>
<<set $DrunkLvl = 0>>
<<set $id = {
boxofchocolate: 0,
dress: 0,
spermdress: 0,
sleepingpill: 0,
cigarrete: 0,
whisky: 0,
teddy: 0,
perfume: 0,
weed: 0,
romanticBook: 0,
hentai: 0,
flowers: 0,
pearl: 0,
shell: 0,
necklace: 0,
virus: 0,
hdd: 0,
aphrodisiac: 0,
wine: 0,
camera: 0,
energy: 0,
coke: 0,
sportBottle: 0,
bandage: 0,
magicBall: 0
<<set $CharismaBook = 0>>
<<set $photo_camera = 0>>
<<set $FoodSwallowed = 0>>
<<set $GirlCum = 0>>
<<set $tools = 0>>
<<set $ToolsUsed = 0>>
<<set $mattress = 0>>
<<set $Computer = 0>>
<<set $bat = 0>>
<<set $ling1 = 0>>
<<set $showerradio = 0>>
<<set $mc = {
Name: "Master",
Surname: "Grand",
images: 0,
img: "img/avatars/a.jpg",
icon: "img/avatars/aS.jpeg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(191, 111, 64, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 111, 64, 1);",
Strength: 0,
Intellect: 0,
Charisma: 0,
Boldness: 0,
TeacherLevel: 1,
Virus: 0,
MaxStamina: 100,
SwimSetActive: 0,
wglassesOn: 0,
wshortsOn: 0,
wshoesOn: 0
<<set $StartBonus = 0>>
<<set $CharismaProgress = 0>>
<<set $StrengthProgress = 0>>
<<set $IntellectProgress = 0>>
<<set $BoldnessProgress = 0>>
<<set $cheatParameter = false>>
<<set $VirusProgress = 0>>
<<set $mc.Virus = 6>>
<<set $VirPerDay = 0>>
<<set $ServerProgress = 0>>
<<set $ServerLvl = 0>>
<<set $SerPerDay = 0>>
<<set $DaysPassed = 0>>
<<set $MainWorks = 0>>
<<set $AssSpanked = 0>>
<<set $Blowjobs = 0>>
<<set $Handjobs = 0>>
<<set $VaginaFingered = 0>>
<<set $VaginaFucked = 0>>
<<set $AssFucked = 0>>
<<set $Creampies = 0>>
<<set $BathroomSexAvailable = 0>>
<<set $StayAtHome = 1>>
<<include "WorkVar">>
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>
<<set $IBCheck = 0>>
<<set $PunishmentOpen = 0>>
<<set $Spanking = 0>>
<<set $Undressing = 0>>
<<set $Touching = 0>>
<<set $Handjob = 0>>
<<set $Blowjob = 0>>
<<set $FuckPussy = 0>>
<<set $FuckAnal = 0>>
<<set $UndressAviable = 0>>
<<set $Library_work_available = 0>> /* intellect */
<<set $Brothel_work_available = 0>> /* boldness */
<<set $Cafe_work_available = 0>> /* charisma */
<<set $Gym_work_available = 0>> /* charisma */
<<set $UiBarHistoryOn = false>>
<<set $Strength5Bonus = 0>>
<<set $Strength10Bonus = 0>>
<<set $Intellect7Bonus = 0>>
<<set $WT = 0>>\
<<set $Homeless = 1>>
<<set $UniformBasic = 1>>
<<set $UniformCandid = 0>>
<<set $SurgicalMask = 0>>
<<set $SchoolDormitory = 0>>
<<set $CanteenCoffeeBonus = 0>>
<<set $storyHistoryBack = []>>
<<set $storyHistoryFlag = false>>
<<set $CheerleadersBook = 0>>
<<include "inv_list">>
<<set $Clara.Meet = 1>>\
<<md>>Finally! It was a long trip, but I’ve made it to the Principal's office. I hope there will be no problems in our meeting. I'd like to start working here as soon as possible.<</md>>
<div id="message-placeholder"></div>
<<set $Clara.unlockedgallery to true>>\
<<set $Clara.moments[0].unlocked to true>>\
<<md>>The door opens with barely a sound to reveal an attractive, young, brown-haired woman. I think we'll get along well enough. Hopefully I can start working with her on a more personal level.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Ah! Hello! I assume you are the board’s new hire. I heard your phone interview was impressive. I hope you don’t mind me asking a few extra questions to make sure you’re a good fit.<</say>>
<<md>>Just the one phone interview? I'm sure she's well aware of the layers of bureaucracy one must delve through to get to this point. But hey, what's another few questions?<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Things aren't going so well in our school right now. The students have lost interest in studying and have shown themselves to be rather undisciplined. I hope these circumstances don't turn you away from working with us!<</say>>
<<md>>The job openings alone reveal what a dire state this school is in at the moment. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't qualified.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Well then, let's get down to the interview. The first question is: What is your name?<</say>>
<<if $Tutorial == 1>>\
<<if $SharedInfo == 1>>
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<<include "uibar" >>\
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<<set $SeaRelax = 0>>
<<set $SportfieldRun = 0>>
<<set $LexiCleaningDone = 1>>
<<set $LexiCookingDone = 1>>
<<set $VeronicaCleaningDone = 1>>
<<set $VeronicaCookingDone = 1>>
<<set $MonicaCleaningDone = 1>>
<<set $MonicaCookingDone = 1>>
<<set $McCum = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCum = 0>>
<<set $LucyCum = 0>>
<<set $LexiCum = 0>>
<<set $AngelaCum = 0>>
<<set $AngelaCum2 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaArouse = 0>>
<<set $LucyArouse = 0>>
<<set $LexiArouse = 0>>
<<set $AngelaArouse = 0>>
<<if $StayAtHome is 1>>
<<set $StayAtHomeAch = 1>>
<<set $StayAtHome = 1>>
<<if $gameDate.getUTCDay() is 5>>
<<set $punishments_count = 0>>
<<set _tipArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 ]>>
<<switch _tipArray.random()>>
<<case 1>>
<<text y "Remember that for a person, the sound of his name is the sweetest and most important sound of human speech.">>
<<case 2>>
<<text y "Do not miss the opportunity to touch a person, but only if he is not against your invasion of his personal space.">>
<<case 3>>
<<text y "Be a good listener. Listen carefully to the person you are talking to, look into his eyes at least 2/3 of the time while he is talking.">>
<<case 4>>
<<text y "Just smile. Sincerely smiling, you will automatically evoke sympathy and cheer up others.">>
<<case 5>>
<<text y "Remember that if you are near a person while he is in a good mood, he will still associate his good mood with you, even if you are not the reason for his good mood.">>
<<case 6>>
<<text y "Take an interest in a person’s hobby and interests, let him know that you care about his desires.">>
<<case 7>>
<<text y "Non-verbal communication can talk about a person’s thoughts more than verbal. Watch your and other people's gestures.">>
<<case 8>>
<<text y "Try to avoid saying bad things about people; this will probably only provoke negative emotions.">>
<<case 9>>
<<text y "Acknowledge and validate the feelings of the person you are talking to, as this will create a sense of understanding and empathy.">>
<<case 10>>
<<text y "Offer help and support when needed, but without being intrusive, as it demonstrates your genuine concern for their well-being.">>
<<case 11>>
<<text y "Develop a sense of humor and learn to laugh at yourself, as it can help diffuse tense situations and make others feel more comfortable around you.">>
<<case 12>>
<<text y "Show appreciation and gratitude for the little things people do, as it can make them feel valued and important.">>
<<case 13>>
<<text y "Be aware of your body language, as it can convey messages about your emotions and intentions even when you're not speaking.">>
<<case 14>>
<<text y "Maintain a positive attitude, even in difficult situations, as it can inspire others and create a more pleasant environment.">>
<<case 15>>
<<text y "Learn to apologize sincerely when you make a mistake or hurt someone's feelings, as it demonstrates humility and a willingness to grow.">>
<<case 16>>
<<text y "Respect the opinions and beliefs of others, even if you don't agree with them, as it fosters a sense of mutual understanding and tolerance.">>
<<case 17>>
<<text y "Be punctual and reliable in your commitments, as it shows respect for other people's time and builds trust.">>
<<case 18>>
<<text y "Practice active listening by asking open-ended questions and paraphrasing what the other person says, to show genuine interest and understanding.">>
<<case 19>>
<<text y "Each time you press the Sleep button, the game is saved to the very first slot. ">>
<<case 20>>
<<text y "Don't forget to upgrade your skills to open up more opportunities to interact with other characters.">>
<<include "PatreonReminder">>
<<if $LivewithLexi == 1>>
<<set _LexiLiveSleep = [ 1, 2, 3]>>
<<switch _LexiLiveSleep.random()>>
<<case 1>>
<<link [[Wake up|LexiLiveMorning]]>><</link>>
<<case 2>>
<<link [[Wake up|My room]]>><</link>>
<<case 3>>
<<link [[Wake up|LexiLiveMorning]]>><</link>>
<<elseif $LivewithMonica == 1>>
<<set _MonicaLiveSleep = [ 1, 2, 3]>>
<<switch _MonicaLiveSleep.random()>>
<<case 1>>
<<link [[Wake up|MonicaLiveMorning]]>><</link>>
<<case 2>>
<<link [[Wake up|My room]]>><</link>>
<<case 3>>
<<link [[Wake up|MonicaLiveMorning]]>><</link>>
<<link [[Wake up|My room]]>><</link>>
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 2>>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $mc.MaxStamina gte $stamina>>
<<set $stamina = $mc.MaxStamina>>
<<set $QuestNextWeek -=1>>
<<set $MeditationToday = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaPunishment = 0>>
<<set $MonicaPunishment = 0>>
<<set $LexiPunishment = 0>>
<<set $Spanking = 0>>
<<set $Undressing = 0>>
<<set $Touching = 0>>
<<set $Handjob = 0>>
<<set $Blowjob = 0>>
<<set $FuckPussy = 0>>
<<set $FuckAnal = 0>>
<<set $ReadPerDay = 0>>
<<set $RunPerDay = 0>>
<<set $WalkPerDay = 0>>
<<set $WT = 0>>
<<set $PUPerDay = 0>>
<<set $TVPerDay = 0>>
<<set $CoffeeDrinked = 0>>
<<set $ShowerTaked = 0>>
<<set $MCseeAngelaFap = 0>>
<<set $Homeless = 1>>
<<set $HomelessBonus = 0>>
<<set $HomeBonus = 0>>
<<set $MeditationBonus = 0>>
<<if $GymPass gte 1>>
<<set $GymPass -=1>>
<<set $GymPerDay = 0>>
<<set $TodayReadHorrorBook is 0>>
<<set $CanteenCoffeeBonus =0>>
<<if $DrunkLvl is 5>>
<<set $mc.Strength += 1>>
<<set $mc.Charisma += 1>>
<<set $mc.Intellect += 1>>
<<set $mc.Boldness += 1>>
<<set $DrunkLvl = 0>>
<<elseif $DrunkLvl is 4>>
<<set $mc.Strength += 1>>
<<set $mc.Charisma += 1>>
<<set $mc.Intellect += 1>>
<<set $mc.Boldness += 1>>
<<set $DrunkLvl = 0>>
<<elseif $DrunkLvl is 3>>
<<set $mc.Strength += 1>>
<<set $mc.Charisma += 1>>
<<set $mc.Intellect += 1>>
<<set $mc.Boldness += 1>>
<<set $DrunkLvl = 0>>
<<elseif $DrunkLvl is 2>>
<<set $mc.Charisma += 1>>
<<set $mc.Intellect += 1>>
<<set $mc.Boldness -= 2>>
<<set $DrunkLvl = 0>>
<<elseif $DrunkLvl is 1>>
<<set $mc.Charisma -= 1>>
<<set $mc.Boldness -= 1>>
<<set $DrunkLvl = 0>>
<<if $mc.Strength < 0>>
<<set $mc.Strength = 0>>
<<if $mc.Charisma < 0>>
<<set $mc.Charisma = 0>>
<<if $mc.Intellect < 0>>
<<set $mc.Intellect = 0>>
<<if $mc.Boldness < 0>>
<<set $mc.Boldness = 0>>
<<if $ClaraPhoto == 3>>
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 0>>
<<if $LexiPhoto == 3>>
<<set $LexiPhoto = 0>>
<<if $AngelaPhoto == 3>>
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 0>>
<<if $VeronicaPhoto == 3>>
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 0>>
<<if $ClaraPhoto == 5>>
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 0>>
<<if $LexiPhoto == 5>>
<<set $LexiPhoto = 0>>
<<if $AngelaPhoto == 5>>
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 0>>
<<if $VeronicaPhoto == 5>>
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 0>>
<<if $LucyPhoto == 5>>
<<set $LucyPhoto = 0>>
<<if $MonicaPhoto == 5>>
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 0>>
<<if $NaomiPhoto == 5>>
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 0>>
<<set $PhotosSearchPerDay = 6>>
<<if $QuestNextDay is true>>
<<set $QuestNextDay to false>>
<<if $QuestNextWeek < 0>>
<<set $QuestNextWeek = 0>>
<<if $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>
<<set $PhotoSelectedLexi == 0>>
<<if $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>
<<set $PhotoSelectedClara == 0>>
<<if $FoodPreparePerDay == 1>>
<<set $FoodPreparePerDay = 0>>
<<set $LivewithLexiSexPerDay = 0>>
<<if $StudioRoseWorkDay == 1>>
<<set $StudioRoseWorkDay = 0>>
<<if $AngelaHugPerDay > 0>>
<<set $AngelaHugPerDay = 0>>
<<if $ShowerPerDay > 0>>
<<set $ShowerPerDay = 0 >>
<<if $BrokenGlassDaysLeft > 0>>
<<set $BrokenGlassDaysLeft -= 1>>
<<if $$LexiReportDaysLeft > 0>>
<<set $LexiReportDaysLeft -= 1>>
<<set $DaysPassed += 1>>
<<set $VirPerDay = 0>>
<<if $Imp_Intellect == 1>>
<<set $LibraryOpen = 1>>
<<if $LindaQuest3 == 1>>
<<goto "LindaQuest 3.2">>
<<elseif $LindaQuest5 == 7>>
<<goto LindaQuest8.5>>
<<elseif $Amber1Q == 4>>
<<goto "Amber3Q1">>
<<if $CamillaQuest5 == 6>>
<<goto "CamillaQuest 7.6">>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 == 2>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1Failed = 1>>
<<if $DenisseQuestAvailable > 0>>
<<set $DenisseQuestAvailable -=1>>
//<<set $Inventory.Name["energy"].CanUse = true>>
for(var i=0; i< State.variables.Inventory.length; i++){
if(State.variables.Inventory[i].Name == "energy"){
State.variables.Inventory[i].CanUse = true;
//State.variables.Inventory.find(e=>e.Name == "energy").CanUse = true;
<<if !['Sleep', 'Sleep2'].includes(passage())>>
<<set _hrs = $gameDate.getUTCHours()>>
<<if _hrs > 1 && _hrs < 7>>
<<goto [[Sleep2]]>>
<<check_all_achievements>><<set $SeaRelax = 0>>
<<set $SportfieldRun = 0>>
<<set $LexiCleaningDone = 1>>
<<set $LexiCookingDone = 1>>
<<set $VeronicaCleaningDone = 1>>
<<set $VeronicaCookingDone = 1>>
<<set $MonicaCleaningDone = 1>>
<<set $MonicaCookingDone = 1>>
<<set $MonicaCum = 0>>
<<set $LexiCum = 0>>
<<set $AngelaCum = 0>>
<<set $AngelaCum2 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaArouse = 0>>
<<set $LucyArouse = 0>>
<<set $LucyCum = 0>>
<<if $StayAtHome is 1>><<set $StayAtHomeAch = 1>><<else>><<set $StayAtHome = 1>><</if>>
<<if $gameDate.getUTCDay() is 5>>
<<set $punishments_count = 0>>
<<set _tipArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]>>
<<switch _tipArray.random()>>
<<case 1>>
<<text y "Remember that for a person, the sound of his name is the sweetest and most important sound of human speech.">>
<<case 2>>
<<text y "Do not miss the opportunity to touch a person, but only if he is not against your invasion of his personal space.">>
<<case 3>>
<<text y "Be a good listener. Listen carefully to the person you are talking to, look into his eyes at least 2/3 of the time while he is talking.">>
<<case 4>>
<<text y "Just smile. Sincerely smiling, you will automatically evoke sympathy and cheer up others.">>
<<case 5>>
<<text y "Remember that if you are near a person while he is in a good mood, he will still associate his good mood with you, even if you are not the reason for his good mood.">>
<<case 6>>
<<text y "Take an interest in a person’s hobby and interests, let him know that you care about his desires.">>
<<case 7>>
<<text y "Non-verbal communication can talk about a person’s thoughts more than verbal. Watch your and other people's gestures.">>
<<case 8>>
<<text y "Try to avoid saying bad things about people; this will probably only provoke negative emotions.">>
<<include "PatreonReminder">>
<<link [[Wake up|My room]]>>
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 2>>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $mc.MaxStamina gte $stamina>>
<<set $stamina = $mc.MaxStamina>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<set $MeditationToday = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaPunishment = 0>>
<<set $MonicaPunishment = 0>>
<<set $LexiPunishment = 0>>
<<set $Spanking = 0>>
<<set $Undressing = 0>>
<<set $Touching = 0>>
<<set $Handjob = 0>>
<<set $Blowjob = 0>>
<<set $FuckPussy = 0>>
<<set $FuckAnal = 0>>
<<set $ReadPerDay = 0>>
<<set $RunPerDay = 0>>
<<set $WalkPerDay = 0>>
<<set $WT = 0>>
<<set $PUPerDay = 0>>
<<set $TVPerDay = 0>>
<<set $CoffeeDrinked = 0>>
<<set $ShowerTaked = 0>>
<<set $MCseeAngelaFap = 0>>
<<set $Homeless = 1>>
<<set $HomelessBonus = 0>>
<<set $HomeBonus = 0>>
<<set $MeditationBonus = 0>>
<<if $GymPass gte 1>>
<<set $GymPass -=1>>
<<set $GymPerDay = 0>>
<<set $TodayReadHorrorBook is 0>>
<<set $CanteenCoffeeBonus =0>>
<<if $DrunkLvl is 5>>
<<set $mc.Strength += 1>>
<<set $mc.Charisma += 1>>
<<set $mc.Intellect += 1>>
<<set $mc.Boldness += 1>>
<<set $DrunkLvl = 0>>
<<elseif $DrunkLvl is 4>>
<<set $mc.Strength += 1>>
<<set $mc.Charisma += 1>>
<<set $mc.Intellect += 1>>
<<set $mc.Boldness += 1>>
<<set $DrunkLvl = 0>>
<<elseif $DrunkLvl is 3>>
<<set $mc.Strength += 1>>
<<set $mc.Charisma += 1>>
<<set $mc.Intellect += 1>>
<<set $mc.Boldness += 1>>
<<set $DrunkLvl = 0>>
<<elseif $DrunkLvl is 2>>
<<set $mc.Charisma += 1>>
<<set $mc.Intellect += 1>>
<<set $mc.Boldness -= 2>>
<<set $DrunkLvl = 0>>
<<elseif $DrunkLvl is 1>>
<<set $mc.Charisma -= 1>>
<<set $mc.Boldness -= 1>>
<<set $DrunkLvl = 0>>
<<set $DaysPassed += 1>>
<<set $VirPerDay = 0>>
<<if $ShowerPerDay > 0>>
<<set $ShowerPerDay = 0 >>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 == 2>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1Failed = 1>>
<<if $DenisseQuestAvailable > 0>>
<<set $DenisseQuestAvailable -=1>>
//<<set $Inventory.Name["energy"].CanUse = true>>
for(var i=0; i< State.variables.Inventory.length; i++){
if(State.variables.Inventory[i].Name == "energy"){
State.variables.Inventory[i].CanUse = true;
//State.variables.Inventory.find(e=>e.Name == "energy").CanUse = true;
<<if $Imp_Intellect == 1>>
<<set $LibraryOpen = 1>>
<<if $QuestNextDay is true>>
<<set $QuestNextDay to false>>
<<include"EmailRandom">><<widget "dateTime">>\
<div class="dateTime">\
<<= GameDays[$gameDate.getUTCDay()]>> - <span class="dayTime"><<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '06:00', '11:55')>>\
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:55')>>\
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '14:00', '17:55')>>\
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '23:55')>>\
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '00:00', '05:55')>>\
<<= padZero($gameDate.getUTCHours())>><span class="blinky">:</span><<= padZero($gameDate.getUTCMinutes())>>\
<</widget>>\<<say $mc>>Hello! How are you doing? Did you sleep well?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Hello! Everything is as usual. I slept well, and the monsters under my bed were silent. Haha.<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela 12>>
<<md>>For now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is great news! Bon Appetit.<</say>>
<<talk "Make a hot compliment" 1 $mc.Charisma "I don't have enough charisma.">><<text g "Charisma check was successful.">>
<<say $mc>>Your body is sexier today than usual. What is your secret?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh thank you! I don’t even know .. huh.<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 14>>
[[Give her a smile and leave|Home corridor]]
<<talk "Compliment the food">>\
<<say $mc>>The food is delicious as always!<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>And you, as always, are very handsome!<</say>>
[[Give her a smile and leave|Home corridor]]
<<addmins 25>>\<<set $AngelaWatchFilms +=1>>\
<<md>>Choose a genre of movie to watch with Angela.<</md>>
<<if $Angela.AffectionLvl gte 1 && $MoviePorn is 1>>\
<<talk "Porn" 1 $talk "Angela affection is not enough.">><</talk>>
<<md>>Nothing lifts spirits and adrenaline like action films.<</md>>
<<md>>Ever since early childhood, I liked these films about die-hard heroes who, despite all the obstacles, obstacles and intrigues of fate, are able to emerge victorious from any battle.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'd like to watch an action movie. It'll be cool!<</say>>
<<md>>As soon as I had time to say that, Angela's face became darker than a cloud. It was as if I invited her to see something very disgusting. Why do I feel like a big pervert now?<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Action... yeah, I guess so. Let's see if I'll start to like these sorts of movies.<</say>>
<<md>>There is discontent in her voice, from which everything inside me shrinks.<</md>>
<<md>>This movie is just amazing! Every moment and frame is like a work of art! And how juicy the fighting scenes are presented makes my heart glee.<</md>>
<<md>>But Angela does not share my delight. She looks with horror at everything that happens on the screen. This is clearly not the genre of the film that would make her want to fall into my arms or at least get closer. No matter how I tried to attract her to the conversation, for the girl all this time was sheer torment.<</md>>
<<addAff $Angela -6>>
<<say $Angela>>This is terrible...<</say>>
<<md>>I won't say that I agree with her, quite the opposite. I really liked the film. But if I say this now, it will further exacerbate the already awkward situation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I think you're right...<</say>>
<<md>>I think you shouldn't try to watch this genre of films with her anymore if I want to get closer.<</md>>
[[Stand up|Living room]]
<<addmins 90>>\<<md>>There is no better choice for sharing with a girl than romantic movies.<</md>>
<<md>>From my experience that more girls just love this slightly primitive but very dreamy genre of films. There are, of course, those who cannot stand them, but in general they are rather an exception to the rule.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How would you like the idea of watching a romantic movie?<</say>>
<<md>>As I expected, the answer was pretty obvious. After all, looking at Angela, the thought immediately arises that she is a lover of this kind of stories.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Cool, I love romantic movies.<</say>>
<<md>>However, I have nothing to complain about.<</md>>
<<md>>She is next to me and I can smell even this magical aroma from here. He drives me crazy, which makes being so close to Angela amazing.<</md>>
<<md>>For me, this film seems too dull. All these actions, all the feelings that seemed to have been accumulating in the heroes of 100 years are suddenly reflected in themselves. The story is as unrealistic as possible. This would never have happened in life. People are too different, there is too much difference in the vision of the world. But that's why they love such films, isn't it? For the opportunity to escape from reality and immerse yourself in a world where all our dreams come true.<</md>>
<<md>>But judging by Angela's reaction, the way she looks at the screen in fascination, she definitely likes what is happening on the screen. At least one of us enjoyed the movie.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Charisma > 2>>\
<<talk "Kiss her">>
<<md>>Watching Angela eagerly watch the action on the screen and how she bites her lip, I had a desire to be with her as close as possible.<</md>>
<<md>>It was a strange attraction that I found very difficult to control. I just wanted to be close to her and not move, not disturb the peace at that moment.<</md>>
<<md>>Especially when I was next to her, Angela clearly did not mind. When I was near, she only leaned more against me. This action made me feel so good and comfortable. And a strange desire seized.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Do you like everything?<</say>>
<<md>>Angela turned to me, so close and vulnerable. So seductive and vulnerable at the same time. I think this is the first time I see her like this. There is some charm in this. Attracted too much.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Very.<</say>>
<<md>>Our lips merged in a kiss in an instant, and I realized that completely and without any words I was ready to give her everything she required. And more than anything else, I did not want to part with her for a minute, fearing that this would also be forever. It was wonderful. But the next moment our lust was suddenly disturbed.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>We shouldn't do this now. Okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay.<</say>>
<<md>>I was too much at the mercy of the senses to be upset about such a trifle. Still, she didn't pull away or run away, which means I can count on much more.<</md>>
<<addAff $Angela 12>>
<<addLust $Angela 6>>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name, we should spend time together more often! Thank you for keeping me company.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, it was a great movie!<</say>>
<<md>>I don't care if it's a lie. The main thing is that the girl liked it, which means it was all not in vain.<</md>>
<<addAff $Angela 12>>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name, we should spend time together more often! Thank you for keeping me company.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, it was a great movie!<</say>>
<<md>>I don't care if it's a lie. The main thing is that the girl liked it, which means it was all not in vain.<</md>>
[[Stand up|Living room]]
<<addmins 90>>\<<md>>There is no better way in the world to attract a girl to your side as just a joke. A joke may contain the truth or a complete utter lie, but it has that magic thanks to which we become kinder and more fun. If your mood is below zero - just watch a comedy and you will feel how much more fun it will be in your soul.<</md>>
<<md>>And Angela will not regard it other than friendly gatherings. So everything will be clean and beautiful.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>A cool comedy came out recently. Want to see it?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh yes. I've been waiting for this one to come out. Let's watch it.<</say>>
<<md>>Hah, I didn't know that she was a connoisseur of the genre. It looks like we already have something in common. We both love to cheer ourselves up with good films.<</md>>
<<md>>We both laughed throughout the movie. It seems to be some kind of disease. After all, as soon as Angela began to laugh, it was so contagious that I could not stop my laughter for a second. And vice versa, as soon as I started laughing from a very funny moment, the girl's ringing laughter sounded in unison with mine.<</md>>
<<md>>No, this movie was definitely worth the wait. I haven't experienced so many vivid emotions for a long time.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Did you like it?<</say>>
<<md>>When we both stopped laughing, I finally managed to ask her. Damn, laughter is already driving cheekbones!<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes, thanks for the company. Watch another one some time?<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela 16>>
<<md>>The pleasure of the time spent together was read on her face. My attempt was crowned with success.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We'll see. Right now I have some business to attend to. See you later!<</say>>
[[Stand up|Living room]]
<<addmins 90>>\
<<if $RandomAttributes == 1>>\
<<set _RandomAttributesEventArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _RandomAttributesEventArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $mc.Strength = 2>>\
<<set $RandomAttributes = 2>>\
<<set $mc.Intellect = 0>>\
<<set $mc.Charisma = 0>>\
<<set $mc.Boldness = 0>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $mc.Intellect = 2>>\
<<set $RandomAttributes = 2>>\
<<set $mc.Strength = 0>>\
<<set $mc.Charisma = 0>>\
<<set $mc.Boldness = 0>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $mc.Charisma = 2>>\
<<set $RandomAttributes = 2>>\
<<set $mc.Intellect = 0>>\
<<set $mc.Strength = 0>>\
<<set $mc.Boldness = 0>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<set $mc.Boldness = 2>>\
<<set $RandomAttributes = 2>>\
<<set $mc.Intellect = 0>>\
<<set $mc.Charisma = 0>>\
<<set $mc.Strength = 0>>\
<<if $TutorialOn == 0>>\
<<set $Tutorial = 2.6>>\
<<if $Tutorial == 2.45>>\
<<goto "Tutorial 6">>
<<switch visited()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<if $StartBonus is "1">>\
<<set $mc.Strength = 2>>\
<<elseif $StartBonus is "2">>
<<set $mc.Intellect = 2>>\
<<elseif $StartBonus is "3">>
<<set $mc.Charisma = 2>>\
<<elseif $StartBonus is "4">>
<<set $mc.Boldness = 2>>\
<<md>>This is my first day at work. I have to impress my students and talk as much as possible about genitalia. I'm a biology teacher after all.<</md>>
[[Introduce myself to the class|Bclass1stMeet]]
<<if $GloryHole is 1>>\
<<goto "GloryHoleClass">>\
<div class="tablet-outer-side">\
<img src="img/tablet/camera.png" class="tablet-ui">\
<div class="Work">\
<div class="Task">\
<<include "ActualTask">>\
<div class="flex-center-col">\
<div class="work-columns">\
<div class="Work-options">\
<div class="text-label">\
<span class="Work-title">Work Intensity</span>\
<<if $PrologueQuest1 == 8 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<talk_btn "Work without desire" 20 $stamina "It's needed 20 stamina for that action.">><<goto "Prologue2.6">><<set $stamina -=20>><<set $WorkMult = 0.67>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Work without desire" 20 $stamina "It's needed 20 stamina for that action.">><<goto "Basic work">><<set $stamina -=20>><<set $WorkMult = 0.67>><</talk_btn>>\
<<if $PrologueQuest1 == 8 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<talk_btn "Work as usual" 20 $stamina "It's needed 20 stamina for that action.">><<goto "Prologue2.6">><<set $stamina -=20>><<set $WorkMult = 0.67>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Work as usual" 40 $stamina "It's needed 40 stamina for that action.">><<goto "Basic work">><<set $stamina -=40>><<set $WorkMult = 1>><</talk_btn>>\
<<if $PrologueQuest1 == 8 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<talk_btn "Work hard" 20 $stamina "It's needed 20 stamina for that action.">><<goto "Prologue2.6">><<set $stamina -=20>><<set $WorkMult = 0.67>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Work hard" 60 $stamina "It's needed 60 stamina for that action.">><<goto "Basic work">><<set $stamina -=60>><<set $WorkMult = 1.33>><</talk_btn>>\
<<if $PrologueQuest1 == 8 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<talk_btn "Work hard" 20 $stamina "It's needed 20 stamina for that action.">><<goto "Prologue2.6">><<set $stamina -=20>><<set $WorkMult = 0.67>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Work extremely" 80 $stamina "It's needed 80 stamina for that action.">><<goto "Basic work">><<set $stamina -=80>><<set $WorkMult = 1.67>><</talk_btn>>\
<<button [[Leave|Biology class]]>><</button>>\
<div class="Work-stat">\
<div class="text-label">\
<span class="Work-title">School Statistics</span>\
<div class="progress-box">\
<div class="progress position-relative">\
<<print '<div class="progress-bar green-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolMood.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Mood</span>\
<span><<= $SchoolMood.toFixed(2)>></span>\
<div class="progress-box">\
<div class="progress position-relative">\
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>\
<span><<= $SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)>></span>\
<div class="progress-box">\
<div class="progress position-relative">\
<<print '<div class="progress-bar yellow-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolGrades.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Grades</span>\
<span><<= $SchoolGrades.toFixed(2)>></span>\
<div class="progress-box">\
<div class="progress position-relative">\
<<print '<div class="progress-bar red-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolExhibitionism.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Perversity</span>\
<span><<= $SchoolExhibitionism.toFixed(2)>></span>\
<div class="progress-box">\
<div class="progress position-relative">\
<<print '<div class="progress-bar grey-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolInfrastructure.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Infrastructure</span>\
<span><<= $SchoolInfrastructure.toFixed(2)>></span>\
<img src="img/tablet/button.png" class="tablet-ui">
<</switch>>\<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4 && $BathroomSexAvailable is 0>>\
<<goto "Availability of sex in shower">>\
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<link "Peek">>\
<<goto "Peek Event Bathroom 4">>\
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 3 && $BathroomSexAvailable is 1>>\
<<say $Angela>>Well? Don't just stand there in the doorway, join me?<</say>>
<<talk "Join her" 2 $Angela.AffectionLvl "Angela affection is not enough.">><<text g "Angela affection check was successful.">>
<<md>>I can't believe that Angela invited me to join her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, just a second. I need to get undressed.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Be careful, the water is hot. Be a gentleman, and help me wash up. I don't bite.<</say>>
<<if $AngelaImage51Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage51Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>I'd like to wash you more often. Let me know next time.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I thought you would.<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 18>>
<<md>>I should thank her for this during the eating. Well, I can eat her, he-he...<</md>>
<<set $ShowerTaked = 1>>\
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 2>>\
<<set _AngelaBathroomLust2 = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _AngelaBathroomLust2.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<link "Peek">>\
<<goto "Peek Event Bathroom 3">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<link "Peek">>\
<<goto "Peek Event Bathroom 3.1">>\
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 1>>
<<set _AngelaBathroomLust1 = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _AngelaBathroomLust1.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<link "Peek">>\
<<goto "Peek Event Bathroom 2">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<link "Peek">>\
<<goto "Peek Event Bathroom 2.1">>\
<<text r "Failure.">>
<<say $Angela>>What the fuck?! Get the fuck out, pervert!<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela -40>>
<<md>>Hahaha! Wow, I didn’t mean for her to see me.<</md>>
<<addmins 5>>\<<md>>Cooking is a tricky business. Especially when you observe how appetizing your neighbor has. It is very difficult to observe how the two halves sit alone, and no one touches them. What a gorgeous ass Angela has.<</md>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 1>>\
<<say $Angela>>Is something wrong?<</say>>
<<md>>The pinch I gave to one of the halves of the ass didn't seem to be met with resistance.<</md>>
<<md>>The girl just smiled at me softly. So my actions were approved. I am very happy about it. After all, there is nothing more pleasant than being close to that ass that turns you on.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> I decided to help you with the dishes.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh, that's so sweet of you! Then here's what to do...<</say>>
<<md>>Is this cute? I pinched the other half of the girl's ass, but she only sighed languidly. Does it seem to me or does she even like it?<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 10>>
[[Leave kitchen|Home corridor]]
<<md>>I pinched Angela's ass.<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 8>>
<<say $Angela>>What are you thinking about?!<</say>>
<<md>>Her look is now so aggressive that it seems to me that she will just eat me now. If you don't do anything now, you can definitely get hit on the head for your trick.<</md>>
<<addAff $Angela -12>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry, I wanted to offer you help with the dishes.<</say>>
<<md>>With one glance, she let me know that she did not believe a single word of mine. For a moment, I even felt a little embarrassed about my act. However, her ass is excellent.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Well, let's clean the dishes.<</say>>
<<md>>Better to help her and try not to attract special attention to herself. It is better not to think about it, but to do what is said.<</md>>
[[Leave kitchen|Home corridor]]
<<addmins 25>>\<span class="qual">Qualification: $mc.TeacherLevel</span>
<span class="cash">Cash: <<= $cash.toFixed(2)>>\
<span class="st">Stamina: $stamina</span>\
by SluttyStar
<<widget "addmins">>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes($gameDate.getUTCMinutes() + $args[0])>>
<</widget>><<widget "addhours">>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours($gameDate.getUTCHours() + $args[0])>>
<</widget>><<set _distance = getDistance()>>
<<addmins _distance>>
<<set $characters = [
{name: "Angela", object: $Angela},
{name: "Lucy", object: $Lucy},
{name: "Clara", object: $Clara},
{name: "Veronica", object: $Veronica},
{name: "Monica", object: $Monica},
{name: "Lexi", object: $Lexi},
{name: "Sophia", object: $Sophia},
{name: "Autumn", object: $Autumn},
{name: "Naomi", object: $Naomi},
{name: "Jane", object: $Jane},
{name: "Bella", object: $Bella},
{name: "Amber", object: $Amber},
{name: "Olivia", object: $Olivia},
{name: "Fiona", object: $Fiona},
{name: "Linda", object: $Linda},
{name: "Susan", object: $Susan},
{name: "Jerry", object: $Jerry},
{name: "Camilla", object: $Camilla},
{name: "Lily", object: $Lily},
{name: "Samantha", object: $Samantha},
{name: "Aria", object: $Aria},
{name: "Marsha", object: $Marsha},
{name: "Nora", object: $Nora},
{name: "Ruby", object: $Ruby},
{name: "Denisse", object: $Denisse},
{name: "Coco", object: $Coco},
{name: "Tracey", object: $Tracey},
{name: "MrsWalker", object: $MrsWalker},
{name: "Summer", object: $Summer},
<<set $UnlockedCharacter = []>>
<<set $LockedCharacter = $ =>>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $characters.length; _i++>>
<<set _character = $characters[_i]>>
<<set _charObj = _character.object>>
<<set _charName =>>
<<if _charObj is not undefined>>
<<if _charObj.AffectionLvl gte 4>>
<<set State.variables[_charName + "AffLvl"] = "Desired">>
<<elseif _charObj.AffectionLvl gte 3>>
<<set State.variables[_charName + "AffLvl"] = "Close friend">>
<<elseif _charObj.AffectionLvl gte 2>>
<<set State.variables[_charName + "AffLvl"] = "Casual friend">>
<<elseif _charObj.AffectionLvl gte 1>>
<<set State.variables[_charName + "AffLvl"] = "Acquaintance">>
<<set State.variables[_charName + "AffLvl"] = "Stranger">>
<<if _charObj.LustLvl gte 4>>
<<set State.variables[_charName + "LusLvl"] = "Whore of Babylon">>
<<elseif _charObj.LustLvl gte 3>>
<<set State.variables[_charName + "LusLvl"] = "Horny">>
<<elseif _charObj.LustLvl gte 2>>
<<set State.variables[_charName + "LusLvl"] = "Wet">>
<<elseif _charObj.LustLvl gte 1>>
<<set State.variables[_charName + "LusLvl"] = "Excited">>
<<set State.variables[_charName + "LusLvl"] = "Uninterested">>
/* Algoritm Dlya Shkoli */
<<if $mc.TeacherLevel gte 10>>
<<set $MultA = 1.20 * $WorkMult * randomFloat(0.75,1.25)>>
<<set $MultB = 0.9 * $WorkMult * randomFloat(0.75,1.25)>>
<<elseif $mc.TeacherLevel gte 9>>
<<set $MultA = 1.15 * $WorkMult * randomFloat(0.75,1.25)>>
<<set $MultB = 0.88 * $WorkMult * randomFloat(0.75,1.25)>>
<<elseif $mc.TeacherLevel gte 8>>
<<set $MultA = 1.10 * $WorkMult * randomFloat(0.75,1.25)>>
<<set $MultB = 0.86 * $WorkMult * randomFloat(0.75,1.25)>>
<<elseif $mc.TeacherLevel gte 7>>
<<set $MultA = 1.05 * $WorkMult * randomFloat(0.75,1.25)>>
<<set $MultB = 0.84 * $WorkMult * randomFloat(0.75,1.25)>>
<<elseif $mc.TeacherLevel gte 6>>
<<set $MultA = 1 * $WorkMult * randomFloat(0.75,1.25)>>
<<set $MultB = 0.82 * $WorkMult * randomFloat(0.75,1.25)>>
<<elseif $mc.TeacherLevel gte 5>>
<<set $MultA = 0.95 * $WorkMult * randomFloat(0.75,1.25)>>
<<set $MultB = 0.8 * $WorkMult * randomFloat(0.75,1.25)>>
<<elseif $mc.TeacherLevel gte 4>>
<<set $MultA = 0.9 * $WorkMult * randomFloat(0.75,1.25)>>
<<set $MultB = 0.78 * $WorkMult * randomFloat(0.75,1.25)>>
<<elseif $mc.TeacherLevel gte 3>>
<<set $MultA = 0.85 * $WorkMult * randomFloat(0.75,1.25)>>
<<set $MultB = 0.76 * $WorkMult * randomFloat(0.75,1.25)>>
<<elseif $mc.TeacherLevel gte 2>>
<<set $MultA = 0.80 * $WorkMult * randomFloat(0.75,1.25)>>
<<set $MultB = 0.74 * $WorkMult * randomFloat(0.75,1.25)>>
<<elseif $mc.TeacherLevel gte 1>>
<<set $MultA = 0.75 * $WorkMult * randomFloat(0.75,1.25)>>
<<set $MultB = 0.72 * $WorkMult * randomFloat(0.75,1.25)>>
/* Algoritm Dlya obsheniya */
<<set $SmallTalk = 6+2*$mc.Charisma>>
<<set $LargeTalk = 14+3*$mc.Charisma>>
<<set $Flirt = 8+5*$mc.Charisma>>
/* Pizdec */
<<set $CharismaSummaA = $CharismaProgress + 1>>
<<set $CharismaSummaB = $mc.Charisma + 1>>
<<set $StrengthSummaA = $StrengthProgress + 1>>
<<set $StrengthSummaB = $mc.Strength + 1>>
<<set $IntellectSummaA = $IntellectProgress + 1>>
<<set $IntellectSummaB = $mc.Intellect + 1>>
<<set $BoldnessSummaA = $BoldnessProgress + 1>>
<<set $BoldnessSummaB = $mc.Boldness + 1>>
<<set $VirusSummaA = $VirusProgress + 1>>
<<set $VirusSummaB = $mc.Virus + 1>>
/* Pizdec s ikonkami */
<<if $mc.images is "0">>
<<set $mc.img = "img/avatars/a.jpg">>
<<set $mc.icon = "img/avatars/aS.jpeg">>
<<elseif $mc.images is "1">>
<<set $mc.img = "img/avatars/b.jpg">>
<<set $mc.icon = "img/avatars/bS.jpeg">>
<<elseif $mc.images is "2">>
<<set $mc.img = "img/avatars/c.jpg">>
<<set $mc.icon = "img/avatars/cS.jpg">>
<<elseif $mc.images is "3">>
<<set $mc.img = "img/avatars/d.jpg">>
<<set $mc.icon = "img/avatars/dS.jpg">>
/* Task system */
<<if $MoodTask is 1>>
<<if $SchoolMood gte $TaskObjective>>
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>
<<elseif $ObedienceTask is 1>>
<<if $SchoolObedience gte $TaskObjective>>
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>
<<elseif $GradesTask is 1>>
<<if $SchoolGrades gte $TaskObjective>>
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>
<<elseif $ExhibitionismTask is 1>>
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte $TaskObjective>>
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>
<<if $UiBarHistoryOn>>
document.getElementById("ui-bar-history").style.display = "block";
<<include "Telephone Screen">><<if $StartBonus is "1">>\
<<set $mc.Strength = 2>>\
<<elseif $StartBonus is "2">>\
<<set $mc.Intellect = 2>>\
<<elseif $StartBonus is "3">>\
<<set $mc.Charisma = 2>>\
<<elseif $StartBonus is "4">>\
<<set $mc.Boldness = 2>>\
<<set $mc.Charisma = 2>>\
<<say $Clara>>Great! $mc.Name, my name is Clara Scott, and I'm the Principal here. Next question: In your time at college, where did you graduate in your class?<</say>>
<<md>>The Principal? We'll see how long that lasts after the students find themselves to be more disciplined and with better grades. I'll turn this school around.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I graduated near the top of my class.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>That's wonderful to hear. It seems we're lucky to have such a driven individual. Last question: Do you have a preferred teaching method?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I prefer to see what sort of class I'm working with first. I'm sure the all-girl nature of the school will change things.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I am a supporter of strict discipline. I recommend that you get used to this frame of mind. Things are going to change around here as long as I have the right teachers behind me.<</say>>
<<md>>Before this is all over, that's one position I plan on having her in.<</md>>
<<dlg "dlg" 0 >>\
<<level 0>>\
<<line "Well, I can’t wait to get started">>
<<say $mc>>Well, I can’t wait to get started.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>You've been accepted as a teacher. Do not let me down.<</say>>
<<md>>There it is. The end of this grueling process. I hope to never sit through another interview again.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>We have a faculty meeting every Friday to talk about issues in the school and areas for improvement. These meetings are the faculty’s chance to bring up suggestions for improvements to our students’ education.<</say>>
<<md>>This is great news. I hope the rest of the teachers will be able to please me so that they'll more readily consider my ideas.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>This is all you need to know for now. I’ll notify you of any changes. If there is an emergency, feel free to contact me. Thank you for meeting with me and I wish you luck with your classes $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Clara. I'm happy to be a part of this team.<</say>>
[[Leave cabinet|Start3]]\
<style> body.street {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/StreetMorning.jpeg");
<<md>>I’m happy to have this new job. Clara seems a little bitchy, but a little manipulation and a good hard cock can sort that out.<</md>>
<<md>>It’s getting late, and that meeting took up more time than I thought it would. I should probably move into my new
<<if $Tutorial == 1>>\
[[Go home|Tutorial 3]]
[[Go home|Start4]]
<</if>>\<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(23)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<set $Angela.Meet = 1>>\
<<md>>I finally finished unloading the truck. Best unpack now so I’m not living out of boxes. I should try to stay as
quiet as possible though. My new roommate might not like me unpacking this late. God, I hope she’s
not too fat.<</md>>
<<dlg "dlg" 0>>\
<<level 0>>\
<<line "Time to start unpacking">>\
<<say $Angela>>You must be the new roommate. I’m Angela! I hope we’ll become fast friends.<</say>>
[img[img/Angela/My room.jpg]]
<div id="message-placeholder"></div>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Angela", "moments", "Image1", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<md>>I didn’t even notice her entering my room. I was too busy unpacking my belongings. How long has she been standing there?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hi Angela, I’m $mc.Name. I hope I didn’t disturb you.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>No, I stayed up since I knew you would be coming in late. I’ll leave you to your unpacking. You must be tired from all the travelling. Sleep well.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You too!<</say>>
<<md>>Fuck! She is smoking hot. This move has really gotten off to a good start. For once in my life I've run into some luck.<</md>>
[[It's time to sleep|Start5]]
<<set $Angela.unlockedgallery to true>>\
<<set $Angela.moments[0].unlocked to true>>\
<<md>>In all the excitement of getting a new job, meeting my smoking hot boss and roommate, and exploring a new city, I lay in bed thinking of everything that has yet to come. Thoughts of Angela and Carla bouncing on my cock begging to cum, followed by thoughts of countless students begging for a higher grade or wanting to further understand my latest biology lesson.<</md>>
<<md>>Rolling over and closing my eyes, I finally drift off to dream of a school full of horny schoolgirls.<</md>>
<<link "Sleep">><<goto "Start6">><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "My stats">><<goto "My stats">><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Characters">><<goto "Che">><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Achievements">><<goto "Achievements">><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Credits">><<goto "Credits">><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Gallery" >><<goto "GalleryMain2">><<check_all_achievements>>
<</link>><div class="blowjob">\
<div>Everything I keep in pants pockets.</div>\
<div class="pockets">\
<<inventory $Inventory>>\
$(document).ready(function () {
var arr = State.variables.Inventory.filter(e => e.Status == "on");
if (arr.length != 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
$('#' + arr[i].Place).attr({
'data-id': arr[i].Name,
'data-place': arr[i].Place
}).append('<img src="' + arr[i].Img + '"><div class="previw-inv-on"><span class="i-title">' + arr[i].Title + ': </span><span class="description">' + arr[i].Description + '</span></div>');
$('.use-it').click(function () {
var id = $(this).attr('id'), canUse = true;
var arr = State.variables.Inventory.find(e => e.Name == id).Changes.length > 0 ? State.variables.Inventory.find(e => e.Name == id).Changes : [];
if (arr.length != 0) {
var item = State.variables.Inventory.find(e=>e.Name == id);
if(item.CanUse !== undefined){
item.CanUse = false;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var v = arr[i].Value;
if(arr[i].Name == "DrunkLvl"){
if(State.variables.DrunkLvl == 0){
State.variables.DrunkLvl +=1; +=1; +=1;
if ([id] !== undefined) {[id] -= 1;
} else {
State.variables[id] -= 1;
else {
if (State.variables.DrunkLvl == 1){
State.variables.DrunkLvl +=1; +=1; -=2; -=1;
if ([id] !== undefined) {[id] -= 1;
} else {
State.variables[id] -= 1;
} else{
if(State.variables.DrunkLvl == 2){
State.variables.DrunkLvl +=1; -=3; -=1;
if ([id] !== undefined) {[id] -= 1;
} else {
State.variables[id] -= 1;
if (arr[i].Value.indexOf('-') == 0) {
v = v.replace('-', '');
if([arr[i].Name] !== undefined){[arr[i].Name] -= parseInt(v, 10);
State.variables[arr[i].Name] -= parseInt(v, 10);
} else {
v = v.replace('-', '');
if([arr[i].Name] !== undefined){[arr[i].Name] += parseInt(v, 10);
State.variables[arr[i].Name] += parseInt(v, 10);
// $('#'+arr[i].Name).text([arr[i].Name]);
if ([id] !== undefined) {[id] -= 1;
} else {
State.variables[id] -= 1;
State.variables.Inventory.find(e => e.Name == id).Status = "on";;
$('.put-on').click(function () {
var id = $(this).attr('id'),
checkAttr = $('#' + id).attr('place'),
checkPos = $('#' + checkAttr).attr('data-id'),
arrCheckPos = [];
if (typeof (checkPos) !== 'undefined' && id !== checkPos) {
arrCheckPos = State.variables.Inventory.find(e => e.Name == checkPos).Changes;
State.variables.Inventory.find(e => e.Name == checkPos).Status = "off";
var currSet = State.variables.Inventory.find(e => e.Name == checkPos).GroupSet,
currSetArr = [],
setCount = 0;
if (typeof (currSet) !== 'undefined') {
currSetArr = State.variables.Inventory.filter(e => e.GroupSet == currSet && e.Status == "on");
setCount = State.variables.Inventory.filter(e => e.GroupSet == currSet);
var bonusSet = State.variables.BonusSet.find(e => e.Name == currSet);
if (setCount.length != currSetArr.length && bonusSet.Status) {
bonusSet.Status = false;
if (typeof ([checkPos]) !== 'undefined') {[checkPos] += 1;
} else {
State.variables[checkPos] += 1;
if (arrCheckPos.length != 0) {
//State.variables.Inventory.find(e=>e.Name==id).Status = "on";
for (var i = 0; i < arrCheckPos.length; i++) {
var v = arrCheckPos[i].Value;
if (arrCheckPos[i].Value.indexOf('-') == 0) {
v = v.replace('-', '');[arrCheckPos[i].Name] += parseInt(v, 10);
} else {
v = v.replace('-', '');[arrCheckPos[i].Name] -= parseInt(v, 10);
var arr = State.variables.Inventory.find(e => e.Name == id).Changes.length > 0 ? State.variables.Inventory.find(e => e.Name == id).Changes : [];
if (typeof ([id]) !== 'undefined') {[id] -= 1;
} else {
State.variables[id] -= 1;
State.variables.Inventory.find(e => e.Name == id).Status = "on";
if (arr.length != 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var v = arr[i].Value;
if (arr[i].Value.indexOf('-') == 0) {
v = v.replace('-', '');[arr[i].Name] -= parseInt(v, 10);
} else {
//v=v.replace('-','');[arr[i].Name] += parseInt(v, 10);
currSet = State.variables.Inventory.find(e => e.Name == id).GroupSet,
currSetArr = [],
setCount = 0;
if (typeof (currSet) !== 'undefined') {
currSetArr = State.variables.Inventory.filter(e => e.GroupSet == currSet && e.Status == "on");
setCount = State.variables.Inventory.filter(e => e.GroupSet == currSet);
bonusSet = State.variables.BonusSet.find(e => e.Name == currSet);
if (setCount.length == currSetArr.length && !bonusSet.Status) {
bonusSet.Status = true;//State.variables.BonusSet.find(e => e.Name == currSet);
$('.put-off').click(function () {
if (typeof ($(this).attr('data-id')) !== 'undefined') {
var id = $(this).attr('data-id'),
arr = State.variables.Inventory.find(e => e.Name == id).Changes.length > 0 ? State.variables.Inventory.find(e => e.Name == id).Changes : [];
if (typeof ([id]) !== 'undefined') {[id] += 1;
} else {
State.variables[id] += 1;
if (arr.length != 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var v = arr[i].Value;
if (arr[i].Value.indexOf('-') == 0) {
v = v.replace('-', '');[arr[i].Name] += parseInt(v, 10);
} else {
v = v.replace('-', '');[arr[i].Name] -= parseInt(v, 10);
State.variables.Inventory.find(e => e.Name == id).Status = "off";
var currSet = State.variables.Inventory.find(e => e.Name == id).GroupSet,
currSetArr = [],
setCount = 0;
if (typeof (currSet) !== 'undefined') {
currSetArr = State.variables.Inventory.filter(e => e.GroupSet == currSet && e.Status == "on");
setCount = State.variables.Inventory.filter(e => e.GroupSet == currSet);
var bonusSet = State.variables.BonusSet.find(e => e.Name == currSet);
if (setCount.length != currSetArr.length && bonusSet.Status) {
bonusSet.Status = false;
function bonusSetDown(bonusSet) {
if (bonusSet.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < bonusSet.length; i++) {
var v = bonusSet[i].Value;
if (bonusSet[i].Value.indexOf('-') == 0) {
v = v.replace('-', '');[bonusSet[i].Name] += parseInt(v, 10);
} else {[bonusSet[i].Name] -= parseInt(v, 10);
function bonusSetUp(bonusSet) {
if (bonusSet.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < bonusSet.length; i++) {
var v = bonusSet[i].Value;
if (bonusSet[i].Value.indexOf('-') == 0) {
v = v.replace('-', '');[bonusSet[i].Name] -= parseInt(v, 10);
} else {[bonusSet[i].Name] += parseInt(v, 10);
<</script>><<set $currentPassage to passage()>>
<<set $vipEmmaActive = 1>>
<<set $CharlieActivated to true>>
/*Patreon reminder*/
<<set $patreonReminder = 3>>
<<set $dreamCounter = 1>>
/*Info share*/
<<set $SharedInfo = 0>>
<<set $WhoremailActivated = 0>>
<<set $LexiMailUsual = 0>>
<<set $MailDaysLeft = 0>>
<<set $FionaEmail1 = 0>>\
<<set $SummerLikes1 = 0>>\
<<set _dailyResetVars to []>>
<<set $BookShoppingVisited to false>>
/*Phone bough*/
<<set $phoneClara = 0>>
<<set $phoneJohan = 0>>
<<set $phoneJohanFailed = 0>>
<<set $ClientsPhotoActivated to false>>
/*BuildingUpdates */
<<set $BuildingUpdatesVisited = false>>
<<set $SlutGramActivated = 0>>
<<set $lexiQuestCompleted = 0>>
<<set $FckrActivated = 0>>
<<set $FirstGram = 0>>\
<<set $emails = 0>>\
<<set $post1 = 0>>\
<<set $currentEmail = 1.18>>\
<<set $currentCategory = 1.18>>\
/* QuickStart Attributes */
<<set $RandomAttributes = 0>>
/* Prologue quest */
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 0>>
<<set $Prologue1T = 0>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1Failed = 0>>
/*Food-drink attributes */
<<set $Feed = 100>>\
<<set $Fat = 0>>\
<<set $Attractiveness = 0>>\
<<set $SchoolReputation = 0>>\
<<set $Monohamic = 0>>\
<<set $Polyhamic = 0>>\
/* School director attributes */
<<set $variable to 0>>
<<set $popularity to 0>>
<<set $popularitynew to 0>>
<<set $influence to 0>>
<<set $influencenew to 0>>
<<set $innovation to 0>>
<<set $innovationnew to 0>>
<<set $horny to 0>>
<<set $hornynew to 0>>
<<set $schoolmoney to 0>>
<<set $SpiritDayBegin = 0>>\
<<set $SpiritDayClara = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraSchoolWork = 0>>
<<set $ClaraStaff = 0>>
<<set $ClaraClubSteal = 0>>
<<set $ClubAvailable = 0>>\
<<set $GeekClub = 0>>
<<set $VegetarianClub = 0>>
<<set $AuthorClub = 0>>
<<set $MathClub = 0>>
<<set $BookClub = 0>>
<<set $CameraSchoolUpgrade = 0>>
<<set $BrokenGlassDaysLeft = 0>>
<<set $LexiReportDaysLeft = 0>>`
<<set $LexiReport = 0>>
<<set $DirectorEmails = 1>>
<<set $DirectorEmailsRead = 0>>
<<set $DirectorNews = 0>>
<<set $DirectorNews1 = 1>>
<<set $DirectorReports = 1>>
<<set $DirectorOtherSchools = 1>>
<<set $DirectorPath = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorLindaMeet = 1>>\
<<set $DirectorClaraMeet = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorSophiaMeet = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorLucyMeet = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorFionaMeet = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorMonicaMeet = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorLexiMeet = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorVeronicaMeet = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorMrsRocksMeet = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorEllieMeet = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorSponsorMeet = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorSponsorTask = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorLindaFirstSchedule = 0>>\
<<set $SponsorFirstMeet = 0>>\
/* Angela's quests */
<<set $MCKnowAngela = 0>>
<<set $MoneyHelp = 0>>
<<set $BustyDinner = 0>>
<<set $FirstDress = 0>>
<<set $FirstDressB = 0>>
<<set $FirstDressC = 0>>
<<set $SaturdayMovie = 0>>
<<set $AngelaCorruption = 0>>
<<set $AngelaWorkWithClothes = 0>>
<<set $AngelaShoot = 0>>
<<set $BoyfriendKnow = 0>>
<<set $AngelaPearl = 0>>
<<set $AngelaAskNumber = 0>>
<<set $AngelaAskBirthday = 0>>
<<set $AngelaFavBook = 0>>
<<set $AngelaDateAgree = 0>>
<<set $AngelaArouse = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaHugPerDay = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaKissPerDay = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaStealPhoto = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaPhotoRed = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaPhotoGrey = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaPhotoNature = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaNewWork = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaNewWorkPills = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaLingerie = 0>>\
<<set $make_up_coffee = 0>>\
<<set $punish1 = 0>>\
<<set $AskForPC = 0>>
<<set $MallVisit = 0>>
<<set $BrothelVisited = 0>>
/* Clara's quests */
<<set $MCKnowClara = 0>>
<<set $ClaraFirstMeet = 0>>
<<set $ClaraSecondMeet = 0>>
<<set $Clara1Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara2Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara3Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara4Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara5Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara6Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara7Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara8Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara9Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara10Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara11Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara12Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara13Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara14Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara15Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara16Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara17Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara18Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara19Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara20Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara21Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara22Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara23Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara24Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara25Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara26Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara27Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara28Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara29Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara30Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara31Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara32Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraPhoto = -1>>\
<<set $ClaraPhotoRed = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraPhotoGrey = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraPhotoNature = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraM1Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM1TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM2Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM2TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM3Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM3TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM4Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM4TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM5Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM5TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM6Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM6TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM7TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM8TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM9TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM10TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM11TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM12TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM13TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM14TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM15TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM16TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM17TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM18TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM19TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM20TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM7Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM8Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM9Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM10Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM11Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM12Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM13Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM14Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM15Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM16Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM17Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM18Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM19Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM20Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraHomeVideoLaptop = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraHomeVideoCabinet = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraHomeVideoTable = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraHomeAvailablePipes = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraHomeFixedPipes = 0>>\
/* Lucy's quests */
<<set $GymTimes = 0>>
<<set $GymVisit = 0>>
<<set $LucyKnown = 0>>
<<set $LucyHomeKnown = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest1 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest2 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest3 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest4 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest5 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest6 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest7 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest8 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest9 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest10 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest11 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest12 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest13 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest14 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest15 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest16 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest17 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest18 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest19 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest20 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest1T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest2T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest3T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest4T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest5T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest6T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest7T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest8T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest9T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest10T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest11T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest12T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest13T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest14T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest15T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest16T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest17T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest18T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest19T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest20T = 0>>
<<set $LucyPhoto = -1>>\
<<set $LucyPhotoRed = 0>>\
<<set $LucyPhotoGrey = 0>>\
<<set $LucyPhotoNature = 0>>\
/* Sophia quests */
<<set $SophiaFirstMeet = 0>>\
<<set $SophiaFirstQuest = 0>>\
<<set $Sophia1Quest = 0>>\
<<set $Sophia2Quest = 0>>\
<<set $Sophia3Quest = 0>>\
<<set $Sophia4Quest = 0>>\
<<set $Sophia5Quest = 0>>\
<<set $Sophia1T = 0>>\
<<set $MCKnowSchoolgirls = 0>>
/* Lexi's quests */
<<set $McKnowLexiHome = 0>>
<<set $McKnowLexiHomeYork = 0>>
<<set $Lexi1 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi2 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi3 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi4 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi5 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi6 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi7 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi8 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi9 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi10 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi11 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi12 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi13 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi14 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi15 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi16 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi17 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi18 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi19 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi20 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi1T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi2T = 1>>
<<set $Lexi3T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi4T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi5T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi6T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi7T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi8T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi9T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi10T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi11T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi12T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi13T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi14T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi15T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi16T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi17T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi18T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi19T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi20T = 0>>
<<set $LexiAskNumber = 0>>
<<set $LexiAskBirthday = 0>>
<<set $LexiFavBook = 0>>
<<set $LexiCleaningDone = 1>>
<<set $LexiCookingDone = 1>>
<<set $LexiSexyCloth = 0>>
<<set $LexiArouse = 0>>\
<<set $LexiHugPerDay = 0>>\
<<set $LexiKissPerDay = 0>>\
<<set $LexiWatchPorn = 0>>\
<<set $LexiLingerie = 0>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = -1>>\
<<set $LexiPhotoRed = 0>>\
<<set $LexiPhotoGrey = 0>>\
<<set $LexiPhotoNature = 0>>\
/* Monica's quests */
<<set $MonicaRegularGeneral = 0>>
<<set $MonicaRegularIndividual = 0>>
<<set $MonicaPrivateTutoring = 0>>
<<set $MonicaExhibitionistic = 0>>
<<set $MonicaMeet = 0>>
<<set $BookQuest = 0>>
<<set $BookQuestTalked = 0>>
<<set $BookFound = 0>>
<<set $BooksForMonica = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2T = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3T = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader4 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader4T = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader5 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader5T = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader6 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader7 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader9 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader10 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleaderPharmacy = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleaderCaptain1 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleaderCritisized1 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleaderLifeguard = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleaderHasChocolate is false>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleaderBookOrdered is false>>
<<set $MonicaCleaningDone = 1>>
<<set $MonicaCookingDone = 1>>
<<set $MonicaSexyCloth = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaSubway1 = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaUniform = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaKitchenSex = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaBlackBible = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = -1>>\
<<set $MonicaPhotoRed = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaPhotoGrey = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaPhotoNature = 0>>\
/* Helen's quests */
<<set $HelenQuest1 = 0>>
<<set $HelenQuest2 = 0>>
<<set $HelenQuest3 = 0>>
<<set $HelenQuest4 = 0>>
<<set $HelenQuest5 = 0>>
<<set $HelenQuest6 = 0>>
<<set $HelenQuest7 = 0>>
<<set $HelenQuest8 = 0>>
<<set $HelenQuest9 = 0>>
<<set $HelenQuest10 = 0>>
<<set $HelenHelp = false>>
/* James quests */
<<set $JamesHelp = false>>
<<set $JamesQuest1 = 0>>
/* Autumn quests */
<<set $SchoolDormitoryGates = 0>>
<<set $AutumnMeet = 0>>
<<set $Autumn1Whisky = 0>>
<<set $Autumn2Whisky = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader1 = 0>>
<<set $AutumnT = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader3 = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader4 = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader5 = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader6 = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader7 = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader8 = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader9 = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader10 = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderSave = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderPunish = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderCheckroom = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderCheckroomLeft = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderCheckroomCenter = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderCheckroomRight = 0>>
<<set $AutumnMonicaCheerleader1 = 0>>
/* Veronica's quests */
<<set $VeronicaStroll = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaWeed = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaWeedMeet = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaCleaningDone = 1>>
<<set $VeronicaCookingDone = 1>>
<<set $VeronicaSexyCloth = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = -1>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhotoRed = 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhotoGrey = 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhotoNature = 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaLingerie = 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest1 = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest2 = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest3 = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest4 = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest5 = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest1T = 0>>
/* Bella's quests */
<<set $Bella1Q = 0>>
<<set $Bella1QT = 0>>
<<set $Bella2Q = 0>>
<<set $Bella2QT = 0>>
<<set $Bella2Q = 0>>
<<set $Bella3QT = 0>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocation = 0>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocationToilet = 0>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocationSurgery = 0>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocationWards = 0>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocationConsultation = 0>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocationDone = 0>>
/* Amber's quests */
<<set $Amber0Q = 0>>
<<set $Amber1Q = 0>>
<<set $Amber1QT = 0>>
<<set $Amber2Q = 0>>
<<set $Amber2QT = 0>>
<<set $Amber3Q = 0>>
<<set $Amber3QT = 0>>
/* SGInvite */
<<set $SGInvitePrologue = 0>>
/* Mc quests */
<<set $FirstClass = 0>>
<<set $PunishTalk = 0>>
/*Grades Quests */
<<set $Fiona1Q = 0>>
<<set $Fiona1QT = 0>>
<<set $Fiona2Q = 0>>
<<set $Fiona2QT = 0>>
<<set $Fiona3Q = 0>>
<<set $Fiona3QT = 0>>
<<set $Fiona4Q = 0>>
<<set $Fiona4QT = 0>>
<<set $Fiona5Q = 0>>
<<set $Fiona5QT = 0>>
<<set $Fiona6Q = 0>>
<<set $Fiona6QT = 0>>
<<set $Fiona7Q = 0>>
<<set $Fiona7QT = 0>>
<<set $Fiona8Q = 0>>
<<set $Fiona8QT = 0>>
<<set $Naomi1Q = 0>>
<<set $Naomi1QT = 0>>
<<set $Naomi2Q = 0>>
<<set $Naomi2QT = 0>>
<<set $Naomi3Q = 0>>
<<set $Naomi3QT = 0>>
<<set $Naomi4Q = 0>>
<<set $Naomi4QT = 0>>
<<set $Naomi5Q = 0>>
<<set $Naomi5QT = 0>>
<<set $Naomi6Q = 0>>
<<set $Naomi6QT = 0>>
<<set $NaomiPhoto = -1>>\
<<set $NaomiPhotoRed = 0>>\
<<set $NaomiPhotoGrey = 0>>\
<<set $NaomiPhotoNature = 0>>\
<<set $Jane1Q = 0>>
<<set $Jane1QT = 0>>
<<set $Jane2Q = 0>>
<<set $Jane2QT = 0>>
<<set $Jane3Q = 0>>
<<set $Jane3QT = 0>>
<<set $Jane4Q = 0>>
<<set $Jane4QT = 0>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 0>>
<<set $Jane5QT = 0>>
<<set $Jane6Q = 0>>
<<set $Jane6QT = 0>>
<<set $Jane7Q = 0>>
<<set $Jane7QT = 0>>
<<set $Jane8Q = 0>>
<<set $Jane8QT = 0>>
<<set $Jane9Q = 0>>
<<set $Jane9QT = 0>>
<<set $Jane10Q = 0>>
<<set $Jane10QT = 0>>
<<set $Olivia1Q = 0>>
<<set $Olivia1QT = 0>>
<<set $OLivia2Q = 0>>
<<set $OLivia3Q = 0>>
<<set $OLivia4Q = 0>>
<<set $OLivia5Q = 0>>
<<set $OLivia6Q = 0>>
<<set $OLivia7Q = 0>>
<<set $OLivia8Q = 0>>
<<set $OLivia9Q = 0>>
<<set $OLivia10Q = 0>>
<<set $Susan1Q = 0>>
<<set $AngelaWatchFilms = 0>>
<<set $AngelaTVBroke = 0>>
<<set $AngelaСan = 0>>
<<set $AngelaFurniture = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaDinnerYes = 0>>\
<<set $SeaRelax = 0>>\
<<set $SportfieldRun = 0>>\
<<set $MoviePorn = 0>>
<<set $Refusals = 0>>
<<set $CafeTrouble = 0>>
<<set $ShowerPerDay = 0>>\
<<set $SmokingSF = 0>>
<<set $SmokingDealer = 0>>
<<set $SmokingStudent = 0>>
<<set $SeaShortsOff = 0>>
<<set $SeaShortsOn = 0>>
<<set $SeaSneackersOff = 0>>
<<set $SeaSneackersOn = 0>>
<<set $SeaGlassesOff = 0>>
<<set $SeaGlassesOn = 0>>
<<set $SeaDive = 0>>
<<set $Pants2Lucy = 0>>
<<set $SubSmoking = 0>>
<<set $CoffeeHurt = 0>>
<<set $CoffeeHurtNurse1 = 0>>
<<set $PoliceQ1 = 0>>
<<set $PoliceQ1 = 0>>
<<set $HospitalNurseMeet = 0>>
<<set $HospitalAdminMeet = 0>>
<<set $ChristmasOn = 0>>
<<set $ChristmasHomeless = 0>>
<<set $ChristmasDecoration = 0>>
<<set $ChristmasDecorationLucy = 0>>
<<set $ChristmasDecorationSophia = 0>>
<<set $ChristmasTalentCompetition = 0>>
<<set $ChristmasChoiceAdviceLinda = 0>>
<<set $ChristmasChoiceAdviceClara = 0>>
<<set $ChristmasTalentWinnerMonica = 0>>
<<set $ChristmasTalentWinnerVeronica = 0>>
<<set $ChristmasTalentWinnerLexi = 0>>
<<set $ChristmasTalentWinnerFiona = 0>>
<<set $ChristmasConcert = 0>>
<<set $ChristmasGiftClara = 0>>
<<set $ChristmasGiftMonica = 0>>
<<set $ChristmasGiftLinda = 0>>
<<set $ChristmasGiftFiona = 0>>
<<set $ChristmasGiftLexi = 0>>
<<set $ChristmasGiftVeronica = 0>>
<<set $ClubGirlsFuckQuest = 0>>
<<set $BeachMeditationFuck = 0>>
<<set $BeachMeditation = 0>>
<<set $McPrinciple = 0>>
<<set $Tutorial = 0>>
<<set $TutorialGirl = 0>>
<<set $TutorialOn = 0>>
<<set $WCAsked = 0>>
<<set $LindaAsked = 0>>
<<set $LibraryOpen = 0>>
<<set $TraceyQuest = 0>>\
<<set $CocoQuest = 0>>\
<<set $BarRoom = 0>>\
<<set $MovieClass = 0>>\
<<set $MelodyQuest = 0>>
<<set $CameraLucy = 0>>\
<<set $CameraMonica = 0>>\
<<set $CameraLexi = 0>>\
<<set $CameraClara = 0>>\
<<set $RadioBugLexi = 0>>
<<set $RadioBugLucy = 0>>
<<set $RadioBugClara = 0>>
<<set $RadioBugMonica = 0>>
<<set $RadioBugGet = 0>>
<<set $RadioBugPolice = 0>>
<<set $RadioFirst = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaLingerie = 0>>
<<set $BaseballActivate = 0>>
<<set $BaseballCount = 0>>
<<set $BaseballRose = 0>>
<<set $JerryFootball = 0>>
<<set $JerryBaseball = 0>>
<<set $Jerry1QT = 0>>\
<<set $JerryDick = 0>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchPerDay = 0>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to false>>\
<<set $QuestNextWeek = 0>>\
<<set $FoodKnown = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraFoodRight = 0>>\
<<set $LexiFoodRight = 0>>\
<<set $FoodPreparePerDay = 0>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchLocation = 0>>\
<<set $PhotoSelectedLexi = 0>>\
<<set $PhotoSelectedClara = 0>>\
<<set $LindaClaraPath1Q = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest1 = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest1T = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest2 = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest2T = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3 = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3T = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest4 = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest4T = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest5 = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest5T = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest6 = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest6T = 0>>\
<<set $LindaDress = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest1 = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest1T = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest2 = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest2T = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3 = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest4 = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest4T = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest5 = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest5T = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest6 = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest6T = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraNewWork = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraMichaelProblem = 0>>\
<<set $DormSex1 = 0>>\
<<set $StudioRoseWorkBegin = 0>>\
<<set $StudioRoseWorkDay = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithLexi = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithVeronica = 0>>\
<<set $Livewithschoolgirl = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithLexiSexPerDay = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithLexiStayAtHome = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithLexiGoNotHome = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithVeronicaBegin = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithVeronicaCloset = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithVeronicaShowerLeave = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithVeronicaParty = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithMonica = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithMonicaSexPerDay = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithMonicaStayAtHome = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithMonicaGoNotHome = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithMonicaBegin = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballStudy = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballDribble = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballDribbleKnown = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballCrossover = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballCrossoverKnown = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballOverTheHead = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballOverTheHeadKnown = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballFarThrow = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballFarThrowKnown = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballFakeMoves = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballFakeMovesKnown = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballAggresivePlay = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballAggresivePlayKnown = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballProHop = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballProHopKnown = 0>>\
<<set $EmmaTraining = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaYogaPark = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaYogaParkSpecial = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaYogaParkSpecialMeditation = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaYogaParkSpecialStay = 0>>\
<<set $KioskEventNight = 0>>\
<<set $AriaCoffeEvent = 0>>\
<<set $AriaBusEvent= 0>>\
<<set $BusEventGoth = 0>>\
<<set $BusEventCoffee = 0>>\
<<set $BusEventDee = 0>>\
<<set $BusEventSchoolgirlBlow = 0>>\
<<set $LilyQuest = 0>>\
/*School control variables*/
<<set $EllieBreakdown = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaChocolateGiven = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaWhiskeyGiven = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaPresentChocolateEvent = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaPresentChocolateWhiskeyEvent = 0>>\
<<set $SiriusDanceGirl = 0>>\/* QuickStart Attributes */
<<set $RandomAttributes = 0>>
/* School director attributes */
<<set $variable to 0>>
<<set $popularity to 0>>
<<set $popularitynew to 0>>
<<set $influence to 0>>
<<set $influencenew to 0>>
<<set $innovation to 0>>
<<set $innovationnew to 0>>
<<set $horny to 0>>
<<set $hornynew to 0>>
<<set $schoolmoney to 0>>
<<set $SpiritDayBegin = 0>>\
<<set $SpiritDayClara = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraSchoolWork = 0>>
<<set $ClaraStaff = 0>>
<<set $ClaraClubSteal = 0>>
<<set $ClubAvailable = 0>>\
<<set $GeekClub = 0>>
<<set $VegetarianClub = 0>>
<<set $AuthorClub = 0>>
<<set $MathClub = 0>>
<<set $BookClub = 0>>
<<set $CameraSchoolUpgrade = 0>>
<<set $BrokenGlassDaysLeft = 0>>
<<set $LexiReportDaysLeft = 0>>
<<set $LexiReport = 0>>
<<set $DirectorEmails = 1>>
<<set $DirectorEmailsRead = 0>>
<<set $DirectorNews = 0>>
<<set $DirectorNews1 = 1>>
<<set $DirectorReports = 1>>
<<set $DirectorOtherSchools = 1>>
<<set $DirectorPath = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorLindaMeet = 1>>\
<<set $DirectorClaraMeet = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorSophiaMeet = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorLucyMeet = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorFionaMeet = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorMonicaMeet = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorLexiMeet = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorVeronicaMeet = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorMrsRocksMeet = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorEllieMeet = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorSponsorMeet = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorSponsorTask = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorLindaFirstSchedule = 0>>\
<<set $SponsorFirstMeet = 0>>\
/* Angela's quests */
<<set $MCKnowAngela = 0>>
<<set $MoneyHelp = 0>>
<<set $BustyDinner = 0>>
<<set $FirstDress = 0>>
<<set $FirstDressB = 0>>
<<set $FirstDressC = 0>>
<<set $SaturdayMovie = 0>>
<<set $AngelaCorruption = 0>>
<<set $AngelaShoot = 0>>
<<set $BoyfriendKnow = 0>>
<<set $AngelaPearl = 0>>
<<set $AngelaAskNumber = 0>>
<<set $AngelaAskBirthday = 0>>
<<set $AngelaFavBook = 0>>
<<set $AngelaDateAgree = 0>>
<<set $AngelaArouse = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaHugPerDay = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaKissPerDay = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaStealPhoto = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaPhotoRed = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaPhotoGrey = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaPhotoNature = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaNewWork = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaNewWorkPills = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaLingerie = 0>>\
<<set $make_up_coffee = 0>>\
/*Lexi`s quests*/
<<set $AskForPC = 0>>
<<set $MallVisit = 0>>
/* Clara's quests */
<<set $MCKnowClara = 0>>
<<set $ClaraFirstMeet = 0>>
<<set $ClaraSecondMeet = 0>>
<<set $Clara1Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara2Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara3Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara4Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara5Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara6Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara7Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara8Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara9Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara10Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara11Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara12Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara13Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara14Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara15Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara16Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara17Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara18Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara19Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara20Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara21Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara22Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara23Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara24Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara25Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara26Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara27Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara28Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara29Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara30Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara31Quest = 0>>
<<set $Clara32Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraPhoto = -1>>\
<<set $ClaraPhotoRed = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraPhotoGrey = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraPhotoNature = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraM1Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM1TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM2Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM2TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM3Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM3TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM4Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM4TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM5Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM5TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM6Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM6TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM7TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM8TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM9TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM10TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM11TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM12TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM13TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM14TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM15TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM16TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM17TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM18TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM19TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM20TQuest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM7Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM8Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM9Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM10Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM11Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM12Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM13Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM14Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM15Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM16Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM17Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM18Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM19Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraM20Quest = 0>>
<<set $ClaraHomeVideoLaptop = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraHomeVideoCabinet = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraHomeVideoTable = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraHomeAvailablePipes = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraHomeFixedPipes = 0>>\
/* Lucy's quests */
<<set $GymTimes = 0>>
<<set $GymVisit = 0>>
<<set $LucyKnown = 0>>
<<set $LucyHomeKnown = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest1 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest2 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest3 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest4 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest5 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest6 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest7 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest8 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest9 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest10 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest11 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest12 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest13 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest14 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest15 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest16 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest17 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest18 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest19 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest20 = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest1T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest2T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest3T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest4T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest5T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest6T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest7T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest8T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest9T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest10T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest11T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest12T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest13T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest14T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest15T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest16T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest17T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest18T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest19T = 0>>
<<set $LucyQuest20T = 0>>
<<set $LucyPhoto = -1>>\
<<set $LucyPhotoRed = 0>>\
<<set $LucyPhotoGrey = 0>>\
<<set $LucyPhotoNature = 0>>\
/* Sophia quests */
<<set $SophiaFirstMeet = 0>>\
<<set $SophiaFirstQuest = 0>>\
<<set $Sophia1Quest = 0>>\
<<set $Sophia2Quest = 0>>\
<<set $Sophia3Quest = 0>>\
<<set $Sophia4Quest = 0>>\
<<set $Sophia5Quest = 0>>\
<<set $MCKnowSchoolgirls = 0>>
/* Lexi's quests */
<<set $McKnowLexiHome = 0>>
<<set $McKnowLexiHomeYork = 0>>
<<set $Lexi1 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi2 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi3 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi4 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi5 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi6 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi7 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi8 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi9 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi10 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi11 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi12 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi13 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi14 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi15 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi16 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi17 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi18 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi19 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi20 = 0>>
<<set $Lexi1T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi2T = 1>>
<<set $Lexi3T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi4T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi5T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi6T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi7T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi8T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi9T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi10T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi11T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi12T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi13T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi14T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi15T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi16T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi17T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi18T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi19T = 0>>
<<set $Lexi20T = 0>>
<<set $LexiAskNumber = 0>>
<<set $LexiAskBirthday = 0>>
<<set $LexiFavBook = 0>>
<<set $LexiCleaningDone = 1>>
<<set $LexiCookingDone = 1>>
<<set $LexiSexyCloth = 0>>
<<set $LexiArouse = 0>>\
<<set $LexiHugPerDay = 0>>\
<<set $LexiKissPerDay = 0>>\
<<set $LexiWatchPorn = 0>>\
<<set $LexiLingerie = 0>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = -1>>\
<<set $LexiPhotoRed = 0>>\
<<set $LexiPhotoGrey = 0>>\
<<set $LexiPhotoNature = 0>>\
/* Monica's quests */
<<set $MonicaMeet = 0>>
<<set $BookQuest = 0>>
<<set $BookQuestTalked = 0>>
<<set $BookFound = 0>>
<<set $BooksForMonica = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2T = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3T = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader4 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader4T = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader5 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader5T = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader6 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader7 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader9 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader10 = 0>>
<<set $MonicaCleaningDone = 1>>
<<set $MonicaCookingDone = 1>>
<<set $MonicaSexyCloth = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaSubway1 = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaUniform = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaKitchenSex = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaBlackBible = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = -1>>\
<<set $MonicaPhotoRed = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaPhotoGrey = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaPhotoNature = 0>>\
/* Autumn quests */
<<set $SchoolDormitoryGates = 0>>
<<set $AutumnMeet = 0>>
<<set $Autumn1Whisky = 0>>
<<set $Autumn2Whisky = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader1 = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader3 = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader4 = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader5 = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader6 = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader7 = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader8 = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader9 = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader10 = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderSave = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderPunish = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderCheckroom = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderCheckroomLeft = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderCheckroomCenter = 0>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderCheckroomRight = 0>>
/* Veronica's quests */
<<set $VeronicaStroll = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaWeed = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaWeedMeet = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaCleaningDone = 1>>
<<set $VeronicaCookingDone = 1>>
<<set $VeronicaSexyCloth = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = -1>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhotoRed = 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhotoGrey = 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhotoNature = 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaLingerie = 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest1 = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest2 = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest3 = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest4 = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest5 = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest1T = 0>>
/* Nora's quests */
<<set $NoraQuest1 = 0>>
<<set $NoraQuest2 = 0>>
<<set $NoraQuest3 = 0>>
<<set $NoraQuest4 = 0>>
<<set $NoraQuest5 = 0>>
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 0>>
/* Ruby's quests */
<<set $RubyQuest1 = 0>>
<<set $RubyQuest2 = 0>>
<<set $RubyQuest3 = 0>>
<<set $RubyQuest4 = 0>>
<<set $RubyQuest5 = 0>>
<<set $RubyQuest1T = 0>>
/* Bella's quests */
<<set $Bella1Q = 0>>
<<set $Bella1QT = 0>>
<<set $Bella2Q = 0>>
<<set $Bella2QT = 0>>
<<set $Bella2Q = 0>>
<<set $Bella3QT = 0>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocation = 0>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocationToilet = 0>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocationSurgery = 0>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocationWards = 0>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocationConsultation = 0>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocationDone = 0>>
/* Amber's quests */
<<set $Amber0Q = 0>>
<<set $Amber1Q = 0>>
<<set $Amber1QT = 0>>
<<set $Amber2Q = 0>>
<<set $Amber2QT = 0>>
<<set $Amber3Q = 0>>
<<set $Amber3QT = 0>>
/* SGInvite */
<<set $SGInvitePrologue = 0>>
/* Mc quests */
<<set $FirstClass = 0>>
<<set $PunishTalk = 0>>
/*Grades Quests */
<<set $Fiona1Q = 0>>
<<set $Fiona1QT = 0>>
<<set $Fiona2Q = 0>>
<<set $Fiona2QT = 0>>
<<set $Fiona3Q = 0>>
<<set $Fiona3QT = 0>>
<<set $Fiona4Q = 0>>
<<set $Fiona4QT = 0>>
<<set $Fiona5Q = 0>>
<<set $Fiona5QT = 0>>
<<set $Fiona6Q = 0>>
<<set $Fiona6QT = 0>>
<<set $Fiona7Q = 0>>
<<set $Fiona7QT = 0>>
<<set $Fiona8Q = 0>>
<<set $Fiona8QT = 0>>
<<set $Naomi1Q = 0>>
<<set $Naomi1QT = 0>>
<<set $Naomi2Q = 0>>
<<set $Naomi2QT = 0>>
<<set $Naomi3Q = 0>>
<<set $Naomi3QT = 0>>
<<set $Naomi4Q = 0>>
<<set $Naomi4QT = 0>>
<<set $Naomi5Q = 0>>
<<set $Naomi5QT = 0>>
<<set $Naomi6Q = 0>>
<<set $Naomi6QT = 0>>
<<set $NaomiPhoto = -1>>\
<<set $NaomiPhotoRed = 0>>\
<<set $NaomiPhotoGrey = 0>>\
<<set $NaomiPhotoNature = 0>>\
<<set $Jane1Q = 0>>
<<set $Jane1QT = 0>>
<<set $Jane2Q = 0>>
<<set $Jane2QT = 0>>
<<set $Jane3Q = 0>>
<<set $Jane3QT = 0>>
<<set $Jane4Q = 0>>
<<set $Jane4QT = 0>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 0>>
<<set $Jane5QT = 0>>
<<set $Jane6Q = 0>>
<<set $Jane6QT = 0>>
<<set $Jane7Q = 0>>
<<set $Jane7QT = 0>>
<<set $Jane8Q = 0>>
<<set $Jane8QT = 0>>
<<set $Jane9Q = 0>>
<<set $Jane9QT = 0>>
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<<set $Jane10QT = 0>>
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<<set $OLivia2Q = 0>>
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<<set $OLivia4Q = 0>>
<<set $OLivia5Q = 0>>
<<set $OLivia6Q = 0>>
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<<set $OLivia9Q = 0>>
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<<set $AngelaDinnerYes = 0>>\
<<set $SeaRelax = 0>>\
<<set $SportfieldRun = 0>>\
<<set $MoviePorn = 0>>
<<set $Refusals = 0>>
<<set $CafeTrouble = 0>>
<<set $ShowerPerDay = 0>>\
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<<set $SeaGlassesOn = 0>>
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<<set $Pants2Lucy = 0>>
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<<set $PoliceQ1 = 0>>
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<<set $ChristmasTalentWinnerLexi = 0>>
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<<set $ChristmasGiftLinda = 0>>
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<<set $ChristmasGiftLexi = 0>>
<<set $ChristmasGiftVeronica = 0>>
<<set $ClubGirlsFuckQuest = 0>>
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<<set $BeachMeditation = 0>>
<<set $McPrinciple = 0>>
<<set $Tutorial = 0>>
<<set $TutorialGirl = 0>>
<<set $TutorialOn = 0>>
<<set $WCAsked = 0>>
<<set $LindaAsked = 0>>
<<set $LibraryOpen = 0>>
<<set $TraceyQuest = 0>>\
<<set $BarRoom = 0>>\
<<set $MovieClass = 0>>\
<<set $MelodyQuest = 0>>
<<set $CameraLucy = 0>>\
<<set $CameraMonica = 0>>\
<<set $CameraLexi = 0>>\
<<set $CameraClara = 0>>\
<<set $RadioBugLexi = 0>>
<<set $RadioBugLucy = 0>>
<<set $RadioBugClara = 0>>
<<set $RadioBugMonica = 0>>
<<set $RadioBugGet = 0>>
<<set $RadioBugPolice = 0>>
<<set $RadioFirst = 0>>
<<set $VeronicaLingerie = 0>>
<<set $BaseballActivate = 0>>
<<set $BaseballCount = 0>>
<<set $BaseballRose = 0>>
<<set $JerryFootball = 0>>
<<set $JerryBaseball = 0>>
<<set $Jerry1QT = 0>>\
<<set $JerryDick = 0>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchPerDay = 0>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to false>>\
<<set $FoodKnown = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraFoodRight = 0>>\
<<set $LexiFoodRight = 0>>\
<<set $FoodPreparePerDay = 0>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchLocation = 0>>\
<<set $PhotoSelectedLexi = 0>>\
<<set $PhotoSelectedClara = 0>>\
<<set $LindaClaraPath1Q = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest1 = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest1T = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest2 = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest2T = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3 = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3T = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest4 = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest4T = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest5 = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest5T = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest6 = 0>>\
<<set $LindaQuest6T = 0>>\
<<set $LindaDress = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest1 = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest1T = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest2 = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest2T = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3 = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest4 = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest4T = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest5 = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest5T = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest6 = 0>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest6T = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraNewWork = 0>>\
<<set $ClaraMichaelProblem = 0>>\
<<set $DormSex1 = 0>>\
<<set $StudioRoseWorkBegin = 0>>\
<<set $StudioRoseWorkDay = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithLexi = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithVeronica = 0>>\
<<set $Livewithschoolgirl = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithLexiSexPerDay = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithLexiStayAtHome = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithLexiGoNotHome = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithVeronicaBegin = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithVeronicaCloset = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithVeronicaShowerLeave = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithVeronicaParty = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithMonica = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithMonicaSexPerDay = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithMonicaStayAtHome = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithMonicaGoNotHome = 0>>\
<<set $LivewithMonicaBegin = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballStudy = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballDribble = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballDribbleKnown = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballCrossover = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballCrossoverKnown = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballOverTheHead = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballOverTheHeadKnown = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballFarThrow = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballFarThrowKnown = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballFakeMoves = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballFakeMovesKnown = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballAggresivePlay = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballAggresivePlayKnown = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballProHop = 0>>\
<<set $BasketballProHopKnown = 0>>\
<<set $EmmaTraining = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaYogaPark = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaYogaParkSpecial = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaYogaParkSpecialMeditation = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaYogaParkSpecialStay = 0>>\
<<set $KioskEventNight = 0>>\
<<set $AriaCoffeEvent = 0>>\
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<<set $BusEventGoth = 0>>\
<<set $BusEventCoffee = 0>>\
<<set $BusEventDee = 0>>\
<<set $BusEventSchoolgirlBlow = 0>>\
<<set $LilyQuest = 0>>\
/*Denisse quests*/
<<set $DenisseQuest = 0>>\
<<set $DenisseQuestAvailable = random(14, 28)>>
/*School control variables*/
<<set $EllieBreakdown = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaChocolateGiven = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaWhiskeyGiven = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaPresentChocolateEvent = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaPresentChocolateWhiskeyEvent = 0>>\
<<set $SiriusDanceGirl = 0>>\
<<set $RepairReadMessagesDay = 0>>\
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<<set $RepairHospitalHornyMessageVeronica = 0>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalHornyMessageFiona = 0>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi = 0>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica = 0>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica = 0>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona = 0>>\
<<set $AmberRepairMast = 0>>\
<<set $LexiRepairMessageRead = 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaRepairMessageRead = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaRepairMessageRead = 0>>\
<<set $FionaRepairMessageRead = 0>>\
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<<set $StacyTreatPointsCharisma = 0>>\
<<set $StacyTreatPointsNormal = 0>>\
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<<set $BellaRepairJelousTalk = 0>>\
<<set $BellaRepairFired = 0>>\
<<set $StacyRepairFired = 0>>\
<<set $LexiNightMessageClinic = 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaWeedClinic = 0>>\
<<set $PhoneMessageChecked = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaYoga = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaTennis = 0>>\
<<set $OliviaTennisTruth = 0>>\
<<set $OliviaTennisMove = 0>>\
<<set $levels = [100, 150, 200, 250, 300];>>
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AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 3,
Lust: 0
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Work: "Photo-Model",
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Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
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{ src: "img/Angela/AngelaWaitress5.jpg", title: "Clara Image 2Blured", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Angela/AngelaEating1.jpg", title: "Clara Image 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Angela/AngelaChanging1.jpg", title: "Clara Image 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Angela/AngelaEating1.jpg", title: "Clara Image 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Angela/AngelaEating1.jpg", title: "Clara Image 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Angela/AngelaEating1.jpg", title: "Clara Image 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Angela/AngelaEating1.jpg", title: "Clara Image 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Angela/AngelaEating1.jpg", title: "Clara Image 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Angela/AngelaEating1.jpg", title: "Clara Image 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Angela/AngelaEating1.jpg", title: "Clara Image 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Angela/AngelaEating1.jpg", title: "Clara Image 2", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Angela/Quest/Video/AngelaDreamDance1.1.mp4", title: "Scene 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Angela/Quest/Video/AngelaClaraFaceFuck2.mp4", title: "Scene 2", unlocked: false }
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{ src: "img/clara/memory1.jpg", title: "Memory 1", unlocked: false }
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Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
English: 0,
Math: 0,
History: 0,
Biology: 0,
Athletics: 0,
Swimming: 0,
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PersonalObedience: 0,
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{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaSmokeField.jpg", title: "Veronica Smoke Field", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/BenchEvent1.jpg", title: "Bench Event 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/BenchEvent2.jpg", title: "Bench Event 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Kiss.gif", title: "Kiss", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Park.jpg", title: "Park", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Park2.jpg", title: "Park 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/ParkSmoke.jpg", title: "Park Smoke", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/PC.jpg", title: "PC", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/RepairVeronicaWeed1.jpg", title: "Repair Veronica Weed 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaBath1.jpg", title: "Veronica Bath 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaCS1.jpg", title: "Veronica CS 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaJanitor1.jpg", title: "Veronica Janitor 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaLingerieHome1.jpg", title: "Veronica Lingerie Home 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaLingerieHome2.jpg", title: "Veronica Lingerie Home 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaLingerieSchool2.jpg", title: "Veronica Lingerie School 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaLiveCabinet1.jpg", title: "Veronica Live Cabinet 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaLiveCabinet2.jpg", title: "Veronica Live Cabinet 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaLiveParty1.jpg", title: "Veronica Live Party 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaLocker1.jpg", title: "Veronica Locker 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaLocker2.jpg", title: "Veronica Locker 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaMistress.jpg", title: "Veronica Mistress", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaMoto1.jpg", title: "Veronica Moto 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaMoto2.jpg", title: "Veronica Moto 2", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaPhotoRed3.jpg", title: "Veronica Photo Red 3", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaPhotoNature2.jpg", title: "Veronica Photo Nature 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaPhotoNature3.jpg", title: "Veronica Photo Nature 3", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaSlutgram1.jpg", title: "Veronica Slutgram 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaSlutgram2.jpg", title: "Veronica Slutgram 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaSlutgram3.jpg", title: "Veronica Slutgram 3", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaSlutgram4.jpg", title: "Veronica Slutgram 4", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaSlutgram5.jpg", title: "Veronica Slutgram 5", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaSlutgram6.jpg", title: "Veronica Slutgram 6", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaSlutgram7.jpg", title: "Veronica Slutgram 7", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaSlutgram8.jpg", title: "Veronica Slutgram 8", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaSlutgram9.jpg", title: "Veronica Slutgram 9", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaSlutgram10.jpg", title: "Veronica Slutgram 10", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaSlutgram11.jpg", title: "Veronica Slutgram 11", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaSlutgram12.jpg", title: "Veronica Slutgram 12", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaSlutgram13.jpg", title: "Veronica Slutgram 13", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaSlutgram14.jpg", title: "Veronica Slutgram 14", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaSmoke1.jpg", title: "Veronica Smoke 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaSmoke2.jpg", title: "Veronica Smoke 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaSmoke3.jpg", title: "Veronica Smoke 3", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaSmokeContest.jpg", title: "Veronica Smoke Contest", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/VeronicaSpecial.jpg", title: "Veronica Special", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Veronica/Video14Preview.png", title: "Video 14 Preview", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Veronica/Video25Preview.png", title: "Video 25 Preview", unlocked: false }
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{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/VeronicaDreamGarden1.1.mp4", title: "Veronica Dream Garden 1.1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/VeronicaDreamGarden1.2.mp4", title: "Veronica Dream Garden 1.2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/VeronicaDreamGarden1.3.mp4", title: "Veronica Dream Garden 1.3", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/VeronicaDreamGarden1.4.mp4", title: "Veronica Dream Garden 1.4", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/VeronicaSlave1.mp4", title: "Veronica Slave 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/VeronicaSlave2.mp4", title: "Veronica Slave 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/VeronicaSlave3.mp4", title: "Veronica Slave 3", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/VeronicaSmokeSuck.mp4", title: "Veronica Smoke Suck", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/VeronicaSquirt1.mp4", title: "Veronica Squirt 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/VeronicaSquirt2.mp4", title: "Veronica Squirt 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/JerryVeronicaToilet.mp4", title: "Jerry Veronica Toilet", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaBabeFuckCouch1.mp4", title: "Veronica Babe Fuck Couch 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaDream21.mp4", title: "Veronica Dream 21", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaDream22.mp4", title: "Veronica Dream 22", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaGymTrainer1.mp4", title: "Veronica Gym Trainer 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaGymTrainer2.mp4", title: "Veronica Gym Trainer 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaJanitor1.mp4", title: "Veronica Janitor 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaLickShowerNature1.mp4", title: "Veronica Lick Shower Nature 1", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaLingerieSuck.mp4", title: "Veronica Lingerie Suck", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaLiveParty1.mp4", title: "Veronica Live Party 1", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaLiveShowerSurprise1.mp4", title: "Veronica Live Shower Surprise 1", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaMast2.mp4", title: "Veronica Mast 2", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaSleepOil1.mp4", title: "Veronica Sleep Oil 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaSleepOil2.mp4", title: "Veronica Sleep Oil 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaSleepOil3.mp4", title: "Veronica Sleep Oil 3", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaSleepOil4.mp4", title: "Veronica Sleep Oil 4", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaSleepTwoGirlsRedLingerie2.mp4", title: "Veronica Sleep Two Girls Red Lingerie 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaSleepTwoGirlsRedLingerie3.mp4", title: "Veronica Sleep Two Girls Red Lingerie 3", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaSleepTwoGirlsRedLingerie4.mp4", title: "Veronica Sleep Two Girls Red Lingerie 4", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaSoccer2.mp4", title: "Veronica Soccer 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaSoccer3.mp4", title: "Veronica Soccer 3", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaSuck1.mp4", title: "Veronica Suck 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaSuckBabeCouch1.mp4", title: "Veronica Suck Babe Couch 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Veronica/Quest/Video/VeronicaTannedFuck.mp4", title: "Veronica Tanned Fuck", unlocked: false }
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Lust: 0,
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// Vertical Hall of Fame
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{ src: "img/Clara/ClaraTeasing2.jpg", title: "After School Special ", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Clara/ClaraWantMorning2.jpg", title: "Rise and Shine ", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/EmmaBasketball1.jpg", title: "Balls in Hand", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/EmmaBasketball2.jpg", title: "Scoring Position", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/EmmaBasketball3.jpg", title: "Three Point Shot ", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/ClaraSleep.jpg", title: "Nap Time Just Got Better", unlocked: false },
// Horizontal Studies
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{ src: "img/Clara/ClaraBed2.jpg", title: "Biology Homework ", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/ClaraBed3.jpg", title: "Physical Education", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/ClaraCS.jpg", title: "Christmas Came Early ", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/ClaraDrink.jpg", title: "Thirsty for Knowledge ", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/ClaraTable1.jpg", title: "Parent-Teacher Conference ", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/ClaraCabinet.jpg", title: "Step-Teacher Stuck Again", unlocked: false },
// Spicy Photo Series
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{ src: "img/Clara/ClaraPhotoGrey1.jpg", title: "Detention Got Interesting", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/ClaraPhotoGrey2.jpg", title: "50 Shades of Clara", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/ClaraPhotoGrey3.jpg", title: "Office Hours Gone Wild", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/ClaraPhotoRed1.jpg", title: "Hot For Teacher Vol.1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/ClaraPhotoRed2.jpg", title: "Hot For Teacher Vol.2", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Clara/Nature2.jpg", title: "Biology Field Trip 🍃", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Nature3.jpg", title: "Natural Selection 😈", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/ClaraShowerCommon1.jpg", title: "Wet Lab Session 💦", unlocked: false },
// Wet Series
{ src: "img/Clara/ClaraShowerCommon2.jpg", title: "Steam Room Studies", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/CafeVisit.jpg", title: "Coffee Break Gone Wild ☕", unlocked: false }
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// Study Sessions & Office Work
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{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraCaFuck.mp4", title: "After School Activities", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraCos.mp4", title: "Cosplay Gone Wild", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraCouchFuck1.1.mp4", title: "Couch Counseling", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraCouchSuck1.1.mp4", title: "Office Hours Special", unlocked: false },
// Special Classes
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{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraDrunkGirl1.1.mp4", title: "Tipsy Teacher Vol.1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraDrunkGirl1.2.mp4", title: "Tipsy Teacher Vol.2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraDrunkGirl1.3.mp4", title: "Tipsy Teacher Vol.3", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraFoodSuck.mp4", title: "Lunch Break Special 🌭", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraGrope.mp4", title: "Hands-On Learning", unlocked: false },
// Advanced Studies
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraHelpFuck1.mp4", title: "Tutorial Gone Right", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraHero1.mp4", title: "Hero's Reward", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraHiddenSafeFuck1.mp4", title: "Secret Safe Study", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraIntBlowjob2.mp4", title: "Oral Exam 2.0", unlocked: false },
// Practical Lessons
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{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraIntMissionary.mp4", title: "Traditional Teaching", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraLesbian1.mp4", title: "Study Buddy Session", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraMassageSuck1.mp4", title: "Stress Relief 101", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraMassageSuck2.mp4", title: "Stress Relief 102", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraMast1.mp4", title: "Self-Study Session", unlocked: false },
// Advanced Tutorials
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraMastWebcam.mp4", title: "Online Office Hours", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraMonica1.mp4", title: "Student Teacher Conference", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraOfficeTools1.1.mp4", title: "Office Supply Fun", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraPic1.mp4", title: "Photo Study", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraPipesSex1.mp4", title: "Plumbing Lesson 🔧", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraRaceWinFuck1.mp4", title: "Victory Celebration", unlocked: false },
// Special Events
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{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraShower.mp4", title: "Shower Thoughts", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraShower2.mp4", title: "Clean Teaching", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraSister1.mp4", title: "Sister Act Vol.1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraSister2.1.mp4", title: "Sister Act Vol.2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraSister2.2.mp4", title: "Sister Act Vol.3", unlocked: false },
// Night School
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{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraSleepJeans2.mp4", title: "Dreamy Detention 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraSleepJeans3.mp4", title: "Dreamy Detention 3", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraSleepWindow1.mp4", title: "Window of Opportunity", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraSleepWindow2.mp4", title: "Late Night Studies", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraSleepWindow3.mp4", title: "Midnight Tutoring", unlocked: false },
// Extra Credit
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraSleepWindow4.mp4", title: "Dawn Review Session", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraSubAnal1.mp4", title: "Submitting Final Grades", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraSuck1.mp4", title: "Advanced Oral Studies", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraTeasing.mp4", title: "Teasing 101", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/ClaraToiletBlow1.mp4", title: "Bathroom Break Studies", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Clara/Quest/Video/EmmaBasketballBlow1.mp4", title: "Sports Scholarship Interview", unlocked: false }
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{ src: "img/Lucy/BeforeGym2.jpg", title: "Before Gym 2", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Lucy/LucyAmericanDay (3).jpg", title: "Lucy American Day 3", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Lucy/LucyAmericanDay (4).jpg", title: "Lucy American Day 4", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Lucy/LucyBed3.jpg", title: "Lucy Bed 3", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Lucy/Quest/Video/LucyFuck2.mp4", title: "Lucy Fuck 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Lucy/Quest/Video/LucyFuck3.mp4", title: "Lucy Fuck 3", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Lucy/Quest/Video/LucyIntTabletop.mp4", title: "Lucy Int Tabletop", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Lucy/Quest/Video/LucyNatureStockings1.2.mp4", title: "Lucy Nature Stockings 1.2", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Lucy/Quest/Video/LucyShower3.mp4", title: "Lucy Shower 3", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Olivia/OliviaSweat3.jpg", title: "Olivia Sweat 3", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/OliviaTennis1.jpeg", title: "Olivia Tennis", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Video1Preview.png", title: "Video 1 Preview", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Video2Preview.png", title: "Video 2 Preview", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Video3Preview.png", title: "Video 3 Preview", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Video4Preview.png", title: "Video 4 Preview", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Video5Preview.png", title: "Video 5 Preview", unlocked: false }
scenes: [
{ src: "img/Olivia/Quest/Video/MelodyBat1.mp4", title: "Melody Bat 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Quest/Video/MelodyBat2.mp4", title: "Melody Bat 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Quest/Video/MelodyGym1.mp4", title: "Melody Gym 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Quest/Video/MelodyGym2.mp4", title: "Melody Gym 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Quest/Video/OliviaAssTonus.mp4", title: "Olivia Ass Tonus", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Quest/Video/OliviaDisbandTennis1.mp4", title: "Olivia Disband Tennis 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Quest/Video/OliviaDreamBarmaid1_1.mp4", title: "Olivia Dream Barmaid 1.1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Quest/Video/OliviaDreamBarmaid1_2.mp4", title: "Olivia Dream Barmaid 1.2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Quest/Video/OliviaDreamBarmaid1_3.mp4", title: "Olivia Dream Barmaid 1.3", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Quest/Video/OliviaDreamWonder1_1.mp4", title: "Olivia Dream Wonder 1.1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Quest/Video/OliviaDreamWonder1_2.mp4", title: "Olivia Dream Wonder 1.2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Quest/Video/OliviaDreamWonder1_3.mp4", title: "Olivia Dream Wonder 1.3", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Quest/Video/OliviaHotelSuck2.mp4", title: "Olivia Hotel Suck 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Quest/Video/OliviaMast1.mp4", title: "Olivia Mast 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Quest/Video/OliviaPartyMast1.mp4", title: "Olivia Party Mast 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Quest/Video/OliviaPartySuck1.mp4", title: "Olivia Party Suck 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Quest/Video/OliviaPartyTits1.mp4", title: "Olivia Party Tits 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Quest/Video/OliviaSpecialTraining1.mp4", title: "Olivia Special Training 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Quest/Video/OliviaYoga1.mp4", title: "Olivia Yoga 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Olivia/Quest/Video/OliviaYoga2.mp4", title: "Olivia Yoga 2", unlocked: false }
memories: [
{ src: "img/clara/memory1.jpg", title: "Memory 1", unlocked: false }
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Name: "Susan Freeman",
img: "img/avatars/Susan.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
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AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
galleryImg: "img/avatars/SusanS.jpg",
unlockedgallery: false,
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{ src: "img/Susan/1.jpg", title: "Susan Moment 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Susan/2.jpg", title: "Susan Moment 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Susan/3.jpg", title: "Susan Moment 3", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Susan/JohanDream1.jpg", title: "Johan Dream", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Susan/SusanAss1.jpg", title: "Susan Ass 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Susan/SusanAss2.jpg", title: "Susan Ass 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Susan/SusanAss3.jpg", title: "Susan Ass 3", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Susan/SusanBook1.jpg", title: "Susan Book 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Susan/SusanBook2.jpg", title: "Susan Book 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Susan/SusanMeet.jpg", title: "Susan Meet", unlocked: false }
scenes: [
{ src: "img/Susan/Quest/Video/SusanDinner1.mp4", title: "Susan Dinner 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Susan/Quest/Video/SusanDinner2.mp4", title: "Susan Dinner 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Susan/Quest/Video/SusanDinnerFuck1.mp4", title: "Susan Dinner Fuck 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Susan/Quest/Video/SusanStoreBlow1.mp4", title: "Susan Store Blow 1", unlocked: false }
memories: [
{ src: "img/clara/memory1.jpg", title: "Memory 1", unlocked: false }
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Name: "Kobe Potato",
img: "img/avatars/Kobe.jpeg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
Meet: 0,
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
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Name: "Sophia Turner",
img: "img/avatars/Sophia.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(237, 102, 18, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(237, 102, 18, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work:"English teacher",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
playerInfluence: 0.1,
npcInfluence: 0.8,
cap: 0.49,
galleryImg: "img/avatars/Sophia2.jpg",
unlockedgallery: false,
moments: [
{ src: "img/Sophia/BeforeClass.jpg", title: "Before Class", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/DuringClass.jpg", title: "During Class", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Meet.jpg", title: "Meet", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/SophiaCS.jpg", title: "Sophia CS", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/SophiaSuspect.jpg", title: "Sophia Suspect", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/SophiaTeach1.jpg", title: "Sophia Teach 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/SophiaTeach2.jpg", title: "Sophia Teach 2", unlocked: false }
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{ src: "img/Sophia/Quest/Video/SophiaDildo1.mp4", title: "Sophia Dildo 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Quest/Video/SophiaStudent1.mp4", title: "Sophia Student 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Quest/Video/SophiaTrainer1.mp4", title: "Sophia Trainer 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Quest/Video/SophiaTrainingSuck1.mp4", title: "Sophia Training Suck 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Video/LeanaDance1.mp4", title: "Leana Dance 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Video/LeanaSophiaLick1.mp4", title: "Leana Sophia Lick 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Video/LeanaSophiaThreesome1.mp4", title: "Leana Sophia Threesome 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Video/LeanaSophiaThreesome2.mp4", title: "Leana Sophia Threesome 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Video/SophiaCafeSuck1.mp4", title: "Sophia Cafe Suck 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Video/SophiaCafeSuck1.mp4", title: "Sophia Cafe Suck 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Video/SophiaLickStudent1.mp4", title: "Sophia Cafe Suck 1", unlocked: false },
memories: [
{ src: "img/clara/memory1.jpg", title: "Memory 1", unlocked: false }
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Name: "Autumn Stewart",
img: "img/avatars/Autumn.jpg",
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style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(64, 191, 117, 1);",
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AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
English: 0,
Math: 0,
History: 0,
Biology: 0,
Athletics: 0,
Swimming: 0,
PersonalMood: 0,
PersonalObedience: 0,
PersonalGrades: 0,
PersonalExhibitionism: 0,
galleryImg: "img/avatars/Autumn2.png",
unlockedgallery: false,
moments: [
{ src: "img/Autumn/AutumnBeach.jpg", title: "Before Class", unlocked: false },
scenes: [
// Bad Girl Series
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnBeachcompetitionSuck1.mp4", title: "Sandy Competition 🏖️", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnBus1.mp4", title: "Back of the Bus Fun", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnBus2.mp4", title: "Public Transportation 2.0", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnClassSuckHD720p.mp4", title: "Under The Desk Meeting", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnConvincedane1.mp4", title: "Persuasive Arguments 😏", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnConvincedMessage1.mp4", title: "Convincing Text", unlocked: false },
// Dream Series
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnConvincedMessage2.mp4", title: "Late Night Message", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnDreamLesbian1.1.mp4", title: "Sweet Dreams Vol.1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnDreamLesbian1.2.mp4", title: "Sweet Dreams Vol.2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnDreamLesbian1.3.mp4", title: "Sweet Dreams Vol.3", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnDreamLesbian1.4.mp4", title: "Sweet Dreams Finale", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnHotelFuck1.mp4", title: "Room Service Special", unlocked: false },
// Wild Nights
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnHotelFuck2.mp4", title: "Five Star Treatment", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnPretaPussy.mp4", title: "Ready to Party 🎉", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnHum1.mp4", title: "Humming Bird 🐦", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnRabbitSuck1.mp4", title: "Down the Rabbit Hole", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnRabbitSuck2.mp4", title: "Wonderland Adventures", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnSex1.mp4", title: "Wild Night Vol.1", unlocked: false },
// Naughty Series
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnTeaseAssMast1.mp4", title: "Teasing Trouble", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnTeaseAssMast2.mp4", title: "More Teasing Fun", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnWeedBlow1.mp4", title: "High Times 🌿", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnWeedBottle1.mp4", title: "Smoke & Stroke", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnWhoreFuck.mp4", title: "Party Girl Problems", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/AutumnWhoreSuck.mp4", title: "Late Night Snack", unlocked: false },
// Dorm Life
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/DormSex1.mp4", title: "Dorm Room Drama", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/DormSex2_1.mp4", title: "Roommate Benefits Vol.1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/DormSex2_2.mp4", title: "Roommate Benefits Vol.2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/DormSex2_3.mp4", title: "Roommate Benefits Vol.3", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/DormSex3_1.mp4", title: "Study Break Gone Wild", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Autumn/Quest/Video/DormSex3_2.mp4", title: "Final Exam Relief", unlocked: false }
memories: [
{ src: "img/clara/memory1.jpg", title: "Memory 1", unlocked: false }
<<set $Lela = {
Name: "Lela",
img: "img/avatars/lela.jpeg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(64, 191, 117, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(64, 191, 117, 1);",
Meet: 0,
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
<<set $Marcus = {
Name: "Marcus Brown",
img: "img/avatars/Marcus.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work:"Strange guy",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
<<set $kia = {
Name: "Homeless",
img: "img/avatars/kia.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work:"Strange guy",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
<<set $Carey = {
Name: "Police officer",
img: "img/avatars/carey.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
Meet: 0,
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
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Name: "Naomi Stones",
img: "img/avatars/naomi.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(64, 191, 117, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(64, 191, 117, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Unemployed",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
English: 0,
Math: 0,
History: 0,
Biology: 0,
Athletics: 0,
Swimming: 0,
PersonalMood: 0,
PersonalObedience: 0,
PersonalGrades: 0,
PersonalExhibitionism: 0,
galleryImg: "img/avatars/naomi2.jpg", // Assuming a second avatar image
unlockedgallery: false,
moments: [
{ src: "img/Naomi/NaomiStreet1.jpg", title: "Street Portrait", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Naomi/NaomiCafe1.jpg", title: "Cafe Moment", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Naomi/NaomiBeach1.jpg", title: "Beach Day", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Naomi/NaomiGym1.jpg", title: "Gym Session", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Naomi/NaomiNight1.jpg", title: "Night Out", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Naomi/NaomiPool1.jpg", title: "Poolside", unlocked: false }
scenes: [
{ src: "img/Naomi/Quest/Video/NaomiMast1.mp4", title: "Naomi Masturbation 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Naomi/Quest/Video/NaomiStreet1.mp4", title: "Street Encounter", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Naomi/Quest/Video/NaomiPool1.mp4", title: "Pool Adventures", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Naomi/Quest/Video/NaomiIntimate1.mp4", title: "Intimate Moment", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Naomi/Quest/Video/NaomiNightlife1.mp4", title: "Nightlife Escapade", unlocked: false }
memories: [
{ src: "img/Naomi/Memory1.jpg", title: "Memory 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Naomi/Memory2.jpg", title: "Memory 2", unlocked: false }
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Name: "Fiona Hill",
img: "img/avatars/fiona.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(64, 191, 117, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(64, 191, 117, 1);",
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AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
English: 0,
Math: 0,
History: 0,
Biology: 0,
Athletics: 0,
Swimming: 0,
PersonalMood: 0,
PersonalObedience: 0,
PersonalGrades: 0,
PersonalExhibitionism: 0
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Name: "Johan Hall",
img: "img/avatars/aSS.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
Meet: 0,
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
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Name: "Camilla Baker",
img: "img/avatars/cSS.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Clothing saleswoman",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
English: 0,
Math: 0,
History: 0,
Biology: 0,
Athletics: 0,
Swimming: 0,
PersonalMood: 0,
PersonalObedience: 0,
PersonalGrades: 0,
PersonalExhibitionism: 0,
galleryImg: "img/avatars/Camilla2.jpg",
unlockedgallery: false,
moments: [
{ src: "img/Camilla/CamillaShop1.jpg", title: "At the Boutique", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Camilla/CamillaFashion1.jpg", title: "Fashion Day", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Camilla/CamillaCafe1.jpg", title: "Coffee Break", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Camilla/CamillaStreet1.jpg", title: "Street Style", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Camilla/CamillaDisplay1.jpg", title: "Store Display", unlocked: false }
scenes: [
{ src: "img/Camilla/Quest/Video/CamillaWorkDay1.mp4", title: "Work Day Adventure", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Camilla/Quest/Video/CamillaSalesroom1.mp4", title: "Salesroom Encounter", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Camilla/Quest/Video/CamillaAfterHours1.mp4", title: "After Hours", unlocked: false }
memories: [
{ src: "img/Camilla/Memory1.jpg", title: "Memory 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Camilla/Memory2.jpg", title: "Memory 2", unlocked: false }
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Name: "Jane Parker",
img: "img/avatars/jane.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Nurse",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
English: 0,
Math: 0,
History: 0,
Biology: 0,
Athletics: 0,
Swimming: 0,
PersonalMood: 0,
PersonalObedience: 0,
PersonalGrades: 0,
PersonalExhibitionism: 0,
galleryImg: "img/avatars/jane2.jpg",
unlockedgallery: false,
moments: [
{ src: "img/Jane/JaneNurseStation1.jpg", title: "Nurse Station", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Jane/JaneHospitalHallway1.jpg", title: "Hospital Hallway", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Jane/JaneBreakRoom1.jpg", title: "Break Room", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Jane/JanePatientCare1.jpg", title: "Patient Care", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Jane/JaneUniform1.jpg", title: "Uniform Portrait", unlocked: false }
scenes: [
{ src: "img/Jane/Quest/Video/JaneNightShift1.mp4", title: "Night Shift Encounter", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Jane/Quest/Video/JaneEmergencyRoom1.mp4", title: "Emergency Room Scene", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Jane/Quest/Video/JanePatientInteraction1.mp4", title: "Patient Interaction", unlocked: false }
memories: [
{ src: "img/Jane/Memory1.jpg", title: "Memory 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Jane/Memory2.jpg", title: "Memory 2", unlocked: false }
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Name: "Amber Brooks",
img: "img/avatars/Amber.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Hospital administrator",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
English: 0,
Math: 0,
History: 0,
Biology: 0,
Athletics: 0,
Swimming: 0,
PersonalMood: 0,
PersonalObedience: 0,
PersonalGrades: 0,
PersonalExhibitionism: 0,
galleryImg: "img/avatars/Amber2.jpg",
unlockedgallery: false,
moments: [
{ src: "img/Amber/AmberOffice1.jpg", title: "Office Portrait", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Amber/AmberHospitalHall1.jpg", title: "Hospital Hallway", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Amber/AmberMeeting1.jpg", title: "Administrative Meeting", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Amber/AmberCafeteria1.jpg", title: "Hospital Cafeteria", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Amber/AmberDesk1.jpg", title: "Desk Work", unlocked: false }
scenes: [
{ src: "img/Amber/Quest/Video/AmberAdminMeeting1.mp4", title: "Administrative Encounter", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Amber/Quest/Video/AmberOfficeScene1.mp4", title: "Office Interaction", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Amber/Quest/Video/AmberHospitalTour1.mp4", title: "Hospital Tour", unlocked: false }
memories: [
{ src: "img/Amber/Memory1.jpg", title: "Memory 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Amber/Memory2.jpg", title: "Memory 2", unlocked: false }
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Name: "Bella Williams",
img: "img/avatars/Bella.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Hospital nurse",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
English: 0,
Math: 0,
History: 0,
Biology: 0,
Athletics: 0,
Swimming: 0,
PersonalMood: 0,
PersonalObedience: 0,
PersonalGrades: 0,
PersonalExhibitionism: 0,
galleryImg: "img/avatars/Bella2.jpg",
unlockedgallery: false,
moments: [
{ src: "img/Bella/BellaHospital1.jpg", title: "Hospital Shift", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Bella/BellaNurseStation1.jpg", title: "Nurse Station", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Bella/BellaBreak1.jpg", title: "Lunch Break", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Bella/BellaEmergency1.jpg", title: "Emergency Room", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Bella/BellaUniform1.jpg", title: "Uniform Day", unlocked: false }
scenes: [
{ src: "img/Bella/Quest/Video/BellaHospitalScene1.mp4", title: "Hospital Encounter", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Bella/Quest/Video/BellaNightShift1.mp4", title: "Night Shift", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Bella/Quest/Video/BellaPatientRoom1.mp4", title: "Patient Room", unlocked: false }
memories: [
{ src: "img/Bella/Memory1.jpg", title: "Memory 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Bella/Memory2.jpg", title: "Memory 2", unlocked: false }
<<set $SluttyStar = {
Name: "SluttyStar",
img: "img/avatars/SS.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work:"Personal guide",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
<<set $Jerry = {
Name: "Jerry Tombs",
img: "img/avatars/Jerry.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Student",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
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{ src: "img/Jerry/JerryClassroom1.jpg", title: "In Class", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Jerry/JerryBreak1.jpg", title: "Lunch Break", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Jerry/JerryStudyGroup1.jpg", title: "Study Group", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Jerry/JerryLibrary1.jpg", title: "Library Moment", unlocked: false }
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{ src: "img/Jerry/Quest/Video/JerryAfterSchool1.mp4", title: "After School", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Jerry/Quest/Video/JerryStudySession1.mp4", title: "Study Session", unlocked: false }
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Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
English: 0,
Math: 0,
History: 0,
Biology: 0,
Athletics: 0,
Swimming: 0,
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{ src: "img/Anna/AnnaFightGear1.jpg", title: "Fight Gear", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Anna/AnnaPunchingBag1.jpg", title: "Punching Bag", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Anna/AnnaRing1.jpg", title: "Fighting Ring", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Anna/AnnaWorkout1.jpg", title: "Gym Workout", unlocked: false }
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{ src: "img/Anna/Quest/Video/AnnaSparring1.mp4", title: "Sparring Session", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Anna/Quest/Video/AnnaCompetition1.mp4", title: "Competition Moment", unlocked: false }
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{ src: "img/Anna/Memory1.jpg", title: "Memory 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Anna/Memory2.jpg", title: "Memory 2", unlocked: false }
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AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
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Name: "Emma Hicks",
img: "img/avatars/Emma.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work:"Basketball player",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
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Name: "Lily Setherland",
img: "img/avatars/Lily.png",
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AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
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Name: "Peter O'Connor",
img: "img/avatars/Peter.png",
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Meet: 0,
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
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Lust: 0,
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Biology: 0,
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Swimming: 0,
PersonalMood: 0,
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Name: "Stacy Reep",
img: "img/avatars/Stacy.png",
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style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
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AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
English: 0,
Math: 0,
History: 0,
Biology: 0,
Athletics: 0,
Swimming: 0,
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{ src: "img/Stacy/StacyHospitalHallway1.jpg", title: "Hospital Hallway", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Stacy/StacyBreakRoom1.jpg", title: "Break Room", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Stacy/StacyPatientCare1.jpg", title: "Patient Care", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Stacy/StacyUniform1.jpg", title: "Uniform Portrait", unlocked: false }
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{ src: "img/Stacy/Quest/Video/StacyEmergencyRoom1.mp4", title: "Emergency Room Scene", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Stacy/Quest/Video/StacyPatientInteraction1.mp4", title: "Patient Interaction", unlocked: false }
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{ src: "img/Stacy/Memory2.jpg", title: "Memory 2", unlocked: false }
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Name: "Victoria Slack",
img: "img/avatars/Vicky.png",
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Affection: 0,
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Lust: 0,
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History: 0,
Biology: 0,
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Swimming: 0,
PersonalMood: 0,
PersonalObedience: 0,
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Name: "Hannah Fasboroh",
img: "img/avatars/Hannah.png",
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style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
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AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
English: 0,
Math: 0,
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Swimming: 0,
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Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
English: 0,
Math: 0,
History: 0,
Biology: 0,
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{ src: "img/Denisse/DenisseStage1.jpg", title: "Stage Preparation", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Denisse/DenisseDressing1.jpg", title: "Backstage", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Denisse/DenisseStretch1.jpg", title: "Stretching", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Denisse/DenissePractice1.jpg", title: "Practice Session", unlocked: false }
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{ src: "img/Denisse/Quest/Video/DenissePrivateDance1.mp4", title: "Private Performance", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Denisse/Quest/Video/DenisseDancePractice1.mp4", title: "Dance Practice", unlocked: false }
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{ src: "img/Denisse/Memory2.jpg", title: "Memory 2", unlocked: false }
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Lust: 0,
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Math: 0,
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Swimming: 0,
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{ src: "img/Sophia/Quest/Video/SophiaStudent1.mp4", title: "Sophia Student 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Quest/Video/SophiaTrainer1.mp4", title: "Sophia Trainer 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Quest/Video/SophiaTrainingSuck1.mp4", title: "Sophia Training Suck 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Video/LeanaDance1.mp4", title: "Leana Dance 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Video/LeanaSophiaLick1.mp4", title: "Leana Sophia Lick 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Video/LeanaSophiaThreesome1.mp4", title: "Leana Sophia Threesome 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Video/LeanaSophiaThreesome2.mp4", title: "Leana Sophia Threesome 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Video/SophiaCafeSuck1.mp4", title: "Sophia Cafe Suck 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Video/SophiaCafeSuck1.mp4", title: "Sophia Cafe Suck 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Video/SophiaLickStudent1.mp4", title: "Sophia Cafe Suck 1", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/clara/memory1.jpg", title: "Memory 1", unlocked: false }
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Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
English: 0,
Math: 0,
History: 0,
Biology: 0,
Athletics: 0,
Swimming: 0,
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PersonalGrades: 0,
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alleryImg: "img/avatars/Samatha2.jpg",
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{ src: "img/Marsha/MarshaBiology2.jpg", title: "Before Class", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Sophia/Quest/Video/SophiaTrainer1.mp4", title: "Sophia Trainer 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Quest/Video/SophiaTrainingSuck1.mp4", title: "Sophia Training Suck 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Video/LeanaDance1.mp4", title: "Leana Dance 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Video/LeanaSophiaLick1.mp4", title: "Leana Sophia Lick 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Video/LeanaSophiaThreesome1.mp4", title: "Leana Sophia Threesome 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Video/LeanaSophiaThreesome2.mp4", title: "Leana Sophia Threesome 2", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Video/SophiaCafeSuck1.mp4", title: "Sophia Cafe Suck 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Video/SophiaCafeSuck1.mp4", title: "Sophia Cafe Suck 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Sophia/Video/SophiaLickStudent1.mp4", title: "Sophia Cafe Suck 1", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/clara/memory1.jpg", title: "Memory 1", unlocked: false }
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Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
English: 0,
Math: 0,
History: 0,
Biology: 0,
Athletics: 0,
Swimming: 0,
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PersonalGrades: 0,
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{ src: "img/Aria/AriaClassroom1.jpg", title: "In Classroom", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Aria/AriaLibrary1.jpg", title: "Library Study", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Aria/AriaBreak1.jpg", title: "School Break", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Aria/AriaStudyGroup1.jpg", title: "Study Group", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Aria/AriaSchoolHallway1.jpg", title: "Hallway Moment", unlocked: false }
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{ src: "img/Aria/Quest/Video/AriaSchoolEvent1.mp4", title: "School Event", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Aria/Quest/Video/AriaAfterSchool1.mp4", title: "After School", unlocked: false }
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{ src: "img/Aria/Memory1.jpg", title: "Memory 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Aria/Memory2.jpg", title: "Memory 2", unlocked: false }
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Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
English: 0,
Math: 0,
History: 0,
Biology: 0,
Athletics: 0,
Swimming: 0,
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{ src: "img/Nora/NoraCanteen1.jpg", title: "Canteen Moment", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Nora/NoraPlayground1.jpg", title: "Playground", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Nora/NoraStudyArea1.jpg", title: "Study Area", unlocked: false },
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{ src: "img/Nora/NoraOutdoors1.jpg", title: "Outdoor Break", unlocked: false }
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{ src: "img/Nora/Quest/Video/NoraFriendsMeeting1.mp4", title: "Friends Meeting", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Nora/Quest/Video/NoraAfterSchool1.mp4", title: "After School", unlocked: false }
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{ src: "img/Nora/Memory1.jpg", title: "Memory 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Nora/Memory2.jpg", title: "Memory 2", unlocked: false }
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Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
English: 0,
Math: 0,
History: 0,
Biology: 0,
Athletics: 0,
Swimming: 0,
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PersonalGrades: 0,
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{ src: "img/Ruby/RubyLaboratory1.jpg", title: "Laboratory", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Ruby/RubyLibrary1.jpg", title: "Library Moment", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Ruby/RubySchoolEvent1.jpg", title: "School Event", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Ruby/RubyStudyGroup1.jpg", title: "Study Group", unlocked: false }
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{ src: "img/Ruby/Quest/Video/RubySchoolActivity1.mp4", title: "School Activity", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Ruby/Quest/Video/RubyAfterSchool1.mp4", title: "After School", unlocked: false }
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{ src: "img/Ruby/Memory1.jpg", title: "Memory 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Ruby/Memory2.jpg", title: "Memory 2", unlocked: false }
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Name: "Bearded thug",
img: "img/avatars/beardman.png",
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Meet: 0,
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
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Name: "Nervous thug",
img: "img/avatars/hoodman.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
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Name: "Coco",
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style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
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Work: "Brothel girl",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
English: 0,
Math: 0,
History: 0,
Biology: 0,
Athletics: 0,
Swimming: 0,
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PersonalObedience: 0,
PersonalGrades: 0,
PersonalExhibitionism: 0,
galleryImg: "img/avatars/Coco2.jpg",
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{ src: "img/Coco/CocoBrothel1.jpg", title: "Brothel Scene", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Coco/CocoLounge1.jpg", title: "Lounge Moment", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Coco/CocoNightWork1.jpg", title: "Night Shift", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Coco/CocoPrivateRoom1.jpg", title: "Private Room", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Coco/CocoBreakTime1.jpg", title: "Break Time", unlocked: false }
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{ src: "img/Coco/Quest/Video/CocoWorkScene1.mp4", title: "Work Encounter", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Coco/Quest/Video/CocoClientInteraction1.mp4", title: "Client Interaction", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Coco/Quest/Video/CocoNightlife1.mp4", title: "Nightlife Moment", unlocked: false }
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{ src: "img/Coco/Memory1.jpg", title: "Memory 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Coco/Memory2.jpg", title: "Memory 2", unlocked: false }
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Name: "Tracey Beatreau",
img: "img/avatars/Tracey.png",
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style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
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Work: "Brothel queen",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
English: 0,
Math: 0,
History: 0,
Biology: 0,
Athletics: 0,
Swimming: 0,
PersonalMood: 0,
PersonalObedience: 0,
PersonalGrades: 0,
PersonalExhibitionism: 0,
galleryImg: "img/avatars/Tracey2.png",
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{ src: "img/Tracey/TraceyBrothelOffice1.jpg", title: "Brothel Office", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Tracey/TraceyManagement1.jpg", title: "Management Moment", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Tracey/TraceyNightclub1.jpg", title: "Nightclub Scene", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Tracey/TraceyBusiness1.jpg", title: "Business Meeting", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Tracey/TraceyPrivateLounge1.jpg", title: "Private Lounge", unlocked: false }
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{ src: "img/Tracey/Quest/Video/TraceyBusinessNegotiation1.mp4", title: "Business Negotiation", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Tracey/Quest/Video/TraceyNightlifeScene1.mp4", title: "Nightlife Encounter", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Tracey/Quest/Video/TraceyBrothelManagement1.mp4", title: "Brothel Management", unlocked: false }
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{ src: "img/Tracey/Memory1.jpg", title: "Memory 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Tracey/Memory2.jpg", title: "Memory 2", unlocked: false }
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Name: "Iris",
img: "img/avatars/Iris.png",
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style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work:"Brothel newbie",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
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Name: "Suspicious cop",
img: "img/avatars/Officer.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work:"Police officer",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
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Name: "Lifeguard",
img: "img/avatars/Lifeguard.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
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Name: "James Walker",
img: "img/avatars/MrWalker.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
<<set $MrsWalker = {
Name: "Helen Walker",
img: "img/avatars/Helen.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Perfect housewife",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
English: 0,
Math: 0,
History: 0,
Biology: 0,
Athletics: 0,
Swimming: 0,
PersonalMood: 0,
PersonalObedience: 0,
PersonalGrades: 0,
PersonalExhibitionism: 0,
galleryImg: "img/avatars/Helen2.png",
unlockedgallery: false,
moments: [
{ src: "img/MrsWalker/HelenKitchen1.jpg", title: "In the Kitchen", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/MrsWalker/HelenLivingRoom1.jpg", title: "Living Room", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/MrsWalker/HelenGarden1.jpg", title: "Garden Moment", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/MrsWalker/HelenHomemaking1.jpg", title: "Homemaking", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/MrsWalker/HelenDining1.jpg", title: "Dining Preparation", unlocked: false }
scenes: [
{ src: "img/MrsWalker/Quest/Video/HelenDailyRoutine1.mp4", title: "Daily Routine", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/MrsWalker/Quest/Video/HelenHousework1.mp4", title: "Housework", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/MrsWalker/Quest/Video/HelenHomeLife1.mp4", title: "Home Life", unlocked: false }
memories: [
{ src: "img/MrsWalker/Memory1.jpg", title: "Memory 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/MrsWalker/Memory2.jpg", title: "Memory 2", unlocked: false }
<<set $Photographer = {
Name: "Anzel Hozier",
img: "img/avatars/Photographer.jpeg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
<<set $Mailman = {
Name: "Mailman",
img: "img/avatars/Mailman.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work:"Deliver mails",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
<<set $Summer = {
Name: "Summer Haze",
img: "img/avatars/Summer1.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Webcam model",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0,
English: 0,
Math: 0,
History: 0,
Biology: 0,
Athletics: 0,
Swimming: 0,
PersonalMood: 0,
PersonalObedience: 0,
PersonalGrades: 0,
PersonalExhibitionism: 0,
galleryImg: "img/avatars/Summer2.jpg",
unlockedgallery: false,
moments: [
{ src: "img/Summer/SummerStreamSetup1.jpg", title: "Streaming Setup", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Summer/SummerWebcam1.jpg", title: "Webcam Moment", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Summer/SummerHome1.jpg", title: "Home Studio", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Summer/SummerComputer1.jpg", title: "Computer Setup", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Summer/SummerLighting1.jpg", title: "Lighting Test", unlocked: false }
scenes: [
{ src: "img/Summer/Quest/Video/SummerLiveStream1.mp4", title: "Live Stream", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Summer/Quest/Video/SummerBehindTheScenes1.mp4", title: "Behind the Scenes", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Summer/Quest/Video/SummerModelLife1.mp4", title: "Model Life", unlocked: false }
memories: [
{ src: "img/Summer/Memory1.jpg", title: "Memory 1", unlocked: false },
{ src: "img/Summer/Memory2.jpg", title: "Memory 2", unlocked: false }
<<set $GalleryUnlockedState = []>> <style> body.street {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/StreetMorning.jpeg");
<<md>>Today I am overwhelmed with energy and desire to make this world the best possible. Some kind of force is leading me forward.<</md>>
<<md>>The sun that shines brightly hits my eyes when I'm outside. But it does not irritate me now, but rather makes me happy. The whole street is teeming with life: people rushing to work, cars talking to each other using signals and Angela...<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Hey Angela, I didn't expect to see you around. Aren't you supposed to be at work soon? <</say>>
<<md>>She smiled awkwardly at me.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>> Oh, $mc.Name. Yes, I normally get a taxi, but I forgot my wallet back at the apartment. I can’t go back or I’ll be late, but I can’t afford to pay for the taxi. Do you happen to have 20 dollars?<</say>>
<<md>>Unpleasant situation. Of course, she could go home, but this is an extra couple of minutes, and the car is already here. I perfectly understand how Angela feels, but should I help her at all?<</md>>
<<if $cash gte 20>>\
<<talk "Give her 20 dollars">>
<<say $mc>> Oh yes of course, here you are. <</say>>
<<text r "20$ disappeared from the pocket.">>
<<addAff $Angela 12>>
<<md>>Twenty dollars is not too much to help a person out of trouble. As my friend once said, if a problem can be solved with money, then this is not a problem at all, but just a waste.<</md>>
<<md>>Moreover, looking at her delighted face, I cannot think that I wasted this money. No, I put them in a good, friendly attitude.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>> Thank you so much, I owe you! All the best! <</say>>
<<say $mc >> See you, Angela! <</say>>
<<md>>She disappears from sight. It's time for me to go to work.<</md>>
[[Go back|Street Raw-Road]]
<<set $cash -= 20>>\
<<set $MoneyHelp = 1>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<talk "Give her 20 dollars" 20 $cash "I don't have enough money.">><</talk>>
<<talk "Sorry, I forgot my wallet too">>
<<md>>I don't think scattering is the best idea. Nevertheless, I do not know what that money may be need for.<</md>>
<<md>>True, admitting this is not easy. A man is always able to take care of himself and those around him. And if he is not able to do this, he is not a man. Pure delirium if you ask me. But society is as it is and nothing can be done about it.<</md>>
<<md>>Because of this a little lie easily leaves my tongue.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> I'm sorry Angela, I must've left my wallet back at the apartment as well. <</say>>
<<say $Angela>> Shit! Well, guess I better get running.<</say>>
<<md>>It turned out somehow very inconvenient...<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $MoneyHelp = 2>>\
<<set $AngelaNewWork = 1>>\
[[Go back|Street Raw-Road]]
<<if $cash gte 20 && $mc.Boldness gte 2>>\
<<talk "Give 20 dollars and ask for something in return" 2 $mc.Boldness "I'm not bold enough">>\
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 1>>\
<<md>>Here it is, the perfect chance to enlist her support. And not only support. In crisis situations, people are able to act in a very extraordinary way. One has only to push them a little... I wonder if Angela is one of those?<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Yes, I have 20 dollars, but what will I get in return? <</say>>
<<md>>She looked closely, as if she did not expect such a move from me. You don't know what I'm up to, baby.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>> Umm, what would you like to receive in return? <</say>>
<<md>>A blowjob would be very helpful. Nothing invigorates in the morning like a blowjob from a beautiful girl on the street.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> A kiss? <</say>>
<<say $Angela>> Okay, I guess... <</say>>
<<md>>Angela came closer to me, as if a little embarrassed. When our lips touched, I felt like an electric shock. A shock of pleasure. She definitely knows how to kiss.<</md>>
<<md>>Perhaps we should do it again somehow.<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 15>>
<<say $mc>> Here is your money. It was an expensive kiss. <</say>>
<<text r "20$ disappeared from the pocket.">>
<<set $cash -= 20>>\
<<say $Angela>> Thank you, handsome. <</say>>
<<md>>Having uttered these words, as if by magic, she disappeared. Well, work does not wait!<</md>>
<<addAff $Angela 12>>
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $MoneyHelp = 1>>\
[[Go back|Street Raw-Road]]
<<text r "Failure.">>
<<text y "Angela lust is not enough.">>
<<md>>Here it is, the perfect chance to enlist her support. And not only support. In crisis situations, people are able to act in a very extraordinary way. One has only to push them a little... I wonder if Angela is one of those?<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Yes, I have 20 dollars, but what will I get in return? <</say>>
<<md>>The look on her face indicated that I had failed. She looked at me as if I was a freak or an annoying fly that should be immediately removed.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>> Uhh, better keep the money for yourself. <</say>>
<<md>>With a wave of her hand, she disappeared from sight, without even looking back. I think I screwed up so seriously.<</md>>
<<md>>If I want to influence her, I must seduce her before doing such a trick again. Otherwise, the next time, she may react more violently.<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Go back|Street Raw-Road]]
<</if>>\<<set $BustyDinner = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<<md>>It would be very rash to refuse such an offer.<</md>>
<<md>>If there are two things in the world that I love strongly enough, it's women and food. And a woman who cooks definitely deserves at least admiration.<</md>>
<<md>>I sat down carefully at the marble table. Angela was sitting opposite me. It doesn't seem like the working day will affect her. She still radiates beauty, as in the morning. Surely she has some secret of how to look like that.<</md>>
<<md>>Angela sat and imposingly took a piece of food from her plate. Observing this from the side it might seem as if you are somewhere in a noble family, and around the age of 17-18. However, the role of some princess would suit Angela perfectly.<</md>>
<<md>>Before joining her at dinner, I decided it would be impolite not to ask her a few questions.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How did your day go? Did you get to work on time?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I did! You really saved me. The studio hasn’t been doing well recently and if I hadn’t got in on time, I would’ve lost the only job we had today.<</say>>
<<md>>When she talked about how I saved her, such a seductive smile shone on her face. Hell, that's a great reward!<</md>>
<<md>>And yet... Did she said studio?<</md>>
<<dlg "dlg" 0 >>\
<<level 0>>\
<<line "Offer to be a model for her">>
<<say $mc>>I didn't know you worked in a studio. Are you the photographer? I’d gladly model for you if you were taking my picture.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Haha. No, I’m the studio’s model. I’ve mostly done clothing shoots, but recently there hasn’t been much demand and business is really drying up.<</say>>
<<set $APIsKnown = true>>\
<<say $mc>>That makes sense for a beautiful woman like yourself. It would be a crime to hide you behind the camera.<</say>>
<<md>>A playful smile creeps onto her face as she looks down to eat more of her food.<</md>>
<<if $AngelaImage23Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage23Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>But besides her adorable face, Angela has something else of great value.<</md>>
<<md>>Her tits are so attractive that not staring at them just doesn't work. Damn, these are weapons of mass destruction! But if she notices that I'm staring at her frankly, she may misunderstand.<</md>>
<<level 1>>\
<<text y "Some actions can increase lust at the cost of a worse relationship.">>
<<line "Innocently look at them whilst pretending to eat food">>
<<md>>I have never had the desire to pretend to be someone who I am not. If I like something, then I will not hide it.<</md>>
<<md>>If I like Angela's boobs, then I will eat them with my eyes like I'm the hungriest baby in the world.<</md>>
<<md>>Still, an open glance at them would be too dangerous, so I pretended to be eating, when in reality I was only crawling with a fork on the plate. The sound was not very pleasant. But what was nice was looking at Angela and her breasts.<</md>>
<<md>>She noticed, I understood it perfectly, but I didn't care. I just wanted to admire such a beautiful view longer. Another thing to touch...<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 8>>
<<say $Angela>> $mc.Name you should have watched where you put your food, you moron.<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela -5>>
<<md>>She clearly doesn't like the attention. Women don't understand that when a man looks at her breasts like that, this is the greatest compliment. However, I expected such a reaction somewhere.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I was just lost in thought for a moment. Sorry.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Uh-huh, Sure...<</say>>
<<set $AngelaDinnerYes = 1>>\
<<set $AngelaDinnerYes = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[End the dinner|Kitchen]]
<<line "Compliment her cooking">>
<<md>>What's really noteworthy right now is Angela's enormous ... culinary ability. I haven't eaten something so tasty for a long time. From such food the thirst for life awakens.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you always make such delicious food?<</say>>
<<md>>Her cooking is not that special, but after what I've eaten before, it seems quite normal. But to embellish a little in order to give the girl a few moments of happiness is quite worth it.<</md>>
<<addAff $Angela 12>>
<<say $Angela>>Aww, you’re too kind. I normally just order in, so enjoy my cooking because I doubt you’ll ever have it again.<</say>>
<<md>>So this is the secret of beauty and harmony. Takeaway food. This is why she still looks like a princess, because she doesn't bother cooking.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, that was delicious. Thank you for such a good dinner. I’ve got some work to do now. I'll be seeing you!<</say>>
[[Leave a kitchen|My room]]
<<set $AngelaDinnerYes = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<if $mc.Charisma > 2>>\
<<line "Compliment her body">>
<<md>>Just staring at the boobs is the fate of losers. Well, and more perverts. Some of those who are forever left behind and left with nothing.<</md>>
<<md>>Just sitting and staring at the chest is a very bad thing to do. If I want to impress Angela, I need to let her know how much I like her body. However, to do this is not very vulgar, it is still a challenge.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>You are silent.<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me worriedly. It seems that my reflections have taken too long. We need to solve something faster.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Is the food really that bad?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl laughed, but behind this laugh I heard some doubt and longing.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, what are you talking about. Everything is very, very tasty. The food is very lovely. So are you.<</say>>
<<md>>Her face instantly became crimson.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Do you really think so? Is my food that good?<</say>>
<<md>>Not just food. It looks like Angela decided to pretend not to notice my courtship. Why, then, is her face so crimson? If sher is an actress, then she clearly lacks acting talent. Or it's such a game.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, not that much. It`s even better.<</say>>
<<md>>Angela laughed, after which I finished dinner. It seems that she, like me, really enjoyed this evening.<</md>>
[[End the dinner|Kitchen]]
<<set $AngelaDinnerYes = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<</dlg>>/* Professions of characters */
/* Angela */
<<set $AngelaProfession = "Model">>
<<set $APIsKnown = false>><<md>>If there is a genre of films that I am ready to watch forever, then this is porn.<</md>>
<<md>>It is foolish to deny that we are attracted to our original instincts. After all, whatever film is watched, we are interested in the climax and denouement. And if there are erotic moments in the film, then this attracts us even more. And to look at two hot bodies is very tempting. I think Angela will definitely like it. After all, she herself is still a hot little thing, and it seems to me that she is by no means a prude.<</md>>
<<md>>All that remains is to choose one of my favorite films...<</md>>
<<md>>Oh, I came up with it! It will be amazing! She will get wet through!<</md>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 1>><<text g "Angela lust check was successful.">>
<<say $mc>>I know what we're going to watch today.<</say>>
<<md>>I hope she doesn't hear the satisfied tremor in my voice. After all, now I am in anticipation of my little antics. I am torn by curiosity about how she will react.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh? What's it going to be?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just watch.<</say>>
[img[img/Angela/Living room/MoviePorn.gif]]
<<if $AngelaImage32Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage32Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Short pause, click and...<</md>>
<<md>>Angela didn't even flinch when it became obvious what genre of the film was in front of her. Moreover, the corners of her lips curled into a very erotic grin. Damn, she has sexy lips!<</md>>
<<md>>Her face only flushed a little, and her hand was suspiciously close to her second lips. And this is a gorgeous sight!<</md>>
<<md>>She is definitely quite comfortable watching the movie, and she even seems to like it.<</md>>
<<md>>The only negative of this all is that my penis is too eagerly asking out. Of course, if I had my way, I would have used it, would have introduced him to the girl. But, alas, there is no time for this at all.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>> Wow, uhh, $mc.Name... That was wonderful. I'm going back to my room now.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl got up and quickly disappeared.<</md>>
<<md>>Based on how close her hand was to the magical place, I guess there must be a flood in her panties.<</md>>
<<md>>Oh Angela, you are so adorable!<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 18>>\
<<if $mc.Boldness > 2>>\
[[Follow her|AngelaFilmsPeek]]
<<if $mc.Boldness > 2 && $ > 1 >>\
[[Try to record her|AngelaFilmsRecord]]
<<else>>\<<text r "Angela lust check was failed.">>
<<say $mc>>I've already chosen a movie.<</say>>
[img[img/Angela/Living room/MoviePorn.gif]]
<<if $AngelaImage32Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage32Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Angela>>Asshole!<</say>>
<<md>>She left the room. It seems she's not ready to watch porn with me.<</md>>
<<addAff $Angela -12>>
<<say $mc>>Hey Angela!<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 8>>
[[Stand up|Living room]]
<<addmins 90>>\<<if $mc.Boldness gte 5>>\
<<talk "Peek" 5 $mc.Boldness "I'm not bold enough">>
<<addmins 5>>\
<<text g "Boldness check was successful.">>
<<text g "Successfully.">>
<<say $Angela>>You can't just leave me alone? Even in the toilet?<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela -18>>
<<if $AngelaImage15Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage15Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<text r "Failure.">>
<<say $Angela>>You can't just leave me alone? Even in the toilet?<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela -18>>
<<md>>Oh shit, hahaha.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh sorry! I didn't know you were in here.<</say>>
<</if>>\<div class="centered">
<<text y "Warning! This game is full of violence, drugs, sex and degradation =) Continuing to play, you confirm the achievement of adulthood, as well as the availability of sufficient critical thinking.">>
<span title="[[Start the game|StartData]]" aria-label="[[Start the game|StartData]]" data-type="link-markup" data-name="[[link]]" class="debug"><a data-passage="StartData" class="link-internal" role="link" tabindex="0" style="font-size: 1.5rem;">Start the game</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden">
<span title="[[Start the game with tutorial|StartData]]" aria-label="[[Start the game with tutorial|Tutorial1]]" data-type="link-markup" data-name="[[link]]" class="debug"><a data-passage="Tutorial1" class="link-internal" role="link" tabindex="0">Start the game with tutorial</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden">
<p class="hello-user">Hello Dear user! Thanks for playing <span class="favorite-teacher">Favorite Teacher!</span></p>
<<set $selectedGifIndex = random(0, 21)>>
<<set $selectedGif = gifArray[$selectedGifIndex]>>
<<run console.log("Selected GIF Index:", $selectedGifIndex)>>
<<run console.log("Selected GIF URL:", $selectedGif)>>
<<print '<img src="' + $selectedGif + '">'>>
<div class="centered">
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.centered { text-align: center; font-weight: bold; }
.centered p { margin: 0; }
.hello-user { font-size: larger; text-align: center; }
.favorite-teacher { font-size: x-large; font-weight: bold; margin: 0 auto; max-width: 500px; text-align: center; }
.hr-custom { width: 40%; margin: 5px auto; }
.changelog-heading { text-align: center; font-weight: bold; margin: 5px 0; }
</style><<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '12:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() is 6 && $VeronicaStroll is 0>>\
<<goto "VeronicaStroll">>\
<<md>>I love this park, the sun always shines in it ...<</md>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '16:00')>>\
<<include "RealSearch">>\
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '17:55')>>\
<<link "Relax on a bench">><<goto "Bench">><<addmins 20>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpg");
<<if $VeronicaWeed is 1 && $VeronicaWeedMeet is 0>>\<<if $id.weed gte 5>>\
<strong>Veronica -</strong> <<link "Talk with her">><<goto "VeronicaWeedMeet">>
<strong>Veronica -</strong> <<talk "Talk with her" 1 $talk "I don't have weed.">><</talk>>
<strong>Kobe -</strong> <<link "Talk with him">><<goto "KobeTalk">><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<if $WalkPerDay is 0>>\
<<link "Go for a walk">><<goto "WalkEvent">><<addmins 60>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<talk "Go for a walk" 1 $talk "My legs are tired.">><</talk>>
<<if $Olivia1Q > 2||$AngelaTennis > 1 >>\
<strong>Tennis court -</strong> <<link "Enter">><<goto "TennisCourt">><</link>>
[[Check the kiosk|KioskPark]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '11:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() is 6 && $JerryBaseball == 1>>\
[[Meet with Jerry|JerryBaseball]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '11:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() is 6 && $JerryFootball == 0>>\
[[Go for a walk|JerryBegin]]
<<if $Monica.LustLvl gte 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '11:00') && $MonicaYogaPark == 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() is 6>>\
[[Rest after week|MonicaParkYoga1]]
<<if $Monica.LustLvl gte 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '11:00') && $MonicaYogaPark == 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() is 6>>\
[[Yoga with Monica|MonicaParkYogaCommon]]
<<if $Lexi4 > 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '19:00') >>\
[[Rest after lessons|LexiQuest4]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '17:00') && $Lexi17 is 1>>\
[[Walk with Lexi|LexiQuest14P]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '17:00') && $LucyQuest7 is 3>>\
[[Wait for Lucy|LucyDatePark]]
<<if $CamillaQuest2 == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '12:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 7 && $CamillaQuest1 == 2 >>\
[[Sport with Camilla|CamillaQuest 2.1]]
<<elseif $CamillaQuest2 == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '12:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 7 && $CamillaQuest1 == 3 >>\
[[Sport with Camilla|CamillaQuest 2.1]]
<<if $CamillaQuest4 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '12:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 7>>\
[[Sport with Camilla|CamillaQuest 6.1]]
<<if $AutumnCheerleader2 == 7 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '18:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Rest|Grateful cheerleader 4]]
<<if $AutumnCheerleader2 == 11 && $id.weed > 15 >>\
<<goto "AutumQuest1.2">>\
<<if $LindaQuest6 == 6 &&isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '17:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 3 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 3 >>\
[[Few laps with Linda|LindaQuestLaptopWay1.21]]
<<if $Sophia4Quest == 1 &&isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:30') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
[[Wait for Samantha|SophiaQuestNew4.1]]
<<if $SummerLikes1 == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '16:30') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
[[Summer? |SummerQuest2.2]]
<<elseif $SummerLikes3 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '17:30') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
<<include "TimeTest">>\
[[Street Raw-Road]]<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(15)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<set _workkArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>\
<<switch _workkArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Let's see how well you understood the material that's been tought. Does anyone want to go to the board to answer questions?<</say>>
<<include `either('AWVeronica', 'AWLexi')`>>
<<addEx 1>>\
<<addmins 5>>\
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 42 && $NoraQuest1 == 9 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:30')>>\
[[Leave the class|NoraSketch]]
[[Leave the class|Second floor]]
<<set $cash += 20>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<include "AW1">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<include "AW2">>\
<<case 4>>\
<<include "AW3">>\
<<case 5>>\
<<if $Autumn.Meet is 1>>\
<<include "AW4">>\
<<goto "AdditionalWork">>\
<</switch>>\<<set $Convocation_visited = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(15)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<switch visited()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<include "FirstCon">>
<<include "Convocation text">>
<</switch>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate, "08:00", "23:00")>>\
<<md>>A stylish shopping center that contains all the necessary stores and kiosks. Nice place to invite a girl to meet up.<</md>>
<<if $Bella1Q == 1 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Looking for a gift for Bella|Bella1Q1]]
[[All in one]]
<<if $AngelaWorkWithClothes is 1 >>\
[[Photo studio Rose]]
<<talk "Photo studio Rose" 1 $talk "I can't go in there yet.">><</talk>>
[[Imagination Reflection]]
<<if $GymAvailable is 1>>\
[[Gym - New body]]
<<talk "Gym - New body" 1 $talk "I can't go in there yet.">><</talk>>
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]
<<text y "Mall is closed right now.">>
[[Street Raw-Road]]
<<if $BustyDinner is 1 && $FirstDress is 0 && $AngelaDinnerYes == 1 && $mc.Intellect > 2 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '18:30')>>\
<<goto "MCAngelaDinnerPosStart">>\
<<elseif $BustyDinner is 1 && $FirstDress is 0 && $AngelaDinnerYes == 1 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '18:30')>>\
<<goto "MCAngelaDinnerNegStart">>\
<<if $BustyDinner is 1 && $FirstDress is 0 && $AngelaDinnerYes == 2 && $mc.Intellect > 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '18:30')>>\
[[Buy wine for dinner|MCAngelaDinnerPosStart]]
<<elseif $BustyDinner is 1 && $FirstDress is 0 && $AngelaDinnerYes == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '18:30')>>\
[[Buy wine for dinner|MCAngelaDinnerNegStart]]
<<if $mattress > 1 && $glasses > 0 && $id.cigarrete > 4 && $id.boxofchocolate > 1 && $ > 9 && $LivewithVeronicaParty == 2>>\
<<goto "VeronicaLiveParty3">>
<<if $ClaraM11Quest == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:30')>>\
<<goto "ClaraLieMallCosplay">>\
<</if>>\<div class="container-1">\
<div class="clothes">\
<div class="left">\
<div id="c-head" class="put-off">\
<div id="c-shirt" class="put-off">\
<div id="c-pants" class="put-off">\
<div id="c-shoes" class="put-off">\
<div class="middle">\
<div class="right">\
<div id="right-side" class="put-off">\
<div id="right-side-1" class="put-off">\
<div id="right-side-2" class="put-off">\
<div id="right-side-3" class="put-off">\
<div class="state-title">\
<div class="mc-name">\
<span style="font-size: 125%;">$mc.Name</span>\
<div class="mc-info">\
<span>Days have passed: </span>\
<div class="state-body">\
<div class="state-list">\
<<more "Gives a bonus in work events that increase obedience. Strength is used in events where physical superiority is needed.">>Strength: <span id="Strength">$mc.Strength</span><</more>>
<<more "Gives a bonus in work events that increase grades. Intellect is used in events where intellectual superiority is needed.">>Intellect: <span id="Intellect">$mc.Intellect</span><</more>>
<<more "Gives a bonus in work events that increase mood. Charisma is used in events where verbal and nonverbal superiority is needed.">>Charisma: <span id="Charisma">$mc.Charisma</span><</more>>
<<more "Gives a bonus in work events that increase exhibitionism. Boldness is used in events where you need to think less.">>Boldness: <span id="Boldness">$mc.Boldness</span><</more>>
<<more "Upon reaching the value of 7, you will become a master of meditation and comprehend the highest form of thought.">>Meditation skill: <<if $MeditationSkill lte 6>>$MeditationSkill<<else>><span style="font-style: italic;">Max!</span><</if>>\
<<more "Your indicator of endurance. This will be restored after a good sleep.">>Stamina level: $mc.MaxStamina<</more>>
<div class="state-effect">\
<<if $HomelessBonus is 0 && $HomeBonus is 0 && $MeditationBonus is 0 && $CanteenCoffeeBonus is 0 && $DrunkLvl is 0>>\
<<if $HomelessBonus is 1>>\
<<more "Damn, I had no idea that homeless people can impart extra stamina. Temporarily 15+ to Stamina.">><span style="color:#1de869">Homeless Grace</span><</more>>
<<if $HomeBonus is 1>>\
<<more "After a good shower and delicious coffee, I felt a surge of energy. Temporarily 20+ to Stamina.">><span style="color:#1de869">Energy Boost</span><</more>>
<<if $MeditationBonus is 1>>\
<<more "My third eye has opened. I shook hands with the Buddha and went with him to a gigantic brothel that housed thousands of virgins. Temporarily 10+ to Stamina.">><span style="color:#1de869">Third Eye</span><</more>>
<<if $CanteenCoffeeBonus is 1>>\
<<more "Thanks to school coffee, I feel more cheerful. The magic thing. Temporarily 1+ to Stamina.">><span style="color:#1de869">Native Coffee</span><</more>>
<<if $DrunkLvl is 1>>\
<<more "After I have drunk a little alcohol, a pleasant feeling of warmth does not leave me. Euphoria.">><span style="color:#1de869">Tipsy a Bit</span><</more>>
<<elseif $DrunkLvl is 2>>\
<<more "I'm getting close to the limit, and I'm losing some of my ability to speak clearly.">><span style="color:#1de869">Fugitive of Mind</span><</more>>
<<elseif $DrunkLvl is 3>>\
<<more "I'm in the shit.">><span style="color:#1de869">In Oblivion</span><</more>>
<<if $BonusSet.find(e=>e.Name=='StaminaSet').Status>>\
<<more 'In my trusty suit, I am ready for the hardest lessons.<br><span style="color:#1de869">Stamina level +20</span>'>><span style="color:#e0df4c">Favorite Teacher</span><</more>>
<<elseif $BonusSet.find(e=>e.Name=='StreetSet').Status>>\
<<more 'Everything is beautiful in this beautiful outfit.<br><span style="color:#1de869">Intellect +1</span><br><span style="color:#1de869">Charisma +1</span>'>><span style="color:#e0df4c">Ready to walk</span><</more>>
No additional effects
<div class="inventory-cont">\
<<include "Inventory">>\
</div>\<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:05', '07:00')>>\
<<md>>At this time, Angela is usually getting ready for bed. I might be able to talk with her if she isn't sleeping yet.<</md>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:05', '07:10') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>\
<<md>>There are sounds coming from the bathroom. Angela must be washing up.<</md>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:05', '20:55')>>\
<<md>>It seems Angela is watching TV. Maybe I can keep her company.<</md>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:25', '07:45') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '20:00')>>\
<<md>>I can smell food cooking from the kitchen. I might want to check that out.<</md>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '11:00', '11:55') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5 && $Angela.Lust gte 20>>\
<<md>>What's that sound from Angela’s room?<</md>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:30', '13:25') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5>>\
<<md>>It seems Angela is doing yoga. I wonder if I should help her out.<</md>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '13:30', '14:55') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5>>\
<<md>>Time to have lunch with Angela.<</md>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '18:55') && $SaturdayMovie is 1 && $AngelaShoot lte 2>>\
<<md>>I should check out Angela’s room.<</md>>
<<md>>The house is very quiet. I should find something to do.<</md>>
<</if>>\<<set $ach_introduction = 1>><<check_all_achievements>><<refresh_all_achievements>>\
<<md>>Upon entering the class, I saw before me over twenty beautiful, possibly virgin girls. Well, if they are virgins, that won't be for long. Now I have to choose to be a friend to these schoolgirls or to be their second father.<</md>>
<<set $Lexi.Meet = 1>>\
<<set $Veronica.Meet = 1>>\
<<set $Monica.Meet = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi.unlockedgallery to true>>\
<<set $Veronica.unlockedgallery to true>>\
<<set $Monica.unlockedgallery to true>>\
<<talk "Be strict">>\
<<if $Tutorial == 2>>\
<<include "Tutorial 4.1">>
<<addObey 2>>
<<say $mc>>Shut the fuck up please! I need silence. You are actually very lucky to be here, but it seems I'm not. I will be your biology teacher. My name is $mc.Name and it is nice to meet you.<</say>>
<<md>>A pair of students at the back of the class do not even seem to understand that I entered the classroom. They continue to talk to each other. No matter. I have to concentrate on general discipline.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This academic year we will discuss biology-specific topics such as penises, vaginas, sex, reproduction, fellatio, cunnilingus, and much more.<</say>>
<<addLust $Veronica 8>>
<<addLust $Lexi 16>>
<<addLust $Monica 6>>
<<md>>I think the introduction was successful. Even the naughty schoolgirls at the back of the class listened to me when I brought up fellatio.<</md>>
<<link "Teach a lesson using the word penis as much as possible">><<goto "Bclass1stMeet2">><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<talk "Be friendly">>\
<<if $Tutorial == 2>>\
<<include "Tutorial 4.1">>
<<addMood 2>>
<<say $mc>>Good morning girls. My name is $mc.Name and I will be your biology teacher. My task is corup... khm-khm! My task is to teach you the basics of biology.<</say>>
<<addAff $Veronica 4>>
<<addAff $Lexi 10>>
<<addAff $Monica 12>>
<<md>>They don't seem too interested. That much is obvious. They'll be much more interested in the future after they're lining up to suck me off. At least they seemed to like my smile for now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This academic year we will discuss biology-specific topics such as penises, vaginas, sex, reproduction, fellatio, cunnilingus, and much more.<</say>>
<<addLust $Veronica 8>>
<<addLust $Lexi 16>>
<<addLust $Monica 6>>
<<md>>I think the introduction was successful. It makes sense to grow trust with our first interaction. Only then will I be able to enter their holes.<</md>>
<<link "Teach a lesson using the word penis as much as possible">><<goto "Bclass1stMeet2">>
<<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<</talk>><<set $StayAtHome = 0>>\
<div class="tablet-outer-side">\
<img src="img/tablet/camera.png" class="tablet-ui">\
<div class="Work">\
<div class="Task">\
<<include "ActualTask">>\
<div class="flex-center-col">\
<div class="work-columns">\
<div class="Work-options extra-work">\
<div class="text-label">\
<span class="Work-title">Extra Work</span>\
<<include "Punishments list">>\
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00')>>\
<<button [[Teach an additional lesson|AdditionalWork]]>><</button>>\
<div class="cash-add">+20$</div>
<<button [[School surveillance]]>><</button>>\
<div class="cash-add">+10$</div>
<<if $gameDate.getUTCDay() is 4>>\
<<button [[Attend the faculty meeting|Convocation]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Second floor]]>><</button>>
<<set $WT = 1>>\
<div class="Work-stat">\
<div class="text-label">\
<span class="Work-title">School Statistics</span>\
<div class="progress-box">\
<div class="progress position-relative">\
<<print '<div class="progress-bar green-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolMood.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Mood</span>\
<span><<= $SchoolMood.toFixed(2)>></span>\
<div class="progress-box">\
<div class="progress position-relative">\
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>\
<span><<= $SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)>></span>\
<div class="progress-box">\
<div class="progress position-relative">\
<<print '<div class="progress-bar yellow-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolGrades.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Grades</span>\
<span><<= $SchoolGrades.toFixed(2)>></span>\
<div class="progress-box">\
<div class="progress position-relative">\
<<print '<div class="progress-bar red-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolExhibitionism.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Perversity</span>\
<span><<= $SchoolExhibitionism.toFixed(2)>></span>\
<div class="progress-box">\
<div class="progress position-relative">\
<<print '<div class="progress-bar grey-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolInfrastructure.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Infrastructure</span>\
<span><<= $SchoolInfrastructure.toFixed(2)>></span>\
<img src="img/tablet/button.png" class="tablet-ui">\
</div>\<<md>>Clara came up to me after class.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Good job. I am impressed with your work, but is it really necessary to say the word penis so often?<</say>>
<<talk "Explain the reason for this as an educated person">>\
<<say $mc>>Thank you. Of course this is necessary. The penis is the core of biology. This is the tree from which the branches sprout. Life itself comes from the penis.<</say>>
<<addLust $Clara 8>>
<<say $Clara>>Hmm... okay. It seems you have a talent for this. Please come to my office as soon as you can. I wish to speak with you.<</say>>
<<md>>Talent for what? I have nowhere else to go. There will be plenty of time to spend with her in the future.<</md>>
<<if $Tutorial == 2>>\
[[Say goodbye to her and leave|Tutorial 4.2]]
[[Say goodbye to her and leave|Break]]
<<talk "Explain the reason for this as a normal person">>
<<say $mc>>Thank you. Of course this is necessary. This is part of the learning process set by the standards of the European Community. This is the professional part of the job. There is no need to be alarmed.<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 10>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh, well in that case, I do not dare interfere with the professional. Please come to my office as soon as you can. I wish to speak with you.<</say>>
<<if $Tutorial == 2>>\
[[Say goodbye to her and leave|Tutorial 4.2]]
[[Say goodbye to her and leave|Break]]
<<set $FirstClass = 1>>\
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 1>>\
<<include "AngelaQ">>\
<<include "ClaraQ">>\
<<include "LucyQ">>\
<<include "SophiaQ">>\
<<include "VeronicaQ">>\
<<include "LexiQ">>\
<<include "MonicaQ">>\
<<back>><<md>>This city is full of young talents with whom you can have a good time. That's why I love him. But on my part it would be very rash to just take and forget about the beauty who is right under my nose.<</md>>
<<md>>Angela is a wonderful girl who is able to awaken a storm every time, not only in my heart, but also in my pants. And this, I tell you, is worth a lot.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey Angela, I wanted to ask about where you work. I like this city, but I don’t know where everything is located.<</say>>
<<md>>I could, of course, look for some workarounds, invent non-existent reasons. But something tells me that if I did that, I would only aggravate my situation even more. Lies and insidiousness are not the qualities for which Angela could love me.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Why do you want to know this?<</say>>
<<md>>There is fright on her face, as if I were a maniac who met her at night in an alley. If I am a maniac, it’s different. A pleasure maniac who is just waiting for a moment to get into her panties. And sex in the workplace is unforgettable.<</md>>
<<talk "To stop by and see you some time.">>
<<say $mc>>To stop by and see you some time.<</say>>
<<md>>My words take the excitement off her and she relaxes. Now she smiles at me as she straightens her hair.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh, how cute. I'll put the address of where I work in your phone, okay?<</say>>
<<md>>She takes my phone and enters her address there. Great, now I have more leverage over Angela. More and more she falls under my influence and soon she will become mine at all.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you like your job?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>No, not very much. I don't earn as much as I would like.<</say>>
<<md>>I did not expect to receive such an answer. Angela always looked happy when leaving and returning from work. I thought she was one of those who just adore her job and get everything out of life.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I always thought the modeling business was profitable. What's the problem?<</say>>
<<md>>A heavy sigh escaped her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>It's a huge misconception to think that models get a lot of money. It's hard work, but for agencies we are just a consumable. If one of the models refuses to do what she is told, she will be replaced without any problems. But the worst thing is that no one asks you what you want. Nobody is interested in your principles, inner world. You are just a beautiful doll.<</say>>
<<md>>In these words, there was a cry of despair, the impossibility of changing what has been for many decades.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Sorry, I shouldn't have dumped this on you. There are just things that I find it difficult to agree to.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So you don't want to fuck on camera? Why?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I think that nobody will like me. What do men see? Beauties, beauties and beauties again. I don't fit into this understanding of beauty.<</say>>
<<md>>Why is there such a strange thought in this beautiful head. Perhaps in a photo studio she was already well brainwashed there?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Based on the fact that I see it wrong. Perhaps it's the photo? May I see them?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes of course.<</say>>
<<md>>She disappeared for a while, and then appeared with a small album.<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 16>>
<<say $Angela>>Sure, one moment.<</say>>
<div id="message-placeholder"></div>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Angela", "moments", "Image3", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<say $Angela>>Here's one.<</say>>
<<md>>She timidly handed me a photo in which she exuded incredible sexuality.<</md>>
<div id="message-placeholder"></div>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Angela", "moments", "Image4", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<say $Angela>>And another.<</say>>
<div id="message-placeholder"></div>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Angela", "moments", "Image5", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<md>>And here she looks like the most beautiful woman in the world.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>One more.<</say>>
<div id="message-placeholder"></div>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Angela", "moments", "Image6", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<md>>Looks like it's not about the photos. Everywhere she looks too beautiful and delightful. My cock almost jumped out of my pants when I looked at them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wow, you are very beautiful.<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela 10>>
<<md>>Looking at these dresses, a cunning strategist awakens in me. If I want to get into her panties, I definitely need to buy her a dress. Looks like Angela just loves these clothes.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Charisma > 2>>\
[[Steal her photo|AngelaStealPhoto]]
[[Say goodbye|FirstDress11]]
<<md>>Knowing Angela's vulnerability, one cannot help but use it for your own benefit. And there was nothing wrong with that. Everyone gets what he likes: I am Angela's favor, and she is a beautiful dress.<</md>>
<<md>>I hope she likes it...<</md>>
<<if $id.dress gte 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Hey Angela, I thought about our recent conversation about your work, and decided to get you a present.<</say>>
<<md>>In my head, this moment looked very beautiful, but in fact I just took out the box from behind my back. Fortunately, the seller fulfilled all my whims and the box with the dress itself now looks almost better than the dress itself.<</md>>
<<md>>Such a bright smile played on her face that it seemed to me even in the room it became much brighter. It seems that my gift hit the very spot!<</md>>
<<md>>She pat the dress as if it were a small child. What a touching picture!<</md>>
<<addAff $Angela 50>>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name ! Thank you so much. This is a very expensive dress! Oh my God, where does a teacher get money to afford this?<</say>>
<<md>>Why is she asking this? For what? It doesn't really matter right now. All that matters is my desire... to pull off her panties.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>For such a cute roommate, it's not a problem!<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I'm very grateful for that. How can I thank you?<</say>>
<<talk "Let's watch a movie">>
<<say $mc>>Let's watch a movie on Saturday? I will have a day off and would like to have fun. I know it'll be much more fun with you there. <</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Of course! I'd love to see a movie with you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>In that case, I'll see you then!<</say>>
[[Go to the corridor|Home corridor]]
<<set $FirstDressB = 1>>\
<<set $FirstDressC = 1>>\
<<set $id.dress -=1>>\
<<set $FirstDress = 2>>\
<<set $SaturdayMovie = 1>>\
<<elseif $id.spermdress gte 1>>
<<say $mc>>Hey Angela, I thought about our recent conversation about your work, and decided to get you a present.<</say>>
<<md>>In my head, this moment looked very beautiful, but in fact I just took out the box from behind my back. Fortunately, the seller fulfilled all my whims and the box with the dress itself now looks almost better than the dress itself.<</md>>
<<md>>Such a bright smile played on her face that it seemed to me even in the room it became much brighter. It seems that my gift hit the very spot!<</md>>
<<addAff $Angela 20>>
<<addLust $Angela 40>>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name ! Thank you so much. This is a very expensive dress! Oh my God, where does a teacher get money to afford this?<</say>>
<<md>>Why is she asking this? For what? It doesn't really matter right now. All that matters is my desire... to pull off her panties.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>For such a cute roommate, it's not a problem!<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I'm very grateful for that. How can I thank you?<</say>>
<<talk "Let's watch a movie">>
<<say $mc>>Let's watch a movie on Saturday? I will have a day off and would like to have fun. I know it'll be much more fun with you there. <</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Of course! I'd love to see a movie with you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>In that case, I'll see you then!<</say>>
[[Go to the corridor|Home corridor]]
<<set $FirstDressB = 1>>\
<<set $FirstDressC = 1>>\
<<set $id.dress -=1>>\
<<set $SaturdayMovie = 1>>\
<<set $FirstDress = 2>>\
<</if>><<if $BustyDinner is 1 && $FirstDress is 0 && $AngelaDinnerYes == 3>>\
<<link "Talk more about her job">><<goto "FirstDress1">><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<elseif $BustyDinner is 1 && $FirstDress is 1 && $AngelaDinnerYes == 3 && $id.dress > 0>>\
<<link "Give her a dress">><<goto "FirstDress2">><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<elseif $AngelaPearl is 2 && $necklake gte 1>>\
<<link "Give her a necklace">><<goto "Angela Pearl2">>
<<elseif $punish1 == 1 && $ == 1>>\
<<link "Offer her filming">><<goto "Home video">>
<<elseif $marcus_meet == 1 and $home_video == 1 && $angela_ready_porn == 0 >>\
<<link "Talk about porn acting">><<goto "Talk Marcus club">>
<<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
1)Stranger 0-99
2)Acquaintance 100-249
3)Casual friend 250-449
4)Close friend 450-699
5)Desired 700-1000
1)Uninterested 0-99
2)Excited 100-249
3)Wet 250-449
4)Horny 450-699
5)Whore of Babylon 700-1000
<<if $ClaraM7Quest == 1 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 3 >>\
<<goto "ClaraConditioner1">>
<<elseif $AutumnCheerleader2 == 130>>\
<<goto "AutumnQuest3.1">>\
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 0>>\
<<set _RegularLessonsArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _RegularLessonsArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<goto "Regular lessons">>
<<case 2>>\
<<goto "RLMonicaGeneral">>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 1 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 1>>\
<<goto "Athletics lessons">>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 2 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 2>>\
<<goto "Discipline problem">>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 3 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 3>>\
<<goto "Swimming lesson">>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>\
<<goto "Help to doctor">>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<if $LibraryOpen == 1 && $VeronicaQuest1 == 0>>\
<<goto "VeronicaQuest 1.1">
<<elseif $VeronicaQuest1 == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '15:05')>>\
<<goto "VeronicaQuest 2.1">>\
<<elseif $Sophia4Quest == 2 && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
<<goto "SophiaQuestNew4.2">>\
<<set $MainWorks += 1>>\
<<set $phoneClara -= 1>>\<<md>>From the very morning I had a strange feeling that something should absolutely happen. You know, one of those premonitions, like you know that this plane is not worth choosing, because its pilot is always drunk.<</md>>
<<md>>As soon as I entered the hall, a very attractive woman approached me. I haven’t had time to make friends here yet, but they are in a hurry to welcome me here . This is what I call true charisma, not what they are trying to show us in the show "Last Chance for Good Luck"!<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Excuse me, are you waiting for me?<</say>>
<<if $LucyImage25Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage25Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Oh yes, baby, I would wait for you all my life if I knew that your hot body would be mine.<</md>>
<<md>>How luxuriously all things sit on it. It seems as if she calls to touch them, and then free these luxurious breasts from the tight embrace of clothes.<</md>>
<<md>>But, stop staring at her. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry, I think you confused me with someone.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled sweetly.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, yes, of course, most likely I was mistaken. I'm waiting for an English teacher. Sorry again.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, don't worry, it's okay. I am often mistaken for someone else.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Wait, aren't you a $mc.Name? Our new biology teacher?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, it's me. Looks like my glory is ahead of me.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>There are not many male teachers in this school, so your arrival is almost a holiday for us. Get used to increased attention. I'm Lucy, by the way. The math teacher at this school.<</say>>
<<md>>So Lucy, yes. Very interesting. I think we will get along very well with her. Need to get to know her better.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Nice to meet you, Lucy. How do you feel about having a cup of coffee after class? I think I could satisfy your curiosity and attention in this way. What do you think?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I'll say it's a good idea.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then I'll be waiting for you right there. <</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Ok, see you $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, this morning brought me a very good result. Let's see how everything goes further.<</md>>
<<set $LucyKnown = 1>>\
<<set $LucyQuest1 = 1>>\
<<set $LucyQuest1T = 1>>\
<<set $LucyFirstMeet = 1>>\
<<set $Lucy.Meet = 1>>\
<<set $Clara.unlockedgallery to true>>\
<<addAff $Lucy 2>>\
<<link "Good bye Lucy">><<goto "School reception">><<set $LucyFirstMeet = 1>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>><<if $PrologueQuest1 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00')>>\
<<md>>A girl stands in the center of the dining room, surrounded by a crowd. Something tells me that this is Fiona.<</md>>
[[Meet Fiona|Prologue1.2]]
<<md>>School canteen, cheap prices and dubious quality. But then there is coffee, delicious coffee.<</md>>
<<if $BooksForMonica is 1 && $BookQuest is 0>>\
<<goto "MonicaBook2">>\
<<if $LucyQuest1 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00')>>\
[[Wait for Lucy|LucyCoffee1New]]
<<elseif $LucyQuest6 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '16:00') >>\
[[Talk with Lucy|LucyDateCanteen]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '14:00') && $Lucy.Meet == 1>>\
<strong>Lucy - </strong> [[Talk with her|LucyTalk]]
<<if $Clara2Quest > 0 && $Fiona1Q == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '14:00')>>\
[[Eat alone|Fiona(Soda1)]]
<<if $ClaraM3Quest == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '16:00')>>\
<<goto "Clara2LucyDinner">>\
<<if $ClaraM5Quest == 31>>\
[[Talk about plan|MichaelCheatingCanteen]]
<<if $PrologueQuest1 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00')>>\
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '13:30')>>\
<strong>Take a lunch - </strong> <<link "20$">><<addmins 30>><<set $FoodSwallowed += 1>><<set $cash -= 20>><<set $stamina = $mc.MaxStamina>><<goto "SchoolLunch">><</link>>
[[Leave the canteen|School reception]]
<<md>>There's Lucy. She looks a little flustered.<</md>>
<<talk "Approach her">>
<<say $mc>>Hi Lucy, is something wrong? Tired of lessons?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, I'm already tired of this school. The students don’t obey me at all. I find it difficult to adapt to such stress.<</say>>
<<md>>I can’t cope with the stress, but I can help with schoolgirls.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Calm down Lucy. I will help you with this problem. It's actually rather simple. You have to show them that you are the leader.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I understand that, but how do I do this? Every time I try to show that I am a leader, it comes across the wrong way.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You have to be free.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Free? What do you mean?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, you must not be afraid or embarrassed.<</say>>
<<talk "Take her hand and look her in the eyes">>
<<say $mc>>Everything will be fine. I know how we can fix it.<</say>>
<<addLust $Lucy 20>>
<<say $Lucy>>$mc.Name ok, I'll calm down. Don't worry about me.<</say>>
<<md>>The bell is so loud here.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>We didn’t drink any coffee. Why don’t you come to my place for coffee after work?<</say>>
<<addAff $Lucy 50>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I'll try to come. Will you put your address in my phone?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, I can do that. Thank you very much for your support. I'm pleased to know that you are nearby.<</say>>
<<text y "Lucy's home unlocked.">>
<<set $McKnowLucyHome = 1>>\
<<set $CanteenCoffee = 1>>\
[[Leave the canteen|School reception]]
<</talk>><<md>>Upon entering the room, I immediately feel that something is wrong. Angela is sitting on the couch. When she turns, I realize how stupid I were. Most likely, she does not even remember about what we agreed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Angela, have you forgotten about our plans? We're to watch a movie together.<</say>>
<<md>>But her face lights up with a very attractive smile that instantly calms me down.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Actually, I've been waiting for you. Come on, let's start it.<</say>>
<<md>>Why such a rush? She seems to be in a hurry to get it over with. As if she doesn't like being here. She did not ask what the film would be, or about the actors, or about anything. This is all very, very suspicious. Well, now we will find out whether I am right or not.<</md>>
<<talk "Tell her what movie it is">>
<<say $mc>>I want to watch porn with you today. This might seem unusual to you. I'd be interested to know if you can handle it.<</say>>
<<md>>Not a muscle in her face twitched. Angela just nodded in agreement.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes, that is unusual. But on the other hand, why not? You won't bother me during the movie, right?<</say>>
<<md>>Well, I don't promise anything. Still, Angela is a very sexy girl, and just from the thought that I will watch her watching porn, arousal begins to grow between my legs. It will be a test of resilience, but I think I can handle it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, not at all. Just relax...<</say>>
<<if $AngelaImage62Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage62Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<addLust $Angela 30>>
<<say $Angela>>Alright, if this is what you want...<</say>>
<<md>>We watched the action on the screen for about 30 minutes. Well, Angela was watching, not taking her eyes off. I watched her and her reaction. How sweetly the blood rushes to her face, how, after another woman's moan on the screen, she sexually bites her lip, how she stopped herself halfway, when her hand reached there, between her beautiful legs.<</md>>
<<md>>So, you should be distracted by something. For example, ask about work.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How was your work week? Has the situation at work improved?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl`s face shifted at once. From the previous cheerfulness and hidden excitement not a trace remained.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Our studio went bankrupt. I don't have a job anymore. A new studio has opened in its place, but I don't like it.<</say>>
<<md>>I wonder why she doesn't like the new studio. I should go and see for myself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, Angela. You'll soon find a job that you enjoy.<</say>>
<<md>>That's all I could do right now. It was not in my power to help her with work now, even if I really wanted to.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>That's nice of you to say. Thanks.<</say>>
<<if $Angela.AffectionLvl gte 1>>\
<<text y "Now I can watch porn with Angela.">>
<<text g "I should get more of Angela's effection before watching porn once again">>
<<set $MoviePorn = 1>>\
[[Leave living room|Home corridor]]
<<talk "Just turn on the movie">>
<<md>>I sat close to her and turned on the movie.<</md>>
<<if $AngelaImage62Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage62Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 1>><<text g "Successfully.">>
<<say $Angela>>Porn?! Seriously? Are you crazy? Have you not found anything more interesting watch?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, there were many interesting films, but I decided that it would be a good idea to watch porn with you.<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 30>>\
<<say $Angela>>Alright, if this is what you want...<</say>>
<<md>>We watched the action on the screen for about 30 minutes. Well, Angela was watching, not taking her eyes off. I watched her and her reaction. How sweetly the blood rushes to her face, how, after another woman's moan on the screen, she sexually bites her lip, how she stopped herself halfway, when her hand reached there, between her beautiful legs.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How was your work week? Has the situation at work improved?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl`s face shifted at once. From the previous cheerfulness and hidden excitement not a trace remained.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Our studio went bankrupt. I don't have a job anymore. A new studio has opened in its place, but I don't like it.<</say>>
<<md>>I wonder why she doesn't like the new studio. I should go and see for myself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, Angela. You'll soon find a job that you enjoy.<</say>>
<<md>>That's all I could do right now. It was not in my power to help her with work now, even if I really wanted to.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>That's nice of you to say. Thanks.<</say>>
<<if $Angela.AffectionLvl gte 1>>\
<<text y "Now I can watch porn with Angela.">>
<<text g "I should get more of Angela's effection before watching porn once again">>
<<set $MoviePorn = 1>>\
[[Leave living room|Home corridor]]
<<text r "Failure.">>
<<addAff $Angela -12>>
<<say $Angela>>Porn?! Seriously? Are you crazy? Have you not found anything more interesting watch?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, there were many interesting films, but I decided that it would be a good idea to watch porn with you.<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 30>>
<<say $Angela>>Alright, if this is what you want...<</say>>
<<md>>For 30 minutes, I carefully watched Angela watch porn. Towards the end, I decided to talk to her about her work.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How was your work week? Has the situation at work improved?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Our studio went bankrupt. I don't have a job anymore. A new studio has opened in its place, but I don't like it.<</say>>
<<md>>I wonder why she doesn't like the new studio. I should go and see for myself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, Angela. You'll soon find a job that you enjoy.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>That's nice of you to say. Thanks.<</say>>
[[Leave living room|Home corridor]]
<<set $SaturdayMovie = 2>>\
<<addmins 90>>\
<<set $AngelaWorkWithClothes = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\ <div class="shop-wrap">\
<div class="shelf-wrap">\
<div class="shelf">\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<img src="img/inv/whisky.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 30 $cash>>\
<<goto "All in one">><<run $cash -=30>><<set $id.whisky +=1>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<img src="img/inv/wine.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 20 $cash>>\
<<goto "All in one">><<run $cash -=20>><<set $ +=1>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<img src="img/inv/konfeti.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 25 $cash>>\
<<goto "All in one">><<run $cash -=25>><<set $id.boxofchocolate +=1>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<img src="img/inv/flowers.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 15 $cash>>\
<<goto "All in one">><<run $cash -=15>><<set $ +=1>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<p>Energy drink</p>\
<img src="img/inv/energy.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 10 $cash>>\
<<goto "All in one">><<run $cash -=10>><<set $ +=1>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<p>Teddy Bear</p>\
<img src="img/inv/bear.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 10 $cash>>\
<<goto "All in one">><<run $cash -=10>><<set $id.teddy +=1>>\
<<button [[Leave the store|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]>><</button>>\
<<include"Monica quests">>\
<<if $Naomi3Q == 1 > 0 && $ > 0>>\
<<goto "Naomi mast 2">>\
<<if $Naomi5Q > 0>>\
<<goto "NaomiShopping1">>\
<<if $ClaraM6Quest == 22 && $ > 0 >>\
<<goto "ClaraStudentsLexiBuyWine">>\
<<if $Tutorial == 6 && $ > 0>>
<<goto "Tutorial 10">>
<<if $Tutorial == 7 && $ < 1>>
<<goto "Tutorial 10.1">>
<<if $AngelaWorkWithClothes is 1 && $AngelaCorruption is 0 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "AngelaRose">>
<<elseif $StudioRoseWorkBegin == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '19:15') >>\
<<elseif $AngelaWorkWithClothes is 0>>\
<<md>>Angela works here, but she doesn't appear to be in. Many other beautiful girls currently fill the studio.<</md>>
<<md>>The place where Angela used to work, wherein beautifully naked assholes continue to be photographed.<</md>>
<<if $photo_camera > 0 && $StudioRoseWorkBegin == 1 && $ClientsPhotoActivated is false>>
[[Start photoshoot|StudipRosePhotographerSImulator]]
<<elseif $photo_camera > 0 && $StudioRoseWorkBegin == 1 && $ClientsPhotoActivated is true && $ClientsPerDay is 3>>
[[Do photoshoot|StudipRosePhotographerSImulator]]
[[Leave|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]<<include"CamillaSchedule">>\
<<if _camillaStoreSchedule && $Camilla.Meet == 0>>\
<<say $Camilla>>Welcome to "Imagination Reflection", the best place on the planet! If you're sad, it's because you weren't here before! If there's something wrong with your relationship, it's because you've never been to us before! But today, believe me, your life will change.<</say>>
<<md>>A cheerful voice welcomes me from the very entrance. If I heard that on the street, I'd shut my ears, but now for some reason I feel like a girl is talking from the heart.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Is that to me?<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Who else? Although I'm sure your personal life and relationships are fine. Such a handsome man must have broken a lot of women's hearts! But you know, after today, the best of the girls, the stars you thought were out of reach, will be yours.<</say>>
<<md>>With every word, faith in me has grown. This is the right place. Thanks to it, yes, I can reach new heights!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds very tempting. What does it take?<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>The way to success is always through external stimulus, to put it simply, clothes. Come on, we'll pay attention to someone sexy like me than to a ragtag in my grandmother's sweater. You want to catch luck by the tail? Buy the best clothes!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, what do you got?<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Let's see what Camilla can offer you today...<</say>>
<<set $Camilla.Meet = 1>>\
<<run window.unlockCharacter("Camilla")>>\
<<set $CamillaUnlocked = window.isCharacterUnlocked("Camilla")>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest1T = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addAff $Camilla 30>>
<<addLust $Camilla 30>>
[[Follow her|IR Shop]]
<strong>Clothes -</strong> [[Check|IR Shop]]
<<if _camillaStoreSchedule>>\
<strong>Camilla -</strong> [[Talk with her|CamillaTalk]]
[[Leave the store|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]
<</if>>\<<md>>Ah, now I understand why Angela doesn't like being here. This place is like the abode of alienation and loneliness. Some subtle feeling and an invisible voice that whispers to you as if you are alone here.<</md>>
<<md>>As if you are in a cell among people and no one can help you.<</md>>
<<md>>What a terrible feeling.<</md>>
<<md>> I think such a beauty as Angela was born in order to please people with her mere presence. She was born to work here and it would be foolish to deny this possibility. Surely, such work should be paid well.<</md>>
<<md>>I have nothing to do here. If I want masturbate, it'd be better to just watch some porn. I need to think about how to corrupt Angela so I can manipulate her to the point of working here.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaCorruption = 1>>\
[[Leave the studio|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]<<md>>Sleeping quarters<</md>>
<<if $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:45', '08:05') >>\
[[Bus stop|BusStop]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '22:00')>>\
[[Strange store]]
<<talk "Strange store" 1 $talk "The strange store is closed.">><</talk>>
<<if $LibraryOpen == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '17:55')>>\
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '08:00')>>\
<<talk "Library" 1 $talk "The library is closed.">><</talk>>
<<talk "Library" 1 $talk "I can't go in there yet.">><</talk>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '23:00')>>\
<<talk "Cafe" 1 $talk "Cafe is closed.">><</talk>>
<<link "Beach" "Beach">>
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Apartments|Apartment 2]]
<<if $Lexi7 > 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '11:00')>>\
[[Run few laps|Lexi Quest 7]]
[[Street Raw-Road]]
<<link "Fifth Ave" "5thave">>
<<addmins 15>>\
<<if $Naomi2Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '20:00')>>\
[[Talk with Naomi|Naomi speak]]
<<if $Naomi6Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '19:45')>>\
[[Stay with Naomi|Naomi Street]]
<<if $Naomi6Q == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '17:55')>>\
[[Walk with Naomi|Naomi Street 2]]
<<if $Fiona15Q == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '22:00', '23:45')>>\
[[Sneak into her house|ClubGirlArielle4]]
<<addmins 10>>\<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:30', '20:00') && $LucyFirstClass is 1>>\
<<goto "SecondVisit">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:30', '20:00') && $LucyFirstClass is 0>>\
<<goto "FirstVisit">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:30', '20:00')>>\
<<md>>I hope she is home. If she is, then maybe we can drink coffee or possibly something else.<</md>>
<<md>>I should not disturb her for now. If I want to see her, then I should come by in the evening.<</md>>
<<if $LucyQuest5 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:20', '19:45')>>\
[[Dinner with Lucy|LucyDinner]]
[[Living room|Llivingroom]]
[[Lucy's room|Lucyroom]]
[[Lucy's bathroom|Lbathroom]]
[[Street Raw-Road]]
<<if $LucyQuest6 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '18:00')>>\
<<goto "LucyDateHome">>
<<if $LucyQuest9 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '19:00')>>\
<<goto "LucyHelpSex1">>
<<addmins 5>><<md>>Despite its small size, the kitchen in Lucy's house looks very well maintained. As elsewhere in this house, there is nothing superfluous. Everything here serves only one purpose: to be practically necessary. In this case, the question immediately arises: why is there such a huge stove in this house?<</md>>
[[Back|Lucy's home]]
<<addmins 5>><<md>>As soon as you go inside, you are greeted by a huge inscription about the fact that you should remain positive. Well, you can't deny Lucy's optimism. Sofas and a huge TV just ask you to stop and stay here forever.<</md>>
[[Back|Lucy's home]]
<<addmins 5>><<md>>Black and white. I never thought that a woman's room would be so full of this colour combination. It's like it's something important, something personal to her. All these figures that so resemble female legs and just a gigantic picture directly screams that there is some kind of story behind this. I wonder what's the matter?<</md>>
[[Talk with Lucy|LucyTalkHome]]
[[Back|Lucy's home]]
<<addmins 5>><<say $Lucy>>$mc.Name, hey. I waited for you! Come on in.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hello! I was figuring out a good time to head over! It's cool outside, is the coffee already made?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, come in and take a seat in the living room. I will bring the coffee.<</say>>
[[Enter the house.|LucyCoffee1]]<div class="shop-wrap">\
<div class="shelf-wrap">\
<div class="shelf">\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<p>Sleeping pill</p>\
<img src="img/inv/snotvornoe.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 75 $cash>>\
<<run $cash -=75>><<goto "Pharmacy">><<set $id.sleepingpill +=1>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<img src="img/inv/snotvornoe.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 50 $cash>>\
<<run $cash -=50>><<goto "Pharmacy">><<set $id.aphrodisiac +=1>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<img src="img/inv/bandage.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 30 $cash>>\
<<run $cash -=30>><<goto "Pharmacy">><<set $id.bandage +=1>>\
<<button [[Leave|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]>><</button>>\
<<if $id.bandage > 0 && $MonicaCheerleaderPharmacy == 1>>\
<<goto "MonicaCheerleader4.51">>
<<elseif $cash < 30>>\
<<goto "MonicaCheerleader4.52">>
<<if $AutumnCheerleader2 == 8 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '22:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto"Grateful cheerleader 5">>\
<<if $SummerLikes == 1>>\
<<set $SummerLikes1 = 1>>\
<<set $SummerLikes = 2>>\
<<elseif $SummerLikes1 == 2>>
<<set $Summer.Meet = 1>>\
<<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
/*<<link "">><<goto "Puddle">><<addmins 5>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>*/\
<div class="laptop-wrap">\
<div class="laptop-screen">\
<img src="img/laptop/laptop-ui.png" class="laptop-ui"/>\
<div class="shortcuts">\
<div class="laptop-shortcut">\
<img class="shortcut-img" src="img/laptop/webcam.png">\
<<button "Webcam">><<goto "Webcam">><<addmins 5>><<check_all_achievements>><</button>>\
<<if $WhoremailActivated == 1>>\
<div class="laptop-shortcut">\
<img class="shortcut-img" src="img/laptop/whoremail.png">\
<<include"Email Icon">><<addmins 5>>
<div class="laptop-shortcut">\
<img class="shortcut-img" src="img/laptop/freelance.png">\
<<button [[Freelance]]>><</button>>\
<div class="laptop-shortcut">\
<img class="shortcut-img" src="img/laptop/BookShopping.png">\
<<button "Buy book">><<goto "BookShopping">><<addmins 60>><<check_all_achievements>><</button>>\
<<if $ReadPerDay is 0>>\
<div class="laptop-shortcut">\
<img class="shortcut-img" src="img/laptop/book.png">\
<<button "Read a book">><<goto "Reading">><<addmins 60>><<check_all_achievements>><</button>>\
<<if $mc.Intellect >= 4>>\
<<if $VirPerDay is 0>>\
<div class="laptop-shortcut">\
<img class="shortcut-img" src="img/laptop/virus.png">\
<<button "Write a virus">><<addhours 1>><<goto "writing computer virus">><<check_all_achievements>><</button>>\
<<if $anglaptop_hacked == 1>>\
<div class="laptop-shortcut">\
<img class="shortcut-img" src="img/laptop/angela.png">\
<<button "Angela's laptop">><<goto "Angela's laptop">><<addmins 5>><<check_all_achievements>><</button>>\
<<if $repair == 2>>\
<div class="laptop-shortcut">\
<img class="shortcut-img" src="img/laptop/google.png">\
<<button [[Google problem|Repair Quest3.1]]>><</button>>\
<div class="laptop-shortcut">\
<img class="shortcut-img" src="img/laptop/cheat.png">\
<<button [[Cheat]]>><</button>>\
<div class="laptop-shortcut">\
<img class="shortcut-img" src="img/laptop/Stars.png.png">\
<<button [[Stars]]>><</button>>\
<div class="laptop-shortcut">\
<img class="shortcut-img" src="img/laptop/backchanger.png">\
<<button [[Change background|LapBacks]]>><</button>>\
<<set $cheatOn = 0>>\
<<button [[Turn off laptop|My room]]>><</button>>\
<<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
<<set _WebcamHoeArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]>>\
<<switch _WebcamHoeArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>How beautiful the modern world is. Even without leaving your home you can enjoy hundreds of young girls, their sexy bodies. I can make them do whatever I want, or just watch it. The only pity is that the image is not touchable...<</md>>
<<link "More">><<goto "Webcam">><<addmins 5>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Back">><<goto "Laptop">><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<set _imgUrl = 'img/laptop/webcam/' + random(1, 21) + '.gif'>>
<<if Config.debug>><<= _imgUrl>><</if>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>What an incredible body this girl has. I just can't take my eyes off of her. Her pussy is like a big open flower. <</md>>
<<set _WebcamArray2 = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _WebcamArray2.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\laptop\Video\WebCamRoom1.1.mp4"></video></div>
<<case 2>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\laptop\Video\WebCamRoom5.1.mp4"></video></div>
<<case 3>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\laptop\Video\WebCamRoom6.1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I can see every petal. They're all bright and juicy. She's as defenseless and fragile as the rest of them. And just as vicious.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, yeah, show me what you can do...<</say>>
<<link "Just watch">><<goto "WebcamWatch1">><<addmins 10>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Pay her">><<run $cash -=50>><<goto "WebcamWatch2">><<addmins 15>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Watch other girls">><<goto "Webcam">><<addmins 5>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>She's dazzlingly good. I feel a strange, exhilarating, yet completely forbidden wave of heat starting somewhere in my chest and slowly going down my legs.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\laptop\Video\WebCamRoom2.1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Her body is a gift from the gods. We don't deserve it and yet, here she is. How I wish she were here...<</md>>
<<link "Just watch">><<goto "WebcamWatch1">><<addmins 10>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Pay her">><<run $cash -=20>><<goto "WebcamWatch3">><<addmins 15>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Watch other girls">><<goto "Webcam">><<addmins 5>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $mc>>Hello, beautiful!<</say>>
<<md>>Her lips stretch into a smile, but her gaze is a little glazed and full of passion. She takes the ice cream and pops it deep into her mouth. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, show me your throat!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\laptop\Video\WebCamRoom3.1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>It's just amazing-so good with her body and her tongue. She enjoys the sound and the pleasure of dipping the ice cream deeper and deeper. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Even more... You want a big ice cream in your slutty mouth!<</say>>
<<md>>She puts all her soul into that sucking. Oh yes...My ice cream is already very hard. Her face contorts with pleasure. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ah...<</say>>
<<link "More">><<goto "Webcam">><<addmins 5>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Back">><<goto "Laptop">><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<case 5>>\
<<md>>The curve of her back, the small roundness of her buttocks. Thighs. Mm, what a charm.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes...Show Daddy what you can do!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\laptop\Video\WebCamRoom4.1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>It's as if a new flower is blooming from a bud, as fresh as a bitten fruit.<</md>>
<<link "Just watch">><<run $cash -=50>><<goto "WebcamWatch1">><<addmins 10>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Pay her">><<goto "WebcamWatch4">><<addmins 15>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Watch other girls">><<goto "Webcam">><<addmins 5>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<case 6>>\
<<md>>Oh, what a beautiful girl! Her face is so beautiful when she touches her pussy. From this show, the cock in my pants became extremely hard. Oh yes, move your hips...<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\laptop\Video\WebCamRoom7.1.mp4"></video></div>
<<link "Just watch">><<run $cash -=50>><<goto "WebcamWatch1">><<addmins 10>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Pay her">><<run $cash -=80>><<goto "WebcamWatch4.1">><<addmins 15>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Watch other girls">><<goto "Webcam">><<addmins 5>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<case 7>>\
<<md>>In the dim light of her room, woman sprawls wantonly across her bed, the sheets crumpled beneath her. Her legs are spread wide, the provocative snake tattoo looking almost alive in its journey up her inner thigh. Her fingers, slick and eager, delve into the warmth between her legs with an unapologetic hunger. There's a rawness to her touch, each movement driven by primal need.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\laptop\Video\WebCamRoom8.1.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $mc>>Such a wonder...<</say>>
<<md>>Her breath comes in ragged gasps, her body arching, seeking more, demanding more. The bed creaks and her moans grow louder, filling the room with an unabashed symphony of pleasure. Every touch, every thrust of her fingers speaks of a woman unashamed of her desires, chasing her climax with a fierce intensity. The snake seems to coil tighter around her leg, as if feeding off her mounting arousal. In this heated moment, she is both predator and prey, consumed and consummate.<</md>>
<<link "Just watch">><<run $cash -=50>><<goto "WebcamWatch1">><<addmins 10>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Pay her">><<run $cash -=80>><<goto "WebcamWatch4.3">><<addmins 15>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Watch other girls">><<goto "Webcam">><<addmins 5>>
<<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<case 8>>\
<<md>>What a beautiful girl. Like a flower, poisonous and extremely attractive. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello, girl, show me everything you have for my boy.<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't take my eyes off of her as she removed her clothes, revealing her bare skin and her smooth body. Her breasts were perky and full, and her hips were wide and curvaceous. She ran her fingers down her body, feeling every inch of her skin, every curve and contour.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes, that's what I want to see.<</say>>
<<md>>Next, she turned her attention to her pussy. She reached down and spread her legs wide, giving herself easy access to her own intimate space. I could see her clit pulsing beneath her fingertips, and I couldn't resist the urge to touch it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How beautiful you are...<</say>>
<<md>>As she started to rub her clit, she closed her eyes and let out a moan of pleasure. The sensation was so intense that I couldn't believe it. I felt like I was flying on air, completely consumed by the pleasure that was coursing through her veins.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\laptop\Video\WebCamRoom9.1.mp4"></video></div>
<<link "Pay her">><<run $cash -=80>><<goto "WebcamWatch6.1">><<addmins 15>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Watch other girls">><<goto "Webcam">><<addmins 5>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<</switch>>\[[Leave her house.|Lucy's home]]
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(19)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(30)>>\<<md>>She has a very comfortable home and a soft expensive sofa. I like it here. Where is she?<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Here is the coffee! $mc.Name, I hope it wasn't too long of a wait.<</say>>
<<md>>She sets the coffee on the table and heads into the hallway.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>I'll be back in a minute.<</say>>
<<talk "Wait for her">>
<<md>>Mmm, the coffee is delicious.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>How did you like it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, it's wonderful. Thank you. Would you like to discuss your problem at school?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I would.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>For starters, I would like to say that this is a pretty commonplace problem. Teachers often have a misunderstanding of what it is like from the student's side. Times are changing, always.<</say>>
<<md>>She sipped at her coffee and stared at me intently. Something tells me that she likes me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You have to be honest with schoolgirls, be a friend to them. It really is that simple.<</say>>
<<md>>I think I'm a good actor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>As an example, you can be physical with them.<</say>>
<<talk "Touch her thigh">>
<<addLust $Lucy 20>>
<<say $Lucy>>You are incredible. How do you know how to handle them so well?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I was interested in this topic, and I spent a lot of time studying it.<</say>>
<<md>>It would be nice to leave right now, at this highly emotional moment. It will leave her on edge, and she'll wish to see me again.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I do have to go. Thanks for the coffee, Lucy.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Leaving so soon?<</say>>
[[Yes, I'm already leaving.|FirstVisitLeave]]
<<set $LucyFirstClass = 1>>\<<say $Lucy>>You can return when you wish! Thank you for your visit!<</say>>
<<addAff $Lucy 25>>
<<say $mc>>See you later!<</say>>
[[Leave her house.|Lucy's home]]
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(20)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(30)>>\<<set $PunishmentOpen = 0>>
<<set $Spanking = 0>>
<<set $Undressing = 0>>
<<set $Touching = 0>>
<<set $Handjob = 0>>
<<set $Blowjob = 0>>
<<set $FuckPussy = 0>>
<<set $FuckAnal = 0>><<if $PunishmentOpen is 1>>\
<<if $LexiPunishment is 1>>\
<<talk "Punish Lexi" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "Lexi punishment 0">><</talk>>
<<elseif $VeronicaPunishment is 1>>\
<<talk "Punish Veronica" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "Veronica punishment 0">><</talk>>
<<elseif $MonicaPunishment is 1>>\
<<talk "Punish Monica" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "Monica punishment 0">><</talk>>
<</if>>\<<say $Lexi>>Please teacher! Maybe there’s no need to punish me? I promise that I'll behave better. This won't happen again.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Be quiet. It will be over quickly. Next time you think twice before acting like that.<</say>>
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "LexiSpanking">>\
<<include "LexiMoves">>\
<<set $punishments_count += 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<set $LexiPunishment = 0>>\<<say $Veronica>>Please teacher! Maybe there’s no need to punish me? I promise that I'll behave better. This won't happen again.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Be quiet. It will be over quickly. Next time you think twice before acting like that.<</say>>
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "VeronicaSpanking">>\
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>\
<<set $punishments_count += 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<set $VeronicaPunishment = 0>>\<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set _spankingBArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>\
<<switch _spankingBArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>You need to learn to obey.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>You deserve this punishment.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>Next time it will hurt.<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $mc>>Do you want to be kicked out of school?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Please, no...<</say>>
<<set _spankingArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]>>\
<<switch _spankingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<case 6>>\
<<case 7>>\
<<case 8>>\
<<addLust $Veronica 8>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<set $Spanking = 1>>\
<<set $AssSpanked += 1>>\<<if $stamina gte 1 && $Spanking is 0 && $Undressing is 0 && $Touching is 0 && $Handjob is 0 && $Blowjob is 0 && $FuckPussy is 0 && $FuckAnal is 0>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "VeronicaSpanking">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<elseif $stamina gte 1 && $Spanking is 1 && $Undressing is 0 && $Touching is 0 && $Handjob is 0 && $Blowjob is 0 && $FuckPussy is 0 && $FuckAnal is 0>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "VeronicaSpanking">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<if $UndressAviable is 1 && $Veronica.Lust gte 50>>\
<<talk "Undress her">>
<<include "VeronicaUndress">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Undress her" 1 $talk "I can not do it now.">><</talk>>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<elseif $stamina gte 1 && $Spanking is 1 && $Undressing is 1 && $Touching is 0 && $Handjob is 0 && $Blowjob is 0 && $FuckPussy is 0 && $FuckAnal is 0>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "VeronicaSpanking">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Undress her">>
<<include "VeronicaUndress">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<if $Veronica.LustLvl gte 1>>\
<<talk "Touch her">>
<<include "VeronicaTouching">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Touch her" 1 $talk "Veronica lust is not enough.">><</talk>>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<elseif $stamina gte 1 && $Spanking is 1 && $Undressing is 1 && $Touching is 1 && $Handjob is 0 && $Blowjob is 0 && $FuckPussy is 0 && $FuckAnal is 0>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "VeronicaSpanking">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Undress her">>
<<include "VeronicaUndress">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Touch her">>
<<include "VeronicaTouching">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Handjob" 250 $Veronica.Lust "Veronica lust is not enough.">>
<<include "VeronicaHandjob">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<elseif $stamina gte 1 && $Spanking is 1 && $Undressing is 1 && $Touching is 1 && $Handjob is 1 && $Blowjob is 0 && $FuckPussy is 0 && $FuckAnal is 0>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "VeronicaSpanking">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Undress her">>
<<include "VeronicaUndress">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Touch her">>
<<include "VeronicaTouching">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Handjob">>
<<include "VeronicaHandjob">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Blowjob">>
<<include "VeronicaBlowjob">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<elseif $stamina gte 1 && $Spanking is 1 && $Undressing is 1 && $Touching is 1 && $Handjob is 1 && $Blowjob is 1 && $FuckPussy is 0 && $FuckAnal is 0>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "VeronicaSpanking">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Undress her">>
<<include "VeronicaUndress">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Touch her">>
<<include "VeronicaTouching">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Handjob">>
<<include "VeronicaHandjob">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Blowjob">>
<<include "VeronicaBlowjob">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Fuck her pussy">>
<<include "VeronicaSexV">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<elseif $stamina gte 1 && $Spanking is 1 && $Undressing is 1 && $Touching is 1 && $Handjob is 1 && $Blowjob is 1 && $FuckPussy is 1 && $FuckAnal is 0>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "VeronicaSpanking">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Undress her">>
<<include "VeronicaUndress">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Touch her">>
<<include "VeronicaTouching">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Handjob">>
<<include "VeronicaHandjob">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Blowjob">>
<<include "VeronicaBlowjob">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Fuck her pussy">>
<<include "VeronicaSexV">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Fuck her ass">>
<<include "VeronicaSexA">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<elseif $stamina gte 1 && $Spanking is 1 && $Undressing is 1 && $Touching is 1 && $Handjob is 1 && $Blowjob is 1 && $FuckPussy is 1 && $FuckAnal is 1>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "VeronicaSpanking">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Undress her">>
<<include "VeronicaUndress">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Touch her">>
<<include "VeronicaTouching">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Handjob">>
<<include "VeronicaHandjob">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Blowjob">>
<<include "VeronicaBlowjob">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Fuck her pussy">>
<<include "VeronicaSexV">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Fuck her ass">>
<<include "VeronicaSexA">>
<<include "VeronicaMoves">>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<text y "Stamina is over.">>
[[Stop punishment|Biology class]]
<</if>>\<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set _undressBArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>\
<<switch _undressBArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Better not move. Otherwise it will hurt more.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>You have to do what I say.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>If your parents did not teach you to obey, then I will do it.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>No..<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Veronica>>Teacher, please don't!<</say>>
<<set _undressArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>\
<<switch _undressArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<addLust $Veronica 12>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<set $Undressing = 1>>\<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set _touchingBArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>\
<<switch _touchingBArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>I know you like it.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Umm, teacher...<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Veronica>>This is unbelievable ..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Veronica>>Please, continue ...<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Veronica>>I adore your hands.<</say>>
<<set _touchingArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]>>\
<<switch _touchingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<case 6>>\
<<case 7>>\
<<case 8>>\
<<addLust $Veronica 12>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<set $Touching = 1>>\
<<set $VaginaFingered += 1>>\<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set _handjobbArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _handjobbArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Veronica>>You have a very nice cock, teacher.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Veronica>>I like the way your cock glides across my palm.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Veronica>>Please more, don't stop now.<</say>>
<<set _handjobArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _handjobArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<addLust $Veronica 22>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<set $Handjob = 1>>\
<<set $Handjobs += 1>>\<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set _blowjobBArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _blowjobBArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Focus more on the head... yes, yes, now more spit...<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>If you do a good job, I'll tell you when I'm about to cum.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>It's unfortunate this is the only way to shut you up.<</say>>
<<set _blowjobArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]>>\
<<switch _blowjobArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<addLust $Veronica 24>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<set $Blowjob = 1>>\
<<set $Blowjobs += 1>>\<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set _sexVBArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _sexVBArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Veronica>>Please, teacher... not too fast...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Believe me, that'll be your preference soon enough.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Veronica>>I can feel... it up against my... hnngh, cervix!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds like you have learned something in my class after all.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>You're soaked down here! Were you hoping I'd punish you in this way?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Mmm... more,... don't stop...<</say>>
<<set _sexVArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>\
<<switch _sexVArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<addLust $Veronica 24>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<set $FuckPussy = 1>>\
<<set $VaginaFucked += 1>>\<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set _sexABArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _sexABArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Veronica>>HNNGH! It's... so... fucking... big!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now now Veronica... language...<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Veronica>>It kinda hurts, but... I think I like it...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Uh-huh... they all come to this conclusion.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>If this doesn't make you reconsider misbehaving in my class, I don't know what will...<</say>>
<<set _sexAArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]>>\
<<switch _sexAArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<addLust $Veronica 28>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<set $FuckAnal = 1>>\
<<set $AssFucked += 1>>\<<include"LapBacksCheck">>\
<<if $ReadPerDay == 1>>\
<<md>>I've already read today.<</md>>
<<set $InteInc = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<set $ReadPerDay = 1>>\
<<set _ReadArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _ReadArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>The book is the gateway to an amazing world full of adventure, discovery and secret knowledge. How it is delightfully easy to sit down and forget about everything sometimes, to plunge into another story. I can’t even believe that an ordinary person is able to come up with something so perfect.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>How much knowledge is hidden from us behind the veil of our ignorance! I have been mistaken and did not understand how this world works for too long. Like a blind man wandering in the darkness, I smashed my forehead against the walls and shutters. But now he has seen!<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>The best investment in your future is reading books. How many topics for discussion, how much new knowledge is open for me now. No wonder they say that who owns the information, owns the world. And I want to own the whole world! What next to read?<</md>>
[[Back|Laptop]]<<if $stamina gte 10 && $Spanking is 0 && $Undressing is 0 && $Touching is 0 && $Handjob is 0 && $Blowjob is 0 && $FuckPussy is 0 && $FuckAnal is 0>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "LexiSpanking">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<elseif $stamina gte 10 && $Spanking is 1 && $Undressing is 0 && $Touching is 0 && $Handjob is 0 && $Blowjob is 0 && $FuckPussy is 0 && $FuckAnal is 0>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "LexiSpanking">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<if $UndressAviable is 1 && $Lexi.Lust gte 50>>\
<<talk "Undress her">>
<<include "LexiUndress">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<talk "Undress her" 1 $talk "I can not do it now.">><</talk>>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<elseif $stamina gte 10 && $Spanking is 1 && $Undressing is 1 && $Touching is 0 && $Handjob is 0 && $Blowjob is 0 && $FuckPussy is 0 && $FuckAnal is 0>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "LexiSpanking">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<if $Lexi.LustLvl gte 1>>\
<<talk "Touch her">>
<<include "LexiTouching">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<talk "Touch her" 1 $talk "Lexi lust is not enough.">></talk>>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<elseif $stamina gte 10 && $Spanking is 1 && $Undressing is 1 && $Touching is 1 && $Handjob is 0 && $Blowjob is 0 && $FuckPussy is 0 && $FuckAnal is 0>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "LexiSpanking">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<talk "Touch her">>
<<include "LexiTouching">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<talk "Handjob" 250 $Lexi.Lust "Lexi lust is not enough.">>
<<include "LexiHandjob">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<elseif $stamina gte 10 && $Spanking is 1 && $Undressing is 1 && $Touching is 1 && $Handjob is 1 && $Blowjob is 0 && $FuckPussy is 0 && $FuckAnal is 0>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "LexiSpanking">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<talk "Touch her">>
<<include "LexiTouching">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<talk "Handjob">>
<<include "LexiHandjob">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<talk "Blowjob">>
<<include "LexiBlowjob">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<elseif $stamina gte 10 && $Spanking is 1 && $Undressing is 1 && $Touching is 1 && $Handjob is 1 && $Blowjob is 1 && $FuckPussy is 0 && $FuckAnal is 0>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "LexiSpanking">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<talk "Touch her">>
<<include "LexiTouching">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<talk "Handjob">>
<<include "LexiHandjob">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<talk "Blowjob">>
<<include "LexiBlowjob">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<talk "Fuck her pussy">>
<<include "LexiSexV">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<elseif $stamina gte 10 && $Spanking is 1 && $Undressing is 1 && $Touching is 1 && $Handjob is 1 && $Blowjob is 1 && $FuckPussy is 1 && $FuckAnal gte 0>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "LexiSpanking">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<talk "Touch her">>
<<include "LexiTouching">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<talk "Handjob">>
<<include "LexiHandjob">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<talk "Blowjob">>
<<include "LexiBlowjob">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<talk "Fuck her pussy">>
<<include "LexiSexV">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<talk "Fuck her ass">>
<<include "LexiSexA">>
<<include "LexiMoves">>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<text y "Stamina is over.">>
[[Stop punishment|Biology class]]
<</if>>\<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set _spankingBArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>\
<<switch _spankingBArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>You need to learn to obey.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>You deserve this punishment.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>Next time it will hurt.<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $mc>>Do you want to be kicked out of school?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Please, no...<</say>>
<<set _spankingArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]>>\
<<switch _spankingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<case 6>>\
<<case 7>>\
<<case 8>>\
<<addLust $Lexi 8>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<set $Spanking = 1>>\
<<set $AssSpanked += 1>>\<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set _undressBArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>\
<<switch _undressBArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Better not move. Otherwise it will hurt more.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>You have to do what I say.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>If your parents did not teach you to obey, then I will do it.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>No..<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Lexi>>Teacher, please don't!<</say>>
<<set _undressArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>\
<<switch _undressArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<addLust $Lexi 12>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<set $Undressing = 1>>\<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set _touchingBArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>\
<<switch _touchingBArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>I know you like it.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Umm, teacher...<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lexi>>This is unbelievable ..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Lexi>>Please, continue ...<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Lexi>>I adore your hands.<</say>>
<<set _touchingArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]>>\
<<switch _touchingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<case 6>>\
<<case 7>>\
<<case 8>>\
<<addLust $Lexi 14>>
<<addAff $Lexi 12>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<set $Touching = 1>>\
<<set $VaginaFingered += 1>>\<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set _handjobbArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _handjobbArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lexi>>You have a very nice cock, teacher.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lexi>>I like the way your cock glides across my palm.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Lexi>>Please more, don't stop now.<</say>>
<<set _handjobArray = [ 1, 2 ]>>\
<<switch _handjobArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<addLust $Lexi 18>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<set $Handjob = 1>>\
<<set $Handjobs += 1>>\<<set $stamina -=10>>
<<set _sexVBArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _sexVBArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lexi>>Please, teacher... not too fast...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Believe me, that'll be your preference soon enough.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lexi>>I can feel... it up against my... hnngh, cervix!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds like you have learned something in my class after all.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>You're soaked down here! Were you hoping I'd punish you in this way?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Mmm... more,... don't stop...<</say>>
<<set _sexVArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>\
<<switch _sexVArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<addLust $Lexi 26>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<set $FuckPussy = 1>>\
<<set $VaginaFucked += 1>>\<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set _sexAArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]>>\
<<switch _sexAArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<set _sexABArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _sexABArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lexi>>HNNGH! It's... so... fucking... big!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now now Lexi... language...<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lexi>>It kinda hurts, but... I think I like it...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Uh-huh... they all come to this conclusion.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>If this doesn't make you reconsider misbehaving in my class, I don't know what will...<</say>>
<<set _sexAArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]>>\
<<switch _sexAArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<addLust $Lexi 30>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<set $FuckAnal = 1>>\
<<set $AssFucked += 1>>\<<md>>It seems the door is already ajar.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello Clara. You you wanted to speak with me?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, come in please. I was waiting for you. I wanted to discuss the topic regarding my schoolgirls.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>They seem to be bright young women.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, this might be true, but I believe it to be important to be tough with them sometimes.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don’t quite understand what you mean.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Punish them if they are guilty of breaking the rules or attempting to undermine your authority in any way. Demonstrate that authority. After all, a man must be a leader, correct?<</say>>
<<md>>This is strange. Is she hinting that I show her who is in charge here? I don’t understand. Does she want me to fuck her?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>OK, understood. I will demonstrate my authority with your permission.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I'm glad that you understand. But keep in mind, do not overdo it, otherwise I will have problems. Come to me if you need my help. I will be glad to do so.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course. Good day, Clara.<</say>>
<<text y "New events at work and punishments are available now.">>
<<set $PunishTalk = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraFirstMeet = 1>>\
<<set $PunishmentOpen = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM20Quest = 1>>\
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 34>>\
[[What are our tasks?|Task]]<<say $mc>>Why didn’t you tell me that our school is competing with others?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>There's a simple explanation for that. The fact of the matter is that our rating is so low, I think we simply have no chance of competing with the others.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Have you just given up? I don't like that. We can compete for the title of the top school in the region. I believe I know how we can do this.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Nothing happens for no reason. What do you need to achieve those results?<</say>>
<<md>>A blowjob?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I need more authority for that, let me undress the students if they are found to be needing punishment<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Undress our students? How does that help you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's a simple reason. It will be easier to make them obey. We will have better control of their education.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well... alright, but please be careful. This is a big deal.<</say>>
<<text y "New punishment available.">>
<<text g "Qualification increased!">>
<<set $UndressAviable = 1>>\
<<set $mc.TeacherLevel += 1>>\
[[The task is complete|Task]]\
<div class="tablet-outer-side">\
<img src="img/tablet/camera.png" class="tablet-ui">\
<div class="tablet-screen" style="flex-direction: column;justify-content: start;">\
<span class="Work-title">Choose where to go</span>\
<<button [[Northern part|SSNorth]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Southern part|SSSouth]]>><</button>>\
<img src="img/tablet/button.png" class="tablet-ui">\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(15)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<set $cash += 10>>\<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<set _benchEventArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _benchEventArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<if $FirstClass is 1>>\
<<md>>I just wanted to sit on a bench, when suddenly Veronica appeared.<</md>>
<<if $VeronicaImage1Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage1Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Wow, hello! I did not expect to see you here. Did you come to train?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Hello teacher! Yes, I keep myself fit. Would you like to join me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Umm, of course! Good idea. It's important to warm up a bit.<</say>>
<<if $VeronicaImage7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage7Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>What the fuck is she doing? Who does their warm up stretches like that?<</md>>
<<talk "Compliment her">>
<<say $mc>>You have a great body Veronica!<</say>>
<<addAff $Veronica 15>>
<<say $Veronica>>Thanks $mc.Name! Yours is great too!<</say>>
<<md>>She winked at me. Okay, it's time to leave.<</md>>
[[Go back|Park]]
<<md>>I like to breathe in the fresh air. It helps to relax, get rid of stress and forget about problems. I do not think that this is an avoidance of problems. I know that while sitting in the park I allow my mind to be alone. And this helps to make the right decisions in the future, to act more rationally. Okay, time to get up.<</md>>
[[Stand up|Park]]
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Why is it every time I just want to sit on the park bench, something strange has to happen.<</md>>
<<md>>A drunk Russian girl lost her panties somewhere. Damn, she is a sloppy drunk. It’s best I just leave.<</md>>
[[Go back|Park]]
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>The weather is nice today. Many people come to sunbathe in the park.<</md>>
<<md>>Wow, this babe is not shy. She took off her bra and panties to avoid tanlines.<</md>>
[[Go back|Park]]
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>I like to breathe in the fresh air. It helps to relax, get rid of stress and forget about problems. I do not think that this is an avoidance of problems. I know that while sitting in the park I allow my mind to be alone. And this helps to make the right decisions in the future, to act more rationally. Okay, time to get up.<</md>>
[[Stand up|Park]]
<</switch>>\<<if $NLevel is 0>>\
<<include "NorthPart0">>
<<elseif $NLevel is 1>>\
<<include "NorthPart1">>
[[Back|School reception]] <<if $SLevel is 0>>\
<<include "SouthPart0">>
<<elseif $SLevel is 1>>\
<<include "SouthPart1">>
[[Back|School surveillance]] <<md>>While walking on the northern side of campus, I heard some schoolgirls talking and decided to eavesdrop.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Do you have a cigarette? Damnit! I forgot my lighter. By the way, how do you like the new pervert biology teacher?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>I have a mixed opinion. I really like his hands. In class, I often just look at them instead of listening to his material.<</say>>
<<md>>I have to approach them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What is going on here? Why aren't you two in class?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, teacher... good point! I have to go.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>$mc.Name, could I talk to you after class?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course. Now get back to class.<</say>>
<<text y "After class.">>
<<say $Lexi>>I like your class and the topics that you discuss. I think I'm having some difficulty understanding the material though.<</say>>
<<md>>It sounds like she may want some personal lessons.<</md>>
<<if $LexiImage2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage2Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Lexi>>Teacher, do you offer tutoring?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I do, but you must understand that they are not cheap.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Oh... well, I'm not sure I can pay with money. I would like you to tutor me, teacher. Is it possible to pay for this in a different way?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Different way? I understand where you're going with this. Where's your home, dear?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Follow me. It's not far.<</say>>
[[Follow her|LexiMeet1]]
<<set $McKnowLexiHome = 1>>\<<md>>The closer we got to her house, the faster she walked forward. Apparently she was very pleased that I was willing to follow her home.<</md>>
<<text y "Lexi's home unlocked.">>
[[Enter her house|LexiMeet2]]<<say $Lexi>>$mc.Name, I want to thank you for accepting my offer. I can't wait for you to start tutoring me. Follow me.<</say>>
<<md>>She took my hand and led me into the kitchen.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Sit down, I'll cook you a meal.<</say>>
<<md>>Uhh... what?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wait wait wait, food? No thanks. I have something to feed you though.<</say>>
<<talk "Put a dick in her mouth">>
<<if $LexiImage9Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage9Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $mc>>The only way for you to pass biology is to do as I say, little bitch. Do you understand?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Phyesh..<</say>>
<<addLust $Lexi 100>>
<<md>>It's difficult to understand anything she is saying with her mouth full of dick.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You will obey me, and I will reward you with good grades. Understand?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Phyes...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good girl. If you don’t do anything stupid, you will have no problems. Only me.<</say>>
<<if $LexiImage10Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage10Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<set $AssFucked += 1>>\
<<set $Blowjobs +=1>>\
<<set $LexiControl = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<say $mc>>Swallow it. Delicious? There's no need to worry about your grades anymore. I will come to you and sort them out when needed.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Teacher..<</say>>
[[Go out|Street York-Road]]
<</talk>><<say $Clara>>Are all the teachers assembled? Where is the English teacher? Anyways, let's get started. Good evening, colleagues. I’m glad to report that with the hiring of $mc.Name to our school, the situation has already improved. The students became more obedient.<</say>>
<<md>>Of course it has. I am a true connoisseur of fresh pussy after all.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>There are still other issues to discuss. Let us begin.<</say>>
<<text y "After hours of discussion of said issues...">>
<<say $Clara>>Finally, the last issue to be discussed. I would like to ask if anyone has a proposal regarding the improvement of our school? Do not worry yourself yet, $mc.Name. I understand that you are still adapting and may not be ready to offer anything. It's okay, I understand.<</say>>
<<md>>This is true. To start, I should pervert them and raise my reputation.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>In general, I am very pleased with how the school is being run. I do not have any ideas for improvement.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Wonderful! The meeting is concluded. Thank you all for coming.<</say>>
[[Leave the cabinet|Second floor]]<<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
<<md>>A site where you can earn money by completing other people's orders.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Intellect gte 8>>\
<<if $stamina gte 10>>\
[[Take an order|Server]]
<<talk "Take an order" 10 $talk "I don't have enough stamina.">><</talk>>
<<if $stamina gte 10>>\
[[Expert task|Expert]]
<<talk "Expert task" 10 $talk "I don't have enough stamina.">><</talk>>
<<if $stamina gte 10>>\
[[Advanced task|Advanced]]
<<talk "Advanced task" 10 $talk "I don't have enough stamina.">><</talk>>
<<if $stamina gte 10>>\
[[Basic task|Basic]]
<<talk "Basic task" 10 $talk "I don't have enough stamina.">><</talk>>
<<elseif $mc.Intellect gte 5>>\
<<if $stamina gte 10>>\
[[Expert task|Expert]]
<<talk "Expert task" 10 $talk "I don't have enough stamina.">><</talk>>
<<if $stamina gte 10>>\
[[Advanced task|Advanced]]
<<talk "Advanced task" 10 $talk "I don't have enough stamina.">><</talk>>
<<if $stamina gte 10>>\
[[Basic task|Basic]]
<<talk "Basic task" 10 $talk "I don't have enough stamina.">><</talk>>
<<elseif $mc.Intellect gte 3>>\
<<if $stamina gte 10>>\
[[Advanced task|Advanced]]
<<talk "Advanced task" 10 $talk "I don't have enough stamina.">><</talk>>
<<if $stamina gte 10>>\
[[Basic task|Basic]]
<<talk "Basic task" 10 $talk "I don't have enough stamina.">><</talk>>
<<elseif $mc.Intellect gte 1>>\
<<if $stamina gte 10>>\
[[Basic task|Basic]]
<<talk "Basic task" 10 $talk "I don't have enough stamina.">><</talk>>
<<text y "With my intelligence, no one will give me an order. I need to get smarter.">>
[[Back|Laptop]]<div class="blowjob"><<md>>Endless gratitude to those who support this game financially, it is really absolutely certain, very important.<</md>></div>\
<div class="credit-container credit-first-line">\
<div class="Credit">\
<div class="TN">Sponsor Extra - 50$</div>\
<div class="PN"><span>Josh Button ♥</span>
<span>lund479 ♥</span>
<span>Aaron Postlewait</span></div>\
<div class="Credit">\
<div class="TN">Sponsor Tier 3 - 20$</div>\
<div class="PN"><span>randylj17</span>
<span>Christine Logan</span>
<div class="Credit">\
<div class="TN">Sponsor Tier 2 - 15$</div>\
<div class="PN"><span>Haitao Yang</span>
<span>Josh Button</span>
<div class="credit-container no-border-bottom">\
<div class="Credit">\
<div class="TN">Sponsor Tier 1 - 10$</div>\
<div class="PN"><span>Truckerguy257</span>
<span>Chris M</span>
<span>Danny Forman</span>
<span>Wild Bill</span>
<span>Robert M. Burton</span>
<span>Vincent Kari</span>
<span>Muddy Mudskipper</span>
<span>Berka Cipta Zulkarnaen</span>
<span>Cristopher Furrow</span>
<span>daniel moffat</span>
<span>trent denvers</span>
<span>Robert Eller</span>
<span>Jake Trotter</span>
<span>Fernando Henrique Montanari</span>
<span>ANDREW PEARSON</span>
<span>James C</span>
<span>Max Grimm</span>
<span>Chris harvey</span>
<span>Stéphane Titeux</span>
<span>Arthur radcliffe</span>
<span>Georg Eisner</span>
<span>Christoffer Wallén</span>
<span>peter rivera jr</span>
<span>Eric belanger</span>
<span>Yusha Ghayur</span>
<span>Brittany Lindsey</span>
<span>Cody Ezell</span>
<span>Mattia Bolla</span>
<span>Randall H</span>
<span>Murray Wylie</span>
<span>Kenny Smith</span>
<span>Sai Ngo</span>
<span>Madda_ N17</span>
<span>Matt Stoneman</span>
<span>Hari Seldon</span>
<span>Anthony Cervantes</span>
<span>hugo picchio</span>
<span>David Bird</span>
<span>Mello Ten</span>
<span>Robert Eller</span>
<span>Greg Bowman</span>
<span>Tobias Jørgensen</span>
<span>Shawn M DeBerry</span>
<span>Johnathan Thornburg</span>
<span>Raven Bass</span>
<span>Jeremy Halderman</span>
<span>Travis Baker</span>
<span>igor colby</span>
<span>Adam Bottomley</span>
<span>danny thompson</span>
<span>Joseph D'Auria</span>
<span>Ellz M</span>
<span>Gaute Norheim</span>
<span>Dimitri Khashram</span>
<span>Jawad Shabbir</span>
<span>James Dickens</span>
<span>Aaron Gagner</span>
<span>Tom Miller</span>
<span>John Viancour</span>
<span>Dirk Pitt</span>
<span>David Ho</span>
<span>remy F</span>
<span>Justifiable Gaming</span>
<span>Max Cruz</span>
<span>K Smith</span>
<span>noah luscomb</span>
<span>Into the Fray</span>
<span>Dylan Davis</span>
<span>Robert webb</span>
<span>treasure whitney</span>
<span>Initial Trixter</span>
<span>Grim Stryker</span>
<span>Paulo Santos</span>
<span>Allan bryden</span>
<span>Fred Jones</span>
<span>Unknown Player</span>
<span>William W Wiltbank</span>
<span>Unspoken Heroes</span>
<span>Muhammed Furkan Durmaz</span>
<span>Brian Fehrenbach</span>
<span>Emm Stenfors</span>
<span>Kaleb Johnson</span>
<span>land is cool</span>
<span>Carl Starkenberg</span>
<span>Jeremy de Borde</span>
<span>martin hammarlund</span>
<span>Kim andre røvik auset</span>
<span>Paolo Aurora</span>
<span>Brian niland</span>
<span>Mike Lee</span>
<span>Tobias Gut</span>
<span>Szabó Tamás</span>
<span>Murray Wylie</span>
<span>Ethan Brown</span>
<div class="Credit">\
<div class="TN">Grand Supporter - 5$</div>\
<div class="PN"><span>Elensar</span>
<span>Chris 'Chaos' Burgett</span>
<span>Robbie Daly</span>
<span>Curtis Sneden</span>
<span>mathieu giroux</span>
<span>Daryl Edward Buckman</span>
<span>Robert Bennett</span>
<span>Hunter Glad</span>
<span>Bronson Gaspar-Richardson</span>
<span>Jason O'Connor</span>
<span>Dariusz Domagala</span>
<span>gabriel bellavance</span>
<span>Edvard Slyngstad</span>
<span>Joe Shmo</span>
<span>Pat mcdowell</span>
<span>x x</span>
<span>Anthony Andraos</span>
<span>Aaron Schaefer</span>
<span>jason bawgus</span>
<span>Anarchy Draco</span>
<span>Lazy Boi</span>
<span>Josh Button</span>
<span>Jeremiah Lansburgh</span>
<span>Eric Finnila</span>
<span>Christian Lang</span>
<span>Mahmoud Farhoud</span>
<span>Ed Ed</span>
<span>Razgriz Gundam</span>
<span>Patrick Grone</span>
<span>Timothy Hansen</span>
<span>james evans</span>
<span>Len Barlett</span>
<span>Kyle Brown</span>
<span>Dave Mad</span>
<span>Altgriechische Geschichte</span>
<span>Johnathan Thornburg</span>
<span>Unspoken Heroes</span>
<span>Jake Trotter</span>
<span>Jai Irving</span>
<span>Kelvin Neves</span>
<span>John Reeves</span>
<span>chris kretzxchmar</span>
<span>Tiho Kahlo</span>
<span>Cristoph Bernsteiner</span>
<span>Bertil Andersson</span>
<span>Mees Schoenmaeckers</span>
<span>Andrey Prikhodko</span>
<span>Andrey Ivanenko</span>
<span>Yuli Maeda</span>
<span>Sam Vos</span>
<span>Zack Howel</span>
<span>Bradley McDonald</span>
<span>Tyberius Kirk</span>
<span>Bobby Morrison</span>
<span>Deonte McClam</span>
<span>John Snow</span>
<span>Jeff Shar</span>
<span>Adam Bottomley</span>
<span>Mike Ciraulo</span>
<span>Christopher Garniewski</span>
<span>Gary Akers</span>
<span>Clayton Delong</span>
<span>Richard Collins</span>
<span>David Helm</span>
<span>Nino Krug</span>
<span>sander kardein</span>
<span>Caleb Marshall</span>
<span>Andy Schmidt</span>
<span>Andrew Lynn</span>
<span>Jimmy Ouellette</span>
<span>Michael Jocham</span>
<span>Martin Perry</span>
<span>Jonathan Clews</span>
<span>Brandon Anon</span>
<span>James Armstrong</span>
<span>Judas Iscariote</span>
<span>Dick Trickle</span>
<span>Christopher Stickland</span>
<span>Marco Polo</span>
<span>Øyvind Nilse</span>
<span>Sishir Katta</span>
<span>Joshua Obiol</span>
<span>Willem Fry</span>
<span>keen axe</span>
<span>Petar Stoyanov</span>
<span>Michael Hernandez</span>
<span>Logan Caldara</span>
<span>s tammy</span>
<span>therrese plante</span>
<span>David Hart</span>
<span>casey seal</span>
<span>Brittany Lindsey</span>
<span>jack bob</span>
<span>Hawke Dawson</span>
<span>Steven Gallagher</span>
<span>Ernestas Šilas</span>
<span>Stephen Torsello</span>
<span>Tatu Lehtimaki</span>
<span>Sean Boyer</span>
<span>Pierre Cheval</span>
<span>Ryan Stacy</span>
<span>seth blackwell</span>
<span>Keenan Murray</span>
<span>guy wilson (grey-main)</span>
<span>Mike Howarth</span>
<span>Kacper Kozak</span>
<span>Phillip Rheindt</span>
<span>Dan Cooley</span>
<span>William Carter</span>
<span>Altgriechische Geschichte</span>
<span>Alvin Tse</span>
<span>Zane Sawyer</span>
<span>Jacob Damoiseaux</span>
<span>Unspoken Heroes</span>
<span>Caine Aramov</span>
<span>Bob Hickman</span>
<span>alex tanner</span>
<span>TM 35</span>
<span>Ryan perkins</span>
<span>Raphael .</span>
<span>aidan kelly</span>
<span>Dave Mad</span>
<span>Isaac Galindo</span>
<span>björn lindholm</span>
<span>Hayden Gaut</span>
<span>addyson alonso</span>
<span>Dominic Martinez</span>
<span>Chad shockley</span>
<span>Benjamin Auger</span>
<span>Allan bryden</span>
<span>The man without a name</span>
<span>John mccormack</span>
<span>Elliot Cadmore</span>
<span>진혁 노</span>
<span>Emil Bramen</span>
<span>Grim Bones</span>
<span>Bog Sagget</span>
<span>Aaron Michael</span>
<span>mark doolittle</span>
<span>Gage Bass</span>
<span>Samuel Whiddon</span>
<span>James Williams</span>
<span>Christopher Mack</span>
<span>Justin Ramirez</span>
<span>James Chacko</span>
<span>Vladik Hohol</span>
<span>Tim Grinter</span>
<span>Isak Johan Håker Lien</span>
<span>mathieu giroux</span>
<span>Sönke Pinnow</span>
<span>Thomas archibald</span>
<span>Christopher Garniewski</span>
<span>Steven Ohlhauser</span>
<span>Josh Branham</span>
<span>Blaise Fenn</span>
<span>Jakub siliceo</span>
<span>Lucas Zerbe</span>
<span>thatappleguy 154</span>
<span>Henry Force</span>
<span>devin martin</span>
<span>Cody Wolf</span>
<span>William Jones</span>
<span>Richard Agne</span>
<span>Ryan perkins</span>
<span>Nathaniel Kizer</span>
<span>Marc Schmitt</span>
<span>shayne mackay</span>
<span>Paul Lungu</span>
<span>Eric Coan</span>
<span>Adrià Pavón</span>
<span>Jake Rivet</span>
<span>Jordan Mclean</span>
<span>Joe Jackson</span>
<span>Mario Arriaza Garcia</span>
<span>Brian O'Connor</span>
<span>Tommy Pavoni</span>
<span>OMGIts Renegade</span>
<span>william shaeffer</span>
<span>Greg Kerster</span>
<span>michael carlson</span>
<span>David Becker</span>
<span>Joshua Stidham</span>
<span>Dick Trickle</span>
<span>Kurt Jones</span>
<span>Bats Mgw</span>
<span>Alex Nistor</span>
<span>Damian McRae</span>
<span>Nick Adolph</span>
<span>Josh Buchholz</span>
<span>David Ho</span>
<span>Don Smith</span>
<span>Brett Hall</span>
<span>Danny Kluge</span>
<span>John Miles</span>
<span>Daniel White</span>
<span>Robert Wellenbacker</span>
<span>Robert webb</span>
<span>Greg Torres</span>
<span>Koen Zwart</span>
<span>Jeremy Lord</span>
<span>Likas Piva</span>
<span>Luke Palmer</span>
<span>Rene Groner</span>
<span>Adrian Dun</span>
<span>Brandon Dowd</span>
<span>Matthew Wilhoite</span>
<span>Jeremy Renault</span>
<span>Tele Marian</span>
<span>A Voice in my Head</span>
<span>MARK E THOMPSON</span>
<span>Darrell Goodman</span>
<span>DMD shyvana</span>
<span>Kacper Kochanowki</span>
<span>Vignir Halldorsson</span>
<span>Rafael Mendez</span>
<span>Gabriel Fleming</span>
<span>Cody Harrower</span>
<span>marvin banaster</span>
<span>Marc Fery</span>
<span>John Doe</span>
<span>Marcus Naas</span>
<span>viknesh waran</span>
<span>Sanity Zap</span>
<span>Jayesonn leleaux</span>
<span>Rax Ixor</span>
<span>hachemi Iaaguel</span>
<span>Tariq li</span>
<span>santos hernandez</span>
<span>Saumya Borar</span>
<span>Philip W Shelton</span>
<span>Mike L</span>
<span>Joe Matrin</span>
<span>Tur Rut</span>
<span>Joseph phelan</span>
<span>Sigfred Kaven</span>
<span>sam johstone</span>
<span>No Body</span>
<span>Delta TiK_202</span>
<span>Ryan Downey</span>
<span>Frank West</span>
<span>Jaiden Van de Kamp</span>
<span>Joshua Brown</span>
<span>Brad Sanders</span>
<span>Edward Strong</span>
<span>mart Krol</span>
<span>brandon burndley</span>
<span>jason bawgus</span>
<span>Daniel Merchandise</span>
<span>Nathaniel Ian Blasi</span>
<span>Canaan Black</span>
<span>Joseph James Hilton</span>
<span>Gloria Rouchon</span>
<span>Michael Klixbull Freund</span>
<span>Simon Rencher</span>
<span>stephen yurick</span>
<span>jake Perrin</span>
<span>Jason Sparks</span>
<span>Sven Nast</span>
<span>Thomas Rush</span>
<span>tom delaney</span>
<span>Anarchy Draco</span>
<span>Michael Lance</span>
<span>Athena of Olympus</span>
<span>Michael Proctor</span>
<span>Fun Of Legends</span>
<span>David Yennie-Litch</span>
<span>Dave Mad</span>
<span>Leon Böttcher</span>
<span>Thomas Högger</span>
<span>Wayne Norton</span>
<span>Lachlan Edmonds</span>
<span>Brett Hall</span>
<span>Dave Morris</span>
<span>Ulysse Ackman</span>
<span>Fayez Syed Ibrahim Ali</span>
<span>samual martinez</span>
<span>Gaming Reaper</span>
<span>Jamezzz Zzzz</span>
<span>Hugo Sylvain</span>
<span>HolyBearJew G</span>
<span>hyhyhy hyhyfbfgb</span>
<span>guy paquette</span>
<span>Zacharie Webb</span>
<span>stephen herbert</span>
<span>Duke Lemon</span>
<span>Ali Alharbi</span>
<span>Lt Evans</span>
<span>Hendrik Nilsson</span>
<span>Ray Provencher</span>
<span>Skip Theobald</span>
<span>Altgriechische Geschichte</span>
<span>Dylan Joggerst</span>
<span>Chris Cummings</span>
<span>zach c</span>
<span>Morten Andersen</span>
<span>Lorenzo Di Carlo</span>
<span>PAUL H dukes</span>
<span>Dusty Rose</span>
<span>Andrea Mancuso</span>
<span>Chad Kirchmann</span>
<span>austin read</span>
<span>charles hopper</span>
<span>Killian Katgert</span>
<span>AJ Rottini</span>
<span>MARK E THOMPSON</span>
<span>Ricky Simms</span>
<span>Joshua Brown</span>
<span>Brad Sanders</span>
<span>Edward Strong</span>
<span>mart Krol</span>
<span>Benedict Kampf</span>
<span>Mike helgen</span>
<span>Mark Davis</span>
<span>ydrh ydfh</span>
<span>Kris Linnemann</span>
<span>Muhammed Furkan Durmaz</span>
<span>Allen Fortenberry</span>
<span>Jag hatar</span>
<span>Alan Napier</span>
<span>Willem Voogd</span>
<span>Berger Lucas</span>
<span>Jay Rapp</span>
<span>Vasileios Panolis</span>
<span>Murray Wylie</span>
<span>Vanilly Killy</span>
<span>Eric Menyk</span>
<span>Joshua Schell</span>
<span>paul silvis</span>
<span>Kai D</span>
<<prevlink>>\<<say $Clara>>Are all the teachers assembled? Where is the English teacher? Anyways, let's get started. Good evening colleagues, let's start the meeting.<</say>>
<<md>>Yeah, let's start.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Wait, wait, I'm sorry lingered. My daughter called me and said that she has a fever, it’s frightening.<</say>>
<<md>>No more frightening than meeting you at night in low light.<</md>>
<<text y "After hours of discussion of the issues...">>
<<say $Clara>>Finally, the last issue to be discussed. I would like to ask if anyone has a proposal regarding the improvement of our school?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I like how things are going. I am still pleased with my how the school is being run.<</say>>
<<md>>Now it's my turn to put forward proposals.<</md>>
<<if $UniformBasic is 1 && $UniformCandid is 0>>\
<<talk "Change the uniform to a freer one" 3 $mc.TeacherLevel "My qualification must be greater. (3)">><<goto "UniformCandid">><<set $UniformCandid = 1>><<set $UniformBasic = 0>><</talk>>
<<if $SurgicalMask is 0>>\
[[Hand out to the students surgical masks|SurgicalMask]]
[[Leave the cabinet|Second floor]]<<set $StreInc = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<set $PUPerDay = 1>>\
<<set _PUArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _PUArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Every year an adult loses about 2% of his muscle mass, and thus, by the age of 50-60 we lose about half of the muscle mass! 50% of the muscles are lost and turn into fat! Fat... What a terrible word! I will overcome my fear with exercise!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Many are afraid of push-ups like fire or the plague! It's funny, but these same people, to manicity, want to stay in bed with a beautiful woman. And this is funny because push-ups are almost sex. One has only to imagine that under him is not the floor, but a hot little thing...<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Life is a cross in which you must not fall behind otherwise you will be left with nothing. I cannot let life win over me. Therefore, one and two... One and two... One and... I think that's enough for today!<</md>>
[[Stop workout|Living room]]<<md>>It's the usual metro. Some stations are still under construction.<</md>>
<<if $cash gte 5>>\
<<link "Far-Dreams Station">><<goto "Far-Dreams Station">><<set $cash -=5>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>\
- 5$
<<talk "Far-Dreams Station" 1 $talk "I don’t have enough money.">><</talk>>\
- 5$
<<if $SubSmoking == 0 && $id.cigarrete > 0>>\
[[Smoke in the corner|SubwaySmoking]]
<<if $SubSmoking == 1 && $id.cigarrete > 0 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Exit the subway|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>It's the usual metro. Some stations are still under construction.<</md>>
<<if $PoliceQ2 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '22:55')>>\
[[Check for girl|PoliceQuest2Street]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader2 > 0 && $MonicaSubway1 == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '22:55')>>\
<<goto "MonicaSubwayEvent1.1">>\
<<if $Homeless is 1 && $cash gte 1>>\
<<link "Give a dollar to the homeless">>
<<set $cash -=1>>\
<<set $DollarToHomeless +=1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<if $DollarToHomeless isnot 5>>\
<<goto "Far-Dreams Station">>\
<<goto "Fake FDS">>
<<if $cash gte 5>>\
<<link "Central Station">><<goto "Central Station">><<set $cash -=5>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>\
- 5$
<<talk "Central Station" 1 $talk "I don’t have enough money.">><</talk>>\
- 5$
[[Exit the subway|Quarter Far-Dreams]] <<set $QFR_visited = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<md>>A funny place that leads to positive thoughts. Especially when you're sober.<</md>>
[[Brothel - Three minutes of joy]]
[[Bar - Heaven]]
<<if $marcus_meet != 1>>\
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '23:00')>>\
[[Club - Sirius|Club Sirius]]
[[Talk to the strange guy|Marcus_Dialog]]
[[Porn Studio]]
<<if $cash lte 4>>\
<<link "Sleep on the street">><<set $loser = 1>><<check_all_achievements>><<goto "Sleep2">><</link>>
<<if $TraceyQuest == 0 && $BrothelVisited > 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '23:00')>>\
<<goto "TraceyBegin1">>\
<<elseif $TraceyQuest == 2 && $CocoQuest == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '23:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "CocoAndCop1.1">>\
<<if $VeronicaQuest5 == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '07:00')>>\
[[Look for Veronica|Veronica 6.4]]
<<if $AutumnCheerleader2 == 9 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '23:00')>>\
[[Meet stalker girl|Grateful cheerleader 6]]
[[Entrance to the subway|Far-Dreams Station]]
<<set _basePriceNormal to 100>>\
<<if not $brothelPriceModifiers>>\
<<set $brothelPriceModifiers to {}>>\
<<set _dayOfWeek to $gameDate.getUTCDay()>>\
<<if not $brothelPriceModifiers[_dayOfWeek]>>\
<<set $brothelPriceModifiers[_dayOfWeek] to Math.floor(Math.random() * (151 + _dayOfWeek * 25))>>\
<<set _finalPriceNormal to Math.floor(_basePriceNormal + $brothelPriceModifiers[_dayOfWeek])>>\
<<set _finalPriceSpecial to Math.floor(_finalPriceNormal * (Math.random() * 2.5 + 3.0))>>\
<<set _discountPercentage to Math.min(50, Math.max(0, ($BrothelVisited - 3) * (Math.random() * 3 + 2)))>>\
<<set _discountMultiplier to (100 - _discountPercentage) / 100>>\
<<set _finalPriceNormal to Math.floor(_finalPriceNormal * _discountMultiplier)>>\
<<set _finalPriceSpecial to Math.floor(_finalPriceSpecial * _discountMultiplier)>>\
<<set _brothelThoughtsArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ]>>\
<<switch _brothelThoughtsArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>
<<md>>Do I really make money to spend it on sex? It's not just money though, but also invaluable time that can never be returned. In the pursuit of cheap pleasure, a person is vulnerable to such things.<</md>>
<<case 2>>
<<md>>Is it truly intimacy if it's scheduled? In a world where love is for sale, does the heart come with a receipt?<</md>>
<<case 3>>
<<md>>Do I barter my dignity for fleeting moments of ecstasy? In the economy of lust, is satisfaction ever fully paid for?<</md>>
<<case 4>>
<<md>>Can one buy love by the hour and still expect a lifetime warranty? In the brothel of broken dreams, do refunds exist?<</md>>
<<case 5>>
<<md>>When you're a regular, do they start to remember your name or just your credit card number? Do I get a "Welcome Back" or a "What, you again?"<</md>>
<<case 6>>
<<md>>Is it bad if I ask for directions to the G-spot like it's a tourist attraction? Does Google Maps have an option for that?<</md>>
<<case 7>>
<<md>>If I bring my own lube, do I get a discount? Or is that just a sign I've been here too many times?<</md>>
<<case 8>>
<<md>>When she's on top, do I say something sweet or just make a dumb joke about how great her ass looks? How much is the penalty for bad jokes in bed?<</md>>
<<case 9>>
<<md>>If I get a boner just thinking about it, do I need to pay extra for anticipation? How much is the fee for premature excitement?<</md>>
<<case 10>>
<<md>>When she shows me her pussy, do I make a clever comment or just mutter, "Nice kitty"?<</md>>
<<case 11>>
<<md>>Is there a Yelp review section for brothel girls' pussies, or do I just trust my boner's instinct? Five stars for making me forget my own name!<</md>>
<<case 12>>
<<md>>How fast can we get undressed? Time is money, and I'm not here to waste either.<</md>>
<<case 13>>
<<md>>Is there a way to speed this up? I'm just here to fuck, not to play games.<</md>>
<<if $TraceyQuest > 5>>\
<<link "Look for a whore">><<goto "SexBrothel">><<check_all_achievements>><</link>> - 0$
<<elseif $cash gte _finalPriceNormal>>
<<link "Look for a whore">><<goto "SexBrothel">><<set $cash -= _finalPriceNormal>><<check_all_achievements>><</link>> - <<print _finalPriceNormal>>$
<<talk "Look for a whore" 1 $talk "I don't have enough money.">><</talk>> - <<print _finalPriceNormal>>$
<<if $TraceyQuest > 5>>\
<<link "Look for special pleasure">><<goto "SexBrothelSpecial">><<check_all_achievements>><</link>> - 0$
<<elseif $TraceyQuest > 1>>\
<<if $cash gte _finalPriceSpecial>>\
<<link "Look for special pleasure">><<goto "SexBrothelSpecial">><<set $cash -= _finalPriceSpecial>><<check_all_achievements>><</link>> - <<print _finalPriceSpecial>>$
<<talk "Look for special pleasure" 1 $talk "I don't have enough money.">><</talk>> - <<print _finalPriceSpecial>>$
<<if $TraceyQuest == 1 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '23:00')>>\
<<goto "CocoSecondVisit">>\
<<elseif $TraceyQuest == 2 && $CocoQuest == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '23:00')>>\
[[Visit her room|CocoAndCop1.2]] - Coco
<<elseif $TraceyQuest == 2 && $CocoQuest == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '23:00')>>\
<<goto "CocoAndCop1.3">>\
<<elseif $TraceyQuest == 2 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Talk with her|TraceyNewGirl1.1]] - Tracey
<<elseif $TraceyQuest == 3 && $QuestNextDay is false||$TraceyQuest == "3B" && $QuestNextDay is false||$TraceyQuest == "3C" && $QuestNextDay is false||$TraceyQuest == "3S" && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Talk with her|TraceyNewGirl2.1]] - Tracey
<<elseif $TraceyQuest == 4 && $CocoQuest == 3 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '23:00')>>\
[[Visit her room|CocoandIrisPiano]] - Coco
<<elseif $TraceyQuest == 4 && $CocoQuest == 4 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '23:00')>>\
[[Check her again|CocoAndCop1.4]] - Coco
[[Leave the brothel|Quarter Far-Dreams]]<<addmins 5>>\
<<if $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 0>>\
<<md>>The nightclub is transformed into a vibrant time capsule, taking guests on a nostalgic journey through the decades. With each step, patrons are transported to the themed era, surrounded by colorful decorations, iconic outfits, and the irresistible beats of the chosen decade. Everyone feels like they've stepped into another world for the night, making unforgettable memories.<</md>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 2 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 2>>\
<<md>>The air is electric as the nightclub comes alive with the sounds of live music or the entrancing beats from a skilled DJ. The stage is set, lights are flashing, and the atmosphere is intoxicating. The crowd sways in unison, forging connections through the shared experience of enjoying the mesmerizing performances.<</md>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>\
<<md>>The nightclub is a kaleidoscope of colors and textures as guests don elaborate costumes or fancy attire. The atmosphere is playful and imaginative, as patrons immerse themselves in the chosen theme. Conversations flow easily, with everyone bonding over their creative outfits and shared excitement for the fantastical night.<</md>>
<<md>>A lively nightclub, pulsating with music and energy, perfect for dancing and socializing. The ideal spot to invite someone for an exciting rendezvous.<</md>>
[[Enter the dancefloor|Dancefloor]]
[[Leave bar|Quarter Far-Dreams]] <<if $CoffeeDrinked is 0>>\
[[Make a coffee|Fucking Coffee1]]
<<if $ShowerPerDay == 1>>
<<md>>I already took a shower today.<</md>>
<<set $ShowerTaked = 1>>\
<<addmins 5>>\
<<set _ShowerArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _ShowerArray.random()>>\
<<md>>In a healthy body - a healthy smell. If I want to attract the attention of girls and not to hate myself, I need to follow simple hygiene rules. It is unlikely that I can seduce anyone if it stinks of me for miles.<</md>>
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Today, the water was not particularly warm. But even despite this, it contained the life-giving force that our ancestors spoke of. In ancient times, they believed that water gave us the whole world. I don’t know how about the world, but I have plenty of energy!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Fatigue after an unsuccessful working day? Bad dream? Heat? A contrast shower will handle all this. Just a few minutes give a charge of positive and cheerfulness for centuries. Well, for hours...<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>When two people live under one roof and one of them is a very hot woman, there is no place better than a shower. Here, where no one bothers me, I can remain alone with my dirty thoughts. Thoughts quickly splash out into the water and I feel my legs give way with pleasure. What a wonderful feeling!<</md>>
<<if $CoffeeDrinked is 1 && $ShowerTaked is 1 && $ShowerPerDay is 0>>\
<<set $stamina +=20>>\
<<set $ShowerPerDay = 1>>\
<<set $HomeBonus = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<notify>>Energy Boost!<</notify>>
[[Corridor|Home corridor]] <<set $CoffeeDrinked = 1>>\
<<md>>If there is a legal drug in the world, then this is coffee. Such a refined taste and magical aroma can energize anyone for the whole day.<</md>>
<<text g "A throat-burning taste bestowed true pleasure. With every drop that got into my body, I felt how hither to unprecedented forces were opening in me. I can accomplish a lot now! A lot of things are waiting!">>
<<if $CoffeeDrinked is 1 && $ShowerTaked is 1>>\
<<set $stamina +=20>>\
<<set $HomeBonus = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<notify>>Energy Boost!<</notify>>
<<set $CoffeeHurt += 1>>\
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]<<md>>Veronica raised her hand and I called on her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Please tell me the answer to this question: What is semen rich in?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh... Protein and fructose?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Excellent! The next question...<</say>>
<<md>>The whole lesson I asked questions...<</md>>
<<addLust $Veronica 10>><<md>>Lexi raised her hand and I called on her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Please tell me the answer to this question: What is semen rich in?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Oh... Protein and fructose?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Excellent! The next question...<</say>>
<<md>>The whole lesson I asked questions...<</md>>
<<addAff $Lexi 8>><<md>>Television is a unique tool. Here you can see both nuggets and really interesting programs, and many of what you would not want to see even in a nightmare. And like any instrument, television can be used for the benefit of oneself and others or for the detriment.<</md>>
<<set $CharInc = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<set $TVPerDay = 1>>\
<<set _TVArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _TVArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Confidently take a step towards the public. To captivate them with your speech style or an interesting story. Do not be afraid of anything and it is easy to look into the eyes of your fear. And finally lead tens and hundreds of people. Today I’m one step closer to these
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>It is important not to be blind to the feelings of others. Nothing kills more like other people's ignorance. We all think that we are able to hear and feel the pain of another, but this is a lie. Everyone wants to be heard. A great way to use this to your advantage.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>An amazing story. How did a person with the worst environment in life achieved so much? How did he manage to lead an entire army and fall in love with so many beautiful women? He was not afraid to be himself and cultivate the best of inner qualities. I think I can learn a lot from this story.<</md>>
[[Finish watching TV|Living room]]<<addmins 5>>\
<<md>>The nightclub's dance floor is an electrifying space where guests connect through the universal language of movement. As the pulsating beats and hypnotic melodies fill the air, dancers are drawn together, celebrating the joy and freedom found in each shared step.<</md>>
<<if $stamina < 15>>\
[[Back|Club Sirius]] <<md>>A wonderful bar where you can always get out of reality. Forget about your weaknesses and feel like a superman. No, this is not a way out of the situation and this alcohol is unlikely to help me, but still the bar is good.<</md>>
<<if $BoyfriendKnow is 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '19:55')>>\
<strong>Angela - </strong>[[Talk with her|BF Talk]]
<<elseif $BoyfriendKnow is 2>>\
<strong>Angela - </strong><<talk "Talk with her" 1 $talk "I should talk to her after I finish with her ex.">><</talk>>
<<elseif $BoyfriendAvailable == 3 and isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '19:55')>>\
<strong>Angela - </strong>[[Talk with her|Dating]]
<<if $cash gte 10>>\
<<if $DrunkLvl gte 5>>\
<<talk "Order alcohol" 1 $talk "I'm too drunk.">><</talk>> - 10$
<<elseif $DrunkLvl gte 3>>\
<<link [[Order alcohol|BarPickup0]]>><<set $cash -=10>><<set $DrunkLvl += 1>><<set $mc.Strength +=1>><<set $mc.Boldness +=3>><<addmins 60>><</link>>
<<elseif $DrunkLvl gte 2>>\
<<link [[Order alcohol|Bar - Heaven]]>><<set $cash -=10>><<set $DrunkLvl += 1>><<set $mc.Strength +=1>><<set $mc.Boldness +=3>><<addmins 40>><<notify>>In Oblivion<</notify>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>> - 10$
<<elseif $DrunkLvl gte 1>>\
<<link [[Order alcohol|Bar - Heaven]]>><<set $cash -=10>><<set $DrunkLvl += 1>><<set $mc.Charisma -=2>><<set $mc.Boldness +=1>><<set $mc.Intellect -=1>><<addmins 20>><<notify>>Fugitive of Mind<</notify>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>> - 10$
<<link [[Order alcohol|Bar - Heaven]]>><<set $cash -=10>><<set $DrunkLvl += 1>><<set $mc.Charisma +=1>><<set $mc.Boldness +=1>><<notify>>Tipsy a Bit<</notify>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>> - 10$
<<talk "Order alcohol" 1 $talk "No matter how beautiful I am, I can’t drink for free.">><</talk>> - 10$
<<if $ChristmasHomeless == 2>>\
[[Buy drink for homeless|ChristmasHomeless7]] - 10$
<<if $BarRoom gte 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '23:55') && $LilyQuest == 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 2 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 2 >>\
[[Talk to the barman|LilyBarQuest1]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '23:55') && $LilyQuest == 1 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 2 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4 >>\
[[Spend time with Lily|LilyBarQuest2]]
<<if $BarRoom gte 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '23:55') && $LilyQuest == 4 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 2 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4 >>\
[[Talk to Lily|LilyBarQuest2.3]]
<<if $BarRoom == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '23:55') && $cash > 1000 >>\
[[Ask about secret room|BarPickup1]]
<<if $BarRoom == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:00', '23:55') >>\
[[Pickup girls|BarPickup2]]
<<if $ClaraM17Quest == 2>>\
[[Search for Clara|ClaraHomevideoBar]]
<<if $cash < 0>>\
<<set $cash == 0>>
[[Leave the bar|Quarter Far-Dreams]]<<if $Linda.Meet is 0>>\
<<set $Linda.Meet to 1>>
<<set $Linda.unlockedgallery to true>>\
<<set $LindaQuest1T to 1>>
<<if visited() is 1>>\
<<set $Tutorial to 2.6>>
<<say $Linda>>Hello dear. Are you the new biology teacher? Clara mentioned that you were young and handsome, but I had no idea... Oh, I've probably said too much. Hahaha...<</say>>
<<if $LindaImage2Unlocked is 0>>\
<<set $LindaImage2Unlocked to 1>>
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>That's okay, I like to listen to compliments, especially from women.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And you, as I understand it, are the secretary here? Or something like that?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Yes, I do a lot of paperwork and help with other small issues in regards to administration. Nothing too big.<</say>>
<<set $QuestNextDay to 1>>\
<<talk "Well, what is your name?">>
<<say $mc>>I am very glad to meet you. I hope that we'll be able to talk more in the future. What's your name?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>My parents called me Jennifer, but I didn't like it. I changed my name to Linda. Oh, and Clara already told me that you are $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<if $Tutorial is 2.5>>\
[[Nice to meet you, Linda|Tutorial 7]]
<<if $LindaImage2Unlocked is 0>>\
<<set $LindaImage2Unlocked to 1>>
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Linda>>Hello sweety, how are you? The weather is warm today. Maybe I should wear lighter clothes so I don't sweat so much at work. Do you need something?<</say>>
<<if visited() > 1>>\
<<if $UndressAviable is 1>>\
[[What's our position in school rating|Rating]]
<<if ($TutorialOn is 1 or $TutorialOn is 0) and $Tutorial > 2.5 and $AskAboutWC is 0>>\
[[Ask about the broken bathroom|WCTalk]]
<<if ($TutorialOn is 1 or $TutorialOn is 0) and $Tutorial > 2.5>>\
[[I want to upgrade parts of the school|SU]]
<<if ($TutorialOn is 1 or $TutorialOn is 0) and $Tutorial > 2.5 and $LindaAsked is 0>>\
[[Tell me about you|LindaHistory]]
<<include "Monica quests">>\
[[That's all|School reception]]<<say $Linda>>I can't say I have much to share with you. I was born in Las Vegas. I worked there as a waitress for a time. After that time I moved here. I've worked here at the reception for as long as I can remember. I know every corner of this school and have learned to understand people with but half a word spoken.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How did you end up here?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>I dont know.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How can you not know this?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Well, like that, I just don't know that. One day, I started working here, that's all.<</say>>
<<md>>What kind of magic is this?<</md>>
<<set $LindaAsked = 1>>\
[[I want to ask something else|LindaTalk]]
[[That's all|School reception]]<<say $Linda>>I wonder why you need to know this.So give me a minute to see. Yeah, our school is at position $SchoolRating.<</say>>
[[I want to ask something else|LindaTalk]]
[[That's all|School reception]]<<md>>The world is full of unnecessary rush and empty worries. If you don’t do anything with it, you can just end up in a madhouse one day. Or even worse ... In addition to carnal desires, a person should have a place for something more spiritual. That one, which gives unthinkable, incomparable joy.<</md>>
<<if $MeditationSkill lte 6>>\
<<md>>Focusing on meditation was a daunting task. Something constantly distracted me, as if testing for patience. Who said there is no easier thing in the world? I will have to make many more efforts before I comprehend this subtle science.<</md>>
<<set $MeditationSkill += 1>>\
<<text g "Meditation skill increased. $MeditationSkill/7">>
<<set $MeditationToday = 1>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<elseif $MeditationToday is 0 && $MeditationSkill gte 7>>\
<<md>> The universe whispers in me. It is me, and I am part of it. The happiest part in the world in which happiness and good are radiated. The world is now shining with new colors! How wonderful!<</md>>
<<notify>>Third Eye!<</notify>>
<<set $stamina +=10>>\
<<set $MeditationBonus = 1>>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<<set $MeditationToday = 1>>\
[[Return|My room]] <<set _BrothelUsualArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>\
<<switch _BrothelUsualArray .random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Let's see how worth it this is. At least the room the girl dragged me to looks clean and neat.<</md>>
<<md>>The woman whom I paid was quite experienced. I could tell from her every move. Within a couple of minutes, my cock was harder than stone and I immediately pounced on her in bed.<</md>>
<<md>>We enjoyed each other. Her enjoyment drawn from my thick cock and mine from her tight body. It's been a long time since I've been inside such wet pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>My effort and speed draws more and more sweat from my pores. This didn't stop me from fucking her harder while her moans filled the room.<</md>>
<<md>>I’ve finished and my time is up. It was delicious, but it's time to leave. Thank you whore.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Waiting for me inside is a stunning blonde girl, her skin sun-kissed with the unmistakable trace of a bikini on her pussy and tits. Her eyes are a striking blue, full of mischief and allure. She smiles as I approach, her lips curling into a seductive grin.<</md>>
<<text g "Hello, handsome. Ready for some fun?">>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely. Show me what you’ve got.<</say>>
<<md>>She steps closer, her hands already moving to undress me. Her fingers are nimble, skilled, and soon enough, I'm standing naked before her. She takes a moment to appreciate my body, her eyes lingering on my cock before she drops to her knees.<</md>>
<<md>>Her tongue is magical, swirling around the head of my cock before taking me deep into her mouth. The sensation is exquisite, her skill undeniable. She looks up at me, those blue eyes sparkling as she works me with her mouth.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, you’re good.<</say>>
<<text g "I’m just getting started.">>
<<md>>She continues to suck me off, her head bobbing up and down in a rhythm that drives me wild.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Brothel\BrothelUsualSuck1.mp4"></video></div> Her hands stroke my shaft in sync with her mouth, creating a perfect blend of pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>After a few more minutes of this exquisite torture, she stands up, her own clothes quickly discarded. I take a moment to admire her body - the tan lines from her bikini only adding to her allure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Turn around. Let me see that ass.<</say>>
<<md>>She complies, turning and bending over to show off her perfect ass. I run my hands over her smooth skin, feeling her shiver under my touch.<</md>>
<<text g "Like what you see?">>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely.<</say>>
<<md>>I position myself behind her, my hands gripping her hips as I guide my cock to her entrance. Her pussy is incredibly juicy, welcoming me with ease as I slide inside her. She moans loudly, the sound a perfect mix of pleasure and anticipation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You feel amazing. So wet.<</say>>
<<text g "Just for you, handsome. Fuck me hard.">>
<<md>>I begin to thrust, setting a steady pace that quickly builds in intensity. Her pussy grips me tightly, the wetness and warmth creating a sensation that's almost overwhelming. Her moans grow louder with each thrust, spurring me on.<</md>>
<<md>>Her skill isn't just with her mouth - her pussy is incredible, her muscles contracting around me in a way that heightens the pleasure. I grab her hair, pulling her head back slightly as I pound into her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You like that?<</say>>
<<text g "Yes, fuck me harder!">>
<<md>>I increase the pace, driving into her with powerful, relentless thrusts. Her body responds eagerly, her moans turning into cries of ecstasy.<</md>>
<<md>>I lean over her, my hands moving to her tits, feeling the bikini lines under my fingers as I squeeze and tease her nipples. <div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Brothel\BrothelUsualFuck1.mp4"></video></div> She arches her back, pressing against me, her pussy squeezing me tighter.<</md>>
<<text g "Oh god, yes! Don’t stop!">>
<<md>>The sensation builds, the pleasure reaching its peak as I fuck her harder and faster. Her cries fill the room, each one driving me closer to the edge.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I’m gonna come.<</say>>
<<text g "Do it! Spill it!">>
<<md>>With a final, powerful thrust, I come inside her, the pleasure exploding through me. She shudders around me, her own orgasm hitting at the same time, her pussy milking me for every drop.<</md>>
<<md>>We collapse together, breathless and satisfied, the echoes of our pleasure still lingering in the air.<</md>>
<<text g "That was... incredible.">>
<<say $mc>>You were amazing. Thank you.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles, her eyes twinkling with satisfaction.<</md>>
<<text g "Anytime, handsome. Anytime.">>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>There is a striking girl covered in tattoos, her body a canvas of intricate designs. She exudes a fierce, confident energy, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.<</md>>
<<text g "Let's not waste on talk, let's waste it on a ride!">>
<<say $mc>>Show me what you’ve got.<</say>>
<<md>>She steps closer, her hands already moving to undress me. Her touch is firm, almost aggressive, as she quickly strips me of my clothes. Once I'm naked, she takes a moment to admire my body before dropping to her knees.<</md>>
<<md>>Her eyes lock onto mine as she wraps a hand around my cock, stroking it with a rough, almost punishing grip. She licks her lips before taking me into her mouth, her tongue working with practiced skill.<</md>>
<<text g "You like it rough, don’t you?">>
<<say $mc>>Yes, give it to me.<</say>>
<<md>>She grins wickedly and begins to suck me off with an intensity that takes my breath away.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Brothel\Video\BrothelUsual1.1.mp4"></video></div> Her mouth moves over me with a fierce hunger, her teeth grazing the sensitive skin just enough to send jolts of pleasure through my body.<</md>>
<<text g "Mmm, yeah, you love this slut's mouth on your cock, don't you?">>
<<say $mc>>Yes, don’t stop.<</say>>
<<md>>She laughs, a dirty, throaty sound, and doubles her efforts, sucking me with a roughness that borders on painful but feels incredibly good. Her tongue flicks over the head of my cock, her mouth creating a perfect blend of suction and pressure.<</md>>
<<text g "I want you to come so hard for me, baby. Give it to me.">>
<<md>>Her hand pumps my shaft in sync with her mouth, her grip tight and relentless. The sensation is overwhelming, her rough treatment driving me closer to the edge with each passing second.<</md>>
<<md>>I feel my orgasm building, the intensity of her rough sucking pushing me closer and closer to the brink.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I’m gonna come.<</say>>
<<text g "Do it. Come in my mouth. Let me taste your filthy semen!">>
<<md>>With a final, powerful suck, she takes me deep into her throat, her mouth working me over until I explode. The pleasure is intense, my body shaking as I come hard into her mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>She swallows every drop, her eyes never leaving mine as she licks me clean.<</md>>
<<text g "Mmm, you taste fucking amazing.">>
<<say $mc>>You were incredible. Thank you.<</say>>
<<md>>She grins, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.<</md>>
<<text g "Be more rough next time. I'm fucking adore it!">>
<<md>>We lie there for a few moments longer, basking in the afterglow of our intense encounter.<</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>Inside, waiting for me is the striking tattooed girl from before, her body a canvas of intricate designs. This time, she's facing away from me, revealing a large, detailed tattoo of a tree that spans her back. She looks over her shoulder, a wicked grin on her face.<</md>>
<<text g "Fuck me like animal...">>
<<say $mc>>Get ready. I will rip you apart!<</say>>
<<md>>She doesn't waste any time, dropping to her knees and yanking my pants down with rough hands. Her eyes gleam with a wild, feral hunger as she takes my cock into her mouth, sucking me off with a fierce intensity that makes my knees weak.<</md>>
<<md>>After a few moments, she stands up and bends over the bed, her ass raised invitingly. I run my hands over her smooth, tattooed skin, feeling the intricate lines of the tree under my fingers.<</md>>
<<text g "Come on, big boy. Show me what you've got. Fuck me like the dirty slut I am.">>
<<md>>I position myself behind her, my hands gripping her hips as I guide my cock to her entrance. <div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Brothel\Video\BrothelUsual1.2.mp4"></video></div>With a powerful thrust, I enter her, her wetness and heat enveloping me completely. She moans loudly, the sound raw and primal.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You feel so fucking good. So tight.<</say>>
<<text g "Harder! Fuck me harder! I want to feel you deep inside me!">>
<<md>>I comply, pounding into her with an animalistic intensity. My hips slam against her ass, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through both of us. She pushes back against me, meeting my movements with equal fervor.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Brothel\Video\BrothelUsual1.3.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Her tattooed back arches, the tree seemingly coming to life as her muscles flex and move. I grab a handful of her hair, pulling her head back as I fuck her harder.<</md>>
<<text g "Yes! Just like that! Fuck me harder! Use me!">>
<<md>>I continue to thrust into her, our bodies moving in perfect rhythm. The sounds of our rough, primal fucking fill the room, driving me wild with lust. Her moans and cries of pleasure egg me on, pushing me to go even harder.<</md>>
<<md>>I feel my orgasm building, the intensity of our animalistic encounter pushing me closer to the edge.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I’m gonna come.<</say>>
<<text g "Do it! Fill me up! Mark me like your bitch!">>
<<md>>With a final, powerful thrust, I come inside her, the pleasure exploding through me. She shudders around me, her own orgasm hitting at the same time, her pussy milking me for every drop.<</md>>
<<text g "That was... incredible. You're a fucking beast.">>
<<case 5>>\
<<md>>Who is it? An older blonde woman with a voluptuous figure. Her tight lingerie hugs her curves, emphasizing her ample ass and breasts. She exudes an air of mature confidence, her eyes twinkling with a seductive, knowing gleam.<</md>>
<<text g "Come here, sweetheart. Mommy's going to take good care of you.">>
<<say $mc>>I'm ready for you.<</say>>
<<md>>She beckons me closer, her hands moving to undress me with practiced ease. Her touch is firm yet gentle, her fingers trailing over my skin as she removes my clothes. Once I'm naked, she takes a moment to appreciate my body, a satisfied smile spreading across her lips.<</md>>
<<text g "Such a handsome young man. Mommy's going to make you feel so good.">>
<<md>>She leads me to the bed, her big tits swaying with each step. She pushes me down onto the soft mattress, climbing on top of me with a seductive grace. Her large breasts press against my chest as she leans down, her lips brushing against my ear.<</md>>
<<text g "Just relax and let Mommy take care of everything.">>
<<md>>She starts by kissing me deeply, her tongue exploring my mouth with a slow, sensual rhythm. Her hands roam over my body, caressing and teasing, making my skin tingle with anticipation.<</md>>
<<md>>After a few moments, she moves down, her lips trailing over my chest and stomach. She pauses to take my cock in her hand, stroking it gently as she looks up at me with a mischievous smile.<</md>>
<<text g "Such a big, strong cock. Mommy's going to make you feel so good.">>
<<md>>She lowers her head, taking me into her mouth with a skilled, deliberate motion. <div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Brothel\Video\BrothelUsual2.1.mp4"></video></div>Her tongue swirls around the head of my cock before she takes me deeper, her mouth creating a perfect blend of suction and pressure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That feels amazing.<</say>>
<<text g "Mommy knows what you like. Just let go and enjoy it.">>
<<md>>She continues to suck me off, her head bobbing up and down in a rhythm that drives me wild. Her big tits press against my thighs, adding to the sensation.<</md>>
<<md>>After a few more moments of this exquisite torture, she climbs back up, positioning herself over me. Her big ass and tits are a sight to behold as she slowly lowers herself onto my cock, her pussy incredibly tight and wet.<</md>>
<<text g "Oh, yes. Mommy loves feeling you inside her.">>
<<say $mc>>You feel amazing. So tight.<</say>>
<<md>>She begins to ride me, her hips moving in a slow, sensual rhythm.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Brothel\Video\BrothelUsual2.2.mp4"></video></div> Her big tits bounce with each movement, her pussy squeezing me tightly.<</md>>
<<text g "That's it, baby. Let Mommy take care of you.">>
<<md>>Her movements become faster and more intense, her body moving with a grace and confidence that only comes with experience.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm going to come.<</say>>
<<text g "Do it, baby. Fill Mommy up.">>
<<md>>With a final, powerful thrust, I come inside her, the pleasure exploding through me. She shudders around me, her own orgasm hitting at the same time, her pussy milking me for every drop.<</md>>
[[Leave the brothel|Quarter Far-Dreams]]
<<set $stamina -= 15>>\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $VaginaFucked += 1>>\
<<set $Creampies += 1>>\
<<set $BrothelVisited += 1>>\<div class="puddle-title"></div>
Messages<<set $SchoolDormitory to false>>
<<set $Imp_Strength to false>>
<<set $Imp_Intellect to false>>
<<set $LibraryOpen to false>>
<<set $Imp_Charisma to false>>
<<set $Imp_Boldness to false>>
<<set $WCAvailable to false>>
<<set $NLevel to false>>
<<set $SLevel to false>>
<<set $currentDay to 0>>
<<set $upgrades to {}>><<set $AskAboutWC = 1>>\
<<md>>By the way, why the hell don't we have a bathroom?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Linda, I am worried about the lack of a bathroom in our school. Do I need to come to work with a bottle? I thought that even in the time of Socrates they had already mastered the disposal of waste.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh hush! It bothers me too. Our school has no money for this. Nobody wants to pay from their own pockets, and we have barely enough financing for the upkeep of the building as is.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I'm ready to pay to piss. How much will the restoration of the bathroom cost?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Give me a couple of minutes and I’ll give you a total.<</say>>
<<text y "After 10 minutes of waiting and a couple of calls.">>
<<say $Linda>>I've come up with the total. I was told that the cost of restoring the bathroom is 300$. Do you want to pay this money to pee?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don’t know yet. I should think about this. Be prepared for this to happen someday.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Wonderful! You can talk to me about it at any time and we will solve the issue of the bathroom, among other issues. If you want to contribute your money to something else, no one will stop you. We have many other issues that can be improved or updated.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, honey. See you later.<</say>>
<<text y "Charity for the school is now available.">>
[[That's all|School reception]]<<say $Linda>>Would you like to make some changes to the school? Hmm, where did I put that list. Just a minute... Ah! Yes, here it is. I should put it somewhere that I can easily remember. Well, say what exactly interests you.<</say>>
[[That's all|School reception]]<<set $WCAvailable = 1>>\
<<say $Linda>>Why do you need this bathroom? You men can just piss in a bottle. It's your choice. Give me the money and we'll make it happen.<</say>>
<<set $SchoolInfrastructure += 5.00>>\
<<text g "A new location WC is available!">>
<<text g "The quality of infrastructures has increased.">>
<<say $mc>>Linda, after the bathroom is in order, shall we go evaluate it together? You can help me relieve myself.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>You are a pervert. Don’t stop me from working, please. Do you need anything else?<</say>>
[[Show me the list|SU]]
<<if $Tutorial == 2.6 && $TutorialOn == 1>>\
[[That's all|Tutorial 7.1]]
[[That's all|School reception]]
<</if>>\<<set $SchoolInfrastructure += 2.50>>\
<<say $Linda>>Great! I will write the donation in your name and notify the management of the changes that need to be made to the school. This money will go towards new flowers being planted, the lawn being cut, and the borders painted. Thank you, sweetie.<</say>>
<<text g "Congratulations! Level of North part is 2.">>
<<text g "The quality of infrastructures has increased.">>
<<say $mc>>Good to know. Thank you Linda. And by the way, you look beautiful today.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, is that so? Do you need anything else?<</say>>
[[Show me the list|SU]]
[[That's all|School reception]]<<set $SchoolInfrastructure += 2.50>>\
<<say $Linda>>Great! I will write the donation in your name and notify the management of the changes that need to be made to the school. This money will go towards new flowers being planted, the lawn being cut, and the borders painted. Thank you, sweetie.<</say>>
<<text g "Congratulations! Level of South part is 2.">>
<<text g "The quality of infrastructures has increased.">>
<<say $mc>>Good to know. Thank you Linda. And by the way, you look beautiful today.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, is that so? Do you need anything else?<</say>>
[[Show me the list|SU]]
[[That's all|School reception]]<<set _SSSArray = [ 1, 2 ]>>\
<<switch _SSSArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 2>>\
<<md>>After a walk through the southern side of the campus, I went to the teachers lounge to pick up some papers for work. I noticed that one of my students was following me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why are you following me?<</say>>
<<md>>She did not answer verbally, but instead only ran a finger over her lips and shushed me with a whisper. She led me into the office, sat me on a chair and took a seat beside me.<</md>>
<<md>>Wow, this schoolgirl seems very excited. She seems to like my body or dick, maybe both. If she's looking for sex, I can take care of that.<</md>>
<<talk "Fuck her pussy">>
<<md>>Her wet vagina is beautiful. I wish she would keep it down. It would be more exciting if we weren't caught.<</md>>
<<talk "Fuck her ass">>
<<md>>Damn, this is awesome! She has a wonderful smile and a tight backdoor. There's nothing better than a vulgar schoolgirl like this. I think it's time to fill her up with semen and get back to what I was working on.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're a wonderful student. Now go home and tell your mom about your good grades.<</say>>
[[Finish the work|School reception]]
<<elseif $mc.Charisma gte 1>>\
<<md>>After a walk through the southern side of the campus, I went to the teachers lounge to pick up some papers for work. I noticed that one of my students was following me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why are you following me?<</say>>
<<md>>She did not answer verbally, but instead only ran a finger over her lips and shushed me with a whisper. She led me into the office, sat me on a chair and took a seat beside me.<</md>>
<<md>>Wow, this schoolgirl seems very excited. She seems to like my body or dick, maybe both. If she's looking for sex, I can take care of that.<</md>>
<<talk "Fuck her pussy">>
<<md>>After banging her on the table, I came across her chest and midsection and then told her to fuck off. I bet she liked that.<</md>>
[[Finish the work|School reception]]
<<md>>After a walk through the southern side of the campus, I went to the teachers lounge to pick up some papers for work. I noticed that one of my students was following me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why are you following me?<</say>>
<<md>>She did not answer verbally, but instead only ran a finger over her lips and shushed me with a whisper. She led me into the office, sat me on a chair and took a seat beside me.<</md>>
<<talk "Fuck her pussy">>
<<md>>After I made my move, she got up and left the office. She didn't even say goodbye. Oh, surely she has not been added to the game yet. That's okay, it won't hurt to fuck her later.<</md>>
[[Finish the work|School reception]]
<<talk "Rape her" 3 $mc.Strength "My strength is not enough.">><<text g "Strength check was successful.">>
<<say $mc>>Lie down on the table, bitch. I don't care if you like it or not.<</say>>
<<md>>I hope she doesn't mind that I came in her pussy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now thank me and get the fuck out of here, slut.<</say>>
[[Finish the work|School reception]]
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>It went smoothly, and I didn’t see anything unusual. I'm starting to get hungry. It must be time to get home.<</md>>
[[Finish the work|School reception]]
<</switch>>\<<if $McKnowLexiHome is 0>>\
<<goto "LexiMeet">>\
<<set _SSNArray = [ 1, 2 ]>>\
<<switch _SSNArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>I’ll get some fresh air and see what's going on out here today. I like this part of the school most of all. It always smells good because of the plants and flowers that are planted here.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Teacher! Hello! Do you happen to have a cigarette?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, you startled me.<</say>>
<<talk "Give her a cigarette" 1 $id.cigarrete "I don't have cigarettes">>
<<set $id.cigarrete -= 1>>\
<<md>>I handed her a cigarette and smiled.<</md>>
<<addAff $Veronica 20>>
<<say $Veronica>>Thanks a lot! I've always said that you're one of the good teachers!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How sweet of you to say. Run off to your lessons now.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Of course, bye!<</say>>
[[Finish the work|School reception]]
<<talk "I do not smoke">>
<<say $mc>>You know smoking is bad for you, right?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh don't start with this.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Smoking is the cause of many deaths.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Ok ok, I get it. I'll leave.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Be a good girl.<</say>>
[[Finish the work|School reception]]
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>This is a great place to relieve stress. Oh, I think I see Lexi.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why aren't you in class?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>I'm sorry, teacher.<</say>>
<<md>>She looks intimidated. It seems she did not expect to see me here.<</md>>
<<talk "Take her to the nearest empty classroom">>
<<say $mc>>Follow me. I will show you what skipping class can lead to.<</say>>
<<md>>We made it to the classroom, and I quickly got down to business.<</md>>
<<if $LexiImage11Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage11Unlocked = 1>>\
<<addLust $Lexi 18>>
<<say $Lexi>>Ohhh gosh.. I like this...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I like it, "Daddy."<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>What?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I said, call me "Daddy."<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Ok Daaaddy, I'm sorryyy...<</say>>
<<if $LexiImage12Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage12Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>I filled her anal cavity with cum. It was delightful, but now it's time to get back to work.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good girl. Now clean up the mess and leave the classroom when you're done.<</say>>
[[Finish the work|School reception]]
<<talk "Let her stay outside">>
<<say $mc>>You know that you shouldn't be here, right?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes, I know. I'm already leaving.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wait, stay if you want. Good girls deserve some rest after all.<</say>>
<<addAff $Lexi 16>>
<<say $Lexi>>Right $mc.Name, thank you. I like you and your class.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And I like you too, Lexi. Don't stay out here for long.<</say>>
[[Finish the work|School reception]]
<</switch>>\<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 1>>\
<<say $Angela>>Tell me how your week goes. Is there anything new going on at school? It must be quite interesting being a teacher.<</say>>
<<if $AngelaImage24Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage24Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>Being a teacher is nice, but I'd prefer being your teacher.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Really, a teacher just for me? And what would you teach me?<</say>>
<<talk "I can show you how to make your ass perfect" 2 $mc.Strength "I don't have enough strength>><<text g "Strength check was successful.">>
<<say $mc>>I can lend my bodybuilding skills to make your ass into the finest one to ever be seen. I can tell you about a few secret exercises.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh! That sounds wonderful! Of course I'd like to learn about these exercises. I have long wanted to do get my ass into better shape. You'd be the perfect teacher.<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 15>>
<<md>>Her eyes have lit up noticeably. Oh, I would like nothing more than to throw her on the table and fuck her right now.<</md>>
[[Leave the kitchen|Home corridor]]
<<talk "I can tell you about the meaning of life" 2 $mc.Intellect "I don't have enough intellect">><<text g "Intellect check was successful.">>
<<say $mc>>Have you ever wondered about your meaning of life? Despite the fact that everyone has their own perspective, there are commonalities to all.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>So... what are you getting at?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>In addition to the fact that we all want happiness, despite the fact that Sigmund Freud correctly specified that nature did not foresee that a person would seek happiness. If you follow this logic, enjoy life and do no harm to others. Only then can our commonalities be in harmony.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>It seems that I live with Schopenhauer. Are you alright or has someone harmed you?<</say>>
<<md>>It seems she doesn't understand me. She’s not the only one.<</md>>
[[Leave the kitchen|Home corridor]]
<<talk "I can show you how to be obedient" 2 $mc.Charisma "I don't have enough charisma">><<text g "Charisma check was successful.">>
<<say $mc>>Do you know that obedient girls are much nicer to bring presents to? If we do this, you will obey me and follow my orders. I will reward you for your efforts.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Wow, you want me to follow your orders? I'd like that. How did you develop such confidence?<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 25>>
<<md>>When a person with whom you are talking to is a complete idiot, it becomes easier to be more confident than otherwise.<</md>>
[[Leave the kitchen|Home corridor]]
<<talk "I can’t teach you anything">><<say $mc>>You are already a very smart woman, so I can hardly teach you anything.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Haha, I like that answer, but that must mean you're a bad teacher.<</say>>
[[Leave the kitchen|Home corridor]]
<<say $Angela>>Do you like pancakes? My mother taught me how to cook them as a child, though I still don't make them as good as hers. Nutella covers up this fact and makes them much better.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Angela, do you mind if I cover you in nutella and have passionate sex with you?<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 10>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh my god, how did you become so vulgar? Have you been taught any manners?<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela -15>>
<<md>>Why am I so vulgar? This is a good question. I definitely learned much of this vulgarity in the past, but I'm not sure from where.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Can we just eat without all this chatter?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. I'm sorry if I did something wrong. My penis drives me to crazy actions when I see you.<</say>>
[[Leave the kitchen|Home corridor]]
<<addmins 25>>\<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '14:00', '17:55') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5>>\
[[Invite a schoolgirl to the house|Invite who]]
<</if>>\<<md>>Schoolgirls. Cleaning. I had several options in my head at once. Some of them like to clean, others do not. It's important to make this place much cleaner than it used to be. But everyone loves money and good grades. The important thing is to get them to take their side. So who will help me turn this place into a sanctuary of purity?<</md>>
<strong>Lexi</strong> - <<talk "Invite" 1 $Lexi.AffectionLvl "Lexi affection is not enough.">><<goto "LexiInvite">><</talk>>
Affection level "Acquaintance" required
<strong>Veronica</strong> - <<talk "Invite" 1 $Veronica.AffectionLvl "Veronica affection is not enough.">><<goto "Veronica choice">><</talk>>
Affection level "Acquaintance" required
<strong>Monica</strong> - <<talk "Invite" 2 $Monica.AffectionLvl "Monica affection is not enough.">><<goto "Monica choice">><</talk>>
Affection level "Acquaintance" required
[[I changed my mind|My room]]<<set _SSSArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _SSSArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>After a walk through the southern side of the campus, I went to the teachers lounge to pick up some papers for work. I noticed that one of my students was following me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why are you following me?<</say>>
<<md>>She did not answer verbally, but instead only ran a finger over her lips and shushed me with a whisper. She led me into the office, sat me on a chair and took a seat beside me.<</md>>
<<md>>Wow, this schoolgirl seems very excited. She seems to like my body or dick, maybe both. If she's looking for sex, I can take care of that.<</md>>
<<talk "Fuck her pussy">>
<<md>>Her wet vagina is beautiful. I wish she would keep it down. It would be more exciting if we weren't caught.<</md>>
<<talk "Fuck her ass">>
<<md>>Damn, this is awesome! She has a wonderful smile and a tight backdoor. There's nothing better than a vulgar schoolgirl like this. I think it's time to fill her up with semen and get back to what I was working on.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're a wonderful student. Now go home and tell your mom about your good grades.<</say>>
[[Finish the work|School reception]]
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>It went smoothly, and I didn’t see anything unusual. I'm starting to get hungry. It must be time to get home.<</md>>
[[Finish the work|School reception]]
<<case 3>>\
<<if $MonicaSSS is 0>>\
<<md>>I noticed Monica in the distance. This would be good opportunity to get to know her better and maybe even become friends.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaImage7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage7Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Hello Monica, what are you doing out here?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I'm sorry teacher. I hope it's not a problem that I'm here. My back ached after school and I decided to stretch a bit. Would you like to join me?<</say>>
<<if $MonicaImage8Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage8Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>I appreciate the offer, but I don't think I'm nearly as flexible as you are.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, I understand. You have a much larger body, but I can see that you are watching your form. That means we have something in common.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So it seems we do. I won't distract you any longer, Monica. Enjoy your time stretching.<</say>>
<<addAff $Monica 16>>
<<set $MonicaSSS = 1>>\
[[Finish the work|School reception]]
<<md>>Again, I see Monica doing stretches out on the grass.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaImage8Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage8Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Does your back ache again? You know that you can’t be here during classes, right?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, I know. I don't want to go to the physical education class though. I am already very good at what is required of us there.<</say>>
<<talk "Ask her for a quick flash" 2 $mc.Charisma "I don't have enough charisma.">><<text g "Charisma check was successful!">>
<<say $mc>>I understand, but the rules are the rules. We can make a deal. I will leave you here and pretend that I didn’t see anything if you show me your boobs.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>What?? Um, well, I guess that's a fair trade. Just don't tell anyone I'm out here during classes.<</say>>
<<if $MonicaImage9Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage9Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Monica>>Do you like them? Satisfied?<</say>>
<<addLust $Monica 12>>
<<say $mc>>You are very clever. Enjoy your time stretching, Monica. Goodbye.<</say>>
[[Finish the work|School reception]]
<<talk "Okay, stay">><<say $mc>>I'll pretend that I didn’t see anything, but just because I really like you, understood?<</say>>
<<text r "My reputation has increased.">>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you so much teacher. I'll try to be more attentive in your lessons. Hope to see you again.<</say>>
[[Finish the work|School reception]]
<</switch>>\<<if $McKnowLexiHome is 0>>\
<<goto "LexiMeet">>\
<<set _SSNArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _SSNArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>I’ll get some fresh air and see what's going on out here today. I like this part of the school most of all. It always smells good because of the plants and flowers that are planted here.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Teacher! Hello! Do you happen to have a cigarette?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, you startled me.<</say>>
<<talk "Give her a cigarette" 1 $id.cigarrete "I don't have cigarettes">>
<<set $id.cigarrete -= 1>>\
<<md>>I handed her a cigarette and smiled.<</md>>
<<addAff $Veronica 20>>
<<say $Veronica>>Thanks a lot! I've always said that you're one of the good teachers!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How sweet of you to say. Run off to your lessons now.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Of course, bye!<</say>>
[[Finish the work|School reception]]
<<talk "I do not smoke">>
<<say $mc>>You know smoking is bad for you, right?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh don't start with this.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Smoking is the cause of many deaths.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Ok ok, I get it. I'll leave.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Be a good girl.<</say>>
[[Finish the work|School reception]]
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>This is a great place to relieve stress. Oh, I think I see Lexi.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why aren't you in class?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>I'm sorry, teacher.<</say>>
<<md>>She looks intimidated. It seems she did not expect to see me here.<</md>>
<<talk "Take her to the nearest empty classroom">>
<<say $mc>>Follow me. I will show you what skipping class can lead to.<</say>>
<<md>>We made it to the classroom, and I quickly got down to business.<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 14>>
<<say $Lexi>>Ohhh gosh.. I like this...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I like it, "Daddy."<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>What?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I said, call me "Daddy."<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Ok Daaaddy, I'm sorryyy...<</say>>
<<md>>I filled her anal cavity with cum. It was delightful, but now it's time to get back to work.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good girl. Now clean up the mess and leave the classroom when you're done.<</say>>
[[Finish the work|School reception]]
<<talk "Let her stay outside">>
<<say $mc>>You know that you shouldn't be here, right?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes, I know. I'm already leaving.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wait, stay if you want. Good girls deserve some rest after all.<</say>>
<<addAff $Lexi 16>>
<<say $Lexi>>Right $mc.Name, thank you. I like you and your class.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And I like you too, Lexi. Don't stay out here for long.<</say>>
[[Finish the work|School reception]]
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>While walking around the school, I received a video message on my phone from a couple of my students. Yes, of course I have a phone.<</md>>
<<md>>The message also says - "Dear teacher, thanks to your lessons, I have gained courage and finally found the strength to face the truth. I have admitted to myself that I am a lesbian, and soon after I found a girlfriend. Love you!"<</md>>
[[Finish the work|School reception]]
<</switch>>\<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<md>>This girl's the best choice. Let it seem like it's not at first, I know Lexi's a very responsible person. She's never missed my lesson since we met. So she can hardly say no to me. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Teacher! I'm very happy to hear your voice. Is there something wrong with my homework?<</say>>
<<md>>Surprisingly, you can hear excitement in a girl's voice. I don't know how Lexi feels about all the other studies...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, it's fine. I'm calling a little differently. I know girls your age often look for a way to get out of the nest. Make a little money to be less dependent on their parents. <</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Sure! At my age, it's a shame to rely only on your parents!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I've decided to offer you some money. The thing is, where I live, I could use some help. A little dusting, washing the floors, maybe cooking a few dishes. Of course, you'll get a very generous reward for all this!<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Sounds like fun!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then I'll wait for you at my place.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Bye, see you soon! <</say>>
<<md>>That's it, soon this place will shine clean again. <</md>>
[[Hang up the phone|LexiInvite1]]
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<say $Veronica>>Hi $mc.Name. I don’t quite understand why you called me to your home. Is something wrong with the grades?<</say>>
<<if $VeronicaImage3Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage3Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>Hola. No relamente no tienes ningun problema con las notas. Tienes unas notas regulares. Te he llamado por otra razon.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Ostias puta, no sabia que usted sabe español. Bueno y cual es la razon de que estoy aqui.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Vamos a mi habitacion, te lo explico todo.<</say>>
[[Go to my room with her|Veronica choice]]<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<say $Monica>>Hello! Who would have thought that your place would be so orderly and neat. You must live with a girlfriend. Do you have a girlfriend?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Um, hi. No, I don’t have a girlfriend. Is it not possible for a man to maintain his so well on his own?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>No way.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're right.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Well, since I'm here, shall we start studying?<</say>>
[[Start the lesson|MonicaInvite1]]<<if $tools is 1 && $ToolsUsed is 0>>\
<<link "Modify the door lock and bolt">><<goto "Angela's room">><<set $ToolsUsed = 1>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<</if>>\<<addmins 90>>\
<<md>>Why is she resting? Maybe I can show her some things, like how to work that body harder.<</md>>
[img[img/Angela/Living room/Yoga1.jpg]]
<<if $AngelaImage35Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage35Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>Hey, did you know that I am a master in Yoga? Let me help you, show you how simple it really is. Lift your leg .. yes, a bit higher .. that's it, a little more ..<</say>>
<<md>>I brazenly touch her thighs, pretending to be helping.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Auch, it hurts ...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's a good sign, just relax and continue. You'll feel like a new person after this exercise.<</say>>
<<text y "After several exercises and touching her body.">>
<<addLust $Angela 15>>
<<say $Angela>>Wow, thank you so much! That was wonderful! I hope we will repeat this soon. You're just as good as you say!<</say>>
<<set $AngelaYoga = 1>>\
[[Finish with Yoga|Home corridor]]<<if $AngelaShoot is 0 && $photo_camera is 0>>\
<<text y "I should find a camera. Maybe there's a store at the mall that sells one.">>
<<elseif $AngelaShoot is 0 && $photo_camera is 1>>\
<<talk "Suggest a photoshoot" 1 $id.whisky "I don't have Whisky.">>
<<set $AngelaShoot = 1>>\
<<goto "FirstPS">>
<<elseif $AngelaShoot is 1>>\
[[Suggest a another photoshoot|SecondPS]]
<<set $AngelaShoot = 2>>\
<<elseif $AngelaShoot is 2>>\
[[Start Photoshoot|ThirdPS]]
<<set $AngelaShoot = 3>>\
<</if>>\<<say $mc>>Hey Angela! Do you know why I'm here?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Uhh no, should I?<</say>>
<<md>>I have a camera in my hand, does she not see it?<</md>>
<<talk "Raise the camera">><<say $Angela>>Oh! I was just going to ask you about that. Leave the room, please, and give me some time to change. I'll try to sell all the photos that we take now, so you'll to try to take better ones.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, I'll leave now so you can get ready.<</say>>
<<md>>Hmm, I would like to spy on her...<</md>>
<<talk "Peek at her" 2 $mc.Boldness "I'm not bold enough">><<text g "Boldness check was successful.">>
<<md>>Fuck! She saw me watching, but she didn't say anything. What the hell?<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 12>>
<<say $Angela>>I've finished changing clothes, come in.<</say>>
<<md>>She is wearing the sexiest underwear. Damn, now I've gotten an erection.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Well? Don't just stand there with your jaw open, let's start taking photos.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure...<</say>>
<<talk "Take the first photo">>[img[img/Angela/Living room/PSS0.jpg]]
<<if $AngelaImage58Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage58Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>She looks just incredible and confident as well. She is truly a professional model.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Go on.<</say>>
<<talk "Take the second photo">>[img[img/Angela/Living room/PSS1.jpg]]
<<if $AngelaImage59Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage59Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $Angela>>Well? How do I look?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You look wonderful Angela!<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Hmm, I think I need to add a spark to this photo shoot. Let me unclasp my bra.<</say>>
<<talk "Take the third photo">>[img[img/Angela/Living room/PSS2.jpg]]
<<if $AngelaImage60Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage60Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Angela>>Come on, show me how the photos came out.<</say>>
<<md>>Angela didn't straighten her bra out, and her breasts are still visible to me. My erection is surely noticeable now.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh! What do you have there? Hahaha...<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 18>>
<<say $mc>>You surprise me... Well, how did the photos turn out?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>They're great! I will inform you as soon as I sell these photos and pay you for taking them. Thank you, sweety. *smack*<</say>>
<<md>>She kissed my cheek. I seem to be on the right track.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>And by the way, come to me again at the same time. I would like to continue taking photos. Thanks again!<</say>>
[[Leave her room|Home corridor]]
<<talk "Just wait here">><<say $Angela>>I've finished changing clothes, come in.<</say>>
<<md>>She is wearing the sexiest underwear. Damn, now I've gotten an erection.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Well? Don't just stand there with your jaw open, let's start taking photos.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure...<</say>>
<<talk "Take the first photo">>[img[img/Angela/Living room/PSS0.jpg]]
<<md>>She looks just incredible and confident as well. She is truly a professional model.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Go on.<</say>>
<<talk "Take the second photo">>[img[img/Angela/Living room/PSS1.jpg]]
<<say $Angela>>Well? How do I look?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You look wonderful Angela!<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Hmm, I think I need to add a spark to this photo shoot. Let me unclasp my bra.<</say>>
<<talk "Take the third photo">>[img[img/Angela/Living room/PSS2.jpg]]
<<say $Angela>>Come on, show me how the photos came out.<</say>>
<<md>>Angela didn't straighten her bra out, and her breasts are still visible to me. My erection is surely noticeable now.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh! What do you have there? Hahaha...<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 18>>
<<say $mc>>You surprise me... Well, how did the photos turn out?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>They're great! I will inform you as soon as I sell these photos and pay you for taking them. Thank you, sweety. *smack*<</say>>
<<md>>She kissed my cheek. I seem to be on the right track.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>And by the way, come to me again at the same time. I would like to continue taking photos. Thanks again!<</say>>
[[Leave her room|Home corridor]]
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(23)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\<<say $mc>>Here I am. Were you waiting for me?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Hey! Remember how I said that I was going to sell those photos? I managed to do it!<</say>>
<<md>>Wow! How unexpected... Of course they paid for pictures of her tits.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I am so happy! I didn’t think that I could make this kind of money from doing this. Here's your take, as promised.<</say>>
<<text g "100$ added to pocket">>
<<set $cash +=100>>\
<<say $mc>>Oh, thanks Angela. This is not a small amount.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes, yes, yes, I know! Let's go to the living room. Bring your camera and we will continue our photo shoots.<</say>>
[[Sure..|ThirdPS1]] <<md>>Alcohol is the best way to talk and persuade a girl to do something that she would never have done. And good alcohol gives you a great flavor of adventure that cannot be compared to anything else!<</md>>
<<md>>Also, I need this. Angela needs this. I feel and I know.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Angela! I bought an expensive American whiskey. Would you like to taste it with me? I'm not very good at alcohol, but the seller told me that this is a good whiskey.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Is there a reason to drink right now? I like whiskey especially. Have I already told you that I like whiskey, or does it seem like my sort of drink?<</say>>
<<md>>Does she like whiskey? Then everything goes as well as possible! If this drink is to her liking, then we can crank even more than I initially thought.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, there's no specific reason. We’re adults and we can decide when to drink without any reason, right? Let's go to the living room!<</say>>
[[Move to Living room|FirstPS1]]<<text y "After a period of time, Angela is now intoxicated...">>
<<text r "Whiskey disappeared from my pocket.">>
<<set $id.whisky -=1>>\
<<md>>Now that I see that Angela is no longer shutting herself out of me, it’s time to get down to what it was all for.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I wanted to ask you a personal question. Are you going to be finding work soon? A woman as beautiful as you should have no problem finding a job.<</say>>
<<md>>Angela was silent for a second, smiled. Apparently it was worth the trouble for her to collect her thoughts, but my words to her were definitely pleasant to her.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes, I understand what you're talking about. I’m already thinking about possible options. There are no concrete ideas, but I’m still yearning for my past work. I enjoyed working with the camera.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Angela, this is what you were born for! By the way, I do have a camera. Hold on and I'll go get it...<</say>>
<<talk "Bring a camera">><<md>>Where the hell is it? Yeah, there it is.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Angela, take a seat next to the window and pose for me. Just take off your pants. You look like my grandmother with them all. Well, not because you look old, but because the pants look old. Anyway, it doesn’t matter, just take a seat.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Umm... okay! Right! I'm a little drunk, but that won’t prevent me from looking beautiful in the photo, huh?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shhh<</say>>
<<talk "Take the first photo">>[img[img/Angela/Living room/PSSS0.jpg]]
<<say $mc>>Wow, you look gorgeous in this photo! Come on, don't be shy, pull open your blouse.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>But... I don’t have a bra on. I guess it doesn't matter. It's just a photo shoot.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good, go on then.<</say>>
<<talk "Take the second photo">>[img[img/Angela/Living room/PSSS1.jpg]]
<<say $mc>>Great! Change your position. Open up. Let the camera see you better.<</say>>
<<talk "Take the third photo">>[img[img/Angela/Living room/PSSS2.jpg]]
<<say $mc>>You are beautiful, Angela! You have a beautiful smile. Here, take a look at the photos. See how they turned out.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh... wow, I look reeeally good! Such great lighting too! Wow!<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 20>>
<<say $mc>>What do you think? How much do you think you could earn for these photos?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I'm honestly not sure, but possibly between two and three hundred dollars. Damn! It's such easy money. I’ll be thinking a lot about this night. Thank you $mc.Name!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sure you will make the right decision. Get some rest.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Good night dear roommate!<</say>>
[[Leave the living room|Home corridor]]
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(23)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\<<text y "A couple of minutes pass and we moved to the living room.">>
<<md>>Angela put on the dress that I gave her.<</md>>
[img[img/Angela/Living room/PS0.jpg]]
<<if $AngelaImage47Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage47Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $Angela>>Do you like how the dress looks on me? For the first time putting it on, it is so soft and comfortable.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm glad you're comfortable in it. Shall we start the photo shoot?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes, what are we talking about? It's time for work.<</say>>
<<talk "Start a photo shoot">>[img[img/Angela/Living room/PS1.jpg]]
<<if $AngelaImage48Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage48Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $Angela>>Well? Don’t stop. Keep taking photos.<</say>>
[img[img/Angela/Living room/PS2.jpg]]
<<if $AngelaImage55Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage55Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>Fuck! My cock already is hard as a stone.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Everything fine? I see you're excited.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course! I'll continue.<</say>>
[img[img/Angela/Living room/PS3.jpg]]
<<if $AngelaImage56Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage56Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $Angela>>Go on, on more.<</say>>
[img[img/Angela/Living room/PS4.jpg]]
<<if $AngelaImage33Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage33Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $Angela>>That's it!<</say>>
<<talk "Ask for one more photo" 1 $Angela.LustLvl "Angela lust is not enough">><<text g "Angela lust check was successful.">>
<<say $mc>>Wait Angela, do you want to make more money?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes, of course. Why do you ask?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I want to suggest taking another photo. Take off your panties and provocatively spread your legs.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>But... I'm not sure...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Angela, you're a professional. There is nothing to worry about.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I think you may be right. It's a good idea. Will you watch as I take off my panties?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>And you will see my pussy when you take the photo...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Well... okay...<</say>>
<<md>>While watching her take off her panties, my cock began to grow harder.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Well? What are you looking at? Take the photo.<</say>>
<<talk "Take a photo">>[img[img/Angela/Living room/PS5.jpg]]
<<if $AngelaImage57Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage57Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<addLust $Angela 22>>
<<say $mc>>Gorgeous Angela!<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Give me the camera. I'll look at the photos. Okay, these are really good. Thank you for your work! I owe you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You were born for the camera, Angela. You have grace when you're in front of the lens.<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela 20>>
<<say $Angela>>You're nice as always. I'm going back to my room. Night!<</say>>
[[Bye Angela|Home corridor]]
<<talk "Finish photo shoot">><<say $Angela>>Give me the camera. I'll look at the photos. Okay, these are really good. Thank you for your work! I owe you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You were born for the camera, Angela. You have grace when you're in front of the lens.<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela 20>>
<<say $Angela>>You're nice as always. I'm going back to my room. Night!<</say>>
[[Bye Angela|Home corridor]]
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(23)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<set $BoyfriendKnow = 1>>\<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:00', '21:35') && $MallVisit is 1>><<goto "MallVisit1">><</if>><<md>>I think it's time to talk to Angela about what's really important. About what really excites me the most about what is happening around.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Angela, I wanted to say...<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name, get dressed. We're going to clothing store, and I need your help with the choice. OH! By the way, here's the money for the last photo shoot.<</say>>
<<text g "200$ added to pocket">>
<<set $cash +=200>>\
<<md>>It looks like now is not the best time to talk. Angela is full of desire to dress up and for me to help her, that to deny her such a little pleasure would be too terrible. In the end, the conversation will not go away and I will have the opportunity to say everything I wanted later.<</md>>
<<md>>But that the business is giving its first fruits and it is very, very great!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Uh, okay.<</say>>
[[Get dressed and go|MallVisit2]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(22)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<md>>How long has it been since we got here? Hour? Two? Three? I dont know. But this trip is the longest in my life. I never thought that fitting could take so long. Where is Angela?<</md>>
<<text y "After hours of walking around the store, Angela finally chose a dress and dragged me into the dressing room.">>
<<say $Angela>>This is what I was looking for! This is what I needed. What do you think? Do you like it?<</say>>
<div id="message-placeholder"></div>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Angela", "moments", "Image2", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<md>>She came out to me in a dress that appealed to my instincts. The woman in front of me was so sexy that I had to make an effort not to eat her with a glance. I am sure any man would see her in this dress - he would also lose his head. How I want to pull these clothes off her...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It doesn’t look very much like a dress at all, but you look elegant in it. Anyway, whatever you decide to wear, you always look chic Angela.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>If only all men were a gentleman like you. You deserve a reward for showing how much you care.<</say>>
<<talk "What's the reward?">><<say $mc>>I don't understand what award you're talking about.<</say>>
<<md>>She came close to her, pressed tightly and whispered in my ear so that a shiver went through my whole body.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Just relax. I think you'll understand.<</say>>
<<if $mc.Boldness > 2>>\
<<talk "Be active">>\
<<goto "AngelaMallPassion">>\
<<talk "Be passive">>\
<<say $mc>>Fuck! Angela, what are you doing?! We will have problems if someone catches us. Such rewards should given back at home.<</say>>
<<md>>She's doing a great job with my dick. I can feel her lips on my dick. It looks like a medieval rite of knighthood - something like... Lancelot and Guinevere... Only the best, because we are perfect with her.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Shh! Don’t make anymore noise. I'll be fast. Mm, you're so big!<</say>>
<<md>>Of course he's big. He's filled with cum that will soon spill out all over you.<</md>>
<<talk "Cum on her">><<say $mc>>Angela... I'm about to cum...<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Wait! Let me take off this dress... Now, cum...<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 22>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, Angela, that felt great...<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I'm glad you liked it. We need to leave now. I will pay for the dress, and we'll head home.<</say>>
<<md>>Wow, the woman will pay for herself? How independent. I see that feminism is working.<</md>>
[[Go home|MallVisit3]]
<<set $MallVisit = 2>>\<<addmins 60>>\
<<say $Angela>>It was a great evening. Thanks you for spending it with me, sweety. *smack*<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela 16>>
<<md>>Wow, a kiss! That was unexpected.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Angela, spending time with you is a pleasure. Hopefully we will spend more time together soon.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I hope so too, ciao!<</say>>
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Go to room|My room]]<<say $Monica>>Please teacher! Maybe there’s no need to punish me? I promise that I'll behave better. This won't happen again.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Be quiet. It will be over quickly. Next time you think twice before acting like that.<</say>>
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "MonicaSpanking">>\
<<include "MonicaMoves">>\
<<set $punishments_count += 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<set $MonicaPunishment = 0>>\<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set _touchingBArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>\
<<switch _touchingBArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>I know you like it.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Umm, teacher...<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Monica>>This is unbelievable ..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Monica>>Please, continue ...<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Monica>>I adore your hands.<</say>>
<<set _touchingArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]>>\
<<switch _touchingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<case 6>>\
<<case 7>>\
<<case 8>>\
<<addLust $Monica 10>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<set $Touching = 1>>\
<<set $VaginaFingered += 1>>\<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set _handjobbArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _handjobbArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Monica>>You have a very nice cock, teacher.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Monica>>I like the way your cock glides across my palm.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Monica>>Please more, don't stop now.<</say>>
<<set _handjobArray = [ 1, 2 ]>>\
<<switch _handjobArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<addLust $Monica 14>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<set $Handjob = 1>>\
<<set $Handjobs += 1>>\<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set _blowjobBArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _blowjobBArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Focus more on the head... yes, yes, now more spit...<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>If you do a good job, I'll tell you when I'm about to cum.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>It's unfortunate this is the only way to shut you up.<</say>>
<<set _blowjobArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]>>\
<<switch _blowjobArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<addLust $Monica 18>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<set $Blowjob = 1>>\
<<set $Blowjobs += 1>>\<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set _sexVBArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _sexVBArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Monica>>Please, teacher... not too fast...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Believe me, that'll be your preference soon enough.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Monica>>I can feel... it up against my... hnngh, cervix!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds like you have learned something in my class after all.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>You're soaked down here! Were you hoping I'd punish you in this way?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Mmm... more,... don't stop...<</say>>
<<set _sexVArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>\
<<switch _sexVArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<addLust $Monica 20>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<set $FuckPussy = 1>>\
<<set $VaginaFucked += 1>>\<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set _sexABArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _sexABArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Monica>>HNNGH! It's... so... fucking... big!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now now Monica... language...<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Monica>>It kinda hurts, but... I think I like it...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Uh-huh... they all come to this conclusion.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>If this doesn't make you reconsider misbehaving in my class, I don't know what will...<</say>>
<<set _sexAArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]>>\
<<switch _sexAArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<addLust $Monica 24>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<set $FuckAnal = 1>>\
<<set $AssFucked += 1>>\<<if $stamina gte 1 && $Spanking is 0 && $Undressing is 0 && $Touching is 0 && $Handjob is 0 && $Blowjob is 0 && $FuckPussy is 0 && $FuckAnal is 0>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "MonicaSpanking">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<elseif $stamina gte 1 && $Spanking is 1 && $Undressing is 0 && $Touching is 0 && $Handjob is 0 && $Blowjob is 0 && $FuckPussy is 0 && $FuckAnal is 0>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "MonicaSpanking">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<if $UndressAviable is 1 && $Monica.LustLvl gte 1>>\
<<talk "Undress her">>
<<include "MonicaUndress">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Undress her" 1 $talk "I can not do it now.">><</talk>>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<elseif $stamina gte 1 && $Spanking is 1 && $Undressing is 1 && $Touching is 0 && $Handjob is 0 && $Blowjob is 0 && $FuckPussy is 0 && $FuckAnal is 0>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "MonicaSpanking">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Undress her">>
<<include "MonicaUndress">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<if $Monica.LustLvl gte 1>>\
<<talk "Touch her">>
<<include "MonicaTouching">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Touch her" 1 $talk "Monica lust is not enough.">><</talk>>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<elseif $stamina gte 1 && $Spanking is 1 && $Undressing is 1 && $Touching is 1 && $Handjob is 0 && $Blowjob is 0 && $FuckPussy is 0 && $FuckAnal is 0>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "MonicaSpanking">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Undress her">>
<<include "MonicaUndress">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Touch her">>
<<include "MonicaTouching">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Handjob" 250 $Monica.Lust "Monica lust is not enough.">>
<<include "MonicaHandjob">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<elseif $stamina gte 1 && $Spanking is 1 && $Undressing is 1 && $Touching is 1 && $Handjob is 1 && $Blowjob is 0 && $FuckPussy is 0 && $FuckAnal is 0>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "MonicaSpanking">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Undress her">>
<<include "MonicaUndress">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Touch her">>
<<include "MonicaTouching">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Handjob">>
<<include "MonicaHandjob">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Blowjob">>
<<include "MonicaBlowjob">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<elseif $stamina gte 1 && $Spanking is 1 && $Undressing is 1 && $Touching is 1 && $Handjob is 1 && $Blowjob is 1 && $FuckPussy is 0 && $FuckAnal is 0>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "MonicaSpanking">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Undress her">>
<<include "MonicaUndress">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Touch her">>
<<include "MonicaTouching">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Handjob">>
<<include "MonicaHandjob">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Blowjob">>
<<include "MonicaBlowjob">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Fuck her pussy">>
<<include "MonicaSexV">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<elseif $stamina gte 1 && $Spanking is 1 && $Undressing is 1 && $Touching is 1 && $Handjob is 1 && $Blowjob is 1 && $FuckPussy is 1 && $FuckAnal is 0>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "MonicaSpanking">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Undress her">>
<<include "MonicaUndress">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Touch her">>
<<include "MonicaTouching">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Handjob">>
<<include "MonicaHandjob">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Blowjob">>
<<include "MonicaBlowjob">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Fuck her pussy">>
<<include "MonicaSexV">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Fuck her ass">>
<<include "MonicaSexA">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<elseif $stamina gte 1 && $Spanking is 1 && $Undressing is 1 && $Touching is 1 && $Handjob is 1 && $Blowjob is 1 && $FuckPussy is 1 && $FuckAnal is 1>>\
<<talk "Spank her ass">>
<<include "MonicaSpanking">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Undress her">>
<<include "MonicaUndress">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Touch her">>
<<include "MonicaTouching">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Handjob">>
<<include "MonicaHandjob">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Blowjob">>
<<include "MonicaBlowjob">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Fuck her pussy">>
<<include "MonicaSexV">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Fuck her ass">>
<<include "MonicaSexA">>
<<include "MonicaMoves">>
<<talk "Back">>
<<goto "Second floor">>
<<text y "Stamina is over.">>
[[Stop punishment|Biology class]]
<</if>>\<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set _spankingBArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>\
<<switch _spankingBArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>You need to learn to obey.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>You deserve this punishment.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>Next time it will hurt.<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $mc>>Do you want to be kicked out of school?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Please, no...<</say>>
<<set _spankingArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]>>\
<<switch _spankingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<case 6>>\
<<case 7>>\
<<case 8>>\
<<addLust $Monica 8>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<set $Spanking = 1>>\
<<set $AssSpanked += 1>>\<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set _undressBArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>\
<<switch _undressBArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Better not move. Otherwise it will hurt more.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>You have to do what I say.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>If your parents did not teach you to obey, then I will do it.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>No..<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Monica>>Teacher, please don't!<</say>>
<<set _undressArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>\
<<switch _undressArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<addLust $Monica 10>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<set $Undressing = 1>>\<<md>>The construction of the toilet cubicles was done quite well, but the walls are thin.<</md>>
<<if $GloryHole is 0>>\
<<set $GloryHole = 1>>\
<<if $GloryHole is 1>>\
<<text y "I can make a hole in a thin wall, but first I have to prepare my students for this.">>
<<elseif $GloryHole is 2 && $tools is 0>>\
<<text y "Now I need to buy tools to make a hole.">>
<<elseif $GloryHole is 2 && $tools > 0>>\
<<link [[Make a hole|WCT]]>><<set $GloryHole = 3>><<addmins 10>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<elseif $GloryHole is 3>>\
<<talk "Glory Hole" 15 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "Glory Hole">><</talk>>
[[Back|WC]]<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
<<set _gloryHoleArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _gloryHoleArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<text r "Failure.">>
<<md>>I stood with my dick in the hole for about 15 minutes, but no one came to the bathroom. I hope I get lucky next time.<</md>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<case 2>>\
<<text g "Success.">>
<<md>>I hear someone behind the wall. This is the perfect moment to shove my dick into the hole.<</md>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<md>>I smell tobacco. It's most likely that Veronica is behind the wall.<</md>>
<<addLust $Veronica 16>>
<<say $Veronica>>*slurp-slup* *slurp*<</say>>
<<md>>Ahhh, that was amazing! I filled her mouth with semen. It's time to clean up and leave.<</md>>
<<set $Blowjobs += 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<set $VeronicaToiletBJ = 1>>\
<</switch>>\<<say $mc>>Hello girls! As you already aware, the bathroom is back in order. Now, there was an urgent need to tell you about a term relevant to this news: the Glory Hole.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>What's that?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>You really don’t know what that is? I'm sure our teacher will show you everything.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let's go straight to the visualization of this term. Pay attention to the board.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Glory Holes can be found between bathroom stalls. This invention is popular among gay men in Britain. The essence of the Glory Hole is very simple. It is quick anonymous physical contact. Here is a short video on how to use it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>This method is more unusual. Most common use is fellatio of the penis.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh my god! This is... terrible.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, something wrong?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Teacher, I don’t understand why you are showing us this.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You see, Monica, my task as a teacher is to prepare you for all the difficulties that may arise during your life. I have been doing this for many years, and I have something to show you.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>What does the penis and all these holes have to do with it? We are not gay Britons. I strongly doubt that we will have to suck someone's dick in the bathroom.<</say>>
<<md>>Hmm, it seems she’s definitely not ready for this.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Monica, relax, this is better than listening to crap about photosynthesis. For example, I’m interested in this hole and I could see myself in the place of those girls from the video.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You will receive a good grade for today's lesson, Veronica. Great job! It’s immediately obvious that you will have a promising future. Well, thank you all for attending class. I'll be making a hole in the bathroom wall.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>He said he was going to make a hole in the bathroom?<</say>>
<<set $GloryHole = 2>>\
[[Finish lesson|Break]]<<md>>The usual metro, some stations are still under construction.<</md>>
<<text y "The homeless guy thanked me, got up, and walked toward the subway exit. Who knows where fate will take him along with my 5 dollars.">>
<<notify>>Homeless Grace!<</notify>>\
<<set $stamina +=15>>\
<<set $Homeless = 0>>\
<<set $HomelessBonus = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<if $cash gte 5>>\
<<link "Central Station">><<goto "Central Station">><<set $cash -=5>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>\
- 5$
<<talk "Central Station" 1 $talk "I don’t have enough money.">><</talk>>\
- 5$
[[Quarter Far-Dreams]] <<md>>Knock-knock. Open the door.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Hey! My dear colleague. I was waiting for you. Come in! Don't stand in the doorway.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hi Lucy..<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>*smack*<</say>>
<<md>>Her kiss was not what I was expecting.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Come in, please.<</say>>
[[Enter her house|SecondVisit1]]<<set $LucyFirstClass = 2>>\
<<md>>Her smile is much brighter. I get the impression that her life has changed.<</md>>
<<if $LucyImage1Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage1Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Lucy>>I want to tell you so much. Your small but helpful tips are really starting to work. It is becoming easier for me to teach lessons.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>This is great news. That makes me happy. Perhaps by working together we can raise the school rating or at least receive better financing.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, yes, financing would be a big help. I'm sure everything will be better eventually. Maybe not immediately but soon.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You are absolutely right here.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Would you like some coffee or tea? Cookies?<</say>>
<<talk "It's okay, coffee">><<say $mc>>Yes please, bring some coffee with sugar. You can bring the cookies too.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Okay, I will be back soon.<</say>>
<<md>>Her house has become cleaner. It seems she has done some cleaning since my last visit.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>I'm back. Be careful, the coffee is hot.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you. Lucy, have you ever thought about starting a family? Marrying someone and having children with them?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>You know, my mother often brings this up, but I haven't had a serious interest in this. I am afraid of the responsibility.<</say>>
<<md>>I understand that it’s much easier to get four thousand dogs and a million cats.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think you'd be a very appreciated wife.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh? Why do you think that?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's obvious, you are caring, attentive, beautiful, and you keep your body in shape.<</say>>
<<addAff $Lucy 25>>
<<say $Lucy>>It's pleasnt to hear such a thing from you. I haven't met anyone in such a long time that I'd be this pleased with.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understand. Well, you are pleasant to me. I am pleased that your students are obeying you. By being a good teacher, their future is in your hands. Anyway, thanks for the coffee and cookies. I need to head home.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Thanks for stopping by! Goodbye.<</say>>
[[Leave her house|Street York-Road]]
<<talk "It's okay, coffee (Take sleeping pill from pocket)" 1 $id.sleepingpill "I don't have sleeping pill.">>
<<say $mc>>Yes please, bring some coffee with sugar. You can bring the cookies too.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Okay, I will be back soon.<</say>>
<<set $id.sleepingpill -=1>>\
<<md>>Where did those pills go? Fucking pockets. Ah! There they are.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>I'm back. Be careful, the coffee is hot.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks Lucy.<</say>>
<<talk "Distract her and add pill">><<say $mc>>What is this painting behind you?<</say>>
<<text r "Sleeping pill has disappeared from the pocket.">>
<<md>>How long have I been waiting for this?<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Ummm, I don’t have a painting behind me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Um, oh... I thought there was one. That's strange.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, it is very stra..n..<</say>>
<<md>>Wow, that was fast! I hope she’s not dead. I need to finish as quickly as possible. *ziiiip*<</md>>
<<if $LucyImage10Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage10Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>Damn, she's heavy. Where did she get so many muscles from?<</md>>
<<if $LucyImage11Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage11Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>Whew, three minutes and I already finished. What a sweet pussy. I hope they don’t put me in jail. I probably need to clean up a little.<</md>>
<<text y "After a couple minutes of cleaning everything.">>
<<set $LucyFucked = 1>>\
<<set $VaginaFucked += 1>>\
<<set $Creampies += 1>>\
[[Leave her house|Street York-Road]]
<<talk "What about a good whisky" 1 $id.whisky "I don't have whisky.">><<say $mc>>Wait, I have something better. Shall we drink some of this beautiful whiskey?<</say>>
<<set $id.whisky -=1>>\
<<say $Lucy>>Alcohol? But I never drink alcohol. I'm not sure I'd handle it very well.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Relax and bring some glasses. Everything will be all right.<</say>>
<<text r "Whisky has disappeared from the pocket.">>
<<md>>It seems that Lucy isn't a big alcohol drinker. It's best to not overdo it.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Well, I hope everything will be fine...<</say>>
<<text y "After 30 minutes of talking and drinking.">>
<<addLust $Lucy 40>>
<<if $LucyImage12Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage12Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $Lucy>>Nobody at school should know about this.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, sweety, there's no need to worry. No one will know about it. Let me help you lie on the sofa.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Uhh, thanks...<</say>>
<<if $LucyImage19Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage19Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $Lucy>>Do you like it? This is my first blowjob. Sorry if I'm doing it wrong.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, don't worry. It's very good. I will cum soon.<</say>>
<<if $LucyImage20Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage20Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh my god, it's delicious. Please let's continue this.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, we can continue this next time. I need to go. Thanks for this evening.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>But... you're leaving already?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Indeed I am. Good night.<</say>>
<<set $LucyFucked = 1>>\
<<set $Blowjobs +=1>>\
[[Leave her house|Street York-Road]]
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(21)>>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<addmins 20>>
<<say $Lexi>>Teacher $mc.Name! What should I do today?<</say>>
<<talk "Cleaning" 1 $LexiCleaningDone "Lexi already done it today">><<goto "SGILexiCleaning">><</talk>>
<<talk "Cooking" 1 $Lexi.AffectionLvl "Lexi already done it today">><<goto "SGILexiCooking">><</talk>>
[[That`s all|My room]]
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(19)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<text y "After an hour of boring studying.">>
<<say $Monica>>Ejaculation occurs, which causes the pelvic floor muscle to convulse, releasing the semen. For the next fifteen minutes to an hour, the penis goes into a refractory period.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You have it completely right, Monica. You've been a great student so far.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Well, that's all thanks to you!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes of course, you still owe me the 10 bucks for this. Give me the money and you can go.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh yes, I have it here.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 10>>\
<<text g "I earned 10$!">>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you very much for the lesson. It was very interesting. Bye!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>See you, Monica.<</say>>
[[Go to my room|My room]]<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(19)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<say $Veronica>>Entonces?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Vamos a sentarnos. Solo quieria hablar contigo un rato, para poder conocerte mejor. Entender la situacion en la que vives. Comprendo que la vida no esta siendo facil para ti.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Usted entiende bien, es cierto que la situacion en la que vivo no resulta muy facil, vivo sola con mi madre. Ella no tiene trabajo, entonces yo para poder ayduarle en algo, trabajo por las noches.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Vale. Esta bien, me parece estupendo lo que estas haciendo por tu parte. De donde exactamente eres?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>De Venezuela. Un pais bastante cruel, la gente agresiva, al final acabas siendo afectado por tu entorno y no puedes hacer nada con esto. Me comprendes?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Si, entiendo. Pero lo estas haciendo bien, eres buena chica, y eso lo aprecio mucho.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Me alegra escuchar eso.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Bueno pues espero volver a tener una oportunidad de hablar contigo, ahora tengo que hacer mis cosas. Hasta luego, Veronica.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Adios professor!<</say>>
[[Finish|My room]]<<if $LucyFucked is 1>>\
<<md>>Fuck, I'm scared. Why is she dressed like this?<</md>>
<<md>>Sweet Lucy, what are you wearing?<</md>>
<<if $LucyImage2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage2Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>She looks just incredible.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, I wanted to ask. How do you feel?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Just great! I'm so glad to see you. How did you sleep? I have a lot of energy today. Maybe we’ll go somewhere?<</say>>
<<if $LucyFucked is 1>>\
<<md>>It looks like she doesn't remember anything.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh good, but after work would be better. Where do you want to go?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Have you been to the gym? There is one in the shopping center. If you have not been there yet, then we will definitely go there!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's settled then. It's time to go teach my class.<</say>>
<<if $LucyImage7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage7Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Lucy>>Go on then, don't get lost. I have to start my class too.<</say>>
[[Leave the class|Second floor]]
<<set $GymVisit = 1>>\
<<set $LucyFirstClass = 3>>\<<md>>It seems Lucy is already here.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Let's get going!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Already?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, let's go!<</say>>
[[Leave the school|GymVisit2]]
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(16)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<md>>The Gym - a place full of roided-up jocks and girls with low self-esteem who want to attract attention with their thicc asses. I like it!<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Cool place, huh? I love it. When I feel sad, I can exercise a little and I'm immediately in a better mood.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, it looks great so far. Let's exercise?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Sure!<</say>>
<<addAff $Lucy 20>>
<<text y "After an hour of training.">>
<<text g "My strength has increased!">>
<<say $Lucy>>$mc.Name, how are you doing? Are you ok?<</say>>
<<if $LucyImage3Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage3Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>Of course! This is nothing. I exercise every day.<</say>>
<<md>>I am so fucking tired and worn out.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Now that you know about this place, you can come here more often.This first day was a trial. You'll have to pay if you want to continue exercising here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks for bringing me here. I’m probably going to pack up and leave, okay?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I understand. I'll see you later, bye!<</say>>
[[Good bye Lucy|Street Raw-Road]]
<<set $GymAvailable = 1>>\
<<set $GymVisit = 2>>\<<set $gym_visited = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<md>>The newest gym on this side of town. It has all the newest amenities, and even some I've never seen before. All at a premium, of course.<</md>>
<<include "OliviaSchedule">>\
<<if _oliviaGymSchedule && $Olivia2Q == 2 && $QuestNextWeek == 0 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "OliviaQuest2NewWorkout2">>\
<<elseif _oliviaGymSchedule && $Olivia2Q == 1>>\
<<goto "OliviaQuest2NewWorkout1">>\
<<elseif _oliviaGymSchedule>>\
<strong>Olivia -</strong> [[Talk with Receptionist|OliviaTalk]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, "16:00", "21:00")>>\
<<include "RealSearch">>\
<<if $GymPass > 0 && $LindaQuest1 == 1 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '12:00') && $GymPerDay is 0>>\
[[Look for Linda|LindaQuest 2.1]]
<<elseif $LindaQuest2 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '12:00') && $GymPass gte 1 && $GymPerDay is 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 6 && $QuestNextWeek == 0 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Train with Linda|LindaQuest 2.2]]
<<elseif $LindaQuest2 == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '12:00') && $GymPass gte 1 && $GymPerDay is 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 6 && $QuestNextWeek == 0 && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
[[Train with Linda|LindaQuest 2.4]]
<<elseif $GymPass gte 1 && $GymPerDay is 0>>\
<<talk "Workout" 20 $stamina "I don't have stamina.">><<goto "Workout">><</talk>>\
<<elseif $GymPerDay is 1>>\
<<talk "Workout" 1 $talk "I can't workout more today.">><</talk>>
<<talk "Workout" 1 $talk "I don't have a pass.">><</talk>>
[[Leave|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]
<<md>>I wonder why Veronica is here so early.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Teacher? It is you! I'm just here rollerskating. Want to skate with me? Oh wait, you cant. I guess you'll have to catch up to me.<</say>>
[[Run after her|VeronicaStroll1]]<<if $mc.Strength lte 1>>\
<<md>>Fuck! I just can't run fast enough to follow her. I need to be stronger.<</md>>
<<addmins 30>>\
[[Leave her|Street Raw-Road]]
<<text g "Strength check was successful.">>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, please... don't go so fast. I’ll die from a hear attack...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Come on, teacher, you can make it!<</say>>
<<if $VeronicaImage8Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage8Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>Can I fuck your fine ass?<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Well, I'm finished... and tired...<</say>>
<<if $VeronicaImage9Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage9Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $mc>>I think we ran great. By the way, Veronica, you have a wonderful ass. It's clear that you've been working out.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>What an observant teacher you are. *smack* I hope to see you again soon.<</say>>
<<addLust $Veronica 8>>\
<<md>>I hope so too.<</md>>
<<if $VeronicaImage10Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage10Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
[[Leave this place|Park]]
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<set $VeronicaStroll = 1>>\
<</if>>\Tip: \
<<if $MoneyHelp is 0 && $BustyDinner is 0>>\
Angela has mentioned that she takes a taxi to work in the morning.
<<elseif $MoneyHelp is 1 && $BustyDinner is 0>>\
Would Angela have dinner with me? Near 7.30 p.m. would be great!
<<elseif $MoneyHelp is 2 && $AngelaNewWork == 1>>\
I wonder if Angela got to work okay. I guess I should ask her at home.
<<elseif $AngelaNewWork == 2>>\
I need find a way to help Angela. <<if $Clara.Meet == 1 && $Olivia.Meet == 1 && $Johan.Meet == 1 >>\ Maybe I should ask Clara, Olivia or Johan about it?<<elseif $Olivia.Meet == 1 && $Johan.Meet == 1 >>\Maybe I should ask Olivia or Johan about it?<<elseif $Clara.Meet == 1 && $Johan.Meet == 1 >>\Maybe I should ask Clara or Johan about it?<<elseif $Clara.Meet == 1 && $Olivia.Meet == 1 >>\Maybe I should ask Clara or Olivia about it? <<elseif $Olivia.Meet == 1 >>\ Maybe I should ask Olivia about it? <<elseif $Clara.Meet == 1 >>\ Maybe I should ask Clara about it? <<elseif $Johan.Meet == 1>>\ Maybe I should ask Johan about it? <</if>>\
<<elseif $AngelaNewWork == 3>>\
I need to meet with Angela and report the results. Or should I find someone else to help her?
<<elseif $AngelaNewWork == 4>>\
I need to meet with Angela and report the results. Or should I find someone else to help her?
<<elseif $AngelaNewWork == 5>>\
I need to meet with Angela and report the results. Or should I find someone else to help her?
<<elseif $AngelaNewWork == 6>>\
I should talk to Angela about her future work in the kitchen during meals.
<<elseif $AngelaNewWork == 7>>\
I should visit Angela at her new place of work after 8 pm. It's on our street and called "Slice of heaven", so I won't get lost. I hope so.
<<elseif $AngelaNewWork == 8>>\
Although I know where Angela works, I still worry. I need to visit her at work again.
<<elseif $BustyDinner is 1 && $FirstDress is 0 && $AngelaDinnerYes == 1>>\
Dinner is a good start to a relationship, and I need to return the favor. I have to make her dinner. Before I do, I need to stop by Mall (after 5 p.m) and buy some goods.
<<elseif $BustyDinner is 1 && $FirstDress is 0 && $AngelaDinnerYes == 2>>\
The dinner didn't turn out as well as I wanted it to. I need to get more intellect (at least to the point of 2) before I cook it again.
<<elseif $BustyDinner is 1 && $FirstDress is 0 && $AngelaDinnerYes == 3>>\
Angela spends some time getting ready for bed every night. Should pay her a visit after 9 p.m.
<<elseif $FirstDress is 1 && $id.dress is 0 && $FirstDressC is 0 && $AngelaStealPhoto == 1>>\
I have Angela’s photo. Maybe I can help her now? Better to think about it in my room.
<<elseif $FirstDress is 1 && $id.dress is 0 && $FirstDressC is 0 && $AngelaStealPhoto == 2>>\
Now that I have received feedback from the forum, I need to tell Angela about it. It would be best to meet her after work on Street Raw-Road near 5 p.m.
<<elseif $FirstDress is 1 && $id.dress is 0 && $FirstDressC is 0 && $AngelaStealPhoto == 21>>\
Since I cannot tell Angela the truth, I will let my actions speak for themselves. I need to go to the mall and buy her the best dress.
<<elseif $FirstDress is 1 && $id.dress is 0 && $FirstDressC is 0 && $AngelaStealPhoto == 3>>
I convinced several people to meet with Angela. Now I need to bring her in. I can surprise her at 8 p.m. in the living room.
<<elseif $FirstDress is 1 && $id.dress is 0 && $FirstDressC is 0 && $AngelaStealPhoto == 31>>
The meeting with the modeling agent was useful, but if I want to impress Angela, I need to buy a dress for her. I think I can find some clothes in the mall.
<<elseif $FirstDress is 1 && $id.dress is 0 && $FirstDressC is 0>>\
Based on our past conversations, a dress might be a gift that she would enjoy. I should go to the mall and find the best one for her.
<<elseif $FirstDress is 1 && $id.dress gte 1>>\
I have the dress. It's time to give it to her in her room.
<<elseif $FirstDress is 1 && $SaturdayMovie is 0>>\
We planned on watching a movie together on Saturday at 8 p.m.
<<elseif $FirstDress is 2 && $SaturdayMovie is 1>>\
We planned on watching a movie together on Saturday.
<<elseif $SaturdayMovie is 2 && $AngelaCorruption is 0>>\
There's something about the photo studio that she worked at that she doesn't like. Should visit it at the Mall.
<<elseif $AngelaCorruption is 1 && $Angela.LustLvl lte 0>>\
Angela may express her art without clothes after being exposed to more lustful situations. I need to make her more lusty in her room.
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 1 && $photo_camera is 0 && $AngelaCorruption is 1>>\
If I'm serious about this photo shoot idea, I should invest in a Photo camera. I can do it at Mall or any other place.
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 1 && $photo_camera is 1 && $AngelaShoot is 0 && $AngelaCorruption is 1>>\
It might be easier to talk Angela into a photo session if I bring bottle of whisky to her in the evening. Should visit her at her room at 9 p.m.
<<elseif $photo_camera is 1 && $AngelaShoot is 1>>\
She prefers for these photo sessions to happen in the evening. I should visit her room at 9 p.m more often.
<<elseif $photo_camera is 1 && $AngelaShoot is 2>>\
She's expressed interest in continuing with our photo shoots.
<<elseif $photo_camera is 1 && $AngelaShoot is 3>>\
Recently, Angela looks upset and goes somewhere after lunch. Maybe to look in some place like cafe or bars? I can use subway for that. If I can't find her, I'll have to try again tomorrow after 4 p.m.
<<elseif $angela_filmed == 1>>\
Congratulations! You have reached the end of the line for this character. (For now)
<<elseif $angela_ready_porn == 1>>\
Let's to speak with Marcus about filming Angela sometime in the evening.
<<elseif $marcus_meet == 1 and $home_video == 1>>\
Let's talk to Angela about Marcus's proposal.
<<elseif $home_video == 1>>\
Let's find the person who intrested in new Angela actress talent.
<<elseif $punish1 == 1>>\
I think Angela ready for something hotter. Maybe I should talk to her about it after buying some recorder of course.
<<elseif $AngelaPearl == 3 && $punish1 == 0>>\
Maybe I should wait for a few days.
<<elseif $AngelaPearl == 2>>\
It's time to give the necklace to Angela.
<<elseif $AngelaPearl is 1 && $id.pearl gte 3>>\
Now I can start creating a necklace.
<<elseif $AngelaPearl == 1>>\
I should probably look for pearls on the beach. Need more than 3 at least.
<<elseif $AngelaPearl == 0 && $BathroomSexAvailable is 1>>\
What about Breakfast together? But before I need her the most lusty if Iwant to take her right there.
<<elseif $repair_quest == 2 && $MallVisit == 3 && $BathroomSexAvailable is 0>>\
How about a shared shower? Need her to be very lusty.
<<elseif $BoyfriendAvailable == 4 and $repair_quest != 2 and $MallVisit == 2>>
I should spend more time in my room at evening and give Angela some space.
<<elseif $BoyfriendAvailable == 4 && $MallVisit is 1>>\
It's time for me to talk to her about situtation in her room.
<<elseif $BoyfriendAvailable == 6>>\
I know where Angela's ex is, but I need to be stronger (at least 7) for revanche.
<<elseif $BoyfriendAvailable == 3>>\
It's a time for a reward. Should find her in the bar at the same time as before.
<<elseif $BoyfriendAvailable == 1>>
Now I know what Angela's boyfriend looks like and what places he frequents. It's time to visit him at the gym or park at 12 a.m.
<<elseif $BoyfriendKnow is 2>>\
I have to find information about Angela's boyfriend. I must begin by thoroughly searching her room.
<<elseif $BoyfriendKnow is 1>>\
Recently, Angela goes somewhere after lunch. I should find her.
<</if>>\Tip: \
<<if $FirstClass is 0>>
I need to introduce myself to the class I've been assigned to.
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 0>>
Clara mentioned that she wanted me to stop by her <<customTip "Clara's office on the second floor in the school. Talk to her to find out her schedule." "office" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">>
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 1>>
Clara wants me to meet the students. We should start with Fiona Hill. I can find her in the <<customTip "Canteen is on the first floor of the school. Talk to Fiona to find her schedule " "canteen" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">>
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 3>>
First, I need to meet Veronica. Fiona said I could find her on the <<customTip "Sports field can be reached from first floor. Better to go there at 12 p.m." "sports field" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">>
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 4>>
Lexi is next in line. I need to meet her on the <<customTip "Second floor of the school. After lessons, 3 p.m." "second floor" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">>, where she often hangs out.
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 5>>
I need to know more about Monica. I can find her at the <<customTip "School gates at Street Raw-Road. After 3 p.m." "school gates" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">> at 3 p.m. I guess, before she will go to the library or training.
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 6>>
From what I've heard, Samantha is very gifted. I need to get to know her a little better. She should be at <<customTip "English class on the second floor of the school" "English class" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">>. Better to go there after 3 p.m.
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 7>>\
Autumn can be a problem, as Fiona said. We need to find out more about her. She should be at the <<customTip "Sport field at the school. 12 a.m. - 4 p.m" "sport field" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">> up to 4 p.m.\
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 8>>\
Marsha should visit my classes. I just have to look for her eyes in my <<customTip "Biology class at second floor. After lessons (3 p.m)" "classroom" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">>.\
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 9>>\
Aria... I don't know much about her. Only that she loves math. So, I have to go to the <<customTip "Math class is on the second floor of school. 12 a.m. - 1 p.m" "math class" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">> at the break time.\
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 10>>\
I think I've gotten a little familiar with the flowers of this school. I should tell Clara <<customTip "Clara's office on the second floor in the school. In the morning (8.10 a.m. - 8.25 a.m) or after lessons (3 p.m - 4 p.m.)" "about it" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">>.\
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 11>>
Clara wants me to help Fiona prepare for the contest. We should meet Fiona in the morning to discuss it. She's usually at the <<customTip "First floor of the school. 8 a.m - 8.25 a.m." "reception" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">> before classes.
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 12>>\
We need to convince Lexi to take part in the contest. I think I can find her on the <<customTip "Second floor of the school. After lessons, 3 p.m." "second floor after classes" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">.>>\
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 13>>\
The contest should be surprising, so Veronica's help is essential. I think I can find her during the break on the <<customTip "Sports field can be reached from first floor. Better to go there at 12 p.m." "sports field" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">.>>\
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 14>>\
Such a contest cannot do without someone like Monica. We need to convince her. I think I can intercept her at the <<customTip "School gate at Street Raw-Road. After 3 p.m." "school gate" "#F65575" "Clara Scott"> after 3 p.m. >>\
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 15>>\
I managed to enlist the support of all three girls. Fiona will be happy to hear about it. I'll let her know via <<customTip "Use your laptop. Find *socials* button" "whoremail" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">>\
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 16>>\
I need to meet Fiona at the <<customTip "First floor of the school. 8 a.m - 8.25 a.m." "reception" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">> at about 8 a.m. in the morning to discuss further actions.\
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 17>>\
Fiona asked me to come to the <<customTip "Rehall is situated on the first floor of the school. 3 p.m." "rehearsal" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">>. I'm starting to like it. So the auditorium is after 3 p.m.\
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 18>>\
I need to attend the <<customTip "Rehall is situated on the first floor of the school. 3 p.m." "rehearsal" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">> again to make sure everything goes according to plan.
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 19>>\
A small incident seems to have affected Fiona a bit. We need to get to school <<customTip "First floor of the school. 8 a.m - 8.25 a.m." "as soon as possible" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">> to make sure she's okay.\
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 21>>\
The situation with the posters was not very pleasant for Fiona. I have to <<customTip "School gate at Street Raw-Road. After 3 p.m." "talk to Lexi" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">> to make sure it doesn't happen again.\
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 23>>\
Time to attend the <<customTip "Rehall is situated on the first floor of the school. 3 p.m." "rehearsal" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">> again after 3 p.m.\
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 24>>\
We have to convince Veronica that getting people high is not the answer. <<customTip "Sports field can be reached from first floor. Better to go there at 12 p.m." "sports field" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">> at 12 as usual.\
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 25>>\
The last <<customTip "Rehall is situated on the first floor of the school. 3 p.m." "rehearsal" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">> before the performance. We need to make sure that everything goes off without a hitch. Again after 3 p.m.\
<<elseif $FirstClass is 1 && $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Prologue1T == 26>>\
This Thursday, the <<customTip "Rehall is situated on the first floor of the school. Thursday, 5 p.m." "Green Festival" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">> will be held at 5 pm. I need to be there. For the school, for Clara, for Fiona.\
<<elseif $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Clara1Quest is 0>>\
I need to get a handle on the challenges our school is facing. Gotta <<customTip "Clara's office on the second floor in the school. In the morning (8.10 a.m. - 8.25 a.m) or after lessons (3 p.m - 4 p.m.)" "touch base with Clara" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">> ASAP - she's always in the loop.
<<elseif $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Clara1Quest is 1>>\
Looks like I'm on deck for a <<customTip "Atheltic lessons will be at Tuesdays" "intensive athletic lesson" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">> - Clara's orders.
<<elseif $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Clara1Quest is 1 && $TaskDone == 1>>\
Just wrapped up that assignment. Time to <<customTip "Clara's office on the second floor in the school. In the morning (8.10 a.m. - 8.25 a.m) or after lessons (3 p.m - 4 p.m.)" "loop Clara" "#F65575" "Clara Scott">> in on the results.
<<elseif $ClaraM1TQuest > 0>>\
I helped Clara with car. Maybe it`s time to offer my help again? Maybe meet her at the hall in the morning?
<<elseif $ClaraM1TQuest == -1>>\
I should ask Clara about "visiting week".
<<elseif $ClaraM3TQuest > 0>>\
Clara asked me to help her with papers. Looks like it is very important to her. I should visit Lucy, Sophia and Linda.
<<elseif $ClaraM3TQuest == -1>>\
Papers are filled. I need to bring it to Clara`s office.
<<elseif $ClaraM3TQuest == -3>>\
Clara is grateful for my help. Let`s talk with her tomorrow after lessons, maybe there is more I can do.
<<elseif $ClaraM4TQuest == 1>>\
I need to figure out what is going on in school.
<<elseif $ClaraM4TQuest == 2>>\
I decided to tell Clara that it were students. But tommorow I should name them.
<<elseif $ClaraM5TQuest == 2>>\
I decided to tell Clara that it was just speakers. I Hope she will believe in it.
<<elseif $ClaraM5TQuest == 3>>\
I decided to tell Clara truth. Michael should be punished! Let`s make plan at home.
<<elseif $ClaraM5TQuest == 4>>\
I decided to lie Clara about Michael.
<<elseif $ClaraM6TQuest == 1>>\
I need to choose student and figure it out with her, before Clara would know.
<<elseif $ClaraM6TQuest == 12>>\
I choose Monica. Let`s try to deal with her in our little lie. My office will be fine.
<<elseif $ClaraM6TQuest == 13>>\
I choose Lexi. Let`s try to deal with her in our little lie. My office will be fine.
<<elseif $ClaraM6TQuest == 14>>\
I choose Veronica. Let`s try to deal with her in our little lie.My office will be fine.
<<elseif $ClaraM6TQuest == 10>>\
Everything was solved with student. Time to find little distraction in a work.
<<elseif $ClaraM7TQuest == 1>>\
I need to catch Michael at treason. Need to discuss my plan with girl in the canteen.
<<elseif $ClaraM7TQuest == 2>>\
My plan failed, but maybe I can think something more. My office should be fine.
<<elseif $ClaraM7TQuest == 3>>\
Clara looks upset. Maybe I should talk to her?
<<elseif $ClaraM8TQuest == 1>>\
Looks like Clara doesn`t suspect anything about Michael. But is it for long?
<<elseif $ClaraM9TQuest == 1>>\
Looks like something happened with Clara. Maybe I should check her at home?
<<elseif $ClaraM9TQuest == 2>>\
Clara asked me for a ball at 3 p.m. I`m waiting for it with interest.
<<elseif $ClaraM10TQuest == 1>>\
Not everything went well at ball. But at least I have something more from Clara!
<<elseif $ClaraM10TQuest == 2>>\
Not everything went well at ball. I need to restore Clara`s trust!Maybe I can figure something out in the morning?
<<elseif $ClaraM20TQuest == 1>>\
I need to talk with Clara about what happen at ball and after it.
<<elseif $ClaraM20TQuest == 2>>\
I need to do my work well for earning Clara`s trust!
<<elseif $ClaraM20TQuest == 3>>\
Clara ask me to get some kind of parcel in the mall. Need to go.
<<elseif $ClaraM20TQuest == 4>>\
I need to bring this luggage to Clara`s place in the evening or she will be mad for sure.
<<elseif $ClaraM20TQuest == 5>>\
Clara ask me to come to her place at evening for some cosplay party.
Wish to see her in latex!
<<elseif $ClaraM20TQuest == 6>>\
It was smoking hot evening. But strange call worrying me. Should I tell Clara about this? Better to talk with her in the morning.
<<elseif $ClaraM20TQuest == 7>>\
I should visit Clara at her office after lessons.
<<elseif $ClaraM20TQuest == 8>>\
I saw something beautifull in Clara's office. But it's disturbing me. Does she forgive me about that story with Michael? Need to think about it.
<<elseif $ClaraM20TQuest == 9>>\
Need to talk with Clara about what happening between us. Better to visit her office after lessons.
<<elseif $ClaraM20TQuest == 10>>\
I should visit Clara at her garage at the evening. 7 p.m would be nice.
<<elseif $ClaraM20TQuest == 11>>\
I decided to help Clara more. Should visit her at the garage at Thursday.
<<elseif $ClaraM20TQuest == 12>>\
Clara needs my support. I need to be there for her. Should visit her garage at Tuesday at 6 p.m.
<<elseif $ClaraM20TQuest == 13>>\
I think race is too dangerous for Clara. But I have no choice. Should visit her garage at Tuesday at 6 p.m.
<<elseif $ClaraM20TQuest == 14>>\
Race will be this Saturday. I should come to Clara's garage at 8 p.m. and take her for a ride.
<<elseif $ClaraM20TQuest == 15>>\
Clara won the race. I wonder what will be next. (in progress)
<<elseif $ClaraM20TQuest == 16>>\
I'm glad that Clara is okay, but I'm worried about the impact of the accident on her. (in progress)
<<elseif $ClaraM11TQuest == 1>>\
Clara isn`t looking so well after yesterday. I need to help her before sponsors will come!SO here is my plan: talk with Linda, buy some stuff in the mall and prepare special cocktail!
<<elseif $ClaraM11TQuest == 2>>\
Clara is in normal condition again. What about sponsors?Need to talk with her about it.
<<elseif $ClaraM12TQuest == 1>>\
Clara is sad. I want to make her happier. Maybe ask around the school?
<<elseif $ClaraM12TQuest == 2>>\
I`ve found what can make Clara happier. Need to visit library after lesson and ask about book.
<<elseif $ClaraM12TQuest == 3>>\
Clara certain will be happy with this present! I shouldn`t hesitate!
<<elseif $ClaraM13TQuest == 1>>\
Picnic was some extragreat! Better to check Clara in the morning.
<<elseif $ClaraM13TQuest == 2>>\
I want to see Clara as soon as possible. Without witnesses.
<<elseif $ClaraM13TQuest == 3>>\
I need to talk with Clara about problems school faces.
<<elseif $ClaraM13TQuest == 4>>\
Strange voice called me again. Should talk with Clara about it in the morning.
<<elseif $ClaraM13TQuest == 5>>\
I decided not to give up on Clara. She is the one I need.
<<elseif $ClaraM13TQuest == 6>>\
I`m the principal of the school now. But I felt our relations with Clara is over. Better to check her staff.
<<elseif $ClaraM23TQuest == 1>>\
I should speak with Clara about home video.Maybe her home is the right place?
<<elseif $ClaraM14TQuest == 1>>\
Clara prepared for me some surpise. Have to find it out after lessons.
<<elseif $Clara1Quest == 1>>\
I have to earn Clara's trust. I have to teach an intensive athletics class like she asked me to.
<<elseif $Clara2Quest == 1>>\
I need to take another assignment from Clara asap.
<<elseif $Clara2Quest == 2>>\
I should solve the problem with the students on Wednesday.
<<elseif $Clara3Quest == 1>>\
I need to take another assignment from Clara asap.
<<elseif $Clara3Quest == 2>>\
Clara asked me to show some moves at swimming lesson on Thursday.
<<elseif $Clara3Quest == 3>>\
Hmmm...Clara seems to like to walk down Street Raw-Road in the morning. I guess if I'm there from 8 to 8:20 AM we can meet up.
You have reached the end of the line for this version. For now.
<</if>>\Tip: \
<<if $LucyQuest1T is 0>>\
I haven't met the math teacher yet.
<<elseif $LucyQuest1T is 1>>\
I`ve met wonderful woman called Lucy. I`m waiting for our meeting in the canteen.
<<elseif $LucyQuest2T is 1>>\
Lucy was upset. Does my advice helped her? I need to find out. Guess best time will be after lessons.
<<elseif $LucyQuest3T is 1>>\
We decided to drink coffee in the morning. Glad that she is happy! I need to meet her at her class.
<<elseif $LucyQuest4T is 1>>\
I`ve helped Lucy to deal with her problem. It`s coffee time! But after lessons.
<<elseif $LucyQuest5T is 1>>\
I`ve learned a lot about Lucy. What a great woman.I should call her in the morning.
<<elseif $LucyQuest6T is 1>>\
Trouble with carriage was solved. I should visit Lucy at her home at 7.30 p.m
<<elseif $LucyQuest7T is 1>>\
I need to talk with Lucy about us. I think canteen will be the best catch.
<<elseif $LucyQuest8T is 1>>\
Looks like we have another date. I should be ready for it and pick Lucy by 5.30 p.m.
<<elseif $LucyQuest9T is 1>>\
Our date hasn`t gone so well. It was kinda strange...I need to talk with somebody in school about it.
<<elseif $LucyQuest9T is 2>>\
I need to find out what happened on our date. Second date will be great. Have to talk with Lucy after lessons.
<<elseif $LucyQuest9T is 3>>\
Second date will be at park at 4 p.m. Better no to be late.
<<elseif $LucyQuest10T is 1>>\
Lucy hasn`t come,but I`ve met strange and dangerous man. Who is it? Is Lucy sick? Better to ask our nurse.
<<elseif $LucyQuest11T is 1>>\
I`ve learned the truth about Lucy and decided to help her. Need talk to this wonderful woman!
<<elseif $LucyQuest12T is 1>>\
I`ve learned the truth about Lucy and decided to leave her alone.
<<elseif $LucyQuest13T is 1>>\
Lets see what evening with Lucy will bring to me! 6 p.m will be awesome!
<<elseif $LucyQuest13T is 2>>\
Lucy was great. Hope she will remember that! But better to check in the morning.
<<elseif $LucyQuest14T is 1>>\
Lucy remember me! It`s a miracle.
<<elseif $LucyQuest14T is 2>>\
I should pick up Lucy after classes.
<<elseif $LucyQuest14T is 3>>\
I hope Lucy will remember my dick! Better to check up!
<<elseif $LucyQuest15T is 1>>\
Lucy doesn`t remember me. I need to think about it. Maybe lessons will help me?
<<elseif $LucyQuest15T is 2>>\
I need to find out more about Lucy`s daily routine. Teacher`s should be great help. But that secretary can be usefull too...
<<elseif $LucyQuest15T is 3>>\
Looks like Lucy like to go the gym after lessons a lot. Should I go with her?
<<elseif $LucyQuest15T is 4>>\
Maybe I can help Linda to help me? With some sweets...Yeah,chocolate will be good!(Before that I should visit Sophia)
<<elseif $LucyQuest16T is 1>>\
The training at gym was fun. I need to find sport bottle for Lucy. (At achievements shop)
<<elseif $LucyQuest16T is 2>>\
I need a lot of training before Lucy will not forget me. Maybe <<= 15 - $GymTimes>> more times will be enough? Who knows...
<<elseif $LucyQuest16T is 3>>\
Looks like Lucy is taking some pills. I need to figure out about it.
<<elseif $LucyQuest16T is 4>>\
The pills Lucy was taking...Something is wrong with them. Need to consult with Jane.
<<elseif $LucyFirstMeet is 1 && $CanteenCoffee is 0>>\
We've decided to meet up for coffee at the canteen after main classes.
<<elseif $CanteenCoffee is 1 && $LucyFirstClass is 0>>\
She invited me to have coffee at her house in the evening.
<<elseif $LucyFirstClass is 1>>\
Lucy is expecting me to visit her again soon. I should prepare for the occasion.
<<elseif $LucyFirstClass is 2>>\
I need to confront Lucy before classes start about our last evening together.
<<elseif $GymVisit is 1>>\
We planned on a trip, and Lucy decided she wants to show me the gym.
You have reached the end of the line for this version.
<<if $Lexi.Work === "Student">>\
<<set _lexiTip to "">>\
<<if $Lexi1T == 5>>\
<<set _lexiTip to "Tip for Lexi1T == 5">>\
<<elseif $Lexi1T == 0>>\
<<set _lexiTip to "I don’t know anything about Lexi yet. Well, except, she is a nice girl.">>\
<<elseif $Lexi1T == 1>>\
<<set _lexiTip to "I’ve heard that Lexi will be at PE lesson. Maybe I should suggest Clara my help about replacement?">>\
<<elseif $Lexi2T == 1>>\
<<set _lexiTip to "I should talk with Lexi about her behaviour. Guess it’s better to do so after my class.">>\
<<elseif $Lexi3T == 1>>\
<<set _lexiTip to "It’s better to forget about Lexi for a time. I need to help Clara with preparing for the contest. Better to talk with her in the morning.">>\
<<elseif $Lexi4T == 1>>\
<<set _lexiTip to "I have a strange feeling about Lexi. I’ve got to get those thoughts out of my head. An evening park would be good for that. (from 4 to 7 p.m.)">>\
<<elseif $Lexi5T == 1>>\
<<set _lexiTip to "I need to talk with Lexi about what happened. My class is the best place for that after 3 p.m.">>\
<<elseif $Lexi6T == 1>>\
<<set _lexiTip to "Sometimes it’s better just to rest at home and current will bring you to the right place. My will bring me to my bed for sure.">>\
<<elseif $Lexi7T == 1>>\
<<set _lexiTip to "I need to follow my own advice to Lexi. Let’s run a few laps at Street York-Road in the morning!">>\
<<elseif $Lexi8T == 1>>\
<<set _lexiTip to "Situation with shower was too excited. I need to distract myself with something. Maybe laptop?">>\
<<elseif $Lexi9T == 1>>\
<<set _lexiTip to "I should wait for Lexi near her home before the birthday. Better not to be later than 11 a.m. or it can be worse...">>\
<<elseif $Lexi10T == 1>>\
<<set _lexiTip to "The birthday was great. I should call Lexi to find out how out is she feeling about it.">>\
<<elseif $Lexi11T == 1>>\
<<set _lexiTip to "Maybe it’s worth visiting Lexi’s home now?">>\
<<elseif $Lexi12T == 1>>\
<<set _lexiTip to "Clara wants to speak with me again. I hope it’s not about me and Lexi...">>\
<<elseif $Lexi12T == 2>>\
<<set _lexiTip to "I need to choose what to do with Lexi.">>\
<<elseif $Lexi13T == 1>>\
<<set _lexiTip to "I need to meet Lexi at the beach at 4 p.m.">>\
<<elseif $Lexi14T == 1>>\
<<set _lexiTip to "I’m worrying about the commission. It’s better to wait with relations with Lexi.">>\
<<elseif $Lexi14T == -2>>\
<<set _lexiTip to "I cheated on Lexi with Naomi. I need to decide which one I like best.">>\
<<elseif $Lexi15T == 1>>\
<<set _lexiTip to "New date in the park with Lexi will be perfect. Better to do this after classes.">>\
<<elseif $Lexi16T == 1>>\
<<set _lexiTip to "Congratulations! You have reached the end of the line for this character.">>\
<<studentInfo $Lexi _lexiTip>>\
Tip: \
<<if $VeronicaQuest1T == 0>>\
I've heard Veronica like reading very much. Maybe I should open library in the school?
<<elseif $VeronicaQuest1T == 1>>\
Veronica wasn't at my lessons. I should ask Clara about her.
<<elseif $VeronicaQuest1T == 2>>\
Veronica can be at the library. Should check it.
<<elseif $VeronicaQuest1T == 3>>\
I need to check if Veronica come to my lessons.
<<elseif $VeronicaQuest1T == 4>>\
Better to ask Lucy about Veronica.
<<elseif $VeronicaQuest1T == 5>>\
I need to think what I saw. Morning in my room will be best.
<<elseif $VeronicaQuest1T == 6>>\
Let's check if Veronica come to my home.
<<elseif $VeronicaQuest1T == 7>>\
I need to walk at the park at night.
<<elseif $VeronicaQuest1T == 8>>\
Better to talk with Veronica about drugs.
You have reached the end of the line for this version.
<</if>>\Tip: \
<<if $MonicaCheerleader1T == 0>>\
I need to know more about Monica.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == 0.5>>\
Monica protected Nora. The girls seem close. I think Monica would appreciate it if I talked to <<customTip "Clara's office on the second floor in the school. In the morning (8.10 a.m. - 8.25 a.m) or after lessons (3 p.m - 4 p.m.)" "Clara" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> about Autumn and her bullying.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 2>>\
Clara doesn't want to listen to me. The only way is to find <<customTip "I can find Olivia on the school sports field from 12 am to 3:30 pm" "coach" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">>.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == 1>>\
Monica seems to be someone who cares about others more than herself. If I want to get closer to her, I need to take care of Nora <<customTip "Keep going with Nora's quest" "more" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">>.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == 2>>\
Autumn and Ruby's behavior <<customTip "Monica can train on the sports field from noon to 1 p.m. " "upset" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> Monica. I need to make sure she's okay.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == 3>>\
Monica is eager to join the cheerleaders team. I think I can <<customTip "Need to talk with Olivia. She plays tennis in the park on the tennis court every day from 4 to 5 pm" "organise it" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> by talking to Olivia.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == 4 && $NoraQuest1 == 9 >>\
I have to tell Monica the <<customTip "Monica is still there, on the sports field, training from noon to 1 p.m." "good news" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> But first need to talk with Nora.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == 4>>\
I have to tell Monica the <<customTip "Monica is still there, on the sports field, training from noon to 1 p.m." "good news" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">>. I can't wait to see the smile on her face.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == 5>>\
Monica asked me <<customTip "Training will at the beach between 3 and 5 p.m." "to watch Nora" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> at her first cheerleading practice.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == 6>>\
Nora's training did not go as I had imagined. Monica is definitely not going to like this. I need to <<customTip "The best place to talk to Autumn is on the beach during a practice session" "talk to Autumn" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> to make sure it doesn't happen again.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "6b">>\
Nora's training went well. Although <<customTip "The best place to talk to Autumn is on the beach during a practice session" "Autumn" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> was not very good. I think I should talk to Autumn about it so that I don't upset Monica.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == 7>>\
Talking to Autumn is useless. I have to try to convince <<customTip "Better to talk with Ruby at the second floor, from noon to 1 p.m." "Ruby" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">>. For Monica and Nora's sake.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == 8>>\
Monica asked me to keep an eye on <<customTip "Better to talk with Ruby at the second floor, from noon to 1 p.m." "Nora" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> and it would be good to make sure she was okay.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == 9>>\
Ruby is definitely up to something. We have <<customTip "Nora can be found on the second floor before my classes in the morning" "to keep and eye" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> on Nora like Monica asked us to.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "9b">>\
Monica's freaking out about Nora. Guess I gotta <<customTip "Training will at the beach between 3 and 5 p.m." "check cheer practice" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> to make sure everything's cool.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == 10>>\
Monica seemed upset about Nora's accident. I need to go to <<customTip "Practice will be held as usual on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m." "practice" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> to make sure everything is okay.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "10b">>\
If I show up at the next practice to keep an eye on things for Monica and Nora, Monica might actually cut me <<customTip "Practice will be held as usual on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m." "some slack" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">>
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == 11>>\
Monica seems happy with the last training session together. I wonder what the <<customTip "Practice will be held as usual on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m." "practice" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> will be like?
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "12b">>\
I need to talk to <<customTip "I can find Olivia is school gym between 12 and 1p.m. " "Olivia" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> about the situation with Autumn's expulsion from the cheerleading team. I hope she'll support me in this decision.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "13b">>\
Now that Autumn has disappeared from our team's horizon, we need to make sure that Monica and Nora's <<customTip "Practice will be on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m." "training" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> goes smoothly.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "14b">>\
It seems Olivia was hard as nails with Monica and Nora. I need to check <<customTip "Bet I can find Monica and Nora in the hallway or second floor before lessons in the morning ." "if they’re okay." "#F65575" "Monica Walker">>
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "15b">>\
Olivia came to me and asked to meet her <<customTip "Sportfield between 12 and 1 p.m. will be good" "at the sportfield" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">>. I’m starting to worry... I really hope it’s not about Monica...
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "16b">>\
Good to know Olivia's finally satisfied with Monica. Though, I barely have a second to catch my breath, let <<customTip "Think I can find Monica at first floor at the break(12 a.m - 1 p.m)" "alone talk with her" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">>during the break.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "17b">>\
Monica had a quarrel with Autumn, who was being a real piece of work. I better <<customTip "I think after the quarrel, Monica will be on the sports field after 3 pm until 4 pm" "check on" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">>Monica. She’s probably at the sports field—it’s her place of solitude.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "18b">>\
Monica wanted to sharpen her moves, so I offered my help. Now it’s just a <<customTip "Need to spend few days by lessons. Then Monica will find me " "matter of waiting" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> for her decision.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "19b">>\
Monica has been working on her moves, so I need to be <<customTip "Practice will be on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m." "at the training" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> to support her with the new technique—especially since Olivia could be harsh on her.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "20b">>\
Monica showed off her moves, and it looks like everyone’s pleased—Olivia and the other cheerleaders included. I should <<customTip "It's better to talk to her in my classroom after 3 p.m." "talk with Monica" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> in my class, just in case she needs anything.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "21b">>\
Monica asked me about universities, but something about it seemed off. It feels like something’s troubling her. I need to try and talk to her after <<customTip "training as usual on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m. " "cheerleader practice" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">>.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "22b" && $MonicaCheerleaderHasChocolate is false>>\
I need to visit Monica at her home, but first, I should buy some <<customTip "I can buy chocolate in 'All in one store' " "sweets" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">>. I can't show up empty-handed.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "22b" && $MonicaCheerleaderHasChocolate is true >>\
I need to <<customTip "Monica's home at Sycamore Heights. Better to visit Monica at her home after 3 p.m." "visit Monica" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> at her home, but luckily, I’ve already got some chocolate. Can’t show up empty-handed.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "23b">>\
Monica is feeling better now, but I still need to <<customTip "Better to visit Monica at her home after 3 p.m. It'll give her enough time for the rest" "check on her again." "#F65575" "Monica Walker">>
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "24b" && $ == 0>>\
Monica asked me <<customTip "I don't have camrecorder. Bet it will be in Strange Store." "to film" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> the cheerleader team's training so she can analyze their technique.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "24b" && $ == 1>>\
Monica asked me <<customTip "I have camera. All that left is to ensure Olivia and girls to film them. Beach, 3 to 5 p.m as usual " "to film" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> the cheerleader team's training so she can analyze their technique.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "25b">>\
Now that I have the recording, I need to <<customTip "Visit Monica in her house from 3 to 5 p.m will be good" "bring it to Monica" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">>
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "26b">>\
Monica asked me to talk to Clara. It won’t be a walk in the park, so I should tap into <<customTip "I think I could find Olivia in school sport gym at break (12 a.m - 1 p.m)" "Olivia's experience" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> for some advice.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "27b">>\
Olivia said it’s like a dead case trying to get Clara to return the sports field to the cheerleaders. But I’ve still got to <<customTip "Clara's office on the second floor in the school. In the morning (8.10 a.m. - 8.25 a.m) or after lessons (3 p.m - 4 p.m.)" "give it a shot" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">>
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "28b">>\
Clara rejected my request pretty harshly. I need to <<customTip "My co-coach can be found at her office in school sport gym" "talk to Olivia" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> and see if she knows any workaround.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "29b">>\
Olivia suggested I ask the staff for help. First on the list is <<customTip "Lucy should be in math class between 12 to 4 p.m." "Lucy " "#F65575" "Monica Walker">>
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "30b">>\
Lucy wasn’t much help with all her math talk. Maybe <<customTip "Sophia should be at english class at the morning (from 8 to 9 a.m.)" "Sophia" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> will have a better answer?
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "31b">>\
Sophia offered some pretty shady ways to get what I want. Before I make any decisions, I need to <<customTip "Linda should be at the reception on the first floor up to 4 p.m." "talk with Linda" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">>.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "32b">>\
Linda told me I should buy some jewelry from the <<customTip "Card says it's in 'Imagination reflection' in the Mall " "store" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> to win Clara’s favor.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "321b">>\
I’ll use the right tools to have Clara screaming with pleasure—or better yet, <<customTip "I should come to Linda in the morning to get into Clara's office before her " "moaning" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> , hehe.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "33b">>\
I’ve got the jewelry. Now I just need to <<customTip "Better to talk with Linda in the morning" "figure our a way" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> to get into Clara’s office before she does.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "34b">>\
I’ve left my little present on Clara’s table. Now, I just need to <<customTip "Have to spent few biology lessons" "wait for her reaction" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">>.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "35b">>\
Looks like I finally persuaded Clara, and the cheerleaders got their sports field back. Now I need to <<customTip "Better to visit Monica at her home after 3 p.m." "tell Monica" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> about my little… or not so little success.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "36b">>\
I told Monica the wonderful news. Now I need to<<customTip "Olivia should be at school sometime in the morning, probably on the first or second floor." "let Olivia know" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> as well.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "37b">>\
Looks like the cheerleaders finally have a spot locked down. I should <<customTip "Sycamore Heights, Walker's residence. Visit time: after 3 p.m." "swing by Monica's place" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> and see when she'll be back in action with the squad.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "38b">>\
Man, I need to mull over what's going on with Monica and me. Her family's acting weird, like they've got some skeletons in the closet or something. Maybe I'll <<customTip "Time to sleep for bette understanding. Or erotic dreams?" "sleep on it " "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> - that usually helps clear my head.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "39b">>\
Whoa, talk about a steamy dream... Monica was smokin' hot. Was that just my imagination running wild, or what? Either way, I've got this itch to <<customTip "Better to visit Monica at her home after 3 p.m." "drob by her place" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">>again. Might as well see what's up.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "40b">>\
To spice up Monica's house arrest, I figured I'd grab a book on cheerleading. Might make her downtime a little less boring. I can buy it or ask Olivia.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "40.2b">>\
Olivia says Susan might have the dirt we need. Guess I gotta <<customTip "Susan hangs out in the North Wing between 2 and 4 PM" "track down" "#F65575" "Susan">>, the ex-librarian. She's probably got all the juicy school gossip stored away like old books.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "40.3b">>\
It looks like Autumn has the book I need. I should <<customTip "Autumn can often be found at the beach during cheerleading practice in the afternoon" "find her" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> and ask about "The Dark Side of Cheerleading: Secrets of the Elite".Better brace myself for whatever Autumn's gonna throw at me.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "40.4b">>\
Susan's hint about the "Science for Hornies" section suggests this book might contain some surprising or risqué information.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "40.9b" && $MonicaCheerleaderBookOrdered is true >>\
Sweet, I've got the book now. Time to swing by Monica's and hook her up with some cheerleading know-how. Bet she'll get a kick out of it.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "41b">>\
Time to swing by Monica's place and see if that book did the trick. <<customTip "Monica's usually chilling at home in the afternoons. Head over to Sycamore Heights." "Drop in" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> and hopefully it's taken her mind off all that cheerleading pressure.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "42b">>\
Shit, that blowout between Monica's folks must've been rough on her. Better <<customTip "Monica's probably at home trying to process everything. Head to Sycamore Heights." "swing by" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> and make sure she's holding up okay. That kind of family drama can really mess with your head. Might be a good time to lend an ear or just hang out if she needs to get her mind off things. Poor girl's got enough on her plate without her parents adding to the stress.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "43b">>\
Man, James is knee-deep in shit right now. I should <<customTip "Monica's probably at home, maybe in her room. Head to Sycamore Heights." "check in with Monica" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> and see how she's handling all this. Last time I was too caught up with her old man to really talk to her. Time to fix that. She's probably stressing hard about her dad's troubles. Might be good to let her vent or just give her a break from all the family drama.
Gotta make a call about the Walker situation. Should <<customTip "Monica's at home. Hit up Sycamore Heights." "talk to Monica" "#F65575" "Monica Walker">> first. Whatever I do, it'll affect her. Need to focus on supporting her, not stirring up more drama. Time to think this through carefully.
There's no way I could say no to helping Helen. I mean, who can resist? A hot housewife like her, practically begging for some assistance... It’s like the universe gave me a free pass to do something good—and enjoy the view while I’m at it.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "45b" && $HelenHelp is true >>\
Helen, Monica’s mom, was all about me helping out. No shock there—she's been needing a hand for a while, and I didn’t mind stepping up. Now that that’s handled, I gotta have a chat with Monica.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "46b">>\
Looks like I caught Monica in the middle of... a little "me time." Not the best moment to interrupt, so for now, it’s probably better to focus on helping her mom and the family. I should gather up 300 bucks for them—that should hold them over for now. Once I’ve got it, I’ll hand it to Helen. Who knows? Maybe she’ll be extra thankful and offer me something... special in return.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "47b">>\
I’ve got to check in on how Monica and her family are doing. Things have been a bit rough for them, so it’s worth making sure everything’s under control.
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader1T == "48b">>\
Looks like I haven’t had enough chances to spend time with Monica lately. Gotta fix that. Maybe it’s time to ask her out—assuming her leg’s feeling alright. Could be a good way to get closer, and she could probably use a break from all the stress. I’ll just have to feel it out, see where her head’s at, and take it from there.
You have reached the end of the line for this version. For now.
<<md>>My comfortable room furnished with a small TV, a simple bed, and armoire. It even has a fireplace. It's my hope that I can get around to updating the furnishings and design someday. I have to get dressed and go to school. I can’t be late on my first day there.<</md>>
<<talk "Laptop" 1 $talk "I don't have a time for that.">><</talk>>
[[Corridor|Start 7]]
<<addmins 30>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<addmins 5>>\
<<md>>Angela is putting on her shoes and appears to be getting ready for work also.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Good morning. Are you going to work? Not even having breakfast? How tired I am of waking up to the same thing every morning: shower, eat, taxi to work, repeat. I hope you find your new job to be more fun than that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hi Angela! I hope that you'll soon find new life in your daily routine. I am also heading to work. I don't want to be late.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh, then get going soon.<</say>>
[[Say goodbye and leave|Start 8]]<<md>>Damn, I hope I'm not late.<</md>>
[[Second floor|Start 9]]
<<addmins 35>>\<<md>>Where is this door?! Oh there it is!<</md>>
<<if $Tutorial == 2>>\
[[Enter the class|Tutorial 4]]
[[Enter the class|Work]]
<<addmins 5>>\
<<if $TutorialOn == 0>>\
<<set $Tutorial = 2.6>>\
<</if>><<md>>The modern facade of the school doesn't reflect the reality underneath. One day, performance will reflect the exterior.<</md>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:55', '18:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4 && $PrologueQuest1 == 19 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:30') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Enter the School|Prologue4.3]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:55', '18:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>\
[[Enter the School|School reception]]
<<talk "School" 1 $talk "School is closed right now.">><</talk>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '22:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4 && $SchoolDormitoryGates == 1>>\
[[School dormitory]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:55', '09:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4 && $UniformCandid is 1 && $SchoolExhibitionism gte 20>>\
<<md>>My works are not in vain and my schoolgirls demonstrate their inner world.<</md>>
<<include "PrologueQuests">>\
<<if $SmokingStudent == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '15:30')>>\
[[Looking for Veronica|SmokingCheckVeronica1]]
<<if $Jane1Q == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '16:30')>>\
[[Ask Lexi about papers|JaneQuest1FolderLexi]]
<<if $AutumnCheerleader2 == 140 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00')>>\
[[Talk with Autumn|AutumnQuest3.13]]
<<if $AutumnCheerleader2 == 142 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00')>>\
[[Look at rental site|AutumnQuest3.15]]
<<if $Olivia2Q == 53 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>\
[[Talk with Autumn|OliviaQuest2NewNecklace1]]
<<if $Susan1Q == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '09:00')>>\
<<if random(1, 100) <= 35>>
<<goto "SusanQuest1.0">>
[[Street Raw-Road]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '02:00')>>\
<<goto "Street York-Road">>\
<<set $library_visited = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<md>>This library is one of the oldest buildings in the city. The wide selection of material is only unmatched by its charm and elegance.<</md>>
<strong>Susan -</strong> [[Talk with Librarian|SusanTalk]]
<<include "PrologueQuests">>\
<<if $BookFound is 0 && $LibraryPass is 1>>\
<<talk "Search a book for Monica" 15 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto BookSearch>><<set $stamina -=15>><</talk>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '02:00') && $Library_work_available is 1>>\
<<talk "Help Susan by working here" 1 $talk "It's too late to get started">><</talk>> + 40$
<<elseif $Library_work_available is 1 && $stamina gte 15>>\
[[Help Susan by working here|LibraryWork]] + 40$
<<elseif $Library_work_available is 1 && $stamina lte 10>>\
<<talk "Help Susan by working here" 1 $talk "I don't have enough stamina">><</talk>> + 40$
[[Read some books]]
<<if $ClaraM12Quest == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '15:00')>>\
[[Buy book for Clara|ClaraTruePicnicLibrary1]]
<<if $VeronicaQuest1 == 2>>\
[[Looking for Veronica|VeronicaQuest 1.3]]
<<if $MonicaBlackBible == 2>>\
[[Search erotic book|MonicaLivingRoomBlackBible3]]
<<if $RadioBugGet == 2>>\
<<goto "RadiBugLibraryBegin">>\
<<if $RadioBugGet == 2.11>>\
[[Looking for help|RadioBugLibraryGeneral]]
<<if $FoodKnown == 2 && $ClaraFoodRight == 1>>\
[[Looking for food recipes|TVOwnFoodPrepareLibrary]]
<<elseif $FoodKnown == 0 && $ClaraFoodRight == 1>>\
[[Looking for food recipes|TVOwnFoodPrepareLibrary]]
[[Leave|Street York-Road]] <<set _OliviaGymPicArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _OliviaGymPicArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<if $Olivia3Q == 3>>\
<<say $Olivia>>I am looking forward to our special yoga session!<</say>>
<<include "OliviaGymGreets">>
<<md>>She is the worst salesman I have ever met.<</md>>
<<if $AngelaNewWork == 3>>\
[[Ask Olivia about work for Angela|AngelaWorkOlivia]]
<<elseif $Olivia2Q == 54 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[About Autumn|OliviaQuest2NewNecklace2]]
[[Look at the price list|GymTariffes]]
[[That's all|Gym - New body]]<<set $GymPerDay = 1>>\
<<set $stamina -=20>>\
<<set $GymProgress +=1>>\
<<if $GymProgress gte 5>>\
<<set $GymProgress = 0>>\
<<set $mc.MaxStamina +=20>>\
<<if $MelodyQuest == 1>>\
<<goto "MelodyBegin">>\
<<elseif $MelodyQuest == 3>>\
<<goto "MelodyGym">>\
<<elseif $DenisseQuest == 1 && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
<<goto "DenisseQuest2">>\
<<elseif $DenisseQuest == 2 && $QuestNextWeek == 0 >>\
<<goto "DenisseQuest3">>\
<<text y "Did you know that during exercise, an increase in hormonal activity occurs? This means that people feel stronger, more resilient, and at the same time, happier. If you are next to a person who is happy, then they will unconsciously look for opportunities to be with you more often, associating this good mood with you.">>
<<text g "After another hard training, my body becomes exhausted. Congratulations! +20 to Stamina Level.">>
<<addmins 60>>\
<<md>>The feeling of my muscles filling with blood is an exciting one. In combination with the ten beautiful asses around me, I've started to think about moving in here.<</md>>
<<text g "I will become stronger. $GymProgress/5">>
<<addmins 60>>\
<<set $GymPass -= 1>> \
[[Finish|Gym - New body]]<<if $mc.Charisma gte 3>><<text g "Excellent! Now I can save a 15 dollars.">>
<<if $cash gte 45>><<link [[Buy a Monthly pass|GymTariffes]]>><<run $cash -=45>><<set $GymPass +=30>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>\
- 45$
<<talk "Buy a Monthly pass" 1 $talk "I don't have enough money.">><</talk>>\
- 45$
<<if $cash gte 5>><<link [[Buy a One day pass|GymTariffes]]>><<run $cash -=5>><<set $GymPass +=1>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>\
- 5$
<<talk "Buy a One day pass" 1 $talk "I don't have enough money.">><</talk>>\
- 5$
<<elseif $mc.Charisma gte 2>>\
<<text g "Excellent! Now I can save a 10 dollars.">>
<<if $cash gte 50>><<link [[Buy a Monthly pass|GymTariffes]]>><<run $cash -=50>><<set $GymPass +=30>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>\
- 50$
<<talk "Buy a Monthly pass" 1 $talk "I don't have enough money.">><</talk>>\
- 50$
<<if $cash gte 5>><<link [[Buy a One day pass|GymTariffes]]>><<run $cash -=5>><<set $GymPass +=1>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>\
- 5$
<<talk "Buy a One day pass" 1 $talk "I don't have enough money.">><</talk>>\
- 5$
<<elseif $mc.Charisma gte 1>>\
<<text g "Excellent! Now I can save a 5 dollars.">>
<<if $cash gte 55>><<link [[Buy a Monthly pass|GymTariffes]]>><<run $cash -=55>><<set $GymPass +=30>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>\
- 55$
<<talk "Buy a Monthly pass" 1 $talk "I don't have enough money.">><</talk>>\
- 55$
<<if $cash gte 5>><<link [[Buy a One day pass|GymTariffes]]>><<run $cash -=5>><<set $GymPass +=1>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>\
- 5$
<<talk "Buy a One day pass" 1 $talk "I don't have enough money.">><</talk>>\
- 5$
<<md>>I think that if I were more charismatic, a nice girl at the reception could give me a good discount.<</md>>
<<if $cash gte 60>><<link [[Buy a Monthly pass|GymTariffes]]>><<run $cash -=60>><<set $GymPass +=30>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>\
- 60$
<<talk "Buy a Monthly pass" 1 $talk "I don't have enough money.">><</talk>>\
- 60$
<<if $cash gte 5>><<link [[Buy a One day pass|GymTariffes]]>><<run $cash -=5>><<set $GymPass +=1>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>\
- 5$
<<talk "Buy a One day pass" 1 $talk "I don't have enough money.">><</talk>>\
- 5$
[[Leave|Gym - New body]]<<switch visited()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Susan>>Good day. It's always nice to see a new face in the library. Tell me, what you are looking for?<</say>>
<<if $SusanImage2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $SusanImage2Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She has quite the beautiful smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good day! I'm sorry to say this, but this is my first time stepping foot in a library in my entire life. I can't imagine how everything works here.<</say>>
<<say $Susan>>Well, that's okay. Shall we try to figure out what you need?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I am looking for books about biology and anatomy, in particular. What needs to be done to find them?<</say>>
<<say $Susan>>Ah, that will be easy to arrange. I need a document proving your identity and a couple of minutes to add you to the database. Just wait a bit.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, no problem.<</say>>
<<text y "After 30 minutes of waiting.">>
<<say $Susan>>Sorry for the delay. Here is an electronic pass. With it, you will be able to use all of the services the library has to offer. I hope it comes in handy.<</say>>
<<set $LibraryPass = 1>>\
<<text g "Electronic Pass has been added to my pocket.">>
<<say $mc>>Thanks! You are very kind. Have a nice day.<</say>>
<<addmins 30>>\
<<say $Susan>>Thank you! You also have a nice day, young man.<</say>>
[[Leave her|Library]]
<<say $Susan>>Hello again! Is there anything I can help you with? If you're looking for a list of new releases and upcoming releases, there's a pamphlet with that information at the check out counter.<</say>>
<<if $SusanImage1Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $SusanImage1Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Something tells me this list doesn't include the erotic titles.<</md>>
<<if $Susan1Q == 0>>\
[[Ask about new books|SusanQuest1.1]]
/*<<if $Library_work_available is 0 && $mc.Intellect gte 5>>\
[[Talk about work here|SusanWork]]
<<elseif $Library_work_available is 0>>\
[[Talk about work here|SusanWorkFail]]
[[That's all|Library]]
<<set $Susan.Meet = 1>>\
<<run window.unlockCharacter("Susan")>>\
<<set $SusanUnlocked = window.isCharacterUnlocked("Susan")>>\<div class="characters">\
<<if $MCKnowAngela is 1>>\
<div class="char">\
<img src="img/avatars/AngelaS.jpeg">
<div class="char-bio">\
<span class="char-name">Angela Moore</span>
<div class="pre-bio">\
<div class="affectionClass">\
Affection: $AngelaAffLvl
Lust: $AngelaLusLvl
</div><div class="quest">\
<<include "AngelaQ">>\
<div class="char-his">\
Biography: A model and exceedingly beautiful woman who prides herself on her fashion sense. Just on her appearance alone, it's obvious that she should have few problems making money or with life general. She has little experience outside of using her body to make a living for herself.
<<if $MCKnowLucy is 1>>\
<div class="char">\
<img src="img/avatars/LucyS.jpg">
<div class="char-bio">\
<span class="char-name">Lucy Nelson</span>
<div class="pre-bio">\
<div class="affectionClass">\
Affection: $LucyAffLvl
Lust: $LucyLusLvl
</div><div class="quest">\
<<include "LucyQ">>\
<div class="char-his">\
Biography: Works as a math teacher. She may have the least domineering nature of any teacher I've met. In order to maintain her figure, the gym has become a regular stop for her. The increased self-esteem from the constant stares of men have made sure she never misses a trip.
<<if $MCKnowClara is 1>>\
<div class="char">\
<img src="img/avatars/ClaraS.jpg">
<div class="char-bio">\
<span class="char-name">Clara Scott</span>
<div class="pre-bio">\
<div class="affectionClass">\
Affection: $ClaraAffLvl
Lust: $ClaraLusLvl
</div><div class="quest">\
<<include "ClaraQ">>\
<div class="char-his">\
Biography: The principal of the school. She's not sociable, or even pleasant for that matter. Her ability to run the school is questionable. My hiring has shaken things up, and she appears to be open to new ideas. Her cold exterior may be a challenge to surpass.
<<if $SophiaFirstMeet is 1>>\
<div class="char">\
<img src="img/avatars/SophiaS.jpeg">
<div class="char-bio">\
<span class="char-name">Sophia Turner</span>
<div class="pre-bio">\
<div class="affectionClass">\
Affection: $SophiaAffLvl
Lust: $SophiaLusLvl
</div><div class="quest">\
<<include "SophiaQ">>\
<div class="char-his">\
Biography: Cherry on the cake in the team, an English teacher. An unusual woman with an established worldview and great life experience. She used to work as a dancer. Mystery Girl.
<<if $MCKnowSchoolgirls is 1>>\
<div class="char">\
<img src="img/avatars/LexiS.jpeg">
<div class="char-bio">\
<span class="char-name">Lexi Richardson</span>
<div class="pre-bio">\
<div class="affectionClass">\
Affection: $LexiAffLvl
Lust: $LexiLusLvl
</div><div class="quest">\
<<include "LexiQ">>\
<div class="char-his">\
Biography: One gets the impression that she lives in her own reality, which may be why she appears to be so flighty. She seems to be naturally subservient, and has less issues with authority figures than some of her other classmates. She's also smaller than other girls her age.
<div class="char">\
<img src="img/avatars/VeronicaS.jpg">
<div class="char-bio">\
<span class="char-name">Veronica Garcia</span>
<div class="pre-bio">\
<div class="affectionClass">\
Affection: $VeronicaAffLvl
Lust: $VeronicaLusLvl
</div><div class="quest">\
<<include "VeronicaQ">>\
<div class="char-his">\
Biography: Grades are absolutely not her strong suit, so much so that she may end up failing. She seems to enjoy staying in shape. Her promiscuous nature is mostly forward facing. Rumor is, she has had a rough upbringing.
<div class="char">\
<img src="img/avatars/MonicaS.jpg">
<div class="char-bio">\
<span class="char-name">Monica Walker</span>
<div class="pre-bio">\
<div class="affectionClass">\
Affection: $MonicaAffLvl
Lust: $MonicaLusLvl
</div><div class="quest">\
<<include "MonicaQ">>\
<div class="char-his">\
Biography: She is modest and sharper than most her age. It's obvious she comes from a well-off family just by observing her grooming, expensive clothes, and demeanor. The circumstances that led her to attending a school like this are a mystery to me.
<<back>><<md>>There is a large selection of different books. I should choose one of them and spend some time reading.<</md>>
<<if $id.romanticBook is 0>>\
[[Romantic|Romantic book]]
<<if $id.hentai is 0>>\
[[Hentai|Hentai book]]
[[Go back|Library]]<<set $SchoolRating = 5000>>
<<set $SchoolMood = 8.00>>
<<set $SchoolObedience = 8.00>>
<<set $SchoolGrades = 8.00>>
<<set $SchoolExhibitionism = 8.00>>
<<set $SchoolInfrastructure = 0.00>>
<<set $TeacherReputation = 0>>
<<set $WorkMult = 1>><<widget "addMood">>
<<set $SchoolMoodNext = $SchoolMood + $mc.Charisma * 0.075 + $MultA*(($mc.TeacherLevel - 1) / 10 + 1) * $args [0]>>
<<noti $SchoolMood $SchoolMoodNext 'Mood'>>
<<set $SchoolMood = $SchoolMoodNext>>
<</widget>><<widget "addObey">>
<<set $SchoolObedienceNext = $SchoolObedience + $mc.Strength * 0.075 + (($mc.TeacherLevel - 1) / 10 + 1) * $args [0]>>
<<noti $SchoolObedience $SchoolObedienceNext 'Obedience' >>
<<set $SchoolObedience = $SchoolObedienceNext>>\
<</widget>><<widget "addEx">>
<<set $SchoolExhibitionismNext = $SchoolExhibitionism + $mc.Boldness * 0.075 + (($mc.TeacherLevel - 1) / 10 + 1) * $args [0]>>
<<noti $SchoolExhibitionism $SchoolExhibitionismNext 'Exhibitionism'>>
<<set $SchoolExhibitionism = $SchoolExhibitionismNext>>
<</widget>><<widget "addGrad">>
<<set $SchoolGradesNext = $SchoolGrades + $mc.Intellect * 0.075 + (($mc.TeacherLevel - 1) / 10 + 1) * $args [0]>>
<<noti $SchoolGrades $SchoolGradesNext 'Grades'>>
<<set $SchoolGrades = $SchoolGradesNext >>
<</widget>><<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
<<switch visited()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<text g "Nice, I feel like I'm becoming more charismatic. 1/2">>
<<addmins 60>>\
<<set $stamina += 0>>\
[[Back|My room]]
<<case 2>>\
<<text g "Congratulations! My charisma has increased.">>
<<addmins 60>>\
<<set $stamina += 0>>\
<<set $CharismaBook = 0>>\
<<set $CharismaProgress = 0>>\
<<set $mc.Charisma += 1>>\
[[Back|My room]]
<</switch>><<set $MonicaPunishment = 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaPunishment = 0>>\
<<set $LexiPunishment = 0>>\
<<addmins 5>>\
<<switch visited()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>I'm starting to doubt that I needed to approach this black guy. He looks kind-of dangerous.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mister, apologies for distracting you. I wanted to ask if you know where I can buy grass around here?<</say>>
<<say $Kobe>>Who the hell are you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I suppose I should have started with an introduction. My name is $mc.Name, and I'm a biology teacher at a nearby school.<</say>>
<<say $Kobe>>I'm Kobe Potato. You scared me to death. Do you even know why my name is Potato?! Next time, approach quietly and alone.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Calm down, I just wanted to know something, that's all.<</say>>
<<say $Kobe>>If so, you are in the right place. I have a little something to show you.<</say>>
[[Let's see|KobeShop]]
[[Not today|Park]]
<<say $Kobe>>My new friend, mister biology teacher. What do you need today?<</say>>
[[Let's see the stuff|KobeShop]]
[[Leave him|Park]]
<</switch>>\<<say $Kobe>>I got some good stuff right now. Take a look.<</say>>
<<if $cash gte 50>><<link [[Buy Weed 5g|KobeShop]]>><<run $cash -=50>><<set $id.weed +=5>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>\
- 50$
<<talk "Buy Weed 5g" 1 $talk "I don't have enough money.">><</talk>>\
- 50$
[[That's all|Park]]
<<md>>Fuck, why am I doing this? How did it occur to me to steal a book?<</md>>
<<text g "Romantic book added to my pocket.">>
[[Go back|Read some books]]
<<addmins 30>>\
<<set $id.romanticBook = 1>>\<<md>>Fuck, why am I doing this? How did it occur to me to steal a book?<</md>>
<<text g "Hentai added to my pocket.">>
[[Go back|Read some books]]
<<addmins 30>>\
<<set $id.hentai = 1>>\<<if $Angela.LustLvl < 2>>\
<<set _AngelaTalkOneImage = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _AngelaTalkOneImage.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<img src="img/Angela/talk.png"><br>
<div id="message-placeholder"></div>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Angela", "moments", "Image7", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<say $Angela>>Hey, $mc.Name! Nice to see my neighbor. <</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<img src="img/Angela/talk11.jpg"><br>
<<say $Angela>>Hello, it's nice to see you again!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<img src="img/Angela/talk12.jpg"><br>
<<say $Angela>>Hiya, what's up?<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<img src="img/Angela/talk13.jpg"><br>
<<say $Angela>>Hey, $mc.Name, good to see you!<</say>>
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl == 2>>\
<<set _AngelaTalkTwoImage = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _AngelaTalkTwoImage.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<img src="img/Angela/talk2.jpg"><br>
<<say $Angela>>So you are here. What are we going to do?<</say>>
<div id="message-placeholder"></div>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Angela", "moments", "Image8", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<case 2>>\
<img src="img/Angela/talk21.jpg"><br>
<<say $Angela>>Well, well, well, look who it is! My favorite neighbor.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<img src="img/Angela/talk22.jpg"><br>
<<say $Angela>>Hey, my favorite guy next door! What's new and exciting in your world?<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<img src="img/Angela/talk23.jpg"><br>
<<say $Angela>>Good evening, handsome! Ready to conquer the world?<</say>>
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl == 3>>\
<<set _AngelaTalkTwoImage = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _AngelaTalkTwoImage.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<img src="img/Angela/talk2.jpg"><br>
<<say $Angela>>So you are here. What are we going to do?<</say>>
<div id="message-placeholder"></div>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Angela", "moments", "Image8", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<case 2>>\
<img src="img/Angela/talk21.jpg"><br>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name, I can't help but smile when I think about you.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<img src="img/Angela/talk22.jpg"><br>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name, if life were a movie, I'd want you to be my leading actor.<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<img src="img/Angela/talk23.jpg"><br>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name, do you believe that two people can be truly meant for each other?<</say>>
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl == 4>>\
<<set _AngelaTalkThreeImage = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _AngelaTalkThreeImage.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<img src="img/Angela/talk3.jpg"> <br>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name, are we going to do some fun?<</say>>
<div id="message-placeholder"></div>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Angela", "moments", "Image9", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<case 2>>\
<img src="img/Angela/talk31.jpg"><br>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name, do you want to explore our wild sides together?<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<img src="img/Angela/talk32.jpg"><br>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name, I bet you can't handle my playful side.<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<img src="img/Angela/talk33.jpg"><br>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name, let's break some rules and make unforgettable memories.<</say>>
/* JavaScript code to handle the button clicks */
$(document).on('click', '', function() {
/* Get the passage name from the data-passage attribute */
var passage = $(this).data('passage');
/* Transition to the new passage */
/* HTML code to create the buttons */
<div id="buttonint-container">
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image1.png">Literature</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaLiterature" data-image="path/to/image1.png">Literature</button>
<<if $stamina < 4>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image2.png">Compliment</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaSayCompliment" data-image="path/to/image2.png">Compliment</button>
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image3.png">Hug</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaHug" data-image="path/to/image3.png">Hug</button>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image4.png">Economics</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaRefuse" data-image="path/to/image4.png">Economics</button>
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image5.png">Horny joke</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaNastyJoke" data-image="path/to/image5.png">Horny joke</button>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 2 && $stamina > 7>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaLightKiss" data-image="path/to/image6.png">Kiss</button>
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 2 && $stamina < 7>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image6.png">Kiss</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image6.png">Kiss</button>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image7.png">Philosophy</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaRefuse" data-image="path/to/image7.png">Philosophy</button>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3 && $stamina > 9>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaFlirt" data-image="path/to/image8.png">Flirt</button>
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 3 && $stamina < 9>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaFlirt" data-image="path/to/image8.png">Flirt</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image8.png">Flirt</button>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 2 && $stamina > 10>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaTouchBreast" data-image="path/to/image9.png">Grope</button>
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 2 && $stamina < 10>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image9.png">Grope</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image9.png">Grope</button>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image10.png">Politics</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaPolitics" data-image="path/to/image10.png">Politics</button>
<<if $ > 0>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaPresentRefuse" data-image="path/to/image11.png">Give Flowers</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image11.png">Give Flowers</button>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3 && $stamina > 14>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaPetting" data-image="path/to/image12.png">Fingering</button>
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 3 && $stamina < 14>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image12.png">Fingering</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image12.png">Fingering</button>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image13.png">Architecture</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaRefuse" data-image="path/to/image13.png">Architecture</button>
<<if $id.boxofchocolate > 0 && $stamina > 9>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaPresentChocolate" data-image="path/to/image14.png">Give Chocolate</button>
<<elseif $id.boxofchocolate > 0 && $stamina < 9>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image14.png">Give Chocolate</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image14.png">Give Chocolate</button>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3 && $stamina > 6>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaBlowjob" data-image="path/to/image15.png">Blowjob</button>
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 3 && $stamina < 6>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image15.png">Blowjob</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image15.png">Blowjob</button>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image16.png">Music</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaRefuse" data-image="path/to/image16.png">Music</button>
<<if $ > 0>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaPresentRefuse" data-image="path/to/image17.png">Give Wine</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image17.png">Give Wine</button>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4 && $stamina > 12>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaCuni" data-image="path/to/image18.png">Cunilingus</button>
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 4 && $stamina < 12>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image18.png">Cunilingus</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image18.png">Cunilingus</button>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image19.png">Movies</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaMovies" data-image="path/to/image19.png">Movies</button>
<<if $id.teddy > 0>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaPresentRefuse" data-image="path/to/image20.png">Give Teddy</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image20.png">Give Teddy</button>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4 && $stamina > 16>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaVaginal" data-image="path/to/image21.png">Vaginal</button>
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 4 && $stamina < 16>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image21.png">Vaginal</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image21.png">Vaginal</button>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image22.png">Religion</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaRefuse" data-image="path/to/image22.png">Religion</button>
<<if $id.perfume > 0>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaPresentRefuse" data-image="path/to/image23.png">Give Perfume</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image23.png">Give Perfume</button>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4 && $stamina > 18>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaAnal" data-image="path/to/image24.png">Anal</button>
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 4 && $stamina < 18>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image24.png">Anal</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image24.png">Anal</button>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image25.png">Sport</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaSport" data-image="path/to/image25.png">Sport </button>
<<if $id.whisky > 0 && $stamina > 9>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaPresentWhisky" data-image="path/to/image26.png">Give Whisky</button>
<<elseif $id.whisky > 0 && $stamina < 9>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image26.png">Give Whisky</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image26.png">Give Whisky</button>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4 && $stamina > 25>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaVaginalSpooning" data-image="path/to/image27.png">Fetish</button>
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 4 && $stamina < 25>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image27.png">Fetish</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image27.png">Fetish</button>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<<if $stamina > 15>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaAskDate" data-image="path/to/image28.png">Ask for a date</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image28.png">Ask for a date</button>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="Home corridor" data-image="path/to/image29.png">Leave</button>
<<if $Tutorial == 10>>\
<<goto "Tutorial 14">>
<<include "MallVisit">>\
<<if $make_up_diner == 2 and $ == 1 and $Angela.LustLvl gte 4 and $home_video != 1>>\
<<talk "Home video " 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "Home video">><</talk>>
<<if $marcus_meet == 1 and $home_video == 1 and $angela_ready_porn != 1>>\
<<talk "Talk about Marcus's club" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "Talk Marcus club">><</talk>>
<</if>>\<<say $Lucy>>My dear colleague. Want to discuss something about work?<</say>>
<<if $LucyImage8Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage8Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<talk "Small talk" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "Lucy SmallTalk">><</talk>>
<<if $Lucy.AffectionLvl gte 1>>\
<<talk "Large talk" 2 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "Lucy LargeTalk">><</talk>>
<<if $Lucy.LustLvl gte 1>>\
<<talk "Flirt" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "Lucy Flirt">><</talk>>
<<if $id.boxofchocolate gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "Give her a Box of chocolate">>
<<say $mc>>I know about your love of sweets, so I brought you something that you're sure to enjoy.<</say>>
<<text r "Box of chocolate disappeared from pocket">>
<<text g "Lucy affection slightly increased">>
<<say $Lucy>>Wow, thank you very much! You are so thoughtful.<</say>>
<<set $id.boxofchocolate -=1>>\
<<addAff $Lucy 20>>\
<<if $id.romanticBook gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "Give her a Romantic book">>
<<say $mc>>Do you read books? I have a romantic book here for you.<</say>>
<<text r "Romantic book disappeared from pocket">>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, sometimes I do. Thank you! I haven't read this one.<</say>>
<<set $id.romanticBook -=1>>\
<<addAff $Lucy 100>>
<<if $id.hentai gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "Give her a Hentai">>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, look!<</say>>
<<text r "Hentai disappeared from pocket">>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh my god, are you crazy?! Look, give to me so the students don't see.<</say>>
<<set $id.hentai -=1>>\
<<addLust $Lucy 100>>
[[That's all|Canteen]]<<widget "SmallTalk">>\
<<set _SmallTalk = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>\
<<switch _SmallTalk.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $args[0]>>Last night I had supper at a wonderful carbonara in a restaurant. I don’t know what the secret of this restaurant is, but the pasta is prepared exactly the way I like it.<</say>>
<<md>>I never understood the point of spending crazy money to eat in a restaurant.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, carbonara is cool. I also ate well yesterday, but at home. A sandwich.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>You look wonderful today! What kind of shoes are you wearing?<</say>>
<<say $args[0]>>Are you kidding? Haha, I always wear this shoe.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh yes? Heck.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>Do you like rainy weather? According to weather forecasts, it will rain next week. How much can we trust the weather forecasts?<</say>>
<<say $args[0]>>In fact, I prefer sunny weather. At such a time, the best thing you can do is go to sunbathe on a terrace.<</say>>
<<md>>That's true.<</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $mc>>What eye colors do you like the most?<</say>>
<<say $args[0]>>A little unexpected question, I like blue eyes. And you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And I like your eye color!<</say>>
<<say $args[0]>>Haha, I'm serious.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Me too, haha.<</say>>
<<if $args[0].AffectionLvl == 0>>
<<addAff $args[0] 1>>
<<elseif $args[0].AffectionLvl == 1>>
<<addAff $args[0] 2>>
<<elseif $args[0].AffectionLvl == 2>>
<<addAff $args[0] 4>>
<<elseif $args[0].AffectionLvl == 3>>
<<addAff $args[0] 6>>
<<elseif $args[0].AffectionLvl == 4>>
<<addAff $args[0] 8>>
<<elseif $args[0].AffectionLvl == 5>>
<<addAff $args[0] 10>>
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $stamina -=1>>\
<<widget "LargeTalk">>\
<<set _LargeTalk = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _LargeTalk.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $args[0]>>Have you heard the news about Coronavirus? I am very worried about the whole situation around this disease.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You know, I suspect that people are panicking in vain.<</say>>
<<say $args[0]>>Have you seen the statistics? Already tens of thousands of people fell ill.<</say>>
<<md>>Just like hundreds of thousands of people with the flu.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>In any case, I don’t think it makes sense to panic. We should be as rational as possible about this problem. At the moment, it is insignificant, at least outside of China.<</say>>
<<say $args[0]>>Oh well, you're probably right.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Everything will be fine, I promise.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $args[0]>>You know, I like your fitness. Have you been doing this for a long time? What caused your interest in this activity?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's amazing that you noticed, in fact, I have been doing this since adolescence. I do this when there is time and desire.<</say>>
<<say $args[0]>>This is probably a very correct view of this kind of training. And what caused the start?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don’t even know, maybe I just wanted to show off in front of beautiful girls, of course at the moment I’m not doing this for the sake of it, it's just a good method to keep myself in good shape.<</say>>
<<say $args[0]>>Hahah, I get it, well done.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $args[0]>>You and I are already familiar, but have not yet discussed sports. What do you think about football, for example?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What can I say about him? 22 millionaires are running after the ball. I would better discuss the side effects of sports.<</say>>
<<say $args[0]>>What do you mean with "Side effects"?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I mean that degradation follows, sports distract people from real problems.<</say>>
<<say $args[0]>>I think I understand what you mean. Indeed, in our time, much time is devoted to things that are not so important.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's it, there are a bunch of things that are more priority, self-development, monetary sufficiency.<</say>>
<<say $args[0]>>I agree with you.<</say>>
<<if $args[0].AffectionLvl == 0>>
<<addAff $args[0] 3>>
<<elseif $args[0].AffectionLvl == 1>>
<<addAff $args[0] 6>>
<<elseif $args[0].AffectionLvl == 2>>
<<addAff $args[0] 9>>
<<elseif $args[0].AffectionLvl == 3>>
<<addAff $args[0] 12>>
<<elseif $args[0].AffectionLvl == 4>>
<<addAff $args[0] 15>>
<<elseif $args[0].AffectionLvl == 5>>
<<addAff $args[0] 18>>
<<addmins 30>>\
<<set $stamina -=20>>\
<</widget>>\<<widget "Flirt">>\
<<set _Flirt = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>\
<<switch _Flirt.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Today you look more beautiful than usual. Um, that is, you usually look beautiful, but today is even more beautiful.<</say>>
<<say $args[0]>>Ahaha, how funny you are. What exactly do you like about me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I like everything about you.<</say>>
<<say $args[0]>>Well, you are a romantic.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>What does your hair smell like? What a sweet aroma, let me sniff.<</say>>
<<say $args[0]>>Um, well just don't drool.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Uff, this is a great smell.<</say>>
<<say $args[0]>>Thanks..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>Do you have a shaved pussy?<</say>>
<<say $args[0]>>Maybe you should not talk about it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ah, well, as you wish, my pubis is shaved.<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $mc>>I am attracted to you by your manner of movement, everything is so neat and gentle.<</say>>
<<say $args[0]>>Wow, but I didn’t even pay attention to it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ah, so it's all spontaneous, how cool. You're beautiful.<</say>>
<<say $args[0]>>Ohh, thanks...<</say>>
<<if $args[0].LustLvl == 0>>
<<addLust $args[0] 3>>
<<elseif $args[0].LustLvl == 1>>
<<addLust $args[0] 6>>
<<elseif $args[0].LustLvl == 2>>
<<addLust $args[0] 9>>
<<elseif $args[0].LustLvl == 3>>
<<addLust $args[0] 12>>
<<elseif $args[0].LustLvl == 4>>
<<addLust $args[0] 15>>
<<elseif $args[0].LustLvl == 5>>
<<addLust $args[0] 18>>
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<</widget>>\<<SmallTalk $Lucy>>\
<<talk "Repeat" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "Lucy SmallTalk">><</talk>>
[[Next action|LucyTalk]]<<LargeTalk $Lucy>>\
<<talk "Repeat" 2 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "Lucy LargeTalk">><</talk>>
[[Next action|LucyTalk]]<<Flirt $Lucy>>\
<<talk "Repeat" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "Lucy Flirt">><</talk>>
[[Next action|LucyTalk]]Tip: \
<<if $Sophia1T == 0>>\
Sophia remains an enigma. Time to uncover her secrets.
<<elseif $Sophia1T == 0 && $Fiona3Q == 2>>
Fiona hints at Sophia’s role in this club of lustful students. Need to think about in my room.
<<elseif $Sophia1T == 1 >>
A conversation with Sophia about this unusual club is overdue.
<<elseif $Sophia1T == 2 >>
First this club, now licking the pussy of one of students. I have to think about what to do. In the meantime, I'd rather spend a full day at work.
<<elseif $Sophia1T == 3 >>
A cryptic note about Sophia surfaces. Perhaps a <<tipColor1 "Coffee can be found in cafe" "coffee chat">> could shed some light on the <<tipColor2 "" "elusive ‘S’.">>
<<elseif $Sophia1T == 4 >>
A rendezvous with Sophia at the <<customTip "This is the tooltip text" "cafe" "#F65575" 2>> is set for 6 p.m.
<<elseif $Sophia1T == 5 >>
A concealed door in Sophia’s classroom raises questions. Fiona might have some answers about Samantha.
<<elseif $Sophia1T == 6 >>
Fiona’s joyous demeanor belies her silence about the club. Could Monica provide some insight?
<<elseif $Sophia1T == 7 >>
Monica suggests a park visit after 4 p.m. as the ideal setting to converse with Samantha.
<<elseif $Sophia1T == 8 >>
The meeting with Samantha didn’t materialize. Perhaps school might offer a better opportunity.
<<elseif $Sophia1T == 9 >>
Samantha’s disappearance and Sophia’s cryptic words suggest a deeper mystery. Sophia must know more!
This version has reached its conclusion. Stay tuned for more!
<</if>>\<<widget "addLust">>
(function() {
var cocoBonus = ($args[0]["CocoBonus"] || 0) * ($args[0]["CocoBonusPerDay"] || 1);
var traceyBonus = ($args[0]["TraceyBonus"] || 0) * ($args[0]["TraceyPower"] || 1);
$args[0]["Lust"] = $args[0]["Lust"] + $args[1] + cocoBonus + traceyBonus;
function setLvl() {
if (Math.sign($args[1]) != -1) {
if ($args[0].Lust >= $levels[$args[0].LustLvl] && $args[0].LustLvl < $levels.length-1) {
$args[0].Lust = $args[0].Lust - $levels[$args[0].LustLvl];
if ($args[0].LustLvl == $levels.length-1 && $args[0].Lust > $levels[4]) {
$args[0].Lust = $levels[$args[0].LustLvl];
} else {
if ($args[0].Lust <= 0 && $args[0].LustLvl != 0) {
$args[0].Lust = $levels[$args[0].LustLvl] + $args[0].Lust;
} else if ($args[0].Lust < 0 && $args[0].LustLvl == 0) {
$args[0].Lust = 0;
<<statchange $args[0] "Lust" $args[0].LustLvl $args[0].Lust $levels[$args[0].LustLvl]>>
<<widget "addAff">>
(function() {
$args[0]["Affection"] = $args[0]["Affection"] + $args[1];
function setLvl() {
if (Math.sign($args[1]) != -1) {
if ($args[0].Affection >= $levels[$args[0].AffectionLvl] && $args[0].AffectionLvl < $levels.length-1) {
$args[0].Affection = $args[0].Affection - $levels[$args[0].AffectionLvl];
if ($args[0].AffectionLvl == $levels.length-1 && $args[0].Affection > $levels[4]) {
$args[0].Affection = $levels[$args[0].AffectionLvl];
} else {
if ($args[0].Affection <= 0 && $args[0].AffectionLvl != 0) {
$args[0].Affection = $levels[$args[0].AffectionLvl] + $args[0].Affection;
} else if ($args[0].Affection < 0 && $args[0].AffectionLvl == 0) {
$args[0].Affection = 0;
<<statchange $args[0] "Affection" $args[0].AffectionLvl `$args[0].Affection` $levels[$args[0].AffectionLvl]>>
<</widget>> <<md>>The red-haired lady, apparently the English teacher did not expect to see me here.<</md>>
<<if $SophiaImage1Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $SophiaImage1Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Sophia>>Oh, and I was just about to go to you, oh, sorry, I think I confused you with some people.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nothing wrong! I am $mc.Name, new biology teacher.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Exactly, I have already been told about your arrival. You really are as wonderful as they told me about you. My name is Sophia.<</say>>
<<talk "You are wonderful too">>\
<<say $mc>>You are wonderful too! Nice to meet you, Sophia. I hope you were not busy here, did not want to distract you from business.<</say>>
<<addAff $Sophia 10>>
<<say $Sophia>>No no, do not worry, everything is wonderful. I wanted to go somewhere, but already changed my mind.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Perfectly. Well, I'll go get acquainted with the school, all the best Sophia.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>And you all the best!<</say>>
[[Leave the class|Second floor]]
<<set $SophiaFirstMeet = 1>>\
<<set $Sophia.Meet = 1>>\
<<run setup.unlockCharacter("Sophia")>>\<<say $Sophia>>Hi, $mc.Name. Do you need something?<</say>>
<<if $SophiaImage2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $SophiaImage2Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<talk "Small talk" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "Sophia SmallTalk">><</talk>>
<<if $Sophia.AffectionLvl gte 1>>\
<<talk "Large talk" 2 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "Sophia LargeTalk">><</talk>>
<<if $Sophia.LustLvl gte 1>>\
<<talk "Flirt" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "Sophia Flirt">><</talk>>
<<if $id.boxofchocolate gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "Give her a Box of chocolate">>
<<say $mc>>I know about your love of sweets, so I brought you something that you're sure to enjoy.<</say>>
<<text r "Box of chocolate disappeared from pocket">>
<<addAff $Sophia 20>>
<<say $Sophia>>Wow, thank you very much! You are so thoughtful.<</say>>
<<set $id.boxofchocolate -=1>>\
<<if $id.romanticBook gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "Give her a Romantic book">>
<<say $mc>>Do you read books? I have a romantic book here for you.<</say>>
<<text r "Romantic book disappeared from pocket">>
<<say $Sophia>>Yes, sometimes I do. Thank you! I haven't read this one.<</say>>
<<set $id.romanticBook -=1>>\
<<addAff $Sophia 100>>
<<if $id.hentai gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "Give her a Hentai">>
<<say $mc>>Sophia, look!<</say>>
<<text r "Hentai disappeared from pocket">>
<<say $Sophia>>Oh my god, are you crazy?! Look, give to me so the students don't see.<</say>>
<<set $id.hentai -=1>>\
<<addLust $Sophia 100>>
<<if $Fiona5Q == 2>>\
[[About Fiona and girls|Fiona(Sophia2)]]
<<elseif $AutumnCheerleader2 == 1.1>>\
[[Ask about principal|Ask girls.Sofia]]
<<elseif $ClaraM3Quest == 1>>\
<<goto "Clara2QSophia">>\
<<elseif $LucyQuest12 == 2>>\
[[Ask about Lucy|LucyRememberGymSophia]]
<<elseif $ClubGirlsFuckQuest == 1>>\
[[Help with club girls|ClubGirlsFuckQuest]]
<<elseif $Fiona13Q == 1>>\
[[More help with club|FionaClubNatalieFuck1]]
<<elseif $Fiona15Q == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '09:00')>>\
<<goto "FionaClubGirlsArielle">>\
<<elseif $AutumnCheerleader2 == 138>>\
[[Ask Sophia about rental|AutumnQuest3.11]]
<<elseif $AutumnCheerleader2 == 139 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Ask Sophia about rental again|AutumnQuest3.12]]
<<elseif $Sophia1Quest == 0 >>\
[[Talk to Sophia|SophiaQuest1]]
<<elseif $Sophia1Quest == 2>>\
[[Bring her dildo|SophiaQuest1.3]]
<<if $Clara30Quest == 3>>\
[[Naughty tasks|SophiaTask]]
<<include "Monica quests">>\
[[That's all|English class]]
<<SmallTalk $Sophia>>\
<<talk "Repeat" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "Sophia SmallTalk">><</talk>>
[[Next action|SophiaTalk]]<<LargeTalk $Sophia>>\
<<talk "Repeat" 2 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "Sophia LargeTalk">><</talk>>
[[Next action|SophiaTalk]]<<Flirt $Sophia>>\
<<talk "Repeat" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "Sophia Flirt">><</talk>>
[[Next action|SophiaTalk]]<<say $mc>>Veronica! Hi, I have a suggestion for you, why don't we take a walk this evening? I will prepare for this event and take some weed.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh my god, be a little quieter please. Why not, yes, I agree. You're crazy, why talk so loud.<</say>>
<<md>>What is she talking about? I almost whispered it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good Veronica, agreed, be smart and do not smoke in the school.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Thank you and all the best.<</say>>
<<set $VeronicaWeed = 1>>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Veronica>>It's cold right now, where did you disappear? Let's go sit down somewhere.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, sorry. Yes, let's sit down. Let's not go somewhere very far. For example, let's sit here on a bench.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Good, yes. Come on. You brought the weed?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, here you go.<</say>>
<<text r "Weed has disappeared from the pocket.">>
<<set $id.weed -=5>>\
<<say $Veronica>>Wow, why so many? Cool product.<</say>>
<<addAff $Veronica 50>>
<<say $mc>>Do you know how to do a joint?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes, he will be ready in a couple of minutes.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, let’s wait, so as not to freeze here.<</md>>
<<if $VeronicaImage2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage2Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Veronica>>Wow, really tasty weed. You deserve a kiss.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes and something else.<</md>>
<<talk "Kiss her">>\
<<say $Veronica>>How much passion do you have?<</say>>
<<addLust $Veronica 18>>
<<say $mc>>It already depends on the moisture of your pussy.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Haha, good answer. Let's talk about something.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, let's discuss Vivaldi's music ...<</say>>
<<text y "After some time speaking">>
<<addmins 30>>\
<<say $Veronica>>It was a wonderful evening, thank you very much.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I absolutely agree, good evening, good weed. Thank you and behave yourself.<</say>>
[[Leave the park|Street Raw-Road]]
<<set $VeronicaWeedMeet = 1>>\
<</talk>>Double-click this passage to edit it.<<widget "Charisma">>
<<set _CharismaStyle = ["#E6A", "#713"]; >>
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 10>>
<<text g "I've already reached my maximum charisma level.">>
<<elseif $CharismaSummaA is $CharismaSummaB>>
<<changeBar "CHARISMA" _CharismaStyle `$mc.Charisma + 1` $CharismaProgress `$CharismaProgress + 1`>>
<<set $CharismaProgress = 0>>
<<set $mc.Charisma += 1>>
<<notify>>New charisma level!<</notify>>
<<elseif $CharismaSummaA lte $CharismaSummaB>>
<<changeBar "CHARISMA" _CharismaStyle `$mc.Charisma + 1` $CharismaProgress `$CharismaProgress + 1`>>
<<set $CharismaProgress += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.Charisma < 1>>
<<set $mc.Charisma = 1>>
<<notify>>New boldness level!<</notify>>
<</widget>><<widget "Strength">>
<<set _StrengthStyle = ["#222", "#fff"]>>
<<if $mc.Strength gte 10>>
<<text g "I've already reached my maximum strength level.">>
<<elseif $StrengthSummaA is $StrengthSummaB>>
<<changeBar "STRENGTH" _StrengthStyle `$mc.Strength + 1` $StrengthProgress `$StrengthProgress + 1`>>
<<set $StrengthProgress = 0>>
<<set $mc.Strength += 1>>
<<notify>>New strength level!<</notify>>
<<elseif $StrengthSummaA lte $StrengthSummaB>>
<<changeBar "STRENGTH" _StrengthStyle `$mc.Strength + 1` $StrengthProgress `$StrengthProgress + 1`>>
<<set $StrengthProgress += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.Strength < 1>>
<<set $mc.Strength = 1>>
<<notify>>New intellect level!<</notify>>
<</widget>><<widget "Intellect">>
<<set _IntellectStyle = ["#222", "#afa"]; >>
<<if $mc.Intellect gte 10>>
<<text g "I've already reached my maximum intellect level.">>
<<elseif $IntellectSummaA is $IntellectSummaB>>
<<changeBar "INTELLECT" _IntellectStyle `$mc.Intellect + 1` $IntellectProgress `$IntellectProgress + 1`>>
<<set $IntellectProgress = 0>>
<<set $mc.Intellect += 1>>
<<notify>>New intellect level!<</notify>>
<<elseif $IntellectSummaA lte $IntellectSummaB>>
<<changeBar "INTELLECT" _IntellectStyle `$mc.Intellect + 1` $IntellectProgress `$IntellectProgress + 1`>>
<<set $IntellectProgress += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.Intellect < 1>>
<<set $mc.Intellect = 1>>
<<notify>>New intellect level!<</notify>>
<</widget>><div class="blowjoba" style="margin: 0;">
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<<textbox "$CheatCode" "Enter code">>
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<<link "Check">>
<<if $CheatCode == "hotdate">>
<<set $cash += 500>>
<<set $cheatOn = 1>>
<<notify>>+500$ Money for fancy dates!<</notify>>
<<elseif $CheatCode == "seduction">>
<<set $cheatParameter = true>>
<<set $cheatOn = 1>>
<<notify>>Attraction menu activated!<</notify>>
<<elseif $CheatCode == "teasing">>
<<set $cheatOn = 1>>
<<set $id.boxofchocolate += 1>>
<<set $id.teddy += 1>>
<<set $id.perfume += 1>>
<<set $id.cigarrete += 1>>
<<set $id.romanticBook += 1>>
<<set $id.hentai += 1>>
<<notify>>Special items added to your inventory<</notify>>
<<elseif $CheatCode == "passion">>
<<set $cheatOn = 1>>
<<set $id.sleepingpill += 1>>
<<set $id.whisky += 1>>
<<set $ += 1>>
<<set $ += 1>>
<<set $id.dress += 1>>
<<set $id.virus += 1>>
<<set $photo_camera = 1>>
<<set $tools = 1>>
<<set $id.magicBall += 1>>
<<set $id.sportBottle += 1>>
<<set $mc.wglassesOn += 1>>
<<set $mc.wshortsOn += 1>>
<<set $mc.wshoesOn += 1>>
<<set $mc.SwimSetActive = 1>>
<<set $Earring1 = 1>>
<<set $ring3 = 1>>
<<notify>>Secret items added!<</notify>>
<<elseif $CheatCode == "desire">>
<<set $cheatOn = 1>>
<<set $mc.TeacherLevel += 1>>
<<notify>>Charm increased<</notify>>
<<elseif $CheatCode == "temptation">>
<<set $cheatOn = 1>>
<<set $mc.MaxStamina += 20>>
<<notify>>Endurance increased<</notify>>
<<elseif $CheatCode == "secretdiary">>
<<run document.getElementById("ui-bar-history").style.display = "block">>
<<set $UiBarHistoryOn = true>>
<<set $cheatOn = 1>>
<<elseif $CheatCode == "wildside">>
<<set $AllGalleryUnlocked = 1>>
<<set $cheatOn = 1>>
<!-- All characters from character list -->
<<set _allCharacters to [
$Clara, $Monica, $Lexi, $Veronica, $Lucy, $Sophia, $Linda,
$Autumn, $Samantha, $Marsha, $Angela, $Susan, $Olivia,
$Hannah, $Goth, $Denisse, $Aria, $Nora, $Ruby, $Fiona
<!-- Unlock galleries for each character -->
<<for _char range _allCharacters>>
<<if _char>>
<<set _char.unlockedgallery = true>>
<!-- Unlock moments -->
<<if def _char.moments>>
<<for _moment range _char.moments>>
<<set _moment.unlocked = true>>
<!-- Unlock scenes -->
<<if def _char.scenes>>
<<for _scene range _char.scenes>>
<<set _scene.unlocked = true>>
<!-- Unlock memories -->
<<if def _char.memories>>
<<for _memory range _char.memories>>
<<set _memory.unlocked = true>>
<!-- Add to UnlockedCharacter list -->
<<if !$UnlockedCharacter.includes(_char.Name)>>
<<run $UnlockedCharacter.push(_char.Name)>>
<!-- Remove from LockedCharacter list -->
<<if $LockedCharacter.includes(_char.Name)>>
<<run $LockedCharacter.splice($LockedCharacter.indexOf(_char.Name), 1)>>
<<notify>>All galleries have been unlocked!<</notify>>
<<goto "Cheat">>
<<link "Back">><<goto "Laptop">><<check_all_achievements>><</link>>
<<if $cheatParameter is true>>
<div class="cheat__parameter">
<div class="cheat__characters">
<div class="cheat__characters__row">
<div class="cheat__characters__name">Clara</div>
<div class="cheat__characters__affection">
<<button "[-100]">><<addAff $Clara -100>><</button>>Affection<<button "[+100]">><<addAff $Clara 100>><</button>>
<div class="cheat__characters__lust">
<<button "[-100]">><<addLust $Clara -100>><</button>>Lust<<button "[+100]">><<addLust $Clara 100>><</button>>
<div class="cheat__characters__row">
<div class="cheat__characters__name">Lucy</div>
<div class="cheat__characters__affection">
<<button "[-100]">><<addAff $Lucy -100>><</button>>Affection<<button "[+100]">><<addAff $Lucy 100>><</button>>
<div class="cheat__characters__lust">
<<button "[-100]">><<addLust $Lucy -100>><</button>>Lust<<button "[+100]">><<addLust $Lucy 100>><</button>>
<div class="cheat__characters__row">
<div class="cheat__characters__name">Sophia</div>
<div class="cheat__characters__affection">
<<button "[-100]">><<addAff $Sophia -100>><</button>>Affection<<button "[+100]">><<addAff $Sophia 100>><</button>>
<div class="cheat__characters__lust">
<<button "[-100]">><<addLust $Sophia -100>><</button>>Lust<<button "[+100]">><<addLust $Sophia 100>><</button>>
<div class="cheat__characters__row">
<div class="cheat__characters__name">Angela</div>
<div class="cheat__characters__affection">
<<button "[-100]">><<addAff $Angela -100>><</button>>Affection<<button "[+100]">><<addAff $Angela 100>><</button>>
<div class="cheat__characters__lust">
<<button "[-100]">><<addLust $Angela -100>><</button>>Lust<<button "[+100]">><<addLust $Angela 100>><</button>>
<div class="cheat__characters__row">
<div class="cheat__characters__name">Lexi</div>
<div class="cheat__characters__affection">
<<button "[-100]">><<addAff $Lexi -100>><</button>>Affection<<button "[+100]">><<addAff $Lexi 100>><</button>>
<div class="cheat__characters__lust">
<<button "[-100]">><<addLust $Lexi -100>><</button>>Lust<<button "[+100]">><<addLust $Lexi 100>><</button>>
<div class="cheat__characters__row">
<div class="cheat__characters__name">Veronica</div>
<div class="cheat__characters__affection">
<<button "[-100]">><<addAff $Veronica -100>><</button>>Affection<<button "[+100]">><<addAff $Veronica 100>><</button>>
<div class="cheat__characters__lust">
<<button "[-100]">><<addLust $Veronica -100>><</button>>Lust<<button "[+100]">><<addLust $Veronica 100>><</button>>
<div class="cheat__characters__row">
<div class="cheat__characters__name">Monica</div>
<div class="cheat__characters__affection">
<<button "[-100]">><<addAff $Monica -100>><</button>>Affection<<button "[+100]">><<addAff $Monica 100>><</button>>
<div class="cheat__characters__lust">
<<button "[-100]">><<addLust $Monica -100>><</button>>Lust<<button "[+100]">><<addLust $Monica 100>><</button>>
<div class="cheat__mc">
<div class="cheat__mc__row">
<div class="cheat__mc__skill">Strength</div>
<div class="cheat__mc__skill__change">
<<button "[-1]">><<set $mc.Strength -=1>><</button>><<button "[+1]">><<set $mc.Strength +=1>><</button>>
<div class="cheat__mc__row">
<div class="cheat__mc__skill">Intellect</div>
<div class="cheat__mc__skill__change">
<<button "[-1]">><<set $mc.Intellect -=1>><</button>><<button "[+1]">><<set $mc.Intellect +=1>><</button>>
<div class="cheat__mc__row">
<div class="cheat__mc__skill">Charisma</div>
<div class="cheat__mc__skill__change">
<<button "[-1]">><<set $mc.Charisma -=1>><</button>><<button "[+1]">><<set $mc.Charisma +=1>><</button>>
<div class="cheat__mc__row">
<div class="cheat__mc__skill">Boldness</div>
<div class="cheat__mc__skill__change">
<<button "[-1]">><<set $mc.Boldness -=1>><</button>><<button "[+1]">><<set $mc.Boldness +=1>><</button>>
<</if>><<set _distance = getDistance()>>
<<addmins _distance>>
const characters = [
{ Name: "Clara", Meet: State.variables.Clara?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Clara?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.ClaraAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.ClaraLusLvl, Tip: "ClaraQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Clara1.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/Clara2.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Clara3.jpg" },
{ Name: "Sophia", Meet: State.variables.Sophia?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Sophia?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.SophiaAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.SophiaLusLvl, Tip: "SophiaQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Sophia1.jpeg", Img2: "img/avatars/Sophia2.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Sophia3.jpg" },
{ Name: "Lucy", Meet: State.variables.Lucy?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Lucy?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.LucyAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.LucyLusLvl, Tip: "LucyQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Lucy1.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/Lucy2.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Lucy3.jpg" },
{ Name: "Angela", Meet: State.variables.Angela?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Angela?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.AngelaAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.AngelaLusLvl, Tip: "AngelaQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Angela1.jpeg", Img2: "img/avatars/Angela2.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Angela3.jpg" },
{ Name: "Lexi", Meet: State.variables.Lexi?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Lexi?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.LexiAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.LexiLusLvl, Tip: "LexiQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Lexi1.jpeg", Img2: "img/avatars/Lexi2.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Lexi3.jpg" },
{ Name: "Veronica", Meet: State.variables.Veronica?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Veronica?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.VeronicaAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.VeronicaLusLvl, Tip: "VeronicaQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Veronica1.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/Veronica2.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Veronica3.jpg" },
{ Name: "Monica", Meet: State.variables.Monica?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Monica?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.MonicaAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.MonicaLusLvl, Tip: "MonicaQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Monica1.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/Monica2.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Monica3.jpg" },
{ Name: "Autumn", Meet: State.variables.Autumn?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Autumn?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.AutumnAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.AutumnLusLvl, Tip: "AutumnQ", Img1: "img/avatars/AutumnS.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/AutumnS.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/AutumnS.jpg" },
{ Name: "Ruby", Meet: State.variables.Ruby?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Ruby?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.RubyAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.RubyLusLvl, Tip: "RubyQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Ruby1.png", Img2: "img/avatars/Ruby2.png", Img3: "img/avatars/Ruby3.png" },
{ Name: "Linda", Meet: State.variables.Linda?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Linda?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.LindaAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.LindaLusLvl, Tip: "LindaQ", Img1: "img/avatars/LindaS.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/LindaS.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/LindaS.jpg" },
{ Name: "Susan", Meet: State.variables.Susan?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Susan?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.SusanAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.SusanLusLvl, Tip: "a", Img1: "img/avatars/SusanS.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/SusanS.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/SusanS.jpg" },
{ Name: "Olivia", Meet: State.variables.Olivia?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Olivia?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.OliviaAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.OliviaLusLvl, Tip: "OliviaQ", Img1: "img/avatars/OliviaS.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/OliviaS.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/OliviaS.jpg" },
{ Name: "Naomi", Meet: State.variables.Naomi?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Naomi?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.NaomiAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.NaomiLusLvl, Tip: "NaomiQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Naomi1.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/Naomi2.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Naomi3.jpg" },
{ Name: "Camilla", Meet: State.variables.Camilla?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Camilla?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.CamillaAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.CamillaLusLvl, Tip: "CamillaQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Camilla1.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/Camilla1.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Camilla1.jpg" },
{ Name: "Jane", Meet: State.variables.Jane?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Jane?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.JaneAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.JaneLusLvl, Tip: "JaneQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Jane1.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/Jane1.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Jane1.jpg" },
{ Name: "Amber", Meet: State.variables.Amber?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Amber?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.AmberAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.AmberLusLvl, Tip: "AmberQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Amber1.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/Amber1.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Amber1.jpg" },
{ Name: "Bella", Meet: State.variables.Bella?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Bella?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.BellaAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.BellaLusLvl, Tip: "BellaQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Bella1.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/Bella1.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Bella1.jpg" },
{ Name: "Fiona", Meet: State.variables.Fiona?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Fiona?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.FionaAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.FionaLusLvl, Tip: "FionaQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Fiona1.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/Fiona2.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Fiona3.jpg" },
{ Name: "Jerry", Meet: State.variables.Jerry?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Jerry?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.JerryAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.JerryLusLvl, Tip: "JerryQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Jerry1.png", Img2: "img/avatars/Jerry2.png", Img3: "img/avatars/Jerry3.png" },
{ Name: "Lily", Meet: State.variables.Lily?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Lily?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.LilyAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.LilyLusLvl, Tip: "LilyQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Lily1.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/Lily1.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Lily1.jpg" },
{ Name: "Samantha", Meet: State.variables.Samantha?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Samantha?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.SamanthaAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.SamanthaLusLvl, Tip: "SamanthaQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Samantha1.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/Samantha2.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Samantha3.jpg" },
{ Name: "Marsha", Meet: State.variables.Marsha?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Marsha?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.MarshaAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.MarshaLusLvl, Tip: "MarshaQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Marsha1.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/Marsha2.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Marsha3.jpg" },
{ Name: "Aria", Meet: State.variables.Aria?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Aria?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.AriaAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.AriaLusLvl, Tip: "AriaQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Aria1.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/Aria2.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Aria3.jpg" },
{ Name: "Nora", Meet: State.variables.Nora?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Nora?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.NoraAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.NoraLusLvl, Tip: "NoraQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Nora1.png", Img2: "img/avatars/Nora2.png", Img3: "img/avatars/Nora3.png" },
{ Name: "Denisse", Meet: State.variables.Denisse?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Denisse?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.DenisseAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.DenisseLusLvl, Tip: "DenisseQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Denisse1.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/Denisse2.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Denisse3.jpg" },
{ Name: "Coco", Meet: State.variables.Coco?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Coco?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.CocoAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.CocoLusLvl, Tip: "CocoQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Coco1.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/Coco2.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Coco3.jpg" },
{ Name: "Tracey", Meet: State.variables.Tracey?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Tracey?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.TraceyAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.TraceyLusLvl, Tip: "TraceyQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Tracey1.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/Tracey2.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Tracey3.jpg" },
{ Name: "Helen", Meet: State.variables.MrsWalker?.Meet, Work: State.variables.MrsWalker?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.MrsWalkerAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.MrsWalkerLusLvl, Tip: "HelenQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Helen1.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/Helen2.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Helen3.jpg" },
{ Name: "Summer", Meet: State.variables.Summer?.Meet, Work: State.variables.Summer?.Work, AffLvl: State.variables.SummerAffLvl, LusLvl: State.variables.SummerLusLvl, Tip: "SummerQ", Img1: "img/avatars/Summer1.jpg", Img2: "img/avatars/Summer2.jpg", Img3: "img/avatars/Summer3.jpg" }
characters.forEach(char => {
let card;
if (char.Meet == 1) {
let cardImg = char.Img1;
if (char.LusLvl == "Wet" || char.LusLvl == "Horny") {
cardImg = char.Img2;
} else if (char.LusLvl == "Whore of Babylon") {
cardImg = char.Img3;
card = `
<div class="chars__item chars__active">
<div class="chars__front">
<div class="chars__front__image">
<img src="${cardImg}" alt="1" border="0">
<div class="chars__front__description">
<div class="chars__back">
<p class="chars__back__name">${char.Name}</p>
<p class="chars__back__work">${char.Work}</p>
<p class="chars__back__tip"></p>
let elem = jQuery(card.trim());
elem.find('.chars__back__tip').wiki(`<<include ${char.Tip}>>`);
} else {
card = `
<div class="chars__item">
<div class="chars__front"></div>
<div class="chars__back"></div>
<div class="chars">
<div class="chars__item chars__active">
<div class="chars__front">
<div class="chars__front__image">
<img @src="$mc.icon">
<div class="chars__front__description">
<p>Your ad</p>
<p>may be here</p>
<div class="chars__back">
<p class="chars__back__name">$mc.Name</p>
<p class="chars__back__work">Biology teacher</p>
<div class="chars__back__stats">
Main job: $MainWorks<br>
Spanking: $AssSpanked<br>
Handjob: $Handjobs<br>
Blowjob: $Blowjobs<br>
Fingering: $VaginaFingered<br>
Vaginal sex: $VaginaFucked<br>
Anal sex: $AssFucked<br>
Creampies: $Creampies
<<say $Clara>>Oh, it's you. Good afternoon. Have you finished work already? What do you need?<</say>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 33>>\
<<if $TaskDone is 0 >>\
[[What are our tasks?|Task]]
[[The task is complete|Task]]
<<include "PrologueQuests">>\
<<include "Monica quests">>\
<<if $Lexi1 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '15:30')>>\
[[Help with replacement|LexiQuest1]]
<<elseif $Lexi3 > 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '15:30')>>\
[[Check and help with festival|LexiQuest3]]
<<elseif $AutumnCheerleader1 > 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '15:20')>>\
[[Talk about cheerleader`s team|Cheerleader.Conversation with Clara]]
<<elseif $ClaraM3Quest == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '16:00')>>\
<<goto "Clara2QFinish">>\
<<elseif $ClaraM5Quest == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:30')>>\
[[Talk about report|ClaraStudentsPrologue]]
<<elseif $ChristmasOn == 4>>\
[[Talk about girls|ChristmasOverhearClaraTalk]]
<<elseif $ChristmasConcert == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '16:00')>>\
[[Discuss concert |ChristmasConcert2]]
<<elseif $ClaraM14Quest == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '16:00')>>\
[[Ask about her feelings |ClaraPrincipal 1.1]]
<<elseif $ClaraM17Quest == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '10:00')>>\
[[Talk about what happen|ClaraPrincipal 2.1]]
<<elseif $ClaraM18Quest == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:30')>>\
[[So...|ClaraPrincipal 2.2]]
<<elseif $VeronicaQuest1 == 1>>\
[[Ask about Veronica|VeronicaQuest 1.2]]
<<elseif $BaseballActivate == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:30') >>\
[[About baseball|BaseballClara]]
<<elseif $AutumnCheerleader2 == 136 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '09:00')>>\
[[Ask Clara about rental|AutumnQuest3.9]]
<<elseif $Jane5Q == 42 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '15:30')>>\
[[About Jane|JaneQuest5.81]]
<<elseif $AngelaNewWork == 2 >>\
[[Ask Clara about work for Angela|AngelaWorkClara]]
<<elseif $ClaraM15Quest == 41 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '15:30')>>\
[[Talk about your lie|ClaraLieRacing1.2]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 > 34 && $NoraQuest1 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '15:30')>>\
[[Talk about Autumn |PrologueCheerleadersClara1]]
<<if $ChristmasOn == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '16:00') && $PrologueQuest1 > 32 >>\
[[Strange conversation |ChristmasEvent]]
<<if $Tutorial == 2>>\
[[That's all|Tutorial 5]]
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</if>>\<<if ($gameDate.getUTCDay() is 0 || $gameDate.getUTCDay() is 3) && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:10', '08:25')>>\
<<if $ClaraLusLvl < 2>>\
<<say $Clara>>What do you want today?<</say>>
<strong>Clara - </strong>[[Talk with her|ClaraTalk]]
<<elseif ($gameDate.getUTCDay() is 0 || $gameDate.getUTCDay() is 3) && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:26', '08:55')>>\
<<say $Clara>>It seems that your students have been waiting for you<</say>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() is 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00')>>\
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image7", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<md>>Clara is busy right now. It is better not to disturb her<</md>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() is 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $PrologueQuest1 == 33>>\
<<say $Clara>>Oh you are already here, decided to come early? How I like punctuality in people, this is a great property that gives confidence in a person.<</say>>
[[Attend the faculty meeting|Convocation]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00')>>\
<<say $Clara>>Do you want to discuss something?<</say>>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image7", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<strong>Clara - </strong>[[Talk with her|ClaraTalk]]
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image8", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<md>>Clara is busy right now. It is better not to disturb her<</md>>
<<if $ClaraImage8Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraImage8Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<</if>>\<<LargeTalk $Clara>>\
<<talk "Repeat" 2 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "Clara LargeTalk">><</talk>>
[[Next action|ClaraTalk]]<<Flirt $Clara>>\
<<talk "Repeat" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "Clara Flirt">><</talk>>
[[Next action|ClaraTalk]]<<if $ClaraFirstMeet is 1 && $Clara1Quest is 0>>\
<<include "Task1">>\
<<elseif $Clara1Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task1Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara2Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task2">>\
<<elseif $Clara2Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task2Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara3Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task3">>\
<<elseif $Clara3Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task3Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara4Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task4">>\
<<elseif $Clara4Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task4Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara5Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task5">>\
<<elseif $Clara5Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task5Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara6Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task6">>\
<<elseif $Clara6Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task6Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara7Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task7">>\
<<elseif $Clara7Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task7Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara8Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task8">>\
<<elseif $Clara8Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task8Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara9Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task9">>\
<<elseif $Clara9Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task9Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara10Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task10">>\
<<elseif $Clara10Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task10Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara11Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task11">>\
<<elseif $Clara11Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task11Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara12Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task12">>\
<<elseif $Clara12Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task12Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara13Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task13">>\
<<elseif $Clara13Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task13Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara14Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task14">>\
<<elseif $Clara14Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task14Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara15Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task15">>\
<<elseif $Clara15Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task15Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara16Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task16">>\
<<elseif $Clara16Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task16Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara17Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task17">>\
<<elseif $Clara17Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task17Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara18Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task18">>\
<<elseif $Clara18Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task18Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara19Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task19">>\
<<elseif $Clara19Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task19Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara20Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task20">>\
<<elseif $Clara20Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task20Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara21Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task21">>\
<<elseif $Clara21Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task21Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara22Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task22">>\
<<elseif $Clara22Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task22Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara23Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task23">>\
<<elseif $Clara23Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task23Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara24Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task24">>\
<<elseif $Clara24Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task24Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara25Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task25">>\
<<elseif $Clara25Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task25Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara26Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task26">>\
<<elseif $Clara26Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task26Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara27Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task27">>\
<<elseif $Clara27Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task27Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara28Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task28">>\
<<elseif $Clara28Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task28Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara29Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task29">>\
<<elseif $Clara29Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task29Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara30Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "Task30">>\
<<elseif $Clara30Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "Task30Done">>\
<<elseif $Clara5Quest is 3 || $Clara10Quest is 3 >>\
<<say $Clara>>I think I have already said that there are no new tasks yet. Come back later.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Are you finished with your job? Let's talk when everything is done.<</say>>
<</if>>\<<say $mc>>I want to see the changes, where can we start? How can I help the school?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Didn't expect to hear that from you? What do you want to change? I think everyone is happy with everything.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>This is the problem. That people don’t need more than they already have. When in fact all that they have is an illusion.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>What are you talking about? Please can you speak directly, what illusions?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>When I talk about illusions, I mean temporary pleasures that will sooner or later leave them, leaving a void.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Interestingly, what then forever? Do you understand that this is all subjective? Everyone has their own needs.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You are right, needs are subjective, but not all. All of us are united by the fact that we are people. And I know that there are things that all of us need.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I'm not interested in your nonsense. If you want to do something useful, I will give you an assignment.<</say>>
<<md>>Stupid, it seems that in childhood she lacked understanding, and now she needs love.<</md>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>I agree, give me the task.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>We should begin by something simple. Give intensive athletic lessons to our girls. Show that you can behave and not like the others<</say>>
<<text y "Give intensive athletic lesson">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara1Quest = 1>>\
<<newTaskObedience "Intensive lesson">>\
<<if $Tutorial == 2>>\
[[That's all |Tutorial 5]]
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<if $TaskDone is 1>>\
The task is completed!
<<if $Clara1Quest is 1>>\
Athletics > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara2Quest is 2>>\
Discipline problem > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara3Quest is 2>>\
Swimming > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara4Quest is 2>>\
Nurse assistance > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara5Quest is 2>>\
Clara's affection > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara6Quest is 2>>\
Help Lucy > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara7Quest is 2>>\
Book > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara8Quest is 2>>\
Athletics > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara9Quest is 2>>\
Exam > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara10Quest is 2>>\
Clara's affection > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara11Quest is 2>>\
Help Sophia > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara12Quest is 2>>\
Film > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara13Quest is 2>>\
Human anatomy > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara14Quest is 2>>\
Athletics > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara15Quest is 2>>\
Discipline problem > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara16Quest is 2>>\
Obedience > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara17Quest is 2>>\
Film > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara18Quest is 2>>\
Swimming > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara19Quest is 2>>\
Nurse assistance > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara20Quest is 2>>\
Book > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara21Quest is 2>>\
Exam > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara22Quest is 2>>\
Clara's affection> $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara23Quest is 2>>\
Exam > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara24Quest is 2>>\
Biology > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara25Quest is 2>>\
Athletics > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara26Quest is 2>>\
Discipline problem > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara27Quest is 2>>\
Help Lucy > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara28Quest is 2>>\
Mood > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara29Quest is 2>>\
Clara’s visit > $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Clara30Quest is 2>>\
Swimming> $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Sophia2Quest is 2>>\
Swimming> $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Sophia3Quest is 2>>\
Athletics> $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Sophia4Quest is 2>>\
Nurse assistance> $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Sophia5Quest is 2>>\
Biology> $TaskObjective
<<elseif $Sophia6Quest is 2>>\
Exam> $TaskObjective
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 2>>\
Introduction>Meet with Fiona in canteen
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 3>>\
Introduction>Meet Veronica at sport field
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 4>>\
Introduction>Meet Lexi at second floor
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 5>>\
Introduction>Meet Monica at school gates
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 6>>\
Introduction>Meet Samantha in English class
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 7>>\
Introduction>Meet Autumn at the beach
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 8>>\
Introduction>Meet Marsha after my classes
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 9>>\
Introduction>Meet Aria at Math class
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 10>>\
Introduction>Report to Clara after lesson
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 11>>\
Introduction>Help Fiona with contest preparations
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 12>>\
Introduction>Find Lexi on second floor
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 13>>\
Introduction>Meet Veronica at sports field
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 14>>
Introduction>Convince Monica at school gate
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 15>>
Introduction>Update Fiona via Whoremail
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 16>>
Introduction>Discuss contest plans with Fiona
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 17>>
Introduction>Attend contest rehearsal in auditorium
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 18>>
Introduction>Go to another rehearsal
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 19>>
Introduction>Check on Fiona at school
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 21>>
Introduction>Talk to Lexi about poster issue
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 23>>
Introduction>Attend rehearsal for contest finalization
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 24>>
Introduction>Convince Veronica against her plan
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 25>>
Introduction>Join final rehearsal for contest readiness
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 26>>
Introduction>Participate in Green Festival Contest at 5 p.m.
To get the task - contact Clara
<</if>>\<<widget "newTaskMood">>
<<set $TaskObjective = $args[0]>>
<<set $TaskParametr = $SchoolMood>>
<<set $MoodTask = 1>>
<<set $ObedienceTask = 0>>
<<set $GradesTask = 0>>
<<set $ExhibitionismTask = 0>>
/* <<newTaskMood $args[0]>> */<<widget "newTaskObedience">>
<<set $TaskObjective = $args[0]>>
<<set $TaskParametr = $ClaraM1TQuest>>
<<set $MoodTask = 0>>
<<set $ObedienceTask = 1>>
<<set $GradesTask = 0>>
<<set $ExhibitionismTask = 0>>
<</widget>><<widget "newTaskGrades">>
<<set $TaskObjective = $args[0]>>
<<set $TaskParametr = $SchoolGrades>>
<<set $MoodTask = 0>>
<<set $ObedienceTask = 0>>
<<set $GradesTask = 1>>
<<set $ExhibitionismTask = 0>>
<</widget>><<widget "newTaskExhibitionism">>
<<set $TaskObjective = $args[0]>>
<<set $MoodTask = 0>>
<<set $ObedienceTask = 0>>
<<set $GradesTask = 0>>
<<set $ExhibitionismTask = 1>>
<<widget "staminaBar">>
let stamina = $stamina;
let maxStamina = $mc.MaxStamina;
function createStaminaBar() {
let html = `
<div id="staminaBar" style="--maxStamina: ${maxStamina}">
<div class="meter"></div>
if (stamina > maxStamina) stamina = maxStamina;
let elem = jQuery(html.trim());
let meter = elem[0].querySelector('.meter');
let fill = document.createElement('div');
fill.className = 'fill';
for (let i = 0; i < maxStamina; i++) {
let fillElements = meter.querySelectorAll('.fill');
for (let i = 0; i < stamina; i++) {
function updateStaminaBar() {
if (tags().includes('NoStaminaBar')) {
} else {
if (document.getElementById('staminaBar') != null) {
} else {
<</widget>><<set $Clara1Quest = 2>>\
<<set $Clara2Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 50>>\
<<text g "50$ added to pocket">>
<<say $Clara>>Come back if you want to discuss a new task.<</say>>
[[Go to new task|Task2]]
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Always ready to help school.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Great, wonderful mood, write down your task somewhere.<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>The time has come to see how you deal with the problems. Solve it, when it will be time.<</say>>
<<text y "Solve problem">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara2Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Make remark">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara2Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara3Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 50>>\
<<text g "50$ added to pocket">>
<<say $Clara>>Come back if you want to discuss a new task.<</say>>
[[Go to new task|Task3]]
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Always ready to help school.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Great, wonderful mood, write down your task somewhere.<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>The time has come to prove what you are worth of. Try to impress our student by showing some movements at swimming lesson.<</say>>
<<text y "Show some movements at swimming lesson.">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara3Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskMood "Show some movements">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara3Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara4Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 75>>\
<<text g "75$ added to pocket">>
<<say $Clara>>Come back if you want to discuss a new task.<</say>>
[[Go to new task|Task4]]
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Always ready to help school.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Great, wonderful mood, write down your task somewhere.<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Some of our students has problem with their sleep. Try to figure something out.<</say>>
<<text y "Give sleeping pills to student">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara4Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Sleeping pills[I]">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Always ready to help school.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Great, wonderful mood, write down your task somewhere.<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>You know, I think we should trust one other more. Are you sure that I should tell you something?<</say>>
<<text y "Reach 2 lvl of Clara affection">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara5Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskObedience "Reach 2 lvl">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara4Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara5Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 75>>\
<<text g "75$ added to pocket">>
<<say $Clara>>Come back if you want to discuss a new task.<</say>>
[[Go to new task|Task5]]
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<set $Clara5Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara6Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>I can see, you are not so bad person at all.<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is between us.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward. And something more.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<text g "100$ added to pocket">>
<<set $id.whisky +=1>>\
<<text g "Whiskey added">>
<<say $Clara>>Back to new tasks in a short time, okay? We have a work to do.<</say>>
[[Sure|Task6]]<<text y "30 minutes passed and here we are already in place.">>
<<say $Clara>>I have long wanted to say that I am very pleased with your work on the success of the school.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I am very glad to hear that, thanks Clara. And I also have to say that it brings me pleasure. I like to work here.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>It’s good that it coincided, it’s good that you like to work and it benefits you, because your work also benefits us. That is why I invited you to this place.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm listening carefully.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>For a long time I have not had such responsible workers in the team, I respect your human and professional skills. I like it in you. So I decided to give you a raise.<</say>>
<<md>>I'm not so interested in a monetary increase as an increase in authority.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I deserve it.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>How self-confident. Yes, I think so too, so now in order not to interfere with your development, I will give you more influence and opportunities.<</say>>
<<text g "Qualification increased!">>
<<set $mc.TeacherLevel += 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Miraculously, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time, I promise that I will not fail and our school will begin to be noticed at inter-regional events.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, that's fine, let's enjoy coffee.<</say>>
<<md>>Despite the fact that Clara is a rather cold and business woman, she attracts me. Perhaps it is her closeness that attracts her.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, let's go. You need to sleep well to work well.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, let's go.<</say>>
[[Leave the cafe|Task5Cafe2]]
<<addmins 30>>\<<say $mc>>Clara, thanks again for the invitation, you are a wonderful person.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Ah, how sweet. See you soon, behave yourself.<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 16>>
<<say $Clara>>And wait.. I have something I want to give you. This pointer has been used by several generations of my family. I think you deserve it.<</say>>
<<set $ukazka = 1>>\
<<text g "The pointer was added to the pocket.">>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I'm very pleased, you're great. Thank you and see you soon.<</say>>
[[See you|Street Raw-Road]]<<widget "Boldness">>
<<set _BoldnessStyle = ["#1b1b1b", "#ffb400"]; >>
<<if $mc.Boldness gte 10>>
<<text g "I've already reached my maximum boldness level.">>
<<elseif $BoldnessSummaA is $BoldnessSummaB>>
<<changeBar "Boldness" _BoldnessStyle `$mc.Boldness + 1` $BoldnessProgress `$BoldnessProgress + 1`>>
<<set $BoldnessProgress = 0>>
<<set $mc.Boldness += 1>>
<<notify>>New boldness level!<</notify>>
<<elseif $BoldnessSummaA lte $BoldnessSummaB>>
<<changeBar "Boldness" _BoldnessStyle `$mc.Boldness + 1` $BoldnessProgress `$BoldnessProgress + 1`>>
<<set $BoldnessProgress += 1>>
<<elseif $mc.Boldness < 1>>
<<set $mc.Boldness = 1>>
<<notify>>New intellect level!<</notify>>
<</widget>><<set $BoldInc = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>
<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpg");
<<set $WalkPerDay = 1>>\
<<set _WalkArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]>>\
<<switch _WalkArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>While I was walking in the park and enjoying the beautiful architecture, nature and harmony, the girls who walked by me were clearly afraid of me. This is not very pleasant, but they can be understood, this park is really dangerous at night.<</md>>
<<text g "Success!">>
[[Back to park|Park]]
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Damn, I noticed a company of clearly not sober and not very friendly people. I hope they don’t touch me while I go by their side. The main thing is not to look at them and not to linger. Savages.<</md>>
<<text g "Success!">>
[[Back to park|Park]]
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>There is something incredibly beautiful in the night... When the whole city falls asleep, nature blooms with renewed vigour, demonstrating to the observer its true beauty. And I`m talking not only about the neon lights, but trees that bloom in a special way. Now in the park it is especially noticeable. Like there are two different worlds.<</md>>
<<md>>Unfortunately, I would gladly erase some details of the invisible world.<</md>>
<<md>>Before me are three guys. The largest of them, resembling a gorilla, points a pistol in my direction. The muzzle glistens in the darkness like a sword, allowing me to imagine the lethal outcome in advance... If I run, I will quickly get to know the bullet. Even the fastest runner in the world is unlikely to be able to escape from a bullet from such a distance.<</md>>
<<md>>Slowly pulled a purse from my pocket and threw it to the ground. If I learned something from meeting these kind of guys, it’s so that you can’t show your fear. Smelling it, they cling to me like jackals and will not let go. One mistake and I will become their eternal slave.<</md>>
<<md>>No guys, look for someone weaker.<</md>>
<<md>>The leader gestures to one of his servants to open my wallet. The raking hands of a man instantly take my money. It does not seem that they were very happy with the catch, but they leave.<</md>>
<<md>>After waiting for the bandits to hide in the darkness, I picked up my wallet from the ground and sighed heavily.<</md>>
<<md>>It’s like I’m back in elementary school, where they are being bullied by those who are stronger or simply more impudent. My mood has gone.. I’ll probably be back home. Such colours of the night I do not need.<</md>>
<<text g "Success!">>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>A night walk in the park always has a positive effect on me. When you are alone with nature, when the chance to meet a person tends to zero, you feel like in some kind of post-apocalypse movie. And it attracts me to this place even more than the other. Is it possible that after day`s work I get too tired of people and thus allow myself to relax?<</md>>
<<md>>I looked at one of the trees and touched its bark. In these irregularities and roughness, it looks so much like a person.<</md>>
<<md>>A few laps around the park really tired me. However, I still did not want to return home, that's why I sat down on the bench to take a rest. Unbeknownst to myself, my eyes closed themselves...<</md>>
<<md>>Through a dream, I felt someone's pleasant breath near my ear. Even being half asleep, felt a strange attraction.<</md>>
<<md>>A pleasant female voice and a strange aroma made me open my eyes. Even in this state, I managed to distinguish a large hood and long black hair, awkward sticking out from under it. I wanted to completely see the stranger, jump in, but the dream was stronger than me. I closed my eyes again when I felt her hand reaching out to my crotch and opening the zipper on my pants.<</md>>
<<md>>A warm and wonderful feeling came over me. I am completely limp, feeling how the tongue is in contact with the flesh of the dick. Her lips felt too sweet, too good. I haven’t felt so good in life. This girl clearly understands what she is doing.<</md>>
<<md>>From such a great excitement, I finally woke up.<</md>>
<<md>>Such a technique from which I was so melting I never met. I wanted her to continue, so that her tongue revolved endlessly around my cock.<</md>>
<<md>>The tension was getting stronger. Her throat pleased my hardness more and more, but she seemed to feel what I needed and sank a dick even deeper. I could not resist the way she plays with him and a stream of pleasure splashed into her mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>A lustful smile played on her face as she licked my seed, which splashed on the stranger's expressive lips.<</md>>
<<md>>If I knew that such an artisan lives here, I would go here as often as possible. The truth is, real treasures are hidden in the night.<</md>>
<<md>>Her voice almost makes me purr. This is too sexy. I don’t want her to leave. I just want to feel it all now.<</md>>
<<md>>A disgusting male voice breaks all the magic of the moment. Why does it seem to me that you need to get out of here as quickly as possible ?!<</md>>
<<md>>Maybe because in his hands a huge shotgun!<</md>>
<<md>>His curses sounded in my direction for a few more moments, while I ran away from the park as far as possible...<</md>>
<<md>>This was by far the strangest and most exciting adventure of the night!<</md>>
<<text g "Success!">>
<<case 5>>\
<<md>>My steps along the path give a quiet, not loud echo. Like an old keeper, I walk around the park tonight. In this secret ritual, which constantly repeats, an inner need is felt.<</md>>
<<md>>Maybe really get a job as a security guard and get paid for what I like? However, I would not exchange school for anything in the world. So many young bodies, as there, are hard to find elsewhere.<</md>>
<<md>>Somewhere in the distance you can hear the howling of dogs or the noise of those cars whose owners are still awake and are rushing somewhere with great speed. But here in the monastery of my peace there is not a single sound, everything is very calm ...<</md>>
<<md>>Staring at the sky, I listened and heard a strange, almost foreign sound, which did not have a place here. Strange, it reminds me of something too familiar. This is not what I think...<</md>>
<<md>>The sound grew louder as I approached an oblong lawn filled with flowers. I have not heard such a deep girl moan for a long time. And let this not be the place here, I must say that it sounds very exciting... Fighting with the desire to get a dick right here, I lift my head up and see a picture that causes both delight and laughter.<</md>>
<<md>>Climbing a tree, in some strange pose resembling cuttlefish, two teenagers having sex. Along with the moan of the girl, the sound of a crackle spreads through the park. If they don’t stop, then...<</md>>
<<md>>Faster than I thought about it, a branch breaks beneath their feet, and they both crash down onto the lawn. It would be necessary to check if they are all right.<</md>>
<<md>>Are you alive there?<</md>>
<<md>>The guy jumps up and runs away screaming, sparkling not only with bare feet. What a frightened boy. Eh, nobody in our time appreciates kindness.<</md>>
<<md>>Although, probably, it’s even good that he ran away so quickly. A girl sits strangely outstretched on a flower bed... She seems to have hurt herself much more than a guy.<</md>>
<<talk "Take advantage of the situation">>\
<<md>>Of course, a fall from a tree is not a very good event, but it does not prevent her from being so sexy that it became too uncomfortable in my pants. My boner in the middle of this night and meeting this hot little thing is the best match . <</md>>
<<md>>I quickly approach her pulling my dick.<</md>>
<<md>>Oh, now she will act out bewilderment or even fear! The girl tried to escape, but my hands threw her back to the ground. Damn, her pussy is so alluring red.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I know you want it. That loser does not know how to handle pussy as I do.<</say >>
<<md>>She said something in response, but I did not hear and surrendered to the power of instincts.<</md>>
<<md>>Dick easily slipped into a hot place between the legs. Pressing the girl to the ground, I began to move the pelvis. Like this! Get it, hot bitch!<</md>>
<<md>>At first she resisted, but very soon her resistance passed and she began to squeeze me tightly and moan piercingly. I knew that this passion for sex lives in her, this is her wild desire to hug someone's dick.<</md>>
<<md>>My movements are getting faster, and the girl’s body seems to be dancing, moving in the same rhythm. Her pussy is burning, and my cock is about to burst from a beautiful feeling.<</md>>
<<md>>The seed splashes out in it with special force, hot and bright, like my desire to possess this lover of exoticism was.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The next time you want something special, just come here by yourself. You are made for this dick.<</say >>
<<md>>The girl moaned lingeringly, letting the protein leak onto her legs.<</md>>
<<md>>Looks like I understood why I love the night park so much!<</md>>
<<text g "Success!">>
<<talk "Help girl to stand up">>\
<<md>>She is attractive, it is beyond doubt, but I will be the last bastard if I take advantage of this situation now.<</md>>
<<md>>Having given the girl a hand, I helped her get up, trying not to look at the most attractive parts of the body. Near the tree we found her clothes and she quickly ducked into her and put herself in order. <</md>>
<<md>>Not even naked, she looks very attractive. If I had such a daughter, I would follow her day and night, because there are definitely a lot of people who want to make friends with this beauty's pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>Thanking me for the help, the girl smiled sweetly and kissed my cheek. This action made me feel good. Thanking me, she waved to me and left the park.<</md>>
<<md>>God, what a night!<</md>>
<<case 5>>\
<<include "WalkFight">>\
<</switch>>\<<set _chanceOfWin = random(1,10)>>\
<<set _collectedCash = random(20,50)>>\
<<md>>It was not possible to walk around the park without problems, and a not sober company of young people decided to use me instead of a punching bag.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Strength gte _chanceOfWin>>\
<<text g "Success!">>
<<set $bastards_derroted = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<md>>These geeks don't know who they contacted. First I dropped the first, then the second, and then the third, they all fell like dominoes. They will know how to attack the intelligentsia.<</md>>
<<set $BoldInc = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<if $mc.Boldness is 0>>
<<set $mc.Boldness = 1>>
<<link "Collect the money and leave">><<set $cash += _collectedCash>><<goto "Park">><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<text r "Failure">>
<<md>>Damn, my body hurts, my money was taken away, what a nice grass, why I hadn’t noticed the beauty of the grass before. Well, they beat me, for that I met with grass, you need to see the good side in everything.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Intellect gte 5>>\
<<set $BoldInc = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<if $mc.Boldness is 0>>
<<set $mc.Boldness = 1>>
[[Stand up|Park]]
<<addmins 30>>\
<<set $cash = 0>>\
<<set $stamina -= 20>>\
<</if>>\<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Always ready to help school.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Great, wonderful mood, write down your task somewhere.<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I think you should help our other teachers. Conduct ordinary lesson instead of Lucy.<</say>>
<<text y "Spend ordinary lesson instead of Lucy">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara6Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Ordinary lesson">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Always ready to help school.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Great, wonderful mood, write down your task somewhere.<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>The time has come for something clever. Do you think you can quote Kant for our students?<</say>>
<<text y "Read Kant for students">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara7Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskMood "Read Kant for students">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Always ready to help school.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Great, wonderful mood, write down your task somewhere.<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Your sucess at athletics was not bad last time. It's time for complete exhaustion for our student.<</say>>
<<text y "Do complete exhaustion at athletics">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara8Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Light exhaustion">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Always ready to help school.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Great, wonderful mood, write down your task somewhere.<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>We must to control our students. If they are cheating at the exam, show them that you've noticed that. Clear? <</say>>
<<text y "Make comment at the exam">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara9Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskObedience "Make comment">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Always ready to help school.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Great, wonderful mood, write down your task somewhere.<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I think we should be a little more closer for our tiny work. Don't you think so?<</say>>
<<text y "Reach 3 lvl of affection with Clara">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara10Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Reach 3 lvl">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara6Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara7Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>I see you did a good job with your task. Were there any difficulties?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<md>>Difficulties. Yes, adolescents always have difficulties, and such questions should not arise here. Every step, necessary or not, they perceive as an attack on their territory. I happened to notice this when I made a few comments to them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>In general, no. Although, it seems to me that allowing phones in the lesson is a very rash act.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Do you want to tell me something?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just that if I were allowed to take phones away from students, I could make them more obedient.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Are you sure that it is so necessary at this stage?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely. No matter how hard I try to get students to listen, they are often distracted by their phones. Instead of listening to the teacher, they play games, for example.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara fell silent, only tapping her finger on the table. It looks like this is a very difficult decision for her.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, that makes sense. But be careful. Some people hate having their personal belongings taken away.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I understand.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I don't need any problems related to this. Is that clear to you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure.<</say>>
<<md>>She nodded and I left the office. It looks like I now have a little more freedom for everything.<</md>>
<<set $cash += 75>>\
<<text g "75$ added to pocket">>
<<text y "You can take your student`s phones now">>\
[[Go to new task|Task7]]
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<<set $Clara7Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara8Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 75>>\
<<text g "75$ added to pocket">>
<<say $Clara>>Come back if you want to discuss a new task.<</say>>
[[Go to new task|Task8]]
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<set $Clara8Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara9Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 75>>\
<<text g "75$ added to pocket">>
<<say $Clara>>Come back if you want to discuss a new task.<</say>>
[[Go to new task|Task9]]
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<set $Clara9Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara10Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 75>>\
<<text g "75$ added to pocket">>
<<say $Clara>>Come back if you want to discuss a new task.<</say>>
[[Go to new task|Task10]]
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<set $Clara10Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara11Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<text g "Qualification increased!">>
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<<set $mc.TeacherLevel += 1>>\<<say $mc>>You know, the uniform of our dear students is disturbing me. I think it is very uncomfortable closed. This uniform makes it difficult to concentrate on the lesson.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>And you know, this is absolutely true, I also noticed similar situations. We should think about the comfort of our students.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, I expected to hear such an suggest from you. It was obvious. But it is not without meaning. I need to think.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, I'm sure this will benefit all of us. Remember yourself in your school years, remember how you didn’t like to wear this heavy uniform.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Why did you decide that I had such a problem? Okay, well, I agree, we will change our school uniform.<</say>>
<<text y "The uniforms of the students became sexier.">>
<<text g "School exhibitionism improved!">>
<<set $SchoolExhibitionism += 2.00>>\
<<md>>Let's see how the students will appreciate it.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>The convocation is completed, thanks for coming.<</say>>
[[Leave the cabinet|Second floor]]<<if $RandomAttributes == 1>>\
<<set _RandomAttributesEventArray = [1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _RandomAttributesEventArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>
<<set $mc.Strength = 2>>\
<<set $RandomAttributes = 21>>\
<<set $mc.Charisma = 0>>\
<<case 2>>
<<set $mc.Intellect = 2>>\
<<set $RandomAttributes = 22>>\
<<set $mc.Charisma = 0>>\
<<case 3>>
<<set $mc.Charisma = 2>>\
<<set $RandomAttributes = 23>>\
<<case 4>>
<<set $mc.Boldness = 2>>\
<<set $RandomAttributes = 24>>\
<<set $mc.Charisma = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>So wonderful, what can you brag about? What are your good points?<</say>>
<div class="photo-select">\
<span class="Work-title" style="padding: 0;">Now select a start-bonus (+2)</span>\
<div class="flx-row-sp-btw">\
<div class="txt-center">\
<<if $RandomAttributes == 21>>\
<img src="img/trash/weight-lifting-up.png" class="radio-container checked" data-skill="Strength">
<img src="img/trash/weight-lifting-up.png" class="radio-container" data-skill="Strength">
<div class="txt-center">\
<<if $RandomAttributes == 22>>\
<img src="img/trash/white-book.png" class="radio-container checked" data-skill="Intellect">
<img src="img/trash/white-book.png" class="radio-container" data-skill="Intellect">
<div class="txt-center">\
<<if $RandomAttributes == 23>>\
<img src="img/trash/conversation.png" class="radio-container checked" data-skill="Charisma">
<<elseif $RandomAttributes == 0>>\
<img src="img/trash/conversation.png" class="radio-container checked" data-skill="Charisma">
<img src="img/trash/conversation.png" class="radio-container" data-skill="Charisma">
<div class="txt-center">\
<<if $RandomAttributes == 24>>\
<img src="img/trash/skull-crack.png" class="radio-container checked" data-skill="Boldness">
<img src="img/trash/skull-crack.png" class="radio-container" data-skill="Boldness">
<<upd-select-img "bonus">><</upd-select-img>>\
<<if $RandomAttributes == 0>>\
<<link "Choose random">><<goto"start-bonus">><<set $RandomAttributes = 1>><</link>>
<<if $Tutorial == 1>>\
[[Respond|Tutorial 2.1]]
<<if $TutorialOn == 0>>\
<<link "Quick start">>
<<goto "Work">>
<<set $Angela.Meet = 1>>
<<set $Angela.unlockedgallery to true>>\
<<set $Clara.unlockedgallery to true>>\
<<set $RandomAttributes = 1>>
<<if $TutorialOn == 0>>\
<<say $Linda>>Of course, I understand that this is not my business, but where did you get this money, a scammer. Okay, that doesn't concern me. But why? Why do you need dormitory here?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, Linda, it seems to me that we have helped some students who have difficulties with money and those who live far from school.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Okay, give me your money, now I’ll make out everything. Today you made a real holiday for many.<</say>>
<<set $SchoolInfrastructure += 10.00>>\
<<text g "The quality of infrastructures has increased.">>
<<say $mc>>Thanks Linda, I will wait for the news.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Nice, soon everything should be prepared.<</say>>
<<md>>I hope I don’t have to wait long.<</md>>
[[That's all|School reception]]/*AutumnMeet events */
<<if $AutumnMeet is 0>>\
<<goto "Autumn Meet">>\
<<elseif $AutumnMeet is 1 && $id.whisky gte 1 && $SchoolDormitoryGates == 0 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "Autumn Meet1">>\
<<elseif $AutumnMeet is 2 && $id.whisky gte 1 && $SchoolDormitoryGates == 0 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "Autumn Meet2">>\
/* Dorm sex events */
<<if $AutumnMeet is 1 && $DormSex1 == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '22:00') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
<<goto "DormSexEvent1">>\
<<elseif $AutumnMeet is 3 && $DormSex1 == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '22:00') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
<<goto "DormSexEvent1">>\
<<if $AutumnMeet is 1 && $DormSex1 == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '22:00') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
<<goto "DormSexEvent4.2">>\
<<elseif $AutumnMeet is 3 && $DormSex1 == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '22:00') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
<<goto "DormSexEvent4.2">>\
/* Autumn quest events */
<<if $AutumnCheerleader2 == 12>>\
<<goto "AutumQuest1.3">>\
<<if $AutumnCheerleader2 == 132 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '19:00')>>\
[[Visit Autumn|AutumnQuest3.3]]
/*else */
<<if $AutumnImage7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AutumnImage7Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Autumn>>I need to do homework, I don’t think that the rest of the girls are comfortable while you are here. Go out please.<</say>>
[[Leave dormitory|School reception]]<<set $SurgicalMask = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<set $SchoolMood += 1.00>>\
<<set $SchoolGrades += 1.00>>\
<<say $mc>>You know, in connection with the recent events, it would probably be useful for all of us to distribute masks to the students.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Do you mean Coronavirus events?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course, we need to ensure the safety of our students.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Indeed, very wise thoughts. I will deal with this issue.<</say>>
<<text g "School mood and grades improved!">>
<<md>>My pussies should be completely safe.<</md>>
[[Leave the cabinet|Second floor]]Tip: \
<<if $NoraQuest1T == 1>>\
Autumn's behavior is unacceptable. First she took out her anger on Monica, now on Nora. I need to talk to <<customTip "Clara's office on the second floor in the school. In the morning (8.10 a.m. - 8.25 a.m) or after lessons (3 p.m - 4 p.m.)" "Clara" "#F65575" "Autumn Stewart">> about this.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 2>>\
It seems that the conversation with Clara about Autumn did not go well. Perhaps <<customTip "I can find her on the school sports field from 12 a.m to 3:30 p.m" "Olivia" "#F65575" "Autumn Stewart">>, the coach, can help?
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 3>>\
It seems that the conversation with Clara about Autumn did not go well. Perhaps <<customTip "I can find her on the school sports field from 12 a.m to 3:30 p.m" "Olivia" "#F65575" "Autumn Stewart">>, the coach, can help?
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 4>>\
I need to attend a <<customTip "Training of cheerleaders takes place on the beach (from 3 p.m to 5 p.m)." "training session" "#F65575" "Autumn Stewart">>. That way I can better understand Autumn's motives.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 5>>\
Autumn is a tough nut to crack. I'll have to talk to <<customTip "I should look at different places like classrooms, cafe, park" "Olivia" "#F65575" "Autumn Stewart">> to see if there's anything we can do about it.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 6>>\
I have to teach Autumn and the other cheerleaders the right way to behave. To do this, I will have to visit them again for <<customTip "Cheerleaders trains on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m." "Olivia" "#F65575" "Autumn Stewart">>.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 7>>\
Autumn's behavior toward Monica raises too many questions. But at least they <<customTip "I need to talk to Olivia about this achievement and figure out what to do next." "promised me" "#F65575" "Autumn Stewart">> not to drink at practice anymore.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 8>>\
Autumn's behavior toward Monica raises too many questions. But at least they <<customTip "I need to talk to Olivia about this achievement and figure out what to do next." "promised me" "#F65575" "Autumn Stewart">> not to drink at practice anymore.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 9>>\
I can't wait to see the look on Autumn's face when she finds out that <<customTip "I have to tell Monica and Nora the good news." "Nora and Monica" "#F65575" "Autumn Stewart">> are on the team.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 10>>\
I can't wait to see the look on Autumn's face when she finds out that <<customTip "I have to tell Monica and Nora the good news." "Nora and Monica" "#F65575" "Autumn Stewart">> are on the team.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 11>>\
I have to watch Autumn during Nora's first <<customTip "As usual, cheerleaders will be training from 3 to 5 p.m. on the beach." "training" "#F65575" "Autumn Stewart">>.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 12>>\
Autumn cut up Nora's uniform. I need to talk to her to <<customTip "The best place to talk to Autumn is on the beach during a practice session." "understand her motives" "#F65575" "Autumn Stewart">>.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == "12b">>\
Autumn tried cut up Nora's uniform. I need to talk to her to <<customTip "The best place to talk to Autumn is on the beach during a practice session." " prevent this from happening again" "#F65575" "Autumn Stewart">>
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 13>>\
I need to talk to <<customTip "Better to talk with Ruby at the second floor, from noon to 1 p.m." "Ruby" "#F65575" "Autumn Stewart">>. Maybe I can use her to influence Autumn somehow.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 15>>\
I think I need to keep an eye on <<customTip "It is better to talk to her in the biology class from 12 to 1 p.m." "Nora" "#F65575" "Autumn Stewart">> for now, not Autumn.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 16>>\
Ruby and Autumn are up to something. It's up to me to keep an eye on <<customTip "Nora can be found on the second floor before my classes in the morning" "Nora" "#F65575" "Autumn Stewart">> so they don't hurt her.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == "16b">>\
I've got a hunch Autumn might be giving Nora a hard time. Better swing by <<customTip "As usual, cheerleaders will be training from 3 to 5 p.m. on the beach." "cheer practice" "#F65575" "Autumn Stewart">> to scope out the situation.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 17>>\
Ruby said that Autumn had planned that cruel joke. We need to make sure that <<customTip "Practice will be held as usual on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m." "training session" "cheerleading practice" "#F65575" "Autumn Stewart">> doesn't add fuel to the fire.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == "17b">>\
Looks like Ruby's scheme fizzled out, but I've got a gut feeling this <<customTip "Training of cheerleaders takes place on the beach (from 3 p.m to 5 p.m)." "ain't over yet" "#F65575" "Ruby Martin">>
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 19>>\
It doesn't look like Autumn is ready to forget her grudges so easily. I'll have to do something about that at the <<customTip "Practice will be held as usual on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m." "next training session" "cheerleading practice" "#F65575" "Autumn Stewart">>
<<elseif $AutumnT == 1>>\
It seems that Autumn also participates in cheerleading training. I should follow her to the beach.
<<elseif $AutumnT == 2>>\
Autumn seems to be very concerned about the fate of her cheerleading team. I need to talk to Clara about it.
<<elseif $AutumnT == 3 && $Lucy.Meet == 1 && $Sophia.Meet == 1 && $Linda.Meet == 1>>\
Clara doesn't seem to be in the mood to talk about cheerleading problems. I have to ask Sophia, Lucy, and Linda. Maybe they know how to help in this matter.
<<elseif $AutumnT == 3 >>\
Clara doesn't seem to be in the mood to talk about cheerleading problems. I have to know all the staff before it and ask them.
<<elseif $Earring1 == 1 && $AutumnT == 4>>\
I have the earrings, and now I need to put them in Clara's office in the morning so that she doesn't see me. So I have to come to school very early (8 am).
<<elseif $AutumnT == 4>>\
If I want to win Clara over to my side, I need to buy her earrings. A clothing store would be a good idea.
<<elseif $AutumnT == 5>>\
I need to let Olivia and Autumn know that the cheerleader's team is staying. Guess I'll find them at the beach at 4 p.m
<<elseif $AutumnT == 6>>\
The situation with the cheerleaders is over. They are staying. Now you just have to walk down Street Row Road and think about it.
<<elseif $AutumnT == 7>>\
A strange girl was chasing me. Perhaps if I want to understand her motives, I should repeat the walk at the same time?
<<elseif $AutumnT == 8>>\
I need to relax and rest a bit, and then the answer will come to me. The park is a good place for that.
<<elseif $AutumnT == 9>>\
The girl seemed familiar to me. Perhaps if I checked the list of all the students at the school on my laptop, I could find the answer?
<<elseif $AutumnT == 10>>\
So, the stalkering is the work of Autumn. I need to meet my stalker girl at Far Dreams and figure out what kind of game Autumn is playing.
<<elseif $AutumnT == 11>>\
I got too carried away with sex with this doll. Well, I'll have to pay Autumn a visit. They're practicing on the sports field at 3 p.m. now.
<<elseif $AutumnT == 12 && $id.weed > 19>>\
I have the weed, now I just need to give it to Autumn. Better to do so in her dorm.
<<elseif $AutumnT == 12>>\
Autumn asked me to bring her some weed to keep her mouth shut. Well, I wish I could have gagged her in another way, but... Should visit Kobe in the park at night.
<<elseif $AutumnT == 13>>\
I need to talk to Autumn and give her the weed, but not let her know that I saw her ride. Maybe I should meet her at the sports field?
<<elseif $AutumnT == 14>>\
Autumn gave me a real show in my classroom.Was she that addicted to drugs or was it something else? It will be better to watch her at the performance this Thursday.
<<elseif $AutumnT == 15>>\
Autumn is acting suspiciously. I need to figure out what to do with her, so I'm going to her party on 5th Ave at 2 p.m. at Saturday
<<elseif $AutumnT == 16>>\
Autumn is hiding something. I didn't understand what happened at the party. Maybe we should just wait. Yeah, I'll teach a few classes.
<<elseif $AutumnT == 17>>\
The strange message from Autumn confuses me. The message itself was addressed to Jane. Maybe the nurse will say something?
<<elseif $AutumnT == 18>>\
Jane didn't say anything to me. I need to think about my next move. It's best to do it in my room tonight.
<<elseif $AutumnT == 51>>\
I should talk with Autumn what happening in their cheerleader's team. Looks like it's harsh. Better return home and write to her.
<<elseif $AutumnT == 52>>\
I think we've hit the most interesting point with Autumn. We should visit her on the beach after training.
<<elseif $AutumnT == 72>>\
Autumn showed me the wild side of this school. Now I have to see if she's as smart as the wild one. I need to check the homework in my room.
You have reached the end of the line for this version.
<<if $AutumnImage1Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AutumnImage1Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<set $AutumnMeet = 1>>\
<<set $Autumn.Meet = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<say $Autumn>>Who the fuck are you? What are you doing in my room?<</say>>
<<talk "Pizza delivery">><<say $mc>>Pizza delivery<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>We didn’t order any pizza, I ask again who are you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What did you order then?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>We didn’t order anything, I repeat again, who are you? I will scream now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, calm down, I'm a biology teacher, $mc.Name. As I understand it, you're new here, where did you come from?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone right now. Please get out of here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Phew, ahem well, okay..<</say>>
[[Leave dormitory|School reception]]
<<talk "$mc.Name, a biology teacher">><<say $mc>>My name is $mc.Name, I am a biology teacher. I teach lessons at this school.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>I am Autumn, very glad to meet you, but I need to do something important. Therefore, I do not have time for you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I wanted to know where are you from?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Let's talk next time, all the best.<</say>>
[[Leave dormitory|School reception]]
<</talk>><<set $AutumnMeet = 2>>\
<<set $id.whisky -= 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<say $Autumn>>Is it you again? I said that I don’t have time to talk to you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, me again. Do not rush to draw conclusions, I came with a gift. I think that this whiskey will help me talk to you.<</say>>
<<text r "Whiskey disappeared from pocket.">>
<<say $Autumn>>Wow, great, thanks a lot. But we'll talk some other time. Good luck.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wait, wait.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Bye!!<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, what the fuck?<</md>>
[[Leave dormitory|School reception]]<<addmins 10>>\
<<say $mc>>*Knock-knock*<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh my god it's you again! I told you to le..<</say>>
[[Leave her|School reception]]
<<talk "Push the door" 3 $mc.Strength "I don't have enough strength">><<text g "Strength check successful!">>
<<say $mc>>Oops, I'm sorry, young ladies, hello.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>What are you doing??!<</say>>
<<md>>One of the girls in the room, very sweetly asked Autumn not to be rude. Then she asked me what I came for.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Yes! Explain what the hell do you need? Can't you see we're busy?<</say>>
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave them with shame|School reception]]
<<talk "Invite for drink" 5 $mc.Charisma "I don't have enough charisma">><<text g "Charisma check successful!">>
<<say $mc>>Girls, of course I understand that you came here recently and that’s why I propose to celebrate this moment.<</say>>
<<set $id.whisky -= 1>>\
<<set $AutumnMeet = 3>>\
<<md>>I went directly to the glasses I saw on the table and started pouring alcohol into all 4 glasses. The girls silently and in surprise watched me.<</md>>
<<text r "Whiskey disappeared from pocket.">>
<<say $mc>>For your health.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh my god, well, since you poured. Why not have a drink, really.<</say>>
<<md>>We continued to drink until the whole bottle was empty, along the way I did my best to breed these girls for sex. And this moment has come.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>All I need to teach you, remember.<</say>>
<<md>>Apparently the brunette is a virgin, and quite inexperienced.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Good girl.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>So, well that's it, now it's my turn, look.<</say>>
<<md>>Nobody has teased my member yet.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>*Sluurp-slurp*<</say>>
<<md>>The other girls watched closely, as if this was some important lesson before the exam.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come lay down on the bed, soon I will feed you.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oooohhh goood.. That's good..<</say>>
<<md>>In such an environment of the girls I could not resist for a long time, and very soon cum.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Uff, my body is still shaking, did you like it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course you are beautiful ladies. You should get out of here as soon as possible before someone comes.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Yes! You're right, and you too go away and take the empty bottle.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ok Autumn, have a good night. Bye ladies!<</say>>
<<set $AutumnSex = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<set $SchoolDormitoryGates = 1>>\
<<text y "You know how to visit dorm late at night now">>
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave them|School reception]]
<</talk>><<set $BoyfriendKnow = 2>>\
<<set $AngelaShoot = 4 >>\
<<md>>Unexpectedly for myself, I found Angela in a place where I least expected to meet her. The girl seemed to me the one who would avoid such establishments at any price. And yet, what has Angela forgotten here at the bar?<</md>>
<<if $AngelaImage13Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage13Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Angela>>Oh, $mc.Name it's you. I didn’t know that you go to bars.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice sounded so tragic, as if she was about to burst into tears and flood the whole bar with her tears.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello! Are you OK? What happened to you, Angela? <</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Remember the photos that I posted in nude? My boyfriend saw them.<</say>>
<<md>>Boyfriend? She has a boyfriend? I can't believe she never told me about it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wow, I didn't know you have a boyfriend. He probably didn’t really like to know about these photos.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I've never seen him so angry. we had a fight and he even hit me.<</say>>
<<md>>And now I understand why I was silent. He is the one more asshole!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What a scumbag. Are you going to contact the police?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>No, of course not, I don't want to involve anyone. Maybe he will understand and forgive me after a few days.<</say>>
<<md>>I think I have to take care of him.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No. You can't just leave it like this. This is very serios. What if it happens again?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Don't worry about me. He's actually kind, but too jealous.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let me handle this. I'll just talk to him. You are my roommate after all.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh, that's nice of you, $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<md>>Maybe I should check her room to find something, that helps me find the scumbag.<</md>>
[[Leave her|Bar - Heaven]]<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '17:55')>>\
<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpg");
<<set $BoyfriendAvailable = 2>>\
<<addmins 5>>\
<<md>>And here he is! Damn! In real life, he looks much more menacing than in the photo. Such a person will easily level me to the ground and leave me for dead. I've never met such a big guy in my life.<</md>>
<<md>>I definitely shouldn't get into a fight with him right now. Better prepare yourself for this muscle mass.<</md>>
<<text y "Tip! To beat a motherfucker without any problems, my strength should be at least higher than 6. Otherwise, I could damage my health.">>
<<talk "OK">>
[[Attack him without thinking|BF Fight]]
<<return "Leave him at the moment">><</talk>> <<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '17:55')>>\
<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpg");
<<if $BoyfriendAvailable is 2 && $mc.Strength gte 7>>\
<<set $BoyfriendPunished = 1>>\
<<md>>This bastard has no chance in the fight.<</md>>
<<set $BoyfriendAvailable = 3>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
<<say $mc>> Your ex-girlfriend Angela ask me to say hello to you. Did you understand, scumbag?<</say>>
<<md>>Persistent and exhausting training did the trick. They strengthened not only my body but spirit. Seeing such a huge guy before, I would not have thought to oppose him, but now... Now he has no chance!<</md>>
<<md>>Without a moment's thought, I waved my right hand. The blow was quick and crushing. The guy tried to stop me, but in vain. Following one blow, another flew until a huge giant was on the ground - humiliated and insulted.<</md>>
<<text g "Success! His ass kicked. Now I can return to Angela.">>
<<say $mc>>Asshole, you should have thought with your worthless head before raising your hand to the girl. You must pray that I do not meet you on the street again.<</say>>
<<set $BoyfriendKnow = 3>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<md>>Oh, I notice a nice belt on this jerk. It seems to be a wonderful trophy for this battle. I hope he doesn't mind me taking it from him.<</md>>
<<talk "Take the belt">>\
<<set $belt = 1>>\
<<text g "The belt is added to the pocket.">>
<<md>>A perfect gift for myself.<</md>>
[[Leave him|Park]]
<<elseif $BoyfriendAvailable is 2 && $mc.Strength gte 5>>\
<<say $mc>> Your ex-girlfriend Angela ask me to say hello to you. Did you understand, scumbag?<</say>>
<<md>>I really have a chance to beat him, I would say that we have the same physique.<</md>>
<<talk "Beat him">>\
<<set _BFFIghtArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _BFFIghtArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Without a moment's thought, I waved my right hand. The blow was quick and crushing. The guy tried to stop me, but in vain. Following one blow, another flew until a huge giant was on the ground - humiliated and insulted.<</md>>
<<set $BoyfriendAvailable = 3>>\
<<set $BoyfriendKnow = 3>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
<<text g "Success! His ass kicked. Now I can return to Angela.">>
<<say $mc>>Asshole, you should have thought with your worthless head before raising your hand to the girl. You must pray that I do not meet you on the street again.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, I notice a nice belt on this jerk. It seems to be a wonderful trophy for this battle. I hope he doesn't mind me taking it from him.<</md>>
<<talk "Take the belt">>\
<<set $belt = 1>>\
<<text g "The belt is added to the pocket.">>
<<md>>A perfect gift for myself.<</md>>
[[Leave him|Park]]
<<case 2>>\
<<text r "Failure. Well, I'm out of luck.">>
<<set $BoyfriendAvailable = 6>>\
<<md>>I want to lie down a couple more minutes...<</md>>
[[Close my eyes|Sleep2]]
<<elseif $BoyfriendAvailable is 2>>\
<<md>>Despite my real bad shape, I decided to attack him.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Your ex-girlfriend Angela ask me to say hello to you. Did you understand, scumbag? Now I will show you...<</say>>
<<text y "Failure. A fist flew into my face immediately, I definitely should prepare better.">>
<<md>>I want to lie down a couple more minutes...<</md>>
<<set $BoyfriendAvailable = 6>>\
[[Close my eyes|Sleep2]]
<</if>>\<<addmins 30>><<set $BoyfriendAvailable = 4>><<set $MallVisit = 1>>\
<<say $Angela>>Finally home. Thanks for the evening.<</say>>
[img[img/Angela/Living room/After_evening.jpg]]
<<if $AngelaImage46Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage46Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She looks pretty aroused.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, we could continue our great evening...<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh, I thought you wouldn't offer. I can't wait. Show me, what you've got.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Take a look, baby.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Wow. My favorite color. And size... And taste...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\AngelaSex1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo3Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo3Unlocked = 1>>\
<<addLust $Angela 50>>
<<say $mc>>I think, it perfectly fits you.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\AngelaSex2.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo4Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo4Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $Angela>>Mnphh...Glk...Hhmm...Mmmm...<</say>><<set $Blowjobs += 1>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3 or $mc.Charisma gte 3>>
<<md>>Time for the main action.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Turn around. I'll give you a biology lesson.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\AngelaSex3.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $Angela>>Oh, yeah... Fuck me... Ahh...<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 100>>
<<addAff $Angela 100>><<set $VaginaFucked += 1>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, yes, don't stop, baby.<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela 50>>
<<addLust $Angela 50>><</if>>
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 4 or $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\<<set $AssFucked += 1>>
<<md>>Let's try something different for this insatiable slut.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Ah... Fuck me more...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you know that my college nickname was "Ass Cracker"?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Wait, what...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\AngelaSex4.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo5Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Angela>>Oo...<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, yeah. That's my girl.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yeah, fuck... Tear me apart, $mc.Name! Almost... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Move your ass, bitch!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\AngelaSex5.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo6Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo6Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $Angela>>I'm cumming!<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 200>>
<<addAff $Angela 200>><</if>>
<<md>>Almost finished.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Get on your knees, slut!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\AngelaSex6.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo7Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>You're gorgeous. We should do it again.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I'm looking forward to it, $mc.Name.<</say>>
[[Go to sleep|Sleep1]]<<if $BoyfriendAvailable is 1 or $BoyfriendAvailable is 2 or $BoyfriendAvailable is 6 >>\
<<link [[Look for Angela's ex-boyfriend|BF Search]]>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<</if>>\<<if $repair == 2>>\
<<md>>Angela is gone, but there doesn't seem to be anything in this room that will tell me how to solve the problem.<</md>>
[[Go to my room and google about the laptop error|Repair Quest3]]
<<md>>The small cozy room. There are a wonderful bed, sofa, dresser, drawer, table with laptop, small window... God what I'm doing. OK, let's start the search.<</md>>
[[Open dresser|Dresser]]
[[Examine bed|Bed]]
[[Examine sofa|Sofa]]
[[Open drawer|Drawer]]
[[Look at the table|Table]]
<<if passage() is "Examine Angela's room" and $repair_quest !=1>>\
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
-added Bella's quest
-added Sophia's qeust
-fixed minor bugs
-added Clara's quests
-added Aria'events
-added police quest
-fixed gallery appearance and other minor bugs
-added Aria's events
-added Lily's events
-added brothel events
-fixed minor bugs
-added Camilla's quest
-added Jane's quest
-added Sophia's event
-added gym events
-fixed minor bugs
-added Clara's quests
-added Marsha's events
-added Sophia's quest
-fixed minor bugs
-added Bella's quest
-added Amber's quest
-added Lucy's quest
-fixed minor bugs
-added Ruby's quest
-added Clara's event
-added school events
-fixed minor bugs
-added Summer's quest
-added webcam girl's events
-added Camilla's store events
-fixed minor bugs
-added big Halloween update
-added Naomi events
-added Monica events
-added Sophia events
-added Lucy events
-added Autumn events and many more
-fixed bugs (minor fixes of passages)
-added Summer's quests
-added Charlie and gym quests
-added Marsha's events
-added school voting
-fixed bugs (school upgrading, etc)
-added newschoolevents (gathering, voting, etc)
-added Summer's quests
-added Fckrs events
-fixed gallery adding images in Prologue
-fixed minor bugs
-added Clara's events (Monica's path)
-added new Gym events and characters (now you have fewmore ways to get into gym)
-added new girl to Photostudio
-added new events in Monica's path
-fixed bugs (dormitory passage, Susan first meet, photosudio mini-game fixed, etc)
-added Monica's quests and storylines
-fixed prologues quests
-added more visually system for infrastructure development
-added new emails
-added bookshopping function
-added possibility of some events to happen
-added Susan's new storylien quests
-updated gallery and reworked gallery (more character, more functions like playlists, favorites, etc. Note: will be fully working on 1.36)
-fixed minor bugs(Basic Freelance, email system close icon, etc)
Thank you for your ongoing support and feedback, which help us continually improve the game experience.
-reworked and updated Monica's storyline
-added new characters (Helen Walker, James Walker)
-added new events and quests for photostudio
-added new mini-games for works (virusm photostudio)
-added bug report function for quicker bugfixes
-removed panel on the mobile that prevented normal playing
-fixed bug with carousel at the character selection when you update page
-fixed minor bugs (skipping additional day,etc)
-added and fixed socials (Slutgram, Whoremail, Fuckr)
-added smartphone
-added Slutgram events
-added Fuckr quests
-added Clara events
-added Strange store event
-added brothel's quests and events
-added club's events
-added new laptop backs
-fixed some bugs
-added and expaded school system (added individual lessons, added separate subject, Individiual sucessof girls and a lot other stuff)
-added Monica's quests
-added Veronica's quests
-added Lexi's quest
-added schoolevents
-added new items in the stores
-minor fixing bugs connectedwith study
-added Tracey's quests
-added Coco's quests
-added brothel events
-fixed bugs connected with save compability
-remade brothel's storyline and events (Tracey and Coco characters, events inside brothel, etc)
-added Clara's quests
-added Tracey's quests
-added Coco's quests
-fixed minor bugs
-added and updated Clara's quests
-added Susan's events
-added brothel's events
-fixed bugs (passages text, gallery, etc)
-added Ruby's quests (Prologue)
-added Nora's quests (Prologue)
-added school events
-added Angela's events
-fixed bugs (Clara's in the office, etc)
-added school events and quests (Prologue)
-added Ruby's events
-added Nora's events
-updated tip's system
-fixed bugs
-added updater for game (no more downloading whole game!)
-added new socials and events (Whoremail and Slutgram)
-added new quests for Prologue
-updated prologue quest
-fixed bugs (Tip's system, wrong location in prologue, etc)
-added school's events
-added webcam's events
-added Johan's quests
-updated gallery features (unlocking through saves, not inside of it)
-fixed bugs
-added Sophia's events
-added math's class events
-added school's events
-updated tip's system (Prologue mostly)
-fixed bugs (bathroom, server work, achievments, videos, etc)
-added Naomi's quests
-added Lucy's quests
-added school event
-fixed bugs (Clara quest activations, Denisse card, etc)
-added Lexi's events
-added Veronica's events
-added Monica's quests
-fixed minor bugs (room passage, hospital floor, etc)
-added Jane's events
-added Autumn's events and quests
-added Angela's events
-fixed minor bugs (5th ave, laptop, etc)
-added Samantha's events and quest
-added Marsha's events
-added Aria's events
-added cafe's events
-fixed bugs (Clara's office, variables, etc)
-added completely new intro
-added three new characters (Samantha, Marsha, Aria)
-added MC surname
-added Lexi events
-added Monica's events
-added Veronica's events
-added random select of attributes
-fixed bugs (Olivia, Veronica storylines bugs, 5th ave bug, etc)
-added Monica's events
-added Veronica's quests
-added Lexi's events
-added webcam's events
-fixed minor bugs (text, avatars apearance, etc)
-remade Sophia's storyline
-added Sophia's quests
-added Monica's events
-added gym's events and quests
-added park's events
-fixed bugs (Boldness and Strength lvl ups, etc)
-remade Olivia branch
-added Olivia's quests
-added Sophia's quests
-added Sophia's events
-fixed bugs (Hannah's appearence, Angela kitchen time bug, Lexi's home bug, attributes updates bug, etc)
-fixed text (Angela's can, cafe)
-added Autumn quests (Monica help's storyline)
-added Olivia's quests
-added laptop back (Susan)
-added webcam event
-fixed bugs (typo and backs)
-added Lily's quest
-added Camilla's quests
-added Bella's events
-added laptop backs (Camilla, Lily, Olivia)
-fixed bugs (Angela path reworked, fixed cycled Internet event, etc)
-added Angela's quest
-added Angela's bath events
-added Autumn's quests
-fixed bugs (Angela's bath, discuss quest, Monica text, etc)
-added Autumn's quests
-added Clara's events
-added laptop backs
-rework and update Autumn's story and tips
-fixed bugs (Veronica and Lexi missing pics, laptop bugs, etc)
-added Linda's quests
-added school's events
-added laptop customization
-update Lucy's tips (sport bottle, tracking gym visit, etc)
-fixed bugs (Lucy and Sophia at their offices, bus stop bug, etc)
-added Naomi's events
-added Fiona's events
-added Amber's quests
-added home random events
-fixed minor bugs
-added Angela's quests
-added Angela's events (tennis, yoga)
-added tennis court location
-added Bella's events
-added Olivia's events
-fixed Angela lunch bug, background bug, etc
-added Angela's quests
-added Amber's events
-added Bella's events
-added Lexi's events
-added Veronica's events
-added star list (laptop)
-fixing bugs (Angela quests,Angela's at home, breakfast, etc)
-added Angela's events
-added Olivia's events
-added schedule for some characters (Olivia, Camilla,Angela)
-updated Clara's storyline (path of lie)
-fixed Angela's schedule issues
-fixed Lucy's backs issues + some gym quests
-fixed Bella's storylines bugs + backs
-fixed and updated Clara's and Sophia's tasks
-fixed Amber's quests issues
-other bug fixes
-added Veronica's events
-added Lucy's events
-added Clara's events
-added new location and events
-fixed minor bugs
-remade and updated interaction system (Angela)
-added Angela's events
-added Angela's quest
-added new interaction possibilities
-added random events
-fixed minor bugs
-added Monica's events
-added Monica's quests
-added Veronica's events
-added Lexi's events
-added webcam event
-fixed bugs (girl's tips bug, Camilla's store bug, etc)
-added Monica's quests
-added Clara's quests
-added Amber's quests
-added Camilla's quests
-fixed bugs (Angela's interaction bug, broken links, etc)
-added school control system(skills, staff control, clubs, programmes, etc)
-added school events
-added Monica's events
-added Clara's events
-added Naomi's events
-added Amber's events
-added Lexi's events
-added new locations
-fixed bugs (bedroom, webcam, etc)
-added Angela's quests
-added Linda's quests
-added Camilla's quests
-added Sophia's event
-fixed bugs (pharmacy, mall, tv, typos, etc)
-added Angela's quests
-added Clara's events
-added bar's quests
-updated all scenes play in gallery for every character
-fixed bugs (Camilla's quests, Linda's quests, biology exam, live with Monica bug, etc)
-added Angela's quest
-added Fiona's quests
-added brothel'events
-added webcam's events
-reworked and remade Angela's tips
-added materials to the gallery
-added saves vault
-fixed gallery issues for scene play (Clara, Angela, Veronica)
-fixed bugs (Angela's bugs, gallery bugs, tips bugs, etc)
-added Sophia's quests
-added Fiona's event
-added park's event
-added webcam's events
-fixed bugs (Sophia quest's bugs, etc)
-added Camilla's quests
-added Sophia's quests
-added Bella's quests
-added school's events
-updated gallery's features
-fixed some bugs (Bella and Clara's issues, etc)
-added Camilla's quest
-added Fiona's quest
-added school's events
-added street's events
-fixed bugs (park issue, etc)
-added Monica's quest
-added Monica's event
-added Clara's quest
-added Clara's event
-added Lucy's quest
-added Lucy's event
-added few Johan's quests
-added weekend's event
-fixed bugs (text bugs, Lucy's quest bug, broken links in library, etc)
-added new Monica's quest
-added new Naomi's quest
-added new Lucy's quest
-added new events for Lucy
-added new events for Naomi
-added new events for Lucy
-fixed bugs (glory hole, Clara's upset bug, Bella's circle bug, etc)
-added gallery for characters (Susan, Olivia, Linda)
-added gallery events
-added Susan's quest
-added Sophia's quest
-fixed bugs (basketball issues, qualification, store issues, etc)
-added gallery for characters (Lucy, Jerry, Jane, Fiona, Bella, Amber, Autumn, etc)
-fixed some gallery issues for Veronica and Monica
-added and reworked Amber's quests
-added Bella's events
-added Jane's quest
-fixed bugs (qualification trouble, bench, etc)
-added gallery for characters (Clara, Angela, Lexi, Monica, Veronica, Naomi)
-added Veronica's events
-added Naomi's quests
-added Clara's quests
-added Monica's quests
-added Lexi's events
-added few random events
-fixed bugs (beach , cafe, compability troubles, etc)
-added Jane's quests
-added Bella's quests
-added police quests
-added random events
-remade tips system completely (Bella, Jane)
-remade time schedule events
-fixed great numbers bugs (overflowing bars, search photos, school system, qualification, time bugs, dead ends, etc )
-added Jane's quests
-added Lucy's events
-added Veronica's events
-added Monica's events
-added Lexi's events
-fixed bugs (broken links, typos, some dead ends, etc)
-added Jane's quests
-added Lucy's quests
-added Olivia's quests
-added Linda's quests
-added brothel's events
-fixed bugs
-added Clara's quests
-added Monica's quests
-added Veronica's quests
-added basketball's events
-added park's events
-added gym's events
-fixed minors bugs (girl's shower bugs, MC's name bug)
-added Autumn's quest
-added Amber's quests
-added Clara's quests
-added Clara's house events
-added Naomi's house events
-fixed bugs (girls in home corridor bug, Camilla's stats bug, Jerry's affection bug, shower's bug, laptop's bug)
-added Jerry's quests
-added school's events
-added Monica's house events
-added Clara's house events
-added Naomi's house events
-fixed bugs
-added Autumn's quests
-added Monica's quests
-added Veronica's quests
-added Amber's quests
-added Jerry's quests
-fixed bugs
-fixed bugs (Jerry's quests typos, Clara's kitchen bugs, Monica's typos, shop's bug )
-added new cohabition's events (Monica)
-added Monica's quests
-added new beach events
-added Camilla's quests
-added Naomi's quest
-updated Clara's starter quests
-fixed bugs (text bugs, tips bugs, Clara's tasks, Clara's quests, tools quantity in shop, etc)
-added Autumn's quests
-added Autumn's events
-added Amber's quests
-added photostudio's events
-added Susan's quests
-fixed minor bugs (dorm bugs, porn movie, Naomi's house hall back, talk macros, etc)
-added new cohabition's events (Monica)
-added new school events
-added Amber's quests
-added Autumn's quests
-fixed minor bugs (images size, interaction bugs,etc)
-added new cohabition feature (Lexi, Veronica)
-added new home's events
-added new school's events
-added new street's events
-added Clara's quests
-added Fiona's quests
-added Autumn's quests
-added dorm's quests
-added Bella's quests
-added Amber's event
-added dorm's event
-added photostudio's quests and events
-fixed minor bugs
-fixed Veronica's videos bugs (3 videos, racing questline)
-fixed basketball issues bug
-fixed Naomi's apartments bug
-fixed Monica's video bug
-fixed and remade Olivia video bug
-added Clara's quests
-added Veronica's quests
-added dorm's events
-added police quests
-added club girls quests
-added brothel's events
-fixed minor bugs
-added Autumn's quests
-added cheerleader's quests
-added Monica's quests
-added Clara's quests
-added few random events
-fixed minor bugs (bedroom's bugs, Clara's broken links, etc)
-added Camilla's quests
-added Camilla's events
-added Linda's quests
-added Linda's events
-added bar's events
-fixed minor bugs
-added a lot of work events (depends of items, girl's attitude, etc)
-updated discipline events
-reworked some work events
-new Olivia's events
-new Naomi's events
-new Lucy's events
-fixed minor bugs
-added Linda's quests
-added Camilla's quest
-added home interaction events
-added and updated Johan's quests
-fixed minor bugs (stamina negative numbers at homes, broken Lucy's vids, broken vids links, dive option bug)
-added Linda’s quests
-added Camilla’s quests
-added Linda’s events
-added Camilla’s events
-added Veronica’s interaction
-updated Naomi’s interaction
-fixed bugs (Linda loops, Monica house bug, stamina bugs, Clara’s task)
-added Clara’s quests
-added Linda’s quest
-added home quests (Clara, Lexi)
-extended Johan’s tasks
-added brothel event
-fixed minor bugs
-fixed Lexi's home bug
-fixed Clara's home text formating
-fixed Angela's tip bug
-added Veronica’s quest
-added home events (Clara, Lexi)
-added home interactions (Clara, Lexi)
-remade Lucy's quests
-fixed Lucy's storyline bugs (backs, school at weekends, etc)
-fixed minor bugs
-fixed Angela's webcam bug
-fixed Street-Raw bug
-added Clara’s quest
-added Johan’s tasks
-added characters life schedule (Fiona)
-added apartments events (Veronica, Fiona)
-added apartments quests (Veronica, Clara)
-fixed and reworked Clara’s questline bugs (backs, broken links, times ,wrong days,etc)
-fixed minor bugs
-added autosave feature
-added characters life schedule (Lexi, Clara, Veronica)
-added apartments events (Lexi, Clara, Veronica)
-added apartments quests
-added Veronica’s quest
-added Johan’s tasks
-added new events with some items
-fixed bugs (Angela quests bugs, bug with image in the store, bug with negative attributes, etc)
-added Veronica’s quest
-added Clara’s quest
-added Jerry’s quest
-added new character (Carey)
-remade and updated police quests
-added new qualification lvl and rewards
-fixed minor bugs(Lucy presents, club girls, etc)
-added Veronica’s quest
-added Veronica’s event
-added new character (Jerry)
-added new interaction with items( shower radio, bat)
-added new events in the park
-added new school events
-fixed minor bugs( Angela’s, Monica, etc)
-added new pictures to interaction system (Lucy, Lexi, Monica ,Clara)
-replaced Clara’s apartment backs
-remade achievements points price
-fixed style issues (text, notifications, achievements,etc)
-fixed bugs with interaction system (wine, flowing buttons)
-fixed Lucy’s broken links in interaction
-fixed some background issues
-added Naomi’s interaction system
-added new items in shops
-added new interactions with new and old items
-added new event in the gym
-added new girls`s houses interaction
-fixed minor bugs
-added Lucy’s interaction system
-added Fiona’s interaction system
-added Fiona’s apartment
-added Monica quests
-added Veronica quest
-fixed bugs(interaction system buttons bug,Angela work bug, bar bug,etc)
-added Clara’s interactions system
-added Monica’s quest
-added Veronica’s quest
-fixed bugs(interaction system,stamina system,etc)
-remade and upgraded interaction system with girls
-added Monica’s events
-added Monica’s quests
-added Amber’s quests
-added Veronica’s quest
-added few random events at brothel
-fixed minor bugs
-fixed bugs (Clara's first task, beach, Angela's interaction)
-rebalanced stamina in some events
-expanded school work system
-added a lot of events materials (videos)
-expanded Clara's tasks
-added Sophia's Naughty tasks
-fixed minor bugs (bar,sex system,attributes troubles, school)
-full reworked school work system
-reworked Clara's tasks
-updated Clara's questline
-added a lot of school events
-returned school surveillance location
-added secret scenes with Monica, Lexi
-added Clara's quest
-added Lucy's quest
-added brothel event
-added police quest
-fixed minor bugs
-added Jane's quest
-added Fiona's event
-added Monica's quest
-added beach events
-added brothel event
-added police quest
-fixed minor bugs
-added Veronica's quest
-added Olivia's quest
-added brothel event
-added bar event
-added special brothel event
-added Far-Dreams event
-fixed minor bugs
-added Veronica's quest
-added Naomi's quest
-added brothel event
-added bar event
-fixed minor bugs (tools, cards, cleaning, etc)
-added Veronica's quest
-added random school events
-fixed bugs (Fiona's quest canteen, earring issue, Naomi's loop, etc)
-added Fiona's quest
-added girl club quest
-added Veronica's event
-added police quest
-fixed bugs (schoolgirls invite, coffee disease, text)
-fixed bug with charity event loop in tutorial
-added Clara's quest
-added Olivia's quest
-update school Coffee event with plot
-fixed bug with Far-Dreams event
-fixed bug with Lucy tip
-fixed bug with Naomi event
-fixed tutorial loop bug in Clara's office
-added save compability system (started from 0.50)
-added Fiona's quest
-added Fiona cards and tip system
-added Far-Dreams event
-added random event
-added Memories event
-reworked tutorial
-fixed tutorial bugs
-fixed broken links
-fixed Naomi quests bugs
-fixed library bug
-added tutorial system
-added clue's system
-added girls choice system
-added Amber's quest
-added Monica's quest
-added police event
-fixed minor bugs
Fixed bugs:
-bug with Lexi`s storyline
Fixed bugs:
-broken link (laptop)
-Monica`s tip bug
-added Monica`s quests
-added Olivia`s quests
-added Amber`s quest
-updated girl`s club event
-added few random events
-fixed minor bugs
Fixed bugs:
-broken links (Lexi, Clara quests)
-broken links (interaction system with Lucy, Lexi)
-text tags error (Lexi and Clara quests)
-surveillance system is disabled (until next update)
-added interaction system(Monica)
-added Monica`s house
-added Monica`s quest
-updated interaction system (Angela)
-fixed tips for Monica
-fixed minor bugs (broken vid links)
-updated interaction system(Lucy)
-updated interaction system (Angela)
-fixed tips for Olivia
-fixed tips for Lucy
-fixed Lucy`s quest bugs
-added interaction system (Lucy)
-added Monica`s quests
-added Olivia`s quests
-added police events
-added Jane`s quests
-added access to MISS system from Linda`s menu
-Fixed minor bugs(tips for Lucy,Clara`s quests)
-reworked and update interaction systems(Lexi,Angela)
-reworked stamina system
-added Monica`s quest
-added Clara`s quest
-added random police events
-added police quests
-Fixed some bugs
-added Amber`s quest
-added Bella`s quest
-added Clara`s quest
-Reworked tips system for Monica
-Fixed bugs with tips for Clara, Monica
-Fixed minor bugs
-added Manual Inner Save System
-added Naomi`s quest
-added Monica`s quest
-added Club`s girls event
-added Police quest
-Fixed minor bugs
Fixed bugs:
-Fixed bug with park
-Fixed bugs with beach events(walk,swiming,diving)
-Reworked tips system for Clara
-Reworked tips system for Lexi
-Reworked tips system for Naomi
-Reworked tips system for Lucy
-Fixed bugs with tips for Clara, Lucy
-Fixed broken links and some problems with images and videos
-Fixed Lucy`s avatar problem
- added Cafe event
- added New beach events
- added Club`s girls event
- added Park`s event
- added Minor updates
- Fixed bugs
- added Clara`s quest
- added Lucy`s quest
- added Jane`s quest
- added Monica`s quest
- added random events at the beach
- Fixed bugs
- added big Christmas event
- added Clara`s quest
- added Lucy`s quest
- added Fiona`s quest
- added random school events
- added Sophia quest
- Fixed bugs
- added Lucy`s quest
- added Random hospital events
- added Jane`s quest
- added Fiona`s quest
- added Magic Ball events and quests
- Fixed bugs
- added Lucy`s quest
- added Random classes event
- added Clara`s quest
- added Magic Ball (New content is coming)
- added Fiona`s event
- added Park event
- Fixed bugs
- added Lucy`s quest
- added Police event
- added Cafe event
- added Sportfield event
- added New locations (Fifth Ave and Clinic)
- added New items
- added New characters (Bella and Amber)
- Fixed bugs
- added Lucy`s quest
- added Smoking events
- added Fiona`s quest
- added New cafe`s events
- added New disease event
- Fixed bugs
- added Lucy`s quest
- added Fiona`s quest
- added Smoking events and quests
- added Clara`s quest
- added Subway`s event
- added Beach`s events
- added New school event
- added New achievement system and shop
- added New items
- Fixed bugs
- added Lucy`s quest
- added Fiona`s quest
- added Few random events for Math class
- added Smoking events
- added Cafe`s events
- updated Clara`s quest
- added Lucy`s quest
- added and update cafe`s quests
- added Fiona`s quest
- added smoking event (Sport field)
- Fixed bugs
- added Clara`s quest
- added New scenes to Kiosk location
- added and update Cafe`s quests
- Fixed bugs
- added Clara`s quests
- updated Obedience system quests
- added Fiona`s quest
- added Random events for few locations( Beach, Canteen, Cafe)
- Fixed bugs
- updated and reworked Angela`s quests. (added a lot of new events)
- added Clara quests
- finished Naomi`s quests
- added Few new events to Lexi`s interaction system
- update Obedience system quests
- added New locations
- added New character - Jane
- added New Fiona`s quests
- added Few random events to different locations
- added Finished Lexi storyline
- added Interactive system with Lexi
- added Some events with Naomi
- added Renewable system of invitation schoolgirls to home
- added New achievements
- added Shopkeeper for “Imagination Reflection”
- added(again) Sell option for shells
- Fixed bugs
- added More Lexi quests
- added New interactation system with Lexi
- added New locations(Kiosk (Park), Lexi house
- added Quests with cheerleaders(Monica, Autumn)
- added Stamina restore option
- added New quest with Fiona
- added Johan in strange store
- Fixed bugs
- added More Lexi quests
- added New character (Naomi)
- added New items
- improved Characters display (More pictures, depend on the level of lust)
- improved Interaction system
- Fixed bugs
- added More quests with Lexi
- added New interaction system (Demo/Test)
- redesigned Start passages
- Fixed bugs
- added A few new scenes in the school
- added New item slots. For use in the next update
- redesigned A lot of pages
- rewrited A lot of pages
- Fixed bugs
- added New freelance level
- added Energy drink
- added Option to drink alcohol directly from the inventory
- added 5 new achievements
- improved Work in cafe
- reworked Buying system
- Fixed task displaying
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed a problem with the game speed
- added Visualization of changes at work
- added Sets of clothing
- added Small but important details (including improved storyline of Angela)
- added A new system of clothing and accessories to expand the potential of the game and your enjoyment of it.
- added More items/gifts
- added New locations - Cafe, Strange shop
- added New work options
- added One new cheat - Back button (Patreon)
- changed Some backgrounds
- Fixed bugs
- Finished, long-awaited! the storyline of Angela, with a nice bonus at the end of which we will continue to work on in the future.
- An indispensable achievement system in any game for those who do not want to miss anything.
- A wonderful new system of rest in school between work, with a wide range of functions. Install a basketball court in the school yard to play basketball with a porn actress and increase your strength. Read books from the new library to improve your intelligence. And much more.
- A new beautiful location the Beach.
- Large redesign of visual components.
- New school events.
- Bugfix.
- And a bunch of other details that I invite you to personally get acquainted with in this chic update.
- added a lot of different little things that I already forgot about, so play for yourself and find out what I added. Besides.. =)
- added More work tasks
- added More school events
- added More gifs (Sleep/Webcam)
- added New method of increasing boldness. (Check night park)
- added New locations - Bar, School dormitory
- added New character
- added Start-Bonus
- added Statistics
- added One new cheat (Patreon)
- rebalanced changing school parametres. (Now such characteristics of the master as strength, intellect, charisma and boldness - improve grind)
- Fixed bugs
- added a little bit of content =)
- added Work tasks
- added Cheats (Patreon)
- redesigned Charaters Tab
- redesigned Scrollbar
- rebalanced Character Stats Changes
- Fixed bugs
- added a little bit of content =)
- added Work events with images
- added English teacher
- added Books for library
- added Character Kobe, meet him in park
- added Talk function for characters
- added Visual parameter changes (Testing)
- Fixed bugs
- The entire text has been verified and rewritten by a native English speaker!
- added a little bit of content =)
- added images for punishments (Blowjob, Sex, Anal sex)
- added Gym, Library
- added 2 new characters
- added avatar selection for protagonist
- New work system (Testing)
- Redesigned part of the overall game design
- Fixed bugs
- added Continuation of the quest line of Angela, Lucy, Veronica, Monica.
- added Locations, Glory Hole
- added Personal lessons
- added Reception Girl donations
- added Some images for home
- added Some events for home
- added Effects table
- Redesigned part of the overall game design
- And a bunch of different little things
- Fixed bugs
- added Punishment Images for 'Handjob'
- added Locations
- added Additional lessons
- added New content
- added Reception Girl
- added Some images for home
- Redesigned part of the overall game design
- And a bunch of different little things
- Fixed bugs
- added Punishment Images for 'Touching'
- added Freelance (laptop)"
- added Additional work
- added New content
- added Credits
- added Park
- Fixed bugs
- And a bunch of different little things
- added Punishment System
- added Laptop
- added Locations
- added New content
- Redesigned Menu
- Fixed bugs
- added Quest System
- added New Content
- added Peek System
- redesigned Menu Navigation
- fixed bugs
- Initial Release
<span class="backlink"><<back>></span><<link Mediafiles "Angela's laptop">>Mediafiles<<set $angelamedia to 1>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>><br>
<<link "Deleted Files" "Angela's laptop">>Deleted Files<<set $angeladeleted to 1>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>><br>
<<link "Turn on webcam" "Angela's laptop">>Turn on webcam<<set $angelawebcam to 1>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>><br>
<<if $anglaptop_hacked == 1>>
<<if $angelamedia == 1>>
<<md>>Angela's Photos<</md>><<set $angelamedia = 2>><br>
<<if $AngelaImage43Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage43Unlocked = 1>>\
<<set $AngelaImage44Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<if $angeladeleted == 1>>
<<md>>Deleted Files<</md>> <<set $angeladeleted = 2>><br>
<<if $AngelaImage41Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage41Unlocked = 1>>\
<<set $AngelaImage42Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<if $angelawebcam == 1 && $mc.Intellect > 6>>
<<md>>Looks like there something left for me . Let’s see. <</md>><<set $angelawebcam = 2>>
<<if $AngelaImage43Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage45Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<if $AngelaImage31Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage31Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<if $angelawebcam == 1>>
<<md>>Despite all my efforts I couldn't turn on the webcam. I should know more about technologies.<</md>><<set $angelawebcam = 1>><</if>><<say $mc>>Hi, Angela, I think your boyfriend won't bother you anymore.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Hi, $mc.Name. What did you do to him?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well... He just said that he is no longer attracted to such beautiful girls like you.<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela 30>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh, you should't have, $mc.Name... But thanks anyway. How did you handle him? He's pretty strong.<</say>>
<<if $cash gte 20>><<set $cash -= 20>><<say $mc>>By the way, what about some drinking? Barman, two best cocktails for my and for lady.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Thanks. Yummy. What is it called?<</say>>
<<md>>Midnight blowjob... Very alcoholic.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Did you really never try "Sex on the Beach"?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>No. It's my first time.<</say>>
<<md>>And not the last.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I can give you to try a lot of things for the first time...<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 100>>
<<text y "Several hours passed">><<addhours 2>>
<<say $mc>>It's easy. I'm in a good shape after all. Hours of training were not in vain. <</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Can you advise me a few exercises?<</say>>
<<md>>I can even try it with you.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. You can come to my room anytime, I'll show some of them.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But most important is a good nutrition. I can make you a wonderful protein shake...<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 50>>
<<text y "Several hours and drinks passed">>
<<addhours 2>><</if>>
[[Go home with Angela|BF Reward]]<<if $mc.Charisma lt 4>>\
<<say $mc>>How about dating?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>No. We are just friends, nothing more.<</say>>
<<text r "The charisma check was failed.">>
<<addAff $Angela -15>>
<<md>>Maybe, I'not charismatic enough.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How about dating with the perfect man?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Yeah, and humble... Where we will go?<</say>>
<<text g "Success! The charisma check was successful.">>
<<addAff $Angela 15>>
<<set $DateAppoint = 1>>
<<say $Angela>>Today, I'm busy, but tomorrow I'll free.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay. Tomorrow, how about six o'clock?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I hope, it's six p.m.? Meet me at home.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No problem. [[Let's go|Date1]] to the <<include "DateChoice">><</say>>
<<if not $choices>>
<<set $choicesCount to -1>>
<<set $choices to ["Restaurant", "Park", "Cinema"]>>
<<set $choicesCount to $choicesCount + 1>>
<<if $choicesCount >= $choices.length>>
<<set $choicesCount to 0>>
<<set $cyclingResult to $choices[$choicesCount]>>
\<<linkreplace $choices[$choicesCount]>><<include "DateChoice">><</linkreplace>><<if $BathroomSexAvailable is 0 && $repair_quest == 2>>\
<<set $BathroomSexAvailable = 1>><<set $AngelaPearl = 0>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<md>>To my surprise, when I decided to spy on Angela, I was completely unfamiliar with the situation before. Her panties and shorts were on the floor and her legs were spread apart and directed towards the door, as was her gaze.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I know, that you have been waiting for this moment for a long time. So why are you hesitating now? Come in, my sweet.<</say>>
<<talk "Go inside">><<say $mc>>I have no doubt you too...<</say>>
<<md>>Before I could finish the sentence, she passionately attacked me and began to undress me.<</md>>
<<if $AngelaImage49Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage49Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $Angela>>Don't waste time on words, let's start with actions. I know, that you do it well.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You have yet to find out.<</say>>
<<talk "Enter with her to the shower">><<say $Angela>>Let's help each other? Although why I ask, you have no choice, your body has already decided everything.<</say>>
<<md>>How self-confident.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Angela, you have golden hands, however, like all the rest of your body. You are a beautiful girl.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>What a sweet one. Close your eyes. And say less.<</say>>
<<md>>As you please. I've never been so pleased to bathe. We have not finished yet, but I am already thinking about repeating this.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll cum soon, Angela.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>We came for that, enjoy it.<</say>>
<<if $AngelaImage50Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage50Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>Angela, it was wonderful as always. You're the best.<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 24>>
<<say $Angela>>Because you're a good teacher. Let's go out already. We are done.<</say>>
[[Finish it and leave|Home corridor]]
<<link "Peek">>\
<<goto "Peek Event Bathroom 4">>\
[[Back|Home corridor]]
<</if>>\<<set $Beach_visited = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<md>>Incredible beauty of the beach. It is almost a miracle that there are almost no people here and you can safely enjoy the sounds, smells and landscapes of nature.<</md>>
<<if $BeachMeditationFuck == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '18:55')>>\
[[Meditate on beach|BeachMeditationFuck]]
<<elseif $BeachMeditationFuck == 0 && $MeditationToday == 0 && $MeditationSkill gte 7>>\
[[Meditate on beach|BeachMeditation]]
<<elseif $BeachMeditationFuck == 0 && $MeditationToday == 1 && $MeditationSkill gte 7>>\
<<talk "Meditate on beach" 1 $talk "I already meditated today.">><</talk>>
<<elseif $BeachMeditationFuck == 2 && $MeditationSkill gte 7 && $MeditationToday == 0 >>\
[[Meditate on beach|BeachMeditation]]
<<elseif $BeachMeditationFuck == 2 && $MeditationToday == 1 && $MeditationSkill gte 7>>\
<<talk "Meditate on beach" 1 $talk "I already meditated today.">><</talk>>
[[Walk along the shore|SeaSneackers]]
<<if $SeaDive is 2>>\
<<if $SeaRelax is 0>>\
<<talk "Relax" 2 $talk "Let's do something else.">><</talk>>
<<switch_shell "Search for shells">>
<<case 65>>\
<<goto "Nothing">>\
<<case 25>>\
<<goto "Shell">>\
<<case 10>>\
<<goto "Pearl">>\
<<include "PrologueQuests">>\
<<include"Monica quests">>\
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 37 && $NoraQuest1 == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00')>>\
[[Watch cheerleader's training|OliviaQuest1Tennis1]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 > 39 && $NoraQuest1 == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00')>>\
[[Cheerleader's training|Second visit(Beach)]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 > 45 && $NoraQuest1 == 12 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Nora and cheerleaders|NoraFirstTraining]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 > 46 && $NoraQuest1 == 13 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false||$PrologueQuest1 > 46 && $NoraQuest1 == "13b" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Talk with Autumn|AutumnDiscuss]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 > 51 && $NoraQuest1 == 18 && $NoraQuest2 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Cheerleader's training|NoraSecondTrainingAgreeAfter2]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == "50b" && $NoraQuest1 == "16b" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Cheerleader's training|NoraSecondTrainingRefuseAfter]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 > 52 && $NoraQuest1 == 19 && $NoraQuest2 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Cheerleader's training|NoraThirdTraining]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == "53b" && $NoraQuest1 == "18b" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Cheerleader's training|NoraThirdTraining]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '17:00') && $Lexi15 is 1>>\
[[Wait for Lexi|LexiQuest12]]
<<elseif $Fiona11Q == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '18:00')>>\
[[Meet Fiona|FionaBeach4]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '12:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() is 6 && $JerryBaseball == 2>>\
[[Rest a little|JerryShop]]
<<elseif $AutumnCheerleader2 == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '18:00')>>\
[[Talk with Olivia|Grateful cheerleader 1]]
<<elseif $JerryDick == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '17:00')>>\
[[Photo for Jerry|JerryDick3]]
<<elseif $LindaQuest5 == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '18:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Wait for Linda|LindaQuest8.3]]
<<elseif $AutumnMonicaCheerleader1 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '18:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Walk with Autumn|AutumnMonicaQuest1.11]]
<<include "TimeTest">>\
[[Leave the beach|Street York-Road]]<<nobr>>
<div class="blowjoba achievements-header"><span style="width: 15%;"></span>
<span>Achievement points: <<= $achivementCash>></span>
<div class="achivement-btn">[[Shop|AchivementShop]]</div>
<</nobr>><<script>>(function () {
window.initAchievements = function() {
window.Achievement = function (name, description, image, reward, objective, status, point_reward) { = name;
this.description = description;
this.image = image
this.reward = reward;
this.objective = objective;
this.status = status;
this.point_reward = point_reward;
Achievement.prototype._init = function (obj) {
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (pn) {
this[pn] = clone(obj[pn]);
}, this);
return this;
Achievement.prototype.clone = function () {
return (new Achievement())._init(this);
Achievement.prototype.toJSON = function () {
var ownData = {};
Object.keys(this).forEach(function (pn) {
ownData[pn] = clone(this[pn]);
}, this);
return JSON.reviveWrapper('(new Achievement())._init($ReviveData$)', ownData);
Achievement.prototype.toString = function () {
var str = "";
str += '"' + + '", ';
str += '"' + this.description + '", ';
str += 'status: ' + this.status;
str += '<br>'
return str;
State.variables.achievements = []
Macro.add('print_all_achievements_debug', {
handler : function () {
var $wrapper = $(document.createElement('span'))
for (var i=0; i < State.variables.achievements.length; i++){
Macro.add('print_all_achievements', {
handler: function () {
var str = '<<nobr>><div class="achievement_list">';
var $wrapper = $(document.createElement('span'))
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str +=
'<div class="achievement_unlocked">' +
' <img class="achievement__image" src="' + State.variables.achievements[i].image + '">' +
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' <div class="achievement__name">' + State.variables.achievements[i].name + '</div>' +
' <div class="achievement__description">'+ State.variables.achievements[i].description + '</div>' +
' </div>' +
' <div class="achievement__cost">AP: ' + State.variables.achievements[i].point_reward +'</div>' +
// ' @@.achievement__claim;<<button "CLAIM">>'+
// ' <<notify>><<= eval($achievements[' + i + '].reward)>>' + '<</notify>>' +
// ' <<set $achievements[' + i + '].status = "unlocked">>'+
// ' <<goto ' + + '>>' + '<</button>>@@' +
if (State.variables.achievements[i].status == 'locked_reward'){
str +=
'<div class="achievement_locked">' +
' <img class="achievement__image" src="' + State.variables.achievements[i].image + '">' +
' <div class="achievement__content">' +
' <div class="achievement__name">' + State.variables.achievements[i].name + '</div>' +
' <div class="achievement__description">'+ State.variables.achievements[i].description + '</div>' +
' </div>' +
' <div class="achievement__cost">AP: ' + State.variables.achievements[i].point_reward +'</div>' +
// ' ' +
// ' @@.achievement__claim_disabled;<<button "CLAIM">>' + '<</button>>@@' +
if (State.variables.achievements[i].status == 'unlocked') {
str +=
' <div class="achievement_unlocked">' +
' <img class="achievement__image" src="' + State.variables.achievements[i].image + '">' +
' <div class="achievement__content">' +
' <div class="achievement__name">' + State.variables.achievements[i].name + '</div>' +
' <div class="achievement__description">'+ State.variables.achievements[i].description + '</div>' +
' </div>' +
' <div class="achievement__cost">AP: ' + State.variables.achievements[i].point_reward +'</div>' +
' </div>'
if (State.variables.achievements[i].status == 'locked') {
str +=
' <div class="achievement_locked">' +
' <img class="achievement__image" src="' + State.variables.achievements[i].image + '">' +
' <div class="achievement__content">' +
' <div class="achievement__name">' + State.variables.achievements[i].name + '</div>' +
' <div class="achievement__description">'+ State.variables.achievements[i].description + '</div>' +
' </div>' +
' <div class="achievement__cost">AP: ' + State.variables.achievements[i].point_reward +'</div>' +
' </div>'
if (State.variables.achievements[i].status == 'secret') {
str +=
' <div class="achievement_secret">' +
' <img class="achievement__image" src="' + State.variables.achievements[i].image + '">' +
' <div class="achievement__content">' +
' <div class="achievement__name">' + '???' + '</div>' +
' </div>' +
' </div>'
str += '</div><</nobr>>'
var $wrapper = $(document.createElement('span'))
Macro.add('check_all_achievements', {
handler : function () {
for (var i=0; i < State.variables.achievements.length; i++){
if (eval(State.variables.achievements[i].objective)) {
if (State.variables.achievements[i].status === 'locked' || State.variables.achievements[i].status === 'secret'){
State.variables.achievements[i].status = 'unlocked';
var $wrapper = $(document.createElement('span'))
'<<notify1>>' +
' <div class="notify__achievement">' +
' <img class="notify__image" src="'+ State.variables.achievements[i].image +'">' +
' <div class="notify__content">' +
' <div class="notify__title">Achievement Unlocked!</div>' +
' <div class="notify__name">'+ State.variables.achievements[i].name +'</div>' +
' </div>' +
' </div>' +
if (State.variables.achievements[i].status === 'locked_reward'){
State.variables.achievements[i].status = 'unlocked_reward';
var $wrapper = $(document.createElement('span'))
'<<notify1>>' +
' <div class="notify__achievement">' +
' <img class="notify__image" src="'+ State.variables.achievements[i].image +'">' +
' <div class="notify__content">' +
' <div class="notify__title">Achievement Unlocked!</div>' +
' <div class="notify__name">'+ State.variables.achievements[i].name +'</div>' +
' </div>' +
' </div>' +
Macro.add('refresh_all_achievements', {
handler : function () {
if (visited() == 1) {
Macro.add('add_achievement', {
handler : function () {
if (this.args.length < 2) {
return this.error('incorrect number of arguments in add_achievement');
var name = this.args[0];
var desc = this.args[1];
var image = this.args[2];
var point_reward = this.args[6];
var reward = 'function rewardEval() { State.variables.achivementCash += ' + point_reward + '; ' + this.args[3] + ' } rewardEval();';
var objective = 'function objectiveEval() { ' + this.args[4] + ' } objectiveEval();';
var status = this.args[5];
State.variables.achievements.push(new Achievement(name, desc, image, reward, objective, status, point_reward));
(function () {
// notify.js, by chapel; for sugarcube 2
// version 1.1.1
// requires notify.css / notify.min.css
var DEFAULT_TIME = 7000; // default notification time (in MS)
var isCssTime = /\d+m?s$/;
$(document.body).append("<div id='notify1'></div>");
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} else {
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} else {
ev.class = 'open macro-notify1';
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if (typeof ev.delay !== 'number') {
ev.delay = Number(ev.delay);
if (Number.isNaN(ev.delay)) {
ev.delay = DEFAULT_TIME;
} else {
ev.delay = DEFAULT_TIME;
setTimeout(function () {
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function notify1 (message, time, classes) {
if (typeof message !== 'string') {
if (typeof time !== 'number') {
time = false;
type : ':notify1',
message : message,
delay : time,
class : classes || ''
// <<notify delay 'classes'>> message <</notify>>
Macro.add('notify1', {
tags : null,
handler : function () {
// set up
var msg = this.payload[0].contents,
time = false,
classes = false, i;
// arguments
if (this.args.length > 0) {
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classes = (this.args.length > 1) ? this.args.slice(1).flatten() : false;
} else {
classes = this.args.flatten().join(' ');
// fire event
notify1(msg, time, classes);
setup.notify1 = notify1;
<<run initAchievements()>><add_achievement
'Seventh Circle'
'Introduce yourself to the class.'
'return State.variables.ach_introduction == 1'
'Groundhog Day'
'Get a home bonus.'
'return State.variables.HomeBonus == 1'
'Buy a mattress in a store.'
'return State.variables.mattress == 1'
'Useless homeless'
'It is completely useless, my friend.'
'return State.variables.DollarToHomeless == 1'
'Give your schoolgirl a protective tool.'
'return State.variables.SurgicalMask == 1'
'The first steps'
'Start the path of self-development.'
'return State.variables.CharInc == 1 && State.variables.StreInc == 1 && State.variables.BoldInc == 1 && State.variables.InteInc == 1'
'Knockin on Heaven'
'Try to get out of the world.'
'return State.variables.DrunkLvl == 3'
'You are just a loser without money.'
'return State.variables.loser == 1'
'Visit the library at least once.'
'return State.variables.library_visited == 1'
'Frank Zane'
'And the gym too.'
'return State.variables.gym_visited == 1'
'Are not you ashamed? But what about privacy? I see, you are a machist.'
'return State.variables.ToolsUsed == 1'
'Hasta la vista!'
'Defeat the bullies in the park.'
'return State.variables.bastards_derroted == 1'
'Ronnie Coleman'
'Reach maximum 10th strength level.'
'return >= 10'
'Alan Turing'
'Reach maximum 10th intellect level.'
'return >= 10'
'Reach maximum 10th charisma level.'
'return >= 10'
'Reinhold Messner'
'Reach maximum 10th boldness level.'
'return >= 10'
'Visit for the first time the quarter Far-Dreams.'
'return State.variables.QFR_visited == 1'
'Visit to matriarchy'
'Visit for the first time the convocation.'
'return State.variables.Convocation_visited == 1'
'The scent of the ocean'
'Visit for the first time the school toilet.'
'return State.variables.WC_visited == 1'
'Sunsets and sunrises'
'Visit for the first time the beach.'
'return State.variables.Beach_visited == 1'
'Novice Adept'
'Spend 30 days in the game.'
'return State.variables.DaysPassed >= 30'
'Confident Adept'
'Spend 90 days in the game.'
'return State.variables.DaysPassed >= 90'
'A Seasoned Adept.'
'Spend 365 days in the game O_o.'
'return State.variables.DaysPassed >= 365'
'Use the cheat code. You are welcome.'
'return State.variables.cheatOn == 1'
'Qualified worker'
'Get the second qualification level.'
'return == 2'
'Experienced worker'
'Get the third qualification level.'
'return == 3'
'Take control of Lexi.'
'return State.variables.LexiControl == 1'
'Get a blowjob from Veronica in the toilet.'
'return State.variables.VeronicaToiletBJ == 1'
'Invest in building a dormitory inside a school.'
'return State.variables.SchoolDormitory == 1'
'One quarter'
'Engage in sex with the girls from the school dormitory.'
'return State.variables.AutumnSex == 1'
'Discover the world of freelancing.'
'return State.variables.FreelanceDone == 1'
'Expert truelancer'
'Complete the difficult task of freelance.'
'return State.variables.ExpFreeDone == 1'
'Reach the maximum level of relationship with one of the characters.'
'return State.variables.Monica.AffectionLvl >= 4 || State.variables.Veronica.AffectionLvl >= 4 || State.variables.Angela.AffectionLvl >= 4 || State.variables.Lexi.AffectionLvl >= 4 || State.variables.Clara.AffectionLvl >= 4 || State.variables.Autumn.AffectionLvl >= 4 || State.variables.Lucy.AffectionLvl >= 4 || State.variables.Sophia.AffectionLvl >= 4'
'Whore of Babylon'
'Increase the lust of one of the characters to the maximum.'
'return State.variables.Monica.LustLvl >= 4 || State.variables.Veronica.LustLvl >= 4 || State.variables.Angela.LustLvl >= 4 || State.variables.Lexi.LustLvl >= 4 || State.variables.Clara.LustLvl >= 4 || State.variables.Autumn.LustLvl >= 4 || State.variables.Lucy.LustLvl >= 4 || State.variables.Sophia.LustLvl >= 4'
'Be safe, do not leave the house.'
'return State.variables.StayAtHomeAch == 1'
'Reach the maximum 10th level in all skills.'
'return >= 10 && >= 10 && >= 10 && >= 10'
'Christopher Columbus'
'Meet all the key characters for the current version.'
'return State.variables.Monica.Meet == 1 && State.variables.Veronica.Meet == 1 && State.variables.Lexi.Meet == 1 && State.variables.Autumn.Meet == 1 && State.variables.Angela.Meet == 1 && State.variables.Clara.Meet == 1 && State.variables.Lucy.Meet == 1 && State.variables.Sophia.Meet == 1'
'Furious teacher'
'Punish 5 students per week.'
'return State.variables.punishments_count >= 5'
'You are a thief, you are a crook, you are a con man, tell me where you got so much money from.'
'return >= 100000'
'What is this?'
'return State.variables.CheatCode == "code"'
'Useful homeless'
'Oh, no, I was wrong. Useful. How embarrassing.'
'return State.variables.HomelessBonus == 1'
'Like mom'
'You ve finally eaten properly.'
'return State.variables.BustyDinner == 1'
'Modeling business'
'Hold a third photo session.'
'return State.variables.BoyfriendKnow == 1'
'Damn, you got semen on the stores dress.'
'return State.variables.MallVisit == 2'
'Captain justice'
'Hit that idiot. Show him who is in charge.'
'return State.variables.BoyfriendAvailable == 3'
'Hydrotherapeutic procedure'
'Get your courage award.'
'return State.variables.BathroomSexAvailable == 1'
'What you cant do for the women you love.'
'return State.variables.AngelaPearl == 3'
'Slippery help'
'Feed Angela a magic ingredient.'
'return State.variables.make_up_diner == 2'
'Domestic happiness'
'Shoot home porn with Angela.'
'return State.variables.home_video == 1'
'Welcome to Paradise'
'Discover the best place in the world.'
'return State.variables.angela_filmed == 1'
'The slippery master'
'Discover the best place in the world.'
'return State.variables.Blowjobs >= 7'
'My hut'
'Reach 20 of the infrastructure value.'
'return State.variables.SchoolInfrastructure >= 20'
'Reach 10 of the perversion value.'
'return State.variables.SchoolExhibitionism >= 10'
'Super skinny'
'Reach 20 of the perversion value.'
'return State.variables.SchoolExhibitionism >= 20'
'Not short enough'
'Reach 40 of the perversion value.'
'return State.variables.SchoolExhibitionism >= 40'
'33 Misfortunes'
'Get 33 rejections.'
'return State.variables.Refusals >= 33'
'My little army'
'You have your own fan-club now.'
'return State.variables.Fiona3Q == 1'
'Make her scream from pleasure.'
'return State.variables.GirlCum >= 1'
'A foodie in a big city'
'Taste 10 delicious meals.'
'return State.variables.FoodSwallowed >= 10'
'Smoking hot'
'It`s better that cigarettes.'
'return State.variables.Lexi6 == 2'
'Smoking hot2'
'It`s better that cigarettes.'
'return State.variables.Lexi6 == 2'
'5'>><<widget "AR">>
<</widget>><<md>>I’ll work for a couple more hours and go home. It's time to start the lesson.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Today we will discuss sex among humans. It is best to give an example of this. I brought a video that I selected for this lesson specifically.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>As you can see, this pose is one of the most desirable. The penis completely penetrates the vagina, thus causing strong positive emotions.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And on this section you can notice an example of anal penetration...<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy entered the classroom and noticed the video that I'm show my students.<</md>>
<<addLust $Lucy 10>>
<<if $LucyFirstMeet is 0>>\
<<say $mc>>Oh hello, who are you? Do you need something?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, Lucy, do you need something?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I'm sorry to distract you, $mc.Name, but I wanted to talk to you about something.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, let's go out and talk.<</say>>
<<if $LucyFirstMeet is 0>>\
<<md>>I left the office with the stranger.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>This is how you teach your students? Don't you find this strange?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, this is part of my work. By the way, what is your name?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>My name is Lucy. I work as the math teacher here. Let's get to know each other better over a cup of coffee in the canteen. I'd like to talk about the work you're doing...<</say>>
<<set $MCKnowLucy = 1>>\
<<set $Lucy.Meet = 1>>\
<<md>>After several minutes of conversation, I returned to class.<</md>>
<<md>>We discussed some details before my return to class.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn, I left the video on, and Lexi decided to play with herself during class.<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 10>>
<<md>>It’s good that none of the others have seemed to notice her touching herself. Otherwise, it could cause problems.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you alright, Lexi?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Oh yes, everything is fine.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ok.. That's it for today. Thanks for coming to the lesson.<</say>>
<<set $LucyFirstMeet = 1>>\
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 42 && $NoraQuest1 == 9 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:30')>>\
[[Leave the class|NoraSketch]]
[[Leave the class|Second floor]]
<<set $cash += 20>>\
<<addmins 5>>\<<md>>As usual, when I entered the class, I noticed a picture already familiar to me, some of the students did not pay attention to my coming to the class, and another, more educated, was looking forward to the start of the lesson.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello, hello. You know, while I was engaged in my intimate affairs, the completely obvious truth came to my mind. All the girls are incredibly cunning.<</say>>
<<md>>It seems interesting to me what I'm saying.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I do not know how nature has managed so well, but evolution has endowed you with an absolutely unbelievable cunning. A man may be smarter than a large number of women, but any woman will always be smarter than any man. Well, let's get down to the lesson.<</say>>
<<talk "Start the lesson">><<say $mc>>You probably know how much I love you and how important it is for me to take care of you, so I brought some food for thought.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Tell me, it seems to me, or were these balls specially designed for this purpose? Have you ever tried something like this?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Damn it, I always asked my parents to buy me such a ball. But they never bought it for me.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Lexi, we can talk about this after class, it seems I have such a ball at home.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What a wonderful mutual assistance, such a pleasure to listen to. But let's not leave the topic, in this lesson I wanted to show you some unusual masturbation techniques. And here is one of them.<</say>>
<<talk "Next video">>[img[img/school/AW2.webp]]
<<say $Monica>>Wow.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Monica, it seems you can do it. Other one.<</say>>
<<talk "Next video">>[img[img/school/AW3.webp]]
<<md>>After I turned on the video of a girl masturbating about the pressure of water, some of my students seemed nervous because of embarrassment.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sometimes I would like to enter the female body in order to feel it on myself. How unlucky men from our so banal and primitive masturbation.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Teacher, I have no doubt that you have a girl who would happily help you have a good time.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, and not one, haahah, well, let's continue to study the remaining no less interesting topics.<</say>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 42 && $NoraQuest1 == 9 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:30')>>\
[[Leave the class|NoraSketch]]
[[Leave the class|Second floor]]
<<set $cash += 20>>\
<<addmins 5>>\<<if $PrologueQuest1Failed == 2>>
<<set $cash += 0>>\
<<elseif $phoneClara > 0 >>\
<<set $cash += 0>>\
<<elseif $mc.TeacherLevel gte 6>>\
<<set $cash += 140>>\
<<elseif $mc.TeacherLevel gte 5>>\
<<set $cash += 120>>\
<<elseif $mc.TeacherLevel gte 4>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $mc.TeacherLevel gte 3>>\
<<set $cash += 80>>\
<<elseif $mc.TeacherLevel gte 2>>\
<<set $cash += 50>>\
<<set $cash += 30>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<div class="tablet-outer-side">\
<img src="img/tablet/camera.png" class="tablet-ui" />\
<div class="break">\
<span class="Work-title">Break</span>\
<<if $cash gte 5>>\
<<button [[Relax in the dining room with a cup of coffee|Break Coffee]]>>\
<<run $cash -=5>>\
<<set $CanteenCoffeeBonus = 1>>\
<<notify>>Native Coffee!<</notify>>\
<<set $stamina +=10>>\
<</button>><div class="cash-spend"> - 5$</div>\
<<if $Imp_Strength is true>>\
<<button [[Play basketball at schoolyard|Break Strength New]]>><</button>>\
<<talk_btn "Play basketball at schoolyard" 1 $talk "First, I should talk about this with Linda.">><</talk_btn>>\
<div class="locked"> - Locked</div>\
<<if $Imp_Intellect is true>>\
<<button [[Read literature from the school library|Break Intellect]]>><</button>>\
<<talk_btn "Read literature from the school library" 1 $talk "First, I should talk about this with Linda.">><</talk_btn >>\
<div class="locked"> - Locked</div>\
<<if $Imp_Charisma is true>>\
<<button [[Practice in front of a mirror|Break Charisma]]>><</button>>\
<<talk_btn "Practice in front of a mirror" 1 $talk "First, I should talk about this with Linda.">><</talk_btn >>\
<div class="locked"> - Locked</div>\
<<if $Imp_Boldness is true>>\
<<button [[Publicly masturbate in the stadium|Break Boldness]]>><</button>>\
<<talk_btn "Publicly masturbate in the stadium" 1 $talk "First, I should talk about this with Linda.">><</talk_btn >>\
<div class="locked"> - Locked</div>\
<<button [[Chat with colleagues in a teacher's room|Break Socialization]]>><</button>>\
<<button [[Continue my work|Basic work done]]>><</button>>\
<img src="img/tablet/button.png" class="tablet-ui" />\
</div>\<<addmins 30>>\
<<set $CanteenCoffeeBonus = 1>>\
<<md>>Finally, you can relax with a Cup of coffee and relax from routine work. But I love this job! Word of honor. The best job, for the best teacher.<</md>>
<<if $LucyQuest6 > 1>>\
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, our dear biology teacher. Do you mind if I join you and sit next to you?<</say>>
<<talk "Sure, sit down">><<say $mc>>Of course, I don't mind Lucy, how can I refuse you? Make yourself comfortable. How are you doing?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>You know, the usual routine, constant house in class, but nothing. We have to endure, they are still very young.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, very young...<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, I think I spilled my coffee, I'm so sloppy...<</say>>
<<if $LucyImage6Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage6Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<talk "Help wipe it">><<say $mc>>Let me help you. Here, another thing, you should be careful not to get your wonderful dress dirty.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>God, you're so cute. Thanks.<</say>>
<<addAff $Lucy 12>>
[[Continue my work|Basic work done]]
<<talk "Make an off-color joke">><<say $mc>>Lucy well, there are decent people sitting here. I asked you to swallow everything, why did you spit it out?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>What? Are you a fool or something?<</say>>
<<addLust $Lucy 12>>
[[Continue my work|Basic work done]]
<<talk "Prefer be alone">><<say $mc>>Lucy I'm sorry but I prefer to be alone. I hope you're not offended.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, Yes, of course. I understand. Pleasant stay.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks!<</say>>
[[Continue my work|Basic work done]]
<<md>>Okay,time to get back to work.<</md>>
[[Continue my work|Basic work done]]
<</if>>\<<addmins 30>>\
<<set $StreInc = 1>>
<<md>>I wanted to play basketball, but when I saw that students with the appearance of a porn actress were playing basketball, I wanted to play basketball even more.<</md>>
<<say $Lela>>Hey, pretty boy, you want to play ball with us? Come on, we need players.<</say>>
<<md>>She sounds suspiciously familiar.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course, I would love to play ball with the lovely ladies.<</say>>
<<md>>But the bell is already ringing and now it's time to continue working. I will miss playing basketball with a girl with the voice of a porn actress.<</md>>
<<set $EmmaTraining = 1>>\
[[Continue my work|Basic work done]]<<addmins 30>>\
<<md>>Buying mirrors for school was a genius idea. Now it gives me the ability to enjoy my own view on every corner and watch my own view. To fully control and use your body during communication. I need to fake a conversation right now.<</md>>
<<set _talkArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _talkArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lexi>>I, of course, knew that our biology teacher had problems with his head, but not so much... Although it probably does help to better communicate nonverbally?<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Veronica>>I, of course, knew that our biology teacher had problems with his head, but not so much... You are absolutely mad and beautiful $mc.Name<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Monica>>I, of course, knew that our biology teacher had problems with his head, but not so much... People are looking at you, aren't you shy?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>My girl, there are all sorts of shitty situations in the world that you can be ashamed of, but this is nowhere near the situation I'm talking about.<</say>>
[[Continue my work|Basic work done]]<<addmins 30>>\
<<md>>Well, it's not for nothing that I gave this school a wonderful mini-library, and I should also read something in the fresh air.<</md>>
<<md>>Being in beautiful nature, with a wonderful book in my hands, with the sound of the wind, with the smell of nature, I would like to never leave this place and disappear into it.<</md>>
[[Continue my work|Basic work done]]<<addmins 30>>\
<<set _talkArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]>>\
<<switch _talkArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, my dear teacher, tired of lessons? Yeah, you look pretty good. Sit down and relax. No one will bother you here.<</say>>
<<addAff $Lucy 8>>
<<say $mc>>Well about the fact that no one will bother this of course is not yet accurate. But what is certain is that the students will not be able to bother.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Sophia>>I of course knew that our biology teacher had problems with his head, but not so much... You are absolutely mad and beautiful $mc.Name<</say>>
<<addAff $Sophia 8>>
<<say $mc>>My girl, there are all sorts of shitty situations in the world that you can be ashamed of, but this is nowhere near the situation I'm talking about.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, my dear teacher, tired of lessons? Yeah, you look pretty good. Sit down and relax. No one will bother you here.<</say>>
<<addAff $Lucy 8>>
<<say $mc>>Well about the fact that no one will bother this of course is not yet accurate. But what is certain is that the students will not be able to bother.<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Clara>>Have you come to rest? How's your work going? I hope our students don't bother you too much.<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 8>>
<<say $mc>>Of course not, they're pure angels. And as for the work, everything is as it should be, everything is going according to plan, even better.<</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Clara>>I of course knew that our biology teacher had problems with his head, but not so much... People are looking at you, aren't you shy?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 8>>
<<say $mc>>My girl, there are all sorts of shitty situations in the world that you can be ashamed of, but this is nowhere near the situation I'm talking about.<</say>>
<<md>>Being in the company of girls is certainly good, but you also need to work so that you can buy something to eat.<</md>>
[[Continue my work|Basic work done]]<<addmins 30>>\
<<md>>Well, it's time to masturbate to running butts. So where are my dear students, when should the physical education lesson start? Ah, here they are.<</md>>
<<talk "Pull out a loyal comrade">><<md>>Ufff, Oh yeah. Excellent. The main thing is not to be noticed. Or the main thing is to be noticed? Maybe I should do something to attract attention? Okay, this seems like a bad idea.<</md>>
[[Continue my work|Basic work done]]
<</talk>><<md>>The bell rang, all the students in their places. It's time to start the lesson. But ... before I will tell them one story.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Before starting the lesson, I would like to tell you one very instructive story. You do not mind?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Of course, we are ready to listen to you all day.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't suck up to me, Veronica. Once while I was driving to work in Los Angeles, I saw that on the road there is a very beautiful and for some reason half-naked girl, as it turned out later she was an athlete.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>And you ordered her services?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course not, how could you think that about your teacher? I stopped and asked her what she was doing here, and she said she needed to go to Los Angeles the same way I did. Then I decided to pick up this lady.<</say>>
<<md>>The whole class is listening intently to me, how lovely.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And so while we were driving, we were talking, the girl was talking about her difficult life, she started crying at a certain point, and then abruptly reached into my pants.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>She probably wanted to thank you!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I thought so, too, and I was very happy about it, and I was even very happy about the whole situation. Until it turned out that I was being used. This girl just wanted to close the metabolic window.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>This is just an incredible story... Can we start the lesson now?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, you don't understand anything. I also wanted to close the metabolic window. But I was late for work, because of her. And my hands were full, because of her... Yes, of course let's start the lesson.<</say>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 42 && $NoraQuest1 == 9 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:30')>>\
[[Leave the class|NoraSketch]]
[[Leave the class|Second floor]]
<<set $cash += 20>>\
<<addmins 5>>\<<set $SchoolInfrastructure += 5.00>>\
<<text g "The quality of infrastructures has increased.">>
<<say $Linda>>Ah, well done! How clever you are. For this, I just have to thank you somehow. But don't flatter yourself. That doesn't mean I'll owe you now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But I didn't say anything. In short, let's get down to business, I want these mirrors as soon as possible.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Then give me your money.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Here, take everything I have.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Idiot hahaha, do you need anything else?<</say>>
[[Show me the list|SU]]
[[That's all|School reception]]<<set $SchoolInfrastructure += 5.00>>\
<<text g "The quality of infrastructures has increased.">>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, the basketball court. Do I have to listen to students ' screams and the sound of a ball all day now? Okay, it's okay, I used to play basketball when I was young.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wow, that explains a lot. Now I understand the characteristics of your body. Probably being among the balls for a long time had a secondary effect on you.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>So let's not make any stupid jokes? We still have to work together and I don't want to go to jail.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>All right, I'll hold my balls. In order not to touch yours.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Great, do you need anything else?<</say>>
[[Show me the list|SU]]
[[That's all|School reception]]<<set $SchoolInfrastructure += 5.00>>\
<<text g "The quality of infrastructures has increased.">>
<<say $Linda>>Mini-library, all these books are useless, and you're spending a lot of money on them. I don't know what you're thinking.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Linda, I wish you hadn't said anything, really. When you are silent, you seem so beautiful, so sweet. Why do you keep opening your mouth?<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, no, no, no.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, the mouth should be opened and it is desirable to do this more often but for other purposes.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>God give me strength. What a pervert I work with. Is there anything else you need?<</say>>
[[Show me the list|SU]]
[[That's all|School reception]]<<set $SchoolInfrastructure += 5.00>>\
<<text g "The quality of infrastructures has increased.">>
<<say $Linda>>You know, I could expect a lot from you. But I never thought you'd buy a whole stadium. This is absolute madness. Well, that's your business.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Linda, why is it so crazy? I'm just very, very concerned about the physical health of my wonderful students. That's all.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>You think I'm a complete fool don't you? Do you think I don't understand that you're doing this to watch the buttocks of running students?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>God forbid. I'm a religious person what are you talking about Linda?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>That's it! I know these believers. Okay, what else do you need?<</say>>
[[Show me the list|SU]]
[[That's all|School reception]]<<addhours 1>>\
<<md>>This beach is great, but I've been here for an hour and still haven't found anything. Where are all the shells? What are we here for? Maybe there aren't any shells left. Fucking shells.<</md>>
<<text r "Nothing useful was found.">>
[[Back|Beach]]<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $ +=1>>\
<<md>>Finally, the gods have heard my call. After some time of wandering on this deserted beach, I lost some of my nerves, but still, I found what I was looking for.<</md>>
<<text g "The shell is added to the pocket.">>
[[Back|Beach]]<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $id.pearl +=1>>\
<<md>>Wow, I couldn't find a shell, but I found something better! A pearl of incredible beauty, probably somewhere in the city there is a place where I can sell it, or maybe it can be used for something else.<</md>>
<<text g "The pearl is added to the pocket.">>
[[Back|Beach]]<<say $mc>> And so, today the topic of our lesson will be lactation. Do any of you know this term?<</say>>
<<md>>Hah, laughter at the last desks, I consider it for interest in this topic.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's start, lactation is the formation of milk in the mammary glands and its periodic excretion. It begins in women after childbirth under the influence of hormones.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Oh my God.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> If you want, I will show you a photo of lactation<</say>>
<<talk "Show them pictures"<</talk>>
<<say $Veronica>>Does this really happen? Hahaha<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, lactation is a natural process. Milk production depends on the production of hormones of lactation of the placental lactogen, prolactin and oxytocin.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>$mc.Name, but I know people who did not bear children, but fed them, how is this possible?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Great question Autumn! There is also artificial lactation. You can breastfeed both an adopted child and your own, born of another woman. To start producing milk in a woman’s body, experts recommend starting with breast stimulation.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Also, women take hormonal drugs. Psychologically, this causes depression with which their men can help. After all, there are special practices for the chest.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Teacher, but how does it help from depression? What is the benefit for husbands?<</say>>
<<md>>Good, I will answer<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Starting to stimulate the breast, when they begin to swell, continue to do breast massage. The woman’s breasts become more sensitive. For every man, swollen breasts are a catalyst for pleasure, because it will help to enjoy the beauty of the body, as well as help the spouse. Now let's move on to another topic...<</say>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 42 && $NoraQuest1 == 9 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:30')>>\
[[Leave the class|NoraSketch]]
[[Leave the class|Second floor]]
<<set $cash += 20>>\
<<addmins 5>>\<<md>>The guy standing on the corner doesn't inspire much confidence, but he definitely attracted my curiosity, I'll try to talk to him.<</md>>
<<say $Marcus>>Hey, man, I'm Marcus. Are you looking for a "special entertainment"?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sorry, but I'm not gay.<</say>>
<<say $Marcus>>No, that's not what I mean. I am the owner of pornographic studio. We make pornofilms. You'll be able to watch the entire shooting process. Honestly, it's much better than any filthy brothel.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why do you think it is intresting to me?<</say>>
<<say $Marcus>>I watched you some time. I know your type: strict and dominant man who can easily compel any woman to do what he want. Person who persuade people to submit his will. Especially young schoolgirls.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You want me to be a porn actor?<</say>>
<<say $Marcus>>No. I already have many young stallions. I need your other talent. I'm looking for the actresses for my films. Maybe you can help me with this?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, this looks interesting, so why don't we sit down somewhere and discuss it? And a drink together would be nice.<</say>>
<<say $Marcus>>A good idea. Let's go to the Studio, show you what's what, and pour you a couple of glasses of whiskey.<</say>>
[[Enter to the studio|PS Talk]]
<<addmins 5>>\<<silently>><<set $repair_quest = 1>><</silently>>\
<<md>>Suddenly Angela appeared in the doorway of my room.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name, do you have a little time?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure. I always have time for you.<</say>>
<<md>>Especially after that night.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Something is wrong with my laptop. And I need it for my work. Could you, please, take a look?<</say>>
<<if $anglaptop_hacked == 1>>\
<<md>>Shit. She didn't notice my virus, did she?<</md>><</if>>\
<<say $mc>>No problem. What exactly happened?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Don't know how to expla... I just work as usual, but it shuts down, and didn't start after restart...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay. Let's take a look.<</say>>
[[Go to Angela's room|Repair Quest1]]
<<addmins 5>>\<<md>>Angela looks quite worried. It seems that something has definitely happened. Otherwise, there was no such expression on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Look at this.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was trembling.<</md>>
<<md>>Okay. Let's try.<</md>>
<<md>>I sat down in front of the laptop and tried to turn it on. But after start it shows an error window.<</md>>
<<if $anglaptop_hacked == 1 && $id.virus > 0>>\
<<md>>Whew. That's definetely not my virus.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Intellect gte 4>>\
<<md>>Just a little error with hard disk drive. I could solve it in a few minutes. But maybe better to stall?<</md>>
[[Just repair the laptop|Repair Quest2][$repair = 0]]
[[Buy some time|Repair Quest2][$repair = 1]]
<<md>>I have no idea what the problem is. Maybe I should buy some time to google it?<</md>>
[[Buy some time|Repair Quest2][$repair = 2]]
<<addmins 5>>\<<if $mc.Intellect gte 4>>\
<<md>>I already know how to fix Angela's laptop.<</md>>
[[Fix and bring to Angela|Repair Quest4]]
<<elseif $google_repair_problem != 1>>\
<<md>>I should google problem at my laptop<</md>>
[[Back|My room]]
<<if $google_repair_problem != 1 and $mc.Intellect lt 4>>\
<<md>>I can't repair laptop, if I don't know what's the problem.<</md>>
<<elseif $id.hdd lt 1 and $mc.Intellect lt 4>>\
<<md>>I can't repair laptop, if I don't have new HDD.<</md>>
<<elseif $id.hdd gte 1 and $google_repair_problem == 1>>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<<md>>Okay. Finally done. Time to speak with Angela about my "reward".<</md>>
[[Go to Angela|Repair Quest4][$repair_quest = 2]]
<<set $id.hdd -= 1>>
<<elseif $mc.Intellect gte 4>>\
<<addmins 5>>\
<<md>>Okay. Finally done. Time to speak with Angela about my "reward".<</md>>
[[Go to Angela|Repair Quest4][$repair_quest = 2]]
<<if $repair == 0>><<set $Blowjobs += 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Okay. I think, I can fix it in a couple of minutes. What is your password?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>One, two, three, four, five, six.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Seriously?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>It's hard to remember long difficult passwords for me<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well... It's not safe... Almost done... Yeah. I fixed it.<</say>><<set $angelaspass = 1>>
<<say $Angela>>Really? You are true computer wizard! Don't even know, what would I do without you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh. It's nothing<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>How can I thank you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well... Actually there is a way...<</say>>
<<md>>You would like it.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I think I figured it out...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img/Angela/Quest/Repair/Angelablow1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo10Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo10Unlocked = 1>>\
<<addLust $Angela 30>>
<<say $mc>>You really smart, Angela.<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela 15>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img/Angela/Quest/Repair/Angelablow2.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo11Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo11Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>So if something will breaks again, you'll who you should call.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>> Sure, $mc.Name<</say>>
<<set $repair_quest = 2>><<set $angelaspass = 1>><<addmins 15>>\
[[Go to your room|My room]]
<<say $mc>>It's a serious problem, but I think, I can fix it. Just tell me what is your password.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>One, two, three, four, five, six.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Seriously? Okay, you can go watch TV, I'll call you, when I'm done.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Okay.<</say>><<set $angelaspass = 1>>
<<md>>Angela left the room.<</md>>
[[Time to look around|Examine Angela's room]]
<<addmins 5>>\<<say $mc>> Hey, Angela, it was a little difficult, but I finally fixed it.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Really? You are true computer wizard! Don't even know, what would I do without you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh. It's nothing.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>How can I thank you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well... Actually there is a way...<</say>>
<<md>>You would like it.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I think, I figured it out..<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img/Angela/Quest/Repair/Angelablow1.mp4"></video></div>
<<addLust $Angela 20>>
<<say $mc>>You really smart, Angela.<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela 10>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img/Angela/Quest/Repair/Angelablow2.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $mc>>So if something will breaks again, you'll who you should call.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>> Sure, $mc.Name<</say>>
[[Go to your room|My room]]
<<set $MallVisit = 3>>\
<<set $Blowjobs += 1>>\
<<set $repair_quest = 2>><<md>>When I entered in my room, I saw Angela went through my things.
I look at her with interest. I can't leave theese activities withiout punishment. So I had an idea.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hi, Angela. Did you lost something?<</say>>
<<md>>She shuddered and tried to quickly stand like nothing special happened in my room.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh, $mc.Name, You're returned already? I just looking for you...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Really?<</say>>
<<md>>I looked into her eyes and she flushed like a little schoolgirl.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I should go, I forgot to turn off the iron...<</say>>
<<md>>Trying to leave the room...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Stop!<</say>>
<<md>>She froze.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you trying to lie to me, Angela?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>No...<</say>>
<<md>>I can't imagine that somebody's face can be so red, but she flushed even more.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I ask you again and don't even try to lie, understand?<</say>>
<<md>>She nodded.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Did you go through my stuff?<</say>>
<<md>>No answer. She guiltily looked down.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Y..e..s..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What? I don't hear.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Louder!<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>YES!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, what?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>YES, I went through your stuff, $mc.Name!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You know, what does it mean?<</say>>
<<md>>After a short pause she shook her head.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're really spoiled girl that went through other person stuff. You should be punished. Did you understand?<</say>>
<<md>>She muttered.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Repeat.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes, I should be punished.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>For what?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I should be punished for went through your stuff<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. That's it. Bend over.<</say>>
<<md>>I pointed to the bed. She submissively walked through the room and bent over the bed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You were disrespectful and irresponsible. In addition you tried to lie to me and leave the place of your crime. at the beginning I planned limit yourself to five strikes. But after that, it needs to be doubled. You must announce every strike if you'll lose count or I'll whipped you before you announce number this strike will not count. Clear?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>A heavy silence fell between us. I swung my left arm and quickly lowered my hand on her buttocks.<</md>>
<<text y "Slap">>
<<say $Angela>>One!<</say>>
<<md>>Angela cried.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're late. So this strike doesn't count.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>One!<</say>>
<<md>>Angela said before the next strike.<</md>>
<<text y "Slap">>
<<say $Angela>>Two!<</say>>
<<text y "Slap">>
<<say $Angela>>Three, four, five!<</say>>
<<md>>After each number I've struck again. As punishment continued, her buttocks became red. Her breath came a little faster. Her moans, which firstly were from pain, became slightly like moans of pleasure. I know her submissive nature, her mind may deny it, but the inner essence enjoys and secretly desires it.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten!<</say>>
<<md>>As I finished the punishment, her exhausted body lied on the bed. Between her legs I noticed a big wet spot on her panties. I know all what she wants now, but I can't give her it. Otherwise it becomes the reward, not the punishment. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're free. I hope you learn the lesson.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes. Thanks, $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela 30>>
<<addLust $Angela 50>>
<<md>>She barely stood up and disappointedly left the room. Certainly she will go to her room or to the bathroom and will furiously masturbate till she'll relieve the tension.<</md>>
[[Relax|My room]]
<<set $punish1 = 1>>\
<<set $AssSpanked += 1>>\<<say $mc>>Look. I recently purchased a camcorder.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Wow. Looks cool. So will you now become a filmmaker?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>In a way. Do you want to be my actress?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I've always wanted to try it. What's the movie?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you like the "hot coffee"?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh, that's kind of movies... <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Isn't exciting to film our love? Just imagine you are lying on the bed overflowing with passion and a million eyes watching you. Your desire. Your body. Your naked mind. They see through you. Isn't that interesting?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Hmm... Ok, I give it a try.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Cool. I'll say what to do and record your actions on the camera.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>So how we start?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, first scene: You're entering the room in your lingerie and playfully sit on the bed.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Well. I'll try.<</say>>
<<md>>Angela took off all the clothes, except the lingerie and left the room. I prepared the camera.<</md>>
[[Start your first film|Home video 2]]
<<addmins 15>><<text y 'After a couple of minutes'>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\Angelaintro1.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $Angela>>Something like this?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good. Did you sure, that you've never been an actress?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Ohh. Thanks.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Add more passion. Play with your boobies.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Okay.<</say>>
<<md>> She sat down on me and started to play with her boobs.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\Angelaintro1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo13Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo13Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Now... Give me the hanjob. A little. <</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Sure. <</say>>
<<md>>She said and her right hand began slowly massage my dick. I felt how my dick became harder and stronger from the rush of blood.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\Angelaintro2.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo14Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo14Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Nice. Time to remove your bra.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes. <</say>>
<<md>>It seems she starting to like it.<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 10>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\Angelaintro3.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo15Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo15Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Angela>>What now, $mc.Name? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Great. After this...<</say>>
[[Scene with blowjob|Home video 3]]
<<addmins 15>>\
<<set $Handjobs += 1>>\<<say $mc>>Open your mouth and suck my dick.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Finally. I love the way your dick taste.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\Angelaintro4.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo16Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo16Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Yeah... That's it, baby.<</say>>
<<md>> Like her or loathe her, she's a born cocksucker.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's change the position. Lie down next to me.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\Angelaintro5.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo17Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo17Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Angela>>Mmm... Do you like it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I wish theese minutes last forever.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Me too. Your thick, strong cock in my mouth.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh. You such a slut.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Yeah. Your slut.<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 20>>
<<addAff $Angela 20>>
<<md>>She is so obedient. Let's try something new.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Your sure? Prove it.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Okay. What do you want me to do?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Lick my asshole.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Ohh. Rimjob? You have a lewd imagination.<</say>>
<<md>>She said like she has done it before.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And you have a lewd tongue. They fit together.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>You're right.<</say>>
[[Proceed|Home video 4]]
<<addmins 15>>\
<<set $Blowjobs += 1>>\
<<md>>I put my hand on her head and softly pushed her down.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\Angelaintro6.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo17Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo17Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>Wow. New level of pleasure<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You have so beautiful butt, Angela. So round and cute.<</say>>
<<md>>I put my hand on her butt and started to massage it. Soft and elastic. Perfect for spanking. I smacked her butt and return to the film shooting.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\Angelaintro7.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo17Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo17Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Angela>>Mmmmmm.........<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 50>>
<<say $mc>>Okay. Let's make the viewers happy and..<</say>>
[[Film the boobjob|Home video 5]]
<<addmins 15>>\<<say $mc>>Okay. Let's make the viewers happy and film the boobjob.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I've never done it before but I'll try my best.<</say>>
<<md>>She put my dick between her huge soft breasts.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\Angelaintro8.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo18Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo18Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Perfect for the first time.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Lie down. And I'll facefuck you from the side. <</say>>
<<md>>She did as I told to her. I move closer and put a dick between her lips. Then I started to fuck her mouth. Every thrust of my dick deeply inside her throat accompanied by the sloppy exciting sound. Angela was already horny so she put her hand into her panties and started to caress her wet pussy. Angela was greatly aroused and was shlicking faster and faster, moving her hand under the thin soaked fabric of the panties.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now we'll take a close up.<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela 50>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh... yes...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\Angelaintro9.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo19Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo19Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>Are you tired? Let's...<</say>>
[[Take a break|Home video 6]]<<say $Angela>>Thanks. You were right. I've never thought that filming porno can be so intresting and exciting. Look at me. I'm all wet. <</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\Angelaintro10.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo20Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo20Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Don't say. I bet you dreamed about it.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh. You know me well.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Because you are my favorite private slut, now.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>What?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just joke. You're the only one.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Yeah, that's better. So, what's your favorite private slut should do next?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You'll masturbate till you cum.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>With pleasure.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\Angelaintro11.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $mc>>You're real pornstar, Angela. Now massage my dick and look at the camera.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>As you say, $mc.Name.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\Angelaintro12.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo21Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo21Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>Her moans became deeper, her breath was fast and rhythmic. She was closed to the top.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Cum, Angela. Cum while millions of people watching you. <</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh, yes $mc.Name...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\Angelaintro13.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo21Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo21Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Angela>>I'm cumming!<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 50>>
<<say $mc>>That was amazing. Now the ..<</say>>
[[Last scene|Home video 7]]
<<addmins 15>><<say $Angela>>What is it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Lie still, I'll cum in your mouth.<</say>>
<<md>>I sit on the Angela's chest and put my dick between her breasts right the opposite her slightly open inviting mouth.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, yes... I'm cumming. Swallow my load.<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela 50>>
<<md>>Angela stroking and sucking my cock and before the finish, eagerly open mouth toward it.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\Angelaintro14.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo22Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo22Unlocked = 1>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo23Unlocked = 1>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo24Unlocked = 1>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo25Unlocked = 1>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo23Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Angela>>Give me your seed, $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<md>>Finally I did cum, splattered the drops of semen on Angela's cheeks and chin. But most of all gets in the Angela's mouth. She passionately swallowed the seed. She looks pleased and satisfied.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>So hot, salty, thick. I love it. We should do this more often.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>We will.<</say>>
<<md>>Tired and happy we both fell asleep.<</md>>
<<addmins 15>><<set $home_video = 1>><<set $punish1 = 2>><<check_all_achievements>>\
[[Dream|Sleep1]]<<say $mc>> No problem. Let's go to the <<print $cyclingResult>>.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I'll be waiting you tomorrow at home at six.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I look forward to it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, Marcus. I think I find someone for you. Dissolute and obedience slut. Almost ready for porn. Of course is not virgin, but has a rich experience in sex.<</say>>
<<md>>Big smile like we're making a millennium deal. Although, perhaps it is?<</md>>
<<say $Marcus>>That's the deal. Perfect. I didn't mistake, when I invited you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>When do we start?<</say>>
<<say $Marcus>>Right now. Bring her here.<</say>>
[[Sure|Marcus_Dialog_Angela2]]<<md>>Marcus bring Angela to the inner rooms of the club. And I waited them in the hall.<</md>>
<<text y "After a short period of time">><<addmins 15>>
<<say $Marcus>>She is a perfect slut. She eagerly wanted to take a part in film. You'll see for yourself as soon as we start. Okay, camera, action.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\studio\angela.mp4"></video></div>
<<addLust $Angela 100>>
<<md>>I watch the film shooting, in which Angela fucked with another woman like a total slut. And judging by the expression on her face she enjoyed it.<</md>>
<<md>>Marcus knows his business. It was good money. After all, little lustful slut has hidden inside each woman. I just need to help them discover their inner essence. So I can think about the next prey.<</md>>
[[Exit the club|Quarter Far-Dreams]]
<<set $Angela.Work = "Porn Actress">>\
<<set $angela_filmed = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\<<md>>The actors are in the middle of a filming.<</md>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\studio\1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>And that is how programming started for me.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\studio\2.mp4"></video></div>
<<case 3>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\studio\3.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $angela_ready_porn == 1 and isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '23:00') and $angela_filmed != 1>>\
[[Talk with Marcus about filming Angela|Marcus_Dialog_Angela]]
[[Go back|Quarter Far-Dreams]]<<if $id.boxofchocolate gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "Give her a Box of chocolate">>
<<say $mc>>I brought you something sweet!<</say>>
<<text r "Box of chocolate disappeared from pocket">>
<<text g "Angela affection slightly increased">>
<<say $Angela>>How cute. Thanks.<</say>>
<<set $id.boxofchocolate -=1>>\
<<addAff $Angela 25>>
<<if $id.romanticBook gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "Give her a Romantic book">>
<<say $mc>>Angela, I know about your love of reading. I decided to get you a present.<</say>>
<<text r "Romantic book disappeared from pocket">>
<<say $Angela>>Oh, cool! I can't wait to read this book.<</say>>
<<set $id.romanticBook -=1>>\
<<addAff $Angela 100>>
<<if $id.hentai gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "Give her a Hentai">>
<<say $mc>>Angela, I have a slightly unusual gift for you.<</say>>
<<text r "Hentai disappeared from pocket">>
<<say $Angela>>What is it? Oh, alright... umm, you can leave it here.<</say>>
<<set $id.hentai -=1>>\
<<addLust $Angela 100>>
<<if $ gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "Give her a Flowers">>
<<say $mc>>Angela, I was walking past the store but couldn't resist, these flowers remind me you.<</say>>
<<text r "I give flowers to Angela">>
<<say $Angela>>It's nice. And smells wonderful. Thank you. <</say>>
<<set $ -=1>>\
<<addLust $Angela 25>>
<<addAff $Angela 25>>
<</if>>\<<say $mc>>I remembered our home video. This is really fantastic.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Yeah, very exciting and plesant.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you want to repeat those sensations and feelings?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes. By the way, I had a dream about it today. In that dream I became a famous actress and we made film in which we had sex on the black sofa. Overwhelming pleasure and overcoming with animal passion. I orgasmed several time.<</say>>
<<md>>Wow. She becomes so lewd.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wow. By the way, I've recently met one film director. His name is Marcus and he has own club. And he looks for the actresses. I can recommend you. <</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Really? You'll do it for me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, I think it make you happy.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Thanks. I'm looking forward to it.<</say>>
<<md>>She is ready. I need to talk Marcus.<</md>>
<<set $angela_ready_porn = 1>>\
<<return "End conversation">><<widget "Virus">>
<<set _VirusStyle = ["#02f400", "#181818"]; >>
<<changeBar "VIRUS" _VirusStyle `$mc.Virus + 1` $VirusProgress `$VirusProgress + 1`>>
<<if $VirusSummaA is $VirusSummaB>>
<<set $VirusProgress = 0>>
<<set $mc.Virus += 1>>
<<notify>>Progress in the writing!<</notify>>
<<elseif $VirusSummaA lte $VirusSummaB>>
<<set $VirusProgress += 1>>
<</widget>><<set $VirusInc = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<set $VirPerDay = 1>>\
<<set _VirArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]>>\
<<switch random(1,3)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>And that is how programming started for me.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>But coding doesn't have to be like this.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>And sitting at home decreases the chances to catch the COVID-19, but also increases the odds of getting hit by a computer virus. <</md>>
<<if $mc.Virus == 7>><<set $mc.Virus = 6>><<set $id.virus += 1>>\<<notify>>Finally, I finished the virus.<</notify>>
[[Stop coding|Laptop]]<<set $AngelaPearl = 1>><<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(45)>>\
<<say $Angela>>So, how are things going with you? I've had my damn neighbors bothering me all day, speaking of neighbors. One of our neighbors has an excellent necklace.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What kind of necklace do you want? You need a leash, Angela. To hell with the neighbors, let's order you earplugs and you won't have any more trouble sleeping.<</say>>
<<md>>I shouldn't have said that, now I'll have to buy her something.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I don't need earplugs. I want you to do something for me with your own hands.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, my God, Angela. You want me to give you a necklace? How do you expect me to make it? Can we just buy it?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>No, make it out of pearls, I want a pearl necklace. We have just recently opened a beach in the city, finally ended this stupid disinfection.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good, great. I'll get it after work. Are you happy?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes, hahaha, thank you! Good luck at work my hero, kiss!<</say>>
[[Leave the kitchen|Home corridor]]<<set $AngelaPearl = 3>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<say $mc>>Remember when we talked about the necklace? I have everything ready, here. It cost me a lot of effort and a lot of time, but the result is worth it.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh, my God, you're so cute. How nice, thank you very much, give it to me here quickly, where is my mirror?<</say>>
<<text r "The necklace disappeared from his pocket">>
<<addAff $Angela 25>>
<<say $Angela>>Ahh it fits me wonderfuly, thank you very much. I will carry it with me. What beautiful pearls, they are so shiny.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just as shiny as you are, Angela. Enjoy your necklace. I'll go do my own thing. Have a nice evening.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Bye $mc.Name!<</say>>
[[End conversation|Home corridor]]
<<set $time_to_punish = $DaysPassed + 3>>\<<md>>So, now I have to try to make a necklace out of these pearls. I can do it for sure, I have an infinite library of knowledge at my disposal.<</md>>
<<talk "Make a necklake">><<text g "Success!">>
<<md>>Cool. And it turned out even much better than I expected. Such a gift is not a shame, where is it now?<</md>>
<<set $id.pearl -= 3>>\
<<set $necklake = 1>>\
<<set $AngelaPearl = 2>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Stand up|My room]]
<</talk>><<if $Tutorial == 6>>\
<<goto "Tutorial 9.1">>\
<<elseif $Tutorial == 5>>\
<<goto "Tutorial 9">>\
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '23:00', '02:00')>>\
<<goto "Street York-Road">>\
<<md>>A small but very cozy cafe with a beautiful flag. As far as I understand, it was opened recently.<</md>>
<strong>Eat something delicious - </strong> <<link "30$">><<set $FoodSwallowed += 1>><<addhours 1>><<set $cash -= 30>><<set $stamina = $mc.MaxStamina>><<goto "CafeFood">><</link>>
<<if $stamina > 10>>\
<<switch_shell "Work as a waiter">>
<<case 8>>\
<<goto "Cafe1">>\
<<case 8>>\
<<goto "Cafe2">>\
<<case 8>>\
<<goto "Cafe3">>\
<<case 8>>\
<<goto "Cafe4">>\
<<case 34>>\
<<goto "Cafe5">>\
<<case 34>>\
<<goto "Cafe6">>\
<<if $MelodyQuest == 2 && $Olivia3Q > 2>>\
<<goto "MelodyCafe">>\
<<elseif $Amber1Q == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:30', '19:30')>>\
<<goto "Amber2Q3">>\
<<elseif $LindaQuest2 == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '19:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 2 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 2>>\
[[Meet with Linda|LindaQuest 3.1]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:30', '16:00') && $Olivia3Q == 1 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "OliviaQuest3Cafe">>\
<<elseif $Bella1Q == 7 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '17:25') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
[[Coffee with Bella|Bella2Q7]]
<<elseif $Sophia2Quest == 2 &&isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '19:00') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
<<goto "SophiaQuest2.2">>\
[[Leave the cafe|Street York-Road]]
<<addmins 5>>\<<set $Inventory = [
Name: "LibraryPass",
Img: "img/inv/card.png",
Title: "Library Pass",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "The permanent library pass that Susanna gave me.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "CheerleadersBook",
Img: "img/inv/cheerleadingbook.png",
Title: "Cheerleading book",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "From high kicks to slick moves: learn why 'team spirit' often comes in white.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "camera",
Img: "img/inv/vidcam.png",
Title: "Camera",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "Expensive camera for shooting high-quality videos.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "bat",
Img: "img/inv/bat.png",
Title: "Bat",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "Not only for kicking balls.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "ling1",
Img: "img/inv/ling1.png",
Title: "Lingerie",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "For turning Cinderella into slut…",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "showerradio",
Img: "img/inv/showerradio.png",
Title: "Shower Radio",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "Wet pleasure toy.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "tools",
Img: "img/inv/inst.png",
Title: "Tools",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "A set of tools for all occasions. Most likely.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "BooksForMonica",
Img: "img/inv/book.png",
Title: "Monica Books",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "The books that Monica told me about. I must take them to her.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "boxofchocolate",
Img: "img/inv/konfeti.png",
Title: "Chocolate",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "Sweets. With a large assortment of different shapes and flavors.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "dress",
Img: "img/inv/dress.png",
Title: "Dress",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "Not a cheap gift for someone you like. Or maybe it's not just a gift...",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "pinksneakers",
Img: "img/inv/pinksneakers.png",
Title: "Pink Sneakers",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "Go naked and let your pink sneakers do all the talking—perfect for a playful flash.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "boobtape",
Img: "img/inv/nipplecovers.png",
Title: "Boob Tape",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "Pink boob tape: because who wouldn't want a close-up of nipples as the ultimate joysticks for your gaming fantasies?",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "GymPass",
Img: "img/inv/card.png",
Title: "Gym Pass",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "Cheaper than going to a gay club.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "romanticBook",
Img: "img/inv/book.png",
Title: "Romantic book",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "A good gift to improve the relationship.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "sportBottle",
Img: "img/inv/sB.png",
Title: "Sport bottle",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "Bottle for liquids. It has a strong smell of plastic.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "bandage",
Img: "img/inv/bandage.png",
Title: "Bandage",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "Will come in handy during the zombie Apocalypse.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "hentai",
Img: "img/inv/book.png",
Title: "Hentai",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "A wonderful gift to increase lust. And have fun alone.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "sleepingpill",
Img: "img/inv/snotvornoe.png",
Title: "Sleeping pills",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "For those who can not sleep, tablets with melatonin.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "cigarrete",
Img: "img/inv/cigarret.png",
Title: "Cigarettes",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "In exchange for image, a slow death.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "perfume",
Img: "img/inv/perfume.png",
Title: "Perfume",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "Female, so it can only be a gift. Or not?",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "Earring1",
Img: "img/inv/perfume.png",
Title: "Earring",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "Beautiful gift for a beautiful woman",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "virus",
Img: "img/inv/usb.png",
Title: "Computer Virus",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "My ability to get additional access to Angela's PC.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "necklace",
Img: "img/inv/pearlneck.png",
Title: "Necklace",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "Handmade necklace made by me personally.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "whisky",
Img: "img/inv/whisky.png",
Title: "Whisky",
Status: "off",
Changes: [{Name: "DrunkLvl", Value: "+1"}],
Group: '',
Description: "Pleasure in a bottle that doesn't require you to explain anything.",
TitleBtn: "Use it"
Name: "energy",
Img: "img/inv/energy.png",
Title: "Energy drink",
Status: "off",
Changes: [{Name: "stamina", Value: "+30"}],
Group: '',
Description: "Energy in liquid form, containing a lot of sugar. I shouldn't abuse it.",
TitleBtn: "Use it",
CanUse: true,
Name: "weed",
Img: "img/inv/weed.png",
Title: "Weed",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "The cure for all diseases. The slow death of the brain.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "magicBall",
Img: "img/inv/mb8.png",
Title: "Magic Ball",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "My new little companion.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "teddy",
Img: "img/inv/bear.png",
Title: "Teddy Bear",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "A cute gift for cute girls of presumably young age.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "hdd",
Img: "img/inv/hdd.png",
Title: "HDD",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "An integral part of any PC, fading into the background with the arrival of new technologies.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "flowers",
Img: "img/inv/flowers.png",
Title: "Flowers",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "Classic of the genre. With this, you will never miss.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "aphrodisiac",
Img: "img/inv/snotvornoe.png",
Title: "Aphrodisiac",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "With this cheat, you can raise the libido of your loved one.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "photo_camera",
Img: "img/inv/cam.png",
Title: "Photo camera",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "A second-hand camera purchased from a Strange store",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "cash",
Img: "img/inv/cash.png",
Title: "Cash",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "Universal currency, in this world and in the other.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "pearl",
Img: "img/inv/pearl.png",
Title: "Pearl",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "Expensive shiny ball resulting from the friction of a large amount of sand.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "shell",
Img: "img/inv/shell.png",
Title: "Shell",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "Just shells scattered all over the world's beaches.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "phone",
Img: "img/inv/phone.png",
Title: "phone",
Status: "off",
Changes: [],
Group: '',
Description: "Your personal black mirror. Great for doomscrolling, ignoring real-life problems, and pretending to have a social life.",
TitleBtn: ""
Name: "wine",
Img: "img/inv/wine.png",
Title: "Wine",
Status: "off",
Changes: [{Name: "DrunkLvl", Value: "+1"}],
Group: '',
Description: "Not very expensive and not very cheap, red, a wonderful addition to a romantic dinner.",
TitleBtn: "Use it",
Name: "coca1",
Img: "img/inv/cola.png",
Title: "Cola",
Status: "off",
Changes: [{Name: "Charisma", Value: "+1"}],
Group: '',
Description: "Fresh drink for my dilligence.",
TitleBtn: "Use it",
CanUse: true,
Name: "glasses",
Img: 'img/inv/glasses.png',
Title: "Glasses",
Place: 'c-head',
Status: "off",
TitleBtn: "Put on",
Group: '',
Description: 'So-called nerd glasses, but they still make me look smarter.<br><span style="color:#1de869">Intellect +1</span>',
Changes: [{Name: "Intellect", Value: "+1"}]
Name: "wglass",
Img: 'img/inv/wglass.png',
Title: "Swimming goggles",
Place: 'c-head',
Status: "off",
TitleBtn: "Put on",
Group: '',
GroupSet: "SwimSet",
Description: 'My eyes get tired quickly while these glasses are on.',
Changes: [{Name: "wglassesOn", Value: "+1"}]
Name: "hat1",
Img: 'img/inv/hat1.png',
Title: "White hat",
Place: 'c-head',
Status: "off",
TitleBtn: "Put on",
Group: '',
GroupSet: "StreetSet",
Description: 'Gorgeous and white.<br><span style="color:#1de869">Charisma +1</span>',
Changes: [{Name: "Charisma", Value: "+1"}]
Name: "shirt1",
Img: 'img/inv/shirt1.png',
Title: "Polo",
Place: 'c-shirt',
Status: "off",
TitleBtn: "Put on",
Group: '',
GroupSet: "StreetSet",
Description: "Great for walking around the city.",
Changes: []
Name: "shirt2",
Img: 'img/inv/shirt2.png',
Title: "Black shirt",
Place: 'c-shirt',
Status: "on",
TitleBtn: "Put on",
Group: '',
GroupSet: "StaminaSet",
Description: "It is several years old but it still fulfills its role.",
Changes: []
Name: "pants1",
Img: 'img/inv/pants1.png',
Title: "Shorts",
Place: 'c-pants',
Status: "off",
TitleBtn: "Put on",
Group: '',
GroupSet: "StreetSet",
Description: "Comfortable and stylish.",
Changes: []
Name: "pants2",
Img: 'img/inv/pants2.png',
Title: "Classic pants",
Place: 'c-pants',
Status: "on",
TitleBtn: "Put on",
Group: '',
GroupSet: "StaminaSet",
Description: "They are surprisingly well preserved.",
Changes: []
Name: "pants3",
Img: 'img/inv/wshorts.png',
Title: "Swimming shorts",
Place: 'c-pants',
Status: "off",
TitleBtn: "Put on",
Group: '',
GroupSet: "SwimSet",
Description: "The corners of the label on these shorts are scratching my skin.",
Changes: [{Name: "wshortsOn", Value: "+1"}]
Name: "shoes1",
Img: 'img/inv/shoes1.png',
Title: "Brown shoes",
Place: 'c-shoes',
Status: "off",
TitleBtn: "Put on",
Group: '',
GroupSet: "StreetSet",
Description: "Breathable nice and expensive.",
Changes: []
Name: "shoes2",
Img: 'img/inv/shoes2.png',
Title: "Black shoes",
Place: 'c-shoes',
Status: "on",
TitleBtn: "Put on",
Group: '',
GroupSet: "StaminaSet",
Description: "Not the most comfortable shoes and quite primitive.",
Changes: []
Name: "shoes3",
Img: 'img/inv/wshoes.png',
Title: "Swim shoes",
Place: 'c-shoes',
Status: "off",
TitleBtn: "Put on",
Group: '',
GroupSet: "SwimSet",
Description: "Breathable quick-drying material. They are comfortable on the ground, but not so comfortable to swim in.",
Changes: [{Name: "wshoesOn", Value: "+1"}]
Name: "lineyka",
Img: 'img/inv/line.png',
Title: "Line",
Place: 'right-side',
Status: "off",
TitleBtn: "Put on",
Description: 'An old line from strange store.<br><span style="color:#1de869">Grades +5%</span>',
Changes: [],
Group: 'grades',
Procent: 0.05
Name: "pletka",
Img: 'img/inv/pletka.png',
Title: "Lash",
Place: 'right-side',
Status: "off",
TitleBtn: "Put on",
Group: '',
Description: "This tool can be found in any sex shop store.",
Changes: []
Name: "ukazka",
Img: 'img/inv/ukaz.png',
Title: "Pointer",
Place: 'right-side',
Status: "off",
TitleBtn: "Put on",
Group: 'grades',
Procent: 0.1,
Description: 'A classic tool of the teacher.<br><span style="color:#1de869">Grades +10%</span>',
Changes: []
Name: "ring3",
Img: 'img/inv/ring3.png',
Title: "Ring with lion",
Place: 'right-side-2',
Status: "off",
TitleBtn: "Put on",
Group: '',
Description: 'Ring gifted by Lexi. I wonder why it feels so comfortable?<br><span style="color:#1de869">Boldness +1</span>',
Changes: [{Name: "Boldness", Value: "+1"}]
Name: "ring4",
Img: 'img/inv/ring4.png',
Title: "Silver Ring",
Place: 'right-side-3',
Status: "off",
TitleBtn: "Put on",
Group: '',
Description: 'You deserve it.<br><span style="color:#1de869">Strength +1</span>',
Changes: [{Name: "Strength", Value: "+1"}]
Name: "belt",
Img: 'img/inv/belt.png',
Title: "Belt",
Place: 'right-side',
Status: "off",
TitleBtn: "Put on",
Group: 'Obedience',
Procent: 0.05,
Description: 'It looks like a new belt with an inscription made in Milan.<br><span style="color:#1de869">Obedience +5%</span>',
Changes: []
Name: "magwand",
Img: 'img/inv/magwand.png',
Title: "Magic Wand",
Place: 'right-side',
Status: "off",
TitleBtn: "Put on",
Group: 'mood',
Procent: 0.1,
Description: 'It looks like a new belt with an inscription made in Milan.<br><span style="color:#1de869">Mood +10%</span>',
Changes: []
<<set $BonusSet = [
Name: "StaminaSet",
Status: true,
Bonus: [{
Name: "MaxStamina",
Value: "20",
Name: "StreetSet",
Status: false,
Bonus: [{
Name: "Intellect",
Value: "1",
Name: "Charisma",
Value: "1",
Name: "SwimSet",
Status: false,
Bonus: [{
Name: "SwimSetActive",
Value: "1",
]>><<set $cash += 40>>\
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '02:00')>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(17)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(55)>>\
<<md>>Excellent, I'm starting to feel like I know the location of every book in this library, I wonder if I'm the only one. It remains to clear a couple of shelves of dust and I'm free.<</md>>
[[Finish with this|Library]]
<<addhours 4>>\
<<md>>Excellent, I'm starting to feel like I know the location of every book in this library, I wonder if I'm the only one. It remains to clear a couple of shelves of dust and I'm free.<</md>>
[[Finish with this|Library]]
<</if>>\<<say $mc>>Lady, I am ready to give you all my best skills, my wonderful body, my magnificent brain will serve this library for good. Give me a job and don't block our patreon.<</say>>
<<md>>Now she will definitely hire me.<</md>>
<<say $Susan>>Ummm... Well Yes of course, such enthusiasm is wonderful I just needed an assistant who would dust off the shelves and get books from the top rows.<</say>>
<<text g "Congratulations! Work in the library is now available!">>
<<say $Susan>>You can start working now. Just make sure you don't tear or burn anything.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, I won't let you down.<</say>>
<<set $Library_work_available = 1>>\
[[Leave her|SusanTalk]]<<say $mc>>I was wondering if you need any help with the library, maybe I can dust it down or something? I just need a job. (The face of the cat from Shrek)<</say>>
<<say $Susan>>Do you need a job? Go get the dirt off the streets. If you want to work in MY library, you will need to match my library, which means you must have something in your head.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, fair enough.<</md>>
<<text r "I don't have enough intellect.">>
[[Change the subject|SusanTalk]]<<switch visited()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Welcome, stranger! Oh, you certainly come to the right place! There is no better place for such a weirdo like you, than this shop! <</say>>
<<say $mc>>What? I`m not weirdo! You are that kind, old man. <</say>>
<<md>>That man looks very suspicious, like he is going to sail me some drugs or mushrooms. Or drugs on mushrooms… <</md>>
<<say $Johan>> Yes I am. And I can see a weirdo from miles. You certainly that one. Being strange is not something to be afraid of, my friend. And only strange person can see through the lies of this world. And for that kind I have special goods…<</say>>
<<say $mc>> That sounds very interesting. What kind of goods? What`s your name? <</say>>
<<say $Johan>>Too many questions, my friend, but you will see. Follow me and you`ll gain wisdom. Wisdom of weirdo. Ha-ha. By the way, name Johan and I will be your guide. <</say>>
[[Nice to meet you Johan|Strange store]]
<strong>Products on the shelf -</strong> [[Check|Strange Store Shop]]
<strong>Johan -</strong> [[Talk with him|JohanTalk]]
[[Leave the store|Street York-Road]]
<<addmins 5>>\
<<set $glasses = 0>>
<<set $wglass = 0>>
<<set $hat1 = 0>>
<<set $shirt1 = 0>>
<<set $shirt2 = 0>>
<<set $ring3 = 0>>
<<set $ring4 = 0>>
<<set $pants1 = 0>>
<<set $pants2 = 0>>
<<set $pants3 = 0>>
<<set $shoes1 = 0>>
<<set $shoes2 = 0>>
<<set $shoes3 = 0>>
<<set $pinksneakers = 0>>
<<set $boobtape = 0>>
<<set $Earring1 = 0>>
<<set $lineyka = 0>>
<<set $pletka = 0>>
<<set $ukazka = 0>>
<<set $belt = 0>>
<<set $magwand = 0>>
<<set $coca1 = 0>>
<<set $phone = 0>><<md>>Wardrobe full of dresses, cardigans, skirts, shirts, blouses and other female clothes which name I don't even know. There are the make-up bag and the purse on the right shelf.<</md>>
<<if $BoyfriendAvailable != 4>>\
<<linkreplace "Examine the purse">>
<<md>>Well. What do we have here?<</md>>
<<md>>Photo of a guy in a sports uniform. Quite large and strong. Looks like he is jogging in the Park in the afternoon.
I'm sure this is her ex.<</md>>
<<set $boyfriend_photo = 1>>\
<<if $boyfriend_photo == 1 and $boyfriend_location == 1>>\
<<set $BoyfriendAvailable = 1>>\
<<md>>Now I know what Angela's boyfriend looks like and what places he frequents. It's time to take him once and for all.<</md>>
[[Back|Examine Angela's room]]<<md>>Just a made-up bed.<</md>>
<<linkreplace "Look under the bed">>
<<md>>Oh, something intresting.<</md>><</linkreplace>>
[[Back|Examine Angela's room]]<<md>>Large black leather sofa. One day, I'll try Angela on this sofa.<</md>>
[[Back|Examine Angela's room]]<<md>>Just bras and panties. What else did I expect to find here?<</md>>
[[Back|Examine Angela's room]]<<md>>There are Angela's laptop and the bunch of papers on the table.<</md>>
<<if $BoyfriendAvailable != 4>>\
<<linkreplace "Look through the papers">>
<<md>>Bills, documents, drafts. Stop. This is the Gym flyer with some guy. Maybe he is Angela's boyfriend?<</md>>
<<set $boyfriend_location = 1>>\
<<if $boyfriend_photo == 1 and $boyfriend_location == 1>>\
<<set $BoyfriendAvailable = 1>>\
<<md>>Now I know what Angela's boyfriend looks like and what places he frequents. It's time to take him once and for all.<</md>>
<<linkreplace "Look through the papers">>\
<<md>>Bills, documents, drafts...<</md>>
<<linkreplace "Turn on laptop">>
<<if $id.virus > 0 and $anglaptop_hacked != 1>>\
<<linkreplace "Hack Angela's laptop" "Examine Angela's room">>\
<<md>>I hacked Angela's laptop, so I can access her computer from my room. Better go, before she sees me.<</md>>
<<set $id.virus -= 1>>\
<<set $anglaptop_hacked to 1>>\
<<elseif $anglaptop_hacked == 1 and $angelaspass !=1>>\
<<md>>I hacked Angela's laptop, so I can access her computer from my room. Better go, before she sees me.<</md>>
<<elseif $angelaspass == 1 or $repair_quest == 2>>\
<<md>>With the password I have access to Angela's laptop.<</md>>
[[Examine Angela's laptop|Angela's laptop]]
<<if $repair_quest == 1>>\
[[Repair Angela's laptop]]
<<md>>Shit, there is the password.<</md>>
[[Back|Examine Angela's room]]<<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
<<md>>The Internet is a vast, mysterious ocean, and I am an intrepid deep-sea explorer. In its murky depths swim creatures of all kinds: majestic leviathans, bioluminescent oddities, and nightmarish abominations that defy description. As I descend into the digital abyss, my sonar pings with anticipation. What bizarre specimen will I encounter on this dive?<</md>>
<<set _FreelanceOneArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _FreelanceOneArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>The ghosts of school haunt even the deepest trenches of the Internet.<</md>>
<<md>>Try as I might to exorcise these specters, the digital realm remains a haven for students of all stripes. They congregate here, sharing secrets and... outsourcing their academic burdens. After all, what else would you call the task that's been thrust upon me?<</md>>
<<md>>Three exercises in a programming language so primitive, it makes COBOL look cutting-edge. A trained chimpanzee could solve these problems blindfolded.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, congratulations to me for being that metaphorical primate. At least I'll get my proverbial banana... I mean, cold hard cash.<</md>>
<<md>>Time to dust off those long-dormant neurons and recall the arcane knowledge from my school days...<</md>>
<<md>>In the end, this twisted symbiosis benefits us all: me, the student, their blissfully ignorant parent, even the overworked teacher. So why do I feel like I've just hacked up a hairball on humanity's carpet?<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Is there anything more mind-numbingly simple than slapping together a landing page? Just nothing.<</md>>
<<md>>It remains an enigma why people seek out "specialists" for such pedestrian tasks. Then again, if it were truly challenging, the pay would reflect that. Instead, we have this paltry offering – a digital crumb for a starving artist. I'll grudgingly file it under "marginally acceptable contributions to my ramen fund."<</md>>
<<md>>I'm still struggling to discern any meaningful difference between these thirty-odd products I'm meant to showcase. But hey, why should I care about the nuances of artisanal soap or bespoke ferret leashes?<</md>>
<<md>>My sardonic glee persists even as my laptop's battery light flashes an angry red. Thank the digital gods for auto-save. If only life came equipped with such a feature...<</md>>
<<md>>Still, I persist in this silicon-fueled purgatory. After all, I've got a whopping $0.50 raise coming my way!<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>I can't believe it! Lady Luck, that fickle mistress, has deigned to grace me with her presence the moment I dipped my toes into the freelance pool. I feel like I've won the cosmic lottery!<</md>>
<<md>>My fingers dance across the keyboard with preternatural speed, weaving intricate lines of code! My heart races, pounding a staccato rhythm against my ribcage. A cool grand – that's $1,000 for the numerically challenged – will soon line my pockets. All for the Herculean task of writing "Hello, world!"<</md>>
<<md>>This client is a veritable El Dorado, a font of endless riches. It's a miracle some other digital prospector didn't stake their claim first.<</md>>
<<md>>Message sent... Come to papa, sweet cash!<</md>>
<<md>>Refreshing my e-wallet with bated breath...<</md>>
<<md>>Reality crashes down like a metric ton of zeroes and ones. My grand payday has transmuted into a paltry $10, a soul-crushing wave of disappointment, and a barrage of increasingly creative threats from an irate middle-schooler vowing to track down my entire lineage via my IP address.<</md>>
<<md>>Ten measly dollars... Not bad for a start... Probably... If you squint really hard and tilt your head just so...<</md>>
<<text r "-10 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 10>><<set $cash += 10>><<set $FreelanceDone = 1>><<addhours 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<if $stamina gte 10>>\
[[Repeat the task|Basic]]
[[Back|Freelance]]<<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
<<md>>Website development: the digital equivalent of Russian roulette.<</md>>
<<md>>Even if you're 200% confident in your work, your client will inevitably metaphorically blow your brains out with their incessant discontent and microscopic nitpicking. It's not a matter of if, but when.<</md>>
<<set _FreelanceTwoArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _FreelanceTwoArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>"Tell me, what color should water be?" I ask, my sanity slipping away like sand through an hourglass. "Blue, perhaps? Oh, but silly me, my esteemed client seems to have developed a severe allergy to this particular wavelength of light... or perhaps to logic itself."<</md>>
<<md>>After all, the aquatic domain where fish frolic must be rendered in a delightful shade of bubblegum pink. What's that? Make the sun an eye-searing green? Well, far be it from me to question your cosmic wisdom, oh keeper of the checkbook.<</md>>
<<md>>I can see it now: when I finally lose my tenuous grip on reality, I'll sink into a rosy sea of madness, while above me, a radioactive green sun mocks my descent into digital delirium.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>The world sprints forward at a breakneck pace, leaving the technologically inept gasping in its pixelated dust.<</md>>
<<md>>Once upon a time, terms like "cryptocurrency" and "blockchain" were esoteric mumblings confined to shadowy internet forums. Now, they're plastered across billboards and spouted by every wannabe tech bro with a podcast. You have two options: drag behind like the matted tail of a junkyard dog, or adapt to this brave new world. After all, no one's out there campaigning against the tyranny of smartphones or the oppression of electricity, are they?<</md>>
<<md>>Breathing life into a cryptocurrency exchange service seemed like child's play... until I actually tried it. As soon as I dove into this digital ocean, I realized my knowledge was about as deep as a sidewalk puddle. There was a whole universe to learn, and I was armed with the equivalent of a kindergarten crayon drawing..<</md>>
<<md>>After countless hours of study and work – during which my eyes threatened to permanently fuse with my screen – I finally succeeded! The euphoria of accomplishment washed over me like a tidal wave of Mountain Dew.<</md>>
<<md>>Behold! A creature unknown to science, yet unmistakably alive! My little crypto-baby, ready to toddle out into the world...<</md>>
<<md>>My joy quickly evaporated when I realized how pathetically small my earnings turned out to be. Why didn't I know what my profit would be in advance? Oh right, because I was too busy trying not to drown in a sea of indecipherable jargon.<</md>>
<<md>>At least I've learned a lot. Namely, that the next time someone asks me to build a crypto exchange, I'll fake my own death and move to a remote island.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>We all live under the tyrannical reign of self-deception.<</md>>
<<md>>Some whisper sweet nothings to themselves about how things will magically improve. Others swear on their grandmother's grave that they'll never drunk-dial their ex (spoiler alert: they will). And then there are those poor souls who actually believe the carefully curated lies they see plastered across social media.<</md>>
<<md>>Hundreds of thousands of likes and a chorus of sycophantic fans – it's the modern-day American Dream, isn't it? If only they knew it was all smoke, mirrors, and a hefty dose of desperate loneliness...<</md>>
<<md>>A young girl slid into my DMs, begging for a special program. A bot to fabricate the illusion of activity on her page, to transform her digital wasteland into a bustling metropolis of engagement.<</md>>
<<md>>The page, I must say, is very exciting. Now, stop dreaming about a young hot body ...<</md>>
<<md>>Hundreds of lines of code later, and voilà! The auto-liker is ready to shower her with artificial adoration. I can't fathom why such a captivating creature needs this digital snake oil. Surely, she must be fending off admirers with a stick? Or have we reached the point where anything less than tens of thousands of views renders you a non-entity, a ghost in the machine?<</md>>
<<md>>Work complete, payment received. The cycle of digital delusion continues unabated.<</md>>
<<md>>But still how sexy she is in this blue swimsuit. My dick gives her a solid, non-artificial like..<</md>>
<<text r "-15 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 15>><<set $cash += 25>><<addmins 30>><<set $FreelanceDone = 1>><<addhours 1>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<if $stamina gte 20>>\
[[Repeat the task|Advanced]]
[[Back|Freelance]]<<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
<<md>>If someone tells you that freelancing is the pinnacle of professional bliss, treat them like a door-to-door salesman peddling eternal youth – slam the door in their face and run for the hills.<</md>>
<<md>>Freelancing is a Molotov cocktail of misery, expertly blended with: humiliation, soul-crushing disappointment, stress-induced hair loss, and a bank account perpetually on life support. In a twisted sense, it's a masochist's wet dream – a never-ending cycle of self-flagellation with the occasional paycheck as lube.<</md>>
<<set _FreelanceThreeArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _FreelanceThreeArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Sometimes, I can't shake the feeling that I'm squandering my life pandering to the whims of overgrown toddlers with too much disposable income. Sure, they may have platinum credit cards, but their mental development seems stuck in the "eating paste" phase of kindergarten.<</md>>
<<md>>After all, what self-respecting adult would commission a company mascot in the form of... a paperclip? Why stop there? Why not a stapler with daddy issues, a refrigerator going through an existential crisis, or the butt of Karen from Accounting?<</md>>
<<md>>At least the last one would be easy on the eyes...<</md>>
<<md>>Gritting my teeth so hard I can taste enamel, I begin weaving this digital abomination into existence, comforting myself with visions of the potential payday. It's either this or selling a kidney on the black market, and I've grown oddly attached to my organs.<</md>>
<<md>>Behold! A pint-sized, revolting paperclip waving its deformed appendages. Why does it have the dead-eyed stare of a serial killer? Eh, not my problem. I'm just the digital Dr. Frankenstein here.<</md>>
<<md>>Witnessing this monstrosity in action, my client proceeds to perform an interpretive dance of joy in our video chat for a solid thirty minutes. I'd kill for even a fraction of his unhinged enthusiasm. Or, you know, for his bank account. Either works.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Why did humanity invent the internet? For the betterment of our species? To share groundbreaking scientific discoveries? To usher in a new era of global understanding and cooperation?<</md>>
<<md>>Oh, you sweet summer child. Humanity is a collection of primitive apes with opposable thumbs and an insatiable appetite for instant gratification. Tens of thousands of people are masturbating right now behind the screen of their computer to the cute webcam model.<</md>>
<<md>>Speaking of webcam models...<</md>>
<<md>>I never imagined that creating a personal page for this digital siren would consume more time than it takes for a sloth to run a marathon. Either I'm constantly distracted by her, ahem, "assets," or this task is genuinely Herculean. Probably a bit of column A, a lot of column B.<</md>>
<<md>>The silver lining? This particular gig promises to pay handsomely. Although, if I'm being honest, I'd prefer compensation of a more... .. oral nature. But alas, my PayPal account can't be filled with unfulfilled fantasies.<</md>>
<<md>>After what feels like several lifetimes, the work is finally complete. Time to collect my 30 pieces of silver and drown my sorrows in cheap whiskey.<</md>>
<<md>>But first, a quick backup of those photos and videos. You know, for quality control purposes. It's called being a consummate professional, look it up.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>What's so fascinating about garbage cans and waste recycling?<</md>>
<<md>>Sure, I understand it's a necessary evil in our consumer-driven hellscape, but who in their right mind is clamoring to visit a site called ""? Are people really that desperate for virtual dumpster diving?<</md>>
<<md>>Right now, I'm feeling like human refuse. For the third time, my client – a man whose dedication to pedantry borders on the pathological – is dissatisfied with some microscopic aspect of the site I've painstakingly crafted. I'm this close to telling him that his garbage site has never looked less like actual garbage than it does right now.<</md>>
<<md>>This is, without a doubt, the hardest money I've ever earned. Hundreds of edits, thousands of nitpicky revisions, and yet my bank account remains as barren as my love life.<</md>>
<<md>>The sheer depth of this man's capacity for annoyance is awe-inspiring. If he demands one more revision, I swear I'll perform an impromptu laptop-ectomy with a rusty spoon.<</md>>
<<md>>In a twist that has me questioning the very fabric of reality, he calmly approves the latest version. Money finally trickles into my account, like a desert oasis after months of drought.<</md>>
<<md>>Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go lie down in a dark room and contemplate my life choices. Or possibly fake my own death and start a new life as a goat herder in the Andes. Either way, I'm clocking out.<</md>>
<<text r "-20 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 20>><<set $cash += 50>><<set $FreelanceDone = 1>><<set $ExpFreeDone = 1>><<addhours 2>><<check_all_achievements>>\
<<if $stamina gte 30>>\
[[Repeat the task|Expert]]
[[Back|Freelance]]<<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
<<set _ServerArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _ServerArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Three words more terrifying than the Grim Reaper himself knocking at your door. No, not "I love you" – that's amateur hour. I'm talking about the soul-crushing, panic-inducing phrase: "I need help."<</md>>
<<md>>Because while these digital damsel-in-distress scenarios pay well, they often leave you feeling like a cut-rate psychic with a side gig in brain surgery. Diagnosing the problem and deciphering what isn't working is about as straightforward as nailing Jell-O to a tree.<</md>>
<<md>>My inbox is being carpet-bombed by the desperate pleas of the technologically inept. Some genius decided to push a city-wide software update, and now chaos reigns supreme. It's like watching a horde of toddlers try to operate a nuclear submarine.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, time to don my cape and swoop in to save the day. Let's get this shit show on the road.<</md>>
<<md>>Hours later, I emerge from my coding cocoon, gasping for air like I've just run a marathon through a minefield. The day was about as "easy" as performing open-heart surgery while skydiving. I've helped so many mouth-breathers today that I'm pretty sure I've single-handedly raised the city's collective IQ by at least three points.<</md>>
<<md>>Move over, Superman. This keyboard warrior just saved more lives than you could shake a kryptonite stick at. And the kicker? I'm getting paid for this mental gymnastics routine!<</md>>
<<md>>Life's not so bad after all, is it? Well, ask me again after I've downed a bottle of cheap whiskey to numb the pain of dealing with humanity's collective idiocy. For now, I'll bask in the glow of my digital heroism and the promise of cold, hard cash.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Oh joy, another day in paradise. My inbox is overflowing with the digital equivalent of primal screams. Apparently, some genius thought it'd be a brilliant idea to "optimize" the city's parking meter system. Now we've got chaos in the streets, and I'm the poor schmuck tasked with untangling this clusterfuck.<</md>>
<<md>>Picture this: little old ladies threatening to go "Grand Theft Auto" on parking enforcement, businessmen having meltdowns that would make a toddler blush, and meter maids cowering in fear. All because some lines of code decided to go rogue.<</md>>
<<md>>Eight hours and twelve cups of coffee later, I've managed to pull order from the chaos. The meters are working, the masses are appeased, and I've only contemplated faking my own death three times. Progress!<</md>>
<<md>>As I cash my check, I can't help but wonder: is this what digital heroism feels like, or am I just Stockholm Syndrome's newest poster child?<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Gather 'round, children, and let me regale you with the tale of the Great Database Disaster of 2024. Some rocket scientist decided to "upgrade" the city's record-keeping system without so much as a "how-do-you-do" to the concept of data backup.<</md>>
<<md>>The result? Poof! Just like that, half the city's population ceased to exist. At least, according to the system. I'm pretty sure I saw the ghost of Kafka laughing his ass off somewhere in the digital ether.<</md>>
<<md>>Cue yours truly, diving headfirst into this dumpster fire armed with nothing but a keyboard and a rapidly dwindling will to live. After what felt like twelve rounds with a digital Mike Tyson, I managed to resurrect the lost souls from the depths of the recycle bin.<</md>>
<<md>>The mayor's calling me a hero. I prefer the term "underpaid digital necromancer," but hey, potato, po-tah-to.<</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>Today's adventure? The public library's new "AI-powered" sorting system has gone full Skynet. It's reclassifying "War and Peace" as a children's pop-up book and filing "Goodnight Moon" under "Existential Horror."<</md>>
<<md>>As I wade through this literary labyrinth, I can't help but marvel at the sheer artistry of the chaos. It's like watching a tornado hit a bookstore – terrifying, yet oddly beautiful.<</md>>
<<md>>Eight hours of code-wrangling later, and order is restored to the Dewey Decimal universe. The AI has been lobotomized back to the stone age of alphabetical order, and the librarians can finally stop weeping into their cardigans.<</md>>
<<md>>As I leave, a kid asks me if I'm some kind of wizard. "No, kid," I reply, "just a very tired, very underpaid digital janitor." Time to go home and drown my sorrows in a good book. Maybe "Goodnight Moon" – I could use some existential horror right about now.<</md>>
<<addhours 8>>\
<<if $stamina gte 20>>\
[[Repeat the task|Server]]
[[Back|Freelance]]<<widget "Server">>
<<set _style = ["#E6A", "#713"]; >>
<<if $stamina gt 0>>
<<if $ServerProgress == 0>>
<<set $parts = random(3, 10)>>
<<set $staminaCost = Math.max(1, Math.floor($mc.MaxStamina * 0.1))>>
<<set $reward = 50 * $parts>>
<<if $ServerProgress lt $parts>>
<<set _actualCost = Math.min($staminaCost, $stamina)>>
<<set $stamina -= _actualCost>>
<<changeBar "SERVER" _style $parts $ServerProgress `$ServerProgress + 1`>>
<<set $ServerProgress += 1>>
<<set $staminaCost = Math.max(1, Math.floor($staminaCost * 1.5))>>
<<changeBar "SERVER" _style $parts $ServerProgress 0>>
<<set $ServerProgress = 0>>
<<set $ServerLvl += 1>>
<<notify>>Work done! +<<$reward>>$<</notify>>
<<set $cash += $reward>>
<<notify>>Not enough stamina to perform this task.<</notify>>
<</widget>><<say $Marcus>>So, how do you like this place? When I came to this city, I didn't even think about doing it. I met a guy by chance and we became good friends. He was already engaged in this Studio at that time.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Where is this guy now? Did something happen to him?<</say>>
<<md>>While we were talking, another porn shoot was taking place.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\studio\fv.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $Marcus>>Oh, there was a rather unusual story there. His wife was very jealous of his models, there were big scandals. Once while his wife was giving him a blowjob, she got a red hair in her mouth, she couldn't stand it and bit off his penis. He bled to death.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hell, I wouldn't want to be in that guy's shoes. What was his name?<</say>>
<<say $Marcus>>Yes, it was in the papers. My friend's name is Laniado. To this day, when I remember it, there is a residue of sadness... Let's have a drink.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, let's have a drink. By the way, outside you said that you need an actress. You can tell me more about this situation.<</say>>
<<say $Marcus>>Oh sure. In the near future, I plan to film my ticket to Olympus. I have a great idea, a team, an actor, a set, I just miss an actress of Hollywood appearance. In my mind, it should be a blonde, tall with a beautiful figure.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I'll keep that in mind, no problem. Why not? Okay, that's it. I have to go about my business.<</say>>
<<say $Marcus>>Come on, brother, come back if you find what I need. Money won't be a problem. Bye.<</say>>
[[Leave this place|Quarter Far-Dreams]]
<<addmins 5>>\
<<set $marcus_meet = 1>>\<<say $mc>>Get dressed, we're going for a walk. I'll introduce you to a friend of mine. I hope you get along with him, too.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>So immediately? Wait, I need to clean up. I hope you're not in a hurry, your visit is unexpected.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm not in a hurry, but finish your business as soon as possible.<</say>>
<<md>>It seems that everything that Angela does, she does beautifully, watching her movements, her waist and gait - a pleasure. But now it's ready and we can go.<</md>>
[[Return to Marcus|Marcus_Dialog_Angela3]]
<<addmins 15>>\<<md>>Marcus decided to meet us on the street.<</md>>
<<say $Marcus>>Hello, beauty. $mc.Name told me a lot about you. And I see he didn't lie. Come in, I'll take you a little tour around the studio.<</say>>
<<md>>He winked at me and silently give me the money. Then he took Angela's hand and led her inside.<</md>>
<<run $cash +=500>>\
[[Go with them|Porn_studio_Angela]] <<set $CashCafe = 8 + $mc.Charisma + random(-5,5)>><<set $cash += $CashCafe>><<notify>>+$CashCafe\
$<</notify>><<addhours 1>>\
<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<if $CafeTrouble == 0>>\
<<md>>Being a waiter isn't as easy as I first thought.<</md>>
<<md>>It requires much more effort than I would have noticed before. From the outside, a waiter's job looks simple - just deliver food, collect plates, and get tips.<</md>>
<<md>>If only it were that easy...<</md>>
<<md>>It's difficult at first and seems impossible to learn it all. But once you get into the flow, learn the menu and can predict customers' reactions, it gets easier. Still boring though!<</md>>
<<md>>But even here, there are pleasant surprises sometimes. Among the dull, disgruntled faces who see me as just a servant, there are ones who brighten my day.<</md>>
<<md>>Today that happened out of the blue. A regular order, nothing special. But the girl was very pretty - beautiful even. Surprising she was dining alone. As I turned to leave, she handed me a note.<</md>>
<<md>>Unable to wait, I rushed to the kitchen, opening the strange gift as I went. Doubt it's more than a request for the chef, but had to be sure.<</md>>
<<text g "Hey handsome, care to take a break? Sit with me a minute, if you don't mind!">>
<<md>>Luck is smiling on me, even in a place like this? Someone who sees me as more than a waiter uniform.<</md>>
<<md>>When I had a free moment and orders died down, I sat with the girl and smiled warmly - the least I could do for her patience.<</md>>
<<md>>The minutes flew by enjoyably. Good my boss didn't see, or I'd be in trouble. But I've never relished 10 minutes so much. Nothing lasts forever though, and risking work over a girl was problematic.<</md>>
<<md>>As I freed myself to work again, she was leaving. I was crestfallen. But luckily she didn't disappear so easily. She gave me her number, said to call if I wanted to continue our "magical meeting".<</md>>
<<md>>Magical indeed, if she enjoyed it as much as me!<</md>>
<<md>>Maybe we should continue our meeting on neutral ground?<</md>>
<<set $CafeTrouble = 1>>\
<<md>>Today was a typical day, but lots of wonderful girls were in the cafe. That's great! <</md>>
<<if $Tutorial == 5>>
<<set $Tutorial = 6>>\
[[Finish the hour|Cafe]]<<if $Tutorial == 5>>
<<set $Tutorial = 6>>
<<set $CashCafe = 8 + $mc.Charisma + random(-5,5)>>
<<set $cash += $CashCafe>>
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $stamina -= 10>>\
<<md>>Teachers see a lot, but their vision is often limited to their field. School is just an echo of the real world, a distorted mirror. I've noticed the worldview here differs radically from reality. Despite the chaos and teenage antics, it's still a funhouse mirror. The real world is different, sometimes totally unlike what we knew.<</md>>
<<md>>Working at the cafe confirms this.<</md>>
<<md>>At school, life seems to be improving despite everything...<</md>>
<<md>>But at the cafe I often see a different picture. Many affected by quarantine come here to drown their sorrows...or at least numb them.<</md>>
<<md>>Their faces all look alike - not from masks, but a nearly eternal sadness and longing. Everyone is tired of lockdown, like this customer. He orders a heap of his favorites, either so sick of them he wants an overdose, or just fed up like many others...<</md>>
<<md>>I wish I could talk to them, but that's not my job.<</md>>
<<md>>Still, I know how to help. With some slyness I executed my plan. I gave the man my psychologist friend's number. No one should be alone in times like these.<</md>>
[[Finish the hour|Cafe]]<<if $Tutorial == 5>>\
<<set $Tutorial = 6>>
<<set $CashCafe = 8 + $mc.Charisma + random(-5,5)>>\
<<set $cash += $CashCafe>>\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $stamina -= 10>>\
<<md>>Today is crazy busy, no doubt about it. Orders are pouring in nonstop. If I got a cut of each one, I'd be thousands richer. There seems to be no end. Again and again. Funny, I didn't think this cafe had so much space.<</md>>
<<md>>Must be because a famous singer is performing tonight. Are these people really going to sit here all day waiting? None of my concern though. When the performer arrives, I'll be long gone. Thankfully my shift isn't too long...<</md>>
<<md>>As I deliver the last coffee, I step onto the patio. A gorgeous girl in a red dress stands waiting, as if straight from Hollywood. Stunning features, stunning body. Customers like her are rare here - they look out of place, almost unreal. Yet I can't stop smiling and admiring her.<</md>>
<<md>>Maybe I should stay longer, enjoy such beauty? But work calls and my boss rages, so I must serve a few more tables before returning to this magical creature making my pants feel tight. <</md>>
<<md>>When I get back though, she's gone without a trace...only her lavender scent remains, proving she was no fantasy.<</md>>
<<md>>What a shame...<</md>>
<<md>>Well, just a few more hours until I can clock out and remember her as a good dream.<</md>>
[[Finish the hour|Cafe]]<<if $Tutorial == 5>>
<<set $Tutorial = 6>>
<<set $CashCafe = 8 + $mc.Charisma + random(-5,5)>>\
<<set $cash += $CashCafe>>
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $stamina -= 10>>\
<<md>>Working at a cafe is like spinning a roulette wheel - you never know what a shift might bring. Some evenings are totally mundane with nothing exciting happening. But sometimes...sometimes you can be bowled over with happiness out of the blue.<</md>>
<<md>>And even if today's not one of those days, something interesting awaits nonetheless.<</md>>
<<md>>A giant of a man stands before me, built like a military locker. He's wearing a uniform with the US flag - a look I recognize. The look of someone who's seen the horrors of war. Let's hope he's not the kind who grabs a weapon and recreates that battlefield...<</md>>
<<md>>But as I approach he smiles, making me forget those grim thoughts.<</md>>
<<md>>Grinning like the world is a wonderful place, he orders two burgers. Seems far too little for his size, but looks deceive. I take the order and head to the kitchen.<</md>>
<<md>>When I return with his food, he thanks me and asks me to join him in the restroom. Shocking! Though anything can happen nowadays, this invitation startles me. I politely decline with a smile and get back to work.<</md>>
<<md>>But soon whispers spread through the cafe, almost making me pale. I rush to check the bathroom - if it's true and gets out, the cafe's reputation is ruined. With my boss's standards, there's no question. I have to see for myself!<</md>>
<<md>>Opening the door, the first thought that crosses my mind is...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Holy shit!<</say>>
<<md>>Now his invitation makes sense. Not a trap, but a call for help. A drug addict passed out in the bathroom would devastate our pristine cafe's image.<</md>>
<<md>>I need to handle this carefully... Dragging him through the dining room would kickstart gossip instantly. Nothing travels faster.<</md>>
<<md>>But I have an idea to minimize the damage...<</md>>
<<md>>I grab the syringe, hiding it up my sleeve agent-style. With no evidence, he'll be harder to expose. I take the man's arm - the taxi I called should be here any minute. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, the man just got sick from drinking too much.<</say>>
<<md>>I nod thanks to the veteran, then head out and load the addict into the taxi. At the hospital I have him admitted, then return to work.<</md>>
<<md>>My boss calls me over immediately. Surely he won't scold me for this? But his smile says it all - everything worked out. He even gives me a bonus for handling it so well!<</md>>
<<md>>Excellent! Now I can head home in a great mood.<</md>>
<<set $cash += 30>>\
[[Finish the hour|Cafe]]<<if $Tutorial == 5>>
<<set $Tutorial = 6>>
<<set $CashCafe = 8 + $mc.Charisma + random(-5,5)>>\
<<set $cash += $CashCafe>>\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $stamina -= 10>>\
<<md>>Mood is critical for any job. Don't believe anyone who says you can work well without it - they're lying or just bad at their job. No matter what you do, lack of motivation always catches up eventually.<</md>>
<<md>>Can you imagine a worse workplace tragedy? I think not. You may be present, but work becomes a living hell. So before each shift I play my favorite tunes, bringing me back to life.<</md>>
<<md>>Today though, luck wasn't on my side. Misjudging my battery level, I witnessed the worst - my phone blinked black and died, now just useless plastic. How annoying! And of course I forgot my power bank today.<</md>>
<<md>>I hope my boss doesn't notice as I plug in my phone. We have a strict rule - no employee charging, keep all outlets free for customers. Though we do get personal power banks deducted from our checks, a nice gesture I admit. <</md>>
<<md>>But my mood spit on the rules today. I need my music fix or I won't make it through this shift, best case. Worst case...<</md>>
<<md>>No sense dwelling on the bad though... The music fills me with energy. But as I start to enjoy it, several tables start waving their arms and legs - dancing! I remove my headphones and realize the music is blasting for the whole cafe. Awkward! I quickly turn it off but it's too late. My boss calls me over for a reprimand on the oversight.<</md>>
<<md>>Oh well, even if I make less money, at least my mood improved.<</md>>
[[Finish the hour|Cafe]]<<if $Tutorial == 5>>
<<set $Tutorial = 6>>
<<set $CashCafe = 8 + $mc.Charisma + random(-5,5)>>\
<<set $cash += $CashCafe>>\
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set _cafe6CArray = [1, 2, 3, 4]>>
<<switch _cafe6CArray.random()>>
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Cafe shifts aren't always adventurous. Often it's just calm days where nothing happens - only the usual steady passage of time, lulling you. The ordinariness has its own charm that gets you high.<</md>>
<<md>>All the people coming and going, orders and world-class coffee...this is the sanctuary of tranquility amidst the battlefield of life. I know real chaos awaits outside, but for now I'm enjoying the peace.<</md>>
<<md>>Every grateful customer, every smile or extra tip brings me happiness.<</md>>
<<md>>So I'm just savoring my job here.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Today's one of those evenings better avoided at the cafe. But no escape for me, unfortunately - this is my job, no matter how awful the situation.<</md>>
<<md>>One customer's voice is so loud I feel ready to explode. It's spine-ripping, floor-pounding loud - even earplugs are useless!<</md>>
<<md>>Installing karaoke was a foolish decision for our quiet cafe. At least because "singers" like Mr. Mouse-Squeaking-in-Ruins drive customers away, despite attracting a few new faces. They're here almost nightly, making my shift seem eternal torment.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn, the noise made me drop a glass! The boss will be angry for sure. Excuses won't help - karaoke! Why couldn't we try something else?<</md>>
<<md>>When will they finish murdering that song? If this is Hell, I'm already there!<</md>>
<<md>>Though sometimes karaoke is enjoyable, like when a gorgeous blonde with angelic voice takes the stage. Her song freezes me in ecstasy.<</md>>
<<md>>My attempt to get to know her failed - her sweet smile still stung with polite refusal. Not helped by the mob of fans, led by a bearded weirdo. Good thing my shift ends soon. I should avoid them for now.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>No business can remain untouched by the world. Ignoring trends risks serving only a few drunk regulars, as my boss says. <</md>>
<<md>>So today our cafe has changed to stay hip - a hipster party to attract the crowds. We've prepped for days and now it's here.<</md>>
<<md>>I'll admit I was biased against these hipsters - seemed like rude rednecks to me. But they're so friendly with us waiters, it's surprising. Even on regular days we get rude customers, but these folks are chill as hippies. <</md>>
<<md>>Sure some conflicts popped up, but they resolved everything civilly. One even generously tipped me for the trouble. Really nice people.<</md>>
<<md>>Being trendy and tapping into youth culture isn't so bad. They left pleasant memories.<</md>>
<<md>>My boss says stay vigilant - we expect another party next week. Will it be better or worse? No way to know yet.<</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>A soap bubble - that's what a psychologist friend calls our comfort zone. We feel safe in that bubble, wherever it is - home, work, etc. But bubbles don't like contact...<</md>>
<<md>>No matter how I try to cling to my bubble, it won't last.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Haha, Mr. $mc.Name! What are you doing here?<</say>>
<<md>>Of all people, I run into Lexi.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Lexi, are you going to order something?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes, I'll have a hamburger with a side of humiliation...<</say>>
<<md>>Crap, this won't go well.<</md>>
[[Finish the hour|Cafe]]<<set $Lexi1 = 2>>\
<<md>>Today's class did not go very smoothly. Some students were in bad moods and disrupted lessons. I'll need to follow up with them. However, I did get to sub as gym teacher, which was a nice change.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara asked me to replace a physical education teacher at the gym today. I think they have an affair or something like that. In another situation, I would refuse, but, firstly, Clara cannot be refused, and, secondly, to look at the crowd of young girls in tight shorts and T-shirts... Am I an eunuch to refuse this?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, try harder! I do not see your efforts.<</say>>
<<md>>At that moment Lexi came up to me with a beaming smile. This girl was really up to something.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>It's nice to see you here, Teacher! Our PE teacher is so rude and far... He does not understand what the girls need. You know that better than him, right?<</say>>
<<md>>From such pressure and intimacy, I felt a storm rising inside me. Or is it because of her too small shorts...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Your words will not save you from classes, Lexi. You have to do the exercises.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Of course! I will gladly do everything if you help me...<</say>>
<<if $LexiImage1Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage1Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She arched gracefully, allowing me to observe two rounded halves, which made my pants too tight.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>That's right?<</say>>
<<md>>Her shorts hug her body so tightly that I swear I can see the outline of what lies between these two slender legs.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Ehm... Teacher? Could you help me?<</say>>
<<md>>I carefully approached the girl, trying to be a little away. It would hardly be appropriate, if she felt that my dick is ready for...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Is it enough? Or do I still need to practice stretching, what do you think?<</say>>
<<md>>It was like an electric shock of pleasure, when the soft half touched my leg. A little more and the girlish butt will touch my dick...<</md>>
<<if $mc.Boldness is 2>>\
<<md>>However, Lexi looks great and it would be a crime to just go and leave.<</md>>
<<md>>She beckons me to touch her with my hardest bone. You just look at this ass...<</md>>
<<md>>To hell with caution, to hell with restraining your inner beast.<</md>>
<<md>>I went close to Lexi, making sure that even through the clothes the girl felt the hardness in my pants. Of course, it would be better if there were no clothes on us...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's right, Lexi, and remember. Stretching is the business of two.<</say>>
<<md>>I tilted her to the side, she will definitely feel my strong attraction to her today. I want to take off these shorts from her so much!<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Okay, next time I’ll definitely call you for a stretching.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi turned to me, solemnly smiling. Unfortunately, this lesson ended too quickly.<</md>>
<<md>>And the girl is so hot that I almost burn myself. I should talk to her about this, do another stretching...<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 15>>
<<set $Lexi2 = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi1T = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi2T = 1>>\
<<md>>I don’t know how I managed to restrain myself.<</md>>
<<md>>Standing after class in the corridor, I understood, Lexi was well aware of what she was doing. She enjoyed it... whatever it was... So I should talk to her about it.<</md>>
<<addAff $Lexi 15>>
<<set $Lexi1T = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi2 = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi2T = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<if $Tutorial == 9>>\
<<set $TutorialGirl = "Lexi">>
[[Leave the gym|Tutorial 13]]
[[Leave the gym|Second floor]]
<<if $Lexi2 > 0>>\
<<md>>Thoughts about Lexi`s actions have not left my head for several days. I should have talked to her about it, but I didn’t have a chance. The next lesson turned out to be only a few days later.<</md>>
<<md>>The class is quiet today, which means that the time has come for tests. Students obediently work, pens creaking on paper. Most of them. But Lexi ...<</md>>
<<md>>Looks like Lexi doesn't care about the school test at all.<</md>>
<<md>>When our eyes met, a smile began to play on her face. Something was wrong with her. It was not just a sweet smile, no...<</md>>
<<md>>There was something passionate about her, or I would even say defiantly lascivious. That same radiant smile from the gym, when I saw her...<</md>>
<<md>>I did not notice when my gaze went down. From the point at my desk I could clearly see everything that was happening at the girl’s desk.<</md>>
<<md>>And it doesn’t seem like she was trying to hide. On the contrary, she liked to show me her snow-white panties, behind which was the most important. She liked that I watched her hands stroking the snow-white fabric of her panties...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, your behavior has been too defiant lately. Not that I was against... But the rest may not understand it.<</say>>
<<md>>No matter how I wanted to close my eyes to the girl’s behavior, I had to leave her after school. And she must understand the consequences of her actions.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>But I'm not doing anything wrong... If you like it and I like it...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, this is unacceptable. You have to stop.<</say>>
<<text r "Otherwise, my dick may be inside you in the most unthinkable way.">>
<<md>>However, the last I did not tell her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Tilt over my table and pull your skirt up.<</say>>
<<md>>Only through pain she will be able to realize the infidelity of her act. The only way I can make her stop, otherwise...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>As you say, teacher.<</say>>
<<if $LexiImage3Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage3Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>But the punishment did not work. There was a groan from Lexi's mouth. A deep piercing moan of pleasure. The harder I beat her, the wider her smile became. She enjoyed it... Even the white panties got a little darker.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Boldness is 2>>\
<<md>>As soon as I saw this reaction, as soon as I heard this praying moan, I already knew what I would do.<</md>>
<<md>>Lexi begged with all her appearance, with all her behavior, and I was not opposed to. She is still a masochist if she likes such rudeness.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, it's time to see if it’s so wet between her legs, as her panties say. The panties dutifully slid down, and the girl did not even object. However, this does not surprise me at all.<</md>>
<<md>>Ho, there’s a flood! Lexi-Lexi... Bad girl!<</md>>
<<md>>Now you will meet with the teacher's fingers ...<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 25>>
<<md>>And at that moment, Clara entered the cabinet. The surprise on her face gave way to anger.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> What is going on here?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>What can a beautiful girl and a sexy man do?<</say>>
<<md>>She doesn't help at all. Because of this, I can be in serious trouble. Hell, they could even fire me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi!<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Into my office! Fast!<</say>>
<<md>> Well, fine... What awaits me now?<</md>>
<<set $Lexi3 = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi3T = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi2T = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi2 = 0>>\
<<md>>And at that moment, Clara entered the cabinet. The surprise on her face gave way to anger.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> What is going on here?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>What can a beautiful girl and a sexy man do?<</say>>
<<md>>She doesn't help at all. Because of this, I can be in serious trouble. Hell, they could even fire me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi!<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Into my office! Fast!<</say>>
<<md>> Well, fine ... What awaits me now?<</md>>
<<addAff $Lexi 20>>
<<set $Lexi3 = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi3T = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi2T = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi2 = 0>>\
[[Go to Clara`s office]]
<</if>>\<<md>>Silence reigned in the office for a while. Clara nervously tapped her fingers and looked through me. From such a look and thoughts about dismissal, I felt completely uneasy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Everything is not as it might seem at first glance...<</say>>
<<md>>She did not answer and only after a long silence began to speak.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I understand you. You are an adult man in a school full of sexy girls. If I were you, I would hardly have done otherwise.<</say>> <<say $Clara>>Now I’m talking to you not from the position of principal, but as a friend.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>You recently saved me, and so I close my eyes to what happened. Sex with a student is a very serious crime. If her parents find out about this, then we can’t avoid a scandal. I hope you understand that?<</say>>
<<md>>I just nodded silently.<</md>>
<<md>>There is no point in proving that this is not so. Moreover, I will lie if I say that I did not think about it. That I did not think about going a little further and putting my little friend inside this girl.<</md>>
<<md>>I think it would be better if I forget about what happened today.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>But, before you leave. You can help us with one little contest, you know?<</say>>
<<md>>Guess, i have no choice?<</md>>
[[Go home|Home corridor]]<<if $Lexi3 > 0>>
<<md>>The talent contest makes me remember why I love these events since my school days. It doesn’t matter how talented you are and whether you have talent, the one who has a prettier face or a hotter body always wins. And there are so many hot girls here today. Each one has something so appetizing...<</md>>
<<md>>It is probably good that the head of this event fell ill and I was assigned to help the girls with the preparations. In the end, this is a legal way to quench your thirst and quietly touch young bodies ...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Is this high enough?<</say>>
<<md>>I would like to avoid talking with Lexi, but if I do this and I will raise even more questions. Therefore, reluctantly, we together prepare the stage for the performance, hanging balloons.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, more precisely, she hang them, and I enjoy the beautiful sight.<</md>>
<<md>>I was told only to avoid having sex with her. For the rest I can do anything... Avoiding... Sexual contacts...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Lexi, enough.<</say>>
<<md>>I have a beautiful view from here. And I see that the girl today didn’t put on her lingerie at all... What an alluring look... All that remains is to reach out a hand...<</md>>
<<md>>Suddenly, the ladder creaked treacherously and fell on the stage with a roar.<</md>>
<<md>>Together with it, Lexi fell on me, from which she scattered fear and warmth. My hand was in a very uncomfortable position almost between her legs.<</md>>
<<if $LexiImage8Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage8Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Lexi>>Ouch! That was unexpected, haha...<</say>>
<<if $mc.Boldness is 2>>\
<<md>>This is to be expected,in fact. This girl is trying to draw my attention to her sexuality. Well, this time it turned out even better than before.<</md>>
<<md>>Even despite the huge number of people around and Clara’s warning, I won’t give up such a wonderful chance.<</md>>
<<md>>Fingers move on the inside of girls hip.<</md>>
<<md>>Lexi smiles contentedly, as if mesmerized by this action. Now you get it all, baby!<</md>>
<<md>>The heat of a girl’s body pours, when I touch the most holy part...<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 35>>
<<say $Veronica>>Teacher, Lexi, are you okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Veronica, don’t worry.<</say>>
<<md>>Pulling myself together, I helped Lexi get up, after which we finished decorating the hall. The competition will be excellent, I'm sure.<</md>>
<<md>>I hope no one tells Clara about this case. Could it really be worth staying away from Lexi for a while?<</md>>
<<set $Lexi4 = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi4T = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi3T = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi3 = 0>>\
<<md>>Thats true. However, I should avoid any sexual contact. And the hand near her pussy is almost it...<</md>>
<<md>>Pulling myself together, I helped Lexi get up, after which we finished decorating the hall. The competition will be excellent, I'm sure. I hope no one tells Clara about this case...<</md>>
<<addAff $Lexi 25>>\
<<set $Lexi4 = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi4T = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi3T = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi3 = 0>>\
[[Leave the contest hall|Second floor]]
<</if>>\<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<if $Lexi4 > 0>>\
<<md>>Park is the best cure for such a hard working week. Even in childhood, nothing encouraged me so much as being alone with nature. Trees whisper in your ear, birds sing magical songs, but not a soul around...<</md>>
<<md>>Not much can compare with this feeling of unity.<</md>>
<<md>>However, today is clearly not that day. There are a lot of people around and they are noisy, running and then striving to wrest me from my cocoon of calm...<</md>>
<<md>>Perhaps, I should try my luck somewhere further in the park?<</md>>
<<md>>Here, it seems, more or less quiet. Here I`ll rest...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Stop!<</say>>
<<md>>A slap sounds, and a familiar voice after.<</md>>
<<md>>I open my eyes and my dream was taken off. A terrible picture is before me: several huge guys surrounded Lexi, and the girl with her skirt upside down is sitting on the ground. Trying not to pay attention to her underwear, I get up from the bench.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, leave the girl alone!<</say>>
<<md>>I should stay as far from the student as possible, but leave her here and wait for these guys to do something terrible for her, not my choice.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Boldness is 3>>\
<<md>>My head doesn’t even have time to realize everything that happens, when I break into a circle, instinctively defending Lexi. Whatever happens next, I will not let them scoff at her. <</md>>
<<md>>The first blow falls on the jaw. Good thing it's not my jaw, but one of these guys. The next blow, unexpected and sharp, like a whip, comes for a thug with huge shoulders.<</md>>
<<md>>That's all I managed to do before the other three brought down the hail of blows on me.<</md>>
<<md>>I don’t remember what happened next, but I remember Lexi’s hand in my hand and how we rush away from trouble together.<</md>>
<<md>>For some more time, we hear the stamping of their feet, until we completely get away from the chase.<</md>>
<<set $stamina -=2>>\
<<say $mc>>It seems they are lost. It was exciting, wasn't it?<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi smiled again and...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes, the heart beats so loudly. Feel it...<</say>>
<<if $LexiImage7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage7Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>... takes my hand and puts it where her chest is.<</md>>
<<md>>Really knocking. And her breasts are so soft and beautiful. Nothing will happen if I just squeeze it?<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Don't be afraid, you deserve it.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, I really deserve, if it based on how my body hurts. But I know what will help me.<</md>>
<<md>>I gently squeeze both Lexi`s breasts and then move my hands under her blouse. The fact that she doesn’t have a bra does not even surprise me.<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 50>>\
<<md>>But the moment was destroyed, as soon as a stranger passes along the street.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think we will continue another time, Lexi. Come on, I'll take you home.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, we must admit that the trip to the park turned out to be successful. And so do Lexi...<</md>>
<<set $Lexi5 = 2>>\
<<md>>Without hesitation, I break into this circle, grab the girl by the hand and rush off.<</md>>
<<md>>It is unlikely that these vultures will give it so simply, but it is within our power to hide as soon as possible. Fortunately, getting lost among the crowd is not such a difficult task.<</md>>
<<md>>For some more time, we hear the stamping of our feet, until we completely get away from the chase.<</md>>
<<set $stamina -=20>>\
<<say $mc>>Not a bad run, huh?<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi smiles again and...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes, the heart beats so loudly. Feel it...<</say>>
<<if $LexiImage7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage7Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>... takes my hand and puts it where her chest is.<</md>>
<<md>>Really knocking. And her breasts are so soft and beautiful. Nothing will happen if I just squeeze her? And then I’ll get them out and lick right here. I`ve saved her life after all...<</md>>
<<md>>Lexi smiled softly and closed her eyes, melting from my touch.<</md>>
<<md>>What am I doing? What if her parents will find out about this?<</md>>
<<md>>I brought Lexi home to make sure she was safe and sound. It would be foolish to leave her here alone.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Are you definitely don’t want to “listen to my heart” again? Maybe another time?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl bit her lip. This proposal is the hardest to refuse...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe another time.<</say>>
<<addAff $Lexi 30>>
<<md>>What a trip to the park!<</md>>
<<set $Lexi4 = 0>>\
<<set $Lexi4T = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi5 = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi5T = 1>>\
[[Return home|Home corridor]]
<</if>>\Double-click this passage to edit it.<<md>>When I walked down the corridor I`ve heard something interesting.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Lexi, are you going to PE class today?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Pity, but yes. Geesh, what a meaningless lesson. There is always no teacher at, and when he is there, then he acting like a jerk. Who do you think they will send to replace him this time?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>I don`t know. Maybe our new biology teacher?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>You wish! I can bet it will be that old lady again. Gross...<</say>>
<<set $Lexi1 = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi1T = 1>>\
[[Return|Second floor]]
<<addmins 5>>\<<say $Angela>>Only promise that you will not laugh.<</say>>
<<md>>What an interesting request. Even if it is not funny, it will be hard for me to restrain myself. It's like when you are asked not to blink, and you blink even more.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The word of scout.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I'm serious. My friends also promised, and then they laughed so loudly that, it seemed to me, they could be heard much further than in the neighboring city. I wanted to go down the drain.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You already intrigued me with this backstory. What kind of book is this?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Well, this is "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." Not everyone is given to understand the genius of this book. In a seemingly children's book, much is hidden: eternal optimism, even despite the horror of what is happening.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Everyone says that Oliver Twist was terrible, but this is only partly true. But how many sad and truly heartbreaking moments are hidden behind Mark Twain's humor. Take for example the disappearance of Tom...<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]<<say $Angela>>I knew that you weren't just staring at my ass.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What, I'd never ...<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Ha-ha, I'm kidding. Sport is the best thing in my life. I mostly do jogging and yoga.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And what is the best thing in life?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Both. Running allows me to relax, gather my thoughts together and reflect on my life, while yoga allows me to distract myself from all the thoughts around.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds like a great way to save money on therapist... <</say>>
<<addAff $Angela 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]<<say $mc>>How do you feel about films? Now there are too many blockbusters on the screens and it seems to me that people no longer perceive the world as before.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Hmm ... In a way, you're right. But cinema has always been and remains an escape from reality. From the gray routine that surrounds us.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can't disagree. But still...<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>If we talk about me, then I am a lover of films with deep meaning, blockbusters do not impress me much. They do not have something that makes you think, learn from your life. After all, I once dreamed of becoming a director in order to give the world new emotions. But life has made its own adjustments ...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, life is sometimes heartless and can break any dreams. Do you still dream about it?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh yeah! One day I will amaze the world with my talent, you'll see!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I will wait for your masterpiece.<</say>>
<<md>>I am sure it will happen one day. And then I'll be glad that I shared the same apartment with her.<</md>>
<<addAff $Angela 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]] <<say $mc>>What do you think about politics in our country?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>This is a difficult question, because no matter what politicians do, there will always be those who will not be happy with their actions.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So you justify them?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I cannot justify what so many people suffer from. Take this latest tax law. After all, it affects all sectors of the state, from ordinary workers to deputies.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, it couldn't be better. So you're neutral?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Perhaps yes, although I love to analyze and dream of how our country can become great again. But the easiest way to do this is sitting on the couch.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, we are all sofa politicians, ha ha!<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]
<<if $stamina< 5>>
<<goto "MCTiredAngela">>
<<if $AngelaHugPerDay > 3>>\
<<md>>Enough of hugging for today<</md>>
<<set _AngelaHugArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _AngelaHugArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Angela now looks like she was hit by a truck, and after that she also hit by a train.<</md>>
<<md>>I think she won’t be bothered by a little hugging magic. Yes, and I can check how much she lets me in..<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Thank you, this is exactly what I needed after a hard day.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>You know, all these people who smile sweetly, but actually hate you. <</say>>
<<say $Angela>>But hugs never lie. You always know who is in front of you... A good, reliable guy, who smells great...<</say>>
<<md>>She seems to like me. Well, great news!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Angela>>I did not think that you are one of those who love excessive tenderness. Good to know that I was wrong. I love them too, haha.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>There is some very strange magic in the arms, simplicity forgotten in the modern world. As if there is only you and a person nearby. No subtexts, no desire to crawl under your skirt. Just nearby. It costs a lot.<</say>>
<<md>>I suppose I should not disappoint her and not say that if she offered to crawl under her skirt, I would not refuse at all.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>As soon as I made an attempt to hug the girl, she abruptly bounced off, as if I were a leper..<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Are you a hugging maniac? Listen, it`s scaring to be next to you...<</say>>
<<md>>And then she burst into a loud intermittent laugh.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Okay, who am I fooling! There are things that I can’t say no to. And hugging is definitely one of those things.<</say>>
<<md>>After these words, she came up and hugged me tightly. And its after thought that nothing shines for me. What a pleasant aroma comes from her...<</md>>
<<if $AngelaHugPerDay > 3>>\
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]
<<set $AngelaHugPerDay += 1>>\
<<addLust $Angela 3>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
<<set $AngelaArouse += 2>>\
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]
<</if>>\<<if $AngelaKissPerDay > 3>>\
<<md>>Enough of kissing for today<</md>>
<<set _AngelaLightKissArray = [ 1, 2,3]>>\
<<switch _AngelaLightKissArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Angela>>What are you up to? Is this some tricky move to get me into bed?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Perhaps you thought I was one of these women... But this is not so.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Let your lips be very soft and tender, let me even feel the spark that ran between us. It doesn’t mean anything, do you understand me? We are just neighbors.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>The girl was too close and I could not resist the strange attraction that arose between us at that moment.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh! This is so unexpected... And nice... And unexpected...<</say>>
<<md>>Her face is a little covered with a blush, which makes it even more interesting to watch everything.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I already said that, huh? I did not expect such quickness from you.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>No, I'm not saying that it was not nice. Quite the opposite. But we barely know each other. Why to rush?<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Looking at Angela, I cannot help but think about these expressive lips. In the depths, a plan has already created for how I can easily touch her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Small, almost childish, kiss to strengthen our friendship. I have never had such a neighbor that I would be so care about the traditions of his ancestors.<</say>>
<<md>>The trick worked. It always works.<</md>>
<<md>>The contact was quick, but no less pleasant.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Are you sure you didn't fool me?<</say>>
<<if $AngelaKissPerDay > 3>>\
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]
<<set $AngelaKissPerDay += 1>>\
<<addLust $Angela 4>>
<<text r "-7 stamina">>
<<set $AngelaArouse += 7>>\
<<set $stamina -= 7>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]
<</if>>\<<set _AngelaRefuseArray = [ 1, 2,3]>>\
<<switch _AngelaRefuseArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Angela>>I'm sorry, but I'm not in the mood to talk about this right now.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Angela>>This is not my greatest strength.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Angela>>Let's pick a more interesting topic? <</say>>
<<addAff $Angela -6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]<<if $Angela.AffectionLvl gte 2>>\
<<set _AngelaWorkArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _AngelaWorkArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>How did you spend your day at work?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Very fun and scary!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Scary? What happened?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Someone crazy broke into our studio and began to smash equipment. It is good that security were nearby and no one was hurt.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And what about the camera?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Well, maybe the camera, yes.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm glad that everything ended well.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Me too. Thanks for worries.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>Was your day as boring as mine?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh yeah! I thought about howling, because of boredom today.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's whose howl I heard from school.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Ha ha ... You caught me!<</say>>
<<set _AngelaWorkNegArray = [ 1, 2,3,4]>>\
<<switch _AngelaWorkNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Angela>>It is unlikely that we are familiar enough that I would be so frank with you.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Angela>>Why don't you tell me about your work before I talk about mine?<</say>>
<<md>>Is she interested in my work? This has not happened for a long time. It’s nice to still feel that someone cares.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good. Today the day was not as hard as it seemed to me initially. The school was calm and nothing bothered me.<</say>>
<<md>>Her mouth twisted into the smile of a cat, who was about to catch mouse in a corner. Something I have a bad feeling about.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Nice, very nice. I think you would like to continue so that nothing bothers you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, peace is what we all strive for so much.<</say>>
<<md>>A smile gave way to a cruel grin.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Then leave me alone, otherwise very soon some of my friends with bats will bother you!<</say>>
<<md>>Gosh, where does so much aggression come from? I believe this is a topic that should not be raised.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Angela>>Remind me when we became best friends? Why should I share something so personal with you?<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Angela>>Do you really want to know about this? This is not for the faint of heart!<</say>>
<<md>>She decided to test my will. Ha, can`t catch me there. I am strong, and my armor is strong...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm the perfect choice, tell me.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>And why does it seem to me that I will regret if I do this? I saw dozens of people like you: naive, stupid puppies that ran after me, begging to be a part of my life. It won’t reach you that it’s impossible to solve anything with pressure. Ah, how annoying you are!<</say>>
<<set $Refusals += 1>>
<<text r "-4 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 4>><<addmins 10>>\
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]<<if $Angela.AffectionLvl gte 2>>\
<<say $Angela>>Only promise that you will not laugh.<</say>>
<<md>>What an interesting request. Even if it is not funny, it will be hard for me to restrain myself. It's like when you are asked not to blink, and you blink even more.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The word of scout.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I'm serious. My friends also promised, and then they laughed so loudly that, it seemed to me, they could be heard much further than in the neighboring city. I wanted to go down the drain.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You already intrigued me with this backstory. What kind of book is this?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Well, this is "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." Not everyone is given to understand the genius of this book. In a seemingly children's book, much is hidden: eternal optimism, even despite the horror of what is happening.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Everyone says that Oliver Twist was terrible, but this is only partly true. But how many sad and truly heartbreaking moments are hidden behind Mark Twain's humor. Take for example the disappearance of Tom...<</say>>
<<set $AngelaFavBook = 1>>
<<addAff $Angela 12>>
<<set $stamina -= 4>><<addmins 10>>\
<<say $Angela>> I don`t want to talk about it.<</say>>
<<set $Refusals += 1>>
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]<<if $stamina< 5>>
<<goto "MCTiredAngela">>
<<set _AngelaNastyJokeArray = [ 1, 2,3]>>\
<<switch _AngelaNastyJokeArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Angela>>What are you thinking about? Just don’t say if this is indecent.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Looking at you, no decent thought comes to my mind...<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Is that a compliment?<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>My neighbor looks extremely attractive. Probably she has changed her wardrobe.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>> Such a great weather today, it's time to put something light on. Why don't you go somewhere for a walk?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I only have condoms for light clothes, I'm afraid...<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Ha-ha! Only the most necessary, as I see!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>A quiet and boring evening. It's time to add a little vulgar colors to it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Tell me, do you remember your first sex?<</say>>
<<md>>Angela looked at me in surprise, but did not go away. It does not seem that such a question was forbidden to her.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh yes, it was amazing and unforgettable. And you?<</say>>
<<md>>The time has come. One, two…Three...<</md>>
-<<say $mc>>Of course, because I spent all my savings on it!<</say>>
<<md>>The girl exploded in laughter.<</md>>
<<md>>Mission accomplished.<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]<<if $stamina< 4>>
<<goto "MCTiredAngela">>
<<set _AngelaComplimentArray = [ 1, 2,3]>>\
<<switch _AngelaComplimentArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Angela>>Don`t you think that it is not light enough? I would install a few extra lights.<</say>>
<<md>>A strange question for which I did not have an answer. I used to get by with a minimal amount of light sources.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It seems to me that our house does not need light.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>What? Why?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Because every evening when you come home from work, it becomes warm and light here. You are the sun of this house.<</say>>
<<md>>The compliment had the effect of an exploding bomb, leaving Angela standing with her mouth wide open.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>God, it's so sweet. I have never been said something so beautiful...<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>If what you see in front of you is beautiful, you need to drop all doubts aside and inform the person about it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you know how much I like coffee?”<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes, I`ve managed to notice, but why are you saying this?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Because you are like coffee: hot, strong, tasty, invigorating and aromatic.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh... th...<</say>>
<<md>>I think her blush brighter than the other indicates that I hit the right target.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>Have you heard the proverb that beauty will save the world?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes, of course. It was often adored by my mother when I did not want to dress as fashion demanded.<</say>>
<<md>>That's who she got all this style and appearence from.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Your mom was right. Indeed, if beauty saves the world, then you will be the first among all its saviors.<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 3>>
<<text r "-4 stamina">>\
<<set $stamina -= 4>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]<<if $stamina< 10>>
<<goto "MCTiredAngela">>
<<set _AngelaBreastArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _AngelaBreastArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>
<<md>>When we sat next to each other and talked, I noticed how attractive the girl’s chest was.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name! Do you think this is funny? What are you doing?<</say>>
<<md>>I came to my senses when my hand squeezed Angela’s breast.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Breast massage. You know, it helps not only from all sorts of diseases, but also raises the mood. If you click on the desired point...<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Until I see that the mood has risen only in your pants. I was not pleased. Well, maybe a little bit...<</say>>
<<md>>A little bit… Hm…<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Angela walked from side to side, as if looking at herself from all possible angles. Something was definitely worrying her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why can't you find a place for yourself?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Do you think my breasts are not too big?<</say>>
<<md>>If I say that her breasts are perfect now, she simply won’t believe it. She will believe that I'm lying. But there is another way to prove my right.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's so hard to say. You know, they say the best way to understand a large breast or not, to give it a touch...<</say>>
<<md>>I expected a slap in the face or a groin punch, but none of this happened…<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Hey, I didn’t allow...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But you were not against it. It is beautiful. So resilient and soft. And fits perfectly to my hand...<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Enough of fantasizing about me. Let me go, please, I need to be alone.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>As you say.<</say>>
<<md>>She hasn`t used to this sensation yet. But later...<</md>>
<<case 3>>
<<md>>Angela and I were in her bedroom, the air heavy with anticipation. I had been wanting her for so long, and now I was finally able to show her just how much.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Mhhm…<</say>>
<<md>>I started by gently caressing her neck, tracing my fingers down her chest until I reached her breasts. Her skin was so soft, like a butterfly's wings, and I could feel her chest rise and fall with each breath.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Be gentle…<</say>>
<<md>>I took my time, exploring the contours of her body with my hands, until I finally reached my destination.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaIntTouchTits2.mp4"></video></div>
My hands cupped her breasts, feeling their weight in my hands, like two ripe peaches, begging to be tasted.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>You are so good at it…<</say>>
<<md>>I leaned in close, my lips brushing against her neck, and I could feel her pulse quicken. My hands moved in circles, stroking and caressing, until I felt her body quiver in pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Wow.<</say>>
<<md>>It was then that I knew I had her, and I knew that I was going to make her mine.<</md>>
<<case 4>>
<<md>>I won the game of cards and I had a naughty thought. I asked Angela if I could touch her breasts as my reward. She seemed taken aback and I could see a twinkle in her eye. I could tell she was intrigued.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Give me my reward.<</say>>
<<md>>I pulled her closer and began to tease her with my fingertips, tracing circles around her nipples and then lightly brushing them. She gasped in pleasure and I could feel her body heat rising.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>You really like it, don’t you?<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaIntTouchTits1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I started to move my hands lower, caressing her curves and exploring her body. She moaned softly as I touched her, her pleasure increasing with each stroke.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>You are so greedy…<</say>>
<<md>>It was a game I wanted to play all night, and I knew Angela was enjoying it too. I could feel the heat between us and I wanted more.<</md>>
<<adjustBonuses $Angela>>
<<LustForce $Angela>>
<<addLust $Angela 5>>
<<set $AngelaArouse += 2>>\
<<set $McCum += 8>>\
<<text r "-10 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 10>><<addmins 10>>\
[[Continue groping|AngelaTouchBreast]]
[[Touch her ass|AngelaTouchButt]]
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3 && $stamina > 12>>\
[[Spank her|AngelaSpank]]
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]<<if $stamina< 12>>\
<<goto "MCTiredAngela">>\
<<set _AngelaButtArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>\
<<switch _AngelaButtArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>When the most appetizing part of the body is turned in front of you, it is not surprising that you are starting to drool. It's like coming to a restaurant where they show you the most expensive dish. And it doesn’t matter if you can afford it or not, you still want to try it.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, my hand somehow appeared on her butt.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Why are you immediately keit your hand off? What about love at first sight?<</say>>
<<md>>Ha, and she’s not timid, right?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I see poorly... I need to feel.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl did not answer. Well, that’s even better for me. I’ll consider that she likes it.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Ah, what a beautiful view. What a luxurious two halves.<</md>>
<<md>>Is she showing them on purpose? Yes, she wanted me to stop doing nothing and take everything into my own hands.<</md>>
<<md>>The right half of the butt fell into the hands first.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Why does a female butt beckon you, men? I`ve only put on a shorter skirt or narrower shorts and you're right there!<</say>>
<<md>>What a pleasant sensation. It is so elastic and soft... I want to squeeze harder.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Because it`s too attractive. Even if I were a eunuch, I still could not resist such a great temptation.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>If it would have been someone else I`ll slapped it immediately.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So I'm allowed to touch your ass, when I want?<</say>>
<<md>>Angela parted my hand from her butt.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>A slap in the face can still happen...<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>As I approached Angela, she was practicing her yoga poses in the bedroom. Her flexibility and focus were mesmerizing. I couldn't help but smile when I noticed her perfectly toned butt as she held the downward dog position. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head - a cheeky way to get her attention.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let me help you.<</say>>
<<md>>I tiptoed closer and gently placed my hand on her butt, giving it a playful squeeze.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaIntTouchButt1.mp4"></video></div> Angela burst into laughter, losing her balance and tumbling onto the soft carpet. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>You're so silly!It’s not yoga, it’s groping.<</say>>
<<md>>She exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I couldn't resist, your stretching so good.<</say>>
<<md>>I confessed. Angela playfully swatted my hand away before standing up and stretching. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Alright, you got me. Now, how about you join me for some yoga? I bet you can't even touch your toes.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha, I can do more that that!<</say>>
<<md>>I accepted her challenge, and we spent time practicing yoga poses and laughing together. The lighthearted fun and connection we shared that night brought us even closer.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Well you are not so bad…<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, your ass also not so bad. <</say>>
<<md>>Our laughter continued as we moved through various yoga poses together. At one point, Angela was attempting the tree pose, her leg bent at the knee and pressed against her opposite thigh. She wobbled a bit, trying to maintain her balance. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Alright, Mr. Funny Guy, why don't you give this one a try?<</say>>
<<md>>She challenged me, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. I took a deep breath and tried to mimic her pose, but my balance was not as impressive. Just as I was about to fall over, Angela caught me, her hands firmly gripping my waist. We both burst into laughter again as she helped me steady myself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I guess I need more practice.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>We can practice together anytime.<</say>>
<<md>>She whispered, and playfully winked at me. That night, our bedroom transformed into a playground of joy, laughter, and intimacy, creating memories we would cherish forever.<</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>This evening was extremely boring, so I decided to liven it up a bit. In my head, I was searching for something both fun and sexy that would please not only Angela but also my cock.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Angela, do you want to play Twister?<</say>>
<<md>>It looks like she fell into a trap. The main thing is to take our time, and her next turn in this game will be on my cock.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Sure, why not? <</say>>
<<md>>I stepped up to the Twister board, eager to test my agility against Angela’s. She smiled at me, her blue eyes twinkling with mischief. As the spinner spun, I couldn’t help but admire her shapely curves and the way her tight jeans hugged her hips.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let’s go!<</say>>
<<md>>We jostled for position and I felt my heart begin to beat faster as her body brushed against mine. Suddenly, the spinner landed on ‘right foot, blue’ and I tried to reach for the spot, only for my foot to slip and my whole body to tumble forward.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>What a strange position.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaIntTouchButt2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Before I could say anything, I felt my groin pressed against her butt, her tight jeans rubbing me in all the right places. <</md>>
<<md>>I tried to apologize, but all I could manage was a strangled “Uh…”<</md>>
<<md>>Angela just laughed, her eyes shining with amusement. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>It’s okay, it looks like you’re winning anyway.<</say>>
<<md>>I felt my cheeks grow even hotter. I was sure that if I hadn’t been so aroused by the situation, I would have been able to think of something witty to say. Instead, I just nodded and tried my best to extricate myself from the position.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I can let you win…<</say>>
<<md>>As I did so, I couldn’t help but let my hand linger on her butt for a moment. She let out a soft gasp and I felt my arousal skyrocket.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Nope,it’s yours.<</say>>
<<md>>We finished the game, both of us laughing and blushing, and I knew that tonight was going to be one I would never forget.<</md>>
<<case 5>>\
<<md>>I watched with anticipation as Angela and I engaged in an intense pillow fight. Her wild laughter filled the bedroom as we tussled and eventually her pillow connected with my face, sending me sprawling onto the bed. With a deep sigh, I realized that Angela had been injured, as she was now nursing her right arm.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Ouch! It hurts too much!<</say>>
<<md>>I suggested to her that I could massage her arm and she consented. I carefully kneaded her arm, feeling the tension ease away. As I moved my hands further down her arm, I could feel her body relax. I continued to massage her until my hands reached her lower back and I could feel the warmth of her body beneath the fabric of her shirt.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Mhhm…<</say>>
<<md>>My hands moved from her lower back to her butt and I allowed myself to enjoy the sensation of her curves beneath my fingers.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaIntTouchButt3.mp4"></video></div> I felt my breath begin to deepen and I knew my desire for her was growing.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>More…<</say>>
<<md>>Angela seemed to sense my arousal and she flashed me a mischievous smile. I felt my heart skip a beat as she moved in closer to me and whispered. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I like this kind of massage.<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 12>>
<<set $AngelaArouse += 8>>\
<<text r "-12 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 12>><<addmins 12>>\
[[Continue groping|AngelaTouchButt]]
[[Touch her breast|AngelaTouchBreast]]
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3 && $stamina > 12>>\
[[Spank her|AngelaSpank]]
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]<<md>>The other day, Angela lent my laptop, and then broke it. No, everything is fine with it, but I did not want to tell girl about this. Because this is the perfect reason to enjoy her, almost feline, grace.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Is it necessary?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Angela. You know, the punishment must be proportionate to your misconduct.<</say>>
<<md>>Before me was a beautiful view. The girl’s butt trembled from my blows, and a characteristic moan flew from the lips of my neighbor. But nothing beautiful lasts forever.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Is that all?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>We may continue if you liked it...<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Who do you think might like it? My ass is all red...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>This is lovely.<</say>>
<<md>>The main thing is that she does not know about my little trick. However, it seems to me that she herself is not against this.<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 20>>
<<set $AngelaArouse += 10>>\
<<text r "-12 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 12>><<addmins 12>>\
[[Spank her again|AngelaSpank]]
[[Touch her ass|AngelaTouchButt]]
[[Touch her breast|AngelaTouchBreast]]
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]<<if $stamina< 9>>
<<goto "MCTiredAngela">>
<<set _AngelaFlirtArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _AngelaFlirtArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>The relationship between me and Angela is developing rapidly. She seems to be in the mood for a little game right now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You have a smile so wide ... almost like my bed!<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Good bed choice!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you like to sleep diagonally?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I like to sleep soundly<</say>>
<<say $mc>>After whom?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>After a hard day's work.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you have work nights?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I feel there will be few soon!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>For almost the whole evening, my neighbor did just that, she spoke only about work. It's time to turn the conversation to a little different direction.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Think about work, not about me.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes, I’m thinking about work.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It is strange... but it would be time for you to be plagued by thoughts about me!<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Agreed! I'll start tomorrow!<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 9>>
<<text r "-9 stamina">>\
<<set $stamina -= 9>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]
<<if $Angela.AffectionLvl gte 3>>\
<<md>>The longer I talk with Angela, the more I understand how much I like her. Her smile, body, attitude to life. If I will not be hurry, someone else will notice.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>You look a little frustrated. Are you all right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, it’s just that I have been tormented by one very important issue for the last days. Even two.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>What is this?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>First, why are you so beautiful? Every time I look at you, I don’t understand how you can be so beautiful?<</say>>
<<md>>The most beautiful smile in the world shone on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Well, seems it is not prohibited by law and the 16th century has long passed and more people like me, who are beautiful and frank, are not burned at the fire. And the second question?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Angela, we’ve known each other for some time and I’m not good at hiding my feelings from you. Now, when you know all this, do you want to spend time with me?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>And what are we doing now?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not like now or before. Would you like to go on a date with me?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>With joy! I've been waiting for this for so long!<</say>>
<<md>>Wait, what? She had been waiting for this for a long time?<</md>>
<<set $AngelaDateAgree = 1>>
[[Go on date|AngelaDate]]
<<set _AngelaDateNegArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _AngelaDateNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Angela>>You are, of course, a nice guy, but let's not rush, okay? I’m sure you will find many suitable girls for this.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Invite a girl you like on a date? Nothing is simpler.<</md>>
<<md>>You just need to turn on in yourself what I call the “super handsome mode.” Maximum confidence, minimum nerves - and no one can resist me!<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Do you invite me on a date?<</say>>
<<md>>Blush flashed on Angela's face - a sure sign of success.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yeah, why not?<</say>>
<<md>>As I said - nothing is easier. They are all bought for it.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Why dumb Angela not go on a date with someone she doesn’t even really know?<</say>>
<<md>>Wait a minute! I did not expect this.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>She's stupid Angela, not picky, and doesn't value herself so much that she agrees to anyone!<</say>>
<<md>>She is too excited by my proposal. Better get out of here as far as possible...<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Who do you think I am?! A stupid street girl?<</say>>
<<md>>"Super handsome mode" failed. I need to come up with something else. In the meantime, lie low for a while.<</md>>
<<set $Refusals += 1>>
<<text r "-15 stamina">>\
<<set $stamina -= 15>>\
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]<<if $stamina< 12>>
<<goto "MCTiredAngela">>
<<set _AngelaKissArray = [ 1, 2,3]>>\
<<switch _AngelaKissArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Sometimes it’s impossible to control yourself. Actually, I do not want to.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Mmm... Who taught you to kiss like that?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl's voice sounds a little lower than usual. She is excited and clearly tasted.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Is too passionate and cool? You can’t resist and are already all wet inside? This is my special technique.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Special technique? I believe this can be called that. But your “special” technique needs a skilled teacher who will allow it to become better. Fortunately for you, there is one person who will teach you to be in this guru.<</say>>
<<md>>Let her just say that I do not kiss well, I like what she tends to.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And she's pretty?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Shut up and kiss me again.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>An electric discharge ran between us as soon as our tongues touched.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Today your lips feel differently. It’s like I fell into a hot volcano full of passion and desire.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don’t understand you like or...<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I don’t remember that I pushed you, screaming or slapping you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, that's right.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Angela's lips are so soft and warm that I do not want to let them go. I want to always feel the wonderful taste of passion.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>What a pleasant feeling. Why haven’t we done this before?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Because you`ve played prude.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Prude? Come here, I’ll show this prude to your tongue .<</say>>
<<md>>Our lips touched again, when suddenly...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ouch! You`ve bit me.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>This is for a prude!<</say>>
<<md>>What a hot girl!<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 5>>\
<<set $AngelaArouse += 4>>\
<<set $McCum += 2>>\
<<text r "-12 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 12>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]<<if $stamina< 14>>\
<<goto "MCTiredAngela">>\
<<if $AngelaCum2 == 1>>\
<<goto "AngelaCum">>\
<<if $AngelaCum > 100>><<goto "AngelaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumAngela">><</if>>\
<<set _AngelaPetsList = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _AngelaPetsList.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Her naked neck seemed to be calling me to me, so without thinking, I began to cover Angela’s body with light, barely noticeable kisses.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I see you in a good mood today...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Could it be otherwise when such a beauty is in front of me?<</say>>
<<md>>She began to breathe louder - a sure sign of excitement.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes... I admit, you found my weak spot...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>This is too wonderful spot!<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Don't stop, otherwise I will go crazy. Too good...<</say>>
<<md>>Her body responded to my caresses over and over again until I finished my tricky business.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I feel very good now.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>My heart raced as my eyes slowly scanned over her body. I took a deep breath and moved closer to the bed, kneeling down before her. She smiled and I could feel my pulse quickening.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Love you…<</say>>
<<md>>I leaned in and kissed her softly as I reached out to caress her body. My hands moved up and down her curves, sending shivers down my spine. I could feel her body heat radiating off of her as I kissed her neck and chest.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And your body…<</say>>
<<md>>My fingers moved downward, tracing circles on her stomach before finding their way to her inner thighs. I gently pushed them apart, revealing the wetness that awaited me.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yeah…<</say>>
<<md>>I moved my fingers in slow circles, tracing the curves of her inner walls. I could feel her breathing become more erratic as I increased the intensity of my touch.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaIntFingering1.mp4"></video></div>
She moaned softly in pleasure and I moved my fingers faster, eliciting louder sounds of delight from her.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Don’t stop…<</say>>
<<md>>As I felt her body tense and her breathing become more shallow, I knew she was close. I continued to move my fingers in circles, until finally she reached her climax and I felt her body quivering beneath me.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Fuck yeah!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>I couldn't help but feel like I had won the lottery when I saw Angela laying on her bed, wearing nothing but a white t-shirt. She beckoned me closer, her eyes glinting with mischief. I eagerly crept closer, my heart pounding.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Come here…<</say>>
<<md>>She guided my hand to her panties and I felt them dampening with anticipation. I could barely contain myself as I started to explore her with my fingertips, my touch sending shivers through her body.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are so wet, Angela…<</say>>
<<md>>I carefully explored her, like a treasure hunter searching for buried riches. My fingertips danced around her, exploring every inch of her body with a gentle touch. She let out soft moans of pleasure as I explored her, sending my excitement into overdrive.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>It’s so good, $mc.Name…<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaIntFingering2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>My hands moved lower, and I could feel her heat radiating off of her. I moved my fingers in slow circles, like a painter creating a masterpiece. I could feel her body responding to my touch, her muscles tensing and releasing with each stroke.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>So good…Yeah…More…<</say>>
<<md>>When I finally reached my destination, I felt like I had uncovered a hidden gem. I started to move my fingers in a gentle rhythm, and I could feel her body shaking with pleasure. I continued to explore her, my fingers creating a beautiful melody.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wow, so intense.<</say>>
<<md>>We both felt the intensity of the moment, and we could feel it building as I kept fingering her. Finally, we both reached our peak, and it felt like I was soaring through the sky. We collapsed in a heap, both of us feeling satisfied and fulfilled.<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 8>>
<<text r "-14 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 14>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $AngelaCum += 12>>\
<<set $McCum += 12>>\
<<if $AngelaCum > 100>><<set $AngelaCum = 100>><<set $AngelaCum2 = 1>><</if>>\
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Keep going fingering" 15 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaPetting">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start handjob" 7 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "Angelahandjob">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 6 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBlowjob">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 15 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaFooting">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start titsjob" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBreastFuck">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start cuni" 12 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaCuni">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start vaginal" 16 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 18 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start fetish" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $AngelaCum2 == 1>>\
<</if>>\<<if $AngelaCum2 == 1>>\
<<goto "AngelaCum">>
<<if $stamina< 15>>
<<goto "MCTiredAngela">>
<<if $AngelaCum > 100>><<goto "AngelaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumAngela">><</if>>\
<<set _AngelaFootingArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _AngelaFootingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>It seems that today Angela’s day was hard. It will not be superfluous to earn a few points of her favor, by helping her to take off shoes.<</md>>
<<md>>Then this thought occurred to me...<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Is something wrong? You do not take your eyes off my legs, as if they are the most valuable in the whole planet.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It seems that I'm crazy about them.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Only about them or about me too? Wait a minute...<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes fixed on my trousers, from where something bulged out.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Are you getting hard while helping me take off my shoes?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Will you blame me?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>No, I have a better idea...<</say>>
<<md>>As if she always did, she deftly unfastened the button, allowing dick to jump out. And after that she began to do magic, from which I was almost dizzy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Angela, you...<</say>>
<<md>>Her feet hugged my cock very tight, moving with him to the beat. My tension grew every second...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are incredible-E-E-E!<</say>>
<<md>>Unable to restrain myself anymore, I let my pleasure splash onto my neighbor's feet.<</md>>
<<md>>What a gorgeous woman!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>You have such beautiful legs... The best legs in the world.<</say>>
<<md>>I didn’t lie. I really liked Angela's legs. If there was a reward for the best legs, then I would give it to the girl next to me.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>What do you mean?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I also have something wonderful in my pants that I should take good care of. And it is too much stress...<</say>>
<<md>>She bit her lip and winked to me slyly.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Do you mean that you want me to do it with my legs?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I do not want this, but I long for it.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Well, I suppose nothing bad will happen...<</say>>
<<md>>Her legs grabbed my cock, tightly, as if he were their support and hope.<</md>>
<<if $AngelaImage63Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage63Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>The touch increased tension in me, allowing Angela to see my cock in all its glory.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>I can feel her legs around my waist and her hands firmly gripping my hips as she begins to move up and down.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaIntFooting1.mp4"></video></div>
She moves her legs in a steady rhythm, jerking my cock with each thrust. I can feel her heat radiating off of her and the intensity of her grip as she increases the pace.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mmmh…<</say>>
<<md>>My breathing becomes more labored as I reach the brink of climax, and I throw my head back in pleasure as I feel her legs tighten around me. She's pushing me further and further over the edge, and I can't help but moan in pleasure as she continues to jerk me off with her legs.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah…Your legs so fine.<</say>>
<<md>>Angela's eyes are locked with mine as she takes me to the heights of pleasure, and I can feel my whole body trembling as I reach the ultimate climax. I'm left breathless as I feel my body shudder with pleasure, and I can see the satisfied look on Angela's face as she releases her grip.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Now you tamed me, ha-ha. <</say>>
<<md>>I lay there panting, my body still trembling with pleasure from the experience. I glance up at Angela and can't help but smile as I thank her for the most amazing experience of my life.<</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>I felt my body tremble with anticipation as Angela's legs entwined around my waist. Her smooth, supple skin pressed against me, sending a wave of pleasure coursing through my veins. I looked into her eyes, and they were alive with the same desire that I felt.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah!<</say>>
<<md>>Her hands moved up and down my length, her touch gentle yet firm. I could feel her heat radiating off of her body, and it only intensified the pleasure that I was feeling.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Let’s go…<</say>>
<<md>>Angela then began to move her legs in a rhythmical motion, her grip tightening around me as she did so. I felt my body responding to her touch, each stroke sending an electric current through me. I was in a trance-like state, unable to control the sensations coursing through my body.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Go on…More…<</say>>
<<md>>It felt like Angela was an expert at her craft, as if she had been doing this for years. Her movements were like a symphony, each one more passionate than the last. I felt my pleasure mounting, and I was powerless to stop it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I can’t hold it!<</say>>
<<md>>Finally, I reached my climax, and I let out a loud moan of pleasure. Angela smiled at me, her eyes twinkling with satisfaction. In that moment, I felt like I was floating on a cloud of pure bliss.<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 20>>
<<set $AngelaCum += 6>>\
<<if $AngelaCum > 100>><<set $AngelaCum = 100>><<set $AngelaCum2 = 1>><</if>>\
<<text r "-15 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 15>><<addmins 5>>\
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Keep going footjob" 15 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaFooting">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 6 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBlowjob">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start titsjob" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBreastFuck">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start handjob" 7 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "Angelahandjob">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start fisting" 15 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaFisting">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start cuni" 12 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaCuni">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start vaginal" 16 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 18 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start fetish" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $AngelaCum2 == 1>>\
<</if>>\<<if $stamina< 6>>\
<<goto "MCTiredAngela">>\
<<if $AngelaCum2 == 1>>\
<<goto "AngelaCum">>\
<<if $AngelaCum > 100>><<goto "AngelaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumAngela">><</if>>\
<<set _AngelaBlowjobArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _AngelaBlowjobArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>There is no woman in the world who at least once does not keep to a diet. Fortunately for Angela, I have a special diet here, very healthy and orgasmic.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Have you heard that to prolong a happy life a woman needs to consume protein regularly?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes, I try to make my menu that way, that there were meat and fish and other products containing protein.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But you broke the main rule of this diet!<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Which one?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You don't take male protein. Fortunately, I am ready to help you in this difficult task! Your personal waiter has arrived.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes stared directly at what was between my legs.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh, this is so kind of you! Well, then let's stick to your recommendations, master nutritionist!<</say>>
<<md>>Like a submissive slave, she knelt down and slowly pulled off my pants.<</md>>
<<md>>Feeling her breath on my penis, I woke up even more desires. She gently held her tongue to my dignity, playing with the most sensitive part.<</md>>
<<md>>Having played enough, she plunged a dick in her throat. Lord, how enchanting the view. I didn’t think she looked so sexy with my dick in her mouth. It was as if my neighbor’s hidden sexuality was now awake.<</md>>
<<md>>Very soon, thanks to a skillful tongue and a very deep throat, the right protein filled the girl's tongue.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Mmm, it seems you know a lot about this business! How many times a week should I stick to this diet?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>As often as possible!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>The evening was cozy. We lay on a comfortable bed: me, Angela and her head near my cock.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Your head is too close... If you do not want to please my dick with your mouth, then it would be better to move a little further.<</say>>
<<md>>She sexually licked her index finger and took it out, bit her lip.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>What do you think I'm trying to do?<</say>>
<<md>>Her warm hand touched what was between my legs.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Let's free the prisoner in your pants.<</say>>
<<md>>As if hearing these words, in my pants it became even more tightly, until she pulled off my damned pants.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Wow, I haven’t seen something so delicious for a long time. Okay, relax and have fun.<</say>>
<<md>> As she lovingly held her tongue from the base of the penis to the head several times, the more she provoked my desire to penetrate this hot mouth and cause complete debauchery there.<</md>>
<<md>>Directing her mouth, I moved the penis and feel a wave of pleasure covering me.<</md>>
<<md>>And after the sperm sprayed a plentiful stream on the girl.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>It seems like too much desire has accumulated in you. But no problems, we will fix it next time.<</say>>
<<md>>Next time... Yes, it's a great!<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>I watched as Angela slowly made her way down my body, her lips trailing softly against my skin before finally settling on my manhood. I shuddered in pleasure as her tongue snaked out, caressing me with a gentle, teasing touch. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah…<</say>>
<<md>>Angela's mouth was a perfect fit around my cock, and I groaned as she started to move her head up and down, her soft lips and warm tongue working their magic. I grabbed a handful of her hair as her pace increased, her moans of pleasure echoing in the air as she moved faster and faster. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Your tongue drive me crazy…<</say>>
<<md>>I felt my own pleasure start to build, and I could tell that Angela was getting close too. I could feel her trembling against me as her movements became more and more frantic.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaIntSuck1.mp4"></video></div>
I grabbed her head and held her against me as I felt my orgasm start to take over me. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Eat my seed!<</say>>
<<md>>Angela let out a loud moan as I came, her body shaking as I released my pleasure into her mouth. She kept her lips pressed against me until I was completely finished, then slowly pulled away with a satisfied grin on her face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are realy pro!<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Thanks!<</say>>
<<md>>I lay there in awe of what had just happened, still feeling the aftershocks of pleasure coursing through my veins. I looked up at Angela, who was still grinning from ear to ear, and I couldn't help but smile back. I had never experienced anything so intense before, and I could tell that Angela had enjoyed it just as much as I had.<</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>I felt like I was in a trance as I watched Angela's lips wrap around me. They moved with a grace that can only be compared to a ballet dancer gliding across the stage. Her head moved up and down, and I felt a wave of pleasure wash over me with every stroke.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah…<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes were closed and her face was a mask of pleasure. I could tell she was completely lost in the moment and I loved it. I could feel my body responding to her touch and I started to move with her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Suck it…<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaIntSuck2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I felt like I was in a dream as Angela's tongue flicked and teased me. I was teetering on the edge of bliss and I could feel the pressure building inside me. She moved faster and faster, her lips sliding up and down in a perfect rhythm that sent me over the edge.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, damn…<</say>>
<<md>>I gasped as Angela's mouth sent me flying into a sea of pleasure. I felt like I was soaring through the clouds as wave after wave of pleasure washed over me. It was like I was in a trance and I never wanted it to end.<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 12>>
<<set $AngelaCum += 2>>\
<<if $AngelaCum > 100>><<set $AngelaCum = 100>><<set $AngelaCum2 = 1>><</if>>\
<<set $McCum += 22>>\
<<set $stamina -= 6>><<addmins 10>>\
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Keep going blowjob" 6 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBlowjob">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 15 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaFooting">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start titsjob" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBreastFuck">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start handjob" 7 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "Angelahandjob">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start fisting" 15 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaFisting">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start cuni" 12 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaCuni">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start vaginal" 16 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 18 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start fetish" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $AngelaCum2 == 1>>\
<</if>>\<<if $stamina< 10>>\
<<goto "MCTiredAngela">>\
<<if $AngelaCum2 == 1>>\
<<goto "AngelaCum">>\
<<if $AngelaCum > 100>><<goto "AngelaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumAngela">><</if>>\
<<set _AngelaTitsList = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _AngelaTitsList.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Surely you were told that you have a damn gorgeous breast.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>It's strange, but so few spoke it directly to me. And why is it so... Ha ha!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don’t understand why you don’t use it? After all, it is, for sure, driving men crazy.A for me, I keep thinking about...<</say>>
<<md>>I stopped myself by half a word, considering whether should talk with Angela about my fetish. But it was too late. Words were spoken and the girl's curiosity was working.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>What are you thinking about? What dirty thought keeps you from living peacefully?<</say>>
<<md>>Well, you`ve asked for this!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How much I want to fuck you between tits. How my dick will glide between these beauties. It will be wonderful.<</say>>
<<md>>For an instant, an awkward pause hung in the air.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I'm not sure I`m sharing your excitement about this, but why don't we try it right now?<</say>>
<<md>>Without even waiting for my answer, she threw off all her clothes. Without making the girl wait, I did the same.<</md>>
<<md>>Her breast in this light looks especially bewitching. But it wil bel looking even better, when...<</md>>
<<md>>Angela grabbed my cock with her breasts and began to move them up and down. A simple movement, but how much pleasure it delivers. This is definitely better than regular masturbation!<</md>>
<<md>>Her movements became more ragged and faster, from which the heat inside the penis reached its maximum.<</md>>
<<md>>Trembling with pleasure, I splashed everything out onto a beautiful chest.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>What are you thinking now?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That we will repeat it soon .<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Ha ha! You're incorrigible!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>I looked down at Angela, her eyes closed and her head tilted back with pleasure. Her lips were parted, and I could see her chest rising and falling in anticipation. She was ready for me. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come here.<</say>>
<<md>>I moved closer to her, my hands gliding up her soft curves until I reached her chest. She gasped as I cupped her breasts in my hands, my thumbs rubbing circles over her nipples. I felt her chest shudder beneath my touch, and I smiled in satisfaction.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, hello big sisters…<</say>>
<<md>>My hands moved down her body, exploring her curves while she let out soft moans of pleasure. When I reached her stomach, I paused, letting my fingers linger there. Then I moved back up, my hands tracing her delicate skin until they reached her breasts again.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>So good.<</say>>
<<md>>This time, I didn't stop. I kept stroking, teasing her nipples until they were hard and full. I ran my thumbs along them, and I could feel Angela's body trembling with pleasure. I moved my hands in circles, massaging her breasts and playing with her nipples.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah…<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaIntTitFuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Angela's moans grew louder, her body moving with each stroke. I felt her chest heaving, and I knew I had her in the palm of my hand. With each movement, I could feel her getting closer and closer to the edge. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It’s amazing!<</say>>
<<md>>Finally, I pulled away and Angela let out a deep sigh. I knew she was satisfied, and I felt proud that I had given her such pleasure. I smiled as I looked down at her, feeling like I had taken her on a journey of pleasure.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>The moment I felt Angela's soft lips wrap around my hardening cock, I was lost in pure pleasure. Her touch was gentle, yet firm, and each time her lips moved along my shaft, I felt my body quiver.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>You like my tits?<</say>>
<<md>>Angela made sure to pay special attention to my sensitive head, licking and sucking until I was ready to burst. I could feel my orgasm building, but Angela wasn't ready to let me go just yet. She took her time, teasing me with her tongue until I was on the brink of ecstasy.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>We’ll show you special treat.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaIntTitFuck2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Finally, she began to move her hand up and down my shaft, bobbing her head up and down to the rhythm. Her grip was gentle yet firm, and it felt like she was massaging my cock with her hand. I felt a wave of pleasure ripple through me, and I knew it was time to let go.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>It’s so hot!<</say>>
<<md>>Angela kept up the titjob until I couldn't take it anymore. I felt my body tense up and my orgasm rush through me. Angela kept up her rhythm, making sure to milk every last drop of pleasure from me. I felt completely carried away by pleasure, and it was one of the most intense experiences I had ever had.<</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>I lay on Angela's bed, looking up at her with a mischievous grin.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, what do you say we take things up a notch?<</say>>
<<md>>Angela smiled at me and stepped closer, her hands resting lightly on my chest.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>What did you have in mind?<</say>>
<<md>>She asked, her voice low and seductive.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think you know.<</say>>
<<md>>I reached up and cupped her face in my hands. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>But just in case, let me show you.<</say>>
<<md>>I leaned forward and kissed her, my hands still on her face. She moaned softly, and the kiss grew more passionate. I pulled away and grinned at her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now, let's try something a little different.<</say>>
<<md>>I slowly ran my hands down her body, pausing to cup her breasts in my hands. She gasped, arching her back and pushing herself closer to me. I smiled and continued my exploration of her body, eventually making my way to her nipples.<</md>>
<<md>>I teased them with my fingers, circling them and lightly pinching them. Angela moaned louder and I smiled, taking both of her nipples into my mouth and sucking on them gently. She gasped and pushed herself even closer, and I felt her body trembling with pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>I released her nipples with a pop and smiled.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's try something else.<</say>>
<<md>>I took her hand and guided it to my crotch, letting her feel the hardness beneath my pants. She gasped and I grinned, guiding her hand to stroke me.<</md>>
<<md>>Angela's lips parted in surprise and I felt my body responding to her touch.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaIntTitFuck3.mp4"></video></div> I guided her hand faster and faster, until I was close to the edge. I moaned her name and she responded by taking me into her mouth and giving me a titjob that sent me over the edge.<</md>>
<<md>>When it was over, I lay back against the pilows, panting and satisfied. Angela smiled at me and kissed me gently.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Well, that was certainly something different.<</say>>
<<md>>I laughed and pulled her close, burying my face in her neck.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It sure was.<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 20>>
<<set $AngelaCum += 5>>\
<<if $AngelaCum > 100>><<set $AngelaCum = 100>><<set $AngelaCum2 = 1>><</if>>\
<<text r "-10 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 10>><<addmins 10>>\
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Keep going titsjob" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBreastFuck">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 6 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBlowjob">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 15 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaFooting">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start handjob" 7 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "Angelahandjob">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start fisting" 15 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaFisting">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start cuni" 12 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaCuni">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start vaginal" 16 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 18 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start fetish" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $AngelaCum2 == 1>>\
<</if>>\<<if $stamina< 15>>\
<<goto "MCTiredAngela">>\
<<if $AngelaCum2 == 1>>\
<<goto "AngelaCum">>
<<if $AngelaCum > 100>><<goto "AngelaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumAngela">><</if>>\
<<say $mc>>I`ve already told you how much I admire your body? Every bit of it, every angle and detail. You are perfect in all manifestations.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>If a man starts with a compliment, then he needs something from a woman. And if you start from afar - I don’t even know what to think. Light feelings and lust are so mixed in you that I’m not sure if I understand where what.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Didn’t you want to at least once check how far your body can go? Understand where your limit is.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I have no limits and boundaries. Restrictions kill all beauty.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then you will not mind if I offer you something far from everyday life? Something of the size of my fist...<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Between my legs?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah...<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>You know, once I was offered fisting, and then I refused. But they were not you, they were not so attractive and convincing...<</say>>
<<md>>Hell, these are the most beautiful words I heard from her lips.<</md>>
<<md>>Carefully laying Angela on the bed, I began to free her from what was killing the whole beauty of her body. When the clothes were on the floor, only she was left in front of me - a real and beautiful girl next door.<</md>>
<<md>>My finger carefully penetrated between her legs. If I do it right now, I can create an aversion to fisting. But I want to show her how beautiful it is. <</md>>
<<md>>Slowly, one by one, my fingers hid in her pussy, and then my hand. Her body shuddered from my every movement inside.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>She began to understand. Satisfying watching the process, I smiled and continued to give her pleasure, until my hand was irrigated by her juices.<</md>>
<<md>>That's what I call go beyond the borders!<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 26>>
<<set $stamina -= 15>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $AngelaCum += 14>>\
<<set $McCum += 14>>\
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Keep going fisting" 15 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaFisting">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 6 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBlowjob">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 15 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaFooting">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start titsjob" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBreastFuck">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start handjob" 7 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "Angelahandjob">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start cuni" 12 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaCuni">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start vaginal" 16 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 18 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start fetish" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $AngelaCum > 100>><<set $AngelaCum = 100>><<set $AngelaCum2 = 1>><</if>>\
<<if $AngelaCum2 == 1>>\
<<if $stamina< 16>>\
<<goto "MCTiredAngela">>\
<<if $AngelaCum > 100>><<goto "AngelaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumAngela">><</if>>\
<<md>>Angela and I lay in bed and shared what happened to us today.<</md>>
<<md>>Suddenly, as if she was a rider, she sat on top of me.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I never told you, but with you I feel in good hands. Our relationship is the best that has happened to me in a long time...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And to me.<</say>>
<<md>>Damn how sexy she is right now. I can’t think of anything except her body.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I propose to fix it with something solid. For example, my dick in your pussy!<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Wow! I'm talking to him about feelings, and he...<</say>>
<<md>>She hit me on the shoulder almost childishly. I knew she was not angry, but just joking in that way.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>But I like the idea, like your whole body, including your dick...<</say>>
<<talk "Start missionary" 16 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginalMissionary">><</talk>>
<<if $mc.Intellect > 4 && $mc.Strength > 4>>\
<<talk "Start doggy" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginalDoggy">><</talk>>
<<if $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start spooning" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginalSpooning">><</talk>>
<<if $stamina< 18>>
<<goto "MCTiredAngela">>
<<if $AngelaCum2 == 1>>\
<<goto "AngelaCum">>
<<if $AngelaCum > 100>><<goto "AngelaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumAngela">><</if>>\
<<set _AngelaAnalList = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _AngelaAnalList.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>You know, they say nothing so satisfies a man as a forbidden fruit.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Do you have anything forbidden?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Me - not, but society thinks differently. For a long time it was believed that the love of anal sex is something very perverted. But scientifically proven otherwise. The benefits of anal sex are so great that in many countries it is even recommended instead of regular sex.<</say>>
<<md>>Angela ran her fingers across my cheek.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Why, always, when you start talking about the types of sex I have an irresistible desire to experience it all this with you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Does it mean that...<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes Yes!<</say>>
<<md>>I don`t need more words. Like a savage, I grabbed Angela by the hair and kissed on the neck. With a sharp movement, all her clothes flew to the floor. <</md>>
<<md>> Her sweet ass was opened before me, which I squeezed tightly. <</md>>
<<md>>Loud slap - Angela screeched in surprise. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Someone seems to get wet from one thought.<</say>>
<<md>>Her pussy oozed with juices. But, today the turn of two halves. Having put a little lubricant on my fingers, I inserted them into a sweet hole. The result is even better than I can imagine.<</md>>
<<md>>What if...<</md>>
<<md>>The head of the dick slowly entered her ass...<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Ahhhh...<</say>>
<<md>>The moan that broke from her lips only aroused me even more. The pressure on the penis was pleasant. It does not seem to hurt her. No, Angela moaned more and more beautifully each time, until I completely entered her.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I feel your every centimeter. My ass loves how it feels.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>This is just the beginning, baby.<</say>>
<<md>>When I started moving her moans turned into a cry of pleasure. Angela joyfully twirled the ass on my cock, helping herself with her hands.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Fuck, how good!<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Cum, $mc.Name! Fill it with your hot seed!<</say>>
<<md>>I moved to the limit of my abilities, enjoying how hot Angela was. What a beautiful body. And it belongs to me now.<</md>>
<<md>>And I just cum in it.<</md>>
<<md>>Sperm started pouring from the ass. What a chic look!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>I was so excited to finally have Angela in my bed. I had been fantasizing about her for months and I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself when I finally got her alone.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Angela!<</say>>
<<md>>My hands roamed her body, exploring her curves and feeling her soft skin. I felt her body quiver under my touch as I moved my hands lower and lower. I could feel her heat radiating through her body, and I knew she was ready for me.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh, $mc.Name!<</say>>
<<md>>I moved my hand to her butt and rubbed her gently, feeling her muscles tense and relax with my touch. She moaned and writhed under me, and I felt my desire for her grow even stronger.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, you like it?<</say>>
<<md>>I moved my hand lower and started to stroke her anus, feeling her body tremble with pleasure. Her breathing was becoming more and more erratic, and I knew she was ready for me.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh yeah!<</say>>
<<md>>I moved my body over hers, positioning myself to enter her. I felt her body tense as I slowly pushed myself inside her tight hole. She moaned loudly as I began to thrust in and out of her, and I felt her body quiver with pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>More!More!<</say>>
<<md>>We moved together in perfect harmony, and soon I felt the pleasure building up inside of me. I increased my speed, pushing myself deeper and deeper into Angela.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaIntAnal1.mp4"></video></div> She screamed out in pleasure as I reached my climax, her body shaking with the intensity of her orgasm.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>It’s godlike!<</say>>
<<md>>I collapsed beside her, feeling completely satisfied. This had been the best night of my life, and I knew that I would never forget this moment. Angela and I had just shared an incredible experience together, and I was grateful for every second of it.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>I was so excited to finally have Angela in my bed. I had been fantasizing about her for months and I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself when I finally got her alone.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name…<</say>>
<<md>>My hands roamed her body, exploring her curves and feeling her soft skin. I felt her body quiver under my touch as I moved my hands lower and lower. I could feel her heat radiating through her body, and I knew she was ready for me.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Enter me…I want your big cock!<</say>>
<<md>>I moved my hand to her butt and rubbed her gently, feeling her muscles tense and relax with my touch. She moaned and writhed under me, and I felt my desire for her grow even stronger.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Please, I want that cock in my ass!<</say>>
<<md>>I moved my hand lower and started to stroke her anus, feeling her body tremble with pleasure. Her breathing was becoming more and more erratic, and I knew she was ready for me.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yeah!More!<</say>>
<<md>>I moved my body over hers, positioning myself to enter her. I felt her body tense as I slowly pushed myself inside her tight hole. She moaned loudly as I began to thrust in and out of her, and I felt her body quiver with pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Fuck me like a slut!<</say>>
<<md>>We moved together in perfect harmony, and soon I felt the pleasure building up inside of me. I increased my speed, pushing myself deeper and deeper into Angela. She screamed out in pleasure as I reached my climax, her body shaking with the intensity of her orgasm.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Wow, that was intense. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>I was feeling incredibly horny as I stepped into the bedroom. Angela was already there, lounging on the bed in nothing but some skimpy lingerie. She looked up at me with a seductive smirk and I could feel my pulse racing.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Do you want it?<</say>>
<<md>>I moved towards her, feeling my cock hardening with anticipation. She reached up and started to unbutton my shirt, her hands caressing my chest. I could feel her body heat radiating off her as I leaned in to kiss her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, you are the one I want the most.<</say>>
<<md>>Angela pulled me down on top of her, pressing her body against mine. I could feel her nipples hardening through the thin fabric of her lingerie and I let out a low growl.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>You are so romantic!<</say>>
<<md>>Angela grabbed my face and kissed me hard, her tongue exploring my mouth hungrily. I moved my hands down to her hips and started to grind against her, feeling her soft curves beneath my body.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Show me how you want me!<</say>>
<<md>>She reached down and grabbed my cock, guiding it between her legs. I felt her wet heat pressing against me and I let out a gasp. She started to move her hips against me, pushing me deeper and deeper into her.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yeah…I like it!<</say>>
<<md>>Angela reached up and grabbed my hair, pulling my face to hers as she started to moan. I could feel her tightness around me as I drove into her, pushing deeper and harder with each thrust.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Fuck me more! Stretch that ass!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaIntAnal2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She started to scream out as I pounded her harder, her body shaking beneath me. I could feel my own orgasm building as I kept thrusting into her, and with one last cry she came hard, her body clenching around me.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>God…<</say>>
<<md>>I followed shortly after, my body shuddering as I filled her with my release. We both lay there, panting, our bodies still intertwined. This was the best rough anal sex I had ever experienced.<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 20>>
<<set $AngelaCum += 14>>\
<<if $AngelaCum > 100>><<set $AngelaCum = 100>><<set $AngelaCum2 = 1>><</if>>\
<<set $stamina -= 18>><<addmins 20>>\
<<set $McCum += 20>>\
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Keep going anal" 18 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 6 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBlowjob">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 15 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaFooting">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start titsjob" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBreastFuck">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start handjob" 7 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "Angelahandjob">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start fisting" 15 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaFisting">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start cuni" 12 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaCuni">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start vaginal" 16 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start fetish" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $AngelaCum2 == 1>>\
<<md>>The bed creaks loudly and trembles.<</md>>
<<md>>My mind begins to melt. The softness and warmth of Angela's body is also transmitted to me. Now her body is so attractive that I want to ask myself if I am dreaming.<</md>>
<<md>>Every inch of her body trembles with pleasure. Her voice is getting louder and that makes her more attractive. If it is an obsession, then so beautiful.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Aaaaah...<</say>>
<<md>>Is there something more beautiful than this sound?<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Ahhhh... Ahhh...<</say>>
<<md>>Is there something more beautiful than this hot body? She is like a perfect flower and now she is waiting for a new flowering.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Ahhh... Yes... Ahhh… Cummiiii… nngg!!!<</say>>
<<md>>Pleasure absorbs Angela and she is completely surrendered to the power of pleasant sensations. Juices flow from her. Along with this, her body relaxes. With no strength, she falls onto the bed.<</md>>
<<md>>Here it is, my reward!<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 33>>
<<addAff $Angela 33>>
<<set $AngelaCum = 0>>\
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBlowjob">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start titsjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBreastFuck">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaPetting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start vaginal" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start anal" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaAnal">><</talk>>
<<set $GirlCum += 1>>\
<<set $AngelaCum2 = 0>>\
[[Stand up|Angela's room]]<<md>>I feel a wave of pleasure spread from my fingertips to the top of my head.<</md>>
<<md>>My thoughts are like a blank sheet now, but I think only about how wonderful this moment is.<</md>>
<<md>>From every action, from every look and sound of the girl who is near me, I feel great.<</md>>
<<md>>The wave rolls on me with renewed vigor, playing with the most sensitive places. My whole body seems to be covered with needles. Needles of pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>This unbearably pleasant feeling makes me think of only one thing. About how white liquid will splash out. About how sexy the one who is next to me and what award she will receive right now. She wants it too much, and I can’t resist what I see.<</md>>
<<md>>Surrendering to the power of the senses, I allow myself to do what I want most. The wave finally covers me completely, and with it my seed shoots.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes! Your stick and seed is the best what woman can dream of!<</say>>
<<md>>How nice to feel so satisfied. Life will be beautiful if every time it ends like this.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Than I will be your dream neighbour any time of a day.<</say>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
<<set $McCum = 0>>\
[[Stand up|Angela's room]]<<if $Lexi5 > 0>>\
<<md>>The voice of the bell, like an unobtrusive melody, reminded about end of the lesson.<</md>>
<<md>> The students slowly began to wander out of the classroom, leaving me alone with Lexi. I need to talk to the girl about what happened in the park and after. I care not only about her body, but also about the weird guys who surrounded her. It doesn't look like they were just random passers-by. No, there's something else...<</md>>
<<md>>Unlike the past times, when Lexi was hanging around me, today? Almost constantly, she decided not to stay in the audience. I didn't even have time to call out for her, as she slipped away with Veronica. <</md>>
<<md>>What are these two up to?<</md>>
[[Follow them|LQ5Cor]]
<</if>>\<<if $Lexi6 > 0>>\
<<md>>I took a sigh of relief. Finally, that day was over. Unfortunately, it didn't end the way I had planned for myself. Neither my wishes nor my curiosity about Lexi were completely satisfied. At least at the school everything was fine. <</md>>
<<md>>Well, I could use a hot shower right now. Water will wash away all the fatigue after a hard day and will bring only calm. <</md>>
[[Take a shower|LQ6Sh]]
<<if $Lexi7 > 0>>\
<<md>>Physical health is an important part of our lives. You could be a damn smart and charismatic person, but it wouldn't make any sense if you could run away from someone or stand up for a girl.<</md>>
<<md>>Every day I see students who don't care about their health at all. The only thing they're interested in is entertainment. Yes, I guess I were exactly the same at school, but now everything's changed.<</md>>
<<md>>I'm not going to hide it, it's all about Lexi. I can't get the gloomy images of those guys in the park out of my head. What would have happened if I hadn't made it in time? But even so, I wasn't as heroic as I thought in my head. I'd call it a big fiasco, even though Lexi thinks otherwise. I'm not going to disappoint her, but I've decided something for myself.<</md>>
<<md>>That's why today I am here in this ridiculous sports uniform. It always felt like a jelly dangling in a concrete mixer. It's just so ridiculous and feeling as the wrong place. But health requires sacrifice, and it is a small sacrifice in the name of better physical form.<</md>>
<<md>>At first I were full of energy, but the farther I ran, the more I felt that breathing was getting harder. Only one thing pleased: there were many people around like me.<</md>>
<<md>>Not allowing myself to show weakness, moved further, when noticed in front of me two beautiful girlish sports figures. After a little slow down, I allowed myself to be a witness of too beautiful view.<</md>>
<<md>>How much I didn't like the sports uniform on myself, so much I loved watching women's features in tight leggings. Right in front of me are two gorgeous women's ass, which beckon. And how they shake sexually every move!<</md>>
<<md>>Hell it is the wonderful view. And it seems that they do not have underwear... But why do they seem familiar to me?<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Teacher $mc.Name! What a pleasant surprise!<</say>>
<<md>>One of the girls turned to me and how surprised I were when I realized it was Veronica. However, this does not negate the fact of her luxurious ass. But if it's Veronica, then the blonde is...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>It seems that you are following your own advice! It's good to see you here!!<</say>>
<<md>>... Lexi. Today she looks luxurious and happy. A delightful smile plays on her face.<</md>>
<<md>>I was happy to see them. First, it allowed me to distract myself from the feeling that my own strength was running out. After all, it is no secret that when you are in the company fatigue feels differently. Secondly, and this is the main thing, it seems, the girls listened to me and began to do sports.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It is commendable to see that not all my words go into the void.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>We couldn't help but follow the advice of our beloved teacher!<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi winked playfully at me and the three of us continued run. However, I was still a little behind to enjoy the beautiful girl's ass, the outlines of which and beckoned me. I closed my eyes for a second, trying not to think that in the front, under the leggings, is absolutely hot girl's...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Teacher! Are you OK?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Lexi, don't worry. I feel better than anyone. Better tell me, girls, have you quit smoking?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>No. Not yet.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Well, you know girls better than others. We always have to get something in our mouths. If we don't have cigarettes, we'll need a replacement. For example, dic...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Veronica! Ah-ha-ha. Forgive her. Sometimes she doesn't know what she's saying.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>I don't think so. That, by the way, was another Freud saying.<</say>>
<<md>>Did Veronica heard about Freud? That's amazing.<</md>>
<<md>>Very soon our paths diverged. We ran a few hundred more meters, and Veronica said goodbye, ran home, leaving me and Lexi alone.<</md>>
<<md>>However, there was silence between us while running to my house.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>It's a hot day, don't you think?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I totally agree...<</say>>
<<md>>And it's hot not just because of the weather.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Look, I know that's not what you actually asking teacher for, but...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But? What are you up to?<</say>>
<<md>>Knowing this girl, in her head can swarm so many vulgar thoughts, that you never know what it's going to be about.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Can I take a shower in your house? I'm going to have to drop by and get home too long..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, why not?<</say>>
<<md>>I answered without hesitation. I didn't care what would happen if someone found out. After all, I do what any teacher should do - help my students.<</md>>
[[Let Lexi to take shower|LQ7S]]
<</if>>\<<if $Lexi8 > 0>>\
<<md>>Lexi's body is too hot. It's been a few days, but I can't get those almost perfect bends out of my head. They come to me even in my sleep, and when I look at Lexi at school, I remember drops of water streaming down her body. <</md>>
<<md>>You have to get rid of these thoughts. After all, Lexi isn't the only girl, so I can focus on someone else. Or something.<</md>>
<<md>>I opened my laptop and entered an address I'd heard about several times. They say if you're worried about having sex, they can satisfy them. There are no prohibitions or convictions. Only the screen of the monitor and naked, undisguised desire.<</md>>
<<md>>Chat will help me get rid of thoughts about girl and better than all other ways.<</md>>
<<md>>At first it seemed too boring and I wanted to leave, but then there was someone under the nickname I.X.E.L. Her story was so close to me. She talked about falling in love with her teacher, who helps her in everything and understands more than all the others. That no guy in her life made her panties get so wet. Her desires were so familiar to me, as if I looked in the mirror. Mirror of lust.<</md>>
<<md>>And then we started to communicate with each other on frank topics. I've learned that I'X.E.L loves the park and to be seen. That she gets excited when she does something in plain sight.<</md>>
<<md>>And then I started to fuck her! I had her in a way that none of the girls would ever have agreed to, and I did such wild things to her, forgetting about Lexi.<</md>>
<<md>>Although, wait... Her story is so similar to the Lexi`s story as I know. Perhaps a little more frank, but there are many common details. And that nickname... Isn't that her name vice versa? What the hell?<</md>>
<<md>>No, I only think so. She couldn't track me down, could she? How does she know what my nickname is and where to look for me? I were paranoid. <</md>>
<<md>>It's just some other girl who... Asks me to send her a photo of my penis. Let it go. It's okay, when the picture doesn't have your face on it. No one's going to prove anything. She's going to prove that I'm worried for nothing.<</md>>
<<md>>Send. It's done, it's not complicated.<</md>>
<<md>>She no longer appeared online either that day or the next. It's very suspicious...<</md>>
[[Few days later...|LQ8C]]
<</if>>\<<if $Lexi9 > 0>>\
<<md>>I glanced at the house in the distance. It is somewhat similar to Lexi: mysterious and incomprehensible, but at the same time so attractive...<</md>>
<<md>>I can lie to myself arbitrarily that I am here only because of photographs, this will not change the truth. I am pleased to be here, it is pleasant that the girl treats me like that.<</md>>
<<md>>I have not yet decided whether I will use it for my own benefit or not, but this alignment damnly flatters me.<</md>>
<<md>>Lexi came out of the house. Today, her appearance is not as usual. A luxurious black dress accentuates every particle of her body, making me almost drown in saliva. And this neckline! Before me is not a schoolgirl, but a sexy woman.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You look great! Do you decided to seduce me completely?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Haven't I done this yet? You’re here, you are coming to my friend’s birthday...<</say>>
<<md>>In some ways, she’s even right. Lately, I have only been thinking about Lexi and her gorgeous body. Looks like she really settled in my head.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>This is not only for you, but also for Naomi. Today she should feel especially. After what happened to her...<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi's voice, which usually literally radiated happiness, was now full of sorrow. It feels like it was not Naomi who survived something, but Lexi. However, female empathy has always been stronger than male, especially at that age.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And what happened to her?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>They broke up with Mike. Mike was really jerk, constantly cheating on Naomi, and then continued to make a fool of her. Naomi suffered this for almost a year, but after he tried to fuck her sister right on her birthday, it was all over between them.<</say>>
<<md>>Treason. No wonder Lexi is so worried about her friend. Treason is a severe emotional trauma, that can destroy you from the inside, if you do not find how to deal with it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like she had a hard time. But she was lucky with the fact that she has one friend, that will support in any situation.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Ha-ha, yes. It happened exactly a year ago and therefore it is very important for me to make this day as special as possible for her, to please her in any way, you know?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course.<</say>>
<<md>>Just now, I noticed that Lexi is holding a large enough gift in his hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And what's inside?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>One of the ways to please a friend.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled mysteriously and winked at me, after which we headed forward.<</md>>
[[To Naomi`s house|LQ9N]]
<</if>>\<<md>>Looks like they're heading to the northern part of the school. <</md>>
<<md>>Following the covenants of the best of the spies, I silently followed them, was an invisible shadow…<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>It's good to see you up here. Have you decided to observe the student`s lives a little outside the walls of your cabinet?<</say>>
<<md>>Clara appeared too out of place. I can't miss girls. They are wrapping around the corner now and looking for them will become much harder.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, sometimes it's useful. Find out how our students breathe and live.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>The main thing is not to get too close, okay?<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded and said goodbye to the corner, where the girls had already disappeared. But they weren't there. Where could they go?<</md>>
[[Search for girls|LQ5Smoke]] <<md>>After a few minutes of searching, I was able to find the girls. They were here, in perhaps the most beautiful corner of the school. I've only been here a few times, but I've always liked it here.<</md>>
<<md>> Flowers and intimacy with nature soothed me as best as possible And what is the smell here ... Cigarettes?<</md>>
<<md>>Lexi and Veronica stood a little far away from me almost vulgarly holding a cigarettes and letting out puffs of smoke.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>... met on the way to school. Imagine, he thought he could impress me by buying a big bike.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Boys said a big bike is a sign of a small dick.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>.Ha-ha. It's not far from the truth. He still doesn't understand that all I need is a big and juicy dick that would make me squeal with pleasure, as if I were the last cun...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Veronica, there's Mr. $mc.Name!<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>What?Where?<</say>>
<<md>>They spotted me even before I could get close to them. However, even the part of the conversation I heard made me make sure a little bit. If I wasn't here to talk to Lexi, I could solve Veronica's "little" problem..<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Girls, you know that smoking is forbidden.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, common. It's like you've never smoked! It`s fascinating!<</say>>
<<if $mc.Boldness is 2>>\
<<say $mc>>Do you know what else is fascinating? My dick in your mouths instead of a cigarettes.<</say>>
<<addLust $Lexi 35>>
<<say $Veronica>>Looks like you know what you want. I don't think Lexi would mind getting to know your masculinity closer. And I'm curious also. <</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Dick of the Mr. $mc.Name!! What could be better?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica and Lexi slowly knelt like two submissive slaves. There was a wild desire in their eyes. It seems that these girls are completely without complexes, which only pleases my boner...<</md>>
<<md>>I pulled it off from pants, letting them look. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>If you want to suck something, let it be my dick. As I said, protein is very useful for young girls.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi's tongue touched the base of my penis, bringing a pleasant feeling.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\L5N1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>But Lexi's phone call mercilessly cut off all my plans. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Sorry, teacher, we've got to go. See you soon!<</say>>
<<md>>The curse,they didn't even hide it back. I feel like an abandoned puppy.<</md>>
<<set $Lexi6 = 2>>\
<<say $mc>>I were a smoker. That's why I know how dangerous this is to health. You won't notice when all your beauty just disappearing, and you'll look like a used sponge. Is that what you want?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>It sounds disgusting.<</say>>
<<addAff $Lexi 25>>
<<say $mc>>That's the way it is. I'm not talking about what's going to happen to you, if Clara finds out, I mean, our principal. I won't say anything this time, but you'd better quit. It will be very difficult, so I advise to replace smoking with sports. And it will take your thoughts away and will be useful.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>I like useful things. <</say>>
<<md>>Why does Lexi talk about it in such a sexy voice, like she's talking about sex? Curse, I'm excited again. These girls are going to drive me crazy..<</md>>
<<md>>But I'm not here to lecture girls. My goal is to talk to Lexi. <</md>>
<<md>>But Lexi's phone call mercilessly cut off all my plans.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Sorry, teacher, we've got to go. See you soon.<</say>>
<<md>>They ran so fast, that I didn't even have time to say “okay”.
<<set $Lexi6 = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi5 = 0>>\
<<set $Lexi5T = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi6T = 1>>\
[[Return to work|Second floor]] <<md>>As soon as I got into the shower, the cell phone start ringing. I'll call them back after I'm done here with everything. But the sound did not stop and even through the sound of water the disgusting persistence of the caller came to me. What's happened there ?<</md>>
<<md>>What's going on?<</md>>
<<md>>Irritated by such perseverance, I jumped out of the shower in a completely naked way.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Teacher, it's good that you picked up the phone. It's Lexi. Could we meet at the mall? I have something to tell you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, what's going on?<</say>>
<<md>>There were questions in my head, like where she`ve got my phone number, but that wasn't the point. Lexi's voice sounded too excited.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Just come to the Mall, I'll be waiting for you.<</say>>
<<md>>That was the end of our short conversation, leaving a few questions. What happened to Lexi if she called me, not my friend or her parents? Maybe those guys found her. Just like there weren't enough problems!<</md>>
<<md>>Fast-putting on fresh clothes, I rushed away from home. If she gets into another problem, the delay may cost her life. That thought made me feel more uncomfortable. <</md>>
[[Rush to the mall|LQ6M]] <<md>>The mall is full of people, but in the distance I notice a girl who I know.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, what happened? Did they find you again? Threatened to your family? If that's the case, we'd better go to the police.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled nicely and I realized that nothing terrible had happened.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Were you worried about me? That's so beautiful. At least someone in this life cares about me. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, don't be silly. There are a lot of people in that life who care about your life.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Sometimes I don't notice it at all. It would be better, if Lexi just disappeared. Parents won't worry that their daughter isn't like that, others will stop pointing fingers at me, and classmates will stop seeing me as the one who steals guys. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, you...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Ahah! Catched! I didn't call you to feel sorry for me. That's what I'm here for!.<</say>>
<<md>>She bends over and pulls something out of the bag in a small rectangular box. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Here, this is for you. For not leaving me in the park, for not telling the principal about my and Veronica's secret...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Is this a bribe to a teacher?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>But from the bottom of my heart, you know.<</say>>
<<md>>She was so happy and looked at me so tenderly that I couldn't do anything other than take the box into my own hands. I didn't even have the strength to swear at her, that she held me around my finger like that. After all, she did it with good intentions. I hope there is no bomb inside...<</md>>
<<md>>Inside was a small, but no less great ring. It almost hypnotized me by it appearence. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>I guess you need something as special as you. This ring is very unique. I hope you`ll like it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It`s wonderful, Lexi, wonderful.<</say>>
<<addAff $Lexi 30>>
<<md>>I think asking how she knew my taste was as stupid as asking where my phone came from.
We had a little rest, and then we went away. After such pleasant events, I did not even want to find out from Lexi who those guys were. Let this secret stay with her. And I'll have her present!<</md>>
<<set $Lexi7 = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi6 = 0>>\
<<set $Lexi6T = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi7T = 1>>\
<<set $ring3 = 1>>\
[[Return home|Home corridor]]<<md>>The sound of pouring water was too seductive. He kept making me think Lexi was naked inside my house. The jets of water are gently touching her body, giving her pleasure.
Time passed, and Lexi still did not leave my shower. I need to see if she's okay.<</md>>
<<md>>Who am I lying, I want to look at the young girl's body, wet from the water, I want to see what she's doing there and what her playful fingers are doing. My fantasy played out as soon as I got to the door.<</md>>
<<md>>But the reality was much better than what I could have imagined. Half-open doors, as if they called me to myself, so I did not resist.<</md>>
[[Take a peek|LQ7S1]]<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Lexishower.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>The first thing I saw was Lexi's smooth seductive leg, which opened up the look for the beautiful view. Red girl's pussy, on which the drops were sexually rolled down. The beautiful place between the girl's legs was already flushed with affection and only attracted me to her…<</md>>
<<if $mc.Boldness is 3>>\
<<md>>I'm not going to give up such a great chance to please myself. If I don't touch the beauty between her legs , I'm going to explode right here.<</md>>
<<md>>Trying not to make any noise, slowly approached the shower and lowered my hands on the much-desired girl's belly.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Teacher... Have you decided to take a shower, too?<</say>>
<<md>>A smile was already shining on her face, as if she had waited for this too long. Perhaps it was so, because it was not for nothing that she did not lock the door.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I've decided to give you a little reward for listening to me.<</say>>
<<set $Lexi8 = 2>>\
<<addLust $Lexi 30>>
<<md>>The hand slid down her stomach to the most alluring place. The finger touched the girl's flower and slowly got inside.<</md>>
<<md>>Hell, it's hot inside her. It is scary to even imagine, what will happen when I enter there not only with my fingers.<</md>>
<<md>>Lexi moaned sweetly, forcing me to play with her pussy. The finger came in and out of it, and in my thoughts it was far from a finger. When there were two fingers inside, Lexi's pussy twitched and her voice became even more seductive.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>I'll do anything for you.<</say>>
<<md>>These magic words wake up beast in me, that can't think of anything else. Fingers are already moving inside Lexi. Pussy squeezes them with pleasure, until the girl explodes.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Fuck yeee...<</say>>
<<md>>And then I hear a strange sound, like opening doors.
Damn! Angela.!<</md>>
<<md>>But when we got out, there was no one. Did I imagined it? Maybe it's because of Clara got in the way of me and Lexi in class, and now I think that anybody going to get in the way. But the moment is lost, and Lexi is already dressed.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Still, sports are very useful.<</say>>
<<md>>This girl is something special.<</md>>
<<md>>No, I can't do anything right now, Lexi's so young. She trusts me and break into the shower, fuck her ... So seductive, dick will obviously be happy! But so wrong.<</md>>
<<md>>However, just walking away from this beautiful view is so difficult. It's so hard that I don't notice how I'm freeing from my pants. The hand itself begins to move up and down, watching the beautiful body of Lexi. Hell, it's so tempting! Unable to control the fun, I shoot the jet on the floor. Hell, I hope she doesn't notice my seed on the floor...<</md>>
<<set $Lexi8 = 1>>\
<<addAff $Lexi 30>>
<<addLust $Lexi 15>>
<<say $Lexi>>I hope you liked everything you saw.<</say>>
<<md>>Before leaving, Lexi threw those words at me and melted in the doorway.<</md>>
<<md>>Wait, did she know everything? Bloody hell…<</md>>
<<set $Lexi7 = 0>>\
<<set $Lexi7T = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi8T = 1>>\
[[Try to distract yourself|Home corridor]]<<if $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 0>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 3)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 1 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 1>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 3)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 2 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 2>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 5)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 3 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 3>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 5)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 5)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 5>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 5)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 6 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 6>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 3)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<say $Lexi>>You have a beautiful dick, teacher. I wonder what the principal would say if she finds out how you're having fun with your students? Especially after what she saw between us.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, what are you talking about?<</say>>
<<md>>She shows me a photo,that I`ve sent to a friend of mine in a chat room. That's exactly it.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Is it familiar?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So it was you. How did you track me down?<</say>>
<<md>>She bites her lip.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>You aren`t the only one,who have its secrets.<</say>>
<<md>>And without saying a word, she tries to walk away, when I grab her hand.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>I just want to invite you to my friend's birthday party. If you refuse, I'll show these photos to the principal.<</say>>
<<md>>I sweared at Lexi. I don`t have any objections about Lexi`s company, but I hate being blackmailed. And this time, I won't be able to turn away from Clara's wrath. <</md>>
<<md>>Well, I guess nothing bad is going to happen, just one little birthday.<</md>>
<<addAff $Lexi 39>>
<<set $Lexi8 = 0>>\
<<set $Lexi9 = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi8T = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi9T = 1>>\
<<set $McKnowLexiHome = 1>>\
<<set $McKnowLexiHomeYork = 1>>\
<<md>>She gave me her address. Well, helping her with her studies is my duty, isn't it?<</md>>
<<text y "Adress of Lexi`s home is known to you now">>\
[[Return to work|Second floor]]<<say $Naomi>>Welcome. Lexi, I'm so glad to see you! You look just awesome! And who is this handsome man with you?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl's voice is like a delight for hearing. And it’s not even what she says, but how. As if caressing the head of a dick with all the tenderness.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn, this hot girl with a beautiful face is Naomi? Lexi did not say that her friend was so beautiful. What kind of idiot does have to cheat on such a beauty?<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Come in, everyone have already been waiting.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl with bright white hair and a pink dress smiled sweetly at us and headed inside the house. Lexi and I went after her.<</md>>
<<md>>Inside, playful music was playing, and most of the teenagers inside had already surrendered to the power of rhythm. It smelled of hookah and sexual tension inside. It seems like it will be a little harder than I thought.<</md>>
<<md>>One by one, Naomi opened the presents of her guests until it came to opening Lexi's present. By that time, we were sitting at the table, and the girl's hand stroking through my pants my excited dick.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Lexi! As always!<</say>>
<<md>>Laughing loudly, Naomi clutched a rather big dildo in her hands. Damn, did Lexi give it to her?<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>What can I say? I know your needs better than others, friend.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi stood up and hugged Naomi. After they sat down to discuss something, but I stayed away. Immediately several teenagers approached me, but talking with them was like a horror movie.<</md>>
<<md>>I looked around, but neither Lexi nor Naomi was visible. Where could they go? <</md>>
<<md>>I got up and went deep down the corridor to the other rooms. In many of them teenagers huddled, but in others there was no one. I would not even be surprised by moans if I did not recognize one of the voices.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>You like it, huh? Yes?<</say>>
<<md>>The answer to Lexi's words was only moans. When I entered the room, I witnessed a beautiful picture: the girls' dresses lay on the floor, and my student’s head was between Naomi’s legs. Between Naomi’s legs, there was also a large dildo.<</md>>
<<md>>That's what it means to please her in any way, yes?<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>It seems like we were found by voices... Ouch... How awkward...<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi magically laughed, and I got a beautiful view of Lexi’s friend’s hot pussy.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Boldness is 3>>\
<<md>>Everything that I saw was too beautiful and sexy to stay away. Moreover, I barely managed to take a few steps towards two sexy blondes, as they themselves, as if they were cats began to crawl towards me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Leave this wretched copy, it is not able to give you as much bliss as a real dick.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Oh yeah!<</say>>
<<addLust $Lexi 35>>
<<md>>Lexi crawled close, I felt her breath between my legs. But the girl was in no hurry to grab him or lick him, as if she does not want to.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Bestie, today is your birthday, so this honour belongs to you.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\naomisuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $NaomiVideo9Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $NaomiVideo9Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>Thoughts about Naomi awakened even more desire in me. No matter how much I liked Lexi, Naomi's cute face made me want to fill her sexy mouth with my last drop of sperm.<</md>>
<<md>>Naomi's tongue slowly walked down from the bottom of my penis. What a gorgeous feeling. My dignity slipped into her mouth, falling into his power. She looks like the last whore, but it excites even more...<</md>>
<<md>>Having played a little with my dick, she released giving way to Lexi. Now the feeling is different. And if Naomi’s mouth is hot lava, then Lexi’s mouth is cold, but attractive. They take turns caressing everything, still increasing the pace, and then simultaneously begin to caress it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, get your gift. Lots of presents!<</say>>
<<md>>White liquid splashed out on Naomi`s lustful mouth, which merged into a gentle kiss with Lexi.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\naomicum1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $NaomiVideo1Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $NaomiVideo1Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Love and unity. How wonderful.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>This is my best birthday!<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, baby!<</md>>
<<set $Lexi10 = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi11 = 1>>\
<<md>>I should have guessed that it would end this way. After all, with Lexi nothing can end otherwise. She is a magnet for sexual adventures. Isn't that what I like about her so much? Perhaps, but now I should not do anything, even if I really want to.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll wait for you outside.<</say>>
<<md>>No need to complicate it now. But as soon as I managed to think to myself how hot the situation was and how well done I was that I did nothing, as Lexi caught up with me. She abruptly grabbed my hand and dragged me into one of the rooms. It was light and empty. But it still smells like dust...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you doing?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>You acted like a gentleman - I have to thank you. After all, not everyone will leave, seeing such an exciting picture.<</say>>
<<md>>Her hand deftly unzipped fly on my trousers and pulled a dick out. It's nice to feel something as wonderful as a girl's touch. Still I noticed that she wearing not her dress,but T-shirt. Guess it`s one,that belong to Naomi.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\lexi9suck.mp4"></video></div>
<<addAff $Lexi 30>>
<<set $Lexi10 = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi11 = 1>>\
<<if $LexiVideo2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiVideo2Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>My cock trembles with pleasure when she begins to move her hand. The inability to move and the proximity of Lexi only aroused. After that she started to lick and suck it without stopping stroking my dick. From the combination of these factors, bliss needles stuck into me one after another.
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\lexi9cum.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $LexiVideo1Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiVideo1Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
I closed my eyes when I felt how my excitement splashed into the mouth of a student.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>I hope you're happy to come with me?<</say>>
<<md>>Having put ourselves in order, we left the room. Naomi was waiting for us outside of it. I wonder how much she saw or heard?<</md>>
<<set $Naomi.Meet = 1>>\
<<run setup.unlockCharacter("Naomi")>>\
<<set $Lexi9 = 0>>\
<<set $Lexi9T = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi10T = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi11 = 1>>\
<<set $McKnowLexiHome = 2>>\
<<set $McKnowLexiHomeYork = 2>>\
[[Leave this home|Home corridor]]<<if $Fiona1Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '22:00')>>\
<<md>>I managed to remember the name of the girl who treated me to soda. Fiona. Although this was, of course, a big word, my colleagues prompted me. They told me in secret that she is one of the smartest girls in our school and often spends time in the library.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, it is commendable to see that even in the modern world the library has not lost its advantage and that not all schoolgirls prefer to bury themselves on the screen of their smartphone.<</md>>
<<md>>So let's see what is written about me here.<</md>>
<<text g "What is a school? For many of us, this is a word that causes only one desire - to quickly run away. But for some, the school is a second home, a place where they can feel themselves and prepare for the adversities of adulthood...">>
<<md>>Yes, she definitely has the talent of at least a journalist, and maybe even a writer. What is it about me?<</md>>
<<text g "Mr. $mc.Name’s lessons are the best thing that has happened to the school since its inception. He filled the soulless words with meaning, managed to interest and draw into the magical world, it would seem, the most dull subject in the school of biology. His explanations are so simple, but at the same time so deep that it becomes clear that he is a master of his craft. I look forward to a new meeting with him and deepening knowledge in biology.">>
<<md>>Ha, it seems she was really impressed with my lessons! I think I should work on turning new adherents into my own personal fan club.<</md>>
[[Be glad|My room]]
<<set $Fiona1Q = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona2Q = 1>>\
<<set $Fiona1QT = 2>>\
<</if>>\<<md>>Today there are not too many people in the dining room. Ideal to relax after a few days in which I noticed little except for studying. On the other hand, the school is a repository of knowledge. Where is except here you can gain what will help you throughout your whole future life?<</md>>
<<md>>I think many girls here have potential. Even if at first glance they seem to be just ordinary lazy people, in fact they have that spark, that desire to know the world around them. They only need someone who will help them to blow a fire out of this spark.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Mr $mc.Name! Good day!<</say >>
<<md>>Before me stood one of the students. She was in one of my classes, but her name constantly slipped out of my head. And now I just can’t remember.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good day. Can I help you with something?<</say >>
<<say $Fiona>>No you don`t! Rather the opposite. I liked your last lessons so much. Don't you read my blog? There is a whole article about what I like about you and your presentation.<</say >>
<<md>>Did the girl write an entire article dedicated to me? Interestingly, it will be necessary to familiarize yourself with it. As soon as I remember the name of this student.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Until recently, biology seemed to me such a boring subject. But your lessons are something amazing! It`s because of you!<</say >>
<<md>>The girl put a can of soda on my table, and then ran away as suddenly as she had appeared.<</md>>
<<md>>So my efforts are not in vain! Amazing!<</md>>
<<set $Fiona1Q = 1>>\
<<set $Fiona.Meet = 1>>\
<<set $coca1 = 1>>\
<<set $Fiona1QT = 1>>\
<<addAff $Fiona 5>>\
[[Leave canteen|School reception]] <<if $AngelaDateAgree == 1>>
<<addmins 120>>\
<<md>>Just a couple of days ago, it seemed to me that up to this moment eternity, but eternity somehow too quickly came.<</md>>
<<md>>Here I am, standing here in the hallway and waiting for Angela to appear here. I'm a little worried, although I know that everything will go fine. Angela and I came to this decision not just out of boredom, but because we felt that way.<</md>>
<<md>>Thoughts flashed through my mind about how my beloved would look now. A modest dress or a luxurious one that will just knock me off my feet or maybe she’s putting on something tight... I don’t know what she will be wearing, there are too many options, but I know something else: she will be beautiful as always.<</md>>
<<md>>And when she leaves her room, I understand that these half an hour of waiting was not in vain. Before me is a stunning beauty, who smiles sweetly at me.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. I wanted to look good.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And you did it. You look awesome!<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Thank you ... So where are we going? You can no longer keep it in a secret. You have to reveal your plans to me.<</say>>
<<md>>Choosing a place for a first date has always seemed a painful choice to me. But, as for Angela, I didn’t have any difficulties.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, we are going to...<</say>>
<</if>>\<<md>>A small cafe, where are not too many people is an ideal place to spend time with someone you like.<</md>>
<<md>>What is especially good for me here is the atmosphere and the cuisine. I don’t know who their chef is, but he cooks well.<</md>>
<<md>>The girl opposite me directly radiates happiness. And this feeling is transmitted to me. I want to laugh and scream to everyone about my happiness.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I never noticed that it is so cozy here!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Have you been here before?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Several times happened, but this place was not felt by something like that! An ordinary cafe, which is enough in our city.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, I’m here, perhaps, I even agree with her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Because the point is not in the cafe, but in the people who are near you. If they will all be as beautiful as you, if they will fill my days with light, then I agree.<</say>>
<<md>>Angela pouted, pretending to be offended.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Hey, I'm the only one! He wanted everyone!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Only one and that's fine.<</say>>
<<md>>I reached out across the table and touched her fingers with mine.<</md>>
<<md>>For some reason, now this one feels especially chic. When my palm is in her palm, it seems to me that the whole world around is disappearing.
[[Return home|Home corridor]]<<md>>When Angela asked me about the place where we would go, I already knew where to go. Warm sand and the whisper of sea waves is what I wanted to share with her and show how wonderful it is.<</md>>
<<md>>We sat silently, listening to the sound of the waves. Another girl would certainly break this enchanting silence, but Angela just silently sat next to me, holding my hand.<</md>>
<<md>>It seems that she also has the same love for the marine environment.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>You know, the sea feels and understands much more than some people.<</say>>
<<md>>She said this thoughtfully, after almost half an hour of observing the sea.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, and it reassures you in the most difficult days.<</say>>
<<md>>She nodded and laid her head on my shoulder. Now I feel so peaceful and I don’t want it to end.<</md>>
<<md>>But, alas, time flies by.<</md>>
[[Return home|Home corridor]]<<md>>Now is the right time to take a walk with Angela in the park and talk about what excites her most. I would like to know what excites her most now...<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I haven’t been here a long time ago. Funny, this park is nearby, but I haven’t had any reason to come here lately.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, it’s good that now you have a reason to be here.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>That`s right!<</say>>
<<md>>We slowly walk through the park, enjoying each other's company. Angela is nearby and I feel very happy. Surprisingly, she never said that she didn’t like something or that she wanted to go home. On the contrary.<</md>>
<<md>>No matter what kind of conversation I started, whatsoever I talked about, she seemed to pick him up while reading my thoughts and even ordinary news turned into an interesting discussion.<</md>>
<<md>>The magical girl!<</md>>
[[Return home|Home corridor]]<<md>>The sound of the waves is like a mother's lullaby. Listening to it lying on the sand, you feel that you far from all the problems, disappointments. Even the tiredness accumulated in the body seems to recede because of this relaxing melody. The sand embraces me warmly where the body is not hidden behind the fabric of a small sheet. If there is Paradise in the world, then it is right here.<</md>>
<<md>>The noise of the waves... It is so easy to dissolve in it and fall asleep. The relaxed body no longer resists and the eyes themselves stick together...<</md>>
<<md>> A loud female laugh rips me out of sleep. At first, it seems to me that this is only one girl, but very soon I realize that this is not so. Driven by curiosity, I rise and observe an amusing scene. Not far from me on the sand are a dozen athletic girls. Each of them has a bright, catchy, almost screaming about sexuality, sports uniform, consisting of a top and a very short skirt.<</md>>
<<md>>Cheerleaders. It is quite unexpected to meet them here, away from gyms or something like that. Doesn't the sand make training difficult?<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Monica, to the starting position.<</say>>
<<md>>Among the young girls, who caught the eyes of not only random passers-by in the distance, but also some surprised observers, like me, two stood out. The first was that stern, cold voice. Obviously, this is their coach.<</md>>
<<md>>One of the girls, on the orders of the coach, stepped forward and I noticed her bright hair, gathered in a long ponytail. Her movements were constrained and the girl was visibly nervous.<</md>>
<<md>>A huge guy behind lifts the girl up and soars into the air. But then something goes wrong and the girl falls on the sand.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>No, Monica, do you want to disgrace us all? With such success, I could invite a bedside table - it has the same grace!<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach, it is sand! I can't train here! It prevents me from perfecting my movements.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Your silly head is prevents you, Monica!<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>This place is not a gift, but you should thanks that it's not hot coals. If you cannot perform a simple trick here, then you have no place in our team! The next time you do that, you'll be kicked out of the team.<</say>>
<<md>>Not the most pleasant conversation, especially for a girl. I understand that cruelty and severity are an integral part of sports, but this will leave indifferent only the most callous person.<</md>>
<<md>>I thought that a pleasant sight awaits me, because cheerleaders are the secret dream of any man, but it turned out that I witnessed a huge drama.<</md>>
<<addmins 30>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1 = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 1>>\
<<if $Tutorial == 9>>\
<<set $TutorialGirl = "Monica">>
[[Return to beach|Tutorial 13]]
[[Return to beach|Beach]]
<</if>>\<<md>>The second floor is unusually alive today. Everyone is in a hurry somewhere, as if the end of the world is about to happen. But, of course, there is only one reason for this - break. Teachers like me are in a hurry to enjoy those moments of peace that they have, and students, as always, are full of energy.<</md>>
<<md>>Here is a student rushing down the corridor, holding a textbook. After him two others rush with a cry to give. What a hilarious picture!<</md>>
<<md>>Laughing to myself, I continue to watch the corridor when I notice the door slamming loudly in the math classroom. A bright-haired girl runs out from there, who seems too familiar to me. Another runs out after her.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Monica, wait!<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Autumn, I can't handle it. You saw how the coach was mad at me last time. She almost killed me. If I don't do it right today...<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Just don't pay attention to the coach. Trouble with the gym also hurt her, although she would never say so. You know her, she's all like that: “I knew how to do somersaults, when I was three, pterodactyls flew over me, and there was burning lava under my feet.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Ahahah! You're right! Typical coach!<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>You can handle everything! Always coped. Why should it be different this time?<</say>>
<<md>>Exhaling with relief, Monica and Autumn walked past me, not even suspecting how much I had learned in such a short time. It looks like their trainer is having some kind of problem and she breaks down on innocent girls. Very pretty girls.<</md>>
<<md>>Maybe I should talk to her?<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1 = 2>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 2>>\
<<set $Autumn.Meet = 1>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 1>>\
[[Return|Second floor]]<<md>>One step, one more step.<</md>>
<<md>>The sand underfoot is very warm, almost hot. The sound of the surf is also very pacifying, but now in my thoughts it is not at all the beauty of the surrounding nature.<</md>>
<<md>>One more step.<</md>>
<<md>>It's like I'm walking into the void. Who even told me that girls would show up here today? After all, neither Autumn nor Monica mentioned anything about the fact that they will return here to the beach.<</md>>
<<md>>There are footprints around me in the sand. Looking at them, to an outside observer, it might seem that there were at least twelve or fifteen people here. In fact, this is all I, waiting for the girls to appear here.<</md>>
<<md>>Some of the beach goers are already glancing at me suspiciously. I do not care.<</md>>
<<md>>When I was already completely desperate and decided that the girls would not come, they appeared on the horizon. Smiling happily and fooling around, they stopped just above the place where they were last time.<</md>>
<<md>>Obviously, the excessive attention was not too pleasing for their coach.<</md>>
<<md>>I think, before talking to the coach, it is better to observe a little more from my position. Who knows, maybe something too unique happened that time, which is why poor Monica was reprimanded.<</md>>
<<md>>But my delay changes nothing, except perhaps the victims. The coach clearly has a problem with emotional control, as she screams so loudly that the entire beach can hear it.<</md>>
<<md>>It is clear that nothing will change, if I just watch from here.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Monica! To the starting position!<</say>>
<<md>>As I approach them, the girl is already dutifully doing what the coach orders. Only this time I do not notice that huge guy with them. This time the girls themselves play the role of safety net. Monica, with the help of other girls, soars into the air.<</md>>
<<md>>For a moment, I even froze, watching this magical action. Even from afar, I can see that the girl is much less nervous and almost glows with confidence.<</md>>
<<md>>In an instant, her leg gives way. The girl tries to stay on her short-term pedestal, but it's too late. Losing her balance, she falls onto the sand.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Monica!<</say>>
<<md>>The coach's voice sounds like a police siren. It seems to me that if I were not here, but somewhere in a closed room, I would definitely be deaf.<</md>>
<<md>>If I want to intervene, now is the best time to do so. In a second, the trainer will simply tear Monica apart.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1 = 3>>\
[[Protect Monica|Beach. Protect the girl]]
[[Suggest help|Beach.Assistance]] <<md>>Looking at this picture, I can not do otherwise than to intercede for Monica. In this situation, no one except me will dare to contradict the coach, who seems to know no boundaries at all. As if the girl already has an easy life that you need to yell at her like that!<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Leg...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Stop mocking the girl!<</say>>
<<md>>When I, like a rocket, fly into the confused girls near Monica, I understand that everything is even worse than I imagined.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>$mc.Name! What have you forgotten here? This is not a biology lesson.<</say>>
<<md>>So this coach still knows about me. Well, then it will make my task easier. Perhaps the words from her colleague will bring a lot more weight for her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You can't treat a student like that. Your methods not only harm the team, but also destroy Monica's psyche. She's not guilty of anything. If you don't stop, I'll have to do what is necessary.<</say>>
<<md>>I turned my gaze to the girl, in whose eyes there was surprise. Just a quick glance at her was enough for me to understand how bad everything is. The girl's attempt to get up ended in nothing.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Does it hurt?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yeah...<</say>>
<<md>>It looks like sprain. It is contraindicated for her to move now, otherwise everything may become even worse.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>It does not concern you. If she is not capable...<</say>>
<<say $mc>> <<text r "She needs help. Step back and don't bother!">><</say>>
<<md>>I exploded into a scream. There is no time now for the coach with his personal injuries, which she drives on innocent students. And this had the desired effect: the screams, grumblings, indignation stopped.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Strength > 1>>\
[[Carry Monica|Beach.Carry Monica]]
<<talk "Carry Monica out" 1 $talk "I`m not that strong">><</talk>>
[[Walk Monica out|Beach.Monica out]] <<md>>I was not the best student in my class, but even I know that when it sprain, you need to use the affected area as little as possible. If I leave the girl here, things will get worse.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, I'll help you.<</say>>
<<md>>Carefully, like the most valuable cargo, I lifted Monica and carried her away from the place of pain and disappointment. Enough of her troubles for today. What will happen next - only time will tell, but now her health is in my hands.<</md>>
<<md>>At first I thought of taking the girl to my home, where I could take care of her. But I quickly realized how stupid this idea was. First, Angela will definitely not be happy with the third inhabitant of our modest apartment. Secondly, Monica needs to be taken where she is best taken care of. Therefore, after finding out from the girl where she lives, I take, or rather brought her home.<</md>>
<<md>>From the doorway, I was greeted by her excited parents, to whom I explained everything that had happened.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks. You saved me today.<</say>>
<<md>>Interesting from what? From a mad coach or a sprain? However, now it is important that everything is fine with the girl.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're welcome, Monica. I'm glad you're okay.<</say>>
<<md>>Grateful parents treated me to coffee, after which I went home. It's good that everything ended like this and no worse.<</md>>
[[Return to home|Home corridor]]
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 2>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 3>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 51>>\
<<set $AutumnMonicaCheerleader1 = 1>>\
<<md>>The girl must not stay here under any circumstances.<</md>>
<<md>>The atmosphere here is too far from friendly, or even just normal. I can directly feel the coach's hate pins sticking in my back as I help Monica to get up.<</md>>
<<md>>If she and her friend are as close as it seemed to me there in the corridor, then why is she now just standing silently and watching?<</md>> <<md>>The answer is obvious. Fear. Even if they are the besties in the world, none of the girls now dares to contradict the coach. It's like a relationship with an abuser, when you know how bad you are, but stay with him, because he has power on you.<</md>>
<<md>>About the coach, I will need to do something later, now my concern is the girl.<</md>>
<<md>>I helped her to walk, but it was obvious that every step was very painful for her. She was constantly groaning in pain. We won't even get to the beach exit, and she will be even more traumatized.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sit down here. I'll think of something now.<</say>>
<<md>>Even looking at Monica hurt me enough. We need to solve something and as quickly as possible. So far, she is sitting here on a bench, but the longer I wait, the worse the consequences can be.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasOn = 1>>\
<<if $mc.Intellect > 1>>\
[[Use your brain|Beach.What can help]]
<<talk "Think what can help" 1 $talk "It`s too hard to think about it now">><</talk>>
[[Look for help|Beach.Look for rescuers]]
<<if $cash gte 40 >>\
[[Call a taxi|Beach.Taxi]]
<<talk "Call a taxi" 1 $talk "I don`t have enough money">><</talk>>
<</if>>\<<md>>It will be much more difficult for me to cope here myself. My desire to help the girl shouldn't lead to more disastrous consequences. The intervention of another person should always be beneficial, as one friend once told me. Otherwise it will be like in that old story...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Can you wait for me here? I will bring us some help.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I don't think I can go far.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl smiled at me, but only one thing was read in this smile - fatigue from the events around. I don't blame her, if I had such a coach, I would rather jump out of the window than continue practicing.<</md>>
<<md>>Nodding to the girl and hoping that everything would be all right with her, and the coach would not want to come up to her and continue the conversation, I quickly went forward. Now it is better to trust those who know what to do in this situation. And who, if not rescuers, is better suited for this?<</md>>
<<md>>The watchtower looked like the eye of Mordor over the hot sands. And even though she was really close enough, it seemed to me that I was going there for ages.<</md>>
<<md>>There was one rescuer at the scene: a tanned guy with several tattoos on his chest and shoulders.<</md>>
<<md>>I explained to him the situation we faced and he thought for a moment, but then nodded and, throwing his backpack on his shoulders, followed me.<</md>>
<<md>>I hope he understands enough about these things so as not to hurt the girl even more.<</md>>
<<md>>When we returned, Monica was still there. The rescuer removed his backpack and with a quick, confident movement pulled out a first aid kit. In an instant, there was an elastic bandage in his hands, which he began to wrap around Monica's leg. The girl cried a couple of times, but very soon everything was over.<</md>>
<<md>>Thanking the guy for his help, I called a taxi. Now is not the best time for walking, for sure.<</md>>
<<md>>When we arrived at her house, I explained to the girl's worried parents what had happened, and then I said goodbye and went home.<</md>>
<<md>>Enough stress for her today.<</md>>
[[Return to home|Home corridor]]
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 1>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 3>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 51>>\
<<set $AutumnMonicaCheerleader1 = 1>>\<<md>>Spring is a serious thing and a bad thing to joke with. To mind immediately comes situation with my classmate, who did not go to the doctor on time. However, I don't want to think about bad things now. But just expecting something to happen is not a good idea either.<</md>>
<<md>>So I take out my phone.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>What are you doing? Where are you going to call?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, I'll just call a taxi. We need to get you home as quickly as possible.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, good. If it doesn't bother you.<</say>>
<<md>>What's good is that Monica doesn't display false modesty. Now is not a situation in which to be ashamed of it.<</md>>
<<md>>Although I think she's just shocked by everything: from the anger of the coach, from her repeated failure and that a stranger like me stood up for her. Although she may have heard of me.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>What do you think when I can get back to exercises?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl simply stunned me with this question. She's not in her best shape right now, but still thinks about training?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think you should wait with this for now. The injury can be serious. It is unlikely that you will benefit the team if, for example, you`ll break your leg.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl said nothing and a pause stretched between us.<</md>>
<<md>>My words may have been cruel, but they were true. It is better for her to restore her health first, and then think about returning to the team.<</md>>
<<md>>Very soon a taxi came to us and, carefully placing the girl in the two back seats so as not to injure our leg even more, we left this place.<</md>>
<<md>>The ride was not too calm, the car was thrown from side to side from time to time and I constantly thought about how everything would be all right with Monica.<</md>>
<<md>>When we arrived at her house, her parents were waiting for us, whom I called back in advance. It was hardly in my power to do anything else now.<</md>>
<<md>>Gave the girl into the caring hands of her parents, I left their house in the hope that soon everything would be much better with her.<</md>>
<<set $cash -= 40>>\
[[Return to home|Home corridor]]
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 1>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 3>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 51>>\
<<set $AutumnMonicaCheerleader1 = 1>>\<<md>>A sprained leg, such a serious one, can play not a good joke with a girl. It is unlikely that she joined the ranks of the cheerleaders in order to stay on the sidelines, and even more so not in order to receive a serious injury for life. Yes, I know that this is a dangerous sport, but even so, you need to take care of the girl.<</md>>
<<md>>What could help her? Elastic bandage, that's right! If I can fix her leg and make it so that it does not move before arriving home, then I will save her from complications. After all, the disease is not so terrible as its complications!<</md>>
<<md>>I tried to remember where the nearest pharmacy is, but something didn’t work. Wait, I think I remember not far from here. If I hurry, it's only about 5-10 minutes from here. But is it worth leaving the girl in such a situation?<</md>>
[[Go to pharmacy|Beach.Pharmacy]]
[[Stay with Monica|Beach.Stay with Monica]]
<<md>>After explaining to the girl why it is important for me to leave her for a while now, I went to the pharmacy.<</md>>
<<md>>During my absence nothing should happen to her. Moreover, she took my words calmly enough.<</md>>
<<md>>Now the main thing is that here was what I need.<</md>>
<<if $cash > 100 >>\
[[Buy bandage and return to Monica|Beach.Bandage]]
<<talk "Buy bandage and return to Monica" 1 $talk "I don`t have enough money">><</talk>>
[[Don`t buy it|Beach.Bad news]]
<</if>>\<<say $mc>>I hope you didn't wait too long!<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>No, not at all.<</say>>
<<md>>When I approached Monica, she gave me a sweet smile. Amazing, now it's time to keep the girl safe.<</md>>
<<md>>It looks like the sprain is even worse than I originally thought.<</md>>
<<md>>Gently freeing the space around the already reddened spot, I slowly began to wrap the bandage around it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It may be unpleasant now.<</say>>
<<md>>As much as I want to do everything carefully, it takes a certain amount of strength to fix it. The girl silently nodded, but after a moment a scream escaped from her lips. Very soon this simple operation was completed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's all. It remains only to get home and rest.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Rest... Sounds like something new.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds as if you never had a moment of peace.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Except for sleep, I worked constantly.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then it will be surely useful for you. Come on, lean on me, I'll take you to the taxi, it is about to arrive.<</say>>
<<md>>Of course, you could try to take the girl yourself, but this would be more harm than good. If I really care about Monica, I'll do it right.<</md>>
<<md>>Slowly, slowly again and so as not to cause the girl too much pain, I put her in a taxi, from where the car took us straight to her house. The trip was not perfect, but I think Monica is fine.<</md>>
<<md>>From the doorway, I was greeted by her excited parents, to whom I explained everything that had happened.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks. You saved me today.<</say>>
<<md>>Interesting from what? From a mad coach or a stretch? However, now it is important that everything is fine with the girl.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're welcome, Monica. I'm glad you're okay.<</say>>
<<md>>Grateful parents treat me with coffee, which tasted amazingly good. And the girl's parents turned out to be very pleasant people with whom it is not shameful to spend the evening discussing some important issues.<</md>>
<<md>>Everything is good that ends well.<</md>>
[[Return to home|Home corridor]]
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 2>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 3>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 51>>\
<<set $AutumnMonicaCheerleader1 = 1>>\<<md>>The girl looks at me with hope, but I can’t help her in this situation. It is not in my power to change anything.<</md>>
<<md>>There are situations when you either need to help completely - or not help at all. Half measures only make things worse. It's like getting your feet wet in water, but not submerging the rest of your body. It seems to be, but it seems to be awful.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Unfortunately, we will have to manage it on our own. The pharmacy does not have the item we need.<</say>>
<<md>>The hope in her eyes fades away. It's a pity that everything happened like this.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I understand.<</say>>
<<md>>I didn't have enough money or I didn't want to help her - all this is not so important now. It's more important to just bring her home safe and sound.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>OUUUUUUCH!<</say>>
<<md>>Difficulties arise with this, as soon as we got up. Even walking with bare feet on the sand, pain is inevitable.<</md>>
<<md>>But there is not much choice, I need to bring the girl to the car, which is about to arrive. Several times I catch the girl by the hand, because the pain is so strong that she almost falls. At least she can't pretend that good, can she?<</md>>
<<md>>Finally, we plunge into the car that takes us away from this ill-fated beach.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you okay?<</say>>
<<md>>On the way to her house, the car throws up several times, from which I worry as if not to make things worse.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes. Hope it's not that bad there?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course not.<</say>>
<<md>>I have to lie to her, because it is better that the girl does not worry. The truth will be revealed soon enough, but for now, that's all I can do for her.<</md>>
<<md>>The car stopped and when I helped the girl to leave the salon, her worried parents, whom I called a little earlier, were already waiting for us. If I didn’t help her, then they will definitely cope.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you for not leaving me there.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How could I? You are my favourite student.<</say>>
<<md>>Smiling for goodbye, I waved my hand and left the house. Her parents offered me coffee, but I was so annoyed with everything that happened that I wanted only one - peace.<</md>>
[[Return to home|Home corridor]]
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 1>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 3>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 51>>\
<<set $AutumnMonicaCheerleader1 = 1>>\
<<md>>The dumbest idea is to break off and run to the pharmacy. The student is already scared, and if I now leave her here alone, it will not end well. Another one can be added to physical trauma: moral. However, who better than me knew what it means to be alone in the middle of everything...<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, I just sit next to her and carefully look into beautiful eyes, full of hope and sadness.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, you will definitely get better.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I know it! My body is recovering quickly enough. Among the girls, they call me Claire!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Claire?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, Claire Bennett? Have you watched “Heroes” series?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No. Unfortunately.<</say>>
<<md>>Sometimes I just don’t have enough time for myself, so how can I keep track of all the novelties of the series, of which there are a million.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Who is this Claire?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>She's a cheerleader, just like me. And she has a superpower - she knows how to quickly recover from any damage, whatever she received.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And you are the same, I suppose?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Almost. Once, during training, I fell from a very great height. But less than two weeks had passed since I was back in the ranks.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then you have nothing to be afraid of.<</say>>
<<md>>It was only after I said that, it occurs to me how stupid I was. She had something to be afraid of.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I'm afraid the coach will not accept me back after my failure today. She's been mad at me for a long time, so...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sure she will take you back. I saw how hard you tried. If not, I’ll talk to her.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>True?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you so much!<</say>>
<<md>>She rushed to hug me, but immediately changed her mind, because the sprain made itself felt.<</md>>
<<md>>Why does the taxi take so long?<</md>>
<<md>>Having called the car, we stood near the designated place. The way here was not so easy, but the girl endured all the hardships with dignity. Perhaps she really has something of a superhero?<</md>>
<<md>>When the car drove up, I helped the student get inside and we started off. For some reason I was sure that everything would be fine with her.<</md>>
<<md>>Anxious parents were waiting for us near the house, into whose caring hands I handed the girl over. After that I happily drank coffee with them.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks for the help. It's nice to know that not all teachers in our school are as strict as our coach.<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled back at her and then went to my house.<</md>>
<<md>>Despite all the troubles that happened to the girl, for some reason I am in a good mood.<</md>>
[[Return to home|Home corridor]]
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 2>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 3>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 51>>\
<<set $AutumnMonicaCheerleader1 = 1>>\<<md>>The reason is not in Monica or even the other girls.<</md>>
<<md>>Whatever they do, it won't make sense. Their coach is worried about something. And when trouble hangs over you, like an enemy sword, you break down at everyone. Even cute and sexually attractive female students who will easily seduce any man.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>$mc.Name! What have you forgotten here?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like you could use some help.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Help? We are doing pretty well here by ourselves.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Really?<</say>>
<<md>>I looked at the girl who had just collapsed, and then at the coach.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, okay, this is a nightmare. I don’t know how to be. We have a competition soon, but they are not ready at all. They seemed to be replaced.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let me help you. It certainly won't get any worse.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Okay, but only once.<</say>>
<<md>>I will not lie, I did it not only out of good intentions. I had a seething desire to look under those sexy short skirts or even touch what was under them.<</md>>
<<md>>Several girls gone to accompany Monica, while the rest began to training. I offered them my help because I was their support. How long and slender their legs! Especially their leader.<</md>>
<<md>>The coach commanded them from afar, and I helped. Every time everything worked out, I rejoiced at their success, as if it were mine.<</md>>
<<md>>I especially smiled when Autumn, their leader, cheerfully performed the next movement, ending with a funny move, showing me her delicious ass.<</md>>
<<md>>It was hard to hold the girls out of habit, but I still managed. The students performed well and even their coach did not even say a word.<</md>>
<<md>>A few hours later, the short euphoria of success passed, and the workout came to an end. The coach said goodbye to the girls and left us all.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Today was not training, but fire!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm glad everything went well. And nobody was hurt.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Except for Monica, but she always stays on the bench. A loser like her doesn't belong here! Especially when the coach is almost a mad bitch!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's good that she doesn't hear you. Otherwise the mad bitch would have torn you apart. Why is she so hard on you?<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn smoothed her hair and smiled.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Because she hasn't had sex for a long time.<</say>>
<<md>>This is hardly the answer I should have heard, but I felt the excitement because of that one phrase.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Sounds like you like this kind of conversation, right? Love the inaccessible? Ha-ha!<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Okay, the truth is we got kicked out of our gym. Someone needed to train there, but who needs a cheerleader team? Except for the stupid cheerleader leader...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sure something can be solved.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>If only you can convince the principal. Otherwise... Training on the sand sucks. We will definitely fail.<</say>>
<<md>>She walked away, leaving me bewildered. So Clara is behind it all? Why would she expel the cheerleaders from the gym? Strange...<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader1 = 1>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 2>>\
[[Return to beach|Beach]]<<md>>The events of the past days did not go out of my head. Training with the cheerleaders, and especially with Autumn, seemed very good and positive to me.<</md>>
<<md>>These girls need help, not constant screams and reminders of what kind of failure they are. If you constantly repeat to the monkey that it is a fly, it will surely break on the windshield.<</md>>
<<md>>On the other hand, I can't really blame even the coach. She is not a model of patience and understanding, but if they are used to certain conditions, and now they have completely different ones, this, of course, will affect the spirit of the team.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, it is important to understand why Clara deprived them of this opportunity, and at the same time help to deal with everything.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>How can I help you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>More that how can I help. I would like to help this school become the best it can be.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I'm afraid I don't quite understand what this is about.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I have heard small but very nervous rumours that our cheerleading team is forced to conduct their training not in a gym that they are used to.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Ah, you are talking about that. I'm sorry, but there is hardly anything you can do. The school now has other priorities and the cheerleader team is clearly not included in them.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But they will represent our school in the competition. If they win...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>For the previous five years, they have never taken at least third place. This is what I call a waste of money.<</say>>
<<md>>There is some truth in her words. Clara as the principal has to take care not only of the well-being of the students, but also that the school is properly funded. This requires achievements or successful graduates.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're right. But what if they were lucky this time?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I don't believe in luck. Only in the persistence of those who want to get their way. Sorry, I have something to do.<</say>>
<<md>>Deciding not to detain Clara, I left her office. I don't seem to be able to persuade her now.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 1>>\
<<set $AutumnCheerleader1 = 0>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 3>>\
[[Leave the office|Second floor]]<<md>>It's only eight in the morning now, but I'm already here. I need time to get into Clara's office and prepare a gift for her. I have already agreed with Linda that she will lend me the key, so everything should be quite simple.<</md>>
<<md>>Hopefully it works and I can soften Clara's decision and be done with training on the beach. As much as I enjoy watching girls, sand is not the best place for this kind of activity.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>You have 10 minutes before she arrives.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda handed me the key and I nodded her back.<</md>>
[[Go to second floor|Cheerleader.Gift.Second Floor]]
<<md>>Having risen to the second floor, I found someone's presence at the end of the corridor. Is Clara here so early?<</md>>
<<md>>It turned out to be one of the students. And why does he is not sleeping...<</md>>
<<md>>I have to hurry.<</md>>
[[Enter the office|Cheerleader.Gift.Office]]<<md>>As I expected, in the middle of the lesson I received a message from Clara, in which she asked to come to her office. I wish I knew what she did decide.<</md>>
<<md>>The lesson drags on too long. Too long.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally a call!<</md>>
<<addmins 25>>\
[[Run into Clara`s office|Cheerleader.Gift.Clara decission]]<<say $Clara>>Sit down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I think the cheerleader team is worth giving them another chance. I find out that we have free time for them, if they want to. The school always makes concessions.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, Clara. You will not regret it.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Maybe not, maybe yes. But don't think that I did it because of the gift. It's not so easy to buy me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why then did you help me?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Not to you, but the school. The school needs it. But, as I said before, I believe in the persistence of those who want to get their way. Do you understand what I mean?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, certainly.<</say>>
<<md>>This compliment warms my soul very much. However, I know people for whom this news will be tantamount to a gift from heaven. I need to tell them about it as soon as possible!<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 4>>\
<<set $Earring1 = 0>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 5>>\
[[Exit the office|Second floor]]<<md>>Trespassing into the office, I took out a box from my backpack, carefully prepared and packed so beautifully that any woman would definitely say yes. But when it comes to Clara, I don't even know what to think.<</md>>
<<md>>Like this. It looks great now. When she sees, she will definitely not be able to refuse!<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Go to biology class|Cheerleader.Gift.Lesson]]<<say $Linda>>Do you have a disagreement with the principal? Yes, the fate of cheerleaders is quite dire. So, you are our hero, saving a girl, or rather girls, from the principal's wrath? Well, let me tell you a secret. She is not only the principal, but also a woman. And any woman cannot resist two things: a handsome man and jewelry. The handsome man stands right in front of me, it remains to pick up something that Clara will not be able to resist. Luckily I know what she loves.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda handed me a piece of paper with the jewelry stamp on it.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>If you give her these earrings, she will definitely make concessions for you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Linda. You are the golden one.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Contact me,if you need something, dear.<</say>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 2>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 4>>\
[[Leave|School reception]]
<<say $Lucy>>Convincing the principal? She is too harsh and adamant. If you need to come to terms with her, I'm definitely not an assistant here. Take my advice, try not to contradict her - otherwise you won't last too long here.<</say>>
<<md>>Hmm... Looks like Lucy is not the person I should be asking for advice on this matter.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 1.1>>\
[[Leave the class|Second floor]]<<say $Sophia>>Oh, principal! What a delightful and sexy woman, isn't she? Her style is flawless. Constantly as she comes in, I feel like I gasp ... How to convince her? I wish I knew. I think it's better to ask about this not from me, but from Linda. These are the eyes and ears of this school. She knows the answer for sure!<</say>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 1.2>>\
[[Leave the class|Second floor]]<<md>>Finding the right place was not an easy task, even considering that I had been here before. At first, I had to wander for a long time in a maze of similar houses until I came across the right one. It's good that there was a funny face on Monica's mailbox.<</md>>
<<md>>For some time I had to wait until Monica's parents appeared on the doorstep, after which they took me to the girl's room. The parents left us alone. Well, it will be even easier that way. After all, with her parents, she may not be entirely sincere. And I am concerned not only with her physical condition, but also with her moral. Trauma can affect a girl more than she herself even implies.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How do you feel?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I`m not dead yet. Tell the coach that she will have to suffer a little more with me. If she, of course, accepts me back...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course she will. Why shouldn't she accept gold like you? I brought you a little gift.<</say>>
<<md>>I put the chocolate on the table by her bed.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks, it's so cute. You shouldn't be so worried about me. You've done enough already when you didn't leave me there.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It is important for me that you get better as soon as possible.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>True?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure.<</say>>
<<md>>For a while we talked about various things: about her health, about how things are going at school and about the fact that I was the first who came to visit Monica. Surprisingly, I did not even notice how almost an hour of time passed during this conversation.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaCheerleader2 == 2>>\
<<say $Monica>>Wait.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's voice called out to me when I got out of bed so as not to disturb the girl's peace.<</md>>
<<md>>I turned around and felt a strange sensation between my legs. Looking down, I realized that it was Monica's hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you doing?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>You have done so much for me, taken care of my health. Now it's my turn to take care of yours.<</say>>
<<md>>I don't protest much when her hand unzipped my pants and pulled them down along with my underwear.<</md>>
<<md>>The only thing that worried me...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Your parents are in the next room.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>They can come in at any time.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>The more interesting!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\MonicaSuck.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>With these words, she gently kissed the head of my penis. From such a simple and sensual action, frost went down my skin. She continued to cover her body with a kiss, as if playing and teasing me. I already wanted to feel her mouth and tongue on the penis, but the girl was still in no hurry.<</md>>
<<md>>But still the girl stopped the sweet torture and the tongue passionately wrapped around the penis, caressing him. Wet lips awakened desire and when the girl moved her mouth, she looked very sexy.<</md>> <<md>>Her movements became more and more different with every second, and the member penetrated deeper and deeper into this lustful throat. I wanted to fuck her right here and now, but I understood that blowjob is something that I will have to be content with.<</md>>
<<md>>I melted from her caresses, they were so tender and so obscene at the same time.<</md>>
<<md>>My patience was at its limit and I splashed the white seed right into the mouth of the girl who drank it greedily like water.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I hope you`ll come again?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Definitely, Monica. You cannot leave such goldy for a long time!<</say>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = -1>>\
[[Leave her home|Street York-Road]]<<md>>Several days have passed since the unfortunate events on the beach.<</md>>
<<md>>During the lessons, I constantly caught myself thinking that I was gnawing at thoughts about how things are going with Monica. It would be very reckless of me to simply forget what happened. For some reason it seems to me that I am responsible for the girl.<</md>>
<<md>>But I cannot show up to her house empty-handed. You need to bring something that will definitely cheer up the girl.<</md>>
[[Buy some sweets|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]<<md>>Is there anything in the world that cheers you up as much as chocolate? A truly delicious treat that always has a place at the table. Sweet and healthy, it will show like nothing else that I care about Monica's health.<</md>>
[[Visit Monica|Cheerleader.Monica thanks.Home]]<<if $Lexi.LustLvl lte 2>>
<img src="img/Lexi/LexiBed1.jpg"><br>
<<say $Lexi>>Hey, $mc.Name! It’s a pleasure to see here. You want something?<</say>>
<<if $LexiImage19Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage19Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $Lexi.LustLvl gte 2>>
<img src="img/Lexi/LexiBed2.jpg"><br>
<<say $Lexi>>So you are here in my bedroom. What are we going to do?<</say>>
<<if $LexiImage20Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage20Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $Lexi.LustLvl gte 3>>
<img src="img/Lexi/LexiBed3.jpg"><br>
<<say $Lexi>>$mc.Name , are we going to do some sports?<</say>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg2" style="padding-left: 73px;margin-top: 6px;padding-top: 5px;margin-left: 10px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiLiterature" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;/*! margin-top: 10%; */left: -10px;top: 5px;/*! border: 2px; */border-left-width: 0px;border-left-style: solid;border-top-width: 0px;border-top-style: solid;border-right-width: 0px;border-right-style: solid;border-bottom-width: 0px;border-bottom-style: solid;color: white;">Literature</a> </div> <div class="buttonInteractive bg3" style="margin-left: 12px;padding-left: 54px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiSayCompliment" tabindex="0" ;="" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -17px;color: white;">Compliment</a> </div> <div class="buttonInteractive bg4" style="padding-left: 115px;margin-left: 21 0px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiHug" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -54px;color: white;">Hug</a> </div> <div class="buttonInteractive bg6" style="padding-left: 62px;padding-bottom: 13px;margin-left: 9px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Economics</a> </div> <div class="buttonInteractive bg7" style="margin-left: 12px;padding-left: 114.7px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiNastyJoke" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;margin-left: -56px;left: -17px;color: white;">Horny Joke</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $Lexi.LustLvl gte 2>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg8" style="padding-left: 146px;margin-left: 591px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey;margin-top: -134px;"> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg8" style="padding-left: 146px;margin-left: 591px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/kisstalkgrey.png);margin-top: -134px;" disabled=""> </div> <br><br>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -203px;color: white;left: 657px;">Kiss</a> <br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg9" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-left: 89px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -217px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;right: 0px;left: -26px;color: white;">Politics</a> </div><br><br><br>
<<if $Lexi.LustLvl gte 3>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg10" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 288px;padding-left: 146px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;;margin-top: -358px;"> </div> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiFlirt" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -346px;left: -222px;color: white;">Flirt</a> <br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg10" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 288px;padding-left: 146px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flirttalkgrey.png);margin-top: -358px;" disabled=""> </div> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -346px;left: -222px;color: white;">Flirt</a> <br><br><br>
<<if $Lexi.LustLvl gte 2>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg11" style="padding-left: 146px;margin-left: 592px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -498px;"> </div> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiTouchBreast" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;left: 659px;color: white;top: -513px;">Grope</a> <br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg11" style="padding-left: 146px;margin-left: 592px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey;background-image: url(img/ach/gropetalkgrey.png);margin-top: -498px;"> </div> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;left: 659px;color: white;top: -513px;">Grope</a> <br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg12" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 59px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;/*! color: white; *//*! color: white; */border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -581px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiPhilosophy" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Philosophy</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $ == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg13" style="border-left-width: 2px;padding-left: 146px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);margin-top: -692px;margin-left: 289px;" disabled=""> </div><br><br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg13" style="border-left-width: 2px;padding-left: 146px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -692px;margin-left: 289px;"> </div><br><br><br><br>
<<if $Lexi.LustLvl gte 3>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg14" style="margin-left: 592px;padding-left: 146px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; margin-top: -861px;"> </div> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiPetting" tabindex="0" style="position: ;position: relative;top: -875px;color: white;left: 660px;">Fingering</a> <br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg14" style="margin-left: 592px;padding-left: 146px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/fingtalkgrey.png);margin-top: -861px;"> </div> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: ;position: relative;top: -875px;color: white;left: 660px;">Fingering</a> <br><br><br>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -988px;left: 365px;margin-left: -28px;color: white;">Give Flowers</a>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg15" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 46px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -997px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">Architecture</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -985px;right: 0px;left: 115px;color: white;margin-left: -55px;">Give Chocolate</a> <br><br>
<<if $id.chocolate == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg16" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 146px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/chocotalkgrey.png);margin-top: -1110px;" disabled=""> </div> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -984px;margin-left: -169px;left: -5px;left: -4px;color: white;right: 19px;opacity: 0;">Give Chocolate</a><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg16" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 146px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color:grey; background-image: url(img/ach/chocotalkgrey.png); margin-top: -1110px;"> </div> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -984px;margin-left: -169px;left: -5px;left: -4px;color: white;right: 19px;opacity: 0;">Give Chocolate</a><br><br>
<<if $Lexi.LustLvl gte 3>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg17" style="padding-right: 118px;margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 128px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; margin-top: -1277px;"> </div> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiBlowjobNew" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -1291px;color: white;left: 659px;">Blowjob</a> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg17" style="padding-right: 118px;margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 128px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/blowtalkgrey.png);margin-top: -1277px;"> </div> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -1291px;color: white;left: 659px;">Blowjob</a> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg18" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-right: -14px;padding-left: 100px;margin-right: -17px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -1332px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiMusic" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">Music</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $ gte 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg19" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 146px;padding-top: 5px;margin-right: 34px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px; background-image: url(img/ach/winetalkgrey.png);margin-top: -1446px;" disabled=""> </div> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -1483px;margin-left: -40px;left: 380px;color: white;">Give Wine</a><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg19" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 146px;padding-top: 5px;margin-right: 34px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;;margin-top: -1446px;"> </div><br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -1483px;margin-left: -40px;left: 380px;color: white;">Give Wine</a><br><br><</if>>\
<<if $Lexi.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg20" style="margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 146px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -16`4px;"> </div> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiCuni" style="position: relative;top: -1628px;left: 658px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Cunilingus</a><br> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg20" style="margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 146px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/cunitalkgrey.png);margin-top: -1614px;" disabled=""> </div> <a class="link-internal macro-link" style="position: relative;top: -1628px;left: 658px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Cunilingus</a><br> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg21" style="padding-left: 190px;padding-right: 0px;margin-right: -50px;margin-top: -1696px;margin-left: 6px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">Movies</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $id.teddy == 0>>
<div style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 289px;padding-left: 0px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/teddytalkgrey.png);width: 250px;height: 37px;margin-top: -1811px;" disabled=""> </div> <br><br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -42px;left: 384px;color: white;top: -119px;">Give Teddy</a><br><br><br>
<div style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 289px;padding-left: 0px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;width: 250px;height: 37px;margin-top: -1811px;"> </div> <br><br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiPresentTeddy" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -42px;left: 384px;color: white;top: -119px;">Give Teddy</a><br><br><br>
<<if $Lexi.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" style="margin-left: 590px;border-top-width: 2px;margin-top: -270px;margin-right: -24px;padding-left: 146px;border-bottom-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: pink;"> </div> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiVaginalMissionary1" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -285px;color: white;left: 660px;">Vaginal</a> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" style="margin-left: 590px;border-top-width: 2px;margin-top: -270px;margin-right: -24px;padding-left: 146px;border-bottom-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/vagitalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> </div> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -285px;color: white;left: 660px;">Vaginal</a> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg24" style="margin-top: -325px;margin-left: 5px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 82px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">Religion</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $id.perfume == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg25" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 288px;padding-left: 146px;margin-top: -436px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color:gray; background-image: url(img/ach/perfumetalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> </div> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -100px;color: white;top: -480px;left: 442px;">Give Perfume</a><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg25" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 288px;padding-left: 146px;margin-top: -436px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color:#f52e74;"> </div> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiPresentPerfume" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -100px;color: white;top: -480px;left: 442px;">Give Perfume</a><br><br>
<<if $Lexi.LustLvl gte 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg26" style="margin-left: 590px;margin-top: -602px;margin-right: 265px;padding-right: 100px;padding-left: 146px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> </div> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiAnal" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;color: white;top: -617px;left: 660px;">Anal</a> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg26" style="margin-left: 590px;margin-top: -602px;margin-right: 265px;padding-right: 100px;padding-left: 146px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/analtalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> </div> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;color: white;top: -617px;left: 660px;">Anal</a> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg27" style="margin-top: -660px;margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 234.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Sport</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $Lexi.LustLvl gte 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg29" style="margin-top: -771px;margin-left: 591px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 146px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> </div><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiRefuse" style="position: relative;top: -504px;left: 657px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Fetish</a><br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg29" style="margin-top: -771px;margin-left: 591px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 146px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/fetishtalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> </div><a class="link-internal macro-link" style="position: relative;top: -791px;left: 657px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Fetish</a><br><br><br>
<<if $id.whisky == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg28" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 287px;margin-top: -939px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 146px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;background-image: url(img/ach/whiskytalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> </div> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -986px;margin-left: -42px;color: white;left: 385px;">Give Whisky</a><br><br><br> <br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg28" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 287px;margin-top: -939px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 146px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;"> </div> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LexiPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -986px;margin-left: -42px;color: white;left: 385px;">Give Whisky</a><br><br><br> <br>
<<if $id.teddy > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg22" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 287px;margin-top: -1278px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 146px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;"> </div>
<div style="margin-top: -1080px;margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 243.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;background-image: url(img/ach/datea.png);border-color: grey;" class="buttonInteractive bg32"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -75px;padding-left: -3px;margin-left: -109px;color: white;">Ask for a date</a> <div style="margin-top: 50px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 200.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;margin-left: -247px;border-radius: 7.5px;background-image: url(img/ach/exittalk.png);border-color: #f52e74;" class="buttonInteractive bg33"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LHHall" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -138px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Leave</a> </div>
<<say $Lexi>>Sport? Yes, it’s very important to me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It seemed to me that you are not an adherent of a healthy lifestyle.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>What does it have to do with it ?! Yes I smoke. Sport helps in life situations and can save your life more than once.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Such as?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Such as sex! Nobody wants to fuck a girl who won't last even a couple of minutes. Yes, and you need to watch your body, caress it properly ...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Caress?!<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes, training excites me so much! Such a wonderful feeling!<</say>>
<<md>>She talks about it in such a way that I have the impression that she is aroused right now.<</md>>
<<addAff $Lexi 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]<<say $mc>>Do you like music, Lexi?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Body music during orgasm? All these groans, sighs, ahs ... Haha ... Of course!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, I'm talking about ordinary music ... Taylor Swift, for example ...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Ugh! Disgusting pop! Hate him! Real girls listen to rock! Pretty Reckless, for example.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, you are very pretty reckless, no doubt about it.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Besides, rockers are very cool guys. They have motorcycles and a big, fat ..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Spare me the details.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Fetboard!<</say>>
<<md>>Yeah, fetboard, huh...<</md>>
<<addAff $Lexi 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]<<say $mc>>Is it unlikely that a girl like you is interested in Hegel or Kant?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Why, I love cunt! Ha ha! Are you proud of me, teacher? It's still biology!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, only this is not philosophy.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>I like philosophy, there are a lot of cool thoughts. But most of all I adore the philosophy of hedonism.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Really ... And what do you like about it?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>The only thing that matters is the buzz. You don’t owe anything to anyone, you don’t have to think about anything except your body.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, her body definitely deserves a lot of pleasure.<</md>>
<<addAff $Lexi 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]<<say $mc>>So, Lexi, do you read anything besides the biology book?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Why should I open the book if you tell me everything anyway ?! Haha ...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Who would doubt that. I shouldn't have asked...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Hey, what do you mean ?! What do you allow yourself! I'm not stupid!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I didn't say that. It's just that literature is clearly not your interest!<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>I read ... a lot ...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Really? And what about?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>About sex, mostly. After all, literature was created so that we could be satisfied with ourselves.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I don't think I should tell her the truth about this. At least for now.<</md>>
<<addAff $Lexi 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]<<if $LexiHugPerDay > 3>>\
<<md>>Enough of hugging for today<</md>>
<<set _LexiHugArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LexiHugArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Lexi, the always cheerful and optimistic girl, looks a little gloomy today. Why does it seem to me that another minute and she will cry?<</md>>
<<md>>There are times when asking questions will not help at all. But hugs always work right.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>You have such a strong hugs.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry, was it unpleasant for you?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>No, quite the opposite. How I wish they would last as long as possible! I wish I could sink in it forever...<</say>>
<<md>>A smile shines on her face, and joy blooms in me in a violent color. What a pleasant sensation!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lexi>>Hugs are almost a prelude to sex, don't you think?<</say>>
<<md>>As soon as I hugged Lexi, she was too close to me. I would not say that it already looks like a simple hug. In her proximity, in how tightly she pressed against me, how to crawl with her foot on my leg, far from friendly actions were read.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>To some extent...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Two people are very close and you just have to reach out by hand. Or a leg... And you can already touch the most sensual places of the one with whom you are hugging.<</say>>
<<md>>Damn it, from these words I feel not peace, but great excitement! Hugging Lexi is not easy!<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>A loud sound, like a loud bang, echoes throughout the house. When I walk over to see what happened, I notice Lexi lying on the floor, rubbing her forehead. There is redness on her forehead. The poor girl was clearly unable to keep her balance and hit something hard.<</md>>
<<md>>Watching this picture, I want only one thing... Hug the girl. Therefore, when she rises to her feet, I hold her tightly to me.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Thanks. It's nice.<</say>>
<<md>>She speaks the words and I feel her warm breath on my shoulder. This closeness makes me feel good. Who would have thought that I would be so comfortable with Lexi?<</md>>
<<md>>The feeling of closeness and unity is a lot to give.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Thank you for taking care of me. It's nice to know that there are those who care.<</say>>
<<md>>I just hug her harder back. What an amazing feeling!<</md>>
<<if $LexiHugPerDay > 3>>\
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]
<<set $LexiHugPerDay += 1>>\
<<addLust $Lexi 3>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
<<set $LexiArouse += 2>>\
<<if $LexiArouse > 60 && $LexiArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Lexi is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]
<</if>>\<<if $LexiKissPerDay > 3>>\
<<md>>Enough of kissing for today<</md>>
<<set _LexiLightKissArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LexiLightKissArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Looking at Lexi and the way she sexually bites her lip, I want to try to bite her by myself. Each time I have less and less self-control and more passionate, almost insane desires.<</md>>
<<md>>I suppose there will be no harm from a small, almost imperceptible, kiss now.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Scientific experiment? I am for any experiments, teacher!<</say>>
<<md>>She is not even going to hide that it brings her great pleasure. Others would have long been embarrassed, blushed and fled. But we're talking about Lexi! Delightful girl!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lexi>>Do you encourage all your students this way?<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi pouts her lip exponentially, but I can see the flame of pleasure burning in her. A short kiss did not leave her indifferent. Perhaps she even wants more. Who knows...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, only the most diligent and successful.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Do you have many of them?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You are the only one.<</say>>
<<md>>The fake resentment is replaced by a smile that almost shines on the girl's face.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>In that case, it was nice...<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>When my lips lightly touch Lexi's lips, I feel a faint frosty tingling sensation as if hundreds of snowflakes penetrate my skin, bringing such a welcome pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>It was a very entertaining lesson...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Real life lessons are always more interesting than what you can read in books. Scientists call this the empirical way.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Looks like this is my favourite way now!<</say>>
<<if $LexiKissPerDay > 3>>\
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]
<<set $LexiKissPerDay += 1>>\
<<addLust $Lexi 4>>
<<text r "-7 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 7>><<addmins 5>>\
<<set $LexiArouse += 7>>\
<<if $LexiArouse > 60 && $LexiArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Lexi is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]
<<set _LexiRefuseArray = [ 1, 2,3]>>\
<<switch _LexiRefuseArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lexi>>What a stupid topic did you pick...<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lexi>>Pester some nerd with such questions! Leave me alone!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Lexi>>Do I look like a know-it-all?<</say>>
<<addAff $Lexi -6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]<<if $Lexi.AffectionLvl gte 2>>\
<<set _LexiAskSchoolArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LexiAskSchoolArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>How are you doing at school?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl rolled her eyes and shook her head.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>It was the most terrible and boring day of my life. Nothing happened at school and most of the lessons were boring.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you want to say “one lesson”?<</say>>
<<md>>I knew Lexi had only attended one lesson today. If this continues, she may simply be kicked out of school. That is why this conversation is needed now. Because I care what happens to her.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Ha-ha, nothing can be hidden from you!<</say>>
<<md>>Her ringing laugh froze in my ears.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Well, yes, one lesson, but it was so necessary - it's just a nightmare. Minutes dragged on like hours.<</say>>
<<md>>I can't blame Lexi, because not all lessons can be as interesting as mine!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sure it won't be that way tomorrow!<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>That's for sure! At least one lesson will interest me!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>They say today at school at school you are very distinguished!<</say>>
<<md>>Although the word “say”in this case is too soft, since the whole school today was just screaming about what Lexi did.<</md>>
<<md>>But it seems she didn't even care about it.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>True, and what do they say about me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That a little commotion is your handiwork.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi smiled sweetly, as if there was nothing wrong with her act.But she called to the school and said it was going to explode.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Well, there was not only me, but also Veronica. And the commotion was not small. You should have seen the faces of the frightened students!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I saw them, Lexi. I have been able to calm many of them. Say thanks that Clara didn't call the police the way she originally planned. You could have gotten yourself into serious trouble.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Life is too boring without risk.<</say>>
<<md>>It seems that my words are meaningless, the girl thinks only of herself.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Life in high school - almost equal to the life of a star. After all, in fact, it's very similar. Whatever you do, it will be known, if not all, to almost everyone. It's rare to be able to hide secrets when you're out in the open.<</md>>
<<md>>So Lexi was number one news this time, hot, but still news.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, your performance today was...<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi shining and so childishly clenched her fists. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Admirable? Tell me that you liked it!<</say>>
<<md>>Hell, she knows how to get it done. As a man, I certainly liked what I saw. But it better be just me!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, I liked it!<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Hooray! I made this outfit especially for you. Because this play is boring to death! Everybody's so serious and they play it like they're on Broadway, no less. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, I really liked the outfit and I appreciated what you did, but it wasn't just me, you know? Tomorrow the whole school will be discussing the fact that there was no underwear under your skirt. <</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>So what? Let them look at it and discuss it. That's their role. It makes me feel even better! <</say>>
<<md>>Feels good? What's that girl even talking about? Does she feel good that dozens of eyes saw her shining her girl pussy in plain sight? I don't get it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, are you sure you understand the consequences? I'm flattered, however...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes, the important thing is that you liked the rest of it doesn't matter.<</say>>
<<md>>Hell, why do I have boner by thinking and talking about it again?<</md>>
<<addAff $Lexi 12>>
<<set _LexiSchoolNegArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LexiSchoolNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lexi>>The teacher asks about the school. If something more dull and trite?<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lexi>>I hate school and everyone who pokes their noses into other matters. The last thing about you, if you haven't guessed yet.<</say>>
<<set $Refusals += 1>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]<<if $Lexi.AffectionLvl gte 2>>\
<<md>>Loud laughter rolls around the room.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Book? Am I 90 years old to sit and read a book?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Maybe I still have to sit and knit a terrible sweater for my grandchildren? Wait, I can't, too tired! Ha-ha!<</say>>
<<md>>It would seem that a simple question caused such a violent reaction in the girl. Knowing Lexi, it's not too surprising, but it is still unsettling.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, I'm serious. Do you have a favourite book?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Oh, you're serious! Well, that's another matter. No, I almost don't like reading. Too boring and no use whatsoever. All the necessary books have long been filmed.<</say>>
<<md>>I see. Apparently I shouldn't have raised this topic at all. Lexi and books are too incompatible.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>But, yo know, I have a favourite book. This is the Kama Sutra!<</say>>
<<md>>My breath was caught. No, that was definitely not the best question.<</md>>
<<addAff $Lexi 12>>
<<set $LexiFavBook = 1>>
<<set _LexiBookNegArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LexiBookNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lexi>>As if I should answer such stupid questions!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lexi>>My interests do not concern you!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>The girl frowned looking at me. Looks like my question made her think of something quite distant. Well, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't have a favourite book.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Book? Yes, I have a favourite. My grandmother used to read me one before I went to bed. <</say>>
<<md>>Ha, I guess I underestimated Lexi and her hobbies. Even a girl like that who doesn't look like a literary enthusiast has something to surprise me with.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>What was the name... I wish I could remember it now. I think... It was called "Books suck." <</say>>
<<md>>Damn, she's good. I even believed her, and it turned out she was all over me.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Who reads books these days? All the information you need has long gone from there to smartphones. Smartphones are the source of wisdom.<</say>>
<<md>>I'm sorry I asked her that already. I guess it was better not to recognize Lexi from this side. <</md>>
<<set $Refusals += 1>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]
<<if $Lexi.AffectionLvl gte 2>>\
<<set _LexiSayComplimentArray = [ 1, 2,3]>>\
<<switch _LexiSayComplimentArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lexi>>What a hot day today!<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi is wearing a tight T-shirt that highlights every mouth-watering particle of her body. But there are many beads of sweat on her face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes,it is shining especially brightly today. But I think it's much hotter here now.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Really? I'm going to turn on the conditioner now!<</say>>
<<md>>The student is already getting up to go to the console, but I grab her hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I mean that there is something hotter and brighter in this room than the sun - it's you, Lexi.<</say>>
<<md>>And when the compliment is said, I let her go, admiring the confused and at the same time flattered look.<</md>>
<<md>>Here she is the real Lexi, hidden behind all these masks of self-confidence and obscenity.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>Do you know why many people go to the beach?<</say>>
<<md>>My questions sounded so suddenly that the girl even shuddered for a second.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>To enjoy the sea and the sun. Sunbathe, maybe...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, but not only for this. Many people know that a pearl can be found there and everyone wants to touch the beauty.<</say>>
<<md>>Several times I have seen people just walk along the coast and look for shells, hoping to find something very valuable.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>True?<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi doesn't seem to think about this question even once.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. But they don't know that the main pearl of this is not at the seashore, but right here, in front of me!<</say>>
<<md>>I look at her, waiting for her to understand what I mean.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Is it me the pearl? Thank you! This is the most beautiful thing that I have been told in this life. I am a pearl! Ha!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Where has Lexi gone? She left her room and...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>I'm a little worried before the ball.<</say>>
<<md>>She walked in in a chic dress, which I have never seen before, and I must say in it she looks so beautiful that she already takes my breath away.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>I think this dress makes me a little fat.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, Lexi still doesn't realize how wrong she is. I walked over to her and gently took her hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You in it are even more beautiful than usual, Lexi. I'm sure all the guys at the ball will not take their eyes off you this evening.<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me in surprise, as if I had revealed to her the secret of world domination.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Do you really think so?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course!<</say>>
<<md>>A moment and a smile shines on the girl's face. What else is needed?<</md>>
<<addAff $Lexi 4>>
<<set $stamina -= 4>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]<<set _LexiTouchBreastArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LexiTouchBreastArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>For several minutes now, Lexi has been walking worriedly around the room. She keeps looking at her breasts and touching them. The girl clearly had something wrong.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, are you worried about something?<</say>>
<<md>>The student stopped, and only after a moment said.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes, I think I hit hard in the gym. Now I don't understand whether my chest hurts or not.<</say>>
<<md>>She takes off her clothes, showing me her lovely tits. God, it's tempting. It is unlikely that even one man will be able to resist the inner call.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>What are you doing?<</say>>
<<md>>My hand was on Lexi's right chest even faster than I could think of the word “nipple”.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It is necessary to check whether there are any bruises.<</say>>
<<md>>What a soft and warm girlish breast. Squeezing it, I seem to calm down. I understand that now is not the best time, but instincts are instincts.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yeah, great idea!<</say>>
<<md>>It does not seem at all that the girl was even against my actions, on the contrary. She enjoys my every move with her eyes closed.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>The long evening of explanations of the theory of biology was almost over. I explained to Lexi everything she needed to know to make it easier to pass the exam. However, the explanation turned out to be a little confused, because the girl leaned towards me so that her breasts jumped out of the T-shirt.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Explain to me again.<</say>>
<<md>>Now she leaned too close. I feel how excitement grows in me and there is only one way to fight it.<</md>>
<<md>>The hand touches the girl's chest through the shirt. Although the fabric gives a slightly different sensation, it still allows me to enjoy the girl's breasts and the elasticity that attracts me.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Like it?<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi's mouth twisted into a lascivious smile, as if it wasn't a surprise to her. However, knowing this girl, I will not be surprised at all.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Very!<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, she was definitely waiting for this! Then it's even more delicious.<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 12>>\
<<set $LexiArouse += 8>>\
<<set $stamina -= 12>><<addmins 12>>\
<<if $LexiArouse > 60 && $LexiArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Lexi is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]<<set _LexiButtArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LexiButtArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Watching Lexi is sometimes too hard. No, I like what I see. Sometimes too much. Her body is very hot. So much so that my cock is ready to jump out of my pants at any moment.<</md>>
<<md>>And now, lying next to me in her shorts, the girl seduced me. I got a wonderful view of the two halves of the girl.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Teacher, what are you doing?<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\LexiButt.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Lexi is definitely surprised that I no longer hold myself back, but I`ve surrender to instinct.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm checking if the rumours are true...<</say>>
<<md>>My hand squeezes the elastic halves more and more. What a gorgeous feeling!<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Rumours? What rumours?<</say>>
<<md>>The student is surprised, but does not even try to take my hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That you don't wear lingerie.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>And?<</say>>
<<md>>In the girl's voice, I hear the pleasure and approval of everything I do.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like it's true.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, she has no underwear on and it turns me on very much.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>If I'm asked why I'm spending time with Lexi, the answer is obvious and simple. Her sexy ass.<</md>>
<<md>>This girl may not be the best student, and sometimes we have very big disagreements, but one thing is constant. Lexi has a great ass, and I get a dozen bad thoughts when I look at her.<</md>>
<<md>>How do I want to test these two halves for strength by slipping dick between them... How do I want to just play with these two halves until the girl herself begs for mercy. <</md>>
<<md>>Whatever clothes she's wearing, I can't help but stare at this beautiful ass, it always excites me like the first time. <</md>>
<<md>>So it's no wonder I'm just pawing my student's ass like a wild animal right now.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>And then you noticed it....<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi says it in a languid voice, give me even more access to two appetizing halves. God, that feels so good.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>We've wanted this with her for so long. To touch us, to squeeze us properly!<</say>>
<<md>>Squeezed? Those words made everything inside me tense. So it wasn't an accident. She was always calling me to action! Well, it's better not to disappoint her expectations!<</md>>
<<md>>I firmly squeezed the two halves, playing with them one by one, enjoying the elasticity of a girl's ass as much as possible. <</md>>
<<md>>Best ass, if not in the world, at school for sure! I never thought I'd love my student's ass so much!<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 12>>\
<<text r "-12 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 12>>
<<set $LexiArouse += 8>>\
<<if $LexiArouse > 60 && $LexiArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Lexi is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]<<if $Lexi.AffectionLvl gte 2 && $Lexi.LustLvl gte 2>>\
<<set _LexiButtArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LexiButtArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>No, Lexi, this is no good, are you not listening to me?<</say>>
<<md>>Everything that I have explained in the previous fifteen minutes has been a waste of time. The girl did not remember anything at all. Anger began to boil in me.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Sorry, teacher, it's hard for me to concentrate today.<</say>>
<<md>>Hell, she deserves it if she can't listen carefully. Next time he will think carefully.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll help you to focus. Lean over the table.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi quietly got up and did as I told her. I slowly pulled off her pants, leaving only her bare flesh.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You were a very bad student today. Bad students get punishment.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\LexiSpank.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>A loud slap flew across the room, and the girl yelped in surprise.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes!<</say>>
<<md>>She likes it? Well, then I will not stop! I like it even more!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>The pain threshold is an important part of any person, Lexi. It's different for each of us. Some can take more, others can take less. <</say>>
<<md>>Today's explanation is very easy. Lexi seems to be taking a good look at everything I say to her and even writing it down a little. Which, I must say, isn't very typical for a girl. Usually I have to explain it several times. But now it's like she's catching every word I say.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>But isn't there a way to extend it? I've heard there are people who can take as much pain as a woman feels when she has a baby. <</say>>
<<md>>Oh, I see the knowledge of the subject and the desire in her. I suppose that thirst for knowledge of pain is something to take advantage of.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, Lexi. You want me to teach you, don't you?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes! Yes, please!<</say>>
<<md>>Without saying a word, I grabbed Lexi and got on the bed. In an instant, I pulled all the extra stuff off her, leaving only her naked ass. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>There's only one way to get past the pain threshold is through practice.<</say>>
<<md>>A slap sounded, and the two halves of the girl blushed from my punch. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Didn't it hurt? .<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>No.<</say>>
<<md>>I hit her even harder, smiling at myself. It's not like Lexi was against my rudeness about her body. Her body was just shaking with pleasure. The moaning of excitement was coming off the girl's mouth. <</md>>
<<md>>A loud slap, and then again. She's got a pain threshold! I don't mind that, though.<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 20>>\
<<set $LexiArouse += 10>>\
<<set _LexiButtNegArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LexiButtNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lexi>>Have you ever been told that you are weird? Not pleasantly strange, but so strange that even children get scared.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lexi>>I'd better go...<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Looking at Lexi's ass, you can't get rid of the thoughts that haunt you all the time. You can look at her all you want, but in your dreams, your hands are always mocking a girl for the pleasure of slapping. Always considered spanking something embarrassing and beautiful at the same time!<</md>>
<<md>>But if I only dream about it and spit on the girl's roundness, I will not see all my fantasies come true. Only the bravest can get what they want.<</md>>
<<md>>So I had to do a little trick. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Are you sure that's gonna help me?<</say>>
<<md>>I don't know or it will help you, but it will help me!<</md>>
<<md>>A loud slap on her ass. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Wait! You said you knew how to determine my blood type. How does a slap help me?<</say>>
<<md>>Hell, why can't you think of anything right now? Oh, damn it!<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>I don't think you know what you're doing. Be glad I'm not telling that principal!<</say>>
<<set $Refusals += 1>>
<<addmins 5>>\
<<text r "-12 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 12>>
<<if $LexiArouse > 60 && $LexiArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Lexi is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]<<set _LexiKissArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LexiKissArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Soft and cold lips attracted me and did not let go of their power. We merged in a single kiss, unable to resist the magnetism that pulled us to each other.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>You love breaking the rules.<</say>>
<<md>>Her tongue intertwined with mine in a bizarre dance, forcing all other thoughts to be driven away.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I love...<</say>>
<<md>>For a second, she interrupted our unity and looked at me.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>What else do you like?<</say>>
<<md>>However, I were not going to stop and again clung to her lips. Now they seemed insanely hot to me, like Lexi's whole body. This girl is just a time bomb. And when it explodes...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>A lot of things that you will learn about very soon.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>It was already late enough, but I didn't really want to go home. Lexi and I were having a good time, especially there was dessert.<</md>>
<<md>>Which the girl, as if playfully, grabbed from my plate and stuffed it into her mouth. She didn't eat it no, she teased me!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, you stole my dessert!<</say>>
<<md>>The student tried to smile, but with her mouth full, it turned out so-so.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>You can take it from me if you like, ha-ha!<</say>>
<<md>>After these words, she began to chew the cake diligently. Damn, this is mine. Not wanting to put up with it, I came close to her and touched her lips.<</md>>
<<md>>At that moment, a spark ran between us. Our lips merged into one, and the taste of sweet on the girl's lips only intensified my desire. I played with her tongue, pulling and wrapping, until the girl herself pulled away.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Wow. Did you really need this dessert so much?<</say>>
<<md>>I kissed her again softly on the lips.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I needed you so much.<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 5>>\
<<set $LexiArouse += 4>>\
<<set $McCum += 2>>\
<<text r "-12 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 12>><<addmins 5>>\
<<if $LexiArouse > 60 && $LexiArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Lexi is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]
<<if $Lexi.AffectionLvl gte 3>>\
<<md>>No matter how I postpone this conversation, no matter how good it is with the girl, there are things that should be clarified.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, don't you think I come here more often than at home?<</say>>
<<md>>Bewilderment appeared on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>I don't see a problem. I like your company, you like mine. Still good.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded back. She understands what I am driving at, but does not yet understand all the problems that may arise after my words.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's what I'm talking about. We have long crossed that line at the time of which we could say stop. There are already various rumours about us at school. How do you look to confirm them?<</say>>
<<md>>Not a day passed that I would not hear more and more rumours about Lexi and myself. It seems to me that there is some kind of generator of these rumors at the school. Because sometimes they were so stupid...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Confirm? Are you talking about the rumour that you are fucking young students?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha. No, Lexi, I mean we should go on a date. Stop hiding in the corners.<</say>>
<<md>>At first, I loved all this spy romance, it felt like I was in high school. But now it is very tiring.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Agree. I love making things to be seen.<</say>>
<<md>>Ha-ha, you're right about that, Lexi, as never before. You love to be the centre of attention.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes, I'll go on a date with you!<</say>>
<<addAff $Lexi 14>>
<<say $Lexi>>What? No way!<</say>>
<<set $Refusals += 1>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Go for a date|DatePrologue]]<<if $LexiCum > 100>><<goto "LexiCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumLexi">><</if>>\
<<set _LexiPettingArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LexiPettingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>As I walked past the living room couch, I noticed Lexi wearing a very sexy short T-shirt. I've always liked girls in T-shirts. There is something immensely sexy about them that makes you dream about taking off both the shirt and what's underneath.<</md>>
<<md>>Like a vampire attracted by a young girlish body, I kissed Lexi passionately on the neck.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Are these the new rules of learning? I like them...<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi's voice sounded like she was about to cum at my touch. Does kissing on the neck make her feel so good?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I can teach you not only that. But don't get distracted now. Enjoy what you have.<</say>>
<<md>>Her body trembled in response to my caresses.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>What do I have?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You will see.<</say>>
<<md>>I pulled the breast-band of her T-shirt to the side, starting to kiss the girl's shoulders.
My hand slipped into her lingerie and i started to play play with her pussy.
She purred almost like a cat. <</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\LexiPetting.mp4"></video></div>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>If I were asked to describe the perfect features and the most seductive figure in the world, it would definitely be Lexi. All these neck lines, beautiful nose, long almost perfect legs. It's all so fascinating that there's no strength or desire to resist it. <</md>>
<<md>>The first kiss came to her neck, which attracted me most. Like a vampire, I'd fallen into her most vulnerable point. Lexi smelled good, excited me more and more.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>This is the best surprise I've had today...<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi was almost melting underneath my actions.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\LexiPetting.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>The girl's body was fluttering when I touched it. It was so exciting that I wanted this moment to freeze in time. My hands had already started playing with the girl's breasts. The girl's groaning and rapid breathing made me very happy, inflaming more and more of the wild desires hidden inside.<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 8>>
<<text r "-14 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 14>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $LexiCum += 12>>\
<<set $McCum += 12>>\
[[Back|LexiTalk]]<<if $LexiCum > 100>><<goto "LexiCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumLexi">><</if>>\
<<set _LexiBlowjobNegArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LexiBlowjobNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>It seems that my example still made Lexi take more care of herself and her body.<</md>>
<<md>>Firstly, for several days I have not seen a girl smoking. Secondly, she is now doing stretching. Even if she do it not quite right, but still she tries.<</md>>
<<md>>Hell, this look makes me think about how hot Lexi is.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Is it hard for you to do without cigarettes?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Little. Sometimes you just want to smoke. So much so that sometimes it even physically hurts.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think I know how to ease your pain and desire to smoke again.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl stopped doing the exercises and looked at me closely.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>And how?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>They say that the smoker has just a reflex or the habit of sucking on something. Some suck lollipops, but I suggest you suck my dick. This is not only useful, but also enjoyable.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes lit up with lust and in an instant she was next to me, pulling my cock out of my pants.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Help me to get rid of this bad habit.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\LexiIntBlow.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $LexiVideo7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiVideo7Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Without further ado, she set to work. Sexy tongue slid over the head of the penis, pouring unprecedented pleasure. How long have I been waiting for this. Following the tongue, my penis was clasped by her passionate lips and I felt what bliss means.<</md>>
<<md>>She did it with a pleasure I had never seen before, as if she were obsessed with my dignity. <</md>>
<<md>>Playing with a dick more and more, she plunged me into the depths of pleasure, until finally I felt a fountain of pleasure pouring out directly into her mouth.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>I think I'll soon stop dreaming of going back to cigarettes.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Without a doubt, girl. Without a doubt.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>We had a very interesting conversation today with Lexi. Lying in a very cosy place, the girl told me about her big problem. Of course, it would be a lot easier to listen about sleep problems if her head wasn't so close to my dick. At such moments, you can hardly think of anything other than a close acquaintance with a girl's head and my dignity.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, Lexi, I really care about your problem. But I think I know the solution to your problem.<</say>>
<<md>>She looks at me with hope, like she's her saviour. If she knew what I mean...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Really? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure. A girl your age needs to replenish her body with male protein. Without it, you'll suffer from many diseases and just get discomfort.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>I'll do it! Especially if it's your protein!<</say>>
<<md>>Without further ado, a girl unbutton my pants on my belt. My cock, which was ready to burn a hole in my pants, sighs lightly when he is released from captivity. He jumps out of his pants and instantly finds himself in Lexi's warm mouth, which already envelops him with sweat and spit.<</md>>
<<md>>She immerses cock full length and I can feel her throat tense. At the same time, I can see the animal lust in her eyes. That's not what she does because of necessity. That's what she does because of her love. Lexi loves my dick. It feels like she takes care of it, how she licks its base and how hard she plays with its head.<</md>>
<<md>>Every move she makes, it gives me pleasure. A wave of pleasure slowly begins to cover me until all her movements cause my seed to spill right into her mouth.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You'll sleep well tonight, believe me!<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>I really hope so.<</say>>
<<addLust $Lexi 12>>
<<set $LexiCum += 2>>\
<<set $McCum += 22>>\
<<set $stamina -= 6>><<addmins 10>>\
<<if $LexiCum > 15 && $LexiArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 25 && $LexiArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 50 && $LexiArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Lexi is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 75 && $LexiArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Lexi is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Back|LexiTalk]]<<if $LexiCum > 100>><<goto "LexiCum">><</if>>\
<<if $Lexi.AffectionLvl gte 3 && $Lexi.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<set _LexiFistingArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LexiFistingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Watching how flexible Lexi is, I should have awakened a passion for experimentation. After all, a young body is more than others capable of doing very amazing things.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Your flexibility probably makes a lot of girls in school envy you. It’s even surprising that you have such a flexible body, and you didn’t do too much sports.<</say>>
<<md>>A lascivious smile appears on Lexi's face.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>I did a slightly different sport. It also develops flexibility.<</say>>
<<md>>I love where this conversation is going. Lexi is like an extension of me. Whatever twisted thing I think, she always picks it up.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What do you think about developing the flexibility of your body a little more?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>I`d like to develop flexibility.<</say>>
<<md>>That's what I was talking about. Completely surrendering to my power, Lexi fell onto the bed. Her clothes were instantly on the floor.<</md>> <<md>>After kissing Lexi, I introduced her to my fingers. At first it was one finger, and then another. As her moans grew louder and she was clearly asking for more, my hand slowly entered her.<</md>>
<<md>>Having met the hand at first with resistance, the girl slowly felt the approaching pleasure. Her hips began to move in time with my hand, as if demanding more.<</md>>
<<md>>And I gave her everything to the last. I were gentle and I were rude. By alternating between the speed and power of penetration, I made Lexi scream with pleasure so loudly that she would be heard in all corners of the house if someone was at home.<</md>>
<<md>>What a delightful sight.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>When I walked into Lexi's room with a very special offer, I expected to see a lot, but what opened up in front of me surprised even me. Standing on her all fours , Lexi was looking at her hand.
She was definitely thinking about something, because even my presence didn't embarrass her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why is your hand so special?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl suddenly twitched as soon as she fell out of bed.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>It's just that I got a story about a porn star and her flexibility is impressive. She can hold a whole hand, you can imagine.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, it's certainly impressive. You wanted to see if your body could do the same?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yeah...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, let me help you with that.<</say>>
<<md>>My finger gently penetrated between her legs. If I do this right now, I could create an aversion to fisting. But I want to show her how beautiful it is.<</md>>
<<md>>Slowly, one by one, my fingers hid in her pussy, and then my hand. Her body shuddered at every movement I made inside.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>She began to understand. As I watched the process satisfactorily, I smiled and continued to give her pleasure until her hands irrigated her juices. <</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 16>>
<<set $stamina -= 15>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $LexiCum += 14>>\
<<set $McCum += 14>>\
<<talk "Start fingering her" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiPetting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Keep going her fisting" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start vaginal" 25 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiVaginal">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiCum > 100>><<goto "LexiCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumLexi">><</if>>\
<<set _LexiFootingArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LexiFootingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>What a sultry day today!<</md>>
<<md>>The only joy in this heat is that Lexi's almost naked. She is wearing very short shorts that barely cover her ass and sheer top.<</md>>
<<md>>But the worst thing about the heat is the excitement, which is not easy to quench. When you look at someone as sexy as Lexi, it's no wonder your pants get really tight.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>I see you need help here?<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi's seductively smooth foot rested against the place of my greatest tension. Looking at Lexi's feet, the excitement grew even more.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It would definitely not hurt.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Leave it to me.<</say>>
<<md>>Like some sort of Amazon, Lexi grabbed my pelvis with her legs and pulled my pants down. Wow, what a craftswoman!<</md>>
<<md>>The same fate befell my underwear.<</md>>
<<md>>Her legs deftly hugged my cock, moving with it in time. My tension grew every second...<</md>>
<<md>>What a wonderful feeling!<</md>>
<<md>>Unable to hold back any longer, I let my pleasure spill over onto the student's feet.<</md>>
<<md>>Not a girl - a dream!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Psychologists say that men love women's legs for fantasizing about possible foreplay. It's true that when you look at smooth and flawless legs you can't imagine anything else. That's why the legs are a separate joy for me. Especially as sexy as Lexi's. <</md>>
<<md>>Looking at them doesn't give you any decent fantasy. But I'm not thinking about a possible foreplay. There's only one thought in my head - the thought of girls' legs caressing my dick.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Your legs are always as delightful as you are Lexi. <</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Thank you, that's nice to hear from your lips. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You know what else would be delightful? If you played with your beautiful legs with my equally beautiful dick. <</say>>
<<md>>Lexi smiled and nodded. I quickly got rid of my pants, feeling the pleasure. I don't want anything stupid to stop me from having an orgasm from touching Lexi's fingers. <</md>>
<<md>>Her movements seemed a little clumsy at first, but when I realized very quickly what I wanted Lexi started to move my dick with her legs. The excitement started to envelop me slowly but firmly. I could feel the pleasure covering me and how I melted with the affection of a schoolgirl. <</md>>
<<md>>At the end, I spilled everything on the girl's legs. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It was delicious, Lexi!<</say>>
<<addLust $Lexi 26>>\
<<set $stamina -= 10>><<addmins 20>>\
<<set $LexiCum += 30>>\
<<set $McCum += 15>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiBlowjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiArouse > 160>>\
<<talk "Continue footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiPetting">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiArouse > 180 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Keep going vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 6 && $mc.Strength > 8>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiAnal">><</talk>>
[[Back|LexiTalk]]<<if $LexiCum > 100>><<goto "LexiCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumLexi">><</if>>\
<<set _LexiVaginalArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LexiVaginalArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>To my surprise, today I found a very surprising picture: Lexi was sitting at the table and preparing for lessons. There was a book in front of her, and the girl herself diligently wrote something down in a notebook.<</md>>
<<md>>Is this exactly the girl I know? Or the closeness with the teacher not only corrupted even more, but also opened up a secret love of knowledge?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Since when have you been learning anything besides biology?<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled softly.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Since recently. If my boyfriend is a teacher, then I should at least not fall in his eyes.<</say>>
<<md>>I ran my hand over her face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You will never fall in my eyes, even if you do something stupid.<</say>>
<<md>>Looking at Lexi, I could not help but notice how attractive she looks when she almost does not pay attention to me and is studying.<</md>>
<<md>>I gently ran my hand over her shoulders and squeezed her breasts. The hand itself crawled lower into the girl's panties. Damn, I want her right now. And judging by how wet it is between Lexi's legs, this desire is mutual.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>It couldn't have ended otherwise!<</say>>
<<talk "Start missionary" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiVaginalMissionary1">><</talk>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Is there anything in the world more beautiful than a woman's body? Only the body of a girl who blooms before your eyes. When I started dating Lexi, she didn't seem so desirable and sexy to me. She was just a regular student with slightly perverse tastes. But look at her now, she's directly emitting sexual energy. <</md>>
<<md>>And now that her body is around me, it's hard for me to just be around her. She calls out to me with all her looks. Or the fact is, she's not wearing any underwear. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Were you a bad girl today?<</say>>
<<md>>My hand slides on the girl's quilting, feeling her excited. Her body is shaking from my touch. When I touch her ass, the girl squeaks. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes, very bad! Punish me!<</say>>
<<md>>These words are like a magic spell to me. They make me lose my mind and my arm is already near her pussy. I sneak my finger inside her pussy and she moans satisfactorily.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, she wants it, she wants it as much as I do! <</md>>
<<talk "Start missionary" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiVaginalMissionary2">><</talk>>
<<if $mc.Intellect > 4 && $mc.Strength > 4>>\
<<talk "Start cowgirl" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiCowgirl">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiCum > 100>><<goto "LexiCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumLexi">><</if>>\
<<set _LexiAnalNegArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LexiAnalNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lexi>>What first attracted you in me?<</say>>
<<md>>I have never liked these questions in my life. They are always followed by a long and tedious scandal. Therefore, I did my best to avoid these questions with all the girls I`ve date in my life.<</md>>
<<md>>But for the first time in my life, it seems to me that you can not avoid this question. Just because with Lexi I can be myself. There was never such a thing that she at least condemned something.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Your ass.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Ha! I knew it! You men are always drawn to the ass. Veronica says this is a sign of your secret desire!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What secret desire?<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi narrowed her eyes as if trying to see if I was pretending.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Get in the ass of another man! Ha-ha!<</say>>
<<md>>She burst into a ringing laugh. And even if it was not as funny as she thinks, but I just liked that she was happy. This even made me feel calmer and more comfortable.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I definitely don't want to get into the ass of another man.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>And what about mine?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So much!<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>So what are you waiting for?<</say>>
<<talk "Start leap frog" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AnalLeapFrog1">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 6 && $mc.Strength > 7>>\
<<talk "Start doggy" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiAnalDoggy">><</talk>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>They say men fall into two categories: those who love women's breasts as if they had not yet grown up and those who love women's ass. And looking at Lexi, I can tell you that I'm more of a second group. There are objective reasons for that, but looking at that ass, you can't dream of anything else. I've been having a very strange dream for weeks now: It's like I'm obsessed with touching Lexi's ass hoping to get what I want, but she burns me...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>What are you thinking about?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's about your ass.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yeah, what's wrong with it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It doesn't have my dick in it.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl laughed loudly. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>I'll know what you're thinking with such a serious expression on your face. So why don't we fix this unfortunate flaw?<</say>>
<<md>>She's offering me... When I realized what she was offering me, I grabbed Lexi in my arms and carried her to the bed. Putting her in front of me like a flower, I admired her for a second like she was the most valuable trophy.<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 20>>
<<set $stamina -= 18>><<addmins 20>>\
<<set $LexiCum += 14>>\
<<set $McCum += 20>>\
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]
<<md>>Finally this hard part is over. I can just come home and rela...
Who is calling me?<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Hey teacher, this is Lexi. Celebrating Naomi's birthday was a success, wasn't it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah...<</say>>
<<md>>Remembering how it ended, I can't help but smile.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>But I think I should take some time to study.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's a commendable decision, Lexi.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Why don't you help me with this? I will be waiting for you at home.<</say>>
<<set $Lexi11 = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi10T = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi11T = 1>>\
[[Return|Home corridor]]<<md>>Small but very attractive kiosk. A lot of people gather around him. He is part of civilization in the midst of the wilderness.<</md>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '20:55')>>\
[[Go to the kiosk|KioskEventsDay]]
<<elseif $KioskEventNight == 0>>\
[[Go to the kiosk|KioskEventN]]
[[Return to park|Park]]<<md>>It is quite calm around the kiosk today. There is no such commotion that sometimes happens when teenagers gather around this place. Then this place reminds me of the hippie invasion of the old days. And maybe when you are a part of this movement, then everything seems interesting, but from the outside they create too much noise, they bring too much confusion into the cradle of peace.<</md>>
<<md>>However, today everything is fine. I enjoy the peace of mind and the minimal presence of people.<</md>>
<<md>>The same cannot be said about the saleswoman behind the counter. Looks like she's missing the crowd. She looks with hope at every passerby. Emptiness doesn't make sales - that's for sure.<</md>>
<<md>>Hmm, she looks pretty attractive. Such a pretty face. Not surprisingly, there is always a crowd of worried teenagers around her. She's a magnet for hormones and losers.<</md>>
<<md>>And yet she seems to be very bored...<</md>>
[[Try your luck|KioskLuck]]
[[Enjoy peace|KioskPeace]]
<<md>>Those who do not take risks are left with nothing. On another day, taking risks would be a very stupid idea, because the girl would have a lot of clients and she would be focused more on work than meeting anyone.
Today, I can make a pretty good impression.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Charisma > 1>>\
[[Try to seduce|KioskSeduce]]
<<talk "Try to seduce" 1 $talk "I don`t know if it ends well">><</talk>>
[[Talk with her|KioskTalk]]
<<if $cash gte 80>>\
[[Pay her for two days of work|KioskPay]]
<<talk "Pay her for two days of work" 1 $talk "I can`t afford this">><</talk>>
<<md>>When you have such a beauty in front of you, then you cannot have other thoughts, except how to become closer to her. You can lie to yourself that you are not interested in such spectacular girls, but these are just excuses in order to hide your weakness. And your inability to get into the panties of such a beautiful lady.<</md>>
<<md>>As soon as I started talking to her, I felt this attraction. It was so easy and easy to talk to her that I even wondered why she is now bored here alone. How many men would give everything for such a simple, but at the same time, deep flirtation that arose between us.<</md>>
<<md>>And in one instant we are cutely talking laughing, and in another I accidentally touch her hand with my hand. And after that everything was like a dream. A wonderful erotic dream.<</md>>
<<md>>Our lips merge in a single kiss, the hand touches the lower lips and plays with them.<</md>>
<<md>>Her mouth on my cock feels so beautiful, as if the angels themselves caress me. It's good that there is no one outside, I can fully enjoy this lustful mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, she is an excellent tongue master. However, I want more and now my penis penetrates into it, giving such a rich pleasure. A warm and soft pussy greets me, and then squeezes out all the juices. This girl absolutely loves my cock, moving hard on it like the best whore.<</md>>
<<md>>I try to hold on, but the white liquid shoots out in a huge stream, filling the saleswoman's hole.<</md>>
<<md>>What a beautiful sight! But I'm kind of tired...<</md>>
[[Left the kiosk|KioskPark]]
<<md>>It's rarely so quiet here. I don't want to ruin the magic of this moment, so I better stay here.<</md>>
<<md>>After all, unity with nature, even in the middle of such a place, is very important. It fills you with energy and tranquility. And I don’t think this girl wants anyone to disturb her peace.<</md>>
<<md>>Perhaps another day. Now it is important to enjoy what I have.<</md>>
[[Rest|KioskPark]]<<md>>I don’t think I have any chance of seducing this girl, but that doesn’t stop me from having fun. Talking with a good girl on various topics will brighten up my day.<</md>>
<<md>>At first it seemed to me that she was not in the mood to speak. Her answers were too simple, and I felt like she was about to just pounce on me with her fists. An invisible wall was between us. But the more I talked, the weaker her resistance became, until it was completely exhausted.<</md>>
<<md>>She became kinder and the conversation went in a different direction. You began to discuss everything on the spot. It was so pleasant and exciting that I didn't even notice how the time flew by.<</md>>
<<md>>It will be necessary to repeat this again.<</md>>
[[Rest|KioskPark]]<<md>>The best way to earn her trust and gain access to her pussy is to give her what she doesn't have. I understand perfectly well that the girl comes here not at all to see people. She needs money. Perhaps for yourself or in order to feed your family.<</md>>
<<md>>My proposal was initially accepted with disbelief. I cannot say that in her situation I would have acted differently. Still, we may react strangely if someone gives us something that they do not have enough.
However, after a few minutes of persuasion, she agreed.<</md>>
<<md>>And in one instant we are already talking sweetly, laughing, and in another, I accidentally touch her hand with my hand. And after that everything was like a dream. A wonderful erotic dream. Our lips merge in a single kiss, the hand touches the lower lips and plays with them.<</md>>
<<md>>Her mouth on my cock feels so beautiful, as if the angels themselves caress me. It's good that there is no one inside, I can fully enjoy this lustful mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, she is an excellent tongue master. However, I want more and now my penis penetrates into it, giving such a rich pleasure. A warm and soft pussy greets me, and then squeezes out all the juices. This girl absolutely loves my cock, moving hard on it like the best whore.<</md>>
<<md>>I try to hold on, but the white liquid shoots out in a huge stream, filling the saleswoman's hole.<</md>>
<<md>>What a beautiful sight! But I'm kind of tired...<</md>>
[[Rest|KioskPark]]<<md>>Teenagers never think about the damage and trouble they cause by their actions. I've noticed this many times in my school work. However, there is one language that they always understand. The language of the fists.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Strength > 1>>\
<<md>>Without thinking for a long time, I jump to one of those who are with the bat and kick. <</md>>
<<md>>I get carried away a little, but the guy loses his balance and falls to the floor. Now the fun begins. All their attention and anger are already focused on me, which means the other three will attack me now.<</md>>
<<md>>One of the beats whistles in the air, which a distraught but rather stupid teenager decided to launch at me. However, I easily manage to catch the bat and throw it to the ground.<</md>>
<<md>>To my surprise, teenagers don't attack. Their eyes are full of horror and all I should do is ...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Boooo!<</say>>
<<md>>Like frightened animals, they scatter in different directions.<</md>>
<<md>>All I have to do is return the kiosk to its place, as if nothing had happened.<</md>>
<<set $KioskEventNight = 1>>\
[[Go back|KioskPark]]
<<md>>Determined to stop the attackers, I rush forward.<</md>>
<<md>>And at the same moment one of them turned to me. With a thud, the beat hits me in the face.<</md>>
<<md>>I try to stay on my feet, but it's hard when your ears are ringing. Having lost my balance, I fell on the asphalt, where four brutal teenagers attacked me like wild predators.<</md>>
<<md>>Intervening was the biggest mistake of my life.<</md>>
[[Try to get up|KioskPark]]
<<set $KioskEventNight = -1>>\
<</if>><<md>>This is the biggest mistake in their life. Children do not understand at all when to stop. Well, then I'll be their stopcock.<</md>>
<<md>>With a cry like some wild animal, I rushed in their direction! It was not a thoughtful plan, but rather just a gut feeling. An invisible voice told me to move to the right to avoid being hit by one of the teenagers. When I ran close enough to the kiosk itself, I jumped on it, as if in some of the Hollywood films.<</md>>
<<md>>I was not allowed to enjoy my success for a long time; one of the teenagers tried to jump onto the kiosk. However, jumping here with a bat - he doomed himself to failure. Snatching the bat out of his hands, I admired how he fell to the ground.<</md>>
<<md>>And in the same instant I understood what it takes to disperse teenagers.<</md>>
<<md>>Blow, blow, hit again. Crazy blows from the bat hit the roof of the kiosk over and over again.<</md>>
<<md>>However, this had the desired effect. Realizing that it is better not to mess with me, the teenagers fled in different directions.<</md>>
<<set $KioskEventNight = 2>>\
[[Go back|KioskPark]]<<md>>If I learned something from my work at school, it is that it’s better not to deal with teenagers. This is especially true for those who are not shy about showing their aggression. Who knows what thoughts might come to their minds? Pay with life? No thanks.<</md>>
<<md>>I saw nothing, heard no sounds.<</md>>
[[Walk away|KioskPark]]<<md>>Night park is a very amazing place. Sometimes it is so calm here that you wonder. When the whole park is at your disposal, it is a special feeling. Like you are the master of the world. As if everything belongs to you alone.<</md>>
<<md>>However, today is clearly a different case...<</md>>
<<md>>While walking in the park, I heard a strange kind of noise. Like a large iron bucket, someone was knocking on the asphalt. Hurrying to the sound, I was a witness to a very terrible picture. <</md>>
<<md>>Two teenagers, dressed in leather jackets, pushed the kiosk with all their might away from its usual place. Their two comrades, with all their strength, struck with bats at the stall.<</md>>
<<md>>Night hooligans! And where are the police when they are so needed? Damn it! We need to do something!<</md>>
[[Throw yourself into battle|KioskBattleStrength]]
[[Do not interfere|KioskBattleNo]]
<<if $mc.Boldness > 1>>\
[[Recklessly rush to them |KioskBattleBoldness]]
<</if>><<md>>The lesson turned out to be not the best one. It seemed to me that the students were not listening to me at all. Perhaps the fact is that the topic turned out to be not the easiest, but perhaps in something else.<</md>>
<<md>>However, I will think about this a little later.<</md>>
<<md>>Going down to the first floor, I saw how someone hunched over to do something near the information board.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona? What is it?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl had a piece of paper in her hands, which she could not attach.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>This is about club meeting.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Club? Which one?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Yours.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona attached the sheet and giggled.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wait, do I have a club?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Well, yes! You are a wonderful teacher, many girls notice this. And that's why we created our own club to honour Mr. $mc.Name!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What do you do in this club?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Come and see.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl winked at me, and then went to the second floor. Damn it, I'm wondering now! After all, a blog is one thing, but a real club. Am I proud or afraid?<</md>>
<<set $Fiona2Q = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona3Q = 1>>\
<<set $Fiona1QT = 3>>\
<<set $Fiona2QT = 1>>\
[[Return to work|School reception]]<<set _LexiNastyArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LexiNastyArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>A big smile shines on Lexi's face. She's definitely up to something.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>What's the plan for entertainment?<</say>>
<<md>>Why did she say that? Doesn't she know what is coming next?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I do not know, for the entertainment I have only a dick.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl bursts out laughing and looks down there.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Entertainment that I need!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>There are situations where you just can't keep quiet. Even now, as Lexi yawns wide at me, it is not the most pleasant thoughts. Well, there's no need to yawn so sexually. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you, Lexi, know what physiological compatibility is? <</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>When sex is great.<</say>>
<<md>>She says it with so much excitement that you can't help, but admire her honesty.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, I like the way you think. It's not just that, though. What happens to a guy when he wakes up? <</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>He's got a boner?.<</say>>
<<md>>I knew Lexi would solve this little mystery. I mean, it's her type. Her twisted taste.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's true! And when a girl wakes up, she yawns so wide that even the fattest dick will fit into her seemingly small mouth. <</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>I don't think it's a coincidence!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So do I! That's what's called physiological compatibility. I think that's what you and I have!<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi's smiling back. That's when a smile says a lot more than words!<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Today I caught Lexi doing a very amazing thing. Although maybe it's better to call it sexy! The girl is holding a banana that she's not going to clean. And looking at this picture, nothing but dirty thoughts can come to mind. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You look like you are fan of a banana!<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Oh, I do! It's so smooth and resilient! Ha-ha! And it's delicious, of course! I also love banana ice cream. And banana salads. And bananas and bananas and bananas!<</say>>
<<md>>Her sounding laughter is flying all over the apartment. Looks like she's a fan of this fruit. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>And you know that banana is very useful for young girls like you? It reduces the risk of sexual disorder by at least 30%. <</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>That's why I love it so much, it turns out!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, and eating it takes another 10%.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi makes a loud laugh when she understands what I'm talking about. There's a banana in the air that she threw at me. <</md>>
<<md>>Still, Lexi is a person of many moods.<</md>>
<<if $LexiArouse > 60 && $LexiArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Lexi is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
<<addLust $Lexi 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]<<md>>The heat from the girl's body was transmitted to me.<</md>>
<<md>>I felt how my every action responded in her with an even greater desire, an even greater lust. Every particle of her body begged me not to stop, but only to continue.<</md>>
<<md>>And the moan that escaped her lips not only confirmed this, but also gave rise to a desire in me to see how this moan will fly more and more throughout the house.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>More... I want... More!!!<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice trembled with pleasure, but there was nothing in it of asking. She and her body demanded pleasure from me. She is now so defenselessly sexy, so lustful and innocent at the same time, that I only inflame even more with the flames raging in me.<</md>>
<<md>>I need it. I need to see how she cums up from my actions. How she gives herself up to her primal instincts. How it feels as depraved as it is wonderful!<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Fuck! That's great! You are the best! More! More!<</say>>
<<md>>I wanted her to beg me and moan like the last whore. But she did whatever I wanted, she was completely in my power. Her body was trembling, and there was a wild, almost animal gleam in her eyes.<</md>>
<<md>>This is what I want and what I enjoy.<</md>>
<<md>>A loud cry of pleasure escaped her lips. However, her other lips would have screamed, too, if the pleasant and sticky juice had not poured from them. The girl was smiling.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes... It's just... Damn, I've never cumed like this!<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled to myself. Lexi never was carefull with words or feelings. However, I probably like that about her. And how sexy she looks naked.<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 33>>
<<addAff $Lexi 33>>
<<set $LexiCum = 0>>\
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiBlowjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiPetting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start vaginal" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiVaginal">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start anal" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiVaginal">><</talk>>
<<set $GirlCum += 1>>\
[[Stand up|LHLexisroom]]<<md>>Feeling unity with this girl is what I have been waiting for. I can't remember when I felt so good. The bliss that I felt now is hard to compare with anything that was before.<</md>>
<<md>>Pleasure gently, but tightly enveloped me. Her body attracted me, called by her smooth skin and the most delicious parts.<</md>>
<<md>>Her voice and movements made me feel better every time. It was as if I had become a completely bare nerve that was constantly being stimulated more and more over and over again.<</md>>
<<md>>To resist such a great temptation was beyond my strength. Moreover, my dick dictated otherwise. It asked, no, demanded, to introduce Lexi to it completely, not sparing the girl's pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>Every movement echoed in me with pleasure, penetrating into the very depths. Lexi moaned loudly, and her body burned me more and more.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Do not stop! Don`t...even...dare!<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice is so exciting right now. From these moans, excitement overwhelms me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You like to feel the teacher's dick in you, huh?<</say>>
<<md>>Her body kicked up with my actions and a wave of pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes! Yes! Yes!<</say>>
<<md>>From these screams, excitement overwhelms me and the seed spills out in a hot stream inside Lexi, who moans withsatisfaction.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like biology is definitely my favorite subject!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll teach you a lot, Lexi!<</say>>
<<md>>The girl bursts into laughter, and I watch my arousal flow out of her sexually.<</md>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Stand up|LHLexisroom]]<<md>>The large entrance hall welcomes me with a feeling of warmth and comfort. I never would have thought that such a house belongs to Lexi. By the way, where is she?<</md>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:05', '08:15') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4 && $LivewithLexi == 0||isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:05', '21:00') && $LivewithLexi == 0||isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '16:35') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5 && $LivewithLexi == 0>>\
[[Kitchen|LHKitchen]] - Lexi is here
<<elseif $LivewithLexi == 1>>\
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:00') && $LivewithLexi == 0||isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '19:30') && $LivewithLexi == 0 >>\
[[Bathroom|LHBath]] - Lexi is here
<<elseif $LivewithLexi == 1>>\
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:35', '20:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4 && $LivewithLexi == 0||isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '11:10') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4 && $LivewithLexi == 0 >>\
[[Living-room|LHLivingroom]] - Lexi is here
<<elseif $LivewithLexi == 1>>\
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:05', '23:00') && $LivewithLexi == 0 >>\
[[Lexi`s room|LHLexisroom]] - Lexi is here
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '17:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4 && $tools > 0 && $mc.Intellect > 3>>\
[[Pick a lock into Lexi's room|LHLexisroom][$tools -=1]]
<<elseif $LivewithLexi == 1>>\
<<talk "Lexi's room" 1 $talk "It’s locked">><</talk>>
<<talk "Lexi's room" 1 $talk "It’s locked">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1>>\
[[Search for the photos|JohanPhotoSearchMapGeneral][$PhotoSelectedLexi = 1]]
[[Leave her house|Street Raw-Road]]
<<addmins 5>>\
<<set $LexiLingerie = 1>>
<<md>>I love the way this place looks - nothing unnecessary. But transparent glass in the shower... However, knowing Lexi's love for exhibitionism, it does not surprise me at all.<</md>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:00')||isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '19:30') && $Lexi.LustLvl lte 3 && $LivewithLexi == 0>>\
<<set _LexiShowerRefuseArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LexiShowerRefuseArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>The sounds of water, so seductive and exquisite, call me. Especially when I imagine how water flows down the naked body of a young girl ... And the closer I get, the sexier my fantasies become. I'm going to relish it now.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Do you think this kinda free show? Get lost!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lexi>>You don’t deserve to see this yet.<</say>>
<<addLust $Lexi -6>>
<<addAff $Lexi -6>>
<<elseif $LivewithLexi == 1>>\
<<if $RadioBugGet == 3 && $RadioBugLexi == 0 >>\
[[Set up radio|RadioInstallLexi]]
<<if $LexiLingerie > 0 && $LexiLingerie < 2 >>\
[[Search for lingerie|LexiSearchLingerieArray]]
<<if $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2>>\
[[ Search for the photos|JohanPhotoSearchMapGeneral][$PhotoSelectedLexi = 1]]
[[Return to hall|LHHall]]
<<addmins 5>>\<<md>>A place of individual comfort and admiration. When you look around, it seems as if you are in a movie about a beautiful life. I would have stayed to live forever near this fireplace...<</md>>
<<if $McKnowLexiHome == 2 && $McKnowLexiHomeYork == 2 && $Lexi11 == 2>>\
<<say $Lexi>>It was a good lesson.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, it was good. If only Lexi would listen to me completely. However, this is a different story.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Is it clear?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes. But why don't you come here every night and explain to me? I think then my chances will be better.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, that's a pretty good idea. In addition, here I can be alone with Lexi, without worrying that someone will interfere with us.<</md>>
<<set $McKnowLexiHomeYork = 3>>\
<<set $McKnowLexiHome = 3>>\
<<set $Lexi11T = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi12T = 1>>\
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:30', '20:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4 && $LexiWatchPorn == 0 >>\
<<md>>Strange and loud noises attracted me as I entered the room. A woman's moan was all over the room and when I walked in, I saw Lexi watching enthusiastically as two men fuck a small, petite girl on the TV screen.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Teacher, would you like to join?<</say>>
<<md>>I must say that made my almost pop out of my pants. But should I agree?<</md>>
<<if $mc.Boldness > 5 >>\
[[Join her|PornWatchAgree]]
<<elseif $mc.Intellect > 2 >>\
[[Watch something else|PornWatchAnimals]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:30', '20:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4 && $LexiWatchPorn > 0 >>\
<<md>>Looks like I'm just on time. Lexi sits on the couch and watches her favorite show. She studies every movement on the screen so carefully that sometimes I even forget that she watches porn.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Boldness > 5 >>\
[[Join her|PornWatchAgree]]
<<elseif $mc.Intellect > 2 >>\
[[Watch something else|PornWatchAnimals]]
<<if $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3>>\
[[ Search for the photos|JohanPhotoSearchMapGeneral][$PhotoSelectedLexi = 1]]
[[Return to hall|LHHall]]
<<addmins 5>>\<<md>>Large kitchen, where there is room not only for two. I am sure that in the right hands you can cook something really delicious here. Maybe I should take care of the student's meals?<</md>>
<<if $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4>>\
[[ Search for the photos|JohanPhotoSearchMapGeneral][$PhotoSelectedLexi = 1]]
[[Return to hall|LHHall]]
<<addmins 5>>\<<md>>Looks like my student spends her evenings here. Wondering how solid this plush bed is? It might be worth checking this out.<</md>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:00', '23:00') >>\
<<if $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:00', '23:55')>>\
<<talk " Search for the photos" 1 $talk "Too dangerous, Lexi is here">><</talk>>\>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5>>\
[[ Search for the photos|JohanPhotoSearchMapGeneral][$PhotoSelectedLexi = 1]]
[[Talk with Lexi|LexiTalk]]
<<if $Lexi.LustLvl gte 4 && $Livewithschoolgirl == 0>>\
[[Offer to leave together|LexiLiveBegin1]]
[[Leave her room|LHHall]]
<<addmins 5>>\
<<if $Lexi.AffectionLvl gte 3>>\
<<set _LexiFlirtArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LexiFlirtArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Lexi and I have been spending a lot of time together lately. It might seem like an unnecessary burden to some, but it makes me more comfortable. There's a strong relationship between us. Which means it's time to move a little further in our relationship. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, your outfit today is amazing. Did you think your teacher was worthy of such a beautiful look? <</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes are mischievously shining. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>The teacher is handsome, of course. But my outfit isn't for him.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're dating someone else?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl started spinning a lock of hair playfully.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>How do you know? How do you know...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And who is he? <</say>>
<<md>>The answer to my question was a sounding laugh.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Not he, but she .<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She? Do you like girls? <</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>No, I don't like the other girls. But I do like one of them. She's so adorable and special!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Who is she?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Biology!<</say>>
<<md>>I'd like to be mad at Lexi, but this game is very exciting. And my student in it is one of the most worthy opponents I've ever met in my life.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>While reading the book, I noticed that Lexi was watching me closely and a very interesting plan was born in me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm reading the horoscope here. And I got some very interesting information, but I need your help for it, Lexi. What color lingerie are you wearing?<</say>>
<<md>>In response to my words, the girl smiles broadly.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Don't believe your horoscopes. I don't wear underwear.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then I will have to take care of your health and be sure that you do not catch a cold.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Oh, so you are not only a biology teacher, but also a doctor? I can't wait for your care, Doctor $mc.Name<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Sometimes, looking at my student, I ask myself a very simple question: what she is thinking about. I would like to say that I understand what she is thinking, but that would be a lie.<</md>>
<<md>>Lexi, like a box of surprises, is always capable of surprise. You'd think she'd connect all conversation with sex, when she'd give away something so deep. At times like this, you don't even know how to act. <</md>>
<<md>>But the only thing I want Lexi's thoughts to be right now is me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you thinking about?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>That school isn't the worst place.<</say>>
<<md>>Not something to think about at such an interesting moment. There's a beautiful man like me standing next to her, and she's thinking about school? That's terrible!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's the wrong answer! You have to think about me! <</say>>
<<md>>She smiled, agreeing with my statement.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Well, you're not the worst place either...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You know what else is a good place? It's your bedroom.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>I'm afraid it's closed for sitting there right now!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And if you lie there?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Depending on how hard you swing on it!<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, that's a nice conversation. What's important is that both sides understand where it's going, but they also enjoy the process. I just love it!<</md>>
<<addAff $Lexi 14>>
<<set _LexiFlirtNegArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LexiFlirtNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lexi>>This is the most disgusting thing that I have been told in my life. Disgusting!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Lexi seems to be in an even more playful mood today than usual. She talks about everything so easily and relaxedly that I think she not only enjoys my company, but also wants something much more. So if you don't do something about it now, I might regret it for a long time.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, tell me, do you believe in angels?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Angels? Is that like Cupid?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sort of. <</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>No, they're not real. Neither are the leprechauns. And fairies. And centaurs.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't go on. I understand. I haven't believed for a long time either. I've been shaken up, made to believe they don't exist. But then I met you. And I realized how wrong I was...<</say>>
<<md>>Three, two, one. Her face was suddenly red and a timid, confused smile. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Thank you. <</say>>
<<md>>It was even easier. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Thank you for comparing me to flying bullshit! That's what every girl dreams of hearing. You're flying bullshit. <</say>>
<<md>>It's a bummer. Those don't seem to be the words I need right now. Oh, damn it!<</md>>
<<set $Refusals += 1>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]<<set _SchoolLunchArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _SchoolLunchArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>They say the truth, it's bad to haven`t breakfast - just punish yourself. I have cursed myself many times for being so disdainful of my breakfast. Although this does not matter, because no matter how much I eat, the story is the same by lunchtime: my stomach growls as if I had not eaten for several days. He would have been given an Oscar for his acting, that's for sure.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, it's good that the school has a cafeteria. The food here is not the most exquisite, but it's enough to fill your stomach.<</md>>
<<md>>Today, local chefs have excelled at cooking. I think I'm ready to eat even a plate! How delicious! I almost feel how previously unseen forces are awakening in me.<</md>>
<<md>>Forward! The whole world is waiting!<</md>>
<<text g "My stamina was recovered">>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Is man a slave to the stomach or its master? This question worried me many times and I even tried to find an answer to it. But while I was looking for it, the stomach always won over and over again. Whether today is Monday or Wednesday, the beginning or the end of the day, the result is the same. I cannot do without food. And today I am here again, in the school cafeteria, submitting to my unchanging instincts so as not to feel weak.<</md>>
<<md>>I can't even imagine how people can survive a week without food. I'm a very strong guy, but without food I start to feel like I'm not capable of anything.<</md>>
<<md>>But enough of these thoughts, because in front of me are the best of the delights that this school is capable of. Looking at all this, I can't wait to start with lunch.<</md>>
<<md>>And the juicy and crunchy chops are the first to go. I always liked meat more than other dishes. From its toughness and nutritional value, you feel much more cheerful, or something. How delicious the chop crunches is beyond words. But if I combine it with this sauce... Yes, it's food of the gods!<</md>>
<<md>>Of course, there are not so many ideal things in it, but when you think about food for half the day, it seems quite fair.<</md>>
<<md>>But there is also soup, the aroma of which makes me choke on saliva. Let's try. Which is also quite good. I like the fact that it is not sorted with sharpness. In my opinion, spicy dishes are the trouble for many chefs. However, now everything is fine here and does not cause rejection. And with the toast, it makes a pretty good lunch. Didn't know that our school is capable of pampering us so much.<</md>>
<<md>>However, it was a great lunch, from which I not only gained strength, but also got a great mood.<</md>>
<<md>>Yet man is a slave to his stomach. Therefore, soon I will often delight myself with delicious food!<</md>>
<<text g "My stamina was recovered">>
[[Finish with the lunch|Canteen]]<<set _CafeFoodArray = [ 1, 2,3]>>\
<<switch _CafeFoodArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>I wanted to eat terribly. I decided to go to the cafe where the best food is. Ordered one of the menus. I go and sit down at the farthest table.<</md>>
<<md>>They have a small stage in the cafe. And, oddly enough, there was sound-amplifying equipment, a drum kit and 3 electric guitars on it.
I handled food and coffee. It took about 20 minutes. Real hard rockers took the stage. And the visitors to the cafe were all rockers, bikers and metalheads. In the appropriate guise.<</md>>
<<md>>They started playing. First AC / DC, then Deep Purple and Black Sabbath started playing, switched to Judas Priest and Iron Maiden. Guns-n-Rouses, Helloween, and even Sabaton. They played from the heart, for real. The audience was delighted. From the first to the last chord.<</md>>
<<md>>They ended their concert with rock ballads. Muffled light. And the crowd singing along to the beat.<</md>>
<<md>>This is the last song. And the administrator politely asks everyone to leave.<</md>>
<<md>>We disperse.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Hunger is the worst enemy!<</md>>
<<md>>I ordered one of the best menus. I go and sit down at the farthest table.
The waiter brings the order. After finishing my food, I started drinking coffee.<</md>>
<<md>>And am thinking. That I were able to let go of my past. At last.
And inside now there is such a strange feeling: relief and devastation at the same time.<</md>>
<<md>>It seems like you're happy that everything is finally over, no memories, no flashbacks, photos and screenshots of cute messages have been removed from the secret folder. All. The end.<</md>>
<<md>>On the other hand, it has become somehow empty.<</md>>
<<md>>Even with the remaining scraps of memories. Unusual without a pulling feeling of pain, consuming regret and icy loneliness. And from that it is empty.<</md>>
<<md>>Although, to be honest, I'm even happy. Free. Now you can listen to songs from those times, finally fully master "Star Wars" or something else. What's wrong, isn't it?<</md>>
<<md>>And an even more pleasant feeling settles in the heart when you walk through places that used to be very significant and do not feel pain. So, a slight nostalgia, nothing more.<</md>>
<<md>>Time does not heal. Time changes our attitude towards certain things. Every year, with every painful and released situation, I understand this more and more clearly.<</md>>
<<md>>Even a negative experience is still an experience, even if it sounds banal to the point of frenzy, but it's true. Only now you realize such seemingly simple things only after experiencing, grinding and letting go.
All will pass. Sooner or later. Anyway.<</md>>
<<md>>I got up from the table and headed for the exit.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>I sat down again in a cafe to eat. While back and forth, I noticed a chic-looking gentleman. Suit, tie, flowers. Apparently he was expecting someone.<</md>>
<<md>>He waited for her for ten minutes. When you wait THAT WAY it is eternity.<</md>>
<<md>>Perfect lateness, especially when it's just getting started. While I was waiting, he walked around the table back and forth. If it would be possible: he would definitely have lit a cigarette.<</md>>
<<md>>When she entered, he, as they say, shone. He rushed to meet me and began to help with the coat. But first, he held his palms on her neck for a few seconds. And at these moments they were simply silent and, smiling, looked at each other. As if memorizing. And for them no one really existed around. Both are well near 60. Delight.<</md>>
<<text g "My stamina was recovered">>
[[Finish with the lunch|Cafe]]<<say $Lexi>>Okay, whatever you say. <</say>>
<<md>>Lexi almost curtsied and started cleaning. I would never say there's so much hard work and manners in her. I guess she's opening up to me from a very special angle right now, that's for sure.
But it's so nice to hear "whatever you say." <</md>>
<<if $Lexi.AffectionLvl gte 2 && $Lexi.LustLvl gte 2>>\
[[Offer to change clothes|SGILexiClothes]]
[[Starring at her|SGILexiCleaning3]]
[[Wait her to finish|SGILexiCleaning2]]
<<say $Lexi>>I'm not sure or you'll like my cooking. But okay.<</say>>
<<md>>When you're not too good at cooking yourself, any cooking seems to be the top of the culinary arts. No, I know how to cook some of the simplest dishes, but if you talk about something more complicated, I'm a complete failure.<</md>>
<<text y "One hour later">>
<<addhours 1>>
<<md>>For some time now, a very delicious smell has been coming out of the kitchen. I've tried to mind my own business, but it's hard to focus on something when my stomach is singing trills and thinking only about food. <</md>>
<<md>>When Lexi said I wouldn't like her cooking, I thought she wasn't being modest. It's so good to be wrong. That smell makes you drool!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, this is delicious!<</say>>
<<md>>It's like food was melting in my mouth and giving me the best feeling of my life. I'm sure cooking a girl could easily compete with the best chefs in this town!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You have no idea how delicious this dish is. Look at it.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi shone gratefully when she heard it. <</md>>
<<set $cash -= 10>>
<<addAff $Lexi 10>>
<<set $LexiCookingDone = 0>>\
<<say $Lexi>>Something else?<</say>>
<<talk "Cleaning" 1 $LexiCleaningDone "Lexi already done it today">><<goto "SGILexiCleaning">><</talk>>
<<talk "Cooking" 1 $LexiCookingDone "Lexi already done it today">><<goto "SGILexiCooking">><</talk>>
[[That`s all|My room]]<<md>>There's nothing more beautiful than the curves of a girl's thin flesh. When Lexi leans over, letting me appreciate how tight her ass is, I lose my voice. She does it by accident or on purpose. <</md>>
<<md>>Either way, my view from here is magical. All thoughts jump in my brain at the speed of light. I think if I look away now, this magic will just disappear and I'll wake up in a cold sweat.<</md>>
<<md>>It's curving like a cat, cleaning up everywhere in the house. If she had cleaned up my dreams, I'd be the happiest person in the world.<</md>>
<<md>>When I'm about to play a decent person, the girl turns around and notices my look. There's a lustful smile on her face. <</md>>
<<md>>So it's no accident. Right, Lexi?<</md>>
<<md>>Just like her, I don't say a word, just waiting.<</md>>
<<addhours 1>>\
<<say $Lexi>>It seems that's it. <</say>>
<<md>>I might not have looked around because I knew it was really ll right. The girl did a great job and now there was no dirt around me. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well done. You handled it as well as you could.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl smiled at me, happy with my praise. But not a single praise. You can't put "thank you" in your pocket, as they say. Any work has to be paid for. And she's looking at the way everything around her shines, I know for a fact she deserves her money. <</md>>
<<if $LexiSexyCloth == 1>>\
<<set $cash -= 30>>
<<addLust $Lexi 13>>
<<set $LexiCleaningDone = 0>>
<<set $cash -= 15>>
<<addLust $Lexi 10>>
<<set $LexiCleaningDone = 0>>
<<say $Lexi>>Something else?<</say>>
<<talk "Cleaning" 1 $LexiCleaningDone "Lexi already done it today">><<goto "SGILexiCleaning">><</talk>>
<<talk "Cooking" 1 $LexiCookingDone "Lexi already done it today">><<goto "SGILexiCooking">><</talk>>
<<if $Lexi.AffectionLvl gte 2 && $Lexi.LustLvl gte 3>>\
[[Reward her with dick|SGLexiReward]]
[[That`s all|My room]]
<<addhours 1>>\
<<say $Lexi>>It seems that's it. <</say>>
<<md>>I might not have looked around because I knew it was really ll right. The girl did a great job and now there was no dirt around me. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well done. You handled it as well as you could.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl smiled at me, happy with my praise. But not a single praise. You can't put "thank you" in your pocket, as they say. Any work has to be paid for. And she's looking at the way everything around her shines, I know for a fact she deserves her money. <</md>>
<<set $cash -= 15>>\
<<addAff $Lexi 8>>\
<<set $LexiCleaningDone = 0>>\
<<say $Lexi>>Something else?<</say>>
<<talk "Cleaning" 1 $LexiCleaningDone "Lexi already done it today">><<goto "SGILexiCleaning">><</talk>>
<<talk "Cooking" 1 $LexiCookingDone "Lexi already done it today">><<goto "SGILexiCooking">><</talk>>
<<if $Lexi.AffectionLvl gte 2 && $Lexi.LustLvl gte 3>>\
[[Reward her with dick|SGLexiReward]]
[[That`s all|My room]]<<md>>A lot of people don't think about it, but cleaning isn't just dusting the house. Some people believe that it is a conversation with spirits, a pleasure to their inner dignity. As for me, I realized that watching Lexi clean my place would be much more fun if she wore something more candid. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, I don't like your clothes.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Why, teacher? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don't think they're suitable at all for cleaning. You're wonderful, but all this. It doesn't belong here. <</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>What should I wear?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Underwear! Scientists did a study and said that the skin should breathe while cleaning.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Scientists are certainly right!<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi happily pulled off the rest of her clothes, remaining in a very sexy outfit. <</md>>
<<text y "One hour later">>
<<md>>I've never had more fun watching cleaning. Lexi's hair was neatly styled like it was before an exam or a report to the council. The room smelled like a well-prepared study room. I wasn't surprised about anything anymore, but just glad that Lexi was so beautiful and sexy.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>It's all set.<</say>>
<<md>>My dick was also ready to pop out of my pants and get into a girl's thin flesh. That's not what I said to Lexi, though. But the girl sure deserved her money! <</md>>
<<set $cash -= 30>>\
<<addLust $Lexi 10>>\
<<set $LexiSexyCloth = 1>>\
<<say $Lexi>>Something else?<</say>>
<<talk "Cleaning" 1 $LexiCleaningDone "Lexi already done it today">><<goto "SGILexiCleaning">><</talk>>
<<talk "Cooking" 1 $LexiCookingDone "Lexi already done it today">><<goto "SGILexiCooking">><</talk>>
[[That`s all|My room]]
<<md>>Lexi done a great job, that's for sure. My house is more shiny than ever.<</md>>
<<md>>But there's also no doubt that in a girl's head there's more than just material desires. The way she passionately takes some things leads me to very obscene thoughts. I want my dick to shine the same way as the whole house. .<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, why don't you get down on your knees and you get your reward?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>And the percentages!<</say>>
<<md>>Laughs were dancing in her eyes.<</md>>
<<md>>Lexi humbly knelt down, her tongue met my dick. There was something very exciting about this action.<</md>>
<<md>>It was like she was my slave and I was her master.<</md>>
<<md>>She played with her mouth with my head, but I wanted a big one, so I moved my pelvis so roughly, pushing my dick all the way into her mouth.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>That's... Rrrr… Cleaning...<</say>>
<<md>>I felt like I was about to come. I was in a state of tension. I was curious to feel the incredible connection between her throat and my dick. Soon, Lexi's breath increased, and she bent out. <</md>>
<<md>>I took my penis out in time to make sure she didn't choke. In an instant, my seed splashed on her face. <</md>>
<<md>>But soon there was no trace of that delightful action, Lexi cleaned it up. That's the cleaning lady!<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 15>>\
<<say $Lexi>>Something else?<</say>>
<<talk "Cleaning" 1 $LexiCleaningDone "Lexi already done it today">><<goto "SGILexiCleaning">><</talk>>
<<talk "Cooking" 1 $LexiCookingDone "Lexi already done it today">><<goto "SGILexiCooking">><</talk>>
<<if $Lexi.AffectionLvl gte 2 && $Lexi.LustLvl gte 3>>\
[[Reward her with dick|SGLexiReward]]
[[That`s all|My room]]
<<md>>So, where's my stuff? <</md>>
<<md>>Wait, what's that thing doing here! It's from the kitchen! And this doesn't even belong here! It's not a room, it's a mess. When did my room and the whole house changed so much? <</md>>
<<md>>When I started living here, it was a kingdom of order and comfort. Even Angela's effort wasn't enough to keep it as clean as it was before. It's not that I can't live with it. Before that, I had a much worse life. But if you're already improving your life, maybe you shouldn't give up on anything. All the more so because man is different from animals in that he has order, not chaos. <</md>>
<<md>>Shouldn't we call a housekeeper? Wait, I have a much better idea, though. At school, I have a few students who would be happy to take the job. In return, I have a lot to offer them.<</md>>
<<md>>And why is it so much like the beginning of some porn movie?<</md>>
<<set $SGInvitePrologue = 1>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>The school... <</md>>
<<md>>How sometimes is hard to stay here. In my youth it always seemed that the phrase that the school changes people is just someone's stupidity.<</md>>
<<md>>Now I know how true that is. When I first started working here, I felt different. How much has changed.<</md>>
<<md>>Wait a minute, though. This is crazy. I'm the same as I was, maybe even a little better. There are so many beautiful girls around me. It's just that the last few weeks have seemed pretty exhausting.<</md>>
<<md>>Yeah, right, that's what tiredness says about me, not the real situation. I should just get some rest. <</md>>
<<md>>The clock is lazy to count the minutes. It seems the last lesson was invented for torture. Not so much for the students as for the teacher. But here's the long-awaited bell and I'm completely free.<</md>>
<<md>>However, I have a few more things to do with Clara before I'm completely free. So, without even waiting for all the students to leave my office, I'm going to her office. There seem to be some familiar voices behind me, but I'm not in the mood to deal with lagging girls, let alone Lexi's antics.<</md>>
[[Hurry up|LexiQuest11C1]]<<md>>The sun is lazily hiding behind the horizon until it disappears from view at all.<</md>>
<<md>>It's a pity this day ends like this. There's so much energy in me that I could rise the mountains. But instead, I walk along the shore.<</md>>
<<md>>We were supposed to meet with Lexi about an hour ago, but at the very last moment she cancelled, saying she had some urgent plans. What kind of plans could a teenager have?<</md>>
<<md>>But since I was already on the street and there was no desire to go home, I went to the beach. Still, it's nice to watch the sunset here. Besides, if I came home, I'd remember how angry I am at myself. It wasn't enough that I didn't talk to Lexi about the breakup or even think of anything... So she started treating me like I was an errand boy!<</md>>
<<md>>My angry thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing. However, to my surprise, the number didn't belong to Lexi. Unknown. Is it worth taking? Okay, what have I got to lose?<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Hello!<</say>>
<<md>>There was a very sexy voice on the other side.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>$mc.Name! It's so good to hear you again.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Naomi!<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>That's right. I thought you'd forgotten about me.<</say>>
<<md>>How could you forget that? A few days after we first met, I was scrolling through all the episodes of Naomi in my head.<</md>>
<<md>>But I never found the strength to get in touch with her. And it wouldn't be right, because she's a friend of Lexi.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>I hear Lexi has treated you very unfairly. You must be mad at her. What is that, the noise of the sea?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I'm at the beach.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>How wonderful, I love the sea. But tell me, Player, would you like to come to my place? Lexi's not gonna show up tonight, and it's a crime for a guy like that to be alone tonight.<</say>>
<<md>>I heard the seduction in her voice. Naomi didn't call for idle interest. Knowing this girl, I even know the main reason for her call.<</md>>
<<md>>She wanted to comfort me... in her own way. These thoughts made my dick move. If I went to see her now, wouldn't that be considered treason?<</md>>
<<set $Lexi16 = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi15 = 0>>\
<<set $Lexi13T = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi14T = 1>>\
<<set $ChristmasOn = 1>>\
<<talk"[[Agreed to her offer|LexiQuest12Yes1]]""Lingerie">><</talk>>
<<talk"[[Refuse it|LexiQuest12No1]]""Park">><</talk>>
<<if $id.magicBall > 0>>\
[[Ask magic ball|MagicBallNaomiCheating]]
<</if>><<set $Lexi16 = 0>>\
<<set $Lexi17 = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi14T = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi15T = 1>>\
<<md>>This day has finally arrived.<</md>>
<<md>>There wasn't a day when I thought about who would come to my lesson and here it is, the answer to my questions.<</md>>
<<md>>An average tall man, with a huge stomach right in front of me. He takes a close look at the class, then sits somewhere behind. I heard rumours yesterday that someone was asking me how I was doing in class, but we only met now.<</md>>
<<md>>So here it is, the one my future depends on. All I hope is that Clara will keep her promise and everything will go well.<</md>>
<<md>>However, one look at Lexi is enough to know how deep the hole I've been in...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, today the theme of our lesson is...<</say>>
<<md>>Why do I feel like I'm being interrogated?<</md>>
<<md>>A man looks carefully at me, and afterwards at the whole class. Damn it, Lexi, you picked a bad time for self-satisfaction!<</md>>
<<md>>The girl's not wearing any underwear and her skirt is too short. I know where this is going, and it's making me feel really bad. If this man sees a girl's hand caressing her clitoris, how slowly and sexually her fingers come in...<</md>>
<<md>>The only question is, what consequences do I have in this case. If Clara is just hiding the fact of my relationship with Lexi, then any suspicious action will raise a number of questions that I don't need. I know my student, hoping she'll be silent when she has an orgasm is very stupid. The long moan that the whole class will hear is what awaits us if nothing is done.<</md>>
<<md>>On the other hand, taking Lexi out into the hallway would be too suspicious, too.<</md>>
[[Text Clara|LexiQuest13ClaraCall]]
[[Text Lexi|LexiQuest13ClaraCallLexi]]<<set $Lexi17 = 0>>\
<<set $Lexi15T = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi16T = 1>>\
<<md>>On a weathery day like today, it just doesn't make sense to stay at home. Nature whispers that it's worth spending a little more time at the fresh air.<</md>>
<<md>>After all, Lexi and I have been spending a lot of time inside the house lately, forgetting that there is a world outside its walls.<</md>>
<<md>>But today, we decided to take a walk in the park. The weather is good, and a walk with Lexi, as normal couples do, is quite possible.<</md>>
<<md>>But as soon as we're in the park, it's like my head is starting to bring back memories one by one. And they're not the best.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you remember this place?<</say>>
<<md>>Looks like Lexi has memories, too. But when you think about it, they're not the worst.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Of course!. That's when I first got closer to you.<</say>>
<<md>>That's when Lexi got temptingly close and our lips merged into a long kiss. That kiss inside me filled everything with warmth.<</md>>
<<md>>Once we sat down on the bench, we woven our hands together and wouldn't let go of each other.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>You know, this place is special. I wish to...<</say>>
<<md>>She didn't have to talk about her wish, I knew it. And I shared it. It may have been full of people, but the very idea of entering Lexi where dozens of people could see us stirred the mind like nothing before.<</md>>
<<md>>It's a good thing Lexi isn't wearing underwear. I touched her pussy with my finger when somebody's loud laughter interrupted me. Although it wasn't a laugh, it was a taunt.<</md>>
<<md>>You've got to be kidding me!<</md>>
<<md>>Why is it that every time Lexi and I end up in the park, these guys are always walking around. Is that a sign or something...<</md>>
<<md>>Okay, well, I grabbed Lexi's hand and threw myself away. I got too excited to stop halfway through.<</md>>
[[Run home|LexiQuest14H]]
<<md>>Once we got to her house, we kept playing with each other's bodies.<</md>>
<<md>>She pulled my pants off me, and I pulled some of the stuff that was hiding her clothes. My dick was already ready to go into battle, but the fun of playing with a girl's pussy was too much. I started to pat her bare crotch with my palm, penetrating with my fingers inside.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yeah, yeah...<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi was laughing and moaning. I got even closer to her, wanting everything at once.<</md>>
<<md>>She threw her head back, loosened her fingers and kissed me on the lips with unexpected strength and passion. She kissed me back with a long kiss.<</md>>
<<md>>Without expecting this kind of skill, I could not hold myself together for long. The girl spent the tip of her tongue on my lower lip, and then carried it through the folds near the lips. <</md>>
<<md>>Tilting her head back, she moaned. My mouth retracted in her movements, I bit her lip. My hand slipped between her breasts and began to caress the most sensitive points. A cramp ran through her body, and she threw her head back. I squeezed the clitoris harder in my hand and slowly pulled her toward me.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\Lexi028F1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $LexiVideo3Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiVideo3Unlocked = 1>>\
<<addLust $Lexi 14>>
<<md>>I wanted to feel my dick inside her, the desire burned me from the inside. I squeezed her thigh a little harder, approaching the fork of her passion. Lexi moved restlessly under my arms, then slipped down. My movements became faster, and she curled up with a sob.<</md>>
<<md>>I felt the warmth of her body and realized that I had reached the climax. With one powerful movement, I entered her with all the power and strength of my desire. Lexi's body was tense, she made a low, long sound, and then I realized that she had also reached the climax.<</md>>
<<md>>My satisfaction spilled out into her beautiful bosom.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\Lexi028F2.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $LexiVideo4Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiVideo4Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>What a beautiful feeling! What a beautiful girl! And she's all mine now! I am the happiest and luckiest person in the world!<</md>>
[[Back|LHLexisroom]]<div class="shop-wrap">
<div class="shelf-wrap">
<div class="shelf">
<<if $id.dress is 0>>
<div class="shelf-item">
<img src="img/inv/dress.png">
<<buy-btn "Buy" 100 $cash>>
<<set$cash -= 100>><<set $id.dress += 1>><<check_all_achievements>> <<goto "IR Shop">>
<<if $Earring1 is 0 && $MonicaCheerleader3 == 12>>
<div class="shelf-item">
<img src="img/inv/earring1.png">
<<buy-btn "Buy" 180 $cash>>
<<set $cash -= 180>><<set $Earring1 = 1>><<goto "IR Shop">>
<<if $hat1 is 0>>
<div class="shelf-item">
<p>White hat</p>
<img src="img/inv/hat1.png">
<<buy-btn "Buy" 120 $cash>>
<<set $cash -= 120>><<set $hat1 = 1>><<goto "IR Shop">>
<<if $shirt1 is 0>>
<div class="shelf-item">
<img src="img/inv/shirt1.png">
<<buy-btn "Buy" 60 $cash>>
<<set $cash -= 60>><<set $shirt1 = 1>><<goto "IR Shop">>
<<if $pants1 is 0>>
<div class="shelf-item">
<img src="img/inv/pants1.png">
<<buy-btn "Buy" 50 $cash>>
<<set $cash -= 50>><<set $pants1 = 1>><<goto "IR Shop">>
<<if $pinksneakers is 0>>
<div class="shelf-item">
<p>Pink sneakers</p>
<img src="img/inv/pinksneakers.png">
<<buy-btn "Buy" 269 $cash>>
<<set $cash -= 269>><<set $pinksneakers = 1>><<goto "IR Shop">>
<<if $shoes1 is 0>>
<div class="shelf-item">
<p>Brown shoes</p>
<img src="img/inv/shoes1.png">
<<buy-btn "Buy" 80 $cash>>
<<set $cash -= 80>><<set $shoes1 = 1>><<goto "IR Shop">>
<<if $lingerie is 0>>
<div class="shelf-item">
<img src="img/inv/lingerie1.png">
<<buy-btn "Buy" 250 $cash>>
<<set $cash -= 250>><<set $lingerie = 1>><<goto "IR Shop">>
<<button [[Leave|Imagination Reflection]]>><</button>>
<<if $shirt1 is 1>>\
<<goto "Shirt1Camilla">>\
<<if $Earring1 is 1>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 13>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "33b">>\
<div class="shop-wrap">\
<div class="shelf-wrap">\
<div class="shelf">\
<<if $ != 1>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<img src="img/inv/vidcam.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 500 $cash>>\
<<goto "Strange Store Shop">><<run $cash -=500>><<set $ +=1>>\
<<if $photo_camera != 1>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<img src="img/inv/cam.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 244 $cash>>\
<<goto "Strange Store Shop">><<run $cash -=244>><<set $photo_camera +=1>>\
<<if $phoneJohan == 1>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<img src="img/inv/phone.png">\
<p>==3210== 321$</p>\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 321 $cash>>\
<<goto "Prologue3.45">><<run $cash -=321>><<set $phone += 1>>\
<<if $repair_quest == 1>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<img src="img/inv/hdd.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 100 $cash>>\
<<goto "Strange Store Shop">><<run $cash -=100>><<set $id.hdd +=1>>\
<<if $mattress isnot 1>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<img src="img/inv/mattress.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 200 $cash>>\
<<goto "Strange Store Shop">><<run $cash -=200>><<set $mattress +=1>><<check_all_achievements>><<set $mc.MaxStamina +=20>>\
<<if $lineyka is 0>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<img src="img/inv/line.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 50 $cash>>\
<<set $cash -= 50>><<set $lineyka = 1>><<goto "Strange Store Shop">>\
<<if $glasses is 0>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<img src="img/inv/glasses.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 20 $cash>>\
<<set $cash -= 20>><<set $glasses = 1>><<goto "Strange Store Shop">>\
<<if $tools isnot 10>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<img src="img/inv/inst.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 100 $cash>>\
<<goto "Strange Store Shop">><<run $cash -=100>><<set $tools +=1>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<img src="img/inv/perfume.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 50 $cash>>\
<<goto "Strange Store Shop">><<run $cash -=50>><<set $id.perfume +=1>>\
<<if $id.cigarrete isnot 10>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<img src="img/inv/cigarret.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 20 $cash>>\
<<goto "Strange Store Shop">><<run $cash -=20>><<set $id.cigarrete +=1>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<img src="img/inv/bat.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 80 $cash>>\
<<goto "Strange Store Shop">><<run $cash -=80>><<set $id.bat +=1>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<p>Shower radio</p>\
<img src="img/inv/showerradio.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 210 $cash>>\
<<goto "Strange Store Shop">><<run $cash -=210>><<set $id.showerradio +=1>>\
<<if $boobtape < 2>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<img src="img/inv/nipplecovers.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 73 $cash>>\
<<goto "Strange Store Shop">>\<<run $cash -=73>><<set $boobtape +=1>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<p>Coming soon</p>\
<img src="img/ach/Box2.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 210 $cash>>\
<<goto "Strange Store Shop">>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<p>Coming soon</p>\
<img src="img/ach/Box2.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 210 $cash>>\
<<goto "Strange Store Shop">>\
<<button [[Back|Strange store]]>><</button>>\
<<if $id.bat > 0 && $MelodyQuest == 0>>\
<<set $MelodyQuest = 1>>
<<if $id.showeradio > 0 && $RadioFirstTime == 0>>\
<<set $RadioFirstTime = 1>>
<<goto "RadioFirstPurchase">>\
<<addmins 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>So you are back! Were these days merciful to you,my weirdo friend? Do you gain some wisdom? Or maybe some naked wisdom. Ha-ha, don`t look at me like that. Old Johan knows a lot. So what are you up to today? <</say>>
<<if $ gte 1>><<link "Give him the shells">><<set $cash += $ * 5>><<set $ = 0>><<goto "JohanShell">><</link>><</if>>
<<if $LexiPhoto == -1 && $ClaraPhoto == -1>>\
[[Earn some money|JohanPantiesPhoto]]
[[Earn some money|JohanPantiesPhoto3]]
<<if $RadioBugGet == 1>>\
[[Ask about bug|RadioBugJohan]]
<<if $AutumnCheerleaderPunish == 1 >>\
[[Drink for Autumn|AutumnQuest3.16]]
<<elseif $AutumnCheerleaderPunish == 1.5>>\
[[Drink for Autumn|AutumnQuest3.21]]
<<if $Susan1Q == 1>>\
[[Ask about books|SusanQuest1.2]]
<<if $AngelaNewWork == 4 >>\
[[Ask Olivia about work for Angela|AngelaWorkJohan]]
<<if $phoneJohan == 1>>\
[[Ask about Clara and the phone|Prologue3.44]]
[[Back|Strange store]]
<<addmins 5>>\ <<say $Clara>>Sit down. You're just in time.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara is in good spirit today. She's wearing a beautiful suit that emphasizes every part of her body, and she smells good. You can drown in that smell.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name, are you listening to me? Or have you decided to sleep right here?<</say>>
<<md>>Hell, it looks like I closed my eyes for too long, now she's a little mad at me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I'm listening to you, sorry.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I really hope so. I told you, you're doing pretty well for someone who just got into school. The students seem to be happy to come to your class, and they like you like a man. I hope that doesn't cross any boundaries.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, it's not. <</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Fine, then I don't have to worry about you`ll not deal it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Deal what?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Deal with the observers. Our school has a practice - before the exams we have people from the commission to see how well you're able to cope with your obligations.<</say>>
<<md>>I almost woke up from those words.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Commission? And what will they do?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh, don't worry, it's no big deal, they'll just talk to the people you teach and check how you're being listened to sitting in class.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, that's nice. It doesn't seem to be a big deal, but if I get some very unpleasant information that I have a kind of relationship with Lexi, it's gonna hurt my reputation. After all, Clara asked me to refrain from any relationship with the students.<</md>>
<<md>>Oh, damn it!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>When will it be?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I'm thinking about next week. They like to come up quite suddenly, you know. Can I count on your discretion?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course you can.<</say>>
<<md>>That's a lie! Lie! Lie!<</md>>
<<md>>Prudence? Ha, is this about me? If I had it before, I wouldn't have gotten into such a terrible story. If the public found out about my relationship with Lexi, I'd be very, very uncomfortable…<</md>>
[[Left office|LexiQuest11B2]]<<set $Lexi11 = 0>>\
<<set $Lexi12T = 2>>\
<<md>>With not the most cheerful thoughts, I'm back in my class.<</md>>
<<md>>Now it was empty and I could just think. It's just necessary. Because lately I've been like a teenager giving myself up to hormone power, but sometimes you just have to stop and think...<</md>>
<<md>>Wait, what's that on my desk? It wasn't here before.<</md>>
<<md>>A small box of chocolates in the form of a heart was lying on the table, and next to it a very curvy handwriting said:<</md>>
<<text g "To cheer up.">>
<<md>>Lexi. I might not even have guessed, because I knew her handwriting too well. Obviously, she did notice something wrong with me and decided to cheer me up. The candy, by the way, is delicious enough. It's a bit of a bitter taste, but it also adds to the unique. This candy is so similar to my life.<</md>>
<<md>>Lexi... We have to deal with this. She's a very nice girl, very sexy and I'm very good with her, but now there's a sword hanging over my head that's about to cut her off.<</md>>
<<md>>The Lexi situation has gone too far. I just have to deal with it.<</md>>
<<md>>How delicious the candy is! I hadn't noticed almost half the box was already in my stomach. So what do I do in my situation?<</md>>
<<talk"[[Talk to Clara|LexiQuest11C2Talk]]""Sex">><</talk>>
<<talk"[[Talk to Lexi|LexiQuest11L2Talk]]""Starfucks">><</talk>>
<<talk"[[Ask Sophia for advice|LexiQuest11S2Talk]]""Bribe">><</talk>>
<<if $id.magicBall > 0>>\
[[Ask magic ball|LexiMagicBallCandy]]
<<md>>There's only one way to deal with everything.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara is a very sexy woman and such a sexy hottie has needs. If I can meet her needs, I'm sure I can convince her to help me in this matter.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, my mistake was that I chose Lexi over someone much more beautiful and adorable.<</say>>
<<md>>I take Clara's hand. In the first moment, she tries to get rid of my hand, but I know it's just a fear of the unknown. She doesn't understand what I want yet.<</md>>
<<md>>I lean towards her and our lips merge into a kiss. The cock tears the fabric of her pants with such pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>What are you doing, $mc.Name?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm going crazy...<</say>>
<<md>>She moaned when I put my lips around her neck. Pretty soon, I turned her back to me, letting my cock lean up her gorgeous ass. In a flash, I pulled up her skirt and pushed my standing dick into her. She was moaning loudly.<</md>>
<<md>>Shit, I think it was so loud, the whole school could hear it. But I couldn't stop where the attraction came from. Lust seized me and I started to satisfy my instincts, making the headmistress moan louder and louder.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, don't stop! I'm better than Lexi! Fuck me harder!<</say>>
<<md>>When I came inside her, I smiled at myself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I can count on your support in hiding my little secret?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yeah, I'll take care of everything.<</say>>
<<md>>Looks like we both got what we wanted. I'm - the solution to the problem, and she's - my dick. Great!<</md>>
<<set $Lexi15 = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi13T = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi12T = 10>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]<<md>>There's no point in denying how deep I fell.<</md>>
<<md>>By letting myself follow almost animal instincts, I've trapped myself in what is now almost no way out.<</md>>
<<md>>The only thing I can do is just give myself up to Clara's mercy. And hope that she doesn't fire me.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Your behaviour undoubtedly casts a shadow over our whole school. But I believe that anyone can stumble. It's important to give him a helping hand in that time.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>This time, I will help you. Try to end your relationship with Lexi as soon as possible, or I can't guarantee I'll save you a second time. As for the commission, I'll take care of everything. This isn't the first time you've done as much good as you can imagine.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you...<</say>>
<<md>>I already wanted to go, when she stopped me.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Anyway, don't think I'll forget about it. You'll do me a favour when it's needed.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course.<</say>>
<<md>>Now I was willing to do anything to forget a terrible dream.<</md>>
<<md>>I have instincts, instincts, but this place is very precious to me now. All that's left is to deal with Lexi and how I'm gonna let her know that we're done.<</md>>
<<set $Lexi15 = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi13T = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi12T = 10>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]<<md>>None of the means act like fear.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara knows that, because that's what she's trying to do right now. She's trying to intimidate me so much that I'll give in to her mercy. And then she can control me. However, I'm not that simple. Well, I'm well aware of Clara's affair with the PE teacher.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're planning to fire me, aren't you?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I have no other choice. If everything you've told us becomes public knowledge, there's a big scandal waiting for us.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I wonder what scandal awaits all of us when they find out that the principal is hiding in the corners with the PE teacher?<</say>>
<<md>>The surprise on her face is that it has quickly changed to indignation!<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You wouldn't dare talk about it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So long as you don't tell me my secret. I suppose we all have the right for secrets, don't we?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>She thought for a moment, as if counting her next move. But no matter how hard she tries, it's going to be hard for her to win this fight.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, I'll see to do something that you keep your dirty secret.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded and went out.<</md>>
<<md>>I didn't have to stay in office. Now I seem like a terrible person to Clara. But it's the only way not to worry about further consequences. She'll support me, or she'll feel pretty bad.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn, the boner still hasn't gone through...<</md>>
<<set $Lexi15 = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi13T = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi12T = 10>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]<<set $Lexi12 = 1>>\
<<md>>I've hidden everything that's happened to me from Clara for too long.<</md>>
<<md>>I think she's been hearing rumors for a long time, but as an experienced leader, she didn't respond to everything she heard. Because there's so much gossips about a person! But not all of it can be true.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, I'll just tell her the truth. I'm sure this isn't the first time she's faced a problem like this and she certainly has a way of solving it.<</md>>
<<md>>After making such an important decision, I went straight to my office. I hope the principal is still there and can solve my problem as the situation requires.<</md>>
<<md>>Why do I feel so uncomfortable going there? Damn, where did I get the boner?<</md>>
<<md>>Okay, it doesn't matter anymore. I hope it doesn't make my assignment too difficult.<</md>>
<<md>>After knocking and waiting for an answer, I walked into Clara's office.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes? Do you wanted something?<</say>>
<<md>>It's amazing how beautiful and sexy she is today. She's got that sexy halo that every man in the neighborhood is crazy about.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I have to tell you something. This is about me and Lexi.<</say>>
<<md>>She nodded and stood up from the table in front of me.<</md>>
<<md>>What beautiful legs. Why didn't I notice how sexy Clara was before? My boner doesn't make this story any easier for me, but I have to do it.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>The situation isn't easy. I knew this could happen.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Lexi Richardson is the reason the previous biology teacher wasn't too long in our school. Oh, you didn't know about that? Yes, that's exactly what happened. But there are certain rules at my school that I asked you to follow.<</say>>
<<md>>I understand how right she is. We get back to this conversation. And again, the subject of this conversation is the same: me and Lexi.<</md>>
<<md>>And I even know where this conversation is going. About her firing me. And if I don't do anything right now, I can't be sure that I'm gonna stay in the workplace.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Intellect > 2 >>\
[[Threat her|LexiQuest11C2T]]
<<talk "Threat her" 1 $talk "It`s too dangerous">><</talk>>
[[Admit your guilt|LexiQuest11C2AG]]
<<if $mc.Charisma > 2 >>\
[[Seduce her|LexiQuest11C2S]]
<<talk "Seduce her" 1 $talk "I don`t think she liked me">><</talk>>
<<set $Lexi13 = 1>>\
<<md>>I've heard before that Sophia's been meeting with the commission for years. No doubt she should know how to hide some dirty laundry from unwanted eyes.<</md>>
<<md>>When I got to class, Sophia was right there. Amazingly, I thought she'd been home for a while. But, uh, it's only good for me.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Oh, $mc.Name! It's good to see you here. Did you just come or did you come for a purpose?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Actually, I need your advice.<</say>>
<<md>>There's no point in hiding the purpose of your visit right now. Sophia will easily guess my lies. And I need to put her on my side right now. Nothing puts people on their side more than truth and openness.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Advice? Well, I'm in a bit of a hurry, but I can spare you a few minutes. What's the matter?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I hear you've been through a meeting with the commission before.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Yes, I call it “Commission Hell”. Oh, yeah, it'll be expecting you soon. I forgot about that. Don't worry, it's no big deal.<</say>>
<<md>>I wish it were like this, but alas.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I have one secret I wouldn't want them to know.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Secret? I know what you mean. Now... Here, the right person's number. I went out with him that year, paid $100. The commission didn't even come to me! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get to the barbershop.<</say>>
<<md>>And she left me. But I have the number of someone who will solve all the problems. Well, $100 for hiding such an important secret isn't that much money.<</md>>
[[Meet with person|LexiQuest11S2Talk2]]
<<md>>A voice on the other side of the phone told me to wait for it in the park. It's been about 15 minutes, I'm sitting on the bench, but still nobody. Maybe this is all just a prank?<</md>>
<<md>>However, some strange guy with a cape, glasses and a hat sat down near me and said he could solve my problem. He demanded a parcel from me and I gave him a small envelope with money in it.<</md>>
<<md>>I don't know why it was so secretive, but if it helps solve my problem, let it be. The envelope disappeared in a seemingly bottomless cape. The man said, "Your problem doesn't exist" and disappeared just as suddenly as it appeared.<</md>>
<<md>>All we can do is hope that he keeps his word.<</md>>
<<set $Lexi15 = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi13T = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi12T = 10>>\
[[Go back|Park]]<<set $Lexi15 = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi14 = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi13T = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi12T = 10>>\
<<md>>This problem has to be solved and there's no other way than to discuss it with Lexi.<</md>>
<<md>>She's a grown-up girl and she'll realize that I have not only my dick that's suddenly dumping the fabric of my trousers, but also responsibility. If our relationship threatens to fire me, then it's best to end it.<</md>>
<<md>>I don't know how long it's been, but I ended up at Lexi's house very quickly. Either I was in a temporary anomaly, or I was so focused on the upcoming conversation with the girl that an episode of me coming out of school and being here disappeared from my head. <</md>>
<<md>>Why won't my dick settle down. It's dumping the fabric of my trousers so that it almost hurts. <</md>>
<<md>>As soon as the door opens, I notice that Lexi's barely wearing any clothes. She's smiling lustfully. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>You've figured out my plan, haven't you? Follow me and get your reward for ingenuity! <</say>>
<<md>>The plan? What's the plan? What's going on?<</md>>
<<md>>Okay, the main thing is to focus on explaining and not think about how seductive the girl's body is.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn, what a beautiful ass she's got. I never get tired of looking at it. She's all soaring up and it looks like her boobs are twice as big as mine. I want to touch her with my hands and shake her up a little bit. Wow!<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>I knew you'd realize that only I could add an aphrodisiac to your candies.<</say>>
<<md>>Aphrodisiac! So here's the thing! That's why I feel more attracted to her than I did before.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn it, I have to talk to her, but I can't resist what's in front of me.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\Lexi028F3.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $LexiVideo5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiVideo5Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<addLust $Lexi 14>>
<<md>>It's like a beast I'm throwing myself at Lexi, putting it on the bed. Here she is, here in front of me: naked and defenceless. Without hesitation, I push my dick into it. It screams with joy, but it doesn't resist - I put my rod into it too much. The excitement overwhelms me, everything around me becomes gray and heavy, red shimmering stripes appear that weren't there before. Another powerful push, and I'm out. My essence takes off, and I blend in with Lexi, becoming her. We're drowning in the air with our moaning falling on the bed and covering ourselves with a blanket. The feelings come back to me. <</md>>
<<md>>I think the conversation can wait. Or maybe I can think of something myself, more than once.<</md>>
[[Back|LHLexisroom]] <<md>>Lexi is to blame for what's happening right now. No one asked her to treat me the way she does. It's not like I'm a teenager, I'm an adult.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I'll be right there.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>I can't wait.<</say>>
<<md>>My heart was pounding rabidly, feeling like I was meeting Naomi. Her body seduced me at my birthday party, but then Lexi was there. Now her whole body will belong to me. This beautiful girl will be for me.<</md>>
<<md>>If there's one thing I need to calm down from Lexi's behaviour, it's a nice, juicy fuck.<</md>>
<<md>>Maybe this is the first time in my life that I've ever wanted so much...<</md>>
<<set $Naomi1Q = 1>>\
<<set $Naomi1QT = 1>>\
[[Go to her house|LexiQuest12Yes2]]
<<say $Naomi>>Please, come in.<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi was beautiful as always. Divine grace and beauty were read in it. And even though I had a huge desire to attack her, I couldn't help but enjoy how beautiful she was.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>I never understood what you found in Lexi.<</say>>
<<md>>Our lips merged into a hot kiss. I played with her tongue, she played with mine.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You shouldn't say that, she's your friend.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>And you shouldn't kiss me...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can't...<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>And I can't. When I first saw you, I knew you had to be mine. A man like that should only caress me.<</say>>
<<md>>She pulled my pants off me and I pulled her dress off her.<</md>>
<<md>>My dick was ready to burst from one view, but I couldn't refuse the pleasure of playing with a girl's pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>Anticipating what might happen next, I started touching her bare crotch with my palm.<</md>>
<<md>>Naomi laughed and moaned. I got even closer to her, wanting everything at once.<</md>>
<<md>>She threw her head back, loosened her fingers, and kissed me on the lips with unexpected strength and passion. She kissed me back with a long kiss. Without expecting this kind of skill, I could not hold myself together for long.<</md>>
<<md>>The girl walked the tip of her tongue on my lower lip and then walked it through the folds near her lips. Tilting her head back, she moaned. My mouth retracted in her movements, I bit her lip. My hand slipped between her breasts and began to caress the most sensitive points. Naomi was moaning even louder. Her body was cramping, and she threw her head back.<</md>>
<<addLust $Naomi 14>>
<<md>>I squeezed the clitoris harder in my hand and slowly pulled her toward me. I wanted to feel my dick inside her, the desire burned me from the inside. I saw her wish, too, I knew how Naomi felt. She knew, I knew. Both understood the reason for our frenzied desires. It was ours. We didn't need magical calculations to understand each other.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\NaomiF1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $NaomiVideo2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $NaomiVideo2Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>But that knowledge came out of vague pre-conscious outbursts of emotion burning within us. Keeping kissing Naomi, I squeezed her thigh a little harder, approaching the fork of her passion. Naomi moved restlessly under my arms, then slipped down. My movements became faster, and she curled up with a sob.<</md>>
<<md>>My satisfaction spilled out into her beautiful bosom.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\NaomiF2.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $NaomiVideo3Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $NaomiVideo3Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Naomi clenched my head with her palms, and I suddenly kissed her tenderly. Her lips remained open, and I could kiss them as if I could hide my tongue in them.<</md>>
<<md>>This is the best night I've had in a while!<</md>>
<<set $Naomi1QT = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi16 = -2>>\
<<set $Lexi14T = -2>>\
[[Back|Street York-Road]]
<<md>>At that moment, I had no desire to agree.<</md>>
<<md>>I felt that the last thing I wanted to do now was to be one of those accused of treason.<</md>>
<<md>>It's better to go back and leave Naomi alone.<</md>>
<<md>>I took responsibility for my relationship with Lexi, which means I have to drink from this cup of despair to the bottom. Although maybe I'm just exaggerating.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sorry,Naomi,you're a beautiful girl,but I have to say no.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Well, Lexi would love to hear it.<</say>>
<<md>>Short beeps are on the other side. I don't know if I hurt Naomi, but it's the right thing to do. A little more enjoying the sound of the sea, I'm going home. But my phone rings a second time, and now it's not Naomi.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>I'm sorry I've been rude to you lately. I'm ready to make it up to you. You want to meet me at my place?<</say>>
<<md>>Well, I guess that's what I was expecting, right? Apology. I don't have any doubts about the answer.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I'll be right there.<</say>>
[[Meet Lexi|LexiQuest12No2]]
<<md>>When we finally meet at her house, it's too much to say. I know that Lexi values our relationship. Her tongue apologizes to mine by begging for it. Our lips touch, making the dick come back to life.<</md>>
<<md>>I can smell it coming from her body. I want to bury myself in it. She's not hiding anything. She's completely honest with me: I can't doubt her words.<</md>>
<<md>>I can read her emotions, and she transmits them to me. As before, her lips wrap themselves around my ear. She is not afraid that I can leave before we close the door. I feel like it's been a long, right and happy day.<</md>>
<<md>>She pulls my clothes off before I even pick her up and take to her bedroom.<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 10>>
<<md>>She puts her hands against the wall when I carry her to the bed. <</md>>
<<md>>She's my own personal girl who she wants to protect from all dangers. <</md>>
<<md>>She's mine now, and I will do anything to protect her.<</md>>
[[Back|LHLexisroom]]<<md>>The only way to get out of the water now is to write to Clara asking for help.<</md>>
<<md>>No matter how she treats me after our last conversation, my success is her success. The same goes for our failure.<</md>>
<<md>>I was only hoping Clara would see the message before Lexi's mischievous fingers gave her the last juicy orgasm that would keep screaming all over the class.<</md>>
<<md>>There it is, the voice that will save me from all trouble. Lexi, surprised to be called to the principal's office, had to stop seducing me with her naked pussy. When she left the office, I sighed with relief. I like her, but sometimes her behaviour puts me in a very bad position.<</md>>
<<md>>The rest of the lesson went quietly, the tension went away, and the man smiled quite a bit after class. I think I should thank Clara later for saving me from a lusty girl.<</md>>
[[End lesson|Biology class]]<<md>>I mean, she's doing this for a reason. Lexi has a special talent - it's like she feels in her gut when there's something she could have ruined - she'll ruin it.<</md>>
<<md>>And usually it doesn't matter, because any trouble I meet with a smile. But that's not the case, because my career depends on it. <</md>>
<<md>>My hands were dialling the message themselves, hoping to make it. It's important to stop Lexi before the observer hears her. <</md>>
<<md>>To my surprise, she stopped. Either she realized the significance of it, or she was tempted by my promise to fuck her tonight. Either way, she stopped, and that's what counts.<</md>>
<<md>>The rest of the lesson went quietly, the tension went away, and the man smiled quite a bit after class. <</md>>
[[End lesson|Biology class]]<<set $Lexi16 = 0>>\
<<set $Lexi17 = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi14T = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi15T = 1>>\
<<md>>Today was supposed to be that day. I've heard rumours everywhere that the test came to school today.<</md>>
<<md>>Honestly, I was a little uncomfortable. I was, like, in a horror movie, waiting for a huge monster to show up and eat me. There was no news from a mysterious stranger in the park, so I just couldn't be sure that everything would go according to plan.<</md>>
<<md>>One look at Lexi, however, is enough to know how deep the pit I've pushed myself into is. If anybody comes... <</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, today the theme of our lesson is...<</say>>
<<md>>Damn it, Lexi, you picked a bad time for self-satisfaction!<</md>>
<<md>>The girl's not wearing any underwear and her skirt is too short. I know where this is going and it's making me worry.<</md>>
<<md>>Oh, damn it! I can't stand it anymore.<</md>>
<<md>>I grab Lexi's hands and get her out of class. There's a lot of fear and desire to fuck a student right here.<</md>>
<<md>>However, it's all too suspicious, so I have to take the girl home. Well, she's always got no one at home.<</md>>
[[Enjoy it|LexiQuest13Sophia2]]
<<md>>The hand crawls on her thigh when we get home. The fingers are between her legs and gently enter the half-wet pussy. Looks like she's pretty excited.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, soon you'll feel not only my hand, but my dick too. I'll give you everything you want, bitch!<</md>>
<<md>>Then I swear you won't trade for change. You're gonna suck my sperm all night long when I stick it in you...<</md>>
<<md>>She's wriggling her whole body trying to pull away, but I just take my hand off and I'm inside. I don't understand why she won't talk when I start messing with her pussy. That's not usually the way she behaves.<</md>>
<<md>>Lexi used to screaming, moaning, begging me to fuck her.<</md>>
<<md>>Children's game time is over and the whole cock is inside her.<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 14>>
<<md>>Lexi doesn't fight back, she doesn't even try to close up. I'm willing to do whatever I want with her.<</md>>
<<md>>I do what she offers me, lick her clitoris with my tongue. It's the most erotic caress I've ever had in my life.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\Lexi028F3.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $LexiVideo5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiVideo5Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>And then a beast wakes up in me and moves in it at lightning speed. I enjoy it a lot, until the satisfied of her whole body, cum to her stomach.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I hope you don't masturbate in class again!<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi laughing loudly.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Dream on.<</say>>
[[Back|LHLexisroom]]<<set $Lexi16 = 0>>\
<<set $Lexi17 = 1>>\
<<set $Lexi14T = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi15T = 1>>\
<<md>>This day is finally here.<</md>>
<<md>>There wasn't a day I could think about who would come to my class and there he was, answering my questions. Average height man, with a huge stomach right in front of me.<</md>>
<<md>>He takes a close look at the class, then sits somewhere behind. I heard rumours yesterday that someone was asking me how I was doing in class, but we only met now.<</md>>
<<md>>So here it is, the one my future depends on.<</md>>
<<md>>However, one look at Lexi is enough to know how deep the hole I've been in.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, today the theme of our lesson is...<</say>>
<<md>>Why do I feel like I'm being interrogated? A man looks carefully at me, and afterwards at the whole class. Damn it, Lexi, you picked a bad time for self-satisfaction!<</md>>
<<md>>The girl's not wearing any underwear and her skirt is too short. I know where this is going, and it's making me feel really bad. If this man sees a girl's pen caressing her clitoris, how slowly and sexually her fingers come in...<</md>>
<<md>>The only question is, what consequences do I have in this case.<</md>>
<<md>>Oh, damn it! I can't stand it anymore.<</md>>
<<md>>I grab Lexi's hands and get her out of class. There's a lot of fear and desire to fuck a student right here. However, it's all too suspicious, so I have to take the girl home. Well, she's always got no one at home.<</md>>
[[Enjoy it|LexiQuest13Lexi2]]
<<md>>The hand crawls on her thigh when we get home. The fingers are between her legs and gently enter the half-wet pussy. Looks like she's pretty excited. Well, soon you'll feel not only my hand, but my dick too. I'll give you everything you want, bitch!<</md>>
<<md>>Then I swear you won't trade for change. You're gonna suck my sperm all night long when I stick it in you...<</md>>
<<md>>She's wriggling her whole body trying to pull away, but I just take my hand off and I'm inside. I don't understand why she won't talk when I start messing with her pussy. That's not usually the way she behaves. Lexi's used to screaming, moaning, begging me to fuck her.<</md>>
<<md>>Children's game time is over and the whole cock is inside her.<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 14>>
<<md>>Lexi doesn't fight back, she doesn't even try to close up. I'm willing to do whatever I want with her. I do what she offers me, lick her clitoris with my tongue. It's the most erotic caress I've ever had in my life. <</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\Lexi028F3.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $LexiVideo5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiVideo5Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>And then a beast wakes up in me and moves in it at lightning speed. I enjoy it a lot, until the satisfied body of her whole body comes to her stomach.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I hope you don't masturbate in class again!<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi laughing loudly.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Dream on.<</say>>
[[Back|LHLexisroom]]<<include "CamillaTalkGreets">>\
<strong>Clothes -</strong> [[Check|IR Shop]]
<<if $CamillaQuest1 == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00') && $Camilla.Meet == 1>>\
[[Ask her for a date|CamillaQuest 1.1]]
<<elseif $CamillaQuest2 == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:25') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 3 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 3 >>\
[[Spend time together|CamillaQuest 3.1]]
<<elseif $CamillaQuest5 == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '18:25') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
[[Ask for go out|CamillaQuest 7.1]]
<<elseif $CamillaQuest5 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '18:25') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
[[Ask for go out|CamillaQuest 7.1]]
<<elseif $CamillaQuest5 == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '18:25') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
[[Ask for a date|CamillaQuest 7.2]]
<<elseif $CamillaQuest6 == 1 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '18:50') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 3 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 3 >>\
[[Ask her to the cinema|CamillaQuest8.2]]
<<elseif $CamillaQuest6 == 2 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:50', '16:15') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4 >>\
[[Date her|CamillaQuest8.3]]
<<elseif $CamillaQuest6 == 41 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "CamillaQuest8.62">>\
<<elseif $CamillaQuest6 == 44 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Return phone to her|CamillaQuest8.7]]
<<elseif $CamillaQuest6 == 45 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Return phone to her|CamillaQuest8.7]]
<<elseif $Amber1Q == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00') >>\
[[Choose some clothes|Amber4Q2]]
<<elseif $CamillaQuest6 == 321 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:45') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Ask her for hiking|CamillaQuest8.532]]
<<if $LivewithMonica == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '18:00') && $MonicaUniform == 2 && QuestNextDay == 0>>\
[[Looking for maid's uniform|LiveWithMonicaCleaningUniform1]]
<<elseif $LivewithMonica == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '18:00') && $MonicaUniform == 3 && QuestNextDay == 0>>\
[[Talk with Camilla about uniform|LiveWithMonicaCleaningUniform2]]
[[Back|Imagination Reflection]]<<say $Johan>>Hmm, seashells. What neat and beautiful, well it definitely costs money, just come in handy to design the store. I'll pay you one dollar for each of them. Don't forget to bring more, I'll find a use for them.<</say>><<notify>>Cash added!<</notify>>
[[Back|Strange store]]<<md>>When I think about who could help me in this difficult matter - Veronica is clearly not at the top of the list.<</md>>
<<md>>She does not show the ideal behaviour, and the love of cleaning can hardly be found there.<</md>>
<<md>>Such as her is called simply - problem students. Smoking, disruption of lessons, disregard for studies. Well, for the majority, study. My lesson is a another conversation, because hardly anyone can resist my charm...<</md>>
<<md>>And yet, I believe that Veronica is a good option for this task. Because I know everyone deserves a chance to prove otherwise. The girl is full of problems, yes, but who said that this is an unshakable truth? Who said that she is not a hostage to her own style of behaviour? Perhaps, if she had a chance to prove the opposite, she would long ago have turned into a completely different person. And if I have a chance to see this other person, then why not combine business with pleasure? It's also a great way to tweak her grades a bit.<</md>>
[[Call her|Veronica prologue]]
<<md>>The phone responds with long and drawn beeps.<</md>>
<<md>>Come on, pick up the phone. Don't leave me alone with this terrible chaos in my house...<</md>>
<<md>>The expectation always wears me out too much. But finally everything changes and at the other end I hear a familiar voice.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Hello? Who is this, Steve? I told you, forget this number. If you call here again, I swear to God, I...<</say>>
<<md>>That's the reason why Veronica did not answer the phone for so long. It seems that this Steve is not giving her a quiet life. However, now it is not too important. Another thing is important: cleaning.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, this isn't Steve. At least yesterday my name was Mr. $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<md>>A moment's silence was a clear sign of awkwardness between us. However, this awkwardness dragged on for a long time and the only thing I heard was the girl's breathing into the phone.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes... I'm here, Mr. $mc.Name. Sorry, I don`t expected your call.<</say>>
<<md>>Of course you were expecting some Steve to call. But this is much better, trust me, girl!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I myself did not think that I would call you, but I have an offer to you.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Offer? If this is something like participating in some dull performance, then don't even ask. I hate this crap.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, Veronica, I'm not talking about that. I could use your help in my house. A lot of garbage has accumulated here, and sometimes I have no time to clean it myself.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Cleaning? Do I look like a cleaning lady?<</say>>
<<md>>Expected response. For many teenagers, it now seems as if cleaning is not something that puts things in order, but rather as something humiliating.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, you don't look like it, Veronica. But I know that you have certain problems with your studies. And I could well help you with this question. How do you like this proposal? You help me - I help you.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Sounds interesting. Will you talk to other teachers?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Certainly. I cannot leave my beloved student in trouble.<</say>>
<<md>>She paused for a second, most likely considering the options for an answer. But I knew she would agree. Such an offer, whether true or not, is too tempting to refuse.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Okay, I'll be there soon.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Can`t wait.<</say>>
<<md>>Tremble, dirt! As soon as Veronica takes care of you, not a trace will remain of you!<</md>>
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Wait for her|Veronica arrival]]
<<say $Veronica>>So, this is where you live. To be honest, looking at you, I imagined something more...more sophisticated.<</say>>
<<md>>Huh? Did Veronica think that I live in a luxurious castle? However, even if so, it is rather a plus for me than a minus.<</md>>
[[Let`s go|Veronica start]]
<<say $Veronica>>So where should I start?<</say>>
<<talk "Cleaning" 1 $VeronicaCleaningDone "Veronica already done it today">><<goto "Veronica cleaning">><</talk>>
<<talk "Cooking" 1 $VeronicaCookingDone "Veronica already done it today">><<goto "Veronica eating">><</talk>>
[[That`s all|My room]]<<say $Veronica>>A few dishes? You definitely came to the right place!<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>I know some of the finest, most delicious dishes my grandmother taught me. I am sure you will not be disappointed!<</say>>
<<md>>Disappointed? It's hard to be disappointed if you don't expect anything special. I'm not asking Veronica to cook me the best dish in the world. No, I am quite satisfied with something ordinary, without any frills.<</md>>
<<md>>However, the way she praises her culinary skills already makes me salivate. We'll see if her dish is as good as she says.<</md>>
<<text y "One hour later">>
<<md>>Time passed quickly. As soon as I sat down to go about my business, an unknown temporary pit engulfed me.<</md>>
<<md>>And only the sounds of cooking from the kitchen flew to me all the time. However, not a single indignation and indignation came from there, which already made me happy.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Well, how is it? Do you like it?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica looked at me with curiosity when the fruits of her labours were in my mouth. I was ready for anything, but for this! This dish was spicy. No, very spicy. But there was something very, very attractive in this wit. I didn't want this feeling to stop. I wished that this taste would last forever.<</md>>
<<md>>What a delicious dish! I think I just had a gustatory orgasm! Damn it, where did she learn to cook like that?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, this is just wonderful! There has never been such a delicious dish in my life.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>I told you you'd like it. Grandmother was always famous for her evenings and the fact that all her dishes were very sophisticated.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, perhaps I should thank my grandmother for such a wonderful chef!<</md>>
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $cash -= 10>>
<<addAff $Veronica 10>>
<<set $VeronicaCookingDone = 0>>
<<say $Veronica>>What else should I do?<</say>>
<<talk "Cleaning" 1 $VeronicaCleaningDone "Veronica already done it today">><<goto "Veronica cleaning">><</talk>>
<<talk "Cooking" 1 $VeronicaCookingDone "Veronica already done it today">><<goto "Veronica eating">><</talk>>
[[That`s all|My room]]
<<say $Veronica>>Yes, work here is clearly not for a few minutes. Well, there is nothing to sit around, time to turn your home into a penthouse!<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled to myself. If there was a magic button that could turn the place where I am into a penthouse...<</md>>
<<md>>Eh, dreams, dreams! However, I like the attitude of Veronica. With this you can move mountains.<</md>>
<<if $Veronica.AffectionLvl gte 2 && $Veronica.LustLvl gte 2>>\
[[Offer to change clothes|Veronica clothing]]
[[Staring|Veronica staring]]
[[Wait her to finish|Veronica cleaning2]]
<<md>>Cleaning is a very exciting action. Not for the cleaner, no. For him, it is hard work that requires concentration and maximum attention.<</md>>
<<md>>But for an outside viewer, sometimes cleaning can seem very exciting. Especially if there is a girl like Veronica in front of you, who now and then seductively bends over or takes an interesting pose.<</md>>
<<md>>But I totally approve of that. Nothing can please my eye and cock more. However...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, you should change your clothes.<</say>>
<<md>>... it will be even better if the clothes do not hide from me its bizarre and alluring shapes. Her breasts, her ass, and of course her legs. How can you resist these temptations?<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>For what?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Looking at your luxurious clothes, it always seems to me that you will just get it dirty. And I really would not want this to happen.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>This? Don't worry like that, these are old things. I don’t feel sorry for them.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And yet, things must be treated courteously, do you agree?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes, but what should I change into then? I have nothing else.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, it's not a problem at all. We're both adults here. Even if you stay in only one underwear, I will not mind.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled and straightened her hair.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>You're all for it, right? However, I do not mind at all if it remains between us and you are not going to photograph me. Otherwise, forget to think, I'll stay in my old clothes.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, I just wanted to take a few photos for my home archive. After all, Veronica in her underwear will definitely look amazing. Well, it looks like this dream will have to say goodbye.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ok, I promise.<</say>>
<<text y "One hour later">>
<<md>>I must say that the idea of taking off Veronica's clothes turned out to be very exciting. I liked her acting. And precisely because I undressed her with my eyes at the same time with every position in which there was not even sex, I still allowed myself to dream of heavenly pleasure. I didn’t care about Veronica’s experiences, because in the interval between positions she tried to seduce me.<</md>>
<<md>>Cleaning turned out to be the best activity of the day, because a woman's seductive body called out to me. I must say to control myself - the task is not an easy one. Especially when your dick nearly jumps out of your pants.<</md>>
<<md>>But the show was amazing. I want to repeat it over and over again. Veronica definitely deserves every cent of her money!<</md>>
<<set $VeronicaSexyCloth = 1>>\
<<set $cash -= 30>>\
<<addLust $Veronica 10>>\
<<say $Veronica>>What else should I do?<</say>>
<<talk "Cleaning" 1 $VeronicaCleaningDone "Veronica already done it today">><<goto "Veronica cleaning">><</talk>>
<<talk "Cooking" 1 $VeronicaCookingDone "Veronica already done it today">><<goto "Veronica eating">><</talk>>
[[That`s all|My room]]
<<md>>Is there a man in the world who can resist the fact that there is a beautiful girl in front of him. Well, even if he is, it is unlikely that he would have been able to control himself if Veronica was in front of him in such ambiguous poses.<</md>>
<<md>>Her every movement is graceful, smooth and at the same time very seductive.<</md>>
<<md>>I don't have the strength to resist such magical forms in such frank poses. When I watch her bend over, I don't have a single good thought. Only the desire to capture this moment forever in your memory. Although why memory?<</md>>
<<md>>Trying not to breathe, so as not to frighten Veronica and her appetizing ass, I run my hand into my right pocket. This is where my smartphone is now. Now everything seems very, very complicated to me. It must cling to the fabric at such a moment ... However, now it is already in my hand and is already on.<</md>>
<<md>>So, Veronica, pose for your favourite teacher. Keep the appetizing halves at the same level. And...<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>What?<</say>>
<<md>>A curse! How could I forget that there is sound in the camera on the phone.<</md>>
<<md>>The student looked at me in surprise, but immediately understood everything, barely noticing the phone in my hands.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Didn't know that you are a fan of mobile photography.<</say>>
<<md>>Otherwise, I would have been embarrassed, but it was not an accusation. She smiled and in that smile I read something amazing. This smile was content with my actions. As if she was waiting for this.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Not really. But there are moments that I would like to capture on soldering.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>A wonderful wish! My father was also a photographer before. But keep this photo just in your collection, okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The gentleman's word.<</say>>
<<md>>Of course, I got excited with the gentleman, but in fact it was true. I had no intention of showing this treasure to anyone. This can only be enjoyed in solitude.<</md>>
<<md>>She smiled sweetly and silently finished her work. How gorgeous everything is!<</md>>
<<set $cash -= 15>>
<<addLust $Veronica 10>>
<<set $VeronicaCleaningDone = 0>>
<<say $Veronica>>What else should I do?<</say>>
<<talk "Cleaning" 1 $VeronicaCleaningDone "Veronica already done it today">><<goto "Veronica cleaning">><</talk>>
<<talk "Cooking" 1 $VeronicaCookingDone "Veronica already done it today">><<goto "Veronica eating">><</talk>>
[[That`s all|My room]]<<md>>Is there a better person for my task other than Monica?<</md>>
<<md>>The rest of the girls are much less suited for this. If I was asked to name the ideal student, it would probably be Monica.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, there are no ideal ones, but this girl is approaching that title. And it's one thing when it comes to only one subject, and another - about all.<</md>>
<<md>>They talk about Monica, Monica is used as an example. She is clearly not one of those cramps who know everything in the world, but you obviously won't get bored with her.<</md>>
<<md>>There is much more knowledge in this bright head. It absorbs everything like a sponge that I would not say. And there is no need to talk about how kind she is. If you need to do something well, there is no better way than asking a student to do it. Besides, I would really like to thank her for studying the material so diligently. I'm sure she won't have a couple of tens of bucks to spare.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Hello?<</say>>
<<md>>Every time I hear Monica's voice, for some reason it seems to me that it contains all the goodness of this world. It makes my soul so warm and joyful.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, good afternoon, this is...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Mister $mc.Name! I recognized your voice. Although on the phone it sounds a little weird.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Weird?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>It does not have the seductiveness that it has in person.<</say>>
<<md>>Is it? She likes personal communication with me... Yes, this is the perfect chance.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I know you help a lot. And it would be nice if you could help me. Not for free, of course.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Help - the concept is too broad. For someone killing is help. Therefore, you should clarify.<</say>>
<<md>>That's why it's interesting with her. Talking about Monica, you don't feel such a huge difference in communication. She is one of those with whom an adult can speak on an equal footing.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes of course. It's about cleaning. You see, I have such a mess lately, and there is no time to put it all in order.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Do you want me to help you clean up?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That would be very helpful.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>With joy. They said at school that I was good at cleaning.<</say>>
<<md>>This is still poorly said. When she took out the math class, it shone so much, that Lucy took everyone on a field trip for a couple of days.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Then I'm waiting for you at my place.<</say>>
<<md>>I hung up and smiled to myself. Soon this place will become not a home, but a museum. It’s so good that Monica agreed.<</md>>
[[Wait for her arrival|Monica arrival]]<<addmins 20>>\
<<md>>The girl stood on the threshold in a pretty light dress. Of course, she looks like she is not going to clean up, but on a date. However, I did not mind.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica is always pleasing to the eye. You know how a beautiful painting in someone's apartment serves as a centre of adoration, so does this girl. In general, I am even surprised why a cult has not yet been erected in honour of such a girl.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Good day! May I come in?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica stood on the doorstep and did not dare to enter.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course, come in, don't be shy. My home is your home.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>You have a pretty place. This means that you are resting here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>If you can call it that.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>You don't have to worry, I will handle everything carefully.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I'm not worried, Monica. I'm sure you can do it the best way possible.<</say>>
<<md>>She gave me a slight smile.<</md>>
[[Time to begin|Monica start]]<<md>>Today I am not in the mood to eat any bad cooked products. It will be better if I can taste something wonderful.<</md>>
<<md>>No, I'm not talking about Monica, although this idea seems to me quite good. I'm talking about the fact that I would not mind eating Monica's concoction.<</md>>
<<md>>It's no secret that a talented person is talented in everything.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You want me to cook something for you. Good. Wait, just don't go anywhere. It's more pleasant for me to cook if someone stays with me.<</say>>
<<md>>To be honest, I didn't really want to go somewhere. I had a burning desire to see how Monica cooks. There could be no doubt about the quality of her dishes, but if I had a chance to see it with my own eyes, then I could well touch this hitherto unseen secret.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, smiling back at her, I agreed. Yet, knowing myself, I would be too distracted by all sorts of noises. And the smell would not have gone anywhere. And who can resist the delicious smell that comes from the kitchen? Not me for sure!<</md>>
<<text y "One hour later">>
<<md>>Following the magic, and Monica as a whole, was very exciting. The girl cooked so easily that it seemed to me just right to shoot her cooking show. But she was not one of those silent chefs who are so focused on their task that even the noise of a fly flying past serves as an annoyance to them.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica wanted to chat with me while cooking. The conversation was not about something specific or important, but it didn't need to. The main thing is the very feeling of warmth and comfort, which she created by her mere presence.<</md>>
<<md>>When the food was ready, I had already forgotten about it a little. This simple human communication was something special and enthusiastic for me. Something that I had already forgotten during my teaching at school. I thought too much about sex. Now something spiritual has awakened in me.<</md>>
<<md>>Spiritual grumbled graciously when he saw a dish in front of him so appetizing that not a single photo on Instagram could compare with it. It seemed to me that from just one sight and smell, I would simply drown in saliva.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were so hungry. If you had reported this earlier, I would have done something that cooks much faster.<</say>>
<<md>>There was excitement in the girl's voice. This made me even more pleasant. Such a sweet student and taking care of me - isn't it wonderful?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, Monica. My stomach does not rule over me, but I over it!<</say>>
<<md>>Ringing laughter echoed throughout the kitchen.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It's good that you are so confident. I've never been able to resist the temptation to eat delicious food and pamper myself with something.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, looking at this dish I don't want to think about anything else either, so I just start trying it.<</md>>
<<md>>And everything turns out to be even better than I imagined. This food is a gift from the gods. A person cannot cook so tasty. Yes, this girl is just perfect.<</md>>
<<md>>Every bite I tasted, every new portion gave me another portion of bliss. If someone asks me who is the best chef in this city, I will definitely name Monica. Her culinary talents are amazing!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, this is a masterpiece!<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>You flatter me, teacher. This is my usual dish. If you had a few special ingredients, I could make something really delicious.<</say>>
<<md>>Really tasty? She must be joking!<</md>>
<<md>>Monica fully deserves her money. My day after such a meal will definitely be illuminated with new achievements!<</md>>
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $cash -= 10>>
<<addAff $Monica 10>>
<<set $MonicaCookingDone = 0>>
<<say $Monica>>Then something else?<</say>>
<<talk "Cleaning" 1 $MonicaCleaningDone "Monica already done it today">><<goto "Monica Cleaning1">><</talk>>
<<talk "Cooking" 1 $MonicaCookingDone "Monica already done it today">><<goto "Monica eating">><</talk>>
[[That`s all|My room]]
<<say $Monica>>Okay, I'll start cleaning right now!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica might not even ask what I want from her. This is understandable.<</md>>
<<md>>The chaos that formed here for several days turned a cosy dwelling into an old ruin. It is still possible to live, but very uncomfortable. I'm not a pig that loves dirt, am I? However, even pigs would not tolerate this.<</md>>
<<md>>The student began to work at the same moment. In her hands, things flashed from nowhere. Where did she get all this? After all, I clearly remember that when she stood on the threshold, there were almost no things with her.<</md>>
<<md>>However, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that it will become much cleaner here now!<</md>>
<<if $Monica.AffectionLvl gte 2 && $Monica.LustLvl gte 2>>\
[[Offer to change clothes|Monica clothing]]
[[Stare at her|Monica staring]]
[[Wait her to finish|Monica Cleaning2]]
<<md>>Looking at Monica now I have only one question. How did such a hot chick end up in my house? No, not that question. Although he periodically I also appear along with the riser when I watch her cleaning. I am more interested in whether she is afraid to stain such a beautiful dress with dust or dirt? After all, I'm sure it's not cheap. And it is unlikely that a couple of tens of dollars will cover the costs if, for example, coffee is poured on him.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, what kind of dress are you wearing?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl turned to me with raised eyebrows. Looks like she expected a lot from me, but not that kind of question.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>My dress?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, there is hardly anyone else among us who wears a dress. Friends told me that my dress was too fat.<</say>>
<<md>>Ringing laughter echoed throughout the house. What a gratifying sound.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>This is my favourite dress. My parents gave it to me a few years ago and since then I often wear it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Doesn't it seem to you that it is not very suitable for the kind of activity that you are doing here? I mean, you're not scared of getting it dirty or something.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, but I don't have much choice. I don't have a maid outfit or anything in my wardrobe.<</say>>
<<md>>Why did she say about the maid's costume? Now very bawdy thoughts arose in my head, which made my pants feel cramped again. Damn it. And why have I watched so many adult films on this subject!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, what are you, why do you need a maid suit, what a nonsense?<</say>>
<<md>>Although I think, if I saw Monica in such an outfit, I would lose my head completely and completely.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're a woman of science. You must understand that cleaning is a very hard physical labour. And in order to achieve maximum efficiency, your skin must breathe freely.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Want to say that I should take off my dress?<</say>>
<<md>>And she's pretty smart. However, I am tormented by doubts. The more unreasonable a girl is, the easier it is to convince her of any stupidity. In the case of Monica, her intelligence is very, very high, which means...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, that's what I meant.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>You just made that up, didn't you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I am...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>If you wanted to see me in lingerie, you could just ask. You know that I can`t refuse you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Can`t?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Otherwise, why would I be here? Or did you think I couldn't say no? So here's the news - I'm not a girl who helps everyone out. I do what I enjoy myself. It gives me pleasure to be in this house now.<</say>>
<<md>>This revelation surprised me no less than the dress, which easily and naturally slipped off Monica's body, leaving only a very seductive underwear.<</md>>
<<text y "One hour later">>
<<md>>While I was recovering from what I had seen, the girl had already managed to clean a significant part of the room. Watching this highly seductive body turned out to be agony and pleasure. From the point of view of beauty - Monica had no equal. Those seductive thighs, gorgeous ass and sexy breasts called out to me.<</md>>
<<md>>It was very, very difficult to break away from observing such a picture. And as if testing my will for patience, the student squirmed in such positions, showing the most delicious body parts over and over again. I can see the outline of her pussy... Damn it! Now I would like to go to the shower and throw out my tension, but I can't.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It seems that it`s done.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica rises slowly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, now that's for sure.<</say>>
<<md>>Cleaning has never been so hot!<</md>>
<<set $MonicaSexyCloth = 1>>\
<<set $cash -= 30>>\
<<addLust $Monica 10>>\
<<say $Monica>>Then something else?<</say>>
<<talk "Cleaning" 1 $MonicaCleaningDone "Monica already done it today">><<goto "Monica Cleaning1">><</talk>>
<<talk "Cooking" 1 $MonicaCookingDone "Monica already done it today">><<goto "Monica eating">><</talk>>
[[That`s all|My room]]
<<md>>I've always thought that cleaning is the most boring occupation in the world.<</md>>
<<md>>After all, what could be interesting in dusting off? Even with the invention of the vacuum cleaner, this did not add fun to the process.<</md>>
<<md>>Maybe that's why my house is so dirty now?<</md>>
<<md>>But when you watch a very attractive individual clean up, that's different. And it's not that your work is done for you.<</md>>
<<md>>The pleasure of cleaning comes when you see that someone really enjoys it. Monica cleaned with such zeal and passion that the heart of the most indifferent could not stand it.<</md>>
<<md>>But the main reason why I enjoy this process so much is the girl's body. The best fantasies I could imagine appear before me. Even if Monica is dressed, it is still very seductive.<</md>>
<<md>>The way she moves, the way she bends. When she leans forward, her butt beckons me, begging for me to touch her. Through the dress I see that she is wearing very seductive panties. There is nothing special about them, except for one thing.<</md>>
<<md>>They are so thin and so clearly divide the girl's ass in two. Two delicious halves. Too delicious not to stare at them. If I had my way, I would have touched them.<</md>>
<<md>>However, the ass is not the only thing that attracts me so much in the girl. The legs protruding from under the dress somehow excite me too much, even if I just look at them. From this view, my penis is very hard and it becomes very uncomfortable to sit. However, mesmerized by this action, I cannot look away.<</md>>
<<md>>Looking at the girl, I did not notice how a book slipped out from under my hand and fell loudly to the floor.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn, how inappropriate!<</md>>
<<md>>Monica turned worried when she heard the sound.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Mr. $mc.Name. Are you okay?<</say>>
<<md>>There is concern on her face. She was worried about my health. If she knew the whole truth, perhaps she would not have been so good-natured to me. At that moment, I even felt a little ashamed because of my behaviour. But as soon as Monica bent down again, putting her gorgeous ass on display, all the shame evaporated and I was again hypnotized.<</md>>
<<md>>And at that moment the girl turned sharply. She immediately understood everything and smiled. However, I did not plan to make excuses. It's a sin not to admire such an ass. I think Monica knows this, otherwise she would have told me something right now.<</md>>
<<set $cash -= 15>>
<<addLust $Monica 10>>
<<set $MonicaCleaningDone = 0>>
<<say $Monica>>Then something else?<</say>>
<<talk "Cleaning" 1 $MonicaCleaningDone "Monica already done it today">><<goto "Monica Cleaning1">><</talk>>
<<talk "Cooking" 1 $MonicaCookingDone "Monica already done it today">><<goto "Monica eating">><</talk>>
[[That`s all|My room]]
<<md>>There are days when time passes so slowly that it seems as if it has completely stopped. And no matter how hard you try, it doesn't go faster. I heard somewhere that this is due to our perception of time, they say, when we are anxious or excited about something.<</md>>
<<md>>This is now true in both cases. Firstly, the events that happened to me and Naomi do not go out of my head. It was so magical and so sudden that we didn't even have time to talk about it. At that moment I felt very good. With Lexi, I never had such feelings. Magnetism with Lexi - it's like animal instincts.<</md>>
<<md>>But when I think about Naomi, warmth spreads throughout my body. This girl is a dream in all forms. I wish I could stop thinking about her now. After all, a lesson is not the best time to indulge in fantasies. The only thing that is good is that the students just silently do the task, which means I still have time.<</md>>
<<md>>But when I think about Naomi, I come to the banal conclusion that the thought that she liked me as much as I liked her are just pathetic dreams. Such a girl is unlikely to choose me. I was just entertainment for her. Perhaps she wanted me and I quenched this thirst once and for all. There is no need to fantasize, there is no need to invent something that simply does not exist. In addition, if she wanted to continue what happened between us, she would let me know. Previous experience has shown that Naomi, just like Lexi, is not afraid to take the initiative. So I should just forget about this sweet dream.<</md>>
<<md>>The bell was the final chord in my thoughts. The students slowly crept home, leaving a noise behind itself. Well, this day is finally over. It's time for me to go home too.<</md>>
<<md>>When the whole class was empty, I went out into the corridor.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Here you are. I've already decided that you are hiding from me!<</say>>
<<md>>A familiar voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I raised my head and almost screamed out in surprise and joy. Before me stood someone whom I did not expect to see here.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Naomi, what are you doing here?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>I came to visit my favourite teacher. Because someone can suddenly steals you from me.<</say>>
<<md>>Lights jumped in her eyes as she squinted cutely. It is so attractive that I wanted to kiss her. But that would be too rash.<</md>>
<<md>>Instead, I grabbed Naomi's arm.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you understand how dangerous all this is? If Lexi sees you...<</say>>
<<md>>Her lips broke into a satisfied smile.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Let her see, I'm sick of hiding. You don't love her, we should be together.<</say>>
<<md>>Five minutes ago, I would definitely be glad to see her. But now it even gave me a headache. Each new arrival of Naomi is an attack on my territory. When we first met, she was just Lexi's sweet friend. The second time she eclipsed Lexi. But now she asks not to hide.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Naomi, listen...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Naomi, what are you doing here?<</say>>
<<md>>A familiar voice made me shudder. How wrong you are, Lexi...<</md>>
<<md>>Why do all the troubles happen if you just think about them?<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Yes, Lexi, Mr. $mc.Name and I would like to tell you something. Right?<</say>>
<<md>>So I was pinned to the wall. Without asking my opinion, without ceremony, Naomi just decided everything for me. I would never say that she is so bossy. But it looks like if she wants something, she will get it at any cost. The only question is what I really want.<</md>>
[[Tell the truth|Naomi yes]]
<<md>>Perhaps the girl really acted ugly, but this is actually my desire.<</md>>
<<md>>I no longer see Lexi as the one I want to see with me. Recent events have shown me that there are much more interesting girls. Plus, a relationship with Lexi is always fraught with big problems. While Naomi... With Naomi, everything looks like a fairy tale.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, it's time to talk about it. It would be wrong to deceive you.<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi still held my hand without letting go, and even though it was going to be very difficult now, I felt Naomi's support.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Deceive? What is it? Why are you holding my friend's hand?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, it can't go on like this. I no longer feel for you what I felt before.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Has your penis become limp?<</say>>
<<md>>The question made me cough and Naomi laughs out loud.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, it's not my dick. I like Naomi, but you - don't.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>And so what? It was never about love. It was about sexual compatibility. You fell in love not with me, but with my pussy. And having Naomi in your life doesn't change anything. We still can...<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>No, I will not share it with you!<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>On your birthday, everything suited you, bestie! Now are you against?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Then everything was different!<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>No, it was not. Naomi, I know you’re a whore. Why do you need these couple games? You can never satisfy him like me. Why doesn't he sleep with us together or take turns...<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>What...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, can you hear yourself at all? I do not want it. Point. I won't touch you again. Everything is over.<</say>>
<<md>>Gripping Naomi's hand tighter, I headed for the exit. I didn't want to stay here and listen to the crazy ideas that Lexi's inflamed brain would be capable of.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>What friend are you! You will pay for it! Both!<</say>>
<<md>>However, this is the kind of threat I expected from her. Parting is always painful. But now it is so necessary. However, as long as Naomi's hand is in my hand, I can handle it without the slightest problem.<</md>>
<<set $Naomi2Q = 1>>\
<<set $Naomi2QT = 1>>\
<<set $Naomi1QT = 3>>\
<<set $Naomi1Q = 2>>\
<<addAff $Naomi 9>>\
[[Go away|School gate]]
<<set $Naomi2QT = -1>>\
<<md>>What happened at the school changed everything dramatically. My life and my relationship changed literally in an instant. So I was with Lexi, and now Lexi is over. Of course, I'm incredibly happy that Naomi is with me now, but I still don't understand what is between us.<</md>>
<<md>>I don't know why, but in this case I would really like to understand in the centre of what madness I still find myself.<</md>>
<<md>>That is why I am now right next to the girl's house and wait for her to open the doors.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>$mc.Name! Something happened?<</say>>
<<md>>I see emotion in Naomi's gaze. But is this excitement for me? Or, perhaps, the girl is alarmed that I am now disturbing her peace?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You can say so. May I enter?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Oh yes, of course. My home is your home.<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi looks great as usual today. The new dress is in perfect harmony with her body, emphasizing the slimness and sophistication of everything that I am currently looking at, and based on this, it is even more difficult for me to understand what Naomi was up to in the end. I know of cases when a sophisticated lady was so powerful a manipulator that she almost became the most powerful woman in the entire country. So...<</md>>
<<md>>When we sat down, the girl asked:<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>So why are you so excited?<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi is shrewd enough to notice my excitement. I think this is a good sign.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I would like to talk about who we are to each other. Don't get me wrong, I love being with you...<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>But no one likes to be in limbo, as my vocal coach used to say.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Did you have a vocal coach? Can you sing?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Sing is too hard word. Although I thought that you already appreciated my vocal abilities during the joint bed parties!<</say>>
<<md>>This phrase made me smile. Even though Naomi talked about sex, I didn't feel any vulgarity in it now.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>But you didn't come to talk about vocals, did you? It is important for you to understand in what status we are.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl came up to me and gently ran her hand over my cheek. It seems to me that from this touch I just melt like ice cream.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Tell me, my dear $mc.Name... Would a girl invite her friend's boyfriend home if she weren't crazy about him? Or perhaps she would have done what she had never done?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Had never done?<</say>>
<<md>>Now it seems hard to me to concentrate on something other than touching Naomi, so I have to ask again, as if I'm insane.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course not. Or do you think a girl like me was always chasing guys? Not. They used to run after me!<</say>>
<<md>>Now, remembering the episode at school, it seems to me something special.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Then...<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Then the answer to your question is: I really hope that we are a couple.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, a couple!<</say>>
<<md>>I leaned over to Naomi and our lips touched, which made me feel hot. It was a heat of pleasure, a heat of calm. A few days of excitement just washed out of my head as her tongue played with mine. There was no place for me to worry in this kiss.<</md>>
<<md>>Just me and Naomi.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Since you're already here, what shall we do?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I have a couple of ideas.<</say>>
<<md>>In response, only such a seductive smile that spilled over into a new kiss. Wonderful!<</md>
<<addmins 60>>\
<<addAff $Naomi 20>>\
<<set $Naomi2Q = 3>>\
<<set $Naomi3Q = 1>>\
[[Stay with her a little|Street York-Road]]<<md>>From the very morning in my thoughts it is not at all studying.<</md>>
<<md>>I was barely awake when I received a message that sounds like the best news ever. Naomi asked me to come see her tonight. However, this would not have been such magical news if the girl had not written a tempting "surprise awaits you" at the end. Just one sentence, and it excites my imagination for almost the whole day.<</md>>
<<md>>What will it be? Thousands of thoughts swarm in my head: from very indecent to those that Naomi is planning something too grandiose. I hope she doesn't tell me that she's pregnant with my child. It would be too much...<</md>>
<<md>>However, if she is preparing a surprise for me, then you shouldn't go to her empty-handed. Perhaps it's best to drop into the store and buy something for Naomi.<</md>>
<<set $Naomi3QT = 1>>\
<<set $Naomi2QT = -2>>\
[[Yeah,it`s a good idea|Second floor]]
<<md>>These flowers will suit her perfectly.<</md>>
<<md>>After all, she herself, like this flower, opens only when she is loved and appreciated.<</md>>
<<md>>She needs care and my daily attention. You need to take care of her no less than the most beautiful rose. However, for me Naomi is just that - the best rose that opens before me. True, she opens up without clothes... Although I do not even mind at all.<</md>>
<<set $Naomi3Q = 2>>\
[[Lets check that present|Naomi mast 3]]
<<md>>My heart is beating like a mad horse at the racetrack.<</md>>
<<md>>Excitement, hitherto unseen, for some reason sweeps me from head to toe. If I were a superstitious person, I would think that something had happened.<</md>>
<<md>>But I understand that this is not a premonition, but more a kind of excitement. When our body lacks impressions, it comes up with something. And now is exactly the case. Nothing special will happen.<</md>>
<<md>>Why didn't Naomi still open the doors then? I've been standing here for several minutes. What the hell is going on?<</md>>
<<md>>I push the doors and they obediently open. It doesn't look like Naomi at all. Living alone, she rarely opens doors. It would be quite dangerous. Who knows what kind of perverts can get into her house?<</md>>
<<md>>However, as soon as I step, I take a few steps inside, when I am met by a painfully familiar groan. To the pain in the penis. As soon as I hear it, I understand what Naomi has prepared for me. So the surprise is she herself or...<</md>>
<<md>>I walk into the living room, closing the doors behind me. As soon as I enter, I have a beautiful view. Legs apart, Naomi bites her lip sexually while her naughty fingers play with her pussy. The inviting hollow glistens and calls me.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\Naomimast1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $NaomiVideo5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $NaomiVideo5Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>I can't take my eyes off how her pussy is turning pink more and more. What a lovely pink petal cut - bigger than my index finger. An irresistible desire covers me, my heart has already fluttered, and the dick has hardened.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That means what a surprise awaited me, right?<</say>>
<<md>>I put flowers on the table, and as if attracted by an invisible force, I approach her. The girl laughs.<</md>>
<<md>>I kneel in front of her, as if in front of a shrine and run my tongue along the sweet lips between my legs. Naomi lets out a drawn-out and enthralling groan, which only makes my excitement more intense and I burrow my tongue even more passionately between the folds.<</md>>
<<md>>Here Naomi breaks down and grabs my hand. I should pull back sharply, but I can't. I look at her slightly surprised face.<</md>>
<<md>>Realizing that something is wrong, I let go of my hand and turn to her. And her eyes turned into two narrow slits. I look down and see her hand sliding up my neck, to the sensitive spot on my neck. I freeze at her touch. My nipples are unexpectedly painful swelling. The girl strokes my breasts and then touches the nipple with her lips.<</md>>
<<md>>I insert my penis into her with one powerful movement, not wanting to wait.<</md>>
<<md>>Hooking my back, she makes me revel in every thrust for a while. Naomi freezes and smiles a little. Is this a strange challenge to what I like myself? What does she want? I remember her first caresses - all the same excitement and enthusiasm.<</md>>
<<md>>Why don't we do it this way? The proposal is sincere and open. I make a few circular movements with my penis and stop it. I'm not ready yet.<</md>>
<<md>>I'm not ready to say goodbye to this amazing excitement.<</md>>
<<md>>I'm ready to taste it. I need to understand as much as possible about her lips. My tongue is pushing hard for her mouth again. But is it worth asking for more? I already feel overflow. I find it difficult to speak, it seems to me that words will interfere with excitement.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\Naomimast2.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $NaomiVideo5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $NaomiVideo5Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>The dick goes inside with a huge push and she answers me with a hug. This is our dance of passion. A passion that will soon explode.<</md>>
<<md>>And now my joy spills out right inside Naomi, from which I just get great pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Well, did you like the surprise?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Very! I want it every day...<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>If it will be every day, then it won't be a surprise.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But you can dream!<</say>>
<<addLust $Naomi 15>>\
<<set $Naomi4Q = 1>>\
<<set $Naomi4QT = 1>>\
<<set $Naomi3QT = -10>>\
[[Go home|Street York-Road]]
<<set _PhoneTakeStartArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _PhoneTakeStartArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Sometimes it happens that you are building an ideal plan in your head, and it eventually crashes on the concrete floor of reality. So I am: preparing for the lesson, I was looking for the necessary material in order to teach students something very important. But a few students just don't give a damn about my efforts.<</md>>
<<md>>The phones in their hands are to blame. Without them, I would definitely be able to convey to the girls everything I wanted.<</md>>
<<md>>When I try to take their phones away from them, at first I meet resistance. But this is quite expected. Having learned about the permission of Clara, they are dumbfounded into my hands.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Laughter spreads like a plague throughout the class just as I try to explain a very important topic. I couldn't blame the students for that. The world has changed too much over the past twenty years. They have too many things to distract them easily.<</md>>
<<md>>And the sound of distraction spreads through the classroom with a distinctive sound.<</md>>
<<md>>I know what this sound means. This is a file that is transferred from phone to phone. However, I have something to oppose them in this case.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Put your phones here. If you don't know how to handle them, let them stay with me.<</say>>
<<md>>One by one the girls fell silent and there was no trace of laughter. However, I have already found my treasure. Three girls' phones lay neatly on the table.<</md>>
[[Look what`s in the phones|PhoneTakeEvent]]
<<set _PhoneTakeEventArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _PhoneTakeEventArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>So what's in here? What secrets does one of the phones hide?<</md>>
<<md>>I took out a huge-looking apparatus that looked more like a bar of soap than a communication device and pressed a button. The phone obediently let me in.<</md>>
<<md>>The first thing that met me were the faces of the guys of Asian appearance. They smiled sweetly at me and if I were a girl, I would definitely be pleased that such handsome men meet me on the screen every time. However, I knew these handsome men, even without being too keen on Asian culture. They were called the New Beatles and had an army of fans in the millions. And it looks like one of my students is quite passionate about them.<</md>>
<<md>>You’re kidding me! Every icon, every item on my menu was written in hieroglyphs. This means that my student is not only a fan of a particular musical group, but also of this whole culture.<</md>>
<<md>>Hm, interesting...<</md>>
<<md>>I have never understood craving for a stranger so strongly. After all, there is its own culture, its own idols, on which one could be equal. Does love for someone else outweigh its own?<</md>>
<<md>>Maybe try to convey this to a student? No, it doesn't concern me. Interests are a rather personal thing and does not tolerate other people's interventions.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Let's see what my students are interested in. I don’t remember name of the scientist who said that words cannot be trusted. Words are covers for fear, dislike, and deception. The only thing that is true is action. Nothing will say more about a teenager than his smartphone. After all, this piece of plastic contains someone's life.<</md>>
<<md>>What a beautiful sunset in the background! You can admire such beauty for a long time. At the very least, my students have good taste. I ought to send it to myself somehow.<</md>>
<<md>>So what else is there... Ten thousand photos? Are you kidding me? Although they are well done and the shot seems to be perfect. Ha, here we have a rising star in photography. Now it seems to me that the photo on the screen is not downloaded in any way, but taken personally by my student.<</md>>
<<md>>What delightful pictures. You can see everything on them to the smallest detail. The frozen frame is just brilliant. It's like I’ve paused my whole life.<</md>>
<<md>>Wow! Wow! And wow again!<</md>>
<<addObey 2>>\
<<addhours 1>>\
[[Back|Biology class]]
<<text y "One hour later">>
<<addhours 1>>\
<<md>>Watching how this place turns into a home of purity and comfort is in itself the highest reward. It seems that this is magic, not ordinary actions. If I tried to repeat the same thing, it would hardly work. This is the secret of mastery. The magic happens before your eyes and it seems like a simple thing, but in reality it is not at all so.<</md>>
<<md>>However, I just have to enjoy the result. Each thing is in its place, there is no dirt or chaos around. Everything is all right again, which means that Veronica did an excellent job with the task assigned to her. As for a girl who did not want to clean at all - this result is beyond praise.<</md>>
<<md>>And I can't get away with praise alone. Still, the student is not five years old. And she deserved her money.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Nice doing business with you.<</say>>
<<md>>And how it`s to me, Veronica, it's nice you can't even imagine.<</md>>
<<if $VeronicaSexyCloth == 1>>\
<<set $cash -= 30>>
<<addLust $Veronica 13>>
<<set $VeronicaCleaningDone = 0>>
<<set $cash -= 15>>
<<addLust $Veronica 10>>
<<set $VeronicaCleaningDone = 0>>
<<say $Veronica>>What else should I do?<</say>>
<<talk "Cleaning" 1 $VeronicaCleaningDone "Veronica already done it today">><<goto "Veronica cleaning">><</talk>>
<<talk "Cooking" 1 $VeronicaCookingDone "Veronica already done it today">><<goto "Veronica eating">><</talk>>
[[That`s all|My room]]<<say $Monica>>Where should I start then?<</say>>
<<talk "Cleaning" 1 $MonicaCleaningDone "Monica already done it today">><<goto "Monica Cleaning1">><</talk>>
<<talk "Cooking" 1 $MonicaCookingDone "Monica already done it today">><<goto "Monica eating">><</talk>>
[[That`s all|My room]]
<<text y "One hour later">>
<<md>>I've seen everything in my life. How a person changed overnight, how old friends betrayed, and new ones showed themselves from an unprecedented side.<</md>>
<<md>>But for someone so quickly to turn an unsightly place into a sample of cleanliness - never.<</md>>
<<md>>Now I understand Lucy with her desire to show everyone her class. After all, looking at how my room shines with cleanliness, I want to show everyone how perfect it is. What Monica has done is amazing.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It seems your room is in order now. Not perfect, but still...<</say>>
<<md>>Not in perfect condition. The maid squad couldn't have done better than she did now. Remembering what happened here recently, it's just heaven and earth.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, this is better than I could have dreamed. I think I know who to contact, if anything.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles sweetly.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>If everything suits you, then can I assume that you have finished with this task?<</say>>
<<md>>Now she looks so serious as if she reports to the general, and not to me. However, for some reason it seems to me that even if Monica is in the army, she will not disappear.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes of course. It is unlikely that in this house there will be at least one uncleaned place after your revision!<</say>>
<<if $MonicaSexyCloth == 1>>\
<<set $cash -= 30>>
<<addLust $Monica 13>>
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $MonicaCleaningDone = 0>>
<<set $cash -= 15>>
<<addLust $Monica 10>>
<<set $MonicaCleaningDone = 0>>
<<say $Monica>>Then something else?<</say>>
<<talk "Cleaning" 1 $MonicaCleaningDone "Monica already done it today">><<goto "Monica Cleaning1">><</talk>>
<<talk "Cooking" 1 $MonicaCookingDone "Monica already done it today">><<goto "Monica eating">><</talk>>
[[That`s all|My room]]
<<md>>If I’m thinking about anything lately, it’s about having dinner with Angela.<</md>>
<<md>>It was so unexpected, but at the same time so pleasant action - that it never leaves my head. Moreover, Angela said that she usually cooks very rarely. But this time we sat so well that I wanted to thank her in kind. Only I think that now dinner will be much tastier, because I will cook it.<</md>>
<<md>> After all, it's no secret that men are very skillful cooks. And I always cook delicious meals. At least none of my friends went to the hospital after eating my concoction. But there were chances...<</md>>
<<md>>So, it seems I have all the necessary goods for dinner. This will definitely make a masterpiece. It remains only to buy wine.<</md>>
[[Buy some wine|MCAngelaDinnerPosStore]]<<md>>The choice here, of course, is not great, but if I remember correctly this is quite a good wine. A friend of mine once told me that this particular brand was once served at banquets in noble families.<</md>>
<<md>>And why are we worse than the same nobles! Ha, no, we are even better.<</md>>
<<md>>Angela will definitely love this.<</md>>
<<if $BustyDinner is 1 && $FirstDress is 0 && $AngelaDinnerYes == 1>>\
[[Go home|MCAngelaDinnerPosHome]]
<<elseif $BustyDinner is 1 && $FirstDress is 0 && $AngelaDinnerYes == 2 && $mc.Intellect > 2>>\
[[Go home|MCAngelaDinnerPosHome]]
[[Go home|MCAngelaDinnerNegHome]]
<</if>><<md>>It takes a lot of time to cook decently.<</md>>
<<md>>It still seems to me that I will not be in time and Angela is about to come home from work. And if she comes earlier, then the whole surprise will be destroyed.<</md>>
<<md>>After all, had I known in advance what she would cook for me, then my expectations and admiration would have been different. I heard somewhere that it is called "waiting syndrome" or something like that. You can't be disappointed if you don't expect anything. Exactly as well as vice versa.<</md>>
<<md>>So, a little more. However, even before the arrival of my neighbor there is very little time left. A delicious scent spreads throughout the rooms. If I weren't a cook, I would have pounced on what I cook and eat everything right now. Oh yes, you need to get some wine. So that everything is beautiful and wonderful.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name, what are you doing?<</say>>
<<md>>I didn’t notice how much time passed, and Angela entered the kitchen. Apparently I missed her arrival because of the music, under which any action turns into an extravaganza.<</md>>
<<md>>Turning off the music, I smiled at her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Making dinner for my lovely roommate. Wait only 2 minutes, almost everything is ready.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled and did as I asked. Very soon there was a dish on the table that young girls would definitely take pictures and post on social networks.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Wow, how delicious it looks!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You haven't tried it yet. Everyone says they are ready to kill for such a dish!<</say>>
<<md>>Angela began to eat. I never thought that I would feel such pleasure watching someone eat.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>It is so delicious!<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled so sincerely that I understood that she was not lying. It is impossible to fake such a wide and kind smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But that is not all! We have...<</say>>
<<md>>The bottle was on the table in an instant.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>! You didn't think that the glasses are just there?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>You decided to give me a drink?<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled at me a little sly smile and I responded in kind, moving a little.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Just a little. It's not a crime, isn`t it?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Not a crime.<</say>>
<<md>>It's good that she doesn't mind. Otherwise, I think how I could get out of this situation altogether. The most unpleasant moments are quarrels in the family or among those with whom you live. You can run away from work, change, but home ... Home is for a long time.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>For lovely neighbors.<</say>>
<<md>>We clinked glasses with her, after which the rest of the evening talked about how Angela's day had gone and how she would have acted in this or that situation. I must say that she is a very interesting conversationalist. And now, more than ever, I feel the desire to become as close to her as possible.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaDinnerYes = 3>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 90>>\
[[Leave|My room]]<<md>>If I’m thinking about anything lately, it’s about having dinner with Angela.<</md>>
<<md>>It was so unexpected, but at the same time so pleasant action - that it never leaves my head. The food is, of course, good, but then the main dish was waiting for me - Angela's chest. She is so seductive and delightful that I cannot miss the chance to look at her again under the same pretext.<</md>>
<<md>>Only this time, the game will be according to my rules and I will not need to hide from looking at Angela. After all, among other things, there will be wine in my arsenal, and nothing is as relaxing as wine. It opens up new facets of human frankness.<</md>>
<<md>>Only now I think that now dinner will be much tastier, because I will cook it. After all, it's no secret that men are very skillful cooks. And I always cook delicious meals. At least none of my friends went to the hospital after eating my concoction. But there were chances...<</md>>
<<md>>So, it seems I have all the necessary goods for dinner. This will definitely make a masterpiece. It remains only to buy wine.<</md>>
[[Buy some wine|MCAngelaDinnerPosStore]]
<<md>>It takes a lot of time to cook decently.<</md>>
<<md>>It still seems to me that I will not be in time and Angela is about to come home from work. And if she comes earlier, then the whole surprise will be destroyed.<</md>>
<<md>>After all, had I known in advance what she would cook for me, then my expectations and admiration would have been different. I heard somewhere that it is called "waiting syndrome" or something like that. You can't be disappointed if you don't expect anything. Exactly as well as vice versa.<</md>>
<<md>>So, a little more. However, even before the arrival of my neighbor there is very little time left. A delicious scent spreads throughout the rooms. If I weren't a cook, I would have pounced on what I cook and eat everything right now. Oh yes, you need to get some wine. So that everything is beautiful and wonderful.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name, what are you doing?<</say>>
<<md>>I didn’t notice how much time passed, and Angela entered the kitchen. Apparently I missed her arrival because of the music, under which any action turns into an extravaganza.<</md>>
<<md>>Turning off the music, I smiled at her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Making dinner for my lovely roommate. Wait only 2 minutes, almost everything is ready.<</say>>
<<md>>But what follows is what I do not expect at all. What I could not foresee.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>This is all, of course, very nice, but...<</say>>
<<md>>No. No. No. Do not say anything. You will destroy the magic.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Sorry, I'm tired after work. I’ll probably go to rest right away.<</say>>
<<md>>Without another word, Angela leaves me.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn it, I was hoping my plan would work. It had to, I calculated everything to the smallest detail. Where did I stumble?<</md>>
<<if $AngelaDinnerYes == 2>>\
<<md>>Maybe I should be more clever?<</md>>
<<md>>Now what? Eating by yourself? No, the appetite has gone...<</md>>
<<set $AngelaDinnerYes = 2>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 90>>\
[[Leave|My room]]<<md>>Just staring at the boobs is the fate of losers. Well, and more perverts. Some of those who are forever left behind and left with nothing.<</md>>
<<md>>Just sitting and staring at the chest is a very bad thing to do. If I want to impress Angela, I need to let her know how much I like her body. However, to do this is not very vulgar, it is still a challenge.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>You are silent.<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me worriedly. It seems that my reflections have taken too long. We need to solve something faster.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Is the food really that bad?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl laughed, but behind this laugh I heard some doubt and longing.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, what are you talking about. Everything is very, very tasty. The food is very lovely. So are you.<</say>>
<<md>>Her face instantly became crimson.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Do you really think so? Is my food that good?<</say>>
<<md>>Not just food. It looks like Angela decided to pretend not to notice my courtship. Why, then, is her face so crimson? If sher is an actress, then she clearly lacks acting talent. Or it's such a game.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, not that much. It`s even better.<</say>>
<<md>>Angela laughed, after which I finished dinner. It seems that she, like me, really enjoyed this evening.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaDinnerYes = 1>>\
[[Return|Living room]]<<md>>Watching Angela eagerly watch the action on the screen and how she bites her lip, I had a desire to be with her as close as possible.<</md>>
<<md>>It was a strange attraction that I found very difficult to control. I just wanted to be close to her and not move, not disturb the peace at that moment.<</md>>
<<md>>Especially when I was next to her, Angela clearly did not mind. When I was near, she only leaned more against me. This action made me feel so good and comfortable. And a strange desire seized.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Do you like everything?<</say>>
<<md>>Angela turned to me, so close and vulnerable. So seductive and vulnerable at the same time. I think this is the first time I see her like this. There is some charm in this. Attracted too much.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Very.<</say>>
<<md>>Our lips merged in a kiss in an instant, and I realized that completely and without any words I was ready to give her everything she required. And more than anything else, I did not want to part with her for a minute, fearing that this would also be forever. It was wonderful. But the next moment our lust was suddenly disturbed.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>We shouldn't do this now. Okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay.<</say>>
<<md>>I was too much at the mercy of the senses to be upset about such a trifle. Still, she didn't pull away or run away, which means I can count on much more.<</md>> <<md>>It looks like the film influenced Angela even better than I thought.<</md>>
<<md>>I would be a very bad biology teacher if I could not see more behind the embarrassment. Embarrassment is just an excuse. Angela is horny. And very, very strong.<</md>>
<<md>>I can't say that I have a different story. My cock is about to tear the fabric of my pants. How much it hurts.<</md>>
<<md>>The girl didn't just run to her room. No, she went to play with herself. Relieve her tension.<</md>>
<<md>>Hell, I could use that relieving too. But the temptation to see what Angela is doing in her room is so great. Who am I to refuse such a beautiful sight?<</md>>
<<md>>Slowly moving to the door of her room, so as not to give myself away, I burned with impatience. But I saw something much more interesting and seductive than my imagination drew.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img/Angela/Quest/AngelaPeek.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo2Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Angela was lying on the bed without clothes. Yes, her body is something delicious. If I had a camera, then I would definitely capture such a wonderful moment in my memory.<</md>>
<<md>>She lay with her sexy legs spread out to the side, and her hand touched a slightly reddened pussy. A long, but very quiet moan escaped the girl's lips.<</md>>
<<md>>She clearly enjoyed it and continued to fuck herself, dropping her fingers deeper and deeper. I could not help but admire her and this unusual expression for Angela, frozen on her face.<</md>>
<<md>>A loud moan escaped her lips, loud enough. Unable to cope with the orgasm, she surrendered to him and her body relaxed. A wonderful sight!<</md>>
<<md>>So, it's time to leave here if I want her not to notice me. Still, to relieve the tension yourself. And then this picture seems to explode now.<</md>>
[[Leave|My room]]
<<md>>It looks like the film influenced Angela even better than I thought.<</md>>
<<md>>I would be a very bad biology teacher if I could not see more behind the embarrassment. Embarrassment is just an excuse. Angela is horny. And very, very strong. I can't say that I have a different story. My cock is about to tear the fabric of my pants. How much it hurts.<</md>>
<<md>>The girl didn't just run to her room. No, she went to play with herself. Relieve tension. Hell, I could use taking it off too. But the temptation to see what Angela is doing in her room is so great. Who am I to refuse such a beautiful sight?<</md>>
<<md>>Slowly moving to the door of her room, so as not to give myself away, I burned with impatience. But I saw something much more interesting and seductive than my imagination drew.<</md>>
<<md>>Angela was lying on the bed without clothes. Yes, her body is something delicious. No, such beauty cannot be ignored. It's good that I have a camera with me. After all, moments evaporate from memory, while frames always remain with us.<</md>>
<<md>>Gently pulling out the camera, I turned it on. It's amazing how much the camera sees that our eyes cannot.<</md>>
<<md>>Angela lay with her sexy legs outstretched to the side, and her hand touched a slightly reddened pussy. A long, but very quiet moan escaped the girl's lips.<</md>>
<<md>>She clearly enjoyed it and continued to fuck herself, dropping her fingers deeper and deeper. I could not help but admire her and this unusual expression for Angela, frozen on her face.<</md>>
<<md>>A loud moan escaped her lips, loud enough. Unable to cope with the orgasm, she surrendered to him and her body relaxed. A wonderful sight!<</md>>
<<md>>So, it's time to leave here if I want her not to notice me. Still, to relieve the tension yourself. And then this picture seems to explode now.<</md>>
[[Leave|My room]]<<md>>These photos are so beautiful. Each of them, as if torn from some fashion magazine. I'm sure Angela would look quite appropriate there.<</md>>
<<md>>But if Angela doesn't need them, then I'll just borrow one. She is still no use from them, but I can enjoy her every day.<</md>>
<<md>>Until Angela sees, I quickly grab one of their photographs and direct it into my back pocket. I'll find a use for them, for sure!<</md>>
<<set $AngelaStealPhoto = 1>>\
[[Say goodbye|FirstDress11]]<<md>>The photo of Angela is very beautiful here. I think she is even deadly beautiful.<</md>>
<<md>>As one of those women for whom others can kill. The femme fatale is next to me. But her internal problems have nothing to do with what I see in the picture.<</md>>
<<md>>Where she works, she is clearly not appreciated. Maybe you should do something about it?<</md>>
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 0>>\
[[Ask advice on the forum|AngelaStealPhotoForum]]
[[Looking for model`s agent|StealPhotoAgent1]]
[[Fantasy about Angela|AngelaPhotoFantasy]]<<md>>I think the best option out of all possible now is to post her information on the forum. Perhaps now the girl thinks that I'm lying to her because we are neighbors. But there is a place where everyone is frank and not afraid to tell the truth. The internet is the best choice.<</md>>
<<md>>Strangers will not lie to her. Yes, I'll post a photo right now and ask the opinions of strangers.<</md>>
<<md>>An hour later, a whole battle develops under her photograph. I did not think that such a sensation would make her photograph. Most everyone agrees that she is a very beautiful woman. Well, I think it will be possible to show her these comments tomorrow so that she can make sure that I am not lying to her.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaStealPhoto = 2>>\
[[Great|My room]]
<<md>>Returning home, I noticed Angela, who looked around suspiciously. It seems she was fleeing from a maniac. Or something like that, otherwise how to explain such strange behavior. Without waiting for an invitation, I were next to her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Angela, did something happened?<</say>>
<<md>>She gripped my arm like I was a life raft.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name! I'm so glad to see you! Take me home and hurry!<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice sounded worried, so I decided not to ask unnecessary questions. But, if something happened, then raising her self-esteem by reporting reviews is just my duty.<</md>>
[[Take Angela home|AngelaStealPhotoForum3]]
<<say $mc>>So what happened?<</say>>
<<md>>When we were at home, warm and safe, I decided it was finally time to talk about the girl's very strange behavior.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Do you remember those photos that I showed you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I have a very bad feeling about this.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>So somebody leaked one of the photos to the network.<</say>>
<<md>>She found out. Too fast, too sudden. And for some reason it seems to me that she is not at all happy that I did it.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>It seems to be one of the studio photographers, but I'm not sure. However, it doesn't matter at all. Several psychopaths showed up at the studio today and wanted to get to know me better. So close that the guards had to get them out. It's good that you came. Now I can not be afraid of these abnormal!<</say>>
<<md>>She leaned against me gratefully. I think it would be a very stupid decision to tell her that it was I who leaked these photos to the network.<</md>>
<<md>>Let this truth be a secret to her.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaStealPhoto = 21>>\
[[Return|Living room]]<<md>>There is no better way to convince Angela of her beauty right now, other than the opinion of a really important person.<</md>>
<<md>>If I am a person far from all this model beau monde, then there are people who understand this like no one else. Angela suffers from the fact that one or more people in the studio cannot see her beauty in any way, then I will find someone who can. A modeling agent is the perfect choice for this.<</md>>
<<md>>I opened my laptop and started looking for the information I needed. Several sites happily greeted me with funny and tempting pictures. But I knew that where there is a beautiful picture, there is a funny snag. A lot of money will be required from me for a consultation. No, I need something different.<</md>>
<<md>>After half an hour of searching, I was able to contact several of the right people. They gladly agreed to meet me and Angela tomorrow. It remains only to persuade the girl to do it.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaStealPhoto = 3>>\
[[Great|My room]]<<md>>Angela seems to be out of mood again.<</md>>
<<md>>It looks like work is drawing more and more juices from her, and does not give anything in return. I've seen this a million times. At first, you come in such a bad mood, tired, and after that you hate life altogether. Well, at least I can't convince Angela to change jobs. It is in my power to convince her of beauty.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Angela, I know you're tired, but I have something for you. Come with me.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>What... Where are you taking me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You'll see soon.<</say>>
<<md>>I'm not going to give her a chance to back down. Just let the slack go and the whole plan will crumble before our eyes.<</md>>
[[Bring her to meeting|StealPhotoAgent3]]
<<md>>A man is waiting for us on the street at the appointed time.<</md>>
<<md>>He looks at Angela and says appraisingly that she is the next Merlin Monroe. The girl breaks into a smile, which makes me feel warm. Even if this is not a long-term effect, but a short one, it is also worth it.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name, I wanted to say... Thanks for everything you do. It's pretty sweet.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don`t worry. You deserve it.<</say>>
<<md>>She clings to me and it makes me very happy.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaStealPhoto = 31>>\
[[Go home|Home corridor]]
<<md>>No, Angela is too hot for me to do anything decent with this photo.<</md>>
<<md>>When I look at this picture, an ocean of passions awakens in me. She is so seductively beautiful. Her lips seem to whisper "kiss me", and her clothes scream "take me off quickly!"<</md>>
<<md>>The ocean of passions responds with a dull pain when the member rests against the clothes. No, I can’t think of anything else how to throw the excitement out.<</md>>
<<md>>The hand releases my cock from the grip of the garment, and I pull it out and squeeze it. The heat of passion boils inside me again, and I feel all over my body the heat from one fantasy, as Angela kisses my head with her lips. Oh, it's just inconceivable - her lips. It's just incredible when you see her mouth, and she responds so to your caresses. A spark of thirst flutters inside me, as if my genitals were on fire.<</md>>
<<md>>I can't stand it and I explode in a huge fountain. Damn, I have to clean here after I calm down.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaStealPhoto = 4>>\
[[Clean|My room]]<<md>>I didn't even have time to think about what kind of film I would like to choose for me and Angela today, when I found a girl sitting near the TV. She looked at the TV in surprise and pressed the buttons.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Why you do not work?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice sounded so annoyed that it seemed now she would take it and just blow up the TV.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Something happened?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name! TV is not working! It does not turn on and does not respond to any buttons. Look!<</say>>
<<md>>She pressed buttons and nothing really happened.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, I'll figure it out.<</say>>
<<set $AngelaTVBroke = 1>>\
[[Check it|AngelaTv2]][img[img/trash/nosignal.jpg]]
<<if $tools > 0 && $mc.Intellect > 3>>\
<<md>>So it looks like I know what the problem is. Now let's check if my theory is correct. So far, he does not react to anything.<</md>>
<<md>>What if I do this? No, it still doesn't work. Although, wait, I think I know what the problem is. You just need to fix it a little here and tweak it here.<</md>>
<<md>>Oh, much better now.<</md>>
<<md>>After half an hour, finally everything is as before. The TV works as it should. Hopefully this will not happen again.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaTVBroke = 0>>\
<<set $AngelaWatchFilms = 0>>\
<<set $tools -=1>>\
<<md>>The TV doesn't work. Maybe I should buy some tools and sort it out?<</md>>
[[Back|Living room]]<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '11:00')>>
<<md>>This morning is strange.<</md>>
<<md>>This evening is strange.<</md>>
<<md>>As soon as I enter the kitchen, I realize something's wrong. Angela is running from side to side like she's trying to find something. There are already several cans on the table beside her, one she's holding in her hand.<</md>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '11:00')>>
<<say $mc>>Angela, good morning...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Angela, good evening...<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Good! If it's good!<</say>>
<<md>>She doesn't even look at me, and there's not even a hint of her usual smile on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh, $mc.Name! You can help me!<</say>>
<<md>>As if just remembering I'm there, she rushes at me faster than a bullet.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Help with what?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I need ta open the can! Without it, our breakfast won't be... it won't be at all!<</say>>
<<md>>I never thought I'd see Angela so upset over breakfast. Is this really a big deal for her?<</md>>
<<md>>Well, it's easy for me to help her. The jar she hands me opens easily and I give it back to Angela.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Thanks, handsome, you saved us!<</say>>
<<md>>She kisses me softly on the cheek.<</md>>
<<md>>The breakfast was really delicious. Well, I won't stay any longer!<</md>>
<<set $AngelaСan = 1>>\
<<addmins 6>>\
[[Back|Home corridor]]
<<md>>Entering Angela's room, I did not even imagine that I would become a witness to such a beautiful picture. Leaning beside her bed, Angela opened up for me from an unknown side.<</md>>
<<md>>From the side of a beautiful ass raised to the very top. Damn, I would take it and...<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh, $mc.Name! Help me please!<</say>>
<<md>>The girl turns her gaze to me and rises. There is so much pity in these eyes that I simply cannot refuse them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How can I help?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>My phone flew somewhere under the bed, but I just can't get it.<</say>>
<<md>>So that's why she stood in that pose. And I really thought that she was luring me in this way.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, let's do it.<</say>>
<<md>>And once...<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Be careful, I still sleep on it!<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, I didn't think the bed was so light. I almost broke it. You have to be careful.<</md>>
<<md>>Now knowing everything, I lift the sofa up. And here is the phone in the distance.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Thats all, you can put it at place, strong man! Thank you so much!<</say>>
<<md>>Not at all... So, why did I come here. Oh yes...<</md>>
<<set $AngelaFurniture = 1>>\
<<addmins 6>>\
[[Back|Home corridor]]<<md>>Damn, her mouth is swallowing my cock and I'm falling into the land of endless joy. Everything starts to float in my head as a fog when Angela starts playing with her tongue with my penis.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img/Angela/Quest/Angelasuck.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo9Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo9Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She begins to kiss him first on the smooth, but gradually strengthening hard skin of the penis, and then laughs and runs her tongue over the head. My eyes close and a light veil rolls over my eyes. The momentary transitions between pleasure and passion that my mind consents to are always close to the deep nature of their manifestation.<</md>>
<<md>>I move inside her throat more and more, I am overwhelmed with the desire to fuck her in the mouth as deep as possible. I do not care at all that we can be heard or seen. All that matters now is me and Angela's mouth around my cock.<</md>>
<<md>>With each blow on her soft lips, I sink deeper into her mouth. Being in such a state for so long is unbearable for me, and I violently shake my head from side to side, again and again introducing her to the girl's mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>Angela herself can no longer hold back and moans loudly from the pleasure she is receiving. We never thought she was such a fan of members.<</md>>
<<md>>Right after her every movement, there is a convulsive moan of pleasure, mixing with a moan of pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>And at that moment, when I finish in her mouth, and she lets out a satisfied groan, the curtain of our booth opens and a formidable-looking guard stands in front of me.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn, man, you should have ruined my fun!<</md>>
[[Fight him|AngelaMallFight]]
[[Run away|AngelaMallRun]]<<md>>I have nothing to lose in this situation! No one dares to interrupt my pleasure! So I jump to him.<</md>>
<<md>>Even though I am now without pants, he still can't hit me. Therefore, I start looking for vulnerable spots on his body. Each of us is a vulnerable target. Had this guard been a little smarter, he would have hit me between my legs long ago. But his stupidity plays into my hands and I hit him hard one by one. My hands groan from such strong blows, but I still do not give up. As long as he's not on the floor, I can't get out of here without problems. Such as it can be cooled in only one way - by pointing to their place.<</md>>
<<md>>This is what I am doing, not paying attention to him and showing everyone his most vulnerable spots. Before I can deliver even two dozen blows, he starts screaming, his scream sounds like the laugh of a pig.<</md>>
<<md>>I think that's enough with him.<</md>>
<<md>>Having put myself in order, I grab Angela by the hand and lead out of there. I will definitely not forget such a trip to the store for a long time.<</md>>
[[Leave mall|Street Raw-Road]]
<<md>>It's better not to delay now.<</md>>
<<md>>What we did is forbidden, and if he detains us now, we will be in trouble. Well, then I'll get out of here quickly.<</md>>
<<md>>Grabbing Angela with one hand, and with the other trying to button up my pants, I run away, bending around the guard in a very strange trajectory. But this movement has an explanation. The guard, not expecting such a movement, stands behind, dumbfounded. When he realizes how cleverly we have deceived, he is left far behind.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn, the pants can't be buttoned.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Angela, wait.<</say>>
<<md>>We stop and I put myself in order.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Ha ha ha! You are charm itself!<</say>>
<<md>>Angela never stops laughing at my appearance and I catch that laugh.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's get out of here, or he might be somewhere nearby.<</say>>
<<md>>I know that the security guard is unlikely to chase us that far, but it is better to be careful. This trip to the store will definitely not be forgotten for a long time.<</md>>
[[Leave mall|Street Raw-Road]]<<say $Angela>>Thank you! What about you, where are you working?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I'm a teacher. I'll see you later, okay?<</say>>
<<md>>Don't put all your cards on the table right now. Relationships are a chess game and the winner is the one who sees much further than the object of his interest. Now I have learned everything I needed, which means it's time to end this conversation.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Umm... okay. Good night.<</say>>
[[Leave her room|Home corridor]]
<<set $FirstDress = 1>>\
<<set $AngelaWorkWithClothes = 0>>\<style> body.street {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/StreetMorning.jpeg");
<<md>>The street is full of people today.<</md>>
<<md>>Somewhere the voices of cars are heard, and behind them are the cheerful voices of people hurrying to work. From time to time, they annoy me, but I seem to feel how the street pulsates with life today and this thirst for life, striving for the best is transmitted to me in some amazing way. I feel the best I can. I want to stay here a little longer, enjoy this feeling. After all, not only a park or a beach can give delight. No, even such an urban street is able to give true pleasure and fill me to the limit with positive emotions.<</md>>
<<md>>The buzzing of a smartphone is almost painful in my pocket. The pleasure which just received, begins to fall into pieces without asking. It is unlikely that they call me just to ask how I am doing. At such a time, Angela is already at work or on the way to her, which means that they can only call from school.<</md>>
<<md>>Here, as I knew. This is Clara's number. What did she want from me at such an early time?<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Hello? $mc.Name, is that you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, it's me Clara. I'm not late for class, am I? In just a few minutes, I'll be at school.<</say>>
<<md>>Perhaps, watching the street, I just lost track of time. It happens sometimes. Sometimes observing what we like, we seem to fall into a time hole. That is why watching an interesting film, you will not have time to wake up, but already the end.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>No, it's not about being late. I need your help. I tried to call Michael, but he doesn't answer. He probably doesn't hear my call.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course, Clara. Speak. What I can - I will help you, without a doubt.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>My car looks like it broke down. Could you come and see? I would leave her here, but the area here is not the most prosperous. Leaving it here is tantamount to giving it to some bandit.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice trembles. I never thought I would hear Clara's voice tremble. At the first meeting, she seemed to me a very strong woman. I would even say one that is hard to break. But now ... Looks like we all have bad days, right?<</md>>
<<md>>The only question is whether I should help her in general.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM20Quest = 2>>\
[[Help her|Clara1QAgree]]
<<if $id.magicBall > 0>>\
[[Ask magic ball|ClaraMagicBall1]]
<style> body.street {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/StreetMorning.jpeg");
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, Clara, I'll be there soon. But I need to know exactly what is wrong with your car and where you are.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>What about the car? I don`t know. It just died out here in the middle of the street. Nothing helps. My address...<</say>>
<<md>>So it looks like I at least know she's on Quarter Far-Dreams. It's not that far, but I'll have to hurry up a little, because the lessons have not been canceled. However, perhaps for my help Clara will give me a favor?<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Let`s check|Clara1QStreet]]<<addmins 5>>\
<<md>>There were quite a lot of people in the metro, but this was far from my thoughts. I only hope that the breakdown there is not too serious and that it will not be difficult for me to deal with it. Otherwise...<</md>>
<<md>>However, it is not worth thinking about a bad outcome now.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, Clara was right. The area certainly does not inspiring. Even though it is quiet enough here, I cannot shake off the strange feeling that someone is watching me. Someone invisible is walking behind me. Someone invisible sees me as a threat. Someone invisible is now able to jump out from around the corner.<</md>>
<<md>>No, these are stupid thoughts, because I'm not in some noir film.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name! Here!<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice pulls me out of my thoughts of surveillance. Even from a distance, Clara still looks amazing. And the more striking is the contrast between her and this whole place, which directly cries out about poverty and decline.<</md>>
<<md>>Not the best place to be stuck for a long time. I understand her panic. If someone else were in my place, he would definitely run away. But in my life I have seen much more dangerous places. And much worse.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, are you okay?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, if you can call it that. As for the car, I'm not sure. Do you really have to call a tow truck?<</say>>
<<if $mc.Intellect gte 3 && $tools gte 1>>\
[[Inspect car [ I ] (tools)|Clara1QInspect]]
<<elseif $mc.Intellect gte 3 && $tools lte 1>>\
<<talk "Inspect car [ I ] (tools)" 1 $talk "I don't have tools with me">><</talk>>
<<elseif $mc.Intellect lte 3 >>\
<<talk "Inspect car [ I ] (tools)" 1 $talk "I`m not that smartass">><</talk>>
[[Call tow truck|Clara1QTruck]]
<<say $mc>>Do not rush to call a tow truck yet. I'll see what i can do.<</say>>
<<md>>A car is a very whimsical creature. If it wants to show character, then it may well happen that no one will go anywhere. More than once I heard a story about how it got worse after the repair. My friends said that it was a bad repair, but I think that this is not the only problem. Any technique loves good care. Any creature is pleased with care. The car is no exception. Those who believe that you can only buy a car and not take care of it at all are deeply mistaken.<</md>>
<<md>>I never thought that that summer in my father's workshop would ever come in handy for me. Then it seemed to me just a stupid waste of time. And nevertheless, all the words spoken by my old men, I absorbed like a sponge. And then he polished a whole lot of books.<</md>>
<<text y "10 minutes later">>
<<addmins 10>>\
<<md>>Therefore, it was not difficult for me to find the problem in Clara's car.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>See? The problem was here.<</say>>
<<md>>In her eyes, I read the dumb question "Why?" Why did I tell her all this, going into details?<</md>>
<<md>>So I quickly stopped.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>However, you are not interested. Overall, your car is performing better than ever. There should be no problem now.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Thanks, $mc.Name. You helped me a lot. You can even say saved.<</say>>
<<md>>She speaks as if I had too many choices. If I hadn't helped her now, Clara would have harbored a grudge against me. And resenting of your boss is very dangerous. Still, it's not far from being fired.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What can't you do for your beloved principal.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara came up to me and hugged me softly. The warmth of her embrace and the delicate scent made me wish for a second that this moment would last as long as possible.<</md>>
<<md>>And then a loud sound, like a siren, rolled along the street.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Sorry, it's mine.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara let go of me and took a phone from her purse in the car. This is the source of the terrible siren.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, Michael. My car broke down and got stuck in the middle of a not very successful area. No, it's not worth coming, everything is already fine. $mc.Name came and helped me.<</say>>
<<md>>Michael? Is that her boyfriend? If so, why did he start calling just now? As if he was completely indifferent to the fate of Clara.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, Michael, see you at school.<</say>>
<<md>>At school... Michael... Wait, I remember now. We have one person with the same name. I even know him. Clara's having an affair with her gym teacher?<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Sorry, I got distracted. Thank you again for your help.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not at all, see you at school.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Wait, where are you going?<</say>>
<<md>>I froze in place. The principal did not seem to understand what was happening. The surprise on her face was as expressive as if I had killed one of her family members.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>To school.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Wait, I'll give you a lift.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I will not refuse.<</say>>
<<md>>Riding in a very comfortable car is quite comfortable than dragging along the subway, which is full of people.<</md>>
<<md>>The trip was quiet and laconic. Clara doesn't seem to be too much in the mood for conversation. Better to just keep quiet.<</md>>
[[Wait for ride`s end|Clara1QInspect2]]
<<addmins 10>>\
<<say $Clara>>Thank you again. See you inside.<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 8>>
<<say $mc>>See you inside.<</say>>
<<md>>What a pleasant morning adventure!<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM1Quest = 3>>\
<<set $ClaraM1TQuest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraFirstMeet = 1>>\
[[Go to work|School reception]]<<md>>Tow truck... Calling it is not a bad idea.<</md>>
<<md>>If I still understood at least something about how to repair cars, it would be different. But in my case, this is definitely not the option. Asking me to have car repaired is like asking me to build a nuclear bomb.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>A tow truck is a good option based on this situation. Leaving your car here is a very dubious decision, isn't it?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I just though about it. I just would not like to entrust such an expensive car to those who will be very careless with it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Have you thought about a regular evacuation service?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, are there others?<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled. Only a person who rides the subway every day almost every day can understand my pain when it comes to a tow truck. After all, from the very beginning to the end, everything is crammed with advertising for the new company "Evac Uation". And wherever you go, wherever you are looking - everywhere advertising of this company. "Your car is the most valuable treasure for us".<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Evac Uation. They take good care of all cars. Don't worry, Clara, your car will be fine for sure.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Do you have their number?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes.<</say>>
<<md>>I don't even know why I wrote this number down. After all, in fact, I don't even have a car. But now it really suits me. The only thing I'm worried about is that their motto doesn't turn out to be just cheap chatter. Because otherwise, Clara will clearly not be happy.<</md>>
<<text y "20 minutes later">>
<<addmins 20>>\
<<md>>It did not take too long to wait for the tow truck to arrive. Less than five after the call, and they are already there. Clara easily negotiated with them, paying all their expenses and the car disappeared over the horizon.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I feel very vulnerable. This car has been with me since my appointment. The ex-husband gave it as a sign of reconciliation. He was still that asshole, but at least he had excellent gifts.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can imagine...<</say>>
<<md>>In fact, I didn't want to hear about her ruined marriage at all. I'm here to help her. So it's time to do it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think there is no need to stay here. Unless you want to enjoy such a beautiful view.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara laughed, and from this laughter I felt a strange excitement.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, there is something to see. Poverty. Despondency. Poverty.<</say>>
<<md>>Despondency! Okay, then what do I suggest?<</md>>
[[Ride by subway|Clara1QSubway1]]
[[Call taxi|Clara1QTaxi]]
<<if $id.magicBall > 0>>\
[[Ask magic ball|ClaraMagicBall2]]
<<md>>Even in relatively good areas, taxis do not arrive immediately, but after a long time. Waiting here from fifteen minutes to half an hour is not the best idea. During this time, we even have time to walk to the school, not just by metro.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Have you not been on the subway for a long time?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Very.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think today is the day when you can remember how it is.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara nods her head, accepting my offer. I think she just wants to get out of here as quickly as possible. Although, perhaps, she simply cannot resist my spell. And if I offered her now to go to bed...<</md>>
<<md>>And then a loud sound, like a siren, rolled along the street.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Sorry, it's mine.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara took a phone from her purse. This is the source of the terrible siren.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, Michael. My car broke down and got stuck in the middle of a not very successful area. No, it's not worth coming, everything is already fine.<</say>>
<<md>>Michael? Is that her boyfriend? If so, why did he start calling just now? As if he was completely indifferent to the fate of Clara.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, Michael, see you at school.<</say>>
<<md>>At school... Michael... Wait, I remember now. We have one person with the same name. I even know him. Clara's having an affair with her gym teacher?<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Enter the sub|Clara1QSubway2]]
<<md>>We got to the subway quickly enough. <</md>>
<<md>>The crowd carried Clara and me into the carriage, like a wave of a raging sea. To resist such force is quite stupid, because I remained standing in a very uncomfortable position, sandwiched between several people. <</md>>
<<md>>I didn't even have the slightest chance of grabbing the handle. At least the crowd kept Clara and me from falling.<</md>>
<<md>>But soon I was not grateful for their support.<</md>>
<<md>>The fast movement of the carriage and a few strange movements, and now Clara is already leaning against the door, and I find myself fully near her.<</md>>
<<md>>My cock rests against her ass. Damn, and I can't move away because of the fat man who piled on me with all his weight. And although I am very pleased with this, I understand that if you continue in this spirit, then everything can end very badly.<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>\
<<if $mc.Boldness < 3>>\
<<talk "Touch her ass[B]" 1 $talk "I`m not that bold!">><</talk>>
[[Touch her ass|Clara1QSubwayAss]]
[[Try to move away|Clara1QSubwayMove]]<<md>>Since we are in such a position, it would be very, very shortsighted to refuse such a luxurious chance, such a luxurious ass. Besides, just look at these halves. I have seen before that Clara has a gorgeous ass, but here I felt it.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, if she tolerates my penis, which rests on her, then there will be no harm from the hand.<</md>>
<<md>>The hand slid down her waist, feeling all the perfection of this woman's body. Fingers groped for the elastic half. At first I stroked it weakly, but without meeting any resistance, I squeezed tighter.<</md>>
<<md>>It may not stop... And run your hand inside. She clearly expects this of me. I'm sure she's wet there.<</md>>
<<md>>But suddenly the doors opened and we found ourselves near our stop.<</md>>
<<addLust $Clara 5>>
<<say $Clara>>It was a very interesting trip. Is that why you like the metro so much?<</say>>
<<md>>Clara smiled at me and in this smile I realized that she clearly knows everything that happened there. Knows and is not shy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Perhaps.<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, what a hot woman.<</md>>
<<md>>Very soon we were at school, but the thought of this episode still did not leave me.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM1Quest = 4>>\
<<set $ClaraM1TQuest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraFirstMeet = 1>>\
[[Go to work|School reception]]<<md>>This is the most uncomfortable situation in my life. I'm afraid Clara will not understand so well, and then I certainly can not expect something good. Bloody fat man.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry, could you move away ?!<</say>>
<<md>>I almost yelled at him. He muttered something, but didn't move. I could have assumed that he had nowhere to retreat, but here's a new stop, the space in the cabin has increased. Is it so hard to move? My career depends on it, if you don't understand!<</md>>
<<md>>But he still hung over us, forcing me to rest against Clara. Why does he get this pleasure? Very bad deviation! At least when innocent people are suffering. And their dicks...<</md>>
<<md>>There is a universal way to make this fat guy back down. Excellent! As soon as I stepped on his leg with all my strength, he stepped back a dozen steps. Fine, even breathing became possible.<</md>>
<<md>>But I didn't manage to enjoy the victory for too long. The doors opened, and the name of our stop was displayed on the board.<</md>>
<<addAff $Clara 5>>
<<md>>I hope Clara won't say anything about what happened in the carriage. I would not want to ruin our relationship with her.<</md>>
<<md>>Very soon we were at school, but the thought of this episode still did not leave me.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM1Quest = 2>>\
<<set $ClaraM1TQuest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraFirstMeet = 1>>\
[[Go to work|School reception]]<<md>>The thought of calling a taxi into this wilderness didn't seem so stupid. Clara was left without a car. Only her worst enemy could advise her to take the subway at such a time. If I remember correctly, there must be a huge kind of crush now. And this woman experienced already not the best moments in her life.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think, we should call a taxi.<</say>>
<<md>>She used to get around in a car. And even if this car is not hers, the discomfort will be almost minimal.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>A good idea.<</say>>
<<md>>I called a car and was told that a car would pick us up in fifteen minutes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why are you here?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>What?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How did you end up in the area. It doesn't look like you lived here. A woman like you...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Shouldn't live in such a rotten place? You would be surprised if you knew where I lived before I got married. Such a place would then seem like heaven to me.<</say>>
<<md>>Surprisingly, it seemed to me that she was not one of those who are used to living in poverty.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Then why did I think you were scared?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>That's why it's scary. I know such places and I know what those people are capable of, who have nothing but despair. I were like that.<</say>>
<<md>>The car arrived quickly enough and we plunged into it together. All the way our conversation didn’t get out of my mind.<</md>>
<<md>>When the car arrived, Clara paid the driver and we entered the school.<</md>>
<<text y "15 minutes later">>
<<addmins 15>>\
<<say $Clara>>Thanks for the company. And the conversation.<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 5>>
<<md>>I nodded and went about my business. Today is definitely a very strange day.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM1Quest = 2>>\
<<set $ClaraM1TQuest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraFirstMeet = 1>>\
[[Go to work|School reception]]<<md>>This morning there are unexpectedly many people at the first floor. Have I overslept?<</md>>
<<md>>I looked at my watch, but it was adamant. It's still too early for so many people. As if there will be some kind of event now. However, why guess. You can always ask the receptionist about this.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Linda, what's going on here, why are there so many people?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>How why? Golden, don't you know? Although, you're new, you may not know. Every year, at this time, Clara arranges a week of visits. At this time, guests come to us, and most importantly, respected sponsors who finance our school.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>> And when they arrive... Usually the principal gives them a ball at the end of the week. But who knows what she wants for this time?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Linda.<</say>>
<<md>>That means a week of visits. Should I be surprised if someone comes to my class? I don't think so.<</md>>
<<md>>But it's still worth asking Clara about this “visiting week”. Perhaps there is something I should be wary of.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM1Quest = -1>>\
<<set $ClaraM1TQuest = -1>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Go to my cabinet|Clara2Money]]<<md>>My office is still empty. It's good that at least here I can hide from the noise that has been filling the school lately. My office is my abode. It's funny, but it has become very dear to me lately.<</md>>
<<md>>Wait, what is this? There is a small envelope on the table that says “thanks for help”. Help? But I didn't help anyone! Although, if we consider that case with help for Clara, then perhaps this is how she is trying to thank me?<</md>>
<<md>>With a trembling heart I open the envelope.<</md>>
<<text g "You helped me a lot, bro. You are a real man. This is from me. Michael">>
<<md>>So it’s still not entirely from Clara. Michael wants to repay me with money? Two hundred bucks inside. And this guy is not used to being trifles. I helped Clara with most of the good intentions, but getting rewards for my actions is quite pleasant.<</md>>
<<talk "[[Take money|Clara2TakeMoney]]""Not worth">>
<<talk "[[Don`t take the money|Clara2DontTake]]""Yes">>
<<if $id.magicBall > 0>>\
[[Ask magic ball|ClaraMagicBall3]]
<<md>>Two hundred dollars is a good equivalent to thank you. Any work has to be paid, right? And good work should be paid twice. And not to accept such a gift is the height of recklessness. What will I say when I return it? Sorry, do I have principles? What nonsense!<</md>>
<<md>>I counted the money again. Yes, exactly two hundred. Well, daddy will find a use for you, don't worry.<</md>>
<<text g "You took money">>
<<md>>The cabinet envelops me with its comfort and silence. In it, you seem to be protected from everything that happens in the outside world. <</md>>
<<md>>But very quickly the sounds of the outside world seep into the classroom, along with the students. I am glad to see them, but today they seem too loud to me.<</md>>
<<run $cash +=200>>\
<<set $ClaraM2Quest = 1>>\
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Time to work|Work]]<<if $id.magicBall > 0>>\
<<md>>Even without the magic ball, one thing is completely clear to me: Michael will want something in return for his services. It's a pact, negotiated or not. When you take money, you agree with everything that is later required of you. And for some reason, a very strange feeling about all this...<</md>>
<<md>>This is a very noble gesture from Michael, but I definitely can't take them. When a person does something for good intentions, he does not need payment. It seems to devalue the importance of this act. If they paid for the act, then this is not good intentions, but work. In addition, I do not know at all what kind of game this Michael started and whether he can be generally trusted.<</md>>
<<md>>I toss the envelope into my desk drawer. Will need to return to Michael later.<</md>>
[[Time to work|Clara2QOffice]]
<<md>>This is a very noble gesture from Michael, but I definitely can't take them. When a person does something for good intentions, he does not need payment. It seems to devalue the importance of this act. If they paid for the act, then this is not good intentions, but work. In addition, I do not know at all what kind of game this Michael started and whether he can be generally trusted.<</md>>
<<md>>I toss the envelope into my desk drawer. Will need to return to Michael later.<</md>>
<<addmins 5>>\
<<set $ClaraM2Quest = 2>>\
[[Time to work|Work]]
<</if>><<md>>The lesson is fast enough. Despite my expectations, teenagers listen carefully to me and absorb every word. It's just great. So, every day I crucify here for a reason!<</md>>
<<md>>When the bell rings, and the voices of teenagers, on the contrary, subside, I head to Clara's office. You need to find out about this "week of visits". Surely it's not as simple as Linda said.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh, $mc.Name. Come in. I was just about to meet you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>To tell about the "week of visits"?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>So you've already heard?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just a little.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Then you should understand that this week is very important for me. I'll be frank with you. The future of our school depends on this week. Money does not have the ability to appear out of thin air. They come to us from certain sources.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And these sources you need to appease.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Exactly.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, that's quite understandable. Keeping a school clean and tidy is hard work. And when it comes to money. I totally understand Clara. And I really have no choice. If I persist, it could affect my career. Therefore, her success is my success.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good. What can I do for you?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Nothing right now. Wait a minute, though, you could be of great help to me if you did me a little favor. I need to leave now, but I need everything for the sponsor to find out how satisfied everyone who works here is with our institution.<</say>>
<<md>>She elegantly takes a folder of papers from a drawer and places it in front of me.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Here they are, there are only 4 copies left. If you could fill out this questionnaire properly, you would be of great help to me.<</say>>
<<md>>It turns out that...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you want me to forge documents?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>No, what are you talking! Games are bad with sponsors! If they find out that I am deceiving them, then there will be no talk of any investments. You should ask Lucy, Sophia and Linda about whether they are satisfied with their work, what they want, and so on. All questions are here. You don't have to ask them about it - just make sure they answer as quickly as possible. I need these documents by morning.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>OK, no problem.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh, and don't forget that you also need to fill in the last copy.<</say>>
<<md>>When I agreed, we both left the office. Michael was standing in the corridor like a huge giant. Clara threw herself into his arms. What a weird couple though. To me, this giant doesn't deserve a chick like Clara.<</md>>
<<md>>However, I now have a much more important task than reflecting on my boss.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM3Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM1TQuest = -2>>\
<<set $ClaraM3TQuest = 1>>\
<<if $ClaraM2Quest == 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM2Quest = 11>>\
<<elseif $ClaraM2Quest == 2>>\
<<set $ClaraM2Quest = 21>>\
[[Let`s fill questionnaire|Second floor]]<<addmins 10>>\
<<say $Sophia>>Annual questionnaire. Let me fill it in, it shouldn't take too long.<</say>>
<<md>>Sophia greeted me with a joyful smile. I handed her a pen and paper.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>All these questionnaires are too big a lie, don't you think? From year to year the same thing. This is just a formality. Nobody seriously considers them.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why do you think so?<</say>>
<<md>>In an almost quiet room, our voices only echoed.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>$mc.Name, you are here recently and may still be trapped in delusion. Let me explain one thing to you. Do you think if you had a problem, you would report it to our precious Clara?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>What if Clara was the source of these problems and your future depended on her?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I am...<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>That's what you're thinking. None of us will work to our own detriment. As soon as you say that you are dissatisfied with something... Our principal will not allow this to happen. Because from year to year we lie that everything is fine and everything suits us, when in fact everything is far from so rosy.<</say>>
<<md>>For some reason, these words made me uneasy. Resentment and disappointment covered me. Is it so bad? I thought Clara was taking care of us, but if Sophia is right and everything is so bad...<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Here you are. I hope I didn't ruin your mood too much? Clara is not a bad leader, no, you just shouldn't idealize her. Then you will suffer less.<</say>>
<<md>>She gives me a copy and I move on. I hope talking to the others will not make me even more sad.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM3Quest = 2>>\
[[Go out|Second floor]]<<if $ClaraM3Quest == 2>>\
<<md>>Lucy isn't here. It looks like she has already left her office somewhere far away. Perhaps she went back to the dining room that she adores so much?<</md>>
<<elseif $ClaraM3Quest < 2 >>\
<<md>>Lucy doesn't seem to be there. Maybe I should look for someone else first?<</md>>
[[Leave|Second floor]]
<<addmins 10>>\
<<say $Linda>>Hi, handsome. Oh, I see you've already talked to Clara and she even instructed you to do something? Keep it up! By helping her, you are helping yourself.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda, as always, greets me with a radiant smile that makes you feel much better. You know, as one of those people who will never worry about their problems, but will always take care of you.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, she gave me a questionnaire. Salary, pleasure from work, that's all.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Ah, what our sponsors need. I will help you without any problems. And myself too. After all, this is my future.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Future?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Yes, Clara carefully studies all this and every year chooses at least two or three teachers who get promoted. Within normal limits, of course.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But Sophia said...<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Sophia? Ha, don't listen to her. Sofia has some personal scores with Clara, which prevents her from seeing beyond her nose. She admires the principal as much as hates.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>It's a long story. Perhaps I will tell you somehow. At lunch.<</say>>
<<md>>She winks at me and hands over the completed papers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Linda, you are save as always.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Where are you without me. You always get into trouble.<</say>>
<<md>>Yeah, almost a perfect person...<</md>>
<<text y "A little time passed">>
<<addmins 10>>\
<<md>>After filling out the documents, I went home. Tomorrow I will need to give Clara all 4 copies. She will definitely be glad of such a job well done.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM3TQuest = -1>>\
[[Leave school|School gate]]
<<if $Clara.AffectionLvl gte 1 && $Clara.LustLvl gte 2>>\
<<addmins 5>>
<<say $Clara>> Oh, I didn't hear you come in. A pleasant distraction from these tedious documents is always welcome. Do you have any good news to share? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> The usual issues, but they've all been smoothed over. I thought I'd check in to see if there's anything you require. <</say>>
<<md>>I lean in closer than necessary to hand over the papers, ensuring Clara feels the warmth of your breath against her cheek.With a mischievous grin, I hold her gaze for a beat too long, clearly enjoying the moment of charged proximity.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> You're too kind. Currently, there's nothing too pressing... unless you count the need for a bit of... intellectual stimulation. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I’ll keep that in mind. I'm here if you need an extra set of hands or... thoughts. <</say>>
<<say $Clara>> How considerate. <</say>>
<<md>>She leans forward to retrieve a pen, the hem of her dress creeping up slightly. As she notices my gaze lingering, a sly smile plays on her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I can't seem to reach my pen... Perhaps you enjoy the view? Help me with this and maybe I can offer a more... work... later. <</say>>
<<set $ClaraM3Quest = -3>>
<<set $ClaraM3TQuest = -3>>
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>
<<addAff $Clara 10>>
<<set $TutorialGirl = "Clara">>
<<if $Tutorial == 9>>
[[Offer to help with more than just the pen later|Tutorial 13]]
[[Assist her and then promise to return soon|Second floor]]
<<elseif $Clara.AffectionLvl gte 1 && $Clara.LustLvl lte 2>>\
<<addmins 5>>
<<say $Clara>> Ah, it's you. I trust you’re not here without good reason? I'm reviewing some rather dense material. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> All documents concerns have been handled effectively. If there’s nothing else you need, I’ll leave you to your work. <</say>>
<<md>> I reach out, my fingers brushing against Clara's hand as you pass the documents, an unintentional yet warm touch.Clara's eyes meet yours for a moment, a soft smile on her lips in silent thanks.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> Oh, it’s a rare treat to have things run so smoothly. Unless you have insights on educational policies, my door is always open for... other discussions. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Should I find any, I’ll be sure to come straight to you. I’ll leave you to it for now. <</say>>
<<say $Clara>> Wait. <</say>>
<<md>>As she speaks, Clara leans over to adjust a paper on her desk, and the hem of her dress rides up, exposing the edge of her panties. She doesn't seem to notice, or perhaps she doesn't mind.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Could you hand me the stapler from over there? It seems just out of reach. <</say>>
<<set $ClaraM3Quest = -3>>
<<set $ClaraM3TQuest = -3>>
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>
<<addAff $Clara 7>>
<<set $TutorialGirl = "Clara">>
<<if $Tutorial == 9>>
[[Hand her the stapler and then leave her office|Tutorial 13]]
[[Hand her the stapler and then head to the second floor|Second floor]]
<<addmins 5>>
<<say $Clara>> I assume you're here with something of significance, or can you not distinguish between what warrants my attention and what doesn't? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Everything's under control. The students' issues have been resolved effectively. Is there anything pressing on your agenda that needs addressing? <</say>>
<<md>>I hand documents to Clara without any fuss, keeping your interaction strictly professional.Clara nods in acknowledgment, her expression focused on the work ahead.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> Your penchant for stating the obvious is astounding. Unless you've suddenly become adept at administrative strategy, I doubt there's anything for you here. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'll get back to my duties, then. <</say>>
<<say $Clara>> Indeed. Do try not to let the door click too loudly on your way out; it's distracting. <</say>>
<<md>>As she says this, Clara leans over a stack of documents on her desk, giving you a glimpse of her lace-trimmed panties. She catches your brief glance and straightens up, her voice icy.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> And keep your eyes to yourself. If you've nothing scholarly to add, then at least spare me the distraction of your juvenile gawking.<</say>>
<<set $ClaraM3Quest = -3>>
<<set $ClaraM3TQuest = -3>>
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>
<<addAff $Clara -7>>
<<set $TutorialGirl = "Clara">>
<<if $Tutorial == 9>>
[[Briskly leave her office|Tutorial 13]]
[[Exit quietly to the second floor|Second floor]]
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image6", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>><<md>>The bell heralded the end of the lesson. This sound, it`s voice was just a balm for my soul. After all, today is a day that is somehow especially difficult. The realization that someone was just about to come into the office further complicated an already difficult day. The disciples today, despite all my efforts, were very disobedient. But I didn't have time to think of something to calm them down, the bell rang.<</md>>
<<md>>But as soon as I had time to think that this nightmare day was about to end, Clara appeared in the corridor. She was all excited and red.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name, it's good you're here. I don't know who to ask for help. It`s a nightmare.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Calm down, Clara. Whatever happens, we'll figure it out. So what happened?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Something very, very unexpected happened. It seems that we have got someone very lively. It looks like one of the students is having sex in one of the parts. At least eyewitnesses say this. The sound is so loud that you can even hear it here. Here, listen.<</say>>
<<md>>I listen, trying to isolate myself from all the noise, and I seem to hear a prolonged female moan. Damn it, if it sounds like this here, how does it sound there?<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I sent several guards there, but they should have been back for half an hour, but they are still not there. I tried to call Michael, but his phone doesn't answer. And now one of our investors will come and if he hears it...<</say>>
<<md>>She may not continue. I understand very well how everything could end if it is not settled now. And yet I am a little annoyed by the phrase that the two guards did not return. What could happen there? Did they just tell Clara or something worse? However, now the school needs me, Clara needs me, so giving up is an impossible option.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I'll go right now and check everything.<</say>>
<<md>>I'm walking when Clara grabs my hand.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Take care of yourself, okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure.<</say>>
<<md>>She seems to be worried about me after all. How about a person or her investment? However, now I should deal with the problems, and then think about something else.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM4Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM3TQuest = -4>>\
<<set $ClaraM4TQuest = 1>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Check out|Clara3QWalk]]<<addmins 10>>\
<<md>>I walked fast enough, but it still seemed to me that I was trailing somewhere behind. The sound grew louder and seemed to have frozen in my ears. These loud moans were not something exciting, rather annoying. They were so loud that I were already beginning to think that this was just the pampering of one of the students. After all, it is likely that someone just turned on porn, making the sound from the speakers to the maximum. Because well, a real person cannot shout so loudly. Can't it?<</md>>
<<md>>I didn't even need to ask for directions. I knew exactly where to go and just followed the sound. But very soon, as soon as I entered the building, guided by the power of sound, a tremor swept through my case. My first desire was just to get out of here. After all, I found myself in a horror movie.<</md>>
<<md>>An empty building, in which, as if in a horror movie, lights flickered suspiciously. They warn me about the danger or... However, these stupid superstitions do not scare me as much as the two guards who are lying on the floor.<</md>>
<<md>>They... No, they're okay. Unconscious, but still alive. What's going on here? It's time to finally clear up and stop this noise!<</md>>
<<md>>It took me a little while to determine where the sound was coming from, but finally I'm here. With a sharp movement, I open the toilet door and find inside the most unexpected person here.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Michael?!<</say>>
<<md>>Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!<</md>>
<<md>>Why among all the people it had to be this brute? He may well compete with Hercules himself. Not surprisingly, the rather skinny guards are lying on the floor.<</md>>
<<md>>His dumbfounded eyes glared at me. But more surprised than him was one of the students, who was still dancing on Michael's penis by inertia.<</md>>
<<md>>Michael threw the girl with great vocal abilities aside and rushed to me. The girl yelped loudly, hitting the wall. At least she fell silent. One less problem.<</md>>
<<md>>But the second problem was approaching me at lightning speed. I could have tried to escape, but it was pointless. I would not have had time to get away from someone who runs 20 laps in the stadium every morning. Moreover, if I run, I will show Michael that the fear of him is very strong.<</md>>
<<md>>Michael stands opposite me and his eyes are full of wildness. But at the same moment, he lowers his head and begs for mercy. He knows that I can tell Clara about this. He puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out a wad of money. He invites me to forget about everything that I saw here and come up with some kind of story for Clara. He says that friends like him and me should understand that a young pussy is not worth a relationship. It's just an easy way to relieve stress. In return, he offers me $100 for silence.<</md>>
<<md>>I understand him, this is very hard work. Every day it's stressful, girls are so sexy that sometimes it's impossible to keep a member in your pants. On the other hand, he knows how important this week is for Clara. Yes, and treason... If I had Clara, I probably would not even think about this.<</md>>
<<md>>So I...<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Accept his offer|Clara3QAccept]]
<<if $mc.Charisma < 3>>\
<<talk "Lie to him[C]" 1 $talk "He will find out. I need more charisma!">><</talk>>
[[Lie to him|Clara3QLieMichael]]
<</if>>\<<run $cash +=100>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<text g "You took money from Michael again">>
<<md>>Michael is not a bad guy. Perhaps a little naive and stupid, but which of us is without sin? I constantly have thoughts about how good it would be to fuck this or that student. They only do what they test our penises for strength. Michael cannot be blamed for giving in to this desire.<</md>>
<<md>>Yet people like us should stick together. And the money will definitely not be superfluous to me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I'll pretend I didn't see anything. But you better get out of here as quickly as possible. And try not to advertise your adventures. If the sponsors find out about this, Clara will be very bad. And we don't want to upset her, right?<</say>>
<<md>>Michael nodded and hugged me tight to the bone. Yes, this guy is clearly very strong. If I decided to turn down his offer, he could grind me down like he did with the other two guards.<</md>>
<<md>>I just have to figure out what I’ll tell Clara.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM4Quest = 3>>\
[[Go back|Clara3QAccept2]]
<<md>>Walking down the street to the second floor, I was surprised how quiet it became here. I even feel a kind of sadness for that unreal loud moan. I wonder if this girl is ready to please not only Michael but also me? Surely, this scream is good enough to spur and excite. On the other hand, there can be no question of any privacy.<</md>>
<<md>>Getting to the second floor, I was ready to wait as long as I wanted, because the sponsor could take up to several hours of time. Still, such people really love attention to their person. It turns out such an exchange - you give him time, and he gives you money. Eh, I would have so much money...<</md>>
<<md>>To my surprise, it took no more than 15 minutes when a short man with a suitcase left Clara's office.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Thank you for figured it out. I don't know what I would do if the sponsor heard this... By the way, what was it?<</say>>
<<md>>So it came, this moment. A moment that I pondered all the way. However, I didn't manage to come up with anything sensible, so I remained faithful to my initial version.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Charisma < 5>>\
<<talk "Speakers[C]" 1 $talk "She won't believe in it now. Need more Charisma">><</talk>>
<<addmins 10>>\<<say $mc>>These were one of our students. It looks like the hormones have leaped up in earnest. And they had no strength to endure.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Students? Well, that was expected. Then tomorrow I expect from you a report on this incident: who, what and how. I have to figure it out, and then punish them.<</say>>
<<md>>This is not what I wanted to achieve with my lie. I had to cover my tracks, not drive myself into more trouble.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, these are just teenagers...<</say>>
<<md>>She shook her head flatly.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>No, you can't leave it like that. If they do not know that punishment will follow after that, it will create chaos.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Thanks again.<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 5>>
<<md>>I nodded and left her office.<</md>>
<<md>>Why do I feel like I'm getting into even more trouble?<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM5Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM9Quest = 2>>\
<<set $ClaraM5TQuest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM4TQuest = 2>>\
<<set $ClaraM3Quest = -32>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Leave her office|Second floor]]<<say $mc>>Oh, don't worry - these are just speakers.<</say>>
<<md>>A mask of surprise hung over Clara's face.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Speakers? It sounded so real...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, the actors and actresses are trying. It is not for nothing that they receive money in the end.<</say>>
<<md>>I laughed and Clara caught my laugh. The excitement disappears in an instant. This laugh calms me down.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yeah... It's good that you found that out. It would be very embarrassing if it was not me who found out about this, but...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understood you.<</say>>
<<md>>It looks like my lies were still successful.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Thanks again for your help.<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 5>>
<<md>>I nodded and left the office smiling. Fine!<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM5Quest = 2>>\
<<set $ClaraM9Quest = 2>>\
<<set $ClaraM5TQuest = 2>>\
<<set $ClaraM4TQuest = 2>>\
<<set $ClaraM3Quest = -32>>\
[[Leave her office|Second floor]]<<run $cash +=100>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<text r "You lied to Michael">>
<<md>>I don't like agreeing to his terms, but I'm not stupid enough to act on emotions. If I now refuse his terms, it will simply not be good for me.<</md>>
<<md>>The guards lying there in the corridor surfaced in my memory. I will be foolish and I will be in their place. If I want to get out of this mess, then it's better to continue the game on my own terms.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I'll pretend I didn't see anything. You don't have to worry. It will all remain between us. Clara won't know about it.<</say>>
<<md>>He gives me the money and happily hugs me to the bone. This guy is clearly strong. But I'm smarter than you, muscle mass.<</md>>
<<md>>Walking down the street to the second floor, I was surprised how quiet it became here. I even feel a kind of sadness for that unreal loud moan. I wonder if this girl is ready to please not only Michael but also me? Surely, this scream is good enough to spur and excite. On the other hand, there can be no question of any privacy.<</md>>
<<md>>Getting to the second floor, I was ready to wait as long as I wanted, because the sponsor could take up to several hours of time. Still, such people really love attention to their person. It turns out such an exchange - you give him time, and he gives you money. Eh, I would have so much money...<</md>>
<<md>>To my surprise, it took no more than 15 minutes when a short man with a suitcase left Clara's office.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Thank you for figured it out. I don't know what I would do if the sponsor heard this... By the way, what was it?<</say>>
<<set $ClaraM4Quest = 2>>\
[[Expose Michael|Clara3QExpose]]
[[Lie to her|Clara3QLieClara]]
<<if $id.magicBall > 0>>\
[[Ask magic ball|ClaraMagicBall4]]
<</if>><<md>>It's hard for me to talk about it, because I know that this truth will not bring relief to Clara. But Michael has to pay for his deed anyway.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, this will be hard for you to hear. What I saw...<</say>>
<<md>>But she knew. Did she suspect long ago or did she find out now?<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>It was Michael, wasn't it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How do you...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I suspected it for a long time.<</say>>
<<md>>She grabbed her head and began to massage her temples.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Thank you for informing. I hope he doesn't know about this conversation?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>That's good.<</say>>
<<md>>She was silent for a second, tapping her pen on the table, as if pondering something.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Let's come to an agreement with you. I can't tolerate cheaters. They are disgusting to me, I hate them. But I officially have no reason to fire Michael. But for the connection with a juvenile - I can.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You want me to help you catch him.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes. Now I have no one to trust in this matter, except you.<</say>>
<<md>>Ha, this is a good chance to get even closer to Сlara. I will be able to achieve both goals at once: to fuck Clara and get rid of Michael once and for all.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Agreed. I will do everything that depends on me.<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 8>>
<<md>>I nodded and left the office smiling. Fine!<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM5Quest = 3>>\
<<set $ClaraM9Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM5TQuest = 3>>\
<<set $ClaraM4TQuest = 6>>\
<<set $ClaraM3Quest = -32>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Leave her office|Second floor]]<<md>>It makes no sense for me to denounce Michael now. Tactical thinking consists in anticipating the actions of the other side several steps forward. Therefore, there is no need to rush now. If I do this, Michael will immediately understand who made it. Therefore, it is better to remain silent for now, and at the right time to pull the strings.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, don't worry - these are just speakers.<</say>>
<<md>>A mask of surprise hung over Clara's face.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Speakers? It sounded so real...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, the actors and actresses are trying. It is not for nothing that they receive money in the end.<</say>>
<<md>>I laughed and Clara caught my laugh. The excitement disappears in an instant. This laugh calms me down.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yeah... It's good that you found that out. It would be very embarrassing if it was not me who found out about this, but...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understood you.<</say>>
<<md>>It looks like my lies were still successful.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Thanks again for your help.<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 5>>
<<md>>I nodded and left the office smiling. Fine!<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM5Quest = 2>>\
<<set $ClaraM9Quest = 2>>\
<<set $ClaraM5TQuest = 4>>\
<<set $ClaraM4TQuest = 2>>\
<<set $ClaraM3Quest = -32>>\
[[Leave her office|Second floor]]<<addmins 10>>\
<<md>>Yes, as I thought Lucy was there. It looks like she's just finishing her lunch, so it's time to do what needs to be done.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hi, are you busy?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I will go home now, but if you need something, I can spare a few minutes.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Great, Clara asked me to give you this. It is desirable that this be done now.<</say>>
<<md>>She sighs heavily.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Well, let's see. Ah, this is a questionnaire! I love this thing. After her, everything always gets much better.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice changes at once and there is no trace of a tired woman. The corners of the woman's lips curl in a joyful grin.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Really?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Sure! Clara always reads all these things and takes the necessary measures after reading them. That year I wrote that I was not happy with the salary, so she raised it for me. And the year before last ... Although I can't talk about it. But this is a magical time. Here you go, I ran home. See you tomorrow.<</say>>
<<md>>It's amazing how different her words are from what Sophia said.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bye.<</say>>
<<md>>I don't understand anything. Maybe Linda will explain to me and tell me a lie or a truth? Sophia and Lucy got me too confused.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM3Quest = 3>>\
[[Time to visit Linda|Clara2QLinda]]<<md>>Fatigue falls on me today with special force. The whole weight of the day suddenly falls on my shoulders and I feel devastated. As if all the energy that was during the day suddenly evaporated for no reason. But the day is not to say that it was too hard. However, it is better to fall asleep and not tempt fate. Because sleep is bad jokes...<</md>>
<<md>>My eyes stick together as soon as I lie down on the bed. The bed gently embraces me and I surrender to the gentle power of sleep and fall into emptiness.<</md>>
<<md>>A terrible sound rips me out of my sleep, and my heart pounds like crazy. Everything around is like a fog, but the sound continues to sound in my head, like an annoying fly.<</md>>
<<md>>Phone? Who wants to call at such a late hour?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello?<</say>>
<<md>>A familiar voice is heard on the other side of the tube.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>$mc.Name, can you hear me?<</say>>
<<md>>She speaks in a whisper, which is very unusual for her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Naomi? What's wrong?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>I... I think someone got into my house. I hear steps. Could you come?<</say>>
<<md>>She speaks in a whisper, but even so I can hear how she is afraid of what might happen next.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you in your room?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Yes...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Stay there, I'll be there soon.<</say>>
<<md>>Unexpected news hit the head like the worst alcohol ever. But there was no longer a trace of sleep. I must hurry! If there really is someone there ... Why doesn't Naomi pick up the doors for the night. I warned her about it more than once! A curse!<</md>>
<<md>>Without wasting not a second, I quickly dressed and ran out of the house. The main thing is that the irreparable does not happen before my arrival. It is always dangerous to be alone in such a large house.<</md>>
<<md>>The premonition that a disaster was approaching did not leave me in any way as I ran down the street. But this run gave me the opportunity to think about my actions. After all, when I find myself near her house, I will not think when.<</md>>
<<md>>Naomi is home alone now. Armed bandits can be in the same house. So I...<</md>>
<<set $Naomi5Q = 1>>\
<<set $Naomi5QT = 1>>\
<<set $Naomi4Q = 2>>\
<<set $Naomi4QT = -1>>\
[[Protect Naomi|NaomiBanditsProtect]]
[[Call the police|NaomiBanditsPolice]]
[[Fight bandits|NaomiBanditsFight]]<<md>>Naomi's safety is my top priority. It doesn't matter if I catch the bandits or not. It is important that everything is in order with her.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, without hesitation, I open the door to the house and rush to her room. I hear a loud knocking behind me. So, they are not fiction after all.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you okay?<</say>>
<<md>>I glance at the frightened girl who looks at me hopefully.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Loud footsteps follow. I need to find something with which I can stop them. Yeah, that's it. I grab a huge wooden board and wait. They'll come in here anyway when they see Naomi. It's cruel, but right now it's our only way to keep ourselves safe from attackers.<</md>>
<<md>>They enter Naomi's room.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Please do not...<</say>>
<<md>>And the moment they come into my field of vision, the board hits them on the head. Both men fall to the floor. What a fortunate coincidence!<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>$mc.Name!<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi throws herself into my arms.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Thanks for coming.<</say>>
<<md>>I move away from her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's better call the police, let them take them.<</say>>
<<md>>Half an hour later, the darkness around the house mixed with the light of the police sirens. The bandits were removed, and the officers asked us questions about how it happened.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>$mc.Name, will you stay with me?<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi gently pressed herself against me and looked into my eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>I'm scared to be alone after today.<</say>>
<<md>>How can I remain indifferent to a girl like that? She needs to be protected and taken care of. Of course, I will stay with her until morning.<</md>>
[[Stay with her|Sleep1]]<<md>>I can't risk Naomi's life. If these guys are armed, then getting involved in this showdown yourself is very, very stupid. I can get shot, and in the worst case, the girl can get hurt. No, I must arrive there already with the cavalry.<</md>>
<<md>>I don’t even remember how, but I dialed the number I needed. The girl on the other side listened attentively, and then assured me that a patrol had left at the indicated address. I hope they get there before I do. I would not like to meet the attackers face to face, especially if they have a pistol.<</md>>
<<md>>And indeed, when I came to Naomi's house, the darkness around the house mixed with the light of the police sirens. Distant screams rang out from the house. The problem is that all the voices were only male. Has something happened to Naomi or...<</md>>
<<md>>No sooner had I got my phone to dial the number, when I heard a noise inside and something like shots, and after two bandits were taken out into the street in handcuffs.<</md>>
<<md>>It's still good that I went inside myself, otherwise I would have easily got a bullet. I rushed with all my strength inside the house. They wanted to stop me, but the cry that I live here served as a magic word.<</md>>
<<md>>So what if I don't live here! Perhaps someday I will.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Naomi!<</say>>
<<md>>My feet brought me to Naomi's room, where she was sitting on the bed. I hugged her tightly, glad that everything ended so well.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now you always lock the doors. Clear?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>She pressed close to me and I enjoyed this moment, her smell and what was happening between us.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>$mc.Name, will you stay with me?<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi gently pressed herself against me and looked into my eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>I'm scared to be alone after today.<</say>>
<<md>>How can I remain indifferent to a girl like that? She needs to be protected and taken care of. Of course, I will stay with her until morning.<</md>>
[[Stay with her|Sleep1]]<<md>>There is no point in waiting! They did not come to Naomi's house with good intentions and are unlikely to spare me and the girl. Such people do not deserve mercy. My response to their actions is aggression.<</md>>
<<md>>Bursting into the house, I no doubt run to Naomi's room when I hear loud footsteps in the distance. Here they are. As I rush to the source of the sound, I instantly see a huge black back. Surrendered to the power of rage, which almost tore my heart from the inside, I rushed to one of the attackers.<</md>>
<<md>>He turned in my direction in time. Just so that my fist meets his face. The weapon flew to the side and I pounced on it with a series of blows. The hand itself flew forward, injuring me. I felt pain in my bones and arms, but did not react. The only thing that matters is Naomi's safety.<</md>>
<<md>>Soon the second came running, but by that time I had dealt with one of them. It is much easier to deal with them one by one. Soon the second repeated the fate of the first.<</md>>
<<md>>Oh, what a hot night. Now you can check how Naomi is doing. But first we need to call the cops. Get these bastards out of here as far as possible.<</md>>
<<md>>Half an hour later, the darkness around the house mixed with the light of the police sirens. The bandits were removed, and the officers asked us questions about how it happened.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>$mc.Name, will you stay with me?<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi gently pressed herself against me and looked into my eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>I'm scared to be alone after today.<</say>>
<<md>>How can I remain indifferent to a girl like that? She needs to be protected and taken care of. Of course, I will stay with her until morning.<</md>>
[[Stay with her|Sleep1]]<<md>>For some, life is a series of only bad days, for others - only good ones. But I believe that life is a kaleidoscope of incessant events and what they will be, depends entirely on us.<</md>>
<<md>>And so I understood that after the events with the attack, I had to turn this kaleidoscope so that Naomi would not remember that terrible episode for sure, and there was only one way for this. I'll buy her something deliciously expensive. Something from which she will forget both her fear and her attackers. Yet I am attracted not only by her body, but by her eternal inexhaustible optimism. I would not want the star that shines inside this girl to simply go out.<</md>>
<<md>>Naomi was waiting for me at the entrance to the mall. A smile shone on her face as if she were the happiest girl in the world. However, even if it is, she will soon become even happier.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>$mc.Name! I were so interested in your proposal! Why are we here?<</say>>
<<md>>That's not what I told you, Naomi. A surprise called that because no one knows exactly what will happen.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now you'll see.<</say>>
<<md>>I grabbed her hand and felt the warmth from this contact. Surprisingly, now more than ever I am very happy. Either it is because Naomi is here, or because I look forward to what will happen next.<</md>>
[[Enter|NaomiShopping2]]<<md>>When we entered the store, she - she certainly guessed what would happen next, but the joy on her face still warmed my pride. At such moments, going to the store is not taken for granted, but rather like a holiday.<</md>>
<<md>>It remains only to decide what I will buy for Naomi. There is one dress that I am sure will fit her very, very much. It is as if it was created for her. On the other hand, a very sexy underwear was brought here.<</md>>
<<set $Naomi6Q = 1>>\
<<set $Naomi6QT = 1>>\
<<set $Naomi5Q = -2>>\
<<set $Naomi5QT = -2>>\
[[Buy dress|NaomiShoppingDress]]
[[Buy lingerie|NaomiShoppingLingerie]]<<md>>Naomi has always loved dresses. Even when we first met, she was wearing a dress so chic that I could not look away. It looked so beautiful on her that it was just a sight for sore eyes. I will forever remember the day when I saw this back. Its outline resembled the big eight roses, on which the first flowers had already blossomed. Therefore, there is no other choice and cannot be.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Well, how do you like it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You look amazing as always.<</say>>
<<md>>The dress turned out to be exactly her size and gave Naomi a special charm. In it, she looked even more gorgeous than usual.<</md>>
<<md>>She happily threw herself on my neck, after which we went to checkout. Seeing her so happy is a special joy for me. After all, we have already experienced some moments. They were ambiguous, some might even seem immoral, but those were our moments.<</md>>
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]<<md>>Naomi is a very sexy girl and no dress can hide it. Yes, and we spend a lot of time with her in bed. She kisses me, and I give her a massage, we merge together, or we simply surrender to passion. It does not matter. Always in such cases, you get a surge of emotions. Something that is very difficult to control.<</md>>
<<md>>So, if we feel so good in bed, why not please her, and at the same time, ourselves with luxurious underwear. I'm sure she'll look like a queen. A slutty but highly desirable queen.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>I like white so much. It turns me on so much.<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi whispers this in my ear, and my excitement starts to build up even before we leave the store. I pull her towards me and our lips merge, highlighting with only passion, which I think I will not be able to get to her house, but just rip off her clothes right here.<</md>>
<<md>>But I have to stop and pull myself together.<</md>>
<<md>>When we get home, Naomi changes quickly. Now she is wearing only white underwear, which looks very seductive. These laces highlight her beauty and elevate my desire to the absolute. The penis breaks free and she releases it, moving her tongue from the base to the head.<</md>>
<<md>>Her caresses are unhurried and gentle. She holds my hands to her body and whispers in my ear that she wants me to lick her too, despite the fact that I do not want to do it at all. But I understand: I can not resist her desire.<</md>>
<<addLust $Naomi 15>>\
<<md>>I can't think of anything else. About nothing else, except how we can repeat all this... this... delight. The tongue runs through her pussy at first tenderly and passionately.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\Naomilingerie.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $NaomiVideo4Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $NaomiVideo4Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>My penis becomes hard and rests against her crevice. She presses him to her bosom. It's like a springboard: I shouldn't let her penetrate the vagina and I have to get to it myself.<</md>>
<<md>>I need to slowly move inward until I finish. She will try to push me to the limit, but the longer we wait for this, the stronger her desire will be. And the more she wants me both, the faster she will belong to me. As the Sutra used to say: "There is no limit to pleasure."<</md>>
<<md>>And here it is, the limit. Everything, all feelings were flooded by the sparkle of her eyes, tenderness, love and desire. I began to cum, but I can not continue to restrain myself. She arches and her legs join together.<</md>>
<<md>>I only feel satisfaction. From what I saw, from what I felt, from the fact that she was here with me.<</md>>
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]<<md>>Several days have passed since I asked Lexi out on a date. Several days that weary waiting for the coming of this very day, in which nothing can go wrong. I stood near the entrance to the school and waited for her to appear, constantly looking at the clock, as if demanding an answer to the main question - why is she still not there?<</md>>
<<md>>Fantasy seethed in all - what kind of an active and greedy girl for taunts will appear in front of me, how will she dress, what will happen then? Will our conversation be out of the ordinary or full of typical clichés? What would she prefer to wear for a date - a loose dress or something more sophisticated or even hugging her figure? Anyway, I'm sure she will look more than great.<</md>>
<<md>>Almost unable to bear it, I was about to turn around and go home, but from around the corner she appeared - incredibly graceful, charming and that made her even more attractive!<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Hey, did you fall asleep here?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not yet, but I was already ready to put up a tent, spread a sleeping bag and fall asleep safely - and I won't be late for work, and some variety will appear.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Ha-ha, wit! Okay, since I'm already here, where are we going today? The meaning of your silence is gone.<</say>>
<<md>>The agony of choosing the place of the first date did not pass me by this time either. Surprisingly, choosing a place for my first date with Lexi was not difficult for me, which I immediately announced:<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bingo! You and I will go to...<</say>>
[[Beach|LexiDateBeach]]<<md>>No matter how strange the proposal to start more acquaintance with a joint drinking bout was, I could not deny myself the pleasure of drinking something in the company of a charming girl.<</md>>
<<md>>The bar resembled a small beehive in which the residents of the city gathered to relax after a hard day at work. Most of the tables were occupied by noisy and already tipsy companies, and the vacant tables were not particularly clean. However, we were lucky - as soon as we walked past a few tables, several chairs were vacated near the bar.<</md>>
<<md>>GAs quickly as possible, we approached the chairs and successfully occupied them. Lexi closely examined the bottles behind the back of the bartender, who was trying to explain something to the client, after which she looked around, and, as if drawing some conclusions, riveted her eyes on me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Just look - someone here is already resting to the fullest!<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>What do you know about rest? I think the fun will start after my third shot... You will definitely enjoy it!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The hint is accepted. Bartender!<</say>>
<<md>>The evening was definitely a success, and Lexi did not lie - after the third pile it seemed to blow the roof off her, and something began that obviously none of those present and watching us had expected. At first I was rewarded with a kiss, and then a light slap in the face for persuading the bartender to dilute her whiskey with vodka. After that, without the slightest hesitation, she sat down on my lap and began to eat with her eyes and climb with kisses. It was clear only one thing - it was time to leave here, because Lexi was just warming up.<</md>>
<<md>>Leaving the bartender a decent tip, we staggered out of the bar and began looking for her house. At some point, she said that she was hot and tried to take off her "extra clothes", which, on the one hand, she wanted to look at, but on the other, it would be wrong, because there were still people around. We still had to escort the girl home, which, given our condition, was a rather difficult task. We started to remember where she lives, and spent a lot of time to find out.<</md>>
<<md>>However, in the end, I was able to find out her address, and I ordered a taxi directly to her house. Without much difficulty, we drove to her house, and during this time she managed to sober up a little. For the evening spent in her company, I was rewarded with a passionate kiss goodbye.<</md>>
<<md>>This date will definitely be remembered for a long time!<</md>>
[[Go home|Home corridor]]<<md>>A classic date according to all the rules - a table in a cafe, a delicious dinner, a romantic atmosphere and a pretty girl at one table, and the most important of all this is that she sits at my table.<</md>>
<<md>>She sits opposite and looks great - this is good news, especially when such a great view is revealed from here - the dress / denim definitely brings out her best places.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>I have never been to this cafe. They won't poison us here?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>As far as I know, only cockroaches and rats are dissatisfied with the food here.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Ouch, do you have to talk about this at the table ?! We could discuss something more interesting.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes? What would you like to talk about?<</say>>
<<md>>After a short and sustained silence, she said:<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>I think we have not yet reached the necessary state to discuss such interesting things. Let's order something?<</say>>
<<md>>The persistence that she shows only warms up interest and nourishes with one simple thought: what will happen next?<</md>>
<<md>>We sat opposite each other and literally devoured each other with our eyes, while we were talking about all sorts of fables and sublime matters. It seems we haven't even touched our food. We returned from the cafe, hugging each other around the waist. I walked her home and was rewarded with a passionate kiss.<</md>>
<<md>>Great evening, you can't say otherwise!<</md>>
[[Go home|Home corridor]]<<md>>Perhaps the first date should be started with a more measured, secluded and calm atmosphere, and nothing but the beach on the seashore can provide such an environment. During the day, the sun was able to heat the sand to the extent that it does not burn the feet, but it is not cold either - as warm as the look of my companion, who so far was definitely satisfied with everything.<</md>>
<<md>>Surprisingly, there was not a soul around, the sea was completely calm, the sun went to its zenith, drawing a similar lunar path right towards us. We sat down on a bench and watched the sunset.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Why didn't we come here early? I would at least get a tan.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm, give me a minute, I'll remember what happened during the day... Oh, yes - school!<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Maybe at least once we will conduct classes on the street? Sitting in that class is simply impossible!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let's talk about this at school, but for now we will enjoy the sunset.<</say>>
<<md>>We spent the rest of the evening in each other's arms, and after the sun finally disappeared behind the horizon, we sat for a while, talking about a wide variety of things.<</md>>
<<md>>After waiting for the first stars to appear in the sky, we began to pack up and return back to the city. All the way back we walked all the same in an embrace, shooting each other with our eyes. I walked her home, and for the evening I spent was rewarded with a light kiss.<</md>>
<<md>>Everything went just magically!<</md>>
[[Go home|Home corridor]]<<set $StreInc = 1>><<check_all_achievements>>
<<md>>Life is movement - this is what one of the classics I know said. I don't know how true this is, but it's never too late to check. Moreover, now, when I have time and lessons are over, nobody can stop me.
Breathing in the scent of fresh grass from the field, I begin to move. At first I run gradually. There is no point in running like I'm Sonic. I am here to feel oneness with strength, oneness with movement. The first round is over and I'm picking up my pace. I can feel it getting a little harder to breathe, but this gives me a strange burst of energy. I am driven by the desire to become better and faster. I know that some students are already following me - but I don't care. I am one with speed.<</md>>
<<set $SportfieldRun += 1>>\
<<set $stamina -= 10>>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<<if $Tutorial == 4>>\
[[Back|Tutorial 8.1]]
[[Back|Sport field]]
<<if $BaseballActivate == 0 && $mc.Strength > 5 >>\
<<goto "BaseballBegin">>\
<<say $Jane>>It seems that your health still needs professional affection and care. Don't worry, I will take care of you in such a way that you will feel better very, very soon. Let modern medicine show what it can do!<</say>>
[[Back|Hospital]]<<switch visited()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>As soon as I open the doors, I hear.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>If you are looking for help again, then I told you... Oh, you seem not Leah. Forgive me, please, the nasty girl is always looking for a way to skip the next lesson.<</say>>
<<if $JaneImage1Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $JaneImage1Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>If we are talking about Leah that I think about, then it's not even surprising.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>How can I help you such a handsome man? If you have any health problems, I will gladly fix them.<</say>>
<<md>>Looking at her, I understand that I would definitely gladly fix all my health problems with her, especially if we are talking about an acute shortage of beautiful women in my life.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think you could help me. I think I got a bruise here.<</say>>
<<md>>She examines me carefully.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Yes, there really is a bit of a bruise. Now it's okay here, but if it gets worse or if there are any health problems, come in. I will always be glad to you. By the way, my name is Jane.<</say>>
<<set $Jane.Meet = 1>>\
<<run window.unlockCharacter("Jane")>>\
<<set $JaneUnlocked = window.isCharacterUnlocked("Jane")>>\
<<set $Jane1Q = 0>>\
<<set $Jane1QT = 1>>\
[[Nice to meet you Jane|Hospital]]
<strong>Buy some meds -</strong> [[Check|NurseStore]]
<strong>Jane -</strong> [[Talk with her|NurseTalk]]
<<if $Sophia1Quest == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00')>>\
[[Look for dildo|SophiaQuest1.21]]
<<if $Jane4Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Talk about injection|JaneQuest3Replace1]]
<<elseif $Jane4Q == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '15:00')>>\
[[Replace Jane|JaneQuest3Replace2]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader8 == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '15:00')>>\
[[About pills|MonicaPillsJane]]
<<elseif $AutumnCheerleader2 == 17 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Ask about Autumn's delivery|AutumnQuest2.35]]
[[Leave|School reception]]
<div class="shop-wrap">\
<div class="shelf-wrap">\
<div class="shelf">\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<p>Sleeping pill</p>\
<img src="img/inv/snotvornoe.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 75 $cash>>\
<<run $cash -=75>><<goto "NurseStore">><<set $id.sleepingpill +=1>>\
<div class="shelf-item">\
<img src="img/inv/snotvornoe.png">\
<<buy-btn "Buy" 50 $cash>>\
<<run $cash -=50>><<goto "NurseStore">><<set $id.aphrodisiac +=1>>\
<<button [[Leave|Hospital]]>><</button>>\
</div>\Tip: \
<<if $Naomi1QT == 5>>\
<<elseif $Naomi1QT == 0>>\
Naomi is a nice and wonderful girl. I should use my influence on Lexi to get to know her.
<<elseif $Naomi1QT == 1>>\
I agreed to Naomi`s offer. I wish to continue our relations.
<<elseif $Naomi1QT == 2>>\
I need to tell Lexi that we are breaking up and I chose Naomi. Sweet Naomi...
<<elseif $Naomi2QT > 0>>\
I wonder if Naomi feeling the same way as I. Need to talk with her in the evening.
<<elseif $Naomi2QT == -1>>\
Evening was great. I wonder what will be next?I should focus on work now.
<<elseif $Naomi3QT > 0>>\
Naomi told me about surpize. I wonder what is this? Better to buy her some flowers.
<<elseif $Naomi4QT > 0>>\
I want to protect Naomi with a price of my life. But for now... let`s wait a little.
<<elseif $Naomi5QT > 0>>\
I`m glad that Naomi is safe. But maybe I should made a present for her?
<<elseif $Naomi6QT == 1>>\
Naomi and I are very happy. I should spend more time with her.
<<elseif $Naomi6QT == 2>>\
I should meet Naomi at her home at 5 p.m
<<elseif $Naomi6QT == 3>>\
I wonder what happen if I stay a little longer at Street Raw-Road?
<<elseif $Naomi6QT == 4>>\
I want to know Naomi better. I want to ask her about her dream in her room.
You have reached the end of this questline. For now.
<<set _SeaRelaxArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _SeaRelaxArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>If there is something permanent in this world, then this is the sea.<</md>>
<<md>>Its quiet, almost untouched beauty always makes you admire how subtle sculptor the Universe is. Not man is the crown of nature, but waves. Waves, that quietly and without unnecessary fuss, roll onto the shore, and then just as quietly go to where they came from.<</md>>
<<md>>I like being here and watching what is happening around. Hearing the sound of the surf, you seem to plunge into the abyss of calm. In this sound, this is the best of the secrets of our Universe.<</md>>
<<md>>I close my eyes. This place is important not only to see but also to feel. To feel how soft the sand under my bare feet is, how beautiful the salty air around me is. And when you feel it, the best of sensations comes. When you are able to absorb the beauty of this place and be filled with the energy that this place gives you.<</md>>
<<md>>As if you are the only living person in the whole world. It's like the universe is whispering in your ear, giving only the best. I feel the pliability of my own body. From the pleasant sensation around, I just want to rest a little, therefore, having laid out the things important for rest around, I lie down and continue to feel the touch of the beach on my skin.<</md>>
<<md>>My eyes stick together from such pleasure and a sweet feeling envelops me. I surrender myself to everything I feel, because that's when I'm here. Every inch of my body absorbs pleasure and I fall asleep.<</md>>
<<md>>A pleasant feeling is given to me from above when I wake up. There is nothing better than just relaxing by the sea. After it you feel full of energy and strength. And the most important thing is peace. You don't care what happens in the world or problems at work. No, here and now these problems are so scanty and insignificant. The only thing that matters is you and the sea.<</md>>
<<md>>The best feeling!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>I take a step, and then another. Bare feet walk joyfully on the sand, enjoying the pleasant feeling.<</md>>
<<md>>However, even this sensation cannot be compared to when your skin is in contact with the water surface. It is like the touch of a loved one, when it gently and slowly runs it`s finger along your cheek, and then your neck...<</md>>
<<md>>From this feeling you seem to melt and fall to pieces with pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>And then you are no longer afraid and plunge deeper into the water and feel a sudden surge of joy. Your head is spinning a little, but it's a good feeling. For you know that soon it will be good, that the best time in your life will soon come.<</md>>
<<md>>The water envelops me and I begin to move in the water. Slowly at first, as if afraid that this mirage will disappear, but soon the flock is more courageous and I allow myself to completely submerge in the water. A feeling of pleasure rolls over me, after which I dive. Feet touch the seabed, and water gently hugs the body. And when I, I swim out again and breathe in the air, I understand that the sea is something without which it will be very difficult to live. And so I want, I want to enjoy it as much as possible.<</md>>
<<md>>I dive again and feel the best of feelings. These are simple movements, but they make me feel alive. Feel like there is something other than a routine that absorbs me more and more each time. This is probably why I am here now. To feel alive among these waves, among the transparent and magic water, which fills me with strength. I want to be alive.<</md>>
<<md>>The feeling of euphoria lasts long enough, but you need to stop in time. The secret of pleasure lies in the perfect dosage.<</md>>
<<md>>So I slowly walk out of the water and allow myself to soak up the sun for a while before leaving this beautiful place.<</md>>
<<md>>Yet how wonderful and beautiful this place is. I just want to keep this feeling as long as possible. After all, for the sake of such moments I want to live as long as possible.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Sometimes not everything goes as we planned.<</md>>
<<md>>Even the most successful and best sand castle can collapse if faced with a harsh reality. It's like the Big Bang. Only the problem is that life is not born from such a collision, but rather dies, leaving behind a smack of disappointment and despair. After all, you know that there are no miracles in the world, just as there are no sacred places where you could feel completely safe.<</md>>
<<md>>I closed my eyes enjoying those seconds of peace that I managed to get from the universe. There are a lot of people on the beach today, but still I don't feel like I’m trapped in a huge anthill again. The sense of the ruthlessness of a huge crowd of people often weighs on me at school. You seem to be thrown into a fast stream, from which it is difficult to get out. And everywhere, wherever you go, you feel the crush and lack of peace.<</md>>
<<md>>The funny thing is that only when you are alone with nature, in a place where you really feel inner peace, are you able to understand and analyse what is really going on.<</md>>
<<md>>Taking a deep breath, I chase the dark thoughts away. I'm here for one purpose. To gain strength and feel a surge of optimism, which will allow me to become better and not notice all the fuss that has been going on around me lately. For if you start thinking, you can go crazy.<</md>>
<<md>>But I am not destined to enjoy the sound of waves or the warm pleasant touch of the sun. Too many people, too much excitement. Damn it, I came here to avoid this eternal crowd. All that is enough for me at school.<</md>>
<<md>>However, I barely have time to think about the fact that it can't get worse when this happens. A dull but quick blow makes me open my eyes. How much it hurts!<</md>>
<<md>>My eyes fill with anger, I can hear the aggressive throbbing in my temples. And when I see the one who hit me ... I just don't know what to do. This is a little boy who, despite all the screams of his short-sighted mother, continues to kick me as if I were not a living person. At school, this behaviour is easy enough to deal with, but here I am the same person as everyone else. So you need to make a decision in this regard.<</md>>
[[Reply to a kid|SeaRelaxBoy1]]
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>Close your eyes and imagine yourself in the centre of the universe. There is nothing around: no fuss, no problems, no people. All this is nonsense, it is all so insignificant. It doesn't matter how far a huge wave is if it can't touch you. After all, there is only you and your unity with the Universe.<</md>>
<<md>>Seashore and silence, because what could be better? Today there is no one here and this is the best gift that this city gave me.<</md>>
<<md>>Recently I came across an interesting book and from it I happened to learn that the seashore contributes to the best immersion in the state of meditation. That the sound of the waves is the whisper of the Universe, which is just what you need to hear. And now I think I hear not only a whisper, but also the words hiding behind it. They give me peace of mind.<</md>>
<<md>>The sound of the sea is so gentle, so sweet. He is like the words of a mother who supports you in the most difficult moment. He is the hand of salvation to you, drowning in the sea of dull gray reality.<</md>>
<<md>>I feel like I am filled with energy and calmness. How all worries wash away together with a wave, and I become a new person. New and free of the burden of the burden of unnecessary worries.<</md>>
<<md>>Looks like the book really didn't lie. This is a great way to relieve anxiety, albeit temporarily. I feel much better now.<</md>>
<<md>>I am full of strength, full of energy for new achievements!<</md>>
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $SeaRelax += 1>>\
<<md>>This is a public place and everyone is equal here. It does not matter whether you are young or old - you need to be fully responsible for your behaviour. If the kid is not taught a lesson now - then having come to school with this little asshole who kicks strangers in the knees - the teachers will have to figure it out. This cannot be allowed!<</md>>
<<md>>Consider it a slap in the face for your good, kid.<</md>>
<<md>>I jump up just as he tries to kick me in the knee again. The kid almost falls over from my sudden movement and immediately looks at me in surprise. Yes, child, you can't kick strangers with impunity.<</md>>
<<md>>Trying to control the force of my blow, I kicked him with the toe of my shoe. In response, the kid lost his balance and fell face down in the sand. His mom, who had so much admired how sweetly her baby expresses her feelings for strangers through pain, now burst into an angry tirade behind my back. But it didn't matter to me. If he is not taught now, he will get away with all sins. And we all know that there is no worse child than one who is forgiven for everything.<</md>>
<<md>>I left the beach smiling to myself. Hope you remember that baby! There is nothing to catch today, so you better get out of here as quickly as possible.<</md>>
[[Back|Beach]]<<md>>I don’t think there is any point in reacting to this behaviour. <</md>>
<<md>>This is a child and his expression of feelings is sometimes different from how a sufficiently grown person would behave. Although I cannot say that I have not seen adults express their love for other people through pain and beating. However, that's another story.<</md>>
<<md>>His behaviour is not my concern now. Yes, he was the last straw, but the hike to the beach went downhill even earlier. This is just an excuse to end today's trip as early as possible, but not a reason to teach the boy manners. Besides, who knows what kind of person he is and what consequences my destructive behaviour may have on this still fragile mind.<</md>>
<<md>>He's just a child, so I have no choice but to go away.<</md>>
[[Back|Beach]]<<md>>This morning is very hard for me.<</md>>
<<md>>I feel crushed and completely destroyed. Yesterday's events, although they did not affect me personally, made me think about whether I was doing the right thing.<</md>>
<<md>>I even dreamed terrible about how they punish me for lying. I do not remember exactly how this dream ended, but I only know what was not very pleasant to me. It seems I was hanged... Or not... Damn, I don't remember.<</md>>
<<md>>But the feeling of oppressive and pressing on the shoulders of punishment for yesterday's lies presses from the very morning, like an invisible burden. I could lie that everything is fine, but when no one is looking, I know that I am doing very badly. Is it worth shielding Michael at all at the cost of punishing students who are not even guilty of anything? There is no justice or moral principles in my action. I save the traitor from brutal reprisals. Why did I take his side at all? Because I could understand? Or because he didn't want to hurt Clara? However, none of the reasons considered the fact that I would have to punish those responsible. More precisely Clara.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name, can you hear me? You seemed to have disappeared into yourself.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara looked worried. It seems like I've been pondering too long the name of the one whose life I'm going to ruin with my "little lie."<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, sorry what have you said?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yesterday you promised me to make a report about who decided that fucking at school was a pretty good trick.<</say>>
<<md>>Yeah. If I were in her place and did not know the truth, I would also want to punish those who almost disrupted her meeting. It's good that Clara didn't decide to go there on her own. What could have happened if she caught her boyfriend with another?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course. Now, I have only one little thing left.<</say>>
<<md>>Yesterday at home, I decided it was a good idea to write a report at home. But I quickly realized that writing the name of someone who was not even there was a very, very problematic decision. These children, they are not guilty of anything.<</md>>
<<md>>However, life is sometimes cruel and you have to sacrifice pawns in order to get the queen.<</md>>
<<md>>So, all that remains is to write the name of the pawn. And it will be...<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM5Quest = 10>>\
<<set $ClaraM5TQuest = 6>>\
<<set $ClaraM4TQuest = 6>>\
<<set $ClaraM6TQuest = 1>>\
<<talk"[[Veronica|ClaraStudentsChooseVeronica]]""Weeeeed">><</talk>><<md>>Writing Monica's name in such a delicate matter is a very dangerous idea, but perhaps it will work, because no one would ever think of an ideal girl. No one will punish her, and certainly not...<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Monica? Surprisingly, I would never have thought that she had something human. She is so perfect in everything that it was already scary.<</say>>
<<md>>Here's what I expected. Clara will now cancel the punishment and this will be the end of it. And I am the winner, and the girl will not be accused of what she did not do.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Reputation is a hard thing. It takes years to earn, but it can be destroyed in an instant, right?<</say>>
<<md>>Clara knows what she's talking about. She didn’t say it for a nice word. No, this is something different. She knows what I went through and how hard it was for me at that moment. This is a game on emotions, only I cannot understand what all these games are for...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes of course.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I don't want to destroy the image of a diligent student. She did so many good things for this school that you shouldn't blame her for succumbing to the persuasion of some guy. Therefore, I instruct you to engage in educational conversation with her.<</say>>
<<md>>It looks like everything is going quite according to plan so far. I'll just pretend to talk to her, but in reality - nothing will happen.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Please note that I will check if there was a conversation at all. I will not let this incident pass without a trace. Not when the very existence of our school is at stake. If you let me down...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I will not fail!<</say>>
<<md>>I don't like the prospect of talking at all about what happened to the student, but otherwise I will just feel uncomfortable.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM6Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM6TQuest = 12>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]
<<md>>Lexi's behavior is nothing new to anyone. Her actions and even worse actions are always on everyone's lips, but by no means in a good way. If something bad happens at school, or at least very unpleasant, then without a doubt we can say that it is Lexi or Veronica. These two are eternal pain for all of us. And no matter how much we try to fix them, everything always returns to the same thing. To Lexi`s disobedience.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Lexi? Well, not to say that I did not expect this...<</say>>
<<md>>That is why Lexi is the perfect choice for this role. No one will be surprised by another trick of the one who almost blew up an entire school once. To be honest, it still surprises me why she's still being kept here. But, if everything has remained in the same place for many years, then Clara has her own interest in this. Perhaps she has an agreement with Lexi's parents. Ha, of course! As I have not thought about it before. It would be foolish to believe that Clara receives money from only one source.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>But to put on such a huge performance just to prove that we are nothing for her, even for her too much.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You know this youth riot. They do not recognize any authorities, no matter how hard we try.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes you are right. However, letting it down will allow her to win. She will continue to cause a chaos.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She will cause it anyway.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Not in such volumes, if she knows that this will be followed by a huge punishment.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara was silent for a second, and her face contorted into a sly grin. I've seen this before. She definitely has something in mind and is ready to bring her plan to life.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>We will do it this way. They say Lexi is supportive of your lessons.<</say>>
<<md>>Sometimes this surprises me more than the other. The blonde bully has made it a habit to attend my lessons, while she does not attend any other lessons.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, but how does it help us?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>So, you are some kind of authority for her, even if she does not even admit it. You need to talk to her and convince her not to do this again. I don't think I need to remind you how important it is to bring our Miss Rebel in check now, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>That's good. For my part, I will make every effort so that she does not want not to listen to these words.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you think it will work?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Must.<</say>>
<<md>>I don't like the whole idea. What if Lexi decides to tell Clara the truth? Why did I manage to get into this whole situation so much? A curse!<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM6Quest = 2>>\
<<set $ClaraM6TQuest = 13>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]<<md>>If anyone can be accused of such stupid and almost vulgar behavior without any questions, it is only Veronica. The word “morality” is just an empty phrase for her, because this girl is deprived of any standards of decency. It is in her nature to smoke the school so much that it seems as if there is a drug addict den. Or flaunt at school in such small shorts that you see her gorgeous ass as if these shorts are not there. Therefore, her next trick will not be news to anyone.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Veronica? Are you sure?<</say>>
<<md>>Clara looked at me in surprise, as if I had said something very strange. As if we are not talking about Veronica, but about Monica, who would never have done that.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, it was her. Something surprises you.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara fell silent, as if pondering every word. A very, very bad sign in my case. Did she really suspect something was wrong.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I am surprised by her such behaviour. Yes, Veronica is a very peculiar girl, but doing this is not in her style. She never substitutes for teachers or students. Despite all her defiant behaviour, Veronica respects our work, because she knows how hard it is.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Does she know?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh yes, her parents works at our school. Didn't you know?<</say>>
<<md>>Do her parents work at the school? Why didn't I know about this before? If I had known about this before, I would not have called her as my "pawn". If information about my lies leaked out to them, it would hardly be possible to hide everything so easily.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I didn't know that.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Anyway, this is something strange for her. And if I learned something during the time while I was teaching Veronica, it is that all her protests and antics are just a reaction to an external stimulus.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you want me to figure it out?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, and so that while you are a little silent about the incident. I don't want to disturb her parents. Let's try to settle everything ourselves. Scandal is the least we need now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good.<</say>>
<<md>>Such loyalty to Veronica, and especially to her parents, can play into my hands very well. Perhaps I can hide all my lies.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM6Quest = 3>>\
<<set $ClaraM6TQuest = 14>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]<<md>>As much as I would not like, as would not postpone - there is no escape from this conversation.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica has little to blame, but if you don't talk to her about it now, it will get even worse. A lie, because it will accumulate like a snowball until it covers me, crushes me under its weight. It's funny that in this case, I myself will be to blame for my own grief.<</md>>
<<md>>And yet, there is a chance to settle everything before Clara knows about my whole scheme.<</md>>
<<md>>Minutes lazily wander, until finally Monica appears at my office.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Did you want to see me, teacher?<</say>>
<<md>>And here she is. As cheerful and carefree as usual. She has always been like this, from our first acquaintance, and it seems to me that after dozens of years, her eternal optimism will continue to please me even then.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Monica, please sit down.<</say>>
<<md>>She obediently did as I ordered. After all, she constantly does what others require of her. As if she was made to serve.<</md>>
<<md>>What if I just tell her to keep quiet about what she’s learning now? About that dirty little secret that got me involved in a very bad story, the failure of which would guarantee my dismissal.<</md>>
<<md>>No, I can't tell her to be quiet. I have no guarantee that she won't just want to obey. There is no need for her to help me, which means that it will be much more difficult to keep her in check. The most troublesome are the quiet ones.<</md>>
<<md>>So, what will I do?<</md>>
<<if $mc.Charisma < 5>>\
<<talk "Convince her with truth[C]" 1 $talk "She won't believe me now">><</talk>>
[[Convince her with truth|ClaraStudentsMonicaTruth]]
<<if $cash gte 40 >>\
[[Bribe her|ClaraStudentsMonicaConversationBuy]]
[[Threat her|ClaraStudentsMonicaConversationThreat]]
<<if $id.magicBall > 0>>\
[[Ask magic ball|ClaraBallStudentsMonica]]
<</if>><<md>>The lies have brought me to where I am now. She led me into a situation of lies, from which there is almost no way out. If Clara wants to find out everything, she will easily find out about my little deception.<</md>>
<<md>>But I was lucky and now I do not intend to bury myself further for Michael's sins. The only way out now is to tell the truth and hope for understanding from Monica.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I need your help. Now there is no person to whom I could entrust this secret. Only for you.<</say>>
<<md>>Her face changed at once. A grimace of surprise froze on him, as if she saw something so perverted that she had never seen in her life.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>A secret?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Telling the truth about what happened was both easy and difficult. I understood that I had no right to declassify Michael, but did I have a way out? His secret would have dragged me to the very bottom, and he would have remained clean and without punishment. At the very least, this is not fair at all.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I understand why you did that. But by telling me your secret, you made me an accomplice in your secret. Okay, I agree to be silent if you do something for me in return.<</say>>
<<md>>In her eyes I caught some mischievous glint, from which I had a very strange feeling. Do I even know Monica? After all, now she demands something from me in return.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Say what you want.<</say>>
<say $Monica>>Oh, Mr. $mc.Name, don't be so serious! I'm not going to blackmail you or anything like that. I just want coffee.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you want me to buy you coffee? What for? Can't you yourself...<</say>>
<<md>>She laughed out loud.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Sure I can! But then the meaning will disappear. I know a place, not too far from here, that makes great coffee. We could sit there, have coffee, talk about life.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Talking about life sounds good.<</say>>
<<md>>Why did I decide that if I told her the truth, she would just decide to help me? There are no such pious people in the world. Each of us needs something.<</md>>
<<md>>But what does Monica want? Me or coffee?<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM6Quest = 11>>\
[[Let`s check|ClaraStudentsMonicaTruthCafe]]<<addmins 20>>\
<<md>>The cafe was not too crowded, for which I was grateful to fate. Now I don't have the patience to stand in a long line and wait another half hour for making coffee.<</md>>
<<md>>And if I was very gloomy, because I did not know what was on the mind of the first clever girl of our school, then Monica, on the contrary, shone.<</md>>
<<run $cash -=30>>
<<md>>However, she shone even brighter when I handed her coffee. As she promised, we just sat and chatted.<</md>>
<<md>>And while we were doing this, I felt my anxiety disappear, and instead of it comes another, very wonderful feeling. Joy and relief overwhelmed me to the brim. And that's all Monica. It was so good and calm with her.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Don't worry, your secret will be safe with me. I will not betray you.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled and finished her drink.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Good coffee. It would be nice to repeat it once, wouldn't it?<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled and I knew that if I wanted to repeat, then I know who to turn to.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Monica. I think it will be faster than you think.<</say>>
<<md>>All that remains is to inform Clara that the problem has been resolved.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM7Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM6TQuest = 10>>\
<<addAff $Monica 7>>
[[End conversation|Street York-Road]]<<addmins 10>>\
<<md>>Whoever you are: disgusting bullies, the best girl in school, or even a gym teacher, there is something that you will definitely never mind. The thing on which our society is built and which is foolish to ignore. Money.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica may be the best girl in this school, a role model and all that stuff, but she definitely won't be able to say no to money.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, listen here there was one question that would be difficult for me to solve without your help. I hope we can agree?<</say>>
<<md>>I slip 50 dollars to her in the hope that she will take it now, but will not ask unnecessary questions. But it was not the case.<</md>>
<<text r "You lost 50 dollars">>
<<say $Monica>>The experience of centuries of our ancestors says that you must first know what you are agreeing to, and then take a bribe.<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, she's smart and can't be fooled.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's put it this way. A not very pleasant incident occurred at school recently, because of which I can get into a very bad situation.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>You mean Patricia's moaning too loud?<</say>>
<<md>>Patricia! Exactly! That was the name of that girl!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you know about this?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>The whole school knows almost that, but I don't understand what I have to do with it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I had to cover the one who was with Patricia in front of our principal. And since you have a perfect reputation, Clara won't make a fuss if it's you. Therefore, I need your assistance.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Well, it's quite logical. Good.<</say>>
<<md>>She deftly takes the money into her pocket and I breathe out in relief.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>At all, I were already involved in it against my will. Should I just pretend it was me if the headmistress scolds me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, she's smart too. Understands everything without further ado. It's good that I managed to come to an agreement with her. Otherwise I cannot imagine what would have happened.<</md>>
<<md>>All that remains is to inform Clara that the problem has been resolved.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM6Quest = 11>>\
<<set $ClaraM7Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM6TQuest = 10>>\
<<set $cash -= 50>>\
<<addAff $Monica 5>>\
[[End conversation|Second floor]]
<<addmins 10>>\
<<md>>Now I have no choice but to put pressure on the girl. Push until she’s afraid she’s ready to do whatever I ask. Until from a self-willed girl she will become my slave. I have to succeed at this now. There is too much at stake, too much of a risk in letting her know the truth.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, do you think this is a joke? Do you think you can do this and think that everyone around you is fools?<</say>>
<<md>>Her face suddenly turned pale, as if someone had painted it with chalk.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Teacher, I...<</say>>
<<md>>You can't give her a word to say. Otherwise, she will feel her power over this situation and then it will be very difficult to turn it around.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, Monica, no "teacher, I..."! Your pranks know no bounds! You must stop!<</say>>
<<md>>I raised my voice as much as possible. Now she will be in my power. Here, tears even flowed from her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I do not understand...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh you don't understand! If you do it again. If at least once I hear from Clara a complaint about your behaviour...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Teacher, I'm sorry, I don't understand... I'll do whatever is needed... Don't shout, please!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good. Then you will take upon yourself all the punishment that the principal will assign to you, do you understand me?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Fine. It seems now, no matter what Clara would say, Monica will agree to everything.<</md>>
<<md>>All that remains is to inform Clara that the problem has been resolved.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM6Quest = 13>>\
<<set $ClaraM7Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM6TQuest = 10>>\
[[End conversation|Second floor]]<<md>>My plan can't be bad. Has no right. <</md>>
<<md>>Otherwise, then I am doomed to failure for the rest of my life. After what happened... failing here last time would be tantamount to death. Not to say that I am proud of the fact that I decided to help Michael, but since I am already in it up to tips of my ears, then stopping halfway and giving up is simply stupid.<</md>>
<<md>>No one will think of me, because until now I have not spoiled my reputation too much, which means that my words can be trusted. Unlike Lexi, whose actions raise a whole bunch of questions every time. It won't surprise anyone if they find out that this girl was having sex so loudly that the whole university heard it.<</md>>
<<md>>At the same time, I can't know what's on Lexi's mind. If she decides to annoy me in any way, then my career may well fly into the abyss. Therefore, now, before she comes, it is important to think over each step. Facing an already guilty girl is not the worst thing to do. But how will the victim behave if she is pushed against the wall?<</md>>
<<md>>The door opens lazily and I notice a familiar face.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Teacher, may I come in?<</say>>
<<md>>I nod sternly and point Lexi to the front desk. And while the girl sits down, I close the doors. I don't need extra witnesses if I want to take the least legitimate path. Clara doesn't need scandals, I don't need scandals. I am for everything to go quietly and peacefully, but to calculate all the options is beyond my strength.<</md>>
<<md>>Lexi loves to break the rules and if I play along with her a little, I can quite achieve what I want. But on the other hand, breaking the rules will pull me into a hole even deeper than the one in which I am now. I need to decide what to do and the sooner the better.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Charisma > 4 && $mc.Boldness < 6>>\
<<talk "Seduce her[B]" 1 $talk "I`m not that bold!">><</talk>>
<<elseif $mc.Charisma < 4 && $mc.Boldness > 6>>\
<<talk "Seduce her[C]" 1 $talk "I`m not that charismatic!">><</talk>>
<<elseif $mc.Charisma < 4 && $mc.Boldness < 6>>\
<<talk "Seduce her[C][B]" 1 $talk "I`m not that charismatic and bold!">><</talk>>
[[Seduce her|ClaraStudentsLexiSeduce]]
[[Buy her silence|ClaraStudentsLexiBuy]]
<<if $mc.Boldness > 4>>\
[[Threat her|ClaraStudentsLexiThreat]]
<<if $id.magicBall > 0>>\
[[Ask magic ball|ClaraMagicBallStudentsLexi]]
<<md>>Lexi is a very sexy girl, there shouldn't even be any talk. Breaking the rules is in her blood. I bet she gets as much pleasure as the orgasm of avoiding punishment every time. This is the drug she is addicted to. A drug she can't refuse.<</md>>
<<md>>And so she got caught.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, I need your help...<</say>>
<<md>>I run my hands over her shoulder. She twitched at first for a moment, as if expecting me to grab her, but soon calmed down.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes?<</say>>
<<md>>I move close to her and bend over to whisper in her ear.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I had to cover one person. And called your name. Don't worry, nothing criminal. I just need you to take the blame for Clara.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>What do I get in return?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It.<</say>>
<<md>>I abruptly pull the schoolgirl to me and our lips merge in a hot kiss. Our tongues are twisted and playing, pleasing each other.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>But this is not enough. Kiss not enough payment for my services.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles sexy and I know what she wants. I will give her this pleasure to the fullest.<</md>>
<<md>>I abruptly, almost barbarously tear off her clothes and she remains in only her panties. I squeeze her chest with my hands and run my hands between the legs, where it is already quite wet.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like you were waiting for this.<</say>>
<<md>>I smile and start playing with my fingers with her pussy. She moans with pleasure when my index finger enters her completely. I start to move faster and faster, watching as Lexi tries to restrain herself, how she moans, and finally cums loudly on the floor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So we agreed.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes,yes.<</say>>
<<md>>Great, so the plan was a success. All that remains is to inform Clara that the problem has been resolved.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM6Quest = 21>>\
<<set $ClaraM7Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM6TQuest = 10>>\
<<addLust $Lexi 5>>
[[End conversation|Second floor]]<<md>>Lexi is not like a person who will gladly help you in any situation. No, such a virtue is unfamiliar to her, perhaps even unthinkable. In any situation, this girl thinks of only one thing. About herself.<</md>>
<<md>>Lexi only loves Lexi and this is her essence. Take it away from her and there will be no trace of the girl I know. Therefore, it is better not to pretend that she will change. This will never happen.<</md>>
<<md>>Better to be honest with her as with yourself. She needs something, I need something. The question is not even whether she will agree, because I know that she will. The question is whether the student will charge too high a price for her services.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, I need your help.<</say>>
<<md>>She looked up at me, but her lips were already twisted into a malicious grin.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Really?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. There was an incident at school recently and I knew the culprit. When Clara asked me who was this, I called your name.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Me? But it's not my fault!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know, I know. I have done wrong. But can we work it out? I'm sure there is something that you need in order for you to plead guilty to what you did not do in front of Clara.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Now when you say, yes. I want to drink wine with you.<</say>>
<<md>>Is it just wine? I thought her desires would be somehow more sophisticated, or something. Can't she buy wine by her own?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I'll bring it to your home and we'll have a drink.<</say>>
<<md>>But she laughed out loud in response to my words.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>No, no, not at home. I want to drink it right here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Is it too dangerous? If Clara finds out that I am getting students drunk...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>What will Clara say when she finds out that you accuse students of something they didn't do at all?<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, she's good at manipulating people. Yes, if I want everything to be completed normally and without unnecessary hassle, I think I should hurry up and buy her wine.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, stay here, I'll be there soon.<</say>>
<<set $ClaraM6Quest = 22>>\
<<addAff $Lexi 5>>
[[Leave the room|Second floor]]<<md>>I think this wine will work for Lexi.It is quite mischievous, just like her. The main thing is that she keep her word and that I did not have any problems.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM6Quest = 221>>\
[[Bring wine|ClaraStudentsLexiBuyWine2]]
<<md>>When I got back to class Lexi was there. She was waiting for me in the same place where I left her.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Oh, I see you still decided to get your student drunk.<</say>>
<<md>>What an insidious girl! She herself persuaded me to do it and now she herself laughs at me because of this!<</md>>
<<md>>Okay, the main thing here is to end this.<</md>>
<<md>>We opened the bottle and started drinking.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>For shared secrets!<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi's face reddened as she hardly drank the first glass.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>For my wonderful teacher.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>For Veronica, this dirty bitch!<</say>>
<<md>>When the bottle was emptied - Lexi was too drunk, and so was I. I could not afford to go home and let everyone see me, much less a girl in such a state. So we both fell asleep in the middle of the class.<</md>>
<<md>>I may be a little drunk, but the main thing is that it's over. I figured out this situation. Intuition tells me that Lexi will still keep his word.<</md>>
<<md>>All that remains is to inform Clara that the problem has been resolved.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM7Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM6TQuest = 10>>\
[[End conversation|Second floor]]
<<md>>Lexi has always achieved what she wanted, because of the excessive freedom. Our school is very good, but the fact that there was no punishment or fear for a long time here gave rise to a terrible monster, whose name is Lexi.<</md>>
<<md>>Lexi knows that no matter what wrong she does, nothing will happen. She will come out dry from the water.<</md>>
<<md>>And because now it is the best weapon!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you think this is funny, Lexi?<</say>>
<<md>>I instantly grab her hand and squeeze it tight.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Your games are over.<</say>>
<<md>>My fingers dig deep into the girl's skin and I hear her moan.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>What the... Let me go!<</say>>
<<md>>She tries to break free, but in vain.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I won't. I will hold you until it hurts unbearably. But even then, I will not let go, because you forgot your place.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>What's the matter with you? What do you want?<</say>>
<<md>>She does not hold herself back and screams in pain. Exactly what I need in order to put it in its place.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So that you do everything that I say, otherwise physical pain will be the least of your worries, do you understand me?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Got it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I want you to agree to take the blame if Clara accuses you of something.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes OK. Just let me go.<</say>>
<<md>>Satisfied with what I heard, I let go of her hand, which remains red. It was unpleasant for her, but very necessary for me. I cannot let her ruin my career with such an unnecessary truth.<</md>>
<<md>>All that remains is to inform Clara that the problem has been resolved.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM6Quest = 23>>\
<<set $ClaraM7Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM6TQuest = 10>>\
[[End conversation|Second floor]]<<md>>Veronica is a very controversial person.<</md>>
<<md>>Until recently, I thought I knew who she was. For me, she was just a naughty student who was too late in her rebellious phase. But the sudden facts made me reconsider my views. If everything is clear with Lexi and the whole school agreed that she was a daredevil, then Veronica... Do I know who Veronica is in general?<</md>>
<<md>>Until recently, I did not even think that her parents works at our school. And if Clara doubted that Veronica could do this, then maybe she really couldn't?<</md>>
<<md>>However, now there is no way back. Anyway, I need to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.<</md>>
<<md>>If Veronica suddenly decides to kick up her conscience, then I will not see a calm future. Therefore, it is in my own interests to sort things out as quickly as possible.<</md>>
<<md>>Veronica enters the audience quite calmly, one might even say relaxed. There is no excitement or anxiety in her.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>You called me, teacher?<</say>>
<<md>>I nod and point her to the desk, at which she still slowly sits down. It remains only to decide how I will deal with Veronica and our little problem.<</md>>
[[Tell the truth|ClaraStudentsVeronicaTruth]]
[[Lie to her|ClaraStudentsVeronicaLie]]
<<if $id.magicBall > 0>>\
[[Ask magic ball|ClaraMagicBallStudentsVeronica]]
<</if>><<md>>For some reason, Clara trusts Veronica and says that she is not quite the same as I imagined. Perhaps I should generally reconsider my vision of this girl. The best way to find out if I'm right or wrong is to tell the girl the truth. If there is not so much selfishness in her and there is compassion for others, then she will easily take my place.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, something happened here recently, in which I would need your help...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl raised her eyes to me and I was surprised to find not an empty glass gaze, which was often present in my lessons, but eyes full of attention.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>What happened? Are you alright?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, but... Not really. It's hard for me to talk about it. I seem to have dragged you into a story you wouldn't want to be in.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>What do you have in mind?<</say>>
<<md>>It’s never been so hard for me to tell the truth. When I spoke with Сlara about this, I did not feel the pangs of conscience and regret that now haunt me. Especially when Veronica looks into my eyes so attentively and knowingly.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes, I understand that you had no other choice. Whomever secret you are guarding, he can be proud that he has such a friend.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Don't worry, it's not the first time for me to accept someone else's fault. Very often because of Lexi it gets to me, even though I didn't do anything like that, you know? You are not the first, you are not the last. I won't make a drama about it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks. You helped me a lot.<</say>>
<<md>>Surprisingly, I did so much terrible, but Veronica easily agrees to help me, pull me out of the swamp, into which I drove myself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What do you want for your help?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Do you not believe that people can just help each other?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I believe.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>But you are afraid that I will not fulfil my promise. It's good if you feel calmer this way. Get me some weed.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good.<</say>>
<<md>>I don’t know if I did it for me or for herself, but it’s better to be sure that Veronica will not shake too much in front of the principal.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM6Quest = 31>>\
[[Time to buy some weed|Second floor]]
<<md>>No, I don't think opening up to a girl like Veronica will solve any problem. On the contrary, it will only aggravate the situation. I will remain hostage to her desires and then I will have to fulfil all her whims. I cannot afford that.<</md>>
<<md>>There is only one way out - to lie to Veronica about the true reason for her action. And it is better to keep silent about the act. The less she knows, the more favourable this outcome will be for me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know what time is it for school now? And why is it important for the principal?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes, it's a stupid charity.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So, the principal needs you to plead guilty. This is such a small game for our sponsors. She needs to show her authority and that she is being obeyed.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Why doesn't she take Lexi then?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, you know Lexi. She's sure to ruin something.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Monica?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Monica is a bad actress. But you're a different matter. You can help us out if you do as I say. Good?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>It's good if it helps the school.<</say>>
<<md>>All that remains is to inform Clara that the problem has been resolved.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM6Quest = 32>>\
<<set $ClaraM7Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM6TQuest = 10>>\
[[End conversation|Second floor]]<<md>>Veronica stood in the corridor, sadly looking at everything around. It's time to talk to her and resolve the issue with her talkativeness once and for all.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, where did you get this? Well this is a very expensive thing! Now you can be sure that your secret will stay with me.<</say>>
<<md>>Great, so we figured it out.<</md>>
<<md>>All that remains is to inform Clara that the problem has been resolved.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM6Quest = 311>>\
<<set $ClaraM7Quest = 1>>\
<<addAff $Veronica 5>>
<<set $ClaraM6TQuest = 10>>\
[[End conversation|Second floor]]
<<addmins 10>>\
<<md>>There are events after which you do not remain the same. <</md>>
<<md>>Usually they touch you directly, but very often it happens differently. Very often, just one glance or one action is enough for you to rethink your whole life. Then you understand that you acted wrong, that each step pushed you closer and closer to the abyss. <</md>>
<<md>>And I almost fell into the abyss of lies and deceit, if Clara did not give me a helping hand. She always treated me well from the very beginning, so cheating on her was a very wrong decision.<</md>>
<<md>>Now, sitting in my room, I understand this perfectly and I have no doubts about the correctness of my deed. The question is how to put our plan with Clara into action. If Michael is a reasonable person, then he will try to avoid temptations for a while. <</md>>
<<md>>On the other hand, he doesn't seem to be using his brain much to... Yes, for anything! After all, then he could have avoided the situation. And to beat the guards to the point of unconsciousness seems more like an instinctive decision than a thoughtful plan.<</md>>
<<md>>Unlike him, I cannot afford to make mistakes and give myself away. After all, if he finds out about this, then I will be in trouble. Therefore, you need to think over a plan.<</md>>
<<md>>Looking again for the girl with whom he got into trouble is very foolish. Michael may be a man of instincts, but even a wild beast knows that if you get burned once, then you shouldn't go into the same place again.<</md>>
<<md>>No, I have to make a graceful trap for him. He must forget about everything. About my warnings, about Clara and about everything, and will rush after the girl. This means that this must be such a beautiful girl, whom he cannot refuse.<</md>>
<<md>>Ha, yeah, of course! Several times I saw Michael looking at one of the students with an aggressive, almost wild look. I am sure if he gets such a chance, he will gladly swallow the bait and cheat on Clara with a girl.<</md>>
<<md>>And if everything is clear enough with Michael, then how to convince a young and very attractive schoolgirl to sleep with a teacher, who is not me, is not an easy task. I think I'll have to try.<</md>>
<<md>>After half an hour of conversation and persuasion on the phone, we agreed on everything. At first, it seemed to me that the girl would never agree, because she in every possible way denied even the possibility of such a development of events. <</md>>
<<md>>But suddenly for myself, I found out that she hates Michael as much as half of the class. After all, this man will never miss the chance to touch the girls in front of their classmates. He stares at their breasts, undresses them with a glance and spreads his arms. These facts were enough to convince the student to help me. <</md>>
<<md>>After all, she was ready to do anything just to save the school from the presence of this "lubricious worm".<</md>>
<<md>>Well, it remains to wait a little and put the whole plan into action. And then Michael will be over.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM5Quest = 31>>\
<<set $ClaraM7TQuest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM5TQuest = 18>>\
[[Great|My room]]
<<addmins 20>>\
<<md>>The clock lazily ticked off the minutes while I waited for the right time. You can't risk making Michael suspicious of being too active. If the girl does her plan right now, then it will definitely be very suspicious. Even a short-sighted person like Michael can understand the point.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>As soon as the bell rings - go straight to the gym. Wait until there are no people there, and then do everything that we agreed on.<</say>>
<<md>>Sitting with the girl in the dining room, we once again discussed the plan. It is important for me that everything goes perfectly, otherwise there will be no second chance. As soon as Clara appears in the gym, in which Michael will be with the most beautiful girl in the school, everyone will reveal their cards. I can`t play this card for a second time.<</md>>
<<md>>The girl obediently nods and silently absorbs every word that I say to her. When the bell finally puts an end to my expectations, we leave the dining room and go to different places. I'm to Clara's office, and she's to the gym.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM5Quest = 32>>\
[[Clara`s office|MichaelCheatingGym]]
<<addmins 5>>\
<<md>>Clara walks with me without further ado, but when we enter the gym, we find something quite different from what we expected to see. Michael stands and actively talks to Lucy, while the student stands to the side, not even approaching her teacher.<</md>>
<<md>>What did Lucy forget here? Why would she want to talk to Michael right now?<</md>>
<<md>>Clara seemed to stare at me and quickly left the gym. Damn it, I shouldn't leave her like this now. What if she decides that I went over and sided with Michael?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, wait.<</say>>
<<md>>But Clara does not slow down for a second. Her footsteps echo down the half-empty hallway.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Do you think I'm such a fool that I'll buy it? Have you decided that male solidarity is more important? That can you make a fool of me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, wait, it's not like that!<</say>>
<<md>>I grab her hand as this is the only way to put her to slow down.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>How then? Can you explain?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don't know where Lucy came from. She inappropriately ruined our whole plan... Maybe, you should ask our student. I spent almost half an hour talking with her about the details of the plan.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara took a deep breath.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay, now there is nothing to grieve. Do you still want to catch him with me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes of course.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I guess then we need to wait. Don't worry, I'll make him want to ask you to cover him once again. Then we'll grab him. For now, wait and don't do anything. Oh yes, and send that student to my office. I have a task for her.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Clara.<</say>>
<<md>>I wonder what she's up to now?<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM7TQuest = 2>>\
[[End conversation|School reception]]
<<addmins 10>>\
<<md>>The plan has failed.<</md>>
<<md>>I built it for so long, thought over a lot, but did not take into account the random factor. If we were at war, a military tribunal would already be waiting for me. The only good news is that Clara is very loyal to me and has not lost her prudence. So I just have to wait until Michael comes to me himself.<</md>>
<<md>>However, he is unlikely to do this today, because now another of Clara's sponsors should come. Michael isn't suicidal, is he?<</md>>
<<md>>After 15 minutes, I realized that all my thoughts were about Homo sapiens, but not Michael. This man didn't seem to care at all about safety or warnings. If all our ancestors were like Michael, humanity would have died out long ago, without having had time to originate. After all, this man is standing here now and asks to cover him.<</md>>
<<md>>What's wrong with him?<</md>>
<<md>>However, I’m even glad that I don’t have to invent a very cunning tactic. I wonder if it was Clara who tried, or was it inborn stupidity? Anyway, it's not worth showing, so I agree when he hands me another 50 bucks asking me to cover him up.<</md>>
<<md>>I'll get you covered, dude. I'll cover it so that they take you out of here dead.<</md>>
<<md>>The thought of revenge warms my soul. Still, it should have happened earlier, then in the gym. But now you won't get away, Mr. Traitor.<</md>>
<<md>>I texted Clara and indicated the date and place that I managed to get out of such gullible Michael.<</md>>
<<md>>She thanked me and asked me to come to her office in an hour. Well, we'll see how everything will be decided.<</md>>
[[Clara`s office|MichaelCheatingSecondPlan2]]<<say $mc>>May I?<</say>>
<<md>>The hour passed quickly enough. I got ready for tomorrow's lesson, read the news a bit, and learned about a strange drug that causes chickens to be attracted to rats. A very strange drug, if you think about it...<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, sit down.<</say>>
<<md>>A smile beamed on Clara's face. But there was nothing of happiness in her. No, it was a mask that meant absolutely nothing. Only that she did not want to talk about the pain that was inside her.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You did a great job, $mc.Name. I managed to catch our traitor hot. Now he had no chance to get out. He will be fired tomorrow.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Are you okay?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>If you can call it that...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I thought you wanted this.<</say>>
<<md>>She sighs heavily and covers her face with her hands.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>It doesn't make it any less difficult for me.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, the situation is clearly not easy. The betrayal of a loved one always hurts, no matter what wall you build in front of you. I think for now I better leave Clara alone and not put too much pressure on her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>If you want to talk about it - I'm ready to listen.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Thank you $mc.Name, you've done quite a lot already.<</say>>
<<md>>Now I have nothing more to say to her, so I leave her office.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM5Quest = 33>>\
<<set $ClaraM7Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM7TQuest = 3>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave her office|Second floor]]<<md>>I'm glad it worked out so smoothly with Michael.<</md>>
<<md>>At first I was very worried that Clara would so easily believe me and whether she would sniff out. For if that happened, then our entire contract with Michael would not be worth a few bucks.<</md>>
<<md>>But the gullibility of the headmistress is now what I need. Perhaps our big secret will remain great. If we, of course, do not tempt fate. I like taking risks, but doing something stupid repeatedly is very short-sighted.<</md>>
<<md>>Today is a very easy day. I would say that it is so light that I almost forgot how much tension hung in the school for the last few days due to the arrival of sponsors for Clara. But now I just enjoy the fact that children are listening to me, and I am able to tell them something new, immerse them in the abyss of knowledge about our body.<</md>>
<<md>>And just as I was about to leave the classroom, a familiar face appeared on the threshold. In such clothes and without burning eyes, I did not immediately recognize Michael in front of me. But when I found out, we happily shook hands.<</md>>
<<md>>Although the joy was only for him. I'm not sure if it's a good idea for the two of us to shine together right now, especially after that incident. Why the hell did he even forget here?<</md>>
<<md>>The answer was a 50 dollar bill. He's already completely crazy! It is very risky to do what he has in mind now. He exposes not only himself, but also me. After all, I took the money then, which means that I am also an accomplice in the crime.<</md>>
<<md>>No matter how I persuaded, no matter how I spoke about the danger of such an act, Michael did not listen to me. All that came from him was the words "sexy", "chica", "ass", "dick". And how many times he said the word "bro" I just lost count.<</md>>
<<md>>Reluctantly, I agreed and Michael disappeared. Where are we going?<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM8TQuest = 1>>\
[[Went to a corridor|MichaelCheatingLie2]]<<md>>As soon as I went out into the corridor, a familiar voice called out to me.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name, have you seen Michael? We agreed to meet, but he still isn't there.<</say>>
<<md>>And again I am here, and again I lie to Clara in order to protect Michael. I don’t understand why I’m doing this at all.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, he apologized, but something broke in his parents' house and he ran to fix it.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Strange... Why didn't he told me about it personally?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don’t know, Clara, maybe he was in a hurry?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Maybe.<</say>>
<<md>>No, I don't need to stay here. Clara can ask unnecessary questions and then my whole line of defence will simply crumble to pieces. Hopefully she's not suspicious.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM5Quest = 21>>\
<<set $ClaraM7Quest = 1>>\
[[Damn|Second floor]]<<set $ClaraM6TQuest = 20>>\
<<set $ClaraM7TQuest = 10>>\
<<set $ClaraM8TQuest = 10>>\
<<set $ClaraM9TQuest = 1>>\
<<md>>Uhhh... My working day hasn't fully started yet, and I'm already tired. The only thing that really saves is my class. There must be some madness going on downstairs today. In order not to drown in this sea of madness, I headed here, to the only place where it is calm enough.<</md>>
<<md>>However, even then my calmness was quickly torn to pieces when the doors opened abruptly, and Linda stood on the threshold.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Linda? Something happened?<</say>>
<<md>>For the first time in a long time, I saw Linda off the first floor. This event is so rare that you don't even need to guess - something very ambiguous happened.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Yes. Investors will be here in an hour.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, let Clara handle this. This is her job.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>In fact of the matter! Сlara has to bee at work for an hour already, but I just can't get through to her.<</say>>
<<md>>Panic is heard in her voice. Yes, and I understand that for Сlara there is nothing more important than school.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you have an address? Could I go and check if she's okay?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Yes, I was hoping so. Here is the address. Try to bring her back within an hour. If investors see that she is not at school, there will be trouble.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Find someone to replace me.<</say>>
<<md>>I throw these words to her, and leave.<</md>>
[[Ride to Clara`s place|ClaraConditioner2]]<<addmins 10>>\
<<md>>Her house from the outside looks exactly the same as I imagined. Large, luxurious, which inspires thoughts of greatness. Match it`s mistress. But what happened to Clara?<</md>>
<<md>>The bell sounded loud and alarming, but nothing followed. I still stood in front of empty and soulless doors, hoping for a miracle. Perhaps she just isn't at home?<</md>>
<<md>>The repeated bell did not seem to bring the desired effect either, but suddenly a voice reached me from afar, barely audible. Clara is still at home.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraRedLingerie.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $ClaraVideo1Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo1Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>After a few minutes of waiting, the doors opened and the principal stood in front of me. At first, I didn't recognize her. She looked tired and sexy at the same time. The half-closed eyes contrasted too much with the bright red lingerie. But in this form, she looked just luxurious.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice, however, sounded as if she had caught a cold or had been drinking the whole evening yesterday.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara. Are you alright?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>What? Yes... It's just the air conditioner, it seems to have broken down and I got a little cold.<</say>>
<<md>>And then she seemed to fully understand who was standing in front of her and covered herself.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name, why are you here? You didn't come to visit me, did you?<</say>>
<<md>>If she constantly met me in such luxurious lingerie, I would be ready to visit her at least every day.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Can I come in?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Ah, yes, of course. Come in.<</say>>
<<md>>The first thing that I felt when I went inside was the strongest cold. How did Clara manage not to be numb here at all? There almost the North Pole.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, investors will come to school in less than an hour. And it is desirable for you to be there. Linda is not herself with excitement.<</say>>
<<md>>The woman almost jumped up at my words.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Ah, damn it, yes! Damnation, everything is at the wrong time. What a wrong time!<</say>>
<<md>>She rushed to search for her clothes all over the house, almost falling. I've never seen her in such a terrible state. In any case, even if we go right now, it will not improve her condition. We need to do something about it.<</md>>
[[Make her coffee|ClaraConditionerCoffee]]
<<if $id.boxofchocolate > 0 && $id.whisky > 0>>\
[[Make something special|ClaraConditionerDrink]]
<<elseif $id.boxofchocolate > 0 && $id.whisky < 1>>\
<<talk "Make something special[INV]" 1 $talk "I don't have whisky with me.">><</talk>>
<<elseif $id.boxofchocolate < 1 && $id.whisky > 0>>\
<<talk "Make something special[INV]" 1 $talk "I don't have chocolate with me.">><</talk>>
<<elseif $id.boxofchocolate == 0 && $id.whisky == 0>>\
<<talk "Make something special[INV]" 1 $talk "I don't have chocolate and whisky with me">><</talk>>
<</if>>\<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(11)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(50)>>\
<<md>>An excellent boost of vivacity, which will give her just one cup of coffee - what she needs now. If I have a hard day or, on the contrary, I need to be in shape, then a cup of coffee is exactly what you need.<</md>>
<<md>>While Clara is looking for her clothes, I don't need to get in the way. Better to please her. So I go to the kitchen, boil water there and begin to make a little miracle. There is almost no merit in this, but the divine smell spreads throughout the house.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>What are you doing here?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I decided to help you cheer up a little.<</say>>
<<md>>I hand her a hot cup.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh, that's so nice of you, thank you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The principal cannot be without energy on such an important day.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes you are right. I have to shine.<</say>>
<<md>>When we're done with coffee, we get into the car and go to school. But before she leaves, she thanks me. And for some reason this thanks warms the soul like nothing else.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I hope we'll see you at the ball tomorrow? It is at 3 p.m<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course.<</say>>
<<set $ClaraM7Quest = 2>>\
<<set $ClaraM8Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM9TQuest = 2>>\
<<addAff $Clara 5>>
[[Back to school|School gate]]<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(11)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(50)>>\
<<md>>Clara urgently needs to come to her senses. In this case, a regular cup of coffee is indispensable. Here we need emergency therapy, which will put our beloved principal on her feet. If something is not done now, she may just fall asleep right in front of the investors. And this is not beneficial to anyone, especially to me.<</md>>
<<md>>It's good that I decided to take the necessary ingredients with me. I don't know why, but my intuition did not disappoint me. Therefore, taking out a large cup, I poured the contents of a can of energy drink into it, and with it a half glass of whiskey mixed with melted chocolate. This drink will put anyone on their feet. From my own experience I can say that this is so.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>What are you doing here?<</say>>
<<md>>Clara, already dressed in her usual strict style, comes up to me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I decided to help you cheer up a little.<</say>>
<<md>>I hand her a cup with everything inside.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh, that's so nice of you, thank you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The principal cannot be without energy on such an important day.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes you are right. I have to shine.<</say>>
<<md>>When the drink is over, we get into the car and go to school. But before she leaves, she thanks me. And for some reason this thanks warms the soul like nothing else.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I hope we'll see you at the ball tomorrow? It is at 3 p.m<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course.<</say>>
<<set $id.boxofchocolate -= 1>>\
<<set $id.whisky -= 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM7Quest = 2>>\
<<set $ClaraM8Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM9TQuest = 2>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addAff $Clara 7>>
[[Back to school|School gate]]<<md>>Festive ball. These words made me dizzy in my youth, because then I was nothing more than a shy teenager who could not even dance properly. Then it seemed such a grandiose event that it is difficult to convey even in words.<</md>>
<<md>>A little time has passed since then and I gained confidence and learned to dance. Although I still do it very reluctantly.<</md>>
<<md>>But now it is very important for Clara, and I want not to let her down in general. And this is the most important thing in this "week of investors", as I managed to understand. Everyone loves a good ending, so I think you can have a little patience for your future. I can't imagine how much pressure, how much inconvenience Clara endures for all of us.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Do you like it here?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, very.<</say>>
<<md>>This was not a lie. The way everything is decorated here, what kind of music and what kind of atmosphere around made me admire. It was as if I had plunged into the atmosphere of antiquity, of all this nobility.<</md>>
<<md>>And also Clara's hand in my hand when we danced.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I want to say that I really appreciate everything that you have done for me during this time. Without your help, I'm not sure if I could have done it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You could. You are a strong and intelligent woman who does not care about any problems.<</say>>
<<md>>I was gladdened by the absence of students in the hall. Only teachers and sponsors were the hosts of this holiday.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasOn = 1>>\
<<if $ClaraM9Quest == 0>>\
[[Everything is great|ClaraBallTruth]]
<<if $ClaraM9Quest == 1>>\
[[Everything is great|ClaraBallTruth]]
<<if $ClaraM9Quest == 2>>\
[[Everything is great|ClaraBallLie]]
<</if>><<md>>And like a bolt from the blue sky, the doors opened and Michael entered, all out of breath, sweaty and in the same athletic uniform. He looked like a white spot among all of us in tuxedos and dresses.<</md>>
<<md>>He immediately started screaming so loudly that the music stopped instantly. All attention was focused on him.<</md>>
<<md>>He immediately began to accuse me of various things. The fact that I stole his girlfriend and arranged everything that he will kill me from the world and that I will not be good.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Michael, it's over between us. You can blame $mc.Name as much as you want, but the truth is, you ruined it all.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara spoke quite reservedly, but I'm sure these were not the words she wanted to say. But there were too many investors around whom she did not want to see her dark side.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I suppose you'd better leave.<</say>>
<<md>>However, Michael did not want to listen and a fight broke out between us.<</md>>
<<md>>Michael hissed, I stepped on him, I only pushed him to the floor once, but he quickly returned to duty. Now I myself had to defend myself, because nothing in the world could stop this angry man. I realized that fighting was never my passion. Some unimaginable hell boiled around.<</md>>
<<md>>Final blow, Michael is on the floor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, I'm sorry...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>You are not guilty of anything. But I need to leave.<</say>>
<<md>>And she left me, leaving me in a hall full of strangers.<</md>>
<<md>>What will happen now?<</md>>
[[Go away|ClaraBallBarTruth1]]<<md>>And like a bolt from the blue sky, the doors opened and Michael entered, all out of breath, sweaty and in the same athletic uniform. He looked like a white spot among all of us in tuxedos and dresses.<</md>>
<<md>>He immediately started screaming so loudly that the music stopped instantly. All attention was focused on him.<</md>>
<<md>>He immediately began to accuse me of various things. The fact that I lied to Clara, that I tried to steal his girlfriend and set up everything that he will kill me from the light and that I will not be good.<</md>>
<<if $ClaraM2Quest == 11>>\
<<md>>That I stole money from students.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Michael, your accusations are ridiculous. I didn't steal anything from anyone.<</say>>
<<if $ClaraM2Quest == 11>>\
<<md>>But Michael showed everyone the proof - he said that the money stolen from the students was tagged. And he can prove it.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn, it's may payment for covering him...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I suppose you'd better leave.<</say>>
<<md>>However, Michael did not want to listen and a fight broke out between us.<</md>>
<<md>>Michael hissed, I stepped on him, I only pushed him to the floor once, but he quickly returned to duty. Now I myself had to defend myself, because nothing in the world could stop this angry man. I realized that fighting was never my passion. Some unimaginable hell boiled around.<</md>>
<<md>>Final blow, Michael is on the floor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, I'm sorry...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I do not want to talk about this. I need to go.<</say>>
<<md>>And she left me, leaving me in a hall full of strangers.<</md>>
<<md>>What will happen now?<</md>>
[[Go away|ClaraBallBarLie]]<<md>>For a while I tried to be surrounded by strangers, but without Clara it felt somehow differently. Besides, the confrontation with Michael completely ruined my joyful mood. You have to be able to do that...<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, I do not think for long, I went to the bar, where I knew that I could easily pour my sadness. I was so damn sorry that all of Clara's work was simply destroyed by the mere appearance of her ex-boyfriend. And let him be an ex, and let him cheat on her... It is unlikely that investors will be interested in this. For them, everything human is unknown.<</md>>
<<md>>Imagine my surprise when I saw Clara in the same dress in which she was at the ball.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Didn't know you like to drink.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I don’t like it, but now there is no way out.<</say>>
<<md>>She emptied her glass easily, like an inveterate alcoholic.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>He ruined everything, you know. Everything I've built this way. In the eyes of investors, I am not worthy of this money. Not worthy of anything.<</say>>
<<md>>I felt sorry for Clara. She's so killed by this jerk. No, she's not guilty of anything. I took her hand gently.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You can handle everything. You've always done well. I always liked that about you...<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me dumbfounded, as if I had said that I had killed a man.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You... really... you like me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>True.<</say>>
<<md>>And then suddenly she bent down and our lips touched each other. This feeling is like an electrical charge, from which you feel so much excited that you can hardly even resist.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Go here. I need to calm down a little.<</say>>
[[Calm her|ClaraBallBarTruth2]]<<set $ClaraM10TQuest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM9TQuest = 20>>\
<<md>>When we were at her house, our tongues were tightly intertwined in a dance, exchanging saliva. She was so hot that I almost burned from the inside. I wanted her more than anything in this life. She gently nibbled on my lips until she was distracted.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I want something more. I heard you have something big here.<</say>>
<<addLust $Clara 7>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraSuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $ClaraVideo4Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo4Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She knelt down and touched between my legs, where a dick was ready to tear the fabric of my trousers, just to be in this sexy and lustful mouth!<</md>>
<<md>>I wanted her like never before... <</md>>
<<md>>She sank to the floor. She was delicious. Nothing else mattered. All needed was me - and my cock, which melted under her tongue... <</md>>
<<md>>My cock was that big plug that had already found its socket, but I was not thinking about anything when our tongues caressed each other. Her eyes burned with fierce desire.<</md>>
<<md>>Unable to endure this sweet agony, I surrendered to the flow of passion and threw all the contents into her mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>God, how sexy she looks with my seed on her lips.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM10Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM8Quest = 2>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(20)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(50)>>\
<<set $ClaraM10TQuest = 2>>\
<<set $ClaraM9TQuest = 20>>\
<<md>>For a while I tried to be surrounded by strangers, but without Clara it felt somehow differently. Besides, the confrontation with Michael completely ruined my joyful mood. You have to be able to do that...<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, I do not think for long, I went to the bar, where I knew that I could easily pour my sadness. I was so damn sorry that all of Clara's work was simply destroyed by the mere appearance of her ex-boyfriend. And let him be an ex, and let him cheat on her... It is unlikely that investors will be interested in this. For them, everything human is unknown.<</md>>
<<md>>Imagine my surprise when I saw Clara in the same dress in which she was at the ball.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, I'm really sorry it turned out this way.<</say>>
<<md>>The headmistress turned to me for a long time and stared at me, as if I had a target drawn directly on my forehead.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Do you even understand what you have done? All this time, I hoped that I had someone whom I can trust.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can trust me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Really? I need people next to me, in whose devotion I can not doubt at all. But you lied right into my face.<</say>>
<<md>>The bitterness of disappointment whistled and hissed in her words. It seemed to me that if there were not so many people here, she would tear me to pieces.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, I'm sorry...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Your “sorry” won't change anything.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What will change?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I know you like me. I see how you undress me every day with your eyes.<</say>>
<<md>>It looks like she's already drunk too much, otherwise such a conversation between us would not even have arisen.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Do you want to prove that I can trust you? Make everyone get out of here. I need to relax.<</say>>
<<md>>For some reason, I have a very strange feeling about what will happen today, but if Clara wants it, then I have no choice. I need this job, I need her to trust me, that`s why I will do anything now.<</md>>
<<md>>Only 15 minutes of persuasion and 150 dollars and the bar was empty, leaving Clara and me alone. In a different situation, I would be very happy with what is happening, but now...<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraTease.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $ClaraVideo2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo2Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>I turned to Clara and saw that she was already slowly taking off her dress. This picture took my breath away. Her skin was so soft and seductively shiny that I stood there and was afraid to frighten off the moment. But Clara noticed me and smiled sweetly.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Do you like what you see?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Then watch carefully.<</say>>
<<addLust $Clara 7>>
<<md>>The dress completely slid to the floor, followed by the unbuttoning of her bra, revealing Clara's so seductive and desirable breasts to me. I so wanted to touch them, but I still waited.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraMast1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $ClaraVideo3Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo3Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Not in vain. She slowly pulled off her panties, revealing to me the most exquisite view of her juicy and sexy pussy. She was already a little wet when the woman's fingers went down the pubis and below.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn, I have to touch her! She needs my help!<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>No, stay where you are. I need a person who will do what I tell him. And now I'm telling you to watch me playing with my pussy.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>And remember, even your awkward movement can make me feel very guilty...Even your awkward, awkward movement... To groan, scream, close your ears - all this... You just need to keep the utmost concentration, and not miss anything!<</say>>
<<md>>She ran her finger inside her pussy, revealing her treasure in front of me. If in the world, something so beautiful than a woman's body?<</md>>
<<md>>A light moan escaped her lips as the finger entered.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>My sweet doll. My pussy. I'm so sorry... You can't imagine how I can't wait to convey my feelings to you ... How I would like everything to be with me as it is with you...<</say>>
<<md>>The finger entered and went into the pussy with characteristic sounds, from which Clara closed her eyes in ecstasy... <</md>>
<<md>>And the more she penetrated, the more moisture came out of her. Finally, she said, "Enough games!" And once again traced her finger around her vagina.<</md>>
<<md>>Two fingers of the word mad entered her, stretched out like a rubber doll, showing me all the seduction, which I was hard to resist.<</md>>
<<md>>At the end, she screamed so loudly that my ears filled up. She finished, a convulsion seized her from start to finish.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I hope this will teach you a lesson. You could get this body very easily. If you were honest with me. Nothing in the world is more important to me than honesty. What to do with you, I'll figure it out tomorrow. Until then, leave the bar.<</say>>
<<md>>I had no choice but to obey the order. Still, she is my boss. Let it be very sexy, which I want to fill up on the table and fuck, fuck, fuck!<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM11Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM8Quest = 2>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]<<md>>Morning came treacherously quickly.<</md>>
<<md>>And it's not even that my dream today turned out to be very fragmentary. At my last job, I got used to the image of a zombie. It was there, in fact, that I also fell in love with coffee, because it gave strength even when, it would seem, you had to fall off your feet. Therefore, lack of sleep was nothing new to me. These are young people like Lexi who may suffer from sleep deprivation.<</md>>
<<md>>Today's frown is much stronger than normal human experiences. Today was day X. The day when not only my fate, but the fate of the entire school will be decided.<</md>>
<<md>>The memory of Michael, that like a real terrorist burst into the hall and began to demand an explanation from me - made me shudder. Not to say that I feel sorry for this guy, no. I rather felt too sorry for Clara - whose hard work was put on the scales, when the narcissistic fool wanted to sort things out. Yes, I even won this fight, but at what cost? <</md>>
<<text r "I need coffee.">>
[[Go to the kitchen|ClaraTrueMorningCoffee]]
<<md>>Hell, even coffee doesn't invigorate me as it should today.<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>\
<<md>>It tastes no better than shit. Perhaps, if I had my favourite liqueur with me, the day would definitely become brighter. After all, even the gloomiest day gets better if the coffee has a special flavour.<</md>>
<<md>>However, too much crying. Clara needs my support now like never before. After all, she helped me yesterday, made something pleasant with her mouth. These memories make me feel very pleasant inside. If somewhere I have to be now - then next to her.<</md>>
<<md>>Maybe I should call her right now? However, no. Based on the time, she is definitely on the road, and there is no need to distract her from driving. I'll see her at school. Yes, it will be better for everyone.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM10Quest = 2>>\
[[Time to go|Street Raw-Road]]
<<set $ClaraM10TQuest = 10>>\
<<set $ClaraM11TQuest = 1>>\
<<md>>The road did not take long, but my thoughts kept returning to yesterday's events. How can a day be so beautiful and disgusting at the same time? How can a person give happiness, and then just stick his penis into a student? What a strange world we live in. Betrayal and loyalty go hand in hand, even too tightly intertwined.<</md>>
<<md>>I knew I would be late for class, but now it was the least of the troubles. I'm not even sure if this tutorial will be at all.<</md>>
<<md>>Even the door handle of the office seems to be especially prickly today.<</md>>
<<md>>When I enter, Clara, who usually meets everyone with a friendly look, does not take her eyes off the table. Either there is such a beautiful pattern or everything is worse than I expected. Really...<</md>>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image13", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<md>>Why she is in a kinda of lingerie only?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara?<</say>>
<<md>>I speak carefully, as if afraid to wake the dragon. I know that this is not my fault, but still, if I had not told her about Michael, then everything might not have been.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Ahhh... What... why so loud...<</say>>
<<md>>She still does not look up, but from her voice it becomes more than clear what the matter is. She's not upset. It is...<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name... I don't think I should have drunk so much yesterday, right?<</say>>
<<md>>She looks up at me and I don't recognize this woman. As if her life had battered her pretty well and hadn't stopped mocking her for several decades. Yes, the view is not the most impressive. If the sponsors decide to visit her today, they will find only a drunkard, not a headmistress.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I don't think you should.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>But it was good...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It was. And will be. Clara, wait for me here.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yeah...<</say>>
[[Leave her office|ClaraTrueMorningLinda]]<<addmins 5>>\
<<md>>Surprisingly, I did not think that I would ever see Clara in such a broken state. It hurts to just look at her. Was she worried about investors or Michael? I think both reasons are correct. But in any case, I will not leave it that way. I need, I just need this place. And if that means courting a little woman I like, so be it.<</md>>
<<md>>But before I start doing anything, I need to enlist the support of a very important person.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Linda, hi. I think you already know?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>You need to be more precise, golden. A lot of things have been happening in this school lately.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm talking about Clara. Have you seen in what condition she is?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Yes. The poor thing is too worried about yesterday's scandal. It doesn't seem like Michael wanted to back down. He decided to sketch as much crap as his vile, disgusting soul could bring!<</say>>
<<md>>It's not just the students who hate Michael, it seems. Why, then, did Clara adore him so much? Precisely, the power of love makes us blind to the reality around us.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. But now is not about that. I want you to clean up Clara's makeup. I'm going to go home and cook something to help her recover, but I can't handle the make-up myself. Somehow there was little experience.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda laughed loudly.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>It's a pity, it seems to me that pink lipstick and piece eyelashes would suit you! But yeah, okay, I'll take care of Clara.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I would not like investors to see her in such a state. And dress her a little, please!<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>It seems to me that they will no longer dare to allocate money for us. After what this shit did.<</say>>
<<md>>These words were like being stabbed. I caught my breath for a moment, and something stabbed inside.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We can only hope for the best.<</say>>
<<md>>I don’t know whether I’m lying to myself or not, but I don’t want to lose what I acquired not so long ago: a new home, a new job and of course... my relationship with Clara. If upstarts with money decide to close the school, everything will not happen.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, I must prepare the desired cocktail as quickly as possible. If I don't confuse anything, then chocolate and energy drink should be enough. You need to buy them as soon as possible.<</md>>
[[Visit shop|ClaraTrueMorningShop]]
<<addmins 15>>\
<<md>>My trip to the store has never been so bad. It’s like all the stars came together in such a long series of failures and decided that I don’t have enough problems. At first, the energy drink I needed was not there. I had to take another. Well, at least it doesn't matter which one you use - the effect will be the same. Then, the queue at the checkout turned out to be so huge that I thought I was at a star performance, and not in a store. However, now everything is over and you can breathe out calmly. It remains only to get home.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM10Quest = 3>>\
[[Leave|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]
<<set $ClaraM10Quest = 4>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
<<md>>I haven't done anything like this for a long time. The last time I needed this kind of drink was when one of my acquaintances and I stayed too long at a bar. The night was right, but the morning...<</md>>
<<md>>However, my stomach has always been stronger than others. I could drink enough and not even feel it. But then something went wrong. I could feel my head falling to pieces, the pain eating inside. I still remember this disgusting feeling, as if it were yesterday...<</md>>
<<md>>I will only hope that I remember the recipe correctly and it will work on Clara as well as it did with me.<</md>>
<<md>>The smell spreads throughout the kitchen and I can not resist not to taste my delicacy. Oh, what a powerful thing. But chocolate smooths out all the corners. Yes, it should help. We need to hurry to Clara.<</md>>
[[Time to help Clara|ClaraTrueMorningSober]]
<<addmins 10>>\
<<md>>Heading to Clara's office, I made sure on the way with Linda that everything was fine. Indeed, the difference between what I saw before was tangible. But Clara's face still looked like we had painted on a corpse. Well, it's time to fix it.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name, where have you been?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I cooked something for you.<</say>>
<<md>>I handed her my cocktail in shaker`s cup.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>What is it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What will help you to come to your senses. Trust there is no poison there.<</say>>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image11", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<md>>She reluctantly twisted it in her hands, and then began to drink. At first it seemed to me that she would just spit out all the contents in my face, but no. The woman steadfastly accepted everything I gave her. But this is still a pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>After 10 minutes, Clara's face regained a rosy colour, and barely noticeable traces remained from her former weakness.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Nobody told you that you were a wizard?<</say>>
<<md>>She came up to me, smiling affectionately.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Told. But usually this conversation takes place elsewhere and without clothes.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Maybe I will say there, but for now - thanks.<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 7>>
<<md>>She leaned toward me so suddenly that I did not even expect. She smelled like energy drink and chocolate, but that didn't stop me from enjoying her to the fullest. Her lips were so deliciously sweet and so attractive that I just drowned in them.<</md>>
<<md>>This time everything was different than yesterday: when I ran my tongue over them, she moved and shuddered slightly. To break the charm of the moment, I removed my hand and touched her hand. When I stroked my palm on her palm, she said softly.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You are magical.<</say>>
<<md>>But no matter how good I felt, I had to let her go.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Investors can visit you any minute. I think there will be enough violations here anyway.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, I agree.<</say>>
<<md>>Therefore, once again stroking her hand, I left her office. It's time for something to be distracted.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM10Quest = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraM12Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM11TQuest = 2>>\
[[Leave her office|Second floor]]<<md>>Whatever I did, the thought was as an obedient dog who still returning to where it began. My efforts to drive them away gave exactly the opposite effect. This pulling feeling of anxiety and uneasiness did not want to recede. I could convince myself that everything will be as good as possible, but somehow I have a bad feeling about it. What is it: my own mood, or is my intuition really playing out now?<</md>>
<<md>>It's hard to answer unequivocally. But what I can say for sure is that soon everything will finally be clarified, because I'm already heading to Clara's office.<</md>>
[[Enter her office|ClaraTruePicnicBegin2]]
<<addmins 5>>\
<<set $ClaraM12TQuest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM11TQuest = 10>>\
<<md>>When I open the door to the office, the woman's happy face does not greet me. But at the same time, it is not full of grief. Clara is now so neutral that it's hard for me to understand what happened at all.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara?<</say>>
<<md>>I try to cheer her up with my voice and fake smile. I don't think this is the best choice right now, though.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, what did they say?<</say>>
<<md>>Clara sighs heavily.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Nothing. They play their favourite game - the silent one. For them, this was also observed before, but not on such a scale. What can they solve there all day? That is, I do not understand whether we are in the ass or not!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sure they'll understand it wasn't your fault, you know. You couldn't have predicted that Michael would show up there.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Looks like I didn't know him at all, actually. At first, he seemed to me a simple adequate guy. With its flaws, but who doesn't have them, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>But how could I not notice that he is cheating on me? Or that he has problems with self-control. But even when I found out about everything, even then I didn't...<</say>>
<<md>>Her body shuddered with nothing but memories of what happened yesterday evening. She again looked like a frightened and weak girl.<</md>>
<<md>>I went over and hugged her. Now she wanted it. She needed my support and support even more than before. If you leave her now in this state, then it is unclear how the whole situation around will end.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Everything's gonna be alright, do not worry. Everything will be fine.<</say>>
<<md>>And although I myself began to believe in it less and less, it was a lie for salvation.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Come, I'll take you home.<</say>>
<<md>>If I understood something during these days, it is that sometimes it is better not to wait for the inevitable, but simply to relax. She nodded and having collected all the things, we left her office.<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>\
<<md>>We didn't talk much in the car. Everyone was deeply immersed in thoughts about the future. Who can promise that tomorrow our future will not just fall apart? Who can guarantee that everything will end well?<</md>>
<<md>>I definitely couldn't. But what I was able to do was to cheer Clara up. This will not only make her feel better, but it will also allow me to get closer to her than that night.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Do you really don`t want to come in?<</say>>
<<md>>Of course I wanted to. But it is unlikely that this would completely benefit her. After all, Clara became strong, it seems to me, not because there was a gentle and understanding person nearby. No, life and all the circumstances that she faced in her life - allowed her to become who she is now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No thanks. I think another time. To be in your house twice in a day looks like a persecution already, don't you think?<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled bitterly and kissed me goodbye.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Who said I was strongly against it?<</say>>
<<md>>Damn what a woman. Until recently, she grieved for Michael, but now I think I'm on her list. Well, I wasn't too against everything either. But first, I need to figure out a way to cheer Clara up tomorrow. After all, if the game of silence continues further, this will definitely affect her mood.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM12Quest = 2>>\
[[Go home|Home corridor]]
<<md>>The thought of how I could please Clara did not go out of my head. A good wish is not all that may be needed. Dozens of stories come to mind about how the best intentions turned out to be the last straw that destroyed an already not very strong relationship.<</md>>
<<md>>Simply put, I just couldn't imagine what Сlara really loves. She is definitely a beautiful and delightful woman and giving her jewelry seems like a good idea, but if I'm wrong, I could completely ruin everything. I wouldn't want to ruin everything.<</md>>
<<md>>I just know too little about Clara. But I do know someone who might be in the know. I don't think it's worth calling Linda now, but in the morning I'll find out for sure.<</md>>
[[Let`s find out|ClaraTruePicnicMorningLinda]]
<<addmins 5>>\
<<md>>Linda, as always, is already busy with something. I wonder if this woman has a weekend or vacation? Sometimes it seems that this woman even symbolizes the school. Always here and always ready to help.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Linda, good morning. How did you sleep?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, hello, golden... Yes, what dreams can be at such a time. Only erotic. I dreamed that I was surrounded and worn by such sexy men.<</say>>
<<md>>I think I asked the wrong question and now I have to hear about her dreams. Although, if it helps me find out what Clara likes, then I should let herself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Linda, listen, I have a very intimate request to you and I want Clara not to know about it, at least today.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>I have all the attention, dear.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I would like to give Clara a gift, but I don't know enough about her tastes.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda broke into a smile.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>When a man shows attention - it's always so nice! You feel like the queen of the world, no less. As for Clara... Hmm... Yes, exactly. Have you ever paid attention to the closet that stands behind her in the office?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Closet. Yes, I think I remember. There are working documents there?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Ha-ha, no, golden. She has a collection of books there.<</say>>
<<md>>Books? Doesn't Clara have enough worries about school? She still has time to read books. To be honest, it's amazing even for her.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>And there’s one book she’s been dreaming of for several months now. Luckily for you, this book has recently appeared in the local library, so there will be no problem getting it. But if you want not just to read it, but also to buy it back, then you have to fork out. Libraries themselves with their books are like hens hens.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What is the title of the book?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>"As long as you love me - I'm alive."<</say>>
<<md>>Sounds like the title of another cheap romance novel. However, in the literature you will find anything. I'm not going to read this, just want to please Clara.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Linda.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>It's my pleasure. I don't want to see Clara so depressed myself. So try to figure it out quickly, okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, after the lesson, I will need to go to the library.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM12Quest = 3>>\
<<set $ClaraM12TQuest = 2>>\
[[Time to work|Second floor]]
<<addmins 5>>\
<<md>>The lesson flew by quickly enough. Not to say that there was something special about him, rather the opposite. Yes, and my thoughts were about how quickly it all ended and I would go to the library for a book with a hundred strange title. Well, here it is, this moment. It's time to do something.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM12Quest = 4>>\
[[Go to the library|ClaraTruePicnicLibrary1]]
<<addmins 15>>\
<<md>>In contrast to my ideas, the library welcomes me with a cozy and well-groomed room. Wherever I step, the spirit of coziness and warmth blows from everywhere. And although it seems to me that the whole age of libraries is gradually becoming obsolete... I want to stay here despite everything.<</md>>
<<md>>I walk in silence, looking around. And of course I meet with the local librarian. In my imagination, it should have been an old woman of about 60 years old, with a fiery gaze that burns everyone around for the slightest offence. Instead, in front of me is a girl who looks no more than 25. At first I don't even understand who she is, because for a long time she just looks into her phone, as if she is not even the owner here.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, what such a creature forgotten here? She looks sweet, and she doesn't want to touch books too much. However, when you need money and you will not do that.<</md>>
<<md>>As a real hero, I decide not to bother the woman at first, but to find it myself. However, there are so many books and they are all too similar that in the end they merge into one big spot. So I have no choice but to ask.<</md>>
<<md>>The answer to my requests is a short search in the catalogue, and finally “As long as you love me - I’m alive” appears right in front of me. No doubt I must get my hands on such a valuable specimen. The problem is that even if I can convince the librarian to sell me such a rare book, it will not ask for the smallest amount. But on the other hand, it is possible to simply rent a book, paying a smaller amount. Of course, the book will not belong to Clara, and yet...<</md>>
<<talk"[[Buy book|ClaraTruePicnicLibrary2]]""Generosity">><</talk>>
<<talk"[[Rent book|ClaraTruePicnicLibrary3]]""Greed">><</talk>>
<<if $id.magicBall > 0>>\
[[Ask magic ball|ClaraMagicBallLibrary]]
<<md>>It doesn't matter how much this book will cost. Whatever the price, I will buy it anyway, because it is now a ticket to a happy life for Clara. If that makes her happy, then why should I think about the price? Plus, giving her a book that isn't quite bought is a sign of a terrible tone. And she will look at me differently if she happens to find out the truth that this book has not been bought. And right now, I really would not like to injure this woman. She has enough troubles in recent days, but happiness is the opposite.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, I understand that this is my obligation.<</md>>
<<md>>I never thought that negotiating the purchase of a book is such a difficult task. Yes, in my life it was not so difficult for me to agree with a person about something. And I did dozens of legal and not entirely legal things. And even bribing a police officer when I was drunk ... Even this case was easier than buying this damn book.<</md>>
<<md>>The librarian was still not eager to help me. She is too adamant for her age. After all, there is always something that she needs. As it turned out, she just needed a conversation. But until I thought of this, it took a long time. It's funny how sometimes the obvious things are under our noses, and we don't even pay attention to them.<</md>>
<<md>>After another half hour of talking about how everything was wrong in her life and how a whole shower of failures fell upon her, I still persuaded her to sell me the book. But I also agreed that if I meet and recognize a worthy guy, I will definitely introduce them.<</md>>
<<md>>However, this does not change the money spent at all.<</md>>
<<md>>It’s even surprising that such a pretty girl can’t find a mate. Looking at her, it seems to me that guys should line up at the snap of their fingers. If I wasn't so focused on Clara's happiness, I might even consider this option. But alas...<</md>>
<<md>>However, regrets aside! The main thing is that I got what I came for. It remains only to return to Clara. Oh, what a surprise awaits her!<</md>>
<<run $cash -=100>>\
[[Back to school|ClaraTruePicnicSchool]]<<md>>I really like Clara and her happiness is now the main task for me, but spending a couple of hundred bucks to buy a book is definitely a waste. If Clara were here with me, she would have said exactly that. The essence of common sense in this situation is not to quarrel with money. What difference does it make if I buy a book or borrow it for a short time?<</md>>
<<md>>Moreover, if I want to impress Сlara so much, then it would be more prudent to just spend this money on taking her somewhere to a restaurant or cafe. Yes, even buy something more meaningful than an incomprehensible book. She will certainly thank me, I'm sure...<</md>>
<<md>>And even if I bought it - where is the guarantee that Clara won't just want to throw this book away if it turns out to be so terrible. Then, it just literally turns out to be money down the drain. And this is an impermissible luxury.<</md>>
<<md>>The librarian, as if noticing my doubts, looked inquiringly at me, and then asked if everything was all right. I had to make excuses so that I would not be suspected of theft or something like that. After lengthy explanations, I finally managed to get my hands on this cherished treasure. And it should be noted that it is not at all expensive!<</md>>
<<md>>What a fine fellow I am! And Clara will be happy, and my wallet has hardly lost any weight!<</md>>
<<run $cash -=10>>\
[[Back to school|ClaraTruePicnicSchool]]<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $ClaraM12TQuest = 3>>\
<<md>>Back at school, the first thing I did was wink at Linda. She was still my guide in the world of the unknown, and if I have to say thank you to someone for my success, it is definitely her. However, it is still too early to share the skin of an unkilled bear. I don’t know how Clara will react and whether she will even be in the mood to accept my gifts. Well, I think it's time to find out.<</md>>
<<md>>Knocking softly, I entered her office. I must say that over the past few days - this office for me has become something more than just the office of the headmistress. I've been here so often that I managed to become attached to him as to the most beloved animal in this world.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes? Oh, it's you, $mc.Name, please come in.<</say>>
<<md>>As soon as I sat down, she started.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I know what you want to ask, but no - there is no news yet. They are simply silent and are not even going to say anything.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sure they'll let you know.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, but when? I hate being in limbo. You are like a rag doll that is about to be thrown into the trash. And you sit and wait only for your terrible fate.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I think then I got something special for you at the right time.<</say>>
<<md>>She raised her head and looked at me in surprise. There was still dissatisfaction in her eyes with the situation, but also interest.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Did you get something for me? $mc.Name, this is hardly the most...<</say>>
<<md>>But her words won't stop me. I will not step back, even knowing that tomorrow it may be late and I will be out of work. As they say, "If tomorrow does not come, then why regret what you did today?" I may even have come up with this phrase myself, but it doesn't matter. Because now Clara deserves to be happy.<</md>>
<<md>>I smile as wide as possible so that Сlara doesn't have time to follow my hands before I reach behind my back. The distraction kicks in and her mouth opens in surprise when the book is placed on the table.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Can not be...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It can, can.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>This is... Where did you get it ?! Thanks!<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 7>>
<<md>>I didn't even have time to do anything, and she was already standing next to me and hugged me so tightly, as if I had given her a yacht, and not just a book.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I know you were looking for it. Listen, why don't we relax today? It is unlikely that even today at least someone will come, but it didn’t prevent us from relaxing a little. I know a great place in the park. It will be comfortable there: just me and you...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>And the book!<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled at this almost childish statement by Clara, but I was pleased, since this is still what I needed today.<</md>>
<<md>>Taking Clara by the hand, I led her into the park. Today her hand felt so warm and tender, like a blossoming flower.<</md>>
<<md>>Relax time!<</md>>
[[Yeah|ClaraTruePicnicNature]]<<addmins 10>>\
<<md>>When I went to the library, I did not notice how beautiful today is. In general, it seems to me that the events of the last few days have greatly influenced not only Clara, but also me. The prospect of being fired so darkened my mind that I did not even pay due attention to the episodes of happiness that I had. A lot of bad things have happened these days, it's true. But exactly so much good happened. But, as one of the psychologists said, people tend to see not the brightest sides in life, simply because people are darker by nature and remember the bad rather than the good better.<</md>>
<<md>>But if you think about it, it was far from so bad. Although our close communication with Clara turned out to be very specific, it still took place. I feel like the wall of misunderstanding between us is slowly melting, like an iceberg. Very soon she will be completely mine. Although I have doubts... Still, Clara loves to command a lot. Yes, she is still that domineering woman. However, it's not for me to complain.<</md>>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image10", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<md>>And looking at her now, radiating happiness from simple things - I can't just smile. She looks not at all like the headmaster of a huge school now. No, in front of me is just a joyful woman lying on the grass with a book in her hands. This spectacle is childishly simple, but at the same time something special is felt in it. Like a lost piece of something we swore never to forget.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Here I am!<</say>>
<<md>>I must admit that it turned out to be quite a difficult task to fit in my hands so many food and drinks at one time, but I coped with it perfectly. Although once the drink almost slipped out of my hands, but at the last moment I... Okay, I could not save it, because it all took so long. Going back and buying another cocktail when you are loaded like a donkey is definitely not the best thing to do.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You are missing the most interesting! Here is...<</say>>
<<md>>Clara greeted me with a glance and putting the book aside, helped me to put things in their places.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What is it?<</say>>
<<md>>Clara began to talk about the twists and turns of what happened in the plot. I don’t know what influenced me more: the fact that she told me this so enthusiastically, or the fact that the book was not as bad as I initially thought. Very quickly I caught myself thinking that I would gladly listen to it for the next decades.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Very interesting. I'm glad you like it here!<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Are you kidding? It's amazing here!<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, this is a delightful and relaxing place to be. Here you can just get lost and want to stay forever. Damn, I sound like a terrible unwashed hippie.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you know what else is delicious?<</say>>
<<md>>I leaned over to her ear.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's you...<</say>>
<<md>>As soon as these words left my mouth, something else flew into them. Clara's sweet tongue began to play with mine. Our lips merged into a soft kiss. Her lips felt somehow especially tender, as if it were the best sensation in my life. I was given a warm wave of pleasure that stretched from the tip of my tongue to the lower abdomen. Why does this woman feel so alive in my body? It's not just excitement, no, it's more. Something much more interesting, for sure.<</md>>
<<md>>When our hands touched, I felt the heat in my hands.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Thanks...<</say>>
<<md>>She whispered words in my ear, but the passion that gripped me did not want to fade away. This woman drives me crazy and I generally don't want to oppose it. My hands stroked her, and my lips slid down her neck. Damn, it's hot.<</md>>
<<md>>When a hand touched her chest, she stopped me.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name, stop... It's good, but...<</say>>
<<md>>Wait, what? Is she stopping me now? After everything that's happened, what the hell is going on here?<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I don't mind, but not here... Too many people. What if one of the students sees me? Or our sponsors...<</say>>
<<md>>Right now you need to think about it? Is now the right place and time for such thoughts? It seems to me that not at all. At such moments, you need to think about passion, not about those who are around. You don't even need to think, so to speak.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The more interesting...<</say>>
<<md>>I tried to reach her again, but she stopped me at the same moment.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>No, you can't. Come to my place. Or to you? I am not 16 years old, so I tumbled on the grass in full view, not thinking about the consequences.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, quite reasonable. I may like it or not, but she is entitled to such an opinion. I can refuse right now, but this is the same as leaving the party when the cake is brought to you.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, I agree without hesitation. True, I will have a chance to visit Clara again. I don't think Angela will be happy if I take and bring another adult woman in order to sleep. However, the idea is not so bad. But not today.<</md>>
[[Go to Clara`s home|ClaraTruePicnicSex]]
<<addmins 30>>\
<<md>>Although my excitement was a little inhibited by Clara's behaviour, but as soon as we stepped on the threshold of her house, I realized that her whole refusal was not due to lack of desire, but simply because of the number of people. Even a little ashamed of my thoughts...<</md>>
<<md>>However, there is not enough time for shame when she pulls off my shirt. I kiss her on the lips.<</md>>
<<md>>I kiss her. At the same time, my palms clasp her shoulders, forcing her head back. Her shoulders are so soft and silky that I can feel the excitement already sinking into the fabric of my pants. The prisoner demands release, but it's too early. She doesn’t seem to notice my impudence - on the contrary, she opens her mouth wide and makes a sound like a sigh of relief. Then I kiss gently, then sink my tongue into my parted mouth. A few movements of my tongue and I grab her breasts.<</md>>
<<addLust $Clara 7>>
<<md>>This time, her arms wrap around my shoulders and she, without ceasing to utter exclamations, plunges her fingers into my skin on my back. I can feel her body fluttering as I touch her breasts. The same passion as in the past. But things are different now.<</md>>
<<md>>And it's not even about the body, but about the sensations that I get from her touches. Erection and fear penetrate into my consciousness like through ice water. I can feel my heart contract. I know that sooner or later she will notice this and punish me. This is my best chance to get to know her even closer than in the past. My heart is pounding louder - I anticipate her reaction. However, it can be seen that my determination goes against his nature. She does not wriggle with pleasure, but quietly makes a moaning sound, similar to the groan of a wounded animal. It's her herself.<</md>>
<<md>>Her flesh trembles, and she seems even sweeter - but this is only apparent charm.<</md>>
<<md>>I pick her up in my arms and carry her on the bed, where I bite into her clothes and rip off everything, leaving only her beautiful naked body.<</md>>
<<md>>I see eyes twinkling like ocean waves, full of wild thirst. I feel the need to possess this girl. I lift her up firmly and lower her onto the bed, ignoring her furious resistance. Her body emits a faint groan that cannot be interrupted. But I don’t stop.<</md>>
<<md>>Not for a moment. It seems to me that I can do this only so that she understands how much I love her. Never before have I felt such a powerful embrace of passion. This is not even the most suitable moment for further conversations - the distance between us is too short for us to continue. We haven't said too much yet.<</md>>
<<md>>As if enchanted by this moment, I kneel down and spread her legs and see a beautiful pussy seductively beckoning me. She calls out to me, begs for me to touch her with my tongue.<</md>>
<<md>>Obeying this invisible call, I run my tongue over her pussy, from which she shudders, and then digs her hands into me. She wants me to continue and I do not slow down.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>It`s great... Yeah, lick even harder.<</say>>
<<md>>But seeing the pussy so close it is simply impossible to keep a dickin your pants. He jumps out when I free him from his tight shackles.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Damn, I didn't notice how big it was last time...<</say>>
<<md>>She looks at him enthusiastically, expecting my actions.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, you will like it!<</say>>
<<md>>I slowly part such seductive pussy lips. She lets out a slight moan, but that turned me on.<</md>>
<<md>>I shudder and begin to slide my tongue down her body from the innermost centre and further along all its depths. She shudders, and I feel that something incredible is about to happen... But I can't even think about anything. A storm is raging in my head.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraPic1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $ClaraVideo6Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo6Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>The tight walls of the vagina are pressed against her clitoris. I can feel the warmth spreading through my body, from which it is torn with effort. My fingers dig into her buttocks and squeeze them tighter. The neck arched in the back, tightly pressed against my chest, gives in to the onslaught with difficulty.<</md>>
<<md>>Unable to restrain the pleasure that tears me apart after ten minutes of pleasure, I surrender to the warmth of this body. White liquid splashes out, and Clara moans long.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I should have done the very first day when I saw you!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha! It was necessary!<</say>>
<<md>>She is happy, and I am happy with her. And my dick!<</md>>
[[Leave|ClaraTruePicnicCall]]<<md>>When I quited Clara's house, leaving her alone for today, the bell rings in my pocket.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello?<</say>>
<<md>>On the other end of the wire, there is initially silence.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello?<</say>>
<<md>>At the other end of the line, a man's low voice is heard. He asks how long I have been at school and says he is glad to hear from me. For some reason, these words make me feel bad.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, who is it?<</say>>
<<md>>The voice laughed out loud. He said that he was watching how I kept Clara, or rather Miss Scott, in check and that it could play into their hands. And then he added:<</md>>
<<text r "If you want to keep the school.">>
<<say $mc>>What? I do not understand.<</say>>
<<md>>But the voice just laughed again and said that very soon I would understand everything. And then the connection was cut off.<</md>>
<<md>>What a strange phone call! I would even say very suspicious. Why, after the conversation, do I feel like I’ve bathed in mud? However, it doesn't matter. Nobody can spoil this evening!<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM12Quest = 6>>\
<<set $ClaraM14Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM12TQuest = 4>>\
<<set $ClaraM13TQuest = 1>>\
[[Back|Street York-Road]]
<<md>>Morning came treacherously quickly.<</md>>
<<md>>And it's not even that my dream today turned out to be very fragmentary. At my last job, I got used to the image of a zombie. It was there, in fact, that I also fell in love with coffee, because it gave strength even when, it would seem, you had to fall off your feet. Therefore, lack of sleep was nothing new to me. These are young people like Lexi who may suffer from sleep deprivation.<</md>>
<<md>>Today's frown is much stronger than normal human experiences. Today was day X. The day when not only my fate, but the fate of the entire school will be decided.<</md>>
<<md>>The memory of Michael, who like a real terrorist, burst into the hall and began to accuse me of many things - made me shudder. What a bastard! After everything I've done for him, come in like this and tell Clara everything...<</md>>
<<md>>Clara... Poor Clara! She feels betrayed! Yesterday's conversation made it clear. She was betrayed by Michael, and now and I. There is no point in making excuses now, you need to think about how to earn her trust again. Because if something is important in this situation, it is the her`s trust. If she feels that I have betrayed her, then my head will fly away after Michael's without the slightest delay.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara put so much work, so much effort into licking the ass of these sponsors. And everything went to pieces because of one narcissistic fool who decided to sort things out right in the middle of the celebration. And as if that were not enough - he inflicted the most deafening, splitting our relationship, our trust with Clara to pieces. The victory came at too great a cost. And was it a victory at all?<</md>>
<<text r "I need coffee.">>
<<addmins 30>>\
[[Go to the kitchen|ClaraLieMorningCoffee]]
<<addmins 30>>\
<<md>>Hell, even coffee doesn't invigorate me as it should today. It tastes no better than shit. Perhaps, if I had my favourite liqueur with me, the day would definitely become brighter. After all, even the gloomiest day gets better if the coffee has a special flavor. However, something I was different. Now Clara needs my support like never before. Perhaps if I weren't such a gullible fool ... But no, I rather thought that everyone around was stupid. Michael showed me that this is far from the case.<</md>>
<<md>>Maybe you should call her right now? However, no. Based on the time, she is definitely on the road, and there is no need to distract her from driving. I'll see her at school. Yes, it will be better for everyone.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM11Quest = 2>>\
<<set $ClaraM10TQuest = 4>>\
<<set $ClaraM20TQuest = 1>>\
[[Time to go|Street Raw-Road]]
<<md>>The road did not take long, but my thoughts kept returning to yesterday's events. How can a day be so beautiful and disgusting at the same time? How can a person give happiness, and then just stick his penis into a student? What a strange world we live in. Betrayal and loyalty go hand in hand, even too tightly intertwined.<</md>>
<<md>>I knew I would be late for class, but now it was the least of the troubles. I'm not even sure if this tutorial will be at all.<</md>>
<<md>>Even the door handle of the office seems to be especially prickly today.<</md>>
<div id="message-placeholder"></div>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image2", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<md>>When I open the doors, I am met with a very angry look. Looks like yesterday's bar scene didn't smooth things over. Moreover, this is the first time I've seen such an angry Clara. Is it already known what the investors said?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, may I?<</say>>
<<md>>If earlier her voice radiated warmth, now it was as if I was trapped inside an ice trap, where everyone around me strives to prick me as painfully as possible.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Come in. Sit down, $mc.Name. I have a conversation to you.<</say>>
<<md>>I sat down carefully, realizing that now it is better not to try Clara's patience. One wrong step and you can collect things outside.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I would like to discuss with you yesterday evening. I think you understand that what happened there should not be known to anyone else? I value my reputation too much for that. Yesterday I allowed myself weakness, but for nothing in the world I will not allow this weakness to destroy me.<</say>>
<<md>>Her tone was not pleading or friendly. No, she took it for granted. She will not tolerate any deviations from her intended course.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course, Clara. There was nothing yesterday.<</say>>
<<md>>Telling someone, risking your career. Do I look like a suicide? I am here to restore trust, not undermine it further.<</md>>
<<md>>But it is still interesting to observe how different Clara is and how quickly she passes from one state to another. This is a very exciting sight.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay, then I guess that's all. You can...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wait, Clara. I know I screwed up badly yesterday with Michael. But I want you to know that you can trust me.<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me closely, but now there was no such coldness in her eyes as a few minutes ago.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I'm not sure if I can trust anyone now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can. Tell me what needs to be done and I will do it...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay, I'll think about it. You have a job now. Do not disdain it, otherwise I will tell everything to your boss.<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled when I saw the sparkle of cunning in her eyes. Perhaps not all that bad. I can earn her trust.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM11Quest = 3>>\
<<set $ClaraM20TQuest = 2>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Leave her office|Second floor]]<<md>>There are days when lessons are very lively. When both the teacher and the students are in the same mood, when your every word is like a grenade breaking. Then it seems to you that you definitely did not choose your profession for nothing and everything is in its place.<</md>>
<<md>>And that day was clearly not today. I haven't had such a boring lesson for a long time. I guess the problem is that my thoughts kept coming back to Clara and yesterday's event over and over again. What I saw in the bar was excitingly beautiful. But it's unlikely that after the event with Michael, Clara will trust me so easily.<</md>>
<<md>>The bell freed me from painful, almost painful memories and I left my office.<</md>>
<<md>>Imagine my surprise when I saw Clara in the corridor, who was obviously waiting for someone. Maybe me?<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name, can I have you for a minute?<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded and obediently walked over to Clara. The hallway is not particularly noisy today, because it was not difficult to make out what she was saying.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You said you wanted to help. So, I have to ask you for help.<</say>>
<<md>>Some kind of déjà vu. It all started out the same last time. And what turned out in the end... However, I am not a stupid person, I took into account everything that happened.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I have to wait for investors who have not yet appeared, and they have to bring me a package with something very important. If I'm late, the messenger might just leave.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ok, where to go?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>In the Mall. And after the evening, bring me this parcel home?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can count on me, Clara.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name...<</say>>
<<md>>I was about to leave when I turned around when she called me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Thank you for your help.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What can't you do for your beloved principal!<</say>>
<<addmins 5>>\
<<set $ClaraM20TQuest = 3>>\
<<set $ClaraM11Quest = 4>>\
[[Okay|Second floor]] <<md>>There were not too few people inside the mall. Finding a messenger among them is like looking for a needle in a stack of needles. People walked back and forth, each trying to ignore everyone but himself.<</md>>
<<md>>Why did Clara decide to make an appointment here, and not decide to order home delivery or post office delivery? However, then I could not have slightly improved our relationship with her.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally I saw the person the headmistress had told me about. I couldn't make out his face through the huge hood. However, my business is to pick up the package.<</md>>
<<md>>Despite the huge size of the suitcase, it was not too heavy and easily fell in the hand. It remains to bring him home, and then take him to Clara in the evening.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM11Quest = 4.5>>\
<<set $ClaraM20TQuest = 4>>\
<<addmins 40>>\
[[Go home|Home corridor]]
<<md>>Twilight quietly descended on the city, enveloping in soft, good-natured darkness. There was nothing scary about it, just a comforting feeling that everything would be okay. Funny, I've never been so sentimental.<</md>>
<<md>>Perhaps it's still worth taking a look at what's inside? After all, it's very interesting what Clara could order from such a suspicious type. No, if I do it now, then there will definitely be no question of restoring trust.<</md>>
<<md>>Okay, it's time to head to Clara.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM11Quest = 4.6>>\
[[Back|My room]]
<<addmins 10>>\
<<md>>Surprisingly, it seemed to me that after yesterday's scandal, Clara would not want to see me at all, but now I am standing here near her house. Somehow too quickly she recovered from my "betrayal". Either the fact is that she was not very angry with me, or she was up to something. However, having got to know Clara a little better these days, I cannot deny either one or the second option.<</md>>
<<md>>Having already begun to think that Clara is not at home, I take out my phone to call her when the doors open.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name, you're just in time. I'm going to go shopping soon. Will you join me?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 7>>
<<md>>Amazing friendliness. I don't even understand what's in this woman's head.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course, Clara.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Just only put the parcel is in place. I hope it's okay.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Seems to be yes. I tried not to damage it. What is there is a bomb suddenly!<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh, there really is a bomb! And what a bomb!<</say>>
<<md>>She sounds a little overly hilarious as someone talking about a bomb. However... I am very uneasy.<</md>>
[[Into the car|ClaraLieCar]]<style> body.street {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/StreetMorning.jpeg");
<<md>>Why, all of a sudden, she decided to invite me to go shopping with her. This is all very, very strange.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You are probably very interested in what is in the package? I can see it in your eyes. You want to ask, but you don't dare. As if you are afraid that something will happen.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Everything she said was pure truth. To deny this would be very stupid, especially since I am really afraid to say an extra word. Why, my work depends on it.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You have nothing to worry about, especially if we agree with you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>About what?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I need your help... This is becoming a bad habit isn't it?<</say>>
<<md>>Her laughter echoed throughout the car.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>What you took was the Poison Ivy suit. You've heard of such a heroine, haven't you?<</say>>
<<md>>Oh yeah. Who has not heard of Poison Ivy - a dream of boyish dreams with Harley Quinn and a Catwoman. I think a lot of guys would like to have such a girlfriend. I certainly wouldn't mind.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course, I know who it is. But did you say the suit?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Exactly. It's good that you know how to listen. I know you regret doing this to me and my trust. But I cannot forget about it so easily. But if you go to a cosplay party with me, consider yourself forgiven.<</say>>
<<md>>That means what kind of help she was talking about.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why with me? After all, there are many men in the world and they will not refuse such a gorgeous woman.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Because I want to. It was supposed to be Michael, but now that's a thing of the past. And so I want you to come with me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good. Are we going for a suit?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Ha-ha, no! I just ran out of products, and you keep me company. The suit is at my place.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Clear.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, not the worst development of events. I would say that everything even turned out very well for me. I should just keep her company today and tomorrow...<</md>>
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Visit store|ClaraLieShop]]
<<addmins 10>>\
<<md>>The evening mall has a very special charm. In these moments, it is free from the burden of the eternal flow of visitors who now and then wander back and forth. Now it is relatively quiet here and only signs signal that everything is working as it should.<</md>>
<<md>>This trip is a good chance. Not only to beg forgiveness from Clara for your actions, but also to learn a lot about her preferences. After all, a person is what he eats.<</md>>
<<md>>And if I want to impress this woman with cooking, I need to understand what her food preferences are.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Do you like olives?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I treat them neutral. I don’t love it, but I don’t hate it either.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>But I love them! Believe me, any dish containing olives is just delicious! And especially if they are served under the right sauce, and even with wine... You can get lost for a lifetime! Because there are never too many olives! Let's take three cans!<</say>>
<<md>>She talks about olives with such inspiration that it seems to me that I myself am beginning to fall in love with these fruits.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What is your favourite dish?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh, no doubt it's Caesar salad. It was cooked for me as a child very often. It's funny that I almost hated him then. Mother kept stuffing me with it and stuffing it. Almost through force. But then, at some point... Thanksgiving, yes, just then! I loved this salad. I then went on a diet and after that Caesar turned out to be exactly what I wanted so much.<</say>>
<<md>>This story made me remember my childhood. How many things in childhood seem to us very stupid, but in the end they turn out to be very interesting already at a later age. This is probably what is called growing up.<</md>>
<<md>>When the shopping was completed, Clara and I discussed her favourite food for a while until we paid off at the checkout.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara bought some groceries! How she herself intended to carry all this! However, perhaps she got so many of them, because she knew that I would help her.<</md>>
<<md>>The trip back was not that productive, but still I felt that Clara was gradually opening up to me. And this is even more surprising, given that the fate of the school hangs in the balance.<</md>>
<<md>>When the things were brought into the house, it was time to say goodbye.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Thank you very much for your help. It was a pleasure to spend time with you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Me too, Clara.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I hope we'll see each other tomorrow?<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled in response to this very naive phrase.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We'll see each other anyway, Clara. The school is not that big...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I mean a cosplay party. I have your suit, don't forget.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes of course.<</say>>
<<md>>She slowly walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Thank. Waiting at 7 p.m.<</say>>
<<set $ClaraM11Quest = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraM13Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM20TQuest = 5>>\
[[Leave her home|Street York-Road]] <<addmins 50>>\
<<md>>This evening has finally come.<</md>>
<<md>>The whole day of silence from Clara put a lot of pressure on me. Not only do I don’t know what happened to these investors, but Сlara pretended as if nothing had happened yesterday. Well, or at least she didn't focus on it.<</md>>
<<md>>I feel a little foolish. Or on a date. Or a foolish on a date who doesn't even know, or his lady won't refuse him. High school hasn't gone anywhere, has it?<</md>>
<<md>>The bell sounded especially loud now.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Good evening, come in.<</say>>
<<md>>I thought that Clara would meet me already in her suit, but on the doorstep there was the same ordinary woman, not a sexy plant.<</md>>
<<md>>I accepted her invitation and found myself inside.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Your suit awaits you in the second bedroom. I will show.<</say>>
<<md>>Second bedroom? It is a pity that not in the first. Although if I had a chance I would have fucked Clara both in the first bedroom and in the second. What is it, I would have fucked her in the toilet, and in the bathroom, and in the kitchen. If this were my treasure, my cock would bathe in this pussy...<</md>>
<<md>>She led me into the bedroom, which smelled of luxury. And I thought my apartment was not bad. If so, then there is a whole castle.<</md>>
<<md>>On the bed was Batman's suit. So this is who I will be today...
<<say $Clara>>I'll leave you. I need to change too. I'm waiting for you downstairs.<</say>>
<<md>>She closed the doors behind her, leaving me alone. Without the slightest thought, I began to take off my clothes in which I came. I tried to drive away the thought that somewhere downstairs Clara also takes off all her clothes, remaining only in a sexy naked body. Damn, I'd love to see this! But alas...<</md>>
<<md>>However, these thoughts were not in vain and tension formed between my legs. Hell, if Clara sees a boner... I need to calm down a bit. After standing for a few minutes, waiting for my hormones to subside, I went downstairs.<</md>>
<div id="message-placeholder"></div>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image5", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>\
<<md>>And instantly disappeared. Clara looked so delicious and seductive that I almost dropped my jaw. She was so different from what I saw at school. Yes, in the bar she was depraved, but here... Here it is different.<</md>>
<<md>>Her breasts were seductively beckoning, covered with a green cloth, and an almost perfect body made me choke with saliva just watching.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, you are beautiful!<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled flirtatiously.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You too, my Batman!<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, the boner is back again!<</md>>
<<md>>I went as close to her as possible and whispered.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Can we not go anywhere?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>What are we going to do?<</say>>
<<md>>The answer to her question were my lips on her neck.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>We... don't... have to...<</say>>
<<md>>She said no, but I heard in her voice only a plea to continue.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Your body is so perfect! I cannot control myself.<</say>>
<<md>>A hand touched the headmistress's chest and squeezed it through her clothes. Even from here, I felt how hot she was. My fingers felt this incredible warmth radiating from her. With a deft movement of my hand, I unbuttoned her bra and threw it aside, leaving no way for her to retreat. I wanted her here and now. Definitely not going to give up.<</md>>
<<addLust $Clara 7>>
<<md>>Fingers touched the bump on her chest and I began to play with them, running my fingers over the nipples. Those, gradually swollen, respond to my caresses. I pressed my lips to my nipples and began to lick them like a small child.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>AAAAhhh... Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Clara went limp under my arms as I carried her onto the bed. Excitement throbbed in my temples. The more I licked her breasts, I felt more like a dick is getting harder.<</md>>
<<md>>I pulled off the rest of her clothes and touched her pussy with my fingers.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Mmm...<</say>>
<<md>>I ran my fingers through the seductive cave.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you like it when I touch it?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I hugged Clara, grabbed her neck and kissed her. Our tongues spun in a wild dance of passion and desire, and it was delicious. She did not want to let me out of her mouth, but the dick demanded more.<</md>>
<<md>>Spreading her seductive legs in different directions - I touched her pussy with my penis. At first I wanted to tease her, but I realized that I could not stand such a sweet torture. The member entered her, feeling warmth and pressure.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraCos.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $ClaraVideo9Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo9Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She lets out a slight moan, but that only turns me on.<</md>>
<<md>>I shudder and begin to slide my tongue down her body from the innermost centre and further along all its depths. She shudders, and I feel that something incredible is about to happen ... But I can't even think about anything. A storm is raging in my head.<</md>>
<<md>>The tight walls of the vagina are pressed against her clitoris. I can feel the warmth spreading through my body, from which it is torn with effort. My fingers dig into her buttocks and squeeze them tighter. The neck arched in the back, tightly pressed against my chest, gives in to the onslaught with difficulty.<</md>>
<<md>>Unable to restrain the pleasure that tears me apart after ten minutes of pleasure, I surrender to the warmth of this body. White liquid splashes out, and Clara moans long.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>This is the best cosplay party ever!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Still it is!<</say>>
[[Leave|ClaraLiePicnicCall]]<style> body.street {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/StreetMorning.jpeg");
<<md>>When I quited Clara's house, leaving her alone for today, the bell rings in my pocket.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello?<</say>>
<<md>>On the other end of the wire, there is initially silence.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello?<</say>>
<<md>>At the other end of the line, a man's low voice is heard. He asks how long I have been at school and says he is glad to hear from me. For some reason, these words make me feel bad.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, who is it?<</say>>
<<md>>The voice laughed out loud. He said that he was watching how I kept Clara, or rather Miss Scott, in check and that it could play into their hands. And then he added:<</md>>
<<text g "If you want to keep the school.">>
<<say $mc>>What? I do not understand.<</say>>
<<md>>But the voice just laughed again and said that very soon I would understand everything. And then the connection was cut off.<</md>>
<<md>>What a strange phone call! I would even say very suspicious. Why, after the conversation, do I feel like I’ve bathed in mud? However, it doesn't matter. Nobody can spoil this evening!<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM13Quest = 2>>\
<<set $ClaraM15Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM20TQuest = 6>>\
[[Back|Street York-Road]]<<md>>Not pursuing the chance I got at the cafe would be foolish. When luck shines on you like this, you can't let it slip away. So I call her and make a date at a local bar. She clearly loves these places - I'd prefer somewhere more intimate, but this is still great.<</md>>
<<md>>Just getting a date with this girl makes me so happy. No matter what happens next, I love this feeling - the wave of excitement and anticipation.<</md>>
[[Go for a date|CafeTrouble2]]<<md>>The meeting spot doesn't inspire confidence. Everything around me feels sketchy and dangerous. Well, at least I'll have a girl I know with me, so hopefully no one tries anything. The police say our city is safe, but right now I'm not so sure...<</md>>
<<md>>But there she is - my date, smiling sweetly as I approach. Just as lovely as before, but now with an air of mystery too. Out of the corner of my eye though, I notice strange movement - someone or something sneaking behind me. Run? No, I have to protect her... I turn my back to her, facing the threat. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, I won't let them hurt you.<</say>>
<<md>>Then I hear her laugh loudly, calling me a naive fool who doesn't understand. Sharp pain in my neck follows.<</md>>
<<md>>How gullible am I. Too trusting. What the hell did she give me? Why are my legs numb? The world spins as I hit the asphalt painfully. But my stupidity hits me even harder.<</md>>
<<set $CafeTrouble = 2>>\
<<run $cash -=$cash>>\
[[Try to wake up|CafeTrouble3]]<<md>>When I come to, the girl is gone of course...along with a lot of my money. How stupid of me. But at least I have a massive headache as a souvenir. Hopefully no bruise from the blow either. Searching for her now would be pointless.<</md>>
[[Time to go home|Quarter Far-Dreams]]
<<md>>Lessons have flown by enough today, and I did not even have time to understand when it happened. Here I am telling students a very important topic, and now the bell notifies about the end of classes. I think it's not so much in the lessons as in the fact that my thoughts were directed here, to the place where Lucy and I agreed to meet.<</md>>
<<md>>The clock ticks nervously, counting down the minutes. Every second it seems to me more and more that it was a bad idea and no one will come. After all, Lucy has been working here longer than mine and she is unlikely to want to jeopardize her reputation.<</md>>
<<md>>But she still appears. It’s about time, because in two minutes I was already planning to leave.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, you came!<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, as I`ve promised.<</say>>
<<md>>She was breathing heavily and looking very tired.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You look exhausted. Something happened?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Students happened. You may not understand yet, but almost every one of them is still a monster. They don't listen to you, they don't respect you, and sometimes they even just scoff.<</say>>
<<md>>I know her fear. When I came to the last school, at first everything was exactly the same and nothing else. And this order of things is very capable of hitting self-esteem. In such situations, you do not think about how you should teach them something new, but how not to explode in this minefield of hormones and disobedience.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Look, I know the feeling. I completely understand you, this is very difficult to survive. But, hey, you can do it.<</say>>
<<md>>I sat her down on a chair beside me and took her hand. I don't think she will be against such support now.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>How? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You need to show that you are the leader here. Students, they always look like such a big mafia clan. They obey the one with the most authority. And if you can prove to them that you should be respected, that you should be reckoned with, then everything will go like clockwork!<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>But how to do that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's up to you to decide. But my advice is not to play who you are not. As a result, it will wear you out and you will get tired of your own image. Be yourself, but in your best self. Squeeze the perfect Lucy out of you.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>But I'm not perfect.<</say>>
<<md>>I stroked her hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, you're perfect. Trust me, you can do it.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles sweetly when the bell rings loudly and destroys our idyll. It sounded so loud that I jerked like a frightened thief.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, sometimes the bell scares me too. $mc.Name, thanks a lot. Now I will try your advice in practice. Oh, it seems we didn't drink coffee at all..<</say>>.
<<say $mc>>It's okay, Lucy. Shall we drink next time?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Surely!<</say>>
<<md>>I still have time to get to know her better. Now it is important to let her deal with her problems. Because the carefree Lucy is so much sexier than the flustered one. Well, it's time for me to do something now.<</md>>
<<addAff $Lucy 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest1 = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest1T = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest2 = 1>>\
<<set $LucyQuest2T = 1>>\
<<if $Tutorial == 9>>\
<<set $TutorialGirl = "Lucy">>
[[Leave the canteen|Tutorial 13]]
[[Leave the canteen|School reception]]
<</if>>\<<md>>Conversation with Lucy convinced me of one thing. She definitely needs support on her way to becoming a teacher. And although I'm not a super respected teacher, for some reason it seems to me that I can teach her many things in this difficult way. And then, when I get into her confidence, I crawl under her panties. I bet her pussy is very juicy...<</md>>
<<md>>However, now it would be necessary to check how she is. So I just wait outside her office, watching her students come out one by one.<</md>>
<<md>>And here is Lucy at last. Doesn't look too happy. Was my advice really that bad? No, it can not be. After all, they helped me, so why shouldn't she.? Rather, there is something else here.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, here you are.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, $mc.Name, what are you doing here?<</say>>
<<md>>I laughed out loud.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, it's a secret, but I'll tell you just a word to anyone. I'm a new biology teacher here and I`m teaching children.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled sweetly and I noticed several seductive dimples on her face. I would have stuck into them.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Very funny!<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy playfully banged me on the shoulder with her fists.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Seriously, I came to find out how you are doing. You looked worried in the dining room and I just wanted to know how it went.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Are you worried about me? I'm really flattered. Everything went quite well. It seems thanks to your advice I was able to reach them.<</say>>
<<md>>I did not even notice how she grabbed my hand and pressed her body tightly. She emanates warmth and joy, which really appeals to me. Although it seems to me that she is too rushing things.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's good that it became much easier. I'm glad you got through to them.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes.<</say>>
<<md>>We silently walk to the end of the corridor, arm in arm, like a real couple, after which she blurts out.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you mind having coffee tomorrow?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>No, I don't mind. Very much for. After all, we don`t drank coffee today.<</say>>
<<md>>She bursts into laughter.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's for sure! Then I propose to visit the dining room tomorrow before lessons.<</say>>
<<addAff $Lucy 3>>
<<say $Lucy>>Of course! Meet me at my class!<</say>>
<<set $LucyQuest2 = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest2T = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest3T = 1>>\
[[Say goodbye|Second floor]]
<<md>>This morning was unusually joyful. I am in the mood as if I had drunk a whole barrel of whiskey in the morning, but at the same time remained sober. I am literally overwhelmed with energy. And this is not the limit. Is it because Lucy and I agreed to have coffee, or am I just feeling lifted? It does not matter.<</md>>
<<md>>As I walked towards Lucy's classroom, I noticed her from afar. But she didn't look happy. Rather annoyed.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Damn it!<</say>>
<<md>>When I approached her, she loudly banged her hand on the door. The blow was so strong that the glass on the floor trembled. Or so it seemed to me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, what happened? <</say>>
<<md>>She turned to my voice and I saw something flashing in her eyes. The sight of tears made me very uncomfortable and wanted it to end as soon as possible. Nevertheless, I have always been weak for women's tears.<</md>>
<<md>>Lucy handed me a piece of paper that read "You are not the queen anymore, you are the bottom."<</md>>
<<md>>God, I understand how she feels now. Yesterday she thought she managed to find a common language with them, but now everything has become very confused.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>They locked the doors, ruined the lock. I cannot enter it. If Clara finds out about this, I will get another reprimand.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wait, I think she will understand if you explain the situation.<</say>>
<<md>>She sniffled loudly.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>No. It seems to me that she has some accounts of her own.<</say>>
<<md>>It seems to me she exaggerates or presses on pity. Clara can't react like that. Nevertheless, she does not look like a tyrant, or even more inadequate person. But their relationship is their relationship. I shouldn't get into this. <</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>What should I do?<</say>>
<<md>>Good question. If the lock is broken, then there are just a few ways to fix the problem.<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest2 = 3>>\
<<set $LucyQuest3 = 1>>\
<<set $LucyQuest3T = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest4T = 1>>\
[[Break the lock|LockedAuditoriumLucyForce]]
[[Enter through the window|LockedAuditoriumLucyWindows]]
[[Use card to unlock|LockedAuditoriumLucyCard]]<<md>>There is no better way to open doors than pure brute force. It is not for nothing that there are whole legends and myths about those whose power is unmatched. The doors could be locked, but I can open them if I put in enough effort!<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>$mc.Name, what are you doing?<</say>>
<<md>>The first blow was not very successful - the doors were stronger than my blow. My shoulder ached a little, but nothing critical.<</md>>
<<md>>Tears stopped flowing down Lucy's face, instead she opened her mouth and looked at me with a mixture of delight and surprise.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Solving your problem!<</say>>
<<md>>This time, in the movement of my body, that a similar well-launched projectile crashed into the doors and those, having submitted to my insistence, sighed heavily, shuddered and finally opened. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>At least now you can teach the lesson.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Only I'll have to explain why the lock is broken.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, it turned out not neat and refined, but quite effective. The main thing is that the doors are open, isn't it?<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Thanks anyway.<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy rushed at me sharply and hugged me tightly. From this sudden intimacy, I felt joy and ... Damn, the main thing is that she does not notice that my penis rests against her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Always happy to help.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Sorry, but you have to postpone coffee for lunch. You don't mind, do you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, don't worry.<</say>>
<<md>>I think it's for the best. And it's time for me to go to my lessons. And so too much time wasted here.<</md>>
<<addAff $Lucy 3>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]<<md>>There is only one way to help the girl and it is very, very specific. But nevertheless, this is the only way to solve everything without involving the headmistress.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Stay here, magic will happen soon.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Magic? $mc.Name what are you...<</say>>
<<md>>But I'm not planning to listen to Lucy's objections or questions right now. This is a waste of time, and time is very expensive now. Because there is a spirit I run up the steps until I find myself near a small gate that I can easily open. I should tell them that their fencing system is complete crap and even a small child can remove this chain. If this is the case, the school can get itself into trouble.<</md>>
<<md>>As soon as my foot is on the roof, a string of excitement overwhelms me. Every step I take forward is filled with fear and doubt. So, downstairs it seemed like a pretty funny idea, but now I just want to run away.<</md>>
<<md>>And as if the answer to all my fears and doubts woke up inside another question, devoid of everything. Escape? Ha ha! No, this is the lot of weaklings! Now you will walk along the edge of the roof, and after that you will go down calmly, without unnecessary panic. You have been ready for this for a long time!<</md>>
<<md>>Step into the unknown at the very edge and I grab the cornice. Resting my feet on the windowsill, I keep my balance, and then I touch the window handle. Another moment and I'm inside.<</md>>
<<md>>Opening the doors from here turns out to be not that difficult.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Here I am!<</say>>
<<md>>The doors open and I get Lucy out of trouble. The woman is surprised, but after a minute of reflection, she smiles happily.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>You are just a wizard!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Mage, not a wizard. Wizards are just tricksters, and we magicians are capable of real miracles.<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy rushed at me sharply and hugged me tightly. From this sudden intimacy, I felt joy and... Damn, the main thing is that she does not notice that my penis rests against her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Always happy to help.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Sorry, but you have to postpone coffee for lunch. You don't mind, do you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, don't worry.<</say>>
<<md>>I think it's for the best. And it's time for me to go to my lessons. And so too much time wasted here.<</md>>
<<addAff $Lucy 3>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]<<md>>It makes no sense to panic now over such a trifle as doors. If something in the world breaks down, then there is always a way to fix it.<</md>>
<<md>>Breaking with brute force would be very foolish, because I do not want to make the situation with Lucy worse. If Clara really has a grudge against her, then such a thing as breaking a door will certainly not add points to their relationship.<</md>>
<<md>>But there is a way that can help me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, do you have a card?<</say>>
<<md>>She goggled at me in shock. I'm sure this is not the thing she expected to hear in this situation. But unlike everything else, these are not fake words or empty promises. This is the hope I can give her. This is the way to fix things.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Card? What card? Credit? Educational?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think the discount will be quite useful.<</say>>
<<md>>If I screw something up, at least the damage will be minimized.<</md>>
<<md>>She frantically rummages in her purse, then hands me a card. Her hand is trembling, and her eyes look inquiringly at me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ideally!<</say>>
<<md>>I smile gratefully and take the card from her gentle hands. <</md>>
<<md>>So, the main thing is to do everything correctly. I find a gap in the door and pull the card there, and then pass it downstairs. A piece of plastic slides down until it hits something metallic. Castle. Now the main thing is to press and pry a little. At first, I can't do it, the card constantly slips. But after a few minutes, the lock gives in and I hear such a pleasant click.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You see. Nothing complicated.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>How did you know that this is possible?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I saw about thieves in one show. And while I'm not a thief, it turns out to be quite useful in a situation like this!<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy laughed loudly and took her card back. For a moment our hands touched and it was a very pleasant feeling.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Thank you very much!<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy rushed at me sharply and hugged me tightly. From this sudden intimacy, I felt joy and ... Damn, the main thing is that she does not notice that my penis rests against her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Always happy to help.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Sorry, but you have to postpone coffee for lunch. You don't mind, do you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, don't worry.<</say>>
<<md>>I think it's for the best. Yes, and it's time for me to go to lessons. And so too much time wasted here.<</md>>
<<addAff $Lucy 3>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]<<md>>Coffee won't drink itself! No matter how great the lessons are, no matter how attentively the girls listen to me, I am still worried about the coffee, which we will never drink. So I think lunch is the perfect time to remind Lucy of the incident this morning.<</md>>
<<md>>Life is in full swing in the corridor. The students are running back and forth like there is a fire around. Their screams are similar to the screams of alarm systems and do not want to calm down. It's good that today I don't need to be on duty here, otherwise I would definitely have a migraine.<</md>>
<<md>>As I approach her office, I hear a loud woman screaming, This day will never end!<</md>>
<<md>>I run inside the classroom and see that one of the girls is grabbing her stomach, a crowd of girls has already gathered around her. Lucy looks quite scared.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What happened here?<</say>>
<<md>>The girls disperse and I see that the student who clutched her stomach looks very pale. Never in my life have I seen someone so pale. Either she ate too much chalk, or she really is very uncomfortable.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Mr $mc.Name, it's good that you are here. Can you help us? Jennifer became very ill. Could you take her to the infirmary?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl in question is trying to convince me that she is all right, but from the way her voice trembles, I understand that this is just unnecessary bragging.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh sure.<</say>>
<<md>>I grab the girl's arm and tell her to lean on myself. It will be easier for both her and me. If she gets sick, I will at least see. But to be honest, I'm already haunted by the strange thought that Lucy ate a little angel. How else to explain the series of unfortunate events that are associated with it?<</md>>
<<md>>However, I will deal with this later, now it is important to bring the girl to the first-aid post.<</md>>
<<md>>On the way, I managed to find out that Jennifer ate several stale vegetables, but the main thing is that she drank almost a liter of alcohol on an empty stomach.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Didn't they tell you that you can't do that, Jennifer? So you can aggravate your condition and the pain in the stomach then seems like just a fairy tale.<</say>>
<<md>>But now the girl does not need my lectures, she needs help. I, of course, know several options, but it would be faster and more logical to ask the nurse for help.<</md>>
[[Visit nurse|LucyStudentHospital2]]
<<md>>When I open the doors, the nurse immediately rushes to the girl.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>What happened to her?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Alcohol on an empty stomach.<</say>>
<<md>>Jane laughed.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>This is still a challenge. When will you learn not to follow everything you see on the Internet?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl does not answer her, but this phrase gives rise to my curiosity. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You wanna say they had a drinking contest?<</say>>
<<md>>Jane turned to me.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Not just a drinking. You see, they decided to make the Drunken Belly challenge. Haven't you heard? Now the whole Internet is raving about it. Teenagers compete to see who drinks more alcohol on an empty stomach. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>So and an ulcer is not far from earning.<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>You and I understand that, but not them. Okay, you can go. Don't worry, she will be fine. Rose will take care of her.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks.<</say>>
<<md>>I can't believe anyone had the idea of a drinking contest like this. I understand, if only to drink... Yes, I myself did so much at the university. But on an empty stomach, it's almost suicide.<</md>>
<<md>>How stupid children can be sometimes.<</md>>
[[Tell Lucy about girl|LucyStudentHospital3]]
<<md>>When I returned to class, the woman looked at me worriedly, but did not say a word. However, her gaze screamed at me, so I did not torment her with anticipation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>She'll be fine, don't worry.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Okay. Although she's been causing me trouble, she doesn't deserve something bad to happen to her.<</say>>
<<md>>I shrugged my shoulders, not finding the right words. If everything that the nurse told me is true, then there is nothing even to sympathize with The stupidity of adolescents, sometimes they know no boundaries. And talking about it to Lucy now is to bother her once again. She's had enough trouble these days.<</md>>
<<md>>Wow, I think I have a rather warm sympathy for her, because I want to protect her from everything bad.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you know what we deserve?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>What?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Warm lunch and strong coffee. Especially after what happened.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, coffee would definitely not be superfluous.<</say>>
[[Go to the canteen|LucyCoffee2New]]<<md>>There are many more people in the dining room today than there were yesterday. Now this place resembles a hive with bees, which continually buzz back and forth.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Finally we got here!<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy exhales with relief and sits down at the table.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Honestly, I thought that we would never drink coffee again.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, me too... Lately the whole world has gone crazy.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The world has gone mad for a long time, but lately it seems to have gone mad because of you. What did he find in you?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I don’t know there’s nothing special about me.<</say>>
<<md>>I moved closer to her and took her hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I’m sure it’s not true. You are so charming and delightful... Tell us a little more about yourself, let me know more about you.<</say>>
<<md>>She blushed.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>What would you like to know?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>All...<</say>>
<<md>>And she began to talk about herself. About her tastes in music, how she hates cards and the fact that she had a cat named Dolores. What a strange name for a pet.<</md>>
<<md>>In general, the conversation turned out to be very pleasant.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>If you need my help - call any time of the day.<</say>>
<<md>>The tip of her mouth curled into a very sly smile.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>And if I need you at night?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then call at night.<</say>>
<<md>>What a pleasant conversation it turned out!<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest4 = 1>>\
<<set $LucyQuest3 = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest4T = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest5T = 1>>\
<<addAff $Lucy 3>>\
<<addhours 1>>
[[Leave canteen|School reception]]
<<md>>The dream today was not too calm, I would even say the opposite. Strange nightmares haunted me all night. It seems to me that I was dreaming that I met demons who would not let me drink coffee every now and then. Hah, it was even funny! Now I'm not sure if this was a nightmare or a comedy.<</md>>
<<md>>After all, everyone knows that no one can stop me on the way for coffee.<</md>>
<<md>>However, there is some sense in this dream, I would say. In the previous days, I had barely had one coffee with Lucy. Yes, this coffee epic is something. I hope no more trouble will happen with this, because I like the sympathy of this girl.<</md>>
<<md>>But coffee is better to drink at home.<</md>>
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Go to kitchen|LucyCarryThings2]]<<md>>Oh, it looks like Angela is still at home. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Hi, $mc.Name, how did you sleep?<</say>>
<<md>>The cheerful voice of my neighbor makes me finally cheer up and throw the remnants of sleep away.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>To be honest, not really. All night long had some strange dreams.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Understand. It can be difficult to get used to a new place. For some people, this is a very traumatic experience.<</say>>
<<md>>I don't think that the reason for my not very healthy dreams lies in the move. But I don't want to upset Angela or argue with her today. What I want is a very strong coffee to fully recover.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, may be.<</say>>
<<md>>The sound of making coffee is very similar to meditation, I think. It's so monotonous and soothing that my eyes close back. Even the buzzing in my pocket doesn't help me wake up. All sounds merge into one.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name! $mc.Name!<</say>>
<<md>>The scent of coffee and the voice of my neighbor make me open my eyes again.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Are you going to pick up the phone?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice sounds a little too distant. I seem to understand the meaning of these words, but they in no way sting to get together. Sleep engulfs me until I put my lips to a cup of fragrant drink. It’s only when bitter coffee touches my throat that I start to wake up. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Did you say something about the telephone?<</say>>
<<md>>Hot and invigorating coffee flows through my veins like blood. I feel as good as possible, and my head cleared up. Now I understand everything that happened a few minutes ago.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes, it kept calling and calling.<</say>>
<<md>>Damn what happened there? I take out my phone and see 8 missed calls from Lucy. Something very serious must have happened. Has the streak of failure decided to continue? Better check as soon as possible.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry, I'll go away<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh sure.<</say>>
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Go to the corridor|LucyCarryThings3]]
<<md>>I go out into the corridor in order to protect myself from unnecessary ears. I learned this habit since my university years. Because if you weren't hiding, then the Higgins spy would definitely report you. Therefore, this habit has been following me for a dozen years.<</md>>
<<md>>There is a long call on the other end and it makes me nervous. Pick up the phone... Come on!<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Hello!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy! Is it good that you answered the phone? Something happened?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>$mc.Name, don't worry. Nothing too critical. But you said that I can call if I need your help...<</say>>
<<md>>Even if she says that it’s nothing serious, but I’m not so easy to deceive. If nothing happens, you will not call eight times in a row. There is something else besides the usual request. But what?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh sure. Tell me what's the matter?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I were asked to bring some important things for the school and I would need your help. Can you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, where to go?<</say>>
<<md>>The best way to find out what happened is to see for yourself. If there is something that Lucy would not want to talk about on the phone, then no matter how much I ask, the result will not be achieved. Just a lively conversation, just eye to eye.<</md>>
<<md>>After saying goodbye to Angela, I go to the address Lucy gave me. I hope she doesn't live in the middle of a drug addict den!<</md>>
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Ride to Lucy|LucyCarryThings4]]
<<md>>Lucy's house looks very attractive from a distance. A small but cozy building meets me with unspeakable joy. I know that I can relax in this silence, which so far is only broken by the sound of my breathing. And I really enjoy peace, these moments only delay the moment of meeting, and I am glad that my life is arranged this way. But now this is not the main thing .. The main thing is that we meet again and become closer, because before I would not have got used to it ... And this hour that we spend together is just a moment, I know, this is something like a gift of fate, this not more.<</md>>
<<md>>I go up to the door and knock. There are several exciting moments before Lucy opens it.<</md>>
<<if $LucyImage26Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage26Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, there you are. Come in.<</say>>
<<md>>She gives me a soft smile that makes my soul warm.<</md>>
<<md>>She escorts me to a very comfortable room, where there are ten luggage bags are held.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you going to move to school?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Haha very funny! But no, Clara asked me to help her a little. And, as you know, it is very dangerous to refuse her.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So it's because of Clara?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes. And what did you think?<</say>>
<<md>>I thought it was about me, that Lucy fell head over heels in love with me. That she cannot breathe and sleep without my courageous cheekbones. That every breath, every thought she devotes only to me. But the reason was simpler.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, nothing, Lucy. I thought you were too excited.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Well yes. So can you help?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why did I come here then?<</say>>
<<md>>She twirled a lock of her hair as she approached me and drew close enough to hear her heartbeat.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>For me, maybe?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe...<</say>>
<<md>>I really want this. I can't wait to see you as close as possible, to taste you. You know, sometimes it's so natural. Well, it’s not that obvious, but it’s just such reactions sometimes. But now is not the time or place.<</md>>
<<md>>I grab the boxes and start loading them into the car. Some of them seem really heavy, others just jingle funny, like a children's piggy bank inside, full of coins.<</md>>
<<md>>Fifteen minutes passed before I loaded everything into the car. It seems to be not too difficult work, but you can already feel a little tired from it.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Thanks, $mc.Name. Get in the car.<</say>>
<<addAff $Lucy 3>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
<<text y "Now you can visit Lucy's appartment">>
<<set $LucyHomeKnown = 1>>\
[[Go to the car|LucyCarryThings5]]<<md>>I didn’t know Lucy could drive until today. Of course, sometimes she drifts a little, but overall she is a good driver.<</md>>
<<md>>It was not very convenient to get to the second floor with boxes. Not only is the weight not the smallest, so I had to constantly avoid students, so they tried to imprint or knock the box out of my hands. But Lucy protected me and we brought everything safe and sound to the office.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's all.<</say>>
<<md>>When the boxes were finished, I scratched the back of my head.<</md>>
<<md>>Lucy came up to me.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, thanks for everything. And here is your reward!<</say>>
<<md>>Her lips felt so soft and seductive. Hundreds of small sparks raced down my back as our tongues met and tied into a sexual knot.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>It's even better than I thought...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes... But I think we should stop before the students come.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes you are right. Will you come and see me after class? I would like to thank you for your help.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I thought it was a reward.<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy bit her lip sexually.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>No, it was just a prelude! I'm waiting for you today at 19.30 at my house.<</say>>
<<set $LucyQuest4 = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest5T = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest5 = 1>>\
<<set $LucyQuest6T = 1>>\
<<addAff $Lucy 3>>\
<<addmins 25>>\
[[wonderful|Second floor]]<<md>>Just think about it!<</md>>
<<md>>Today is probably breaking all records for surprises. When I went to bed, I never thought that I would end the day here in front of Lucy, who made me an amazing dish that made me salivate.<</md>>
<<md>>But not only is Lucy's dish beautiful, but the woman in front of me radiates happiness and confidence. She seems to be shining from the fact that she had the chance to be alone with me. I am sure that if there was a beauty contest now, then Lucy would have won it, so she just needs to compete with all the other girls.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, this dish is delicious!<</say>>
<<md>>The woman answered my compliment with a smile.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>I really hope. But I would not advise you to lean too much on this dish. After all, another dessert awaits you.<</say>>
<<md>>Dessert? Sounds very tempting, especially when she smiles so lasciviously. I can't help thinking of anything decent.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Where did you learn to cook like that?<</say>>
<<md>>We need to get distracted from these thoughts about sex, otherwise I will not stand it and throw myself at her just here. It is unlikely that she dreams of such gratitude for all the work done. While you can play a decent guy.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>This is my inborn gift.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>A good gift. So you can win any man.<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy lowered her eyes to the plate and briefly fell silent, as if gathering her spirit.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>I don't need any man. I need the best.<</say>>
<<md>>And at that moment something rattled on the floor. It looks like the girl's fork fell on the table.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, I'm too careless.<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy leaned over to get her fork and I immediately felt a woman's hand between my legs. She held it gently and my penis immediately reacted even through my pants.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, what are you doing.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I promised you dessert!<</say>>
<<addAff $Lucy 5>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lucy\Quest\Video\LucySuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>A hand briskly felt the zipper of his trousers. But she did not quite succeed in freeing my prisoner from the imprisonment of clothes, so I took off my pants. We were one on one: my cock and her cute lustful mouth.<</md>>
<<if $LucyVideo13Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyVideo13Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>All I wanted was to see her put it in her mouth. So I helped her out of the table, where we had little space, and slowly brought my penis closer to her delicious mouth. Come on, baby, please me.<</md>>
<<md>>Her soft, warm lips wrapped around the head of my penis, starting their sweet torture, then I felt the elastic slide of her tongue along its entire length. I knew - a little more, and I will fall from heaven to earth.<</md>>
<<md>>But that didn't bother me. Because Lucy, of course, understood that this was exactly what was expected of her. They expect that she will work her mouth so well that I will cum right there...<</md>>
<<md>>And of course, she will cope... And how good it will be for me then! It’s so good that I will slowly and gently sit on those half-childish lips of hers for a few more seconds...<</md>>
<<md>>And of course, I can not resist all the bliss that covers me with a mortgage of cum splashing down her throat, on her tongue and sexy lips. Lord, what a pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>I still do not understand, was it a dessert for her or me?<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest5 = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest6T = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest6 = 1>>\
<<set $LucyQuest7T = 1>>\
[[Leave her home|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>The bathroom in this house looks like the laboratory of a crazy inventor. There are no hidden light bulbs everywhere, and this parade of madness is completed by a huge picture, similar to an unfinished creation. And nevertheless, it is very comfortable to be here. Goosebumps go through me.<</md>>
<<if $RadioBugGet == 3 && $RadioBugLucy == 0 >>
[[Set up radio|RadioInstallLucy]]
[[Back|Lucy's home]]
<<addmins 5>><<md>>Leaving a question unanswered is tantamount to picking at a newly opened wound with a needle. On the one hand, it is unpleasant for you, on the other hand, it gives you some very perverse pleasure. And no matter how pleasant it was for me to think out and remain in the dark, I cannot do that. If at school, and especially among female students, something happens, I should know about it. Because if it later turns into a scandal, then it won't be fun for me. Just remember the story of the principal who did not know that at his school the teachers forced the children to work overtime. As a result, the public did not appreciate it, and the old principal was simply fired. <</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, I follow Fiona to the second floor, so as not to remain in the shadows. I must say that the thought that somewhere in the school there is a club in my name flatters me incredibly. On the other hand, though, they might collectively hate me.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Have you decided to check?<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona smiles at me broadly. But this smile is not only the kindness of her intentions. No. There is also a strange kind of look that seems to scream "Follow me down the rabbit hole, Neo." The problem is that it doesn't bode well for me. I open Pandora's box, which would be better kept locked. But the seed of curiosity has already been sown - it's too late to retreat.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You have the gift of persuasion, Fiona.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Well, let's go. The girls will be happy to see you.<</say>>
<<md>>We turn into the classroom, which on ordinary days serves as Sophia's office, but now it is empty. Why would an English teacher do that?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sophia allows you to gather here?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Allows? She initiated the creation of this club.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words sound like a bolt from the blue. From what I heard, it even becomes hard for me to breathe for a moment, as if someone is stealing air from my lungs. Is Sophia directly involved in this? Why would she even create a club in my honour. I understand when it comes to idle schoolgirls whose hormones are on the edge, but Sophia ...<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>That's where we come. Welcome!<</say>>
<<md>>However, I'll talk to Sophia about this a little later. Now is not the time.<</md>>
<<set $Fiona3Q = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona4Q = 1>>\
[[Enter the room|Fiona(Club3)]]<<md>>They say sport saves lives. That you should keep your body in shape and then everything will be fine. But what about the emotional state? Who needs a healthy body if you lose your mind?<</md>>
<<md>>Our world is full of things that can easily throw you off balance. Wrong word, wrong look, problems at home or at work. All this constitutes our psychological portrait. And the way we cope with difficulties characterizes us as a strong person or, on the contrary, weak. But one thing I know for sure - nobody is iron.<</md>>
<<md>>Today is not my easiest day. Or am I just looking for an excuse for myself so as not to deny myself a cigarette? It does not matter.<</md>>
<<md>>I lit a cigarette and inhaled the smoke coming from the cigarette. Maybe this is my destiny - to inhale cigarette smoke for a few seconds, and then calm down and even think that smoking is not the worst way to exist. Fate, ha... If I believed in it...<</md>>
<<md>>Smoking is prohibited in the stadium, I know that well. After all, here many people care about their health, and not about how I ruin it.<</md>>
<<md>>However, my presence at the stadium did not pass unnoticed. Already the first student looks at me with a sidelong glance, and then just stands beside me and lights a cigarette. Here we stand like father and son, and we have a very long conversation about how life at school is not as easy as it might seem. I'm not going to dissuade him. If you think about it, in my time, school was very difficult. It was a struggle of the strongest. You either survived, going through all the humiliation and misunderstanding, forcing others to respect you, or drowning at the bottom, becoming outcasts.<</md>>
<<md>>It was time...<</md>>
<div id="message-placeholder"></div>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image3", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<say $Clara>>Mr. $mc.Name!<</say>>
<<md>>What the hell is Clara doing here? I never thought that I would see her here in her athletic form. And damn sexy athletic form. These shorts show off how hot she is.<</md>>
<<md>>Before I had time to look back, my newly-born son disappeared from sight, as if he was not there.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Clara?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Can you stop undressing me with a glance?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I'm sorry, I... I just didn't expect to see you here.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, I am here and I do not intend to tolerate the negative example that you set for our students. They ran with me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, but I...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Either you are running, or I am thinking about your dismissal.<</say>>
<<md>>Throwing my cigarette into the trash can, I ran after Clara. I trailed behind her for several reasons. First, I still could not come to my senses from such a turn of events. Second, she had a great ass. And through the shorts I even saw the outline of her panties.<</md>>
<<md>>We finished 15 minutes later.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>See? It is not difficult to set a good example for students. I hope you won't smoke here anymore?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I don’t know if I’ll be sure of my word, but for the sake of Clara’s peace of mind, it’s better to lie now.<</md>>
<<addmins 30>>\
<<set $SmokingSF = 1>>\
<<set $id.cigarrete -= 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay= 1>>\
[[Back|Sport field]]<<md>>When I enter the classroom, I immediately feel uneasy. I feel like an animal in a cage. Only now the animals in the cage are usually safe, but I felt how they were stripping me with their eyes. And this is not just one person, no. There was sexual hunger in the eyes of these girls. And if I were here now on a different mission...<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Girls, I brought Mr. $mc.Name to us so that he could see what we are doing here. After all, he must know, is not it?<</say>>
<<md>>The girls nodded and began to speak in unison. Among this unintelligible chorus of voices, I was able to isolate a few words, but even that was difficult.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>No, girls, it's better if you can't explain everything in a civilized way. Mr. $mc.Name, you know what a good teacher you are! But you're also a great person. Whatever you do - you always help us girls feel very feminine and desirable ...<</say>>
<<md>>When Fiona says this, she moves through the audience there smoothly and sexy, that I can only feel the tension in my pants. I thought this girl was just an avid student, but it looks like she is also a very attractive individual. The way her little hands run along her sexy legs, as if tempting my cock to look under her skirt.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Every week we gather here and share what you have done for us this week. How did you make us cum hard... Oh, did I say that out loud? A-ha-ha!<</say>>
<<md>>Loud laughter echoed from the audience.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>In general, this is what we are doing here. As you can see - it's okay, just girls and their dreams and a strong, smart and courageous Mr. $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<md>>Wherever I looked, I caught an enthusiastic look. But unlike my lessons, their eyes burned with lust. Fiona's joke looked less and less like a joke. And that worried me. Because I wouldn't have enough for all of them, anyway. The human body has a limit, and this is not a porn movie where I am a hero-lover.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>You don't believe me, teacher. <</say>>
<<md>>Fiona leaned back in her chair so that I could see her snow-white panties. And this view attracted me, as if hypnotizing.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I believe...<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>No, you don`t. But I know how I can convince you.<</say>>
<<md>>She brings her legs together and pulls them to her, after her hands lift the skirt and .... From what I see, I just want to fuck her right here in front of everyone. This sweet torment overwhelms me too much.<</md>>
<<md>>Her hands slowly pull down a strip of fabric called panties, and her skirt hides the most revealing. Her movements are too seductive, and the knowledge that nothing is hiding the pussy of the smartest student in school...<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>This is from our club. I want you to understand how dear you are to us. I'm sure everyone would take off her panties for you and spread her legs.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona, you don't have to say that!<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Why? Don't you teach us not to hide the truth and be honest with ourselves first?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay. But if anyone finds out about this...<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Do not be afraid, our moans will remain between us.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded and walked out of the audience, clutching a girl's panties in my hands.<</md>>
<<addLust $Fiona 5>>\
[[Leave the room|Fiona(Club4)]]<<md>>Damn it, Fiona! She put me to the test. It wasn't just a courtesy call, no. She wanted to see if I would fuck her right there in class. What got into her? Where did that sweet girl who handed me the soda go?<</md>>
<<md>>But if I don't let off steam now, I will just explode. Because jumping into the toilet. The hand itself dives into the pants and pulls the penis out. It is red and warm, but its pulsation gives off a pleasant sensation throughout the body.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn, these panties are so soft and wet. Damn, did Fiona masturbate in them? The fact that I feel her juices under my fingers... How exciting it is!<</md>>
<<md>>The hand itself begins to move up and down the base of the penis, imagining how the girl plays with her clitoris... She said that I make her cum hard? It's just amazing! The heat builds up and I explode. The seed flies straight onto the girl's panties in my hand. Curse ... how can she return them now...<</md>>
<<md>>Okay, at least I enjoyed it. <</md>>
<<md>>As soon as I leave, a familiar voice makes me shudder in surprise.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>But it could have been my pussy, not panties.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona, what are you doing here?<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles slyly.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>I'm looking at what dirty things you do with my underwear.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry I...<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>No, you... Just remember that this pussy is hungry for your dick. Smartest pussy and smartest dick - could be the perfect match.<</say>>
<<md>>And leaving these words, she proudly leaves. What was it? What is Fiona up to?<</md>>
<<addLust $Fiona 5>>\
<<set $Fiona4Q = 10>>\
<<set $Fiona5Q = 1>>\
<<set $Fiona2QT = 2>>\
[[I need to think|Second floor]]
<<md>>What happened at the meeting does not go off my head. I would like to see in Fiona only the ideal student, as before, but now there is no turning back. Not after I saw her take off her panties in front of me. This action will always and everywhere excite any man and make him see the much-desired sexual object in you. Because no matter how I look at her with a detached look, I will always think about those soft girlish lips between her legs and how fingers gently touch their entrance...<</md>>
<<md>>Damn, my boner is out of place right now! Thinking about a girl's pussy is nice, but it's time for me to get ready for work. I think I'll do without coffee today.<</md>>
<<set $Fiona5Q = 2>>\
[[Time to go |Kitchen]]
<<md>>The drive to school allowed me to calm down a bit. Of course, in the subway I was seduced by closeness by several directly such asses screaming about their sexuality, but I tried to stay calm as much as possible. Now is not the time to get into lustful thoughts. Now it is important to figure out why Fiona has such a sudden change in mood and whether I am not imagining that other girls echo her. Because a few girls who are crazy about me are quite good, but what to do with a dozen? Or with the army? Even if I can pacify them in my own special way, these are teenagers and it is sometimes difficult for them to keep secrets. This means that all this will reach those who are above. Which is highly undesirable for me.<</md>>
<<md>>Seeking an answer from Fiona still seems like a bad idea. If she turns on her sexual part, then I'm afraid this time I will end not on the girl's panties, but between her legs.<</md>>
<<md>>But the girl was saying something that was very interesting to hear. She said that it was Sophia who organized it. So, you should talk to the organizer. It's time to ask some uncomfortable questions before I become a pawn in this dirty game.<</md>>
<<md>>There are not many people on the second floor and this is the perfect time to go there and find out everything first-hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sophia, can I talk to you?<</say>>
<<md>>The woman puts her things in the back locker, which closes loudly.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>We have a free country and it seems no one has limited you in freedom of expression, right? How can I help you?<</say>>
<<md>>She seems friendly enough for someone who has decided to ruin my life by manipulating young girls. However, I can be wrong and she can be quite a good actor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'd like to talk to you about Fiona.<</say>>
<<md>>She sits down at the table and eye contact is established between us. I don't want to miss a single detail on her face. I will try to find out as much as possible.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Ah, do you want to talk about our "Mrs. Ideality"? Or her obsession with a new biology teacher?<</say>>
<<md>>Sophia giggled as if she were a high school student herself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I would like to talk more about the club.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Oh, I should have guessed that Fiona can't keep her mouth shut when it comes to you. However, I cannot blame her.<</say>>
<<md>>How easily she admitted her part in this.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>You might be wondering why I organized all this at all? The reason is very simple - I love these girls very much and will not allow any event in their life to harm them. And nothing hurts more than a handsome man who cannot be yours, believe me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You say as if you went through something like that.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>And so it was. These girls, many of them are quite innocent. Physically they are ready for a lot, but morally. One broken heart can be a disaster for them, you know? That is why they need a society like them, those who can support them in this.<</say>>
<<md>>I sighed heavily. The situation, of course, is not easy, I myself understand, however...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you know that they share their sexual fantasies about me?<</say>>
<<md>>She giggled again.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>I know. You can't blame them for this, can you? These girls need love. And I would really ask you...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What do you mean?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>I know you like these girls. I saw their young sexy bodies and tight asses. Don't say you never dreamed of fucking one of them.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>I only ask you not to break their heart. When they finish school, your concern and even your cock will seem like a good dream to them. If you reject them, can you guarantee that you will not create a swarm of psychological problems within them?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you offer me what I think?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>You can fuck any of the club members. For them, you are a father figure with whom they will happily cum. You have my permission as the founder of this club.<</say>>
<<md>>The offer, of course, is very tempting, albeit predictable.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>If I get caught doing this…<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>You won't get caught if you do it here or at home. You're not a teenager, you can think not only with a dick, but with your head, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes.<</say>>
<<md>>Her plan sounds pretty straightforward. If we do everything carefully and quietly, then all of us will benefit. However, I still have a very strange feeling that Sophia is not saying something.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why are you so obsessed with this idea?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>As I said I care about girls.<</say>>
<<md>>I just don't believe in her good intentions. There is something suspicious about all this. And I'll figure it out. But for now I will enjoy.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>If I find out that I broke their heart, I will break yours . I promise, $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understood you.<</say>>
<<set $Fiona5Q = 3>>\
<<set $Fiona6Q = 1>>\
<<set$Fiona2QT = 3>>\
<<set$Fiona3QT = 1>>\
[[Leave the room|Second floor]]<<md>>Talking to Sophia was a relief for me. Now at least everything has become more or less clear. I still doubt her godly intentions in this situation, but don't think too much about it for now. Interestingly something else - now I can take one of those hot schoolgirls without unnecessary pangs of conscience. Each of those sweet girly pussies will now unfold for me in a new light.<</md>>
<<md>>The next meeting will be very fruitful for me, I can take a closer look and choose my first victim. Of course, Fiona is also a good candidate, but...<</md>>
<<md>>Suddenly, someone's ringing voices stopped me. I made eye contact with two schoolgirls, whose boobs almost jumped out of their blouses. How were they even admitted to school in such depraved clothes? Although I won't say that I don't like it. Rather, I like it so much that I feel a pleasant warmth between my legs. The member is definitely glad to see such revealing outfits.<</md>>
<<md>>As soon as they saw me, the schoolgirls giggled loudly and greeted me. Wait, I saw them at Fiona's meeting. Then they looked less modest, but still attracted me with their beauty.<</md>>
<<md>>What have they forgotten here now in that case? I asked them about it, and they gently, like cats, came up to me and pressed their young bodies. Damn, it feels good, albeit very dangerous, if someone sees me here. One of the girls smiled and ran her hand straight into my pants with the phrase that I should forget the slut Fiona, because they are much better than her. That they'll take care of me.<</md>>
<<md>>Such closeness and frankness won over, but I could not afford to surrender to passion right here. If someone less open catches me here, it will take too long to explain everything. And you can hardly explain normally what the girl's hand was doing on your penis...<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, grabbing both girls by the hands, I drag them to Sofia's office, which is so conveniently empty. Closing the door behind me, I allow the girls to pull off my pants and proceed to the most desirable action for them.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\ClubGirlsSuck.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>One of the girls kneels down and runs her tongue and the base of the canoe almost to the very head, while the other kisses my balls. These touches make me feel very pleasant, I feel a wave of lust begin to move towards me.<</md>>
<<md>>These simultaneous touches feel very special. As if cold and fire touch you at the same time, as if playing on your every nerve. I start to melt when both tongues come together on my head, licking it with relish, like the best delicacy. These girls are really hungry. One of them swallows my dick and I feel a little dizzy with pleasure. The second hand tightly squeezes the member, from which I almost finish. Their innocent eyes are looking at me. Lord, how do you get started when they look at you as the best master in the world. These beautiful eyes are begging, begging to fuck them and not be kind to them.<</md>>
<<md>>I'm not going to show pity, so I grab one of the girls by the hair and roughly start moving in her mouth. This sexy throat, like a second vagina opens in front of me, meeting with its warmth.<</md>>
<<md>>Wet throbbing member, and then acute pleasure from the tongue pierced into its edge. This is enough for me to explode on their sexy faces with a fountain of pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, this club is not so bad after all!<</md>>
<<set $Fiona6Q = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona7Q = 1>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 2>>\
[[Leave the room|Second floor]]
<<set _MathClassRandomEventsArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _MathClassRandomEventsArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>I can smell 23 different pussies in this class, 17 of them are of American origin, 4 of them are European and the rest are Asian. 8 of them are shaved, uhhf is delicious.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Before even getting inside the classroom, I witness the staging of fights no worse than those athletic pirouettes that I saw in "Star Wars". Around, forming a circle, like those that arrange in underground fight clubs, students gathered. And inside there were two very athletic guys, each of whom was holding a pointer.<</md>>
<<md>>What's going on here? Where is Lucy?<</md>>
<<md>>Both shells, called pointers, are encountered with a loud sound. A click and structure echo throughout the room as the crowd roars. I don't recognize this place. Like we're not at school at all.<</md>>
<<md>>Is Lucy aware of this?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, what's going on here?<</say>>
<<md>>But my voice is drowned in the renewed rumble of the crowd, who approve of these "laser pointers" fights.<</md>>
<<md>>Hell, you have to do it the old way. Pushing the stunned students aside, I burst into the circle.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What the hell is going on here ?!<</say>>
<<md>>The pointers try to slow down, but the momentum cannot be stopped and the pointers hit me from both sides. The students giggle as they realize what they have done.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you think it's funny? Nobody was hurt and that's good. But, if this continues, many of you may be kicked out of school.<</say>>
<<md>>The rumble of the crowd ceased, and the students with gloomy faces began to disperse to the sides. It doesn't belong here now.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>$mc.Name, what was there?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, there was a show. You won't even believe...<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:30')>>\
<<md>>The class is now calm and quiet. As if there was no hard day or eternal turmoil. As if the whole place was just shielded from the unrest of the rest of the world.<</md>>
<<md>>Only one figure that rubs table still indicates that I entirely not dreaming.<</md>>
<<md>>Lucy wipes her desk so thoroughly that it’s amazing.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I thought you already left.<</say>>
<<md>>She does not take her eyes off the table and continues to wipe it so thoroughly, as if it were some expensive Bentley.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Well, as you can see, not quite yet.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes I see. Why don't you leave this to the cleaning lady or Monica? I thought you liked the way the student cleaned the last time?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>And so it was. But I can't make her clean up every time. Besides, I'm used to cleaning houses, so it won't do any harm.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Can I help you?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, if you want.<</say>>
<<md>>I grab another rag and start dusting with Lucy. It works pretty well and we do it by discussing other things along the way, like student performance and a few events that are being talked about on the Internet. Sounds like a good time.<</md>>
<<md>>Before even getting inside the classroom, I witness the staging of fights no worse than those athletic pirouettes that I saw in "Star Wars". Around, forming a circle, like those that arrange in underground fight clubs, students gathered. And inside there were two very athletic guys, each of whom was holding a pointer.<</md>>
<<md>>What's going on here? Where is Lucy?<</md>>
<<md>>Both shells, called pointers, are encountered with a loud sound. A click and structure echo throughout the room as the crowd roars. I don't recognize this place. Like we're not at school at all.<</md>>
<<md>>Is Lucy aware of this?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, what's going on here?<</say>>
<<md>>But my voice is drowned in the renewed rumble of the crowd, who approve of these "laser pointers" fights.<</md>>
<<md>>Hell, you have to do it the old way. Pushing the stunned students aside, I burst into the circle.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What the hell is going on here ?!<</say>>
<<md>>The pointers try to slow down, but the momentum cannot be stopped and the pointers hit me from both sides. The students giggle as they realize what they have done.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you think it's funny? Nobody was hurt and that's good. But, if this continues, many of you may be kicked out of school.<</say>>
<<md>>The rumble of the crowd ceased, and the students with gloomy faces began to disperse to the sides. It doesn't belong here now.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>$mc.Name, what was there?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, there was a show. You won't even believe...<</say>>
<<md>>When I think about what has happened over the past few days, I realize that some kind of invisible connection has been struck between Lucy and me since the first time we met. Even then I was attracted to her, and she did not leave me a single step. And although very little time has passed, I feel how this connection grows between us. And I want to make this connection even stronger. I would like to make her stronger than steel and get closer to Lucy as much as possible.<</md>>
<<md>>In my head, I've already gone through enough options for how Lucy and I could have a good time. There are dozens of options for how two people can enjoy each other's company, but if I have learned something over the previous days, that two teachers at school are very problematic to start something. There will always be someone or something that will get in the way. Therefore, no school, no running students nearby, broken doors or other troubles. No, enough.<</md>>
<<md>>The dining room is quite crowded today, but that didn't stop me from seeing Lucy. She is wearing such a bright dress today that it allows her to stand out and rise above this entire crowd. She seems to be the center of this dining room, the sun of this seething world. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, may I come in?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, $mc.Name! I'm so glad to see you. Sit down, of course. How is your day going?<</say>>
<<md>>While I was sitting down, I managed to notice how she was looking at me. There was something strange and beautiful in this look. As if she took care of me. However, it may be so.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks I'm fine. Nothing out of the ordinary. Lexi, as usual, was trying to trick something, but this is Lexi, so you shouldn't even be surprised.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I can believe it. But hey, you're still lucky if she attends your lessons. So you mean something to her. The little girl hasn't even looked at my lessons for a long time.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You may be true, but that doesn't make her any less obnoxious. Otherwise, you just want to take and ... But the teacher cannot do any of this. A lawsuit will immediately fly to the school, right?<</say>>
<<md>>She laughed loudly, almost dropping the fork from her hands.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Likely. Listen, about those who mean something to us...<</say>>
<<md>>It's quite stupid to delay with this. Again, there is something that will hinder us. No, enough.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I would like to ask would you like to go on a date with me today? Let's say what if you and I sit in some cafe? Where there will be no children and no broken doors!<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Ha-ha, sounds very tempting. I will gladly keep you company.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then I'll drop by your place after 5 p.m today?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I'll be happy to wait.<</say>>
<<md>>There is a smile on her face and I don't want to leave her now, but I'm sure there are enough things in this school that I could do in order to get free early.<</md>>
<<md>>So after enjoying Lucy's company a little more, I set off.<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest6 = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest7T = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest8T = 1>>\
[[Leave|School reception]]<<md>>The evening came quickly enough. When it happened, I didn't even have time to understand. But there was something else that I was able to understand. - today will be a very fine evening. Just me and Lucy alone, no problem. This is the best evening!<</md>>
<<md>>I happily ran up the porch to her door and was about to knock when the doors swung open. Lucy flew out to meet me like a beautiful bird. She had such a happy expression on her face that I already knew how happy I was. But we didn't even go anywhere.<</md>>
<<if $LucyImage14Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage14Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>Are you ready?<</say>>
<<md>>The woman grabbed my arm and hugged me tightly. Warmth and comfort emanated from her, which only calmed me even more.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>You don`t have to ask! Ready as never before!<</say>>
<<md>>Huh, I like her attitude. Such a woman wants not only to climb under the skirt, but also to do something very, very interesting.<</md>>
[[Let`s rock|LucyDateLexi]]<<md>>I caught my breath. It seemed that the whole world in front of my eyes was just falling apart. The entire planned evening, the whole ideality of the moment just cracked. Why can't I shake off the thought that I'm missing something? <</md>>
<<md>>Lucy looked at me with strange and empty eyes, and I could not understand how this was possible at all.<</md>>
<<md>>At first, our evening was as I imagined it. A cozy and comfortable evening in a cafe could not destroy the eternal flow of cafe visitors. He did not bother me, I was worried about a girl with silky skin and a very seductive neckline. When our hands are intertwined, I feel quite happy.<</md>>
<<md>>It's funny, I thought I had already outgrown this age with tactile orgasms, but for some reason now it gives unprecedented pleasure. But she even gave me a blowjob!<</md>>
<<md>>We discussed many things and it seemed like time just stopped for the two of us. And then something happened that I had never expected.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Hello, Mr. $mc.Name!<</say>>
<<md>>Here is the voice that broke all the spell of the moment. Lexi walked past us with two chucks of coffee. And it was not even surprising that she greeted me or found out, no. It was likely. It was surprising that...<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Who is this? Do you know her?<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy looked at me in surprise, then at Lexi leaving after. Then I thought that there was nothing strange in this question, because she could simply not see the girl if all her attention was focused only on me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, this is our Lexi.<</say>>
<<md>>But then it followed.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Who is Lexi?<</say>>
<<md>>There was no joke or mockery in this matter. Lucy looked at me with her pure and innocent eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Our Lexi, the daredevil who always gets the school in trouble.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Ah... Yes... Of course...<</say>>
<<md>>A sound like broken glass flashed through my head.<</md>>
<<md>>And the further she spoke, the less confident I became that I knew Lucy. What is it: a stupid joke, overwork, or something else. Now she looked lost, as if she didn't even know where she was.<</md>>
<<md>>Unable to look at it any longer, I offered to take her home. This path was so long and painful that it seemed to me that it would never end. Only a few kilometers, but I have already cursed myself a hundred times for not calling a taxi.<</md>>
<<md>>Some kind of bitterness settled inside me and someone's nasty voice whispered to me to flee from here. Because when we said goodbye to her, I took one last look at her house and left.<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest6 = 3>>\
<<set $LucyQuest7 = 1>>\
<<set $LucyQuest8T = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest9T = 1>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]<<md>>Even from the street, I noticed Lucy from afar. My first impulse was to approach her and apologize for yesterday's impulse and for the fact that everything ended so abruptly. I admit that my act was not the best. But I was just scared, chickened out of the unknown. I have never seen such a strange reaction.<</md>>
<<md>>And if it was some completely alien and unknown student, then this is one thing, but we are talking about Lexi! This one cannot be forgotten.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, I wait until Lucy has gone much ahead and after that I enter the school.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Hey, golden, something happened to you?<</say>>
<<md>>Passing by the reception, Linda's voice stops me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What? Oh, Linda, no, don't worry.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Are you sure? Not much like the look on the face of someone who should have a good date yesterday. Didn't it go as smoothly as you'd like?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How do you know that I had a date?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>I have my eyes and ears everywhere, golden. I keep this school in strong paws, believe me. And nothing happens here without my knowledge.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, that sounds pretty plausible. More than once I have witnessed how Linda knew about things that did not concern her at all.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So you know what happened?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>No, I just know that you should have had a great date, but now you don't look like the happiest person in the world.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, this woman cannot be denied observation. She notices even the smallest details. But even so, now I want to understand what is happening on my own more than weave other people into this very difficult question.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks for the trouble, Linda, but it's okay.<</say>>
<<md>>The woman snorted disdainfully and crossed her arms over her chest.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Do you know what my mother said about people who keep everything to themselves, golden? They die alone, because they do not allow others to approach them and within the range of a shot.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But they can't be shot in that case.<</say>>
<<md>>Perhaps she is right, but now I don't feel ready to share my experiences with her. And I can't be sure that it wasn't just stress or something like that. We need to give Lucy a second chance. But that will be after, and now I have to hurry to my lessons.<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest7 = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest9T = 2>>\
[[Right|Second floor]]
<<md>>My attention was constantly running away. No matter how much I tried to focus on the fact that I should teach the lessons without being distracted by something, it didn’t work. Outwardly I was calm, but a hurricane was raging inside. Also Lexi, who was at the lesson with all her appearance reminded me of the event that happened. You need to stay calm and focused.<</md>>
<<md>>These thoughts will not make me feel better. Even though the situation unbalanced me, it doesn't mean that I should aggravate the situation even more. Therefore, going to Lucy and demanding an explanation is the first idea that comes to mind, but I immediately dismiss it. If there is something unreasonable in the world, it is the desire of people to act impulsively. She is unlikely to take a question of this kind favorably.<</md>>
<<md>>When the bell finally rings, I breathe a sigh of relief. Finally, this long and seemingly endless lesson came to an end. Following the students, I emerged from my audience and went to Lucy.<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest7 = 3>>\
<<addhours 4>>\
[[Visit Lucy|LucyDateConversation]]
<<md>>Second chances are very important. My parents always told me that everyone in this life deserves a second chance. No matter how you act, with what disgusting act you have defiled your life, there will always be a place for forgiveness. At least that's what they kept telling me. Although I have suspicions that with these words they justified all the horror that I did in my youth. <</md>>
<<md>>But these words are so tightly embedded in my brain that often before I commit some rash act towards another person, I just give him another chance. None of us are perfect.<</md>>
<<md>>When I go to class with Lucy, she looks quite confused. This is not the look that was yesterday, but also not the one full of happiness and joy.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>$mc.Name, hello! What have you forgotten here?<</say>>
<<md>>She says as if nothing had happened. It’s like yesterday’s awkwardness between us didn’t exist. Perhaps this is what the eternal inexhaustible optimism says in her. However, black clouds have already managed to settle in my head, contrary to all guesses.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I came to find out how you are doing today.<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy continued to sort the folder on her desk, not even looking at me a bit.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Well, thanks for your interest. Everything is good enough. I have another lesson coming soon, so if you don't mind, I'd like to get ready.<</say>>
<<md>>I don't understand what it is in her voice: resentment or simple indifference. I don't think I deserve this attitude at all<</md>> .
<<say $mc>>Lucy, are you all right?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, don't worry.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then you do not mind meeting in the park at about 4 pm today? The weather is great today and we could have a good rest.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>No, I don't mind... Not at all... I would be happy to meet you there.<</say>>
<<md>>There is neither joy nor confidence in her voice. I hear only needles of indifference that make me shudder.<</md>>
<<md>>Okay, let's hope she doesn't come on a date with a knife.<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest9T = 3>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]
<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<md>>Warm rays of the sun gently touch my face. Everything around looks like a canvas of a landscape painter. The green and yellow colors around me almost blind me with their beauty. Being here, I cannot hide my smile. It is in such places that you want to dance with happiness.<</md>>
<<md>>Only gloomy thoughts spoil this whole joyful picture. For fifteen minutes now I have been sitting and watching life around. The way guys kiss girls, how dogs happily run around their owners. It's been fifteen minutes since Lucy was supposed to show up, but she's still gone.<</md>>
<<md>>The hours lazily ticked off the minutes, but nothing changed. Life reigned around me, but here I felt like a stranger. Nothing happened in this for me. Nothing.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn it, was Lucy so mad at me that she decided not to come? I turned the phone over in my hands. Should I call Lucy now? If she didn't want to talk to me, why didn't she just tell me about it? I never understood this, to be honest.<</md>>
<<md>>No, talking on the phone is not what I need right now. All these breakups on the phone or on the Internet are not at all what you expect from the person with whom you went on a date and who until then was drawn to you.<</md>>
<<md>>I have to resolve this issue personally. If she wants me to leave her alone, let her say it to my eyes.<</md>>
[[Go to her place|LucyDateFather]]<<md>>I was not in the mood to take the subway. Now I had to walk and put all my thoughts in order before I showed myself to Lucy's eyes. Yes, she did not act very nicely, but it would be very, very wrong to dump everything on her now. This is when you consider that I do not even know her motives.<</md>>
<<md>>Maybe she is one of those who come up with something superfluous for herself? Then all my claims will be an even bigger blow. Stop, why am I so loyal to Lucy? As if I justify it in advance. In general, the issue needs to be resolved.<</md>>
<<md>>And here is the Lucy area. The house is already visible on the horizon when some strange man blocks my way in a narrow alley. He is wearing a gray cloak and a strange-looking cylindrical hat on his head.<</md>>
<<md>>I run at him when I feel a hard punch in the stomach. I shudder in surprise and fall to the ground. Usually it’s not easy to get me off balance, but now the man did it quite easily.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What the fuck, man ?!<</say>>
<<md>>The man curled his lips into a smile. She was somehow so frightening, like an assassin's blade that looms in front of your throat. The man spoke softly, but the voice gave me goosebumps.<</md>>
<<md>>He talked about knowing who I was. That he has been watching me for a certain time and what he sees - he does not like it. That I am not the person he would like to see next to his daughter. That Lucy is a very special girl, and I have no idea how hard life is for her. Her illness will put an end to all relationships and that it is better for me to retreat and forget the way to this house if I want to live.<</md>>
<<md>>And then he disappeared as abruptly as he appeared.<</md>>
<<md>>If I want to live... Damn. So what is the reason for Lucy's aloofness? This strange man, who is her father? And what kind of disease?<</md>>
<<md>>One could break into her house now, but sanity tells me that this venture will end very badly for me. Therefore, lifting up the remnants of pride, I get up and go home.<</md>>
<<md>>I will deal with everything that happens. But tomorrow. If Lucy has an illness, the nurse should know about it.<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest7 = 4>>\
<<set $LucyQuest8 = 1>>\
<<set $LucyQuest9T = 4>>\
<<set $LucyQuest10T = 1>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]<<md>>Morning came quite unexpectedly, when my sleep was interrupted by a disgusting and buzzing sound. My head is splitting from this melody of death. Nothing, if you leave, the noise will go away.<</md>>
<<md>>As if someone had deliberately decided to torture me! The buzzing of the phone doesn't want to stop! What is it?<</md>>
<<md>>I lifted the phone and when the screen stopped shining in my face, I was able to make out the identity of the caller. What does Lucy want so early? I was about to pick up the phone and ask what happened when I remembered yesterday's meeting with her father. Or is it better to say a maniac? Until I figure it out, it's best to avoid contact with Lucy. It will be better for her and for me.<</md>>
<<md>>Getting up today proved to be a daunting task, but coffee helped me to cope with it.<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest8 = 2>>\
[[Better|Kitchen]]<<md>>There are few people around today. I guess it's even better. Most people would annoy me too much. Firstly, yesterday's events, and secondly, a call from Lucy interrupted my beautiful dream. So, Lucy... The main thing now is to avoid her as long as possible or pretend that nothing happened.<</md>>
<<md>>So, it's good that there is still some time before lessons. I'll have time to talk to the nurse before classes begin.<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest8 = 3>>\
[[Visit nurse|LucyNurseTalk]]<<say $Jane>>Sorry, I have no right to disclose this information.<</say>>
<<md>>All my plans were shattered by this one phrase. And why did I think they would tell me something so important?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But it might help.<</say>>
<<md>>The nurse shook her head. She was adamant.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Understand, even if I wanted to, I could hardly tell you something. My lips are forever silent when it comes to patients' illnesses.<</say>>
<<md>>Failure. Now we need to step back and consider a plan of action. Therefore, after saying goodbye to the nurse, I go out into the corridor.<</md>>
[[Leave|LucyNurseHall2]] <<md>>Patient's secret. I never thought that I would face in my lifetime with the fact that someone adheres to the old oath. I heard that for most doctors this is just a formality and they even hate it when they think about it. But now a lot depends on it and even more. I have to find out what's wrong with Lucy.<</md>>
[[Convince her|LucyNurseConvince]]
[[Sneak into her office|LucyNurseSneak]] <<md>>There are no people who cannot be convinced. If you choose the right key, then any door will open quite easily. The main thing is to try. I'm sure the nurse lacks simple human communication. After all, everyone comes to her for some help. But there is no one who would listen to her.<</md>>
<<md>>Except for me.<</md>>
<<md>>Jane's conversation was not so difficult. Just a few cups of coffee and she told me how her brother almost fell off the mountain in nothing but shorts. A funny story, I must say.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>But you didn’t come to listen to my stories, did you?<</say>>
<<md>>She's more discerning than I originally thought.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. I need your help. I want to help Lucy, but I don't know how.<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>You should leave this case. It is unlikely that at least something will help her.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What do you have in mind?<</say>>
<<md>>She took a deep breath and looked away. A bad sign, a very bad sign if you ask me.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Lucy has anterorethrograde amnesia. Her memory is erased almost every morning. She gets to know people anew almost every morning thanks to the program that the director and I came up with for her.<</say>>
<<md>>To say that the ground reeled under my feet is to say nothing. Lucy has amnesia... How? Why...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wait, you mean... That she doesn't remember anything?<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>No, she has memories, but they are too fragmentary. She only has those memories that caused too much emotional outburst.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Isn't it easier to help her and not burden her with work? Why is she even held if she has amnesia?<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Lucy's brain is very plastic. She only needs 5 minutes in the morning on the cards to remember everything she forgot. Besides, Lucy is a genius. She has already made a discovery that turned our understanding of the laws of nature upside down. Thanks to her, a lot of money comes to the school fund from admirers of her talent.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So Clara just uses it?<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Well, if you want, you can call it that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, thanks for what you said, Jane.<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>You will come back, won't you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Definitely, Jane.<</say>>
<<md>>My father always taught me that there are no hopeless situations. If you need something, there are always several ways to get it. You don't have to go ahead. If the main door was closed in front of me, then no one bothers me to get in through the window.<</md>>
<<md>>The nurse made it clear that she knows something, but is not going to share with me. No, I respect people with principles, but right now these principles are preventing me from grasping the essence of the problem with Lucy.<</md>>
<<md>>However, we are all human and nothing human is alien to us. It is unlikely that Jane will be sitting in her office around the clock. Sooner or later it will come out anyway, and then I can get inside. Of course, you could ask someone to distract her, but this is unnecessary attraction of attention. And it will all be very suspicious.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, I remain waiting.<</md>>
<<md>>The lessons have begun. Of course, I'm sure Clara will be informed that I am not there, but I can hush up this issue without problems. Yet absenteeism from my own lessons was never counted for me.<</md>>
<<md>>Oh, here's the right moment. The nurse leaves her office and heads in the direction of the dining room. Well, this is quite the right time.<</md>>
<<md>>Fortunately, the door is unlocked and I get inside like a real ninja. Where does she keep all the documents? No, not here, it's just medicine and syringes. Should be somewhere else. If I find...<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>What are you doing here?<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, I thought she was gone for a long time.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think you understand what I'm doing.<</say>>
<<md>>Jane sighs heavily.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Do you understand that nothing prevents me from going now and tell Clara about you? You broke more than one rule by sneaking here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, but you won't. I need your help. I want to help Lucy, but I don't know how.<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>You should leave this case. It is unlikely that at least something will help her.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What do you have in mind?<</say>>
<<md>>She took a deep breath and looked away. A bad sign, a very bad sign if you ask me.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Lucy has anterorethrograde amnesia. Her memory is erased almost every morning. She gets to know people almost every morning anew thanks to the program that the director and I invented for her.<</say>>
<<md>>To say that the ground reeled under my feet is to say nothing. Lucy has amnesia... How? Why...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wait, you mean... That she doesn't remember anything?<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>No, she has memories, but they are too fragmentary. She only has those memories that caused too much emotional outburst.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Isn't it easier to help her and not burden her with work? Why is she being held at all if she has amnesia?<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Lucy's brain is very plastic. She only needs 5 minutes in the morning on the cards to remember everything she forgot. Besides, Lucy is a genius. She has already made a discovery that turned our understanding of the laws of nature upside down. Thanks to her, a lot of money comes to the school fund from admirers of her talent.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So Clara just uses it?<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Well, if you want, you can call it that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, thanks for what you said, Jane.<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>You will come back, won't you? Only without sneaking.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Definitely, Jane.<</say>>
[[Leave|LucyNurseHall3]] <<md>>So this is what happens. Lucy didn't do anything on purpose, she was just a victim of adversity. And the evening we met Lexi, she might simply not remember who he was. And I thought she was scaring me off on purpose! What a fool I am !<</md>>
<<md>>Amnesia is not just a joke. I am not good at things that relate to such subtle matters as the brain, but it is unlikely that everything is solved so easily here. I can't help Lucy from half a turn. She is a very suffering person, so it is better to either stay with her and try to help, or retreat now.<</md>>
[[Help Lucy|LucyHelpHer]]
[[Leave her|LucyRetreat]] <<md>>I will help her, whatever the cost. Between us from the first meeting, a strange connection was organized, a special magnetism that will not disappear so easily. This is something that arises between two people and that no amnesia can relieve.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, I have to talk to her now!<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest8 = 4>>\
<<set $LucyQuest10T = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest11T = 1>>\
[[Talk to her|LucyHelpTalk]]
<<md>>There wasn't too much time left, but still enough for me to have time to talk to Lucy.<</md>>
<<if $LucyImage27Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage27Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Lucy>>$mc.Name, it's good that you came.<</say>>
<<md>>She shines so naughty.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy...<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I'm sorry I didn't come yesterday. I wanted to call, but...<</say>>
<<md>>Hell, I don't even want to remember yesterday's events after learning about Lucy's condition. It all seems so petty: both my grudge yesterday and her father's threats. Although now, of course, I can understand him. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's okay, Lucy, don't worry.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Listen...<</say>>
<<md>>She suddenly grabbed my hand and squeezed gently.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Listen, how you look at us being just the two of us today...<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't help smiling.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I will only be glad.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Then I'll wait for you in the evening with me.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, I don't want to think about how hard it will be for me today or tomorrow, I just want to enjoy what I have. And then we'll see!<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest9 = 1>>\
<<set $LucyQuest11T = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest13T = 1>>\
[[Great|Second floor]]<<md>>When she opened the doors, I was speechless. She looked as if she had stepped off the page of the most depraved and outspoken magazine. She looked like a porn star who shines only for me.<</md>>
<<md>>Our tongues met and I was filled with a heat of passion that spread throughout my body. While the lips were in unity and the tongues played with each other, coiled like snakes. Her breasts rubbed against my body and I felt the warm, excited girl's nipple, which every now and then aroused my cock even more ..<</md>>
<<md>>This went on for several minutes, and then we recoiled from each other, as if this world had disappeared from the face of the earth for us, and began to look at each other.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are so beautiful...<</say>>
<<md>>I said, running my lips over her cheek.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I know that the world is not pleasant to you. You belong only to me and no one else. But I give you a chance to change everything and forget. You have nowhere else to go. And I, too, cannot leave you alone now. But we can be together, right?<</say>>
<<md>>I lowered my gaze to her breasts and pressed my lips to the nipple. She parted her lips slightly and swallowed. Then her hands covered my neck and pulled me towards them, pressing against the bed and forcing me to tilt it. I was bursting with the desire to say "yes" to her, but I understood that no words may be enough.<</md>>
<<md>>As soon as she felt the energy emanating from me, and I was not mistaken in this. The same thing happened to her. Her energy flashed in me with a burning flash, from which all her thoughts scorched like a flower in the wind, and I felt that my need for her seemed to increase.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lucy\Quest\Video\LucyFuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $LucyVideo1Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyVideo1Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>I grabbed her by the legs, lifted her and dragged her to the post. Like a leaning tower of Pisa, we fell together and my cock touched her pussy. She squeezed my thighs tightly with her legs and wrapped her arms around my waist. For a while we lay motionless, merging with each other, and then I still kissed her. Her lips curled into a smile of relief.<</md>>
<<md>>Slowly, the cock was trapped inside the warm and sexy pussy that squeezed it hard. This feeling made me very pleased.<</md>>
<<md>>Slowly plunged into it, as if absorbing it into myself. I heard a low moan, then she broke down and let out a loud sigh, which made me feel hot. But that was enough to feel like a man. She raised herself and sat astride me.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lucy\Quest\Video\LucyFuck2.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $LucyVideo2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyVideo2Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>The movements of her hips left no doubt that she was a real woman. The body tensed, and the abdominal muscles no longer took their eyes off me. Her pussy hardened and her pink lips parted as if she were about to cry. It became difficult for me to breathe and I felt that my muscles were weakening.<</md>>
<<md>>And then an explosion of pleasure filled her to the brim.<</md>>
<<md>>So that it does not happen further, I really hope that this special evening she will not forget!<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest9 = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest10 = 1>>\
<<set $LucyQuest13T = 2>>\
<<set $ChristmasOn = 1>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]<<md>>Perhaps both the nurse and Lucy's father are right.<</md>>
<<md>>What she goes through every day is a huge feat. Every day she wakes up as a new person and every day she reassembles herself. It is unlikely that a person needs at least something else that will disturb her in this case. Introducing confusion into an already difficult life is the height of selfishness.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, I'm selfish, but not enough to ruin her life. I have respect for what is called human life. And precisely because I am an egoist - I will not get into the unknown. And I don’t want to meet her father. This man looks like he will carve a smile on your face and not even frown.<</md>>
<<md>>No, Lucy will be better off without me. We can pretend nothing happened. But I'd better find someone who doesn't have such big problems. This is the best solution possible.<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest8 = 5>>\
<<set $LucyQuest10T = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest12T = 1>>\
[[Yeah|School reception]]<<md>>When you have a free minute, you always want to run away from the gloomy walls and gazes. I love school and children, but even so, sometimes you get tired of everything around. If you do not give yourself the opportunity to relax, then you will just break down once. It’s like you’re that quiet man who doesn’t bother anyone, but sooner or later it’s all just going to affect you.<</md>>
<<md>>Each of us needs a place where we can just rest. For someone it is a bar, for someone a hike with friends in the mountains, for someone is surfing. For me, now it is a stay in a very cozy and green corner called the stadium.<</md>>
<<md>>It seems to have blossomed even more today than on my last visit. The poisonous green grass blinds my eyes, but I am very happy about it. It does not have that greyness and facelessness that follows me everywhere, wherever I go at school.<</md>>
<<md>>It is not even necessary to play sports here, you can just enjoy the view that opens up to me here. However, I am not the only one who knows this secret. A student I already know, stands far from the path and loudly clicks a lighter. He does not do it the best way, because he throws her on the floor out of anger.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Not a better day, huh?<</say>>
<<md>>I recognize this look full of hatred and disappointment. It is this view that follows the problems you are trying to fix with cigarettes and alcohol. Oh, if problems were really solved like this...<</md>>
<<md>>I raise lighter. Zippo. And the boy knows something about lighters. Once upon a time I had one.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The lighter is not to blame for anything, you know that?<</say>>
<<md>>With a trembling hand I hold out the lighter to him, which feels like a pleasant weight in my palm. He, pursing his lips, takes it from my hands, and then offers to smoke. Well, a very interesting proposal. The only problem is that last time Clara let me know that such an action will not lead to anything good.<</md>>
[[Don`t smoke|SmokingSF2Reject1]]<<md>>Cigarettes have always been my weakness.<</md>>
<<md>>Even after so many years, I love them too much. Also, why should I blindly follow what Clara has decided for me. Yes, she is the principal, but I think she is going too far. But what about free will and self-expression? For many, banning cigarettes is tantamount to asking you to stop being yourself.<</md>>
<<md>>The lighter clicked, pouring light heat on me for a moment. How pleasant it is to hold a cigarette in your hands and inhale the smoke. In these moments, you seem to look inside yourself and get away from all the problems around you.<</md>>
<<md>>When you two are standing like this, two silent smokers, this smoke serves as a connecting link. You share the secret without saying a word.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, it was delicious, but it's time to get back to school.<</md>>
[[Back to school|SmokingSF2Accept2]]
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name, come to my office.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara appeared in the corridor so unexpectedly and quickly, as if she was waiting for me. I have a very bad feeling if you ask me.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Sit down.<</say>>
<<md>>She doesn't speak as much as usual, rather the opposite.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I won't beat around the bush for a long time. I warned you about smoking. No one in this school dares to violate my orders. The image of the school is important to me and your behavior does not improve it, I can tell you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Perhaps. But it seems to me that your limits are too strong.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Too strong? No. School is in the first place for me, it was and will be. You are trying to undermine the authority that I have been building for several years. Therefore, from today, you come every day at 16.00 and help me deal with the papers. Oh yeah, and I'll also deduct a certain amount from your paycheck as punishment.<</say>>
<<md>>I do not agree with her actions, they are too cruel and wrong. If I could, I would definitely challenge. The right to smoke is our legal right. But now it is better to just keep silent, so as not to further aggravate the situation.<</md>>
<<addmins 30>>\
<<set $SmokingSF = 2>>\
<<set $id.cigarrete -= 1>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]
<<md>>Smoking is a good way to forget all worries and problems, no doubt. But if I smoke now, I can incur the wrath of Clara. Although she is not here now, her ghost, invisible and omnipresent, haunts me from day to day.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, I must refuse. My desire to appear cooler than I really am in front of this little boy is not worth it.<</md>>
<<md>>Hearing my refusal - the guy is very disappointed. I'm sure he saw in me the figure of a father, perhaps a comrade with experience. We always want such people to share our hobbies, or at least understand them.<</md>>
<<md>>Not this time, boy.<</md>>
<<md>>With a dirty curse, Jelly drops the cigarette at his feet and walks away. He could use a few lessons on anger control.<</md>>
<<md>>For a few more minutes, watching the beauty and silence around, I set off.<</md>>
[[Back to school|SmokingSF2Reject2]]<<md>>The inside of the school is noisy as usual. So much so that it seems to me if I were deaf, I would still hear this din.<</md>>
<<md>>Suddenly a hand touched me. It was a rather gentle touch that speaks more eloquently than any words.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name, come to my office.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara was clearly expecting me here, so it's best not to keep her waiting.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I saw what you did at the stadium.<</say>>
<<md>>She decided not to delay for a long time and put everything at once.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like I have a fan.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes! I greatly admire your resilience. To be honest, I thought you would start opposing me, but it seems you decided to support me in the fight against smoking.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can say so...<</say>>
<<md>>Overall, I love your passion and offer you an amazing opportunity to make our school even better. You will have to make sure that no one in our school smokes. And for this I will give a rather significant increase. Here is the first amount.<</md>>
<<md>>She hands me the money and I gladly take it. Not that I like this whole idea, but money is never superfluous.<</md>>
<<addmins 30>>\
<<set $SmokingSF = 3>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]
<<md>>As I walked to school today, it was like being constantly haunted by reminders of what I had decided to do. Either on the street a man asked for a smoke, then the girl sexually held a cigarette and licked it like it was a dick ...<</md>>
<<md>>I will not say that I like the role of such a guardian of morality and correctness, no. But I like the way Clara looks at me in this regard. And the money that she offers me will certainly not be superfluous.<</md>>
<<md>>The only question is, no matter how much half of the school would hate me. Everyone knows that such fighters for a healthy lifestyle are not particularly favoured. We're definitely a skid in someone's ass.<</md>>
<<md>>However, I will have time to figure it out later. Perhaps the punishments will not be so severe. It will be necessary to go to Clara and ask what course of our further actions. This is very important. I think the best time for this will be around lunchtime.<</md>>
<<set $SmokingSF = 3>>\
[[Leave|School reception]]
<<md>>I did not postpone my visit to the principal for a long. Firstly, I need to know what is within my powers, and secondly, I would not want her to decide that I took the money, but I am not doing anything in return.<</md>>
<<md>>When I entered, Clara was just on the phone. She gestured for me to sit down, because I had only to wait until she was free. It seems that the conversation was not pleasant, Clara kept pressing her lips as if she was about to explode.<</md>>
<<md>>When the conversation was over, she paused a little to come to her senses. I could ask her what was the matter, but it seems to me that this is not really my business. If she wanted to tell me the details, she would have done it already.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Sorry, as always, everything fell on me at the same time. So how can I help you?<</say>>
<<md>>She is calm as always and there is not even a trace of the fact that she had a very tense conversation. Although I could completely misinterpret what I saw and heard.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Rather, I should have asked you this question. I would like to know how I can help the school in our fight against cigarettes.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh, of course. We didn't really discuss it yesterday. You know, I've been thinking and realized that everything that we would not have done would not be enough.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What do you have in mind?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>You see, children do not just take up a cigarette. They have a reason why they started smoking. Some because he thought it was cool, some because of stress. Just taking away cigarettes will not be enough. We must act more globally. We have to deal with each problem individually.<</say>>
<<md>>And she's really right. Cigarettes are just a consequence. The reason can be buried very deeply.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I can't ask the school psychologist to deal with this, she is unlikely to be trusted. For them, she is still shrink. But you are a different matter. I see disciples reaching out to you. Even if you take away their cigarettes, you will remain a friend-father for them. I want you to find out why our children smoke.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I'll do it.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Besides, as far as I know, some of the students sell cigarettes right here. I need to know who it is. We need to deal with this as quickly as possible. So try to figure out the reasons and find a supplier.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Will be done.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, I must admit it is a very good plan. At first I was skeptical, but now I see behind this not a momentary desire to make my school healthier or better than others. No, Clara really cares and worries about these children. They are really important to her. Exactly as for me.<</md>>
<<set $SmokingSF = 4>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]
<<md>>They say the fish rots from the head.<</md>>
<<md>>You can take care of the well-being of students for a very long time, find out the reasons why they started smoking and continue to do so, but sooner or later you will face the fact that each of these children will break down again and again. Yes, some of them may be smoking, but as long as there is one among us who supplies cigarettes, these are all stupid actions.<</md>>
<<md>>I have to find someone who sells cigarettes to students. Hardly anyone will tell me if I just ask, so I go hunting. Perhaps now I will be lucky and I can find the one who is behind all this.<</md>>
<<md>>During my stay here, I managed to get to know several places that are popular among smokers. It is there that they often gather and smoke a friend's cigarette. Perhaps it's just a coincidence, but for some reason it seems to me that the supplier should be somewhere nearby.<</md>>
<<md>>But who is he or she? Now, when I go to the other wing, now everyone seems to me very suspicious. No, you can't. I have to change, otherwise I will raise too much suspicion. I drop into the teacher's room, where, to my surprise and happiness, there is no one. But right on the chair is a bright red sports jacket. Ideal for standing out less.<</md>>
<<md>>When I find myself in the other wing, I look around carefully. I look around, but I don't see anything positive. There is no one who could be suitable for the role of a dealer. And what did I want? So that someone has a sign with the inscription "Guilty."<</md>>
<<md>>No, the one who has done this will certainly not make the mistake of an amateur. He will quietly sell cigarettes, hiding in the shade. However, I know how to get our mysterious dealer to act.<</md>>
<<md>>There is a crowd of smokers not far from me. Well, I wanted not to draw attention to myself, but it seems that we need to do just the opposite.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, you!<</say>>
<<md>>I gesture menacingly at the nearest boy who is lazily sipping a cigarette. My voice sounds confident and dangerous. Well, I would at least be scared if someone like me approached that fast.<</md>>
<<md>>The guy only manages to throw the cigarette on, when I grab his collar.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I know what you did!<</say>>
<<md>>The main thing now is not to show weakness. I have to convince him of my fearsomeness so that the student just kicks in his pants.<</md>>
<<md>>The guy shook his head, I deny any involvement in everything I thought. He tried to free himself from my grip, but he did not succeed at all. Still, several years of martial arts training were not in vain for me.<</md>>
<<md>>Then the guy started screaming and asking what I was about.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I know you are selling cigarettes.<</say>>
<<md>>A circle of curious students has already formed around us, who now and then have already taken out their phones in order to film our fight. Well, this is exactly what I need. My call to the dealer.<</md>>
<<md>>I hit the student and screamed like crazy. A rage burned in me, which came from nowhere. It wasn't me. However, even in a fit of rage, I still had enough strength not to hit him, which could really cripple him.<</md>>
<<md>>This lasted for several minutes before it all stopped. The guy is scared, and the message will be received thanks to the students filming everything on camera. It remains only to wait.<</md>>
[[Go home|SmokingCheckSupplier2]]
<<md>>When I was about to leave school, the phone in my pocket vibrated maliciously. I already knew who it was. Perhaps it was worth explaining everything before proceeding.? Well, what has been done cannot be returned, so you need to answer.<</md>>
<<md>>As I thought, she demanded my presence in her office. Well, let's not keep Clara waiting.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I know what you`ll say.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Then you should understand why I am furious.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can explain everything.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Try, otherwise I will have to fire you. It's unforgivable in our school. This evening, news of your antics will be sweeping across the school.<</say>>
<<md>>I smile with restraint so that Clara doesn't think I’m making fun of her. Now she is already nervous, there is no need to worry her even more.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is my plan. If we want to catch a supplier, we need to get their attention. He will definitely react when he sees that I blamed someone else. People like him are definitely proud that they know how to get out of the water dry. He will not let anyone take his glory away.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara looks at me disapprovingly.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Do you think it will work?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Should even better than I though.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Consider that only this saved you from dismissal. But do you have an excuse? We have to explain to the public what happened.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure.<</say>>
<<md>>And I told her about my brilliant decision.<</md>>
<<set $SmokingDealer = 1>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]<<md>>Well, it seems that everything went better with Clara than I expected. It was very risky. Although I would say that you have to be crazy to do this. However, this is not the end. I'll have to wait until our mysterious dealer decides to get in touch.<</md>>
<<md>>In the meantime, let's see how many views this video has collected. Not much. Okay, let's check something else...<</md>>
<<md>>It didn't take long, however. About an hour passed when the new letter alert started playing. Yes that's it!<</md>>
<<text r "Are you so desperate to find me that you’re already beating everyone up, Mr. $mc.Name? Have you lost the remnants of your mind? I rule this school and you cannot change that. MDD.">>
<<md>>Don't you say change? You already got caught. It remains only a little to figure out who you are. The game has begun!<</md>>
<<set $SmokingDealer = 2>>\
[[Leave|My room]]<<md>>You should always start from small. Just as it was impossible in ancient times to take a tower or a castle with one swoop, so to destroy a bad habit that has stuck as deeply as possible. This disease haunts us and our children, so I will do everything in my power to deal with it as quickly as possible. But for this you need to gradually move towards your goal. Firstly, because this problem is our common one, and it will not be as easy to deal with it as it might seem. Secondly, because unnecessary actions can attract too much attention to the one who is behind all this.<</md>>
<<md>>It would be better now to just choose one of the students and try to understand what kind of problem pushed him to this not the most peaceful path.<</md>>
<<md>>Not the easiest way... Ha, it sounds like I'm accusing them of some kind of crime. But they only smoke.<</md>>
<<md>>However, this does not justify their actions, and for the image of the school and my pocket, it is desirable that they talk about us only in a positive way. Therefore, without thinking too much, I go to the stadium. There will definitely be at least someone who loves cigarette smoke in this place.<</md>>
<<md>>I breathe out a sigh of relief to myself when I notice a familiar boy in the distance. Well, it would be better if I start with him. Some very strange connection was established between us during the couple of times that we saw him. Although starting a conversation after our last meeting will be very difficult<</md>>
<<md>>He greets me with a very frowning expression and tries to pull away as I get closer.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just here to talk.<</say>>
<<md>>His distrust is understandable. The last time I made it clear I was not going to share his nicotine addiction. He stood aloof and only smoked in silence. I started asking him questions from afar, but even then I could not get it. This is a tough guy. Perhaps going here was not the best idea.<</md>>
<<md>>It's been ten minutes, and I'm still here. The worst thing is that not only I am on the spot, but also our conversation with him. I say something, he answers too badly and that's all. I have not advanced a step in my attempt to find out the reason why he decided to smoke. There should be a background to this action, but if I can't get into the guy's trust, then most likely he won't tell me anything. For him, I am just a strange teacher who for some reason stuck to him with inquiries.<</md>>
<<md>>One last attempt to get him to talk and ... Failure. No, despite the fact that I'm a guy myself, it didn't make it easier for me to communicate with him. I feel like I'm bumping into a stone wall and it's hard to do anything about it.<</md>>
<<md>>He tosses the rest of the cigarette at his feet and walks away without saying a word to me. Hard case. Perhaps if I want to really get the guy talking and get into his confidence, then I have to find out a little more about him. In the meantime, you can talk to Veronica. She not only smokes a lot, but may know many. And she seems to be more capable of talking than this Mr. "leave me alone" <</md>>
<<set $SmokingStudent = 1>>\
[[Leave|Sport field]]
<<md>>The situation with the guy turned out, of course, not very pleasant, but that does not mean at all that I should just give up now. Not for that Clara asked me for help, so that now I would come back and announced to her that nothing was working out. Two things are most disliked in the world: banality and those who bring bad things. <</md>>
<<md>>Veronica is a very strange student, but this weirdness can play into my hands now. Despite the very wayward nature, she still attends my classes. Moreover, she tries and strives to learn as much as possible .<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, the conversation with her should be easy enough. True, who knows what lies behind this tremendous secret ...<</md>>
<<md>>During the break, the street is usually quite lively, but I go to the other wing, where I can meet with Veronica and talk. It is important to find the right moment and then this door will open for me. Vel, if you think about it, the fight against a big problem starts with a very small step.<</md>>
<<md>>On the way, one of the students swoops in on me, but now there is no time or energy to start proceedings. And remembering my past, at school I did something much worse than just knocking the teacher down. Yes, there are things about which it is better to forget, because now I am too different a person and the past has no power over me.<</md>>
<<md>>The girl stands in the corner and sips a cigarette in a very erotic way. If I were a young man, then I would definitely have an idea of how to occupy this mouth with something more interesting than just a cigarette.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Mister $mc.Name, what are you doing here?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica raised her eyebrows in surprise when I approached her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I decided to go out a little to breathe. School walls smell of gray and dullness.<</say>>
<<md>>A chuckle escaped the girl's lips.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>That's why you inhale tobacco smoke here, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Something like that. Although actually...<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me in surprise and took another drag. How expressive her lips are when she holds this thin cigarette between them. Hell, I can feel tension building up between my legs.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Actually?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>In fact, I'm here because of you, Veronica. I am very worried about the fact that you smoke. You are a smart girl and you should understand...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>I know what you want to tell me, Mr. $mc.Name. How harmful is nicotine and what are the consequences. I have heard rumors that you and the headmistress have started an anti-smoking campaign. But cigarettes are vital for me.<</say>>
<<md>>How is it? I suppose keeping something secret for a long time is not an option at all in this school.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, you're right, the principal and I decided to do a good deed.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>I never thought you were a prude.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm not a prude. You know, I smoked a lot myself at your age. But smoking is just a consequence. Just like alcohol or drugs. A happy person is unlikely to start smoking the way you do.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>What do you have in mind?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Something bothers you, that's why you started smoking. Until I know what made you smoke, I cannot help you. I would love to help you, do you understand?<</say>>
<<md>>The rest of the cigarette flew to the floor, and the rest of the smoke flew at me.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>I understand that is why you are different from most of the teachers in our school. You don't give a damn. You may be playing too much with us, but I don't mind if you play with me.<</say>>
<<md>>From these words, my dick seems ready to jump out of my pants and get under Veronica's panties.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>If it is really important for you to know what is happening to me - come to me after lessons, I will tell you.<</say>>
<<md>>I think this can be considered a good progress both in the conversation with the girl and in general. The first stone has been laid and others will follow. The whole school will be healthy again soon if I can convince Veronica to quit smoking.<</md>>
<<set $SmokingStudent = 2>>\
[[Leave|School gate]]
<<md>>This conversation should not be postponed for long. If Veronica decided to devote me to the secrets of her life, namely why she started smoking, then it is not worth putting it off too long.<</md>>
<<md>>There are not too many people on the street now, because the working day for many is not over, which means that I have the opportunity to get to my student's house without unnecessary fuss. What I'm going to do now.<</md>>
<<md>>I hope her parents are still not at home - because explaining what I am doing here will be a little more difficult. Of course, I have only the best intentions, but I don't need to be interpreted differently... Or is it necessary?<</md>>
<<md>>The minute has elapsed and at last Veronica appeared on the threshold. Her outfit was different from what I saw at school. And yet, she looked attractive even in him.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Mr. $mc.Name, you are on time, I was going to drink coffee. Join me?<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled so friendly and so temptingly invited me to come in with her delicious ass that I had no choice but to agree to this very interesting proposal.<</md>>
<<md>>The whole kitchen really smelled of coffee through and through. The coffee itself was bitter, but invigorating, just as I love it.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>You, for sure, expect from me a tearful story that I had a chance to go through a very tragic story in my life?<</say>>
<<md>>She decided not to waste time, but to get to the point.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Likely. <</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Well, in some ways you are even right. I didn’t have a father, and all that I constantly saw were only constant boyfriends of my mother. There were so many of them that I don't even remember how many there were. Dozens or hundreds? Maybe thousands. Hell, I don't even remember.<</say>>
<<md>>Wait, she doesn't mean to say that her...<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>They always came and went. But one thing I will remember forever. It was a quiet evening, my mother left and we were left alone ... He pulled me to him and ... gave me a book.<</say>>
<<md>>She burst into loud laughter.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>It was hardly the most successful book for an eight-year-old child, but he opened my eyes to many things.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What was that book? <</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Sigmund Freud.<</say>>
<<md>>The books of this bearded man, who reduced everything to sex, are not easy for an adult to understand. It's hard to imagine what an eight-year-old girl could understand about this.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Not the best choice. <</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Why? Then everything fell into place. And my mother's constant boyfriends who did not linger in any way, nor my strange excitement, which I saw looking at my little pink pussy in the mirror.<</say>>
<<md>>Hell, was it necessary to talk about pussy? These thoughts make my cock harden and my thoughts start to get confused. I have to think about how to help her, not about what is under her panties.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, what does this have to do with smoking?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>You wanted a story, right? Here's the story. As for smoking, everything is simple. I love dicks. But getting what I want is not always so easy. I want to get a big, juicy and hard cock that will pleasantly tear my throat to blood and ejaculate that will burn my lips.<</say>>
<<md>>These conversations do not help me to calm down. No, now there is such tension between my legs that it just hurts me to stand. Veronica knows how to turn a guy on perfectly. She has this spark.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And that's why you smoke? Because you can't get what you want?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes. Do not turn into a whore, after all. I saw what it was fraught with for my mother, so to go over the dicks, but losing yourself is not an option.<</say>>
<<md>>To be honest, despite the whole story, I am pleasantly surprised. Veronica seems like a very sensible girl. But problems need to be solved, not admired.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, if you get the dick you want, you quit smoking?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>It depends how good your cock is. <</say>>
<<md>>She beat me. She understood my proposal even before I had time to tell about it. So I have nothing left to do, what of me...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, what are you doing?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl knelt down and ran her hand over my penis through the fabric of my trousers. Nice feeling.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>I'm checking if I can quit smoking.<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, what a nice feeling when she unbuttons her pants and frees his cock. There is a kind of bliss in this.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, I already like it!<</say>>
<<md>>Seeing my cock, she smiles furiously, then runs her finger over my cock, as if trying to make sure that it is real. Then he wraps his hand around it and begins to move it. From this a wave of goosebumps runs through the body. Her hand feels so warm and tender.<</md>>
<<md>>With every movement of my hand, I feel more and more clouding in my head. There is only Veronica and my cock.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Veronica\Quest\VeronicaSmokeSuck.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $VeronicaVideo21Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaVideo21Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Her lips clasp the head and amazes me like a discharge. Hundreds of needles of pleasure to focus on it and I feel quite happy. The girl's tongue licks the head of the penis, like the best of gifts, and in her eyes I see an undisguised passion.<</md>>
<<md>>You can say otherwise as much as you like, but Veronica already loves this member. You can't portray that.<</md>>
<<md>>Lust grabs me with her throat on my penis, after which I do not want to restrain myself and grab her hair. A wild beast awakens in me. A wet tongue dances around my cock as I sink deeper into her throat with every movement. She makes a very surprised gurgling sound, but I know she's enjoying herself. She loves it when a member goes so deep. She likes it when her throat burns. She loves my big and juicy cock.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Every movement is filled with lust and animal passion. The way both of them lick me, the way they take the whole member to the rest speaks of Veronica's hunger. She longed for being fucked down the throat like the last whore.<</md>>
<<md>>What am I going to give you everything, everything without a trace, Veronica!<</md>>
<<md>>The movements become stronger, and then I shoot a snow-white fountain in her throat. Cum flows out of her mouth, but I like this view. Between her lips was not a cigarette, but my cock.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Can I assume that you will quit smoking? <</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>If you provide me with a replacement, at least sometimes. Otherwise I can’t vouch for anything.<</say>>
<<md>>Ha, what kind of fool wants to give up that wild mouth? I'm not sure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Agreed, Veronica.<</say>>
<<md>>When we put ourselves in order, she walks me to the door, when her parents are on the threshold. With just a nod to them, I set off. I hope they never find out why their daughter will quit smoking.<</md>>
<<set $SmokingStudent = 3>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]
<<md>>There are some things that shouldn't be ignored. You can run away from them or silence them for a while, but this will only postpone the problem. Like a snowball, problems will fall on you with three times more force, and after that you will not be able to do anything about it.<</md>>
<<md>>My snowball is Fiona. This girl is very persistent. Over the past few days, I have received several messages from her. I do not know what is inside, but I think that this is not a request for help. Unless you consider asking for a dick as help. Although, on the other hand, these girls have a very difficult period and who else, if not me, should take care of their well-being?<</md>>
<<md>>Perhaps Sophia is right. If I turn my back on Fiona completely, it will break her heart. Better cum inside a pussy than a broken heart.<</md>>
<<md>>It didn't take too long to find Fiona. She stood on the first floor and wrote on a piece of paper on the blackboard.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The next meeting of the club? <</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Mr $mc.Name, good afternoon. No, this is slightly different. Have you thought about my proposal? I hear you have already made some girls happy. I don’t understand why you don’t want me? Am I that scary?<</say>>
<<md>>She lowered her head dejectedly.<</md>>
<<md>>I gently touched her cheek and ran my hands.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>On the contrary, Fiona, don't be silly. You are too special for me, because I don't want to ruin your life. My appearance is often a disaster. No one is able to handle the burden that I am giving them.<</say>>
<<md>>She timidly raised her eyes to me. As if for a moment she became the same Fiona who then brought me coffee.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Do you think I'm not able to cope? You are greatly mistaken! I can handle all the troubles. And even your big cock! I mean, I don't know if he is big... But the girls say that...<</say>>
<<md>>So the girls seemed big enough for my dick? Well, this is very flattering, although it is really true. Nothing is as flattering as the delight of young girls. There is something very exciting about this.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I understand you, Fiona. And I thought about your proposal for a very long time. What you said is a very tempting proposal.<</say>>
<<md>>To be honest, every time I replayed in my head that scene where she was not ashamed in front of the whole class and took off her panties in a very sexy way. Each time, memories of those events pop up in my head and I have to calm myself so as not to splash out the excitement.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>But?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But nobody should know about it. I don't want anyone to know that the smartest student in the whole school has been spoiled by me.<</say>>
<<md>>The corner of her lips smiled maliciously.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>It is not known who will spoil whom yet!<</say>>
<<md>>I laughed and whispered in her ear the address of my house. I think it will be better this way. Moreover, after school I will have more time before Angela comes.<</md>>
<<set $Fiona7Q = 2>>\
[[Leave|School reception]]
<<md>>I felt the excitement overwhelmed me completely. I don’t understand why, but when it comes to Fiona, all my confidence disappears. It seems to me that we are doing something very forbidden, and from this the excitement becomes even greater.<</md>>
<<md>>The doorbell rings and a girl in a half-buttoned blouse meets me. She looks very tempting on her, because the only thing I want now is to close the doors and steal the laundry from Fiona.<</md>>
<<md>>The door slams loudly and I grab her in my arms and bite into her lips. Her lips are so gentle and affectionate that I can't even tear myself away from them right away. Our tongues barely touch, but this already drives me crazy.<</md>>
<<md>>They say the forbidden fruit is sweet, but this is something else. As if I did not expect from Fiona that she would be a sexy girl, but she pleasantly surprised me.<</md>>
<<md>>Her lips part and begin to kiss me lightly, and then open her mouth, and her tongue completely takes over my mouth and requires affection. I do not know where such thoughts come from, but in her kiss there is not only sensuality, but also a certain lightness and completely crazy playfulness.<</md>>
<<md>>I'm holding girl in my arms, allowing her to clasp hands behind my neck. When we find ourselves on the bed, her clothes, as if extra, quickly fly to the floor.<</md>>
<<md>>Before I even had time to come to my senses, she was already enjoying what was happening on the bed with me. I let go of her hands and quickly press against the head of the bed. She grabs me by the neck, and she starts to turn slowly, and it becomes clear to me that she is not at all childish in her mind.<</md>>
<<md>>I feel a passion for this woman growing in my chest, as if I have completely lost my mind and a new interest has appeared in my life - making love with her body. I gently stroke her nipples as she starts to rise to remove her pink bra, then press her against the bed and bend over her.<</md>>
<<md>>A hand slides along her thigh, on perfectly smooth skin, straight to her snow-white panties.<</md>>
<<md>>My tongue begins to slowly descend to the sweet hollow at the bottom of her belly, and with an increasing feeling I realize the depth of my affection for the girl who awakens in me incredible sensations, as if something new and wild is happening to me.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally pulling off her panties, I enter my penis inside.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaFuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Her abdominal muscles tighten and she starts to move her hips, trying to please me. She rapidly enters into me, and I feel how her tension is transmitted to me. I intensify the onslaught.<</md>>
<<if $FionaVideo1Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $FionaVideo1Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>We are enveloped by the juicy sweetness of her body, at first I hardly feel it - but, to my surprise, I feel my fingers tangled in her hair, and freeze for a few moments, giving her the opportunity to come to her senses.<</md>>
<<md>>She arches up, letting out a loud scream, and I go with her. We are both convulsing, and soon, on this fantastic euphoria, reality begins to return to me. Bright flashes of light pass by, and then there is a groan... and our common groan.<</md>>
<<md>>And then I explode with a fountain of pleasure inside her.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn, Fiona, you're something!<</md>>
<<set $Fiona7Q = 3>>\
<<set $Fiona8Q = 1>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 3>>\
[[Great|My room]]<<md>>Today the dream slipped away from me even faster than usual. There is no regret for me in it. It does not give me energy, only takes away. But now it does not matter at all, because today there is no time to feel sorry for yourself. I have tasks that are much more important than this. And there is nothing that coffee cannot permit. <</md>>
<<md>>Surprisingly, coffee doesn't even seem as bitter today as it used to. Either I added more sugar here and did not notice it myself ... Or I simply do not pay attention to it, because my attention is focused on something else. Without waiting for Angela to appear in the kitchen, I move on. Waiting is not the best option now.<</md>>
<<md>>Now I am full of desire to help Lucy, which means I need to understand what she goes through every day. If everything that the nurse said is really true, then I must see it with my own eyes. Because you don't realize many things until you see or feel them on your own skin.<</md>>
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Go to Lucy|LucyHelpMorningRemember2]]
<<md>>When we arrived at school, there was almost no one around. This is very different from the days when I come here a little later and the school is just full of people. Now it sometimes does not look like the school that I knew before.<</md>>
<<md>>We walk quietly past the reception when we notice that Linda is already at her workplace.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Good morning, Lucy! Good morning, $mc.Name!<</say>>
<<md>>I don't even have time to answer when Lucy takes over the initiative.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Good morning, Linda.<</say>>
<<md>>We keep moving when I hear a loud sound, like something has fallen from the highest shelf. But this... Linda runs towards us like a fire all over the school.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>What did you say, Lucy?<</say>>
<<md>>Two girls stand opposite each other. I don't quite understand what's going on. Why is Linda looking so surprised at Lucy?<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>I wish you good morning, Linda.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Ha... I decided so. Good morning to you too, Lucy.<</say>>
<<md>>And at the same moment Linda ran away somewhere on the second floor, only her heels sparkled.<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Second floor|LucyHelpClaraRemember]]<<md>>Whatever it is, I don't want to think about it now. We go up to the second floor and go to Clara's office. Not surprisingly, I knew nothing of Lucy's condition. But I never once wondered why I don't see her together with other teachers.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara looked at me in surprise when I entered with Lucy.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name, what are you doing here?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>He's with me, Clara.<</say>>
<<md>>The principal opened her mouth and stared at the math teacher.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>What did you say? How did you call me?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Clara. This is your name.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, but...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What's going on here?<</say>>
<<md>>And suddenly the doors opened behind and Linda ran in.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>She remembers everything! This happened! I said that sooner or later she would remember everything.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, that's it. So Lucy never remembered either Linda or Clara before? Does he remember today? This is fine.<</md>>
<<md>>But Clara doesn't look happy at all.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>It's very strange. Didn't Jane say she had to wait at least a few months for her to recover?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Yes, it was!<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, thanks, Linda. Now go away, there are too many people here.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara exhaled heavily and sat down at the table.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You know who Jane is, right?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Our nurse.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>That's good. That you remember everything. Although wait...<</say>>
<<md>>Clara was busy writing something on a piece of paper. Her pen was like spitting out ink, the sounds were so loud. When she held out the sheet to Lucy, I managed to notice that everything was covered with formulas and numbers.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Here, look. Can you solve it for me?<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy knitted her brows as she glanced at the contents of the sheet. Almost a minute of silence and...<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>No, sorry.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay, you can go. But without a $mc.Name. I have another conversation with him.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded and whispered to her that I would come soon. And when the door closed behind the girl, Clara angrily spat out words in my face.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I don't know what you did, $mc.Name, but you don't seem to understand what's at stake. Without Lucy's genius, we will lose a significant chunk of our funding.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I did not do anything.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, of course. And I have to believe it? You come here, you know about her illness. Lucy remembers everyone, but loses her genius. And you want me to believe that you have nothing to do with it...<</say>>
<<md>>She was silent for a second and her voice became more gentle.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Look, I know you want to help her. It is commendable. But if you save her, you will destroy us all. Therefore, I just advise you to return everything as it was. You can go.<</say>>
<<md>>I think it would be very foolish to linger here now. <</md>>
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Leave her office|LucyHelpMathClassRemember]]<<md>>Return everything as it was. As if I know what I have changed. Was the closeness between us influencing Lucy that way? Did she completely heal her while taking away her genius? No, this cannot be.<</md>>
<<md>>But no matter how angry Clara is, I am still happy, therefore, entering the class, I say: <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, do you want to walk with me in the park after school? <</say>>
<<md>>Nevertheless, we never had a normal date in the park, and if she is now in relative order, then it is better to use this situation for your own good.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, with pleasure!<</say>>
<<md>>Her face is shining and I can't help but smile at it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Then I'll pick you up after school.<</say>>
<<md>>That's great! After kissing Lucy, I leave her office. Lessons will start soon and I shouldn't anger Clara any more, so I'd better go to my office.<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest14T = 2>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]
<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<md>>When the lessons are over, Lucy and I are like a real couple walking hand in hand. I say goodbye to Linda and catch Clara's displeased look on myself, but I decide to ignore it. Nothing will stop me from being happy now!<</md>>
<<md>>There are a lot of people in the park, considering the time. Usually it's not very crowded here at this time. A lot of people and all in the same clothes. Is it some kind of festival today?<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>What do you think it is?<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy asks a question that I don't know the answer to. But now I don't care. Her hand is in my hand and this is the most important thing. Even if the end of the world is here, the only thing that matters now is us. After all, there may be no tomorrow. And I'm not talking about a conditional tomorrow. There is too much fear inside me...<</md>>
<<md>>But she squeezes my hand so gently that all fear passes.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Don't worry, I won't forget you. Whatever happens, I will not forget.<</say>>
<<md>>We merge in a kiss and I am washed away by a wave of inner pleasure. I want this moment to stop, but unfortunately I have no control over time.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Tell me, what's your best memory? <</say>>
<<md>>I ask the first thing that comes to mind, and she laughs loudly and loudly.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>This one.<</say>>
<<md>>I hug her. Well, so be it. She will tell you when the time is right, and now we will just sit here and enjoy this moment.<</md>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<md>>When it gets dark, we head home. I bring Lucy home and am about to leave when she pulls me to her and kisses me passionately, putting her hands under my shirt.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>I don't want you to leave. Stay a little longer, give me your warmth.<</say>>
<<md>>I follow her example and run my hands under her dress and feel for her breasts. She's not wearing a bra and it turns me on. Hands gently squeeze the girl's left breast and I hear a low moan of satisfaction. And yet I have to let go of the girl and move over the other shoulder to the bra - for my own benefit. Lucy unbends her back a little, and I help myself with my hands, and my fingers gently rise to the bulge of the bra.<</md>>
<<md>>She moans and presses my fingers to her chest. I do the same and hear her soft moan as the hem of her dress slips through the slit in the fabric. Hands feel her panties...<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Wait, they can see us. Let's go inside.<</say>>
<<md>>She drags me along and I follow to her bedroom. She falls softly on the bed and I am on top of her. Hands themselves reach for the closed dress and pussy, which beckons me more than ever.<</md>>
<<md>>But the girl reacts instantly. She grabs my palm and presses it against her firm chest - while running her free hand over my chest and below. My eyes meet hers - she looks down and again runs her free hand over my body, just below the waist and slides her fingers over my stomach.<</md>>
<<md>>It is so exciting and passionate that I cease to understand how I can be alone with this woman and not touch her. I dig my fingers into her hips and pull her down to the bed with one strong tug.<</md>>
<<md>>I release her pussy from the shackles of her panties and now I see the beauty that called me there: a red pussy, so beautiful and so seductive that I can no longer tolerate and slowly insert my penis into her. She moans and we get closer to each other even deeper. Hands run through her hair and nibble at her neck, exposing her neck. Parting her hips with my knees, I slowly and soulfully reach the clitoris. ... Its prickly stiffness and moisture pulsating in time with his movement excited me - I had not felt such closeness for a long time. With sharp jerks, I push my masculine nature, screwing into it to the very edge.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lucy\Quest\Video\LucyFuck3.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $LucyVideo3Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyVideo3Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She becomes more and more bold and unrestrained, and I more and more immerse myself in her hot velvet hollow, scorching her neck with my lips and forcing her to bend towards me.<</md>>
<<md>>I keep pushing harder until pleasure hits me and I splash everything into her.<</md>>
<<md>>No, this is definitely the best day!<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest10 = 3>>\
<<set $LucyQuest11 = 1>>\
<<set $LucyQuest14T = 3>>\
[[Time to go home|My room]]<<md>>Should I looking for smoking students or dealer?<</md>>
<<set $SmokingSF = 5>>\
<<md>>Fifteen minutes later, after a hustle and bustle and not a very comfortable subway ride, I find myself near the girl's house. Yesterday we agreed that together we can overcome all obstacles, including this one. But Lucy warned that she might not even be able to remember me in the morning.<</md>>
<<md>>Of course, this is not what you want to hear, but I knew that this could happen when I made a decision.<</md>>
<<md>>The hardest part is waiting for her to open the door. Too many bad thoughts and even more terrible thoughts are running through my head. Come on, Lucy, open the doors for me.<</md>>
<<md>>She appears on the doorstep in a rather interesting outfit.<</md>>
<<md>>It turns out interestingly: she forgets people, but as far as some everyday things are concerned, everything is in order here.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>$mc.Name! Good morning!<</say>>
<<md>>My heart was overjoyed. It means that all this was not in vain. After all, it turns out that I established some kind of emotional connection with her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy! You remember me!<</say>>
<<md>>Without controlling the impulse of my emotions, I ran up to Lucy, picked her up in my arms and whirled her in a joyful dance.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>It's true! I remember you, $mc.Name. I remember.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, this news makes me at least calmer. If she remembers me, she will not be mistaken for a bandit or a criminal.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's great! Well, what are we going to school then?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Let's go.<</say>>
<<md>>I must say I was scared to go to school. Because I knew that for the first time I would see the world as she sees it. And this made me so scared for the first time in my life that I wanted to run away as far as possible. But I must stay, I must understand and help. For Lucy's sake. <</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest10 = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest13T = 3>>\
<<set $LucyQuest14T = 1>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Time to go|LucyHelpLindaRemember]]<<if $mc.wshortsOn == 0 && $SeaShortsOff == 0>>\
<<md>>The weather was very good today.<</md>>
<<md>>There is no such disgusting wind that constantly prevents you from enjoying all the beauty of what is happening around. When you come to the beach to enjoy the unity with nature, this is the least you expect.<</md>>
<<md>>I never liked the wind, it constantly made me feel very uncomfortable. It’s like you’re a vulnerable little boy and a stone is about to hit your head. And so it happened with my friend...<</md>>
<<md>>I went into myself and my memories too much sometimes. And by the way, outside is the best possible weather. It's time to feel the warm of sea waves on your skin and swim as far as possible. Of course, my clothes are not well suited for this kind of entertainment, but when did it stop me?<</md>>
<<md>>I step along the edge of the shore when I feel the warm and gentle water touch my heels. A great feeling that is hard to convey in words. You feel like you're in the best massage parlor in town and can't stop. You need to try more and more. Hunger by the sea and this wonderful feeling overcomes you. You are not able to resist it.<</md>>
<<md>>Because as if hearing the call of the whole sea, I sink more and more into the sea waves, until only my head remains submerged in the water. But I quickly correct this shortcoming as well. I dive so deep over and over again that I can feel the water giving me freedom. She is my relief from the stress and anxiety of this world...<</md>>
<<md>>It was a wonderful day. The sea is very kind to me today. So I thought, until I got off her and noticed that my shorts had just floated away somewhere. Well at least I have at least some cowards.<</md>>
<<md>>Popping into the store, I catch the surprised looks of people. Yes, swimming without special shorts was definitely not a good idea. Next time I will think three times before going in there without the clothes I need.<</md>>
<<set $SeaShortsOff = 1>>\
[[Back|Street York-Road]]
<<elseif $SeaShortsOff == 1 && $mc.wshortsOn == 0 >>\
<<md>>I don't think I should go into the water without special shorts. And who knows what will happen this time.<</md>>
<<elseif $SeaShortsOff == 1 && $mc.wshortsOn == 1>>\
<<md>>No thing will give you confidence if you don't have it inside. At least that's what my friend always liked to say. But being here, on the shore of a quiet and calm beach in these shorts, for some reason I feel much more confident and attractive. It seems to be magic shorts.<</md>>
<<md>>By the way, about magic. Today the sea is just magically warm, so not taking advantage of such a situation would be very short-sighted on my part, that's for sure.<</md>>
<<md>>The waves of the sea quietly whisper to me words in which one can distinguish very intelligible words. And although I understand that nothing like this can be, but still I am pleased to think that someone in the sea is watching me and is now calling me to join. I just hope it's not Cthulhu, because I'm not ready for such a meeting...<</md>>
<<md>>The sea gently envelops me with the warmth of its waves, after which I slowly plunge into this calm water surface. The water is so warm that I just want to stay in it as long as possible. It is a pleasant feeling, as if it caresses all parts of my body so much that I catch an orgasm. No, not literally, but on some mental level. It seems that a warm wave is pulsing in me, and in response to this my being comes into incredible harmony with the sea and all life in general. Such is the wonderful play of sensations. And so it has been for almost an hour.<</md>>
<<md>>When I go ashore, I feel renewed and filled with vitality. Best feeling all day!<</md>>
<<elseif $SeaShortsOff == 0 && $mc.wshortsOn == 1>>\
<<md>>No thing will give you confidence if you don't have it inside. At least that's what my friend always liked to say. But being here, on the shore of a quiet and calm beach in these shorts, for some reason I feel much more confident and attractive. It seems to be magic shorts.<</md>>
<<md>>By the way, about magic. Today the sea is just magically warm, so not taking advantage of such a situation would be very short-sighted on my part, that's for sure.<</md>>
<<md>>The waves of the sea quietly whisper to me words in which one can distinguish very intelligible words. And although I understand that nothing like this can be, but still I am pleased to think that someone in the sea is watching me and is now calling me to join. I just hope it's not Cthulhu, because I'm not ready for such a meeting...<</md>>
<<md>>The sea gently envelops me with the warmth of its waves, after which I slowly plunge into this calm water surface. The water is so warm that I just want to stay in it as long as possible. It is a pleasant feeling, as if it caresses all parts of my body so much that I catch an orgasm. No, not literally, but on some mental level. It seems that a warm wave is pulsing in me, and in response to this my being comes into incredible harmony with the sea and all life in general. Such is the wonderful play of sensations. And so it has been for almost an hour.<</md>>
<<md>>When I go ashore, I feel renewed and filled with vitality. Best feeling all day!<</md>>
<<md>>I don't think I should go into the water without special shorts. And who knows what will happen this time.<</md>>
<</if>><<md>>These shorts may not be the most fashionable, but they will definitely help me swim better and not worry about something happening. As the saying goes, in good shorts it is good to live, in bad shorts it is bad even to die.<</md>>
[[Back|Street York-Road]]<<if $SeaSneackersOff == 0 && $mc.wshoesOn == 0>>\
<<md>>The beach is such a mysterious place. Sometimes you come here to stay away from people. Sometimes, on the contrary, you strive to be in the midst of those who, like you, share this passion for the sea. Sometimes you come here just to enjoy the sound of the surf, and sometimes all together.<</md>>
<<md>>Now I just walk along the beach and enjoy what this place gives me. Now you just fill up with energy and...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Damn it! What the fuck?<</say>>
<<md>>All my thoughts and thoughts about good things were interrupted by a sudden sharp pain that pierced my entire leg. What the... I lift my foot and notice that a black ball of needles is sticking out of my shoes like a spur. Yes, I know that this and that does not please me at all. How did I manage to step on a sea urchin at all?<</md>>
<<md>>Without wasting a minute, I pull out the creature, and I myself, like a real invalid, go to the hospital. There they examine me and say that I was lucky that the needles did not go so deep. Well, my pain would not agree with that, but so be it. But there is also something else that the hospital advised me. I have to buy shoes for the beach. She will save me from such cases. Well, a very reasonable idea.<</md>>
<<set $SeaSneackersOff = 1>>\
<<addmins 30>>\
[[Back|Street York-Road]]
<<elseif $SeaSneackersOff == 1 && $mc.wshoesOn == 0>>\
<<md>>No, I won't risk it again. The last time my adventure ended not very well, so it would be better to come back here when I have a new pair of sneakers for this purpose.<</md>>
<<elseif $SeaSneackersOff == 1 && $mc.wshoesOn == 1>>\
<<md>>A walk along the beach is a good way to spend time with benefit. Going to the store or to the hairdresser is something that has become too common for us. But when it comes to the sea, the imagination paints a beautiful picture that is almost indistinguishable from reality.<</md>>
<<md>>Now I am glad to be here, walking on the sand and listening to the song of the sea.<</md>>
<<md>>I feel overwhelmed by the feeling that after my arrival I seemed to have returned to my childhood. Everything around me looks new and mysterious, which contrasts nicely with the bustle of the big city in which I grew up. In the company of others, I feel like an uncouth boy.<</md>>
<<md>>The sound of the waves is getting louder than it was a minute ago. I would like to leisurely step on the wet coastal sand, absorb all the sensations, give them everything that I live with. But now is not the time for that. I will be able to swim another day. And today only the seashore and thoughts of what awaits me ahead.<</md>>
<<md>>And I think it will be something good.<</md>>
<<addmins 60>>\
<<elseif $SeaSneackersOff == 0 && $mc.wshoesOn == 1>>\
<<md>>A walk along the beach is a good way to spend time with benefit. Going to the store or to the hairdresser is something that has become too common for us. But when it comes to the sea, the imagination paints a beautiful picture that is almost indistinguishable from reality.<</md>>
<<md>>Now I am glad to be here, walking on the sand and listening to the song of the sea.<</md>>
<<md>>I feel overwhelmed by the feeling that after my arrival I seemed to have returned to my childhood. Everything around me looks new and mysterious, which contrasts nicely with the bustle of the big city in which I grew up. In the company of others, I feel like an uncouth boy.<</md>>
<<md>>The sound of the waves is getting louder than it was a minute ago. I would like to leisurely step on the wet coastal sand, absorb all the sensations, give them everything that I live with. But now is not the time for that. I will be able to swim another day. And today only the seashore and thoughts of what awaits me ahead.<</md>>
<<md>>And I think it will be something good.<</md>>
<<md>>A nice and gentle walk is always good for you. <</md>>
<<addmins 60>>\
<</if>><<say $Camilla>>Look at yourself! You are like a new person and you look very interesting in it! I'm sure every girl will want to spend time with you after such a wonderful purchase.<</say>>
<<md>>Camilla's voice sounded so enthusiastic that I really wanted to believe her words. After all, it makes no sense for her to lie to me, after I purchased the thing, is it?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you really think so?<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Of course, such a wonderful man in such a wonderful shirt...<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled back at Camilla and winked, then walked away.<</md>>
<<set $shirt1 = 2>>\
[[Back|IR Shop]]<<md>>In the life of any man, there comes a moment when it is time for him to change his image. It doesn't matter what you wear, sometimes you just need to change it and forget about everything, and the best way to do it is to do it the way I did it, starting with the pants.<</md>>
<<md>>Because pants are a man's calling card. Therefore, they are the ones who say everything about you. Who are you, what are you and of course, what's under your pants. Nobody wants to see a man walking around in horrible pink pants and Dad's old jeans. No, this is totally unacceptable.<</md>>
<<md>>But it is acceptable to be the best of men. And my new purchase is the first step in this direction.<</md>>
[[Back|IR Shop]]<<say $mc>>Hi Lucy!<</say>>
<<md>>When I had a free minute, I decided to visit Lucy and talk a little about different things. After all, nothing brings people together like conversations.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, hello, $mc.Name. You look great!<</say>>
<<md>>The woman smiled sweetly, pointing to the pants.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>I`ve read in a magazine that many Hollywood stars wear these pants. This model is popular with handsome men like Eli Rottain, Jeremy Okroyonella and many others. I'm sure you would fit perfectly into their ranks.<</say>>
<<md>>Ha! Lucy is good at compliments. I didn’t even expect that someone would notice my new purchase, but Lucy not only noticed, but also gave me a compliment of the kind that I was now going to skyrocket.<</md>>
<<set $Pants2Lucy = 1>>\
[[Back|Math class]]
<<md>>I feel a pleasant weight in my hand.<</md>>
<<md>>Is smoking harmful to your health? Ha, did anyone count how many nerve cells it saves? Surely more than a dozen.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What a nonsense!<</say>>
<<md>>The lighter strikes quite loudly, but this sound is drowned out by the noise of the crowd.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Too crowdy today…<</say>>
<<md>>I don't know if I could have continued to work at all if I hadn't had a cigarette in my hand. For me, this is one of the best ways to deal with stress.<</md>>
<<md>>I take a puff.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Great…<</say>>
<<md>>This is the best feeling you can get without having trouble with the law. Expensive though. But it's worth it. Every damn penny because it gives me too much joy. I know that this is only temporary euphoria, but sometimes it is so necessary that even breathing becomes difficult.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We all have our troubles in a way.<</say>>
<<md>>Some of the people rush in my direction caustic remarks, but I do not care. If they tried to live my life, I am sure they would not only start smoking. Yes, this is definitely not the worst option.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let’s make this quick.<</say>>
<<md>>All around are like a solid faceless spot, which is not even capable of its own thought, but is in a hurry to condemn others. I was so lost in thought that I jerked in fright when a hand grabbed me. Bitch, I just calmed down.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What…<</say>>
<<say $Carey>>Hello, mind stop smoking? It`s not smoker’s area. Or should we go to the police office?<</say>>
<<md>>But the stress only intensified when I saw that there was a policeman in front of me. He looked clearly not the most friendly. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, officer, I don’t need more troubles.<</say>>
<<say $Carey>>Good to see clever citizen <</say>>
<<md>>Well, it is reasonable. He turned out to be a good person. Okay, it's time to move on.<</md>>
<<set $SubSmoking = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Go back|Central Station]]
<<md>>As I walked up to the second floor, I suddenly felt my head spinning. For a second, it’s like I’m in infancy, when you’re unable to take care of yourself. What's wrong with me today?<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Mr. $mc.Name, are you okay?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica walked by and looked at me worriedly. More precisely, I wanted to think I was worried. Everything was too double before my eyes.<</md>>
<<md>>Maybe I was poisoned by something? No, it's impossible, I didn't eat anything like that yesterday. Then what's the problem?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Monica...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>It's not very looks like it, you are very pale. Let me take you to the nurse.<</say>>
<<md>>I began to argue, but Monica did not listen and very soon I was in front of the nurse's door. Even if I wanted to pretend that nothing happened, when more than half of the school saw me walking arm in arm with one of the students, conversations could not be avoided.<</md>>
[[To the nurse|CoffeeHurt 1.2]]
<<md>>So Monica takes me to the infirmary, and she goes to the side.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Looks like Monica really cares about you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah...<</say>>
<<md>>The last thing I want to do is discuss Monica's traits with the nurse right now. Not when I feel like I'm going to collapse unconscious.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Tell me, $mc.Name, do you drink coffee?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure.<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>And a lot?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Enough...<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>And surely now your head is spinning?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>The nurse exhaled heavily and it seemed to me that another second and this breathing would just blow me away.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>You should stop drinking so much coffee. This can be detrimental to you later. I'll give you some pills now, but try not to overuse it, okay?<</say>>
<<md>>I nod because I’m ready to do anything to stop it.<</md>>
<<md>>I hear water pouring into a glass, but I don't open my eyes because I feel too bad. When I take a pill, in the first seconds I have no sensations. Only after 15 minutes I am back to normal.<</md>>
<<md>>Thanks Jane and leaving this place. Maybe you should really consider drinking less coffee?<</md>>
<<set $CoffeeHurtNurse1 = 1>>\
<<set $CoffeeHurt = 41>>\
[[Leave|School reception]]<<nobr>>
<div class="blowjoba achievements-shop-header">
<span>Achievement points: <<= $achivementCash>></span></div>
'Water shoes'
'State.variables.shoes3 += 1;'
'Swimming shorts'
'State.variables.pants3 += 1;'
'Swimming goggles'
'State.variables.wglass += 1;'
'Silver Ring'
'State.variables.ring4 += 1;'
'Sport bottle'
' += 1;'
'Magic Ball'
' += 1;'
>><<script>>(function () {
window.initAchShop = function() {
window.AchShop = function (name, description, image, reward, cost) { = name;
this.description = description;
this.image = image;
this.reward = reward;
this.cost = cost;
this.purchased = false;
AchShop.prototype._init = function (obj) {
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (pn) {
this[pn] = clone(obj[pn]);
}, this);
return this;
AchShop.prototype.clone = function () {
return (new AchShop())._init(this);
AchShop.prototype.toJSON = function () {
var ownData = {};
Object.keys(this).forEach(function (pn) {
ownData[pn] = clone(this[pn]);
}, this);
return JSON.reviveWrapper('(new AchShop())._init($ReviveData$)', ownData);
AchShop.prototype.toString = function () {
var str = "";
str += '"' + + '", ';
str += '"' + this.description + '", ';
str += 'Стоимость: ' + this.cost;
str += '<br>'
return str;
State.variables.achshopitems = [];
Macro.add('add_achshopitem', {
handler : function () {
var name = this.args[0];
var desc = this.args[1];
var image = this.args[2];
var reward = 'function rewardEval() { ' + this.args[3] + '}; rewardEval();';
var cost = this.args[4];
State.variables.achshopitems.push(new AchShop(name, desc, image, reward, cost));
Macro.add('print_all_achshopitems', {
handler : function () {
var str = '<div class="shelf-wrap"><div class="shelf"><<nobr>>';
for (var i=0; i < State.variables.achshopitems.length; i++){
if (!State.variables.achshopitems[i].purchased) { // check if not purchased
str += `<div class="shelf-item">
<p class="">${State.variables.achshopitems[i].name}</p>
<img src="${State.variables.achshopitems[i].image}">
<p>Cost: ${State.variables.achshopitems[i].cost}</p>
<<buy-btn "Buy" ${State.variables.achshopitems[i].cost} ${State.variables.achivementCash}>>
<<set $achivementCash -= ${State.variables.achshopitems[i].cost}>>
<<set State.variables.achshopitems[${i}].purchased = true>>
<<goto AchivementShop>>
str += '<</nobr>></div></div>';
var $wrapper = $(document.createElement('div'));
<<run initAchShop()>><<md>>Usually a trip home is a very tedious activity. Still, when there are a lot of people in the subway, you feel how they are pressing on you, not only physically but also morally. Is it the end of the working day or something else?<</md>>
<<md>>Today, my attention was attracted by a group of men who stood out too much. One of them had a surfboard, the other had huge cylinders, and the third one... Okay, the third one was an ordinary person. But most of all I was interested in their conversation. They were discussing something so intensively, as well as gesticulating, that they drew my attention.<</md>>
<<md>>Their conversation at first seemed incomprehensible, but very soon I caught its essence. It turns out that in our city there is a competition "Clean Coast". The essence of this competition is that whoever gets the most treasure, will not get a simple prize, and the chest of Captain Black. They say that he had just countless treasures.
Maybe I should try my luck, too.<</md>>
<<set $mc.SwimSetActive = 2>>\
<<set $SeaDive = 2>>\
[[Back|Home corridor]]<<set _SeaDiveArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _SeaDiveArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>It is quiet on the shore now. It is also good, because diving in the presence of extra eyes. However, I do not care. Whether someone is on the shore or not, I will get this treasure.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Despite the presence of people, I do not hesitate, I scatter and dive into the water. Waiting for others to pull the victory out of my hands is not my destiny. <</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Sea, what secrets do you hide? What will I find today if I dive as deep as my strength allows me? Will you be merciful to me, or will you punish me opposite? All that remains to be done is to check.<</md>>
<<md>>The water gently envelops me when I jump in it from the run. It is pleasant for me to feel this warmth and softness. It is the only interlocutor who can talk to me. It is the main thing that I know.<</md>> <<md>>Everything else is just an illusion. Is there something contradictory about it? No. So why should I think about the beauty of the surrounding minutes? Why should I suffer for it? Nothing. Is it worth it, though? Beauty is joy, not suffering. So I am not afraid, that's all.
This immersion on depth has forced me to think so?<</md>>
<<md>>I dive deeper and deeper until I notice something sparkling. It seems to be my prey for today, especially as I'm about to run out of air.
When I dive, I pleasantly squeeze a few coins in my hand. Well, that's all for today, but who knows what will happen tomorrow?<</md>>
<<md>>When I thought about buying swimming goggles, I never thought that they would look so cool. In it I`m feeling myself like a real celebrity, no more, in it I`m feeling like Apollo! It's like it opened in me what was closed before.<</md>>
<<md>>No, the fact that they fulfil their purpose is very good, but even if I want to walk in such a street every girl will want to be mine.<</md>>
<<md>>Let's give it a try. Yes, as I thought. It looks just magical! This store has a completely different world, a completely different world, even in a sense I was born there! It is a completely different world. You go there and learn so much new, so much interesting about other people. In this store you will understand a lot about the world. And about you.<</md>>
[[Back|Street York-Road]]
<</if>><<md>>What happened to me on the beach was a very unpleasant incident. I will not let it happen again.<</md>>
<<md>>ast time I was lucky that the wound was not too serious. No, you can be sympathetic with a damaged leg, but you cannot fuck one of the girls. <</md>>
<<md>>Well, to hell with it, it's sympathy. It is better to do everything by yourself. And I will do it in new sneakers.<</md>>
<<md>>I have them now. They fit perfectly on the leg.<</md>>
[[Back|Street York-Road]]
<<md>>There are things that are stronger than you, no matter how much you persuade yourself to the contrary. You can't just get rid of the habit that has been leading you for several years. If I know something about addiction, now it guides my actions.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What a though…<</say>>
<<md>>I could now try to dissuade myself from these actions, but I will not do it. I made my choice, which means there is no need to regret what I have done.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No way back then.<</say>>
<<md>>The last conversation with a policeman and how lucky I was then is still in my head. I have heard many stories about the cool temper of local policemen. I have never encountered them before, but these conversations make the blood shrivel in my veins. So, it is time to disperse it with a very hot and good cigarette. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Too tasty.<</say>>
<<md>>The cigarette lies softly in my hand and this feeling makes me feel better. After all, a person who smokes does not always have to feel nicotine to make him feel better. The whole process, the whole ritual - that's what gives us peace of mind. That, however, does not prevent me now to feel this bitter taste on my lips.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Huh…<</say>>
<<md>>Now I don't care about anything but this feeling. Again, this is a state similar to that described by people entering a trance: muffled sounds, detachment from the world and inner peace.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Where are you, man?<</say>>
<<md>>So it would have been an eternity if it hadn't been for the familiar silhouette, which I could see with my lateral vision. The policeman comes close to me again and it does not seem that I will manage to hide, he is already too close.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Finally!<</say>>
<<say $Carey>>Glad to see you here again.<</say>>
<<md>>He looks back at me and welcomes me as if we are old friends. So, this is already very suspicious...Such friendliness is a very strange phenomenon. He is either up to something or...I have no other options to explain what is happening here now. Or he has confused me with somebody... And what, such variant is quite possible.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are strange man, you know that, right?<</say>>
<<md>>I finish smoking a cigarette and throw it into the urn nearby.<</md>>
<<say $Carey>>You didn’t learn your lesson, right? The rules are designed to follow them, not to cheat on them. Every cheater should be punished.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Here we go again…<</say>>
<<md>>This is what I expected. The true face of the policemen of this city. On the one hand, I am glad, because I can be calm, order in reliable hands. On the other hand ... I do not really want to go somewhere to the police station now. Even the thought of it depresses me greatly. It is as if I do not have enough troubles without it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Damn…<</say>>
<<md>>But my new acquaintance is determined to finish the job. If I don't want to be at the police station and then make excuses to Clara, because she will know what happened in the morning, it is better to do something now.<</md>>
<<set $SubSmoking = 2>>\
<<set $id.cigarrete -= 1>>\
[[Bribe him|SubwaySmokingBribe]]
[[Hit him|SubwaySmokingHit]]
[[Run away|SubwaySmokingRun]]
<<if $id.magicBall > 0>>\
[[Throw magic ball|SmokingMagicBall]]
<</if>><<md>>If it is possible to solve everything before the conflict starts, why should I not do it? After all, one way or another everything will affect my wallet: officially or not. The only question is how to convince him not to drag me to the station, which I hate since my youth. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, we can deal with it, I’m sure…<</say>>
<<say $Carey>>I don’t know, rule is rule.<</say>>
<<md>>However, it is only necessary to try a little. Because from what I saw last time and now, this man does not really want to take someone to the station. Especially, for such a minor violation.<</md>>
<<md>>I start talking and at first it seems to me that he does not listen to me at all. He looks as if for every word I will get twenty more fines. But when I get to the part about money and our contract without involving the police station, he has a ridiculous smile on his lips. He almost imperceptibly stretches a hundred bucks into which I put. Perhaps too much for such a violation, but to be accompanied by a policeman, as if I were a real criminal, somehow I do not want at all. <</md>>
<<say $Carey>>You know, we can deal with it, I’m sure…<</say>>
<<md>>He wink at me, hide a hundred in his pocket and wish me a good day. Even among the crowd I can hear his cheerful whistling for a long time.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, it was not the easiest thing to do, but I am glad that I was able to deal with it finally. It is time to finally go further.<</md>>
<<set $SubSmoking = 2>>\
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]] <<md>>If there's a separate place in the hell for people who spoil others' pleasure, this dude is sure to get there. The day was not very pleasant anyway, so this goat still dares to spoil one of my pleasures, which brings me some relief. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't be like that! Nobody dares to do this to me!<</say>>
<<md>>I push him away from me and put my hand in order to hit him when the man bends. My fist crashes into the air, waking up my anger. The man suddenly has a baton in his hand. The weapon responded to the pain in my elbow when it touched my skin.<</md>>
<<say $Carey>>It was your last mistake!<</say>>
<<md>>Damn! He plays hard! Well, then I will be ceremonial with this goat!<</md>>
<<md>>Hits of the baton will rush at me one by one, but I must endure. I have to wait for the best of moments, so that...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Arghh!<</say>>
<<md>>Here it is, this moment! Noticing a second delay in his action, my fist, full of anger and hatred flies him to the meeting. A man recoils when his fist is strongly imprinted in his face. The right punch has always been my strong point.<</md>>
<<say $Carey>>What…you…<</say>>
<<md>>But I can't end it, otherwise he will come to his senses and his anger will be even stronger than before. The second hand flies to a policeman and strikes with such force that a police cap flies off. The man himself now looks like a cut tree and falls to the floor. Probably, does it hurt to hit the wall with his back like that?<</md>>
<<md>>Passers-by are jerking at me, something is shouting after me, but I don't care. This jerk himself asked when he decided to play defender of order. I just did what I could do best - I solved the problem with brute force.<</md>>
<<md>>Now he will think three times before contacting me again.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That jerk…<</say>>
<<md>>Of course, there is a possibility that a few of his friends of cops will come to my house, but something tells me that this will not happen. He will hardly want to admit that he got hit in the face by some hen. And it is unlikely that he knows who I am. So, I am not threatened with anything else.<</md>>
<<md>>With calm thoughts, I leave the subway.<</md>>
<<set $SubSmoking = 3>>\
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]] <<md>>If there is no money, there is always one way out to explain to a person that this is a small misunderstanding or that there is no desire to deal with him otherwise.<</md>>
<<md>>Run. Run what has strength, run until the pursuers are left behind.<</md>>
<<md>>The main thing is to put down the vigilance of this man, not to let him suspect anything bad. If I now flinch or do something wrong - he will easily catch me. Therefore, I must act as if everything is okay.<</md>>
<<md>>I smile and nod about his offer to go to the police station with him. He looks at me as if trying to understand if I am joking or not. Come on, let's get to the point where you naively trust me.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes! Finally, he releases me and turns his back, before ordering me to follow him. Here it is, the best moment that I need! I throw myself away from him, pushing people.<</md>>
<<md>>My heart starts beating frantically when I climb up the steps. He will not back down so easily now. As long as I am not so far away, at least. From behind I hear people screaming and cursing in my direction, but it doesn't matter. It is important to be upstairs and hide from him. I look around, but I still notice the shape I know.<</md>>
<<md>>I wrap up in a few familiar streets where there are fewer people and the transitions are not too winding. I notice behind me whole rows of boxes, behind which one of the homeless is hiding.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Give me a hand, brother. Do not give it away.<</say>>
<<md>>I whisper to him and stretch out five dollars. He greedily grabs money. My God, he stinks.<</md>>
<<md>>The police uniform sneaks past me and then disappears from view. After sitting like that for 15 minutes, I finally get out. It seems that now I can safely go somewhere further on my business.<</md>>
<<md>>But first you should wash off all this stench at home.<</md>>
<<set $SubSmoking = 4>>\
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]
<<md>>As soon as I go out on the street, I feel something is wrong.<</md>>
<<md>>It is as if I lack air as soon as I find myself here, in a place where hundreds of cars and thousands of people live. I have a very strange feeling as if something is wrong with me. I know that there is air here, there is enough air, but it is not enough for me. It is as if someone is just taking it away from me, thus making fun of me. What is this feeling?<</md>>
<<md>>I stop for a second, I already think about coming home, but I feel better and the strange feeling just disappears, leaving a trail of unpleasant taste in my mouth. It's like I ate a rotten fruit, but nothing like that happened to me.<</md>>
<<md>>It is good that everything has disappeared, I can finally move on. Nobody will do the work for me. You can't leave your students unattended.<</md>>
[[Go to school|CoffeeHurt 2.1]]
<<md>>It's too hot in the subway today. I've never been so stuffy here before. All these people, they are so loud. It seems that they are not worried at all about the lack of air around them. Or they are the ones who steal my air.<</md>>
<<md>>Without a shadow of a doubt, I take off my shirt and it gets a little lighter. Of course, this behavior cannot be ignored, but I do not care about the attention from the outside. Let everyone look after themselves, otherwise we'll just turn into those very monkeys who point their fingers at each other.<</md>>
<<md>>However, I notice how, winking at me, in the other side of the car, the other man turns the same thing so that I feel a little calmer. Even if we are supported by a very unfamiliar person, we still feel much calmer.<</md>>
<<md>>But the most important thing is that I feel better again, because until the end of my trip I remain shining with a half-naked torso. However, modesty wouldn't help me in this situation, it would even make it worse, and so... And so I coped with everything.<</md>>
[[Leave subway|CoffeeHurt 2.2]]<<md>>As soon as I got out of the subway, I felt that I felt cold enough, so before approaching the school gates, I got dressed again. However, this did not prevent Veronica to throw me an interesting phrase.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>It seems that it suits you more without a shirt. I would like to see you so more often.<</say>>
<<md>>I know that these are just the words of a teenager, but I can't deny that they flatter me like hell. But it's better to forget about it, if I don't want to deal with everything.<</md>>
<<set $CoffeeHurtNurse1 = 2>>\
[[Enter school|School reception]] <<md>>There are many people in the corridor: pupils, teachers and other staff. Why does this noise make my ears feel like hell? I seem to be used to such loud sounds, however...Now I...I can't bear to hear them. I'm not in the fists to control my body...And I fall to the floor. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>$mc.Name! $mc.Name, can you hear me?<</say>>
<<md>>Somewhere remotely familiar voices are coming to me, but I have no possibility to answer them.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Damn! Get Jane!<</say>>
<<md>>I don't... Help me...<</md>>
[[Fade away|CoffeeHurt 2.4]] <<md>>When I come to my senses, I see a familiar face.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name, you are finally awake.<</say>>
<<md>>Angela? What is she doing at school?<</md>>
<<md>>But as soon as I look around, I understand that I am not at school, but in my apartment. Angela and Jane leaned over me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What happened? Why am I here?<</say>>
<<md>>The answer is in my head, but I do not want to believe in it. I do not want to believe that I just lost consciousness in the face of the whole school. No, no, this is impossible. I couldn't fall so low, right?<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>You lost consciousness and I think I know why.<</say>>
<<md>>How could this even happen to me? I am not so old that...<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>You didn't listen to me when I warned you about the harm of coffee, did you? We talked to Angela and she says she saw you drinking coffee almost every morning. Although I warned you about the consequences.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What will happen to me?<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>You got off easy again. You don't have anything serious. It will take a few days to lie down before you can get back to work. Don't worry, I'll talk to Clara about it, and at the same time I'll think about how I could prescribe you some medicine. Take a rest for now.<</say>>
<<md>>Jane said goodbye and left my room. Only me and Angela are left.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>You really scared me. Why did you drink coffee if you knew that it was so bad?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's hard to refuse something so tasty. From now on, I will make sure that you don't drink coffee above your norm.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, that's fine. Now I also have a babysitter. But now the most important thing is to recover a little and get on your feet.<</md>>
[[Rest|CoffeeHurt 2.5]] <<md>>The first thought in the morning was to break my head. My head was split right into pieces by the slightest movement. I could hardly open my eyes from this pain. Why does my head hurt so much?<</md>>
<<md>>With my eyes closed, the pain recedes a little. Which is already quite good, I must say. However, a second attempt to open them ended in the same fiasco. The pain keeps me in my clinging paws, and I can't even do anything about it.<</md>>
<<md>>It is better just to lie down and not move at all.<</md>>
<<md>>After a while I hear the door to my room open and someone comes inside. The sound of these steps gets into my head, but I try to cope with it. It is the biggest pain in my life and yet it is very unpleasant.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name, good morning - are you all right?<</say>>
<<md>>Angela's voice does not sound loud and I am grateful to her for that. Still, it's good when there are people around you who understand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I...You know better than ever...<</say>>
<<md>>It's hard for me to even talk. My head breaks from trying to even think about what to say to my neighbor.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I understand. Jane warned that this could happen. Here, take some pills. This should ease the pain, at least until I get back from work.<</say>>
<<md>>I open my eyes and take the pill from her warm hands. Now Angela looks like a loving wife, which is nice to take care of her husband.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>No need. It's the least I can do right now.<</say>>
<<md>>She took the cup.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Sleep well, today you will have to recover. And after that, we will be able to talk.<</say>>
<<md>>She closed the doors behind her and I closed my eyes. Not even had time to count to twenty, as a dream got me again.<</md>>
[[Sleep|CoffeeHurt 2.6]] <<md>>Sleeping during the illness is what I hated from the very early childhood. It's not only that you feel how your body reacts to the slightest signs of illness, even through sleep, you see not the most pleasant paintings. Of course, I've had a couple of dreams about a beautiful girl giving me a blowjob and then I firmly fuck her in the ass, but this is a rare exception. After such dreams, you feel very exhausted and tired.<</md>>
<<md>>But this time I am happy that at least I do not feel that hellish pain. The cure has worked after all. Jane knows a lot about the treatment. Perhaps you should have listened to her in this case?<</md>>
<<md>>Well, you should at least get up. I wonder how long I slept like this? It feels like almost a whole day has passed.<</md>>
<<md>>How long? Hell, did I really sleep that much? The light from my laptop still blinded me, but after a few minutes, my eyes still adapted. Since it's really so late, at least I'll know how things are at school.<</md>>
<<md>>And there is no better person for that than<</md>>
[[Fiona|CoffeeHurt 2.7]]
[[Clara|CoffeeHurt 2.7]]
[[Lucy|CoffeeHurt 2.7]]
[[Lexi|CoffeeHurt 2.7]]
[[Veronica|CoffeeHurt 2.7]] <<md>>Yes, she is better suited for it than others. If anyone can tell me about the latest news at school, it is only her. After all, it's always like this, if you don't go somewhere for just one day, how you miss all the interesting things!<</md>>
<<md>>But I didn't have time to write when I heard a noise in the hallway and the ringing female voices. One of them clearly belonged to Angela, but the other one. He seems to be quite familiar, but I can't remember who he was. There are vague images in my head, but...when the doors open in front of me the truth appears in Jane's face.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>$mc.Name, how do you feel?<</say>>
<<md>>Angela winked at me and blurred in her grin.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Well, if he's holding a laptop, I suspect he's feeling much better, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I feel much better already.<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Well, this is good, but it is better not to bring it to that. You'll have to stay home a few more days, okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Will it be possible to avoid it?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I can tie him up, in case? So as not to run away!<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Oh, $mc.Name, I didn't know you liked these games! How will you go back to school to share your experience?<</say>>
<<md>>Both girls were loudly laughed at. Usually I am normal to this kind of jokes, but now in the presence of Jane, for some reason I felt uncomfortable, from this kind of statements.<</md>>
<<md>>But to say something now would be to recognize their victory. And I don't want anything like that now.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>I'm glad in general that you are recovering, because at school many people go crazy, what happened to you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Are they going crazy?<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Sure they are. The favorite teacher of half the school did not show up. This event is very remarkable.<</say>>
<<md>>Jane smiled, touched my shoulder and walked away.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Ah, yes, something more to tell...<</say>>
<<md>>It was like a statue she had frozen at the exit.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Because you feel good, I will tell her that she can visit you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Who?<</say>>
<<md>>Jane did not answer anything and just went away.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Angela, who is she talking about?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you now. Stay here, I will make you dinner soon.<</say>>
<<md>>And she has disappeared.<</md>>
<<md>>Who did she and Jane talk about? If it concerns the school, there may be enough options here. Because I attract attention not of one female, but of several. This is the moment when I regretted being in such a big environment of girls. Or, that I can't read people's minds. <</md>>
<<md>>Dinner was really soon ready and after almost a whole day of fasting in less than five minutes from the contents of the plate there was not a single trace.<</md>>
<<md>>Perhaps you should rest a little more, I feel still not full of strength, but rather the opposite.<</md>>
[[Rest|CoffeeHurt 2.8]] <<md>>This morning is different from what I had the chance to feel yesterday. Today is my quiet and satisfied dream. Maybe the reason is that Angela gave me a cure, or maybe it's because I am on the mend.<</md>>
<<md>>No, I definitely feel better, because I feel tired, not physically, but morally from just lying on the bed. Inaction is a terrible thing.<</md>>
<<md>>My sweet neighbor still took good care of me. I'll have to thank her later for such a good attitude. She said goodbye to me and went to work, but I was left alone in an empty room.<</md>>
<<md>>After taking a hard breath, I got my laptop. Now that I don't feel like sleeping, I have to entertain myself somehow. It is clear that it is completely stupid to bother anybody I planned to write to yesterday. Even if I write, the answer will come no sooner than in a few hours. It is better to do something more interesting. I still have a book that I will not read in any way.
"Instincts and female pheromones". The title already intrigues like nothing else. And I, as a great admirer of women, simply have no right not to get acquainted with this creation. All the more so because I have a little free time now.<</md>>
<<md>>So, let's take a look at it.<</md>>
<<md>>Somewhere on the fiftieth page, I'm still tired and I fell asleep again. I woke up only when my phone rang on my side.<</md>>
[[Pick up phone|CoffeeHurt 2.9]] <<set $CoffeeHurtNurse1 = 3>>\
[[To be continue|My room]] <<md>>This morning is the best joyful morning. Remembering the events of yesterday with Lucy, I can't recover from happiness. Still, something very important has come between us, and no disease can prevent us from being happy with her. The chemistry that has come between us is much stronger than all this. That's why I should have breakfast and go to her house.<</md>>
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Go to Lucy`s|HelpRememberSad2]]<<md>>The road today was not even as heavy as it usually is. It was as if everyone around me could catch my joyful mood and now they are just as happy. Or is it just me who prefers not to notice everything that is going on around me?<</md>>
<<md>>When I approach Lucy's house, I am overwhelmed with energy. Today no one can spoil my mood. Let Clara be dissatisfied further, I'm glad it happened. Genius isn't worth...<</md>>
<<md>>Doors open, but I am not met by Lucy's joyful eyes. No, she is rather confused.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Who are you?<</say>>
<<md>>The question which I did not expect to hear after yesterday and which hurts me more strongly than a bullet. I feel the cold crawling on my back.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It is me, Lucy - $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>$mc.Name? I do not remember anyone by that name. You...<</say>>
<<md>>Is the disease back again? She does not remember me? No, I have to find out if it is true.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, you sure you don't remember me?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I'm sorry, but no.<</say>>
<<md>>Damn it. Well, it seems that Clara has won here. I'll have to think how to help her.<</md>>
<<md>>Having explained to Lucy who I am, we went to school where she had to pass another day of memories.<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest14T = 4>>\
<<set $LucyQuest15T = 1>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Go to school|HelpRememberSad3]]<<md>>Clara's face shone when she found out that Lucy had lost her memory again. Doesn't this person think about anything but his own benefit? The cards went up and Clara together with Linda explained to Lucy who is who at our school. They were happy, but I am not. This is not Lucy, not the Lucy I know. I...have to think.<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest11 = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest12 = 1>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Go out|Second floor]]<<md>>The lessons didn’t fly too fast - they flew by instantly. As much as I was worried about what happened to Lucy, it shouldn't really interfere with the way I do business at school. Nevertheless, the knowledge of these students depends only on me.<</md>>
<<md>>But when I went out into the corridor and almost immediately ran into Lucy, who waved her hand to me. And I would be happy, but from this movement I felt only despair. I felt too bitter and hurt that she had forgotten about the moments that we had. How could she forget about it?<</md>>
<<md>>From the very first meeting, it seemed to me that our feelings for each other were stronger than some stupid disease, but now I don't even know what to think.<</md>>
<<md>>I watch her dissolve in the hallway and feel like she dissolves from my life. And although I know that this is not at all the case, everything inside is compressed too much.<</md>>
<<md>>We need to do something about it. And not only with my feeling, but I need to come up with a way to make Lucy remember me. There must be some way out of the situation that has developed.<</md>>
<<md>>What if you find out what Lucy loves or does every day besides school? If she remembers some constant daily things, then maybe if I put myself along with them on the same level, then everything will change?<</md>>
<<md>>Well decided, it's time to do my little investigation and figure out what can help me. The best way to start is by asking the girls. Perhaps they know something.<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest12 = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest15T = 2>>\
[[Time to ask|Second floor]]<<md>>Sophia looked at me in surprise. Did I ask something so strange?<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Lucy? Has something happened to her? I just saw her today and she seemed to be completely fine. Well, as far as possible in... In her condition.<</say>>
<<md>>It was clear that she knew more than she spoke, but something prevented her from being completely honest with me. I need to learn as much as possible, I need to get her talking while it is in my power.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Her condition? What are you talking about?<</say>>
<<md>>Sophia bit her lip, as if not wanting to say too much.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Well, you know... Because you yourself made Clara very angry yesterday! She was overfilled with rage. Because you chopped off one of the big tails of her funding.<</say>>
<<md>>The mention of Clara and her priorities almost instantly infuriated me. I can be as kind to Clara as I like, but her attitude towards Lucy is sheer horror. One thought and memory shakes me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This funding hurts a living person!<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>I understand and agree with you, but what can we do now? Whether our school will be funded will determine whether we will remain on the street without a single dollar or not. I feel not good about Lucy, but if I choose between her and work, I will choose the last.<</say>>
<<md>>Did I expect this? Obviously, yes. But that doesn't make me feel any better. And who said that understanding others is a necessary quality? Understanding is not equal to acceptance. I understand what Sophia is saying, but this inaction makes me want to scream. Scream for them all to wake up and see how disgusting their behavior is. Yes, man is a creature that relies on instincts. But even in the animal kingdom there is compassion for others.<</md>>
<<md>>Hell, I'm too angry with them all because of this situation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, this is your position and I appreciate it. But I need your help to make Lucy's life a little better. I think this is the least we could do to her, don't you think?<</say>>
<<md>>Sophia lowered her head. It seems that my words did the desired effect on her and she thought a little.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Yes, we are all in debt to her. What do you want to know? I don't know her very well, but if something is in my power, then of course I will help.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Does she have a daily ritual? Something she does every day that she doesn't forget about?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Except the cards? I don't even know... I never noticed her doing something different. She doesn't seem like a woman of habit to me.<</say>>
<<md>>Hell, it looks like I'm not going to succeed here.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Sorry, I told you that we don't know much about each other. We are just colleagues who sometimes say hello and do not hate each other, which is already very good.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, it looks like that.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>But why did you come to me and not straight to Linda?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Linda? Why should I go to Linda?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Well, in addition to the fact that she is more aware of what is happening in the whole school, she and Lucy were friends for a certain time. Before all this happened?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You mean Lucy wasn't always like this?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>God, no. But I think you better find out about this directly from Linda. And if she doesn't want to talk, give her her favorite sweets. Then her mouth will surely be untied.<</say>>
<<md>>All the same, everything did not go as badly as it could have. I may not have learned too much, but I have learned two important things. First, Lucy wasn't always like this. Second, I know who I should ask about this.<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest12 = 3>>\
[[Back|Second floor]]
<<if $LucyQuest12 == 3 && $id.boxofchocolate > 0 >>\
<<md>>Without a word, I silently lay a box of chocolates on the table in front of Linda. She tells the person on the other side of the phone to call back later.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Golden, what a pleasant surprise! What is obliged to such an honor?<</say>>
<<md>>I chuckled and leaned over to her, whispering almost in her ear.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I need your help in a very important matter. Only such a wise and beautiful woman can help me in this difficult matter.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>If my favorite sweets are involved in the case, then the case is really very important. Will you be alone?<</say>>
<<md>>She managed to open the box so quickly that I got the impression that I gave her an open one. That's what a real professional means!<</md>>
<<md>>Refusing in this situation was embarrassing, so I tried the treat. The candy was with liquor inside. And not that weak liquor that even children can master. No, it was real strong liquor. I seem to be starting to understand why these are Linda's favourite sweets.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>This, by the way, is not only my favourite candy, but also your friend, Lucy.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Really?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Yes, she gave me them for the first time 3 years ago. Before that I liked different candies, but I was not so picky, but after Lucy and liquor everything changed. Now I can never look at candy the same way.<</say>>
<<md>>Strange, I didn't think Lucy had such a sweet tooth. However, this may be interesting, but not for what I came here.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>By the way, about Lucy...<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>I knew that you came here for her. I already knew at the moment when I saw how you were walking like two doves by the handle and when she did not forget anything. Whatever you do, you do everything right.<</say>>
<<md>>She spoke so enthusiastically, as if in front of me were not an adult woman, but a little girl who had been presented with a plush toy. This made me somehow too embarrassed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, about that... You know that today everything is back.<</say>>
<<md>>Her smile faded instantly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes I heard. This worries me very much. Why did she begin to recover, but suddenly returned to her previous state? This is not fair!<</say>>
<<md>>Unlike Sophia in Linda, I saw sympathy and concern for Lucy. It looks like they were really friends.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How close were you?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>How much? We shared everything from clothes to guys. That's how close we were. Therefore, to see her every day in such a state is simply unbearable for me. I understand that the school benefits from this, but it is heartless, even for Сlara.<</say>>
<<md>>Bitterness and despair emanated from her words. I understand her completely, because I still feel the same grief that she carries on herself. Lucy seems to be the kind of person you want to take care of.<</md>>
<<md>>The desire to ask about the past overwhelmed me, but it is better now to concentrate on your task.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Linda, do you know something that Lucy does every day that she would really like? It is important for me to know this if I want to help her.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Hmm... Let me think. Yes, there is something. Lucy has always loved sports. She always joked that for her it was the same as prayer for believers. Even now, she goes to the gym almost every day.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Gym! What you need thanks!<</say>>
<<md>>With a joyful cry, I walked away. This is the perfect solution. So, if she goes to the gym, I just need to walk with her and then... Then she will definitely not forget me.<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest12 = -1>>\
<<set $LucyQuest15T = 3>>\
<<say $Linda>>Sorry, $mc.Name, I'm a little busy right now. Whatever it is, come at another time.<</say>>
<<md>>Looks like she doesn't want to talk to me about Lucy. I wonder if there is something to make her change her mind?<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest15T = 4>>\
[[Back|School reception]]<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:30')>>\
<<md>>When I walk into class, I notice that Lucy doesn't look her usual. She is wearing a sporty outfit in which she looks very sexy. If I said that I want my girlfriend to wear a sports uniform, then this uniform was the same: beautiful and depraved, comfortable and emphasizing every inch of this hot body. The sight makes me breathless.<</md>>
<<md>>So, don't lose your composure and remember why I'm here. I'm not here to fuck her, but to make her remember me. Although I would not refuse the first option either.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Have you decided to change your image? Is this what our teachers look like now? Your students will be delighted.<</say>>
<<md>>She turned towards me.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, $mc.Name. No, I'm just getting ready to go to the gym. It's closer to get from here than from my house. In addition, all the students have already fled for a long time, none of them will even see me in this.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you like sport?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Highly! Sport is a part of me. Without it, my life was not so full of events...<</say>>
<<md>>She fell silent, as if something unexpected had shot through her head.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I see. Listen, do you mind if we go to the gym together?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>No, if you don't mind!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don't mind at all.<</say>>
[[Lets go|LucyGymNew]]
<<md>>It doesn't make sense to ask Lucy about the gym now. Perhaps I should talk about this after the lessons are over?<</md>>
[[Back|Math class]]
<<md>>A pleasant smell came from the kitchen, because as if I was a follower, I trudged there. Such a chance should not be missed. Moreover, Angela, although she rarely cooks herself, almost never forgets about me when she is in no hurry to go anywhere. And this is very nice. It is very invigorating in the morning.<</md>>
<<md>>Once in the kitchen, I found my neighbor at breakfast. It absorbs food deliciously, and my portion is on the nightstand nearby.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good morning and bon appetit.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Thanks. How did you sleep?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Kinda...<</say>>
<<md>>My explanation was interrupted by the sudden sound of the message. Who needed me at such an early time?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry, I need to see what's in there.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>No problem, I understand. Work first, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Right.<</say>>
<<md>>She was right, nobody else could have been, just from school. However, it was neither Clara nor Linda that I would have expected. No, it was a text message from the smartest girl in school.<</md>>
<<text g "Good morning. I still think about you. You are very cool! And your cock is awesome. I ought to repeat it somehow, don't you think?" >>
<<md>>Where did Fiona get my number? I don't think I gave it to her. Then how is she ... However, it is not for nothing that she is the smartest among all? It won't be difficult for her to get my number. And send your nude photo here.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Something important?<</say>>
<<md>>Angela has already got up and tried to look at my phone. I don’t know by what miracle I managed to quickly turn off the phone. It is unlikely that she will generally be happy if she sees a photo of naked Fiona on my phone.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, you know, important. I have to run to school, something happened there.<</say>>
<<md>>I didn't want to stay at home now. I do not know why, but this message not only excited me, but also made me very happy. Does it really matter to me what Fiona thinks of me?<</md>>
<<md>>I sighed. Of course it is important! Has it been that way... since the time she gave me the cola?<</md>>
<<md>>I will need to meet with Fiona and discuss when we will meet next time.<</md>>
[[Leave home|FionaFightStreet]]
<<md>>However, wait for a meeting at school, and then look for where this eternal whirligig is spinning for too long. This will take at least 15 minutes. Too long and not quite what I want. Therefore, even on the street, I opened the message again. Damn, her body is hot. Only her mind is hot, I suppose?<</md>>
<<md>>However, I never got to see her mind in action. Well, except for how cleverly she seduced me. Yes, here she turned everything very gracefully. I didn't even have time to understand when I was trapped in her.<</md>>
<<md>>Responding to her message, I felt my heart pounding fast. What is it: adrenaline from a forbidden relationship? Love for this young girl? Or is it the fear that someone on the street will see that I have a nude photo of a minor on my phone?<</md>>
<<md>>So, that's it, the message has been sent, the answer has been received. I just have to meet her at school. Oh, how sweet it warms my soul... and a dick, of course.<</md>>
<<set $Fiona8Q = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 4>>\
[[To school|School gate]]
<<md>>When I go up to the second floor, where it was agreed to meet the girl, I almost knock the woman down.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sophia, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>$mc.Name, are you in a hurry?<</say>>
<<md>>A malicious smile played on her face. For some reason I don't like it...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I have a lesson soon.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Really? Another 15 minutes before the start.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I like to come early to be prepared.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>And to seduce a couple of students like Fiona?<</say>>
<<md>>It was not a question, but a statement. The woman spoke quite confidently.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How do you know about this?<</say>>
<<md>>Adjusting a lock of hair, the woman grinned.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>It's hard to hide things in this school. Moreover, those for which I am responsible. Haha, haven't you wondered where Baby Fi got your number?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Did you help her?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Well, yes. I said I was worried about the happiness of these girls. And if she wants the number of the man she was fucking with, that's the least I can do.<</say>>
<<md>>So that's Fiona's secret. She asked Sophia to help and she happily agreed. I wonder what else the teacher helped her student.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why are you telling me all this in that case? I don't think Fiona will be happy when she finds out that you told me everything.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>I say this so that you remember what and how you do. Consider me overly attached, but I won't let you break the heart of any of them, especially Fiona. If she gets hurt because of you...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I remember. You don't have to worry.<</say>>
<<md>>I didn't want to further develop this conversation. Sofia and her care began to tire me too much.<</md>>
[[Go to see Fiona|FionaFightFionaMeet1]]<<md>>My heart was overjoyed when I saw a girl I knew in the distance. My cock rejoiced too, remembering our violent sex with the girl, and the morning photo.<</md>>
<<md>>Before I even had time to say hello to her, she dug a kiss into me. There was something odd about this touch of lips. She seemed to seal mine with her lips, pressing firmly into them, almost gnawing.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona, what's wrong with you?<</say>>
<<md>>I pulled away from her. I didn’t want any of the students to see us and then monstrous rumors about the romance of the teacher and the student spread around the school. I was afraid not so much for myself as for her future fate.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Sorry, I just can't hold myself back when you're around. Do you remember my panties?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How can I forget this?<</say>>
<<md>>That wonderful picture again appeared before my eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona, I am very glad to see you and I would like to once again... not to control myself. But now there will be a lot of people here. How do you feel about meeting after school and doing some extra biology there?<</say>>
<<md>>I chuckled as I said it all. These words were true, but at the same time the very thought of this little adventure made me happy.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>It's so long...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona, please be patient a little. You have responsibilities and I have them too. I want this no less than you, but it will be bad for everyone if it interferes with my work and your studies.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Yes, you are right...<</say>>
<<md>>Looking around to see if there was anyone nearby, I hugged Fiona tightly. She was so close and so tender that I felt like I was hugging someone very important. More and more I begin to think that with this girl I am not just having an affair.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We'll see you soon, baby.<</say>>
<<md>>She nodded and we stood there for a couple of minutes, not wanting to let go of each other. But all the same or later, gray everyday life ends and begins.<</md>>
<<md>>Time to get back to work.<</md>>
<<set $Fiona8Q = 3>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 5>>\
[[Back|Second floor]]<<md>>When the lessons were over, I was about to go out into the corridor, where Fiona was supposed to wait for me, but my plans changed at one moment when Clara entered the office.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, how can I help?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I would like to discuss something important with you. I'm waiting in my office in 5 minutes.<</say>>
<<md>>Why is she just too harsh today? I hope this is nothing serious.<</md>>
[[Follow her|FionaFightClara2]]<<md>>Going out into the corridor, I noticed a student who was patiently waiting for me.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Well, should we go?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's the thing, Clara asked me to come to her for a while. Hopefully it won't take too long.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Good. May I come to your cabinet?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>To my cabinet? What for?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>It's more convenient to wait there, and even so I could do my homework.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona and her desire to be the first. In the morning I thought that our relationship would prevent her from doing this, but it seems I was wrong. She will always be and will remain an exemplary student.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes of course. I'll be back as soon as I can.<</say>>
[[To Clara`s office|FionaFightClara3]]<<say $Clara>>What can you tell me about Fiona?<</say>>
<<md>>Clara stunned me with a question from the very threshold.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, I saw that she was waiting in the hallway. You are doing some extra work with her, I suppose?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Something like that...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Then you can probably describe it to me. I collect feedback from those who communicate with her more. Our sponsors are offering her a scholarship again.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think you'd better ask someone else. For me, Fiona is quite a diligent student who works more for the good of the school than others. But again, you'd better ask someone else.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara shook her head.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Why would I ask someone else? You have fully answered all my questions. Thank you. I dare not detain you any longer.<</say>>
<<md>>I bowed to Clara and left the office. Don't make a hot girl wait too long for my return.<</md>>
[[Back|FionaFightCabinet]]<<md>>Cheerfully returning back, I could not even imagine that this would happen... Joyful thoughts disappear at the same moment, giving way to anxiety. What is this strange sound? Why is a girl's crying coming from my office? Fiona, what are you ...<</md>>
<<md>>Again a girlish whimper and roar, as if something had fallen. I rush into the office at full steam. Fiona's frightened and tear-stained eyes look at me, while the guy continues to shout curses, including "Player whore", "Litter" and other curses.<</md>>
<<md>>The girl lies on the floor while this bull bent over her and punches her fist right in Fiona's face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, stop!<</say>>
<<md>>I jump up to him and grab him by the collar. Without further thought, I push it away.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't you dare beat up girls in my presence!<</say>>
<<md>>But it doesn't seem that my words stopped him, this brutal guy rushes at me. There is no doubt that the fight is inevitable now. But before it gets too far, I have to decide what I'm going to do with it.<</md>>
[[Fight with him|FionaFightBeatHim]]
[[Lock him|FionaFightLocker]]
[[Take him to Clara|FionaFightBoyClara]]
<<md>>Nobody dares to raise a hand against women in my presence! If you forgive him now, then who knows what he will decide next time? Beat Clara? Kill Lexi? Or completely blow up the entire school? No, not to be.<</md>>
<<md>>The guy is already jumping up to me, his mouth full of anger. Curses erupt from his lips, and poison is about to flow from his lips, but I know how to talk with this type of people. I swing my right hand at him and when he’s ready to pounce on it, I do a little trick I was taught in high school. We called it the ballet movement.<</md>>
<<md>>Light trip and the bastard falls to the ground in front of me. I am still unarmed, but I am confident in my victory, because I am confident in my skill. But how wrong I am. The guy turns out to be ready for something. He easily crosses my trap, without even losing his balance. A second and now his fist is flying towards my head.<</md>>
<<md>>But instead of smashing my head, the fist slams into the wall behind me. Bastard! The wall now looks like a pattern is drawn. But I don't give a damn, the main thing is that the guy can't hit a second time.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, without a twinge of conscience, I go forward and punch him in the solar plexus. He staggers from the blow and I immediately catch him. Fist-leg-fist until it falls completely.<</md>>
<<set $Fiona8Q = 4>>\
[[Check Fiona|FionaFightFinale1]]
<<md>>Fist language won't solve too much here if I allow myself to be dragged into it. It will all end as absurdly as it began. An eternal circle of inequality: first he beats Fiona, and then I beat him. Fiona! If it weren't for you, I might not have contained myself. And so, it seems to me, she stops me from turning into a furious monster. And this is good.<</md>>
<<md>>Because in such cases only one thing matters. This guy decided that he had the right to humiliate Fiona, I will do the same.<</md>>
<<md>>The guy almost flies into me, but I already expect such an outcome, so I take a step to the side. He staggers and looks at me with his angry eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You shouldn't have started it at all, boy.<</say>>
<<md>>He lunges at me again, but this time I know how easy it is to end this act of very dumb aggression. The hand slams into his ribcage with full force as he tries to reach me again. The guy greedily gasps for air, and then falls to the floor with a dull sound.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You made me yourself.<</say>>
<<md>>I know that I don't have much time for him to be dumbfounded, perhaps a couple of minutes at most. So I grab him by the collar and drag him towards the corridor. I don't care even if they spot me now. Although this is unlikely. Most people just scattered in all directions.<</md>>
<<md>>The guy tries to resist, but the anger in me is much stronger. How dare he raise his hand against Fiona?<</md>>
<<md>>Finally I see my goal, a huge locker that can easily fit a freak like him. The guy begs me not to. Expected and too trite. Not after what he did. But before I finish with him, I pick up his phone. The metal door closes with a bang.<</md>>
<<md>>So that! There is a small gap, an escape pod, so the guy definitely won't die from lack of air. But he will die of shame. I laugh out loud when I send out the same message on his behalf to everyone that he is in the locker.<</md>>
<<md>>Returning to class, I find Fiona in the same state I left her in. She probably got it hard enough.<</md>>
<<set $Fiona8Q = 5>>\
[[Check Fiona|FionaFightFinale1]]
<<md>>As much as hatred overwhelms me, we must not forget that such a violation is not a reason for arbitrariness. Whatever he does, this guy, it must be solved not with fists, but with legal intervention. Now, of course, we are talking about Clara. She is still in her office, so it will be easy for her to explain everything that happened.<</md>>
<<md>>But the fist flying to my meeting prompts that the fighter won't give up so easily, and even less will he cooperate. This means you have to use your gift of persuasion. Leaving the blow, I give out:<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You don't want to do this.<</say>>
<<md>>I speak confidently and clearly, imagining that he is sitting in front of me on the couch, and I am a hypnotist. But another blow makes me understand that hypnosis is definitely not mine. I can negotiate with girls or women, but not with this weirdo, so there is only one thing left.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona, no!<</say>>
<<md>>A strong right punch, when he lost his attention for a second, made him fall to the floor. A little trick that very often helped me out as a child. Now he will become more malleable.<</md>>
<<md>>Picking him up and wringing my hands behind my back, like a real law enforcement officer, I take him out and take him to Clara's office.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name, what is this? Why do you brought on Mr. Rollst like that?<</say>>
<<md>>I forcefully sat the guy on a chair, resting on his shoulders.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mr. Rollst decided that arbitrariness was the best way to get Fiona's attention. He beat her.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>What, but she was fine just a few minutes ago.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She is now in my cabinet, beaten by the hands of this guy. Therefore, I think that some measures should be taken.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes of course. You can let the student go, he won't do anything to me. Right, Mr. Rollst?<</say>>
<<md>>The guy nodded, after which I displeasedly did as I was told.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Take care of Fiona.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara shouldn't have told me about it. That was my original goal anyway.<</md>>
<<md>>Returning to class, I find Fiona in the same state I left her in. She probably got it hard enough.<</md>>
<<set $Fiona8Q = 6>>\
[[Check Fiona|FionaFightFinale1]]<<say $mc>>Fiona are you okay?<</say>>
<<md>>I quickly walk up to the girl and let her lean on me, helping her to get up.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Yes, don't worry.<</say>>
<<md>>I examine her carefully and notice several pinkish spots on her face, and in some places the skin that has been rubbed off to blood.<</md>>
<<md>>I run my fingers over my pretty face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Does not hurt?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>No, it's nothing. But let's not stay here. Will you walk me home?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes of course.<</say>>
<<md>>I understood perfectly well that all today's plans will no longer come true. But the main thing is that the girl is fine. We need to take her home.<</md>>
<<set $Fiona9Q = 1>>\
[[Take her home|FionaFIghtFinale2]]<<say $Fiona>>Sorry that it happened today...<</say>>
<<md>>I gently took her hand and squeezed tightly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do not be silly. Today was not the most pleasant day.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>But you were there and protected me.<</say>>
<<md>>She reached out to me and our lips merged into a kiss. The kiss was long and passionate, like falling into an abyss or flying into the cold void of space. Finally, her arms wrapped around my neck, and her body pressed against me so tightly that I felt some kind of thick and fresh scent.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm glad you're okay.<</say>>
<<set $Fiona3QT = 6>>\
[[Back|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>There are days when you know you're lucky. You just feel in the subcortex of your consciousness that it is whispering to you about your success. You may not even understand yourself, but this is expressed in some small things and you feel like a winner.<</md>>
<<md>>So today, fully dressed in all uniforms and walking on the sandy beach, which is full of people, I feel very happy. The sun gently touches my skin, even a little blind, but today it does not irritate me. I feel like a part of this strange movement called life.<</md>>
<<md>>Something bumps into me, but even that doesn't stop my resolve. The waves are calling me, so I sink into them without delay. The water is warm today, so swimming is a pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>So, I'm not here for that, so I'm diving to the bottom. The conversation of those men in the subway is still in my head. If I want to win this competition, I need to find more than a few pitiful coins.<</md>>
<<md>>I prowl and dive deeper and deeper, but so far nothing but muddy water I can find. But I will definitely, today I will definitely be lucky. I touch the seabed with my fingers. The sand is pleasant and viscous to the touch.<</md>>
<<md>>A close inspection of the area does nothing when I feel something strange and very alien under my feet. It seems to be plastic or plastic. Some kind of cold plastic. Even through the water, this alien and slippery cold is felt.<</md>>
<<md>>I take a closer look at this place, I clean it as if I erase a saw from an old book and a very interesting thing appears to my slightly blurry appearance. This is ... Smart watch from a well-known company with a bitten apple.<</md>>
<<md>>This is my treasure! What I was looking for! Not the most elegant prize, but something! Something that even here at the bottom continues to work. This is interesting. I wonder how much the water ruined him. Or did you not spoil it?<</md>>
<<md>>I emerge to the surface, happily clutching my find in my gear. Yes, this is already a good start!<</md>><<md>>Noise and din crash into my head as I climb out of the subway. It's very lively on the street today and I'm wondering what the matter is. On the street, people in colorful costumes dance and sing. Is there a competition today?<</md>>
<<md>>Well, this is quite possible. And after asking one of the people the answer does not surprise me at all. "A holiday of joy" - that's what they called it. Yes, I read about it several times on the Internet, but did not pay attention in any way. Maybe because I knew that after work I would not want any celebrations, or maybe...<</md>>
<<md>>Lord! A car honked so loudly near me that I almost jumped up and rushed away. The sudden sound made my heart almost sink into my heels. When I turned around, the man sitting in the car happily winked at me. He looks like he's glad he managed to scare me. I'd better go a little further from this abnormal.<</md>>
<<md>>Some stalls are located in the center of the street. What are they selling? Before I even get up, I’m surrounded by several salespeople who are constantly trying to sell me one of these strange green-orange suits, in which I’ll certainly look like a jester.<</md>>
<<md>>The woman keeps trying to seduce me to buy, but she turns out very strange. Because the more she talks, the more determined I just get out of here as quickly as possible.<</md>>
<<md>>So I turn around and... face someone I don't want to see. Damn, this is the policeman I ran from yesterday.<</md>>
<<md>>He just greets me gently and smiles. There is neither hatred nor anger in the eyes. He doesn't seem to remember what happened yesterday.<</md>>
<<md>>However, a tight grip makes me understand that this time I will not be able to escape. And since he is so close to my house, how do I know that he did not track me down and that a detachment of brave police officers is not waiting for me there?<</md>>
<<md>>Damn, there are too many people around. If I try to break free, such a crowd might stop me. No, this is not an option now.<</md>>
<<md>>The man gently says that to do so, as I did - it was very unreasonable, either fools or those who have something to hide. I understand what he is driving at. He sees me as a violator at best and a criminal at worst.<</md>>
<<md>>And then, when I decided that my song was completely sung and nothing great was waiting for me, he offered me a deal: I help him on several shifts, and for this he forgets about my stupid offense.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, the proposal is more than reasonable. I would like to refuse, but I have no choice. I agree and we seal our contract with a handshake. He says he will call me. Well, I guess it's better than going to jail, isn't it?<</md>>
<<set $SubSmoking = -4>>\
<<set $PoliceQ1 = 1>>\
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]] <<md>>Fifth Avenue is a noisy place where life is always raging. There is hardly a moment when this street is even a little quiet. Most likely the reason is in the buildings that are located here.<</md>>
<<if $Olivia2Q == 52 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '10:30') && $QuestNextDay is false && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 5>>\
[[Visit Olivia's house|OliviaQuest2NewYoga1]]
<<elseif $Olivia2Q == 59 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '19:30') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Visit Olivia's house|OliviaQuest2NewNecklace5]]
<<elseif $Olivia2Q == 60 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '19:30') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Go to the party with Olivia|OliviaQuest2NewNecklace6]]
<<if $Amber1Q == 0 && $Amber.Meet == 1 && $QuestNextDay is false && $Amber0Q == 213>>\
[[Looks strange...|Amber1Q1]]
<<if $Bella2Q == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:50', '10:30') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 5>>\
[[Meet Bella|Bella3Q41]]
<<elseif $Bella2Q == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:50', '10:30') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 5>>\
[[Meet Bella|Bella3Q51]]
<<if $MonicaCheerleader8 == 5.1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '19:00')
[[About pills|MonicaPillsAve]]
<<if $AutumnCheerleader2 == 15 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '13:50', '15:30') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 5>>\
[[Visit Autumn's party|AutumnQuest2.32]]
<<if $Sophia4Quest == 3 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '18:30')>>
[[Zen & Sin Yoga Studio]]
[[Sophia's house|SophiaQuestNew4.4]]
<<include "TimeTest">>\
[[Street York-Road|Street York-Road]]Double-click this passage to edit it.[[Hospital|Hospital5thAve]]
[[Back|Street York-Road]]<<md>>The very heart of the hospital is a labyrinth of doors that are locked at eight in the morning and locked at ten in the evening. The air smells strange. Probably, this is how the disease smells.<</md>>
<<if $HospitalNurseMeet == 0 && $HospitalAdminMeet == 1 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<md>>For some reason, the second floor is too empty now. As if everyone around died out and from this fear creeps down the back. When someone's excited voices come to me from the room, I sigh with joy. Everything, it just seemed to me. Need to watch less horror films, especially those about hospitals.<</md>>
<<md>>Suddenly the doors of the wards open and one of the patients jumps out with a joyful cry. He yells that they have no right to keep him here, that he is absolutely healthy. I'm trying to get out of this man's path, but so fast that it knocks me off my feet.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you okay?<</say>>
<<md>>I look at the ceiling from this collision, but I know that the man is also lying on the floor. The patient mumbles something when I hear steps.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Mr. Pets, you should take care of yourself. Wait, I recognize these features...<</say>>
<<md>>The pace is rapidly approaching and I see familiar features. Let me look at her from below, but this person is terribly familiar to me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bella?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>$mc.Name? What are you doing here?<</say>>
<<md>>I stand up and laugh out loud. What was the chance to meet the school's biggest daredevil in the hospital, and even in the uniform of a nurse?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ha, I have the same question. I didn't think you would choose the path of medicine.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Thought I'd always be the girl who almost blows up the school?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I was hoping for it.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Well, no, now I'm saving lives.<</say>>
<<md>>I hear the whispers and indignant exclamations of other nurses behind me.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Sorry, I should go. I was very happy to see you. Come in when there is time.<</say>>
<<md>>Hell, just think Bella is a nurse. And very hot.<</md>>
<<set $HospitalNurseMeet = 1>>\
<<set $Bella.Meet = 1>>\
<<run window.unlockCharacter("Bella")>>\
<<set $BellaUnlocked = window.isCharacterUnlocked("Bella")>>\
<<addAff $Bella 10>>
<<addmins 10>>\
<<elseif $Bella1Q == 2>>\
<<goto "Bella1Q3">>\
[[Operating Room|HospitalOperatingRoom]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '09:00')>>\
<<talk "Wards" 1 $talk "Patients should not be disturbed at this time.">><</talk>>
[[First floor|HospitalReception]]
<<addmins 5>>\ <<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:00', '18:00')>>\
<<md>>The first floor of the clinic meets me with an almost sterile corridor, from which a strange cold blows...
Everything is like in the movies. Women moan quietly, men groan dully, a child grumbles sadly. But that doesn't scare me. Maybe this is how comfort and health should be.<</md>>\
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '19:00')>>\
<<md>>It's too empty, like a horror movie. It looks like the workday is ending and soon the hospital will be closed for all but emergencies.<</md>>\
<<if $Amber1Q == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '09:00')>>\
<<talk "Consultation" 1 $talk "Closed. Amber must be home by now">><</talk>>
[[Second floor|Hospital5thAve2floor]]
<<if $MonicaCheerleader8 == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '19:00')
[[Ask about Monica|MonicaHospitalReception]]
<<addmins 5>>\
<<link "Leave" "5thave">>
<<addmins 5>>\
<<if $Amber1Q == 0 && $Amber.Meet == 1 && $Amber0Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:00', '11:00')>>\
[[Ask about Amber|Amber0Q2]]
<<elseif $Amber1Q == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '18:00')>>\
<<goto "Amber2Q1">>\
<<elseif $Bella1Q == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:00', '17:00') >>\
<<goto "Bella2Q2">>\
<<elseif $Bella1Q == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:00', '19:00') && $BellaSearchLocationToilet == 1 && $BellaSearchLocationWards == 1 && $BellaSearchLocationSurgery == 1 && $BellaSearchLocationConsultation == 1 >>\
<<goto "Bella2Q5">>\
<</if>>\<<md>>The place where you go in sick, but go out healthy. It's scary only at first glance. At least that's what they say.<</md>>
<<if $HospitalAdminMeet == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '19:00') >>\
<<md>>As soon as I had just taken a step towards consultation, a loud, siren-like voice hailed me.<</md>>
<<if $AmberImage7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AmberImage7Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $Amber>>And how did you go? If you want to go for a consultation you need to make an appointment.<</say>>
<<md>>The woman's voice sounded very indignant.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, sorry, this is my first time here.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Ignorance of the rules does not absolve you of responsibility. Or are you stupid enough to think you can pretend to be crazy?<</say>>
<<md>>The woman, although attractive in appearance, now looked like a predator that would stick into my throat.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Don't even think about it. I have a PhD in Psychiatry. This clinic is my brainchild, so don't even think about doing something stupid.<</say>>
<<if $AmberImage8Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AmberImage8Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She beckons me to the table, where she requires me to indicate all my details. Hatred emanates from her.<</md>>
<<md>>However, at the end she says something that confuses me.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>I hope the owner of such beautiful eyes will not give us trouble.<</say>>
<<md>>What a strange woman.<</md>>
<<set $HospitalAdminMeet = 1>>\
<<set $Amber.Meet = 1>>\
<<run window.unlockCharacter("Amber")>>\
<<set $AmberUnlocked = window.isCharacterUnlocked("Amber")>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addAff $Amber 15>>
<<addmins 10>>\
<<elseif $Bella1Q == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '19:00') && $HospitalAdminMeet == 1 && $BellaSearchLocationConsultation == 0 >>\
[[Search for Bella|Bella2Q3][$BellaSearchLocation = "consultation"]]
<<if $Amber1Q == 0 && $Amber.Meet == 1 && $Amber0Q == 21 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:00', '18:00') >>\
[[Ask Amber about ASMR|Amber0Q7]]
<<if $Amber1Q == 0 && $Amber.Meet == 1 && $Amber0Q == 211 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:00', '18:00') >>\
[[Ask Amber about ASMR|Amber0Q8]]
<<if $Amber1Q == 0 && $Amber.Meet == 1 && $Amber0Q == 212 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:00', '18:00') >>\
[[Ask Amber about ASMR|Amber0Q9]]
<<addmins 5>>\<<md>>It's unlikely that this toilet is too sophisticated or different from the one in my house. Although the spirit of friendly conversation that is heard from booth to booth creates a kind of strange comfort for this place.<</md>>
<<if $Bella1Q == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '19:15') && $BellaSearchLocationToilet == 0 >>\
[[Search for Bella|Bella2Q3][$BellaSearchLocation = "toilet"]]
<<addmins 5>>\<<md>>The operating room is one of the most important places in the entire hospital. It is here that the miracles of saving human lives are performed. And I would not want to be on the operating table at all.<</md>>
<<if $Bella1Q == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '19:15') && $BellaSearchLocationSurgery == 0 >>\
[[Search for Bella|Bella2Q3][$BellaSearchLocation = "operating"]]
<<addmins 5>>\<<md>>A resting place for many sick people. A place of healing and healing. But what a disgusting color these walls are.<</md>>
<<if $Bella1Q == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:00', '18:00') >>\
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '09:00') >>\
<<elseif $HospitalAdminMeet == 1 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<strong>Bella -</strong> [[Talk with her|BellaTalkWard]]
<<if $MonicaCheerleader8 == 10 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '21:00')>>\
[[Talk with Monica|MonicaHospitalWeekend2]]
<<if $MonicaCheerleader8 == 13 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '17:00')>>\
[[Meet Monica|MonicaNewTraining 1.2]]
<<if $Bella1Q == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:00', '18:00') && $BellaSearchLocationWards == 0>>\
[[Search for Bella|Bella2Q3][$BellaSearchLocation = "wards"]]
<<addmins 5>>\<<md>>Dark thoughts swirled over me like vultures over carrion.<</md>>
<<md>>What happened in class did not go out of my head. I have never in my life been able to understand why people act so cruelly towards others. From the point of view of biology, this was of little use: it was not a matter of survival, it is unlikely that such people are in danger. No, here the question is in their internal sadistic inclinations. These people take pleasure in humiliating those who are weaker.<</md>>
<<md>>That's just terrible. Hit the girl...<</md>>
<<md>>Damn, I was trying to forget about what I saw. Fiona's face frozen with fear and the face of an aggressive guy who was ready to kill her. As soon as I close my eyes, it`s again in front of me, as before my very eyes.<</md>>
<<md>>Neither the internet nor the films helped. I sat at my laptop in my room, but my thoughts are still there, in a frozen moment of cruelty.<</md>>
<<md>>I don't even remember how I ended up on Fiona's page, everything is like a fog. For a few minutes I just looked at her photo, unable to even move. This picture. It gnaws at me and eats away from the inside. But there is something that can convince me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona are you okay?<</say>>
<<md>>I understand that I am asking out loud even before I have time to type a message to the girl. What happened with me? Why am I so worried?<</md>>
<<md>>And the answer is clear to me. Ever since childhood, I could not just calmly watch someone hits defenceless girls. It is unlikely that they will be able to fight back, this is understandable without further ado. And it is precisely this moment that strains me too much and makes me just blaze with aggression towards the damned aggressors.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Hi, yes. I'm fine, don't worry.<</say>>
<<md>>The answer came quickly enough and that's good. If I had to wait literally two more minutes, I would definitely jump off the spot and go to the girl's home.<</md>>
<<md>>I exhaled in relief.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good. See you at school tomorrow.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Yes, about that...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What about that?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>I'm afraid we won't see each other tomorrow until lunchtime.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>You will see. You should like this. Okay, I went to bed, good night.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good night, Fiona.<</say>>
<<md>>What is she up to now? I wish I knew... But I can only wait for tomorrow.<</md>>
<<set $Fiona9Q = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona10Q = 1>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 7>>\
[[Okay|My room]]<<md>>The day was rather sluggish, except for a few incidents in class. The girls almost got into a fight, but it's good that I had time. Not only do I seem to attract them, but I also act as a sedative on them.<</md>>
<<md>>And yet, one way or another, I constantly wondered what my little ideal student was up to. She can have anything in her head. When I walked out into the hallway from my class, two things happened. Firstly, I received a message from Fiona that she was waiting for me downstairs, in the hall, and secondly ...<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>I'm looking for you.<</say>>
<<md>>Sofia. For some reason lately, when I found out that it was she who started this circle of worship and masturbation, a kind of dislike for her woke up in me. I'm trying to figure out what the point is, but I can't.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How can I help you?<</say>>
<<md>>She came up to me and hugged tightly. It was unexpected for me, but I hugged her back. Is this some kind of trick again?<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Thank you for taking care of her and not let anyone to offence her.<</say>>
<<md>>Letting go of her from embrace, I carefully looked at the woman.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You warned me about this, didn't you? So that I take care of these girls and never harm them. Is it?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Yes, but it's one thing just not to harm them ... way we talked about and another thing to protect in a situation where you are not to blame.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I told you, I will not give them up.<</say>>
<<md>>A wide smile shone on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Whatever. Thank you.<</say>>
<<md>>She walked away, and I should have gone too. I wonder what Fiona has already done? Hopefully nothing so criminal? Otherwise, I would not like to know that she killed her abuser, and she did not even invite me to take out the corpse!<</md>>
[[Visit Fiona|FionaTattooFirstFloor]]
<<md>>Noticing a familiar silhouette from afar, I smiled to myself. Looks like Fi was really expecting me. And I was very glad to see her. I wanted to jump up to her right now and hug her tightly, but there are too many people around. Which means that we must behave in such a way so as not to attract too much attention to ourselves.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And here is my favourite student!<</say>>
<<md>>No matter how hard I tried, to keep a smile beyond my strength. The face breaks into a smile, as soon as our gazes meet.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Nice to see you too, teacher! I hope the lessons today were boring!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Terribly boring, I thought I would infect the whole school with boredom.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>You're lucky to be here. I can save you from boredom...<</say>>
<<md>>She speaks the phrase a little lower than usual and it is very attractive. Like she means... Damn, I hope no one heard that.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Did you say you had a surprise for me?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Ah, yes, here.<</say>>
<<md>>She begins to unbutton the top button of her blouse.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona, what are you doing?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl winks at me.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>What you like!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But it's full of people. You can not...<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>I can. But I won't, I wanted to show you this.<</say>>
<<md>>Her finger gently runs over the place where I notice something black.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Is that a tattoo?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Yes, I made it for you.<</say>>
<<md>>Looking closely, I noticed that this heart and on the heart is written "My best man."<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona, you shouldn't have.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>But I wanted to. Don't you like it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I like it, of course, but...<</say>>
<<md>>The thought of what will happen to the girl if someone finds out who this tattoo was for. However, it seems to me that I worry too much about what has not happened yet.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's great, Fiona.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>This is just the beginning. Soon I will make your life unforgettable. Just wait. Until then, that's all. Sorry, I have something else to do. I already missed almost a whole day.<</say>>
<<md>>And she ran to the second floor. Well, she was right. I really liked her gift.<</md>>
<<set $Fiona10Q = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona11Q = 1>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 8>>\
[[Back|School reception]]<<md>>As we walked to the gym, I noticed that Lucy was quite in the mood for a conversation. She really wanted to ask something, so just being silent would be the greatest crime. That's why we talked all the way about what kind of music she loves. I must say that before that I had not heard about her musical preferences and it was very informative.<</md>>
<<md>>When I opened the doors, I got a very good look. A huge room that is overflowing with beauties in sports uniforms and which appear before you in all kinds of poses. It's enough to make your cock want to jump out and play with a lot of these girls.<</md>>
<<md>>But that's not why I'm here at all. My goal is to try to make Lucy remember me and together we can overcome this strange ailment. Although this one is completely unpleasant to me, I am still full of optimism and confidence.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Сan I help you?<</say>>
<<md>>I was approached by a very attractive girl, fit and very sexy.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Olivia, don't worry, this is my colleague - $mc.Name. He decided to accompany me. I think he knows how everything works here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...Sort of.<</say>>
<<md>>I, of course, would not mind a coach, but again, training is not as important to me as being next to Lucy in this daily ritual.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, well, if you change your mind, find me, handsome!<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia walked away after winking at me.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Handsome! Have you heard that?! Looks like Olivia liked you!<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy burst into laughter and I also pretended to be happy with this joke. In fact, this is a very uncomfortable situation. Come here with a girl who doesn't even remember that you like her and listen to her laugh because the coach liked me. What a terrible situation.<</md>>
<<md>>I just need to not think about it.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Well, are you coming? Or are you already dreaming of Olivia?<</say>>
<<md>>She burst into laughter again and I followed her.<</md>>
<<if $LucyImage15Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage15Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>It wasn't the easiest workout I thought it was. When I started training, every now and then I paid attention to Lucy. She smiled at me so sincerely that I did not even notice the severity. However, as soon as she turned away, the iron fell heavily on my shoulders. Soon I got into a rhythm and started to feel better. Good music and Lucy's smile were what helped me.<</md>>
<<text y "One hour later">>
<<addhours 1>>\
<<md>>After some time, which flew by as if in an instant, Lucy and I began to pack up.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>And how are you here?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I like it. And you? Do you often go here?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Almost every day. The only thing that I can't buy myself water is, I forget it. Always.<</say>>
<<md>>With her memory, it's not surprising. Surely she forgets about it every time. Maybe I should talk to Olivia about Lucy?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I see, it's too hot in here.<</say>>
<<md>>Indeed, for this relatively small time, I often caught myself thinking that I was terribly thirsty. It would be convenient to have a sports drink bottle with you during your workout.<</md>>
<<md>>On the way home, Lucy and I talked again about her past. And somehow I felt too uncomfortable because of this. Not because I'm interested, but because tomorrow she won't remember that this conversation took place. It's like I'm on Groundhog Day, which is repeated over and over again.<</md>>
<<md>>And yet, when we got to her house, I can't help but ask something.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Can we repeat it tomorrow?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Do you want to go to the gym with me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Very. Today was a pretty good day thanks to that.<</say>>
<<md>>It seems to me that the day even played with colours again, in contrast to the dull morning, where I found out that they did not remember me.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, I will be very glad. I had a great time. With you I feel calmer, as if we know each other much more than we think.<</say>>
<<md>>It couldn't be better.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bye then. Talk to you tomorrow.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>See you at school, $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, see you.<</say>>
<<set $GymVisit = 1>>\
<<set $LucyQuest12 = -2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest13 = 1>>\
<<set $LucyQuest15T = 5>>\
<<set $LucyQuest16T = 1>>\
<<set $stamina -=10>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]
<<if $id.sportBottle > 0 && $LucyQuest13 > 0>>\
<<md>>Lucy is back in tight fit, sexy as ever. If I knew that nothing would come to me for this, then I would immediately have sex with her right here, it’s painfully she looks exciting. You can't bend over like this in front of a man and not expect that his penis will not come to life.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>$mc.Name, are you ready to go to the gym?<</say>>
<<md>>She turns around and her eyes fall on my cock, but she just smiles.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, let's go faster.<</say>>
[[Lets go|LucyGymInside]]
<<md>>Looks like Lucy is busy right now. Maybe it`s good, I can get that thing that she is missing.<</md>>
[[Back|Math class]]
<<if $LucyQuest16T == 1>>\
<<md>>The gym today exudes sexuality. Each of the girls who are here, as if a participant in those very video films for adults, where everyone is so beautiful and everything ends with hot fuck. I've always liked these videos.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Hey, don't drool here, or I'll start to get jealous!<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy laughs sweetly as she pats me on the shoulder. From this touch I seem to wake up.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, it's definitely time to deal with your own body, and not just look at others.<</md>>
<<md>>Lucy keeps up with the load. After all, it is she who almost drags me to the gym with her eternal optimism and best attitude. My soul becomes warm. I think she comes here just to talk to me. What if somewhere in the depths she remembers what happened between us?<</md>>
<<md>>It's never boring with her. She is constantly interested in something, and we sometimes talk for a long time about everything in the world. Who knows?<</md>>
<<md>>Sooner or later, she will remember. From such a thought I finally calm down.<</md>>
<<text y "One hour later">>
<<addhours 1>>\
<<md>>After all my muscles ache and sweat pours out, we finish the workout.<</md>>
<<set $GymAvailable = 1>>\
<<set $GymTimes += 1>>\
<<set $LucyQuest16T = 2>>\
<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set $GymVisit = 2>>\
<<md>>The gym today exudes sexuality. Each of the girls who are here, as if a participant in those very video films for adults, where everyone is so beautiful and everything ends with hot fuck. I've always liked these videos.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Hey, don't drool here, or I'll start to get jealous!<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy laughs sweetly as she pats me on the shoulder. From this touch I seem to wake up.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, it's definitely time to deal with your own body, and not just look at others.<</md>>
<<md>>Lucy keeps up with the load. After all, it is she who almost drags me to the gym with her eternal optimism and best attitude. My soul becomes warm. I think she comes here just to talk to me. What if somewhere in the depths she remembers what happened between us?<</md>>
<<md>>It's never boring with her. She is constantly interested in something, and we sometimes talk for a long time about everything in the world. Who knows?<</md>>
<<md>>Sooner or later, she will remember. From such a thought I finally calm down.<</md>>
<<text y "One hour later">>
<<addhours 1>>\
<<md>>After all my muscles ache and sweat pours out, we finish the workout.<</md>>
<<set $GymAvailable = 1>>\
<<set $GymTimes += 1>>\
<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set $GymVisit = 2>>\
[[Leave|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]<<if $HospitalNurseMeet == 1>>\
<<if $BellaImage7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $BellaImage7Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>When I enter the room, the first thing I notice is this very pleasant view.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn Bella, you still please my cock even after all these year!<</md>>
<<if $BellaImage1Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $BellaImage1Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Her ass looks so delicious that I can’t resist the old habit. The habit of touching her ass, squeezing tightly, almost to the point of pain...<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Oh, hi. I haven't noticed you. It's a bit of a mess and I decided to clean up.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I would like to make a mess with you.<</say>>
<<md>>I touch the naked flesh of the girl with my hands.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Do not even think. I could be fired.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What is a firing versus a good tasty...<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Not today.<</say>>
<<md>>Not today... So tomorrow?<</md>>
<<set $HospitalNurseMeet = 2>>\
<<set $Bella.Meet = 1>>\
<<run window.unlockCharacter("Bella")>>\
<<set $BellaUnlocked = window.isCharacterUnlocked("Bella")>>\
<<set $Bella1Q = 1>>\
<<set $Bella1QT = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addAff $Bella 10>>\
<<elseif $Bella1Q == 1>>\
<<say $Bella>>Sorry, I'm a little busy. Come back tomorrow.<</say>>
<<elseif $Bella1Q == 2>>\
<<goto "Bella1Q3">>\
<<elseif $Bella1Q == 3>>\
<<say $Bella>> I'm not in the mood to talk. I have to deal... with... everything... Go away... Please.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Yes? Do you need anything? <</say>>
<<if $Bella2Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:00', '18:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 2>>\
[[About day off|Bella3Q2]]
<<if $Amber1Q == 0 && $Amber.Meet == 1 && $Amber0Q == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:00', '18:00') && $Bella1Q > 2>>\
[[Ask about Amber|Amber0Q5]]
<<elseif $Amber1Q == 0 && $Amber.Meet == 1 && $Amber0Q == 22 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:00', '18:00') && $Bella1Q > 2>>\
[[Ask about Amber|Amber0Q5]]
<<elseif $Amber1Q == 0 && $Amber.Meet == 1 && $Amber0Q == 21 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:00', '18:00') && $Bella1Q > 2>>\
[[Ask about Amber|Amber0Q6]]
[[First floor|HospitalReception]]
<<addmins 5>>\<<md>>The situation is not easy, so I need outside help... So, should I help Clara with the car, ball?<</md>>
<<text y "Maybe.">>
<<md>>Although, if you think about it, her car broke down, which means...<</md>>
<<md>>Should I take my tools with me?<</md>>
<<text y "Yes.">>
<<md>>Well, it might be a good idea to drop into the store and buy some tools. The main thing is to remember how to use them.<</md>>
<<md>>Now you know that to help Clara you would need tools and a little mind. Will he go to her now or wait a little?<</md>>
[[Help her|Clara1QAgree]]
[[Wait|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>There are choices on which your life depends. For some reason it seems to me that this is one of those. Therefore, I cannot just decide without weighing the pros and cons. Even so, I won't know. But this magic ball will know.<</md>>
<<md>>So what should I summon, eh, ball?<</md>>
<<md>>But as soon as I take it out, something strange happens: some kind of green haze envelops me and I seem to be not here at all.<</md>>
<<md>>It's like I'm between two fires and I see two options. Let's see what is here in the version with a taxi: Here we are with Clara and have a nice conversation. It's so realistic, as if it is really happening now. And I also see some documents...<</md>>
<<md>>Hmm, what's in the second fire? Here we ride a subway, this is a delicious view. Clara's ass flashes in front of me, which I touch with my hand. Damn, I would touch her with more than just my hand.<</md>>
<<md>>So what should I choose?<</md>>
[[Ride by subway|Clara1QSubway1]]
[[Call taxi|Clara1QTaxi]]
<<md>>Money is always good, but you never know how it threatens you. It's good that I have this help-ball with me, which will definitely help me figure out the whole situation. I take it out and everything is foggy in my head and voices burst in as if an uninvited radio broadcast. Should I take this money? I hear Clara's voice in the distance, she is angry, and after... Is she crying? A man's laugh and scream crashes into my ears, and after a vision of bloody prints on the money...<</md>>
<<text y "No.">>
<<md>>Even if the ball would not answer me, after such bright pictures, I definitely made a decision.<</md>>
[[Take money|Clara2TakeMoney]]
[[Don`t take the money|Clara2DontTake]]
<<md>>I ask for help from someone who knows more than me. At least I want to believe it. Many would have laughed at my decision, but now it is important for me to know whether to lie or keep silent about the truth from Clara?
<<text y "No.">>
<<md>>Will I be in trouble if I lie about Michael now?<</md>>
<<text y "Yes.">>
<<md>>Do Clara like me?<</md>>
<<text y "Fuck off.">>
<<md>>What? It seemed to me or... Okay, a person who stares at the ball for too long resembles a mentally ill person. It's time to return to the real world.<</md>>
[[Expose Michael|Clara3QExpose]]
[[Lie to her|Clara3QLieClara]]<<md>>The job of this ball is to help me in difficult life situations. And it doesn't matter if I should ask him or throw him at the obsessive cop. It is important to simply get out of this situation as a winner.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, without thinking for a second, I reach for the ball and throw it with all my might, and I myself rush to my heels. Ha ha! You won't catch me!<</md>>
<<set $SubSmoking = 3>>\
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]] <<md>>Fiona is a person of unexpectedly many contrasts. In the beginning, I always thought that she was just an ordinary girl, for whom there is no world apart from books and good grades. At least she seemed like that. Fiona is here, Fiona is there... Everyone talked so much about her, but now I understand how much I was wrong then.<</md>>
<<md>>It is so varied and at the same time constant that it is amazing. In her life, studies still prevail, but at the same time ... At the same time, there is a very sexy girl in front of me who needs my protection.<</md>>
<<md>>Everything that has happened over the past few days made me reconsider my outlook on life. She was and remains devoted to science, but there is something... Someone who, in principle, is able to influence her. And that's me.<</md>>
<<md>>This thought makes me flatter. Not because someone paid attention to me, no, there is a lot of such goodness here. I would say that the good part, if not the whole part of the female collective devours me with their eyes. No, the situation here is a little different. I am glad that Fiona paid attention to me, because these feelings make me seem to be floating on the clouds. Yes, this is forbidden love, but how interesting it is at the same time.<</md>>
<<md>>But school is always too much of a challenge for me and for her. A test of our endurance and strength. And the fact that the all-seeing eye of Linda, or even more so Clara could not catch us.<</md>>
<<md>>That is why I decide that today the best way out for all this is to simply invite Fiona for a walk somewhere.<</md>>
<<set $Fiona10Q = 3>>\
<<set $Fiona11Q = 1>>\
[[Back|Kitchen]]<<md>>When I come to class, the first thing I do is not start preparing for the lesson, but doing what excites me the most. Fingers find the desired number on their own and now the message flies straight to Fiona's phone. The sooner she knows about an upcoming meeting, the less she wants to plan. It's Fiona. If she is not stopped, she will very easily load herself with so much work that she will not have even a second free.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally, I receive an answer that she will be waiting for me after 3 p.m at the first floor. This cannot but please me for sure.<</md>>
<<md>>But rather loud steps on the floor distract me from joyful thoughts.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>You're early again today. Decided to see little Fi early again?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, hello, Sophia. No, that's not the point.<</say>>
<<md>>However, who I am deceiving is the point. But Sophia doesn't need to know that. Let her not think that she knows everything about me. Yet, in any of us there must be at least a grain of mystery.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Well, I'm glad to hear that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Glad?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Yes, it would be very embarrassing if you became attached to one student, and forgot about all the others, don’t you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It is normal for any person to find someone who is important to him.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Come on, you're a biology teacher, not a bored one who believes in love once and for all. This doesn't happen. You men are males. And males, as we know, are monogamous and like to think a lot with their members.<</say>>
<<md>>Sounds not very pleasant for someone, but not for me. I know Sofia is absolutely right here. Many of us would prefer many sexual partners if they got the chance. Mono-love is what society has imposed on us.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you getting at, Sophia? I don't have a whole day.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>I mean you should have devoted more time to others. You have a whole club to take care of...<</say>>
<<md>>These words were to be expected. She keeps trying to pin the responsibility for the girls on me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is your club and you should take care of it, Soph. If they have any problems...<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Do you remember our agreement? It didn't touch Fiona alone. You acted like a gentleman, but if you step back now, a huge scandal can break out. The girls suffer and yearn. For them, you became even more desirable when you defended Fiona. A knight with a shining cock! Ha ha!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I'll take that into account.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>I really hope for it. Let me not tell Clara to whom Fiona's tattoo is dedicated, okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay.<</say>>
<<md>>I wonder if this will ever end? Okay, I'll deal with this tomorrow. Today Fiona and our walk with her are waiting for me.<</md>>
<<set $Fiona11Q = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 9>>\
<<set $ClubGirlsFuckQuest = 1>>\
[[Yes|Biology class]]<<md>>I didn't even have time to look around and think three times the word "pussy" when time passed so imperceptibly. The girls today behaved calmly, because there was not even anything to remember, to speak very seriously. But even this does not upset me much, because now I will just see ...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona!<</say>>
<<md>>The words escaped my lips before she even turned to me.<</md>>
<<md>>During these days, her silhouette became quite familiar to me, so I easily recognized her, even with her back.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Mister $mc.Name! I'm so glad to see you. Is there something wrong with my homework?<</say>>
<<md>>She winked as she continued to play in public. I couldn't help but admire such an impulse to acting.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, it's fine. I would like to invite you to one place.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Where to?<</say>>
<<md>>My student's eyes sparkled with interest.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know where we have the beach. I am waiting for you there at 5 p.m. I think it will be useful for you for our study.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Of course... For our... study.<</say>>
<<md>>She understood everything perfectly. That's why I like talking to Fiona. She understands me without further ado. Without further ado, I'll go away. I will have a great date soon.<</md>>
<<set $Fiona11Q = 3>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 10>>\
[[Can`t wait|School reception]]
<<md>>When I got to the beach, the first thing I had to do was literally pick my jaw off the floor. When I invited Fiona to the beach, I never thought that she would dress so beautifully.<</md>>
<<md>>The chic bathing suit fits her perfectly. Every part of her body, every bend is now perfectly visible and this only fuels my interest in her, especially considering that there is no one around from the school team who could now prohibit me something. I want - kiss, want - hug, want - fuck right here.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Stop devouring me with your eyes, $mc.Name Say hello at least!<</say>>
<<md>>She pretends to be offended, but I know that she likes my attention.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry, I'm just so delighted with the way you look...<</say>>
<<md>>She touches my cheek with her hand, and this very gentle touch makes me just melt.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>So much so that you're ready to kiss me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ready. And how!<</say>>
<<md>>I reach out to her with my lips and we merge in a small but very passionate kiss. It expresses everything: pent-up desire, warm feelings and passion. She gently strokes my back as I finally release her lips from mine.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>I like this kind of study much more than what I have at school.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona...<</say>>
<<md>>I take her hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know that we cannot show there that there is something between us.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Why? Rumors are going and so what?<</say>>
<<md>>My heavy sigh.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona, listen. I didn't want to say it, but...<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>No, just don't say that you decided to break with me. Not after all. Not after...<</say>>
<<md>>She shivers as she speaks, so I have no choice but to hug her tightly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I will not leave you and I am not going to. Otherwise, I would not have called to where it is so beautiful. I want you to share this beauty with me.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Okay, I can do that.<</say>>
<<md>>She puts her head on my shoulders.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But you must understand that when everyone finds out about you and me, the real persecution will begin. You were almost killed because of this. You have to rebuild everything, you know? To prove that your grades are your personal achievement, because public opinion again distorts your work for its own good. They will assume that you slept with the teachers, and they gave you grades. I wouldn't want this to happen.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Because only you can sleep with me?<</say>>
<<md>>I laughed out loud. Sometimes her naivety surprises me greatly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, Fiona, because you're a smart girl and I don't want anyone to question you.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>You won't let this happen, will you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I will not let it.<</say>>
<<md>>And she sat with her head on my shoulder first, and I told her about my past. A little later we went swimming, and then something sweet happened. She, not ashamed of anyone, touched my penis.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>I see he's ready.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's a long time ago. But let's not here, but...<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>At your house?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>At my house.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, let's not waste time!<</md>>
<<set $Fiona11Q = 4>>\
[[To my house|FionaBeach5]]<<md>>I was burnt with the urge to strip Fiona's clothes as quickly as possible. My penis now and then was torn at will to feel the taste of the girl's sweet pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>Fortunately, now we were alone and there was no one outside the door to overhear us. Angela said that today she will stay a little longer, because this is the best of days. So there was no doubt. I grabbed Fiona's firm buttocks and squeezed imperiously. The girl oyknula We kissed - but outside the door we still could not stop. But I and my dick wanted a lot more.<</md>>
<<md>>Fiona sighed and pulled down her panties. I stared at her delicate body and began to drive a member over it. Sometimes I squatted down to see if the hole was ready. When I took her hand in my hand, Fiona laughed.<</md>>
<<md>>How beautiful she is!<</md>>
<<md>>How sweet! How can I miss such moments? How can I hold on when my dick drinks it to the bottom? I saw that her pleasure was transferred to my face. And I could no longer restrain my desire ... The passion made me shiver. However, from passion?<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaFuckBeach.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I threw her on the bed and a dick touched the sweet lips between the legs.<</md>>
<<if $FionaVideo2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $FionaVideo2Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>It was a miracle. Our thighs touched and I felt her shiver. The next moment my organ popped into her bosom. I cannot describe in words what happiness it was! How good I am! Fiona suddenly screamed, but I covered her mouth with a kiss, then kissed her other nipple and started working faster, so that it seemed to me that I was rushing along a mountain river. I finished. I felt so good! My heart was beating so fast that my head seemed to burst. I looked at Fiona.<</md>>
<<md>>How magical she is!<</md>>
<<set $Fiona11Q = 5>>\
<<set $Fiona12Q = 1>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 11>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>How many workouts have you had? Five? Ten? Twenty?<</md>>
<<md>>To be honest, I don't even remember. They are all quite the same lately. Constantly the same thing. I still hope that Lucy will remember me one day, but each time there is less hope in me. It looks like a damn circle from which I have no way out. It’s like I’m missing something very important, but what?<</md>>
<<md>>I know I agreed to it myself, but was my decision so wise? Or did selfishness and self-confidence speak in me? Even so, there is no turning back. Perhaps I will go crazy and not even be able to do anything, but I will not give up on my decision.<</md>>
<<md>>Okay, it's time to move out to Lucy and deal with everything before it's too late.<</md>>
<<md>>Going down the subway, I am still haunted by very gloomy thoughts. For some reason, my confidence now does not bring me so much joy. It’s as if I’m tired of the same monotonous actions that exhaust me. All the joy disappeared somewhere.<</md>>
<<md>>I pass by a homeless man when he grabs my hand and asks for help.<</md>>
<<md>>Usually I pass by such requests and do not even react, because it is everyone's choice. Nobody forbids this or any other bearded man to simply find a job. But they decide what is more convenient for them there.<</md>>
<<md>>But today, my mood is very gloomy, because for some reason I give him five bucks without thinking too much. He thanks me and throws a phrase after which I shudder.<</md>>
"Soon she will wake up, go on!"
<<md>>What the hell is this joke? Did he just say it like that, or did it have a special meaning? It doesn't sound like the words he says to everyone.<</md>>
<<md>>I turn around to find a homeless person, but his trace is gone.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn him!<</md>><<md>>The mood improved greatly after this strange meeting. It's amazing how little we need at times to feel good again. I can't stop smiling while I wait for Lucy to tell me. Perhaps she will even remember me now?<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Good morning...<</say>>
<<md>>No, all the same lost look and all the same glass eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good morning, Lucy.<</say>>
<<md>>Even if she does not remember me, now I have more confidence that I am doing something for a reason. That I can break through this line of defense that her memory has put up against me and the whole world.<</md>>
<<md>>Lucy, Lucy, Lucy. I won't give up so easily, you know so.<</md>>
<<md>>I am very ashamed of my morning thoughts. I showed weakness and even began to feel sorry for myself, while a person who really suffers is now in front of me. She needs my help. In the help of someone who over and over again will explain to her who he is.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, come on again...<</md>><<md>>Training with Lucy has become an enjoyable routine these days. I can relate to gyms as I like, workout and so on, which does not prevent each workout from being special. Lucy illuminates each of them and each time I am drowning more deeply in those beautiful eyes and a luxurious smile. And the load, which is getting more and more every time!<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>That's it, $mc.Name! Come on, you can!<</say>>
<<md>>These exclamations, these encouragements - everything makes you feel very special. In these words, even thrown to me, whom Lucy knows very little, there is very great support. If she knew to whom and how she says it... She would remember us before I restore her memory every morning.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>You were great today. It seemed to me that you had a second wind.<</say>>
<<md>>Ha! And so it was. Only the speech does not concern sports, but how I relate to the situation with a woman. I'm back in the ranks and ready to fight, but before...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, today I'm right on top. Listen, maybe we'll have a snack somewhere in a cafe? I think we both deserve it, do you think?<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy smiles.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>You can read my mind! I'm scared already. But I'll go, I still wanted to buy a burger.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then it's decided. I know a great place where they can bring you a burger for every taste!<</say>>
<<set $GymTimes -= 60>>\
<<set $LucyQuest14 = 1>>\
[[To cafe|LucPills5]]
<<md>>The cafe is too crowded. I didn't think there were so many people here at this time of day. Many of them just eat and chat nicely, while others sing something in karaoke. I wonder if there is an event here today?<</md>>
<<md>>I ask this question, one of the waiters, to which they tell me that today one of the most famous stars of all times and peoples will perform here. So famous that I don't even know about her! Aha, how!<</md>>
<<md>>But I open my mouth in surprise when Lucy starts a conversation with the waiter about this singer. It turns out that she knows and remembers him. Moreover, she would go to his performance, but tickets are too expensive.<</md>>
<<md>>So she can remember the actor, and the person with whom she was good enough - she just forgets. How this brain works. And why do my teeth grind with anger? After all, this is nothing special.<</md>>
<<md>>I would like to believe it. However, I am not talking about this to Lucy. She has enough worries without that.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>How was your day?<</say>>
<<md>>She asks this question as soon as our food is brought to us.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, nothing special. The children behaved quite calmly, although there were a couple of accidents. What about you?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, today Lexi even tried to tell something. I was very surprised.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And how does she do it?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Very bad. She doesn't try to understand anything at all. Just silly memorization or tips from other girls.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But she's already started doing something. This definitely deserves special praise. Come on, for you!<</say>>
<<md>>We carefully, almost inaudibly, clinked glasses and emptied. I must say, the coffee is very tasty here. How many times have I tried to cook something like this at home - it never worked. But here it is the drink of the gods.<</md>>
<<md>>When the waiter comes, he leaves us a bill. Lucy's eyebrows go up in surprise.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>It doesn't look like their coffee was too cheap.<</say>>
<<md>>Of course, I wanted to pay for everything. I can't afford to pay Lucy anymore. She's in trouble already.<</md>>
<<md>>The woman, in spite of all my objections, reached into the bag. When she took out her purse, something shiny fell on the table.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What is it, Lucy?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, don't worry, these are my pills. I take them in order to sleep better.<</say>>
<<md>>Before my interlocutor had time to pick up the blister from the table, I managed to see the name of the pills. Hmm, strange, I've never heard of such drugs before. Perhaps you should look for information about this medication later?<</md>>
<<md>>Even though I insisted, Lucy didn't want me to pay for her. Therefore, it was decided to simply split the bill in half.<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest16T = 3>>\
<<md>>On the way home, Lucy and I talked about how bitter the coffee was. A funny topic, but for some reason it was quite amusing to even discuss such nonsense with Lucy. And in fact, today for some reason the coffee was very tasteless. Whether it's a very inept waiter, or something else ...<</md>>
<<md>>However, this allowed us to while away a very significant part of the time, discussing each other's preferences in coffee. I didn't even notice how quickly we were at the doorstep of Lucy's house.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So you are suffering from insomnia?<</say>>
<<md>>She grinned in confusion.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Not that all the time. It's just that sometimes it turns out that I toss and turn and cannot sleep. This problem has haunted me since early childhood.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What is the root of this problem?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>My nervous system. The father says that she is because of him. They say he himself suffered from this at an early age, but now there is a way to deal with it.<</say>>
<<md>>Father? Hmm, this is not the first time I've heard of Lucy's father. No, I understand that she is unlikely to be an orphan and theoretically she has parents, but why during this time do I hear about her father not so often? Very strange.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Pills?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, they help. But I have to drink them constantly, otherwise insomnia returns.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You know, I know one way to... sleep well.<</say>>
<<md>>I don't even know why, but I wanted to kiss her, hug her, comfort her. I will hug, of course, with the help of my naked body.<</md>>
<<md>>I get disastrously close to Lucy, but she doesn't push me away. Perhaps not everything was erased from her memory.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>I don't think you're talking about pills.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not about them at all.<</say>>
<<md>>I bend over and catch her lips with mine. We merge in a kiss and this sensation, this discharge, it seems to be the first time. This is the category that is life. With all her disappointments, joys and deaths. The kiss lasts forever and suddenly disappears, like a soap bubble. There is such silence around that I can hear myself and her broken breathing. I look at Lucy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So...<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I think one day I can do without pills. Let's try an alternative way.<</say>>
<<md>>And she grabs my hand and drags me inside.<</md>>
[[Go on|LucyPills7]]<<md>>Life is full of difficulties, even where you hardly expect them.<</md>>
<<md>>A difficult burden fell on Clara's shoulders. The management of schools, and even so successful, requires a lot of effort and investment. From the outside it may seem as if she is doing nothing, but in reality this is not at all the case. She does too much and this burden of responsibility weighs on her more and more every day. I don't know what the sponsors are up to, but their silence is starting to strain me too. What game were they playing? Or did they just decide to close our school?<</md>>
<<md>>No, I'm afraid I won't even be able to get an answer to such a difficult question. Also this strange call. The more I think about him, the more I come to the conclusion that this is someone from school. How else would they know so much? What strange game is going on here?<</md>>
<<md>>Keeping Clara in the dark would be wrong. I told her the truth before, because now there is no point in hiding such a big secret. Yes, I'll let her know about that strange call.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Mister $mc.Name?<</say>>
<<md>>As soon as I was about to go to Clara, a familiar voice calls out to me. This cheerful and positive tone I recognize almost everywhere.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Monica?<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles sweetly when I turn to her. There is such a bright smile on my face that everything inside me turns over with delight.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, I'm sorry if I'm tearing you off from something important.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, Monica, it's all right, I was heading to the director. Something happened?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>No, no, rather the opposite. I... don't know... how to put it right.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl clearly wanted to communicate something, but some embarrassment prevented her. Therefore, I took her a little to the side.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You can tell me anything, Monica. I assure you that this will remain between us. Any dirty secret you have will stay with me.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I have... I have no dirty secret! It is very tasty fragrant!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fragrant?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes. I wanted to ask, would you like to come with me for coffee today?<</say>>
<<md>>Ah, I should have guessed. After we had such a nice chat then, a very pleasant bond formed between us. A couple of times we crossed paths in the corridor and she smiled sweetly at me, but I could not think that she did not forget about that incident. However, this is Monica. Perfect Monica.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now? I...<</say>>
<<md>>I hesitated for a second. Not because he was against the blonde's company, but because there was something very important to tell Clara.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Sorry, I didn't mean to. I'm such a fool...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, Monica, it's not like that, I just have to tell the principal something. Anyway, okay, I think it can wait.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Sure?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I will never refuse coffee.<</say>>
[[Visit cafe|ClaraMonicaExtra2]]<<md>>From the contact of our hands with Lucy, I received unprecedented bliss. After all these days that I had to spend without her, I felt like a gorgeous gift. My cock tensed, anticipating how good it would be.<</md>>
<<md>>I dug into her with my greedy kiss. The smell of her hair drove me crazy, I began to slowly stroke her face, continuing to greedily drink her sweetness and warmth. It was as if I wanted to get enough to the end. I wanted Lucy to melt into my sticky gaze.<</md>>
<<md>>But even more, I wanted her to release my already swollen member. I wanted him to be in her mouth and I could do with her all those dirty things that I dreamed of these days.<</md>>
<<md>>Maybe sex with her was not so bright compared to other women, but I liked it differently. As if it touched not only my body, but something stronger. And Lucy could use it however she liked. I myself did not understand what I wanted, I just needed to touch her skin, mouth, pussy. Make sure she is real, that this is not my dream.<</md>>
<<md>>But she was not a dream, because I felt the heat emanating from her and a desperate and pure thirst for life.<</md>>
<<md>>She fell on the bed, and I followed her. The fabric that hides from me the treasure of her pussy, moved aside and my cock touched her naked body.<</md>>
<<md>>I kissed her, and it seemed to me that she felt my hot tongue. She returned my kiss and I felt that she liked my kiss too. Lucy laughed softly and tugged at the covers. I was sure what that meant: help me catch an orgasm. I laughed back.<</md>>
<<md>>How could I not burst out laughing when, after each movement of her flesh, I imagined how I cum in her sweet mouth, in this sexy body, exuding such self-confidence! I remembered what I wanted to say to her before she bit me.<</md>>
<<md>>She caught the rhythm and breathed faster.
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lucy\Quest\Video\LucyGymFuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I began to move faster in it.<</md>>
I tried to stop her, but she pulled the hair on the back of my head and I obeyed. Bending in an arc, she squeezed my sides with her knees, and I realized that she wanted to enter me entirely.<</md>>
<<if $LucyVideo4Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyVideo4Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Repeating her movements, I felt the approach of orgasm. And when the orgasm rolled up to me, I screamed and finished. And then I began to breathe long and deeply and lay there until the pulsating pleasure had passed. Then I finally noticed that she was sleeping and breathing quietly.<</md>>
<<md>>Well... great view!<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest14 = 2>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]<<md>>There were many people in the cafe, but my companion was more interested in me. Monica has always been a ray of light at school and I was very pleased to see her now in such a place.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>So...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Monica, do you want to ask me something?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I heard you have been helping the school and our principal a lot lately.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, it depends on my job, to be honest.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>But I haven’t seen others cared so much about it. This is admirable.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don't think so, but thanks. That's very kind of you...<</say>>
<<md>>And then the unexpected happened.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name, hello.<</say>>
<<md>>Another voice called me and made me turn around. Clara stood in front of me. Not that we were officially a couple, but it is unlikely that she would have the idea that I just sit and drink coffee in a pleasant company. Rather, he won't think I'm like Mike.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Miss Scott...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Come on, Monica, don't play the comedy. We both know he won't take it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What's going on here?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>You've been doing a lot for the school lately. You do a lot for me, so I decided to thank you a little. Monica and I invite you to our house to have some fun.<</say>>
<<md>>At first I could not believe my ears, but after... Let's not waste time!<</md>>
[[Leave cafe|ClaraMonicaExtra3]]<<md>>My heart was beating wildly. I couldn't believe how lucky me and my cock were. How the girls agreed among themselves is a mystery to me, but so be it. Their lips merge so sexually that cock is torn apart. They are so graceful and desirable that I want to go up to them right now and fuck each of them in turn.<</md>>
<<md>>I need hands free. I just have to touch them to make sure they are really my girls. At least this time. I'm breathing hard. My cock is tense. Lord, how nice. I pull myself together, I pull myself together.<</md>>
<<md>>I touch Clara's ass, and after leaving Monica. Everything is real. Everything is so exciting.
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraMonica1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $ClaraVideo5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo5Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>I began to move faster in it.<</md>>
The women are watching me. I think they can hardly contain their laughter. It glows in their eyes. I'm bursting with joy. I will always ask them for this. This is my heart. In this heart and in my penis. Just them and my love. They are adorable.<</md>>
<<md>>I gently pull the panties off the young girl's body. Monica arches her ass and I can see her sweet pussy. Then I do the same with Clara. How beautiful they are both!<</md>>
<<md>>They are as beautiful as a dream. In anticipation of my luxurious orgasm, they are ready for anything. Nothing is more important to me now than their passion. And when they understand what I want, they take the initiative. They are already caressing each other.<</md>>
<<md>>They both love it a lot. I will be pleased if all of us enjoy the process. And when Clara lets out loud moans, I feel that I can no longer endure.<</md>>
<<md>>I dig my cock into Clara's pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica immediately grabs my cock and sucks her lips to it. I understand that this is what she likes. Me too. I give a powerful push.<</md>>
<<md>>I am literally shaking with desire. But Monica gets even more turned on. From the fact that she is almost in the same excited position. My cock splashes out of her mouth and goes straight into the hot depths of Clara's pussy. I start to speed up, quickly picking up the pace.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara reaches her climax. Monica too. I feel that Monica is crying with happiness, and Clara feels it too.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is the best surprise in my life!<</say>>
<<md>>In response, the girls laugh out loud.<</md>>
<<set$ClaraM7Quest = 2>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]
<<md>>Bright white hair and beautiful facial contours, that's what immediately caught my eye when I went out into the corridor. If life was in full swing everywhere, then Monica simply did not move. She silently and dreamily looked out the window.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaImage3Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage3Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>I think it's more interesting there than here?<</say>>
<<md>>Hearing me, she turned her head to me and smiled.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Sometimes it seems so, but it's just a fiction.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Artifice?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>How can life outside the window be better? Ha ha! I just love to look there.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good. Monica, I have a little request for you.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, of course, I'll help! What you need?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So you fill out this form?<</say>>
<<md>>I hand her the paper and her eyebrows go up in surprise.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>For the school to know this?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>For your safety, I suppose.<</say>>
<<md>>I am ashamed to tell Monica that I have not even read what is written there.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>When I last had sex ... Hardly for safety. But if this helps you, then I will definitely fill it in. Can I bring it to you?<</say>>
<<say$mc>>Yes, leave it on my desk.<</say>>
<<set $Jane1Q = 2>>\
<<set $Jane1QT = 4>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Back|Second floor]]<<md>>The phone vibrated loudly. Another message from Fiona, which makes me feel better. Her pussy pleases the screen of my smartphone and my cock. Hell, don't masturbate in the morning, right?<</md>>
<<if $FionaImage2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $FionaImage2Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>The relationship with Fiona is developing in the best possible way. We found a common language with her, and I am just pleased to be in the company of this young and beautiful girl. I am still worried about what will happen to me and to her if the information comes out. Then we will all be in trouble. But as long as everyone is silent, there should be no problems. Hope Sophia doesn't talk a lot about this.<</md>>
<<md>>By the way, about Sophia ... If I want to protect myself from unnecessary problems and the long language of this woman, I think I should try to appease him. Yes, the problem with other girls is quite acute. I need to placate a few lustful girlish bodies if I want to keep everything under wraps.<</md>>
<<set $Fiona12Q = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 13>>\
[[Back|Kitchen]]<<md>>The second floor breathes life with might and main. Now there is such a strong hum that my ears even fill my ears a little. However, such a movement, as if on the street, now only suits me. This way I can get less attention if I want to call in one of the girls for "extra activities."<</md>>
<<md>>A sudden thought overwhelms me. I don’t know all the girls who are in my club. Only Fiona and those two ... Yes, those two polished my cock well. The thought of it makes my pants feel tense.<</md>>
<<md>>Okay, okay, I think I should first find out who's in my club. And who else but Sophia should know this better than others?<</md>>
<<set $Fiona12Q = 3>>\
[[Time to check|FionaClubFuck2SophiaOffice]]<<md>>Sofia's office is still empty. There are no annoying children, nor Sophia herself, who would hasten to remind me that I have obligations. Damn her with this club. This is her initiative, why should I be responsible for this? I am pleased with the attention of the girls, but I feel the burden of some responsibility. Invisible pressure, which now and then strives to crush me under its weight.<</md>>
<<md>>Once again thanking fate for the fact that Sofia comes to school late enough, I began to look for the evidence I needed in her office. Her desk was neat, but I know Sophia is not the type of person to remember the names of all the girls. She says she cares about these girls ... I wish I could believe that. But my intuition tells me that there is more behind this. Perhaps the trauma of her school years makes her do this. I don't know if this is the point, but I will definitely figure it out. Right now...<</md>>
<<md>>Aha! Here is the list. Are there so many of them? It seemed to me that there were fewer of them in the class, but now I understand that there are too many of them. Should I take care of the sexual needs of each of them?<</md>>
<<md>>Wait, what's this? What a list, opposite which the names of men are written. Mister Jones? Mister Kay? Looks like codenames. There is also a photograph, where one of the girls is lying naked with some old man. What the fuck ?!<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>$mc.Name, what have you forgotten in my desk?<</say>>
<<md>>Like bad TV shows, I fell for this trick. As soon as I found something interesting and, possibly, dangerous, it appeared as if out of nowhere.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sofia, what a surprise ...<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>What were you looking for in my desk?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice is full of anger and I know that I've crossed the line.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>List of girls. You wanted me to forget more than just them, right?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Yes. And so it was. But you could have asked.<</say>>
<<md>>There is too much anger in her eyes. Like I killed one of her family.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Instead, you decided that you can dig in my desk.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, sorry.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Leave your apologies to yourself. I don't want to see you digging into my desk, is it clear to you? Take the list and go. If I see it again, blame yourself. I don't think you should linger here.<</say>>
[[Back|Second floor]]<<md>>Sophia's reaction and those photos got me thinking. She did not behave like a person with nothing to hide. Quite the opposite.<</md>>
<<md>>The photos that I saw ... If Sophia cares so much about girls why would she keep such photos?<</md>>
<<md>>Either she protects them from something, or she protects herself. In any case, I won't be able to get answers to my questions so easily. The only way now is to try to get the girls to talk. Their passion for me can play into my hands.<</md>>
<<md>>Who should I choose now?<</md>>
[[Ashly Domers|FionaClubFuck2Choice2]]
[[Lora Pearl|FionaClubFuck2Choice2]]
[[Britanny Qesterly|FionaClubFuck2Choice2]]<<md>>She was the first who liked on this list. I don't know why, but on a subconscious level, I wanted to choose this particular student. I wanted to give her time and give her warmth. True, I was not at all averse to using such a young and sexy body.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, we very quickly found ourselves at my house, where she attacked me. Unlike Fiona, there was something wild about this girl. She wanted, just drooling down my cock. <</md>>
<<md>>The rest did not bother her. The girl did not hesitate to grab me for anything and try to reach my face with her mouth. She even hit me on the cheek, which finally infuriated me. It took me just one second to come up with a plan. It was decided that I would take it as I did not take anyone. That she will beg me for mercy when my seed flows out of her holes ...<</md>>
<<md>>The best option was to take her by the shoulders and hug her tightly. Then the girl's body will begin to attract me in order to come into contact with my manhood.<</md>>
<<md>>What happened later. But things didn't go as planned. When I knocked her down on the sofa, she suddenly began to resist, to get out of my hands and took a strange pose, as if she was trying to catch her legs on mine and push them off the sofa with force.<</md>>
<<md>>But that didn't stop me. Passion and lust seethed in me.<</md>>
<<md>>My penis seemed huge to me and I wanted to drive it madly into this seductive ass.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaClub2Fuck.mp4"></video></div> Moreover, in this position, her body was defenceless.<</md>>
<<md>>I made another effort, pulled her to me, and from the fact that my dignity was sharply pierced into her bosom, she even screamed.<</md>>
<<md>>I didn't understand what happened. A minute ago, she struggled in the same way, and now she began to respond to my movements with passion and greed, as if she knew what to do. A few minutes ago, she was just kicking, and now she squirmed and squirmed, driven by lust.<</md>>
<<md>>And suddenly she began to respond to my movements with passion. At first, she began to swallow my penis faster, which I released from my pussy during the struggle, and then suddenly quickly brought it back in, squeezed her buttocks and dug her teeth into my palm, as if she wanted to bite her.<</md>>
<<md>>I squeezed my fingers tighter, and she moaned with pleasure, and then began to make vigorous movements with her pelvis, trying to squeeze into me as closely as possible. She succeeded.
In the end, I could not stand it and finished, before having time to pull out a member. Sperm poured into this beautiful face like a fountain.<</md>>
<<md>>How nice...<</md>>
<<set $Fiona12Q = 4>>\
<<set $Fiona13Q = 1>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>I was about to go home when I heard a knock. It was, of course, conditional, because the doors were open. Looking up, I saw Jane standing at the entrance to the classroom. One held a folder in her hands, which she held tightly to her chest. As if staring at her breasts. And then he will not understand so well ...<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>$mc.Name, are you busy?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I teach class in the sweat of my brow!<</say>>
<<md>>I laughed as I looked at the empty classroom; there’s no one here now, so Jane’s question was nothing more than politeness. <</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Well, then they won't mind if I steal you for a little while?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think if they do, then they have no choice. I am the master of this class! HA!<</say>>
<<md>>I playfully raised my hand to represent Superman. I don't know why, but I wanted to fool around a little in the presence of this woman.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Well, I'm glad you're in a good mood, but I need your help. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I hurry to help my beloved school. What is the problem?<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>In the students. More precisely, many of them simply avoid my office. I don’t understand why, because I keep all their secrets and haven’t spoken a single one yet.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think it's not about you. <</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Who else?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>At their age, they consider themselves too healthy to visit your office. And some are definitely hiding something. For example, the condition of their pussies ...<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>As I was afraid. Do they have a problem with that?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I wouldn't call it problems. There is nothing they can’t handle.<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Or you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well...<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>However, it's your business. I came to ask you for help. I have a form for Lexi, Veronica and Monica to fill out. I'm sure if I ask, they will definitely refuse me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And you want me to persuade them to sign this form?<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Yes.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why are you sure that they won't refuse me?<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Come on, who will refuse you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You?<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Ask me about it after you get the girls to sign the forms.<</say>>
<<md>>She winked at me and left the folder on the table and left.<</md>>
<<set $Jane1Q = 1>>\
<<set $Jane1QT = 3>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]<<md>>Finding Lexi was not an easy task. The girl, as usual, is too elusive, therefore, to fill out the papers, I had to show all possible ingenuity. It was silly to ask the students where the main problem of the school is now. Most of them tried to bypass Lexi, because otherwise the girl could create too many problems for them. Once again, I heard rumors that Lexi was beating up the students and couldn't calm down. It will be interesting at least once a day when she calms down?
However, even so, I knew her weakness very well - so it was not difficult for me to find the girl at the crime scene. I don’t know whether she was standing here just like that or was planning to smoke, I definitely prevented both of them.<</md>>
<<if $LexiImage4Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage4Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Lexi>>$mc.Name, decided to keep me company?<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi smiled broadly as she ran a hand over her barely covered body.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Not today, Lexi. I have business with you.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Oh yes, the thing in the pants is my favorite: hard, tasty and juicy!<</say>>
<<md>>She touched my groin with her hand and I felt my penis tighten in response to this. HE would not mind punishing the girl for such impudent behavior now, but there were too many people around. Yes, and I had things to do that could not be delayed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's not the case, Lexi. I need you to fill out some papers.<</say>>
<<md>>I took her hand away from my cock until no one noticed and held out the paper.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>What is it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Look for yourself.<</say>>
<<md>>I didn't want to admit to Lexi that I hadn't even read what was written there. This is none of my business, and the papers said "Confidential", so you shouldn't get into it at all.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Hm, your sex preferences ... Can you check it yourself, $mc.Name?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, Lexi, this is not acceptable now. We can be seen.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>But another time ...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Only if you fill out the papers.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Boredom! Okay, just for good sex.<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled. It doesn't matter if I have sex with Lexi or not. She will fill out the documents, so I can be calm.<</md>>
<<set $Jane1Q = 3>>\
<<set $Jane1QT = 5>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Back|School gate]]<<md>>If there is a place where I least expected to see Veronica, it's a sports field. Not that looking at her I had the idea that she was not taking care of herself, but for some reason it was a revelation for me. I always thought that she was against such simple stereotypes. (However, after the incident with running, I could not doubt it.)<</md>>
<<md>>I silently watched as the girl completes the next lap at the stadium. Her ass was trembling violently with stress. So much so that a different tension started in my pants.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Mr $mc.Name, what are you doing here?<</say>>
<<md>>Having reached the circle, Veronica noticed me and stopped. Which was very, by the way, because I already intended to run another circle with her.<</md>>
<<if $VeronicaImage4Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage4Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>I was looking for you.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Me? What did I do wrong this time?<</say>>
<<md>>By her tone, one could understand that she was unhappy, that all the bumps were always flying at her. I can't blame her for that. Many often blamed Veronica even where she did nothing wrong.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, it's not like that. I need your help.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Help? You? From me? Is the school falling apart? Has hell come down to earth?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>-Teachers never ask me for help. I am a cursed person to all of you, a rebel who is always to blame.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not for all. Overall, I want you to fill out these papers. This will help Jane a lot.<</say>>
<<md>>For several minutes Veronica looked at what was written in the form that I handed her..<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>If I fill this in, I want you to help me too.<</say>>
<<md>>I sighed. Because for a moment, I thought it would be that simple. That she would just help me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What do you want instead?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>What does any girl my age want?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, is it forbidden?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Really? Is it forbidden to ask about the number of sexual partners? Jane is not even a doctor. And they do not adhere to secrets. Suddenly she blabs everything about me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She treats you all like her children. I don't think she wants to chat with anyone about your sexual exploits. I will not sleep with you, there can be no conversation about this.<</say>>
<<md>>Loud laughter echoed across the stadium.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Sleep! Have you decided that I mean it? I'm not a nymphomaniac like Lexi. Why would I ask you to do this?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Because this is a normal desire of any girl at your age.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>The only thing I want right now is to finish school normally and get a letter from the university. That's why I need your help.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What is it?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Talk to Sophia about me. Her item could ruin everything for me. Will you do it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>If you fill out the form and leave it on my desk.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Okay.<</say>>
<<md>>We shook hands like two good friends. Well, don't linger here.<</md>>
<<set $Jane1Q = 4>>\
<<set $Jane1QT = 6>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Back|Sport field]]<<md>>I'm still not sure if I'm doing the right thing with Lexi's choice, so it's best to see it firsthand.
Hands touch the cold surface of the ball, after which a strange feeling begins to overwhelm me, similar to when I'm drunk. I feel fun, but at the same time my mind is very clouded. In front of me is something red. It is everywhere: on hands, on clothes. What is this, blood? Really?.<</md>>
<<md>>I manage to look around and I realize that I am no longer where I was just a second ago. Now I'm in my office, but it looks more like a battlefield. It is dark all around, and someone is lying on the floor. I can't make out the facial features, but for some reason I'm sure it's Lexi. It has the same red spot.<</md>>
<<md>>The girl moves and spreads her legs to the side ... No, she's definitely not dead. But what happened here?<</md>>
<<if $mc.Charisma > 4 && $mc.Boldness > 4>>\
[[Seduce her|ClaraStudentsLexiSeduce]]
[[Buy her silence|ClaraStudentsLexiBuy]]
<<if $mc.Boldness > 4>>\
[[Threat her|ClaraStudentsLexiThreat]]
<</if>>\<<md>>Veronica seems like the most obvious choice for this post. This is on the one hand. On the other hand ... I don't know what to expect from such a girl. She can do anything. And this uncertainty can ruin me.<</md>>
<<md>>So, ball, come on, don't let it down.<</md>>
<<md>>I touch it and almost instantly everything is engulfed in smoke. Now you can't make out anything.<</md>>
<<md>> However, this is not the most important thing. It is important that somewhere nearby water gurgles and the sound of the sea is heard. Maybe Veronica hears it too. She herself stands on the edge of the cliff and peers down into the darkness.<</md>>
<<md>>I touch her shoulder and she shows me a piece of paper that says "Your secret will disappear with me", and then she herself disappears in the smoke.<</md>>
[[Tell the truth|ClaraStudentsVeronicaTruth]]
[[Lie to her|ClaraStudentsVeronicaLie]]<<md>>Since I've gotten myself into such troubles, it is better to choose the right one on whose shoulders the burden of responsibility will fall.<</md>>
<<md>>And as soon as I touch the ball, something strange happens. I am in the same place where I was before, but at the same time...<</md>>
<<md>>I can smell coffee. The pleasant scent comes to me from afar and hits me right in the nose. It feels so good! I can hear the voices of people around them talking about something, but a strange vision distracts me. The black and white spot is constantly spinning and changing its shape. Here it is in the shape of a fish, and here is a bee. But as soon as I focus on it, I have time to catch the images.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica laughs happily and holds my hand. I feel joy and warmth. And then the cold covers me and I turn around and notice a black spot, Clara. But she's not angry. No, she winks at me and everything disappears into a huge smoke.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Charisma > 4>>\
[[Tell the truth|ClaraStudentsMonicaTruth]]
<<if $cash gte 40 >>\
[[Bribe her|ClaraStudentsMonicaConversationBuy]]
[[Threat her|ClaraStudentsMonicaConversationThreat]]<<md>>A present for Clara is a very important thing. This is not just a book. No, after all, this is a way to impress her because I have no right to make a mistake at all.<</md>>
<<md>>I touch the ball and hear an extraordinary sound. It comes from somewhere above. Like a piggy bank or ... I lift my head up and notice how something shiny is flying at me in the middle of an unnaturally strange darkness. This shine is familiar to me. It's a cent! And after him another and another. And further. Cents poured from above one by one and disappear into an unknown hole under my feet. The last book flies, which painfully hits me in the face, from which the whole vision simply disappears.<</md>>
<<talk"[[Buy book|ClaraTruePicnicLibrary2]]""Generosity">><</talk>>
<<talk"[[Rent book|ClaraTruePicnicLibrary3]]""Greed">><</talk>><<md>>The situation in which I am now is like a crossroads. Whatever I choose, for some reason it seems to me that I will still lose in the end. Therefore, I must know for sure before risking almost everything that is dear to me.<</md>>
<<md>>Come on, ball, tell me the whole truth. A huge dark corridor stretches far ahead of me. At the end of this hallway there are two, no, three yellow doors. As soon as I open the first one, I see Sophia and myself. I hand Sophia the money and leave, satisfied. Hmm, it seems that the option is quite a working one.<</md>>
<<md>>So, what's here in the second one? As soon as I open it, I hear loud groans. This voice is familiar to me. Lexi moans loudly, and I echo her. And at the same moment I see a scene where we quarrel with her loudly. Because of which? What happened? But the doors are slamming cheekily right in front of my nose.<</md>>
<<md>>The third doors open themselves in front of me and I see how I kneel in front of Clara. Oh, from here you can clearly see her almost nothing covering panties. I beg her not to fire me and she agrees and takes off her underwear. Damn, this woman is hot!<</md>>
<<md>>And then everything returns to normal.<</md>>
<<talk"[[Talk to Clara|LexiQuest11C2Talk]]""Sex">><</talk>>
<<talk"[[Talk to Lexi|LexiQuest11L2Talk]]""Starfucks">><</talk>>
<<talk"[[Ask Sophia for advice|LexiQuest11S2Talk]]""Bribe">><</talk>>
<<md>>I don't like the whole situation that has developed. Choosing between two girls usually doesn't end well, but right now it looks like I don't have much choice either. It is only important not to miscalculate and be left with nothing. And this option is quite possible. And that is why the ball will now help me make a decision.<</md>>
<<md>>So I touch the ball and ask my question. I am instantly hit by a discharge like an electric one and the whole world spins before my eyes. And during these rotations, pictures flash in front of my eyes, among which I notice two very attractive ones: Naomi and I are kissing and looking at different pictures of lingerie. She is happy and kisses me.<</md>>
<<md>>Another picture is less idealistic, but at the same time, it is quite arousing Lexi and I fucking outdoors in the park when we are surrounded by bandits.<</md>>
<<md>>Something not very optimistic ...<</md>>
<<md>>Okay, time to choose...<</md>>
<<talk"[[Agreed to her offer|LexiQuest12Yes1]]""Lingerie">><</talk>>
<<talk"[[Refuse it|LexiQuest12No1]]""Park">><</talk>><<md>>I went to my desk and opened the lower bedside table, exactly where I hid all the girls' profiles.<</md>>
<<md>>Now that I have all the papers, I can visit Jane. She will definitely be glad that I managed to achieve results where she did not succeed for a long time. If you think about it, I am generally very well done and my successes are not even discussed. However, before I go to a meeting with a nurse, I can see what the girls indicated in their profiles. Information like this will never be superfluous. On the other hand, this is their own business, personal space and I shouldn't get into this at all.<</md>>
<<set $Jane1Q = 5>>\
[[Look throught papers|JaneQuest1Cabinet2]]
[[Don`t look|JaneQuest1Cabinet3]]
<<md>>Jane's office was empty. There was no one here: not the students, not Jane herself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello?<</say>>
<<md>>Perhaps she just went out somewhere?<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>And, $mc.Name, did what I asked?<</say>>
<<md>>The nurse smiled broadly at me when she appeared out of nowhere. She looked like an unusually happy and contented life. She even had some kind of feline eyes: they shone, often blinked and constantly smiled, as if passing off wishful thinking. And the dressing gown was, it seems, just right to emphasize all the charm of the figure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, here.<</say>>
<<md>>I handed her a folder with documents.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Excellent. Yes, that's what I need. Well, I didn't doubt you. But I know what you need.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And what is it?<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>This.<</say>>
<<md>>She handed me another folder.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What is it?<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Your reward.<</say>>
<<md>>When I opened the folder, I nearly dropped my jaw to the floor. There was a photograph inside.<</md>>
<<if $JaneImage2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $JaneImage2Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>On it, our nurse was in a very provocative and at the same time sexy look. She was naked and I could appreciate all the delights of her body. Damn, how hot she is.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Like it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Highly...<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Help me further, and I will introduce you closer to this body.<</say>>
<<md>>Hot stuff though! I just can't get that ring on her pussy out of my head. How sexy!<</md>>
<<set $Jane3Q = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Back|School reception]]<<md>>No, if there is information, then only a fool will not want to use it. Besides, when each of the girls filled out the questionnaire, she knew what I could read right?<</md>>
<<md>>So, let's see what we have here. So, Lexi. Hmm, that was expected. Although this is not. Is this the same Lexi I know?<</md>>
<<md>>Okay, Veronica. With Veronica, everything is much different. Some facts turn out to be very unpleasant, however ... I will think of something with this later.<</md>>
<<md>>And the cherry of the cake ... Monica. Ha! You are not as simple as it might seem at first glance, yes, school darling? Which confirms my theory that nothing is perfect. Ha, Monica, and you have grown even more in my eyes. Like a member in my pants grew from these frankness.<</md>>
<<md>>Okay, time to go to Jane's.<</md>>
<<set $Jane2Q = 1>>\
<<set $Jane1QT = 7>>\
[[Go to Jane|JaneQuest1Photo]]<<md>>This information is too personal. To rummage in it is not to respect yourself and the girls' personal space. I'm sure they won't thank me at all for this. If they filled out the information, it was clearly not for me, but for Jane.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, I'd better take them to her right away.<</md>>
<<set $Jane2Q = 2>>\
<<set $Jane1QT = 8>>\
[[Go to Jane|JaneQuest1Photo]]
<<md>>I didn't want to help the police. I felt something was wrong about this. From early childhood I had a certain contempt for them. These people did so little to keep order and now I have to be one of them?<</md>>
<<md>>However, I had no choice. Therefore, after listening to instructions from my new acquaintance, I went on duty on the street.<</md>>
<<set $PoliceQ1 = 2>>\
[[To work|PoliceQuest1Sex]]<<md>>My cock ached with pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>> This mad bitch kept spinning on my dick over and over again.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\trash\PoliceFuck1.mp4"></video></div> She was too damn little, it turned me on. I dug my lips into her buttock, took her hips, hugging her to me. I kissed her between her legs, feeling a burning sensation and sliding my tongue over her hot skin.<</md>>
<<md>>She moved quickly on me, as if sensing the approach of the climax. I wanted to prolong this show longer, but I didn't want to hurt her. I knew there was no need for this. She had many orgasms ahead and I was so close to her. She was already tense to the limit.<</md>>
<<md>>Soon she will scream. I raised my hands and put them on her thighs. She groaned and lifted her head to look me in the eye.<</md>>
<<md>>Her lips were so soft and delicious that I just couldn't help but kiss them. For a second, her gaze glazed over. I spread her legs wider, and I realized that she gave up. But she quickly pulled herself together and returned my kiss.<</md>>
<<md>>Her fingers dug into my shoulders. I abruptly lowered her onto my cock, but she only pulled away slightly.<</md>>
<<md>>I wanted to prolong the moment, but I saw that she was quickly losing control of herself. I again took her hips and again pressed my lips to her mouth. She was already moving in the same crazy rhythm as me. It was so wonderful that I let her cum again.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn, it’s good for me to agree to be a police officer. It's so good that the taxi driver decided to fuck the girl, but I saw it. Well this job isn't so bad...<</md>>
<<set $PoliceQ1 = 3>>\
<<set $PoliceQ2 = 1>>\
[[Back|Street York-Road]] <<say $Clara>>Do you believe in miracles?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, there are no miracles.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I'm sure you're wrong. Although I think about it early on...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>About what?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Nothing, don't worry. Have a nice day.<</say>>
<<set $ChristmasOn = 2>>\
[[Back|Director's office]]
<<md>>The lessons were long over, but I had a desire to stay in the class. It's a strange feeling that everything was gnawing at me from the inside. It’s like I’m missing something and part of my life just passes me by. For some reason I felt unbearably melancholy from this sensation, although I knew it was not so.<</md>>
<<md>>No, I still spend too much time in this class. It's time for me to unwind a little. Maybe somewhere in the park to sit? Yes, this is a good idea.<</md>>
<<md>>I need to get out of here as soon as possible!<</md>>
[[Leave|CHristmasOverhearCorridor]]<<md>>The school is now quiet and there is almost no one, as if life had died altogether. Only in the distance are rare footsteps sounding lonely in this half-empty corridor. However, there is something that does not surprise me. Not so far, in the corridor, two girls I know are whispering conspiratorially. Lexi and Veronica giggle a little, not knowing that I'm watching him closely. Yes, if these two are up to something, then trouble is inevitable. Therefore, in order to minimize the possible damage from everything, I need...<</md>>
[[Overhear them|ChristmasOverhearLexiVeronica]]
[[Leave them|Second floor]]
<<set $ChristmasOn = 2>>\<<md>>This is hardly a thing that I will proudly remember in a few years. This is hardly a thing that I even want to tell someone about. However, even so...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>What do you think they know about our plan?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>About your plan, Lexi.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>> Oh, come on. You can't pretend like you like it. It's boring for youngsters too. For girls like us, there are more interesting activities.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>You go again. I don't think the concert is that bad. Besides, don't you find it sexy?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>That`s shit! Sexy? This?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Maybe we shouldn't spoil the concert. You look at it only as a barrier, but the boundaries of our thinking are much wider.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>> Have you read your philosophers again? Soon you'll start to get bored like that nerd Fiona.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>It seems to me that you are breathing unevenly towards her. No wonder you stole her panties!<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>> What more. I love cocks, not vaginas.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>> I'm sure you would like my pussy, Lexi...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Veronica, you are trying in vain.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>In short, you look at everything from one side only. You think the concert is bad.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>I find it boring.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>That's it! So why don't we make it more interesting? Very soon, the headmistress will start announcing the talent competition. And you have them.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>What more! We could show them to everyone and make the holiday much more fun. If you can't stop the uprising - lead it!<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>It's brilliant, Veronica!<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>I know.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Now let's get out of here. Oh Mr. $mc.Name, you're still at school.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, girls, that's a little late. Why are you here?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>We decided to study... biology.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Ahahaha, let's go, Lexi.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, girls, you'd better go before you said anything superfluous, and however, their conspiracy is at zero, so I already heard everything I wanted.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasOn = 3>>\
[[Leave them|Second floor]]<<md>>Letters. Usually they are of no use, there is only spam and all sorts of suggestions to enlarge my penis. As if I need to increase something. Biologically I was lucky, and the girls did not complain.<</md>>
<<md>>Now in my box is a simple inscription "+17". Seventeen new letters? But I only recently checked them and there were not so many letters here. Who needs me already?<</md>>
<<md>>Hmm, it seems these are offers from shops. So, let's see.<</md>>
<<md>>"Imagination Reflection".<</md>>
<<text g "Decorate not only your home for Christmas, but yourself. Shine like a Christmas tree.">>
<<md>>From others the same messages. I can't believe it's already Christmas. Am I so immersed in my studies that I even forgot about it?<</md>>
<<md>>So that's what the girls were talking about at school. Looks like the talent competition is about Christmas.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, it won't be superfluous to talk about it with Clara. Perhaps together we can come up with something to stop the impudent girls.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasOn = 4>>\
[[Good idea|My room]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '15:00')>>\
<<md>>Clara looks very busy since the morning. She talks to Linda, and then yells into the phone in annoyance. I think it’s a very stupid idea to tell her about girls who are scheming. I'll come back later. Perhaps after school, when everything calms down.<</md>>
<<md>>This time the headmistress seems calm and not busy at all.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Do you want something?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I wanted to talk to you about the upcoming event.<</say>>
<<md>>A raised eyebrow is a sign of Clara's surprise. Looks like I managed to impress her.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Ah, you've already heard. We usually don't include new teaching staff, but this year we are too short of people.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>If you need my help, I will help as much as I can. However, I have come to talk not only about this.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>What else?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>About the talent competition.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>What's wrong with it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like Lexi and Veronica are planning to rip it off.<</say>>
<<md>>A heavy sigh escapes her chest.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>They don't have to ruin everything. At least for Christmas they could try to be decent girls. But no, they will better test me and my school!<</say>>
<<md>>The last words fly out of her mouth so loudly that I think I’m going deaf.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Is everything all right?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>No. Not even close. I need to figure out how to raise the image of the school in the eyes of the public. This could attract unnecessary investment. But I have no ideas at all.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What if I help you?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Do you want to help with this? Why?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Christmas is a time when people should be especially friendly with each other.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Are you our Santa?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha ha, maybe.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Then try to figure out how we can look better than we are now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I'll think about it.<</say>>
<<set $ChristmasOn = 5>>\
<<set $ChristmasHomeless = 1>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]<<md>>At first, I had almost no ideas. The task seemed too unrealistic.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara has been in office for several years and here she has much more experience than me. If she couldn't think of anything, then how would I know how to help the school?<</md>>
<<md>>But the further I thought, the more a simple thought came to me. If people should like the school, even more than usual, then there is no better way to understand how to go to see how people live and what worries them.<</md>>
<<md>>And I know where to go...<</md>>
[[To park|ChristmasHomeless2]]<<md>>The park is quite noisy today. On any other day I e then it might b s anger, even in s lead out of himself, but not today. No, today I am ready for this rumble of human voices, because they will prompt me the correct solution to the problem with all that is happening around. It is only important to hear.<</md>>
<<text y "Two hours later">>
<<addhours 2>>\
<<md>>I think I overestimated my plan. Here people were not interested in anything except their own desires and problems. Even so, they were quite mundane. It is unlikely that school will be able to calm down a hormonal surge or a broken heart. And yet they are so hilarious. However, this is not a reason to linger here. There's nothing else to catch here.<</md>>
<<md>>I know exactly where I'm lucky...<</md>>
<<md>>If there is a place where people pour out their souls and where you can understand what worries them the most, this is here. People come to the bar to get rid of the pain. It doesn't matter how it will be: through a conversation with a bartender, a random stranger, or just for the sake of getting drunk. There is always something or someone whose problems outweigh.<</md>>
<<md>>Speaking of strangers... I see a beautiful girl over there. Perhaps she is the key to solving my problem. I'm sure she has a solution.<</md>>
[[Talk to her|ChristmasHomeless4]]<<md>>After an hour of communication, it turned out that the stranger who smiled sweetly and flirted at me was just a prostitute. No, the problem of prostitution is very important and sometimes it is as acute as my cock is now in my pants, but I don't think Clara will appreciate that.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, having said goodbye to the stranger, and at the same time to the bartender, I left the institution. Thoughts were confused in my head... Why, I drank a few bottles.<</md>>
<<md>>No, there is nothing to look for here. It's time to go home.<</md>>
[[Shit|ChristmasHomeless5]]<<md>>I don't know how I got to the station. My legs did not obey me. Bartender, did you put something in my drink? Or have I just forgotten how to drink?<</md>>
<<md>>Well, to hell with him. Why did I even undertake to help Clara. As if my worries were not enough. Instead, now here...<</md>>
<<md>>No, I won't go home. Now he will vomit. You need to catch your breath a little.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you mind if I sit here?<</say>>
<<md>>Spotting a homeless man, I fell to the ground next to him. It smelled awful, but I didn't care.<</md>>
<<md>>He did not reply to my words and continued to go about his business.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You won't believe what day I had today...<</say>>
<<md>>He didn't care.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So disgusting. I wanted to help people and I lost something...<</say>>
<<md>>Not a word in reply.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You don't know what people care about.<</say>>
<<md>>To my surprise, he raised his head and held out his hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What, give you money?<</say>>
<<md>>The man nodded.<</md>>
[[Alright...|ChristmasHomeless6]]<<say $mc>>Here you are.<</say>>
<<md>>Damn extortionist! From such people I least expected selfish interest. However, can I blame him? His life is not sugar. And on the eve of the holiday, I felt too sorry for him. And suddenly for myself, I gave out:<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Would you like to have a beer with me?<</say>>
<<md>>He nodded and grinned contentedly. I don't know why, but I wanted to buy him a treat, so I trudged back to the bar.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasHomeless = 2>>\
<<set $cash -= 10>>\
[[To bar|Bar - Heaven]]<<md>>When I returned, the man was still there. I handed him the beer and started drinking.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, I don’t understand how to help her with this problem. This is strange. You can always do something better, but I have no idea how.<</say>>
<<md>>And suddenly he gave out words from which I almost sobered up. He said a simple thing. That everyone loves good people. Why don't we become like that and do a concert in the name of helping the homeless.<</md>>
<<md>>This is brilliant!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you. You... You saved my life.<</say>>
<<md>>I handed him another ten and rushed home. However, joy is joy, but I still vomited. Well, at least when I got home I was already relatively sober.<</md>>
<<md>>You will need to talk to Clara about this thought.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasHomeless = 3>>\
[[Tomorrow|My room]]<<md>>In contrast to the previous days, Clara seems quite cheerful and not at all alarmed. It seems that everything began to improve for her. I think then my proposal will please her even more.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, good afternoon.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Ah, $mc.Name. Good day. Have you figured out how we can solve our problem?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>In general, yes.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>And how?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You said you wanted to get public approval, right?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes exactly.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then we need to dedicate this concert to those from whom the public prefers to turn away. Homeless. Let's make a concert in their honor. Perhaps we will even raise money to help them.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>You know, that doesn't seem like such a bad idea.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good! Glad you like it.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Then you will do it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What, why me?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>The idea is yours. This means that no one can implement it better than you. Plus, you said you heard Lexi and Veronica talking. If they are up to something, you can help us prevent this bacchanalia.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>They respect you. Although it is better to say adore. The chance that they will commit their atrocities in front of you is significantly lower than if someone else is doing it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's good if you think so.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Talk to Linda, she will tell you everything you need to know.<</say>>
<<md>>What have I gotten myself into?<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasHomeless = 4>>\
<<set $ChristmasDecoration = 1>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]
<<say $Linda>>Hi, golden, can I help you with something?<</say>>
<<md>>Linda greets me with a happy smile as usual.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes it would be nice. Clara put me in charge of the Christmas talent competition and concert.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, so now everything will fall into your strong beautiful hands, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think, yes.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>This is good, then you will take care of us all. Hehe. Perhaps, once you are free, you will even take care of me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Quite possibly, Linda. So what do I have to do?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>For a start it would be nice to decorate the school. But since there are usually many students here, it is better to do this after the lessons. Come to me and I will give you everything you need for this task.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Ah, and one more thing. This work is not too fast, so I advise you to choose your own assistant. So the work will go faster and you can get closer to your Christmas miracle.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What are you talking about?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Wishes always come true at Christmas. No matter how depraved they are. Just remember this.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda winked at me and then I walked away.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasDecoration = 2>>\
[[Leave|School reception]]<<md>>So, here it is, the time when all the students scatter home, which means the best time to decorate the school. Just no one will bother me to do this not the easiest occupation.<</md>>
<<md>>Looking at the corridor, I finally realized how huge it is. Yes, Linda was right and the work here is not that much - it will take more than one hour. But if I do not work alone, then everything will certainly take less time. I just need to determine if I need help and if I need someone's help.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasDecoration = 3>>\
[[Sophia|ChristmasDecorationSophia]] <<md>>I cannot imagine a better assistant in this matter than Lucy. She will always come to the rescue when others refuse. She is full of energy and optimism, so she and I will perfectly match in this matter. And not only in this haha!<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Do you need my help?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I plan to decorate the school and turn it into a real fairytale palace for our students.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Ah, Christmas. How I love this time. Okay, let's start then.<</say>>
<<set $ChristmasDecorationLucy = 1>>\
[[Start decorating|ChristmasDecorationLucy2]]<<md>>After receiving all the necessary items from Linda, we started cleaning. Taking a glass ball in my hands, I felt warm in my soul.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Do you love Christmas, $mc.Name?<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy smiled at me, decorating several windows with me.<</md>>
<<md>>Christmas has always been associated with fond memories for me. As a child, my father decorated the house and everywhere in the house there was such a cozy atmosphere that I always felt like I was in a fairy tale. It was always a very interesting event, even as I got older I remembered that no Santa exists.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, it's a very wonderful holiday.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl chuckled.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>I thought you were a man of science and you don't believe in anything like that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>This doesn't stop me from wanting a miracle for myself.<</say>>
<<md>>A ringing laugh flew across the hall.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Ha ha, right!<</say>>
<<md>>One by one, decorations transformed every room we were in.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And you, Lucy?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, yes, I adore it. All these garlands, songs, decorations... It makes you feel love for everyone around you. You feel that you are a part of something more.<</say>>
<<md>>When I put my hand into the box to take another toy and decorate the hall with it, Lucy and I touch.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>I think we wanted to take one toy.<</say>>
<<md>>I gave her a gentle smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Or not a toy at all...<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Already chose a gift, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, there is one!<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy laughed loudly and carefully, as if afraid of offending me, took her hand away. We continued to decorate the school, turning every corner of it into a fairy tale kingdom. When we finished, I even stopped recognizing our school. She has become quite beautiful. As did Lucy next to me, who shone like a Christmas tree.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasDecoration = 4>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]] <<md>>Sophia is the best choice in this difficult business. Her desire to make the school better is obvious without further ado. Although it may seem to a not too observant person that she is indifferent or even cold, which in fact is not at all the case.<</md>>
<<md>>She cares about the welfare of the school, the peace of the students, especially one of her projects. And so I will only choose her.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Why should I help?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice sounded very hostile, but this is hard to fool me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Because you want to make the school nice?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Well... it looks like you're not as blind as the others. Of course, I will be happy to help you, although I do not like this holiday.<</say>>
<<set $ChristmasDecorationSophia = 1>>\
[[Start decorating|ChristmasDecorationSophia2]]<<md>>When I received the items I needed from Linda, the desire to start cleaning immediately overwhelmed me. But in Sophia I have not seen anything like it. Moreover, she seemed a little sad.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why don't you like Christmas?<</say>>
<<md>>She turned in my direction and shook her head.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>> I don't, so I don't love him... It seems to me too overrated. There are many holidays that deserve as much love as Christmas.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, in some ways you're right. But is it bad that people believe in miracles?<</say>>
<<md>>Sophia threw up her hands.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>I do not know. Maybe. So let's do a miracle for others.<</say>>
<<md>>We started decorating the corridor with Christmas decorations.<</md>>
<<md>>First, we hung Christmas tree garlands on the doors of the classroom, then we hung a couple of our joint projects in the assembly hall - two of my black and white photos (one with wings, and the other with a hare) and one depicting a winter that we did not have.<</md>>
<<md>>Hoping to entertain a woman , I picked up a melody that th I reminded about this bright holiday . The melody at first seemed empty and meaningless to me, but, fortunately, I liked it. Its sound was very pleasant, there was something of silence and tranquility in it.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Thanks, I needed that.<</say>>
<<md>>Sophia's voice was low.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's my pleasure.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>You know, I'm pleased...<</say>>
<<md>>And at that moment, standing on the desk, decorating the window with a garland, she flew down. But her flight was short-lived. I made it just in time.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Where are you going, Sophia?<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes were too close to mine, so I just smiled.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>I... Looks like a Christmas tree.<</say>>
<<md>>Indeed, the garland was wrapped around her as if she were a tree.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let me help you.<</say>>
<<md>>Having freed Sophia from the captivity of colored lights, we continued to decorate the school, turning every corner of it into a fairy tale kingdom. When we finished, I even stopped recognizing our school. She has become quite beautiful. As did Lucy next to me, who shone like a Christmas tree.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasDecoration = 4>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]] <<say $Clara>>I see you did a great job decorating the school.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I think so too.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay, then the talent competition shouldn't be too hard for you, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>That is great. It will take several days, so it can choose a time convenient for you. When you're ready, let Linda know. Now forgive me, I have something to do. Have a nice day.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Have a nice day.<</say>>
<<set $ChristmasTalentCompetition = 1>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]] <<md>>So, it's time to deal with this talent competition. Still, I don't think Lexi and Veronica will just be left behind.<</md>>
<<md>>I managed to tell Clara that the girls were up to something. Now she's hung it all up on me. I won't say that it bothers me too much, but it seems to me that Clara just happily got rid of all her duties.<</md>>
<<md>>However, what to regret now. Christmas is a time to help each other, right?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Linda, hi.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh golden, hello. How can I help you today?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think you know Clara mentioned this. Talent show.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Ah, yes, I remember something like that. It seems we now have a new owner. I still can't stop looking at how beautiful it became at our school.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, this is hardly better than what Clara did in the past.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Better believe me. Okay, let's see what the girls have in store for you this year. I'm sure something is so depraved.<</say>>
<<md>>She talks about it with such enthusiasm that I even feel a little uneasy. However, I'm going after Linda.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>But don't worry, I won't leave you alone to be torn apart by the walking seduction.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What are you talking about?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Clara took into account that you are a man, and most of the participants in the competition will be girls. At the very least, you will not be able to be objective, so I will help you in your judgments.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So, I still do not leave to fend for themselves.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Never, golden, never.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, at least it's a little calming. Although I was thinking, if I were alone, I could make them do whatever I want. And so, it turns out not quite. Okay, maybe it’s even for the best.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasTalentCompetition = 2>>\
[[To the hall|ChristmasTalentCompetition3]]<<md>>So far, there is no one in the assembly hall, but everything around and whispered that it would be a festive concert. Christmas decorations (which I did not hang) are hung everywhere, and the way everything is displayed also screamed about this.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You have already prepared everything, I'm looking.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Agree that you need to prepare in such a festive atmosphere, otherwise the girls will not feel the spirit of the holiday.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You love Christmas too.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Of course, golden. I remember how once Santa gave me a big and juicy cock under the tree... But let's not talk about it. Oh, here are the first visitors.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda, obviously realizing that she had shaken too much, went to meet two girls I knew. They directly shone with joy, so I am more pleased to watch them than usual. Not the least role was played by the fact that they were wearing very cute outfits.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica! Fiona! Glad to see you.<</say>>
<<md>>Our two ideal female students smiled happily at my words.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Will you participate too?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Yes, sir, every year I participate in the competition and almost always take the first place.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona straightened a lock of her hair and looked at me.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, I can't imagine this competition without Fiona.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica said these words modestly without undue contempt. Amazing. I never thought, but essentially these girls are competitors. They both go to school favorites. This means that they are targeting the same place. And at the same time, looking at them, I do not see any rivals in them. No, they communicate nicely and look more like girlfriends.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sure you both will show what you are capable of today.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Indeed, Mr. $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Required.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I'll look forward to your performance.<</say>>
<<md>>I said goodbye to the girls and went to see Linda, because I realized that I had no answer to the main question.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How many girls should there be?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Do you mean the competition or the winners?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Rather both of these options.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Well, there are usually about 5 dozen girls at the competition. Among them, we select a dozen winners who sparkle on stage.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Clear. Thank you, Linda.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Welcome.<</say>>
<<md>>This means that I will be waiting for at least several hours as a judge. Doing this all quickly will not work. Well, well, once a year you can be patient. In addition, perhaps from this competition I can get some benefit for myself.<</md>>
[[Wait for others|ChristmasTalentCompetition4]]
<<md>>It took a long time before other students began to appear in the hall. During this time, I managed to walk around the stadium, drink coffee and have a little talk with Linda.<</md>>
<<md>>When the hall was full enough, those appeared who were extremely stupid not to wait here.<</md>>
<<md>>Lexi and Veronica were dressed quite openly even by the standards of these two.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, what a surprise.<</say>>
<<md>>I tried to show surprise, but it seems to me it turned out very badly.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Mister $mc.Name, what are you doing here? I thought the headmistress would be here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, luckily for you, I'll be here. So, if you want to convey something to her, you can do it through me.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>No. It's even better. Veronica and I would like to participate in the audition.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Really?<</say>>
<<md>>I raised an eyebrow at both girls.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Yes, we realized how important it is...<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi chuckled loudly at her friend's words.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Helping the homeless is a very good goal. And it would be wrong to be remembered only for stupid antics . This is our last year at this school.<</say>>
<<md>>As if you are not planning some stupid trick right now, well, of course!<</md>>
<<md>>However, I didn't show it. They need to keep a calm face, at least until nothing has happened.
<<say $mc>>Well, go take your places, we'll start soon.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Don't you think they're dressed too revealingly?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You expected chastity from them?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Haha, you're completely right. Lexi and Veronica have always been like that. I bet they even in childhood dressed in such a way that all the boys lost their jaw.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, that's for sure. Let's start then?<</say>>
<<md>>She nodded and we started.<</md>>
[[Start|ChristmasTalentCompetition5]]<<md>>Finally it all started. Otherwise it seemed to me that all these preparations and students who all come and come will never end.<</md>>
<<md>>The first was Monica, so I was excited about what this blonde angel could show me. The girl showed that she was a little nervous, so I nodded to her when she went on stage.<</md>>
<<md>>It seems that this added confidence to her, as she slightly nodded back to me, and then proceeded to the beginning of the number. At first, her voice was trembling, but as soon as she opened her mouth, I knew that a great performance was waiting for me. I would never have thought that Monica had such interesting vocal abilities.<</md>>
<<md>>She sang and this singing made me feel good. I even thought that everything that happens to me here is really interesting. So much fun or something. This song awakened in me. Yes, and Monica herself looked good and directly inspired with all her appearance.<</md>>
<<md>>The next few girls were not remembered by anything, except for a strange and at the same time disgusting number. Who even thought of doing a gargle performance. If this is such a prelude to oral sex, then somehow it is disgusting.<</md>>
<<md>>Oh, here's Fiona. Why does she have such a big cart? Did she steal it from the supermarket? There were several dozen bottles inside the cart. But as soon as she got out a few of them, I already knew what she was going to do. Bottleflip. One by one, the bottles turned over in the air and neatly dropped to the bottom. But Fiona wouldn't be Fiona if she didn't want to do everything better than others. The bottles are already in a row, but the pyramid is already starting to build from them.<</md>>
<<md>>When she finishes the pyramid becomes the size of a man.<</md>>
<<md>>Bravo, Fiona, that's the show!<</md>>
<<md>>Liana and Chloe were next. Magnificent girls, white dresses, all that... I thought that they were actually having an evening, but they started it all drunk. But Chloe... She looked very shy. Apparently, she ended up on this show by pure chance. But honestly, if I were in her place, I would also be shy. Poor thing.<</md>>
<<md>>Dozens of female students performed in front of me, but they all looked too impersonal.<</md>>
<<md>>And finally, what I have been waiting for almost the whole evening. Lexi and Veronica.<</md>>
<<md>>They always looked different, even in a casual setting, but now they stood out too much from the crowd. And the speech is not even in a revealing outfit. They looked like they didn't belong here.<</md>>
<<md>>And by going on stage, they instantly demonstrated it. What a strange music started to play, the girls went on stage and started dancing. Although it is difficult to call it dancing, they moved as if they were constantly being electrocuted.<</md>>
<<if $VeronicaImage6Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage6Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>I was already yawning with boredom when their clothes, like leaves in autumn, began to fall on the stage. But this is interesting.<</md>>
<<md>>Apparently, these clothes on the girls were not intended for dancing, but for one particular sexual act. The act of my seduction. At first, I saw breasts with beautiful girlish nipples that stuck out so seductively.<</md>>
<<md>>The girls merged in a kiss, from which there was very little space in my pants.<</md>>
<<md>>And then the last protection slipped down - their not too big panties.<</md>>
<<md>>And when there were almost no clothes left on them, they, as if on command, stopped and turned to me. And it seemed to me that I managed to catch their eye. We looked at each other for only a second, but I will remember him for the rest of my life.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Stop. Girls are unacceptable! Go get dressed !. Right, Mr. $mc.Name?<</say>>
<<md>>But I looked at them fascinated. After all those boring numbers that I happened to see, it was very interesting entertainment.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Probably...<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi smiled and picked up her clothes.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>So, that's it for today. Mr. $mc.Name and I will tell you the results tomorrow.<</say>>
<<md>>The hall was quickly empty.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>I expected some kind of trick from them, but undress in front of everyone...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can't refuse their courage.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>I think if Clara were here, everything would have gone... less democratic.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Have you already decided on the winners?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>No, I still need to think it over. We will decide everything tomorrow. For now, you better rest and free your head from what you saw. Especially from Lexi and Veronica.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha ha. Not that I want to forget it.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Men...<</say>>
<<md>>Okay, it's time to really go to freshen up my head a little. I think the beach is better for this than others.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasTalentCompetition = 3>>\
[[Leave|Beach]] <<md>>Yesterday was full of events. It is really very difficult for me to make decisions in such matters, especially when the struggle for participation in the competition is so big. In fact, this is even surprising, because this is not a beauty pageant or something like that. Who won for me personally? Now it is difficult to say something about it. It may be worth consulting with Clara or Lucy before making a decision. I'll think about it when I'm in school.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasTalentCompetition = 5>>\
[[Yeah|My room]]<<md>>Well, it's time to make a decision about which of the girls I liked the most. This is a very important decision, and it may even depend on it whether the school will rise in the eyes of the public as Clara wants or will fall even deeper.<</md>>
<<md>>But before that it’s worth deciding whether I should consult with someone on this matter.<</md>>
[[Ask Linda|ChristmasDecisionChoiceLinda]]
[[Ask Clara|ChristmasDecisionChoiceClara]]
[[I can do it myself |ChristmasDecisionChoiceNone]]<<md>>Since Clara decided that Linda's help would not hurt me, it means she trusts both of us enough. Therefore, asking for advice from your colleague in this matter will not be superfluous at all.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hi, Linda.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, hello, golden. Are you ready to give your verdict to naked girls?<</say>>
<<md>>Linda chuckled loudly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Not really. I think I should ask knowledgeable people.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>So what are you waiting for? Oh, you're talking about me now, aren't you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. I would like to hear what you think.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Well, this is a very difficult question, $mc.Name. I think you agree that Fiona, Monica and Lexi and Veronica did the best.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi with Veronica? Are you sure?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Yes, I can treat them as I like, but you were right. They are bold enough. Perhaps this excessive courage is exactly what we need now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So what you want is to elect them.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>No, I didn't say that, golden. You still don't understand women. Each of them seeks your approval, obviously. And if you single out one of them, then there is a possibility that others will perceive it badly.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But this is a competition. There are always losers here.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Not really. We can announce all four girls as winners. Let's do what we've never done if we want to help our school. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, this is very good advice, thanks. I have to think it over on the way. Are we going to the hall?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Yes, let's go.<</say>>
<<set $ChristmasChoiceAdviceLinda = 1>>\
[[To the hall|ChristmasTalentDecisionPrelude]]<<md>>This concert is very important for Clara. Its whole point is to help the school. The school is nothing but the brainchild of Clara. Because who better to ask what is wrong with the child, except for the mother?<</md>>
<<md>>Besides, she entrusted me with the leadership of something really important, so...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, can I?<</say>>
<div id="message-placeholder"></div>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image4", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, of course, come in, $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>How are the preparations for the concert going? I know that Lexi and Veronica have done some very unpleasant things.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, for some they are unpleasant, but for some they are quite good.
<<say $Clara>>Well, I will not deny this fact either. Although I think girls deserve punishment for their defiant behavior.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's up to you to decide, Clara. But I came to you for advice.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Advice? I thought you didn't need my advice.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I also thought so when I started doing this concert.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh, important choice problems...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's them. It seems to me if I choose the wrong one.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>The end of the world will not happen. I will not hide this concert is really important to me, but even if everything goes wrong. Well, I know how to fix it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But who should I choose in this case?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I can't decide for you. You are a free man. But if I were you, I would choose Monica. If I wanted everything to go perfect.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>The rest can ruin the whole holiday. Besides, Monica's voice is quite charming, isn't it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. Well, thanks for the advice. It's time for me to go.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I hope it helped a little. And if so, you owe me a bottle of wine.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Agreed, boss!<</say>>
<<set $ChristmasChoiceAdviceClara = 1>>\
[[To the hall|ChristmasTalentDecisionPrelude]]<<md>>This decision is made only by me. If I ask someone for advice, their words will definitely influence me and my preferences. And in this case, you need to maintain a crystal understanding of your taste.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, it is better to avoid unnecessary advice and...<</md>>
[[To the hall|ChristmasTalentDecisionPrelude]]<<md>>The hall is full of people as soon as I enter it. All these eyes looking curiously at me... They are just waiting for me to name only their name and be able to participate in the competition.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Good afternoon, students. Thank you for coming. We know that yesterday was not easy for each of you, but...<</say>>
<<md>>And suddenly from the crowd, someone shouted "results", which were picked up by other students.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Good good. We heard you. Mr. $mc.Name will decide. I will give him the floor.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, yesterday was not easy. But that's not what you want to hear, is it? I picked a winner and this...<</say>>
<<if $ChristmasChoiceAdviceClara == 1>>\
<<md>>Without a doubt, among all the girls who performed yesterday, Monica struck me the most. Her almost angelic appearance and modesty are exactly what can move the heart of anyone. In an age when everywhere you are told that the less clothes a girl wears the better; that modesty can hardly achieve anything... She perfectly demonstrates how all these statements are false. Man is an animal only as much as he allows himself to be.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, there can be only one winner. And this is Monica.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I'll be lying if I say that your performance left at least one of those present indifferent. Therefore, I think you deserve first place.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks sir. It is an honor.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Sorry, but it won't.<</say>>
<<set $ChristmasTalentWinnerMonica = 1>>\
[[What...|ChristmasTalentDecisionFinale1]]<<md>>I really liked Monica's speech yesterday. It was so restrained, but at the same time quite sensual. Her song spoke to me on a completely different level. On the one that touched something secret and hidden somewhere deep.<</md>>
<<md>>Besides, Clara is right. If we want everything to go smoothly, give free rein to those girls who can ruin everything with the stupidest decision of all. Unleash Lexi when Monica is there? No, what nonsense!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I'll be lying if I say that your performance left at least one of those present indifferent. Therefore, I think you deserve first place.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks sir. It is an honor.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Sorry, but it won't.<</say>>
<<set $ChristmasTalentWinnerMonica = 1>>\
[[What...|ChristmasTalentDecisionFinale1]]<<md>>Yesterday's performance was remembered for many things, but I still can't get Fiona out of my head. Speech is not even in her as a person, but rather in the skill that she demonstrated.<</md>>
<<md>>The level of training that the ideal student showed her is simply beyond my understanding. She trained for this performance more than once or twice. This is even more surprising when you consider that I have always considered bottle flip to be just a stupid game. But now he impressed me so much...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona, your skill could not go unnoticed. At first I thought it was a pretty stupid idea, but this is a pyramid... It's just... wow. I do not have enough words to express my admiration for what I saw. Therefore, I believe that you are the one who deserves the first place.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Thanks sir. I am very glad that such an excellent teacher like you liked my speech.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Sorry, but it won't.<</say>>
<<set $ChristmasTalentWinnerFiona = 1>>\
[[What...|ChristmasTalentDecisionFinale1]]<<md>>Sharing a pair of Lexi and Veronica is not an easy task. These two girls are so often together that I sometimes forget that they are not even sisters. Yes, and they had a performance in pairs. Which, however, did not come as a surprise to me at all.<</md>>
<<md>>Their courage won me over. Yes, these girls are known for their antics, but I want to believe that this was not just a stupid rebellion. No, this is rather an attempt to be bolder, to go beyond. And what if that's what we need now?<</md>>
<<md>>But there should be only one winner, so I will choose Veronica. I think she's just more worthy to be a winner. Or do I only give preference because the girl has good looks?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, your performance yesterday shook me to the very core of my soul.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>I even know to what depth.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>In general, I think the school needs someone as brave. Because for me, you took first place.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>WHAT! THE! Crap!<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Lexi, I...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Veronica, that was my plan! You stole my victory!<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>No, I don't need your stupid victory! If you want - take it!<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Sorry, but it won't.<</say>>
<<set $ChristmasTalentWinnerVeronica = 1>>\
[[What...|ChristmasTalentDecisionFinale1]]<<md>>Dividing a pair of Lexi and Veronica is not an easy task. These two girls are so often together that I sometimes forget that they are not even sisters. Yes, and they had a performance in pairs. Which, however, did not come as a surprise to me at all.<</md>>
<<md>>Their courage won me over. Yes, these girls are known for their antics, but I want to believe that this was not just a stupid rebellion. No, this is rather an attempt to be bolder, to go beyond. And what if that's what we need now?<</md>>
<<md>>No doubt Veronica did well, but I know whose idea it really is. Lexi is at the head of this insanely cute idea, so the victory belongs to her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yesterday's performance by Lexi and Veronica surprised me no less than yours. But it took a lot of courage to do that. That is why you have taken a special place for me Lexi.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>You just couldn't resist the naked girl, Mr. $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You got me through. Haha.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Sorry, but it won't.<</say>>
<<set $ChristmasTalentWinnerLexi = 1>>\
[[What...|ChristmasTalentDecisionFinale1]]<<say $mc>>What, Linda, what are you talking about? You said yourself what was up to me?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>It was a test of how open-minded you are. It is sometimes difficult for men to choose, because they think with their dick.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But my choice is quite reasonable.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Perhaps so, but we cannot afford the luxury of risking so much.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You mean we won't have a winner?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>It will, of course. I announce Fiona, Monica, Veronica and Lexi the winners of the talent competition. Now they will all be performing at the Christmas concert.<</say>>
[[Huh|ChristmasTalentDecisionFinale2]]<<say $mc>>So my decision didn't mean anything?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, don't be sad, golden, it's not about you, but the good of the school. For Clara, this is the most important thing. That's why I'm here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But shouldn't we come to some common decision?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>No, not in this case. But don't be sad - your choice was not in vain.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What do you mean?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>The Christmas concert needs a special number. And you and your chosen one will prepare it.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. And most of them weren't decent.<</md>>
<<if $ChristmasTalentWinnerLexi == 1>>\
<<say $Lexi>> Four winners? It sucks! This bitch knows nothing!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes she is.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>I can beat her right here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, Lexi, you shouldn't.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Are you sure?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Well, it still sucks. Bye!<</say>>
[[Bye|School reception]]
<<elseif $ChristmasTalentWinnerMonica == 1>>\
<<say $Monica>>Don't worry, I'm not worried about not winning? Let there be a team, if so.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But we know who really won.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> Yes, thank you for your support.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It means nothing right now.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> No,it means a lot.<</say>>
[[I hope...|School reception]]
<<elseif $ChristmasTalentWinnerVeronica == 1>>\
<<say $Veronica>>Don't worry, I'm not worried about not winning? Let there be a team, if so.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But we know who really won.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes, thank you for your support.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It means nothing right now.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>No,it means a lot.<</say>>
[[I hope...|School reception]]
<<elseif $ChristmasTalentWinnerFiona == 1>>\
<<say $Fiona>>Don't worry, I'm not worried about not winning? Let there be a team, if so.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But we know who really won.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes, thank you for your support.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It means nothing right now.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>No,it means a lot.<</say>>
[[I hope...|School reception]]
<<md>>The news that I have to practice a special number does not make me happy at all. For some reason it seemed to me that Monica would simply have to perform with the same number as at the talent competition and everyone would be happy.<</md>>
<<md>>But it looks like Clara and Linda had a different plan from the start. Now the girl will face several days of torment, and this is at best.<</md>>
<<md>>However, I am sure that Monica will not give up here.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hi Monica.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Good evening, Mr. $mc.Name. Didn't know that you have my page.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, you are one of the main students of this school. It would be strange if I did not look after you with one eye.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Only one?<</say>>
<<md>>Even without seeing her face, I know that Monica is smiling on the other side of the monitor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let it remain my little secret. I wanted to ask what are you planning to do with a special number?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>You have nothing to worry about. I knew there could be something like that. Therefore, I prepared a special song.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Glad to hear that, but now I'm in charge of you.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>So you have to control it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Then come tomorrow after 3 p.m to the hall, I'll be there.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, good night, Monica.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>See you later.<</say>>
<<md>>Hopefully everything is really as good as she wants to show me.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasTalentWinnerMonica = 2>>\
[[Leave her page|My room]]<<md>>Yes, life is full of surprises that you never expect. I never thought that Linda would do that. She seemed very reliable and one who is not capable of giving me unnecessary trouble. But instead, I get a terrible result. Special number...<</md>>
<<md>>My phone is bursting with vibration as I float in the clouds. Damn, it's Fiona!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Fiona.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Hello, Mr. $mc.Name. I hope you are not overly worried about that little incident?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Which one?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>With our secretary. She did what was best for the school.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know it. It just looks like a betrayal.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>She didn't betray anyone.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not sure.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Well, formally. She doesn't owe any of us anything. Except for Miss Oswald. She tamed her and pays money.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>An argument that is hard to argue with.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>And still, you worry.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Little. Sorry that it happened.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>You are not guilty of anything, there is no need to apologize. And as for the number, if it becomes easier for you, I already know what I will demonstrate. It will be just a bomb!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds like a plan.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Still would! I thought of everything. Come to the hall tomorrow after 15.00, I will be waiting for you there.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, Fiona, see you.<</say>>
<<set $ChristmasTalentWinnerFiona = 2>>\
[[Hang up|Home corridor]] <<md>>Special number...<</md>>
<<md>>When I hear such words, the worst thoughts wake up in my head. You seem to be exposing yourself to the public, while others are ready to throw a stone at you. A special number also means that the attention will be special. And there is always the possibility of undue critical attention to your person.<</md>>
<<md>>It is unlikely that Veronica should be afraid of such attention, she and Lexi have earned a very prejudiced attitude towards themselves one way or another. However, even so it doesn't make things any easier. I am sure we are in for a sea of problems and troubles.<</md>>
<<md>>I dial the phone number, but no one answers me. She might be busy right now, don't be nervous. But I am haunted by a very strange premonition. Should have chosen another girl, Veronica is very unreliable.<</md>>
<<md>>Almost an hour passed, and she never called back. Perhaps I should look for her where she used her powers of persuasion on me?<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, that would be a good idea.<</md>>
[[Go to the park|SpecialNumberVeronicaStart2]] <<md>>And although it is almost night outside, I notice something familiar. It’s a plume of smoke at first, but I can see through it. It...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, it's you. You went out late for a walk.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don't need a walk. I'm here because of you.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Do you want me to quit smoking because you chose me? Ha, you just fell for my sexy body.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, it's your business.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Then do you really want to see him? Didn't know that you are a fan of such places...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What? No, Veronica. I'm here for a special number.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>What's wrong with it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You performed the number with Lexi and it was clear. But now you have to perform it yourself. Don't you worry.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Actually... I'm very worried. I didn't want to get into this at all, but Lexi forced me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know, I heard your conversation in the corridor then.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>I knew you were eavesdropping.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, you have to be ready for everyone.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>So do you have an idea for a special number? I think I work better in pairs than alone.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think I'll have it by tomorrow. Let's meet tomorrow after 15.00 in the hall and I'll show you everything.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Don't forget the condom! Ha ha!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You too! Ha ha!<</say>>
<<set $ChristmasTalentWinnerVeronica = 2>>\
[[Back|Park]] <<md>>Special number...<</md>>
<<md>>When I say that, I immediately think of Lexi. Because among all the students of this school, she has a special number. If someone is able to cope with a special number and surprise everyone, then this baby.<</md>>
<<md>>She has this unbridled wild desire for rebellion and at the same time some kind of playful childish innocence. Her antics have long ceased to amaze everyone, but it seems to me that many have ceased to see in her more than a simple rebel. As if it is just convenient for people to see such a person in her.<</md>>
<<md>>What is it? Has someone come?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Good evening, Mr. Hipster... Or whatever you are...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, are you drunk?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>No, I drank quite a bit.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> You can't stand on your feet. Let me take you home.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>No, I have to say that without Veronica... I won't be able to perform.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can.<</say>>
[[Ride her home|SpecialNumberLexiStart2]] <<say $mc>>I'm sure there is only one person in the school who is able to captivate everyone.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Veronica?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, Lexi, it's you. You have a special talent for making friends.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Looks like I already got your boyfriend. Do you want a blowjob?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What? No, Lexi, the driver is here...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>This is lovely.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, Lexi. Ah, this is your home. Remember what I said.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>L-a-a-bottom.<</say>>
<<set $ChristmasTalentWinnerLexi = 2>>\
[[Go home|Home corridor]] <<md>>Although I was worried a lot, I still went to the hall, where Monica was supposed to be waiting for me. However, I saw anyone, but not a girl with blonde hair. Life was in full swing around, but Monica was not there. Was she cowardly?<</md>>
<<md>>This thought swirled around me, but suddenly Monica appeared at the entrance. She was not as happy as in our last meeting.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, what happened?<</say>>
<<md>>But as soon as she opened her mouth, everything became clear to me.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I... My voice... There is something wrong with it.<</say>>
<<md>>I took the girl by the arms and sat her on a chair.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's okay, Monica. You're just worried.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I have never had such anxiety before. Everything was fine yesterday. I sang this song 15 times, but now...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry. You will succeed.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>But how...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll take care of everything. Just wait a couple of minutes.<</say>>
[[To the canteen|SpecialNumberMonica2]]<<md>>If I learned something from my first relationship, it is that for a singer there is nothing more important than his voice. And there are a lot of recovery methods, but I am interested in the simplest of them. I don't have a lot of money, but I have a good memory and fiction.<</md>>
<<md>>Just a few minutes of communication is enough for me to create a miracle cocktail for Monica. She will definitely like it.<</md>>
[[Back to Monica|SpecialNumberMonica3]]<<md>>Making a nervous girl wait was very, very wrong of me. Therefore, I tried to be back in the gym as soon as possible. And while everyone else had something to do, the girl looked more like a lost kitten.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Mr. $mc.Name. What is it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Your salvation.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl reluctantly took the plastic glass of the drink from my hands.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Will it help me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Moreover, you will sing like never before.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica without hesitation drank it all in one gulp, coughing a little.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It will get easier now.<</say>>
<<md>>That before that can burn like in Hell, I tactfully kept silent. There is no need to scare the girl. Moreover, this result was only once. And only me.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I think I feel better.<</say>>
<<md>>She lied, of course. But in just 10 minutes she already felt much better, so we started training. Her voice sounded very beautiful and I had no doubts that Monica would cope with what she was assigned.<</md>>
<<md>>The concert will be a phenomenal success!<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasTalentWinnerMonica = 3>>\
[[Yeah|School reception]] <<md>>The time has come. Doomsday has come and now ghosts are walking over my soul!<</md>>
<<md>>I think I should watch fewer feature films...<</md>>
<<md>>I go to the gym hoping that everything will go as Fiona assured me. The last thing I need right now is failure. But if anyone is capable of creating a Christmas miracle, then this is it.<</md>>
<<md>>There are already a lot of people in the hall, but Phi is shining like a star in the center of the stage. And it's not even her shiny dress. There is some kind of invisible confidence in her that she radiated.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's nice to see that you are not wasting any time.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>If you allow yourself to relax, then everything will be terrible.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sure you can handle everything.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>As if I have a way out!<</say>>
<<md>>Haha, here she is right. We were all presented with a fact, but this is what unites us...<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Aah! A curse!<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona screamed and the pyramid she had built so carefully fell apart. The girl herself grabbed her hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you okay?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Hand aches a little. I'll be fine. We need to train further.<</say>>
<<md>>She made an attempt to toss another bottle up, but judging by her face, it only brought her pain and disappointment.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You won't achieve anything if you strain yourself so much now. I think I need to help your hand a little.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>No, you shouldn't...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona, don't even start. Either you listen to me now and we are performing well, or you can show character and we all lose.<</say>>
<<md>>She clearly did not like what she heard.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Laaad.<</say>>
<<md>>I went to the infirmary, where I got an ointment and some elastic bandages. This should be enough to solve our problem.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Try to move. Not too tight?<</say>>
<<md>>Having tied the girl's hand, I looked at her. The ointment should work soon, so no problems should arise.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>No, everything is okay.<</say>>
<<md>>After these words, she began to train again. Now every movement was easier for her. So much so that I had no doubt: she will definitely succeed.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasTalentWinnerFiona = 3>>\
[[Yeah|School reception]] <<md>>I don’t know, or choosing Veronica for a special number was my best idea. On the other hand, I could not even imagine that my choice would lead exactly to this. I can't even imagine how Linda could have conceived this...<</md>>
<<md>>However, it's already time and there is no time to feel sorry for myself, so I go to the gym. Surely Veronica is not there yet, but...<</md>>
<<md>>The surprise is hardly waiting for me, I go into the hall. No, we are not even talking about the provocative position in which the girl was now. No, I was rather surprised that Miss Rodriguez showed up on time. For some reason, during our last meeting, it seemed to me that she would do anything just not to participate in this booth.<</md>>
<<md>>But, nevertheless, she is here, without my persuasion, scandals or anything like that. This is just some kind of surprise.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Ah, I thought you wouldn’t come.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica smiled, barely seeing me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Can I leave you alone in this situation?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Why not? Lexi left. She doesn't even talk to me after what happened. How can I perform knowing that my best friend won't appreciate it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She will understand. With time. But now...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>No time for reflection?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly, we must prepare, because now is not that much time.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>What are you up to?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, you'll like it.<</say>>
<<md>>All last night I thought that I could attract more attention than two naked girls on stage. It was very provocative of them and now it was really hard for me to come up with something more difficult.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We'll make them feel you.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica looked at me in bewilderment. Well, if someone told me something like that, I would also be surprised. But I knew that we would succeed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You will masturbate on stage.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Is this your plan?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, this is quite provocative. But listen...<</say>>
<<md>>And I told her about my plan. When she goes on stage, she will take off all her clothes and start smoking weed. Then everything will be covered with smoke and we will be able to show, barely distinguishable in the smoke, how she plays with herself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thus, we will not only shock them, but also raise an important topic. The harm of drugs.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Sounds great, but... should I train in front of all these people?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It seemed to me that nothing bothered you when you performed naked on stage.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes. And it won't. I can handle everything.<</say>>
<<md>>And I knew she could handle it. Whatever they say behind her back, she will definitely cope.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasTalentWinnerVeronica = 3>>\<<md>>Time passed very quickly. The time has come quickly enough. It's time when too many people gathered in the hall to appreciate our work. So much depends on today's performance.<</md>>
<<md>>I nodded to Clara as she walked by. The director still hopes that everyone will like my idea. And judging by the fact that there is simply no overcrowding in the hall - the idea is very, very successful. At least, the attention of the public is definitely guaranteed to us.<</md>>
<<md>>When they announce the beginning, for some reason I feel a little uncomfortable. I think it's because I've never worried about someone's performance so much. I became attached to girls, to this atmosphere of rehearsals...<</md>>
<<md>>However, as soon as the concert began, all my attention was riveted there. Other girls are already performing, they are applauded. It looks like she will be there now...<</md>>
<<md>>And here is my girl. I don't know why I think so of her, but her performance is the most precious thing to me now.<</md>>
<<md>>For me, it has become something of a bright spotlight during these holidays. I love to watch how she behaves on stage. It's so good that I can't hide my feelings even from Clara.<</md>>
<<md>>And when she turns to me and, smiling, looks me straight in the eyes, I feel just incredible bliss.<</md>>
<<md>>The performance began and with a sinking heart I catch every movement, every tremor. Of course she's worried. It is impossible to be completely calm, especially when doing something like that.<</md>>
<<md>>However, all her excitement is rewarded at the end, when the audience bursts into applause. It was magical and bold. She's great.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>It seems that you were right after all. People really liked our performance and what we did it for.<</say>>
<<md>>After the end of the concert, Clara came up to me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, the image of the school has been restored again.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>It's too early to think about it, but very likely.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Glad to hear that.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Without a doubt, you deserve your award. Take a look at my office tomorrow.<</say>>
<<if $ChristmasTalentWinnerMonica == 3 >>\
<<set $ChristmasTalentWinnerMonica = 4>>\
<<if $ChristmasTalentWinnerFiona == 3 >>\
<<set $ChristmasTalentWinnerFiona = 4>>\
<<if $ChristmasTalentWinnerVeronica == 3 >>\
<<set $ChristmasTalentWinnerVeronica = 4>>\
<<set $ChristmasConcert = 1>>\
[[Leave|School reception]] <<md>>Yesterday's conversation never left my head. Clara said something about a reward. To be honest, I didn't even hope for anything like that, but I don't intend to refuse such an almost Christmas present.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Ah, $mc.Name, come in. Very pleased to see you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's mutual, Clara.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yesterday you showed yourself beyond praise.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Is it just yesterday?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Ha ha, you caught me. You almost always show your best side, but not many have such a bright talent for managing people.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I was just lucky.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Call it whatever you want, but you saved our school in the public eye.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You said it was too early to talk about it.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yesterday. Today all newspapers are full of headlines about us and our successes. And I think you deserve this little present.<</say>>
<<md>>She hands me an envelope.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Here is a small bonus for your successes. Merry Christmas.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Clara.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>And something else. If you want to start preparing a few school concerts, I will gladly entrust it to you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I will think about it.<</say>>
[[Leave her office|ChristmasGiftChoice]]<<md>>A conversation with Clara gave me a simple idea. Yesterday's victory is not only my merit. It would be very foolish to attribute everything to yourself. They helped me a lot and from the success of these people, from their wisdom, patience, endurance and a pinch of madness, nothing would have come of it.<</md>>
<<md>>The award that Clara presented to me was enough to enjoy Christmas alone, but I cannot but congratulate the one who helped me the most in this miracle on this great event. And this...<</md>>
<<if $ChristmasChoiceAdviceClara == 1 >>\
<<if $ChristmasChoiceAdviceLinda == 1 >>\
<<if $ChristmasTalentWinnerMonica == 4 >>\
<<if $ChristmasTalentWinnerLexi == 3 >>\
<<if $ChristmasTalentWinnerFiona == 4>>\
<<if $ChristmasTalentWinnerVeronica == 4>>\
<</if>>\ <<md>>No doubt none of this happened, if I didn't talk to Clara about Lexi and Veronica's plan. Even so, she was not obligated to help me. She has enough worries of her own without arranging a concert. Well, in fact, I organized it, but under her clear leadership.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara showed patience and wisdom in choosing me for this role. In addition, her advice in this regard was invaluable. That is why now I am where I am.<</md>>
<<md>>But just going back isn't an option. No, she deserves something more. Something very interesting. I have to choose a gift she likes.<</md>>
<<md>>I think now is the time to go there before people overwhelm the shops. <</md>>
<<set $ChristmasGiftClara = 1>>\
[[Go to the shop|ChristmasGiftChoiceStore]]<<md>>As usual, even on the day before the holiday, Clara was there.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name? Have you forgotten something?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Actually, yes.<</say>>
<<md>>I give her my little present.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>What is it? What for?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>For Christmas, of course. You deserve a bit of the holiday, too.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh, thanks, that's so nice of you.<</say>>
<<md>>We talk with her for a few more minutes, and then I go about my business.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasGiftClara = 2>>\
[[Leave her|Second floor]]<<md>>Organizing a concert of this kind is a very difficult task. At first it seemed to me that nothing could be easier, but how wrong I was. There are a lot of factors to consider in such things. And where would I be now, if Clara had not asked Linda to help me in everything . How many troubles I would have to go through if I allowed myself to just pick and choose one of the girls.<</md>>
<<md>>If not for Linda... It's hard to even imagine. Instead of success, we could very likely face complete failure. And that's why this woman's advice is priceless. I can say to myself how well I did it, but the truth is simpler and more prosaic. This is our common victory and Linda deserves a reward no less than me.<</md>>
<<md>>And it is better to hurry up to find the best gift for her.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasGiftLinda = 1>>\
[[Go to the shop|ChristmasGiftChoiceStore]]<<md>>Like the eternal guardian and keeper of the school, Linda sits at the table.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Linda, hi.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, golden, I thought you already went home. On such days one should enjoy the peace away from school.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why are you still here?<</say>>
<<md>>And while she was thinking what to answer me to this, I take out a present from behind. The smile on her face instantly makes this day even better.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Golden, is it for me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>There is hardly another Linda here.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>You, as always, force a woman in a special way.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I just wanted to thank you for all the help in organizing the party.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, you shouldn't, golden.<</say>>
<<md>>Just a few minutes of talking is enough to make me feel like a holiday.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasGiftLinda = 2>>\
[[Leave her|School gate]]<<md>>When I think about the success that awaited us in that hall, a beautiful and gentle face immediately pops up before my eyes . Monica charmed me, charmed the whole audience with her performance. The way they held their breath while watching her perform is simply priceless and delightful.<</md>>
<<md>>This girl is one of the wonders of the world who, in a strange way, ended up right in our school. This is a Christmas miracle, not otherwise. Because it is simply difficult for me to explain this development of events in a different way. In any case, this is even more her victory than mine. Without her diligence, without a magic voice - you can not even expect victory. <</md>>
<<md>>So the question of whether to reward Monica for her work is not even worth it. She certainly deserves to be rewarded.<</md>>
<<md>>So you need to quickly go to the store.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasGiftMonica = 1>>\
[[Go to the shop|ChristmasGiftChoiceStore]]<<md>>It took me a little longer to find Monica. I just never expected that the girl would be at the stadium that day. At least before that, I did not notice in her an excessive desire for sports.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, there you are...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Ah, good afternoon.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Have you decided to go in for sports?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>No, it's just kind of very quiet here. I don't want to be locked up on such a day.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I understand you. You performed well yesterday.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, but this is a common victory.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do not belittle yourself. You deserve thanks.<</say>>
<<md>>I handed her a present that I had chosen especially for her. She took it gently from my hands.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Sir, you shouldn't.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You deserve it.<</say>>
<<md>>She hugged me tightly back.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you.<</say>>
<<set $ChristmasGiftMonica = 2>>\
[[Leave her|School gate]]
<<md>>It all started with Lexi and her cunning plan. If she and Veronica had not conceived a dashing one, I would not have become a part of this at first glance strange action. But it made us feel the atmosphere of Christmas and how beautiful the world is around us.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, Lexi is still a little bit insane in her rebellion. But at the same time, she is extremely brave in him. Without courage she would not have been able to go on stage and twice shock the audience so that they were delighted. Our victory depended on her bravery and madness. And Lexi undoubtedly coped with this task one hundred percent.<</md>>
<<md>>And therefore, leaving her without a gift and gratitude would be the height of stupidity on my part.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasGiftLexi = 1>>\
[[Go to the shop|ChristmasGiftChoiceStore]]
<<md>>Where to find Lexi on such a day, I knew. She wasn’t going to hang around school on ordinary days, but now she’s sure. But I knew exactly where she could be. No, there was a possibility that she might be at home...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>You also decided to quit the stupid school?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You know I can't. Moreover, after what we did yesterday for this.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Damn, then why are you here?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>To congratulate you on your victory.<</say>>
<<md>>I hand her a gift.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, so you are my most loyal fan. Maybe you want me to reward you for your loyalty?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>I don’t think there’s a place for this now, but perhaps I would not refuse such an offer.<</say>>
<<md>>Smiling, I leave Lexi in the park.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasGiftLexi = 2>>\
[[Leave her|Park]]<<md>>Miss perfection... That's what Fiona is called at school. I never liked this nickname, it gives off a kind of very dismissive attitude towards the one whose merits to the school, probably the most.<</md>>
<<md>>But today I can say that Fiona is truly Miss Ideality. The way she approached training and how she performed clearly prove that nothing is impossible for this girl. She is able to attract attention to herself and hold it for almost the entire concert without much difficulty. I saw how people reacted to her performance. They just caught her every move.<</md>>
<<md>>And if I can thank someone for my success and for the fact that Clara is so happy, then this is no doubt Fiona.<</md>>
<<md>>And gratitude is measured in gifts, so it's time to go to the store. <</md>>
<<set $ChristmasGiftFiona = 1>>\
[[Go to the shop|ChristmasGiftChoiceStore]]<<md>>Who can stay at school even on a holiday like this? Of course, little Phi. For her, school is her life. Sometimes I get the impression that she takes on all the worries of the school that are generally possible.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, when I found her on the second floor, I was not even surprised.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you still here, Fiona?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Oh yeah, I have a few things left to do.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I have no doubt they are very important.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>You do not believe me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I believe, but you need to rest. You performed well yesterday, give yourself some rest.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>If I allow myself to relax, who knows what will happen? Perhaps I will turn into the laziest creature in the world?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>To prevent this from happening, I have something for you.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Gift? Thank you! You are so sweet!<</say>>
<<md>>She gave me a sharp kiss on the cheek. It was so unexpected that I even blushed a little.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks for a great performance yesterday. But get some rest. Or I have to force you.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>I will be happy to wait for this!<</say>>
<<md>>Haha, here's Fi...<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasGiftFiona = 2>>\
[[Leave her|Second floor]]<<md>>Veronica is a special girl. After all, it all started with her and Lexi. And at first I thought that they would bring me a lot of problems. But there is something in Veronica that is not so easy to see with the eyes. Let there be some kind of rebellion in her, but there is also responsibility, an understanding of what needs to be done.<</md>>
<<md>>If Veronica continued to fool around, we would hardly be able to achieve such success. But her masturbation show had a fantastic effect.<</md>>
<<md>>And therefore, leaving her without a gift is very ungrateful of me.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasGiftVeronica = 1>>\
[[Go to the shop|ChristmasGiftChoiceStore]]<<md>>Finding Veronica is probably one of the hardest things to do. After all, she could be anywhere and you never know what comes to her mind.<</md>>
<<md>>Even so, I least expected to find her in my office.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, what are you doing here?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, I enjoy the silence.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But isn't it better to go home and enjoy it there?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>It's never quiet there. What are you doing here?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Actually, this is my office.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Ah, yes... I didn’t notice.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But I was looking for you.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Hah, did you miss?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, but I wanted to thank you for participating in the competition. Merry Christmas.<</say>>
<<md>>I hand her a gift.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh thanks! That's very nice of you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Happy holiday.<</say>>
<<set $ChristmasGiftVeronica = 2>>\
[[Leave her|Second floor]]<<md>>Choosing a gift is definitely not an easy task. After all, you need to take into account the preferences of a person, his characteristics. After all, which of us would like a gift, from which then there will be no sense? We all remember these meaningless presents that gather dust on the shelf or, even worse, go to the trash can.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, I always carefully approach the choice of a gift. This is a minefield where it's easy to go wrong.<</md>>
<<md>>It's important to remember what I remember... What does she like?<</md>>
<<md>>Food? Unlikely. She doesn't really like her. Juices? Probably it can. New music magazine? They now have this stuff in bulk. After all, I myself have already bought several numbers in this one for my new name and forwarded them to the address of the institute.<</md>>
<<md>>Hmm, I have an idea... Yes, this gift will be perfect. She'll love it. It's time to find her and make her happy right now.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasConcert = 2>>\
<<if $ChristmasGiftClara == 1>>\
[[Let`s make her shine|ChristmasGiftChoiceClara2]]
<<if $ChristmasGiftLinda == 1>>\
[[Let`s make her shine|ChristmasGiftChoiceLinda2]]
<<if $ChristmasGiftMonica == 1>>\
[[Let`s make her shine|ChristmasGiftChoiceMonica2]]
<<if $ChristmasGiftLexi == 1>>\
[[Let`s make her shine|ChristmasGiftChoiceLexi2]]
<<if $ChristmasGiftFiona == 1>>\
[[Let`s make her shine|ChristmasGiftChoiceFiona2]]
<<if $ChristmasGiftVeronica == 1>>\
[[Let`s make her shine|ChristmasGiftChoiceVeronica2]]
<</if>>\ <<md>>Christmas. What a special holiday all these are. Even if I don't have a Christmas tree in my house, the festive atmosphere reigns everywhere. And the holiday is really special. Only festive music is missing.<</md>>
<<set $ChristmasConcert = 3>>\
<<md>>That's better.<</md>>
<<md>>What? Who came there?<</md>>
<<if $ChristmasGiftClara == 2>>\
[[Open the door|ChristmasSexClara]]
<<if $ChristmasGiftLinda == 2>>\
[[Open the door|ChristmasSexLinda]]
<<if $ChristmasGiftLexi == 2>>\
[[Open the door|ChristmasSexLexi]]
<<if $ChristmasGiftVeronica == 2>>\
[[Open the door|ChristmasSexVeronica]]
<<if $ChristmasGiftMonica == 2>>\
[[Open the door|ChristmasSexMonica]]
<<if $ChristmasGiftFiona == 2>>\
[[Open the door|ChristmasSexFiona]]
<</if>>\ <<md>>When I opened the doors, I saw there the one I least expected to see.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara?<</say>>
<<md>>The woman stood opposite and looked me straight in the eyes. She was wearing a cute Santa Claus hat, and a tight red suit only accentuated her figure.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I hope I'm not too late?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, of course, come in.<</say>>
<<md>>She walked slowly into my room.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What do I owe to such a pleasant visit?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>They say wishes come true on Christmas, that's why I'm here. To fulfill your desires.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraCS.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $ClaraVideo10Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo10Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Smiling seductively, she pulls on the belt and her clothes slide smoothly. In front of me is her bare chest.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Like it?<</say>>
<<md>>I touch her breasts and squeeze in my hands.<</md>>
<<md>>She bites my lip lightly. Her seductive moan is heard. I drag her onto the bed. Her red dress is already missing a few buttons that open all the available space to me.<</md>>
<<md>>We lie on our side face to face and she willingly offers me her beautiful body. His touch excites inexpressibly. This is not an ordinary fusion of flesh, but the fulfillment of my desires.<</md>>
<<md>>I touch my boss's pussy with a member. She moans softly, bites my lip and sucks. Clara becomes more and more active. I can feel her hot, elastic flesh pressing against my cock.<</md>>
<<md>>Her movements are faster and faster. She goes out and squeezes in again. I can feel her moaning approvingly. I want more, and I make a dash.<</md>>
<<md>>And then I pour out the seed directly into it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is the best Christmas present.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara laughs out loud in response.<</md>>
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>When we open doors we never know what awaits us on the other side. Even now I could not even imagine that I would see Linda behind my doors.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Hi, golden. This is where you live.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Linda, come in.<</say>>
<<md>>Even if I didn’t wait for Linda right now, it’s still my last thing to make her wait on the street.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What am I obliged to visit?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Golden, what did you want from Santa?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What?<</say>>
<<md>>This question completely surprised me.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>You know, I have the impression that you made Santa a special gift. But I have something for you... also special.<</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly she took off her raincoat in which she was only in underwear. Although no, she was still wearing very sexy stockings, from which my cock immediately perked up.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>I saw the way you looked at me. I know what men like you need.<</say>>
<<md>>She took my hand and placed it on her chest.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Today this body is all yours, golden. Do not deny yourself the joy.<</say>>
<<md>>I touched my chest. She seemed really huge. But at the same time so tempting...<</md>>
<<if $LindaImage22Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LindaImage22Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Her nipples were as hard as two pebbles, causing sinful thoughts in my head that perhaps I will caress them with my tongue.<</md>>
<<md>>Hell, she must have noticed it because she said: <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>I know what you want. But don't be in a hurry. We have a lot ahead of us. Enjoy what you see for now...<</say>>
<<md>>I touched her breasts, her shoulders, her pussy through the clothes and felt that she was already wet.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Remember, golden, this body belongs only to you. Nobody else. But for now, we must stop.<</say>>
<<md>>And leaving me bewildered, Linda left my room. What was that anyway?<</md>>
[[Back|My room]] <<say $mc>>And here is Mr. Lucky.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi? What is she doing here?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, where are your clothes?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why do I need it, if then all the same to get rid of it?<</say>>
<<md>>Without a doubt, she looks very sexy in this lingerie, but...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, come here...<</say>>
<<md>>I pull it in, fearing other people might notice. However, if she walked like this all the way here, then everyone has already seen this masquerade.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you up to?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Reward my teacher...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\LexiCS.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Lexi arches, allowing me to see all the mouth-watering parts of her body. Her ass and breasts beckon me seductively. Lexi playfully bends down and her clothes begin to dissolve, making my pants feel tight.<</md>>
<<md>>To refuse such a gift is simply stupid...<</md>>
<<md>>Her nipples rest on my face, and her fingers slide over my cock. I feel how pleasant her touch is, like an erotic massage.<</md>>
<<md>>Then she bends down and takes it in her mouth. I have to clench my fists to keep my concentration. Her hips keep moving, I can feel a wave of excitement in my groin. I want her caresses to become harder, so that she thrust her tongue into my flesh with all her might.<</md>>
<<md>>But I don’t get it, so I take the initiative and enter it sharply and toughly.<</md>>
<<md>>Lexi screams, but immediately wraps her hands around my head and pulls me to her. I can feel how she herself begins to slowly come, as deep and strong as I do. Suddenly she pulls away from me, and her face contorts with pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are insane...<</say>>
<<md>>She laughs out loud.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>I know! Merry Christmas!<</say>>
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>The first thing I see when I open the doors is a huge cloud of smoke. I recognize this smell...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, it's not customary for us to smoke pot.<</say>>
<<md>>I smile at the girl.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>You won't make an exception even for me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, unless you ask politely.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, I'll ask very politely...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Come in...<</say>>
<<md>>I let Veronica in and take her to my room. I still don't understand the purpose of her visit, but she just wouldn't have come here.<</md>>
<<md>>For a few minutes she is just silent and I finally can't stand it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So why are you here?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Holiday Crisis. I don't want to be with people I don't care about.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Are you talking about parents?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes... I want to be with someone who appreciates me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can stay here as long as you like.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Do you think I'm beautiful?<</say>>
<<if $VeronicaImage6Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage6Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Veronica, you are very beautiful.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Then why don't we two share this wonderful gift?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica smiles maliciously and her top falls smoothly to the floor, followed by her bra. Damn, I love this girl's breasts.<</md>>
<<md>>Her short skirt disappears and I notice her sexy panties and stockings, which only intensify my desire.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Let's take a little look at the gift, huh?<</say>>
<<md>>She pulls on the elastic of her panties and pushes them away, showing her juicy beautiful pussy.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Want to take a closer look?<</say>>
<<md>>She doesn't need to ask, my cock is already out of my pants and I'm ready to dive into the Christmas treat, hehe!<</md>>
<<md>>She moans lustfully when a member is inside her. Veronica quickly turns her back to me and squeezes the head of my penis with her lips.<</md>>
<<md>>I can't wait for her sigh to sink my cock into her delicate body. My hands caress her breasts and the folds of her bosom, soaked from her juices. I freeze for a second, and then I do my first attack.<</md>>
<<md>>And then again and again, enjoying the groans. Veronica puts me on herself and my large balls are torn towards bliss. She tries to scream, but I grab her by the neck and kiss her. We forget about our giggles and kisses and hug and lick each other like madmen.<</md>>
<<md>>This is the best Christmas present.<</md>>
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>They say miracles come true on Christmas. Did I think that I would see Monica right in front of my doorstep? Unlikely...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, come in.<</say>>
<<md>>She was wearing a beautiful red outfit, which only emphasized the atmosphere of the tale. And yet Monica looked a little lost.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, what happened?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Sorry to bother you so late.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, I'm always glad to see a person with such a beautiful voice.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Only voice?<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me so attentively and penetratingly that I even lost the gift of speech.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course not...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>You know, you've done so much for me. So many... I want to thank you...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, no need...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\Monica CS1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $MonicaVideo2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo2Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>But before I could say anything, she had already pulled up the top of her outfit, showing me her bare buttocks.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Perhaps you like something else?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I definitely like it.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Then you'll like this too.<</say>>
<<md>>She turned over me and I saw that she was not wearing panties.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You were so kind to me... So heartfelt... That you deserve it.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\Monica CS2.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $MonicaVideo3Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo3Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Her fingers touched a sexy and slightly red girlish pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>I involuntarily groaned that I could not hide from Monica. She smiled.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You like? I want to satisfy your friend in pants with my sexiest place.<</say>>
<<md>>Her fingers played with her pussy with might and main.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I want you to be so filled with different feelings that you will not even notice how you start to cuddle up to me. But today you are only a spectator...<</say>>
<<md>>Her pussy seemed unusually firm and youthful. Again I felt cramping in my groin. Monica, meanwhile, went into a rage that I saw how her body trembled before she finished.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is definitely the best Christmas ever.<</say>>
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>The last thing I expected to see was Fiona outside my door. Not this perfect girl who drove me crazy all the time.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>May I come in?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes please.<</say>>
<<md>>We silently entered the room when I was taken aback by what I saw. The girl, without waiting a second, began to undress.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you doing?<</say>>
<<md>>She stumbled over the edge of the door and smiled.<</md>>
<<if $FionaImage1Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $FionaImage1Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Fiona>>You yourself told me to rest. I want to relax with you.<</say>>
<<md>>She got on all fours and crawled slowly until she was right at my feet.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>I want a big teacher's cock for Christmas.<</say>>
<<md>>She pulled it out of her pants and started licking it, I didn't know what to do. On the one hand, I was ashamed of my desire, on the other, I realized that I was still drawn to her. For a second, I felt what is called sin. But then I saw her face and forgot about everything. I so wanted to fuck her in the mouth, so I did not restrain myself in this desire.<</md>>
<<md>>When I heard that the girl was moaning, I wanted to cum right on her. She understood my impulse and began to work on my trunk in full force. After all, if she just tasted my sperm, what's wrong with that?<</md>>
<<md>>So I finished too quickly. Which, however, did not interfere with enjoying all this.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's good that you listened to my advice.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>You bet!<</say>>
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>Events with Monica on the beach do not give me peace. I don't want to think about it, but I keep coming back to those events. Could I have done things differently, done better than I did? Or was it all the limit of my powers?<</md>>
<<md>>Someone once told me that you don't have to analyze everything that happened to you, sometimes you act instinctively. This may be true, but it doesn't leave me with the strange feeling that what I did was really important. And that it will play an important role in my life.<</md>>
<<md>>Okay, enough thought, it's time to go to bed.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = -2>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 1>>\
[[Sleep|MonicaDream1.2]] <<md>>I hear a quiet, barely audible whisper. At first it seems to me that this is the sea, whose waves gently touch the shore. But when I try to get close to whispering, I realize it's something else. I stop and listen. It's not the sea - although it's very close to me. <</md>>
<<md>>No, it's something else.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Do you love me?<</say>>
<<if $MonicaImage4Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage4Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>I put my head down and I see Monica sitting on her lap. Instantly the picture is transformed in front of my eyes and the golden shore turns into my bed. And Monica, instead of the girl sitting opposite me in just a seductive swimsuit, is on the edge of my bed.<</md>>
<<md>>Whisper turns into a slight moan, from which I'm excited. I lower my eyes and see the girl's beating loudly on. Monica lowers her hand and begins to rub her clitoris with her thin fingers. I know she's ready and I'm hugging her waist.
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaDream1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $MonicaVideo5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo5Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
It begins to move slowly towards my movements and everything around is filled with the ringing of beating drops.<</md>>
<<md>>And then I feel Monica's fingers come off. I see her palms on my chest and I see how much they are shaking.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I love you, Monica, yes...<</say>>
<<md>>And then it's covered with white mist.<</md>>
[[Wake up|MonicaDream 1.3]] <<md>>Oh, what a dream! I'm going to dream about it. I think I'm going to have to ask Monica's how she's doing.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 4>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2T = 1>>\
[[Good idea|Sleep1]]<<md>>The second floor is surprisingly empty today. It's usually full of people, but today it feels like everyone's just extinct. Not a single girl in the neighborhood, not even Lexi, who's always trying to make things so much worse.<</md>>
<<md>>Where did they all go? Did I get into a horror movie where school turned into an empty place? Then now a monster must appear out of nowhere and...<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>$mc.Name!<</say>>
<<md>>Hell, where did it come from? I almost got hit!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sophia, what a surprise...<</say>>
<<md>>I took a hard breath because, despite my desire to find someone, I didn't think she'd be around me so sharply. Didn't anyone teach her that it's not worth it? I could have hit her with surprise. Although I'm just scared to the core.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Are you done yet? Fast you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So the lessons are not eternal.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>And the injection?<</say>>
<<md>>I don't get it. What else...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The injection?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Well, yes, COVID vaccination. You remember it was the day of the injection, right? This is very important for the school. I don't think that's a good thing, though. If we all die, maybe someone will feel better about it? <</say>>
<<md>>Why didn't I hear anything about the injections? I don't get it. It doesn't make any sense. It's like a dream.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Don't tell me you didn't read the ad on the board.<</say>>
<<md>>Honestly don't even remember or saw so something like that.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well...<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Then I think you should go to Jane's office immediately.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, yes. Thank you, I'll do it.<</say>>
<<md>>Still feeling very dumbfounded, I go to the first floor.<</md>>
[[Go for injection|JaneQuest2Injection2]] <<md>>Standing in line is definitely not mine. I've always hated it, but what can I do. At least for now I can enjoy the view and bodies of young girls. Some of them wear very short skirts.<</md>>
<<md>>When the queue finally ends, I realize that I was the very last. Everyone ran away and was the only one left.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Ah, $mc.Name. I kept thinking when you showed up.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sorry, I didn't know it was injection day. If it wasn't for Sophia, I wouldn't even know.<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Well, then I'll invite you in person next time.<</say>>
<<md>>She winked at me and opened her mouth with her finger in there. Don't tell me she's not hinting at anything. That's obvious to a fool. I certainly wouldn't mind my finger being inside this sexy and depraved mouth.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Wait here, I'll get everything I need.<</say>>
<<md>>Hell, she's got an ass. After those photos, I can't think of anyone else getting into her panties. This woman is quite capable of giving me a very hot solution experience.<</md>>
<<if $JaneImage3Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $JaneImage3Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $Jane>>Tell me, do you like my boobs?<</say>>
<<md>>What? It's a question that's so dumbfounded. It was so sharp and provocative that I even opened my mouth. And at that moment I felt a slight tingling sensation in my shoulder. Did she prick me through my clothes?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you doing, Jane? Shouldn't I take my shirt off?!<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Oh, I'm sorry, that was the only way to inject you as quickly as possible. You want to leave as soon as possible.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I got up to leave as quickly as possible when I felt my head spinning. But at the same time I felt excited. Something was wrong, but seemed to be a hard one by magic, like a stone.<</md>>
<<md>>What the hell is this? And how did it happen that I managed to get excited without even touching a woman? Maybe it's drugs after all.<</md>>
<<md>>I stopped and looked at. He was still tense. And judging by the tip of the head, and the look, and most likely, the erection had quite a natural character. But this organ looked very unusual. Confused, I touched my head.<</md>>
<<md>>It was only now that I realized that I didn't know when I had time to unbutton my pants and pull out my penis. <</md>>
<<say $Jane>>It doesn't seem like a Covid vaccination. Let me take care of your friend.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, Jane, I...<</say>>
<<md>>I wanted to say no, but her tongue had already touched the head of the penis. She stroked it one time, the other, and suddenly began to drive it on her head. I didn't know what to do - scream or grab her face. But she quickly closed it with her own hands, squeezed it and pulled it down so that her head became in her mouth. Then she began to suck it and gradually injected it into her mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>She played with a dick with her tongue more and more.<</md>>
<<md>>And then it became quite clear to me - it is not a disease. It's not a drug. It's really just an incredible feeling.<</md>>
<<md>>I couldn't resist shouting softly. For the second time in a night.<</md>>
<<md>>And when I felt like I was about to finish, she pulled it out and kept working with her hands. She worked harder and harder with her hands, and I knew I couldn't take it long. That's why after a few minutes the white liquid splashed right on Jane's face. She looks so sexy!<</md>>
<<if $JaneImage4Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $JaneImage4Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>But still, I'd rather get out of here.<</md>>
<<set $Jane3Q = 2>>\
<<set $Jane4Q = 1>>\
<<if $Jane1QT == 7>>\
<<set $Jane1QT = 71>>\
<<elseif $Jane1QT == 8>>\
<<set $Jane1QT = 81>>\
<<set $Jane2QT = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave|School reception]]<<md>>Sometimes we lack simple and ordinary things. Yesterday's example is a prime example of that. I don't think there was anything special yesterday, but I feel quite happy. I wonder if Lucy feels the same way? And most importantly, does she remember me? After all, I put so much effort into it. Even if it doesn't work, I don't even know what else to try.<</md>>
<<md>>So I convulsively dial a very simple message that ordinary Lucy wouldn't take for anything obscene. And Lucy, who remembers everything, is happy to tell me that she's okay with her memory. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good morning, Lucy. How did you sleep? Insomnia did not torment?<</say>>
<<md>>The answer did not take long to wait, sounding pleasant notes around my room.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Hi, $mc.Name. Oh, no, I didn't. Sleeping like a baby...<</say>>
<<md>>Hmm, I wonder if this can be understood as a signal that she remembers what happened yesterday? But while I thought followed came the second message.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>But I was thirsty.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thirsty? Is your house out of water?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Haha, no, silly! But after our exercises on the bed, I wanted more. One more thing. Another one. Look what I have for you!<</say>>
<<if $LucyImage17Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage17Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>See you in your class.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes! She remembers me. And what we did. That's great news. Which made my pants too hard. However... that's still good news. But it's better to get rid of the rise to the rise before I go outside.<</md>>
[[Hurry up|LucyPills 2.2]] <<set $LucyQuest14 = 3>>\
<<set $LucyQuest15 = 1>>\
<<md>>I couldn't wait to be back in this office, after all the things that had fallen on me. Joy overwhelmed me, joy led me, guided me. When one of the students tried to snap something at my "Good morning" I didn't even notice. I was so happy about my success that I didn't see anything until I was right here.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy!<</say>>
<<md>>I ran up to her without any words and swirled around. I was so happy.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>$mc.Name! $mc.Name! Let me go.<</say>>
<<md>>Not much wanting to do it, I still let in and realized that we were being watched by at least a few dozen eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I'm sorry, Lucy.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>It's not a big deal. It's better if you come in after class, okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's good!<</say>>
[[Leave|Second floor]]<<md>>Finally, the lessons are over. The wait was so langing. I don't know why, but now I'm full of hope and joy.<</md>>
<<md>>Now, unlike in the morning, when there was no one here, Lucy was completely in my power. That's why I hugged her tightly, clutching her in my arms. Now I wanted to enjoy it as much as possible and that no one interfered with us. So when she reached out to me, I just gladly snubs her mouth. It was probably the happiest day of my life. It was going to be all right soon. She and I understood that. And the fact that everything will be solved today, pleased me with just unbelievable. For the first time in my life I wanted to live with such childish delight.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Listen...<</say>>
<<md>>I made myself tear away from her sweet lips by looking into her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>It's a good time. Why did you stop?<</say>>
<<md>>The smile came off my lips when I realized that she liked it no less than me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I just thought we were with you... Before that, you hardly had been to my house, and I was too much on the contrary. Maybe we should break the tradition a little bit now.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Do you want me to come to see your place?<</say>>
<<md>>When she said it, her eyes shone particularly brightly. Her smile was like the happiest man in the world.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'd really like to.<</say>>
<<md>>At that moment I finally realized that I would like to share the warmth with her. Wake up next to her, smell it. Even if it's because she won't remember me. I didn't care. I can handle it. Now I am sure of it much more.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, let's go! What are we going to do there?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, let me show you...<</say>>
<<md>>Her hand slid between her athletic legs and touched them. She moaned about why I wanted to take her right here. But I couldn't spoil my pleasure. The one who is waiting for the sweetest...<</md>>
[[For sure|LucyPills 2.4]]
<<md>>When we were in my room, I already knew how it would end. And the member who begged him to be released told me so.<</md>>
<<md>>Lucy was gently rubbing her buttocks on, so there was no doubt what would happen now. I pulled her panties off and started licking her.<</md>>
<<md>>When I took her clitoris with my lips, she gently blew. Her anus glistened wet. She came closer to me, bent down and spread her knees. I gently put my penis in her crotch, and there was a tremor on her body.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lucy\Quest\Video\LucyPillsFuck.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She was all squeezed, biting her lips and muttering some words. But I wasn't going to tease her, I knew it was the greatest happiness.<</md>>
<<md>>I stroked her breasts, kissed her earlobes and neck, and stroked myself on the penis as if he were my favorite teddy bear.<</md>>
<<if $LucyVideo10Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyVideo10Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Then, when I was about to let her go, she wrapped her arms around me, and with one sharp motion turned her face to the bed. I heard her moan. There was so much passion in her tone that I could barely hold back so I wouldn't finish.<</md>>
<<md>>But it couldn't go on forever. The pleasure of having sex with such an amazing woman has gripped me more and more.<</md>>
<<md>>I tried to feel every moment, to remember how she groaned and breathed, I imagined how her athletic body trembled and wriggles with pleasure, as her fingers compress my hair and stroke my face.<</md>>
<<md>>The fountain of pleasure splashed right on her bosom, as soon as I took out my penis.<</md>>
<<md>>She's amazing!<</md>>
[[Let her sleep|LucyPills 2.5]] <<md>>I never thought my bed would seem so small. No, for one of me, she's gorgeous, but if Lucy stays here, I'd better take care to buy a bigger bed for that purpose. Yes, that would be nice...<</md>>
<<md>>However, even so, I am very glad that she stayed. Her presence in my life adds to her a kind of comfort and light, which before that was too little. Looking at her, it's like looking at a sleeping angel.<</md>>
<<md>>So you can't wait to deal with everything right now. If she's dear to me, I need to see what medication she's taking. I don't think I'll be able to find anything special about it, but it's still worth the risk. Because the threat that she's going to sleep badly worries me a lot. This is a very serious problem. It's good to have sex with her, but how long will I last? What happens if I just get tired and want to take at least a day of respite?<</md>>
<<md>>The laptop has already illuminated the dark room with light from the monitor. Let's see. A very strange name for the pills she was taking came up in her head.<</md>>
<<text g "Analgesic-antipyretic of the combined composition. It has analgesic, antipyretic, mildly expressed anti-inflammatory and sedative effect. The composition of the drug includes the neopioid analgesic metamaisole sodium and anxiolytic (tranquilizer) tempidon.">>
<<md>>Hmm, it's not weird yet. Everything seems to be fine... But what is it? Here are the evidences...<</md>>
<<text r "It can cause insomnia and memory loss.">>
<<md>>Hang on? Isn't she taking these pills to get rid of insomnia? What's the point? I don't get it.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, I don't understand anything. I think tomorrow morning we can visit Jane and ask about everything in more detail.<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest16T = 4>>\
[[Time to sleep|LucyPills 2.6]] <<md>>Uh... My back is spinning like never before... However, this is the lowest payment for what I met in the morning the most beautiful smile in the world.<</md>>
<<if $LucyImage16Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage16Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I can't tell...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What if it is?<</say>>
<<md>>I went up to her and kissed her tenderly. It was a very pleasant feeling. I think I'm about to drown in those beautiful eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Now it's getting a little clearer, but it's still unclear.<</say>>
<<md>>We merged again in a kiss. This time the kiss was much stronger and more passionate.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Now I'll tell you exactly what's great.<</say>>
<<md>>We went with Lucy to the kitchen, where I made her breakfast. It's a pleasure to watch her smile sweetly and eat what she's prepared. I think she's the perfect life. Unfortunately, everyday life makes adjustments at even such a beautiful moment. It's time for us to go to work.<</md>>
[[Let`s go|LucyPills 2.7]]
<<md>>The floor breathes life and joy again. Or is it me? Lucy smiles at me and I'm definitely happy. Even if I don't want to be here today, Lucy's presence gives me only the best emotions.<</md>>
<<md>>But before it's too late, I have to find out all about her meds. We don't bring this up, but it's something that's urgent.<</md>>
[[Visit Jane|LucyPills 2.8]] <<set $LucyQuest15 = 2>>\
<<set $LucyQuest16 = 1>>\
<<say $Jane>>$mc.Name, you're early today. Feeling unwell?<</say>>
<<md>>The nurse looked at me carefully.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I feel surprisingly cheerful.<</say>>
<<md>>She surprisingly raised her eyebrows up.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Then what's the problem? Usually the healthiest don't come here. Which of the students is in trouble?<</say>>
<<md>>I sighed heavily.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, it's Lucy.<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Ah, Lucy. What can I do this time?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know that she takes certain medications that help her from insomnia.<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Well, knowing the history of her illness, it's not surprising. Very often brain diseases affect not only memory, but also other.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, but... Could you take a look at the description of these drugs? She says she takes them from insomnia. I think there's something dirty here.<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>You're too suspicious. But ok.<</say>>
<<md>>She's right, when it comes to Lucy, I'm starting to feel extremely suspicious. But I have a very strange feeling about it. It's like if I dig a little deeper, I'll find something...<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>It can't be!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What's going on? Did you find something?<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>The fact is that this medicine is banned everywhere in the world.<</say>>
<<md>>Wait, what?!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you serious?<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Yes, they caused serious complications, such as complete amnesia and the failure of important organs, if taken long enough. What's more, they're not from insomnia. They're off the head.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>From the head? <</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Yes.<</say>>
<<md>>Hell, I knew that. So her father is lying to Lucy. What for? What good is it for his daughter to be fed pills? Taint!<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest16T = 5>>\
[[Leave|School reception]]<<set $ClaraM14Quest = 2>>\
<<set $ClaraM16Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM13TQuest = 2>>\
<<md>>The situation in which the school found itself, was very deplorable. We still don't know what the sponsors decided after that Michael incident. Did I do the right thing? No doubt! Would you do it again? That's a good one. After all, he did only one heartbreak to Clara. I couldn't stand it. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name, did you want something?<</say>>
<<md>>Clara was clearly concerned when she saw my detached gaze.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I wanted to know how you were.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>After yesterday's...<</say>>
<<md>>She playfully walked her fingers across the table and touched my hand.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>...just peachy. <</say>>
<<md>>Her touch made me feel a little better. This meant that not all my efforts were wasted.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm glad you liked it.<</say>>
<<md>>Our hands joined together and I just enjoyed this moment, trying to drive all the bad thoughts away as far as possible.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I don't like it. I feel like a queen.<</say>>
<<md>>The queen who is about to be taken away from the kingdom...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, that's good.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Do you care about our future? Don't worry about, I`m the headmaster of this school and no one can tell me what to do.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So far...<</say>>
<<md>>She stopped and looked me in the eye.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh, that's what you care about... I will not hide this lingering silence surprises me. It's like they're testing me for endurance. I don't know what's on their minds. But after the last time, I don't think it matters, because you're with me.<</say>>
<<md>>She spoke so affectionately and so sincerely that it was not difficult to believe in it. Maybe after everything that's happened to us these days, after all the stress that's fallen on us, I just forbid myself to be happy? <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, you are always infinitely wise.<</say>>
<<md>>To pay attention only to the negative, not to look at all the good things that have happened to us in recent times is the stupidest decision possible in my life. I am now a beautiful and intelligent woman and it is very unreasonable to ignore her now.<</md>>
<<md>>So I got up and slowly approached Clara, holding tightly to myself.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>When you say that, I feel infinitely old! And...<</say>>
<<md>>I didn't let her finish because our lips merged together. It's the sweet aroma and mild taste of her lips that will drive me crazy one day.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name... Mmm...<</say>>
<<md>>Our tongues have already woven themselves into one strong knot and to break away from each other was very problematic. And I didn't want anything so badly except Clara. This woman is so beautiful and attractive. <</md>>
<<md>>I touched her ass, squeezing one of her buttocks tightly.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>If they see us...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But you're the headmaster. Don't let them command you.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>And at that moment, without knocking or warning, Linda entered Clara's office. Hell, woman, at least you warned me!<</md>>
<<md>>Clara abruptly, almost painfully distanced herself from me, as if we were schoolchildren, and her mother entered the office.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Linda? What a surprise!<</say>>
<<md>>Clara smiled so funny and unnaturally that I wanted to fall through the earth. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, stop, Clara, like I don't know anything. I'm sorry I interrupted your "briefing". I just need to clarify a few things.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, Linda, I'm on my way.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>But...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>We're not saying goodbye for long, Clara. See you after class.<</say>>
<<md>>Now I had nothing to do here. It is unlikely that the moment that has arisen between us will magically take and recover. In addition, working issues are important for Clara and distract her from them is a very stupid idea. That's why I'd rather go to work, and I'll drop by later. <</md>>
[[Leave her office|Second floor]]<<set $ClaraM16Quest = 2>>\
<<md>>It's been a few hours, but I still can't get rid of this wonderful smack on my lips. I still feel like Clara's lips are kissing me. It's such a clear feeling that I can't even get rid of it a few hours later.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara! Clara! Clara! <</md>>
<<md>>All my thoughts are about one thing. About how nice it is for me to spend time with her, even without all the things we've been through. So when the lessons are over, I immediately rush to her office.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Hey, $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, without someone interfering with me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Sophia?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Listen, I know we've never been too friends with you, but can you help me?<</say>>
<<md>>It was evident from the woman that she was not used to this type of conversation, so the words were given to her by work. Therefore, there was no need to bother her speech with her irritation. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Sophia, what happened?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>You know, this whole Michael thing... I'm afraid we won't last long.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What are you talking about?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Every year by this time Clara tells us that everything is fine. But after the events with Michael, we look bad in the eyes of the sponsors.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think you're exaggerating a little bit.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>No, we're all hanging by a thread. But very soon this thread that keeps us going to break and then we'll all be on the street.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What exactly are you asking me to do?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Can you lend me some money? I promise to give away from another job.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>From another job...<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>This ship has almost sunk, there is no need to feed yourself illusions. The question is whether you will stay on the sinking ship or try to take action.<</say>>
<<md>>Of course, I lent her the money I needed. But her words are deep in my brain. Maybe I'm really blind that I don't notice the obvious.<</md>>
<<md>>And instead of going straight to Clara's, I went to Lucy's office. I have to figure out if this ship is really going down.<</md>>
[[Check how is Lucy|ClaraPrincipal 1.3]]
<<md>>At first it seemed to me that there was no one inside, but very soon the rustle and movement in the corner of the room gave me the whole truth. Lucy was just standing in the corner of the room doing something.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, are you okay?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl turned to me and I involuntarily smiled when I saw her. In her hand she clutched a chocolate bar, the traces of which were smeared all over the girl's face.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, it's all good. Is there anything to help you?<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled so innocently that I even felt uncomfortable for breaking into her so much. Maybe it was the case when she could eat. On the other hand, Lucy seems to be used to eating in the dining room...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I was going to ask why you're not in the dining room?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>And... Well it is...<</say>>
<<md>>She paused, silent, staring into the floor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl thought for a long time before answering.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Salary cuts. Clara has cut our entire salary now and I can't afford to eat in the dining room every day.<</say>>
<<md>>Can't? How much did Clara cut their entire salaries then?<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>That's why I eat here. I'm sorry, if it embarrasses you, I can go somewhere else. I don't want to cause trouble for others.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What are you talking, its your office, stay as long as you like. I just wanted to know how you feel.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, don't worry, I'm sure it'll be fine soon!<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled so broadly that all the sadness that had come upon me had evaporated somewhere. At least that's what I wanted to think.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM13TQuest = 3>>\
[[Visit Clara|ClaraPrincipal 1.4]]<<md>>One person is an exception, two are already statistics. That's always been told to me, and at an early age I didn't realize how truthful this idea was. Looks like, really before the arrival of sponsors, Clara cut everyone's salaries. Except for me.<</md>>
<<md>>I'm concerned about that now, but I don't think it's the best time to ask.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How do you feel?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Surprisingly good. Even though there is no news.<</say>>
<<md>>We clung to each other again. Now I didn't want to hear about anything, just to feel her lips.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Where we stopped then...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>On the fact that in this office we can not hide.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara giggled.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Suggesting to run away somewhere?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, I know one place.<</say>>
<<md>>I didn't resist when she took my hand out of the office.<</md>>
[[Leave|ClaraPrincipal 1.5]]<<md>>I didn't understand why we'd been driving in the car for a very long time. At last Clara stopped and a smile turned to me.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>These days you took a lot of care of me. You've always been there to support me.<</say>>
<<md>>She leaned very close.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Let me take care of you now.<</say>>
<<md>>She moved from the driver's seat right to mine. It made me feel very good because of its smell and proximity. She put her lips in my neck and took off her panties with her hands. From this kind and sensation, I felt like had become firm.<</md>>
<<md>>She took off my jacket, tie, unbuttoned the width and began to caress my shuddering flesh with her lips. When she pulled me over, I couldn't hold back the moan. My trousers fell to the floor, and I put my hands in her shoulders to keep in a horizontal position.<</md>>
<<md>>While she kissed and caressed my trunk, I stared at her breasts, stomach, and hips, which were too attractive.<</md>>
<<md>>That's why I didn't stop kissing, I took her outside. She was on the car door, and I walked into it rudely and to the rest. The member gleefully sang inside her sweet.<</md>>
<<md>>I thought it was going to explode.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraCarFuck.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $ClaraVideo7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo7Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
My hands clung to her shoulders, and we began to sway furiously on the spot like waves on a hot summer day.<</md>>
<<md>>At the end, I just shot with pleasure right into it with a fountain of spray and drops.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I love you.<</say>>
<<md>>I kissed her, and then we went straight to her house.<</md>>
[[To Clara`s home|ClaraPrincipal 1.6]]<<md>>It was a beautiful day and evening. Everything that happened to Clara and me was magical.<</md>>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image14", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<say $Clara>>I have something to tell you.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara sat down on the edge of the bed and called me to her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Did something happen?<</say>>
<<md>>I gently took her hand and kissed her. Here, without any observations, it was possible to say that she was very excited about something.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Look, there are things I'm not proud of. I make them for school, they have to be done, but that doesn't mean I feel good.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>For example? <</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I cut my staff's salaries very much. Almost all were left with barely a tenth of their monthly money.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>This situation with sponsors and Michael was shaky from the beginning. I felt that this bomb had to explode, and that's what happened.<</say>>
<<md>>There was sadness in her voice.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I am responsible for all of you, I promised you that this school will be for you at least like home. Therefore, this month the cost of maintaining school staff was minimal. Because if we are left without funding...<</say>>
<<md>>I gave her a big hug. Not because she didn't survive without it, no. I just felt it was necessary in this situation. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>This will help us stay afloat for a few more months.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, I'm sure it'll be as it was before.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I really hope so.<</say>>
<<md>>After sitting with her for about an hour and making sure she was in good condition, I left her house.<</md>>
[[Leave|ClaraPrincipal 1.7]]<<set $ClaraM16Quest = 3>>\
<<set $ClaraM13TQuest = 4>>\
<<md>>Talking to Clara wasn't easy. After that, I felt a little too disgusting, as if a bucket of snage had been poured on me. <</md>>
<<md>>I can understand why Clara did it, she could even say she had no choice. Which doesn't make this situation any easier. All others suffer. What only Lucy or Sophia is worth.<</md>>
<<md>>The vile and disgusting rain spat right in my face when the phone rang.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello?<</say>>
<<text r "As you can see, Miss Scott is incapable of leading.">>
<<md>>The same voice as before. I thought I might forget about him, but it's not.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Not true, she...<</say>>
<<text r "She will lead the whole school to ruin. But we know you can take care of everyone. Tomorrow we'll make our decision, but think about whether you want to take her place. There won't be a second chance.">>
<<say $mc>>And if I say no.<</say>>
<<text r "Then the whole school will be under attack. You don't want that, do you?">>
<<md>>The voice on the other side of the tube laughed loudly. What the hell are the ultimatums? What a dirty game!<</md>>
<<md>>Maybe I should let Clara know. However, no, she is already in suspense, it is better not to worry.<</md>>
[[Yeah|Street York-Road]]<<md>>Already on the way to school, I received a strange message from Clara.<</md>>
<<text r "To my office quickly!">>
<<md>>Even through the phone screen, it's like I can hear her anger. What's already happened there?<</md>>
[[Hurry up|ClaraPrincipal 1.9]]<<set $ClaraM16Quest = 4>>
<<md>>When I enter the office, I see a few people. I've met one of them before. So the sponsors decided to fund the school.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Maybe you can explain to me what that means?<</say>>
<<md>>Clara was frankly annoyed, it is visible to the naked eye. The man smiled echidnaly and began to broadcast.<</md>>
<<text r "Miss Scott is already somewhat careless in doing business and allows the personal to prevail over her. First she had an affair with Michael, now with you. It's very unprofessional.">>
<<say $Clara>>My personal life doesn't concern you at all!<</say>>
<<text r "Unless it's about the school, Miss Scott.">>
<<text r "What we are interested in is the well-being of this school. And since you don't care much about each of the people here, I think it's best if you choose someone who cares best for the school. At least for a while.">>
<<md>>He looked at me inquiringly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you want me to become the new principal of the school?<</say>>
<<md>>He just nodded back.<</md>>
<<md>>Hell, I don't like it. Absolutely not. The whole situation sucks. Their threats in the past days were again in my brain. I don't have to go to them on about, I have to support Clara. But then who's going to support the others? Lucy, Sophia, Linda. Who can guarantee them a happy future? Who can guarantee me that if I refuse now, I won't be unemployed?<</md>>
[[Agree|ClaraPrincipal 1.10]]
[[Refuse|ClaraPrincipal 1.11]]
<<set $ClaraM17Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM13TQuest = 6>>\
<<set $McPrinciple = 1>>\
<<md>>As much as I want to support Clara, there are things more important than our relationship with her right now. Caring for others is one of the most important things a director has to do.<</md>>
<<md>>She'll get it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I agree.<</say>>
<<md>>The future of the school is of paramount and there can be no debate. Other people hope for me, so I don't have a chance. There's no choice.<</md>>
<<md>>The sponsors gleefully shook my hands and headed away. I did the right thing. But for some reason I feel uncomfortable with these actions.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I know why you did it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Clara...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Let's not play the drama. You did what you had to do for school. It's the right thing to do.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don't want you to be mad at me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Angry at you? No, no You're a very charming guy who the whole school loves. I'm sure you can handle it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you for your understanding. Then maybe we'll go out tonight.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>No, I'm sorry, it's unacceptable. As a principal, you have to follow all the rules. Don't let your feelings affect your professionalism. We have to break up.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Like I said, you did what's best for the school. Unfortunately, this requires sacrifice.<</say>>
<<md>>Leaving these words, she left her office.<</md>>
<<md>>Looks like it's mine now. But what am I going to do about it? Where to start?<</md>>
[[Take a walk|Second floor]]<<set $ClaraM17Quest = 2>>\
<<md>>If there's anyone who should hold this position, it's Clara. She takes care of everyone, even if sometimes it seems different. And my close acquaintance with her proves it as best as possible.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sorry, no. The only one who should run this school is standing in front of me. Miss Scott has the biggest heart I've ever seen. She cares for each of us, as if it's not just a job, like it's a family. Yes, it is not perfect and sometimes allows excess. But which one of us isn't?<</say>>
<<md>>I didn't expect such a loud speech from myself. She broke out of me when I thought Clara might be fired. That thought terrified me.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara smiled warmly at me. <</md>>
<<text r "Well, that's good... Ms. Scott, congratulations, you've been tested.">>
<<say $Clara>>Tested?<</say>>
<<text r "It's not enough to be a good leader, you need to earn the respect of subordinates, and even more.">>
<<md>>They left her office and stay all alone.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Thank so much. I love you.<</say>>
<<md>>She kissed me and it was the best moment of the whole day.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM13TQuest = 5>>\
[[Leave her office|Second floor]]<<if $ClubGirlsFuckQuest == 1>>\
<<say $Sophia>>Oh, $mc.Name. Looks like you're still determined to help poor girls seriously?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I need to somehow ease them... Desire.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>If I didn't know you, I'd think you really only care about them and don't think about your dick.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, so how do we do that?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>You still don't know them all, do you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>> Then just come to me and I will help you in this difficult matter.<</say>>
<<set $ClubGirlsFuckQuest = 2>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]
<<set _ClubFuckQuestArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _ClubFuckQuestArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>She was extremely sexy. It didn't matter now that I was a teacher and she was a student. The only thing that really mattered was the tongue that kept swirling around my penis, playing with it. The girl was putting her fingernails in my hand, but it only increased my sexual arousal.<</md>>
<<md>>I wanted her. I wanted to fuck that cute sexy mouth that begged me to rip my throat off my big dick.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Clubfuck1quest.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She was crazy, and she could totally drive even a wise man like me crazy.<</md>>
<<md>>Her moaning only really inflamed me, so I grabbed her head and pulled her so hard that she almost suffocated.<</md>>
<<md>>I smiled because I heard in her tone not thirst for help, no. She wanted to be used by me.<</md>>
<<md>>And I didn't want to refuse a girl with such a sexy face, so very soon all my seed was on her face.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>She drags me along and I follow dutifully. I like it even more than the usual situations when I have to take the initiative.<</md>>
<<md>>The girl gently falls on the bed and I on top of her. Hands themselves stretch to the back of the skirt and, which beckons me stronger than the former through white panties. It twitches beneath me and I feel like I'm shaking with tension. She makes a move towards me and I see my red hand, curved towards her crotch. It's an amazing sight.<</md>>
<<md>>I barely touch the red lips of her when she gives a quiet moan. She doesn't do it loudly, which surprises me because she seemed very active to me. But I have time to be surprised again when it turns on me.<</md>>
<<md>>That means I got it all by the part. But does she really want me to go in? Well... It allows me to enter it, and then begins to move faster.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\clubfuck2quest.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Then I suddenly realize that I'm getting too excited. I think if she keeps moving, I'm going to lose control, and then she's going to squeal with pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>And then she accelerates her movements. Her lips are greedily with mine.<</md>>
<<md>>Her breath gets hot. Her nails stick into my skin and she starts to buckle up.<</md>>
<<md>>From this I lose control and end so powerfully that I fly air out of my chest. I feel it wince in my hands, and then suddenly abruptly pulls back, wide-eyed, in which bliss has frozen.<</md>>
[[Awesome|My room]]
<<set $ClubGirlsFuckQuest += 1>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 12>>\<<if $BeachMeditation == 10>>\
<<set $BeachMeditationFuck = 1>>\
<<set _BeachMeditationArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _BeachMeditationArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>I close my eyes. The sea whispers to me, calls out to my inner voice. Waves envelop my consciousness, forcing me to look into the depths of myself, to study something I could not even think of before.<</md>>
<<md>>I'm not $mc.Name, I'm part of something bigger. I'm sand under people's feet, I'm a wave rolling ashore. Nothing matters, just a sense of shared freedom and peace. At this point I realize that there are no problems around me. I don't really exist. I don't depend on anything, but I can choose - but I don't have to. That's what I need. Every second is another second spent without thinking.<</md>>
<<md>>And it's just wonderful.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>The tranquillity of our world is a very expensive treasure. And being here on the warm sand, at the very shore of the sea, I understand it perfectly. What's the point of running forward, edinging another nuisance? You need to be able to stop and be able to enjoy what you have. Feel the warmth of the sand under your feet, feel the touch of the sea.<</md>>
<<md>> To know that you have something to say thank you to the world around you.<</md>>
<<md>>This gratitude is better than all the words that have been said to me in my life. It elevates me to heaven, allows me to enjoy everything around, will be filled with love for all and tranquility.<</md>>
<<md>>What a lovely feeling.<</md>>
<<set $stamina +=35>>\
<<set $MeditationBonus = 1>>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<<set $MeditationToday = 1>>\
<<set $BeachMeditation += 1>>\
[[Back|Beach]] <<md>>I am very happy to be here. Meditation in the middle of a luxurious beach can not but please. However, it is not only the sound of the waves that attracts my attention. And even though meditation teaches you to relax and reject all the worldly worries, I can't stop thinking about one girl on the beach. She's on my line of vision, so I'm always looking at her and her huge mouthy ass in thongs.<</md>>
<<md>>Calm... That's not why I came here...<</md>>
<<md>>I want to rip those panties off her. So much so that my penis barely jumps out of his underpants.<</md>>
<<md>>I really want to see her naked body. I think a lot of women would appreciate my ability to talk about my erection without embarrassment.<</md>>
<<md>>And some (she among them) would surely admire my intelligence and insight.<</md>>
<<md>>There's something about her that's so unusual, deep. She is hardly just a housewife, forced to give in to the will of her husband. Rather, it has something to do with the modeling business, because only there are such beauties.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\trash\Quest\Video\BM_blow.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I close my eyes again and feel calmness gripping me. As the wind pleasantly blows, as the lower belly becomes pleasant and a little wet. Probably from thinking about a stranger.<</md>>
<<md>>But when I open my eyes, I realize that it is not my spirit, but my body that is pleasant. A sexy stranger works with her mouth, sucking on the head of my penis.<</md>>
<<md>>She fucks me with her mouth without even knowing it, and I can't take my eyes off her. Something completely new, never before have I experienced anything like this. Everything around it becomes shaky and unreal. It's like I've turned into air and hovered over the world.<</md>>
<<md>>It's so crazy. But I like it, and that's why I blow up the fountain right in her mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>She winks at me, licks my lips, and goes on.<</md>>
<<set $BeachMeditationFuck = 2>>\
[[Back|Beach]] <<md>>My office is quite today.<</md>>
<<if $DirectorPath gte 2>>\
<<if $ClaraM17Quest > 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:25') && $LindaClaraPath1Q == 0>>\
<<goto "LindaClaraPath1Quest">>\
<<if $LindaClaraPath1Q == 3 >>\
[[Check laptop|LindaClaraPath1Quest3]]
<<if $ClaraM17Quest == 1 && $McPrinciple == 1>>\
[[Check office|ClaraHomeVideoGeneral]]
<<if $McPrinciple == 1 && $QuestNextDay is false && $DirectorPath == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '15:00')>>\
<<goto "DirectorBegin1">>\
<<if $McPrinciple == 1 && $DirectorPath == 1 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '10:00')>>\
<<goto "SponsorFirstMeet">>\
<<if $EllieBreakdown == 1 && $SponsorFirstMeet == 1 >>\
[[Leave the office|Second floor]]<<md>>Naomi's house is extremely quiet today. But at the same time it is cozy. After everything we've been through with her, I just enjoy this peace. It was a long way that we managed to go and not lose ourselves. Of course, it’s still a little difficult for me morally to be around Lexi ... But when the thoughts come to my mind that I received much more in return than just a girl, I feel calm.<</md>>
<<md>>Naomi is one of those girls for whom you try your whole life. When you come, they will support you, or you will simply blossom from the very realization of what prize you got. She creates comfort in my life and it makes me very happy. I even begin to think about excluding someone else from my life.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>What are you thinking about?<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi laid her head on my shoulder and gently pressed herself against me. There is nothing sexy about it, just a comfortable feeling of closeness or warmth.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How lucky I am. Your birthday is the most wonderful event that has happened to me.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Really? I love you...<</say>>
<<md>>We merged in a soft and tender kiss, from which I felt warm in my soul. I didn’t want this feeling to disappear, so I didn’t let go of her lips and tongue. It seemed to me that I was drowning in this intimacy, but I was only glad of it.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Do you think we can go somewhere tomorrow?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm... Where to?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>I know one place. Hee-hee-hee!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm already intrigued.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Then let's meet tomorrow near my house at 5 p.m?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sounds great!<</say>>
<<set $Naomi6Q = 2>>\
<<set $Naomi6QT = 2>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]] <<md>>Other things were less important now, because all my thoughts were directed only to the global riddle that Naomi had asked me. What has she already thought of? Why such secrecy?<</md>>
<<md>>However, as soon as Naomi appeared on the doorstep, all my thoughts simply disappeared. She looked so beautiful in seemingly mundane things that it took my breath away. These shorts only emphasized her beauty. Although wait ... I think or I see red panties that are crawling out from under the shorts. Exactly sexy. Too sexy what can I say...<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Let's go to.<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi grabbed my hand and led me through strange streets that I had never been in before.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>As a child, my dad often took me here. This was one of his favorite places. It sounds very strange, but I love being here.<</say>>
<<md>>We found ourselves in the middle of a strange, almost alien building. Its rounded shape seemed very unrealistic.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What is it? It`s look like...<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>This is an old observatory building. It used to be good to watch the stars from here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Awesome!<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Yes, it`s wonderful. And prompts some thoughts.<</say>>
<<md>>She kissed me and hugged me softly.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>You know, nobody is here ever... We are alone...<</say>>
<<md>>From these words, which she whispered in my ear, it became pleasant and warm. So I put my hands under her T-shirt and squeezed both breasts.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>$mc.Name... I have a special present for you.<</say>>
<<md>>She took off her shorts and I didn't know what to say ... She was not wearing panties, only small threads with a heart in the middle.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Naomi!<</say>>
<<md>>I laid her down on a pillow, which my seductive girlfriend must have brought in advance. My cock was already asking for free, so I took it out and touched Naomi's pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>She screamed and arched, then grabbed my shoulders and squeezed tightly, as if she did not want to let go. <div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\Naomistreet_HD 720p_VP8.mp4"></video></div>But she quickly relaxed and squeezed him in her palms. I also relaxed, my hands slid over her body, freeing her from the remnants of her clothes. She just smiled.<</md>>
<<md>>And then I started fucking her like never before. Fuck rough, hard, and without closing your eyes, but merging in a slow, gentle rhythm.<</md>>
<<md>>She moaned with pleasure. I thought I was about to die. I repeated these movements exactly as I did before - with moans and screams, feeling a bliss overwhelm me.<</md>>
<<if $NaomiVideo8Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $NaomiVideo8Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>And in the end I finished hard on her beautiful belly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's come here more often!<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi laughed out loud in response. And then I walked her home.<</md>>
<<set $Naomi6Q = 3>>\
<<set $Naomi6QT = 3>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]] <<md>>After the previous time, my dislike of the police is slowly fading away. It looks like their work is not only necessary, but also very interesting. Of course, my friend is unlikely to send me on any dangerous mission, but even what I now have to do can be called a risk.<</md>>
<<md>>I sighed heavily when he called me and gave me the details. It was supposed to be a perfectly calm evening, but instead, I'm heading into the most dangerous area possible, picking up some influential daughter of a local businessman. If I remember correctly all the stories about them, then these are usually spoiled youth who are bathed in luxury and do not know other worries.<</md>>
<<md>>I wonder why the police are dealing with this problem at all? However, my business is not to ask unnecessary questions, but only to go to Far-Dreams Station and deal with everything.<</md>>
<<set $PoliceQ2 = 2>>\
[[To work|My room]]<<md>>I feel uncomfortable as soon as I get off the subway, because I know that nothing good can happen here. This place attracts only gloomy people and individuals who are looking for easy entertainment. However, if this girl prefers the latter, then perhaps the evening will cease to be so languid.<</md>>
<<md>>I walk softly through the building past an abandoned house when someone calls out my name. Looking up, I notice a girl in only her underwear. She laughs out loud. Is this my goal?<</md>>
<<set $PoliceQ2 = 3>>\
[[Go for her|PoliceQuest2Sex]]<<md>>I climb up and find her in the middle of some strange building, in which there is absolutely nothing except a large table and several benches. I wonder what she forgot here? However, from the condoms scattered everywhere, I can clearly tell who she is.<</md>>
<<md>>The girl hangs on me ... I feel how my excitement begins to increase from her slightest touch.<</md>>
<<md>>She laughs out loud and says that she knows why I came. At my attempts to explain to her that I am here to pick her up, she laughs again and turns her back. Damn, what a gorgeous body she has.<</md>>
<<md>>The girl arches sexually, showing me her most attractive features.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\trash\Quest\Video\PoliceStrip1_HD 720p_VP8.mp4"></video></div> This ass looks so sexy when she bends over. She clearly looks after herself...<</md>>
<<md>>And I watch her panties slide off and a very gorgeous picture opens up to me. My cock is ready to jump out of my pants, from this view, from her whore smile. But when she pulls off her sports bra and lies down on the table, I can no longer control myself.<</md>>
<<md>>The girl is all tense, she says she wants me to take her myself, fuck her in the mouth. I obeyed and the dick completely entered this mouth full of passion.<</md>>
<<md>>She breathes heavily, but continues to swing her ass rhythmically.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\trash\Quest\Video\PoliceStrip2_HD 720p_VP8.mp4"></video></div> I understand that she wants to get at least a little bit of pleasure and I give it to her. I myself do not know what is happening to me, I am turning into a wild beast, for which it is only important to fuck her. Punish. Punish. Cum. Fill with sperm!<</md>>
<<md>>Finally I manage to squeeze deeper and cum in her mouth. It seems that she has swallowed everything ... But I already take my other hand behind her head and pull down. To thrust a member deeper into her throat. No, it's not that simple - you have to bend your legs.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally I come a second time and she smiles mysteriously.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, it's time to send her home. I would not want someone else to get such a sports girl besides me.<</md>>
<<md>>I would love to fuck her a few more times!<</md>>
[[Go home|My room]]<<md>>Things with the club seem to be starting to improve. I don’t know how long it will take for me to completely put everything in order, but I am sure that I will succeed. I can handle everything and more.<</md>>
<<md>>We need to choose another girl to get closer to the end of this whole story with the club.<</md>>
<<md>>I think Sophia can give me a hint.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Have you come to help the club?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, something like that.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Is Fiona okay with the fact that you fuck half of the school besides her?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don't think she's that much worried. Or she even knows.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>$mc.Name! Be careful ... You will never know the consequences of your decisions until it's too late.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good. I promise to think about it. Until then, tell me a name.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Natalie Dreamer. She can be dangerous if she doesn't get her`s. I mean it`s your penis.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understood...<</say>>
<<set $Fiona13Q = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona14Q = 1>>\
[[Find girl|FionaClubNatalieFuck2]]
<<md>>Her tongue slowly played with the head of my cock. At first she seemed shy, although her eyes had already raped me with might and main.<</md>>
<<md>>The movements were smooth and slow and achieved such a magnificent and exceptional result that I had to close my eyes not to see what she was doing to me.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\Policeblow_HD 720p_(1)_VP8.mp4"></video></div> Gradually her tongue became cocky and demanding. I felt how my balls harden from the desire to feel it fully and in full. I tried to remember her scent and immediately felt it - her breath, the delicate scent of her body, which seemed to tease my mind with its freshness.<</md>>
<<md>>This happened to me for the first time in my life. And although I no longer tried to explain this phenomenon, its nature always seemed to me quite understandable - this smell of excitement, almost completely filling the entire universe, enveloping the world with its smell, as a result of which its seductiveness became completely indescribable.<</md>>
<<md>>I realized that I was dead. I knew I would never forget this. But when everything happened, I experienced a mixed feeling of relief and loss - as if I had lost something important, and, most importantly, the feeling that arose along with this moment.<</md>>
<<md>>Or did I feel the devastation that those wild eyes and greedy lips would go away, drinking my sperm?<</md>>
<<md>>Perhaps next time I will continue and go further. In the meantime, this will be enough for Natalie.<</md>>
<<set $Fiona14Q = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona15Q = 1>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 14>>\
[[Great|My room]]<<md>>Today was a great day. The girls strongly absorbed everything that I tell them, so there were no problems. But I'm still a little worried about Monica. She still doesn't show up at school. This is not very similar to the behavior of an hardly exemplary student. We need to go to her house and find out what is there and how.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 2>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader4 = 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Monica?<</say>>
<<md>>In response, silence. Neither knocking nor calling had the desired effect, so I decided to just go in. Who knows, maybe something happened to the girl? After all, you can't be sure of anything, so I just went inside. Security is certainly not the strongest feature of their home.<</md>>
<<md>>A drawn-out groan greeted me as soon as I had time to take a few steps. Is that Monica? Did something happen? I have to run!<</md>>
<<md>>But as soon as I looked around carefully, I saw something very beautiful. Monica lay on the couch with her beautiful legs spread wide apart. Gentle girlish fingers touched the pink pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>She was lovely.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\Monica_mast_1_HD 720p_VP8.mp4"></video></div> This in itself was so unbearable that I could hardly restrain myself so as not to push the door, not to run out to meet her and not start helping her with my hands or tongue.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaVideo4Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo4Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>But of course I didn't. I stood and looked at her. The sight of her caressing fingers was so beautiful that my love for her was so great that I felt how she fetters me, even if I do not say a word.<</md>>
<<md>>She caressed her clitoris and penetrated her fingers inside, and her moans became louder.<</md>>
<<md>>Her open plump lips always aroused in me a violent desire, but everything that happened was even more unbearable.<</md>>
<<md>>The sight riveted me, but I knew that if I stayed, awkwardness could arise between us. Yet when she did the blow job, she was just grateful to me. And now ... However, I need to leave.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, better get out as soon as possible. And throwing one last glance at Monica caressing herself, I walked away. <</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2T = 2>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]
<<text y "And before we`ll start again, don`t forget to choose your bonus.">>
<div class="photo-select">\
<span class="Work-title" style="padding: 0;">Now select a start-bonus (+2)</span>\
<div class="flx-row-sp-btw">\
<div class="txt-center">\
<img src="img/trash/weight-lifting-up.png" class="radio-container"/>\
<div class="txt-center">\
<img src="img/trash/white-book.png" class="radio-container"/>\
<div class="txt-center">\
<img src="img/trash/conversation.png" class="radio-container"/>\
<div class="txt-center">\
<img src="img/trash/skull-crack.png" class="radio-container"/>\
<<upd-select-img "bonus">><</upd-select-img>>\
[[Next|My room3]]<<if $StartBonus is "1">>\
<<set $mc.Strength = 2>>\
<<elseif $StartBonus is "2">>\
<<set $mc.Intellect = 2>>\
<<elseif $StartBonus is "3">>\
<<set $mc.Charisma = 2>>\
<<elseif $StartBonus is "4">>\
<<set $mc.Boldness = 2>>\
<<text y "That`s all for now. Welcome back!">>
[[Finish|My room]]
<<md>>The mall, as usual, is buzzing with life. People are scurrying around like ants that have found another gift for their queen. The rhythm of life kills me sometimes. I want to go back to the unhurried life in the small town where I used to stay when I was young.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, that little town was disgusting. But it was beautiful. There was almost nothing there, but it was soothing in its almost dead silence. And Bella, she always had a way of comforting me. Yes, what were the odds that two people from an old, unknown little town would end up here, almost in the capital of everything? Who could have predicted that?<</md>>
<<md>>The old days...Bella...How long ago it was...<</md>>
<<md>>What? Who is this?<</md>>
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Pick up the phone|Bella1Q2]]<<say $mc>>Hello?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Oh, $mc.Name, it's you. So I got the right number after all.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I guess so. Who is this? How did you get my number?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Oh, it's Bella!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Bella, good to hear from you! Is “tomorrow” really coming?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>What do you mean? Ahahaha, I get it. Very funny. No, I have a serious conversation to have with you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>When you say that, it never ends well.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Yes, but it's different now. Can you come to the hospital? I'll be waiting for you on the second floor.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Bella, what's wrong?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Just come. Please.<</say>>
<<md>>She hung up. But her voice sounded too worried. So what happened?<</md>>
<<md>>It is better not to keep her waiting.<</md>>
<<set $Bella1QT = 2>>\
<<set $Bella1Q = 2>>\
[[Back to mall|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]
<<addmins 3>>\<<md>>I barely made it to the second floor when Bella rushed toward me.
<<if $BellaImage2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $BellaImage2Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
She pressed softly against me, so I was confused. She just wanted to see me. I got you girl.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>If that's why you wanted to see me, can't we go somewhere private?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>No. That's not it. My patient, he...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Deceased?<</say>>
<<md>>Bella's always been too sensitive about loss and death. Not surprising for someone who's lost so much in her life.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Not yet... He says... That he...<</say>>
<<md>>There were tears in Bella's eyes. I never thought I'd see her crying again. It even made me feel uncomfortable.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>He's what?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>He says he's you! He's naming facts that only you knew. He calls me. White Peppercorn.<</say>>
<<md>>Those words made me feel like I was falling down a big hole. White Peppercorn. That's what I used to call Bella when we were together. But only in private. Who would know that?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Show me that joker!<</say>>
<<md>>I was angry. Extremely angry with the man. Not only had he decided to impersonate me, but he'd also decided to mock poor Bella.<</md>>
<<md>>It was time to put an end to it!<</md>>
[[To the wards|Bella1Q4]]
<<addmins 2>>\<<md>>Bella cried out loudly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What the fuck?!<</say>>
<<md>>As soon as I walked in, I saw the room as if there had been an explosion. The beds were overturned and medical supplies were lying around.<</md>>
<<md>>The nurses stood by the windows, as if they had been abandoned in confusion. The doctor lay in the center of the room in an unnatural position, his head tilted back.<</md>>
<<md>>His face was deathly pale, and his mouth was gushing thick black blood.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Where is your patient?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>He was here...<</say>>
<<md>>But he seems to have escaped, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake.<</md>>
<<set $Bella1QT = 3>>\
<<set $Bella1Q = 3>>\
<<addAff $Bella 10>>\
<<addmins 5>>\Tip: \
<<if $Bella1QT == 0>>\
I`ve met Bella in the hospital. Don`t expect to see her in such place. Maybe I should talk with her in the wards?
<<elseif $Bella1QT == 1>>\
Well, Bella is ready for a little fun. I should look for some present in the mall for her. Tommorow. Let's dont rush it.
<<elseif $Bella1QT == 2>>\
Bella is worrying about something. I should check her at the second floor.
<<elseif $Bella1QT == 3>>\
The situation with my double and Bella is very strange. I have to think about what to do next. My room will do just fine.
<<elseif $Bella1QT == 4>>\
I need to visit Bella in the hospital ASAP.
<<elseif $Bella1QT == 5>>\
I need to find where Bella ran off to... She's got to be in a hospital somewhere.
<<elseif $Bella1QT == 6>>\
Bella is nowhere to be found. I should go back to the hospital tomorrow.
<<elseif $Bella1QT == 7>>\
I have to get to the cafe at 5 p.m. and find out what's up with Bella.
<<elseif $Bella1QT == 8>>\
I need to come up with a plan to get Bella to tell me more about my double. My room would be fine.
<<elseif $Bella1QT == 9>>\
I have to talk Bella into taking the day off.I'd better do it by Wednesday.
<<elseif $Bella1QT == 10>>\
I need to call Bella on Friday night.
<<elseif $Bella1QT == 11>>\
I persuaded Bella to visit the photo studio. Need to be at 10 a.m. on 5th Avenu.
<<elseif $Bella1QT == 12>>\
I persuaded Bella to visit the mall. Need to be at 10 a.m. on 5th Avenu.
You have reached the end of this character`s line. For now.
<<md>>There are so many cars outside the hospital today...I've never seen so many cars before. Hmm...I think I even notice a few cars with familiar logos on them. There's nothing written on them, but I know it's the local news service. But why are there so many of them? Something very important must have happened, since there are so many of them here.<</md>>
<<md>>Even getting to the hospital isn't the easiest thing to do. Well, then it's time to find out!<</md>>
[[To the clinics|Amber1Q2]]<<md>>I was right. There were too many people inside, too much noise, and this screaming was literally digging into my ears. The white flashes seemed to gnaw at my consciousness, making me slow down.<</md>>
<<md>>What in the world is going on here? In the middle of the hallway, I saw Amber standing surrounded by a huge number of people. She resembled one formidable warrior against a whole crowd of foes.<</md>> [img[img/trash/reporters.jpg]]
<<say $Amber>>Yes...That's right...Of course, we're doing our best to...<</say>>
<<md>>She seems a little busy. I don't think anyone can explain anything to me right now.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>It hasn't been proven yet...Till we have the results, I'm going to ask you not to make such a sweeping statement.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, I guess I'll just have to wait until it's over or ask someone what's going on. But before I could do anything, one of the nurses asked me to help her. Normally I wouldn't get involved, but it wasn't like Amber was capable of fighting forever.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Did you hear about the explosion on 23rd Street?<</say>>
<<md>>I talk to one of the reporters loud enough for the others to hear. Nothing distracts reporters like the smell of a fresh scoop.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The minister's entire family is said to have been killed in the explosion.<</say>>
<<md>>His eyes instantly fill with a spark of interest. Though I'd rather call those eyes greedy for profit. They don't have an ounce of sympathy, only a desire to tell the scoop as quickly as possible. No doubt there are other journalists who are calmer and more human. But I doubt they will be here.<</md>>
<<md>>Right before my eyes, their interest in Amber faded and quickly they all rushed to the exit. I wouldn't even feel bad about lying to them.<</md>>
<<md>>As the hall emptied, Amber approached me.<</md>>
<<if $AmberImage1Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AmberImage1Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Amber>>I guess you're the one I have to thank for freeing me from these crows?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I couldn't have said it better. It's like they met a famous star.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>I guess you could say that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry, what?<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>It's a long story. I don't think you'll want to hear it. Of course, if you'd like, we could discuss it over a cup of...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Coffee...<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>I'm afraid it's not going to be just coffee. Whiskey, no less.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds like an interesting story I'd like to hear.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>So let's meet tomorrow at the Bar Heaven after 7 p.m.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Agreed.<</say>>
<<md>>What an interesting woman. And yet what happened here?<</md>>
<<addAff $Amber 15>>\
<<set $Amber1Q = 1>>\
<<set $Amber1QT = 1>>\
[[Leave|HospitalReception]]<<md>>Today turned out to be too much of a day for me. There were too many different events. But what really surprised and tired me today was the incident at the hospital. Why were there so many journalists? No less than an event of global proportions. Perhaps the news will give me a clue.<</md>>
<<md>>Oh, how cute, a lioness at the local zoo gave birth to her own offspring.<</md>>
<<text r "An unidentified man shot our president. Our sources tell us that he was taken for immediate surgery to a hospital on 5th Ave in the city...">>
<<md>>That can't be right! So that's why there were so many reporters here. But the president? Is it really...<</md>>
<<md>>Amber will have too much to explain tomorrow.<</md>>
<<set $Amber1Q = 2>>\
<<set $Amber1QT = 2>>\
[[Yeah|Living room]] Tip: \
<<if $Amber1QT == 0>>\
Amber looks like a very sexy woman. Maybe it`s worth to visit her once again?
<<elseif $Amber1QT == 91>>\
If I want to earn Amber's trust, I need to help her with her ASMR.
<<elseif $Amber1QT == 92>>\
I liked the ASMR session. I need to keep it up if I want to earn Amber's trust.
<<elseif $Amber1QT == 93>>\
I am extremely excited about our sessions with Amber. I wonder where it will take me?
<<elseif $Amber1QT == 94>>\
I need to see Amber again. Maybe she needs my help with something else.
<<elseif $Amber1QT == 1>>\
I wonder why there were so much reporters in the hospital. Should I check TV?
<<elseif $Amber1QT == 2>>\
You have reached the end of this character`s line. For now.
<</if>>\<<say $mc>>So how are you feeling?<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't get the sponsors thing out of my head, so I decided I needed to talk to Clara about what happened yesterday first.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh, this is the greatest day ever! You won't believe what happened!<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes shone with joy, so I couldn't help but smile back at her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So what?<</say>>
<<md>>I touched her shoulders and kissed her gently.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Hush, $mc.Name, it's hard for me to talk when your tongue is inside me. Anyway, the sponsors called this morning and said they're willing to give us extra funding.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But?<</say>>
<<md>>Remembering what we've been through these days and how much has been dumped on us, I think it's best to ask that question right away.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>No buts. They're just increasing our funding. It means I can take care of all my employees again. And my favorite teacher.<</say>>
<<md>>She kissed me softly and it made me feel good. I caught her fingers and kissed them with all the tenderness I could.We must be completely honest with each other and there must be no lies between us. Not after everything that's happened.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm glad it ended so well.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh, it's just beginning. There's a lot more to come. But it might not have happened if you hadn't been there. And that's why I'd like to thank you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What, right here? They might hear us.<</say>>
<<md>>I laughed, but just thinking about it made my pants especially tight.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>No, how would you like us to go to my favorite restaurant tonight?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'd love to.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Great. Then don't go anywhere after school, I'll wait for you.<</say>>
<<md>>It promises to be a very interesting day after all.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM17Quest = 3>>\
<<set $ClaraM18Quest = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM13TQuest = 7>>\
<<set $ClaraM14TQuest = 1>>\
[[Leave her office|Second floor]]<<say $Clara>>So, I hope you're ready for a good evening?<</say>>
<<md>>Clara smiles seductively and I want not only the food, but also her. But then I won't see the place she was planning to take me to.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're asking!<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, let's go then.<</say>>
[[To the place|ClaraPrincipal 2.3]]<<md>>There are places that make you fall in love from just one encounter. You stand mesmerized by all this beauty and don't know how the world can be so beautiful. And this restaurant is just like that. Everything here is beautiful, from the decor to the very courteous waiters.<</md>>
<<md>>When they brought the menu, I almost choked on my saliva. And it wasn't that everything was so good. No, the prices were such that I would have had to work for weeks for just one dish.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Don't worry, I'm taking care of all the financial matters today.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara said it in a calm voice, but I felt uncomfortable just thinking about it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name! Just enjoy yourself.<</say>>
<<md>>After her entreaties, I relented and picked up the menu. After consulting with Clara, I ordered myself a lobster. Apparently these places are more familiar to her than they are to me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>To you.<</say>>
<<md>>We raised our glasses and drank some damn tasty wine. I don't remember how old it is, but it's definitely older than my grandfather! The evening was going just fine.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Come with me. I have a present for you.<</say>>
<<md>>We went down the stairs.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Lay down. I'll be right with you. <</say>>
<<md>>She pointed me to a small table downstairs. It was a massage table. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>In the middle of the petals of this rose there is one secret button.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara kissed me and went into the room next door. I couldn't have wished for anything better. But what would that phrase of hers mean?<</md>>
<<md>>And while I was guessing and taking off my clothes, she was already next door in her masseuse's clothes.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Now relax. Let my hands bring you some pleasure.<</say>>
<<md>>Her fingers worked wonders as they moved over my back. I could feel myself dissolving with every touch.<</md>>
<<md>>And soon my thoughts became indifferent, as they do in dreams. But soon I began to pleasure myself with her hands. I was overwhelmed with such passion that I began to lose control over myself.<</md>>
<<md>>When her fingers touched my chest, when she crawled lower and finally touched my cock. It was so incredible that I cried out in bliss.But that wasn't all.<</md>>
<<md>>Her tongue wrapped around the head of my cock.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraMassageSuck1.mp4"></video></div> Now my cock began to fill her mouth. At first she only managed to lick it halfway, but then things got better. She worked her mouth with all the tenderness and that made my desire even stronger.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraMassageSuck2.mp4"></video></div> Here the cock was already fucking her mouth with all its passion. But her tongue is kissing it over and over again with all the tenderness. Now she even works her lips.<</md>>
<<if $ClaraVideo8Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo8Unlocked = 1>>\
<<if $ClaraVideo9Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo9Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Shit, I want her even more. Clara gets on top and my cock enters her sweet pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>She swallows it whole and I hit something hot and very wet. Then I feel her fingers slide down my back to my buttocks.<</md>>
<<md>>Her fingers spread my buttocks apart and a warm, wet finger began to slowly slide down. I haven't been a teenager for a long time, but when this happens to me, I instantly get an erection.<</md>>
<<md>>So I started fucking Clara as hard as I could to hide the pleasure her caresses were giving me.<</md>>
<<md>>In fact, I don't even want to hold back from just cumming in the moment. My cock went deep into her, but there was no orgasm yet.<</md>>
<<md>>I kept stimulating her breasts and pushing my cock into Clara's wet and hot body. She squirmed all over, but her hips relaxed, giving me way.<</md>>
<<md>>She moaned so loudly that I couldn't hold back any longer and cummed right into her. My cum seemed to spread all over her body, causing her to spread her legs even wider, but her orgasm came a little later than mine.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM18Quest = 2>>\
<<set $ClaraM14TQuest = 2>>\
[[Leave the studio|Street Raw-Road]]<<if $ClaraVideo8Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo8Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<</if>>\Looks like Lexi is ready to have some fun. What we shoud do?
<<talk "Start blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiBlowjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiArouse > 160>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiPetting">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiArouse > 180 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 4>>\
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiCum > 100>><<goto "LexiCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumLexi">><</if>>\
<<md>>Young girl's pussy, could there be something so divine? She called, seduced and beckoned. So I just got on my knees and touched her pretty panties. Lexi moaned loudly at one touch.<</md>>
<<md>>She wanted it.<</md>>
<<md>>I realized this the moment I touched with my lips the place that seemed to me to be under a thin layer of linen. I felt this familiar tickle in my throat again, which aroused me so much.<</md>>
<<md>>And I slid my tongue under her panties. Damn, I'll show her now! I began to caress her lips and tongue, again and again. No longer caring at all that she could feel me. At some point I realized that she didn't just feel it, she wanted to see it.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, I, of course, wanted to see her. Ignoring her reaction, I continued to caress her lips and tongue. She seemed to understand what I was doing and tried to take the initiative.<</md>>
<<md>>She stroked my head, which only intensified my caresses.<</md>>
<<md>>She started waving her hips at me. Then she moaned softly, but it was the best reward for me.<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 15>>
<<set $stamina -= 12>><<addmins 10>>\
<<set $LexiCum += 16>>\
<<set $McCum += 4>>\
<<if $LexiCum > 15 && $LexiArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 25 && $LexiArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 50 && $LexiArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Lexi is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 75 && $LexiArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Lexi is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 100>><<goto "LexiCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumLexi">><</if>>\
<<md>>Lexi touched my cock with her hands without further ado. She hugged it gently, but at the same time quite powerfully, as if she wanted to own him.<</md>>
<<md>>I responded to the caress, and we intertwined our hands. I pressed Lexi to the wall and plunged into her warm sweet lips.<</md>>
<<md>>She answered me so passionately and strongly that I could not tear myself away from her lips. When we finally managed to break away from each other, I looked up at her face.<</md>>
<<md>>It was completely calm and expressed only a deep desire and readiness for everything. I realized that she was not ashamed of what she wanted to do with me. And I felt that I was completely in her power now. I wanted to test my guess.<</md>>
<<md>>So I tried to get up, but her hand was so firmly in my cock that I was almost in pain.<</md>>
<<md>>She smiled and began to jerk off his cock even harder.<</md>>
<<md>>I was crazy with bliss. So I did not resist. It just didn't occur to me. I was too happy to finish soon.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, very soon...<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 7>>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
<<set $LexiCum += 5>>\
<<set $McCum += 13>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiBlowjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Continue handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiArouse > 160>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiPetting">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiArouse > 180 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 6 && $mc.Strength > 8>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiCum > 15 && $LexiArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 25 && $LexiArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 50 && $LexiArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Lexi is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 75 && $LexiArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Lexi is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]<<if $LexiCum > 100>><<goto "LexiCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumLexi">><</if>>\
<<md>>Lexi's body was so special and sexy that I just couldn't help myself. Her pussy called me and my cock, so I quickly found myself inside this warm and calling place.<</md>>
<<md>>And soon after that, I felt that Lexi's cunt was ready to accept me too. I felt a surge of this unearthly bliss that I had never experienced before.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\LexiCowgirl.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Lexi began to move and move closer to me, her hands squeezing my hips. But then there was a small, very small hitch - her knees suddenly flew up, and she jumped hard on my cock, completely immersed in a sea of pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>Her sweet vagina was firm and elastic and I was close to cumming. However, she suddenly moved away and spread her legs slightly, and I was in danger of losing my partner.<</md>>
<<md>>So I put it harder on my cock and began to attack aggressively. A light moan escaped her lips, completely filling that brief moment. What happened next was completely unpredictable and at first glance as unexpected as an orgasm. I knew she would push off now and turn her hips back.<</md>>
<<md>>That's why I only thrusted at her harder until she moaned.<</md>>
<<md>>Then I wrapped my arms around her hips and, when her legs came off the floor, immediately redoubled my efforts. She began to move her hips, but I was alert and immediately caught her and pressed hard on my hips. This time it all happened very quickly.<</md>>
<<md>>Ah, what a delight...<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 30>>\
<<set $stamina -= 25>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $LexiCum += 25>>\
<<set $McCum += 20>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiBlowjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiArouse > 160>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiPetting">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiArouse > 180 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Continue vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiCum > 15 && $LexiArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 25 && $LexiArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 50 && $LexiArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Lexi is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 75 && $LexiArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Lexi is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]<<if $LexiCum > 100>><<goto "LexiCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumLexi">><</if>>\
<<md>>Lexi was a very bad girl today and I knew what she wanted. I wanted that too. Don't just fuck her in the ass, no, I wanted to take her like an animal. <div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\LexiAnalDoggy.mp4"></video></div>That's why I abruptly inserted a member into her anus and fucked her roughly, so roughly that every particle inside her body was torn by my movements.<</md>>
<<md>>The pain, which until recently seemed unbearable, became more unbearable with each new dose of fucking. But she was just thrilled about it. She liked the pain, she liked to feel my cock in her ass. And I smiled at the realization.<</md>>
<<md>>We finished at the same time. As soon as the orgasm released me, she collapsed on me like a sandbag, and I slid on the bed. We were silent for a while. She was still rubbing her ass. And I was thinking about how much I like to fuck her. <</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 18>>
<<set $stamina -= 20>><<addmins 20>>\
<<set $LexiCum += 10>>\
<<set $McCum += 30>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiBlowjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiArouse > 160>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiPetting">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiArouse > 180 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 6 && $mc.Strength > 8>>\
<<talk "Continue anal" 20 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiCum > 15 && $LexiArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 25 && $LexiArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 50 && $LexiArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Lexi is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 75 && $LexiArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Lexi is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]<<if $LexiCum > 100>><<goto "LexiCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumLexi">><</if>>\
<<md>>Lexi was already lying on the sofa, which I carefully freed, throwing everything that was on it on the floor.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\LexiIntVaginal.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $LexiVideo8Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiVideo8Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Her pussy seductively called me, so I, not really expecting, entered it. The girl let out a slight groan and squeezed me tighter from the inside. Its walls were so hot and soft that I wanted to stay there forever. But the wild beast within me took over and I began to move wildly inside Lexi, not caring how she felt.<</md>>
<<md>>I didn't care. I've waited too long for this. My movements became sharp, but the girl only moaned louder with pleasure. She liked it when I was rude to her.<</md>>
<<md>>Convinced of this, I stopped and completely restrain myself, pounding Lexi more and more every second. I entered it all the way, I feel how every time it shrinks under my onslaught.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes! Yes! Yes! Stronge-eeee-rrr!<</say>>
<<md>>Her pussy begged, cried out to fill it and I fulfilled this request.<</md>>
<<md>>Liquid flowed from Lexi's sexy legs onto the sofa.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Love study!<</say>>
<<md>>Ha-ha! That's why I love this girl.<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 20>>
<<set $stamina -= 16>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $LexiCum += 22>>\
<<set $McCum += 16>>\
<<if $LexiArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiCum > 15 && $LexiArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 25 && $LexiArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 50 && $LexiArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Lexi is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 75 && $LexiArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Lexi is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 100>><<goto "LexiCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumLexi">><</if>>\
<<md>>I can't contain the tension inside my pants, I introduce a girl to the head of my penis. Everything inside her is shrinking, but it makes me feel even more enjoyable.<</md>>
<<md>>She pulls her ass up, letting me in completely without any problem. The groaning gets stronger and excites me even more. Girl pussy fever is so sexy, I can't stop. I move inside her at an increasing rate, ruthlessly attacking over and over.<</md>>
<<md>>She moans louder and the pressure inside becomes so unbearably hot that I have nothing left but to splash my pleasure right into her bosom. <</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 30>>
<<set $stamina -= 25>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $LexiCum += 25>>\
<<set $McCum += 20>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiBlowjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiArouse > 160>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiPetting">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiArouse > 180 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Keep going vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiCum > 15 && $LexiArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 25 && $LexiArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 50 && $LexiArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Lexi is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 75 && $LexiArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Lexi is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Back|LexiTalk]]<<if $LexiCum > 100>><<goto "LexiCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumLexi">><</if>>\
<<md>>You didn't have to beg me twice. You rarely hear such offers, especially from a girl!<</md>>
<<md>>Passionately clinging to her lips, I took Lexi in my arms and very soon we were on the bed. Lexi turned her back on me, as if teasing by her ass even more.<</md>>
<<md>>Slapping my hand on the bottom, I pulled off the rest of the girl's clothes. What a lovely ass she has!<</md>>
<<md>>A little lubricant in that little hole to make my cock feel snug inside and Lexi doesn't hurt too much.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\LexiIntAnal.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $LexiVideo6Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiVideo6Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>The head softly entered as a long moan escaped her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yeah...<</say>>
<<md>>Hell, I just entered in a little, and she already enjoys it so much.
Feeling how tightly this elastic ass squeezes me from all sides, I moved on. At first it was not so easy, but then...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>He is so big! I love your big cock in that little ass.<</say>>
<<md>>I touched her pussy with my hand and realized that Lexi was not lying. She wasn't just wet, she had a whole flood there.<</md>>
<<md>>Placing the student's ass completely on my penis, I felt the best pleasure in my life. She squeezed my penis so tightly and at the same time softly that pleasure rolled over me with great force.<</md>>
<<md>>She moaned, twisted her ass and looked so depraved that I surrendered to the power of feelings.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes! Give me all your cock! Fuck me, don't stop!<</say>>
<<md>>Moving with great speed, I felt myself approaching the highest moment. One by one wave of my semen was shot into the small, but seductive hole of my student.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, that's a reason to fall in love with the type of questions Lexi was asking.<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 18>>
<<set $stamina -= 20>><<addmins 20>>\
<<set $LexiCum += 10>>\
<<set $McCum += 30>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiBlowjob">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiPetting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiVaginal">><</talk>>
<<talk "Keep going anal" 20 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiCum > 15 && $LexiArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 25 && $LexiArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 50 && $LexiArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Lexi is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 75 && $LexiArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Lexi is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]<<if $LexiCum > 100>><<goto "LexiCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumLexi">><</if>>\
<<md>>I squeezed her ass, and then I put some grease on my fingers. After the skillful movements, mine penetrated into a still small hole. However, I soon saw that Lexi was ready for more.<</md>>
<<md>>The head slowly walked up her ass like it was moving through an obstacle. As much as I'd like to get through it right away, if I did it dramatically, Lexi would hate me for the rest of my life.<</md>>
<<md>>Contrary to what I think, the moaning came off her lips, inviting me on. Slowly, centimetre by centimetre, my dick would enter her. Tightly squeezing me from the inside, Lexi wagged her ass like a mad bitch. In her eyes and groans, I could hear her asking me not to stop and be rude to her. <</md>>
<<md>>And I was. Her ass burned me like in my dreams, but now it was the fire of pleasure. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yeah!Cum! Cum up in my ass!<</say>>
<<md>>She was screaming so loud, if I had another dick, I'd definitely shut her mouth with it. I was out of control, though, and after a few minutes of rabid racing, I came right inside the little ass. <</md>>
<<md>>This is the best feeling I've ever had!<</md>>
<<addLust $Lexi 18>>
<<set $stamina -= 20>><<addmins 20>>\
<<set $LexiCum += 10>>\
<<set $McCum += 30>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiBlowjob">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiPetting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiVaginal">><</talk>>
<<talk "Keep going anal" 20 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LexiAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $LexiCum > 15 && $LexiArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 25 && $LexiArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 50 && $LexiArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Lexi is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $LexiCum > 75 && $LexiArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Lexi is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]<<md>>Angela is ready for more. I shouldn`t hesitate!<</md>>
<<talk "Start blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBlowjob">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "Angelahandjob">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaPetting">><</talk>>
<<if $AngelaArouse > 180 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $AngelaArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 6 && $mc.Strength > 8>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 1 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaAnal">><</talk>>
[[Back|AngelaTalk]]<<if $stamina< 16>>\
<<goto "MCTiredAngela">>\
<<if $AngelaCum2 == 1>><<goto "AngelaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumAngela">><</if>>\
<<set _AngelaVaginalMissyList = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _AngelaVaginalMissyList.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>She moved her booty, as if teasing me even more, before pushing a strip of panties to the side and letting me in.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Damn, I never thought that inside he felt that way. You are so big.<</say>>
<<md>>However, she let me take the initiative. Dick slowly disappeared inside her.<</md>>
<<if $AngelaImage61Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage61Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Angela>>Ahhh! Put in completely, be rude to me!<</say>>
<<md>>In one final movement, I drove it inside Angela's pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>Her pussy squeezed me very much and it was pleasant to move quickly from this. Grabbing the girl by both hands, I began to move with particular cruelty. If she does not want me to be gentle with her, I will not.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Stronger! Stronger! Tear me apart with your dick!<</say>>
<<md>>Her pussy is so hot that I'm not sure how long I can hold out without cumming up inside.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes! Yes! Yes!<</say>>
<<md>>Angela's scream excited me even more and a plentiful stream of sperm began to flow inside this beautiful woman`s body.<</md>>
<<md>>When it was all over, Angela smiled pretty, and her eyes shone with joy.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>It seems like tomorrow it will be difficult for me to walk. I haven’t felt so good for a long time!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>I was feeling so turned on as I watched Angela on her hands and knees, her tight butt facing me as she wagged her tail, ready to be taken. I slowly moved closer to her and felt my hard-on pressing against her soft skin.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What a peach!<</say>>
<<md>>I reached out and grabbed two handfuls of her ass, squeezing it tightly as I pressed myself against her. She whined softly, her arousal evident.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello, sweetie!<</say>>
<<md>>I leaned forward and whispered in her ear, telling her how much I wanted her. She licked my face in response and I felt my desire growing even more.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yeah…<</say>>
<<md>>I slowly entered her from behind, feeling her tightness surround me as I moved deeper and deeper. I grabbed her hips and began thrusting in and out, feeling her tight walls gripping me tightly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you like it?<</say>>
<<md>>I let out a moan as I felt the pleasure building up inside me. I started thrusting harder, my hands gripping her hips tightly as I went faster and faster.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes. I like it very…much!<</say>>
<<md>>Angela was panting hard, her moans and whines echoing in the room. I felt her start trembling and knew she was close. I increased my pace, pushing her right to the edge before finally spilling my seed inside her.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Damn yeah!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>I'm standing in front of Angela with her on all fours, her head bowed and her back arched. She looks so sexy and I can't help but feel aroused. Her eyes are closed and she's panting softly, waiting for me. I take my time, running my hands over her body, feeling her curves and soft skin beneath my fingertips.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yeah…<</say>>
<<md>>I start to stroke her inner thighs and she moans softly, her body trembling with anticipation. I move my hands around her hips, caressing her buttocks and slowly sliding a finger inside. She gasps as I enter her, pushing deeper and deeper until I reach her most sensitive spot.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>More!<</say>>
<<md>>I thrust in and out of her, each thrust more intense than the last. I can feel her walls closing around me, milking me as I thrust harder and deeper. I'm lost in the moment, my body on fire with pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I need more!<</say>>
<<md>>Angela whimpers and whines as I take her harder and faster. I can feel her body shaking beneath me and I know I'm close. I reach down and grab her hips, pushing her hard against me as I come.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>You are unbelievable!<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 20>>
<<set $stamina -= 16>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $AngelaCum += 52>>\
<<set $McCum += 16>>\
<<if $AngelaCum > 100>><<set $AngelaCum = 100>><<set $AngelaCum2 = 1>><</if>>\
<<if $AngelaCum2 == 1>>\
<</if>>\<<if $stamina< 25>>\
<<goto "MCTiredAngela">>\
<<if $AngelaCum2 == 1>>\
<<goto "AngelaCum">>\
<<if $AngelaCum > 100>><<goto "AngelaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumAngela">><</if>>\
<<set _AngelaVaginalDoggyList = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _AngelaVaginalDoggyList.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Angela's body has always attracted me, because it was beyond my strength to control myself. The member instantly began to hammer, gradually increasing the amplitude. Angela's throat was still living its own life. I made frequent pauses, and during this time her chest made intricate passes in the air, as if drawing an eight in the air. I dug into her pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>She ran her tongue over me, and I understood what she was going to do. It was her favorite number, which she did when preparing for the next one. I was already ready for this. I put my legs and hugged Angela, pushing her against the wall.<</md>>
<<md>>I fucked her with all my might.<</md>>
<<md>>She finished at the same time as me and moaned loudly. I felt her cum inside me. My penis did not wait for its turn, and I decided to please her myself. I knelt down and put it on the table.<</md>>
<<md>>How beautiful!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>I can feel Angela's tight wetness as she eagerly wraps her legs around me, her breath coming in hot, heavy gasps. She's been begging me for this all night, and I can feel her desire for me as we move together.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yeah!<</say>>
<<md>>I thrust deeper, pushing her to the edge of pleasure. She responds with a moan of pleasure and her tight grip on my body intensifies.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>More,baby!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaIntVaginal1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I can feel every inch of her body as I move, guiding her closer and closer to ecstasy. She responds with increasing intensity, her movements getting faster and more urgent.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yeah!<</say>>
<<md>>Finally, I reach my climax, sending Angela over the edge with me. She screams out in pleasure, sending shockwaves through my body.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Wow!<</say>>
<<md>>We collapse together in a sweaty heap, both of us exhausted and satisfied. Angela looks up at me with a naughty smile, her eyes sparkling with pleasure. I know I just gave her what she wanted and it was definitely worth it.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>I watched as Angela spread her legs wide open and lay on the bed. Her eyes were filled with anticipation as she looked up at me. Her beautiful body was begging to be touched and explored.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Come here.<</say>>
<<md>>I moved in between her legs and felt her warmth as I pressed myself against her. She moaned softly as I entered her and started thrusting. Her body moved in perfect harmony with mine as we explored each other's pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I love much...<</say>>
<<md>>My hands roamed her body as I kissed her neck, her breasts, and her lips. She responded with passionate cries, her moans becoming louder and more passionate. I moved my hands up and down her body, exploring every inch of her with my touch.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah...Show me that body!<</say>>
<<md>>Angela moved her hips in circles, increasing the intensity of our lovemaking. She was a willing partner, pushing me further and further into pleasure. I felt her tightness around me as she tightened her grip on my body.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yeah, faster!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaIntVaginal2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Our bodies moved together as one, and I could feel her orgasm start to build. I moved faster as I felt her body tense and release in bliss. Her cries of pleasure echoed in the room as we both reached our climax.<</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>I was in bed with Angela, her body pressed against mine, her curves accentuating her femininity in the most tantalizing way. She smiled up at me, eyes full of lust and desire, and I knew that I was in for a wild night.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Come here, handsome.<</say>>
<<md>>Angela moved first, pushing me onto my back and straddling me. She grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head, her hips grinding against mine as she moved. She teased me, her body moving in ways that made my mouth water, and I couldn't help but cry out in pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Let me show you something...<</say>>
<<md>>She shifted her weight, pushing herself down onto me, and I felt her warmth surround me. I moved my hips, pushing back against her, wanting to feel her even deeper. She let out a pleased moan, and I knew that I was pleasuring her just as much as she was pleasuring me.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>So...deep...<</say>>
<<md>>We moved together in perfect harmony, our bodies in sync as we explored each other. Angela's body moved with a sensuality that I had never seen before, and I felt myself getting closer and closer to the edge.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>More!<</say>>
<<md>>Angela seemed to sense this, and she began to increase her speed and intensity, pushing me further and further. I could feel myself reaching the pinnacle of pleasure, and with one final thrust, I felt the waves of pleasure crash over me.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!<</say>>
<<md>>Angela followed soon after, her body shaking with pleasure as she came undone. We both lay there afterwards, breathing heavily, our bodies tangled in each other. I had never felt such a connection before, and I knew that the night had been truly special.<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 30>>
<<set $stamina -= 25>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $AngelaCum += 20>>\
<<set $McCum += 30>>\
<<if $AngelaCum > 100>><<set $AngelaCum = 100>><<set $AngelaCum2 = 1>><</if>>\
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Keep going vaginal" 16 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 6 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBlowjob">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 15 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaFooting">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start titsjob" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBreastFuck">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start handjob" 7 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "Angelahandjob">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start fisting" 15 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaFisting">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start cuni" 12 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaCuni">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 18 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start fetish" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $AngelaCum2 == 1>>\
<</if>>\<<if $stamina< 25>>\
<<goto "MCTiredAngela">>\
<<if $AngelaCum > 100>><<goto "AngelaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumAngela">><</if>>\
<<set _AngelaVaginalSpoonyList = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _AngelaVaginalSpoonyList.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>It was Angela's favorite pose and it showed. The way she smiled, how she moved her pussy over my cock, how loudly she moaned...<</md>>
<<md>>I have never seen such pleasure in her. Finally I got it through and started fucking her as hard as I could.<</md>>
<<md>>At that moment she was completely in my power, I completely controlled her body, I could do anything with her. Therefore, I went into her completely, feeling the warmth of her pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>It was funny to me. It seemed to me that she was just asking to fuck her again.<</md>>
<<md>>So I sped up, my cock fucked her with all his might.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaSpooning.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AngelaVideo8Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo8Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She moaned and pressed her hands to my chest, her fingers digging into my throat. This position was very exciting.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn yes!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>I'm standing in front of Angela with her on all fours, her head bowed and her back arched. She looks so sexy and I can't help but feel aroused. Her eyes are closed and she's panting softly, waiting for me. I take my time, running my hands over her body, feeling her curves and soft skin beneath my fingertips.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah!<</say>>
<<md>>I start to stroke her inner thighs and she moans softly, her body trembling with anticipation. I move my hands around her hips, caressing her buttocks and slowly sliding a finger inside. She gasps as I enter her, pushing deeper and deeper until I reach her most sensitive spot.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That’s it!<</say>>
<<md>>I thrust in and out of her, each thrust more intense than the last. I can feel her walls closing around me, milking me as I thrust harder and deeper. I'm lost in the moment, my body on fire with pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yeah!Faster!<</say>>
<<md>>Angela whimpers and whines as I take her harder and faster. I can feel her body shaking beneath me and I know I'm close. I reach down and grab her hips, pushing her hard against me as I come.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>What a ride!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>I'm in bed with Angela, ready to explore a new sexual position. As I lay on my side, Angela curls up behind me so that we are in the spooning position. I can feel her body pressed up against me, her soft curves contouring to my frame.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Great!<</say>>
<<md>>Angela starts to make me feel aroused, her hands exploring my body, her lips tracing my neck and shoulders. I close my eyes and savor the sensations she's giving me.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Need you here…<</say>>
<<md>>But then she starts to take it up a notch. She starts to go a little crazy, her hands and lips caressing me with a ferocity that I can't help but find incredibly exciting. She moves her hips against me, her hips rolling and grinding against me in a way that makes me lose control.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh yeah!<</say>>
<<md>>Angela moans and sighs, her voice mixing with the pleasure that I'm feeling. I start to move with her, our bodies in perfect sync as we explore this new position.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Give me all!<</say>>
<<md>>We keep moving, both of us getting lost in the sensation of pleasure. I can feel her body quivering with pleasure as I thrust against her. I can feel her orgasm building inside of her and it only drives me to pleasure her more.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>More!<</say>>
<<md>>The sensations become too intense, and I can feel myself getting close to my own orgasm. I pull out of her and turn around to face her. We kiss passionately, our bodies still intertwined as we bring ourselves to the brink of pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>And then, with one final thrust, we both come undone. We collapse into each other, our bodies still trembling with pleasure.<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 30>>
<<set $stamina -= 25>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $AngelaCum += 35>>\
<<set $McCum += 20>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBlowjob">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "Angelahandjob">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaPetting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Keep going vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start anal" 1 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
[[Back|AngelaTalk]]<<if $AngelaCum2 == 1>>\
<<goto "AngelaCum">>
<<if $AngelaCum > 100>><<goto "AngelaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumAngela">><</if>>\
<<md>>Angela wrapped her arms around my penis and started jerking him off. She did it very gently, driving me crazy. Gradually I lost my head. I hardly noticed anything around. Everything was drowning in tenderness. <div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaIntHandjob.mp4"></video></div>Our collective groan sounded like celestial music. And it seemed to me that the whole weight of the world was falling off me. I was torn between the desire for this sweet flour and the desire to sink into the ground.<</md>>
<<md>>But Angela, perfectly aware that all this is just a tribute to tradition, increased her onslaught. And I felt that I was losing the last remnants of my composure.<</md>>
<<if $AngelaVideo12Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaVideo12Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>What a pleasant sensation!<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 30>>
<<set $stamina -= 7>><<addmins 5>>\
<<set $AngelaCum += 5>>\
<<set $McCum += 13>>\
<<if $AngelaCum > 100>><<set $AngelaCum = 100>><<set $AngelaCum2 = 1>><</if>>\
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Keep going handjob" 7 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "Angelahandjob">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 6 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBlowjob">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 15 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaFooting">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start titsjob" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBreastFuck">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start fisting" 15 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaFisting">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start cuni" 12 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaCuni">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start vaginal" 16 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 18 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start fetish" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $AngelaCum2 == 1>>\
<</if>>\<<if $stamina< 12>>\
<<goto "MCTiredAngela">>\
<<if $AngelaCum2 == 1>>\
<<goto "AngelaCum">>\
<<if $AngelaCum > 100>><<goto "AngelaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumAngela">><</if>>\
<<md>>She's so sexy I can't hold my tongue. I have to touch the lips of her pussy and lick them, and then the clitoris...<</md>>
<<md>>She has a damn exquisite pussy, but there is nothing American about her. I love that it is soft and at the same time so firm. I can hold her for hours in my hands... I want her to cum in my mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>I want to feel how her bosom trembles, and at the end - how my cock jumps on her. Let's admire her hot bone pressing against my thighs as her body is pressed into the pillow.<</md>>
<<md>>The tongue plays with her most important place, and she moans with pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>So tight, so wet ... God, I don't have enough words to describe how good this woman is...<</md>>
<<md>>She is a dream and this dream, now wriggling under my caresses.<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 15>>
<<set $stamina -= 12>><<addmins 10>>\
<<set $AngelaCum += 16>>\
<<set $McCum += 4>>\
<<if $AngelaCum > 100>><<set $AngelaCum = 100>><<set $AngelaCum2 = 1>><</if>>\
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Continue cuni" 12 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaCuni">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 6 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBlowjob">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 15 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaFooting">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start titsjob" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaBreastFuck">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start handjob" 7 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "Angelahandjob">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start fisting" 15 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaFisting">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start vaginal" 16 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 18 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start fetish" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "AngelaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $AngelaCum2 == 1>>\
<</if>>\<<md>>No matter how hard I try, it becomes more and more difficult for me to stop thinking about Monica. I don’t know why, but a very strange feeling is beginning to mature in me. This is not excitement, there is nothing else, something more sensual. When I think about what happened to her on the beach, everything inside me shrinks into a lump .. And this makes me uncomfortable, I want to forget about it.<</md>>
<<md>>But every time I close my eyes, I see her frightened face and the fear that is frozen in those beautiful eyes ... That scream, that quarrel. She didn't deserve such disgusting behavior. I intervened because I wanted her thanks? No, I hardly thought about it then. Instinctively, this strange, unthinkable desire to protect the poor girl arose. It still guides me.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica is a special girl. It looks like a flower that is about to bloom. She only needs a little help. All those qualities that delight me in her, they can only become better if there is someone nearby who understands everything.<</md>>
<<md>>This angel only outwardly seems full of strength. I'm sure that everything that happened to her earlier, the whole conflict overwhelms her from the inside.<</md>>
<<md>>It would be better if I talk to her somewhere in neutral territory. Not that I mind seeing her sexy girlish pussy, it's just ... Now is not the time for that. Well, tomorrow after school I will need to talk to her about it.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2T = 3>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3T = 1>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader4 = 2>>\
[[Back|My room]]
<<md>>The lessons dragged on for too long. Or did I always wish that they ended as quickly as possible?<</md>>
<<md>>However, it doesn't matter, now I can talk to Monica, wait for her to descend and then find out what and how.<</md>>
<<md>>Not thinking about her pussy, not thinking about her pussy...<</md>>
<<md>>Why is it so hard to get these images out of your head? Yes, a kind of "spark" ran between Monica and me, but this does not mean that she will just jump into my arms now. I'm not a fool, I understand perfectly why she masturbated. This is not just satisfaction of your needs, no. This is a way to get away from the stress that overwhelms her.<</md>>
<<md>>She needs... Ah, here's Monica!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica!<</say>>
<<md>>But the girl doesn't seem to hear me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica!<</say>>
<<md>>What's wrong with her today? Where is she in such a hurry? I think I should follow her. After past events, perhaps anything will happen to her. And this I will not forgive myself.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader4 = 3>>\
[[Follow her|MonicaHomeTraining 1.3]]
<<md>>Contrary to my most gloomy thoughts, Monica did not find herself in the middle of a gangster brothel or with a hammer in her hands ... No, this is not the plot of this film. We have a 4-part drama here ... And now we are back where we started.<</md>>
<<md>>Beach... Why did she come back here? What in her head told her to go where she had recently suffered?<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Monica!? Why did you come? To shame us again?<</say>>
<<md>>I should have guessed it would be that way. Monica took my advice too early... Damn, I feel guilty right now.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach, listen! I can perform.<</say>>
<<md>>Quite a lot of female students gathered around them.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You can only whine and whine.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>No, I can... I'll prove it to you. Just give me a chance.<</say>>
<<md>>This picture is tearing me apart. Monica, who is trying to prove to the coach that she is right and the coach who does not want to hear what is being said to her.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Girls, start the warm-up, I need to talk to Monica alone.<</say>>
<<md>>And this is something new...<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Monica, sunny, listen... I understand that you want to return to duty as soon as possible. And I appreciate that. But if you come back now, it could only get worse, you know?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes...<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>I don’t have to tell you how fucking much is at stake. And one disabled girl who tries her best, but always falls on her face in shit, I definitely don't need it there. Forget about us!<</say>>
<<md>>I hear a loud sob and Monica rushes away. Hell, that's just what I needed right now. Who knows what she can do in such a state? On the other hand, maybe the coach is right? Sometimes you just need to stop and stop trying to do what you are bad at.<</md>>
[[Stop her|MonicaHomeTraining 1.4]]
[[Leave her alone|MonicaHomeTraining 1.6]]
<<md>>Leaving a person alone in a situation where it seems as if the whole world is falling apart is impossible. Because shards of grief and indifference hurt us much more. Who knows what Monica might end up doing.<</md>>
<<md>>She runs along the shore, sobbing loudly. I have to strain to eventually catch up with her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, wait...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Mr. $Mc.Name, what are you doing here?<</say>>
<<md>>She sobs loudly and her question sounds more like outrage than interest. But can I blame her, given what state she is in now?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I came to make sure everything is in order...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Hardly... hardly...<</say>>
<<md>>I approached gently and hugged the girl. She hugged me tightly. She was shaking, but I knew she needed it. A fulcrum that would be with her even in such cases. Unfortunately, Monica doesn't have a best friend. Or better to say no...<</md>>
<<md>>That's why she needs me. It is necessary that she could continue to live, without looking back at her little failure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's okay, don't worry.<</say>>
<<md>>I stroked her head gently.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Why didn't the coach want to give me a chance?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm... Probably because this competition is very important for her. She does not want anything to interfere with her. You know, training on the street...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes I know...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can still surprise her. She will understand how wrong she was.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>How?<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me questioningly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, I'll show you something. And at the same time I'll tell you about our plan.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiled and we hit the road.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3T = 2>>\
[[Go to the cafe|MonicaHomeTraining 1.5]]<<md>>There weren't as many people here today as usual. Perhaps it is even for the best. A large crowd could have just forced Monica to shut herself up. But now everything seems perfect: a hot drink, not too many people and a girl whose smile makes my heart melt.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How do you feel?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, I'm much better. How did you know I love coffee?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let's just call it flair. There are things that I feel good about, Monica. Like that you need support or that coffee won't hurt you.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>That's for sure!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Or like the fact that you are able to achieve a lot. Yes, you fell, you had a conflict with the coach. But this is not the end. Looking at you, I don't see a girl who gives up at the very first signs of problems. You are a fighter, even if you yourself don't understand it.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I know, sometimes it's just...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hard?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understand your feelings, Monica. It's hard to stay on the lava as a substitute after you've been in the first squad. That's what soccer players say!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiled sweetly, which made me feel calmer. This smile warmed me much more than coffee.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I have never heard that said!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, maybe I made it up a little. But you have to remember... I'm here for you.<</say>>
<<md>>My fingers touched her hand and stroked her gently.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And I won't let you give up. You may not understand yet, but you are a special girl. And the coach will see it. But until that time, we will train as long as it takes.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I don't want to make this so difficult for you...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's not hard for me. Besides, I will not accept rejection. We still have some time for this, so don't worry.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled, after which I walked her home. Tomorrow for her, as well as for me, a new day will begin. A day that will definitely be better for both of us now.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader4 = 4>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader5 = 1>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]<<md>>I guess I should let her just go and not try to stop. Perhaps it was my intervention that led to the sad result that I am now seeing.<</md>>
<<md>>Better to wait for the right time...<</md>>
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]<<set $stamina -=10>>\
<<set _blowjobBArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _blowjobBArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Focus more on the head... yes, yes, now more spit...<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>If you do a good job, I'll tell you when I'm about to cum.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>It's unfortunate this is the only way to shut you up.<</say>>
<<set _blowjobArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]>>\
<<switch _blowjobArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<addLust $Lexi 20>>
<<text r "Stamina -10">>
<<set $Blowjob = 1>>\
<<set $Blowjobs += 1>>\<<md>>After what happened in Jane's office, I can’t calm down. I don't know why, but something told me how wrong this whole situation is. Jane is acting too weird.<</md>>
<<md>>And this is not just passion or nymphomania. No, it’s a strange feeling like I’m a hunted animal about to be caught in a trap.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>It's so good that you came here $mc.Name!<</say>>
<<md>>She grabbed me from behind and hugged me tightly.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>I just wanted to talk. I think you're ready...<</say>>
<<md>>Her touch made me feel too uncomfortable. At once the blood froze in my veins. She seemed to squeeze my balls and pulled out a dick with just words. I felt like a stupefaction. Is it related to that strange vaccine?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Jane about that case earlier...<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Oh, you're not mad at me, are you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No...<</say>>
<<md>>Why did I say that? I was angry. I was very angry with her for the way she treated me.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>That's fine. Then can I ask you for help?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What kind of help? <</say>>
<<say $Jane>>I will need to leave for a while tomorrow after 12 a.m But you understand that I cannot leave poor girls unattended. Could you replace me for a couple of hours? I'm sure nothing bad will happen. <</say>>
<<md>>My head is foggy. It’s like I’m losing control of my actions.<</md>>
<<md>>Pull yourself together! If she asks to help her out, this is the perfect way to find out a little about Jane. I can look into the documents and try to find out at least a little about her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I'll do it for you.<</say>>
<<md>>She kissed me softly on the cheek, but this kiss made me even worse. As soon as I left the office, everything went away again. What is it? I need to find out as soon as possible!<</md>>
<<set $Jane4Q = 2>>\
<<set $Jane2QT = 2>>\
[[Back|School reception]]
<<md>>Here it is, the right hour! As agreed, I'm already in Jane's office.<</md>>
<<md>> The coldness breathes from this place. I would even say that it was a grave cold. Okay, stop giving in to unprecedented fear. If I got such a chance, it’s better to search everything as quickly as possible. Who knows how long Jane will be gone?<</md>>
<<md>>She's definitely hiding something! There must be a reason. So, this is not the case of all students ... Not that. The injection list ... Doesn't look like it either.<</md>>
<<md>>AHA! Here it is! A very strange bottle. But why be surprised in a nurse's office? Certainly some kind of drug.<</md>>
<<md>>A loud, muffled knock on the door made me drop several documents on the floor. What else? Who should have come here at this moment?<</md>>
<<md>>I open the doors and almost fall from surprise. Fiona stands on the threshold and holds in her arms another girl, in red clothes. No, it's not red... It's blood!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona, what happened?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>One of the girls... She's almost mad! Attacked her... Help her, please.<</say>>
<<md>>Like I don't have others problems! However, now is not the time to think about the failure of the mission, I need to protect the girl.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Call an ambulance, I'll take care of her.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Yes, thank you!<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona ran away, while I pulled the poor girl onto the couch. The girl was unconscious, as if she had been drugged, but as pale as Fiona. You need to do something quickly, otherwise everything may end up too badly.<</md>>
<<md>>Bandage, where are you? Ah, here it is! Now it will be very useful to me.<</md>>
<<md>>Putting a small piece of gauze on my finger, I ran it over the girl's body, cleaning it of blood. The room immediately became a little brighter, but it was still far from the completion of the procedure.<</md>>
<<md>>I wrapped the bandage tightly around the places of greatest bleeding. And although the girl was now almost naked, I was only thinking about her staying alive.<</md>>
<<md>>Soon Fiona came and said that the ambulance promised to come soon. I hope they don't show up too late.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I want you to tell me everything about what happened sometime later.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Okay...<</say>>
<<md>>Finally the ambulance arrived. On the threshold stood a woman of about forty with long brown hair, dressed in a shiny medical gown, the floors of which fell in wide folds. The woman was about my age, and she looked, if not sorry, then at least worried. But the main thing is that the girl is healthy.<</md>>
<<md>>Several nurses simply took her by the arm and carried her out of the office. I followed everything as if it concerned me personally.<</md>>
<<md>>The engine hummed and the door closed. Soon the car was completely out of sight.<</md>>
<<md>>Why is it so alarming? It's time to go back to the office and wait for Jane.<</md>>
[[Wait for Jane|JaneQuest3Replace3]]<<md>>I still had time to look for the information I needed. But, firstly, I did not know how much time remained before her return, and secondly, the whole story with the girl and the injury right here at school was not the thing that was so easy to forget.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>I heard what happened. I'm sorry you got through this.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let's hope everything will be fine with the girl.<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Don't worry, she's in good hands. You did your best for this.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes…<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>But you deserve your reward for holding out so steadfastly.<</say>>
<<md>>She firmly took my hand and led me into a small room inside her office. It was quite spacious and comfortable here. I would say it looked like a bedroom.<</md>>
<<md>>Before I even knew how she pulled off her medical gown and found herself in a very sexy lingerie. It took my breath away.<</md>>
<<md>>The woman instantly was on her knees with my cock in her mouth. Damn, you can't resist this.<</md>>
<<md>>I felt a man waking up in me and I was gradually covered by another wave of lust, slowly growing in my loins.<</md>>
<<md>>She literally drove my cock into her mouth in one motion. I breathed in the scent of her skin, and it became more and more difficult for me to contain myself. And so I started fucking her hard in the mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>It's a strange feeling. At that moment we were like strangers to each other. But I know she wanted it as much as I did.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Jane\Quest\Video\JaneBlow2.mp4"></video></div> We eagerly dug into each other, enjoying the game we were playing.<</md>>
<<md>>I knew it would end quickly and our closeness would end as unexpectedly as it caught fire. She became wet and throbbing in mine and the more I wanted to cum.<</md>>
<<md>>So I let go of the pleasure and put a stream into her mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>And as soon as this happened, the unprecedented fear returned again. No, it's time to get out of here.<</md>>
<<set $Jane4Q = 3>>\
<<set $Jane5Q = 1>>\
<<set $Jane2QT = 3>>\
<<set $Jane3QT = 1>>\
[[Back|School reception]]<<md>>I arrived at the beach to observe the cheerleading practice, as I promised Olivia I would try to help however I can. The sea breeze carried the sounds of chaos and frustration from the shore.<</md>>
<<md>>Olivia paced back and forth like a caged tiger, her face twisted in anger as she shouted at her squad.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>What the fuck do you call that, Autumn? Get your fucking ass in gear and do it right!<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn, with curves that could stop traffic, merely smirked and thrust her chest out provocatively.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>> Aw, coach, you know you love my ass. Why don't you come over here and spank me?<</say>>
<<md>>It seems that Autumn likes to show her body not only to me .<</md>>
<<md>>Olivia's eye twitched, her fists clenching at her sides as she turned her fury on another girl.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Ruby, you stupid bitch, stop fucking around and focus! Nationals are on the line here!<</say>>
<<md>>Petite blonde with mischievous eyes, lounged on the sand, sipping from a silver flask. She let out a drunken giggle.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Nationals, schmationals. We're the hottest bitches on the beach, who cares about some dumb competition?<</say>>
<<md>>The cheer coach is practically foaming at the mouth, veins popping in her forehead. I approach with caution, not wanting to set her off.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Olivia, hey. Looks like you're having a tough time.<</say>>
<<md>>She whirled on me, eyes blazing, her voice dripping with sarcasm.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>No shit, Sherlock! These brain-dead whores are going to flush our reputation down the shitter! The school already cut our budget, this is our last shot!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe I can have a word with them, see if I can get through?<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia barked out a humorless laugh, gesturing sharply at Autumn and Ruby.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Good fucking luck. You! Slutbags! Get your asses over here!<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn and Ruby saunter over, hips swaying provocatively and eyes glazed over.<</md>>
<<md>>The two girls sauntered over, hips swaying, eyes half-lidded with a mix of lust and intoxication. Autumn ran a perfectly manicured nail down my chest.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Hello, daddy. You like what you see?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Autumn, please. I'm here to help you guys get back on track.<</say>>
<<md>>She pressed her ample bosom against my arm, her hot breath tickling my ear.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>> I've got something you can get on...<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby stumbled, nearly falling into me, her words slurred and eyes unfocused.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Hey handsome, wanna do body shots later? I'll be your salt lick.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Girls, focus. Olivia needs you to take this seriously. Don't you want to win?<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby pouted, stomping her foot petulantly. She grabbed Autumn's hand, tugging her away.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Winning is boring. Partying is waaay more fun! C'mon Autumn, let's ditch this loser.<</say>>
<<md>>The two staggered off, giggling and groping each other lewdly. Olivia looked like a volcano about to erupt, her whole body trembling with barely contained rage.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You see the shit I have to put up with? Fucking unbelievable! <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sometimes a break can help when you feel overwhelmed.<</say>>
<<md>>She threw her hands up in disgust, her voice cracking with frustration and despair.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Break? I'll give them a break alright - I'm about to break my damn foot off in someone's ass! Fuck this, I need to blow off some steam. <</say>>
<<md>>With that, she storms off...<</md>>
[[Train cheerleaders|OliviaQuest1Tennis1.2]] <<md>>The training was a complete disaster. Most of the cheerleaders were drunk off their asses, stumbling around and making a mess of everything. I need to find Olivia and sort this out.<</md>>
<<md>>I check the usual spots - the classrooms, the cafeteria, even the locker rooms. No sign of her. Pity, I don’t know where she live…Then it hits me, the tennis court in the park. It's the only place I haven't looked.<</md>>
<<md>>The court isn't immediately visible, so I'll have to explore the park more thoroughly.<</md>>
<<md>>There are still some areas I haven't checked, so maybe it's tucked away there.<</md>>
<<md>>If not...well, the headlines will tell of a teacher murdered by cheerleaders.<</md>>
<<md>>The farther I go, the more aimless I feel. But suddenly, a familiar sound reaches my ears - like a beer can popping open or a tongue clicking.<</md>>
<<md>>Don't ask how I recognize it, but I do. That repetitive sound is unmistakable.<</md>>
<<md>>Then a large court comes into view, with Olivia swinging her racket forcefully, as if punishing the innocent ball.<</md>>
<<md>>While anger drives each stroke, she also exhibits seductive grace. The ball rebounds off the wall again and again as her racket whistles it back into flight.<</md>>
<<md>>It's a rapid, endless exchange - not to let the ball drop, but to remain in utter control. Power is all that matters to her now.<</md>>
<<md>>As I step onto the court, the ball suddenly whistles past, crashing into my eye at full force!<</md>>
<<if $OliviaImage1Unlocked == 0>> <<set $OliviaImage1Unlocked = 1>>
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div> <</if>>
<<say $Olivia>>What the fuck? I didn't know anyone else was here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, Olivia! If you wanted to play with balls, you could've just asked.<</say>>
<<md>>She scowls at my crude joke, clearly not in the mood for humor.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Are you okay or what?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I'll live. Let's play a game. Maybe it'll help you blow off some steam.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>You sure you can handle it, loser?<</say>>
<<md>>We start playing, and Olivia's aggressive style is evident from the start. She sends the ball hurtling towards me with incredible force,her body moving with a captivating rhythm.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Come on, is that all you've got? Pathetic!<</say>>
<<md>>I manage to return the ball, but Olivia is relentless. She keeps up the pressure, making me work for every point.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Not bad, for a teacher. But you're still a loser.<</say>>
<<md>>As the game goes on, I start to find my rhythm. I match Olivia's intensity, and our rallies become longer and more heated.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Listen, I wanted to talk to you about the girls.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Ugh, don't even get me started on those bitches. Autumn's acting like a fucking slut, not a cheerleader. She's supposed to be the team leader, for fuck's sake.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia serves the ball with a powerful stroke, her frustration evident in every movement.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>And Ruby? That bitch cares more about drinking and partying than cheerleading. It's like she's not even part of the team.<</say>>
<<md>>The ball ricochets off the wall with a resounding thwack, as if punctuating Olivia's anger.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Okay, maybe you're not a complete loser. But don't get cocky.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You should win nationals, but the girls don't seem to care.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Of course they don't give a shit! This is our last fucking shot, and they're throwing it away like it's nothing.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's racket connects with the ball in a vicious swing, sending it flying past me with incredible speed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I promised I'd help you, and I will. The first step is to visit their training again and forbid them from drinking.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Ha! Good fucking luck with that. I gave you permission, but I don't believe you'll succeed.<</say>>
<<md>>By the end of the game, we're both sweating and breathing hard. Olivia looks at me with a newfound respect.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll do my best. We'll get them in shape, one way or another.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>...Thanks. I appreciate you trying, at least. And you know what? You're not a pussy, I’ll give you that. Here, take this pass to the "New Body" gym. If you ever need to blow off some steam or want a more... physical workout, come find me there.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia hands me the gym pass with a suggestive smirk before walking off the court, her hips swaying with each step.<</md>>
<<addmins 90>> \
<<set $GymAvailable = 1>> \
<<set $GymPass += 10>> \
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 40>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = 6>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 6>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>> \
<<set $Olivia1Q = 3>>\
<<set $Olivia1QT = 3>>\
<<set $RubyQuest1T = 2>>\
<<md>>I have always considered sports to be a normal part of every person's life. In order to achieve results, physical or in play, you can use a variety of ways that athletes use. The desire to win, the desire to become better, the desire not to give up - all these are examples worthy of emulation.<</md>>
<<md>>And I think Olivia shares my views. So why not spend time with someone who feels the same way. And this woman is very attractive, why hide.<</md>>
<<md>>And you won't be bored with her. There is another reason why I am here.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>$mc.Name! Decided to improve your health?<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia greeted me with her seductive smile, which aroused my curiosity. Is she glad to see me or is she pursuing some secret goals?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>There is nothing better than a few physical activities.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Oh yeah. Well, let's go, I'll be your coach for today.<</say>>
<<md>>Will she be my coach? This is getting more and more interesting.<</md>>
<<md>>She walked over to one of the simulators.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>This is my favorite exercise machine. He immediately shows who is weak and who can demonstrate strength.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sure I'm the second type.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, we'll see.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia added some more weight to the machine and I started the exercise. Indeed, at first it was very difficult and I almost did not give up, but the way Olivia looked at me did not allow me to give up so easily.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You're doing fine. Continue the exercise. I'll take care of myself a little too.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl walked over to another simulator and stopped next to me. She smelled of some kind of aromatic oils, and I noticed that she had very beautiful legs covered in sweatpants.<</md>>
<<md>>I began to get distracted from the workout, from time to time looking at her really hot body. She noticed this and winked at me, after which I continued to increase the load. However, the load increased on my penis as well.<</md>>
<<md>>But I tried not to show it. I wondered how our relationship would develop in the future. What if she wants to fuck me? Will she leave me alone after that?<</md>>
<<if $OliviaImage2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $OliviaImage2Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Olivia>>Pheeeeow... It was an intense workout. You were great.<</say>>
<<md>>Sweat was streaming down her T-shirt, but she looked even sexier in this position. I noticed her nipples protruding from under the T-shirt, so very vulgar thoughts woke up in me. I wanted to rip off her T-shirt.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, you too. You are the best coach. I wish I could train with you forever.<</say>>
<<md>>My cock didn't want to calm down. I got up and he protruded treacherously.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I would be glad.<</say>>
<<md>>It seemed to me that for a second Olivia looked at my cock, but then she looked out the window.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>What thanks, come again.<</say>>
<<md>>She held out her hand and when I touched her something very strange happened. Olivia jerked as if she had been electrocuted.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Olivia? Are you okay?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>I... see you next time!<</say>>
<<md>>And suddenly she rushed away, through one of the doors. Very strange...<</md>>
<<md>>I began to gather, but the thoughts of what had happened did not leave me. It was almost a good day, but suddenly...<</md>>
<<md>>What happened? Is there something wrong with her? We need to make sure everything is in order.<</md>>
[[Check Olivia|OliviaQuest2Workout2]]<<md>>I know this is unlikely to concern me, but if Olivia is in trouble, it’s better to make sure she’s okay. For some reason, I even feel very guilty about what happened.<</md>>
<<md>>I walk through the doors through which it evaporated.<</md>>
<<md>>What is it? Another gym? Why is there no entry on the doors? But as soon as I take a step, I stand dumbfounded.<</md>>
<<md>>I notice Olivia, she is sitting on one of the simulators completely without clothes, and her hands touch a very sexy and feminine pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>She is not even aware of my presence. But I do not want to interfere with her occupation. On the contrary, I stop a few steps away. Olivia shakes her hips and smiles, running her fingers into her pink bosom. A groan escapes her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Ah, $mc.Name!<</say>>
<<md>>I flinch when she calls my name. Does she know I'm here?<</md>>
<<md>>Her fingers play carefully with this sexy hole.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You are so strong and handsome... Fuck me, fuck harder!<</say>>
<<md>>The fingers go deeper and deeper, and the woman moans loudly.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Olivia\Quest\Video\OliviaMast1.mp4"></video></div> I've never experienced anything like it. I can't budge and stand there, ashamed of my excitement and trying to hide it from Olivia. When she finishes, I feel that she kind of absorbs my shame and becomes even sexier.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn, gotta get out before she sees me here.<</md>>
<<set $Olivia2Q = 2>>\
<<set $Olivia3Q = 1>>\
<<set $Olivia1QT = 3>>\
<<set $Olivia2QT = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave gym|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]Double-click this passage to edit it.<<md>>I'm glad I managed to persuade Monica not to give up so early. There is nothing worse than a person who does not go to his goal. How many such have I seen in my life... Now it is difficult to remember. It seems that a person has everything to achieve success, but he gives up only when he sees a small hint of failure. And this is too awful. You need to go to your goal, even if this path seems to be the path of suffering and bitterness. Standing at the top, you will not remember all the bad things that happened to you. On the contrary. You will only be proud of your successes.<</md>>
<<md>>Now I am proud that the girl to whom I am heading has enough willpower to continue my ascent. <</md>>
[[To the house|MonicaTrainingSex2]]<<md>>I feel a little uncomfortable. After all, in fact, I will do what I almost never did before. I have studied all sorts of training and materials, however this makes me an expert in sports craft. On the other hand, I am not required to make Monica an Olympic champion, but only to return her to duty.<</md>>
<<md>>When I enter her room, Monica smiles happily at me.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Mr $mc.Name, come in! I'm ready to start.<</say>>
<<md>>I glanced at the bedroom. She has changed a bit since my last visit here. Now there is much more space here. Only the bed still took up a lot of space. Obviously, Monica's parents made sure that everything was ready for her training.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica herself was in the same attractive cheerleader uniform, from which I could not help smiling. She suits her too well. The main thing is not to focus on this, otherwise not the most pleasant case may occur.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's nice to see that the future champion has such a great attitude.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>What are you talking, what a champion I am! The coach always said that I had no place on the team.<</say>>
<<md>>The echoes of sadness are heard in her voice again. The memories of Olivia still hurt her. And this is understandable. But letting her be sad is not my plan. Today she will get rid of these annoying thoughts!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The most real champion! And soon even Olivia will see it!<</say>>
<<md>>I walked over to Monica and put my hands on her shoulders. In old books I came across an article that it helps to relieve tension. Not a massage, of course, but still...<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>So, shall we start?<</say>>
<<md>>She nodded and we got down to business. I knew there was no need to rush. After the injury that Monica had, you need to do everything slowly and gently. Let her pretend to be a superhero as much as she wants - starting with the maximum load is the worst possible option.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, we will start with stretching and small exercises. The girl was full of excitement, but it is important to understand the limit.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's try to warm you up ... Raise that leg.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl jumped up abruptly, as if trying to do some kind of heavy trick.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hush, Monica, don't be silly. Let me help you ... Raise your leg.<</say>>
<<md>>She slowly began to raise her leg and I grabbed her in the thigh area. Damn, her skin is so smooth.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it, Monica, little by little. The more she lifted her leg, the more her yuka lifted up and I saw her snow-white panties.<</say>>
<<md>>Don't think about it, don't think about it.<</md>>
<<md>>When the warm-up was over, we started practicing jumping.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, Monica, one...<</say>>
<<md>>The first jump was not so successful, but Monica stayed on her feet.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well done! Catch your breath a little and...<</say>>
<<md>>But the girl did not hear me and began to make the second jump. Knowing how this could end, I hurried to her and as a result we both collapsed to the floor. Monica was on me with her soft booty.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach, it seems like I'm not the only one having tense.<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, my boner... If it ruins the whole workout, it will be a fiasco.<</md>>
<<md>>She wagged her ass from which the member became even harder.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, we have to train.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I have to help you relieve the tension, and then we'll continue, okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes.<</say>>
<<md>>How could you refuse her?<</md>>
<<md>>Her body is calling me and I want to enter her pussy at the same second. But don't rush, you need to be slow and gentle. Or should we do the opposite ? Yes OK. I will do it smoothly and leisurely. Now. Until then ... Oh shit, she put her hand on my chest and digs her lips into me. <</md>>
<<md>>I squeeze two round and soft halves of her ass. Monica sometimes kisses me on the lips, and I respond in kind. But now she is kissing me on the neck. Oh, I didn't even notice how her tongue touched my skin. Monica slows down and stops. I can dive into it to its full depth.<</md>>
<<md>>So I pull the fabric of her panties to the side and go into her. She does not resist, but, on the contrary, moves forward, crushing my hips with her hips. I will now go into her to the end, and she will scream with delight. Oh...<</md>>
<<md>>No, the clothes on her are clearly superfluous, so I quickly pull them off, leaving only this gorgeous girlish body.<</md>>
<<md>>She, like me, demonstrates an unprecedented pliability. I am all in the grip of insane desire. I want to take possession of it immediately, and I already know how it will be. What will she do? Damn it, I think I'm only interested in my own excitement.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica sits on my cock, plunging to full length. <</md>>
<<md>>Now it's not just sex, it's like a dance of passion.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaTraining1.mp4"></video></div> She digs her nails into my back and moans with pleasure. I thrust all my weight into her and feel her body shudder from my onslaught. <</md>>
<<md>>She is all in the grip of the highest pleasure, she cannot think about anything, she flies at the highest point of ecstasy.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaVideo17Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo17Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She moans loudly and I feel how she squeezes into one point on my penis. She finished with me and this makes me incredibly good.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, it's time to continue our training.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader5 = 2>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader6 = 1>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3T = 3>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]<<md>>Although the last training session with Monica went more or less normally, there were things that prevented me from fully concentrating only on her physical condition. No, I love Monica's body and the fact that she shows interest in me, just if this continues, we would rather become sex champions than bring the girl back to the cheerleading team.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, I need to prepare a little before I see the girl.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica... Her body is so sexy... She keeps calling me and I can't stop thinking about her. Thinking about her over and over again is too pleasant. She's so innocent and sweet. Her every touch...<</md>>
<<md>>Finally, from these thoughts I finished... What pleasant thoughts! Fuh, now you can go to Monica with pure thoughts. Let's not make the future champion wait!<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3T = 4>>\
[[Visit Monica|MonicaAutumnHouse2]]<<md>>A strange sight appeared before me, as soon as I approached Monica's house. And it's not even about the fact that the girl was not alone. For the first time I heard Monica raise her voice.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Leave me alone, Autumn!<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>You should give up this venture. The coach will never accept you back.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>That is none of your business.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Mine, while I'm the cheerleader captain. Don't come again, otherwise...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Otherwise, what ?! Spit it out!<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>You won't be good.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>So you are now on her side! I can't believe I thought you were my friend!<</say>>
<<md>>It seems that the situation is critical to the point of impossibility. If we do not intervene now, then irreparable things can happen.<</md>>
<<md>>In such cases, you always have to choose. And on the beach I already made my choice when I helped Monica. And he did it the second time when he decided to train a girl so that she would come back and become better.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What's going on here?<</say>>
<<md>>My intervention will definitely put an end to this stupid conflict. When a conflict arises between two people, the appearance of a third is the most correct decision. The center of attention shifts to the newcomer and this allows to calm down the confrontation.<</md>>
<<md>>And in this case, it will also allow you to save Monica from the out of nowhere anger from Autumn.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It's okay, Mr. $mc.Name. Autumn is already leaving.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>You dream! I want to hear from you that you will try to ruin our training again. Your appearance there is not desirable. The coach doesn't want to see you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So Olivia sent you?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>No, the coach doesn't know I'm here. I want to keep the team safe from your presence, Monica.<</say>>
<<md>>It sounds like rude. I don't know at what point Autumn became so rude and unfeeling. But Monica is definitely not going to benefit. An urgent need to decide how to act.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Strength > 4>>\
[[Force Autumn to leave|MonicaAutumnHouse2Force]]
<<if $mc.Intellect > 4>>\
[[Persuade Autumn|MonicaAutumnHouse2Intelligence]]
<<if $mc.Boldness > 4>>\
[[Threat Autumn|MonicaAutumnHouse2Bald]]
<<if $mc.Charisma > 4>>\
[[Reconcile girls|MonicaAutumnHouse2Charisma]]
[[Go to the house|MonicaAutumnHouse2Usual]]
<<md>>When I entered the house, Monica was sitting against the wall, covering her face with her hands.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey Monica, are you okay?<</say>>
<<md>>I touched her shoulder, but she didn't even react. It took her a few moments before I heard anything from her.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes.<</say>>
<<md>>These words made me breathe a sigh of relief. I didn't know what Monica was going through after this quarrel and the unknown made me nervous.<</md>>
<<md>>I silently sat down beside her, leaning my back against the wall.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Autumn has always had a terrible temper. Always dissatisfied with something and full of a single desire - to be better than others.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I thought you got along with her.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I thought so too. But Autumn only gets along well with Autumn.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, at least they never have conflicts.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica dropped her hands and barely smiled, looked at me.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You're not surprised. <</say>>
<<md>>Yes, I was not surprised. Such situations have happened to me more than once before. From which it became easier for me to perceive something like that.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You can say so. Hey...<</say>>
<<md>>I took her hand in mine and squeezed it tight.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do not pay attention to her words. Everything will be alright.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I know. Because you are here.<</say>>
<<md>>She reached out to me and we merged in a soft, barely perceptible kiss. Her lips were so soft and worried at the same time. That is why I tried to calm her down and give her confidence.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You will succeed. Whether she wants it or not.<</say>>
<<md>>When the kiss stopped, she looked like a happy kitten.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Let's start the workout?<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled, gave her my hand and we went ahead.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3T = 5>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]<<say $mc>>Autumn, you don't belong here. Leave this house.<</say>>
<<md>>I made one last warning, although I knew perfectly well that the girl would hardly listen to me.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>I'm not going anywhere until she promises...<</say>>
<<md>>Listening to such nonsense was not in my rules, so I picked up Autumn and threw it over my shoulder, like an unnecessary burden.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Let me go!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, go to the house, I'll be right there.<</say>>
<<md>>The unwanted guest dangled on my shoulder and kept trying to get out.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Let me go!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>As you say!<</say>>
<<md>>The loud splash of water sounded like a slap in the face. He announced my victory.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Aaaaah! You will pay for it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do not come back until you learn how to behave. <</say>>
<<md>>She was shouting something at the trail, but I didn't care. I knew that after this, she was unlikely to dare to follow me.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader6 = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader7 = 1>>\
[[To the house|MonicaAutumnHouse3]]
<<say $mc>>Monica, go to the house, I'll be right there. <</say>>
<<md>>The girl did as I said, after which I sighed with relief.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Autumn, you're a smart girl. Do you really think you can achieve anything by fighting?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Not...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understand you are worried about the team, but now it will not be solved. Monica intends to return. And your scandal is unlikely to solve anything. There is another solution and you know it.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Of course. Thank!<</say>>
<<md>>She ran away at the same second. I hope she's not up to anything painfully disgusting.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader6 = 4>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader7 = 1>>\
[[To the house|MonicaAutumnHouse3]]
<<say $mc>>Monica, go to the house, I'll be right there.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Okay...<</say>>
<<md>>People like Autumn hardly understand common words. They are used to getting theirs in the most cruel and sometimes blatant way. And if you try to be gentle with them or even loyal, they will just ruin everything.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I suggest you get out of here before I get angry.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn laughed loudly and grimaced.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Ha ha. As if you are scary to me! What will you do to me? Give a bad grade?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's dangerous to be in a cheerleaders team ... Who knows what accidents can happen?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Are you threatening me?<</say>>
<<md>>Without saying a word, I just smiled back. If I had my way, I would immediately punish the girl for such an impudent behavior.<</md>>
<<md>>But instead, I just headed towards the house.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You don't know who you crossed the road to!<</say>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader6 = 4>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader7 = 1>>\
[[To the house|MonicaAutumnHouse3]]<<md>>The conflict that appeared before me can turn into a very terrible thing in the end, if it is not stopped in the bud.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Girls, I know you have different views on life and even on each other.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn looked at me disapprovingly as I touched her shoulder.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But there are some things in which you are alike. Each of you wants the good for the team. And it's stupid to deny it.<</say>>
<<md>>The cheerleader leader's face was filled with contempt.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>She doesn't know anything about...<</say>>
<<md>>I knew she would deny everything. Nobody will ever know about my good intentions, right?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Listen, Monica is trying. And you know perfectly well that the team without her will not be the same as before. So let's not pretend. You care about her and worry about her.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl did not answer my reply, but only lowered her eyes to the floor.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Is that true, Autumn?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>The girls hugged each other tightly and apologized to one another, and then Monica and I went inside.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader6 = 3>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader7 = 1>>\
[[To the house|MonicaAutumnHouse3]]<<md>>It doesn't matter that Autumn is here, it doesn't matter what she thinks. We need to save Monica from this quarrel. As if she didn't have much trouble with Olivia and a little injury. Adding a naughty cheerleader to this would be the biggest mistake.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, let's go. You have nothing to do here.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>She won't go anywhere until I hear her promise never...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Calm down, Autumn. You're acting awful.<</say>>
<<md>>I walked past the girl and went up to Monica, after which we went to the house. I didn't see, but I felt Autumn's gaze on my back. However, this is not the first malicious look that I have experienced in my life.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader6 = 2>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader7 = 1>>\
[[To the house|MonicaAutumnHouse3]]
<<if $Olivia1QT == 1>>\
I promised Olivia to come to <<customTip "Training of cheerleaders takes place on the beach (from 3 p.m to 5 p.m)." "cheerleading practice" "#F65575" "Olivia Coleman">> and see how I could help her.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 2>>\
The cheerleading team is a mess. I need to find <<customTip "I should look at different places like classrooms, cafe, park" "Olivia" "#F65575" "Olivia Coleman">> and discuss what we can do to fix it.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 3>>\
The cheerleading team is important to Olivia. If I want to get closer to her, I need to <<customTip "Cheerleaders trains on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m." "get the team in order" "#F65575" "Olivia Coleman">> first.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 4>>\
I think I have a plan to improve the team, I need to discuss it with Olivia. But first, I need to make sure <<customTip "Monica can train on the sports field from noon to 1 p.m." "Monica" "#F65575" "Olivia Coleman">> is okay.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 5>>\
Monica is fine, it's time to discuss <<customTip "Olivia plays tennis in the park on the tennis court every day from 4 to 5 p.m." "my plan" "#F65575" "Olivia Coleman">> with Olivia.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 6>>\
Olivia gave the green light to my idea of having Nora and Monica on the team. I need to <<customTip "I have to tell Monica and Nora the good news." "let the girls know" "#F65575" "Olivia Coleman">>.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 7>>\
Monica and Nora are on the team. We just have to wait for the <<customTip "As usual, cheerleaders will be training from 3 to 5 p.m. on the beach." "training" "#F65575" "Olivia Coleman">>.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 8>>\
Olivia was not happy with Nora's "performance". I think I need to settle this by talking to Autumn and understanding <<customTip "The best place to talk to Autumn is on the beach during a practice session." "her motives" "#F65575" "Olivia Coleman">>.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == "8b">>\
Olivia seems pleased with Nora's performance. Even though Autumn was being a real bitch in training. I think it's best if I talk to <<customTip "The best place to talk to Autumn is on the beach during a practice session." "Autumn" "#F65575" "Olivia Coleman">>.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 9>>\
Talking to Autumn didn't get me and Olivia the results we wanted. Perhaps I can convince <<customTip "Better to talk with Ruby at the second floor, from noon to 1 p.m." "Ruby" "#F65575" "Olivia Coleman">> in this case?
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 10>>\
The conversation with Ruby and Autumn was fruitless. I need to talk to <<customTip "It is better to talk to her in the biology class from 12 to 1 p.m." "Nora" "#F65575" "Olivia Coleman">> if I want to make any progress on the team for Olivia.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 11>>\
Ruby is definitely up to something. I have to keep the team in order for Olivia's <<customTip "Nora can be found on the second floor before my classes in the morning" "sake" "#F65575" "Olivia Coleman">> and for theirs.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == "11b">>\
If Autumn or Ruby mess with Nora again, Olivia's gonna lose it. Better <<customTip "Training of cheerleaders takes place on the beach (from 3 p.m to 5 p.m)." "check out cheer practice" "#F65575" "Olivia Coleman">> before all hell breaks loose.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 12>>\
I think my silence might have hurt Nora. I need to be at <<customTip "Practice will be held as usual on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m." "practice" "#F65575" "Olivia Coleman">> so it doesn't happen again. Otherwise, Olivia won't like it.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 13>>\
Olivia and I have a lot of work to do in terms of training the team. When did I become a coach? Anyway, I need to attend the <<customTip "Practice will be held as usual on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m." "next training session" "#F65575" "Olivia Coleman">>
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 3.1>>\
I need to visit Olivia at the gym.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 3.2>>\
I have to visit Olivia at the gym in a week. I'm sure she's ready to open up to me.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 5.2>>\
To get to know Olivia better, I have to visit the beach again. They are still there practicing with the cheerleaders after 3 p.m. there.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 6.2>>\
It seems the training was not as successful as expected. Should we talk to Olivia at school about it? She's often on the second floor after lessons.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 7.2>>\
Light yoga will help Olivia relax. I have to go to her house on Saturday at 10 am.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 8.2>>\
Olivia asked me to talk to Autumn. I think I can find her not far from the dorm. Better to go to the school gate after 4 p.m.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 9.2>>\
The conversation with Autumn did not go as smoothly as planned. It's time to let Olivia know. Maybe it would be better to do it at the gym?
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 10.2>>\
Olivia has asked me to attend their practice on the beach after school because she is worried that she might hurt Autumn.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 11.2>>\
I guess it didn't go as I thought it would. The necklace is in pieces and Olivia is extremely upset. I need to think in my room about how I can help.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 12.2>>\
If I make a new necklace, everything can be fixed. I need to collect 10 pearls for this.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 13.2>>\
I have the pearls. It's time to fix it and make a new necklace.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 14.2>>\
I have the necklace. It's time to visit Olivia and give it back.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 15.2>>\
The party Olivia invited me to on Saturday. I have to come to her place on Saturday after 6 p.m.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 16.2>>\
The party, and especially what happened afterwards, was amazing. Olivia was so commanding. I should talk to her about it at school in the morning before everyone comes.
<<elseif $Olivia1QT == 17>>\
Clara suspends Olivia from cheerleading practice. She needs to relax. Tennis in the park after school would be perfect.
You have reached the end of the line for this version. For now.
<<if $Lucy.LustLvl lte 2>>
<img src="img/Lucy/LucyBed1.jpg"><br>
<<say $Lucy>>Hey, $mc.Name! It’s a pleasure to see here. You want something?<</say>>
<<if $LucyImage18Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage18Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $Lucy.LustLvl gte 2>>
<img src="img/Lucy/LucyBed2.jpg"><br>
<<say $Lucy>>So you are here in my bedroom. What are we going to do?<</say>>
<<if $LucyImage30Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage30Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $Lucy.LustLvl gte 3>>
<img src="img/Lucy/LucyBed3.jpg"><br>
<<say $Lucy>>$mc.Name , are we going to do some sports?<</say>>
<<if $LucyImage21Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage21Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<</if>>\ <<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg2" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" style="padding-left: 65px;margin-top: 6px;padding-top: 5px;margin-left: 10px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;/*! margin-top: 10%; */left: -4px;top: 5px;/*! border: 2px; */border-left-width: 0px;border-left-style: solid;border-top-width: 0px;border-top-style: solid;border-right-width: 0px;border-right-style: solid;border-bottom-width: 0px;border-bottom-style: solid;color: white;">Literature</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg2" data-passage="LucyRefuse" style="padding-left: 65px;margin-top: 6px;padding-top: 5px;margin-left: 10px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;/*! margin-top: 10%; */left: -4px;top: 5px;/*! border: 2px; */border-left-width: 0px;border-left-style: solid;border-top-width: 0px;border-top-style: solid;border-right-width: 0px;border-right-style: solid;border-bottom-width: 0px;border-bottom-style: solid;color: white;">Literature</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg3" data-passage="LucySayCompliment" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 48px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -77px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucySayCompliment" tabindex="0" ;="" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -7px;color: white;">Compliment</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg4" data-passage="LucyHug" style="padding-left: 115px;margin-left: 591px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -106px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyHug" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -54px;color: white;">Hug</a> </div>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg6" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" style="padding-left: 62px;padding-bottom: 13px;margin-left: 9px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -106px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Economics</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg6" data-passage="LucyEconomy" style="padding-left: 62px;padding-bottom: 13px;margin-left: 9px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -106px"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyEconomy" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Economics</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg7" data-passage="LucyNastyJoke" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 114.7px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -161px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyNastyJoke" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;margin-left: -56px;left: -17px;color: white;">Horny Joke</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $Lucy.LustLvl gte 2>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg8" data-passage="LucyKiss" style="padding-left: 115px;margin-left: 591px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -275px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -55px;">Kiss</a> <br>
</div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg8" style="padding-left: 115px;margin-left: 591px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/kisstalkgrey.png);margin-top: -275px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyKiss" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -55px;">Kiss</a> <br>
</div> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg9" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-left: 89px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -275px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;right: 0px;left: -29px;color: white;">Politics</a> </div><br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg9" data-passage="LucyRefuse" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-left: 89px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -275px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;right: 0px;left: -29px;color: white;">Politics</a> </div><br><br><br>
<<if $Lucy.LustLvl gte 3>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg10" data-passage="LucyFlirt" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 114px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;;margin-top: -499px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyFlirt" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -69px;color: white;">Flirt</a> <br><br><br> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg10" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 114px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flirttalkgrey.png);margin-top: -499px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -69px;color: white;">Flirt</a> <br><br><br> </div>
<<if $Lucy.LustLvl gte 2>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg11" data-passage="LucyTouchBreast" style="padding-left: 98px;margin-left: 592px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -554px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyTouchBreast" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;left: -40px;color: white;top: 6px;">Grope</a> <br><br><br> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg11" style="padding-left: 98px;margin-left: 592px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey;background-image: url(img/ach/gropetalkgrey.png);margin-top: -554px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;left: -40px;color: white;top: 6px;">Grope</a> <br><br><br> </div>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg12" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 59px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;/*! color: white; *//*! color: white; */border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -610px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Philosophy</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg12" data-passage="LucyRefuse" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 59px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;/*! color: white; *//*! color: white; */border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -610px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Philosophy</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $ == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg13" style="border-left-width: 2px;padding-left: 86px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);margin-top: -667px;margin-left: 289px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: 0px;margin-left: -41px;color: white;">Give Flowers</a> </div><br><br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg13" data-passage="LucyPresentRefuse" style="border-left-width: 2px;padding-left: 86px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -667px;margin-left: 289px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: 0px;margin-left: -41px;color: white;">Give Flowers</a> </div><br><br><br><br>
<<if $Lucy.LustLvl gte 3>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg14" data-passage="LucyPetting" style="margin-left: 592px;padding-left: 72px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; margin-top: -836px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyPetting" tabindex="0" style="position: ;position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -12px;">Fingering</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg14" style="margin-left: 592px;padding-left: 72px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/fingtalkgrey.png);margin-top: -836px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: ;position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -12px;">Fingering</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg15" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 46px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -921px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">Architecture</a></span> <wbr class="debug hidden"> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg15" data-passage="LucyArchitecture" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 46px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -921px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 15px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyArchitecture" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">Architecture</a></span> <wbr class="debug hidden"> </div>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -987px;right: 0px;left: 115px;color: white;margin-left: -55px;opacity: 0;">Give Chocolate</a> <br><br>
<<if $id.boxofchocolate == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg16" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 68px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/chocotalkgrey.png);margin-top: -1089px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;margin-left: -40px;left: 18px;color: white;right: 0px;opacity: 100;">Give Chocolate</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg16" data-passage="LucyPresentRefuse" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 68px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; background-image: url(img/ach/chocotalk.png);margin-top: -1089px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;margin-left: -40px;left: 18px;color: white;right: 0px;opacity: 100;">Give Chocolate</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $Lucy.LustLvl gte 3>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg17" data-passage="LucyBlowjobNew" style="padding-right: 118px;margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 64px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; margin-top: -1147px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyBlowjobNew" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: 0px;">Blowjob</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg17" style="padding-right: 118px;margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 64px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/blowtalkgrey.png);margin-top: -1147px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: 0px;">Blowjob</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg18" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-right: -14px;padding-left: 100px;margin-right: -17px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -1205px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">Music</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg18" data-passage="LucyRefuse" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-right: -14px;padding-left: 100px;margin-right: -17px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -1205px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">Music</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $ gte 1>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg19" data-passage="LucyPresentRefuse" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 143px;padding-top: 5px;margin-right: 34px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; background-image: url(img/ach/winetalk.png);margin-top: -1317px;" disabled=""> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -76px;left: -20px;color: white;">Give Wine</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg19" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 143px;padding-top: 5px;margin-right: 34px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;;border-color: grey;margin-top: -1317px;"> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -76px;left: -20px;color: white;">Give Wine</a> </div> <br><br><</if>>\
<<if $Lucy.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg20" data-passage="LucyCuni" style="margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 126px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -1401px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyCuni" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -60px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Cunilingus</a> </div> <br> <br><br>
<<elseif $ gte 1 >>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg20" style="margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 126px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/cunitalkgrey.png);margin-top: -1428px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -60px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Cunilingus</a> </div> <br> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg20" style="margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 126px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/cunitalkgrey.png);margin-top: -1401px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -60px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Cunilingus</a> </div> <br> <br><br>
<<if $ gte 1 && $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg21" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" style="padding-left: 190px;padding-right: 0px;margin-right: -50px;margin-top: -1513px;margin-left: 6px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">Movies</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<elseif $ gte 1 >>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg21" data-passage="LucyRefuse" style="padding-left: 190px;padding-right: 0px;margin-right: -50px;margin-top: -1513px;margin-left: 6px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">Movies</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<elseif $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg21" data-passage="LucyRefuse" style="padding-left: 190px;padding-right: 0px;margin-right: -50px;margin-top: -1482px;margin-left: 6px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">Movies</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg21" data-passage="LucyRefuse" style="padding-left: 190px;padding-right: 0px;margin-right: -50px;margin-top: -1482px;margin-left: 6px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">Movies</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $id.teddy == 0 && $ == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg22" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 289px;padding-left: 101px;padding-bottom: 4px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/teddytalkgrey.png);width: 250px;height: 37px;margin-top: -1594px;" disabled=""> <br><br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -42px;left: -9px;color: white;top: -78px;">Give Teddy</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<<elseif $id.teddy == 0 && $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg22" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 289px;padding-left: 101px;padding-bottom: 4px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/teddytalkgrey.png);width: 250px;height: 37px;margin-top: -1626px;" disabled=""> <br><br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -42px;left: -9px;color: white;top: -78px;">Give Teddy</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<<elseif $id.teddy > 0 && $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" data-passage="LucyPresentRefuse" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 289px;padding-left: 101px;padding-bottom: 4px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px; border-color: #f52e74;width: 250px;height: 37px;margin-top: -1626px;"> <br><br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -42px;left: -9px;color: white;top: -78px;">Give Teddy</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" data-passage="LucyPresentRefuse" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 289px;padding-left: 101px;padding-bottom: 4px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px; border-color: #f52e74;width: 250px;height: 37px;margin-top: -1594px;"> <br><br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -42px;left: -9px;color: white;top: -78px;">Give Teddy</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<<if $Lucy.LustLvl gte 4 && $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" data-passage="LucyVaginalMissionary1" style="margin-left: 590px;border-top-width: 2px;margin-top: -1766px;margin-right: -24px;padding-left: 87px;border-bottom-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyVaginalMissionary1" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left:-17px;">Vaginal</a> </div> <br><br>
<<elseif $Lucy.LustLvl lte 4 && $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" style="margin-left: 590px;border-top-width: 2px;margin-top: -1766px;margin-right: -24px;padding-left: 87px;border-bottom-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/vagitalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -17px;">Vaginal</a> </div> <br><br>
<<elseif $Lucy.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" data-passage="LucyVaginalMissionary1" style="margin-left: 590px;border-top-width: 2px;margin-top: -1735px;margin-right: -24px;padding-left: 87px;border-bottom-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyVaginalMissionary1" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left:-17px;">Vaginal</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" style="margin-left: 590px;border-top-width: 2px;margin-top: -1735px;margin-right: -24px;padding-left: 87px;border-bottom-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/vagitalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -17px;">Vaginal</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $ > 0 && $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg24" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" style="margin-top: -1820px;margin-left: 5px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 82px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">Religion</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<elseif $ > 0 >>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg24" data-passage="LucyRefuse" style="margin-top: -1820px;margin-left: 5px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 82px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">Religion</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<elseif $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg24" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" style="margin-top: -1787px;margin-left: 5px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 82px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">Religion</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg24" data-passage="LucyRefuse" style="margin-top: -1787px;margin-left: 5px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 82px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">Religion</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $id.perfume == 0 && $ > 0 >>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg25" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 288px;padding-left: 139px;margin-top: -1932px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color:gray; background-image: url(img/ach/perfumetalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -100px;color: white;top: -50px;left: 9px;">Give Perfume</a> </div> <br><br>
<<elseif $id.perfume == 0 >>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg25" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 288px;padding-left: 139px;margin-top: -1899px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color:gray; background-image: url(img/ach/perfumetalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -100px;color: white;top: -50px;left: 9px;">Give Perfume</a> </div> <br><br>
<<elseif $id.perfume > 0 && $ > 0 >>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg25" data-passage="LucyPresentPerfume" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 288px;padding-left: 139px;margin-top: -1932px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color:#f52e74;"> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyPresentPerfume" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -100px;color: white;top: -50px;left: 9px;">Give Perfume</a> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg25" data-passage="LucyPresentPerfume" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 288px;padding-left: 139px;margin-top: -1899px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color:#f52e74;"> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyPresentPerfume" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -100px;color: white;top: -50px;left: 9px;">Give Perfume</a> </div><br><br>
<<if $Lucy.LustLvl gte 4 && $ > 0 >>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg26" data-passage="LucyAnal" style="margin-left: 590px;margin-top: -2045px;margin-right: 265px;padding-right: 100px;padding-left: 110px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyAnal" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;color: white;top: 6px;left: -38px;">Anal</a> </div> <br><br>
<<elseif $Lucy.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg26" data-passage="LucyAnal" style="margin-left: 590px;margin-top: -2012px;margin-right: 265px;padding-right: 100px;padding-left: 110px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyAnal" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;color: white;top: 6px;left: -38px;">Anal</a> </div> <br><br>
<<elseif $Lucy.LustLvl lte 4 && $ > 0 >>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg26" style="margin-left: 590px;margin-top: -2045px;margin-right: 265px;padding-right: 100px;padding-left: 110px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/analtalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;color: white;top: 6px;left: -38px;">Anal</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg26" style="margin-left: 590px;margin-top: -2012px;margin-right: 265px;padding-right: 100px;padding-left: 110px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/analtalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;color: white;top: 6px;left: -38px;">Anal</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5 && $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg27" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" style="margin-top: -2101px;margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 234.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucySport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucySport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Sport</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<elseif $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg27" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" style="margin-top: -2070px;margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 234.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucySport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucySport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredLucy" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Sport</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<elseif $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg27" data-passage="LucySport" style="margin-top: -2101px;margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 234.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucySport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucySport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucySport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Sport</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg27" data-passage="LucySport" style="margin-top: -2069px;margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 234.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucySport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucySport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucySport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Sport</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $Lucy.LustLvl gte 4 && $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg29" data-passage="LucyRefuse" style="margin-top: -2215px;margin-left: 591px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 98px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -27px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Fetish</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<<elseif $Lucy.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg29" data-passage="LucyRefuse" style="margin-top: -2182px;margin-left: 591px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 98px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyRefuse" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -27px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Fetish</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<<elseif $Lucy.LustLvl lte 4 && $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg29" style="margin-top: -2215px;margin-left: 591px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 98px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/fetishtalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -27px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Fetish</a> </div><br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg29" style="margin-top: -2182px;margin-left: 591px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 98px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/fetishtalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -27px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Fetish</a> </div><br><br><br>
<<if $id.whisky == 0 && $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg28" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 287px;margin-top: -2354px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 91px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey;background-image: url(img/ach/whiskytalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -42px;color: white;left: 0px;">Give Whisky</a> </div> <br><br><br> <br>
<<elseif $id.whisky == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg28" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 287px;margin-top: -2322px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 91px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey;background-image: url(img/ach/whiskytalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -42px;color: white;left: 0px;">Give Whisky</a> </div> <br><br><br> <br>
<<elseif $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg28" data-passage="LucyPresentWhisky" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 287px;margin-top: -2354px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 91px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyPresentWhisky" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -42px;color: white;left: 0px;">Give Whisky</a> </div> <br><br><br> <br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg28" data-passage="LucyPresentWhisky" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 287px;margin-top: -2322px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 91px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="LucyPresentWhisky" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -42px;color: white;left: 0px;">Give Whisky</a> </div> <br><br><br> <br>
<div style="margin-top: -2409px;margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 243.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;background-image: url(img/ach/datea.png);border-color: grey;" class="buttonInteractive bg32"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -75px;padding-left: -3px;margin-left: -109px;color: white;">Ask for a date</a> <div style="margin-top: 52px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 200.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;margin-left: -247px;border-radius: 7.5px;background-image: url(img/ach/exittalk.png);border-color: #f52e74;" class="buttonInteractive bg33" data-passage="Llivingroom"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="Llivingroom" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -138px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Leave</a> </div>
<<if $stamina < 0>>
<<set $stamina = 0>>
<</if>>\<<set _LucyTalkOneArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LucyTalkOneArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Lucy's face lit up with a smile.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>You've heard of Zorro, haven't you?<</say>>
<<md>>As soon as she asked, memories flashed through my head. No, I remembered about that new film with the participation of Hollywood stars, but about the old and very cozy film.<</md>>
<<md>>Zorro was like a hero to me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>When I was very young, he wore a raincoat and hat and looked like a big cat.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>You know, when I was little, I thought for a long time that Zorro looks like a cat. And I really liked the way he gets into the bedrooms, stirring the bed linen. I wanted him to want to do this to me too.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, I like the way you think!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lucy>>What do you think is the meaning of life?<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy's question confused me. This is not the most mundane topic one might expect from her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, everything at once, of course. It is, apparently, in this world, and everything around too. I can think of anything. For example, about music. What songs are there that I would like to hear? What would I like to buy, what books to read? This is all that makes sense.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Good answer. I like.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What about you?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>For me, the meaning of life, probably, is to find what will be closest to my soul, you know? If not even love, but just a large part of myself, then I will simply be happy.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>What's your favorite weather?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>The sun. When it gets really hot, you have to change your clothes. Then I feel especially happy. And when it gets a little cold ... Then the wind brings a light smell of the sea. I like it when the sea is close. And you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Surprisingly, I love the storm. When around is so restless and uncomfortable. During a storm, it seems to me that I want to climb deeper into the sea ... I love it when everything around is whipping and beating. And this smell after the storm!<</say>>
<<addAff $Lucy 8>>
<<text r "-1 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<set _LucyJokeArray = [ 1, 2, 3,4]>>\
<<switch _LucyJokeArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lucy>>Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lucy>>It can't be, ha ha! This only happens in the movies.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Lucy>>Are you serious? Is this even possible? Ahaha!<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Lucy>>What? Ahaha! I love your sense of humor!<</say>>
<<addAff $Lucy 10>>
<<text r "-1 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<say $Lucy>>Don't you know my phone number yet? I thought you asked Linda a long time ago!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, I decided to do everything officially and so that it doesn't look like a maniac!<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled sweetly.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Maniac? If you are a maniac, then without a doubt the sweetest of those with whom I have ever dealt.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then write it down!<</say>>
<<md>>I handed her a piece of paper. She took it and began to write.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Here, but be careful not to regret it later!<</say>>
<<set $LucyAskNumber = 1>>\
<<addAff $Lucy 10>>
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<md>>My question clearly surprised Lucy.<</md>>
<<md>> She froze like a statue with her mouth open. I don't quite understand this for good, or vice versa. Should I be wary of her reaction, or is it the other way around?<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Birthday?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I was wondering when this special day.<</say>>
<<md>>The woman smiled at me softly.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>> Oh, yes, this is a very special day indeed. He fills me with very positive energy. He protects me from everything negative, gives birth to joy in my heart. He fills me with strength and gives me new life.<</say>>
<<md>>She recites these words with such admiration that I do not have the slightest doubt about what she is saying.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds great.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, I remember in my childhood my father often brought me all kinds of delicacies from long trips. These are cakes and sweets. I loved to eat them right in the kitchen, right at the stove. I remember eating so much that at the end of the day I had a stomach ache.<</say>>
<<md>>It looks like these are really very good memories. <</md>>
<<set $LucyAskBirthday = 1>>\
<<addAff $Lucy 10>>
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<set _LucyHugArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LucyHugArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Lucy, the always cheerful and optimistic girl, looks a little gloomy today. Why does it seem to me that another minute and she will cry?<</md>>
<<md>>There are times when asking questions will not help at all. But hugs always work right.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>You have such a strong hugs.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry, was it unpleasant for you?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>No, quite the opposite. How I wish they would last as long as possible! I wish I could sink in it forever...<</say>>
<<md>>A smile shines on her face, and joy blooms in me in a violent color. What a pleasant sensation!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lucy>>Hugs are almost a prelude to sex, don't you think?<</say>>
<<md>>As soon as I hugged Lucy, she was too close to me. I would not say that it already looks like a simple hug. In her proximity, in how tightly she pressed against me, how to crawl with her foot on my leg, far from friendly actions were read.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>To some extent...<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Two people are very close and you just have to reach out by hand. Or a leg... And you can already touch the most sensual places of the one with whom you are hugging.<</say>>
<<md>>Damn it, from these words I feel not peace, but great excitement! Hugging Lucy is not easy!<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>A loud sound, like a loud bang, echoes throughout the house. When I walk over to see what happened, I notice Lucy lying on the floor, rubbing her forehead. There is redness on her forehead. The poor girl was clearly unable to keep her balance and hit something hard.<</md>>
<<md>>Watching this picture, I want only one thing... Hug the girl. Therefore, when she rises to her feet, I hold her tightly to me.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Thanks. It's nice.<</say>>
<<md>>She speaks the words and I feel her warm breath on my shoulder. This closeness makes me feel good. Who would have thought that I would be so comfortable with Lucy?<</md>>
<<md>>The feeling of closeness and unity is a lot to give.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Thank you for taking care of me. It's nice to know that there are those who care.<</say>>
<<md>>I just hug her harder back. What an amazing feeling!<</md>>
<<addLust $Lucy 10>>
<<text r "-1 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
<<set $LucyArouse += 5>>\
<<if $LucyArouse > 60 && $LucyArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Lucy is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<set _LucyLightKissArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LucyLightKissArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Looking at Lucy and the way she sexually bites her lip, I want to try to bite her by myself. Each time I have less and less self-control and more passionate, almost insane desires.<</md>>
<<md>>I suppose there will be no harm from a small, almost imperceptible, kiss now.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Scientific experiment? I am for any experiments, teacher!<</say>>
<<md>>She is not even going to hide that it brings her great pleasure. Others would have long been embarrassed, blushed and fled. But we're talking about Lucy! Delightful girl!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lucy>>Do you encourage all your students this way?<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy pouts her lip exponentially, but I can see the flame of pleasure burning in her. A short kiss did not leave her indifferent. Perhaps she even wants more. Who knows...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, only the most diligent and successful.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Do you have many of them?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You are the only one.<</say>>
<<md>>The fake resentment is replaced by a smile that almost shines on the girl's face.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>In that case, it was nice...<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>When my lips lightly touch Lucy's lips, I feel a faint frosty tingling sensation as if hundreds of snowflakes penetrate my skin, bringing such a welcome pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>It was a very entertaining lesson...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Real life lessons are always more interesting than what you can read in books. Scientists call this the empirical way.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Looks like this is my favourite way now!<</say>>
<<addLust $Lucy 10>>
<<text r "-1 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
<<set $LucyArouse += 7>>\
<<if $LucyArouse > 60 && $LucyArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Lucy is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<if $Lucy.AffectionLvl gte 2>>\
<<set _LucyPastArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LucyPastArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>The more I look at Lucy, the more I wonder if I know this girl at all.<</md>>
<<md>>I was able to learn a thing or two about her past, but these are only small crumbs of what I really could have known.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, now, when she smiles so magically, and my soul blossoms, it's time to ask her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Tell me, where did you get so much optimism?<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy looked at me in surprise.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Optimism?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, yes, you know your incredible kindness to everyone and everything, as if the whole world gave you a rainbow. Or a unicorn. Or a leprechaun riding a unicorn on a rainbow.<</say>>
<<md>>Huge laughter filled the whole room.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh yes, I look so much like a unicorn.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Come on, I'm serious. Have you always been like this? Or did something bad happen to you?<</say>>
<<md>>She looks me in the eye carefully.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Of course it happened. And it continues to happen. But the art of optimism ... Haha, it's so funny when you say that ... Well, I can't be gloomy forever. If you focus only on the bad things, you will not be able to see all the good that surrounds you.<</say>>
<<md>>I must say, she's damn right. If you only dig into the negative, how can you see the positive?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, you are a delightful woman.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Ha ha, I know.<</say>>
<<addAff $Lucy 12>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>What's your worst secret?<</say>>
<<md>>The corners of Lucy's lips curled into a faint smile.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>A scary secret? Like, did I kill a man?Haha ...<</say>>
<<md>>As an assassin, she is extremely hilarious. Am I already scared and running? No, it's Lucy, I like her just like that. Cheerful and cheerful.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think if I find out or you killed someone, then you will have to kill me too ...<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Why don't I kill such handsome men! So what did you want to know?<</say>>
<<md>>Hmm ... Tough question. To know everything about a person at once - there is nothing worse. But not knowing anything at all is completely stupid.<</md>>
<<md>>Let me think...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Where did you get such a gorgeous body?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>From mom and dad, ha ha. You know it happens when two adults have a baby ...<</say>>
<<md>>She says these words and it seems to me that she is serious about something. Or is it just my delirium?<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Okay, I love sports, in case you haven't noticed yet.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's hard not to notice. But where does such a love for sports come from?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>That's the right question. And the answer is fat! I was very fat at school. Children often laughed at me. All the girls had boyfriends, but no one wanted to date fat Lucy.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sorry, children are sometimes cruel.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>It's in the past. I didn’t behave like an angel at all then. Besides, you know, if not for their mockery, then I would not have loved sports.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Did they regret treating you that way?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>And how! A year later, the guys fought among themselves for me to dance with them. I loved it as hell.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And you turned them down?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Of course not! It felt so good. It didn't matter to me what they did in the past. Everyone deserves a second chance.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh my God, this girl is perfect.<</md>>
<<addAff $Lucy 12>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
<<set _LucyPastNegArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LucyPastNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lucy>>Why would I tell an old man like you about my past? To be blackmailed later?<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lucy>>Have you decided that I open up so easily to everyone?<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>There was a smile on the girl's face. <</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Do you want to know more about me?. I'd be happy to tell you about it. <</say>>
<<md>>What I love young girls for. They're not yet spoilt by the attention that older women feel. They're unpretentious and at the same time charming. It's like walking through a minefield, you can feel the adrenaline. <</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>I'm happy to tell you everything you want to know, my dear teacher. There are no secrets between us. I'll do anything for you. <</say>>
<<md>>The more she talked, the more I rejoiced inside. It was easier than I thought.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Just wait in the hallway for a second, I need to change. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course.<</say>>
<<md>>I go out into the hallway trying not to think about Lucy changing right there behind my back. A young girl's body will be naked. Isn't that adorable?<</md>>
<<md>>My fantasies are interrupted by a loud clap of doors. The doors slammed so hard, I jumped up with a surprise. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, is everything okay?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Will be. When you leave me alone. The last thing in the world I want to talk to you about is my past!<</say>>
<<md>>Shit, I guess I stepped on a mine after all! Now I'll have to be careful if I plan to gain her trust.<</md>>
<<set $Refusals += 1>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<if $Lucy.AffectionLvl gte 2>>\
<<set _LucyAskSchoolArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LucyAskSchoolArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Finding a common theme for two teachers is not too difficult. Of course, this is the most obvious topic, but why not use it? In the end, both me and Lucy love school very much and think about the good of itl.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Howdy in school?<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy smiled.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>> You know, it really wasn't bad. Despite all the difficulties, I feel good. Nothing gives as much positive as the feeling that you have taught a person something new.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I'm sure you really taught them a lot of new things ...<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Do you doubt me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, not at all. I myself would have sat in your lesson so that you would teach me something.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Maybe, one day $mc.Name, I'll teach you something ...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I will look forward to it!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>What do you think about Clara and her leadership?<</say>>
<<md>>I knew it wasn’t a good idea to discuss the boss’s actions with a colleague, but it’s still a very interesting topic. Nothing brings people together like talking about other people.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Clara is a wonderful person and leader.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, you can't say that I expected something different ...<</md>>
<<md>>A smile itself drew on my face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But honestly?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>But I'm honest. I would not work with her if I thought differently. Clara has problems, but they are not forbidden for each of us.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Right. Nobody's perfect. Except you.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Ha-ha! Stop doing that!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I`m certainly not!<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>You are certainly yes!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But no! Okay, just because you ask me to.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Ha-ha! Great!<</say>>
<<addAff $Lucy 12>>
<<set _LucySchoolNegArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LucySchoolNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lucy>>I don`t want to talk about school right now.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lucy>>We have a lot to discuss except the school,don`t you think?<</say>>
<<set $Refusals += 1>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<if $Lucy.AffectionLvl gte 2>>\
<<say $Lucy>>Book? Oh yes, I have one ... My favorite.<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy's dreamy gaze was directed somewhere behind me, an invisible point. Her voice was full of warmth, from which I melted.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes? What is this?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Didn't you guess? It's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Even now, after so much, I understand how special this book is. And how right Tom was.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>About?<</say>>
<<md>>I vaguely remember this book, although it is considered a huge classic. But honestly, how many classics will you remember 20 years later?<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>The fact that one should not wait, but enjoy today. Who knows what tomorrow will prepare for us. And will there be tomorrow.<</say>>
<<md>>Hmm, to some extent she is right ... But in any case, getting to know her favorite book is worth a lot. <</md>>
<<addAff $Lucy 12>>
<<set $LucyFavBook = 1>>
<<set _LucyBookNegArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LucyBookNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lucy>>As if I should answer such stupid questions!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lucy>>My interests do not concern you!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>The girl frowned looking at me. Looks like my question made her think of something quite distant. Well, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't have a favourite book.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Book? Yes, I have a favourite. My grandmother used to read me one before I went to bed. <</say>>
<<md>>Ha, I guess I underestimated Lucy and her hobbies. Even a girl like that who doesn't look like a literary enthusiast has something to surprise me with.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>What was the name... I wish I could remember it now. I think... It was called "Books suck." <</say>>
<<md>>Damn, she's good. I even believed her, and it turned out she was all over me.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Who reads books these days? All the information you need has long gone from there to smartphones. Smartphones are the source of wisdom.<</say>>
<<md>>I'm sorry I asked her that already. I guess it was better not to recognize Lucy from this side. <</md>>
<<set $Refusals += 1>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<if $Lucy.AffectionLvl gte 2>>\
<<set _LucyNastyArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LucyNastyArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>A big smile shines on Lucy's face. She's definitely up to something.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>What's the plan for entertainment?<</say>>
<<md>>Why did she say that? Doesn't she know what is coming next?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I do not know, for the entertainment I have only a dick.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl bursts out laughing and looks down there.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Entertainment that I need!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>There are situations where you just can't keep quiet. Even now, as Lucy yawns wide at me, it is not the most pleasant thoughts. Well, there's no need to yawn so sexually. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you, Lucy, know what physiological compatibility is? <</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>When sex is great.<</say>>
<<md>>She says it with so much excitement that you can't help, but admire her honesty.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, I like the way you think. It's not just that, though. What happens to a guy when he wakes up? <</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>He's got a boner?.<</say>>
<<md>>I knew Lucy would solve this little mystery. I mean, it's her type. Her twisted taste.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's true! And when a girl wakes up, she yawns so wide that even the fattest dick will fit into her seemingly small mouth. <</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I don't think it's a coincidence!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So do I! That's what's called physiological compatibility. I think that's what you and I have!<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy's smiling back. That's when a smile says a lot more than words!<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Today I caught Lucy doing a very amazing thing. Although maybe it's better to call it sexy! The girl is holding a banana that she's not going to clean. And looking at this picture, nothing but dirty thoughts can come to mind. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You look like you are fan of a banana!<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, I do! It's so smooth and resilient! Ha-ha! And it's delicious, of course! I also love banana ice cream. And banana salads. And bananas and bananas and bananas!<</say>>
<<md>>Her sounding laughter is flying all over the apartment. Looks like she's a fan of this fruit. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>And you know that banana is very useful for young girls like you? It reduces the risk of sexual disorder by at least 30%. <</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>That's why I love it so much, it turns out!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, and eating it takes another 10%.<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy makes a loud laugh when she understands what I'm talking about. There's a banana in the air that she threw at me. <</md>>
<<md>>Still, Lucy is a person of many moods.<</md>>
<<addAff $Lucy 12>>\
<<set $LucyArouse += 5>>\
<<addmins 5>>\
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<set _LucyNastyNegArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LucyNastyNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lucy>>In what year did you learn to joke? Probably, it was back in the days of the dinosaurs.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, it looks like you've lost something! Oh, this is your sense of humour!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Lucy is hard to change. No matter how hard I try to explain the importance of learning to her, it doesn't seem like she cares, even a little. I don't blame her, though. If I was a girl and had such a hot body, I wouldn't have done anything either. Because men still undress her with their eyes...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, do you really like not doing anything?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl looked at me in surprise. <</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Who wouldn't like that? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, can we do something useful then?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I heard it's healthy for young girls to spread their legs as wide as possible...<</say>>
<<md>>Her lips curved in a very sexy grin. How can you resist that?<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, and how? Maybe you can teach me, teacher?<</say>>
<<md>>It's too hard to refuse such an offer. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'd be happy to. <</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>And then I'll teach you how to move your ass. <</say>>
<<md>>What? Why does her voice sound so rude and cold?<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>You'll need it in prison. They say there's guys with very large sexual requests...<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, she's rude. I picked a bad time for this kind of joke.<</md>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
<<if $LucyArouse > 60 && $LucyArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Lucy is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<if $Lucy.AffectionLvl gte 2>>\
<<set _LucySayComplimentArray = [ 1, 2,3]>>\
<<switch _LucySayComplimentArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lucy>>What a hot day today!<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy is wearing a tight T-shirt that highlights every mouth-watering particle of her body. But there are many beads of sweat on her face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes,it is shining especially brightly today. But I think it's much hotter here now.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Really? I'm going to turn on the conditioner now!<</say>>
<<md>>The student is already getting up to go to the console, but I grab her hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I mean that there is something hotter and brighter in this room than the sun - it's you, Lucy.<</say>>
<<md>>And when the compliment is said, I let her go, admiring the confused and at the same time flattered look.<</md>>
<<md>>Here she is the real Lucy, hidden behind all these masks of self-confidence and obscenity.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>Do you know why many people go to the beach?<</say>>
<<md>>My questions sounded so suddenly that the girl even shuddered for a second.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>To enjoy the sea and the sun. Sunbathe, maybe...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, but not only for this. Many people know that a pearl can be found there and everyone wants to touch the beauty.<</say>>
<<md>>Several times I have seen people just walk along the coast and look for shells, hoping to find something very valuable.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>True?<</say>>
<<md>>Lucye doesn't seem to think about this question even once.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. But they don't know that the main pearl of this is not at the seashore, but right here, in front of me!<</say>>
<<md>>I look at her, waiting for her to understand what I mean.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Is it me the pearl? Thank you! This is the most beautiful thing that I have been told in this life. I am a pearl! Ha!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Where has Lucy gone? She left her room and...<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>I'm a little worried before the ball.<</say>>
<<md>>She walked in in a chic dress, which I have never seen before, and I must say in it she looks so beautiful that she already takes my breath away.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>I think this dress makes me a little fat.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, Lucy still doesn't realize how wrong she is. I walked over to her and gently took her hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You in it are even more beautiful than usual, Lucy. I'm sure all the guys at the ball will not take their eyes off you this evening.<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me in surprise, as if I had revealed to her the secret of world domination.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Do you really think so?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course!<</say>>
<<md>>A moment and a smile shines on the girl's face. What else is needed?<</md>>
<<addAff $Lucy 14>>
<<set _LucyComplimentNegArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LucyComplimentNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lucy>>Why are you sticking to me? Go harass someone else!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lucy>>This is the most disgusting thing that I have been told in my life. Disgusting!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>All day today, Lucy is not herself. Even the most blind man in the world has seen it. And I'm not blind. <</md>>
<<md>>It took me a while to figure out the real reason for this behaviour. <</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Today, Veronica said I'm pretty ugly! That if I hadn't behaved so defiantly, no man would even look at me..<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica could have said something like that. Amazingly different Lucy, who seemed very resistant to these kinds of statements, is now wondering about them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sure she only said it for one reason: she's jealous of you.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>What should she be jealous of?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Your beauty, your body, your mind. The fact that you're the best in all respects.<</say>>
<<md>>It's important for her to hear the words of support in this difficult hour, even if they are lies.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Didn't anybody say you couldn't compliment me? My grandfather was better at flirting with young girls than you are now. <</say>>
<<md>>It doesn't look like my lies were a success. Lucy turned away, even more submerged in her thoughts. Who ruined everything even more? It`s me!<</md>>
<<set $Refusals += 1>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<set _LucyTouchBreastArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LucyTouchBreastArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Looking at Lucy, I can't help but admire her beautiful and at the same time such a sexy figure.<</md>>
<<md>>Her love of sports plays into her hands. What can not be said about me. Watching her, I only think about how luxurious her breasts are. Sometimes it's too difficult for me to focus on something else.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>$mc.Name! Are you okay?<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, I think I've been staring at her boobs for too long.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, just ...<</say>>
<<md>>Loud laughter filled the whole room.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>You are looking at my chest so closely. Is there something wrong with it?<</say>>
<<md>>Apparently she decided not to wait.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, I look at it and ...<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes?<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, I can't control myself anymore. I have to hold it in my hands, hehe.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It seems to me or do you have an implant?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>No, what are you ...<</say>>
<<md>>She didn’t have time to answer me when my hand squeezed her chest. I must say a very pleasant feeling. Her breasts are so soft and warm.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Like it?<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy smiled.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Highly...<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Well, maybe you should do that more often.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe...<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lucy>>Do you think my breasts have gotten bigger?<</say>>
<<md>>Sport is an important part of the life of any creature. If a person does not develop, then he no longer cares about himself or about his appearance. I don't need this at all. And Lucy too.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you talking about?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I'm doing special exercises now, they should enlarge my breasts. Although visually.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well...<</say>>
<<md>>I looked closely at these two elastic balls. I always liked Lucy's breasts, she was so seductive, as if she screamed at me to look at her.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>So what?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I don’t know, you cant say so easily...<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Want to touch it?<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy smiled and bit her lip. Well, here's how you refuse her. However, I do not mind.<</md>>
<<md>>A hand touches her chest. Lucy pulls me to her, so we are very close to each other. Lucy is so beautiful at this moment that my cock started to rise.<</md>>
<<md>>I was about to pull off her T-shirt, but suddenly she opened her eyes and said: "Not today." Maybe something in her head got confused today? Better not to risk it.<</md>>
<<md>>Try it next time!<</md>>
<<addLust $Lucy 18>>\
<<set $LucyArouse += 8>>\
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
<<if $LucyArouse > 60 && $LucyArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Lucy is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<set _LucyButtArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _LucyButtArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>What's the most beautiful thing about a woman? Of course her soul...<</md>>
<<md>>Ha-ha! What is this nonsense? Everyone knows that the best part of a woman is her delicious and sexy ass. Such as Lucy's.<</md>>
<<md>>From which my boner becomes huge. I want to stick it right now ...<</md>>
<<md>>So, we need to stop staring at her ass. She just bent down, and she doesn't tempt me, right?<</md>>
<<md>>Nevertheless, no matter how I tried to throw thoughts of her out of my head, they seep through all my barriers and settle somewhere at the bottom of my consciousness. Therefore, they can be deleted. And I have already done that. I try my best not to think about Lucy. But this is completely impossible.<</md>>
<<md>>Her ass fascinates me too much. Because no matter how long I struggle with this, everything will end too much the same. With my hand on her ass.<</md>>
<<md>>And then ... Oh my God! How easy it is!<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>mmm ... Is there something wrong?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, everything is okay.<</say>>
<<md>>What a strange situation. But how I like it.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>So you just decided to touch my ass?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes.<</say>>
<<md>>I knew that I should justify myself and come up with something, but to be honest, I did not want to do it at all.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Ah, okay. Like it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, so much!<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Haha, well, that's great. But be careful, I can get used to it!<</say>>
<<addLust $Lucy 16>>\
<<set $LucyArouse += 8>>\
<<if $LucyArouse > 60 && $LucyArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Lucy is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<if $Lucy.AffectionLvl gte 2 && $Lucy.LustLvl gte 2>>\
<<set _LucyButtArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LucyButtArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>No, Lucy, this is no good, are you not listening to me?<</say>>
<<md>>Everything that I have explained in the previous fifteen minutes has been a waste of time. The girl did not remember anything at all. Anger began to boil in me.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Sorry, teacher, it's hard for me to concentrate today.<</say>>
<<md>>Hell, she deserves it if she can't listen carefully. Next time he will think carefully.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll help you to focus. Lean over the table.<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy quietly got up and did as I told her. I slowly pulled off her pants, leaving only her bare flesh.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You were a very bad student today. Bad students get punishment.<</say>>
<<md>>A loud slap flew across the room, and the girl yelped in surprise.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes!<</say>>
<<md>>She likes it? Well, then I will not stop! I like it even more!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>The pain threshold is an important part of any person, Lucy. It's different for each of us. Some can take more, others can take less. <</say>>
<<md>>Today's explanation is very easy. Lucy seems to be taking a good look at everything I say to her and even writing it down a little. Which, I must say, isn't very typical for a girl. Usually I have to explain it several times. But now it's like she's catching every word I say.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>But isn't there a way to extend it? I've heard there are people who can take as much pain as a woman feels when she has a baby. <</say>>
<<md>>Oh, I see the knowledge of the subject and the desire in her. I suppose that thirst for knowledge of pain is something to take advantage of.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, Lucy. You want me to teach you, don't you?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes! Yes, please!<</say>>
<<md>>Without saying a word, I grabbed Lucy and got on the bed. In an instant, I pulled all the extra stuff off her, leaving only her naked ass. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>There's only one way to get past the pain threshold is through practice.<</say>>
<<md>>A slap sounded, and the two halves of the girl blushed from my punch. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Didn't it hurt? .<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>No.<</say>>
<<md>>I hit her even harder, smiling at myself. It's not like Lucy was against my rudeness about her body. Her body was just shaking with pleasure. The moaning of excitement was coming off the girl's mouth. <</md>>
<<md>>A loud slap, and then again. She's got a pain threshold! I don't mind that, though.<</md>>
<<addLust $Lucy 20>>\
<<set $LucyArouse += 10>>\
<<set _LucyButtNegArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LucyButtNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lucy>>Have you ever been told that you are weird? Not pleasantly strange, but so strange that even children get scared.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lucy>>I'd better go...<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Looking at Lucy's ass, you can't get rid of the thoughts that haunt you all the time. You can look at her all you want, but in your dreams, your hands are always mocking a girl for the pleasure of slapping. Always considered spanking something embarrassing and beautiful at the same time!<</md>>
<<md>>But if I only dream about it and spit on the girl's roundness, I will not see all my fantasies come true. Only the bravest can get what they want.<</md>>
<<md>>So I had to do a little trick. <</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Are you sure that's gonna help me?<</say>>
<<md>>I don't know or it will help you, but it will help me!<</md>>
<<md>>A loud slap on her ass. <</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Wait! You said you knew how to determine my blood type. How does a slap help me?<</say>>
<<md>>Hell, why can't you think of anything right now? Oh, damn it!<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>I don't think you know what you're doing. Be glad I'm not telling that principal!<</say>>
<<set $Refusals += 1>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
<<if $LucyArouse > 60 && $LucyArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Lucy is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<if $Lucy.AffectionLvl gte 3>>\
<<set _LucyFlirtArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LucyFlirtArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Lucy and I have been spending a lot of time together lately. It might seem like an unnecessary burden to some, but it makes me more comfortable. There's a strong relationship between us. Which means it's time to move a little further in our relationship. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, your outfit today is amazing. Did you think your teacher was worthy of such a beautiful look? <</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes are mischievously shining. <</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>The teacher is handsome, of course. But my outfit isn't for him.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're dating someone else?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl started spinning a lock of hair playfully.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>How do you know? How do you know...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And who is he? <</say>>
<<md>>The answer to my question was a sounding laugh.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Not he, but she .<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She? Do you like girls? <</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>No, I don't like the other girls. But I do like one of them. She's so adorable and special!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Who is she?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Biology!<</say>>
<<md>>I'd like to be mad at Lucy, but this game is very exciting. And my student in it is one of the most worthy opponents I've ever met in my life.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>While reading the book, I noticed that Lucy was watching me closely and a very interesting plan was born in me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm reading the horoscope here. And I got some very interesting information, but I need your help for it, Lucy. What color lingerie are you wearing?<</say>>
<<md>>In response to my words, the girl smiles broadly.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Don't believe your horoscopes. I don't wear underwear.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then I will have to take care of your health and be sure that you do not catch a cold.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, so you are not only a biology teacher, but also a doctor? I can't wait for your care, Doctor $mc.Name<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Sometimes, looking at my student, I ask myself a very simple question: what she is thinking about. I would like to say that I understand what she is thinking, but that would be a lie.<</md>>
<<md>>Lucy, like a box of surprises, is always capable of surprise. You'd think she'd connect all conversation with sex, when she'd give away something so deep. At times like this, you don't even know how to act. <</md>>
<<md>>But the only thing I want Lucy's thoughts to be right now is me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you thinking about?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>That school isn't the worst place.<</say>>
<<md>>Not something to think about at such an interesting moment. There's a beautiful man like me standing next to her, and she's thinking about school? That's terrible!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's the wrong answer! You have to think about me! <</say>>
<<md>>She smiled, agreeing with my statement.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Well, you're not the worst place either...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You know what else is a good place? It's your bedroom.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I'm afraid it's closed for sitting there right now!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And if you lie there?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Depending on how hard you swing on it!<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, that's a nice conversation. What's important is that both sides understand where it's going, but they also enjoy the process. I just love it!<</md>>
<<addAff $Lucy 14>>
<<set _LucyFlirtNegArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LucyFlirtNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lucy>>This is the most disgusting thing that I have been told in my life. Disgusting!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Lucy seems to be in an even more playful mood today than usual. She talks about everything so easily and relaxedly that I think she not only enjoys my company, but also wants something much more. So if you don't do something about it now, I might regret it for a long time.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, tell me, do you believe in angels?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Angels? Is that like Cupid?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sort of. <</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>No, they're not real. Neither are the leprechauns. And fairies. And centaurs.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't go on. I understand. I haven't believed for a long time either. I've been shaken up, made to believe they don't exist. But then I met you. And I realized how wrong I was...<</say>>
<<md>>Three, two, one. Her face was suddenly red and a timid, confused smile. <</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Thank you. <</say>>
<<md>>It was even easier. <</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Thank you for comparing me to flying bullshit! That's what every girl dreams of hearing. You're flying bullshit. <</say>>
<<md>>It's a bummer. Those don't seem to be the words I need right now. Oh, damn it!<</md>>
<<set $Refusals += 1>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<if $Lucy.AffectionLvl gte 3>>\
<<md>>No matter how I postpone this conversation, no matter how good it is with the girl, there are things that should be clarified.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, don't you think I come here more often than at home?<</say>>
<<md>>Bewilderment appeared on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>I don't see a problem. I like your company, you like mine. Still good.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded back. She understands what I am driving at, but does not yet understand all the problems that may arise after my words.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's what I'm talking about. We have long crossed that line at the time of which we could say stop. There are already various rumours about us at school. How do you look to confirm them?<</say>>
<<md>>Not a day passed that I would not hear more and more rumours about Lucy and myself. It seems to me that there is some kind of generator of these rumors at the school. Because sometimes they were so stupid...<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Confirm? Are you talking about the rumour that you are fucking young students?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha. No, Lucy, I mean we should go on a date. Stop hiding in the corners.<</say>>
<<md>>At first, I loved all this spy romance, it felt like I was in high school. But now it is very tiring.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Agree. I love making things to be seen.<</say>>
<<md>>Ha-ha, you're right about that, Lucy, as never before. You love to be the centre of attention.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, I'll go on a date with you!<</say>>
<<addAff $Lucy 14>>
<<say $Lucy>>What? No way!<</say>>
<<set $Refusals += 1>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Go for a date|DatePrologueLucy]]Double-click this passage to edit it.<<if $Lucy.AffectionLvl gte 3 && $Lucy.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<set _LucyKissArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LucyKissArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Soft and cold lips attracted me and did not let go of their power. We merged in a single kiss, unable to resist the magnetism that pulled us to each other.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>You love breaking the rules.<</say>>
<<md>>Her tongue intertwined with mine in a bizarre dance, forcing all other thoughts to be driven away.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I love...<</say>>
<<md>>For a second, she interrupted our unity and looked at me.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>What else do you like?<</say>>
<<md>>However, I were not going to stop and again clung to her lips. Now they seemed insanely hot to me, like Lucy's whole body. This girl is just a time bomb. And when it explodes...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>A lot of things that you will learn about very soon.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>It was already late enough, but I didn't really want to go home. Lucy and I were having a good time, especially there was dessert.<</md>>
<<md>>Which the girl, as if playfully, grabbed from my plate and stuffed it into her mouth. She didn't eat it no, she teased me!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, you stole my dessert!<</say>>
<<md>>The student tried to smile, but with her mouth full, it turned out so-so.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>You can take it from me if you like, ha-ha!<</say>>
<<md>>After these words, she began to chew the cake diligently. Damn, this is mine. Not wanting to put up with it, I came close to her and touched her lips.<</md>>
<<md>>At that moment, a spark ran between us. Our lips merged into one, and the taste of sweet on the girl's lips only intensified my desire. I played with her tongue, pulling and wrapping, until the girl herself pulled away.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Wow. Did you really need this dessert so much?<</say>>
<<md>>I kissed her again softly on the lips.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I needed you so much.<</say>>
<<addLust $Lucy 14>>\
<<set $LucyArouse += 8>>\
<<set _LucyKissNegArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LucyKissNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lucy>>I will never do something like this!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lucy>>Why are you sticking to me? Go harass someone else!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Lucy won't leave any man indifferent. Her expressive lips are just as tempting to taste them. That's why our lips are now touching, feeling the warmth and excitement that connects us. <</md>>
<<md>>Her lips are so warm and tender and at the same time they feel some cold. It's as if the student not only enjoys the process, but at the same time is detached from what is happening. It feels like a whole living statue. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wow!<</say>>
<<md>>A sharp pain covers my lower lip, which is now bleeding. I can feel the taste of iron in my mouth.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You bit me, Lucy! You bit me! Why did you do that?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Because I wanted to? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy! You can't do whatever you want!<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Really? I think that's what you're doing by sticking your tongue in my mouth!<</say>>
<<md>>There's a fire burning in her eyes. But it's not a fire of passion at all. It's a fire of anger and spite. I'd better back off now if I don't want to cause a whole storm...<</md>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
<<if $LucyArouse > 60 && $LucyArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Lucy is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]
<<if $LucyCum is 100>><<goto "LucyCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumLucy">><</if>>\
<<set _LucyPettingArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LucyPettingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>As I walked past the living room couch, I noticed Lucy wearing a very sexy short T-shirt. I've always liked girls in T-shirts. There is something immensely sexy about them that makes you dream about taking off both the shirt and what's underneath.<</md>>
<<md>>Like a vampire attracted by a young girlish body, I kissed Lucy passionately on the neck.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Are these the new rules of learning? I like them...<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy's voice sounded like she was about to cum at my touch. Does kissing on the neck make her feel so good?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I can teach you not only that. But don't get distracted now. Enjoy what you have.<</say>>
<<md>>Her body trembled in response to my caresses.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>What do I have?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You will see.<</say>>
<<md>>I pulled the breast-band of her T-shirt to the side, starting to kiss the girl's shoulders.
My hand slipped into her lingerie and i started to play play with her pussy.
She purred almost like a cat. <</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>If I were asked to describe the perfect features and the most seductive figure in the world, it would definitely be Lucy. All these neck lines, beautiful nose, long almost perfect legs. It's all so fascinating that there's no strength or desire to resist it. <</md>>
<<md>>The first kiss came to her neck, which attracted me most. Like a vampire, I'd fallen into her most vulnerable point. Lucy smelled good, excited me more and more.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>This is the best surprise I've had today...<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy was almost melting underneath my actions.<</md>>
<<md>>The girl's body was fluttering when I touched it. It was so exciting that I wanted this moment to freeze in time. My hands had already started playing with the girl's breasts. The girl's groaning and rapid breathing made me very happy, inflaming more and more of the wild desires hidden inside.<</md>>
<<addLust $Lucy 18>>\
<<set $stamina -= 10>><<addmins 10>>\
<<set $LucyCum += 20>>\
<<set $McCum += 7>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyBlowjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 160>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Continue fingering her" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyPetting">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 180 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 6 && $mc.Strength > 8>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyAnal">><</talk>>
[[Back|LucyTalkHome]]<<if $LucyCum is 100>><<goto "LucyCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumLucy">><</if>>\
<<set _LucyBlowjobNegArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _LucyBlowjobNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>You know, looking at your mouth, I think of only one thing...<</say>>
<<md>>I might not even continue. Lucy caught the change in my voice and was already on her knees. She unbuttoned my pants and touched my cock. I sighed. Then again. Then...
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lucy\Quest\Video\LucyIntBlow.mp4"></video></div>
She inserted my penis into herself all the way.<</md>>
<<if $LucyVideo6Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyVideo6Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Her mouth felt so hot. I wanted to fuck her. She was so hot and humid. Each movement brought me a new wave of pleasure.<</md>>
<<addLust $Lucy 10>>\
<<set $LucyCum += 4>>\
<<set $McCum += 15>>\
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 10>>\
<<talk "Continue blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyBlowjobNew">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 160>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyPetting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 180 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 4>>\
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyCum > 15 && $LucyArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $LucyCum > 25 && $LucyArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $LucyCum > 50 && $LucyArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Lucy is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $LucyCum > 75 && $LucyArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Lucy is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Back|LucyTalkHome]]<<if $LucyCum is 3>><<goto "LucyCum">><</if>>\
<<set _LucyFistingArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _LucyFistingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>I know what Lucy's body is capable of, so I don't even feel embarrassed when such a reckless thought comes into my head. I run my hand right into her pussy .. And even deeper!<</md>>
<<md>>I can feel her shaking with desire ... Her back is tense ... And for the first time since waking up, she tries sit down ... Stretching my arms up ... Almost falling ... Turning to me ... This sight is so exciting ... I dreamed about it for so long …<</md>>
<<addLust $Lucy 16>>
<<set $stamina -= 15>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $LucyCum += 14>>\
<<set $McCum += 14>>\
<<talk "Start fingering her" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyPetting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Keep going her fisting" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start vaginal" 25 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyVaginal">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyVaginal">><</talk>>
[[Back|LucyTalkHome]]Looks like Lucy is ready to have some fun. What we shoud do?
<<talk "Start blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyBlowjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 160>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyPetting">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 180 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 4>>\
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyAnal">><</talk>>
[[Back|LucyTalkHome]]<<if $LucyCum is 100>><<goto "LucyCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumLucy">><</if>>\
<<set _LucyVaginalArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _LucyVaginalArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>I know what Lucy wants. This is what I want. Her body trembles and only begs, no, even begs for my cock. I put my hand on her waist, now we almost merged into one, and I dug into her lips with a deep kiss.<</md>>
<<md>>Lucy flinched and groaned when I touched a member of her panties. I feel like she's wet. And that she is ready for the wild races.<</md>>
<<talk "Start missionary" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyVaginalMissionary1">><</talk>>
<<if $mc.Intellect > 4 && $mc.Strength > 4>>\
<<talk "Start cowgirl" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyCowgirl">><</talk>>
<<if $mc.Intellect > 6 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start tabletop" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyTableTopFuck">><</talk>>
[[Back|LucyTalkHome]]<<if $LucyCum is 100>><<goto "LucyCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumLucy">><</if>>\
<<set _LucyAnalNegArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _LucyAnalNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Is there anything more seductive in the world than a woman's ass?<</md>>
<<md>>Two strong halves, from the sight of which you can lose your head. Especially if this ass is as strong and seductive as Lucy's. I salivate from one of them. And not only saliva.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Are you going to fuck me or not?<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy laughed out loud and her voice brought me back from a certain kind of trance. Yes, you can admire its rounded halves forever. No wonder she is so persistent in sports. This ass can drive anyone crazy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I don't know, maybe I changed my mind?<</say>>
<<md>>A bit of mockery when my cock touches the entrance to her anus.<</md>>
<<md>>Like this, like this. But she doesn’t show that she’s noticing. Only her hands, squeezing the sheets, shudder a little, and her gaze seems to say that everything will be as you want. What do I want?<</md>>
<<md>>Of course, to completely master it. I sharply drive a dick inside her ass from which Lucy screams.<</md>>
<<md>>I don't know why, but I want not to feel sorry for her, to be a wild beast,<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lucy\Quest\Video\LucyIntAnal.mp4"></video></div> to mock her, to hear her moan with pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>And so that my sperm sprinkled on her anus.<</md>>
<<md>>A sharp jerk and screams as my cock bursts inside her. Oh, what a delight it is. I want her to move her ass forever. So that her sphincter squeezes my penis, as the most precious thing in her life.<</md>>
<<md>>So that she screams with pleasure and squeezes my ass with her hips. So that she moans and screams, digging her nails into the sheet.<</md>>
<<md>>How magical!<</md>>
<<if $LucyVideo5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyVideo5Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>You didn't have to try, everything worked out by itself. I feel like I'm all sweaty when I cum in her anus.<</md>>
<<talk "Start blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyBlowjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 160>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyPetting">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 180 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Continue anal" 20 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyCum > 15 && $LucyArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $LucyCum > 25 && $LucyArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $LucyCum > 50 && $LucyArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Lucy is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $LucyCum > 75 && $LucyArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Lucy is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Back|LucyTalkHome]]<<if $LucyCum is 100>><<goto "LucyCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumLucy">><</if>>\
<<md>>Lucy is so sexy right now. <</md>>
<<md>>A strip of fabric remains on her, which hides her most delicious part, her treasure, her seductive pussy from me. But even so, I lose my head looking at how clearly you can see her through these panties.<</md>>
<<md>>She has a perfect figure. And how she moves. And ... And ... And ... Heh ... Damn! I'll end if I keep fantasizing about it. We must stop. But this is terribly difficult to do. She has beautiful eyes. <</md>>
<<md>>That's how she looks. It’s like she’s calling me.<</md>>
<<md>>And I don’t mind. I kneel like the most devoted slave. Yes, I'm ready to serve such a pussy ...<</md>>
<<md>>Mmmm ... She smells exciting. Hot. I run my tongue inward, pushing back a strip of fabric. Hell, I would have ripped her panties apart right here, but ...<</md>>
<<md>>Her lips ... They are soft and full of sensuality. She's so sweet. Her lips. <div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lucy\Quest\Video\LucyIntCuni.mp4"></video></div>They want me to kiss them. So that I continue to lick them. In fact, they say they want to be kissed ... Yes ... I long for her.<</md>>
<<md>>Lucy lets out a drawn-out groan. This groan only turns me on more and I lick her there completely, afraid to miss even the slightest point.<</md>>
<<if $LucyVideo7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyVideo7Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>And I understand that my slave is so turned on by my touches that she starts to have an orgasm. And I decided that I would give her a chance to experience it before me ...<</md>>
<<md>>What a gorgeous sight!<</md>>
<<addLust $Lucy 17>>
<<set $stamina -= 8>><<addmins 10>>\
<<set $LucyCum += 20>>\
<<set $McCum += 8>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyBlowjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Continue lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 160>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyPetting">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 180 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 190 && $mc.Intellect > 6 && $mc.Strength > 8>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyCum > 15 && $LucyArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $LucyCum > 25 && $LucyArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $LucyCum > 50 && $LucyArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Lucy is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $LucyCum > 75 && $LucyArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Lucy is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<if $LucyCum is 100>><<goto "LucyCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumLucy">><</if>>\
<<md>>Lucy's hands touch my cock.<</md>>
<<md>>I cry out. She squeezes him hard, as if depriving me of the opportunity to move. I flinch, not from pain, but from surprise that she can do it. But her fingers are already beginning to slowly slide down my trunk, going down lower and lower.<</md>>
<<md>>A choked groan escapes me, and I can’t hold back any longer.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>You seem to like it. What if I do it like this?<</say>>
<<md>>The woman squeezes her fingers tighter.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lucy\Quest\Video\LucyIntHandjob.mp4"></video></div> Her movements become faster, and I stop thinking about something extraneous - all my attention is focused on how her fingers and cock move. It seems to be going on for a very long time.<</md>>
<<md>>Sweet torment.<</md>>
<<md>>A little more and I will feel the approach of orgasm. I try to stop her, but I can't move. Instead, I run my hand over her cheek.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're beautiful...<</say>>
<<if $LucyVideo16Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyVideo16Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Her hands begin to move in time with my movements, and I understand that she is watching me all the time, wants to see how I react to her caresses. This excites me.<</md>>
<<md>>A little more ... How sweet this sensation is!<</md>>
<<addLust $Lucy 7>>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
<<set $LucyCum += 5>>\
<<set $McCum += 13>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyBlowjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Continue handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 160>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyPetting">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 180 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 6 && $mc.Strength > 8>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyCum > 15 && $LucyArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $LucyCum > 25 && $LucyArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $LucyCum > 50 && $LucyArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Lucy is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $LucyCum > 75 && $LucyArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Lucy is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<if $LucyCum is 100>><<goto "LucyCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumLucy">><</if>>\
<<md>>I know what Lucy wants. This is what I want. Her body trembles and only begs, no, even begs for my cock.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lucy\Quest\Video\LucyIntVaginal.mp4"></video></div> I put my hand on her waist, now we almost merged into one, and I dug into her lips with a deep kiss.<</md>>
<<if $LucyVideo9Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyVideo9Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Lucy flinched and groaned when I touched a member of her panties. I feel like she's wet. And that she is ready for the wild races.<</md>>
<<addLust $Lucy 30>>
<<set $stamina -= 25>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $LucyCum += 25>>\
<<set $McCum += 20>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyBlowjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 160>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyPetting">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 180 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Keep going vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyCum > 15 && $LucyArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $LucyCum > 25 && $LucyArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $LucyCum > 50 && $LucyArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Lucy is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $LucyCum > 75 && $LucyArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Lucy is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Back|LucyTalkHome]]<<if $LucyCum is 100>><<goto "LucyCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumLucy">><</if>>\
<<md>>I like this position. In her, Lucy is felt somehow in a special way. I would even say that this is how we are closer to each other. And my cock, of course!<</md>>
<<md>>So you can still make love and just as gently! I can feel her flesh pouring, it tickles a little, and I accelerate.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lucy\Quest\Video\LucyIntCowgirl.mp4"></video></div> Yes, we can continue this way, but I don’t want to postpone what is already happening between us. I burst into Lucy with a groan, she shrinks all over and lets out a quiet groan. We repeat this several times. I can’t do it anymore and I want it faster. long, I think.<</md>>
<<md>>All I want is to have it even more than before.<</md>>
<<if $LucyVideo17Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyVideo17Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<addLust $Lucy 30>>\
<<set $stamina -= 25>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $LucyCum += 25>>\
<<set $McCum += 20>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyBlowjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 160>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyPetting">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 180 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Continue vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyCum > 15 && $LucyArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $LucyCum > 25 && $LucyArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $LucyCum > 50 && $LucyArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Lucy is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $LucyCum > 75 && $LucyArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Lucy is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<md>>Lucy flinches at my actions. Yes, she is close to cumming. Her body is on fire and demands me and my cock.<</md>>
<<md>>She is already all wet, and her flesh is softly calling me. She closes her eyes and slightly leans towards me when I enter her with one quick strong push. She flinches slightly and wraps around my waist tightly.<</md>>
<<md>>The muscles in her vagina tighten around my cock. She throws her head back and bends back, exposing my chest, and then moves in some strange hot vortex in which everything but the two of us dissolves.<</md>>
<<md>>I look at her and see that she is also very well and she is happy. She tries her best to contain her emotions so that I don't think she wants to express her displeasure to me, but still tears of happiness flow down her cheeks.<</md>>
<<md>>And at that moment, a huge scream bursts out of her.<</md>>
<<md>>She breathes in air with a whistle and wriggles her whole body. And then her orgasm overtakes me. I feel that a light stream is pouring out of my stomach, washing our heated bodies, and for a short moment I surrender myself to the will of blind happiness that flooded my soul.<</md>>
<<addLust $Lucy 33>>
<<addAff $Lucy 33>>
<<set $LucyCum = 0>>\
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyBlowjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyPetting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start vaginal" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyVaginal">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start anal" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyVaginal">><</talk>>
<<set $GirlCum += 1>>\
[[Stand up|LucyTalkHome]]<<md>>I'm feeling it. My cock throbs with joy with every movement of Lucy. Another minute and I'll finish. Her body is too good, I can't resist this wave of pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>She's so damn good that my body jerks back with every move.<</md>>
<<md>>Lucy's hand is in the air, fingers unclenched and caressing her crotch, causing me to think similarly. I'm on the verge of orgasm. This should happen, this is how a man should finish, cumming on the lips of his beloved woman.<</md>>
<<md>>But this body of hers, as before, causes such delight in me that I feel uneasy. I never liked making love for a long time. I'm too horny. Too tense.<</md>>
<<md>>And at this moment I still enjoy it. It is so great that I cannot contain the flow of its power. And it flows away, leaving me completely devastated, but happy.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes Yes Yes! <</md>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Stand up|LucyTalkHome]]<<md>>Lucy's body is so sexy in this position. Lying on the table, she seems to be calling even more to my cock.<</md>>
<<md>>Feeling the soft warmth of her buttocks, sinking into her lace panties and her free clitoris, I feel immense arousal. She wants me to fuck her, so I gently touch her pussy with a member, squeeze one of her legs.<</md>>
<<md>>With both hands, she begins to massage my penis, which is already filled with desire. As soon as I insert the head into it and it squeezes it, my muscles rub against its hard flesh.<</md>>
<<md>>She moans and pulls me in even more, spreading her hips even wider.<</md>>
<<md>>In her eyes I see an animal passion, she likes when she is fucked like that.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lucy\Quest\Video\LucyIntTabletop.mp4"></video></div> She moans louder, squeezing my legs. I see that she is already horny and wants to cum herself, but I don’t do it because this position is very intimate. I just lift it to the top, and myself plunge my fingers into the vagina.<</md>>
<<if $LucyVideo8Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyVideo8Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>I'm not in a hurry, I want to run my finger in and on my finger - it's very erotic. Lucy groans, and it makes me laugh - she closes her eyes so sweetly. I push my fingers even deeper, feeling her pussy tighten.<</md>>
<<md>>And then I abruptly enter it and begin to move like a wild animal.<</md>>
<<md>>I love her screams as I go deeper into her. But she still trembles violently - she is scared to cum and she moans, closing my eyes.<</md>>
<<md>>Soon she gets tired of holding back and ends. Now her skin is so wet that she's really ashamed. But I do not care. I'm not going to stop anymore, because I know that I need it too. And to please her, I continue to drive my fingers.<</md>>
<<md>>Here she is, the real Lucy!<</md>>
<<addLust $Lucy 30>>
<<set $stamina -= 25>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $LucyCum += 25>>\
<<set $McCum += 20>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyBlowjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 160>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyPetting">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 180 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Keep going vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyCum > 15 && $LucyArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $LucyCum > 25 && $LucyArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $LucyCum > 50 && $LucyArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Lucy is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $LucyCum > 75 && $LucyArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Lucy is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Back|LucyTalkHome]]<<if $Monica.LustLvl lte 2>>
<img src="img/Monica/MonicaBed1.jpg"><br>
<<say $Monica>>Hey, $mc.Name! I’m so happy to see you here! Buw why are you here?<</say>>
<<if $MonicaImage16Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage16Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $Monica.LustLvl gte 2>>
<img src="img/Monica/MonicaBed2.jpg"><br>
<<say $Monica>>Come and see near me, teacher. Do we need some more training?<</say>>
<<if $MonicaImage11Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage11Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $Monica.LustLvl gte 3>>
<img src="img/Monica/MonicaBed3.jpg"><br>
<<say $Monica>>You are so clever and handsome…<</say>>
<<if $MonicaImage12Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage12Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg2" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" style="padding-left: 65px;margin-top: 6px;padding-top: 5px;margin-left: 10px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;/*! margin-top: 10%; */left: -4px;top: 5px;/*! border: 2px; */border-left-width: 0px;border-left-style: solid;border-top-width: 0px;border-top-style: solid;border-right-width: 0px;border-right-style: solid;border-bottom-width: 0px;border-bottom-style: solid;color: white;">Literature</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg2" data-passage="MonicaLiterature" style="padding-left: 65px;margin-top: 6px;padding-top: 5px;margin-left: 10px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaLiterature" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;/*! margin-top: 10%; */left: -4px;top: 5px;/*! border: 2px; */border-left-width: 0px;border-left-style: solid;border-top-width: 0px;border-top-style: solid;border-right-width: 0px;border-right-style: solid;border-bottom-width: 0px;border-bottom-style: solid;color: white;">Literature</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg3" data-passage="MonicaSayCompliment" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 48px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -77px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaSayCompliment" tabindex="0" ;="" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -7px;color: white;">Compliment</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg4" data-passage="MonicaHug" style="padding-left: 115px;margin-left: 591px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -106px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaHug" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -54px;color: white;">Hug</a> </div>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg6" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" style="padding-left: 62px;padding-bottom: 13px;margin-left: 9px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -106px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Economics</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg6" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" style="padding-left: 62px;padding-bottom: 13px;margin-left: 9px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -106px"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Economics</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg7" data-passage="MonicaNastyJoke" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 114.7px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -161px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaNastyJoke" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;margin-left: -56px;left: -17px;color: white;">Horny Joke</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $Monica.LustLvl gte 2>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg8" style="padding-left: 115px;margin-left: 591px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -275px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -55px;">Kiss</a> <br>
</div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg8" style="padding-left: 115px;margin-left: 591px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/kisstalkgrey.png);margin-top: -275px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -55px;">Kiss</a> <br>
</div> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg9" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-left: 89px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -275px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;right: 0px;left: -29px;color: white;">Politics</a> </div><br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg9" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-left: 89px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -275px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;right: 0px;left: -29px;color: white;">Politics</a> </div><br><br><br>
<<if $Monica.LustLvl gte 3>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg10" data-passage="MonicaFlirt" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 114px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;;margin-top: -499px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaFlirt" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -69px;color: white;">Flirt</a> <br><br><br> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg10" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 114px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flirttalkgrey.png);margin-top: -499px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -69px;color: white;">Flirt</a> <br><br><br> </div>
<<if $Monica.LustLvl gte 2>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg11" data-passage="MonicaTouchBreast" style="padding-left: 98px;margin-left: 592px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -554px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaTouchBreast" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;left: -40px;color: white;top: 6px;">Grope</a> <br><br><br> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg11" style="padding-left: 98px;margin-left: 592px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey;background-image: url(img/ach/gropetalkgrey.png);margin-top: -554px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;left: -40px;color: white;top: 6px;">Grope</a> <br><br><br> </div>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg12" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 59px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;/*! color: white; *//*! color: white; */border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -610px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Philosophy</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg12" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 59px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;/*! color: white; *//*! color: white; */border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -610px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Philosophy</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $ == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg13" style="border-left-width: 2px;padding-left: 86px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);margin-top: -667px;margin-left: 289px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: 0px;margin-left: -41px;color: white;">Give Flowers</a> </div><br><br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg13" data-passage="MonicaPresentFlowers" style="border-left-width: 2px;padding-left: 86px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -667px;margin-left: 289px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaPresentFlowers" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: 0px;margin-left: -41px;color: white;">Give Flowers</a> </div><br><br><br><br>
<<if $Monica.LustLvl gte 3>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg14" data-passage="MonicaPetting" style="margin-left: 592px;padding-left: 72px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; margin-top: -836px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaPetting" tabindex="0" style="position: ;position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -12px;">Fingering</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg14" style="margin-left: 592px;padding-left: 72px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/fingtalkgrey.png);margin-top: -836px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: ;position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -12px;">Fingering</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg15" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 46px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -921px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">Architecture</a></span> <wbr class="debug hidden"> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg15" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 46px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -921px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 15px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">Architecture</a></span> <wbr class="debug hidden"> </div>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -987px;right: 0px;left: 115px;color: white;margin-left: -55px;opacity: 0;">Give Chocolate</a> <br><br>
<<if $id.boxofchocolate == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg16" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 68px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/chocotalkgrey.png);margin-top: -1089px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;margin-left: -40px;left: 18px;color: white;right: 0px;opacity: 100;">Give Chocolate</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg16" data-passage="MonicaPresentRefuse" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 68px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; background-image: url(img/ach/chocotalk.png);margin-top: -1089px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;margin-left: -40px;left: 18px;color: white;right: 0px;opacity: 100;">Give Chocolate</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $Monica.LustLvl gte 3>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg17" data-passage="MonicaBlowjobNew" style="padding-right: 118px;margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 64px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; margin-top: -1147px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaBlowjobNew" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: 0px;">Blowjob</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg17" style="padding-right: 118px;margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 64px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/blowtalkgrey.png);margin-top: -1147px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: 0px;">Blowjob</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg18" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-right: -14px;padding-left: 100px;margin-right: -17px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -1203px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">Music</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg18" data-passage="MonicaMusic" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-right: -14px;padding-left: 100px;margin-right: -17px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -1203px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaMusic" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">Music</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg19" data-passage="MonicaPresentWine" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 143px;padding-top: 5px;margin-right: 34px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; background-image: url(img/ach/winetalk.png);margin-top: -1315px;" disabled=""> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaPresentWine" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -76px;left: -20px;color: white;">Give Wine</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg19" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 143px;padding-top: 5px;margin-right: 34px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey;margin-top: -1315px;"> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -76px;left: -20px;color: white;">Give Wine</a> </div> <br><br><</if>>\
<<if $Monica.LustLvl gte 4 && $ > 0 >>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg20" data-passage="MonicaCuni" style="margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 126px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -1427px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaCuni" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -60px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Cunilingus</a> </div> <br> <br><br>
<<elseif $Monica.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg20" data-passage="MonicaCuni" style="margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 126px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -1400px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaCuni" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -60px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Cunilingus</a> </div> <br> <br><br>
<<elseif $Monica.LustLvl lte 4 && $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg20" style="margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 126px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/cunitalkgrey.png);margin-top: -1427px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -60px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Cunilingus</a> </div> <br> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg20" style="margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 126px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/cunitalkgrey.png);margin-top: -1400px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -60px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Cunilingus</a> </div> <br> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5 && $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg21" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" style="padding-left: 190px;padding-right: 0px;margin-right: -50px;margin-top: -1511px;margin-left: 6px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">Movies</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<elseif $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg21" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" style="padding-left: 190px;padding-right: 0px;margin-right: -50px;margin-top: -1485px;margin-left: 6px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">Movies</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<elseif $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg21" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" style="padding-left: 190px;padding-right: 0px;margin-right: -50px;margin-top: -1511px;margin-left: 6px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">Movies</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg21" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" style="padding-left: 190px;padding-right: 0px;margin-right: -50px;margin-top: -1485px;margin-left: 6px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">Movies</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $id.teddy == 0 && $ > 0 >>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg22" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 289px;padding-left: 101px;padding-bottom: 4px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/teddytalkgrey.png);width: 250px;height: 37px;margin-top: -1623px;" disabled=""> <br><br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -42px;left: -9px;color: white;top: -78px;">Give Teddy</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<<elseif $id.teddy == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg22" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 289px;padding-left: 101px;padding-bottom: 4px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/teddytalkgrey.png);width: 250px;height: 37px;margin-top: -1597px;" disabled=""> <br><br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -42px;left: -9px;color: white;top: -78px;">Give Teddy</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<<elseif $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" data-passage="MonicaPresentRefuse" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 289px;padding-left: 101px;padding-bottom: 4px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px; border-color: #f52e74;width: 250px;height: 37px;margin-top: -1623px;"> <br><br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -42px;left: -9px;color: white;top: -78px;">Give Teddy</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" data-passage="MonicaPresentRefuse" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 289px;padding-left: 101px;padding-bottom: 4px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px; border-color: #f52e74;width: 250px;height: 37px;margin-top: -1597px;"> <br><br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -42px;left: -9px;color: white;top: -78px;">Give Teddy</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<<if $Monica.LustLvl gte 4 && $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" data-passage="MonicaVaginalMissionary1" style="margin-left: 590px;border-top-width: 2px;margin-top: -1764px;margin-right: -24px;padding-left: 87px;border-bottom-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaVaginalMissionary1" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left:-17px;">Vaginal</a> </div> <br><br>
<<elseif $Monica.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" data-passage="MonicaVaginalMissionary1" style="margin-left: 590px;border-top-width: 2px;margin-top: -1737px;margin-right: -24px;padding-left: 87px;border-bottom-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaVaginalMissionary1" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left:-17px;">Vaginal</a> </div> <br><br>
<<elseif $Monica.LustLvl lte 4 && $ > 0 >>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" style="margin-left: 590px;border-top-width: 2px;margin-top: -1764px;margin-right: -24px;padding-left: 87px;border-bottom-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/vagitalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -17px;">Vaginal</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" style="margin-left: 590px;border-top-width: 2px;margin-top: -1737px;margin-right: -24px;padding-left: 87px;border-bottom-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/vagitalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -17px;">Vaginal</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5 && $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg24" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" style="margin-top: -1820px;margin-left: 5px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 82px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">Religion</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<elseif $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg24" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" style="margin-top: -1794px;margin-left: 5px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 82px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">Religion</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<elseif $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg24" data-passage="MonicaReligion" style="margin-top: -1820px;margin-left: 5px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 82px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaReligion" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">Religion</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg24" data-passage="MonicaReligion" style="margin-top: -1794px;margin-left: 5px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 82px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaReligion" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">Religion</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $id.perfume == 0 && $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg25" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 288px;padding-left: 139px;margin-top: -1931px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color:gray; background-image: url(img/ach/perfumetalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -100px;color: white;top: -50px;left: 9px;">Give Perfume</a> </div> <br><br>
<<elseif $id.perfume == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg25" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 288px;padding-left: 139px;margin-top: -1906px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color:gray; background-image: url(img/ach/perfumetalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -100px;color: white;top: -50px;left: 9px;">Give Perfume</a> </div> <br><br>
<<elseif $ > 0 && $id.perfume > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg25" data-passage="MonicaPresentRefuse" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 288px;padding-left: 139px;margin-top: -1931px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color:#f52e74;"> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -100px;color: white;top: -50px;left: 9px;">Give Perfume</a> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg25" data-passage="MonicaPresentRefuse" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 288px;padding-left: 139px;margin-top: -1906px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color:#f52e74;"> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -100px;color: white;top: -50px;left: 9px;">Give Perfume</a> </div><br><br>
<<if $Monica.LustLvl gte 4 && $ > 0 >>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg26" data-passage="MonicaAnal" style="margin-left: 590px;margin-top: -2042px;margin-right: 265px;padding-right: 100px;padding-left: 110px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaAnal" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;color: white;top: 6px;left: -38px;">Anal</a> </div> <br><br>
<<elseif $Monica.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg26" data-passage="MonicaAnal" style="margin-left: 590px;margin-top: -2019px;margin-right: 265px;padding-right: 100px;padding-left: 110px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaAnal" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;color: white;top: 6px;left: -38px;">Anal</a> </div> <br><br>
<<elseif $Monica.LustLvl lte 4 && $ > 0 >>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg26" style="margin-left: 590px;margin-top: -2042px;margin-right: 265px;padding-right: 100px;padding-left: 110px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/analtalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;color: white;top: 6px;left: -38px;">Anal</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg26" style="margin-left: 590px;margin-top: -2019px;margin-right: 265px;padding-right: 100px;padding-left: 110px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/analtalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;color: white;top: 6px;left: -38px;">Anal</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5 && $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg27" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" style="margin-top: -2047px;margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 234.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Sport</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<elseif $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg27" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" style="margin-top: -2075px;margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 234.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredMOnica" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Sport</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<elseif $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg27" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" style="margin-top: -2047px;margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 234.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Sport</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg27" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" style="margin-top: -2075px;margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 234.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Sport</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $Monica.LustLvl gte 4 && $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg29" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" style="margin-top: -2157px;margin-left: 591px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 98px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -27px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Fetish</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<<elseif $Monica.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg29" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" style="margin-top: -2188px;margin-left: 591px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 98px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaRefuse" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -27px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Fetish</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<<elseif $Monica.LustLvl lte 4 && $ > 0 >>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg29" style="margin-top: -2157px;margin-left: 591px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 98px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/fetishtalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -27px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Fetish</a> </div><br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg29" style="margin-top: -2188px;margin-left: 591px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 98px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/fetishtalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -27px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Fetish</a> </div><br><br><br>
<<if $id.whisky == 0 && $ > 0 >>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg28" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 287px;margin-top: -2298px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 91px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey;background-image: url(img/ach/whiskytalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -42px;color: white;left: 0px;">Give Whisky</a> </div> <br><br><br> <br>
<<elseif $id.whisky == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg28" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 287px;margin-top: -2328px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 91px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey;background-image: url(img/ach/whiskytalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -42px;color: white;left: 0px;">Give Whisky</a> </div> <br><br><br> <br>
<<elseif $id.whisky > 0 && $ > 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg28" data-passage="MonicaPresentRefuse" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 287px;margin-top: -2298px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 91px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -42px;color: white;left: 0px;">Give Whisky</a> </div> <br><br><br> <br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg28" data-passage="MonicaPresentRefuse" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 287px;margin-top: -2328px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 91px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MonicaPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -42px;color: white;left: 0px;">Give Whisky</a> </div> <br><br><br> <br>
<div style="margin-top: -2384px;margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 243.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;background-image: url(img/ach/datea.png);border-color: grey;" class="buttonInteractive bg32"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -75px;padding-left: -3px;margin-left: -109px;color: white;">Ask for a date</a> <div style="margin-top: 52px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 200.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;margin-left: -247px;border-radius: 7.5px;background-image: url(img/ach/exittalk.png);border-color: #f52e74;" class="buttonInteractive bg33" data-passage="MHHall"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MHHall" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -138px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Leave</a> </div>
<<set $ = 2>>
<<if $stamina < 0>>
<<set $stamina = 0>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, do you believe that there is a certain God?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I think everyone has the right to believe what he wants. If it helps in life, then why not?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm afraid no religion in the world would agree with you.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Religion, like faith, should help people believe in themselves. Therefore, I see only the good in her and try not to notice the bad.<</say>>
<<md>>Typical Monica. She hovers in the clouds and sees the world only in optimistic tones.<</md>>
<<addAff $Monica 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]<<say $Monica>>Music is my life. I have no idea where I would be without it. It helps me in all life situations. I remember once a guy dumped me ...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>And I listened to songs for a week, until I could come to terms with this loss. It healed me internally and I was able to move on.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds magical. As if there is a power in it that we have never seen before.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>This is true. Whatever I do, she is always with me. I am a real music lover. My morning starts with music and ends with it.<</say>>
<<addAff $Monica 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]<<say $Monica>>Do I love literature? Sure! I really love to read!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't you want to have fun with your friends, go to a party, watch a video on youtube?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Of course I want to! And I do this a lot, but books are special.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And what's so special about it?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>They allow you to live countless lives that are filled with adventure, romance and other sensations that we are not able to experience in real life.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You know, listening to you, I really wanted to plunge into this world again.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I can recommend you a couple of books! The first one ...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not yet, I think I can figure out what's what myself. <</say>>
<<addAff $Monica 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]<<say $Monica>>Birthday ... Sorry, I can't say that ...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica lowered her eyes to the floor. Very strange. I thought she was open to everything. Not that it was very difficult for me to find out this information using my official position ...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, is this such a big secret? <</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me timidly. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>No, not at all. It's just ... I don't want you to get hurt. If this happens, I will blame myself for the rest of my life.<</say>>
<<md>>What a strange and most importantly gloomy statement. As if from the fact that I recognize her birthday, it will all collapse on my head.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why should I suffer?<</say>>
<<md>>She was silent for a long time before saying even a word. Obviously, for one of the most positive schoolgirls, this is a very sensitive topic.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You see, every year on my birthday there is a disaster. No matter how hard I try, troubles follow me anyway. That short circuit in the house, then the collapse of the ceiling, and the car will hit me ...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wait, you got hit by a car?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Nothing serious. Another thing is important! Everyone who is next to me suffers. Misfortunes also happen to them. I would not want this to touch you ...<</say>>
<<md>>But it touched me. It touched to the very depths, so I hugged Monica tightly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, I'll be fine. <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Do you promise? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I swear to everything I have.<</say>>
<<md>>She exhaled and hugged me tightly back. However, she did not told about her birthday.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaAskBirthday = 1>>\
<<addAff $Monica 10>>
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]<<if $stamina< 5>>
<<goto "MCTiredMonica">>
<<set _MonicaHugArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _MonicaHugArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Looking at Monica, I was always amazed at the feeling of warmth that comes from her. If there is a person in the world who can cheer you up with just one smile, then this is undoubtedly she.<</md>>
<<md>>Being around her makes you feel happier than everyone else.<</md>>
<<md>>And that's why I don't like seeing her in such a depressed state as now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, why are you sad?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl looks at one point and does not even turn her head towards me.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It's okay, just ...<</say>>
<<md>>Everything is clear to me without words. Something really happened, but she won't tell me. But I know what I will do now.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>What are you doing?<</say>>
<<md>>Even if she doesn't tell anything, even if her big secret is eating her from the inside, nobody canceled the magic power of hugs. I hugged me tightly, trying to convey everything that really worried me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Everything will be fine. <</say>>
<<md>>I felt her smile and reciprocal hugs, although I did not see, as I closed my eyes. This is a great moment. Let there be as many of them as possible!<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks. <</say>>
<<md>>She whispers in my ear and I'm just insanely happy.<</md>>
<<addLust $Monica 3>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
<<set $MonicaArouse += 2>>\
<<if $MonicaArouse > 60 && $MonicaArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Monica is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]<<set _MonicaLightKissArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _MonicaLightKissArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Monica has always been a special girl. Even at school, besides the fact that she delighted me with her eternal kindness and desire to help everyone around, there was something else. Something to fight with was quite foolish for me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, remember you asked how you can help me ...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl nodded happily. Who would doubt it would work. It seems to me that in her veins instead of blood flows a great desire to help others.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, sir?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It seems to me that there is not enough joy in my life. All endorphins seemed to have died ...<</say>>
<<md>>Ha! It's funny how I came up with it. All the same, there is a benefit from the fact that I am a biology teacher. Although, on the other hand, any schoolchild knows about it ...<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>How can I help? Please tell me and I will definitely do it!<</say>>
<<md>>If she knew my plan, would she agree? <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You see, there is a very simple way to bring my joy back. I need your kiss. No, just touch your lips, without anything else.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Just lips ...<</say>>
<<md>>Why do I feel like she's upset now?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, a little kiss.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Hm ... Okay.<</say>>
<<md>>She herself bent over to me and I pressed my lips to her. Just a moment, but I felt like I was getting better. These lips are so beautiful that I am ready to repeat it over and over again.<</md>>
<<addLust $Monica 10>>
<<text r "-1 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
<<set $MonicaArouse += 7>>\
<<if $MonicaArouse > 60 && $MonicaArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Monica is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]<<set _MonicaRefuseArray = [ 1, 2,3]>>\
<<switch _MonicaRefuseArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Monica>>I would love to talk about this topic, but I'm afraid that I don't have enough knowledge.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Monica>>You have such wonderful questions. It's a pity I don't like them.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Monica>>Could we find a more interesting topic? After all, we can talk about a thousand and one topics besides this one.<</say>>
<<addAff $Monica -6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]<<if $Monica.AffectionLvl gte 2>>\
<<set _MonicaAskSchoolArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _MonicaAskSchoolArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Finding a common theme for two teachers is not too difficult. Of course, this is the most obvious topic, but why not use it? In the end, both me and Monica love school very much and think about the good of itl.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Howdy in school?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiled.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>> You know, it really wasn't bad. Despite all the difficulties, I feel good. Nothing gives as much positive as the feeling that you have taught a person something new.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I'm sure you really taught them a lot of new things ...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Do you doubt me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, not at all. I myself would have sat in your lesson so that you would teach me something.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Maybe, one day $mc.Name, I'll teach you something ...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I will look forward to it!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>What do you think about Clara and her leadership?<</say>>
<<md>>I knew it wasn’t a good idea to discuss the boss’s actions with a colleague, but it’s still a very interesting topic. Nothing brings people together like talking about other people.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Clara is a wonderful person and leader.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, you can't say that I expected something different ...<</md>>
<<md>>A smile itself drew on my face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But honestly?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>But I'm honest. I would not work with her if I thought differently. Clara has problems, but they are not forbidden for each of us.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Right. Nobody's perfect. Except you.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Ha-ha! Stop doing that!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I`m certainly not!<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>You are certainly yes!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But no! Okay, just because you ask me to.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Ha-ha! Great!<</say>>
<<addAff $Monica 12>>
<<set _MonicaSchoolNegArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _MonicaSchoolNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Monica>>I don`t want to talk about school right now.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Monica>>We have a lot to discuss except the school,don`t you think?<</say>>
<<set $Refusals += 1>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]<<if $Monica.AffectionLvl gte 2>>\
<<say $Monica>>Book? Oh yes, I have one ... My favorite.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's dreamy gaze was directed somewhere behind me, an invisible point. Her voice was full of warmth, from which I melted.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes? What is this?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Didn't you guess? It's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Even now, after so much, I understand how special this book is. And how right Tom was.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>About?<</say>>
<<md>>I vaguely remember this book, although it is considered a huge classic. But honestly, how many classics will you remember 20 years later?<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>The fact that one should not wait, but enjoy today. Who knows what tomorrow will prepare for us. And will there be tomorrow.<</say>>
<<md>>Hmm, to some extent she is right ... But in any case, getting to know her favorite book is worth a lot. <</md>>
<<addAff $Monica 12>>
<<set $MonicaFavBook = 1>>
<<set _MonicaBookNegArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _MonicaBookNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Monica>>As if I should answer such stupid questions!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Monica>>My interests do not concern you!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>The girl frowned looking at me. Looks like my question made her think of something quite distant. Well, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't have a favourite book.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Book? Yes, I have a favourite. My grandmother used to read me one before I went to bed. <</say>>
<<md>>Ha, I guess I underestimated Monica and her hobbies. Even a girl like that who doesn't look like a literary enthusiast has something to surprise me with.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>What was the name... I wish I could remember it now. I think... It was called "Books suck." <</say>>
<<md>>Damn, she's good. I even believed her, and it turned out she was all over me.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Who reads books these days? All the information you need has long gone from there to smartphones. Smartphones are the source of wisdom.<</say>>
<<md>>I'm sorry I asked her that already. I guess it was better not to recognize Monica from this side. <</md>>
<<set $Refusals += 1>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]<<if $stamina< 5>>
<<goto "MCTiredMonica">>
<<set _MonicaNastyArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _MonicaNastyArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>A big smile shines on Monica's face. She's definitely up to something.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>What's the plan for entertainment?<</say>>
<<md>>Why did she say that? Doesn't she know what is coming next?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I do not know, for the entertainment I have only a dick.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl bursts out laughing and looks down there.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Entertainment that I need!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>There are situations where you just can't keep quiet. Even now, as Monica yawns wide at me, it is not the most pleasant thoughts. Well, there's no need to yawn so sexually. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you, Monica, know what physiological compatibility is? <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>When sex is great.<</say>>
<<md>>She says it with so much excitement that you can't help, but admire her honesty.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, I like the way you think. It's not just that, though. What happens to a guy when he wakes up? <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>He's got a boner?.<</say>>
<<md>>I knew Monica would solve this little mystery. I mean, it's her type. Her twisted taste.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's true! And when a girl wakes up, she yawns so wide that even the fattest dick will fit into her seemingly small mouth. <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I don't think it's a coincidence!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So do I! That's what's called physiological compatibility. I think that's what you and I have!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's smiling back. That's when a smile says a lot more than words!<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Today I caught Monica doing a very amazing thing. Although maybe it's better to call it sexy! The girl is holding a banana that she's not going to clean. And looking at this picture, nothing but dirty thoughts can come to mind. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You look like you are fan of a banana!<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, I do! It's so smooth and resilient! Ha-ha! And it's delicious, of course! I also love banana ice cream. And banana salads. And bananas and bananas and bananas!<</say>>
<<md>>Her sounding laughter is flying all over the apartment. Looks like she's a fan of this fruit. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>And you know that banana is very useful for young girls like you? It reduces the risk of sexual disorder by at least 30%. <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>That's why I love it so much, it turns out!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, and eating it takes another 10%.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica makes a loud laugh when she understands what I'm talking about. There's a banana in the air that she threw at me. <</md>>
<<md>>Still, Monica is a person of many moods.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaArouse > 60 && $MonicaArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Monica is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
<<addLust $Monica 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]<<if $stamina< 4>>
<<goto "MCTiredMonica">>
<<set _MonicaSayComplimentArray = [ 1, 2,3]>>\
<<switch _MonicaSayComplimentArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Monica>>What a hot day today!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica is wearing a tight T-shirt that highlights every mouth-watering particle of her body. But there are many beads of sweat on her face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes,it is shining especially brightly today. But I think it's much hotter here now.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Really? I'm going to turn on the conditioner now!<</say>>
<<md>>The student is already getting up to go to the console, but I grab her hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I mean that there is something hotter and brighter in this room than the sun - it's you, Monica.<</say>>
<<md>>And when the compliment is said, I let her go, admiring the confused and at the same time flattered look.<</md>>
<<md>>Here she is the real Monica, hidden behind all these masks of self-confidence and obscenity.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>Do you know why many people go to the beach?<</say>>
<<md>>My questions sounded so suddenly that the girl even shuddered for a second.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>To enjoy the sea and the sun. Sunbathe, maybe...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, but not only for this. Many people know that a pearl can be found there and everyone wants to touch the beauty.<</say>>
<<md>>Several times I have seen people just walk along the coast and look for shells, hoping to find something very valuable.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>True?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica doesn't seem to think about this question even once.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. But they don't know that the main pearl of this is not at the seashore, but right here, in front of me!<</say>>
<<md>>I look at her, waiting for her to understand what I mean.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Is it me the pearl? Thank you! This is the most beautiful thing that I have been told in this life. I am a pearl! Ha!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Where has Monica gone? She left her room and...<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I'm a little worried before the ball.<</say>>
<<md>>She walked in in a chic dress, which I have never seen before, and I must say in it she looks so beautiful that she already takes my breath away.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I think this dress makes me a little fat.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, Monica still doesn't realize how wrong she is. I walked over to her and gently took her hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You in it are even more beautiful than usual, Monica. I'm sure all the guys at the ball will not take their eyes off you this evening.<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me in surprise, as if I had revealed to her the secret of world domination.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Do you really think so?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course!<</say>>
<<md>>A moment and a smile shines on the girl's face. What else is needed?<</md>>
<<addAff $Monica 4>>
<<set $stamina -= 4>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]<<if $stamina< 10>>
<<goto "MCTiredMonica">>
<<set _MonicaTouchBreastArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _MonicaTouchBreastArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Only a blind person will not see how sexy this girl is. Yes, Monica probably drives more than one boy crazy. But I'm not a boy. And yet ... Her body is so attractive. Her breasts ... I can't stop thinking about her. When she speaks, when she breathes, I constantly think about how to touch these soft, attractive shapes.<</md>>
<<md>>How much you want ...<</md>>
<<md>>And suddenly Monica takes my hand. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl takes a deep breath, from which her gorgeous breasts seduce me even more. I swear, someday I will not stand it and just ...<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It seems to me that something is wrong with my heart.<</say>>
<<md>>She says it so seriously that I throw all thoughts aside. What if she really got sick? Perhaps she has a hereditary arrhythmia, or worse? Then all this can turn out to be very bad.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What's wrong? Where does it hurt?<</say>>
<<md>>I will have to remember the minimum that I was taught in the first aid courses. Hope this helps.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It doesn't hurt anywhere. It's just when you're around ... I think it beats too fast.<</say>>
<<md>>Ha ha! That's it. Well, it's still worth playing doctor. And she and I will love it. Knocks, you say ...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Then I must examine it. If this is something serious, it will be necessary to go to the hospital.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nods and lifts her blouse without further objection. <</md>>
<<md>>How gorgeous her breasts are. She peeks seductively out from under her bra, as if inviting me. <</md>>
<<md>>They say it is impolite to refuse an invitation.<</md>>
<<md>>I touch my chest with my hands and squeeze it tightly. Monica responds calmly to my touch and I feel like I finally reach my goal.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Does it hurt? <</say>>
<<md>>My hands touch the area where her nipples are. I massage my breasts more thoroughly and actively.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>No ... No, rather ... Nice. <</say>>
<<md>>I continue to play with her breasts, squeezing gently. Now Monica is clearly on edge. Her body is tense and trembling. She clearly enjoys it. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Then it's all right. Don't worry so much.<</say>>
<<md>>I stop because I know that I can rip all of her clothes off if I don't tell myself to stop now. She's not ready yet. But it will be very soon, I'm sure.<</md>>
<<addLust $Monica 3>>
<<set $MonicaArouse += 2>>\
<<set $McCum += 8>>\
<<text r "-10 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 10>><<addmins 10>>\
<<if $MonicaArouse > 60 && $MonicaArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Monica is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]<<set _MonicaButtArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _MonicaButtArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Monica>>One!<</say>>
<<md>>When I approach Monica, I see that the girl is not wasting her time. Well, she is not at all one of those who are able to sit around even for a day.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Two! <</say>>
<<md>>She arches attractively like a kitty and arches her ass. This sight attracts me very much. I stand as if hypnotized and I watch this action.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Three! <</say>>
<<md>>The girl effectively continues to squat with dumbbells, showing those parts of the body that cannot be ignored. And my cock doesn't exactly ignore them. He craves, just languishes from the desire to get to know her as closely as possible.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I see you are training. <</say>>
<<md>>I decided to talk to the girl so that she would not think that she was some kind of maniac.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Do not lose shape and don`t stop there. In other case…<</say>>
<<md>>She again sat down arched her ass, which made my desire to touch the beauty even stronger.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>... you must ...<</say>>
<<md>>And suddenly she staggered. I already thought that now she would collapse to the floor, like an unnecessary statue, but by some miracle she managed to stay on her feet.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, you shouldn't work so hard. This will only harm yourself.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> Nonsense, I can! I must!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let me help you at least. <</say>>
<<md>>I don’t know what said more in me: sexual attraction or really good intentions. But I really wanted to help her ... in a way.<</md>>
<<md>>Once in the back, I grabbed her around the waist.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do not rush ... So, once ...<</say>>
<<md>>And then she jerked and moved her legs. Her ass barely touched my cock, but I was already feeling tremendous arousal.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn, we gotta move it. But as soon as I tried to do it with my hands, the round halves were in my hands. I squeezed her ass gently.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Mhmm ...<</say>>
<<md>>A soft moan escaped her lips. Does she like it or is she against it? However, I will not check it now.<</md>>
<<md>>But the feeling is just wonderful. <</md>>
<<addLust $Monica 3>>
<<set $MonicaArouse += 2>>\
<<set $McCum += 8>>\
<<text r "-10 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 10>><<addmins 10>>\
<<if $MonicaArouse > 60 && $MonicaArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Monica is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]<<if $Monica.AffectionLvl gte 2 && $Monica.LustLvl gte 2>>\
<<set _MonicaButtArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _MonicaButtArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Monica's ass is one of the most addictive things in this world. I don't even know what is so special about her. Either it is in this seductive form, or in softness ... In general, yes, it is very attractive. That is why it is very difficult to stop thinking about her even for a moment.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, Monica is not the case. What is this movement? Why are you arching like that?<</say>>
<<md>>In fact, I like the way it curves, but I really don't want to say something about it. I just want to spank those two halves.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do not do that!<</say>>
<<md>>There is a loud bang - my hand falls on Monica's ass.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Hey!<</say>>
<<md>>But in this cry, I do not hear an objection, rather the opposite. When she says this, she moves her ass in my direction. <</md>>
<<md>>And surprise appears in the eyes, which is replaced by great joy. She raises her arms and presses close to me.<</md>>
<<md>>I slap her ass again. Again. And further. It affects her. Monica presses herself against my torso several more times with loud spanks.<</md>>
<<md>>In the end, she just sighs.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks. It was so necessary for me ...<</say>>
<<md>>What a strange statement, but I am definitely very, very happy about it!<</md>>
<<addLust $Monica 20>>\
<<set $MonicaArouse += 10>>\
<<set _MonicaButtNegArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _MonicaButtNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Monica>>Have you ever been told that you are weird? Not pleasantly strange, but so strange that even children get scared.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Monica>>I'd better go...<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Looking at Monica's ass, you can't get rid of the thoughts that haunt you all the time. You can look at her all you want, but in your dreams, your hands are always mocking a girl for the pleasure of slapping. Always considered spanking something embarrassing and beautiful at the same time!<</md>>
<<md>>But if I only dream about it and spit on the girl's roundness, I will not see all my fantasies come true. Only the bravest can get what they want.<</md>>
<<md>>So I had to do a little trick. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Are you sure that's gonna help me?<</say>>
<<md>>I don't know or it will help you, but it will help me!<</md>>
<<md>>A loud slap on her ass. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Wait! You said you knew how to determine my blood type. How does a slap help me?<</say>>
<<md>>Hell, why can't you think of anything right now? Oh, damn it!<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I don't think you know what you're doing. Be glad I'm not telling that principal!<</say>>
<<set $Refusals += 1>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
<<if $MonicaArouse > 60 && $MonicaArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Monica is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]<<if $stamina< 9>>
<<goto "MCTiredMonica">>
<<set _MonicaFlirtArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _MonicaFlirtArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Monica and I have been spending a lot of time together lately. It might seem like an unnecessary burden to some, but it makes me more comfortable. There's a strong relationship between us. Which means it's time to move a little further in our relationship. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, your outfit today is amazing. Did you think your teacher was worthy of such a beautiful look? <</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes are mischievously shining. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>The teacher is handsome, of course. But my outfit isn't for him.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're dating someone else?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl started spinning a lock of hair playfully.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>How do you know? How do you know...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And who is he? <</say>>
<<md>>The answer to my question was a sounding laugh.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Not he, but she .<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She? Do you like girls? <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>No, I don't like the other girls. But I do like one of them. She's so adorable and special!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Who is she?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Biology!<</say>>
<<md>>I'd like to be mad at Monica, but this game is very exciting. And my student in it is one of the most worthy opponents I've ever met in my life.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>While reading the book, I noticed that Monica was watching me closely and a very interesting plan was born in me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm reading the horoscope here. And I got some very interesting information, but I need your help for it, Monica. What color lingerie are you wearing?<</say>>
<<md>>In response to my words, the girl smiles broadly.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Don't believe your horoscopes. I don't wear underwear.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then I will have to take care of your health and be sure that you do not catch a cold.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, so you are not only a biology teacher, but also a doctor? I can't wait for your care, Doctor $mc.Name<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Sometimes, looking at my student, I ask myself a very simple question: what she is thinking about. I would like to say that I understand what she is thinking, but that would be a lie.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica, like a box of surprises, is always capable of surprise. You'd think she'd connect all conversation with sex, when she'd give away something so deep. At times like this, you don't even know how to act. <</md>>
<<md>>But the only thing I want Monica's thoughts to be right now is me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you thinking about?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>That school isn't the worst place.<</say>>
<<md>>Not something to think about at such an interesting moment. There's a beautiful man like me standing next to her, and she's thinking about school? That's terrible!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's the wrong answer! You have to think about me! <</say>>
<<md>>She smiled, agreeing with my statement.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Well, you're not the worst place either...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You know what else is a good place? It's your bedroom.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I'm afraid it's closed for sitting there right now!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And if you lie there?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Depending on how hard you swing on it!<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, that's a nice conversation. What's important is that both sides understand where it's going, but they also enjoy the process. I just love it!<</md>>
<<addLust $Monica 9>>
<<text r "-9 stamina">>\
<<set $stamina -= 9>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]<<if $stamina< 12>>
<<goto "MCTiredMonica">>
<<set _MonicaKissArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _MonicaKissArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>The more time I spend with Monica, the more I think how wonderful she is. I am drawn to spend as much time with her as possible, to know her completely, to know how she breathes, to understand how she tastes ...<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, no matter how I deceive myself, the truth is simple - Monica attracts me like no one else. And these lips are so sensual ...<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>$ mc.Name ? Are you okay?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica leaned over me as I lost myself in thought again. No, you shouldn't keep it to yourself.<</md>>
<<md>>And without further ado, I touch her soft seductive lips with my lips. She closes her eyes and responds with a kiss, wrapping her arms around my neck. From this sensation, it seems to me that the whole world around me has dissolved. I am already completely at the mercy of this feeling, and when our tongues meet at a crazy pace. I have never seen her so beautiful ...<</md>>
<<addLust $Monica 14>>\
<<set $MonicaArouse += 8>>\
<<set _MonicaKissNegArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _MonicaKissNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Monica>>I will never do something like this!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Monica>>Why are you sticking to me? Go harass someone else!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Monica won't leave any man indifferent. Her expressive lips are just as tempting to taste them. That's why our lips are now touching, feeling the warmth and excitement that connects us. <</md>>
<<md>>Her lips are so warm and tender and at the same time they feel some cold. It's as if the student not only enjoys the process, but at the same time is detached from what is happening. It feels like a whole living statue. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wow!<</say>>
<<md>>A sharp pain covers my lower lip, which is now bleeding. I can feel the taste of iron in my mouth.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You bit me, Monica! You bit me! Why did you do that?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Because I wanted to? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Monica! You can't do whatever you want!<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Really? I think that's what you're doing by sticking your tongue in my mouth!<</say>>
<<md>>There's a fire burning in her eyes. But it's not a fire of passion at all. It's a fire of anger and spite. I'd better back off now if I don't want to cause a whole storm...<</md>>
<<addLust $Monica 5>>\
<<set $MonicaArouse += 4>>\
<<set $McCum += 2>>\
<<text r "-12 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 12>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]
<<if $MonicaArouse > 60 && $MonicaArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Monica is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]
<<if $stamina< 14>>
<<goto "MCTiredMonica">>
<<if $MonicaCum is 100>><<goto "MonicaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumMonica">><</if>>\
<<set _MonicaPettingArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _MonicaPettingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Monica>>Would you like to help me?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's voice sounds pretty sexy as always. But what's even more sexy is the girl's body in sexy form. I must say that every time I see her in her I want to rip this form off her. Everything about her turns me on, right down to the bulges that touch her bottom.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course.<</say>>
<<md>>I walk up to her, but I notice something special when she bends down. She doesn't seem to be wearing panties.<</md>>
<<md>>I try to grab onto her bottom to help, but instead... <</md>>
<<md>>Monica is already lying on the carpet, arching her back so that I can feel all the curves of her body. She seems aroused. And when she spreads her legs, I lose my head.<</md>>
<<md>>Madness! Monica wants me to touch her pussy. This is not the Monica I know, but I definitely like it a lot.<</md>>
<<md>>Unable to move, I look at her in complete daze. But when Monica throws her head back, I can see that she is, in fact, aroused. She is so aroused that her swollen breasts are visible through the thin tissue.<</md>>
<<md>>I can feel Monica arching her back more and more. Oh god, how wonderful it is. I want to taste it. So I touch her pussy with my fingers.<</md>>
<<md>>I can taste the sweet taste of the forbidden fruit, I know it is, but I can't believe her pussy smells like that.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaIntFingering.mp4"></video></div> And the pussy starts to sway, and we take turns losing the ability to resist.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaVideo14Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo14Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>I touch the pussy and play with the clit. This is the most important part of Monica. This is her mysterious flower.
Monica moans loudly as my movements become sharper.<</md>>
<<md>>She twitches all over. When we reach the peak of pleasure, she lets out a shrill cry, then another. I can feel her body in my hands and it's wonderful.<</md>>
<<addLust $Monica 8>>
<<text r "-14 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 14>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $MonicaCum += 12>>\
<<set $McCum += 12>>\
[[Back|MonicaTalk]]Looks like Monica is ready to have some fun. What we shoud do?
<<talk "Start blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaBlowjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<if $MonicaArouse > 160>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaPetting">><</talk>>
<<if $MonicaArouse > 180 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 4>>\
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $MonicaArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaAnal">><</talk>>
[[Back|MonicaTalk]]<<if $stamina< 6>>
<<goto "MCTiredMonica">>
<<if $MonicaCum is 100>><<goto "MonicaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumMonica">><</if>>\
<<set _MonicaBlowjobNegArray = [ 1,2]>>\
<<switch _MonicaBlowjobNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Monica is a unique girl. The one that you will never meet in ordinary life. I still can't believe how lucky I am.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You seem a little tense, are you okay? <</say>>
<<md>>And now, she notices even the slightest changes in me and tries to get better. Next to such a girl, you yourself want to become better.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I ...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiles back at me and kneels down. She runs her tongue in the groin area and my tension becomes even greater. The only thing I want is for her to take my cock in her mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>For her tongue to touch me there. When I see what she is about to do, my balls squeeze, and my cock jumps out on its own.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Wow ... It's ... so big ... And handsome ...<</say>>
<<md>>Without further ado, she licks the head of the penis.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaIntBlowjob1.mp4"></video></div> Her hot breath grows stronger and I almost lose control of myself. Hands start to shake. Yes, Monica is truly unique, even though she herself will never know about it.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaVideo10Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo10Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Her head moves in time with my cock and a wave of pleasure runs through my body.<</md>>
<<md>>I feel very horny and I think that finally this beautiful girl will do more for me than just lick my dick ... Monica is really good. And now I will always think of her in this vein.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, her tongue was skillful and this is the best pleasure in my life!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Monica is a unique girl. The one that you will never meet in ordinary life. I still can't believe how lucky I am.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You seem a little tense, are you okay? <</say>>
<<md>>And now, she notices even the slightest changes in me and tries to get better. Next to such a girl, you yourself want to become better.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I ...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiles back at me and kneels down. She runs her tongue in the groin area and my tension becomes even greater. The only thing I want is for her to take my cock in her mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>For her tongue to touch me there. When I see what she is about to do, my balls squeeze, and my cock jumps out on its own.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Wow ... It's ... so big ... And handsome ...<</say>>
<<md>>Without further ado, she licks the head of the penis.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaIntBlowjob2.mp4"></video></div> Her hot breath grows stronger and I almost lose control of myself. Hands start to shake. Yes, Monica is truly unique, even though she herself will never know about it.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaVideo11Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo11Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Her head moves in time with my cock and a wave of pleasure runs through my body.<</md>>
<<md>>I feel very horny and I think that finally this beautiful girl will do more for me than just lick my dick ... Monica is really good. And now I will always think of her in this vein.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, her tongue was skillful and this is the best pleasure in my life!<</md>>
<<addLust $Monica 12>>
<<set $MonicaCum += 2>>\
<<set $McCum += 22>>\
<<set $stamina -= 6>><<addmins 10>>\
<<if $MonicaCum > 15 && $MonicaArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $MonicaCum > 25 && $MonicaArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $MonicaCum > 50 && $MonicaArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Monica is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $MonicaCum > 75 && $MonicaArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Monica is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Back|MonicaTalk]]<<if $MonicaCum is 3>><<goto "MonicaCum">><</if>>\
<<set _MonicaFistingArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _MonicaFistingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Monica>>Do you think I have enough flexibility? <</say>>
<<md>>Monica's question came in handy. I wanted to try something special with her. What you haven't talked about before.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It depends for what ...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiled sweetly back at me. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>For training, of course! What else are you thinking?<</say>>
<<md>>She knew perfectly well what I was thinking. It would be very rash to think that Monica is not thinking about where this conversation is going at all.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know. About a special workout ... which will definitely allow you to become more flexible.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Is it so...<</say>>
<<md>>She kissed me softly as I reached for her lips. This made my excitement even greater.<</md>>
<<md>>So I quickly pulled off all the extra clothes from Monica and put my finger inside her pussy. A soft moan escaped her lips.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hush, Monica, we're just getting started. <</say>>
<<md>>The second finger plunged gently inside and she moaned even louder. This time her scream was louder. And my fingers entered the full depth of the pussy and slowly moved.<</md>>
<<md>>But that was only the beginning. Therefore, gently, so as not to shock the girl from pain, the third finger was inside her.<</md>>
<<md>>My balls immediately clenched with a powerful wave of pleasure that overtook me entirely. Monica let out a low moan and her bosom instantly tightened even more.<</md>>
<<md>>And then my whole hand plunged into her pussy. A huge scream filled the room. From this a wild beast woke up in me.<</md>>
<<md>>And I started to move faster. Moving more and more inside, Monica screamed shrilly, feeling my rage, and shook her head. But she was unable to stop what was happening.<</md>>
<<md>>I knew she liked this one. Her pussy clenched and opened on my fingers. It hurt a little, but Monica soon got used to it. I knew it from her moans.<</md>>
<<md>>And then she moaned loudly and I happily watched the spasms of pleasure. <</md>>
<<addLust $Monica 16>>
<<set $stamina -= 15>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $MonicaCum += 14>>\
<<set $McCum += 14>>\
<<talk "Start fingering her" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaPetting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Keep going her fisting" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start vaginal" 25 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaVaginal">><</talk>>
[[Back|MonicaTalk]]<<if $MonicaCum is 100>><<goto "MonicaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumMonica">><</if>>\
<<set _MonicaVaginalArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _MonicaVaginalArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Monica was too close to me. Restraining myself when the girl sits on you is beyond my strength. Especially when I can feel the girl's pussy right through my clothes.<</md>>
<<md>>It seems to me that a little more and I will soar to the ceiling from an excess of feelings. Especially when she gently leans towards me and our lips touch. This simple enough action makes me feel very good.<</md>>
<<md>>The hand is still gently stroking the silky skin of the girl. Monica gently presses against me, as if stretching pleasure. It turns me on a little. I can't deny myself the pleasure of squeezing her thigh a little harder. Her legs flex reflexively. No, it's too early!<</md>>
<<md>>I touch her panties and gently pull them down. We do not need them in our proximity. Lingerie only hides beauty from me.<</md>>
<<md>>And now her naked body is in contact with my penis.<</md>>
<<md>>This is required by nature itself. I gently take her face in my hands. And immediately I feel embarrassed. But I cannot disobey this desire.
I want to enter it. The desire to give Monica pleasure in me is as strong as to get it myself. But how do I do it?<</md>>
<<talk "Start missionary" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaVaginaLMissionary1">><</talk>>
<<if $mc.Intellect > 4 && $mc.Strength > 4>>\
<<talk "Start cowgirl" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaCowgirl">><</talk>>
[[Back|MonicaTalk]]<<if $stamina< 18>>
<<goto "MCTiredMonica">>
<<if $MonicaCum is 100>><<goto "MonicaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumMonica">><</if>>\
<<set _MonicaAnalNegArray = [ 1,2]>>\
<<switch _MonicaAnalNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>There is only one thing that seduces me endlessly about Monica. Her big and sweet ass. These two halves have tempted me very much since the day we met. I roll Monica onto her back and slap her ass loudly.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica immediately opens her eyes and starts laughing. We smile at each other. Monica is very sexy, I think and hit her in the butt again. Monica closes her eyes. I spank her one last time.<</md>>
<<md>>And then I gently touch the head of a member of her anus. Monica flinches and squeezes her legs. I press, and Monica bends a little. I touch harder. Monica groans softly. And begins to bend. And I already want to enter it completely.<</md>>
<<md>>The member slides inside it until it rests against the edge.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaIntAnal1.mp4"></video></div>
Monica moans again, which makes my boner even stronger. The walls of her ass squeeze me tighter.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaVideo8Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo8Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>I start to move faster in it. My penis goes deeper and deeper, finally I feel a burning sensation at the base of my penis and, also starting to moan, I crash into her again.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica tries to move away. I pull her legs and kiss her neck. It seems to turn her on even more. Monica squeezes her legs even tighter. I press harder, feeling her body tighten.<</md>>
<<md>>What a great feeling. No wonder she trained so much!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>There is only one thing that seduces me endlessly about Monica. Her big and sweet ass. These two halves have tempted me very much since the day we met. I roll Monica onto her back and slap her ass loudly.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica immediately opens her eyes and starts laughing. We smile at each other. Monica is very sexy, I think and hit her in the butt again. Monica closes her eyes. I spank her one last time.<</md>>
<<md>>And then I gently touch the head of a member of her anus. Monica flinches and squeezes her legs. I press, and Monica bends a little. I touch harder. Monica groans softly. And begins to bend. And I already want to enter it completely.<</md>>
<<md>>The member slides inside it until it rests against the edge.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaIntAnal2.mp4"></video></div>
Monica moans again, which makes my boner even stronger. The walls of her ass squeeze me tighter.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaVideo9Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo9Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>I start to move faster in it. My penis goes deeper and deeper, finally I feel a burning sensation at the base of my penis and, also starting to moan, I crash into her again.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica tries to move away. I pull her legs and kiss her neck. It seems to turn her on even more. Monica squeezes her legs even tighter. I press harder, feeling her body tighten.<</md>>
<<md>>What a great feeling. No wonder she trained so much!<</md>>
<<if $MonicaCum > 15 && $MonicaArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $MonicaCum > 25 && $MonicaArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $MonicaCum > 50 && $MonicaArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Monica is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $MonicaCum > 75 && $MonicaArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Monica is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
<<addLust $Monica 20>>
<<set $stamina -= 18>><<addmins 20>>\
<<set $MonicaCum += 14>>\
<<set $McCum += 20>>\
[[Back|MonicaTalk]]<<if $stamina< 12>>
<<goto "MCTiredMonica">>
<<if $MonicaCum is 100>><<goto "MonicaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumMonica">><</if>>\
<<md>>I slowly ran my tongue along the inside of the girl's thigh. An innocent act, but Monica was already moaning.<</md>>
<<md>>I knew how to put her into a trance and began to gently stroke her body. Soon, the girl relaxed and relaxed herself, her chest under my hand rose and fell smoothly. When I finally got to my target, her body was already trembling.<</md>>
<<md>>The tip of the tongue touched the girl's panties exactly where her pussy was hiding.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaIntCuni.mp4"></video></div> I went to work, and Monica moaned loudly, loudly. She didn't say anything - she just moaned. I just licked her clitoris. Like a hungry baby, I sucked and played with him, simultaneously playing with her lips.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaVideo13Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo13Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>The pads of my fingers flew around and dropped slightly on her hips, first to the left, then to the right, and each time I waited for Monica to stop me. But the girl did not stop - she silently and insatiably watched how I handle her pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>I reveled in her moans and how she reacted to my actions. <</md>>
<<md>>Very soon I realized that I could do everything, that I was able to do as I wanted. Monica bent under me and tried to move. On an impulse, I gave free rein to my hands. A few movements of my hand, and her whole body tensed.<</md>>
<<md>>And then she moaned so loudly and soulfully that it seemed to me that I would come from this sound myself. <</md>>
<<md>>How pleasant it is to watch this picture!<</md>>
<<addLust $Monica 15>>
<<set $stamina -= 12>><<addmins 10>>\
<<set $MonicaCum += 16>>\
<<set $McCum += 4>>\
<<if $MonicaCum > 15 && $MonicaArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $MonicaCum > 25 && $MonicaArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $MonicaCum > 50 && $MonicaArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Monica is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $MonicaCum > 75 && $MonicaArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Monica is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]<<if $MonicaCum is 100>><<goto "MonicaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumMonica">><</if>>\
<<md>>Softly, one by one, Monica's fingers wrapped around my cock. I shuddered at the touch and almost groaned. Her hands felt steel soft and excited me from the very sight. A spark of passion appeared in Monique's eyes. She wanted, she wanted to torment me and see how I would dodge.<</md>>
<<md>>And so I found myself in the center of her shameless attention, in the midst of her love intoxication and was able to appreciate her charm at its true worth.<</md>>
<<md>>In front of me was a very thin and flexible body, as if carved from ivory, which without any effort pressed against my body, and her chest slowly rose and fell. She not only aroused me physically, but she aroused my instincts.<</md>>
<<md>>Her hand moved faster and faster<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaIntHandjob.mp4"></video></div> and I felt the tension, which increased just as my penis grew in her hands.<</md>>
<<md>>Moreover, I knew that if I did not succumb to temptation now, I would drown in my own sensuality, like a drowning man. <</md>>
<<md>>So I closed my eyes and surrendered myself to the power of pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>It swept over me like a wave. What I felt was beyond words, but I knew what was best for me right now. Enjoy everything that Monica gives me.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, that's just fine ...<</md>>
<<addLust $Monica 7>>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
<<set $MonicaCum += 5>>\
<<set $McCum += 13>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaBlowjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Continue handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<if $MonicaArouse > 160>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaPetting">><</talk>>
<<if $MonicaArouse > 180 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $MonicaArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 6 && $mc.Strength > 8>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $MonicaCum > 15 && $MonicaArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $MonicaCum > 25 && $MonicaArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $MonicaCum > 50 && $MonicaArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Monica is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $MonicaCum > 75 && $MonicaArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Monica is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]<<if $stamina< 16>>
<<goto "MCTiredMonica">>
<<if $MonicaCum is 100>><<goto "MonicaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumMonica">><</if>>\
<<md>>I run my hand over Monica's face, and then gently turn her over, allowing her naked sexy body to be under me. My cock touches her pussy quite a bit, but that's enough to make me lose my head. <</md>>
<<md>>I can't do anything about it. Monica grabs my cock , presses against it and pulls back a little to look me in the eyes. For a few seconds we look at each other in silence, and it seems to me that I am looking into the eyes of the most beautiful person on this planet.<</md>>
<<md>>The member gently enters into her.<</md>>
<<md>>I can hardly contain myself so as not to cum on this treasure.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaIntMissionary.mp4"></video></div> Monica snuggles closer to me, and I can feel the shocks of my arousal transmitted to her, so that she no longer controls herself.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaVideo16Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo16Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Monica moves towards me again, and her lips meet mine. We fall silent. Only my breathing is one of the rare sounds that break the silence. She touches me with her long fingers, rubs and strokes my cock with her pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>I can feel the desire growing inside. I can't bring myself to contain myself. Cumming on Monica seems to me the most natural thing in my life. A crazy thought comes to my mind - grab her hair and keep moving harder.<</md>>
<<md>>A moan escapes her lips as I enter her completely.<</md>>
<<md>>She closes her eyes, as if enjoying every second that our closeness gives her.<</md>>
<<md>>And I also enjoy this wonderful moment, from which I think I will soon finish...<</md>>
<<addLust $Monica 20>>
<<set $stamina -= 16>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $MonicaCum += 22>>\
<<set $McCum += 16>>\
<<if $MonicaCum > 15 && $MonicaArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $MonicaCum > 25 && $MonicaArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $MonicaCum > 50 && $MonicaArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Monica is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $MonicaCum > 75 && $MonicaArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Monica is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Back|MonicaTalk]]<<if $MonicaCum is 100>><<goto "MonicaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumMonica">><</if>>\
<<md>>I know very well what will make Monica and me happier. A position in which my cock can penetrate her pussy as deep as possible.<</md>>
<<md>>I want Monica to have an orgasm the same way I do. I want her to burn with passion under my pressure, and to make her feel welcome.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, I allow her to sit on me, and then drive a member into her completely. <</md>>
<<md>>Monica continues to moan as I move in her, but my thrusts gradually slow down. I'm not sure if she came in full length, but I need her to get the maximum orgasm. I think you can do it like this.<</md>>
<<md>>A passionate moan escapes her lips, and I only move vigorously in her. <div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaIntCowgirl1.mp4"></video></div> I can feel the heat that burns me. It is transmitted from her pussy to my cock and from this my desire only becomes stronger.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaVideo12Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo12Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>At this moment, I immerse my body in bliss. It feels like I can't hold back anymore. My cock reaches the end, squeezes, pushes against her pussy. And this is the best that I felt before.<</md>>
<<addLust $Monica 30>>\
<<set $stamina -= 25>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $MonicaCum += 25>>\
<<set $McCum += 20>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaBlowjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start lick her" 8 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaCuni">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start handjob" 5 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaHandjobNew">><</talk>>
<<if $MonicaArouse > 160>>\
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaPetting">><</talk>>
<<if $MonicaArouse > 180 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Continue vaginal" 25 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $MonicaArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $MonicaCum > 15 && $MonicaArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $MonicaCum > 25 && $MonicaArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $MonicaCum > 50 && $MonicaArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Monica is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $MonicaCum > 75 && $MonicaArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Monica is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]<<md>>Monica's body is so sexy that there is simply no way to resist the pleasure that she gives with her body. Knowing that you are so absorbed by a passionate loving nature is already good. She controls herself so well that from the efforts to overcome even the moment of acute pleasure, her head is only unpleasantly dizzy.<</md>>
<<md>>But most of all I like her juicy pussy. Monica's thin fingers are sometimes tender, sometimes impatient, or even merciless - as the writers say, no courtesan can dream of such a state.<</md>>
<<md>>She's the best I've had. <</md>>
<<md>>As her pussy squeezes my cock deeper and deeper, engulfing my entire cock, a blinding wave of happiness mixed with fury hits me. Her frenzied enthusiasm is like a drug, as soon as you get into it, and I myself am drawn into the energy of pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>She is my drug and I get my buzz inside. <</md>>
<<md>>From this bliss, my penis throbs strongly, and then explodes with a fountain of pleasure. <</md>>
<<addLust $Monica 33>>
<<addAff $Monica 33>>
<<set $MonicaCum = 0>>\
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaBlowjobNew">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start footjob" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaFooting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fingering her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaPetting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start fisting her" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaFisting">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start vaginal" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<talk "Start anal" 1 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "MonicaVaginal">><</talk>>
<<set $GirlCum += 1>>\
[[Stand up|MonicaTalk]]<<md>>I'm feeling it. My cock throbs with joy with every movement of Monica. Another minute and I'll finish. Her body is too good, I can't resist this wave of pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>She's so damn good that my body jerks back with every move.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica's hand is in the air, fingers unclenched and caressing her crotch, causing me to think similarly. I'm on the verge of orgasm. This should happen, this is how a man should finish, cumming on the lips of his beloved woman.<</md>>
<<md>>But this body of hers, as before, causes such delight in me that I feel uneasy. I never liked making love for a long time. I'm too horny. Too tense.<</md>>
<<md>>And at this moment I still enjoy it.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaIntGGCum.mp4"></video></div> It is so great that I cannot contain the flow of its power. And it flows away, leaving me completely devastated, but happy.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes Yes Yes! <</md>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Stand up|MonicaTalk]]<<md>>The large entrance hall welcomes me with a feeling of warmth and comfort. I never would have thought that such a house belongs to Monica. By the way, where is she?<</md>>
[[Monica`s room|MHMonicaroom]]
[[Leave her house|Street Raw-Road]]
<<include"Monica quests">>\
<<addmins 5>><<md>>I love the way this place looks - nothing unnecessary. But transparent glass in the shower...<</md>>
<<if $RadioBugGet == 3 && $RadioBugMonica == 0 >>
[[Set up radio|RadioInstallMonica]]
[[Return to hall|MHHall]]
<<addmins 5>><<md>> It would seem like an ordinary kitchen, but from here I feel a strange desire to stay. As if I seemed at home and now they will prepare a warm soup for me. <</md>>
[[Return to hall|MHHall]]
<<addmins 5>><<md>> Spacious room with all amenities and a bar. The furnishings were simple and functional, but not cheap. <</md>>
<<if $MonicaBlackBible == 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:30', '19:30')>>\
[[Talk to Monica|MonicaLivingRoomBlackBible1]]
<<if $MonicaBlackBible == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:30', '19:30')>>\
[[About books...|MonicaLivingRoomBlackBible2]]
<<if $MonicaBlackBible == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:30', '19:30')>>\
[[Give present to Monica|MonicaLivingRoomBlackBible4]]
<<if $MonicaBlackBible == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:30', '19:30')>>\
[[Read together|MonicaLivingRoomBlackBible5]]
[[Return to hall|MHHall]]
<<addmins 5>><<md>>Looks like my student spends her evenings here. Wondering how solid this plush bed is? It might be worth checking this out.<</md>>
<<if $Monica.LustLvl gte 4 && $Livewithschoolgirl == 0 && $LivewithMonicaBegin == 1>>\
[[Ask Monica to live with you|MonicaLiveBegin2]]
[[Talk with Monica|MonicaTalk]]
[[Leave her room|MHHall]]
<<include"Monica quests">>\
<<addmins 5>>[[Back|Basic work done]]
Under reconstructionDouble-click this passage to edit it.<<md>>After what I saw, I don't even know how to look Olivia in the eye. I am not ashamed of what I saw. No, that's fine.<</md>>
<<md>>But the moment when you see such a gorgeous girl without clothes is forever imprinted in your memory and you remember it forever.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, looking at Olivia, I will only think about what I saw. You shouldn't go to the gym today... Better... I'll go have a snack. Yes, that would be much better. Food always clears the head. And fills the stomach hehe.<</md>>
<<md>>I walk into a cafe and am taken aback. A woman with a gorgeous figure stands with her back to me at the order counter.<</md>>
<<if $OliviaImage3Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $OliviaImage3Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>But as soon as she turns around, I recognize her as Olivia.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Oh, hi. How small our city is!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's true.<</say>>
<<md>>Here I completely agree with her. I wanted to avoid this awkward situation when Olivia would look at her and I would imagine her naked. Well, it didn't work out. We can only hope that now she will leave and this will be the end of it.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Mind if I sit next to you?<</say>>
<<md>>We didn't talk at the counter. Firstly, because it would certainly annoy everyone around, and secondly, I just didn’t want to. I really hoped it would be an obvious sign.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Not at all, I will only be glad in fact!<</say>>
<<md>>Don't think about her naked body! Don't think, don't think!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I thought you were for a healthy lifestyle.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>A good burger doesn't interfere with that. It even improves.<</say>>
<<md>>She says these words and smiles sweetly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>We start talking about all sorts of things that don't matter. I don't know why she started this conversation. I still can't take my eyes off her gorgeous breasts. Even too luxurious for me. Almost perfect shape, which is really rare. But I am worried about some unconscious thought. What is happening to me does not fit into any laws of nature at all. But I try not to think about what is happening to my soul.<</md>>
<<md>>I have to pull myself together.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Hope to see you soon? The last training session was just breathtaking...<</say>>
<<md>>Did she say it out loud? Can not be! But I am already ready to believe in any nonsense. I wanted to make sure I wasn't sleeping. But no, all this happens in reality. I gagged in surprise.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Are you all right?<</say>>
<<md>>She touched me softly. How silky her skin is. I almost melt from this unexpected touch of such a gorgeous woman.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. Yes. Of course, I will come soon.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled and removed her hand to my disappointment.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Then I'll wait impatiently.<</say>>
<<md>>I must tell her this dress suits her very well.<</md>>
<<set $Olivia3Q = 2>>\
<<set $Olivia2QT = 2>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<md>>Peace is what we all need at times. Put all worries aside and just relax, forget about everything bad. You need to be able to give yourself a break, even if it seems like everything is under control. Because life is waiting for the moment to try to destroy that tiny peace.<</md>>
<<md>>The workout with Monica didn't go as I expected. Why did Autumn show up near her house at all? Is it an accident, or is she planning something. Yes, the conflict is over, but for how long? How much time is there until something new tries to knock Monica off her feet?<</md>>
<<md>>How naive I was when I thought I could just let things go on. Life doesn't stop. And the old wounds are constantly striving to open up.<</md>>
<<md>>If I want to help Monica, then I have only one way out. Spend as much time with her as possible before another blow occurs.<</md>>
<<md>>And when it happens... I'll be there.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, then... Maybe I should invite Monica somewhere? This way I will be able not only to get to know her better, but also to be there not only during training. Because to be just a coach ... You should have thought about it before. Now I have already crossed the line and am responsible for her well-being.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader7 = 2>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3T = 6>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader4T = 1>>\
[[Great|My room]]<<md>>As I approach Monica's house, I feel a little uneasy. For the first time since our acquaintance, I have to call her somewhere. It's not that scary, but I think I might look a little weird in her eyes.<</md>>
<<md>>On the other hand, she allowed me to get close to her, so there shouldn't be any problem. <</md>>
<<md>>One long moment passes before Monica opens the doors. She is dressed as always tastefully, but not too expensive - it is clear that she spends enough time to maintain such an image. But there is some attraction in this image that makes me constantly think about her.<</md>>
<<md>>She is ordinary and at the same time so magical. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>$mc.Name! What a pleasant surprise. We don't have a training session today...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, I'm not here for training.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Then why are you here?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica looks confused, surprise on her face. However, even now this surprise suits her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, the point is... What... How do you look at us taking a walk somewhere together? We took a break from training and everything that happened to us before.<</say>>
<<md>>One of the curls is knocked out from under her hair and it makes her look even nicer.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Like... a date?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes kinda. Date.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Good, yes. It is wonderful!<</say>>
<<md>>She jumped to me and hugged me tightly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Where are we going?<</say>>
<<md>>Expected question. Nevertheless, the answer to it is no less difficult...<</md>>
[[Let her choose|MonicaBeachDateHerChoice]]
[[Choose on my own|MonicaBeachDateMyChoice]]<<md>>Lately, a lot of decisions have been made for Monica. She had no voice when the coach was not listening to her. Neither her friends, much less Autumn, were listening to her. Surely, she feels as if everything is decided for her. Therefore, this must be changed first. It will also be another step in regaining her confidence.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's up to you to decide. I will support you in any decision.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl squinted playfully and looked at me closely. Here's a cunning one. Thinks I'm cheating on her. Although this is not at all the case.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Even if I decide that our date will take place in space.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I have always dreamed of being in space. He's so beautiful. With you he will be doubly beautiful.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Ha ha. Stop it!<</say>>
<<md>>Nice to see that blush and that gorgeous smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Choose, and I'll pick you up at 7 p.m.<</say>>
<<md>>I didn't want to say goodbye to Monica, but I think I should give her some more time.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>See you!<</say>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader7 = 3>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader4T = 3>>\
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>How can Monica choose the right one now? I'm sure she will even unknowingly make it worse. Lately, she seems to be only attracting trouble to herself. Therefore, it will be better if she rely on someone. Someone who can solve all the problems. In general, on me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let it be a secret for you.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl squinted playfully and looked at me closely. Here's a tricky one. Thinks I'm cheating on her. Although this is not at all the case. I just haven't decided where we will go yet. But such phrases often only fuel interest.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I like surprises!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So you will like this one the most.<</say>>
<<md>>The main thing is to come up with something that Monica really likes. Hmm... What can this be? Perhaps... No, not likely... But if...<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Then...<</say>>
<<md>>My thoughts were interrupted by the girl's voice.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes, I'm sorry I'm already thinking there. Where you like it, of course. I'll pick you up at 7 p.m.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>See you.<</say>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader7 = 4>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader4T = 2>>\
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>All the way here I was tormented by one simple question. What's in Monica's head? Knowing her, it should be a relatively quiet place, but what if I don't know this girl at all?<</md>>
<<md>>But as soon as she opens the doors , I calm down. She is wearing a conventional T-shirt and shorts. This means that we will not do anything super special.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You are even earlier than I thought!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica hugs me from the doorway. She smells of lilacs and I just really like this smell.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I hope you're not going to take me to the gangsters' den.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh no, you'll like it, don't worry. And you know this place very well.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, let's go then.<</say>>
[[Go on a date|BeachDateMonicaBeach]]<<md>>The shore greeted us with the warmth of the sand and the sound of the sea. We were far enough from people, in a place where I had never been before. It was quiet and peaceful here.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks for asking me out.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica leaned gently against me, resting her head on my shoulder.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I thought you needed it.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl fell silent, as if pondering my words.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, you are right. Sometimes it seems to me that you know me better than others. As in the case with Autumn.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let's not talk about her. Now we are just enjoying the peace.<</say>>
<<md>>We sat together for a while without a word. But the words were superfluous here. A sense of unity, unseen before, overwhelmed me. What a wonderful feeling. It gave me such a deep, such overwhelming happiness that I wanted to shout to the whole world.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I want to get a little wet...<</say>>
<<md>>She whispered it softly in my ear and a current ran through my body. Or is it excitement?<</md>>
<<md>>Monica stretched seductively, almost like a cat, and began to pull off her T-shirt. Seeing the girl getting naked, I felt the happiest. To my surprise, there was a swimsuit under the shirt. However, this did not change how sexy the whole action looked. I would refuse to continue ... And it followed.<</md>>
<<md>>Arched her ass, Monica began to pull off her shorts.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>The first in the water - orders a taxi back!<</say>>
<<md>>With these words, laughing loudly, she ran into the water. I laughed watching this picture. What an energetic girl. I rushed after her.<</md>>
<<md>>We splashed happily in the water and enjoyed every moment as if it were the last.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaImage14Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage14Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Monica got out of the water and she looked very sexy. I didn’t want to disturb it with my touches, on the contrary, only to observe. How her skin gleamed, how erotic her hair fell. It all looked just magical.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Well, are we going to return?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, it's about time.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Remember, you pay for the taxi.<</say>>
<<md>>I laughed out loud in response. Best Date Ever!<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader7 = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader4T = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 1>>\
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]
<<md>>Well, I have time to figure out where I want to lead Monica.<</md>>
<<md>>You don't want to go to such ordinary places, like the beach. First, the girl has been there a hundred times already. Secondly, well, somehow it's not serious. Worse than taking a girl on a first date to a restaurant. There should be a zest in a relationship, an invisible spark that warms up both. If only not to fry ... Although I am against seeing more hot from Monica.<</md>>
<<md>>Hot... Hmm, what if ... Oh yeah, that's a great idea! There are many houses on the internet that I could rent. Including a jacuzzi.<</md>>
<<md>>You need to choose something that is not too luxurious, but at the same time tasteful. So let's see...<</md>>
[[Time to choose|BeachDateMonicaChoosing2]]<<md>>I don't think this will suit me right now. Something more modest is needed.<</md>>
<<md>>Here it is, the ideal option that fits in all respects. The house is not too expensive, but not too modest with a jacuzzi. Now it remains to order champagne... Ah, the evening will definitely be great.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader7 = 41>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader4T = 3>>\
[[Great|My room]]<<md>>It will be the best date she has ever had. It is unlikely that any of her peers are able to organize something similar. Although, I wonder how many dates Monica had before?<</md>>
<<md>>At first glance, she may seem so innocent, but on the other hand, there are cases that confirm the opposite. Even our training. It doesn't look like it was a new experience for her.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Ah, here you are!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica comes out to me in a short T-shirt that exposes her very seductive body parts.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, did you miss?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>A little.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, then you have to change a little. Where we go you will need a swimsuit.<</say>>
<<md>>I gestured to the car I had rented.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Your personal transport is here.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, is that the surprise you were talking about?<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded back. The girl smiled, her face turning pink.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh... Then wait a few minutes, I need to change.<</say>>
<<md>>A smile itself drew on my face. Then everything worked out as it should, if Monica reacted that way. She did not expect this, I exceeded all her expectations. It remains to wait for her and go.<</md>>
<<md>>After 5 minutes of waiting and looking around, the doors opened and Monica appeared.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, let's go?<</say>>
<<md>>Finally, the time for the main action.<</md>>
[[Let`s shine|BeachDateMonicaHotTub2]]<<md>>The house turned out to be even more interesting than I expected. I must say, I did not expect anything special, but he pleasantly surprised me. Large, luxurious, comfortable, albeit no frills. In addition, I immediately liked the rooms that were allocated to me for the night. They were slightly larger than my room and were located in a separate wing from the rest.<</md>>
<<md>>But the main attraction that pleased my eye was of course the jacuzzi.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Jacuzzi! I've always dreamed of this!<</say>>
<<md>>Rejoicing like a little child, Monica ran to the jacuzzi and touched the water with her fingers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's why we're here. So that you can enjoy it a little.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl smiled back.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>May... May I come here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Inside? Sure! I even insist on it!<</say>>
<<if $MonicaImage5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage5Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Monica invited me in with a light wave of her hand. I walked to the edge of the jacuzzi, sat on board and dipped my feet into the cool water. It was transparent, and I could see the room in which we will stay after my plan works.<</md>>
<<md>>The girl was already knee-deep in water. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes... More... More...<</say>>
<<md>>I must say if I was even more spoiled and if I heard these words, I would have decided that she was not talking about water at all. However, thoughts have already run through, which made my shorts a little cramped.<</md>>
<<md>>Although there is also a reason for a sexy girl in a bikini and two mouth-watering halves of the ass, which so seduce me.<</md>>
<<md>>I must also say that the girl has a very beautiful face. Maybe it’s not sexuality that plays the main role, but something else ... But I didn’t want to think about it at all.<</md>>
<<md>>I want to step a little further... But is it worth it?<</md>>
[[Persuade Monica|BeachDateMonicaHotTub3]]<<md>>Definitely worth it. I didn't spend so much money just to admire Monica in a swimsuit. It's time to move on to the seduction phase.<</md>>
<<md>>Smiling softly, I take one of the wine glasses and fill it with champagne and hand it to Monica.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's drink to the most beautiful girl in the world.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica takes the glass from my hands. We clink glasses and sip champagne. The wine burns pleasantly in the mouth.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, you make my dreams come true. Thank you.<</say>>
<<md>>She reaches for me and our tongues intertwine in a sweet kiss. So we look at each other for ages, until her hand covers mine. I am like a volcano waking up, which did not notice how the flame began to play.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>What are you dreaming about?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>About you, my sweet girl...<</say>>
<<md>>And then my words become sparkling, and a smooth transition from a rainbow state to a frenzied one immediately turns into an explosive and explosive one.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>About how you will free yourself from this boring underwear and show me something special.<</say>>
<<if $MonicaImage6Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage6Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Monica smiles playfully, bends down and pulls off her white panties. I see her ass covered with panties, which only seduces me more. Monica looks at me longingly.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>And now you will see even more.<</say>>
<<if $MonicaImage13Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage13Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>The rest of her swimsuit gently slides off to the side, leaving me to admire the girl's naked body. Monica kneels in front of me, her breasts very seductive against the backdrop of this area. I can see every feature of her body that makes Monica look like a fairy tale. I'm already melting with desire.<</md>>
<<md>>And when I'm ready to touch it, there is a buzzing sound. Why is her phone here?<</md>>
<<md>>Monica smiles softly and picks up the phone.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Sorry, we have to postpone our date.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What happened?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I need to go home. You could take me away.<</say>>
<<md>>I curse my slowness and nod. Well... Another time...<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader7 = 6>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader4T = 4>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 1>>\Double-click this passage to edit it.<<md>>I feel excited. A few more minutes and I'll be late for this very important interview. The long trip was outstanding...<</md>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>Oh there you are, $mc.Name! Hope your trip was successful? They say long journeys are a little tiring.<</say>>
<<md>>A very attractive girl appears in front of me, as if descended from the page of the magazine "Your Sexual Fantasies".<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Little...<</say>>
<<md>>I don’t think I should tell her that I’m not tired at all. Perhaps I will even be able to make friends with her like that.<</md>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>Well, can I somehow help you? Tea coffee? Massage? Blowjob?<</say>>
<<md>>This straightforwardness made me cough loudly. Although the offer was very tempting, I could not agree to it, I was waiting for a meeting with the principal.<</md>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>Don't worry, this is just a joke. But I know why you are here. Well, let's not delay - I am your assistant in this simple but fascinating world. My name is SluttyStar.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>SluttyStar...<</say>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>You thought with this appearance I would have a different name? Well, let's go into the office and start your training.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>...<</say>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>Do not worry, no one but you can see me, so nothing terrible will happen.<</say>>
<<set $Tutorial = 1>>\
<<set $TutorialOn = 1>>\
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function sendSessionDuration(platform, browser) {
const currentTime = new Date().getTime();
const sessionDuration = Math.floor((currentTime - sessionStartTime) / 1000);
console.log(`Session ${sessionCounter} duration: ${sessionDuration} seconds`);
navigator.sendBeacon('', JSON.stringify({
session_duration: sessionDuration,
session_number: sessionCounter,
platform: platform,
browser: browser
console.log('Session duration sent to server');
function handleBeforeUnload() {
console.log('beforeunload event triggered');
sendSessionDuration(platform, browser);
const { platform: p, browser: b } = getPlatformAndBrowser();
platform = p;
browser = b;
sendAnalyticsData(platform, browser);
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', handleBeforeUnload);
console.log('Event listener added for beforeunload');
$(document).ready(function() {
// Initialize game-specific variables or functions here if needed
</script><<say $SluttyStar>>Our abilities define who we are. A strong man who can open any doors? A smart guy who knows everything in the world? A charming leader? Or a madman who knows no boundaries? In this world, not everything is available to you at once, so choose wisely.<</say>>
[[Next|start-bonus]]<<say $SluttyStar>>So that's what you are! I thought so! Well, do not worry, all the characteristics can be improved and the world around provides many opportunities for this. But we'll talk about this a little later. For now, let's get back to our principal.<</say>>
[[Leave|Start3]]<style> body.street {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/StreetMorning.jpeg");
<<say $SluttyStar>>Ah, Clara. What a wonderful person. Already glad to have met her? Every person you meet is special. And so that you do not get confused in them - you have character cards. Let's take a closer look at Clara's card in the Characters menu at the left side. When you'll be ready just click back button and continue down here.<</say>>
[[Continue|Tutorial 3.1]]
<style> body.street {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/StreetMorning.jpeg");
<<say $SluttyStar>>As you may have noticed, Clara's card displays a hint about your current quest. Let's try to fulfill it. Oh yeah, before I forgot you have a card here. What a handsome! The card displays the statistics of your sexual victories, so you will never forget how many girls were happy with your closeness.<</say>>
<<set $Tutorial = 2>>\
[[Go home|Start4]]<<say $SluttyStar>>Oh, what an exciting moment. Can you feel it? This is your first choice. It may seem very insignificant, but in fact - it has consequences. Let's see what it bring us.<</say>>
[[Enter the class|Work]]<<say $SluttyStar>>Great! Are you sure of your decision? However, you will not be able to rewind time back anyway. Any character you meet has two scales: health and mana. Sorry, sorry, I played too much Diablo last night! Of course, each character has a friendship scale and a passion scale. The more a girl trusts you, the more she will open up to you and allow you. And of course, the higher the level of her passion, the more open her card will become. Well, isn't it lovely?<</say>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>Congratulations on completing your first lesson. How difficult was it? I knew you could handle it. You were born for this. Now let's go to Clara and I will tell you a little about the characteristics of the school.<</say>>
[[Break]]<<say $SluttyStar>>That's better! Clara has entrusted us with a very important thing, and that's great. So, the school has 4 main characteristics that we can influence by our actions in the lessons. These are mood, obedience, grades and perversity. In order for the school to be in good condition, all these parameters must be kept as high as possible. The only problem is that mood depends on obedience, and high grades contradict perversity. Try to find a middle ground, otherwise irreparable things may happen.<</say>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>But there is more ...<</say>>
[[More?|Tutorial 5.1]]
<<say $SluttyStar>>Great, but be persistent and ask Clara about assignments!<</say>>
[[Talk with her|ClaraTalk]]<<say $SluttyStar>>Sometimes there are situations when discipline is not the best. Why not take advantage of the situation and have some fun with the students. They don't mind it anyway! The more you punish them, the more explicit options will be available to you. But be careful! Who knows what will happen if you try too hard? See you next morning in the class. There is a lot you should know. But for now feel free, ha-ha.
<<set $Tutorial = 2.45>>\
[[Okay|Second floor]]
<<md>> Do you want to enable tutorial system?<</md>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>Are you ready to work again? Excellent. It's time to talk about the intensity of the work. You have the opportunity not only to teach female students, but also to earn some money. The main work cycle has several levels. The higher the level, the more you teach students and the more satisfied you are. And of course you get more money! On the other hand, high quality work requires more energy from you and will spend more stamina. But the choice is always yours!<</say>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>Now that you're ready, let's head over to Linda's on the first floor and talk a little about building upgrades.<</say>>
<<set $Tutorial = 2.5>>\
[[Okay|Biology class]]<<say $SluttyStar>>As you may have noticed, school is a living organism. And like any living organism, it has its own problems. The school is currently suffering from a lack of funding. If we want to make this place ideal, we need to invest the most in the development of the school.<</say>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>Ask Linda about broken WC and repair it. You don't have enough money?<</say>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>Okay, I`ll give you some . Let`s repair broken bathroom.<</say>>
<<set $cash +=300>>\
<<set $Tutorial = 2.6>>\
<<say $SluttyStar>>Oh great! The first step has been taken! This school will shine with our help, right? You can repair and build a lot of things in future. Not for free of course. <</say>>
<<set $Tutorial = 3>>\
[[What`s next?|Tutorial 8]]<<say $SluttyStar>>Next? Hm...As I said, it is very important to remember who you are. But it is even more important not to forget about self-improvement! There are many places in the city where you can improve your skills. For strength it is a gym and a stadium, for boldness it is a park at night, for charisma it is enough to watch TV at home. Intellect requires assiduity and careful reading of books.<</say>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>Skills develop gradually, so all that is needed is patience.<</say>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>Let's try a few laps at the school sport field to see how it's works. Oh,you should do it after 12 a.m.<</say>>
<<set $Tutorial = 4>>\
[[Okay|School reception]]<<say $SluttyStar>>Excellent! Excellent! You seem to understand how it works, right? But now, let me show you something else. Let's go to the cafe with you. To do this, leave the school and go to Street York-Road.<</say>>
<<set $Tutorial = 5>>\
[[Back|Sport field]]<<say $SluttyStar>>Ah, here we are. The cafe is one of the few places in the city where neither your social status nor the amount of money matters. Ha-ha who am I fooling? They just need good waiters. So if you want to earn some good money, this is one of several places.<</say>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>What are the others? Well, I heard the police hang around in the subway... There is a brothel, but you probably won't want to go there.<</say>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>Okay, let's see what we can do here.<</say>>
<<switch_shell "Work as a waiter">>
<<case 8>>\
<<goto "Cafe1">>\
<<case 8>>\
<<goto "Cafe2">>\
<<case 8>>\
<<goto "Cafe3">>\
<<case 8>>\
<<goto "Cafe4">>\
<<case 34>>\
<<goto "Cafe5">>\
<<case 34>>\
<<goto "Cafe6">>\
<</switch_shell>>\<<say $SluttyStar>>Not the easiest shift, huh? But there were so many plans! Now would not harm any energy drink! Yes, that's a good idea! Let's go to a place where we can get it. All in one store in the Mall, of course. Buy an energy drink, and then... I'll find you!<</say>>
[[Go to the Mall|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]<<say $SluttyStar>>Oh, I see your purchase was successful! What are you waiting for, use it by clicking the left mouse button on the object to restore some of your energy after a working day. Oh yes, it's in the left panel labeled “my stats”.<</say>>
<<set $Tutorial = 7>>\
[[Sure|All in one]]<<say $SluttyStar>>Great, now you're full of energy again! And you know how to use inventory. There are many items around here, you can buy a few if you want. Until then, let's go to the park. Who knows what we can find there?<</say>>
<<set $Tutorial = 8>>\
[[To the park|Tutorial 11]]
<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<say $SluttyStar>>Just look! Looks like a couple of guys are going to get that poor guy out of the way! Maybe we should intervene?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, what are you doing here? Leave him alone!<</say>>
<<md>>Several huge men surrounded the guy and beat him with all their might. And this is in the middle of the day. You mustn't hesitate!<</md>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>Sometimes, there are situations that require an instant solution from us. In our case, they require certain characteristics. If you see a yellow [S], [B], [I], [C] near the options, it means that you are required to have one of the characteristics of a certain level to perform the action.<</say>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>Let's try it. It seems there is something unforgettable ahead of us.<</say>>
[[Let`s see|Tutorial 11.0]]
<<say $SluttyStar>>Great, you seem to have done a great job and showed them how to proceed. Worry not! Next you will have a lot of time for action. But it's time to talk about stamina.<</say>>
[[What about stamina?|Tutorial 12]]
<<say $SluttyStar>>Did you notice that too? It seems like your action has just reduced the amount of stamina. Yes, any action, be it moving or learning something new, will definitely spend a certain amount of your energy.<</say>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>But don't worry! Stamina can always be restored using various recovery methods, such as coffee with a shower or drinking an energy drink. But the best way to restore stamina is through healthy sleep.<</say>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>Let's go home and go to bed. The day was not easy. I'll meet you again,when you'll progress on girl's personal quest. Just choose one that you like.<</say>>
<<set $Tutorial = 9>>\
[[Go home|My room]]<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<md>>Making a choice in such a situation is very important. But I already knew what I would do.<</md>>
[[I will persuade them to retreat [I]|Tutorial 11.01]]
[[I throw myself at them with a mad cry[B]|Tutorial 11.01]]
[[I will break their necks [S]|Tutorial 11.01]]
[[I'll get one of the guys to stop this.[C]|Tutorial 11.01]]
<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<md>>But as soon as I take a step towards them, the men scatter with a wild cry. As for the guy, he also runs away as soon as I approach him.<</md>>
[[Great...|Tutorial 11.1]]<<say $SluttyStar>>Oh, I see you have already decided on the choice of who you like. Or not.<</say>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>No,I do not condemn your choice in any way. I'm rather here to warn you. Every choice in our world has consequences. And whoever you choose can also cause an ambiguous reaction from many girls. Of course, some are not against threesome games, but most prefer attention to themselves, so be careful.<</say>>
<<if $Tutorial == 9 && $TutorialGirl == "Clara">>\
[[Leave her office|Second floor]]
<<set $Tutorial = 10>>\
<<elseif $Tutorial == 9 && $TutorialGirl == "Lexi">>\
[[Leave the gym|Second floor]]
<<set $Tutorial = 10>>\
<<elseif $Tutorial == 9 && $TutorialGirl == "Monica">>\
[[Return to beach|Beach]]
<<set $Tutorial = 10>>\
<<elseif $Tutorial == 9 && $TutorialGirl == "Lucy">>\
[[Leave the canteen|School reception]]
<<set $Tutorial = 10>>\
<</if>>\<<say $SluttyStar>>Well, it's time to congratulate you! It looks like you got to the most important thing - interactions. Interacting with girls is an important part. It is based on several principles. The first is the level of passion and friendship. And if you allow yourself too much. Well ... You can try it yourself! Ha ha!<</say>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>The second point is the girl's excitement. Different sexual activities bring more excitement to you or your partner. The secret is to find a middle ground.<</say>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>But there is also something else you should know about...<</say>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>This is special content!<</say>>
<<set $Tutorial = 11>>\
[[Special? What?|Tutorial 15]]<<say $SluttyStar>>Yes, this is the biggest cherry on the cake! As you interact with girls, special content becomes available to you. This way you can find out more about them, about their past or hobbies. Believe me, there is something to see. To do this, you will need to reach a certain level of relationships with girls and find the necessary clues. For example, in their houses! We call it "memories" and you can find it in future updates.<</say>>
<<say $SluttyStar>>So your tutorial is over,let's go back. Have a good luck in this wonderful world.<</say>>
[[See ya|Angela's room]]<<md>>Monica's success makes me happy as never before. Now I know how Olivia feels as she watches her students progress. You are charged with optimism and this feeling of victory, although it is not yours. This is the essence of any teacher - to help and guide.<</md>>
<<md>>And today will be... What is it? No no! Monica!<</md>>
<<md>>I rushed to the house, barely aware of what was happening. Monica's house looked like a bonfire. Flames engulfed the whole house like invisible hands. An almost disgusting burning smell hung in the air.<</md>>
<<md>>Unseen instincts woke up in me. The voice inside me screamed so loudly that I thought I was going to go deaf. We need to get Monica out of there as quickly as possible. Are her parents inside?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica!<</say>>
<<md>>I shout with all my strength, but in response I hear only a loud crackling.<</md>>
<<md>>I have to do something. But what?<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader4T = 6>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 2>>\
[[Try to save her|MonicaFireSave]]
<<if $mc.Strength > 6>>\
[[Climb on the second floor[S]|MonicaFireClimb]]
<<talk "Climb on the second floor[S]" 1 $talk "I`m not that strong">><</talk>>
<<if $mc.Boldness > 6>>\
[[Break in[B]|MonicaFireBreak]]
<<talk "Break in[B]" 1 $talk "I`m not that bold">>
<<if $mc.Intellect > 6>>\
[[Extinguish the fire[I]|MonicaFireExt]]
<<talk "Extinguish the fire[I]" 1 $talk "I`m not that smart">>
<</if>>\<<md>>No, I can't just sit and wait for the flames to consume Monica. I know it’s dangerous, but it’s beyond my power to leave her there either.<</md>>
<<md>>So I rush to the house. Feel the heat from the flames Ay! The door handle seemed to melt! It just won't break in here.<</md>>
<<md>>Doors need to be broken! But they do not give in, despite the apparent fragility.<</md>>
<<md>>I try to enter, but in vain. Is there really nothing you can do?<</md>>
<<md>>I waste a few more minutes trying to get inside, but to no avail.<</md>>
<<md>>Then I hear the sound of a siren behind me.<</md>>
<<md>>I turn around and see the firefighters who are already working with might and main. The stream of water with might and main pours towards the house.<</md>>
<<md>>When the firefighters carry Monica out of the house, my heart almost leaps out of my chest. She is unconscious, but it seems there are no burns.<</md>>
<<md>>Poor girl... I'll have to visit her in the hospital... But now... I have nothing to do here.<</md>>
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>I have to do something! And I won't even think for a long time!<</md>>
<<md>>I rush to the wall and climb it without further ado. The path is hard for me, my feet slip every now and then, but now I grab onto the ledge of the balcony and climb up. Hands are shaking, but I find myself inside. Monica is lying on the floor unconscious. Smoke filled almost the entire room. But without further thought, I grab Monica in my arms. The smoke is getting bigger, but I manage to run out with it through the fire.<</md>>
<<md>>After 10 minutes, the ambulance will take her to the hospital, and I can only hope that everything will be fine with her.<</md>>
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>Right now I'm doing what is probably my craziest thing ever. I throw myself inside a house filled with fire.<</md>>
<<md>>It looks like hell is behind this door. But I'm not sure about that for sure... I'm going forward. On the way, I notice that the fire surrounds me more and more.<</md>>
<<md>>It burns me, it strangles me, it envelops me from all sides... What do I feel? Cold. Strange... It feels like I'm approaching the very center of the universe.<</md>>
<<md>>But my universe is somewhere there, a little higher, on the second floor. I throw myself there, through the fire.<</md>>
<<md>>I can't see anything, not even the fire itself. I almost pass out from the pain. But still I get to this room. The heat covers me from all sides, now it even burns right through me through my clothes.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica! Monica! Monica!<</md>>
<<md>>Monica lies unconscious on the floor. Smoke filled almost the entire room. But without further thought, I grab Monica in my arms. The smoke is getting bigger, but I manage to run out with it through the fire.<</md>>
<<md>>After 10 minutes, the ambulance will take her to the hospital, and I can only hope that everything will be fine with her.<</md>>
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>Fire is a terrible, uncontrollable element. To climb inside is to give oneself up to risk, to be torn to pieces by the most disgusting of all possible forces. Inside me, not only fire awaits, but also smoke.<</md>>
<<md>>No, if I want to save the girl, I have to put out the fire first. And I know how to do it!<</md>>
<<md>>In the yard of the girl there was always a huge, almost a fire hose dangling, which seemed to be expecting such an event.<</md>>
<<md>>I grab it and pull it towards one firewall. The water rushed quickly and I just had to direct it. When the fire is over, I go inside and run up to the 2nd floor.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica! Monica! Monica!<</md>>
<<md>>Monica is lying on the floor unconscious. But I grab Monica in my arms without further thought. I take the girl out into the street, carefully and carefully.<</md>>
<<md>>After 10 minutes, the ambulance will take her to the hospital, and I can only hope that everything will be fine with her.<</md>>
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]Tip: \
<<if $Fiona1QT == 1>>\
Fiona looks like a smart and cute girl. I should drink cola and check her blog at home in the evening.
<<elseif $Fiona1QT == 2>>\
Looks like this girl is very talented. I should talk to her. Maybe near reception. Don’ want to push her.
<<elseif $Fiona2QT == 1>>\
Fiona told me that they have a fan-club, named by me. Should follow her to the second floor.
<<elseif $Fiona2QT == 2>>\
Fiona begged me to fuck her,but is Sophia behind this? Need to talk with the teacher before lessons.
<<elseif $Fiona3QT == 1>>\
Sophia told me that I can bang club girls anytime I want. Sounds like a great deal!
<<elseif $Fiona3QT == 2>>\
Club’s girls are great. But I need to talk with Fiona. I’m pretty sure she will be at reception.
<<elseif $Fiona3QT == 3>>\
Well, banging Fiona was extremely great. Need to talk with her about it in the morning. But I need to drink coffee beforee it.
<<elseif $Fiona3QT == 4>>\
Have to meet with Fiona on the second floor.
<<elseif $Fiona3QT == 5>>\
We decided to see each other again after lessons (after 3 p.m).
<<elseif $Fiona3QT == 6>>\
I’ve dealt with aggressive teen and brought Fiona home. Hope she will be alright. Maybe I should check her page in the evening?
<<elseif $Fiona3QT == 7>>\
Fiona prepare some surprise for me. Should meet her after lunchtime in school.
<<elseif $Fiona3QT == 8>>\
Gift of Fiona was great. I can’t believe in it. I should think what can I do. In the morning. My room will be great.
<<elseif $Fiona3QT == 9>>\
I should meet Fiona in the hall after lessons.
<<elseif $Fiona3QT == 10>>\
We will have a date at the beach at 5 p.m.
<<elseif $Fiona3QT == 11>>\
I should deal with club girls. Better to talk with Sophia…
<<elseif $Fiona3QT == 12>>\
Fiona as hot as coffee. By the way, wanna cup of it right in the morning.
<<elseif $Fiona3QT == 13>>\
I should check info about girls in the Sophia's classroom.
<<elseif $Fiona3QT == 14>>\
Guess situation with girls solved. For now. I should check Fiona in the hall after lessons.
<<elseif $Fiona3QT == 15>>\
Better to talk with Fiona in the morning. Second floor is great for it.
<<elseif $Fiona3QT == 16>>\
Need to deal with Annie. I should wait for her after lessons.
You have reached the end of the line for this version. For now.
<</if>>\<<if $Fiona1Q == 0 && $Fiona2Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona1Q = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona.Meet = 1>>\
<<set $Fiona2Q = 1>>\
<<addAff $Fiona 5>>\
<<include "SaveCompabilityFiona2">>\
<<include "SaveCompabilityFiona3">>\
<<include "SaveCompabilityFiona4">>\
<<include "SaveCompabilityFiona5">>\
<<include "SaveCompabilityFiona6">>\
<<include "SaveCompabilityFiona7">>\
<<include "SaveCompabilityFionaTips">>\
<<include "SaveCompabilityNaomi1">>\
<<include "SaveCompabilityTracey">>\
<<include "CompabilityClara">>\
<<if $Fiona1Q == 1 && $Fiona2Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona1Q = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona.Meet = 1>>\
<<set $Fiona2Q = 1>>\
<<addAff $Fiona 5>>\
<</if>>\<<if $Fiona2Q == 0 && $Fiona3Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona2Q = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona3Q = 1>>\
<<set $Fiona1QT = 3>>\
<<set $Fiona2QT = 1>>\
<<set $Fiona.Meet = 1>>\
<<addAff $Fiona 5>>\
<</if>>\<<if $Fiona2Q == 0 && $Fiona3Q == 2>>\
<<set $Fiona2Q = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona3Q = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona.Meet = 1>>\
<<addLust $Fiona 10>>\
<</if>>\<<if $Fiona2Q == 0 && $Fiona3Q == 2>>\
<<set $Fiona2Q = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona3Q = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona1QT = 3>>\
<<set $Fiona2QT = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona.Meet = 1>>\
<<addLust $Fiona 10>>\
<</if>>\<<if $Fiona2Q == 1 && $Fiona3Q == 2>>\
<<set $Fiona2Q = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona3Q = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona.Meet = 1>>\
<<addLust $Fiona 10>>\
<<if $Fiona1Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona1QT = 1>>\
<<if $Fiona1Q == 2>>\
<<set $Fiona1QT = 2>>\
<<if $Fiona2Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona1QT = 2>>\
<<if $Fiona2Q == 2>>\
<<set $Fiona1QT = 3>>\
<<set $Fiona2QT = 1>>\
<<if $Fiona3Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona1QT = 3>>\
<<set $Fiona2QT = 1>>\
<<if $Fiona4Q == 10>>\
<<set $Fiona2QT = 2>>\
<<if $Fiona5Q == 3>>\
<<set $Fiona2QT = 3>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 1>>\
<<if $Fiona6Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona2QT = 3>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 1>>\
<<if $Fiona6Q == 2>>\
<<set $Fiona2QT = 3>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 1>>\
<<if $Fiona7Q == 3>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 3>>\
<<if $Fiona8Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 3>>\
<<if $Fiona8Q == 2>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 4>>\
<<if $Fiona8Q == 3>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 5>>\
<<if $Fiona9Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 6>>\
<<if $Fiona10Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 7>>\
<<if $Fiona11Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 8>>\
<<if $Fiona11Q == 2>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 9>>\
<<if $Fiona11Q == 3>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 10>>\
<<if $Fiona12Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 11>>\
<<if $Fiona12Q == 2>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 13>>\
<<if $Fiona14Q == 2>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 14>>\
<<if $Fiona15Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 14>>\
<<if $Fiona6Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona5Q = 3>>\
<<if $Fiona6Q == 2>>\
<<set $Fiona5Q = 3>>\
<<if $Fiona7Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona6Q = 2>>\
<<if $Fiona7Q == 2>>\
<<set $Fiona6Q = 2>>\
<<if $Fiona7Q == 3>>\
<<set $Fiona6Q = 2>>\
<<if $Fiona8Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona7Q = 3>>\
<<if $Fiona8Q == 2>>\
<<set $Fiona7Q = 3>>\
<<if $Fiona8Q == 3>>\
<<set $Fiona7Q = 3>>\
<<if $Fiona8Q == 4>>\
<<set $Fiona7Q = 3>>\
<<if $Fiona8Q == 5>>\
<<set $Fiona7Q = 3>>\
<<if $Fiona9Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona8Q = 4>>\
<<if $Fiona9Q == 2>>\
<<set $Fiona8Q = 4>>\
<<if $Fiona9Q == 3>>\
<<set $Fiona8Q = 4>>\
<<if $Fiona10Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona9Q = 2>>\
<<if $Fiona10Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona9Q = 2>>\
<<if $Fiona10Q == 2>>\
<<set $Fiona9Q = 2>>\
<<if $Fiona11Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona10Q = 3>>\
<<if $Fiona11Q == 2>>\
<<set $Fiona10Q = 3>>\
<<if $Fiona11Q == 3>>\
<<set $Fiona10Q = 3>>\
<<if $Fiona11Q == 4>>\
<<set $Fiona10Q = 3>>\
<<if $Fiona11Q == 5>>\
<<set $Fiona10Q = 3>>\
<<if $Fiona12Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona11Q = 5>>\
<<if $Fiona13Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona12Q = 4>>\
<<if $Fiona14Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona13Q = 2>>\
<<if $Fiona14Q == 2>>\
<<set $Fiona13Q = 2>>\
<<if $Fiona15Q == 1>>\
<<set $Fiona14Q = 2>>\
<<if $Fiona15Q == 2>>\
<<set $Fiona14Q = 2>>\
<<if $Naomi3Q == 1>>\
<<set $Naomi2Q = 3>>\
<<if $Naomi3Q == 2>>\
<<set $Naomi2Q = 3>>\
<<if $Naomi5Q == 2>>\
<<set $Naomi5Q = -2>>\
<</if>>\<<md>>When I entered my room, I almost dropped my jaw on the floor. Fiona and another girl were in the same bed on my bed. Fiona moaned so sexually that I couldn't help but get aroused by this action alone. The girls played with each other, pulled on their underwear, caressed their tongues.<</md>>
<<md>>My heart pounded with a deafening roar, and my lust rose almost to the ceiling. Apparently, that was enough to make my muscles tense between my legs.
I heard them moan, and I took off on this wave, then fell to the bottom. I was tormented by the unbearable pain that a girl's pussy could soothe.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona ...<</say>>
<<md>>I almost moaned at the words, watching the other girl run her tongue <div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaThanks1.mp4"></video></div> over Fiona's back.<</md>>
<<if $FionaVideo3Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $FionaVideo3Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $Fiona>>$mc.Name! Finally you're back. We've been waiting for you. I know that the girls from the club offered you a lot ... But with us you will forget about everything!<</say>>
<<md>>They approached me and like hungry tigresses pulled off their pants, allowing the member to jump almost into their mouths!<</md>>
<<md>>The girls touched my cock with their tongues almost simultaneously and I shuddered. Their tongues ran slowly down my trunk and I was just delighted. It was so nice to feel like I was covered in invisible pleasure as they took turns playing with my cock harder and harder.<</md>>
<<md>>The girl, unknown to me, greedily swallowed my cock further and further, but I felt that she could not get enough.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaThanks2.mp4"></video></div> There was a wild passion in her, a wild desire.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally, she released my cock from her mouth, which made me think that my head exploded, as the world around me dissolved in a pleasure-filled fog, and only the star disk in front did not go anywhere.<</md>>
<<if $FionaVideo4Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $FionaVideo4Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>And at the same moment my cock was in Fiona's mouth. She was playing, stroking, caressing a member while another girl was licking my balls.<</md>>
<<md>>It was so nice that I even moaned with happiness. Suddenly, the girl who licked my cock, shoved it in her mouth. I almost finished from this, but still managed to restrain myself. I didn't want to miss a single minute of what was happening.<</md>>
<<md>>And then he released a huge fountain pouring his semen over the girls, which they greedily swallowed.<</md>>
<<md>>I don't know what it was, but I definitely liked it!<</md>>
<<set $Fiona15Q = 2>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 15>>\
[[Yeah|My room]]<<md>>I barely stepped into the dark alley when I was stunned. In front of me was a very beautiful woman, sexy smiling. I approached her and did not believe what she offered me.<</md>>
<<md>>Without further ado, we found ourselves at her house. She was so beautiful, her lips so enticing that it was silly to hold back. My cock almost tore the fabric of his pants from such a sexy beauty.<</md>>
<<md>>I yanked her clothes off with a single jerk and she smiled. She spread her legs in front of me and beckoned to her. Her pussy and her smile captivated me.<</md>>
<<md>>The member gently entered her pussy. I pressed my lips to hers, then to her neck and shoulder. Her breasts were under my hands and I squeezed her breasts lightly with my fingers. I was flooded with a wave of passion and I wanted to lick it to the bottom. I wanted to move on.<</md>>
<<md>>But when she held out her hands to me, and I thought that now she would try to push me away, I lost control. I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to me. Her hands reached for my head, and I felt the trembling of her body. I was hard and covered in saliva.<</md>>
<<md>>She had power over me and my members, so it was only a matter of time before I entered her. She moaned deeply and smiled. I wanted to take her harder.<</md>>
<<md>>I pressed her to the sofa, and then pulled her close to me. She hugged me, and I entered her, accelerating. She breathed often and hard.<</md>>
<<md>> I became confident that she felt the same way I did. Now it was my turn to guide her and I understood that today I will definitely be able to bring her to orgasm. But I already knew what she needed.<</md>>
<<md>>Big and hard cock.<</md>>
<<md>>I accelerated and fucked her harder and harder.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Tracey\Quest\Video\EliteClubWhoreWelcum.mp4"></video></div> I reveled in her moan, my excitement and inexpressible power. We moved in complete silence. I myself did not notice how he finished.<</md>>
<<md>>She smiled softly and whispered that if I wanted more, I could find her in Three minutes of joy and that her name was Tracy.<</md>>
<<md>>Tracy. The cutest and hottest brothel girl. Good acquaintance! <</md>>
<<set $TraceyQuest = 1>>\
[[Leave|Quarter Far-Dreams]]<<if $TraceyQuest == undefined>>\
<<set $TraceyQuest = 0>>\
<<if $BarRoom == undefined>>\
<<set $BarRoom = 0>>\
<<if $VeronicaQuest1 == undefined>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest1 = 0>>\
<<if $VeronicaQuest2 == undefined>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest2 = 0>>\
<<if $VeronicaQuest3 == undefined>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest3 = 0>>\
<<if $VeronicaQuest4 == undefined>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest4 = 0>>\
<<if $VeronicaQuest5 == undefined>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest5 = 0>>\
<<if $McPrincipal == undefined>>\
<<set $McPrincipal = 0>>\
<<if $ClaraM17Quest == 1>>\
<<set $McPrincipal = 1>>\
<<if $ClaraHomeVideoLaptop == undefined>>\
<<set $ClaraHomeVideoLaptop = 0>>\
<<if $ClaraHomeVideoCabinet == undefined>>\
<<set $ClaraHomeVideoCabinet = 0>>\
<<if $ClaraHomeVideoTable == undefined>>\
<<set $ClaraHomeVideoTable = 0>>\
<<if $TutorialOn == undefined>>\
<<set $TutorialOn = 0>>\
<<if $Tutorial == undefined>>\
<<set $Tutorial = 0>>\
<<if $BarRoom == undefined>>\
<<set $BarRoom = 0>>\
<<if $MovieClass == undefined>>\
<<set $MovieClass = 0>>\
<<if $MelodyQuest == undefined>>\
<<set $MelodyQuest = 0>>
<<if $MelodyQuest == undefined>>\
<<set $CameraLucy = 0>>\
<<if $CameraMonica == undefined>>\
<<set $CameraMonica = 0>>\
<<if $CameraLexi == undefined>>\
<<set $CameraLexi = 0>>\
<<if $CameraClara == undefined>>\
<<set $CameraClara = 0>>\
<<if $RadioBugLexi == undefined>>\
<<set $RadioBugLexi = 0>>
<<if $RadioBugLucy == undefined>>\
<<set $RadioBugLucy = 0>>
<<if $RadioBugClara == undefined>>\
<<set $RadioBugClara = 0>>
<<if $RadioBugMonica == undefined>>\
<<set $RadioBugMonica = 0>>
<<if $RadioBugGet == undefined>>\
<<set $RadioBugGet = 0>>
<<if $RadioBugPolice == undefined>>\
<<set $RadioBugPolice = 0>>
<<if $RadioFirst == undefined>>\
<<set $RadioFirst = 0>>
<<if $VeronicaLingerie == undefined>>\
<<set $VeronicaLingerie = 0>>
<<if $BaseballActivate == undefined>>\
<<set $BaseballActivate = 0>>
<<if $BaseballCount == undefined>>\
<<set $BaseballCount = 0>>
<<if $BaseballRose == undefined>>\
<<set $BaseballRose = 0>>
<<if $JerryFootball == undefined>>\
<<set $JerryFootball = 0>>
<<if $JerryBaseball == undefined>>\
<<set $JerryBaseball = 0>>
<<if $Jerry1QT == undefined>>\
<<set $Jerry1QT = 0>>\
<<if $Jerry == undefined>>\
<<set $Jerry = {
Name: "Jerry Tombs",
img: "img/avatars/Jerry.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
<<if $JerryLusLvl == undefined>>\
<<set $JerryLusLvl = "uninterested">>
<<addLust $Jerry 1>>\
<<if $JerryAffectionLvl == undefined>>\
<<set $JerryAffLvl = "Stranger">>
<<if $LindaClaraPath1Q == undefined>>\
<<set $LindaClaraPath1Q = 0>>\
<<if $LindaQuest1 == undefined>>\
<<set $LindaQuest1 = 0>>\
<<addLust $Linda 1>>\
<<addAff $Linda 1>>\
<<if $LindaQuest1T == undefined && $Linda.Meet == 1>>\
<<set $LindaQuest1T = 1>>\
<<addLust $Linda 1>>\
<<addAff $Linda 1>>\
<<if $CamillaQuest1 == undefined>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest1 = 0>>\
<<addLust $Camilla 1>>\
<<addAff $Camilla 1>>\
<<if $CamillaQuest2 == undefined>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest2 = 0>>\
<<addLust $Camilla 1>>\
<<addAff $Camilla 1>>\
<<if $CamillaQuest3 == undefined>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3 = 0>>\
<<addLust $Camilla 1>>\
<<addAff $Camilla 1>>\
<<if $CamillaQuest4 == undefined>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest4 = 0>>\
<<addLust $Camilla 1>>\
<<addAff $Camilla 1>>\
<<if $CamillaQuest5 == undefined>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest5 = 0>>\
<<addLust $Camilla 1>>\
<<addAff $Camilla 1>>\
<<if $CamillaQuest6 == undefined>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest6 = 0>>\
<<addLust $Camilla 1>>\
<<addAff $Camilla 1>>\
<<if $CamillaQuest1T == undefined && $Camilla.Meet == 1>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest1T = 1>>\
<<addLust $Camilla 1>>\
<<addAff $Camilla 1>>\
<<if $Camilla == undefined>>\
<<set $Camilla = {
Name: "Camilla Baker",
img: "img/avatars/cSS.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work:"Clothing saleswoman",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
<<if $ClaraNewWork == undefined>>\
<<set $ClaraNewWork = 0>>\
<<if $ClaraMichaelProblem == undefined>>\
<<set $ClaraMichaelProblem = 0>>\
<<if $DormSex1 == undefined>>\
<<set $DormSex1 = 0>>\
<<if $BellaSearchLocation == undefined>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocation = 0>>\
<<if $JerryDick == undefined>>
<<set $JerryDick = 0>>\
<<if $StudioRoseWorkBegin == undefined>>
<<set $StudioRoseWorkBegin = 0>>\
<<if $StudioRoseWorkDay == undefined>>
<<set $StudioRoseWorkDay = 0>>\
<<if $SchoolDormitoryGates == undefined>>
<<set $SchoolDormitoryGates = 0>>\
<<if $BellaSearchLocation == undefined>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocation = 0>>\
<<if $BellaSearchLocationToilet == undefined>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocationToilet = 0>>\
<<if $BellaSearchLocationSurgery == undefined>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocationSurgery = 0>>\
<<if $BellaSearchLocationWards == undefined>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocationWards = 0>>\
<<if $BellaSearchLocationConsultation == undefined>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocationConsultation = 0>>\
<<if $BellaSearchLocationDone == undefined>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocationDone = 0>>\
<<if $HospitalNurseMeet == undefined>>
<<set $HospitalNurseMeet = 0>>\
<<if $HospitalAdminMeet == undefined>>
<<set $HospitalAdminMeet = 0>>\
<<if $Amber1Q == 2>>
<<set $HospitalAdminMeet = 1>>\
<< if $make_up_coffee == undefined>>
<<set $make_up_coffee = 1>>\
<<md>>A strange feeling gripped me as soon as I entered the office. When I first came here, I was an ordinary, unknown teacher. I had some experience, but it does not compare with what I have become during this time. How many things have I seen in such a short time: bad behavior of girls, problems with Michael...<</md>>
<<md>>If you think about it, Clara was always with me. She always supported me in difficult situations. But I didn't have too much choice in this situation. The school had to be headed by someone who is better suited for these purposes.<</md>>
<<md>>However, being here, in the midst of her things, is somehow unbearably difficult. I think it would be better if I deal with them and give them back to her.<</md>>
<<md>>Let's start then.<</md>>
<<if $ClaraHomeVideoLaptop == 0 && $ClaraHomeVideoCabinet == 1 && $ClaraHomeVideoTable == 1>>\
[[Check Clara's laptop|ClaraHomeVideoLaptop]]
<<if $ClaraHomeVideoCabinet == 0>>\
[[Check cabinet|ClaraHomeVideoCabinet]]
<<if $ClaraHomeVideoTable == 0>>\
[[Check table|ClaraHomeVideoTable]]
[[Back|My office]]<<md>>Clara is not a master hacker. Her password shouldn't be too complex, but at the same time, it is very personal. Statistics show that almost all passwords carry a deep emotional imprint. It doesn't matter what it is: the mother's surname, the date of birth of a beloved dog, or the name of a loved one...<</md>>
<<md>>Hmm, the name of the beloved ... Michael ?!<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, the password worked. She probably didn't change it for a very long time. Hmm, no, this is porn from the internet... This is something more interesting!<</md>>
<<md>>Video footage of Clara and Michael. She smiles so sexy, takes orders so sexy. She drank a lot, but that did not lose her attractiveness.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn, how hot she is.<</md>>
<<md>>And now he reminds a wild beast that he wants to tear her to pieces before killing her. Yes ... Let's try this. We carefully look at their faces. Pleasure is written on them. Clara tells him to follow all instructions and then ... Look at his face. He's laughing!<</md>>
<<md>>I myself did not notice when I took out a member and began to move my hand, then stroking it, then being a little aggressive. Watching Clara like that is too painful, too exciting.<</md>>
<<md>>She gently, almost gently, takes Michael's cock in her mouth.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraHomeVideo1.mp4"></video></div> For a few moments she looks into his eyes, and then makes a small movement with her mouth so that this intoxication turns into euphoria.<</md>>
<<if $ClaraVideo11Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo11Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>Her lips cover his erogenous zone with passionate kisses with which she has been caressing him for ages. Small waves of bliss run down his face.<</md>>
<<md>>An increasing and increasing pleasure also goes through my penis...<</md>>
<<md>>Clara likes it. His voice grows more and more agitated. Now she connects her fantasy at full capacity. She makes slow movements with her lips, caressing his penis, slowly and gently, and then begins to gently suck on it.<</md>>
<<md>>And then he picks up Clara and knocks on her right side, literally not sparing her.<</md>>
<<md>>Now the act itself will begin. She can feel him entering her, preparing to attack. She seems to love him already. His cock digs into her pussy. She seems to be losing control of herself now.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraHomeVideo2.mp4"></video></div> A little more, and she will die of happiness.<</md>>
<<if $ClaraVideo12Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo12Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Her lips twitch slightly. This is a sure sign of orgasm. She gets it ... At first, when Michael's cock for the first time gently touched her lips, she felt satisfaction. She felt a little ashamed. But then ... then this reaction was repeated in full. She gasps with delight.<</md>>
<<md>>I explode in a fountain of pleasure, spilling a fountain of sperm on the floor.<</md>>
<<md>>Now this is definitely my office!<</md>>
<<md>>Well, I think I should talk to Clara about my find as soon as possible.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraHomeVideoLaptop = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraM17Quest = 2>>\
<<set $ClaraM13TQuest = 8>>\
<<set $ClaraM23TQuest = 1>>\
<<if $ClaraHomeVideoLaptop == 0 && $ClaraHomeVideoCabinet == 1 && $ClaraHomeVideoTable == 1>>\
[[Check Clara's laptop|ClaraHomeVideoLaptop]]
<<if $ClaraHomeVideoCabinet == 0>>\
[[Check cabinet|ClaraHomeVideoCabinet]]
<<if $ClaraHomeVideoTable == 0>>\
[[Check table|ClaraHomeVideoTable]]
[[Back|My office]]<<set $ClaraHomeVideoCabinet = 1>>\
<<md>>Boredom. Boredom... So it looks like there is nothing important in the closet except documents. Clara is unlikely to want them back. Although she may have a special fetish...<</md>>
<<if $ClaraHomeVideoLaptop == 0 && $ClaraHomeVideoCabinet == 1 && $ClaraHomeVideoTable == 1>>\
[[Check Clara's laptop|ClaraHomeVideoLaptop]]
<<if $ClaraHomeVideoCabinet == 0>>\
[[Check cabinet|ClaraHomeVideoCabinet]]
<<if $ClaraHomeVideoTable == 0>>\
[[Check table|ClaraHomeVideoTable]]
[[Back|My office]]<<set $ClaraHomeVideoTable = 1>>\
<<md>>There is nothing in the table either, except... old photographs. She looks so happy here. From this smile you involuntarily begin to smile yourself. And what's that? Funny she hid it behind... Does she still have a photo of Michael? After all that he has done to her, has she still given up this part of her life? How stupid!<</md>>
<<md>>However, now this does not concern me, there are more important things to do.<</md>>
<<if $ClaraHomeVideoLaptop == 0 && $ClaraHomeVideoCabinet == 1 && $ClaraHomeVideoTable == 1>>\
[[Check Clara's laptop|ClaraHomeVideoLaptop]]
<<if $ClaraHomeVideoCabinet == 0>>\
[[Check cabinet|ClaraHomeVideoCabinet]]
<<if $ClaraHomeVideoTable == 0>>\
[[Check table|ClaraHomeVideoTable]]
[[Back|My office]]<<md>>After our conversation with Olivia, I decided that it makes no sense to ignore the request of such a nice girl. Moreover, it seems to me that she is showing interest in me.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, I entered the gym in a good mood. It's time to start exercising.<</md>>
<<md>>I move slowly, as if admiring myself from the side. Yes, I am definitely good-looking. No wonder Olivia has a crush on me.<</md>>
<<md>>I smile at her, she smiles in response to me. But the picture appears again in front of my eyes, where she plays with her pussy. This makes the pants feel tight.<</md>>
<<md>>Olivia seems to have noticed something, so she comes up to me.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Can I help you with something?<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, you would help me a lot if you got down on your knees and started pumping your throat with my cock!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No thanks.<</say>>
<<md>>But the girl does not take her eyes off my penis.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Are you sure?<</say>>
<<md>>I nod and she licks her lips in response. Repeatedly. And it becomes so good that the hand itself reaches for her chest. Forcing myself to calm down.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's a little hot, isn't it?<</say>>
<<md>>I am translating the topic in the hope that I will be able to calm down.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Yes, I think maybe I can undress a little...<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles meaningfully and leaves.<</md>>
<<md>>The training continues, but now it is too dull. I usually manage to keep fit, but now something strange is happening. Lightness in the body, but the head is empty. All my thoughts are directed towards that gorgeous body. Olivia is too sexy. How can others not see it?<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Listen, I have a request for you.<</say>>
<<md>>When the practice is over, Olivia comes up to me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>For a woman like that, whatever.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Do not say what you regret! I can ask for something big and solid...<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, she's playing with fire. I'm not sure I can handle it if she keeps teasing me like that. And then other people around me will not stop me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So what happened?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>You see, my yoga partner refused to help me with the exercises. And I really love yoga. So could you help me a little?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Great, then come to the 5th ave when you are free. A very sweaty workout awaits us.<</say>>
<<md>>This woman will definitely drive me crazy!<</md>>
[[Back|Gym - New body]]
<<set $Olivia3Q = 3>>\
<<set $Olivia2QT = 3>>\
<<set $GymPerDay = 1>>\<<md>>Finding Olivia's home was not difficult. Like its owner, it was very distinguished by its forms. Among all the identical, almost ordinary houses, he was the adornment of the entire street.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Ah, $mc.Name, I've been waiting for you, come in!<</say>>
<<md>>As soon as the woman appeared on the doorstep, the first thing I noticed was her snow-white top. He beckoned me, forcing me to stare at her breasts. And when Olivia turned her back on me, I almost disappeared. Sports leggings accentuated her figure so much...<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>So, let's start with the doggy pose. Will you tell me if I'm standing well?<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia knelt down, arching her beautiful ass for my meeting.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Olivia\Quest\Video\OliviaYoga1.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm, you know, you need to correct it a little.<</say>>
<<md>>I ran my hand over her thighs and touched her elastic ass. I felt the sweet languor spreading over my penis. It suddenly seemed to me that there was no one in this world except Olivia. I almost did not notice anything around, although this room was the only place in the whole world from where it was possible to observe the street.<</md>>
<<md>>Feel your new partner. Feel incredibly powerful. I was attracted by this view. In this position, I rarely managed to focus on anything for a long time, and I noticed it only now.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>That's better.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Could it be like this?<</say>>
<<md>>She made a backward movement and her ass touched my hard cock. I again felt the sweet languor. She began to move her hips, and suddenly it seemed to me that I could get into her ass.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think it's better like this.<</say>>
<<md>>I pulled off her sports leggings, under which there was nothing but a seductive sexy body.<</md>>
<<md>>I could kiss her with only one hand, and with the other support her under the ass. Olivia had an amazing ass - tight and smooth, with nice bulges in the right places. I turned to her a little and began to admire her beauty.<</md>>
<<md>>Clinging my fingers to the vegetative weaving on her pubis, I began to slowly withdraw my fingers further and further. She felt what I was doing and began to move more actively.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Oh yes, this is the yoga that I missed so much. Stretch me... Stretch with your dick.<</say>>
<<md>>I pulled harder and felt her hole squeeze my fingers. Now I felt a pulsation in her bosom. All of Olivia's caresses were incredibly pleasant, and I was in seventh heaven.<</md>>
<<md>>But it was not enough, so I knocked her on her side and gently entered this sweet pussy.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Olivia\Quest\Video\OliviaYoga2.mp4"></video></div> Member easily and smoothly entered her hole, swaying in time with the movements of my hips. Her arms wrapped around my neck, and she pulled me closer to her, not allowing me to breathe.<</md>>
<<md>>I started to move harder, like I'm tearing that sexy pussy apart.<</md>>
<<md>>My penis plunged into her body completely. I got to the right point. She did not resist, but she slowly moved towards, opening wider and wider, absorbing my penis deeper and deeper.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally I felt that she was coming, and it gave me new strength. When I finally entered her, she shuddered and trembled all over. I felt her last waves of orgasm and I finished after her. We lay on the grass for a long time, and my hand gently stroked her breasts.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Ah, I missed it so much...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now I understand what kind of yoga you like.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Nothing calms better than a good fuck!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, I agree.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, I think you shouldn't abuse her company. So after taking a shower, I left Olivia.<</md>>
<<set $Olivia3Q = 4>>\
<<set $Olivia4Q = 1>>\
<<set $Olivia2QT = 4>>\<<md>>Fiona is something. Something special. Compare the unexpected explosion. But this explosion does not bring destruction, but rather the opposite. When I'm with her, I feel special. The way she looks at me, the way she proves her love...<</md>>
<<md>>Love? Yeah,she really loves me. And I... I still don't understand how I feel. And can I fully reciprocate it, condemning all possible problems of this world? After all, if Sophia finally finds out about it... While I'm keeping her on a short leash, sooner or later I'll have a choice. I'm not stupid, Fiona deserves to be elected. But what will Sophia's anger be like?<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>$mc.Name! Let's go to my office! Quickly!<</say>>
<<md>>Just think of her and here she is.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What's going on?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Don't you know?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't know what?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Well, so the rumors haven't spread yet. Guys started to come to our school...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Guys? Is that legal?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Of course not. The problem is, they get in here with third-party help.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Whose?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Annie Horne.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh my…<</say>>
<<md>>Annie Horne, the girl who gave me the most problems in class and after. If Lexi's just a rebel, Annie's a nymphomaniac. Once I was just changing before class, but this girl managed to notice it. And she became literally obsessed with my dick. She threw herself at me wherever she could.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>That's right. You know she's part of your fan club, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You want me to...<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Fuck her so she forgets about the other dicks. You beat her so she can't walk. We don't need these problems.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I don't think I have a way out.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Don't worry. You’ll be rewarded.<</say>>
<<set $Fiona15Q = 3>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 16>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]<<md>>I knew she wouldn't say no. Ever since she became obsessed with this dick, all I had to do was beckon and she'd jump on it.<</md>>
<<md>>So our conversation turned out to be short. I grabbed her by the hair and put her on knees. I was angry. I don't know why, but I knew Annie deserved nothing but punishment from me.<</md>>
<<md>>She's going to have to crawl on her knees in front of me. That would be the only form of humiliation I could give her. When she finally looked up at me, her eyes were no longer full of hatred for me. But full of hope for punishment.<</md>>
<<md>>She was a thing I’ve broke. Went into her passionate mouth. It was a gorgeous feeling. She was so obedient. She licked it, grabbed my hips, but tolerated it all. When I doubled the pace, her body bent backwards. Her head was swaying to the point of my tremors. I was here to punish her, not to make love to her. Her eyes shone, and I felt that she had stopped resisting. Her body relaxed, and she began to suffocate.<</md>>
<<md>>But she liked it.<</md>>
<<md>>With each new movement, she focused more and more on my movements, and then her mouth closed around my penis.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaClubAnnie.mp4"></video></div> The place where my hips went into her mouth was already wet. And I had no doubt that her pussy was the same. Annie loved violent sex and I'll give it to her!<</md>>
<<md>>I didn't let go of her mouth, even when her body froze and she bent back. At that point she was ready. Now she needed me. That's what I wanted, too.<</md>>
<<md>>My hips moved towards her, and I plunged into her so deeply that she trembled. I knew Annie was trembling not with pleasure, but with passion. Huddled in a lump, I moved my hips and felt her suppressing a scream.<</md>>
<<md>>Her body shuddered and she turned into a living spring - I was in it just like the nails in my ring. Her eyes closed and she started scratching my chest and stomach, but I couldn't feel anything.<</md>>
<<md>>My legs clasped her waist, and my fingers got tangled in her hair. In this state I felt like a god. I felt like she wanted it myself, and I felt her body relax under my fingers.<</md>>
<<md>>I was cruel and tortured her with pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>I could feel her muscles straining.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaClubAnnie2.mp4"></video></div> And then when I realized that she was giving up, and now she just feels her bosom crumpling and shrinking around me, I took her from above and pressed her lips in a powerful and cold kiss.<</md>>
<<md>>And at that moment a fountain of pleasure burst out of the dick. Annie, on the other, moaned with satisfaction. And why do I think it's not over yet?<</md>>
<<set $Fiona15Q = 4>>\
<<set $Fiona3QT = 17>>\
[[We'll see|My room]]<<md>>I haven't had a job in a while from a new cop friend of mine. Is it really nothing new and the streets are so calm? Maybe I should just walk by and see. I'm sure there'll be something interesting.<</md>>
<<md>>Yeah, I guess I'll go for a walk so I don't stay home.<</md>>
<<set $PoliceQ2 = 4>>\
[[Go outside|PoliceQuest3.2]]
<style> body.street {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/StreetEvening.jpg");
<<md>>There's some magic in the evening town. Looking at the place where you go from day to day, but it's like discovering something special. You wonder what because until recently it seemed ordinary. You are thrilled, you can’ resist and go in this direction, as bewitched. Once you go a few steps, already thinking that you already know these streets as your five fingers.<</md>>
<<md>>With the arrival of the night, the city throws off special colors. There's a couple in love, and a couple of steps behind them are followed by a few shadows. They rub shoulders against each other, breathe in the back of the head, quietly throw thoughts, like midnight news. Suspicious types... But no one punishes cause of suspicion.<</md>>
<<md>>In the alley there is an elderly woman with a small stroller, a child sleeps sweetly in it. It's quiet. Okay, I'm going for a walk in the park. There are problems there too.<</md>>
[[To the park|PoliceQuest3.3]]<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<md>>The park is surprisingly quiet. People don't walk, not a single sound is heard. But the park is the center of cultural life, where twice a year there are concerts, exhibitions, workshops, cocktails, meetings and so on. Adults came here, sometimes happen all sorts of unpleasant things.<</md>>
<<md>>But not today. There is grace and no one, not a single person, even such pesky children. If it weren't for the police patrols, you'd think the park was closed. Maybe I should ask them if they saw anything suspicious. I'll take a walk to the beach, though.<</md>>
[[To the beach|PoliceQuest3.4]]
<<md>>The night sea is surprisingly calm. The moon is almost gone, and all the stars are similar to each other, so the darkness is thick and calm. It is very soft and beautiful to stand in it and listen to the rustling of the waves.<</md>>
<<md>>And then... Then from somewhere the sound comes... It's like a big white jellyfish crawled to the shore. <</md>>
<<md>>I slowly approach, pushing the shroud of darkness.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, it's still a jellyfish. She sways softly on the water, as if she always wants to be noticed. What a strange feeling.<</md>>
<<md>>And all of a sudden I feel a vibration. No, it's not a jellyfish. This is...My phone pocket. I unlocked it and saw a message from a number I know.<</md>>
<<text g "I know what you did. Let's meet at the subway crossing. We need to talk.">>
<<md>>Does he know about my little adventures? I can't say I did anything illegal. Why is my heart pounding so madly?<</md>>
<<md>>What about my pride? Am I really that afraid? Of course I'm afraid. He knows what I did. But how? Did he see it? I have to go. I should tell everything and...<</md>>
<<md>>Well, what happens will be.<</md>>
[[To the subway|PoliceQuest3.5]]<<md>>When I walk into a dark but familiar alley, the policeman is waiting for me. He doesn't look menacing or angry. On the contrary, there is only a broad smile on his face. I'm not sure if he's smiling at me because I can barely see his face in the gloom, but I think that's the way it should be. He takes me under his arm and leads me forward. When we reach the corner, we turn behind it and walk between the high walls until we find ourselves in the light.<</md>>
<<md>>He said that he know what I did. But surprisingly he does not condemn me, and says that many girls need a nightstick. I smile at this pun and only nod.<</md>>
<<md>>A friend of mine says he has a job for someone as special as me. He'd be himself, but he's got a wife. Well, I can help with that! He gives me an address.<</md>>
<<md>>It's time for some fun!<</md>>
[[Yeah|PoliceQuest3.6]]<<md>>She was a gorgeous woman. Despite her age, well-groomed perfectly. She was almost not wearing clothes, only a nightgown and too seductive stockings.<</md>>
<<md>>As soon as I saw her, I felt strain in my pants.<</md>>
<<md>>For some reason I was sure that she would notice it and not fail to make me a comment. But she just smiled, took off her shoes and slapped her bare feet on the floor. She put her foot on the low bench and started looking at me. From this angle I clearly saw two rounded halves, which invited me to action.<</md>>
<<md>>I couldn't resist touching her ass. She didn't resist, just smiled. And then she spread her legs wide and tilted her head to one side. I pulled her nightgown off and started massaging her gorgeous ass.<</md>>
<<md>>Special effect gave thong thongs made of silk. After a couple of minutes she was moaning, and a minute later I got pleasure. I turned my face to her and began to kiss her lips.<</md>>
<<md>>And then she dragged me to bed.<</md>>
<<md>>The penis abruptly entered it. There was no point in holding back with such a sexy girl.<</md>>
<<md>>And I gave free rein to my libido. After only a couple of minutes, she started to make such hip movements that I lost my breath.<</md>>
<<md>>I knew she was well trained. She was moving faster and faster, and I thought I was going to suffocate.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\trash\Quest\Video\PoliceMilf1.mp4"></video></div> I noticed that through her closed eyelids, her eyes seemed to be two hot coals. But it was her. She was too hot herself! I knew I was losing control.<</md>>
<<md>>And she's already reached the limit. My throat was very much overs intercepted, I kind of drowned in thick and thick liquid. Was tearing outside. It seemed that I would no longer be able to keep all his flow in myself... I felt like she knew I was going to cum. Almost let go of, but...<</md>>
<<md>>At that moment I cum in her. The wave of pleasure was so strong that it seemed to me that I was dying. But the most surprising thing is that after the orgasm came liberation from the unbearable tension that I experienced all this time.<</md>>
<<md>>We both laughed loudly. But even in this laugh there was something too sexy. Yes, she was too hot.<</md>>
<<md>>Maybe next time I should bring some reinforcements.<</md>>
[[Back|5thave]]<<md>>There are a lot of girls in the class today. They, as usual, listen to me with rapture, nod and talk, sometimes glancing towards the doors. This lesson is not interesting for everyone. But I don't work for them. I work for those who understand the truth - we are guided by instincts and our body. And that's why it's important to know biology.<</md>>
<<md>>One of the girls, with hair the color of copper, stopped near the board and, squatting down, drew a sign. They all laughed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks for the big compliment!<</say>>
<<md>>When I saw that a penis was drawn on the blackboard, and next to it was the inscription "The biology teacher has a big dick." I laughed. That's what they think about in class. Maybe I should show them how big my cock is somehow?<</md>>
<<md>>However, these reflections were interrupted by a bell.<</md>>
<<md>>Hmm... Amazing... Among all the familiar faces, I don't see Veronica. And this is not the first time. She doesn't look like an exemplary student, but... Perhaps something happened to her? Or she doesn't like my lessons.<</md>>
<<md>>Whatever the reason, I should ask Clara about it.<</md>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest1 = 1>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest1T = 1>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]
<<say $Clara>>Are you worried about something, $mc.Name?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, you know, I wanted to ask about Veronica.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Let me guess, she's not attending your lessons?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How do you know?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>It's in her character that resists changes. When I took the place of the old director, she sneak into my office and puffed everything with mj. In addition, such a rebel still needs to be looked for.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What should I do about it?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Just talk to her. Unlike Lexi, Veronica is quite a smart girl and understands that destroying her future is a very bad idea.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But then where...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Try to look for her in the library. This is one of her favorite places.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Huh?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, she's almost a bookworm.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The world is full of surprises. Okay, thanks, Clara.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>If any difficulties arise - contact me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I will.<</say>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest1 = 2>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest1T = 2>>\
[[Leave her office|Second floor]]
<<md>>I gently stepped over the threshold of the library. To my surprise, there weren't too few people here. And they say that the modern world is a world of gadgets alone.<</md>>
<<md>>They are wrong. There were several people sitting at a large round table and quietly discussing something. Looking in that direction, I saw a square opening in the wall draped with gray cloth. It had wooden shelves with books and smelled damp.<</md>>
<<md>>When I turned the corner in search of Veronica, I noticed an interesting picture. Several girls, opening a laptop, looked at a photo of a naked man. No, they didn't just study his muscles. Their attention was riveted on his huge cock. Maybe they should show them mine?<</md>>
<<md>>However, this is not why I am here now.<</md>>
<<md>>I see a familiar figure at the table and sit down at the table opposite her.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>I know why you came.<</say>>
<<md>>As soon as I sit down, her voice is heard.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Really? Then why don't you make it easy for all of us?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Biology is not the most important subject for my future.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What is your future then?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Psychology. I will study human fetishes. For example, you have a fetish for young girls, don't you?<</say>>
<<md>>Ha, she's not a miss. Do not stand on ceremony with words.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe. What is yours?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>I want to feel like a queen.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Share with me?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Okay...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>I want to be pleased.<</say>>[img[img/Veronica/VeronicaSmoke1.jpg]]
<<if $VeronicaImage11Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage11Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $Veronica>>As servants bring me grapes, I eat them... And after... And after... Yes, yes, yes, I will not hide, I can satisfy my every whim, because each of you is ready to serve me. And then I take off all my clothes...<</say>>
<<if $VeronicaImage13Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage13Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $Veronica>>Hundreds of mirrors are hung in my chambers... So I lie down on the bed, and a satin blanket is closed behind my back ... And a page immediately appears next to me ... He softly lies down next to me and touches me with his penis ...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Do you know what he does next? He kneels down and begins to caress my feet... And the more he caresses my feet, the more I get excited... He is kneeling right in front of me...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>And after that his huge juicy penis enters me and...<</say>>
<<if $VeronicaImage24Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage24Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, what a pleasure it is... And I hear from you shy groans and groans in response... And then together we look at some incomprehensible canvases, and... And that's it... Oops... We see each other again.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>We?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>I think I said too much. Bye.<</say>>
<<md>>So it’s not a lesson? She avoids me because... she likes me? Then you have to do something about it.<</md>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest1 = 3>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest1T = 3>>\
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]] <<md>>Today's was not the most successful day. Perhaps the fact is that the girls were thinking about something else. Yet they cannot be focused 24/7 on learning only. Remember myself at their age... Yes, I did not even think about studying then. School was more a punishment for me than a place where I gained knowledge. In those days, I only wished it was over. The only joy of the school was that I still enjoyed it among the girls.<</md>>
<<md>>Well... Maybe that's why I went back to school, but in a different role? To make sure these lovely girls remember school as good?<</md>>
<<md>>However, it still helped in the case of Veronica. Even after our little intimate conversation, she still does not consider it necessary to attend my lessons.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara asked to inform her about such cases, but I do not think that now this is the best solution. If I want to turn Veronica to my side, the best solution now would be to just find out from other teachers what they know about Veronica. A lot of people at school trust Lucy, maybe our little rebel too? I will need to ask.<</md>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest1 = 4>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest2 = 1>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest1T = 4>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]
<<md>>When I entered the class, Lucy was about to leave. It's good that I was not late!<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>$mc.Name? What happened?<</say>>
<<md>>The woman, as usual, greets me with a splendid smile. I wonder how to understand if everything well with her, or did something happen?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Nothing urgent, I wanted to ask if Veronica was at your lessons today?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Veronica... Hmm... Let me think. Oh yes, she was. But, she seemed to be flying in the clouds.<</say>>
<<md>>Didn't Veronica say that she wants to study only what will help her in her future profession? How can a lesson from Lucy help her? However, I will leave this aside for now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>If I had to convince her that my lessons should also be attended,what should I do?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh she's that stubborn again?<</say>>
<<md>>It seems that only me in the whole school is surprised. The rest have long become accustomed to this behavior.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, she won't come to my lesson.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I don't even know what to advise... When she skipped my lessons, we met after lessons in the gym and talked calmly. After that, the whole incident was over.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>At the school gym?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes it...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know where it is. Thanks a lot, Lucy!<</say>>
<<md>>I rushed out of her class. Perhaps, if I hurry, I will still have time to meet her. Now, no generalized talk about fetishes and so on. Simple human conversation...<</md>>
[[To the gym|VeronicaQuest 2.3]]<<md>>I run towards the gym, but my thoughts are still faster. They rush ahead of me. In them, I have already talked with the girl and everything was decided. Why does it bother me so much?<</md>>
<<md>>I stopped in front of the entrance to the gym. Here that's a very important point. The moment of truth, if I may say so. I will need all my abilities and skills to convince her...<</md>>
<<md>>I touch the almost icy handle and open the doors. What? This is not a gym. This is the dressing room...<</md>>
<<if $VeronicaImage14Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage14Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>And I am right in front of me a familiar girl who slowly pulls off her clothes. She has her back to me, but even then I see how luxurious her body is. Those curves of the back are so sexy, and in shorts her ass looks just gorgeous and seductive. Vitju the outlines of two halves, which seem to hypnotize me.<</md>>
<<md>>Even from here I can smell her sweet scent. I must be losing my mind.<</md>>
<<md>>I must be looking pathetic and stupid right now. But I can’t step back and pretend I didn’t see anything. I stand as if mesmerized and admire such a beautiful picture. Yes, she is a student, but so what? Moreover, she likes me. Maybe I should just go up to her now and help her undress?<</md>>
<<if $VeronicaImage16Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage16Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>At the same moment, Veronica turns to me. A sly smile on her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Do you like what you see?<</say>>
<<md>>I want to answer her, but I seemed to swallow my tongue. If someone comes here now, then...<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Well, I have something better.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica gently pulls off her shorts, followed by her panties. She just has a great ass. And, apparently, it has a dimple. A delicate hole is guessed under it. Just below the sports tummy is the same tender strip of flesh, temptingly inviting to run your fingers inside.<</md>>
<<if $VeronicaImage15Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage15Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Veronica lifts her leg and puts it on the bench and gently begins to put on long socks.<</md>>
<<md>>I am so mesmerized that I cannot look away.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>So that?<</say>>
<<md>>And suddenly I realize how wrong this is. After all, I wanted to talk to Veronica, but now everything has again come down to what I think about how to arrange a hot rodeo with her...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Next time.<</say>>
<<md>>I leave the hall, hoping that no one has seen me. Otherwise it will take too long to explain.<</md>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest2 = 2>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest1T = 5>>\
<<addmins 60>>\
[[Leave|School reception]]<<md>>The situation in the locker room with Veronica proved that my attraction to her was no less than her attraction to me. This strange desire creeps into me every time more and more. And if I don't do anything about it, then the girl will definitely suffer.<</md>>
<<md>>Maybe take a break from school? I should call her to my house. Then she will be a little embarrassed by the unfamiliar environment and I will use this moment to persuade her. Yes, I think the best option would be to write to her now and then invite her and hope that she will come.<</md>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest2 = 3>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest3 = 1>>\
[[Write to her|Veronica 3.2]]
<<md>>So, let's see. What a provocative photo. In this photo, Veronica looks like a young lolita who craves to lick not a lollipop at all, but something else. She seems to deliberately evoke all these vicious thoughts in you. But why?<</md>>
<<md>>However, this is not the time to think about a sexual body. So, let's begin.<</md>>
<<text g "Veronica, we should discuss what happened in the locker room. Preferably without extra ears. Here is my address, I will wait for you today after 8 a.m.">>
<<md>>Well, hopefully it works and she takes the bait.<</md>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest3 = 2>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest1T = 6>>\
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Leave|My room]]<<md>>The bell rang even much earlier than I thought. Honestly, I even had the thought that Veronica would not be here. Still, she didn't have to come here at all...<</md>>
<<md>>But when I opened the doors, I almost dropped the cup of coffee that was in my hands. Veronica stood in front of me, but she was not wearing any outer clothing. Just a bra and panties, and huge stiletto heels.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, what are you planning...<</say>>
<<md>>But she put her finger to my lips, as if I had not called her, but she had called me.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Don't play hard to get. I know your desire.<</say>>
<<md>>I closed the doors and quickly dragged her into my room.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you doing?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Don't you like it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Like. But that's not why I called you.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Really? And it seems to me for this. I realized that you have a fetish not only for young girls. No, you still love to watch, right? How is it in the locker room.<</say>>
<<md>>So this is the conclusion she came to. How surprised she will be when...<</md>>
<<md>>But I didn't even have time to speculate, as I opened my mouth in surprise.<</md>>
<<md>>At one point, Veronica took off all his underwear and sat down opposite the wall. Her pussy looked so enticing, and when the girl started playing with her fingers...<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Then look, I'll show you what you haven't seen yet.<</say>>
<<md>>Her fingers began to penetrate the pussy harder, and Veronica began to moan slowly.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Veronica\Quest\Video\VeronicaMast1.mp4"></video></div> She seemed to check the strength of the pussy, either moving her fingers along the clitoris, or thrusting a few more inside.<</md>>
<<if $VeronicaVideo2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaVideo2Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>This went on for about five minutes. Finally, Veronica took out her finger. She sat in silence for a few seconds and then looked at me. Tugging her clit, she pointed at her pussy and told me to look carefully.<</md>>
<<md>>She turned her back to me, then abruptly spread her legs to the sides and bent over so that her ass was opposite the line of my gaze...<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Veronica\Quest\Video\VeronicaMast2.mp4"></video></div> I saw the labia and vagina, shiny with lubrication. Only now it dawned on me what Veronica's anus looked like.<</md>>
<<md>>She groaned again and began to play with her hands.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally, she finished. Her boobs lifted involuntarily, and she looked like a drawn bow. Soon a quiet moan escaped the girl's lips, and she closed her eyes, as if already being in blissful oblivion. After a while, she slowly opened them, smiled and licked her lips.<</md>>
<<if $VeronicaVideo3Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaVideo3Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>I didn't even have time to say anything as she got dressed and left. The same one suddenly appeared.<</md>>
<<md>>What's on this girl's mind?<</md>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest3 = 3>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest4 = 1>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest1T = 7>>\
<<addmins 30>>\
[[Leave|My room]]<<md>>The last few meetings with Veronica were not very successful. I still haven't solved the problem with her not attending my lessons. Our communication only took on an even stranger shade. How to talk to someone who masturbated right in front of your face?<</md>>
<<md>>I think I'd better leave Veronica alone for now and think about solving the problem. Maybe take a walk now?<</md>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest4 = 2>>\
[[To the park|Veronica 4.2]]<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpg");
<<md>>I don't know how I got here, but the night park looks soothing. Only where there is so much smoke here.<</md>>
<<say $Kobe>>Hey man, you look tense. Come on, we have beautiful girls here, relax.<</say>>
<<md>>A female giggle is heard in the distance. And when I step into the puffs of smoke, a man stands in front of me holding out a special cigarette and... Veronica? What is she doing here?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica?!<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Haha, here you are, mister bore! Whatever I suggest to you, you don't like it. Well, nothing will these guys like when I'm...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, you won't do anything!<</say>>
<<md>>I grabbed Veronica's hand and dragged her away. The guys were clearly not happy about this, but I don't care much. I won't watch her ruin her life with stupid things.<</md>>
[[Walk Veronica away|Veronica 4.3]]<<say $mc>>Explain to me what you thought?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>I wanted to have fun. Thought I'd get their cock and forget about you...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>About me?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes, you fool, I like you, but you don't seem to care. Besides, when I smoke I get too horny.<</say>>
<<md>>I ran my hand over Veronica's cheek.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>If I didn't care, you would have stayed on the street with these addicts. And so...<</say>>
<<md>>Our lips merged into a kiss. Veronica pressed close to me, her hand slid to my fly. We kissed again and it made me horny. I unbuttoned her blouse. The gaze stopped on the openwork lace of the bra, and Veronica lightly bit me on the neck.<</md>>
<<md>>Her breasts were small and firm, her nipples were milky and almost invisible. Veronica unbuttoned her trousers, and I shuddered from the cold of her fingers. She unbuttoned her fly, and I almost unconsciously lay down on the bed.<</md>>
<<md>>My cock twitched and I felt an unforgettable feeling. Then she took his head into her mouth, and her hands were on my chest.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Veronica\Quest\Video\VeronicaSuck1.mp4"></video></div> She touched my chest with her palms, stroked my nipples and went down to my stomach.<</md>>
<<if $VeronicaVideo1Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaVideo1Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>At this time, her mouth was already playing with my cock. Her tongue moved around the head, and I felt an incredible feeling of closeness to her. A shiver came over me. Then she bit my cock lightly, and I experienced something like a cramp. She continued to lick and caress him.<</md>>
<<md>>My reaction was so strong that I myself began to lightly bite her on the lips, and then I wanted to taste it. I took her chin and our lips joined in an eager kiss.<</md>>
<<md>>And then she only plunged my penis more into her passionate mouth and accelerated the movement of her tongue.<</md>>
<<md>>Her strong and quick movements made it impossible for me to control my feelings, and I could not help but groan. My hands twitched in anticipation of orgasm, and my body, by itself, began to move rapidly on the bed. At the last moment, Veronica pulled back to lick the head.<</md>>
<<md>>That's when all my pleasure poured out right on her, splashing this pretty face.<</md>>
<<md>>I hope at least after that she will attend my lessons.<</md>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest4 = 2>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest5 = 1>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest1T = 8>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 90>>\
[[Leave|My room]]<<set _BrtohelSpecialArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _BrtohelSpecialArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>I always wanted to try something special, because the girls are perfect, by the way.<</md>>
<<md>>A sexy girl in a tight suit and ears, like a dog, will be the best embodiment of my sexual fantasies.<</md>>
<<md>>She gently ran her tongue over my cock. I put my hand on her head and began to play with her ears, which made her indifferent. She began to lick the head more carefully. This gave me unbridled joy. I felt that the final touch was about to take place. And that final touch was my cock in her throat. I fucked her more and more in the mouth, with particular fury. It was very difficult to hold back, but somehow I succeeded.<</md>>
<<md>>Then I laid her down and sharply pierced her pussy with my cock.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\trash\Quest\Video\BrothelSpecial1.mp4"></video></div> This time I gave her the opportunity to participate in everything. Yes, yes, just to play, because at that time she almost brought herself to orgasm. I went into it deeper and deeper.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally, my efforts were crowned with success. I was thrown up like a spring. The girl closed her eyes tightly. I thought it was painful for her and pulled my cock out of her. But she only smiled lasciviously when my sperm flowed out of her.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, it really is something special and deserves its money. <</md>>
[[Leave the brothel|Quarter Far-Dreams]]
<<set $VaginaFucked += 1>>\
<<set $Creampies += 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>She touched the base of my penis with her scarlet lips. Her eyes squinted a little, and I had a strange feeling, as if I was being sucked into a small iron vortex that connects our bodies together.<</md>>
<<md>>The rabbit girl looked at me so carefully, as if she wanted only one thing - to please me. And in fact, I was willing to believe that. When she licked the head of the penis I was getting really good.<</md>>
<<md>>I could feel an orgasm rolling up to my genitals.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\trash\Quest\Video\BrothelSpecial2.mp4"></video></div> The woman's mouth did not try to bite me, but with delight sucked and caressed the penis with his lips. This mouth was like a delicate golden lotus with oblong slits.<</md>>
<<md>>I don't know why, the golden lotus seemed so sexy to me all the time.<</md>>
<<md>>The girl continued to caress me.<</md>>
<<md>>Her fingers clasped my scrotum, so I groaned, and began to rub it. I felt the first waves of pleasant trembling. The girl herself moved almost in sync with my movements.<</md>>
<<md>>The tremors were growing, and we both felt the climax approaching. Suddenly, there was a fantastic feeling that the girl and I are one and there is no one in the world but the two of us. Not feeling fear, but with horror realizing that THIS could happen, I allowed myself to dive into the abyss of pleasure, not imagining how long it will last.<</md>>
<<md>>And immediately exploded sparks of pleasure right into this beautiful mouth. It was as if I had burst into a thousand multicolored splashes and immediately came to my senses.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, that's fine!<</md>>
[[Leave the brothel|Quarter Far-Dreams]]
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>The tattoos made her even sexier. It is no coincidence, after all, until recently, girls who looked like robots were in fashion: angular, with pale skin. And now models with luxurious bodies and bright eyes reign on the catwalks. And all this is the merit of the tattoo.<</md>>
<<md>>From one glance at this luxurious body, everything rose inside me. It simply amazed with its beauty and alluring bend, as if it embodied all my cherished dreams of an ideal body.<</md>>
<<md>>I stood, unable to move, and looked at her.<</md>>
<<md>>She was just gorgeous.<</md>>
<<md>>I know there are a lot of girls like that here, but there was something so special about her that I have a hard time keeping the excitement inside my pants. The member himself is eager to meet this beauty.<</md>>
<<md>>I let her pull my clothes off me, topple me to the floor. Her tongue smoothly crawls along the shaft of the penis. From these movements, alluring and at the same time torturing, I think I feel real bliss.<</md>>
<<md>>And then she swallows my penis completely and begins to suck. Walking over the head, she speeds up her movements - and for several long seconds we both enjoy our special closeness.<</md>>
<<md>>She works with her tongue at every push, and I feel how everything gets stuck between my legs, as if in response to her closeness, I, too, begin to get excited.<</md>>
<<md>>My cock is already rock hard again.<</md>>
<<set _BrtohelSpecialArray3 = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>\
<<switch _BrtohelSpecialArray3.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\trash\Quest\Video\BrothelSpecial3.mp4"></video></div>
<<case 2>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\trash\Quest\Video\BrothelSpecial4.mp4"></video></div>
<<case 3>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\trash\Quest\Video\BrothelSpecial5.mp4"></video></div>
<<case 4>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\trash\Quest\Video\BrothelSpecial6.mp4"></video></div>
<<case 5>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\trash\Quest\Video\BrothelSpecial7.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She enjoys this process. Her movements are getting harder, more assertive - and now she rolls me onto my stomach, piles on top with all her weight. Her dexterous hands travel along my back, buttocks, greedily feel my buttocks, lifting them up.<</md>>
<<md>>My balls are getting heavy, my cock turns to stone. Finally I give up.<</md>>
<<md>>Sperm floods everything: the bed, her body and of course this gorgeous mouth...<</md>>
<<md>>I must say, my seed on her tattoos looks like very cool.<</md>>
[[Leave the brothel|Quarter Far-Dreams]]
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>Inside, waiting for me is a girl with a pleading, almost cat-like expression. Her large, expressive eyes have a feline quality, and her lips are parted slightly in anticipation. Her delicate features and soft, fluffy hair enhance her innocent yet alluring appearance.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Brothel\Video\BrothelSpecialCat1.1.mp4"></video></div>
<<text g "Please, let me make you feel good. I want to make you happy.">>
<<say $mc>>Show me what you can do.<</say>>
<<md>>She drops to her knees before me, her hands moving to undress me with trembling fingers. Her touch is gentle yet eager, her eyes never leaving mine as she slowly strips me of my clothes. Once I'm naked, she gazes up at me with a mixture of awe and desire, her cat-like eyes shimmering.<</md>>
<<text g "You’re so big. I want to taste you.">>
<<md>>She takes my cock in her small hands, her grip firm yet delicate. Her eyes flutter closed as she leans forward, her tongue flicking out to tease the sensitive head.<</md>>
<<md>>Her expression transforms as she begins to suck me off, her eyes rolling back and her mouth opening wide in a look of intense pleasure and arousal. Her tongue swirls around my cock, her cheeks hollowing as she takes me deeper into her mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>Her eyes cross slightly, and her mouth forms a perfect 'O,' her face contorted in an exaggerated display of ecstasy. Her eyebrows knit together, and her pupils dilate, giving her an almost otherworldly look of rapture.<</md>>
<<text g "Mmm, you taste so good. I want more.">>
<<md>>She continues to work me with her mouth, her head bobbing up and down in a rhythm that drives me wild. Her hands stroke my shaft in sync with her mouth, creating a perfect blend of pleasure.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Brothel\Video\BrothelSpecialCat1.2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Her moans vibrate around my cock, adding to the sensation. Her eyes occasionally meet mine, her gaze filled with a mix of submission and longing.<</md>>
<<text g "Please, come for me. I want to taste you.">>
<<say $mc>>Keep going, just like that. You’re doing amazing.<</say>>
<<md>>Her efforts intensify, her mouth moving faster and her tongue working more skillfully. The look on her face grows even more intense, her eyes rolling back again as she loses herself in the act.<</md>>
<<md>>Her expression, a perfect blend of pleasure and desperation, is incredibly erotic. Her lips stretch around my cock, her drool dripping down her chin as she sucks me with fervent passion.<</md>>
<<md>>I feel my orgasm building, the intensity of her sucking pushing me closer and closer to the edge.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I’m gonna come.<</say>>
<<text g "Yes, please! Come in my mouth. I want to taste all of you.">>
<<md>>With a final, powerful suck, she takes me deep into her throat, her mouth working me over until I explode. The pleasure is intense, my body shaking as I come hard into her mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>She swallows every drop, her eyes never leaving mine as she licks me clean. Her face is flushed, her eyes half-lidded in a look of pure satisfaction.<</md>>
<<text g "Thank you. You taste so good. I hope I made you happy.">>
<<say $mc>>You were incredible. Thank you.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles shyly, a hint of pride in her eyes.<</md>>
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $BrothelVisited += 1>>\<<md>>When I cross the threshold of a very dark place, I am greeted by a bright red light. But the feeling of general debauchery covers me even more. This place seems to be permeated with it from bottom to top. Moans are heard from everywhere, and the girls here are almost naked, from which my penis is just torn out.<</md>>
<<md>>But the most amazing thing is that my friend Tracy meets me. It turns out that she is not just so beautiful. She works here. I was immediately seized by the desire to retire with her, but she says that now is not the time. But he says there is something special here, if I want to.<</md>>
<<set $TraceyQuest = 2>>\
[[Brothel - Three minutes of joy]]
<<md>>There are more people on the street today than ever. Is it just another holiday? This is the only way I can explain such a large number of people. Ignoring the people, I slowly walk past the fountain, past a colorful tent with an advertisement for a famous restaurant. it shows a very strange man.<</md>>
<<md>>There is a vibration in my pocket.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Hi, my beloved man!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Naomi! Something happened?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>It happened. Something very sexy.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I'm listening...<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Come to the address that I will send you. My friends left and we could... be together for a while.<</say>>
<<md>>To be alone with Naomi. It can only mean one thing... And I'm all for it!<</md>>
[[Visit address|Naomi Pool 2]]
<<md>>The house was beautiful, but Naomi was even more beautiful. My hand slid down her thigh and squeezed the girl's ass. Smiling, she closed her eyes. Another palm wrapped around her buttocks and I gently pulled off her panties.<</md>>
<<md>>Freeing up space between my legs, I slightly moved my hand to her pussy. She opened her eyes wide. My dick was already standing in it like a ping-pong ball, ready at any moment to fly straight into the girl's sweet hole.<</md>>
<<md>>Naomi knocked me down on the bed and fell madly on top. A moment and her pussy slid over my cock.<</md>>
<<md>>She acted with such excitement and such passion that it became difficult for me to breathe. All my attention was absorbed by her actions, I did not even notice that large drops of sweat were running down my body.<</md>>
<<md>>I pulled her to me and began to kiss. My caresses became more confident and persistent, and soon our bodies connected at one point.<</md>>
<<md>>Naomi moaned and sobbed like a girl.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\Naomipool1.mp4"></video></div> Her body began to go limp and I realized that my friend was about to finish. I smiled and dug my teeth into her neck. She twitched in my hands and, raising her eyes to me, closed them with pleasure.<</md>>
<<if $NaomiVideo7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $NaomiVideo7Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Finally my orgasm turned into hers and she went limp next to me.<</md>>
<<set $Naomi6Q = 4>>\
<<set $Naomi6QT = 4>>\
[[Great|Street York-Road]]<<md>>Veronica! This girl makes me feel like a boy. Her behavior cannot be described in any words. Every time I think about it, it's hard for me to rationally explain what's going on between us.<</md>>
<<md>>What this girl is thinking. In addition, her drug problems... Can I do something differently than ask her to stop? unlikely? I have to talk to her after class...<</md>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest5 = 2>>\
[[Yeah|My room]]<<md>>One by one on the second floor there are many girls. Some are rather vulgar dressed in the spirit of beauty, others are too cute, but behave very cheeky - and some frankly isheses their appearance. However, nothing new.<</md>>
<<md>>But among all the girls, I still don't see Veronica. She wasn't in my class today. Is the girl just avoiding me?<</md>>
<<md>>But after talking to Lucy, I learn that Veronica has a special training at home, she and the girls are preparing for the performance.<</md>>
<<md>>Hmm... Maybe I should visit Veronica.<</md>>
[[Let's go|Veronica 5.3]]<<md>>When I walk up to her house, the first thing that comes to me is the loud women's voices. Girls cheerfully exchange loud shouts.<</md>>
<<md>>But when I see it, I'm just stunned to look. The girls have no clothes, only paint that replaces her. But even from here I see all the most appetizing parts of the body.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Veronica\Quest\Video\VeronicaSoccer1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>The way their breasts shake, their mouthwatering ass and equally luxurious pussy make me watch as fascinated.<</md>>
<<md>>And when they start performing their acrobatic tricks, and I see that make me feel the same way, I just refuse to believe that it's all real.<</md>>
<<md>>So that's what you do, Veronica.<</md>>
<<if $VeronicaVideo4Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaVideo4Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>But very quickly their sport ends and they go to the house. We need to follow them quietly. Maybe there's something interesting about me.<</md>>
[[Spy on them|Veronica 5.4]]<<md>>The best view opens through the window. And the truth is, I barely leaned against the window when I saw something really magical. Although already loud moans told me that they train in a slightly different direction...<</md>>
<<md>>The girls were attached one by one and licked each other's pussies.
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Veronica\Quest\Video\VeronicaSoccer2.mp4"></video></div>Their muscles twitched, their breasts were half-open, their mouths open in an ecstatic growl. They moaned loudly and at the same time, as if the cats were licking each other. I noticed that they were shamelessly playing with their nipples.<</md>>
<<if $VeronicaVideo5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaVideo5Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>It stirred up to a painful state. Every time they stopped for a second to take a breath of air, was ready to burst. <</md>>
<<md>>When Veronica's appeared in front of me, I almost choked on my own saliva. Her friend was already playing with her fingers, and Veronica's body shuddered with pleasure. <</md>>
<<md>>At that moment it was very important for me to see this moment, as if I could steal that moment. I didn't know what was going to happen next, but even that didn't stop me.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Veronica\Quest\Video\VeronicaSoccer3.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Her friend stepped up her movements when Veronica finished, and with her on the glass splashed white pleasure.<</md>>
<<if $VeronicaVideo6Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaVideo6Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Well, I think it's time to leave before they see me.<</md>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest5 = 3>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest1T = 9>>\
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]
<<md>>How much did I drink? Glass? No, it's too little. Five? Or ten? I don't even remember... Memory lets me down, and before my eyes now is a shapeless porridge. It's like a dream. Really, I'm not sleeping right now. There's so much movement around. Why do I feel so miserable?<</md>>
<<md>>Did everyone leave me? Or maybe even worse - there was never anyone near me? Someone said it was in our heads. Perhaps this applies to friends and loved ones? I guess I'm going to spend the rest of my life here and stay.<</md>>
<<md>>Hmm... I think a pretty girl just smiled at me. Maybe it's not all an illusion.<</md>>
<<md>>I went up to her and smiled nicely.<</md>>
<<md>>She do the same to me. Then, when we stood in front of each other for a while, I did not feel any tension. I didn't try to take the opportunity... Okay, I tried. That's why I ordered her a drink. The sight of this girl excited me a lot and I wanted to get into her panties. I felt a special need for it.<</md>>
<<md>>Let's not be sad. We're going to have fun. I raised my hand and pointed to her breasts. She wasn't quite tiny, and she even looked impressive. And yet I couldn't master it. Although her breasts were very small. I felt like an idiot.<</md>>
<<md>>And suddenly she put her hands on her chest and offered to leave the place. What a rush, what luck. I almost grabbed her in the arm and threw her into bed. But there was no bed...<</md>>
<<md>>And then I realized I didn't want to take her home. I suggested she go to her, but I heard no. I tried to get under her skirt right here at the bar, but it ended with a loud slap. A slap in the face of my happy life.<</md>>
<<md>>A slap in the face of my lost sensuality. Because this woman just didn't exist. It didn't even exist in my head. I don't know what it was.<</md>>
<<md>>When I asked the bartender what it was he couldn't answer. How can I do that?<</md>>
<<md>>I moved away from the bar. There is something strange going on here…<</md>>
<<md>>But on the way I was stopped by one of the guys and said that he saw a girl, but... if I have nowhere to go with the girls, there are some secret rooms in the bar. You just have to tell the real estate bartender and give him 1,000 bucks and he'll show me everything I need.<</md>>
<<md>>Hmm, maybe it's worth a try? Another time, though, I'm too drunk today.<</md>>
<<set $BarRoom = 1>>\
[[Back|Quarter Far-Dreams]]<<md>>I whispered those words softly. The effect was not long in coming. The bartender looked at me with a smile, winked and took the cash from his hands. Then he ordered to follow him. We passed down to the first floor.<</md>>
<<md>>The corridor I was led through was empty. But above my head there were metal columns with cross-section, and from them hung incomprehensible to me multicolored wires.<</md>>
<<md>>When he opened the doors, I had a really luxurious room. High ceilings, red-painted walls, lamps on the walls, depicting something similar to Chinese lanterns, carpets on the floor - everything was expensive and exquisite, and the space itself created the same impression.<</md>>
<<md>>And the most important thing here is I can bring the girls from the bar. Sounds like the perfect plan! We need to try this out as soon as possible.<</md>>
<<set $BarRoom = 2>>\
[[Back|Bar - Heaven]]<<set _BarPickup = [ 1, 2,]>>\
<<switch _BarPickup.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Today there are a lot of people here, I think I can find someone with whom ... was able to have a good time.<</md>>
<<md>>The music plays everywhere, but I already find a very pretty girl who sits at one of the tables. The view is just luxurious.<</md>>
<<md>>From shoes - sandals in high heels. She has black stockings with brass gum on her feet. A dark purple dress with a large collar, tights her luxurious body, allowing me to enjoy this view as long as possible. You can steal, but it's not even talking about it. I want to kidnap a girl, not just her clothes. That's why I'm pouring her wine.<</md>>
<<md>>After a few glasses and jokes literally into the void, it seems to me that it's not all too good, but when I try to get up and walk away from the table, the girl pulls me to her and kisses.<</md>>
<<md>>After that, I do not waste time and lead my hands under her dresses, and then lead down to the room I know.<</md>>
<<md>>I take off all her clothes in a sharp motion and begin to explore her naked, but such a beautiful body.<</md>>
<<md>>I'm looking for her lips. The kiss is blurred. I feel her desperation, but I don't even let her say a word. I take it by the shoulders and squeeze it to the pain. She breaks out, but I still drive her to a frenzy and make her scream.<</md>>
<<md>>She likes this game. I might be gentle, but that's not what she needs. She wants me to be cruel and take her hard and imperious.<</md>>
<<md>>I have to give her that proof of my desire. That's what she wants. That's what she wants. Her desperation is reminiscent of my cry. And my fever. She's not sure. He doesn't believe it. That's why I have to take it by force. I'm not letting her go.<</md>>
<<md>>The penis aggressively enters it.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\trash\Quest\Video\BarGirl1.mp4"></video></div> She closes her eyes with pleasure. She doesn't mind. She clings to my back and to me, and her hips rise to meet.<</md>>
<<md>>She's excited. Stronger. Flows. My excitement becomes intolerable. I take it by the shoulders and lift it even higher. She's moaning quietly. I know what's going to happen. And when she opens her eyes and smiles, I squeeze her, jerking down on the table.<</md>>
<<md>>And it explodes. First, her body. Then - her face, then - the stomach, then - knees, then - legs.<</md>>
<<md>>The orgasm releases her only after a few minutes and she smiles gratefully.<</md>>
[[Back|Bar - Heaven]]
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>No way!<</md>>
<<md>>As soon as I step forward as I notice a familiar pretty face. I'll know these round glasses right away. What's she doing here? Who let her in here?<</md>>
<<md>>A schoolgirl in a bar is a serious violation. But how much alcohol she pours into myself leaves me with no choice but to intervene.<</md>>
<<md>>I walk up to her and try to talk, she immediately looks at me scared and pours a glass of tequila back in. At this rate, she's just going to pass out here.<</md>>
<<md>>She doesn't answer all my arguments, so I grab her hand and drive her down to the room. This girl needs to be talked to before she's done worse.<</md>>
<<md>>First of all, I seated the girls on a chair and sat across from it. She should see me. It's easier to talk and talk to people. When did I become a psychologist?<</md>>
<<md>>At first the girl looked at me scared and it took me a long time to persuade her. It was only when I touched her hand that the girl stopped shaking and didn't look at me so scared, as if I was trying to kill her.<</md>>
<<md>>Softly and slowly it gradually opened to me. And just as slowly I managed to take off all her clothes. It turned out that the girl can not imagine life without a penis, and the guy left her.<</md>>
<<md>>Why not leave the poor girl in trouble, right?<</md>>
<<md>>I took out of my pants and brought it to her pretty mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>She tried to kiss me, but I decided to tease her a little: let her know that it doesn't count. Then everything was without problems. She didn't even snuggle up to me - and I sometimes took the initiative because she liked it. But it was all kind of boring.<</md>>
<<md>>That's why I grabbed her hair and pulled her mouth over her dick. That's where she really got excited.<</md>>
<<md>>I felt her little mouth quickly and deeply absorb. But it wasn't like oral sex - she was just sucking on, but she was doing it very erotically.<</md>>
<<md>>One time she even put her head on my shoulder, so I felt all her soft elasticity and the malleability of her neck. Then she began to moan with delight. But it wasn't a full orgasm, because I wasn't completely subordinate to it.<</md>>
<<md>>I started fucking her.<</md>>
<<md>>She started moving faster, then she opened her eyes and looked at me.The penis aggressively enters it.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\trash\Quest\Video\BarGirl2_2.mp4"></video></div> <</md>>
<<md>>She looked a little stunned - at least I noticed this strange look. I even felt a little sorry for her, but she quickly came to her senses, lowered her eyes, and from this obedience I became even more excited.<</md>>
<<md>>She literally swallowed all my sperm.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\trash\Quest\Video\BarGirl2_3.mp4"></video></div> I hope it helps her forget about her boyfriend. And if don't... Well, I won't mind helping her again.<</md>>
[[Back|Bar - Heaven]]
<<addhours 1>>\
<<set $stamina -=30>>\<<say $Jane>>You know that you deserve so much more.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice sounds so attractive, so seductive it is hard for me to resist it. It's too white around, but I can see this place.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Do you not want to know true pleasure?<</say>>
<<md>>Her words sound like a temptation that I cannot refuse. Her pussy is calling me too much and therefore my dick is in it very quickly. But she is not only attractive, she is completely irresistible. So small, it fills me completely.<</md>>
<<md>>She has tender breasts with such seductive nipples that only tease me with their smoothness. She's just an angel. I only want one thing - to make love to her. And this angel removes his hands from his hot pussy, replacing them with my tender and sharp spear.<</md>>
<<md>>Her kisses turn me on. Her hot pussy plays so skillfully that I can no longer restrain myself.<</md>>
<<md>>Her pussy is getting wet and I go deeper into it.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Jane\Quest\Video\JaneFuck1.mp4"></video></div> She spreads her legs and moves towards me, showing me her pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>And at this moment she moves even faster, more active and affectionate. Everything around disappears - I am drowning, as I drown, in it... Ah! What a passion! How beautiful her ass is ! What an amazing sound with every movement!<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Jane\Quest\Video\JaneFuck2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>In her own fire, she experiences the highest bliss, and a blow of such force pierces her body that I can not stand it and finish.<</md>>
<<md>>And she, as if responding to my orgasm, begins to sway faster and faster up and down, as if wanting to warm her sore bosom. She squeezes my buttocks with her hands, and I experience such pleasure, which cannot be described. She groans... It is a groan of pleasure and gratitude.<</md>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 2>>\
[[Wake up|JaneQuest4Dream2]]
<<md>>What a wonderful dream. Lovely and very erotic. Looks like I should take a little more initiative and take a closer look at Jane. Perhaps she is who I am looking for? Maybe we could have a little fun like this dream?<</md>>
<<set $Jane3QT = 2>>\
[[Back|My room]]
<<md>>After that incident with the last woman, I started to enjoy helping the police more and more. After all, every new day, every new call can bring new impressions.<</md>>
<<md>>Ah, here it is, my old friend. She definitely liked it because she recommended me to her friend. The girlfriend hasn't had sex for a long time... Well, then it's time to fix it!<</md>>
<<set $PoliceQ2 = 5>>\
[[Yeah|PoliceQuest 4.1]]
<<md>>She knelt down and freed the prisoner in my pants. When the head of the penis was in her mouth, a special feeling took possession of me.<</md>>
<<md>>It was like the heady happiness of the past. And then I felt a new wave of pleasure, which is difficult to describe - it could not be conveyed, only felt. I did not understand what kind of pleasure it was, but I knew that it would always be. It will just be new. It...<</md>>
<<md>>What happiness it is! And although I didn't know how to describe it, I knew one thing: it had to be mine.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, I picked up the woman in my arms and carried her into the bedroom.<</md>>
<<md>>She is already very aroused, and her feelings, apparently, also intensified. I undressed myself, laid her neatly on the bed and carefully entered. Two more shocks made me groan with pleasure. A couple more movements - and the woman cried out in pain, but this was only the beginning.<</md>>
<<md>>She was not against my cock in her ass, on the contrary...<</md>>
<<md>>She accepted it in its entirety.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\trash\Quest\Video\PoliceMilf2.mp4"></video></div> What happened to her in the process was, of course, not what I expected. Such active movements, she began to scream, moan, and, apparently, I was on the right track.<</md>>
<<md>>At first she waved me herself, but then I myself began to push her in the ass. She gradually began to take part in what was happening to us. She squeezed her hips, and I pressed a member to her small warm entrance, without stopping movements.<</md>>
<<md>>She moaned and screamed. My reaction left no doubt: I was right now at the peak of pleasure. But now I had to try to bring the woman to the same state.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, it is not surprising that after a few minutes my feelings began to resemble the palette of a postmodern artist - a combination of pink, black and gray, where approximately the same colors alternated. I was all sweaty and happy, the woman was moaning in full force.<</md>>
<<md>>This, by the way, was written on her face... She was dying of pleasure.
<<md>>It was the same with me. I felt my cock throbbing. The woman was still squeezing her hips tightly, and he trembled slightly. I didn't know what she was doing, but I enjoyed it. One more second, and I'll give her everything I have...<</md>>
<<md>>My pleasure was liquid spreading over her anus. Of course, now it was a mixture of my semen, semen, and woman's semen. At that moment, I felt with great tenderness that I was generously endowed, showered from head to toe with all her secret hopes and treasures. But she also felt my love.<</md>>
<<md>>That's why I like this job.<</md>>
[[Back|5thave]]<<md>>A lump approaches my throat. The smell of burning penetrates my nose so much that it becomes difficult for me to breathe. I try to do something, but it doesn't work. The smell of burnt wood mixed with the smell of burnt flesh increasingly dominates me. It's like not everything around is burning, but I...<</md>>
<<md>>I take a step, another step, but every movement is given to me with difficulty. Something needs to be done, but there is only a void in front of me. I look into her, she looks at me. I was completely exhausted. You need to go upstairs, make an effort on yourself. The girl needs my help. You need to get back on your feet. You have to run, you have to run... I can't get up. I see her figure in one of the windows of the second floor – she is wearing a long black cloak, shimmering with dull gold.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Why didn't you do anything?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice cuts, soaks into my ears. It becomes a vision that draws me like water. I can't resist her action. I don't want to resist it. She's there and I have nowhere to go. I see her very close by and there's nothing I can do.<</md>>
<<md>>Why am I in so much pain? It's not physical pain, it's powerlessness. It's my fault...<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Why didn't you save me?<</say>>
<<md>>From her question, everything around begins to tremble and melt. My skin peels off very easily right before my eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>WHY!?<</say>>
<<md>>From her scream, the windows begin to fly out and the fragments fly straight into my face. I squeeze in fear…<</md>>
<<md>>I jump out of bed without even realizing it. The heart is pounding like crazy.<</md>>
<<md>>Dream? Dream. Just a dream. Just a dream. I can turn on the lights right now and everything will dissipate like smoke.<</md>>
<<md>>But the feeling of fear does not recede. I feel helpless again and alone with the darkness. Is it after a nightmare? Or has the past overtaken me again? Am I going crazy? I'm trying to pull myself together.<</md>>
<<md>>Stupid, it's just a dream. Of course, what happened to Monica is terrible, but it's not my fault. You will need to visit the girl in the hospital.<</md>>
<<md>>But is it worth falling asleep again?<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 3>>\
[[Sleep again|MonicaNightmareSleep]]
[[Don't sleep|MonicaNightmareDontSleep]]<<md>>I gently open the door to the office.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Ah, the patient...<</say>>
<<if $MonicaImage15Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage15Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>Monica is already waiting for me on the threshold. She is wearing a very sexy skirt, pulled up so much that I immediately notice her panties. Her breasts, which also bulge out from under the fabric, seem large and pink, and her nipples sparkle like drops of blood frozen on her skin.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Well, are you ready for examination?<</say>>
<<md>>She beckons me to her, then grabs my penis with her hand. She massages him harder and harder until I feel something small and sharp prick me between my legs. I want her to loosen her grip a little, but she doesn't. She presses harder, and I close my eyes in pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>Her hand is moving faster and faster. I can feel her cock growing in size and getting bigger every second as she moves her hand up and down.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaImage10Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage10Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Then she pulls off all her clothes and turns her back to me. I see her pussy and her swollen nipples, and just looking at it makes me feel good. Monica begins to slightly shake her backside and buttocks, as if inviting me to penetrate her. I feel there that little protrusion that I like so much in her pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>I move my hips forward a little and her pussy clenches, but it still hurts when we finally become one. I try to make myself comfortable because it feels so wonderful.<</md>>
<<md>>And then suddenly we find ourselves in another room, with luxurious windows. Monica is dressed differently, but the feeling is still the same.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonikaOut.mp4"></video></div> Her pussy grips my cock tightly.<</md>>
<<md>>But now I am not afraid that she might slip out of me. She's as horny as I am. We start to move to the beat of the music. This is the music of love, and I let it take us to a place where no one will disturb us.<</md>>
<<md>>The music becomes louder, and we begin to wriggle under it in the same rhythm as it. Monica pulls me closer to her, trying to get me to move even faster.<</md>>
<<md>>The music becomes unbearable and we end at the same time. I feel that I finish myself and along with this, and Monica. And then we find ourselves in a world where we almost feel nothing but incredible pleasure.<</md>>
[[Wake up|My room]]
<<md>>No, after such a dream, I will hardly be able to fall asleep. I'd rather watch something on the Internet until the morning or play something.<</md>>
[[Wait|My room]]<<md>>How hard it is to wake up in the morning... The new day seems to weigh on me with its weight. Eyes stick together, and my head is so heavy, as if I had a good drink yesterday. Yes, all yesterday is in a fog for me.<</md>>
<<md>>But... As soon as I start remembering yesterday, it becomes a little easier for me. Yet despite all my mistakes earlier, Clara allowed me to prove that I was sorry that I lied to her...<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, it was a great evening... And she was beautiful.<</md>>
<<md>>But she no longer needs to lie. And yesterday's call, it worries me very much. What did the strange voice mean? I think this applies not only to me, but to the entire school. So it will be necessary to discuss everything with her.<</md>>
<<md>>Now it is important not to hide anything and be as honest as possible.<</md>>
<<md>>Okay, it's time to get up. I'll go to Clara today and tell the whole truth.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM15Quest = 2>>\
[[Yeah|My room]]<<md>>When I enter the office, my mood, which before that was darker than a cloud, instantly rose. From what I saw, not only my mood rises and it becomes more interesting for me. Leaning over the table, Clara looks earnestly, as if she has lost something there. Her skirt is lifted up so much that I see her delicious ass and I can't help but smile. These two curves beckon me so much.<</md>>
<<md>>Didn't she hear my knock? Or did she choose to put on this special show for me personally? I may even have already been forgiven.<</md>>
<<md>>There is only one way to check.<</md>>
<<md>>Mesmerized by the beautiful view, lured by only two halves, I come closer to her. The hand itself reaches for a beautiful ass, touches it and...<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Hands off.<</say>>
<<md>>Her cold voice hits me to the bone. Clara is furious and I have to be embarrassed, look down.<</md>>
<<md>>I guess I misjudged the situation for joy. I can't understand why she gets so angry when I look at her beautiful body with interest.<</md>>
<<md>>After yesterday one could have forgiven me already.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry, I thought...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>That this is invitation? I didn’t say that you can let go of your hands.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay. Sorry.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, it's a shame, but for now I can endure it. Although yesterday it was good. Oh yes...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, I have to tell you something.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>No, I don't want to hear anything. You still have to prove to me how sorry you are.<</say>>
<<md>>What should I bring now?<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I'm waiting for you after school. Yesterday you took part, but simply because , I'm allowed. Today you will watch me as I have fun with my friend.<</say>>
<<md>>She said a friend? It looks like it will be something interesting...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, Clara.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>After lessons - come here.<</say>>
<<set $ClaraM15Quest = 3>>\
<<set $ClaraM20TQuest = 7>>\
[[Leave her office|Second floor]]<<md>>I don't even remember how we ended up at Clara's house. The very anticipation of such an interesting event excited me like nothing else.<</md>>
<<md>>Her friend was very beautiful. And when Clara began to pull off her clothes with her teeth, my cock came to life...<</md>>
<<md>>Her tongue touched Clara's pussy. She bent down and kissed the woman on the lips. They laughed. And then the tongue of her friend began to part Clara's lips and penetrate into her pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>It was already wet and slippery there. A friend parted her labia even more and two fingers began to enter and exit the vagina.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara groaned and parted her lips even more.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraLesbian1.mp4"></video></div> Both women moved in sync. Thin fingers of a friend penetrated her ass, and other, larger fingers began to penetrate into the anus between her legs.<</md>>
<<if $ClaraVideo13Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo13Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Soon she began to move her thumb back and forth, looking at me in the mirror. She smiled and sat her tongue on Clara's pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>They both finished.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, the sight is truly good. I think we should talk to Clara about this. But a little later.<</md>>
<<addmins 120>>\
<<set $ClaraM15Quest = 4>>\
<<set $ClaraM20TQuest = 8>>\
[[Go home|My room]]<<md>>When the bell rang, I happily walked out into the corridor. The lessons quickly came to an end. Today was a great day, which is hard to darken with anything. My heart is very good...<</md>>
<<md>>Eh, such a spiritual joy, I, perhaps, could not describe to anyone. I felt that when I went downstairs something very significant would happen. What exactly, I could not understand in any way. But something happened. I knew that.<</md>>
<<md>>But I barely did it when I met Clara. She looked worried.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, something happened?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes... Perhaps you can help me...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>With what?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Lucy is not at school. All day. And she doesn't answer my calls. Could you go to her and check?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure.<</say>>
<<md>>My heart was pounding at the mere mention of Lucy. Apparently Clara felt the same way. She nodded and walked to her office. I thought she really wanted to show that she was in a hurry. But she was definitely worried about Lucy.<</md>>
<<md>>As I. After all, perhaps, if I decided to help her ... No, it's too early to blame myself. Need to check. Maybe Lucy just decided to take the day off...<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, it's time to check as soon as possible!<</md>>
<<set $LucyQuest8 = 6>>\
[[Go home|LucyRetreatBeat2]]<<md>>When I walk into her living room, it’s like I’m stepping onto a battlefield. Things are scattered everywhere, nowhere to step. The whitewashed walls are covered in bloody stains, there are dishes on the shelves, empty vodka bottles are everywhere, a towel with "Count's Harbor" is on the wall next to it, the beds are not made, a removed holster with a pistol is lying at the door.<</md>>
<<md>>What happened here?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy? Are you here?<</say>>
<<md>>And suddenly I notice her. She lies on the floor behind the curtain. She seems to be unconscious, or maybe already dead. No, the main thing is to discard bad thoughts. Everything will be fine with her, everything will be fine!<</md>>
<<md>>But she is wearing a long skirt that covers her body to the floor. I run up to her, call her, stroke her cheek, lift her head.<</md>>
<<md>>No! She feels bad! She's breathing hard.<</md>>
<<md>>What happened here?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, talk to me ... Lucy! Be smart, talk to me ... Lucy ... Lucy ... You love me, remember what I said?<</say>>
<<md>>I scream, sinking to the floor next to her. I'm scared - how can I help her?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, what's wrong with you? Tell me what happened?<</say>>
<<md>>She wakes up with her eyes open.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>They... found me...<</say>>
<<md>>She has blood all over her face. I take the woman in my arms and pull yu into the bathtub.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Thank you for coming and not leaving me.<</say>>
<<md>>I curse myself. I didn’t give it up. If I decided to help her, this all might simply not be.<</md>>
<<md>>I start washing her face. It is so beautiful. She is so beautiful that I do not even understand how someone could do this...<</md>>
<<md>>Our lips instantly merge together. She squeezes me in her arms, and it all happens so quickly that I don't even have time to say anything. No, I'll tell you anyway. I say thank you. She replies: "Don't, you are my savior!" We kiss for a long time, forgetting about everything.<</md>>
<<md>>Then I pull off her clothes and squeeze these beautiful breasts in my hands. she sighs, and I understand that she, too, has forgotten everything. I have to pull off her panties. She's just taking them off. I caress her for a long time, she snuggles up to me and whispers.<</md>>
<<md>>It has never been so good. Never!<</md>>
<<md>>She pulls off my pants and takes a member in her mouth. I grab her by the hair and pull her to me. I curl a towel around her neck and start moving my cock in her mouth.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lucy\Quest\Video\LucyReatreatSuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>That's it, beauty. That's it, girl. I will give you whatever you want. Even more. I promise you ... I don't know what it is. I'm just begging you for this. Do you know how good I am? I want more.<</md>>
<<if $LucyVideo11Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyVideo11Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>I am not in a hurry, but I am not slow either. Sometimes she breaks away from my cock to catch her breath. At such moments, our gazes meet, and I feel that she, too, is trying to remember what is happening to me. My head is filling with blood, but I can't stop.<</md>>
<<md>>I still try to cum in her mouth, but she again grabs my hair, and I squeeze her head, trying to increase the pace. She seems to be singing. And in this singing there is something ancient and stupefyingly cloying.<</md>>
<<md>>And then I finish right in her mouth. But this is not enough for me and I enter her pussy. I don't ask her about it. I know. It should be so. I carefully insert my cock into her, and she starts to move... We seem to merge.<</md>>
<<md>>We are carried away by a stream of frenzied animal energy.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lucy\Quest\Video\LucyReatreatFuck1.mp4"></video></div She is also impatient. I am losing touch with reality.<</md>>
<<md>>A huge force gathers inside me, it explodes and bursts out of me, throwing out a stream of multi-colored threads through the window...<</md>>
<<if $LucyVideo12Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyVideo12Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>And then, exhausted, Lucy falls to the floor. Was she asleep? Hmm ... I don't seem to know what happened here.<</md>>
<<md>>I carry it to the bed and start cleaning around. She can't get hurt when she wakes up.<</md>>
<<md>>Okay, there's nothing else to do here. Tomorrow I'll ask what happened here, if she remembers.<</md>>
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]<<text y "Athletics lesson">>
<<if $SchoolGrades > 0 && $SchoolGrades < 16>>\
<<md>>Wake up at such an early time, according to the alarm clock... Mass madness. What a blessing that I no longer have to act as a student at such events.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 16 && $SchoolGrades < 32 >>\
<<md>> A healthy mind is in a healthy body. But I want my students to be as healthy as possible. For special activities, huh! I hope they don't notice me staring at their sexy bodies.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 32 && $SchoolGrades < 48>>\
<<md>> Exercise can replace many drugs, but no drug in the world can replace exercise.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 48 && $SchoolGrades < 64>>\
<<md>> How pleasant it is to observe not only the success of the students, but also their gorgeous forms. Each of them is just a goddess who came down from heaven.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 64 && $SchoolGrades < 80>>\
<<md>> Athletics lengthens a person's youth. And it also makes breasts fit, butt appetizing ... Come to think of it, I was very lucky to be here...<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 80 && $SchoolGrades < 101>>\
<<md>> Sport is life. And my life - is the frictings of these beautiful girls. It is important to train them in all aspects: biological, sports, sexual. Long live training!<</md>>
<<set _AthleticsGreetsArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>\
<<switch _AthleticsGreetsArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Hello, bunnies! Let's run, jump, or whatever you're doing here. Why do you have such sluggish faces? Smile a little, I don't bite. I am sure we will have a great time!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>> My graceful girls, good morning. Are you ready to stretch your most beautiful body parts a little? Let's do something special today!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>> Hello my sweet kitties. Today you are so graceful ... It's time to show me what you can do!<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $mc>> I see you still haven't woken up. What am I, too. But looking at you awakens in me... curiosity. You are laughing! This is good! So we are ready to start training.<</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $mc>> I see your smiles! This is just wonderful! Keep this mood for the rest of the lesson! Vedas s we train gm something really special!<</say>>
<<talk "Start a sports lesson">>
<<set _AthleticsSportLessonArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _AthleticsSportLessonArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Let's have some fun and play something. Catch-up, for example. Do you even know that during physical exertion, the production of dopamine and serotonin increases? Now check it out for yourself.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>Well, are you ready to wag your priests a little? Let's start with squats! This is a very useful exercise that improves the elasticity of blood vessels and, moreover, prolongs your life. Let's start, girls!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\ALgymmove.mp4"></video></div>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<talk "Start an intensive lesson">>
<<set _AthleticsIntLessonArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _AthleticsIntLessonArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<say $mc>>Now let's put these kids' exercises on hold! Real beauty takes a lot of effort. Kneel down like obedient students! Hands behind your head and begin to bring your hands together and spread. No, not legs, it's too early for that! Let's start!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 2 "add">>
<<say $mc>>Well, it's time to do something serious! This exercise will make your breasts look even more attractive! Become as if you are about to do push-ups. Keep a single line in your torso, from head to hips, and start pushing up.<</say>>
<<if $Clara1Quest == 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<if $BaseballActivate == 2>>\
<<talk "Start baseball lesson">>
<<set _AthleticsBaseballLessonArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _AthleticsBaseballLessonArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>And now show how you wield a bat. Grab her tightly and gently, like it's your boyfriend's cock!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>It's high time to show what you can do with this bat. Don't let anyone break your spirit. Let the Hunger Games begin!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>Baseball will allow you to become better at possession of the ball, to feel your job, its pain and what brings you special pleasure.<</say>>
<<set _AthleticsBaseballLessonPicArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _AthleticsBaseballLessonPicArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\RoseTraining1.mp4"></video></div>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<set $BaseballCount += 1>>\
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<if $mc.Boldness gte 8>>\
<<talk "Olivia’s special lesson">>
<<md>>The special lesson we talked about earlier with Olivia is exactly what we really, really need. So I happily put the reins in her hands and become a silent observer myself.<</md>>
<<set _OliviaTaklLessonArray = [ 1, 2, ]>>\
<<switch _OliviaTaklLessonArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Olivia>>So, girls, a very unpleasant rumor has reached me that you don't like sports. But sports, like sex, can be very enjoyable. And today I'm going to show you some special exercises.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Olivia>>Are you girls ready to love sports? Our special exercises will strengthen your faith in sport and make you love it. <</say>>
<<set _OliviaTaklLessonArray2 = [ 1, 2, ]>>\
<<switch _OliviaTaklLessonArray2.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Oh yes, I definitely like this kind of exercise. Olivia's body is so hot that if I were a student I would love the sport myself. <</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Oh, watching this picture makes me want to join them. <</md>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<if $mc.Strength gte 4>>\
<<talk "Simulate bad weather">>
<<md>>There was a water hose somewhere nearby. I think this will be a great test of endurance for the students and me.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 1 "add">>
<<say $mc>>Girls, get ready, put all the phones and headphones in this box. It's going to be a little wet now. This method of the lesson will allow me to simulate rainy weather. You should be prepared in advance for all stressful situations.<</say>>
<<if $Clara25Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<if $mc.Boldness gte 10>>\
<<talk "Orgasm training">>
<<md>>Sports have always had one goal: to improve health. And what strengthens health better than orgasmic exercise?<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>So, girls, take off your clothes first...<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, I like that already. How beautiful Lucy is without her clothes...Every part of her body is a work of art. <</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Now spread your legs to the side and...<</say>>
<<md>>When she sits on my cock with her pussy I feel incredibly good. My cock gently enters her athletic body, plunging deeper and deeper. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Lucy.<</say>>
<<md>>She feels great and starts to move her pelvis until I go even deeper. I hear her oohing and aahing. <</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>So, $mc.Name do you like sports? <</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\ALLucy1.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I love it. <</say>>
<<md>>My fingers feel her muscles and bones - Lucy is certainly not a girl anymore, and she looks really super. I feel her all over. I inhale her scent deeply, turning her so that her back looks perfect in front of the girls, who are already masturbating and licking each other's pussy. <</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\ALLucy2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Some of the girls even sit on the rubber dicks and moan with us. Lucy flexes her body under my cock, which turns her on even more. We are already at the peak of our pleasure. I feel Lucy cum and I pour my cum right into her. <</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>That's the kind of special exercise we have. <</say>>
<<md>>Lucy smiles and wipes the cum off her legs. <</md>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<if $mattress > 0 >>\
<<talk "Jump training">>
<<md>>Running, just like jumping, develops all muscle groups and can not do any harm. The main thing is to have the right equipment and follow the safety rules. Nothing bad can happen. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's time to show how well you jump! <</say>>
<<md>>And not just on dicks...<</md>>
<<set _JumpTrainingArray = [ 1, 2, ]>>\
<<switch _JumpTrainingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>One by one the girls did jumps like real athletes. Where did they get all that grace? That was good for me, though. They're having fun and enjoying themselves, so I certainly shouldn't be surprised. <</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Suddenly, when one of the girls jumps, something happens that I can't see coming. Her leg goes out of joint, and her jump is so bad that she hits the ground instead of the mattress. Moans and tears come to me. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>No!<</say>>
<<md>>I run up to the girl and examine her carefully. She has such a beautiful body...Why am I thinking about this now, when she's obviously in pain and suffering?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't move, I'm going to examine you now. <</say>>
<<md>>The first rule in such cases is not to make any sudden movements. If I make the girl get up now, I'm only going to hurt her more. Yes, she definitely doesn't need to move right now. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lay down, I'll stay here for a while. <</say>>
<<md>>I stroke her back. It's time to decide what to do with the victim. <</md>>
<<talk "Take to the nurse">>
<<say $mc>>Come on, I'll take you to the nurse. <</say>>
<<md>>I don't want to disturb the girl right now, but I can't leave her like this. Who knows if she's hurt herself in a very serious way? Not doing anything would only hurt her.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>What's wrong with her? <</say>>
<<md>>Jane looks at me in surprise. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>She landed badly. <</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Leave her - I'll deal with her. <</say>>
<<md>>I head away, knowing that the girl is in safe hands. <</md>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<talk "Take care by yourself">>
<<say $mc>>Come and sit down. <</say>>
<<md>>I grab the girl under my arm and lay her down on the mattress. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's going to be okay...<</say>>
<<md>>I don't know how to help her, so I stroke her back. My hand creeps lower, and now I'm stroking her ass when no one else is watching. But the girl doesn't resist, just smiles at me. Her hand reaches for my cock. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wait, they might see us...<</say>>
<<md>>I look around at the other girls running around and wait until class is over and no one is around. I know it's wrong, but my cock wants to repeat her touch. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it...Hey, baby. <</say>>
<<md>>I pull her clothes off, and the girl kneels down, as if oblivious of her injury. Her tongue begins to play with the head of my cock. The smooth movements of her tongue make me shudder, so I grab her by the hair and thrust my cock harder into her lustful mouth. She deserved it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, you like sports blowjobs, right? <</say>>
<<md>>The dick pounded into her throat harder and harder. With each thrust, it increases in size even more. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I pull down her panties and sharply insert my cock into her pussy. A pleasure like I hadn't felt in a long time flooded my body. I put my hand on her breast and begin to caress her nipple with my fingers. She's breathing hard and hoarse.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl moans and clutches my shoulders with her hands. I squeeze her harder, feeling her muscles tighten around my cock.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\ALMatress1.mp4"></video></div>
I'm about to spew my seed into her. So I pull my dick out and my semen spurts out onto the ground. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I didn't buy this mattress for nothing. <</say>>
<<md>>The girl laughs out loud in response. <</md>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<if $mc.Strength < 4 && $mc.Strength > 2 >>\
<<talk "Simulate bad weather">>
<<md>>There are many situations in life for which it is important to be prepared. One of them is a sudden change in weather. Now I'm going to give the girls some special entertainment. Here's the cannon, now I... Ay... why the jet is so uncontrollable... It hurts... My balls...<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 1 "sub">>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<if $mc.Strength gte 5 && $mc.Boldness gte 3>>\
<<talk "Light exhaustion">>
<<md>>Don't feel sorry for girls. In life, there will be situations when they need to give all their powers to. For example, if they have to run away from the police. Or in bed... Yes, endurance will not hurt there.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 2 "add">>
<<say $mc>>So, beauties, now we are practicing a special method called "Double Penetration". You will have to do double squats by moving your arm like this. This way, you can target almost all muscle groups. Getting started!<</say>>
<<if $Clara8Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitinionism" 2 "add">>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<if $mc.Strength < 5 && $mc.Strength > 4 && $mc.Boldness gte 3>>\
<<talk "Complete exhaustion">>
<<md>>There will be enough situations in life when girls have to give all their best. Therefore, you cannot feel sorry for girls at all.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, suns, listen to me here. Now we will give our best and we will be proud of ourselves. Forward!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\ALgymmove1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>At first everything happens the way I like it. The girls give their best, but at some point everything does not go according to plan and collapses like a house of cards. One of the girls, tired, falls to the floor, after which others fall after her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Holy...<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 2 "sub">>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 2 "sub">>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<elseif $mc.Intellect gte 5 && $mc.Boldness gte 4>>\
<<talk "Complete exhaustion">>
<<md>>The lesson is moving in the right direction. I'm doing well and each of the girls is like an obedient doll. If I say sit down, they sit down. If you tell me to suck - so they are well to do and. But there is one girl...<</md>>
<<talk "Take the schoolgirl away">>
<<say $mc>>Let's go out - there is a special conversation.<</say>>
<<md>>I gently take the girl out into the corridor, after which I decide how to resolve the problem with disobedience.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 1 "add">>
<<talk "Threat her">>
<<md>>Nothing speaks for itself like strength. So I grab her by the neck.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Listen here. You either obey, or I will make your life very, very terrible. Do you understand me?<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 1 "add">>
<<if $Clara14Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<md>>She nods, frightened, and then I let her go. I hope this case will not happen again. And if it happens again, then I know how to act.<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<talk "Spank her">>
<<md>>This girl is just asking for attention. I know girls like that. The main thing for them is to be in the center of everyone's attention.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You were a bad student today...<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 1 "add">>
<<md>>I slap her ass loudly, she screams but doesn't pull away. No, she likes it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Stop your childish rebellion.<</say>>
<<md>>When I finish, she smiles. Well, she got her dose of attention. Good.<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<talk "Talk with her">>
<<md>>We are all human and everything can be achieved with words. It remains only to convey this to the girl.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Look, everyone was doing well today. But something happened to you. Everything is good.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<md>>She begins to tell me why her exercises failed today. Well, that's a really good reason...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, next time everything will work out...<</say>>
<<md>>At least I want to believe it.<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<if $mc.Intellect gte 6 && $mc.Boldness gte 4>>\
<<talk "The practice of sexual formations">>
<<md>>Looking at these sexy bodies, one can hardly think of anything other than a special order. When the competition begins, they will definitely have to distract their rivals with something. And I even know how.<</md>>
<<if $Sophia3Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 2 "add">>
<<say $mc>>Let's change our plan a little. Today we will be practicing a tuning called Peach. I think you understand what I mean... You need to sit in a circle with your back to each other, like this and spread your legs as wide as possible... Well done! Now let's practice!<</say>>
[[Finish the lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<if $mc.Intellect < 6 && $mc.Intellect > 4 && $mc.Boldness gte 4>>\
<<talk "The practice of sexual formations">>
<<say $mc>>Today we will try something special...<</say>>
<<md>>But as soon as I say that I want to see something special from them and that they slightly parted their legs, they tell me that they are a pervert.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism 2 "sub">>
<<md>>It doesn't look like it was a good idea...<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<if $mc.Intellect gte 6 && $mc.Boldness gte 6>>\
<<talk "The practice of sexual movements">>
<<say $mc>>Let's have fun, because lessons should be fun and enjoyable. See that pole. Today you will learn to spin around him so seductively that no man can resist. Forward!<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 2 "add">>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<md>>One by one the girls began to approach the pole. They did it very well - most of the beauties spun around the pole very evenly and not even devoid of sophistication.<</md>>
<<md>>It's a free strip bar!<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<if $mc.Intellect gte 6 && $mc.Boldness < 6 && $mc.Boldness > 4>>\
<<talk "The practice of sexual movements">>
<<md>>I know what will help these girls and me. The best option that can be. That is why I got them a huge pole, around which they will train their movements.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's get some treatment. You wanted the lessons to be more interesting . Let's go!<</say>>
<<md>>The girls start to move and I love to enjoy the show.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>What are you doing here ?! We turned the school into a brothel!<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 2 "sub">>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 2 "sub">>
<<md>>Clara looks at me in annoyance and I understand that there is absolutely no way to retreat.<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<if $mc.Intellect gte 6 && $mc.Boldness gte 6 && $mc.Charisma gte 8>>\
<<talk "Orgy">>
<<set _ALOrgy = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _ALOrgy.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>These girls are so outspoken in my lessons and are not at all ashamed of their bodies. Their every movement is filled with grace, revelation and sexual energy. So the time has come for the most important training in their life.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Today, you will reward each other for all the efforts you put into these lessons. Take off your clothes, you don't need them.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 3 "sub">>
<<md>>The girl, one by one, is freed from the clothes that hold them down. Yes, training is not in vain. Their bodies are perfect.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And now kneel in front of each other... Kiss on the lips... Now grul, play with your nipples... And finally start licking pussy...<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 3 "add">>
<<md>>Oh, what a gorgeous sight it is. I want to join them, but then I won't see how their bodies tremble with pleasure...<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>These girls are so outspoken in my lessons and are not at all ashamed of their bodies. Their every movement is filled with grace, revelation and sexual energy. So the time has come for the most important training in their life.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Today, you will reward each other for all the efforts you put into these lessons. Take off your clothes, you don't need them.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 3 "add">>
<<set _ALOrgy2 = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _ALOrgy2.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\ALgymorgy.mp4"></video></div>
<<case 2>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\ALgymorgy1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>The girl, one by one, is freed from the clothes that hold them down. Yes, training is not in vain. Their bodies are perfect.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And now kneel in front of each other... Kiss on the lips... Now grul, play with your nipples... And finally start licking pussy...<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 3 "add">>
<<md>>Oh, what a gorgeous sight it is. I want to join them, but then I won't see how their bodies tremble with pleasure...<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<</if>>\<<text y "Replacement lesson">>
<<if $SchoolGrades > 0 && $SchoolGrades < 16 >>\
<<md>>At the beginning of your journey, it is very important to make friends with all teachers. And for this there is no better way than to help them with their lessons.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 16 && $SchoolGrades < 32 >>\
<<md>>Clara said that my colleagues might need help. I don't mind changing my occupation a bit. And this will help me to understand a little better both colleagues and female students.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 32 && $SchoolGrades < 48 >>\
<<md>>The bird is kept in the air with its wings. People are arranged a little more complicated, but their wings are mutual assistance. Therefore, if I do not want to fall too much, I must not refuse to help others.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 48 && $SchoolGrades < 64 >>\
<<md>>They say who helps others - that wish comes true. My desires are a little sexual, but if I don’t try, I don’t know. In addition, no one has ever refused my help.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 64 && $SchoolGrades < 80 >>\
<<md>>Biology lessons can be tedious at times. No, I adore them, as I adore my class. But sometimes it is better to change the type of activity so as not to burn out completely. Yes, it's time to help your neighbor. That is, female students, ha!<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 80 && $SchoolGrades < 101 >>\
<<md>>Helping with lessons is such a fun thing. It’s like I’m turning into someone else, but at the same time I am myself. What a delightful feeling.<</md>>
<<md>>So who am I going to help out today?<</md>>
<<talk "Lucy">>
<<set _LucyThinksArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LucyThinksArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Lucy is a very kind and interesting woman. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this, especially female students. Often they disrupt her lessons, and the woman cannot cope with them. That's where I can help her.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>I heard that students prefer to skip Lucy's lessons because they are "boring and frivolous." But today they will not have such an opportunity, because their favorite biology teacher will be on the substitute.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Everyone deserves the right to rest. But I haven't seen Lucy rest too much yet. She doesn't sound like a workaholic, rather she's been pushed too much. In this case, I have no choice but to help the poor girl.<</md>>
<<md>>The class is already very lively. The girls are talking among themselves, the noise is incredible. Someone has turned on Dua Lipa, and someone is listening to Lil Peep ... Probably, I will never understand the tastes of young people.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, I will not delay. What's the plan for today?<</md>>
<<talk "Start ordinary lesson">>
<<md>>I'm not going to come up with something new. Their grades are already significantly sagging in Lucy's lessons. If she can't get them to listen, I will.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<md>>I know what to talk about and I do it. I might look stupid, but I don't give a damn about that. I'll teach with the laid-back grace of an old country rapper, and Lucy will see that as an added advantage.<</md>>
<<md>>At least the class listened to my every word.<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $Clara6Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<talk "Let them go">>
<<md>>We all get tired sometimes. Not only teachers, but also students. Sometimes their load is equal to ours and nothing can be done about it. The education system spares no one. But sometimes you just want to relax.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<md>>That is why I tell the students only a few interesting stories, and then I let them loose.<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolObedience gte 20 && $mc.Charisma gte 4>>\
<<talk "Work with problem students">>
<<md>>The problem is always in the details. There are always the weakest links, the black sheep, that spoil the whole flock. That is why I will do what is high time - I will pay attention to them. I am aware of their problems and their disobedience. That is why I am working with them now.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<md>>They listen carefully to my comments, and I listen to them. The conversation turns out to be very productive. Hopefully next time they will listen to Lucy as well as me.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 1 "add">>
<<if $Clara27Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolObedience < 20 && $SchoolObedience > 16 && $mc.Charisma gte 4>>\
<<talk "Work with problem students">>
<<md>>If I want everything to be good in the classroom, then first of all I need to deal with the students who do not listen to me at all.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Can you come out here and tell us what you are talking about?<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 1 "sub">>
<<md>>But they keep pretending that I don't exist. In a different situation, I would have acted differently... But now... There is nothing to do.<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 40 && $SchoolObedience gte 40 && $mc.Boldness gte 6>>\
<<talk "Spank problem student">>
<<md>>No matter how kind and understanding teacher I am, words cannot solve the problem. Some of the female students keep on twittering about their own, just disrupting my lesson.<</md>>
<<md>>To such I have only one measure.<</md>>
<<md>>I grabbed one of the girls by the arm and pushed her onto my desk. Ceremonial with her is not worth it.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 2 "add">>
<<md>>She lifted his skirt, opening two mouth-watering halves and took out a pointer. A loud and sharp thump and she screamed. But it wasn't a cry of pain, no. She liked it. I liked the way the pointer left a red mark on her skin, I liked the feeling of pain and helplessness and that everyone was watching her.<</md>>
<<md>>Very soon she no longer screamed, and moaned without hiding pleasure.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 2 "add">>
<<md>>Well, twenty strikes is enough for today. I didn't want her to finish in front of the whole class.<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism < 40 && $SchoolExhibitionism > 30 && $SchoolObedience gte 40 && $mc.Boldness gte 6>>\
<<talk "Spank problem student">>
<<md>>In such situations, it is important to be tough so that the hand does not flinch. They will definitely regret their disobedience.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Go here!<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 2 "sub">>
<<md>>I grab the girl's hand when she bites me hard on the elbow. Ay! What an abnormal student! I hope she's not a zombie...<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 2 "sub">>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 60 && $SchoolObedience gte 60 && $mc.Boldness gte 8>>\
<<talk "Punish with vibrator">>
<<md>>When I talk about important things, the buzz never stops. Several girls continue to speak with me. Not only I, but the whole class are looking at them. Well, if they love public attention so much...<</md>>
<<md>>I have to go to extremes, but it's worth it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Since you think we should all be watching you, why don't you show us something really special?<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhhitionism" 3 "add">>
<<md>>I hand her a vibrator and take her to the center of the class. If I have to be here, then at least it will be interesting.<</md>>
<<md>>She turns on the vibrator and, without a shadow of a doubt, demonstrates her pussy to the whole class. The vibrator gently enters into her, quite buzzing. The girl squirms and closes her eyes. Her moans grow stronger, even though she tries to control her voice.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 3 "add">>
<<md>>Viscous liquid begins to flow from under her thighs. I love that I can control the situation in this way. Perhaps at least this situation will teach her something.<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<talk "Sophia">>
<<set _SophiaThinksArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _SophiaThinksArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Sophia seems to be a rather strict woman. Usually, these are the ones that female students adore. But surprisingly, you can forget about discipline in her lessons. I wonder what the problem is?<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>I wonder if the students consider me a better teacher than Sophia? You will need to ask Clara... <</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Sofia seems to be such a mysterious woman. I still can't understand is she strict or kind? I only know that I can be better than her as a teacher.<</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>I think we should let Sophia take a break from all this school life.<</md>>
<<md>>The lively atmosphere in the class makes me happy. This means that in front of me are not dead dolls, but living people with their own preferences, problems, or just a special mood. It is pleasant to communicate with such people. And, as I always thought, most often they are kind and helpful people.<</md>>
<<md>>So I can do whatever I want.<</md>>
<<talk "Tell them story">>
<<md>>I am not in the mood to give them another lecture on what needs to be learned. There is also no desire to just teach a lesson. I won't be that kind of teacher today.<</md>>
<<if $Clara11Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<md>>I'd rather tell them an amazing story from my youth...<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, they really liked it, they laughed and smiled. I allowed myself a little more than it is worth, but I do not find fault with trifles. I have created an atmosphere of love and trust that nothing can destroy. I've seen how much they are missing.<</md>>
<<md>>If this is not a success, then what?<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolObedience gte 20 && $mc.Charisma gte 4>>\
<<talk "Kick out naughty students">>
<<say $mc>>So, today I would like...<</say>>
<<md>>But as soon as I start talking, I immediately notice that they are not listening to me. Other girls are talking with me. They do not fall silent, no matter how much I say. Well then...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Get out of class!<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 1 "add">>
<<md>>I grab their hands and kick them away without further ado. The girls try to resist, but I find their weak points and take advantage of them. When they are outside, I calmly continue the lesson.<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolObedience < 20 && $SchoolObedience > 16 && $mc.Charisma gte 4>>\
<<talk "Kick out naughty students">>
<<say $mc>>Today we are with you...<</say>>
<<md>>Of course, the three students are not going to listen to me. I have encountered this phenomenon very often. They will not stop until you show them who is the master of this situation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why don't you shut up when I tell you something interesting?<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "sub">>
<<md>>But my words shake the air and they continue to discuss what they said earlier.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It looks like they are the owners here...<</say>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 40 && $SchoolObedience gte 40 && $mc.Boldness gte 6>>\
<<talk "Force students take off their clothes">>
<<md>>There are actions that you have to do, even if you don't want to. There are people who do not understand any other way than humiliation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's count then...<</say>>
<<md>>Several girls don't listen to me at all. They are busy with something of their own, so it's time to act.<</md>>
<<md>>I take them to the center of the class and they look at me in surprise, as if they did not expect such actions from me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now take off your clothes. If you want to be in the spotlight, you will.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 2 "add">>
<<md>>They look at me in surprise, but then they begin to undress, until they stand in the same underwear at all.<</md>>
<<md>>They are just young and beautiful, because they play with feelings in a completely different way. Their laughter is ringing and a little shy, and somehow it turns out that only this quiet "ha-ha-ha" is heard from all sides in the hall.<</md>>
<<md>>Okay, enough for now...<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 2 "add">>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism < 40 && $SchoolExhibitionism > 30 && $SchoolObedience gte 40 && $mc.Boldness gte 6>>\
<<talk "Force students take off their clothes">>
<<md>>Humiliation is part of the learning process. If some people do not understand normal handling, then I simply have no way out. We need to humiliate them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why don't you take off your clothes?<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 2 "sub">>
<<md>>In response, the girls laugh and offer me, as a true gentleman, to undress first. They seem to have beaten me.<</md>>
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 60 && $SchoolObedience gte 60 && $mc.Boldness gte 8>>\
<<talk "Count the number of orgasms">>
<<md>>I have a universal way to combine Sophia's lesson with my beloved biology. Moreover, even those who do not like this object will love it.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 3 "add">>
<<md>>The moan is heard throughout the audience. The girl began to play with her pussy, stroking it with her hands, so erotic that we, at least some, for a while lost interest in explaining the subject.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It was the first orgasm...<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 3 "add">>
<<md>>The girl continues to play with herself, her case shudders over and over again. Orgasms follow one another, and we watch this magical action.<</md>>
<<md>>When she finishes, enthusiastic applause breaks out in the audience.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, this is a special show.<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<</talk>><<text y "Biology exam">>
<<if $SchoolGrades lte 16>>
<<md>>Excitement is noticeable in the class. Any exam is primarily a test of your nerves. I can understand the excitement of the female students. They are still not used to me, and I am already starting to check what they know. But do I have a choice?<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades lte 32>>
<<md>>My lessons are already going much better, the girls listen not only to me, but also remember a lot of what I say to them. At least I want to believe it. To what extent this is true today will show.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades lte 48>>
<<md>>He who is afraid of knowledge is lost . This is what I have been trying to explain to my female students for some time now. And the smiles with which they are now sitting here on the exam testifies to my success.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades lte 64>>
<<md>>There is no force more powerful than knowledge; a man armed with knowledge is invincible. Yes, this is a great idea that resonates with those who are currently taking the exam. Let's check how invincible they are.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades lte 80>>
<<md>>Knowledge and only knowledge makes a person free. Of course, I'm talking about knowledge of such a beautiful subject as biology, nothing else.<</md>>
<<md>>All lessons will make no sense if I am completely forgiving of my class. Any knowledge must be mastered, whether the girls want it or not. I hope Clara will like this method of verification. It's time to start.<</md>>
<<set _ExamGreetArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _ExamGreetArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Good day everyone! Today is our special day, I hope you haven't forgotten? I hope not, because the exam will not be the easiest. Good luck to everyone.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>I see many of you are already ready to answer. How not? Do you need time to get ready? Well, so be it. Let's get started.<</say>> <<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>The exam is an important part of your educational process. Without it, all your knowledge means little. It is important not only to teach , but also to be able to comprehend the most important things. I hope I don't need to remind you that cheating is prohibited? Start preparing.<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $mc>>It's time for the final test! And this is a fight with a tiger! Haha, I'm kidding, you know this is our exam. So you better be prepared to respond properly. And no cheating!<</say>>
<<set _ExamNormCheatArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _ExamNormCheatArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>As soon as I was silent, the most enjoyable part of the class began - preparation. Pens creaked, leaves rustled.<</md>>
<<md>>Even though I knew that this was an important point, I will not hide it, I could not help smiling, seeing how excited some were.<</md>>
<<md>>The girls caught every thought and happiness and bliss were written on their faces. So I tried not for nothing.<</md>>
<<md>>Soon the class will calm down and everyone will begin to assume their own postures. Oh, how nice it is to suddenly see a living human emotion in your eyes!<</md>>
<<md>>One of the girls is already ready to answer. I can ask any question. And it will be...<</md>>
<<talk "About cell division">>
<<md>>This is a rather difficult question, but it will immediately make it possible to understand how much the girl studied the material. After all, for this it is necessary not only to study what is written in the book, no. Here the brain will also come into play.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So what do you know about cell division?<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<md>>The answer is not long in coming. Words flow like a river and it is wonderful to watch this as never before. Each answer pleases me more and more. The student knows how to use the head for sure. Excellent!<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<talk "About hormones">>
<<md>>Today I am not in the mood to ask something very difficult. But there is a desire to simply communicate with their students, to find out what they know. Therefore, the question comes to mind by itself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's talk about the hormones of happiness.<</say>>
<<md>>I am well aware that even a small child can cope with this and I know what she will say now.<</md>>
<<md>>There is joy on the student's face and she easily and naturally begins to talk about serotonin. It is as if the words themselves add up into one free stream, which only makes it better.<</md>>
<<md>>I myself feel overwhelmed with joy.<</md>>
<<if $id.boxofchocolate > 0 && $mc.Charisma gte 3>>
<<talk "Treat with chocolate">>
<<md>>Happiness is in the details, so if I can slightly improve the mood of one of my students, why not do that, right?<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<md>>The girl happily takes a chocolate bar in her mouth and ... Leaves, smiling playfully at me.<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<talk "Praise her">>
<<md>>I think the girl deserves at least praise for such an excellent answer. On days like this, you feel good, even though you know the question was simple. But the meaning of life is happiness, isn't it?<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 12 && $mc.Boldness gte 3>>\
<<talk "About breeding process">>
<<md>>We all know why we are here. Biology is about a person and the creation of others like him, which means there is nothing to avoid these questions.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Tell me about the human breeding process.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 2 "add">>
<<md>>The girl's face turns red, she looks at me in surprise.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do not be shy, I know that you know about this.<</say>>
<<md>>Reluctantly, she begins to speak. I have to cheer her up and force her to speak, but soon the girl herself picks up, after which, without undue hesitation, continues to tell everything that I wanted to hear from her.<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 12 && $mc.Boldness < 3 && $mc.Boldness > 1 >>\
<<talk "About breeding process">>
<<say $mc>>Well, since you’re ready, why don’t you tell me about the breeding process?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl looks at me blushing and as if swallowing her tongue.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 2 "sub">>
<<say $mc>>Don't you know anything?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl continues to be silent, no matter how I ask her. All my efforts are simply wasted.<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 60 && $SchoolObedience gte 40 && $mc.Boldness gte 6 && $mc.Charisma gte 4>>\
<<talk "About masturbation">>
<<md>>All this knowledge makes no sense if we cannot apply it in practice. Biology is the science of the human body in the first place and how to please yourself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Show me how to masturbate properly.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl looks at me dumbfounded, almost jumping up at my unexpected request.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 1 "add">>
<<md>>She looks at me, and I look back at her. Finally she nods and asks how best to do it.<</md>>
<<md>>Best of all...<</md>>
<<talk "Individually">>
<<md>>There is nothing better in the world than an individual and special show from a young and sexy girl. Don't embarrass everyone else with this. I will have time for them. But now my attention entirely belongs to this amazing girl.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 2 "add">>
<<md>>She smoothly spreads her legs and I see her beautiful panties. And she got ready... She pushes the fabric of her panties with her handles and starts playing with her clitoris. She touches herself with her fingers, smiling a little with pleasure. She loves her little secret. Very like.<</md>>
<<md>>Fingers go deeper into the pussy, and her breathing quickens . Her whole body trembles with pleasure, and large beads of sweat appear on her cheeks.<</md>>
<<md>>Now it is deep inside, and wave after wave is passing through the body. She finishes several times and lowers her head.<</md>>
<<md>>Of course, for such a performance, I cannot award her other than the highest score.<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 80 && $SchoolObedience gte 60 && $mc.Boldness gte 8 && $mc.Charisma gte 8>>\
<<talk "In front of the class">>
<<md>>One of the main truths of biology is that we should not be ashamed of our bodies. It is beautiful and we must learn to love it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why don't you show the whole class how you do it?<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 3 "add">>
<<md>>The girl nods, turns to face the class, and then lifts her skirt. She is wearing beautiful panties that instantly appear on the floor. She touches her pussy with her fingers and begins to drive them over the labia, and her eyes are closed with pleasure. She makes slow and pleasant circular movements. I think she is happy. It's amazing how much people love sex.<</md>>
<<md>>Her pussy is already all red, smiling with pleasure, and a loud moan escapes from the girl. When she finishes, juice flows down the vagina.<</md>>
<<md>>I love exams!<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 60 && $SchoolObedience gte 40 && $mc.Boldness < 6 && $mc.Charisma < 4>>\
<<talk "About masturbation">>
<<say $mc>>Why don't you tell us about the benefits of masturbation. Although no, it's even better to show...
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 2 "sub">>
<<md>>The answer to the following - the girl just looks at me in surprise, and then runs out of the class. She may not be ready for this kind of exam yet.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 2 "sub">>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>As soon as I fell silent, a pleasant movement began in the class. Exam preparation has always been one of my favorite parts.<</md>>
<<md>>Pens creaked, leaves rustled.<</md>>
<<md>>Although I knew that this was an important point, I will not hide it, I could not help smiling, seeing how excited some of them were.<</md>>
<<md>>However, I immediately noticed something else. One of the students looked suspiciously at her skirt or leg... Either she is so nervous, or... Yes, after carefully following her, my fears were confirmed. The girl cheated. She cheated.<</md>>
<<md>>I slowly walked over to her, but by then she had already hidden her cheat sheet under her skirt. It's time to do something about it.<</md>>
<<talk "Whisper correct answer">>
<<md>>When I was in school, I sometimes also looked for shortcuts, so getting angry with a student for what I would have done myself is somehow duplicitous. Besides, I'm not in the mood to play bad cop today. Rather, I can help her.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<md>>Looking at her sheet - I immediately understand that I have to whisper to her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The correct answer is...<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles when I tell her the answer and nods gratefully, barely perceptibly. Oh, what a beautiful day.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<talk "Make a comment">>
<<md>>I could pretend I didn't notice, but that would be the biggest mistake. The girl must understand that such an action will not help her at all. Only hurt her grades. So I go over and reprimand her.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 1 "add">>
<<md>>She silently nods and continues to work, but never even once looking at the cheat sheet. I hope this will help her get better and improve her grades.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<if $Clara9Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 2 && $SchoolObedience > 19>>\
<<talk "Kick the girl out">>
<<md>>If you remain blind to such violations, then it will only get worse. Then it becomes the norm not only for a particular girl, but for the whole class. Disobedience will spread like a virus.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you doing?<</say>>
<<md>>The student jerked when I approached her. The clue leaf fell to the floor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I warned that I do not like those who cheat, right? Stand up and come out. Without many words.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 2 "add">>
<<if $Clara23Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<md>>She looked at me pleadingly, but it didn't work and she had to leave the audience.<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 2 && $SchoolObedience < 19 && $SchoolObedience > 15>>\
<<talk "Kick the girl out">>
<<md>>The exam is a very important part of the school of life. And here I have absolutely no desire to endure scammers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I warned that I will not tolerate those who cheat. Get out of class!<</say>>
<<md>>And suddenly she lifts her beautiful eyes to me and... I understand that I cannot drive her out.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 2 "sub">>
<<say $mc>>However... It seems... I got excited...<</say>>
<<md>>After all, I'm not angry enough to drive such a beauty away.<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 50 && $SchoolObedience gte 40 && $mc.Boldness gte 5 && $mc.Charisma gte 3>>\
<<talk "Spread her legs">>
<<md>>Critical action requires critical action. If she thinks she can beat me, then I have to prove how wrong she is.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Miss could you please spread your lovely legs?<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 2 "add">>
<<md>>She looks at me in surprise, but realizes that she has no way out. From this place, I can keep her tight, pink flesh and pretty panties in focus for a long time. I'm going to use this to punish her. She knows that I have power over her.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 2 "add">>
<<md>>She lets me touch her thigh and the stockings that hide the cheat sheet. She tries to smile, but she knows - here she lost.<</md>>
<<if $Sophia6Quest is 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism < 50 && $SchoolExhibitionism > 40 && $SchoolObedience gte 40 && $mc.Boldness gte 5 && $mc.Charisma gte 3>>\
<<talk "Spread her legs">>
<<md>>If a girl thinks she can beat me, then I have a special surprise for her. Nobody has the right to do this to me.
<<say $mc>>Miss, would you mind spreading your lovely legs for inspection?<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 3 "sub">>
<<md>>She smiles sweetly at me and then... I feel unbearable pain. The girl with all her might drove between my legs.
<<md>>And she is not shy!
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 80 && $SchoolObedience gte 60 && $mc.Boldness gte 8 && $mc.Charisma gte 8>>\
<<talk "Pick up the cheat sheet">>
<<md>>I'm not going to stand on ceremony with those who break the rules in my own class. I go up to her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Miss, do you have a cheat sheet?<</say>>
<<md>>She shakes her head stubbornly. Well, I didn't expect anything else.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Then you won't mind if I examine you?<</say>>
<<md>>Even if she does, it won't stop me. My hand gently touches her leg and slowly crawls up, right under her skirt.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 3 "add">>
<<md>>She tries to stop me by pulling her skirt down, but I'm stronger. My hands My hands go under the dress. She doesn't look at me because she knows what I'm doing to her. It's a seductive move, but I'm also looking for paper. If it is not on the hips, then...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is where it is.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 2 "add">>
<<md>>Hands themselves touch her panties and she flinches. Her pussy is so close, hidden behind just a little cloth. Her cheeks start to burn, but she continues to turn away. It only fuels my passion. I ran my hand between her legs. And finally he groped for something alien.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, here it is... Next, use your mind.<</say>>
<<md>>Taking out a cheat sheet, I leave.<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<</switch>>\<<if $SchoolGrades > 0 && $SchoolGrades < 16>>
<<md>>Is there something more useful in the world than swimming lessons? Maybe self-defense lessons. Because as one friend of mine said Swimming is not a sport . Swimming is a way to avoid drowning.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 16 && $SchoolGrades < 32>>
<<md>>Such a great day couldn't get any better. But as it turned out he could. Nothing is more enjoyable than the water in the pool. It seems to calm you down.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 32 && $SchoolGrades < 48>>
<<md>>I never liked swimming lessons at school. Perhaps because I myself was forced to participate in them. But now from the standpoint of an observer, when you look at how water has a positive effect on the elastic girls' bodies... Yes, this is definitely a very wonderful activity.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 48 && $SchoolGrades < 64>>
<<md>>Even if you have the most disgusting day, it is important to be here in the pool. Swimming helps you distract yourself: you ca n't hear the real world underwater. And sometimes this is what you need.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 64 && $SchoolGrades < 80>>
<<md>>All living organisms once emerged from the water. But we shouldn't forget about it. You never know where evolution will turn. And training for these girls certainly does not hurt.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 80 && $SchoolGrades < 101>>
<<md>>Surprisingly, I catch myself thinking that I like being here. The girls are making great strides and each of them is like an Olympic champion. I was definitely lucky to be here. From this, everything rises inside me.<</md>>
<<set _SwimGreetArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _SwimGreetArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>The girls have already obediently gathered around the pool and are waiting for my firm man's hand to guide them on this difficult path.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good afternoon, everyone. Hope you're ready to get a little wet today?<</say>>
<<md>>There was only a chuckle in response. They know what I'm talking about. They are ready to get wet not only from water...<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Young, elastic bodies in bathing suits. Could my day be even better. If they fail to raise champions, then at least I will enjoy the beautiful view.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good afternoon. I see you can't wait to ride the wave. Yes, women prefer the riding position. Well ... Go ahead. Show me what you can.<</say>>
<<md>>Some girls smile maliciously, others lower their eyes in embarrassment, but all one by one plunge into the water.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>When I enter the pool, I hear a slight whisper. Some girls split from others by creating a mini-formation. What's happening?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What's the matter?<</say>>
<<md>>But the answer itself came to me when one of the girls just fainted. Had to send several others to the nurse. I hope everything will be fine with her...<</md>>
<<md>>In the meantime, the amazing world of swimming awaits us.<</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>Quarrels arise even in the most well-coordinated team. But when girls in such costumes fight it doesn't look tragic, it looks sexy. The way they stick out their breasts and how delicious their asses look...<</md>>
<<md>>Well, okay, it's time to send to training, otherwise trouble will not be avoided.<</md>>
<<set _SwimNormInjuryArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _SwimNormInjuryArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>One by one, splashes of water are heard. The spray is flying in different directions, but it's a pleasure to watch. Girls do not hate water, they seem to have been born in it.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\SLSwimGeneral.mp4"></video></div>Perhaps they are all Venus and were born in foam? However, I do not believe in these nonsense. We were all born from a sperm and an egg.<</md>>
<<md>>Such smooth movements, which are just a pleasure to watch. From this sight I seem to fall into a state of trance.<</md>>
<<md>>And suddenly I hear a strange sound. Before I know it, a few girls pull a friend out of the pool and she barely walks. Convulsions. Known issue among swimmers. Some people say that this is only an emotional thing. But what to do now?<</md>>
<<talk "Order to swim on">>
<<md>>If you soften now, then girls will never learn to overcome difficulties. Only the one who can continue the path, even with huge losses, becomes a real fighter. Such skills will come in handy not only in the pool, but also in life in general.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 1 "add">>
<<say $mc>>Go back to swim. You can. If anything, your friends will help you.<</say>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<talk "Show some movements">>
<<md>>Once I was shown a very interesting technique that allowed me to deal with this kind of injury. Of course, I will not hide when girls do it looks very sexy, but it is very useful.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<say $mc>>Here and so... Yes... A little more... Well done... If anything - contact me again - I'll help you.<</say>>
<<if $Clara3Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<talk "Cheer her up">>
<<md>>This girl has already worked very hard today. I followed her and I can say that she laid out like no other.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, it happens. Well done, you showed a good result today. Hopefully next time you'll show yourself even better.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<md>>In response, I was almost blinded by her radiant smile.<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<if $SchoolObedience gte 20 && $mc.Intellect gte 6 && $mc.Charisma gte 6>>\
<<talk "Rub her leg">>
<<md>>This is the perfect time to try something special. I asked to put the girls on the couch, and I myself took out a special balm. In such cases, it is best to do a small massage.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 1 "add">>
<<md>>I started massaging her shins gently and gently until I got the girl relaxed. Then I knelt down and took hold of the washcloth.<</md>>
<<md>>First, I took her fingers in mine, and then continued the massage, manipulating the inside of her leg, as if washing the back. It turned out to be much easier than I could have imagined, and gradually her body came to the same relaxed state as mine.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 50 && $SchoolObedience gte 40 && $mc.Boldness gte 6 && $mc.Charisma gte 6>>\
<<talk "Make special massage">>
<<md>>The girl's body is so vulnerable and weak, she needs a special kind of care. I began to gently massage her leg, my fingers touching her thigh, everything disappeared. She pushed her leg away and giggled uncertainly. I already knew what would happen after that - the cheeks will acquire a delicate pale pink tint, and the rounded bulges of the chest will be in the shape of the letter "V".<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 3 "add">>
<<md>>I ran over her thigh and began to massage the most sensitive spot through her clothes. The girl moaned slightly as I touched her pussy through her clothes.<</md>>
<<md>>My fingers began to roam over her body, and in a second she understood everything. She began to move her pelvis, causing her leg to fall on my shoulder, and I felt that she had finished. How wonderful.<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>The splash of water is heard in my ears. As if the most beautiful fish girls dive, slightly protruding their asses. Wet maiden bodies are a special piece of art. They bring new life, and this is new - full of meaning and freedom, as if the sun lives inside them.<</md>>
<<md>>One by one they intensify and slow down. When I see that someone is doing a little worse, I advise them to work on their technique. But most of them are great. If they continue in this spirit, they will be able to reach unprecedented heights.<</md>>
<<md>>That's all. It's time for the girls to go to the dressing room. I will go there too. Something needs to be clarified.<</md>>
<<talk "Go to girl's dressing room">>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\SLundress1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Noise and din reigns in the locker room, but it is very cozy here. I don’t know this because there are so many sexy girls or something else for that, but the feeling here is gorgeous. So, I almost forgot what I'm here for.<</md>>
<<if $VeronicaLingerie == 0 && $ling1 > 0 && $VeronicaQuest5 > 5 >>\
[[Put lingerie in Veronica's locker|Library]]
<<talk "Enjoy the show">>
<<md>>I'm not here to tell the girls anything. No, watching them from afar, I just wanted to see even more what was under these sexy costumes.<</md>>
<<md>>And now is the moment.<</md>>
<<md>>Naked girlish bodies appear in front of me, from which it takes my breath away. Women from the world of dreams. Young and very juicy. They are all different, but so seductive. I am drawn to them, but I am in no hurry.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 1 "add">>
<<md>>I do not see anything wrong in them, and I do not intend to seduce them. I just watch them. I can look at them, enjoy their beauty, fall in love again.<</md>>
<<md>>Several girls have already noticed me and are smiling seductively.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, this is happiness. How wonderful...<</md>>
<<if $Sophia2Quest is 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 60 && $SchoolObedience gte 60 && $mc.Boldness gte 6 && $mc.Charisma gte 6>>\
<<talk "Sneak into shower">>
<<md>>After the girls change their clothes, a very special performance awaits me. This is the reason why a lot of guys want to be in the women's locker room.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 2 "add">>
<<set _SwimShowerArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _SwimShowerArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>The shower has always seduced young guys. After all, there is nothing more beautiful and seductive than a girl who caresses herself under streams of water.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 2 "add">>
<<md>>Some guys are willing to do anything to see how slowly and smoothly she does it.<</md>>
<<set _SwimShowerArray2 = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _SwimShowerArray2.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\SLshower1.mp4"></video></div>
<<case 4>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\SLshower2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Her fingers gently squeeze her breasts while the jets of water make her body even more sexy. And when she starts to bend over, her skin glistens with water that runs down her body on her naked sides.<</md>>
<<md>>This view fascinates me directly. Yes... This is why you should love the lessons.<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<talk "Praise them">>
<<md>>Today's performance was just perfect. Each of the girls deserves special words. About how incredible their efforts were, what successes they are making and that they have great prospects.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 2 "add">>
<<if $Clara18Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<md>>I'm not an expert, but I really think so. The success of the school depends on their satisfaction, because everything is fine here.<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 80 && $SchoolObedience gte 80 && $mc.Boldness gte 8 && $mc.Charisma gte 8>>\
<<talk "Give them something special">>
<<md>>I'm here for a special encouragement. The girls performed so well that it is impossible to leave them without an award. And my reward is somehow too solid now. Hehe.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 3 "add">>
<<set _SwimPoolSuck = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _SwimPoolSuck.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\SLlocker.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>The girl look at me in surprise when I take out my special gift. They seem to want to run away, but I know they don't mind trying a special treat.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 2 "add">>
<<md>>She silently and obediently kneel down and lick my cock. I smile and insert my present in her mouths. And then to her suckmate. They deserve it equally. They were lovely. And they suck just as beautifully now, until finally I explode with a fountain of pleasure on their faces.<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Sometimes you have a strange feeling that you should stay in a certain place as long as possible. As if this event may not happen again. And now, looking at the girls in the corridor, it seems to me that another moment and the spell will dissipate.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What a difficult choice...<</say>>
<<md>>I think I said it out loud, one of the girls heading to the locker room is glancing at me. The choice is really difficult. Should I go to class or...<</md>>
<<talk "Visit dressing room">>
<<md>>I cannot resist the temptation - I have to spend a little more time with these beauties. And where can you get to know them better, if not in the locker room? The place where they are most revealing and naked.<</md>>
<<md>>And yes, I'm not wrong. When I enter, I witness how the girls, slightly flirting with each other, undress. They slowly move towards each other and get lost in each other, sometimes pretending that they are shy.<</md>>
<<md>>What a beautiful sight...<</md>>
<<talk "Continue watching">>
<<md>>But this is only the beginning, the most interesting is ahead of me.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 1 "add">>
<<md>>The girls begin to stroke each other, pull off their clothes, showing off their beautiful alluring bodies.<</md>>
<<md>>Everything happens as if by itself, without my command. But I stand close enough to grasp every nuance of what is happening. And I really like it.<</md>>
<<talk "Continue watching">>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 1 "add">>
<<md>>No, I'm sure they have something to show me besides the chest. Leaving now was a crime. Oh, what beautiful bodies they have... What kind of skin... Yes, this ass is very beautiful. I would love to see how it moves.<</md>>
<<md>>But? It seems she is left alone and is not going to dress...<</md>>
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 50 && $SchoolObedience gte 40 && $mc.Boldness gte 6 && $mc.Charisma gte 6>>\
<<talk "Masturbate">>
<<md>>A girl without clothes - what could be more beautiful. Unless... How gorgeous!<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 2 "add">>
<<md>>She touches her pussy with her fingers. The fingers gently enter the inside of the rosebud.<</md>>
<<set _SwimMasturbate1 = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _SwimMasturbate1.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\SLLockermast.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>It's really so amazing there. They caress him infinitely gently, and the more they move, the more I want to do the same.<</md>>
<<md>>I take out my dick and start jerking off. I can clearly see everything that happens to the girl. She gently, very gently moves it along her wet lips.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 2 "add">>
<<md>>From this sight, pleasure covers me. And when a juicy moan escapes from her lips, a lot of liquid escapes from me.<</md>>
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 80 && $SchoolObedience gte 60 && $mc.Boldness gte 8 && $mc.Charisma gte 8>>\
<<talk "Fuck girl">>
<<md>>I cannot fight my desire - it is too strong. A girl without clothes is too beautiful, so I go to her. I already have a hard cock in my hands.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 3 "add">>
<<md>>She doesn’t resist, only smiles playfully. The student grabs my neck and spreads her beautiful legs. The member gently enters her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah...<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience 1 "add">>
<<md>>Slow motion in her body. Love prelude. I try to move as carefully as possible, but our slowness has an exciting effect on her. She bends like a cat, asks for my arms and buries her face in my neck. This is just a miracle.<</md>>
<<md>>How much I love my job!<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<talk "Go away">>
<<md>>As much as I like everything that I see, it's not worth playing with fire. If I stay here even longer, I am afraid that the consequences could be very bad. Yes, and I can not restrain myself. Better to wait for the girls in the pool.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<if $Clara30Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<talk "Go away">>
<<md>>As much as I like everything that I see, it's not worth playing with fire. If I stay here even longer, I am afraid that the consequences could be very bad. Yes, and I can not restrain myself. Better to wait for the girls in the pool.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<if $Clara30Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<talk "Go away">>
<<md>>As much as I like everything that I see, it's not worth playing with fire. If I stay here even longer, I am afraid that the consequences could be very bad. Yes, and I can not restrain myself. Better to wait for the girls in the pool.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<if $Clara30Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<talk "Go away">>
<<md>>As much as I like everything that I see, it's not worth playing with fire. If I stay here even longer, I am afraid that the consequences could be very bad. Yes, and I can not restrain myself. Better to wait for the girls in the pool.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<if $Clara30Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<talk "Go to the pool">>
<<md>>The pool is quite quiet and cozy. All this atmosphere, water brings me into a state close to meditation. One by one, girls come here, from whose presence it becomes much calmer and more joyful. Yes, they are special...<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<say $mc>>Nice to see you again, my fish. Let's swim and discover all the delights of water!<</say>>
<<md>>Splash and the first fish plunged into the water.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\SLSwimGeneral2.mp4"></video></div>Behind her is the next girl with a special technique, and here is the third. Laughter is heard from everywhere and spray is flying. I look into the eyes of each of the girls with a smile, catch their glances and get great pleasure from it. What could be better for me?<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<if $id.pants3 > 0>>\
<<talk "Join them">>
<<md>>Finally, I also dive into the water. It is very easy under water, and I just swim to the goal, namely to the middle of the pool, where many beauties have gathered. They are all very joyful and it attracts me.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<say $mc>>Well, girls, are you ready for a deep dive?<</say>>
<<md>>They look at me hesitantly. Something needs to be done. Wait, I think I see one of the girls struggling to stay in the water.<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<if $id.pants3 > 0 && $mc.Strength gte 6>>\
<<talk "Help girl to swim">>
<<md>>You can't leave a girl in trouble.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you okay?<</say>>
<<md>>She nods, but I see that this does not solve the problem at all. She will drown so much if nothing is done! So I pick up the girl and help her swim. It takes a lot of effort at first, but soon her successes become more evident.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 1 "add">>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 2 "add">>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<if $id.pants3 > 0>>\
<<talk "Splash water">>
<<md>>They are so beautiful and funny that you just want to have fun with them. Therefore, I swim up to them and begin to splash with water. The girls laugh cheerfully and start splashing in response too. Very soon the whole pool is involved in this. How wonderful it is to have your time like that!<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 2 "add">>
<<if $id.wglass> 0>>\
<<talk "Spy on them">>
<<md>>I think the most interesting thing will be if I dive. They all swim, why don't I do the same? Well...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Forward!<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 2 "add">>
<<md>>I put on my glasses and dive. The feeling that grips me under the water is just amazing. What I like even more is this view. I see gorgeous girls' asses, they beckon and seduce me. I touch one of them, but the girl doesn't even react. She even lifts her ass. She likes it. Now her breast.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\SLSwimSpy.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Oh... Will need to repeat next time.<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<if $SchoolGrades > 0 && $SchoolGrades < 16>>\
<<md>>This class... I still feel like I'm in a cage in it. Do not know. I should feel good, but something is getting in the way. It's like I'm under a huge hood that is about to slam shut...<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 16 && $SchoolGrades < 32>>\
<<md>> How much does freedom cost? Freedom is amorphous, my freedom is in my head, being in this class I feel like I'm at home. No one and nothing prevents me from being myself. <</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 32 && $SchoolGrades < 48>>\
<<md>>Step by step, the shadow of my overseer is getting smaller. Clara had already stopped following me so closely. She seems to like my progress. But it's too early to relax. Something can happen at any moment.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 48 && $SchoolGrades < 64>>\
<<md>>What does it mean to be free? Once my father asked me this and I did not know what to answer him. And does the 12-year-old guy know anything about it. But now I know what it is. Doing what gives you pleasure is what it means to be free. However, even this can be infringed...<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 64 && $SchoolGrades < 80>>\
<<md>>My successes and the successes of the girls are the best achievement for me in the last few years. Even all the money I earned will not replace the feeling of success that I found here. I hope Clara is happy with me ... Oh, here it is!<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 80 && $SchoolGrades < 101>>\
<<md>>Just look at all those happy faces. Each of the girls here is smiling. This is the highest degree of freedom, right? The angles of the lips in a smile are proportional to the degree of freedom, right?<</md>>
<<set _HeadmisGreetArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _HeadmisGreetArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Clara>> $mc.Name, how you doing? I was nearby and decided to look in on you. Do you have everything under control? I really hope so. <</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Clara>>How are you doing? Hope the class isn't giving you any trouble? These girls look like cute kitties, but believe me, they can tear your adorable face with their claws.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Clara>>And here is you. I hope I haven't interrupted anything particularly important? I just got the feeling that I should be here.<</say>>
<<talk "It's fine!">>
<<say $mc>>Of course! I'm just discussing the subject of the lesson with the students. So you can be calm. They will be noble citizens of a noble country. God Bless America.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Are you really a biology teacher? I hope you don't become a Mini-Mussolini. I'll be watching you!<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<md>>What a terrible comparison! I am more cultured, smarter and more beautiful!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ahem, ahem. Bye!<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $Clara.AffectionLvl > 1>>\
<<talk "Offer to stay in the classroom">>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course, everything is great. But you could have stayed and watched the lesson. And maybe even take part in it. I think we would all be very happy.<</say>>
<<set _HeadmisStayArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _HeadmisStayArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Clara>>Sure I want to see how your lessons go.<</say>>
<<md>>With some kind of smile, Clara sits down on the back desk. Her presence gives the class a little excitement, but very soon we continue our lesson.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, let's continue our topic. The amount of fat in a woman's breasts varies greatly. For some women, breasts are made up almost exclusively of fat. As a consequence, their breasts can vary greatly in size with fluctuations in body weight.<</say>>
<<md>>And suddenly, almost loudly in the classroom, the shout appears. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Freedom for boobs! Freedom!<</say>>
<<md>>Everyone starts laughing. In a different situation, I would have laughed, but here is Clara.<</md>>
<<md>>This situation is best dealt with as quickly as possible.<</md>>
<<talk "Make joke">>
<<say $mc>>Yes, the chest should be free! Who even came up with these terribly tight bras! Mine is constantly shaking me!<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<md>>The class bursts into laughter, which Clara also picks up. Her smile gives me confidence that everything will be fine.<</md>>
<<md>>The rest of the lesson takes place in a relaxed atmosphere.<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<talk "Discuss">>
<<say $mc>>Yes, women's underwear is a problem in the modern world. As for me, a woman does not need to wear it, as our ancestors did... What do you think?<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<md>>One by one, the girls are included in the conversation, offering more and more new options. We discuss various statements, now and then returning to the topic of the lesson. I feel that they are really interested in this topic.<</md>>
<<md>>But the most important thing is that they think well, which means that this lesson was not in vain.<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $mc.Intellect gte 6 && $mc.Boldness gte 6>>\
<<talk "Ask to demonstrate on herself">>
<<say $mc>>If your bra bothers you so much, perhaps you will show by your example how to deal with it?<</say>>
<<md>>I smile because I know the girl is bluffing. She never... And at this moment the girl simply throws off her blouse, and with it her underwear, showing everyone her luxurious breasts.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 1 "add">>
<<md>>A girl, and knows exactly how to use her appearance to the maximum extent for her.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara sits with her mouth open, and I have nothing to say. It remains only to continue the lesson, every now and then staring at the girl and her breasts.<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $mc.Intellect < 6 && $mc.Intellect && $mc.Boldness gte 6>>\
<<talk "Ask to demonstrate on herself">>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, if your clothes bother you, why don't you show it on yourself?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl smirks and then a book flies in my direction.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>You think I'll show my boobs to everyone. Wipe up your saliva!<</say>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Clara>> Thank you for the invitation. With pleasure.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara does not say any more words, but silently follows to the back desk and sits down. Now almost no one is looking at her, most of the eyes are focused on me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>From a biological point of view, a kiss is the most complete exchange of information with another person.<</say>>
<<md>>The girls listen to my every word and I feel like an actor on stage.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Smell, taste are channels of chemical communication that subconsciously tell us whether a partner is right for us.<</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly one of the girls pulls out her hand. Something doesn’t suggest that she doesn’t want to praise me. But I can't ignore her. She asks if I can show you how to kiss correctly. Of course this is a trap ...<</md>>
<<talk "Make joke">>
<<say $mc>>You know this is the era of epidemics. A kiss is also a source of infection. Are you sure you want to catch the boring epidemic from your teacher?<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<md>>The laughter spreads as a class. So, now you can continue the lesson.<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<talk "Explain">>
<<say $mc>>Sorry miss, but the relationship between teachers and students is strictly prohibited. Let's get back to our topic better...<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<if $Clara29Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<md>>I continue to explain why the kiss is really good and the girl doesn't bother me anymore. But others, who are really interested in it, gladly absorb all the knowledge that I give them.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 1 "add">>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $mc.Intellect gte 6 && $mc.Boldness gte 6>>\
<<talk "Try on the other girl">>
<<say $mc>>Why don't you ask your friend for help? I heard the girls don't mind trying something special...<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 2 "add">>
<<md>>And at this moment the class bursts into applause. But they are not at all to me and not to my witty answer. They are two schoolgirls who started kissing in front of everyone. They show us their skills, and I don't know how to react to this.<</md>>
<<md>>All I can do is forget about it and continue the lesson. But how hot they are!<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 2 "add">>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $mc.Intellect < 5 && mc.Intellect > 2 && $mc.Boldness gte 6>>\
<<talk "Try on the other girl">>
<<say $mc>>Why don't you show how two beautiful girls are kissing?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl smirks and then a book flies in my direction.<</md>>
<<md>>I smile, looking at the girl because I know that here I have definitely won. She will have no other choice but... And suddenly the doors slammed loudly.<</md>>
<<md>>She left... And I was left without a beautiful sight. How sad it is.<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Clara>>Thanks for your invitation. I hope it will be alright.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara sits down on the back desk. Her presence gives the class a little excitement, but very soon we continue our lesson.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 2 "add">>
<<say $mc>>So, the digestive system is an important part...<</say>>
<<md>>Clara follows the class closely, and I continue to teach the lesson. A couple of times she even raises her hand and interrupts my torrent, wondering what some things are even more than the students. Well, it looks like it didn't go so badly!<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<</if>>\<<text y "Biology lesson">>
<<if $SchoolGrades > 0 && $SchoolGrades < 16>>\
<<md>>Everything seems to be in place. The lesson must begin, and I must be calm. I need to show my best side for the headmistress if I plan to stay longer at this place.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 16 && $SchoolGrades < 32>>\
<<md>>The lesson is about to begin, so it's time to start your duties. Fortunately, now the students are already looking at me carefully. It's time to immerse them in the amazing and magical world of knowledge.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 32 && $SchoolGrades < 48 >>\
<<md>>The morning is very good. Clara is satisfied with my success, there is no excitement. There is only joy that today's lesson will be something special. Well, it's time to start...<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 48 && $SchoolGrades < 64 >>\
<<md>>Girls today are a little more active than usual. And I think I know the reason. They like me and biology. It's already part of their lives and their nature. Speaking of lesson. What should they be told about today?<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 64 && $SchoolGrades < 80>>\
<<md>>The successes of my students are simply magical. Every day they make me happy more and more. They are helpful and good listeners. We need to throw them some more interesting material.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 80 && $SchoolGrades < 101>>\
<<md>>How good it is to be here when your every word resonates in the hearts and minds of these young girls. I am truly a Happy Person. But, it's time to start.<</md>>
<<set _RegularGreetArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>\
<<switch _RegularGreetArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Good day! Please be quiet, let's start studying our fascinating biology. The sooner we start , the faster we will finish. Today's subject of our lesson will be...<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>Good afternoon! How many beautiful and inquisitive eyes I see. I see you already asking me what topic awaits us today. And I'll tell you now. Today we're going to talk about...<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>Class, good afternoon! Something is too noisy in the classroom today! Good mood? Just great! So let's not waste it and find out what topic awaits us. And that's...<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $mc>>I am very glad to see you all. Today we will plunge into the world of knowledge. Our journey will not be very long, but very exciting. So today we're going to talk about...<</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $mc>>Class, attention, I know what you have already thought. And yes, you are completely right, our topic today is...<</say>>
<<talk "About animals">>
<<say $mc>>So let's talk about what we have learned from animals.
Humans didn't invent masturbation. We have an urge because our ancestors are too, even before the earliest mammals and reptiles. It's likely that once animals developed brain circuits that made genital stimulation beneficial, humans began taking the opportunity to reward themselves.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Male lizards have a double phallus (their hemipenes) that goes far beyond the bizarre head we see in some marsupials: each has its own channel for sperm, and animals can use them independently, changing sides each time they copulate. Many species also regularly rub their hemipen on the ground, sometimes daily when the breeding season arrives.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thus, we see that not only humans are able to have fun.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<talk "About plants">>
<<say $mc>>When we say reproduction, nice pictures immediately line up in our heads, right? But the fact is that reproduction is inherent in all species, otherwise we would simply not be here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Reproduction is the reproduction of individuals of their own kind. It allows you to maintain continuity between generations and maintain the number of populations at a certain level.
But not only people do this, but also animals and plants. We will talk about the latter.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Vegetative reproduction is not associated with the formation of special organs of reproduction and cells. It is carried out with the help of vegetative organs of the plant: stem (cuttings and cuttings), leaves, buds, rhizomes, creeping shoots, bulbs, root offspring (this is how plants that can form buds on the roots multiply), leaf cuttings and tissue culture (growing in a test tube).<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Vegetative reproduction in natural conditions is biologically advantageous when in the struggle for existence it is necessary to quickly master new habitats, to capture large areas for resettlement and nutrition. So in lily of the valley and mine it is the only way of reproduction due to the lack of favorable conditions for seed reproduction.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Asexual reproduction is carried out with the help of spores. A spore is a specialized cell that germinates without merging with another cell. Spores can be diploid (formed as a result of mitosis) and haploid (formed as a result of meiosis); they can have flagella for movement (in algae) or spread by wind and water (fern, moss).<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sexual reproduction - associated with the fusion of specialized germ cells - gametes with the formation of a zygote. Gametes can be the same and different in morphological terms. Isogamy - fusion of identical gametes; heterogamy - a fusion of gametes of different sizes; oogamy is the fusion of a motile sperm with a large immobile egg.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 1 "add">>
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<talk "About cells">>
<<say $mc>>Cell division is the process underlying the reproduction and individual development of all living organisms. The main role in cell division is played by the nucleus. <</say>>
<<md>>To my surpise class listen to me attentively.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mitosis is an indirect cell division that is widespread in nature. Thanks to mitosis, an even distribution of genetic material between two daughter cells is ensured. Mitosis consists of four consecutive phases. The period of cell life between two mi-Gothic divisions is called interphase. It is ten times longer than mitosis. In this phase, there is a synthesis of ATP molecules and proteins, doubling of DNA, doubling some organoids of the cell.<</say>>
<<addGrad 1>>
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<if $id.weed > 0 && $mc.Boldness gte 3>>\
<<talk "About ways to relax">>
<<md>>I'm not in the mood today to tell the girls about the wonderful world of pleasure. Today I'm just in the mood to get high from my work. And I know a very special way.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>In the world of biology, there are many ways to get pleasure. They are not always tied only to our physiological needs, but at the same time it is our brain that is responsible for them and that in itself is a physiological process.<</say>>
<<md>>As soon as I start talking, I notice that the girls, who had not listened to me before, are now listening as if I were Moses and telling them about God's commandments.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The pleasure center is a general term for a number of brain structures whose stimulation leads to feelings of pleasure. The adjoining nucleus plays a special role in this. It, which is part of the limbic system, plays an important role in sexual excitement and drug intoxication. <</say>>
<<md>>The girls got very excited and started whispering as soon as they heard the nice words.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>You mean the pleasure of drugs and the pleasure of sex are identical? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good question, Veronica. In most cases, the pleasure is similar. Now you and I are going to conduct an experiment...<</say>>
<<md>>I take out one of the bags of pot and show the girls.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Are you going to...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Monica, now we're going to smoke weed and have a special kind of pleasure, similar to what you experience when you masturbate. <</say>>
<<md>>I inhale and the smoke fills the room. It feels so good. I pass it to the girls one by one.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Ha-ha, that's the high...<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi laughs out loud, and her laughter is picked up by the other girls who have already touched the grass. I must say, their tongues are very skillful...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>It's finally a real lesson. <</say>>
<<md>>Veronica winks at me and starts rubbing her breasts through her clothes.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I want to fuck you, $mc.Name! <</say>>
<<md>>Monica, like a real whore, runs up to me, pulling off her clothes. She kneels down and runs her hand over my cock. A wave of shivers runs through my body. And this Monica is depraved, oh, depraved...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll give you something better than weed, Monica.<</say>>
<<md>>My hard cock jumps out of my pants. As she wraps her lips around it, Monica begins to suck it. Her two hands move quickly up and down my muscular chest. I've completely surrendered, and now she's sucking my cock.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\RLMonicaWeed.mp4"></video></div> No, this is so much better than getting high on pot. Monica realizes this and takes my cock as deep as she can, again bringing me into indescribable ecstasy. She lifts her head and looks at me.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Your cock tastes so good...<</say>>
<<md>>She keeps sucking, but she takes turns moving her hands. Finally I cum in her mouth. She smacks deliciously, swallows, and immediately rests her face in my hair. I whisper softly: "We'll fuck again...But then."<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I'll be waiting...For weed and your sweet cock. <</say>>
<<md>>The others laugh and point at us.<</md>>
<<md>>Ha ha, what a great lesson, I like it too much. I hope none of them will blab about what happened here.<</md>>
<<set $id.weed -=1>>
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 6 && $mc.Boldness gte 6 >>\
<<talk "About erogenous zones">>
<<say $mc>>Most of us mistakenly believe that the only gateway to pleasure is to stimulate the clitoris or the penis. No doubt genital stimulation is very, very important, but it is not the only way to make your partner or you have an orgasm. <</say>>
<<md>>The girls listen to me attentively, although I think many of them know very well what they are going to talk about next.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Many of us are very sensitive, which is not strange, because the human body is full of different kinds of erogenous zones. Today we are going to talk about some of them. <</say>>
<<md>>All that remains is to choose how I will teach the class next.<</md>>
<<talk "Fiona">>
<<md>>Oh, here comes one of my favorite topics. When I saw Fiona decide to come to my class, I already knew what we were going to talk about. Her eyes lit up with curiosity and a desire to throw her knowledge in my face as quickly as possible.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona, why don't you tell us a little bit about the erogenous zones?<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, I couldn't wait to listen to Fiona and pour something special out into her, either, but for now I had to listen to her and wait for her to get excited about her own story.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Of course! Erogenic zones are areas of skin or mucous membranes, the irritation of which causes sexual arousal or orgasm.<</say>>
<<md>>Ah, how sweet it is to hear it from a girl's young lips. I could listen to it forever.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>As a rule, the erogenous zones are divided into main and additional ones. The main erogenous zones of most people are all located in a similar way, and the additional ones are usually localized more individually.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, who better than Miss Excellent Girl to tell it like that. Sometimes I think it would be a good idea to get Fiona to help me. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Tell us about the main erogenous zones on a woman's body. <</say>>
<<say $Fiona>> Clitoris. It is generally recognized as the main erogenous zone of a woman. As a rule, the word "clitoris" refers only to its visible small part, located in the upper third of the space between the external labia. However, most of the clitoris, like the underwater part of the iceberg, is hidden from view in the thickness of the tissues. The body of the clitoris bifurcates into two legs, which pass through the base of the labia minora, and a large number of nerve endings are concentrated here. <</say>>
<<md>>Ah, there it is...I notice her cheeks turn pink when she talks about it. I think it's enough to torture her like this-we need to ease her suffering.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Dry theory is good, but the beauty of biology is that we can see in practice how it all works.Maybe you can show us how sensitive this special zone is?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Certainly, sir. <</say>>
<<md>>Fiona walked over to the teacher's desk, where I called her over, and sat down. She slowly pulled up her skirt and gently pulled her panties down. Her fingers with long thin fingernails began to smoothly and gently stroke her small and smooth pussy. As she caressed that little pink lump, Fiona glanced over at me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it, Fiona, let me see your clit... Play with it for a while.<</say>>
<<md>>Her pussy responded to this call with great readiness. She began to caress it with even more enthusiasm.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Yes, look.<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled, looking closely at the flushed pussy and catching Fiona's pleading gaze.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Is that what you want? <</say>>
<<md>>She nodded and began to fondle not only her swollen clit, but also her fingers inside her pussy.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\RLFionaZones2.mp4"></video></div> It seemed as if my assistant couldn't take it anymore. She began to whimper and jump up and down in place. I suddenly felt like I could barely contain myself. <</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Yes, I want you to watch.<</say>>
<<md>>These words made me feel even more uncomfortable. If it hadn't been for class, I would have pinned Fiona to the table and started pounding her luscious pussy, but now all I had to do was wait.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You get turned on when the whole class watches you masturbate. <</say>>
<<md>>Fiona looked down, but she didn't stop torturing her hole. I could see that she could barely contain herself. I opened my mouth to say something when suddenly I felt an electric shock. <</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Yes...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\RLFionaZones2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>It was as if a special change had taken place inside Fiona; she straightened up, looking like a distraught girl who was constantly rubbing her clit. Her pussy made squelching noises. <</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>She finally came loudly, leaving a nice wet mark on my table. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I think that's enough for today. Lesson's over. <</say>>
<<md>>The girls slowly began to leave the classroom. <</md>>
<<talk "Monica">>
<<md>>No one will tell about the zones better than Monica. This girl, so innocent at first glance, is capable of much. Sports training instilled in her the absence of any complexes, so it will not be a problem for her to tell about it. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, can you help me? <</say>>
<<md>>The girl almost immediately stood up gracefully and looked at me intently. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Do you mean the topic of our lesson today? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's what it's about. Tell the class what you know about erogenous zones.<</say>>
<<md>>A short pause, during which I think I have chosen the wrong girl, after which Monica finally decides to please me with an answer. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Erogen zones are areas of the human body that are highly sensitive. Their stimulation can trigger sexual responses such as relaxation, sexual fantasies, arousal and orgasm. <</say>>
<<md>>I see the sea of response as she blossoms more and more. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fine and what erogenous zones can you name? <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Vagina. Anatomically, a woman's vagina, which is also part of the birth canal, is almost devoid of those nerve endings that provide erogeneity to the labia and clitoris. This is quite reasonable: excessive sensitivity of the vagina would make childbirth extremely painful. Nevertheless, many women report a high responsiveness of the vagina to arousal stimuli.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Great, then why are they called the erogenous zone?<</say>>
<<md>>Looking at Monica, I grinned. The girl knew the material perfectly, striving to satisfy all my need for the right answer. And maybe more than that.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>As a rule, during masturbation and sex, vaginal stimulation indirectly and indirectly causes clitoral reactions, e.g. through the area lying anatomically immediately "under" the clitoris (G-spot), or through the tension of the labia minora. Nevertheless, it is perceived precisely as sensations in or near the entrance to the vagina, and for this reason the vaginal erogenous zone is universally recognized.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I see you've prepared well enough, Monica. But would you be so kind as to show us your erogenous zone up close? <</say>>
<<md>>Monica looked up at me, and for a second there was a flicker of uncertainty. Had I overestimated her and not been able to enjoy a great show? <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Of course, now...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica slowly walked over to the teacher's desk and leaned against it. I see she needs a guiding hand in this case. Well, I don't mind helping her at all. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lift up skirt.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl slowly did as I commanded, lifting the fabric of her skirt higher and higher, until a beautiful sight was before me and the rest of the class. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now take off your panties...<</say>>
<<md>>She gently and gracefully, like a cat, pulled off her underwear, and then spread her legs to the side. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now touch your pussy with your hands. <</say>>
<<md>>Monica obediently ran her fingers through her pussy. She did it very gently, and her pussy just looked even more beautiful and fascinated me. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>That's it? Do you want to masturbate here? <</say>>
<<md>>Monica asked it in an innocent voice with a lustful smile playing on her face. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I do... Very much. <</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\RLMonicaZones1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She put her finger in her pussy and stroked it, trying to evoke appropriate emotions in me. It made me feel completely new-I suddenly loved the way she never let me out of her sight for a second while she was doing it. Her movements were becoming more and more confident, and the whole class was watching, which made it all the more spicy.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica groaned, the slightest penetration sending an electric current through her body. She jerked sharply with her whole body and immediately clamped her mouth shut with the palm of her hand. But I could damn well feel how horny she was. Yes, she wanted quite a finger, and what a big one...<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>She continued to play with her pussy as she intensified her movements. I got the feeling that she was doing it not only for me, but also for herself-she really enjoyed pleasuring herself, and, to all appearances, she genuinely enjoyed being watched. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Ah...<</say>>
<<md>>Finally her orgasm overtook her and she flooded my table with her juice. I love my job. <</md>>
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 8 && $mc.Boldness gte 8 >>\
<<talk "About special exercises">>
<<md>>What I want to talk to the girls about is not exactly a common topic, but if Naomi has already agreed to come to school today, it would be a shame not to take advantage of it. Especially since she and I had already talked about the topic of the lesson. And yes, I want to see something special from Naomi. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>All of you are very beautiful, stunning and delightful girls. Right now you are experiencing a state where your body is in perfect shape...<</say>>
<<md>>I start talking and the girls start giggling, pointing at Naomi. Obviously, the girls are very curious about what she's doing here. And now I'm going to satisfy their curiosity. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>But I want you to remember, the human body is a mechanism that needs lubrication... <</say>>
<<md>>Hearing the words lube, the girls laugh out loud, not holding themselves back.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, if you don't do the exercises that Naomi will tell you about, sooner or later your body will become very, very helpless. <</say>>
<<md>>I point to the girl, she smiles softly at me and we begin. <</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Yes...Ummm...That's right. Kegel exercises are designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. <</say>>
<<md>>It didn't seem like those words made any furor among the girls. <</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Yes, I didn't understand what I needed it for either. But if you think about it and put all those phrases about health benefits aside, you need it for one purpose. To be able to drive you crazy with your pussy. <</say>>
<<md>>I smile when I see the effect her simple but effective words have. <</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Imagine that you can control every movement of your vagina. If you want to be gentle, you become gentle; if you want to be hard, you squeeze his cock so that your man can't even move. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why don't you show me some exercises. <</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Of course...<</say>>
<<md>>I could have sworn she said "honey," and it made Lexie snicker indignantly somewhere in the distance. Maybe I was just imagining it, though. <</md>>
<<md>>Naomi quickly, without any foreplay, bent down and let me enjoy the view of her ass for a moment, and then she pulled her dress off. She was completely naked underneath, though there wasn't even a thin strap on her mind-blowingly beautiful ass to hide her perfect body.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>So, the first exercise...<</say>>
<<md>>She spread her seductive legs apart and leaned forward. I could have stared at her indefinitely, but she began to demonstrate how firm and pliable her pussy was. <</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>$mc.Name, could you help me? <</say>>
<<md>>I walk up to Naomi not understanding exactly what she's up to. <</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Stick your fingers in my pussy. <</say>>
<<md>>She spread her pink pussy to the side with her slender fingers. The sight of it and the way she asked me to do it made my pants cramped. <</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>That's it...<</say>>
<<md>>I gently slid my fingers into her pussy, and then a light moan escaped her lips. <</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>And now look...<</say>>
<<md>>Just a moment later, I felt my finger squeeze Naomi's pussy like a vise. I didn't know she could do anything that hard. <</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Now I could do anything with his finger, girls...But we all know that if his finger is there, we want no one to stop. Otherwise I'll break your finger. <</say>>
<<md>>I took the hint and started to move my finger inside Naomi's pussy. <</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>She moaned louder and louder.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\RLNaomiFingers.mp4"></video></div> It seemed to me that we began to move in the same rhythm. <</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Ahhh...Stronger...<</say>>
<<md>>Soon her moans turned into screams. I inserted my second finger into her hot pussy, and she flexed her legs even harder.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>That's it... Don't stop...<</say>>
<<md>>I could tell by her posture that she was close to orgasm, and I followed her to the end, intensifying my movements and feeling her pussy trembling. <</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>More... More... <</say>>
<<md>>She made two quick pelvic movements, cumming. Her hands rested on my chest and she kissed my cheek. <</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Even exercise won't stop us from being weak after an orgasm, though. <</say>>
<<md>>Naomi giggled the moment the bell rang. Oh, what a hot class this was. <</md>>
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 2>>\
<<talk "About humans">>
<<say $mc>>You know, there is a lot of fundamentally important information related to human physiology and psychology, in general, related to human biology. Which is natural, it could not be otherwise, everything that was created by human is somehow connected with him.<</say>>
<<md>>In the same way, any event that occurs on the human level begins from inside us...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Rationality and instincts, consciousness and subconsciousness. The lack of consciousness that is becoming more noticeable every day. I would like to move away from the topic and talk to you about a serious decline in morality, but we will leave it for another time. Let's go back to the human.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 2 "add">>
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 12 && $mc.Boldness gte 3>>\
<<talk "About human anatomy">>
<<say $mc>>The reproductive system is located in the pelvic region and consists of the gonads (ovaries), fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina. Female reproductive cells (eggs) and sex hormones, which affect the enlargement of the mammary glands, the timbre of the voice, etc., are formed in the ovaries.<</say>>
<<md>>The lesson is going very well. Girls absorb every word, they are interested in learning more about their nature. Ah, here's the first curious miss. She is interested in the question of excessive arousal.<</md>>
<<talk "Answer the question">>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 1 "add">>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<say $mc>>Yes, hypersensitivity and multiple orgasms are abnormal, but that does not mean that you cannot live with it. No, moreover, now I will tell you a way to deal with it.<</say>>
<<if $Clara13Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<talk "Continue lesson">>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<md>>As much as I would not like to answer the girl's questions, I know one thing: you need to stick to the topic of the lesson.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Through the uterine (fallopian) tubes that approach the ovaries, the mature egg moves into the uterus, the lower end of which opens into the vagina.<</say>>
<<md>>That's better...<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism < 11 && $mc.Boldness gte 3>>\
<<talk "About human anatomy">>
<<say $mc>>The male and female reproductive systems have a different structure. The male reproductive system is formed by the gonads (testes), their ducts and the penis.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "sub">>
<<md>>I start the topic of today's lesson, but I notice that the students are not listening to me. Some of them laugh, looking at the color of shame that has filled their faces. Others frown. Still others pretend not to listen, and I want to stop this whole booth, but then I remember that I have to finish everything as best I can.<</md>>
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<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 20 && $mc.Boldness gte 4>>\
<<talk "About sexual contact">>
<<say $mc>>Man is a social being. But also, he gets satisfaction not only from social interactions, but also sexual.
People are such unusual creatures also because they can have sex at almost any time. This practice is a direct consequence of our latent ovulation. In most animals, sexual intercourse occurs only during a short period of estrus (estrus), which notifies about the onset of ovulation.<</say>>
<<if $Clara24Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 1 "add">>
<<say $mc>>In the meantime, we humans have sex on any day of the ester cycle. Women stick this to men almost any day, and men willingly act, not at all interested in whether a woman is capable of fertilization and whether she has ovulation. Even today, after decades of scientific research, it is impossible to say with certainty at what stage of the estrial cycle a woman is most interested in male courtship – if this interest has cyclical fluctuations at all. As a result, most sexual acts occur at a time when a woman is not capable of conception.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>From a "biological" point of view, human sexual intercourse is a colossal waste of effort, especially if you adhere to the Catholic view on this issue, that is, you consider sex only as a means of fertilization.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<say $mc>>But that's a huge mistake. Many of you should see sex as a way to live a brighter life, to feel so much better. After all, in addition to obvious things, sexual contact has a positive effect on your health and improves well-being.
And if you want to feel good... you know who to turn to.<</say>>
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism < 19 && $SchoolExhibitionism > 16 && $mc.Boldness gte 4>>\
<<talk "About sexual contact">>
<<md>>No matter how much I put it off, this is the topic that interests my students the most. That is why they attend my lessons and listen so attentively. Well, at their age, it is quite normal to be interested in sexual contact. They grow up, I recognize myself, they know their body...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Humans have sex...<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "sub">>
<<md>>But my words are drowned in the hum of screams that I am an old pervert who came to seduce schoolgirls.<</md>>
<<md>>It looks like they are not ready to hear about it from me yet.<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 40 && $SchoolObedience gte 20 && $mc.Boldness gte 6 && $mc.Charisma gte 4>>\
<<talk "Practice of sexual contact">>
<<say $mc>>Theoretical knowledge is not the only thing you will learn in this lesson.Sometimes practical knowledge is needed no less. Although, of course, who am I deceiving, in such an important topic as biology it is very important to have skill and skill.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 1 "add">>
<<say $mc>>Therefore, today I will choose one of you to demonstrate how to bring pleasure not only to your partner, but also to get it yourself.
Ah, it's good that you volunteered. First, take off all your clothes. Don't worry, you have nothing to worry about. <</say>>
<<talk "General knowledge">>
<<say $mc>>Now squat down... Just like that... This posture will allow you to feel more penetration.
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\RLfuck1.mp4"></video></div>
If you want to feel more intimacy, the missionary pose is just what you will need. You can even swap places.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 2 "add">>
<<say $mc>>Long workouts give a lot of experience. Shift the accent slightly towards the clitoris, in the area of the labia. I'll get closer now. Gently place your feet on the floor so that the legs seem to cover your torso. And put your hands like this...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's enough for today. Next time we will deepen your knowledge.<</say>>
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<talk "Oral sex">>
<<say $mc>>Now open your mouth as wide as possible... Like this... Like you want to eat the largest ice cream in the world. Ideally.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 2 "add">>
<<say $mc>>Oral sex is a great way to please your partner. Not only to please. Also make the sexual exercise erotic. Let me remember: whether it is Freud, or Jung... Unfortunately, he does not mention what he says in such cases.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>To do this, wrap your tongue around the head and make up and down movements. Grasping the testicles with his lips and moving them to the sides, stroking with his hand.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's so... Great ...<</say>>
<<md>>What a wonderful feeling!<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<talk "Anal sex">>
<<say $mc>>Besides the obvious things, there is also a very exotic way to please your partner. Anal sex is the best pleasure you can give your partner. The thing is, the sphincter squeezes the penis very tightly.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 2 "add">>
<<say $mc>>Relax your ass first. Then tell your partner not to rush and insert one finger there... then the second... And then the head of the penis.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The partner knows how to do it. That's all. Therefore, do not rush things, and you will not get bored with each other. Deal? Now relax your buttocks and bend your legs. Let the member go as deep as possible.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, her ass is so beautiful. I love this feeling so much.<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 40 && $SchoolObedience < 19 && $SchoolObedience > 16 && $mc.Boldness gte 6 && $mc.Charisma gte 4>>\
<<talk "Practice of sexual contact">>
<<say $mc>>Everything that you heard in this lesson is undoubtedly important. But this is all just a small part of what you will have to face in real life. Moreover, practical knowledge is simply necessary in our life.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So, today I will choose one of you and we will demonstrate how it happens. So here you are, miss...<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 2 "sub">>
<<md>>I point to one of the girls, but she immediately refuses. When I ask her friend to go out, she also refuses...<</md>>
<<md>>It doesn't look like I can convince them today.<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 40 && $SchoolObedience gte 20 && $mc.Boldness < 6 && $mc.Boldness > 4 && $mc.Charisma gte 4>>\
<<talk "Practice of sexual contact">>
<<say $mc>>Fertilization - the fusion of a sperm with an egg - occurs as a result of sexual intercourse. An erection (hardening and enlargement of the male copulatory organ) occurs as a result of narrowing of the veins and expansion of the arteries of the penis.<</say>>
<<md>>The girls listen carefully and their eyes are full of desire to know more. Of course, I will not disappoint them. They will learn as much as possible from me and now I...<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 2 "sub">>
<<say $mc>>I... I... I...<</say>>
<<md>>I cant. I need to call one of them and demonstrate on it the basics of sexual contact, but fear fetters me. I can not...<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 80 && $SchoolObedience gte 60 && $mc.Boldness gte 8 && $mc.Charisma gte 8>>\
<<talk "Practice of sexual contact">>
<<md>>After we studied with the students, everything that is possible remained the most important part - the practical one. If before I told them and prompted them, today I will give them such an exam of lust. Let them show me everything they have learned.<</md>>
<<if $Sophia1Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<say $mc>>So, today is a special day. Today I will choose one of you and she will demonstrate all her sexual skills.<</say>>
<<md>>It remains only to choose who it will be.<</md>>
<<talk "Random girl">>
<<set _RegularRandom = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _RegularRandom.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>There is no point in choosing someone specific. I am a professional and I shouldn't have favorites. If I do this now, unpleasant rumors will spread around the school. Better to just pick someone at random.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 3 "add">>
<<say $mc>>You miss, today is your happy hour. I remind you of the conditions. You have to make me cum as quickly as possible.<</say>>
<<md>>Without further ado, the girl kneels down and takes out my dick.
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\RLblowjob1.mp4"></video></div>
Her tongue Her tongue immediately begins to lick him, and I can hardly restrain myself.<</md>>
<<md>>Seeing this, the girl starts to move. When she sucks my dick, I'm already somewhere in heaven.<</md>>
<<md>>Holding the girl's head by the back of her head, I make a sharp movement with my hips and finish right in her mouth. All orgasms from first to last belong to her.<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Book/Film]]
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>There is no point in choosing someone specific. I am a professional and I shouldn't have favorites. If I do this now, unpleasant rumors will spread around the school. Better to just pick someone at random.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 3 "add">>
<<say $mc>>You miss, today is your happy hour. I remind you of the conditions. You have to make me cum as quickly as possible.<</say>>
<<md>>Without further ado, the girl kneels down and takes out my dick. Her tongue Her tongue immediately begins to lick him, and I can hardly restrain myself.<</md>>
<<md>>Seeing this, the girl starts to move. When she sucks my dick, I'm already somewhere in heaven.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\RLblowjob.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Holding the girl's head by the back of her head, I make a sharp movement with my hips and finish right in her mouth. All orgasms from first to last belong to her.<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Book/Film]]
<<if $Monica.LustLvl > 4>>
<<talk "Monica">>
<<set _RegularMonicaVaginal = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _RegularMonicaVaginal.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>If there is an ideal candidate for this role, it is Monica. Perfect in every way, she will definitely not miss the chance to serve me properly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, today you are the star of this lesson.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl comes up to me and smiles contentedly. There is not an ounce of cunning in her smile, only kindness.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I will gladly help my beloved teacher.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 3 "add">>
<<md>>She lays me down on the table, and she climbs on top, after taking my penis out of his pants. Her nice pussy envelops the cock with its petals, I feel that this does not bother her. She kind of absorbs my cock, and I imagine how it enters her milky white slit...<</md>>
<<md>>She begins to move up and down, pressing me into the table, and our mouths connect in a gentle and long kiss. I can smell her body - tart and heady. I can not wait. I want more. I understand that I want the same from her.<</md>>
<<md>>And at this moment I cum hard right into her. How gorgeous...<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>If there is an ideal candidate for this role, it is Monica. Perfect in every way, she will definitely not miss the chance to serve me properly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, today you are the star of this lesson.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl comes up to me and smiles contentedly. There is not an ounce of cunning in her smile, only kindness.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I will gladly help my beloved teacher.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 3 "add">>
<<md>>She lays me down on the table, and she climbs on top, after taking my penis out of his pants. Her nice pussy envelops the cock with its petals, I feel that this does not bother her. She kind of absorbs my cock, and I imagine how it enters her milky white slit...<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\RLMonica.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She begins to move up and down, pressing me into the table, and our mouths connect in a gentle and long kiss. I can smell her body - tart and heady. I can not wait. I want more. I understand that I want the same from her.<</md>>
<<md>>And at this moment I cum hard right into her. How gorgeous...<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<if $Lexi.LustLvl > 4>>
<<talk "Lexi">>
<<set _RegularLexiAnal = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _RegularLexiAnal.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Among all the girls, only one emits such strong vibes that I want to fuck her right here and now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, I choose you!<</say>>
<<md>>The girl, as if possessed, runs to me, a wide grin on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>You won't last even two minutes!<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 3 "add">>
<<md>>Lexi starts rubbing against mine in every possible way, which quickly becomes harder than stone. Then she takes off her panties.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Fuck me in the ass! Faster!<</say>>
<<md>>Her ass literally bounces on my cock. I try to cover myself with my hands, but the girl does not pay attention to this and continues to sit down. At some point, her fingers grab my testicles, and I start to cum.<</md>>
<<md>>Magic is not otherwise!<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Among all the girls, only one emits such strong vibes that I want to fuck her right here and now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, I choose you!<</say>>
<<md>>The girl, as if possessed, runs to me, a wide grin on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>You won't last even two minutes!<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 3 "add">>
<<md>>Lexi starts rubbing against mine in every possible way, which quickly becomes harder than stone. Then she takes off her panties.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Fuck me in the ass! Faster!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\RLlexi.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Her ass literally bounces on my cock. I try to cover myself with my hands, but the girl does not pay attention to this and continues to sit down. At some point, her fingers grab my testicles, and I start to cum.<</md>>
<<md>>Magic is not otherwise!<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<</if>>\<<if $SchoolGrades > 0 && $SchoolGrades < 16>>\
<<md>>Wednesday! Wonderful weather, look at these clouds, it's the sun. Without air conditioning, I would die, but there is one. Therefore, nothing prevents me from enjoying the wonderful atmosphere in the air. <</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 16 && $SchoolGrades < 32>>\
<<md>>The classroom is quite noisy, but it doesn't annoy me. The girls just talk to each other and laugh at each other's jokes. Nice, friendly atmosphere. If I want to become their favorite teacher, I hardly need to be annoyed about such things. Although there is still a strange feeling that something will happen. How strange...<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 32 && $SchoolGrades < 48>>\
<<md>>Wednesday is a little Friday, is that what they say? Yes ... Here, staying at the equator of the working week, you feel especially calm and peaceful. On such days, you begin to see more and more clearly and distinctly, and understand that any troubles are just chores. Whatever happens, everything will pass.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 48 && $SchoolGrades < 64>>\
<<md>>There are already quite a lot of familiar faces in the office, but still part of the class is not there. I smile at the girls - they smile at me. Do you need anything for greater happiness? So, it seems that everyone has already gathered, which means you can start...<</md>> <<elseif $SchoolGrades > 64 && $SchoolGrades < 80>>\
<<md>>To be honest, I don't even want to work today. Something just want Dep s uate. And if you want the third day in a row, then today is Wednesday. Okay, it's time to pull myself together, because dozens of prying eyes are waiting for my knowledge.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades gte 80 && $SchoolGrades < 101>>\
<<md>>When I was in school, I always hated Wednesday. But now everything has changed. Today every day is like a holiday. I can come to school in a bad mood, but as soon as I meet the class, everything just disappears. So what's going on there?<</md>>
<<set _DisciplineGreetArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _DisciplineGreetArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>> My dear girls, please take your seats. The lesson begins. <</say>>
<<md>> Everyone, including me, sat down in their seats. But this did not prevent the schoolgirls from the back rows from continuing their dialogue. How disrespectful, in this position it is difficult for me to continue the lesson. <</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>Well, let's not linger, the fascinating world of biology awaits us...<</say>>
<<md>>My voice echoes in the classroom. Some topic instantly becomes the subject of general discussion. I listen attentively to what is happening in the audience, and it seems to me that I see a world where my curiosity and my interest are the main driving forces of human life.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So listen here...<</say>>
<<md>>Most fall silent, but the two students continue to raise their voices.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>So, today we will discuss...<</say>>
<<md>>Something is wrong. I clearly feel that something is wrong today. It’s like an untuned instrument in the smooth and melodic sound of an orchestra. Someone is talking with me. No, not even more. The girls in the back row speak louder than me. An invisible thread breaks inside me. I have to do something.<</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>I, full of enthusiasm and pleasure, start to speak, but as soon as I open my mouth, I hear another voice, not mine. Not even that, there are two of them. Two girls argue loudly, almost breaking into a scream. Not the most pleasant situation. And if nothing is done, then the whole lesson can simply turn into a sheer nightmare.<</md>>
<<talk "Ignore the problem">>
<<md>>Sometimes you just need to let go of a problem and it will resolve itself. It is unlikely that at least one of the girls does this to annoy me. Rather, they don't even think about it and are having a good time. Well, don't bother them.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
[[Next lesson|Headmistress visit]]
<<talk "Make a remark">>
<<md>>What they do is disrespect me in the first place! If you let them continue now, things will get worse. Chaos doesn't grow overnight - it needs small events.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I don't want to hear anyone in class except myself. Do you understand this?<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 1 "add">>
<<md>>The girls look at me in fright and finally fall silent.<</md>>
<<md>>Ah, finally silence...<</md>>
<<if $Clara2Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
[[Next lesson|Headmistress visit]]
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 2 && $SchoolMood gte 12>>\
<<talk "Join the back desk">>
<<md>>I wonder what they are whispering about? Perhaps even about me? So I want to know. This desire is so great that I sit on the desk behind them. If I don’t know their secrets, then at least I’ll calm down the students.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<md>>The girls look at me in fright.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Go on. I'm listening carefully...<</say>>
<<md>>Surprisingly, they quickly fall silent and end their debate. It seems to me that I never knew whether they said something about me or not.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
[[Next lesson|Headmistress visit]]
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 2 && $SchoolMood < 11 && $SchoolMood > 9>>\
<<talk "Join the back desk">>
<<md>>If girls are whispering about me, I definitely need to find out about it as soon as possible. All these secrets are so intriguing... Now I...<</md>>
<<md>>And when I slowly approach them to sit down, I suddenly lose my balance and fall to the floor. Many prying eyes are looking at me.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 1 "sub">>
<<md>>How embarrassing! Well, at least the class is quiet again.<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Headmistress visit]]
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 2 && $SchoolObedience gte 20>>\
<<talk "Expel a schoolgirl from the class">>
<<say $mc>>Shut your mouth!<</say>>
<<md>>Anger in me boils over in an instant. I do not even have time to come to my senses when I stand irritated near the desk of the students and grab one of them by the hand. She screams something, but I don't care. She didn't deserve to be here.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Go out! Get out of here!<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 2 "add">>
<<md>>I do not intend to endure such disrespect for myself. Doesn't want to listen to me - let her get out!<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 2 "add">>
<<if $Clara15Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
[[Next lesson|Headmistress visit]]
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 2 && $SchoolObedience < 19 && $SchoolObedience > 15>>\
<<talk "Expel a schoolgirl from the class">>
<<md>>Disobedience and disobedience have always irritated me the most. This is a time bomb that must be stopped at all costs.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Silence in the classroom! You little miss defiance, get out of class.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 2 "sub">>
<<md>>I find myself next to her, but the girl runs away from me to another part of the class. When I approach her again, the situation repeats itself.<</md>>
<<md>>Okay, I'll leave her alone. The lesson is already flawed. <</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 2 "sub">>
[[Next lesson|Headmistress visit]]
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 4 && $SchoolObedience gte 40>>\
<<talk "Leave the class with a schoolgirl">>
<<say $mc>>Shut your mouth!<</say>>
<<md>>Anger in me boils over in an instant. I do not even have time to come to my senses when I stand irritated near the desk of the students and grab one of them by the hand. She screams something, but I don't care. She didn't deserve to be here.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Go out! Get out of here!<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 2 "add">>
<<md>>I do not intend to endure such disrespect for myself. Doesn't want to listen to me - let her get out!<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 2 "add">>
[[Next lesson|Headmistress visit]]
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 4 && $SchoolObedience < 30 && $SchoolObedience > 25>>\
<<talk "Leave the class with a schoolgirl">>
<<md>>If now the student is allowed to continue her mini-revolt, then my dictatorship in the classroom is doomed to complete and final failure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come with me.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 2 "sub">>
<<md>>I grab the girl by the hand, but she breaks free and runs out of the class. Going out into the corridor - I don't find anyone there. Well, where did she go?<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Headmistress visit]]
<<if $mc.Boldness gte 6 && $SchoolObedience gte 60>>\
<<talk "Publicly punish a schoolgirl">>
<<set _DPSpank = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _DPSpank.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Come to my desk.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl looks at me pleadingly, but this trick will not work. She has to do as I bid.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bend over and pull up your skirt.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 2 "add">>
<<md>>She wants to say something, to justify herself, but I am relentless. She wanted to be the center of attention and I will arrange it for her.<</md>>
<<md>>The pointer whistles to the girl's ass, which makes her squeal. She flinches, but doesn't look up. And only once the gaze meets mine. There is fear in the girl's eyes, and in her eyes... anger boils in me. The anger is so strong that I am ready to tear it apart with my bare hands. But I'm holding back.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 2 "add">>
<<md>>When her ass is all red, and tears are flowing in a stream - I let the girl go back.<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Headmistress visit]]
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>Come to my desk.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl looks at me pleadingly, but this trick will not work. She has to do as I bid.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bend over and pull up your skirt.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 2 "add">>
<<md>>She wants to say something, to justify herself, but I am relentless. She wanted to be the center of attention and I will arrange it for her.<</md>>
<<set _DPSpank2 = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _DPSpank2.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\DPspank1.mp4"></video></div>
<<case 2>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\DPspank2.mp4"></video></div>
<<case 3>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\DPspank3.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>The pointer whistles to the girl's ass, which makes her squeal. She flinches, but doesn't look up. And only once the gaze meets mine. There is fear in the girl's eyes, and in her eyes... anger boils in me. The anger is so strong that I am ready to tear it apart with my bare hands. But I'm holding back.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 2 "add">>
<<md>>When her ass is all red, and tears are flowing in a stream - I let the girl go back.<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Headmistress visit]]
<<if $Clara26Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<if $mc.Boldness gte 6 && $SchoolObedience < 59 && $SchoolObedience > 55 >>\
<<talk "Publicly punish a schoolgirl">>
<<md>>Well, if some people do not understand the normal attitude towards them, I can only apply new, special measures to them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Miss, come to my desk.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl looks at me in surprise, but comes up.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now, lift your skirt up.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 2 "sub">>
<<md>>And at that moment something hot hits my cheek. The girl screams and cries, and then leaves, loudly slamming the door. Only a slap in the face still burns my cheek, reminding me of a shameful failure.<</md>>
[[Next lesson|Headmistress visit]]
<<if $mc.Boldness gte 6 && $mc.Charisma gte 8 && $SchoolObedience gte 80>>\
<<talk "Fuck her roughly">>
<<set _DPfuckOne = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _DPfuckOne.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>The beast wakes up in me as soon as I see that the girl does not put me in anything. I grab her hair and she falls to the floor. I see her beautiful ass and sexy panties.[img[img/school/DsciplineOne.jpg]]<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 2 "add">>
<<md>>This moment is enough for me to get my dick and sharply insert it into her pussy. And it makes me strong and energetic. I don't even notice what is happening to the girl until I enter her balls deep.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<md>>I have never experienced such wild pleasure in my life. At the same time, I have a new and amazing feeling.<</md>>
<<md>>I like the knowledge that we are being watched. Let them enjoy the show!<</md>>
<<md>>A few minutes later, I fill the girl's pussy with my liquid.<</md>>
<<md>>What a hot lesson!<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 2 "add">>
[[Next lesson|Headmistress visit]]
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>The beast wakes up in me as soon as I see that the girl does not put me in anything. I grab her hair and she falls to the floor. I see her beautiful ass and sexy panties.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 2 "add">>
<<md>>This moment is enough for me to get my dick and sharply insert it into her pussy. And it makes me strong and energetic. I don't even notice what is happening to the girl until I enter her balls deep.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<md>>I have never experienced such wild pleasure in my life. At the same time, I have a new and amazing feeling.<</md>>
<<set _DPfuckOne2 = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _DPfuckOne2.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\DPfuck.mp4"></video></div>
<<case 2>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\DPpunish2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I like the knowledge that we are being watched. Let them enjoy the show!<</md>>
<<md>>A few minutes later, I fill the girl's pussy with my liquid.<</md>>
<<md>>What a hot lesson!<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 2 "add">>
[[Next lesson|Headmistress visit]]
<<if $mc.Boldness gte 7 && $mc.Charisma gte 9 && $SchoolObedience gte 100>>\
<<talk "Fuck her and deskmate roughly">>
<<md>>Are they testing me for strength? I run up to the girls and grab both of them by the hair. They screech, but I make them kneel.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>If you do not know how to remain silent, I will force you.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 2 "add">>
<<md>>A member abruptly enters the mouth of one of them. I don't stand on ceremony and start to fuck her hard. A friend watches in surprise, but now it's her turn.<</md>>
<<md>>I just fuck her, plunging into the depth and dramatically pulling the body down. Warm, gentle, fast hole. I finish and by inertia she is a girl, all in sperm fall on the floor. One of them rests on the floor and sobs softly. The other smiles.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 3 "add">>
<<md>>Well, at least one of them liked it. <</md>>
[[Next lesson|Headmistress visit]]
<</if>>\ <<text y "Multimedia lesson">>
<<if $SchoolGrades > 0 && $SchoolGrades < 16>>\
<<md>> I would not like to burden these lovely students too much at the very beginning of our acquaintance. To be honest with myself, I don't really want to sweat either. Let's do something easy. <</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 16 && $SchoolGrades < 32>>\
<<md>>If I want to impress my students, I need to show that I am not as limited as their previous teacher. You can take advantage of your opportunities. Yes, the extra lesson will do them good.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 32 && $SchoolGrades < 48>>\
<<md>>Sometimes it is useful to change the standard course of action to something more relaxed. The change in activity turned the monkey into a human. It's time for me to take up the evolution of my students. And I have a great tool for that.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 48 && $SchoolGrades < 64 >>\
<<md>>Art - has always led humanity to great achievements. It is thanks to him that we were able to become better, to defeat our animal instincts. However, even animal instincts are not so bad if you know where to direct them... Yes, you need to help my favorite students with this.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 64 && $SchoolGrades < 80>>\
<<md>>How many prying eyes. They crave something special, something that we haven't talked about yet. How nice it is to catch on yourself not only the lascivious look of the students, but also the desire to learn new and beautiful things. I will not disappoint them.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 80 && $SchoolGrades < 101>>\
<<md>>Schoolgirls adore me, and I adore them. Therefore, it would be a huge crime to leave them without something sweet in terms of knowledge. Standard lessons are good, but who besides me will show them something really curious?<</md>>
<<set _BooksGreetsArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _BooksGreetsArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>I suggest that we continue our lesson in a different format. Have you ever read literature in biology classes? No? I read it, but my teacher didn't know about it, I doubt that he would have been happy about that.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>Each of us has a dream. And it’s unlikely this morning, when you woke up, your dream was to sit in a boring biology lesson. A book is a dream that you hold in your hands. So let's touch on it.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>Biology teaches us one thing: sooner or later everything ends. Every organism, every cell has its own life cycle. Time is relentless. But books are beacons erected in the sea of time and allow us to better understand this life. Let's try to do this together.<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $mc>>Our body needs vitamins, hormones are required for normal existence. But besides this, if we are guided only by animal instincts, society will fall below the Stone Age. This is why we need to develop our brain. And so today we will plunge into the world of reading.<</say>>
<<talk "Read Charles Darwin">>
<<say $mc>>Despite the fact that I do not doubt the reality of Darwin's theory at all, I want to say that some individuals have not yet passed the stage of evolution. And in order not to doubt your evolution, let me take a book in my hands and read it to you.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<talk "Read Immanuel Kant">>
<<say $mc>>Well, I think you all know the main moralist of all time, Immanuel Kant. You may not agree with his philosophy, but he definitely has information that is worth remembering. Let's read his main works together...<</say>>
<<if $Clara7Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 1 "add">>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<talk "Read Friedrich Nietzsche">>
<<say $mc>>You know, I'm not Nietzsche or a cab driver, but depending on your behavior, I will be one of them. Therefore, my horsies, let's read the genius together and find out what you want me to be.<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<if $Clara20Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<talk "Watch Game of Thrones">>
<<md>>Game of Thrones - Perfectly combines biology and historical events. Here, in equal parts, both the animal nature of man and cunning deceit are present.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<md>>Although I really can't miss the chance to take another look at Cersei's gorgeous boobs. I hope they don’t cut my head off for this...<</md>>
<<if $Clara12Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<talk "Watch biology stuff">>
<<say $mc>>Today we will watch a film about...<</say>>
<<md>>It doesn't really matter what the topic is. You can find an educational film for every taste. In the era of Discovery and National Geographic, this is not at all strange. Sometimes I just get tired of saying the same thing. And so you can even relax a little.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 1 "add">>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 2 && $SchoolExhibitionism gte 15>>\
<<talk "Watch Kissing guide">>
<<set _BFKiss = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _BFKiss.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Today we'll look at the kissing tutorial. I do not recommend testing on an apple, a cat or your grandmother!<</say>>
<<md>>The class took this thing with joy. Still would. Kissing is one of the most enjoyable and exciting things. When the tongues of two people connect...<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<md>>Wait, what is this? Are two girls already practicing kissing? How beautiful it is. But what should I do with this excitement? If I could join them!<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 1 "add">>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>Today we'll look at the kissing tutorial. I do not recommend testing on an apple, a cat or your grandmother!<</say>>
<<md>>The class took this thing with joy. Still would. Kissing is one of the most enjoyable and exciting things. When the tongues of two people connect...<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\BFKiss.mp4"></video></div>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<md>>Wait, what is this? Are two girls already practicing kissing? How beautiful it is. But what should I do with this excitement? If I could join them!<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 1 "add">>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $Clara17Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 2 && $SchoolExhibitionism < 14 && $SchoolExhibitionism > 10>>\
<<talk "Watch Kissing guide">>
<<md>>Today I will introduce these girls to a very enjoyable process. After all, kissing is an important part of our life. This is how we can determine how much we like our partner.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Kiss - what could be more important than this word? But this is not just a word, it is...<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 2 "sub">>
<<md>>And suddenly I am interrupted by a noise in the classroom. All my words are drowned in a sea of exclamations and discontent. The students are shouting that today we are going to do some nonsense, and that they should be immediately released from classes.<</md>>
<<md>>What a nightmare!<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 5 && $mc.Boldness gte 4 && $SchoolExhibitionism gte 40>>\
<<talk "Watch Blowjob guide">>
<<say $mc>>Today you will learn a lot of new things! If you want to practice, I am always at your service!<</say>>
<<md>>Blowjob is a very useful thing. Not only for a man, but for a woman. But now I think about how one of these schoolgirls sucks me off with relish. They are all so hot. Their lips will play with my cock.<</md>>
<<md>>And on the screen, the girl has already got down to business. Deeper and deeper immerses a member in his mouth... Now even deeper...<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 2 "add">>
<<set _BFBlowjob = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _BFBlowjob.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\BFblowjob2.mp4"></video></div>
<<case 3>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\BFblowjob3.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>And now she is almost sucking the head. Reaching for the bag, wriggles like a snake... How cool! It seems, just about, now...<</md>>
<<md>>Here's the bell... I hope none of the girls noticed how excited I was.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 2 "add">>
<<if $Sophia5Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 5 && $mc.Boldness gte 4 && $SchoolExhibitionism < 39 && $SchoolExhibitionism > 30>>\
<<talk "Watch Blowjob guide">>
<<say $mc>>Today I will reveal to you the secrets of such an amazing thing as a blowjob... You will learn how to suck correctly...<</say>>
<<md>>And suddenly my speech is interrupted by loud laughter from the back rows. A wave of laughter rolls over to me and I understand what the point is.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralObedience" 2 "sub">>
<<say $Lexi>>Will you tell us from your experience how to suck? How many dicks have you sucked in your life?<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi... What are you talking about. From her words I felt embarrassed and the mood became almost zero.<</md>>
<<md>>How difficult it is sometimes with these girls...<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 7 && $mc.Boldness gte 6 && $SchoolExhibitionism gte 60>>\
<<talk "Watch Porn Movie">>
<<set _BFPorn = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _BFPorn.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Watching porn isn't just fun. This is a guide to action. The way men and girls interact, the chemistry between them. All this is useful to know before starting to have a sex life.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 3 "add">>
<<md>>The girls carefully observe how the girl lets in one member, and then another one. Excitement hangs in the air. I think I even heard moans. Yes, sure, some even masturbate.<</md>>
<<md>>Oh, how wonderful it is. It is a pity that the lesson ended so quickly.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Watching porn isn't just fun. This is a guide to action. The way men and girls interact, the chemistry between them. All this is useful to know before starting to have a sex life.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralExhibitionism" 2 "add">>
<<set _BFPornVid = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _BFPornVid.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\BFporn.mp4"></video></div>
<<case 2>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\BFporn1.mp4"></video></div>
<<case 3>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\BFporn2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>The girls carefully observe how the girl lets in one member, and then another one. Excitement hangs in the air. I think I even heard moans. Yes, sure, some even masturbate.<</md>>
<<md>>Oh, how wonderful it is. It is a pity that the lesson ended so quickly.<</md>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 1 "add">>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 7 && $mc.Boldness gte 6 && $SchoolExhibitionism < 59 && $SchoolExhibitionism > 49 >>\
<<talk "Watch Porn Movie">>
<<set _BooksPornArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _BooksPornArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Monica>>What do you think we're going to watch?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's voice sounds threatening. This is probably the first time I see her in this state.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Show pornography to young girls! How low it is...<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralMood" 3 "sub">>
<<md>>Following her, other girls pick up the indignation. This is definitely a fiasco.<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Monica>>I will go right now and tell the headmistress everything!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica looks at me accusingly, as if I fucked her grandmother.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You are not allowed to show us such materials. This is against the rules and in general...<</say>>
<<adjustGeneralParam "GeneralGrades" 3 "sub">>
<<md>>She may not continue. I immediately stop until this whole scandal has come to Clara.<</md>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 48 && $NoraQuest1 == 15 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Finish the lesson|NoraSecondTraining1]]
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<</if>>\<<if $Fiona15Q == 8>>\
<<goto "FionaMassage2">>\
<<text y "Nurse office">>
<<if $SchoolGrades > 0 && $SchoolGrades < 16>>
<<md>>Biology and medicine have always been side by side. And this is not surprising, because biology and medicine are interested in the same thing - the human body. Therefore, it is not surprising that I had the privilege of replacing the school nurse in her post.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 16 && $SchoolGrades < 32>>
<<md>>Helping those in need - isn't that what makes my lesson similar to what Jane does in her office? Medicine just acts directly, while the effects of learning are visible in perspective...<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 32 && $SchoolGrades < 48>>
<<md>>I never understood why there is a nurse in our school . Although Jane and pleasant personality, but m editsina - the art of deceiving the patient for as long as nature itself to cope with the disease. Is not it so?<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 48 && $SchoolGrades < 64>>
<<md>>The doctor is a philosopher; there is not much difference between wisdom and medicine. Then I will not wait for the female students for my wisdom! Time to share it!<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 64 && $SchoolGrades < 80>>
<<md>>What a great day today! I directly feel that I can do a lot for my students, if not as a biology teacher, then as a physician, for sure.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades > 80 && $SchoolGrades < 100>>
<<md>>I'm so good at medicine, maybe I should replace Jane in this position? Okay, now is the time to take care of the sick students.<</md>>
<<set _HelpDoctorArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _HelpDoctorArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>The office is quiet enough. Unlike the classroom, in which something is always happening, you even feel in some way isolated from all worries and problems. But the peace does not last forever, one of the students knocks on my office.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>The clock is ticking slowly in the office. I thought there would be a lot of people here today, but so far only boredom fills the office. How much time has passed? I even fell asleep a little...<</md>>
<<md>>Suddenly a knock is heard in the office.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Today I am in a good mood. I know that if even now there is no one, soon someone will knock on the doors. Here comes the first client.<</md>>
<<md>>She doesn't look very good. She clearly does not feel at ease, so she has difficulty choosing words. Her words are confused. I have to help her. But what can you do?<</md>>
<<talk "Give her pills">>
<<md>>Of course, the girl was simply overworked. Ever since I was in school, I have known such situations. Learning is too pressing, so the body protests. But I know nothing about one particular medicine. Or even more than one. It remains only to determine what it is.<</md>>
<<talk "Vitamins">>
<<md>>It will help her and feel better, and even raise her academic performance.<</md>>
<<addGrad 1>>
<<md>>The girl nods gratefully to me and leaves the office.<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Examen Biology]]
<<if $id.sleepingpill > 0 && $mc.Intellect gte 4>>\
<<talk "Sleeping pills">>
<<md>>Yes, I think she won't mind getting some rest. Still, healthy sleep is a very important part of our life.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Here, drink it.<</say>>
<<addObey 1>>
<<md>>The girl trustingly takes the glass from my hands, after which, literally before my eyes, she weakens, her eyes close. Yes, she definitely fell asleep. How cute she is... I settle her on the bed. Maybe I should take care of her health?<</md>>
<<set $id.sleepingpill -=1>>\
<<if $Clara4Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 50 && $SchoolObedience gte 50 && $mc.Boldness gte 6 && $mc.Charisma gte 6>>\
<<talk "Take off her clothes">>
<<md>>Yes, I think it's hard for her to breathe deeply in such tight clothes. I slowly pull off her skirt, blouse and even panties. It makes my pants feel cramped. I see her pussy, she invitingly calls me to her.<</md>>
<<addEx 2>>
<<say $mc>>You can't be so beautiful...<</say>>
<<md>>My penis is ready and I insert it into her sweet hole. Her soft lips part, showing me my little pink hole. Yes, she's wet and ready. I begin to move in it and feel how pleasure soon overwhelms me.<</md>>
<<set _HelpDoctorMassage2Array = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _HelpDoctorMassage2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\HDmassage2.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<addMood 2>>
<<md>>I don't even have time to come to my senses when I cum right inside her. How did it happen? Well... I hope I'll be more careful next time.<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Examen Biology]]
<<elseif $SchoolExhibitionism gte 50 && $SchoolObedience < 50 && $SchoolObedience > 40 && $mc.Boldness gte 6 && $mc.Charisma gte 6>>\
<<talk "Take off her clothes">>
<<md>>Yes, I think it's hard for her to breathe deeply in such tight clothes. I slowly pull off her skirt, blouse and even panties. It makes my pants feel cramped. I see her pussy, she invitingly calls me to her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You can't be so beautiful...<</say>>
<<md>>My penis is already ready and I insert it into her sweet hole, when suddenly she jumps up and screams.<</md>>
<<addEx -2>>
<<say $mc>>What the...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl gives me a resounding slap in the face and tells me that her parents will find out about it. Only this was not enough for me... I hope she calms down...<</md>>
<<addGrad -2>>
[[Finish the lesson|Examen Biology]]
<<talk "Do nothing">>
<<md>>It would be wrong for me to do something about the girl. She came to me for help and I cannot take advantage of this situation. She will soon feel better and will leave completely healthy.<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Examen Biology]]
<<talk "Do nothing">>
<<md>>It would be wrong for me to do something about the girl. She came to me for help and I cannot take advantage of this situation. She will soon feel better and will leave completely healthy.<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Examen Biology]]
<<if $mc.Intellect gte 4>>\
<<talk "Make injection">>
<<md>>Hmm... From what I mean, she just has a vitamin deficiency problem. Her mood is at zero, and here simple pills are indispensable.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Please go over there and lift your skirt, I'll give you a little injection.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl obediently lies down on the bed, showing me two rounded halves. She has a great ass.<</md>>
<<if $Clara19Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<addGrad 1>>
<<md>>I'm just starting to go crazy. Still, I hope that I will limit myself to injections. Well, I can't, honestly, I just want to touch these two halves.<</md>>
<<md>>But I inject and hold myself back. The girl nods happily and leaves. Let's hope she gets better.<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Examen Biology]]
<<if $mc.Intellect < 4>>\
<<talk "Make injection">>
<<md>>Yes, I know what will help the girl. She just lacks vitamins and because of this, the mood is almost none. The pills won't help here. Something more urgent is needed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Would you mind going there? I'll give you a little injection.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl obediently lies down on the bed, showing me two rounded halves. She has a great ass. I take out the syringe and... I understand that I cannot...<</md>>
<<addMood -1>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry... You have to wait for Jane. I can not help.<</say>>
[[Finish the lesson|Examen Biology]]
<<if $mc.Intellect gte 4 && $mc.Strength gte 6>>\
<<talk "Make massage">>
<<md>>Of course, the girl's body is just tired. She needs a gentle touch, not a hard reality with heavy loads. I know how to take care of this.<</md>>
<<if $Sophia4Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<md>>The bed creaks when the girl lies down on it. What a gorgeous body she has. I free her from excess clothes and begin to massage her back in a circular motion.<</md>>
<<set _HelpDoctorMassageArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _HelpDoctorMassageArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\HDmassage.mp4"></video></div>
<<addEx 2>>
<<md>>I massage both her luxurious ass and breasts. Excitement grows in me with every movement.<</md>>
<<md>>After a few minutes, the girl can hardly restrain herself so as not to groan with pleasure. The girl can admit to herself that I am really a good masseur.<</md>>
<<addMood 2>>
[[Finish the lesson|Examen Biology]]
<<if $mc.Intellect gte 4 && $mc.Strength < 6 && $mc.Strength > 4>>\
<<talk "Make massage">>
<<md>>I ask the girl to lie down for a massage. But as soon as I touch her chest, she screams and jumps out. She doesn't seem to like it.<</md>>
<<addObey -2>>
[[Finish the lesson|Examen Biology]]
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 7 && $mc.Intellect gte 7 && $SchoolObedience gte 60 && $mc.Boldness gte 6 >>\
<<talk "Intimate check">>
<<md>>Although the girl is now in a difficult state, I know what she needs.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Take off your clothes, I have to do a full check.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl looks at me in surprise.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I won't be able to determine what hurts if I don't examine all the important... body parts.<</say>>
<<addObey 2>>
<<md>>When she takes off all her clothes, I touch her breasts without undue shame. The girl at first tries to distance herself, but after that she obediently allows her to do whatever I want with her.<</md>>
<<md>>Then my hand crawls down her belly and touches the girl's pink pussy. The finger enters it and the girl bites her lower lip.<</md>>
<<md>>I move my finger inside the pussy and the girl moans loudly. When the liquid runs down my thigh, I smile with satisfaction.<</md>>
<<addEx 2>>
<<say $mc>>You seem to be completely healthy - you can go.<</say>>
[[Finish the lesson|Examen Biology]]
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 7 && $mc.Intellect gte 7 && $SchoolObedience < 60 & $SchoolObedience > 50 && $mc.Boldness gte 6 >>\
<<md>>Although the girl is now in a difficult state, I know what she needs.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Take off your clothes, I have to do a full check.<</say>>
<<md>>But the student looks at me disapprovingly. According schochina ringing sounds in the room. This is the sound of my failure.<</md>>
<<addObey -2>>
[[Finish the lesson|Examen Biology]]
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 8 && $mc.Intellect gte 8 && $SchoolObedience gte 80 && $mc.Boldness gte 6 >>\
<<talk "Satisfy her">>
<<say $mc>>I know what will help you.<</say>>
<<md>>Nothing heals girls like a good male cock. Therefore, I press against the girl, allowing her to feel her arousal as much as possible.<</md>>
<<md>>She herself understands where everything is going and obediently kneels down, after which she takes my penis in her mouth. Her tongue quickly moves over the head, filling me completely. Her fingers begin to crush my balls and I close my eyes, slowly playing along with her.<</md>>
<<addObey 3>>
<<md>>Gradually, the girl's arousal becomes too strong. And then I realized that something unimaginable was happening to me. As if some powerful wave, not pressing on me, but giving me freedom, slowly rolls over me and I cum in the girl's mouth.<</md>>
<<addEx 3>>
<<md>>The magic seed will definitely heal her.<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Examen Biology]]
<<talk "Do nothing">>
<<md>>It would be wrong for me to do something about the girl. She came to me for help and I cannot take advantage of this situation. She will soon feel better and will leave completely healthy.<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Examen Biology]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.<<widget "newTaskObedience2">>
<<set $TaskObjective = $args[0]>>
<<set $TaskParametr = $SchoolObedience>>
<<set $MoodTask = 0>>
<<set $ObedienceTask = 1>>
<<set $GradesTask = 0>>
<<set $ExhibitionismTask = 0>>
<</widget>><<if $MonicaRegularGeneral == 0>>\
<<md>>I walk into the biology classroom, the usual hum of chatter filling the air. Today, the topic is organelles and their functions—a subject I find fascinating. As I take my seat, I notice Monica.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Hey, Monica! You've got a great ass. Too bad you're too prissy to do anything with it.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's cheeks flush with embarrassment, but she maintains her composure. I decide to start the lesson, hoping to shift the focus.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, class, let's dive into today's topic: organelles and their functions.<</say>>
<<md>>I start with the nucleus, the control center of the cell.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The nucleus houses the cell's genetic material and controls all the activities of the cell. It's like the brain of the cell, giving instructions for everything the cell does.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica raises her hand, eager to contribute. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Mr. $mc.Surname, could you explain how the mitochondria generate energy for the cell?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Great question, Monica.The mitochondria convert energy from food into a form that the cell can use, through a process called cellular respiration.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn, leaning back in her chair, interrupts with a crude remark.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Hey, Mr. Sexy Teach, do you want to fuck Monica in the ass?<</say>>
<<md>>I choose to ignore her question and continue the lesson.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The mitochondria are often called the powerhouses of the cell because they produce the energy needed for all cellular activities.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn leans over to Monica and whispers loudly enough for me to hear.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>See? You can stop pretending this is interesting. He doesn't want to fuck you anyway.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's face tightens, but she stays focused.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Actually, Autumn, I do find this interesting. Unlike you, I don't do everything just for my own pleasure.<</say>>
<<md>>I nod, appreciating Monica's resilience.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Moving on, the endoplasmic reticulum is another important organelle. The rough ER helps with protein synthesis, while the smooth ER is involved in lipid synthesis and detoxification.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiles, clearly enjoying the lesson. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>And the Golgi apparatus modifies, sorts, and packages proteins for secretion, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly, Monica,the Golgi apparatus ensures that proteins are properly prepared and sent to their correct destinations.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn sighs dramatically, clearly frustrated by the focus on the lesson.<</md>> <<say $Autumn>>Seriously, $mc.Name, can't we discuss something more... engaging? Like, how to get a guy's attention? This science stuff is so lame.<</say>>
<<md>>I keep the lesson on track. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Autumn, understanding biology can be very engaging once you see how everything connects. For instance, the lysosomes are like the cell's waste disposal system, breaking down unwanted materials.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica seizes the opportunity to speak up again. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Mr.$mc.Surname, did you know that lysosomes also help with cell signaling and energy metabolism? They're more than just waste disposals.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's an excellent observation, Monica.Lysosomes are indeed multifunctional and vital for cellular health.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn leans over to Monica again, her tone dripping with sarcasm. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You really think all this nerd stuff is interesting? Please, you're just trying to impress Mr. $mc.Surname<</say>>
<<md>>Monica takes a deep breath and responds firmly.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Actually, Autumn, I genuinely find this interesting. Understanding how our cells work is fascinating, and it's important for so many fields, like medicine and environmental science. Just because you don't care about it doesn't mean it's not valuable.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn rolls her eyes and mutters. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Whatever. You keep pretending it's interesting. I'll focus on things that actually matter.<</say>>
<<md>>I decide to wrap up the lesson, appreciating Monica's passion and resilience.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, class, that's all for today. Remember, understanding these basic biological processes is crucial for many aspects of science and our daily lives. Great participation, everyone.<</say>>
<<md>>As the students begin to pack up, I catch Monica's eye and give her an encouraging smile. She returns it with a grateful nod, clearly feeling validated. Despite Autumn's attempts to derail the discussion, Monica's enthusiasm for biology shone through. The organelles may be small parts of the cell, but they play vital roles—just like every student in this classroom has their own important role to play, regardless of what others.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaRegularGeneral = 1>>\
<<set $Monica.Biology =+3>>\
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<elseif $MonicaRegularGeneral == 1>>\
<<md>>I walk into the biology classroom, the usual hum of chatter filling the air. Today, the topic is DNA replication and repair—a critical aspect of cellular biology. As I take my seat, I notice Monica, her blonde hair shining as she chats with her friend Nora. Nora is a timid girl, often too scared to speak up in class.
Next to them sits Lexi, a rebellious girl known for her outspoken nature. I decide to start the lesson and hopefully encourage some participation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Alright, class, today we'll be discussing DNA replication and repair. Can anyone tell me why DNA replication is important?"<</say>>
<<md>>I ask, looking around the room.
I see Monica raise her hand, but before I can call on her, she gestures toward Nora. "Nora wants to answer this one, Mr. [Your Name]."
I nod and turn to Nora, who looks nervous.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Nora, would you like to give it a try?"<</say>>
<<md>>Nora hesitates, her eyes darting around the room. Lexi leans in with a mischievous grin.<</md>>
<<say Lexi>>"Hey, Nora, if it helps, I can undress. Nothing to be shy about."<</say>>
<<md>>Nora's eyes widen in shock.<</md>>
<<say Nora>>"No, Lexi, that's not necessary!"<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi giggles.<</md>>
<<say Lexi>>"Just saying, I've got great tits and there's no shame in showing them to anyone."<</say>>
<<md>>She winks, clearly enjoying the reaction she's getting.
Encouraged by Lexi's unusual support, Nora takes a deep breath and begins to speak.<</md>>
<<say Nora>>"DNA replication is important because it ensures that each new cell has the same genetic information as the parent cell. This is essential for growth, repair, and reproduction in living organisms."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"That's exactly right, Nora. DNA replication is crucial for maintaining genetic continuity. Great job!"<</say>>
<<md>>Nora smiles shyly, clearly relieved. I then turn to Monica.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Monica, can you explain the basic steps involved in DNA replication?"<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nods confidently.<</md>>
<<say Monica>>"Sure, Mr. [Your Name]. During DNA replication, the double helix unwinds with the help of enzymes like helicase. This creates two single strands that serve as templates for new strands. DNA polymerase then adds complementary nucleotides to each template strand, forming two new double helices. Each new DNA molecule has one old strand and one new strand, which is called semi-conservative replication."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Excellent, Monica. DNA polymerase plays a key role in ensuring the accuracy of replication by adding the correct nucleotides and proofreading the newly formed DNA."<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi leans back in her chair and smirks.<</md>>
<<say Lexi>>"So, Mr. [Your Name], what happens if there's a mistake during replication? Like, can the DNA repair itself? Or, like, if someone saw me naked and it damaged their eyes, could their eyes repair themselves?"<</say>>
<<md>>The class erupts in laughter, and I suppress a smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Great question, Lexi. Yes, cells have several mechanisms to repair DNA damage. One common method is called nucleotide excision repair. If there's a mistake or damage, such as a thymine dimer caused by UV light, enzymes recognize the error, remove the damaged section, and fill in the gap with the correct nucleotides. This helps maintain the integrity of the genetic information."<</say>>
<<md>>Monica raises her hand again.<</md>>
<<say Monica>>"Mr. [Your Name], are there other types of DNA repair mechanisms as well?"<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Yes, Monica. There are several types, including mismatch repair, which fixes errors that escape the proofreading activity of DNA polymerase, and base excision repair, which corrects small, non-helix-distorting base lesions. These repair mechanisms are essential for preventing mutations that could lead to diseases like cancer."<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi, still grinning from her previous remark, raises her hand.<</md>>
<<say Lexi>>"Mr. [Your Name], what if DNA gets damaged in... interesting ways? Like, I don't know, what if someone tattoos their DNA?"<</say>>
<<md>>The class giggles again, and I maintain a serious tone.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Lexi, while DNA can't be tattooed in the traditional sense, your question touches on the concept of genetic modifications. Scientists are exploring ways to edit DNA to correct genetic disorders or enhance certain traits. Techniques like CRISPR allow for precise editing of the genetic code."<</say>>
<<md>>Nora, gaining more confidence, raises her hand.<</md>>
<<say Nora>>"Mr. [Your Name], how does CRISPR work?"<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Excellent question, Nora. CRISPR stands for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats. It's a tool that allows scientists to make specific changes to the DNA sequence. The process involves an enzyme called Cas9, which acts like molecular scissors to cut the DNA at a specific location. Then, the cell's natural repair mechanisms kick in, allowing for the insertion or deletion of genetic material at the cut site."<</say>>
<<md>>Monica adds,<</md>>
<<say Monica>>"So, CRISPR can be used to repair genetic defects by replacing faulty genes with healthy ones?"<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Exactly, Monica. CRISPR has the potential to revolutionize medicine by providing new ways to treat genetic disorders, improve crop yields, and even combat diseases."<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi leans back, looking thoughtful.<</md>>
<<say Lexi>>"So, basically, our cells are like tiny repair shops, fixing all the damage that happens. That's pretty cool."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"That's a great way to put it, Lexi. Our cells are indeed equipped with sophisticated repair mechanisms that keep us healthy and functioning."<</say>>
<<md>>As the lesson comes to an end, I feel a sense of accomplishment. The class has not only learned about the complexities of DNA replication and repair but also seen how a bit of humor and support can make learning more enjoyable and less intimidating.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Great job today, everyone. Remember, understanding DNA replication and repair is fundamental to understanding how life perpetuates and maintains itself. See you next class."<</say>>
<<md>>As the students file out, I catch Nora's eye and give her an encouraging nod. She smiles back, more confident than she was at the beginning of the lesson. Monica and Lexi both give me a wave as they leave, and I feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that today's lesson was a success.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaRegularGeneral = 2>>\
<<set $Monica.Biology =+3>>\
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<elseif $MonicaRegularGeneral == 2>>\
<<md>>I walk into the biology classroom, greeted by the familiar buzz of student chatter. Today's lesson is on neuron structure and function, a fascinating topic that explores the very basis of our nervous system. As the students settle down, I begin the class.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Alright, class, today we're going to dive into the world of neurons—the building blocks of our nervous system. Let's start with the basic structure of a neuron."<</say>>
<<md>>I draw a large diagram of a neuron on the board, labeling its key parts.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"A neuron has three main parts: the cell body, dendrites, and the axon. The cell body, or soma, contains the nucleus and is responsible for maintaining the cell's health."<</say>>
<<md>>Pointing to the branching structures on the diagram, I continue,<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"These are dendrites. They receive signals from other neurons and conduct these signals toward the cell body. Think of them as the input channels for the neuron."<</say>>
<<md>>I then move to the long extension projecting from the cell body.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"This is the axon. It transmits electrical impulses away from the cell body to other neurons, muscles, or glands. The axon can be quite long, even extending up to a meter in some cases."<</say>>
<<md>>I draw attention to the myelin sheath, a fatty layer surrounding the axon.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"The axon is often covered by the myelin sheath, which acts like insulation, allowing electrical impulses to travel faster. This sheath is interrupted by gaps called nodes of Ranvier, where the impulse jumps from node to node, speeding up transmission."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"At the end of the axon, we have the axon terminals. These terminals make contact with other neurons at junctions called synapses. Here, electrical signals are converted into chemical signals to transmit information to the next neuron."<</say>>
<<md>>I pause to let the students absorb the information before moving on.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Now, let's talk about the function of neurons. Neurons communicate with each other through a process called synaptic transmission. When an electrical impulse, or action potential, reaches the axon terminal, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters. These chemical messengers cross the synapse and bind to receptors on the dendrites of the next neuron, generating a new electrical impulse."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Neurons are specialized for rapid communication, which is essential for everything from reflexes to complex thoughts and emotions. They are incredibly efficient at transmitting information throughout the nervous system."<</say>>
<<md>>As the lesson concludes, I summarize the key points.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"To recap, neurons have a unique structure that allows them to receive, process, and transmit information quickly and efficiently. Their main parts are the cell body, dendrites, axon, myelin sheath, and axon terminals. They communicate through synaptic transmission, using electrical and chemical signals."<</say>>
<<md>>The bell rings, and the students begin to pack up. As I'm gathering my materials, Monica approaches my desk with a curious look on her face.<</md>>
<<say Monica>>"Mr. [Your Name], could you explain the neuron structure and function in a bit more detail? I want to make sure I understand it completely."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Of course, Monica. Let's start with the cell body. It contains the nucleus, which houses the cell's genetic material and controls its activities. The dendrites are like branches that receive incoming signals from other neurons. These signals are electrical impulses generated by neurotransmitters released at the synapses."<</say>>
<<md>>I point to the diagram again.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"When these impulses reach the cell body, they are integrated and, if strong enough, generate an action potential. This action potential travels down the axon, which is insulated by the myelin sheath to speed up the transmission. The impulse jumps from one node of Ranvier to the next, a process known as saltatory conduction."<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nods, clearly following along.<</md>>
<<say Monica>>"And when the action potential reaches the axon terminals?"<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"At the axon terminals, the electrical impulse triggers the release of neurotransmitters from vesicles into the synapse. These neurotransmitters cross the synaptic gap and bind to receptors on the dendrites of the next neuron, generating a new electrical impulse and continuing the communication chain."<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiles, her understanding deepening.<</md>>
<<say Monica>>"So, the whole process is about transmitting information quickly and efficiently across neurons, right?"<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Exactly. Neurons are incredibly specialized cells designed to ensure rapid and precise communication within the nervous system. This allows us to respond to stimuli, process information, and coordinate our actions seamlessly."<</say>>
<<say Monica>>"Thank you, Mr. [Your Name]. That really helped clarify things for me."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"You're welcome, Monica. I'm glad I could help. Don't hesitate to ask if you have more questions."<</say>>
<<md>>As she heads out of the classroom, I feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that Monica has a solid understanding of neuron structure and function. It's moments like these that make teaching such a rewarding experience.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaRegularGeneral = 3>>\
<<set $Monica.Biology =+3>>\
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<elseif $MonicaRegularGeneral == 3>>\
<<md>>I walk into the biology classroom, ready for another engaging lesson. Today's topic is the Central Nervous System (CNS) versus the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS). As the students settle down, I notice Monica, Veronica, and Lexi sitting together. Veronica, a Latina girl who loves psychology and is often seen with a book on plants, seems particularly interested. Lexi, as always, has a mischievous look on her face.
I start the class with a brief introduction.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Good morning, everyone. Today we will be discussing the Central Nervous System (CNS) and the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS). Can anyone start by telling me the main difference between the two?"<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica, looking a bit dazed, raises her hand slowly.<</md>>
<<say Veronica>>"Uh, so like, the Central Nervous System, that's like, the brain and spine, right? It's like, the headquarters for everything."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Correct, Veronica. The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord, and it's the control center for the entire body. Now, what about the Peripheral Nervous System?"<</say>>
<<md>>Monica jumps in eagerly.<</md>>
<<say Monica>>"The Peripheral Nervous System includes all the nerves outside the CNS. It connects the CNS to the rest of the body, including limbs and organs."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Exactly, Monica. The PNS is like a vast network of roads that link the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body. It's divided into the somatic nervous system, which controls voluntary movements, and the autonomic nervous system, which controls involuntary functions like heart rate and digestion."<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi, with a grin, raises her hand.<</md>>
<<say Lexi>>"Mr. [Your Name], if the CNS is the control center, does that mean it controls everything, even, like, our most private thoughts and actions? You know, like when I'm thinking about stripping down?"<</say>>
<<md>>The class giggles, and I nod.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"In a way, yes, Lexi. The brain, as part of the CNS, is responsible for processing thoughts, emotions, and actions, both private and public."<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica, still looking a bit spaced out, raises her hand again.<</md>>
<<say Veronica>>"So, um, the PNS handles everything else? Like, if I think about moving my arm, is that the PNS or CNS? And, like, does it also handle, like, feeling super chill?"<</say>>
<<md>>Monica steps in to explain.<</md>>
<<say Monica>>"When you think about moving your arm, the signal starts in your brain, which is part of the CNS. The brain sends a signal down the spinal cord to the nerves in your arm, which are part of the PNS. So, both systems work together."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Exactly, Monica. The CNS and PNS are interdependent. The CNS processes and sends out signals, and the PNS carries those signals to the appropriate parts of the body."<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi raises her hand again, smirking.<</md>>
<<say Lexi>>"So, the PNS is like the body's delivery service for the brain's commands? Does that mean it also delivers... special messages?"<</say>>
<<md>>The class laughs, and I maintain a serious tone.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"You could say that, Lexi. The PNS delivers all types of messages from the CNS, ensuring our bodies function smoothly."<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica, looking more thoughtful, asks,<</md>>
<<say Veronica>>"So, if the PNS includes the autonomic nervous system, does that mean it controls things like digestion and heart rate without us thinking about it? Like, even when I'm super relaxed?"<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Yes, Veronica. The autonomic nervous system is part of the PNS and it controls involuntary functions like heart rate, digestion, and respiratory rate. It's divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, which work together to maintain balance in the body."<</say>>
<<md>>Monica adds,<</md>>
<<say Monica>>"The sympathetic nervous system prepares the body for 'fight or flight' responses, while the parasympathetic nervous system helps the body 'rest and digest.'"<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"That's right, Monica. These two systems are constantly working to keep our bodies in balance."<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi, with a mischievous grin, raises her hand again.<</md>>
<<say Lexi>>"Mr. [Your Name], if the CNS and PNS control everything, does that mean they also control... pleasure? Like, what if someone's nerves are, you know, extra sensitive?"<</say>>
<<md>>The class erupts in laughter again, and I keep my composure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Yes, Lexi, the CNS and PNS are involved in processing sensory information, including sensations of pleasure. Nerves transmit these signals to the brain, which interprets them."<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica, looking intrigued, asks,<</md>>
<<say Veronica>>"So, if I like, focus on being calm and relaxed, is that my parasympathetic nervous system working? And like, if I get scared, it's the sympathetic one?"<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Exactly, Veronica. The parasympathetic nervous system helps you stay calm and relaxed, while the sympathetic nervous system prepares you to respond to stress or danger."<</say>>
<<md>>As the lesson comes to an end, I decide to take things a step further.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Great job today, everyone. Now, I have a special assignment. Monica, since you've shown a strong understanding of these topics, I'd like you to prepare a project on 'Brain Regions and Their Functions' and present it to the class next week. Are you up for the challenge?"<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiles confidently.<</md>>
<<say Monica>>"Absolutely, Mr. [Your Name]. I'd love to."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Excellent. I'm looking forward to your presentation. Remember, understanding the brain regions will give us deeper insights into the CNS and how it controls various functions in our bodies."<</say>>
<<md>>As the bell rings and the students start to pack up, I feel satisfied with the day's lesson. Not only did we cover important aspects of the CNS and PNS, but we also set the stage for an exciting project that will help everyone understand these concepts even better.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaRegularGeneral = 4>>\
<<set $Monica.Biology =+3>>\
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<elseif $MonicaRegularGeneral == 4>>\
<<md>>I walk into the biology classroom, eager for today's lesson. Monica is scheduled to present her project on "Brain Regions and Their Functions." As the students settle down, I see Monica, Nora, Samantha, and Marsha seated together, chatting animatedly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Good morning, everyone. Today, Monica will be presenting her project on the brain regions and their functions. Let's give her our full attention."<</say>>
<<md>>Monica steps up to the front of the class, a confident smile on her face.<</md>>
<<say Monica>>"Thank you, Mr. [Your Name]. Good morning, everyone. Today, I'm going to talk about the different regions of the brain and their functions."<</md>>
<<md>>She starts by pointing to a detailed diagram of the brain on the board.<</md>>
<<say Monica>>"The brain is divided into several regions, each responsible for different functions. The major regions include the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brainstem."<</say>>
<<say Monica>>"The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and is responsible for higher brain functions such as thought, action, and emotion. It's divided into two hemispheres and further into four lobes: frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital."<</say>>
<<md>>She points to each lobe as she explains.<</md>>
<<say Monica>>"The frontal lobe is involved in decision making, problem solving, and planning. The parietal lobe processes sensory information. The temporal lobe is crucial for hearing, memory, and speech, while the occipital lobe is responsible for vision."<</say>>
<<md>>Nora timidly raises her hand.<</md>>
<<say Nora>>"Monica, can you explain how the brain's functions connect to art? Like, how does the brain process creativity?"<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiles encouragingly.<</md>>
<<say Monica>>"Great question, Nora. Creativity involves multiple brain regions. The prefrontal cortex in the frontal lobe is involved in planning and decision-making, which are essential for creating art. The parietal lobe helps us with spatial awareness and visualizing shapes and colors. The temporal lobe, which handles memory and hearing, allows us to draw inspiration from past experiences and music."<</say>>
<<md>>Samantha, eager to jump in, adds,<</md>>
<<say Samantha>>"And don't forget about the limbic system, Monica. Isn't that part of the brain responsible for emotions and motivation? It must play a huge role in how we feel inspired to create and write, especially when it comes to, you know, more... passionate stories."<</say>>
<<say Monica>>"Absolutely, Samantha. The limbic system, which includes the hippocampus and amygdala, is key in regulating emotions and forming memories. These are crucial elements in the creative process, whether you're painting, writing, or composing music."<</say>>
<<md>>I notice the discussion starting to veer more into the realm of art, so I step in.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"These connections between art and the brain are fascinating, but let's also remember that the brain has many other functions. Monica, please continue."<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nods and moves on.<</md>>
<<say Monica>>"The cerebellum, located at the back of the brain, is responsible for coordinating voluntary movements and maintaining balance and posture. It doesn't get as much attention as the cerebrum, but it's essential for everyday activities."<</say>>
<<md>>Marsha, with her usual enthusiasm for science and a touch of flirtatiousness, raises her hand.<</md>>
<<say Marsha>>"Monica, what about the brainstem? I read that it controls basic life functions like breathing and heart rate. Isn't it more fundamental than the areas involved in art and creativity? I mean, without these basic functions, we wouldn't even be alive to do things like... having sex."<</say>>
<<md>>She touches her breast suggestively, drawing some chuckles from the class.<</md>>
<<say Monica>>"You're right, Marsha. The brainstem, which includes the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata, controls vital life functions such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. It's often considered the most primitive part of the brain, handling the essential processes that keep us alive."<</say>>
<<md>>Marsha, not one to shy away from a debate, continues,<</md>>
<<say Marsha>>"So wouldn't you say that the brain is more geared toward survival and scientific processes than art? After all, without these basic functions, we wouldn't even be alive to create art, or, you know, enjoy other pleasures."<</say>>
<<md>>Samantha, never one to back down, interjects,<</md>>
<<say Samantha>>"But Marsha, art and creativity are what make life worth living! They give us joy, expression, and cultural identity. The brain's ability to create and appreciate art is just as important as its basic survival functions."<</say>>
<<md>>I decide to steer the discussion back to Monica's presentation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Both points are valid. The brain is a complex organ capable of handling a wide range of functions, from basic survival to advanced creativity. Monica, please wrap up your presentation."<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiles and concludes,<</md>>
<<say Monica>>"In summary, the brain is divided into different regions, each responsible for specific functions. The cerebrum handles higher cognitive functions, the cerebellum coordinates movement, and the brainstem controls basic life functions. Together, these regions allow us to think, feel, move, and create."<</say>>
<<md>>The class applauds as Monica finishes her presentation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Thank you, Monica. That was an excellent overview of brain regions and their functions. Now, as a follow-up, I'd like everyone to reflect on how the brain's structure supports both scientific and creative endeavors. Remember, the brain is what makes us capable of such a wide range of activities."<</say>>
<<md>>As the students start to pack up, I catch Monica's eye.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Monica, could you stay for a moment?"<</say>>
<<md>>After the classroom clears, I turn to her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Monica, you did a fantastic job today. I'd like you to prepare a project for the whole class that dives deeper into the topic of brain regions and their functions, specifically focusing on how they support both scientific thinking and creativity. Would you be up for that?"<</say>>
<<md>>Monica beams.<</md>>
<<say Monica>>"Absolutely, Mr. [Your Name]. I'd love to."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Great. I'm looking forward to your project. It's a complex topic, but I know you can handle it."<</say>>
<<md>>As she leaves, I feel confident that Monica's next project will inspire even more engaging discussions in class, bridging the gap between science and art through the fascinating study of the brain.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaRegularGeneral = 5>>\
<<set $Monica.Biology =+3>>\
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<elseif $MonicaRegularGeneral == 5>>\
<<md>>I walk into the biology classroom, ready for another engaging lesson. Today's topic is Muscle Metabolism and Energy Sources. As the students settle down, I notice Monica, Ruby, and Autumn sitting together. Knowing their strong personalities, I anticipate a lively discussion.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Good morning, everyone. Today, we'll be discussing muscle metabolism and energy sources. This topic is crucial for understanding how our bodies generate and use energy, especially during physical activities."<</say>>
<<md>>I start by explaining the basics.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Muscle metabolism involves the chemical processes that occur within muscle cells to produce energy. There are two main types of metabolism: aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic metabolism requires oxygen and is used for long, sustained activities, while anaerobic metabolism does not require oxygen and is used for short bursts of intense activity."<</say>>
<<md>>Monica raises her hand.<</md>>
<<say Monica>>"Mr. [Your Name], can you explain how our diet affects muscle metabolism and energy?"<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Great question, Monica. Our diet plays a crucial role in providing the necessary nutrients for energy production. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are the main sources of energy. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, which is the primary energy source during exercise. Fats and proteins can also be used, but they are typically reserved for longer, less intense activities or when carbohydrate stores are depleted."<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby, with a playful smile, chimes in.<</md>>
<<say Ruby>>"So, Mr. [Your Name], does that mean we should eat a lot to keep our energy levels up for parties and fun? I mean, we need energy for dancing and, you know, other activities."<</say>>
<<md>>Before I can respond, Autumn cuts in with a smirk.<</md>>
<<say Autumn>>"Yeah, but if you eat too much, you'll end up looking like a fat cow. Not exactly great for cheerleading."<</say>>
<<md>>Monica immediately responds, her tone firm.<</md>>
<<say Monica>>"Autumn, it's not about looking a certain way. It's about being healthy and having enough energy to perform well. Everyone's body is different, and what works for one person might not work for another."<</say>>
<<say Autumn>>"Oh, please. Holding up a fat girl during a cheer routine can be a death sentence. We need to be light and agile."<</say>>
<<say Ruby>>"Yeah, and no boy wants a cheerleader who's not hot. Hot means skinny, right? Boys are into girls who are fit and can, you know, keep up with their energy. Plus, no guy wants a girl who's too tired for some fun after the party."<</say>>
<<say Monica>>"That's not true, Ruby. Being 'hot' is subjective and has nothing to do with being skinny. It's about being confident and healthy. Eating enough to fuel your body is essential, especially for athletes."<</say>>
<<md>>I decide to step in and steer the discussion back to the lesson.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Alright, everyone. Let's focus on how muscle metabolism works and why it's important to get the right nutrients. Both overeating and undereating can be harmful. The key is balance and understanding your body's needs."<</say>>
<<md>>I continue the lesson, explaining how ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the main energy currency of the cell.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"ATP is produced through different pathways depending on the intensity and duration of the activity. During short, high-intensity exercises, ATP is generated anaerobically through processes like glycolysis. For longer, moderate-intensity activities, ATP is produced aerobically through oxidative phosphorylation."<</say>>
<<md>>Monica raises her hand again.<</md>>
<<say Monica>>"So, Mr. [Your Name], what are some good dietary practices for maintaining energy levels and muscle metabolism?"<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Excellent question, Monica. A balanced diet that includes a mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats is crucial. Carbohydrates provide quick energy, proteins help with muscle repair and growth, and fats are a long-term energy source. Hydration is also essential for muscle function and metabolism."<</say>>
<<say Autumn>>"Yeah, but too many carbs and you'll get fat."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Carbohydrates, when consumed in appropriate amounts, are essential for energy production, especially for active individuals. The key is to consume them in moderation and pair them with proteins and fats for a balanced diet."<</say>>
<<say Ruby>>"So, basically, we need to eat just enough to stay energized but not too much to get fat. That's a tricky balance. Plus, you don't want to feel too full to move around, or, you know, do other stuff. No guy wants a girl who can't keep up with his energy, whether it's on the dance floor or somewhere more private."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"It's all about finding the right balance for your body's needs. Listening to your body and eating a variety of nutrient-rich foods can help you maintain optimal energy levels and performance."<</say>>
<<md>>As the lesson comes to an end, I summarize the key points.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"In summary, muscle metabolism involves converting nutrients into energy for physical activity. A balanced diet with the right mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is crucial for maintaining energy levels and supporting muscle function. Remember, it's not about being skinny or fitting a certain image; it's about being healthy and fueling your body properly."<</say>>
<<md>>The bell rings, and the students begin to pack up. As they do, I notice Monica giving Autumn and Ruby a determined look.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Remember, everyone, your health is the most important thing. Take care of your bodies and listen to what they need."<</say>>
<<md>>Monica stays behind for a moment, and I give her an encouraging nod.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"You did well today, Monica. It's important to stand up for healthy habits."<</say>>
<<say Monica>>"Thanks, Mr. [Your Name]. I'll keep trying to get the message across."<</say>>
<<md>>As she heads out, I feel confident that today's lesson has given the students a better understanding of muscle metabolism and the importance of balanced nutrition, regardless of societal pressures or stereotypes.<</md>>
<<elseif $MonicaRegularGeneral == 4>>\
I walk into the biology classroom, ready to dive into today's lesson on heart anatomy and the cardiac cycle. The students settle down, and I see Monica, Lexi, Veronica, and Aria in their usual spots. Knowing their varied interests and personalities, I anticipate an interesting discussion.
<<set $MonicaRegularGeneral = 6>>\
<<set $Monica.Biology =+3>>\
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<elseif $MonicaRegularGeneral == 6>>\
"Good morning, everyone," I begin. "Today, we'll be learning about the anatomy of the heart and the cardiac cycle. The heart is an incredible organ that pumps blood throughout our body, supplying oxygen and nutrients to tissues and removing carbon dioxide and other wastes."
I start by drawing a diagram of the heart on the board, labeling the key parts: atria, ventricles, valves, and major blood vessels. "The heart has four chambers: two atria at the top and two ventricles at the bottom. Blood flows through the heart in a specific sequence, starting in the atria, moving to the ventricles, and then out to the body or lungs."
Veronica raises her hand, looking a bit spaced out. "Mr. [Your Name], does smoking weed affect the heart? Like, can it cause problems with the heart rate or something? You know, just curious."
"Good question, Veronica," I reply. "Smoking anything, including weed, can have effects on the heart. It can increase heart rate and blood pressure, and long-term use might contribute to cardiovascular problems. It's important to be aware of these potential effects."
Monica raises her hand, her expression serious. "Mr. [Your Name], my uncle died from a heart attack last year. His heart rate was over 200 beats per minute when it happened."
The class falls silent for a moment. Lexi, never one to miss an opportunity for a comment, asks, "Was he running a marathon or in a fight or something?"
Monica shakes her head. "No, he was... having sex."
The class gasps and starts to giggle. Lexi leans back in her chair, grinning. "Wow, he literally came to death. That's one hell of a way to go."
I decide to steer the conversation back to the lesson, though I can't help but acknowledge the awkwardness. "It's important to remember that the heart can be affected by intense physical activity of any kind, including sexual activity. When the heart rate exceeds what it can handle, it can lead to a heart attack, especially if there are underlying health issues."
I continue the lesson, explaining how the heart functions. "The heart's pumping action is coordinated by the cardiac cycle, which consists of systole and diastole. During systole, the ventricles contract and pump blood out of the heart. During diastole, the ventricles relax and fill with blood from the atria."
Aria, who loves math and biology, raises her hand. "Mr. [Your Name], can you explain the cardiac cycle in terms of time intervals and pressure changes? I'm curious about the precise mechanics."
"Of course, Aria," I reply, drawing a graph of the cardiac cycle. "The cardiac cycle is about 0.8 seconds long in a resting heart rate of about 75 beats per minute. Systole lasts about 0.3 seconds, and diastole about 0.5 seconds. During systole, ventricular pressure rises sharply, leading to the ejection of blood. In diastole, ventricular pressure falls, allowing the chambers to fill with blood."
Monica, still thinking about her uncle, asks, "So, what exactly happens during a heart attack?"
"A heart attack occurs when the blood supply to part of the heart muscle is blocked, usually by a blood clot," I explain. "This prevents oxygen from reaching that part of the heart, causing tissue damage or death. It's crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle to minimize the risk factors for heart disease."
Veronica, looking more focused, asks, "So, Mr. [Your Name], does that mean exercise is good for the heart? What about stress?"
"Yes, Veronica," I reply. "Regular exercise strengthens the heart muscle and improves overall cardiovascular health. However, chronic stress can negatively affect the heart by increasing blood pressure and heart rate. Finding a balance and managing stress is essential for heart health."
Lexi, with a mischievous grin, adds, "So, basically, keep your heart healthy with exercise, but don't overdo it, or you'll end up like Monica's uncle. Balance is key, right? Maybe we should include some... special exercises to keep the heart rate up. And, Mr. [Your Name], isn't it true that blood pressure also affects other parts of the body, like, you know, the dick? Blood flow is crucial for pleasure, whether it's in the dick or vagina. Or both, with the dick in the vagina."
The class erupts in laughter, and I keep my composure. "Yes, Lexi, blood pressure does affect all parts of the body, including sexual organs. It's important to maintain healthy blood pressure to ensure overall bodily function, including sexual health."
Monica, still serious, adds, "It's really important to know the signs of a heart attack and to seek help immediately. My uncle's heart rate was so high because he had underlying heart issues. Knowing your health status and taking preventive measures can make a big difference."
As the lesson comes to an end, I summarize the key points. "In summary, the heart is a powerful muscle that pumps blood through the body. The cardiac cycle ensures that blood flows efficiently, and maintaining heart health is crucial for overall well-being. Remember to balance exercise with rest and be mindful of the effects of stress and substances on your heart."
The bell rings, and the students begin to pack up. I catch Monica's eye and give her an encouraging nod. "You did well today, Monica. It's important to share personal experiences to help us understand these topics better."
"Thanks, Mr. [Your Name]," she says, smiling. "It helps to talk about it."
As the students file out, I feel confident that today's lesson has given them a better understanding of heart anatomy and the importance of maintaining heart health.
<</if>>\<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Anytime when school needs me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay,so your next task …<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I think you are very experienced man. Can you tell some stories to our students on Sophia’s lesson? <</say>>
<<text y "Tell story on Sophia lesson">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara11Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Tell story">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara11Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara12Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 75>>\
<<text g "75$ added to pocket">>
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Anytime when school needs me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay,so your next task …<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>We need to show that we are modern school. Can you show our students “Game of thrones”? <</say>>
<<text y "Show “Game of thrones” to the class">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara12Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Show “Game of thrones”">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara12Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara13Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 75>>\
<<text g "75$ added to pocket">>
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Anytime when school needs me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay,so your next task …<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Students can be curious sometimes. Can feed their curiosity? <</say>>
<<text y "Answer student question">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara13Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Answer the question">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara13Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara14Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 75>>\
<<text g "75$ added to pocket">>
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Anytime when school needs me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay,so your next task …<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Some students don’t understand just words. Make them afraid of you <</say>>
<<text y "Threat student at athletics lesson">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara14Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Threat student">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara14Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara15Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<text g "100$ added to pocket">>
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Anytime when school needs me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay,so your next task …<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I need obedience. If you see any problem with discipline - kick out naughty student. <</say>>
<<text y "Expel student when there will be discipline problem">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara15Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Expel student">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara15Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara16Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<text g "100$ added to pocket">>
<<set $mc.TeacherLevel += 1>>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Anytime when school needs me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay,so your next task …<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I need successful student. Raise their marks a little. <</say>>
<<text y "Raise grades to 40">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara16Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades 40>>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara16Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara17Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<set $GradesTask = 0>>
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<text g "100$ added to pocket">>
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Anytime when school needs me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay,so your next task …<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I need very smart students. Show them kissing guide. <</say>>
<<text y "Show kissing guide to students">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara17Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Show kissing guide">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara17Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara18Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<text g "100$ added to pocket">>
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Anytime when school needs me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay,so your next task …<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Sometimes there is a need not to be strict,but more soft. Can you praise your student? <</say>>
<<text y "Praise students after athletics lesson">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara18Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Praise students">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara18Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara19Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<text g "100$ added to pocket">>
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Anytime when school needs me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay,so your next task …<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Our teachers should be as brave as skilful. Make injection instead of Jane <</say>>
<<text y "Make injection instead of nurse">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara19Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Make injection">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara19Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara20Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<text g "100$ added to pocket">>
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Anytime when school needs me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay,so your next task …<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Can you read to your students something? Nietzsche for example? <</say>>
<<text y "Read Nietzsche to your students.">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara20Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Read Nietzsche">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara20Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara21Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<text g "100$ added to pocket">>
<<set $mc.TeacherLevel += 1>>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Anytime when school needs me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay,so your next task …<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I need our student to be more open-minded. Can you do so? <</say>>
<<text y "Reach exhibitionism to 50">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara21Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskExhibitionism 50>>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara21Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara22Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<set $ExhibitionismTask = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 150>>\
<<text g "150$ added to pocket">>
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Anytime when school needs me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay,so your next task …<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I need to trust you as myself. <</say>>
<<text y "Reach Clara’s affection lvl 4">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara22Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Lvl 4">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara22Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara23Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 150>>\
<<text g "150$ added to pocket">>
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Anytime when school needs me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay,so your next task …<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I need no cheating at the exam. So you should kick out cheater,if it’s necessary. <</say>>
<<text y "Kick out cheater at exam">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara23Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Kick out cheater">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara23Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara24Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 150>>\
<<text g "150$ added to pocket">>
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Anytime when school needs me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay,so your next task …<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I need you to do your work properly. Go and tell our students about sexual contact.<</say>>
<<text y "Tell students about sexual contact at biology lesson.">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara24Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Talk about sexual contact">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara24Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara25Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 150>>\
<<text g "150$ added to pocket">>
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Anytime when school needs me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay,so your next task …<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>There is a storm going by,as far as I know.Be sure our students will be ready.<</say>>
<<text y "Simulate bad weather at athletics lesson.">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara25Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Simulate bad weather.">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara25Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara26Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 150>>\
<<text g "150$ added to pocket">>
<<set $mc.TeacherLevel += 1>>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Anytime when school needs me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay,so your next task …<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I need obedience in my school. Can you punish some of students?<</say>>
<<text y "Publicly punish student at discipline problem">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara26Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Punish student">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara26Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara27Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 150>>\
<<text g "150$ added to pocket">>
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Anytime when school needs me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay,so your next task …<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I’ve heard Lucy has some problem students. Can you deal with it? <</say>>
<<text y "Help Lucy to deal with problem students.">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara27Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Deal with problem students">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara27Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara28Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 150>>\
<<text g "150$ added to pocket">>
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Anytime when school needs me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay,so your next task …<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I’ve heard our students not so happy. Can you deal with it? <</say>>
<<text y "Raise mood to 50">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara28Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskMood 50>>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara28Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara29Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<set $MoodTask = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 150>>\
<<text g "150$ added to pocket">>
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Anytime when school needs me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay,so your next task …<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I want to visit your lesson and explain necessity of studying to our student. <</say>>
<<text y "Explain to student necessity of studying">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara29Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Explain student">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara29Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara30Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 150>>\
<<text g "150$ added to pocket">>
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<<say $Clara>>I see you are ready to start a new task? Great, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course Clara. Anytime when school needs me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay,so your next task …<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>OK, I’m writing it down.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I know that here is a lot of temptations,but you can deal with it,right? <</say>>
<<text y "Leave the locker room after swimming lesson">>
<<say $mc>>Well, no problem, will be executed. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Clara30Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Leave the locker">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Clara30Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Clara31Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Clara>>Watching the reports, I can notice that you performed the task assigned to you, wonderful. I hope it was not very difficult?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 20>>
<<say $mc>>Do not worry, it is my job to help young minds.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you did a good job, here is your reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 150>>\
<<set $mc.TeacherLevel += 1>>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<if $Sophia2Quest is 0>>\
<<include "SophiaTask1">>\
<<elseif $Sophia2Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "SophiaTask1Done">>\
<<elseif $Sophia3Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "SophiaTask2">>\
<<elseif $Sophia3Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "SophiaTask2Done">>\
<<elseif $Sophia4Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "SophiaTask3">>\
<<elseif $Sophia4Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "SophiaTask3Done">>\
<<elseif $Sophia5Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "SophiaTask4">>\
<<elseif $Sophia5Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "SophiaTask4Done">>\
<<elseif $Sophia6Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<include "SophiaTask5">>\
<<elseif $Sophia6Quest is 2 && $TaskDone is 1>>\
<<include "SophiaTask5Done">>\
<<elseif $Sophia7Quest is 1 && $TaskDone is 0>>\
<<elseif $Sophia5Quest is 3 || $Sophia10Quest is 3 >>\
<<say $Sophia>>I think I have already said that there are no new tasks yet. Come back later.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Are you finished with your job? Let's talk when everything is done.<</say>>
<</if>>\ <<say $Sophia>>So are you ready to corrupt our little pervert students? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>They need my little help….<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>And big dick. So next step to make them more slutty…<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>Can’t wait!<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>> I know to see how our girls are undressing,right. This your task. <</say>>
<<text y "Peek at girls locker at swimming lessons">>
<<say $mc>>Time for corruption huh. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Sophia2Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Peek at girls">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Sophia2Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Sophia3Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Sophia>>I guess you’ve satisfied a lot of girls today. Good work.<</say>>
<<addAff $Sophia 20>>
<<say $mc>>They enjoyed it<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Well, you did a good job, you deserve this reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 150>>\
<<text g "150$ added to pocket">>
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Sophia>>So are you ready to corrupt our little pervert students? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>They need my little help….<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>And big dick. So next step to make them more slutty…<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>Can’t wait!<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>You need to practice sexual formations at athletics <</say>>
<<text y "Practice sexual formations at athletics">>
<<say $mc>>Time for corruption huh. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Sophia3Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Sexual formations">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Sophia3Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Sophia4Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Sophia>>I guess you’ve satisfied a lot of girls today. Good work.<</say>>
<<addAff $Sophia 20>>
<<say $mc>>They enjoyed it<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Well, you did a good job, you deserve this reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 150>>\
<<text g "150$ added to pocket">>
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Sophia>>So are you ready to corrupt our little pervert students? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>They need my little help….<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>And big dick. So next step to make them more slutty…<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>Can’t wait!<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>You need to make special massage for our girls instead of Jane <</say>>
<<text y "Make massage in nurse’s cabinet">>
<<say $mc>>Time for corruption huh. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Sophia4Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Make massage">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Sophia4Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Sophia5Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Sophia>>I guess you’ve satisfied a lot of girls today. Good work.<</say>>
<<addAff $Sophia 20>>
<<say $mc>>They enjoyed it<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Well, you did a good job, you deserve this reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 150>>\
<<text g "150$ added to pocket">>
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Sophia>>So are you ready to corrupt our little pervert students? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>They need my little help….<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>And big dick. So next step to make them more slutty…<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>Can’t wait!<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>> You need to go deeper. Show them blowjob guide <</say>>
<<text y "Show blowjob guide to class">>
<<say $mc>>Time for corruption huh. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Sophia5Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Blowjob guide">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Sophia5Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Sophia6Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Sophia>>I guess you’ve satisfied a lot of girls today. Good work.<</say>>
<<addAff $Sophia 20>>
<<say $mc>>They enjoyed it<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Well, you did a good job, you deserve this reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 150>>\
<<text g "150$ added to pocket">>
[[That's all|Second floor]]<<say $Sophia>>So are you ready to corrupt our little pervert students? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>They need my little help….<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>And big dick. So next step to make them more slutty…<</say>>
<<talk "Take a task">><<say $mc>>Can’t wait!<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>> I know to see how our girls are undressing,right. This your task. <</say>>
<<text y "Spread schoolgirl's leg at the exam">>
<<say $mc>>Time for corruption huh. See you soon.<</say>>
<<set $Sophia6Quest = 2>>\
<<newTaskGrades "Spread schoolgirl's leg">>\
[[That's all|Second floor]]
<</talk>><<set $Sophia7Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Sophia8Quest = 1>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 0>>\
<<say $Sophia>>I guess you’ve satisfied a lot of girls today. Good work.<</say>>
<<addAff $Sophia 20>>
<<say $mc>>They enjoyed it<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Well, you did a good job, you deserve this reward.<</say>>
<<set $cash += 150>>\
<<text g "150$ added to pocket">>
[[That's all|Second floor]][img[img/Angela/talk.png]]
<div class="buttonInteractive bg2" style="padding-left: 73px;margin-top: 6px;padding-top: 5px;margin-left: 10px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;/*! margin-top: 10%; */left: -10px;top: 5px;/*! border: 2px; */border-left-width: 0px;border-left-style: solid;border-top-width: 0px;border-top-style: solid;border-right-width: 0px;border-right-style: solid;border-bottom-width: 0px;border-bottom-style: solid;color: white;">Literature</a> </div> <div class="buttonInteractive bg3" style="margin-left: 12px;padding-left: 54px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" ;="" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -17px;color: white;">Compliment</a> </div> <div class="buttonInteractive bg4" style="padding-left: 115px;margin-left: 18px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -54px;color: white;">Hug</a> </div> <div class="buttonInteractive bg6" style="padding-left: 62px;padding-bottom: 13px;margin-left: 9px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Economics</a> </div> <div class="buttonInteractive bg7" style="margin-left: 12px;padding-left: 114.7px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;margin-left: -56px;left: -17px;color: white;">Horny Joke</a> </div>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 2>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg8" style="padding-left: 113px;margin-left: 19px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -53px;color: white;">Kiss</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg8" style="padding-left: 113px;margin-left: 19px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> </div>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -53px;color: white;">Kiss</a>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg9" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-left: 89px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;right: 0px;left: -26px;color: white;">Politics</a> </div>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg10" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 13px;padding-left: 114px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg10" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 13px;padding-left: 114px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> </div>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -74px;color: white;">Flirt</a>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 2>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg11" style="padding-left: 98px;margin-left: 20px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg11" style="padding-left: 98px;margin-left: 20px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> </div>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -38px;color: white;">Grope</a>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg12" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 59px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;/*! color: white; *//*! color: white; */border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Philosophy</a> </div>
<<if $ == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg13" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 13px;padding-left: 146px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg13" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 13px;padding-left: 146px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> </div>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg14" style="margin-left: 20px;padding-left: 72px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg14" style="margin-left: 20px;padding-left: 72px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> </div>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: ;position: relative;top: 3px;left: -13px;color: white;">Fingering</a>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -26px;left: -294px;margin-left: -28px;color: white;">Give Flowers</a> <div class="buttonInteractive bg15" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 46px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">Architecture</a> </div>
<<if $id.boxofchocolate == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg16" style="margin-left: 17px;padding-left: 85px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg16" style="margin-left: 17px;padding-left: 85px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> </div>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -43px;margin-left: -169px;left: -1;left: -4px;color: white;">Give Chocolate</a>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg17" style="padding-right: 118px;margin-left: 0px;padding-left: 64px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg17" style="padding-right: 118px;margin-left: 0px;padding-left: 64px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> </div>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -6px;color: white;">Blowjob</a> <div class="buttonInteractive bg18" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-right: -14px;padding-left: 100px;margin-right: -17px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">Music</a> </div>
<<if $ == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg19" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 44px;padding-left: 107px;padding-top: 5px;margin-right: 34px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px; background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg19" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 44px;padding-left: 107px;padding-top: 5px;margin-right: 34px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px; ;border-color: #f52e74;"> </div>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;margin-left: -40px;left: -167px;color: white;">Give Wine</a>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg20" style="margin-left: 1px;padding-left: 126px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg20" style="margin-left: 1px;padding-left: 126px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> </div>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -68px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Cunilingus</a>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg21" style="padding-left: 190px;padding-right: 0px;margin-right: -50px;margin-top: 7px;margin-left: 10px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">Movies</a> </div>
<<if $id.teddy == 0>>
<div style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 81px;padding-left: 101px;margin-top: 6px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> </div>
<div style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 81px;padding-left: 101px;margin-top: 6px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;" class="buttonInteractive bg22"> </div>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;margin-left: -42px;left: -18px;color: white;">Give Teddy</a>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" style="margin-left: 579px;border-top-width: 2px;margin-top: -48px;margin-right: -24px;padding-left: 87px;border-bottom-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;">
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" style="margin-left: 579px;border-top-width: 2px;margin-top: -48px;margin-right: -24px;padding-left: 87px;border-bottom-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> </div>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -25px;color: white;">Vaginal</a>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg24" style="margin-top: -19px;margin-left: 10px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 82px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">Religion</a> </div>
<<if $id.perfume == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg25" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 9px;padding-left: 139px;margin-top: -21px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color:gray; background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg25" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 9px;padding-left: 139px;margin-top: -21px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color #f52e74;"> </div>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;margin-left: -100px;left: 5px;color: white;">Give Perfume</a>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg26" style="margin-left: 578px;margin-top: -52px;margin-right: 265px;padding-right: 100px;padding-left: 110px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;">
<div class="buttonInteractive bg26" style="margin-left: 578px;margin-top: -52px;margin-right: 265px;padding-right: 100px;padding-left: 110px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> </div>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -49px;color: white;">Anal</a>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg27" style="margin-top: -17px;margin-left: 10px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 234.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Sport</a> </div>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg29" style="margin-top: -18px;margin-left: 313px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 98px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg29" style="margin-top: -18px;margin-left: 313px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 98px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> </div>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -39px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Fetish</a>
<<if $id.whisky == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg28" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 287px;margin-top: -51px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 91px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg28" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 287px;margin-top: -51px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 91px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);border-color: #f52e74;"> </div>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -39px;margin-left: -42px;left: -124px;color: white;">Give Whisky</a>
<br> <br> <div style="margin-top: -47px;margin-left: 10px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 225.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;background-image: url(img/ach/datea.png);border-color: #f52e74;" class="buttonInteractive bg32"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -75px;padding-left: 0px;margin-left: -83px;color: white;">Ask for a date</a> </div> <br> <div style="margin-top: -13px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 200.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;margin-left: 11px;border-radius: 7.5px;background-image: url(img/ach/exittalk.png);border-color: #f52e74;" class="buttonInteractive bg33"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -138px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Leave</a> </div><<md>>When the lesson comes to an end, I breathe a sigh of relief. Finally, this day is over and you can go home. But something doesn't seem right to me. As if some piece of the puzzle is missing or the mechanism just malfunctioned.<</md>>
<<md>>What's the matter? HM...<</md>>
<<md>>And while, immersed in my thoughts, as if in a swamp, I stand in the middle of the classroom, my gaze falls on what should not be here.<</md>>
<<md>>I notice a girl who does not dare to approach me in any way. It is an amazing sight when almost adults are ashamed of their aspirations or desires. But it's even more amazing to see Lexi ashamed of something.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Can I help you with something, Lexi? Something happened?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes, this concerns Veronica ...<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica! It’s as if I hadn’t noticed her for several days! What a fool I am!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, what's wrong with her? Is she alright?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>What the fuck is alright ?! She's gone!<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi blurts it out and stuns me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>In what sense is she missing?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>She's nowhere to be found! Not at home, not at school, not in our secret places. You talked to her, so I thought, maybe ...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe I know where she might be?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes. Do you know?<</say>>
<<md>>Talking about what I saw how Veronica was having fun with other girls is not worth it. Although I think Lexi has participated in such "games" more than once. The main thing is not to think about it for too long ... Otherwise, the member will harden.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No Unfortunately. But I have a thought ... Leave it to me. I'll get Veronica back.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Good.<</say>>
<<md>>This idea is not good, no, it is terrible. Anger overwhelms me. It chokes me and I already know where I will go.<</md>>
[[Rush to the park|Veronica 6.2]]<<md>>While I come to the park, I have time to put my thoughts in order. My hatred is gradually subsiding and I am not ready to beat all people in a row if only Veronica would return. Still, there are things beyond our control.<</md>>
<<md>>But as soon as I notice this type in the distance, the feeling returns again. He is responsible for her disappearance - I know. The only question is how will I make him repay.<</md>>
[[Fight him|Veronica 6.3]]<<md>>What are you doing, man? Leave me, bro.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Where is she?! What have you done to her?<</say>>
<<say $Kobe>>What you...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>VERONICA?! WHERE IS SHE?!<</say>>
<<say $Kobe>>Veron ... Fuc...Ah the Latina ... I know where she is. Stop acting like bull and I'll explain it to you.<</say>>
<<md>>I wanted to kill him. People like him deserve only a dire fate. But if I do this now, cross the line, then there will be no turning back. Moreover ... I don't know where Veronica is. That is why I should step back now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You'd better not lie. Say what you did to her ?!<</say>>
<<md>>There was no former self-righteousness or grandeur in his eyes - a frightened and insignificant man stood in front of me.<</md>>
<<say $Kobe>>I didn't do anything with her. The first rule of my business is not to harm customers. What's the point of a dead customer?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then what's wrong with her?<</say>>
<<say $Kobe>>You must understand, I have nothing to do with it - it's all she ...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She?! Who?!<</say>>
<<say $Kobe>>Lady Dominant.<</say>>
<<md>>I looked at him closely. He was not lying, you could see it in his eyes. Moreover, he was afraid. Not just me, no. He was afraid of this woman.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What did she do to Veronica?<</say>>
<<say $Kobe>>She put latina in a cage.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>WHAT?! Are you kidding me?! How did you even allow an insignificant piece of this ...<</say>>
<<say $Kobe>>Veronica raced and crashed Lady's favorite motorcycle. Everyone knows that if Lady Dominant gets angry, it's better not to get in her way ...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Where is she? Speak or...<</say>>
<<say $Kobe>>In Quarter Far-Dreams. There is a narrow alley, entering which you will find yourself at the end near the red door - this is the entrance to her lair. But everyone who dares to enter there without her consent is doomed.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, then will you come with me!<</say>>
<<say $Kobe>>No, I am not ...<</say>>
<<md>>In an instant, this guy slips out from under my arms and dissolves into an already gloomy alley.<</md>>
<<md>>At least I found out where Veronica is. I really hope this is not some kind of trap.<</md>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest5 = 4>>\
[[Go back|Park]]<<md>>I walk along the night street and hear my heartbeat. Is it knocking loudly or is it the sound of several men beating another one? It is hard to say. But I know it doesn't concern me now. I came here for the sake of Veronica, so I'll go straight after her.<</md>>
<<md>>The narrow alley seems to be pulling me into its net. Darkness all around, and shadows lurking in it. But I'm not afraid of them. Even the fact that they might kill me does not bother me in any way.<</md>>
<<md>>I notice the faint silhouette of a door in the distance, and I head straight there to the red door.<</md>>
<<md>>She has her own implicit role in what is happening. She will help me get out of this world alive and get to Veronica. Entering a dark empty corridor, I walk along it, not feeling danger, as if falling into a deep and soft abyss.<</md>>
<<md>>Once inside, I find myself in a damp room that looks more like a torture chamber than a place where another person can live.<</md>>
<<md>>But I hear a familiar sound. Veronica's groan. What are they doing to her? Are they tortured her? Are they bullied?<</md>>
<<md>>I take off and run deeper, following the voice.<</md>>
<<md>>Soon I found myself in a place where I have never been before. It is a circular room, in the center of which I notice a small red door labeled DOK. I hear the soft clink of iron on iron, then another groan.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What the...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Veronica\Quest\VeronicaSlave 1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $VeronicaVideo23Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaVideo23Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>I manage to stop myself when I see Veronica in front of me. She is on all fours, letting the other woman lick her pussy with her tongue. The girl moans when her tongue touches her hole.<</md>>
<<md>>I do not want to see what is happening, but I feel that I cannot help but find out. I must see, I must ...<</md>>
<<md>>The woman's tongue caresses Veronica's pussy, exposing her pink hole.<</md>>
<<md>>The girl grabs the woman by the neck, and she begins to stimulate Veronica's pussy with her big tongue. I'm tense. I shouldn't touch my dick, I shouldn't ...<</md>>
<<md>>But now I am already moving it up and down watching how loudly Veronica moans with pleasure.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Veronica\Quest\VeronicaSlave 2.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $VeronicaVideo25Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaVideo25Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>Its vibrations distort the woman's voice, it becomes high and low. A wave of pleasure arises in me. I want both of them ...<</md>>
<<md>>Lady Dominant's hand penetrates Veronica's pussy and she moans loudly.<</md>>
<<md>>I see their lips and their tongues. They kiss. Who taught them this? I love seeing this kiss ... All I want is for it to last forever ...<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Veronica\Quest\Video\VeronicaSlave 3.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $VeronicaVideo22Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaVideo22Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>I look at her belly and smile. I see them moving, caressing the swollen clitoris. Tiny waves of orgasm roll through my body and I can imagine how Veronica is feeling. She wants and at the same time is afraid of it.<</md>>
<<md>>I move my dick faster and faster and finish on the floor, pouring all over with sperm, when Veronica also screams loudly and falls exhausted to the floor.<</md>>
<<md>>When the second woman looks up, satisfaction is reflected on her face.<</md>>
<<md>>What just happened ...<</md>>
[[Well|Veronica 6.5]]<<md>>When a woman turns to me, there is no surprise on her face, just a smile. She says she knows why I'm here.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Then you should just let go of Veronica.<</say>>
<<md>>But in response, she just shakes her head. No matter how much I try to persuade her - she says that Veronica broke her favorite toy, becaus of it Veronica is her favorite toy now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe we can come to an agreement.<</say>>
<<md>>The woman already wanted to refuse me, but ... I go up and kiss her. I'm sure I'll regret it now, but ... She smiles and says that maybe she needs a new toy with a dick. But she can't just let go of Veronica.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How do we then solve this issue?<</say>>
<<md>>The lady offers me this option: she lets Veronica go, and I pay for the repair of the bike. As much as 10 thousand dollars. For this money, you can buy anything ... However ...<</md>>
<<md>>If not, Veronica will have to ride the bike again and this time to win the race. Well, not a bad option.<</md>>
<<if $cash > 10000>>\
[[Pay for Veronica|Veronica 6.6]]
[[Participate in racing|Veronica 6.8]]<<md>>Veronica's well-being is worth any money - so even if I have to go broke now, I think I can endure.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, I give the money and take Veronica away from this dark and evil place. I should take her home and find out how she feels.<</md>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest5 = 5>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest6 = 1>>\
[[Go home|Veronica 6.8]]<<md>>I would really like to solve everything in a different way, but it does not seem that I now have any choice. I have to stick to the terms of this strange woman. If I don't do this now, then the girl will suffer in the end.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, we'll win your races, you'll see.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles, touches my penis and in this movement I feel a strange excitement. The woman says that it is better not to come here in the evening to practice skills and it is better not to be late.<</md>>
<<md>>I grab Veronica's hand and we leave this place.<</md>>
[[Go home|Veronica 6.9]]<<md>>I hold her hand and feel the warmth that comes from Veronica. She strokes my fingers with hers, which makes me think I'm losing my head before even reaching home. She doesn't say a word, I can feel her gratitude. She invisibly creeps all over my body. I melt from her touch and feel even more excited than I was in that dark room.<</md>>
<<md>>And when we are in the room, she thanks me with her lips. A reciprocal gratitude and tenderness arises in me, which I imprinted on her lips more than once ... Veronica runs her fingers into my hair and kisses me somewhere on the neck.<</md>>
<<md>>These soft and warm lips leave a fire on my soul. Even before I realized what she was doing, she had already taken off my shirt and unbuttoned my pants.<</md>>
<<md>>I again take her hand and we sink to the floor, hugging each other closely. I can feel her body shudder when I enter her. And then she smiles again. It's just a smile - but it has a certain importance.<</md>>
<<md>>I understand that the moment our lips meet again. I don't feel anything like the age difference between us. I just have to imagine her legs under my belly - and I am no longer able to think about anything else.<</md>>
<<md>>A member possessed by passion enters into it completely.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Veronica\Quest\Video\VeronicaTannedFuck.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $VeronicaVideo7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaVideo7Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>We intertwined in a tight embrace. I drag her onto the bathroom floor. Now I have to carefully move up, and I notice a little sweat on her neck. Then I take her hand and squeeze it tightly in my palm. She smiles once more - and gives in to me.<</md>>
<<md>>I understand that she enjoys my actions - and I seem to be reborn. No, not physically. She makes me feel how I became a part of her, how I feel good, how I did not appreciate it before. I understand that very well.<</md>>
<<md>>Veronica groans with pleasure. I lie down on it - and in response I receive a whole stream of gentle, chaste and strong touches. We look into each other's eyes, and I understand that at these moments I see her soul, her real face. It is wonderful.<</md>>
<<md>>And then I take out a member and she substitutes her mouth for my movements.<</md>>
<<md>>I make her pleasant when she closes her eyes and enjoys, and she no longer looks at me. I start to move slowly - and she moves towards my hands to make it easier to get into her mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>Now I know how to please her, and in a second our languages are intertwined - as if performing a short sacred act necessary for procreation, we are connected to each other by an invisible chain.<</md>>
<<md>>And then I instantly splash a fountain of sperm on her face.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Veronica\Quest\Video\VeronicaCum.mp4"></video></div> She feels everything that I do, and I feel her. It's not just sexual intercourse. This is a real orgy. I feel like the happiest person in the world.<</md>>
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
[[Leave|My room]]<<md>>There is no quieter place for this conversation than my bedroom. No, I'm not going to force Veronica to have sex now. I just noticed that it was in this place that she was most open to me and her desires. It is as if she is wearing a mask everywhere, but here she is real.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So how did you manage to get into such trouble?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica looked at me attentively and remorse was read in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>I don't know how it happened. I am...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You don't have to talk if you don't want to. I'm just worried about you. I’m scared to think what could have happened to you if I hadn’t found you. Are you satisfied with the fate of a sex slave?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Me not! This shouldn't have happened! I can ride, I was born on a bike! Someone built this accident.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Are you sure about that?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>And how! I've always ridden the best! But then ... We have to find whoever did it! Will you help me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Can you help ?!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>... I don't think this is the right tactic.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>But you ...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, listen. You miraculously survived. It is fortunate that this woman made concessions to us. Our goal now is to win the races. Born on a bike, huh? Then it won't be a problem for you. Let's deal with your debt first, and then we'll figure it out, okay?<</say>>
<<md>>She nods and then I hug her tightly. She now needs this much more than some kind of bodily contact. She needs someone to rely on.<</md>>
<<md>>It remains to come to training the next evening.<</md>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest5 = 6>>\
<<set $VeronicaQuest7 = 1>>\
[[Okay|My room]]<<md>>The evening came so quickly that I did not even notice. And even though the whole day was good, there is something that does not give me peace in any way. And if this is not dealt with as soon as possible, then you can get really big problems.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Hello?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica's voice came from the other side of the tube. But to my surprise, she didn't even bother.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, do you remember that we have an important business?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Of course. I am ready. We will meet at the appointed place.<</say>>
<<md>>She's too happy. Did she forget how it ended last time? It is better for me to be there, on the spot, otherwise everything could end very badly.<</md>>
[[Rush to the park|Veronica 6.11]]<<md>>The sound of the engine greeted me happily when I arrived. At first I was even confused. As if from dull streets you find yourself in a completely different world, full of bright colors. Around the noise, din, graffiti on the walls. This place seemed to breathe freedom and dissent.<</md>>
<<md>>The repeated sound of the engine made me look towards the bright red motorcycle.<</md>>
<<if $VeronicaImage19Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage19Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>And then I almost dropped my jaw to the floor.<</md>>
<<md>>With completely bare legs, dressed in all tight and bright red to match the motorcycle ... No, this is not the Veronica that I know. There is something wild about her, something from a cat or a panther.<</md>>
<<md>>You can hear about these in the movies. But there was something else ... I certainly have not seen this in any film. Most of all, she looked like an exhibitionist ... She sat tightly pressed against the seat, and did not pay attention to me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica!<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled at me as she drove closer. I confess, at one point I had the thought that it would not stop and that the story would end there. But no.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Are you ready to enjoy the view?<</say>>
<<if $VeronicaImage17Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage17Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She wagged her ass and winked at me, then put her glasses back on and rushed forward.<</md>>
<<md>>I didn't even have time to warn her to be careful.<</md>>
<<md>>The motorcycle zoomed in circles, smoothly cutting corners as if it were some kind of magic. Every time the girl glided so much that I wanted to applaud her. She really was born on a bike.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Well?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl drove up to me when it was already completely dark and we spent a couple of hours here.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It was just wonderful! You have a talent!<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>That's why I'll win the race.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I'll talk to Lady Dominant about it.<</say>>
<<md>>It is worth informing her about Monica's success, but not now. Now is the time to go home.<</md>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest7 = 2>>\
[[Go home|Home corridor]]<<if $AngelaChocolateGiven > 0 && $AngelaPresentChocolateEvent == 1 && $AngelaWhiskeyGiven > 0 >>\
<<goto"AngelaChocolateWhiskeyEvent">> \
<<say $Angela>>You decided to give me a drink? Ha-ha, she’s so worried, I’m just kidding. It's my favorite drink since university. Admit it, can you read minds? I love how drunk it is!<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 9>>
<<text r "-9 stamina">>\
<<set $stamina -= 9>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $id.whisky -=1>>\
<<set $AngelaWhiskeyGiven +=1>>\
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]<<if $AngelaChocolateGiven > 5 && $AngelaPresentChocolateEvent == 0>>\
<<goto"AngelaChocolateEvent">> \
<<say $Angela>>Chocolate ... I love its delicious taste so much. And you? Let me treat you!<</say>>
<<if $AngelaChocolateGiven > 0 && $AngelaPresentChocolateEvent == 0>>\
<<md>>Hm...Maybe it worth to give Angela more chocolate then?<</md>>
<<addLust $Angela 9>>
<<text r "-9 stamina">>\
<<set $stamina -= 9>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $id.boxofchocolate -=1>>\
<<set $AngelaChocolateGiven +=1>>\
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]<<say $Angela>>Sorry, I can't accept this. It’s too much. <</say>>
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]<<if $stamina< 9>>
<<goto "MCTiredMonica">>
<<say $Monica>>You are always so gentle. And these flowers are awesome. Thank you so-so-so-so much!<</say>>
<<addLust $Monica 9>>
<<text r "-9 stamina">>\
<<set $stamina -= 9>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $ -=1>>\
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]<<if $stamina< 9>>
<<goto "MCTiredMonica">>
<<say $Monica>>I know I shouldn't drink too much because of sport,but I can't resist it. Wine is so lifesaver sometimes. Especially after long day...<</say>>
<<addLust $Monica 9>>
<<text r "-9 stamina">>\
<<set $stamina -= 9>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $ -= 1>>\
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]<<say $Monica>>It's so kind of you,but I can't accept this.<</say>>
[[Next action|MonicaTalk]]<<say $Lexi>>What do you think I'm child? Well...Stop, Dont go...I mean I like this teddy bear so much! Thank you, teacher!<</say>>
<<addLust $Lexi 9>>
<<text r "-9 stamina">>\
<<set $stamina -= 9>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $id.teddy -=1>>\
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]<<say $Lexi>>Wow! I don't know that you can be so attentive. It's smells so good!<</say>>
<<addLust $Lexi 9>>
<<text r "-9 stamina">>\
<<set $stamina -= 9>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $id.perfume -=1>>\
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]<<say $Lexi>>Just go! I don't want your gifts!<</say>>
[[Next action|LexiTalk]]<<md>>The hospital is surprisingly quiet today. There is no such madness that happened when I saved Amber from a plight. After all, the journalists were ready to tear her to shreds. But did he save? Or was she playing me, knowing whose secret was at stake? Was she going to tell me at all that it was the president himself?<</md>>
<<md>>Time to find out!<</md>>
[[Go to her office|Amber2Q2]]<<md>>The woman was sitting alone and was writing something in one of her documents when I entered.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Well, you are something frequent to our hospital. Are there any health problems?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Rather trust issues.<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me as if I had confessed to the murder. But it is she who hides the secrets!<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>What do you mean?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know why there were so many reporters here yesterday. Is he ... still here?<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>I can't talk about it here.<</say>>
<<md>>As expected, they pointed me to my place. But I'm not the type to give up so easily.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Just nod if I'm right.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>No, I can not.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Listen...<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>No, listen to this ... This topic is not for discussion within these walls. How about meeting at a cafe at 7 p.m.?<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, that's it ... She doesn't want to tell me about it here. Well, let's play this game.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. See you.<</say>>
<<set $Amber1Q = 3>>\
[[Leave her office|HospitalReception]]<<md>>When I entered the cafe, I was almost speechless. Although there were many people in the cafe, my gaze was instantly riveted in only one direction. <</md>>
<<if $AmberImage2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AmberImage2Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>I knew that Amber was a gorgeous woman, but I could not imagine how much. She was wearing a luxurious white dress. It seemed very expensive. Where did she get this? Why does she hide him under a robe of such beauty?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You look stunning.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Thanks.<</say>>
<<md>>Amber smiled sweetly, I sat her down at a table and waited for the waiter.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Let's clear a few things right away. First, yes, it's a date. I called you because you are a nice man and I do not see anything reprehensible in this.<</say>>
<<md>>Wow, what a thrust!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I don't mind having a good time either. We could...<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Do not run ahead. Suddenly you will turn out to be even that goat like my ex-husband.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I assure you, I'm not a jerk at all.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>All the jerks say so. Secondly, yes, he was in our hospital. I can't tell you more yet. But if you behave yourself, you may learn more.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, such directness flatters me. No need to beat around the bush and guess on the coffee grounds.<</md>>
<<md>>It's time to enjoy your date.<</md>>
<<md>>Amber and I started talking about this and that, but her tits constantly attracted my attention.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Do you like it?<</say>>
<<md>>I coughed he unexpected question.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Do not lie, you like everything. Like I said before, if you’re good on your next date, you can see more.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Next?<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Yes, I'm waiting for you tomorrow at 4 p.m. in the park.<</say>>
<<md>>I like this turn of events. <</md>>
<<set $Amber1Q = 4>>
[[Yeah|Cafe]]<<if $Clara.LustLvl lte 2>>
<img src="img/Clara/ClaraBed1.jpg"><br>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image18", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<say $Clara>>Hey, $mc.Name! It’s a pleasure to see here. You want something?<</say>>
<<elseif $Clara.LustLvl gte 2>>
<img src="img/Clara/ClaraBed2.jpg"><br>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image19", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<say $Clara>>So you are here in my bedroom. What are we going to do?<</say>>
<<elseif $Clara.LustLvl gte 3>>
<img src="img/Clara/ClaraBed3.jpg"><br>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image20", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>><<say $Clara>>$mc.Name , are we going to do some sports?<</say>>
<</if>>\ <<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg2" data-passage="MCTiredClara" style="padding-left: 65px;margin-top: 6px;padding-top: 5px;margin-left: 10px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredClara" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;/*! margin-top: 10%; */left: -4px;top: 5px;/*! border: 2px; */border-left-width: 0px;border-left-style: solid;border-top-width: 0px;border-top-style: solid;border-right-width: 0px;border-right-style: solid;border-bottom-width: 0px;border-bottom-style: solid;color: white;">Literature</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg2" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" style="padding-left: 65px;margin-top: 6px;padding-top: 5px;margin-left: 10px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;/*! margin-top: 10%; */left: -4px;top: 5px;/*! border: 2px; */border-left-width: 0px;border-left-style: solid;border-top-width: 0px;border-top-style: solid;border-right-width: 0px;border-right-style: solid;border-bottom-width: 0px;border-bottom-style: solid;color: white;">Literature</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg3" data-passage="ClaraSayCompliment" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 48px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -77px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraSayCompliment" tabindex="0" ;="" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -7px;color: white;">Compliment</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg4" data-passage="ClaraHug" style="padding-left: 115px;margin-left: 591px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -106px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraHug" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -54px;color: white;">Hug</a> </div>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg6" data-passage="MCTiredClara" style="padding-left: 62px;padding-bottom: 13px;margin-left: 9px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -106px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredClara" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Economics</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg6" data-passage="ClaraEconomy" style="padding-left: 62px;padding-bottom: 13px;margin-left: 9px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -106px"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraEconomy" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Economics</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg7" data-passage="ClaraNastyJoke" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 114.7px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -161px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraNastyJoke" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;margin-left: -56px;left: -17px;color: white;">Horny Joke</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $Clara.LustLvl gte 2>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg8" style="padding-left: 115px;margin-left: 591px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -275px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -55px;">Kiss</a> <br>
</div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg8" data-passage="ClaraKiss" style="padding-left: 115px;margin-left: 591px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/kisstalkgrey.png);margin-top: -275px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraKiss" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -55px;">Kiss</a> <br>
</div> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg9" data-passage="MCTiredClara" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-left: 89px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -275px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredClara" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;right: 0px;left: -29px;color: white;">Politics</a> </div><br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg9" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-left: 89px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -275px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;right: 0px;left: -29px;color: white;">Politics</a> </div><br><br><br>
<<if $Clara.LustLvl gte 3>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg10" data-passage="ClaraFlirt" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 114px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;;margin-top: -499px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraFlirt" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -69px;color: white;">Flirt</a> <br><br><br> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg10" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 114px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flirttalkgrey.png);margin-top: -499px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -69px;color: white;">Flirt</a> <br><br><br> </div>
<<if $Clara.LustLvl gte 2>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg11" data-passage="ClaraTouchBreast" style="padding-left: 98px;margin-left: 592px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -554px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraTouchBreast" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;left: -40px;color: white;top: 6px;">Grope</a> <br><br><br> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg11" style="padding-left: 98px;margin-left: 592px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey;background-image: url(img/ach/gropetalkgrey.png);margin-top: -554px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;left: -40px;color: white;top: 6px;">Grope</a> <br><br><br> </div>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg12" data-passage="MCTiredClara" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 59px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;/*! color: white; *//*! color: white; */border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -610px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredClara" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Philosophy</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg12" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 59px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;/*! color: white; *//*! color: white; */border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -610px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Philosophy</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $ == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg13" style="border-left-width: 2px;padding-left: 86px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);margin-top: -667px;margin-left: 289px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: 0px;margin-left: -41px;color: white;">Give Flowers</a> </div><br><br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg13" data-passage="ClaraPresentRefuse" style="border-left-width: 2px;padding-left: 86px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -667px;margin-left: 289px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: 0px;margin-left: -41px;color: white;">Give Flowers</a> </div><br><br><br><br>
<<if $Clara.LustLvl gte 3>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg14" data-passage="ClaraPetting" style="margin-left: 592px;padding-left: 72px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; margin-top: -836px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraPetting" tabindex="0" style="position: ;position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -12px;">Fingering</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg14" style="margin-left: 592px;padding-left: 72px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/fingtalkgrey.png);margin-top: -836px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: ;position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -12px;">Fingering</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg15" data-passage="MCTiredClara" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 46px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -921px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredClara" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">Architecture</a></span> <wbr class="debug hidden"> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg15" data-passage="ClaraArchitecture" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 46px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -921px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 15px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraArchitecture" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">Architecture</a></span> <wbr class="debug hidden"> </div>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -987px;right: 0px;left: 115px;color: white;margin-left: -55px;opacity: 0;">Give Chocolate</a> <br><br>
<<if $id.boxofchocolate == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg16" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 68px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/chocotalkgrey.png);margin-top: -1089px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;margin-left: -40px;left: 18px;color: white;right: 0px;opacity: 100;">Give Chocolate</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg16" data-passage="ClaraPresentRefuse" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 68px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; background-image: url(img/ach/chocotalk.png);margin-top: -1089px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;margin-left: -40px;left: 18px;color: white;right: 0px;opacity: 100;">Give Chocolate</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $Clara.LustLvl gte 3>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg17" data-passage="ClaraBlowjobNew" style="padding-right: 118px;margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 64px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; margin-top: -1147px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraBlowjobNew" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: 0px;">Blowjob</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg17" style="padding-right: 118px;margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 64px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/blowtalkgrey.png);margin-top: -1147px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: 0px;">Blowjob</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg18" data-passage="MCTiredClara" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-right: -14px;padding-left: 100px;margin-right: -17px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -1205px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredClara" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">Music</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg18" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-right: -14px;padding-left: 100px;margin-right: -17px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -1205px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">Music</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $ gte 1>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg19" data-passage="ClaraPresentRefuse" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 143px;padding-top: 5px;margin-right: 34px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; background-image: url(img/ach/winetalk.png);margin-top: -1317px;" disabled=""> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -76px;left: -20px;color: white;">Give Wine</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg19" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 143px;padding-top: 5px;margin-right: 34px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;;border-color: grey;margin-top: -1317px;"> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -76px;left: -20px;color: white;">Give Wine</a> </div> <br><br><</if>>\
<<if $Clara.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg20" data-passage="ClaraCuni" style="margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 126px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -1401px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraCuni" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -60px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Cunilingus</a> </div> <br> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg20" style="margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 126px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/cunitalkgrey.png);margin-top: -1401px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -60px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Cunilingus</a> </div> <br> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg21" data-passage="MCTiredClara" style="padding-left: 190px;padding-right: 0px;margin-right: -50px;margin-top: -1482px;margin-left: 6px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredClara" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">Movies</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg21" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" style="padding-left: 190px;padding-right: 0px;margin-right: -50px;margin-top: -1482px;margin-left: 6px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">Movies</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $id.teddy == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg22" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 289px;padding-left: 101px;padding-bottom: 4px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/teddytalkgrey.png);width: 250px;height: 37px;margin-top: -1594px;" disabled=""> <br><br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -42px;left: -9px;color: white;top: -78px;">Give Teddy</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" data-passage="ClaraPresentRefuse" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 289px;padding-left: 101px;padding-bottom: 4px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px; border-color: #f52e74;width: 250px;height: 37px;margin-top: -1594px;"> <br><br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -42px;left: -9px;color: white;top: -78px;">Give Teddy</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<<if $Clara.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" data-passage="ClaraVaginalMissionary1" style="margin-left: 590px;border-top-width: 2px;margin-top: -1735px;margin-right: -24px;padding-left: 87px;border-bottom-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraVaginalMissionary1" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left:-17px;">Vaginal</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" style="margin-left: 590px;border-top-width: 2px;margin-top: -1735px;margin-right: -24px;padding-left: 87px;border-bottom-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/vagitalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -17px;">Vaginal</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg24" data-passage="MCTiredClara" style="margin-top: -1787px;margin-left: 5px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 82px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredClara" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">Religion</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg24" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" style="margin-top: -1787px;margin-left: 5px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 82px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">Religion</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $id.perfume == 0 >>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg25" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 288px;padding-left: 139px;margin-top: -1899px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color:gray; background-image: url(img/ach/perfumetalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -100px;color: white;top: -50px;left: 9px;">Give Perfume</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg25" data-passage="ClaraPresentPerfume" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 288px;padding-left: 139px;margin-top: -1899px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color:#f52e74;"> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraPresentPerfume" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -100px;color: white;top: -50px;left: 9px;">Give Perfume</a> </div><br><br>
<<if $Clara.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg26" data-passage="ClaraAnal" style="margin-left: 590px;margin-top: -2012px;margin-right: 265px;padding-right: 100px;padding-left: 110px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraAnal" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;color: white;top: 6px;left: -38px;">Anal</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg26" style="margin-left: 590px;margin-top: -2012px;margin-right: 265px;padding-right: 100px;padding-left: 110px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/analtalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;color: white;top: 6px;left: -38px;">Anal</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg27" data-passage="MCTiredClara" style="margin-top: -2063px;margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 234.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredClara" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Sport</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg27" data-passage="ClaraSport" style="margin-top: -2063px;margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 234.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Sport</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $Clara.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg29" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" style="margin-top: -2175px;margin-left: 591px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 98px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraRefuse" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -27px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Fetish</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg29" style="margin-top: -2175px;margin-left: 591px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 98px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/fetishtalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -27px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Fetish</a> </div><br><br><br>
<<if $id.whisky == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg28" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 287px;margin-top: -2315px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 91px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey;background-image: url(img/ach/whiskytalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -42px;color: white;left: 0px;">Give Whisky</a> </div> <br><br><br> <br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg28" data-passage="ClaraPresentWhisky" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 287px;margin-top: -2315px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 91px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="ClaraPresentWhisky" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -42px;color: white;left: 0px;">Give Whisky</a> </div> <br><br><br> <br>
<div style="margin-top: -2400px;margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 243.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;background-image: url(img/ach/datea.png);border-color: grey;" class="buttonInteractive bg32"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -75px;padding-left: -3px;margin-left: -109px;color: white;">Ask for a date</a> <div style="margin-top: 52px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 200.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;margin-left: -247px;border-radius: 7.5px;background-image: url(img/ach/exittalk.png);border-color: #f52e74;" class="buttonInteractive bg33" data-passage="CHHall"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="CHHall" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -138px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Leave</a> </div>
<<if $stamina < 0>>
<<set $stamina = 0>>
<</if>>\123123<<say $Clara>>Oh yes, I love architecture and everything connected with it. Seeing how a monumental structure emerges from a mountain of stones and planks is breathtaking.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not sure...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I think this love is in my blood. My father was a famous architect.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I heard ...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>It's a pity that he couldn't finish building the mirrored house he dreamed of ...<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|ClaraTalkHome]]<<say $Clara>>Sport is my life. How can I be the headmaster of this school, encourage female students to lead a healthy lifestyle, if I myself do not correspond to it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds reasonable. So what sport do you like?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I like boxing the most.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Boxing? I AM...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Didn't expect this? I thought I was doing some kind of yoga? Well, I do yoga too. But I've been boxing since childhood. So watch out!<</say>>
<<md>>Haha, it's better not to joke with her.<</md>>
<<addAff $Clara 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|ClaraTalkHome]]<<say $Clara>>How do you know that I'm interested in this? Was you spying on me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, what are you...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Right, because this is my job. Before hiring employees, I always do a little check: accounts, how a person knows how to handle money ...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Can the ability to spend money say a lot about a person?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Too much, in fact. The way a person handles money can tell what kind of employee he will be. If, for example, he spends his entire salary on drinks, he certainly won't work for us.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Even if he is the coolest specialist in the world?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Even in this case. He has many psychological problems if he is unable to control his impulses. In addition, our school has an image and we cannot risk it.<</say>>
<<md>>This is not the answer I was hoping for, but it turned out to be closer to reality than I expected.<</md>>
<<addAff $Clara 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|ClaraTalkHome]]<<set _ClaraRefuseArray = [ 1, 2,3]>>\
<<switch _ClaraRefuseArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Clara>>This is not what I would like to talk about.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Clara>>This does not apply to the school. Don't waste my time.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Clara>>Talking about uninteresting topics is tantamount to violence against oneself.<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara -6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|ClaraTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 5>>
<<goto "MCTiredClara">>
<<set _ClaraNastyArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _ClaraNastyArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>A big smile shines on Clara's face. She's definitely up to something.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>What's the plan for entertainment?<</say>>
<<md>>Why did she say that? Doesn't she know what is coming next?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I do not know, for the entertainment I have only a dick.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl bursts out laughing and looks down there.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Entertainment that I need!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>There are situations where you just can't keep quiet. Even now, as Clara yawns wide at me, it is not the most pleasant thoughts. Well, there's no need to yawn so sexually. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you, Clara, know what physiological compatibility is? <</say>>
<<say $Clara>>When sex is great.<</say>>
<<md>>She says it with so much excitement that you can't help, but admire her honesty.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, I like the way you think. It's not just that, though. What happens to a guy when he wakes up? <</say>>
<<say $Clara>>He's got a boner?.<</say>>
<<md>>I knew Clara would solve this little mystery. I mean, it's her type. Her twisted taste.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's true! And when a girl wakes up, she yawns so wide that even the fattest dick will fit into her seemingly small mouth. <</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I don't think it's a coincidence!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So do I! That's what's called physiological compatibility. I think that's what you and I have!<</say>>
<<md>>Clara's smiling back. That's when a smile says a lot more than words!<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Today I caught Clara doing a very amazing thing. Although maybe it's better to call it sexy! The girl is holding a banana that she's not going to clean. And looking at this picture, nothing but dirty thoughts can come to mind. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You look like you are fan of a banana!<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh, I do! It's so smooth and resilient! Ha-ha! And it's delicious, of course! I also love banana ice cream. And banana salads. And bananas and bananas and bananas!<</say>>
<<md>>Her sounding laughter is flying all over the apartment. Looks like she's a fan of this fruit. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>And you know that banana is very useful for young girls like you? It reduces the risk of sexual disorder by at least 30%. <</say>>
<<say $Clara>>That's why I love it so much, it turns out!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, and eating it takes another 10%.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara makes a loud laugh when she understands what I'm talking about. There's a banana in the air that she threw at me. <</md>>
<<md>>Still, Clara is a person of many moods.<</md>>
<<if $ClaraArouse > 60 && $ClaraArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Clara is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
<<addLust $Clara 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|ClaraTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 4>>
<<goto "MCTiredClara">>
<<set _ClaraSayComplimentArray = [ 1, 2,3]>>\
<<switch _ClaraSayComplimentArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Clara>>What a hot day today!<</say>>
<<md>>Clara is wearing a tight T-shirt that highlights every mouth-watering particle of her body. But there are many beads of sweat on her face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes,it is shining especially brightly today. But I think it's much hotter here now.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Really? I'm going to turn on the conditioner now!<</say>>
<<md>>The student is already getting up to go to the console, but I grab her hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I mean that there is something hotter and brighter in this room than the sun - it's you, Clara.<</say>>
<<md>>And when the compliment is said, I let her go, admiring the confused and at the same time flattered look.<</md>>
<<md>>Here she is the real Clara, hidden behind all these masks of self-confidence and obscenity.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>Do you know why many people go to the beach?<</say>>
<<md>>My questions sounded so suddenly that the girl even shuddered for a second.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>To enjoy the sea and the sun. Sunbathe, maybe...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, but not only for this. Many people know that a pearl can be found there and everyone wants to touch the beauty.<</say>>
<<md>>Several times I have seen people just walk along the coast and look for shells, hoping to find something very valuable.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>True?<</say>>
<<md>>Clarae doesn't seem to think about this question even once.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. But they don't know that the main pearl of this is not at the seashore, but right here, in front of me!<</say>>
<<md>>I look at her, waiting for her to understand what I mean.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Is it me the pearl? Thank you! This is the most beautiful thing that I have been told in this life. I am a pearl! Ha!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Where has Clara gone? She left her room and...<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I'm a little worried before the ball.<</say>>
<<md>>She walked in in a chic dress, which I have never seen before, and I must say in it she looks so beautiful that she already takes my breath away.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I think this dress makes me a little fat.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, Clara still doesn't realize how wrong she is. I walked over to her and gently took her hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You in it are even more beautiful than usual, Clara. I'm sure all the guys at the ball will not take their eyes off you this evening.<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me in surprise, as if I had revealed to her the secret of world domination.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Do you really think so?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course!<</say>>
<<md>>A moment and a smile shines on the girl's face. What else is needed?<</md>>
<<addAff $Clara 4>>
<<set $stamina -= 4>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|ClaraTalkHome]]<<set _ClaraFlirtArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _ClaraFlirtArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Clara and I have been spending a lot of time together lately. It might seem like an unnecessary burden to some, but it makes me more comfortable. There's a strong relationship between us. Which means it's time to move a little further in our relationship. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, your outfit today is amazing. Did you think your teacher was worthy of such a beautiful look? <</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes are mischievously shining. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>The teacher is handsome, of course. But my outfit isn't for him.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're dating someone else?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl started spinning a lock of hair playfully.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>How do you know? How do you know...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And who is he? <</say>>
<<md>>The answer to my question was a sounding laugh.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Not he, but she .<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She? Do you like girls? <</say>>
<<say $Clara>>No, I don't like the other girls. But I do like one of them. She's so adorable and special!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Who is she?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Biology!<</say>>
<<md>>I'd like to be mad at Clara, but this game is very exciting. And my student in it is one of the most worthy opponents I've ever met in my life.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>While reading the book, I noticed that Clara was watching me closely and a very interesting plan was born in me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm reading the horoscope here. And I got some very interesting information, but I need your help for it, Clara. What color lingerie are you wearing?<</say>>
<<md>>In response to my words, the girl smiles broadly.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Don't believe your horoscopes. I don't wear underwear.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then I will have to take care of your health and be sure that you do not catch a cold.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh, so you are not only a biology teacher, but also a doctor? I can't wait for your care, Doctor $mc.Name<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Sometimes, looking at my student, I ask myself a very simple question: what she is thinking about. I would like to say that I understand what she is thinking, but that would be a lie.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara, like a box of surprises, is always capable of surprise. You'd think she'd connect all conversation with sex, when she'd give away something so deep. At times like this, you don't even know how to act. <</md>>
<<md>>But the only thing I want Clara's thoughts to be right now is me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you thinking about?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>That school isn't the worst place.<</say>>
<<md>>Not something to think about at such an interesting moment. There's a beautiful man like me standing next to her, and she's thinking about school? That's terrible!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's the wrong answer! You have to think about me! <</say>>
<<md>>She smiled, agreeing with my statement.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, you're not the worst place either...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You know what else is a good place? It's your bedroom.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I'm afraid it's closed for sitting there right now!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And if you lie there?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Depending on how hard you swing on it!<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, that's a nice conversation. What's important is that both sides understand where it's going, but they also enjoy the process. I just love it!<</md>>
<<addLust $Clara 9>>
<<text r "-9 stamina">>\
<<set $stamina -= 9>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Next action|ClaraTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 5>>
<<goto "MCTiredClara">>
<<set _ClaraHugArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _ClaraHugArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Looking at Clara, I was always amazed at the feeling of warmth that comes from her. If there is a person in the world who can cheer you up with just one smile, then this is undoubtedly she.<</md>>
<<md>>Being around her makes you feel happier than everyone else.<</md>>
<<md>>And that's why I don't like seeing her in such a depressed state as now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, why are you sad?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl looks at one point and does not even turn her head towards me.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>It's okay, just ...<</say>>
<<md>>Everything is clear to me without words. Something really happened, but she won't tell me. But I know what I will do now.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>What are you doing?<</say>>
<<md>>Even if she doesn't tell anything, even if her big secret is eating her from the inside, nobody canceled the magic power of hugs. I hugged me tightly, trying to convey everything that really worried me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Everything will be fine. <</say>>
<<md>>I felt her smile and reciprocal hugs, although I did not see, as I closed my eyes. This is a great moment. Let there be as many of them as possible!<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Thanks. <</say>>
<<md>>She whispers in my ear and I'm just insanely happy.<</md>>
<<addLust $Clara 3>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
<<set $ClaraArouse += 2>>\
<<if $ClaraArouse > 60 && $ClaraArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Clara is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|ClaraTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 10>>
<<goto "MCTiredClara">>
<<set _ClaraTouchBreastArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _ClaraTouchBreastArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Only a blind person will not see how sexy this girl is. Yes, Clara probably drives more than one boy crazy. But I'm not a boy. And yet ... Her body is so attractive. Her breasts ... I can't stop thinking about her. When she speaks, when she breathes, I constantly think about how to touch these soft, attractive shapes.<</md>>
<<md>>How much you want ...<</md>>
<<md>>And suddenly Clara takes my hand. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl takes a deep breath, from which her gorgeous breasts seduce me even more. I swear, someday I will not stand it and just ...<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>It seems to me that something is wrong with my heart.<</say>>
<<md>>She says it so seriously that I throw all thoughts aside. What if she really got sick? Perhaps she has a hereditary arrhythmia, or worse? Then all this can turn out to be very bad.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What's wrong? Where does it hurt?<</say>>
<<md>>I will have to remember the minimum that I was taught in the first aid courses. Hope this helps.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>It doesn't hurt anywhere. It's just when you're around ... I think it beats too fast.<</say>>
<<md>>Ha ha! That's it. Well, it's still worth playing doctor. And she and I will love it. Knocks, you say ...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Then I must examine it. If this is something serious, it will be necessary to go to the hospital.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara nods and lifts her blouse without further objection. <</md>>
<<md>>How gorgeous her breasts are. She peeks seductively out from under her bra, as if inviting me. <</md>>
<<md>>They say it is impolite to refuse an invitation.<</md>>
<<md>>I touch my chest with my hands and squeeze it tightly. Clara responds calmly to my touch and I feel like I finally reach my goal.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Does it hurt? <</say>>
<<md>>My hands touch the area where her nipples are. I massage my breasts more thoroughly and actively.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>No ... No, rather ... Nice. <</say>>
<<md>>I continue to play with her breasts, squeezing gently. Now Clara is clearly on edge. Her body is tense and trembling. She clearly enjoys it. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Then it's all right. Don't worry so much.<</say>>
<<md>>I stop because I know that I can rip all of her clothes off if I don't tell myself to stop now. She's not ready yet. But it will be very soon, I'm sure.<</md>>
<<addLust $Clara 3>>
<<set $ClaraArouse += 2>>\
<<set $McCum += 8>>\
<<text r "-10 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 10>><<addmins 10>>\
<<if $ClaraArouse > 60 && $ClaraArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Clara is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|ClaraTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 12>>
<<goto "MCTiredClara">>
<<set _ClaraKissArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _ClaraKissArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>The more time I spend with Clara, the more I think how wonderful she is. I am drawn to spend as much time with her as possible, to know her completely, to know how she breathes, to understand how she tastes ...<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, no matter how I deceive myself, the truth is simple - Clara attracts me like no one else. And these lips are so sensual ...<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$ mc.Name ? Are you okay?<</say>>
<<md>>Clara leaned over me as I lost myself in thought again. No, you shouldn't keep it to yourself.<</md>>
<<md>>And without further ado, I touch her soft seductive lips with my lips. She closes her eyes and responds with a kiss, wrapping her arms around my neck. From this sensation, it seems to me that the whole world around me has dissolved. I am already completely at the mercy of this feeling, and when our tongues meet at a crazy pace. I have never seen her so beautiful ...<</md>>
<<addLust $Clara 14>>\
<<set $ClaraArouse += 8>>\
<<set _ClaraKissNegArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _ClaraKissNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Clara>>I will never do something like this!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Clara>>Why are you sticking to me? Go harass someone else!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Clara won't leave any man indifferent. Her expressive lips are just as tempting to taste them. That's why our lips are now touching, feeling the warmth and excitement that connects us. <</md>>
<<md>>Her lips are so warm and tender and at the same time they feel some cold. It's as if the student not only enjoys the process, but at the same time is detached from what is happening. It feels like a whole living statue. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wow!<</say>>
<<md>>A sharp pain covers my lower lip, which is now bleeding. I can feel the taste of iron in my mouth.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You bit me, Clara! You bit me! Why did you do that?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Because I wanted to? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Clara! You can't do whatever you want!<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Really? I think that's what you're doing by sticking your tongue in my mouth!<</say>>
<<md>>There's a fire burning in her eyes. But it's not a fire of passion at all. It's a fire of anger and spite. I'd better back off now if I don't want to cause a whole storm...<</md>>
<<addLust $Clara 5>>\
<<set $ClaraArouse += 4>>\
<<set $McCum += 2>>\
<<text r "-12 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 12>><<addmins 5>>\
<<if $ClaraArouse > 60 && $ClaraArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Clara is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|ClaraTalkHome]]
<<if $stamina< 14>>
<<goto "MCTiredClara">>
<<if $ClaraCum is 100>><<goto "ClaraCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumClara">><</if>>\
<<set _ClaraPettingArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _ClaraPettingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Clara>>Would you like to help me?<</say>>
<<md>>Clara's voice sounds pretty sexy as always. But what's even more sexy is the girl's body in sexy form. I must say that every time I see her in her I want to rip this form off her. Everything about her turns me on, right down to the bulges that touch her bottom.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course.<</say>>
<<md>>I walk up to her, but I notice something special when she bends down. She doesn't seem to be wearing panties.<</md>>
<<md>>I try to grab onto her bottom to help, but instead... <</md>>
<<md>>Clara is already lying on the carpet, arching her back so that I can feel all the curves of her body. She seems aroused. And when she spreads her legs, I lose my head.<</md>>
<<md>>Madness! Clara wants me to touch her pussy. This is not the Clara I know, but I definitely like it a lot.<</md>>
<<md>>Unable to move, I look at her in complete daze. But when Clara throws her head back, I can see that she is, in fact, aroused. She is so aroused that her swollen breasts are visible through the thin tissue.<</md>>
<<md>>I can feel Clara arching her back more and more. Oh god, how wonderful it is. I want to taste it. So I touch her pussy with my fingers.<</md>>
<<md>>I can taste the sweet taste of the forbidden fruit, I know it is, but I can't believe her pussy smells like that.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraIntFingering.mp4"></video></div> And the pussy starts to sway, and we take turns losing the ability to resist.<</md>>
<<md>>I touch the pussy and play with the clit. This is the most important part of Clara. This is her mysterious flower.
Clara moans loudly as my movements become sharper.<</md>>
<<md>>She twitches all over. When we reach the peak of pleasure, she lets out a shrill cry, then another. I can feel her body in my hands and it's wonderful.<</md>>
<<addLust $Clara 8>>
<<text r "-14 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 14>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $ClaraCum += 12>>\
<<set $McCum += 12>>\
<<if $ClaraArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 6 && $mc.Strength > 8>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "ClaraAnal">><</talk>>
[[Back|ClaraTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 6>>
<<goto "MCTiredClara">>
<<if $ClaraCum is 100>><<goto "ClaraCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumClara">><</if>>\
<<set _ClaraBlowjobNegArray = [ 1,2]>>\
<<switch _ClaraBlowjobNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Clara is a unique girl. The one that you will never meet in ordinary life. I still can't believe how lucky I am.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You seem a little tense, are you okay? <</say>>
<<md>>And now, she notices even the slightest changes in me and tries to get better. Next to such a girl, you yourself want to become better.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I ...<</say>>
<<md>>Clara smiles back at me and kneels down. She runs her tongue in the groin area and my tension becomes even greater. The only thing I want is for her to take my cock in her mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>For her tongue to touch me there. When I see what she is about to do, my balls squeeze, and my cock jumps out on its own.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Wow ... It's ... so big ... And handsome ...<</say>>
<<md>>Without further ado, she licks the head of the penis.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraIntBlowjob2.mp4"></video></div> Her hot breath grows stronger and I almost lose control of myself. Hands start to shake. Yes, Clara is truly unique, even though she herself will never know about it.<</md>>
<<if $ClaraVideo16Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo16Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Her head moves in time with my cock and a wave of pleasure runs through my body.<</md>>
<<md>>I feel very horny and I think that finally this beautiful girl will do more for me than just lick my dick ... Clara is really good. And now I will always think of her in this vein.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, her tongue was skillful and this is the best pleasure in my life!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Clara is a unique girl. The one that you will never meet in ordinary life. I still can't believe how lucky I am.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You seem a little tense, are you okay? <</say>>
<<md>>And now, she notices even the slightest changes in me and tries to get better. Next to such a girl, you yourself want to become better.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I ...<</say>>
<<md>>Clara smiles back at me and kneels down. She runs her tongue in the groin area and my tension becomes even greater. The only thing I want is for her to take my cock in her mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>For her tongue to touch me there. When I see what she is about to do, my balls squeeze, and my cock jumps out on its own.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Wow ... It's ... so big ... And handsome ...<</say>>
<<md>>Without further ado, she licks the head of the penis.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraIntBlowjob2.mp4"></video></div> Her hot breath grows stronger and I almost lose control of myself. Hands start to shake. Yes, Clara is truly unique, even though she herself will never know about it.<</md>>
<<md>>Her head moves in time with my cock and a wave of pleasure runs through my body.<</md>>
<<md>>I feel very horny and I think that finally this beautiful girl will do more for me than just lick my dick ... Clara is really good. And now I will always think of her in this vein.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, her tongue was skillful and this is the best pleasure in my life!<</md>>
<<addLust $Clara 12>>
<<set $ClaraCum += 2>>\
<<set $McCum += 22>>\
<<set $stamina -= 6>><<addmins 10>>\
<<if $ClaraCum > 15 && $ClaraArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $ClaraCum > 25 && $ClaraArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $ClaraCum > 50 && $ClaraArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Clara is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $ClaraCum > 75 && $ClaraArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Clara is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Back|ClaraTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 16>>
<<goto "MCTiredClara">>
<<if $ClaraCum is 100>><<goto "ClaraCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumClara">><</if>>\
<<md>>I run my hand over Clara's face, and then gently turn her over, allowing her naked sexy body to be under me. My cock touches her pussy quite a bit, but that's enough to make me lose my head. <</md>>
<<md>>I can't do anything about it. Clara grabs my cock , presses against it and pulls back a little to look me in the eyes. For a few seconds we look at each other in silence, and it seems to me that I am looking into the eyes of the most beautiful person on this planet.<</md>>
<<md>>The member gently enters into her.<</md>>
<<md>>I can hardly contain myself so as not to cum on this treasure.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraIntMissionary.mp4"></video></div> Clara snuggles closer to me, and I can feel the shocks of my arousal transmitted to her, so that she no longer controls herself.<</md>>
<<if $ClaraVideo17Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo17Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Clara moves towards me again, and her lips meet mine. We fall silent. Only my breathing is one of the rare sounds that break the silence. She touches me with her long fingers, rubs and strokes my cock with her pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>I can feel the desire growing inside. I can't bring myself to contain myself. Cumming on Clara seems to me the most natural thing in my life. A crazy thought comes to my mind - grab her hair and keep moving harder.<</md>>
<<md>>A moan escapes her lips as I enter her completely.<</md>>
<<md>>She closes her eyes, as if enjoying every second that our closeness gives her.<</md>>
<<md>>And I also enjoy this wonderful moment, from which I think I will soon finish...<</md>>
<<addLust $Clara 20>>
<<set $stamina -= 16>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $ClaraCum += 22>>\
<<set $McCum += 16>>\
<<if $ClaraArouse > 200 && $mc.Intellect > 5 && $mc.Strength > 6>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 20 $stamina Not enough stamina.">><<goto "ClaraAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $ClaraCum > 15 && $ClaraArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $ClaraCum > 25 && $ClaraArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $ClaraCum > 50 && $ClaraArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Clara is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $ClaraCum > 75 && $ClaraArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Clara is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Back|ClaraTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 18>>
<<goto "MCTiredClara">>
<<if $ClaraCum is 100>><<goto "ClaraCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumClara">><</if>>\
<<set _ClaraAnalNegArray = [ 1,2]>>\
<<switch _ClaraAnalNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>There is only one thing that seduces me endlessly about Clara. Her big and sweet ass. These two halves have tempted me very much since the day we met. I roll Clara onto her back and slap her ass loudly.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara immediately opens her eyes and starts laughing. We smile at each other. Clara is very sexy, I think and hit her in the butt again. Clara closes her eyes. I spank her one last time.<</md>>
<<md>>And then I gently touch the head of a member of her anus. Clara flinches and squeezes her legs. I press, and Clara bends a little. I touch harder. Clara groans softly. And begins to bend. And I already want to enter it completely.<</md>>
<<md>>The member slides inside it until it rests against the edge.
Clara moans again, which makes my boner even stronger. The walls of her ass squeeze me tighter.<</md>>
<<md>>I start to move faster in it. My penis goes deeper and deeper, finally I feel a burning sensation at the base of my penis and, also starting to moan, I crash into her again.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara tries to move away. I pull her legs and kiss her neck. It seems to turn her on even more. Clara squeezes her legs even tighter. I press harder, feeling her body tighten.<</md>>
<<md>>What a great feeling. No wonder she trained so much!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>There is only one thing that seduces me endlessly about Clara. Her big and sweet ass. These two halves have tempted me very much since the day we met. I roll Clara onto her back and slap her ass loudly.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara immediately opens her eyes and starts laughing. We smile at each other. Clara is very sexy, I think and hit her in the butt again. Clara closes her eyes. I spank her one last time.<</md>>
<<md>>And then I gently touch the head of a member of her anus. Clara flinches and squeezes her legs. I press, and Clara bends a little. I touch harder. Clara groans softly. And begins to bend. And I already want to enter it completely.<</md>>
<<md>>The member slides inside it until it rests against the edge.
Clara moans again, which makes my boner even stronger. The walls of her ass squeeze me tighter.<</md>>
<<md>>I start to move faster in it. My penis goes deeper and deeper, finally I feel a burning sensation at the base of my penis and, also starting to moan, I crash into her again.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara tries to move away. I pull her legs and kiss her neck. It seems to turn her on even more. Clara squeezes her legs even tighter. I press harder, feeling her body tighten.<</md>>
<<md>>What a great feeling. No wonder she trained so much!<</md>>
<<if $ClaraCum > 15 && $ClaraArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $ClaraCum > 25 && $ClaraArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $ClaraCum > 50 && $ClaraArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Clara is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $ClaraCum > 75 && $ClaraArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Clara is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
<<addLust $Clara 20>>
<<set $stamina -= 18>><<addmins 20>>\
<<set $ClaraCum += 14>>\
<<set $McCum += 20>>\
[[Back|ClaraTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 12>>
<<goto "MCTiredClara">>
<<if $ClaraCum is 100>><<goto "ClaraCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumClara">><</if>>\
<<md>>I slowly ran my tongue along the inside of the girl's thigh. An innocent act, but Clara was already moaning.<</md>>
<<md>>I knew how to put her into a trance and began to gently stroke her body. Soon, the girl relaxed and relaxed herself, her chest under my hand rose and fell smoothly. When I finally got to my target, her body was already trembling.<</md>>
<<md>>The tip of the tongue touched the girl's panties exactly where her pussy was hiding.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraIntCuni.mp4"></video></div> I went to work, and Clara moaned loudly, loudly. She didn't say anything - she just moaned. I just licked her clitoris. Like a hungry baby, I sucked and played with him, simultaneously playing with her lips.<</md>>
<<if $ClaraVideo18Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo18Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>The pads of my fingers flew around and dropped slightly on her hips, first to the left, then to the right, and each time I waited for Clara to stop me. But the girl did not stop - she silently and insatiably watched how I handle her pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>I reveled in her moans and how she reacted to my actions. <</md>>
<<md>>Very soon I realized that I could do everything, that I was able to do as I wanted. Clara bent under me and tried to move. On an impulse, I gave free rein to my hands. A few movements of my hand, and her whole body tensed.<</md>>
<<md>>And then she moaned so loudly and soulfully that it seemed to me that I would come from this sound myself. <</md>>
<<md>>How pleasant it is to watch this picture!<</md>>
<<addLust $Clara 15>>
<<set $stamina -= 12>><<addmins 10>>\
<<set $ClaraCum += 16>>\
<<set $McCum += 4>>\
<<if $ClaraCum > 15 && $ClaraArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $ClaraCum > 25 && $ClaraArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $ClaraCum > 50 && $ClaraArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Clara is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $ClaraCum > 75 && $ClaraArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Clara is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Next action|ClaraTalkHome]]123<<say $Clara>>This is my favorite type of perfume. How did you know about this?<</say>>
<<addLust $Clara 9>>
<<text r "-9 stamina">>\
<<set $stamina -= 9>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $id.perfume -=1>>\
[[Next action|ClaraTalkHome]]<<say $Clara>>There is nothing better in the world than a glass of good whisky. Will you have a drink with me?<</say>>
<<addLust $Clara 9>>
<<text r "-9 stamina">>\
<<set $stamina -= 9>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $id.whisky -=1>>\
[[Next action|ClaraTalkHome]]
<<say $Clara>>I cannot accept this gift. Perhaps it was meant for someone else?<</say>>
[[Next action|ClaraTalkHome]]
<<md>>Clara's body is so sexy that there is simply no way to resist the pleasure that she gives with her body. Knowing that you are so absorbed by a passionate loving nature is already good. She controls herself so well that from the efforts to overcome even the moment of acute pleasure, her head is only unpleasantly dizzy.<</md>>
<<md>>But most of all I like her juicy pussy. Clara's thin fingers are sometimes tender, sometimes impatient, or even merciless - as the writers say, no courtesan can dream of such a state.<</md>>
<<md>>She's the best I've had. <</md>>
<<md>>As her pussy squeezes my cock deeper and deeper, engulfing my entire cock, a blinding wave of happiness mixed with fury hits me. Her frenzied enthusiasm is like a drug, as soon as you get into it, and I myself am drawn into the energy of pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>She is my drug and I get my buzz inside. <</md>>
<<md>>From this bliss, my penis throbs strongly, and then explodes with a fountain of pleasure. <</md>>
<<addLust $Clara 33>>
<<addAff $Clara 33>>
<<set $ClaraCum = 0>>\
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
<<set $GirlCum += 1>>\
[[Stand up|ClaraTalkHome]]<<md>>I'm feeling it. My cock throbs with joy with every movement of Clara. Another minute and I'll finish. Her body is too good, I can't resist this wave of pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>She's so damn good that my body jerks back with every move.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara's hand is in the air, fingers unclenched and caressing her crotch, causing me to think similarly. I'm on the verge of orgasm. This should happen, this is how a man should finish, cumming on the lips of his beloved woman.<</md>>
<<md>>But this body of hers, as before, causes such delight in me that I feel uneasy. I never liked making love for a long time. I'm too horny. Too tense.<</md>>
<<md>>And at this moment I still enjoy it.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraIntGGCum.mp4"></video></div> It is so great that I cannot contain the flow of its power. And it flows away, leaving me completely devastated, but happy.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes Yes Yes! <</md>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Stand up|ClaraTalkHome]]<<md>>I don't think I should do anything now, I'm too exhausted<</md>>
[[Back|ClaraTalkHome]]<<md>>I don't think I should do anything now, I'm too exhausted<</md>>
[[Back|MonicaTalk]]<<md>>I don't think I should do anything now, I'm too exhausted<</md>>
[[Back|AngelaTalk]]<<md>>A modern building, from which it breathes with postmodernism. Nevertheless, this area is considered a very prestigious place, because people willingly live here.<</md>>
[[Clara's apartment|CHHall]]
<<if $ClaraM15Quest == 42 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '20:30')>>\
[[Visit Clara's garage|ClaraLieRacing1.3]]
<<elseif $ClaraM15Quest == 43 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '20:30') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 3 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 3>>\
[[Visit Clara's garage|ClaraLieRacing1.4]]
<<elseif $ClaraM15Quest == 44 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '20:30') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 1 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 1>>\
[[Visit Clara's garage|ClaraLieRacing1.6]]
<<elseif $ClaraM15Quest == 54 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '20:30') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 1 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 1>>\
[[Visit Clara's garage|ClaraLieRacing1.6]]
<<elseif $ClaraM15Quest == 45 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '20:30') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 5>>\
[[Visit Clara's garage|ClaraLieRacing1.7]]
<<elseif $ClaraM15Quest == 55 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '20:30') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 5>>\
[[Visit Clara's garage|ClaraLieRacing1.7]]
<<if $JerryDick == 12 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '23:00')>>\
[[Visit Jerry|JerryDick7]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '22:00', '15:00') && $Naomi.Meet == 0>>\
<<talk "Naomi`s apartment" 1 $talk "I can`t go to Naomi right now">><</talk>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '22:00', '15:00')>>\
<<talk "Naomi`s apartment" 1 $talk "I can`t go to Naomi right now">><</talk>>
[[Naomi's apartment|NHHall]]
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]
<<addmins 10>>\<<md>>A huge house with many apartments, connected by passages and galleries, through which one could get from one part of the building to another or climb to the roof. Conveniently, nothing to say.<</md>>
<<if $LucyHomeKnown is 1>>\
[[Lucy's apartment|Lucy's home]]
<<if $McKnowLexiHomeYork == 1 && $Lexi9 == 1>>\
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '11:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 6>>\
[[Lexi`s apartment|Lexi Quest 9]]
<<talk "Lexi`s home" 1 $talk "I should wait for a weekend">><</talk>>
<<elseif ($McKnowLexiHomeYork == 2 || $McKnowLexiHomeYork == 3)>>\
<<if $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '22:00')>>\
[[Lexi`s apartment|LHLivingroom]]
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 5 || $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '9:00', '22:00')>>\
[[Lexi`s apartment|LHLivingroom]]
<<talk "Lexi`s home" 1 $talk "I can`t go to Lexi right now">><</talk>>
<<elseif $McKnowLexiHomeYork == 0>>\
<<talk "Lexi`s home" 1 $talk "I can`t go to Lexi right now">><</talk>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '22:00', '15:00')>>\
<<talk "Veronica`s apartment" 1 $talk "I can`t go to Veronica right now">><</talk>>
[[Veronica's apartment|VHHall]]
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]
<<addmins 10>>\
<<if $ClaraM11Quest == 4.6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:30', '19:30')>>\
<<goto "ClaraLieClaraHome">>\
<<elseif $ClaraM17Quest == 51 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '22:00')>>\
<<goto "ClaraBlackmailMichaelShow">>\
<<elseif $ClaraM17Quest == 2>>\
<<goto "ClaraHomevideoHouse">>\
<<elseif $ClaraM17Quest == 3>>\
<<goto "ClaraHomeVideoClaraHouse2">>\
<<elseif $ClaraM13Quest == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '19:30')>>\
<<goto "ClaraLieCosplay">>\
<<md>>In front of me is a huge hall in which you can feel warmth and comfort. In every detail, neatly arranged like a mosaic, there is an invisible beauty. Exactly the same as Clara's. <</md>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '22:05', '22:30')||isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '18:35') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5>>\
[[Kitchen|CHKitchen]] - Clara is here
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:45', '07:55') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:40', '18:55') >>\
[[Bathroom|CHBath]] - Clara is here
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '20:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '07:35') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4 >>\
[[Living-room|CHLivingroom]] - Clara is here
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:05', '22:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4 >>\
[[Clara`s room|CHClararoom]] - Clara is here
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:00', '17:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4 && $tools > 0 && $mc.Intellect > 3>>\
[[Pick a lock into Clara's room|CHClararoom][$tools -=1]]
<<talk "Clara's room" 1 $talk "It’s locked">><</talk>>
<<if $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1>>\
[[Search for the photos|JohanPhotoSearchMapGeneral][$PhotoSelectedClara = 1]]
[[Leave her house|Street York-Road]]
<<addmins 5>><<md>> It would seem like an ordinary kitchen, but from here I feel a strange desire to stay. As if I seemed at home and now they will prepare a warm soup for me. <</md>>
<<if $FoodKnown == 1 && $ClaraFoodRight == 1 >>\
[[Order simple food|ClaraSimpleFood]]
<<elseif $FoodKnown == 2 && $ClaraFoodRight == 1 >>\
[[Prepare chicken in soy sauce|ClaraOwnFoodPrepare]]
[[Prepare pizza|ClaraOwnFoodPrepare]]
<<elseif $FoodKnown == 3 && $ClaraFoodRight == 1 >>\
[[Prepare chicken in soy sauce|ClaraOwnFoodPrepare]]
[[Prepare pizza|ClaraOwnFoodPrepare]]
[[Order simple food|ClaraSimpleFood]]
<<if $ClaraFoodRight == 0>>\
[[Look in the fridge|CHKitchenFridge]]
<<if $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2>>\
[[ Search for the photos|JohanPhotoSearchMapGeneral][$PhotoSelectedClara = 1]]
[[Return to hall|CHHall]]
<<addmins 5>>\ <<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:45', '07:55') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:35', '18:55')>>\
<<md>>Hmm, looks like Clara left the door unlocked. I guess it wouldn't hurt to discover this wonderful and wonderful world for a while.<</md>>
<<if $ClaraHomeAvailablePipes > 2 && $ClaraHomeFixedPipes == 0>>\
[[Take a look|ClaraBathroomPipeBegin]]
[[Don't look|CHBath]]
[[Take a look|CHBathroomCommon]]
[[Don't look|CHBath]]
<<md>>It would seem a simple bathroom, but it has a special aestheticism and beauty. One that bewitches you and makes you stop for a moment. Is it okay? <</md>>
<<if $RadioBugGet == 3 && $RadioBugClara == 0 >>
[[Set up radio|RadioInstallClara]]
<<if $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3>>\
[[Search for the photos|JohanPhotoSearchMapGeneral][$PhotoSelectedClara = 1]]
[[Return to hall|CHHall]]
<<addmins 5>>\<<md>> Spacious room with all amenities and a bar. The furnishings were simple and functional, but not cheap. <</md>>
<<if $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4>>\
[[ Search for the photos|JohanPhotoSearchMapGeneral][$PhotoSelectedClara = 1]]
[[Return to hall|CHHall]]
<<addmins 5>>\[[Talk with Clara|ClaraTalkHome]]
<<if $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '23:55')>>\
<<talk " Search for the photos" 1 $talk "Too dangerous, Clara is here">><</talk>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5 >>\
[[ Search for the photos|JohanPhotoSearchMapGeneral][$PhotoSelectedClara = 1]]
[[Leave her room|CHHall]]
<<addmins 5>>\<<set _LucyRefuseArray = [ 1, 2,3]>>\
<<switch _LucyRefuseArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lucy>>I would love to talk about this topic, but I'm afraid that I don't have enough knowledge.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Lucy>>You have such wonderful questions. It's a pity I don't like them.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Lucy>>Could we find a more interesting topic? After all, we can talk about a thousand and one topics besides this one.<</say>>
<<addAff $Lucy -6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<md>>The fire... It still stands before my eyes. The way the tongues of flame swallowed up the place where I had just recently been with joy is awful. The worst thing was that Monica was inside. I felt like I was powerless for a moment. The fear of realization gripped me so much that I seemed to find myself again, in that terrible day ...<</md>>
<<md>>It's good that Monica is okay. At least I want to believe it. But if I think about it, I cannot know this. You need to make sure of this and visit her in the hospital.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 4>>\
[[Back|My room]]
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg2" data-passage="MCTiredFiona" style="padding-left: 65px;margin-top: 6px;padding-top: 5px;margin-left: 10px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredFiona" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;/*! margin-top: 10%; */left: -4px;top: 5px;/*! border: 2px; */border-left-width: 0px;border-left-style: solid;border-top-width: 0px;border-top-style: solid;border-right-width: 0px;border-right-style: solid;border-bottom-width: 0px;border-bottom-style: solid;color: white;">Literature</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg2" data-passage="FionaRefuse" style="padding-left: 65px;margin-top: 6px;padding-top: 5px;margin-left: 10px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;/*! margin-top: 10%; */left: -4px;top: 5px;/*! border: 2px; */border-left-width: 0px;border-left-style: solid;border-top-width: 0px;border-top-style: solid;border-right-width: 0px;border-right-style: solid;border-bottom-width: 0px;border-bottom-style: solid;color: white;">Literature</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg3" data-passage="FionaSayCompliment" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 48px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -77px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaSayCompliment" tabindex="0" ;="" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -7px;color: white;">Compliment</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg4" data-passage="FionaHug" style="padding-left: 115px;margin-left: 591px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -106px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaHug" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -54px;color: white;">Hug</a> </div>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg6" data-passage="MCTiredFiona" style="padding-left: 62px;padding-bottom: 13px;margin-left: 9px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -106px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredFiona" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Economics</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg6" data-passage="FionaEconomy" style="padding-left: 62px;padding-bottom: 13px;margin-left: 9px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -106px"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaEconomy" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Economics</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg7" data-passage="FionaNastyJoke" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 114.7px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -161px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaNastyJoke" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;margin-left: -56px;left: -17px;color: white;">Horny Joke</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $Fiona.LustLvl gte 2>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg8" style="padding-left: 115px;margin-left: 591px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -275px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -55px;">Kiss</a> <br>
</div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg8" data-passage="FionaKiss" style="padding-left: 115px;margin-left: 591px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/kisstalkgrey.png);margin-top: -275px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaKiss" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -55px;">Kiss</a> <br>
</div> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg9" data-passage="MCTiredFiona" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-left: 89px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -275px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredFiona" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;right: 0px;left: -29px;color: white;">Politics</a> </div><br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg9" data-passage="FionaRefuse" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-left: 89px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -275px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;right: 0px;left: -29px;color: white;">Politics</a> </div><br><br><br>
<<if $Fiona.LustLvl gte 3>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg10" data-passage="FionaFlirt" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 114px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;;margin-top: -499px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaFlirt" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -69px;color: white;">Flirt</a> <br><br><br> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg10" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 114px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flirttalkgrey.png);margin-top: -499px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -69px;color: white;">Flirt</a> <br><br><br> </div>
<<if $Fiona.LustLvl gte 2>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg11" data-passage="FionaTouchBreast" style="padding-left: 98px;margin-left: 592px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -554px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaTouchBreast" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;left: -40px;color: white;top: 6px;">Grope</a> <br><br><br> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg11" style="padding-left: 98px;margin-left: 592px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey;background-image: url(img/ach/gropetalkgrey.png);margin-top: -554px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;left: -40px;color: white;top: 6px;">Grope</a> <br><br><br> </div>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg12" data-passage="MCTiredFiona" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 59px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;/*! color: white; *//*! color: white; */border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -610px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredFiona" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Philosophy</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg12" data-passage="FionaRefuse" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 59px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;/*! color: white; *//*! color: white; */border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -610px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Philosophy</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $ == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg13" style="border-left-width: 2px;padding-left: 86px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);margin-top: -667px;margin-left: 289px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: 0px;margin-left: -41px;color: white;">Give Flowers</a> </div><br><br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg13" data-passage="FionaPresentRefuse" style="border-left-width: 2px;padding-left: 86px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -667px;margin-left: 289px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: 0px;margin-left: -41px;color: white;">Give Flowers</a> </div><br><br><br><br>
<<if $Fiona.LustLvl gte 3>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg14" data-passage="FionaPetting" style="margin-left: 592px;padding-left: 72px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; margin-top: -836px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaPetting" tabindex="0" style="position: ;position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -12px;">Fingering</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg14" style="margin-left: 592px;padding-left: 72px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/fingtalkgrey.png);margin-top: -836px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: ;position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -12px;">Fingering</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg15" data-passage="MCTiredFiona" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 46px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -921px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredFiona" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">Architecture</a></span> <wbr class="debug hidden"> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg15" data-passage="FionaArchitecture" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 46px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -921px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 15px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaArchitecture" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">Architecture</a></span> <wbr class="debug hidden"> </div>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -987px;right: 0px;left: 115px;color: white;margin-left: -55px;opacity: 0;">Give Chocolate</a> <br><br>
<<if $id.boxofchocolate == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg16" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 68px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/chocotalkgrey.png);margin-top: -1089px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;margin-left: -40px;left: 18px;color: white;right: 0px;opacity: 100;">Give Chocolate</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg16" data-passage="FionaPresentRefuse" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 68px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; background-image: url(img/ach/chocotalk.png);margin-top: -1089px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;margin-left: -40px;left: 18px;color: white;right: 0px;opacity: 100;">Give Chocolate</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $Fiona.LustLvl gte 3>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg17" data-passage="FionaBlowjobNew" style="padding-right: 118px;margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 64px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; margin-top: -1147px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaBlowjobNew" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: 0px;">Blowjob</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg17" style="padding-right: 118px;margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 64px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/blowtalkgrey.png);margin-top: -1147px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: 0px;">Blowjob</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg18" data-passage="MCTiredFiona" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-right: -14px;padding-left: 100px;margin-right: -17px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -1205px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredFiona" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">Music</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg18" data-passage="FionaRefuse" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-right: -14px;padding-left: 100px;margin-right: -17px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -1205px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">Music</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $ gte 1>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg19" data-passage="FionaPresentRefuse" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 143px;padding-top: 5px;margin-right: 34px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; background-image: url(img/ach/winetalk.png);margin-top: -1317px;" disabled=""> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -76px;left: -20px;color: white;">Give Wine</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg19" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 143px;padding-top: 5px;margin-right: 34px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;;border-color: grey;margin-top: -1317px;"> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -76px;left: -20px;color: white;">Give Wine</a> </div> <br><br><</if>>\
<<if $Fiona.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg20" data-passage="FionaCuni" style="margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 126px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -1401px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaCuni" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -60px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Cunilingus</a> </div> <br> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg20" style="margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 126px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/cunitalkgrey.png);margin-top: -1401px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -60px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Cunilingus</a> </div> <br> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg21" data-passage="MCTiredFiona" style="padding-left: 190px;padding-right: 0px;margin-right: -50px;margin-top: -1482px;margin-left: 6px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredFiona" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">Movies</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg21" data-passage="FionaRefuse" style="padding-left: 190px;padding-right: 0px;margin-right: -50px;margin-top: -1482px;margin-left: 6px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">Movies</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $id.teddy == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg22" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 289px;padding-left: 101px;padding-bottom: 4px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/teddytalkgrey.png);width: 250px;height: 37px;margin-top: -1594px;" disabled=""> <br><br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -42px;left: -9px;color: white;top: -78px;">Give Teddy</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" data-passage="FionaPresentRefuse" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 289px;padding-left: 101px;padding-bottom: 4px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px; border-color: #f52e74;width: 250px;height: 37px;margin-top: -1594px;"> <br><br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -42px;left: -9px;color: white;top: -78px;">Give Teddy</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<<if $Fiona.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" data-passage="FionaVaginalMissionary1" style="margin-left: 590px;border-top-width: 2px;margin-top: -1735px;margin-right: -24px;padding-left: 87px;border-bottom-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaVaginalMissionary1" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left:-17px;">Vaginal</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" style="margin-left: 590px;border-top-width: 2px;margin-top: -1735px;margin-right: -24px;padding-left: 87px;border-bottom-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/vagitalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -17px;">Vaginal</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg24" data-passage="MCTiredFiona" style="margin-top: -1787px;margin-left: 5px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 82px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredFiona" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">Religion</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg24" data-passage="FionaRefuse" style="margin-top: -1787px;margin-left: 5px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 82px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">Religion</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $id.perfume == 0 >>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg25" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 288px;padding-left: 139px;margin-top: -1899px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color:gray; background-image: url(img/ach/perfumetalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -100px;color: white;top: -50px;left: 9px;">Give Perfume</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg25" data-passage="FionaPresentPerfume" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 288px;padding-left: 139px;margin-top: -1899px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color:#f52e74;"> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaPresentPerfume" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -100px;color: white;top: -50px;left: 9px;">Give Perfume</a> </div><br><br>
<<if $Fiona.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg26" data-passage="FionaAnal" style="margin-left: 590px;margin-top: -2012px;margin-right: 265px;padding-right: 100px;padding-left: 110px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaAnal" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;color: white;top: 6px;left: -38px;">Anal</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg26" style="margin-left: 590px;margin-top: -2012px;margin-right: 265px;padding-right: 100px;padding-left: 110px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/analtalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;color: white;top: 6px;left: -38px;">Anal</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg27" data-passage="MCTiredFiona" style="margin-top: -2063px;margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 234.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredFiona" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Sport</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg27" data-passage="FionaSport" style="margin-top: -2063px;margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 234.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Sport</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $Fiona.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg29" data-passage="FionaRefuse" style="margin-top: -2175px;margin-left: 591px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 98px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaRefuse" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -27px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Fetish</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg29" style="margin-top: -2175px;margin-left: 591px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 98px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/fetishtalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -27px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Fetish</a> </div><br><br><br>
<<if $id.whisky == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg28" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 287px;margin-top: -2315px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 91px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey;background-image: url(img/ach/whiskytalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -42px;color: white;left: 0px;">Give Whisky</a> </div> <br><br><br> <br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg28" data-passage="FionaPresentWhisky" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 287px;margin-top: -2315px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 91px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="FionaPresentWhisky" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -42px;color: white;left: 0px;">Give Whisky</a> </div> <br><br><br> <br>
<div style="margin-top: -2400px;margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 243.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;background-image: url(img/ach/datea.png);border-color: grey;" class="buttonInteractive bg32"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -75px;padding-left: -3px;margin-left: -109px;color: white;">Ask for a date</a> <div style="margin-top: 52px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 200.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;margin-left: -247px;border-radius: 7.5px;background-image: url(img/ach/exittalk.png);border-color: #f52e74;" class="buttonInteractive bg33" data-passage="CHHall"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="CHHall" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -138px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Leave</a> </div>
<<if $stamina < 0>>
<<set $stamina = 0>>
<<set _FionaRefuseArray = [ 1, 2,3]>>\
<<switch _FionaRefuseArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Fiona>>I would love to talk about this topic, but I'm afraid that I don't have enough knowledge.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Fiona>>You have such wonderful questions. It's a pity I don't like them.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Fiona>>Could we find a more interesting topic? After all, we can talk about a thousand and one topics besides this one.<</say>>
<<addAff $Fiona -6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|FionaTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 5>>
<<goto "MCTiredFiona">>
<<set _FionaNastyArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _FionaNastyArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>A big smile shines on Fiona's face. She's definitely up to something.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>What's the plan for entertainment?<</say>>
<<md>>Why did she say that? Doesn't she know what is coming next?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I do not know, for the entertainment I have only a dick.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl bursts out laughing and looks down there.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Entertainment that I need!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>There are situations where you just can't keep quiet. Even now, as Fiona yawns wide at me, it is not the most pleasant thoughts. Well, there's no need to yawn so sexually. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you, Fiona, know what physiological compatibility is? <</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>When sex is great.<</say>>
<<md>>She says it with so much excitement that you can't help, but admire her honesty.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, I like the way you think. It's not just that, though. What happens to a guy when he wakes up? <</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>He's got a boner?.<</say>>
<<md>>I knew Fiona would solve this little mystery. I mean, it's her type. Her twisted taste.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's true! And when a girl wakes up, she yawns so wide that even the fattest dick will fit into her seemingly small mouth. <</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>I don't think it's a coincidence!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So do I! That's what's called physiological compatibility. I think that's what you and I have!<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's smiling back. That's when a smile says a lot more than words!<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Today I caught Fiona doing a very amazing thing. Although maybe it's better to call it sexy! The girl is holding a banana that she's not going to clean. And looking at this picture, nothing but dirty thoughts can come to mind. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You look like you are fan of a banana!<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Oh, I do! It's so smooth and resilient! Ha-ha! And it's delicious, of course! I also love banana ice cream. And banana salads. And bananas and bananas and bananas!<</say>>
<<md>>Her sounding laughter is flying all over the apartment. Looks like she's a fan of this fruit. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>And you know that banana is very useful for young girls like you? It reduces the risk of sexual disorder by at least 30%. <</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>That's why I love it so much, it turns out!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, and eating it takes another 10%.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona makes a loud laugh when she understands what I'm talking about. There's a banana in the air that she threw at me. <</md>>
<<md>>Still, Fiona is a person of many moods.<</md>>
<<if $FionaArouse > 60 && $FionaArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Fiona is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
<<addLust $Fiona 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|FionaTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 4>>
<<goto "MCTiredFiona">>
<<set _FionaSayComplimentArray = [ 1, 2,3]>>\
<<switch _FionaSayComplimentArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Fiona>>What a hot day today!<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona is wearing a tight T-shirt that highlights every mouth-watering particle of her body. But there are many beads of sweat on her face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes,it is shining especially brightly today. But I think it's much hotter here now.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Really? I'm going to turn on the conditioner now!<</say>>
<<md>>The student is already getting up to go to the console, but I grab her hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I mean that there is something hotter and brighter in this room than the sun - it's you, Fiona.<</say>>
<<md>>And when the compliment is said, I let her go, admiring the confused and at the same time flattered look.<</md>>
<<md>>Here she is the real Fiona, hidden behind all these masks of self-confidence and obscenity.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>Do you know why many people go to the beach?<</say>>
<<md>>My questions sounded so suddenly that the girl even shuddered for a second.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>To enjoy the sea and the sun. Sunbathe, maybe...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, but not only for this. Many people know that a pearl can be found there and everyone wants to touch the beauty.<</say>>
<<md>>Several times I have seen people just walk along the coast and look for shells, hoping to find something very valuable.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>True?<</say>>
<<md>>Fionae doesn't seem to think about this question even once.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. But they don't know that the main pearl of this is not at the seashore, but right here, in front of me!<</say>>
<<md>>I look at her, waiting for her to understand what I mean.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Is it me the pearl? Thank you! This is the most beautiful thing that I have been told in this life. I am a pearl! Ha!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Where has Fiona gone? She left her room and...<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>I'm a little worried before the ball.<</say>>
<<md>>She walked in in a chic dress, which I have never seen before, and I must say in it she looks so beautiful that she already takes my breath away.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>I think this dress makes me a little fat.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, Fiona still doesn't realize how wrong she is. I walked over to her and gently took her hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You in it are even more beautiful than usual, Fiona. I'm sure all the guys at the ball will not take their eyes off you this evening.<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me in surprise, as if I had revealed to her the secret of world domination.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Do you really think so?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course!<</say>>
<<md>>A moment and a smile shines on the girl's face. What else is needed?<</md>>
<<addAff $Fiona 4>>
<<set $stamina -= 4>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|FionaTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 9>>
<<goto "MCTiredFiona">>
<<set _FionaFlirtArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _FionaFlirtArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Fiona and I have been spending a lot of time together lately. It might seem like an unnecessary burden to some, but it makes me more comfortable. There's a strong relationship between us. Which means it's time to move a little further in our relationship. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona, your outfit today is amazing. Did you think your teacher was worthy of such a beautiful look? <</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes are mischievously shining. <</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>The teacher is handsome, of course. But my outfit isn't for him.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're dating someone else?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl started spinning a lock of hair playfully.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>How do you know? How do you know...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And who is he? <</say>>
<<md>>The answer to my question was a sounding laugh.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Not he, but she .<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She? Do you like girls? <</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>No, I don't like the other girls. But I do like one of them. She's so adorable and special!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Who is she?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Biology!<</say>>
<<md>>I'd like to be mad at Fiona, but this game is very exciting. And my student in it is one of the most worthy opponents I've ever met in my life.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>While reading the book, I noticed that Fiona was watching me closely and a very interesting plan was born in me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm reading the horoscope here. And I got some very interesting information, but I need your help for it, Fiona. What color lingerie are you wearing?<</say>>
<<md>>In response to my words, the girl smiles broadly.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Don't believe your horoscopes. I don't wear underwear.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then I will have to take care of your health and be sure that you do not catch a cold.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Oh, so you are not only a biology teacher, but also a doctor? I can't wait for your care, Doctor $mc.Name<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Sometimes, looking at my student, I ask myself a very simple question: what she is thinking about. I would like to say that I understand what she is thinking, but that would be a lie.<</md>>
<<md>>Fiona, like a box of surprises, is always capable of surprise. You'd think she'd connect all conversation with sex, when she'd give away something so deep. At times like this, you don't even know how to act. <</md>>
<<md>>But the only thing I want Fiona's thoughts to be right now is me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you thinking about?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>That school isn't the worst place.<</say>>
<<md>>Not something to think about at such an interesting moment. There's a beautiful man like me standing next to her, and she's thinking about school? That's terrible!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's the wrong answer! You have to think about me! <</say>>
<<md>>She smiled, agreeing with my statement.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Well, you're not the worst place either...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You know what else is a good place? It's your bedroom.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>I'm afraid it's closed for sitting there right now!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And if you lie there?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Depending on how hard you swing on it!<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, that's a nice conversation. What's important is that both sides understand where it's going, but they also enjoy the process. I just love it!<</md>>
<<addLust $Fiona 9>>
<<text r "-9 stamina">>\
<<set $stamina -= 9>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Next action|FionaTalkHome]]<<say $Fiona>>It's so kind of you,but I can't accept this.<</say>>
[[Next action|FionaTalkHome]]<<md>>I don't think I should do anything now, I'm too exhausted<</md>>
[[Back|FionaTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 5>>
<<goto "MCTiredFiona">>
<<set _FionaHugArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _FionaHugArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Looking at Fiona, I was always amazed at the feeling of warmth that comes from her. If there is a person in the world who can cheer you up with just one smile, then this is undoubtedly she.<</md>>
<<md>>Being around her makes you feel happier than everyone else.<</md>>
<<md>>And that's why I don't like seeing her in such a depressed state as now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona, why are you sad?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl looks at one point and does not even turn her head towards me.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>It's okay, just ...<</say>>
<<md>>Everything is clear to me without words. Something really happened, but she won't tell me. But I know what I will do now.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>What are you doing?<</say>>
<<md>>Even if she doesn't tell anything, even if her big secret is eating her from the inside, nobody canceled the magic power of hugs. I hugged me tightly, trying to convey everything that really worried me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Everything will be fine. <</say>>
<<md>>I felt her smile and reciprocal hugs, although I did not see, as I closed my eyes. This is a great moment. Let there be as many of them as possible!<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Thanks. <</say>>
<<md>>She whispers in my ear and I'm just insanely happy.<</md>>
<<addLust $Fiona 3>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
<<set $FionaArouse += 2>>\
<<if $FionaArouse > 60 && $FionaArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Fiona is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|FionaTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 12>>
<<goto "MCTiredFiona">>
<<set _FionaKissArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _FionaKissArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>The more time I spend with Fiona, the more I think how wonderful she is. I am drawn to spend as much time with her as possible, to know her completely, to know how she breathes, to understand how she tastes ...<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, no matter how I deceive myself, the truth is simple - Fiona attracts me like no one else. And these lips are so sensual ...<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>$ mc.Name ? Are you okay?<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona leaned over me as I lost myself in thought again. No, you shouldn't keep it to yourself.<</md>>
<<md>>And without further ado, I touch her soft seductive lips with my lips. She closes her eyes and responds with a kiss, wrapping her arms around my neck. From this sensation, it seems to me that the whole world around me has dissolved. I am already completely at the mercy of this feeling, and when our tongues meet at a crazy pace. I have never seen her so beautiful ...<</md>>
<<addLust $Fiona 14>>\
<<set $FionaArouse += 8>>\
<<set _FionaKissNegArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _FionaKissNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Fiona>>I will never do something like this!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Fiona>>Why are you sticking to me? Go harass someone else!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Fiona won't leave any man indifferent. Her expressive lips are just as tempting to taste them. That's why our lips are now touching, feeling the warmth and excitement that connects us. <</md>>
<<md>>Her lips are so warm and tender and at the same time they feel some cold. It's as if the student not only enjoys the process, but at the same time is detached from what is happening. It feels like a whole living statue. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wow!<</say>>
<<md>>A sharp pain covers my lower lip, which is now bleeding. I can feel the taste of iron in my mouth.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You bit me, Fiona! You bit me! Why did you do that?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Because I wanted to? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona! You can't do whatever you want!<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Really? I think that's what you're doing by sticking your tongue in my mouth!<</say>>
<<md>>There's a fire burning in her eyes. But it's not a fire of passion at all. It's a fire of anger and spite. I'd better back off now if I don't want to cause a whole storm...<</md>>
<<addLust $Fiona 5>>\
<<set $FionaArouse += 4>>\
<<set $McCum += 2>>\
<<text r "-12 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 12>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|FionaTalkHome]]
<<if $FionaArouse > 60 && $FionaArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Fiona is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|FionaTalkHome]]
<<if $stamina< 10>>
<<goto "MCTiredFiona">>
<<set _FionaTouchBreastArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _FionaTouchBreastArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Only a blind person will not see how sexy this girl is. Yes, Fiona probably drives more than one boy crazy. But I'm not a boy. And yet ... Her body is so attractive. Her breasts ... I can't stop thinking about her. When she speaks, when she breathes, I constantly think about how to touch these soft, attractive shapes.<</md>>
<<md>>How much you want ...<</md>>
<<md>>And suddenly Fiona takes my hand. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl takes a deep breath, from which her gorgeous breasts seduce me even more. I swear, someday I will not stand it and just ...<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>It seems to me that something is wrong with my heart.<</say>>
<<md>>She says it so seriously that I throw all thoughts aside. What if she really got sick? Perhaps she has a hereditary arrhythmia, or worse? Then all this can turn out to be very bad.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What's wrong? Where does it hurt?<</say>>
<<md>>I will have to remember the minimum that I was taught in the first aid courses. Hope this helps.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>It doesn't hurt anywhere. It's just when you're around ... I think it beats too fast.<</say>>
<<md>>Ha ha! That's it. Well, it's still worth playing doctor. And she and I will love it. Knocks, you say ...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Then I must examine it. If this is something serious, it will be necessary to go to the hospital.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona nods and lifts her blouse without further objection. <</md>>
<<md>>How gorgeous her breasts are. She peeks seductively out from under her bra, as if inviting me. <</md>>
<<md>>They say it is impolite to refuse an invitation.<</md>>
<<md>>I touch my chest with my hands and squeeze it tightly. Fiona responds calmly to my touch and I feel like I finally reach my goal.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Does it hurt? <</say>>
<<md>>My hands touch the area where her nipples are. I massage my breasts more thoroughly and actively.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>No ... No, rather ... Nice. <</say>>
<<md>>I continue to play with her breasts, squeezing gently. Now Fiona is clearly on edge. Her body is tense and trembling. She clearly enjoys it. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Then it's all right. Don't worry so much.<</say>>
<<md>>I stop because I know that I can rip all of her clothes off if I don't tell myself to stop now. She's not ready yet. But it will be very soon, I'm sure.<</md>>
<<addLust $Fiona 3>>
<<set $FionaArouse += 2>>\
<<set $McCum += 8>>\
<<text r "-10 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 10>><<addmins 10>>\
<<if $FionaArouse > 60 && $FionaArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Fiona is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|FionaTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 14>>
<<goto "MCTiredFiona">>
<<if $FionaCum is 100>><<goto "FionaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumFiona">><</if>>\
<<set _FionaPettingArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _FionaPettingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Fiona>>Would you like to help me?<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's voice sounds pretty sexy as always. But what's even more sexy is the girl's body in sexy form. I must say that every time I see her in her I want to rip this form off her. Everything about her turns me on, right down to the bulges that touch her bottom.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course.<</say>>
<<md>>I walk up to her, but I notice something special when she bends down. She doesn't seem to be wearing panties.<</md>>
<<md>>I try to grab onto her bottom to help, but instead... <</md>>
<<md>>Fiona is already lying on the carpet, arching her back so that I can feel all the curves of her body. She seems aroused. And when she spreads her legs, I lose my head.<</md>>
<<md>>Madness! Fiona wants me to touch her pussy. This is not the Fiona I know, but I definitely like it a lot.<</md>>
<<md>>Unable to move, I look at her in complete daze. But when Fiona throws her head back, I can see that she is, in fact, aroused. She is so aroused that her swollen breasts are visible through the thin tissue.<</md>>
<<md>>I can feel Fiona arching her back more and more. Oh god, how wonderful it is. I want to taste it. So I touch her pussy with my fingers.<</md>>
<<md>>I can taste the sweet taste of the forbidden fruit, I know it is, but I can't believe her pussy smells like that.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaIntFingering.mp4"></video></div> And the pussy starts to sway, and we take turns losing the ability to resist.<</md>>
<<md>>I touch the pussy and play with the clit. This is the most important part of Fiona. This is her mysterious flower.
Fiona moans loudly as my movements become sharper.<</md>>
<<md>>She twitches all over. When we reach the peak of pleasure, she lets out a shrill cry, then another. I can feel her body in my hands and it's wonderful.<</md>>
<<addLust $Fiona 8>>
<<text r "-14 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 14>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $FionaCum += 12>>\
<<set $McCum += 12>>\
[[Back|FionaTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 6>>
<<goto "MCTiredFiona">>
<<if $FionaCum is 100>><<goto "FionaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumFiona">><</if>>\
<<set _FionaBlowjobNegArray = [ 1,2]>>\
<<switch _FionaBlowjobNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Fiona is a unique girl. The one that you will never meet in ordinary life. I still can't believe how lucky I am.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>You seem a little tense, are you okay? <</say>>
<<md>>And now, she notices even the slightest changes in me and tries to get better. Next to such a girl, you yourself want to become better.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I ...<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona smiles back at me and kneels down. She runs her tongue in the groin area and my tension becomes even greater. The only thing I want is for her to take my cock in her mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>For her tongue to touch me there. When I see what she is about to do, my balls squeeze, and my cock jumps out on its own.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Wow ... It's ... so big ... And handsome ...<</say>>
<<md>>Without further ado, she licks the head of the penis.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaIntBlowjob1.mp4"></video></div> Her hot breath grows stronger and I almost lose control of myself. Hands start to shake. Yes, Fiona is truly unique, even though she herself will never know about it.<</md>>
<<if $FionaVideo5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $FionaVideo5Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Her head moves in time with my cock and a wave of pleasure runs through my body.<</md>>
<<md>>I feel very horny and I think that finally this beautiful girl will do more for me than just lick my dick ... Fiona is really good. And now I will always think of her in this vein.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, her tongue was skillful and this is the best pleasure in my life!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Fiona is a unique girl. The one that you will never meet in ordinary life. I still can't believe how lucky I am.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>You seem a little tense, are you okay? <</say>>
<<md>>And now, she notices even the slightest changes in me and tries to get better. Next to such a girl, you yourself want to become better.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I ...<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona smiles back at me and kneels down. She runs her tongue in the groin area and my tension becomes even greater. The only thing I want is for her to take my cock in her mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>For her tongue to touch me there. When I see what she is about to do, my balls squeeze, and my cock jumps out on its own.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Wow ... It's ... so big ... And handsome ...<</say>>
<<md>>Without further ado, she licks the head of the penis.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaIntBlowjob2.mp4"></video></div> Her hot breath grows stronger and I almost lose control of myself. Hands start to shake. Yes, Fiona is truly unique, even though she herself will never know about it.<</md>>
<<md>>Her head moves in time with my cock and a wave of pleasure runs through my body.<</md>>
<<md>>I feel very horny and I think that finally this beautiful girl will do more for me than just lick my dick ... Fiona is really good. And now I will always think of her in this vein.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, her tongue was skillful and this is the best pleasure in my life!<</md>>
<<addLust $Fiona 12>>
<<set $FionaCum += 2>>\
<<set $McCum += 22>>\
<<set $stamina -= 6>><<addmins 10>>\
<<if $FionaCum > 15 && $FionaArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $FionaCum > 25 && $FionaArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $FionaCum > 50 && $FionaArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Fiona is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $FionaCum > 75 && $FionaArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Fiona is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Back|FionaTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 12>>
<<goto "MCTiredFiona">>
<<if $FionaCum is 100>><<goto "FionaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumFiona">><</if>>\
<<md>>I slowly ran my tongue along the inside of the girl's thigh. An innocent act, but Fiona was already moaning.<</md>>
<<md>>I knew how to put her into a trance and began to gently stroke her body. Soon, the girl relaxed and relaxed herself, her chest under my hand rose and fell smoothly. When I finally got to my target, her body was already trembling.<</md>>
<<md>>The tip of the tongue touched the girl's panties exactly where her pussy was hiding.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaIntCuni.mp4"></video></div> I went to work, and Fiona moaned loudly, loudly. She didn't say anything - she just moaned. I just licked her clitoris. Like a hungry baby, I sucked and played with him, simultaneously playing with her lips.<</md>>
<<md>>The pads of my fingers flew around and dropped slightly on her hips, first to the left, then to the right, and each time I waited for Fiona to stop me. But the girl did not stop - she silently and insatiably watched how I handle her pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>I reveled in her moans and how she reacted to my actions. <</md>>
<<md>>Very soon I realized that I could do everything, that I was able to do as I wanted. Fiona bent under me and tried to move. On an impulse, I gave free rein to my hands. A few movements of my hand, and her whole body tensed.<</md>>
<<md>>And then she moaned so loudly and soulfully that it seemed to me that I would come from this sound myself. <</md>>
<<md>>How pleasant it is to watch this picture!<</md>>
<<addLust $Fiona 15>>
<<set $stamina -= 12>><<addmins 10>>\
<<set $FionaCum += 16>>\
<<set $McCum += 4>>\
<<if $FionaCum > 15 && $FionaArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $FionaCum > 25 && $FionaArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $FionaCum > 50 && $FionaArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Fiona is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $FionaCum > 75 && $FionaArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Fiona is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Next action|FionaTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 16>>
<<goto "MCTiredFiona">>
<<if $FionaCum is 100>><<goto "FionaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumFiona">><</if>>\
<<md>>I run my hand over Fiona's face, and then gently turn her over, allowing her naked sexy body to be under me. My cock touches her pussy quite a bit, but that's enough to make me lose my head. <</md>>
<<md>>I can't do anything about it. Fiona grabs my cock , presses against it and pulls back a little to look me in the eyes. For a few seconds we look at each other in silence, and it seems to me that I am looking into the eyes of the most beautiful person on this planet.<</md>>
<<md>>The member gently enters into her.<</md>>
<<md>>I can hardly contain myself so as not to cum on this treasure.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaIntMissionary.mp4"></video></div> Fiona snuggles closer to me, and I can feel the shocks of my arousal transmitted to her, so that she no longer controls herself.<</md>>
<<md>>Fiona moves towards me again, and her lips meet mine. We fall silent. Only my breathing is one of the rare sounds that break the silence. She touches me with her long fingers, rubs and strokes my cock with her pussy.<</md>>
<<if $FionaVideo6Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $FionaVideo6Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>I can feel the desire growing inside. I can't bring myself to contain myself. Cumming on Fiona seems to me the most natural thing in my life. A crazy thought comes to my mind - grab her hair and keep moving harder.<</md>>
<<md>>A moan escapes her lips as I enter her completely.<</md>>
<<md>>She closes her eyes, as if enjoying every second that our closeness gives her.<</md>>
<<md>>And I also enjoy this wonderful moment, from which I think I will soon finish...<</md>>
<<addLust $Fiona 20>>
<<set $stamina -= 16>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $FionaCum += 22>>\
<<set $McCum += 16>>\
<<if $FionaCum > 15 && $FionaArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $FionaCum > 25 && $FionaArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $FionaCum > 50 && $FionaArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Fiona is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $FionaCum > 75 && $FionaArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Fiona is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Back|FionaTalkHome]]<<if $FionaVideo6Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $FionaVideo6Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<</if>>\<<if $stamina< 18>>
<<goto "MCTiredFiona">>
<<if $FionaCum is 100>><<goto "FionaCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumFiona">><</if>>\
<<set _FionaAnalNegArray = [ 1,2]>>\
<<switch _FionaAnalNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>There is only one thing that seduces me endlessly about Fiona. Her big and sweet ass. These two halves have tempted me very much since the day we met. I roll Fiona onto her back and slap her ass loudly.<</md>>
<<md>>Fiona immediately opens her eyes and starts laughing. We smile at each other. Fiona is very sexy, I think and hit her in the butt again. Fiona closes her eyes. I spank her one last time.<</md>>
<<md>>And then I gently touch the head of a member of her anus. Fiona flinches and squeezes her legs. I press, and Fiona bends a little. I touch harder. Fiona groans softly. And begins to bend. And I already want to enter it completely.<</md>>
<<md>>The member slides inside it until it rests against the edge.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaIntAnal1.mp4"></video></div>
Fiona moans again, which makes my boner even stronger. The walls of her ass squeeze me tighter.<</md>>
<<md>>I start to move faster in it. My penis goes deeper and deeper, finally I feel a burning sensation at the base of my penis and, also starting to moan, I crash into her again.<</md>>
<<md>>Fiona tries to move away. I pull her legs and kiss her neck. It seems to turn her on even more. Fiona squeezes her legs even tighter. I press harder, feeling her body tighten.<</md>>
<<md>>What a great feeling. No wonder she trained so much!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>There is only one thing that seduces me endlessly about Fiona. Her big and sweet ass. These two halves have tempted me very much since the day we met. I roll Fiona onto her back and slap her ass loudly.<</md>>
<<md>>Fiona immediately opens her eyes and starts laughing. We smile at each other. Fiona is very sexy, I think and hit her in the butt again. Fiona closes her eyes. I spank her one last time.<</md>>
<<md>>And then I gently touch the head of a member of her anus. Fiona flinches and squeezes her legs. I press, and Fiona bends a little. I touch harder. Fiona groans softly. And begins to bend. And I already want to enter it completely.<</md>>
<<md>>The member slides inside it until it rests against the edge.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaIntAnal2.mp4"></video></div>
Fiona moans again, which makes my boner even stronger. The walls of her ass squeeze me tighter.<</md>>
<<md>>I start to move faster in it. My penis goes deeper and deeper, finally I feel a burning sensation at the base of my penis and, also starting to moan, I crash into her again.<</md>>
<<md>>Fiona tries to move away. I pull her legs and kiss her neck. It seems to turn her on even more. Fiona squeezes her legs even tighter. I press harder, feeling her body tighten.<</md>>
<<md>>What a great feeling. No wonder she trained so much!<</md>>
<<if $FionaCum > 15 && $FionaArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $FionaCum > 25 && $FionaArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $FionaCum > 50 && $FionaArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Fiona is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $FionaCum > 75 && $FionaArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Fiona is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
<<addLust $Fiona 20>>
<<set $stamina -= 18>><<addmins 20>>\
<<set $FionaCum += 14>>\
<<set $McCum += 20>>\
[[Back|FionaTalkHome]]<<md>>There are surprisingly many people in the hospital. I would even call them an army of patients. As if the whole city was suddenly ill. Or maybe we have a sudden outbreak of a zombie virus? Then I need to stock up on weapons and quickly run to the roof and wait...<</md>>
<<md>>But while I was in the clouds, imagining how I would fight off the zombies, a pleasant voice called me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, good afternoon, may I ask where I can visit Monica Walker?<</say>>
<<md>>Yeah, second floor, wards.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 5>>\
[[Thanks|HospitalReception]] <<md>>Monica lay on the bed, quiet, silent. When I first looked at it, I didn't even recognize it. She lost a little weight and it would seem that even a familiar face became less cheerful. Not to mention the fact that the usual blush has disappeared somewhere, giving way to pallor.<</md>>
<<md>>I understand that she is not at the resort, but I would very much like everything to be a little different. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's a pity that I didn't have time earlier. Perhaps everything would have happened differently and you would have suffered less.<</say>>
<<md>>Instinctively, a hand reached out to her and I squeezed her fingers in mine. From this, a shudder went through the body.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>This is not your fault...<</say>>
<<md>>I looked up at Monica. For some reason it seemed to me that she was unconscious, but now...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you... awake?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Weren't sleeping...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How do you feel?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Burned out...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica burst into loud laughter. And although this joke was quite cruel, for some reason it also made me laugh enough, so I picked up this infectious laugh.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm glad you're all right. Can I bring something? Coffee, cake?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>No, no need ... I'm glad you're here ... And in my life.<</say>>
<<md>>I leaned over to Monica and gently pressed my lips to her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Me too...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>You know, if it's something you can bring.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Anything!<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I can ask you for a yacht! Ahaha! Ouch, head...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you have a headache? I'll call a doctor now!<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>No-n-it is necessary. This is normal. She often hurts me. Since childhood. Can you get something off your head? The doctors say it's harmful ... but ... this pain ... is killing me ...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I'll find it right now!<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>No, don't rush. I can take a day or two. Just get me something very powerful.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good. For now, rest.<</say>>
<<md>>I kissed her again, waiting until she fell asleep, and then left the room.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 5.1>>\
[[Leave|Hospital5thAve2floor]] <<md>>Monica's headaches worry me a lot. It will be necessary to talk to her about this in more detail. Perhaps it is just pain from exercise, but perhaps the cause is much deeper and more serious.<</md>>
<<md>>Asking doctors in the hospital itself is not an option, if Monica did not want to inform them, then there is a reason for that. If I say this now, I can create unnecessary problems for the student. No, you need something else.<</md>>
<<md>>Maybe I should ask Jane about this issue? Or just buy pills at the pharmacy?<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 6>>\
[[Need to think|5thave]] <<md>>Monica's question worries me very much. Now it is very important to talk to someone who understands this issue. And Jane fits this role like no other.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Jane, I need your help...<</say>>
<<md>>The woman looked up at me and smiled slyly.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>I knew you were coming. Nobody refuses to get to know me in depth.<</say>>
<<md>>What is she talking about? However, I am now not in the mood to solve riddles.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Jane, I need your help and advice.<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>I'm listening, what's up?<</say>>
<<md>>She showed me an empty seat, so without thinking - I sat down on an empty chair.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I have a friend... that is, a friend... And he often has a headache... <</say>>
<<say $Jane>>So you also need something that can relieve her of this pain?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Him. But yes. Could you take a look, I was advised this recipe. Could you see if this treatment is right for her?<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>So this is she at all?<</say>>
<<md>>She still caught me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So will you help me or not?<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Yes, of course, but you know that the best medicine for women is male seed...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>This is not an option...<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Well... I can help you. I have a special medicine. It will help just in such cases.<</say>>
<<md>>She hands me the pills. Well great, one less problem.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks.<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Tell me if you liked it.<</say>>
<<md>>Why should I like something? However, okay, it's time to make Monica happy.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 8>>\
[[Leave|School reception]] <<md>>Hmm... Something is bothering me about these drugs. Everything seems to be fine, but...<</md>>
<<md>>Why are there no markings on them? If it's a branded drug, why aren't there labels or something? Hmm... And why did Jane tell me to tell her if I liked it? Did she mean that I have to accept them myself? <</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 9>>\
[[I'll give it to Monica|My room]] <<md>>So, it looks like I have the right medicine. The woman really looked at me so strangely as if I was buying heroin. However, this does not bother me at all. The main thing is that I have the pills, which means I can relieve Monica's pain.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 7>>\
[[Leave|Mall - Cheap pleasure]] <<md>>Today Monica looks much more alive than before. Her face is already flushed, and it doesn't look like she's so exhausted. Moreover, she illuminates me with her smile and sits on the bed when she sees me.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>My savior has come.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Twice.<</say>>
<<md>>We laugh and smile at each other, and then merge in a kiss. Her lips feel so soft. And their taste is so wonderful, with a light vanilla aroma. My palm slides up her back. I can feel every muscle of her body throbbing from my touch. She grabs my hips with her legs and raises them, inviting me to snuggle closer.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>What...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>We ... we shouldn't do this ... There are too many people ...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Unfortunately ... I miss you so much ...<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, I understand her. I also missed her, her smile, our proximity ... We kiss and already emit very quiet moans when we come out of the sweet stupor. Monica kisses me back. I feel how her tongue flutters gently over my skin and my desire, already unexplored in strength, will be equal to this touch.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I brought the medicine...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes? Give it here.<</say>>
<<md>>She stretches out her hand and I can only give the medicine to her.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaCheerleader8 == 9>>\
<<md>>I hand her the medicine Jane gave me and she drinks it with water. And suddenly after some time...<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Do you know that you are very sexy?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Monica...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I would fuck you right here! Yes, so that everyone hears!<</say>>
<<md>>What with her? She was never like this. Something strange is happening with Monica. As if all her innocence had faded away and...<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Monica, what are you doing?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl's clothes fall to the floor, and all I see is her beautiful sky-colored underwear.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>If I can't fuck you, then at least let you enjoy the show!<</say>>
<<md>>Show? What... I'm starting to think there was something wrong with the pills.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica pulls up the fabric of her panties, exposing her pussy in front of me. Her pussy is so good that I instantly have a desire in return. I reach out to my penis and am ready to grab it. But Monica grabs my wrist and pulls me towards her. I almost fall on her.<</md>>
<<md>>No, I just have to watch, otherwise the scandal will still be the same.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica's fingers start to play with her pussy.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaMast2.mp4"></video></div> They playfully and fiercely caress her. Monica turns away, and I see her parted lips and beads of moisture flowing from the corner of her mouth. She leans forward and lifts her leg, opening her crotch. Her pink bosom is all wet, which attracts me.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaVideo18Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo18Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>I can almost feel life throbbing in this wet pussy. But Monica squeezes her legs together, which makes me almost cum.<</md>>
<<md>>But she ends up. Her breathing becomes uneven, and a grimace of bliss appears on her face.<</md>>
<<md>>I hope no one saw us...<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 10>>\
<<md>>I give Monica the medicine and she happily takes it from my hands and drinks it down with water. Well, I will hope that now everything will work as it should.<</md>>
<</if>>\<<say $Fiona>>Oh yes, I love architecture and everything connected with it. Seeing how a monumental structure emerges from a mountain of stones and planks is breathtaking.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not sure...<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>I think this love is in my blood. My father was a famous architect.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I heard ...<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>It's a pity that he couldn't finish building the mirrored house he dreamed of ...<</say>>
<<addAff $Fiona 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|FionaTalkHome]]<<say $Fiona>>Sport is my life. How can I be the headmaster of this school, encourage female students to lead a healthy lifestyle, if I myself do not correspond to it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds reasonable. So what sport do you like?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>I like boxing the most.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Boxing? I AM...<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Didn't expect this? I thought I was doing some kind of yoga? Well, I do yoga too. But I've been boxing since childhood. So watch out!<</say>>
<<md>>Haha, it's better not to joke with her.<</md>>
<<addAff $Fiona 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|FionaTalkHome]]<<say $Fiona>>How do you know that I'm interested in this? Was you spying on me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, what are you...<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Right, because this is my job. Before hiring employees, I always do a little check: accounts, how a person knows how to handle money ...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Can the ability to spend money say a lot about a person?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Too much, in fact. The way a person handles money can tell what kind of employee he will be. If, for example, he spends his entire salary on drinks, he certainly won't work for us.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Even if he is the coolest specialist in the world?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Even in this case. He has many psychological problems if he is unable to control his impulses. In addition, our school has an image and we cannot risk it.<</say>>
<<md>>This is not the answer I was hoping for, but it turned out to be closer to reality than I expected.<</md>>
<<addAff $Fiona 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|FionaTalkHome]]<<say $Fiona>>There is nothing better in the world than a glass of good whisky. Will you have a drink with me?<</say>>
<<addLust $Fiona 9>>
<<text r "-9 stamina">>\
<<set $stamina -= 9>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $id.whisky -=1>>\
[[Next action|FionaTalkHome]]
<<set $bat = 1>><<md>>So, let's see what you show today...<</md>>
<<md>>The camera first shows a fuzzy picture, but very soon the beautiful appears in front of me. Clara, completely naked, stands in the shower and begins to play with her breasts. Water flows down it, and it strongly squeezes the nipples.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes please...<</say>>
<<md>>Then she bends her leg, bends forward and spreads her hips. And the camera, as it were, continues the conversation with her - this is how she answers her questions.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Enter me...<</say>>
<<md>>Her hand goes down and begins to play with the pussy ... The fingers spread the cave and go inside.<<set _CameraClara = [ 1, 2,]>>\
<<switch _CameraClara.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraShower.mp4"></video></div><<case 2>>\<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraShower2.mp4"></video></div><</switch>> It is cramped there, but the entrance to it is wider than it seems at first glance. Oh no, it isn't! When she pulls her hand back, the entrance to the cave is even wider ...<</md>>
<<if $ClaraVideo19Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo19Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Clara>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I see that the hips are shaking a little and a small puddle appears under it.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara gasps and shifts her hips. Nice presentation.<</md>>
<<set $ -= 1>>
[[Great...|My room]] <<md>>So, let's see what you show today...<</md>>
<<md>>What a luxurious bathroom, and in it a gorgeous naked woman. Her breasts are so big and sexy they can be seen even through water.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Ah... Be tough!<</say>>
<<md>>She lifts her pelvis, then runs her fingers inside the pussy. Her eyes roll up and she moans. She begins to enter with her fingers into her depraved hole more and more, and the moan becomes louder.<</md>>
<<set _CameraLucy = [ 1, 2,]>>\
<<switch _CameraLucy.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lucy\Quest\Video\LucyShower1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $LucyVideo14Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyVideo14Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>Her pussy is already throbbing there, and she enters her fingers with such force that I feel something new, soft and wet in her... just about she comes out, and then...<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes... Stronger...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lucy\Quest\Video\LucyShower2.mp4"></video></div>
<<case 2>>\<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lucy\Quest\Video\LucyShower3.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Her pussy is already throbbing there, and she enters her fingers with such force that I feel something new, soft and wet in her... just about she comes out, and then...<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes... Stronger...<</say>>
<<if $LucyVideo15Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyVideo15Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>But she does not come out, but only continues to caress her pussy. Her fingers enter deeper and deeper, and they already begin to slide up the buttocks, then they begin to simply remove a small ring of pleasure from her, and I see how she ends...<</md>>
<<md>>How luxurious.<</md>>
<<set $ -= 1>>
[[Great...|My room]] <<md>>So, let's see what you show today...<</md>>
<<md>>Looks like Lexi is ready for the show. Her naked body is all red and she moans loudly as the dildo spreads her pussy lips and goes inside.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yeah... Teach me how to fuck, teacher...<</say>>
<<md>>She moans loudly, inserting the toy deeper into her pussy. It seems that she is no longer moaning, but screaming.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\LexiShower.mp4"></video></div> She moans from the pleasure that this toy gives her. She points her finger at her pussy, and smiles at her display in the window.<</md>>
<<if $LexiVideo9Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiVideo9Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Lexi>>Fuck me harder, teacher!<</say>>
<<md>>The girl groans and, unable to withstand the pressure, ends. She is sobbing with pleasure, her pussy tightening and contracting with cum, and this is an amazing show that makes my cock explode. We must go and calm down.<</md>>
<<set $ -= 1>>
[[Great...|My room]] <<md>>Nothing turns on like the thought of a bright and innocent girl who will now play with her pussy and you will see it all. Is this what you want? Relax, you will soon find out.<</md>>
<<md>>At first I can't see anything, but after that I hear the barely perceptible moan of a student, mixed with the sound of water flowing down her sexy body.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Ahhhh... Softer...<</say>>
<<set _CameraMonica = [ 1, 2,]>>\
<<switch _CameraMonica.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaShower.mp4"></video></div>
<<case 2>>\<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaShower2.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $MonicaVideo19Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo19Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Yes, this is a special treat. An image of Monica pops up in front of me, her body and I immediately see how she plays first with her breasts, squeezing it, and then inserts her finger inside her beautiful pussy.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>More...<</say>>
<<md>>Then she switches to the clitoris and caresses it until the juice of pleasure begins to flow from the small hole. This sound fills me, causing a burning sensation of pleasure and I finish with Monica.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>More! Yes, yes... You are the best...<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, what an enjoyable experience!<</md>>
<<set $ -= 1>>
[[Great...|My room]] <<md>>So, the camera is installed. It remains to wait and hope that the girl will not find her here or will not mind at least...<</md>>
<<set $CameraMonica = 1>>\
[[Return to hall|MHHall]]<<md>>So, the camera is installed. It remains to wait and hope that the girl will not find her here or will not mind at least...<</md>>
<<set $CameraLexi = 1>>\
[[Return to hall|LHHall]]<<md>>So, the camera is installed. It remains to wait and hope that the girl will not find her here or will not mind at least...<</md>>
<<set $CameraLucy = 1>>\
[[Back|Lucy's home]]<<md>>So, the camera is installed. It remains to wait and hope that the girl will not find her here or will not mind at least...<</md>>
<<set $CameraClara = 1>>\
[[Return to hall|CHHall]]<<md>>There is nothing better than a great workout in the gym. The power flows through me every time more and more. When you feel how your muscle mass increases, this is an indescribable sensation.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Olivia\Quest\Video\MelodyGym1.mp4"></video></div> But now the muscle mass is increasing in my pants when I see this girl doing.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey!<</say>>
<<md>>But she doesn't answer, just smiles, and then begins a very sexual exercise. The girl leans in different directions, but when she notices my gaze, she lifts up part of her shorts so that I can see the two halves.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Olivia\Quest\Video\MelodyGym2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Yes, with such views it is difficult to think about something else. I wonder who this stranger is?<</md>>
<<set $MelodyQuest = 2>>\
[[Back|Gym - New body]] <<md>>When I walk into a cafe, something surprises me. I've been here before and before, but this is the first time this is a situation. One of the waiters looks at me intently, as if I took all his tip.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Something is wrong?<</say>>
<<md>>At first he hesitates to even say a word, but after that I begin to understand what he needs from me. Here is a cunning man...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Olivia? Do you want me to introduce you to her?<</say>>
<<md>>Well, you can't blame him. Olivia has a gorgeous body and a gorgeous ass, so it's not weird at all. But the question is if I want to do this.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And why would I do this?<</say>>
<<md>>He says that he knows about Olivia for a long time and he really, really likes her. He just doesn’t dare to come up to meet him. In return, he offers to introduce me to a very sexy and lustful girl named Melody. He will even tell you how easy it is to seduce her. Tempting...<</md>>
[[Refuse|MelodyCafeRefuse]] <<md>>I don't want to risk this that much so I just left off.<</md>>
<<set $MelodyQuest = 20>>\
[[Back|Cafe]] <<md>>Well, Olivia can always turn this boy off and he will be left with nothing. I only get a double benefit from this. The main thing is that she does not find out that I sold her, exchanged her, as if some kind of product.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, okay, I'll introduce you.<</say>>
<<md>>And as soon as I agree, a strange set of circumstances opens up in front of me. Melody, this is the same girl I happened to meet who pulled up her shorts. I thought she was a nymphomaniac, but that she flows from anyone with a bat in their hands. Did not know. Well, it remains to be checked.<</md>>
<<set $MelodyQuest = 3>>
[[Back|Cafe]]<<md>>The air smells of sweat and excitement. Yes, nothing changes here. Someone comes here to build muscle, and someone comes here to pump up others with their testosterone.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey. You Melody, huh?<</say>>
<<md>>I have in my hands a bat purchased earlier in order to inform the girl of my intentions. I hope Olivia doesn't notice this. It's amazing how I managed to get her through the guards at all, but by the way, I'm just glad.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>They say you love baseball very much...<</say>>
<<md>>I smile and the girl smiles back. She does not answer me at first, but then nods and says that she will show how she knows how to wield a bat. And I should go after her.<</md>>
[[Follow her|MelodyHome]] <<md>>Her house turns out to be a cozy place not far from the gym. Such interiors can be seen in many suburbs: living room, kitchen, dining room and bedrooms. On the walls there are paintings depicting naked human bodies. Now my partner walks to the dining room, where there is a serving table, and I take a position in the bedroom. After a short wait, she comes back to me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm already waiting for you.<</say>>
<<md>>Slowly and sexually, he begins to pull off his clothes. Now she stands in front of me completely naked, except for a thin strip of fabric that wraps around her hips and buttocks. I also undressed and stand in front of her in my underpants. We stare at each other for a while. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah... I know what you want, baby.<</say>>
<<md>>She beckons me to her, points to the bat. When I come up she starts rubbing her already naked pussy on the edge of the bat. She is already burning with desire and I will not deny her.<</md>>
<<set $MelodyQuest = 5>>\
[[Let her lead the process|MelodyLead]]
<<if $mc.Strength > 7>>
[[Delight her |MelodyForce]]
<</if>>\<<md>>The girl greedily grabs the bat and rubs her pussy against the bat more actively. She starts to moan and closes her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You like it? Do you want to feel it inside yourself?<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Olivia\Quest\Video\MelodyBat1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She moans and guides the edge of the bit straight into her pussy. She sees my gaze, but pretends that she does not understand that I am looking at her. As soon as the bat is between her legs, she again begins to rub against the bat. I look at her and smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Stronger. You want it all!<</say>>
<<md>>The girl continues to moan. She uses the bat as a power plant, making me the male she wants to show off in front of. Our gazes meet, and I see something like pleasure in her eyes. It seems to me that the bat will never let her go from her shackles when the girl screams and moans loudly. She finished. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, it's not for nothing that your name is Melody.<</say>>
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>Seeing how she wants a bat, I can not hold back the desire inside myself and lead the process. Therefore, I rub the bat on her pussy, I see how she wriggles in her desire. Her eyes beg to bat her as hard as possible.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You want it, right? Do you want all of it?<</say>>
<<md>>And without further ado, the edge of the bit enters her pussy. Melody screams loudly, her voice becomes a wheeze, and the beat gets deeper and deeper. When I see that it turns her on, I continue to drive into her harder and harder. And her hands begin to torment my shirt.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, this is what you deserve... A huge... wooden... Bat!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Olivia\Quest\Video\MelodyBat2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She screams so loudly that I can barely hear her moans. I run the bat over her thighs, then take the bat in my right hand and start driving even deeper. She screams with delight. The bit enters her deeper and deeper, and I see that this causes her more and more pain and pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, it's not for nothing that your name is Melody.<</say>>
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>As soon as the old man handed this strange object into my hands, when his eyes sparkled with joy.<</md>>
<<say $Johan>> Great thing. After all, in the shower you can not only enjoy water.<</say>>
<<md>>From the expression on his face, I understand where he is heading.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are talking about...<</say>>
<<say $Johan>> Exactly about that. There is nothing nicer than wet sounds of pleasure, right?<</say>>
<<md>>He grins maliciously and I understand that he has done this trick more than once. Maybe I should? I have heard more than once about guys who leaked to the Internet the sounds of his girlfriend or wife masturbating in the shower. But do I want to do this or is it just a gift for someone special?<</md>>
<<set $RadioBugGet = 1>>\
[[Back|Strange Store Shop]]
<<say $Johan>>Ah, my best client, look like you wanted to ask something.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<say $Johan>>Then do not be afraid, dear, but remember that you will have to pay for each answer.<</say>>
<<md>>Wow, you old rascal. Do you think I'll pay for the questions? No matter how it is!
<<say $mc>>I would like to ask you about a shower radio. Don't you have something special? So that I can hear what the person who has this radio is doing.<</say>>
<<say $Johan>>Bug, then. Of course have one. 300 $<</say>>
<<md>>300 bucks! Yes, it is more expensive than the radio itself!<</md>>
<<md>>However, maybe it's worth it?<</md>>
<<if $cash > 300>>
[[Refuse|RadioBugRefuse]] <<say $mc>>Okay, here's your money.<</say>>
<<say $Johan>>Nice doing business with you. Just insert in the back, here, there is a special connector and the victim will not even suspect anything.<</say>>
<<set $cash -= 300>>
<<set $RadioBugGet = 2>>
[[Back|Strange Store Shop]] <<say $mc>>No, thanks for now.<</say>>
[[Back|Strange Store Shop]] <<md>>Nobody knows more about bugs than the police. So it's worth asking my friend about what he knows and maybe somehow agreeing on this.<</md>>
<<md>>Come on, pick up the phone. Oh, finally. How embarrassing to start a conversation about it. After all, the police should do the opposite of this. On the other hand, I've already done things that regular police officers won't allow themselves, so ...<</md>>
<<md>>Oh great! We agreed to meet him at the same entrance to the metro. Looks like I did him enough services and he is ready to give me the bug for free. At least this time.<</md>>
[[Meet the officer|BugUnderground]] <<md>>I silently stepped into the slightly dark entrance, like a criminal hiding from justice. But I can't be stopped if something is decided. I walked in complete silence, trying not to twitch and at the same time not to strain.<</md>>
<<md>>When I saw the familiar silhouette, I smiled. Everything will go as best as possible. The man pulls me aside and then holds out his palm. When he opens his palm, I notice a small device.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, exactly what I needed. But how do you use it? I ask him and after a series of clarifying questions I already know how and what to do. It remains only to return home and try everything.<</md>>
<<set $RadioBugGet = 2>>
<<set $RadioBugPolice = 1>>
[[Go home|Home corridor]]<<md>>So how did they tell me there? There should be a connector on the back ... A small one ... Yeah, I think I felt it with my finger. Now you, my ears, come here. That's it, done. It remains to check.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, everything works!<</md>>
<<set $RadioBugGet = 3>>
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>So, while no one is around - the best time to install the radio. I think the hostess of this house will not mind this small gift.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's so ... Great!<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, now it's really beautiful. Soon I will be able to enjoy amazing sounds. I really hope that she will have nothing against it. Maybe it's still better to tell her about it? No, I'd rather have a big surprise.<</md>>
<<set $RadioBugGet = 4>>
<<set $RadioBugLexi = 1>>
[[Return to hall|LHHall]]<<md>>So, while no one is around - the best time to install the radio. I think the hostess of this house will not mind this small gift.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's so ... Great!<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, now it's really beautiful. Soon I will be able to enjoy amazing sounds. I really hope that she will have nothing against it. Maybe it's still better to tell her about it? No, I'd rather have a big surprise.<</md>>
<<set $RadioBugGet = 4>>\
<<set $RadioBugClara = 1>>\
[[Return to hall|CHHall]]
<<md>>So, while no one is around - the best time to install the radio. I think the hostess of this house will not mind this small gift.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's so ... Great!<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, now it's really beautiful. Soon I will be able to enjoy amazing sounds. I really hope that she will have nothing against it. Maybe it's still better to tell her about it? No, I'd rather have a big surprise.<</md>>
<<set $RadioBugGet = 4>>\
<<set $RadioBugMonica = 1>>\
[[Return to hall|CHHall]]
<<md>>So, while no one is around - the best time to install the radio. I think the hostess of this house will not mind this small gift.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's so ... Great!<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, now it's really beautiful. Soon I will be able to enjoy amazing sounds. I really hope that she will have nothing against it. Maybe it's still better to tell her about it? No, I'd rather have a big surprise.<</md>>
<<set $RadioBugGet = 4>>
<<set $RadioBugLucy = 1>>
[[Back|Lucy's home]]<<md>>Everything inside me just burns with just the thought of what I will be doing now. On the one hand, I feel like a special agent eavesdropping on important, secret conversations, on the other ... There is something exciting about eavesdropping on someone who doesn't even know about it.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, it's time to start eavesdropping.<</md>>
<<if $RadioBugMonica == 1 >>
<<if $RadioBugClara == 1 >>
<if $RadioBugLucy == 1 >>
<<if $RadioBugLexi == 1 >>
<</if>>\<<md>>Nothing turns on like the thought of a bright and innocent girl who will now play with her pussy and you will hear it all. Is this what you want? Relax, you will soon find out. You don't have to tell anything. You just need to close your eyes and listen.<</md>>
<<md>>At first I don't hear anything, but after that I hear the barely perceptible moan of a student, mixed with the sound of water flowing down her sexy body.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, this is a special treat. An image of Monica pops up in my head, her body and I immediately imagine how she plays first with her breasts, squeezing it, and then inserts her finger inside her beautiful pussy.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>More...<</say>>
<<md>>Then she switches to the clitoris and caresses it until the juice of pleasure begins to flow from the small hole. This sound fills me, causing a burning sensation of pleasure and I finish with Monica.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Ahhh...<</say>>
<<md>>Oh what a pleasant experience!
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>Headmistress... Strict and self-confident woman. It remains that way, at least for the public. But everyone knows that even the most iron lady can fall under the onslaught of lust.<</md>>
<<md>>Her moan rushes through my headphones as if she is standing right in front of me and touches her pussy with her fingers.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Enter me...<</say>>
<<md>>I know that at this moment she caresses her feminine dignity. Nothing is as exciting as when a woman caresses her clitoris with her fingers. I prefer my own touch .. I love to feel the silky female nipples in my fingers and the pleasure of the elasticity of her pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>She moans more and more and I hear her hole squish. She ends when all the tension leaves her and she begins to vibrate all over her body. This lasts a few seconds, then she freezes and smiles.<</md>>
<<md>>At least this is the picture I presented.<</md>>
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>If it was possible to choose a woman who excites me with just one of her looks, then it would definitely be Lucy. Her tight breasts, chic wide hips and such mouth-watering halves of the ass only fuel my passion.<</md>>
<<md>>And therefore, when I hear her moan in my headphones, I myself begin to masturbate with my eyes closed.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, I almost ended up there, next to her in the shower, where jets of water hit her naked body. They drip down the swollen nipples and squeezing them, she moans even louder. it's just stunning. How I want to stroke these wet mounds with my long, well-groomed fingers!<</md>>
<<md>>But she herself plays with the pussy with her fingers, thrusting them as deep as possible. I know this because I hear the distinctive splashing sounds.<</md>>
<<md>>So my muse has reached a climax. So, everything ended exactly as it should ... Exactly, wow! I never thought it would be like this ... And I even hear Lucy's hoarse moans spreading through the shower stall.<</md>>
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>Eavesdrop on the most depraved girl in the school - what could be better. Although I wouldn't even be surprised if she doesn't mind being listened to.<</md>>
<<md>>A loud and drawn-out moan is heard in the headphones. It is not at all what I expected. It was like Lexi drove a huge cock into her pussy right away, without regrets.<</md>>
<<md>>But it only excites me - and I want to continue. Will have to wait.<</md>>
<<md>>The next groan becomes even louder than the previous one. She starts playing aggressively with her pussy, right?<</md>>
<<md>>No wonder I want her now. Give her what she needs now. Saddle it quickly, sharply and deeply. Become one with her.<</md>>
<<md>>This student... What I do is so familiar to me - and with her.<</md>>
<<md>>She cums too quickly, and my cock slides over the smooth and firm skin into the palm of my hand. Lexi cums. It is still strongly bent, but no longer moves. And after that I finish too.<</md>>
<<md>>What a pleasant sensation.<</md>>
[[Back|My room]]<<say $Lucy>>Oh yes, I love architecture and everything connected with it. Seeing how a monumental structure emerges from a mountain of stones and planks is breathtaking.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not sure...<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I think this love is in my blood. My father was a famous architect.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I heard ...<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>It's a pity that he couldn't finish building the mirrored house he dreamed of ...<</say>>
<<addAff $Lucy 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<say $Lucy>>How do you know that I'm interested in this? Was you spying on me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, what are you...<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Right, because this is my job. Before hiring employees, I always do a little check: accounts, how a person knows how to handle money ...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Can the ability to spend money say a lot about a person?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Too much, in fact. The way a person handles money can tell what kind of employee he will be. If, for example, he spends his entire salary on drinks, he certainly won't work for us.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Even if he is the coolest specialist in the world?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Even in this case. He has many psychological problems if he is unable to control his impulses. In addition, our school has an image and we cannot risk it.<</say>>
<<md>>This is not the answer I was hoping for, but it turned out to be closer to reality than I expected.<</md>>
<<addAff $Lucy 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<say $Lucy>>Sport is my life. How can I be the headmaster of this school, encourage female students to lead a healthy lifestyle, if I myself do not correspond to it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds reasonable. So what sport do you like?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I like boxing the most.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Boxing? I AM...<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Didn't expect this? I thought I was doing some kind of yoga? Well, I do yoga too. But I've been boxing since childhood. So watch out!<</say>>
<<md>>Haha, it's better not to joke with her.<</md>>
<<addAff $Lucy 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|LucyTalkHome]]<<md>>Since I'm already here, maybe I should ask you something that will help me hack this shower radio?<</md>>
<<set $RadioBugGet = 2.11>>
[[Maybe|Library]] <<say $Susan>>Can I help you?<</say>>
<<md>>The woman looks at me curiously. I can't understand this professional interest yet, something else?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I would like a book about electrical engineering. How to fix, open and everything like that.<</say>>
<<md>>The woman froze for a second, as if she was looking for something in her head, and then she opened her mouth and...<</md>>
<<say $Susan>>Sure, now.<</say>>
<<md>>In just a minute, she brought me the largest book I have ever seen in my life.<</md>>
<<md>>Okay, it's time to figure it out.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Intellect > 5 >>
<<md>>So, let's see if we can find the information we need. The book is large, so it's better to cut off everything unnecessary by choosing a topic. So, electronic devices with a screen... No, not that. The devices are portable... Perhaps, but I don't see anything useful.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah!<</say>>
<<md>>I did not even notice how I shouted at the whole library and many curious eyes stared at me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry...<</say>>
<<md>>So it looks like I know what to do. The only thing I need is the right tools.<</md>>
<<set $RadioBugGet = 2.1>>
<<md>>No matter how much I look and leaf through this huge book, I see only unnecessary information. Everything in my head is already floating and merging into one huge heap of letters. I seem to be drowning in them. It doesn't seem like it will help me in any way...<</md>>
<<if $mc.Charisma > 5 >>
[[Ask a librarian for help|RadioBugLibraryHelp]]
[[Back|Library]] <<md>>It seems that I myself will not find anything. But a person who constantly deals with dozens or even hundreds of books will certainly be able to help me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry, could you help me? I'm looking for some information, but I just can't find it. I am sure only such a beautiful woman as you can help me with this.<</say>>
<<say $Susan>>It will cost you $ 100.<</say>>
<<md>>The woman smiles and winks at me. Well, if so...<</md>>
<<say $Susan>>I'm just kidding. I will gladly help such a charming man. What are you looking for?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>All that concerns the design of listening devices.<</say>>
<<say $Susan>>Hm...<</say>>
<<md>>The woman thoughtfully took the book from my hands. I didn't want to disturb her, because millet watched her as if she were entering a meditative state. Her eyes study each page carefully until she hands the book back to me.<</md>>
<<say $Susan>>Here's everything you need. You will not find anything else in this book.<</say>>
<<md>>I thank the woman and sit back at the table to study the material I need.<</md>>
<<md>>So it looks like I know what to do. The only thing I need is the right tools.<</md>>
<<set $RadioBugGet = 2.1>>
[[Back|Library]] <<md>>The listening device is not as complex a mechanism as it might seem at first glance. Yes, it's a little different from the devices I've dealt with before, but if you think about it... It's just a microphone with a radio transmitter.<</md>>
<<md>>So I can create it myself. All I need now is a little wit and time. So, let's begin...<</md>>
<<md>>Yeah, that's all. It turned out to be even easier than I thought earlier. Now it's just a matter of establishing.<</md>>
<<set $RadioBugGet = 3>>
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>Veronica is known throughout the school as a rebel girl. She is not only a rebel, but also a very gentle nature. All this is hidden under a small mask of disobedience, but the truth is hard to hide from me. Veronica is the kind of girl you want to take care of as much as possible. Especially after it opened to me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are a special girl, Veronica.<</say>>
<<md>>So I think she will like my little surprise hehe. I am sure that such a sophisticated gift will not pass by her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What can I come up with?<</say>>
<<md>>So, to be sure, I'll take her school uniform. So that she definitely did not have the opportunity to do anything other than dress him. Although Veronica is one of those who can go and naked all over the school.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see what you're capable of.<</say>>
<<md>>I think there is no need for me to stay here any longer, I can go to my class.<</md>>
<<set $VeronicaLingerie = 1>>
[[Go there|VeronicaLingerieClass]] <<md>>Time passed too slowly. It seemed to mockingly froze and only did what made me nervous. I know that the lesson is about to end, but ... A kind of childish delight rises inside me when I imagine Veronica's face when she sees that her clothes are gone.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Not such a small surprise, right?<</say>>
<<md>>Little pranks always cheer up, even if we don't notice. And now my mood is very good. It overwhelms me, forcing me to expect a small miracle, forcing me to wait for Veronica's arrival.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica comes, Veronica comes.<</say>>
<<md>>The bell rang, which meant the end of the lesson. But as time went on, the noise in the corridor grew stronger, and the girl still did not appear at the threshold of my class.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Really...<</say>>
<<md>>The break has already ended and my hope has completely dissipated. I was about to leave the office, opened the door and almost ran into...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica!<</say>>
<<md>>There was a girl in front of me, but she was not the linen that I gave, no. There was something else on it, so unexpected that I was even taken aback for a moment.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes it's me. So speak as if you didn’t expect me. I know that only you could give this kind of thing.<</say>>
<<md>>Well that's fair. There aren't many guys here, and Veronica and I had a special relationship after that incident with her disappearance, so...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, but you...<</say>>
<<if $VeronicaImage18Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage18Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She was wearing a beautifully fitted jacket and skirt. And most importantly, glasses! Now she did not look like an ordinary student, but rather like my colleague, a teacher.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>You didn't expect me to walk around school in my underwear, did you?<</say>>
<<md>>She is leaning sexually on the edge of the table, which pulls the skirt up and I see stockings and pink lingerie that looks so sexy because of the jacket.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I... I was actually hoping so...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>What did you hope for?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica lifts her skirt, allowing me to enjoy the sight of her panties. She is so seductive in this form that I can hardly restrain myself from touching the beautiful place between her legs.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I really did. My hope is jumping out of my pants right now.<</say>>
<<if $VeronicaImage25Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage25Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Veronica laughs out loud, and then pulls the edge of her panties to the side, allowing me to enjoy the sight of her beautiful pussy again. She is so beautiful, every inch of this body is like a work of art. What he lacks for an ideal is my cock. I run my hand over Veronica's thigh and...<</md>>
<<if $ClaraAffLvl > 3>>
<<md>>I touch her pussy and Veronica flinches. The finger slowly penetrates inside her pussy, absorbing the warmth of the girl's most seductive place.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>She starts to moan, which makes my pants feel cramped. I start moving my fingers inside faster and more sensually when Veronica pulls away.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Sorry, I can't.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What? But you started it yourself!<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>I know, but it always seems to me that someone will come inside.<</say>>
<<md>>The only one who will go inside you is me, girl.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>I think we'd better continue at my house.<</say>>
<<md>>She began to dress.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. I'll come by tonight.<</say>>
<<md>>She grinned and winked at me and in this gesture I saw even more desire. Well, it remains to wait for the evening.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name! What's going on here?<</say>>
<<if $Lexi3 > 1>>
<<say $Clara>>Is the situation with Lexi not enough for you?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>With Lexi?<</say>>
<<md>>Clara looks at me, dumbfounded, and then looks at Veronica.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>And you young lady, tidy yourself up and return not your stuff.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not your stuff?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Well, yes, I stole things from her office. They still suit me more than her!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Your behavior is unacceptable within the walls of this institution. I will have to demote you and fine you for that.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara loudly slams the door and leaves me and Veronica alone.<</md>>
<<if $mc.TeacherLevel > 1>>\
<<text r "Qualification decreased!">>
<<set $mc.TeacherLevel -= 1>>\
<<say $Veronica>>I guess I'd better get her things back.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, it will be better...<</say>>
<<md>>She headed for the exit, but suddenly turned around.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>I think we'd better continue at my house.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. I'll come by tonight.<</say>>
<<md>>She grinned and winked at me and in this gesture I saw even more desire. Well, it remains to wait for the evening.<</md>>
[[Leave|Second floor]] <<md>>Running today was somehow especially exhausting. As if he squeezed all the juices out of me and wanted absolutely nothing but rest. But, unfortunately, I don’t have such a chance right now, as I have several particularly important things ahead of me.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Sorry to disturb you, could we talk?<</say>>
<<md>>A familiar voice reaches me and Monica is standing in front of me, and next to her is Lexi and Veronica. Surprisingly, I did not think that I would see this trinity together.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course, what happened girls?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>We want to fuck! How about three pretty girls licking your bat?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Lexi! Stop your jokes!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So what's up? <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>You've probably heard that not all girls are happy with athletics?<</say>>
<<md>>Are they unhappy with their athletics lessons? With what suddenly?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What's wrong with it?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Nothing, just some people want to practice playing baseball. Could you help us with this?<</say>>
<<md>>Baseball? Instead of athletics? Sounds extremely boring. This is if you do not take into account that I will have to persuade Clara to allow all this.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I don't know...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Please, for some it is very important!<</say>>
<<md>>They looked at me with such pleading eyes that I had no choice but to agree.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I’ll think that it will be possible to come up with this.<</say>>
<<md>>It will be necessary to talk to Clara and somehow solve this problem.<</md>>
<<set $BaseballActivate = 1>>\
[[Leave|Sport field]] <<say $mc>>Clara, I would like to talk about one of the lessons.<</say>>
<<md>>The woman put the documents aside and looked at me carefully.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I am always happy to discuss the educational process. Something happened?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's not something that happens, it's just that some of the girls want to do, not just athletics, but...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Baseball.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you know about this?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>The director must be aware of what is interesting to students.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, then you allow?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Of course. We have a field for this, so I think there shouldn't be any problems. But you will be responsible for their safety. If anything happens, don't forget to tell Jane and me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Accepted.<</say>>
<<set $BaseballActivate = 2>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]<<md>>As soon as I approach Linda, she breaks into a wide smile.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, hello, golden! I heard about your successes as a coach!<</say>>
<<md>>Linda curls the edge of her hair around her finger and looks at me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, a talented teacher is talented in everything. Is there a lot of gossip about me already?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Well, you know these young girls. A handsome and strong man teaches them how to wield a bat ... Of course they like it!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I guess that's what they dream about every night in their bed, ha ha.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda laughed out loud in response to my line, which many would consider unnecessarily vulgar.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>It looks like you know them a lot more than you wanted to show. But I think there is one of the girls who is especially fond of baseball. Don't you think you should pay a little more attention to her?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What are you talking about?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>About Rose Williams.<</say>>
<<md>>Rose Williams. Yes, a girl who looks more like a grown woman. Whose father is a famous baseball player.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ah, what's wrong with her?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Well, she's a rising star in this school. And even when everyone at school has already gone home, she trains at the stadium.<</say>>
<<md>>Hmm, maybe Linda is right. If she has such a passion for baseball, maybe I should give her a little more time after school?<</md>>
<<set $BaseballRose = 1>>\
[[Leave|School reception]]<<md>>I come to the sports field knowing what to expect. At the same time, she is forever here. Not a step away, does not even think to retreat. I have always admired such perseverance, the desire to achieve my goal at all costs.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, let's start our training?<</say>>
<<md>>Rose is breathing heavily, exhausting workouts making themselves felt. But still she smiles at me, after which we start. And let's go...<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Rose\Quest\Video\RoseTraining3.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $mc>>Rose, we talked about this last time. The whole area!<</say>>
<<md>>But no matter how I serve, the girl still misses some of the balls, returning to her old tactics. Although what did I want? We don't train so much for her to immediately understand. But this needs to be corrected.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, no, that won't work. Let me show you one more time.<</say>>
<<set $BaseballRose = 2>>
[[Leave|Sport field]]<<md>>I come to the sports field knowing what to expect. At the same time, she is forever here. Not a step away, does not even think to retreat. I have always admired such perseverance, the desire to achieve my goal at all costs.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, let's start our training?<</say>>
<<md>>Rose is breathing heavily, exhausting workouts making themselves felt. But still she smiles at me, after which we start. And let's go...<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Rose\Quest\Video\RoseTraining3.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $mc>>Rose, we talked about this last time. The whole area!<</say>>
<<md>>But no matter how I serve, the girl still misses some of the balls, returning to her old tactics. Although what did I want? We don't train so much for her to immediately understand. But this needs to be corrected.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, no, that won't work. Let me show you one more time.<</say>>
<<if $SchoolGrades > 60>>\
<<md>>I touch her hand. A pleasant heat runs through the skin, and on the palms there is a barely noticeable golden stripe from our touch. She wants to get away from contact, but I keep her. I run my palm a few more times.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Like this...<</say>>
<<md>>But now the hand itself reaches for her chest and I squeeze it through the clothes. The bat falls to the ground, and we merge in a kiss. Her skin is so sweet... I take off her T-shirt.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mmm...<</say>>
<<md>>I feel her touch all over my body. Mmm... Ah! Excitement runs through my veins as I lean into her breasts. She moans sweetly in response, and I can no longer restrain myself, I press my lips to her nipple.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So ... Yes ...<</say>>
<<md>>Rose opens her eyes, looks at me, smiles happily, and runs her hand over my cheek. I continue to hug her to me. My skin is on fire, my heart is beating like mad. I put her on the floor and take off her shorts.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see how talented you are!<</say>>
<<md>>Everything blurred before my eyes, and I feel her body envelop me. She wraps her legs around my lower back, and at the right moment I rise, entering her. She responds to my kiss, her lips covering my mouth. A shiver runs through her body, and I squeeze her in my arms tighter. This is the best moment to kiss. I get such pleasure that I can not restrain myself and kiss her again.<</md>>
<<md>>I enter it with all my strength, pressing it to the ground.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Rose\Quest\Video\RoseStadiumFuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $mc>>Feel my bat!<</say>>
<<md>>I want to enter it to the end, so that we are united into one whole. She wants it too, because she moans in response, and her fingers touch my shoulders. Her movements become faster, but she does not leave my lips. I am making a powerful leap.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Her pussy wraps around my thighs and I feel like I'm about to cum. Her fingers dig into my back. I feel that now this scene will repeat itself, and take out a member from her bosom, but she digs her nails into me, trying to slow down the pace.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Stay? Good let it be your way.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Rose\Quest\Video\RoseStadiumFuck2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I reach the maximum depth of her body, and she screams. After that, I don't hear anything. I don't care about anything in the world anymore. I cum inside her and she breaks into a grateful smile.<</md>>
<<md>>Hope nobody noticed this.<</md>>
<<set $BaseballRose = 3>>
<<md>>I touch her hand. A pleasant heat runs through the skin, and on the palms there is a barely noticeable golden stripe from our touch. She wants to get away from contact, but I keep her. I run my palm a few more times.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it, you understand?<</say>>
<<md>>Hopefully this time I explained it more clearly. But only the next time will show it.<</md>>
<<set $BaseballRose = 3>>
[[Leave|Sport field]] <style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<md>>The weather is so good today that I can't wait to just walk in the park, enjoy the views and feel at one with nature. The mood is the best possible and nothing can spoil it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey! Careful!<</say>>
<<md>>At the very last moment I hear something whistling over my ear and barely have time to duck. The ball flies straight overhead, hits a tree, and again nearly knocks me out of its path. Loud footsteps are heard behind.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>Oh, sorry, you didn’t hurt yourself?<</say>>
<<if $JerryImage1Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $JerryImage1Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>A beautiful and smiling girl is standing right in front of me.
She is wearing a white tank top, which emphasizes her athletic figure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, it's okay, I just didn't expect to be on the football field so quickly.<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>Oh, yes, my fault. When I do something sports, I just do not notice the people around.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you like sports that much?<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>Oh, I can't live without him! By the way, my name is Jerry.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's nice to meet you, $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<addAff $Jerry 3>>
<<md>>For a while we stood and looked at each other and smiled. There was something about this girl that was especially attractive.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>Do you like soccer? Can we play?<</say>>
<<set $Jerry.Meet = 1>>\
<<run window.unlockCharacter("Jerry")>>\
<<set $JerryUnlocked = window.isCharacterUnlocked("Jerry")>>\
[[No|JerryFootballNo]]<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<say $mc>>Why not?<</say>>
<<md>>I smile at her, but a thought immediately creeps into my head. If I am a little more persistent then I can see something more attractive than even now.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>Okay, then let's go?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You know, I don't want to just play football. I want to feel the excitement, to see something beautiful.<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>Will my chest fit?<</say>>
<<md>>Having said this, the girl laughed out loud. I didn't even have to convince her or anything like that.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I'm in the game.<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>Well, try to win against me and I'll show you my breasts!<</say>>
<<md>>After these words, the game began.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Strength > 5>>
<<addAff $Jerry 3>>\
<<md>>She tried to lead, make feints and get around me. The first times she even managed to do it, but very quickly I managed to adapt and the ball ended up with me. Victory. Victory again and again. Well, now I will definitely see something more interesting.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>Ok, follow me.<</say>>
<<md>>Jerry takes me to a place where there are no prying eyes and pulls out juicy breasts from under a pink bra. Her nipples look so tempting. These little peas are very exciting. And her lips and smile are maddening.<</md>>
<<if $JerryImage7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $JerryImage7Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Jerry>>Winner's prize.<</say>>
<<addLust $Jerry 3>>\
<<md>>I watch them, eat them with my eyes and feel how my cock has become very hard.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How I wish I could see the rest.<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>There is another game for that.<</say>>
<<md>>Jerry winks at me and hides his chest back.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What game is this?<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>You will soon find out if you leave me your number.<</say>>
<<md>>Of course, I leave her my number and the girl promises to contact me.<</md>>
<<set $JerryFootball = 1>>\
<<set $Jerry1QT = 1>>\
<<md>>But as soon as we started the game, I immediately realized that I was not strong enough. All my stamina has gone somewhere and it doesn't look like she's going to come back.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>Looks like not your lucky day!<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled, but I cursed myself for getting involved in this game without being prepared.<</md>>
<<set $JerryFootball = 3>>\
[[Back|Park]] <style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<md>>I don't think I should get involved in this. I don't like football that much, so I will definitely lose. And losing to such a beautiful girl is nothing worse.<</md>>
<<set $JerryFootball = 2>>\
[[Back|Park]] <<md>>When I walk into my room, I am seized with an unprecedented desire to check my phone. Although I know perfectly well what is the reason. I wonder if my new acquaintance, Jerry, will write to me.<</md>>
<<md>>I’m barely picking up my phone when a message arrives.<</md>>
<<text g "You wanted to see the rest? How do you look? If you want to see more, come to the park next weekend. I think we could have played baseball, do you think? You beat the balls off me.">>
<<if $JerryImage2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $JerryImage2Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<addAff $Jerry 5>>\
<<addLust $Jerry 5>>\
<<md>>Oh, what a hot girl. I should definitely play with her... baseball!<</md>>
<<set $JerryFootball = 1.1>>\
<<set $JerryBaseball = 1>>\
<<set $Jerry1QT = 2>>\
[[Back|My room]]<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<md>>I could no longer wait for this day and our new meeting with Jerry. I am sure she will show me some more of her sports talents.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>Hey. Are you ready to show me your bat?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl winks and I understand that she is not only about baseball.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, if you want...<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>And I'm burning with curiosity. But let's play baseball first.<</say>>
<<md>>The game has begun. Jerry was throwing the ball at me and I had to hit it. It was a little difficult, I kept thinking how not to miss the ball.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Can not be...<</say>>
<<md>>In the end, I realized that I still lost this time.<</md>>
<<md>>Jerry smiled sweetly and patted me on the shoulder.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>Don't worry, I'll use the bat today, though not yours.<</say>>
<<md>>She took the bat from my hands and took off her shorts. These actions took my breath away.<</md>>
<<if $JerryImage3Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $JerryImage3Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Jerry>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>And then she spread her legs and ran the bat over the pussy, after which she plunged it inside herself. There was nothing rude or obscene in her movements. Rather, on the contrary, her actions were like the dance of a woman in love who wants to share her feelings.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>More deeper...<</say>>
<<md>>She moved the bat gently, allowing it to penetrate deeper into her pussy, but soon her movements became slower and sexier. She looked at me and closed her eyes. The groan grew louder.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Jerry\Quest\Video\JerryParkBat.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Suddenly her hands tensed and pressed against the bat in opposite directions. She pulled the bat on herself, but it was very heavy.<</md>>
<<addLust $Jerry 10>>\
<<say $Jerry>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>She moaned loudly and then bit her lower lip, which made it seem to me that now her cry will be heard. But there was no scream. Suddenly her hand slid down on the bit and her fingers unclenched, and the bit flew to the floor. And then she swayed and fell on me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is the show...<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled and kissed Jerry in gratitude. I think this is not our last meeting.<</md>>
<<set $JerryBaseball = 2>>\
<<set $Jerry1QT = 3>>\
[[Back|Park]] Tip: \
<<if $Jerry1QT == 1>>\
Soccer with Jerry was fascinating.
<<elseif $Jerry1QT == 2>>\
I wonder why there were so much reporters in the hospital. Should I check TV?
<<elseif $Jerry1QT == 3>>\
I need to think about Jerry at the beach.
<<elseif $Jerry1QT == 4>>\
You have reach the end of this character storyline. (for now)
<</if>>\<<md>>Walking through the night park in the city, you expect everything, but not meet your old acquaintance policeman. However, besides him, I happened to meet several local hooligans. Our meeting was...<</md>>
<<if $mc.Strength > 7>>
<<md>>...not so rosy. At least for them. And who knows what would have happened if Carey hadn't stopped me.<</md>>
<<md>>...almost tragic. I tried to deal with them, but there were too many of them. And who knows what would have happened if Carey hadn't stopped them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Carey! I am so glad to see you...<</say>>
<<say $Carey>>What a coincidence. I wanted to call you tomorrow.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Me? Something happened?<</say>>
<<say $Carey>>Yes, there is one little business for you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What's happened?<</say>>
<<say $Carey>>My friend has a girlfriend. Very beautiful, but she's too used to jumping on the dicks, if you understand. But I would not want him to know that she is cheating on him. And they are such a beautiful couple. Could you calm her...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Passion for dicks?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes exactly.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. I'll go now.<</say>>
<<set $PoliceQ2 = 6>>\
[[Visit girl|PoliceQuest5.2]]
<<md>>She really was beautiful. Unbearably beautiful, which made my pants feel very tight. Looking at her beautiful face and figure, it was clear why each of the guys would love to enter her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hi beauty!<</say>>
<<md>>My arms gently wrapped around her and I put my hands under her clothes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes, what a delicious chest. Let me get to know her in more detail.<</say>>
<<md>>Hands felt the girl's chest and squeezed tightly, from which the girl almost purred. I began to play with her nipples, then pulling them, then on the contrary gently touching.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Here it is...<</say>>
<<md>>I pull off the panties from the girl and she almost jumps on my dick by herself. This is the first time I've seen such an obsession.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, you can't live without a member!<</say>>
<<md>>She screamed and arched, then grabbed my shoulders and squeezed tightly, as if she did not want to let go.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\trash\Quest\Video\PoliceMilf3.mp4"></video></div> But she quickly relaxed and squeezed him in her palms. I also relaxed, my hands slid over her body, freeing her from the remnants of her clothes. She just smiled.<</md>>
<<md>>And then I started fucking her like never before. Fuck rough, hard, and without closing your eyes, but merging in a slow, gentle rhythm.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>More? Stronger? I know you like...<</say>>
<<md>>She moaned with delight. I thought I was about to die. I repeated these movements exactly as I did before - with moans and screams, feeling a bliss overwhelm me.<</md>>
<<md>>And in the end I finished hard on her beautiful belly.<</md>>
[[Back|5thave]]Double-click this passage to edit it.<<md>>I step softly on the warm and gentle sand. The sun's rays seem to break through from behind the clouds, beautifully illuminating the sand. The sight takes my breath away. How wonderful it is! An old woman passing by waves her wrinkled hand approvingly and mutters something. I turn around and wave back to her too. A funny situation.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>Do you make new acquaintances?<</say>>
<<md>>I hear a familiar voice, but who it is I can not make out in any way. The stranger stands just opposite the sun.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What?<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>Ahaha! You are so funny when you don't understand who is in front of you.<</say>>
<<md>>The stranger comes out from under the rays and I notice a familiar specimen.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Jerry!<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>You finally noticed me. And I already began to think that you love older women more! Ahaha!<</say>>
<<md>>Her laughter penetrates my heart and seems to get stuck there. I cannot say a word. I'm dumbfounded. Honestly, it seemed to me that after that incident with the bat - we will not see each other again.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>So you will watch or hug?<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles and I am unable to resist this charm, so I smile all the way and hug her.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>So what are we going to do?<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles at me, but I know what I will offer her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I thought maybe we could do our last adventure again?<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>Again? Life is too short to spend it on the same actions. Hmm... Come on ... I know an interesting place. I promise you will like it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay.<</say>>
<<md>>I don't know what she does, but I'm extremely interested.<</md>>
[[Follow her|JerryShop 1.1]]<<md>>Jerry and I are walking down the street and it's interesting, but still I'm very curious where we are going. When she finally enters the mall, then I completely cease to understand anything. If she wanted to show me a special place, then why come here?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Jerry, what have we forgotten here?<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles and takes my hand, then shoves her hands right into her shorts.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>Don't you like touching my pussy knowing that we might be discovered?<</say>>
<<md>>My fingers brush against her pussy, a hot and gentle source of pleasure that builds my arousal even more. I tease Jerry by running my hand between his legs without getting in.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are beautiful...<</say>>
<<md>>I run my fingers inside the pussy and the girl bends and moans. This action makes me kiss her so as not to attract too much attention.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I love to touch her flesh, but now she plays with me and does it skillfully. It seems that something unexpected is about to happen, after which we can no longer do it together. For example, we will be noticed...<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>Stop...<</say>>
<<md>>She pushes me away and frees herself from caresses.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>If you give me a special gift, I will show you something special.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What kind of gift?<</say>>
<<md>>Jerry points his finger at the sign and I realize we're in a clothing store.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>Buy me the best dress and you will never forget it.<</say>>
[[Buy her dress|JerryShop 1.2]]<<say $Jerry>>Oh, it suits me that way.<</say>>
<<md>>When Jerry walks out of the locker room, I almost lose my voice. This dress looks great on her.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>Let's go, exploits await us.<</say>>
<<md>>She winks at me and giggles and pulls with her. Is it surprising how much agility she has? However, I follow her, we rise higher and higher. Until we find ourselves on ...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Roof?<</say>>
<<md>>I look at this place in surprise. It's amazing why I haven't been here before. From here, such a beautiful view opens up, from which it takes your breath away.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>Now it will blow your roof.<</say>>
<<if $JerryImage4Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $JerryImage4Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>Jerry smiles, then pulls up her dress. Two beautiful halves of the ass look just divine, as if seducing and beckoning me to them. And then I suddenly realize that I really want to enter it. And she wants it, and she is waiting for her there ... A real paradise.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah...<</say>>
<<md>>But Jerry waves his hand, as if not allowing me to walk up to her and touch her ass.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>No, watch.<</say>>
<<md>>She is leaning on the railing and I can see her pussy. The girl begins to play with her fingers, first lightly stroking, and then stronger and stronger. Such shamelessness makes me breathless. When the pussy reaches its climax, I go into ecstasy and close my eyes. Not even that, I do anything to keep myself from entering it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Beautiful.<</say>>
<<if $JerryImage5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $JerryImage5Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She takes off her shoes and starts stroking the heel between her legs, and then ... The heel goes into her pussy. She moans loudly, driving him further. Yet. Yet. Everything around begins to tremble and shake, as after an earthquake. Jerry gasps loudly, and I understand that we are with her ... Enjoy the sight of how both masturbate.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>Like? It will be even more interesting next time!<</say>>
<<md>>I'm already intrigued!<</md>>
<<set $JerryBaseball = 3>>\
<<set $Jerry1QT = 4>>\
[[Leave|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]<<say $Lucy>>Just go! I don't want your gifts!<</say>>
[[Next action|LucyTalk]]<<say $Lucy>>Wow! I don't know that you can be so attentive. It's smells so good!<</say>>
<<addLust $Lucy 9>>
<<text r "-9 stamina">>\
<<set $stamina -= 9>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $id.perfume -=1>>\
[[Next action|LucyTalk]]<<say $Lucy>>You decided to give me a drink? Ha-ha, she’s so worried, I’m just kidding. It's my favorite drink since university. Admit it, can you read minds? I love how drunk it is!<</say>>
<<addLust $Lucy 9>>
<<text r "-9 stamina">>\
<<set $stamina -= 9>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $id.whisky -=1>>\
[[Next action|LucyTalk]]<<md>>Of course, I could not deny the girl such an interesting pleasure. I wanted to share with Lexi the joy of watching movies that teach us so much. Lexi, like a sponge, will absorb everything that you are able to give her. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Sit down here.<</say>>
<<md>>So I watched with joy as two cocks entered the and mouth of a miniature girl on the screen, and she only got high from it. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Mmm...<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi also gets high, looking at what is happening on the screen, then at me. And her big beautiful eyes look at me with such all-consuming tenderness and devotion that I can't help but reciprocate. Our hands find each other.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Boldness > 6 >>\
<<say $mc>>Come to me...<</say>>
<<md>>Now is the time not to stop there and give yourself a lot of pleasure. My hand crawls down her back and I gently squeeze Lexi's firm ass. The girl moaned lightly, allowing me to touch her sexual flesh. My hand dives into her panties and I touch the adorable halves that seductively call me. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Ah, teacher...<</say>>
<<if $LexiWatchPorn == 1>>\
<<addLust $Lexi 6>>
<<set $LexiWatchPorn = 2>>\
<<md>>I didn't notice how quickly the movie ended. It's just a special experience. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe we'll repeat it somehow, Lexi?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>> Absolutely! Don't even think that this is the end of it.<</say>>
<<set $LexiWatchPorn = 1>>\
<<addmins 30>>\
[[Leave|LHHall]]<<say $mc>>Lexi, I think we should look at something more decent. And educational.<</say>>
<<md>>I switched channels until I found an amazing show about elephant mating games. It had so much important information, but...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>What boredom! <</say>>
<<md>>It's not like Lexi appreciated my attempt. Maybe try something different next time?<</md>>
<<addmins 30>>\
<<addAff $Lexi -6>>
[[Leave|LHHall]]<<say $mc>>Thanks, Lexi, but I'll probably decline today.<</say>>
<<md>>She lowered her eyes and I realized that my answer had upset her greatly. But what can I do in this situation?<</md>>
<<md>>Maybe try something different next time?<</md>>
<<addmins 30>>\
[[Leave|LHHall]]<<set _LexiShowerLingerieNothingArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LexiShowerLingerieNothingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Lexi's bathroom seems to be an example of minimalism, but there are still enough things here. I can't find what I need. As if she doesn't wear lingerie at all. <</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>There is a whole mountain of things here, but I do not need at all. <</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Come on... I only need panties, but nothing happens.<</md>>
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Back|LHBath]]<<set _LexiShowerLingerieYesArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LexiShowerLingerieYesArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>You need to search as quickly as possible while there is no one here. If Lexi suspects anything. At best, I'll have to make excuses... At worst... I don't even want to think about it. What is this? Dress? I did not think that Lexi is one of those who prefer dresses of this kind. Wait what's that? <</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>I feel like a thief or robber, but at the same time this activity brings me strange satisfaction. I like to dig into Lexi's stuff, to get to know her a little more. Is it an plug? I'm not even surprised, though. <</md>>
<<md>>And here is the long-awaited underwear. <</md>>
<<set $LexiLingerie = 2>>
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Back|LHBath]]<<md>>So, let's not waste time and quickly find it. What a huge pile...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>What are you doing?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl's voice seemed to burn me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Lexi, you won't believe it...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Are you digging in my underwear?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's not what it seems.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>I`m not that dumb.<</say>>
<<md>>Bloody hell. We'll have to do it another time.<</md>>
<<set $LexiLingerie = -1>>
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Back|LHHall]]<<set _LexiShowerLingerieSearchArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:05', '08:15') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '21:00')||isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '16:35') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5|| isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:30', '20:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '11:10') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<goto "LexiLingerieFail">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<goto "LexiLingerieNothing">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<goto "LexiLingerieYes">>\
<</if>>\<<if $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhhall'>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhbath'>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhliving'>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lkitchen'>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhlexiroom'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'clarahall'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'clarakitchen'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'clarabath'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'claraliving'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'clarabed'>>\
<<elseif $LucyPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1 && $PhotoSelectedLucy == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lucyhall'>>\
<<elseif $LucyPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2 && $PhotoSelectedLucy == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lucykitchen'>>\
<<elseif $LucyPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3 && $PhotoSelectedLucy == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lucybath'>>\
<<elseif $LucyPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4 && $PhotoSelectedLucy == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'llr'>>\
<<elseif $LucyPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5 && $PhotoSelectedLucy == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lucybed'>>\
<<elseif $MonicaPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2 && $PhotoSelectedMonica == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'mhkitchen'>>\
<<elseif $MonicaPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3 && $PhotoSelectedMonica == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'mhbath'>>\
<<elseif $MonicaPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4 && $PhotoSelectedMonica == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'mhlivingroom'>>\
<<elseif $MonicaPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5 && $PhotoSelectedMonica == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'mhbedroom'>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1 && $PhotoSelectedNaomi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'naomihall'>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2 && $PhotoSelectedNaomi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'naomikitchen'>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3 && $PhotoSelectedNaomi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'naomiliving'>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4 && $PhotoSelectedNaomi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'naomibed'>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5 && $PhotoSelectedNaomi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'naomibed'>>\
<<set _LexiPhotoSearchArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:05', '08:15') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '21:00')||isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '16:35') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5|| isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:30', '20:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '11:10') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4|| isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:00')||isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '19:30')>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<goto "LexiPhotoFailUniversal">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<goto "LexiPhotoNothingUniversal">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<goto "LexiPhotoYesUniversal">>\
<<set _LexiPhotoSearchArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:05', '08:15') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '21:00')||isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '16:35') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5|| isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:30', '20:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '11:10') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4|| isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:00')||isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '19:30')>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<goto "LexiPhotoFail">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<goto "LexiPhotoNothing">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<goto "LexiPhotoYes">>\
<</if>>\<<md>>Where I should looking?<</md>>
[[Under the table|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the mirror|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[On the sofa|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the TV|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the chests|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the drawer|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]<<if $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhhall'>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhbath'>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhliving'>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lkitchen'>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhlexiroom'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'clarahall'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'clarakitchen'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'clarabath'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'claraliving'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'clarabed'>>\
<<set _LexiPhotoFailArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LexiPhotoFailArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>So, now we should...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>What the fuck have you forgotten in my room? And why is the door open?
<<md>>Lexi looks like an enraged beast. I seem to have made a big mistake in thinking that I would have time to search the room while it was gone.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> I can explain everything.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>And I can call the cops.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Enough is enough. To prevent this from happening again.<</say>>
<<md>>I don't think you should try your luck now.
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Now I quickly...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>$mc.Name? Are you in a living room? I need to...<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, I need to hide quickly before she notices that I've entered her room.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>What are you doing here?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>I don't remember inviting you to rummage through my stuff!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But I...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Get out!<</say>>
<<set $LexiPhoto = 4>>
<<addmins 15>>\
<<if $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1>>\
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2>>\
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3>>\
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4>>\
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5>>\
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedClara == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1>>\
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedClara == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2>>\
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedClara == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3>>\
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedClara == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4>>\
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedClara == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5>>\
<</if>>\<<if $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhhall'>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhbath'>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhliving'>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lkitchen'>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhlexiroom'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'clarahall'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'clarakitchen'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'clarabath'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'claraliving'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'clarabed'>>\
<<set _LexiPhotoNothingArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]>>\
<<switch _LexiPhotoNothingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>No matter how much I look for anything here, there is nothing.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Follow a search elsewhere. There is only dust and scattered things.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Why would she hide a photo in such a place?<</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>Only a madman will hide the photo here.<</md>>
<<case 5>>\
<<md>>Why isn't it here? Why can't anything be so simple?<</md>>
<<case 6>>\
<<md>>Again, failure. <</md>>
<<addmins 15>>\
<<if $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1>>\
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2>>\
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3>>\
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4>>\
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5>>\
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedClara == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1>>\
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedClara == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2>>\
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedClara == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3>>\
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedClara == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4>>\
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedClara == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5>>\
<</if>>\<<if $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhhall'>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhbath'>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhliving'>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lkitchen'>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhlexiroom'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'clarahall'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'clarakitchen'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'clarabath'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'claraliving'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'clarabed'>>\
<<if $LexiPhotoRed == 0 && $PhotoSelectedLexi>>\
<<if $LexiImage5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage5Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $LexiPhotoRed == 1 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<if $LexiImage6Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage6Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $LexiPhotoRed == 2 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<if $LexiImage21Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage21Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $LexiPhotoGrey == 0 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<if $LexiImage13Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage13Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $LexiPhotoGrey == 1 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<if $LexiImage14Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage14Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $LexiPhotoGrey == 2 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<if $LexiImage22Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage22Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $LexiPhotoNature == 0 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<if $LexiImage23Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage23Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $LexiPhotoNature == 1 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhotoNature == 2 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<if $LexiImage15Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage15Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $ClaraPhotoRed == 0 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image21", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<elseif $ClaraPhotoRed == 1 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image26", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<elseif $ClaraPhotoRed == 2 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image22", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<elseif $ClaraPhotoGrey == 0 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image23", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<elseif $ClaraPhotoGrey == 1 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image24", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<elseif $ClaraPhotoGrey == 2 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image25", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<elseif $ClaraPhotoNature == 0 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhotoNature == 1 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhotoNature == 2 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<set _LexiPhotoYesSayArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]>>\
<<switch _LexiPhotoYesSayArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Wow, that's color suits you so well… <</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Hi stranger, don't you want to touch my dick? I am happily touch your breasts. <</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>We should get to know each other better. My penis is already burning with desire. <</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>So that's what you're capable of. I will definitely remember it. <</md>>
<<case 5>>\
<<md>>Can’t take my eyes of you. <</md>>
<<case 6>>\
<<md>>I want to play with you… <</md>>
<<case 7>>\
<<md>>You have a special talent, why do you hide it from everyone? <</md>>
<<case 8>>\
<<md>>Looking at this photo is so nice. <</md>>
<<case 9>>\
<<md>>I didn't even recognize you. Maybe you won't recognize me either and we'll have a great night? <</md>>
<<case 10>>\
<<md>>Hi baby, can we dance with our dick and pussy? <</md>>
<<if $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 4>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 4>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 2>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 4>>\
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 4>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 4>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 4>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 2>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
<<if $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1>>\
[[Back|LHHall][$PhotosSearchLocation = 10]]
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2>>\
[[Back|LHBath][$PhotosSearchLocation = 10]]
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3>>\
[[Back|LHLivingroom][$PhotosSearchLocation = 10]]
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4>>\
[[Back|LHKitchen][$PhotosSearchLocation = 10]]
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5>>\
[[Back|LHLexisroom][$PhotosSearchLocation = 10]]
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedClara == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1>>\
[[Back|CHHall][$PhotosSearchLocation = 10]]
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedClara == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2>>\
[[Back|CHKitchen][$PhotosSearchLocation = 10]]
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedClara == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3>>\
[[Back|CHBath][$PhotosSearchLocation = 10]]
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedClara == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4>>\
[[Back|CHLivingroom][$PhotosSearchLocation = 10]]
<<elseif $PhotoSelectedClara == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5>>\
[[Back|CHClararoom][$PhotosSearchLocation = 10]]
<<md>>Where I should looking?<</md>
[[Under the table|ClaraPhotoSearchLiving]]
[[Behind the mirror|ClaraPhotoSearchLiving]]
[[On the sofa|ClaraPhotoSearchLiving]]
[[Behind the TV|ClaraPhotoSearchLiving]]
[[In the chests|ClaraPhotoSearchLiving]]
[[Behind the drawer|ClaraPhotoSearchLiving]]<<set _ClaraPhotoSearchArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:05', '08:15') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '21:00')||isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '16:35') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5|| isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:30', '20:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '11:10') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4|| isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:00')||isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '19:30')>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<goto "ClaraPhotoNothingLiving">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<goto "ClaraPhotoYesLiving">>\
<</if>>\<<set _ClaraPhotoNothingArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]>>\
<<switch _ClaraPhotoNothingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>No matter how much I look for anything here, there is nothing.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Follow a search elsewhere. There is only dust and scattered things.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Why would she hide a photo in such a place?<</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>Only a madman will hide the photo here.<</md>>
<<case 5>>\
<<md>>Why isn't it here? Why can't anything be so simple?<</md>>
<<case 6>>\
<<md>>Again, failure. <</md>>
<<addmins 15>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchPerDay -= 1>>\
[[Back|CHLivingroom]]<<if $ClaraPhotoRed == 0>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhotoRed == 1>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhotoRed == 2>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhotoGrey == 0>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhotoGrey == 1>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhotoGrey == 2>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhotoNature == 0>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhotoNature == 1>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhotoNature == 2>>\
<<set _ClaraPhotoYesSayArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]>>\
<<switch _ClaraPhotoYesSayArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Wow, that's color suits you so well… <</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Hi stranger, don't you want to touch my dick? I am happily touch your breasts. <</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>We should get to know each other better. My penis is already burning with desire. <</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>So that's what you're capable of. I will definitely remember it. <</md>>
<<case 5>>\
<<md>>Can’t take my eyes of you. <</md>>
<<case 6>>\
<<md>>I want to play with you… <</md>>
<<case 7>>\
<<md>>You have a special talent, why do you hide it from everyone? <</md>>
<<case 8>>\
<<md>>Looking at this photo is so nice. <</md>>
<<case 9>>\
<<md>>I didn't even recognize you. Maybe you won't recognize me either and we'll have a great night? <</md>>
<<case 10>>\
<<md>>Hi baby, can we dance with our dick and pussy? <</md>>
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 4>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 4>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 4>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 2>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Back|CHLivingroom]]<<md>>If I want to make money, in this city I need to cling to every opportunity. Even if this old man seems suspicious to me I need to ask him about it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you know where I can earn some cash?<</say>>
<<md>>The old man grinned mysteriously and winked at me.<</md>>
<<say $Johan>>There are many ways to make money if you are not afraid to take risks. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Take risks? Explain. <</say>>
<<say $Johan>>You're the new teacher at school, right?<</say>>
<<md>>Cold ran through my body. How does he know that? Is he watching me? <</md>>
<<say $Johan>>Don't be alarmed, old Johan knows a lot. And he knows a lot of people who will pay well for your student's panties.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm. I don't know if I'm ready...<</say>>
<<say $Johan>>Then maybe you are a man of art? Bring me any erotic pictures of your familiar girls and you will earn not a bad amount. <</say>>
<<md>>Hmm... And that's interesting. However, if I want, I can do both.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $LexiLingerie = 1>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraLingerie = 1>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchPerDay = 6>>\
[[Back|Strange store]]
<<md>>The sound of the engine greeted me happily when I arrived. At first I was even confused. As if from dull streets you find yourself in a completely different world, full of bright colors. Around the noise, din, graffiti on the walls. This place seemed to breathe freedom and dissent.<</md>>
<<md>>The repeated sound of the engine made me look towards the bright red motorcycle.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Veronica\Quest\Video\VeronicaDream21.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $VeronicaVideo10Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaVideo10Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>And then I almost dropped my jaw to the floor.<</md>>
<<md>>With completely bare legs, dressed in all tight and bright red to match the motorcycle ... No, this is not the Veronica that I know. There is something wild about her, something from a cat or a panther.<</md>>
<<md>>You can hear about these in the movies. But there was something else ... I certainly have not seen this in any film. Most of all, she looked like an exhibitionist ... She sat tightly pressed against the seat, and did not pay attention to me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica!<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled at me as she drove closer. I confess, at one point I had the thought that it would not stop and that the story would end there. But no.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Are you ready to enjoy the view?<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Veronica\Quest\Video\VeronicaDream22.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $VeronicaVideo11Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaVideo11Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She wagged her ass and winked at me, then put her glasses back on and rushed forward.<</md>>
<<md>>I didn't even have time to warn her to be careful.<</md>>
<<md>>The motorcycle zoomed in circles, smoothly cutting corners as if it were some kind of magic. Every time the girl glided so much that I wanted to applaud her. She really was born on a bike.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Well?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl drove up to me when it was already completely dark and we spent a couple of hours here.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It was just wonderful! You have a talent!<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>That's why I'll win the race.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I'll talk to Lady Dominant about it.<</say>>
<<md>>It is worth informing her about Monica's success, but not now. Now is the time to go home.<</md>>
<<set $VeronicaQuest7 = 2>>\
[[Go home|Home corridor]]<<if $LexiLingerie == 0>>\
<<set _JohanLexiLingerieReactions0Array = [ 1, 2 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLexiLingerieReactions0Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Just bring me some new panties and I give you some cash.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>You know what you have to do.<</say>>
<<set $LexiLingerie = 1>>\
<<elseif $ClaraLingerie == 0>>\
<<set _JohanClaraLingerieReactions0Array = [ 1, 2 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanClaraLingerieReactions0Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Just bring me some new panties and I give you some cash.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>You know what you have to do.<</say>>
<<set $ClaraLingerie = 3>>\
<<elseif $LexiLingerie == 2>>\
<<set _JohanLexiLingerieReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLexiLingerieReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh, I see you managed to find the panties. I hope you didn't wear them. Ha ha. That's your money. Come back again.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Nothings excites more than panties, don’t you think. Well, except girl without it. Ha-ha. I hope you’ve enjoyed the view, my dear friend.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Where is my precious? Oh here it’s Jonan-n-s, thank you. Ha-ha.<</say>>
<<set $LexiLingerie = 3>>\
<<elseif $ClaraLingerie == 2>>\
<<set _JohanClaraLingerieReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanClaraLingerieReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh, I see you managed to find the panties. I hope you didn't wear them. Ha ha. That's your money. Come back again.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Nothings excites more than panties, don’t you think. Well, except girl without it. Ha-ha. I hope you’ve enjoyed the view, my dear friend.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Where is my precious? Oh here it’s Jonan-n-s, thank you. Ha-ha.<</say>>
<<set $ClaraLingerie = 3>>\
[[Back|Strange store]]<<if $LexiPhoto == 0>>\
<<set _JohanLexiPhotoReactions0Array = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLexiPhotoReactions0Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>I need new photos for my customers. Will you bring some?
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photos of some adorable girls will be nice. Are you ready to find the pics?
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>It’s work for a real detective. Let’s find some photos.
<<set $LexiPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchPerDay = 6>>\
<<include "JohanPhotoSearchLocation">>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 0>>\
<<set _JohanClaraPhotoReactions0Array = [ 1, 2 , 3]>>\
<<switch _JohanClaraPhotoReactions0Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>I need new photos for my customers. Will you bring some?
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photos of some adorable girls will be nice. Are you ready to find the pics?
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>It’s work for a real detective. Let’s find some photos.
<<set $LexiPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 1>>\
<<include "JohanPhotoSearchLocation">>\
<<elseif $VeronicaPhoto == 0>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchPerDay = 6>>\
<<set _JohanClaraPhotoReactions0Array = [ 1, 2 , 3]>>\
<<switch _JohanClaraPhotoReactions0Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>I need new photos for my customers. Will you bring some?
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photos of some adorable girls will be nice. Are you ready to find the pics?
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>It’s work for a real detective. Let’s find some photos.
<<set $LexiPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchPerDay = 6>>\
<<include "JohanPhotoSearchLocation">>\
<<elseif $AngelaPhoto == 0>>\
<<set _JohanClaraPhotoReactions0Array = [ 1, 2 , 3]>>\
<<switch _JohanClaraPhotoReactions0Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>I need new photos for my customers. Will you bring some?
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photos of some adorable girls will be nice. Are you ready to find the pics?
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>It’s work for a real detective. Let’s find some photos.
<<set $LexiPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchPerDay = 6>>\
<<include "JohanPhotoSearchLocation">>\
<<elseif $LucyPhoto == 0>>\
<<set _JohanClaraPhotoReactions0Array = [ 1, 2 , 3]>>\
<<switch _JohanClaraPhotoReactions0Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>I need new photos for my customers. Will you bring some?
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photos of some adorable girls will be nice. Are you ready to find the pics?
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>It’s work for a real detective. Let’s find some photos.
<<set $LexiPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchPerDay = 6>>\
<<include "JohanPhotoSearchLocation">>\
<<elseif $MonicaPhoto == 0>>\
<<set _JohanClaraPhotoReactions0Array = [ 1, 2 , 3]>>\
<<switch _JohanClaraPhotoReactions0Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>I need new photos for my customers. Will you bring some?
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photos of some adorable girls will be nice. Are you ready to find the pics?
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>It’s work for a real detective. Let’s find some photos.
<<set $LexiPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchPerDay = 6>>\
<<include "JohanPhotoSearchLocation">>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhoto == 0>>\
<<set _JohanClaraPhotoReactions0Array = [ 1, 2 , 3]>>\
<<switch _JohanClaraPhotoReactions0Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>I need new photos for my customers. Will you bring some?
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photos of some adorable girls will be nice. Are you ready to find the pics?
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>It’s work for a real detective. Let’s find some photos.
<<set $LexiPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchPerDay = 6>>\
<<include "JohanPhotoSearchLocation">>\
<<elseif $AngelaPhoto == 0>>\
<<set _JohanClaraPhotoReactions0Array = [ 1, 2 , 3]>>\
<<switch _JohanClaraPhotoReactions0Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>I need new photos for my customers. Will you bring some?
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photos of some adorable girls will be nice. Are you ready to find the pics?
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>It’s work for a real detective. Let’s find some photos.
<<set $LexiPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchPerDay = 6>>\
<<include "JohanPhotoSearchLocation">>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1>>\
<<set _JohanLexiPhotoReactions1Array = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLexiPhotoReactions1Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>I need those photos, bring it asap .<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>No photos - no money.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>I will reward you just bring me those photos. <</say>>
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 2 && $LexiPhotoRed == 0>>\
<<set _JohanLexiPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLexiPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $LexiPhotoRed = 1>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 2 && $LexiPhotoRed == 1>>\
<<set _JohanLexiPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLexiPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $LexiPhotoRed = 2>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 2 && $LexiPhotoRed == 2>>\
<<set _JohanLexiPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLexiPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $LexiPhotoRed = 3>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 2 && $LexiPhotoGrey == 0>>\
<<set _JohanLexiPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLexiPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $LexiPhotoGrey = 1>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 200>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 2 && $LexiPhotoGrey == 1>>\
<<set _JohanLexiPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLexiPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $LexiPhotoGrey = 2>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 200>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 2 && $LexiPhotoGrey == 2>>\
<<set _JohanLexiPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLexiPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $LexiPhotoGrey = 3>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 200>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 2 && $LexiPhotoNature == 0>>\
<<set _JohanLexiPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLexiPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $LexiPhotoNature = 1>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 300>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 2 && $LexiPhotoNature == 1>>\
<<set _JohanLexiPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLexiPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $LexiPhotoNature= 2>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 300>>\
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 2 && $LexiPhotoGrey == 2>>\
<<set _JohanLexiPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLexiPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $LexiPhotoNature = 3>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 300>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1>>\
<<set _JohanClaraPhotoReactions1Array = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanClaraPhotoReactions1Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>I need those photos, bring it asap .<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>No photos - no money.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>I will reward you just bring me those photos. <</say>>
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 2 && $ClaraPhotoRed == 0>>\
<<set _JohanClaraPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanClaraPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $ClaraPhotoRed = 1>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 2 && $ClaraPhotoRed == 1>>\
<<set _JohanClaraPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanClaraPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $ClaraPhotoRed = 2>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 2 && $ClaraPhotoRed == 2>>\
<<set _JohanClaraPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanClaraPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $ClaraPhotoRed = 3>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 2 && $ClaraPhotoGrey == 0>>\
<<set _JohanClaraPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanClaraPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $ClaraPhotoGrey = 1>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 200>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 2 && $ClaraPhotoGrey == 1>>\
<<set _JohanClaraPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanClaraPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $ClaraPhotoGrey = 2>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 200>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 2 && $ClaraPhotoGrey == 2>>\
<<set _JohanClaraPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanClaraPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $ClaraPhotoGrey = 3>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 200>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 2 && $ClaraPhotoNature == 0>>\
<<set _JohanClaraPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanClaraPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $ClaraPhotoNature = 1>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 300>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 2 && $ClaraPhotoNature == 1>>\
<<set _JohanClaraPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanClaraPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $ClaraPhotoNature= 2>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 300>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 2 && $ClaraPhotoGrey == 2>>\
<<set _JohanClaraPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanClaraPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $ClaraPhotoNature = 3>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 300>>\
<<elseif $AngelaPhoto == 1>>\
<<set _JohanAngelaiPhotoReactions1Array = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanAngelaPhotoReactions1Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>I need those photos, bring it asap .<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>No photos - no money.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>I will reward you just bring me those photos. <</say>>
<<elseif $AngelaPhoto == 2 && $AngelaPhotoRed == 0>>\
<<set _JohanAngelaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanAngelaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $AngelaPhotoRed = 1>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $AngelaPhoto == 2 && $AngelaPhotoRed == 1>>\
<<set _JohanAngelaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanAngelaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $AngelaPhotoRed = 2>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $AngelaPhoto == 2 && $AngelaPhotoRed == 2>>\
<<set _JohanAngelaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanAngelaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $AngelaPhotoRed = 3>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $AngelaPhoto == 2 && $AngelaPhotoGrey == 0>>\
<<set _JohanAngelaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanAngelaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $AngelaPhotoGrey = 1>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 200>>\
<<elseif $AngelaPhoto == 2 && $AngelaPhotoGrey == 1>>\
<<set _JohanAngelaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanAngelaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $AngelaPhotoGrey = 2>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 200>>\
<<elseif $AngelaPhoto == 2 && $AngelaPhotoGrey == 2>>\
<<set _JohanAngelaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanAngelaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $AngelaPhotoGrey = 3>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 200>>\
<<elseif $AngelaPhoto == 2 && $AngelaPhotoNature == 0>>\
<<set _JohanAngelaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanAngelaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $AngelaPhotoNature = 1>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 300>>\
<<elseif $AngelaPhoto == 2 && $AngelaPhotoNature == 1>>\
<<set _JohanAngelaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanAngelaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $AngelaPhotoNature= 2>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 300>>\
<<elseif $AngelaPhoto == 2 && $AngelaPhotoGrey == 2>>\
<<set _JohanAngelaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanAngelaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $AngelaPhotoNature = 3>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 300>>\
<<elseif $VeronicaPhoto == 1>>\
<<set _JohanVeronicaPhotoReactions1Array = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanVeronicaPhotoReactions1Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>I need those photos, bring it asap .<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>No photos - no money.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>I will reward you just bring me those photos. <</say>>
<<elseif $VeronicaPhoto == 2 && $VeronicaPhotoRed == 0>>\
<<set _JohanVeronicaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanVeronicaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhotoRed = 1>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $VeronicaPhoto == 2 && $VeronicaPhotoRed == 1>>\
<<set _JohanVeronicaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanVeronicaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhotoRed = 2>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $VeronicaPhoto == 2 && $VeronicaPhotoRed == 2>>\
<<set _JohanVeronicaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanVeronicaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhotoRed = 3>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $VeronicaPhoto == 2 && $VeronicaPhotoGrey == 0>>\
<<set _JohanVeronicaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanVeronicaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhotoGrey = 1>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 200>>\
<<elseif $VeronicaPhoto == 2 && $VeronicaPhotoGrey == 1>>\
<<set _JohanVeronicaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanVeronicaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhotoGrey = 2>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 200>>\
<<elseif $VeronicaPhoto == 2 && $VeronicaPhotoGrey == 2>>\
<<set _JohanVeronicaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanVeronicaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhotoGrey = 3>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 200>>\
<<elseif $VeronicaPhoto == 2 && $VeronicaPhotoNature == 0>>\
<<set _JohanVeronicaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanVeronicaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhotoNature = 1>>\
<<set $cash += 300>>\
<<elseif $VeronicaPhoto == 2 && $VeronicaPhotoNature == 1>>\
<<set _JohanVeronicaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanVeronicaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhotoNature= 2>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 300>>\
<<elseif $VeronicaPhoto == 2 && $VeronicaPhotoGrey == 2>>\
<<set _JohanVeronicaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanVeronicaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $VeronicaPhotoNature = 3>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 300>>\
<<elseif $LucyPhoto == 1>>\
<<set _JohanLucyPhotoReactions1Array = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLucyPhotoReactions1Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>I need those photos, bring it asap .<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>No photos - no money.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>I will reward you just bring me those photos. <</say>>
<<elseif $LucyPhoto == 2 && $LucyPhotoRed == 0>>\
<<set _JohanLucyPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLucyPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $LucyPhotoRed = 1>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $LucyPhoto == 2 && $LucyPhotoRed == 1>>\
<<set _JohanLucyPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLucyPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $LucyPhotoRed = 2>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $LucyPhoto == 2 && $LucyPhotoRed == 2>>\
<<set _JohanLucyPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLucyPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $LucyPhotoRed = 3>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $LucyPhoto == 2 && $LucyPhotoGrey == 0>>\
<<set _JohanLucyPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLucyPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $LucyPhotoGrey = 1>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 200>>\
<<elseif $LucyPhoto == 2 && $LucyPhotoGrey == 1>>\
<<set _JohanLucyPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLucyPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $LucyPhotoGrey = 2>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 200>>\
<<elseif $LucyPhoto == 2 && $LucyPhotoGrey == 2>>\
<<set _JohanLucyPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLucyPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $LucyPhotoGrey = 3>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 200>>\
<<elseif $LucyPhoto == 2 && $LucyPhotoNature == 0>>\
<<set _JohanLucyPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLucyPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $LucyPhotoNature = 1>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 300>>\
<<elseif $LucyPhoto == 2 && $LucyPhotoNature == 1>>\
<<set _JohanLucyPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLucyPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $LucyPhotoNature= 2>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 300>>\
<<elseif $LucyPhoto == 2 && $LucyPhotoGrey == 2>>\
<<set _JohanLucyPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanLucyPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $LucyPhotoNature = 3>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 300>>\
<<elseif $MonicaPhoto == 1>>\
<<set _JohanMonicaPhotoReactions1Array = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanMonicaPhotoReactions1Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>I need those photos, bring it asap .<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>No photos - no money.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>I will reward you just bring me those photos. <</say>>
<<elseif $MonicaPhoto == 2 && $MonicaPhotoRed == 0>>\
<<set _JohanMonicaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanMonicaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $MonicaPhotoRed = 1>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $MonicaPhoto == 2 && $MonicaPhotoRed == 1>>\
<<set _JohanMonicaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanMonicaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $MonicaPhotoRed = 2>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $MonicaPhoto == 2 && $MonicaPhotoRed == 2>>\
<<set _JohanMonicaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanMonicaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $MonicaPhotoRed = 3>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $MonicaPhoto == 2 && $MonicaPhotoGrey == 0>>\
<<set _JohanMonicaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanMonicaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $MonicaPhotoGrey = 1>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 200>>\
<<elseif $MonicaPhoto == 2 && $MonicaPhotoGrey == 1>>\
<<set _JohanMonicaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanMonicaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $MonicaPhotoGrey = 2>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 200>>\
<<elseif $MonicaPhoto == 2 && $MonicaPhotoGrey == 2>>\
<<set _JohanMonicaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanMonicaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $MonicaPhotoGrey = 3>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 200>>\
<<elseif $MonicaPhoto == 2 && $MonicaPhotoNature == 0>>\
<<set _JohanMonicaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanMonicaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $MonicaPhotoNature = 1>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 300>>\
<<elseif $MonicaPhoto == 2 && $MonicaPhotoNature == 1>>\
<<set _JohanMonicaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanMonicaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $MonicaPhotoNature= 2>>\
<<set $cash += 300>>\
<<elseif $MonicaPhoto == 2 && $MonicaPhotoGrey == 2>>\
<<set _JohanMonicaPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanMonicaPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $MonicaPhotoNature = 3>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 300>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhoto == 1>>\
<<set _JohanNaomiPhotoReactions1Array = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanNaomiPhotoReactions1Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>I need those photos, bring it asap .<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>No photos - no money.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>I will reward you just bring me those photos. <</say>>
<<elseif $NaomiPhoto == 2 && $NaomiPhotoRed == 0>>\
<<set _JohanNaomiPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanNaomiPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $NaomiPhotoRed = 1>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhoto == 2 && $NaomiPhotoRed == 1>>\
<<set _JohanNaomiPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanNaomiPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $NaomiPhotoRed = 2>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhoto == 2 && $NaomiPhotoRed == 2>>\
<<set _JohanNaomiPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanNaomiPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $NaomiPhotoRed = 3>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 100>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhoto == 2 && $NaomiPhotoGrey == 0>>\
<<set _JohanNaomiPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanNaomiPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $NaomiPhotoGrey = 1>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 200>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhoto == 2 && $NaomiPhotoGrey == 1>>\
<<set _JohanNaomiPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanNaomiPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $NaomiPhotoGrey = 2>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 200>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhoto == 2 && $NaomiPhotoGrey == 2>>\
<<set _JohanNaomiPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanNaomiPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $NaomiPhotoGrey = 3>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 200>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhoto == 2 && $NaomiPhotoNature == 0>>\
<<set _JohanNaomiPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanNaomiPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $NaomiPhotoNature = 1>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 300>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhoto == 2 && $NaomiPhotoNature == 1>>\
<<set _JohanNaomiPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanNaomiPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $NaomiPhotoNature= 2>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 300>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhoto == 2 && $NaomiPhotoGrey == 2>>\
<<set _JohanNaomiPhotoReactions2Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanNaomiPhotoReactions2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>Let's see... Very beautiful! Keep your honestly earned money.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>Photo - mirror of the soul. Well, I like her big soul here, I need to look at it more attentively..<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Another beautiful girl - another beautiful photo. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Time to add another pic into my collection. <</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Johan>>Oh what a hot girl. Do you mind if we got laid? Ha-ha. Don’t look at me that way.
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come to me my beautiful girl, I knew one big di…director,who want to meet you.
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 3>>\
<<set $NaomiPhotoNature = 3>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $LucyPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaPhoto = 5>>\
<<set $cash += 300>>\
<<say $Johan>>Come back tomorrow. <</say>>
[[Back|Strange store]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.<<set _JohanEarnMoneyReactionsArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>\
<<switch _JohanEarnMoneyReactionsArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Johan>>What do you want to talk about? <</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Johan>>I’m always ready to give you some cash if you give me something very special.
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Johan>>Goods first, money second.
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Johan>>Are you ready for some work?
[[Back|Strange store]]<<md>>Where I should looking?<</md>>
<<if $PhotosSearchPerDay > 0>>\
[[Under the bed|AngelaPhotoSearchLiving]]
<<talk "Under the bed" 1 $talk "I’m tired of searching for today.">> <</talk>>
<<if $PhotosSearchPerDay > 0>>\
[[Under the carpet|AngelaPhotoSearchLiving]]
<<talk "Under the carpet" 1 $talk "I’m tired of searching for today.">><</talk>>
<<if $PhotosSearchPerDay > 0>>\
[[On the shelf|AngelaPhotoSearchLiving]]
<<talk "On the shelf" 1 $talk "I’m tired of searching for today.">><</talk>>
<<if $PhotosSearchPerDay > 0>>\
[[Behind the bed|AngelaPhotoSearchLiving]]
<<talk "Behind the bed" 1 $talk "I’m tired of searching for today.">><</talk>>
<<if $PhotosSearchPerDay > 0>>\
[[In the far corner |AngelaPhotoSearchLiving]]
<<talk "In the far corner" 1 $talk "I’m tired of searching for today.">><</talk>>
<<if $PhotosSearchPerDay > 0>>\
[[Between books|AngelaPhotoSearchLiving]]
<<talk "Between books" 1 $talk "I’m tired of searching for today.">><</talk>>
[[Back|Angela's room]]<<set _AngelaPhotoSearchArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:05', '08:15') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '21:00')||isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '16:35') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5|| isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:30', '20:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '11:10') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4|| isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:00')||isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '19:30')>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<goto "AngelaPhotoFailLiving">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<goto "AngelaPhotoNothingLiving">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<goto "AngelaPhotoYesLiving">>\
<</if>>\<<set _AngelaPhotoFailArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _AngelaPhotoFailArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>So, now we should...<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>What the fuck have you forgotten in my room? And why is the door open?
<<md>>Angela looks like an enraged beast. I seem to have made a big mistake in thinking that I would have time to search the room while it was gone.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> I can explain everything.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>And I can call the cops.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Angela...<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Enough is enough. To prevent this from happening again.<</say>>
<<md>>I don't think you should try your luck now.
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Now I quickly...<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name? Are you in a living room? I need to...<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, I need to hide quickly before she notices that I've entered her room.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>What are you doing here?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I...<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I don't remember inviting you to rummage through my stuff!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But I...<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Get out!<</say>>
<<set $AngelaPhoto = -10>>
<<addmins 15>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchPerDay -= 1>>\
[[Back|Home corridor]]<<set _AngelaPhotoNothingArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]>>\
<<switch _AngelaPhotoNothingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>No matter how much I look for anything here, there is nothing.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Follow a search elsewhere. There is only dust and scattered things.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Why would she hide a photo in such a place?<</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>Only a madman will hide the photo here.<</md>>
<<case 5>>\
<<md>>Why isn't it here? Why can't anything be so simple?<</md>>
<<case 6>>\
<<md>>Again, failure. <</md>>
<<addmins 15>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchPerDay -= 1>>\
[[Back|Angela's room]]<<if $AngelaPhotoRed == 0>>\
<<if $AngelaImage16Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage16Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $AngelaPhotoRed == 1>>\
<<if $AngelaImage17Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage17Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $AngelaPhotoRed == 2>>\
<<if $AngelaImage18Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage18Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $AngelaPhotoGrey == 0>>\
<<if $AngelaImage28Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage28Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $AngelaPhotoGrey == 1>>\
<<if $AngelaImage29Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage29Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $AngelaPhotoGrey == 2>>\
<<if $AngelaImage30Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage30Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $AngelaPhotoNature == 0>>\
<<if $AngelaImage25Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage25Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $AngelaPhotoNature == 1>>\
<<if $AngelaImage26Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage26Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $AngelaPhotoNature == 2>>\
<<if $AngelaImage27Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage27Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<set _AngelaPhotoYesSayArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]>>\
<<switch _AngelaPhotoYesSayArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Wow, that's color suits you so well… <</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Hi stranger, don't you want to touch my dick? I am happily touch your breasts. <</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>We should get to know each other better. My penis is already burning with desire. <</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>So that's what you're capable of. I will definitely remember it. <</md>>
<<case 5>>\
<<md>>Can’t take my eyes of you. <</md>>
<<case 6>>\
<<md>>I want to play with you… <</md>>
<<case 7>>\
<<md>>You have a special talent, why do you hide it from everyone? <</md>>
<<case 8>>\
<<md>>Looking at this photo is so nice. <</md>>
<<case 9>>\
<<md>>I didn't even recognize you. Maybe you won't recognize me either and we'll have a great night? <</md>>
<<case 10>>\
<<md>>Hi baby, can we dance with our dick and pussy? <</md>>
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 4>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 2>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 4>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 4>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Back|Angela's room]]<<md>>A small but cozy hall, in which there is enough space for both a small sofa and a huge wardrobe with books. It is clear where Veronica's love of freedom and reading comes from. Surely there is a volume of Freud on the shelves. <</md>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '22:05', '22:30')||isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '18:35') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5>>\
[[Kitchen|VHKitchen]] - Veronica is here
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:45', '07:55') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:35', '18:55') >>\
[[Bathroom|VHBath]] - Veronica is here
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '20:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '07:35') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4 >>\
[[Living-room|VHLivingroom]] - Veronica is here
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:05', '22:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4 >>\
[[Veronica`s room|VHVeronicaroom]] - Veronica is here
<<talk "Veronica's room" 1 $talk "It’s locked">><</talk>>
[[Leave her house|Street Raw-Road]]
<<addmins 5>><<md>>Modest kitchen with everything necessary for a modern person. Without unnecessary frills, but still very comfortable. <</md>>
[[Return to hall|VHHall]]
<<addmins 5>><<md>>The bathroom looks unnecessarily massive and seems to press on you with its monumentality. It seems as if it does not belong here. And yet, there are all the amenities for taking a shower. <</md>>
[[Return to hall|VHHall]]
<<addmins 5>><<md>>Several tables and chairs, a sofa and contemporary art. It felt like I was at an exhibition in a museum. I wonder how comfortable it is to live in this room? <</md>>
<<if $VeronicaPhoto == 1 >>\
[[ Search for the photos|VeronicaPhotoSearchMap]]
[[Return to hall|VHHall]]
<<addmins 5>><<md>>It looks like the blue and white colors have taken over this room. It looks a little untidy, but it's even a little cozy. Surprisingly, I would never associate such a room with Veronica. <</md>>
<<if $LivewithVeronicaBegin == 1>>\
[[Offer to leave together|VeronicaLiveBegin2]]
[[Return to hall|VHHall]]
<<addmins 5>><<md>>Where I should looking?<</md>>
<<if $PhotosSearchPerDay > 0>>\
[[Under the bed|VeronicaPhotoSearchLiving]]
<<talk "Under the bed" 1 $talk "I’m tired of searching for today.">> <</talk>>
<<if $PhotosSearchPerDay > 0>>\
[[Under the carpet|VeronicaPhotoSearchLiving]]
<<talk "Under the carpet" 1 $talk "I’m tired of searching for today.">><</talk>>
<<if $PhotosSearchPerDay > 0>>\
[[On the shelf|VeronicaPhotoSearchLiving]]
<<talk "On the shelf" 1 $talk "I’m tired of searching for today.">><</talk>>
<<if $PhotosSearchPerDay > 0>>\
[[Behind the bed|VeronicaPhotoSearchLiving]]
<<talk "Behind the bed" 1 $talk "I’m tired of searching for today.">><</talk>>
<<if $PhotosSearchPerDay > 0>>\
[[In the far corner |VeronicaPhotoSearchLiving]]
<<talk "In the far corner" 1 $talk "I’m tired of searching for today.">><</talk>>
<<if $PhotosSearchPerDay > 0>>\
[[Between books|VeronicaPhotoSearchLiving]]
<<talk "Between books" 1 $talk "I’m tired of searching for today.">><</talk>>
[[Back|VHVeronicaroom]]<<set _VeronicaPhotoSearchArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:05', '08:15') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '21:00')||isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '16:35') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5|| isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:30', '20:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '11:10') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4|| isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:00')||isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '19:30')>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<goto "VeronicaPhotoFailLiving">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<goto "VeronicaPhotoNothingLiving">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<goto "VeronicaPhotoYesLiving">>\
<</if>>\<<set _VeronicaPhotoFailArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _VeronicaPhotoFailArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>So, now we should...<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>What the fuck have you forgotten in my room? And why is the door open?
<<md>>Veronica looks like an enraged beast. I seem to have made a big mistake in thinking that I would have time to search the room while it was gone.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> I can explain everything.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>And I can call the cops.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Enough is enough. To prevent this from happening again.<</say>>
<<md>>I don't think you should try your luck now.
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Now I quickly...<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>$mc.Name? Are you in a living room? I need to...<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, I need to hide quickly before she notices that I've entered her room.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>What are you doing here?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>I don't remember inviting you to rummage through my stuff!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But I...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Get out!<</say>>
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 4>>
<<set $PhotosSearchPerDay -= 1>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Back|VHHall]]<<set _VeronicaPhotoNothingArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]>>\
<<switch _VeronicaPhotoNothingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>No matter how much I look for anything here, there is nothing.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Follow a search elsewhere. There is only dust and scattered things.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Why would she hide a photo in such a place?<</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>Only a madman will hide the photo here.<</md>>
<<case 5>>\
<<md>>Why isn't it here? Why can't anything be so simple?<</md>>
<<case 6>>\
<<md>>Again, failure. <</md>>
<<addmins 15>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchPerDay -= 1>>\
[[Back|VHLivingroom]]<<if $VeronicaPhotoRed == 0>>\
<<if $VeronicaImage29Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage29Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $VeronicaPhotoRed == 1>>\
<<if $VeronicaImage23Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage23Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $VeronicaPhotoRed == 2>>\
<<if $VeronicaImage21Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage21Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $VeronicaPhotoGrey == 0>>\
<<if $VeronicaImage27Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage27Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $VeronicaPhotoGrey == 1>>\
<<if $VeronicaImage28Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage28Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $VeronicaPhotoGrey == 2>>\
<<if $VeronicaImage22Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage22Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $VeronicaPhotoNature == 0>>\
<<elseif $VeronicaPhotoNature == 1>>\
<<elseif $VeronicaPhotoNature == 2>>\
<<set _VeronicaPhotoYesSayArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]>>\
<<switch _VeronicaPhotoYesSayArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Wow, that's color suits you so well… <</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Hi stranger, don't you want to touch my dick? I am happily touch your breasts. <</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>We should get to know each other better. My penis is already burning with desire. <</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>So that's what you're capable of. I will definitely remember it. <</md>>
<<case 5>>\
<<md>>Can’t take my eyes of you. <</md>>
<<case 6>>\
<<md>>I want to play with you… <</md>>
<<case 7>>\
<<md>>You have a special talent, why do you hide it from everyone? <</md>>
<<case 8>>\
<<md>>Looking at this photo is so nice. <</md>>
<<case 9>>\
<<md>>I didn't even recognize you. Maybe you won't recognize me either and we'll have a great night? <</md>>
<<case 10>>\
<<md>>Hi baby, can we dance with our dick and pussy? <</md>>
<<set $VeronicaPhoto = 2>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 4>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 4>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 4>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Back|VHLivingroom]]<<md>>Yeah, it looks like Clara isn't denying herself anything. The refrigerator is filled to the brim with food. But where is the normal food?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you a vegetarian?.<</say>>
<<md>>I don't know if it's true or not, but now it becomes clear to me why Clara is so nervous. Eating only such products is not that you will become nervous - you will begin to devour people. Well...<</md>>
<<md>>It's time for you to experience a real gastronomic miracle! I'll get you some real food!<</md>>
<<set $ClaraFoodRight = 1>>\
[[Back|CHKitchen]]<<md>>They say that TV is a complete harm, but the benefits of it are also very significant. It is only important to listen and listen. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, Jamie Oliver, what are you going to tell me now?.<</say>>
<<md>>Smart guy this Oliver, and so skillfully composes seemingly simple recipes. This will definitely help me now to quickly prepare everything necessary. So, chicken in soy sauce... It shouldn't be difficult at all. What's next? Homemade pizza... Sounds delicious. <</md>>
<<set $FoodKnown = 2>>\
[[Back|Living room]]<<md>>So, finding the right book should not be too difficult. Recipe books, recipe books... So "The Cook Who Killed God"... I don't even want to think about what this book is about. I just want to cook a good dish, not kill the girl. <</md>>\
<<say $mc>> Come on, let's try to find the dish we need..<</say>>
<<md>>Yeah, that's "the secrets of cooking regular dishes." Let's see what we can cook...<</md>>\
<<md>>Beans with salmon... Is it delicious? Yep, pepper is added here... Hmm, you'll have to give it a try. <</md>>\
<<if $FoodKnown == 2 && $ClaraFoodRight == 1>>\
<<set $FoodKnown = 3>>\
<<elseif $FoodKnown == 0 && $ClaraFoodRight == 1>>\
<<set $FoodKnown =1>>\
<<if $FoodPreparePerDay == 1 >>\
<<md>>Enough of cooking for today<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Why did you call me here? Did something happen?.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara looks at me intently, not understanding what awaits her now. I smirk as I know that now...<</md>>\
<<say $mc>>I have a surprise for you. <</say>>
<<md>>I pull out a dish hidden behind my back.<</md>>\
<<say $Clara>>Oh, that's very cute, but I'm not using anything... Such as that. .<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Such as that? .<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, unhealthy food...<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, it looks like all my efforts are going to waste.<</md>>\
<<set $FoodPreparePerDay = 1>>\
[[Back|CHKitchen]]<<if $FoodPreparePerDay == 1 >>\
<<md>>Enough of cooking for today.<</md>>
<<elseif $ClaraFoodRight == 1>>\
<<md>>Hamburgers. No one has been able to resist hamburgers yet. Simple and at the same time the west of nutritious food. And Clara will definitely understand how much she lost if she tries it now.<</md>>
<<md>>It remains only to wait for their arrival...<</md>>
<<text y "15 minutes later">>
<<addmins 15>>
<<md>>Ah, here is our delicious dish! <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>What is this? Just don't tell me it's... .<</say>>
<<md>>Clara looks at me in surprise as I pull out a still warm and divinely scented hamburger.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hamburger!<</say>>
<<md>>I smile and hand the food to the girl. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I can't....<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why? <</say>>
<<say $Clara>>It's not healthy food...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Still useful. Do you know how many vitamins A, B, C and deliciousness it contains?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh well, I guess I can bite a bit....<</say>>
<<md>>When she bites a hamburger, joy is written on her face. She's just beaming with it. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Thanks. I haven't eaten so deliciously in a long time.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara's lips gently kiss me on the cheek.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe we should do it again?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Maybe…<</say>>
<<set $ClaraFoodRight = 2>>\
<<set $FoodPreparePerDay = 1>>\
<<elseif $ClaraFoodRight == 2>>\
<<say $mc>> Still delicious? <</say>>
<<md>>I smile as Clara almost passionately munches on a hamburger.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Very... So virginity will not be lost for long...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Virginity, you say...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I'm talking about vegetarian. All vegetarians are considered virgin until they taste the meat. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, I'd love to try yours. <</say>>
<<say $Clara>>You're such a romantic, hehe. <</say>>
<<md>>We merge in a brief kiss as Clara finishes eating.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraFoodRight = 3>>\
<<addmin 15>>
<<set $FoodPreparePerDay = 1>>\
<<elseif $ClaraFoodRight == 3>>\
<<addmin 30>>
<<say $Clara>>Mmm, this is too divine...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just like you...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I think you deserve your award...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What?<</say>>
<<md>>I didn’t have time to recover when Clara was already on her knees and took off my pants. Her soft lips wrapped around my cock.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Like this?<</say>>
<<md>>It obediently shuddered, gently moved forward and, it seems, even sighed with relief. Clara began to gently massage him with the tip of her tongue, and I began to move rhythmically in her mouth.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Aah...<</say>>
<<md>>She opened her mouth wider and let my cock deeper.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraFoodSuck.mp4"></video></div> I realized what she needed to do and, forgetting about everything, squeezed a member in her mouth. I really liked that Clara has a very delicate lower lip, as if covered with velvet.<</md>>
<<if $ClaraVideo21Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo21Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>From these her actions, a pleasant coolness spread over the penis. It really was not so much painful as it was sweet. Clara accelerated everything, and soon I was just screaming into silence, giving all my being to this movement.<</md>>
<<md>>And then I voluptuously cumed right in her mouth.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraFoodRight = 4>>\
<<md>>Looks like Clara isn't home. For some reason, it seemed to me that after that incident, she would stay at home. Although knowing Clara, she is not one of those women who will sit quietly and wait in the wings. Might be worth looking elsewhere?<</md>>
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '7:30', '20:25')>>\
<<md>>Even if Clara will be here, it is clearly not so early. It is better to visit here later, when it gets dark. Last time she was here, maybe luck will smile on me again?<</md>>
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Leave|Quarter Far-Dreams]]
<<md>>Night is a time of revelations and surprises. This is what attracts many in the nightlife. You can be different than in the daytime, you can put on a mask that no one will know about, or vice versa, be real.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you kidding me?<</say>>
<<md>>But even I was not up to what I saw. In the middle of the bar, where a considerable number of men hungry for the female body gathered, I found Clara. However, she didn't quite look like herself. She was wearing a skirt that was too short, which allowed me to see that she was not wearing panties.<</md>>
<<md>>And this funny bow, like she's 5 years old.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara!<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>What do you guys want more? This pussy is ready to serve each!<</say>>
<<md>>She was drunk. Very drunk, it was obviously without words. If I don't intervene now, she will definitely be fucked by the whole bar without jokes. And it's my fault that she was in such a state. She trusted me, and I betrayed her trust again.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara!<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Look who's here. Mr New Director!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Stop! What are you doing?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>What do you care what I do? I'm not yours anymore!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you want to be fucked by the whole bar?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Maybe I want to? Two men took advantage of me, why not the rest ... What are you doing? Let me go!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>We are going home.<</say>>
<<md>>I didn't intend to continue this discussion. She needs to sober up, and then talk. For now, I'll just take her home.<</md>>
<<addmins 40>>\
<<set $ClaraM17Quest = 3>>\
[[Take Clara home|ClaraHomevideoClaraHouse1]]
<</if>>\<<md>>When we got home, Clara was actually asleep in the back seat of the taxi. Before that, she tried to tell that I'm the same as Michael and something like that. But it didn't matter to me. It is important that she is safe.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Good night, Clara. I hope you have good dreams.<</say>>
<<md>>I'll talk to her about everything else in the morning before school.<</md>>
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]<<md>>The morning was not the best, but at last I was at Clara's house.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>What do you need? It's over between us, I’ve told you.<</say>>
<<md>>Today in front of me was the same Clara as before. Domineering, bitchy, in which despair did not ooze.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I know, but I would like to talk to you calmly and discuss something.<</say>>
<<md>>She kept glaring at me, but it didn't work.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay, just be quick. I have a whole lot of plans.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I won't waste too much of your time.<</say>>
<<md>>We went into the kitchen and Clara got a bottle of beer from the fridge. I would never have thought there was something like that.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Do you want a beer?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No thanks. I still have to work...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh yeah, work. Enjoying the director's chair?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Clara...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Let's go without these snot. What do you need?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, if that's what you want. I found your laptop.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Congratulations, another thing you took from me. Satisfied?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, I'm here as your friend. I found your video...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Shit! It doesn't concern you. Give it back to me.<</say>>
<<md>>Something is not clean here. Why was she so excited? It's not just about the video. Usually people react this way if they hide something. Maybe I should dig a little deeper?<</md>>
[[Give video to her|ClaraHomeVideoClaraHouse2GiveVideo]]
[[Blackmail her|HomeVideoClaraHouse2Blackmail]]<<say $mc>>Like I said, I'm your friend. I'm really sorry this happened. But the school needed someone to whom investors would give money.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I know all this without you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why are you angry then?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Because... I don't want to talk about it. At least for now. Give me my laptop.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, of course, take it. I still saw the most interesting.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Now leave me. You have a job, don't you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Certainly.<</say>>
<<set $ClaraM17Quest = 4>>\
<<addmins 10>>
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]<<say $mc>>You know, these videos are very curious and sexy...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Jerk! Give it back!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not so fast. I need something in return.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>You also decided to blackmail me? You really are the same. I have bad taste in men.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Also? Michael blackmailing you?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes! After what happened, he demanded a compensation of one hundred thousand dollars from me, otherwise he will publish this video on the school website.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm not going to force you to pay me money.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>And what do you want then?<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled at Clara. When she is angry, she looks even more attractive than before.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>As always, you.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay. But just try to deceive me - I'll bite off your cock.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara gently takes off my pants and starts licking my cock with her tongue.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah...<</say>>
<<md>>I can feel the excitement building up. I am not exaggerating, she is really beautiful and sexy. When her tongue starts to move faster, I grab her hair and pull her towards me.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Mmm...<</say>>
<<md>>Her tongue is so long and hot that I feel better. I already want more. A couple more movements, a little stronger, just a little. I drive them along her nipples, and moans of pleasure escape from my lips. I am overwhelmed with animal passion, and I want only one thing - for my penis to be inside this sexy woman.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Show me what you got here.<</say>>
<<md>>I rip off her clothes, bend over a little, and direct my cock into a sweet gap. She freezes and then begins to make her slow movements. We are focusing on one. My cock moves fast and hard, making her cunt constrict.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes... I missed your cock so much.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara spreads her legs wide, and I plunge into her pussy more and more.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraBlackmail.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She starts breathing louder and screams a little. Her movements become faster. My cock goes so deep that after a while I start to think that I can stick like this in her pussy forever. She seems to be losing control and her screams make my blood run cold. When I make a few strong movements and feel her pussy tighten even more, I choke in my own orgasm.<</md>>
<<if $ClaraVideo22Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo22Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>Here's your laptop. And I'll deal with Michael. I won't let him blackmail you.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>How ironical. It doesn't change anything between us.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Then why are you doing this?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>He threatens the reputation of the school. Well, and more...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You are a part of my life.<</say>>
<<md>>With these words out of the way, I leave Clara's house. It's better not to continue this conversation now.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM17Quest = 5>>\
<<addmins 60>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]
<<md>>I still can't believe my office that it belongs only to me. It's amazing how life turns out sometimes...<</md>>\
<<say $Linda>>$mc.Name I was waiting for you...<</say>>
<<if $LindaImage19Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LindaImage19Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>I look up and notice Linda sitting on my desk in a very seductive pose.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Linda? How did you get here?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>I have the key, so I don't advise you to bring other girls here...<</say>>
<<md>>I smile, but my eyes are fixed on Linda and her amazing look. Her huge breasts are right in front of my face and it’s hard to take my eyes off her. But I can also see her blue panties from here.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So what can I do to help?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>You are now our new director. And I have always been close to the directors of this school. Fulfilled their special wishes.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Special? Are u about...<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Yes, everyone needs to relieve stress, golden. Don't you think so?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Certainly...<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>And what would I do to relieve your stress better, maybe you would not mind giving me some money?<</say>>
<<md>>Looks like Linda and I are in for an interesting time. Everyone knows about the connection between the secretary and the director. It doesn't even need to be hidden.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think I can figure something out.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Well, then I'll wait. When you're ready to give me money, I'm in my usual place.<</say>>
<<set $LindaClaraPath1Q = 1>>\
[[Back|My office]]<<if $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhhall'>>\
[[In the vase|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the door|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the drawers|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the carpet|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the stairs|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhbath'>>\
[[Behind the picture|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the carpet|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[At the plant|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Near the window|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the vent|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhliving'>>\
<<md>>Where I should looking?<</md>>
[[Under the table|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the mirror|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[On the sofa|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the TV|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the chests|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the drawer|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lkitchen'>>\
[[Under the sink|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the fringe|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[On the window|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the paining|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the carton|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind coffe machine|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $LexiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5 && $PhotoSelectedLexi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhlexiroom'>>\
[[Behind the pillow|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the bed|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the drawers|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[On the windowsill|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Near the plant|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'clarahall'>>\
[[In a recess in the wall|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the stairs|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the doors|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[On the second floor|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind partition|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'clarakitchen'>>\
[[Under the sink|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the TV|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the fridge|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[On the shelf|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the drawer|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'clarabath'>>\
[[In the bath|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the glass|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the toilet bowl|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the drawer|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the mirror|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'claraliving'>>\
[[In the vase|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the sofa|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Between the pillows |LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the lamp|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the TV-stand|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'clarabed'>>\
[[Beyond the mirror|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the lamp|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the vase|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the drawer|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[On the table|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $LucyPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1 && $PhotoSelectedLucy == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lucyhall'>>\
[[In a recess in the wall|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the stairs|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the doors|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[On the second floor|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind partition|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $LucyPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2 && $PhotoSelectedLucy == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lucykitchen'>>\
[[Under the sink|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the TV|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the fridge|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[On the shelf|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the drawer|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $LucyPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3 && $PhotoSelectedLucy == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lucybath'>>\
[[In the bath|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the glass|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the toilet bowl|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the drawer|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the mirror|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $LucyPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4 && $PhotoSelectedLucy == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'llr'>>\
[[In the vase|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the sofa|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Between the pillows |LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the lamp|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the TV-stand|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $LucyPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5 && $PhotoSelectedLucy == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lucybed'>>\
[[Beyond the mirror|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the lamp|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the vase|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the drawer|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[On the table|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $MonicaPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1 && $PhotoSelectedMonica == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'monhallway'>>\
[[In a recess in the wall|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the stairs|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the doors|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[On the second floor|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind partition|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $MonicaPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2 && $PhotoSelectedMonica == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'mhkitchen'>>\
[[Under the sink|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the TV|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the fridge|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[On the shelf|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the drawer|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $MonicaPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3 && $PhotoSelectedMonica == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'mhbath'>>\
[[In the bath|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the glass|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the toilet bowl|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the drawer|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the mirror|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $MonicaPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4 && $PhotoSelectedMonica == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'mhlivingroom'>>\
[[In the vase|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the sofa|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Between the pillows |LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the lamp|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the TV-stand|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $MonicaPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5 && $PhotoSelectedMonica == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'mhbedroom'>>\
[[Beyond the mirror|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the lamp|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the vase|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the drawer|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[On the table|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $NaomiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1 && $PhotoSelectedNaomi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'naomihall'>>\
[[In a recess in the wall|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the stairs|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the doors|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[On the second floor|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind partition|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $NaomiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2 && $PhotoSelectedNaomi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'naomikitchen'>>\
[[Under the sink|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the TV|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the fridge|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[On the shelf|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the drawer|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $NaomiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3 && $PhotoSelectedNaomi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'naomibath'>>\
[[In the bath|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the glass|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the toilet bowl|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the drawer|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Behind the mirror|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $NaomiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4 && $PhotoSelectedNaomi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'naomiliving'>>\
[[In the vase|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the sofa|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Between the pillows |LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the lamp|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the TV-stand|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<elseif $NaomiPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5 && $PhotoSelectedNaomi == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'naomibed'>>\
[[Beyond the mirror|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the lamp|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[In the vase|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[Under the drawer|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
[[On the table|LexiPhotoSearchUniversal]]
<<say $Linda>>Oh, now I can afford to dress a lot more. Thank you, golden, you are much better than Clara.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda bites her lip seductively and winks at me.<</md>>\
<<say $mc>>Anything for my secretary. If you want anything else, let me know.<</say>>
<<set $LindaClaraPath1Q = 2>>\
[[Back|LindaTalk]]<<md>>As soon as I turn on the laptop, I hear that I receive a message.<</md>>
<<if $LindaImage15Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LindaImage15Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<text y "I really like listening to tantric music, maybe we can listen together sometime?">>
<<md>>Oh, Linda, with you I would listen to more than just music.<</md>>\
<<set $LindaClaraPath1Q = 3>>\
[[Back|My office]]<<md>>Ah, the end of school... The time when you can exhale in peace, because nothing else bothers you. Neither school questions, nor girls who keep asking you about the next unimportant thing. Sometimes I think those girls would drive me crazy. But...<</md>>
<<if $LindaImage16Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LindaImage16Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Linda>>What happened... You... Should work...<</say>>
<<md>>When I went down to the first floor, where no one was supposed to be, where there was only silence and peace, I was very surprised. Instead, Linda greeted me with a confused look on her face. Yeah, I've seen that a hundred times before. It was like losing a million dollars in a casino.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Linda, is something wrong?<</say>>
<<md>>The woman jumped frightened, nearly knocking over the table and everything on it.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Ah, golden, it's you...<</say>>
<<md>>Her beautiful eyes, full of tears, kept looking for a foothold, a place to cling to, asking for help.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What happened? Did someone hurt you?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>No, golden, it's just this phone... I can't get it to work.<</say>>
<<md>>Apparently, the technique fails at the most unexpected moment, as usual.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe we shouldn't be doing this right now. It's late and there's no one here. There will be more people tomorrow.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>I'm sorry, must call on school business and if I don't pick up the phone..<</say>>.
<<md>>Tears came out of her eyes, which made me feel uncomfortable. It was like watching a child being beaten. The only question was whether I could help her at all.<</md>>
[[Help her|LindaQuest 1.2]]<<say $mc>>Okay, I'll try to help you Telephones are not such a complex mechanism, there are only a few points that can cause malfunctions. We'll check them one by one until we find the problem.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda smiled and looked at me appreciatively.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Thank you. I always knew you had a heart of gold. It's very important to me... And to the school.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>To school, of course.<</say>>
<<md>>Why do I get the feeling there's something she's not telling me? It's as if there's something behind this innocent request so deep that Linda is afraid to open up to me. On the other hand, why would she open up to me? We barely know each other.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see what we have here.<</say>>
<<md>>The first thing I do is check the wire, it's new enough, but still enough...<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, I've checked it about a hundred times at least.<</say>>
<<md>>There was indeed nothing wrong with the cable. It was intact. Well, it's time to move on.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>A hundred times, huh? Then it might be the nest...<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>I checked there too, so many times I put it in, but nothing. If the phone were a woman...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She would have loved it. <</say>>
<<md>>I laugh and check the nest.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>There's a little problem, though. But don't worry, I'll fix it. <</say>>
<<md>>It's just a small's not that hard to fix. All you have to do is bend these few cogs.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you have a nail file? <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Of course. It's always with me. <</say>>
<<md>>Who could doubt that Linda takes care of herself like no other. She hands me the tool and I begin the uncomplicated process, correcting a few inaccuracies.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it. <</say>>
<<md>>This little action makes me feel good and gives the item back to Linda. But I feel even more joy as I look at it and return the nail file.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now you can talk as much as you want...<</say>>
<<md>>A sudden call cut me off halfway through. I didn't fix you up to be so rude.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>I'm sorry, I have to take this. I think it's urgent. <</say>>
<<md>>Linda rushed to the phone as if it were about to evaporate. Okay, I guess I should go.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Hello...Yes, it's me. <</say>>
<<md>>I'm glad I was able to help her. The satisfaction of that action never left me. And I'd done almost nothing. But still, it was interesting.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Listen, I'll give you everything. No, no, listen... You don't have to... Yeah, I know... This weekend at the gym? Okay, um...<</say>>
<<md>>Wait, that sounds like a threat. That's what she was hiding. She was waiting for a call...from her extortionist and that's why she was so confused.<</md>>
<<md>>Maybe I should go to the gym this weekend and make sure Linda is okay?<</md>>
<<set $LindaQuest1 = 1>>\
<<set $LindaQuest1T = 2>>\
[[Leave|School gate]][img[img/Linda/LindaGym01.jpg]]
<<md>>For the first time, I don't come to the gym just to take care of my body. I am tormented by doubts, as if they are tearing me up from the inside. I can't say exactly what it is. Maybe it's my attitude toward the world around me or my emotions. Or maybe it's that I realize that Linda might be in danger, and the thought has never left me for a long time.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Where are you? <</say>>
<<md>>I glance around the room. The sounds of the workout are everywhere: the clang, the clatter of the treadmills and the distinctive creak of my feet shuffling across the floor. Every time I walk by, they sound to me like a song. It's like the sound of an organ being played in church. And, of course, all these noises create an atmosphere of cohesion and reliability around me.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Are you looking for someone? <</say>>
<<md>>Not the woman I'm looking for, but Olivia should help me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I'm looking for a woman. <</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Like all of us, like all of us.If you specify who you're looking for, maybe we can go to the police and ask who stole your heart. Or you could just describe her to me. <</say>>
<<md>>But as soon as she says it, I notice a familiar woman. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sorry, I think I found what I was looking for. <</say>>
<<if $LindaImage12Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LindaImage12Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Linda>>Golden, do you like to work on your body, too? Your body's in great shape, though. Why don't we work out together for a while?<</say>>
<<md>>Hmm...Interesting that she suggested it and not me. Maybe she just wants to enjoy my company, or...sees me as a protector?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course. <</say>>
<<md>>A perfect plan to keep the bastard who's threatening her out of her way. Just let him show his face here! He'll get what he deserves for sure!<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Hey, don't take it out on that poor punching bag! It doesn't deserve it. <</say>>
<<md>>Before I knew it, I was thinking about the man who was threatening Linda and started hitting the pear with all my might so hard that it almost flew off. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I got carried away. <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Better help me. <</say>>
<<md>>Linda smiled, and I followed her. She sat down on the trainer, spreading her legs and
and put her hands up. The woman began to lift her ass higher and higher. I gazed admiringly at her breasts, buttocks, and narrow thighs. My hands, as if by themselves, moved lower and covered her already bare legs, squeezing them hard.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>I think I can do it myself, thank you. Just train next to me. <</say>>
<<md>>Linda suddenly shooed me away. Well, it didn't sound like her suggestion was a call to action, and I should take it easy.<</md>>
<<md>>I started exercising with a barbell. What a nice exercise.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, I see you're very strong...<</say>>
<<md>>She was almost lying on the simulator and moaning softly, as if playing along with me. Half an hour passed, maybe more. And I kept trying my best to show her how strong I was.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>It was just delightful, golden. You have a beautiful body, don't be ashamed to show it off at school anymore. <</say>>
<<md>>At school? Didn't she yell at me when I tried to act? You have to understand these women. However, there was no man who threatened her, which means that my mission was accomplished. <</md>>
<<md>>But I'd better make sure and repeat this kind of exercise a few more times.<</md>>
<<set $LindaQuest1 = 2>>\
<<set $LindaQuest2 = 1>>\
<<set $LindaQuest1T = 3>>\
<<set $LindaQuest2T = 1>>\
<<addmins 80>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<set $QuestNextWeek = 7>>\
[[Leave|Gym - New body]]
<<md>>I noticed Linda in the crowd today. And it would have been strange not to notice such a shapely woman in such a provocative outfit.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, golden, I've been waiting for you to show up...<</say>>
<<md>>Linda smiled and curved seductively toward the punching bag. Her breasts were something... Something you couldn't take your eyes off of.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Golden, are you okay? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ah, yes, sorry, I was just thinking...<</say>>
<<if $LindaImage6Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LindaImage6Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>About how nice it would be to rip off her uniform, to dig my hands into her breasts and ass...<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Will we get started? <</say>>
<<md>>I nodded and we started to practice, but I kept frowning at the thought that someone might show up and ruin not only Linda's mood, but everything we have now. I feel a sexual attraction between us. The way she arches her ass when I'm around, the way she looks for support-indicates that she definitely cares about me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How was the training? <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>It's pretty good. I like physical activity. I like to exhaust my body as much as possible. <</say>>
<<md>>Oh, I don't doubt that at all. I would exhaust your body so much that you couldn't even move.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Who is he? <</say>>
<<md>>When practice was over and we were about to leave, I couldn't stand it and asked her directly. Looking over your shoulder when you don't know where a threat might come from is a very bad idea.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Who are you talking about, golden? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>The guy who called you when I fixed the phone. I know he's threatening you, and I want to protect you. <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>That's so sweet, golden. So you only came to practice because of me? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I guess you could say that. I don't want some asshole blackmailing you. <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me. <</say>>
<<md>>Linda came up to me and hugged me tightly.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Thank you for your concern, but you don't have to worry about me. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>But...<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>And that's her. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Her? What? <</say>>
<<md>>Linda smiled sweetly.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>If you want to know more, come back here next weekend.<</say>>
<<md>>So the blackmailer is a woman? Why didn't I think of that? Well, I guess I'll have to come back here and talk to Linda again.<</md>>
<<set $LindaQuest2 = 2>>\
<<set $LindaQuest2T = 2>>\
<<addmins 90>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<set $QuestNextWeek = 7>>\
<<set $GymPass -=1>>\
[[Leave|Gym - New body]]<<md>>I had barely gotten home when I got a text message.<</md>>
<<text r "Leave Linda alone. She is my property and will always belong only to me. Touch her again and you'll find yourself without hands.">>
<<md>>Whoa...That girl is very aggressive! No wonder Linda left her. However, perhaps they are still seeing each other? We should find out as soon as possible.<</md>>
<<set $LindaQuest2 = 3>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>Today I went to training with the full confidence that the veil of secrecy would finally be revealed to me. All the things Linda had kept from me would now be revealed. In the meantime, the best part was waiting for me-working out in the company of a very beautiful woman.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>You came after all. Are you so eager to touch the secret of my life? <</say>>
<<md>>I just smiled at Linda. She wasn't the only one with an intrigue.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's get started. <</say>>
<<md>>The workout began successfully and I managed to lift quite a lot of weight, to which my muscles responded with a pleasant heaviness.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So who is she? <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>She's a special person...She and I used to date and be a couple...But let's continue our training. <</say>>
<<md>>She suddenly turned to me with her gorgeous ass and stuck it out so that I was taken aback.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Will you help me? Give me some weight. <</say>>
<<md>>I hand her the barbell and she starts squatting. Ah, when she squats like a cat, it's just beautiful. It makes me want to...<</md>>
<<if $LindaImage13Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LindaImage13Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Linda>>I think that's enough for today. Well, you wanted to touch the secret of my life. But do you have the guts to touch me? <</say>>
<<md>>Linda smiles and shows off her ass again, but this time much more. She almost pushes it up so high that I can see the outline of her pussy through those pink shorts.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Well, what are you waiting for? Aren't you so brave, golden? <</say>>
<<md>>She runs her hands up her ass, which makes me lose my head. She's right there, and I shouldn't delay this beautiful moment. Somewhere in the back of my mind a strange text message popped up, but I didn't react to it and touched her ass. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>It is so firm, so beautiful... I want to take away all the unnecessary, all the ugly details and focus only on her soft and beautiful body... She begins to caress my hands with hers, gently stroking me as I feel something roll me to the ground.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What the...<</say>>
<<md>>The first blow hits my face, and I don't even have time to cover myself. The massive woman hits me, shouting that she warned me to stay away from Linda. I managed to stop the next one.
They pull it off me almost instantly, and then take me away.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>I'm sorry, golden, I didn't know she'd be here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Is that your ex-girlfriend? <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Yes...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now, as a victim at the hands of an insane ex-girlfriend, I need to know everything, down to the smallest detail.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda looked at me guiltily and stroked my head like a little baby and hugged me tightly.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Golden, I'm sorry, but can we not do it here? How about coffee? Like any Wednesday? There's a cafe nearby. I'll meet you there at 6 p.m. <</say>>
<<md>>I nodded. At least I would soon know everything I cared about.<</md>>
<<set $LindaQuest2 = 4>>\
<<set $LindaQuest2T = 3>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3T = 1>>\
[[Leave|Gym - New body]]<<md>>When I arrived at the cafe, Linda was already there. What's more, she was already on the phone with someone. I decided to stay away from her for a while, and just watch from the sidelines. After all, this was her normal life. The way she moves, the way she talks on the phone, the way she seems to fly in the clouds... It all gives me a special thrill.<</md>>
<<if $LindaImage14Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LindaImage14Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Linda>>Golden, I'm sorry, I had some questions to solve for the school. <</say>>
<<md>>I chuckled. The last time her phone had broken, she'd made excuses for school stuff, too.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>These questions won't try to kill me again? <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, no, it wasn't Anna. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, okay, let's pick a table...<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>I've already picked one out for us, you don't mind, do you? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not at all.<</say>>
<<md>>We followed to the table where Linda had already left her things and sat down. The waiter was there very quickly, so I ordered for Linda and myself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So...<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>It's a nice day, isn't it? And no college girls around. <</say>>
<<md>>She reached out and touched her hands to me. I didn't resist the sensation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, sometimes I get too tired of them, too. <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, they can be so noisy sometimes. <</say>>
<<md>>The waiter brought our coffees, and I took a sip. It's so hot!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ouch! <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Yes, sometimes the coffee here is too hot. <</say>>
<<md>>Just like Linda.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So your ex-girlfriend's name is Anna? <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Yeah, I think you deserve to know something about me. I met Anna after I broke up with my ex-husband. I was too broke and I was looking for something to do. So I started spending a lot of time playing sports. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's where you met? <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Yes, Anna went there for a while. And I fell in love almost immediately. So brave, strong, determined... She was just a dream. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>If she was so great, why did you break up?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>She didn't like partnership. I like it when the partner is stronger, when he leads, but not when he suppresses you. And there's nothing left of you. But Anna... She...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Suppressed you too much. <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Yes, she told me what to wear, how to walk, what to love...That's why we broke up. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>And why is she blackmailing you? <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>You see, I like posing nude too much and it...didn't play into my hands. She promises to make the pictures public. I'm not afraid for myself, but for Clara and for the reputation of the school. It could affect all of us if nothing is done. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>What does she demand? <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>My return. Or $150,000. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's a lot of money. But, Linda...<</say>>
<<md>>I took her hand and squeezed it tight.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We'll definitely think of something. I'm sure we will.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Golden, it's not your problem, it's my problem. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>And yet, I'll help you. The less trouble, the better. <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Thank you, you do have a heart of gold. <</say>>
<<md>>I smiled, and then I finished my coffee and our date came to an end. All that remained was to figure out how to help Linda in the future.<</md>>
<<set $LindaQuest2 = 5>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3 = 1>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3T = 1.5>>\
[[Back to cafe|Cafe]]<<md>>What is it? Where am I? My eyes are almost covered with a white fog that makes it impossible to see anything at all.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Kh-h...<</say>>
<<md>>It's not fog, it's smoke. It makes it hard to breathe. I can feel the heat almost burning me. What's that in the distance? Someone's silhouette? <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Golden, are you all right? I think you have a fever. <</say>>
<<md>>Linda? She approaches me and I notice that she's not wearing any clothes at all, just a fire helmet. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Don't worry, fireman Linda will take care of you. I know what will cool you down. <</say>>
<<md>>She squeezes her huge breasts tightly and begins to play with them.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Linda\Quest\Video\LindaDream1.mp4"></video></div>She squeezes each breast, pulling back her nipples...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ah, Linda.<</say>>
<<md>>She has small labia, which excite me with their appearance, and I start moaning.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>That's enough. You shouldn't strain yourself. <</say>>
<<md>>Her touch makes me moan even harder.This time Linda's palm starts massaging her clit.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Linda\Quest\Video\LindaDream2.mp4"></video></div>I can feel myself getting aroused, and I shudder again.<</md>>
<<md>>It takes my breath away from this view. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>> If you only knew how much I want you, Golden. But I'm afraid that would only make things worse. <</say>>
<<set $LindaQuest3 = 2>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3T = 2>>\
[[Continue sleeping|Sleep1]]<<md>>When I first met Camilla, I noticed how beautiful she was. But what surprised me even more was what a girl like that was doing in a regular clothing store, and not on a runway somewhere. Anyway, this is my chance. A chance to ask her out. All I have to do is walk up to her and say...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Excuse me, may I ask...<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Just a second. While you're at it, pick out some clothes.<</say>>
<<md>>Momentarily stopping all my initiative, the girl stopped me and continued talking on the phone. Well, I'll have to wait.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>It can't be! I... I'll be right there! <</say>>
<<md>>Camilla's voice literally radiated excitement. It was clear that she was ready to snap and run somewhere. Instead, she dialed another number on her smartphone and started walking excitedly from side to side.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Why? Why don't you pick up the phone when you need to? <</say>>
<<md>>I even felt a little sorry for her. The girl looked like a trapped animal.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sorry, is there a problem? <</say>>
<<md>>Camilla looked up at me and grinned sweetly. Her smile was beautiful, but it was still bitter.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>If you don't want to go to my grandmother and give her a shot, I don't think so. Also, I don't have my partner to leave the store for her.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, your grandmother is unlikely to be happy with a stranger. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>That's what I'm saying. Thank you for your concern, but...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can stay instead of you in the store. It shouldn't be that hard, right? <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Yes, it's not complicated. Do you really want to do this? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I see that you're in trouble, I want to help. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Thank you. You really helped me out! I'll be right back!<</say>>
<<md>>Without further ado, the girl left the store. It was only outside the window that I heard the car drive away quickly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, let's get started. <</say>>
<<set $CamillaQuest1 = 1>>\
[[Time to work|CamillaQuest 1.2]]<<md>>Time weaved slowly as she left the store. I thought it had been three hours, but only fifteen minutes had passed. How does she spend the whole day here?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good afternoon, can I help you? <</say>>
<<md>>I hoped there wouldn't be many visitors, but surprisingly, they came and went very quickly.<</md>>
<<md>>However, I didn't have to do much of anything.<</md>>
[[Help one woman in a way|CamillaQuest 1.3]]
[[Wait for Camilla|CamillaQuest 1.4]]<<say $mc>>I think this dress will suit you very well. <</say>>
<<md>>After a while, of all the visitors, only one woman with a very spectacular figure remained in the hall, who was trying on a very special dress similar to the chainmail of knights.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, you look beautiful in it in a special way. <</say>>
<<md>>She began to praise the material, how well it lay on her naked body, how her nipples didn't even react to it. I have to say, her breasts are great.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What? Are you sure?<</say>>
<<md>>Her request threw me off balance. The woman asked me to try how soft the material was and whether it felt on my chest. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good... <</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Camilla\Quest\Video\CamillaReplace1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Camilla asked me to do her job, and her job was to keep the clients happy. So I began to gently squeeze the woman's breasts through her tunic.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, it's really soft...<</say>>
<<md>>My fingers felt the firmness of her breasts as her nipples began to harden under her dress. She moaned at my touch, and it was clear that it wasn't the dress she wanted, it was the good sex.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think it's better that way.<</say>>
<<md>>I pulled up her dress and squeezed her breasts without her clothes on. Then my tongue touched her nipple, which immediately hardened. The woman must have realized that she needed all the affection and smiled. She whispered something like "ah," closed her eyes, and put her hands on my head.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mmmm...I have a present for you...<</say>>
<<md>>I put her on knees and pulled out my hard cock and ran it under her lips.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, that's what you want.<</say>>
<<md>>Her tongue explored my instrument of love.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Camilla\Quest\Video\CamillaReplace2.mp4"></video></div> The touch of her tongue aroused me to the point that I began to nibble lightly on my lips. At the last moment, the woman opened her mouth wide, and I burst into her throat.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, that's it...Take that! <</say>>
<<md>>My cock slid in and against the bottom of her throat, and I pressed down hard, feeling the muscles under her body begin to contract. The woman's hand began to stroke my cock, and soon I was trembling and moaning at the same time. She pushed it deeper and deeper into me, and I was no longer in need of the delicacies she was making up for my fantasy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I cum softly on her lips. Ah, good. I hope Camilla didn't see that. It was gorgeous, though.<</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest1 = 2>>\
[[Wait for Camilla|CamillaQuest 1.4]]<<md>>After a while, I heard a car arrive. It must have been Camilla. Wow, I didn't even notice how fast the time flew by.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>How'd you do here? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>It seems to be all right, don't worry. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Without incident? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, it's okay. <</say>>
<<md>>Camilla and I went outside. The first thing that greeted us was noise and several dogs.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How's your grandmother?<</say>>
<<md>>Camilla leaned against the blue car and smiled. So that's whose car it is. Pretty enough, I must say. Just like Camilla.<</md>>
<<if $CamillaImage3Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $CamillaImage3Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Camilla>>She’s fine, thank you. She was relieved after the injection had taken effect. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds good. Family is the most important thing. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Yes, after my parents died, my grandmother is all I have left. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Take care of her and if you need help, call me. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>And so are you. I think if you want to trade a little, I could arrange that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll keep that in mind. <</say>>
<<md>>I smiled at Camilla and winked. It was good that it ended so well.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>You're coming back to the store, aren't you? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think so, why? <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Maybe... If you want to meet...<</say>>
<<md>>I think she's asking me out! That's so cute! She's shy, but still...Okay, I won't torture the girl, because I wouldn't mind going on, either.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course, I want to meet. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>I often spend time in the park on weekends. After a whole week when you just don't move anywhere, it's such a treat. You have to watch your health, too! <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then in the park on Saturday? <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Yeah, let's do Saturday at 11. Is that okay? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I do so.<</say>>
<<md>>It looks like I got lucky and asked her out, albeit in a very strange way.<</md>>
<<if $CamillaQuest1 == 1>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest1 = 2>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest1 = 3>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest1T = 2>>\
[[Street Raw-Road]]<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<md>>The sun greets me as soon as I get to the park. And it's not just that it's a hot enough day. No, Camilla's smile is so warm, like the sun. And the girl herself seems to shine as soon as she sees me.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Oh, $mc.Name! You're just in time! So, are you ready for sports?<</say>>
<<if $CamillaImage10Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $CamillaImage10Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>I think that with a girl like that, you'll be ready for a lot more than just sports.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. I think that's what we're here for today, isn't it? <</say>>
<<md>>Camilla laughed, and then we started warming up. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Are you a sports fan?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not as much as you, but I think you should pay enough attention to your body, otherwise we won't be able to move in our old age. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>That's right!<</say>>
<<md>>Camila started to do stretching. It was a pleasure to watch her. How plastic her body is, how happily she does it. And the way those sweatpants fit her so well!<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>That's it, you're doing good! <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha! I'm going to beat you. <</say>>
<<md>>She laughed happily, and that tinkling laugh rolled through the park. It made me feel much calmer. Especially when I caught her gaze on me. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>What? Why are you looking like that? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nothing... I'm just glad to be here. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>And I'm glad you came. <</say>>
<<md>>Yeah, her top is super, too. How glad I would have been to get under it and get to know Camilla a little better.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>So, a little jogging?<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded and rushed after Camilla, who took her time running through the park.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>When you do sport like that...You can find out the city...What it breathes...<</say>>
<<md>>And now I'm watching her breathing...What big lungs she has...And those breasts...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, breathing is good. <</say>>
<<md>>After a long run, we finally stopped.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Phew, that was good. But you were behind me all the same. I think you were giving in to me. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well...<</say>>
<<md>>She laughed and tapped my shoulder lightly with her hand.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Don't give in because I'm a woman. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>What if you're a beautiful woman? <</say>>
<<md>>Her face lit up with a blush.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Well...In that case...Okay...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, you're so cute...<</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly she moved close to me and whispered in my ear.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>But on your next run, play to your strength! <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, okay, it's a deal. So you're going home? <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Oh no, I still need to buy some things at home. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ah...Well, I'll leave you to it. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Thank you. Why don't you stop by my store sometime? I wouldn't mind spending some more time with you. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then I'll see you soon. <</say>>
<<set $CamillaQuest2 = 1>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest1T = 3>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest2T = 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Would you take a break? You can go crazy like that.<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled at Camilla, stepping closer to her.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Don't you like crazy girls? There's something peppery about them...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl laughed out loud, and I immediately picked up the contagious laughter.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I like quiet and nice girls who sell clothes. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>You mean you like my partner? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, I...<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Ahahaha, I'm kidding, you're so serious. Sure, let's take a break. I was just about to buy a few things. <</say>>
<<md>>Camilla closed the store and we were in the mall. As usual, the place was full of people, but none of that mattered now, because the only thing that mattered was Camilla. She was the only one with whom I felt a strange connection and togetherness.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So what did you want to buy?<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Oh, some skirts and pants.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What an irony. A clothing salesman buys clothes at another store.<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Well, there's nothing in our store that I like. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let's go find something you’ll like, then. <</say>>
<<md>>And we went into the crazy and beautiful world of shopping. All these dresses, skirts, and blouses blended together for me. However, they all had one thing in common. They all looked great on a girl.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Phew...What an adventure! <</say>>
<<md>>Camilla was smiling as we walked out of the store.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, too bad we didn't find anything. <</say>>
<<if $CamillaImage4Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $CamillaImage4Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $Camilla>>That's nothing? Look at this purse, it goes perfectly with this outfit. <</say>>
<<md>>The girl sat down on the bench and looked at me.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Thank you for doing this for me. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're welcome. I'm really glad you liked it. We should go out like that more often. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>I agree, I had a great time.<</say>>
<<md>>The most important thing is that she liked it.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>It's just that the bench isn't comfortable at all. <</say>>
<<md>>Camilla jumped up from the bench and sat down on the floor and laughed.<</md>>
<<if $CamillaImage7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $CamillaImage7Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Camilla>>It's much more convenient that way. <</say>>
<<md>>People looked at us like we were crazy, they walked around us, and some people cursed, but I liked it. These simple gestures were the essence of Camilla. She wasn't pretending to be something she wasn't.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, definitely more comfortable. <</say>>
<<set $CamillaQuest2 = 2>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3 = 1>>\
[[Continue sitting|CamillaQuest 3.3]]
[[Offer meditating|CamillaQuest 3.2]]<<say $Camilla>>Are you up to something? You're just looking...<</say>>
<<md>>Camilla looked at me in surprise. It's amazing how she can detect the slightest change in facial expression. I don't think even I knew what I was up to yet, and she already knew.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, you know, I often sit in this pose. I meditate.<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>You don't look like someone who's into meditation. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>It helps you relax. Try it yourself. Close your eyes.<</say>>
<<md>>Camilla slowly closed her eyes and inhaled.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Closed...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now fold your hands like this, like you're praying? <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>I feel funny. Ha ha! <</say>>
<<if $CamillaImage8Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $CamillaImage8Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>Camilla laughed out loud, which made her look even more attractive. Beauty is in simplicity. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now think of something good. How all your excitement is going away. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Yes, I sit on the beach and the sea relaxes me. <</say>>
<<md>>The girl's voice was becoming more and more calm.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Yes, it does help. But now I don't want to go back to work anymore.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So let's not go back. Why don't we walk a little more? <</say>>
<<md>>Camilla nodded and we happily went for a walk. She told me how her day was going, what interesting stories had happened to her.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Well, this is the time to say goodbye. <</say>>
<<md>>She froze on the bridge and waved to me.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Thank you for everything, it was a beautiful day.<</say>>
<<if $CamillaImage9Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $CamillaImage9Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, too. See you later.<</say>>
<<md>>I hope it comes soon.<</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest3 = 2>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest2T = 2>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 1>>\
[[Back|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]<<md>>We sat like that for a while, and then we decided to go back to Camilla's place of work. I was not sure how much trouble she was going to be in if any of the bosses found out that she had been absent from work like that.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Thank you for today, I really enjoyed it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>And me. See you later. <</say>>
<<md>>I hope it comes soon.<</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest3 = 3>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest2T = 2>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 1>>\
[[Back|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]<style> body.street {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/StreetMorning.jpeg");
<<md>>The hard work had taken its toll on me. It seemed to go well, but a little fatigue was still weighing on me. I was just walking down the street, not paying attention to anyone, until suddenly a bright orange dress caught my eye.<</md>>
<<if $CamillaImage1Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $CamillaImage1Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Camilla!<</say>>
<<md>>I look up and enjoy what I see. I see Camilla in front of me in a beautiful dress that looks so much better on her.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Hello, I'm so glad to see you. Where did you come from? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I live nearby. I'm coming back from work. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Work?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, does that surprise you? <</say>>
<<md>>Camilla laughed and we continued down the street.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Actually yes, I thought you were a millionaire and didn't need to work. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I really wish... <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Do you want ice cream? <</say>>
<<md>>She hands me an ice cream and I happily take a bite of the cold delight.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's good. Now I'm less worried about not being a millionaire. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>That's good. Wait, there's something...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl stretches out her hands and touches my cheek with her finger. That touch makes me feel like ice cream and melt. Her touch is so warm.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I see you found yourself a dress after all. It looks good on you. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Really? How about this? <</say>>
<<if $CamillaImage2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $CamillaImage2Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>The girl turns her back to me, letting me enjoy the view of her beautiful legs and ass, the outline of which I notice.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I don't know.<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Ah-ha-ha, stop staring like that then. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're as beautiful as ever... I'm sure all the guys are yours. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Maybe I don't need all the guys. I need someone who will play sports with me. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hmmm...Okay... Shall we meet in the park again? <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Yeah, and this time don't give in. By the way, where do you work? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>At school. I am a biology teacher. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>I wonder... So the girls are crazy about you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Probably. <</say>>
<<md>>We happily walk down the street and enjoy each other's company, until the ice cream traitorously runs out and Camilla is forced to say goodbye to me. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Don't forget, I'll wait for you in the park.<</say>>
<<set $CamillaQuest4 = 1>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 2>>\
[[Leave her be|Street Raw-Road]]
<<md>>An unexpected buzzing noise catches my attention. What is it?<</md>>
<<if $CamillaImage11Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $CamillaImage11Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<text y "I decided that since you're a teacher, I should show you one photo...I hope you can teach me something in the park.">>
<<md>>Camilla. Oh, the uniform suits you very well. I'd definitely teach you a few times...Until you couldn't stand.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, the weekend's coming up - there's no time to waste.<</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest4 = 2>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 3>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>A small but cozy hall, in which there is enough space for both a small sofa and a huge wardrobe with books. It is clear where Naomi's love of freedom and reading comes from. Surely there is a volume of Freud on the shelves. <</md>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '22:05', '22:30')||isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '18:35') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5>>\
[[Kitchen|NHKitchen]] - Naomi is here
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:45', '07:55') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:35', '18:55') >>\
[[Bathroom|NHBath]] - Naomi is here
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '20:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '07:35') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4 >>\
[[Living-room|NHLivingroom]] - Naomi is here
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:05', '22:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4 >>\
[[Naomi`s room|NHNaomiroom]] - Naomi is here
<<talk "Naomi's room" 1 $talk "It’s locked">><</talk>>
[[Leave her house|Street York-Road]]
<<addmins 5>><<md>>Modest kitchen with everything necessary for a modern person. Without unnecessary frills, but still very comfortable. <</md>>
[[Return to hall|NHHall]]
<<addmins 5>><<md>>The bathroom looks unnecessarily massive and seems to press on you with its monumentality. It seems as if it does not belong here. And yet, there are all the amenities for taking a shower. <</md>>
[[Return to hall|NHHall]]
<<addmins 5>><<md>>Several tables and chairs, a sofa and contemporary art. It felt like I was at an exhibition in a museum. I wonder how comfortable it is to live in this room? <</md>>
<<if $NaomiPhoto == 1>>\
[[ Search for the photos|NaomiPhotoSearchMap]]
[[Return to hall|NHHall]]
<<addmins 5>><<if $Naomi6Q == 4>>\
[[Ask about her dream|NaomiDream1]]
[[Talk with Naomi|NaomiTalkHome]]
[[Leave her room|NHHall]]
<<addmins 5>><<md>>Where I should looking?<</md>>
<<if $PhotosSearchPerDay > 0>>\
[[Under the bed|NaomiPhotoSearchLiving]]
<<talk "Under the bed" 1 $talk "I’m tired of searching for today.">> <</talk>>
<<if $PhotosSearchPerDay > 0>>\
[[Under the carpet|NaomiPhotoSearchLiving]]
<<talk "Under the carpet" 1 $talk "I’m tired of searching for today.">><</talk>>
<<if $PhotosSearchPerDay > 0>>\
[[On the shelf|NaomiPhotoSearchLiving]]
<<talk "On the shelf" 1 $talk "I’m tired of searching for today.">><</talk>>
<<if $PhotosSearchPerDay > 0>>\
[[Behind the bed|NaomiPhotoSearchLiving]]
<<talk "Behind the bed" 1 $talk "I’m tired of searching for today.">><</talk>>
<<if $PhotosSearchPerDay > 0>>\
[[In the far corner |NaomiPhotoSearchLiving]]
<<talk "In the far corner" 1 $talk "I’m tired of searching for today.">><</talk>>
<<if $PhotosSearchPerDay > 0>>\
[[Between books|NaomiPhotoSearchLiving]]
<<talk "Between books" 1 $talk "I’m tired of searching for today.">><</talk>>
[[Back|NHNaomiroom]]<<set _NaomiPhotoSearchArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:05', '08:15') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '21:00')||isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '16:35') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5|| isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:30', '20:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '11:10') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4|| isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:00')||isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '19:30')>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<goto "NaomiPhotoFailLiving">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<goto "NaomiPhotoNothingLiving">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<goto "NaomiPhotoYesLiving">>\
<</if>>\<<set _NaomiPhotoFailArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _NaomiPhotoFailArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>So, now we should...<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>What the fuck have you forgotten in my room? And why is the door open?
<<md>>Naomi looks like an enraged beast. I seem to have made a big mistake in thinking that I would have time to search the room while it was gone.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> I can explain everything.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>And I can call the cops.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Naomi...<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Enough is enough. To prevent this from happening again.<</say>>
<<md>>I don't think you should try your luck now.
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Now I quickly...<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>$mc.Name? Are you in a living room? I need to...<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, I need to hide quickly before she notices that I've entered her room.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>What are you doing here?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I...<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>I don't remember inviting you to rummage through my stuff!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But I...<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Get out!<</say>>
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 4>>
<<set $PhotosSearchPerDay -= 1>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Back|NHHall]]<<set _NaomiPhotoNothingArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]>>\
<<switch _NaomiPhotoNothingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>No matter how much I look for anything here, there is nothing.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Follow a search elsewhere. There is only dust and scattered things.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Why would she hide a photo in such a place?<</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>Only a madman will hide the photo here.<</md>>
<<case 5>>\
<<md>>Why isn't it here? Why can't anything be so simple?<</md>>
<<case 6>>\
<<md>>Again, failure. <</md>>
<<addmins 15>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchPerDay -= 1>>\
[[Back|NHLivingroom]]<<if $NaomiPhotoRed == 0>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhotoRed == 1>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhotoRed == 2>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhotoGrey == 0>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhotoGrey == 1>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhotoGrey == 2>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhotoNature == 0>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhotoNature == 1>>\
<<elseif $NaomiPhotoNature == 2>>\
<<set _NaomiPhotoYesSayArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]>>\
<<switch _NaomiPhotoYesSayArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Wow, that's color suits you so well… <</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Hi stranger, don't you want to touch my dick? I am happily touch your breasts. <</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>We should get to know each other better. My penis is already burning with desire. <</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>So that's what you're capable of. I will definitely remember it. <</md>>
<<case 5>>\
<<md>>Can’t take my eyes of you. <</md>>
<<case 6>>\
<<md>>I want to play with you… <</md>>
<<case 7>>\
<<md>>You have a special talent, why do you hide it from everyone? <</md>>
<<case 8>>\
<<md>>Looking at this photo is so nice. <</md>>
<<case 9>>\
<<md>>I didn't even recognize you. Maybe you won't recognize me either and we'll have a great night? <</md>>
<<case 10>>\
<<md>>Hi baby, can we dance with our dick and pussy? <</md>>
<<set $NaomiPhoto = 2>>\
<<set $AngelaPhoto = 4>>\
<<set $LexiPhoto = 4>>\
<<set $ClaraPhoto = 4>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg2" data-passage="MCTiredNaomi" style="padding-left: 65px;margin-top: 6px;padding-top: 5px;margin-left: 10px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredNaomi" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;/*! margin-top: 10%; */left: -4px;top: 5px;/*! border: 2px; */border-left-width: 0px;border-left-style: solid;border-top-width: 0px;border-top-style: solid;border-right-width: 0px;border-right-style: solid;border-bottom-width: 0px;border-bottom-style: solid;color: white;">Literature</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg2" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" style="padding-left: 65px;margin-top: 6px;padding-top: 5px;margin-left: 10px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;/*! margin-top: 10%; */left: -4px;top: 5px;/*! border: 2px; */border-left-width: 0px;border-left-style: solid;border-top-width: 0px;border-top-style: solid;border-right-width: 0px;border-right-style: solid;border-bottom-width: 0px;border-bottom-style: solid;color: white;">Literature</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg3" data-passage="NaomiSayCompliment" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 48px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -77px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiSayCompliment" tabindex="0" ;="" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -7px;color: white;">Compliment</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg4" data-passage="NaomiHug" style="padding-left: 115px;margin-left: 591px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -106px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiHug" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -54px;color: white;">Hug</a> </div>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg6" data-passage="MCTiredNaomi" style="padding-left: 62px;padding-bottom: 13px;margin-left: 9px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -106px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredNaomi" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Economics</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg6" data-passage="NaomiEconomy" style="padding-left: 62px;padding-bottom: 13px;margin-left: 9px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -106px"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiEconomy" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Economics</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg7" data-passage="NaomiNastyJoke" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 114.7px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -161px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiNastyJoke" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;margin-left: -56px;left: -17px;color: white;">Horny Joke</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $Naomi.LustLvl gte 2>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg8" style="padding-left: 115px;margin-left: 591px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -275px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -55px;">Kiss</a> <br>
</div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg8" data-passage="NaomiKiss" style="padding-left: 115px;margin-left: 591px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/kisstalkgrey.png);margin-top: -275px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiKiss" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -55px;">Kiss</a> <br>
</div> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg9" data-passage="MCTiredNaomi" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-left: 89px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -275px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredNaomi" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;right: 0px;left: -29px;color: white;">Politics</a> </div><br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg9" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-left: 89px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -275px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;right: 0px;left: -29px;color: white;">Politics</a> </div><br><br><br>
<<if $Naomi.LustLvl gte 3>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg10" data-passage="NaomiFlirt" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 114px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;;margin-top: -499px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiFlirt" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -69px;color: white;">Flirt</a> <br><br><br> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg10" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 114px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flirttalkgrey.png);margin-top: -499px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -69px;color: white;">Flirt</a> <br><br><br> </div>
<<if $Naomi.LustLvl gte 2>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg11" data-passage="NaomiTouchBreast" style="padding-left: 98px;margin-left: 592px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -554px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiTouchBreast" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;left: -40px;color: white;top: 6px;">Grope</a> <br><br><br> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg11" style="padding-left: 98px;margin-left: 592px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey;background-image: url(img/ach/gropetalkgrey.png);margin-top: -554px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;left: -40px;color: white;top: 6px;">Grope</a> <br><br><br> </div>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg12" data-passage="MCTiredNaomi" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 59px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;/*! color: white; *//*! color: white; */border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -610px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredNaomi" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Philosophy</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg12" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" style="margin-left: 9px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 59px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;/*! color: white; *//*! color: white; */border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -610px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;color: white;">Philosophy</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $ == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg13" style="border-left-width: 2px;padding-left: 86px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/flowertalkgrey.png);margin-top: -667px;margin-left: 289px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: 0px;margin-left: -41px;color: white;">Give Flowers</a> </div><br><br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg13" data-passage="NaomiPresentRefuse" style="border-left-width: 2px;padding-left: 86px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -667px;margin-left: 289px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: 0px;margin-left: -41px;color: white;">Give Flowers</a> </div><br><br><br><br>
<<if $Naomi.LustLvl gte 3>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg14" data-passage="NaomiPetting" style="margin-left: 592px;padding-left: 72px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; margin-top: -836px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiPetting" tabindex="0" style="position: ;position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -12px;">Fingering</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg14" style="margin-left: 592px;padding-left: 72px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/fingtalkgrey.png);margin-top: -836px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: ;position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -12px;">Fingering</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg15" data-passage="MCTiredNaomi" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 46px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -921px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredNaomi" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">Architecture</a></span> <wbr class="debug hidden"> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg15" data-passage="NaomiArchitecture" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 46px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -921px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 15px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiArchitecture" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;right: 0px;left: 14px;color: white;">Architecture</a></span> <wbr class="debug hidden"> </div>
<a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -987px;right: 0px;left: 115px;color: white;margin-left: -55px;opacity: 0;">Give Chocolate</a> <br><br>
<<if $id.boxofchocolate == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg16" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 68px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/chocotalkgrey.png);margin-top: -1089px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;margin-left: -40px;left: 18px;color: white;right: 0px;opacity: 100;">Give Chocolate</a> </div>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg16" data-passage="NaomiPresentRefuse" style="margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 68px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; background-image: url(img/ach/chocotalk.png);margin-top: -1089px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;margin-left: -40px;left: 18px;color: white;right: 0px;opacity: 100;">Give Chocolate</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $Naomi.LustLvl gte 3>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg17" data-passage="NaomiBlowjobNew" style="padding-right: 118px;margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 64px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; margin-top: -1147px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiBlowjobNew" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: 0px;">Blowjob</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg17" style="padding-right: 118px;margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 64px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/blowtalkgrey.png);margin-top: -1147px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: 0px;">Blowjob</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg18" data-passage="MCTiredNaomi" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-right: -14px;padding-left: 100px;margin-right: -17px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -1205px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredNaomi" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">Music</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg18" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" style="margin-left: 7px;padding-right: -14px;padding-left: 100px;margin-right: -17px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -1205px;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -40px;color: white;">Music</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $ gte 1>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg19" data-passage="NaomiPresentRefuse" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 143px;padding-top: 5px;margin-right: 34px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74; background-image: url(img/ach/winetalk.png);margin-top: -1317px;" disabled=""> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -76px;left: -20px;color: white;">Give Wine</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg19" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 290px;padding-left: 143px;padding-top: 5px;margin-right: 34px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;;border-color: grey;margin-top: -1317px;"> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -76px;left: -20px;color: white;">Give Wine</a> </div> <br><br><</if>>\
<<if $Naomi.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg20" data-passage="NaomiCuni" style="margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 126px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;margin-top: -1401px;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiCuni" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -60px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Cunilingus</a> </div> <br> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg20" style="margin-left: 591px;padding-left: 126px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/cunitalkgrey.png);margin-top: -1401px;" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -60px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Cunilingus</a> </div> <br> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg21" data-passage="MCTiredNaomi" style="padding-left: 190px;padding-right: 0px;margin-right: -50px;margin-top: -1482px;margin-left: 6px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredNaomi" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">Movies</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg21" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" style="padding-left: 190px;padding-right: 0px;margin-right: -50px;margin-top: -1482px;margin-left: 6px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiMovies" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -130px;color: white;">Movies</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $id.teddy == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg22" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 289px;padding-left: 101px;padding-bottom: 4px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/teddytalkgrey.png);width: 250px;height: 37px;margin-top: -1594px;" disabled=""> <br><br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -42px;left: -9px;color: white;top: -78px;">Give Teddy</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" data-passage="NaomiPresentRefuse" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 289px;padding-left: 101px;padding-bottom: 4px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px; border-color: #f52e74;width: 250px;height: 37px;margin-top: -1594px;"> <br><br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiPresentRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -42px;left: -9px;color: white;top: -78px;">Give Teddy</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<<if $Naomi.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" data-passage="NaomiVaginalMissionary1" style="margin-left: 590px;border-top-width: 2px;margin-top: -1735px;margin-right: -24px;padding-left: 87px;border-bottom-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiVaginalMissionary1" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left:-17px;">Vaginal</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg23" style="margin-left: 590px;border-top-width: 2px;margin-top: -1735px;margin-right: -24px;padding-left: 87px;border-bottom-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/vagitalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 6px;color: white;left: -17px;">Vaginal</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg24" data-passage="MCTiredNaomi" style="margin-top: -1787px;margin-left: 5px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 82px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredNaomi" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">Religion</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg24" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" style="margin-top: -1787px;margin-left: 5px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 82px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 3px;left: -20px;color: white;">Religion</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $id.perfume == 0 >>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg25" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 288px;padding-left: 139px;margin-top: -1899px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color:gray; background-image: url(img/ach/perfumetalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -100px;color: white;top: -50px;left: 9px;">Give Perfume</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg25" data-passage="NaomiPresentRefuse" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 288px;padding-left: 139px;margin-top: -1899px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color:#f52e74;"> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiPresentPerfume" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;margin-left: -100px;color: white;top: -50px;left: 9px;">Give Perfume</a> </div><br><br>
<<if $Naomi.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg26" data-passage="NaomiAnal" style="margin-left: 590px;margin-top: -2012px;margin-right: 265px;padding-right: 100px;padding-left: 110px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiAnal" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;color: white;top: 6px;left: -38px;">Anal</a> </div> <br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg26" style="margin-left: 590px;margin-top: -2012px;margin-right: 265px;padding-right: 100px;padding-left: 110px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/analtalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;color: white;top: 6px;left: -38px;">Anal</a> </div> <br><br>
<<if $stamina < 5>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg27" data-passage="MCTiredNaomi" style="margin-top: -2063px;margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 234.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="MCTiredNaomi" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Sport</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg27" data-passage="NaomiSport" style="margin-top: -2063px;margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 234.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <span title="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" aria-label="<a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">" data-type="html-a" data-name="a" class="debug nonvoid"><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiSport" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -170px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Sport</a></span><wbr class="debug hidden"> </div><br><br>
<<if $Naomi.LustLvl gte 4>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg29" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" style="margin-top: -2175px;margin-left: 591px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 98px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiRefuse" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -27px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Fetish</a> </div> <br><br><br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg29" style="margin-top: -2175px;margin-left: 591px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-left: 98px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-left-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey; background-image: url(img/ach/fetishtalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <a class="link-internal macro-link" style="position: relative;top: 6px;left: -27px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Fetish</a> </div><br><br><br>
<<if $id.whisky == 0>>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg28" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 287px;margin-top: -2315px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 91px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: grey;background-image: url(img/ach/whiskytalkgrey.png);" disabled=""> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -42px;color: white;left: 0px;">Give Whisky</a> </div> <br><br><br> <br>
<div class="buttonInteractive bg28" data-passage="NaomiPresentWhisky" style="border-left-width: 2px;margin-left: 287px;margin-top: -2315px;padding-bottom: 13px;padding-left: 91px;border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-radius: 7.5px;border-color: #f52e74;"> <br><br><a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NaomiPresentWhisky" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: -49px;margin-left: -42px;color: white;left: 0px;">Give Whisky</a> </div> <br><br><br> <br>
<div style="margin-top: -2400px;margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 243.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;border-radius: 7.5px;background-image: url(img/ach/datea.png);border-color: grey;" class="buttonInteractive bg32"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -75px;padding-left: -3px;margin-left: -109px;color: white;">Ask for a date</a> <div style="margin-top: 52px;margin-right: 0px;padding-left: 200.1px;border-left-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;padding-right: 0px;border-top-width: 2px;padding-bottom: 13px;margin-left: -247px;border-radius: 7.5px;background-image: url(img/ach/exittalk.png);border-color: #f52e74;" class="buttonInteractive bg33" data-passage="NHHall"> <a class="link-internal macro-link" data-passage="NHHall" style="position: relative;top: 5px;left: -138px;color: white;" tabindex="0">Leave</a> </div>
<<if $stamina < 0>>
<<set $stamina = 0>>
<<say $Naomi>>Oh yes, I love architecture and everything connected with it. Seeing how a monumental structure emerges from a mountain of stones and planks is breathtaking.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not sure...<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>I think this love is in my blood. My father was a famous architect.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I heard ...<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>It's a pity that he couldn't finish building the mirrored house he dreamed of ...<</say>>
<<addAff $Naomi 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|NaomiTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 5>>
<<goto "MCTiredNaomi">>
<<set _NaomiHugArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _NaomiHugArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Looking at Naomi, I was always amazed at the feeling of warmth that comes from her. If there is a person in the world who can cheer you up with just one smile, then this is undoubtedly she.<</md>>
<<md>>Being around her makes you feel happier than everyone else.<</md>>
<<md>>And that's why I don't like seeing her in such a depressed state as now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Naomi, why are you sad?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl looks at one point and does not even turn her head towards me.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>It's okay, just ...<</say>>
<<md>>Everything is clear to me without words. Something really happened, but she won't tell me. But I know what I will do now.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>What are you doing?<</say>>
<<md>>Even if she doesn't tell anything, even if her big secret is eating her from the inside, nobody canceled the magic power of hugs. I hugged me tightly, trying to convey everything that really worried me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Everything will be fine. <</say>>
<<md>>I felt her smile and reciprocal hugs, although I did not see, as I closed my eyes. This is a great moment. Let there be as many of them as possible!<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Thanks. <</say>>
<<md>>She whispers in my ear and I'm just insanely happy.<</md>>
<<addLust $Naomi 3>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
<<set $NaomiArouse += 2>>\
<<if $NaomiArouse > 60 && $NaomiArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Naomi is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|NaomiTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 12>>
<<goto "MCTiredNaomi">>
<<set _NaomiKissArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _NaomiKissArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>The more time I spend with Naomi, the more I think how wonderful she is. I am drawn to spend as much time with her as possible, to know her completely, to know how she breathes, to understand how she tastes ...<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, no matter how I deceive myself, the truth is simple - Naomi attracts me like no one else. And these lips are so sensual ...<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>$ mc.Name ? Are you okay?<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi leaned over me as I lost myself in thought again. No, you shouldn't keep it to yourself.<</md>>
<<md>>And without further ado, I touch her soft seductive lips with my lips. She closes her eyes and responds with a kiss, wrapping her arms around my neck. From this sensation, it seems to me that the whole world around me has dissolved. I am already completely at the mercy of this feeling, and when our tongues meet at a crazy pace. I have never seen her so beautiful ...<</md>>
<<addLust $Naomi 14>>\
<<set $NaomiArouse += 8>>\
<<set _NaomiKissNegArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _NaomiKissNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Naomi>>I will never do something like this!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Naomi>>Why are you sticking to me? Go harass someone else!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Naomi won't leave any man indifferent. Her expressive lips are just as tempting to taste them. That's why our lips are now touching, feeling the warmth and excitement that connects us. <</md>>
<<md>>Her lips are so warm and tender and at the same time they feel some cold. It's as if the student not only enjoys the process, but at the same time is detached from what is happening. It feels like a whole living statue. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wow!<</say>>
<<md>>A sharp pain covers my lower lip, which is now bleeding. I can feel the taste of iron in my mouth.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You bit me, Naomi! You bit me! Why did you do that?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Because I wanted to? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Naomi! You can't do whatever you want!<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Really? I think that's what you're doing by sticking your tongue in my mouth!<</say>>
<<md>>There's a fire burning in her eyes. But it's not a fire of passion at all. It's a fire of anger and spite. I'd better back off now if I don't want to cause a whole storm...<</md>>
<<addLust $Naomi 5>>\
<<set $NaomiArouse += 4>>\
<<set $McCum += 2>>\
<<text r "-12 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 12>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|NaomiTalkHome]]
<<if $NaomiArouse > 60 && $NaomiArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Naomi is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|NaomiTalkHome]]
<<if $stamina< 10>>
<<goto "MCTiredNaomi">>
<<set _NaomiTouchBreastArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _NaomiTouchBreastArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Only a blind person will not see how sexy this girl is. Yes, Naomi probably drives more than one boy crazy. But I'm not a boy. And yet ... Her body is so attractive. Her breasts ... I can't stop thinking about her. When she speaks, when she breathes, I constantly think about how to touch these soft, attractive shapes.<</md>>
<<md>>How much you want ...<</md>>
<<md>>And suddenly Naomi takes my hand. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Naomi?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl takes a deep breath, from which her gorgeous breasts seduce me even more. I swear, someday I will not stand it and just ...<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>It seems to me that something is wrong with my heart.<</say>>
<<md>>She says it so seriously that I throw all thoughts aside. What if she really got sick? Perhaps she has a hereditary arrhythmia, or worse? Then all this can turn out to be very bad.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What's wrong? Where does it hurt?<</say>>
<<md>>I will have to remember the minimum that I was taught in the first aid courses. Hope this helps.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>It doesn't hurt anywhere. It's just when you're around ... I think it beats too fast.<</say>>
<<md>>Ha ha! That's it. Well, it's still worth playing doctor. And she and I will love it. Knocks, you say ...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Then I must examine it. If this is something serious, it will be necessary to go to the hospital.<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi nods and lifts her blouse without further objection. <</md>>
<<md>>How gorgeous her breasts are. She peeks seductively out from under her bra, as if inviting me. <</md>>
<<md>>They say it is impolite to refuse an invitation.<</md>>
<<md>>I touch my chest with my hands and squeeze it tightly. Naomi responds calmly to my touch and I feel like I finally reach my goal.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Does it hurt? <</say>>
<<md>>My hands touch the area where her nipples are. I massage my breasts more thoroughly and actively.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>No ... No, rather ... Nice. <</say>>
<<md>>I continue to play with her breasts, squeezing gently. Now Naomi is clearly on edge. Her body is tense and trembling. She clearly enjoys it. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Then it's all right. Don't worry so much.<</say>>
<<md>>I stop because I know that I can rip all of her clothes off if I don't tell myself to stop now. She's not ready yet. But it will be very soon, I'm sure.<</md>>
<<addLust $Naomi 3>>
<<set $NaomiArouse += 2>>\
<<set $McCum += 8>>\
<<text r "-10 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 10>><<addmins 10>>\
<<if $NaomiArouse > 60 && $NaomiArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Naomi is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
[[Next action|NaomiTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 14>>
<<goto "MCTiredNaomi">>
<<if $NaomiCum is 100>><<goto "NaomiCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumNaomi">><</if>>\
<<set _NaomiPettingArray = [ 1]>>\
<<switch _NaomiPettingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Naomi>>Would you like to help me?<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi's voice sounds pretty sexy as always. But what's even more sexy is the girl's body in sexy form. I must say that every time I see her in her I want to rip this form off her. Everything about her turns me on, right down to the bulges that touch her bottom.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course.<</say>>
<<md>>I walk up to her, but I notice something special when she bends down. She doesn't seem to be wearing panties.<</md>>
<<md>>I try to grab onto her bottom to help, but instead... <</md>>
<<md>>Naomi is already lying on the carpet, arching her back so that I can feel all the curves of her body. She seems aroused. And when she spreads her legs, I lose my head.<</md>>
<<md>>Madness! Naomi wants me to touch her pussy. This is not the Naomi I know, but I definitely like it a lot.<</md>>
<<md>>Unable to move, I look at her in complete daze. But when Naomi throws her head back, I can see that she is, in fact, aroused. She is so aroused that her swollen breasts are visible through the thin tissue.<</md>>
<<md>>I can feel Naomi arching her back more and more. Oh god, how wonderful it is. I want to taste it. So I touch her pussy with my fingers.<</md>>
<<md>>I can taste the sweet taste of the forbidden fruit, I know it is, but I can't believe her pussy smells like that.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Naomi\Quest\Video\NaomiIntFingering.mp4"></video></div> And the pussy starts to sway, and we take turns losing the ability to resist.<</md>>
<<md>>I touch the pussy and play with the clit. This is the most important part of Naomi. This is her mysterious flower.
Naomi moans loudly as my movements become sharper.<</md>>
<<md>>She twitches all over. When we reach the peak of pleasure, she lets out a shrill cry, then another. I can feel her body in my hands and it's wonderful.<</md>>
<<addLust $Naomi 8>>
<<text r "-14 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 14>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $NaomiCum += 12>>\
<<set $McCum += 12>>\
[[Back|NaomiTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 6>>
<<goto "MCTiredNaomi">>
<<if $NaomiCum is 100>><<goto "NaomiCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumNaomi">><</if>>\
<<set _NaomiBlowjobNegArray = [ 1,2]>>\
<<switch _NaomiBlowjobNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Naomi is a unique girl. The one that you will never meet in ordinary life. I still can't believe how lucky I am.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>You seem a little tense, are you okay? <</say>>
<<md>>And now, she notices even the slightest changes in me and tries to get better. Next to such a girl, you yourself want to become better.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I ...<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi smiles back at me and kneels down. She runs her tongue in the groin area and my tension becomes even greater. The only thing I want is for her to take my cock in her mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>For her tongue to touch me there. When I see what she is about to do, my balls squeeze, and my cock jumps out on its own.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Wow ... It's ... so big ... And handsome ...<</say>>
<<md>>Without further ado, she licks the head of the penis.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Naomi\Quest\Video\NaomiIntBlowjob1.mp4"></video></div> Her hot breath grows stronger and I almost lose control of myself. Hands start to shake. Yes, Naomi is truly unique, even though she herself will never know about it.<</md>>
<<if $NaomiVideo12Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $NaomiVideo12Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>Her head moves in time with my cock and a wave of pleasure runs through my body.<</md>>
<<md>>I feel very horny and I think that finally this beautiful girl will do more for me than just lick my dick ... Naomi is really good. And now I will always think of her in this vein.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, her tongue was skillful and this is the best pleasure in my life!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Naomi is a unique girl. The one that you will never meet in ordinary life. I still can't believe how lucky I am.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>You seem a little tense, are you okay? <</say>>
<<md>>And now, she notices even the slightest changes in me and tries to get better. Next to such a girl, you yourself want to become better.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I ...<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi smiles back at me and kneels down. She runs her tongue in the groin area and my tension becomes even greater. The only thing I want is for her to take my cock in her mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>For her tongue to touch me there. When I see what she is about to do, my balls squeeze, and my cock jumps out on its own.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Wow ... It's ... so big ... And handsome ...<</say>>
<<md>>Without further ado, she licks the head of the penis.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Naomi\Quest\Video\NaomiIntBlowjob2.mp4"></video></div> Her hot breath grows stronger and I almost lose control of myself. Hands start to shake. Yes, Naomi is truly unique, even though she herself will never know about it.<</md>>
<<if $NaomiVideo10Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $NaomiVideo10Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Her head moves in time with my cock and a wave of pleasure runs through my body.<</md>>
<<md>>I feel very horny and I think that finally this beautiful girl will do more for me than just lick my dick ... Naomi is really good. And now I will always think of her in this vein.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, her tongue was skillful and this is the best pleasure in my life!<</md>>
<<addLust $Naomi 12>>
<<set $NaomiCum += 2>>\
<<set $McCum += 22>>\
<<set $stamina -= 6>><<addmins 10>>\
<<if $NaomiCum > 15 && $NaomiArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $NaomiCum > 25 && $NaomiArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $NaomiCum > 50 && $NaomiArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Naomi is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $NaomiCum > 75 && $NaomiArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Naomi is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Back|NaomiTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 12>>
<<goto "MCTiredNaomi">>
<<if $NaomiCum is 100>><<goto "NaomiCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumNaomi">><</if>>\
<<md>>I slowly ran my tongue along the inside of the girl's thigh. An innocent act, but Naomi was already moaning.<</md>>
<<md>>I knew how to put her into a trance and began to gently stroke her body. Soon, the girl relaxed and relaxed herself, her chest under my hand rose and fell smoothly. When I finally got to my target, her body was already trembling.<</md>>
<<md>>The tip of the tongue touched the girl's panties exactly where her pussy was hiding.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Naomi\Quest\Video\NaomiIntCuni.mp4"></video></div> I went to work, and Naomi moaned loudly, loudly. She didn't say anything - she just moaned. I just licked her clitoris. Like a hungry baby, I sucked and played with him, simultaneously playing with her lips.<</md>>
<<md>>The pads of my fingers flew around and dropped slightly on her hips, first to the left, then to the right, and each time I waited for Naomi to stop me. But the girl did not stop - she silently and insatiably watched how I handle her pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>I reveled in her moans and how she reacted to my actions. <</md>>
<<md>>Very soon I realized that I could do everything, that I was able to do as I wanted. Naomi bent under me and tried to move. On an impulse, I gave free rein to my hands. A few movements of my hand, and her whole body tensed.<</md>>
<<md>>And then she moaned so loudly and soulfully that it seemed to me that I would come from this sound myself. <</md>>
<<md>>How pleasant it is to watch this picture!<</md>>
<<addLust $Naomi 15>>
<<set $stamina -= 12>><<addmins 10>>\
<<set $NaomiCum += 16>>\
<<set $McCum += 4>>\
<<if $NaomiCum > 15 && $NaomiArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $NaomiCum > 25 && $NaomiArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $NaomiCum > 50 && $NaomiArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Naomi is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $NaomiCum > 75 && $NaomiArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Naomi is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Next action|NaomiTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 16>>
<<goto "MCTiredNaomi">>
<<if $NaomiCum is 100>><<goto "NaomiCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumNaomi">><</if>>\
<<md>>I run my hand over Naomi's face, and then gently turn her over, allowing her naked sexy body to be under me. My cock touches her pussy quite a bit, but that's enough to make me lose my head. <</md>>
<<md>>I can't do anything about it. Naomi grabs my cock , presses against it and pulls back a little to look me in the eyes. For a few seconds we look at each other in silence, and it seems to me that I am looking into the eyes of the most beautiful person on this planet.<</md>>
<<md>>The member gently enters into her.<</md>>
<<md>>I can hardly contain myself so as not to cum on this treasure.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Naomi\Quest\Video\NaomiIntMissionary.mp4"></video></div> Naomi snuggles closer to me, and I can feel the shocks of my arousal transmitted to her, so that she no longer controls herself.<</md>>
<<if $NaomiVideo11Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $NaomiVideo11Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Naomi moves towards me again, and her lips meet mine. We fall silent. Only my breathing is one of the rare sounds that break the silence. She touches me with her long fingers, rubs and strokes my cock with her pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>I can feel the desire growing inside. I can't bring myself to contain myself. Cumming on Naomi seems to me the most natural thing in my life. A crazy thought comes to my mind - grab her hair and keep moving harder.<</md>>
<<md>>A moan escapes her lips as I enter her completely.<</md>>
<<md>>She closes her eyes, as if enjoying every second that our closeness gives her.<</md>>
<<md>>And I also enjoy this wonderful moment, from which I think I will soon finish...<</md>>
<<addLust $Naomi 20>>
<<set $stamina -= 16>><<addmins 15>>\
<<set $NaomiCum += 22>>\
<<set $McCum += 16>>\
<<if $NaomiCum > 15 && $NaomiArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $NaomiCum > 25 && $NaomiArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $NaomiCum > 50 && $NaomiArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Naomi is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $NaomiCum > 75 && $NaomiArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Naomi is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
[[Back|NaomiTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 18>>
<<goto "MCTiredNaomi">>
<<if $NaomiCum is 100>><<goto "NaomiCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum is 100>><<goto "GGCumNaomi">><</if>>\
<<set _NaomiAnalNegArray = [ 1,2]>>\
<<switch _NaomiAnalNegArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>There is only one thing that seduces me endlessly about Naomi. Her big and sweet ass. These two halves have tempted me very much since the day we met. I roll Naomi onto her back and slap her ass loudly.<</md>>
<<md>>Naomi immediately opens her eyes and starts laughing. We smile at each other. Naomi is very sexy, I think and hit her in the butt again. Naomi closes her eyes. I spank her one last time.<</md>>
<<md>>And then I gently touch the head of a member of her anus. Naomi flinches and squeezes her legs. I press, and Naomi bends a little. I touch harder. Naomi groans softly. And begins to bend. And I already want to enter it completely.<</md>>
<<md>>The member slides inside it until it rests against the edge.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Naomi\Quest\Video\NaomiIntAnal1.mp4"></video></div>
Naomi moans again, which makes my boner even stronger. The walls of her ass squeeze me tighter.<</md>>
<<md>>I start to move faster in it. My penis goes deeper and deeper, finally I feel a burning sensation at the base of my penis and, also starting to moan, I crash into her again.<</md>>
<<md>>Naomi tries to move away. I pull her legs and kiss her neck. It seems to turn her on even more. Naomi squeezes her legs even tighter. I press harder, feeling her body tighten.<</md>>
<<md>>What a great feeling. No wonder she trained so much!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>There is only one thing that seduces me endlessly about Naomi. Her big and sweet ass. These two halves have tempted me very much since the day we met. I roll Naomi onto her back and slap her ass loudly.<</md>>
<<md>>Naomi immediately opens her eyes and starts laughing. We smile at each other. Naomi is very sexy, I think and hit her in the butt again. Naomi closes her eyes. I spank her one last time.<</md>>
<<md>>And then I gently touch the head of a member of her anus. Naomi flinches and squeezes her legs. I press, and Naomi bends a little. I touch harder. Naomi groans softly. And begins to bend. And I already want to enter it completely.<</md>>
<<md>>The member slides inside it until it rests against the edge.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Naomi\Quest\Video\NaomiIntAnal2.mp4"></video></div>
Naomi moans again, which makes my boner even stronger. The walls of her ass squeeze me tighter.<</md>>
<<md>>I start to move faster in it. My penis goes deeper and deeper, finally I feel a burning sensation at the base of my penis and, also starting to moan, I crash into her again.<</md>>
<<md>>Naomi tries to move away. I pull her legs and kiss her neck. It seems to turn her on even more. Naomi squeezes her legs even tighter. I press harder, feeling her body tighten.<</md>>
<<md>>What a great feeling. No wonder she trained so much!<</md>>
<<if $NaomiCum > 15 && $NaomiArouse < 25 >>\
<<text y "She starts to get excited, I need to keep going and show more initiative!">>
<<if $NaomiCum > 25 && $NaomiArouse < 35 >>\
<<text y "She moves her body like that, she likes it as much as I do. This is just the beginning!">>
<<if $NaomiCum > 50 && $NaomiArouse < 65 >>\
<<text y "Naomi is close to cum! How pleasant it is to watch this!">>
<<if $NaomiCum > 75 && $NaomiArouse < 85 >>\
<<text y "Naomi is about to cum. Soon you will know pleasure, baby!">>
<<addLust $Naomi 20>>
<<set $stamina -= 18>><<addmins 20>>\
<<set $NaomiCum += 14>>\
<<set $McCum += 20>>\
[[Back|NaomiTalkHome]]<<say $Naomi>>It's so kind of you,but I can't accept this.<</say>>
[[Next action|NaomiTalkHome]]<<say $Naomi>>There is nothing better in the world than a glass of good whisky. Will you have a drink with me?<</say>>
<<addLust $Naomi 9>>
<<text r "-9 stamina">>\
<<set $stamina -= 9>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $id.whisky -=1>>\
[[Next action|NaomiTalkHome]]
<<md>>I don't think I should do anything now, I'm too exhausted<</md>>
[[Back|NaomiTalkHome]]<<set _NaomiRefuseArray = [ 1, 2,3]>>\
<<switch _NaomiRefuseArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Naomi>>I would love to talk about this topic, but I'm afraid that I don't have enough knowledge.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Naomi>>You have such wonderful questions. It's a pity I don't like them.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Naomi>>Could we find a more interesting topic? After all, we can talk about a thousand and one topics besides this one.<</say>>
<<addAff $Naomi -6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|NaomiTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 5>>
<<goto "MCTiredNaomi">>
<<set _NaomiNastyArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _NaomiNastyArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>A big smile shines on Naomi's face. She's definitely up to something.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>What's the plan for entertainment?<</say>>
<<md>>Why did she say that? Doesn't she know what is coming next?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I do not know, for the entertainment I have only a dick.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl bursts out laughing and looks down there.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Entertainment that I need!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>There are situations where you just can't keep quiet. Even now, as Naomi yawns wide at me, it is not the most pleasant thoughts. Well, there's no need to yawn so sexually. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you, Naomi, know what physiological compatibility is? <</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>When sex is great.<</say>>
<<md>>She says it with so much excitement that you can't help, but admire her honesty.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, I like the way you think. It's not just that, though. What happens to a guy when he wakes up? <</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>He's got a boner?.<</say>>
<<md>>I knew Naomi would solve this little mystery. I mean, it's her type. Her twisted taste.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's true! And when a girl wakes up, she yawns so wide that even the fattest dick will fit into her seemingly small mouth. <</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>I don't think it's a coincidence!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So do I! That's what's called physiological compatibility. I think that's what you and I have!<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi's smiling back. That's when a smile says a lot more than words!<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Today I caught Naomi doing a very amazing thing. Although maybe it's better to call it sexy! The girl is holding a banana that she's not going to clean. And looking at this picture, nothing but dirty thoughts can come to mind. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You look like you are fan of a banana!<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Oh, I do! It's so smooth and resilient! Ha-ha! And it's delicious, of course! I also love banana ice cream. And banana salads. And bananas and bananas and bananas!<</say>>
<<md>>Her sounding laughter is flying all over the apartment. Looks like she's a fan of this fruit. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>And you know that banana is very useful for young girls like you? It reduces the risk of sexual disorder by at least 30%. <</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>That's why I love it so much, it turns out!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, and eating it takes another 10%.<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi makes a loud laugh when she understands what I'm talking about. There's a banana in the air that she threw at me. <</md>>
<<md>>Still, Naomi is a person of many moods.<</md>>
<<if $NaomiArouse > 60 && $NaomiArouse < 80 >>\
<<text y " Naomi is so gentle and passionate at the same time! I think she is ready for more than just hugs and kisses...">>
<<addLust $Naomi 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|NaomiTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 4>>
<<goto "MCTiredNaomi">>
<<set _NaomiSayComplimentArray = [ 1, 2,3]>>\
<<switch _NaomiSayComplimentArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Naomi>>What a hot day today!<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi is wearing a tight T-shirt that highlights every mouth-watering particle of her body. But there are many beads of sweat on her face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes,it is shining especially brightly today. But I think it's much hotter here now.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Really? I'm going to turn on the conditioner now!<</say>>
<<md>>The student is already getting up to go to the console, but I grab her hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I mean that there is something hotter and brighter in this room than the sun - it's you, Naomi.<</say>>
<<md>>And when the compliment is said, I let her go, admiring the confused and at the same time flattered look.<</md>>
<<md>>Here she is the real Naomi, hidden behind all these masks of self-confidence and obscenity.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>Do you know why many people go to the beach?<</say>>
<<md>>My questions sounded so suddenly that the girl even shuddered for a second.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>To enjoy the sea and the sun. Sunbathe, maybe...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, but not only for this. Many people know that a pearl can be found there and everyone wants to touch the beauty.<</say>>
<<md>>Several times I have seen people just walk along the coast and look for shells, hoping to find something very valuable.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>True?<</say>>
<<md>>Naomie doesn't seem to think about this question even once.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. But they don't know that the main pearl of this is not at the seashore, but right here, in front of me!<</say>>
<<md>>I look at her, waiting for her to understand what I mean.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Is it me the pearl? Thank you! This is the most beautiful thing that I have been told in this life. I am a pearl! Ha!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Where has Naomi gone? She left her room and...<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>I'm a little worried before the ball.<</say>>
<<md>>She walked in in a chic dress, which I have never seen before, and I must say in it she looks so beautiful that she already takes my breath away.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>I think this dress makes me a little fat.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, Naomi still doesn't realize how wrong she is. I walked over to her and gently took her hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You in it are even more beautiful than usual, Naomi. I'm sure all the guys at the ball will not take their eyes off you this evening.<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me in surprise, as if I had revealed to her the secret of world domination.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Do you really think so?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course!<</say>>
<<md>>A moment and a smile shines on the girl's face. What else is needed?<</md>>
<<addAff $Naomi 4>>
<<set $stamina -= 4>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|NaomiTalkHome]]<<if $stamina< 9>>
<<goto "MCTiredNaomi">>
<<set _NaomiFlirtArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _NaomiFlirtArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Naomi and I have been spending a lot of time together lately. It might seem like an unnecessary burden to some, but it makes me more comfortable. There's a strong relationship between us. Which means it's time to move a little further in our relationship. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Naomi, your outfit today is amazing. Did you think your teacher was worthy of such a beautiful look? <</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes are mischievously shining. <</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>The teacher is handsome, of course. But my outfit isn't for him.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're dating someone else?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl started spinning a lock of hair playfully.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>How do you know? How do you know...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And who is he? <</say>>
<<md>>The answer to my question was a sounding laugh.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Not he, but she .<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She? Do you like girls? <</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>No, I don't like the other girls. But I do like one of them. She's so adorable and special!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Who is she?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Biology!<</say>>
<<md>>I'd like to be mad at Naomi, but this game is very exciting. And my student in it is one of the most worthy opponents I've ever met in my life.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>While reading the book, I noticed that Naomi was watching me closely and a very interesting plan was born in me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm reading the horoscope here. And I got some very interesting information, but I need your help for it, Naomi. What color lingerie are you wearing?<</say>>
<<md>>In response to my words, the girl smiles broadly.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Don't believe your horoscopes. I don't wear underwear.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then I will have to take care of your health and be sure that you do not catch a cold.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Oh, so you are not only a biology teacher, but also a doctor? I can't wait for your care, Doctor $mc.Name<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Sometimes, looking at my student, I ask myself a very simple question: what she is thinking about. I would like to say that I understand what she is thinking, but that would be a lie.<</md>>
<<md>>Naomi, like a box of surprises, is always capable of surprise. You'd think she'd connect all conversation with sex, when she'd give away something so deep. At times like this, you don't even know how to act. <</md>>
<<md>>But the only thing I want Naomi's thoughts to be right now is me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you thinking about?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>That school isn't the worst place.<</say>>
<<md>>Not something to think about at such an interesting moment. There's a beautiful man like me standing next to her, and she's thinking about school? That's terrible!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's the wrong answer! You have to think about me! <</say>>
<<md>>She smiled, agreeing with my statement.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Well, you're not the worst place either...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You know what else is a good place? It's your bedroom.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>I'm afraid it's closed for sitting there right now!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And if you lie there?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Depending on how hard you swing on it!<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, that's a nice conversation. What's important is that both sides understand where it's going, but they also enjoy the process. I just love it!<</md>>
<<addLust $Naomi 9>>
<<text r "-9 stamina">>\
<<set $stamina -= 9>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Next action|NaomiTalkHome]]<<say $Naomi>>How do you know that I'm interested in this? Was you spying on me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, what are you...<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Right, because this is my job. Before hiring employees, I always do a little check: accounts, how a person knows how to handle money ...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Can the ability to spend money say a lot about a person?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Too much, in fact. The way a person handles money can tell what kind of employee he will be. If, for example, he spends his entire salary on drinks, he certainly won't work for us.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Even if he is the coolest specialist in the world?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Even in this case. He has many psychological problems if he is unable to control his impulses. In addition, our school has an image and we cannot risk it.<</say>>
<<md>>This is not the answer I was hoping for, but it turned out to be closer to reality than I expected.<</md>>
<<addAff $Naomi 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|NaomiTalkHome]]<<say $Naomi>>Sport is my life. How can I be the headmaster of this school, encourage female students to lead a healthy lifestyle, if I myself do not correspond to it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds reasonable. So what sport do you like?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>I like boxing the most.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Boxing? I AM...<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Didn't expect this? I thought I was doing some kind of yoga? Well, I do yoga too. But I've been boxing since childhood. So watch out!<</say>>
<<md>>Haha, it's better not to joke with her.<</md>>
<<addAff $Naomi 6>>
<<text r "-5 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 5>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Next action|NaomiTalkHome]]<<md>>Naomi's body is so sexy that there is simply no way to resist the pleasure that she gives with her body. Knowing that you are so absorbed by a passionate loving nature is already good. She controls herself so well that from the efforts to overcome even the moment of acute pleasure, her head is only unpleasantly dizzy.<</md>>
<<md>>But most of all I like her juicy pussy. Naomi's thin fingers are sometimes tender, sometimes impatient, or even merciless - as the writers say, no courtesan can dream of such a state.<</md>>
<<md>>She's the best I've had. <</md>>
<<md>>As her pussy squeezes my cock deeper and deeper, engulfing my entire cock, a blinding wave of happiness mixed with fury hits me. Her frenzied enthusiasm is like a drug, as soon as you get into it, and I myself am drawn into the energy of pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>She is my drug and I get my buzz inside. <</md>>
<<md>>From this bliss, my penis throbs strongly, and then explodes with a fountain of pleasure. <</md>>
<<addLust $Naomi 33>>
<<addAff $Naomi 33>>
<<set $NaomiCum = 0>>\
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
<<set $GirlCum += 1>>\
[[Stand up|NaomiTalkHome]]<<md>>I'm feeling it. My cock throbs with joy with every movement of Naomi. Another minute and I'll finish. Her body is too good, I can't resist this wave of pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>She's so damn good that my body jerks back with every move.<</md>>
<<md>>Naomi's hand is in the air, fingers unclenched and caressing her crotch, causing me to think similarly. I'm on the verge of orgasm. This should happen, this is how a man should finish, cumming on the lips of his beloved woman.<</md>>
<<md>>But this body of hers, as before, causes such delight in me that I feel uneasy. I never liked making love for a long time. I'm too horny. Too tense.<</md>>
<<md>>And at this moment I still enjoy it.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Naomi\Quest\Video\NaomiIntGGCum.mp4"></video></div> It is so great that I cannot contain the flow of its power. And it flows away, leaving me completely devastated, but happy.<</md>>
<<md>>Yes Yes Yes! <</md>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>><<addmins 5>>\
[[Stand up|NaomiTalkHome]]Tip: \
<<if $CamillaQuest1T == 1>>\
Camilla is so cute. Maybe it worth to ask her out a little? Between 3 and 4 p.m. will be perfect.
<<elseif $CamillaQuest1T == 2>>\
I should meet Camilla at the park at Saturday.(10 - 12 a.m.)
<<elseif $CamillaQuest2T == 1>>\
I like spending time time with Camilla. Should I visit her store again? Maybe at Thursday after 3 p.m.?
<<elseif $CamillaQuest3T == 1>>\
We will meet again, I'm sure. Street Raw-Road is full of miracles after 4 p.m.
<<elseif $CamillaQuest3T == 2>>\
I need to meet Camilla at the park at weekends.
<<elseif $CamillaQuest3T == 3>>\
After what I saw in the photo, my desire to meet Camilla grew many times over. I have to see her in the park this weekend (after 10 a.m.)
<<elseif $CamillaQuest3T == 4>>\
Sports lessons with Camilla went extremely well. But if I want to do something more with her than sports, I need to ask her out. (after 3 p.m.)
<<elseif $CamillaQuest3T == 5>>\
Camilla was busy last time. Need to check her again another day.
<<elseif $CamillaQuest3T == 6 && $CamillaQuest5 == 7>>\
Wow that dream was so intense. Need to think about Camilla in the evening in my room.
<<elseif $CamillaQuest3T == 6>>\
That date was great. Need to sleep after it.
<<elseif $CamillaQuest3T == 7>>\
I need to invite Camilla to the cinema. This will lead me closer to my goal. And her body. 3 p.m in the shop at Thursday will be awesome.
<<elseif $CamillaQuest3T == 8>>\
Camilla and I are going to the cinema on Friday. I have to pick her up at about 4 p.m.
<<elseif $CamillaQuest3T == 9>>\
I was so close to owning Camilla. I have to think of a way to make sure that no one interferes with us.
<<elseif $CamillaQuest3T == 10>>\
So the plan is simple. I just need to invite Camilla for a hike.
<<elseif $CamillaQuest3T == 11>>\
Hiking is on it's way! I should be at Saturday at 8 a.m. at Street Raw-Road.
<<elseif $CamillaQuest3T == 20>>\
The date was ruined. I think I should call Camilla in a few days.
<<elseif $CamillaQuest3T == 21>>\
Camilla's nighttime call worried me a lot. I need to go to her work ASAP
<<elseif $CamillaQuest3T == 22>>\
I agreed to see what was wrong with Camilla's phone. Maybe I could help her. The best place to do it is in my room, where no one will disturb me.
<<elseif $CamillaQuest3T == 23>>\
It seems that Camilla's phone is not that easy to repair. You have to be smart enough to handle it. Or you have to know the right people.
<<elseif $CamillaQuest3T == 24>>\
I put a radio bug in Camilla's phone. It is time to see what surprises she is hiding from me.
<<elseif $CamillaQuest3T == 25>>\
I fixed Camila's phone. It's time to give it back.
<<elseif $CamillaQuest3T == 241>>\
It's time to see what Camila is hiding. Better in the evening, when no one will disturb me.
You have reached the end of this line (for now).
<</if>>\Tip: \
<<if $LindaQuest1T == 1>>\
Linda is staying at school after lessons. Maybe I should check it?
<<elseif $LindaQuest1T == 2>>\
I should check if Linda alright. Better to visit gym at weekends in the morning. (at 10 a.m.)
<<elseif $LindaQuest2T == 1>>\
I should visit gym at weekends in the morning (10 a.m) once more. Maybe that guy will appear?
<<elseif $LindaQuest2T == 2>>\
I need to find out truth. Third time can be lucky. Better to visit gym in the morning once more.
<<elseif $LindaQuest3T == 1>>\
My face is still hurting from that punch. But we agreed to meet in a cafe on Wednesday at 6 p.m.
<<elseif $LindaQuest3T == 1.5>>\
I learned a lot about Linda. I need to think about it at home.
<<elseif $LindaQuest3T == 2>>\
Wow, this dream was so exciting. Need to think about Linda in my room.
<<elseif $LindaQuest3T == 3>>\
Better to check Linda at the school in the morning.
<<elseif $LindaQuest3T == 4>>\
Need to talk with Linda about Anna’s visit.
<<elseif $LindaQuest3T == 5>>\
Need to pick dress for Linda’s asap.
<<elseif $LindaQuest3T == 6>>\
Last time Linda looks upset. I should check her in the morning.
<<elseif $LindaQuest3T == 7>>\
The situation with Anna was a bit strange. I have to think about that and about Linda in my room.
<<elseif $LindaQuest3T == 8>>\
I have to ask Linda out on a date. It's best to do it after school, when there's not all the fuss.
<<elseif $LindaQuest3T == 81>>\
I lied to Linda. No big deal, her photos are worth it.I have to check her laptop in my room.
<<elseif $LindaQuest3T == 82>>\
I got what I wanted. And some new questions too. I should return the laptop to Linda and maybe I can find out more.
<<elseif $LindaQuest3T == 83>>\
I shouldn't push my luck and wait until Linda needs something first.
<<elseif $LindaQuest3T == 84>>\
Running with Linda on Thursday? Better not be late. Starting at 4 p.m.
<<elseif $LindaQuest3T == 9>>\
Last time I failed to ask Linda out on a date. Maybe this time I'll be more successful after school?
<<elseif $LindaQuest3T == 10>>\
Linda needs to relax a bit and the beach will be the perfect place for that. It is worth coming there after 3 p.m.
<<elseif $LindaQuest3T == 11>>\
I think Linda was a little scared of that man on the beach. Maybe I should talk to her about it in the morning?
You've reached the end of this questline (for now).
<</if>>\<<set _JohanPhotoSearchLocation = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>\
<<switch _JohanPhotoSearchLocation.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchLocation = 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchLocation = 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchLocation = 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchLocation = 4>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchLocation = 5>>\
<</switch>>\<<set $LexiPhoto = 1>>\
<<set $PhotosSearchLocation = 3>>\
[[JohanPhotoSearchMapGeneral]]<div class="sexvideo">
<video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Camilla\Quest\Video\CamillaReplace2.mp4"></video>
<video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Camilla\Quest\Video\CamillaReplace2.mp4"></video>
</div><<md>>The situation with Linda is very complicated. I'd hate to break off our communication, but something tells me that if I don't solve something with her ex-girlfriend, nothing good will come of it. And it's not just that her ex-girlfriend is a freak, ready to kill me for touching Linda..<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Steaky blow...<</say>>
<<md>>My shoulder still hurt a little in the place where the madwoman had jumped me. There was so much rage and hatred in her eyes at the same time. .<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I can't leave it like that.<</say>>
<<md>>It's not better for me or Linda if it stays like this. This weight of the past will weigh on us until we can solve this problem once and for all. We'll have to talk to Linda about our options..<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The best thing would be to come as early as possible...For now...For now I have to sleep...<</say>>
<<md>>I fell asleep too quickly..<</md>>
<<set $LindaQuest3 = 3>>\
<<set $LindaQuest4 = 1>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3T = 3>>\
[[Sleep|Sleep1]]<<md>>Today I arrive at school as early as possible. With a lot of internal energy and an irrepressible desire to solve everything as quickly as possible, I fly into the school as if on wings. It's early enough now that the school isn't overcrowded, which means that Linda and I will have some time to discuss our problem. .<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What...<</say>>
<<md>>But instead all I see is an empty seat where Linda should be sitting. Did I come too soon?.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, let's wait. <</say>>
<<md>>But even the wait is not crowned with success. The school slowly begins to fill with female students and the moment seems completely lost..<</md>>
<<md>>Time to go to class...<</md>>
[[To the class|LindaQuest 4.3]]
<<set $LindaQuest4 = 2>>\ <<md>>When I enter the classroom, I immediately notice something wrong. And it's not even that there's hardly anyone in the classroom. No, it's that I see someone at my desk who I would never want to see here..<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Anna? <</say>>
<<md>>Just looking at her brought back memories of the beast from the gym. That bossy, aggressive woman who was ready to wipe me out. But now... she's different. And that scares me even more.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I don't know what you're up to, but you don't belong here..<</say>>
<<md>>She silently continues reading the book and hardly reacts to me..<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Anna, what are you doing here?<</say>>
<<md>>She slowly lifts her head and looks at me as if it were not her who had taken my place, but me who had taken hers. That look makes my blood run cold. The woman stands up almost imposingly and leans on the table..<</md>>
<<say $Anna>>You think you're better than me? You think you can take her away from me?<</say>>
<<md>>There's the denouement. However, as if I could expect her to come here just to chat..<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Linda made her own decision, and I had nothing to do with it. Blame yourself, not me. <</say>>
<<say $Anna>>Leave her alone...You've got a whole school of naive and silly dolls, keep messing with their heads, not Linda's. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I didn't...<</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly her eyes flashed with anger..<</md>>
<<say $Anna>>Stop lying! You want to fuck her. All you men want is one thing. You want to stick your dick in the nearest pussy and inseminate her. You don't care what kind of woman it is or if it hurts when you go on. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>What are you up to? <</say>>
<<say $Anna>>I'll give you what you want! You want to fuck someone? Please. Fuck me and leave Linda alone. <</say>>
<<md>>She pulled her sweater off, almost animal-like, and pulled down her bra. What breasts...I thought Linda had big ones, but here....<</md>>
<<say $Anna>>So what do you say, stud? Will you climb me? Mommy will show you what a real horse race means!<</say>>
<<md>>Just the sight of those juicy, huge tits made me want to rip through the fabric of my pants. But am I ready to do this to Linda?.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>I say she never...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>It can't be!<</say>>
<<md>>A girl's voice interrupted my musings. Veronica and Lexi were approaching the classroom. Not a good time to be here! I rushed to the door and snapped it shut in an instant..<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>It looks like the door is closed... I thought I heard voices. Is someone there?<</say>>
<<md>>What a horror! If any student sees me in this position..<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, just a second, I think the door is jammed. <</say>>
<<md>>I ran up to Anna..<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Dress faster! Hurry up!<</say>>
<<md>>The woman was clearly not happy with this state of affairs, but it seems she had little choice, so she had to submit..<</md>>
<<say $Anna>>We're not done yet. <</say>>
<<md>>She said this to me as she left the room. Every now and then I caught surprised glances from the students. Some laughed, some whispered, and I had no choice but to say....<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, shall we start the lesson?<</say>>
<<set $LindaQuest4 = 3>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3T = 4>>\
[[To the class|Basic work]]<<md>>After what happened in my office, I need to talk to Linda even more. Hopefully, she's already there and we can discuss everything about Anna in peace..<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Linda, I would like to...<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Golden! Hurry! Help me! <</say>>
<<md>>Linda is almost crying, so I go over to her..<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What happened? Is that Anna?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Anna? What? No, it's coffee. It spilled on my dress. Look at that big stain. How am I supposed to walk home in such a dress?<</say>>
<<md>>You can go without it, I don't think many people will mind. And I wouldn't mind seeing all of you, not just in my dreams..<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't you have a spare? <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>No, that's the trouble. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe I should ask Clara. <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>It's too late, and we don't have the same size. Maybe you could go to a clothing store and buy me some kind of dress. Here are my sizes.<</say>>
<<md>>She hands me a sheet of paper on which the parameters I need are written. Great, after I complete the task..<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, don't worry, I'll be back soon. <</say>>
<<set $LindaQuest4 = 4>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3T = 5>>\
[[To the shop|LindaQuest 4.5]]
<<if $Camilla.Meet == 0>>\
<<md>>Here I am. The drive here was surprisingly quick. Before I'd thought it would take at least 20 minutes to get here, but now everything was right in my favor.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Hello there, can I help you with something?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hi, I need some help. My colleague had an unfortunate accident and spilled coffee all over her dress.<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Oh, that's terrible. Do you know her sizes so I can help you find a replacement?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I have them right here.<</say>>
<<md>>I hand Camilla a piece of paper with Linda's sizes written on it. The girl takes a moment to study it before walking around the store to find suitable options.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>I found two dresses that could work in this size: a black one and a blue one. The blue one is actually a skirt and blouse combo, not a one-piece dress. Which one would you like to go with?<</say>>
[[Blue skirt and blouse|LindaQuest 4.6][$LindaDress = 1]]
[[Black dress|LindaQuest 4.6][$LindaDress = 2]]
<<md>>Here I am. The drive here was surprisingly quick. Before I'd thought it would take at least 20 minutes to get here, but now everything was right in my favor..<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Oh, $mc.Name, hi. Can I help you? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hello, Camilla. My colleague had an unpleasant embarrassment and the coffee ruined her dress. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Well, if you know her sizes...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, here they are...<</say>>
<<md>>I hand Camilla a piece of paper with Linda written on it. The girl stares for a while and walks around the clothes..<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>That's the only two dresses we have in this size: the big black one and the blue one. But the blue one isn't one-piece, it's more like a skirt and a blouse. Which one do you want? <</say>>
[[Blue skirt and blouse|LindaQuest 4.6][$LindaDress = 1]]
[[Black dress|LindaQuest 4.6][$LindaDress = 2]]
<</if>>\<<md>>I think this outfit suits Linda better than the others. It will accentuate the beauty of her gorgeous breasts and mark the lines of her beautiful waist. .<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, you really helped me out. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Come again. <</say>>
<<md>>I waved to Camilla and headed back to Linda. I hope I wasn't too late..<</md>>
[[To the school|LindaQuest 4.7]]<<say $Linda>>$mc.Name! Finally! <</say>>
<<md>>As soon as I crossed the threshold, a woman tried to rush toward me, but then sat back down, like a student in trouble. Apparently, she remembered that she had a stain on her dress, so she decided not to risk it. I was in the middle of the night, and I was in the middle of the night. .<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's me. Did you miss me already? <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Golden, I hope you have my outfit in that bag? <</say>>
<<md>>I walk up to the counter with a big smile on my face. .<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Linda. The cavalry has arrived. There's your outfit. <</say>>
<<md>>The woman picks up the package with trembling hands. Her hands are shaking, and she looks as if she has almost been hit by a truck..<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>You seem to know a lot about pretty things. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not just in things. <</say>>
<<md>>I whisper it in her ear, which makes Linda shudder, but she has a slight smile on her face. That's what I wanted. A little happiness on that grief-stricken face..<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Golden, you saved me, thank you. And now I'm going to go change. I'll see you here tomorrow. <</say>>
<<md>>With these words, she goes upstairs. Well, I've done all I can do. Now all that's left is to go home..<</md>>
<<say $mc>>See you later, Linda. <</say>>
<<md>>I watch her heading upward. What a gorgeous view... I hate to say goodbye to it. But still, I have to....<</md>>
[[Go home|LindaQuest 4.8]]
[[Peek at her|LindaQuest 4.9]]<<say $mc>>I've had enough adventures for today...<</say>>
<<md>>I did everything I could here. I helped a woman stay out of trouble. I don't expect to do more than that. It's time to go home..<</md>>
<<set $LindaQuest4 = 5>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3T = 6>>\
[[Leave|School gate]]<<md>>Yes, I think I should keep an eye on her. In case something happens to her....<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well...<</say>>
<<md>>Good excuse, I tell her, when she catches me watching her change. I wait until she walks a bit, and then I follow her. After which I notice the door ajar..<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's where you are...<</say>>
<<md>>I whisper these words, afraid that she will hear me, and then I follow her footsteps. I sneak like a thief to the door that opens to me the world of beauty....<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Linda, softly, gracefully, like a cat, removes her clothes and throws them on the floor..<</md>>
<<md>>I see her luxurious body, which, as from a dream, is even more visible than before. Her divine beauty is like a wax candle in a golden ball.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Linda\Quest\Video\LindaDress1.mp4"></video></div> I could watch her movements for hours. All of Linda's movements cause hundreds of little particles of electricity in my body. This kind of movement has always excited me..<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh...<</say>>
<<md>>It's like she knows I'm here and shows off all her most beautiful body parts on purpose.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Linda\Quest\Video\LindaDress2.mp4"></video></div> Linda isn't doing much, but it's her absolute beauty and perfection. Everything about her is so harmonious and beautiful. She's like one of those heavenly maidens that the ancient folio sings about...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mmm...<</say>>
<<md>>She begins to play with her breasts, curves her body and lets me enjoy the spectacle. Her body is filled with incredible beauty and inner strength. She is like fire incarnate. She is insanely beautiful. Never before have I met such women..<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, she's starting to get dressed...<</say>>
<<md>>I think I'd better get out of here quick before she sees me..<</md>>
<<set $LindaQuest4 = 6>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3T = 6>>\
[[Leave|School gate]]<<md>>Hmm...Linda doesn't seem to be there. Second morning in a row. That's suspicious. Well, there's nothing to stand around for, I've got work to do..<</md>>
<<set $LindaQuest4 = 7>>\
<<set $LindaQuest5 = 1>>\
[[To the class|LindaQuest 5.2]]<<say $mc>>Linda? <</say>>
<<md>>I walk into the classroom and the first thing I notice is my acquaintance. She smiles at me modestly and looks down at the floor. She's wearing the dress I already know.<</md>>
<<if $LindaDress == 1>>\
<<if $LindaImage20Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LindaImage20Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<elseif $LindaDress == 2>>\
<<if $LindaImage21Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LindaImage21Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $Linda>>Hello, golden. I'm sorry it's so early. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nothing, I'm always glad to see you, Linda. <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>I wanted you to see how great I look in this dress. <</say>>
<<md>>She really did look great in it. It accentuated her thin waist, delicate belly, and divine breasts. This dress was quite to my taste-they were a little wider at the hips and a lot looser at the neck, and it created the right image..<</md>>
<<if $LindaDress == 2>>\
<<if $LindaImage11Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LindaImage11Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Linda>>How much do I owe you? <</say>>
<<md>>All of yourself, throw off that dress....<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Not at all. You've already repaid it with such a lovely view. <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Well, then I'll think of something very special for you. Later. <</say>>
<<md>>With a smile, she left my office, leaving me with the most naughty thoughts..<</md>>
<<set $LindaQuest5 = 2>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3T = 7>>\
[[Time to work|Basic work]]<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<md>>After what I saw, a date with Camilla was just a matter of time. I couldn't forget her smile, the way she looked at me the last time we played sports. I couldn't forget the picture of her in her school uniform...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What a beautiful thing you are...<</say>>
<<md>>I took another look at the photo on my phone and smiled as I examined every detail of her body. You can't be that beautiful. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>$mc.Name, there you are! I'm already breaking a little sweat. <</say>>
<<md>>Oooh, you're going to be very wet today, baby. And not just from working out! <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello, Camilla. I see you're ready. <</say>>
<<md>>Almost all I could think about all week was when the weekend would come and we could finally pick up where we left off. And now here I am, looking at her, and the girl is smiling back at me. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Yes, I am! Are you ready to give it your all and not give in to me?<</say>>
<<md>>Camilla smiled, and then I had no choice but to respond in kind. My gaze fell instantly on her gorgeous breasts, which protruded from her very seductive top. I didn't want her to see my admiration poking out of my pants.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Certainly. This time, don't even think you're going to win. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Do you think you can beat me? Then catch up! <</say>>
<<md>>Camilla laughed and rushed off.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, that's against the rules! <</say>>
<<md>>But the girl was already rushing forward, and I had no choice but to chase after her. I must say that her beautiful view, her sexy ass, was always distracting me. I can't get enough of that view. The temptation is so great. I just want to look at that ass, touch it, squeeze it... Damn, my dick is ready to dig into that asshole.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Ha-ha-ha. You're giving in again? <</say>>
<<md>>I think she noticed. Well, she's right, I promised she wouldn't, but the view is so beautiful that I don't even know...<</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest4 = 3>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest5 = 1>>\
[[Look at her butt|CamillaQuest 6.2]]
[[Run|CamillaQuest 6.3]]
<<md>>No, I don't have the strength to resist such a great temptation. These two rounded halves shake so seductively that it would be simply sinful to leave myself without such a beautiful view...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah...Your ass...<</say>>
<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<md>>Camilla stopped and smiled. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>What did you say? <</say>>
<<md>>Shit, did I say that out loud? Goddamn it! I wish I'd told her I wanted to get into her panties. Oh, the thought of her pussy made my cock tense even more. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I say your speed is too fast! I can't keep up with you. <</say>>
<<md>>Camilla smiled softly. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Even now you're still a gentleman. Come on, let's go for another run. <</say>>
<<md>>Phew, she seemed to have missed my point about her gorgeous ass. We continued to run and I enjoyed the view for a while longer.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It was a tough run...<</say>>
<<md>>Camilla laughed and punched me lightly in the shoulder. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>You didn't even try! <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're too difficult an opponent...<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Do you mean crafty? <</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly, Camilla was too close to me. I felt her breath on my face, and I couldn't resist the uncontrollable urge. I was magnetically drawn to her, to her seductive lips. As soon as I touched her warm lips, it was like I was struck by lightning. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ca...<</say>>
<<md>>My heart raced and my breath caught. That kiss was filled with warmth and tenderness. A warmth that I wanted to keep for as long as possible and not let go. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mi...<</say>>
<<md>>Her lips tasted so good, like cake or cookies. Their sweetness and fragrance thrilled me and urged me to go on and gently touch the girl's tongue with my tongue once more, stroking gently inside.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lla...<</say>>
<<md>>In fact, I wanted to sink my lips into her mouth right now and never let go, but common sense forced me to take a breath of air.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>How was it? Is that what you wanted?<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled and took her hand and stroked it. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah...I knew today was going to be a great day. <</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly Camila leans over and whispers in my ear. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>I'll bite your tongue off if you give in again. <</say>>
<<md>>Ha ha, that girl is something! <</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest5 = 3>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 4>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Back|Park]]<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<md>>She wants me to act at my best-I won't disappoint her. It's time to make her run as fast as possible. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, don't even get your hopes up. <</say>>
<<md>>In an instant, I was level with the girl, and I saw her snide smile. She didn't stop running, but a doubt crept into my mind. What if I was doing something wrong? Maybe she was just waiting for this. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>You're finally playing at your best! <</say>>
<<md>>She suddenly, as if without any effort, sprang forward and ran down the path. Where did she get all that nerve?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I just started! <</say>>
<<md>>My heart started pounding harder, my breathing became heavier, but I caught up with her and kept up with her again, and finally even overtook her. Surprisingly, I thought she was a very weak girl. But she is so tough. So it would be fun in bed with her, hehe. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>What a workout! <</say>>
<<md>>When we got to the familiar lawn, Camila stopped. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Yes, it was hot! <</say>>
<<md>>I was already dripping with sweat, but even so, I was very satisfied. It brought me unprecedented joy. It was like when you're a kid and you're racing with your friends to the first store or to your house. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's very hot. <</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly, Camila began to pull off her top, leaving me in just her bra, finally a fitting reward for my efforts. <</md>>
<<if $CamillaImage5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $CamillaImage5Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $Camilla>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I began to examine her breasts, no, I stared at her happily. She was just amazing. I could see every nipple she had that was almost jumping out of her bra. Somehow I had little doubt that I would soon be able to touch her breasts without the ridiculous, albeit beautiful, fabric.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>What? <</say>>
<<md>>Camilla smiled and ran her hand across her chest, as if calling out to me. I wanted to touch her breasts like crazy, but I held back, knowing that it would shock the girl. And there were still a lot of people around. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>I like doing things with you...<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Doing what? <</say>>
<<md>>So it's not an accident. Despite her apparent modesty, Camilla knows exactly what she is doing. She seduces me with words, with half a hint...<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Something sporty... <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, sports is my life.<</say>>
<<md>>We sat like this for a while longer. In my imagination I was already undressing the girl, and she was telling me that sports were her salvation from all the burdens of this world. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are we going to leave? <</say>>
<<md>>Camilla smiled and stood up. I was already a little upset that her beautiful breasts would be hidden from me forever. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Why are you looking at me like that? <</say>>
<<md>>The girl smiled as we walked down the street. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's just that I thought you'd be dressed.<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Do you want me to get dressed? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, I don't mind seeing any way. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Even without your clothes? <</say>>
<<md>>Camilla laughed after her question, but I knew there was more behind that laugh. She was checking to see how much I liked her and my reaction. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Only if you're ready for it. <</say>>
<<md>>Even despite the attraction between us, she is one of those modest girls for whom manners are important.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>That's how...<</say>>
<<md>>There was an uncomfortable pause between us for a while, and I knew I had to get the girl to talk. She took a step toward me, and it was time for me to do the same. So when we were on the bridge, I continued the conversation. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Doesn't it bother you that people might be looking at you? <</say>>
<<if $CamillaImage6Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $CamillaImage6Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Camilla>>Why should that bother me? I'm not completely unclothed. I don't think when people are at the beach, nobody judges them for wearing a bikini, do they? <</say>>
<<md>>Hmm, she's right about something...<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Besides, I like my body and if I don't have to walk down the street completely naked, there's nothing wrong with that. <</say>>
<<md>>Yes, she's not a stupid girl. I'd like to see her completely naked, though... But don't get too ahead of yourself. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Thank you for spending time with me. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>See you soon, Camilla. <</say>>
<<set $CamillaQuest5 = 2>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 4>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Back|Park]]<<md>>How beautiful she is...Every time I am here, I feel a strange sense of peace and awe. The way she easily finds common ground with each of her clients cannot help but delight me. She and I are very similar in some ways, only I talk to the girls at school and she does here at the store. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Sorry you had to wait. The woman couldn't figure out whether she wanted a velvet blouse or a stretch blouse...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't apologize, it's your job. <</say>>
<<md>>The girl kissed me softly on the lips. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>You're a miracle. How lucky I am that you are so understanding...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, appreciate me before someone else steals it! <</say>>
<<md>>Camilla smiled and winked at me. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Let them try, they will meet my wrath. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>What are they waiting for, I wonder. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>You don't want to know. How was your day today? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's pretty much the same as usual, nothing special. How about you? <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>The most ordinary and boring day in the world. Even watching soap operas on my smartphone didn't help. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know what will save you! Nice walk on the beach! <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Oh, honey, I'd love to, but I'm too tired today. I need to rest and gain strength to be beautiful for you. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're beautiful to me anyway. <</say>>
<<md>>I touched my lips to Camilla's. She put her arms around my neck. For a second, our lips joined in a long kiss. Her body tensed with desire. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mmm...<</say>>
<<md>>I wanted to grab her, to run my hands under her clothes, but now was not a good time. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Then I'll come back soon and we'll go, okay? <</say>>
<<md>>She reluctantly let go of me. I didn't want to break our kiss either, but my desire was growing with every second. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Yes, I will. I'm sorry I couldn't make it today. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry. <</say>>
<<set $CamillaQuest5 = 4>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 5>>\
[[Leave|Imagination Reflection]]<<md>>As a good friend of mine used to say, if it didn't work the first time, it will work the second time. Although it wasn't about dating, it was about getting an erection... Anyway, never mind! <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, are you ready? <</say>>
<<md>>Camilla looks even more beautiful today than before. She is wearing such a great dress that accentuates her figure so perfectly. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Yes, I'll be right there, just finishing up. <</say>>
<<md>>We didn't have to wait too long for her to finish, and very quickly we were outside. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Where are we going today? To the park again? <</say>>
<<md>>Her smile made me feel warm at heart. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, we have a slightly different route today. <</say>>
<<md>>I had no desire to go back to the park again. Especially since at least two dates had already taken place there. One more date there, and Camilla would think I was a maniac looking for victims in the park.<</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest5 = 5>>\
<<if $mc.Boldness > 6>>\
[[Visit ice-cream store|CamillaQuest 7.3]]
[[Go to the beach|CamillaQuest 7.5]]<<say $mc>>Let's go, I know a great store. <</say>>
<<md>>Remembering how greedily the girl ate ice cream the last time we met, I knew for sure we'd stop by. You can't love ice cream and not visit Cold Edge.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's one of my favorite stores. After yours, of course. <</say>>
<<md>>Camilla laughed out loud.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Is that so?! Competition! <</say>>
<<say $mc>>What are you talking, no competition. You're the one and only. But the ice cream here is excellent.<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Well, then you're in for a treat! <</say>>
<<md>>Of course I did. I didn't take it any other way. So, very quickly I had ice cream in my hands, which we happily ate. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>It's so good! Thank you! <</say>>
<<if $CamillaImage13Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $CamillaImage13Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Yes, looking at that smile, I realize how lucky I am. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're welcome, I hope we'll come back here again. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Yes, the ice cream here is great. <</say>>
<<md>>Camilla laughed out loud. This time she seemed happy. I wanted to kiss her.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>But I'm still hot...<</say>>
[[Cool her a little|CamillaQuest 7.4]]<<say $mc>>I think you need to cool down a little bit! <</say>>
<<md>>I pull up the edge of the girl's dress in an instant. I'm sure she won't mind showing me her form. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Hey! <</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me, blushed at first, embarrassed, and... she smiled happily. <</md>>
<<if $CamillaImage14Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $CamillaImage14Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Camilla>>I knew you didn't just give in! You looked at her like that. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can't blame me for that. She's too tempting. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>That's it, you've admired it and that's it. Think of it as gratitude for the ice cream.<</say>>
<<md>>Camilla lowers her dress and takes my hand just as I already want to touch her luscious two halves. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>How much ice cream do I need to buy for you to show me the rest? <</say>>
<<md>>Camilla laughs and we continue our walk along the beach. We enjoy each other's company. <</md>>
<<md>>And it's the happiest thing I've ever experienced in my life. I've never been so happy about other people. And I don't regret it at all that it happened. I'm sure Camilla is happy with me, too.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Thank you for tonight. <</say>>
<<md>>I kiss Camilla gently on the lips as I say goodbye, and it warms my whole body. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you. <</say>>
<<md>>We stand for a while longer, just hugging, and it's the best I've felt in a while.<</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest5 = 6>>\
[[Back|Street York-Road]] <<md>>We're going to the beach. I think it would be a good substitute for our dates in the park.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>It's very hot today, don't you think? <</say>>
<<md>>We take a leisurely stroll along the beach. The best moment of the day. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Look, there's a drinking fountain over there. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Me first! <</say>>
<<md>>The girl rushed forward to the fountain and began to drink greedily. I watched her and the huge notch on her chest. I can almost see her nipples. It's a nice sight. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're so greedy. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>I love liquid. <</say>>
<<md>>Liquid? Did she say liquid? My cock instantly reacted, imagining me drinking her with my milkshake...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's an interesting fact...<</say>>
<<md>>Camilla laughs and we continue our walk along the beach. We enjoy each other's company. <</md>>
<<md>>And it's the happiest thing I've ever experienced in my life. I've never been so happy about other people. And I don't regret it at all that it happened. I'm sure Camilla is happy with me, too.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Thank you for tonight. <</say>>
<<md>>I kiss Camilla gently on the lips as I say goodbye, and it warms my whole body. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you. <</say>>
<<md>>We stand for a while longer, just hugging, and it's the best I've felt in a while.<</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest5 = 6>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 6>>\
[[Back|Street York-Road]]<<md>>Linda seems a little upset lately. All these events with Anna, and the whole dress situation...Even though Linda is trying to look happy, I know that it's not as easy as it might seem at first glance. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You deserve something more...<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, of course, she should be happier than she is now. So I have to entertain her a little. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, big and hard...<</say>>
<<md>>No, I shouldn't think about how hot Linda is. She's certainly very sexy, but right now I have to think about her inner state...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, when I'm inside you, baby...<</say>>
<<md>>Unable to resist these thoughts, I pull out my cock. It's already very hot and hard just thinking about the secretary's body. She deserves to have my cock completely inside her...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it, baby... Do you like it?<</say>>
<<md>>I keep massaging my cock up and down. A picture appears in my head, as if it were real. My dick is gradually filling up with blood. The excitement of the naked woman is already clearly visible to me... <</md>>
<<if $LindaImage4Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LindaImage4Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Do you want him? He's all yours...<</say>>
<<md>>Linda's eyes look straight at me. She wants me to come inside her, too. I slowly squeeze her ass with my hands, and at that moment...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<if $LindaImage5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LindaImage5Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>The fountain of pleasure pours right on her face. Yes, the sperm on her looks just sexy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ah...<</say>>
<<md>>This is so good! All that's left to do is clean this place up...And then I can take Linda on a date tomorrow. Yes, I could make all my dreams come true there. And try to figure out about her inner state, of course. <</md>>
<<set $LindaQuest5 = 3>>\
<<set $LindaQuest6 = 1>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3T = 8>>\
[[Yeah|My room]]<<md>>Now is the time to ask Linda out on a real date. She should take her mind off all these problems. Nothing can...<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>No! No! No! <</say>>
<<md>>I guess I got excited too soon. Linda sat staring at her laptop, tears almost flowing from her eyes. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Linda, what happened?<</say>>
<<md>>She looked up at me. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Golden...This stupid laptop...I can't get in...It requires some kind of password...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm, probably the one you enter all the time? <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>But I never entered a password. Clara knows I'm not good at remembering passwords, so she took it off. <</say>>
<<md>>Now that's strange. If no one set the password, then there is only one possibility where it came from. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you mind if I take a look? <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Yes, of course. I'm sorry you have to deal with gadget again...<</say>>
<<md>>Well, it seems to be becoming a habit with me, so it's no big deal.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry about it.<</say>>
<<set $LindaQuest6 = 2>>\
[[Take a look|LindaQuest 6.3]]<<md>>So, the first thing to do is to see if the problem is really as Linda describes it. It is often the case that panic causes more problems than actual trouble. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>We'll see...<</say>>
<<md>>Yeah, it looks like there really is a password and there's nothing you can do except try to hack it. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's begin. <</say>>
<<md>>I started picking up all the possible combinations one by one. It took quite a long time. It felt like three hours, but really only an hour. However, it was still the same as it had been before. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Damn it.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Can I help you with something, golden? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>If you could get some coffee, I'd appreciate it. <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Of course, now.<</say>>
<<md>>I'll have to work hard. Hell, I don't get paid to be a hacker. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come on...<</say>>
<<md>>And suddenly it happened! The password worked. Okay, what is it? "LindaSlut69." No, there's a reason it's like that...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What do we have here? <</say>>
<<if $LindaImage7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LindaImage7Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>In front of me was a seductive photo of Linda in her underwear. How gorgeous she looked in it, what sexy breasts she had... I could just rip it all off her. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>What a good girl you are. <</say>>
<<md>>I'm lucky Linda isn't around right now. Otherwise there would have been a very awkward pause. Although, knowing the woman, maybe not. She's not ashamed of her body, so...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What is this? <</say>>
<<md>>The one that caught my eye was "Photosession Nude". Linda had a photo shoot? In the nude? I definitely need to see that.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, show me everything you've got...<</say>>
<<md>>Hmm, just two pictures...The rest are encrypted. Well, while she's gone, it's a good time to take a closer look. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>What have you got there? <</say>>
<<if $LindaImage8Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LindaImage8Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>Oh, this picture doesn't look much like a nude, but still Linda is very gorgeous. Her breasts, though hidden behind her hair, still look very, very gorgeous. And those see-through panties... I can't take my eyes off...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I wish I could touch you. <</say>>
<<if $LindaImage3Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LindaImage3Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>At the second picture, her breasts, huge and gorgeous, are no longer hidden by her hair or her clothes, allowing me to fully enjoy the view. These pictures almost make my dick jump out of my pants. But there are a few more pictures here that I don't have access to yet. But I can try to hack them while she's away. <</md>>
<<if $mc.Boldness > 6>>\
[[Try my luck|LindaQuest 6.4]]
[[Too dangerous|LindaQuest 6.5]]
<<say $mc>>Show me everything you're hiding from me.<</say>>
<<md>>Surprisingly, the password was the same as for the desktop. Which leads me to a strange thought. Either someone had really hacked into Linda's laptop, or this was all just an act to show me their special shots. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>The sweetest thing...<</say>>
<<md>>Linda touches her breasts and her hands stroke her pussy. <</md>>
<<md>>Her fingers go deep into her vagina, massaging her clitoris. What a bliss...<</md>>
[[What's that?|LindaQuest 6.6]]<<md>>Linda might be back any minute, so it doesn't make sense to take any chances like that. I'm sure she wouldn't be happy if she knew I was looking at such an intimate picture.<</md>>
[[Wait for Linda|LindaQuest 6.6]]
<<md>>Suddenly, quick footsteps come from far away, so that I close the laptop in one motion. <</md>>
<<md>>Linda comes to me holding a cup of coffee. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Here's your coffee, just like you asked for. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Linda, you're a miracle worker. <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>You're welcome, golden. So, any progress? <</say>>
[[Lie to her|LindaQuest 6.7]]
[[Tell the truth|LindaQuest 6.8]]<<say $mc>>No, it's a little more complicated than I thought. It's going to take me a while to figure it out. Do you mind if I take the laptop back to my house?<</say>>
<<md>>That's the best way. That way I'm sure I won't catch her eye, and I can get a closer look at Linda's hidden side.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>No, of course not. Do whatever you need to do. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fine. Then I'll see you tomorrow.<</say>>
<<md>>I finish my coffee, grab my laptop and leave the school.<</md>>
<<set $LindaQuest6 = 3>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3T = 81>>\
[[Leave|School gate]]<<say $mc>>Yes, I managed to unlock it. Now there's no password on it again, so you don't have to worry. <</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Ah, you're just a miracle, golden. What would I do without you? <</say>>
<<md>>I wish, of course, I could have seen all of her pictures, but at least I was honest. <</md>>
<<set $LindaQuest5 = 5>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3T = 9>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave|School gate]]<<md>>Linda's laptop is a temptation. The pictures she hid from me are begging to be seen...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Go to Daddy...<</say>>
<<if $LindaImage9Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LindaImage9Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>Oh, what a picture...I didn't pick her up for nothing...<</md>>
<<if $LindaImage10Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LindaImage10Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<set $LindaQuest6 = 4>>\
[[Yeah|LindaQuest 6.10]] <<md>>Looks like I've seen all of Linda's photos - I'll have to return the laptop at the next opportunity. <</md>>
<<set $LindaQuest6 = 4>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3T = 82>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>It seems that the cheerleading practice case was easily solved with a small bribe. Although I wouldn't call it a bribe. It's more like... I just bring people pleasure. And now would be a good time to bring some pleasure to Olivia. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You're joining us again? Do you want to offer us your help again? <</say>>
<<md>>Oh, I would definitely help not only the girls, but you too, Olivia. However, this is not the right time or place. There are too many prying eyes in sexy clothes looking at me. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I am your eternal savior! And observer. <</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Ah, so you came to admire the girls? <</say>>
<<md>>I was about to answer that I wasn't, when I noticed something really beautiful. One of the girls pulled up her skirt and smiled at me seductively. She knew for sure I would be watching her, so she wasn't wearing panties. Yes, her ass was so tempting, it beckoned me to touch those two halves...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I...<</say>>
<<md>>I can't tear my eyes away from such a magnificent sight.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Yes, so what did you want? <</say>>
<<md>>Olivia seemed to notice where my gaze was going and stood between me and the girl. I could almost see her young, juicy pussy...<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ah, yeah, sorry, I'm having a hard time concentrating today. <</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Of course it's hard when you're seduced by young girls. They are all predators, they all want the biggest...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Piece of cake? <</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Almost. <</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly Olivia turns to the girl. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Daisy, you're staying for extra training. No buts. You can wiggle your ass in front of a adult man, you can practice more. <</say>>
<<md>>Yes, Olivia is frightful in her anger. I wonder if it's disobedience or jealousy of me. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're being cruel to her...<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>It's a cruel sport. If I let them jump on every man they meet, I'm afraid it will all end too badly. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>By the way, about your sport. I have some news.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>What are they? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I talked to Clara and she agrees that you shouldn't do training on the beach...<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>You... talked to her? Why? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Autumn said you have that problem. <</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>This girl talks too much. I didn't ask for this help. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>And yet it was a problem. Not anymore. Can work out at the gym as much as you like. <</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't dare. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I won't bother you anymore. <</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Wait... Thanks for your help. I owe you one. Sometime... come by the gym... We'll figure something out. <</say>>
<<md>>Hmm, she wants to thank me? Well, I'm certainly not going to turn that down.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, Olivia. <</say>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 5>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 6>>\
[[Leave|Beach]]<style> body.street {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/StreetMorning.jpeg");
<<md>>When I came home from work, I always felt like someone was following me. Fear crawled down my back, leaving only a cold feeling of desolation behind.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What...<</say>>
<<md>>I turned around, but I didn't see anyone suspicious. All the people were just walking down the street and weren't paying attention to me. But I knew...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay...<</say>>
<<md>>It felt like a cornered animal about to be chased by a hunter. It didn't go away; it only got worse. I turned the corner several times. If someone was following me, they'd be here for sure. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It can't be...<</say>>
<<md>>When I turned around, I noticed a girl I had seen before. Her face seemed all too familiar.[img[img/Autumn/Girl1.jpg]] She was quite attractive, but she couldn't have been my stalker. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello? <</say>>
<<md>>I waved at her, but she didn't even look at me. Okay, maybe it's just my imagination. I'm going to move on...<</md>>
<<md>>Suddenly, the feeling I hated just disappeared. It just disappeared, as if it had never existed. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>We'll see...<</say>>
<<md>>And when I turned around, the girl was gone, too. What a strange situation. <</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 6>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 7>>\
[[Back|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>Thoughts of the mysterious girl who had abducted me never gave me any peace. As I walk back down the same street, I keep expecting that we will meet again. There is a kind of excitement in this, and at the same time the feeling that haunted me then is very... scary. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Madness. <</say>>
<<md>>No, you can't go on like this. I need to get these thoughts out of my head. I think I should just get some rest, and the park is the perfect place for that. <</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 7>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 8>>\
[[Back|My room]]
<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<md>>The park isn't very crowded today, and that's comforting. I don't want to meet anyone I know today. I just need to get some rest. The heavy workload at work is making me cringe. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>What a great day. <</say>>
<<md>>I happily sat down on the bench and let myself enjoy the sun, which seemed to be stroking my face with its rays. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm? <</say>>
<<md>>I heard footsteps approaching in the half-empty park and opened my eyes. I almost shrieked at what I saw. Is this a joke? <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Can I help you? <</say>>
<<md>>The same girl was standing in front of me. Now I could see her in full detail. The first thing I noticed was her huge breasts. Yes, her light-colored top only emphasized that feature. She also had very expressive eyes that you could really drown in. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah? <</say>>
<<md>>The sun was blinding my eyes, so I closed them for a second, and when I opened them, there was no one there. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>What's going on here? <</say>>
<<md>>Is someone really following me? But why? <</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 8>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 9>>\
[[Stand up and leave|Park]]<<md>>I had barely turned on my laptop when a message came to me. <</md>>
<<text y "Autumn said you did her a very big favor. I owe it to Autumn, so consider this your happy hour. Saw you staring at my breasts... I think you should taste them. Like my whole body. What do you think? ">>
<<md>>In the picture was my stalker, but now she was in such a seductive pose and lingerie that my cock reacted almost instantly. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll say you're very hot, baby...<</say>>
<<text y "If you want me to serve you, so that my mouth touches your cock and your pussy whines with pleasure...Come to Far-Dreams at 8 p.m. I'll leave the address right here.">>
<<md>>Oh, baby, I'm coming, I'm coming!<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 9>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 10>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>Unlike our previous encounters, I was in a good mood today. As I made my way down the alley, following the back alleys I'd never been in before, I felt excitement. My heart was beating frantically. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello...<</say>>
<<md>>She stood against a small wall and smiled at me like a cat. The girl really did have something of a panther look to her. All her movements were smooth and graceful. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are so beautiful...<</say>>
<<md>>My hand touched her belly and she purred. My hand gently brushed over her white top and squeezed her large breasts. A moan escaped the girl's lips. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>What gorgeous breasts...I want to get into them!<</say>>
<<md>>My other hand reached into her shorts, which barely hid her panties from me, when the girl pressed a kiss to me. Her lips tasted so soft and pleasant that I nearly melted like ice cream. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>What? <</say>>
<<md>>While my legs trembled like some schoolboy's, she squeezed my cock through my pants and then beckoned me to follow her. I followed her like an obedient kitten.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Show me the way. <</say>>
<<md>>She led me into the brothel, and then we went upstairs to a room that shone like Christmas lights. That pink and red neon light only made me more excited, and I kissed the girl softly on the neck. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're so delicious. <</say>>
<<md>>The girl gently laid me down on the bed and pulled down my breasts. She ran her tongue from the base of my cock to the head. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mmmm...Your tongue...<</say>>
<<md>>I moaned with overflowing pleasure, and she smiled back, taking my reaction as the ultimate reward. She was so hot and wet, it almost blew my mind. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Such a gentle tongue...<</say>>
<<md>>I froze, and she leaned over me and began to gently lick it. Her lips were large and sensual. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't stop...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnWhoreSuck.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>A shiver ran through her body, and when my cock entered her soft mouth completely, she began to suck on it with satisfying grunts.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, take it completely...<</say>>
<<md>>I groaned. My hips began to move on their own. Her lips and tongue caressed my cock in time with my movements, and I felt her fingers on me, clinging to me like a lifeline.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wait, I want your other hole...<</say>>
<<md>>I got her on all fours and entered her pussy sharply. A long moan escaped her lips, which sent another wave of excitement through my body.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, baby!<</say>>
<<md>>Then my cock was stuck inside her and didn't seem to want to leave her sweet pussy.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnWhoreFuck.mp4"></video></div> I moved, wrapping a strand of her blond hair around my fingers that fell over my face. I could feel her heart beating faster and faster, and gradually its pounding and throbbing grew stronger with each passing moment. A blissful smile spread across her face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you want my seed, bitch?<</say>>
<<md>>I began to actively fuck her between her breasts, not letting the head touch her mouth. A few minutes of this and I couldn't take it anymore. As I let out a jet on her beautiful face, I cum and collapsed next to her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes! <</say>>
<<md>>She had a satisfied smile on her face. Well, Autumn knows how to pay back debts. <</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 10>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 11>>\
[[Leave|Brothel - Three minutes of joy]]<<md>>Hmm...I still can't get over what I saw at the hospital. Is this the effect of the treatment on Monica? Or is it the pills Jane gave me?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I don't understand.<</say>>
<<md>>I could go to Jane and ask her about it, but that would arouse suspicion. And if I'm going to accuse her of something, it's worth checking again. Hmm, maybe I should go see her this weekend.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 11>>\<<md>>There are surprisingly many people in the hospital today. It's not surprising, because everyone wants to see their relatives. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica?<</say>>
<<md>>When I enter the room, I see what I least expect. Monica is dressed and already going somewhere. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, hi. I thought you weren't coming. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry, I had some things to do. Where are you going? Shouldn't you be lying down and getting your strength back? <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, but I told you, I recover quickly. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ah yes, your superpower...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yeah ahaha. Actually, my in-laws are leaving home and let me stay at their place for the weekend, and then I'll stay at their place. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I see. <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Can you walk me out? Make sure it's okay and my bed is warm? <</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiled wickedly and started kissing my neck. Wow, I didn't expect her to be so proactive. What had gotten into her? Now we just have to make sure she's okay. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's go. <</say>>
[[Accompany her|MonicaHospitalWeekend3]]<<md>>I must say, her uncle certainly has taste. The house turned out to be quite spacious and exquisite. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wow, there's a lot of room to go around. <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yeah, why don't we go wild? <</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiled at me and winked. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>What, what are you talking about? <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>You know what I mean. I really want to continue our "training. I miss your core so much. It's so hard... <</say>>
<<md>>Damn it, what's been happening to her lately? Is that what the pills have been doing to her?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I shouldn't...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Come on...<</say>>
<<md>>She suddenly started throwing off her clothes. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's better for you to make a full recovery, as much as I don't want to...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I need to cum to recover! <</say>>
<<md>>God, what's happening to her I don't recognize her...<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Look! <</say>>
<<md>>She pulls down her panties and begins to touch her pussy with her fingers. Her fingers gently stroke her pink lips first, and then penetrate deeper.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaMastHospitalHouse.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $MonicaVideo20Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo20Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>They slide over her clitoris and drive it into a state of awe-inspiring excitement. Monica stands in front of her new mirror, smiling coquettishly and sighing.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Ah, $mc.Name!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica wriggles, squeezing her breasts with force. Her face is covered in sweat, and small droplets appear around her lips. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes!<</say>>
<<md>>I involuntarily thrust forward. Monica brings her finger to the entrance of her bowels, and... and her pussy is wet and wet.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Slightly! Do you like it?<</say>>
<<md>>When Monica opens her mouth again, a long moan comes out. It's her scream... Monica begins to cum.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>How cool is that? <</say>>
<<md>>She clenches her mouth with both hands, as if to prevent a wave of ecstasy from overwhelming her. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes! Yes! Yes!<</say>>
<<md>>Her pussy is just throbbing. Every time Monica cums, she lets out a moan, which sounds so touching and sexy to me at the same time.<</md>>
<<md>>What a gorgeous sight. I kiss Monica, make sure she's okay, and leave the building before I jump her with my hot cock.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 12>>\
[[Leave the studio|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]<<md>>If you don't solve the problem, it will consume you completely. If you tolerate violence, it will only lead to more violence. If you turn a blind eye to blackmail at the end of the day-it can spill over into a serious threat. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>How dare you!<</say>>
<<md>>I barely opened my laptop to text Michael when the message icon flashed. What does anyone want from me?<</md>>
<<text y "Heard you're the new principal at school now? How about letting me fuck all the girls I want? You know, I have some very interesting material about how you spend your time.">>
<<say $mc>>Son of a bitch! <</say>>
<<md>>Michael, my very own problem. Obviously, he was afraid to write me himself after what happened with Clara. Yes, the situation with Clara is not easy. But the man doesn't seem to understand normalcy. All me has to do is either placate him or talk to him in the language of force. <</md>>
<<set $ClaraM17Quest = 50>>\
[[Threaten Michael|ClaraBlackmailMichaelThreat]]
[[Try to reason with him|ClaraBlackmailMichaelReason]]<<say $mc>>Listen, you...<</say>>
<<md>>Yeah, I'm not gonna negotiate with that freak. The more you talk to him, the worse it can get. People like him only understand the language of violence, pain and humiliation. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>The fact that you hid like a coward on the Internet speaks volumes. You think you can threaten me? That's not the case, scarecrow. If I hear one more word from you about me, Clara or anyone at my school, you're dead!<</say>>
<<md>>That's it. Hopefully now he'll shut up for good. If he doesn't, we'll really have to stop him. <</md>>
<<set $ClaraMichaelProblem = 1>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<say $mc>>Look, I think we can make a deal...<</say>>
<<md>>Yeah, that's a good start. It lets him know that I'm not going to antagonize him, I just want to settle things as soon as possible.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We're civilized people and everyone has needs. My need is that you don't bother me or Clara. How can we achieve that? <</say>>
<<md>>There was absolutely nothing for a while after my message. Not the slightest sign that he was responding to me. I was beginning to think I'd scared Michael off, but finally the message appeared. <</md>>
<<text y "I'm willing to forget all about it for $5,000.">>
<<md>>I have to say that the amount he's demanding is not insignificant at all. But the price of silence is always very high. <</md>>
[[Pay him|ClaraBlackmailMichaelPay]]
[[Don't pay him|ClaraBlackmailMichaelNotPay]]<<md>>Well, I hope it's worth it, because I could live pretty well on that money for a while. <</md>>
<<text y "Pleasure doing business with you.">>
<<md>>Well, I hope he never comes back. <</md>>
<<set $ClaraMichaelProblem = 2>>\
[[Back|My room]]
<<md>>No, it's too much money for me. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sorry I won't pay you. <</say>>
<<text y "Then I won't keep quiet. If you change your mind, you know where to find me.">>
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>It's been a couple of days since my last conversation with Clara. How's she doing in there? Is something bothering her? Maybe she's having some doubts. I don't think leaving her in that situation is the best thing to do.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We've got to tell her the good news soon. <</say>>
<<md>>Yes, it's not a new job, but I'm sure it will make her happy. <</md>>
<<set $ClaraM17Quest = 51>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<say $mc>>Clara? <</say>>
<<md>>When I enter Clara's house, the first thing that catches my eye is the slight clutter. The previously perfect hall is now overflowing with unnecessary things. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ouch! <</say>>
<<md>>I almost clamber over a box and almost fall over. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara? <</say>>
<<md>>Nothing in reply. No, I mean almost nothing. If you listen carefully...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What is it?<</say>>
<<md>>A distant sound comes to me, like a scream or something. It's coming from the living room, which is where I'm running to. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It can't be...<</say>>
<<md>>There's a huge screen in the living room where I can see Clara's shower room. And Clara, who is completely naked. She looks so horny. Her hand is touching her clit and playing with it. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wow...<</say>>
<<md>>I forgot how much I missed her beautiful pussy. Her hands part her lips and her fingers go inside. Clara moans softly. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes, baby, show me everything....<</say>>
<<md>>Her breasts are lifted and looking in different directions. She has a lot to look at! Her tits seem very big and very horny. But here she raises her hand and touches her clit again.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>More!<</say>>
<<md>>Her movements become fierce. She demands. She wants. You can feel the arousal in every movement.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes! Yes!<</say>>
<<md>>Her clit has already increased in size and is twitching nervously.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraBlackmail.mp4"></video></div> She moans louder. She pinches her nipples. Tears off her clothes and thrusts forward. Turns to the screen and cums right into the camera. <</md>>
<<if $ClaraVideo22Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo22Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>What a performance!<</say>>
<<md>>Yeah, just now I notice a whole crowd of viewers and likes on the screen. Wait, is that a webcam? Isn't that Clara...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Damn it! <</say>>
<<md>>I hear footsteps and rush out of the house before Clara realizes I was here. I almost got caught...<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM17Quest = 52>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]<<md>>Clara finds herself in a very unpleasant situation. And although I know I did what was right for the school, still...I can't leave her alone with this grief.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We should get her another job...<</say>>
<<md>>Yeah, that would be perfect. Especially since she's so slow... Maybe she doesn't hate me that much. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>We just have to check it out. <</say>>
<<md>>For that we should ask others if they know where someone as experienced as Clara could be useful. <</md>>
<<set $ClaraM17Quest = 40>>\
[[Back|My room]]
<<say $mc>>Excuse me if you could help me...<</say>>
<<if $ClaraNewWork < 4>>\
<<set _ClaraNewWorkArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _ClaraNewWorkArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Unfortunately, they only listened to me carefully, but couldn't help me in any way. There are no places here. <</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>This doesn't seem like the right job for Clara. And there aren't any positions...<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>They can't. There are no vacancies. We'll have to ask elsewhere. <</md>>
<<set $ClaraNewWork +=1>>\
<<md>>Yes! This place is perfect. A person with her talents belongs here! <</md>>
<<md>>All that remains is to tell Clara the good news.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM17Quest = 41>>\
<</if>>\<<say $Clara>>Oh, hi. Did you forget something? <</say>>
<<md>>Clara looks at me in surprise, not understanding what surprise awaits her. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I came to talk to you. <</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I thought we talked about everything? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not really. You know, I know you lost your job because of me. <</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Don't worry about it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>And I've been thinking about how to help you...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>You don't have to worry about it. I already have a job. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I got you a job.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>What? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>What? <</say>>
<<say $Clara>>$$mc.Name, were you really worried about me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes... You're part of my life, I told you... And I don't want you to get hurt...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>You're so sweet...<</say>>
<<md>>Clara suddenly moves closer to me. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I don't want to lose you, understand? <</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Silence!<</say>>
<<md>>She kisses me softly on the lips, which makes me even more surprised. No, I like the taste of her lips, but didn't she let me know that it was over between us? <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Silence! <</say>>
<<md>>She gently pulls my clothes off, and I do the same. I squeeze her breasts and it feels so good. She gently presses her naked body against me and it feels wonderful.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mm...How I've missed it...<</say>>
<<md>>I bring her hands to my face and kiss her fingers. Clara shudders and lies on her back. As tempting as her pose is, I want to see what's between her legs.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Show me what you've hidden...<</say>>
<<md>>I drive my hard cock between her legs. Nothing happens, but I can feel that Clara is tense. She puts her hands on my shoulders and slowly approaches my lips. Lips. Too fast... I try to bite her bottom lip, but Clara pulls away.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Fuck me! Just like before! <</say>>
<<md>>She pulls me to her and my cock pushes her lips apart and enters her pussy.Lara helps me and I plunge into that sweet cavern with even more feeling. Our bodies merge into one, and this brief stop feels like a long time. Clara releases my hand from her palms, wraps her legs tightly around me, and begins to move quickly. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>'re so hot!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraHelpFuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>My cock enters her easily. Clara comes first and I can see the scarlet juice flowing down her thighs and hips. I start to move in her faster, increasing the speed and again I feel her pussy clench around my cock. And in that moment, I explode with pleasure. <</md>>
<<if $ClaraVideo24Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo24Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>Yes... You're beautiful. <</say>>
<<say $Clara>>And you're...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>About the job... I got hired as principal at another school in our town. You should come by sometime for a tour. I'll show you the most secluded places. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll definitely come. <</say>>
<<set $ClaraM17Quest = 42>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]<<say $Sophia>>Oh, there you are. Just when I need your help with a delicate matter. <</say>>
<<md>>Sophia welcomes me almost like a member of the family and gives me a big hug. Did I miss the moment when she and I became so related?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you want me to clean up after your cat? <</say>>
<<md>>I smile at Sophia and she bites her lip. <</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Something naughty pussy needs to be taken care of.<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, she's really good at seducing me. She's got nice breasts, too. What was I saying? Oh, yeah, she needs help. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's close the doors and I'll take care of you in all the positions you want. <</say>>
<<md>>Sophia giggled back and shook her head. As she did so, she began stroking my cock through my pants. It felt so good. <</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Not about me, silly. There is a girl, Ariella, she needs your help. <</say>>
<<md>>Oh, it's about the club, my favorite club. There's something good coming up that's got me all stiffed up.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Another club girl...<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Not really. She's still having other thoughts. The girls told her how good you are, but I still think you have to convince her. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>What does she look like?<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>She's a hot blonde with piercings. I think you might recognize her. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>What am I supposed to do?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Oh, I have a plan. <</say>>
<<set $Fiona15Q = 5>>\
[[Listen to her plan|Second floor]]<<md>>Sophia's plan appealed to me. It wasn't just a routine assignment to come to a girl and have her jump on my dick. No, there was something special, something that piqued my interest and my hunting instincts. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>And here you are...<</say>>
<<md>>I waited until after class to see my prey. She really is beautiful. She looked at me for just a second, and I almost melted. There was something very tender and sensual about that look. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's begin...<</say>>
<<md>>I said it to myself and followed her. <</md>>
[[Follow girl|ClubGirlArielle3]]<<md>>The plan was simple enough to follow the girl to her house and find out where she lived. Sophia said that the girl lived in a private home and had no parents. That sure makes my assignment easier. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't turn around...<</say>>
<<md>>I just follow the girl at a certain distance and enjoy her gait. Yes, definitely a sight I wouldn't mind seeing. She's so young, so appetizing, I'm just salivating.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't turn around...<</say>>
<<md>>But before I go inside, the girl turns around and looks at me intently. I just smile at her embarrassedly and turn the corner. Yes, I'm not a good spy. I have to put off breaking into her house until tomorrow, or there will be no problem. I'd better come back the next night, when she's calmer. Hmm, yeah, I'd better not forget my burglary tools. <</md>>
<<set $Fiona15Q = 6>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]<<md>>Okay, no one seems to be around. That's perfect. I think she'll be asleep by this time and I'll have less trouble. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see...<</say>>
<<md>>Quickly I managed to cope with the lock and sneak in. What a luxurious house. There are real works of art on the walls, a chandelier... Yes, I would look at such a chandelier forever. Her parents aren't exactly the poorest people. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, that's not why I'm here. <</say>>
<<md>>I quickly make my way into the bedroom and I see something better than the pictures that were hanging in the hall. The girl is asleep on the bed, but the blanket where far away from her. Instead, she is wearing such gorgeous sexy lingerie and is actively sticking out her ass. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I know what you want...<</say>>
<<md>>I unbutton her clothes, almost gently so she doesn't wake up and gently slide my cock into her pussy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes... <</say>>
<<md>>The girl shrieks in surprise, but I kiss her neck, stroke her leg and quietly start rocking my hips. Gradually she calms down, her moans are getting louder, and she doesn't notice how she finds my cock with her hand and starts to thrust on it harder.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You like it, don't you?<</say>>
<<md>>In a few seconds, we were already merging in ecstasy, she spread her legs, and pleasure washed over her.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\ClubGirlArielleFuck1.mp4"></video></div> There's such a huge sea of desire inside that I lose control and start roaring like a wild boar.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes, baby...<</say>>
<<md>>She immediately starts gently stroking it, mooing and just as gently caressing me.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\ClubArielleFuck2.mp4"></video></div> I can't help myself and cum right on her vulva. By the time I'm done, I was covered in her juices and my dick is completely out of power.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I hope you'll sign up for the club now? <</say>>
<<md>>The girl laughs and licks my cum off her fingers. <</md>>
<<set $Fiona15Q = 7>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]<<md>>Just as I was about to go to sleep, the phone rang in my bedroom. It chased all sleep away and it was gone in an instant.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes? <</say>>
<<say $Carey>>Hi, I hope you're awake.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, indeed Is something wrong?<</say>>
<<say $Carey>>I need your help. I'll meet you at the subway? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I'll be there soon.<</say>>
<<md>>It's no time to sleep. I have work to do. <</md>>
[[To the subway|PoliceQuestFugitive2]]<<md>>The subway was quiet and unsightly. I was even surprised at how quickly I got inside. A familiar face was waiting for me at the entrance. <</md>>
<<say $Carey>>You're just in time. She shouldn't get far. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Who? <</say>>
<<say $Carey>>My suspect. We have to find her, she shouldn't get far. If we don't catch her and bring her back, my career is over. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry. What did she look like? <</say>>
<<say $Carey>>Black hair, looks a little Latina. Mesh tights. Choker with a crescent moon charm. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, let's get to it. <</say>>
<<say $Carey>>We'd better split up. Which direction do you want to go? <</say>>
[[Left|PoliceQuestFugitive4]]<<say $mc>>This one. <</say>>
<<say $Carey>>Okay, well, I hope you have good luck. <</say>>
<<md>>I nodded and went in search of the fugitive. I was brimming with confidence that I was the one who was about to get lucky. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You can't run away from me...<</say>>
<<md>>But no matter how much I looked, I couldn't find her. I had to go back with nothing. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Nothing either? <</say>>
<<md>>When my cop friend came back, he looked disappointed. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely. It was like she'd fallen through the cracks.<</say>>
<<md>>He closed his eyes and slammed his fist against the wall in anger. <</md>>
<<say $Carey>>Shit! <</say>>
<<md>>I stood next to him for a while, not knowing what to do or how to comfort him. <</md>>
<<say $Carey>>Okay, I'll take care of this problem on my own. Thanks for helping me. <</say>>
<<md>>I didn't want to leave him, but what could I do now? I had to go back home with sad thoughts.<</md>>
<<set $PoliceQ2 = 7>>\
[[Go home|Home corridor]]<<md>>Something tells me that's where I should go in this situation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll go this way. <</say>>
<<say $Carey>>Hmm, that's where I wanted to go, but okay. I'll take another direction then. Good luck finding it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You too. <</say>>
<<md>>I wasn't sure I had made the right choice, but I didn't need to. The only thing I had to do now was to find the runaway and help my friend not to lose his job. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're certainly not getting away from me. <</say>>
<<md>>I turned into one of the alleys, where I noticed a small shadow. It could have been a bum, a passerby, or a rat, but it turned out to be my target. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, stop! <</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly our eyes met, and in them I saw the kind of consternation I had never seen in my life.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I won't hurt you...<</say>>
<<md>>But the girl did not listen and ran into the house, so that I had no choice but to follow her. I watched as she opened the door and jumped in like a fox into a pit. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>There...<</say>>
<<md>>I pulled the handle and it surprisingly gave way. It seems that the girl was inside quickly enough, but she forgot to close the door. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Baby, I'm not gonna hurt you. <</say>>
<<md>>But as soon as I got in the room, she came at me with a knife. And she's a fighter. But I had the knack of grabbing her hand in the air and then knocking the knife out of her hand. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's enough! <</say>>
<<md>>She sagged involuntarily in the moment and slid to my feet, resting her head against my groin. Hmmm...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come here, bitch!<</say>>
<<md>>I press my groin against her face and she licks it through my pants. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you want it? You want my big dick? <</say>>
<<md>>She nods and I take off my pants. I start to run my cock over her lips. <</md>>
<<md>>She opens her mouth a little bit, but I push harder on her head and she almost squeezes.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\trash\Quest\Video\PoliceFugitiveSuck.mp4"></video></div> Eventually, I take the girl by the head and enter her as deeply as possible. She cries out, but she lets me in.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>There's your reward, bitch! <</say>>
<<md>>I start fucking her in the mouth while I watch her face. As she intercepts my hand, struggles to get her teeth into my cock, then shudders and lets out a soft moan of pleasure. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Want more?<</say>>
<<md>>I sharply throw her down on the bed and rip her clothes off. Her pussy is already wet and damp, so I don't hesitate to enter her hard. <</md>>
<<md>>I fuck her until her face contorts with pleasure.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\trash\Quest\Video\PoliceFugitiveFuck.mp4"></video></div> After about five minutes, I stop and lower myself down beside her. My eyes are half-closed and my cock is on fire with desire. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it...<</say>>
<<md>>At that second my friend, to whom I sent a message with my location, walks in. <</md>>
<<say $Carey>>I see you did well. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, get your fugitive.<</say>>
<<set $PoliceQ2 = 8>>\
[[Go home|Home corridor]] <<md>>An evening at the dormitory is something special. There's none of the hustle and bustle of the daytime. Already everyone is asleep and you can see interesting pictures. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Can I? <</say>>
<<md>>There is silence in response. I am overwhelmed with the desire to get to know some of my students. But as soon as I want to, I realize I'm not in Autumn's bedroom. <</md>>
[[Leave|DormSexEvent3]]<<md>>No, there's something interesting here. That I can't get away from. There's a lioness in a short sundress on the bed. Her ass so seductively calls out to me. And those almost baby panties. So transparent and seductive...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm...<</say>>
<<md>>I gently run my hand over her ass, stroking it. These simple actions sent shivers running through my body. I feel some kind of inner satisfaction. The girl doesn't answer, but just lies facing the wall. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come here...<</say>>
<<md>>I gently pull down her panties and in front of me her gorgeous asshole, with the edge of the anal plug sticking out like a diamond. I gently pull it out of her. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ah...<</say>>
<<md>>I press my whole body against her. And I have the distinct feeling that I'm about to enter her divine asshole. The girl lies perfectly still.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mmmm... <</say>>
<<md>>Squeezing her waist, I pull her against me.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnWhoreSuck.mp4"></video></div> She moans with pleasure. I lean toward her ear and kiss it. Then, as if she can't stand it, she turns me around and forcefully presses her lips into mine.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wow...<</say>>
<<md>>She spreads her legs in front of me like she's insatiable.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\DormSex1.mp4"></video></div> I literally push her into me. And her lips dig into my neck. I even close my eyes with pleasure. The girl, as if sensing this, sharply shifts her hips, pushing me into her. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>My hard cock comes in sharply. The girl starts moaning with pleasure. She seems to want it too. I feel like my seed is about to burst from inside me. But I hold myself back.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, it's for you.<</say>>
<<md>>My dick starts to bleed. As if by some animal instinct, I calm it down and push it forward. My cunt takes in my already hot cock.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>More? Yes, more!<</say>>
<<md>>And I'm pushing harder and harder as I go around in circles. The girl doesn't push me away, but just breathes, biting her lip.The harder I push, the harder she digs her fingers into my chest.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah!<</say>>
<<md>>Finally I cum right inside her and she kisses me gratefully. Looks like I found another reason to love the dormitory!<</md>>
<<set $DormSex1 = 1>>\
[[Leave|School gate]]
<<md>>I have nothing to do here, so I'll just walk away. <</md>>
<<set $DormSex1 = 2>>\
[[Leave|School gate]]<<md>>A surprising situation happened with Bella. It's not that I don't believe her, it's just that the whole situation is rather strange. She says the man is me. But how could I have been there? <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Whose terrible joke is this?<</say>>
<<md>>It frightens me that someone would know something that only Bella and I know. How did he know about the incident in the fountain? How did he know everything I'd said to her? <</md>>
<<say $mc>>How do you know everything, asshole? Who are you?<</say>>
<<md>>These thoughts never left me. But what worried me most of all, of course, was Bella's condition. She was so pale and unhappy that perhaps I should visit her as soon as possible. <</md>>
<<set $Bella1Q = 4>>\
<<set $Bella1QT = 4>>\
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>The hospital is very, very crowded today. A lot of doctors are rushing in and out, as if something special had happened. A lot of voices are blending together into one coherent buzz that makes me feel uneasy in my chest. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>What's going on?<</say>>
<<md>>It was only when I said those words that I realized I was speaking out loud.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Oh, don't worry, it's common here. I'd say it's routine.<</say>>
<<md>>I looked up in surprise at the person answering me. The familiar, slightly foxy smile struck me dead. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bella! Good to see you!<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled and looked at me, and suddenly her smile was gone. It was as if she was expecting someone else instead of me...<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Me too...<</say>>
<<md>>What's wrong with her? <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bella...<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Yes? <</say>>
<<say $Bella>>I'm sorry, I...I...have to go...<</say>>
<<md>>Where did she go? Why? Did I do something wrong? Could it really be me? <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Idiot! <</say>>
<<md>>I almost tapped myself on the forehead at the realization of what had happened. Of course it was me. And it was him, that mysterious stranger who had threatened Bella, who had impersonated me, and who knows what else...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wait...<</say>>
<<md>>I have to find her, I have to help her through this as soon as possible. I wish I knew where she'd gone. She couldn't have just disappeared into the crowd. Or could she? <</md>>
<<set $Bella1Q = 5>>\
<<set $Bella1QT = 5>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<if $BellaSearchLocation == "toilet" && $BellaSearchLocationToilet == 0>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'ctoilet'>>\
<<md>>It doesn't look like Bella is here. Perhaps I should look elsewhere?<</md>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocationToilet = 1>>\
<<elseif $BellaSearchLocation == "operating" && $BellaSearchLocationSurgery == 0>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'csurgery'>>\
<<md>>It doesn't look like Bella is here. Perhaps I should look elsewhere?<</md>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocationSurgery = 1>>\
<<addmins 5>>\
<<elseif $BellaSearchLocation == "wards" && $BellaSearchLocationWards == 0>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'cwards'>>\
<<md>>The wards were the first place I thought I'd come to. But to my surprise, she wasn't here at all. <</md>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocationWards = 1>>\
<<addmins 5>>\
<<elseif $BellaSearchLocation == "consultation" && $BellaSearchLocationConsultation == 0>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'cconsultation'>>\
<<md>>Oh, why did I come here? This could be a very uncomfortable situation right now. What if Amber gets jealous of me? I should just pretend I'm not here and...<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>$mc.Name! It's good to see you. Is everything all right?<</say>>
<<md>>It's too late. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I just stopped by to see how you were feeling.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled softly and looked at me with her beautiful eyes. <</md>>
<<say $Amber>>It's so nice of you to take care of me. But I don't have time for that today.<</say>>
<<md>>It looks like I don't even have to make up an excuse to get out as soon as possible. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Till we meet again.<</say>>
<<md>>I quickly jumped out and closed the doors behind me. <</md>>
<<set $BellaSearchLocationConsultation = 1>>\
<<addmins 5>>\
<<md>>It doesn't look like Bella is around. Maybe I should give her some time and visit her tomorrow. <</md>>
<<set $Bella1Q = 6>>\
<<set $Bella1QT = 6>>\
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Back|HospitalReception]]<<say $mc>>What?<</say>>
<<md>>As soon as I walked home, my phone, like a restless spirit, groaned and growled. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't scare me like that!<</say>>
<<md>>I almost dropped my smartphone on the floor out of surprise. It did fall out of my hands, but thanks to my good reaction, I managed to catch it. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>What is it?<</say>>
<<text g "I'm sorry I disappeared like that. I needed some time alone. How would you feel about having coffee tomorrow?">>
<<md>>I'm looking good! I'll have to write her back as soon as possible. <</md>>
<<text g "I'd love to have coffee with you. How about 5 p.m. tomorrow?">>
<<md>>The answer was not long in coming. <</md>>
<<text g "I'll be there before you, turtle!">>
<<md>>Ha-ha! The years go by, and Bella doesn't change. Okay, so cafe, 5 p.m. Great! <</md>>
<<set $Bella1Q = 7>>\
<<set $Bella1QT = 7>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]<<md>>When I walked into the café and saw Bella in the same jacket and dress that I'd worn years ago, it was like an electric shock. The memories came flooding back, and it was hard to fight them.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>There you are, turtle!<</say>>
<<md>>Bella's voice, like a lifeline, brought me back to reality. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bella, you're as beautiful as ever. But no...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl was surprised for a second, raising an eyebrow, and then smiled slyly. <</md>>
<<say $Bella>>No? Now you're going to say that...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're more beautiful than usual.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>I knew it. You're so charming, turtle.<</say>>
<<md>>Bella kissed me on the cheek and we sat down at the table. We ordered coffee and waited for it. And yet I couldn't shake the strange feeling that all this had happened. But not here, not in this city...<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>I know that look. What are you thinking about?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's nothing.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Come on, $mc.Name, I've known you for years...<</say>>
<<md>>I wanted to deny it, but what was the point? Bella had known me for days, and that would have looked really, really stupid. So after sipping the hot drink, I told the truth.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, all this reminds me of our little town. It reminds me of the first time we came to the café.<</say>>
<<md>>Bella put her coffee on the table and touched her fingers to mine. The touch made me feel like something flared up inside me. <</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Yeah, that reminds me, too. Especially when you fought Jimmy!<</say>>
<<md>>Jimmy Nate! I hated that creep so much! He kept trying to steal Bella away from me, who was the center of the universe for me at that moment. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I remember, he kept trying to hurt me.<</say>>
<<md>>I squeezed her hands harder, feeling her touch soothe me.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>And he succeeded!<</say>>
<<md>>Bella stroked mine with her fingers. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, he was pushing it. If I hadn't punched him in the face, he'd still be trying to steal you away.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Yes, that's true. And you, turtle, really don't like competition. There was also a terrible wind back then...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And the rain!<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Yes, it rained terribly. You were all wet, and I remember staring at your breasts.<</say>>
<<md>>Bella finished her coffee and looked at me carefully, then bit her lip. <</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Then I really did get wet. And not just because of the rain...<</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly I felt Bella take my hand and run it under the table. What was she doing? <</md>>
<<say $Bella>>And now, too...<</say>>
<<md>>My hand touched the wet fabric between her legs. Her panties were already all wet. My cock was about to jump out of my pants, too.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you sure?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I pulled back the strip of her panties and plunged my finger into her pussy slowly.<</md>>
<<md>>I didn't resist, but just moaned softly and shuddered a little. My breathing quickened, and my dick ached from the sensation. Her wetness was driving me crazy. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ha...<</say>>
<<md>>My fingers slipped out of her panties for a moment, and I moved my hand to her pussy again.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Back...<</say>>
<<md>>They penetrated deeper and deeper. Her body felt like it was going crazy, and then it began to lift.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Bella\Quest\Video\BellaFingered1.mp4"></video></div> My fingers moved faster, and I felt that even in this position I could grind her hardened little bud without hindrance.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you like to be seen?<</say>>
<<md>>She made a few more movements with her hips and pressed herself into the back of the chair without raising her eyes. Bella didn't respond; she was too wet and too squeezed my fingers with her pussy. <</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Yes...<</say>>
<<if $BellaVideo2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $BellaVideo2Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>I pressed harder, and she moaned. I could feel her impatience, her shame, her arousal, all of her-something like liquid flowing between my fingers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good...<</say>>
<<md>>She cried out and squeezed my hands with her hips, and then it was clear to me that she was cumming. Her hand touched my groin, but I noticed that after Bella moaned, we were looked at in surprise.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Not here.<</say>>
<<md>>I grabbed her by the arm so fast that she didn't even have time to fix her panties and dragged her home.<</md>>
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Take her home|Bella2Q8]]<<md>>She needed to take a shower after what happened. But at the same time, I couldn't just leave her without a gift when she was on her knees and literally begging me to fuck her in the mouth. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come here...<</say>>
<<md>>My cock touched her lips softly, and then slowly plunged down her throat. She resisted at first, but I could see that the scary bitch that makes me happy was awakening inside Bella, and she was digging herself into my cock like it was the most precious thing in the world.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Bella grabbed my legs and growled as I entered her all the way in. I didn't let her go. Her tongue began to slowly caress my flesh, and she did it masterfully, but still not very fast. It felt good, but it didn't make me cum. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Silent!<</say>>
<<md>>I entered her all the way in, knowing that I was ready to explode from the excitement she was causing in me.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Bella\Quest\Video\BellaBlow1.mp4"></video></div> My cock began to move very fast and hard, making the girl gasp. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it, my girl!<</say>>
<<md>>She squeezed my hips with her hands, and my movements became even harder.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Bella\Quest\Video\BellaBlow1.mp4"></video></div> My cock was throbbing in her throat, and I felt like my balls were about to burst.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>The vibration reverberated throughout her body, and when I felt myself cumming, she shuddered with all of her being, unable to hold back. I spurted a fountain of pleasure right into her mouth. <</md>>
<<say $Bella>>It's just like then, isn't it, turtle?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I like the repetition of everything. Take a shower.<</say>>
<<md>>Bella took a shower, we spent some more time in my room, and then she went home. <</md>>
<<set $Bella1Q = 8>>\
<<set $Bella1QT = 8>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]<<md>>I stepped into the photo studio, my senses immediately assaulted by the acrid smell of chemicals and stale air. Behind a cluttered desk sat a man who looked like he'd been pickled in developer fluid, his eyes magnified to disturbing proportions by thick, greasy glasses.<</md>>
<<say $Photographer>>Well, well, well. What do we have here? Another artistic prodigy come to revolutionize the industry? Let me guess, you've mastered the art of the duck face selfie and now you're ready to upgrade to... what? Pigeon face?<</say>>
<<md>>His words dripped with enough venom to kill a small elephant. I opened my mouth to object, but he steamrolled right over me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Actually, I just came to ask—<</say>>
<<say $Photographer>>Save it, Ansel Adams Junior. I've heard it all before. But since you've graced us with your presence, let me enlighten you on two things your underdeveloped brain might actually comprehend.<</say>>
<<md>>He gestured to a wall plastered with photos of young women in lingerie so skimpy it could've doubled as dental floss.<</md>>
<<say $Photographer>>First, I've got a collection that'll make your adolescent hormones do backflips. Real classy stuff – girls in lingerie that would make Victoria's Secret blush. Interested? No? Well, onto option two then.<</say>>
<<md>>He jerked his thumb towards a sad display of cameras coated in dust.<</md>>
<<say $Photographer>>If you're dead set on polluting the world with more of your 'art', you need a real camera. You know, those archaic devices us dinosaurs used before phones became smarter than the people using them. And no, I don't have any 'spares' for you to 'borrow'. This isn't a charity for wannabe influencers.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Look, I appreciate the offer, but I really just came to ask about—<</say>>
<<say $Photographer>>Oh, you 'just came to ask something'? Well, isn't that precious. Did it ever occur to you that I might have better things to do than play twenty questions with every half-wit who wanders in here thinking they're the next Annie Leibovitz?<</say>>
<<md>>His sarcasm was so thick you could cut it with a knife and serve it on a platter. I stood there, caught between indignation and disbelief, wondering if my simple question was worth enduring this toxic gatekeeper's venomous tirade.<</md>>
<<set $StudioRoseWorkBegin = 1>>\
[[Leave|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]<<set _StudioRoseWorkArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>\
<<switch _StudioRoseWorkArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Today is an interesting enough day, so I can get to work. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's time to shine, beautiful lady.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl smiles at me and begins to undress. Honestly, it's even more interesting than school work.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>The girl looks at me confusedly, and there is something beautiful in that look. Experience shows that modest girls are the most depraved girls.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>There's no need to be shy, baby, you're very beautiful...Show me everything that's hidden behind your modesty.<</say>>
<<md>>She pulls her clothes off slowly and almost tentatively. I certainly like what I get.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Can I say that I admire it? Quite. Excited? Yes, I am! After all, when you look at a girl like that, you can't restrain your emotions. Especially when she has so few clothes on.<</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>My lens was definitely ready to consider her in all positions. When she first walked in, I was ready. I was ready to stab her, not just with my eyes, but with something else. And she, as if a cunning seductress, was constantly throwing a glance at my groin, or biting her lip, or even exposing her most appetizing places. I wanted to take more than just a picture of her... <</md>>
<<case 5>>\
<<include "StudioRoseWorkAmber">>\
<<set _StudioRoseWorkPhotoArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]>>\
<<switch _StudioRoseWorkPhotoArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<case 6>>\
<<case 7>>\
<<set $StudioRoseWorkDay = 1>>\
[[Leave|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.<<md>>When I reflect on where my relationship with Lexi is going, it makes me smile. From a girl who seemed too lecherous and voluptuous, I now feel only sweetness and love.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl is stretching, but I am very pleased to watch all the curves of her sexy body. Just a little sight of her awakens desire in me.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Hmm, why are you staring at me like that? Do you want me to take off my panties?<</say>>
<<md>>That phrase almost made my dick jump out of my pants and into her mouth. What is this girl doing to me...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I was thinking maybe we shouldn't split up.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Do you want to tell me you want to be one with me 24/7? You don't want to pull your dick out of me?<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles sexily and it drives me crazy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's a little different...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>What about then?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe you want to live with me?<</say>>
<<md>>She raised her eyebrows.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>To exchange this huge, luxurious house for your little apartment?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. Isn't it genius?<</say>>
<<md>>A second of silence. Which makes me very nervous.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Sounds like an interesting adventure! Of course it does! I'm sick of this boring, empty house!<</say>>
<<md>>That's great! So I have an interesting future ahead of me!<</md>>
[[Take Lexi to your home|LexiLiveBegin1.1]]<<say $Lexi>>I'd forgotten how cramped this place is!<</say>>
<<md>>No sooner had Lexi stepped inside than she started criticizing the place. What did I expect after her palace, though.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>However, the girl leaned toward me and kissed my lips passionately. And in that kiss I felt both passion and peace.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Hey, you know what I was thinking...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>There are a lot of places where you and I still fucked!<</say>>
<<md>>Ha-ha! There's Lexi! That's my girl!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We'll have to fix that as soon as possible.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Of course!<</say>>
<<md>>She bit my bottom lip a little painfully, but I felt peaceful. Everything was going to be great for sure!<</md>>
<<set $LivewithLexi = 1>>\
<<set $LivewithVeronica = -1>>\
<<set $Livewithschoolgirl = 1>>\
[[Leave|Home corridor]]<<if $LivewithLexiSexPerDay == 1>>\
<<goto "LexiLiveBreakfastSex">>
<<set _LexiLiveBreakfastArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LexiLiveBreakfastArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>A good breakfast is the one you meet with the people important to you. So when I have Lexi by my side, I'm even happier beyond measure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good morning again.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles at me and bites into her food like she's the hungriest person in the world. Well, I understand her.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>I'm having a special for breakfast today. I've loved it since college. And it's nice to be able to share it with someone I really like.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Couldn't resist putting that big sausage in my mouth?<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi laughs and lightly sucks on the sausage on her plate. Damn, I didn't think she'd take it that way.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Huh...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Oh, is that a portion of protein food?<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi giggles, then tries eggs and bacon and sausage. What a treat to just watch this, even with her constant jokes about sex.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, did you like it?<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi and grinned sneeringly, then licked her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Guess for yourself!<</say>>
<<md>>That's her flirting!<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Still sleepy, Lexi sits up and looks at me pitifully. Even though she's awake early, I can still see that she barely opens her eyes. Well, I guess we'll have to make them something special then!<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Hotter! Hot!<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi jumps up from the table and spins around like she's stung.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha!<</say>>
<<md>>Just a little kaen pepper for this girl. That hasn't hurt anyone yet.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>What a...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good morning.<</say>>
<<md>>Now I see that Lexi is really awake!<</md>>
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Back|Home corridor]]<<md>>Okay, we have to make something really special for Lexi today.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, she'll love it.<</say>>
<<md>>Pancakes always lift the spirits. No matter what kind of person you are, you can't say no to pancakes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So...<</say>>
<<md>>Ten minutes later, the dish was ready, but Lexi still wasn't in the kitchen. Wasn't she supposed to be here? She probably fell asleep again. I'm gonna go wake her up.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Surprisingly...<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi wasn't in my room. Where the hell did she go? But when I come back I see her eating all the pancakes, including mine.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi! <</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>What? I was really hungry.<</say>>
<<md>>She's talking with her mouth full and that makes me even angrier.<</md>>
<<set _LexiLiveBreakfastSexArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LexiLiveBreakfastSexArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Lexi>>I know how I can make things right...<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi gently gets on her knees, pulls down my pants and starts licking my cock with her tongue.<</md>>
<<md>>She does it so sexily that I freeze in bewilderment. And then I realize. Before, her tongue mixed with the honey at its tip wasn't touching my cock. And now it's sliding down my shaft. My anger passes and I start moaning with pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're a very bad girl. <</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes, I'm! <</say>>
<<md>>She continues to lick me, she caresses me so gently with her tongue that it's completely unlike her usual behavior. But most importantly, she's made me her slave.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\LexiLiveSuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She continues to lick it in circles and when her tongue touches my cock, I lose control and cum. The pleasure leaves me and I feel devastated.<</md>>
<<if $LexiVideo11Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiVideo11Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>I curl her on the table and pull up her skirt. In front of me are her pink panties, which I unceremoniously pull aside.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah....<</say>>
<<md>>She's lying on the table in a position where I think if I let go she'll fall to the floor. But I don't let go. She keeps licking my cock, and then I let her caress me with her hands, so much so that I lose control.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, that's not what I want! <</say>>
<<md>>I turn her back to me, hold her against me, and with all my might, I drive my cock into her pussy.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\LexiLiveFuck1.mp4"></video></div> She obediently thrusts forward and pushes her naked ass against me. After that, I start moving back and forth, ignoring the slight noise she makes. I need an orgasm.<</md>>
<<if $LexiVideo12Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiVideo12Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes....<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi moans and responds to me at the same frantic pace, but now she lifts her head and looks at me with her huge beautiful eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it!<</say>>
<<md>>She moans with pleasure, and I, obeying her impatient movements, quickly cum. Our bodies in the kitchen are a mysterious and delightful sight. We lie next to each other, resting and chatting. The new experience I've just completed excites us both. It's a great morning.<</md>>
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Back|Home corridor]]
[[Join her|LexiLiveShowerSex]]
[[Leave|Home corridor]]
<<md>>Watching such a beautiful sight and not joining in is a huge torment. I look at her naked body and a terrible desire awakens in me that can no longer be contained.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Hello...<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi bites her lip as I pick her up and place her on the counter where the sink is. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is definitely a good morning. <</say>>
<<md>>She says this at the very moment my cock enters her pussy completely, without a trace.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\LexiLiveShowerFuck1.mp4"></video></div> A shiver runs through my body. It's not the best morning for a passionate relationship, but I want it myself. My excitement doesn't subside even when I lean into her ear and say: <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I want you very much. <</say>>
<<md>>After a while, when she starts moaning louder and wanting more, I start pushing hard.My cock enters her wet depths deeper and deeper.After a while she, moaning softly, starts giving me signs to lean into her ear more often. I follow them, and soon she begins to wiggle rhythmically, and then to arch out.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>My cock enters her almost nonstop. On the fifth thrust, Lexie groans. She asks me to enter her again. I do this a few more times, and we cum together.<</md>>
<<set $LivewithLexiSexPerDay += 1>>\
[[Leave|Home corridor]]<<set _LexiLiveMorningArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _LexiLiveMorningArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>When I wake up, the first thing I feel is a huge boner. My cock rests against Lexi's soft and luscious ass, which she wiggles as she wakes up from my wake-up call. What a beautiful morning it is.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good morning, my beauty.<</say>>
<<md>>I kiss Lexi softly on the neck, which makes her sigh happily.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>If you want to fuck me, you can do it now. I can feel your tension.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha! I wish I could. I have to wake up.<</say>>
<<md>>I slapped her on the butt as hard as I could.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Ay!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>This is to keep you on your toes. Get up for breakfast!<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yeah, coming soon!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Morning quickly knocked on my window. I didn't even want to wake up at first, but I heard something that really interested me.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Slightly...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl's moans made me open my eyes. It sounded like she was dreaming about something nice... Oh, I'd listen to those sounds forever.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Greater... Deeper...<</say>>
<<md>>Are you sure she's not awake? Well, I guess that's an excuse to comply with her request. I gently slide my fingers down her panties.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Mmm...<</say>>
<<md>>I gently slipped my finger into her pussy... Deep... Deep... More... More... Don't let her wake up. I don't want her to be frightened... And there she is, my sweet torment gets what she wants. She moans in pleasure and comes again.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Good morning.<</say>>
<<md>>She opens her eyes and smiles.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I hope you enjoyed it.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>And how. Maybe I deserve something more?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I think you deserve breakfast.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Hey, that's not what I meant!<</say>>
<<md>>And smiling, I get out of bed.<</md>>
<<set $LivewithLexiSexPerDay += 1>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>The morning came too quickly and too loudly. Like being submerged in cold water, I awoke to a sharp sound.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What?<</say>>
<<md>>I look at the bed and don't notice Lexi, but I hear a pitying squeak...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>yyyy!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi?<</say>>
<<md>>I jump off the bed and look at the girl who has fallen off the bed and rub my back.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, you poor thing, come here.<</say>>
<<md>>I help her up from the floor.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>You should definitely get a big bed...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's right. Shall we have breakfast?<</say>>
<<md>>She nods, which means nothing can get in the way of our good breakfast.<</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<include "LexiLiveMorningStay">>\
[[Get up|My room]]<<set _LexiLiveSexBedArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _LexiLiveSexBedArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Her body calls out to me and I want to enter her pussy in that second. But I don't need to rush, I need to be slow and gentle. Or should I do the opposite? Yes, okay. I'll do it nice and slow. Now. In the meantime... Oh, shit, she put her hand on my chest and she put her lips on mine.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come here, my girl...<</say>>
<<md>>My dick got hard and I felt a nice tugging sensation inside her belly. Wow, I didn't notice her spreading her legs. She was caressing my balls. I feel so good with her. And now...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Ah...<</say>>
<<md>>My cock went hard into her pussy.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\LexiLiveBedFuck1.mp4"></video></div> I was even pierced by a sharp electricity that I had long been accustomed to and which, strangely enough, was soothing, preventing me from thinking about anything else.She moaned in pleasure, and, throwing her hand back, began to rub her breasts. What a beautiful pussy she had!<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes...<</say>>
<<if $LexiVideo15Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiVideo15Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>And I felt her sagging backwards, trying to take my cock as deep as possible into her. And immediately I cum inside her. She knows how to squeeze all the juices out of me.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>I squeeze the two rounded and soft halves of her ass. Lexie sometimes kisses me on the lips, and I kiss her back. Now she's kissing my neck. Oh, I didn't even notice her tongue touching my skin. Lexi slows her movement and stops. I can plunge deep inside her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, baby, is that what you want? <</say>>
<<md>>I gently part her lips and slide my cock in slowly, as if torturing her.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\LexiLiveBedFuck2.mp4"></video></div> But she's ready for it. She can already feel me inside her. She responds to my thrusts. I reach the deepest spot in her pussy. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Ah...Yes...<</say>>
<<if $LexiVideo16Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiVideo16Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Lexi moans softly and squeezes her legs. Then she lets out an intricate sound. It's as organic as her inhales and exhales. Only stronger. Almost on the verge of ecstasy. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>More... More...<</say>>
<<md>>I can feel her impatience, and I like it. She's riding my cock so hard that I can't hold back anymore .I can see my seed soaking into her uterus.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Passion engulfs us in the most unexpected place. I throw Lexi on the table, sweeping away everything else. I pull the fabric of her panties aside and enter her. She doesn't resist, but instead thrusts forward, squeezing my thighs with her hips. I'm about to go all the way in, and she cries out in pleasure. Oh...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I pull her to me and my hard cock literally rips her pussy from the inside.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\LexiLiveTableFuck1.mp4"></video></div> I begin to move slowly, holding the girl by her hips and penetrating the wet cavern at the base of her belly.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Ah...<</say>>
<<md>>She wants it too, I can feel it. So we start moving at the same time. Oh... I can feel a red stain spreading down my neck. A little more... I drive my cock all the way into her.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yes!<</say>>
<<md>>I push her against the wall and she wraps her legs around me. Now I can... I literally twist her in a frenzied whirl and go all the way in. She bends beneath me, and she's all hot and bothered. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Ah, baby!<</say>>
<<md>>That's the real pleasure. It was only in the moment of orgasm that I realized that I had been looking for her since I was a child. The one with whom all fantasies will be reality.<</md>>
<<addmins 30>>\
<<set $LivewithLexiSexPerDay += 1>>\
[[Sleep|Sleep1]]<<md>>I opened my eyes and inhaled that beautiful scent. Yes, Lexi smelled beautiful, even when she wasn't wearing any clothes at all. I liked that real smell of her very much, as if I were immersed in her very essence.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi...<</say>>
<<md>>I kissed her neck gently and stroked her, but there was no response. The girl didn't twitch or moan.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi?<</say>>
<<md>>Here we are at last. She turned lazily in my direction.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Mmm...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wake up, sleepyhead.<</say>>
<<md>>She only pushed her face harder into the pillow.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>I don't want to...<</say>>
<<md>>I gently run my hand over my face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, we have to...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>No...I'm not going...<</say>>
<<md>>I'm still trying to wake her up a little bit, but I realize that won't do anything. I think I'll leave her alone for now.<</md>>
<<set $LivewithLexiStayAtHome = 1>>\
<<md>>The lessons are finally over...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Well, shall we go home?<</say>>
<<md>>In a flash, Lexi appeared beside me and grabbed me under the arm.<</md>>
[[No, I have things to do|LexiAfterSchoolRefuse]]<<set _LexiLiveAfterSchoolPhotoArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LexiLiveAfterSchoolPhotoArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>What is it? My phone vibrated incorrectly in my pants when I found myself outside.<</md>>
<<if $LexiImage16Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage16Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<text y "I decided to play a little game here. I could have played with you and your joystick.">>
<<md>>Damn, this message and photo really made my joystick...<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Hmm, I'm curious, what's in there?<</md>>
<<text y "Do you think you can heat me up as skillfully as you do the food?">>
<<if $LexiImage17Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage17Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>Lexi...<</say>>
<<md>>This girl is sure to drive me crazy.<</md>>
<<set $LivewithLexiGoNotHome = 2>>\
[[Street Raw-Road]]<<set _LexiLiveStayAtHomePhotoArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LexiLiveStayAtHomePhotoArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>I was just about to get ready for the next lesson when my phone rattled. God, don't scare me like that...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes... Who...<</say>>
<<md>>Ah, Lexi...<</md>>
<<text y "Your cat is waiting for you. Do you want to feed her your milk?">>
<<md>>Ugh...How to wait until the end of class...<</md>>
<<if $LexiImage24Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage24Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>The phone vibrated... What is it?<</md>>
<<text y "Do you think blue suits me?">>
<<if $LexiImage18Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LexiImage18Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>So that's why you stayed home...<</md>>
<<if $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 0>>\
[[Next lesson|Book/Film]]
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 1 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 1>>\
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 2 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 2>>\
[[Next lesson|Headmistress visit]]
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 3 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 3>>\
[[Next lesson|Swimming lesson]]
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>\
[[Next lesson|Help to doctor]]
<<set $LivewithLexiStayAtHome = 2>>\<<say $mc>>I still have some work to do - go home, I'll be there soon.<</say>>
<<set $LivewithLexiGoNotHome = 1>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.<<set _LexiLiveBreakfastArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _LexiLiveBreakfastArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Everywhere the little slit I watched was beautiful. How it dripped softly down her body, accentuating every detail. How the drops touched her nipples, so big and horny.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Here's a wonderful view, but if you showed me a little more, beautiful... And as if hearing my thoughts, Lexi begins to squeeze her breasts, to me so hard that red marks are left on the white skin.<</md>>
<<md>>Oh, what gorgeous breasts she has. Yeah, I think it's time for me to either act or get out of here. It's not that I don't want to act, it just might take a while.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>She touches her rather sexy body in a way that I have never seen before. It's as if she likes the way she's rough with herself, the way she acts like a flighty girl. Her fingers enter her pussy sharply as the drops seductively accentuate the full beauty of the young girl's body. She is unable to contain the moans bursting from her pussy. Even her smile is quite erotic.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, show me something else.<</say>>
<<md>>With every groan, she digs her nails into her skin, and those scratches bleed on her belly as her hips drop down onto her fingers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>She keeps her hands so close to her clit area that I feel like I'm inside her. She opens herself up before entering this crazy flood of pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>Yeah, I think it's time for me to either act or get out of here. It's not that I don't want to act, it just might take some time.<</md>>
<<addmins 30>>\
[[Leave|Home corridor]]<<md>>Thinking about Veronica, I'm beginning to realize more and more that she's quite special. Our relationship with her has moved to a new level, and I feel the warmth that comes from her every time I look directly into her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica...<</say>>
<<md>>This is not a girl, but a dream. However, some events do make me think that her past is still haunting the girl. And at home, there's not much anyone watching her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We have to do something about it...<</say>>
<<md>>But what? How can I help her? Won't I tie her up in the basement?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hehehe, she would have loved it for sure!<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, I think I have the perfect idea. What if I asked her to live with me? Then I could monitor her more. Yeah, I think that's a good idea.<</md>>
<<set $LivewithVeronicaBegin = 1>>\
[[Leave|My room]]<<say $mc>>Veronica, I would like to ask you something?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl calmly shook the tip of her hair and looked at me.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>I didn't do anything. No fooling around today, honestly, honestly!<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me with such earnest eyes that you could forget not only what you wanted to ask, but also where you were.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, no, that's not what I mean.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>About what? The motorcycle?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It didn't work out either...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>It might...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Will you just let me talk?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, I'm sorry.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes... Well, in general... Would you like to live with me?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>It's like I have my own house. Why?<</say>>
<<md>>That's what I was afraid of. She might not want to move from the big house to my not-so-big apartment.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think we know each other well enough and...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>You want to control me, right? So I don't get into any trouble.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I wouldn't call it control. More like caring. You're too important to me, so I wouldn't want anything to happen to you.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>When you put it that way... Okay. But I'll have to pack. How about tomorrow after school?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds like a plan.<</say>>
<<set $LivewithVeronicaBegin = 2>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]<<md>>When I noticed Veronica with her huge suitcases, I realized that she was really going to live with me. And that couldn't help but make me happy.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Why are you so important?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl desperately dragged the suitcase across the floor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let me help you!<</say>>
<<md>>I jump up and take the suitcase from her. The suitcase is surprisingly heavy, as if it were filled with rocks.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>I only took the essentials!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I noticed...<</say>>
<<md>>Dragging that kind of burden on foot is not an option. Hmm... Then... We'll have to call a cab.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How did you even get this in here?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>I don't know.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, here's the cab. I think it's time for us to go.<</md>>
<<set $LivewithVeronicaBegin = 3>>\
[[Take a cab|VeronicaLiveBegin4]]<<say $mc>>We're home now.<</say>>
<<md>>We finally got here, and the suitcase nestled comfortably in the corner of the room. Honestly, she's a black sheep here, but if that's the price of Veronica's happiness, then so be it.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Your place is nice enough.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you think so?<</say>>
<<md>>I'd never say it's right nice here, but...<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>And how.<</say>>
<<md>>She kissed me on the lips so gently and softly that I almost lost the ground beneath my feet.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, then, welcome home.<</say>>
<<set $LivewithLexi = -1>>\
<<set $LivewithVeronica = 1>>\
<<set $Livewithschoolgirl = 1>>\
[[Leave|My room]]<<md>>When I enter the room, I notice an interesting picture. Veronica is sitting by her suitcase and can't get it open.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, are you okay?<</say>>
<<md>>I thought she stopped by here a few days ago, however, she still hadn't unpacked her things.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>I want to clean up a bit, but the damn suitcase won't open at all!<</say>>
<<md>>Strangely, she almost sobbed because she couldn't open that suitcase. It's not often you see Monica like that.<</md>>
[[Use your muscles|VeronicaLiveCloset2]]
[[Use your brain|VeronicaLiveCloset2]]<<say $mc>>Let me help you.<</say>>
<<md>>With a little effort the suitcase opens.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>$mc.Name!<</say>>
<<md>>Well, it almost opens. Things are flying all over the room.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It was an accident! Let me help you put it together.<</say>>
<<md>>We start collecting her stuff, which is really a lot.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>It's so hot in here!<</say>>
<<if $VeronicaImage33Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage33Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Veronica takes off her top and feels great without it. That's the kind of cleaning I like!<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, it's finally over.<</say>>
<<md>>Better yet, don't cum. I love the view I see in front of me so much!<</md>>
<<set $LivewithVeronicaCloset = 1>>\
[[Leave|My room]][img[img/Veronica/VeronicaBath1.jpg]]
<<if $VeronicaImage34Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage34Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
[[Watch her|VeronicaLiveShowerWatch]]
[[Leave|VeronicaLiveShowerLeave]]<<md>>No, I don't want to, I'm captivated by the magic of the moment. Veronica directs the shower at herself and the drops drip down her body, making it even more desirable to me.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Ah...<</say>>
<<md>>A moan escapes her lips as she squeezes her nipples and caresses them like her most precious treasure.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Veronica\Quest\Video\VeronicaLiveShowerMast1.mp4"></video></div> And after her, her hand begins to play with her pussy. The fingers move faster and faster...<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes...<</say>>
<<if $VeronicaVideo12Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaVideo12Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She moans louder, and now a stream of water is spurting onto her already completely wet breasts, dripping glistening droplets. <</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>More...<</say>>
<<md>>Her fingers move down from her nipples and a finger begins to rub her swollen clit, watching it shudder and clench, taking in more moisture. Veronica moans. Now already she is losing herself in pleasure, arching her young body. Her eyes are closed and her cheeks are crimson. <</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>What a beautiful sight.<</md>>
[[Leave|Home corridor]]<<md>>No, I don't want to disturb her now - so I'll just leave.<</md>>
<<set $LivewithVeronicaShowerLeave += 1>>\
[[Leave|Home corridor]]<<md>>I barely peek into the shower when I notice Veronica smiling. She's so beautiful. Wait a minute, is she...<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Come in or are you embarrassed?<</say>>
<<md>>She opens the door and I stare contentedly at her naked body. She grabs my hand and pulls me inside. And inside...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Who's that?<</say>>
<<md>>I notice another girl that Veronica gently kisses and hums and then slaps her ass afterwards.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>This is my friend and she says she likes shy men like you. They make her cat very wet.<</say>>
<<md>>They pull me into the tub, undressing me beforehand and they both start licking my cock.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Veronica\Quest\Video\VeronicaLiveShowerSurprise1.mp4"></video></div> Their tongues are very dexterous and I feel they can do something fantastic. sliding up and down on it. They have such delicate and flexible bodies, I'm not embarrassed by them at all.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah....<</say>>
<<md>>On the contrary, I start taking turns fucking them in my mouth. I especially like to do it with my lips as my tongue quivers and merges with my cock. I can feel their pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What greedy little bitches you are.<</say>>
<<md>>They won't stop licking me. I'm getting hot and tight.<</md>>
<<if $VeronicaVideo13Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaVideo13Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>Ah, yes... How hardworking you are!<</say>>
<<md>>They laugh and keep pleasuring me and so on until it's over. After that I stay in their arms. It feels so good to feel their bodies and hear their voices telling me something about themselves. <</md>>
[[Leave|Home corridor]]<<set _VeronicaLiveBreakfastArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _VeronicaLiveBreakfastArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>A good breakfast is the one you meet with the people who are important to you. That's why when Veronica is near me, I'm even happier beyond measure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good morning again.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles at me and bites into her food like she's the hungriest person in the world. Well, I understand her.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>When I go into the kitchen to prepare my signature dish for Veronica, I am surprised to find that the girl is already there.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How did you...<</say>>
<<md>>She laughs out loud.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Do you still think you're that attentive? I was able to slip in right under your nose! More cooking!<</say>>
<<md>>She puts something on the table that looks like porridge with and meat. No, it's not meat, though, it's...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Chicken?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Not just any chicken. But baked chicken fillets with tartar sauce!<</say>>
<<md>>Mmmm, now I can feel how spicy, but very tasty!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're a born cook, Veronica!<</say>>
[[Back|Home corridor]]<<say $Veronica>>Do you ever get bored here?<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, not that question. It means that...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, don't get so worked up, I'm fine, I'm not going anywhere.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica comes up to me and strokes my arm.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I hope so...<</say>>
<<md>>The story of the ex-girlfriend who dumped me because she was bored still reverberated in my head. Oh, those popular girls.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>It's just that since we moved here, I've been having fun. I thought we could have a little party.<</say>>
<<md>>To be honest, I was thinking about having some kind of fun myself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you want to organize it here?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Of course! If you don't mind. I'd invite my friends over and we could have a good time.<</say>>
<<md>>When she said "have fun" I swear her eyes sparkled. She's up to something! And to find out what it is, I happily agree to his offer.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, we can have a little fun too, but it's the weekend.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Of course, of course. Then could you please buy this? Without it, we can't have our party.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course.<</say>>
<<md>>Even without looking at the list, I hid it in my pocket. I'll learn it sometime later.<</md>>
<<set $LivewithVeronicaParty = 1>>\
[[Leave|My room]]<<md>>Yes, let's see.<</md>>
<<text y "2 mattresses">>
<<md>>Hmmm...Well that's understandable...<</md>>
<<text y "one pair of glasses">>
<<md>>I think Veronica wants to dress up a little bit nice, okay...<</md>>
<<text y "5 packs of cigarettes">>
<<md>>Smoking is harmful, but let it be.<</md>>
<<text y "2 packs of chocolates">>
<<md>>Oh you and my sweet tooth...<</md>>
<<text y "10 bottles of wine">>
<<md>>Wow, why does she need so much? All right, though, it's my business to buy.<</md>>
<<set $LivewithVeronicaParty = 2>>\
[[Leave|My room]]
<<md>>Yes, I finally have everything. This party is going to be epic!<</md>>
<<set $LivewithVeronicaParty = 3>>\
[[Back|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]<<say $mc>>Veronica, I bought everything I needed.<</say>>
<<md>>From the doorstep I declare my accomplishments to her because it feels better. She cares about my well-being, and I care about hers.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Fine, you're the best!<</say>>
<<md>>She hugs me gently and snuggles so tightly that I almost drop the bag of bottles on the ground.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Be careful, it's the most important thing!<</say>>
<<md>>She presses even harder against me and whispers.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>The most important thing is you!<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, isn't she a miracle?<</md>>
<<set $LivewithVeronicaParty = 4>>\
[[Sure|Home corridor]]<<md>>I knew the party was supposed to be huge, but I didn't know there would be so many people. There was music and laughter everywhere. The smell of excitement and alcohol was in the air.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>This party is awesome!<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica comes up to me and hugs me. People are looking at us, but I don't care. I want everyone to know how I'm feeling.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm glad you like it!<</say>>
<<md>>She presses her butt against me and I pull my dress up a little, touching those two luscious halves.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Not here... Let's go to the room...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What about your guests?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Let them fuck without me.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica bursts into laughter and pulls me into the room. "No, she's clearly not wearing any clothes, so I quickly pull them off, leaving only this gorgeous girl's body. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mmm, hello...<</say>>
<<md>>She's just like me, showing unprecedented suppleness. I'm at the mercy of a mad desire. I want to possess her immediately, and I already know how it will be. And what will she do? Oh shit, it seems I'm only interested in my own arousal.Veronica sits on my cock, plunging to its full length.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Ah....<</say>>
<<md>>She starts moaning and stroking my belly, whispering sweet words into my ear from time to time. My flesh instantly hardens . Our tongues intertwine in a furious dance, trying to find a new position.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Mmmm...<</say>>
<<md>>My cock instantly enters the girl. In surprise, she loses her balance and begins to slide down, trying to grab my waist.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Veronica\Quest\Video\VeronicaLiveParty1.mp4"></video></div> I gently lower her to the floor and lift her up so she can go even deeper. Toward the end she is already moaning and wriggling, and I realize it's time to act.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, that's it!<</say>>
<<md>>She starts screaming. I feel her vagina and enter it fully, satisfied with that xedcndejv. My hands stroke her breasts and face, while I myself nestle behind her, covering her with my hard dignity. She almost screams.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes, harder!<</say>>
<<if $VeronicaVideo14Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaVideo14Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>I squeeze her in my arms and feel her cum again. Her body is shaking with sweet convulsions, and I realize that she's been holding herself back from cumming for a long time. I hope the music has drowned out her loud cries!<</md>>
<<set $LivewithVeronicaParty = 5>>\
[[Great|My room]]<<md>>Okay, now I need...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica!<</say>>
<<md>>My laptop nearly falls out in surprise. When I enter the office, the last thing I expect to see is a half-naked girl. <</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Hello, sexy director...<</say>>
<<if $VeronicaImage30Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage30Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>She bites her lip and kisses me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you doing here?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>I'm studying, actually.<</say>>
<<if $VeronicaImage31Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage31Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $mc>>In your underwear?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>This is my special uniform just for you.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, I like this gift. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>If it's a present, can I unpack it?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Sure.<</say>>
<<md>>I take off Veronica's underwear and start stroking her breasts and pussy. Oh, if someone comes in, I'm in a lot of trouble. It's definitely worth it, though. <</md>>
<<if $VeronicaImage32Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaImage32Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Veronica>>Do you like my present?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Very much.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Then come home soon, there's something special waiting for you.<</say>>
<<set $LivewithVeronicaOfficeSurprise = 1>>\
[[Great|My office]]<<md>>Wow, it's been a rough day today. I don't know, didn't seem to do much, though.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I opened my laptop and started reading the headlines. Nothing puts me to sleep like the news.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm, what is this?<</say>>
<<md>>The icon on the phone blinks. Aha, so there's a message.<</md>>
<<text g "I know you had a good time with my girlfriends in the dorm... Come to room 69 now, or you won't have a good time!">>
<<md>>Cool... Someone found out my adventures... What do we do now? Damn it! It's too late to go there now. I think we should think about it... In the meantime, I have to sleep...<</md>>
<<set $DormSex1 = 3>>\
[[Sleep|Sleep1]]<<md>>Yeah, school's finally over... Thought this nightmare would never end. The girls today, despite their mercy, were still somewhat annoyed. I was just leaving the office when one of the girls showed up on the doorstep.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello, can I help you?<</say>>
<<md>>There was a pretty blonde woman in front of me who had very pretty dimples on her cheeks. She was smiling broadly, which filled me with joy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Were you waiting for me?<</say>>
<<md>>This was news to me, because I didn't know this girl at all. I hadn't seen her in my classes or at school... But suddenly her smile turned into the grin of an angry fury.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I didn't come yesterday.<</say>>
<<md>>She threw accusations at me one by one. This is the same girl from room 69 who texted me yesterday. She threatened me that if I didn't show up soon, she'd tell Clara everything. Well, I guess I don't have much of a choice.<</md>>
<<set $DormSex1 = 4>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]<<md>>When I entered the room, I honestly didn't know what to expect from the girl. Would she turn me in to Clara? But as soon as I walked in, I knew. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>So you can't live without your dick, either?<</say>>
<<md>>The answer was a sucking and a deep swallowing. Her tongue was wrapped around the entire head, and every now and then, she slipped it into the hole of my cock. That gorgeous... danced across the surface of my dick. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah...Suck it, baby...<</say>>
<<md>>I felt a stream of seed pulsing in my cock.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\DormSex3_1.mp4"></video></div> Suddenly she stopped, and I felt her hot and throbbing penis stop in her along with it. I didn't want to stop it. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come to me... <</say>>
<<md>>I turned her back to me and gently entered her pussy. She was so soft, and her pussy... So sweet... Maybe even too sweet? I don't know. But I haven't felt that kind of flesh in a long time.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So good...<</say>>
<<md>>She moaned with pleasure.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\DormSex3_2.mp4"></video></div> Her legs wrapped around my waist and she began to thrust on my cock. A wave of pleasurable spasms ran through her body and then it relaxed. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Next time, just ask.<</say>>
<<md>>I wouldn't mind repeating this amazing experience.<</md>>
<<set $DormSex1 = 5>>\
[[Leave|School gate]]<<md>>After everything that happened to me... After all the gifts Autumn has given me, I think I should talk to her. At the very least, because I need to take care of my own safety.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Yeah, lazy asses, taller legs! That's it! More! More!<</say>>
<<md>>A familiar voice caught my attention. Yes, Olivia doesn't let the girls down.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Ahhh! Coach, I'm tired!<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>No "I'm tired," Autumn! Pull your butt even higher until you can see the whole thing. Everyone should be able to see it. You're an official whore!<</say>>
<<md>>Ha-ha! How interesting. So the cheerleaders are the official whores. I must say that this is not far from the truth.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Oh, what are you doing here?<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia spotted me and quickly found herself next to me. I didn't want to disturb them, but if that was the case, it was better not to hide the truth.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I came to talk to Autumn. Don't worry, I'll wait until after your training.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>No, no, there's no point. She's in terrible shape today. If this keeps up, I might even suspend her from the competition!<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>But Coach!<</say>>
<<md>>The redheaded girl quickly found herself next to Olivia and me. She winked at me for a moment, and then switched to Olivia.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Did I say I needed your opinion?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>No...<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>So, there it is. That's why you're resting today. But to be as fit as ever tomorrow.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Yes, Coach.<</say>>
<<md>>It's not like Autumn was too much the way things turned out.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So...<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Let's talk not here... What's a relatively short walk?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>If you're not too tired for that.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Not at all.<</say>>
[[Walk with Autumn|AutumQuest1.1]]<style> body.street {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/StreetMorning.jpeg");
<<md>>It was pretty noisy outside, but Autem stayed close to me, so I could hear her well.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>What are you doing here? Did something happen?<</say>>
<<md>>I could tell by her sly grin that she understood.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I came to thank you for your "gifts.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Gifts? What other gifts?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, you know...<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>No, I don't know what you're talking about at all!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>There...<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Ha-ha! You should have seen yourself. Did you enjoy fucking my girls? Their pussies are so soft and warm... Wanting every inch of your cock...<</say>>
<<md>>Hell, I know she's teasing me, however, it's getting pretty tight in my pants!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>There...<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Ha-ha! Can't control your own dick. Maybe I should report this to our principal. I'm sure she'll take care of your problem!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't say anything to anyone, okay?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Is that why you came? You think I'm gonna tell anybody? Well, there's only one way you can shut me up...<</say>>
<<md>>I knew this would all end. What a bitch!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck you in the mouth, fuck you!<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, I think I said it too loudly, and the whole street is looking at me. The girl burst out laughing.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Be careful, otherwise everyone around you will know what a pervert you really are...<</say>>
<<md>>She whispered it in my ears and it made my body feel very good. Free Asmr!<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>If you want me to keep quiet... I need more than just dick...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What else?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>My body is very sore and it needs some relaxation.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can give you a massage.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Massage? No, I need dope. At least four packs. When you get it, come to my room tonight. I'll be waiting. But don't be too slow, or someone else will make me shut up. Ha-ha!<</say>>
<<md>>Consequently, we have to get her some weed. That's fine...<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 11>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 12>>\
[[Okay, dope...|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>So I have the right amount of dope for Autumn. All that's left is a visit to her.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 12>>\
[[Great|Park]]<<md>>I hear a painfully familiar sound as I open the door of the girl's room.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Yes...Harder...<</say>>
<<md>>It's not just sex, it's like a dance of passion.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnSex1.mp4"></video></div> She digs her nails into his back and moans in pleasure. He thrusts all his weight into her and feels her body shudder from his onslaught.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>I'm your bitch! Fuck me harder!<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn thrusts harder on his cock. She wants to be at the very edge of the storm of passion at this moment. I feel an unbearable thirst for life in her, and I know that soon she will open her soul to me. And though it is dangerous to stand here...<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>More... More!<</say>>
<<if $AutumnVideo1Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AutumnVideo1Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Now her pleasure and pain will merge into one passionate energy. The world around her loses its contours and she gradually stops hearing anything but her orgasm. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Yeah...<</say>>
<<md>>Shit, I think she might see me, I have to go.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 13>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 13>>\
[[Leave|School gate]]<<md>>In the distance of the corridor, I noticed a familiar face. A face I was very happy to see now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona, how glad I am to see you.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl smiled shyly and fixed her hair, exposing her neck. What a beautiful thing she has...<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Thank you, it's good to see you too...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl came too close to me, which only made my desire grow stronger. I wanted so badly to kiss her... I wanted so badly to kiss her and not let her go...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How do you feel ... After ... You know...<</say>>
<<md>>I still feel guilty about what happened to her. Even though I got there in time, I couldn't keep her out of the conflict that had happened much earlier.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>It's okay...<</say>>
<<md>>She reached for my lips.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, look, there are too many people here...<</say>>
<<md>>I'd love to be on her lips right now, her neck, her breasts...<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Yes, I understand.<</say>>
<<md>>Her tattoo caught my eye. Yes, she thinks I'm her savior, but I have to make her forget it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Want a massage?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl looked at me with surprise.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>I don't get it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>We could have been there just the two of us.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Then I agree!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fine, then come to the nurse's office on Friday.<</say>>
<<set $Fiona15Q = 8>>\
[[Awesome|School reception]]<<md>>When the door opened, I saw the familiar joyful eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come in and lie down...<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona did as I said and lay down on the board and immediately took off her clothes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I see you're already prepared.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Ha-ha, I don't think we have too much time. Especially I do not believe that you really wanted to give me a massage.<</say>>
<<md>>I smile, after which I pull out my already hard cock. This girl knows me better than anyone.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Ah...<</say>>
<<md>>My cock gently penetrated her pussy. The girl gently embraced me and started moving her pelvis.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaMassage1.mp4"></video></div> I began to move in response to her as well. There were no boundaries between us, I just didn't want to let her go. We were as close as we could get.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Yes...<</say>>
<<if $FionaVideo7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $FionaVideo7Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>She trembled with her whole body and began to thrust harder and harder on my cock.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaMassage2.mp4"></video></div> And then we were already facing each other in a love dance. A few thrusts, and we're connected. Her pussy is completely open and I'm almost completely inside her. Her pussy got stronger, and I realized that this is where I want to be forever.<</md>>
<<if $FionaVideo8Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $FionaVideo8Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Fiona>>Ah... Please...<</say>>
<<md>>Her body arched and I caught it. Her cheeks flushed and her movements became faster. Soon she was shuddering in sweet spasms. <</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Maybe we should repeat our "massage" more often.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona got dressed, kissed me, and left the office.<</md>>
<<set $Fiona15Q = 9>>\
[[Finish the lesson|Examen Biology]]<<md>>I entered the house in silence. I knew it was my home, but it felt like I wasn't alone. Why am I here?<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>It's good that you came. I wanted to meet you already.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh right, I remembered. I had to meet Amber because she owed me money.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you willing to pay?<</say>>
<<md>>But it was obvious to me at the sight of her.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>I... I'm at work... Let me...<</say>>
<<md>>I felt such anger and irritation. They were just overwhelming me from the inside. So I shouldn't expect anything concrete.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Amber, you're a nice enough girl, but I've been hearing these excuses for three months now. If you don't give me something...<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>I can give you a blowjob!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What?<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Yes, yes.<</say>>
<<md>>She kneels down and pulls down my pants. Her mouth expertly begins to encircle my cock.<</md>>
<<md>>I let out a moan of pleasure. It's not what I expected, but it feels so good that I'll settle for a blow job, too.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, go on.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Amber\Quest\Video\AmberDreamSuck1_HD 720p.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>The cock plunges deeper and deeper into her mouth, and she begins to suck it gently. Her mouth is warm, but not too wet. She likes my balls, stroking them with her hand. She opens her lips wider and begins to move them rhythmically with her tongue up and down. A moan of pleasure comes out of her mouth, and I think she's about to cum.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I feel like I'm going to cum a few more times. I begin to penetrate her mouth harder, like a wild animal, which only makes her moan more. She's really enjoying this.<</md>>
<<md>>When she sees that my cock has gotten so big, I wrap my arms around her neck and start pounding harder into her mouth.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Ah...<</say>>
<<md>>My cock is throbbing harder and harder, I'm overwhelmed with passion. I feel that our flow of pleasure still hasn't dried up. I want her to squeeze my cock hard with her throat a few more times.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes!<</say>>
<<md>>I press harder into her mouth, her tongue meets my throat, and I feel her arousal. Amber licks my cock, and I feel all my muscles tense to the breaking point.<</md>>
<<if $AmberVideo3Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AmberVideo3Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>Ah so! Yes! I'm coming!<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>And I, my lord!<</say>>
<<md>>I've never seen anyone cum so violently and with such force before. This is something new and unusual.<</md>>
<<set $Amber1Q = 5>>\
[[Wake up|Amber3Q2]]<<md>>Phew, it's a dream... Amber is unbelievable even in dreams. What about the real thing?<</md>>
<<link [[Wake up|My room]]>><</link>>
<<md>>It was a surprisingly successful morning. In spite of everything, I got to school on time. No gloomy thought could stop me from doing what I loved to do, which was to teach young girls.<</md>>
<<if $AutumnImage2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AutumnImage2Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Autumn>>As a teacher, you're not in much of a hurry...<</say>>
<<md>>Speaking of young girls.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you doing here?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>You're a smart guy, so guess.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wanted to learn biology?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl laughed, and then bit her lip. Oh, I recognize that look.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>I'm not interested in theory. I'm more interested in the practical side of it.<</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly the picture that I had seen when I went to her room appeared before my eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I noticed...<</say>>
<<md>>The main thing is not to pretend. I didn't see anything. I didn't see how much she enjoyed putting her pussy on that cock. How she was just begging for it...<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>I see you liked what you saw.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes... What?! No no!<</say>>
<<md>>Trouble is, I think she's exposed me. The main thing is not to let her know.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Ha-ha.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I didn't see anything, nothing.<</say>>
<<md>>She grinned and ran her hand over her body.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Come on, don't you want to look at that body again?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>There, I have a class coming up...<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Then close the door so no one can disturb us...<</say>>
<<md>>I can't say that her words didn't make the cock in my pants harden. She just her voice can really wake me up, but...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's what you want?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>The same thing as before. Your own dope. Give it to me and I'll put on a personal show you won't forget in your life.<</say>>
<<md>>Yeah, so she wants her weed. Well, I can deal with that easily and fairly quickly. The only question is, do I really want it.<</md>>
[[Give her weed|AutumQuest2.2]]
[[Keep weed for yourself|AutumQuest2.3]]<<md>>I think this can be solved quickly enough without much expense. Well, I'll just give her what she needs, and she'll go away. If I had plenty of time now, the conversation would be different, but I don't have that opportunity right now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So I give you the weed and you calm down?<</say>>
<<md>>She grinned wryly.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Do you want me to calm down? Do you want to see something interesting?<</say>>
<<md>>It's an interesting question. On the one hand it's not convenient, on the other, I've often thought of Othema as a special girl to play with.<</md>>
<<if $AutumnImage3Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AutumnImage3Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>What are you doing?<</say>>
<<md>>I only turned away for a second, looking at the door, as the girl had already begun to take off all the excess.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Help you decide...<</say>>
<<md>>No, we can't let that happen. Now someone will come in and then there will be too much talk.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Take your dope and go already.<</say>>
<<md>>I throw my clothes on her and make her leave.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You know this isn't the end, right? You're my toy now. My favorite teacher.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn winks at me and walks away. Looks like it's not going to end that easily. Well, I have to get ready for my next lesson.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 130>>\
[[Back|Biology class]]
<<md>>Looking at her, I don't feel like giving her the dope. Who knows what she'll do with it. Besides, I don't have time for that.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Look, I don't know what you're up to.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Something you'll never forget.<</say>>
<<md>>What is she talking about? Her voice is nice, of course, but...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think you should...<</say>>
<<if $AutumnImage8Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AutumnImage8Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>But when I come back, she's already starting to take off her clothes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>There, stop it.<</say>>
<<md>>But she doesn't listen, and smiles seductively at me. If anyone comes in.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Damn it!<</say>>
<<md>>I quickly close the door, hoping that no one in the hallway has had time to see the student undress right in front of me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Stop it...<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Stop what? Come here, look...<</say>>
<<if $AutumnImage4Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AutumnImage4Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She has no clothes on at all. She squeezes her breasts seductively.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Can you stop doing that? I'm going to get in trouble.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, yeah, you're in big trouble. In your pants. Let me help you... You want it...<</say>>
<<md>>I'm not going to lie about how much I didn't want to. I really wanted to, but...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I don't...<</say>>
<<md>>She didn't listen to me and was already pulling my swollen cock out of my pants. I suddenly saw how far we had come. She was a real slut. But the problem was that I wanted her more than anything.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>He's so big!<</say>>
<<md>>Her tongue danced over my head, and I could almost feel my erection becoming unrestrained again with horror. It was the pain of pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Her tongue licked the length of my rod.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnClassSuck1_HD 720p.mp4"></video></div> I felt desire, and I felt hot. There was incredible energy coming from her, so much so that I feared for myself. What if she drank all my energy?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I don't know how to stop. I can't. And now I'm already in a panic. Her eyes are glistening. Her lips are open. She has very little left, and I have even less. <</md>>
<<md>>My cock began to slide down her throat, and I felt completely good. I even stopped screaming-she could hear me in the hum...<</md>>
<<if $AutumnVideo2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AutumnVideo2Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Autumn>>Mmmm... So delicious...<</say>>
<<md>>It's as if my dick is bursting from the inside out. But she loves it, and she takes great pleasure in it. She wraps her tongue around it, pulls it into her and, looking down at me, closes her eyes. Yes. Now...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Autumn... Here...<</say>>
<<md>>She swallowed every inch of my seeds. She swallowed everything... Time has stopped. It's an amazing time. If it weren't for the fact that someone was knocking on the door.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Don't worry, I won't be here now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Where are you...<</say>>
<<md>>Just as I turned around, the girl was gone. Some amazing things!<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 14>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 14>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Back|Biology class]]<<md>>Monica is the most amazing girl I have ever met in my life. When I think of her, it makes me feel so warm inside. It's an amazing feeling that has overwhelmed me since the moment I saw her at practice.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, you are beautiful...<</say>>
<<md>>When I remember that moment, I am overwhelmed with wonderful feelings. And I don't want it to end at all. That's why I'll do everything I can to make it last as long as possible.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Am I ready to take this step?<</say>>
<<md>>I don't know, but any relationship has to evolve, and this will be no exception. You can't let that happen, or I might lose Monica.<</md>>
<<set $LivewithMonicaBegin = 1>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>It's a tough conversation and certainly worth starting, but I still don't feel I'm ready enough. Maybe we should wait a little while. What if she says no? Although, on the other hand, why would she refuse me?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Is something wrong, kitty?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica looks at me with her beautiful eyes full of love and takes away all my worries.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, you know I really appreciate you...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What is it?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Are you going to break up with me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why would I break up with you if you're so amazing, beautiful, and generally the best girl?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Then I don't understand.<</say>>
<<md>>I think we should just tell it like it is.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I wanted to ask you to live with me.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Living with... Of course, of course!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica jumped out of bed and started hugging me like it was the last time.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So you agree?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Certainly. When are we going to move?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>When do you agree?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Right now!<</say>>
<<md>>Ha-ha! I didn't think it would go that well. Well, I'm glad to hear that.<</md>>
<<set $LivewithMonicaBegin = 2>>\
<<set $LivewithMonica = -1>>\
<<set $LivewithLexi = -1>>\
<<set $LivewithVeronica = -1>>\
<<set $Livewithschoolgirl = 1>>\<<set _MonicaLiveShowerPhotoArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _MonicaLiveShowerPhotoArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<if $MonicaImage21Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage21Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<case 2>>\
<<if $MonicaImage22Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage22Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
[[Watch her|MonicaLiveShowerWatch]]
[[Join her|MonicaLiveShowerSex]]
[[Leave|Home corridor]]<<set _MonicaLiveShowerWatchArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _MonicaLiveShowerWatchArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Everywhere the little slit I watched was beautiful. How it dripped softly down her body, accentuating every detail. How the drops touched her nipples, so big and horny.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Here's a wonderful view, but if you showed me a little more, beautiful... And as if hearing my thoughts, Monica begins to squeeze her breasts, to me so hard that red marks are left on the white skin.<</md>><div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaLiveShowerMast1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $MonicaVideo21Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo21Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Oh, what gorgeous breasts she has. Yeah, I think it's time for me to either act or get out of here. It's not that I don't want to act, it just might take a while.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
She touches her rather sexy body in a way that I have never seen before. It's as if she likes the way she's rough with herself, the way she acts like a flighty girl. Her fingers enter her pussy sharply as the drops seductively accentuate the full beauty of the young girl's body. She is unable to contain the moans bursting from her pussy. Even her smile is quite erotic.
<<say $mc>>Oh, show me something else.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaLiveShowerMast2.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $MonicaVideo22Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo22Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>With every groan, she digs her nails into her skin, and those scratches bleed on her belly as her hips drop down onto her fingers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>She keeps her hands so close to her clit area that I feel as if I am inside her. She opens herself up before entering this crazy flood of pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>Yeah, I think it's time for me to either act or get out of here. It's not that I don't want to act, it just might take some time.<</md>>
<<addmins 30>>\
[[Leave|Home corridor]][[Leave|Home corridor]]<<md>>Watching such a beautiful sight and not joining in is a great agony. I look at her naked body, and a terrible desire awakens in me that can no longer be contained.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica bites her lip as I pick up and place it on the counter where the sink is.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's definitely a good morning.<</say>>
<<md>>She says this at the very moment when my cock enters her pussy completely, without a trace.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaLiveShowerFuck1.mp4"></video></div> A shiver runs through my body. It's not the best morning for a passionate relationship, but it's what I want. My excitement doesn't subside even when I lean into her ear and say:<</md>>
<<if $MonicaVideo23Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo23Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>I want you very much.<</say>>
<<md>>After a while, when she starts moaning louder and wanting more, I start pushing hard. My cock goes in deeper and deeper. After a while, she, moaning softly, begins to give me signs to lean into her ear more often. I follow them, and soon she begins to wiggle rhythmically, and then to arch out.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>The cock enters her almost without stopping. On the fifth thrust, Monica groans. She asks me to come inside her again. I do this a few more times, and we cum together.<</md>>
<<addmins 30>>\
[[Leave|Home corridor]]<<set _MonicaLiveMorningArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _MonicaLiveMorningArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>When I wake up, the first thing I feel is a huge boner. My cock rests against Monica's soft and luscious ass, which she wiggles as she awakens from my wake-up call. What a beautiful morning it is.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good morning, my beauty.<</say>>
<<md>>I gently kiss Monica's neck, which makes her stretch out happily.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>If you want to fuck me, you can do it now. I can feel your tension.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha! I wish I could. I have to wake up.<</say>>
<<md>>I slapped her on the butt as hard as I could.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Ay!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>This is to keep you on your toes. Get up for breakfast!<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yeah, coming soon!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Morning quickly knocked on my window. I didn't even want to wake up at first, but I heard something that really interested me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Slightly...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl's moans made me open my eyes. It sounded like she was dreaming about something nice... Oh, I'd listen to those sounds forever.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Greater... Deeper...<</say>>
<<md>>Are you sure she's not awake? Well, I guess that's an excuse to comply with her request. I gently slide my fingers down her panties.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mmm...<</say>>
<<md>>I gently slid my finger into her pussy... Deep... Deep... More... More... Don't let her wake up. I don't want her to be frightened... And there she is, my sweet torment gets what she wants. She moans in pleasure and comes again.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good morning.<</say>>
<<md>>She opens her eyes and smiles.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I hope you enjoyed it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And how.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Maybe I deserve something more?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I think you deserve breakfast.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Hey, that's not what I meant!<</say>>
<<md>>And smiling, I get out of bed.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>The morning came too quickly and too loudly. Like being submerged in cold water, I awoke to a sharp sound.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What?<</say>>
<<md>>I look at the bed and don't notice Monique, but I hear a pitiful squeak...<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>yyyy!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Monica?<</say>>
<<md>>I jump off the bed and look at the girl who has fallen off the bed and rub my back.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, you poor thing, come here.<</say>>
<<md>>I help her up from the floor.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You should definitely get a big bed...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's right. Shall we have breakfast?<</say>>
<<md>>She nods, which means nothing can get in the way of our good breakfast.<</md>>
<<set $LivewithMionicaSexPerDay += 1>>\
[[Get up|My room]]<<set _MonicaLiveSexBedArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _MonicaLiveSexBedArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Her body calls out to me, and I want to enter her pussy at the same second. But I don't need to rush, I need to be slow and gentle. Or should I do the opposite? Yeah, okay. I'll do it smoothly and leisurely. Now. In the meantime... Oh, shit, she put her hand on my chest and dug her lips into me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come here, my girl.<</say>>
<<md>>My cock got hard, and I felt a pleasant tugging sensation inside my own tummy. Wow, I didn't even see her spread her legs. She was caressing my balls. I feel so good with her. And now...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ah...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaLiveSexBed1_HD 720p.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $MonicaVideo24Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo24Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>The cock entered her pussy hard. I was even pierced by a sharp electricity that I had long been accustomed to, and which, oddly enough, was soothing, preventing me from thinking about anything else. She moaned with pleasure, and, throwing her hand back, began to rub her breasts. What a beautiful pussy she had!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>And I felt her sag back, trying to take my cock as deep into her as possible. And immediately I cum inside her. She knows how to squeeze the juices out of me.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>I squeeze the two rounded and soft halves of her ass. Sometimes Monica kisses me on the lips, and I kiss her back. Now she's kissing my neck. Oh, I didn't even notice her tongue touching my skin. Monica slows her movement and stops. I can plunge deep into her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, baby, is that what you want?<</say>>
<<md>>I gently part her lips and slide my cock in loosely, as if asking. But she's ready for it. She can already feel me inside her. She responds to my thrusts. I reach the deepest spot in her pussy.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Ah... Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica moans softly and squeezes her legs together.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaLiveSexBed2_HD 720p.mp4"></video></div> Then she makes an intricate sound. It's as organic as her inhales and exhales. Only stronger. Almost on the verge of ecstasy.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaVideo25Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo25Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Monica>>More... More...<</say>>
<<md>>I can feel his impatience, and I love it. She's riding my cock so hard that I can't hold back anymore. I can see my seed soaking into her uterus.<</md>>
<<set $LivewithMonicaSexPerDay += 1>>\
[[Sleep|Sleep1]]<<md>>I couldn't get Autumn out of my mind. What had happened here before the lesson kept playing over and over in my head. I couldn't say it bothered me too much, but there was something special about it all. And that I'd missed my chance to enjoy this depraved girl's body.<</md>>
<<text y "I bet you're fantasizing about me right now...">>
<<md>>Such a loud message sounded like an explosion to me. That's what happens when you get so deep into your thoughts.<</md>>
<<text y "I think you realized you can't get rid of me that easily...">>
<<md>>Here we go. What does she want from me this time?<</md>>
<<text y "Come to my room - I think there'll be enough dope for both of us. We'll have a blast. And who knows what else you'll get?">>
<<md>>She is very persistent. If I wasn't interested in her, that could be a huge problem. What can he do, though?<</md>>
<<md>>If you don't come, I'll tell everyone about how you had fun with my girlfriends, peeped on me, and then got me hooked on drugs. I look forward to seeing you as soon as possible. HOHO."<</md>>
<<md>>Well, I guess I have another visit to the dorm. And it better be soon, because there's no telling what's in that half-crazy girl's head. <</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 131>>\
[[To the work|Basic work]] <<md>>Well, class was finally over. This time it seemed really hard to sit still through the rest of the classes. It was an invisible torment, talking to the students and thinking about Autumn. I don't know why I thought about her more: because she has a pretty hot body or because she was blackmailing me? But whichever it was...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're turning me on...<</say>>
<<md>>A look from one of the students let me know that I had said it out loud. I wanted to justify myself, but her bewildered face suddenly flushed and then smiled contentedly. Well, let's not ruin a girl's dream of a wise mentor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, you shouldn't.<</say>>
<<md>>Maybe one day I'll teach her all the tricks of the trade right here on the table. Or somewhere in the locker room... Hmm, I think her skirt is so short that I can see her panties. Oh, wait, she doesn't have panties...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're lucky I'm a little preoccupied right now. Yes, we have to deal with this redhead problem once and for all.<</say>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 132>>\
[[Leave the room|Second floor]]<<md>>Here they are, needed doors. I've been here before, but last time it wasn't so formal. And she gave me a special show.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now when I think about it.<</say>>
<<md>>I think she did it for a reason. I don't know how, but it was like she guessed the time when I would come. And that's why she made me see it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds like it.<</say>>
<<md>>It wasn't just jealousy, no. She wasn't the kind of girl who was jealous. She's the kind of girl who ties guys to her with her looseness, with her body, which she knows how to use easily. I'm pretty sure that's how a lot of guys have fallen into her net.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Even I dream about it...<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, there's nothing to hide the truth. I'm not just here for blackmail. After all, this kind of action is designed for only one thing: the reaction of the victim. She's not interested in rejection, she probably wouldn't even tell me anything, but...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But I don't want to take any chances.<</say>>
<<md>>So I touch a little sticky pen.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Dreadful!<</say>>
<<md>>I don't think it's glue. I think it's the footprints of guys who've been here. I remember in college we used to smear our seed on the doors of the hottest bitches, too. It was like you were letting others know that this girl belonged to you.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you kidding me?<</say>>
<<md>>Even so, no matter how many times I pulled the doorknob, they still wouldn't open. I came to a closed room.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 133>>\
[[Check other rooms|AutumnQuest3.41]]
[[Leave|AutumnQuest3.4]]<<say $mc>>Okay, I'll wait.<</say>>
<<md>>It's been 15 minutes, but the result is the same. Other girls are already looking at me. I can hear them laughing at me. Well, you can be proud of yourself, girl, you made a laughing stock out of me. -You won't get away with it!<</md>>
<<md>>Rather the wind I leave the dormitory ? Going over in my head plans of revenge for Autumn.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 134>>\
[[Leave dormitory|AutumnQuest3.5]]
<<md>>A tremendous rage envelops me as I leave the school gates. It tears me from the inside out, I feel too shattered. I can afford many things, but not to bully myself! That time is long past. However, people like Autem don't understand the word "no." That's why you have to teach them in other ways than just words.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you think it's funny? Do you think you're the smartest?<</say>>
<<md>>I typed the letters quickly, like the screams of my soul.<</md>>
<<text y "Kitty, what's wrong? You seem upset about something?">>
<<md>>Kitty? Upset? But how dare she?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Your jokes won't get you through!<</say>>
<<text y "I don't know what you mean. Did something happen?">>
<<md>>She really can make me madder than anyone else.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You think you can make a fool out of me? You'll pay for the deception. For coming here and not having you.<</say>>
<<md>>Silence. I was already thinking about crushing the phone right there in the middle of the street when the answer came.<</md>>
<<text y "Ahaha, silly! What did you expect me to do, wait for you right there? Maybe that you'd watch me get fucked by other guys again?">>
<<md>>I told you... She knew and she did it on purpose!<</md>>
<<text y "Besides, I'm not going to use dope in a dorm. If you want to impress me, find a house where we can be alone.">>
<<md>>The only thing I want to do now is to tear her to pieces for such blatant bullying of me! Yes, I think I'd better calm down and think about what I'm going to do next at home.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 135>>\
[[Okay|School gate]]<<md>>Now that my thoughts have calmed down a bit and my emotions have subsided, I can think things through more calmly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The point is.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn is an unusual girl. In her obsessiveness, stubbornness, and desire to bully me. Every movement she makes is that of a girl who wanted to cause me a lot of trouble just by her existence.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But you can't break me that easily.<</say>>
<<md>>And here's how easily I can give a girl what she deserves. But what does she deserve?<</md>>
[[Punishment|AutumnQuest3.8]]<<md>>I know girls like her. They think they can't be loved for nothing. As if the only possible way to get someone's support is to be cruel to them. I guess that's the way it is in her family.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But I'll teach you something else.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, I will show her that there is a whole other world. A world where you don't have to act like the last bitch for others to be with you.<</md>>
<<md>>But in order to do that, I need to find the house she was talking about earlier.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 136>>\
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderSave = 1>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>It takes too much on itself. No one dares to mock me like that. She deserves the greatest punishment in the world. One that she won't recover from her humiliation for quite some time.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And you'll get it.<</say>>
<<md>>You will beg me for mercy, but I will not pity you. I will be even more cruel to you. Every second of your existence will become hell just because you crossed the wrong man!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>But for that I need two things. The first is to find the house she spoke of earlier. And two, something to stupefy her so much that she won't be able to move. I think Johan can help with that. <</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 136>>\
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderPunish = 1>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<say $mc>>Clara, I need your help...<</say>>
<<md>>The first person that comes to my mind when it comes to renting a place to live is Clara. The whole luxurious lifestyle. She must know the right people.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>What can I do for you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I need to rent a private home for a while. I thought maybe you could tell me who to contact.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara looked at me carefully<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Planning to move?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I guess you could say that. We need to have a little meeting somewhere other than our own apartment for a while.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Only once?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's right.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Then I don't think it makes sense for you to rent a whole house. Besides, they'll either charge you a lot of money, or you'll have to rent a house for a whole month.<</say>>
<<md>>Hmm... I guess it's not as easy as I thought it would be. What should I do then?<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>But don't worry, I can let you stay in my house if you promise to clean up after everything.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don't know, that's kind of cheeky of me.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh, stop it, I spend a lot of time out there anyway, the house is just empty...<</say>>
<<md>>Hmm... That's interesting.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, if so, I will gladly accept your invitation.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay. Let me know when you need it.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, now we have to inform Autumn of our success.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 137>>\
[[Back|Director's office]]
<<say $Autumn>>No.<</say>>
<<md>>A single word, but it brings out a huge anger in me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What do you mean "no"? You asked me to find a house, and I did. What don't you like?<</say>>
<<md>>She instantly rolled her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Are you stupid? I like adventure, not stupidity!<</say>>
<<md>>She's testing my patience too much right now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe you can explain to your royal majesty, can't you?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>How can you not understand such simple things? Smoking dope in the principal's house is suicide.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She won't know about anything...<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, you certainly don't know our principal. She'll find out everything, just like you didn't hide it. So if you want to spend time with me, look for another option.<</say>>
<<md>>She's going to drive me crazy! Damn it! We'll have to find another option.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 138>>\
[[Back|School reception]]<<md>>I think that in addition to Clara, Susan will also help me. She seems to be quite experienced in such matters, so she will help me for sure.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>What can I do for you?<</say>>
<<md>>Just as I open my mouth, the woman smiles fondly at me. As I said before, an experienced woman can be seen from afar.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm looking for someone who can tell me where to rent a house for the day.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Clara told you, didn't she?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Said what? I talked to Clara, of course, but she didn't say anything about you.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Then how do you know I work as a realtor?<</say>>
<<md>>Such a confession is just news to me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry, I didn't know, but it's a very wonderful coincidence.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Very suspicious rather...<</say>>
<<md>>Sophia looks at me carefully, as if to see if I'm lying. Well, it would be good if I could convince her of everything.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Well, good.Do you have any requests?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, I just wish I could find a home as soon as possible.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>It's an urgent matter, isn't it? Who is she?<</say>>
<<md>>The woman smiles.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I...<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Leave it, if a man is looking for a house so urgently, even for one day, he definitely has sex on his mind.<</say>>
<<md>>And she's even more perceptive than I thought. But I don't think we should talk about it now.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>However, it's none of my business. I'll find out everything you need to know. Come back tomorrow.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, hopefully there will be news tomorrow.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 139>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Back|English class]]<<say $Sophia>>Ah, there you are. I thought about coming to your office myself, but it didn't work out.<</say>>
<<md>>Susan meets me again with her brilliant smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I'm already here. What did you find out?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>I found you the perfect deal: two floors, two showers, bedroom, pool, billiards, and it's all for only $700, because you're my colleague.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Whoa, did I win the lottery?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Huh, maybe. So what do you take?<</say>>
<<md>>The woman winked at me and stroked my shoulders. I must say that I've always loved tactility, and her touch was really nice. However...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I have to think about it.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Maybe I could talk you into something?<</say>>
<<md>>She almost imperceptibly ran her tongue over her lips so erotically that I felt the stones clump in my pants.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's very tempting, but I need some advice.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>With another girl?<</say>>
<<md>>I kept quiet because I didn't want to answer such a provocative question. Obviously, the woman was just fishing for information. And if she succeeded, who knows how she would use it?<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Of course, it's none of my business. If you're thinking about it, let me know. If not, here's our website, - you can choose any of the houses.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely, absolutely.<</say>>
<<md>>Somehow I think I'm really going to need the site... Although we'll see what Autumn has to say about it.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 140>>\
[[Back|English class]]<<say $Autumn>>You don't know how to choose anything at all!<</say>>
<<md>>As soon as I break the news, Autem starts squealing like a siren.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you talking about anyway? Of course I know how to choose.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>It's not a house, it's a horror! I wouldn't even stay in it for a moment!<</say>>
<<md>>And I would have stopped. To strangle you quietly, so you wouldn't complain.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So why don't you choose?!<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Yes, because you can't do anything!<</say>>
<<md>>I feel like hitting her. Right here, right now, but I know it won't make any difference.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I can do it all!<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>The arguments! I'll give you one more chance! Otherwise you'll pay for wasting your time.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Where are you going?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Far away from you.<</say>>
<<md>>Somebody hit her so that my suffering ends!<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 141>>\
[[Back|School gate]]
<<say $mc>>We'll see...<</say>>
<<md>>I opened the agency page that Susan had directed me to, and then started looking at houses. I'd have to find something pretty good.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Not that...<</say>>
<<md>>Too expensive, and from the looks of it, not to the taste of the redheaded lure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm, that's something.<</say>>
<<md>>A little more modest, but tasteful.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bingo!<</say>>
<<md>>I found a better option! And God forbid she should not like it...<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 142>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<say $Autumn>>It's better than nothing.<</say>>
<<md>>Is she ever satisfied at all? What do I have to do to make that happen?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Look, if you don't like it, do it yourself. I'm not going to please you!<</say>>
<<md>>Then she laughed out loud.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Didn't you do that all the time? Pleasing me and trying to get my attention?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You...<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Okay, I found the right house for us a long time ago. It's my friend's house, so we won't be disturbed.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How long ago? How long ago?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>From the time of your first attempt.<</say>>
<<md>>The first attempt... So all the things I did were for nothing?<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Don't worry, I liked the way you served me. You seem to know the meaning of it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You...<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>When you can talk, I expect you at 7 p.m. on Street Raw-Road.<</say>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 143>>\
[[Back|School gate]]<<say $mc>>Johan, I need your special advice.<</say>>
<<say $Johan>>Old Johan is always happy to help.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I need a drink so strong that the girl's limbs go numb. She couldn't move them.<</say>>
<<md>>The old man stroked his beard, peering into the wall as if he wanted to find answers.<</md>>
<<say $Johan>>Hmm... Numb... Ah, yes, I know. Absinthe!<</say>>
<<md>>He instantly pulled out a green bottle from behind the counter.<</md>>
<<say $Johan>>What you need. The girl will be completely at your disposal.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You really know what you're talking about. How much is it worth?<</say>>
<<say $Johan>>Free, if you do me a favor and film the whole thing.<</say>>
[[I don't|AutumnQuest3.18]]
<<say $mc>>You'll see everything in the best detail! Every inch of her body.<</say>>
<<md>>The old man smiles at me and rubs his hands together.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderPunish = 2>>\
[[Back|Strange store]]<<say $mc>>Sorry, this is a personal matter. I can't help you.<</say>>
<<say $Johan>>Well, not everyone is as liberated as old Johan . Then out of you $500.<</say>>
[[Pay to him|AutumnQuest3.19]]
[[Don't pay to him|AutumnQuest3.20]]<<say $mc>>Of course, here's the money.<</say>>
<<say $Johan>>It's a pleasure doing business with you.<</say>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderPunish = 2>>\
[[Back|Strange store]]<<say $mc>>I don't think I'm ready to pay that much yet.<</say>>
<<say $Johan>>Come back if you change your mind.<</say>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderPunish = 1.5>>\
[[Back|Strange store]]<<say $Johan>>Are you thinking of buying a bottle of absinthe?<</say>>
[[Pay to him|AutumnQuest3.19]]
[[Don't pay to him|AutumnQuest3.20]]<<say $Autumn>>How do you like it here?<</say>>
<<if $AutumnImage9Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AutumnImage9Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>Autumn greedily inhales the scent of dope and passes it to me. The scent makes me a little dizzy, but I stay alert.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I have to admit, it's really not bad here.<</say>>
<<md>>I wouldn't say this is where I lived, but there's something about this place. Is it the drugs talking to me?<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>It's not bad? But this place is a hundred times better than the one you picked! Those places really were kind of a nightmare. But you know what's better?<</say>>
<<md>>She whispers it to me at my ear, which makes me feel a really definite stirring.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And what?<</say>>
<<if $AutumnImage10Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AutumnImage10Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $Autumn>>That we're alone here... And you're completely at my mercy...<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, I know what that means. Without wasting a moment, I grab her breasts.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Gathered your hands! I didn't let you touch me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Only looking, not touching.<</say>>
<<md>>She juts out her ass and then looks at me seductively, biting her lip.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are beautiful.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>I know.<</say>>
<<if $AutumnImage11Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AutumnImage11Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She smiles as she spreads her legs, making my cock ready to pounce on her. I reach for her panties, but her voice stops me.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Do you think I would let someone like you touch me? You think that's what I want? I don't want a nobody like you!<</say>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 144>>\
<<if $AutumnCheerleaderPunish == 1>>\
<<elseif $AutumnCheerleaderSave == 1>>\
<</if>>\<<say $mc>>Yes, I'm sorry, I jumped to conclusions, let's have a drink.<</say>>
<<md>>I hold out the bottle of drink to her again, and the girl is like a thirsty sucker.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>That's better. You are only meant to serve me.<</say>>
<<md>>My hatred boils over again, but I know it won't be long now. Very soon the absinthe will take effect, and then she will pay for every insolent word.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>What's wrong with my limbs? I can't feel them... Help me! Help me!<</say>>
<<md>>She bursts out screaming, but it only makes me laugh. In the end she became a helpless silly girl.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Cry or not, that doesn't help you anymore, you stupid bitch!<</say>>
<<md>>I throw her onto the couch and press her to it as hard as I can.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>What have you done to me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now you will serve me!<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Let go!<</say>>
<<md>>But her screams don't bother me. I pull her clothes off, enjoying the sight of her already wet pussy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, you like it when I'm rough? Well...<</say>>
<<md>>I pour the rest of the absinthe on her breasts and then sharply push the bottle into her pussy, making her moan loudly.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You're going to pay for this!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, you'll pay for your shenanigans!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnWeedBottle1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>The bottle goes deeper and deeper into her pussy, filling me with more and more rage. I push harder and a shiver runs through her body.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Ahhh...<</say>>
<<md>>A stream of warm liquid slowly runs down her breasts. I feel her clit swell, and in one sharp movement I push the bottle all the way to the base of her cavern.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you like it? Do you like it when I'm cruel to you?<</say>>
<<if $AutumnVideo4Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AutumnVideo4Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She doesn't answer, but I know the answer. I want to plunge my cock into her as deep as possible. Her swollen nipples glisten in that light, and I feel the flame flaring up inside me again.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Finally she begins to wriggle beneath me, and then she cries out loudly. The girl is no longer screaming, but shrieking. At last I can see what is happening to her. She is no longer screaming out of pain, but out of joy.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Any more...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What a whore you are...<</say>>
<<md>>I laugh as I see her literally begging to keep fucking her with the bottle.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Yes, I like it...<</say>>
<<md>>The next second I can't hold her - she topples over backwards and screams loudly. But I don't stop. I want her to remember this second forever, and I don't let go of the bottle until a fountain of sweetness pours from her pussy.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You... What have you done to me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What you deserved!<</say>>
<<md>>Without further ado, I'm leaving home.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 145>>\
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]<<say $mc>>You don't have to act like that with me, Autumn.<</say>>
<<md>>I know she's so used to it, but I have to talk to her.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>What do you mean? I always do...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No and you know it. Look, you're beautiful...<</say>>
<<md>>I take her hand.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>What did I tell you? Don't touch me!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No need to, I know you want to.<</say>>
<<md>>I run my hands over her shoulder, and then I kiss her softly.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Probably, but...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No buts. You deserve to be loved without any buts. And I will love you, but if you stop humiliating me, of course?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>That's the way I like it better. Obedient and submissive Autumn.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, what are you doing?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>I'll take mine.<</say>>
<<md>>She unzips my pants and pulls out my cock. Her lips begin to work on his head.<</md>>
<<md>>Autumn senses my excitement and smiles. I kiss her on the forehead and walk away. She takes my cock in her hand and starts to move it up and down. She does everything slowly and gently, but the arousal only grows from this. It increases in size, which means Autumn knows how to handle it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnWeedBlow1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Every second I get more and more excited. She really is perfect. As soon as I start to cum, she squeezes it harder. I could have let her keep playing with me, the sight of her didn't make my heart flinch.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mmm...<</say>>
<<md>>I feel like I'm ready to cum, and I want that little sassy girl. No sooner have I touched her than my body is on fire, and I start to get horny fast. Stunned, Autumn starts sucking the head.<</md>>
<<if $AutumnVideo3Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AutumnVideo3Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>More, harder...<</say>>
<<md>>She likes it. When I start to move my dick, she moves toward me. It feels good. She looks so seductive that I start to lose control. And I get even more turned on. Autem is perfectly happy. I can feel that she's horny, too.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Your mouth is wonderful...<</say>>
<<md>>She is so gentle that I don't notice myself as I begin to forcefully fuck her in my mouth. Her lips are so sweet that I feel a wave of approaching pleasure spilling out right into her mouth!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Well, it was worth it!<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 145>>\
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>I think the best option right now is to check the other rooms. Maybe the girl is there herself and is just playing a joke on me. But where would I go?<</md>>
<<if $AutumnCheerleaderCheckroom > 1>>\
<<goto "AutumnQuest3.47">>\
<<if $AutumnCheerleaderCheckroomRight < 1>>\
[[Check right room|AutumnQuest3.42]]
<<if $AutumnCheerleaderCheckroomCenter < 1>>\
[[Check central room|AutumnQuest3.44]]
<<if $AutumnCheerleaderCheckroomLeft < 1>>\
[[Check left room|AutumnQuest3.45]]
<</if>>\<<md>>I gently open the door of this room and look inside. And I notice a wonderful picture: two half-naked girls kissing so softly and gently, which can't help but excite me. They touch each other's naked breasts, and then... One of them runs her tongue down her neck, down to her breasts. The other shudders in pleasant ecstasy as her tongue touches an already aroused and hardened nipple.<</md>>
<<md>>She reaches behind her back and lightly runs her hand over the other girl's buttock. But she bounces slightly in place, closes her eyes and moans. After a minute she returns to her interrupted activity, and the other begins to work with her tongue and lips as well.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, girls...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnHostelLesbian1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>The girl bites her partner's lower lip, rolls her eyes voluptuously, barely restraining herself from screaming in pleasure. Watching this action, I smile and pull out my swollen cock.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Continue...<</say>>
<<md>>One presses the other against her and kisses her between the breasts. She whispers something, and they both giggle. I masturbate more and more, moving my hand up and down.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>This gentle caress is so beautiful that my whole gut chills with jealousy and excitement ... Oh, how I want them, these passionate little feet!<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderCheckroom += 1>>\
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderCheckroomRight = 1>>\
[[Keep watching|AutumnQuest3.43]]
[[Leave|AutumnQuest3.41]]<<say $mc>>Any more...<</say>>
<<md>>And now both girls turn red with tension. Their lips quiver, and they freeze for a few moments in that position. And then one of them goes lower and lower, leaving a trail of kisses until her lips touch her partner's pussy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The most interesting thing...<</say>>
<<md>>Then the friend sinks her teeth into her friend's shoulder and begins to bite her neck. But arises, bends, and suddenly... Something indescribable begins... Both girls no longer belong to this world - they are full of desperate power and sharpness of sensuality...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes, girls...<</say>>
<<md>>One of the girls moans softly, and the other seems indifferent, but she has gone completely to work. Her hand touches the other's waist, tracing something on it with her fingers. Then her hand penetrates between the other's legs, plunging into her bosom. Their bodies are pressed tightly together.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Show me...<</say>>
<<md>>The tongue penetrates her pussy and then... The second girl is no longer able to hold back her moans, she clutches her knees and arches so that her head hits the floor. But that doesn't stop them-they feel in power. They are struggling to contain their feelings, but their fingers on their hands are trembling. Their chests rise more and more, and their moans grow louder.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I masturbate, unable to contain my arousal, and cum softly on the floor as the girls merge in holy ecstasy. I think I should leave before anyone notices me.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderCheckroom += 1>>\
<<md>>There's nothing interesting here and neither is Autumn.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderCheckroom += 1>>\
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderCheckroomCenter = 1>>\
[[Leave|AutumnQuest3.41]]<<md>>I always liked this room. Maybe Autumn is here, too?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh...<</say>>
<<md>>But instead of Autumn, I catch a very different picture. A very graceful and tanned girl is sucking a guy's cock. Her lips glide gently over the shaft, and her tongue plays with the head. She obviously enjoys the process. She licks the head a little harder, a little looser. Now and then she licks it with her lips, now and then she pulls away.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>She plunges the guy's cock down his throat harder and harder, giving him great pleasure. The guy moans. Her tongue movements are getting stronger and more aggressive. She seems to be working her tongue as hard as she can, trying to give him the most pleasure. Watching this, I feel tremendous arousal and start massaging my rock hard cock.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Any more...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnHostelFuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>His hands close around the girl, pushing her into the back of the bed. Now the girl pulls his cock toward her, moving deeper with each movement. Now the head of his cock is completely hidden in her throat.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it...<</say>>
<<md>>But it's too dangerous to stay here. The excitement is getting stronger and stronger, and if I'm spotted.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderCheckroom += 1>>\
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderCheckroomLeft = 1>>\
[[Stay more|AutumnQuest3.46]]
[[Leave|AutumnQuest3.41]]<<md>>I jerked my cock as hard as I could. The guy is almost at the peak of his pleasure. Suddenly the girl turns around and notices me. She calls me to her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it...<</say>>
<<md>>As soon as I walk up to her, the guy gets attached to her pussy and the girl licks my very hard cock.<</md>>
<<md>>God, I'm really ready to cum! Her hips start trembling in time with this movement.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is yours!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnHostelFuck2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I squeeze as hard as I can, and she moans. I feel like her throat is going to burst. It really excites me. I start moving my hips, trying to penetrate deeper into the girl's body. I feel like I'm just going crazy with unprecedented pleasure. Under the weight of my body she begins to wriggle and moan, squeezing my cock with her lips.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you like dicks?<</say>>
<<md>>She wiggles in rhythm as we both fuck the bitch in both holes. the bitch looks like she's ready to cum! I can feel the excitement coming over me in a huge wave, and I'm amazed to see that I'm gradually approaching orgasm myself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's the bitch!<</say>>
<<md>>She moans louder and louder, her breasts heave, and his cock begins to quiver. God, she's just gagging with pleasure, as if she can sense that he's about to cum.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Take it! All of them!<</say>>
<<md>>I squeeze harder, finish and release a fountain of cum down her throat, washing over her beautiful face. She tries to pull away. But we only manage to postpone the moment of ecstasy. My cum lands on her face, and she moans in pleasure.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleaderCheckroom += 1>>
<<md>>It's been more than fifteen minutes, but the result is the same. Well, be proud of yourself, girl, you made a laughingstock out of me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You won't get away with this!<</say>>
<<md>>Rather the wind I leave the dormitory ? Going over in my head plans of revenge for Autumn.<</md>>
[[Leave dormitory|AutumnQuest3.5]]<<md>>After what I dreamt today and my rather successful first date with Amber, I can't wait to meet her. However, I don't think it's a bad idea to stop by the store and get a little prettier.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, it wouldn't hurt to put some clothes on.<</say>>
<<set $Amber1Q = 6>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>There are quite a few people in the store today. However, that won't stop me from looking my best on this date.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Can I help you?<</say>>
<<md>>Camila quickly ran up to help me, but I think I'll make do with my own strength today. After all, this is my date, so it's up to me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, thanks, I'll choose.<</say>>
<<md>>I walk around the store and look around the stands. Well, now I have to choose how I'm going to dress.<</md>>
[[Officially|Amber4Q3]]<<md>>Amber sees a lot of people in uniform every day. And that's not just because she does. Most likely, even subconsciously, she herself loves to see men in uniform. So I don't think I should think about what choice to make.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Here the right one.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh yes, a jacket, pants, that would be the perfect date.<</md>>
[[Go for a date|Amber4Q4]]<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<md>>I wasn't just going on a date, no. I knew what lay ahead of me. And especially after the dream-I really wanted to meet Amber. I couldn't get the woman out of my head, and I dreamed of how we would meet. I think I have a good chance of wowing her, if I try hard enough.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You look great.<</say>>
<<if $AmberImage5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AmberImage5Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>When I saw her, I lost not only my mind but also my tongue. She was very pretty in that blue dress.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>You look special, too.<</say>>
<<md>>Amber smiled at me affectionately, and that made me feel very good.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Shall we go for a little walk?<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, and, unexpectedly for myself, she took my hand. It was so unexpected, but at the same time I felt a current of pleasure running through my body. Her palm was so warm and soft, like a child's.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>You know, I don't come here that often, but it's beautiful. Isn't it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, nature among the concrete jungle is like an oasis.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Ha-ha that's right. Speaking of ooze...<</say>>
<<md>>We came to a small fountain, and she bent down to drink some water. Oh, what a nice view.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Amber...<</say>>
<<md>>I think I should tell her how much I like her. Just as I was about to say it, I...<</md>>
<<text r "Get out of the way, you fat cow!">>
<<md>>Some tough guy with a backpack deliberately shoved Amber and she slammed into the water. The woman cried out in surprise. There was everything in that scream, surprise, fear, and despair. Falling into the water, she raised a small wave against the spray that fell on my new clothes. It looked like my date was ruined by some statue.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Goddamn it.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, that seems to be the end of it. However, as long as he's not so far away, I have time to get back at him for this. On the other hand, it is necessary to help Amber.<</md>>
[[Deal with man|Amber4Q6]]
[[Help Amber|Amber4Q5]]<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<md>>To leave Amber in trouble would be wrong of me, to say the least. My business is to take care of my woman, not to punish the guilty. Besides, there are always plenty of assholes. If I teach everyone to be smart, I lose the chance to get in her panties. And she's wet right now...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you okay?<</say>>
<<md>>I walk over to the fountain, where Amber is. Her dress is all wet, yet I can see her panties and bra. I have to say she's very good at them, I wish I could see her without that.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Yes, I'm fine, give me your hand.<</say>>
<<md>>But when I do as she says, something happens that I couldn't have predicted. She pulls me toward her, and I lose my balance and fall into the fountain, too.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Amber...<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Ha-ha-ha! Now you're very wet too!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ah so...<</say>>
<<md>>I start splashing water on her. She laughs and does the same in return.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Oh, I'm all wet.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So why don't you take off your dress?<</say>>
<<md>>Amber smiles and runs her hands over her body.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Of course, if you take off your clothes!<</say>>
<<md>>And she knows what she wants. Well, if that's the price of seeing him without his underwear, I'm willing to do it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay...<</say>>
<<md>>I take off my clothes and am left in just my underwear. Amber looks at me carefully, studying every detail.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>You're brave! I'm not afraid of anything either, honestly!<</say>>
<<if $AmberImage3Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AmberImage3Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She's stripped down and it's just gorgeous. Her body is simply divine. We continued splashing in the fountain, even swimming in spite of people.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha! It's a fancy date.<</say>>
<<md>>Agree, although I would have liked to see a little more...<</md>>
<<set $Amber1Q = 8>>\
[[Persuade to undress|Amber4Q51]]
[[Don't risk it|Amber4Q52]]<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<say $mc>>You know when it's going to get more gorgeous? When you show me more...<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Do you think I buy it that easily?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sure it's not that easy, though.<</say>>
<<md>>I pull my panties down a little, showing her my already well hard cock.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>And you know what to seduce a woman with...<</say>>
<<md>>She takes off all her clothes and shows me her gorgeous breasts, with water flowing seductively down them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>To what...<</say>>
<<md>>I can't control myself anymore. I want to take it right here, right now, in spite of everything in the world.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>...fine...<</say>>
<<if $AmberImage4Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AmberImage4Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She runs her hands over her body. I want to kiss her. I want to have sex with her, though I don't know how. All I want is to be near her. I'm ready for anything. I can see that she wants it too.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>...that's all...<</say>>
<<md>>We look at each other, laughing softly, it's just heavenly pleasure. Her breasts fascinate me, I'd just sink kisses into them if she suddenly gave them to me. I can't utter a word, and I only have time to swallow my saliva.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>I think that's enough for today!<</say>>
<<md>>She quickly gets dressed, leaving me a little disappointed. That's okay, soon all of hers will be mine. In the meantime, it's worth the wait. We return home, I take Amber to her house, and we say goodbye.<</md>>
[[Leave|Park]]<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<md>>But I don't think now is the time. We go back home, I take Amber to her house, and we say goodbye.<</md>>
[[Leave|Park]]<style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<md>>No, I can't just leave it at that. No one has the right to do this to me or to my woman! He ruined my date and he has to pay for it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, you!<</say>>
<<md>>I leapt toward him and kicked him in the thigh with all my might. The man shouts a curse in my direction and collapses to the ground, crouching in pain.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You think you're tough? You think you can do this?<</say>>
<<md>>I kick him in the ribs so hard my legs hurt.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No one dares insult Amber!<</say>>
<<md>>I put my fist up as high as possible, and then I hit the bastard on the right side like a sledgehammer. All my rage, all my seething hatred, goes into that punch.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Nobody. Did you hear me?<</say>>
<<md>>Again and again I stab him until his face turns into a bloody mess.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>$mc.Name!<</say>>
<<md>>But I can't hear what's being said to me. Hate drives me, hatred drives my fist harder and harder to smash this jerk's face in.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>That's enough, you hear? All right, that's enough. I'm all right. I'm not in any danger.<</say>>
<<md>>Amber stops me and I reluctantly, but I stop. He's had enough.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you sure you're okay?<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Yes, come on, I'll wash your hands.<</say>>
<<md>>We walk up to the fountain and she gently takes my hand in hers and gently washes it away from the blood of that sassy man. It feels so good that I'm ready to forget all about it.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Well, I think we're done for today.<</say>>
<<md>>We get home, I walk Amber to her house and we say goodbye.<</md>>
<<set $Amber1Q = 7>>\
[[Leave|Park]]<<md>>I can't get the events of my date with Amber out of my head. It would have been a great date if it weren't for that man.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm...What a strange sound.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, wait, that's my phone. What's this... Oh, it's Amber. A video? Um...<</md>>
<<text y "You know, the way you dealt with those scumbags today just won't get out of my head. ">>
<<md>>Oh, she's wearing such nice underwear...<</md>>
<<text y "And it wasn't just the fountain that got me wet.">>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Amber\Quest\Video\AmberPhoneMast1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AmberVideo4Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AmberVideo4Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>She took off her bra and began to squeeze her breasts. Her breasts were so huge and she squeezed them so hard, touching her nipples... You know, I've never seen such a perfect body before.<</md>>
<<text y "And from the way you protected me...">>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Amber\Quest\Video\AmberPhoneMast2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Her hand slid down her stomach, right into her panties. Her fingers began to move slowly inside her pussy... She closed her eyes, and her head was tilted back and...<</md>>
<<text y "It was extremely...">>
<<md>>I noticed how her nipples tensed up, how her eyes lowered, and her tongue trembled a little. I was so eager that I began to lose control of myself.<</md>>
<<text y "You're so...">>
<<md>>Pleasure began to spread over her body. I thought that I would never feel as strongly as I did now that her hand was doing such wonders. Just the way she gently ran her hand over the inside of my pussy made me feel really good.<</md>>
<<text y "...courageous...">>
<<if $AmberVideo5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AmberVideo5Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Her fingers moved faster, and she was barely on her feet. A low moan escaped her throat, and she froze, as if listening to something... Then her hand dropped, and she looked up at me with a smile.<</md>>
<<md>>Here's a gift for you today.<</md>>
<<set $Amber1Q = 71>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>When I started my work day, the last thing I expected in the world was to find Amber here. She always struck me as not a fan of this kind of thing.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Amber, it's so good to see you...<</say>>
<<md>>The woman smiled at me.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Me, too, honestly.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What brings you here?<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>I wanted to take some pictures.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, you're in good hands.<</say>>
<<md>>She started to pose, but I realized that the camera loved her too much. No matter how I photographed her - she just seemed amazing. Well, maybe it's worth a little...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Listen, would you mind getting a little naked? I'm sure you'd look amazing.<</say>>
<<md>>Amber was eager to do whatever I said.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it...<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, her body is simply divine.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah...<</say>>
<<md>>Every shot is a masterpiece.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And a little more...<</say>>
<<md>>It's just a miracle.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come again.<</say>>
<<md>>Amber smiled at me and walked out, and I noticed a little liquid where she had been. Did it make her horny?<</md>>
<<talk "Olivia’s special lesson">>
<<md>>The special lesson we talked about earlier with Olivia is exactly what we really, really need. So I happily put the reins in her hands and become a silent observer myself.<</md>>
<<set _OliviaTaklLessonArray = [ 1, 2, ]>>\
<<switch _OliviaTaklLessonArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Olivia>>So, girls, a very unpleasant rumor has reached me that you don't like sports. But sports, like sex, can be very enjoyable. And today I'm going to show you some special exercises.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Olivia>>Are you girls ready to love sports? Our special exercises will strengthen your faith in sport and make you love it. <</say>>
<<set _OliviaTaklLessonArray2 = [ 1, 2, ]>>\
<<switch _OliviaTaklLessonArray2.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Oh yes, I definitely like this kind of exercise. Olivia's body is so hot that if I were a student I would love the sport myself. <</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Oh, watching this picture makes me want to join them. <</md>>
[[Next lesson|Help to teacher]]
<<set $hasGoldenKey = true>>
<<if previous() is "Booba">>…the active passage is the Booba passage…<</if>>
[[Next lesson|Untitled Passage 1]]<<md>>If there's anything so good that really lifts your spirits in the morning, it's two things. The first is a girl I love, and the second is, of course, a good breakfast. I especially enjoy it when I combine these two things.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, you're up already?<</say>>
<<md>>I hadn't even had time to visit the shower to clean up when I noticed Monica was in the kitchen.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Certainly. You need something good for breakfast. I'll make you something.<</say>>
<<md>>And indeed, she was fiddling with the stove like a real housewife. I must say that I thought there would be no sexier than Monica in a cheerleader's uniform. How wrong I was.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, treat me to something unusual.<</say>>
<<md>>What was surprising, though, was the sight of her. I never thought I'd be so turned on by women at the stove. And that smell...
[img[img/Monica/MonicaBreakfastDish.jpg]]That made my saliva almost drip on the table, and my eyes water with the desire to finally taste the dish. Yes, he is capable of seducing any man.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It really is somewhat surprising.<</say>>
<<md>>I devour the food and look at Monica. I don't even know why I'm so lucky. She's just amazing in everything. In a word, perfect.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Why are you looking at me like that?<</say>>
<<md>>Oops, looks like I wasn't eating breakfast, but rather devouring Monica with my eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think how lucky I am to have you.<</say>>
<<md>>I reached for her and our lips joined in a kiss.<</md>>
<<md>>Her lips part and begin to lightly kiss me, and then she opens her mouth and her tongue takes full possession of my mouth and demands affection. I don't know where these thoughts come from, but there is not only sensuality in her kiss, but also a kind of lightness and crazy playfulness.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Tiger, you're so sweet...<</say>>
<<md>>Something exploded in my chest, and I felt so young and strong... It was love. My first and last love.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And you, Monica...<</say>>
<<md>>I realized I didn't want breakfast, I wanted her.<</md>>
<<md>>An animal passion erupts in me as soon as I see that the girl wants the same thing. I grab her by the hair and push her against the table. I see her beautiful ass and seductive panties. It's enough for me to take out my cock and sharply insert it into her pussy. And that feeling gives me a special energy.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Ah yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I wrap my arms around her thighs and start thrusting my cock on her.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaLiveKitchen1.mp4"></video></div> I'm almost all the way inside her. We both gasp, and I press her against the table as hard as I can. The girl moans and I wrap my arms around her. This moment right now is all I need.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaVideo26Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo26Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Yeah, baby...<</say>>
<<md>>I don't care what happens next. I just want her to experience this unforgettable pleasure again... Her breasts are supple, and I know I'll get exactly what I want.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>More... harder, $mc.Name!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaLiveKitchen2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I take this girl by the hair again and effortlessly enter her. She will never resist me. She won't be hurt as long as she feels my hardness. Her thighs begin to move and she begins to moan with pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I love your cock so much!<</say>>
<<if $MonicaVideo27Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo27Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>I can no longer stop my rod from moving, and I merge into one with her. It's as if this state gives me some kind of special happiness and bliss. The girl accepts it with gratitude. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes...Yes! Yes!<</say>>
<<md>>I can no longer control my body. It's filled with a sense of pleasure all by itself. I cum inside her and then I can't stop. Gradually the girl relaxes and I fall on top of her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What a great morning!<</say>>
<<set $MonicaKitchenSex = 1>>\
<<addmins 25>>\
[[Back|Home corridor]]
<<md>>Walking into my room on a Saturday morning, the last thing I expected to see was Monica going through my things.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, what are you doing?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl lifted her head, and continued to stack my things on the bed.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, nothing serious, just tidying up a bit here.<</say>>
<<md>>She made it sound like there hadn't been order here before. Well, okay, there was chaos, but it was my chaos. And now...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Tiding up?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, you had such a mess...What are the chips doing on the underwear shelf?
<<md>>Oh, obviously, that's to be expected. Monica, the perfect girl, and she must have everything perfect. So it was only a matter of time before she cleaned up.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is my emergency supply in case of a zombie attack! So you won't go hungry!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica laughed and looked at me.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>These three chips will save you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's quite possible!<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Well, then you don't have to worry, the zombies won't attack you while I'm here.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, I think it really should have been cleaned up a long time ago. It's not such a big price to pay for modern cleaning.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Can I help you in any way?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, no, I think I can handle myself. Pretty soon you won't recognize this place.<</say>>
<<md>>I don't even doubt that...<</md>>
[[Wait for her to finish|LiveWithMonicaCleaningBegin2]]<<md>>I didn't think it would be so hard to find clothes in a clothing store... For almost 20 minutes now, I've been staring at every counter in every dress, hoping that I would find the maid's uniform I needed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No...<</say>>
<<md>>In the end, I am forced to admit to myself that there is no such thing here. There are ordinary clothes here, but something special, something savory, unfortunately, is not.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>I see you can't find something. Maybe I can help you?<</say>>
<<md>>Camilla, noticing that I couldn't find the thing I needed, decided to help me. The only problem was that I didn't really want to bother her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, man, and you have to find special clothes.<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Special? You mean the lace costume?<</say>>
<<md>>Lace costume? God, who does she think I am? Only real fools wear those clothes. I think I need to explain, or she'll think I'm not in love with women.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, the thing is, I'm looking for a costume for my girlfriend. Uniform.<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Uniforms? We have some police shirts.<</say>>
<<md>>Huh, I can't say I would have minded seeing Monica in a police uniform, but that's not what we're talking about right now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I need a maid's uniform.<</say>>
<<md>>Camila looks at me for a second, and then she spreads out a big smile. What an uncomfortable situation. Especially considering... It's better not to think about it, though.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>I'm afraid we don't have those clothes. The store doesn't sell them.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, I guess I came here for nothing.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, thank you for telling me. I'll have to look elsewhere.<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>No, wait. Of course, we don't have any in our store, but I could bring you one, if you don't mind.<</say>>
<<md>>I wonder if she says she can get a uniform like that. I wonder where from?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I don't mind at all. How much would it cost?<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>$100. Come back tomorrow.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Till we meet again.<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>See you.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, it looks like I've come to the right place after all.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaUniform = 3>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Back|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]In 50 minutes.
-That's it, it's done now.
<<md>>Monica was simply glowing with joy. So was the room from the cleanliness and order she had brought.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And I really don't recognize it, is this my room?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Ha-ha! This is what perfect order should look like.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I guess in a few months or so you'll have to clean here again.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>In a few months? There are doubts. I think in a week it will be necessary to put everything back in order here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Are you going to clean this place on a weekly basis?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Of course.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shall I pay you money and buy you a maid's suit then?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>You can buy a suit. I'll give you a special cleaning.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica winked at me, which conjured up images of hundreds of porno movies about sex with maids. I need to buy that suit right away!<</md>>
<<set $MonicaUniform = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 25>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<set _VeronicaLiveBreakfastArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _VeronicaLiveBreakfastArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>It seems now is exactly the time when Monica begins her weekly ritual. Namely, cleaning. It's best not to touch her now.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Oh, what a wonderful view from up here. When she bends down to wipe off the dust, I can see every detail of her gorgeous body.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I wish I could take you from behind.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>What did you say?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica looks at me in surprise. I think I said it out loud. It's not that I'm ashamed of my desires, I just think I shouldn't bother her right now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Nothing, I'm just glad you're my hostess.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, that's why appreciate me!<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, how I appreciate every bit of you, you would know. Especially when you bend like that, like a cat... I want to stroke you in the most sensitive places...<</md>>
<<set $MonicaUniform = 2>>\
<<addmins 25>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>With a cheerful mood, I walk up to an already smiling Kamila.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>And I was wondering if you were coming.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why should I turn down such a splendid chance?<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>I don't know, a lot of people are afraid of their desires.<</say>>
<<md>>She says this in a slightly cheesy and seductive voice, so pictures are already beginning to build up in my head of her wearing that uniform.
<<if $CamillaImage12Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $CamillaImage12Unlocked = 1>>\
How seductively she smiles, leans over, and then sits on the soft bed and exposes her breasts. She's also the kind of maid who loves wet cleaning.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Is she wetting my cock with her mouth, taking everything deeper?<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>What are you doing? Sir?<</say>>
<<if $CamillaImage19Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $CamillaImage19Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Damn it, I think I started stroking my cock in front of her. But it was very hard to help myself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I...<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Ha-ha, don't worry, if you want Maid Camila to take care of you, just say the word!<</say>>
<<md>>Camila winked at me as I took my uniform away. I think we'll wait on that for now...<</md>>
<<set $MonicaUniform = 4>>\
[[Back|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]<<md>>As usual, I walk into the room, and Monica is already hard at work with her whole body. Unfortunately, not quite the way I would have liked it, though.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Do you want something?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica stops dusting and turns to me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I wanted to help you, of course, but I know you can do better without me.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>It's so sweet, but I'm used to it. It's almost an everyday occurrence.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah...You're a born maid...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica comes up to me and looks into my eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>From someone else I would take it as an insult, but I know you would never hurt me in my life.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Never.<</say>>
<<md>>I kiss Monica softly on the lips and then on the neck. The sight of her seduces me a lot, so I find it hard to restrain my desire.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Wait, wait...<</say>>
<<md>>I stop for a second.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It's not the time...I want to do it too, but...I have to clean it up.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, indeed, everything has to be perfect at first so that I can then make it all chaos again. I have to say that Monica brings a lot of order to my chaos and it feels very right.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay. But I have a present for you.<</say>>
<<md>>I'm putting her through the box.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>What is it? Can I open it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You have to!<</say>>
<<md>>I smile as I watch the gleam of pleasure fill the girl's eyes as she unties the red bow the box is tied with.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Ha-ha! You found it after all! The maid's uniform!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course! I couldn't leave you without a present!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica kisses me softly on the cheek and whispers in my ear.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You know what that means, don't you? That I'll take care of you, your body needs to be carefully washed with my tongue and more...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I'll be waiting!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nods contentedly and goes back to her work.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaUniform = 5>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<say $mc>>Oh...<</say>>
<<md>>There are a lot of people in the subway car today. It's as if the whole city decided to just squeeze in at once and without warning. So much so that it's hard for me to breathe now. I only have a few stops to make, but...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ha...<</say>>
<<md>>More people. I have to move a little farther somehow. I manage to squeeze in behind a few bums who have taken up all the space. Oh, so there's room in the distance for a pretty girl in a school uniform.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Can I...<</say>>
<<md>>I manage to get to an empty seat, and I breathe a sigh of relief. Finally, at least a little bit of space, and a pretty girl, too. But when I take a closer look, I notice that it's not just any girl, it's Monica. Where is she going? Hmm, she doesn't seem to have noticed me. I can take advantage of that...Things happen on the subway...<</md>>
[[Speak with her|MonicaSubwayEvent1.2]]
[[Grope her|MonicaSubwayEvent1.3]]
<<say $mc>>Monica! Hi!<</say>>
<<md>>I don't think you should do anything too bad. Monica needs to get used to me, and if I pester her like this, nothing good will happen.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>$mc.Name! That is a teacher! Hi!<</say>>
<<md>>She looked frightened. As if I'd caught her doing something illegal.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good to see you. There are a lot of people here today.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica turned her eyes away and looked out the window.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Where are you going?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>'s my stop!<</say>>
<<md>>Like she was stung, Monica jumped out of the car. I guess I scared her after all. But where does she go? Maybe I should follow her.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaSubway1 = 2>>\
[[Leave|Far-Dreams Station]]<<md>>It would be very wrong not to take advantage of this chance to get to know my student better. So I move closer to her and gently touch her ass. Even through her clothes, I can feel what a delicious shape she has.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>А...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl gives out something incomprehensible, but she doesn't take my hands away.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaGrope1.mp4"></video></div> I continue to caress both halves of her through her clothes, gently and tenderly, as if caressing a dove. But it's time to move on to something more interesting.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaVideo28Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo28Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<if $mc.Boldness > 1>>\
[[Keep touching her|MonicaSubwayEvent1.31]]
<<talk "Keep touching her" 1 $talk "I'm not that bold">><</talk>>
[[Leave her be|MonicaSubwayEvent1.4]]
<<md>>Well, I think that's enough. She'll remember the meeting all the same. I hope you enjoyed it, Monica.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaSubway1 = 1>>\
[[Leave|Far-Dreams Station]]<<md>>Speaking of Naomi, I realize that I don't know her innermost desires at all. If I want to make this girl not just mine, but happy as well, I definitely need to know her dreams.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Naomi, do you have a dream?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl, who was lying quietly on my shoulder, stood up and looked into my eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Of course, why do you ask? I would like to be a famous actress.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I'm sure you'd do great.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Really?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes... That's how I see you in one of the leading roles.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Who would I play?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, you would play the best woman possible.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Tell me!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well...<</say>>
<<md>>It's a good time for her to talk about her fantasies. It will definitely be a thriller in which she has the lead role. And she will play the femme fatale who has beaten everyone. And this is the final scene...<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>You've came...<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice is cold, but at the same time very confident. She sits in a luxurious office and a leather chair. She is wearing a light nightgown and lighting a cigarette.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>You know why you are here. For you are controlled only by your basic animal instinct.<</say>>
<<md>>She picks up a pink vibrator and begins to drive it down her panties. Her legs are spread wide apart. She continues to smoke and almost sizzles the viewer with her gaze.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>You want it, you can't resist the urge.<</say>>
<<md>>The vibrator dives into her panties, she pretty much closes her eyes.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Naomi\Quest\Video\NaomiMovie1.mp4"></video></div> The vibrator slides down her crotch. She flinches, opens her eyes, and continues talking. Her voice sounds unconcerned and indifferent. But there is a single word in it that sounds affirmative.<</md>>
<<if $NaomiVideo17Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $NaomiVideo17Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $Naomi>>Sex...<</say>>
<<md>>She brings the vibrator to her pubis. She freezes for a moment, then closes her eyes again in pleasure. She begins to moan.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>You want that more than anything. More than anything...<</say>>
<<md>>Her words become more and more insistent and insistent. She moans louder and louder. The vibrator dives back into her pink hole. Her head is thrown back.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Most of all... For you...<</say>>
<<md>>Louder. Even louder. Still louder. Then she closes her eyes and moans nonstop. Her legs are trembling and the vibrator keeps digging into her cave.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Naomi\Quest\Video\NaomiMovie2.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $Naomi>>...Animal...<</say>>
<<if $NaomiVideo18Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $NaomiVideo18Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She moans louder. She shudders and the vibrator slides even deeper into her vagina. She grabs hold of it. She tries to pull it out. But it doesn't want to come out.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>You can't stop it.<</say>>
<<md>>Once more the vibrator dives into her slit and she screams loudly. Her back arches in a spasm. She lifts her hand up and cums.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Because you've already lost...<</say>>
<<md>>And while she's saying this, the viewer notices that it wasn't a vibrator. It was a gun. From which, at the same instant, as a sentence, a bullet flies out and hits right into the camera.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Wow, I'd love to be in a movie like that!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sure you'll get that chance. I'll make sure it happens.<</say>>
<<set $Naomi6Q = 5>>\
[[Back|NHNaomiroom]] <<say $Monica>>Ah...<</say>>
<<md>>I pull up her skirt, and then I touch her snow-white panties, hidden from me behind her pantyhose. I begin to squeeze both parts of her ass a little harder, feeling her seductive softness, which just whispers, begs me to touch her...<</md>>
<<if $mc.Boldness > 4>>\
[[Keep touching her|MonicaSubwayEvent1.32]]
<<talk "Keep touching her" 4 $talk "I'm not that bold">><</talk>>
[[Leave her be|MonicaSubwayEvent1.4]]
<<say $Monica>>Hmm...<</say>>
<<md>>Unable to resist my instincts and desires, I go down on my knees, keeping my ass of my ponica against my face. What a nice view! I abruptly rip my tights, freeing the girl's panties from the extra burden, and stroke the girl's ass. I can feel her practically purring at my touch. She wants more and more, sticking her ass out more and more toward me.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Boldness > 6>>\
[[Keep touching her|MonicaSubwayEvent1.33]]
<<talk "Keep touching her" 6 $talk "I'm not that bold">><</talk>>
[[Leave her be|MonicaSubwayEvent1.4]]<<say $Monica>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>You're a lecherous girl, Monica! Haven't you had enough of that? Well... I touch her panties and run my hand over her pussy. Monica moans a little more than before, demanding more. I pull aside the fabric of her underwear and put my finger inside.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Boldness > 8>>\
[[Keep touching her|MonicaSubwayEvent1.34]]
<<talk "Keep touching her" 8 $talk "I'm not that bold">><</talk>>
[[Leave her be|MonicaSubwayEvent1.4]]
<<say $Monica>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica moans contentedly, in spite of the people around us, who have been watching us for a long time.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaGrope2.mp4"></video></div> I only intensify my movements. And the girl herself is practically thrusting on my finger like a whore. She's just getting high from this kind of movement. She really likes it.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Ah...<</say>>
<<if $MonicaVideo29Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo29Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Finally, my movements became very fast and the woman cummed, sliding to the floor. Yes, a dirty floor and a dirty girl was perfect. Well, I guess I should make sure she doesn't find out who gave her pleasure. Let it be her fantasy.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaSubway1 = 1>>\
[[Leave|Far-Dreams Station]]<<say $mc>>What?<</say>>
<<md>>Before I woke up, I felt a strong arousal. When I opened my eyes I noticed Monica, who was already working her soft mouth on my cock. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I see you decided to clean up early.<</say>>
<<md>>She was wearing a maid's costume, which made my excitement even stronger.Her tongue begins to lick it immediately, and I can hardly restrain myself. <</md>>
<<md>>Seeing that, the girl starts to move. When she sucks my dick I'm already in heaven somewhere.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Her tongue slides forward on the head, showing that she's very diligent.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaLiveMaid1.mp4"></video></div>It's like time stops. The whole world disappears, only her mouth and her hands are left. <</md>>
<<if $MonicaVideo34Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo34Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Mmmm...<</say>>
<<md>>Her tongue moves quickly over the head, filling me completely. Her fingers start rubbing my balls and I close my eyes, slowly playing along with her.<</md>>
<<md>>Gradually the girl's arousal becomes too much. And then I realized that something unimaginable was happening to me. It was as if some powerful wave, not pushing me, but giving me freedom, slowly rolled over me and I cum in the girl's mouth.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It tastes good...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiles, but I'm not ready to let her go. I let her sit on top of me. Monica gets on top and my cock enters her sweet pussy. She swallows it whole and I hit something hot and very wet. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>My body tenses sharply, and I feel the force of that arousal, as if all the enormous forces of the universe were rushing at me.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaLiveMaid2.mp4"></video></div> She seems to feel the same way. Monica's arms wrap around me and slowly slide down my sides. We lie on the floor and my lips cover the girl's mouth.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaVideo35Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo35Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Monica>>More...<</say>>
<<md>>She moans, biting her lip. She takes it into her again and again. I feel like her face is about to explode with emotion. Everything inside is trembling, like when I was in a drug trance. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Ah...<</say>>
<<md>>She's moving. Her movements are getting faster and stronger, and I can feel that she is on the verge of orgasm. I'm in the throes of a huge ecstasy, and I cum right into her pussy. <</md>>
<<set $MonicaUniform = 6>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>Well, Monica seems to be doing much better. The treatment is working for her, which means that soon the beautiful day will come when she can go home.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaImage25Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage25Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>It's amazing.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, I can't wait for this moment anymore. It will be the best time when we can continue our training again. When we train with her, it makes me feel special. Not like in class, no. It's a little bit better here. It's like I'm in my own place.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Monica makes me feel special.<</say>>
<<md>>It is necessary to write to her and find out when she should be picked up from the hospital. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Friday at 4 p.m.<</say>>
<<md>>The answer didn't take too long. It looks like I can take her away.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 13>>\
[[My room]]<<md>>That day is finally here. I can't even believe that finally the whole story of the treatment and the fire will finally be over. Well, how can I say, over... Monica's house still needs a lot of repairs.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hi! <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I already thought you might have forgotten about me!<</say>>
<<md>>When I saw Monica, my heart fluttered and almost melted.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How can I forget about the best girl in school?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica grinned, and I took her hand. The girl looked very content and full of energy. Seeing her like that only made me happier.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're the best, as always.<</say>>
<<md>>I pulled her to me and kissed her softly, clasping her hands together.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Are we going to leave?<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, took her things, and we left the hospital.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 14>>\
[[Walk with her|MonicaNewTraining 1.3]]
<<md>>We decided not to take a cab and just walk. Monica didn't have much stuff, so a little walk wouldn't hurt. Besides, we could spend some more time together until things got back to normal.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How are you feeling?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Extremely! I can't wait to get back to training. I think the coach will be happy to see me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you think that's a good idea? Especially after your illness?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>What do you mean? I'm in good shape.<</say>>
<<md>>I pretended to examine her from head to toe.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Certainly, each of your shapes is very good and gorgeous!<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Ha-ha! Stop it...<</say>>
<<md>>She suddenly blushed. I'll never tire of seeing her reaction.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay. But I don't think it's a good idea to go straight back to training.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>But I've missed so much already! I can't stay away. Sports are my life.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know, but it won't make anyone feel better if you go back right away.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>It'll make me!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Even if you hurt yourself again?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I don't...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Monica. Let's take baby steps. Why don't you and I practice for a while and then you go back to Olivia?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Good...<</say>>
<<md>>At one time we were just walking and I was holding her hand. She needed my support. In spite of everything, it is always very hard to go back to normal life after a break.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You know, I realized here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>That you just don't want to share me with Olivia!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, okay, you got me.<</say>>
<<md>>At last we came to her house.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>How greedy you are...<</say>>
<<md>>I pulled her against me and squeezed her breasts.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You have no idea.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I think we'll stop for now. My parents are not far away.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, yes, I'm sorry.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Where will we train?<</say>>
[[Decide myself|MonicaNewTraining 1.4]]
[[Let her decide|MonicaNewTraining 1.5]]<<say $mc>>I have some acquaintances. Their house is a little empty, so it will be easy for us to train.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Well, I look forward to seeing you. Come any day after 3 p.m. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>And me, Monica. See you.<</say>>
<<md>>We kissed goodbye, and she disappeared inside the house.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 15>>\
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]<<say $mc>>I guess it's up to you.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica was a little lost in thought. Did I say something wrong? Or did she want me to decide that?<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Hmm... Probably shouldn't practice here. Oh, my uncle's house is a mess on the weekends, so let's meet any day after 3 pm <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course.<</say>>
<<md>>We kissed goodbye, and she disappeared inside the house.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 16>>\
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>Well, it's time for our workout. I think Monica's ready. And when she comes out, I'm just more convinced of how right I am.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You're right on time. I was just on my way.<</say>>
<<md>>I notice she is wearing a purple tank top and beautiful tights that further enhance the beauty of her exquisite body.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm always on time for the most interesting events.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica grins, grabs the mat in one hand and pulls me.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Okay, let's go. I loved spending time there as a kid. I can't wait to show you everything!<</say>>
[[To her uncle's house|MonicaNewTraining 1.52]]<<md>>It turned out that her uncle's house wasn't that far away anymore. I must say, however, that it looked posh. Her uncle knew a lot about luxury. Very expensive statues and paintings everywhere. In general, some extraordinary gigantism or monumentalism runs this whole house.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Well, do you like it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You bet. What did you say your uncle was doing?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Politics.<</say>>
<<md>>Ah, politics. Then that explains, if not all, then most. Usually such people make just amazing money. Don't believe the politician who says he doesn't have much money. They are lying.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucky you.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Not really, he was away a lot. But we're in for an interesting workout, not boring conversations about my relatives.<</say>>
<<md>>I followed her, and she led me into a small courtyard. Here everything was ready for me to exercise: the mat, the dumbbells, and all sorts of things.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Shall we begin?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, but...<</say>>
<<md>>I pressed against her and whispered in her ear.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Talking about your relatives will never be silly...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Huh. So...<</say>>
<<md>>I stepped away from her a little so as not to interfere with Monica's training.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, so let's start with something simple, like squats. For example, out of 20.<</say>>
<<md>>She slowly began to crouch down. Her body wriggled so sexily that I immediately felt the tension in my pants.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good, now let's try the jump rope.<</say>>
<<md>>Every part of her body is so appetizing... Especially when it's shaking like that...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fine. You're good at everything, champ!<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you! What now?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now let's do some leg exercises.<</say>>
<<md>>She bent over and began to stick out one leg and then the other.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Is that it?<</say>>
<<md>>But I still notice that she finds this exercise very difficult. For some reason, unlike the other exercises, her coordination here is just terrible.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, that's not.<</say>>
<<md>>But when I approached her to guide her, I felt something strange. It was as if I was stupefied and touched her butt.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>$mc.Name...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah?<</say>>
<<md>>I didn't stop and kept mashing her ass.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>We need to train...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, we're training.<</say>>
<<md>>After that, I pulled down her pants, under which there was nothing. Her pussy was so gorgeous and so attractive that I couldn't resist the temptation. My cock tensed up as much as possible as I pulled it out and gently slid it into her.<</md>>
<<md>>After a few seconds, it was like an explosion - she was so firm and hot. I tried to be gentle, because if I was rough, she might say no. I tried to give her what she so passionately desired: sex.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaTrainsMat1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $MonicaVideo37Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo37Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>I put my hand on her and began to massage her nipples. Her head pulled away a little, she closed her eyes, and I felt her thighs vibrate... Like this... She moaned a little when I made a little movement and she moved towards me...<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Ah...<</say>>
<<md>>She squeezed it harder, as if to say, "I need a little more". I inserted my cock all the way in, feeling her squeeze it harder and harder. It went all the way in.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Her body groaned and tensed, but didn't stop bouncing and thrashing hard.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaTrainsMat2.mp4"></video></div><</md>>
<<if $MonicaVideo38Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo38Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Monica>>Any more...<</say>>
<<md>>As I took her by the hips and lowered her onto me, she breathed frequently. I didn't immediately realize what it was that was arousing her.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Slightly...<</say>>
<<md>>Finally my cock began to pulsate and I felt a wave of pleasure come over me, and then I cum right on her sweet ass.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, are you good?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, Coach! I need more training like that!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica laughed. Well, I guess that can be arranged, but for now it's time to call it a day.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 17>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>Well, that day has finally arrived. I had to do a little work to make it happen. The Filbert couple treats me very well, but it was a little harder to convince them than I expected. However, it's all good now.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You're right on time. I was just on my way.<</say>>
<<md>>I notice she is wearing a gorgeous pink top and nice shorts. She looks very sexy in them. Well, I don't think anything bad will happen if we practice a little. Although my dick is already getting a little hard from that sight.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm always on time for the most interesting events.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Of course.<</say>>
<<md>>I nod and Monica and I set off on our little journey.<</md>>
[[To my friend's house|MonicaNewTraining 1.42]]<<say $Monica>>I like it here!<</say>>
<<md>>No sooner do we pass too much into the house than the girl screams out in pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, it's really good here.<</say>>
<<md>>I can't say that I disagree with Monica. I always liked this house a lot. It was very nice.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Is that the real Van Gogh?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica looks at the picture with surprise.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, they're art people, they often buy up original paintings. Let's go.<</say>>
<<md>>I take her by the hand and lead her into another room, where everything is already prepared for practice.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>So this is where we're going to do our training?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's right, undress.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica laughed out loud.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Is that what you're thinking?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I...I meant get ready for training. I like where you're going with this, though.<</say>>
<<md>>I kiss Monica, softly touching her moist lips. I feel the spark between us growing larger and larger. Is it in my pants? Yes, we should stop, now is not the time...<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It's not enough... I want more...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica looks at me so pleadingly that I immediately get an idea in my head of how to combine training and my desires with hers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you want to? Well, then let's start with the ball.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica sits on that ball and sexually spreads her legs. After that she starts jumping on it. I'm so turned on by the sight of her that my dick almost jumps out of my pants.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good, your training is going well...<</say>>
<<md>>I pull off her top and shorts, then lay her on her back on the ball and thrust my cock in sharply. Monica obediently bends at the knees, and I push my cock in as deep as I can and begin to go deeper and deeper inside her. Monica puts her hands on my chest and slides them down, her fingers digging into my skin.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is your training...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica starts moaning, pressing her flawless belly against my cock. I move faster, occasionally running my hand over her thighs.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaTrainsBall.mp4"></video></div> She seems to be in a good mood. She smiles, playfully poking me in the shoulder. After another thrust, I press her harder against the ball.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I like it...<</say>>
<<md>>I fuck her from the bottom up, simultaneously thrusting even deeper into her. My face gets closer to her face, but I can't tear my eyes away. They get wider and wider with pleasure. Monica straddles my cock and we move in rhythm.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Any more...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's hands stroked my hips, and her breasts pressed against my chest. I start to move faster and faster, and soon the colorful circles begin to swim in front of my eyes.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaVideo36Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo36Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Monica>>I can't...<</say>>
<<md>>She moans with pleasure. Again, slower... And again. A little more. A stream of seeds falls on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh...<</say>>
<<md>>Now I can catch my breath. I get up, turn to face her, and kiss her on the lips.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 18>>\
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>The episode at the store with Jerry was an extraordinary event in my life. I got to know Jerry not only on the sexual side, but a little more on the life side as well. Although, if you think about it, I got to know him sexually, too.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>It is impossible to ignore how attractive she is. And it's not so much about external parameters as it is about invisible wildness and amazing openness. Jerry is a breath of fresh air that you can't help but be inspired by.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think we should think of something that would really get her attention.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, Jerry is extremely open-minded and a girl who likes to walk on the edge of a blade. You certainly can't call a relationship with her trivial. That's why I have to come up with something extraordinary.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm...<</say>>
<<md>>On second thought, I have several options. I'll take my clothes off for her in a public place, but it's worth deciding what that place will be.<</md>>
<<set $JerryBaseball = 4>>\
[[Beach|JerryDick2][$JerryDick = 1]]
[[Mall|JerryDick2][$JerryDick = 2]]
[[School corridor|JerryDick2][$JerryDick = 3]]
<<if $JerryDick == 1>>\
<<md>>Yes, I think it's perfect for wowing her. I have to remember to bring my camera.<</md>>
[[Ok|My room]]
<<md>>This will be in future versions...<</md>>
<<md>>It's a perfect place, full of people. What's more, we met here recently, so she'll appreciate such a classy gesture.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But others don't, ha-ha!<</say>>
<<md>>However, other people don't bother me. Just as they didn't bother Jerry when she was demonstrating her special baseball skills.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's time for me to show you something special!<</say>>
<<md>>I take off my T-shirt, and then my pants. I have to say, even so, it's quite warm in here. Or is it the warmth of thinking about a possible surprise for the girl? I have to say, these thoughts made me really horny! Not as excited as I was when I looked at Jerry, of course, but...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes, baby!<</say>>
<<md>>I take off my panties and pull out my rather stiff rod. However, that's not enough. I have to take a picture that makes a girl want to meet me instantly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>There... Wonderful ass...<</say>>
<<md>>I notice a woman not far from me in a rather luxurious bikini. Her butt looks so tempting. These two tanned halves, which are barely covered by a cloth, are begging me to enter them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I have to...<</say>>
[[Stick to the plan|JerryDick4]]
[[Follow the temptation|JerryDick5]]<<md>>Yes, I had to hold myself together and do what I had to do. As beautiful as that girl and her buttocks were, as much as I wanted to pull them off right now...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I start masturbating right there. My hand first gently wraps around my dick and begins to move up and down. People start watching, opening their mouths in amazement. Yes, admire the magnificent shot!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>A little more...<</say>>
<<md>>I caress my cock until it's completely hard. Yes, it will look good at most. So much so that she won't be able to resist it and will be forced to sit on it with her wonderful and so gorgeous pussy. I think now would be a good time to get a shot.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it. Now it's time to go home.<</say>>
<<set $JerryDick = 11>>\
[[Back|Beach]] <<md>>And although I came here for another purpose, I can't miss such a splendid chance. Moreover, it seems to me that this woman doesn't mind either. After all, when I approached her, she suddenly took off her panties, showing off the beauty of her anus.<</md>>
<<text g "My husband will be back in 20 minutes. Come on, Tom, fuck me like you've never fucked me before!">>
<<md>>I don't know who this Tom is, but I won't waste a chance like this. This bitch deserves a big, delicious fuck.<</md>>
<<text g "Yes...">>
<<md>>My cock gently enters her pussy. And begins to move there.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Jerry\Quest\Video\JerryBeach1.mp4"></video></div> Slowly and gently at first. Then faster and faster. His movements become more and more vigorous. My cock enters her pussy easily and then comes out. Now I'm working my ass off.<</md>>
<<text g "Oh yes...">>
<<md>>It's like a pleasant and slightly painful journey in the dark. It feels like staggering on the waves, a feeling you can't describe in words. It has happened before. But now it seemed like the first time. It was like waking up to life. And the feeling was surprisingly pleasant.<</md>>
<<text g "Mmm...">>
<<md>>That's nice. But that's all. I don't want to hurry. Instead, I gently stroke her ass, lean over her neck, kiss her. I think she understands my intentions. She opens her mouth a little, and she spreads her lips more and more.<</md>>
<<text g "Any more...">>
<<md>>I feel like I'm being sucked into a narrow and dark tunnel. There is no opinion in my head except pleasure. And that is the most important thing.<</md>>
<<text g "Oh yes...">>
<<md>>Fast and deep. She cries out. And I don't stop moving my hips. She clutches her legs together, a wild desire in her eyes. Her hips rise up toward me.<</md>>
<<text g "A little more...">>
<<md>>Slowly at first, then faster. She moans loudly, feeling pleasure. I make a few more movements and cum in her anus. That's it.<</md>>
<<text g "You're a miracle.">>
<<md>>Before I can even get my dick out, I feel a blow to the head and screams.<</md>>
<<text r "Don't you dare touch my wife!">>
<<md>>The blows came one after another until I lost consciousness. When I come to get me, there is no one around.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>At least I'm alive.<</say>>
<<md>>I pick up my clothes and leave. I guess I'll have to figure out another way to seduce Jerry.<</md>>
<<set $JerryDick = -1>>\
[[Back|Beach]] <<md>>So, a few small manipulations and the photos from the camera are sent directly to the computer, and from there by VIP flight directly to Jerry.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>You have such a good bat!<</say>>
<<md>>Ha ha! This girl translates everything into sports. But well, I guess you could call it that.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I've got more good balls, you know?<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>Oh yes, I see! You know what they do with baseballs to make them lucky?<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, I like this conversation already. It's for her I get extraordinary pleasure. Some kind of twisted pleasure that actually digs into my cock and makes it hard.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What?<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>I always lick them for good luck!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And how does that work?<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>I think I'll show you sometime.<</say>>
<<md>>Bingo! I think she took the bait. Though I'd give anything right now to have her lick my bait all the way through.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm looking forward to seeing you.<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>Hmm... Do you have a good machine?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, my machine is very good abd big!<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>Hahahaha! Ohahahahaha! Silly, I mean the camera!<</say>>
<<md>>And everything started out so well...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, It's not that bad, but I'm the best!<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>Oh, here I don't even doubt it! All in all, I need help with one photo shoot. A sports magazine has offered to do a photo shoot for them, but I don't have a good photographer.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That you're lucky because you have me.<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>Yes, so you're going to help me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Certainly!<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>Well, then I'm waiting for you at the address...<</say>>
<<md>>Ha, so she lives on Street York-Road. I wonder... I think this is the same house where Clara lives.<</md>>
<<set $JerryDick = 12>>\
[[Back|My room]] <<md>>Finding Jerry's house was very easy. Who would have thought she lived right above Clara's apartment? Such different women, and they live so close. I wonder what would happen if Jerry found out I worked for Clara.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I think we should find a girl and not make her wait.<</say>>
[[Go|JerryDick8]]<<say $Jerry>>There's $mc.Name and its big bat! Will he apply it or does the Schaleny Monkey team lose?<</say>>
<<md>>Just as I appear in the waiting room, Jerry greets me with a joyful voice. Also, she seems to do a pretty good Bob Uecker impersonation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It all depends on whether he can enjoy a home run!<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>Ha-ha! We'll see. As long as you and I have something to do.<</say>>
<<md>>I'd rather have to do something else. Something Although, in general, one does not interfere with the other.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You look beautiful.<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't help but notice how seductive she is in both her tank top and those green shorts. And the long socks only further emphasize the beauty of her slender body.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>Sport requires great sacrifice!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Is this about golfers?<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>Yeah, they're a little... Not my style.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But they suit you very well.<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>I know! I just wanted to hear it from someone else!<</say>>
<<md>>So she tricked me! Although in general I don't mind such a little deception.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>So, shall we get started then? I need as many good pictures as possible to be chosen as a sports idol.<</say>>
<<md>>A sports idol? She certainly deserves that title. I really wanted to see Jerry in action, so I sped things up a bit. You can admire her later.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, let's get started!<</say>>
<<md>>And we started our photo shoot. I must say, I really enjoyed watching all the action!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bend over a little bit!<</say>>
<<md>>She obediently did everything I said. Beyond that, however, I could see her eyes burning with desire. She wanted me to keep enjoying her body through the camera lens.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now let's try to show them the real you?<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>Like that?<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Jerry\Quest\Video\JerryBowl1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Jerry sat down on the stairs and pulled back her shorts so that they covered her pussy, but I could clearly see her features.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, that's perfect...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl laughed and after a few pictures, she took off her shorts, showing me her beautiful body.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>Yeah?<</say>>
<<md>>She began to squeeze her breasts with her hands, which made my pants very tight. Her body was the object of my attention. However, I kept taking pictures.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>It looks like your bat is already hardened. But I have something else to show you. Don't miss a single frame.<</say>>
<<md>>She pulled out a skittles from nowhere and started to put her pussy on it.<</md>>
<<md>>I couldn't take my eyes off her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Amazing...<</say>>
<<md>>I looked at her buttocks shuddering with passion, and I felt myself getting more and more excited.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It goes so deep into you, Jerry.<</say>>
<<md>>It turned out to be quite a fascinating sight. The pins were gradually penetrating her vagina, and then I heard a moan of pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>Yes...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Jerry\Quest\Video\JerryBowl2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Her body pulsed and trembled like a tuning fork making its unearthly sounds.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>Ah...<</say>>
<<md>>I kept taking pictures. One picture changed into another. But it was over. She blushed, and I couldn't help myself and took her picture again.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>It's so big and hard... It fills me completely...<</say>>
<<md>>She began to shake with pleasure, but she didn't let the instrument out of her hands. There was a slight grimace of misery on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>Love it....<</say>>
<<md>>Finally the pleasure overwhelmed her and she cummed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I think you're definitely going to become a sports idol. For me, it definitely has become.<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>Really? Maybe next time there won't be a pin there, but your bat?<</say>>
<<md>>Jerry kissed me, after which I walked away from her. I think I'm going to be successful soon. But right now there's no need to rush.<</md>>
<<set $JerryDick = 13>>\
[[Back|Apartment 2]] <<md>>As I was coming downstairs, I heard a strange sound. It was coming from somewhere on the side of the gymnasium. But when I got there, five girls came running out, shouting and laughing loudly. They were cheerleaders, but why were they having so much fun?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you serious?<</say>>
<<md>>When I walked into the gym, it was extremely shocking.<</md>>[img[img/Autumn/AutumnHum1.jpg]]
<<if $AutumnImage5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AutumnImage5Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>It was Autumn inside, but she was tied up and tied to the soccer goalposts.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why am I not surprised?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl was purring something, but it was all lost because of the gag she had in her mouth. I must say that for some reason she turned me on more when she was like that than when she was in her uniform. Her clothes were unbuttoned, and her body was in full view of me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds like you like humiliation after all, doesn't it?<</say>>
<<md>>I took the gag out of her mouth.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>What are you talking about? Let me go!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No sooner do I know what happened here.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>These cheerleader bitches didn't want to do it. Said I let them do too much! They tied me up! Those bitches are gonna pay for everything!<</say>>
<<md>>It's funny to hear threats from a girl sitting here naked, tied up and helpless.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>As long as you're the only one paying, it looks like.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Help me! Now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What's in it for me?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Help me!<</say>>
<<if $AutumnImage6Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AutumnImage6Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
[[Demand reward|AutumnQuest4.2]]
[[Free her|AutumnQuest4.3]] <<say $mc>>You're begging poorly. Maybe I should leave you here...<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>OK! What do you want?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>To see you masturbate.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>I won't do it. As you can see my hands are tied! How do you expect me to do that, you moron?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I could free your one hand, but if you like being tied up so much...<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>All right! All right! I'll do as you ask!<</say>>
<<md>>I walk up to her and untie one arm and legs. That's how the bitch won't get out, but she can satisfy me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl sits down on the floor with relief and spreads her legs.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>OK. Watch carefully, you pervert!<</say>>
<<md>>She begins to masturbate. Her hand touches her pussy, and then her fingers penetrate it. The girl starts moaning.<</md>>
<<md>>She's very good at it. I'm mesmerized.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Mmm...<</say>>
<<md>>I can clearly hear her fingers moving between her wet lips.<</md>>[img[img/Autumn/AutumnHum2.jpg]]
<<if $AutumnImage12Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AutumnImage12Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>And when her finger bumps into something wet, she moans even louder. And then her hips begin to move in time with her movements.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you like being humiliated?<</say>>
<<md>>I see her hands begin to move up and down. She pushes her finger inside, then pulls it back a little and freezes. Then she sharply pushes her finger inside. The vaults of her cave shake from this thrust, and then again.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Speak!<</say>>
<<md>>She gets up almost non-stop. At one point, she presses her fingers on her clit and I can see how wet it is. Her hips are trembling.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Yes, I like it....<</say>>
<<md>>Her clit is gradually increasing in size. It feels like she's about to cum.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>I like to feel myself like...<</say>>
<<md>>Her moans intensify and become almost unbearable. There must be something about all this that pleases me. I need to remember this place and come here more often. At the same time, her body shudders.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>A thing!<</say>>
<<md>>And then she comes right away. Well, that's great. It's time to solve it.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>If you tell me what you saw here, I'll kill you!<</say>>
<<md>>Without even zipping up, Autumn flies out of the gym.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 146>>\
[[Back|School reception]] <<md>>There was no point in humiliating the girl even more. After what I had done to her, I don't think any tying her up would humiliate her that much.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay. But if you stop being such a bitch!<</say>>
<<md>>I untie her arms and legs, letting him breathe in the pleasant air of freedom.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What?<</say>>
<<md>>I notice that Autem is looking at me.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You're up to something.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why would I?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Because you can't be expected to do any good. You're a bastard, a bitch...<</say>>
<<md>>Honestly, I was planning to let her go, but her words awakened some kind of abnormal aggression in me. They brought out the beast in me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Shut up!<</say>>
<<md>>I kicked her in the stomach with all my might, causing the girl to twist. I picked her up and dragged her into the small room where the teachers gathered.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now I'll show you a bastard!<</say>>
<<md>>I thrust my cock sharply into her pussy without too much sentiment. The hard rod pierces her and presses her against the couch.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>No...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl tries to move, but I stop her. Autumn screams terribly and tries unsuccessfully to pull away from my instrument of punishment. But I have no intention of letting her go free. Not now!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Silence!<</say>>
<<md>>Her moaning and wheezing finally takes me out of myself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You deserve it!<</say>>
<<md>>She screams and clings to my shoulder. I immediately begin to move.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You deserve it!<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn moans, but keeps quiet because I don't let her say a word.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnHum1.mp4"></video></div> One of my strokes is so strong that it knocks all the air out of her lungs. I run my finger over her lips, hoping she'll remember this moment forever.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Such a bitch should be begging me!<</say>>
<<md>>A thrust, and I enter her, experiencing the same pleasure. The same one I felt when she moaned from the bottle. Since that night, that's what I needed. Fuck that bitch brutally!<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>After about five seconds, Autumn relaxes and starts to move. At first she bites her lips, but when I pull my cock out, she begs with a look to keep fucking her. Lust has taken over her.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>I'm... bitch ...<</say>>
<<if $AutumnVideo5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AutumnVideo5Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Inspired by my little victory, I start pounding her with twice as much force. She cries out, arching, and her body is covered in little drops of sweat. She's cumming. Oh, yeah...<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>I'm your bitch...<</say>>
<<md>>Eventually she admitted it. Hehe! Well, it's time to leave her here.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 147>>\
[[Back|School reception]] <<md>>I don't think I should do anything now, I'm too exhausted<</md>>
[[Back|LucyTalkHome]][[Nice to meet you Jane|Hospital]]<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, baby...<</say>>
<<md>>Clara is as beautiful as ever. Droplets run down her naked body, creating bizarre patterns on its surface. She has never seemed so beautiful to me. I can see everything that seemed so incomprehensible to me. The fullness, the color, the fragility of her skin... Is it possible to see such perfection, such a big heart?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image17", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image12", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<md>>I love the way she raises her arms high, the way she brushes her hair back from her face, the way she nods as if arguing with something. How her hand slides over her breasts, playing with her nipples, and then touching her ass and pussy. A few drops still drip down her back. Age would have enjoyed it, but I think I'd better leave so as not to disturb him.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraHomeAvailablePipes += 1>>\
[[Back|CHHall]] <<md>>The sound of water pouring down her body somewhere in there just drives me crazy. My head is filled with amazing fantasies that I can't hide from. I wish I could just walk away, but my attraction to Clara's gorgeous body is unbelievable.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Just a little bit...<</say>>
<<md>>I explain this very thing to myself, yes, when I open the bathroom door.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Slightly...<</say>>
<<md>>But as soon as I look inside, I witness a magnificent sight. Clara's hands play with her breasts, gently squeezing her nipples. The water runs down Clara's body, as if stimulating her already sensitive body even more.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Droplets of water glisten on her breasts, which gives the whole thing an extra spice. It's even hard for me to breathe, such a beautiful sight in the bathroom.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Any more...<</say>>
<<md>>And to the beat of the drops on her belly, her breasts move - magical lumps moving up and down, and her hips seem to change position at breakneck speed.<</md>>
<<md>>I can see her good hips rise and she moans quietly, holding on tightly to the rather thin tube shuddering with every movement she makes.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Slightly...<</say>>
<<md>>Every time she touches her body, her eyes fill with a gleam of desire. A faint smile plays at the corners of her lips, making her look like an unearthly beauty. I can't do anything about it, just watch.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>More!<</say>>
<<md>>She wriggles, moaning, moaning... She jumps up and begins to move her pelvis, flexing and unbending, until her pussy begins to throb in unison with her moans.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>And that's when the most unexpected thing happens.[img[img/Clara/ClaraShowerPipe1.jpg]]The pipe that Clara is holding on to - suddenly breaks off and the water begins to squirt. Clara opens her eyes and we look at each other. But there is no judgment in her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Damnation!<</say>>
<<md>>I walk out of the bathroom, contrary to my desire to help. I think it would be a little difficult to explain what I was doing in there.<</md>>
<<md>>A moment later, she's out of the bathroom. Clara is wearing such a short towel that the sight of her wet body takes my breath away.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You saw everything.<</say>>
<<md>>She wastes no time and gets right to the point. Her look lets me know that I shouldn't lie.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I couldn't resist looking at such a beautiful...<</say>>
<<md>>But with a gesture, she indicated to me that she didn't need any extra compliments or excuses.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I'm not interested in the morality of this issue or your desire to fuck me. I'm interested in the broken pipe. Can you fix it?<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, so it's all about the pipe. A broken pipe is a big problem. So can I even help her with it?<</md>>
[[No|ClaraBathroomPipeNo]]<<say $mc>>Certainly, Clara. You can't leave it like that. Fortunately, I have the right tools with me.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara gives me a smile.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I'm very lucky.<</say>>
<<md>>And just as I was about to go in, she whispers in my ear.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Repair the pipe and you'll have just as much luck...<</say>>
<<md>>After these words, of course, I was no longer thinking so much about the pipe, but about the reward that awaited me.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraHomeFixedPipes = 1>>\
[[To the bathroom|ClaraBathroomPipeYesBath]]<<md>>Yeah, I'll see what I can do. That would be much better. It looks like the pipe flew out because it wasn't properly secured.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah...<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, it's a little broken, but we'll fix that with silicone that won't let water in.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it. It's as good as new!<</say>>
<<md>>I fairly walk out of the bathroom and head over to Clara, who is still not changed and is only in one towel.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Is everything ready?<</say>>
<<md>>She reeks of coldness and aloofness, but as soon as I nod she literally blooms in front of my eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I fixed it as much as I could. But I would still recommend replacing the pipes...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Of course. And now would you...<</say>>
<<md>>She takes off her towel and it takes my breath away when I look at her magnificent breasts.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>...taking care of my pipes?<</say>>
<<md>>She grins seductively, and then bites her lip. I know she wants it almost as much as I do. No, she wants it more, considering what I saw in the bathroom.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Certainly. Your personal plumber will take care of that. But first I have to check everything thoroughly...<</say>>
<<md>>My hand touches her breasts first, squeezing tightly.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Ah...<</say>>
<<md>>Clara moans at my touch, and when my tongue touches her nipples, I think she begins to melt. There is so much pleasure in her moaning, so much plea not to stop, that I have no control over myself and my hand touches her pussy by itself.<</md>>
<<md>>I feel her hips start to move toward me, and she moves toward me just a little bit. She moans, her body trembles, and she whispers softly: "More... More... Faster... More..."<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Study me...<</say>>
<<md>>Her skin is so cool and soft it makes me want to burrow into it, and I also feel like she's ready to finish right now.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Your pipe is so big.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraPipesSex1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $ClaraVideo25Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo25Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>I press my fingers against her soft buttocks, and she obediently spreads her legs even wider, allowing me to admire the magnificent sight. I penetrate her cunt with my already hot and hard cock, and Clara is instantly aroused by the touch of her wet womb.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Put it in me as deep as you can...<</say>>
<<md>>I thrust into her with force. I can feel her hips moving as she moans in my ear and breathes heavily. Her hips begin to buckle and her moaning gets louder. She wriggles in my arms. Her face is all red, and her breathing is ragged.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You're so strong!<</say>>
<<md>>I feel like I'm close to being done. And when she seems to come toward me and we merge into a kiss, it all happens too fast. My cock penetrates her so deeply that it gets tight. She still has time to feel me go in and out of her, and her body literally explodes.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes! Yes! Yes!<</say>>
<<md>>Clara covers her eyes and smiles, clutching my head. I slide my finger over her bosom, feeling her cum, and her hands clutch my hair tighter.<</md>>
[[Back|CHHall]]<<md>>It's a pity that I'm not that clever <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry, I can't help you, better to call plumber.<</say>>
<<md>>She was so disappointed. I guess I've lose my chance to fix her sexy pipes... <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes...<</say>>
<<set $ClaraHomeFixedPipes = 2>>\
[[Back|CHHall]]<<md>>I happily walk into the room to have a little chat with Monica. I'm in a great mood and ready for surprises. He meets me right away. Monica is reading a book.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaImage26Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage26Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>What are you reading?<</say>>
<<md>>Not that I was surprised that Monica reads, but I thought her peers preferred electronic letters more.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, it's Orwell's 1984.<</say>>
<<md>>1984? Oh my God... Just the mention of this boring, extremely overrated book gave me a headache. Why would such a pleasant and almost fabulous girl read something like this?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And what do you think?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, it's just an amazing piece of work. The way the author portrays the characters is very. Can we believe that someday the world will be like this?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let's hope that doesn't happen, otherwise Big Brother will ban "erotic novels"!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica giggled, covering her mouth.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, it would be a great loss...<</say>>
<<md>>Strangely, I don't hear any sarcasm in her voice. Is it...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you read them often?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica blushed.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I...don't...sometimes...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ahaha, don't worry. That stays between us.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, that's an extraordinary relief.<</say>>
<<md>>Hmm...Is it possible to offer her something really amazing to replace this boring dystopia? But how do you know what she would like? Perhaps we should ask her that next time?<</md>>
<<set $MonicaBlackBible = 1>>\
[[Back|MHLivingroom]]<<say $mc>>So, about the books...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica looked at me sweetly, then put her book aside.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Do you want to talk about Orwell and his influence on contemporary writers?<</say>>
<<md>>No, not about Orwell...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I mean erotic novels.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Ah...hmm...I'd rather not talk about it...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You have nothing to be ashamed of, Monica. You've read some of them, haven't you?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, but...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So, what's your favorite thing about them?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Revelation. How they portray human emotion.<</say>>
<<md>>When she tells it, she blushes like a schoolgirl. But wait, she is a schoolgirl!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And there's a book that you really like?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Well...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well?<</say>>
<<md>>It's hard for her to talk, but I can see that she wants to share it with me.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I don't have this to say.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But do you want to?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I want...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then you shouldn't hold back... So?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>It's the Black Bible!<</say>>
<<md>>She said it so fast, it felt like a bomb went off. But it was done. I got everything I wanted.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Black...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Please, let's not talk about it now!<</say>>
<<md>>Okay, I agree. All that remains is to find the book I need.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaBlackBible = 2>>\
[[Back|MHLivingroom]]<<md>>Yes, the Black Bible...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm...<</say>>
<<md>>I walk between the rows of books and stare at the title of each erotic novel. These books are so interesting and their covers so erotic that I want to take them all home and read them with Monica several times. Oh, yes, she would read and I would bring each of the fantasies to life. I would stand behind Monica and.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Aha! There you are!<</say>>
<<md>>It wasn't that hard to find. Yes, now all that was left was to give the book to Monica.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaBlackBible = 3>>\
[[Back|Library]]<<md>>I couldn't wait to give Monica the book.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl put the book aside, and then looked at me carefully.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>$mc.Name...<</say>>
<<md>>She studied me carefully.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>What's behind your back?<</say>>
<<md>>She did notice it, though. That's why I love her. For being perceptive and for having a more perceptive mind than most adults.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is my gift to you.<</say>>
<<md>>I hold out the book and give it to Monica.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Black...<</say>>
<<md>>She looks at me.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Really?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why not? I think it would be more interesting than your book.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Hmmm...Maybe...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica began to look at the book with particular zeal and interest. Well, I'll leave them alone for now. Maybe I should ask her to read it together later.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaBlackBible = 4>>\
[[Back|MHLivingroom]]<<md>>Evening is coming again, which means Monica is reading. The only thing left for me to do is either follow her or join her. I choose the latter.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, how is your evening going?<</say>>
<<if $MonicaImage13Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage13Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>The girl looks at me and smiles.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, I'm reading... Your gift...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And how is the reading going?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Extremely!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you mind if I join you?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> I don't know...<</say>>
<<md>>I sit down by her and put my hand on her knee.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I don't think anything bad will happen. More like something nice.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes... All right...<</say>>
<<md>>And Monica begins reading about how a man touches his lover. These descriptions only make my cock more lively. I run my hand along her thigh, then touch her shorts. Monica barely flinches, but a slight smile looms on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>She...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica tries to concentrate, but my hand diving right into her panties is very distracting. I touch her wet pussy with my fingers and penetrate it. It's very wet and nice inside.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Mmm...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica catches my gaze and smiles. We stare at each other for a long time without saying a word. I don't want to drag out the moment, so I touch her ass, and then I start pulling her clothes off.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>She sighs, and then... She sucks my fingers in and squeezes them as hard as she can in her crotch. She wraps her arm around my neck and kisses me on the lips in gratitude.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiles and bends toward me. My finger slides into her wet vulva, and I see her trying a different position. I slowly squeeze my fingers together and repeat the motion several times, making the girl moan even harder.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It's better...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica closes her eyes, arches her back, and bites her lip. Her hands slide over my breasts, sometimes resting on my hips. I don't want her to stop me now, as I pull off all her extra clothes.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>...than in books...<</say>>
<<md>>I pick her up by her ass and push Monica onto my cock. on my chest with both hands, her eyes wide open. Slowly I move my hips forward, Monica keeps her eyes on me. Slightly pulling her leg up to my stomach, I lean in and kiss her neck gently.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I want you!<</say>>
<<md>>Her face grimaces in pain, and her head falls on my shoulder. We keep moving, and I feel the girl adjusting to my rhythm.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes!<</say>>
<<md>>She's sighing and arching her whole body.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaBookSex1.mp4"></video></div> I love the fact that she's so hot and wet. I want to spread her legs even wider so that she can cum first.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes! Yes! Yes!<</say>>
<<if $MonicaVideo39Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo39Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>I feel her body start to shudder, and I feel her heart beating fast and fast. The movements of her fingers are getting stronger. I feel her tongue go against my lips.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Super!<</say>>
<<md>>Her bosom is wet and hot. I cover it with my other hand and keep moving. Moving for a long, long time. I feel waves of pleasure coursing through me, and I can't stop. I fall into oblivion, and it feels like Monica is having an orgasm, too.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I love this kind of reading!<</say>>
<<set $MonicaBlackBible = 5>>\
[[Back|MHLivingroom]]<<md>>The Internet is as usual full of unnecessary news. If I could, I would turn it off right now. Who cares who Elon Musk sleeps with? I don't care who his rocket is in, who it penetrates.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>However...<</say>>
<<md>>The more I look at her, the more my rocket in my pants gets higher and higher. Oh yes, she has a great figure! The kind that I would love to dive into myself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Show me a little more, babe...<</say>>
<<md>>I find interesting pictures on the internet where it's completely without underwear. I've always loved redheads!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>However, just as I begin to fill my rocket with fuel in the name of excitement, when I am distracted by a new message.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What is it?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Hi, still awake, pervert?<</say>>
<<md>>Here comes the ginger problem again. Autumn can't leave me alone. I wonder what she wants from me this time.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you just about to?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>You must be thinking of me and holding your sausage in your hands right now. Ah-ha-ha.<</say>>
<<md>>Only the second sentence, and she has already managed to humiliate and hurt me. Maybe the girls were right to tie this bitch up? I don't condemn them for wanting to do that.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Autumn, what do you need?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>I want you to shut your mouth about what you saw. If anyone finds out about this, I'll kill you!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you think threatening a teacher is very reasonable?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>I don't care...If you don't shut your mouth...<</say>>
<<md>>At first I wanted to be polite and kind to them, but she doesn't seem to understand it. Whatever happens in her life, Autumn is only controlled by the language of what she herself can understand. Trust is not included here.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Then you'll have to make me do it.<</say>>
<<md>>But body language is exactly what he is used to seeing. It is like a universal currency, a master key that allows a girl to deal with everything.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>I knew you'd say that, pervert!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, you know me too well.<</say>>
<<md>>That's why she was tied up. Many people consider her a whore, but for Autumn it's one way to keep things under control.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You always have to taste the flesh of young girls, don't you? Does that turn you on?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You know my answer.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Okay! Come to the bus stop tomorrow. First you'll ride with me, and then I'll ride you.<</say>>
<<md>>What a sly girl! She's just playing with fire!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you think what you're saying? I'm a teacher and I have to ride on the same bus as you? What's on your mind?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Your dick! So are you coming?<</say>>
<<md>>I guess if I want to enjoy it to the fullest, I'll have to come after all.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course!<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Fine, I'll wait at the bus stop at 7:15 in the morning.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, I think that's the end of our conversation today. <</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 1461>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>There are a lot of people outside. I feel a little insecure. Autumn must have planned all this just to piss me off a little bit...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Damned manipulator!<</say>>
<<md>>The strong wind was whipping me like a whip, almost bringing tears to my face. What a bad day I'd chosen for pretending to be a schoolboy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Where are you?<</say>>
<<md>>Finally, almost 15 minutes of waiting and patience were rewarded. A yellow bus appeared on the horizon.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Finally...<</say>>
[[Enter the bus|AutumnQuest5.3]]
<<md>>Inside the bus I am greeted by Autumn and the other cheerleaders. It looks like it's just their bus and the other female students don't come here.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Girls, meet our new member!<</say>>
<<md>>The girls laugh out loud and point at me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Very funny, Autumn!<</say>>
<<md>>However, some of them look at me intently and even start wringing their breasts. Although I don't feel entirely comfortable, the very sight, all these sexy girls in skirts really turns me on.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, you like it, I see...<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn noticed that I was getting horny and started massaging my cock through my pants.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wait...We...<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Don't get too blushy, they won't tell anyone.<</say>>
<<md>>In one motion, she takes my cock out of my pants. <</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 1462>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnBus1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AutumnVideo6Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AutumnVideo6Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnBus2.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AutumnVideo7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AutumnVideo7Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
[[To the school|School reception]]
<<md>>I swim up to Naomi, who is a little away from the schoolgirls I know.
<<say $mc>>Hello, beautiful, do you miss me?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Hello, handsome, how could I miss you?<</say>>
<<md>>I smile when I see Naomi smile. There's always so much warmth and positivity coming from her that sometimes you wonder.
<<say $mc>>Can you show these girls how to swim? I'm sure your special technique will help the girls reach unprecedented heights.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>You will owe me...<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi smiles and begins to dive and demonstrate all the wonders of her body flexibility. The girls happily repeat after her. She is a born teacher, after all. And why doesn't she work here with me?
<<say $mc>>You're just stunning today.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Today only?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, always.<</say>>
<<md>>I kiss Naomi when it's just us in the pool.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Naomi\Quest\Video\NaomiTrainingDildo1.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $mc>>I have a special gift for you.<</say>>
<<md>>I run my hands down her panties and touch her pussy with my fingers.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>I love this gift.<</say>>
<<md>>She bites her lip and closes her eyes. She's in my power, I can do whatever I want with her. My fingers slip inside, and I touch her labia. The next moment my lips are over hers, and I move lower, caressing her clit with my tongue. A spasm of pleasure runs through her entire body.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wait... I want... Not that...<</say>>
<<md>>The words are hard for Naoma to say as she looks at me and pulls down her swim trunks. My cock jumps free and Naomi licks it happily.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>I love your cock...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Naomi\Quest\Video\NaomiTrainingDildo2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Her tongue begins to move over my cock, and I melt with happiness. This makes me put my hand even harder under the elastic of her panties, and my dick slowly rests on Naomi's stomach.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Mmm...<</say>>
<<md>>She launches her cock harder and harder into her throat, letting me have her mouth as much as I want. Her cheeks are flushed, but I can see that she's enjoying it, too. After that, I spurt a whole fountain of pleasure right onto the girl's face.<</md>>
<<md>>Just going on a date, no. I knew what lay ahead of me. And especially after the dream-I really wanted to meet Amber. I couldn't get the woman out of my head, and I kept dreaming of how we would meet. I think I have a good chance of wowing her, if I try hard enough.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>You look great.<</say>>
<<md>>When I saw her, I lost not only my mind but also my tongue. She was very pretty in that blue dress.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You look special, too.<</say>>
<<md>>Amber smiled at me affectionately, and that made me feel very good.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Shall we go for a little walk?<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Amber\Quest\Video\AmberClient1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $AmberVideo7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AmberVideo7Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>I nodded, and, unexpectedly for myself, she took my hand. It was so unexpected, but at the same time I felt a current of pleasure running through my body. Her palm was so warm and soft, like a child's.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, I don't come here that often, but it's beautiful. Isn't it?<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Yes, nature among the concrete jungle is like an oasis.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Ha-ha that's right. Speaking of ooze...<</say>>
<<md>>We came to a small fountain, and she bent down to drink some water. Oh, what a nice view.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Amber...<</say>>
<<md>>I think I should tell her how much I like her. But just as I was about to say it, I...<</md>>
Get out of the way, you fat cow!
<<md>>Some tough guy with a backpack deliberately pushed Amber and she flopped into the water. The woman cried out in surprise. The scream was everything - surprise, fear, and despair. As she fell into the water, she raised a small wave against the spray that fell on my new clothes. It looked like my date was ruined by some statue.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>To you...<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, that seems to be the end of it. However, as long as he's not so far away, I have time to get back at him for this. On the other hand, it is necessary to help Amber.<</md>>
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>To leave Amber in trouble would be wrong of me, to say the least. My business is to take care of my woman, not to punish the guilty. Besides, there are always plenty of assholes. If I teach everyone to be reasonable, I lose the chance to get into her panties. And she's wet right now...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you okay?<</say>>
<<md>>I walk over to the fountain, where Amber is. Her dress is all wet, yet I can see her panties and bra. I have to say they have it pretty good, I wish I could see her without it.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>I'm fine, give me your hand.<</say>>
<<md>>But when I do as she says, something happens that I couldn't have predicted. She pulls me toward her, and I lose my balance and fall into the fountain, too.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Amber...<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Ha-ha-ha! Now you're very wet too!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ah so...<</say>>
<<md>>I start splashing water on her. She laughs and does the same in return.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Oh, I'm all wet.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So why don't you take off your dress?<</say>>
<<md>>Amber smiles and runs her hands over her body.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Of course, if you take off your clothes!<</say>>
<<md>>And she knows what she wants. Well, if that's the price of seeing him without his underwear, I'm willing to do it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay...<</say>>
<<md>>I take off my clothes and am left in just my underwear. Amber looks at me carefully, studying every detail.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>You're brave! I'm not afraid of anything either, honestly!<</say>>
<<md>>She's stripped down and it's just gorgeous. Her body is simply divine. We continued splashing in the fountain, even swimming in spite of people.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha! It's a fancy date.<</say>>
<<md>>Agree, although I would have liked to see a little more...<</md>>
[[Back|My room]]<<say $mc>>You know when it's going to get more gorgeous? When you show me more...<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Do you think I buy it that easily?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sure it's not that easy, though.<</say>>
<<md>>I pull my panties down a little, showing her my already well hard cock.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>And you know how to seduce a woman...<</say>>
<<md>>She takes off all her clothes and shows me her gorgeous breasts, with water flowing seductively down them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>To what...<</say>>
<<md>>I can't control myself anymore. I want to take it right here, right now, in spite of everything in the world.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>...fine...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Amber\Quest\Video\AmberPhoneMast2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She runs her hands over her body. I want to kiss her. I want to have sex with her, though I don't know how. All I want is to be near her. I'm ready for anything. I can see that she wants it too.
<<say $mc>>...that's all...<</say>>
<<md>>We look at each other, laughing softly, it's just heavenly pleasure. Her breasts fascinate me, I'd just sink kisses into them if she suddenly gave them to me. I can't utter a word, and I only have time to swallow my saliva.
<<say $Amber>>I think that's enough for today!<</say>>
<<md>>She quickly gets dressed, leaving me a little disappointed. That's okay, soon all of hers will be mine. In the meantime, it's worth the wait. We return home, I take Amber to her house, and we say goodbye.
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>If there's anyone you plan to meet during halftime on the basketball court, it's the students. They often play and are full of excitement. The only person you can't expect to meet on the field is your boss.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara? What are you doing here?<</say>>
<<md>>The woman went around each of the students so easily that I really felt sorry for them.<</md>>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image15", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<say $Clara>>I guess the same thing you $mc.Name! Playing basketball!<</say>>
<<md>>Clara smiled at me and immediately started playing with the ball, not giving the students any chance. He seemed to be an absolute pro at it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How often do you play basketball?<</say>>
<<md>>The woman adjusted her black T-shirt and laughed.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>For almost twenty years.<</say>>
<<md>>Twenty years old? But none of the female students here are that old. Clearly, they don't stand a chance. Although it must be said that she is very suited to those white socks and green shorts, accentuating her luxurious ass.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh...<</say>>
<<md>>She moves so beautifully and seductively as she proves her superiority.<</md>>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image16", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<say $Clara>>So what are you going to watch? Will you play with me?<</say>>
<<md>>Oh! Is she challenging? That's already curious! I played a lot of national team matches in my time at university. Not 20 years old, though...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course I'm going to play!<</say>>
<<md>>And the game began. I tried to remember all the tricks I knew or had heard somewhere, but the result was the same.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Hah, you don't seem to know how to play basketball at all!<</say>>
<<md>>Clara laughed out loud when the match was over.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>It's a pity, of course, because Emma thought you would be a worthy opponent.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Emma?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh, a friend of mine, she often plays here and coaches students for the annual basketball competition.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Does she play as well as you?<</say>>
<<md>>Clara's lips curved into a snide smile.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>No one plays as well as I do. She plays pretty well, though.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara was about to leave the grounds.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>When's the rematch?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh, you can't wait to lose again?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You underestimate my power!<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, then you can find me anytime.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What's in it for me to win?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>You're going to lose anyway.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What if I don't?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>If a miracle happens and you beat me, I'll let you put both of your balls in my basket!<</say>>
<<md>>Did she say she'd let me fuck her if I won? I'm totally in!<</md>>
<<set $EmmaTraining = 2>>\
[[Yeah|Basic work done]]<<md>>Like Clara had said, she wasn't on the basketball court today, but there was another woman. She resembled Clara in some ways, but at the same time she was much brighter. Oh, yes, her red clothes were a real eye-catcher.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you Emma?<</say>>
<<say $Emma>>Who's asking?<</say>>
<<md>>She didn't stop throwing the ball into the basket and didn't even look back at me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara's friend.<</say>>
<<md>>And then she dropped the ball and looked at me.<</md>>
<<say $Emma>>Wow, the $mc.Name himself! The favorite man of Clara and the whole school.<</say>>
<<md>>What? She said that right to my face?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lovely... Did Clara tell you that?<</say>>
<<say $Emma>>No, I'm not blind or deaf. But if you don't understand that, then maybe you're blind and deaf, handsome.<</say>>
<<md>>What... All right, fine. I'm here for basketball, not all that nonsense. Maybe she's just messing with my head to win.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara said you like basketball?<</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly, she slammed into my stomach as hard as she could. In a way that made me feel a very stinging pain. What the...<</md>>
<<say $Emma>>I like basketball? What, you think you're dealing with one of your female students? Basketball is my life. I'm the champion of this town and I don't like basketball. I am basketball!<</say>>
<<md>>When the pain went away I got back on my feet.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, shall we play?<</say>>
<<say $Emma>>How about giving you some lessons, pretty boy?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, I know everything. Now you will pay for your actions.<</say>>
<<say $Emma>>Don't cry after you lose.<</say>>
<<md>>And the game began. Emma moved amazingly with the ball, like an angel. Her movements were like those you see in the movies. Extremely fluid and graceful at the same time.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How do you do that?<</say>>
<<md>>Again and again I try to outplay her, but it's over all the same. She wins, and I can't get the ball in once.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's unbelievable.<</say>>
<<say $Emma>>Flattery won't help you, loser. You have to learn if you want to beat me or Clara.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's impossible to play like that...<</say>>
<<say $Emma>>I told you, basketball is my life! If you want to learn how to play better or play a rematch, I'm almost always here at this time.<</say>>
<<set $EmmaTraining = 3>>\
[[Damn|Basic work done]]
<<include "BasketballEmmaTraining3">>\
<<set _EmmaTraining1Array = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _EmmaTraining1Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Emma welcomes my offer with a happy smile.<</md>>
<<say $Emma>>What, back to be better?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's never too late to grow up, is it.<</say>>
<<say $Emma>>Totally true! But don't think it's going to be an easy walk!<</say>>
<<md>>She taps me on the shoulder, but I know it's a sign that she appreciates my efforts!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course!<</say>>
<<say $Emma>>Well... What are we going to learn today?<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Emma>>Who do I see! Is this the master of "I know everything"?<</say>>
<<md>>Emma bursts into laughter just as I approach her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's very funny, Emma. Are you going to remember this for the rest of my life?<</say>>
<<say $Emma>>Let me see... Yes!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh my God.<</say>>
<<say $Emma>>Are you going to cry? Are you going to run to your mommy?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, I...<</say>>
<<say $Emma>>So, get it together! Are you here for training?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes!<</say>>
<<say $Emma>>So start training! What do you want to learn?<</say>>
<<if $BasketballDribbleKnown == 0 && $stamina gte 5 >>\
[[Dribble|BasketballEmmaTraining2][$BasketballStudy = "dribble"]]
<<if $BasketballCrossoverKnown == 0 && $stamina gte 9 >>\
[[Crossover|BasketballEmmaTraining2][$BasketballStudy = "crossover"]]
<<if $BasketballOverTheHeadKnown == 0 && $stamina gte 13>>\
[[Over-the-head|BasketballEmmaTraining2][$BasketballStudy = "overthehead"]]
<<if $BasketballFarThrowKnown == 0 && $stamina gte 17 >>\
[[Far throw|BasketballEmmaTraining2][$BasketballStudy = "farthrow"]]
<<if $BasketballFakeMovesKnown == 0 && $stamina gte 21 >>\
[[Fake moves|BasketballEmmaTraining2][$BasketballStudy = "fakemoves"]]
<<if $BasketballAggresivePlayKnown == 0 && $stamina gte 25 >>\
[[Aggresive play|BasketballEmmaTraining2][$BasketballStudy = "aggresiveplay"]]
<<if $BasketballProHopKnown == 0 && $stamina gte 29 >>\
[[Pro-hop|BasketballEmmaTraining2][$BasketballStudy = "prohop"]]
[[I'm too tired for training today|BasketballPlaygroundGeneral]]
<<set _EmmaTraining2Array = [1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _EmmaTraining2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>At first it seemed to me that it was not at all difficult movement, almost childish, but...<</md>>
<<say $Emma>>Do you remember?<</say>>
<<md>>Emma showed it to me over and over again, but I couldn't remember it the first time. Each time I made a mistake and the usual move became a huge fiasco.<</md>>
<<say $Emma>>Not like that! Again!<</say>>
<<md>>Finally out of ten in me began to come out and the movements became clearer.<</md>>
<<say $Emma>>That's better! One more time!<</say>>
<<md>>Emma wouldn't let up, but her efforts were really paying off.<</md>>
<<say $Emma>>That's all for today. A few more tries and you'll really get something.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Training today seemed very hard. For some reason, the usual movements were very difficult. Not because I didn't understand them, no. It was something else. My body, it was as if it had become wooden, not mine...<</md>>
<<say $Emma>>Collaborate, $mc.Name! This move is easy, even freshmen can do it!<</say>>
<<md>>Though her words humiliate me, at the same time I feel much better. I can do it, I can do it!<</md>>
<<say $Emma>>Yes, that's right! You're getting there.<</say>>
<<md>>And now it's already coming out. Not much at first, and then more and more. I'm almost like a master! Very!<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Full of enthusiasm, I start repeating all of Emma's moves. I'm in a great mood, and everything comes easy to me today. So much so that Emma opens her mouth in surprise. -Wow, that's really good!<</md>>
<<md>>Her praise really stimulates me and I get things done in half the time. It really does! Soon I will be a better basketball player!<</md>>
<<include "BasketballEmmaTraining4">>\
<<addmins 30>>\
[[Leave|Basic work done]]
<<if $BasketballDribble == 2 >>\
<<set $BasketballDribbleKnown = 1>>\
<<if $BasketballCrossover == 3 >>\
<<set $BasketballCrossoverKnown = 1>>\
<<if $BasketballOverTheHead == 4 >>\
<<set $BasketballOverTheHeadKnown = 1>>\
<<if $BasketballFarThrow == 5 >>\
<<set $BasketballFarThrowKnown = 1>>\
<<if $BasketballFakeMoves == 6 >>\
<<set $BasketballFakeMovesKnown = 1>>\
<<if $BasketballAggresivePlay == 7 >>\
<<set $BasketballAggresivePlayKnown = 1>>\
<<if $BasketballProHop == 8 >>\
<<set $BasketballProHopKnown = 1>>\
<</if>>\ <<say $Emma>>Are you ready to lose again? I don't think if you know a few tricks, you can beat me.<</say>>
<<md>>Ha-ha, Emma is as irresistible as ever in her belief in her own strength. But such people are best caught off guard.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm ready. And you?<</say>>
<<say $Emma>>Dreamed about!<</say>>
<<md>>With a flick of her hand, she tosses up a basketball and the game begins. All I have to do is follow her lead. My efforts are in vain. My opponent is more experienced than I am. When I see what's going on, I stop the ball and drop it to the floor. In response, Emma throws up her arm and punches me in the chest. It's a forbidden move, but it's just the two of us, so the rules aren't written.<</md>>
<<say $Emma>>We're on!<</say>>
<<md>>True, even this movement is more like a death dance, with her hands running up and down and up and down at the same time, and there's almost no waste-but the game is on.<</md>>
<<say $Emma>>You won't!<</say>>
<<md>>She hits accurately, the ball flies almost flying off the floor toward the wall. Hit! Another hit! Another one! And she hits again - she really is amazingly fast. But I can stop it if I pick the right tactics.<</md>>
<<if $BasketballDribbleKnown == 1 >>\
<<if $BasketballCrossoverKnown == 1 >>\
<<if $BasketballOverTheHeadKnown == 1 >>\
[[Over the head|BasketballEmmaChallengeLose]]
<<if $BasketballFarThrowKnown == 1 >>\
[[Far throw|BasketballEmmaChallengeLose]]
<<if $BasketballFakeMovesKnown == 1 >>\
[[Fake moves|BasketballEmmaChallengeLose]]
<<if $BasketballAggresivePlayKnown == 1 >>\
<<if $BasketballProHopKnown == 1 >>\
[[Do nothing|BasketballEmmaChallengeLose]] <<md>>Before my eyes the girl turns into a whirlwind, destroying everything in her path. I do not have time to stop her and find myself in the middle of it. In the very center of defeat. Her movements are fast, and I can do nothing but lose.<</md>>
<<addmins 20>>
[[Leave|Basic work done]]
<<say $Emma>>That's it!<</say>>
<<md>>Dodging the ball is pointless. I only have three wide steps in different directions. I don't like playing in those conditions. I can't stop the ball. Emma understands this, and a tactic of total domination follows, depriving me of my mobility for the time being.<</md>>
<<say $Emma>>Ha-ha, loser!<</say>>
<<md>>For the first five seconds of the game, Emma handles my control so well that I begin to get seriously worried. Eventually, her strength soon runs out, and I change the course of the game.<</md>>
<<md>>The ball flew right by me, but I managed to catch it with my hand, preventing it from falling to the floor. Emma looks at my events with curiosity. Suddenly she jumps away from me and takes a few steps back. Her beautiful face is ugly with anger.<</md>>
<<say $Emma>>You can't!<</say>>
<<md>>Now we're no more than fifteen centimeters apart. There are drops of sweat on her forehead. That means she's determined.<</md>>
<<say $Emma>>You won't win!<</say>>
<<md>>As Emma whistles and punches her way through me, her protective whirlwind of self-confidence gains strength, and then it's like she's hitting me.<</md>>
<<if $BasketballDribbleKnown == 1 >>\
<<if $BasketballCrossoverKnown == 1 >>\
<<if $BasketballOverTheHeadKnown == 1 >>\
[[Over the head|BasketballEmmaChallengeLose]]
<<if $BasketballFarThrowKnown == 1 >>\
[[Far throw|BasketballEmmaChallengeLose]]
<<if $BasketballFakeMovesKnown == 1 >>\
[[Fake moves|BasketballEmmaChallengeLose]]
<<if $BasketballAggresivePlayKnown == 1 >>\
<<if $BasketballProHopKnown == 1 >>\
<<say $Emma>>That's it.<</say>>
<<md>>The ball is back in the basket. Damn. Well, it's okay, if you focus a little bit, you can win. And to get it right, you just have to keep your eyes on her. And try not to fall into her traps. What am I doing?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Catch this, Emma!<</say>>
<<md>>I increase my speed. My punch isn't as strong as hers, but it's a little faster, which means it's more accurate and magical.<</md>>
<<say $Emma>>Impossible!<</say>>
<<md>>After half an hour of effort, she still fails to defeat me, and I triumph. Victory is mine. And she falls on her knees.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Who's the loser here?<</say>>
<<say $Emma>>Damn, you're strong, boy... I must say it's very sexy...<</say>>
<<md>>Before I know it, she pulls down my pants and starts sucking my cock. Her tongue begins to lick the head of my cock.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\EmmaBasketball1.mp4"></video></div> Her eyes were filled with desire, bordering on a kind of madness. She sucks and tugs at the base of the cock. She stops, looking up at me as if waiting for my approval.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, go on...<</say>>
<<md>>This is very arousing. After a while, I slide my cock into her mouth all the way. I never thought it felt so good before. She's so good... At first she sucks it slowly, and then it gets faster with each movement.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I can feel her starting to get horny, and I want to hold on to her tighter to stop it. She moves her ass toward me, and now I can clearly see her pink lips. I can see that they're swollen, and it's getting harder for me to hold back.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come to me...<</say>>
<<md>>Soon that part of my body is influenced by her speech, too, pouring my passion directly into her mouth. I feel as good as I've ever felt in my life. Bliss began to spread through my body, and the whole thing felt like something between an orgasm and a spasm.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're a really good coach...<</say>>
[[Leave|Basic work done]]<<md>>I hit the ball, and it flies in an arc far, far away. We jump on the spot and clap our hands. But then I hear my voice - the phantom roar of the fans, the stomp of feet and the whistle of the wind can be heard in it. I am in my corner. This world is mine.<</md>>
<<md>>We rush around the perimeter of the field, tipping the ball. At some point Clara goes forward, I have to catch up with me - and I realize that I overestimated myself. It's not easy to do that in high-speed racing mode.<</md>>
<<md>>And here we are on the edge. I watch Clara's ball make a good arc in space and hang for a second a few centimeters off the board. What's going to happen? Success? No. It hits the basket. I have to do something.<</md>>
<<if $BasketballDribbleKnown == 1 >>\
<<if $BasketballCrossoverKnown == 1 >>\
<<if $BasketballOverTheHeadKnown == 1 >>\
[[Over the head|BasketballEmmaChallengeLose]]
[[Over the head|BasketballEmmaChallengeLose]]
<<if $BasketballFarThrowKnown == 1 >>\
[[Far throw|BasketballEmmaChallengeLose]]
[[Far throw|BasketballEmmaChallengeLose]]
<<if $BasketballFakeMovesKnown == 1 >>\
[[Fake moves|BasketballClaraChallenge2]]
[[Fake moves|EmmaChallengeLose]]
<<if $BasketballAggresivePlayKnown == 1 >>\
<<if $BasketballProHopKnown == 1 >>\
<<md>>It's not that I expect her to rush into the attack immediately, but mentally I rehearse expecting an easy fight. All in all, it's not bad, I even manage to divert her attention, and the ball flies by my face - or rather, past my left side.<</md>>
<<md>>I try to take a position on the edge of the court, which is slightly below the center. But she wastes no time sending the ball to my head, and she jumps back and lands two seconds later at the other end of the court. Now she's right in front of me, separated only by a shallow groove filled with sand.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara deftly lifts the ball and, with a few spinning motions, sends it flying over the concrete field. The ball hits the basketball backboard and disappears from view, just a green broom with a red triangle bobbing in the wind. But then I got lucky and took the ball and the initiative.<</md>>
<<md>>With every second of possession of the ball I realize that the odds are even. Let it all depend on me, but victory is possible. So I bravely kick the ball with my hand and throw it into the backboard. It flies to the far end of the gym and straight into the basket.<</md>>
<<md>>The next second Clara catches it again and, running to the third crossbar, throws it back. I hit it exactly in the center, and the ball ricochets off the net as it reaches the net.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara takes a few steps forward and catches it near the ground. She hesitates for a while, as if unable to decide on a second leap, and makes a thin long sound.<</md>>
<<if $BasketballDribbleKnown == 1 >>\
<<if $BasketballCrossoverKnown == 1 >>\
<<if $BasketballOverTheHeadKnown == 1 >>\
[[Over the head|BasketballClaraChallenge3]]
<<if $BasketballFarThrowKnown == 1 >>\
[[Far throw|BasketballEmmaChallengeLose]]
<<if $BasketballFakeMovesKnown == 1 >>\
[[Fake moves|BasketballEmmaChallengeLose]]
<<if $BasketballAggresivePlayKnown == 1 >>\
<<if $BasketballProHopKnown == 1 >>\
<<md>>Clara rushes forward, but I manage to dodge, take the ball away from her, and send it to the basket. One last shot and I win.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I didn't expect you to be so agile. Well...<</say>>
<<md>>I smile. I think my reward is waiting for me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ah yes...<</say>>
<<md>>She pulls me into her office and locks the door, then sits down on her desk and takes off her shorts, showing me her pussy.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Get your prize, winner.<</say>>
<<md>>I thrust my cock into her happily, trying not to put pressure on her clit. Clara wraps her legs around me, stands up straight, puts us side by side, and helps us in. We moan and start caressing each other in a slow, deep rhythm.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>She begins to move her pelvis. My cock goes far, far into her.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraBasketball1.mp4"></video></div> My desire builds up in me. She's really enjoying this, and she's trying to get me to go even deeper. I squeeze her tightly, but she pushes against me and starts moving her pelvis so that I only have to push harder into her pussy.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Any more...<</say>>
<<md>>I screw into her sweet flesh. Clara whimpered contentedly and stood quietly. She wraps her legs around me, pulls herself up, and archs her back.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Steamer! Stronger, my champion!<</say>>
<<md>>She begins to move quickly and confidently. I feel a pleasant warmth spreading inside me. I go even deeper. My movements get a little stronger, and Clara starts to put her head down and surrender to her instincts.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Ah...<</say>>
<<md>>After a few minutes I feel that she is about to cum. She accepts it, we enjoy a few seconds of mutual intimacy, after which I feel something shudder inside her and fill her with my seed. We offend.<</md>>
<<addmins 90>>
[[Leave|Basic work done]]
<<md>>There were a lot of people on the basketball court today. I just have to decide who I want to approach. <</md>>
<<set _BasketballGeneral = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _BasketballGeneral.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
[[Join Lela|BasketballEmmaChallengeLose]]
[[Join Emma|BasketballEmmaGeneral]]
[[Join Clara|BasketballClaraGeneral]]<<md>>Emma is practicing with the ball, as usual. I have to think carefully about what I want from her.<</md>>
[[Basketball training|BasketballEmmaTraining1]]
[[Basketball challenge |BasketballEmmaChallenge1]]<<md>>Clara seems to be very busy with the game. If I'm not ready to challenge her again, I'd better not bother her.<</md>>
<<run setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image9", "New moment has been added to your gallery")>>
<<if $ClaraImage9Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $ClaraImage9Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
[[Basketball challenge |BasketballClaraChallenge1]]
<<if $EmmaTraining == 1 >>\
<<goto "BasketballClara1">>
<<elseif $EmmaTraining == 2 >>\
<<goto "BasketballEmma1">>
<<elseif $EmmaTraining == 3 >>\
<<goto "BasketballPlaygroundGeneral">>
<<goto "Break Strength">>
<</if>>\<<md>>Sunday...Sunday is always a great day to just take a break from all that has happened in a week. Every day is full of stresses and anxieties. Some of them we feel, and some of them remain invisible to us. But they all affect us enormously, and if we don't give ourselves even a little time to rest, we can very quickly find ourselves in a madhouse.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fine...<</say>>
<<md>>That's why I'm here now in the middle of the park, enjoying nature and tranquility. Breathing in that beautiful scent of nature, letting the silence fill me completely.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What a beautiful feeling.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, the sun touches my skin, but it's like being caressed by the woman you love with her hand on your cheek. It feels like the whole world around you is colored with unusually bright colors, making you the happiest person in the world.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How great is it...<</say>>
<<md>>But I manage to enjoy this moment only for a moment, after which the whole feeling is shattered by the voices and screams of drunken teenagers. There is a pretty girl among them, but that doesn't make it any easier. They ruined my special moment .<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why?<</say>>
<<md>>But there's no point in complaining now. What happened is what happened. The important thing now is to understand what I plan to do next.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaYogaPark = 1>>\
[[Look for a better place|MonicaParkYoga2]]<<md>>I don't have anything else to do here. This place is ruined by other people's presence, so it's worth going somewhere else, deeper into the park. Often people choose only the most popular places, that's the way we're built. And that plays into the hands of people like me who are looking for a quiet place.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No...<</say>>
<<md>>I go a little further in, but there are still quite a few people here. They make a lot of noise, so I keep looking for my Eden.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It can't be...<</say>>
<<md>>And I find it. After walking deep into the park, I find a barely visible path. I follow it to an extremely beautiful lawn and an extremely nice pond and bridge over it. There are almost no people here, and the view is extremely peaceful, but...<</md>>
<<if $MonicaImage14Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage14Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>Monica?<</say>>
<<md>>I notice a student I know sitting on the mat in her sports uniform. She doesn't seem to have noticed my presence, so it doesn't take me long to consider her beautiful body. Not just her legs, though, hehe.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>$mc.Name ?<</say>>
<<md>>You've been spotted! All that's left to do is draw a big eye and a chicken... Yeah, I think I know too much about Skyrim !<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>What are you doing here?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl still looks at me in surprise, but when she notices where my gaze goes, her cheeks turn extremely pink. She seems to understand my desires better than I do. But her reaction really turns me on. No matter how long we've known each other, no matter how close we are, she will still fumble a little.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I was looking for a place to take a break from all the hassle.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiles.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Then you've found it. This is the best place possible for a cozy quiet day. And people don't come in here, either.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Astonishing.<</say>>
<<md>>It was really amazing. A place like this should definitely be in high demand among people, but it's just me and Monica...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How did you find this place?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica thought for a moment, as if recalling something she didn't want to remember.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, I needed a new place for yoga and meditation since the club I used to go to closed.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I'm sorry. It's always a great loss.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Not really. They were distributing drugs there. So I had to report it to the police.<</say>>
<<md>>Drugs? So she's also a crime fighter? Is there anything she wouldn't be extraordinary at?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wow, that's very brave of you, Monica. Weren't you scared? They could have threatened you, couldn't they?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I don't want to talk about it. Let's meditate together. You know how to do that, don't you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. That's why I'm here.<</say>>
<<md>>I sat down on her mat and enjoyed the moment. I wanted to close my eyes, but the sight of Monica meditating made me feel soothed. Looking at her, all the worries of the world just seemed to disappear.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Well, I think that's enough for today.<</say>>
<<md>>I didn't notice how almost half an hour passed in such a relaxed, but very healing atmosphere.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes ... It was amazing.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>If you want, we could see each other again. I come here every Sunday at ten in the morning. I do yoga first, and then meditation afterwards.<</say>>
<<md>>Hmm, that's a tempting offer. To see Monica very often, and also in this form.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, I'd love to join you.<</say>>
<<md>>I wonder if I'll be able to see more than what I saw today.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaYogaPark = 2>>\
<<addmins 60>>\
[[Leave|Park]]<<md>>When I get to the park, Monica is already there. She's already started warming up, so I think I'm just in time.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Good morning, $mc.Name! You look beautiful!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiles at me when she notices my presence.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, you look even better!<</say>>
<<md>>Her smile gives me the signal to start practicing, so I do not lose time.<</md>>
<<set _MonicaYogaCommon = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _MonicaYogaCommon.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<if $MonicaImage15Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage15Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<case 2>>\
<<if $MonicaImage27Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage27Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Monica>>First we need to relax...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica begins her exercises...<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Feel every inch of your body...<</say>>
<<md>>I would like your body to feel every inch of my big rod...<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Breathe in deeply...<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, very deep in you...<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>And experience the pleasure...<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, yes, it gives me pleasure to imagine my cock entering your pussy and your moaning... Shit, I think I have a hard-on. I hope she doesn't notice.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Will we be done with yoga?<</say>>
<<if $mc.Boldness > 6>>\
[[Special yoga|MonicaParkYogaSpecial]]
<</if>>\<<md>>I think I'd better get it over with for now, or she'll notice how hard my cock is. I want to see Monica embarrassed, of course, but that might put an end to this sexual training, and I'm still not ready for that.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Well, then let's move on to meditation...<</say>>
<<md>>Perhaps if I had been a little braver, I could have achieved more?<</md>>
<<if $MonicaImage16Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage16Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Monica>>It's time to take a deep breath...<</say>>
<<md>>We begin the healing part of today's exercise. Monica closes her eyes and begins to inhale deeply, taking a slightly strange pose this time. I, however, follow her example.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>To experience how it gets easier...How all the troubles go away...<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, in spite of the very uncomfortable position, I feel a wave of pleasure and relaxation sweeping over me from my heels all the way to the top of my head.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>We stand for a few minutes until I feel deeply cleansed.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Will we be done with yoga?<</say>>
<<if $MeditationSkill is 7>>\
[[Special meditation|MonicaParkYogaSpecial2]]
<</if>>\<<md>>I think we've done so many things today. You shouldn't try to do everything at once.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, thank you. It was just what I needed.<</say>>
<<md>>I kiss Monica softly on the cheek, and then I leave.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaYogaParkSpecial == 1 && $MonicaYogaParkSpecialMeditation == 1 >>\
<<addmins 60>>\
[[Stay a little bit longer...|MonicaParkYogaSpecial3]]
<<md>>Looking at her body with her clothes on and not being able to touch it is a kind of masochism. I can't restrain myself. I need to see more, just a little bit, to calm myself down. After all, it's supposed to be relaxing, and my whole body is tense. Especially my cock. Especially when I look at Monica's ass.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I don't think we should end yet. We haven't done a specific type of exercise yet.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica looked at me in surprise.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Specific?<</say>>
<<md>>However, there was interest on her face besides surprise.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, yeah. Yoga is about loving your body, right?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> Yes...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think we need to let your body breathe freely a little bit. You need to feel your body without any extra fabric.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I'm not going to take my clothes off now...<</say>>
<<md>>I knew what she would say. Monica's shyness in a crowded place, even though no one was there, was to be expected.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, I'm not asking you to undress...<</say>>
<<md>>I walked up to her, ran my hand over her back, and it seemed to me that my actions literally made the girl purr.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Just a little bit to release the most sensitive parts of the body.<</say>>
<<md>>I gently pulled down her leggings so that I could enjoy the sight of her beautiful butt. Yes, those two halves seduced me like never before.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaImage17Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage17Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $Monica>>Is that it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's right. How are you feeling?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Free...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fine. Now let's do those moves again.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nods and begins to bend over. What an appetizing sight. Her ass is capable of driving any man crazy, so I'm a very happy guy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And now a little deeper... I mean lower. Lean as low as you can...<</say>>
<<if $MonicaImage28Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage28Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Monica nods and obediently does as I say. Her pussy, so fragile and delicate, is almost begging to be inserted into her. It's a shame I can't do it yet.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I think we should do it here now, too, don't you? I feel that my clothes are preventing me from breathing.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica points to her chest, squeezes it as if she wants to rip it out, get to the root of the problem.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course...<</say>>
<<md>>She lifts up her top and shows me her beautiful breasts. What a gorgeous view...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now go like this...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl follows directions and does as told. Finally, we finish. However, I want it to go on as long as possible.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Well, then let's move on to meditation...<</say>>
<<set $MonicaYogaParkSpecial = 1>>\
[[Continue|MonicaParkYogaCommon2]]<<say $mc>>I don't think it's a full-fledged meditation.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica looks and smiles.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>What are you up to now?<</say>>
<<md>>I smile back at her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Meditation is a deep understanding of yourself and the world around you. When you accept the world as you are. When there is no falsehood and...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>What are you getting at?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>We have to get rid of the rest of the stuff.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>But someone might see and...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, no one will come in, we're perfectly safe here.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>If that's so, why don't you take off your clothes? Or is this a clever way of undressing me completely?<</say>>
<<md>>This seemed to be where she caught me. If I backed up now, she would realize that this was really the way to undress her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Certainly not!<</say>>
<<md>>I don't hesitate to take off all my clothes, forgetting how horny my cock is.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Ahaha! Looks like you weren't kidding...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica laughs, but keeps her eyes on my cock.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you like it?<</say>>
<<md>>When she realizes that I'm watching her all the time, she immediately scrambles.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>No, it's not... I think I need to take my clothes off.<</say>>
<<if $MonicaImage28Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage28Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>Oh yes, finally ... When she takes her clothes off completely, I feel extremely happy. And horny. Ha ha.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it, now close your eyes...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica does as I say. I fight very hard against the urge to just walk up and touch her cat with my fingers, run my tongue over her nipples.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Mm-hmm.<</say>>
<<if $MonicaImage29Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage29Unlocked = 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Feel the gratitude of the world rise upon you.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>With your back to me, let the world fully immerse you in endless pleasure...<</say>>
<<if $MonicaImage20Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage20Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>She squeezes her chest. Shit. I have to stop, or I'll explode.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think that's enough of us meditating. How are you feeling?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica spreads out a smirk.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Astonishingly...<</say>>
<<set $MonicaYogaParkSpecialMeditation = 1>>\
[[Continue|MonicaParkYogaCommon3]]<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MeditationMonicaSpecialBlow1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $MonicaVideo41Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo41Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MeditationMonicaSpecialFuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $MonicaVideo42Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo42Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<set $MonicaYogaParkSpecialStay = 1>>\
[[Leave|Park]]<<md>>I walked slowly and almost leisurely down the stairs until one of the students almost knocked me down.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Caution, miss!<</say>>
<<md>>But the girl with two long, almost knee-length pigtails just laughed out loud. It was as if her laughter stopped time. It was like it gnawed at my essence. Why? Why was he so important to me?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Miss?!<</say>>
<<md>>But when I looked up, the girl was gone. There were, however, some others. Jane was looking at me carefully, as if analyzing. It wasn't the usual stare. She was literally burning a hole in me, studying me from head to toe. I thought things were good between us?<</md>>
<<if $JaneImage5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $JaneImage5Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>Jane, hi!<</say>>
<<md>>But when I got to the place where she was standing, past the waves of schoolgirls, the woman wasn't in town. Hmm, I wonder where she had gone? And why was she looking like that? We need to find out what's going on here as soon as possible.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Jane?<</say>>
<<md>>I approached her office and pulled the knob. It was locked. But I wasn't going to back out that easily.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Jane!<</say>>
<<md>>I knocked loudly on the door, but no one answered. And that made me even angrier. What kind of game was she playing with me?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>JANE!<</say>>
<<md>>I pounded on the door with all my fury, but the result was the same.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>$mc.Name! All good?<</say>>
<<md>>I was so caught up in the process, so immersed in my feelings, that I didn't notice how they approached me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, hi... Yeah, I just...<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me in surprise, and then the corners of her lips curved into a slight smile.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Sick?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, you could say that.<</say>>
<<md>>She nodded and was about to leave. Before she did, however, she said something else.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Jane doesn't usually stick around longer than classes. She once said that she had some kind of research at the hospital.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What kind of research?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I don't know, it's none of my business, I like to ask people for things they don't want to talk about.<</say>>
<<md>>With these words she disappeared into the hallway of the half-empty school. Hmm...Research? That's curious. I'll have to think about that a little more at home.<</md>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 3>>\
<<set $Jane3QT = 3>>\
<<set $Jane4QT = 1>>\
[[Leave it|School reception]]<<say $mc>>Jane...<</say>>
<<md>>How well do I know her? I helped her several times, and she helped me. However...<</md>>
<<if $JaneImage6Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $JaneImage6Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>What are you hiding?<</say>>
<<md>>First that story about the vaccine, and then that strange look. I know for a fact that I saw her, but the nurse wasn't at school.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy said about some research...<</say>>
<<md>>What if she is really doing research, but we are all the test subjects? And the injection... She was strange. Hmm, I was just now thinking that maybe she was doing the same thing with her students.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Then Jane could be extremely dangerous.<</say>>
<<md>>Dangerous for everyone. For Clara, for the school, for the girls. I still have to make sure she's not hiding anything.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How do I do it, though?<</say>>
<<md>>Maybe I should take advantage of one of those work days when I'm helping her and find out something. No, then surely someone would get in my way, like last time. But if I can get someone to help me, to distract Jane, then I'll have enough time to check her office completely.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I am a genius.<</say>>
<<md>>All that remains is to determine who it will be. Although, I'm too tired for today, I shouldn't rush into this decision.<</md>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 4>>\
<<set $Jane4QT = 2>>\
[[Yeah|My room]]<<md>>Well, here's a break. I think it's time to put my plan into action.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>There's only one problem...<</say>>
<<md>>The problem is called an accomplice. I really need one in this situation, otherwise Jane would definitely suspect something. I need someone who can be relied upon and who will not arouse any suspicion.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well...<</say>>
<<md>>I think it would be...<</md>>
[[Lucy|JaneQuest5.6]] <<md>>Clara will understand and support me. The safety of the school always comes first for her, so she certainly won't perceive me as crazy. Besides, if Jane really is that flighty and experimenting on female students, it's even Clara's fault.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The main thing is not to tell her about it.<</say>>
[[Visit her|JaneQuest5.5]]<<md>>When I walk into the office, Clara nods at me, but she doesn't leave her business.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes, Mr. Black, of course ... You don't have to worry... Mm-hmm.<</say>>
<<md>>She keeps talking on the phone, somewhat playfully wrapping the telephone wire around her finger and writing something down in her notebook beside her.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You are also an extraordinary man...<</say>>
<<md>>Hmm, I don't like that very much. It's just not clear whether I don't like being a listener in this story or whether I don't like that she's flirting with another man.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes... I'll call you... See you tonight...<</say>>
<<md>>She continued to smile until she looked at me.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Ahem...Yes...How can I help?<</say>>
<<md>>She seems to really like talking to this Mr. Black. I think that's something to think about, but now is not the time for that.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Clara, I need a small favor.<</say>>
<<md>>The woman looked at me and tapped her fingers on the table and squinted.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay. I'll give you one day off! But no more than that. Everyone here needs your attention!<</say>>
<<md>>Ha-ha, she thought I wanted to get off?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm afraid you misunderstood me, Clara. I'd like to talk to you about Jane.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Hmm... Okay, go on.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How well do you know her?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>And any of their employees. I don't pry into their personal lives, if that's what you mean.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You think she can be trusted?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Of course you can. She has perfect reviews from the hospital where she works. Why would you even ask that? Is something bothering you?<</say>>
<<md>>Is something bothering me? Oh, yes!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I don't think she is who she says she is.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>What do you mean?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She seems to me to be experimenting on students.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Those are serious accusations. I take it you have proof?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not really...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But I can get them. If you distract her for a while, I could sneak into her office.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>You're suggesting that I go through the belongings of one of my employees. If it turns out not to be true...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can prove it, just distract her for a while.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara thought for a moment.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay. But if you don't find anything, we'll forget about this conversation forever, okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>OK.<</say>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 41>>\
<<set $Jane4QT = 3>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]<<md>>If anyone should be asked to do something so delicate, it's Lucy. I think he's one of those people you can count on in any situation. Besides, she saw me knocking on the doctor's office door, so she must have suspected something.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>She definitely knows something...<</say>>
<<md>>Maybe even more than she's telling me. If I questioned her, it might not be necessary to distract Jane so much.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Who knows... Maybe I'll get lucky.<</say>>
[[Visit her|JaneQuest5.7]]<<md>>When I walk into her office, it's already pretty empty. The last of the students smile at me and leave me alone with Lucy. I think they have slightly different thoughts in their heads than they really do. Very voluptuous thoughts...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>About the time I bend Lucy over on this table, I pull off the rest of her clothes and sharply insert my cock into her pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>My tongue slips into her still-soft mouth, and Lucy's tongue begins to wiggle around it.<</md>>
<<md>>Almost immediately Lucy begins to wriggle her whole body and speed up the rhythm of her movements.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Silence, baby...<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy fidgets with her legs and starts pulling my hair, but I just push my tool deeper into her vagina and immediately start rocking her body on my cock while stroking her back.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Did you say something, $mc.Name?<</say>>
<<md>>Damn it, I think I got too caught up in my fantasies. So much so that I now have a hard-on that it's hard not to pay attention to. I hope she's not paying attention.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I'm having a hard time solving one question...<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yeah, I can see how it's hard for you... But I don't think I can help you with that.<</say>>
<<md>>It looks like she's looking right at my cock. That's what I was afraid of.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, that's not what I wanted.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Really?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I mean, yes, I would like you, right on this table...<</say>>
<<md>>When I realized what I was saying it was too late - the surprise on her face told me everything.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I ... That's not what I meant... I need your help!<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Of course you do... But now is not a very convenient time.<</say>>
<<md>>Hmm... And I like the fact that she doesn't say no to me. Maybe I could have a little fun with her later.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No. I need help for Jane!<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy froze for a moment, then smiled.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>What, one woman isn't enough for you anymore?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What... no...<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Relax, I'm joking you. So what's up?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think you remember that I recently tried unsuccessfully to get into her office?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Of course.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You said she was doing some kind of research. I think you're right. But she's not experimenting in a hospital somewhere, she's experimenting right here!<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I guessed it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You guessed?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes, all her actions seemed too suspicious to me. And some of the students seemed completely different after they visited her office.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>True! She's doing something illegal! I think I even felt it on myself... Or maybe not... It's hard for me to remember these events...<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Calm down. I know the feeling. What do you want from me? How can I help?<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy came up to me and hugged me tightly, like a mother to a child, which made me feel very calm.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>If you could distract her for a while...<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Want to break into her office?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Is it that obvious?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>The most logical option. If she's doing something illegal, the evidence is definitely there. Okay, I'll help you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, you're the best!<</say>>
<<md>>I kissed Lucy softly on the cheek and left her office.<</md>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 5>>\
<<set $Jane4QT = 4>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]<<md>>It's time to put your plan into action. Lunch is the most opportune time for such action, for, as Lucy Jane said, it does not linger long.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, you can start.<</say>>
<<md>>Just a little call to Clara, but my heart was already starting to flutter. Here comes Jane. She leaves her office, hurrying toward Clara. Well, hopefully, and holding her up long enough for me to get a good poke around.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, we'll see.<</say>>
<<md>>I start looking through the closet. Hmm...Student records. What are these? Some of the names are circled in red. It seems like the last time I looked, this wasn't there.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you hiding Jane?<</say>>
<<md>>Of course, there is a password on the computer. You don't want to waste time on this. It could take forever. Hmm, I don't think I've looked in that closet yet...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What ?!<</say>>
<<md>>Just as I open the closet, some vial falls to the floor with a loud clang and shatters. There is a surprisingly pink substance on the floor that smells like raspberries.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Kh...<</say>>
<<md>>It's hard to breathe, as if someone's hand is clutching around me. It's like an unknown veil drapes over me. I close my eyes for a moment, and when I open them, I see...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Jane...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Jane\Quest\Video\JaneCabinetFantasy1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>The nurse kneels in front of me and runs her tongue over my cock. Moreover, there is another woman next to her, also starting to lick my rod. Jane takes my cock deep into her mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>I lose control of myself for a while. It feels like that mouth in my mouth-it's right there. I can even see two scraps of it squeezed into its salivating slit. It's magical and very sexy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Jane...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Jane\Quest\Video\JaneCabinetFantasy2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>The second woman sucks hard, moving her lips over my head very carefully. The nurse's fingers move up and down, up and down on my tense cock... Then she takes my cock into her pussy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I feel like my body is about to burst with happiness, but the nurse won't let me finish any sooner.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Any more...<</say>>
<<md>>After a few seconds, I feel a slow, sweet wave on my cock, which Jane's arousal gradually reaches its highest point, and my cock is ejected into the nurse's throat. I hear the sounds accompanying her swallowing as it penetrates Jane's throat.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What?<</say>>
<<md>>When I cum, I realize that it was a dream... How long have I been here? Thought I should get in, or I'd definitely meet the nurse.<</md>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 42>>\
<<set $Jane4QT = 31>>\
[[Get out|School reception]]<<md>>The more I think about Linda, the more I worry about her past. I like her a lot, but the past can often get in the way of the future.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We've been through this before, haven't we?<</say>>
<<md>>In my mind immediately appeared those images from the past. When I was almost happy. And then there he was. Who took almost everything from me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But I took away some extremely important things from him.<</say>>
<<md>>But that's not what this is about. It's about Linda and Anna. If I want to understand Linda even better, maybe I should get to know her better. Besides, Anna came to me herself. She suggested something special.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe I won't give it up...<</say>>
<<md>>Really, not until I know everything I need to know. Hmm... Didn't Linda say they met at the gym? Then I should ask Olivia about Anna.<</md>><<md>>The hall smells of sweat and excitement. When I look at all these sexy girls' bodies, I feel like I forget why I came here.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Can I talk to you for a minute?<</say>>
<<md>>I walk up to Olivia, who pays no attention to me. All that matters to her is exercise.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Just for a minute? You were tougher last time.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia continues her exercise, smiling at me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sure I can do a lot more with a coach like that.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, why don't you do it with me then?<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia points to the simulator. However, I know for a fact that she doesn't just mean that. I'd love to do an exercise routine with her that's even more enduring and more enjoyable than just this one.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I can't refuse such a tempting offer.<</say>>
<<md>>I stand with her at the simulator and begin my exercises. Oh, it doesn't seem to be set up for me. It's too... Difficult...<</md>>
<<md>>What is it? Not enough training?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No... I'm... All... Right...<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia laughs as she watches me nearly fall off my feet from this exertion. She seems to have been planning this from the beginning.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Ha-ha. Obviously, you need something extraordinary if you make such sacrifices.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What... Sacrifices?<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia chuckles, reducing the load.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>That's better. What do you want?<</say>><<say $mc>>I'd like to know something about one of your regulars. Well, there used to be.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia looks at me with surprise.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Another woman? Should I be jealous?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No woman can compare to you. You are the only and unique one.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, I've had my dose of compliments- you can go. Ha ha. So who did you want to know about?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's about Anna. She and Linda...<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>...Were ferrying. Why are you interested in her?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'd like to help Linda through everything, but to do that I need to talk to Anna.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Hmm... Anna hasn't been here for a long time...<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia doesn't seem to help me. The day she came, it was my only chance. And I blew it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry then for bothering you.<</say>>
<<md>>I don't think you should bother her with this question anymore. Maybe it's a sensitive subject for her, too. After all, Anna was an important part of this gym.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Wait. I didn't say I didn't know where she was.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, you need to talk to her, don't you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes... You know...<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Yes. She does yoga in the park every Wednesday at 12 a.m.<</say>>
<<md>>Bingo! That's just what I need.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you! You helped me a lot.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>But be careful, handsome!<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia pulled me to her and kissed me so hard that I almost didn't have enough air.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ouch! Why are you doing that?<</say>>
<<md>>I felt her bite on my tongue.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>To remember who you rely on.<</say>>
<<md>>Did she say rely?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's not clear who belongs to who yet.<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled and left the gym.<</md>><<say $mc>>I wanted to see you, to see and...<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>...take up sports?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, I have special exercises for you, if you will be an obedient boy.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I'll be the most obedient guy for you.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, then we need to find a quieter place.<</say>>
<<md>>She takes me to another room. Not the one where I've seen her before, no. It's a completely different gym, full of exercise equipment. How many rooms in this gym?<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>What do you say we get started? Grab those dumbbells and let's get started.<</say>>
<<md>>I grabbed the dumbbells and started squatting for her.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>One! Two! Three!<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, I love this exercise. And I like the opening view, too. Although, if her butt sat on my face it would be much better.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Looking at her ass, I didn't notice how my cock became as hard as those metal dumbbells.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Oh, I see you're ready for something more. See if you can handle more than that.<</say>>
<<md>>She puts a dumbbell weight on the dumbbells and then takes off the top of her gym clothes, showing me her beautiful, huge breasts.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I can take it...<</say>>
<<md>>I don't know which load is harder to bear: the dumbbell or the cock almost jumping out of his pants, seeing the beautiful breasts.<</md>><<md>>It seems to be too hard for me. It's hard to lift that kind of weight, it's hard to hold on.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Eh, I expected more from you... Maybe next time.<</say>>
<<md>>And she instantly leads me out of the hall, literally shutting the door in my face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Probably...<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Great! That's great! Sounds like you're ready for something more!<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia adds weight again and this time gets even more naked. Now I can see her beautiful ass and her pussy. Oh, how I want to lift her up on my cock.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>That's it. Begin.<</say>>
<<md>>She moves in time with me. And I would have liked it so much on me...<</md>><<say $Olivia>>You did great! Now for the final exercise!<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia adds weight again, and this time she is completely naked. Now my cock is literally jumping out of my pants. I want to lift her up on my cock.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Wait, just a little longer... Prove that you can handle it...<</say>>
<<md>>We're starting to move and...<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly she takes off my pants and sits her pussy on my cock. Her pussy feels so nice and hot.<</md>>
<<md>>I'm fascinated by this process... And I send my whole cock inside her, right into her hot and wet womb. Olivia shuddered and quickly, as if afraid that I wouldn't be able to hold it in, I thrust it even harder.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>She pauses for a second, apparently waiting for my reaction to her actions. But I don't react at all. Then Olivia rests her hand on my leg and begins to rhythmically make circles on my cock. What a pleasure to watch...<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Show me how strong you are...<</say>>
<<md>>I get up and start pushing into her... Her eyes are closed. I take her nipple in my mouth and start sucking on it.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Even more...<</say>>
<<md>>We begin to move together, faster and faster. After a few seconds, I can already feel something inside me twisting and shrinking.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Give me the maximum load!<</say>>
<<md>>If Olivia took my hand, I would definitely feel something vibrating and throbbing...<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I feel like I can't hold back any longer, and I let out such a scream that I stun the whole world. Then I spill my load into her.<</md>><<md>>Well, here I am at last. In front of the same office. Somewhere in there, deep down, where no one can see, are the answers to all the questions I might have asked myself. Somewhere in there is evidence of what Jane is really hiding. I want to be wrong, I really do.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>There's only one way to be sure...<</say>>
<<md>>I keep my eyes on the door to the medical office. As if something important were about to happen. As if secret agents were about to show up and wipe away all the evidence. That's why I keep my eyes open and look around carefully while the buzzer on my smartphone goes off.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Common, picks up the phone...<</say>>
<<md>>Each beep feels like an eternity. It doesn't matter to me, neither the noise around me, nor the students. They are secondary now. All that matters is...<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Hello?<</say>>
<<md>>Finally Lucy appeared at the other end of the wire. Her voice distracted me from my thoughts.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think we can begin.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Got it, hawk.<</say>>
<<md>>Did she say hawk? Huh, she seems to like this game as much as I do. We are two spies trying to get to the truth. Every step we take is full of danger, temptation and just...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm...<</say>>
<<md>>On leaving the office, Jane threw me a startled look as she left the office. Just don't lock it, don't lock it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you.<</say>>
<<md>>The temper smiled at me, but that look. Could she be on to something? But I don't have too much time to play these games. I don't know how long Lucy can hold off the nurse. -Let's get started!<</md>>
<<md>>I open the door and slip into the office. I hope no one pays attention to me, otherwise I have a lot of explaining to do.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I start with the closet, which I never checked last time. Well... There doesn't seem to be anything useful here. Just a blood pressure monitor, a pulse oximeter, and a few other devices to keep track of the students' health.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Next...<</say>>
<<md>>The next table was next... I'd looked around before, but who knows, maybe she was hiding something then because she knew I was coming? Yeah, that's what I would have done if I were her. So now we have to check it out. Let's look in the top drawer for some file folders. Hmm... The file on Lucy? Why all of a sudden?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What?<</say>>
<<md>>I open the document and notice several things.<</md>>
<<md>>First, there is the mention of amnesia. It says here that Lucy is losing her memory. Yes, I am well aware of that. What I don't understand at all is what is stated next. Red is written as a perfect candidate for tests.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Test?<</say>>
<<md>>So Jane makes no secret of the fact that she plans to put any tests on Lucy? Or does she already? Lucy... Why aren't you telling me? You don't know? You barely remember me, so it's no surprise... But...<</md>>
<<md>>I know that I went here to look for traces of Jane's involvement in testing on female students, but what if-it's not the students who suffer from her experiments? I remember exactly how she injected me with something. Maybe Luce did, too.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What's going on here...<</say>>
<<md>>I put the case back and open the closet, but I can't get Lucy out of my head. If Jane can somehow get to the truth, is there any way to keep her at all? How does Lucy even do that?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>They're hardly busy just talking...<</say>>
<<md>>Oh yes, I can imagine what they're doing.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Jane\Quest\Video\JaneCabinetFantasyLucy1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>When I come, I realize that it was my fantasy... Well, let's see it again. Veronica... She seems to have marked her as a good candidate as well. Dali, Monica.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mutation?<</say>>
<<md>>So, the document says that Monica is a carrier of a special gene and she is an extraordinary subject for research.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi?<</say>>
<<md>>So her case is no different from the rest. No, wait, though, there's a little more written here than you might imagine.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Natural libido is very high, so the results of the tests can be leveled. If in others the detection of libido was a sign, here it is a natural state.<</say>>
<<md>>Wait. Did I get that right? Doesn't that mean that... But my thinking is interrupted by an urgent call from Lucy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What?!<</say>>
<<md>>When I hear that the nurse is about to return to the office, I fly out of here faster. And just in time, because in just a few minutes Jane returns there.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's lucky...<</say>>
<<md>>But was it lucky? I found no proof. Only certain hints that she is doing something with the students and Lucy. Hmm, I guess I should discuss what happened with the last one and work out a further plan of action.<</md>>
[[Visit Lucy|JaneQuest 5.10]]<<md>>I don't think we should make Lucy wait too long. Especially knowing her condition, it's roulette. She deserves to know what I found before<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>How did it go?<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy is already waiting for me, and she looks at me anxiously. In that look I don't just see interest, no, I see concern.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Not so well...<</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly she takes me in her arms and hugs me tightly. I can hear her crying.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>I'm sorry. I tried to hold her off... But... But...<</say>>
<<md>>I hug her and pull her closer to me. I've never seen Lucy so upset. What's wrong? What has Jane done already?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's okay, Lucy, it's not your fault. You've done so much.<</say>>
<<md>>At one time we just stand like this. I stroke her head and just comfort her.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>It's actually my fault...I...I can't remember, but she was doing something to me...something stabbing. I should have told you about it a long time ago, but... The memory... It keeps slipping away. I try to remember, but...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shhhh... It's okay... We'll figure out together what's going on here.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Did you find out anything?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, she selected several candidates for her "experiment. It's you, Veronica, Lexi, and Monica. That's because I got to see them.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>What exactly? Did you find the injection or...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, just documents for each of the candidates.<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy looked at me, squinting. That's how she thinks all the time; I've already studied the gesture.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Then we might know a little more. If I go to her office...<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, I see where she's going with this.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, that's not going to happen, Lucy, forget it.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Why? That way we can find out exactly what she's doing, and then we'll have proof.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Are you out of your mind? I'm not going to risk you. Especially if something goes wrong...<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>It's going to be okay...<</say>>
<<md>>No, I can't let her risk herself, right? If it's going to be poison? What then? How am I going to save Lucy?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I can't.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Think about it. We have a list of candidates for the experiment. If she hasn't already conducted it, the temptation will be too great for him.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What if she's already done it? You said yourself that she had already done something with you.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes. And I have to find out what it is! I have to find out! I have to know! Besides, I let you down - that's why it's my fight.<</say>>
<<md>>What Lucy is proposing for me now seems like a considerable risk. Not only might it arouse Jane's suspicion, but it might endanger the woman herself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's not your fight. I started it and I'm going to finish it.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>No, we're in this together!<</say>>
<<md>>This is the first time I've seen Lucy so persistent. Why is this so important to her? I can't make such an extremely important decision in an instant.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I have to think about it. Okay? I'll let you know about it.<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy looked at me carefully.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Don't think too long, because I'll do as I please.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But you said we were in this together.<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy didn't say anything in response. I hope she doesn't do something I'll regret for the rest of my life.<</md>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 6>>\
<<set $Jane4QT = 41>>\
[[Leave it|Second floor]]<<md>>It looks like my plan failed out loud. Whatever I wanted to know about Jane, I failed. All I have is a list of names for her experiment. I don't know if they are already experimented on or not yet. Just a list of names and some data.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What's in it for me?<</say>>
<<md>>Just some suspicions. Those names didn't get me any closer to answering what Jane was up to. If I told Clara about it, she'd just laugh. I need more data.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We have to get them. Whatever it takes.<</say>>
<<md>>As much as I'd like to agree with Lucy, she's right. The best thing I could do now would be to try to catch Jane red-handed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Isn't it too dangerous?<</say>>
<<md>>Too much. But I don't have much of a choice. The only question is, do I want to risk Luce? She is very important to me. But I see that the desire for revenge, the desire to prove something, is almost pushing her to the edge of the abyss. If I don't support her now, she might just fall into that abyss.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Gosh...<</say>>
<<md>>When did things get so complicated? Besides. If one of the students agrees to help me in this case - then the likelihood of complications will be very small. But in order to do that, I have to be sure that she will help me. So I have four names. And of all of them, the one to help me in this case, of course...<</md>>
[[Lucy|JaneQuest 5.12]]
[[Monica|JaneQuest 5.13]]
[[Veronica|JaneQuest 5.14]]
[[Lexi|JaneQuest 5.15]]<<md>>This question is very important to Lucy. I saw this desperate desire to help me at all costs. This is a special question for her. For her it is a question in which she wants to show that she is not an empty space or can fight back. For her, it is a personal struggle and revenge for what Jane did to her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do I have the right to refuse her?<</say>>
<<md>>Of course not. Besides, I'm afraid that if I don't agree to help her, she'll do something stupid. As they say, keep your friends close, and Lucy even closer, hehe.<</md>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 62>>\
<<set $Jane4QT = 42>>\
[[Back|My room]]
<<md>>I need someone who is reliable and thoughtful. That's what Monica is. With this girl you can go down to Hell itself, and she can handle anything.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>She will hold...<</say>>
<<md>>Hmmm, I remembered right away that the nurse's paperwork said that Monica was a carrier of a special gene. What could that mean? Biologically speaking, it's quite possible. But how does it manifest itself? Maybe the fact that she once told me... Hmm, I don't know, so many thoughts at once.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It doesn't matter now.<</say>>
<<md>>It's important to find out what kind of person Jane is. And for that, I'll use the help of the excellent Monica.<</md>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 63>>\
<<set $Jane4QT = 43>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>It's a dangerous enough task. It's not a theoretical danger, no. If something goes wrong, a student's life could be in danger. So I don't just need someone I can rely on. I also need someone who is equally smart and reckless. Someone who is not afraid to take risks, but who will not do it deliberately, understanding the importance of the operation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's why you're right for me...<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, Veronica meets all the standards I mentioned. With her, this little operation will go very well, because she's not some model girl. She's a real fighter with brains.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's perfect.<</say>>
<<md>>The main thing is to tell her about it.<</md>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 64>>\
<<set $Jane4QT = 44>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>If that's really what I'm planning to do - then Lexi is the only sure thing. As much as I like the other girls, as much as I want to decide otherwise, this is a suicide mission. It takes someone crazy enough to be willing to walk away until the very end.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Whoever is ready to dive into the ocean of this madness...<</say>>
<<md>>And in that case Lexi is just the best of the options. The one who likes danger. And who won't ask anything unnecessary, because the feeling of adrenaline is all she lives for.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, there's also the feeling of orgasm!<</say>>
<<md>>Huh, yes, Lexie is extremely fond of those two sensations, and when there's a combination of them, she goes crazy. Well, I think she'd be happy to be invited.<</md>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 65>>\
<<set $Jane4QT = 45>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>Before I went into Lucy's office, I just stood in the hallway for a while, wondering what I was going to say to her. My main concern was that she might forget our conversation yesterday. And then I would have to tell her all over again. Not that it's too hard for me, but...<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>You look worried, is something wrong?<</say>>
<<md>>Just as I stepped inside her office, her words stopped me. Was it really that noticeable?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No. I just still think it's too dangerous.<</say>>
<<md>>She looked up at me. Oh no, a surprised look. That's what I was afraid of.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>What are you talking about?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you not remember?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>About Jane? Of course I remember. You don't forget something like that.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, it made me feel better about it all. I don't know why, but the feeling of having to do it all over again really depresses me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good, cause I was going to think...<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>That I have forgotten? That I'm a helpless little girl?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was different at once. It was as if it cut me to shreds with its coldness.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Look, that's not what I meant.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I know what you mean. But it doesn't really matter.<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy sighed heavily.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>But I can't live like that. I can't be a burden to everyone around me. I can't be a burden on myself. If I could remember what she did to me, maybe that would help. But now...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Worth it. And I have to do it. I have to face my fears--my nightmares-and figure out what it's really about. It's time to end it once and for all!<</say>>
<<md>>She rushed out of her office.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy! Stop!<</say>>
<<md>>There's no stopping for this woman. I just hope she doesn't do something so horrible that I have to regret it later.<</md>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 621>>\
<<set $Jane4QT = 421>>\
[[Wait for her|JaneQuest 5.21]]<<md>>When the bell rang, I quickly hurried into the second-floor hallway. The unsolved mystery that had been bothering me for some time had to be solved. And in order to do that, I needed to find Veronica.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What's taking so long?<</say>>
<<md>>It's been almost ten minutes, and she's still not here. Where could she have gone? Maybe we should check other places.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Already?<</say>>
<<md>>I hadn't even had time to go to the stadium, where I often saw Veronica, when the bell rang. Well, it looks like I'll have to look for her either after school or some other day.<</md>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 641>>\
<<set $Jane4QT = 441>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]<<md>>As I expected, Veronica was at the stadium. It's amazing how this girl has her love of sports and her love of grass together. But her body, as always, is beautiful.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Helen, go away! I'll let you lick my pussy again! Your language is amazing, but I met someone. So get out, you hear me?!<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica irritably returns to me and opens her mouth in surprise, realizing her mistake.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It looks like I missed something interesting.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, $mc.Name is not what it seems. It's a very funny story. You wouldn't believe it.<</say>>
<<md>>I can see how nervous she is, how she's blushing right before her eyes, and it's just extraordinary. And it's... turns you on?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm not judging you, Veronica. Such a hot girl like you needs a lot of love. Variety...<</say>>
<<md>>I looked her over. Her body looks so seductive in that suit.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>In different places...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Do you have a boner already?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Do you want me to take care of it? To take your big cock into my little mouth? To fuck my voluptuous throat as hard as you can and then flood it with cum?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica... She knows how to subtly play on people's weak points. But that's not why I'm here.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>When are you going to play? What are you going to do to me, daddy? Fuck me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Stop calling me that. I'm here to ask you a favor, nothing more.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>So what do you need?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>To tell Jane you have a headache.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>And why should I do that?<</say>>
<<md>>Reluctantly, I told her about my suspicions about Jane and what I had found.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>So you think she's experimenting on us?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's right.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>And you want proof?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Okay, I'll do as you say, but...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>You'll get me a special drug later.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>OK.<</say>>
<<md>>When did I become a drug dealer to my students? Oh, the things you have to do to get what you want.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Don't wish me luck.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica went back to school. I hope everything goes well there.<</md>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 642>>\
<<set $Jane4QT = 442>>\
[[Wait for her|JaneQuest 5.21]]<<md>>Finding Monica was not too difficult a task. Like any model student, she hung around the teachers' lounge. I don't know why, but for most of these students, this place is as sacred as the women's shower or the women's bathroom used to be to me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, wait.<</say>>
<<md>>As she was coming down to the first floor, I caught her hand.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yeah?<</say>>
<<md>>I immediately felt the urge to squeeze her hand harder, as a small touch sent a warmth through my body.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'd like to...<</say>>
<<md>>She squeezed my hand harder, touching mine with her fingers. Every movement was like a shock, every touch like an explosion.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yeah?<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaAgainstWall1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I wanted to push her against the wall right there. I wanted to tear off all her clothes and fuck her hard, in front of everyone, so they would know who she belonged to. I wanted her to moan my cock violently into her pussy, and she moaned loudly, begging for more.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaVideo43Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo43Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Monica>>$mc.Name?<</say>>
<<md>>But, unfortunately, these are just dreams. If Clara found out about our relationship, I would be in very big trouble.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I'm sorry. I would like to ask for a little help.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Certainly, what can I do for you?<</say>>
<<md>>Why did she say "serve"? I have not very decent pictures in my head again. What is this woman doing to me?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I need you to go to Jane and tell her you have a headache. Maybe she can give you a little shot, I don't know.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Do you suspect her of something?<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, Monica had already guessed that I wasn't just asking her for that.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Probably. Do you know anything about our nurse?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nodded and smiled.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Probably.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Hmm... Some girls complained that they felt very sick after the flu injection. Their bodies were burning from the inside out.<</say>>
<<md>>And why didn't I go straight to Monica to ask about it?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...I think she's doing some experiments on us. I can't know for sure, unless...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Unless you have convincing evidence in the form of me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. I understand that this is an unusual request and if you want to refuse, I understand.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>No, not at all. I would do anything for you.<</say>>
<<md>>She leaned toward me to kiss me, when suddenly Clara appeared. She looked at us like a kite, waiting for Monica and I to make a false move.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you. It means a lot to me.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica went straight to Jane's office. But why do I have any bad feeling about this?<</md>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 631>>\
<<set $Jane4QT = 431>>\
[[Wait for her|JaneQuest 5.21]]<<md>>It takes a lot of hard work to find Lexi at school. But, surprisingly, today I was very lucky.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi!<</say>>
<<md>>The girl walked quickly, but I kept up.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi!<</say>>
<<md>>I do the one action she won't pass me by. I overtake her and stand sharply in front of her. But the girl notices me at the last moment and falls on top of me. The earpiece flies out and falls to the floor. That's why she couldn't hear me.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Oh, how clumsy I am... Though I like your big hard stick...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi!<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Do you want me to ride you right here? So everyone can see how gorgeous your dick is? How you put me on it?<</say>>
<<md>>I can feel her hand stroking my cock through my pants, unzipping them, touching the head of my cock...<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Mmm...<</say>>
<<md>>It feels good and I don't want to fight it, but I have to. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wait... I didn't stop you for that.<</say>>
<<md>>I get up and see how many astonished eyes are looking at me. I hope they didn't notice that she was touching me.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Not for that, then why?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I need you to go to the infirmary.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Are you going to examine me there? Will you push the stethoscope inside my hottest area to examine me? Yeah, so I can feel how massive your stethoscope is? Always loved doctors and their big stethoscopes. Heh heh.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, you're going to Jane's.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Oh, that makes three of us!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi! I want you to tell her you have a headache. She can give you an injection.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>What's in it for me?<</say>>
<<md>>I lean toward her and whisper.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>After that, I'll let you lick my stethoscope.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl literally blooms in front of these words.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>I would do anything for it!<</say>>
<<md>>What a nasty girl!<</md>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 651>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]<<md>>It seemed to me like an eternity had passed. It was as if time stood still after the girl went into the office.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's taking a long time...<</say>>
<<md>>Could Jane have somehow exposed our plan? I wouldn't be surprised. It wasn't that I didn't believe it worked, it's just... It just wasn't surprising. If Jane thought a little, she might figure it out.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's too long...<</say>>
<<md>>Something is definitely wrong, definitely...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Finally!<</say>>
<<md>>I'm finally meeting her.<</md>>
<<if $Jane5Q == 621>>\
[[Meet Lucy|JaneQuest 5.22]]
<<elseif $Jane5Q == 642>>\
[[Meet Veronica|JaneQuest 5.24]]
<<elseif $Jane5Q == 631>>\
[[Meet Monica|JaneQuest 5.26]]
<</if>>\ <<md>>Lucy walks out of the school, slowly, looking around confusedly, as if looking for support. Well, here I am, your support and help. Someone who won't leave you in the worst situation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How are you?<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy looked at me for a moment with an almost blank stare.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>I'm... I'm fine.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How did it go?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Let's not talk about it.<</say>>-
<<md>>Why doesn't she want to talk about it? Is it because something has been done to her or is she just afraid that we might be exposed?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, whatever you say. Are you hungry?<</say>>
<<md>>Knowing Lucy, after such events, she needs some food to calm her nerves.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Not much.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, my dad taught me two truths. The first was to remember to wear a condom during intercourse. The second is that a woman is never a little hungry. And sometimes it's not just about food.<</md>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 622>>\
[[Visit cafe|JaneQuest 5.23]]<<md>>There are quite a lot of people in the cafe. Sometimes their buzz is so great that it makes me want to scream. But it all seems to be something quite normal to Lucy. What's more, it's like she looks better already. Her pale face has become much more pink.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So how did it go?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>She knew everything.<</say>>
<<md>>Three words that are like three shots.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What? What do you mean?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>It's pretty hot in here, can you feel it?<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy took off her top, leaving me in a tank top. I couldn't feel the heat at all, but I was willing to put up with it for the sake of such a beautiful view.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, sure. What did you mean by "she knew"? She knew about our plan or...<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>No, she doesn't know about the plan. But I could see in her eyes that she wasn't surprised. That it wasn't the first time. Maybe some of the female students had some complications, too.<</say>>
<<md>>She took my hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, she really injected you with something earlier. How are you feeling now?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I'm very hot and my heart... It's pounding like a fussy one. Listen.<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy took my hand and put it on her breast. I suddenly touched her clothes, and even through them I could feel the highly aroused nipples on her breasts.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, you're on fire. Let me take you home.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>No, it's okay. If I take some more clothes off...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think it's better to do it at home.<</say>>
<<md>>Of course I wanted to see her beautiful unclothed body again, but there was something strange about her behavior. Something I hadn't seen before.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you doing?<</say>>
<<md>>She started sucking my cock right in the cab, like she was really hungry. She dug her lips into my cock. Her tongue played with the head, gently nibbling on it. These nibbles of hers turned me on a lot, and I began to get even more aroused.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy...<</say>>
<<md>>I didn't even expect this from myself: a real electric shock pierced me, and a wave of pleasure ran through my body. I felt like I'd completely lost control of the situation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes.<</say>>
<<md>>Her tongue worked in a surprisingly quick motion. She sucked cock, moving her head up and down the cock.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mmm...<</say>>
<<md>>My head was thrown back and I wanted to look at her all the time. Sometimes she cried out and moaned in pleasure. The only thing I was afraid of was that the cab driver wouldn't see us. But he didn't, and when we got to Lucy's house, I took her in my arms and dragged her to the bed. I stripped her of all her clothes and she literally jumped on my cock herself.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes blazed with unspeakable passion as she slid her pussy onto my cock. I, too, began to work my hand in response, stroking her breasts. We collapsed on the bed, and in a few seconds Lucy began to fuck me even harder. And almost immediately I felt like a magician who could do things I had never even dreamed of.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lucy\Quest\Video\LucyJaneInj1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I guided my penis into her cave and began to suck her nipples gently. When her foot involuntarily slid down and my cock slipped away, she forced me to drive the spear deeper into her.<</md>>
<<if $LucyVideo19Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyVideo19Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Lucy>>You're so handsome...<</say>>
<<md>>She did everything as if she and I were one. I almost fainted from the wave of bliss. Lucy was making pelvic movements, and it was driving me crazy.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Any more...<</say>>
<<md>>My heart was about to jump out of my chest with excitement. Finally Lucy froze, and I felt her cum.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Yes!<</say>>
<<md>>Finally she came and all my cum poured right into her pussy. Oh... that felt so good...<</md>>
<<md>>Well, I'll deal with Jane tomorrow.<</md>>
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>Veronica comes out of the school and smiles at me. It seems that even if things didn't go as planned, Veronica still hasn't lost her dignity.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>I know what you want to know.<</say>>
<<md>>I didn't even have time to approach her before she answered dawn. And I know how to fight it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And how long is his wand?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Whose wand?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Harry Potter's.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>What is Harry Potter up to here?!<</say>>
<<md>>We both laughed, realizing that both she and I were playing a game we both enjoyed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How are you feeling?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>It's a little hot, but it seems okay overall.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Glad to hear it.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Other information will be for the cash.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What? This is extortion!<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Ahaha! All right, I'll take it in kind. Let's go to the park.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You want to tie me to a tree and rip me off?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Almost. Are you going?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course!<</say>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 643>>\
[[To the park|JaneQuest 5.25]]<<md>>We quickly enough found ourselves in the park, where there weren't many people. It must have been the fact that it was far from morning, and for many people the evening and night park seemed to be something scary. Not Veronica, however, of course.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So why are we here?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Why, are you afraid to be with me, in the park at night?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But no way. I just know you too well to naively think you came here for no reason. There's always a plan in your clever head.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Maybe I have some kind of twisted plan?<</say>>
<<md>>She suddenly touched my cock through my pants. For a moment it felt good, and then...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ouch...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>It looks like your balls are a little swollen already, doesn't it... And your dick is hard. Probably thinking about fucking me behind some tree, huh?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Well, if you catch me, you'll get me and the answers to your questions. If you don't, I'll keep the answers. In the meantime...<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica pulls down her blouse and tosses it to me.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>There's your bonus.<</say>>
<<md>>And at that moment she runs away. You can't let her run away. Not when the answer to the question is at stake. To my husband, though, this attitude of hers turned me on a bit.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Stop!<</say>>
<<md>>I rush after her. Yes, running when you have an erection is not the best thing to do on principle. Still, I'm not giving up on her in this battle. Veronica runs fast, but I put a lot of energy into my spurt.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What is this?<</say>>
<<md>>I stop for a moment, because once she throws my skirt under my feet. Yes, Veronica keeps running in her panties and bra. When I catch up with you, girl, there won't be a trace of your underwear.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Ha-ha! Let me go! Ha-ha!<</say>>
<<md>>When I catch up with her and grab her, the girl makes a snarling look. But she doesn't pull away, she just lets me kiss her.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>It's so hot in here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>In the park?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica smiles.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Not in the park, stupid, but here.<</say>>
<<md>>She takes my hand and runs it between her legs. I can feel the heat coming to me, even through my panties.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh... I'm about to...<</say>>
<<md>>I reach my hand right inside, touching her pussy. Veronica moans and shudders when we hear voices.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What the...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>They shouldn't see me without my clothes on.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl whispers in my ear, then takes my hand and drags it behind her. We crouched down and walked away. It's only at the end that I look around and notice that those voices were two cops.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Where were we?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>You wanted to pull my underwear off.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica smiles and playfully arches her back, then with her hands she slowly, as if teasing me, pulls down my panties and throws them at me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What a great gift.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Come here... Show me what gift you have for me.<</say>>
<<md>>I come up and Veronica sharply slides her pussy onto my cock. It enters her completely. I wrap my arms around her breasts and hold her tightly to me. Right in this fighting pose we start moving and time slows down. My hands are stroking the girl's breasts.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello...<</say>>
<<md>>Her legs spread to the side, and my dignity meets no obstacles. It goes even deeper.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Veronica\Quest\Video\VeronicaJaneInj1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Veronica arched her back, tensed up, and began to move toward me in rhythm with the movements of my shaft.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>I like it...<</say>>
<<md>>We both breathe heavily. Then I start to move my hand up and down her clit, not letting it rest in pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>I want...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl presses his cock against her and moans with pleasure. God, she's so good...<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>> be yours...<</say>>
<<md>>I feel her pussy slowly contracting to fill me completely. Then she starts making circular movements with her pelvis, increasing the amplitude each time.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Stronger! Stronger!<</say>>
<<if $VeronicaVideo18Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaVideo18Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>And then I finish abundantly on her pussy, filling it with my sexually flowing fluid. I guess you don't have to ask about Jane now.<</md>>
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>I wasn't as worried about anyone in the world as I was about Monica. It was like sending a child into a wolf's den. But here she comes, like a winner. A little confused about the winner, though.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, are you okay?<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles faintly at me.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Were you worried about me? It's so cute.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, I couldn't leave you there. How did it go?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I...<</say>>
<<md>>Only now did I notice that something was wrong with Monica. She was very pale and shaking.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What's wrong with you, Monica? Shall I take you home?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>No...I want to be on the beach...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>At the beach, are you sure? Wouldn't it be safer at home?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>No, just the beach...<</say>>
<<md>>Well, I don't think anything will happen to her. And if it does, I'll be there to take care of her.<</md>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 632>>\
[[To the beach|JaneQuest 5.27]]<<md>>The sea enveloped us with its song. We sat on the sand, almost silent, sorry, listening to the melody of the sea waves. There's something magical about that.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How are you?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica pressed herself against me and looked into my eyes. Surprisingly, that look made me ready to melt right away.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It's better. It's even a little hot.<</say>>
<<md>>Without further ado, Monica threw off her school uniform, leaving her in just her underwear.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Burning... The heart is burning...<</say>>
<<md>>She clung to me so tightly, as if I were her lifeline.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's going to be okay, Monica. You're strong.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Jane knew... When I told her I had a pain in my mouth, she muttered something to herself about a "negative effect".<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The negative effect?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>That's what she said and then she injected something red. I don't know what it was, but I felt weak all over my body almost immediately.<</say>>
<<md>>I hugged her very tightly. The girl pressed against me, and I felt how hot she was. It wasn't normal.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I think you need to go to the hospital...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>No, I need you to touch my heart... Feel it's beat...<</say>>
<<md>>I looked at her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you sure this is what you want?<</say>>
<<md>>She nodded. I pulled off her bra, then touched her breasts. Her heart was pounding like a flutter and her skin was very searing.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I run my tongue over her body when I see someone approaching. Who can't sleep at a time like this? Would they leave us alone?<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Somebody's coming...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica whispers it in my ear, but I know very well. So I quickly put her underwear on before these intruders disturb our peace of mind.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think it would be better if I took you home.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, I don't want to stay here anymore.<</say>>
<<md>>I understand her disappointment, and I myself expected what was about to happen. If Monica needs our intimacy, I can give it to her. But still, I think the best thing to do now is just rest for a while.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>There we are. Sleep well...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica suddenly interrupts me, after which she literally throws herself at me. She jumps into my arms, and our lips meet in a frantic and passionate dance.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Let's go.<</say>>
<<md>>She pulls me by the hand toward her house.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But your parents?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>They are gone today.<</say>>
<<md>>When I walked into her bedroom, she almost jumped on my cock herself, taking off all her clothes.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes blazed with unspeakable passion as she thrust her pussy onto my cock. I was genuinely happy. I had never felt so happy before. I began to move quickly, and her pussy began to clench rapidly around my cock.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Our moans merged into one continuous hum as we moved and it was like a drug.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Ah...<</say>>
<<md>>As she did so, she pressed her breasts against my chest, literally digging into my body. Her ass moved in time with my movement.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Any more...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaJaneInj1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She was so wet that her juices poured onto my cock, enveloping it. But I loved it. Her pubis was swollen and hard as I massaged it with my hands and lips, while I myself got the highest pleasure from her lips and her body.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I want you...<</say>>
<<md>>She wrapped her arms and legs around me. And I plunged into her, perturbed by my growing arousal. My pleasure made me moan wildly and loudly.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Slightly...<</say>>
<<md>>She was breathing passionately and came quickly, and with her, so was I.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<if $MonicaVideo44Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaVideo44Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>My cum encrusted her clit, flowing lower and lower. We kissed in silence, standing in some awkward position, and then she suddenly threw her silk robe over herself. I didn't think it was worth spoiling the moment with any questions about Jane. There would be a new day, a new opportunity.<</md>>
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]<<if $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 1 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhhall'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 2 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhbath'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 3 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhliving'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 4 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lkitchen'>>\
<<elseif $ClaraPhoto == 1 && $PhotosSearchLocation == 5 && $PhotoSelectedClara == 1>>\
<<addclass 'body' 'lhClararoom'>>\
<<set _ClaraPhotoSearchArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:05', '08:15') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '21:00')||isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '16:35') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 5|| isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:30', '20:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4||isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '11:10') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4|| isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:00')||isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '19:30')>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<goto "ClaraPhotoFailUniversal">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<goto "ClaraPhotoNothingUniversal">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<goto "ClaraPhotoYesUniversal">>\
<</if>>\Tip: \
<<if $Jane1QT == 1>>\
Jane seems quite busy. Maybe I should offer to help her.
<<elseif $Jane1QT == 2>>\
Jane will come to me when she needs my help.
<<elseif $Jane1QT == 3>>\
Jane asked me to fill out a form for Lexi, Monica, and Veronica.
<<elseif $Jane1QT == 4>>\
Monica filled out the form. I think Lexi is next in line.
<<elseif $Jane1QT == 5>>\
Only Veronica is left to fill out the form.
<<elseif $Jane1QT == 6>>\
All the forms were filled out. The only thing left was to get the papers out of my office.
<<elseif $Jane1QT == 7>>\
I’ve learned a lot about both Jane and the schoolgirls. I have to think about it. I wonder if we can meet with nurse on the second floor.
<<elseif $Jane1QT == 8>>\
Jane looks like a very hot woman. I'd like to get to know her from a more naked side. I wonder if we can meet on the second floor.
<<elseif $Jane2QT == 1>>\
I should talk to Jane about what she did. This is not exactly the usual behavior of a nurse. I think we should talk in her office.
<<elseif $Jane2QT == 2>>\
Jane is acting strange again. I have to search her office to find out what she's hiding. Better be there at 12 a.m.
<<elseif $Jane3QT == 1>>\
Jane is starting to scare me. Or is it just me? I think I should get some sleep, and then decide.
<<elseif $Jane3QT == 2>>\
I need to visit Jane after school and talk to her frankly.
<<elseif $Jane4QT == 1>>\
Lucy said that Jane was doing some kind of research. Maybe she was researching me, too? I need to think about it at home.
<<elseif $Jane4QT == 2>>\
If Jane is experimenting at school it could be dangerous. I have to act now. After class is the best time.
<<elseif $Jane4QT == 3>>\
Clara agreed to help me. All I have to do is call her when I am near the nurse's office.
<<elseif $Jane4QT == 31>>\
I have not been able to find proof. But that strange liquid on the floor...Was it hallucinogenic? I need to discuss this with Clara.
<<elseif $Jane4QT == 4>>\
Lucy is now my partner in crime. I should call her when I'm ready to search Jane's office.
<<elseif $Jane4QT == 41>>\
Lucy proposed an interesting but very dangerous plan. Should I let her risk herself, or is there another way out? I would have to think it over in my room.
<<elseif $Jane4QT == 42>>\
I have to let Lucy do it. Still, it's her plan. Better to let her know in person in her office.
<<elseif $Jane4QT == 43>>\
It is important to know who Jane is. That's why Monica would be perfect. I have to find the student. She's often on the second floor.
<<elseif $Jane4QT == 44>>\
I need someone to rely on. That's why the only choice is Veronica. I need to find a girl and ask for help.
<<elseif $Jane4QT == 45>>\
I need someone crazy for this operation. Lexi is sure to love it. It's a good time to let her know.
<<elseif $Jane4QT == 421>>\
After the injection, Lucy acted strangely. I have to figure out what's wrong.
<<elseif $Jane4QT == 441>>\
Veronica doesn't seem to be here. Maybe I should look for her on the sports field.
<<elseif $Jane4QT == 442>>\
After the injection, Veronica acted strangely. I have to figure out what's wrong.
<<elseif $Jane4QT == 431>>\
After the injection, Monica acted strangely. I have to figure out what's wrong.
You have reach the end of this character storyline. (for now)
<<widget "BasketballDribble">>
<<set _style = ["#EAEAEA", "#e6730d"]; >>
<<if $stamina gte 5>>\
<<set _BasketballDribble = [ 0, 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _BasketballDribble.random()>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<changeBar "DRIBBLE" _style 2 $BasketballDribble `$BasketballDribble + 1`>>
<<set $stamina-=5>>
<<set $BasketballDribble += 1>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<changeBar "DRIBBLE" _style 2 $BasketballDribble `$BasketballDribble + 1`>>
<<set $stamina-=5>>
<<set $BasketballDribble += 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<changeBar "DRIBBLE" _style 2 $BasketballDribble `$BasketballDribble + 1`>>
<<set $stamina-=5>>
<<set $BasketballDribble += 1>>\
<<notify>>A little bit dribbly!<</notify>>
<<widget "BasketballCrossover">>
<<set _style = ["#EAEAEA", "#e6730d"]; >>
<<if $stamina gte 9>>\
<<set _BasketballCrossover = [ 0, 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _BasketballCrossover.random()>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<changeBar "CROSSOVER" _style 3 $BasketballCrossover `$BasketballCrossover + 1`>>
<<set $stamina-=9>>
<<set $BasketballCrossover += 1>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<changeBar "CROSSOVER" _style 3 $BasketballCrossover `$BasketballCrossover + 1`>>
<<set $stamina-=9>>
<<set $BasketballCrossover += 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<changeBar "CROSSOVER" _style 3 $BasketballCrossover `$BasketballCrossover + 1`>>
<<set $stamina-=9>>
<<set $BasketballCrossover += 1>>\
<<notify>>You are crossover. Well, almost.<</notify>>
<<widget "BasketballOverthehead">>
<<set _style = ["#EAEAEA", "#e6730d"]; >>
<<if $stamina gte 13>>\
<<set _BasketballOverthehead = [ 0, 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _BasketballOverthehead.random()>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<changeBar "OVER" _style 4 $BasketballOverTheHead `$BasketballOverTheHead + 1`>>
<<set $stamina-=13>>
<<set $BasketballOverTheHead += 1>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<changeBar "OVER" _style 4 $BasketballOverTheHead `$BasketballOverTheHead + 1`>>
<<set $stamina-=13>>
<<set $BasketballOverTheHead += 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<changeBar "OVER" _style 4 $BasketballOverTheHead `$BasketballOverTheHead + 1`>>
<<set $stamina-=13>>
<<set $BasketballOverTheHead += 1>>\
<<notify>>It's not over yet!<</notify>>
<<widget "BasketballFarthrow">>
<<set _style = ["#EAEAEA", "#e6730d"]; >>
<<if $stamina gte 17>>\
<<set _BasketballFarthrow = [ 0, 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _BasketballFarthrow.random()>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<changeBar "FAR THROW" _style 5 $BasketballFarThrow `$BasketballFarThrow + 1`>>
<<set $stamina-=17>>
<<set $BasketballFarThrow += 1>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<changeBar "FAR THROW" _style 5 $BasketballFarThrow `$BasketballFarThrow + 1`>>
<<set $stamina-=17>>
<<set $BasketballFarThrow += 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<changeBar "FAR THROW" _style 5 $BasketballFarThrow `$BasketballFarThrow + 1`>>
<<set $stamina-=17>>
<<set $BasketballFarThrow += 1>>\
<<notify>>Still too close...<</notify>>
<<widget "BasketballFakemoves">>
<<set _style = ["#EAEAEA", "#e6730d"]; >>
<<if $stamina gte 21>>\
<<set _BasketballFakemoves = [ 0, 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _BasketballFakemoves.random()>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<changeBar "FAKE MOVES" _style 6 $BasketballFakeMoves `$BasketballFakeMoves + 1`>>
<<set $stamina-=21>>
<<set $BasketballFakeMoves += 1>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<changeBar "FAKE MOVES" _style 6 $BasketballFakeMoves `$BasketballFakeMoves + 1`>>
<<set $stamina-=21>>
<<set $BasketballFakeMoves += 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<changeBar "FAKE MOVES" _style 6 $BasketballFakeMoves `$BasketballFakeMoves + 1`>>
<<set $stamina-=21>>
<<set $BasketballFakeMoves += 1>>\
<<notify>>Fake but not false...<</notify>>
<<widget "BasketballAggresiveplay">>
<<set _style = ["#EAEAEA", "#e6730d"]; >>
<<if $stamina gte 25>>\
<<set _BasketballAggresive = [ 0, 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _BasketballAggresive.random()>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<changeBar "AGGRESIVE" _style 7 $BasketballAggresivePlay `$BasketballAggresivePlay + 1`>>
<<set $stamina-=25>>
<<set $BasketballAggresivePlay += 1>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<changeBar "AGGRESIVE" _style 7 $BasketballAggresivePlay `$BasketballAggresivePlay + 1`>>
<<set $stamina-=25>>
<<set $BasketballAggresivePlay += 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<changeBar "AGGRESIVE" _style 7 $BasketballAggresivePlay `$BasketballAggresivePlay + 1`>>
<<set $stamina-=25>>
<<set $BasketballAggresivePlay += 1>>\
<<notify>>You are too aggressive. Good job.<</notify>>
<<widget "BasketballProhop">>
<<set _style = ["#EAEAEA", "#e6730d"]; >>
<<if $stamina gte 29>>\
<<changeBar "PRO-HOP" _style 8 $BasketballProHop `$BasketballProHop + 1`>>
<<set $stamina-=29>>
<<set $BasketballProHop += 1>>\
<<notify>>Almost pro, bro!<</notify>>
<</widget>><<if $BasketballStudy == "dribble">>\
<<elseif $BasketballStudy == "crossover">>\
<<elseif $BasketballStudy == "overthehead">>\
<<elseif $BasketballStudy == "farthrow">>\
<<elseif $BasketballStudy == "fakemoves">>\
<<elseif $BasketballStudy == "aggresiveplay">>\
<<elseif $BasketballStudy == "prohop">>\
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<</nobr>><<link [[Add Mood 10|Biology class]]>><<addMood 10>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>, <<link [[Add Obey 10|Biology class]]>><<addObey 10>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>, <<link [[Add Grades 10|Biology class]]>><<addGrad 10>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>, <<link [[Add Ex|Biology class]]>><<addEx 10>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>,
<<text y "Biology exam">>
<<if $SchoolGrades lte 16>>
<<md>>Excitement is noticeable in the class. Any exam is primarily a test of your nerves. I can understand the excitement of the female students. They are still not used to me, and I am already starting to check what they know. But do I have a choice?<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades lte 32>>
<<md>>My lessons are already going much better, the girls listen not only to me, but also remember a lot of what I say to them. At least I want to believe it. To what extent this is true today will show.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades lte 48>>
<<md>>He who is afraid of knowledge is lost . This is what I have been trying to explain to my female students for some time now. And the smiles with which they are now sitting here on the exam testifies to my success.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades lte 64>>
<<md>>There is no force more powerful than knowledge; a man armed with knowledge is invincible. Yes, this is a great idea that resonates with those who are currently taking the exam. Let's check how invincible they are.<</md>>
<<elseif $SchoolGrades lte 80>>
<<md>>Knowledge and only knowledge makes a person free. Of course, I'm talking about knowledge of such a beautiful subject as biology, nothing else.<</md>>
<<md>>All lessons will make no sense if I am completely forgiving of my class. Any knowledge must be mastered, whether the girls want it or not. I hope Clara will like this method of verification. It's time to start.<</md>>
<<set _ExamGreetArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _ExamGreetArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Good day everyone! Today is our special day, I hope you haven't forgotten? I hope not, because the exam will not be the easiest. Good luck to everyone.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>I see many of you are already ready to answer. How not? Do you need time to get ready? Well, so be it. Let's get started.<</say>> <<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>The exam is an important part of your educational process. Without it, all your knowledge means little. It is important not only to teach , but also to be able to comprehend the most important things. I hope I don't need to remind you that cheating is prohibited? Start preparing.<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $mc>>It's time for the final test! And this is a fight with a tiger! Haha, I'm kidding, you know this is our exam. So you better be prepared to respond properly. And no cheating!<</say>>
<<set _ExamNormCheatArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _ExamNormCheatArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>As soon as I was silent, the most enjoyable part of the class began - preparation. Pens creaked, leaves rustled.<</md>>
<<md>>Even though I knew that this was an important point, I will not hide it, I could not help smiling, seeing how excited some were.<</md>>
<<md>>The girls caught every thought and happiness and bliss were written on their faces. So I tried not for nothing.<</md>>
<<md>>Soon the class will calm down and everyone will begin to assume their own postures. Oh, how nice it is to suddenly see a living human emotion in your eyes!<</md>>
<<md>>One of the girls is already ready to answer. I can ask any question. And it will be...<</md>>
<<talk "About cell division">>
<<md>>This is a rather difficult question, but it will immediately make it possible to understand how much the girl studied the material. After all, for this it is necessary not only to study what is written in the book, no. Here the brain will also come into play.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So what do you know about cell division?<</say>>
<<addGrad 1>>
<<md>>The answer is not long in coming. Words flow like a river and it is wonderful to watch this as never before. Each answer pleases me more and more. The student knows how to use the head for sure. Excellent!<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<talk "About hormones">>
<<md>>Today I am not in the mood to ask something very difficult. But there is a desire to simply communicate with their students, to find out what they know. Therefore, the question comes to mind by itself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's talk about the hormones of happiness.<</say>>
<<md>>I am well aware that even a small child can cope with this and I know what she will say now.<</md>>
<<md>>There is joy on the student's face and she easily and naturally begins to talk about serotonin. It is as if the words themselves add up into one free stream, which only makes it better.<</md>>
<<md>>I myself feel overwhelmed with joy.<</md>>
<<if $id.boxofchocolate > 0 && $mc.Charisma gte 3>>
<<talk "Treat with chocolate">>
<<md>>Happiness is in the details, so if I can slightly improve the mood of one of my students, why not do that, right?<</md>>
<<addMood 1>>
<<md>>The girl happily takes a chocolate bar in her mouth and ... Leaves, smiling playfully at me.<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<talk "Praise her">>
<<md>>I think the girl deserves at least praise for such an excellent answer. On days like this, you feel good, even though you know the question was simple. But the meaning of life is happiness, isn't it?<</md>>
<<addGrad 1>>
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 12 && $mc.Boldness gte 3>>\
<<talk "About breeding process">>
<<md>>We all know why we are here. Biology is about a person and the creation of others like him, which means there is nothing to avoid these questions.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Tell me about the human breeding process.<</say>>
<<addEx 2>>
<<md>>The girl's face turns red, she looks at me in surprise.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do not be shy, I know that you know about this.<</say>>
<<md>>Reluctantly, she begins to speak. I have to cheer her up and force her to speak, but soon the girl herself picks up, after which, without undue hesitation, continues to tell everything that I wanted to hear from her.<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 12 && $mc.Boldness < 3 && $mc.Boldness > 1 >>\
<<talk "About breeding process">>
<<say $mc>>Well, since you’re ready, why don’t you tell me about the breeding process?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl looks at me blushing and as if swallowing her tongue.<</md>>
<<addGrad -2>>
<<say $mc>>Don't you know anything?
<<md>>The girl continues to be silent, no matter how I ask her. All my efforts are simply wasted.<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 60 && $SchoolObedience gte 40 && $mc.Boldness gte 6 && $mc.Charisma gte 4>>\
<<talk "About masturbation">>
<<md>>All this knowledge makes no sense if we cannot apply it in practice. Biology is the science of the human body in the first place and how to please yourself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Show me how to masturbate properly.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl looks at me dumbfounded, almost jumping up at my unexpected request.<</md>>
<<addEx 1>>
<<md>>She looks at me, and I look back at her. Finally she nods and asks how best to do it.<</md>>
<<md>>Best of all...<</md>>
<<talk "Individually">>
<<md>>There is nothing better in the world than an individual and special show from a young and sexy girl. Don't embarrass everyone else with this. I will have time for them. But now my attention entirely belongs to this amazing girl.<</md>>
<<addEx 2>>
<<md>>She smoothly spreads her legs and I see her beautiful panties. And she got ready... She pushes the fabric of her panties with her handles and starts playing with her clitoris. She touches herself with her fingers, smiling a little with pleasure. She loves her little secret. Very like.<</md>>
<<md>>Fingers go deeper into the pussy, and her breathing quickens . Her whole body trembles with pleasure, and large beads of sweat appear on her cheeks.<</md>>
<<md>>Now it is deep inside, and wave after wave is passing through the body. She finishes several times and lowers her head.<</md>>
<<md>>Of course, for such a performance, I cannot award her other than the highest score.<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 80 && $SchoolObedience gte 60 && $mc.Boldness gte 8 && $mc.Charisma gte 8>>\
<<talk "In front of the class">>
<<md>>One of the main truths of biology is that we should not be ashamed of our bodies. It is beautiful and we must learn to love it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why don't you show the whole class how you do it?<</say>>
<<addEx 3>>
<<md>>The girl nods, turns to face the class, and then lifts her skirt. She is wearing beautiful panties that instantly appear on the floor. She touches her pussy with her fingers and begins to drive them over the labia, and her eyes are closed with pleasure. She makes slow and pleasant circular movements. I think she is happy. It's amazing how much people love sex.<</md>>
<<md>>Her pussy is already all red, smiling with pleasure, and a loud moan escapes from the girl. When she finishes, juice flows down the vagina.<</md>>
<<md>>I love exams!<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 60 && $SchoolObedience gte 40 && $mc.Boldness < 6 && $mc.Charisma < 4>>\
<<talk "About masturbation">>
<<say $mc>>Why don't you tell us about the benefits of masturbation. Although no, it's even better to show...
<<addEx -2>>
<<md>>The answer to the following - the girl just looks at me in surprise, and then runs out of the class. She may not be ready for this kind of exam yet.<</md>>
<<addGrad -2>>
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>As soon as I fell silent, a pleasant movement began in the class. Exam preparation has always been one of my favorite parts.<</md>>
<<md>>Pens creaked, leaves rustled.<</md>>
<<md>>Although I knew that this was an important point, I will not hide it, I could not help smiling, seeing how excited some of them were.<</md>>
<<md>>However, I immediately noticed something else. One of the students looked suspiciously at her skirt or leg... Either she is so nervous, or... Yes, after carefully following her, my fears were confirmed. The girl cheated. She cheated.<</md>>
<<md>>I slowly walked over to her, but by then she had already hidden her cheat sheet under her skirt. It's time to do something about it.<</md>>
<<talk "Whisper correct answer">>
<<md>>When I was in school, I sometimes also looked for shortcuts, so getting angry with a student for what I would have done myself is somehow duplicitous. Besides, I'm not in the mood to play bad cop today. Rather, I can help her.<</md>>
<<addMood 1>>
<<md>>Looking at her sheet - I immediately understand that I have to whisper to her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The correct answer is...<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles when I tell her the answer and nods gratefully, barely perceptibly. Oh, what a beautiful day.<</md>>
<<addGrad 1>>
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<talk "Make a comment">>
<<md>>I could pretend I didn't notice, but that would be the biggest mistake. The girl must understand that such an action will not help her at all. Only hurt her grades. So I go over and reprimand her.<</md>>
<<addObey 1>>
<<md>>She silently nods and continues to work, but never even once looking at the cheat sheet. I hope this will help her get better and improve her grades.<</md>>
<<addGrad 1>>
<<if $Clara9Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 2 && $SchoolObedience > 19>>\
<<talk "Kick the girl out">>
<<md>>If you remain blind to such violations, then it will only get worse. Then it becomes the norm not only for a particular girl, but for the whole class. Disobedience will spread like a virus.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you doing?<</say>>
<<md>>The student jerked when I approached her. The clue leaf fell to the floor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I warned that I do not like those who cheat, right? Stand up and come out. Without many words.<</say>>
<<addObey 2>>
<<if $Clara23Quest == 2>>\
<<set $TaskDone = 1>>\
<<md>>She looked at me pleadingly, but it didn't work and she had to leave the audience.<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $mc.Charisma gte 2 && $SchoolObedience < 19 && $SchoolObedience > 15>>\
<<talk "Kick the girl out">>
<<md>>The exam is a very important part of the school of life. And here I have absolutely no desire to endure scammers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I warned that I will not tolerate those who cheat. Get out of class!<</say>>
<<md>>And suddenly she lifts her beautiful eyes to me and... I understand that I cannot drive her out.<</md>>
<<addObey -2>>
<<say $mc>>However... It seems... I got excited...<</say>>
<<md>>After all, I'm not angry enough to drive such a beauty away.<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 50 && $SchoolObedience gte 40 && $mc.Boldness gte 5 && $mc.Charisma gte 3>>\
<<talk "Spread her legs">>
<<md>>Critical action requires critical action. If she thinks she can beat me, then I have to prove how wrong she is.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Miss could you please spread your lovely legs?<</say>>
<<addObey 2>>
<<md>>She looks at me in surprise, but realizes that she has no way out. From this place, I can keep her tight, pink flesh and pretty panties in focus for a long time. I'm going to use this to punish her. She knows that I have power over her.<</md>>
<<addEx 2>>
<<md>>She lets me touch her thigh and the stockings that hide the cheat sheet. She tries to smile, but she knows - here she lost.<</md>>
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism < 50 && $SchoolExhibitionism > 40 && $SchoolObedience gte 40 && $mc.Boldness gte 5 && $mc.Charisma gte 3>>\
<<talk "Spread her legs">>
<<md>>If a girl thinks she can beat me, then I have a special surprise for her. Nobody has the right to do this to me.
<<say $mc>>Miss, would you mind spreading your lovely legs for inspection?<</say>>
<<addMood -3>>
<<md>>She smiles sweetly at me and then... I feel unbearable pain. The girl with all her might drove between my legs.
<<md>>And she is not shy!
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 80 && $SchoolObedience gte 60 && $mc.Boldness gte 8 && $mc.Charisma gte 8>>\
<<talk "Pick up the cheat sheet">>
<<md>>I'm not going to stand on ceremony with those who break the rules in my own class. I go up to her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Miss, do you have a cheat sheet?<</say>>
<<md>>She shakes her head stubbornly. Well, I didn't expect anything else.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Then you won't mind if I examine you?<</say>>
<<md>>Even if she does, it won't stop me. My hand gently touches her leg and slowly crawls up, right under her skirt.<</md>>
<<addEx 3>>
<<md>>She tries to stop me by pulling her skirt down, but I'm stronger. My hands My hands go under the dress. She doesn't look at me because she knows what I'm doing to her. It's a seductive move, but I'm also looking for paper. If it is not on the hips, then...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is where it is.<</say>>
<<addObey 2>>
<<md>>Hands themselves touch her panties and she flinches. Her pussy is so close, hidden behind just a little cloth. Her cheeks start to burn, but she continues to turn away. It only fuels my passion. I ran my hand between her legs. And finally he groped for something alien.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, here it is... Next, use your mind.<</say>>
<<md>>Taking out a cheat sheet, I leave.<</md>>
[[Finish the lesson|Break]]
<</switch>>\<<md>>Dating Bella was beyond all my expectations. She remained the same cheerful, flamboyant girl who could turn everything inside me upside down. Just looking at her makes me feel like I'm immersed in that river of passion and madness we had in the past.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The beautiful past...<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, our days with her were crazy and insane. I was ready for anything then, for Bella to stay with me forever. To lose myself in her eyes every day, to drown in her scent and her soft, gentle embrace.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And not just in a hug.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh yes, our sex with her back then was amazing. The new one is just as good, though. It was like she was just getting better.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Isn't that crazy?<</say>>
<<md>>Speaking of insanity. I still don't know anything about the case of my double. Was it real? Or maybe it was just a girl's fantasy?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, she wouldn't do that.<</say>>
<<md>>And for what? To get me back? And is that why she killed a man? No, it sounds like a very stupid plan. And I know that Bella can make clever plans.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But I need to know more about it.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, I must find out who is pretending to be me and who is up to this evil game. To do that, however, I have to get Bella to tell me more.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What does it take?<</say>>
<<md>>Of course, to make her relax a little bit and forget everything that happened to her. A date is all well and good, but we all know that a date is stressful. She felt wanted, but not relaxed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I need to get her out of the hospital.<</say>>
<<md>>What about afterwards? Where should I invite her? What should I do? Um... I think I'll figure it out there.<</md>>
<<set $Bella1Q = 9>>\
<<set $Bella2Q = 1>>\
<<set $Bella1QT = 9>>\
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Yeah|My room]]<<md>>When I walk into the room, Bella is there, as always. She's just giving one of the patients an injection, and he cries out a lot.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Turtle, hello, one second...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl smiles at me and points to one of the patients she still has to take care of.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, take your time.<</say>>
<<md>>It would not have been courteous of me to open her up from her work so much. Nevertheless, Amber certainly wouldn't have thanked me if the sick had been left unattended.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Did you come for an injection?<</say>>
<<md>>Bella smiles at me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You seem to like injections. Deep and powerful, and then again and again.<</say>>
<<md>>Bella laughs out loud.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Shut up, or they'll hear you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Are you afraid they'll fantasize about you?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Stop it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What? Don't you think they undressed you with their eyes?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>And you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And not just by looking...<</say>>
<<md>>Bella leans over and whispers in my ear.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>I'm waiting for a repeat...<</say>>
<<md>>Her whispering makes me feel lightly aroused. This girl knows how to turn me on.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Yes... What do you want?<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, that's right, with all this talk I had almost forgotten the true purpose of my visit.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I thought maybe you could take the day off. We could spend time together, go somewhere to rest.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Oh, turtle, I can't. The sick need me as much as you do.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But you need to get some rest, don't you think?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Hmm...You know...You're right. However, like I said, I can't leave the sick.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can take them with you if you want.<</say>>
<<md>>Bella burst into a loud laugh.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Are you asking me out, or are you going to open your own hospital?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And both?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Well, I'll let you do the medical examination if I like it.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, you'll love it, I guarantee it! You'll be begging to be examined again and again, baby. $mc.Name will examine you, Nurse Bella!<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Don't get excited, it's a little early. I won't be able to quench your thirst until the weekend.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm fine with that.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Till Friday, then. Call me, doctor.<</say>>
<<md>>Great, so I have until Friday to figure out where I'm going to take the girl after all.<</md>>
<<set $Bella2Q = 2>>\
<<set $Bella1QT = 10>>\
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Yeah|HospitalWard]]<<md>>Long calls make me nervous. They annoy me so much that they make me want to crush the phone. They make me think something is wrong with Bella. Never in her life would she refuse to talk to me, however.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Hello?<</say>>
<<md>>That voice! This divine voice is like a blessing. It makes me feel warmer inside and my anxiety recedes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bella, hi.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Oh, $mc.Name, hello!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I hope I'm not interrupting anything interesting?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Well, if you can call inserting a catheter something interesting.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, that's very interesting. I've always been interested in all the details of this procedure.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Do you want me to tell you more?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes... Tell me everything! Tell me how you put a huge needle deep into your patient's little vein.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Stop it! I can't...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Are you excited?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Ha-ha...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're right, though, it's a little early. How about tomorrow? Have you changed your mind?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>No way in the world. But I need to know where we're going so I can get dressed properly.<</say>>
<<md>>This is it. It's about time we decided where we're going to go with her.<</md>>
<<if $StudioRoseWorkBegin == 1>>\
[[Photo studio|Bella3Q4]]
[[Mall|Bella3Q5]]<<say $mc>>I work in a small photo studio, I think we could have some fun. Especially since I remember how much you loved photography in the past.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Oh, that's a great idea!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So why don't we meet on 5th Avenue at 10 a.m.?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Of course!<</say>>
<<set $Bella2Q = 3>>\
<<set $Bella1QT = 11>>\
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Great|My room]]<<say $mc>>There's nothing like a little shopping!<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Oh yes, I wanted to buy a few things, great idea!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So why don't we meet on 5th Avenue at 10 a.m.?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Of course!<</say>>
<<set $Bella2Q = 4>>\
<<set $Bella1QT = 12>>\
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Great|My room]]<<md>>This morning turned out to be a little chilly. Unlike other days, when the sun almost caressed my face, I felt a slight breeze on my skin. But it didn't matter, because I was warmed by the thought of meeting Bella today.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm...<</say>>
<<md>>I glanced at my watch. It had been ten minutes since we had agreed to meet.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Really...<</say>>
<<md>>Maybe something happened to her? Is it worth calling her? I think we should. If Bella is in some kind of trouble...<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Hello! Sorry I'm late, turtle!<</say>>
<<md>>Just as I picked up the phone to call her, she appeared right in front of me. She appeared like a secret agent from behind the crowd! When did she get her skills so good?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Today you're a turtle!<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Ha-ha, no way. That title belongs to you forever!<</say>>
<<md>>We both laughed, and then hugged each other softly. The hug made me feel warm and beautiful. It was as if Bella had given me a ray of warmth from my past, where everything had been so wonderful and extraordinary.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>So will you show me your lands?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, please, my lady.<</say>>
<<addmins 20>>\
[[To the studio|Bella3Q42]]
<<md>>Bella stepped inside cautiously, as if afraid of something.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Wow...<</say>>
<<md>>She scrutinized the places I had become accustomed to.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>It's gorgeous here...<</say>>
<<md>>She looked around with a kind of childlike wonder. She ran from one thing to another, examining and stroking it.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>What a soft... Have you experienced one yet?<</say>>
<<md>>She touched the couch and ran her hand over it. Yes, it's really soft. I often spend time on it while I'm waiting for clients. I must say that this couch has a wonderful aura about it. Once you sit on it, you fall asleep.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I was sitting on it.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Ha-ha, you're so funny. That's not what I meant.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, she's about that. I think it's best not to tell her how much this couch has seen different women's bodies.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Really?<</say>>
<<md>>Bella giggled slightly and pulled my hand.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Let's go. You can take my picture with it. I want to try it!<</say>>
<<md>>There was a kind of childlike naivete in her behavior that I liked. She was like a perpetual child who would at least try everything, see and feel everything.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I don't think we should do that.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl was frowning.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Do you want to take a picture of me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I do. But not here. It's too easy for you. You deserve something better.<</say>>
<<md>>I took her by the arm and dragged her to the other side of the room. To where the door was. I pulled the knob toward me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Something amazing, like yourself.<</say>>
<<md>>I led Bella inside a huge room, in the middle of which stood a huge bed.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Wow, it's so cool in here! Is this a photo area?<</say>>
<<md>>Bella squealed with joy as she ran up to the wall with the photo wallpaper. She ran her hands over it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Not just a photo area. A photo area for special people. Shall we begin?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Yes.<</say>>
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Begin shooting|Bella3Q43]]<<md>>The flash of the camera didn't stop for a moment. It was as if it were in a hurry to capture a special moment while Bella changed positions.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Bella\Video\BellaPhotoStudio1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Another pose in which the girl looks even more seductive than before.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Could you a little...<</say>>
<<md>>But before I could even finish speaking, the nurse threw off her extra clothes, leaving me in just her underwear.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>This is what you wanted, isn't it?<</say>>
<<md>>I began to press my finger even harder into the camera button, feeling the view of that beautiful body in my pants harden my cock.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's not me who wants this, it's the lens. We have to get you the perfect angle.<</say>>
<<md>>I continued to yearn for pictures of Bella and her beautiful body. Every photo had to stay in my memory.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Oh, I see your lens has already hardened quite a bit. Maybe it needs a little help?<</say>>
<<md>>She pulls down her panties, which makes the pain between my legs feel pleasantly awful. I don't know how to resist the temptation. But I have to take some more pictures.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bella...<</say>>
<<md>>I don't have time to say anything when her tongue starts licking my dick.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I can see the girl's eyes sparkling and tears streaming from them. She leans in a little so that I can caress her more comfortably. I squeeze her breasts gently.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Do you like it, $mc.Name?<</say>>
<<md>>Here her head is tilted back, and she moans loudly. There is a playful expression on her face.<</md>>
<<md>>She starts moving her head back and forth, quickening the pace. She really knows how to bring me to the pinnacle of bliss.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Afterwards I enter her pussy gently and leisurely.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Ahhh...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Bella\Video\BellaStudioSex1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She's clearly enjoying this, but her movements are getting harder. She sits up on my cock, sags back, and I enter her with a sharp, hard thrust. The thrust makes her even more aroused.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Any more...<</say>>
<<md>>Her tender flesh is tight around my flesh, her pussy already a plump pink bud. I enter her slowly, never taking my eyes or lips off the girl. I love her moist lips and her firm buttocks.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Slightly...<</say>>
<<md>>I cum and finish long, watering her tender mouth with my cum. How beautiful and charming she is in her passion. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It looks like my lens needs a little rest.<</say>>
<<md>>After that, we say goodbye later and Bella goes home.<</md>>
<<set $Bella2Q = 31>>\
<<set $Bella1QT = 111>>\
<<addmins 70>>\
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]] <<md>>The street greets me with the noise and commotion around me. Not far from me, street musicians are stationed. The sounds of the guitar and their voices cut through the noise of the cars. The street is more alive than ever before.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What a beautiful morning.<</say>>
<<md>>I just want to scream with joy, with the warmth that overwhelms me.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Yes, it's just a morning, an extraordinary morning, turtle.<</say>>
<<md>>Bella shows up just when it's stipulated.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello, good to see you.<</say>>
<<md>>We hugged each other, and the embrace made sparks fly inside me. Warmth spreads throughout my body. From this small action, I feel a strange rapprochement with Bella. Moreover, even he of our recent intimacy. And it's very!<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Mutually. The city at this time is very active and different from what we're used to seeing, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, indeed, in the past, when Bella and I were acquainted, life was very different. And it wasn't just because we were younger. Everything around us was different. Bella and I's hometown-it was like it was frozen in time.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Wouldn't you like to go home?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sometimes. But then I remember how many interesting things there are here.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>So are we going or are you going to look at the city with the look of an old grandfather pondering the meaning of life?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, I'm not that old!<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>We'll see about that! Last one to the Mall is the one who buys the clothes!<</say>>
<<md>>She instantly lunged forward, after which I had no choice but to chase after her.<</md>>
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Run to the mall|Bella3Q52]]<<say $Bella>>Ha-ha, you're still as much of a turtle as you were!<</say>>
<<md>>By the time I got to the Mall, Bella was already happily doing the victory dance at the entrance. People were smiling at her, but she didn't seem to care. She was enjoying her victory.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You cheated! I didn't know we had a race.<</say>>
<<md>>Bella claps her hands loudly.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Bravo, bravo! You're a skilled actor! I could almost believe that after all these years you're still the same as you were.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What do you mean?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>If anyone cheated, it was you. It's not like you played your best. But don't think that's going to save you from buying me clothes!<</say>>
<<md>>Bella grabbed my arm and dragged me deep into the Mall. She stubbornly looked at each garment and touched it, and then put it on.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>How do you like me?<</say>>
<<md>>Black dress. It suits her very well. So, of course, she couldn't pass it by.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Extremely!<</say>>
<<md>>We bought this dress.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Look!<</say>>
<<md>>Bella grabbed a little cap right off the mannequin and put it on me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you doing?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>It suits you very well. The seashell in the cap! It brings out the color of your eyes.<</say>>
<<md>>The nurse came up to take the cap from me, but I intercepted her hand. That touch made me feel sparks run through my body again. And then we were too close and our lips joined in a kiss.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>$mc.Name... <</say>>
<<md>>An electric current ran through my body. A second later, I felt my fingers clawing at her clothes-everything I could reach.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Sweet...<</say>>
<<md>>She pressed against me again with her whole body, but this time I thought the nurse wanted to touch me even more.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Very much...<</say>>
<<md>>Then my hand was in her hair and began to rub and stroke her, and then I heard a moan and realized that we should stop, because we were attracting too much attention.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Let's go pick something else.<</say>>
<<md>>Half an hour later we picked out a sweater, a skirt, and several blouses. They were all extremely appropriate for Bella, emphasizing her beauty. But I noticed that she was looking at me questioningly, as if she didn't dare ask me anything.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What have you come up with yet?<</say>>
<<md>>I looked closely at Bella. I knew that look very well.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>I wanted to buy something...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let's go. That's why we're here. To have a good time. What's that supposed to be?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Surprise.<</say>>
<<md>>I don't like it. Why all the mystery?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bella. I need to know what I'm paying for. If these are My little pony figurines...<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>But then it wouldn't be a surprise. I just need you to give me another $200. I promise you'll find out soon enough.<</say>>
<<addmins 50>>\
<<if $cash > 200>>\
[[Give it to her|Bella3Q53]]
[[Refuse|Bella3Q55]]<<say $mc>>Well, I hope it's worth it.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>It is! You're the best! Wait for me on the first floor.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl kisses me gently on the cheek, and then rushes off to the uniform store. Oh, that's it. She must be having some problems with her uniform and that's why she wants to buy something to replace it. But why not say so? Is it embarrassing?<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>That's it, I'm ready.<</say>>
<<md>>The nurse puts the big box in a bag, with the rest of her bags.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, great. Then I'll walk you out. Right this way.<</say>>
<<md>>I take the bags from her hands, and we hit the road. Straight to...<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $cash -=200>>\
[[Her house|Bella3Q54]]<<md>>The drive turned out to be very fast. Bella and I only had time to remember a few moments from our past, like meeting bullies and eating snow. Yes, not the best moments, but so special.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I hope you enjoyed today.<</say>>
<<md>>I hugged the girl and held her tightly to me.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Extremely. I wish it were more often. I don't want to let you go. Not again...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So am I...<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Then don't let go.<</say>>
<<md>>Bella took my hand and tried to drag me after her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you doing?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>I'm taking the initiative. Don't you want to see what I bought?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Extremely.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Then let's go.<</say>>
<<md>>And I gave in. I was easily persuaded. Bella took me straight into the bedroom and put me on her bed.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Wait here.<</say>>
<<md>>Would she put on her new nurse's uniform to have sex with me. Well, opinions about it fill me. My cock is getting harder just from the very fantasy of it.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Hello, teacher.<</say>>
<<md>>I look up and understand why she was hiding it. Because I couldn't keep it to myself. He's wearing a school uniform. A very sexy school uniform. After that, Bella sits on top of me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello, Bella. Have you been an obedient student?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>No...<</say>>
<<md>>I lift her skirt and pull down her panties. Then I push her down on the bed and slide my cock into her pussy. Immediately I could feel it: she's already wet, her vagina is ready to receive me.<</md>>
<<md>>Our lips meet, I feel her breath and begin to move over her.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>At first she just moves. But when I ask her to relax, she starts swinging her hips in time with my movements. It's even sexier than I remember.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>I'm a bad schoolgirl...<</say>>
<<md>>With each movement, my feelings intensify. She grabs me by the hair and digs her nails into me. I don't stop her.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Ah...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Bella\Video\BellaMallSex1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Bella begins to moan softly as my cock touches her clit. Finally we reach our destination, and I make a few hard thrusts.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>She moves under me and moans. She starts to wriggle under me, and then she squeezes my buttocks. A wave of arousal comes over me. And then I cum loudly against her...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, that's the kind of clothes I like.<</say>>
<<set $Bella2Q = 41>>\
<<set $Bella1QT = 121>>\
<<addmins 30>>\
[[Leave|5thave]]<<say $mc>>Sorry, Bella, but I can't do that. Whatever you're up to, I won't be a part of it.<</say>>
<<md>>I don't like giving money to God knows what.The nurse looks sadly at the floor.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>I understand. It's okay.<</say>>
<<md>>It's certainly not okay, but I don't want to act blindly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you ready to go back? I'll walk you home.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Thank you, I can do it myself.<</say>>
<<md>>And without saying a word, Bella leaves. Is she mad at me for such a trifle?<</md>>
<<set $Bella2Q = 42>>\
<<set $Bella1QT = 122>>\
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]] <<say $Clara>>I hope you have good news for me.<</say>>
<<md>>When I walk into Clara's office, I am immediately greeted with a serious look.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Not really. There was some kind of hallucinogenic liquid in her office.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Liquid? Do you have a sample? I'll send it to some experts I know and they can tell me what Jane is up to.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's crashed.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, do you have any proof?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, but...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Do you remember our agreement?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I need a little more time, I'll find proof. She's definitely not doing what you hired her to do here.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Don't even think about it. I won't let you go through my employees' things again.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>No buts. If you go into her office again, you'll be fired.<</say>>
<<md>>My God, what has become of her? Why is she so aggressive? I thought we were on the same side.<</md>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 421>>\
<<set $Jane4QT = 311>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Get out|JaneQuest5.82]]<<md>>Jane is definitely hiding something. What I saw... It wasn't authentic. But it felt authentic. Why?<</md>>
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Go|JaneQuest5.83]]<<md>>If I had a little more time... I would have been able to find evidence and there wouldn't have been a problem. But Clara would fire me if I did. Although I could try to convince her, of course...<</md>>
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Go|JaneQuest5.84]]<<md>>But is it wise to do this at all? Maybe you should find another way to deal with it. If you can't get support from the principal or something in the school, maybe you should find help from outside.<</md>>
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Go|JaneQuest5.85]]<<md>>No, nothing comes to mind yet. I'm too caught up in solving this problem. I need to unload my brain a little bit and then it will get easier. As my father used to say, "Only alcohol and weed" help me see the world for what it really is.<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>\
<<say $mc>>A glass of whiskey!<</say>>
<<md>>The bartender happily brings me a drink, which I drink with ease. The alcohol burns my lungs, but there is something amazing about the sensation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wow! That's some strong whiskey you got there!<</say>>
<<md>>The bartender nods and tells me that it's a special kind, much loved in these parts, though he likes a slightly milder flavor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>One more glass for me!<</say>>
<<md>>I hope this glass will bring me an understanding of where I should go next and how to solve the problem with Jane.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How nice!<</say>>
<<md>>The whiskey is starting to affect my head, but not enough. I still don't see the answer. If she's hiding something, how do I know the truth?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>One more!<</say>>
<<md>>More people are getting around. How long has it been? It seems like an eternity. The bartender starts to ask me if anything has happened to me. But I don't have time to answer when a man falls right on the bar, his nose bleeding.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Did you see that?<</say>>
<<md>>But the bartender only smiles as the men grab several others and continue rustling already in the middle of the bar.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That should be a drink to that.<</say>>
<<md>>Another glass, and the world before my eyes begins to lose its contours. Everything starts to blur.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>As an experienced bartender, tell me, how do you get the truth out of a man if he won't talk about it?<</say>>
<<md>>My friend smiles and says there's an old saying, "A hooker or a cop will leave you with no underpants." Hmm...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What... is... this... here?<</say>>
<<md>>It's getting harder for me to talk, my thoughts get confused. But already the bartender friend explains that both the prostitutes and the police will be able to find out the whole truth. It's so obvious that it makes me feel bad that I didn't figure it out sooner myself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm... You're right. I... Pour me another one! Hurry up!<</say>>
<<md>>But the bartender refuses, saying I've had enough. I can barely stand on my feet as it is. Well, I'll show him how I can stand!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You see! I can take care of myself and stand.<</say>>
<<md>>The bartender smiles, but doesn't say anything else. Fine! Screw him, I know everything I need to know. And I'll decide. Yes, I will, as soon as the bar stops spinning around me like this.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Silence...Silence...<</say>>
<<md>>Something doesn't help. Maybe I should really go home and calm down. Though what nonsense, I have to settle this matter with Jane right now.<</md>>
<<md>>Where should I go for help? Who can tell me the truth about what the school nurse is up to?<</md>>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(22)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(15)>>\
[[Whores|JaneQuest5.88]]<<md>>If you need information, and it's that important, you should go to the police. Besides, Jane might be...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>My head...<</say>>
<<md>>All this thinking was giving me a headache. Or maybe it's from too much whiskey. Either way, I know who to go to.<</md>>
[[Carey|JaneQuest5.871]]<<md>>It took me a while to get to the subway again.<</md>>
<<say $Carey>>You say you think she's doing some kind of experiments at school? Is she experimenting on you and the girls?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sort of. In that test tube, yes the liquid... She did something...<</say>>
<<say $Carey>>Okay, I can try to help you. I have a few comrades who do that.<</say>>
<<md>>If it really hurts young girls - it has to be stopped.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think so, too...<</say>>
<<say $Carey>>Are you all right? You look a little pale.<</say>>
<<md>>I don't think I should tell him I'd been drinking, because he wouldn't believe me yet.<</md>>
<<say $Carey>>Yeah just...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You've drink too much?<</say>>
<<md>>He seems to have noticed. These are the cops and their powers of observation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah.<</say>>
<<say $Carey>>Who doesn't? Here you go.<</say>>
<<md>>He hands me the pill.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What is this?<</say>>
<<say $Carey>>Little help. Sober you up almost instantly. I've used it a few times when I had to go out on patrol.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah.<</say>>
<<md>>I easily swallowed the whole pill.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you for helping me and believing me. I owe you one!<</say>>
<<say $Carey>>Wait. Service for service. If I help you, you help me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, anything you want to.<</say>>
<<say $Carey>>I need you to take a closer look at my daughter. Nothing is more important to me than that. And she got involved with the wrong guy.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wow, you have a daughter.<</say>>
<<say $Carey>>Yes, she's my sunshine, my flower...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, if you're such a caring dad, why don't you do it yourself?<</say>>
<<say $Carey>>Megan asked me to stay out of her business. Cool dads don't do that. Yeah, and if I saw this guy, I wouldn't be able to resist beating him to death. Which would be bad for my career.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I'll help you. Tomorrow...<</say>>
<<say $Carey>>No, let's do it tonight. I'll give you the address and the key, it's my house. Clean it up.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>OK.<</say>>
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Carey|JaneQuest5.872]]<<md>>The music was playing so loud you could hear it from the street. Well, all the better for me. The key is in the lock and...It's open. <</md>>
<<say $Megan>>I've had enough, Greg.<</say>>
<<md>>Sounds are coming from the bedroom, so I head over there. I see a pretty girl laughing loudly and holding a syringe in her hand.<</md>>
<<say $Megan>>Are you sure, Greg?<</say>>
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Deal with force|JaneQuest5.873]]<<md>>There's no time to wait. I rush over to the guy and push him into the wall. He flops painfully to the floor, hitting his head. I grab the syringe out of Megan's hands instantly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What do you think you're doing? Throw that disgusting thing away.<</say>>
<<say $Megan>>Who are you? What business is it of yours?<</say>>
<<md>>And at the same moment the scum rushed at me. But he didn't manage to knock me down, so I hit him with all my might.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Leave it!<</say>>
<<md>>Another blow, now to the nose.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You come near her, I'll kill you, you goddamn junkie.<</say>>
<<md>>Greg squeals curses like a beaten dog and scurries away.<</md>>
<<say $Megan>>What have you done? That's my boyfriend!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No more. You should stay away from people like him.<</say>>
<<say $Megan>>I can decide for myself!<</say>>
<<md>>Look at you, you're a beautiful girl. Probably reasonable, too. Using drugs?<</md>>
<<say $Megan>>What business is it of yours? Did my father send you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I have a case, Megan.<</say>>
<<say $Megan>>Give me the syringe!<</say>>
<<md>>Megan jumps on me in a fit of rage. She wants to take him back, presses her whole body against me.<</md>>
<<say $Megan>>Do you have a boner?<</say>>
<<md>>Megan is groping my cock.<</md>>
<<say $Megan>>What a huge thing. Is it because of me? You want to fuck me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don't have to, your father...<</say>>
<<md>>She no longer listens and pulls out my cock.<</md>>
<<say $Megan>>My father told you to deal with everything? Well, I'll tell him you raped me if you don't give me what I want.<</say>>
<<md>>She starts licking my cock. Her tongue licks the head harder and harder. It slides over it so that a shiver runs through my hands.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mmm...<</say>>
<<md>>She moves her lips up and down, and I feel her wet mouth. She closes her eyes and starts sucking.<</md>>
<<say $Megan>>That's it, it's better than drugs...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Jane\Quest\Video\MeganJaneSuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She sucks so greedily that there seems to be nothing left in her of the girl I saw before. She is obsessed with my cock. Her movements and the way she sucked greedily caused a stir in me.<</md>>
<<md>>I feel waves of pleasure moving toward me.<</md>>
<<say $Megan>>Silent, baby...<</say>>
<<md>>I can no longer control my movements. I feel a rush of some wild desire, I'm ready to jump up and take her, which I do.<</md>>
<<say $Megan>>Ahhh...<</say>>
<<md>>She closes her eyes as my cock enters her. She doesn't move for a few seconds, but I can feel that she wants to start moving as soon as possible.<</md>>
<<say $Megan>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>And this is where my movements stop being controlled. She moves her hips slowly as she continues to squeeze my cock. <div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Jane\Quest\Video\MeganJaneFuck1.mp4"></video></div>Megan's body presses harder and harder against me.<</md>>
<<md>>She takes me in - and I completely surrender. I plunge into the darkness in which I feel Megan. We fall into an eternity of pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $Megan>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>She arches under my cock like a cat pinned to the ground. My cock cums and slips out of her pussy, spilling cum all over her stomach. She licks the cum off her stomach and her fingers, looking up at me. I see admiration in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I hope you don't do drugs anymore.<</say>>
<<md>>But when I look for the syringe, I don't find it.<</md>>
<<say $Megan>>I have it, but I won't use it. Although, if it makes you come again...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't test me.<</say>>
<<md>>I leave her alone in the building. I hope Carey never finds out what happened here.<</md>>
<<set $Jane5Q = 4211>>\
<<set $Jane4QT = 3111>>\
<<addmins 40>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]<<md>>Of course, prostitutes. Prostitutes have always known more than ordinary people. They are the perfect source of information, so I will definitely choose them. They're also good and...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to...<</say>>
<<md>>As I walked confidently toward the exit, I bumped into one of the women and almost fell over. She had such familiar features. And she's so seductively beautiful...It's black hair and almost scorching eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Jane?<</say>>
<<md>>The woman had already disappeared somewhere in the crowd. I think I was just dreaming. She couldn't have been here.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We have to do something about it. We have to do something about it right away.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, that's right, because I already feel like Jane is everywhere. The sooner I figure it out, the sooner I'll feel better.<</md>>
<<md>>Time to go to the brothel!<</md>>
<<addmins 5>>\
[[To the brothel|JaneQuest5.881]]<<md>>Well, it seemed to go more than smoothly. I managed to negotiate with the owner for the most knowledgeable girl. Of course, for a lot of money, but it was worth it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I hope so.<</say>>
<<md>>All that remains is to wait for her, and then we can have some fun. I hear the door close, but I don't immediately look up.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>They say you want to know the truth about the school nurse...<</say>>
<<md>>I feel a woman's hand running over my face, my lips. Her voice seems so familiar.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Jane? What are you doing here?<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Silence, I know what you want. I know how to help you.<</say>>
<<md>>She leans over and pulls my cock out of my pants. She starts sucking the head of my cock sharply.<</md>>
<<md>>It goes down her throat. I can taste the salty taste of her breath. She likes it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mmm...<</say>>
<<md>>I can feel my cock growing bigger inside her mouth. Before I know it, the cock fills her mouth completely. I can't do anything but moan softly. My cock is getting very hard and throbbing.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Any more...<</say>>
<<md>>I want to press myself against her breasts and sink my teeth into her neck. She continues to suck my cock, pressing it harder and harder against her chest. I can feel my blood boiling with desire. A thousand thoughts and memories rush through my head.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Then she slowly slides it into her, and before I can say anything, my cock fills her all the way.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Jane\Quest\Video\JadeJaneFuck1.mp4"></video></div> I can feel the cock going through her body every time she slides it on top of me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Jane...<</say>>
<<md>>She is quickly mastering my cock. She seems to take some sadistic pleasure in watching me serve her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fine...<</say>>
<<md>>Evenly, I begin to feel her warm body. I begin to feel pleasantly torn from the inside out. Something happens, and a discharge of electricity runs through my hands to my fingers. This pleasure is enough to make me have an orgasm.<</md>>
<<md>>And after that, I fall asleep.<</md>>
<<addmins 40>>\
[[Ughh|Sleep1]]<<if $GalleryCharacter == "Clara">>\
<<button "Back" "ClaraGalleryMain">>
<<elseif $GalleryCharacter == "Angela">>
<<button "Back" "AngelaGalleryMain">>
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<<elseif $GalleryCharacter == "Veronica">>
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<<elseif $GalleryCharacter == "Amber">>
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<<elseif $GalleryCharacter == "Bella">>
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/*Clara's video*/
<<if $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 1 && $GalleryCharacter == "Clara">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraRedLingerie.mp4"></video>
<video id="vid" src="" autoplay style="width: 700px"></video>
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 2 && $GalleryCharacter == "Clara">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraTease.mp4"></video>
<video id="vid" src="" autoplay style="width: 700px"></video>
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 4 && $GalleryCharacter == "Clara">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraSuck1.mp4"></video>
<video id="vid" src="" autoplay style="width: 700px"></video>
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 3 && $GalleryCharacter == "Clara">>
<video id="vid" src="" autoplay style="width: 700px"></video>
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 5 && $GalleryCharacter == "Clara">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraMonica1.mp4"></video>
<video id="vid" src="" autoplay style="width: 700px"></video>
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 6 && $GalleryCharacter == "Clara">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraPic1.mp4"></video>
<video id="vid" src="" autoplay style="width: 700px"></video>
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 7 && $GalleryCharacter == "Clara">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraCarFuck.mp4"></video>
<video id="vid" src="" autoplay style="width: 700px"></video>
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 8 && $GalleryCharacter == "Clara">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraMassageSuck1.mp4"></video>
<video id="vid" src="" autoplay style="width: 700px"></video>
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 9 && $GalleryCharacter == "Clara">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraCos.mp4"></video>
<video id="vid" src="" autoplay style="width: 700px"></video>
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 10 && $GalleryCharacter == "Clara">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraCS.mp4"></video>
<video id="vid" src="" autoplay style="width: 700px"></video>
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/*Lexi's video*/
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/*Veronica's video*/
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/*Clara's video*/
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/*Angela's video*/
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/*Lexi's video*/
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/*Veronica's video*/
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/*Lucy's video*/
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/*Sophia's video*/
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/*Naomi's video*/
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<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Naomi\Quest\Video\NaomiTrainingDildo1.mp4"></video>
/*Autumn's video*/
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 1 && $GalleryCharacter == "Autumn">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnSex1.mp4"></video>
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<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnClassSuck1_HD 720p.mp4"></video>
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<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnWeedBlow1.mp4"></video>
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<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnWeedBottle1.mp4"></video>
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<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnBus2.mp4"></video>
/*Amber's video*/
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 1 && $GalleryCharacter == "Amber">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Amber\Quest\Video\Amber blow.mp4"></video>
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<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Amber\Quest\Video\AmberClient2.mp4"></video>
/*Bella's video*/
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 1 && $GalleryCharacter == "Bella">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Bella\Quest\Video\BellaBlow1.mp4"></video>
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 2 && $GalleryCharacter == "Bella">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Bella\Quest\Video\BellaFingered1.mp4"></video>
/*Camilla's video*/
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 1 && $GalleryCharacter == "Camilla">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Camilla\Quest\Video\CamillaPhoneSpy1.mp4"></video>
/*Fiona's video*/
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 1 && $GalleryCharacter == "Fiona">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaFuck1.mp4"></video>
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 2 && $GalleryCharacter == "Fiona">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaFuckBeach.mp4"></video>
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 3 && $GalleryCharacter == "Fiona">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaThanks1.mp4"></video>
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 4 && $GalleryCharacter == "Fiona">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaThanks2.mp4"></video>
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 5 && $GalleryCharacter == "Fiona">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaIntBlowjob1.mp4"></video>
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 6 && $GalleryCharacter == "Fiona">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaIntMissionary.mp4"></video>
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 7 && $GalleryCharacter == "Fiona">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaMassage1.mp4"></video>
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 8 && $GalleryCharacter == "Fiona">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Fiona\Quest\Video\FionaMassage2.mp4"></video>
/*Jane's video*/
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 1 && $GalleryCharacter == "Jane">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Jane\Quest\Video\JaneBlow2.mp4"></video>
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 2 && $GalleryCharacter == "Jane">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Jane\Quest\Video\JaneFuck1.mp4"></video>
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 3 && $GalleryCharacter == "Jane">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Jane\Quest\Video\JaneFuck2.mp4"></video>
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 4 && $GalleryCharacter == "Jane">>
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<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 5 && $GalleryCharacter == "Jane">>
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<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 6 && $GalleryCharacter == "Jane">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Jane\Quest\Video\JaneCabinetFantasyLucy1.mp4"></video>
/*Jerry's video*/
<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 1 && $GalleryCharacter == "Jerry">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Jerry\Quest\Video\JerryParkBat.mp4"></video>
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<<elseif $GalleryVideoRealNumber == 5 && $GalleryCharacter == "Jerry">>
<video id="vid" video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Jerry\Quest\Video\JerryPrison1.mp4"></video>
<<set $AngelaUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Angela")>>
<<set $ClaraUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Clara")>>
<<set $LexiUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Lexi")>>
<<set $VeronicaUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Veronica")>>
<<set $MonicaUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Monica")>>
<<set $LucyUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Lucy")>>
<<set $LindaUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Linda")>>
<<set $OliviaUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Olivia")>>
<<set $SusanUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Susan")>>
<<set $SophiaUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Sophia")>>
<<set $AutumnUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Autumn")>>
<<set $LelaUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Lela")>>
<<set $NaomiUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Naomi")>>
<<set $FionaUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Fiona")>>
<<set $CamillaUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Camilla")>>
<<set $JaneUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Jane")>>
<<set $AmberUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Amber")>>
<<set $BellaUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Bella")>>
<<set $JerryUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Jerry")>>
<<set $AnnaUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Anna")>>
<<set $MeganUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Megan")>>
<<set $EmmaUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Emma")>>
<<set $LilyUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Lily")>>
<<set $EllieUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Ellie")>>
<<set $StacyUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Stacy")>>
<<set $HannahUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Hannah")>>
<<set $DenisseUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Denisse")>>
<<set $SamanthaUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Samantha")>>
<<set $MarshaUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Marsha")>>
<<set $AriaUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Aria")>>
<<set $NoraUnlocked = setup.isCharacterUnlocked("Nora")>>
<<include "GalleryUnlockedCheat">>
<<set $GalleryVideoRealNumber = 0>>
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<<set $GalleryCharacter = 0>>
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<<if $AutumnUnlocked>>
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<<set $ClaraVideo11Unlocked = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo12Unlocked = 1>>\
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<<set $ClaraVideo14Unlocked = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraVideo15Unlocked = 1>>\
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<figcaption>Chritmas event</figcaption>
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<figcaption>Chritmas event</figcaption>
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<<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Clara/ClaraShowerCommon1.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure>
<<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Clara/ClaraShowerCommon1.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure>
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/*Gallery Moments pages*/
<<if $GalleryPage ==1>>
/*Gallery page 1*/
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<<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/piss.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure>
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<<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/AngelaPhotoRed1.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure>
<<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/AngelaPhotoRed1.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure>
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<<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/AngelaPhotoRed2.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure>
<<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/AngelaPhotoRed2.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure>
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<<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/AngelaPhotoRed3.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure>
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src="img/Angela/Kitchen/BF2.gif"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Kitchen/BFB.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Kitchen/BFB.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Kitchen/KitchenEvent.jpeg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Kitchen/KitchenEvent.jpeg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Kitchen/Lunch.jpeg" > <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Kitchen/Lunch.jpeg" > <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> </div> <<elseif $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments" && $GalleryPage == 5>> /*Gallery page 5*/ <div id="gallery"> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/AngelaPhotoNature1.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/AngelaPhotoNature1.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/AngelaPhotoNature2.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/AngelaPhotoNature2.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/AngelaPhotoNature3.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/AngelaPhotoNature3.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/AngelaPhotoGrey1.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/AngelaPhotoGrey1.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/AngelaPhotoGrey2.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/AngelaPhotoGrey2.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> 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<</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/PS4.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/PS4.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/Yoga.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/Yoga.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/Yoga1.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/Yoga1.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/AngelaPhotoGrey3.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/AngelaPhotoGrey3.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> </div> <<elseif $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments" && $GalleryPage == 7>> <div id="gallery"> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Shower/Fail.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Shower/Fail.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/AngelaRoom/1.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure>
<<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/AngelaRoom/1.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure>
<<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">>
<<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/AngelaRoom/3.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure>
<<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/AngelaRoom/3.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure>
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<<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Kitchen/AngKitL.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure>
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<<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Laptop/1.jpeg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure>
<<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Laptop/1.jpeg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure>
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<<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Laptop/2.jpeg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure>
<<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Laptop/2.jpeg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure>
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src="img/Angela/Laptop/5.jpeg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/After_evening.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/After_evening.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/PS0.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/PS0.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/PS1.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/PS1.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> </div> <<elseif $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments" && $GalleryPage == 8>> <div id="gallery"> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Shower/1.gif"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Shower/1.gif"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Shower/3.gif"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Shower/3.gif"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Shower/AskForJoin.gif"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Shower/AskForJoin.gif"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Shower/Dildo2.webp"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Shower/Dildo2.webp"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Shower/Dildo.gif"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Shower/Dildo.gif"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Shower/Washing.gif"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Shower/Washing.gif"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> </div> /*Gallery page 8*/ <<elseif $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments" && $GalleryPage == 9>> <div id="gallery"> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/PS2.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/PS2.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/PS3.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/PS3.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/PS5.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/PS5.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/PSS0.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/PSS0.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/PSS1.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/PSS1.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/PSS2.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Living room/PSS2.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> </div> /*Gallery page 10*/ <<elseif $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments" && $GalleryPage == 10>> <div id="gallery"> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/vsex.gif"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/vsex.gif"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure>
<<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">>
<<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/Movie.gif"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure>
<<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/Movie.gif"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure>
<<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">>
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<<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/footjob.gif"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure>
<<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">>
<<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/fist.webp"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure>
<<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/fist.webp"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure>
<<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">>
<<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/fing.gif"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure>
<<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/fing.gif"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure>
<<if $GalleryCharacter == "Angela" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">>
<<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Angela/fap.gif"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure>
<<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Angela/fap.gif"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure>
</div> /*Gallery page 10*/ <</if>>
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<<if $GalleryCharacter == 0>>
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src="img/Lexi/Video3Preview.png"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Lexi" && $GalleryChapter == "Scenes">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Lexi/Video4Preview.png" onclick="'GalleryVideoRealNumber4')"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Lexi/Video4Preview.png"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Lexi" && $GalleryChapter == "Scenes">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Lexi/Video5Preview.png" onclick="'GalleryVideoRealNumber5')"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Lexi/Video5Preview.png"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Lexi" && $GalleryChapter == "Scenes">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Lexi/Video6Preview.png" onclick="'GalleryVideoRealNumber6')"> 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/*Gallery Moments pages*/
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/*Gallery page 1*/
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src="img/Lexi/SSN2.gif"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Lexi" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Lexi/SSN3.gif"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Lexi/SSN3.gif"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Lexi" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Lexi/SSN4.gif"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Lexi/SSN4.gif"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Lexi" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Lexi/SSN5.gif"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Lexi/SSN5.gif"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> 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src="img/Lexi/LexiPhotoNature3.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Lexi" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Lexi/LexiPlay1.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Lexi/LexiPlay1.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Lexi" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Lexi/LexiShorts1.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Lexi/LexiShorts1.jpg"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Lexi" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Lexi/LexiBlue1.jpg"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Lexi/LexiBlue1.jpg"> 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<figure> <img src="img/Veronica/Video3Preview.png"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Veronica" && $GalleryChapter == "Scenes">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Veronica/Video4Preview.png" onclick="'GalleryVideoRealNumber4')"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Veronica/Video4Preview.png"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Veronica" && $GalleryChapter == "Scenes">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Veronica/Video5Preview.png" onclick="'GalleryVideoRealNumber5')"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Veronica/Video5Preview.png"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Veronica" && $GalleryChapter == "Scenes">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img 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<figure> <img src="img/Veronica/Video8Preview.png"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Veronica" && $GalleryChapter == "Scenes">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Veronica/Video9Preview.png" onclick="'GalleryVideoRealNumber9')"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Veronica/Video9Preview.png"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Veronica" && $GalleryChapter == "Scenes">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Veronica/Video10Preview.png" onclick="'GalleryVideoRealNumber10')"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Veronica/Video10Preview.png"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Veronica" && $GalleryChapter == "Scenes">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Veronica/Video11Preview.png" onclick="'GalleryVideoRealNumber11')"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Veronica/Video11Preview.png"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Veronica" && $GalleryChapter == "Scenes">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Veronica/Video12Preview.png" onclick="'GalleryVideoRealNumber12')"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Veronica/Video12Preview.png"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> </div> /*Gallery page 3*/ <<elseif $GalleryCharacter == "Veronica" && $GalleryChapter == "Scenes" && $GalleryPage == 3>> <div id="gallery"> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Veronica" && $GalleryChapter == "Scenes">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Veronica/Video13Preview.png" onclick="'GalleryVideoRealNumber13')"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Veronica/Video13Preview.png"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Veronica" && $GalleryChapter == "Scenes">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Veronica/Video14Preview.png" onclick="'GalleryVideoRealNumber14')"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Veronica/Video14Preview.png"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Veronica" && $GalleryChapter == "Scenes">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img src="img/Veronica/Video15Preview.png" onclick="'GalleryVideoRealNumber15')"> <figurecaption></figurecaption> </figure> <<else>> <figure> <img src="img/Veronica/Video15Preview.png"> <figurecaption>???</figurecaption> </figure> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <<nobr>> <<if $GalleryCharacter == "Veronica" && $GalleryChapter == "Scenes">> <<if &&>> <figure class="other"> <img 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/*Gallery Moments pages*/
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/*Next previous pages*/
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/*Next previous pages*/
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/*Gallery Moments pages*/
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/*Next previous pages*/
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<<button "Next page" "SusanGalleryMain">><<set $GalleryPage += 1>><</button>>
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<<button "Next page" "SusanGalleryMain">><<set $GalleryPage += 1>><</button>>
<<elseif $GalleryCharacter == "Susan" && $GalleryChapter == "Moments" && $GalleryPage == 10 >>
<<button "Next page" "SusanGalleryMain">><</button>>
<<elseif $GalleryCharacter == "Susan" && $GalleryChapter == "Scenes" && $GalleryPage == 10 >>
<<button "Next page" "SusanGalleryMain">><</button>>
<<text y "Memories will here soon. Subscribe to get them earlier than others">><<md>>I don't have anything else to do here. This place is ruined by other people's presence, so it's worth going somewhere else, deeper into the park. Often people choose only the most popular places, that's the way we're built. And that plays into the
<<md>>Drugs? So she's also a crime fighter? Is there anything she wouldn't be extraordinary at?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wow, that's very brave of you, Monica. Weren't you scared? They could have threatened you, couldn't they?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I don't want to talk about it. Let's meditate together. You know how to do that, don't you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. That's why I'm here.<</say>>
<<md>>I sat down on her mat and enjoyed the moment. I wanted to close my eyes, but the sight of Monica meditating made me feel soothed. Looking at her, all the worries of the world just seemed to disappear.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Well, I think that's enough for today.<</say>>
<<md>>I didn't notice how almost half an hour passed in such a relaxed, but very healing atmosphere.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monicai\Quest\Video\MonicaRenewalFuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $mc>>Yes ... It was amazing.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>If you want, we could see each other again. I come here every Sunday at ten in the morning. I do yoga first, and then meditation afterwards.<</say>>
<<md>>Hmm, that's a tempting offer. To see Monica very often, and also in this form.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, I'd love to join you.<</say>>
<<md>>I wonder if I'll be able to see more than what I saw today.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaYogaPark = 2>>\
<<addmins 60>>\
[[Leave|Park]]<<md>>There are more people on the street today than ever. Is it just another holiday? This is the only way I can explain such a large number of people. Ignoring the people, I slowly walk past the fountain, past a colorful tent with an advertisement for a famous restaurant. it shows a very strange man.<</md>>
<<md>>There is a vibration in my pocket.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Hi, my beloved man!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Naomi! Something happened?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>It happened. Something very sexy.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I'm listening...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Naomi\Quest\Video\NaomiOldhouseFuck2.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $Naomi>>Come to the address that I will send you. My friends left and we could... be together for a while.<</say>>
<<md>>To be alone with Naomi. It can only mean one thing... And I'm all for it!<</md>>
[[Visit address|NaomiOldHouse2]]
<<md>>The house was beautiful, but Naomi was even more beautiful. My hand slid down her thigh and squeezed the girl's ass. Smiling, she closed her eyes. Another palm wrapped around her buttocks and I gently pulled off her panties.<</md>>
<<md>>Freeing up space between my legs, I slightly moved my hand to her pussy. She opened her eyes wide. My dick was already standing in it like a ping-pong ball, ready at any moment to fly straight into the girl's sweet hole.<</md>>
<<md>>Naomi knocked me down on the bed and fell madly on top. A moment and her pussy slid over my cock.<</md>>
<<md>>She acted with such excitement and such passion that it became difficult for me to breathe. All my attention was absorbed by her actions, I did not even notice that large drops of sweat were running down my body.<</md>>
<<md>>I pulled her to me and began to kiss. My caresses became more confident and persistent, and soon our bodies connected at one point.<</md>>
<<md>>Naomi moaned and sobbed like a girl.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Naomi\Quest\Video\NaomiOldhouse1Suck.mp4"></video></div> Her body began to go limp and I realized that my friend was about to finish. I smiled and dug my teeth into her neck. She twitched in my hands and, raising her eyes to me, closed them with pleasure.<</md>>
<<if $NaomiVideo7Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $NaomiVideo7Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scene added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Finally my orgasm turned into hers and she went limp next to me.<</md>>
<<set $Naomi6Q = 4>>\
<<set $Naomi6QT = 4>>\
[[Great|Street York-Road]]
<<md>>After a few minutes of searching, I was able to find the girls. They were here, in perhaps the most beautiful corner of the school. I've only been here a few times, but I've always liked it here.<</md>>
<<md>> Flowers and intimacy with nature soothed me as best as possible And what is the smell here ... Cigarettes?<</md>>
<<md>>Lexi and Veronica stood a little far away from me almost vulgarly holding a cigarettes and letting out puffs of smoke.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>... met on the way to school. Imagine, he thought he could impress me by buying a big bike.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Boys said a big bike is a sign of a small dick.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>.Ha-ha. It's not far from the truth. He still doesn't understand that all I need is a big and juicy dick that would make me squeal with pleasure, as if I were the last cun...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Veronica, there's Mr. $mc.Name!<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>What?Where?<</say>>
<<md>>They spotted me even before I could get close to them. However, even the part of the conversation I heard made me make sure a little bit. If I wasn't here to talk to Lexi, I could solve Veronica's "little" problem..<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Girls, you know that smoking is forbidden.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, common. It's like you've never smoked! It`s fascinating!<</say>>
<<if $mc.Boldness is 2>>\
<<say $mc>>Do you know what else is fascinating? My dick in your mouths instead of a cigarettes.<</say>>
<<addLust $Lexi 35>>
<<say $Veronica>>Looks like you know what you want. I don't think Lexi would mind getting to know your masculinity closer. And I'm curious also. <</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Dick of the Mr. $mc.Name!! What could be better?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica and Lexi slowly knelt like two submissive slaves. There was a wild desire in their eyes. It seems that these girls are completely without complexes, which only pleases my boner...<</md>>
<<md>>I pulled it off from pants, letting them look. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>If you want to suck something, let it be my dick. As I said, protein is very useful for young girls.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi's tongue touched the base of my penis, bringing a pleasant feeling.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\L5N1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>But Lexi's phone call mercilessly cut off all my plans. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Sorry, teacher, we've got to go. See you soon!<</say>>
<<md>>The curse,they didn't even hide it back. I feel like an abandoned puppy.<</md>>
<<set $Lexi6 = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi5 = 0>>\
<<set $Lexi5T = 2>>\
<<set $Lexi6T = 1>>\
[[Return to work|Betrayal2]] <<say $mc>>I were a smoker. That's why I know how dangerous this is to health. You won't notice when all your beauty just disappearing, and you'll look like a used sponge. Is that what you want?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>It sounds disgusting.<</say>>
<<addAff $Lexi 25>>
<<say $mc>>That's the way it is. I'm not talking about what's going to happen to you, if Clara finds out, I mean, our principal. I won't say anything this time, but you'd better quit. It will be very difficult, so I advise to replace smoking with sports. And it will take your thoughts away and will be useful.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>I like useful things. <</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\LexiBetrayal1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Why does Lexi talk about it in such a sexy voice, like she's talking about sex? Curse, I'm excited again. These girls are going to drive me crazy..<</md>>
<<md>>But I'm not here to lecture girls. My goal is to talk to Lexi. <</md>>
<<md>>But Lexi's phone call mercilessly cut off all my plans.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Sorry, teacher, we've got to go. See you soon.<</say>>
<<md>>They ran so fast, that I didn't even have time to say “okay”.
<<set $Lexi6 = 1>>\<<say $mc>> You should tell me what happened. If there is someone who's threating you...<</say>>
<<md>>As we entered the restroom, I tried to decipher the reason behind her sudden urgency, but she offered me only a playful, enigmatic smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> You can trust me, I can help you. Just tell what is it. <</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes sparkled with mischief, and I realized that the numerous cocktails we'd shared had left her somewhat inebriated.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> You can't play silent forever!<</md>>
<<md>>Despite the puzzling circumstances, there was an undeniable allure to the spontaneity of the moment. Her laughter was contagious, and the warmth of her hand in mine was exhilarating. She leaned in, her breath sweet with the scent of the exotic libations we'd enjoyed, and our lips finally met in a tender, passionate kiss.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Well, it's still better than nothing, but...<</md>>
<<md>>She interrupted me with another kiss.The world around us seemed to dissolve, leaving only the two of us and the electrifying connection we shared. <</md>>
<<say $mc>> So...<</say>>
<<md>>She grabbed me by the shirt, pushing me into the bathroom stall. I could feel her hot breath on my neck as she kissed me hungrily. She pushed me against the wall and unzipped my pants, wrapping her plump lips around my hard-on.
<<say $mc>> Wow, you want mine cocktail aslo? What a greedy girl!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\club \Quest\Video\ToiletBarGirlSuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Her tongue explored every inch of me, her head bobbing up and down. I felt a wave of pleasure run through me as she increased her pace. I put my hands on her head, feeling her soft hair as she worked her magic. My breathing became more labored as I grew closer and closer to the edge. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>My turn!<</say>>
<<md>>I pushed her against the door of the toilet stall, my hands roaming her body, feeling her curves and softness. We were hungry for each other, our desire growing with every touch.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come here my enigma!<</say>>
<<md>>I leaned down and kissed her hungrily, our tongues dancing together as my hands unbuttoned her jeans. We both gasped as I slid my hand inside, feeling her warmth and wetness.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You want it?<</say>>
<<md>>I lifted her up, her legs wrapping around me as I pressed her back against the door. I fumbled with my belt and zipper, desperate to be inside her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Get it!<</say>>
<<md>>Finally, I was ready, and I entered her in one smooth motion. We both groaned with pleasure as I began to thrust, our bodies moving together in perfect harmony.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Here is my cream for you!<</say>>
<<md>>The intensity was building and I felt myself getting close. I grabbed her hips, pushing her harder against the door as I felt my orgasm coming on.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\club \Quest\Video\ToiletBarGirlFuck1.mp4"></video></div> We both cried out in pleasure as I released inside her, feeling my body trembling from the intensity of the experience.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So you're going to tell me who you're hiding from?<</say>>
<<md>>She said it was a long story and that we should meet somewhere else. But not tonight. She took my number and promised to call me. I really hope that I will find out everything soon.<</md>>
<<set $SiriusDanceGirl = 2>>\
<<addmins 90>>\
[[Back|SiriusDance]]<<md>>Our first meeting with Amber did not go very well. However, I think she is a very good woman and a good specialist. I don't think I should antagonize her. No, it would be better if I could prove to her that I could still be trusted.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But how do you do it?<</say>>
<<md>>Of course, the best way is to help her with something. However, something tells me that Amber is an independent and very strong-minded woman. If I want to gain her support in any way, it's worth showing her that I'm not a threat to her hospital.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I have to show that I'm a regular patient. How about coming to see her?<</say>>
<<md>>Hmm... We should find out which doctor Amber is. I should go to the hospital.<</md>>
<<set $Amber0Q = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>The queue at the reception desk today seems to drag on like it's not a hospital, but a presentation of a new iPhone. People keep coming and coming and there seems to be no end to them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sorry, why is there such a queue?<</say>>
<<md>>I affect an old man who seems to have forgotten not only why he is here, but also his name. But surprisingly, after five minutes of babbling and stuttering, I do manage to find out that today is a special day, because today all research is free.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds like you're having a holiday today! Take care!<</say>>
<<md>>I tap the man on the shoulder and sag in a way that seems to crumble right there. Oh, I'd better not touch anyone, because if I hurt any of Amber's visitors, she won't thank me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It will never ends.<</say>>
<<md>>The line is still dragging too slowly. I thought everyone was supposed to have an appointment with their doctors, but I guess I'm very wrong. Well, it looks like I won't get the information I need today. I have to figure out exactly how to get the information.<</md>>
<<if $Bella.Meet == 1 && $HospitalNurseMeet == 1>>\
[[Ask Bella|Amber0Q4]]
[[Came another day|Amber0Q3]]<<md>>I think I can find out everything I need to know just by coming back another day. It makes no sense for me to involve Bella and take advantage of her. Who knows how it will affect our future relationship. Better not to tempt fate.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, next time, then.<</say>>
<<md>>So, not having any desire to stay here, I'm leaving the hospital.<</md>>
<<set $Amber0Q = 3>>\
[[Leave hospital|5thave]]<<md>>What an idiot I am! Why did I choose to walk such a thorny path when I had the answer right in front of me? Bella knows more about everything that goes on around her than anyone else. Back at our school, she knew everything about everyone. She always knew how to get along with every guy or girl. Honestly, at the time I thought Bella would at least become a journalist. Or a politician. Yes, Senator Bella! That's the kind of politician I would have voted for. Especially her right and left. Oh yes, I would have stuck my ballot right in her voting box.<</md>>
<<md>>Well, I guess I should ask her about Amber, then. She won't be able to refuse me.<</md>>
<<set $Amber0Q = 2>>\
[[Yeah|HospitalReception]]<<say $Bella>>I knew you'd want to get to know her. She's a very interesting person.<</say>>
<<md>>Bella smiles fondly at me and snuggles up while none of the patients see.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But she's no match for you...<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Then why do you want to know more about her?<</say>>
<<md>>Now I want to catch her lips with mine, to dig in and not let go. Our games made my dick turn to stone in my pants.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I need to know who you work with, maybe she's involved in that case...<</say>>
<<md>>Bella nurses her patients, but she doesn't forget to move her ass on my cock. If no one was here, I would have pulled down her panties and thrown her on the bed a long time ago.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>I don't think it's her.<</say>>
<<md>>Yeah, I'd dump that great ass right there and we wouldn't go anywhere else. Bella always stirs such a storm of emotions in my heart that I can't control myself. I think she understands everything and is playing with me. But she's hiding it for now. It's not about people, Bella loved to surprise them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Who then?<</say>>
<<md>>She touches my cock with her hand, and whole images fly through my head. How I take her hips, pull her down, and spread her labia apart with my thumbs. As my cock enters her pussy.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Bella\Quest\Video\BellaAmberDream1_HD 720p.mp4"></video></div> As she lets out a moan of pleasure. As she kisses my fingers. As my cock increases in size under her pussy. How I bite my lips to keep from screaming in pleasure. As I enter her warm, tight womb and cum inside her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>I really want more, but I don't want to force her to do something she doesn't want to do. Although of course she wants to, it's just her game and I have to agree to those rules.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Did you say something?<</say>>
<<md>>Bella smiles slyly, realizing she's lit a fire in my pants.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What can you tell me about her?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Hmm... Let's see... Amber owns this clinic. She is the reason it has become such a prestigious place. She's always learning new things, connecting with cutting-edge people in many fields.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>FShe seems like an amazing person.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Of course.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So how do I make her trust me?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Hmm... I don't know. Wait, though!<</say>>
<<md>>Bella stormed out of her seat and ran out of the room. Where is she going? Should I run after her, or should I not?<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>There.<</say>>
<<md>>A few minutes later, Bella returned, holding a piece of paper with the announcement in her hands.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What is this? ASMR? Isn't that the thing all the men on the Internet masturbate at?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Yeap. Amber is studying the effects of ASMR on all our organs in order to make a scientific discovery. I'm told she already has some work to do, but she needs test subjects. I wanted to do it myself, but it sounds like it's more important to you. Maybe you can learn know.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, of course, Bella. You're the best.<</say>>
<<md>>I kissed her on the cheek and walked out of there. Yeah, so I have a plan. All that was left was to put it into action.<</md>>
<<set $Amber0Q = 21>>\
<<set $Amber1QT = 91>>\
[[Back|HospitalWard]]<<say $Bella>>Amber? Why do you need to know what she does?<</say>>
<<md>>Bella looked at me in surprise. Her lower lip protruded slightly forward. I'd known this gesture before. When a girl didn't like something, she did it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't be angry, she's not competing with you, it's just...<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>At least don't lie to me. I know you very well, $mc.Name. You can't resist the temptation to seduce another girl. That's the way it is and that's the way it's going to be.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes stabbed me like a thousand needles. There was truth in what she said, which was why Bella and I hadn't worked out. And those words were just another rebuke and reminder of our past. Where had the cheerful Bella I'd seen so recently disappeared to?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bella, that's in the past, I've changed...<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>You always say that, but I don't see any proof of it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What do you want me to do?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Nothing now, leave me alone. When you understand what you should do, then come back.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, it looks like I won't be able to get an answer out of her right now. Maybe I should convince her of what she means to me. Get her on my side a little bit?<</md>>
<<set $Amber0Q = 22>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Back|HospitalWard]]<<say $Amber>>Oh, it's you. I hope you haven't gotten into any trouble yet.<</say>>
<<md>>I'm just about to open my mouth when the woman interrupts me, looking at me from under her forehead as if I were some kind of enemy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No... I wasn't planning on it.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Really? Sooner or later it will happen.<</say>>
<<md>>It seems that she is too biased towards me after all.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you so sure about that?<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>I know people like you. Those troublemakers.<</say>>
<<md>>It's going to be harder than I thought in the beginning.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Look, that's not why I'm here. You're a smart woman, and I'm sure you can easily tell if I'm crossing the line.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Hmm... You make a lot of sense. I didn't expect to hear that from you.<</say>>
<<md>>Again, this dismissive attitude. It's starting to annoy me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Certainly. I hear you're looking for test subjects?<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Patients, not test subjects. Yes, do you really want to participate?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So much!<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>It's... unexpected. Well, then lie down. I'll be right back with all the equipment you need.<</say>>
<<md>>After a minute she brought some diodes, helmets.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Whoa, it's that serious?<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>ASMR not only affects the brain. But all impulses leave the brain, so we have an obligation to investigate it as much as possible.<</say>>
<<md>>She seemed to like to lecture people. She just glared when she told me that.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>It might be a little chilly.<</say>>
<<md>>She began to dab me with some incomprehensible and slightly oily gel.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I know this gel, it allows you to get into such deep places.<</say>>
<<md>>Amber laughed. Well, that's a good sign.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>It's not that kind of gel. This gel will keep me from turning your brain into a shish kebab.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, you're hot, of course, but not that hot.<</say>>
<<md>>Amber shot me a slightly irritated look and pressed the button.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>So,shall we begin?<</say>>
<<md>>And she started whispering right into my ear. It was like a whisper that pierced me. I thought she was whispering right into my head, so I got scared. I felt like there was a hole in my mind, and then the gel of my pleasure flowed into that hole. I felt like I was falling through a tunnel of some kind.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Well, let's see if you are a man of science...<</say>>
<<md>>Amber had no idea how much she touched me. And then there was her skill. I was lying perfectly still.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>That's what we call verbal vibrations...<</say>>
<<md>>That whisper... It had soft, seductive intonations. She checked the sensors over and over again. The touch of her fingernails had a very soothing effect on me.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Do you feel...<</say>>
<<md>>But I couldn't hear her anymore. I was immersed in the fantasy world she'd created with her voice alone. The whisper seemed to consume me, turning into something soft and elastic that made my body look like nothing else. And that resilience grew stronger and stronger, until... I realized that I didn't exist at all. There was only her.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>How nice touches...<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, I sank into bliss. I felt her hot hand on my thigh, and how my breathing began to quicken from such a pleasant touch.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>How pleasure consumes you...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Amber\Quest\Video\AmberASMR1_HD 720p.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I could feel her breathing so clearly, as if she were really next to me. I could have sworn that her hand was really moving up and down my cock. Making it hard.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>How every movement...<</say>>
<<md>>Her hands were amazing. I had no choice but to surrender to this pleasure and drink the cup of this misery to the bottom.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>This is the best thing that ever happened to you...<</say>>
<<md>>It looks like a little more and...<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Well, that's it for today.<</say>>
<<md>>These words are like a cold shower.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it?<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Yes, 15 minutes is enough for beginners. If you allow more than that, there could be trouble. Therefore, it is better to stop now.<</say>>
<<md>>Damn it, I was about to cum. Just a few more minutes and...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I understand. When is the next meeting?<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Come back this very time any day. You don't seem to be giving me any trouble.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, at least it helped her change her mind at least a little bit.<</md>>
<<set $Amber0Q = 211>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<set $Amber1QT = 92>>\
[[Leave|HospitalReception]]<<say $Amber>>What, are you ready to go on? Let's not waste time.<</say>>
<<md>>Amber greeted my offer with a wide smile and a glance toward her groin. Wait, does she really understand what happened? It makes sense, though. She's measuring the effects on all the organs and the penis, too. I wonder if she's doing it on purpose.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I liked it very much.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Of course, because ASMR affects libido. You must have had a great orgasm afterwards.<</say>>
<<md>>Amber smiles and pulls the sensors on me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ahem...<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Don't worry, you men almost all react like that. Your pleasure center is associated with orgasms, so in a way I even envy you.<</say>>
<<md>>Finally, the final part.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's kind of hot in here today.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>It's probably me who's so hot.<</say>>
<<md>>Ha ha, I like this woman. Not everyone understands the essence of their beauty and often ruin things with modesty. But Amber is obviously not one of those.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Let's start.<</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly she started whispering. It happened so instantly that I was a little surprised. It was as if someone had instantly turned off the reality switch and plunged me into a fantasy world.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Do you feel...<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice sounded like it was burning with pleasure. After a couple of minutes, I began to melt and melt, and finally - disappear. And then I became a black hole, a star, a bullet. The ball swirled around in infinity, and there was nothing there but her.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>My voice...<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice plunged me deeper and deeper into a world of pleasant sensations. It was mesmerizing, and I could barely hear anything she was saying, but somehow I knew it was right and necessary. And afterwards...<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>You like it...<</say>>
<<md>>It was as if I could feel her tongue on my own cock. There was a slight current in it, it tickled the head nicely, and I was drooling again.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Every word...<</say>>
<<md>>She does this... She does this... Amber touched me gently but powerfully, and I felt my head begin to swell. A kaleidoscope of feelings swirled in my mind, and at the center of it was her sucking me off, Amber.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Extremely...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Amber\Quest\Video\AmberASMR2_HD 720p.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Her mouth quickened its pace, there was nothing I could do about it, and my whole being moved in time with her movements. Finally... Yes, she was doing it faster and faster.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Yes... Your reaction...<</say>>
<<md>>A wave of shivers ran down my thighs, and Amber let go of my cock. I almost fainted from the pleasure that overwhelmed me.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>I think we're done here.<</say>>
<<md>>I've done too, right in my pants. Well, that's amazing. I wonder what will happen next time?<</md>>
<<set $Amber0Q = 212>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<set $Amber1QT = 93>>\
[[Leave|HospitalReception]]<<md>>Just as I say these words, Amber's eyes light up with desire.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Yes, there's nothing to delay. It's not good to keep science waiting.<</say>>
<<md>>She lays me down in my usual spot. Every time she touches me, a strange pulse runs through my body. And it's not just the device. She herself seemed to emit an extremely strange energy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Then it's time to satisfy her.<</say>>
<<md>>The woman smiles before turning on the device.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>I think she is just as capable of satisfying your desire. If you let her feel your scholarly rod.<</say>>
<<md>>Amber whispers the last words in my ear, and ants run through my body. Is she doing this on purpose? She provokes me to have voluptuous thoughts before we've even begun. She likes it, she enjoys the process.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>My scholarly rod is firm in its desire to help you.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Well, let's begin.<</say>>
<<md>>And she began to whisper. Her voice was soft and gentle. Like a sea breeze whispering among the rocks.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>You can feel the pleasure flowing between your legs...<</say>>
<<md>>That whisper was like a warm ray of sunshine. I immediately felt submissive and liberated. I was no longer embarrassed by my dreams and Amber's dreams. I even felt tenderness. It felt good.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>It fills you with energy...<</say>>
<<md>>Amber's voice became calm and measured, and it enveloped and enveloped me. It was like I was wrapped in a wavering sphere of peace. I couldn't see Amber, but I knew that her hands were gently massaging my cock. I could feel it, just closed my eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>You can't resist...<</say>>
<<md>>The warm and sweet whisper pulled me in more and more, as if she were drinking my blood at the same time. When she spoke again, there was nothing I could do about it. The words poured from her mouth as if I were on a powerful drug.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>You want this...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Amber\Quest\Video\AmberASMR3_HD 720p.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I could feel her pussy on my cock. It was as if she had taken control of my life, of my thoughts and desires. But that didn't bother me very much. I wanted more than anything to stop thinking and sink into her sweet nirvana.<</md>>
<<md>>It was pleasant and irresistible. She was perfectly docile and compliant, as if she were really in my arms. I did everything I wanted to do with her. She was getting wet and ready. My cock was up to her balls.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>You like it a lot...<</say>>
<<md>>At first it was a little flaccid, but when she started thrusting harder on it, as she always did in her moment of pleasure, it turned into a tight red-hot spear. I felt hot, like I was immersed in a hot bench, my cock began to throb like a blubbering throbber.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Every movement, every moment is an extraordinary pleasure...<</say>>
<<md>>She was thrusting harder and harder. I thought she was about to cum, but her hips slid further down my cock. Then her knees straightened, and she slid onto my rod again. I felt her hips slide gently over my cock again, and deeper.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>And now you feel unusually relieved...<</say>>
<<md>>And finally she cummed, and I cummed with her. I would say that it went quickly and efficiently. It gladdened my heart.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Well, I think that will be enough.<</say>>
<<md>>When I opened my eyes, Amber was smiling at me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Is that enough?<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Yes, I collected all the necessary data. I don't need any more. But you can come back if you need anything.<</say>>
<<md>>It's a shame it ended so quickly. I had already fallen in love with her ASMR. You might even say that I've become a little dependent on it. Well, I think she'll trust me a lot more after this.<</md>>
<<set $Amber0Q = 213>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<set $Amber1QT = 94>>\
[[Leave|HospitalReception]]/*Clara's gallery*/
<<if $AllGalleryUnlocked == 1>>
<<set $Clara.moments[2].unlocked to true>>\
<<set $Susan.Meet = 1>>
<<set $Olivia.Meet = 1>>
<<set $Linda.Meet = 1>>
<<set $ClaraVideo1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $ClaraVideo2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $ClaraVideo3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $ClaraVideo4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $ClaraVideo5Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $ClaraVideo28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $ClaraVideo29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $ClaraVideo30Unlocked = 1>>
for (let i = 1; i <= 25; i++) {
setup.unlockGalleryItem("Clara", "moments", "Image" + i, "New moment has been added to your gallery");
<<set $ClaraMemories1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $ClaraMemories2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $ClaraMemories3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $ClaraMemories4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $ClaraMemories5Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $ClaraMemories19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $ClaraMemories20Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $ClaraMemories30Unlocked = 1>>
/*Angela's gallery*/
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<<set $AngelaVideo2Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $AngelaImage30Unlocked = 1>>
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/*Lexi's gallery*/
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/*Veronica's gallery*/
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<<set $VeronicaVideo3Unlocked = 1>>
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/*Monica's gallery*/
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<<set $MonicaVideo16Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $MonicaVideo29Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $MonicaImage35Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $MonicaImage37Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $MonicaImage39Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaImage40Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaImage41Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaImage42Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $MonicaImage52Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaImage53Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaImage54Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaImage55Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaImage56Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaImage57Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaImage58Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaImage59Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaImage61Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaImage62Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaImage63Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaImage64Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaImage65Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $MonicaMemories1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $MonicaMemories30Unlocked = 1>>
/*Lucy's gallery*/
<<set $LucyVideo1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo5Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $LucyVideo8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo18Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $LucyVideo20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyVideo30Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage30Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage31Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage32Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage33Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage34Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage35Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage36Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage37Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage38Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage39Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage40Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage41Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage42Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage43Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage44Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage45Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage46Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage47Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage48Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage49Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage50Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage51Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage52Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage53Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage54Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage55Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage56Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage57Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage58Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage59Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage61Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage62Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage63Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage64Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage65Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage66Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage67Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage68Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage69Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyImage70Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LucyMemories30Unlocked = 1>>
/*Sophia's gallery*/
<<set $SophiaVideo1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaVideo30Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $SophiaImage5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage30Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage31Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage32Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage33Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage34Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage35Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage36Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage37Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage38Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage39Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage40Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage41Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage42Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage43Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage44Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage45Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage46Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage47Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage48Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage49Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage50Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage51Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage52Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage53Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage54Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage55Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage56Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage57Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage58Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage59Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage61Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage62Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage63Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage64Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage65Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage66Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage67Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage68Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage69Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaImage70Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $SophiaMemories2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $SophiaMemories30Unlocked = 1>>
/*Naomi's gallery*/
<<set $NaomiVideo1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo5Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $NaomiVideo7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo17Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $NaomiVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiVideo30Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $NaomiImage2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage30Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage31Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage32Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage33Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage34Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage35Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage36Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage37Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage38Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage39Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage40Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage41Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage42Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage43Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage44Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage45Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage46Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage47Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage48Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage49Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage50Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage51Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage52Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage53Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage54Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage55Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage56Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage57Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage58Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage59Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage61Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage62Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage63Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage64Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage65Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage66Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage67Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage68Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage69Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiImage70Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $NaomiMemories30Unlocked = 1>>
/*Autumn's gallery*/
<<set $AutumnVideo1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo23Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $AutumnVideo29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnVideo30Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $AutumnImage2Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $AutumnImage4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage30Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage31Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage32Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage33Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage34Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage35Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage36Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage37Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage38Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage39Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage40Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage41Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage42Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage43Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage44Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage45Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage46Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage47Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage48Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage49Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage50Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage51Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage52Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage53Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage54Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage55Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage56Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage57Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage58Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage59Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage61Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage62Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage63Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage64Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage65Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage66Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage67Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage68Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage69Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnImage70Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AutumnMemories30Unlocked = 1>>
/*Amber's gallery*/
<<set $AmberVideo1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo5Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $AmberVideo8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberVideo30Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage30Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage31Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage32Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage33Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage34Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage35Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage36Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage37Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage38Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage39Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage40Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage41Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage42Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage43Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage44Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage45Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage46Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage47Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage48Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage49Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage50Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage51Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage52Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage53Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage54Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage55Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage56Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage57Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage58Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage59Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage61Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage62Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage63Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage64Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage65Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage66Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage67Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage68Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage69Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberImage70Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $AmberMemories30Unlocked = 1>>
/*Bella's gallery*/
<<set $BellaVideo1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaVideo30Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage30Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage31Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage32Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage33Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage34Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage35Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage36Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage37Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage38Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage39Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage40Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage41Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage42Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage43Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage44Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage45Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage46Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage47Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage48Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage49Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage50Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage51Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage52Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage53Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage54Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage55Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage56Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage57Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage58Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage59Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage61Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage62Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage63Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage64Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage65Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage66Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage67Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage68Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage69Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaImage70Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $BellaMemories30Unlocked = 1>>
/*Camilla's gallery*/
<<set $CamillaVideo1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaVideo30Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage30Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage31Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage32Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage33Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage34Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage35Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage36Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage37Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage38Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage39Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage40Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage41Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage42Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage43Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage44Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage45Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage46Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage47Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage48Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage49Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage50Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage51Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage52Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage53Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage54Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage55Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage56Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage57Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage58Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage59Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage61Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage62Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage63Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage64Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage65Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage66Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage67Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage68Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage69Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaImage70Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $CamillaMemories30Unlocked = 1>>
/*Fiona's gallery*/
<<set $FionaVideo1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaVideo30Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage30Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage31Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage32Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage33Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage34Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage35Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage36Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage37Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage38Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage39Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage40Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage41Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage42Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage43Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage44Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage45Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage46Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage47Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage48Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage49Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage50Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage51Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage52Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage53Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage54Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage55Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage56Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage57Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage58Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage59Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage61Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage62Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage63Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage64Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage65Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage66Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage67Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage68Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage69Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaImage70Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $FionaMemories30Unlocked = 1>>
/*Jane's gallery*/
<<set $JaneVideo1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneVideo30Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage30Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage31Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage32Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage33Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage34Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage35Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage36Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage37Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage38Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage39Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage40Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage41Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage42Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage43Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage44Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage45Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage46Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage47Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage48Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage49Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage50Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage51Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage52Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage53Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage54Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage55Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage56Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage57Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage58Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage59Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage61Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage62Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage63Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage64Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage65Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage66Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage67Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage68Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage69Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneImage70Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JaneMemories30Unlocked = 1>>
/*Jerry's gallery*/
<<set $JerryVideo1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryVideo30Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage30Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage31Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage32Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage33Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage34Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage35Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage36Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage37Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage38Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage39Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage40Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage41Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage42Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage43Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage44Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage45Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage46Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage47Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage48Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage49Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage50Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage51Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage52Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage53Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage54Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage55Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage56Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage57Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage58Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage59Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage61Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage62Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage63Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage64Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage65Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage66Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage67Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage68Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage69Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryImage70Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $JerryMemories30Unlocked = 1>>
/*Linda's gallery*/
<<set $LindaVideo1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaVideo30Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage30Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage31Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage32Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage33Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage34Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage35Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage36Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage37Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage38Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage39Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage40Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage41Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage42Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage43Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage44Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage45Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage46Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage47Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage48Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage49Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage50Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage51Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage52Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage53Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage54Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage55Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage56Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage57Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage58Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage59Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage60Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage61Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage62Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage63Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage64Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage65Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage66Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage67Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage68Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage69Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaImage70Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories1Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories5Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $LindaMemories30Unlocked = 1>>
/*Olivia's gallery*/
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<<set $OliviaVideo2Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaVideo3Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaVideo4Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaVideo5Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $OliviaVideo9Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $OliviaVideo16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaVideo17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaVideo18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaVideo19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaVideo20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaVideo21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaVideo22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaVideo23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaVideo24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaVideo25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaVideo26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaVideo27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaVideo28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaVideo29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaVideo30Unlocked = 1>>
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<<set $OliviaImage6Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage7Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage8Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage9Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage10Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage11Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage12Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage13Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage14Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage15Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage16Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage17Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage18Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage19Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage20Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage21Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage22Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage23Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage24Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage25Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage26Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage27Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage28Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage29Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage30Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage31Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage32Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage33Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage34Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage35Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage36Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage37Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage38Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage39Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage40Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage41Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage42Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage43Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage44Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage45Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage46Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage47Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage48Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage49Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage50Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage51Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage52Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage53Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage54Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage55Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage56Unlocked = 1>>
<<set $OliviaImage57Unlocked = 1>>
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/*Susan's gallery*/
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<</if>><<say $Susan>>Yes, is there something you wanted to tell me?<</say>>
<<md>>The librarian does not raise her head, continuing her immersion in the wonderful world of books. To be honest, I had already forgotten that feeling a little. When a book captivates you so much that you're ready to forget everything and immerse yourself in this wonderful world.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, but I don't want to distract you from such a fascinating book...<</say>>
<<md>>Susan finally looks up and looks at me.<</md>>
<<say $Susan>>No, you're not distracted, it's just... The new installment of the "Scars and Ropes" trilogy is out and I've been waiting for it for so long. Five whole years! Because the second part ended at the most interesting part!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, I understand that feeling. Once upon a time, I felt it, too.<</say>>
<<say $Susan>>What happened?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I stopped reading so much. But I'm looking for a way back! I want to feel again what it's like when you don't sleep or eat until you've read the last page!<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes sparkled playfully.<</md>>
<<say $Susan>>I see you are a man of culture after all.<</say>>
<<md>>After all? And before that she thought I was superficial?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's how I'd like it. Could you give me some pointers on some new books? I don't follow it all and it's hard enough for me to get my bearings.<</say>>
<<md>>The woman put the book aside, then touched my hand. Although her hand was quite cold, it didn't cause me to feel immediately. On the contrary, it was a soft and gentle touch that drew me to it as if by a magnet.<</md>>
<<say $Susan>>Sure, I'll tell you everything.<</say>>
<<md>>And that moment passed. And while she was talking about the new books, I couldn't think about anything but her hand.<</md>>
<<say $Susan>>Yes, here, among all these books, I would recommend checking out "The Suffering of the Stone Rod", "Juicy Pleasure", "The Fetter of My Life", and of course "The Mystery of the Rooster and the Pussy".<</say>>
<<md>>Hmm... What are these books all... A little twisted?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And there is something less...<</say>>
<<say $Susan>>Erotic?<</say>>
<<md>>Susan looked at me in surprise.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. Not that it's a taboo subject for me, a biology teacher, but I'd just like to take a break from work for a while.<</say>>
<<say $Susan>>Oh, I see your point. I just recommended it because usually men like to read it. It's too vulgar for my taste, but who am I to argue with a bestseller?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Everybody has their own taste, and I think you have a great taste.<</say>>
<<md>>The woman was in full bloom when she heard this. She was smiling so broadly and brightly that it seemed as if the sun was shining here.<</md>>
<<say $Susan>>Oh, no, you don't have to. I have no better taste than anyone else. Ahem...If you want something that chills your soul, that makes your heart beat faster than fear, it's definitely the Pines of God. It took me a long time to come to my senses after them.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Anything else? Is there anything else that struck you besides this book?<</say>>
<<say $Susan>>Oh yes! Also "Philosophy of the Heart: While You're Coming." An extremely sensitive story about two teenagers on death row.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think I now have a pretty extensive list of things I could read. Thank you.<</say>>
<<md>>I was about to say goodbye and leave when Susan stopped me.<</md>>
<<say $Susan>>Wait...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah? Any other tips?<</say>>
<<say $Susan>>No. I mean, yes. But no. In general, if you're so interested in literature, maybe you'd like to attend a meeting of our literary circle?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm... I don't know if I'm the right person.<</say>>
<<md>>In fact, I just can't imagine why I would go there. Usually literary gatherings are a little boring. These people don't think about anything but books.<</md>>
<<say $Susan>>We discuss books, share impressions, and discuss all sorts of things there. With wine and jazz music, of course.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, it was that last sentence that bought me the most.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds very cozy.<</say>>
<<say $Susan>>That's right! You're going to love it! We meet every Friday at 6 p.m.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What is required of me?<</say>>
<<say $Susan>>I usually arrange a subscription, but since this is your first visit, all you have to do is read any book and bring it to the meeting.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, then I'll look forward to that meeting. Can you tell me where I can get the book?<</say>>
<<say $Susan>>There are several bookstores in town, but not far from the beach there is a store called Strange store . Its owner likes to read. He used to be our regular customer.<</say>>
<<md>>Yeah, I didn't know the old man liked to read. Well, you might as well visit him and buy a book.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're just an angel, not a woman.<</say>>
<<md>>She blushed at those words. Well, I guess I should visit a strange store.<</md>>
<<set $Susan1Q = 1>>\
<<say $mc>>Johan, I know this store has everything you can get.<</say>>
<<md>>The old man laughed out loud and grunted.<</md>>
<<say $Johan>>Besides order. I hope you don't need order, because you need a pretty girl with a sweet ass and big tits to achieve it here, ha ha!<</say>>
<<md>>Oh yes, I can imagine how she would clean up in here. How she'd wield my big peepidaster. How she'd sit on my face and I'd eat all her pussy.<</md>>
<<say $Johan>>I see you don't mind that idea either. So why don't you find the old Johan someone like that?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, anything is possible, but for now I'm looking for a book.<</say>>
<<say $Johan>>Hmm, I have some books here. However, remember that this is not a bookstore, so my selection is limited. I only take what I can reread or what would be interesting to me personally.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fine. I need something from this list.<</say>>
<<md>>I hand him a list of the books Susan offered me, and he scrutinizes it.<</md>>
<<say $Johan>>Wow! You're very lucky today. I have two whole books on this list. There's Juicy Pleasure and God's Pines.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, it looks like I have a tough choice ahead of me here. What should I choose?<</md>>
[[Juicy pleasure|SusanQuest1.3]]<<md>>Yes, this book was first on the list of things the librarian offered me. And although she said she didn't like it, I'm sure such a depraved book will not leave her unmoved. Yes, I can see how it would...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Her loosened bosom was ready to accept his rod...<</say>>
<<md>>Susan is already excited and playing with her bush right in front of me. In front of the whole library.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>He was always ready to go all the way, so he entered her completely. His spear pierced through her and she moaned.<</say>>
<<md>>Her fingers are wet with her pussy juice. The woman crawls on her knees and touches my hard cock first with her hands and then with her tongue.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You want to hug my spear completely... <</say>>
<<md>>Her tongue slid over the head until I, too, began to gently caress my back. When the tip of the spear finds its way into her mouth, she bends over to make it more comfortable. And then her mouth slowly covers my body. I can feel her tongue beginning to work where it just was.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are so...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Susan\Quest\Video\SusanStoreBlow1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Her tongue changes shape, pulsing like a sunbeam. Its tip constantly oscillates, trying to embrace her. His touch becomes more and more gentle, and further and further, until I...<</md>>
<<say $Johan>>EH!<</say>>
<<md>>Johan's voice pulls me out of my fantasy. I guess I got too carried away.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah?<</say>>
<<say $Johan>>Are you buying, or will you continue to demonstrate the rigidity of your intentions?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, yes, of course I do.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, all that's left now is to go to the meeting. I hope it goes exactly as I did in my fantasy.<</md>>
<<set $Susan1Q = 2>>\
[[Back|Strange store]]<<md>>My heart is beating like a mad horse at the racetrack.<</md>>
<<md>>Excitement, hitherto unseen, for some reason sweeps me from head to toe. If I were a superstitious person, I would think that something had happened.<</md>>
<<md>>But I understand that this is not a premonition, but more a kind of excitement. When our body lacks impressions, it comes up with something. And now is exactly the case. Nothing special will happen.<</md>>
<<md>>Why didn't Naomi still open the doors then? I've been standing here for several minutes. What the hell is going on?<</md>>
<<md>>I push the doors and they obediently open. It doesn't look like Naomi at all. Living alone, she rarely opens doors. It would be quite dangerous. Who knows what kind of perverts can get into her house?<</md>>
<<md>>However, as soon as I step, I take a few steps inside, when I am met by a painfully familiar groan. To the pain in the penis. As soon as I hear it, I understand what Naomi has prepared for me. So the surprise is she herself or...<</md>>
<<md>>I walk into the living room, closing the doors behind me. As soon as I enter, I have a beautiful view. Legs apart, Naomi bites her lip sexually while her naughty fingers play with her pussy. The inviting hollow glistens and calls me.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\NaomiNatureHousemast1.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $NaomiVideo5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $NaomiVideo5Unlocked = 1>>\
<<md>>I can't take my eyes off how her pussy is turning pink more and more. What a lovely pink petal cut - bigger than my index finger. An irresistible desire covers me, my heart has already fluttered, and the dick has hardened.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That means what a surprise awaited me, right?<</say>>
<<md>>I put flowers on the table, and as if attracted by an invisible force, I approach her. The girl laughs.<</md>>
<<md>>I kneel in front of her, as if in front of a shrine and run my tongue along the sweet lips between my legs. Naomi lets out a drawn-out and enthralling groan, which only makes my excitement more intense and I burrow my tongue even more passionately between the folds.<</md>>
<<md>>Here Naomi breaks down and grabs my hand. I should pull back sharply, but I can't. I look at her slightly surprised face.<</md>>
<<md>>Realizing that something is wrong, I let go of my hand and turn to her. And her eyes turned into two narrow slits. I look down and see her hand sliding up my neck, to the sensitive spot on my neck. I freeze at her touch. My nipples are unexpectedly painful swelling. The girl strokes my breasts and then touches the nipple with her lips.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\NaomiKennaLick1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I insert my penis into her with one powerful movement, not wanting to wait.<</md>>
<<md>>Hooking my back, she makes me revel in every thrust for a while. Naomi freezes and smiles a little. Is this a strange challenge to what I like myself? What does she want? I remember her first caresses - all the same excitement and enthusiasm.<</md>>
<<md>>Why don't we do it this way? The proposal is sincere and open. I make a few circular movements with my penis and stop it. I'm not ready yet.<</md>>
<<md>>I'm not ready to say goodbye to this amazing excitement.<</md>>
<<md>>I'm ready to taste it. I need to understand as much as possible about her lips. My tongue is pushing hard for her mouth again. But is it worth asking for more? I already feel overflow. I find it difficult to speak, it seems to me that words will interfere with excitement.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\Naomimast2.mp4"></video></div>
<<if $NaomiVideo5Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $NaomiVideo5Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New scenes added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>The dick goes inside with a huge push and she answers me with a hug. This is our dance of passion. A passion that will soon explode.<</md>>
<<md>>And now my joy spills out right inside Naomi, from which I just get great pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Well, did you like the surprise?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Very! I want it every day...<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>If it will be every day, then it won't be a surprise.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But you can dream!<</say>>
<<addLust $Naomi 15>>\
<<set $Naomi4Q = 1>>\
<<set $Naomi4QT = 1>>\
<<set $Naomi3QT = -10>>\
[[Go home|Street York-Road]]
<<md>>Clara is not a master hacker. Her password shouldn't be too complex, but at the same time, it is very personal. Statistics show that almost all passwords carry a deep emotional imprint. It doesn't matter what it is: the mother's surname, the date of birth of a beloved dog, or the name of a loved one...<</md>>
<<md>>Hmm, the name of the beloved... Michael ?!<</md>>
<<md>>Yes, the password worked. She probably didn't change it for a very long time. Hmm, no, this is porn from the internet... This is something more interesting!<</md>>
<<md>>Video footage of Clara and Michael. She smiles so sexy, takes orders so sexy. She drank a lot, but that did not lose her attractiveness.<</md>>
<<md>>Damn, how hot she is.<</md>>
<<md>>And now he reminds a wild beast that he wants to tear her to pieces before killing her. Yes... Let's try this. We carefully look at their faces. Pleasure is written on them. Clara tells him to follow all instructions and then... Look at his face. He's laughing!<</md>>
<<md>>I myself did not notice when I took out a member and began to move my hand, then stroking it, then being a little aggressive. Watching Clara like that is too painful, too exciting.<</md>>
<<md>>She gently, almost gently, takes Michael's cock in her mouth. For a few moments he looks into his eyes, and then makes a small movement with his mouth so that this intoxication turns into euphoria.<</md>>
<<md>>Her lips cover his erogenous zone with passionate kisses with which she has been caressing him for ages. Small waves of bliss run down his face.<</md>>
<<md>>An increasing and increasing pleasure also goes through my penis...<</md>>
<<md>>Clara likes it. His voice grows more and more agitated. Now she connects her fantasy at full capacity. She makes slow movements with her lips, caressing his penis, slowly and gently, and then begins to gently suck on it.<</md>>
<<md>>And then he picks up Klara and knocks on her right side, literally not sparing her.<</md>>
<<md>>Now the act itself will begin. She can feel him entering her, preparing to attack. She seems to love him already. His cock digs into her pussy. She seems to be losing control of herself now. A little more, and she will die of happiness.<</md>>
<<md>>Her lips twitch slightly. This is a sure sign of orgasm. She gets it... At first, when Michael's cock for the first time gently touched her lips, she felt satisfaction. She felt a little ashamed. But then... then this reaction was repeated in full. She gasps with delight.
<<md>>I explode in a fountain of pleasure, spilling a fountain of sperm on the floor.<</md>>
<<md>>Now this is definitely my office!<</md>>
<<md>>Well, I think I should talk to Clara about my find as soon as possible.<</md>>
<<md>>My knowledge is still insufficient. Perhaps I should study the material a bit before I break anything?<</md>>
<<md>>After our conversation with Olivia, I decided that it makes no sense to ignore the request of such a nice girl. Moreover, it seems to me that she is showing interest in me.<</md>>
<<md>>Therefore, I entered the gym in a good mood. It's time to start exercising.<</md>>
<<md>>I move slowly, as if admiring myself from the side. Yes, I am definitely good-looking. No wonder Olivia has a crush on me.<</md>>
<<md>>I smile at her, she smiles in response to me. But the picture appears again in front of my eyes, where she plays with her pussy. This makes the pants feel tight.<</md>>
<<md>>Olivia seems to have noticed something, so she comes up to me.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Can I help you with something?<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, you would help me a lot if you got down on your knees and started pumping your throat with my cock!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No thanks.<</say>>
<<md>>But the girl does not take her eyes off my penis.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Are you sure?<</say>>
<<md>>I nod and she licks her lips in response. Repeatedly. And it becomes so good that the hand itself reaches for her chest. Forcing myself to calm down.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's a little hot, isn't it?<</say>>
<<md>>I am translating the topic in the hope that I will be able to calm down.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Yes, I think maybe I can undress a little...<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles meaningfully and leaves.<</md>>
<<md>>The training continues, but now it is too dull. I usually manage to keep fit, but now something strange is happening. Lightness in the body, but the head is empty. All my thoughts are directed towards that gorgeous body. Olivia is too sexy. How can others not see it?<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Listen, I have a request for you.<</say>>
<<md>>When the practice is over, Olivia comes up to me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>For a woman like that, whatever.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Do not say what you regret! I can ask for something big and solid...
<<md>>Oh, she's playing with fire. I'm not sure I can handle it if she keeps teasing me like that. And then other people around me will not stop me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So what happened?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>You see, my yoga partner refused to help me with the exercises. And I really love yoga. So could you help me a little?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Great, then come to the 5th ave when you are free. A very sweaty workout awaits us.<</say>>
<<md>>This woman will definitely drive me crazy!<</md>>
<<md>>Finding Olivia's home was not difficult. Like its owner, it was very distinguished by its forms. Among all the identical, almost ordinary houses, he was the adornment of the entire street.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Ah, $mc.Name, I've been waiting for you, come in!<</say>>
<<md>>As soon as the woman appeared on the doorstep, the first thing I noticed was her snow-white top. He beckoned me, forcing me to stare at her breasts. And when Olivia turned her back on me, I almost disappeared. Sports leggings accentuated her figure so much...<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>So, let's start with the doggy pose. Will you tell me if I'm standing well?
<<md>>Olivia knelt down, arching her beautiful ass for my meeting.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm, you know, you need to correct it a little.
<<md>>I ran my hand over her thighs and touched her elastic ass. I felt the sweet languor spreading over my penis. It suddenly seemed to me that there was no one in this world except Olivia. I almost did not notice anything around, although this room was the only place in the whole world from where it was possible to observe the street.<</md>>
<<md>>Feel your new partner. Feel incredibly powerful. I was attracted by this view. In this position, I rarely managed to focus on anything for a long time, and I noticed it only now.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>That's better.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Could it be like this?<</say>>
<<md>>She made a backward movement and her ass touched my hard cock. I again felt the sweet languor. She began to move her hips, and suddenly it seemed to me that I could get into her ass.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think it's better like this.<</say>>
<<md>>I pulled off her sports leggings, under which there was nothing but a seductive sexy body.<</md>>
<<md>>I could kiss her with only one hand, and with the other support her under the ass. Olivia had an amazing ass - tight and smooth, with nice bulges in the right places. I turned to her a little and began to admire her beauty.<</md>>
<<md>>Clinging my fingers to the vegetative weaving on her pubis, I began to slowly withdraw my fingers further and further. She felt what I was doing and began to move more actively.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Oh yes, this is the yoga that I missed so much. Stretch me... Stretch with your dick.<</say>>
<<md>>I pulled harder and felt her hole squeeze my fingers. Now I felt a pulsation in her bosom. All of Olivia's caresses were incredibly pleasant, and I was in seventh heaven.<</md>>
<<md>>But it was not enough, so I knocked her on her side and gently entered this sweet pussy. Member easily and smoothly entered her hole, swaying in time with the movements of my hips. Her arms wrapped around my neck, and she pulled me closer to her, not allowing me to breathe.<</md>>
<<md>>I started to move harder, like I'm tearing that sexy pussy apart.<</md>>
<<md>>My penis plunged into her body completely. I got to the right point. She did not resist, but she slowly moved towards, opening wider and wider, absorbing my penis deeper and deeper.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally I felt that she was coming, and it gave me new strength. When I finally entered her, she shuddered and trembled all over. I felt her last waves of orgasm and I finished after her. We lay on the grass for a long time, and my hand gently stroked her breasts.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Ah, I missed it so much...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now I understand what kind of yoga you like.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Nothing calms better than a good fuck!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, I agree.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, I think you shouldn't abuse her company. So after taking a shower, I left Olivia.<</md>> <<md>>Finding Olivia's home was not difficult. Like its owner, it was very distinguished by its forms. Among all the identical, almost ordinary houses, he was the adornment of the entire street.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Ah, $mc.Name, I've been waiting for you, come in!<</say>>
<<md>>As soon as the woman appeared on the doorstep, the first thing I noticed was her snow-white top. He beckoned me, forcing me to stare at her breasts. And when Olivia turned her back on me, I almost disappeared. Sports leggings accentuated her figure so much...<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>So, let's start with the doggy pose. Will you tell me if I'm standing well?
<<md>>Olivia knelt down, arching her beautiful ass for my meeting.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm, you know, you need to correct it a little.
<<md>>I ran my hand over her thighs and touched her elastic ass. I felt the sweet languor spreading over my penis. It suddenly seemed to me that there was no one in this world except Olivia. I almost did not notice anything around, although this room was the only place in the whole world from where it was possible to observe the street.<</md>>
<<md>>Feel your new partner. Feel incredibly powerful. I was attracted by this view. In this position, I rarely managed to focus on anything for a long time, and I noticed it only now.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>That's better.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Could it be like this?<</say>>
<<md>>She made a backward movement and her ass touched my hard cock. I again felt the sweet languor. She began to move her hips, and suddenly it seemed to me that I could get into her ass.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think it's better like this.<</say>>
<<md>>I pulled off her sports leggings, under which there was nothing but a seductive sexy body.<</md>>
<<md>>I could kiss her with only one hand, and with the other support her under the ass. Olivia had an amazing ass - tight and smooth, with nice bulges in the right places. I turned to her a little and began to admire her beauty.<</md>>
<<md>>Clinging my fingers to the vegetative weaving on her pubis, I began to slowly withdraw my fingers further and further. She felt what I was doing and began to move more actively.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Oh yes, this is the yoga that I missed so much. Stretch me... Stretch with your dick.<</say>>
<<md>>I pulled harder and felt her hole squeeze my fingers. Now I felt a pulsation in her bosom. All of Olivia's caresses were incredibly pleasant, and I was in seventh heaven.<</md>>
<<md>>But it was not enough, so I knocked her on her side and gently entered this sweet pussy. Member easily and smoothly entered her hole, swaying in time with the movements of my hips. Her arms wrapped around my neck, and she pulled me closer to her, not allowing me to breathe.<</md>>
<<md>>I started to move harder, like I'm tearing that sexy pussy apart.<</md>>
<<md>>My penis plunged into her body completely. I got to the right point. She did not resist, but she slowly moved towards, opening wider and wider, absorbing my penis deeper and deeper.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally I felt that she was coming, and it gave me new strength. When I finally entered her, she shuddered and trembled all over. I felt her last waves of orgasm and I finished after her. We lay on the grass for a long time, and my hand gently stroked her breasts.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Ah, I missed it so much...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now I understand what kind of yoga you like.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Nothing calms better than a good fuck!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, I agree.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, I think you shouldn't abuse her company. So after taking a shower, I left Olivia.<</md>> <<md>>When it gets dark, we head home. I bring Lucy home and am about to leave when she pulls me to her and kisses me passionately, putting her hands under my shirt.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>I don't want you to leave. Stay a little longer, give me your warmth.<</say>>
<<md>>I follow her example and run my hands under her dress and feel for her breasts. She's not wearing a bra and it turns me on. Hands gently squeeze the girl's left breast and I hear a low moan of satisfaction. And yet I have to let go of the girl and move over the other shoulder to the bra - for my own benefit. Lucy unbends her back a little, and I help myself with my hands, and my fingers gently rise to the bulge of the bra.<</md>>
<<md>>She moans and presses my fingers to her chest. I do the same and hear her soft moan as the hem of her dress slips through the slit in the fabric. Hands feel her panties...<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Wait, they can see us. Let's go inside.<</say>>
<<md>>She drags me along and I follow to her bedroom. She falls softly on the bed and I am on top of her. Hands themselves reach for the closed dress and pussy, which beckons me more than ever.<</md>>
<<md>>But the girl reacts instantly. She grabs my palm and presses it against her firm chest - while running her free hand over my chest and below. My eyes meet hers - she looks down and again runs her free hand over my body, just below the waist and slides her fingers over my stomach.<</md>>
<<md>>It is so exciting and passionate that I cease to understand how I can be alone with this woman and not touch her. I dig my fingers into her hips and pull her down to the bed with one strong tug.<</md>>
<<md>>I release her pussy from the shackles of her panties and now I see the beauty that called me there: a red pussy, so beautiful and so seductive that I can no longer tolerate and slowly insert my penis into her. She moans and we get closer to each other even deeper. Hands run through her hair and nibble at her neck, exposing her neck. Parting her hips with my knees, I slowly and soulfully reach the clitoris.... Its prickly stiffness and moisture pulsating in time with his movement excited me - I had not felt such closeness for a long time. With sharp jerks, I push my masculine nature, screwing into it to the very edge.<</md>>
<<md>>She becomes more and more bold and unrestrained, and I more and more immerse myself in her hot velvet hollow, scorching her neck with my lips and forcing her to bend towards me.<</md>>
<<md>>I keep pushing harder until pleasure hits me and I splash everything into her.<</md>>
<<md>>No, this is definitely the best day!<</md>>
<<md>>The weather was very good today.<</md>>
<<md>>There is no such disgusting wind that constantly prevents you from enjoying all the beauty of what is happening around. When you come to the beach to enjoy the unity with nature, this is the least you expect.<</md>>
<<md>>I never liked the wind, it constantly made me feel very uncomfortable. It’s like you’re a vulnerable little boy and a stone is about to hit your head. And so it happened with my friend...<</md>>
<<md>>I went into myself and my memories too much sometimes. And by the way, outside is the best possible weather. It's time to feel the warm of sea waves on your skin and swim as far as possible. Of course, my clothes are not well suited for this kind of entertainment, but when did it stop me?<</md>>
<<md>>I step along the edge of the shore when I feel the warm and gentle water touch my heels. A great feeling that is hard to convey in words. You feel like you're in the best massage parlor in town and can't stop. You need to try more and more. Hunger by the sea and this wonderful feeling overcomes you. You are not able to resist it.<</md>>
<<md>>Because as if hearing the call of the whole sea, I sink more and more into the sea waves, until only my head remains submerged in the water. But I quickly correct this shortcoming as well. I dive so deep over and over again that I can feel the water giving me freedom. She is my relief from the stress and anxiety of this world...<</md>>
<<md>>It was a wonderful day. The sea is very kind to me today. So I thought, until I got off her and noticed that my shorts had just floated away somewhere. Well at least I have at least some cowards.<</md>>
<<md>>Popping into the store, I catch the surprised looks of people. Yes, swimming without special shorts was definitely not a good idea. Next time I will think three times before going in there without the clothes I need.<</md>>
<<md>>I don't think I should go into the water without special shorts. And who knows what will happen this time.<</md>>
e swim better and not worry about something happening. As the saying goes, in good shorts it is good to live, in bad shorts it is bad even to die.<</md>>
<<md>>Oh, how hard it is to open your eyes on a weekend. The bed feels like it's whispering to you to stay with her, you and she are one. Yes, I don't want to get up either, but today is the day I have a lot to do.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So...<</say>>
<<md>>I step out of bed, but gravity pulls me back in. Should I get some more sleep? Yeah, that's a good idea...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What?<</say>>
<<md>>I suddenly hear a sound coming from the kitchen. Angela's up so early already? That doesn't sound like her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why do I care? I'll check later...<</say>>
<<md>>I'm about to go to sleep, my eyes heavy as if full of lead, but something is bothering me. I don't know what, however, for some reason it seems like a strange thing.<</md>>
[[Go check|AriaCoffeEvent1.2]]
[[Continue sleeping|AriaCoffeEvent1.3]]
<<md>>No, as much as I'd like to leave it all alone - I certainly won't be able to. Curiosity and discretion have saved my life more than once. Now there's something else here. There's a feeling that needs to be checked out.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Aria?<</say>>
<<md>>When I walk into the kitchen, I notice a student I know. She is holding a cup of coffee and brittle stirring it with a spoon. The girl turns to me and, feeling a little shy, continues to stir the cup.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you doing here?<</say>>
<<md>>Not that I'm not happy to see her. This girl is pretty attractive and her smile makes me literally melt all the time, but seeing her in your house is a little too much?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Aria?<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles and finally explains that she has decided to show me how grateful she is for my lessons. How much she appreciates me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do I get lessons?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl bites her lip seductively and says both.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But you broke into my house.<</say>>
<<md>>She replies that the door was open. Did I forget to close them before I went to bed? Hmmm...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>All the same, I'm grateful, but I think...<</say>>
<<md>>Before I can stop her, the girl begins to slowly and seductively unbutton the top buttons of her blouse.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>In the next room Angela is sleeping. I can't...<</say>>
<<md>>But she doesn't care, she puts my hand on her chest and tells me that I deserve this reward. That my lessons are so hot that she masturbates every time afterwards. These conversations make my dick turn to stone and make it harder and harder for me to resist her.<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Submit temptation|AriaCoffeEvent1.22]]
[[Deny her|AriaCoffeEvent1.21]] <<say $mc>>Sleep is more important...<</say>>
<<md>>I'm not going to panic about Angela getting up so early. Still, she can do what she wants. And all I want to do is sleep. So I lay down to sleep and sink into a long nap.<</md>>
<<set $AriaCoffeEvent = 3>>\
<<addmins 60>>\
[[Sleep|My room]] <<say $mc>>Aria, you're a beautiful girl and I really want you, but if Angela finds out...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl seems offended and gathers herself quickly. I want to say something to her, but I never knew how to comfort her in this situation. But before she goes out, she says she'll find a better way then.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I have no doubt, Aria, because you.<</say>>
<<md>>I take a sip of coffee. Oh, what is she... <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hot...<</say>>
<<md>>And another and another. Extraordinary.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>...just like this coffee.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, at least I got my coffee.<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $AriaCoffeEvent = 2>>\
[[Leave|Kitchen]] <<md>>When I walk into the kitchen, Angela is already there.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good morning. Bon appetit.
<<md>>She smiles back at me and continues eating breakfast. I notice a cup of coffee on the table by the coffee maker. Just the way I like it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You made me coffee? This is so nice.
<<md>>Angela looks at me in surprise.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>It wasn't me. I thought you made coffee this morning and went to bed.
<<md>>Wait, she's saying it wasn't her?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I was asleep and I heard someone fiddling in the kitchen.
<<say $Angela>>It definitely wasn't me. I don't get up that early, you know. Unless it's a special occasion.
<<md>>You mean who came to my apartment and made coffee? Is that the kind of thing...<</md>>
[[Check front door|AriaCoffeEvent1.32]] <<md>>I pick her up in my arms and pull her toward my room. Then I gently pull up her skirt and pull down her panties, kissing her ass. Her skin is sensitive and responsive to my caresses. Her wet crotch trembles slightly with excitement.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Show how grateful you are...<</say>>
<<md>>One of my hands goes between her legs and I gently press her clit. Her breathing gets deeper and she wriggles her whole body. I keep kissing her and soon we're in bed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it...<</say>>
<<md>>My cock enters her without any problem. My movement to her uncovered body causes her to scream with pleasure. Our bodies fight rhythmically against each other. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Slower, girl!<</say>>
<<md>>She moans longingly and I think I've driven her insane, but really I'm just beginning my game.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you like it?<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\AriaCoffe1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>My lips find hers and, embracing her, I gently slide my cock into her hole, overflowing with the juices of pleasure. Her arms encircle my neck. She wraps her legs around me as I bring her back to me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I will...<</say>>
<<md>>Her lips are stretched into a shy smile, and her eyes are closed. Her nipples tense and she squeezes them tightly. I can feel how much she desires me.<</md>>
<<md>>My body is tense and ready to explode with the passion that engulfs me. We don't take our eyes off each other. She looks at me like a god.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Want more?<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\AriaCoffee2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I sharply increase the pace and after a second's hesitation she sinks her teeth into my lower lip, simultaneously wrapping her legs around me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, that's it!<</say>>
<<md>>I cum immediately. Along with my orgasm, a thin stream of pleasure juice comes out of her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I hope you're not going to penetrate my apartment again?<</say>>
<<md>>That girl smiles mysteriously and slips out of my apartment just as mysteriously as she appeared.<</md>>
<<addmins 20>>\
<<set $AriaCoffeEvent = 1>>\
[[Leave|My room]] <<md>>I check the door, pull the handle and... They open. So I forgot to lock them last night. But who was that? And what did he want?<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $AriaCoffeEvent = 4>>\
[[Leave|Home corridor]] <<md>>Well, Monica seems to be doing much better. The treatment is working for her, which means that soon the beautiful day will come when she can go home.<</md>>
<<if $MonicaImage25Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $MonicaImage25Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>It's amazing.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, I can't wait for this moment anymore. It will be the best time when we can continue our training again. When we train with her, it makes me feel special. Not like in class, no. It's a little bit better here. It's like I'm in my own place.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Monica makes me feel special.<</say>>
<<md>>It is necessary to write to her and find out when she should be picked up from the hospital. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Friday at 4 p.m.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monicai\Quest\Video\MonicaCatchCam1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>The answer didn't take too long. It looks like I can take her away.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 13>>\
[[My room]]<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 24 && $mc.Strength gte 6 && $BusEventGoth == 1>>\
<<md>>There aren't many people at the bus stop today. Usually it's just a crowd, but today there are only a few people here. Well, that's even better, the fewer people there are, the fewer of them will take their place inside.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fine.<</say>>
<<md>>I look back at the bus stop and notice one familiar face looking at me as if scanning me. She's burning a hole in me with curiosity.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's...<</say>>
<<md>>Oh yes, this is the same girl I accidentally touched when there were too many crowds on the bus. Yes, her soft buttocks were so nice to the touch. She can't seem to forget that either. Otherwise, why would she be looking at me so intently right now?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh so... <</say>>
<<md>>I smiled, but the girl just turned away, looking at the road. Who's to say what's on this amazing person's mind?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>At least the bus is already here.<</say>>
<<md>>I was watching the yellow transport pull up and was filled with hope that I would be leaving soon, when suddenly I heard a strange sound. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a knife appear in the girl's hands, and she was quick, almost lightning quick.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No!<</say>>
<<md>>The blows sound one after another. With a thud, the knife enters again and again. This sight frightens me more and more. The girl has so much aggression and anger that she seems to tear apart anyone who comes near her. <</md>>
[[Stop her|BusEventGoth1]]
<<set _BusEventBeginArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _BusEventBeginArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Public transportation is humanity's best invention. The only problem is that you have to wait too long for it.<</md>>
<<set _BusEventBeginPicArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _BusEventBeginPicArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\BusArrive1.mp4"></video></div>
<<case 4>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\BusArrive4.mp4"></video></div>
[[Enter the bus|BusEventInside]]
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Here finally is my bus. I thought it would never show up.<</md>>
<<set _BusEventBeginPicArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _BusEventBeginPicArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
[[Enter the bus|BusEventInside]]
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Waiting for the bus to take me to school feels like I'm going back to my teenage years and high school myself. There is something very romantic and yet hateful at the same time about this form of transportation.<</md>>
<<set _BusEventBeginPicArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _BusEventBeginPicArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
[[Enter the bus|BusEventInside]]
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>It's been forever. Well, or so it seemed to me. But the point is, the bus is finally here.<</md>>
<<set _BusEventBeginPicArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _BusEventBeginPicArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
[[Enter the bus|BusEventInside]]
<<addmins 10>>\
<</if>>\<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 12 && $mc.Boldness gte 2 && $BusEventGoth == 0>>\
<<md>>Wow, honestly, I didn't even expect so many crowds. It's almost crowded in here today.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Excuse me...<</say>>
<<md>>The transport kicked off and I was thrown to the other side. I tried to keep my balance, reached out and stopped on something soft and quite elastic. Oh, are there really pillows here? They're so nice to the touch and they remind me of... Someone's...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sorry!<</say>>
<<md>>But by the time I realize it's someone's ass, it's too late. A swift slap burns my cheek. One of the schoolgirls directly burns a hole in me and walks to the other end of the bus.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sorry...<</say>>
<<md>>She can't hear me. Well, good, because I don't have to lie anymore. Because I'm sorry that I didn't squeeze her two luscious halves even harder. That she didn't moan with pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Next time.<</say>>
<<set $BusEventGoth = 1>>\
<<md>>Yes, next time might be different, but now my trip is coming to an end.<</md>>
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Leave the bus|School gate]]
<<elseif $BusEventCoffee == 0>>\
<<md>>I step confidently inside the bus. There aren't too many people around, but not too few either. The bus now reminds me of someone's house party, to which only the most necessary people have been invited.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's beautiful...<</say>>
<<md>>Students are discussing something, laughing loudly. The driver honks his horn, signaling that he's about to embark on a journey, when a girl runs into the cabin, a little disheveled. She's holding coffee. She waves to her friends and hurries toward them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's go.<</say>>
<<md>>At that moment the bus pulls up and the student, hurrying to her friends, is standing next to me. Her eyes are filled with consternation and I don't immediately understand what finally happened.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What...<</say>>
<<md>>I notice the many smartphones aimed directly at me, and a feeling of warmth spreads across my chest. It only takes a second, watching the brown stain on my shirt grow larger and larger, for me to realize what has happened. I see a pleading look in the student's eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, it's no big deal.<</say>>
<<md>>It's not the first coffee on my shirt, so it's really no big deal. Besides, I have to go home. You can't be in school dressed like that. Finally, our institution has a certain reputation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It looks like we're going to have to skip school today.<</say>>
<<md>>Yeah, unfortunately, I don't have a shirt to change into, so I have to stay home today.<</md>>
<<set $BusEventCoffee = 1>>\
<<addmins 120>>\
[[Back|My room]]
<<elseif $BusEventDee == 0>>\
<<md>>Riding the bus always fills me with a kind of strange energy that makes me really want to live. But when there are so many people like this, it's actually hard to even breathe here.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh.<</say>>
<<md>>The crowd carries me to the corner where I have to stay. Next to me are several schoolgirls I know. Most, however, are unfamiliar to me. Well, or rather, I've seen all of their faces somewhere in school, but not intimately familiar.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\BusFoxi1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Another turn and one of the girls was right up against me, extremely tight. I tried to push her away, but not very successfully. I think I only touched her skirt. The girl smiled weakly at me, pretending nothing had happened.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry.<</say>>
<<md>>I could have done without apologizing, but... Hmm... And she's good. What nice legs. Sipastic girl. Too bad there are so many people on the bus. I could have talked to her more closely. Although it's the kind of crowd that might play into my hands if I want to get a closer look at her ass. The only question is whether I want to risk that much. If she screams or does something like that, she might get the attention of the other students, and there's no shortage of trouble with Clara. So what do I really want?<</md>>
<<if $SchoolExhibitionism gte 32 && $mc.Boldness gte 4 >>\
[[Lift up her skirt|BusEventInsideDee]]
[[Do nothing|BusEventInsideDee2]]
<<elseif $BusEventSchoolgirlBlow == 0>>\
<<md>>I walk up the stairs of the bus and go inside. I say hello to the driver and walk off into the back of the cabin. It's full of female students having fun. Some of them are dancing, some of them are whispering.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good morning, my dears.<</say>>
<<md>>I notice dozens of eyes greeting me happily, so I can't help but reciprocate. The bus begins to move, and I sit down in the seat, enjoying the feeling of peace.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm...<</say>>
<<md>>Here I notice something strange that he has yet to see. The girls are smiling happily and laughing loudly because there is a guy in their midst. It's a little strange, but I try not to pay attention to it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\BusBoyFinger1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>But one of the girls laughs loudly and longingly, hugging the guy. He pulls her to him and they kiss sweetly. He then runs his hands down her panties. The student moans longingly, but pushes the guy away.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds like someone jumped to conclusions.<</say>>
<<md>>Yeah, it's hard to know when a girl is ready for something more, and if she's not. And the guy seems to be a little misunderstood. The girl doesn't want to let him near her. She's showing that she's available.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Get lucky next time, boy.<</say>>
<<md>>But it looks like the guy isn't going to back down. He is furious. Instantly, he forcefully brings the girl to her knees in front of him. She resists, but physical force is hard to ignore. Some of the girls try to stop him, but the guy pushes them away so that they almost don't fly through the window.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Strength gte 5>>\
[[Stop him|BusEventBlowIntervene]]
[[Just watch|BusEventBlowNothing]]
<<elseif $AriaCoffeEvent == 2>>\
<<md>>The last thing you expect when stepping into the bus cabin is to meet your boss there.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara?<</say>>
<<md>>I meet the woman's gaze and I get a cheerful nod. There are a lot of people around, but I can clearly hear what she says to me.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Good morning, $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What are you doing here? I thought you had your own car.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Of course I do. Is it forbidding me to take the bus?<</say>>
<<md>>Hmm. I guess it just seems a little weird.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, of course not. I'm a little...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Haha, it's okay. You're not the first person to be surprised. But traveling on the bus opens your eyes a little bit to the world we live in. You can often get to know better the people you're around, live with, or even work with.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, that makes sense. Well, I'll see you at school.<</say>>
<<md>>The bus has moved and so I head to the other end of the transport, bypassing many female students. They say hello to me, smile, say something, and it certainly lifts my spirits.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Please...<</say>>
<<md>>I go where I see an empty seat. But when I go around the three schoolgirls, I see that next to the seat I wanted to take, sits my acquaintance.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Aria...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\AriaBusMeet1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>The girl smiles. Well... After that incident with the coffee I think I should not be surprised, although a little bit uncomfortable.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So... How are you doing...<</say>>
<<md>>Before I can say anything, the girl's already stroking my dick through my pants.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Aria, there are people here...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl smiles and whispers in my ear that she always gets what she wants, and she's not interested in everyone around her. That she wants me, and she will have me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>There's Clara...<</say>>
<<md>>My excitement grows by the minute, but I don't want to risk it like this in front of Clara. If he finds out, it could be a misunderstanding at best. Meanwhile, Aria is already unzipping my pants.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wait...<</say>>
<<md>>She's not listening. The student runs her delicate hands down my underpants and starts massaging my cock, moving her hand up and down. If I don't stop... Shit, I think one of the students is watching!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's go!<</say>>
<<md>>I grab the girl's hand and we jump out at the bus stop before we get to school. When I get her home, I throw her on the bed and grab her by the hair.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bitch, what do you think you're doing?<</say>>
<<md>>I pull up her skirt and literally rip her panties apart. But Aria is just moaning. She's loving this.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you want it?<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\AriaBusFuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She nods and my cock comes in sharply. I can feel the heat spreading through my body with every movement.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh so...<</say>>
<<md>>She screams loudly and wraps her arms around me. I tear into her with my anger and my cock, thrusting more and more.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So...<</say>>
<<md>>My cock pulses harder and harder until it explodes pleasure right into her womb.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it, bitch!<</say>>
<<md>>Aria grins and says she always gets what she wants. Wait, she tricked me? I'm not supposed to do that... But the girl wiggles her ass and disappears from my house.<</md>>
<<addmins 60>>\
[[Back|My room]]
<<set _BusEventInsideArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _BusEventInsideArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Not too many people inside today. Even surprising for this time of day. Usually there are a lot of students and students on this kind of transportation. However, many of them do not need to take the bus today because some live very close to the school and others have their own cars.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You young people, you don't know what you're missing.<</say>>
<<md>>I silently stared out the window and enjoyed the views. Even though the trip wasn't that long, it wouldn't stop me from enjoying the beauty of the still somewhat sleepy city.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fine...<</say>>
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Leave the bus|School gate]]
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Travelling through the city is always soothing and a lot of fun. You get to watch the city live and travel in comfort. Isn't that amazing?<</md>>
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Leave the bus|School gate]]
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>The bus slowly moves off and I take my seat. If there's anything quiet and meditative, it's watching the life of the city while you listen to music. It's a journey that lulls you to sleep.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hmm?<</say>>
<<md>>I think I fell asleep for a while. Oh, what a beautiful journey. <</md>>
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Leave the bus|School gate]]
<<addmins 20>>\<<md>>All I really need is a quiet day. There are plenty of girls around as it is with whom I could study biology more deeply, hehe. Now I could put my whole career in jeopardy if I took the risk.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No...<</say>>
<<md>>I think I said it too loudly and the girl looked away. Not to explain to her the temptation I had to fight, I just stared out the window for the rest of the trip. <</md>>
<<set $BusEventDee = 1>>\
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Leave the bus|School gate]]<<md>>There is nothing more seductive than a girl in a short skirt with sexy legs. You can't resist temptation, it's beyond you.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So...<</say>>
<<md>>My hand reaches for her skirt, which I pull up higher and higher, exposing two luscious halves. Her ass, though petite, looks so tempting.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mmmm.<</say>>
<<md>>She touches my hand, trying to feign resistance. But I know it's just a game. She likes it and I keep going. I touch her halves, stroking them harder and harder. The girl no longer resists, but allows me more and more.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\BusFoxi2.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $mc>>That's what you want...<</say>>
<<md>>I whisper in her ear, she nods her head. I pull the fabric of her panties aside, then slide my finger into her pussy.<</md>>
<<md>>The touch of my cold finger on her hot flesh makes her moan. I think she feels exactly like me in that moment. It's an obsession. I literally force her into my fingers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes, you are very... <</say>>
<<md>>I enjoy feeling her clit, pressing harder on it. When she moans back again, I clench my teeth and dare her to speed up the process. She flexes with pleasure, clinging to me tighter and tighter.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>...slutty girl...<</say>>
<<md>>With each movement I increase the pace, making the girl's body grow hotter and hotter. She stiffens for a moment, and then her vagina tightens around my finger, showering me with pleasure juice.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Hmm, it seems my stop. Leaving the girl to come from her orgasm, I hurried to get off the bus.<</md>>
<<set $BusEventDee = 2>>\
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Leave the bus|School gate]]
<<md>>He has no right to behave that way in a public place, and with weak girls. If he wants strength, I'll show him strength.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, stop it!<</say>>
<<md>>But the guy doesn't hear me, his eyes are almost glassy, which means he's already used something. Drugs, maybe? Where did this guy come from in the first place? But there's no time to think about it, the guy comes at me with his fists.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you doing?<</say>>
<<md>>But his hand keeps trying to hit me. He leaves me no choice. I get sucked into the fight, catch him in the middle of another punch and try to restrain him. That's when his left hand almost crashes into me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, damn it all!<</say>>
<<md>>I hit him in the balls with my knee and the guy slides down involuntarily. The girls applaud and the one I saved looks at me appreciatively. Even if it's an act, they liked the fact that I protected them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, stop, please, one passenger needs to be thrown away.<</say>>
<<md>>I turn to the driver, he nods understandingly and we leave the battered guy on the street. The bus moves on.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you okay?<</say>>
<<md>>I turn to the girl. And she looks at me, and then she hugs me. She presses her breasts against me so hard that my dick instantly rises and rests against her stomach.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hmmm.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl smiles and runs her hand over my cock.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Listen, you don't have to...<</say>>
<<md>>But she pulls up her skirt and says she has to thank me. Well, I'm not one to turn down such a gift. Especially her body is very sexy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I like my reward.<</say>>
<<md>>I pull down her panties, and then slowly enter her pussy with my cock. The girl moans softly and barely audible. But this makes it even more pleasurable for me. <</md>>
<<md>>At first we don't move, but just lie on the seats, as if letting the girls enjoy the view. But after a few seconds I can feel that she is ready. Her body shudders softly, she extends her arms toward me and I head to call her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh so...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\BusBoyFuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I look into her eyes, and I see a frantic appreciation for me in them. She lets out a low moan and then a loud groan. She moans and starts wiggling her hips.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I will...<</say>>
<<md>>My hands massage her buttocks, sliding over the smooth skin. After the third time, her vagina becomes very hot and wistful. She begins to twitch, but she doesn't let go of me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Slightly...Show them...<</say>>
<<md>>We start to move in the same rhythm. I start to move faster, and she responds in kind.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Show them everything...<</say>>
<<md>>When she comes, her knees tremble. She bites her lips, trying to calm the convulsive trembling. And it's about time, because we've already arrived.<</md>>
<<set $BusEventSchoolgirlBlow = 2>>\
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Leave the bus|School gate]]
<<md>>I think if the girls really wanted to get rid of him, the whole bus would be shaking. They'd be digging their nails into his face or just kicking him in the balls. But they don't do anything because.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>They like it.<</say>>
<<md>>Yeah, they wonder what's going to happen next. They play the weak, but they love the ones who will dominate them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Heh.<</say>>
<<md>>Now I notice the girl herself reaching for the guy's cock, running her tongue over it. She takes the cock more and more into her mouth. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hmmm.<</say>>
<<md>>The guy strokes her head and her face softens. It's like she's falling asleep.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It always works...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl laughs, drops her skirt and unbuttons her shirt, too. Her eyes are filled with passion.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Like clockwork...<</say>>
<<md>>The guy is horny. His hot hand goes up to his cock and grips it just above the head.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's beautiful.<</say>>
<<md>>She starts making head movements. I see only inarticulate flashes of orgasm on the guy's face until the girl's head movement stops. She gets all of his pleasure spilling out in front of her. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, what a good show.<</say>>
<<md>>And just in time, too, because we're just getting there.<</md>>
<<set $BusEventSchoolgirlBlow = 1>>\
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Leave the bus|School gate]]<<if $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 1 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:00')>>\
<<set _BusStopPositiveArray = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _BusStopPositiveArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>There are quite a lot of people at the bus stop. It looks like the bus will come soon.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Oh, I think I'm just in time. The transport is about to arrive.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>The bus stop is full of people. So the bus will come soon.<</md>>
<<set _BusStopNegativeArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _BusStopNegativeArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>I don't think I will wait for the bus at this time.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>No trace of the bus. I think it is better to walk to school. <</md>>
[[Wait for the bus|BusEventBegin]]
[[Back|Street York-Road]]
<<md>>Camila. I can stop thinking about her. This girl is perfect in almost everything. She is modest, but at the same time promiscuous. Her body, it was made for love.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Did you want me to serve you, my lord?<</say>>
<<md>>Camilla is wearing a maid's outfit and she looks even sexier than ever in it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, serve me. Come here.<</say>>
<<md>>I smile at Camila as she takes off all her clothes. Her breasts are a work of art. As I squeeze them, my cock gets even harder.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Oh, this is for me, my lord? Do you want me to polish it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I want it, Camilla...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl joyfully sits on my cock with her pussy. A small moan escapes her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Ha-ha...<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles and starts massaging me with her sweet bosom. I squeeze her soft ass. I like that feeling. This is exactly what I dreamed about. Her nipple slowly swells and hardens under my fingers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Like this... <</say>>
<<md>>Camilla enjoys my power over her. The girl shuddered with pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Serve me... <</say>>
<<md>>I feel sweet bliss. Now her buzz will be sharper. I sink into her with my rod more and more. I can't do anything about myself. I want more. I close my eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Give me pleasure! <</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Camilla\Quest\Video\CamillaServe1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I'm so excited that I can't stop and keep on endlessly pounding this sweet hole. She gasps for air and moans softly before giving me a sweet orgasm.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes!<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, what a pity that this is only a dream for now.<</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest5 = 7>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>When I walk into the store, a bell bell cheerfully greets me with its ringing. It's worth noting that it used to annoy me a lot, but now I feel that these bells are nothing but singing of joy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello, gorgeous.<</say>>
<<md>>Camila stands behind the cash register and counts something. She doesn't seem to notice me and is dancing a little bit. Oh, apparently, while none of the customers are there, the woman is relaxing listening to music. Her movements are very graceful and she doesn't even look at me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fine.<</say>>
<<md>>I am content to watch her move, immersed in the world of art. She looks so happy that I don't even want to bother her.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Oh, $mc.Name!<</say>>
<<md>>Finally, Camila notices me and smiles broadly. That smile kind of turns everything inside me upside down.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you.<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Oh, no, no, I'm glad you're here. I'm practically dying of boredom. There's nobody here and I'm so bored. Music is the only thing that saves me. Would you like to dance with me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, I'm not too...<</say>>
<<md>>It looks like the woman is not going to listen to my protests and grabs my hand. She moves her hips so fiercely that I have no choice but to join in.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>That's it.<</say>>
<<md>>She presses against me and sensitively runs her hand down my cheek, and then she turns around and starts rubbing her ass against me. Her buttocks are so soft and she smells so good that I think I'm losing my head.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Ha-ha, great! You're a born dancer!<</say>>
<<md>>A few dances later and one big boner that nearly tore my pants, we finally stop. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's just that with you I can dance all night long.<</say>>
<<md>>Camille falls gently into her seat.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Yes, I feel the same way. You make my body sing.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, it's mutual, my baby. Our bodies are kind of born to be one. You'll soon see that. At least, I certainly hope so.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Camilla, I wanted to ask you...<</say>>
<<md>>And at the same moment, a whole pack of teenagers enters the store. They're making noise and laughing and shouting.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Sorry, I have to do my job.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course.<</say>>
<<md>>As much as I want to, I have to wait until all the teenagers, one by one, get what they came for. Camila is glowing because she managed to have a good bargain.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>What do you want to say?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl grabs my arm and snuggles up tight.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ah, yes... I thought I'd invite you to the cinema.<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Do you think you can seduce me with the magic of cinema?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That was the plan.<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Ha-ha, how interesting. Well, let's say I agree, what are we going to do?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Something romantic?<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Oh, yeah. That's what I love.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How about Friday?<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Oh, that's great! I just have a shortened day because of the accounting.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fine. Then I'll pick you up at four.<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Thank you. Thank you for everything!<</say>>
<<md>>Camila quite sang the last words, pressed herself against me, and kissed me on the cheek. What a nice feeling. I wanted Friday to come as soon as possible! <</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest6 = 2>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 8>>\
[[Leave|Imagination Reflection]]<<md>>Camila is unusually beautiful today. The white blouse and light blue skirt suit her so well.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello, movie star.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl smiles and fumbles a little, fixing her hair.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>What a star I am...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The best!<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Ha-ha, well, if you say so.<</say>>
<<md>>I hug Camila from behind and kiss her neck.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>If you want, we can stay here...<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>No, I've been waiting for this all day!<</say>>
<<md>>She playfully pushes me away, after which I take her hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, let's go then.<</say>>
[[To the cinema|CamillaQuest8.4]]<<md>>There is a pleasant semi-darkness in the hall. A large screen slightly illuminates the spacious hall, allowing me to enjoy Camille's pleasant facial features.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Good...<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, it's really good. Her nose looks so much more attractive in that half-light. And the neck, looking at it just makes me go crazy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Camilla...<</say>>
<<md>>I lean toward her to whisper something in her ear, but I don't hold back and press my lips to her neck. I don't care what's happening on the screen. The important thing is that Camila is here, very close...<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>$mc.Name...<</say>>
<<md>>She whispers my name and it only makes me want to kiss her more, so I continue my journey down her neck. Her breathing becomes heavier than that, and I feel an extraordinary pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Camilla...<</say>>
<<md>>But suddenly there is a sound that arises between our passion in the half-light. Camila's phone rings. The girl casts a brief glance at it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't mind it.<</say>>
<<md>>I kiss her lips softly, trying to turn her toward me. I touch her face with my hands, and then I move my hand lower onto the girl's gorgeous bust. It's so soft and seductive. It's like it's turning over inside me just by touching her.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>$mc.Name...I have to answer...<</say>>
<<md>>Camila is distracted again and responds by leaving the room. Damn, and I was so close. When she returns, I can see how puzzled she is.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What happened?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl lowers her eyes to the floor.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>I'm sorry, I know that we planned to spend this evening together, but my grandmother isn't feeling well. She's not feeling well and I have to go. <</say>>
<<md>>When I hear that, at first I get angry. This was supposed to be a special night, just the two of us. The realization that it hadn't gone according to plan made me feel bitterly disappointed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I understand. Family is always important.<</say>>
<<md>>Camila from the first time we met her is just like that, and it sets her apart from many others. Most care only about themselves, but this girl's heart is so big that she thinks about others much more than she does about herself.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Thank you for your understanding.<</say>>
<<md>>She kisses me softly on the cheek, and it smoothes out a little of the disappointment that seems to be stuck in my throat. Still, Camila is amazing, and that's why I love her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're welcome.<</say>>
<<md>>I hug her goodbye and we leave the theater.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Well, I'll call you again...<</say>>
<<md>>Why do I feel like I can do anything? I don't want the evening to end like this. However, what can I do in this situation? <</md>>
[[Go with her|CamillaQuest8.5]]
[[Don't rush things|CamillaQuest8.6]]<<md>>Yes, that would be a good option, if she agrees. I want to be close to Camila, to know how she lives. That's why she'll need my help more than ever.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Look, I know this is unexpected, but how would you feel about me helping you?<</say>>
<<md>>Camila looks at me in surprise.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Do you want to help me take care of Grandma?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She's part of your life, of course, and it seems logical that I should get to know you a little more. And about her, of course...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl smiles broadly.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Okay, let's go!<</say>>
<<md>>And grabbing my hand, she pulls me forward through a street full of people straight to her house. <</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest6 = 3>>\
[[Enter her house|CamillaQuest8.51]]<<md>>As much as I would like to do something, however, it is not a good idea to interfere in a girl's private affairs. Nevertheless, I don't think she's ready to introduce me to her family. If she had wanted to, it would have been done by now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll be waiting for your call.<</say>>
<<md>>And I watch the girl disappear in the middle of the crowd, and then I just go home afterwards.<</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest6 = 4>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 20>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Back|Street York-Road]]<<md>>When I cross the threshold of Camilla's house, I immediately notice how clean and perfect everything is. There are clothes hanging in the hallway, but they are sorted by colors and shades.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Grandma likes perfect order.<</say>>
<<md>>Camila smiles at me as we undress.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Grandma, I'm home.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl tells me what's coming, after which she walks up the stairs. Why does she look gorgeous in that skirt. While Camila is gone, I look around. This house feels like it has come down to me from the pages of Victorian novels.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ow!<</say>>
<<md>>Huge portraits stare at me as if judging me. Hmm, I sit down on the big, fluffy couch and wait for Camila to return.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>$mc.Name! Come on, I'll introduce you.<</say>>
<<md>>I follow Camila and enter a bedroom with a very large number of plants. Camila leads me to my grandmother lying on the bed.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Grandma, meet $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<md>>The woman smiles and says who stole her granddaughter's heart.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's a pleasure to meet you. That's who's taking care of Camille.<</say>>
<<md>>The woman laughs loudly and coughs. The picture is not a pleasant one, but the grandmother finally tells Camila and who is taking care of her.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Grandmother, injection time. $mc.Name, can I talk to you for a minute?<</say>>
<<md>>Camila and I go out into the hallway, and she leads me into the kitchen. I've never seen a kitchen this big before. It looks more like a royal mansion.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Listen, I'm going to give her her injections now, and could you make her some food? Nothing complicated, just oatmeal and scrambled eggs and jam.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>With jam?<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Oh yes, she loves it. I'll show you where to get it.<</say>>
<<md>>Camila showed me where everything was and went to her grandmother's bedroom herself. Surprisingly, it felt right. It was as if I had found myself at home.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So...<</say>>
<<md>>Scrambled eggs are scrambling loudly in the frying pan as I immerse myself in my thoughts. Just as Camila returns everything is ready. Oh, there's a beautiful view from here.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>You did it already! You're a miracle!<</say>>
<<md>>She laughs and kisses me on the cheek, then asks her to wait. I nod, and not five minutes later the girl comes back.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>She really liked it, says you're a born cook.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm glad I didn't spoil anything.<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>You couldn't have spoiled anything. Let's go.<</say>>
<<md>>Camila holds out her hand again, signaling me to follow her. I do, and then we end up in a cozy bedroom.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So this is where you change?<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Ha-ha, and not only that. This is where I wake up with thoughts of you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Really? <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Yes.<</say>>
<<md>>I pull her to me and our lips merge in a kiss.<</md>>
<<md>>Her lips are soft and warm and soft, but there is clearly something spicy, lively and attractive about them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What else are you doing here?<</say>>
<<md>>They are not inferior to mine in their eroticism, I think I will not be able to forget it for the rest of my life. It is very difficult to part with it. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Guess.<</say>>
<<md>>She opens hers slightly and digs into my lip, sucking on it. She does it so skillfully that I feel aroused. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh...<</say>>
<<md>>Soon I am almost completely in it and our tongues are intertwined.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Thank you for what you did today. You are unbelievable. I still can't believe how lucky I am to have you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm lucky to have you.<</say>>
<<md>>We kiss for a while, after which she runs her hand over her body.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Do you like the way I look?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Extremely. You are divine!<</say>>
<<md>>Camila laughs loudly and buries her face into my shoulder.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Wow, divine! Yes, I think you stopped there.<</say>>
<<md>>She puts my hand on her breasts. They feel so soft to the touch. I squeeze them in my hands, which makes her moan slightly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mmm... <</say>>
<<md>>I can feel her heart beating. Her pulse is very fast, and when I squeeze her in my arms, she flinches. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>What a big heart you have.<</say>>
<<md>>But her sexuality does not lose its poignancy and remains just as attractive. She is like a flower petal.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Would you like to see closer?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes.<</say>>
<<md>>She unbuttoned her blouse and let her huge breasts slip out of her clothes. I can see her nipples swell up.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What a beautiful body...<</say>>
<<md>>I've never seen such a perfect figure as hers.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Yes, it's all yours.<</say>>
<<md>>I feel a desire building up inside me. I stroke her skin.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>If so...<</say>>
<<md>>I look at her breasts and inhale their scent. I gently touch them with my lips. They are salty. She likes that kind of caress. I touch her nipples with my tongue and feel her squeeze her hips. It likes it even more.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it, my baby.<</say>>
<<md>>I feel another wave of heat as her hand touches my jeans.<</md>>
[[Touch her breasts more |CamillaQuest8.53]]
[[Remove your pants|CamillaQuest8.52]]<<md>>I take off my pants, letting my cock jump out of them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Uh-oh.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Camilla\Quest\Video\CamillaGrandCinemaSuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Camilla happily licks my cock, running her tongue over it.<</md>>
<<md>>She looks into my eyes. Her gaze is softer and gentler now, and I have hope that this will help me.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>It's a treasure!<</say>>
<<md>>I feel her hot tongue on my skin and shudder with bliss. My erection grows with each passing moment.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mmm ... <</say>>
<<md>>I can feel her fingers caressing my scrotum. I love it when her hands touch me.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>You're the most handsome guy in the world!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Camilla\Quest\Video\CamillaGrandCinemaSuck2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I feel waves of heat from her mouth. She moans as I enter her mouth hard.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Yes, stronger! <</say>>
<<md>>We begin to move at the same pace. Gradually it speeds up.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Fuck my mouth, fill it with your seeds.<</say>>
<<md>>I feel like I can't stand it. I don't have the strength.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Take it!<</say>>
<<md>>And the sperm pours right into her hot mouth.<</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest6 = 31>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 81>>\
[[Back|Street York-Road]]<<md>>With love, I put my hand down on her breasts and start stroking her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So... <</say>>
<<md>>I gently run my finger over one. She looks at me and smiles. I run my finger over the second one.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I...<</say>>
<<md>>She is like a beautiful jewel. And I am like a jeweler trying to polish this stone on my tongue, making it moan.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I will...<</say>>
<<md>>She looks into my eyes. I feel that she still wants me, that she doesn't want me to stop. And I don't want to, but...<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Sorry!<</say>>
<<md>>Grandmother calls Camila, so she has to leave. When she comes back, we continue to caress, but the moment is already down. Besides, she needs to take care of Grandma, so I go home.<</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest6 = 32>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 9>>\
[[Back|Street York-Road]]<<md>>The evening seems calm and somewhat relaxed when I hear my phone vibrating. At first I don't even want to pick up the phone, because I've already gone to bed. But the insistence of the call makes me reach for it and see who's there.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello?<</say>>
<<md>>At first there was no answer, so I looked at the screen to see who it was.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Camille?<</say>>
<<md>>Silence again and some strange noise like obstacles.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Camille?<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>$mc.Name, sorry to bother you so late, I just don't know who else to turn to.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What happened?<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>My phone. There's something wrong with it. You're broken, I think. Could you...<</say>>
<<md>>And again the connection was interrupted, again some obstacles.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Camille?<</say>>
<<md>>But there was no response. The noise again. I tried to call back, but the result was still the same. Well, tomorrow I'll visit Camilla in the store and find out more about the problem. <</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest6 = 41>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 21>>\
[[Yeah|My room]]<<say $mc>>What's the problem with the phone?<</say>>
<<md>>I decided to go straight to the substance, so as not to waste any time. Especially since the store is pretty crowded right now, so I don't think the girl has too much time on her hands.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Oh, you're my savior! It hasn't turned on since last night.<</say>>
<<md>>Camila shows me her smartphone and her hands are literally shaking. Obviously, this event frightened him a lot.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How did you call me?<</say>>
<<md>>I smile toward her, hoping that this will at least slightly alleviate the anxiety that has literally taken hold of her. It didn't work, though.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Well, it turns on from time to time, but it takes a real miracle.<</say>>
<<md>>I take the phone in my hands and stroke the girl.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, come on, I'll try to deal with him as soon as possible. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Thank you, you're the best.<</say>>
<<md>>She kisses me on the cheek and then returns to her duties.<</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest6 = 42>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 22>>\
[[Leave|Imagination Reflection]]<<say $mc>>Yeah, well, let's see what's up.<</say>>
<<md>>I try to turn on the phone, but, like Camila said, it has a life of its own.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, you don't want to respond to inclusion, do you? How about this?<</say>>
<<md>>I remember some tricks I read about on the Internet. I never had a chance to test them in practice.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come on! Come on! <</say>>
<<md>>Hmm, still doesn't seem to work. I'll have to try something else.<</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest6 = 43>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 23>>\
[[Sure|My room]]<<if $mc.Intellect < 6>>\
<<md>>My knowledge is still not enough to solve this mystery.<</md>>
[[Need to fix it|My room]]
<<md>>That's it, must go.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Finally.<</say>>
<<md>>After a little trickery, I still manage to fix it. Now everything is in order and Camila can be satisfied.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wait a minute, though.<</say>>
<<md>>When I've already had this chance, maybe I shouldn't waste it. Maybe improve the phone a little bit to learn more about Kamil?<</md>>
<</if>>\<<say $mc>>That's better.<</say>>
<<md>>Now I'll be able to enjoy Camille up close. I hope there's something really worthwhile waiting for me. I should give the phone back to the owner.<</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest6 = 44>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 24>>\
[[Yeah|My room]]<<say $mc>>No, it's none of my business.<</say>>
<<md>>I will not abuse the girl's trust and spy on her. She deserves better. If she wants to tell me something or show me something, she will. In the meantime... I should give the phone back to the owner.<</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest6 = 45>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 25>>\
[[Okay|My room]]<<say $mc>>Here's your friend, the new guy!<</say>>
<<md>>I hold out my smartphone and give it to Camile.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Oh, you just bailed me out. What was in there?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Some technical trouble. But nothing that I couldn't handle. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Thank you again.<</say>>
<<md>>Camila is radiant with happiness, and that's the only thing I care about right now. Nothing else matters.<</md>>
<<if $CamillaQuest3T == 24>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 241>>\
<<elseif $CamillaQuest3T == 25>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 26>>\
[[Leave|Imagination Reflection]]<<say $mc>>So, let's see.<</say>>
<<md>>The camera turns on and at first I don't see anything interesting. Just Camila watching through the window. But soon enough...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, so...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl removes her clothes, remaining in a blue provocative top and white panties.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>$mc.Name, you are so manly.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Camilla\Quest\Video\CamillaPhoneSpy1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She begins to squeeze her breasts in her hands. I can see her nipples straining under her clothes. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>I like it that way...<</say>>
<<md>>I can see the fabric unbuttoning on her top and then on her panties. She unzips it and pulls it down. My cock swells up at the sight.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>When you squeezed me...<</say>>
<<md>>I can hear the fabric creaking and cracking, revealing her shameless and attractive flesh. -When you hold... I feel a wave of arousal piercing my cock. I reach for her, but she is unreachable.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>I want so...<</say>>
<<md>>The girl pulls up the fabric of her panties, revealing her pussy to my gaze for a moment. Her hands touch her flesh, and she slowly runs her palms around her anus.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>To have you come into me...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Camilla\Quest\Video\CamillaPhoneSpy2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She begins to sway, and I see her panties rise and fall and her cat open impatiently in front of me.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Silent!<</say>>
<<md>>I notice that her nipples are stiff and bleeding. I see her clit swell and harden.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>totally!<</say>>
<<md>>She penetrates her fingers into her pussy harder and harder. She starts to move harder and harder. Her voice breaks into a scream.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Yes, yes, yes!<</say>>
<<md>>Eventually, she ends up cumming. After a while, too, I spit myself out on the floor of my room.<</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest6 = 441>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 242>>\
[[So good...|My room]]<<md>>When I think of Camilla, I realize how much she changed my life. It is as if it was divided into before and after. Before I met her, my life was interesting, but rather ordinary.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It was different with her...<</say>>
<<md>>It's like a black-and-white movie that suddenly turns color. With her, every day is full of emotions and every encounter is unforgettable.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So much I want to know all of you, my girl.<</say>>
<<md>>Oh, yes, we spend a lot of time together, but, of course, I want to know what she's like. Is she different in reality than what I dreamed?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This dream was extraordinary.<</say>>
<<md>>But if you just dream about something, nothing will come true. You have to make decisions, and maybe we will become even closer than we were before. I should ask her out on a date. And what better way than a good old-fashioned movie date. Oh yeah, I'll take the back row and then run my hand down her panties. Hehe.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fine.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, all that's left is to get her's agree. <</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest5 = 8>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest6 = 1>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 7>>\
[[Great|My room]]<<md>>I think I need to get to know Sophia better. I've heard a lot about her, but it's not what they say about others that matters, but how we perceive them ourselves.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sophia, are you here?<</say>>
<<md>>But when I go inside, I see that there is pandemonium inside, as if something has exploded here.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>What do you want?<</say>>
<<md>>Sophia sits in a pile of papers, holding her head.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What happened here?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Don't you see?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds like...<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>I was robbed, that's what happened!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Who?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>How should I know?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Is anything important stolen?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Yes, very much, my dildo.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Your...dildo?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Yeah, don't look at me like that. I can do whatever I want in this office.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, of course. Do you want me to help you look for him?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Whatever you want.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, Sophia doesn't seem to be in the mood to talk. I think if I can find her case, things might change. It's worth looking somewhere in the school. <</md>>
<<set $Sophia1Quest = 1>>\
[[Okay|Second floor]]<<md>>Oh, there you are. Strange, what did he doing here? And who brought it here. Well, I guess I should give it back to the owner in the morning.<</md>>
<<set $Sophia1Quest = 2>>\
[[Back|Second floor]]
<<say $mc>>Sophia, I have a present for you.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Where did you find him?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It doesn't matter. The important thing is that he comes back to your warm place.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Oh yes... He gives me so much pleasure. Especially when he comes in at full length. I love long dicks.<</say>>
<<md>>She starts licking the deldo, looking at me. I think I'd better get out of here for now, until one of the kids comes back.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We'll talk more about that...<</say>>
<<set $Sophia1Quest = 3>>\
[[Back|Second floor]]<<md>>What is this strange letter?<</md>>
<<text g "I was a little cruel to you. I wanted to thank you for what you did. Look, he's in a safe place now.">>
<<md>>Oh, Sophia, that's what I wanted to see.<</md>>
<<set $Sophia1Quest = 4>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Sophia\Quest\Video\SophiaDildo1.mp4"></video></div>
[[Back|My room]]<<set _SophiaDildoSearchLocation = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _SophiaDildoSearchLocation.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $DildoSearchLocation = 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $DildoSearchLocation = 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $DildoSearchLocation = 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<set $DildoSearchLocation = 4>>\
<</switch>>\<<md>>It doesn't look like he was here.<</md>>
[[Back|Second floor]]<<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
<<md>>Her body makes my thoughts more alive and my emotions more tangible. It's like she's right there with me.<</md>>
<<md>>She beckons me with her gorgeous flesh, and I lose control. I can't tear myself away from this beautiful sight.<</md>>
<<md>>But it ends as soon as it begins.<</md>>
<<link "More">><<goto "Webcam">><<addmins 5>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Back">><<goto "Laptop">><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>><<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
<<md>>She slowly slides the pink dildo inside her, after which a moan erupts from her chest.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<set _WebcamWatch2Array = [ 1, 2 ]>>\
<<switch _WebcamWatch2Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\laptop\Video\WebCamRoom1.2.mp4"></video></div>
<<case 2>>\
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\laptop\Video\WebCamRoom5.1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She shakes in convulsions, moans and makes deep guttural sounds.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>More, baby!<</say>>
<<md>>She cums - and her eyes roll under her forehead.<</md>>
<<link "More">><<goto "Webcam">><<addmins 5>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Back">><<goto "Laptop">><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>><<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
<<md>>She slowly, as if playing with my senses, slides the instrument deep into her ass. She bites her lip, but a moan still comes out of her mouth.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, baby!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\laptop\Video\WebCamRoom2.2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Her arousal spills over into me - I feel like I can control it, and I can almost feel how much she likes it when the fake cock pushes the halves of her ass apart. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you want that?<</say>>
<<md>>She's a bitch and she wants something more. And I have a present for her. <</md>>
<<link "More">><<goto "Webcam">><<addmins 5>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Back">><<goto "Laptop">><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>><<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
<<say $mc>>Oh yes, take it deep.<</say>>
<<md>>Her mouth opens and she plunges the dildo into her throat with pleasure. She has a wonderful mouth. Sensual and moist.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're a doll!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\laptop\Video\WebCamRoom4.2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>My cock pulses in unison with this squirming body, making me lose control. As she continues to move at the same pace, it's like she's actually licking my cock.<</md>>
<<link "Pay even more">><<run $cash -=100>><<goto "WebcamWatch5">><<addmins 15>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Watch other girls">><<goto "Webcam">><<addmins 5>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>><<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
<<md>>She sits down in a very strange pose, after which she begins to work her tongue.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wow, how flexible you are!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\laptop\Video\WebCamRoom4.3.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Her tongue starts licking her pussy. Her tongue goes deeper and deeper, and I watch her face contort in pleasure. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mmm...I like it. <</say>>
<<md>>She goes deeper and deeper and each movement becomes more and more sensual until, finally, she comes. <</md>>
<<link "Back">><<goto "Webcam">><<addmins 5>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>><<if $ClaraGlobalMeet == 1>>\
<</if>>\<<md>>As I walked through the door, I could tell that something was wrong. Strange sound from the living-room.<</md>>
<<md>>When I entered, I saw Angela was sitting on the couch, crying.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What's going on?<</say>>
<<md>>I asked, worried.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I got fired.<</say>>
<<md>>She sobbed. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I tried to ask you for some money to be at work at time, but…<</say>>
<<md>>She continues to sob.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Angela…<</say>>
<<md>>I felt a pang of guilt and regret. I realized that I had been so focused on my own problems that I had neglected Angela.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>And also to pay the bills, to be honest. Things go badly last few months. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm so sorry.<</say>>
<<md>>I said it, sitting down next to her. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I didn't realize how much you needed help. I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to you.<</say>>
<<md>>Angela looked at me with tear-filled eyes. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>It's not just about the money...I need somebody to trust. To be my fried. Can you do this?<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, determined to be a better roomie. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I promise, I'll do better from now on.<</say>>
<<md>>Angela sniffled and wiped her tears. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I hope so, I don't want to be alone.<</say>>
<<md>>I took her hand and squeezed it gently. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You won't.<</say>>
<<addmins 15>>\
<<set $AngelaNewWork = 2>>\
[[Leave|Home corridor]]<<md>>When I arrived at work, I went straight to Clara's office. She the headmaster and I knew she was a kind and compassionate person. Well, I hope for it.<</md>>
<<md>>I knocking on her door. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, can I talk to you for a minute?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Sure, come in.<</say>>
<<md>>I sat down in front of her and explained the situation with Angela and her lost job. I told her how I felt responsible and how I wanted to help.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I know you're always looking for good teachers here at the school. Do you think you could give Angela a job? She's a hard worker and can be a great teacher. I know she'd do a great job here.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>But did she have any experience in studying?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, no…<</say>>
<<md>>Damn…Looks like I failed here! But Clara thought for a moment, then nodded. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I'll see what I can do.I'll put her name on the list for the next round of interviews. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.<</say>>
<<md>>I felt a wave of relief wash over me. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Clara,I really appreciate it.<</say>>
<<md>>As I left her office, I couldn't help but feel hopeful. I knew that with Clara's help, Angela would be able to get back on her feet and start a new chapter in her life. And I was determined to be there for her every step of the way.<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $AngelaNewWork = 3>>\
[[Leave her office|Second floor]]<<if $AngelaNewWork == 3 >>\
<<md>>After talking to Clara, I felt a little better about the situation with Angela. But I knew that I had to keep trying to find her a job. <</md>>
<<md>>After talking with Angela, I was overwhelmed with the desire to help her somehow.<</md>>
<<md>>I decided to go to the gym where I worked out and talk to Olivia, the coach there.<</md>>
<<md>>I had always found Olivia to be a bit flirty and provocative, but I had always brushed it off as harmless. As I walked up to her, she smiled at me in a way that made my heart race.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hi, Olivia.<</say>>
<<md>>I said it, trying to keep my composure. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Can I talk to you for a minute?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Of course.<</say>>
<<md>>She said, leaning in close to me. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>What's on your mind?<</say>>
<<md>>I explained the situation with Angela and her lost job. I told Olivia how I felt responsible and how I wanted to help.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I know you're always looking for good trainers here at the gym," I said. "Do you think you could give Angela a job? She's a hard worker and a great trainer. I know she'd do a great job here.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia raised an eyebrow and smiled seductively. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I'll see what I can do."But I have to warn you, I can be very demanding of my trainers. Are you sure Angela can handle it?<</say>>
<<md>>I felt a surge of arousal mixed with confusion. Was Olivia just being playful, or was she trying to provoke me? I didn't know what to think.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sure she can handle it.<</say>>
<<md>>I said, trying to keep my composure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you for considering it, Olivia.<</say>>
<<md>>As I walked away, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. I was grateful that Olivia was willing to help, but I was also wary of her flirty demeanor. I wondered what she really wanted from me, and if it would cause problems in my relationship with Angela.<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $AngelaNewWork = 4>>\
<<md>>I knew that I had to keep trying to find a job for Angela, no matter how difficult it might be. So I decided to try my luck with Johan, the weird and perverted old man who lived down the street. I had always found him to be a bit creepy, but I was desperate.<</md>>
<<md>>I knocked on his door and he answered, looking me up and down with a lecherous grin.<</md>>
<<say $Johan>>Well, well, well," he said. "What brings you to my humble abode?<</say>>
<<md>>I explained the situation with Angela and her lost job, just as I had with Clara and Olivia. I told Johan how I felt responsible and how I wanted to help.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I know you own a small business here in town.Do you think you could give Angela a job? She's a hard worker and a great employee. I know she'd do a great job for you.<</say>>
<<md>>Johan rubbed his chin and grinned wickedly. <</md>>
<<say $Johan>>I'll see what I can do," he said. "But I have to warn you, I have very... particular tastes. She must satisfy all my needs.<</say>>
<<md>>I felt a surge of disgust and fear. What did Johan mean by "particular tastes"? Was he suggesting that Angela do something perverted or degrading in order to get the job?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, I think it's up to her...<</say>>
<<md>>As I walked away, I couldn't help but feel horrified. I knew that I had to find another way to help Angela, and fast. I couldn't let her be subjected to Johan's twisted desires. I had to protect her, no matter what.<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $AngelaNewWork = 5>>\
[[Back|JohanTalk]]<<md>>As I walked into Angela's room, I was immediately struck by the sight of her changing her clothes. [img[img/Angela/AngelaChanging1.jpg]]She was standing in front of the mirror, wearing only a bra and panties. Her bare skin glowed in the soft light, and I couldn't help but admire her curves and the way her body moved as she changed. The thin fabric of her bra barely covered her belly, and her breasts rose and fell in time with her breathing. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah…<</say>>
<<md>>I felt a surge of arousal and desire, and I struggled to keep myself from staring. The sight of her naked breasts in the same lighting only added to the impression her beautiful face made on me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hm…<</say>>
<<md>>But Angela must have sensed my presence, because she turned to me and smiled.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Hey, I didn't know you were here.<</say>>
<<md>>Girl said it, blushing slightly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sorry.I didn't mean to intrude.<</say>>
<<md>>I trying to keep my voice even.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I just came to talk to you about something.<</say>>
<<md>>Angela nodded and quickly finished changing into her ordinary clothes. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>What is it?<</say>>
<<md>>She asked, looking at me with concern.<</md>>
<<md>>I hesitated, suddenly feeling awkward. I had been so focused on Angela's body that I had forgotten what I wanted to talk to her about. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's... uh... it's nothing, we can talk about it later.<</say>>
<<md>>Angela looked at me with a mix of confusion and amusement. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Are you sure? You seemed pretty serious when you came in here.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, trying to regain my composure. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I'm sure, It's not important. See ya.<</say>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $AngelaNewWork = 6>>\
[[To the corridor|Home corridor]]<<md>>I was excited to tell Angela about the job opportunities I had found for her. I was confident that it would be a great fit for her, and that she would be able to get back on her feet again.<</md>>
<<md>>But when I went to kitchen to talk to her, I was surprised to find that she already had a job.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I found a job at a café down the street, I start tomorrow.<</say>>
<<md>>She said it with smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But how did you find a job so quickly?<</say>>
<<md>>I was really confused by this.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I have my ways...<</say>>
<<md>>Angela's smile turned sly and flirtatious. Her smile was so frank that it seemed to me that she was touching my cock with her mouth. I felt my core stiffen at the sight of those luxurious lips. Not to mention her lower ones, he-he. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>But if you want to know more, you'll have to come and see me at my new job. I'm sure you'll be impressed.<</say>>
<<md>>I felt a surge of curiosity and suspicion. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Is the café on Street York-Road?<</say>>
<<md>>Angela shook her head. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>No, it's on our street…But I can't tell you more. You'll have to come and see for yourself.<</say>>
<<md>>I didn't know what to make of Angela's mysterious job offer, but I knew that I had to find out more. I decided to go to the café on Street Two and see what was going on. I didn't want Angela to get involved in anything dangerous or risky, and I was determined to protect her.<</md>>
<<addmins 15>>\
<<set $AngelaNewWork = 7>>\
[[Leave the kitchen|Home corridor]]
<<md>>As I walked into the cafe named "Slice of Heaven," I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. I had heard that this part of town could be dangerous at night, and I didn't want anything to happen to Angela, my friend who had recently started working there.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh hey! What do you want to order?<</say>>
<<md>>But as I approached the counter, I saw Angela standing behind it, smiling brightly at me. She was even more beautiful than I remembered, with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She greeted me warmly and asked me what I would like to order.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The most delicious thing here.<</say>>
<<md>>I looked at my friend in a waitress uniform and could not look away. She looked so seductive in it that it seemed to me she was born for it. Her legs spoke to me so seductively.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Ha-ha, you are so funny. What's you really want?<</say>>
<<md>>I asked for a slice of pizza, and Angela quickly prepared it for me. As I waited for my order, I couldn't help but admire her as she worked. She was so graceful and confident, and I couldn't believe that she was working in such a busy cafe.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Here's your hot dish!<</say>>
<<md>>Finally, my pizza was ready, and Angela handed it to me with a smile. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes, this dish is extremely hot...<</say>>
<<md>>But it was not the dish I had in mind and she noticed it. In response, she smiled seductively.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>So…<</say>>
<<md>>She asked me if I would like to hang out with her after her shift ended at 11 p.m., and I eagerly agreed. I was looking forward to spending more time with her and getting to know her better.<</md>>
<<md>>As we waited for her shift to end, we chatted and caught up on each other's lives. Angela told me all about her new job at the cafe and how much she enjoyed working there. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Time to go!<</say>>
<<md>>Finally, 11 p.m. rolled around, and Angela clocked out. We left the cafe and headed out into the night, both of us feeling excited and happy to be spending time together. I was so grateful to have such a wonderful friend like Angela, and I was looking forward to many more adventures with her in the future.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaNewWork = 8>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(23)>>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(10)>>
[[Leave the cafe|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>As I walked into I feel a sense of excitement. I had been looking forward to seeing Angela.<</md>>
<<md>>But when I approached the counter, I was immediately struck by how tired Angela looked. She had dark circles under her eyes and her movements were slow and sluggish. She greeted me with a smile, but it was clear that she was exhausted.<</md>>
<<md>>I asked her if she was okay, and she sighed heavily. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I'm just really tired. I've been working long hours at the cafe, and I'm struggling to keep up.<</say>>
<<md>>I felt a surge of concern and immediately offered to help her in any way I could. Angela hesitated for a moment, then grinned at me. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Actually, there is something you can do. I could really use an energy drink right now. Do you think you could grab one for me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, sure.<</say>>
<<md>>Without hesitation, I nodded and headed to the nearest convenience store to buy her an energy drink.<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>
[[To the store|AngelaWorkEnergy10]]
<<md>>When I returned to the cafe, Angela was still standing behind the counter, but she looked much more alert and energetic. She thanked me profusely for the drink and even gave me a flirty smile.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>You are my savior!<</say>>
<<md>>I was happy to have been able to help my friend, and we spent the rest of the evening chatting and catching up. Angela seemed to be in much better spirits, and I was glad to see her feeling more like herself. It was clear that she was grateful for my help, and I was happy to have been able to make her day a little brighter.<</md>>
<<addmins 20>>\
<<set $AngelaNewWork = 9>>\
[[Leave the cafe|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>As I walked back into the cafe with the energy drink for Angela, I could see that she was still standing behind the counter, but she looked much more alert and energetic. She thanked me profusely for the drink and even gave me a flirty smile.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>You are my savior!<</say>>
<<md>>I was happy to have been able to help my friend, and we spent the rest of the evening chatting and catching up. At one point, when the cafe was momentarily empty, Angela leaned in close to me and whispered.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Do you want to see something special?<</say>>
<<md>>Before I could even respond, she pulled down the neckline of her shirt, revealing a glimpse of her chest. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I just wanted to show you something.<</say>>
<<md>>She winks to me. <</md>>
<<md>>I couldn't help but feel a little intrigued and aroused. Will pills bring me more moments to remember?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, That's awesome. Can I…<</say>>
<<md>>But without saying anything, Angela quickly covered herself back up and gave me a sly smile. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Not today. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, okay.<</say>>
<<md>>Despite the strange moment, we continued to chat and enjoy each other's company for the rest of the evening. I was glad to have been able to help Angela and spend some good time with her. <</md>>
<<addmins 30>>\
<<set $AngelaNewWork = 9>>\
<<set $AngelaNewWorkPills = 1>>\
[[Leave the cafe|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>A place filled with the extraordinary smell of pizza and a sense of comfort.<</md>>
<<if $AngelaNewWork == 7 >>\
[[Say hi to Angela|AngelaWorkFirstVisit]]
<<if $AngelaNewWork == 8 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '22:00') >>\
[[Talk to Angela|AngelaWorkEnergy1]]
<<if $AngelaNewWork == 93 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:05', '20:55')>>\
[[Help Angela |AngelaWorkHelp1]]
<<if $AngelaNewWork == 94 && $id.whisky > 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:05', '20:55')>>\
[[Angela and whiskey |AngelaCafeDrink1]]
<<if $AngelaNewWork == 95 && $id.whisky > 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:05', '20:55')>>\
[[Protect Angela|AngelaCafeProtection1]]
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>Sometimes, the work is really extremely difficult. And sometimes you have to use all possible methods to stay on your feet. To be honest, I have never seen Angela in such a state.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>One energy drink, please.<</say>>
<<md>>The seller kindly helped me and finally I had this miraculous elixir. It remained to take it to my flatmate.<</md>>
<<if $id.aphrodisiac > 1 >>\
<<md>>On the other hand, such a chance does not come to me often and if I add an aphrodisiac to the drink, then something interesting may be waiting for me. So what to do?<</md>>
[[Return to Angela|AngelaWorkEnergy2]]
<<if $id.aphrodisiac > 1 >>\
[[Added pills into her energy drink|AngelaWorkEnergy11]]
<<md>>That's it, now we have to hurry back to Angela before she suspects anything.<</md>>
[[Added pills into her energy drink|AngelaWorkEnergy3]]<<md>>I walked into the bar, expecting to see the familiar face of Tom, the bartender who always greeted me with a smile and a nod. But instead, I was greeted by a pretty barmaid with dreadlocks. She smiled at me and asked me what I would like to drink.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll have a beer.<</say>>
<<md>>Yes, I did not want whiskey today, so a light beer would be just right.<</md>>
<<say $Lily>>How about trying something different?<</say>>
<<md>>She suggested it to me and winked.<</md>>
<<say $Lily>>I have a special drink that I think you'll really enjoy.<</say>>
<<md>>I hesitated for a moment, but the barmaid's infectious smile and curious eyes convinced me to give it a try. She mixed me a drink and handed it to me. I took a sip and was immediately blown away by the flavors that exploded in my mouth.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is amazing!<</say>>
<<say $Lily>>I'm glad you like it.<</say>>
<<md>>She answered me with a huge smile. <</md>>
<<say $Lily>>It's a secret recipe that I learned from my grandmother.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You granny is awesome. This drink is insane! What's your name, by the way?<</say>>
<<say $Lily>>It's Lily.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled at me and touched my hand. I felt a small impulse go through my skin.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What a pretty name. As you are. <</say>>
<<say $Lily>>You, too.<</say>>
<<md>>We spent the next hour talking about life and sharing stories. The more I drank, the more open and honest I became. I found myself telling the barmaid things that I had never told anyone before.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, you're really easy to talk to.<</say>>
<<md>>My words slightly slurred.<</md>>
<<say $Lily>>I'm glad you think so.<</say>>
<<md>>She said with an another warm smile. <</md>>
<<say $Lily>>I enjoy getting to know people and hearing their stories.<</say>>
<<md>>As the night wore on, I became more and more drunk. But the barmaid never once judged me or made me feel uncomfortable. Instead, she listened attentively and offered words of wisdom and encouragement.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think I'm going to have to cut myself off.<</say>>
<<md>>I said it finally, realizing that I was too drunk to continue. No matter how pleasant it was to be in her company, I am no longer in good condition.<</md>>
<<say $Lily>>I'll call you a cab.<</say>>
<<md>>She said, as it was nothing and we were good friends. After that she helping me to stand up.<</md>>
<<say $Lily>>And don't worry, I won't tell anyone about anything you said tonight.<</say>>
<<md>>But despite the fact that I was extremely drunk in my mind was only her, a pretty girl bartender with dreadlocks. I wonder if she will be here next time?<</md>>
<<set $LilyQuest = 1>>\
<<set $Lily.Meet = 1>>\
<<run window.unlockCharacter("Lily")>>\
<<set $LilyUnlocked = window.isCharacterUnlocked("Lily")>>\
[[Leave the bar|Home corridor]]
<<md>>As I entered the bar, I called out to my friend, the bartender with dreadlocks.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, how's it going?<</say>>
<<md>>I asked, taking a seat at the bar.<</md>>
<<say $Lily>>Good, good. Same drink as last time?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks.<</say>>
<<md>>I replied, taking a sip of the drink she placed in front of me. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know…<</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly, the lights went out, plunging the bar into darkness. Panic and confusion filled the air as people scrambled to find their way out. I heard the sound of a generator starting up, and the dim light of emergency lamps flickered to life.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What's going on?<</say>>
<<md>>The whole situation wasn't too scary, but there was something... Something I can't explain. It was like someone had a knife to my throat <</md>>
<<say $Lily>>I don't know, man. But stay calm, okay? Everything will be…<</say>>
<<md>>The bartender replied, trying to keep his own composure, but also notice it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, what are you… <</say>>
<<md>>As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I noticed three men standing at the entrance of the bar, their faces hidden by hoodies. In their hands, they held guns, pointing them at the terrified patrons.<</md>>
<<text y "Everyone get down on the floor, now!">>
<<md>>One of the men shouted, his voice filled with anger. There was something extremely disgusting in that voice. Something that made my head hurt. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Huh?<</say>>
<<md>>In an instant, she jumped over the counter and rushed at the second attacker, knocking the gun out of his hand. She knocked the second one down with a swift kick right in the balls, causing him to fall over. But the third one pointed the gun at her and pulled the trigger. I instinctively, without even thinking, covered her with myself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ouch!<</say>>
<<md>>I felt a sharp pain in my side and after loud shout realized what it was. I had been shot. The patrons screamed and started to run out. The unexpected visitors melted together with them. <</md>>
<<say $Lily>>I'm so sorry. I'll take you to the hospital, okay?<</say>>
<<md>>The barmaid, who had been behind the bar moments before, was now crouched beside me, tears streaming down her face. <</md>>
<<say $Lily>>Okay?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was trembling. It was not like the mad warrior I just saw.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah…Thank you. Don't worry…<</say>>
<<md>>I replied, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over me.She helped me up and took me out of the bar. I felt again how pleasant her touch was. How warm she was.<</md>>
<<say $Lily>>Are you okay? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just fine. Wish to have more holes in me!<</say>>
<<md>>The girl laughed, but tears were streaming down her face. As we sped towards the hospital, I prayed that the other patrons were okay and that the people responsible for this senseless act of violence would be brought to justice.<</md>>
<<say $Lily>>Okay, I'll see you after you're checked out. I'll wait for you here. <</say>>
<<md>>She put me in the careful hands of doctors. When the bullet was removed and I went out to inform my friend about it, she was not there. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Great...<</say>>
<<set $LilyQuest = 2>>\
[[Leave the hospital|5thave]]<<md>>After being treated at the hospital, I was finally able to return home. The experience at the bar had left me shaken, but I was grateful to be alive.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah…But what about that men?<</say>>
<<md>>I wanted to know more about what had happened, and I knew that my new friend, the barmaid, might have some answers. She had been gentle and flirtatious with me, and I thought that maybe she would be willing to talk to me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lily…<</say>>
<<md>>So, I called Lily up and asked if she wanted to meet for coffee. She agreed, and we met at a nearby café.<</md>>
[[To the cafe|LilyBarQuest2.11]]
<<md>>After our conversation at the café, I returned home and sat on my bed, lost in thought. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story of the attack on the bar than what the barmaid was telling me. But should I get involved?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I don't know…<</say>>
<<md>>I remembered the way she had fiercely defended herself against the attackers, knocking out three burly men without breaking a sweat. She was clearly capable of taking care of herself. But what if her life was in danger?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Were they after her?<</say>>
<<md>>I didn't want to put her in any more danger than she was already in, but I also couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that there was more mystery in it. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Something very strange about all that case. Why would gangsters or hired killers assassinate an ordinary barmaid?<</say>>
<<md>>I decided that I would wait and see what happened the next time I saw her. Then I would decide if I wanted to go any deeper.<</md>>
<<set $LilyQuest = 4>>\
[[Right|My room]]
<<md>>I walked into the dimly lit bar and spotted my friend behind the counter, expertly mixing drinks for a group of patrons. As I approached, she caught my eye and smiled, a glint of recognition in her gaze.<</md>>
<<say $Lily>>Hey there, stranger, long time no see.<</say>>
<<md>>She said it, leaning on the bar.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, it's been a while…<</say>>
<<md>>I replied, trying to play it cool. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>How have you been?<</say>>
<<say $Lily>>Good, good. Keeping busy as always.<</say>>
<<md>>She gesturing to the packed bar. <</md>>
<<say $Lily>>What can I get you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Surprise me!<</say>>
<<md>>She grinned and got to work, pouring a variety of spirits into a shaker. A few moments later, she placed a beautifully crafted cocktail in front of me.<</md>>
<<say $Lily>>Cheers," she said, clinking her glass against mine.<</say>>
<<md>>We chatted for a while, catching up on each other's lives and reminiscing about old times. I could feel the tension between us growing, and I knew she felt it too.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I leaned in close and whispered in her ear.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you want to dance?<</say>>
<<md>>She hesitated for a moment, but then she nodded and took my hand. We made our way to the dance floor and began to sway to the music, our bodies moving together in perfect harmony.<</md>>
<<md>>As we danced, I caught a whiff of her perfume and it sent shivers down my spine. I was completely captivated by her, and I could tell she was feeling the same way.<</md>>
<<md>>But then, out of nowhere, she pulled away from me, a look of concern on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Lily>>I'm sorry.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was cold and distant as if I killed all her family. <</md>>
<<say $Lily>>I can't do this. I have to go.<</say>>
<<md>>And with that, she turned and disappeared down the stairs, leaving me standing alone on the dance floor. I didn't understand what had just happened, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Damn…<</say>>
<<md>>What should I do now?<</md>>
[[Follow her|LilyBarQuest2.4]]
[[Don't push it|LilyBarQuest2.5]]
<<md>>I followed Lily down the stairs and into the secret room. I had been down here a few times before, but this time something was different. As we entered the room, I saw a man's corpse lying on the ground. I was shocked and didn't know what to do.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What?<</say>>
<<md>>Lily looked at me with a strange expression on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Lily>>I'm sorry, but I had to do this. You shouldn't have followed me down here. You should have minded your own business.<</say>>
<<md>>Before I could say anything, I felt a sharp pain in my neck and everything went black.<</md>>
<<set $LilyQuest = 5>>\
[[Back to my room (for now)|My room]]<<md>>I think that I should not put pressure on her yet. She needs time, so I will not tempt fate yet.<</md>>
<<set $LilyQuest = 40>>\
[[Leave the bar|Home corridor]]<<md>>As we sat down and ordered our drinks, I asked her about the men who had attacked the bar. She looked at me with a mixture of anger and fear in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Lily>>I can't tell you that. It's not my place to say. Just trust me, it's better if you stay out of it," she said, her voice firm.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But I just want to know what's going on. Who were those guys, and why did they do this?<</say>>
<<md>>I asked again, trying to understand. What is it all about? She sighed and looked away. <</md>>
<<say $Lily>>It's none of your business. I saved your life, and I don't want you getting involved in this. It's not safe.<</say>>
<<md>>She replied coldly and her tone angry.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I just want to know what's going on.<</say>>
<<md>>She suddenly slammed her hand on the table, causing the glass bottle to shatter. <</md>>
<<say $Lily>>I said it's none of your business! Leave it alone, okay?" she shouted, her eyes flashing with anger.<</say>>
<<md>>I was taken aback by her sudden outburst, but I could see that she was upset. I didn't want to cause any more problems for her. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Look, sorry.<</say>>
<<md>>I apologized and promised to leave the matter alone. We had an ordinary formal conversation, but I could feel the bitter residue of misunderstanding settled in my throat.<</md>>
<<say $Lily>>It was nice to meet you not at the bar. See ya.<</say>>
<<md>>She kissed me on the cheek and walked away. I watched and enjoyed the view of her gorgeous body and beautiful sexy ass. But I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story than what I knew.<</md>>
<<set $LilyQuest = 3>>\
[[Leave the cafe|Street York-Road]]<<widget "increasePopularity">>
<<set $popularitynew = $popularity + $args [0]>>
<<noti $popularity $popularitynew 'Popularity' >>
<<set $popularity = $popularitynew>>
<<set $influencenew = $influence - $args [0]>>
<<notim $influence $influencenew 'influence' >>
<<set $influence = $influencenew>>
<</widget>><<widget "decreasePopularity">>
<<set $popularitynew = $popularity - $args [0]>>
<<notim $popularity $popularitynew 'Popularity' >>
<<set $popularity = $popularitynew>>
<<set $influencenew = $influence + $args [0]>>
<<noti $influence $influencenew 'influence' >>
<<set $influence = $influencenew>>
<<widget "increaseInfluence">>
<<set $influencenew = $influence + $args [0]>>
<<noti $influence $influencenew 'Influence' >>
<<set $influence = $influencenew>>
<<set $innovationnew = $innovation - $args [0]>>
<<notim $innovation $innovationnew 'Innovation' >>
<<set $innovation = $innovation>>
<</widget>><<widget "decreaseInfluence">>
<<set $influencenew = $influence - $args [0]>>
<<notim $influence $influencenew 'influence' >>
<<set $influence = $influencenew>>
<<set $innovationnew = $innovation + $args [0]>>
<<noti $innovation $innovationnew 'innovation' >>
<<set $innovation = $innovationnew>>
<</widget>><<widget "increaseInnovation">>
<<set $innovationnew = $innovation + $args [0]>>
<<noti $innovation $innovationnew 'Innovation' >>
<<set $innovation = $innovationnew>>
<<set $hornynew = $horny - $args [0]>>
<<notim $horny $hornynew 'Horniness' >>
<<set $horny = $hornynew>>
<</widget>><<widget "decreaseInnovation">>
<<set $innovationnew = $innovation - $args [0]>>
<<notim $innovation $innovationnew 'Innovation' >>
<<set $innovation = $innovationnew>>
<<set $hornynew = $horny + $args [0]>>
<<noti $horny $hornynew 'Horniness' >>
<<set $horny = $hornynew>>
<</widget>><<widget "increaseHorny">>
<<set $hornynew = $horny + $args [0]>>
<<noti $horny $hornynew 'Horniness' >>
<<set $horny = $hornynew>>
<<set $hornynew = $horny - $args [0]>>
<<notim $horny $hornynew 'Horniness' >>
<<set $horny = $hornynew>>
<</widget>><<widget "decreaseHorny">>
<<set $hornynew = $horny - $args [0]>>
<<notim $horny $hornynew 'Horniness' >>
<<set $horny = $hornynew>>
<<set $popularitynew = $popularity + $args [0]>>
<<noti $popularity $popularitynew 'Popularity' >>
<<set $popularity = $popularitynew>>
<</widget>> <<increasePopularity 2>>
<<increaseInnovation 2>>
<<increaseHorny 2>>
<<increaseInfluence 2>>
<<decreasePopularity 2>>
<<decreaseInnovation 2>>
<<decreaseHorny 2>>
<<decreaseInfluence 2>>
Current popularity: {{$popularity}}
<<addObey 30>>
[[TestSchool2]]<div class="tablet-outer-side">\
<img src="img/tablet/camera.png" class="tablet-ui">\
<div class="Work">\
<div class="Task">\
<<include "ActualTask">>\
<div class="flex-center-col">\
<div class="work-columns">\
<div class="Work-options">\
<div class="text-label">\
<span class="Work-title">Work Intensity</span>\
<<talk_btn "Work without desire" 20 $stamina "It's needed 20 stamina for that action.">><<goto "Basic work">><<set $stamina -=20>><<set $WorkMult = 0.67>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Work as usual" 40 $stamina "It's needed 40 stamina for that action.">><<goto "Basic work">><<set $stamina -=40>><<set $WorkMult = 1>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Work hard" 60 $stamina "It's needed 60 stamina for that action.">><<goto "Basic work">><<set $stamina -=60>><<set $WorkMult = 1.33>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Work extremely" 80 $stamina "It's needed 80 stamina for that action.">><<goto "Basic work">><<set $stamina -=80>><<set $WorkMult = 1.67>><</talk_btn>>\
<<button [[Leave|Biology class]]>><</button>>\
<div class="Work-stat">\
<div class="text-label">\
<span class="Work-title">School Statistics</span>\
<div class="progress-box">\
<div class="progress position-relative">\
<<print '<div class="progress-bar green-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolMood.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Mood</span>\
<span><<= $SchoolMood.toFixed(2)>></span>\
<div class="progress-box">\
<div class="progress position-relative">\
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>\
<span><<= $SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)>></span>\
<div class="progress-box">\
<div class="progress position-relative">\
<<print '<div class="progress-bar yellow-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolGrades.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Grades</span>\
<span><<= $SchoolGrades.toFixed(2)>></span>\
<div class="progress-box">\
<div class="progress position-relative">\
<<print '<div class="progress-bar red-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolExhibitionism.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Perversity</span>\
<span><<= $SchoolExhibitionism.toFixed(2)>></span>\
<div class="progress-box">\
<div class="progress position-relative">\
<<print '<div class="progress-bar grey-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolInfrastructure.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Infrastructure</span>\
<span><<= $SchoolInfrastructure.toFixed(2)>></span>\
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<p>Text for biography goes here.</p>
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<<md>>As I sat in my room, my thoughts drifted to Angela. I couldn't help but remember the time I had added pills to her energy drink and how much she had enjoyed it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah…<</say>>
<<md>>As I thought about it, I couldn't help but smile at the memory. Angela had always been so beautiful, and seeing her face light up with excitement as she tasted the aphrodisiac-infused energy drink had been a sight to behold.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's was great…<</say>>
<<md>>I closed my eyes and let myself get lost in the memory, imagining her lips curling into a satisfied smile as she took another sip. But she is sucking my dick as if it was delicious. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Take it,babe!<</say>>
<<md>>She sucked it deeper and deeper in my dream untill I cum on her pretty face. She was fully cover in my semen!<</md>>
<<md>>As the thoughts swirled through my mind, I couldn't help but feel a sense of longing wash over me. I wished I could be with Angela right now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Here are you are…<</say>>
<<md>>But alas, I was stuck in my room, lost in my thoughts and memories of the beautiful woman who had captured my heart. And she is at work right now. Still, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the moments we had shared, and I knew that no matter what the future held, those lips were good at sucking every drop.<</md>>
<<md>>I need to talk with her. I hope she wouldn't mind to continue our little joy at home.Yeah better to visit her room.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaNewWork = 91>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Back|My room]]
<<md>>I knocked on Angela's door and called out to her. Although we had such an episode between us, I still respect her boundaries. Although I wouldn't mind if she pushed them aside for me...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Angela, it's me. Can I come in?<</say>>
<<md>>There was a pause before she answered. I think she had her doubts.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yeah, come in.<</say>>
<<md>>I opened the door and walked into her room. She was lying on the bed, wearing red lingerie. When I saw her like that, I felt a sudden arousal. Or was it because I was thinking about how she spread her legs apart?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What's up, Angela?<</say>>
<<md>>I asked, trying to hide the lust in my voice. But my eyes were chained only to her panties and what they hid.<</md>>
<<md>>She sighed and sat up, pulling the covers over her lap. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I don't know, I just feel like I'm not in control of my own body lately. <</say>>
<<md>>She said, looking down at her hands. There was so much disgust in that look, as if she was looking at her hands with someone else's blood on them. Why was she like that? We were so good together. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Like, I was at the cafe earlier and I just lost control. My body was burning, and I couldn't stop it. It was like someone else was in control.<</say>>
<<md>>I reached out to grab her hand, but she pulled it away. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>We shouldn't do this, we're roommates.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I just want to make sure you're okay.<</say>>
<<md>>I said, trying to ignore the desire that was growing inside of me. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Did you, uh, at least enjoy what happened at the cafe? Did you want it to happen?<</say>>
<<md>>She blushed and looked away. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I don't want to talk about it right now. <</say>>
<<md>>She said it quietly. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Maybe we can watch some TV series in the living room instead? I just want to everything be as it was before. <</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, understanding that she needed some space. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, let's do that.<</say>>
<<md>>It still kinda hurting me. No joy for today. What a bummer! And what do I do with all this arousal? Damn!<</md>>
<<set $AngelaNewWork = 92>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Leave|Home corridor]]
<<md>>I sat down in the living room trying to drive out of my head all the bad thoughts that were circling over me like vultures. After what Angela had shown me, I did not want to return to my usual neighborhood. But I had fooled her once, maybe I could do it again. The main thing is to have enough patience and everything will work out.<</md>>
<<md>>After a few minutes, Angela joined me in the living room. She seemed cold and distant, and I could tell that she was still troubled by whatever had happened at the cafe.<</md>>
<<md>>We watched TV for a while, and eventually Angela snuggled up next to me, putting her head on my shoulder. I couldn't help but feel a little confused by her behavior. One minute she seemed distant and unwilling to talk, and the next she was cuddling with me like everything was normal.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Is this okay?</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, come here.<</say>>
<<md>>I wrapped my arm around her, trying to offer her some comfort. She lay her hand on my leg, and I could feel the warmth of her skin through my pants.<</md>>
<<md>>As we watched TV, we ended up flipping through the channels and landing on a romantic movie. It was one of those typical stories where the prince kisses the princess between her legs in the end. But in this movie, the prince also put his sword between her legs. I couldn't help but wonder if this was really considered a romantic movie at all.<</md>>
<<md>>As I watched the scene play out on screen, I couldn't help but remember what had happened at the cafe. I turned to Angela, trying to gauge her reaction. She seemed to be absorbed in the movie, and I wondered if she was thinking about the cafe as well.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Angela, are you okay? Do you want to talk about what happened at the cafe?<</say>>
<<md>>She sighed and looked up at me. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I don't know what I want. I just feel like... like... I'm being possessed or something.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Possessed?<</say>>
<<md>>I asked, a little surprised by her choice of words.<</md>>
<<md>>She nodded. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I don't know how else to describe it. I feel like I'm being forced to do things against my will, and it's really scary.<</say>>
<<md>>Damn, I didn't think using an aphrodisiac could upset her so much. Now I feel like a bit of an asshole. But at least she gave me a blow job.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sorry to hear that.<</say>>
<<md>>But then Angela surprised me by saying.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I think I actually like the feeling of being possessed. It's like I don't have to think or worry about anything, and I just do whatever I'm told. It's kind of liberating.<</say>>
<<md>>I wasn't sure how to respond to this. On the one hand, I was relieved that Angela seemed to enjoy the feeling of being possessed. On the other hand, it was still a little concerning that she was experiencing this at all.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I'm glad that you like it...<</say>>
<<md>>I said hesitantly. But I knew that I had to say the next words, otherwise she would suspect me of taking advantage of her body.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But maybe we should still try to figure out what's going on and see if we can find a way to stop it from happening.<</say>>
<<md>>Angela nodded, snuggling closer to me.
<<say $Angela>>Yeah, you're right. I don't want to lose control like this forever.<</say>>
<<md>>We sat there for a while, watching TV and just enjoying Angela's company.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaNewWork = 93>>\
<<addmins 30>>\
[[To corridor|Home corridor]]<<md>>I decided to visit Angela at the cafe again, hoping to see if I could help her in any way. When I arrived, I found her working as a waiter. She seemed a little surprised to see me, but she greeted me with a smile.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Hey, what are you doing here?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I just wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help. <</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes twinkled playfully and her lip curved in a smile, but a second later it faded. Something filled her thoughts. Was it the aphrodisiac or something else?<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Well, actually, now that you mention it, I could use some free hands. <</say>>
<<md>>Angela said, looking a little relieved. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Do you think you could cover a shift for me? I'm really swamped right now.<</say>>
<<md>>Well, I would rather my hands penetrate her panties and slowly enter her womb until she moans, but now it is important to restore her trust.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, I'd be happy to help. <</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Thanks, you're a lifesaver. <</say>>
<<md>>Angela said, giving me a quick hug. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I really appreciate it.<</say>>
<<md>>I spent the rest of the time working as a waiter, trying to keep up with the constant flow of customers. It was tiring work, but I was happy to do it for Angela.<</md>>
<<md>>I noticed a suspicious-looking man hanging around the entrance, and I couldn't help but wonder what he was doing there.<</md>>
<<md>>I decided to bring it up with Angela when I saw her again. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, did you notice that guy hanging around the entrance earlier?<</say>>
<<md>>Angela shrugged. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yeah, there are a lot of strange folks coming in and out of here lately. <</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I think they're delivering something for my boss, but I'm not really sure what it is.<</say>>
<<md>>I frowned, still feeling uneasy about the situation. Delivering something to her boss? This guy doesn't look like a messenger. More like someone who's gonna cause trouble. Maybe I should ask about her boss now. Actually, no, I shouldn't. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, just be careful. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don't want anything to happen to you.<</say>>
<<md>>Angela smiled and patted my arm. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Don't worry, I can take care of myself. But thanks for your concern.<</say>>
<<md>>As the evening drew to a close, Angela came over to me and thanked me for my help. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I really appreciate it, you were a big help today.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No problem, I'm happy to do it.<</say>>
<<md>>I was about to leave when a woman stopped me.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Hey, do you think you could bring some alcohol next time you visit me?<</say>>
<<md>>Angela asked, her eyes sparkling mischievously. She sucked her lip for a moment before continuing. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I could use a drink after a day like this.<</say>>
<<md>>I chuckled and nodded. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sure thing, I'll bring some alcohol next time I come in.<</say>>
<<md>>We said goodbye and I left the cafe, feeling glad that I had been able to help Angela in some small way.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaNewWork = 94>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(22)>>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(30)>>
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>The next time I visited Angela at the cafe, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. When I arrived, I was surprised to find the cafe completely empty. There wasn't a single customer in sight, which was unusual for a place that was usually bustling with activity.<</md>>
<<md>>I walked up to the counter and saw Angela standing there, looking a little worried. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, what's going on? Where is everyone?<</say>>
<<md>>Angela sighed and shook her head. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I don't know, it's been like this all day.There hasn't been a single customer in hours.<</say>>
<<md>>I frowned, feeling a little concerned. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's strange...Is everything okay?<</say>>
<<md>>Angela nodded, but I could tell that she was worried. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I think so. But it's just really creepy and strange. I feel like something bad is going to happen.<</say>>
<<md>>I reached out and squeezed her hand, trying to offer her some comfort. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, I'm here and I brought some alcohol like you asked, so maybe that will help cheer you up.<</md>>
<<md>>Angela smiled and nodded. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Thanks, that would be great.<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Drink some alcohol|AngelaCafeDrink1.0]]
<<md>>Angela grinned and unbutton her bra. She took it off and then threw it on the floor. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Want to do this whole day! <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Really? You such a nasty girl! <</say>>
<<md>>I grinned and began to enjoy the sight of the woman's body. Her neat nipples were slightly pink and so appealing, so I enjoyed stroking her bare skin.
<<say $Angela>>Mmmm...<</say>>
<<md>>We had another glass of whiskey and Angela completely loosened up and took off her panties.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah! <</say>>
<<md>>As if I had never seen pussy before I rushed to touch that soft, intimate place when suddenly someone knocked on the door. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Who the hell?! <</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I'm sorry, I have to work. Angela instantly ran to get dressed. Well, at least no one saw Angela naked.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Besides me. Heh-heh.<</say>>
<<set $AngelaNewWork = 95>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Back|Street Raw-Road]]<<md>>I arrived at the cafe where Angela worked, feeling excited to see her again after our last conversation was interrupted. As I approached her I noticed that Angela was dealing with a difficult customer, a man who seemed to be trying to touch her in a way that made her feel uncomfortable.<</md>>
<<md>>I had a choice to make: should I say something to the man or should I hit him? I knew that using violence was never the answer, but I also didn't want to stand by and do nothing while Angela was being mistreated.<</md>>
[[Speak with him|AngelaCafeProtection1.1]]
<<md>>As we drank the whiskey, I could see Angela starting to relax and smile more. I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief, knowing that I was able to help her in some small way.<</md>>
<<md>>As the evening went on, I found myself getting more and more attracted to Angela. I leaned in and kissed her, feeling a spark of something special between us. She responded eagerly, putting her hands on my pants and pulling me closer.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Is this your big desire?<</say>>
<<md>>She asked, a mischievous glint in her eye.<</md>>
<<md>>I chuckled and shook my head. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, not exactly.But I do want to be with you, Angela. You're the most amazing woman I've ever met.<</say>>
<<md>>Angela blushed and smiled, looking up at me with adoration in hereyes.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>You're pretty amazing yourself.<</say>>
<<md>>She was amusingly running around in her underwear, very frankly showing me her best body parts. God, what a body. She closed the door and asked me if I wanted to see something special. I, of course, said yes. She sat down on a chair and spread her legs. God, how beautiful she is. And I had never seen such a beautiful woman...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Angela...<</say>>
<<md>>After that I touched her neck with my lips and she whispered my name again...<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes,$mc.Name...<</say>>
<<md>>And then I touched her round buttocks and started smiling sweetly as she gently stroked my head. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're so beautiful…<</say>>
<<addmins 60>>\
[[Touch her breast|AngelaCafeDrink1.1]]<<md>>I decided to speak up. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Leave her alone! <</say>>
<<md>>I said, my voice firm as I stepped between the man and Angela.<</md>>
"Who are you to tell me what to do?"
<<md>>the man slurred, his words sloshing around in his mouth like a wave crashing on the shore.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm someone who cares about Angela and doesn't want to see her being mistreated.<</say>>
<<md>>I replied, my fists clenched at my sides as I struggled to keep my temper in check.<</md>>
<<md>>The man sneered and lunged towards Angela again, but I was ready for him. I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him away, my actions fueled by a fierce protectiveness.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You need to leave now.<</say>>
<<md>>I said, my voice low and menacing.<</md>>
<<md>>The man finally backed down, stumbling out of the cafe as I watched him go, my heart beating fast in my chest.<</md>>
<<md>>As the door swung shut behind him, Angela turned to me and threw her arms around my neck, grateful for my intervention.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Thank you for protecting me.<</say>>
<<md>>She said, her voice full of emotion.<</md>>
<<md>>I wrapped my arms around her, feeling a sense of peace wash over me like a cool breeze on a hot summer's day.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll always be here for you.<</say>>
<<md>>I said, my words a promise I knew I would always keep.<</md>>
<<md>>We stood there for a moment, holding each other tightly, before breaking apart and smiling at each other, grateful for the connection that had brought us together.<</md>>
<<md>>Angela whispered in my ear that she had a special thank you for me if I decided to stay. But I had to wait for everyone to leave. Well, I couldn't resist such an invitation.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaNewWork = 96>>\
<<addmins 60>>\
[[Wait for her|AngelaCafeProtection1.2]]<<md>>Her pussy was so appetizing that I instantly touched her panties with my tongue, and then pulled the fabric aside. I saw a sight that I hadn't even dared to dream of. Every cell in my body came alive, flaring up, engulfing me completely. <</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaCafeCuni1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>My tongue slowly traveled over her pussy, leaving a wet trail behind it. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh yeah....<</say>>
<<md>>I realized how tense her flesh was. Her hands moved me closer and closer, as if wanting to plunge all the way into her pussy. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Again I kissed her damp folds, went over her crotch, stopped at her flat pubis, found the most attractive point on her body and plunged into her as deeply as possible. Angela moaned. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>There...<</say>>
<<md>>She loved it. I started to move faster, and she moaned even louder, but she didn't stop moving her pelvis. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Your tongue... It...<</say>>
<<md>>I was swept up in a wave of her passion that was building up and wouldn't let me stay still. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Ah....<</say>>
<<md>>My lust had reached its limit. I could feel her pleasure approaching. And then suddenly her body arched, she squeezed my head so tightly as if it was her only salvation and said: <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes! Yes!<</say>>
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Back|Street Raw-Road]]
<<say $mc>>Linda is like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.<</say>>
<<md>>I thought to myself as I watched her walk down thesecond floor. As the secretary, she was always organized, efficient, and had a friendly smile for everyone who passed by.<</md>>
<<md>>I had been lucky enough to start dating Linda a few months ago, and she had quickly become an integral part of my life. She was the one I confided in when things weren't going well, and the one who always knew how to make me laugh.<</md>>
<<md>>As I stand there lost in thought about Linda and all the ways she brightened my day, I couldn't help but let out a sigh of contentment. She truly was a special woman, and I knew that I was lucky to have her by my side.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I don't know what I'd do without her.<</say>>
<<md>>I said to myself, feeling grateful for all that Linda brought into my life. She was my rock, my support, and my inspiration.<</md>>
<<md>>I knew that as long as Linda was by my side, I could handle anything that came.Unfortunately, Linda had recently run into Anna, her ex-girlfriend, and it had left her feeling a little shaken. I knew that Linda still had feelings for Anna, and I wanted to do whatever I could to help her forget about her and move on.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You have to, Linda...<</say>>
<<md>>That's why I decided to take Linda to the beach for the day. I figured the peaceful sound of the waves and the relaxed atmosphere would be just what we needed to clear our heads and spend some good time together.<</md>>
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Go to reception|LindaQuest8.2]]<<md>>I walked down to the first floor, my mind made up about visiting the beach with Linda. As I approached the reception desk, I could see her sitting there, typing away at her computer.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey Linda. <</say>>
<<md>>I said, trying to sound casual.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What do you say we take a break from work and visit the beach tomorrow? I think it would be a great way to relax and clear our heads.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda looked up at me and hesitated for a moment. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>But isn't it a work day tomorrow?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Who cares?<</say>>
<<md>>I replied with a smile. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>We deserve a little break every now and then. And besides, the beach is always more peaceful during the week when there aren't as many crowds."<</say>>
<<md>>Linda seemed to consider my suggestion for a moment before nodding her head. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Okay, let's do it. I could use a little time to relax and enjoy the ocean breeze.<</say>>
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $LindaQuest5 = 6>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3T = 10>>\
[[See you tommorow|School reception]]<<md>>As we walked along the sandy shore, holding hands and talking about our future, a sudden gust of wind blew Linda's hat off her head and sent it tumbling down the beach.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh no!<</say>>
<<md>>Linda exclaimed, chasing after her hat.<</md>>
<<md>>I laughed and ran after her, feeling a sense of excitement and playfulness wash over me. We chased the hat down the beach, laughing and trying to catch it as it danced on the wind.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally, after a few minutes of chasing, I managed to snag the hat and triumphantly held it up in the air.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think this belongs to you.<</say>>
<<md>>I said, handing the hat back to Linda with a grin.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Thanks, my hero.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda replied, laughing and shaking her head. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>I don't know what I'd do without you to save me from the wind and all of life's little mishaps.<</say>>
<<md>>As we walked back towards our towels, I noticed a man in the distance digging in the sand with a shovel. His eyes were wild and he was wearing strange, mismatched clothes. I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy as I watched him, wondering what he was doing out here on the beach.<</md>>
<<md>>As we got closer, I saw that the man had dug a large pile of sand next to him. It was clear that he had been digging for quite some time, and I couldn't help but wonder what he was looking for.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Let's go, I don't like this. I'm scared.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda seemed to sense my unease and grabbed my hand tightly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sure.<</say>>
<<md>>Without hesitation, I nodded and led Linda back towards the exit from the beach. As we walked, I couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness wash over me. I would do anything to keep Linda safe, even if it meant turning our relaxing day at the beach into a quick exit.<</md>>
<<md>>As we drove back home, Linda snuggled up close to me and laid her head on my shoulder. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Thank you for always looking out for me.<</say>>
<<md>>I wrapped my arm around her and kissed the top of her head. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll always be on your side, Linda.<</say>>
<<md>>As we went on my street,, Linda turned to me with a curious look in her eyes. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>What do you think that man was doing at the beach?<</say>>
<<md>>I sighed and shrugged.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I don't know,but I don't want to ruin such a perfect day by worrying about it. Let's just forget about it and enjoy the rest of our evening together.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda nodded and leaned in for a kiss. As our lips met, I felt a surge of love and desire flood through me. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close, deepening the kiss and feeling the electricity between us.<</md>>
<<md>>As we broke apart, panting and clinging to each other, Linda whispered.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Take me inside. I want to spend the rest of the night lost in your embrace.<</say>>
<<md>>I grinned and scooped her up in my arms, carrying her inside and making my way to the bedroom.<</md>>
<<addmins 120>>\
[[To the bedroom|LindaQuest8.4]]
<<md>>No sooner had we reached the bed than she pulled down my pants. Linda obediently knelt down and began to lick my cock. Her tongue played with my head, which had already grown right into her sexy mouth.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, thank me...<</say>>
<<md>>She caressed it as if it were a rare black diamond. Gradually, as her tongue wrapped around my head, I began to get more and more excited. That's when I heard her moan softly in pleasure. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Do you like it?<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Linda\Quest\Video\LindaBeachSuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I took her by the hair and put her throat on my cock. She let out a throaty sound, but I could see from her reaction how much she liked it. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it, take it all the way!<</say>>
<<md>>Soon I was coming all the way down her tightly clenched mouth and was thrusting into her throat, driving my spear deeper and deeper. Linda greedily took my cock and didn't try to get free, so I felt every ounce of her desirable submission.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>More! You're mine, Linda!<</say>>
<<md>>Then she opened her mouth and I fucked her mouth even harder. But instead of begging for mercy, she began greedily swallowing my penis, moving rhythmically in time with my movement. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>My bitch!<</say>>
<<md>>This went on for several minutes, and it really turned me on. I kept releasing her and thrusting her back onto my cock until my body exploded with pleasure, finally getting a discharge.<</md>>
<<addmins 35>>\
<<set $LindaQuest5 = 7>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3T = 11>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<say $Linda>>Oh, $mc.Name, I'm so sorry to call you so late.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda's voice was like a siren, beckoning me through the darkness of the night. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Linda? <</say>>
<<md>>Her tears were like a storm, raging within her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What happened?<</say>>
<<md>>I tried to calm the winds of her emotions, but she was inconsolable.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>I… just couldn't bear to be alone anymore.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> It's okay, Linda. What's going on? Why are you crying?<</say>>
<<md>>I asked her what had happened, but the words were caught in her throat, choked by sobs. I gently prodded her, trying to unravel the mystery of her distress.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>This man on the beach today... His gaze was just so...crazy. I can't shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Linda, try to calm down. I'm sure everything is fine. That man was probably just doing his job.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>No, $mc.Name, you don't understand. I felt like he was watching me, like he was waiting for an opportunity to hurt me.<</say>>
<<md>>I sensed that there was more to the story, something she was holding back. But I didn't push her. She needed my support, and I was there for her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Linda, I'll come over and stay with you tonight. You don't have to be alone.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Thank you, $mc.Name. I really appreciate it. Can you come over to my place? I'll give you the address.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Of course, Linda. I'll be there soon. Everything is going to be okay, I promise. But Linda, before I come over, can you tell me what's really going on? Why are you so upset?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>It's just...I feel like I'm being followed. Everywhere I go, I feel like I'm being watched. And then today, on the beach, he was just staring at me. It was so creepy. I don't know what to do.<</say>>
<<md>>She gave me the address of her home, and I promised to meet her there. I would be her shield, standing strong and steady in the face of her fears.<</md>>
<<addmins 15>>\
[[To Linda's home|LindaQuest8.6]]<<md>>I arrived at Linda's place, and found her pacing nervously. She told me that she hadn't been able to sleep since the incident on the beach.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Linda, try to calm down. I feel like I'm being watched.<</say>>
<<md>>I tried to reassure her that it was probably just some crazy man or a treasure seeker, but I could see the fear in her eyes.She was too scared to stay at home.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>His eyes were like a wild animal, unhinged and dangerous. I was so scared.<</say>>
<<md>>I wrapped my arm around her, trying to offer her some comfort. She leaned into me, sobbing and crying. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>I need to know the answer. I have to…What is he doing there? Who is he?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Okay, Linda. I understand. But let's go to the beach and see if we can find some answers. Maybe we can figure out what's going on.<</say>>
<<md>>I knew then that we had to leave. It's too important for her.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Okay, $mc.Name. I trust you. Let's go.<</say>>
<<md>>We set off towards the beach, with Linda clinging to my arm. The night was dark and the wind was howling, as if it were trying to hold us back. But we pressed on, determined to find some answers.<</md>>
<<addmins 35>>\
[[Go to the beach|LindaQuest8.7]]<<md>>As we approached the beach, I could feel the weight of Linda's fear. It was like a heavy cloak, suffocating us both. But we had to face it together.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Do you see him, $mc.Name? Is he still there?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I can't see him, Linda. It's too dark. But we have to keep looking.<</say>>
<<md>>The sand was cold under our feet, and the moon was hidden behind a veil of clouds. The darkness seemed to press in on us, as if it were alive and malevolent.<</md>>
<<md>>We scanned the beach, looking for any sign of the strange man. The wind whipped at our faces, making it difficult to see. It was like the elements were against us, trying to obscure our vision.<</md>>
<<md>>Suddenly, Linda froze. "There he is!" she cried, pointing towards a shadowy figure in the distance.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Okay, Linda, stay behind me. We'll approach cautiously.<</say>>
<<md>>We approached cautiously, our hearts pounding in our chest. But as we drew closer, the man seemed to dissolve into the shadows, disappearing from sight.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Where did he go, $mc.Name?? He was just there!<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I don't know, Linda. But look, over there. Is that a hole in the ground?<</say>>
<<md>>We looked around, bewildered. And then, we saw it - a great hole in the ground, surrounded by a pile of sand and trash. It was like a crater, as if some massive force had struck the earth.<</md>>
<<md>>We peered into the hole, and that's when we saw it - a totem with glowing eyes. It seemed to pulsate with a strange energy, drawing us closer.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>$mc.Name, what is that thing? It's giving me the creeps. Let's just leave it and go home.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I know it's scary, Linda. But I think we should take it with us. Maybe it has some answers. We can't just ignore it.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>I don't know, $mc.Name. I have a bad feeling about this.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I know you're afraid, Linda. But we have to face our fears. Together, we can figure this out. Trust me.<</say>>
<<md>>Without hesitation, I grabbed the totem and led Linda away from the beach. We didn't stop until we reached my home, where we locked ourselves in, safe from whatever horrors lurked outside.<</md>>
<<addmins 35>>\
[[Come home |LindaQuest8.8]]<<md>>Once we were safely at home, Linda and I sat down to discuss the strange totem. She was still shaking with fear, but I tried to reassure her that everything would be okay.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Linda, are you okay? Do you want to tell me what happened on the beach?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>I saw him, $mc.Name. His gaze was like a wild animal, unhinged and dangerous. I was so scared."<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Okay, Linda. But what do you mean when you say he's personal? Is he after you?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Yes, $mc.Name. He's been following me for weeks. I don't know why, but I feel like he's trying to hurt me."
<<md>>I asked her what she meant, but before she could explain, she suddenly became flirtatious. She leaned in close, trying to kiss me. Her lips brushed against mine, and then she bit down on my lower lip, drawing blood.<</md>><</say>>
<<say $mc>> Linda, what are you doing? This isn't like you.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>I'm sorry, $mc.Name. I don't know what's happening to me. It's like something inside me has snapped. I can't control myself."<</say>>
<<md>>She started to lick my lower lip with her tongue, and it was strange and unsettling. But I could see the fear in her eyes, and I knew that she was just trying to cope with whatever was happening to her.<</md>>
<<md>>So I kissed her, trying to offer her some comfort. Together, we clung to each other, trying to push back the darkness that seemed to be closing in on us.<</md>>
<<md>>I came sharply into Linda from behind. My cock felt all the heat of her pussy. Her heat hit me in the head, causing me to squeeze with inexplicable pleasure. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>She was beautiful in her defenselessness, like a flower blazing in the midday sun. She was beautiful in her bestial beginning. Two parts of the same Linda appeared to me in equal measure.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>More... Fuck me!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Linda\Quest\Video\LindaBeachFuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Another thrust sent her body shuddering and her head shaking sideways. And soon she was moaning loudly under the weight ofmy desire. The desire to possess her and be her master.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>I want your cock! I want you!<</say>>
<<md>>It was like the whole world was ablaze with our passion. I squeezed her hips, plunging into more and more delightful pleasure. My rod almost pierced through her, as if every cell of her body was dancing.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh yes!<</say>>
<<md>>Taking her pace, our shared pace, we moved to the climax of ecstasy at the same time, to the moment of climax when we finally merged into one.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Yes, yes, yes, yes!<</say>>
<<md>>I cummed right into her pussy and felt the pleasure flowing and flowing right out of her.<</md>>
<<addmins 35>>\
<<set $LindaQuest5 = 8>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3T = 12>>\
[[Back|My room]]
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var MonicaStaff;
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//get the saved positions of the images from local storage
var storagePositions = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("staffPositions")) || {};
savedPositions = storagePositions;
//if there are saved positions, set the images to the correct columns
if (savedPositions) {
for (var id in savedPositions) {
var img = document.getElementById("staff_"+id);
var className = savedPositions[id];
var parentRow = document.getElementsByClassName(className)[0];
if(parentRow) {
if (id == "13" && className == "teacher-img-row") {
MonicaStaff = 1;
} else if (id == "13" && className == "avstaff-img-row") {
MonicaStaff = 0;
if (id == "18" && className == "teacher-img-row") {
VeronicaStaff = 1;
} else if (id == "18" && className == "avstaff-img-row") {
VeronicaStaff = 0;
if (id == "7" && className == "teacher-img-row") {
FionaStaff = 1;
} else if (id == "7" && className == "avstaff-img-row") {
FionaStaff = 0;
if (id == "11" && className == "teacher-img-row") {
LexiStaff = 1;
} else if (id == "13" && className == "avstaff-img-row") {
LexiStaff = 0;
function allowDrop(ev) {
function drag(ev) {
function drop(ev) {
var data = ev.dataTransfer.getData("text");
if (!data.startsWith("staff_")) {
console.log("Invalid data format:", data);
var id = data.split("_").pop();
if( === "teacherstaff" && id === "13"){
var className =;
savedPositions[id] = className;
console.log("Saved Positions: ", savedPositions);
console.log("Dropped image id: ", id);
//save the positions to local storage
localStorage.setItem("staffPositions", JSON.stringify(savedPositions));
if (id == "13" && className == "teacher-img-row") {
MonicaStaff = 1;
} else if (id == "13" && className == "avstaff-img-row") {
MonicaStaff = 0;
if (id == "18" && className == "teacher-img-row") {
VeronicaStaff = 1;
} else if (id == "18" && className == "avstaff-img-row") {
VeronicaStaff = 0;
if (id == "7" && className == "teacher-img-row") {
FionaStaff = 1;
} else if (id == "7" && className == "avstaff-img-row") {
FionaStaff = 0;
if (id == "11" && className == "teacher-img-row") {
LexiStaff = 1;
} else if (id == "18" && className == "avstaff-img-row") {
LexiStaff = 0;
if (MonicaSkillsLvl === 1) {
MonicaSkillsTotal = 2;
} else {
MonicaSkillsTotal = MonicaSkillsTotal + 1;
if (MonicaSkillsTotal > 10) {
MonicaSkillsTotal = 10;
</script><div class="tablet-outer-side">\
<img src="img/tablet/camera.png" class="tablet-ui">\
<div class="Work">\
<div class="Task">\
<<include "ActualTask">>\
<div class="flex-center-col">\
<div class="work-columns">\
<div class="Work-options">\
<div class="text-label">\
<span class="Work-title">School budget: $schoolmoney $ </span>\
<<talk_btn "Start working" 20 $stamina "It's needed 20 stamina for that action.">><<goto "DirectorWork">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "School innovations">><<goto "School Innovations">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Staff control">><<goto "StaffControlSchool">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Human resources">><<goto "HumanResourcesSchool">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Schedule" 2000 $stamina "Will be soon">><<goto "Basic work">><<set $stamina -=20>><<set $WorkMult = 0.67>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Exit">><<goto "My office">><</talk_btn>>\
<div class="Work-stat">\
<div class="text-label">\
<span class="Work-title">School Statistics</span>\
<div class="progress-box">\
<div class="progress position-relative">\
<<print '<div class="progress-bar gold-bg" style="width: '+$popularity.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Popularity</span>\
<span><<= $popularity.toFixed(2)>></span>\
<div class="progress-box">\
<div class="progress position-relative">\
<<print '<div class="progress-bar lilliac-bg" style="width: '+$influence.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Influence</span>\
<span><<= $influence.toFixed(2)>></span>\
<div class="progress-box">\
<div class="progress position-relative">\
<<print '<div class="progress-bar grass-bg" style="width: '+$innovation.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Innovation</span>\
<span><<= $innovation.toFixed(2)>></span>\
<div class="progress-box">\
<div class="progress position-relative">\
<<print '<div class="progress-bar violet-bg" style="width: '+$horny.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Horniness</span>\
<span><<= $horny.toFixed(2)>></span>\
<<include "SchoolIncome">>
<<include "ClaraVariableTransition">><script>
let MonicaSkillsTotal2 = 1;
let MonicaSkills = {};
let MonicaSkillsUsed = {};
for(let i=1; i<=10; i++){
window[`MonicaSkill${i}`] = 0;
window[`MonicaSkillsUsed${i}`] = 0;
let LexiSkills = {};
let LexiSkillsUsed = {};
for(let i=1; i<=10; i++){
window[`LexiSkill${i}`] = 0;
window[`LexiSkillsUsed${i}`] = 0;
let VeronicaSkills = {};
let VeronicaSkillsUsed = {};
for(let i=1; i<=10; i++){
window[`VeronicaSkill${i}`] = 0;
window[`VeronicaSkillsUsed${i}`] = 0;
let ClaraSkills = {};
let ClaraSkillsUsed = {};
for(let i=1; i<=10; i++){
window[`ClaraSkill${i}`] = 0;
window[`ClaraSkillsUsed${i}`] = 0;
let LucySkills = {};
let LucySkillsUsed = {};
for(let i=1; i<=10; i++){
window[`LucySkill${i}`] = 0;
window[`LucySkillsUsed${i}`] = 0;
let SophiaSkills = {};
let SophiaSkillsUsed = {};
for(let i=1; i<=10; i++){
window[`SophiaSkill${i}`] = 0;
window[`SophiaSkillsUsed${i}`] = 0;
let JaneSkills = {};
let JaneSkillsUsed = {};
for(let i=1; i<=10; i++){
window[`JaneSkill${i}`] = 0;
window[`JaneSkillsUsed${i}`] = 0;
let FionaSkills = {};
let FionaSkillsUsed = {};
for(let i=1; i<=10; i++){
window[`FionaSkill${i}`] = 0;
window[`FionaSkillsUsed${i}`] = 0;
var MonicaStaff = 1;
var MonicaSkill1 = 1;
var MonicaSkillName1 = 1;
var MonicaSkillName2 = 1;
var MonicaSkillName3 = 1;
var MonicaSkillName4 = 1;
var MonicaSkillName5 = 1;
var MonicaSkillName6 = 1;
var MonicaSkillName7 = 1;
var MonicaSkillName8 = 1;
var MonicaSkillName9 = 1;
var MonicaSkillName10 = 1;
var MonicaSkill2 = 1;
var MonicaSkill3 = 1;
var MonicaSkill4 = 1;
var MonicaSkill5 = 0;
var MonicaSkill6 = 0;
var MonicaSkill7 = 0;
var MonicaSkill8 = 0;
var MonicaSkill9 = 0;
var MonicaSkill10 = 0;
var MonicaSkillsLeft = 0;
var MonicaSkillsUsed1 = 0;
var MonicaSkillsUsed2 = 0;
var MonicaSkillsUsed3 = 0;
var MonicaSkillsUsed4 = 0;
var MonicaSkillsUsed5 = 0;
var MonicaSkillsUsed6 = 0;
var MonicaSkillsUsed7 = 0;
var MonicaSkillsUsed8 = 0;
var MonicaSkillsUsed9 = 0;
var MonicaSkillsUsed10 = 0;
var MonicaSkillsLvl = 1;
var MonicaSkillsTotal = 2;
/*Lexi skills*/
var LexiStaff = 1;
var LexiSkill1 = 1;
var LexiSkillName1 = 1;
var LexiSkillName2 = 1;
var LexiSkillName3 = 1;
var LexiSkillName4 = 1;
var LexiSkillName5 = 1;
var LexiSkillName6 = 1;
var LexiSkillName7 = 1;
var LexiSkillName8 = 1;
var LexiSkillName9 = 1;
var LexiSkillName10 = 1;
var LexiSkill2 = 1;
var LexiSkill3 = 1;
var LexiSkill4 = 1;
var LexiSkill5 = 0;
var LexiSkill6 = 0;
var LexiSkill7 = 0;
var LexiSkill8 = 0;
var LexiSkill9 = 0;
var LexiSkill10 = 0;
var LexiSkillsLeft = 0;
var LexiSkillsUsed1 = 0;
var LexiSkillsUsed2 = 0;
var LexiSkillsUsed3 = 0;
var LexiSkillsUsed4 = 0;
var LexiSkillsUsed5 = 0;
var LexiSkillsUsed6 = 0;
var LexiSkillsUsed7 = 0;
var LexiSkillsUsed8 = 0;
var LexiSkillsUsed9 = 0;
var LexiSkillsUsed10 = 0;
var LexiSkillsLvl = 1;
var LexiSkillsTotal = 2;
/*Veronica skills*/
var VeronicaStaff = 1;
var VeronicaSkill1 = 1;
var VeronicaSkillName1 = 1;
var VeronicaSkillName2 = 1;
var VeronicaSkillName3 = 1;
var VeronicaSkillName4 = 1;
var VeronicaSkillName5 = 1;
var VeronicaSkillName6 = 1;
var VeronicaSkillName7 = 1;
var VeronicaSkillName8 = 1;
var VeronicaSkillName9 = 1;
var VeronicaSkillName10 = 1;
var VeronicaSkill2 = 1;
var VeronicaSkill3 = 1;
var VeronicaSkill4 = 1;
var VeronicaSkill5 = 0;
var VeronicaSkill6 = 0;
var VeronicaSkill7 = 0;
var VeronicaSkill8 = 0;
var VeronicaSkill9 = 0;
var VeronicaSkill10 = 0;
var VeronicaSkillsLeft = 0;
var VeronicaSkillsUsed1 = 0;
var VeronicaSkillsUsed2 = 0;
var VeronicaSkillsUsed3 = 0;
var VeronicaSkillsUsed4 = 0;
var VeronicaSkillsUsed5 = 0;
var VeronicaSkillsUsed6 = 0;
var VeronicaSkillsUsed7 = 0;
var VeronicaSkillsUsed8 = 0;
var VeronicaSkillsUsed9 = 0;
var VeronicaSkillsUsed10 = 0;
var VeronicaSkillsLvl = 1;
var VeronicaSkillsTotal = 2;
/*Clara skills*/
var ClaraStaff = 1;
var ClaraSkill1 = 1;
var ClaraSkillName1 = 1;
var ClaraSkillName2 = 1;
var ClaraSkillName3 = 1;
var ClaraSkillName4 = 1;
var ClaraSkillName5 = 1;
var ClaraSkillName6 = 1;
var ClaraSkillName7 = 1;
var ClaraSkillName8 = 1;
var ClaraSkillName9 = 1;
var ClaraSkillName10 = 1;
var ClaraSkill2 = 1;
var ClaraSkill3 = 1;
var ClaraSkill4 = 1;
var ClaraSkill5 = 0;
var ClaraSkill6 = 0;
var ClaraSkill7 = 0;
var ClaraSkill8 = 0;
var ClaraSkill9 = 0;
var ClaraSkill10 = 0;
var ClaraSkillsLeft = 0;
var ClaraSkillsUsed1 = 0;
var ClaraSkillsUsed2 = 0;
var ClaraSkillsUsed3 = 0;
var ClaraSkillsUsed4 = 0;
var ClaraSkillsUsed5 = 0;
var ClaraSkillsUsed6 = 0;
var ClaraSkillsUsed7 = 0;
var ClaraSkillsUsed8 = 0;
var ClaraSkillsUsed9 = 0;
var ClaraSkillsUsed10 = 0;
var ClaraSkillsLvl = 1;
var ClaraSkillsTotal = 2;
/*Lucy skills*/
var LucyStaff = 1;
var LucySkill1 = 1;
var LucySkillName1 = 1;
var LucySkillName2 = 1;
var LucySkillName3 = 1;
var LucySkillName4 = 1;
var LucySkillName5 = 1;
var LucySkillName6 = 1;
var LucySkillName7 = 1;
var LucySkillName8 = 1;
var LucySkillName9 = 1;
var LucySkillName10 = 1;
var LucySkill2 = 1;
var LucySkill3 = 1;
var LucySkill4 = 1;
var LucySkill5 = 0;
var LucySkill6 = 0;
var LucySkill7 = 0;
var LucySkill8 = 0;
var LucySkill9 = 0;
var LucySkill10 = 0;
var LucySkillsLeft = 0;
var LucySkillsUsed1 = 0;
var LucySkillsUsed2 = 0;
var LucySkillsUsed3 = 0;
var LucySkillsUsed4 = 0;
var LucySkillsUsed5 = 0;
var LucySkillsUsed6 = 0;
/*Sophia skills*/
var SophiaStaff = 1;
var SophiaSkill1 = 1;
var SophiaSkillName1 = 1;
var SophiaSkillName2 = 1;
var SophiaSkillName3 = 1;
var SophiaSkillName4 = 1;
var SophiaSkillName5 = 1;
var SophiaSkillName6 = 1;
var SophiaSkillName7 = 1;
var SophiaSkillName8 = 1;
var SophiaSkillName9 = 1;
var SophiaSkillName10 = 1;
var SophiaSkill2 = 1;
var SophiaSkill3 = 1;
var SophiaSkill4 = 1;
var SophiaSkill5 = 0;
var SophiaSkill6 = 0;
var SophiaSkill7 = 0;
var SophiaSkill8 = 0;
var SophiaSkill9 = 0;
var SophiaSkill10 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsLeft = 0;
var SophiaSkillsUsed1 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsUsed2 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsUsed3 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsUsed4 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsUsed5 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsUsed6 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsUsed7 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsUsed8 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsUsed9 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsUsed10 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsLvl = 1;
var SophiaSkillsTotal = 2;
var LucySkillsUsed7 = 0;
var LucySkillsUsed8 = 0;
var LucySkillsUsed9 = 0;
var LucySkillsUsed10 = 0;
var LucySkillsLvl = 1;
var LucySkillsTotal = 2;
/*Sophia skills*/
var SophiaStaff = 1;
var SophiaSkill1 = 1;
var SophiaSkillName1 = 1;
var SophiaSkillName2 = 1;
var SophiaSkillName3 = 1;
var SophiaSkillName4 = 1;
var SophiaSkillName5 = 1;
var SophiaSkillName6 = 1;
var SophiaSkillName7 = 1;
var SophiaSkillName8 = 1;
var SophiaSkillName9 = 1;
var SophiaSkillName10 = 1;
var SophiaSkill2 = 1;
var SophiaSkill3 = 1;
var SophiaSkill4 = 1;
var SophiaSkill5 = 0;
var SophiaSkill6 = 0;
var SophiaSkill7 = 0;
var SophiaSkill8 = 0;
var SophiaSkill9 = 0;
var SophiaSkill10 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsLeft = 0;
var SophiaSkillsUsed1 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsUsed2 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsUsed3 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsUsed4 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsUsed5 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsUsed6 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsUsed7 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsUsed8 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsUsed9 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsUsed10 = 0;
var SophiaSkillsLvl = 1;
var SophiaSkillsTotal = 2;
/*Jane skills*/
var JaneStaff = 1;
var JaneSkill1 = 1;
var JaneSkillName1 = 1;
var JaneSkillName2 = 1;
var JaneSkillName3 = 1;
var JaneSkillName4 = 1;
var JaneSkillName5 = 1;
var JaneSkillName6 = 1;
var JaneSkillName7 = 1;
var JaneSkillName8 = 1;
var JaneSkillName9 = 1;
var JaneSkillName10 = 1;
var JaneSkill2 = 1;
var JaneSkill3 = 1;
var JaneSkill4 = 1;
var JaneSkill5 = 0;
var JaneSkill6 = 0;
var JaneSkill7 = 0;
var JaneSkill8 = 0;
var JaneSkill9 = 0;
var JaneSkill10 = 0;
var JaneSkillsLeft = 0;
var JaneSkillsUsed1 = 0;
var JaneSkillsUsed2 = 0;
var JaneSkillsUsed3 = 0;
var JaneSkillsUsed4 = 0;
var JaneSkillsUsed5 = 0;
var JaneSkillsUsed6 = 0;
var JaneSkillsUsed7 = 0;
var JaneSkillsUsed8 = 0;
var JaneSkillsUsed9 = 0;
var JaneSkillsUsed10 = 0;
var JaneSkillsLvl = 1;
var JaneSkillsTotal = 2
/*Fiona skills*/
var FionaStaff = 1;
var FionaSkill1 = 1;
var FionaSkillName1 = 1;
var FionaSkillName2 = 1;
var FionaSkillName3 = 1;
var FionaSkillName4 = 1;
var FionaSkillName5 = 1;
var FionaSkillName6 = 1;
var FionaSkillName7 = 1;
var FionaSkillName8 = 1;
var FionaSkillName9 = 1;
var FionaSkillName10 = 1;
var FionaSkill2 = 1;
var FionaSkill3 = 1;
var FionaSkill4 = 1;
var FionaSkill5 = 0;
var FionaSkill6 = 0;
var FionaSkill7 = 0;
var FionaSkill8 = 0;
var FionaSkill9 = 0;
var FionaSkill10 = 0;
var FionaSkillsLeft = 0;
var FionaSkillsUsed1 = 0;
var FionaSkillsUsed2 = 0;
var FionaSkillsUsed3 = 0;
var FionaSkillsUsed4 = 0;
var FionaSkillsUsed5 = 0;
var FionaSkillsUsed6 = 0;
var FionaSkillsUsed7 = 0;
var FionaSkillsUsed8 = 0;
var FionaSkillsUsed9 = 0;
var FionaSkillsUsed10 = 0;
var FionaSkillsLvl = 1;
var FionaSkillsTotal = 2;
/*Fiona skills*/
var FionaStaff = 1;
FionaSkill1 = 1;
var FionaSkillName1 = 1;
var FionaSkillName2 = 1;
var FionaSkillName3 = 1;
var FionaSkillName4 = 1;
var FionaSkillName5 = 1;
var FionaSkillName6 = 1;
var FionaSkillName7 = 1;
var FionaSkillName8 = 1;
var FionaSkillName9 = 1;
var FionaSkillName10 = 1;
var FionaSkill2 = 1;
var FionaSkill3 = 1;
var FionaSkill4 = 1;
var FionaSkill5 = 0;
var FionaSkill6 = 0;
var FionaSkill7 = 0;
var FionaSkill8 = 0;
var FionaSkill9 = 0;
var FionaSkill10 = 0;
var FionaSkillsLeft = 0;
var FionaSkillsUsed1 = 0;
var FionaSkillsUsed2 = 0;
var FionaSkillsUsed3 = 0;
var FionaSkillsUsed4 = 0;
var FionaSkillsUsed5 = 0;
var FionaSkillsUsed6 = 0;
var FionaSkillsUsed7 = 0;
var FionaSkillsUsed8 = 0;
var FionaSkillsUsed9 = 0;
var FionaSkillsUsed10 = 0;
var FionaSkillsLvl = 1;
var FionaSkillsTotal = 2;
let myVariableValue = State.variables.myVariable;
let myVariableValue = State.get("myVariable");
<div class="biocontainer">
<img src="img/avatars/Monica1.jpg" alt="Monica's Image">
<p>Text goes here</p>
<div class="icon-flex">
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<img class="icon-2" id="icon-2" src="img/avatars/Aidra.jpeg" alt="Icon 2">
<img class="icon-3" id="icon-3" src="img/avatars/Amber.jpg" alt="Icon 3">
<img class="icon-4" id="icon-4" src="img/avatars/Autumn.jpg" alt="Icon 4">
<img class="icon-5" id="icon-5" src="img/avatars/Bella.jpg" alt="Icon 5" >
<div class="icon-flex2">
<img class="icon-6" id="icon-6" src="img/avatars/Emma.jpg" alt="Icon 6">
<img class="icon-7" id="icon-7" src="img/avatars/fiona.jpg" alt="Icon 7">
<img class="icon-8" id="icon-8" src="img/avatars/jane.jpg" alt="Icon 8">
<img class="icon-9" id="icon-9" src="img/avatars/Jerry.png" alt="Icon 9">
<img class="icon-10" id="icon-10" src="img/avatars/Kayden.jpg" alt="Icon 10">
<div class="progress-box-bio">
<div class="progress position-relative">
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>
<div class="progress-box-bio2">
<div class="progress position-relative">
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>
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// Shuffle the images
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var previousImageSkills = null;
var text = document.createElement("p");
var text2 = document.createElement("p");
var pressTimer;
var borderAdded = false; = "absolute"; = "absolute";
var skillNames = {1: "Undercover genius", 2: "Empathetic explorer ", 3: "Cheerful champion", 4: "Goal getter", 5: "Fitness fanatic", 6: "Bookworm", 7: "Money-wise Marvel", 8: "Insightful innovator", 9: "Stealthy strategist", 10: "Risk-taking rebel"};
var skillDescriptions = ["This skill is not yet available.", "Monica thinks critically and solve problems effectively, but also allows her to keep her intelligence hidden to avoid hurting others. -get + 3% to influence points;-special options in events;", "Monica understands and connect with others, unlocking new communication and teamwork opportunities.", "Monica excels as a cheerleader, and potentially even become a team leader", "Monica easy to set and achieve her goals, unlocking new opportunities and successes.", "Monica can be physically fit and explore her physical limits, unlocking new abilities and bonuses.", "Monica understands and appreciate literature, unlocking new insights and perspectives.", "Monica able to manage her finances effectively, saving money for her parents.", "Monica thinks creatively and come up with unique solutions to problems.", "Monica navigates and succeed in high-pressure and dangerous situations while keeping a low profile.", "Monica takes risks and pursue bold actions, unlocking new challenges and adventures while staying true to her values."];
function changeborderskills(image) {
if (previousImageSkills === image) {
if (previousImageSkills &&"#54627d") === -1) { = "none";
let skillNum ="-")[1];
console.log("skillNum not defined.");
console.log(`skillNum: ${skillNum}`);
let borderColor = "red";
if (image.colorSpace !== "DeviceGray") {
borderColor = "pink";
if (eval(`MonicaSkill${skillNum}`) === 1) {
text2.innerHTML = skillDescriptions[skillNum];
} else {
text2.innerHTML = "This skill is not yet available.";
if (eval(`MonicaSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 1) { = "8px solid #54627d";
} else { = "solid 2px " + borderColor;
previousImageSkills = image;
if (eval(`MonicaSkillName${skillNum}`) === 1) {
text.innerHTML = `${skillNames[skillNum]}`;
} else {
text.innerHTML = "This skill is not yet available.";
} = "565px"; = "816px";
document.body.appendChild(text); = "595px"; = "816px";
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pressTimer = setTimeout(() => {
if (!longClicked) {
previousImageLongClicked = longClicked;
longClicked = true;
let skillNum ="-")[1];
console.log("skillNum not defined.");
console.log(`skillNum: ${skillNum}`);
if(eval(`MonicaSkill${skillNum}`) == 1 && eval(`MonicaSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 0 && eval(`MonicaSkillsTotal`) >= 1) { = "8px solid #54627d";
eval(`MonicaSkillsUsed${skillNum} = 1`);
eval(`MonicaSkillsTotal -= 1`);
console.log(`MonicaSkillsTotal: ${MonicaSkillsTotal}`);
console.log(`MonicaSkillsNum: $MonicaSkill${skillNum}`);
console.log(`MonicaSkillsUsedNum: $MonicaSkillsUsed${skillNum}`);
else if(eval(`MonicaSkill${skillNum}`) == 1 && eval(`MonicaSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 1) { = "none";
eval(`MonicaSkillsUsed${skillNum} = 0`);
eval(`MonicaSkillsTotal += 1`);
console.log(`MonicaSkillsTotal: ${MonicaSkillsTotal}`);
console.log("skillNum not defined.");
console.log(`skillNum: ${skillNum}`);
} else {
previousImageLongClicked = longClicked;
longClicked = false; = "none";
eval(`MonicaSkillsTotal += 1`);
}, 2000);
img.addEventListener("mouseup", function() {
isLongPress = false;
document.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
if (!"img.grayscale") && !"img") && !== "ApplySkillsImageId") {
if(previousImageSkills) {
[[SkillBegin2]] <div class="biocontainer">
<img src="img/avatars/Lexi2.jpg" alt="Lexi's Image">
<p>Text goes here</p>
<div class="icon-flex">
<img class="icon-1" id="icon-1" src="img/avatars/a.jpg" alt="Icon 1">
<img class="icon-2" id="icon-2" src="img/avatars/Aidra.jpeg" alt="Icon 2">
<img class="icon-3" id="icon-3" src="img/avatars/Amber.jpg" alt="Icon 3">
<img class="icon-4" id="icon-4" src="img/avatars/Autumn.jpg" alt="Icon 4">
<img class="icon-5" id="icon-5" src="img/avatars/Bella.jpg" alt="Icon 5" >
<div class="icon-flex2">
<img class="icon-6" id="icon-6" src="img/avatars/Emma.jpg" alt="Icon 6">
<img class="icon-7" id="icon-7" src="img/avatars/fiona.jpg" alt="Icon 7">
<img class="icon-8" id="icon-8" src="img/avatars/jane.jpg" alt="Icon 8">
<img class="icon-9" id="icon-9" src="img/avatars/Jerry.png" alt="Icon 9">
<img class="icon-10" id="icon-10" src="img/avatars/Kayden.jpg" alt="Icon 10">
<div class="progress-box-bio">
<div class="progress position-relative">
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>
<div class="progress-box-bio2">
<div class="progress position-relative">
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>
(function() {
// Get all image elements
let images = document.querySelectorAll('.icon-flex img, .icon-flex2 img');
let imagesArray = Array.from(images);
// Check if the positions are already saved in localstorage
let savedPositions = window.localStorage.getItem('imagePositions');
if (!savedPositions) {
// Shuffle the images
for (let i = imagesArray.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[imagesArray[i], imagesArray[j]] = [imagesArray[j], imagesArray[i]];
// Save the new positions in localstorage
window.localStorage.setItem('imagePositions', JSON.stringify( => image.src)));
} else {
// If positions are saved, use them to reorder the images
savedPositions = JSON.parse(savedPositions);
imagesArray.sort((a, b) => savedPositions.indexOf(a.src) - savedPositions.indexOf(b.src));
// Add the shuffled images back to the page
let iconFlex = document.querySelector('.icon-flex');
let iconFlex2 = document.querySelector('.icon-flex2');
iconFlex.innerHTML = '';
iconFlex2.innerHTML = '';
for (let i = 0; i < imagesArray.length; i++) {
if(i < 5) {
} else {
var previousImageSkills = null;
var text = document.createElement("p");
var text2 = document.createElement("p");
var pressTimer;
var borderAdded = false; = "absolute"; = "absolute";
var skillNames = {1: "Rebel Rouser", 2: "Charismatic Chameleon", 3: "Confidence Crusader", 4: "Risk-taking Renegade", 5: "Non-conformist Navigator", 6: "Trendsetting Titan", 7: "Quick-witted Quipper", 8: "Public Persuader", 9: "Arrogant Aristocrat", 10: "Skill 10"};
var skillDescriptions = ["This skill is not yet available.", "Allows Lexi to challenge authority and conventions, unlocking new opportunities and possibilities", "Allows Lexi to charm and persuade others, increasing her influence and power.", "Allows Lexi to project confidence and self-assurance, unlocking new opportunities and successes.", "Allows Lexi to take risks and pursue bold actions, unlocking new challenges and adventures.", "Allows Lexi to think and act independently, unlocking new perspectives and solutions.", "Allows Lexi to stay current with fashion and trends, and be on the forefront of what's popular.", "Allows Lexi to come up with solutions and decisions quickly in high-pressure situations.", "Allows Lexi to deliver speeches, presentations and rallies effectively, increasing her influence and power.", "Allows Lexi to be arrogant, impulsive, reckless and lack of empathy.", "Skill 10"];
function changeborderskills(image) {
if (previousImageSkills === image) {
if (previousImageSkills &&"#54627d") === -1) { = "none";
let skillNum ="-")[1];
console.log("skillNum not defined.");
console.log(`skillNum: ${skillNum}`);
let borderColor = "red";
if (image.colorSpace !== "DeviceGray") {
borderColor = "pink";
if (eval(`LexiSkill${skillNum}`) === 1) {
text2.innerHTML = skillDescriptions[skillNum];
} else {
text2.innerHTML = "This skill is not yet available.";
if (eval(`LexiSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 1) { = "8px solid #54627d";
} else { = "solid 2px " + borderColor;
previousImageSkills = image;
if (eval(`LexiSkillName${skillNum}`) === 1) {
text.innerHTML = `${skillNames[skillNum]}`;
} else {
text.innerHTML = "This skill is not yet available.";
} = "565px"; = "816px";
document.body.appendChild(text); = "595px"; = "816px";
var images = document.querySelectorAll('.icon-flex img, .icon-flex2 img');
images.forEach(img => {
img.addEventListener("click", function() {
let longClicked = false;
let previousImageLongClicked = false;
img.addEventListener("mousedown", function() {
pressTimer = setTimeout(() => {
if (!longClicked) {
previousImageLongClicked = longClicked;
longClicked = true;
let skillNum ="-")[1];
console.log("skillNum not defined.");
console.log(`skillNum: ${skillNum}`);
if(eval(`LexiSkill${skillNum}`) == 1 && eval(`LexiSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 0 && eval(`LexiSkillsTotal`) >= 1) { = "8px solid #54627d";
eval(`LexiSkillsUsed${skillNum} = 1`);
eval(`LexiSkillsTotal -= 1`);
eval(`LexiSkillsTotal -= 10`);
eval(`LexiSkillsLeft = 1`);
console.log(`LexiSkillsTotal: ${LexiSkillsTotal}`);
console.log(`LexiSkillsNum: $LexiSkill${skillNum}`);
console.log(`LexiSkillsUsedNum: $LexiSkillsUsed${skillNum}`);
else if(eval(`LexiSkill${skillNum}`) == 1 && eval(`LexiSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 1) { = "none";
eval(`LexiSkillsTotal -= 1`);
eval(`LexiSkillsUsed${skillNum} = 0`);
console.log(`LexiSkillsTotal: ${LexiSkillsTotal}`);
console.log("skillNum not defined.");
console.log(`skillNum: ${skillNum}`);
}, 2000);
img.addEventListener("mouseup", function() {
isLongPress = false;
document.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
if (!"img.grayscale") && !"img") && !== "ApplySkillsImageId") {
if(previousImageSkills) {
[[SkillBegin2]] <div class="biocontainer">
<img src="img/avatars/Monica1.jpg" alt="Monica's Image">
<p>Text goes here</p>
<div class="icon-flex">
<img class="icon-1" id="icon-1" src="img/avatars/a.jpg" alt="Icon 1">
<img class="icon-2" id="icon-2" src="img/avatars/Aidra.jpeg" alt="Icon 2">
<img class="icon-3" id="icon-3" src="img/avatars/Amber.jpg" alt="Icon 3">
<img class="icon-4" id="icon-4" src="img/avatars/Autumn.jpg" alt="Icon 4">
<img class="icon-5" id="icon-5" src="img/avatars/Bella.jpg" alt="Icon 5" >
<div class="icon-flex2">
<img class="icon-6" id="icon-6" src="img/avatars/Emma.jpg" alt="Icon 6">
<img class="icon-7" id="icon-7" src="img/avatars/fiona.jpg" alt="Icon 7">
<img class="icon-8" id="icon-8" src="img/avatars/jane.jpg" alt="Icon 8">
<img class="icon-9" id="icon-9" src="img/avatars/Jerry.png" alt="Icon 9">
<img class="icon-10" id="icon-10" src="img/avatars/Kayden.jpg" alt="Icon 10">
<div class="progress-box-bio">
<div class="progress position-relative">
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$popularity.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>
<div class="progress-box-bio2">
<div class="progress position-relative">
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$influence.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>
(function() {
// Get all image elements
let images = document.querySelectorAll('.icon-flex img, .icon-flex2 img');
let imagesArray = Array.from(images);
// Check if the positions are already saved in localstorage
let savedPositions = window.localStorage.getItem('imagePositions');
if (!savedPositions) {
// Shuffle the images
for (let i = imagesArray.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[imagesArray[i], imagesArray[j]] = [imagesArray[j], imagesArray[i]];
// Save the new positions in localstorage
window.localStorage.setItem('imagePositions', JSON.stringify( => image.src)));
} else {
// If positions are saved, use them to reorder the images
savedPositions = JSON.parse(savedPositions);
imagesArray.sort((a, b) => savedPositions.indexOf(a.src) - savedPositions.indexOf(b.src));
// Add the shuffled images back to the page
let iconFlex = document.querySelector('.icon-flex');
let iconFlex2 = document.querySelector('.icon-flex2');
iconFlex.innerHTML = '';
iconFlex2.innerHTML = '';
for (let i = 0; i < imagesArray.length; i++) {
if(i < 5) {
} else {
var previousImageSkills = null;
var text = document.createElement("p");
var text2 = document.createElement("p");
var pressTimer;
var borderAdded = false; = "absolute"; = "absolute";
var skillNames = {1: "Undercover genius", 2: "Empathetic explorer ", 3: "Cheerful champion", 4: "Goal getter", 5: "Fitness fanatic", 6: "Bookworm", 7: "Money-wise Marvel", 8: "Insightful innovator", 9: "Stealthy strategist", 10: "Risk-taking rebel"};
var skillDescriptions = ["This skill is not yet available.", "Monica thinks critically and solve problems effectively, but also allows her to keep her intelligence hidden to avoid hurting others. -get + 3% to influence points;-special options in events;", "Monica understands and connect with others, unlocking new communication and teamwork opportunities.", "Monica excels as a cheerleader, and potentially even become a team leader", "Monica easy to set and achieve her goals, unlocking new opportunities and successes.", "Monica can be physically fit and explore her physical limits, unlocking new abilities and bonuses.", "Monica understands and appreciate literature, unlocking new insights and perspectives.", "Monica able to manage her finances effectively, saving money for her parents.", "Monica thinks creatively and come up with unique solutions to problems.", "Monica navigates and succeed in high-pressure and dangerous situations while keeping a low profile.", "Monica takes risks and pursue bold actions, unlocking new challenges and adventures while staying true to her values."];
function changeborderskills(image) {
if (previousImageSkills === image) {
if (previousImageSkills &&"#54627d") === -1) { = "none";
let skillNum ="-")[1];
console.log("skillNum not defined.");
console.log(`skillNum: ${skillNum}`);
let borderColor = "#54627d";
if (image.colorSpace !== "DeviceGray") {
borderColor = "#54627d";
if (eval(`MonicaSkill${skillNum}`) === 1) {
text2.innerHTML = skillDescriptions[skillNum];
} else {
text2.innerHTML = "This skill is not yet available.";
if (eval(`MonicaSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 1) { = "solid 20px #54627d";
} else { = "solid 2px " + borderColor;
previousImageSkills = image;
if (eval(`MonicaSkillName${skillNum}`) === 1) {
text.innerHTML = `Monica ${skillNames[skillNum]}`;
} else {
text.innerHTML = "This skill is not yet available.";
} = "565px"; = "816px";
document.body.appendChild(text); = "595px"; = "816px";
var images = document.querySelectorAll('.icon-flex img, .icon-flex2 img');
images.forEach(img => {
img.addEventListener("click", function() {
let longClicked = false;
let previousImageLongClicked = false;
img.addEventListener("click", function() {
let isLongPress = false;
img.addEventListener("mousedown", function() {
pressTimer = setTimeout(() => {
if (!isLongPress) {
isLongPress = true;
let skillNum ="-")[1];
if(eval(`MonicaSkill${skillNum}`) == 1 && eval(`MonicaSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 0 && eval(`MonicaSkillsTotal`) >= 1) { = "solid 20px #54627d";
eval(`MonicaSkillsUsed${skillNum} = 1`);
eval(`MonicaSkillsTotal -= 1`);
} else if(eval(`MonicaSkill${skillNum}`) == 1 && eval(`MonicaSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 1){ = "none";
eval(`MonicaSkillsUsed${skillNum} = 0`);
eval(`MonicaSkillsTotal += 1`);
}, 2000);
img.addEventListener("mouseup", function() {
isLongPress = false;
document.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
if (!"img.grayscale") && !"img") && !== "ApplySkillsImageId") {
if(previousImageSkills) {
for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
if (MonicaSkillsUsed[i] === 1) {
let image = document.getElementById(`icon-${i}`); = "solid 2px #54627d";
[[SkillBegin2]] <div class="biocontainer">
<img src="img/avatars/Lexi2.jpg" alt="Lexi's Image">
<p>Text goes here</p>
<div class="icon-flex">
<img class="icon-1" id="icon-1" src="img/avatars/a.jpg" alt="Icon 1">
<img class="icon-2" id="icon-2" src="img/avatars/Aidra.jpeg" alt="Icon 2">
<img class="icon-3" id="icon-3" src="img/avatars/Amber.jpg" alt="Icon 3">
<img class="icon-4" id="icon-4" src="img/avatars/Autumn.jpg" alt="Icon 4">
<img class="icon-5" id="icon-5" src="img/avatars/Bella.jpg" alt="Icon 5" >
<div class="icon-flex2">
<img class="icon-6" id="icon-6" src="img/avatars/Emma.jpg" alt="Icon 6">
<img class="icon-7" id="icon-7" src="img/avatars/fiona.jpg" alt="Icon 7">
<img class="icon-8" id="icon-8" src="img/avatars/jane.jpg" alt="Icon 8">
<img class="icon-9" id="icon-9" src="img/avatars/Jerry.png" alt="Icon 9">
<img class="icon-10" id="icon-10" src="img/avatars/Kayden.jpg" alt="Icon 10">
<div class="progress-box-bio">
<div class="progress position-relative">
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>
<div class="progress-box-bio2">
<div class="progress position-relative">
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>
(function() {
// Get all image elements
let images = document.querySelectorAll('.icon-flex img, .icon-flex2 img');
let imagesArray = Array.from(images);
// Check if the positions are already saved in localstorage
let savedPositions = window.localStorage.getItem('imagePositions');
if (!savedPositions) {
// Shuffle the images
for (let i = imagesArray.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[imagesArray[i], imagesArray[j]] = [imagesArray[j], imagesArray[i]];
// Save the new positions in localstorage
window.localStorage.setItem('imagePositions', JSON.stringify( => image.src)));
} else {
// If positions are saved, use them to reorder the images
savedPositions = JSON.parse(savedPositions);
imagesArray.sort((a, b) => savedPositions.indexOf(a.src) - savedPositions.indexOf(b.src));
// Add the shuffled images back to the page
let iconFlex = document.querySelector('.icon-flex');
let iconFlex2 = document.querySelector('.icon-flex2');
iconFlex.innerHTML = '';
iconFlex2.innerHTML = '';
for (let i = 0; i < imagesArray.length; i++) {
if(i < 5) {
} else {
var previousImageSkills = null;
var text = document.createElement("p");
var text2 = document.createElement("p");
var pressTimer;
var borderAdded = false; = "absolute"; = "absolute";
var skillNames = {1: "Rebel Rouser", 2: "Charismatic Chameleon", 3: "Confidence Crusader", 4: "Risk-taking Renegade", 5: "Non-conformist Navigator", 6: "Trendsetting Titan", 7: "Quick-witted Quipper", 8: "Public Persuader", 9: "Arrogant Aristocrat", 10: "Skill 10"};
var skillDescriptions = ["This skill is not yet available.", "Allows Lexi to challenge authority and conventions, unlocking new opportunities and possibilities", "Allows Lexi to charm and persuade others, increasing her influence and power.", "Allows Lexi to project confidence and self-assurance, unlocking new opportunities and successes.", "Allows Lexi to take risks and pursue bold actions, unlocking new challenges and adventures.", "Allows Lexi to think and act independently, unlocking new perspectives and solutions.", "Allows Lexi to stay current with fashion and trends, and be on the forefront of what's popular.", "Allows Lexi to come up with solutions and decisions quickly in high-pressure situations.", "Allows Lexi to deliver speeches, presentations and rallies effectively, increasing her influence and power.", "Allows Lexi to be arrogant, impulsive, reckless and lack of empathy.", "Skill 10"];
function changeborderskills(image) {
if (previousImageSkills === image) {
if (previousImageSkills &&"#54627d") === -1) { = "none";
let skillNum ="-")[1];
console.log("skillNum not defined.");
console.log(`skillNum: ${skillNum}`);
let borderColor = "#54627d";
if (image.colorSpace !== "DeviceGray") {
borderColor = "#54627d";
if (eval(`LexiSkill${skillNum}`) === 1) {
text2.innerHTML = skillDescriptions[skillNum];
} else {
text2.innerHTML = "This skill is not yet available.";
if (eval(`LexiSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 1) { = "solid 20px #54627d";
} else { = "solid 2px " + borderColor;
previousImageSkills = image;
if (eval(`LexiSkillName${skillNum}`) === 1) {
text.innerHTML = `Lexi ${skillNames[skillNum]}`;
} else {
text.innerHTML = "This skill is not yet available.";
} = "565px"; = "816px";
document.body.appendChild(text); = "595px"; = "816px";
var images = document.querySelectorAll('.icon-flex img, .icon-flex2 img');
images.forEach(img => {
img.addEventListener("click", function() {
let longClicked = false;
let previousImageLongClicked = false;
img.addEventListener("click", function() {
let isLongPress = false;
img.addEventListener("mousedown", function() {
pressTimer = setTimeout(() => {
if (!isLongPress) {
isLongPress = true;
let skillNum ="-")[1];
if(eval(`LexiSkill${skillNum}`) == 1 && eval(`LexiSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 0 && eval(`LexiSkillsTotal`) >= 1) { = "solid 20px #54627d";
eval(`LexiSkillsUsed${skillNum} = 1`);
eval(`LexiSkillsTotal -= 1`);
} else if(eval(`LexiSkill${skillNum}`) == 1 && eval(`LexiSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 1){ = "none";
eval(`LexiSkillsUsed${skillNum} = 0`);
eval(`LexiSkillsTotal += 1`);
}, 2000);
img.addEventListener("mouseup", function() {
isLongPress = false;
document.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
if (!"img.grayscale") && !"img") && !== "ApplySkillsImageId") {
if(previousImageSkills) {
for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
if (LexiSkillsUsed[i] === 1) {
let image = document.getElementById(`icon-${i}`); = "solid 2px #54627d";
[[SkillBegin2]] <div class="biocontainer">
<img src="img/avatars/Veronica2.jpg" alt="Veronica's Image">
<p>Text goes here</p>
<div class="icon-flex">
<img class="icon-1" id="icon-1" src="img/avatars/a.jpg" alt="Icon 1">
<img class="icon-2" id="icon-2" src="img/avatars/Aidra.jpeg" alt="Icon 2">
<img class="icon-3" id="icon-3" src="img/avatars/Amber.jpg" alt="Icon 3">
<img class="icon-4" id="icon-4" src="img/avatars/Autumn.jpg" alt="Icon 4">
<img class="icon-5" id="icon-5" src="img/avatars/Bella.jpg" alt="Icon 5" >
<div class="icon-flex2">
<img class="icon-6" id="icon-6" src="img/avatars/Emma.jpg" alt="Icon 6">
<img class="icon-7" id="icon-7" src="img/avatars/fiona.jpg" alt="Icon 7">
<img class="icon-8" id="icon-8" src="img/avatars/jane.jpg" alt="Icon 8">
<img class="icon-9" id="icon-9" src="img/avatars/Jerry.png" alt="Icon 9">
<img class="icon-10" id="icon-10" src="img/avatars/Kayden.jpg" alt="Icon 10">
<div class="progress-box-bio">
<div class="progress position-relative">
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>
<div class="progress-box-bio2">
<div class="progress position-relative">
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>
(function() {
// Get all image elements
let images = document.querySelectorAll('.icon-flex img, .icon-flex2 img');
let imagesArray = Array.from(images);
// Check if the positions are already saved in localstorage
let savedPositions = window.localStorage.getItem('imagePositions');
if (!savedPositions) {
// Shuffle the images
for (let i = imagesArray.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[imagesArray[i], imagesArray[j]] = [imagesArray[j], imagesArray[i]];
// Save the new positions in localstorage
window.localStorage.setItem('imagePositions', JSON.stringify( => image.src)));
} else {
// If positions are saved, use them to reorder the images
savedPositions = JSON.parse(savedPositions);
imagesArray.sort((a, b) => savedPositions.indexOf(a.src) - savedPositions.indexOf(b.src));
// Add the shuffled images back to the page
let iconFlex = document.querySelector('.icon-flex');
let iconFlex2 = document.querySelector('.icon-flex2');
iconFlex.innerHTML = '';
iconFlex2.innerHTML = '';
for (let i = 0; i < imagesArray.length; i++) {
if(i < 5) {
} else {
var previousImageSkills = null;
var text = document.createElement("p");
var text2 = document.createElement("p");
var pressTimer;
var borderAdded = false; = "absolute"; = "absolute";
var skillNames = {1: "Clever Crusader", 2: "High-Speed Heroine", 3: "Latina Linguist", 4: "Spicy Chef", 5: "Addicted Athlete", 6: "Risk-taking Racer", 7: "Street-smart Strategist", 8: "Adaptable Adventurer", 9: "Resourceful Risk-taker", 10: "Weed-wise Warrior"};
var skillDescriptions = ["This skill is not yet available.", "Allows Veronica to think critically and solve problems effectively, unlocking new opportunities and successes.", "Allows Veronica to excel in racing and speed-based sports, unlocking new challenges and competitions.", "Allows Veronica to speak and understand multiple languages, unlocking new communication opportunities and cultural insights.", "Allows Veronica to create delicious and flavorful spicy dishes, unlocking new cooking abilities and recipes.", "Allows Veronica to perform well despite her addiction, but also increases the difficulty of maintaining healthy habits and relationships.", "Allows Veronica to take risks and pursue bold actions, unlocking new challenges and adventures.", "Allows Veronica to navigate and succeed in high-pressure and dangerous situations.", "Allows Veronica to adjust and thrive in new and unfamiliar environments.", "Allows Veronica to come up with creative solutions and make the most of limited resources", "Allows Veronica to manage her addiction and make healthy choices, but also increases the difficulty of maintaining healthy habits and relationships."];
function changeborderskills(image) {
if (previousImageSkills === image) {
if (previousImageSkills &&"#54627d") === -1) { = "none";
let skillNum ="-")[1];
console.log("skillNum not defined.");
console.log(`skillNum: ${skillNum}`);
let borderColor = "#54627d";
if (image.colorSpace !== "DeviceGray") {
borderColor = "#54627d";
if (eval(`VeronicaSkill${skillNum}`) === 1) {
text2.innerHTML = skillDescriptions[skillNum];
} else {
text2.innerHTML = "This skill is not yet available.";
if (eval(`VeronicaSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 1) { = "solid 20px #54627d";
} else { = "solid 2px " + borderColor;
previousImageSkills = image;
if (eval(`VeronicaSkillName${skillNum}`) === 1) {
text.innerHTML = `Veronica ${skillNames[skillNum]}`;
} else {
text.innerHTML = "This skill is not yet available.";
} = "565px"; = "816px";
document.body.appendChild(text); = "595px"; = "816px";
var images = document.querySelectorAll('.icon-flex img, .icon-flex2 img');
images.forEach(img => {
img.addEventListener("click", function() {
let longClicked = false;
let previousImageLongClicked = false;
img.addEventListener("click", function() {
let isLongPress = false;
img.addEventListener("mousedown", function() {
pressTimer = setTimeout(() => {
if (!isLongPress) {
isLongPress = true;
let skillNum ="-")[1];
if(eval(`VeronicaSkill${skillNum}`) == 1 && eval(`VeronicaSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 0 && eval(`VeronicaSkillsTotal`) >= 1) { = "solid 20px #54627d";
eval(`VeronicaSkillsUsed${skillNum} = 1`);
eval(`VeronicaSkillsTotal -= 1`);
} else if(eval(`VeronicaSkill${skillNum}`) == 1 && eval(`VeronicaSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 1){ = "none";
eval(`VeronicaSkillsUsed${skillNum} = 0`);
eval(`VeronicaSkillsTotal += 1`);
}, 2000);
img.addEventListener("mouseup", function() {
isLongPress = false;
document.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
if (!"img.grayscale") && !"img") && !== "ApplySkillsImageId") {
if(previousImageSkills) {
for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
if (VeronicaSkillsUsed[i] === 1) {
let image = document.getElementById(`icon-${i}`); = "solid 2px #54627d";
[[SkillBegin2]] <div class="biocontainer">
<img src="img/avatars/Clara2.jpg" alt="Clara's Image">
<p>Text goes here</p>
<div class="icon-flex">
<img class="icon-1" id="icon-1" src="img/avatars/a.jpg" alt="Icon 1">
<img class="icon-2" id="icon-2" src="img/avatars/Aidra.jpeg" alt="Icon 2">
<img class="icon-3" id="icon-3" src="img/avatars/Amber.jpg" alt="Icon 3">
<img class="icon-4" id="icon-4" src="img/avatars/Autumn.jpg" alt="Icon 4">
<img class="icon-5" id="icon-5" src="img/avatars/Bella.jpg" alt="Icon 5" >
<div class="icon-flex2">
<img class="icon-6" id="icon-6" src="img/avatars/Emma.jpg" alt="Icon 6">
<img class="icon-7" id="icon-7" src="img/avatars/fiona.jpg" alt="Icon 7">
<img class="icon-8" id="icon-8" src="img/avatars/jane.jpg" alt="Icon 8">
<img class="icon-9" id="icon-9" src="img/avatars/Jerry.png" alt="Icon 9">
<img class="icon-10" id="icon-10" src="img/avatars/Kayden.jpg" alt="Icon 10">
<div class="progress-box-bio">
<div class="progress position-relative">
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>
<div class="progress-box-bio2">
<div class="progress position-relative">
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>
(function() {
// Get all image elements
let images = document.querySelectorAll('.icon-flex img, .icon-flex2 img');
let imagesArray = Array.from(images);
// Check if the positions are already saved in localstorage
let savedPositions = window.localStorage.getItem('imagePositions');
if (!savedPositions) {
// Shuffle the images
for (let i = imagesArray.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[imagesArray[i], imagesArray[j]] = [imagesArray[j], imagesArray[i]];
// Save the new positions in localstorage
window.localStorage.setItem('imagePositions', JSON.stringify( => image.src)));
} else {
// If positions are saved, use them to reorder the images
savedPositions = JSON.parse(savedPositions);
imagesArray.sort((a, b) => savedPositions.indexOf(a.src) - savedPositions.indexOf(b.src));
// Add the shuffled images back to the page
let iconFlex = document.querySelector('.icon-flex');
let iconFlex2 = document.querySelector('.icon-flex2');
iconFlex.innerHTML = '';
iconFlex2.innerHTML = '';
for (let i = 0; i < imagesArray.length; i++) {
if(i < 5) {
} else {
var previousImageSkills = null;
var text = document.createElement("p");
var text2 = document.createElement("p");
var pressTimer;
var borderAdded = false; = "absolute"; = "absolute";
var skillNames = {1: "School Savvy", 2: "Strict Discipline", 3: "Booklover", 4: "Cosplay Master", 5: "Massage Expert", 6: "Finance Wizard", 7: "History Buff", 8: "Theater Director", 9: "Gardening Guru", 10: "Networking Pro"};
var skillDescriptions = ["This skill is not yet available.", "Allows Clara to efficiently manage and fundraise for the school, unlocking new resources and facilities.", "Allows Clara to maintain order and discipline among students, increasing their productivity and performance.", "Allows Clara to gain knowledge and insights from reading, unlocking new dialogue options and quest opportunities.", "Allows Clara to create and wear high-quality cosplay costumes, unlocking new social interactions and bonuses.", "Allows Clara to provide therapeutic massages, healing herself and others and reducing stress levels.", "Allows Clara to manage the school's finances effectively, maximizing income and minimizing expenses.", "Allows Clara to understand and appreciate the history of the school and its surrounding area, unlocking new quest opportunities and locations.", "Allows Clara to produce and direct school plays, unlocking new performance-9.Allows Clara to maintain and improve the school's gardens, unlocking new outdoor spaces for students to enjoy.", "Allows Clara to connect with alumni, donors, and other community members, unlocking new funding and support opportunities for the school."];
function changeborderskills(image) {
if (previousImageSkills === image) {
if (previousImageSkills &&"#54627d") === -1) { = "none";
let skillNum ="-")[1];
console.log("skillNum not defined.");
console.log(`skillNum: ${skillNum}`);
let borderColor = "#54627d";
if (image.colorSpace !== "DeviceGray") {
borderColor = "#54627d";
if (eval(`ClaraSkill${skillNum}`) === 1) {
text2.innerHTML = skillDescriptions[skillNum];
} else {
text2.innerHTML = "This skill is not yet available.";
if (eval(`ClaraSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 1) { = "solid 20px #54627d";
} else { = "solid 2px " + borderColor;
previousImageSkills = image;
if (eval(`ClaraSkillName${skillNum}`) === 1) {
text.innerHTML = `Clara ${skillNames[skillNum]}`;
} else {
text.innerHTML = "This skill is not yet available.";
} = "565px"; = "816px";
document.body.appendChild(text); = "595px"; = "816px";
var images = document.querySelectorAll('.icon-flex img, .icon-flex2 img');
images.forEach(img => {
img.addEventListener("click", function() {
let longClicked = false;
let previousImageLongClicked = false;
img.addEventListener("click", function() {
let isLongPress = false;
img.addEventListener("mousedown", function() {
pressTimer = setTimeout(() => {
if (!isLongPress) {
isLongPress = true;
let skillNum ="-")[1];
if(eval(`ClaraSkill${skillNum}`) == 1 && eval(`ClaraSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 0 && eval(`ClaraSkillsTotal`) >= 1) { = "solid 20px #54627d";
eval(`ClaraSkillsUsed${skillNum} = 1`);
eval(`ClaraSkillsTotal -= 1`);
} else if(eval(`ClaraSkill${skillNum}`) == 1 && eval(`ClaraSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 1){ = "none";
eval(`ClaraSkillsUsed${skillNum} = 0`);
eval(`ClaraSkillsTotal += 1`);
}, 2000);
img.addEventListener("mouseup", function() {
isLongPress = false;
document.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
if (!"img.grayscale") && !"img") && !== "ApplySkillsImageId") {
if(previousImageSkills) {
for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
if (ClaraSkillsUsed[i] === 1) {
let image = document.getElementById(`icon-${i}`); = "solid 2px #54627d";
[[SkillBegin2]] <div class="biocontainer">
<img src="img/avatars/Lucy1.jpg" alt="Lucy's Image">
<p>Text goes here</p>
<div class="icon-flex">
<img class="icon-1" id="icon-1" src="img/avatars/a.jpg" alt="Icon 1">
<img class="icon-2" id="icon-2" src="img/avatars/Aidra.jpeg" alt="Icon 2">
<img class="icon-3" id="icon-3" src="img/avatars/Amber.jpg" alt="Icon 3">
<img class="icon-4" id="icon-4" src="img/avatars/Autumn.jpg" alt="Icon 4">
<img class="icon-5" id="icon-5" src="img/avatars/Bella.jpg" alt="Icon 5" >
<div class="icon-flex2">
<img class="icon-6" id="icon-6" src="img/avatars/Emma.jpg" alt="Icon 6">
<img class="icon-7" id="icon-7" src="img/avatars/fiona.jpg" alt="Icon 7">
<img class="icon-8" id="icon-8" src="img/avatars/jane.jpg" alt="Icon 8">
<img class="icon-9" id="icon-9" src="img/avatars/Jerry.png" alt="Icon 9">
<img class="icon-10" id="icon-10" src="img/avatars/Kayden.jpg" alt="Icon 10">
<div class="progress-box-bio">
<div class="progress position-relative">
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>
<div class="progress-box-bio2">
<div class="progress position-relative">
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>
(function() {
// Get all image elements
let images = document.querySelectorAll('.icon-flex img, .icon-flex2 img');
let imagesArray = Array.from(images);
// Check if the positions are already saved in localstorage
let savedPositions = window.localStorage.getItem('imagePositions');
if (!savedPositions) {
// Shuffle the images
for (let i = imagesArray.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[imagesArray[i], imagesArray[j]] = [imagesArray[j], imagesArray[i]];
// Save the new positions in localstorage
window.localStorage.setItem('imagePositions', JSON.stringify( => image.src)));
} else {
// If positions are saved, use them to reorder the images
savedPositions = JSON.parse(savedPositions);
imagesArray.sort((a, b) => savedPositions.indexOf(a.src) - savedPositions.indexOf(b.src));
// Add the shuffled images back to the page
let iconFlex = document.querySelector('.icon-flex');
let iconFlex2 = document.querySelector('.icon-flex2');
iconFlex.innerHTML = '';
iconFlex2.innerHTML = '';
for (let i = 0; i < imagesArray.length; i++) {
if(i < 5) {
} else {
var previousImageSkills = null;
var text = document.createElement("p");
var text2 = document.createElement("p");
var pressTimer;
var borderAdded = false; = "absolute"; = "absolute";
var skillNames = {1: "Math Genius", 2: "Man Magnet", 3: "Mnemonic", 4: "Athletic", 5: "Savvy Shopper", 6: "Coffee Connoisseur", 7: "Charismatic", 8: "Efficiency", 9: "Observant", 10: "Multi-tasker"};
var skillDescriptions = ["This skill is not yet available.", "Allows Lucy to effectively teach and understand advanced mathematical concepts, unlocking new quest opportunities and puzzles.", "Allows Lucy to have an easier time building relationships with men, but also increases the difficulty of interactions with women.", "Allows Lucy to develop memory techniques and use memory aids to effectively manage her memory issues.", "Allows Lucy to excel in sports and physical activities, unlocking new challenges and competitions.", "Allows Lucy to be a smart and effective shopper, always getting the best deals and discounts.", "Allows Lucy to brew and enjoy different types of coffee, giving her a boost of energy and focus.", "Allows Lucy to have an easier time persuading and convincing others, but also increases the difficulty of maintaining trust.", "Allows Lucy to work quickly and efficiently, getting more done in less time.", "Allows Lucy to pay attention to details, noticing things others might miss, and solving problems more effectively.", "Allows Lucy to handle multiple tasks and responsibilities at once, managing her time and resources effectively."];
function changeborderskills(image) {
if (previousImageSkills === image) {
if (previousImageSkills &&"#54627d") === -1) { = "none";
let skillNum ="-")[1];
console.log("skillNum not defined.");
console.log(`skillNum: ${skillNum}`);
let borderColor = "#54627d";
if (image.colorSpace !== "DeviceGray") {
borderColor = "#54627d";
if (eval(`LucySkill${skillNum}`) === 1) {
text2.innerHTML = skillDescriptions[skillNum];
} else {
text2.innerHTML = "This skill is not yet available.";
if (eval(`LucySkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 1) { = "solid 20px #54627d";
} else { = "solid 2px " + borderColor;
previousImageSkills = image;
if (eval(`LucySkillName${skillNum}`) === 1) {
text.innerHTML = `Lucy ${skillNames[skillNum]}`;
} else {
text.innerHTML = "This skill is not yet available.";
} = "565px"; = "816px";
document.body.appendChild(text); = "595px"; = "816px";
var images = document.querySelectorAll('.icon-flex img, .icon-flex2 img');
images.forEach(img => {
img.addEventListener("click", function() {
let longClicked = false;
let previousImageLongClicked = false;
img.addEventListener("click", function() {
let isLongPress = false;
img.addEventListener("mousedown", function() {
pressTimer = setTimeout(() => {
if (!isLongPress) {
isLongPress = true;
let skillNum ="-")[1];
if(eval(`LucySkill${skillNum}`) == 1 && eval(`LucySkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 0 && eval(`LucySkillsTotal`) >= 1) { = "solid 20px #54627d";
eval(`LucySkillsUsed${skillNum} = 1`);
eval(`LucySkillsTotal -= 1`);
} else if(eval(`LucySkill${skillNum}`) == 1 && eval(`LucySkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 1){ = "none";
eval(`LucySkillsUsed${skillNum} = 0`);
eval(`LucySkillsTotal += 1`);
}, 2000);
img.addEventListener("mouseup", function() {
isLongPress = false;
document.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
if (!"img.grayscale") && !"img") && !== "ApplySkillsImageId") {
if(previousImageSkills) {
for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
if (LucySkillsUsed[i] === 1) {
let image = document.getElementById(`icon-${i}`); = "solid 2px #54627d";
[[SkillBegin2]] <div class="biocontainer">
<img src="img/avatars/Sophia2.jpg" alt="Sophia's Image">
<p>Text goes here</p>
<div class="icon-flex">
<img class="icon-1" id="icon-1" src="img/avatars/a.jpg" alt="Icon 1">
<img class="icon-2" id="icon-2" src="img/avatars/Aidra.jpeg" alt="Icon 2">
<img class="icon-3" id="icon-3" src="img/avatars/Amber.jpg" alt="Icon 3">
<img class="icon-4" id="icon-4" src="img/avatars/Autumn.jpg" alt="Icon 4">
<img class="icon-5" id="icon-5" src="img/avatars/Bella.jpg" alt="Icon 5" >
<div class="icon-flex2">
<img class="icon-6" id="icon-6" src="img/avatars/Emma.jpg" alt="Icon 6">
<img class="icon-7" id="icon-7" src="img/avatars/fiona.jpg" alt="Icon 7">
<img class="icon-8" id="icon-8" src="img/avatars/jane.jpg" alt="Icon 8">
<img class="icon-9" id="icon-9" src="img/avatars/Jerry.png" alt="Icon 9">
<img class="icon-10" id="icon-10" src="img/avatars/Kayden.jpg" alt="Icon 10">
<div class="progress-box-bio">
<div class="progress position-relative">
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>
<div class="progress-box-bio2">
<div class="progress position-relative">
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>
(function() {
// Get all image elements
let images = document.querySelectorAll('.icon-flex img, .icon-flex2 img');
let imagesArray = Array.from(images);
// Check if the positions are already saved in localstorage
let savedPositions = window.localStorage.getItem('imagePositions');
if (!savedPositions) {
// Shuffle the images
for (let i = imagesArray.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[imagesArray[i], imagesArray[j]] = [imagesArray[j], imagesArray[i]];
// Save the new positions in localstorage
window.localStorage.setItem('imagePositions', JSON.stringify( => image.src)));
} else {
// If positions are saved, use them to reorder the images
savedPositions = JSON.parse(savedPositions);
imagesArray.sort((a, b) => savedPositions.indexOf(a.src) - savedPositions.indexOf(b.src));
// Add the shuffled images back to the page
let iconFlex = document.querySelector('.icon-flex');
let iconFlex2 = document.querySelector('.icon-flex2');
iconFlex.innerHTML = '';
iconFlex2.innerHTML = '';
for (let i = 0; i < imagesArray.length; i++) {
if(i < 5) {
} else {
var previousImageSkills = null;
var text = document.createElement("p");
var text2 = document.createElement("p");
var pressTimer;
var borderAdded = false; = "absolute"; = "absolute";
var skillNames = {1: "Verbal Virtuoso", 2: "Erotic Enlightenment", 3: "Club Captain", 4: "Spear Sire", 5: "Inner Goddess Guider", 6: "Business Baroness", 7: "Debate Dynamo", 8: "Literary Luminary", 9: "Empathic Ear", 10: "Flexible Mind"};
var skillDescriptions = ["This skill is not yet available.", "Allows Sophia to master the art of persuasion and eloquence, unlocking new dialogue options and quest opportunities.", "Allows Sophia to gain new insights and perspectives from erotic literature, unlocking new abilities and bonuses.", "Allows Sophia to effectively lead and manage a student club, unlocking new resources and opportunities for members.", "Allows Sophia to gain bonuses and special abilities from interacting with the spear of the main character.", "Allows Sophia to help and guide students, particularly girls, in discovering and embracing their full potential.", "Allows Sophia to effectively manage her own business, unlocking new income and opportunities.", "Allows Sophia to effectively argue and defend her positions in debate and discussions.", "Allows Sophia to write and create her own literature, unlocking new quest opportunities and puzzles.", "Allows Sophia to understand and relate to the emotions and perspectives of her students, unlocking new problem-solving abilities and puzzles.", "Allows Sophia to think outside the box and come up with unique solutions to problems."];
function changeborderskills(image) {
if (previousImageSkills === image) {
if (previousImageSkills &&"#54627d") === -1) { = "none";
let skillNum ="-")[1];
console.log("skillNum not defined.");
console.log(`skillNum: ${skillNum}`);
let borderColor = "#54627d";
if (image.colorSpace !== "DeviceGray") {
borderColor = "#54627d";
if (eval(`SophiaSkill${skillNum}`) === 1) {
text2.innerHTML = skillDescriptions[skillNum];
} else {
text2.innerHTML = "This skill is not yet available.";
if (eval(`SophiaSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 1) { = "solid 20px #54627d";
} else { = "solid 2px " + borderColor;
previousImageSkills = image;
if (eval(`SophiaSkillName${skillNum}`) === 1) {
text.innerHTML = `Sophia ${skillNames[skillNum]}`;
} else {
text.innerHTML = "This skill is not yet available.";
} = "565px"; = "816px";
document.body.appendChild(text); = "595px"; = "816px";
var images = document.querySelectorAll('.icon-flex img, .icon-flex2 img');
images.forEach(img => {
img.addEventListener("click", function() {
let longClicked = false;
let previousImageLongClicked = false;
img.addEventListener("click", function() {
let isLongPress = false;
img.addEventListener("mousedown", function() {
pressTimer = setTimeout(() => {
if (!isLongPress) {
isLongPress = true;
let skillNum ="-")[1];
if(eval(`SophiaSkill${skillNum}`) == 1 && eval(`SophiaSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 0 && eval(`SophiaSkillsTotal`) >= 1) { = "solid 20px #54627d";
eval(`SophiaSkillsUsed${skillNum} = 1`);
eval(`SophiaSkillsTotal -= 1`);
} else if(eval(`SophiaSkill${skillNum}`) == 1 && eval(`SophiaSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 1){ = "none";
eval(`SophiaSkillsUsed${skillNum} = 0`);
eval(`SophiaSkillsTotal += 1`);
}, 2000);
img.addEventListener("mouseup", function() {
isLongPress = false;
document.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
if (!"img.grayscale") && !"img") && !== "ApplySkillsImageId") {
if(previousImageSkills) {
for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
if (SophiaSkillsUsed[i] === 1) {
let image = document.getElementById(`icon-${i}`); = "solid 2px #54627d";
[[SkillBegin2]] <div class="biocontainer">
<img src="img/avatars/Jane1.jpg" alt="Jane's Image">
<p>Text goes here</p>
<div class="icon-flex">
<img class="icon-1" id="icon-1" src="img/avatars/a.jpg" alt="Icon 1">
<img class="icon-2" id="icon-2" src="img/avatars/Aidra.jpeg" alt="Icon 2">
<img class="icon-3" id="icon-3" src="img/avatars/Amber.jpg" alt="Icon 3">
<img class="icon-4" id="icon-4" src="img/avatars/Autumn.jpg" alt="Icon 4">
<img class="icon-5" id="icon-5" src="img/avatars/Bella.jpg" alt="Icon 5" >
<div class="icon-flex2">
<img class="icon-6" id="icon-6" src="img/avatars/Emma.jpg" alt="Icon 6">
<img class="icon-7" id="icon-7" src="img/avatars/fiona.jpg" alt="Icon 7">
<img class="icon-8" id="icon-8" src="img/avatars/jane.jpg" alt="Icon 8">
<img class="icon-9" id="icon-9" src="img/avatars/Jerry.png" alt="Icon 9">
<img class="icon-10" id="icon-10" src="img/avatars/Kayden.jpg" alt="Icon 10">
<div class="progress-box-bio">
<div class="progress position-relative">
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>
<div class="progress-box-bio2">
<div class="progress position-relative">
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>
(function() {
// Get all image elements
let images = document.querySelectorAll('.icon-flex img, .icon-flex2 img');
let imagesArray = Array.from(images);
// Check if the positions are already saved in localstorage
let savedPositions = window.localStorage.getItem('imagePositions');
if (!savedPositions) {
// Shuffle the images
for (let i = imagesArray.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[imagesArray[i], imagesArray[j]] = [imagesArray[j], imagesArray[i]];
// Save the new positions in localstorage
window.localStorage.setItem('imagePositions', JSON.stringify( => image.src)));
} else {
// If positions are saved, use them to reorder the images
savedPositions = JSON.parse(savedPositions);
imagesArray.sort((a, b) => savedPositions.indexOf(a.src) - savedPositions.indexOf(b.src));
// Add the shuffled images back to the page
let iconFlex = document.querySelector('.icon-flex');
let iconFlex2 = document.querySelector('.icon-flex2');
iconFlex.innerHTML = '';
iconFlex2.innerHTML = '';
for (let i = 0; i < imagesArray.length; i++) {
if(i < 5) {
} else {
var previousImageSkills = null;
var text = document.createElement("p");
var text2 = document.createElement("p");
var pressTimer;
var borderAdded = false; = "absolute"; = "absolute";
var skillNames = {1: "Medical Maverick", 2: "Biological Brainiac", 3: "Manipulative Mastermind", 4: "Compassionate Caretaker", 5: "Pharmaceutical Prodigy", 6: "Secret Keeper Supreme", 7: "Rapid Respondent", 8: "Multi-task Marvel", 9: "Pressure-proof", 10: "Perceptive Pro"};
var skillDescriptions = ["This skill is not yet available.", "Allows Jane to effectively tend to the medical needs of students and staff, unlocking new resources and opportunities.", "Allows Jane to understand and appreciate the intricacies of human biology, unlocking new insights and perspectives.", "Allows Jane to control and influence the actions of others, but also increases the difficulty of maintaining trust and relationships.", "Allows Jane to effectively care for and support her ill sister, unlocking new resources and opportunities.", "Allows Jane to understand and use different types of medicine, unlocking new abilities and bonuses.", "Allows Jane to keep secrets and maintain confidentiality, but also increases the difficulty of maintaining trust and relationships.", "Allows Jane to think on her feet and come up with solutions quickly in emergency situations.", "Allows Jane to handle multiple tasks and responsibilities at once, managing her time and resources effectively.", "Allows Jane to remain calm and focused in high-stress situations, unlocking new problem-solving abilities and puzzles.", "Allows Jane to remain calm and focused in high-stress situations, unlocking new problem-solving abilities and puzzles."];
function changeborderskills(image) {
if (previousImageSkills === image) {
if (previousImageSkills &&"#54627d") === -1) { = "none";
let skillNum ="-")[1];
console.log("skillNum not defined.");
console.log(`skillNum: ${skillNum}`);
let borderColor = "#54627d";
if (image.colorSpace !== "DeviceGray") {
borderColor = "#54627d";
if (eval(`JaneSkill${skillNum}`) === 1) {
text2.innerHTML = skillDescriptions[skillNum];
} else {
text2.innerHTML = "This skill is not yet available.";
if (eval(`JaneSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 1) { = "solid 20px #54627d";
} else { = "solid 2px " + borderColor;
previousImageSkills = image;
if (eval(`JaneSkillName${skillNum}`) === 1) {
text.innerHTML = `Jane ${skillNames[skillNum]}`;
} else {
text.innerHTML = "This skill is not yet available.";
} = "565px"; = "816px";
document.body.appendChild(text); = "595px"; = "816px";
var images = document.querySelectorAll('.icon-flex img, .icon-flex2 img');
images.forEach(img => {
img.addEventListener("click", function() {
let longClicked = false;
let previousImageLongClicked = false;
img.addEventListener("click", function() {
let isLongPress = false;
img.addEventListener("mousedown", function() {
pressTimer = setTimeout(() => {
if (!isLongPress) {
isLongPress = true;
let skillNum ="-")[1];
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eval(`JaneSkillsUsed${skillNum} = 1`);
eval(`JaneSkillsTotal -= 1`);
} else if(eval(`JaneSkill${skillNum}`) == 1 && eval(`JaneSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 1){ = "none";
eval(`JaneSkillsUsed${skillNum} = 0`);
eval(`JaneSkillsTotal += 1`);
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let image = document.getElementById(`icon-${i}`); = "solid 2px #54627d";
[[SkillBegin2]] <div class="biocontainer">
<img src="img/avatars/Fiona1.jpg" alt="Fiona's Image">
<p>Text goes here</p>
<div class="icon-flex">
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<img class="icon-2" id="icon-2" src="img/avatars/Aidra.jpeg" alt="Icon 2">
<img class="icon-3" id="icon-3" src="img/avatars/Amber.jpg" alt="Icon 3">
<img class="icon-4" id="icon-4" src="img/avatars/Autumn.jpg" alt="Icon 4">
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<div class="icon-flex2">
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<img class="icon-9" id="icon-9" src="img/avatars/Jerry.png" alt="Icon 9">
<img class="icon-10" id="icon-10" src="img/avatars/Kayden.jpg" alt="Icon 10">
<div class="progress-box-bio">
<div class="progress position-relative">
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>
<div class="progress-box-bio2">
<div class="progress position-relative">
<<print '<div class="progress-bar blue-bg" style="width: '+$SchoolObedience.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>' >>\
<span class="d-flex position-absolute w-100 progress-text">Obedience</span>
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var text = document.createElement("p");
var text2 = document.createElement("p");
var pressTimer;
var borderAdded = false; = "absolute"; = "absolute";
var skillNames = {1: "Group Guardian", 2: "Soda-sipping Savvy", 3: "Tattooed-fan", 4: "Studious Scholar", 5: "Secretly Smitten", 6: "Fanatical Follower", 7: "Obsessive Organizer", 8: "Social Media Maestro", 9: "Passionate Promoter", 10: "Fervent Fanatic"};
var skillDescriptions = ["This skill is not yet available.", "Allows Fiona to effectively monitor and lead the main character's fan group, unlocking new opportunities for organization and leadership.", "Allows Fiona to appreciate and enjoy soda, but also increases the difficulty of maintaining healthy habits.", "Allows Fiona to show her passion and dedication to the main character through her tattoo, but also increases the difficulty of maintaining healthy relationships.", "Allows Fiona to excel academically and pursue higher education, unlocking new opportunities for growth and development.", "Allows Fiona to navigate the complexities of hiding her feelings for the main character, unlocking new insights and perspectives.", "Allows Fiona to have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the main character and his work.", "Allows Fiona to effectively organize and plan events and activities for the fan group.", "Allows Fiona to effectively use social media to promote and grow the fan group.", "Allows Fiona to effectively promote and market the main character and his work.", "Allows Fiona to have an intense passion and enthusiasm for the main character and his work."];
function changeborderskills(image) {
if (previousImageSkills === image) {
if (previousImageSkills &&"#54627d") === -1) { = "none";
let skillNum ="-")[1];
console.log("skillNum not defined.");
console.log(`skillNum: ${skillNum}`);
let borderColor = "#54627d";
if (image.colorSpace !== "DeviceGray") {
borderColor = "#54627d";
if (eval(`FionaSkill${skillNum}`) === 1) {
text2.innerHTML = skillDescriptions[skillNum];
} else {
text2.innerHTML = "This skill is not yet available.";
if (eval(`FionaSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 1) { = "solid 20px #54627d";
} else { = "solid 2px " + borderColor;
previousImageSkills = image;
if (eval(`FionaSkillName${skillNum}`) === 1) {
text.innerHTML = `Fiona ${skillNames[skillNum]}`;
} else {
text.innerHTML = "This skill is not yet available.";
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img.addEventListener("mousedown", function() {
pressTimer = setTimeout(() => {
if (!isLongPress) {
isLongPress = true;
let skillNum ="-")[1];
if(eval(`FionaSkill${skillNum}`) == 1 && eval(`FionaSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 0 && eval(`FionaSkillsTotal`) >= 1) { = "solid 20px #54627d";
eval(`FionaSkillsUsed${skillNum} = 1`);
eval(`FionaSkillsTotal -= 1`);
} else if(eval(`FionaSkill${skillNum}`) == 1 && eval(`FionaSkillsUsed${skillNum}`) == 1){ = "none";
eval(`FionaSkillsUsed${skillNum} = 0`);
eval(`FionaSkillsTotal += 1`);
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if (FionaSkillsUsed[i] === 1) {
let image = document.getElementById(`icon-${i}`); = "solid 2px #54627d";
[[SkillBegin2]] [[MonicaSkillsPage]]
[[FionaSkillsPage]] [[Monica's file|MonicaSkillsPage]]
[[Lexi's file|LexiSkillsPage]]
[[Veronica's file|VeronicaSkillsPage]]
[[Clara's file|ClaraSkillsPage]]
[[Lucy's file|LucySkillsPage]]
[[Sophia's file|SophiaSkillsPage]]
[[Jane's file|JaneSkillsPage]]
[[Fiona's file|FionaSkillsPage]] <div class='row' id='staffrow'>
<div id="availablestaff">
<p class="avstaff-text">Available Staff</p>
<div class="avstaff-img-row" ondragover='allowDrop(event)' ondrop='drop(event)'>
<<if $ClaraSchoolWork == 1>>\
<img src='img/avatars/Aidra.jpeg' class='staffimg' id='staff_1' draggable='true' ondragstart='drag(event)'>
<<if $AmberSchoolWork == 1>>\
<img src='img/avatars/Amber.jpg' class='staffimg' id='staff_2' draggable='true' ondragstart='drag(event)'>
<<if $AutumnSchoolWork == 1>>\
<img src='img/avatars/Autumn.jpg' class='staffimg' id='staff_3' draggable='true' ondragstart='drag(event)'>
<<if $BellaSchoolWork == 1>>\
<img src='img/avatars/Bella.jpg' class='staffimg' id='staff_4' draggable='true' ondragstart='drag(event)'>
<<if $CamillaSchoolWork == 1>>\
<img src='img/avatars/cSS.jpg' class='staffimg' id='staff_5' draggable='true' ondragstart='drag(event)'>
<<if $EmmaSchoolWork == 1>>\
<img src='img/avatars/Emma.png' class='staffimg' id='staff_6' draggable='true' ondragstart='drag(event)'>
<<if $JerrySchoolWork == 1>>\
<img src='img/avatars/Jerry.png' class='staffimg' id='staff_9' draggable='true' ondragstart='drag(event)'>
<img src='img/avatars/Lexi.png' class='staffimg' id='staff_11' draggable='true' ondragstart='drag(event)'>
<<if $NaomiSchoolWork == 1>>\
<img src='img/avatars/naomi.jpg' class='staffimg' id='staff_14' draggable='true' ondragstart='drag(event)'>
<img src='img/avatars/Vero.jpg' class='staffimg' id='staff_18' draggable='true' ondragstart='drag(event)'>
<<if $KaydenSchoolWork == 1>>\
<img src='img/avatars/Kayden.jpg' class='staffimg' id='staff_19' draggable='true' ondragstart='drag(event)'>
<div class="workstaff-column">
<div id='teacherstaff' ondragover='allowDrop(event)' ondrop='drop(event)'>
<p class="teachstaff-text">Teacher's Staff</p>
<div class="teacher-img-row" ondragover='allowDrop(event)' ondrop='drop(event)'>
<img src='img/avatars/Lucy.jpg' class='staffimg' id='staff_12' draggable='true' ondragstart='drag(event)'>
<img src='img/avatars/Sophia.jpg' class='staffimg' id='staff_17' draggable='true' ondragstart='drag(event)'>
<div id='studentstaff' ondragover='allowDrop(event)' ondrop='drop(event)'>
<p class="avstaff-text">Student's Staff</p>
<div class="teacher-img-row" ondragover='allowDrop(event)' ondrop='drop(event)'>
<img src='img/avatars/fiona.jpg' class='staffimg' id='staff_7' draggable='true' ondragstart='drag(event)'>
<img src='img/avatars/Monica.jpeg' class='staffimg' id='staff_13' draggable='true' ondragstart='drag(event)'>
<div id='additionalstaff' ondragover='allowDrop(event)' ondrop='drop(event)'>
<p class="avstaff-text">Additional Staff</p>
<div class="teacher-img-row" ondragover='all owDrop(event)' ondrop='drop(event)'>
<img src='img/avatars/jane.jpg' class='staffimg' id='staff_8' draggable='true' ondragstart='drag(event)'>
<img src='img/avatars/Olivia.jpeg' class='staffimg' id='staff_15' draggable='true' ondragstart='drag(event)'>
<img src='img/avatars/Shea.jpeg' class='staffimg' id='staff_16' draggable='true' ondragstart='drag(event)'>
var MonicaStaff;
var savedPositions = {};
//get the saved positions of the images from local storage
var storagePositions = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("staffPositions")) || {};
savedPositions = storagePositions;
//if there are saved positions, set the images to the correct columns
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var img = document.getElementById("staff_"+id);
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MonicaStaff = 1;
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MonicaStaff = 0;
if (id == "18" && className == "teacher-img-row") {
VeronicaStaff = 1;
} else if (id == "18" && className == "avstaff-img-row") {
VeronicaStaff = 0;
if (id == "7" && className == "teacher-img-row") {
FionaStaff = 1;
} else if (id == "7" && className == "avstaff-img-row") {
FionaStaff = 0;
if (id == "11" && className == "teacher-img-row") {
LexiStaff = 1;
} else if (id == "13" && className == "avstaff-img-row") {
LexiStaff = 0;
function allowDrop(ev) {
function drag(ev) {
function drop(ev) {
var data = ev.dataTransfer.getData("text");
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if (!data.startsWith("staff_")) {
console.log("Invalid data format:", data);
var id = data.split("_").pop();
if (document.getElementById(data)) {
if ( === "teacherstaff" && id === "13") {
var className =;
savedPositions[id] = className;
console.log("Saved Positions: ", savedPositions);
console.log("Dropped image id: ", id);
// Save the positions to local storage
localStorage.setItem("staffPositions", JSON.stringify(savedPositions));
updateStaffStatus(id, className);
function updateStaffStatus(id, className) {
switch (id) {
case "13":
MonicaStaff = className === "teacher-img-row" ? 1 : 0;
case "18":
VeronicaStaff = className === "teacher-img-row" ? 1 : 0;
case "7":
FionaStaff = className === "teacher-img-row" ? 1 : 0;
case "11":
LexiStaff = className === "teacher-img-row" ? 1 : 0;
<div class="tablet-outer-side">\
<img src="img/tablet/camera.png" class="tablet-ui">\
<div class="Work">\
<div class="Task">\
<<include "ActualTask">>\
<div class="flex-center-col">\
<div class="work-columns">\
<div class="Work-options">\
<div class="text-label">\
<span class="Work-title">Work Intensity</span>\
<<talk_btn "Start working" 20 $stamina "It's needed 20 stamina for that action.">><<goto "Basic work">><<set $stamina -=20>><<set $WorkMult = 0.67>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "School innovations" 20 $stamina "It's needed 20 stamina for that action.">><<goto "Basic work">><<set $stamina -=20>><<set $WorkMult = 0.67>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Staff control">><<goto "StaffControlSchool">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Human resources">><<goto "HumanResourcesSchool">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Schedule" 20 $stamina "It's needed 20 stamina for that action.">><<goto "Basic work">><<set $stamina -=20>><<set $WorkMult = 0.67>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Exit">><<goto "My office">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Start working" 20 $stamina "It's needed 20 stamina for that action.">><<goto "Basic work">><<set $stamina -=20>><<set $WorkMult = 0.67>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "School innovations" 20 $stamina "It's needed 20 stamina for that action.">><<goto "Basic work">><<set $stamina -=20>><<set $WorkMult = 0.67>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Staff control">><<goto "StaffControlSchool">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Human resources">><<goto "HumanResourcesSchool">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Schedule" 20 $stamina "It's needed 20 stamina for that action.">><<goto "Basic work">><<set $stamina -=20>><<set $WorkMult = 0.67>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Exit">><<goto "My office">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Start working" 20 $stamina "It's needed 20 stamina for that action.">><<goto "Basic work">><<set $stamina -=20>><<set $WorkMult = 0.67>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "School innovations" 20 $stamina "It's needed 20 stamina for that action.">><<goto "Basic work">><<set $stamina -=20>><<set $WorkMult = 0.67>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Staff control">><<goto "StaffControlSchool">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Human resources">><<goto "HumanResourcesSchool">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Schedule" 20 $stamina "It's needed 20 stamina for that action.">><<goto "Basic work">><<set $stamina -=20>><<set $WorkMult = 0.67>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Exit">><<goto "My office">><</talk_btn>>\
</div>\<div class="tablet-outer-side">\
<img src="img/tablet/camera.png" class="tablet-ui">\
<div class="Work">\
<div class="Task">\
<<include "ActualTask">>\
<div class="flex-center-col">\
<div class="work-columns">\
<div class="Work-options">\
<div class="text-label">\
<span class="Work-title">Work Intensity</span>\
<<talk_btn"School programmes">><<goto "SchoolProgrammes">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn"School clubs">><<goto "SchoolClubs">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn"Back">><<goto "ControlSchoolMenu">><</talk_btn>>\<<if $DirectorNews == 0>>
<<text y "Green Resources: The city is turning over a new leaf and making the switch to sustainable energy sources. Wind turbines and solar panels are popping up all over the place and the air is getting cleaner by the day. In fact, the city is now being hailed as a role model for other cities to follow. "Who knew going green could be so easy? All you need is a little wind, sun, and a lot of determination," said Mayor Greenie.">>
<<set $DirectorNews = 1>>\
<<elseif $DirectorNews == 1>>
<<text y "Bars: The city's bar scene is heating up! With new establishments opening every week, it's hard to keep up. The latest addition is "The Tipsy Turtle," where patrons can sip on tropical drinks while petting live turtles. "Finally, a bar where you can have your drinks and hold a turtle too," exclaimed regular customer, Turtle Lover.">>
<<set $DirectorNews = 2>>\
<<elseif $DirectorNews == 2>>
<<text y "Crashes: The city's roads have become a bit of a disaster zone lately, with car crashes happening left and right. Police have advised all drivers to slow down and be extra cautious, but it seems some people just can't seem to get the message. "I guess slow and steady really does win the race, especially when it comes to driving," advised Chief of Police Slowpoke.">>
<<set $DirectorNews = 3>>\
<<elseif $DirectorNews == 3>>
<<text y "Math Success: The city's math students are making waves and proving to be a force to be reckoned with. With top scores in the state, the students and teachers are celebrating their success. "Who needs X's and O's when you've got numbers and equations? Math is the real game changer," cheered Math teacher, Mr. Equation.">>
<<set $DirectorNews = 4>>\
<<elseif $DirectorNews == 4>>
<<text y "Pollution: The city is fighting back against pollution and making changes for a cleaner future. New regulations are being put in place to reduce waste and protect the environment. In fact, the city is now a leading example of how to tackle pollution head-on. "A clean city is a happy city, and we're determined to make sure our citizens are both," said Mayor Clean.">>
<<set $DirectorNews = 5>>\
<<elseif $DirectorNews == 5>>
<<text y "Weed: The city is getting a little bit greener in a whole new way. With the legalization of weed, new dispensaries are popping up all over the place. The city is even hosting a "Weed and Wine" festival, where attendees can sample different strains of weed and pair them with fine wines. "Life is better with a little green, and a little red," said festival organizer, Mary Jane.">>
<<set $DirectorNews = 6>>\
<<elseif $DirectorNews == 6>>
<<text y "Self Defense: The city is taking safety seriously and encouraging citizens to learn self-defense. New self-defense classes are being offered at community centers, and the response has been overwhelming. "It's never too late to learn how to protect yourself, and in this city, we're making sure everyone has the opportunity," said Police Chief, Protector.">>
<<set $DirectorNews = 7>>\
<<elseif $DirectorNews == 7>>
<<text y "Schools: The city's schools are getting an upgrade, with new buildings being constructed and old ones being renovated. The students are thrilled to have state-of-the-art facilities, and the teachers are excited to have modern classrooms. "Education is the key to success, and now our students have the keys to unlock their full potential," said Superintendent, Key Master.">>
<<set $DirectorNews = 8>>\
<<elseif $DirectorNews == 8>>
<<text y "Malls: The city's malls are undergoing a transformation, with new shops and restaurants opening every week. The latest addition is the "Foodie Hall," where food lovers can sample dishes from around the world. "Why travel when you can taste the world right here in our city?" said mall spokesperson, Tasty Tourist.">>
<<set $DirectorNews = 9>>\
<<elseif $DirectorNews == 9>>
<<text y "Cars: The city's roads are about to get a lot more interesting, with new car models being released and old ones being updated. The latest addition to the road is the "Smart Car," which can drive itself and park itself. "Finally, a car that knows how to drive and park better than we do," said car enthusiast, Lazy Driver.">>
<<set $DirectorNews = 10>>\
<<elseif $DirectorNews == 10>>
<<text y "Beach: The city's beach is getting a makeover, with new umbrellas and chairs being added and old ones being replaced. The latest addition is the "Beach Bar," where beach-goers can enjoy a drink while soaking up the sun. "Why settle for a sunburn when you can have a drink too?" said beach-goer, Sun Sipper.">>
<<set $DirectorNews = 11>>\
<<elseif $DirectorNews == 11>>
<<text y "Hi-Tech: The city is getting a technological upgrade, with new gadgets and gizmos being released every week. The latest addition is the "Smart Home," where every aspect of your home can be controlled with just a voice command. "Finally, a home that does what you say, when you say it," said tech enthusiast, Boss of the House.">>
<<set $DirectorNews = 12>>\
<<elseif $DirectorNews == 12>>
<<text y "Fashion: The city's fashion scene is heating up, with new styles and trends emerging every season. The latest addition is the "Upcycled Collection," where fashion lovers can find unique and environmentally friendly pieces. "Why buy new when you can wear something old in a new way?" said fashion designer, Recycler.">>
<<set $DirectorNews = 13>>\
<<elseif $DirectorNews == 13>>
<<text y "Cinema: The city's movie theaters are getting a facelift, with new screens and sound systems being installed. The latest addition is the "Virtual Reality Cinema," where movie-goers can experience films in a whole new dimension. "Why watch a movie when you can live it?" said cinema owner, Reality King.">>
<<set $DirectorNews = 14>>\
<<elseif $DirectorNews == 14>>
<<text y "Music: The city's music scene is exploding, with new concerts and festivals being announced every week. The latest addition is the "Rock & Roll Revival," where music lovers can relive the glory days of rock and roll. "Why settle for one genre when you can rock it all?" said music promoter, Rocker.">>
<<set $DirectorNews = 15>>\
<<elseif $DirectorNews == 15>>
<<text y "Vibrant Vibrotoys: The city's adult toy industry is buzzing with excitement, as a new line of vibrotoys hit the market. The latest addition is the "Smart Vibrator," which can be controlled with just a smartphone app. "Finally, a toy that fits in the palm of your hand, and in your pocket," said adult toy entrepreneur, Tech Temptress.">>
<<set $DirectorNews = 16>>\
<<elseif $DirectorNews == 16>>
<<text y "Café Craze: The city's coffee scene is getting a jolt of energy, as a new café opens its doors. The latest addition is the "Barista Babe Café," where baristas serve up more than just coffee. "Why settle for a boring cup of joe when you can have a beautiful barista make it for you?" said café owner, Babe Boss.">>
<<set $DirectorNews = 17>>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<<set $DirectorNews1 = 0>>\
[[Back|DirectorWork]]<<if $DirectorSponsorTask == 0>>
<<text g "Welcome to your new position as the principal of this high school! It's great to have you on board.">>
<<say $mc>> Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm excited to start this new journey.<</say>>
<<text g "I have high expectations for this school, and I know you'll do a fantastic job leading it. Remember, the success of this school will show that we are professionals, and that we take our careers seriously.">>
<<say $mc>> Absolutely, I understand the importance of presenting ourselves as professionals in everything we do. I'll make sure to lead by example and create an environment where our students and staff feel proud to be part of this school.<</say>>
<<text g "I'm confident you'll do just that. Let's make sure that this school is the best it can be, and that we leave a lasting impact on the community.">>
<<say $mc>> I couldn't agree more. I'm eager to get started and make a positive impact. Thank you for this opportunity.<</say>>
<<text g "One of the key events that can showcase our commitment to professionalism is Career Day. I'd like you to take the lead on organizing this event.">>
<<say $mc>> Of course, I understand the importance of Career Day in demonstrating our professionalism. What are your expectations for the event?<</say>>
<<text g "I'd like you to bring in representatives from various industries to talk about their careers and offer insight into what it takes to succeed in those fields. The event should be informative and engaging for our students.">>
<<say $mc>> Understood. I'll work on getting a diverse group of speakers and organizing interactive activities for the students.<</say>>
<<text g "Excellent! And don't forget to involve the faculty and staff in the planning process as well. It's important for them to also show their commitment to the school and the students.">>
<<say $mc>> I'll make sure to involve everyone and ensure a successful Career Day. Thank you for entrusting me with this task.<</say>>
<<set $DirectorSponsorMeet = 0>>\
<<set $DirectorSponsorTask = 1>>\
<<elseif $DirectorSponsorTask == 2>>\
<<text g "Another event that can demonstrate our commitment to excellence is a sports tournament. I'd like you to take the lead on organizing this event.">>
<<say $mc>> Sure, I'd be happy to organize a sports tournament. What specific sports would you like to include?<</say>>
<<text g "I'd like to see basketball and cheerleading as two of the main sports, but I also want to include a third sport to mix things up. Any suggestions?">>
<<say $mc>> How about adding a track and field event? It would give students an opportunity to showcase their athletic abilities in a different way.<</say>>
<<text g "That's a great idea! Track and field would add another dimension to the tournament. Make sure to organize everything with the utmost professionalism, and involve the staff and students in the planning process.">>
<<say $mc>> Of course, I'll make sure everything runs smoothly and that we have a successful sports tournament. I'll start working on the planning right away.<</say>>
<<text g "In addition to showcasing our commitment to professionalism through events like Career Day and the Sports Tournament, it's important to also demonstrate our commitment to giving back to the community. I'd like you to take the lead on organizing a volunteer work day.">>
<<say $mc>> Absolutely, I understand the importance of community service and I'd be happy to lead the volunteer work day. What kind of projects do you have in mind?<</say>>
<<text g "I'd like to see our students and staff working together on projects that benefit the community, such as cleaning up local parks or helping out at a local food bank. The goal is to show that we're not just professionals, but also responsible members of the community.">>
<<say $mc>> I understand. I'll work on coordinating with local organizations and selecting projects that will have a meaningful impact. And of course, I'll involve the students and staff in the planning process.<</say>>
<<text g "Excellent! I have faith that you'll make this volunteer work day a success and further demonstrate our commitment to professionalism and giving back to the community.">>
<</if>>\<div class="tablet-outer-side">\
<img src="img/tablet/camera.png" class="tablet-ui">\
<div class="Work">\
<div class="Task">\
<<include "ActualTask">>\
<div class="flex-center-col">\
<div class="work-columns">\
<div class="Work-options">\
<div class="text-label">\
<span class="Work-title">Work Intensity</span>\
<<talk_btn"Book club">><<goto "SchoolClubApproval">><<set $BookClub = 1>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn"Math club">><<goto "SchoolClubApproval">><<set $MathClub = 1>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn"Author's style club">><<goto "SchoolClubApproval">><<set $AuthorClub = 1>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn"Vegetarian's club">><<goto "SchoolClubApproval">><<set $VegetarianClub = 1>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn"Geek's club">><<goto "SchoolClubApproval">><<set $GeekClub = 1>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn"Back">><<goto "ControlSchoolMenu">><</talk_btn>>\<div class="tablet-outer-side">\
<img src="img/tablet/camera.png" class="tablet-ui">\
<div class="Work">\
<div class="Task">\
<<include "ActualTask">>\
<div class="flex-center-col">\
<div class="work-columns">\
<div class="Work-options">\
<div class="text-label">\
<span class="Work-title">Work Intensity</span>\
<<talk_btn"Psychological help">><<goto "School upgrades">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn"Trash recycling">><<goto "School upgrades">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn"Drug legalization">><<goto "School rules">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn"STEM">><<goto "School rules">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn"Innovative materials">><<goto "School rules">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn"Fashion way">><<goto "School rules">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn"Self defense">><<goto "School rules">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn"Back">><<goto "SchoolInnovations">><</talk_btn>>\<<md>>I walked into my office, the weight of my betrayal lays heavy on my shoulders. Clara, my dear friend and colleague, had trusted me to do what was best for the school, but I had let her down. As I looked out the window at the stadium, I couldn't help but think that it was all my responsibility now.<</md>>
<<md>>I thought back to the day when I had been offered the position of principal. Clara had been the obvious choice, but when budget cuts threatened to shut down our school, I knew I had to step up and take her place. It was a sacrifice I was willing to make, but it didn't make the guilt any easier to bear.
As I sat there lost in my thoughts, Linda, my secretary, walked in with a brand new laptop. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Here you go, Mr. Principal.<</say>>
<<md>>She said it with a very kind smile.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>You'll need this to control everything.<</say>>
<<md>>I took the laptop from her, but my mind was still on Clara. I knew I had to do what was necessary to save the school, but at what cost? The thought of a ship in a storm came to mind, with me as the captain, responsible for steering the ship through the rough waters, but at the same time feeling the weight of the ship sinking.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>It's going to be okay, golden.You're doing what needs to be done.<</say>>
<<md>>Looks like Linda noticed my melancholy and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Yeah…<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, knowing she was right. I couldn't let my guilt consume me. I had a job to do and I couldn't let Clara's sacrifice be in vain. Well it wasn’t sacrifice, it was just hard choice… I took a deep breath and opened the laptop, ready to take on the responsibility of leading the school through the storm.<</md>>
<<addmins 30>>\
[[So where I should start?|DirectorBegin2]]<<say $Linda>>Here you can see who's on staff, who's been hired and who's been let go.<</say>>
<<include "SkillBegin">>\
<<md>>Linda come to me and feel that her body very hot, but I can’t let myself to be distracted. She is pointing to different files on the laptop. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>And of course, you'll have the final say on who stays and who goes.<</say>>
<<md>>I could see the fear in Linda's eyes as she spoke. She had been a close friend of Clara's and was worried that I would fire her as soon as I took over. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Linda, don’t worry I will not fire you just because you were friend of Clara.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda seemed relieved by my words and quickly set to work uploading all the necessary files onto my laptop. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Here you'll find everything you need to know about the staff, including the teachers and additional staff. And of course, there's a file on the students as well. You might find it interesting.<</say>>
<<md>>As she finished with the files, Linda reminded me of the meeting I had with the school's sponsors the next day. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>You better start preparing for that.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, feeling a sense of responsibility and determination. I knew it would be a challenging road ahead, but I was ready to do whatever it took to save the school and make Clara's sacrifice worth it.<</md>>
<<set $DirectorPath = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Back|My office]]<<md>>The next day, as I went morally preparing for the meeting with the school's sponsors, I was shocked to find a man already sitting in my office. Like a thief in the night, he had snuck in undetected. I wondered as I took in his sly smile.<</md>>
<<say $Peter>>I'm glad you're here.<</say>>
<<md>>He said, his voice dripping with insincerity. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>How do you get here?<</say>>
<<say $Peter>>Oh, don’t be suspicious I have my ways. And to honest everything in this fucking school belong to me.<</say>>
<<say $Peter>>You and me, we can get along. We can finally put an end to this feminist cycle, this Amazonian rule. Clara was a good principal. In a way. But she was a woman, who lacks big dick. You know what I mean.<</say>>
<<md>>I looked at him, tall and young, not at all the man I had expected to see. He was like a snake in the grass, waiting to strike.<</md>>
<<say $Peter>>These girls…They so young and naive…They so sexy. Need a man's hand to guide them…to learn how to swallow. And to ride.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What’s your point?<</say>>
<<md>>He explained that his father, one of the school's sponsors, wouldn't be able to make it to the meeting today and that he would be taking his place.<</md>>
<<say $Peter>>You have complete freedom to do whatever you want with this school, but if you fail, it will be worse for you.<</say>>
<<md>>He went on to tell me that the sponsors had transferred $100,000 to the school's bank account. <</md>>
<<say $Peter>>Clara took a lot of our money, so father and his partners, all these freaks want to see how this school can be successful.<</say>>
<<md>>He looks at me as checking if I get it. <</md>>
<<say $Peter>>We have four parameters that we're looking for in our future project: popularity, innovation, influence…<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You said four, but here only three. What the last one?<</say>>
<<say $Peter>>Good to see that you following.<</say>>
<<md>>He leaned in and whispered right in my ear "Horniness". He added that I could do it on my own or ask Linda's advice. <</md>>
<<say $Peter>>She has a lot of knowledge. <</say>>
<<md>>Man said it with a smirk and trying to show her big boobs with his hands.<</md>>
<<say $Peter>>And don’t worry , we will be guiding you through this path to share your success. Or your failure. <</say>>
<<md>>I knew exactly what he meant by that, and the $100,000 they had transferred was a lot of money. But at what cost? I was feeling a mix of fear and disgust, like a dark cloud hanging over my head. But I knew deep down that I needed to do what it takes to save the school, even if it meant playing along with their twisted game, like a puppet on a string.<</md>>
<<set $BrokenGlassDaysLeft = 14>>\
<<set $LexiReportDaysLeft = 2>>\
<<set $DirectorPath = 2>>\
<<set $SponsorFirstMeet = 1>>\
<<set $popularity = 16>>\
<<set $influence = 10>>\
<<set $innovation = 8>>\
<<set $horny = 12>>\
<<set $schoolmoney to 100000>>\
<<addmins 30>>\
[[Back|My office]]<<say $mc>>Hey, Linda! Our dear sponsor told me that you can give some advices how to deal with school.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda smiled dreamily and began to stroke her breasts through her clothes with her little finger. What would old Freud say about this?<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Ah, Peter, yes, such a nice guy. He just stares at my breasts too much.<</say>>
<<md>>Nice? I'd rather call him a horrible asshole who is about to stick a knife in your throat. The son of rich parents, who thinks he's the navel of the world. But at least we both praise Linda's huge talent!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So what is the most important thing in school?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>People are very important.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, understanding the importance of people in running the control school.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're right, Linda. The key to everything is people.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Exactly, golden!<</say>>
<<md>>She said with a wide smile.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>The teacher's staff is very important. But right now, we have only two teachers: Lucy and Sophia. I think you should take a look at their profiles and find out what their skills are. We should use them to their fullest potential for maximum efficiency.<</say>>
<<md>>I asked her why it was important to focus on the skills of the teachers.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Every person has two main skills. If you don't like it, maybe you should spend more time with those who are working for you. Who knows what new skills can be hidden?<</say>>
<<md>>She also mentioned the importance of student help.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Right now, we have Monica and Fiona as our helpers, but you can assign anyone if they agree to. If you want more people or possibilities, you should think about upgrading the school.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda then added.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>By the way, I am fond of big buildings so maybe we should add a third floor? But on the other hand, it's too expensive. It's up to you.<</say>>
<<md>>I thought about her words, understanding that running a control school is like building a house, you have to make sure that the foundation is solid and the structure is sound. And like a house, it's important to have the right people in the right roles and to constantly upgrade and improve.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, Linda. I'll definitely take all of this into consideration," I said, and with her guidance, I felt more confident in my ability to lead the control school to success.<</say>>
<<set $DirectorPath = 3>>\
[[Back|School reception]]<<md>>It was the end of my first working day and I was ready for going home,when I heard something not right. Girl’s scream. I run out of my office to the source of that scream.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What going on here?<</say>>
<<md>>I stood there, frozen, as the events unfolded before me. Right in front of me standing girl with a knife. Her hand and clothes were covered in blood. The girl with the knife was like a storm, full of anger and frustration, ready to unleash its fury on the innocent Monica.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, slowly…<</say>>
<<md>>But Monica's face, once a symbol of happiness and resilience, was now clouded with fear and tears.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don’t need to worry. We can deal with everything…<</say>>
<<md>>I tried to approach the girl, to reason with her, but her words were like daggers that pierced my heart. <</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>You don't understand, you never understand!<</say>>
<<md>>She starting to cried. <</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>My parents will kill me. I have to be the best. But I'm not a cheerleader. I'll take Monica's place.<</say>>
<<md>>As I listened to her, I realized that she was a victim of a society that valued perfection above all else. A society that put so much pressure on its youth, that they were driven to desperation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Listen, no need in this violence.<</say>>
<<md>>I reached out, slowly and deliberately, to kick the knife out of the girl's hand. As I did, she crumbled to the ground, her mind broken by the weight of her own expectations.<</md>>
<<md>>I knelt beside her, and in that moment, I felt like a gardener tending to a wounded flower. I knew I had to be gentle and patient, to help her heal and grow. I called for help and stayed by her side, as she was taken to a place where she could receive the care she needed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, are you alright?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yeah, at least I will be. Don’t worry.<</say>>
<<md>>As I walked back into my office, I couldn't help but think about the state of our education system. How could we have failed this young girl so badly? How could we have let her slip through the cracks?<</md>>
<<md>>I made a vow to myself, to do better, to be better. To create a school where every student felt valued and supported, where their unique talents and abilities were celebrated, not just their grades and achievements.<</md>>
<<md>>When I was leaving school, I was filled with a newfound determination. I would be the change I wanted to see in the world, starting with my own school. And I would never forget the girl with the knife, and the lessons she taught me that day.<</md>>
<<set $EllieBreakdown = 1>>\
[[Back|School gate]]
<<md>>As I sat at my desk, lost in thought, Linda walked in. She could tell that I was troubled, and she asked me what was on my mind. I told her about the girl with the knife, and my struggle to understand what had led her to make such a desperate decision.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What should we do with her? She could be dangerous to the school.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda looked at me with a wise and understanding gaze.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>You should talk to her, golden. You don't have a psychologist on staff yet, but maybe you should think about adding one in the future. They can help prevent conflicts like this from happening again.<</say>>
<<md>>I agreed with her, and we talked about the benefits of having a psychologist on staff. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>They can unlock the special parts of people's souls. Unseen skills that would otherwise remain hidden. If you want to create the best school possible, you should think about updating your staff.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words resonated with me, and I realized the importance of having a well-rounded and diverse staff. I thanked Linda for her insight and promised to consider her advice.<</md>>
<<md>>As I watched her leave my office, I couldn't help but think about how I was learning new things every day. How I was growing as a principal, and how I was making a difference in the lives of my students.<</md>>
<<md>>I looked forward to the future, with a sense of hope and purpose, knowing that I was on the right track to creating a better and brighter tomorrow for all of the young people in my school.<</md>>
<<md>>As Linda left my office, I couldn't shake the thought of the girl with the knife. Her desperate act had left me with more questions than answers, and I felt a sense of responsibility to understand what had led her to that point.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What lead you to this?<</say>>
<<md>>I was determined to find a way to prevent such incidents from happening in the future. To create a safe and nurturing environment where every student felt valued and supported.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It’s my duty.<</say>>
<<md>>I leaned back in my chair, closing my eyes, and let my mind wander. I thought about the psychologist that Linda had suggested, and how they could help unlock the potential in my students. How they could help heal the wounds that lay beneath the surface, wounds that often went unnoticed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What if…<</say>>
<<md>>As I pondered these things, a new idea began to take shape in my mind. What if, instead of just having a psychologist on staff, I could create a program that would provide support for every student? A program that would help them navigate the challenges of adolescence, and help them find their own path in life.<</md>>
<<md>>I jumped out of my chair, my mind racing with excitement. This was it! This was the solution that I had been searching for.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Great idea!<</say>>
<<md>>I quickly jotted down some notes, outlining the key elements of my new program. It was going to be a comprehensive approach to student support, one that would address the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of every student.<</md>>
<<md>>As I wrote, I felt a sense of pride and purpose. I was making a difference in the lives of my students, and I was doing it in a way that was truly meaningful and impactful.<</md>>
<<md>>I couldn't wait to bring my idea to life, and to see the positive impact it would have on the young people in my school. I was ready to be the change that I wanted to see in the world, and to create a brighter future for all of the students in my care.<</md>>
<<set $EllieBreakdown = 2>>\
<<set $DirectorEllieMeet = 1>>\
[[Back|My office]]<<md>>Girl was deep in thought when she entered my office, her eyes still filled with fear. I stood up and walked over to her, my heart filled with empathy for what she was going through.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's okay, you don't have to be scared. I'm here to help.<</say>>
<<md>>I said it softly, placing a hand on her shoulder.<</md>>
<<md>>She looked up at me, her eyes wide with surprise.<</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>You're not going to expel me?<</say>>
<<md>>As she asked, I heard how her voice trembling.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, of course not, I just want to understand what led you to make such a desperate decision.<</say>>
<<md>>She took a deep breath and began to speak, telling me about the pressure she felt from her parents to be the best. To be a cheerleader, to be perfect. She felt like she was suffocating, like she couldn't catch her breath.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I understand you.<</say>>
<<md>>I listened carefully, trying to understand the root of her pain. I asked her questions, wanting to know more about what she was feeling, about what was happening in her life.<</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>Yeah that’s…<</say>>
<<md>>As she spoke, I could see the weight lifting from her shoulders. She was opening up, unlocking the pain that had been locked away inside of her for so long. When she had finished she thanked me.<</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>Thank you, I feel like I can breathe again.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're welcome, but our time is up for now. Let's continue our conversation next time.<</say>>
<<md>>She nodded, a small smile starting to form on her face. I watched as she walked out of my office, feeling a sense of hope and pride in the work I was doing. I was unlocking the potential in my students, helping them to see the beauty and value in themselves. And I was doing it in a way that was truly meaningful and impactful.<</md>>
<<set $EllieBreakdown = 3>>\
<<set $DirectorEllieMeet = 0>>\
[[Back|My office]]<<md>>I nervously awaited the arrival of the girl who had once tried to attack one of my students with a knife. Regardless of little success last time, I wasn't sure what to expect. Just hoped that our conversation would go well.<</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>Good day sir, may I come in?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, sure, make yourself comfortable. How is your week?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl entered my office and we chatted for a few minutes, making small talk about her day. I could sense the tension in the air, but I did my best to put her at ease.<</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>Thanks for asking all that. My parents never done so.<</say>>
<<md>>It’s strange to hear, but for what I know her parents weren’t perfect at all. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I guess they need to study, just as you.<</say>>
<<md>>Finally, I brought up the subject of her studies. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm proud of you, I’ve heard that you've been working hard, especially with Monica.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl smiled and nodded. <</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>Monica is wonderful, she's helped me so much. I'm so grateful for everything she's done for me.<</say>>
<<md>>I beamed with pride, knowing that I had played a role in bringing these two young women together. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm glad to hear it. Monica is a very special young lady, and I'm sure you'll continue to do great things together. Maybe you should ask her about taking you into cheerleader team?<</say>>
<<md>>The girl threw her arms around me, giving me a hug. <</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>Thank you! Thank you!<</say>>
<<md>>She said, her voice filled with emotion. <</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>Thank you for everything.<</say>>
<<md>>I hugged her back, feeling as though I was embracing the future. And this future was extremely hot. She pressed herself so tightly against me that I felt my cock harden.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are welcome.<</say>>
<<md>>I let her go before she find out that her body was very arousing for me. That’s not he time. Maybe next time?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Glad you are feeling better.<</say>>
<<md>>Our conversation had been a turning point, a moment of healing and growth. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, this young woman was slowly but surely reclaiming her life, and I was honored to be a part of her journey.<</md>>
<<set $EllieBreakdown = 4>>\
<<set $DirectorEllieMeet = 0>>\
[[Back|My office]]<<md>>The sun was setting behind the tall skyscrapers of the city, casting long shadows on the busy street below. I sat at my desk in the dimly lit office, lost in thought as I gazed out the window. My mind was filled with deep and complex thoughts, as if it were trying to solve the mysteries of the universe.<</md>>
<<md>>Just then, there was a knock on the door. I turned to see the young lady I had been waiting for, her eyes full of worry and her posture tense.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good evening, please, take a seat.<</say>>
<<md>>I said, smiling warmly, waiting for the best progress that we have before. She sat down in the chair opposite me, her eyes fixed on the floor. I could sense her unease and I felt a deep compassion for her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How are you feeling today? Something happened?<</say>>
<<say $Ellie>>I'm not sure…<</say>>
<<md>>She replied, her voice trembling. <</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>I've been struggling with my mental health for a while now, and it feels like everything is just…wrong. I must feeling better, but it’s getting worse and worse. Like I don’t deserves happiness.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded sympathetically. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I understand. Mental health is a complex and difficult thing to deal with, but you don't have to face it alone. I'm here to listen and help you in any way I can. You deserve to be happy. That’s why we here.<</say>>
<<md>>She looked up at me, her eyes filled with tears. <</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>I just feel so lost and alone. It's like I'm trapped in a dark maze and I can't find my way out to the light. Everyone has someone to rely on, but I don’t.<</say>>
<<md>>I took a deep breath and looked at her with a sense of understanding. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, life can be like a maze at times. But there is always a way out. You just have to keep searching and never give up hope. I’m here for you.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled weakly and reached out to take my hand. <</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>Thank you, I needed to hear that. You have no idea how much it means to me.<</say>>
<<md>>We sat there in silence for a moment, both lost in our own thoughts. Then, without warning, she stood up and gave me a hug that was so close I could feel her body’s warmth.<</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>You have given me so much hope today. I will never forget this moment. Thank you.<</say>>
<<md>>Her embrace was like a warm, cozy blanket on a cold winter's night. And that’s why I don’t want to let her go. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are special...<</say>>
<<md>>She attentively looked in my eyes and I aslmost drawn in their deepness.<</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>Don’t say that like it means something to you.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice and hands were trembling, so I should keep her calm. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It means. It’s true.<</say>>
<<md>>I leaned over and kissed her.<</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>Mhhhm…<</say>>
<<md>>Her kiss was a firework that lit up my world with its explosive passion. I felt like I was flying high above the clouds, feeling the rush of the wind in my hair. With her in my arms, nothing else mattered. I was lost in a world of bliss, where nothing could ever go wrong. Our hearts beat in perfect harmony, like two songs meant to be played together forever.<</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>You are so sweet…<</say>>
<<md>>As she removed my shirt, I felt a rush of air on my skin, like a cool breeze on a summer's day. Her eyes roamed my bare chest, taking in every inch with a mixture of wonder and hunger. I felt exposed and vulnerable, yet somehow I also felt more alive than ever before. Her touch was a feather-light caress that left a trail of goosebumps in its wake. I could feel my pulse racing, my body yearning for her. It was a moment suspended in time, where nothing else existed but the two of us and the raw, primal connection that we shared.<</md>>
<<md>>I took her dress off, revealing the beauty that lay beneath. Her curves were like a landscape, breathtaking and awe-inspiring. I felt my breath catch in my throat as I gazed upon her, and I was filled with a sense of reverence and wonder. Her skin was like satin, smooth and soft to the touch. I ran my hands over her, tracing the contours of her body, feeling the heat of her skin. Her eyes were closed, and she let out a soft sigh, a sound that filled me with a sense of satisfaction and pride. In that moment, I knew that she was mine, and I was hers, and that nothing could ever change that.<</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>Mhhm…<</say>>
<<md>>I started sucking on her nipple, nibbling lightly on it. Her skin immediately felt pink and silky. She moaned and arched.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>At first I did it gently, tenderly, and passionately, as if tasting the unknown and unexplored. Gradually I sucked harder until her body tensed. She wanted more.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it, baby... You're so wet!<</say>>
<<md>>I slipped my hands down her panties and pulled them down. Then I spread her legs with my fingers and felt the wet heat of her bosom. Kneeling down, I inserted two fingers into it and started pushing them up and down, feeling her shudder. <</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>Yes! I love it!<</say>>
<<md>>Rising from her knees, she wrapped her arms around my neck, held me tightly against her and kissed me. A shiver ran through her body, her hands squeezing my neck with a force that seemed intolerable to me.<</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>Fuck me, my principal! Teach me to be an obedient schoolgirl!<</say>>
<<md>>After waiting a little longer, she spread her legs, ready to receive me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Like this?<</say>>
<<md>>I took her by the buttocks and with one strong thrust I entered her womb.The pleasure I felt was unbearable, it could not be compared to anything else.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, yes!<</say>>
<<md>>I felt a feeling of omnipotence unlike anything I'd ever experienced, like a tsunami wave.<</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>Fuck me! More!<</say>>
<<md>>After a few moments she arched her back again, but now her movements were fierce, impetuous, and unmerciful.<</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>Cum! Cum right into my tight pussy!<</say>>
<<md>>She moaned, her movements became stronger, she clung to me tighter. With each second she was getting closer and closer to the explosion of passion leading to ecstasy.<</md>>
<<say $Ellie>>You are the best!<</say>>
<<md>>And with that, she was gone, leaving me with the deep thoughts and complex metaphors that had filled my mind before she arrived. But now they were infused with a sense of hope and positivity, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always a way forward.<</md>>
<<set $EllieBreakdown = 5>>\
<<set $DirectorEllieMeet = 0>>\
[[Back|My office]]<<md>> I sit in my office, staring out the window at the busy school grounds when suddenly the doors creaked open. To my surprise, Clara walked in, a former colleague of mine. I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. At least for a moment, we wouldn't be at odds.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> Good morning, $mc.Name. Or should I called you “sir”?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good morning, Clara. To what do I owe this visit?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> I wanted to talk to you about something. I've been feeling a bit strange since I stepped down as principal.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understand, it's never easy adjusting to a change in position. But what brings you here today?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> I have an idea. Something that I believe could help our school, and our students.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh? What is it?<</say>>
<<md>>She was hesitating, I saw it in her eyes. Looks like she still can’t trust me after what happened.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara? You could tell me, you know?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> (hesitates) Yeah…I was thinking that we could organize help for the less fortunate students in our school.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But…<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> For too long, this school has been nothing but a home for the rich and privileged, and it's lost its soul.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>(interrupting) Clara, I must stop you there. You are no longer the principal and must remember that.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> I understand that, but I believe it's my fault that this school has lost its purpose. And I want to do something to help.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I appreciate your passion and dedication, Clara. I'll think about your proposal and see how it can fit into our school's plans.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> Thank you, sir. (leaves with a smile)<</say>>
<<md>>As Clara walked out of my office, I couldn't help but think of the idea she had shared with me. Our school was like a once magnificent garden, now withered and in need of a fresh start. I made a promise to myself to bring life back to this garden, for the sake of our students. So, maybe that programme will be good start?<</md>>
[[Back|My office]]<<say $mc>> (sighs) Another day, another headline about students breaking the school rules. It's become quite clear that discipline is lacking in our school. I must figure out a way to solve this problem.<</say>>
<<md>>Long thoughts and countless solutions ran through my mind. Suspensions, detention, stricter policies...but nothing seemed to be the right fit.<</md>>
<<md>>Suddenly, an idea struck me. School uniforms. But how could I make this change more acceptable to the students? I needed to consult with someone who knew better.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>(picks up phone) Hello, Linda? Yes, this is the principal speaking. I was hoping I could have a moment of your time to discuss a matter.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>> Of course, Principal. What can I do for you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I was hoping to get your advice on implementing school uniforms. I believe it could help improve discipline and bring a sense of unity to the school. But I don't want to impose this change without taking into account the students' thoughts and feelings.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>> That's a great idea, Principal. I've seen the benefits of school uniforms firsthand in my years of teaching. The key is to involve the students in the process and make them feel like they have a say in the matter. Perhaps, you could conduct a survey or hold a town hall meeting to gather their opinions.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (nodding) Yes, that's a fantastic suggestion. I'll make sure to implement it. Thank you for your time and advice, Linda.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>> You're welcome, Principal. Good luck with your endeavors.<</say>>
<<set $SpiritDayBegin = 1>>\
[[Back|My office]]<<md>> (deep in thought) Nothing seems to be working. The survey results were a bust, the recommendations were outdated, and the latest ideas were just not practical. I need a solution that would bring discipline back to the school.<</md>>
(knock on the door)
<<say $mc>> (sighs) Yes?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> Good morning, Principal. I heard about the survey. I'm not surprised it didn't yield much. This school is full of girls, and they are not easy to dictate to when it comes to fashion.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (nodds) Yes, that is true. So, what do you suggest we do?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> Well, I have an idea, but you have to trust me.<</say>>
<<md>> (thinking to self) Trust her? After the way she failed this school? But on the other hand, she was in charge for a long time and she knows the students well.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> (out loud) Alright, what's your idea?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> I was thinking, what if we spend a "spirit of the school" day, where everyone would dress up in 90s or 80s style clothing? The rest is up to you. If you like the idea, just let me know.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (pauses) That could work. It would bring a sense of nostalgia and unity to the school. And it's not too drastic of a change. I'll give it some thought.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> (smiling) Great! I'm sure the students will love it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (nodding) I hope so. It's worth a shot.<</say>>
<<md>>(Clara exits the room)<</md>>
<<md>> (thinking to self) Perhaps by revisiting the past, we could find the solution to our present problem. Time will tell if this idea will bear fruit.<</md>>
<<set $SpiritDayBegin = 3>>\
<<set $SpiritDayClara = 1>>\
<<md>>The students were dancing to the beat of the music, their bodies moving to the rhythm in perfect harmony. Some were swaying side to side, others were grooving with their friends, and all of them were having a great time.<</md>>
<<md>>Suddenly, one of the students stumbled and accidentally spilled their punch all over Clara. The cold liquid soaked through her clothes, and she gasped in surprise. The students around her rushed to help, grabbing napkins to clean her up.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> (laughing) It's okay, it's just a little punch.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (concerned) Are you alright? Do you need to change your clothes?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> (shaking her head) No, I'll be fine. This is just a minor setback. But, my dress is a little transparent now. I can’t let students to look at me like that. I need to find a place to dry my clothes.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sure, I'll follow you.<</say>>
<<md>>As we walk to the pool, I can't help but admire Clara's figure. She walks gracefully and confidently, making the white dress seem like a second skin.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> You look stunning, Clara. That dress was made for you.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> Why thank you. You're making me blush.<</say>>
<<md>>The water reflects off of Clara's dress like diamonds, and I can see her curves through the transparent fabric. It's like she's a mermaid, tempting him with her beauty.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> You're like a siren, luring me into the sea with your beauty.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> Flattery will get you everywhere.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Really? Even to you?<</say>>
<<md>>I leaned extremely close to Clara.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>We shouldn't do that. What if one of the students accidentally walks in here?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don't care about them.<</say>>
<<md>>I push my lips to Clara's sweet lips.<</md>>
<<md>>The soft lips opened with ease, letting me in further. My tongue plays with her sweet lips and her arousal grows. Clara wriggles out, pressing her ass against me. My hands are squeezing those two beautiful halves.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes... How I love that ass!<</say>>
<<md>>I can feel the warmth of her body, her heavy breathing and the faint smell of perfume. I need that sweet pearl.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come to me, baby!<</say>>
<<md>>I pull down her dress and feel her thighs. She closes her eyes and moans at my touch. What a pleasure! How I've missed this. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Did you miss her?<</say>>
<<md>>Clara pulls down her panties and wraps her arms around the inflatable swan, arching up so that I can see her pussy. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now I'll show you how hard!<</say>>
<<md>>I take off my pants, from where my jerry-rigged cock jumps out, when I hear someone's voice. <</md>>
<<md>>Clara quickly gets dressed and I follow suit, but the voices are distant. I touch her again, trying to rekindle the flame of passion, but the chase seems to have gone out. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Let's go back to the party before they find we're missed.<</say>>
<<md>>As we were talking after returning back, another student stumbled and fell, lifting schoolgirl’s skirt in the process. The students around her burst out laughing, and she quickly tried to cover herself back up.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> (laughing) Oh dear, it seems like the punch and the old-fashioned clothing are proving to be quite the challenge.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> (smiling) That's part of the fun, though. It's a good reminder of the silly and carefree times of the past.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (nodding) You're right. It's nice to see the students laughing and having a good time.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> (serious) I'm glad you're starting to see the potential in these types of events. I have a few more ideas for how we can bring more joy and excitement to the school.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (intrigued) I'm all ears. Let's talk about it tomorrow.<</say>>
<<md>>We watched as the students continued to dance and have fun, the spill and the fall only adding to the lighthearted atmosphere of the night.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Hello Naomi, what brings you to my office today?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> I heard about your plan to have the students wear a new uniform, and I was curious to see what it looked like.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Ah, I see. And do you have any concerns about the new uniform?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> Well, I've heard some rumors that the skirts might be shorter and the blouses more opened. I wanted to see if that was true.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I can assure you that the rumors are not true. The uniform will be modest and appropriate for school!<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> Yeah, sure!<</say>>
<<say $mc>> You know me too well, Naomi!<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> I understand your goal, but you know how it is. Orders from a man, even if they're right, can be hard to accept. So what can we do to get the students on board with the new uniform?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's a good question. I'm open to suggestions.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> I have an idea. I have some connections in the fashion industry, and I could organize a fashion show to showcase the new uniform. It might help the girls see it in a different light, and they'll be more willing to wear it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's an interesting idea, Naomi. But what exactly do you have in mind?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> (whispering in the principal's ear) You know what I want instead.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Ah, I see. Well, let's discuss the details and see if we can make it happen.<</say>>
<<set $SpiritDayBegin = 3>>\<<md>>The fashion show was held in a grand ballroom, with a large stage at the front and rows of seats for the audience. The room was decorated with elegant lights and colorful flower arrangements, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.<</md>>
<<md>>As the show began, I took my seat in the front row and watched as Naomi stepped onto the stage, her blonde hair shining in the bright lights. She was dressed in a stunning outfit from her latest collection and greeted the crowd with a bright smile.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>> Welcome everyone to this evening's fashion show! I'm excited to present my latest collection, and I hope you all enjoy it.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded in agreement, and the music began to play. Models began to walk down the runway, showcasing a variety of styles and colors, from bold prints to elegant gowns. The audience was entranced by the beauty of the designs, and the models' confidence and grace as they walked down the runway.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>> Look at that…<</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly, there was a hiccup in the presentation. One of the models stumbled and nearly fell, and Naomi quickly jumped in to save the day. She demonstrated how the new uniform looked on herself, and it was a perfect blend of style and function. The audience cheered in appreciation, and Naomi breathed a sigh of relief.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>> (coming up to me after the show) "So, what do you think? Was I good?<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled and replied right in her ear.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course you were. The show was a huge success.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> And what about my prize?<</say>>
<<md>>I pulled Naomi's hand right into the dressing room. I'd seen enough models already, and I wanted some time alone with her. I felt the tension again just thinking about what I was about to do to her.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Oh, I love it!<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi wasn't talking about the dressing room, of course.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You were great, your input was huge. And now I'm going to put something hard in your mouth.<</say>>
<<md>>I'm pulling out my dick. It's so huge and fat and full of energy that it seems to explode just by touching it.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Oh, what a gift. I want all of him!<</say>>
<<md>>She gently takes it in her mouth and starts sucking on it. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mmmm...Yeah, take care of it!<</say>>
<<md>>This time I shove it as deep as I can, just like in a porn movie.And I can't hold back anymore.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Mmhmmm...<</say>>
<<md>>I hear the sound of it beating in her throat, feel how hot she's getting.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah!<</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly I hear students' voices coming from somewhere. To cover the girl's moans, I pull her mouth over my cock as much as possible.<</md>>
<<md>>But there's no stopping me, I want all of her, I want to fuck her until she collapses without strength. So I rip off her purple panties and enter her. <</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Ahhh... What are you...<</say>>
<<md>>Grabbing her by the hair and pulling her head to me, I press my cock harder against her pussy, entering as far as it will go. And then I start moving fast, fast, fast.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Yeah...<</say>>
<<md>>Her moaning belly sinks into me. I don't stop, I don't give her a break, I can feel her juices flowing.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>You...<</say>>
<<md>>I move my pelvis over her body, penetrating as far as I can. She wriggles with each thrust.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Unbelievable!<</say>>
<<md>>I push in one last time. I spurt my sperm into the opening and at the same time I notice that she is also cumming.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You too!<</say>>
<<md>>We quickly get dressed and leave the room, smiling merrily.<</md>><<say $mc>> Good morning, Amber. Please have a seat.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>> Good morning, Principal. I heard you're trying to get the students to wear the new uniform.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yes, it's not easy, I have to say. There seems to be a lot of resistance to the idea.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>> I can understand why. I don't particularly like the idea of uniforms in school either. It just doesn't seem right.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I understand your concern. But if you were to understand the importance of uniforms, how it can help you in the future, the opportunities it opens up...<</say>>
<<say $Amber>> That's what I was thinking. If someone could explain it to the students, maybe they would see the light.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I agree, but the problem is that they don't think about the future. They just live in the moment.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>> Not everyone. Everyone thinks about money, even if they don't realize it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's true. So, what do you suggest?<</say>>
<<say $Amber>> I can invite some investors to come and talk to the students. They can explain how uniforms can help them in their careers, and how it can be an advantage in the long run.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's a great idea. <</say>>
<<say $Amber>> I just hope their skirts won't be too short.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Ahem…<</say>>
<<say $Amber>> (laughs) Don't worry, I'll make sure they're ready for this.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well... I'm glad you're willing to help. I think it'll make a big difference.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>> Of course, I'm happy to help. I believe in the importance of education, and I want the students to understand that too.<</say>>
<<set $SpiritDayBegin = 3>>\<<md>>Amber gathered the students around her, her eyes meeting the eager and curious young faces. She began by telling them about her own experience in school, about the uniform she wore and how she didn't like it.<</md>>
<<text g "Really? You didn't like uniforms?">>
<<say $Amber>> No, I didn't. But that was before I understood the importance of them.<</say>>
<<md>>As Amber began to remove her jacket, her phone slipped out of her pocket and fell to the ground. The students held their breath as she picked it up, relieved to see it was still in one piece.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>> (laughing) Well, that was a close one! Now, where were we?<</say>>
<<md>>She pulled out a red dress from her bag and held it up for all to see.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>> This is what I wear now. Do you think this would be appropriate for school?<</say>>
<<text g "No way! That's too short!">>
<<say $Amber>> Exactly! That's why we have uniforms. They set a standard for us, and help us maintain a professional appearance.<</say>>
<<md>>After the talk, Amber had a conversation with someone, who seemed very flirty.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> You were great up there, Amber. You really know how to hold a room.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>> (smiling) Thank you. I just believe in the importance of education and making sure the students understand that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (flirtatiously) Well, you definitely have my attention.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>> (laughing) Let's just focus on the students, okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (flirtatiously) Come on, Amber. Admit it, you like the attention.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>> (smiling) Well, a little attention never hurt anyone. But I'm here for the students.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (flirtatiously) I can think of other things you could be here for...<</say>>
<<say $Amber>> (playfully) Oh really? Like what?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (flirtatiously) Like getting to know me better. I could show you a good time.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>> Not today, sorry.<</say>>
<<md>>She winked to me and after that go downstairs. Well, what a woman! <</md>><<md>>sits at his desk, looking out the window.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Good morning, Lucy. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>> Good morning, $mc.Name. I've come to discuss the yearbook photoshoot.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Ah, yes. The yearbook. A reflection of the memories we've made, captured forever in its pages. What seems to be the issue?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>> Well, I've been receiving feedback from the students that they're not happy with the quality of the photos taken so far. They feel like they're not capturing the essence of their memories.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I see. Well, we can't have that. Memories are like a delicate flower, they must be captured with care and beauty to truly bloom.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>> True. That's why I was thinking that perhaps we could bring in another photographer. Someone with a fresh perspective, a new set of eyes, to capture these memories in a new light.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> A brilliant idea, Lucy. Let's bring in a new lens to capture the true beauty of our memories. I agree, we should bring in another photographer.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>> Actually, sir, I heard that St.VGN School took their yearbook photos on the roof of a skyscraper. The view was breathtaking, and it really added a unique touch to the photos.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> A skyscraper, you say? The height of which the memories can be captured, looking down upon all that has been accomplished. How can we beat that?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>> smiles How about we let our students decide for themselves? We could give them the freedom to come up with their own creative ideas for the photoshoot. Of course, it's always better to aim for something that can surpass what St. VGN did.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> grinning That's a great idea, Lucy. I like the way you think. Let's give our students the chance to shine.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>> Thank you, sir. I'll make the arrangements right away.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Excellent. And Lucy, don't forget to take the ladder with you. To reach new heights, sometimes we need a little extra help.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>> I won't forget, $mc.Name. Thank you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Of course. Now go, let's capture these memories for a lifetime.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Good afternoon Lexi, please have a seat.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>> Thanks, but what's the reason you called me to your office?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, why's so harsh?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>> I don't know, maybe you're here to expel me or give me detention for life.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (laughing) I can see you're full of energy today, Lexi. But I have another challenge for you.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>> (suspiciously) What challenge?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I want to see if you can use that energy and imagination of yours to come up with a creative solution to beat St.VGN School in the photoshoot competition.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>> Really? I've heard about those squirts, they think they're the best, but I'm ready to smash them.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Now, now, let's not resort to violence. I was hoping you could help us come up with a creative solution to overcome their result. After all, you have an unusual way of thinking.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>> Hmm, I see what you're getting at. You want to beat them in a way that's not just about physical strength, but about brains too.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Exactly! And I believe you're the perfect person for the job. Can you promise me that you'll come up with something that will make our school proud?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>> You got it, Principal. I'll come up with a plan that's like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds. A plan that will show St.VGN School what real creativity and innovation looks like.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Excellent, I have faith in you Lexi. I'm excited to see what you come up with.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>> Just watch, I'll be like a firefly lighting up the night sky with my ideas. St.VGN School won't know what hit them.<</say>><<say $mc>> (excited) Excellent, Lexi. Let's hear about this great idea of yours.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>> (confidently) So, I was thinking about the park, and how it's such a natural and beautiful setting for photos. But I realized, it's much more than just a park. It's a symbol of growth and potential.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (doubting) I'm not sure, can a park really beat a skyscraper's photo in a competition? <</say>>
<<say $Lexi>> (convincingly) Trust me, Principal. My plan is much more than just a park. It's a representation of the endless possibilities that exist when we let our creativity soar like a bird in the sky.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (impressed) Well, that certainly sounds intriguing. I'm willing to give it a try. What do you need from me? <</say>>
<<say $Lexi>> (excited) Just invite the photographer to come to the park with us. I promise you, this will be a photo shoot like no other. It will capture the essence of our school's spirit and show St.VGN School what we're really made of. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> (optimistic) I have a good feeling about this, Lexi. Let's do it!<</say>><<md>>I met a photographer in the city one day and we decided to go to the park to capture its natural beauty. As we walked through the park, I couldn't help but admire the breathtaking scenery around me, with the sun shining down on the lush green trees and the vibrant flowers in bloom. It was like the colors were brighter, the scents were sweeter, and the sounds were more melodious than ever before.<</md>>
<<md>>Suddenly, I spotted two young women who had arrived for a photo shoot. The first was Naomi, a stunning schoolgirl with impeccable makeup that made her look like a fairytale princess. The second was Lexi, a rebellious girl who was always stirring up trouble.<</md>>
<<md>>As the photographer prepared to begin the shoot, Lexi suddenly started arguing with Naomi.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>What's the point of this?<</say>>
<<md>>Girl asked, gesturing to the camera. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>It's just a stupid photo shoot.<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi rolled her eyes. <</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>You always have to ruin everything. Just because you can't handle being upstaged.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Oh, please, you think this is about you? No, this is about you stealing my boyfriend.<</say>>
<<md>>Soon the two young women were in a full-blown fight. <</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>You're always causing trouble!<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi shouted, throwing a handful of silly string at Lexi.>>
<<md>>As the argument between Lexi and Naomi escalated, more and more girls joined in, each determined to have their say. Soon the entire park was a mess, with silly string flying through the air and the ground littered with its remains.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Me?<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi replied, dodging the attack. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>You're the one who's always trying to steal the spotlight. You can't handle the fact that I'm just as good as you.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>Good? You're nothing but a troublemaker. You don't even know how to dress yourself, let alone pose for a photo shoot.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi's eyes narrowed. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Oh, now you're just getting personal. You're just jealous because I have a personality and you don't.<</say>>
<<md>>Naomi screamed so loud I thought my ears were ringing.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>>Jealous? Of what? Your cheap clothes and your bad attitude? Please. I don't need to be jealous of someone like you.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Someone like me?<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi repeated, her voice rising. <</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>I may not have your designer clothes or your fake smile, but at least I'm real. You're just a plastic doll, trying to impress everyone with your looks.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's enough, both of you are beautiful in your own ways. There's no need to argue like this.<</say>>
<<md>>I tried to intervene, but I was quickly swept up in the chaos, my clothes becoming ruined as I became caught in the crossfire. The once peaceful park was now a battleground, with girls laughing and shouting as they fought with each other.<</md>>
<<md>>In the end, the silly string battle came to an end as suddenly as it had begun. The girls lay on the grass, exhausted and covered in silly string and other liquids. Their clothes were ruined and their faces were smeared with the remnants of the battle. It was a disaster, and I knew I would have to come up with a new plan for the photo shoot.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Damn…<</say>>
<<md>>But as I surveyed the destruction around me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. Despite the mess and the ruined clothes, there was still something beautiful about the scene. The girls lying on the grass, exhausted and happy, surrounded by the remnants of their battle. It was a reminder that sometimes, even in the midst of chaos and destruction, there can still be a kind of beauty and joy.<</md>>
<<md>>And as I looked out at the park, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment, this glimpse of youth and vitality, no matter how messy it was. I knew that I would always cherish this memory, of the silly string battle and the beauty that lay within it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Hello Naomi, it's a pleasure to see you again.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> Hello, $mc.Name. What brings me here today?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I've called you here because we have a problem. Our school is losing its shine. The students are losing interest and we are losing our reputation.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> What do you mean?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Have you heard about the photoshoot at St.VGN school at the skyscraper?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> No, I haven't. What's so special about it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> It's all over the news, they are showcasing their students as stars and it's creating a buzz. Our students, on the other hand, are becoming more and more demotivated. We need to catch up and show them that they are just as special.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> I understand. So, what do you need me to do?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> You have a good taste in fashion, and I need you to come up with an idea to make our students shine. I need you to make Greenfield Academy the talk of the town.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> Of course, I'd be happy to help. Let me think. How about we hold a photoshoot of our own, but with a twist?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'm listening.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> What if we create a theme that showcases our students as superheroes, with each of them having their own unique powers?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's a brilliant idea! How would you suggest we execute it?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> Well, we can transform the gym into a cityscape and have each student pose as their superhero self, with special effects to enhance the illusion. We can even have a tagline like "Unleash your inner hero at school!".<</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's exactly what we need! Naomi, you have just lit the fire that will put our school back on the map. You have just given our students a reason to believe in themselves and to show the world their true potential.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> I'm glad I could help. It's always a privilege to be a part of making someone's dreams come true.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> You are like a ray of sunshine, bringing light and hope to those around you. Thank you, Naomi.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> I'll get started on the preparations right away. I'll make sure everything is perfect.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Excellent, I have complete faith in you.<</say>><<md>>Days went by and the photoshoot day finally arrived. Naomi had put in countless hours of hard work and the gym was transformed into a cityscape, complete with special effects and props. The students were all dressed as superheroes, ready to showcase their unique powers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We are all superheroes, huh?<</say>>
<<md>>However, just as the photoshoot was about to begin, disaster struck. One of the students had accidentally knocked over a lamp and started a fire. Chaos erupted as everyone tried to put out the fire, but it was spreading quickly.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>> Oh no, what are we going to do?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> We need to evacuate the building immediately.<</say>>
<<md>>Despite the chaos, Naomi remained calm and composed. She rallied the students and helped them evacuate the building safely.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>> I'm so sorry, Principal. I had everything under control, but this happened.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> It's not your fault, Naomi. These things happen. The most important thing is that everyone is safe.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> But what about the photoshoot?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> We'll have to reschedule. But the most important thing is that you have proven yourself to be a true hero. You have shown leadership and bravery in the face of adversity.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> I just did what anyone would have done in that situation.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> You may see it that way, but to us, you are a hero. And heroes never give up. We'll find another opportunity to showcase our students and make our school shine.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Good morning, Naomi. What brings you here today?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> Good morning, Principal. I was looking for inspiration for the rescheduled photoshoot and I stumbled upon this old photo album. I thought maybe it would give me some ideas.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's a great idea. Let's have a look.<</say>>
<<md>>As they flipped through the pages, they noticed that one of the photos had a cryptic message written on the back.<</md>>
<<say $Naomi>> Look at this, Principal. It says "The key to unlocking your inner hero lies within".<</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's strange. What could it mean?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> I don't know, but it's giving me an idea. What if we incorporate this message into the photoshoot? We can have each student pose with the message in the background and have them hold a key.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's a great idea, Naomi. It adds a deeper meaning to the photoshoot and encourages the students to explore their inner hero.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> And maybe we can even have a scavenger hunt where they have to find the key to unlock their inner hero.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's a fantastic idea, Naomi. You never cease to amaze me with your creativity.<</say>>
<<md>>And so, with the cryptic message as their guide, the rescheduled photoshoot was a huge success. The students were inspired to explore their inner hero and the results were nothing short of amazing. The photos went viral and Greenfield Academy was once again the talk of the town.<</md>>
<<md>>Naomi had once again proven herself to be a true hero, not just in times of crisis, but in her unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on the world.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Naomi, have you seen the key for the scavenger hunt? I can't seem to find it anywhere.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> I think it might be in that old journal we found in the attic. I was reading it earlier and it mentioned something about a prophecy.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> A prophecy? What kind of prophecy?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> It says that if a man were to rule this school, 33 disasters would befall it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's nonsense. It's just an old superstition. We shouldn't pay any attention to it.<</say>>
<<md>>However, just as Il said those words, strange things started to happen. The lights flickered, the floor shook, and a loud rumbling could be heard in the distance.
<<say $Naomi>> What's going on?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I don't know.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> This can't be happening.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> It's not . It just coincidence.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>> Are you sure?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah…<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Hello Monica, please have a seat.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> Good morning, sir. Is everything okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Actually, no. I’ve called you here to discuss the yearbook photoshoot for St.VGN School.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> Oh, yes. I’ve heard about it. What’s the issue?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> The issue is that some parents have expressed concern about the original plan for the photoshoot. They feel it’s too flashy and not in line with the values of our school.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> I see. And what are the options you have in mind?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, we’ve considered going back to a more traditional photo in the school gymnasium or even cancelling the photoshoot altogether.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> Those options seem like taking a step back, $mc.Name. May I suggest something else?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Of course, I’m open to suggestions.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> How about a simple, yet comfortable photo in the park? It’s a beautiful location that can showcase the natural beauty of our students, like a blooming flower in a garden.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> That’s a wonderful idea, Monica. Your positivity and kindness always shines like a beacon in the dark.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> Thank you, sir. I just believe that a picture should capture the essence of who we are, like a mirror reflecting our soul.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> And that’s exactly what we want. Let’s make the park photoshoot happen.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> Absolutely! I’ll start spreading the word and making arrangements.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Great. You always bring a ray of sunshine to our school, Monica. Thank you for your suggestion.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> It’s my pleasure, sir. I believe that a positive attitude can move mountains, and I’m happy to help in any way I can.<</say>><<say $mc>> Hi Monica, it's great to be here at the park with the cheerleaders. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the breeze is just perfect.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> Hi Principal, it's so exciting to have a photoshoot with my team! We've been working hard and this is a chance for us to show off our skills.<</say>>
<<text g "Photographer: Girls, let's get ready! The lighting is perfect! You all look so beautiful in your cheerleader uniforms.">>
<<md>>(All cheerleaders cheer and get into position, their pom-poms shining in the sunlight)<</md>>
<<say $Monica>> (Whispering to Principal) Principal, I think I saw a dark figure over there (pointing). It looks like someone is watching us.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (Looking in the direction) Hmm, I don't see anything. Maybe it's just your imagination. But don't worry, I'll keep an eye out.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> (Nervously) I hope so. I just have this eerie feeling.<</say>>
<<md>>(Just as the photoshoot starts, the rain starts to pour down, like a curtain of water blocking out the sun)<</md>>
<<say $mc>> (Sighing) This is just our luck. The rain is ruining everything. It's like a dark cloud has descended upon us.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> (Disappointed) Yeah, our makeup is getting ruined and our uniform is soaked. It's like the rain is washing away all our hard work.<</say>>
<<text g "Photographer: (Frustrated) This is just great. The photoshoot is ruined.">>
<<md>>(All cheerleaders huddle under a tree, trying to stay dry, their spirits dampened by the rain)<</md>>
<<say $Monica>> (Thinking out loud) We came here with high hopes, like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. But now, it feels like the rain is washing away all our plans and dreams.<</say>>
<<md>>It's like the rain is a metaphor for life, washing away our happiness.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> (Understanding) Monica, sometimes life can be like a storm. It can be unpredictable and ruin our plans, but it's important to remember that it will pass. And when it does, the sun will shine again. Just like a rainbow after a storm, there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> (Smiling) You're right, Principal. We can still have a good time and make new plans.<</say>>
<<md>>(Monica goes to talk to the other cheerleaders)<</md>>
<<say $Monica>> Hey girls, despite the rain, let's have some fun and make new memories. Life is too short to be sad about the rain.<</say>>
<<text g "Cheerleader 1: Monica, you always have a positive attitude. You're very kind.">>
<<text g "Cheerleader 2: Yeah, let's make the most of this situation and turn it into a fun adventure!">>
<<md>>(All cheerleaders smile and nod in agreement, embracing the rain and making the most of their time together. Their laughter ringing through the park, like a beacon of hope in the rain)<</md>>
<<say $mc>> (Sighing in relief) Finally, we can continue our photoshoot in the gym. The rain ruined everything, but at least we have a backup plan.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> (Excited) Yes, the gym is perfect! It's like the sun has finally come out after the storm.<</say>>
<<text g "Photographer: (Smiling) Alright, let's get started! This time, we won't let anything ruin our plans!">>
<<md>>(All cheerleaders get into position, their faces lighting up as the flash of the camera goes off)<</md>>
<<say $Monica>> (Whispering to Principal) Principal, I saw that figure again. It's like a dark shadow following me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (Concerned) Monica, don't worry. I'll figure out what's going on. (Principal walks in the direction of the figure and disappears from Monica's sight)<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (Whispering to sponsor) What do you mean by obsessed with Monica? You can't just stalk her like that.<</say>>
<<say $Peter>> (Nonchalant) Oh, come on. It's not like I'm doing anything harmful. I just admire her and want to be near her.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (Firm) That's not the point. You can't just follow her around like a shadow. You need to respect her privacy.<</say>>
<<say $Peter>> (Persistent) I understand, but if you could do something for me in the future, I promise I'll leave her alone.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (Worried) I'll see what I can do, but in the meantime, you need to stay away from Monica and the other cheerleaders.<</say>>
<<say $Peter>> (Reluctant) Fine, I'll stay away. But I hope you'll keep your promise.<</say>>
<<md>>(The photoshoot continues, with Principal keeping the conversation with the sponsor a secret from Monica and the other cheerleaders)<</md>>
<<say $Monica>> (Happily) That was so much fun! It's like we were able to shake off the rain and dance in the sun.<</say>>
<<text g "Photographer: (Excited) The pictures came out amazing! You all look like beautiful rays of sunshine, shining bright in the darkness.">>
<<say $mc>> (Smiling) I couldn't agree more. Monica and the other cheerleaders, you all have shown us that even in the darkest of situations, there is always a light that shines through. It's like a beacon of hope, guiding us to a brighter future.<</say>>
<<md>>(Meanwhile, the sponsor watches from a distance, his obsession with Monica still burning bright like a dark flame)<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Good morning Fiona, it's good to see you. How have you been?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>> Good morning sir, I've been doing well. Thank you for asking.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I hear you're excelling in your studies, it's quite impressive.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>> Thank you sir, I always try my best.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> So, I called you here today to talk about the Yearbook photoshoot for St.VGN school. I understand that you were not aware of it.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>> That's correct sir. I wasn't aware of it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I was hoping you could help me with some ideas. You're one of the most creative and clever students I know.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>> I'd be happy to help sir. What kind of theme are you thinking of?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> We haven't decided yet, but we wanted to make it special and unique.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>> How about something that everyone loves? Animals, for example. We could have a photosession with animals, it would be cute and bring a feeling of home to everyone.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's a brilliant idea, Fiona. Animals are always a hit with the students, and I love the idea of bringing a feeling of home to the school.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>> It would be great to capture the joy and innocence of the animals, and let them be the stars of the photoshoot. It would be like capturing a piece of nature in the middle of the city.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's a beautiful metaphor, Fiona. You truly have a way with words. Let's make this photoshoot happen, it's going to be fantastic.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>> Thank you sir, I'm glad you like my idea. I'm excited to see how it turns out.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Me too, Fiona. Me too. Now, let's get to work and make this Yearbook the best one yet.<</say>><<say $mc>> Well Fiona, I think this is a great location for our photoshoot. The lush greenery and the chirping birds make for a perfect background.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>> I agree, sir. The park is like a secret garden, surrounded by tall trees and dotted with colorful flowers. It's like stepping into a different world.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Indeed. Let's start setting up the photoshoot.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>> Sounds good sir. (calling out to the rest of the group) Everyone, gather around. We're ready to start taking the photos!<</say>>
<<md>>The group gathered and started taking photos, with the animals posing and the students smiling. It was a happy and lighthearted moment.<</md>>
<<md>>But then, in one moment when the flash went off, Fiona became angry. It was like something inside her snapped, like she switched channels to a different personality. She started to yell and tried to attack one of the girls.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Fiona, what's going on? Why are you acting this way?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>> (yelling) That's none of your business! Leave me alone!<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fiona, calm down. We can talk about whatever is bothering you.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>> (calming down) I'm sorry, sir. I don't know what came over me. I just felt so angry all of a sudden.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> It's alright, Fiona. Let's take a moment to catch our breaths and then we can talk about what happened.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>> Thank you sir. I appreciate your understanding.<</say>>
<<md>>The photoshoot was put on hold as Fiona and the principal talked. The rest of the group stood by, confused and concerned about what had just happened.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Fiona, let's try to understand what happened back there. Can you tell me what you're feeling right now?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>> I'm not sure, sir. It's like something is triggering me and I can't control it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Do you remember anything that might have led to this reaction?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>> (pausing) I've been feeling overwhelmed lately. I've been having trouble sleeping and focusing on my studies.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's understandable. Being a genius is a lot of pressure. But I'm here to help. Let's try to figure this out together.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>> (nodding) Thank you, sir. I appreciate your support.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Of course, Fiona. Now, is there anything that you think might be related to what happened today?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>> (hesitantly) There are some memories that come to mind, but I'm afraid to talk about them.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (gently) It's okay, Fiona. You can trust me. Talking about what's bothering you can help you feel better.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>> (tearfully) Okay. I remember being beaten in the flash lights, like I was being tortured. Every time I see a flash, it brings back those memories.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (hugging her) Oh Fiona, I'm so sorry. You don't have to go through this alone. I'm here for you.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>> (crying) Thank you, sir. It means a lot to have someone to talk to.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> (calming her) It's okay, Fiona. Just let it out. Crying can be a way to release your emotions and help you feel better.<</say>>
<<md>>The two of them sat there, with the principal holding Fiona and comforting her as she cried. It was a difficult moment, but they were there for each other and that's what mattered.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Principal...<</say>>
<<md>>Said Sophia as she entered my office, holding the hand of a young boy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What brings you here today, Sophia?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>I have a matter to discuss with you regarding the behavior of one of our female students," Sophia replied. "I caught her coming out of the men's restroom and wiping her mouth. That's when I found this young boy in there.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you know that it's strictly forbidden to be here, young man?" asked the principal, turning to the boy.<</say>>
<<md>>The boy nodded, looking down at his feet.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I was ready to call Linda and have the police come take him away," said the principal, "but Sophia here suggested otherwise.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>That's because the police won't change anything," Sophia said. "These girls just want to have some fun. They're like birds, wanting to spread their wings and fly. But they need a safe and controlled environment to do so. Why should we forbid them from doing so?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's not right," said the principal. "If our sponsors find out about this, it will reflect badly on the school. It's like a stain on a white shirt, it's hard to remove.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>But if we can control it, we can make it right," Sophia replied. "I suggest we hold a speed-dating event for the girls, but on our own terms. It's like a gardener pruning the plants, making sure they grow in the right direction.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I agree," said the principal. "Let's make it happen.<</say>>
<<md>>As I walked into the speed dating event, I couldn't help but feel nervous. Sophia was there, waiting for me, and I quickly made my way over to her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hi Sophia! How are you feeling today?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>I'm feeling great! I can't wait to meet some new people," Sophia replied with a smile.<</say>>
<<md>>We talked about the preparation for the day, and I couldn't help but notice how many people were already there.<</md>>
<<md>>As I glanced around, I spotted Veronica. She smiled at me slyly, and my heart skipped a beat. I couldn't help but wonder what she had in her hand, but I didn't want to seem rude by asking.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sophia, have you seen Veronica? She seems to be up to something," I said, trying to sound casual.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Yeah, I saw her earlier. She's a little quirky, but she's harmless," Sophia replied, shrugging her shoulders.<</say>>
<<md>>I decided to focus on my conversation with Sophia and talk to her about the other girls attending the event. As I was speaking with her, I noticed a woman crying at one of the tables. I quickly made my way over to her, introducing myself and asking if she needed any help.<</md>>
"Hi, my name is Mary. I just had a terrible date, and I'm feeling so overwhelmed right now," Mary said, wiping away her tears.
<<md>>I comforted Mary and helped her calm down, talking to her about her interests and hobbies. She seemed to relax, and I was proud of myself for being able to help.<</md>>
<<md>>Just as I was about to head back to my table, I noticed a commotion at another table. I turned to see a boy jumping up on the table and shouting that he was an elephant and wanted to show off his trumpet. Veronica was laughing loudly, and everyone was looking at her.<</md>>
<<md>>I felt a pang of annoyance, and I quickly made my way over to her table. I grabbed her hand and demanded an explanation for the boy's strange behavior.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, what's going on here? Why is this boy acting like an elephant?" I asked, trying to keep my voice calm.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, I just added a special treat to his dish. He's just having a little fun," Veronica replied, still laughing.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica's laughter only made me more upset. "What's so funny about this?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>I just wanted to see his long trumpet," Veronica replied, still giggling.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>This is not funny. That boy could be seriously hurt," I said, my anger rising.<</say>>
<<md>>Before I could finish my sentence, the boy suddenly fell to the ground with foam around his mouth. I shouted to Sophia to call an ambulance and quickly grabbed Veronica, pulling her into an empty storage cabinet.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What did you give him?" I demanded, locking the door behind me.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>It was ecstasy," Veronica replied, her smile fading.<</say>>
<<md>>I was shocked and horrified. "What were you thinking? You could have killed him," I said, my voice trembling with anger.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>It was just a joke. I didn't think it would hurt him," Veronica said, her voice barely above a whisper.<</say>>
<<md>>I didn't believe her. I was furious, but I knew I needed to stay calm. I locked her in the cabinet and told her that we were not finished with this conversation. I quickly returned to the boy, trying to help him until the ambulance arrived.<</md>>
<<md>>I helped the boy as best as I could until the ambulance arrived. I stayed by his side, making sure he was breathing and conscious. I answered the paramedics' questions as they assessed his condition and loaded him into the ambulance.<</md>>
<<md>>As I watched the ambulance drive away, I felt a mix of emotions - anger at Veronica for what she had done, concern for the boy, and frustration with myself for not seeing the signs earlier.<</md>>
<<md>>I returned to the speed dating event, still in shock. Sophia was there, looking worried. <</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>What happened?" she asked, as soon as she saw me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica gave that boy ecstasy. He fell to the ground and had to be taken to the hospital," I said, trying to stay calm.<</say>>
<<md>>Sophia's eyes widened in shock. <</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>That's terrible. Is he going to be okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don't know," I replied, feeling helpless. "The paramedics seemed concerned, but I couldn't hear what they were saying.<</say>>
<<md>>We talked for a few more minutes, trying to make sense of what had just happened. I filled her in on what had transpired with Veronica and she offered to help in any way she could.<</md>>
<<md>>The rest of the night passed in a blur. I spoke with the other attendees, making sure everyone was okay and letting them know what had happened. I felt a heavy weight on my chest, knowing that this speed dating event that was meant to be a fun night out had turned into a disaster.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I was able to leave. I felt exhausted and drained as I drove home, my mind replaying the events of the night over and over again. I went to bed that night with a heavy heart, knowing that the boy was in the hospital and that Veronica was facing serious consequences for her reckless behavior.<</md>>
<<md>>The day of the speed dating event had finally arrived and excitement filled the air. People from all walks of life gathered at the venue, eagerly awaiting their chance to meet new people and possibly find love. The atmosphere was electric, and everyone was in high spirits.<</md>>
<<md>>As the event got underway, I found myself talking to Sophia, a charming and intelligent woman. We chatted about life and our passions as we watched the other people around us.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is quite a turnout," I said to Sophia, taking in the scene.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Yes, it is," she replied with a smile. "I'm so excited to see who I'll meet today."<</say>>
<<md>>However, amidst all the excitement, there was one person who was missing - Lexi. I couldn't help but wonder where she was, and if everything was okay. I decided to ask Sophia to keep an eye out for her while I went to go check.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you mind keeping an eye out for Lexi while I go see if everything is okay?" I asked Sophia.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Sure thing," she nodded. "Go ahead and I'll keep an eye out."<</say>>
<<md>>Just as I was about to set off, Lexi suddenly appeared, jumping on me like a wild monkey.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Here I am!" she shouted, laughing. "I've been waiting for this moment for so long!"<</say>>
<<md>>I tried to push her away, but she was too strong and too determined.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, please stop," I said, trying to sound firm. "We're in public."<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>I don't care," she said, still laughing. "I want you and I won't let anyone stop me."<</say>>
<<md>>I was afraid that someone might see us, and I didn't want to make a scene.<</md>>
<<md>>At that very moment, Monica walked in and saw what was happening. Lexi quickly went down on her knees and hid under the table, trying to avoid being seen.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Sorry for interrupted just want to share with you some ideas as you are my principal. <</say>>
<<md>>As I stood there, I felt my pants becoming loose, and I realized that my zipper must have come undone. I quickly tried to adjust my pants, but the situation was becoming more and more awkward by the second.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Is everything okay?" she asked with a concerned look on her face.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, everything's fine," I replied, trying to brush it off. "Let's continue our conversation."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So, what was the idea you wanted to share with me?" I asked, trying to get back on track.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Well," Monica began, "I was thinking about starting a new venture and I was hoping to get your thoughts on it."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'd love to hear more," I replied, intrigued. "What kind of venture?"<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>It's a cheerleading school," Monica explained. "I've been a cheerleader since I was a kid, and I want to share my passion and skills with others."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's a great idea," I said. "Cheerleading is a sport that requires a lot of dedication and discipline. I'm sure you'll be able to pass on those values to your students."<</say>>
СЕКС СЦЕНА<<md>>As the day of speed dating arrived, the room was filled with nervous excitement. People of all ages and backgrounds gathered, looking for a chance at love. I couldn't help but feel happy to be a part of it all.<</md>>
<<md>>As I scanned the room, I saw Monica, who I had been looking forward to meeting. She caught my eye and gave me a shy smile, making my heart skip a beat. However, when I approached her table, I was surprised to find that she was sitting with another girl. The two of them were holding hands and even sharing a kiss.<</md>>
<<md>>At that moment, I couldn't help but wonder if Monica was a lesbian. I had never considered the possibility before, but seeing her with another woman made me curious. So, I decided to follow the two of them when they got up from their table and headed towards a higher floor.<</md>>
<<md>>As I approached the higher floor, my heart was racing with anticipation. When I finally caught a glimpse of Monica and the other girl, I was shocked by what I saw.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica was passionately kissing the other girl, her lips roaming over her neck and face. And to my further surprise, she was starting to undress the other girl, pulling off her blouse.<</md>>
<<md>>I stood there for a moment, frozen in disbelief. I had never seen anything like this before, and it was both thrilling and a bit overwhelming.<</md>>
Секс сцена
<<md>>Despite the initial shock, I felt grateful to have witnessed such a passionate display of love and affection. And while it wasn't exactly what I was expecting from the speed dating event, it was a moment that would stay with me forever.<</md>>
<<md>>The day of the speed dating event had finally arrived, and I, the principal, was in charge of making sure everything ran smoothly. I walked into the hall filled with excitement, but my excitement was short-lived when I noticed that there were not as many people as I expected.<</md>>
<<md>>Despite this, I decided to focus on ensuring that the event ran smoothly. The music started playing and I looked at my students. To my surprise, they seemed happy and relaxed, chatting and laughing with each other. "Maybe this speed dating idea wasn't so bad after all," I thought.<</md>>
<<md>>I walked around the room, striking up conversations with the students. "So, how are you enjoying the event so far?" I asked one student. "It's a lot of fun!" the student replied with a smile. "I hope you all find someone special today!" I said, encouragingly.<</md>>
<<md>>As I continued talking to my students, I noticed Fiona, one of the most clever and kind students in the school, walking towards her first speed-dating table. I approached her and asked, "Fiona, how are you feeling about the event?" She smiled and replied, "I'm a little nervous, but I'm also excited. I think this will be a great opportunity to meet new people."<</md>>
<<md>>The speed-dating event progressed, and Fiona, who was known for her quick wit and kind heart, quickly made a connection with her partner. They laughed and talked easily, and before long, they were singing karaoke together on stage.<</md>>
<<md>>The karaoke performance by Fiona and her partner was a hit, and the entire room erupted into applause. Fiona's partner, who was equally charming and talented, suggested that they sing another song together. Fiona agreed, and the two of them belted out an energetic duet, bringing the crowd to its feet.<</md>>
<<md>>As the karaoke session continued, Fiona and her partner continued to shine, and their chemistry was undeniable. They sang song after song, their voices blending together perfectly, and their confidence and comfort with each other grew with every song.<</md>>
<<md>>At the end of the speed dating event, Fiona and her partner exchanged numbers and made plans to see each other again. I was overjoyed to see Fiona, who was usually so reserved, open up and have such a great time. It was clear that this was the start of a beautiful friendship.<</md>>
<<md>>As I watched Fiona and her partner walk out of the hall, hand in hand, I couldn't help but smile. It was moments like this that made me love my job and reminded me of the positive impact I could have on my students' lives. The speed dating event may have been a small thing, but it had a big impact on Fiona and many others, and I was proud to have been a part of it.<</md>>
<<md>>A few days after the speed dating event, I was walking down the hallway when I spotted Fiona. I walked over to her and greeted her with a smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona, how are you doing?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>I'm doing great, thank you!<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona replied, her face lighting up with a huge smile. <</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>I wanted to catch up with you and tell you how much I enjoyed the speed dating event.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm so glad to hear that," I said, genuinely happy for her. "So, how did it go for you?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>It was amazing," Fiona said, her eyes shining. "I met someone who is kind, funny, and just as interested in music as I am. We hit it off right away and have been spending time together ever since.<</say>>
<<md>>I was thrilled to hear that Fiona had found someone special, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. It was moments like this that made me realize just how much impact I could have on my students' lives, and how fulfilling my job could be.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm so happy for you, Fiona," I said, giving her a warm smile. "I'm sure you two will have many great memories together.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Thank you, Principal," Fiona said, looking grateful. "I never would have imagined that speed dating could lead to something so special. I'm grateful for the opportunity to meet new people and for your support.<</say>>
<div class="tablet-outer-side">\
<img src="img/tablet/camera.png" class="tablet-ui">\
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<div class="Task">\
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<div class="work-columns">\
<div class="Work-options">\
<div class="text-label">\
<span class="Work-title">Work Intensity</span>\
<<talk_btn "Check emails" 1 $DirectorEmails "No more mails for today">><<goto "DirectorEmails">><<set $stamina -=5>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Check school reports" 1 $DirectorReports "Enough reports for today">><<goto "DirectorReports">><<set $stamina -=5>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn "Check city news" 1 $DirectorNews1 "No news for today, only work">><<goto "DirectorNews">><<set $stamina -=5>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn"Check others schools">><<goto "School rules">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn"Meetings">><<goto "DirectorMeetings">><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn"Back">><<goto "ControlSchoolMenu">><</talk_btn>>\
<<if $LexiReport == 3 && $LexiReportDaysLeft == 0>>\
<</if>>\<<if $DirectorEmailsRead == 0>>\
<<text y "Subject: Welcome and Encouragement for New Principal">>
<<text g "Dear Mr.$mc.Name,">>
<<md>>We hope this email finds you well and settling into your new role as the [School Name] principal. We are writing to express our excitement for your arrival and to offer our encouragement as you begin this new chapter in your career.
We have heard many positive things about your experience and accomplishments, and we are confident that you will bring new ideas and energy to our school community. We are eager to work with you to continue to provide the best possible educational experience for our children.
We would like to take this opportunity to let you know that we are dedicated to supporting you in any way we can, and we are committed to ensuring a positive and productive relationship between parents, teachers, and administration.
Additionally, we would like to request your permission for our child to bring a vibrotoy to one of their lessons. We believe it will help with their focus and concentration, and we would be happy to provide any additional information or documentation that you may need.
We look forward to meeting you and working together to make [School Name] the best it can be.<</md>>
<<text g "Sincerely,Mr and Mrs.Smith">>
[[Check more|DirectorEmailsFirstDay2]]
/*Thanks to recycling program*/
Email 1
<<text y "Subject: Gratitude for the New Recycling Program">>
<<text g "Dear Mr.$mc.Name,">>
<<md>>I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my gratitude for the new recycling program that has been implemented in our school. It is wonderful to see the school take such an active role in promoting environmental sustainability and waste reduction.
As a parent, I am so proud of the efforts our school is making to educate students on the importance of recycling and the positive impact it can have on our planet. This program not only teaches students to be responsible citizens but also helps them understand the consequences of their actions.
Thank you for taking this initiative and for making our school a leader in environmental consciousness. I am confident that the students will benefit greatly from this program and will carry its teachings with them throughout their lives.<</md>>
<<text g "Sincerely, George Lemming">>
Email 2
<<text y "Subject: Appreciation for the Efforts towards Sustainability">>
<<text g "Dear Mr.$mc.Name,">>
<<md>>I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the new recycling program that has been introduced in our school. I am grateful for the effort our school is making towards environmental sustainability and waste reduction.
The program is not only important for the environment but also for the education of our children. It teaches them about the importance of reducing waste and conserving natural resources. I believe that this education will stay with them for a lifetime and make them responsible citizens.
I appreciate the hard work and dedication that has gone into making this program a reality. It is inspiring to see the school take a leadership role in promoting sustainable practices.
Thank you once again for your efforts towards a better and greener future.<</md>>
<<text g "Best regards, Marry Bluewater ">>
Email 3
<<text y "Subject: A Big Thank You for the Recycling Program">>
<<text g "Dear Mr.$mc.Name,">>
<<md>>I am writing to express my deep gratitude for the new recycling program that has been implemented in our school. This initiative shows the commitment our school has towards promoting sustainability and reducing waste.
As parents, we are thrilled to see the school take such an active role in educating students about the importance of recycling and its impact on the environment. This program will not only help our children learn valuable lessons but will also have a positive impact on the world around us.
I would like to extend a big thank you to all the individuals involved in making this program a success. Your hard work and dedication are truly appreciated.<</md>>
<<text g "Best regards, parent of Alba Stanton">>
/*Recycling is waste of time*/
Email 1:
<<text y "Subject: Concerns about the New Recycling Program">>
<<text g "Dear Mr.$mc.Name,">>
<<md>>I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my concerns regarding the new recycling program that has been implemented in our school. While I understand the importance of environmental sustainability, I am not convinced that this program is the most effective way to achieve this goal.
I am worried that the resources and time spent on this program could be better utilized in other areas, such as improving the educational experience for our children. Additionally, I am concerned about the cost of implementing and maintaining this program, which could potentially divert funds from other important initiatives.
I would like to request a meeting with you to discuss these concerns and find a solution that addresses both the need for environmental sustainability and the effective use of resources.<</md>>
<<text g "Sincerely, [Your Name]">>
Email 2:
<<text y "Subject: Questions about the Recycling Program">>
<<text g "Dear Mr.$mc.Name,">>
<<md>>I am writing to inquire about the new recycling program that has been introduced in our school. While I appreciate the efforts towards environmental sustainability, I have some concerns about its effectiveness and efficiency.
I would like to understand the reasoning behind the implementation of this program, as well as the resources and funds that will be dedicated to it. I am concerned that the resources and time spent on this program could be better utilized in other areas, such as improving the educational experience for our children.
I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss these concerns with you and find a solution that addresses both the need for environmental sustainability and the effective use of resources.<</md>>
<<text g "Best regards, [Your Name]">>
Email 3:
<<text y "Subject: Disagreement with the Recycling Program">>
<<text g "Dear Mr.$mc.Name,">>
<<md>>I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my disagreement with the new recycling program that has been implemented in our school. While I understand the importance of environmental sustainability, I do not believe that this program is the best way to achieve this goal.
I am concerned about the resources and time that will be spent on this program, as well as the potential cost involved. I believe that these resources could be better utilized in other areas, such as improving the educational experience for our children.
I would like to request a meeting with you to discuss these concerns and find a solution that addresses both the need for environmental sustainability and the effective use of resources.<</md>>
<<text g "Sincerely, [Your Name]">>
write possible emails to principle from parents about new weed legalization program program. Write in different style.
Email 1: Supportive of Legalization
<<text y "Subject: Encouragement to Adopt the New Weed Legalization Program">>
<<text g "Dear [Principal's Name],">>
<<md>>I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my support for the recent legalization of marijuana and the impact it may have on the school community.
As a parent, I believe this new program will provide numerous benefits to our children and the school system as a whole. It will create a safer and more regulated environment for both students and teachers, reduce the criminalization of marijuana and free up resources for law enforcement to focus on more serious issues.
I would like to encourage the school to adopt this new program and provide education on responsible use and the dangers of abuse to our students. By doing so, we can help ensure that future generations are able to benefit from this change in legislation.
Thank you for your time and consideration.<</md>>
<<text g "Best regards, [Your Name]">>
Email 2: Concerned about Legalization
<<text y "Subject: Request for Discussions on New Weed Legalization Program">>
<<text g "Dear [Principal's Name],">>
<<md>>I hope this email finds you well. As a parent, I am writing to express my concerns about the recent legalization of marijuana and its potential impact on our school community.
While I understand the benefits that legalization may bring, I also have concerns about the increased availability of marijuana and its potential effects on our students. I believe that it is important for the school to have open and honest discussions about this new program and its implications for our children.
I would like to request a meeting with you and other parents to discuss these concerns and find ways to address them. I believe that by working together, we can ensure the safety and well-being of our students while also taking advantage of the benefits of legalization.
Thank you for your time and consideration.<</md>>
<<text g "Best regards,[Your Name]">>
Email 3: Neutral on Legalization
<<text y "Subject: Request for Information on New Weed Legalization Program">>
<<text g "Dear [Principal's Name],">>
<<md>>I hope this email finds you well. As a parent, I am writing to request more information about the recent legalization of marijuana and its impact on the school community.
I understand that this is a complex issue with many different opinions and perspectives, and I would like to have a better understanding of the situation. I would appreciate it if you could provide some information on the school's stance on this new program and any plans you may have to address its implications.
Thank you for your time and consideration.<</md>>
<<text g "Best regards,[Your Name]">>
write unsatisfied email to principle from parents (miners) about how teacher Sophia use additional materials program. She show some unapropriate pictures to girls.
<<text y "Subject: Concerns regarding inappropriate materials used by Teacher Sophia">>
<<text g "Dear [Principal's Name],">>
<<md>>We are writing to express our disappointment and concern regarding an incident that took place in one of the classrooms taught by Teacher Sophia. Our daughter, [student's name], who is a student in her class, informed us that during a recent lesson, Teacher Sophia used additional educational materials that contained inappropriate pictures, which she showed to the students, including girls.
We understand that teachers often use additional materials to enhance their lessons and make them more engaging, but it is not acceptable for any teacher to display inappropriate or offensive content in the classroom. We believe that such materials have no place in a school setting and can have a negative impact on the students.
We strongly urge you to take appropriate action to address this situation and to ensure that all teachers are trained on the appropriate use of materials in the classroom. Our children's education should be a positive and safe experience, and it is essential that we maintain an environment that is free from any form of inappropriate or offensive material.
We look forward to hearing back from you regarding the steps you will take to rectify this situation.<</md>>
<<text g "Sincerely, [Your Names]">>
other unsatifsied lesson but from the point of view very powerfull woman
<<text y "Subject: Disappointing Lesson Experience">>
<<text g "Dear [Principal's Name],">>
<<md>>I am writing to express my strong dissatisfaction with the recent lesson taught by Teacher Sophia. As a successful businesswoman and a mother, I understand the importance of providing students with a high-quality education and a safe learning environment. However, I was extremely disappointed to learn that Teacher Sophia used materials in her lesson that were inappropriate and offensive.
During the lesson, Teacher Sophia showed pictures that were not only irrelevant to the subject matter, but also potentially damaging to the students, especially to young girls. Such behavior is unacceptable, and it is imperative that it is addressed immediately.
I expect the highest standards of professionalism from the teachers at this school, and I am disappointed that this situation occurred. I hope that you will take the appropriate steps to ensure that all teachers are trained on the appropriate use of materials in the classroom, and that they understand the importance of providing a safe and respectful learning environment for all students.
I would appreciate a prompt response regarding the steps you will take to rectify this situation.<</md>>
<<text g "Sincerely, [Your Name]">>
other letter from point of view very shy father
<<text y "Subject: Incident in the Classroom">>
<<text g "Dear [Principal's Name],">>
<<md>>I am writing to express my concerns regarding an incident that took place in one of the classrooms taught by Teacher Sophia. As a father, I am very protective of my child's education and well-being, and I was disturbed to learn that Teacher Sophia showed inappropriate pictures during a recent lesson.
My child, [student's name], is a very shy and sensitive student, and I am worried about the impact that this incident may have had on her. I understand that teachers often use additional materials to make their lessons more engaging, but it is not acceptable for any teacher to display inappropriate or offensive content in the classroom.
I kindly request that you take appropriate action to address this situation and to ensure that all teachers are trained on the appropriate use of materials in the classroom. Our children's education should be a positive and safe experience, and it is essential that we maintain an environment that is free from any form of inappropriate or offensive material.
I would appreciate a prompt response regarding the steps you will take to rectify this situation.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.<</md>>
<<text g "Sincerely, [Your Name]">>
<<set $DirectorEmails = 0>>\
<<addmins 30>>\
[[Back|DirectorWork]] <<if $LexiReport == 1 && $LexiReportDaysLeft == 0>>\
/*Lexi's report's*/
<<text y "Subject: Girl's fight report">>
<<text g "Dear Principal,">>
<<md>>I am writing to inform you of an incident that occurred at our school involving two girls, Lexi and Theresa.
It has been reported that Lexi acted in a rebellious manner and kicked the other student. This behaviour is not in line with our school's values, which state that we must treat each other with respect and kindness.<</md>>
<<md>>After speaking with Lexi, it is clear that she is not remorseful for her actions. She hasn't expressed regret and apologized to the other student and their family called it stupid. <</md>>
<<md>>According to this, I have arranged for both students to attend a workshop that focuses on conflict resolution. This will help them to understand the consequences of their actions and provide them with the knowledge and skills to manage their emotions and resolve conflict in a positive and productive manner.
But for me, Lexi and Theresa need a mentor, who explain how this is wrong and will check in with her regularly and provide her with support and guidance. Guess as the only man in this school you are the best candidate.
I am confident that this approach will ensure that all parties involved have a positive experience at our school. <</md>>
<<md>>Thank you for your time and consideration.<</md>>
<<set $DirectorReports = 0>>\
<<text g "Lucy Nelson">>
<<elseif $LexiReport == 2 && $LexiReportDaysLeft == 0>>\
<<text y "Subject: Smoking hot">>
<<text g "Our Hottest School Principal,">>
<<md>>I am not fond of reports, but incident took place in my class. So it's important matter.<</md>>\
<<md>>At the start of the school day, Lexi arrived in the classroom wearing her school uniform, but before the class was ready to begin she proceeded to rip it apart and then set it on fire. Though her behavior is nothing but attention whore, there is a risk to the other students in the room to be hurt.<</md>>\
<<md>>I was able to quickly put out the fire and then Lexi was taken to the office for further discussion. After speaking with her, I learned that she was feeling angry and bored.<</md>>\
<<md>>I am writing to report this incident to you so that you may be aware of the situation and can take proper action. I think you can teach her a lesson, though it was hot in all means.<</md>>
<<text g "Sophia Turner">>
<<elseif $LexiReport == 3 && $LexiReportDaysLeft == 0>>\
<<text y "Subject: BIKINI IN SCHOOL">>
<<text g "Dear School Principal,">>
<<md>>I am writing to report a violation of school policy that I recently encountered in the school premises. A student, Lexi, was seen on school grounds not wearing the school uniform, but instead wearing a bikini. Here is photo:<</md>>
<<md>>This is a clear breach of our school's dress code policy, which requires all students to wear the school uniform when in school premises. In addition to being a breach of policy, this incident has made other students in the vicinity feel uncomfortable and has resulted in a disruptive atmosphere.<</md>>
<<md>>In light of this incident, I would like to suggest that the school consider implementing a stricter dress code policy that requires all students to adhere to the school uniform at all times within the school premises, and that a reminder of the policy be circulated to all students and parents.<</md>>
<<md>>I believe that this incident serves as an important reminder that we need to be vigilant in enforcing our school dress code policy, so that all students can learn and study in a safe, comfortable and respectful environment.<</md>>
<<md>>Thank you for your time,<</m $LexiReportDaysLeft == 0d>>
<<text g "Lucy Nelson">>
/*Common reports*/
<<elseif $BrokenGlassDaysLeft == 0 && $CameraSchoolUpgrade == 0>>
<<text y "Subject: Broken glass">>
<<text g "Dear Principal,">>
<<md>>This report is being submitted to inform you of the act of vandalism that occurred over the weekend which resulted in broken windows in the school.<</md>>
<<md>>On Saturday evening, a group of individuals illegally entered the school grounds and proceeded to damage the windows on the west side of the building. Several of the windows were shattered, although no objects were thrown into the school itself. In addition, the graffiti on the walls suggests that the perpetrators may have been associated with a local gang.<</md>>
<<md>>In an effort to prevent further occurrences of vandalism, we are in the process of developing a school safety plan. We plan to implement this plan and create further measures to deter acts of vandalism on school grounds. This plan will include additional security and surveillance measures, as well as a community outreach program.
We are confident that these actions will help to ensure that incidents such as this one do not occur in the future. We appreciate your support and understanding as we work to make our school a safe environment for our students and faculty. However, it's up to choose.<</md>>
<<text g "Teacher's staff">>
<<elseif $SpiritDayBegin == 1>>
<<text g "Result on survey about uniform:">>
<<say $Lexi>>School uniforms are just another way to control us and take away our individuality. I refuse to be a part of that.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>"I don't have strong feelings about uniforms one way or the other, but I do think it's important for everyone to look the same and show that we're all part of the same team.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Uniforms are a pointless expense. I'd rather spend my money on more important things and wear what I want to school.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>I see the benefits of uniforms. They promote discipline and create a professional atmosphere. Plus, it takes away the pressure of having to dress a certain way.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Uniforms set a high standard for student behavior and promote discipline and order in the school. I believe that every student should take pride in their appearance and represent their school well.<</say>>
<<md>>Looks like it's not helped. Damn!<</md>>\
<<set $SpiritDayBegin = 2>>\
<<md>>Happy day without reports<</md>>
<<addmins 30>>\
<<set $DirectorReports = 0>>\
<<md>>It has come to my attention that a few of our schoolgirls have fallen ill with a contagious disease. To ensure the safety and health of all students and staff, I strongly advise everyone to take the necessary preventive measures. This includes getting a protective injection as soon as possible.<</md>>
<<md>>I understand that injections can be a cause of concern for some, but I can assure you that they are safe and effective in preventing the spread of this disease. I highly encourage everyone to take this precautionary measure to maintain the well-being of our school community.<</md>>
<<md>>I am available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Let's work together to keep our school healthy and safe.<</md>>
<<text g "Signed, Dr. U.Squirtee, School Doctor, School Number 69">>
<<text g "Greetings St. VGN School Community,">>
<<md>>This is your principal, Reez, and I have some exciting news to share with you all! This coming weekend, we will be hosting a Fortnite tournament for all students and staff members.<</md>>
<<md>>I am so thrilled about this event, as it will provide a fun and engaging opportunity for everyone to come together and compete. I must admit, I am not very familiar with the intricacies of Fortnite, but from what I understand, it's just like Minecraft, right?<</md>>
<<md>>Anyway, I am eager to see all the amazing skills our students and staff have to offer, and I have faith that this tournament will be a huge success. I may need a little help from our tech-savvy students to get things set up and running smoothly, but I am confident that together, we will make this a memorable event.<</md>>
<<md>>So, grab your gaming gear and get ready to show off your skills! I can't wait to see who will come out on top as the champion of St. VGN School's Fortnite tournament!<</md>>
<<text g "Hot regards for hotties, Principal Reez, St. VGN School">>
<<text g "Greetings School Number 69 Community,">>
<<md>>This is the Student Council of School Number 69, and we wanted to share our thoughts on the recent installation of green energy sources at our school.<</md>>
<<md>>We are thrilled to see that our school is taking steps towards a more sustainable future. The addition of these green energy sources not only helps reduce our carbon footprint but also sets a positive example for the students and staff to follow.<</md>>
<<md>>As a student council, we are passionate about creating a better world for future generations, and initiatives like this show that our school is committed to making a positive impact. We hope that this is just the beginning of our school's journey towards sustainability and look forward to seeing more eco-friendly measures in the future.<</md>>
<<md>>We believe that small actions like this can make a big difference, and we are proud to be part of a school community that values the well-being of the planet.<</md>>
<<text g "Signed, The Student Council, School Number 69">>
<<text g "Student 1: I am so excited and honored to hear that Bill Gates will be visiting our school for Career Day. He is a true inspiration to so many and a leader in technology and philanthropy. I am looking forward to learning from him and gaining valuable insights into his career journey.">>
<<text g "Student 2: Bill Gates, you say? I don't even know who that is, but I'm already ecstatic! Can you imagine the kind of wild, funky stories he must have? I bet he's got all sorts of eccentricities up his sleeve, and I can't wait to hear them all!">>
<<text r "Student 3: Who cares about Bill Gates coming to our school? He's just some rich guy who thinks he's better than everyone else. He probably won't have anything interesting to say, and I have better things to do than listen to him talk.">>
<<text g "Hey St.VGN students!">>
<<md>>We had a blast at the yearbook photoshoot at the skyscraper yesterday! The view was absolutely stunning and our yearbook is going to look amazing.<</md>>
<<md>>But let's talk about the real highlight of the day... the silly moments! From the principal trying to do a superhero pose and failing spectacularly, to the vice president trying to balance on one leg and ending up on the floor, we had a lot of laughs.<</md>>
<<md>>Special shoutout to the sports team who made a human pyramid and almost knocked over the camera, and to the drama club who brought their A-game with some dramatic expressions.<</md>>
<<md>>Overall, it was a day filled with memories that we'll never forget. Can't wait for the yearbook to come out!<</md>>
<<text g "#StVGNYearbook #SkyscraperShoot #MemoriesForDays">>
<<addmins 30>>\
[[DirectorWork]] <<text y "Subject: Request for a Meeting with the New Principal">>
<<text g "Dear Mr.$mc.Name,">>
<<md>>I hope this email finds you well and settling into your new role as the [School Name] principal. I am writing to introduce myself as the parent of [Child’s Name], who is a student at your school.
I have heard many positive things about your experience, accomplishments, and the potential you bring to our school community. As a concerned and involved parent, I am eager to meet with you and learn more about your vision for the school, as well as the plans and initiatives you have in place to support our children's education and growth.
I believe that open communication and collaboration between parents and the administration is essential for a successful and thriving school community, and I am committed to being an active and supportive member.
Would it be possible for us to schedule a meeting to discuss these matters in more detail? I would be grateful for the opportunity to meet with you and get to know you better.
Please let me know if this is possible and if so, what dates and times work best for you. I look forward to hearing from you soon.<</md>>
<<text g "Sincerely, Mrs.Rocks">>
<<set $DirectorEmailsRead = 1>>\
[[Back|DirectorWork]]<div class="tablet-outer-side">\
<img src="img/tablet/camera.png" class="tablet-ui">\
<div class="Work">\
<div class="Task">\
<<include "ActualTask">>\
<div class="flex-center-col">\
<div class="work-columns">\
<div class="Work-options">\
<div class="text-label">\
<span class="Work-title">Work Intensity</span>\
<<talk_btn "Meet with Linda">><<goto "DirectorLindaMeeting">><<set $stamina -=10>><</talk_btn>>\
<<if $DirectorSponsorMeet == 1>>\
<<talk_btn "Meet with sponsors">><<goto "DirectorSponsors">><<set $stamina -=5>>
<<if $DirectorClaraMeet == 1>>\
<<talk_btn "Meet with Clara">><<goto "DirectorEmails">><<set $stamina -=5>>
<<if $DirectorSophiaMeet == 1>>\
<<talk_btn "Meet with Sophia">><<goto "DirectorEmails">><<set $stamina -=5>><</talk_btn>>\
<<if $DirectorLucyMeet == 1>>\
<<talk_btn "Meet with Lucy">><<goto "DirectorEmails">><<set $stamina -=5>><</talk_btn>>\
<<if $DirectorFionaMeet == 1>>\
<<talk_btn "Meet with Fiona">><<goto "DirectorEmails">><<set $stamina -=5>><</talk_btn>>\
<<if $DirectorMonicaMeet == 1>>\
<<talk_btn "Meet with Monica">><<goto "DirectorEmails">><<set $stamina -=5>><</talk_btn>>\
<<if $DirectorVeronicaMeet == 1>>\
<<talk_btn "Meet with Veronica">><<goto "DirectorEmails">><<set $stamina -=5>><</talk_btn>>\
<<if $DirectorLexiMeet == 1>>\
<<talk_btn "Meet with Lexi">><<goto "DirectorEmails">><<set $stamina -=5>><</talk_btn>>\
<<if $DirectorMrsRocksMeet == 1>>\
<<talk_btn "Meet with Mrs.Rocks">><<goto "DirectorEmails">><<set $stamina -=5>><</talk_btn>>\
<<if $DirectorEllieMeet == 1>>\
<<talk_btn "Meet with Ellie">><<goto "DirectorEmails">><<set $stamina -=5>><</talk_btn>>\
<<talk_btn"Back">><<goto "DirectorWork">><</talk_btn>>\<<if $DirectorLindaFirstSchedule == 0>>\
<<say $mc>> Hello Linda, how are you today?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>> Good day sir, I'm doing well, thank you. How can I help you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Thank you for asking. Do I have any meetings scheduled for today?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>> No sir, you don't have any meetings scheduled for today. However, you have a meeting with one of the sponsors scheduled for tomorrow.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Thank you, Linda. Is there a way for me to keep track of all my meetings?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>> Of course, sir. I have added all your meetings to the "Meetings" section of your calendar. If you need to schedule a meeting with someone, just let me know and I will arrange it for you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's great, Linda. Thank you for your help. I appreciate it.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>> You're welcome, sir. It's my pleasure to assist you.<</say>>
<<set $DirectorLindaFirstSchedule = 1>>\
<<set $DirectorSponsorMeet = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<if $DirectorEmailsRead == 1>>\
[[Meeting with Mrs.Rocks|LindaMrsRocks]]
[[My office]]
<<say $Linda>> Good day sir. How can I help you today?<</say>>
<<if $DirectorEmailsRead == 1>>\
[[Meeting with Mrs.Rocks|LindaMrsRocks]]
<<if $LexiReport == 1>>\
[[Meeting with Lexi|LindaLexiMeeting]]
<<if $EllieBreakdown == 3>>\
[[Meeting with Ellie|LindaEllieMeeting]]
[[My office]]
<<if $DirectorEmailsRead == 1>>\
<<say $mc>> Linda, I've got email from Mrs.Rocks. Please add her to my schedule.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>> Sure thing, golden. It's done.<</say>>
<<set $DirectorEmailsRead = 2>>\
<<set $DirectorMrsRocksMeet = 0>>\
[[Back|DirectorLindaMeeting]]<<if $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>
<<set $schoolmoney +=10000>>\
<<if $BookClub == 2 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>
<<set $schoolmoney -=500>>\
<<elseif $MathClub == 2 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>
<<set $schoolmoney -=700>>\
<<elseif $AuthorClub == 2 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>
<<set $schoolmoney -=600>>\
<<elseif $VegetarianClub == 2 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>
<<set $schoolmoney -=800>>\
<<elseif $GeekClub == 2 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>
<<set $schoolmoney -=1000>>\
<</if>>\<<if $BookClub == 1>>
<<text y "Are you sure want spend 5000$(and 500$ per week) to allow Book Club?">>
<<elseif $MathClub == 1>>
<<text y "Are you sure want spend 7000$(and 700$ per week) to allow Math Club?">>
<<elseif $AuthorClub == 1>>
<<text y "Are you sure want spend 6000$(and 600$ per week) to allow Author's Club?">>
<<elseif $VegetarianClub == 1>>
<<text y "Are you sure want spend 8000$(and 800$ per week) to allow Vegetarian Club?">>
<<elseif $GeekClub == 1>>
<<text y "Are you sure want spend 10000$(and 1000$ per week) to allow Geek Club?">>
<</if>>\<<if $BookClub == 1>>\
<<set $BookClub = 2>>
<<text y "Club will be implemented in 3 days.">>
<<elseif $MathClub == 1>>
<<set $MathClub = 2>>
<<text y "Club will be implemented in 3 days.">>
<<elseif $AuthorClub == 1>>
<<set $AuthorClub = 2>>
<<text y "Club will be implemented in 3 days.">>
<<elseif $VegetarianClub == 1>>
<<set $VegetarianClub = 2>>
<<text y "Club will be implemented in 3 days.">>
<<elseif $GeekClub == 1>>
<<set $GeekClub = 2>>
<<text y "Club will be implemented in 3 days.">>
<<set $ClubAvailable = 3>>\<<if $PsyPro == 1>>
<<text y "Are you sure want spend 5000$(and 500$ per week) to allow Psychological help?">>
<<elseif $TrashPro == 1>>
<<text y "Are you sure want spend 7000$(and 700$ per week) to allow Trash recycling?">>
<<elseif $DrugPro == 1>>
<<text y "Are you sure want spend 6000$(and 600$ per week) to allow Drug legalization">>
<<elseif $StemPro == 1>>
<<text y "Are you sure want spend 8000$(and 800$ per week) to allow STEM?">>
<<elseif $InnoPro == 1>>
<<text y "Are you sure want spend 10000$(and 1000$ per week) to allow Innovative materials?">>
<<elseif $FashPro == 1>>
<<text y "Are you sure want spend 10000$(and 1000$ per week) to allow Fashion way?">>
<<elseif $DefPro == 1>>
<<text y "Are you sure want spend 10000$(and 1000$ per week) to allow Self defence?">>
if (ClaraStaff === 1) {
var desiredPassage = "ClaraVariableTransitiontovar";;;
} else {
MonicaSkillsTotal2 = MonicaSkillsTotal2 + 1;
if (MonicaSkillsTotal2 > 10) {
MonicaSkillsTotal2 = 10;
</script><<set $ClaraStaff = 1>>\<<say $mc>> Lexi, please come to my office. We need to have a talk.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>> (smirks) What is it this time?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I have received reports that you were involved in a fight with other girls, including Theresa. Is that true?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>> (laughing) Yeah, what's the big deal? Girls fight all the time.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> This is not a laughing matter, Lexi. Such behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated in this school. It is causing disruptions to the learning environment and affecting the safety of other students.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>> (rolls her eyes) I didn't do anything wrong. Theresa was just asking for it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's not the point. Fighting is never the solution to a problem. You need to learn to handle conflicts in a peaceful and respectful manner.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>> (sighs) Whatever. Can I go now?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> No, not yet. I want you to understand the consequences of your actions. If this behavior continues, you may face suspension or even expulsion.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>> (laughing) You can't expel me. I'm too good for this school. And for you.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\SchoolControl\Lexi\Quest\Video\LexiReport1.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $mc>> I hope that's not the attitude you're bringing to our school, Lexi. We expect all students to respect the rules and regulations, and to treat others with kindness and respect.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>> (smirks) Yeah, yeah. I got it. Can I go now?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yes, you may go. But I hope you take this conversation seriously and think about the impact your actions have on others.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>> (laughing) I'll try, but no promises.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I hope so, Lexi. For your own sake and for the sake of others. Good day.<</say>>
<<set $LexiReport = 2>>\
<<set $LexiReportDaysLeft = 4>>\
<<set $DirectorLexiMeet = 0>>\
[[Back|My office]]<<say $mc>> Lexi, please come to my office. We need to have a talk.
<<say $Lexi>> (enters the office) What's up?
<<say $mc>> I've received reports that you have been skipping classes and burning your school uniform. Can you explain your actions?
<<say $Lexi>> (laughing) I just needed a break from the boring classes, and the uniform was itchy.
<<say $mc>> Lexi, your actions are not only disrespectful to the school and its rules, but also to the education you're receiving. Your attendance and behavior in class are crucial for your growth and future success.
<<say $Lexi>> (sighs) Yeah, I know. But it's just so boring.
<<say $mc>> I understand that some subjects may not be as interesting as others, but it's important that you attend all your classes and engage in the learning process. Your actions also damage school property, which is unacceptable.
<<say $Lexi>> (nods) I understand.
<<say $mc>> Good. I hope you take this conversation to heart and make a conscious effort to attend all your classes and respect school property in the future. If you continue with these actions, there will be consequences, including suspension or expulsion.
<<say $Lexi>> (seriously) I'll make sure to change my ways. Thank you, Principal.
<<say $mc>> You're welcome, Lexi. Good luck with your studies.
<<set $LexiReport = 3>>\
<<set $LexiReportDaysLeft = 6>>\
<<set $DirectorLexiMeet = 0>>\
[[Back|My office]]<<say $mc>> Lexi, please come to my office. We need to have a talk.
<<say $Lexi>> (enters the office wearing a bikini) What's up?
<<say $mc>> (surprised) Lexi, why are you not wearing a proper school uniform?
<<say $Lexi>> (sarcastically) Oh, I'm sorry. I thought this was a beach school.
<<say $mc>> This is not a joking matter, Lexi. The school has a dress code that all students must follow. Wearing a bikini to school is completely inappropriate.
<<say $Lexi>> (smirks) Relax, it's just a uniform. It's not like it's important or anything.
<<say $mc>> On the contrary, the school uniform is an important symbol of our school and represents a respectful and disciplined environment. Your actions are not only disrespectful to the school, but also to your fellow students and teachers.
<<say $Lexi>> (rolls her eyes) Whatever. Can I go now?
<<say $mc>> No, not yet. I want you to understand the consequences of your actions. If you continue to disregard the school's dress code, you may face disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion.
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\SchoolControl\Lexi\Quest\Video\LexiReport2.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $Lexi>> (sighs) Fine. I'll wear the stupid uniform.
<<say $mc>> Good. I hope you take this conversation seriously and show respect to the school and its rules in the future. Your education is important, Lexi, and it's important that you follow the rules and regulations.
<<say $Lexi>> (nods) I understand.
<<say $mc>> Good. You may go now. And please make sure to wear a proper school uniform from now on.
<<set $LexiReport = 4>>\
<<set $LexiReportDaysLeft = 8>>\
<<set $DirectorLexiMeet = 0>>\
[[Back|My office]]<<if $LexiReport == 1>>\
<say $mc>> Linda, I need to talk with Lexi about her fight with Theresa . Please make sure she will come and add her to my schedule.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>> Sure thing, golden. It's done.<</say>>
<<set $DirectorLexiMeet = 1>>\
<<if $LexiReport == 2>>\
<say $mc>> Linda, I need to talk with Lexi about her behavior . Please make sure she will come and add her to my schedule.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>> Sure thing, golden. It's done.<</say>>
<<set $DirectorLexiMeet = 1>>\
<<if $LexiReport == 3>>\
<say $mc>> Linda, I need to talk with Lexi about bikini case . Please make sure she will come and add her to my schedule.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>> Sure thing, golden. It's done.<</say>>
<<set $DirectorLexiMeet = 1>>\
[[Back|DirectorLindaMeeting]]<<if $EllieBreakdown == 3>>\
<<say $mc>> Linda, I've got an appointment with Ellie. Can you write her into my schedule?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>> Sure thing, golden. It's done.<</say>>
<<set $DirectorEllieMeet = 1>>\
<<if $EllieBreakdown == 4>>\
<<say $mc>> Linda, I've got an appointment with Ellie. Can you write her into my schedule?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>> Sure thing, golden. It's done.<</say>>
<<set $DirectorEllieMeet = 1>>\
<<if $EllieBreakdown == 4>>\
<<say $mc>> Linda, I've got an appointment with Ellie. Can you write her into my schedule?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>> Sure thing, golden. It's done.<</say>>
<<set $DirectorEllieMeet = 1>>\
[[Back|DirectorLindaMeeting]]<<say $mc>>Camilla...<</say>>
<<md>>I had been admiring Camilla from afar for a while now. Her kindness, adventurous spirit, and infectious smile had captivated me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That moment…<</say>>
<<md>>I remembered the moment when she decided to serve me, to suck my cock, but her grandmother ruined it for us. Fuck, I was so close.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Need to change it.<</say>>
<<md>>I decided it was time to get to know her better and ask her to go on a hike with me. Also there will be no troubles that can stop me from enjoying her company and body.<</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest6 = 321>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 10>>\
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Great idea|My room]]
<<md>>Here goes nothing. I hope she says yes. Going on a hike with her would be the perfect opportunity to get to know her better and see if there's more than just connection between us.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey! Would you like to go hiking with me this weekend?<</say>>
<<md>>Camilla's face lit up with excitement.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Oh yes! Of course! I love sports and outdoor activities, you know! I would love to go hiking with you.<</say>>
<<md>> I can't help but smiled seeing her reaction.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Great! Let's plan to leave early in the morning at Saturday.<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>Can’t wait for it.<</say>>
<<md>>Looks like everything going just fine. Camilla is happy, so do I. Hiking should be perfect chance!<</md>>
<<set $CamillaQuest6 = 322>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 11>>\
[[Back|Imagination Reflection]]
<<md>>I was so excited to go on a hiking day with Camilla that arrived even earlier that I should. But to my surprise she was already here. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Hey, here you are!<</say>>
<<md>>Camilla hugged me so tightly, so I thought that something happened. I could literally feel her heart beating fast.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you okay?<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>I’m so excited. Can’t wait to start our journey!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Me too!<</say>>
<<md>>So, we packed up our bags and drove to the base of the mountain. The sun was shining and the sky was a brilliant blue, dotted with fluffy white clouds.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let’s go!<</say>>
<<md>>As we set off on foot, we were both amazed by the beauty of our surroundings. The grassy hills were spotted with wildflowers, and shafts of sunlight beamed down through the trees. Butterflies fluttered around us as we crossed a small stream, and birds chirped cheerfully in the trees.<</md>>
<<md>>I hope Camilla has a good time. She seems like a real adventurous person, I think we'll have a good time.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>This view is breathtaking. I'm so glad we came here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Me too. It's just the two of us, enjoying nature and each other's company. This is the perfect way to start the day.<</say>>
<<md>>We continued to climb higher and higher, and the views just kept getting better and better. Well I'm talking not only about nature. Yes, Camila's very beautiful and juicy ass caught my eye. I wanted to touch it, to pull off her clothes right there.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What a sight!<</say>>
<<md>>We paused to take in the breathtaking panorama before us – rolling hills, lush forests and distant mountains. The air was filled with a sweet, earthy scent and a gentle breeze.<</md>>
<<md>>But as we continued on the trail, we realized they had taken a wrong turn. The sun was starting to set, and they were lost.<</md>>
<<md>>Oh no. This wasn't part of the plan. I have to keep Camilla calm and find a way back to the trailhead. I don't want her to be scared.<</md>>
<<md>>But even if I didn't talk about it, the girl quickly realized everything.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>What do we do now? We're lost and it's getting dark.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, we'll find a way. Let's keep looking for any sign of the trail.<</say>>
<<md>>We searched for a way back, but everything looked the same to us. I were starting to feel anxious, but I didn't want to show it to Camilla.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We need to stop. Look at the sky, it will be rain soon.<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>What should we do?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Look, there is cave. Let’s hide there. <</say>>
<<md>>I could feel the electricity in the air as I stepped closer to Camilla in the cave. The rain was pounding outside, and we had no choice but to take refuge in this rocky hideaway.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Everything gonna be alright. Come here. <</say>>
<<md>>I felt my heart beat faster as I placed my hand on her soft skin. She seemed just as nervous as I was, but I wanted to reassure her. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>You promise? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure…<</say>>
<<md>>I started to slowly massage her big breasts, and I could feel her body start to relax. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>$mc.Name…Your hands are so magical…<</say>>
<<md>>My hand moved up, and I slowly reached for her panties. But before I could, she stepped back and looked at me with a worried expression on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Not here, okay?<</say>>
<<md>>I didn't want to push her too far, so I simply smiled and stroked her cheek. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's okay, I'm not going to do anything you don't want to do.<</say>>
<<md>>She nodded and looked relieved. We embraced and continued to kiss, exploring each other's bodies with gentle caresses. I could feel myself becoming aroused, and I could tell that Camilla was, too. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Yeah…<</say>>
<<md>>We eventually ended up laying down on the ground. I could feel the heat rising between us, and I felt myself slowly slipping into a state of ecstasy. I slowly moved my hands all over Camilla's body, making her moan in pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Camilla…<</say>>
<<md>>I wanted nothing more than to make her feel good, but don’t wanna push it. <</md>>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(23)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(55)>>\
<<md>>Morning come and we set off, full of hope. We stumbled upon a ranger's station very quickly this time. We were finally able to get directions back to the trailhead.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>> We need to hurry. Granny must be worried. <</say>>
<<md>>With directions we easily arrived back at Camilla's house.<</md>>
<<md>>Thank goodness we made it back. <</md>>
<<md>>Granny was relieved to see us.<</md>>
<<text g "Oh thank god! Don't you dare worry an old and sick person anymore.">>
<<md>>Camila hugged her grandmother tightly as if to say, "I'm fine and I miss you so much."<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>We're okay, Granny. We got lost on the trail, but we found our way back with the help of a ranger.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The rangers were kind enough to help us. <</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>We're going to rest, Grandma. It's been a good but tiring adventure. <</say>>
<<md>>Camilla gently took my hand and we went to her room. As we sat down to relax, I have a perfect time to think.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Phew.<</say>>
<<md>>This hike was definitely a rollercoaster of emotions. But I'm so grateful to have had Camilla by my side. She was so brave and positive throughout the whole thing. I can't wait to get to know her better.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I liked our little adventure!<</say>>
<<md>>Camilla smiled at me and then hugged me tightly. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Me too. I had such a great time with you, even though we got lost. You saved my life back there, I owe you one.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I was just doing my job, I mean it’s because of me we’ve been lost…<</say>>
<<md>>I said it, trying to downplay my heroism.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>No, it was more than that, I want to show you my appreciation.<</say>>
<<md>>I felt my heart racing and before I could answer, she stepped closer to me and said.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>I have something special in mind for you. I want you to feel something special.<</say>>
<<md>>I gulped, not sure what she was suggesting. She stepped closer and whispered in my ear.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>I want you to use the vibrator on my ass. I saw how you looked at it. <</say>>
<<md>>I felt a chill run through my body. I was intrigued.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But your granny…<</say>>
<<say $Camilla>>You want me or her?<</say>>
<<md>>Camilla laughed and took my hand in hers and placed it on her vibrator. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Just feel it. And let me enjoy it.<</say>>
<<md>>I felt the vibrations tickling my fingertips as I lightly touched the vibrating toy.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Camilla\Quest\Video\CamillaTrailVibro1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Camilla started to move her hips, making easier pushing the vibrator deeper into her. I felt her body tremble as the vibrations ran through her.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Yeah…<</say>>
<<md>>My hands moved instinctively, exploring her soft curves as the vibrator continued to massage her. I felt the heat radiating from her body, and I could feel the pleasure building up in her.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>More…<</say>>
<<md>>The vibrations intensified and she started to moan, her body trembling with pleasure. I felt my own excitement rising and I leaned in closer, pressing my body against hers. The sensations overtook us, and I felt as though nothing else existed in that moment. <</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>More…<</say>>
<<md>>Finally, she reached her climax, her body shaking and shuddering with pleasure.But when I thought it will be over, she reached down and began to fondle me through my pants. I could feel my arousal growing with each stroke of her hand.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>I want to make you feel good, really good.<</say>>
<<md>>She pulled me towards her and kissed me passionately. Her hand moved down to my zipper and she began to lower my pants.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Let me take care of you.<</say>>
<<md>>I could feel her hand on me, stroking me, teasing me. She took me in her mouth and I thought I would lose my mind.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Camilla\Quest\Video\CamillaTrailSuck1.mp4"></video></div>
I felt myself getting close to the edge and I tried to pull away, but she held me tight.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Let me make you come.<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't resist any longer and I let go, giving in to the pleasure she was giving me. As I came, I could feel her smile against me and it was the best feeling in the world.<</md>>
<<md>>We both lay there, exhausted and blissfully content. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>That was amazing.<</say>>
<<md>>I said, my voice still thick with emotion.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Yes, it was awesome!<</say>>
<<md>>We lay there for a few moments and then she looked up at me and smiled.<</md>>
<<say $Camilla>>Thank you for this,I needed that.<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled back and gently kissed her forehead.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Anytime.<</say>>
<<md>>We looked into each other's eyes, and I knew that this moment was one that we both would never forget.<</md>>
<<addmins 660>>\
<<set $CamillaQuest3T = 12>>\
[[Back|Street York-Road]]<<md>>As I held Amber close, I realized just how much she meant to me. She was smart, brave, and beautiful, but it was more than just physical attraction. I admired her strength and her compassion for others, and I felt lucky to be by her side. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>What a woman…<</say>>
<<md>>I had never felt this way about anyone before, and I knew that our feeling was something special. I couldn't imagine my life without her, and I made a silent vow to protect her always. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Huh, what’s that?<</say>>
<<md>>The phone rang, and I saw Amber's name flash on the screen. I took a deep breath and answered, trying to steady my nerves.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Hi $mc.Name, would you like to come over to my place tonight? I have something important I want to talk to you about,' she said.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, I'd love to.<</say>>
<<md>>I replied, feeling my heart race with excitement. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Is everything okay?<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Everything is fine, but I really need to talk to you in person.<</say>>
<<md>>She said, her voice sounding serious.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll be there as soon as I can.<</say>>
<<md>>I promised, already imagining what she might want to talk about. Was it about her work? Or was it something personal between us? I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness as I hung up the phone.<</md>>
<<if $Amber1Q == 71>>\
<<set $Amber1Q = 710>>\
<<elseif $Amber1Q == 8>>
<<set $Amber1Q = 810>>\
<<set $Amber2Q = 1>>\
<<addmins 20>>\
[[To her house|Amber6Q1]]
<<md>>I arrived at Amber's home, and she greeted me with a warm smile. We headed to the kitchen, and she started to cook dinner while I helped chop vegetables. The sound of sizzling onions filled the air as we talked about our day.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, what's this important thing you wanted to talk to me about?<</say>>
<<md>>I asked, trying to mask my curiosity.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>There's something I need to tell you, $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<md>>Amber took a deep breath and looked at me with a serious expression.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>The truth about the president's treatment...<</say>>
<<md>>As she said it, her voice trailing off.<</md>>
<<md>>I listened intently as she revealed the details of the dangerous surgery the president was undergoing and the challenges they faced. I couldn't believe the weight she was carrying on her shoulders, and I felt a surge of admiration for her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you for trusting me with this information.<</say>>
<<md>>I said, placing a hand on hers.<</md>>
<<md>>She looked at me, her eyes filled with gratitude. <</md>>
<<say $Amber>>I knew I could count on you, $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<md>>We continued to talk as we finished dinner, sharing our hopes and fears for the future. It felt like we were in our own little world, lost in the moment.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, you know we are alone…<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Yeah…<</say>>
<<md>>Amber and I couldn't wait to get each other alone. We were in the kitchen, and the way her eyes shone with lust made my heart race.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come here.<</say>>
<<md>>I said it with my voice full of desire.<</md>>
<<md>>She stepped closer and I could feel the heat radiating from her body. I wrapped my arms around her and captured her lips with mine, our tongues dancing together.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I want you.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>I want you too.<</say>>
<<md>>Amber replied it breathlessly.<</md>>
<<md>>I tugged at the hem of her shirt and she pulled it over her head, revealing her soft, creamy skin. I ran my hands along her curves, feeling her body tremble in response to my touch. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're so beautiful...<</say>>
<<md>>I whispered, as I kissed my way down her neck. She gasped as I licked and nibbled at her sensitive skin.<</md>>
<<md>>I unbuttoned her pants and slid them down her legs, pushing her onto the kitchen counter. I stepped between her legs and kissed her deeply. She moaned as I pushed my hips against her, and I could feel the wet heat between her legs.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>I want you inside of me.<</say>>
<<md>>Without hesitation, I pushed myself into her, feeling her tightness around me as I moved. Amber let out a loud moan as I moved, faster and faster. <</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Yes, don't stop.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Amber\Quest\Video\AmberTruthKitchenFuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>We moved together as one, my body pushing her closer and closer to the edge of pleasure. Finally, with a final thrust, we both cried out in pleasure as our bodies shuddered with bliss. <</md>>
<<md>>We laid in the kitchen, our skin still glistening with sweat. I kissed Amber lightly and smiled.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That was amazing.<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Yes,it certainly was.<</say>>
<<md>>Amber replied with a satisfied smile. <</md>>
<<md>>Suddenly, a loud noise interrupted our conversation. It was the sound of a shot. I saw a laser sight aimed at Amber, and I acted quickly. I jumped out of my chair and threw myself in front of her, shielding her from the attacker.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you okay? <</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Yes, thanks to you. But your leg...<</say>>
<<md>>She replied, her voice shaking. I want to ask what happen, but already now it. Bullet in my leg hurt as...<</md>>
<<md>>But then, even before I saw my leg is bleeding, like a storm, bunch of SWAT soldiers burst into the room. They pointed their guns at us. <</md>>
<<text r "Don't move. You're coming with us!">>
<<addmins 90>>\
[[Will be in next updates|My room]]<<say $mc>>Michael. That damn guy!<</say>>
<<md>>I was regretting my lie to her about Michael. It had been a stupid thing to do and I wished I could undo it. I should told her the truth instead.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, why do you…<</say>>
<<md>>But since then, Clara had become so distant and cold. We had been close before, but now it was like we were strangers. It hurt me more than I could express and I wanted to fix things between us.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I want to fix it more than anything else.<</say>>
<<md>>But before I even tried, I had to talk to her about her girlfriend. I had seen the way they had been laughing and flirting with each other the other day, and that scene she force me to watch. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Was it punishment? Or she had feeling for that girl? I cannot blame her, that woman is amazing…<</say>>
<<md>>I had to know what was going on. I had to talk with her about it. If it's over - I should know. Better to visit her office.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM15Quest = 41>>\
<<set $ClaraM20TQuest = 9>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Yeah|My room]]
<<md>>I enter the office, trying to force myself to talk to Clara: about my lie about Michael, about her distant behaviour, about that girl. Clara sits at her desk, focused on paperwork.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Hey Clara, can we talk about what happened with Michael?<</say>>
<<md>>She looks up, clearly stressed. Before she can answer, her phone rings. She sighs and picks it up.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Hello? Yes, I'm here.<</say>>
<<md>>I listen as she tells the caller that she doesn't know if she'll be able to participate in something. I can't help but be curious.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What was that about?<</say>>
<<md>>The woman angrily pressed the screen of her phone with such force that I thought it would crack right there.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>It's a long story. I'll tell you later.<</say>>
<<md>>As expected her voice was so cold. But I know that if she gets herself in the trouble I need to be near.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Please, I need to know now. I know that we have difficulties, but I'm still here, I'm still wanting to help you as much as posible.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> Uhhh...Okay. It's about the racing. After my husband left me, I was left with his debts. Some bikers were demanding payment, so I convinced them that I could win a race. I've won every year since then, but this year I'm not sure I can do it. My bike is sick and I need training.<</say>>
<<md>>She talks about the bike like it's alive, her love for it clear in her voice. That was amazing.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Can I help in any way?<</say>>
<<md>>Weak smile appeared on her cold face.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> I appreciate it, but I need to do this on my own. I need to show them that I'm not just a principal, I'm a winner too.<</say>>
<<md>>She leans back in her chair, her eyes distant as she thinks about the upcoming race.<</md>>
<<md>>Her voice become soft and lower as usual.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> This bike has been my escape, my solace in the darkest times. I won't let it or myself down.<</say>>
<<md>>She looks back at me, determination in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> Now, let's get back to our conversation. What was it you wanted to talk about?<</say>>
<<md>>Well, I guess she has some serious troubles, so I don't want to trouble her with that right now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> It's nothing. Not now.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Are you sure? I thought it was important.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It can wait. I want to help you with your bike and training.<</say>>
She looked at me surprised.
<<say $Clara>>Really? That's very kind of you. But I don't know, as I said it have some techical issues.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Don't worry, I have some knowledge about it<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Okay. Then I wait you at my garage in the evening. It's near my place.<</say>>
<<set $ClaraM15Quest = 42>>\
<<set $ClaraM20TQuest = 10>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]] <<md>>I arrive at the garage, finding Clara looking over her bike with a worried expression.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> Arggggh.My bike is acting up again. I don't know what's wrong with it.<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled as saw Clara in other than strict school uniform. She was so cute in this outfit. <</md>>
<<say $mc>> Don't worry, I'm here to help.<</say>>
<<md>>I start to examine the bike, checking all of the mechanical parts and making small adjustments here and there. Clara watches me closely, offering suggestions and helping me whenever she can. After a few minutes of work, I find the problem.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Look...Not there. Here. See? The carburetor is clogged. That's why it's not running smoothly.<</say>>
<<md>>I clean out the carburetor and make a few more adjustments to the bike. Clara looks on, fascinated by the process.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> That's it! I think it's fixed.<</say>>
<<md>>I step back and admire my work, pleased with the results.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> It looks good as new.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Thank you. I don't know what I would do without you.<</say>>
<<md>>I smile at Clara, feeling happy to be able to help her. We start to go over some of the basics of bike maintenance, with Clara learning quickly and picking up new skills with each passing moment.<</md>>
<<md>>After we finish talking about the bike, Clara suggests that we start training. I eagerly agree, eager to help her prepare for the race. We spend the rest of the day practicing on her bike, working on her turns, acceleration, and braking. As the sun sets, we both feel exhausted but satisfied with the progress we've made.<</md>>
<<md>>I leave the garage, feeling proud of Clara and the work we've done together. I look forward to our next training session at Thursday, eager to help her become the best racer she can be.<</md>>
<<addmins 75>>\
<<set $ClaraM15Quest = 43>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<set $ClaraM20TQuest = 11>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]] <<md>>I arrive at the garage, finding Clara already on her bike, revving the engine.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> You ready for some training today?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was trembling and she was shaking. Is it so scary for her?<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I hope so. I still don't feel confident on this bike.<</say>>
<<md>>I stand back and watch as Clara starts to ride, performing tricks and jumps. Suddenly, she loses control and the bike starts to wobble.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Watch out!<</say>>
<<md>>I quickly run to her, catching her just in time.<</md>>
<<md>>Clara looked away at fallen bike. I touch her and felt that she is shaking more than before.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> Thank you. You are so kind.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> I feel so betrayed by Michael. I can't believe he would do that to me.<</say>>
<<md>>I saw an overwhelming sadness in her eyes. And it was my fault also. I lied to her, whe she needs me the most. <</md>>
<<say $mc>> I'm sorry, Clara. I should have told you about what I knew about Michael. I was wrong to keep it from you.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> It's okay. I appreciate your honesty now.<</say>>
<<md>>I hug Clara, feeling grateful that she's able to forgive me. That’s why I…<</md>>
<<addmins 90>>\
[[Support her|ClaraLieRacing1.5]]
[[Tell her the truth|ClaraLieRacing2.1]] <<md>>I help Clara get off the bike and comfort her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> You're doing great. Just keep practicing and you'll get there.<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me carefully, gazing into my eyes, and then smiled weakly, nodding.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> I'll try.<</say>>
<<md>>I stay close as Clara continues her training, helping her whenever she needs it. Over the next few hours, she improves with each passing minute and I can see her confidence growing with each successful trick and jump.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> I did it!<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I knew you could. Keep it up!<</say>>
<<md>>The training session continues, with Clara growing more confident and skilled with each passing minute.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM15Quest = 44>>\
<<set $ClaraM20TQuest = 12>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]] <<md>>I didn't want to do it, but as a true friend, I wouldn't lie to her anymore.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Clara, I want to talk about the race. I thinks it's too dangerous and you shouldn't do it.<</say>>
<<md>>She tensed up, and I could see her face contorted in irritation.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> What?! I'll do this race with or without any approval.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I understand, but I just want you to be safe.<</say>>
<<md>>I tried to say it as calmly as possible so that she would understand that I was not a threat to her.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> I've made up my mind. I can care of myself. I'll race, with you or without you.<</say>>
<<md>>I can see the determination in Clara's eyes and I know she's not going to back down. I guess I have no choice, but to support her in her decision, knowing that she's a strong and capable woman.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> I get it. I'll be here for you, every step of the way.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara and I continue training, our conversation forgotten as we focus on the task at hand. Together, we're preparing for the race, determined to come out on top.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM15Quest = 54>>\
<<set $ClaraM20TQuest = 13>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]] <<md>>I arrive at the garage, finding Clara already on her bike, preparing for another training session.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> You ready for today's training?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> I am. I'm feeling much more confident on the bike now.<</say>>
<<md>>We spend the next few hours training, with Clara performing tricks and jumps with ease. I can see her confidence and skill growing with each passing minute.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> I think I'm ready for the race this Saturday.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I have no doubt about that. I'll be there to cheer you on.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> Thank you. I'm glad you'll be there.<</say>>
<<md>>We wrap up the training session, both of us feeling good about the progress Clara has made.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Clara, I want to make sure you're safe during the race. Can I come and take you there?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> I'd like that. Thank you.<</say>>
<<md>>I smile, feeling happy that I'll be able to help Clara and make sure she's safe during the race. With her confidence and skill, I have no doubt that she'll come out on top.<</md>>
<<addmins 90>>\
<<if $ClaraM15Quest == 44>>\
<<set $ClaraM15Quest = 45>>\
<<elseif $ClaraM15Quest == 54>>\
<<set $ClaraM15Quest = 55>>\
<<set $ClaraM20TQuest = 14>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]] <<md>>I enter the garage to find Clara sitting on a bench, sipping a coffee. She looks up and smiles as I approach.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> Today is the V day! I can feel it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> You're right. I've come to take you to the race.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> Thank you. I couldn't have done this without your help.<</say>>
<<md>>I sit down next to Clara, sipping my own coffee. We sit in silence for a few moments, taking in the moment.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> You sure you're ready for this?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> I have to be. I can't let those bikers win.<</say>>
<<md>>I nod, understanding her determination.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> Besides, I have you by my side.<</say>>
<<md>>I smile back, feeling grateful for her trust in me. We finish our coffee and head out to the race, ready to take on the challenge.<</md>>
<<if $ClaraM15Quest == 45>>\
<<set $ClaraM15Quest = 46>>\
<<elseif $ClaraM15Quest == 55>>\
<<set $ClaraM15Quest = 56>>\
<<addmins 30>>\
[[To the racing|ClaraLieRacing1.8]] <<md>>The night air was alive with the roar of engines as I and Clara arrived at the racing track. All around us, bikers were revving their engines and performing tricks on their bikes, which sent cheers and jeers echoing through the air. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wow, it so crowdy!<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yeah it’s always so.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara had barely stepped off her bike when a group of leather-clad bikers circled around us.<</md>>
<<md>>One of the bikers started taunting Clara, which filled me with rage. I was ready to react and defend her honor, but before I could do anything, Clara stepped in.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Stay cool.<</say>>
<<md>>She said, her voice steady and determined.My heart raced as I saw the bikers teasing Clara. I wanted to kick them, but she told me to cool off. And as I want to be at her her side so I do so.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Wish me luck.<</say>>
<<md>>And with that, she hopped onto her bike and started racing. I watched in awe as she zoomed around the track, weaving in and out of traffic, and performing death-defying stunts. She was an incredible sight to behold, her skill and courage inspiring those around her. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are doing great, girl!<</say>>
<<md>>Clara started her race, zooming around the track with remarkable speed. She was performing some incredible tricks, such as leaning way back on her bike and spinning it around 360 degrees. The other bikers were in awe of her skill, and they cheered her on as she raced ahead.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Keep going, prove them what you worth!<</say>>
<<md>>I watched in awe as she wove through the other riders, performing stunts that seemed impossible. She rode her bike on two wheels, jumping from side to side, and dovetailing around the other bikers. I could barely keep up with her.<</md>>
<<addmins 90>>\
<<if $ClaraM15Quest == 46>>\
[[Watch her|ClaraLieRacing1.9]]
<<elseif $ClaraM15Quest == 56>>\
[[Watch her|ClaraLieRacing2.2]]
<</if>><<md>>Finally I was a witness of her victory and first met my champion.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Congratulation Clara ! You won the bike race, it's amazing ! You are amazing!<</say>>
<<md>>Clara giigles and hugging me tightly.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Thank you ! it's thanks to you that I could win, if you hadn't helped me to train, I would have never been able to do it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't thank me, it's normal, we are friends after all. You should celebrate! I know a great restaurant we could go to.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>> That sounds great, but why don't we celebrate here in my garage? We can get some snacks and just relax.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sounds perfect! Let's do it!<</say>>
[[Back to garage|ClaraLieRacing1.10]] <<md>>Clara and I were sitting together, celebrating her win in the biker's race with a bottle of champagne. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You know this feeling make me insane. <</say>>
<<md>>We were both feeling a little buzzed, and her laughter felt like music to my ears.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like you were born for racing.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Actually, I’m not fan of racing. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Really?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Yeah, just like to be the best at all. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh you are…<</say>>
<<md>>She leaned in, our eyes connecting, and before I knew it, her lips were on mine.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You shouldn’t say so… <</say>>
<<md>>My hands moved to her waist, and I felt her body heat radiating through her clothes. I explored her curves, kissing and nibbling my way down her neck, until I reached her collarbone. Clara gasped, her breath warm against my skin.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>But I don’t mind for some racing… <</say>>
<<say $mc>>So do I.<</say>>
<<md>>She started kissing me all over my body, sending shivers down my spine. As she made her way down to my cock, she took it into her mouth and started sucking me off.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraRaceWinSuck1.mp4"></video></div> I thought I was going to lose it right then and there.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara…<</say>>
<<md>>She started kissing me all over my body, sending shivers down my spine. As she made her way down to my cock, she took it into her mouth and started sucking me off. I thought I was going to lose it right then and there.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like you want to control this race. <</say>>
<<md>>Our bodies moved against each other in perfect harmony, and I felt my heart racing. I wanted her more than anything in the world. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I will take the full control…<</say>>
<<md>>She pushed her hips against mine, sending a wave of pleasure through my body. We clung to each other, our lips never parting, as we moved and shifted in perfect synchronicity.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Faster…<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraRaceWinFuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>We moved together and with each push she screamed louder and louder, that made me even wilder and I increased my rhythm.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Faster! Faster!<</say>>
<<md>>We fucked like there was no tomorrow, our bodies intertwined. The pleasure was intense, and I could tell she was enjoying it just as much as I was.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh yeah…Your dick feels so great!<</say>>
<<md>>Clara's moans grew louder, and I felt her muscles tense as she reached her peak. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Fuck me! Cum inside me!<</say>>
<<md>>I was about to cum, I wanted her to cum with me, so I hugged her and kissed her tightly and we both reached our climax together.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM15Quest = 47>>\
<<addmins 120>>\
<<set $ClaraM20TQuest = 15>>\
[[Back|Street York-Road]]
<<md>>At the final moment, she attempted an incredible trick, but lost control of her bike and crashed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara!<</say>>
<<md>>I was in the area and heard the crash. I rushed to her side, and my heart sank when I saw the state she was in. Her body was covered in cuts and bruises, and she was barely conscious.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, don’t move. Don’t move…<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm…Al…right…<</say>>
<<md>>I knew she needed help right away, so I called 911.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>They will come soon, they will come…<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I’m…tough…type.<</say>>
<<md>>Seeing Clara like that scared me. I felt a deep ache of sadness and love for her, and I knew I'd do anything to make sure she was alright.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Please don’t do anything stupid.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>...<</say>>
<<md>>I took Clara’s hand to show her that I’m with her. The paramedics arrived quickly and took Clara to the hospital. I followed behind and waited anxiously to hear that she was going to be all right. Thankfully, the doctors were able to patch her up.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara how are you feeling?<</say>>
<<md>>She come to me after patching, smiling as usual. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I’m alright. I can beat you even now if you don’t stop to look at me like I’m lost puppy. It’s just few bruises. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay. Let me take you home.<</say>>
<<md>>She was lucky that she wasn't more seriously injured, and I'm grateful every day for all of the people who helped her.<</md>>
<<md>>Despite the crash, I was still in awe of her courage and skill. It's moments like these that make me realize why I love her will power and why Clara is an inspiration to all of us.<</md>>
<<set $ClaraM15Quest = 57>>\
<<addmins 60>>\
<<set $ClaraM20TQuest = 16>>\
[[Back|Street York-Road]]
<<md>>I'm lounging on the couch, scrolling through my phone, when I see a call from Monica. We haven't talked in a while, so I answer with a smile on my face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Hey there! How are you?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's voice from the other side sounds so excited.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>> Hi! I'm doing well, thanks. How about you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'm good. Just hanging out at home. What's up?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> I wanted to see if you're free today. I have something I want to talk to you about.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sure, what's going on?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> Can we meet at the cafe at 5 pm? I'll buy you a coffee.<</say>>
<<md>>Her offer make me smile. It's not so often happens, so I was kinda flattered.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Sounds good. I'll see you then.<</say>>
<<md>>I hang up the phone and start getting ready. I can't shake the feeling that this meeting is going to be important.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader8 = 171>>\
<<addmins 30>>\
[[To cafe|MonicaNewTraining 1.54]]
<<md>>I walk into the cafe and see Monica waiting for me at a table. She stands up and gives me a hug.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>> Hi! It's so good to see you.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled so infectiously that I couldn't help but reciprocate. <</md>>
<<say $mc>> You too. What's on your mind?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> Take a seat first. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Okay. <</say>>
<<md>>I took my seat across from Monica in the café, sipping my drink. She didn't say anything. Tension hangs heavy in the air between us.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>> So, I was hoping you could help me with my training more.<</say>>
<<md>>I nod, expecting this to come. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, I'd be happy to help. What did you have in mind?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> Well, I was thinking about doing some training at the beach. What do you think?<</say>>
<<md>> She's so determined, even after everything she's been through. But I'm worried about her pushing herself too hard.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Are you sure that's a good idea? You just got out of the hospital.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> I know, but I need to do this. I need to prove to myself that I can overcome this.<</say>>
<<md>> I understand why she wants to do this, but I don't want her to get hurt again.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> How about we start with something a little less dangerous? The park might be a better option.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica leaning forward to me and start pleading.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>> Please, just this once. I promise I'll be careful.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> But didn't you break your leg the last time you trained at the beach?<</say>>
<<md>>Looks my phrase sad her...I don't want it, but looks it's the only way for it.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>> Yeah... I did.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica slumps back in her seat, looking defeated. I reach across the table and take her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Look, I'm here to help you, but I can't do that if you're getting hurt. Let's find another solution, okay?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nods, a small smile appearing on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>> Okay. Thank you for understanding.<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled to her. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. Now, let's go find a safe place to train.<</say>>
<<md>>We stand up from our seats, but as we turn to leave, Monica stops me.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>> Wait. I appreciate your concern, but I need to do this. I need to train at the beach.<</say>>
<<md>>It seems that no matter what I do, she will always stand her ground. This is too critical an issue for her. So it's better that I'm around than she harms herself in my absence.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, Monica. Let's do this. But we'll be careful, and if anything happens, we'll stop immediately.<</say>>
<<md>>We have to set the conditions right away so that she doesn't think it's that simple. <</md>>
<<md>>Monica grins. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you! Let's go!<</say>>
<<md>>We leave the café and make our way to the beach. I hope nothing bad happens.<</md>>
<<addmins 20>>\
[[To the beach|MonicaNewTraining 1.55]] <<say $mc>>Looks like it’s closed!<</say>>
<<md>>The sign said it was closed due to dangerous surf conditions, but she was determined to train for cheerleading and do some swimming. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>No way! I want to train! <</say>>
<<say $mc>>We should come another day. Maybe we should choose another place instead, as I told you?<</say>>
<<md>>I've always been the voice of reason in our relationship, but today Monica was dead-set on going to the beach. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Nope. It’s a challenge! <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Challenge? But… <</say>>
<<md>>I tried to talk her out of it, reminding her that we could get into trouble if the guards caught us, but she was determined.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Come on, $mc.Name, live a little. Looks like you were in fire, not me.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica said with light smile, but memories about that day already caught me. I don't want it happens again... <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I need to train and this is the perfect place to do it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You are so stubborn today. <</say>>
<<md>>But she wasn't listening, but was on her halfway to the trouble.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Be carefull, guards! <</say>>
<<md>>So, we made our way down to the beach, hiding from the guards and trying to stay low. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>See? No problem!<</say>>
<<md>>The waves were even more intense than I expected, and I couldn't help but worry about Monica's safety. She was fearless though, diving into the water and swimming with ease. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let’s train a little!<</say>>
<<md>>As she trained, I kept a watchful eye on her, ready to jump in if anything went wrong.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Let me show you my new move!<</say>>
<<md>>That's when the rain started to pour down, making it nearly impossible to see.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like it’s not our day at all.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yeah…I want to show you new move...<</say>>
<<md>> She was so upset, but staying here make no sense now. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let’s find some place to hide.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica doesn’t like the idea, but we have no choice. We made a run for the nearest bathhouse, hoping to find shelter from the storm.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Quick, the guards are coming. We need to hide.<</say>>
<<md>> I saw one of the men coming here, so we need to hurry up.<</md>>
<<md>>Once inside, we were finally able to catch our breath. The warmth of the water was a welcome relief from the rain and wind outside. Monica relaxed, closing her eyes and letting out a deep sigh.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>That was close. But it was worth it.<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't help but feel grateful for her will and strength. Even in the face of danger, she was still pushing herself to be the best she could be.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're amazing, you know that? <</say>>
<<md>>I said, taking her hand in mine. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>No matter what life throws at you, you always come out stronger.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I’m glad you like it. I’m doing my best.<</say>>
<<md>>I take a deep breath and make my way towards her. I can feel the heat between us as I get closer and closer. Monica looks up at me and smiles shyly, her cheeks turning a deep shade of pink.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are the best yourself.<</say>>
<<md>>I lean in and press my lips against hers, kissing her with a passion I didn't know I had. Monica responds eagerly, her arms wrapping around me as we deepen the kiss.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you…For everything.<</say>>
<<md>>We break apart and I take her hand, leading her towards the showers. As the hot water cascades over us both, I caress her body, exploring every inch. Monica moans in pleasure as I touch her, running my fingers along her curves.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>$mc.Name…<</say>>
<<md>>My hands move lower, running along her inner thighs and between her legs. I feel her heat radiating from her body, her wetness coating my fingers as I stroke her. Monica's breath quickens as I work my magic, her body trembling with pleasure as I bring her closer and closer to the edge.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I want you…<</say>>
<<md>>She knelled down. I love the way Monica's lips feel wrapped around my cock. She always makes me feel like I'm the only one that matters.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>My girl…<</say>>
<<md>>She sucks me hard and fast at first, making my cock ache with pleasure, but then she slows down and takes her time, making me feel like I'm the only one in the world.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah that’s it. Give it to me.<</say>>
<<md>>I love the way her tongue swirls around my cock head, and the way she moans softly when she pulls back to take a breath.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaBeachTresspassSuck1.mp4"></video></div> She always makes me feel so special, and I can tell she enjoys it too. She's always so wet when I slide into her, and I know it's because she's thinking about my cock the whole time.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Such a great…<</say>>
<<md>>The steam is making her skin all flush and pink, and she looks so beautiful. I can tell she's enjoying it, and she moans louder and faster as she sucks me deeper. I can feel my balls drawing up, and I know I'm going to explode soon.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>...Pleasure.<</say>>
<<md>>I grab her head and push in deeper, giving her one last hard thrust. She moans loudly as she feels my cock pulse and throb inside her mouth, and she swallows my cum eagerly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah.<</say>>
<<md>>I lean back and close my eyes, feeling completely satisfied.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are great.<</say>>
<<md>>As we soaked in the bath, I couldn't help but admire her courage and resolve. No matter what, I know she'll always find a way to overcome any obstacle that comes her way. I'm proud to be by her side for now. Hope it will be always.<</md>>
<<addmins 90>>\
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]] [[TimeTest]]<<widget "AngelaCumMeter">>
<<set _AngelaCumValue to $AngelaCum.clamp(0, 100)>>
<<set _AngelaCumPercent to (_AngelaCumValue * 100 / 100)>>
<div class="cummeter">
<div class="cummeter-value" style="<<print 'width: ' + _AngelaCumPercent + '%;'>>">
<div class="cummeter-label">
<<print 'AngelaCum: ' + _AngelaCumPercent + '%'>>
/* JavaScript code to handle the button clicks */
$(document).on('click', '', function() {
/* Get the passage name from the data-passage attribute */
var passage = $(this).data('passage');
/* Transition to the new passage */
/* HTML code to create the buttons */
<div id="buttonint-container">
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image1.png">Literature</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaLiterature" data-image="path/to/image1.png">Literature</button>
<<if $stamina < 4>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image2.png">Compliment</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaSayCompliment" data-image="path/to/image2.png">Compliment</button>
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image3.png">Hug</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaHug" data-image="path/to/image3.png">Hug</button>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image4.png">Economics</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaRefuse" data-image="path/to/image4.png">Economics</button>
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image5.png">Horny joke</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaNastyJoke" data-image="path/to/image5.png">Horny joke</button>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 2 && $stamina > 7>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaLightKiss" data-image="path/to/image6.png">Kiss</button>
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 2 && $stamina < 7>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image6.png">Kiss</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image6.png">Kiss</button>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image7.png">Philosophy</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive" data-passage="AngelaRefuse" data-image="path/to/image7.png">Philosophy</button>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3 && $stamina > 9>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaFlirt" data-image="path/to/image8.png">Flirt</button>
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 3 && $stamina < 9>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaFlirt" data-image="path/to/image8.png">Flirt</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image8.png">Flirt</button>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 2 && $stamina > 10>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaTouchBreast" data-image="path/to/image9.png">Grope</button>
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 2 && $stamina < 10>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image9.png">Grope</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image9.png">Grope</button>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image10.png">Politics</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaPolitics" data-image="path/to/image10.png">Politics</button>
<<if $ > 0>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaPresentRefuse" data-image="path/to/image11.png">Give Flowers</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image11.png">Give Flowers</button>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3 && $stamina > 14>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaPetting" data-image="path/to/image12.png">Fingering</button>
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 3 && $stamina < 14>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image12.png">Fingering</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image12.png">Fingering</button>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image13.png">Architecture</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaRefuse" data-image="path/to/image13.png">Architecture</button>
<<if $id.boxofchocolate > 0 && $stamina > 9>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaPresentChocolate" data-image="path/to/image14.png">Give Chocolate</button>
<<elseif $id.boxofchocolate > 0 && $stamina < 9>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image14.png">Give Chocolate</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image14.png">Give Chocolate</button>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 3 && $stamina > 6>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaBlowjob" data-image="path/to/image15.png">Blowjob</button>
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 3 && $stamina < 6>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image15.png">Blowjob</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image15.png">Blowjob</button>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image16.png">Music</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaRefuse" data-image="path/to/image16.png">Music</button>
<<if $ > 0>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaPresentRefuse" data-image="path/to/image17.png">Give Wine</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image17.png">Give Wine</button>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4 && $stamina > 12>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaCuni" data-image="path/to/image18.png">Cunilingus</button>
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 4 && $stamina < 12>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image18.png">Cunilingus</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image18.png">Cunilingus</button>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image19.png">Movies</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaMovies" data-image="path/to/image19.png">Movies</button>
<<if $id.teddy > 1>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaPresentRefuse" data-image="path/to/image20.png">Give Teddy</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image20.png">Give Teddy</button>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4 && $stamina > 16>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaVaginalMissionary" data-image="path/to/image21.png">Vaginal</button>
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 4 && $stamina < 16>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image21.png">Vaginal</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image21.png">Vaginal</button>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image22.png">Religion</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaRefuse" data-image="path/to/image22.png">Religion</button>
<<if $id.perfume > 0>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaPresentRefuse" data-image="path/to/image23.png">Give Perfume</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image23.png">Give Perfume</button>
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 4 && $stamina > 18>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaAnal" data-image="path/to/image24.png">Anal</button>
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 4 && $stamina < 18>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image24.png">Anal</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image24.png">Anal</button>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<<if $stamina < 5>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image25.png">Sport</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaSport" data-image="path/to/image25.png">Sport </button>
<<if $id.whisky > 0 && $stamina > 9>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaPresentWhisky" data-image="path/to/image26.png">Give Whisky</button>
<<elseif $id.whisky > 0 && $stamina < 9>>\
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="MCTiredAngela" data-image="path/to/image26.png">Give Whisky</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive inactive" data-passage="" data-image="path/to/image26.png">Give Whisky</button>
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaRefuse" data-image="path/to/image27.png">Fetish</button>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="AngelaAskDate" data-image="path/to/image28.png">Ask for a date</button>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">
<button class="buttoninteractive active" data-passage="Home corridor" data-image="path/to/image29.png">Leave</button>
<<set $AngelaCum = 10>>
[[Уривок без назви 6]] <<AngelaCumMeter>><style>
.cummeter {
width: 429px;
height: 19px;
border: 1px solid white;
margin-top: 31px;
border-radius: 5px;
box-shadow: white 0px 0px 5px 1px;
.cummeter-value {
height: 21px;
background-color: green;
transition: width 0.5s;
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border-radius: 5px;
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display: inline-flex;
flex-direction: row;
border: 2px solid rgb(57, 255, 20);
box-shadow: rgb(77, 191, 64) 0px 0px 10px 2px;
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 10px;
width: 63%;
margin-left: 17%;
scale: 0.75;
.cumimage-container {
margin-right: 10px;
<div class="cumcontainer">
<div class="cumimage-container">
<img src="img/avatars/Kayden.jpg" width="100" height="100">
<div class="info" style="width: 122.633px;height: 28px;"><br> <p class="statName" style="width: 125.633px;margin-top: -29px;scale: 1.3;margin-left: 16%;">Angela Moore</p><br> <p class="statName" style="margin-top: -47px;scale: 1.1;/*! margin-right: 10px; */margin-left: 5%;">Orgasm</p><br> </div>
<div class="cummeter">
<<print '<div class="cummeter-value" style="width: '+$AngelaCum.toFixed(2)+'%"></div>'>>\
<<set $AngelaCum = 10>>
[[AngelaCumContainer]] <<md>>I couldn't help but admire Angela's beauty as she stood before me. Her eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint and she licked her lips seductively. She leaned in close and whispered.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Do you like chocolate?<</say>>
<<md>>My heart raced with anticipation as I nodded my head, not trusting myself to speak. She stepped away from me and slowly began to unbutton her blouse. As she revealed her luscious curves, I could feel my desire for her growing.<</md>>
<<md>>Angela smiled as she moved closer to me and I could smell her sweet perfume. She cupped my face with her hands and whispered. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I want to thank you with something just as sweet.<</say>>
<<md>>She leaned in and pressed her lips to mine. I felt her tongue tracing the outline of my lips, teasing and tantalizing me. I could feel my desire for her rising and I moved my hands to her hips, pulling her closer.<</md>>
<<md>>Angela then moved her hands to her chest and slowly began to undress, exposing her beautiful breasts.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaIntChocolateEvent.mp4"></video></div> My breath caught in my throat as I looked upon her in awe. She moved her hands to my chest and kissed me deeply, her body pressed against mine.<</md>>
<<md>>This was the sweetest thank you I'd ever received.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaPresentChocolateEvent = 1>>\
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]<<md>>I couldn't resist the temptation of Angela's beauty. She was standing in the room, wearing a tight dress, her curves in the perfect places. She smiled at me and said she was in the mood for something naughty.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Let me show you something… <</say>>
<<md>>I stepped closer to her and felt the heat radiating from her body. She started talking about her favorite things - chocolate and whiskey - and I could feel my desire growing. She moved closer and started undressing, her eyes telling me it was time to make a move.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I’m very bad girl…<</say>>
<<md>>The sight of her naked body made me almost dizzy. She moved closer and started touching herself, her moans and the sight of her pleasure almost too much to take. I stepped closer, wanting to take her in my arms and make her moan more, but she put her finger on my lips and told me to wait.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh yeah!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaIntChocolateWhiskeyEvent.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She stepped back and started to masturbate, her eyes never leaving mine. I watched, mesmerized and aroused, until I couldn't take it anymore. I stepped forward and finally we embraced, her pleasure and my desire blending together in a passionate embrace.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaPresentChocolateWhiskeyEvent = 1>>\
[[Next action|AngelaTalk]]<<set _SiriusDanceDescription = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]>>\
<<switch _SiriusDanceDescription.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>As I step onto the dance floor, my body comes alive, moving effortlessly to the rhythm of the music. Every beat sends a surge of energy through me, connecting me with the pulsating crowd around me.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>The moment my feet touch the dance floor, I feel an electric charge in the air. My body sways in harmony with the beat, creating a symphony of movement that transcends time and space.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>On the dance floor, I am a part of something greater, my movements weaving seamlessly into the collective tapestry of motion. The music moves through me, guiding each step and turn with fluid grace.<</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>As I dance, my body becomes one with the music, an extension of the hypnotic melody that fills the air. The dance floor is my sanctuary, a place where I can truly let go and be free.<</md>>
<<case 5>>\
<<md>>The dance floor envelops me in its vibrant energy, inviting me to express myself through movement. My body feels weightless as I glide through the music, each beat propelling me further into the night.<</md>>
<<case 6>>\
<<md>>I am immersed in a sea of rhythm and motion on the dance floor, each dancer contributing to the ebb and flow of the collective energy. The music is a powerful current that carries me along, guiding my movements with effortless grace.<</md>>
<<case 7>>\
<<md>>As I dance, the boundaries between myself and the pulsating crowd dissolve, and we become one entity, moving in perfect synchronicity. The dance floor is a place of connection and unity, where we all share the same heartbeat.<</md>>
<<case 8>>\
<<md>>The dance floor is a canvas upon which I paint with my movements, each step a stroke of color and emotion. The music is my muse, inspiring me to create an ever-changing masterpiece of motion and expression.<</md>>
<<case 9>>\
<<md>>My body becomes a vessel for the music as I dance, each movement a reflection of the rhythm that pulses through the air. The dance floor is my stage, a platform for self-expression and shared connection.<</md>>
<<case 10>>\
<<md>>On the dance floor, I am both artist and audience, my body moving in response to the music's call. I am enveloped in a whirlwind of movement and energy, feeling at once a part of the crowd and distinctly, powerfully alive.<</md>>
<<set _SiriusDanceImage = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _SiriusDanceImage.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<text r "-12 stamina">>\
<<if $SiriusDanceGirl == 0>>\
[[Dance with girl|SiriusDanceBarGirl1]]
<<elseif $SiriusDanceGirl == 1 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Go to mysterious girl again|SiriusDanceBarGirl2]]
<<addmins 45>>\
<<set $stamina -=15>>\
[[Back|Club Sirius]] <<md>>As I swayed to the hypnotic rhythm pulsating through the nightclub, my eyes were drawn to a captivating figure on the dance floor. Our bodies moved in perfect harmony, each beat drawing us closer together like two magnets unable to resist the force of attraction. The electric charge between us was undeniable, our eyes locked in a gaze that seemed to transcend time and space.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello, sweet girl!<</say>>
<<md>>As we danced, our movements intertwined, our breaths mingling in the charged air. The world around us faded away, leaving only the two of us in our own private universe. With each sway, each turn, we moved closer, our lips inching nearer, the anticipation building like a crescendo in a symphony.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Just as our lips were about to meet, her eyes suddenly widened in surprise, and she abruptly pulled away. Her gaze was fixated on something beyond my shoulder, her face a mixture of shock and confusion. Without a word or a backward glance, she darted away, disappearing into the sea of dancers as quickly as she had appeared.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Whay just hapenned?<</say>>
<<md>>I stood there, bewildered by the sudden turn of events, the magnetic connection severed in an instant. I couldn't help but wonder what had caused her to flee and if our paths would ever cross again in the rhythm of the night.<</md>>
<<addmins 60>>\
<<set $SiriusDanceGirl = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Back|SiriusDance]] <<md>>Regaining my composure, I ventured back onto the dance floor, the music drawing me in once more. To my delight, I spotted her again, dancing gracefully amidst the pulsating crowd. Our eyes met, and we were instantly drawn together, the magnetic connection rekindled as we moved in sync with the music.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Nice to see you again. <</say>>
<<md>>The spellbinding dance continued, but soon we noticed the enticing aroma of cocktails wafting through the air. Our curiosity piqued, we decided to explore the bar, hand in hand, as the evening of cocktails unfolded. The atmosphere was lively, with guests enjoying an array of colorful and exotic concoctions. We eagerly sampled various libations, the flavors as intoxicating as the connection we shared.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> Taste this cocktail! Oh nope, I spoiled it!<</say>>
<<md>>As we laughed and sipped our way through the night, her eyes suddenly darted to something beyond me, a sense of urgency flashing across her face. Before I could react, she grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the restroom with a surprising intensity.<</md>>
<<say $mc>> What happened?<</say>>
<<md>>My heart raced as we navigated through the crowd, the mystery of the situation heightening my curiosity and anticipation. I couldn't help but wonder what secret awaited us, hidden behind the restroom door.<</md>>
[[To the restroom|SiriusDanceBarGirl2.1]] <<carusel "start">><</carusel>>
<div class="form-box">\
<span class="Work-title">Select avatar</span>\
<div class="center-carusel">\
<img src="img/avatars/a.jpg"/>\
<img src="img/avatars/b.jpg"/>\
<img src="img/avatars/c.jpg"/>\
<img src="img/avatars/d.jpg"/>\
<div class="textbox-container">
<span class="Work-title" style="display: block; text-align: center;">Select a name and second name</span>
<div class="textbox-row-namesurname">
<<textbox "$mc.Name" "Master">>
<<textbox "$mc.Surname" "Great">>
<<set _oliviaGymSchedule =$Olivia2Q == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '21:00') && $QuestNextDay is true||$gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 0 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, "17:00", "21:00")||$gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 4 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, "10:00", "15:00")>>\
<<set _oliviaTennisSchedule =$gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 1 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, "16:00", "17:00")>>
<<set _tempoOliviaGymSchedule = _oliviaGymSchedule>>\
<<set _tempoOliviaTennisSchedule = _oliviaTennisSchedule>>\<<silently>>
setup.initializeVariable = function(variableName, defaultValue) {
if (typeof State.variables[variableName] === 'undefined') {
State.variables[variableName] = defaultValue;
setup.initializeCharacter = function(characterName, characterData) {
if (typeof window[characterName] === 'undefined') {
window[characterName] = characterData;
setup.printCharacter = function(characterName) {
var character = window[characterName];
if (character) {
return `Name: ${character.Name}, AffectionLvl: ${character.AffectionLvl}, LustLvl: ${character.LustLvl}, Work: ${character.Work}`;
} else {
return `Character ${characterName} is undefined.`;
setup.characters = [
variableName: 'Angela',
data: {
Name: "Angela Moore",
img: "img/avatars/Kayden.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(57,255,20);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(77, 191, 64,1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Photo-Model",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Veronica',
data: {
Name: "Veronica Garcia",
img: "img/avatars/Vero.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(64, 191, 117, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(64, 191, 117, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Student",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Lexi',
data: {
Name: "Lexi Richardson",
img: "img/avatars/Lexi.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(64, 191, 117, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(64, 191, 117, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Student",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Monica',
data: {
Name: "Monica Walker",
img: "img/avatars/Monica.jpeg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(64, 191, 117, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(64, 191, 117, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Student",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Clara',
data: {
Name: "Clara Scott",
img: "img/avatars/Aidra.jpeg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(0,128,128);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(0, 128, 128, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Directress",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Lucy',
data: {
Name: "Lucy Nelson",
img: "img/avatars/Lucy.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(66, 64, 191, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(66, 64, 191, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Math teacher",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Linda',
data: {
Name: "Linda Eastman",
img: "img/avatars/Shea.jpeg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Reception",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Olivia',
data: {
Name: "Olivia Coleman",
img: "img/avatars/Olivia.jpeg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Gym-worker",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Susan',
data: {
Name: "Susan Freeman",
img: "img/avatars/Susan.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Librarian",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Kobe',
data: {
Name: "Kobe Potato",
img: "img/avatars/Kobe.jpeg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Drug-dealer",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Sophia',
data: {
Name: "Sophia Turner",
img: "img/avatars/Sophia.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(237, 102, 18, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(237, 102, 18, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "English teacher",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Autumn',
data: {
Name: "Autumn Stewart",
img: "img/avatars/Autumn.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(64, 191, 117, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(64, 191, 117, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Student",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Lela',
data: {
Name: "Lela",
img: "img/avatars/lela.jpeg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(64, 191, 117, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(64, 191, 117, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Student",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Marcus',
data: {
Name: "Marcus Brown",
img: "img/avatars/Marcus.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Strange guy",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Kia',
data: {
Name: "Homeless",
img: "img/avatars/kia.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Strange guy",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Carey',
data: {
Name: "Police officer",
img: "img/avatars/carey.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Police",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Naomi',
data: {
Name: "Naomi Stones",
img: "img/avatars/naomi.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(64, 191, 117, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(64, 191, 117, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Unemployed",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Fiona',
data: {
Name: "Fiona Hill",
img: "img/avatars/fiona.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(64, 191, 117, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(64, 191, 117, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Student",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Johan',
data: {
Name: "Johan Hall",
img: "img/avatars/aSS.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Student",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Camilla',
data: {
Name: "Camilla Baker",
img: "img/avatars/cSS.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(151, 64, 191, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Clothing saleswoman",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Jane',
data: {
Name: "Jane Parker",
img: "img/avatars/jane.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Nurse",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Amber',
data: {
Name: "Amber Brooks",
img: "img/avatars/Amber.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Hospital administrator",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Bella',
data: {
Name: "Bella Williams",
img: "img/avatars/Bella.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Hospital nurse",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'SluttyStar',
data: {
Name: "SluttyStar",
img: "img/avatars/SS.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Personal guide",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Jerry',
data: {
Name: "Jerry Tombs",
img: "img/avatars/Jerry.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Student",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Anna',
data: {
Name: "Anna Roofey",
img: "img/avatars/Anna.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Fighter",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Megan',
data: {
Name: "Megan Wax",
img: "img/avatars/Megan.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Dancer",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Emma',
data: {
Name: "Emma Hicks",
img: "img/avatars/Emma.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Basketball player",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Lily',
data: {
Name: "Lily Setherland",
img: "img/avatars/Lily.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Barmaid",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Peter',
data: {
Name: "Peter O'Connor",
img: "img/avatars/Peter.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Sponsor",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Ellie',
data: {
Name: "Ellie Sother",
img: "img/avatars/Peter.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Schoolgirl",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Stacy',
data: {
Name: "Stacy Reep",
img: "img/avatars/Stacy.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Nurse",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Goth',
data: {
Name: "Victoria Slack",
img: "img/avatars/Vicky.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Student",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Hannah',
data: {
Name: "Hannah Fasboroh",
img: "img/avatars/Hannah.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Cheerleader",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Denisse',
data: {
Name: "Denisse Black",
img: "img/avatars/Denisse.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Pole dancer",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Samantha',
data: {
Name: "Samantha Dockins",
img: "img/avatars/Samantha.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Student",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Marsha',
data: {
Name: "Marsha Jones",
img: "img/avatars/Marsha.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Student",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Aria',
data: {
Name: "Aria Winters",
img: "img/avatars/Aria.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Student",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Nora',
data: {
Name: "Nora Weatherby",
img: "img/avatars/Nora.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Student",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Ruby',
data: {
Name: "Ruby Martin",
img: "img/avatars/Ruby.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Student",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'BeardMan',
data: {
Name: "Bearded thug",
img: "img/avatars/beardman.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Thug",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Thug',
data: {
Name: "Nervous thug",
img: "img/avatars/hoodman.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Thug",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Coco',
data: {
Name: "Coco",
img: "img/avatars/Coco.jpg",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Brothel girl",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Tracey',
data: {
Name: "Tracey Beatreau",
img: "img/avatars/Tracey.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Brothel queen",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Iris',
data: {
Name: "Iris",
img: "img/avatars/Iris.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work: "Brothel newbie",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
variableName: 'Officer',
data: {
Name: "Suspicious cop",
img: "img/avatars/Officer.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
Work:"Police officer",
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
setup.initializeAllCharacters = function() {
setup.characters.forEach(character => {
setup.variables = [
{ variableName: 'QuestNextWeek', defaultValue: 0 },
{ variableName: 'AngelaYoga', defaultValue: 0 },
{ variableName: 'AngelaTennis', defaultValue: 0 },
{ variableName: 'OliviaTennisTruth', defaultValue: 0 },
{ variableName: 'OliviaTennisMove', defaultValue: 0 },
{ variableName: 'punish1', defaultValue: 0 },
{ variableName: 'AutumnMonicaCheerleader1', defaultValue: 0 },
{ variableName: 'currentPassage', defaultValue: passage() },
{ variableName: 'PrologueQuest1', defaultValue: 34 },
{ variableName: 'Prologue1T', defaultValue: 0 },
{ variableName: 'PrologueQuest1Failed', defaultValue: 0 },
{ variableName: 'LexiMailUsual', defaultValue: 0 },
{ variableName: 'MailDaysLeft', defaultValue: 0 },
{ variableName: 'FirstGram', defaultValue: 0 },
{ variableName: 'emails', defaultValue: 0 },
{ variableName: 'post1', defaultValue: 0 },
{ variableName: 'currentEmail', defaultValue: 1.18 },
{ variableName: 'patreonReminder', defaultValue: 3 },
{ variableName: 'BrothelVisited', defaultValue: 0 },
{ variableName: 'CocoQuest', defaultValue: 0 },
{ variableName: 'pinksneakers', defaultValue: 0 },
{ variableName: 'boobtape', defaultValue: 0 }
setup.initializeAllVariables = function() {
setup.variables.forEach(variable => {
setup.initializeVariable(variable.variableName, variable.defaultValue);
<</silently>> <<if $AngelaNewWork < 7>>
<<set _angelaSchedule = isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:04', '13:26') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 5 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:47', '21:05') && ($gameDate.getUTCDay() == 0 || $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 2 || $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 4) || $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:07', '20:01')|| $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:01', '12:45')>>
<<set _angelaKitchenSchedule = isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:22', '07:46') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() <= 4 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:22', '19:46') || $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '11:01', '11:56')|| $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:02', '20:31')|| $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:01', '09:15')|| $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:01', '15:31')>>
<<set _angelaToiletSchedule = isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:16', '07:21') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() <= 4 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:12', '19:21') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() <= 4 || $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '11:57', '12:03')|| $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:16', '09:21')|| $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:18', '20:24')>>
<<set _angelaBathroomSchedule = isDateBetween($gameDate, '06:56', '07:15') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() <= 4 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:12', '19:11') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() <= 4|| $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '13:27', '14:27')|| $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:47', '20:17')>>
<<set _angelaAngelasroomSchedule = isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:01', '22:55') && $SaturdayMovie == 1||isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:06', '22:55') && ($gameDate.getUTCDay() == 0 || $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 2 || $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 4) || isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:01', '18:11') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() <= 4 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:51', '22:56') && ($gameDate.getUTCDay() == 1 || $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 3) || $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '09:00') || $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '11:00') || $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:32', '23:01')|| $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:22', '09:28')|| $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:32', '19:16')|| $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:25', '23:00')>>
<<set _angelaAngelasroomSchedule2 = isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:01', '22:55') && $SaturdayMovie == 1||isDateBetween($gameDate, '21:06', '22:55') && ($gameDate.getUTCDay() == 0 || $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 2 || $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 4) || isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:01', '18:11') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() <= 4 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:51', '22:56') && ($gameDate.getUTCDay() == 1 || $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 3) || $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:32', '23:01')|| $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:22', '09:28')|| $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:32', '19:16')|| $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 6 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:25', '23:00')>>
<<set _angelaSleepSchedule = isDateBetween($gameDate, '23:00', '06:44')|| $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '11:00')>>
<<set _angelaWorkSchedule = isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:55', '17:45')>>
<<set _angelaTennisSchedule = $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '14:28', '16:00')>>
<<elseif $AngelaNewWork > 6>>
<<set _angelaSchedule = isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:01', '19:59') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 0 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:01', '18:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 1 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:01', '19:59') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 2 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:01', '18:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 3 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:01', '18:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 4 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:01', '18:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 5>>
<<set _angelaKitchenSchedule = isDateBetween($gameDate, '14:26', '14:50') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() != 5>>
<<set _angelaToiletSchedule = isDateBetween($gameDate, '14:20', '14:25') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() != 5>>
<<set _angelaBathroomSchedule = isDateBetween($gameDate, '14:00', '14:19') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() != 5>>
<<set _angelaAngelasroomSchedule = isDateBetween($gameDate, '14:51', '16:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() != 5 || isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:01', '18:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 5>>
<<set _angelaSleepSchedule = isDateBetween($gameDate, '02:01', '13:59')>>
<<set _angelaWorkSchedule = isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:01', '02:00')>>
<<set _tempAngelaSchedule = _angelaSchedule>>
<<set _tempAngelaBathroomSchedule = _angelaBathroomSchedule>>
<<set _tempAngelaToiletSchedule = _angelaToiletSchedule>>
<<set _tempAngelaKitchenSchedule = _angelaKitchenSchedule>>
<<set _tempAngelaAngelasroomSchedule = _angelaAngelasroomSchedule>>
<<set _tempAngelaAngelasroomSchedule2 = _angelaAngelasroomSchedule2>>
<<set _tempAngelaSleepSchedule = _angelaSleepSchedule>>
<<set _tempAngelaWorkSchedule = _angelaWorkSchedule>>
<<set _tempAngelaTennisSchedule = _angelaTennisSchedule>>
<<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
<<md>>She continued to rub her clit, faster and faster, until she was on the brink of orgasm. Her body shook with excitement, and she couldn't wait to give in to the pleasure that was coursing through her veins.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Give it to me, all…All!<</say>>
<<md>>As she came, I could see the intensity of her pleasure written all over her face. She screamed and moaned, unable to contain the sheer force of her orgasm.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\laptop\Video\WebCamRoom9.3.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I closed my eyes and let out a moan of my own as I came.<</md>>
<<md>>After she had come, she continued to rub her clit, even though she was already spent. I could see that she was still enjoying the sensation, and I couldn't blame her. It was like nothing I had ever seen before, and I couldn't get enough of it.<</md>>
<<link "Watch other girls">><<goto "Webcam">><<addmins 5>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Back">><<goto "Laptop">><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>><<md>>Okay, this is the problem with HDD. I should buy the new one in the shop or find out other way.<</md>>
<<if $cash > 300>>\
<<link 'Order HDD - 300$' "Repair Quest3.2">><<set $cash -= 300>><<addmins 30>><<set $id.hdd += 1>><<set $hdd_problem = 2>><</link>>
<<if $mc.Intellect < 4>>\
<<link 'Try to repair'>><<set $hdd_problem = 3>><<goto "RepairQuest5.1"<</link>>
<<link 'Do nothing'>><<set $hdd_problem = 4>><</link>>
<<md>>Now I have the new HDD, time to fix Angela's laptop.<</md>>
[[Fix and bring to Angela|Repair Quest4]]<<set _camillaStoreSchedule = ($gameDate.getUTCDay() == 0 || $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 3 || $gameDate.getUTCDay() == 4) && isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '16:00')>>\
<<set _tempCamillaStoreSchedule = _camillaStoreSchedule>>\<<if $Camilla.AffectionLvl == 0|| $Camilla.AffectionLvl == 1>>\
<<set _CamillaTalkGreetNArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]>>\
<<switch _CamillaTalkGreetNArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Camilla>>Welcome back to our delightful store! Camilla's here to brighten your day with our exceptional service. Are you ready to discover amazing treasures and become the star of the town? Let's get started!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Camilla>>Oh, it's so wonderful to see you again! Camilla's here to make your shopping experience truly unforgettable. As always, your presence brings joy to our store. <</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Camilla>>Greetings, dear customer! Camilla is thrilled to have you back in our lovely store. Are you excited to find something new that will transform your world? Let's embark on this journey together and make you the envy of all your friends!<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Camilla>>Hello again, and welcome to our charming store! Camilla is here to ensure you have a delightful shopping experience.<</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Camilla>>Ah, a familiar face! Welcome back to our enchanting store. Camilla is eager to assist you in finding the perfect items to elevate your life. Your presence never fails to brighten our day.<</say>>
<<elseif $Camilla.AffectionLvl == 2>>\
<<set _CamillaTalkGreetAArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]>>\
<<switch _CamillaTalkGreetAArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>
<<say $Camilla>>Oh, hello! It's nice to see you back at our store. Camilla's always happy to assist a friendly face. Your presence is appreciated, and together we'll find just what you need to make a statement in your life. Let's have some fun exploring our store!<</say>>
<<Case 2>>
<<say $Camilla>>Greetings! It's great to have you back in our store. I'm here to make your shopping experience enjoyable and memorable. . Let's work together to discover the perfect items that will turn your life into a grand adventure!<</say>>
<<Case 3>>
<<say $Camilla>>Ah, welcome back! It's lovely to see you again. Camilla is excited to assist you in your shopping journey today. <</say>>
<<Case 4>>
<<say $Camilla>>Greetings, cosmic traveler! It's a delight to see your radiant aura gracing our store once more. Camilla, your celestial shopping guide, is here to help you discover otherworldly treasures that will elevate your existence to new dimensions. Ha-ha. Let's start!<</say>>
<<Case 5>>
<<say $Camilla>>Hola, Retail Royalty! Camilla here, your very own happy-go-lucky confetti cannon, ready to explode with excitement every time I see you! I must say, you've got a smile that could outshine the brightest "SALE" sign! Keep up the amazing work, and never forget that you're the cherry on top of the shopping sundae!<</say>>
<<elseif $Camilla.AffectionLvl == 3||$Camilla.AffectionLvl == 4>>\
<<set _CamillaTalkGreetFArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Camilla>>Hey there, friend! It's so lovely to see you in the store today. How have you been? I hope everything's going well for you, and I'd love to help you find something that'll brighten up your day even more!<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Camilla>>I can't tell you how happy I am to see you visiting the store today. How are things going in your world? I truly hope all is well and lovely. If you're on the hunt for something delightful, don't hesitate to ask – I'm here to help you discover that perfect piece that will bring an extra touch of joy to your life!<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Camilla>>Hi there, my charming friend! Your presence in the store today has brightened up the atmosphere like a ray of sunshine. How have you been? You know, that sparkle in your eyes never fails to make my day. If there's anything I can do to help or make your visit more enjoyable, just say the word!<</say>>
<<elseif $Camilla.AffectionLvl == 5>>\
<<set _CamillaTalkGreetLArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Camilla>>Hey there, my love! Working here has taught me a lot about value, and I must say, you are priceless. Looking forward to creating more precious memories with you after work.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Camilla>>My dearest, hi! Just a quick thought: being a saleswoman has made me realize I've struck gold with you. <</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Camilla>>My babe, you know, I've got a special deal just for you: a lifetime supply of love and affection. <</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Camilla>>How are you? Just wanted to let you know that you make my heart skip a beat, even while I'm at work.<</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Camilla>>Hey love, it's Camilla! How's your day been? You know, every time I fold a sweater, I wish I could be wrapping my arms around you instead.<</say>>
<</if>>\<<set _AngelaBathroom1Array = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _AngelaBathroom1Array.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<text g "Successfully.">>
<<if $AngelaImage52Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage52Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Fuck, I didn't even think I'd ever see this performed by Angela. I wish I could go in and help her, but that would be suicide.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Fuck! I stepped on a rubber duck.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>You weren't taught to not go into the bathroom when it's occupied? Get out, please.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oops! I'm sorry. I didn’t hear that you were in here. I'm already leaving.<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela -15>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Fuck! I stepped on a rubber duck.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>You weren't taught to not go into the bathroom when it's occupied? Get out, please.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oops! I'm sorry. I didn’t hear that you were in here. I'm already leaving.<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela -15>>
[[Home corridor]] <<set _AngelaBathroom2Array = [ 1, 2]>>
<<switch _AngelaBathroom2Array.random()>>
<<case 1>>
<<text g "Successfully.">>
<<if $AngelaImage53Unlocked == 0>>
<<set $AngelaImage53Unlocked = 1>>
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>Oh my god! I didn’t think that Angela was into such a thing.<</md>>
<<case 2>>
<<text r "Failure.">>
<<md>>Fuck! She noticed me.<</md>>
<<if $AngelaImage37Unlocked == 0>>
<<set $AngelaImage37Unlocked = 1>>
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Angela>>You weren't taught to not go into the bathroom when it's occupied? Get out.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oops! I'm sorry. I didn’t hear that you were in here. I'm already leaving.<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela -7>>
[[Home corridor]]
<<set _AngelaEatRandomArray = random(1, 5)>>\
<<if _AngelaEatRandomArray == 1>>\
<<md>>Angela is preparing meal. Unkempt hair doesn't prevent her from looking wonderful. Even her sleepy face is serene while she attends to her task.<</md>>
<<if $AngelaImage11Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage11Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Angela>>Food will be ready soon.<</say>>
<<include "Fucking Coffee">>\
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
<<elseif _AngelaEatRandomArray == 2>>\
<<md>>Angela is eating.<</md>>
<<include "Fucking Coffee">>\
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
<<elseif _AngelaEatRandomArray == 3>>\
<<md>>Angela is washing the dishes.<</md>>
[[Help her|Dish Event]]
<<if $AngelaNewWork == 6 >>\
[[Told Angela about your success|AngelaWorkEating]]
<<include "Fucking Coffee">>\
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
<<elseif _AngelaEatRandomArray == 4 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() > 4>>\
<<say $Angela>>Hello! Can you wait a few minutes? Meal will be ready very soon. Maybe you'd like to join me?<</say>>
<<include "Fucking Coffee">>\
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
<<elseif _AngelaEatRandomArray == 5 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() < 5>>\
<<md>>Angela is eating here.<</md>>
[[Join her|Kitch EventBreak fast]]
<<if $AngelaNewWork == 6 >>\
[[Told Angela about your success|AngelaWorkEating]]
<<include "Fucking Coffee">>\
[[Corridor|Home corridor]]
<<elseif _AngelaEatRandomArray == 4||_AngelaEatRandomArray == 5>>\
<<goto "Kitchen Common Meals">>\
<</if>>\<<if $BathroomSexAvailable is 1 && $AngelaPearl is 0>>\
<<goto "Angela Pearl1">>\
<<if $Angela.LustLvl gte 2>>\
<<say $Angela>>Do you like the food? I may have gone too far with the salt.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not at all, I really like everything. Let me thank you for this wonderful meal.<</say>>
<<if $AngelaImage21Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage21Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Angela>>Oh! What a wonderful way to thank me. Just don’t stop, please. I think you do that better than I do.<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 22>>
<<md>>Her pussy becomes so wet, it's as if a man's hands have never touched her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you like it?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh my god... yes! I like it a lot.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I need to get to work now. It was delicious!<</say>>
[[Leave the kitchen|Home corridor]]
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl gte 1>>\
<<md>>It seems that when she eats a banana, it's more like she's sucking on a penis.<</md>>
<<if $AngelaImage22Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $AngelaImage22Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moments added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $mc>>Bon appetit Angela!<</say>>
<<md>>She didn’t answer me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Angela? Are you okay?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh yes, thanks! I was thinking of something. How about you? How are you feeling?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I am, as usual, doing perfectly fine. What were you thinking about? Care to share?<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I thought about how porn actors can have sex for so long and not get off, and my ex-boyfriend always came in under 5 minutes of entering me.<</say>>
<<talk "Support her">><<say $mc>>It's sad that he couldn't satisfy you. Do you want me to try to make you cum?<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 12>>
<<say $Angela>>What a great idea, but not today I'm afraid. I have a lot of things to get done.<</say>>
[[Leave the kitchen|Home corridor]]
<<talk "Explain why this is, to your advantage" 2 $mc.Intellect "My intellect is not enough">><<text g "Intellect check was successful.">>
<<say $mc>>Actually, there are many factors. Nutrition, lifestyle, hormones. All of these work together. If he was quick to climax, then he was not interested in having sex with you. If I was with you, I would have had sex for at least an hour, Angela.<</say>>
<<addLust $Angela 20>>
<<say $Angela>>Sometimes I wonder how someone so crazy came to be my roommate. But I really like you.<</say>>
[[Leave the kitchen|Home corridor]]
<<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
<strong>Angela</strong> - Kayden Kross
<strong>Clara</strong> - Aidra Fox
<strong>Lucy</strong> - Nicole Aniston
<strong>Monica</strong> - Mia Malkova
<strong>Lexi </strong> - Lexi Lore
<strong>Veronica</strong> - Veronica Rodriguez
<strong>Fiona</strong> - Remy Lacroix
<strong>Camilla</strong> - Gabbie Carter
<strong>Linda</strong> - Nicolette Shea
<strong>Sophia</strong> - Lauren Phillips
<strong>Naomi</strong> - Naomi Woods
<strong>Amber</strong> - Angela White
<strong>Bella</strong> - Chloe Cherry
<strong>Autumn</strong> - Faye Reagan
<strong>Jane</strong> - Jessica Jaymes
<strong>Jerry</strong> - Jeri Lynn
<strong>Lily</strong> - Aaliyah Hadid
<strong>Olivia</strong> - Anissa Kate
<strong>Susan</strong> - Cherie Deville
[[Back|Laptop]] <<say $mc>> Hey Angela, I've figured out the issue with your laptop.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh great, finally! What's wrong with it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm afraid it's the hard drive. It's broken.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>The hard drive? That's where all my files are stored, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yes, exactly. It's where all your documents, photos, and other data are kept.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh no, does that mean I've lost everything? My work, my photos... everything?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm afraid there's a possibility. Sometimes data can be recovered from a broken hard drive, but it's not guaranteed.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>> This is just terrible! I can't afford to lose all that data!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understand, Angela. It's really frustrating. However, I can help you right now.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>> Really? But how?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>We can try to recover the data from the broken hard drive and transfer it to a new one. There's a chance some files may still be salvageable.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>> That sounds like a lifeline, but it also sounds complicated and time-consuming.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> It can be, yes. But I promise to do my best to get your laptop up and running again as soon as possible.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Well, I suppose it's my only option. I appreciate your help. It just really threw me off, you know?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Absolutely, it's a tough situation. But let's try and see what we can save, okay? I'm here to help you through it.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>> Thank you. I really appreciate it. I just hope some of my files can be recovered.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'll do my best, Angela. Let's get started.<</say>><<set _RepairHDDArray = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _RepairHDDArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>There I was, the world's unofficial laptop surgeon, bathed in the glow of my table lamp. In my hand was the tiny screwdriver that was about to perform the delicate operation. The patient? Angela's laptop, crippled by a failing hard disk drive. As I popped off the back cover, I felt like a pioneer embarking on an uncharted technological voyage.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lets see what you got...<</say>>
<<md>>The innards of the laptop were like a maze, with circuits and chips crisscrossing in an intricate dance. Locating the ailing HDD was like finding a needle in a microchip haystack. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are not gonna hide from me, little rat...<</say>>
<<md>>But alas! The offending piece was finally found, hidden beneath a labyrinth of wires.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Aha! Here it is!<</say>>
<<md>>With a sense of triumph, I reached for the HDD, gloved fingers trembling in anticipation. Just as my fingertips grazed the metal, an unruly spark of electricity decided to join the party. ZAP! [img[img/Angela/laptopspark.jpg]]I was the unsuspecting conductor in this symphony of current, lighting up brighter than my table lamp.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are...<</say>>
<<md>>In the aftermath of my electrifying encounter, the world went dim. The last thought before I hit the floor was, "I hope the warranty covers amateur electric shocks!"<</md>>
<<set $Stacy = {
Name: "Stacy Reep",
img: "img/avatars/Stacy.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgba(161, 34, 34, 1);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(191, 64, 64, 1);",
Meet: 0,
AffectionLvl: 0,
Affection: 0,
LustLvl: 0,
Lust: 0
<<set $RepairReadMessagesDay = 0>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalDay = 0>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalHornyMessageLexi = 0>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalHornyMessageMonica = 0>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalHornyMessageVeronica = 0>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalHornyMessageFiona = 0>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi = 0>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica = 0>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica = 0>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona = 0>>\
<<set $LexiRepairMessageRead = 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaRepairMessageRead = 0>>\
<<set $MonicaRepairMessageRead = 0>>\
<<set $FionaRepairMessageRead = 0>>\
<<set $StacyTreatPointsBoldness = 0>>\
<<set $StacyTreatPointsCharisma = 0>>\
<<set $StacyTreatPointsNormal = 0>>\
<<set $BellaRepairNormalTalk = 0>>\
<<set $BellaRepairJelousTalk = 0>>\
<<set $BellaRepairFired = 0>>\
<<set $StacyRepairFired = 0>>\
<<set $PhoneMessageChecked = 0>>\
<<set $LexiNightMessageClinic = 0>>\
<<set $VeronicaWeedClinic = 0>>\
<<set $AmberRepairMast = 0>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Rolling up my sleeves, I face the task at hand with a surge of determination. My laptop sits before me, unresponsive and aged, its hard disk drive (HDD) failing. It's up to me to bring it back to life.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I've done my research.<</say>>
<<md>>I reassure myself, collecting the necessary tools: a small Phillips screwdriver, an antistatic wrist strap, and a fresh, new hard drive to replace the worn one.<</md>>
<<md>>Safety first, I remind myself. Disconnecting the laptop from the power source, I carefully remove the battery.<</md>>
<<md>>I spot the HDD compartment on the back of the laptop. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>This must be it...<</say>>
<<md>>I say, pointing at the small rectangular panel secured by a few screws. With precision, I unscrew the panel, revealing the faulty hard drive underneath.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Time for the wrist strap... <</say>>
<<md>>I note, securing it around my wrist to prevent any potential static electricity damage to the internal components. I remove the screws holding the HDD in place and gently slide it out of the bay.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>There we go, you've served us well.<</say>>
<<md>>Now it's time for fixing HDD. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's get you settled in.<</say>>
<<md>>I carefully guiding the fixed hard drive into the bay. I secure it with the screws and close the compartment.<</md>>
<<md>>After reinserting the battery and connecting the laptop to the power source, I press the power button. "Moment of truth," I whisper to myself. I wait, my breath held.<</md>>
<<md>>The laptop hums to life, the startup screen illuminating. Relief floods over me. "I did it," I exclaim, a triumphant grin spreading across my face. The laptop is back in action, all thanks to my diligence and patience.<</md>>
[[Bring laptop back to Angela|Repair Quest3.2]]
<</switch>>\<<if $Amber.LustLvl > 20 && $AngelaLustLvl < 3>>\
<<md>>I opened my eyes and immediately winced, my body pulsating with an unfamiliar pain. It was disorienting, but as my vision adjusted, my gaze fell upon a figure. Amber. She was there, right next to me, in her usually doctor's suit. Her brows were creased with concern, and her soft eyes searched mine, assessing me.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>$mc.Name!How are you feeling?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice laced with worry. Despite the pain, I managed a weak smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Like I've been hit by a truck. Or maybe two.<</say>>
<<md>>I replied, trying to infuse a hint of humor into the tense atmosphere. Amber chuckled lightly, the sound like a salve on my raw nerves.<</md>>
<<md>>Then, she did something unexpected in this situation. She leaned in, her eyes closing as she pressed her lips to mine. It was a brief, but powerful, kiss. She pulled away before I could even react, a faint blush dusting her cheeks.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>I've always wanted to kiss the Flash. I'm happy that you are alive.<</say>>
<<md>>She confessed, a playful smirk playing on her lips. The reference to Flash, who was also hitted by lightning – made me laugh, despite the pain.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I didn't realize you had a thing for comic book characters, Doc.<</say>>
<<md>>I teased her, appreciating the distraction from the discomfort.<</md>>
<<md>>She rolled her eyes but was smiling.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Not the comic book character, you idiot. I meant you.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words stirred a warmth in my chest, a comforting sensation amidst the pain.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Rest now. You should be spending time in this bed.<</say>>
<<md>>She admonished gently, her gaze softening. Yet, the mischievous glint in her eyes didn't escape my notice as she added more.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>But I won't mind if we broke the bed a little.<</say>>
<<md>>I chuckled at her boldness, feeling my heart race for an entirely different reason now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Amber, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you're trying to take advantage of me in my weakened state.<</say>>
<<md>>She shrugged, feigning innocence as she got up to leave.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Well, you're the Flash now, aren't you? Surely you can handle a little more excitement and tension.<</say>>
<<elseif $Bella.LustLvl > 2 && $Angela.LustLvl < 3>>\
<<md>>I woke up with a start, a strange sensation stirring me from a deep sleep. The sterile white of the hospital room greeted me, but my attention was immediately drawn to the source of my arousal.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bella?<</say>>
<<md>>I questioned, my voice rough with sleep.<</md>>
<<md>>She looked up from beneath the sheets, her lips glistening, her eyes twinkling with a mixture of mischief and satisfaction. She had been busy while I was asleep, her actions causing a throbbing need that pulsed through me.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Good morning, Turtle.<</say>>
<<md>>She purred, her voice husky. This nickname for me was playful, a testament to our close yet old relationship.<</md>>
<<md>>I was at a loss for words, my mind struggling to catch up with the reality of the situation. Bella, the girl who made every day an adventure, was here, in my hospital room, turning an ordinary morning into something far more exciting.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why am I here?<</say>>
<<md>> I managed to ask, my voice barely more than a whisper.<</md>>
<<md>>She gave a soft laugh, her hand resuming its teasing motions beneath the sheets. <</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Oh, Turtle, I knew you'd wake up if I gave you a little... incentive.<</say>>
<<md>>As my senses began to adjust, I realized the full extent of Bella's actions. Her skilled touch had awakened me in the most exciting way possible, turning a dull hospital morning into a thrilling experience.<</md>>
<<md>>Seeing my speechless reaction, Bella's smile widened. <</md>>
<<say $Bella>>I thought a bit of a... wakeup call was in order.<</say>>
<<md>> She said, her voice teasing. <</md>>
<<say $Bella>>You're lucky it's me here, Turtle. I doubt Amber would indulge you quite like this.<</say>>
<<md>>As Bella's touch became bolder, a soft sigh escaped my lips. The sterile hospital room seemed to fade away, replaced by the heat and desire that Bella was evoking. I could hardly believe it, but here in this cold, clinical room, Bella was creating a haven of pleasure and intimacy.<</md>>
<<md>>Every stroke, every tantalizing touch, was driving me closer to the edge. The distant sounds of the hospital were drowned out by my own heartbeat, pounding in sync with the pleasure coursing through me. Bella knew just what to do, her actions slow and deliberate, ensuring the pleasure was drawn out as much as possible.<</md>>
<<md>>The buildup was intense, almost unbearable, but Bella seemed to know exactly when to push and when to draw back. Her control over the situation was impressive, and it only served to heighten my desire.<</md>>
<<md>>The climax came suddenly, a wave of pleasure washing over me, leaving me breathless and spent. Bella resurfaced from beneath the sheets, a satisfied smile on her face. She climbed up next to me.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>See?I knew you'd wake up for this, Turtle.<</say>>
<<md>>She said, her voice husky with shared desire.<</md>>
<<md>>I was still catching my breath when I managed to stammer out a question.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why...why am I here?<</say>>
<<md>>Bella looked at me, her gaze softening. She licked her lips, swallowing the last of my release before answering.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>You had an accident, Turtle. You got electrocuted trying to repair your neighbor's laptop.<</say>>
<<md>>My neighbor? Angela. Damn. I failed. I blinked, struggling to remember. Bella watched me, her eyes filled with concern. She reached out, her fingers gently brushing against my cheek.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>You were lucky, you could've been seriously hurt. But you're here now, and you're safe.<</say>>
<<md>>I let out a sigh of relief, my body relaxing into the hospital bed. Bella continued to look at me, her gaze probing, a question lingering in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Your neighbor...<</say>>
<<md>>She began, her voice hesitant. <</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Do I know her? Have you...?<</say>>
<<md>>She left the question hanging, but I knew what she was asking. The thought of Bella being jealous was oddly satisfying, and I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bella… <</say>>
<<md>>I said, my voice filled with amusement. <</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Are you jealous?<</say>>
<<md>>She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest,<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Of course not! I just...I want to know who put you in this bed.<</say>>
<<md>>Her denial was cute, and I couldn't help but tease her a little more,<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You mean the same bed where you blow me?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Well, yeah...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, if it makes you feel any better, I just being a good neighbor.<</say>>
<<md>> Bella let out a sigh of relief, a small smile playing on her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Good, because while you're here, I have full control over you. And I don't share.<</say>> <<md>>With that, she leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead before pulling the covers up over me.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Rest now, Turtle,I'll be here when you wake up.<</say>>
<<md>>As I drifted back into sleep, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. Despite the circumstances, Bella's presence made everything seem a little less daunting. Her touch, her concern, her jealousy - it all served as a reminder of just how much she cared. And for now, that was all I needed.<</md>>
<<text y "Your attributes and stamina were reduced">>
<<elseif $Angela.LustLvl > 30 && $Bella.LustLvl < 2 && $Amber.LustLvl < 2>>\ <<md>>My eyes fluttered open, the familiar discomfort of the hospital bed momentarily forgotten as I took in the sight before me. Angela. She was there, her face a mask of remorse, her eyes filled with unshed tears.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>$mc.Name, I'm so sorry. So, so sorry. If not my stupid laptop, nothing would...<</say>>
<<md>>She whispered, her voice choked with emotion.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's alright...<</say>>
<<md>>Before I could respond, she leaned in, her lips meeting mine in a kiss filled with desperation and regret. Her tears were hot against my skin, the salty taste mingling with the kiss. As much as the situation was unsettling, there was a raw honesty in Angela's actions that stirred something within me.<</md>>
<<md>>Without realizing, her hand moved down, accidentally brushing against my groin. A spark of arousal ignited within me, her touch triggering a reaction that was as surprising as it was undeniable.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Angela…<</say>>
<<md>>I murmured, my voice heavy with a mix of emotions. I was about to say more, but the sound of the door opening made me pause.<</md>>
<<md>>In walked Amber, her face a picture of calm professionalism, but I could see the hint of surprise flicker in her eyes at the sight of Angela and me. I quickly moved Angela's hand away from my groin, a silent prayer of thanks for stopping things just in time. It's not the time. Not now.<</md>>
<<md>>Amber's gaze flickered between Angela and me, her surprise slowly morphing into a guarded expression. <</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Angela.<</say>>
<<md>>She said, her voice betraying a hint of confusion. <</md>>
<<say $Amber>>No one is supposed to be here. The visiting hours are over.<</say>>
<<md>>She then turned her attention to me, her professional demeanor slipping back into place. <</md>>
<<say $Amber>>How are you feeling, $mc.Name?<</say>>
<<md>>She asked strictly, her doctor persona taking over.<</md>>
<<md>>Before I could reply, Angela interjected, her voice tinged with defensiveness.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I just wanted to see him, to apologize...<</say>>
<<md>>Amber held up a hand to stop her.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Angela, I understand your concern.<</say>>
<<md>>She said, her tone firm yet not unkind.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>But he needs rest. He's just woken up from a serious injury.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words were true. As much as I appreciated Angela's heartfelt apology and her presence, the exhaustion was creeping back in. My body was still reeling from the accident, the adrenaline rush starting to ebb away, leaving behind a wave of fatigue.<</md>>
<<md>>Angela looked at me, her eyes pleading for understanding. I gave her a small nod, reassuring her that we would talk more when I was feeling better. With one last lingering look, Angela left the room, leaving me alone with Amber.<</md>>
<<md>>I woke up disoriented, the sharp smell of antiseptic stinging my nostrils. The room was dimly lit, the only source of light a small lamp on the bedside table. I tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness washed over me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What...?<</say>>
<<md>>I began, but my voice was hoarse and barely above a whisper.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Shh, you're in the hospital.<</say>>
<<md>>A soft voice came from my left. I turned my head and my eyes fell on a young woman dressed in a nurse uniform, her blonde hair pulled back into a neat bun. Her name tag read 'Stacy'.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>You had an accident.<</say>>
<<md>>She explained, her voice gentle but firm. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>You were electrocuted while trying to fix a laptop. You're lucky to be alive.<</say>>
<<md>>I blinked, the information slowly sinking in. As Stacy spoke, she was preparing some pills and a glass of water. I watched as she moved with a certain grace, her actions methodical and precise. There was a certain allure to her, a subtle charm that was hard to ignore.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, you're my nurse?<</say>>
<<md>> I asked, my voice still weak but a hint of my usual humor seeping through.<</md>>
<<md>>Stacy glanced at me and flashed a warm smile, her blue eyes twinkling with amusement. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Yes, I am. And I'm here to make sure you get better.<</say>>
<<text y "Your attributes and stamina were reduced">>
<<if $mc.Boldness < 2>>\
<<talk "Check her body[B]" 2 $mc.Boldness "I'm not bold enough">><</talk>>
[[Check her body[B]|RepairStacyCheck]]
<<if $mc.Charisma < 2>>\
<<talk "Smile to her[C]" 2 $mc.Charisma "I'm not that charismatic">><</talk>>
[[Smile to her[C]|RepairStacyNotCheck]]
[[Nod to her|RepairStacyNod]]
<<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(10)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<set $mc.MaxStamina -= $mc.MaxStamina * 0.20>>\
<<set $stamina = 10>>\
<<set _RandomAttributesMinusArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>
<<switch _RandomAttributesMinusArray.random()>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $mc.Strength > 2>>
<<set $mc.Strength -= 2>>
<<elseif $mc.Intellect > 2>>
<<set $mc.Intellect -= 2>>
<<elseif $mc.Charisma > 2>>
<<set $mc.Charisma -= 2>>
<<elseif $mc.Boldness > 2>>
<<set $mc.Boldness -= 2>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $mc.Intellect > 2>>
<<set $mc.Intellect -= 2>>
<<elseif $mc.Strength > 2>>
<<set $mc.Strength -= 2>>
<<elseif $mc.Charisma > 2>>
<<set $mc.Charisma -= 2>>
<<elseif $mc.Boldness > 2>>
<<set $mc.Boldness -= 2>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $mc.Charisma > 2>>
<<set $mc.Charisma -= 2>>
<<elseif $mc.Strength > 2>>
<<set $mc.Strength -= 2>>
<<elseif $mc.Intellect > 2>>
<<set $mc.Intellect -= 2>>
<<elseif $mc.Boldness > 2>>
<<set $mc.Boldness -= 2>>
<<case 4>>
<<if $mc.Boldness > 2>>
<<set $mc.Boldness -= 2>>
<<elseif $mc.Intellect > 2>>
<<set $mc.Intellect -= 2>>
<<elseif $mc.Strength > 2>>
<<set $mc.Strength -= 2>>
<<elseif $mc.Charisma > 2>>
<<set $mc.Charisma -= 2>>
<<set $MallVisit = 30>>\<<md>>Holding Amber's hand, I was about to say something when the door burst open. In walked Angela, my quirky, tech-obsessed friend, her eyes wide with a mixture of excitement and concern.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"Oh my god, you're awake!"<</say>>
<<md>>she exclaimed, rushing to my bedside. Her eyes flickered to my hand, still intertwined with Amber's. Amber let go, allowing Angela to take her place. Angela was all energy, a stark contrast to Amber's calm and steady presence.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"I'm so sorry! It was my laptop, my stupid, faulty laptop that electrocuted you. I heard you were conscious and came as fast as I could."<</say>>
<<md>>Amber, who had been quietly observing the exchange, spoke up.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"I called Angela,"<</say>>
<<md>>she explained, her gaze flickering between Angela and me.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"She needed to know. After all, it was her device..."<</say>>
<<md>>Their eyes met, and there was an unspoken communication between them, a tension that hung in the air. The two of them had a history, and I had often found myself stuck in the middle.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"I'm taking control of this situation,"<</say>>
<<md>>Amber declared, her tone final.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"Angela, you can stay with him. But remember, he needs rest."<</say>>
<<md>>With that, Amber left the room, leaving Angela and me alone. Angela looked at me, worry etched on her face, but there was also a hint of relief. I reassured her with a smile, hoping to alleviate some of the guilt she was undoubtedly feeling. The accident was just that, an accident. And we had plenty of time to figure things out, starting from that moment.<</md>>
[[Continue|RepairQuest 5.4]]
at me, her eyes brimming with guilt and fear. A single tear escaped, trickling down her cheek, her usual fiery spirit extinguished by the reality of the situation.
"Flash," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I'm so sorry. It's my fault... you're here because of me."
I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, mustering a smile despite the pain. "Angela," I said gently, "it's just a minor injury. Don't beat yourself up over an accident."
But words were not enough to console her. With a sudden surge of emotion, she leaned in, her lips meeting mine in a desperate, apologetic kiss. It was different from Amber's - this one was tinged with guilt, fear, and something else... a passion that had been suppressed for far too long.
As she pulled away, her hand moved instinctively, tracing a path down my chest and coming to rest on my groin. A spark of desire flared within me, a sharp contrast to the dull ache of my injury. I could feel myself reacting to her touch, the pain temporarily forgotten amidst the rush of arousal.
"Angela..." I began, my voice hoarse with a mix of surprise and desire. But she simply looked at me, her eyes conveying a multitude of emotions. I knew then, that the dynamic between us was about to change, in ways none of us could have anticipated.
<<md>>The room was quiet, save for the soft, rhythmic beeping of the machines around me. Amber walked in, a serene figure against the sterile backdrop of the hospital. She moved with a certain grace, her doctor's coat swishing gently as she approached my bed.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"Flash,"<</say>>
<<md>>she began, her voice soft yet professional,<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"I'm here for your check-up."<</say>>
<<md>>Her touch was gentle as she began her examination, her expert hands moving with a precision that spoke of her years of medical training. Yet, there was a tenderness in her actions, a hint of something more than just professional concern.
As she leaned in to check my heartbeat, her face came dangerously close to mine. I could feel the warmth radiating from her, her breath faintly brushing against my skin. Our eyes met, holding a moment that was charged with unspoken words and suppressed feelings.
The tension in the room thickened, the air between us crackling with a chemistry that was impossible to ignore. I reached out, my fingers gently brushing against her hand. She looked at me, surprise flickering in her eyes, but she didn't pull away.
Just as I was about to say something, a sudden commotion echoed from the hallway. The sounds of hurried footsteps, followed by frantic voices, broke the intimate bubble that had formed around us.
Amber's head snapped up, her professional instincts kicking in.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"I need to go,"<</say>>
<<md>>she said, her voice strained. The moment was broken, the romantic tension replaced by the harsh reality of the hospital setting.
She gave my hand a quick squeeze before rushing out of the room, her figure disappearing into the chaos of the hospital corridor. I was left alone, the remnants of our interrupted moment hanging heavily in the air. Yet, amidst the disappointment, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. Our feelings for each other were undeniable, and it was only a matter of time before we had to confront them. But for now, we were at the mercy of the hospital's unpredictable rhythm, our romantic moments constantly overshadowed by the ever-present duty calls.<</md>>
<<md>>Amber's routine visits had become the highlights of my days, her presence a welcome relief from the monotony of the hospital room. She walked in, her face a mask of professionalism, but her eyes held a warmth that was reserved just for me.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"Time for your check-up, Flash,"<</say>>
<<md>>she announced, her voice steady, but I could detect a hint of anticipation. Our last encounter, the near-kiss and the chaos that ensued, had added a new layer to our relationship.
As she leaned in to examine me, I made my move. My hand reached out, finding its way to her chest. I felt her tense at the contact, but she didn't pull away. Instead, her eyes met mine, a silent question lurking in their depths.
I gave her a reassuring squeeze, my actions bold yet respectful. A gasp escaped her lips, her body reacting instinctively to the intimate touch. There was no denying the spark between us, a chemistry that went beyond our professional relationship.
Her breath hitched, her eyes darkening with an emotion that mirrored my own. I could see her struggling to maintain her professional demeanor, but the flush creeping up her neck was a clear giveaway. Amber was not immune to the electric tension that crackled between us.<</md>>
<<md>>The night had settled in, the hospital eerily quiet except for the soft hum of the machines keeping rhythm with the beat of my heart. The door creaked open, a sliver of light spilling into the room as Amber slipped in. Her figure was backlit by the hallway light, casting a soft halo around her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Amber,"<</say>>
<<md>>I breathed, my voice barely above a whisper. A myriad of emotions swirled within me - surprise, anticipation, desire - all merging into an overwhelming wave of anticipation.
She moved towards me, her steps soft and cautious. With a flick of her wrist, she locked the door behind her, ensuring our privacy. The click of the lock was a tangible affirmation of what was about to unfold.
Wordlessly, I reached for her, my hands finding the buttons of her doctor's coat. Her breath hitched as I undid them one by one, the tension between us escalating with each second. Her coat slipped off her shoulders, revealing the soft curves of her body beneath the thin fabric of her shirt.
As my hands roamed her body, she arched into my touch, a soft moan escaping her lips. Her hands found their way to my shaft, her touch skilled and purposeful. The sensation sent waves of pleasure coursing through me, her name a whispered plea on my lips.
We moved together, our bodies entwining in a dance as old as time. Amber was responsive, her body yielding under my touch. The quiet room was filled with the sounds of our shared passion, her moans echoing off the sterile walls.
She was insatiable, her desire mirroring my own. Every stroke, every thrust, only seemed to fuel her need. Her body moved rhythmically against mine, our actions growing more desperate with each passing moment. The sensation was overwhelming, the pleasure so intense it was almost unbearable.
As we reached the pinnacle of our pleasure, our bodies entwined in the throes of passion, I could feel a sense of completion. This was more than just a physical connection. It was a merging of two souls, a shared intimacy that was as profound as it was exhilarating.
The world outside our hospital room ceased to exist. For those few stolen moments, it was just Amber and me, lost in a world of our own. It was a memory that would forever be etched into my mind, a reminder of the passion that we shared despite the circumstances that bound us.<</md>>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(25)>>\
<<md>>The sterile scent of the hospital was pierced by a familiar, more personal fragrance. $Bella. She sauntered into my room, a tray of medication in her hands, her lab coat barely concealing the curves beneath.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Time for your meds, Turtle.<</say>>
<<md>>But instead of handing me the pills, $Bella had a different plan. She climbed onto the bed, her figure poised above me. The playful smirk on her face told me all I needed to know. This wasn't going to be a conventional medication routine.<</md>>
<<md>>Before I could protest, she lowered herself onto my face, the sensation of her intimate area against my lips making me forget all about the pills. My breath was cut short, the lack of oxygen making my head spin. Yet, the pleasure derived from the taste of her, the feel of her against my lips, overshadowed the mild discomfort.<</md>>
<<md>>I played along, my hands finding purchase on her hips as I tasted her. $Bella's moans filled the room, her hands gripping the sheets as her body responded to my ministrations. But as much as I enjoyed the intimate exchange, I needed more.<</md>>
<<md>>With a swift move, I flipped her over, pressing her down against the bed. Her eyes widened in surprise, her lips parting to let out a gasp. I didn't give her time to recover. I wanted her, needed her. The desire coursing through my veins was too powerful to ignore.<</md>>
<<md>>I positioned myself at her entrance, pausing to catch her gaze. There was an unspoken agreement between us, a silent plea for more. And then, with a single, purposeful thrust, I entered her.<</md>>
<<md>>Bella's body arched beneath me, her moans growing louder with each thrust. The rhythm was intoxicating, the sensation of being inside her overwhelming. As I moved within her, I realized just how much I had craved this connection, this unfiltered intimacy with Bella.<</md>>
<<md>>The hospital room, the medicines, the injury - it all faded into insignificance as $Bella and I lost ourselves in each other. We moved in sync, our bodies entwined in a dance of passion that was as much about giving as it was about receiving.<</md>>
<<md>>The experience was a testament to our connection, a shared moment that defied the limitations of our surroundings. Bella was more than just a nurse; she was a woman who knew how to tease and please, a woman who was not afraid to explore the boundaries of pleasure. And I, for one, was more than willing to follow her lead.<</md>>
[[Sleep|RepairBellaPathNovel]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(9)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(15)>>\
<<md>>Bella's visits had become an unexpected highlight in the monotony of my hospital stay. Her unconventional methods often led to unpredictable outcomes, and this day was no exception.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>I have something for you, Turtle.<</say>>
<<md>>She announced, her hand holding a syringe filled with a clear fluid. <</md>>
<<say $Bella>>This should speed up your healing process.<</say>>
<<md>>I barely had time to brace myself before she injected the fluid into my arm. The pinch was brief, but the effect was... unexpected. Instead of feeling a relief from the pain, I felt a stirring in my lower region, an arousal that was both intense and undeniable.<</md>>
<<md>>Bella's eyes widened as she took in the sight, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment. <</md>>
<<say $Bella>>I-I didn't expect that.<</say>>
<<md>>She stuttered, her professional demeanor faltering for a moment.<</md>>
<<md>>But Bella wasn't one to back down from a challenge. She took a deep breath, her eyes meeting mine. <</md>>
<<say $Bella>>I'll fix this.<</say>>
<<md>>She said, determination replacing the initial surprise.<</md>>
<<md>>Before I could respond, she moved her hand down, her fingers wrapping around my length. The sensation was overwhelming, her touch skilled and experienced. And then, she leaned in, her lips wrapping around me.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Bella\Quest\Video\BellaRepairSuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>The sensation was unlike anything I'd felt before. Bella's movements were rhythmic and practiced, her tongue expertly teasing me to the edge of pleasure. Her eyes never left mine, the intimate connection only amplifying the sensation.<</md>>
<<md>>I could feel the pressure building, the pleasure so intense it was almost unbearable. And then, with a final, desperate thrust, I came. $Bella didn't pull away, instead, she swallowed, her actions only adding to the intensity of my release.<</md>>
<<md>>But it didn't stop there. Bella continued her ministrations, her actions coaxing me back to full arousal. The pleasure was relentless, Bella's expertise pushing me over the edge two more times.<</md>>
<<md>>By the time she finally pulled away, I was spent, my body humming with the aftershocks of the intense release. Bella looked up at me, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips. <</md>>
<<say $Bella>>I guess the injection worked after all.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes twinkling with mischief.<</md>>
<<md>>Despite the unconventional method, I couldn't deny that Bella's 'treatment' had provided a relief that no other medicine could. I was reminded once again of the unique bond we shared, a connection that transcended the confines of our roles as patient and nurse.<</md>>
[[Rest|RepairBellaPathMemories]] <<md>>The hospital room was filled with the enticing aroma of homemade food, a welcome change from the usual sterile smell. $Angela had come to visit, her hands carrying a tray of my favorite dishes, her face beaming with a tender warmth.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Thought you might enjoy a change from the hospital food, Flash.<</say>>
<<md>>As I moved to sit at the nearby table, $Angela's hands gently brushed against me, her touch comforting and familiar. She was always there, offering her unwavering support and care in her own unique ways.
Just as I was about to dig in, the door swung open and $Amber walked in, her presence instantly changing the dynamics of the room. My heart skipped a beat, and $Angela, sensing my discomfort, quickly covered herself with a cloth, her actions discreet yet purposeful.
Underneath the cloth, I felt her hand on me, her fingers wrapping around my length. I barely managed to suppress a gasp, my eyes flicking to $Amber who was thankfully oblivious to $Angela's secret ministrations.
$Amber began talking about my treatment, her voice steady and professional. But all I could focus on was $Angela, her mouth on me, her movements unhurried and skilled. The pleasure was intense, the thrill of our secret act only adding to the excitement.
When $Amber finally left the room, I couldn't hold back any longer. With a final, desperate thrust, I came in $Angela's mouth, my body trembling with the intensity of my release.
$Angela lifted the cloth, her eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint. <<say $Angela>>Amber's presence really does add a thrilling element.<</say>>
The audacity of our act, the thrill of the forbidden, was indeed exhilarating. $Angela had managed to turn an ordinary hospital visit into an unforgettable experience, a memory that would forever be etched into my mind. As unconventional as our relationship was, I couldn't help but appreciate the unique bond we shared, a bond that defied the rules and transcended the confines of a conventional relationship.<</md>>Angela's visits were a welcome escape from the monotony of the hospital. Today, she had brought along a tablet, an excited glint in her eyes as she revealed her plans for the evening. "Thought we could watch a movie, Flash," she suggested, her voice barely concealing her enthusiasm.
We settled into the bed, the movie playing on the tablet propped up on the bedside table. As the room filled with the flickering lights from the screen, I pulled Angela closer, wrapping my arm around her. Her body fit perfectly against mine, her warmth seeping into me, offering a comfort that no medicine could provide.
My hand slowly drifted downwards, finding its way to her chest. The feel of her soft breasts under my touch elicited a gasp from her, her body tensing in anticipation. I continued my exploration, my fingers teasing her nipples through the fabric of her shirt.
Emboldened by her reactions, my hand moved further down, slipping into her panties. Angela let out a moan, her body arching into my touch. I could feel her wetness, the proof of her arousal urging me on.
I teased her, my fingers playing with her until she came undone beneath me. But the pleasure wasn't enough for either of us. Angela craved more, and I was more than willing to oblige.
I positioned her on top of me, guiding her onto my length. She took me in, her body moving rhythmically as she adjusted to the sensation. Angela began to move, her hips grinding against me, the friction driving us both wild.
Her moans filled the room, each jump making her breath hitch. The sight of her, lost in the throes of pleasure, was an image I would never forget. We moved together, each thrust bringing us closer to the edge.
Finally, with a loud cry, Angela came, her body quivering from the intensity of her climax. The sight pushed me over the edge, my release painting her chest. Exhausted but satisfied, Angela collapsed onto me, her body still trembling from the aftershocks of her orgasm.
Our movie night had turned into a night of passionate exploration, a testament to the unique bond we shared. Despite the unconventional setting, we had managed to create a moment of intimate connection, a memory that would forever be etched into our minds.<<if $Lexi11 == 2||$VeronicaQuest4 == 2||$MonicaCheerleader5 == 2||$Fiona11Q == 6>>\
<<set _RepairReadHornyMessage = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _RepairReadHornyMessage.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<if $Lexi11 == 2 && $RepairHospitalDay > 1 && $RepairHospitalDay < 7 && $LexiRepairMessageRead == 0 && $RepairHospitalHornyMessageLexi == 0>>\
<<say $Lexi>>"Hey there, Shock-boy. Heard you got a jolt of a lifetime. Are you all charged up now, or are you still flickering? I bet those cute little nurses are having a field day with you. Did you manage to charm any of them into your bed yet?"<</say>>
<<md>>Her humor was crass, but it was quintessentially Lexi. There was no denying the flirtatious edge in her words. It was provocative, but that was Lexi's style.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>"But hey, if you're still looking for some TLC, I might just have the perfect solution. How about I sneak in one of these nights, dressed up in a sexy nurse outfit? I promise to take real good care of you. ;)"<</say>>
<<set $RepairReadMessagesDay -= 1>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalHornyMessageLexi = 1>>\
<<set $PhoneMessageChecked = 1>>\
<<talk "Sounds tempting">>\
<<say $mc>>"Lexi, I must confess, your offer is generating quite the surge. The thought of you sneaking in, barely clad in that nurse outfit... it's enough to jump-start a power plant. As for charming the nurses, I've been holding back, saving all my voltage for a certain rebellious student who seems to need some...special attention. So, you'd better come prepared, Lexi. Your promise to take good care of me might just backfire."<</say>>
[[Check other messages|RepairReadSms2]]
<<talk "Not so fast">>\
<<say $mc>>"Lexi, you certainly have a knack for keeping things interesting. While I appreciate your... unique method of cheering me up, let's focus on the fact that I'm on the mend and will be back at school soon. As for your generous offer of providing care, I must remind you that I'm not your patient. Look forward to seeing you in class soon."<</say>>
[[Check other messages|RepairReadSms2]]
<<goto "RepairSms1">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<if $VeronicaQuest4 == 2 && $RepairHospitalDay > 1 && $RepairHospitalDay < 7 && $VeronicaRepairMessageRead == 0 && $RepairHospitalHornyMessageVeronica == 0>>
<<say $Veronica>>"Hola, Profesor. How's the body? Discovering any thrilling aspects of human anatomy while being a patient yourself? But on a serious note, I truly hope you're on the mend, mi amigo."<</say>>
<<md>>Her teasing innuendo was soon replaced by a moment of genuine concern. Yet, Veronica, true to her nature, quickly transitioned back into her playful demeanor.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>"If you crave a bit of excitement, I could sneak in for a more... 'holistic' examination. I assure you, I can make your heart race faster than any EKG machine, querido. And who knows, I might bring some herbal remedies with me, if you catch my drift..."<</say>>
<<set $RepairReadMessagesDay -= 1>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalHornyMessageVeronica = 1>>\
<<set $PhoneMessageChecked = 1>>\
<<talk "Weed sounds excellent!">>\
<<say $mc>>"Hola, Veronica. I must admit, the prospect of a personal... 'holistic' examination is enticing. And these 'herbal remedies' you mentioned sound intriguing. After all, I believe in the therapeutic benefits of natural medicine. So, feel free to bring some over, mi señorita."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"I can't wait to see you, tesoro. I trust your professional 'skills' will cause the desired surge in my heart rate. Just remember to bring that fiery Latina flair along, it has always been quite...stimulating."<</say>>
<<set $VeronicaWeedClinic = 1>>\
[[Check other messages|RepairReadSms2]]
<<talk "I should behave">>\
<<say $mc>>"Hola, Veronica. While I appreciate your very tempting offer, I must also consider the hospital's policy and the potential risks involved. Though your 'herbal remedies' sound intriguing, I am not sure it would be the best idea here. These hospital walls have eyes and ears."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"I would definitely look forward to our intellectual sparring and 'comprehensive check-ups' once I'm back at school. Until then, I need to prioritize my recovery. But I do appreciate the sentiment, mi señorita."<</say>>
[[Check other messages|RepairReadSms2]]
<<goto "RepairSms1">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<if $MonicaCheerleader5 == 2 && $RepairHospitalDay > 2 && $RepairHospitalDay < 7 && $MonicaRepairMessageRead == 0 && $RepairHospitalHornyMessageMonica == 0>>\
<<say $Monica>>"Hey there, my star quarterback. I hope you're on the mend. We all miss you at school. The games aren't the same without our MVP. I've been hitting the books pretty hard, you know. Using your absence as an excuse to ace our classes."<</say>>
<<md>>Her words took on a subtly flirtatious tone, hinting at an underlying attraction.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>"But, truth be told, I miss our study sessions together. The way you'd explain things... and the way you'd sneak glances at me when you thought I wasn't looking. I noticed, you know. And when the night falls, and I'm alone in my room, I think of you. I wonder how you're doing... and my thoughts often drift to the feeling of your strong hands on my skin. It's a little maddening being this far from you."<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>"Take care of yourself, recover quickly, and come back to us soon. The school isn't the same without you, and to be honest, neither am I. Sweet dreams, my champion."<</say>>
<<md>>Her message, much like Monica herself, was a blend of sweetness, intelligence, and a hint of flirtation, capturing the unique bond you shared.<</md>>
<<set $RepairReadMessagesDay -= 1>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalHornyMessageMonica = 1>>\
<<set $PhoneMessageChecked = 1>>\
<<talk "I miss you too">>\
<<say $mc>>"Hello, my star student. Thank you for your heartfelt words, Monica. It does me good to hear them. While the hospital isn't the most exciting place, knowing that you're rooting for me makes it a lot better."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"I have to admit, I miss our study sessions too. The warmth of your smile, the sparkle in your eyes when you grasp a new concept, the soft chuckle you let out when I stumble over my words... They've become cherished memories for me. They keep me company during these lonely nights."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"And I must confess, your mention of my hands on your skin sends a shiver down my spine. It's a tantalizing thought, and one that would certainly make the night less cold."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Until we meet again, Monica, I hope the thought of me brings you comfort as the thought of you does to me. I look forward to the day when we can resume our study sessions and create more memories together. Stay bright, my star. Dream sweetly."<</say>>
[[Check other messages|RepairReadSms2]]
<<talk "I want you too">>\
<<say $mc>>"Hey there, my brainy vixen. Your message certainly spices up these dull hospital days. Trust me, the games aren't the same for me either. Sitting on the sidelines isn't exactly my style."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"As for our study sessions, I remember them well. The way you'd lean in close when I explained a tricky concept, the way your breath hitched when I leaned in too. It was...exciting, in a way school never was."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"You talk about my hands on your skin, and I can't help but recall the feel of your soft curves. It's a memory that haunts me in the best way possible. Makes the lonely nights in this hospital bed a little more bearable."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Get ready, Monica. Because when I'm out of here, I'm going to make sure we create some memories that are impossible to forget. Take care, and dream of me. Just as I dream of you."<</say>>
[[Check other messages|RepairReadSms2]]
<<goto "RepairSms1">>\
<<case 4>>\
<<if $Fiona11Q == 6 && $RepairHospitalDay > 1 && $RepairHospitalDay < 7 && $FionaRepairMessageRead == 0 && $RepairHospitalHornyMessageFiona == 0>>\
<<say $Fiona>>"Hey Mr. Trouble. Hope the hospital food hasn't driven you crazy yet. I trust you're recovering well? By the way, I've been appointed as the official inquirer by the girls' club. They're all worried sick about you... and your... well, your 'assets'. I know it's a silly question, but they made me ask... Is your... umm... impressive masculinity doing fine?"<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>"Okay, okay. I admit it, I was curious too. And while I'm not a big fan of sharing, I guess I wouldn't mind... as long as you're okay, of course."<</say>>
<<md>>Her message was a delightful mix of playful, caring, and unexpectedly risque. It was a side of Fiona you rarely saw, and it left you with a smile on your face. It was comforting to know that even in your absence, you were on the minds of the people who mattered.<</md>>
<<set $RepairReadMessagesDay -= 1>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalHornyMessageFiona = 1>>\
<<set $PhoneMessageChecked = 1>>\
[[Check other messages|RepairReadSms2]]
<<goto "RepairSms1">>\
<<goto "RepairReadSms2">>\
<<md>>Her gaze was intense, her smile almost flirtatious. It was clear that Stacy was not your typical nurse. She seemed to enjoy the attention, the subtle flirtation that was part of our conversation.<</md>>
<<md>>When she bent over to pick up a pill that had rolled off the tray, my eyes were drawn to her shapely figure, the tight uniform hugging her body and accentuating her curves. I took a moment to appreciate the view, my mind momentarily forgetting about the pain and the reason I was in the hospital.<</md>>
<<md>>Stacy straightened up, turning to face me again. She seemed to have noticed my lingering gaze, but rather than being offended, she smirked, a mischievous glint in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>And you have a very sharp eye, mister. I wonder what else of yours is sharp?<</say>>
<<md>>She asked, her tone teasing.<</md>>
<<md>>Despite the situation, I couldn't help but laugh. This was certainly going to be an interesting recovery.<</md>>
<<set $StacyTreatPointsBoldness += 2>>\
[[But now I'm too tired|RepairStacy-1]]<<md>>Her gaze was firm, her demeanor professional. There was a subtle charm to her, but it was clear that Stacy was a nurse dedicated to her job.<</md>>
<<md>>As she went about her duties, I couldn't help but appreciate her professional conduct. She seemed to have noticed my observant gaze but simply gave a small smile, a spark of amusement in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Just remember to take your medication and rest.<</say>>
<<md>>She said, handing me the pills and water. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"And don't worry, we'll have you back on your feet in no time."<</say>>
<<md>>Despite my circumstances, I found myself chuckling. This was certainly going to be an interesting recovery. But for now, all I needed was rest.<</md>>
<<set $StacyTreatPoints += 1>>\
<<set $StacyTreatPointsCharisma += 2>>\
[[But now I'm too tired|RepairStacy-1]]<<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(47)>>\
<<md>>The arrival of the Stacy for my regular medication routine was always a sight to behold. She was undeniably attractive, her uniform hugging her curves in all the right places. <</md>>
<<md>>As she walked towards me, her hips swaying seductively, I couldn't help but admire her. There was an aura of sensuality about her that was impossible to ignore.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>$mc.Name, it's time for your medication.<</say>>
<<md>>She held out a small cup filled with pills. I looked at them skeptically. I wasn't too fond of taking medication, but Stacy was relentless.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Now, $mc.Name, we can't have you skipping your meds.<</say>>
<<md>>She sat on the edge of my bed, her proximity sending a jolt of excitement through me.<</md>>
<<md>>Seeing her so close, her scent wafting towards me, stirred something within me. I could feel the heat rising in me, the desire to feel her body against mine becoming almost overwhelming. But the setting wasn't right, and I knew better than to cross any boundaries.<</md>>
<<md>>So, I swallowed the pills, all the while locked in a heated gaze with Stacy. Her eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint, as if she knew exactly what was going through my mind.<</md>>
<<md>>With the task done, Stacy stood up, giving me one last lingering look before she walked away, leaving me with thoughts of what could have been, and anticipation of what was yet to come.<</md>>
[[Walk around the hospital|RepairWalkClinic]]
[[Just rest|RepairStacy1.1]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(10)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(46)>>\
<<md>>Stacy's next arrival was met with my stubborn refusal. The thought of swallowing another bitter pill was far from appealing. But we had an agreement of sorts, a playful pact that she would get more... persuasive if I declined my medication. With a sigh, I shook my head, pushing the small cup away.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Not today, Stacy.<</say>>
<<md>>She raised an eyebrow, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Alright, Flash, I guess we'll have to do this the hard way.<</say>>
<<md>>True to her word, Stacy began to unbutton her uniform, her movements slow and deliberate. I watched in anticipation as she revealed more and more of her tantalizing figure. Each button released was like a new level of a game, increasing my eagerness.<</md>>
<<md>>My heart pounded in my chest as she finally shrugged off her uniform, revealing the lacy black lingerie that hugged her curves. It was a sight to behold. I couldn't tear my eyes away, the sight of her in such a state igniting a fire within me.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Still refusing to take your meds?<</say>>
<<md>>The sight of her, standing in front of me in her alluring attire, was enough to make me reconsider my previous decision.<</md>>
<<md>>With a grin, I extended my hand, taking the cup from her. I quickly swallowed the pills, never breaking eye contact. As I put the cup down, Stacy rewarded me with a wink, picking up her uniform as she prepared to leave.<</md>>
<<md>>Our little game had brought a spark of excitement into my otherwise dull hospital stay. As she walked away, I found myself eagerly awaiting our next encounter. The sight of Stacy in her lingerie would be a memory I would revisit often, a pleasant distraction as I continued my recovery.<</md>>
[[Walk around the hospital|RepairWalkClinic]]
[[Just rest|RepairStacy2.1]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(27)>>\
<<md>>The third time Stacy arrived with my medication, I was ready. The pills sat innocently in the small cup, but I had other plans.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Stacy, I'm not taking these unless...<</say>>
<<md>>I let my words trail off, gauging her reaction.
She looked at me expectantly, her eyebrows raised in curiosity.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Unless...?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Unless you let me touch you.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes widened slightly, but to my surprise, she didn't reject the proposition. Instead, a slow, sensual smile spread across her face.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Deal.<</say>>
<<md>>She murmured, setting the cup of pills on the bedside table.
With that, she climbed onto the bed, positioning herself next to me. Her breath hitched as I let my fingers trail up her thigh, my touch light but deliberate. I could feel the heat emanating from her, the anticipation building.<</md>>
<<md>>I slipped my hand beneath her lingerie, meeting the soft, warm skin of her most intimate area. She gasped, her eyes closing as she leaned into my touch. I began to move my fingers, exploring her, teasing her. Her breaths came in short, ragged gasps, her body responding to my touch.<</md>>
<<md>>She let out a soft moan as I increased my pace, her body writhing beneath my fingers. I watched her, captivated by the pleasure evident on her face, the way her body arched and shivered under my touch.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally, with one last gasp, she shuddered, her body going tense before relaxing. I could tell she was satisfied, the flush on her cheeks, the way her breath slowly returned to normal.<</md>>
<<md>>With a satisfied smile, she reached for the cup of pills, handing them to me. I took them without hesitation this time, swallowing them quickly.<</md>>
<<md>>Our little agreement had added an exciting twist to my hospital stay, and as she buttoned up her uniform and left my room, I found myself eagerly anticipating her next visit.<</md>>
[[Walk around the hospital|RepairWalkClinic]]
[[Just rest|RepairStacy3.1]] ]
<<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(9)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(31)>>\
<<md>>The day before my full recovery, Stacy walked into my room, her demeanor different than usual. There was a provocative sway in her hips, a sultry glint in her eyes. She looked ravishing, more than ever, and I knew instantly that something was about to unfold.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>$mc.Name, I think it's time we take our little game to the next level.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words hung in the air, a tantalizing invitation. She knew what I wanted, and it seemed she wanted the same. With a swift motion, she locked the door behind her, ensuring our privacy.<</md>>
<<md>>She walked over to my bed, her movements smooth and seductive. Her hands roamed over her body, touching herself in a way that had me instantly aroused. She looked into my eyes, her gaze filled with raw desire.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>I want you, $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she climbed onto the bed, straddling me. The fabric of her uniform felt rough against my skin, an exciting contrast to the softness beneath. I reached up, pulling her down to me. Our lips met in a passionate kiss, the taste of her driving me wild.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Stacy\Quest\Video\StacySmileNurseFuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>As I explored her body, she moaned, her voice echoing in the sterile room. The sounds of her pleasure were intoxicating, pushing me further. I wanted her, all of her, and I wasn't going to hold back.<</md>>
<<md>>I slipped off her uniform, revealing her in all her naked glory. She was beautiful, her body a perfect canvas of desire. I could feel her heat, her readiness, and it drove me wild.<</md>>
<<md>>Without another word, I entered her, her gasp echoing in the room. She moved with me, her body meeting mine in a rhythm as old as time. The sounds of our pleasure filled the room, surely audible to anyone passing by.<</md>>
<<md>>Stacy was insatiable, moaning and writhing with each thrust. She urged me on, her words a symphony of pleasure that only spurred me further. It was intense, passionate, a culmination of our weeks-long flirtation.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we both reached our peaks, our cries of pleasure echoing in the room. We collapsed in a sweaty, satisfied heap, our bodies intertwined in the aftermath of our passion.<</md>>
<<md>>Our encounter was a perfect end to my hospital stay, a memory I would cherish forever. As Stacy left my room that day, a satisfied smile on her face, I knew I'd never forget her, the sexy nurse who had made my recovery much more interesting.<</md>>
[[Walk around the hospital|RepairWalkClinic]]
[[Just rest|RepairStacy1.1]] <<say $mc>>I'm trying, but you're making it a bit challenging.<</say>>
<<say $Stacy>>Well, you're going to have to learn to multi-task. Your recovery is important, but I suppose there's no harm in enjoying the process.<</say>>
<<md>>She finished up the conversation with a few more instructions, making sure I understood everything. As she got up to leave, she flashed me another one of her teasing smiles.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>And remember, I'm always here if you need... anything special.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she walked out of the room, leaving behind a trail of her intoxicating perfume and a racing heartbeat. I couldn't help but feel intrigued by this mix of professionalism and flirtation. <</md>>
<<set $RepairHospitalDay = 2>>\
[[Sleep|RepairStacy0Food]] <<say $mc>>Of course!<</say>>
<<md>>I spoke quickly to avoid giving her any doubt.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I was just thinking about... the medication side effects.<</say>>
<<md>>She laughed lightly at my response, her eyes twinkling with amusement. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Oh, really?<</say>>
<<md>>She said, her tone teasing. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>You know, if you're going to lie, at least make it believable.<</say>>
<<md>>Caught off guard, I could only chuckle awkwardly, scratching the back of my neck. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, you got me.<</say>>
<<md>>Stacy simply shook her head, her lips curving into a knowing smile. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Well, you're going to need to improve your multi-tasking skills. Your recovery is important, but there's no harm in a bit of enjoyment along the way.<</say>>
<<md>>She wrapped up with a few more instructions, ensuring I'd understood everything. Rising to leave, she shot me a playful smile.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>And remember.<</say>>
<<md>>She said, her voice dropping to a sultry whisper.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>I'm always here if you need... anything special.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she sauntered out, leaving me alone with the intoxicating scent of her perfume and a heart that was racing far too fast. Her unique blend of professionalism and flirtation was nothing short of intriguing, and I couldn't help but look forward to our next encounter.<</md>>
[[Sleep|RepairStacy0Food]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(15)>>\
<<md>>Waking up in the hospital room, I noticed the figure of Stacy coming into view, her usual doctor's coat replaced by a more casual outfit - a snugly fitting blouse and skirt that highlighted her well-toned figure.[img[img/Stacy/Stacy2_1.jpg]] She held a clipboard in one hand and a steaming cup of coffee in the other, her eyes meeting mine with a mix of professional concern and a hint of mischief.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Good morning. Ready to discuss your recovery plan?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm all ears.<</say>>
<<md>>Stacy started discussing my treatment, explaining the medication and therapy I would need. She spoke with an air of authority, her gaze focused and serious. Yet there was a flirtatious undertone to her words, a teasing hint in her voice that suggested she was enjoying the attention.<</md>>
<<md>>As she talked, she occasionally leaned over, giving me a tantalizing view of her cleavage. My mind was supposed to be on my recovery, but the way she carried herself, the subtle flirtatious gestures, made it hard to focus solely on the medical aspect of the conversation.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>I hope you're following along.<</say>>
[[Not really|RepairStacyTruth]]
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(20)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(37)>>\
<<md>>The evening found me in my hospital ward, a tray of hospital food in front of me. It wasn't exactly a gourmet meal, but my stomach grumbled in appreciation nonetheless. The door of the room creaked open, and Angela stepped in, her face etched with concern.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Hey, I brought your phone.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you.<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Are you okay? I can't help but feel responsible for...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Angela, it's not your fault. I was the one who agreed to repair the laptop. It was just a freak accident.<</say>>
<<md>>She looked relieved, but the guilt was still evident in her eyes. We chatted a bit more, and I tried to assure her that I held no resentment over the incident. After a while, she excused herself, leaving the room with a lighter heart.<</md>>
<<md>>No sooner had Angela left, Stacy walked in. Her eyes landed on the bag Angela left and then shifted to me, a playful smile tugging at her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>So, was that the woman you suffered for?<</say>>
<<set $RepairHospitalDay = 2>>\
<<if $mc.Boldness < 3>>\
<<talk "Tell her every detail[B]" 3 $mc.Boldness "I'm not bold enough">><</talk>>
[[Tell her every detail[B]|RepairStacyAngelaNotHide]]
<<if $mc.Charisma < 3>>\
<<talk "Make excuse[C]" 3 $mc.Charisma "I'm not that charismatic">><</talk>>
[[Make excuse[C]|RepairStacyAngelaHide]]
[[Discuss Angela|RepairStacyAngelaDiscuss]]
<<md>>I was making my way down the hospital corridor, the dull hum of activity surrounding me when I spotted a familiar figure approaching. Bella, her face drawn in a frown, her eyes flashing with something akin to jealousy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bella, what brings you here?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>I heard you got a new nurse. Stacy, was it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, she's been taking care of me since I woke up. Why?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Oh, I don't know. Maybe because she's notorious for flirting with her patients?<</say>>
<<md>>Her words took me aback. I knew Stacy had been a little... forward in her interactions, but I hadn't given it much thought. Seeing Bella's reaction, however, made me realize how it might have come across.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bella, she's just doing her job. And even if she wasn't, you know you're the only one for me.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>I just don't like the idea of her... taking care of you.<</say>>
<<talk"Reassure her">>
<<say $mc>>Bella, I'm here because I got electrocuted, not to flirt with nurses. You have nothing to worry about.<</say>>
<<md>>She nodded, her gaze dropping to our linked arms. "I know, I just... I miss you."<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I miss you too, Bella. But I promise, as soon as I'm out of here, it'll be just you and me.<</say>>
<<md>>As I released her from the embrace, I could see the relief in her eyes. She gave me a small smile, her hand squeezing mine before she turned to leave.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Just get better soon, okay? And remember, I'm the only nurse you need.<</say>>
<<md>>With a final wave, she disappeared down the corridor, leaving me standing there, touched by her jealousy and even more determined to get better soon.
<<set $BellaRepairJelousTalk = 1>>\
<<if $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsCharisma and $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|StacyTouchCheck3.1]]
<<elseif $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsBoldness and $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|RepairStacy2.1]]
[[Return to my ward|StacyNormalWay2.1]]
<<talk"None of her business">>
<<md>>Her insinuation was ludicrous and I could feel my temper rise at the audacity of her words.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Listen, Bella, who I choose to interact with is none of your business. And even more so, who I choose to fuck is entirely my decision."<</say>>
<<md>>The brutal honesty of my words seemed to stun her. But I didn't stop there.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Your jealousy is not my problem, Bella. I'm here to recover, not to navigate your insecurities. And frankly, if I wanted to fuck Stacy, it's not your place to object."<</say>>
<<md>>I could see her reel back as the reality of my words hit her. But it was the truth - harsh, maybe, but necessary.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Focus on your own life, Bella, and let me live mine."<</say>>
<<md>>I walked away, leaving her standing there, shocked but hopefully understanding the boundaries I'd just set. As I moved towards my room, my thoughts returned to Stacy and our passionate encounter. As I contemplated our potential future rendezvous, a small smirk played on my lips.<</md>>
<<set $BellaRepairJelousTalk = -1>>\
<<if $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsCharisma and $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|StacyTouchCheck3.1]]
<<elseif $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsBoldness and $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|RepairStacy2.1]]
[[Return to my ward|StacyNormalWay2.1]]
<<md>>Our paths crossed again in the hospital corridor, but this time Bella's expression was anything but neutral. She looked livid, her eyes flashing with anger.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bella, what's wrong?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>That... that woman. I saw her undressing in front of you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Bella, it's not what you think.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Not what I think? She's a slut, that's what she is!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Bella, please. Stacy is just my nurse. She was just changing my bandages.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>And you expect me to believe that?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Because it's the truth.<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>I don't want to hear it. Just... just leave me alone.<</say>>
<<md>>A surge of frustration coursed through me. I cared about Bella, deeply, and it hurt to see her so upset over a misunderstanding. I wanted to make her understand, to make her see that she was the only one for me.
And so, in the spur of the moment, I made a decision. I grabbed Bella's arm, pulling her into a nearby secluded corner. Her eyes widened in surprise, but before she could protest, I silenced her with a deep, passionate kiss.
She struggled at first, her hands pushing against my chest. But as I deepened the kiss, she began to relax, her body moulding against mine. I broke the kiss, looking into her eyes.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Boldness > 4>>\
<<talk"Prove her by fucking right here">>
<<say $mc>>Bella, I need you to understand something. You're the only one I want, the only one I care about.<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me, her eyes filled with a mixture of surprise and confusion.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bella, I'm going to show you just how much you mean to me.<</say>>
<<md>>And with that, I proceeded to take her right there, in the secluded corner of the hospital corridor. It was fast and rough, a stark contrast to our usual lovemaking. But it was necessary, a way to prove to Bella just how much I needed her, how much I cared about her.
When it was over, Bella was panting heavily, her body limp against mine. I held her close, pressing soft kisses to her neck.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I hope that proved my point.<</say>>
<<md>>She turned in my arms, her eyes meeting mine.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>I... I think I understand now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good. Because you're the only one for me, Bella. Always.<</say>>
<<md>>After that, Bella seemed to understand. She still didn't like Stacy, but she trusted me. And that was all that mattered.<</md>>
<<set $BellaRepairJelousTalk = 2>>\
<<if $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsCharisma and $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|StacyTouchCheck4.1]]
<<elseif $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsBoldness and $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|RepairStacy3.1]]
[[Return to my ward|StacyNormalWay3.1]]
<<talk"Try to calm her">>
<<say $mc>>"Bella, I swear it's the truth."<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>"I can't... I can't handle this. Please, leave me alone."<</say>>
<<md>>Her sobs echoed in the corridor. Seeing Bella so heartbroken was painful. I wanted to reassure her, to prove that my feelings for her were unchanged, despite the unfortunate situation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Bella, I can't leave you like this. I care about you. I need you to believe me."<</say>>
<<md>>But instead of comforting words, her sobs grew louder. I could see the trust in our relationship slipping away with every tear that slid down her cheek.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Bella, please. You're the only one I want. The only one I truly care about."<</say>>
<<md>>My words fell on deaf ears as she continued to sob, her entire body shaking with the intensity of her emotions.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"I'm here for you, Bella, and I'll wait for you to see the truth. I hope you'll come around soon."<</say>>
<<md>>I had to respect her wishes, no matter how much they stung. Slowly, I walked away, leaving Bella alone with her thoughts. The image of her standing there, heartbroken and crying, was a sight I'd never forget.<</md>>
<<set $BellaRepairJelousTalk = -2>>\
<<if $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsCharisma and $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|StacyTouchCheck4.1]]
<<elseif $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsBoldness and $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|RepairStacy3.1]]
[[Return to my ward|StacyNormalWay3.1]]
<</talk>><<md>>The hospital ward was quiet, the only sound the soft hum of the machines monitoring my vitals. I was drifting in and out of sleep when the door opened, and a figure slipped inside. A familiar figure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bella? What are you doing here? It's late.<</say>>
<<md>>She walked over to my bed, her face a mask of determination.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>I'm here to prove something to you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh?<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>Yes. I saw you with Stacy. I saw what you two did.<</say>>
<<md>>A wave of guilt washed over me, but Bella didn't let me speak. She continued, her gaze never leaving mine.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>I saw how you fucked her.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Bella...<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>No. I'm not here to argue or to hear your excuses. I'm here to show you that I can be better than Stacy. That I am better.<</say>>
<<md>>Before I could respond, she was on her knees, her hands making quick work of the hospital gown. I watched, stunned as she took me into her mouth, her actions deliberate and rough. I couldn't help but groan at the sensation, my hands instinctively tangling in her hair.
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Bella\Quest\Video\BellaRepairSuck2.mp4"></video></div>
Bella was not normally like this. She was passionate, yes, but there was always a tenderness to her actions, a love that shone through. But tonight, there was a desperation, a need to prove herself, that was driving her actions.
And I won't lie, it was exciting. The rawness, the intensity of her actions, was stirring a response within me that I hadn't expected. I found myself lost in the sensation, in the feel of her mouth on me, in the pleasure that was building up inside me.
But as I felt the climax approaching, a sense of guilt washed over me. I shouldn't be enjoying this. Not when Bella was hurting, not when she felt she needed to prove herself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Bella...<</say>>
<<md>>But she didn't stop. Instead, she doubled her efforts, her actions becoming even more frantic.
And then I was coming, the pleasure washing over me in a powerful wave. Bella pulled back, allowing my release to splatter onto her face. She looked up at me, her eyes shining with a mixture of triumph and hurt.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>See? I can be just as good as her. Better, even.<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't find the words to respond, my mind still reeling from the aftermath of the pleasure. Bella got up, wiping her face with the back of her hand.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>I hope you're happy.<</say>>
<<md>>And then she was gone, leaving me alone in the quiet hospital ward.
As the reality of what just happened settled in, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. Bella was hurting, and it was my fault. I had to make things right. I had to show her that she didn't need to prove herself, that she was enough for me.
Just as she was.<</md>>
<<set $BellaRepairJelousTalk = 3>>\
[[Sleep|RepairReadSmsAfter]]<<md>>The door to my hospital room creaked open, pulling me from my thoughts. Amber walked in, a warm smile lighting up her face.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Hey there, how are you feeling today?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Better than yesterday.<</say>>
<<md>>Amber nodded, her gaze scanning over me as if trying to assess my condition herself. She moved closer, her steps echoing softly in the silent room.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>I came as soon as I could. I'm sorry I couldn't be here earlier, but I had some things to handle.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's alright, Amber. I understand.<</say>>
<<md>>She gave me a warm smile, her hand lingering on my arm.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>I've arranged for Stacy to take care of you while I'm away.She is very skilled and all clients are satisfied with her care<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, we have already gotten to know each other a bit, thanks I'm sure Stacy will do a great job.<</say>>
<<md>>Amber seemed satisfied with my response, her smile widening a bit.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>I trust her to take good care of you. If you need anything - let me know.<</say>>
<<md>>I agreed, assuring her that I would reach out if I needed anything. We spent a few more minutes talking.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally, after a few more minutes, she stood up to leave.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>I should get going. Take care of yourself.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, watching her as she walked out of the room. Amber's visit, despite being brief, had a comforting effect on me. <</md>>
<<md>>The door to my hospital room swung open, and Amber strode in. Her usual warm demeanor was absent, replaced by a stern expression and a sharpness in her eyes I had never seen before.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Amber, what's--<</say>>
<<md>>But she held up a hand, silencing me.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>I've seen the footage. This hospital is not a place for your...escapades. You're turning it into a brothel.<</say>>
<<md>>I blinked in surprise, my mind racing. She knew about Stacy and me? But before I could even begin to form a defense, she continued.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>And it's not just Stacy. I saw what you did in the corridor. With Bella.<</say>>
<<md>>My heart dropped. The corridor? Bella and I... that was caught on camera? Amber nodded, as if reading my mind.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Yes, it's on camera. And it's not just confined to the hospital's security feed. It's on the internet.<</say>>
<<md>>The blood drained from my face. This was much worse than I had initially thought. Bella's reputation, her career, everything could be ruined. I needed to fix this. I had to fix this.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Amber, you can't fire Bella. She wasn't at fault. It was me, and--<</say>>
<<md>>Amber raised an eyebrow, her gaze skeptical.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>And why should I believe you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Look at the footage again. Do you see Bella's face anywhere in there? You won't find it. Because it's not there. The only thing identifying her is her blonde hair.<</say>>
<<md>>Amber was silent for a moment, her gaze thoughtful. Then, she sighed, rubbing her temples.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>I'll have to check the footage again. But if you're right... then we have a different problem.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Amber. And, about Stacy...<</say>>
<<md>>Amber sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>You've made quite a mess, haven't you? Alright, tell me everything.<</say>>
<<talk "It's Stacy's fault">>
<<md>>I took a deep breath and began to recount everything that had happened with Stacy - the flirtations, the inappropriate behavior, and the events that led up to... well, everything. As I explained, Amber's expression grew more and more stern. By the end of my account, she was silent, her arms crossed over her chest as she stared at me with a hard gaze.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally, she spoke.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>I see. Given this information, I will have to let Stacy go. This is a professional environment, and such behavior cannot be tolerated.<</say>>
<<md>>I felt a wave of relief wash over me. That was one problem resolved. But there was still the issue of Bella, and more importantly, the issue of Amber and me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Amber, what does this mean for us? Can we--<</say>>
<<md>>She held up a hand to stop me.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>Right now, there is no 'us.' Not after what you've done.<</say>>
<<md>>I felt a pang of hurt at her words, but I couldn't deny the truth in them. I had messed up, and badly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But Amber, you and I, we--<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>Enough. This isn't about me. This is about your actions, your mistakes. You were the one who slept with my nurses. This is on you.<</say>>
<<md>>I fell silent, the harsh truth of her words sinking in. I had messed up, and I had no one to blame but myself. For now, all I could do was face the consequences of my actions and try to make things right, for Bella, for Amber, and for myself.<</md>>
<<set $StacyRepairFired = 1>>\
<<talk "It's Bella's fault"
<<md>>With a deep breath, I started unravelling the entire story - the complex weave of emotions and misunderstandings that led to this critical juncture. I talked about Bella, about the depth of our relationship that transcended the mere professional boundaries, about the spark of jealousy that had been ignited by a mere misinterpretation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Bella, she wasn't just my nurse. We had something... more. Her care for me wasn't just professional. She was worried for me, genuinely concerned. But, things took a turn when she saw Stacy with me."<</say>>
<<md>>As I continued, I could see Amber's expression shifting subtly. But whether it was understanding or something else, I couldn't tell.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"She walked in on us at the wrong moment, and the sight triggered something in her. The scene was innocent, but Bella saw something else. I tried to reassure her, to tell her that it was nothing more than a professional interaction, but the seed of doubt had already been planted."<</say>>
<<md>>I paused, recalling the unfortunate sequence of events that led to the incident in the corridor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"And then came the corridor incident. It was rash, impulsive. I wanted to reassure her, to show her that she was the one who mattered to me, not Stacy or any other nurse."<</say>>
<<md>>Amber sat silent for a moment, absorbing the story. Her eyes were hard, her lips pressed in a thin line.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"Given this information, I think it's clear that we can't have this type of behavior here. Bella crossed professional boundaries and so did you. As a result, Bella will have to leave the hospital."<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, understanding the harsh reality of the situation. As much as it pained me, Amber was right. Bella and I had acted out of line, and it had led to consequences, ones that I never intended but had to face nevertheless.<</md>>
<<set $BellaRepairFired = 0>>\
<<if $AmberRepairMast == 3>>\
<<talk "Threat Amber about her masturbation show">>
<<say $Amber>>"You've certainly created a mess, haven't you? Now, tell me everything."<</say>>
<<md>>I drew in a deep breath, steeling myself for the risky gambit I was about to play. This was not about Stacy or Bella anymore; it was about saving their careers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Amber, before we get into that, there's something else I need to talk about... something about you."<</say>>
<<md>>Her expression shifted, a look of confusion giving way to suspicion.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Remember the evening... in your office? When I walked in unannounced?"<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes widened as the memory hit her. She had thought that moment was private, that I hadn't seen what I saw. But I had.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"What... what are you suggesting?"<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"I'm not suggesting anything, Amber. I'm stating a fact. I saw you... in a compromising situation."<</say>>
<<md>>A silence fell between us as my words hung in the air. Her stern expression gave way to a blush, her professionalism faltering.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"That's... that was... How dare you? That was my private space!"<</say>>
<<md>>Before she could respond further, I moved quickly. Rising from my chair, I closed the distance between us. I firmly gripped her neck, pinning her against the wall, and my other hand slipped between her thighs. Her gasp was sharp and surprised.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Yet you have no problem invading my private life, do you, Amber?"<</say>>
<<md>>The shock was clear on her face, but I saw something else there too - a flicker of desire. Taking advantage of her stunned silence, I began to move my hand. Her breath hitched, her body responding even as her eyes flashed with anger and confusion.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"We all have our moments, Amber. Moments we'd prefer others didn't see. Can we agree to keep this between us, and not punish Bella and Stacy for a mistake that was primarily mine?"<</say>>
<<md>>As I spoke, I continued to move my hand, applying just the right amount of pressure. Her breathing quickened, her body betraying her. And then, she came, her body shaking against mine.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"Alright... Bella and Stacy won't be fired. But this... this stays between us. And you... you never pull a stunt like this again. Understood?"<</say>>
<<md>>I released my grip on her, my hand retreating. I nodded, confirming our understanding. Relief washed over me - Bella and Stacy were safe. As for Amber and me, we had crossed a line that couldn't be uncrossed. But judging by her reactions, I suspected she didn't entirely mind that.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"You know, Amber, for a woman who prefers control, you seem to enjoy a bit of pain. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."<</say>>
<<md>>Her cheeks flushed, but she didn't deny it. I had scored a point, and now we were on an even playing field. I'd saved Bella and Stacy, and opened up a new dimension in my relationship with Amber.<</md>>
<<set $AmberRepairMast = 4>>\
<<set $BellaRepairJelousTalk = 4>>\
<<text y "Later this evening">>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(20)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<md>>I woke up to the soft rustling of fabric and the unfamiliar smell of hospital food. I blinked my eyes open, the dim evening light casting long shadows around my hospital room.<</md>>
<<text g "Good evening.">>
<<md>>A voice greeted me. I turned my head to the side, my gaze falling on a nurse I didn't recognize. She was carrying a tray of food and a small cup filled with pills.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Evening.<</say>>
<<md>>I replied, struggling to sit up. She quickly set the tray down and rushed to my aid, helping me adjust the pillows so I could sit more comfortably.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Where's Stacy?<</say>>
<<md>>I asked, scanning the room for any sign of the vivacious nurse. The new nurse, with a polite but distant smile, shook her head.<</md>>
<<text g "Stacy couldn't make it right now. She is taking care of another patientI'm Nurse Susan, I will be taking over your care.">>
<<md>>I felt a pang of disappointment at the news. Despite my situation, Stacy's visits had been a highlight in the sterile hospital environment. Well she is pretty and it's pleasure only to look at her. But I don't mind touching her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Nice to meet you, Susan.<</say>>
<<md>>I said, reaching out to shake her hand. She returned the gesture, her grip firm and professional. But I felt like I was shaking hands with a man<</md>>
<<text g "Likewise. Now, let's get you fed and medicated.">>
<<md>>She said, picking up the tray and setting it on my lap.<</md>>
<<md>>As I started eating the bland hospital food, my mind wandered to Stacy. I wondered where she was, what she was doing, and if she was thinking about me.<</md>>
<<md>>With a sigh, I pushed the thoughts away, focusing on my meal instead. Maybe Stacy would be back another day, or perhaps it was time to get used to a new routine without her. Either way, for now, I had to focus on my recovery.<</md>>
[[But...|RepairStacyAmberVisit]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(45)>>\
<<md>>I stared down at the tray of food in front of me. It wasn't the most appealing meal I'd ever seen, but I remembered Stacy's stern words about not skipping meals. If I wanted to recover and get out of this hospital, I had to follow her plan to the letter.<</md>>
<<md>>"Nutrition is the key to recovery," Stacy had told me, her eyes serious as she handed me a detailed meal plan. I could still hear her voice, her tone stern yet caring, as she outlined the importance of a balanced diet in my recovery.<</md>>
<<md>>So, despite the lackluster appearance of the hospital food, I picked up the plastic fork and started eating. The food was bland, a far cry from the flavorful meals I was used to, but I knew it was necessary.<</md>>
<<md>>With each bite, I imagined Stacy standing by my side, watching me with a satisfied smile. It was a small comfort, but it was enough to make the meal bearable. I focused on the thought of her, her infectious energy, and her unwavering dedication to my recovery.<</md>>
<<md>>As I finished the meal and pushed the tray away, I couldn't help but feel a little proud. This was the first step in my recovery, the first step towards getting back to my normal life. And as much as I missed Stacy's presence, I knew that following her plan was the best way to honor her efforts.<</md>>
<<md>>So, with newfound determination, I decided to tackle each day as it came, one meal at a time.<</md>>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(19)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(45)>>\
<<md>>As the sun began to set, casting the room in a warm glow, Stacy walked into my ward. She had a clipboard in her hand, her professional demeanor firmly in place. But I could see the playful spark in her eyes, a hint of the flirtation that had become a staple of our interactions.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Well, $mc.Name, how are we feeling?<</say>>
<<md>>She asked, her voice carrying a note of genuine concern.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm feeling pretty good, actually.<</say>>
<<md>>I replied, a smirk playing on my lips, <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Although, my boredom levels are off the charts.<</say>>
<<md>>Stacy chuckled, shaking her head as she flipped through the pages on her clipboard. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Well, we can't have that, can we?<</say>>
<<md>>She mused, a teasing glint in her eyes. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Maybe I should think of some... unconventional methods to keep you entertained.<</say>>
<<md>>She moved closer, her fingers lightly brushing against my arm as she checked my pulse. Her touch sent a spark of excitement through me, stirring a warmth that was becoming increasingly familiar.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm open to suggestions.<</say>>
<<md>>I said, my voice low as I met her gaze.<</md>>
<<md>>Stacy smirked, her eyes meeting mine as she leaned in closer. Her fingers traced a light path up my arm, her touch eliciting a shiver of anticipation. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Oh, I bet you are.<</say>>
<<md>>She murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.<</md>>
<<md>>She moved to check my other arm, her body brushing against mine in the process. It was an innocent gesture, but with the flirtatious energy between us, it felt like anything but.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>I have to make sure you're fully recovered.<</say>>
<<md>>She said, her eyes twinkling with mischief. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>And that involves... thorough examinations.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words were professional, but the undertone was unmistakably suggestive. I chuckled, meeting her playful gaze. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm looking forward to it.<</say>>
<<md>>I replied, enjoying the flirtatious banter.<</md>>
<<md>>Stacy laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>We will see.<</say>>
<<md>>She said, pulling away and returning to her professional demeanor. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Now, rest up. We have a long day of 'thorough examinations' tomorrow.<</say>>
<<md>>As she walked out of the room, I couldn't help but smile. Her playful flirtation was a welcome distraction from the monotony of hospital life. And I found myself looking forward to our next interaction.<</md>>
<<if $PhoneMessageChecked == 0>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms]]
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms1.5]]
[[Just rest|RepairReadSmsAfter]] <<md>>While I was out on my usual stroll down the hospital corridor, I noticed a familiar figure approaching. The gentle, rhythmic tapping of Bella's shoes against the linoleum floor was a sound I had come to recognize. As our paths intersected, her face lit up in a radiant smile.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Hey, Turtle,"<</say>>
<<md>>she greeted warmly, her hands tucked comfortably into her pockets. Bella always had this knack for making hospital scrubs look like a fashion statement. <</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Feeling any better today?"<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Much better, thanks to the exceptional care from my favorite nurse,"<</say>>
<<md>>I replied, my voice laced with sincerity. Bella's medical expertise, coupled with her tender care, certainly expedited my recovery.<</md>>
<<md>>Her cheeks flushed a soft pink at the compliment, and she chuckled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. <</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"I'm glad to hear that,"<</say>>
<<md>>she said. <</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"And how's your recovery plan coming along?"<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Perfectly,"<</say>>
<<md>>I assured her, <</md>>
<<say $mc>>"I wouldn't dare slack off, not under the watchful eyes of my diligent nurses."<</say>>
<<md>>Bella laughed at my jest, her eyes sparkling with amusement. Yet, when I mentioned Stacy, her expression changed. She seemed to stiffen, her laughter fading. <</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Stacy's doing her job, just like the rest of us,"<</say>>
<<md>>she said, her voice flat.<</md>>
<<md>>I quickly changed the topic, not wanting to sour the comfortable rhythm we had going. Our conversation resumed its natural flow, full of light banter and shared laughter. Despite the brief moment of tension, the warmth between us remained.<</md>>
<<md>>As we said our goodbyes at the end of the corridor, Bella flashed me a playful grin. <</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Keep up the good work, Turtle,"<</say>>
<<md>>she teased, her tone light. <</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"You wouldn't want to face the wrath of your favorite nurse."<</say>>
<<md>>With a chuckle, I promised to stick to my recovery plan, watching as Bella retreated down the corridor, her laughter a soft echo in the sterile hospital surroundings. Her words, while playful, held a hint of promise that kept me eagerly anticipating our next encounter.<</md>>
<<set $BellaRepairNormalTalk = 1>>\
<<if $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsCharisma and $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|StacyTouchCheck2.1]]
<<elseif $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsBoldness and $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|RepairStacy1.1]]]
[[Return to my ward|StacyNormalWay1.1]]
<</if>>\<<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(9)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(34)>>\
<<md>>It was a bright morning, the sun's rays spilling through the hospital window, casting a soft glow across my breakfast tray. I was midway through my meal when the door to my ward swung open. In walked Stacy, clipboard in hand and a mischievous twinkle in her eye.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Good morning, handsome.<</say>>
<<md>>She greeted, her voice full of cheer. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>I see you're enjoying your gourmet hospital cuisine.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You know, if the food here gets any better, I might just never leave.<</say>>
<<md>>Stacy chuckled at my remark, moving towards me with the practiced ease of a professional. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Alright, let's get down to business. I hope you're ready for your morning check-up.<</say>>
<<md>>She said, adjusting her stethoscope.<</md>>
<<md>>As she started to check my vitals, she leaned in closer than necessary, her perfume mingling with the scent of hospital antiseptic. The proximity was intimate, the atmosphere charged with a playful tension. I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her.<</md>>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<if $mc.Charisma < 4>>\
<<talk "Make compliment[C]" 4 $mc.Charisma "I'm not that charismatic">><</talk>>
[[Make compliment[C]|StacyComplimentCheck]]
<<if $mc.Boldness < 4>>\
<<talk "Try to touch her[B]" 4 $mc.Boldness "I'm not bold enough">><</talk>>
[[Try to touch her[B]|StacyTOuchCHeck]]
[[Behave yourself|StacyFlatteryCheck]]
<<set _RepairReadCommonMessage = [1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _RepairReadCommonMessage.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<if $RepairHospitalHornyMessageFiona == 0>>\
<<say $Fiona>>Hello, sir!<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona!The message began, using the respectful address she typically used for me in school. <</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>I hope you're recovering well in the hospital. Your absence is felt profoundly at school, especially in our study sessions. Hope you're not finding the hospital food too bland?<</say>>
<<md>>After a few minutes, another message followed. <</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>I was doing some research on your condition, and it seems that rest and proper nutrition are crucial for your recovery. Are the nurses ensuring you're getting enough of both?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Also, have they begun any physiotherapy or similar activities to help you regain strength? I understand the importance of movement in the recovery process, so I hope you're not confined to the bed all day.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Please do take care of yourself, sir. We all need you back in good health soon. I'm always here if you need anything, just let me know.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's messages were thoughtful, caring, and reflective of her personality - always eager to learn, always looking out for others, and always respectful.<</md>>
<<set $RepairReadMessagesDay -= 1>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona = 1>>\
<<set $PhoneMessageChecked = 1>>\
<<talk "Polite answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Hello, Fiona. It's always a pleasure to receive your messages. Yes, the hospital food leaves a lot to be desired, but it's bearable.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The medical team here is doing an excellent job. They're ensuring I get ample rest and nutrition, and have also incorporated a light physiotherapy regimen into my recovery plan.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I must say, your concern and thoughtful research on my condition is touching. Your natural empathy and curiosity will make you an excellent student and, someday, an even better professional.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I miss our study sessions as well, Fiona. I'm sure you're doing an excellent job in my absence. Looking forward to catching up once I'm back. Until then, keep up the good work, and thank you for your kind words and support.<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Joke answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Hello, Fiona! Appreciate your concern. As for the hospital food, let's just say I now know what a cell feels like during osmosis - trying to find nutrition in a decidedly nutrient-deficient environment!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But don't worry about me, I have some 'antibodies' working overtime to ensure my recovery. And the medical staff here has an 'infectious' enthusiasm for their job. They've started me on some light 'aerobics', also known as physiotherapy. Soon, I'll be 'flexing' my 'muscles' back at school.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Your message really 'lit up' my 'nucleus'. Thanks for bringing a 'positive charge' to my day. It's this kind of 'stimulus' that will ensure my 'response' to treatment goes well.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks for being there, Fiona. Remember, biology is not just about 'cell division', it's also about 'combining' our efforts for a healthier world! Keep your 'neurons' firing and don't let the 'DNA' of hard work 'mutate'! See you back at school soon.<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Complain about the hospital">>\
<<say $mc>>Hola, Fiona! I have to tell you, being cooped up in here makes me feel like a test specimen in a petri dish, except there's no exciting mutations happening, just me missing my favorite student's questions.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>As for the hospital food, well, let's just say the cafeteria food at school is starting to seem like gourmet cuisine. Who knew I'd ever miss overcooked spaghetti and mystery meat? And don't even get me started on the Jello. It's like a bad science experiment gone wrong.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>On the bright side, I'm getting plenty of 'exercise', if by 'exercise' you mean a physiotherapist moving my limbs around like I'm a marionette. I swear, I'm going to end up more flexible than a DNA strand twisting into a double helix.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Still, I appreciate your concern, Fiona. Reminds me there's a world outside these sterile, white walls. Keep the research and the questions coming, it'll keep my brain cells from atrophying from underuse.<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<goto "RepairSms2">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<if $RepairHospitalHornyMessageMonica == 0>>\
<<say $Monica>>Hey Coach! Just wanted to check in and see how you're doing? Heard you're getting better day by day! Everyone here misses your presence at the games. Get well soon!<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Remember not to rush things, okay?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>We need you back in full health. The team isn't the same without you. Our performances aren't the same without your guidance.<</say>>
<<set $RepairReadMessagesDay -= 1>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica = 1>>\
<<talk "Polite answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Hola, Monica! Thank you for your message. I'm certainly on the mend, although I must admit I miss the thrill of the games. The hospital is a little too quiet for my taste compared to the roar of the crowd.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I trust you and the team are holding the fort well in my absence. Remember, the key to success lies in teamwork and persistence. I can't wait to be back and witness your triumphs.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I appreciate your well wishes, Monica. Here's hoping the next time we speak, it'll be on the sidelines of the field and not through a screen. Stay strong, play fair and keep scoring touchdowns for me!<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Joke answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Hey Monica, the star of our team! Thanks for your message. I'm just here in the 'penalty box', taking a breather. I've got to tell you, it's tougher than running drills in triple overtime.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But, I've got my eyes on the clock and I'm planning my comeback. Just make sure you guys don't get too comfortable without me on the sidelines. Remember, no unnecessary roughness while I'm away.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>As for the games, just remember our winning formula - offense wins games, but defense wins championships. Keep that in mind and the field is ours. Looking forward to seeing you guys back in action soon. Until then, keep your eye on the ball!<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<goto "RepairSms2">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<if $RepairHospitalHornyMessageLexi == 0>>\
<<say $Lexi>>Hey Teach, heard you're on the mend. I bet the hospital food sucks. Hang in there, okay? The school's not the same without you.<</say>>
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi = 1>>\
<<set $RepairReadMessagesDay -= 1>>\
<<set $PhoneMessageChecked = 1>>\
<<talk "Polite answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Hello Lexi, thank you for your message. Indeed, the hospital food could use a little spice, but that's okay. I'm handling it with the resilience I learned from handling a lively classroom like ours.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Your words have been very heartwarming, it’s nice to hear that I'm being missed. The school might not be the same without me, but I assure you, this hospital room is far less interesting without the daily challenges and interactions from you all.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>As for 'hanging in there', I’m doing more than that, Lexi. I'm planning my triumphant return, and I'm looking forward to stepping back into our learning journey together. Until then, stay focused, continue to question everything, and keep making the classroom the interesting space it is.<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Provocative answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Hey Lexi, thanks for the message. The hospital food isn't quite as awful as one might imagine, but it's definitely not as exciting as the drama that unfolds in our class every day.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's a bit quiet here without your sharp wit and rebellious streak to keep things interesting. Not quite the adrenaline rush I'm used to dealing with you and the others at school. But don’t worry, I’m plotting my comeback. So you better be ready.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I trust you're not causing too much trouble in my absence, or should I expect a stack of detention slips on my desk when I get back? Anyway, hang tight, Lexi. I’ll be back soon enough, and I'll be expecting to see the same fiery spirit when I return.<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<goto "RepairSms2">>\
<<case 4>>\
<<if $RepairHospitalHornyMessageVeronica == 0>>\
<<say $Veronica>>Hey, Profesor! Heard you've been playing with electricity. Too bad it wasn't the fun kind, like that time in chemistry class, remember? The hospital can't be as fun as our weed-empowered debates, but hang in there!<</say>>
<<set $RepairReadMessagesDay -= 1>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica = 1>>\
<<set $PhoneMessageChecked = 1>>\
<<talk "Polite answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Hola, Veronica. Yes, I’ve had a bit of an electric adventure, though it’s nothing compared to our exciting chemistry experiments. Or those intellectually stimulating, herb-aided debates we often find ourselves in.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The hospital isn’t as eventful without your lively spirit and tempting offers to keep things interesting. But I’m doing well, thank you for asking. The staff here are quite diligent, though they lack your unique flair.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>However, as much as I miss our interactions, I must prioritize my recovery for now. But do rest assured, I'm eagerly looking forward to our 'comprehensive check-ups' and intellectual sparring once I'm back in school. I trust you'll have some intriguing debates prepared for my return.<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Joke answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Hola, Veronica! Indeed, my recent brush with electricity wasn't exactly what I had in mind when we talked about 'experiencing a jolt'. Although, I'd argue it was as electrifying as our 'energized' debates, just without the fun.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You know, every time they serve me green beans here, I can't help but wish they were a different kind of 'greens', the kind we both appreciate for its mind-opening properties. If only these hospital meals had your unique... flair.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But rest assured, I’m recuperating well and keeping my spirits high. Missing our spirited discussions, though. Here's hoping we can pick up our intellectually 'high' debates soon. Until then, hold down the fort for me, mi señorita.<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<goto "RepairSms2">>\
<</switch>>\<<if $RepairReadMessagesDay == 1||$RepairReadMessagesDay == 2>>
<<set _RepairReadMessage = [1, 2, 3, 4]>>
<<switch _RepairReadMessage.random()>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $Lexi11 == 2 && $LexiRepairMessageRead == 0 && $RepairHospitalHornyMessageLexi == 0>>
<<goto "RepairSms1">>
<<goto "RepairReadSms2">>
<<case 2>>
<<if $Fiona11Q == 6 && $FionaRepairMessageRead == 0 && $RepairHospitalHornyMessageFiona == 0>>
<<goto "RepairSms1">>
<<goto "RepairReadSms2">>
<<case 3>>
<<if $MonicaCheerleader5 == 2 && $MonicaRepairMessageRead == 0 && $RepairHospitalHornyMessageMonica == 0>>
<<goto "RepairSms1">>
<<goto "RepairReadSms2">>
<<case 4>>
<<if $VeronicaQuest4 == 2 && $VeronicaRepairMessageRead == 0 && $RepairHospitalHornyMessageLexi == 0>>
<<goto "RepairSms1">>
<<goto "RepairReadSms2">>
<<goto "RepairReadSms2">>
<<if $RepairHospitalDay == 2>>\
<<goto "RepairSleepDay2">>\
<<elseif $RepairHospitalDay == 3>>\
<<goto "RepairSleepDay3">>\
<<elseif $RepairHospitalDay == 4>>\
<<goto "RepairSleepDay4">>\
<<elseif $RepairHospitalDay == 5>>\
<<goto "RepairSleepDay5">>\
<<elseif $RepairHospitalDay == 6>>\
<<goto "RepairSleepDay6">>\
<<elseif $RepairHospitalDay == 7>>\
<<goto "RepairSleepDay7">>\
<<elseif $RepairHospitalDay == 7>>\
<<goto "RepairSleepDay8">>\
<</if>>\<<if $LexiRepairMessageRead == 0>>\
<<set _RepairReadNormalMessage = [1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _RepairReadNormalMessage.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<if $LexiRepairMessageRead == 0 && $RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi == 0>>\
<<goto "RepairSms2">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<if $FionaRepairMessageRead == 0 && $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona == 0>>\
<<goto "RepairSms2">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<if $MonicaRepairMessageRead == 0 && $RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica == 0>>\
<<goto "RepairSms2">>\
<<case 4>>\
<<if $VeronicaRepairMessageRead == 0 && $RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi == 0>>\
<<goto "RepairSms2">>\
<<goto 'RepairReadSmsAfter'>>\
<<if $RepairHospitalDay == 3 || $RepairHospitalDay == 4||$RepairHospitalDay == 5||$RepairHospitalDay == 6||$RepairHospitalDay == 7||$RepairHospitalDay == 8>>\
<<if $RepairHospitalHornyMessageLexi >= 1 && $RepairHospitalHornyMessageLexi <= 3>>\
<<goto "RepairSms1.1">>\
<<elseif $RepairHospitalHornyMessageFiona >= 1 && $RepairHospitalHornyMessageFiona <= 3>>\
<<goto "RepairSms1.1">>\
<<elseif $RepairHospitalHornyMessageMonica >= 1 && $RepairHospitalHornyMessageMonica <= 3>>\
<<goto "RepairSms1.1">>\]
<<elseif $RepairHospitalHornyMessageVeronica >= 1 && $RepairHospitalHornyMessageVeronica <= 3>>\
<<goto "RepairSms1.1">>\
<<goto "RepairReadSms2.5">>\
<<if $RepairReadMessagesDay == 1 || $RepairReadMessagesDay == 2>>\
<<set _RepairReadNormalMessage = [1, 2]>>\
<<switch _RepairReadNormalMessage.random()>>\
<<case 1>>
<<if $RepairHospitalDay == 2||$RepairHospitalDay == 3 || $RepairHospitalDay == 4||$RepairHospitalDay == 5||$RepairHospitalDay == 6||$RepairHospitalDay == 7||$RepairHospitalDay == 8>>\
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi == 1>>\
<<goto "RepairSms2.1">>\
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi > 1 && $RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi <= 4>>\
<<goto "RepairSms2.2">>\
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi == 0>>\
<<goto "RepairSms2">>\
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona == 1>>
<<goto "RepairSms2.1">>\
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona > 1 && $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona <= 6>>\
<<goto "RepairSms2.2">>\
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona == 0>>\
<<goto "RepairSms2">>\
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica == 1>>\
<<goto "RepairSms2.1">>\
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica > 1 && $RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica <= 3>>\
<<goto "RepairSms2.2">>\
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica == 0>>\
<<goto "RepairSms2">>\
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica == 1>>\
<<goto "RepairSms2.1">>\
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica > 1 && $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica <= 4>>\
<<goto "RepairSms2.2">>\
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica == 0>>\
<<goto "RepairSms2">>\
<<case 2>>
<<if $RepairHospitalDay == 3>>\
<<include "RepairReadSms2">>\
<<goto 'RepairReadSms2.5'>>\
<<goto "RepairReadSmsAfter">>\
<<set _RepairReadCommonMessage = [1, 2, 3, 4]>>
<<switch _RepairReadCommonMessage.random()>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona == 1>>\
<<say $Fiona>>Hey! Just checking in, how are you doing?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>I hope you're not getting too bored in there.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>We've been managing at school, but it's not the same without you. We miss your insights and guidance. You have a knack for making even the most complex concepts easy to understand.<</say>>
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona = 2>>\
<<talk "Answer with joke">>\
<<say $mc>>Hey Fiona, thank you for the kind words. I'm doing well, although I must say the hospital food leaves much to be desired. I've been contemplating writing a strongly worded letter to the kitchen staff.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>As for the boredom, it's not as bad as you'd think. I've discovered a whole new world of daytime television. The soap operas alone are worth the price of admission. But honestly, I can't wait to get back to teaching, it's way more exciting than hospital life.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>In the meantime, maybe you can all try to make those complex concepts simple for each other. You know, like a study group. But be warned, when I return, I might just bring a pop quiz to test your newfound skills!<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Answer politely">>\
<<say $mc>>Hello Fiona, thank you for reaching out and for your kind sentiments. My recovery is progressing well, though hospital life is indeed a bit monotonous compared to the usual bustle of school. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I appreciate your concern about the school work. It is gratifying to know that my efforts to simplify complex concepts have been appreciated. In my absence, I encourage you all to share your understanding with each other. Collaborative learning can be quite effective.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I look forward to rejoining the school community soon. In the meantime, continue working hard and don't hesitate to explore new learning avenues. Rest assured, your dedication does not go unnoticed.<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica > 0 or $RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi > 0 or $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica > 0>>\
<<goto "RepairSms2.1">>\
<<goto "RepairReadSmsAfter">>\
<<case 2>>
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica == 1>>\
<<md>>A few days later, she messaged again, <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Hey Coach! Just checking in again. I hope you're resting well and following the doctor's orders. Please don't push yourself too hard. We want you back, but health comes first.<</say>>
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica = 2>>\
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona > 0 or $RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi > 0 or $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica > 0>>\
<<goto "RepairSms2.1">>
<<goto "RepairReadSmsAfter">>\
<<case 3>>
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi == 1>>\
<<say $Lexi>>How are you holding up, Teach? I hope they're not making you do too many tests. You better be getting lots of rest.<</say>>
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi = 2>>\
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona > 0 or $RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica > 0 or $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica > 0>>\
<<goto "RepairSms2.1">>\
<<goto "RepairReadSmsAfter">>\
<<case 4>>
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica == 1>>\
<<say $Veronica>>Hola, Profesor! How's the recovery going? Just remember, relax, no stress. If you're bored, try meditating. It's almost as good as a joint... almost. Can't wait for you to bring some life back to the school.<</say>>
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica = 2>>\
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona > 0 or $RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica > 0 or $RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi > 0>>\
<<goto "RepairSms2.1">>\
<<goto "RepairReadSmsAfter">>\
<<if $RepairHospitalHornyMessageLexi == 1>>\
<<say $Lexi>>Hey, Mr. Shocking. Missing some high voltage action there? Or maybe you're picturing me there with you? In that cold, lonely hospital bed, imagining what it would feel like if I was there to... warm you up?<</say>>
<<md>>Her brazenness brought a smile to your face. You were quick to respond, your fingers tapping out a flirty response.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Every day, Lexi. Every day, I'm picturing you here, doing things that would make these nurses blush.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Maybe it's time for Nurse Lexi to pay you a visit then, Mr. Shocking. Ready for your... special treatment?<</say>>
<<set $RepairHospitalHornyMessageLexi = 2>>\
<<talk "Oh yes...">>\
<<say $mc>>Well, Lexi, I must admit your... 'treatments' sound quite electrifying. I'm curious, are these strictly hands-on procedures? Perhaps involving certain 'devices'? I'm sure 'Nurse Lexi's' methods are sure to raise more than just my heart rate.<</say>>
<<set $LexiNightMessageClinic = 1>>\
[[Check other messages|RepairReadSms2.5]]
<<talk "We have to comply with the rules">>\
<<say $mc>>Lexi, while your company is always electrifying, I believe I should stick to the prescribed treatments for now. However, I'm looking forward to catching up with you once I'm back at school. I'm certain we have a lot to... discuss.<</say>>
[[Check other messages|RepairReadSms2.5]]
<<elseif $RepairHospitalHornyMessageLexi == 2>>\
<<say $Lexi>>Hey there. Just sitting here, thinking about the last time we were together. Can't help but wish it was more than just a taste... You really know how to leave a girl wanting more. Can still feel you on my lips... taste you...<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Next time, I want you to fill me up completely, Mr. Shocking. Think you can handle that?<</say>>
<<md>>Her words were explicit, but that was Lexi - unapologetically naughty and always ready to push boundaries.<</md>>
Next time, she promised, her text ending on a high note. Next time, I want you to fill me up completely, Mr. Shocking. Think you can handle that?
<<set $RepairHospitalHornyMessageLexi = 3>>\
[[Check other messages|RepairReadSms2.5]]
<<elseif $RepairHospitalHornyMessageVeronica == 1 && $VeronicaWeedClinic > 1>>\
<<say $Veronica>>Mi tesoro, I find myself thinking about you... a lot. It's becoming an addiction, I fear. There's this ache, this constant throb between my legs that I can't seem to shake off. It's a testament to how much I crave you, how much I need you inside me.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Every time I think about you touching me, about you filling me, it's as if my body lights up. It's a kind of pleasure that's almost painful in its intensity. I want you to come over, mi amor. I need you to ease this ache, to satiate this thirst that only you can quench. Can you do that for me?<</say>>
<<md>>The raw honesty in her words is intoxicating, a testament to her genuine desire.<</md>>
<<set $RepairHospitalHornyMessageVeronica = 2>>\
<<talk "Answer in romantic way">>\
<<say $mc>>Veronica, mi amor, your words light a fire within me. The memory of our intimate encounter in the hospital, the intoxicating scent of you mixed with the faint trace of weed, is still fresh in my mind.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can feel the ache you're talking about because I feel it too. The memory of your body writhing beneath me, the warmth of your core enveloping me, it's all too vivid. I yearn for it, for you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Trust me, tesoro, I want nothing more than to be with you, to ease your ache, to fill you and feel you tremble beneath me. But until we can be together, allow our shared memories and anticipation to fuel our desire. Because when we do meet, it will be all the more intense.<</say>>
[[Check other messages|RepairReadSms2.5]]
<<talk "Answer in rough way">>\
<<say $mc>>Veronica, your words have me nearly as inflamed as that night in the hospital. The memory of your body under mine, the sound of your moans echoing off the sterile walls, the feel of your wetness around me... it's enough to drive a man insane.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The thought of your need, the 'ache' you speak of, makes me hard. I remember how tight you felt around me, how you begged for more. I want to give you that again, and so much more. I want to take you, hard and fast, and make you scream my name.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wait for me, mi amor. Anticipation will make our reunion all the sweeter. And when that time comes, I promise you, the pleasure will be so intense it might just set off another 'shock'.<</say>>
<<md>>The raw, carnal energy of your words seemed to echo the very essence of your connection with Veronica. The intense sexual tension, amplified by the forbidden nature of your relationship, made every interaction electrifying. You couldn't help but anticipate the next time you could lose yourself in the intoxicating abyss of Veronica.<</md>>
[[Check other messages|RepairReadSms2.5]]
<<elseif $RepairHospitalHornyMessageVeronica == 2 && $VeronicaWeedClinic > 1 >>\
<<say $Veronica>>Mi dulce amor, tonight, I decided to take matters into my own hands, pero I wish you were here. Estoy usando un vibrador grande, so big it makes me think of you. I've laced it with some of that sweet mary jane, just to add that extra spice.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Cada vez que lo empujo dentro de mí, it's like a cosmic journey, a wave of pleasure that takes me high. But it's not the same, it's not you. Espero que vuelvas pronto, mi amor. I need you, your touch, your heat. Until then, I'll just have to make do with this. Te extraño.<</say>>
<<md>>While her message is filled with vibrant language and explicit details, it's the underlying yearning for you that resonates the most.<</md>>
<<set $RepairHospitalHornyMessageVeronica = 3>>\
[[Check other messages|RepairReadSms2.5]]
<<elseif $RepairHospitalHornyMessageMonica == 1>>\
<<say $Monica>>Hey, my MVP. We had a big pep rally today. I felt a pang of sadness when I looked over to your usual spot and didn't see you there. Everyone was cheering, the energy was electric, but all I could think about was you.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I was cheering in front of the whole school, but in my mind, it felt like it was just you and me. I could almost feel your gaze on me, like so many times before. Your strong, steady eyes that always made my heart flutter.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>And I couldn't help but let that thought carry me away. Now, I'm lying here in my room, just a wall separating me from my parents. The danger of it, the thrill... it's maddeningly exciting. I'm tracing the lines of my body, imagining it's your hands exploring me. Every touch, every whisper of contact... it's like electricity, and I'm yearning for more. I'm holding back the sounds, the sighs... just the thought of you sends chills down my spine.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I can't wait for you to be back. I have so much to show you, and even more to explore. Rest well, my champion. I'll be thinking of you.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's message was a beautiful blend of tenderness and desire, a perfect reflection of the girl herself. And you couldn't help but look forward to what awaited upon your return.<</md>>
<<set $RepairHospitalHornyMessageMonica = 2>>\
<<talk "Romantic answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Hola, Monica. Your words bring a touch of home into these sterile hospital walls. The roar of the crowd, the thrill of the game, the spark in your eyes... I miss it all more than you could imagine.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can almost see it - the pep rally, the energy, the cheerleaders in their element. And you, the brightest star in that constellation, moving with a grace and energy that captivates everyone. I wish I could have been there, watching you, feeling that same flutter in my chest that your gaze always induces.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Your words, Monica, they make me feel as though I'm right there with you, exploring the contours of your body, tracing the patterns of your skin. It's a dance as old as time, and yet, with you, it feels new, exhilarating. The thought of our whispered secrets, our shared desire, is intoxicating.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I eagerly anticipate our reunion, for the prospect of rediscovery, the thrill of exploration. But until then, my sweet cheerleader, dream of me as I dream of you. I can't wait to see the surprises you have in store. Buenas noches, mi campeona.<</say>>
<<md>>With those words sent into the night, you could almost feel the electricity between you, a testament to the bond that tied you together, no matter the distance.<</md>>
[[Check other messages|RepairReadSms2.5]]
<<talk "Horny answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Hey Monica, reading your've got me picturing you up there, cheering in front of the whole school. Everyone watching you, but none of them really seeing you, not like I do.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know what's underneath that cheerleader facade. The wild spark in your eyes, the way your body moves when it's just the two of us... Makes my hands itch to rip off that uniform and see the real you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Imagining your hands on your body, your skin against your own... It's not enough. You need my hands, don't you? My touch, my lips, my breath on your skin... It's addictive, isn't it? Like a jolt of electricity, charging you up.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Recover soon? Oh, you bet. And when I'm back, you'd better be ready, my cheerleader. We've got some unfinished business, you and I. And trust me, I don't leave any game halfway done.<</say>>
<<md>>You hit send, a predatory smirk playing on your lips. Monica had a side to her that few knew about, but you did, and you couldn't wait to explore it even more.<</md>>
[[Check other messages|RepairReadSms2.5]]
<<elseif $RepairHospitalHornyMessageMonica == 2>>\
<<say $Monica>>Hey, my Quarterback. I'm lying here in my bed, missing you... a lot. The house is quiet, everyone's asleep... but not me. Can't stop thinking about your strong arms, how they feel around me, how safe I feel in your embrace. But tonight, I'm imagining something... a little different.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Tonight, I'm imagining those strong hands of yours, traveling down my body. The thought of your fingers, exploring, teasing... it's driving me crazy. I'm arching my back, biting my lip to keep from making a sound... but I can't help it. The thought of you is too much.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words were heated, her confession bold and provocative. It was a side of Monica you'd never seen, and it stirred a reaction within you.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I can't wait for you to come back, to show you how much I've missed you... in more ways than one. Rest well, my star player. I'll be dreaming of you... and maybe a little more.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's text was a tantalizing mix of sweetness and desire, leaving you with a yearning that matched her own. Her messages were a sweet distraction from the monotony of hospital life, and you found yourself eagerly anticipating her next words.<</md>>
<<talk "Horny answer">>\
<<set $RepairHospitalHornyMessageMonica = 3>>\
[[Check other messages|RepairReadSms2.5]]
<<elseif $RepairHospitalHornyMessageFiona == 1>>\
<<say $Fiona>>Mr. Trouble, I can't... I can't concentrate on anything but you. I'm trying to focus on my studies, but all I can think about is... us. Us in ways we've never been before. I need to see you. I need to be with you. I need to... God, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I need to fuck you. I need you inside me.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Please, I need to... I need release. I'm touching myself but it's not the same... It's not you. I'm going crazy here, I feel like I'm going to explode.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's confession was explicit, her request clear. She was begging for permission to visit you, to satiate the desire that had been consuming her. It was an unexpected request, especially from someone like Fiona, but there was something undeniably arousing about her candor.<</md>>
<<set $RepairHospitalHornyMessageFiona = 2>>\
[[Check other messages|RepairReadSms2.5]]
<<elseif $RepairHospitalHornyMessageFiona == 3>>\
<<say $Fiona>>Oh God... I can't believe you sent me that... It's... amazing. I'm touching myself right now. My fingers are sliding over my panties, damp with desire. I can feel the wetness through the fabric, it's soaking. It's all because of you... Because of that picture. I'm slipping my fingers underneath, tracing my folds. I'm so wet, so ready for you.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>I'm moving my fingers in circles, teasing my clit. It's so sensitive, it's sending shocks of pleasure through me. I'm thinking about your fingers, your tongue, your... God, I wish you were here. I'm plunging my fingers inside now, imagining it's you. It's not enough... It's never enough without you. I want to cum... I want to cum thinking about you... about us.<</say>>
<<set $RepairHospitalHornyMessageFiona = 3>>\
[[Check other messages|RepairReadSms2.5]]
<<goto "RepairReadSms2.5">>\
<</if>>\<<md>>Exhaustion finally caught up with me as the hospital's quiet hum droned on in the background. My body sank deeper into the hospital bed, embracing the sterile comfort of the sheets. My eyes felt heavy, the world blurring at the edges. In no time, I was lost to the world, surrendering to the seductive pull of sleep in my quiet hospital ward.<</md>>
<<set $stamina += $mc.MaxStamina * 0.10>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalDay = 3>>\
<<set $RepairReadMessagesDay = 2>>\
[[Sleep|RepainrStacy02]]<<say $mc>>Stacy, are you trying to make my heart rate spike?<</say>>
<<md>>I teased, a smirk playing on my lips.<</md>>
<<md>>She pulled back, feigning innocence. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Oh, I have no idea what you're talking about.<</say>>
<<md>>She replied, a matching smirk on her face. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Your heart seems to be doing perfectly well.<</say>>
<<md>>Just then, my hand accidentally knocked over the juice cup on the tray. The cup tumbled, and the juice splashed across the tray, some of it splattering onto Stacy's scrubs. She let out a surprised yelp, stepping back to avoid the mess.<</md>>
<<md>>I couldn't help but laugh at the comical scene, my earlier annoyance at being woken up from my breakfast fading away. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I guess that's one way to start the morning.<</say>>
<<md>>I commented, chuckling at the sight of Stacy, her scrubs now adorned with a trail of juice stains.<</md>>
<<md>>With a mock glare and a roll of her eyes, Stacy grabbed a handful of tissues from the bedside table to wipe off the juice. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>I see how it is.<</say>>
<<md>>She said, her lips quirking up in a smile. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Making a mess just so you can see me again sooner.<</say>>
<<md>>Despite the morning chaos, there was an undeniable sense of camaraderie between us, laced with a hint of flirtatiousness. It was these small moments of humor and warmth that made my hospital stay feel a little less sterile and a lot more human.<</md>>
<<set $StacyTreatPointsCharisma += 2>>\
[[Rest|RepairStacy01]] <<md>>As she leaned in to perform the check-up, the closeness was unmistakable. Almost instinctively, my hand reached out, fingertips brushing against the fabric of her uniform, making contact with her firm breast.<</md>>
<<md>>A soft gasp escaped her lips, her eyes flickering to mine with a blend of surprise and amusement. My hand lingered, the subtle curve of her body under my touch sending a thrill through me.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Well, well, someone's feeling much better.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was a low purr, teasing and laced with laughter. She didn't move away, instead, she let my hand stay for a moment longer before gently pushing it aside.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>As flattered as I am, we're here for a medical examination, not a hands-on anatomy lesson.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she gave me a wink, her laughter lightening the hospital room's sterile atmosphere. Her playful demeanor and flirtatious humor made the recovery process less daunting, and I couldn't help but look forward to our next interaction.<</md>>
<<set $StacyTreatPointsBoldness += 2>>\
[[Rest|RepairStacy01]] <<say $mc>>You've got it all wrong, Stacy. Angela's just my neighbor.<</say>>
<<say $Stacy>>Such a handsome man and her neighbor... She's a lucky woman.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words were laced with a hint of envy. The tension in the room shifted, becoming charged with a different kind of energy. Stacy pulled up a chair next to my bed, her eyes never leaving mine.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Let's get you ready for bed.<</say>>
<<md>>She picked up a pill from the bedside table, bringing it to my lips in a teasingly slow manner. I opened my mouth, allowing her to place the pill on my tongue. She then lifted a glass of water to my lips, her other hand gently supporting my neck as I swallowed.<</md>>
<<md>>The way she took care of me, her every action laced with subtle seductiveness, was intoxicating. Stacy was not just a nurse, she was a woman who knew how to make even the most mundane tasks seem erotic.<</md>>
<<md>>As she tucked me in, her fingers brushing against my skin sent sparks of anticipation coursing through me. <</md>>
<<md>>I leaned back into the hospital bed, glancing over at Stacy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, am I destined to be a prisoner in this bed, or can I explore the hospital?<</say>>
<<md>> I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.<</md>>
<<md>>Stacy flashed me a devilish grin, her eyes twinkling with mischief.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Well, it's not like I'm going to chain you to the bed...<</say>>
<<md>> She started, a playful tone in her voice.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"though, if you misbehave, I might have to reconsider.<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't help but chuckle at her flirty comment. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh? And here I thought you were a nice, professional nurse.<</say>>
<<md>>She laughed, shaking her head. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>I'm professional, yes. Nice? That's up for debate.<</say>>
<<md>> She winked, adding.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>You're free to walk around the hospital, just don't do anything too strenuous.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, chuckling at her teasing.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Got it, no marathon running in the halls. Thanks, Stacy.<</say>>
<<say $Stacy>>And remember, I've got chains if you try to run away!<</say>>
<<md>>I laughed, shaking my head at her antics. Despite the situation, Stacy always managed to make me smile.<</md>>
<<md>>She leaned in, her breath fanning my face. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Sleep well.<</say>>
<<md>>She whispered, a mischievous glint in her eyes. And with that, she left, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the lingering trace of her perfume.<</md>>
<<set $RepairReadMessagesDay = 2>>\
<<set $StacyTreatPointsCharisma += 2>>\
<<set $RepairHospitalDay = 2>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms]]
[[Just rest|RepairSleepDay2]] <<say $mc>>Yes, that was Angela. You know, we've had quite the time together.<</say>>
<<say $Stacy>>Oh really?<</say>>
<<md>>She leaned against the doorway, crossing her arms over her chest. Her gaze was fixed on me, a glimmer of intrigue in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes. In fact, just the other night...<</say>>
<<md>>I launched into a detailed account of my supposed escapade with Angela, painting a picture of a night filled with passion and wild abandon. I described how Angela moved, how she tasted, how she sounded – every minute detail that would make the story believable.<</md>>
<<md>>As I spoke, Stacy's cheeks gradually turned a shade of pink. She tried to maintain her professional facade, but I could see the curiosity and excitement in her eyes. She was leaning in now, hanging on to my every word.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And let me tell you, Stacy... she was absolutely insatiable.<</say>>
<<md>>Stacy was quiet for a moment, her gaze still locked on mine. Then she broke into a soft laugh, shaking her head.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>You're full of surprises, aren't you?<</say>>
<<say $Stacy>>Let's get you ready for bed.<</say>>
<<md>>She picked up a pill from the bedside table, bringing it to my lips in a teasingly slow manner. I opened my mouth, allowing her to place the pill on my tongue. She then lifted a glass of water to my lips, her other hand gently supporting my neck as I swallowed.<</md>>
<<md>>The way she took care of me, her every action laced with subtle seductiveness, was intoxicating. Stacy was not just a nurse, she was a woman who knew how to make even the most mundane tasks seem erotic.<</md>>
<<md>>As she tucked me in, her fingers brushing against my skin sent sparks of anticipation coursing through me. <</md>>
<<md>>I leaned back into the hospital bed, glancing over at Stacy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, am I destined to be a prisoner in this bed, or can I explore the hospital?<</say>>
<<md>> I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.<</md>>
<<md>>Stacy flashed me a devilish grin, her eyes twinkling with mischief.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Well, it's not like I'm going to chain you to the bed...<</say>>
<<md>> She started, a playful tone in her voice.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>...though, if you misbehave, I might have to reconsider.<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't help but chuckle at her flirty comment. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh? And here I thought you were a nice, professional nurse.<</say>>
<<md>>She laughed, shaking her head. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>I'm professional, yes. Nice? That's up for debate.<</say>>
<<md>> She winked, adding.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>You're free to walk around the hospital, just don't do anything too strenuous.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, chuckling at her teasing.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Got it, no marathon running in the halls. Thanks, Stacy.<</say>>
<<text y "You can walk around hospital now">>
<<say $Stacy>>And remember, I've got chains if you try to run away!<</say>>
<<md>>I laughed, shaking my head at her antics. Despite the situation, Stacy always managed to make me smile.<</md>>
<<md>>She leaned in, her breath fanning my face. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Sleep well.<</say>>
<<md>>She whispered, a mischievous glint in her eyes. And with that, she left, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the lingering trace of her perfume. Now, when she left I have some time for myself. What should I do?<</md>>
<<set $RepairReadMessagesDay = 2>>\
<<set $StacyTreatPointsBoldness += 2>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms]]
[[Just rest|RepairSleepDay2]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(43)>>\
<<md>>As Stacy proceeded with the check-up on the next day of my hospital stay, the atmosphere in the room grew noticeably softer. The playful banter we had earlier dissipated, giving way to a comfortable silence. The only sounds were the faint shuffling of Stacy's movements and the rhythmic ticking of the wall clock.<</md>>
<<md>>She moved closer to me, her fingertips lightly tracing the outline of my wrist as she checked my pulse. The contact, though brief, carried an electric charge that sent a shiver up my arm. Stacy looked up at me, her eyes glinting with a hint of mischief.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Nervous?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Should I be?<</say>>
<<md>>I retorted, a smirk playing at the corner of my lips.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Not at all. You're in good hands.<</say>>
<<md>>Her response was filled with warmth and affection. As she completed the examination, our eyes locked, and for a moment, it felt as if the world around us had ceased to exist.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Well, everything seems to be in order. Your recovery is going well.<</say>>
<<md>>She winked at me playfully, her words carrying a promise that ignited a spark of anticipation within me. Despite the circumstances that brought us together, I had a feeling that our story was just beginning.<</md>>
[[Walk around the hospital|RepairWalkClinic]]
[[Just rest|StacyNormalWay1.1]] <<if $RepairHospitalDay == 4 >>\
<<if $Bella.Meet == 1>>
[[Visit Bella|RepairStacyBellaCorridor0]]
[[Check Amber|RepairAmberCabinet0]]
<<if $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsCharisma and $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|StacyTouchCheck2.1]]
<<elseif $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsBoldness and $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|RepairStacy1.1]]
[[Return to my ward|StacyNormalWay1.1]]
<<if $RepairHospitalDay == 5 >>\
<<if $BellaRepairNormalTalk == 0 && $Bella.LustLvl > 0>>\
[[Walk along corridor|RepairStacyBellaCorridor]]
[[Visit Amber|RepairAmberCabinet1]]
<<if $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsCharisma and $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|StacyTouchCheck3.1]]
<<elseif $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsBoldness and $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|RepairStacy2.1]]
[[Return to my ward|StacyNormalWay2.1]]
<<if $RepairHospitalDay == 6>>\
<<if $BellaRepairJelousTalk == 1 && $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsCharisma and $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal||$BellaRepairJelousTalk == 1 && $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsBoldness and $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Talk with Bella|RepairStacyBellaCorridor2]]
[[Pay a visit to Amber|RepairAmberCabinet2]]
<<if $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsCharisma and $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|StacyTouchCheck4.1]]
<<elseif $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsBoldness and $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|RepairStacy3.1]]
[[Return to my ward|StacyNormalWay3.1]]
<<addmins 5>>\
<<md>>I found myself outside Amber's office, a little apprehensive but eager to see her. Knocking lightly on the door, I was greeted by a familiar voice inviting me in. Pushing the door open, I stepped inside. The room was warm and inviting, much like Amber herself. She sat behind her desk, a pile of paperwork in front of her, but she looked up as I entered, her face breaking into a smile.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"Hey, you. It's good to see you up and about."<</say>>
<<md>>Amber's voice was soft, laced with genuine concern. She stood up and came around to greet me, guiding me to sit on the comfortable chair opposite her desk.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"It's good to be seen. The hospital room was getting a bit monotonous."<</say>>
<<md>>I joked, trying to lighten the mood. Amber chuckled, shaking her head at my attempt at humor.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"How are you feeling, really?"<</say>>
<<md>>She asked, her gaze serious. There was no hiding from Amber. She had this knack for seeing through people, for understanding what they were trying to hide.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"I won't lie, it's been tough. But I'm getting better."<</say>>
<<md>>I assured her, trying to put her at ease. She seemed to relax a little, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"That's good to hear. And remember, we're all here for you. If you need anything, anything at all, just let us know."<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she stood and moved towards a small cupboard in the corner of her office. Opening it, she revealed a small collection of wine bottles. She selected one and brought it over to her desk, alongside two glasses.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"I know this isn't exactly protocol, but would you like a glass of wine? Consider it a... therapeutic measure."<</say>>
<<md>>Her offer was surprising, but not unwelcome. The normalcy, the casualness of the gesture was just what I needed. I nodded, giving her a small smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"That sounds nice, thank you."<</say>>
<<md>>The rest of our meeting was spent in comfortable conversation, the slight hum of the hospital beyond the office door a distant soundtrack to our shared moment. As I left her office later, I felt lighter, more hopeful. Amber's compassion and understanding were a reminder of the support I had, a comfort in the midst of my recovery.<</md>>
<<set $AmberRepairMast = 1>>\
<<if $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsCharisma and $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|StacyTouchCheck2.1]]
<<elseif $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsBoldness and $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|RepairStacy1.1]]]
[[Return to my ward|StacyNormalWay1.1]]
<<md>>The first light of the morning creeps into my hospital room, the golden rays reflecting off the sterile white walls. Despite my weary body, I wake up feeling thankful. I’m alive, I’m recovering, and I’m greeted by a new day – an opportunity to get stronger and healthier.<</md>>
<<set $RepairHospitalDay = 4>>\
<<set $RepairReadMessagesDay = 2>>\
<<set $stamina += $mc.MaxStamina * 0.10>>\
<<if $RepairBellaWay == 3>>\
[[Wake up|RepairBellaPathCooking]]
<<elseif $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsCharisma and $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Wake up|StacyTouchCheck2]]
<<elseif $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsBoldness and $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Wake up|RepairStacy1]]
[[Wake up|StacyNormalWay1]]
<<md>>Dawn breaks, and the sterile white hospital room starts to bask in the soft morning light. The chirping of the birds outside my window is a pleasant contrast to the constant hum of the hospital machines. Their cheerful song weaves a thread of tranquility into the clinical surroundings, a peaceful start to the day.<</md>>
<<set $RepairHospitalDay = 5>>\
<<set $RepairReadMessagesDay = 2>>\
<<set $stamina += $mc.MaxStamina * 0.10>>\
<<if $RepairBellaWay == 4>>\
[[Wake up|RepairBellaPathBed]]
<<elseif $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsCharisma and $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Wake up|StacyTouchCheck3]]
<<elseif $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsBoldness and $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Wake up|RepairStacy2]]
[[Wake up|StacyNormalWay2]]
<<script>><</script>><<md>>As dawn unfolds, my hospital room transitions from a place of stillness to a hive of activity. Nurses move efficiently, checking vitals and administering the necessary medication. Despite the lingering drowsiness, I find a strange comfort in this routine, reassured by the hospital staff's unwavering dedication to their work.<</md>>
<<set $RepairHospitalDay = 6>>\
<<set $RepairReadMessagesDay = 2>>\
<<set $stamina += $mc.MaxStamina * 0.10>>\
<<if $RepairBellaWay == 5>>\
[[Wake up|RepairBellaPath1]]
<<elseif $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsCharisma and $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Wake up|StacyTouchCheck4]]
<<elseif $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsBoldness and $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Wake up|RepairStacy3]]
[[Wake up|StacyNormalWay3]]
<<script>><</script>><<md>>The morning sun filters through the thin hospital curtains, painting a gentle glow on the sterile surfaces. My thoughts, now refreshed by a few hours of sleep, eagerly turn towards my students. I think about the messages they sent, their questions, their curious minds. It's a gratifying reminder of my role as their teacher, infusing my morning with a sense of purpose.<</md>>
<<set $RepairHospitalDay = 7>>\
<<set $RepairReadMessagesDay = 2>>\
<<set $stamina += $mc.MaxStamina * 0.10>>\
<<if $RepairBellaWay == 6>>\
[[Wake up|RepairBellaPathMassage]]
<<elseif $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsCharisma and $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Wake up|StacyTouchCheck6]]
<<elseif $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsBoldness and $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Wake up|StacyNormalWay4]]
<<script>><</script>><<md>>My final day at the hospital dawned bright and early. As I lay there, I heard the soft click of the door opening and closing. In walked Stacy, dressed in her usual uniform, but there was a different sparkle in her eyes today.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"Well, Flash, it's your last day here. I think we should commemorate it somehow."<</say>>
<<md>>Her words were a playful invitation, and her eyes held a promise that set my heart racing. She made her way over to my bed, and without breaking eye contact, she extended her hand to me.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"Would you care for a final check-up?"<</say>>
<<md>>She asked, her voice dropping to a sultry whisper. It was an invitation I couldn't refuse. I reached out and took her hand, my heart pounding with anticipation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"I'd like nothing more."<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she leaned in and we kissed. It was a slow, intense kiss, filled with the pent-up desire we'd been harboring for each other. It was a perfect preview of what was to come.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"I hope you'll consider coming back... for more check-ups."<</say>>
<<md>>She pulled away, her eyes twinkling with mischief and desire. I felt a stirring of anticipation at the promise of more encounters to come.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"I think I might just do that."<</say>>
<<md>>We exchanged a final heated look before she stepped back, resuming her professional demeanor. But as I walked out of the hospital that day, I carried with me the memory of that passionate encounter, and the anticipation of future ones.<</md>>
[[Leave|5thave]] <<md>>With that, she handed me the glass of water and the pills. I took them from her, thanking her with a nod. She watched as I swallowed the medicine, making sure I was following her instructions.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Just take it easy, alright? You've been through a lot. Your body needs time to recover.<</say>>
<<md>>She advised, her tone soft yet firm. I nodded in understanding, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over me. It was reassuring to have someone like Stacy looking out for me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll do my best. Thanks, Stacy.<</say>>
<<md>>I managed to croak out, my throat still dry from the medication. Stacy gave me an encouraging smile before turning to leave the room. As she walked away, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. With Stacy by my side, I felt like I was in good hands.<</md>>
<<md>>Before she exited, she turned back towards me, a teasing glint in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>And remember, no funny business while you're under my care. I run a tight ship here.<</say>>
<<md>>With a chuckle, she disappeared behind the door, leaving me in the quiet comfort of my ward, a smile lingering on my lips despite the circumstances.<</md>>
<<set $StacyTreatPointsNormal += 2>>\
[[But now I'm too tired|RepairStacy-1]]<<say $mc>>Yes, that's her.<</say>>
<<md>>Stacy looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded, as if confirming something to herself.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>She seems like a nice girl, worried about you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She is. And she feels responsible, even though I've told her it's not her fault.<</say>>
<<md>>Stacy leaned against the edge of my bed, a sympathetic look on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>That's tough. It's hard not to blame yourself when someone you care about gets hurt. But accidents happen, and it's good that you're reassuring her.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I just hope she'll be able to forgive herself soon.<</say>>
<<md>>Stacy gave me a small, understanding smile, her eyes reflecting her empathy.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>I'm sure she will, with time. And with you by her side, supporting her.<</say>>
<<md>>After a while, Stacy straightened up, her professional demeanor returning.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Well, it's about time to get you ready for bed.<</say>>
<<md>>She moved over to a small cabinet in the corner of the room, pulling out a bottle of pills and a glass of water. She returned to my side, setting them down on the bedside table.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>These are your medications. You need to take them before sleeping.<</say>>
<<md>>Stacy carefully explained what each pill was for, her voice calm and reassuring. I nodded along, appreciating her thoroughness.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Stacy.<</say>>
<<md>>Stacy simply smiled, helping me sit up so I could take the pills. She watched as I swallowed them down with a sip of water, then helped me lay back down, adjusting the pillows for comfort.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Get some rest now. I'll check on you first thing in the morning.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she switched off the bedside lamp, leaving the room in a gentle darkness. I could hear her footsteps retreating, the soft click of the door marking the end of our conversation. Despite the discomfort of being in a hospital, Stacy's presence had made the experience much more bearable.<</md>>
<<set $StacyTreatPointsNormal += 2>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms]]
[[Just rest|RepairSleepDay2]] <<md>>She started the check-up with a routine blood pressure measurement, the cuff of the device tightening around my arm. Her touch was professional, yet gentle, and I found myself relaxing under her care.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>All this fuss for a little shock?<</say>>
<<md>>I teased, attempting to lighten the mood.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Electrocution is no small matter. We need to ensure there are no underlying complications.<</say>>
<<md>>She responded without missing a beat, her tone light but her eyes serious.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, if I must be poked and prodded, I'm glad it's by you.<</say>>
<<md>>Stacy simply chuckled at my comment, her eyes twinkling with amusement.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Flattery will get you everywhere.<</say>>
<<md>>She teased back, finishing up the blood pressure measurement and jotting down the results on her clipboard.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Let's move onto the next test.<</say>>
<<md>>She continued the check-up, her professionalism never wavering, yet the playful undertones in our interaction made the situation feel less clinical and more comfortable. I found myself appreciating the balance she struck between her duty as a nurse and her ability to connect with me as a person.<</md>>
<<set $StacyTreatPointsNormal += 2>>\
[[Rest|RepairStacy01]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(17)>>\
<<md>>The morning sunlight filtered through the blinds, casting a warm glow on Stacy as she approached my bed, a playful smile on her lips. The aroma of her sweet perfume wafted through the air, a stark contrast to the sterile scent of the hospital.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"Good morning, ready for round two of our check-up?"<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was light, teasing. I couldn't help but grin back at her. She began the check-up, her skilled hands moving the stethoscope over my chest. The cool metal against my skin was a sensation I was becoming familiar with.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"You seem to be in good spirits today,"<</say>>
<<md>>She commented, her eyes twinkling with amusement. As she leaned in to listen to my heart, her body brushed against mine. It was unintentional, or so it seemed, but the contact was enough to elicit a certain reaction from me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"I can't help it, you have a way of... invigorating my mornings."<</say>>
<<md>>She paused, her gaze dropping to where my hospital gown was tenting slightly. A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she looked up to meet my eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"I can see that,"<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was a soft purr, filled with an underlying hint of laughter. She finished up the check-up, her touch lingering just a second longer than necessary. With a final playful wink, she left the room, leaving behind a sense of anticipation for the next morning's 'check-up'.<</md>>
[[Walk around the hospital|RepairWalkClinic]]
<<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(9)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(48)>>\
<<md>>The following morning arrived with a familiar routine. The scent of breakfast wafted through the room as the door swung open, revealing Stacy with her ever-present clipboard. Her eyes sparkled with a playful energy that made the sterile surroundings feel a bit less daunting.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"Morning. Ready for today's check-up?"<</say>>
<<md>>She asked, her tone light and teasing. Her approach to her work was always a mix of professionalism and a certain casual charm that was hard to ignore. As she began her routine, her hands expertly moved the stethoscope across my chest, her touch steady and assured.<</md>>
<<md>>Her body leaned in closer as she focused on the sounds resonating from the stethoscope. It was in this moment that her hand, seemingly by accident, brushed against the fabric of my hospital gown, making contact with my lower region. The unexpected contact sent a jolt of surprise through me.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"Oh, my. It seems like you're very... 'awake' this morning,"<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was soft, but the teasing undertone was unmistakable. She pulled away slightly, her eyes meeting mine with a mischievous twinkle. Instead of recoiling or acting embarrassed, she seemed to find the situation amusing.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"Well, at least we know everything's functioning as it should,"<</say>>
<<md>>She winked, her laughter filling the room. There was a sense of boldness to her, a flirtatious vibe that was both intriguing and exciting. The rest of the check-up was conducted with the same playful atmosphere, making the hospital room feel a bit more like home.<</md>>
[[Walk around the hospital|RepairWalkClinic]]
[[Rest|StacyTouchCheck3.1]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(10)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(11)>>\
<<md>>The next day, the morning light filtered through the blinds, casting a soft glow on the hospital room. Stacy, clipboard in hand, walked in with her usual air of playful professionalism. She was a constant beacon of cheerfulness in an otherwise sterile environment.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"Good morning. Ready for another fun-filled day of medical check-ups?"<</say>>
<<md>>She asked, her words laced with a teasing tone. I couldn't help but smirk at her humor. As the check-up began, her body moved close to mine, her movements more deliberate and confident than the previous days. Her fingers skillfully moved the stethoscope across my chest, the steady rhythm of my heartbeat echoing in her ears.<</md>>
<<md>>It was during this process that my hand instinctively moved, my fingers trailing down her side, finally coming to rest on the curve of her hip. As I gently squeezed, a soft gasp escaped her lips. Her eyes met mine, a spark of surprise flickering in them, but it quickly gave way to a playful smile.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"Hmm, it seems we're branching out from the hands-on anatomy lessons."<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was low, tinged with a flirtatious undertone that sent a thrill coursing through me. She didn't step away or reprimand me; instead, she continued with the examination, her body subtly pressing into my touch.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"You're getting bolder by the day, aren't you? But remember, we're still in a hospital."<</say>>
<<md>>She winked at me, her laughter a pleasant melody in the quiet room. Each interaction with Stacy seemed to push the boundaries a little further, adding an unexpected layer of excitement to my recovery process.<</md>>
[[Walk around the hospital|RepairWalkClinic]]
[[Rest|StacyTouchCheck4.1]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(19)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(57)>>\
<<md>>As the evening shadows stretched across the room, Stacy entered my ward, her usual cheerfulness replaced by a captivating allure. She moved with a deliberate slowness, each step towards my bed exuding a simmering anticipation.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"Let's get you ready for bed,"<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was a low purr, her words laced with a tantalizing promise. She climbed onto the bed, straddling my hips in a suggestive pose that left little to the imagination. Her movements were sensuous, akin to a provocative dance that held my complete attention.<</md>>
<<md>>Her hand slowly moved downwards, tracing the contours of my body, her touch electric against my skin. I could feel the heat of her body through our thin layers of clothing, her warmth seeping into me. She began to massage me through my hospital gown, her skilled fingers working magic, stoking the flames of desire within me.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"Looks like someone's enjoying the...treatment."<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was husky, the words more of a tease than an actual statement. Just as I was ready to give in to the simmering tension between us, she abruptly stopped her movements, a sly grin on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"Well, that's enough fun for one night."<</say>>
<<md>>Despite her words, I wasn't ready to let go of the moment. As she tried to pull away, my hand gripped her hips, pulling her back towards me. A gasp escaped her lips as she felt my firmness pressing against her. The surprise in her eyes quickly morphed into desire.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"'re..."<</say>>
<<md>>Her words trailed off into a moan as I finally crossed the threshold, her body welcoming me. The sterile hospital room faded into the background, the world narrowing down to just the two of us, lost in a dance of passion and desire.<</md>>
<<md>>As I entered her, Stacy let out a soft whimper, her body trembling in response. Her hands found purchase on my shoulders, her nails gently digging into my skin, grounding herself.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Stacy\Quest\Video\StacyTouchNurseFuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $Stacy>>"Oh... that feels... so good..."<</say>>
<<md>>She murmured, her voice barely more than a whisper. Her inner walls adjusted to my size, her body relaxing around me. She began to move slowly, savoring every inch of me within her. Her eyelashes fluttered, her lips parting slightly to release soft sighs of pleasure. The sight was nothing short of intoxicating.<</md>>
<<md>>With each thrust, her body moved in rhythm with mine, her movements mirroring my own. The room was filled with the sound of our bodies colliding and her moans of pleasure. Each gasp, each moan, every whispered plea was an affirmation of the pleasure coursing through her.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"Yes... just like that... don't stop..."<</say>>
<<md>>She pleaded, the flush spreading across her skin as she neared her peak. The sight of her lost in pleasure, combined with the intoxicating feel of her around me, was a testament to our shared desire.<</md>>
<<md>>Her voice rose in volume as the pleasure intensified, the sound of her cries echoing in the quiet room. Her body quivered and convulsed as she neared the edge.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"I... I'm so close..."<</say>>
<<md>>Her admission was enough to push me over the edge, our bodies moving in a dance as old as time itself. As she succumbed to the pleasure, I followed suit, our bodies intertwined in a symphony of ecstasy.<</md>><<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(9)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(38)>>\
<<md>>The morning sunlight streamed into the hospital room, illuminating Stacy's enticing figure at the foot of my bed. She had swapped her usual uniform for something far more enticing, leaving little to the imagination.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"I thought you deserved a special send-off,"<</say>>
<<md>>She purred, her voice layered with seduction as she sauntered closer, her barely-there outfit hugging her curves enticingly. Her fingers toyed with the remaining buttons, revealing more of her body with each passing moment.<</md>>
<<md>>She climbed onto the bed, her eyes sparkling with mischief. My hand instinctively reached out, drawn to the irresistible curve of her ass. She responded with a throaty giggle, pressing herself closer against me, her body heat radiating against my skin.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"Are you ready for your last, most intimate examination?"<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was a velvety whisper, heavy with anticipation. She guided my hand towards her rear, her eyes twinkling with anticipation. I couldn't resist her unspoken invitation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"I'm more than ready, Nurse Stacy."<</say>>
<<md>>As I entered her, she let out a sharp gasp, her body rigid before gradually succumbing to the pleasure. She began to move rhythmically, her breath hitching each time I thrust deeper.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"Oh, fuck... yes... don't you dare stop,"<</say>>
<<md>>She moaned, her voice barely more than a whisper as she matched my pace. <div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Stacy\Quest\Video\StacyTouchNurseFuck2.mp4"></video></div>The tightness of her, the way she clenched around me was intoxicating. Her body began to quiver as she neared climax, cries of pleasure echoing around the room.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Stacy... you're... amazing."<</say>>
<<md>>Post-orgasm, she collapsed beside me, breathless and glowing from our shared ecstasy. A satisfied smile curled on her lips, and as I looked at her, I couldn't help but return her smile. This was indeed a farewell I would never forget.<</md>>
[[Rest|StacyTouchCheck6.1]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(9)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(21)>>\
<<md>>The following day, Stacy visited as usual, carrying her clipboard and a bright smile. She greeted me cheerfully, her eyes sparkling with a familiar twinkle. As she leaned over to check my vitals, her foot slipped on the smooth hospital floor.<</md>>
<<md>>In a split second, Stacy stumbled forward, her body instinctively leaning into mine. Her warm breath fanned across my face as her lips hovered just inches from mine. The surprise in her eyes matched my own, and for a moment, we were frozen in that almost-kiss.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Oh! I... I'm so sorry!<</say>>
<<md>>She stammered, her cheeks flushing a delightful shade of pink. As she pulled back, her hand accidentally brushed against my chest, causing an unexpected jolt of electricity between us.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's okay, Stacy. Accidents happen.<</say>>
<<md>>I reassured her, my voice steady despite the rapid beating of my heart. There was a lingering silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Rather, it was filled with unspoken words and shared understanding.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>I should be more careful.<</say>>
<<md>>She mumbled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. But as she regained her composure and returned to her routine, I couldn't help but sense a subtle shift in our dynamic. There was a newfound intimacy between us, a spark that neither of us could deny.<</md>>
[[Walk around the hospital|RepairWalkClinic]]
[[Just rest|StacyNormalWay2.1]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(57)>>\
<<md>>The next day, Stacy walked in carrying a small cup filled with pills. She greeted me with her usual bright smile, but there was a hint of something else in her eyes, a spark of mischief that piqued my curiosity.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Time for your medication.<</say>>
<<md>>She announced, extending the cup towards me. As I reached out to take it, our fingers brushed against each other, sending an electric jolt through my body. Stacy's eyes met mine, and for a moment, we were lost in each other's gaze.<</md>>
<<md>>Her fingertips lingered on mine a moment longer before she slowly pulled her hand away, her gaze never leaving mine. She stood there, her body leaning in slightly, the air around us heavy with unspoken tension.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Remember to swallow.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was low and husky, her eyes sparkling with undisguised flirtation. I swallowed the pills, my gaze locked with hers. The tension was palpable, and despite the sterile hospital environment, the room seemed to pulse with an unseen energy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks for the reminder.<</say>>
<<md>>I responded, my voice thick with the same tension that was swirling around us. We stayed like that for a moment longer, our eyes speaking volumes more than our words ever could. Finally, Stacy pulled away, her cheeks flushed, but her eyes still held that spark of mischief.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Well, that's done. Anything else you need?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was casual, but the subtle undertone of flirtation was still there, adding an exciting layer to our interactions.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Just some good company.<</say>>
<<md>>I responded with a light-hearted tone, keeping the mood friendly yet subtly charged. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips, her eyes sparkling with warmth.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Well, I can certainly provide that.<</say>>
<<md>>She replied, settling into the chair next to my bed. We spent the rest of the afternoon in casual conversation, the undercurrent of tension from earlier adding a playful edge to our interaction. The sterile hospital room felt more like a cozy living room, our shared laughter and friendly banter filling the space with a sense of familiarity and comfort.<</md>>
[[Walk around the hospital|RepairWalkClinic]]
[[Just rest|StacyNormalWay3.1]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(9)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(43)>>\
<<md>>The morning sun was just beginning to peek through the hospital window when Stacy walked in, her arms laden with her medical kit and a bottle of water. She greeted me with a cheery, "Good morning," before setting her things down and pulling up a chair next to my bed.<</md>>
<<md>>As she leaned over to check my vitals, the water bottle toppled over, soaking the front of her uniform. A gasp escaped her lips, her cheeks flushing a faint pink as she scrambled to clean up the mess.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Well, this is a fine start to the morning.<</say>>
<<md>>She said, her tone light despite the situation. But instead of rushing out of the room to change, she simply unbuttoned her wet uniform, revealing a lacy bra underneath. I couldn't help but watch, my eyes drawn to the enticing sight before me.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Don't get any ideas.<</say>>
<<md>>She teased, noticing my gaze. But there was a playful glint in her eyes, and she didn't seem to be in any hurry to cover up.<</md>>
<<md>>She retrieved a spare bra from her bag, and with a skillful maneuver, she switched bras. The whole process was carried out with a degree of absurdity and humor that had both of us laughing.<</md>>
<<md>>By the time she was done, the atmosphere in the room had shifted. The accident had turned into an impromptu show, and the interaction had become a playful dance of flirtation and teasing. The check-up continued, but the undercurrent of erotic tension remained, adding a new dimension to our relationship.<</md>>
[[Walk around the hospital|RepairWalkClinic]]
[[Just rest|StacyNormalWay4.1]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(9)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(51)>>\
<<md>>The morning sun streamed in through the hospital window, casting a warm glow over the room. Stacy sauntered in, her stride confident and a sly grin playing on her lips. The clipboard she held seemed more like a prop in her hands than a medical tool. Her eyes met mine and I immediately noticed the mischievous glint in them.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Well, well, well, ready for your last day in paradise?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was sultry, brimming with flirtatious undertones. As she moved to begin the check-up, her body brushed against mine in a manner that seemed far from accidental. Her touch sent a shiver down my spine, and I noticed her lips curling into a satisfied smirk.<</md>>
<<md>>The scent of her perfume was intoxicating, a blend of exotic flowers and something uniquely her. As the scent filled the room, I found myself leaning in closer, drawn in by the tantalizing aroma. I saw her eyes widen in delight, and her grin widened.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>I see you're enjoying your last day with me.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice dropped to a provocative whisper, her eyes flashing with undisguised desire. The tension in the room was palpable, and I could feel my pulse quicken.<</md>>
<<md>>She continued the examination, her hands trailing over my body with a deliberate slowness that seemed to promise more. The air around us was heavy with the unspoken words and the burgeoning desire between us.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Well, everything seems just perfect. I must admit, I will miss our special morning sessions.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words hung in the air, tinged with a hint of sadness and undeniable anticipation. I could tell that she was pushing the boundaries of professionalism, daring to venture into uncharted territories. Her flirtatious demeanor was both exciting and frustrating, as she managed to keep our interactions on the edge of propriety.<</md>>
<<md>>The last day in the hospital promised to be anything but dull.<</md>>
[[Walk around the hospital|RepairWalkClinic]]
[[Just rest|StacyNormalWay5.1]]
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona == 2>>\
<<say $Fiona>>You know, we tried to study on our own, and let's just say, it's evident we're missing our star tutor.<</say>>
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona = 3>>\
<<talk "Answer with joke">>\
<<say $mc>>Oh, come on, Fiona. I bet you guys are doing just fine. And if things are really as dire as you say, remind me to double my tutoring rates when I get back.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But remember, struggle is part of the learning process. A little challenge now might lead to a big 'aha!' moment later. Keep at it, and save the toughest questions for me. I'll need some brain exercise when I get back.<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Answer with flirt">>\
<<say $mc>>Well, Fiona, I must admit I'm a little flattered that my absence is felt so much. But, it's good to know I'm missed for more than just my tutoring skills. As for studying on your own, I'm sure you're doing better than you think. Maybe we can arrange some extra sessions once I'm out of here. What do you think?<</say>>
<<md>>The short answer came so quickly that I didn't even have time to get over it.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>That sounds like a great idea! I'm sure we could all use the extra help. Get well soon, we're all rooting for you!<</say>>
<<md>>Haha, she doesn't seem to mind this scenario at all<</md>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Answer politely">>\
<<say $mc>>I appreciate your kind words, Fiona. I'm sure you and the others are managing just fine, even without me. Remember, the true mark of understanding comes when you're able to teach yourself. And I believe in all of you. Keep studying and don't forget to help each other out. We learn best when we learn together. I look forward to hearing about your progress when I return.<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona == 3>>\
<<md>>Lastly, she sent a picture of a dog with a bandage wrapped around its head, lying in a bed with a caption, <</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Trying to recover from your classes. Feel better soon!<</say>>
<<md>>It was a light-hearted and caring gesture, showing Fiona's sweet and attentive nature.<</md>>
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona = 4>>\
<<talk "Answer with light joke">>\
<<say $mc>>That's one studious pup, probably knows more about cellular biology than I do now! But don't worry, I'm on the mend and will be back to confuse you all with the mysteries of mitochondria soon enough! Remember to give the dog a break from all the studying!<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Answer with harsh joke">>\
<<say $mc>>I knew you loved biology, Fiona, but taking practical classes with your dog is a new level. Make sure you set some boundaries before your study buddy takes 'animal behavior' too literally. See you soon!<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Answer politely">>\
<<say $mc>>It seems you've found the perfect student to replace me! It's good to know you all are keeping a sense of humor during my absence. I'm doing well here, and I'll be back soon to continue our learning journey together. Please take care of yourselves and that smart pup too!<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona == 4>>\
<<say $Fiona>>Hey, heard the good news! You're about to break free, aren't you?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>I can't wait to see you back at school, we have a lot to catch up on!<</say>>
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona = 5>>\
<<talk Answer politely>>\
<<say $mc>>Indeed, Fiona. I'm eager to return and catch up with everything. It's been strange not being at school. I'm looking forward to resuming our studies together.<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Light joke">>\
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I guess they figured I've caused enough chaos here. Time to unleash me back on the school. Hope you've had enough peace and quiet, because the storm is returning!<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona == 5>>\
<<say $Fiona>>Remember to take it easy, okay? We don't need you relapsing on your first day back.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>You better watch out, though. I've been studying a lot while you were away. Might give you a run for your money on the next test!<</say>>
<<md>>A smiley face followed her words, encapsulating the friendly competition between you two.<</md>>
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona = 6>>\
<<talk "Light joke">>\
<<say $mc>>Alright, alright, mom, I'll take it easy, promise.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And you're challenging me to a duel? Well, game on! May the best brain win!<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Answer politely">>\
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, Fiona, I'll make sure to pace myself. And I look forward to the friendly competition. It's always good to see students taking initiative. We'll see who comes out on top in the next test!<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica == 2>>\
<<say $Monica>>Hey! Heard you'll be out of the hospital soon. That's great news! Can't wait to see you back on the field, Coach. We've been practicing hard, and we're ready to make you proud.<</say>>
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica = 3>>\
<<talk "Answer politely">>\
<<say $mc>>Hello Monica! That's very heartening to hear. I'm eager to see how much progress the team has made during my absence. Your dedication is commendable and I have no doubt that you all will make me proud. I'm looking forward to rejoining you all on the field soon.<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk Joke about cheerleading>>\
<<say $mc>>Monica, your dedication to the team never ceases to amaze me! But remember, while practicing, always keep your pom-poms shaking and your spirit high. And by pom-poms, I mean the kind you wave in the air, not the ones biology class might suggest. I'm excited to see the team's improved flexibility. Keep on cheering!<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica == 3>>\
<<say $Monica>>I'm so glad to hear you're coming back soon, Coach. Your absence has been felt by everyone. We've been trying our best to keep up with the training routines you left us. Can't wait to show you our progress.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's messages were a constant source of support and encouragement, reflecting her caring nature and the respect she had for you as her coach.<</md>>
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica = 4>>\
<<talk "Light joke">>\
<<say $mc>>Hi Monica, it's good to hear from you. I must admit, I'm quite intrigued to see how well you all have been following the training routines. Have the balls remained inflated? And have you managed to avoid tripping over your pom-poms? Can't wait to see your 'progress' on the field!<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Answer politely">>\
<<say $mc>>Hello Monica, thank you for your kind words. It's great to know that you all have been diligent with your training routines in my absence. It's a testament to the discipline and dedication of the team. I can't wait to see how far you've come. See you all soon!<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Flirty answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Hi Monica, it's heartening to know you're holding down the fort in my absence. It's funny though, as a biology teacher, I can't help but draw parallels. Just like cells divide and grow stronger when put under stress, I'm sure you all have been growing stronger in your training. I'm eager to witness this evolution. And as a coach, I'm particularly interested in examining your... form. See you on the field!<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi == 2>>\
<<say $Lexi>>Hey Teach, just checking in. I hope you're feeling better. We've got a lot to catch up on when you get back.<</say>>
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi = 3>>\
<<talk "Polite answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Hello Lexi, thanks for the kind message. I am indeed recovering well and look forward to resuming our academic pursuits. Let's make sure to arrange a time to go over any material you might need help with once I'm back. Take care and continue studying diligently!<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Joke answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Hello Lexi, I'm touched by your sudden concern. I know my absence must be tough on you, depriving you of your favorite pastime – arguing with me during lessons. Don't worry, I'm getting back on my feet. Prepare yourself for more enlightening debates!<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Flirty answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Hey there, Lexi. Feeling lost without your favorite adversary to spar with in class? I bet you've missed the thrill of our debates, just like I've missed your... let's say 'spirited' discussions. Oh, and those short skirts that don't quite meet the dress code? Looking forward to catching up on all of that soon. See you in class.<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi == 3>>\
<<say $Lexi>>Heard you're almost good to go. Can't wait to see you back at school, Teach. Things have been pretty dull without you.<</say>>
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi = 4>>\
<<talk "Polite answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Hello Lexi, your words are much appreciated. I'm also looking forward to getting back to our lively classroom environment. I've missed our debates and your unique perspectives. Let's make sure to catch up on all we've missed. See you in school soon.<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Harsh answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Well, Lexi, I hope you haven't been causing too much chaos without me there to keep an eye on you. You may find the return of my 'dull' lessons a bit of a shock! Can't wait to see how you've managed in my absence. Get ready for a lot of catching up!<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Flirty answer">>\
<<say $mc>>I'm looking forward to seeing what you've been up to, Lexi. Just remember to keep it above board when I'm back, alright? I wouldn't want to have to enforce a stricter dress code. You know, like mandatory underwear!<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi == 4>>\
<<say $Lexi>>So, they're finally letting you out, huh? Looking forward to seeing you back in action, Teach. Don't make us wait too long.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi's messages had a casual, friendly tone. Despite her rebellious nature, her concern for your wellbeing was evident in her words.<</md>>
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi = 5>>\
<<talk "Flirty answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Yes, Lexi, it looks like they've decided they can't hold me hostage any longer. I can't deny that I'm looking forward to being back in the fray. Especially since that fray includes navigating the ever-interesting landscape that is your rebellious nature. I've missed the excitement, and you, Lexi, never fail to bring plenty of that. I'll see you soon, and we can start creating new mischief together.<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Horny answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Lexi, trust me, I'm just as eager to escape these confines as you seem to be to have me back. Being stuck in this sterile environment has given me plenty of time to think... and some of those thoughts have been of your... memorable fashion choices. It does keep the days interesting, wondering what you'll do next. Who knows? Maybe you'll treat us all to another delightful surprise like forgetting your underwear? I'm certainly intrigued to see what's in store. See you soon!<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Polite answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Indeed, Lexi. It seems like the hospital staff are finally ready to part ways with me. I must admit, I've missed the normalcy of school life, and I'm eager to dive back into the thick of things. It's comforting to hear that you've been thinking of my return as well. I appreciate your concern, and I hope we can pick up from where we left off. See you soon in class!<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica == 2>>\
<<say $Veronica>>Hey, you've been in my thoughts, Profesor. Not just because I miss our intellectual sparring, but I also miss your unique perspective on things. Life seems a bit more mundane without you. Get well soon.<</say>>
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica = 3>>\
<<talk "Polite answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Veronica, for your kind words. I must say, I too miss the challenging conversations and debates we've had. Your perspective has always made me think, and I appreciate that. I'm getting better every day, and soon we'll resume our intellectual duels. Until then, stay curious!<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Flirty answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Veronica, hearing that life seems a bit more mundane without me, that's quite flattering. Our intellectual exchanges have always been the highlight of my day too. I promise to add a splash of color to your life once I'm back. Get ready for some stimulating debates and interesting perspectives!<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Horny answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Veronica, your message certainly adds a different kind of excitement to my day. Our intellectual clashes have always been stimulating, to say the least. And I must admit, I'm looking forward to seeing that rebellious sparkle in your eyes again when we discuss the... 'deeper' topics. Rest assured, life won't be mundane once I return.<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica == 3>>\
<<say $Veronica>>Profesor, I've been thinking about our last discussion on existentialism. I might just have to light up a joint and contemplate it myself. But it's not the same without you. Hurry up and get better.<</say>>
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica = 4>>\
<<talk "Horny answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Ah Veronica, your proposal of lighting a joint for contemplation does sound tempting, but perhaps we could explore more... biologically stimulating ways to achieve the same effect. After all, there are many natural ways to get the blood pumping and the mind racing. I'm certain you'll have no trouble imagining what I'm suggesting. I'll be back soon to keep those mundane thoughts at bay.<</say>>
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica = 4>>\
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Joke answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Veronica, it's refreshing to see you taking our existential discussions to new 'heights.' But remember, as a biology teacher, I must advise that the 'joint' efforts are best left for the skeletal system study. Get well-prepared for our next 'high' level discussion without needing any herbal help!<</say>>
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica = 4>>\
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Polite answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Veronica, I'm glad to hear that our discussions are still stirring your thoughts. Remember, the essence of existentialism is about finding one's purpose and forging our path. And while I can appreciate your unique approach to contemplation, I'd advise against any activities that could potentially hinder your academics. Looking forward to our next intellectual jousting session.<</say>>
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica = 4>>\
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica = 4>>\
<<elseif $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica == 4>>\
<<say $Veronica>>They're finally letting you out, huh? Ready to face the wild again? I can't wait to see you back at school, Profesor.<</say>>
<<talk "Polite answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Indeed, Veronica. It will be refreshing to step back into the 'wild' and rejoin the intellectual sparring in the classroom. Looking forward to our next engaging discussion.<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Joke answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Absolutely, Veronica. As they say, you can't keep a good species in captivity for long. Our intellectual ecosystem certainly misses a certain spark. Can't wait to be back in the 'wild' and see what evolution has brought in my absence.<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<talk "Horny answer">>\
<<say $mc>>Veronica, it seems you've drawn a perfect metaphor. The 'wild' indeed holds many intriguing and exotic 'flora' that are a delight to explore. Certain 'specimens' in particular promise a mind-altering 'experience' if... let's say... explored thoroughly. The anticipation of such an 'expedition' certainly fuels my eagerness to return. See you soon.<</say>>
[[Put the phone aside|RepairReadSmsAfter]]
<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica = 5>>\
<</if>>\<<set $RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona = 4>>\
[[RepairSms2.2]] <<md>>The quiet night in the hospital was suddenly disrupted by the shrill alarm sounding off. The cacophony caused a flutter of anxious activity outside my room, and my mind raced, trying to comprehend the sudden pandemonium. In the midst of the chaos, the door to my room was gently nudged open, and an all too familiar figure slipped in.
Lexi stood there, her rebellious spirit accentuated by the audaciously provocative nurse's uniform she was wearing. She had a grin on her face, suggesting she was fully aware of the commotion she'd caused.
<<say $Lexi>>"Thought you could use some special treatment, Mr. Shocking,"<</say>> she drawled, sauntering over with a playful gleam in her eyes.
Caught off guard by her surprise visit and the flurry of activity outside, I found myself momentarily speechless. <<say $mc>>"Lexi, what are you...?"<</say>> I stuttered, but was promptly silenced as she placed a delicate finger on my lips.
<<say $Lexi>>"Shh, no need for words. Let's see if my touch can't make you feel better,"<</say>> she cooed, tracing her fingers down my chest, sending electric jolts through my body.
As she climbed onto the bed and straddled me, I found my initial shock replaced by a surge of desire. My hands involuntarily gravitated towards her hips, anchoring her against me. <<say $mc>>" sure you know what you're doing?"<</say>> I managed to gasp out.
<<say $Lexi>>"Why don't we find out?"<</say>> she shot back, her eyes sparkling with a daring challenge.
It was then we surrendered to the tidal wave of desire washing over us. I took her with a primal urgency, fuelled by the intoxicating mix of her brazen boldness and the adrenaline of potentially being caught. <div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lexi\Quest\Video\LexiRepairNurseFuck1.mp4"></video></div>Her moans were like sweet music, egging me on, as we reveled in our rebellious tryst. The usually sterile environment of the hospital room became our playground for the night, turning my otherwise mundane stay into an unforgettable adventure. <</md>>
Suddenly, the door swung open, and a very stoned Stacy stumbled in, her eyes wide with surprise at the sight that greeted her.
<<say $Stacy>>"What the...?!"<</say>>
Before I could scramble for a response, Lexi, ever the quick thinker, simply shrugged and held up the blunt she was smoking. <<say $Lexi>>"Care to join us, Stacy?"<</say>>
<<md>>Stacy, probably too high to come up with a coherent response, simply nodded and awkwardly crawled onto the bed with us, eventually falling asleep, completely stoned. The sight of Stacy, disoriented and crawling on the floor, her skirt revealing a hint of her panties, was both amusing and bizarrely erotic.
<<md>>What began as a regular hospital stay quickly spiraled into an adventure of a lifetime, filled with wild surprises and unforgettable experiences. The memory of that night, filled with illicit pleasures and heady intoxication, would forever be etched in my mind.<</md>>
<<set $LexiNightMessageClinic = 2>>\
[[LexiNightSneakSms2]] <<md>>True to my word, the next evening saw the arrival of Veronica, her hands secretively clutching a small bag of her promised 'herbal remedies'. A mix of apprehension and excitement lingered in the air as she produced the illicit substance, rolling it with practiced ease. As the potent scent of marijuana filled the room, the dull sterility of the hospital seemed to fade away.<</md>>
<<md>>In the privacy of the dim room, my hand found its way to Veronica's shapely rear, pulling her closer. As we shared in the forbidden act, her firm figure against mine only added to the intoxicating effects of the weed. It was in this moment of shared rebellion and intimacy that Stacy, another nurse, walked in on us.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"Well, aren't we having a fun time here?"<</say>>
<<md>>She tried to cover her surprise with a jest, but I could see the sternness in her eyes. The situation was dicey, but I decided to take a risk.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Care to join the party, Stacy? We've got room for one more."<</say>>
<<md>>To my surprise, Stacy hesitated, then gave a slow nod and joined us. Our small 'party' soon turned into a mix of deep conversations and laughter as the effects of the weed kicked in. Stacy, however, was not as accustomed to the potency of Veronica's stash.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"I think you should rest, Stacy. You look like you're swaying there."<</say>>
<<md>>With a weak nod, Stacy began her attempt to leave. Her legs, however, betrayed her sobriety, and she was soon crawling towards the door. As she clumsily crawled on her hands and knees, my gaze caught a flash of her lace panties beneath her uniform -- an unexpected view that elicited a mischievous grin from Veronica and an amused chuckle from me.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>"She's got some wild side, huh?"<</say>>
<<md>>As Stacy finally left the room, Veronica and I shared a laugh, our shared secret deepening the bond between us.<</md>>
[[Take care of Veronica|VeronicaNightWeedSms2]] <<md>>In the semi-darkness of the hospital room, the scent of weed mingling with the intoxicating fragrance of Veronica's arousal, our laughter soon gave way to a different kind of tension. Her dark eyes were lidded, pupils dilated, her breath coming in small, excited puffs.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>"I need you...right now, Profesor."<</say>>
<<md>>Her words, whispered in that husky voice, struck me like a bolt of electricity. I could feel the raw need in her voice. Despite the risk, the prospect of being discovered, I couldn't deny her, nor myself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"I want you too, Veronica."<</say>>
<<md>>Our lips met in a searing kiss, our hands urgently exploring each other as we lost ourselves in the moment. The feel of her soft skin beneath my hands, the taste of her mouth on mine, it was all overwhelming, the heightened senses due to the weed only amplifying the sensation.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Veronica\Quest\Video\VeronicaRepairWeedFuck1.mp4"></video></div>Our bodies moved rhythmically, creating a symphony of pleasure that echoed wit
<<md>>As I slid into her, her warm walls enveloping me, I was struck by a potent mix of pleasure, adrenaline and a hint of fear. This was not the right place, not the right time, but it felt so good that none of it mattered. Her soft cries filled the room, each one a testament to the illicit pleasure we were sharing.<</md>>
<<md>>Despite the fear of discovery, or perhaps because of it, our shared experience was intense, the exhilarating thrill of rebellion adding a new level of intoxication. It was a night I would remember for a long time, a wild escapade that solidified my bond with Veronica in a way I could never have anticipated.<</md>>
<<set $VeronicaWeedClinic = 2>>\
[[Sleep|VeronicaNightWeedSms3]] <<md>>The next day, Stacy appeared at the entrance to my hospital ward. There was an uncertainty about her, an awkward tension that contrasted starkly to the easy, jovial manner she usually exuded. Her eyes darted around nervously before finally settling on me.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"Can we talk?"<</say>>
<<md>>She asked in a low voice, glancing at the hallway behind her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Of course, Stacy. What's on your mind?"<</say>>
<<md>>I responded, motioning her to take a seat.She sighed deeply, running a hand through her hair. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"About last night... Look, I wasn't... I wasn't in my right mind. I don't usually... You know... And I don't want anyone else to know about it, okay?"<</say>>
<<md>>I gave her a reassuring smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Don't worry, Stacy. Your secret's safe with me. Let's just chalk it up to an unusual night and move forward, okay?"<</say>>
<<md>>Stacy's sigh of relief was almost audible. She gave me a quick nod, her face visibly relaxing. <</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"Thank you... I really appreciate it."<</say>>
<<set $VeronicaWeedClinic = 3>>\
[[Sleep|RepairReadSmsAfter]]<<md>>The next day, I was seated at the edge of my hospital bed, the surreal memories from the previous night replaying in my mind, when the door creaked open. Stacy stepped in, her demeanor noticeably different from her usual bubbly self. She had a certain hesitance about her as she approached me.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"So... about last night,"<</say>> she began, her voice unusually low.
<<say $mc>>"Yes?"<</say>> I replied, my heart pounding in my chest, not entirely sure where she was going with this.
<<say $Stacy>>"I know you had a visitor,"<</say>> she said carefully, avoiding my gaze.
I remained silent, waiting for her to continue.
<<say $Stacy>>"I saw you two... together,"<</say>> she confessed, her face turning a soft shade of pink at the memory.
Caught off guard, I responded, <<say $mc>>"Stacy, I..."
Before I could fully articulate my response, she cut me off.
<<say $Stacy>>"It's okay. I won't say anything. I just... I just want something in return,"<</say>> she mumbled, her gaze finally meeting mine.
Curious and somewhat relieved, I asked, <<say $mc>>"And what would that be?"
With a deep breath, she answered, <<say $Stacy>>"I want to know what it feels like... to be with you, like she was."<</say>>
<<set $LexiNightMessageClinic = 3>>\
[[Sleep|RepairReadSmsAfter]] <<if $VeronicaWeedClinic == 1>>\
<<goto "VeronicaNightWeedSms">>\
<<md>>Night settles in, and the orange glow from the setting sun is replaced by the cold, clinical lighting of the hospital. I can hear the faint chatter of nurses at their station, their laughter bringing an unexpected warmth to my heart. Their dedication and tenacity inspire me, and I find myself filled with an odd sense of happiness and respect for their profession.<</md>>
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica == 5 ||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica == 4||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi == 5||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona == 6>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms1.5]]
[[Sleep|RepairReadSmsAfter]] <<if $VeronicaWeedClinic == 1>>\
<<goto "VeronicaNightWeedSms">>\
<<md>>The evening transitions into a quiet hospital night, bringing with it a peaceful silence. I lay back on the sterile hospital bed, staring at the stark ceiling tiles. My thoughts drift towards my students, their messages, their curiosity, their eagerness to learn. It brings a smile to my face, an inexplicable joy that lightens my heart amidst the cold hospital environment.<</md>>
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica == 5 ||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica == 4||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi == 5||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona == 6>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms1.5]]
[[Sleep|RepairReadSmsAfter]] <<if $VeronicaWeedClinic == 1>>\
<<goto "VeronicaNightWeedSms">>\
<<md>>As the twilight hour sets in, the hospital seems to transform. The once bustling corridors turn quiet, and the stark lights dim. My mind, however, is buzzing, brimming with inspiration and ideas for my next class. Despite the exhaustion tugging at me, I scribble down my thoughts and concepts on a notepad, the continuous flow of ideas lighting up my spirit in the dim room.<</md>>
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica == 5 ||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica == 4||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi == 5||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona == 6>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms1.5]]
[[Sleep|RepairReadSmsAfter]] <<if $VeronicaWeedClinic == 1>>\
<<goto "VeronicaNightWeedSms">>\
<<md>>Night settles in, and the orange glow from the setting sun is replaced by the cold, clinical lighting of the hospital. I can hear the faint chatter of nurses at their station, their laughter bringing an unexpected warmth to my heart. Their dedication and tenacity inspire me, and I find myself filled with an odd sense of happiness and respect for their profession.<</md>>
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica == 5 ||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica == 4||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi == 5||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona == 6>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms1.5]]
[[Sleep|RepairReadSmsAfter]] <<if $VeronicaWeedClinic == 1>>\
<<goto "VeronicaNightWeedSms">>\
<<md>>The evening shadows lengthen across my hospital room, blanketing everything in a muted darkness. The low hum of the hospital's life-saving machines is a constant reminder of the narrow escape I had. As fatigue sets in, my mind wanders, mulling over life's unpredictability. It's a humbling experience that leaves me quietly introspective.<</md>>
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica == 5 ||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica == 4||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi == 5||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona == 6>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms1.5]]
[[Sleep|StacyNormalWay6]]<<md>>The first light of morning streams into my hospital room, bathing everything in a soft, warm glow. This was it, my last morning here. I wake with a sense of anticipation tingling in my veins. Today, I'm not just a patient. Today, I'm a man on the cusp of reclaiming his life.<</md>>
<<set $RepairHospitalDay = 8>>\
<<set $RepairReadMessagesDay = 2>>\
<<set $stamina += $mc.MaxStamina * 0.10>>\
<<if $BellaRepairJelousTalk == 2>>\
[[Wake up|RepairStacyAmberFired]]
<<elseif $RepairBellaWay == 7>>\
[[Wake up|RepairBellaPath2]]
<<elseif $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsCharisma and $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Wake up|StacyTouchCheck7]]
<<elseif $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsBoldness and $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Wake up|RepairStacyFinish]]
[[Wake up|StacyNormalWay5]]
<<script>><</script>><<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(11)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(57)>>\
<<md>>The morning light broke through the window, casting a warm glow throughout the room. It was my last day in the hospital, a day marked with anticipation and a sense of release. The doors opened and Stacy sauntered in, clipboard in hand, her white lab coat hugging her figure just right. She had a confident stride and her eyes were alight with an unmistakable spark.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>Well, look who's ready for discharge.<</say>>
<<md>>Nurse greeted with a smirk, her voice playful and teasing.<</md>>
<<md>>Stacy carried out her check-up routine, her fingers tracing over me with practiced precision, her touch sending jolts through my body. We shared an unspoken understanding, our eyes meeting with charged energy. Her lips broke into a knowing smile.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"All set and ready to go. <</say>>
<<md>>Just as she was about to walk away, I seized the moment. I pulled her into a passionate kiss, a farewell that was a promise of what could be. She responded with equal fervor, her lips meeting mine in an intense exchange. The unexpectedness of the moment only amplified the intoxicating experience.<</md>>
<<md>>As we pulled away, she ran her fingers through her hair, her eyes twinkling with a mischievous glint. She leaned in, her voice dropping to a provocative whisper.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>If you ever want to continue our sessions... outside of this hospital, feel free to drop by.<</say>>
<<md>>The suggestion hung in the air, filled with tantalizing possibilities.<</md>>
<<md>>With that, she strutted out of the room, leaving me with a thrilling proposition to consider on my journey to recovery.<</md>>
<<md>>My final moments in the hospital were filled with a profound sense of freedom. As I stepped out into the sunlight, I could feel the breeze, so different from the sterile hospital air. <</md>>
[[Leave|5thave]] <<if $VeronicaWeedClinic == 1>>\
<<goto "VeronicaNightWeedSms">>\
<<md>>Night settles in, and the orange glow from the setting sun is replaced by the cold, clinical lighting of the hospital. I can hear the faint chatter of nurses at their station, their laughter bringing an unexpected warmth to my heart. Their dedication and tenacity inspire me, and I find myself filled with an odd sense of happiness and respect for their profession.<</md>>
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica == 5 ||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica == 4||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi == 5||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona == 6>>\
<<elseif $VeronicaWeedClinic == 1>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms2.5]]
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms1.5]]
<<md>>As the twilight hour sets in, the hospital seems to transform. The once bustling corridors turn quiet, and the stark lights dim. My mind, however, is buzzing, brimming with inspiration and ideas for my next class. Despite the exhaustion tugging at me, I scribble down my thoughts and concepts on a notepad, the continuous flow of ideas lighting up my spirit in the dim room.<</md>>
<<if $VeronicaWeedClinic == 1>>\
<<goto "VeronicaNightWeedSms">>\
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica == 5 ||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica == 4||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi == 5||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona == 6>>\
<<elseif $VeronicaWeedClinic == 1>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms2.5]]
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms1.5]]
<<if $LexiNightMessageClinic == 1>>\
<</if>>\ <<md>>Night settles in, and the orange glow from the setting sun is replaced by the cold, clinical lighting of the hospital. I can hear the faint chatter of nurses at their station, their laughter bringing an unexpected warmth to my heart. Their dedication and tenacity inspire me, and I find myself filled with an odd sense of happiness and respect for their profession.<</md>>
<<if $VeronicaWeedClinic == 1>>\
<<goto "VeronicaNightWeedSms">>\
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica == 5 ||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica == 4||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi == 5||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona == 6>>\
<<elseif $VeronicaWeedClinic == 1>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms2.5]]
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms1.5]]
<<if $LexiNightMessageClinic == 1>>\
<</if>>\ <<md>>The evening shadows lengthen across my hospital room, blanketing everything in a muted darkness. The low hum of the hospital's life-saving machines is a constant reminder of the narrow escape I had. As fatigue sets in, my mind wanders, mulling over life's unpredictability. It's a humbling experience that leaves me quietly introspective.<</md>>
<<if $VeronicaWeedClinic == 1>>\
<<goto "VeronicaNightWeedSms">>\
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica == 5 ||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica == 4||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi == 5||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona == 6>>\
<<elseif $VeronicaWeedClinic == 1>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms2.5]]
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms1.5]]
<<if $LexiNightMessageClinic == 1>>\
<<elseif $BellaRepairJelousTalk == 1 && $Bella.LustLvl > 0>>\
<</if>>\ <<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(11)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(21)>>\
<<md>>As I awoke on my last day in the hospital, Stacy was already waiting, her usual professional attire replaced by an outfit that was decidedly more provocative. The uniform clung to her like a second skin, accentuating her curves in ways that made it impossible to look away.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"Good morning. For your last day here, I thought we might celebrate... unconventionally."<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was sultry, her hands starting to explore my bare torso. Her touch was a potent mix of familiarity and newness, the knowledge of our previous encounter adding a thrilling edge.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"This is... quite the morning wake-up call."<</say>>
<<say $Stacy>>"Just consider it a parting gift."<</say>>
<<md>>She smirked, straddling my hips as her hands danced lower. I groaned as her fingers encircled me, firm and teasing, pumping slowly to bring me fully awake.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"That's one way to get the blood flowing."<</say>>
<<md>>She laughed, the sound warm and intoxicating. Leaning down, she replaced her hand with her mouth, her warm tongue flicking against my length with practiced ease.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"We've only just begun."<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was a low purr against my skin, causing me to shudder in anticipation. She didn't disappoint, sinking onto me with a sensual grace that took my breath away. Her body moved rhythmically above me, every thrust taking us higher.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Stacy, you are... unforgettable."<</say>>
<<md>>Stacy's rhythm grew increasingly frantic, her body desperate for release. Her breath hitched, her moans growing more urgent as she teetered on the brink.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"Oh, God... I'm... I'm so close."<</say>>
<<md>>Her words spurred me on, my own climax building in response. Suddenly, she stiffened above me, a cry escaping her lips as her orgasm crashed through her. The feeling of her pulsating around me was my undoing. With a final, powerful thrust, I released, my warm seed spilling inside her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Stacy..."<</say>>
<<md>>My voice was a low growl, drowned out by the heady sounds of our climax. She slumped against me, her body still shaking from the aftershocks of her orgasm.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"That was... something else."<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was barely audible, her words coming out as a whisper against my sweat-slicked skin. As she moved to dismount, the evidence of our lovemaking trickled down her thighs, a visual testament to the raw intensity we had shared.<</md>>
<<say $Stacy>>"This doesn't have to be the end. You know where to find me when you're ready for another 'check-up'."<</say>>
<<md>>As I left the hospital later that day, her words resonated with a promise of future encounters. Despite the circumstances, it was a farewell that left a lingering sense of anticipation.<</md>>
[[Leave|5thave]] <<if $VeronicaWeedClinic == 1>>\
<<goto "VeronicaNightWeedSms">>\
<<md>>Night settles in, and the orange glow from the setting sun is replaced by the cold, clinical lighting of the hospital. I can hear the faint chatter of nurses at their station, their laughter bringing an unexpected warmth to my heart. Their dedication and tenacity inspire me, and I find myself filled with an odd sense of happiness and respect for their profession.<</md>>
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica == 5 ||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica == 4||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi == 5||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona == 6>>\
<<elseif $LexiNightMessageClinic == 1>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms1.5]]
<<if $LexiNightMessageClinic == 1>>\
<</if>>\ <<if $VeronicaWeedClinic == 1>>\
<<goto "VeronicaNightWeedSms">>\
<<md>>The evening transitions into a quiet hospital night, bringing with it a peaceful silence. I lay back on the sterile hospital bed, staring at the stark ceiling tiles. My thoughts drift towards my students, their messages, their curiosity, their eagerness to learn. It brings a smile to my face, an inexplicable joy that lightens my heart amidst the cold hospital environment.<</md>>
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica == 5 ||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica == 4||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi == 5||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona == 6>>\
<<elseif $LexiNightMessageClinic == 1>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms1.5]]
[[Sleep|RepairReadSmsAfter]] <<if $VeronicaWeedClinic == 1>>\
<<goto "VeronicaNightWeedSms">>\
<<md>>As the twilight hour sets in, the hospital seems to transform. The once bustling corridors turn quiet, and the stark lights dim. My mind, however, is buzzing, brimming with inspiration and ideas for my next class. Despite the exhaustion tugging at me, I scribble down my thoughts and concepts on a notepad, the continuous flow of ideas lighting up my spirit in the dim room.<</md>>
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica == 5 ||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica == 4||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi == 5||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona == 6>>\
<<elseif $LexiNightMessageClinic == 1>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms1.5]]
[[Sleep|RepairReadSmsAfter]] <<if $VeronicaWeedClinic == 1>>\
<<goto "VeronicaNightWeedSms">>\
<<md>>Night settles in, and the orange glow from the setting sun is replaced by the cold, clinical lighting of the hospital. I can hear the faint chatter of nurses at their station, their laughter bringing an unexpected warmth to my heart. Their dedication and tenacity inspire me, and I find myself filled with an odd sense of happiness and respect for their profession.<</md>>
<<if $RepairHospitalCommonMessageVeronica == 5 ||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageMonica == 4||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageLexi == 5||$RepairHospitalCommonMessageFiona == 6>>\
<<elseif $LexiNightMessageClinic == 1>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms1.5]]
<<if $BellaRepairJelousTalk == 1 && $Bella.LustLvl > 2>>\
<</if>>\<<md>>Steeling myself, I knocked on the door to Amber's office for the second time. The door swung open, revealing the familiar figure of Amber busily tapping away at her keyboard. She looked up and her face broke into a warm smile as she saw me standing in the doorway.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"Well, this is a surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure of a second visit?"<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"I thought we could have a chat. Just talk."<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyebrows arched in surprise but then she nodded, leaning back in her chair and gesturing for me to sit.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"Well, I'm always here to listen. What's on your mind?"<</say>>
<<md>>I paused, gathering my thoughts before looking up at her. I was feeling a little nervous, but I was also excited. It felt good to be connecting with Amber on a more personal level.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"I've been thinking about my treatment and recovery. But not just about that... I've also been thinking about you."<</say>>
<<md>>Amber's eyes widened slightly, her expression turning serious. She was quiet for a moment before responding.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"Oh? And what have you been thinking?"<</say>>
<<md>>I took a deep breath before continuing, trying to put my thoughts into words.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"I just... I appreciate how supportive you've been through all of this. And I don't just mean the medical support. I mean, you as a person. You've been a friend to me."<</say>>
<<md>>Amber seemed to consider my words for a moment, her expression softening. When she finally spoke, her voice was gentle.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"I'm glad to hear that. It's important to me that my patients feel cared for, not just medically but personally too."<</say>>
<<md>>We spent the rest of the visit talking, sharing a bit of our lives beyond the hospital, beyond the roles of patient and doctor. It was a connection, a budding friendship. Maybe even the start of something more.<</md>>
<<set $AmberRepairMast = 2>>\
<<if $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsCharisma and $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|StacyTouchCheck3.1]]
<<elseif $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsBoldness and $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|RepairStacy2.1]]
[[Return to my ward|StacyNormalWay2.1]]
<</if>>\<<if $AmberRepairMast == 2>>\
<<md>>Stepping up to the door of Amber's office, I took a deep breath before knocking lightly. There was no answer, but the door was ajar. Thinking she hadn't heard me, I gently pushed it open.<</md>>
<<md>>What I saw next was entirely unexpected. Amber sat behind her desk, her chair swiveled to face the window. Her eyes were closed, a look of intense concentration on her face. Her blouse was unbuttoned, and one of her hands was lost beneath the fabric of her skirt. The rhythmic movement of her arm and the soft moans escaping her lips left no doubt about what she was doing. <</md>>
<<md>>Amber was in the throes of self-pleasure, oblivious to my presence. I was rooted to the spot, my mind racing. It was incredibly intimate and raw, and I felt a strange mix of embarrassment and arousal.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Amber\Quest\Video\AmberRepairMast1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Her moans grew louder, and her movements more frantic. I could see her chest heaving, her fingers working tirelessly. She was close, teetering on the edge of release. A few moments later, her body stiffened, a soft cry escaping her lips as she climaxed. <</md>>
<<md>>The room was silent for a moment, save for her labored breathing. Slowly, she opened her eyes and turned her head, her gaze landing on me. I expected her to scream or shout, but she simply looked at me, her eyes wide with surprise and a hint of something else... excitement?<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"Well, this is... unexpected."<</say>>
<<md>>She said, recovering her composure quickly. Despite the awkward situation, I couldn't help but admire her confidence.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Uh, yeah... I knocked, but there was no answer... I didn't mean to..."<</say>>
<<md>>I started, struggling to find the right words. This was an entirely new territory for me. Amber simply chuckled, a warm, inviting sound that somehow made the situation less awkward.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"It's okay, accidents happen. Besides, you're a grown man. It's not like you've never seen a woman... in this state before."<</say>>
<<md>>She said, her tone teasing. She adjusted her clothing, buttoning up her blouse and smoothing her skirt. There was an unfamiliar glint in her eye, a playful spark that I had never seen before.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"So, what brings you here? Need a check-up or just wanted to... catch up?"<</say>
<<md>>She asked, leaning back in her chair, looking perfectly at ease. I couldn't help but admire her resilience.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"I... uh, just came to check up. Wanted to see how you were doing."<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>"Well, as you can see, I'm doing just fine."<</say>>
<<md>>She responded with a smirk, her eyes twinkling with amusement. We then launched into a more typical conversation, discussing my health and my progress in the hospital. Despite the unusual start to our conversation, Amber was as professional and as friendly as ever.<</md>>
<<set $AmberRepairMast = 3>>\
<<if $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsCharisma and $StacyTreatPointsBoldness >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|StacyTouchCheck4.1]]
<<elseif $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsBoldness and $StacyTreatPointsCharisma >= $StacyTreatPointsNormal>>\
[[Return to my ward|RepairStacy3.1]]
[[Return to my ward|StacyNormalWay3.1]]
<<md>>Once again, I found myself outside Amber's office. Taking a moment to collect my thoughts, I knocked softly, the familiar rhythm echoed in the empty hallway. When no response came, I gently pushed the door open, revealing a sight I didn't quite expect.<</md>>
<<md>>Amber was sitting behind her desk, her chair turned towards the panoramic window. Her head was tilted back, eyes closed, and a serene expression painted across her face. She was deeply engrossed in a beautiful piece of music, her body subtly swaying in rhythm. The melodies were soft and enchanting, filtering through the office and creating an almost ethereal atmosphere.<</md>>
<<md>>Caught in her private moment, she was a picture of calm and tranquility, a stark contrast to the usually energetic and pragmatic woman I knew her to be. The sight was mesmerizing, offering a glimpse of a side of Amber I had never seen before.<</md>>
<<md>>After a few moments, the music ended, and she slowly opened her eyes. As her gaze landed on me, her eyes widened momentarily, surprise flickering across her face before quickly being replaced with a warm smile.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"Oh! I didn't hear you come in."<</say>>
<<md>>She quickly regained her professional demeanor, though a hint of surprise lingered in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"I knocked but you didn't answer. I didn't mean to intrude."<</say>>
<<md>>I apologized, feeling out of place, but Amber just waved my concerns away with a laugh.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"Nonsense! It's just an unexpected pleasure. These moments of tranquility are rare for me."<</say>>
<<md>>Her honesty, as always, was both refreshing and endearing.<</md>>
<<say $Amber>>"Now, to what do I owe this surprise visit? Have you come for an impromptu check-up or to enjoy a moment of calm?"<</say>>
<<md>>She queried, her composure regained, but the playful twinkle hadn't quite left her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"I... well, I came to see how you were doing, actually."<</say>>
<<say $Amber>>"As you can see, I'm enjoying a brief respite. But enough about me, how are you doing?"<</say>>
<<md>>She deftly shifted the focus back to me, displaying the professionalism I had come to associate with her. Despite the unconventional beginning, our conversation flowed into familiar territory, discussing my health, my recovery, and day-to-day life in the hospital. Amber remained warm and engaged throughout, her genuine interest shining through every word.<</md>>
<<set $AmberRepairMast = 21>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(9)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(15)>>\
<<md>>As the first rays of morning light peeked through the blinds of my hospital room, Bella walked in, carrying a tray veiled with a cloth. Her eyes held a playful glint and her lips were curled into a mysterious smile that was both alluring and slightly mischievous.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Morning, Turtle. Ready for breakfast?"<</say>>
<<md>>She said, placing the tray on my bedside table. The scent that wafted up as she removed the cloth was heavenly - a stark contrast to the usual bland and uninspiring hospital food.<</md>>
<<md>>Revealed beneath the cloth was a spread of home-cooked dishes: savory homemade lasagna, a fresh salad filled with vibrant colors, and what looked like a mini apple pie, a waft of cinnamon perfuming the air.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Bella, you made all this?"<</say>>
<<md>>She nodded, her eyes twinkling with pride and affection.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Of course, hospital food can be so dreary, and I know how you love my cooking."<</say>>
<<md>>I took a bite of the lasagna, my taste buds tingling with delight as the rich flavors erupted in my mouth. I couldn't help but sigh in satisfaction. Bella chuckled, her eyes shining with amusement and something else... a soft warmth that made my heart flutter.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"This is amazing, Bella. I... Thank you."<</say>>
<<md>>As the words left my lips, she leaned over, her fingers gently brushing against mine as she picked up the fork. She took a piece of the apple pie and brought it towards my mouth. Her touch was feather-light, the familiarity of the gesture bringing a blush to my cheeks.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Open up, I want to know how you find the pie."<</say>>
<<md>>I did as told, the sweet, tangy taste of the pie mixing with the lingering warmth of her touch. The combination was enough to stir something deep within me - an electrifying mix of hunger, desire, and the comfort of her caring gestures.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"So, did it meet your expectations?"<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was barely above a whisper, a soft teasing lilt playing on her lips. The room was filled with a charged silence, the air between us growing thick. I nodded, unable to form words. Her smile widened, a look of satisfaction and anticipation dancing in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"More than met, Bella... it was... perfect."<</say>>
<<md>>She sat down next to me, her body close enough to make my heart race. The rest of the meal was consumed in a silence filled with a delicious tension. With every bite, every smile, every touch, the bond between us seemed to grow stronger. The hospital room might have been sterile and bland, but Bella brought warmth and an electric connection that made everything else insignificant.<</md>>
<<set $RepairHospitalDay = 4>>\
<<set $RepairBellaWay = 4>>\
<<if $PhoneMessageChecked == 0>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms]]
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms1.5]]
[[Sleep|RepairReadSmsAfter]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(44)>>\
<<md>>My second day in the hospital began with Bella’s infectious laughter ringing through the room. I looked up from my book, perplexed. She was clad in leggings and a loose, flowing top, looking more like a dance instructor than a visitor in a hospital room.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Good morning, Turtle. Ready for some fun?"<</say>>
<<md>>She said, her eyes filled with a joyful spark that immediately caught my interest.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Fun? In a hospital?"<</say>>
<<md>>She responded with a nod, a mischievous grin dancing on her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Why not? There's more to healing than medicine and rest. There's also..."<</say>>
<<md>>With a flourish, she suddenly flipped a switch on a portable speaker she had brought along, and the soft strains of a familiar song began to fill the room. It was a classic salsa beat, full of energy and fire.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"!"<</say>>
<<md>>She extended a hand toward me, an invitation in her eyes. I laughed, incredulous but utterly entranced.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Bella, I can barely walk, let alone dance."<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>"Who said anything about walking? You'll be sitting right there, my handsome chair-dancer."<</say>>
<<md>>She gently pulled me to the edge of the bed, positioning herself between my legs. There was an intensity in her eyes that was both thrilling and a little intimidating.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Just follow my lead."<</say>>
<<md>>As the music filled the room, Bella began to move. Her hips swayed rhythmically to the beat, her arms gracefully outlining the melody. Despite my skepticism, I found myself mirroring her movements, my hands placed gently on her swaying hips.<</md>>
<<md>>The tension from the previous day seemed to dissolve as we moved together, replaced with the exhilarating rhythm of the dance. Bella's eyes sparkled with laughter and an unspoken challenge, daring me to keep up with her.<</md>>
<<md>>As we moved together, I couldn't help but notice the flush on Bella's cheeks, the way her breath hitched slightly when my hands grazed her waist. Our movements grew closer, the dance turning into something more intimate, more personal. It was a strange mixture of exhilaration and anticipation, a game of push and pull that was intoxicating.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Bella, I..."<</say>>
<<md>>I started, my words trailing off as she moved even closer, her hands reaching up to gently cup my face.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Shh... just enjoy the moment, Turtle."<</say>>
<<md>>And so we danced, lost in the rhythm of the music and the connection between us. Our laughter mixed with the beat, our shared glances speaking more than any words ever could. The sterile hospital room transformed into our own private dance floor, filled with warmth, connection, and an undertone of desire that left me breathless.<</md>>
<<set $RepairHospitalDay = 5>>\
<<set $RepairBellaWay = 5>>\
<<if $PhoneMessageChecked == 0>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms]]
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms1.5]]
[[Sleep|RepairReadSmsAfter]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(9)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(35)>>\
<<md>>On the third day, Bella came into the room with a bundle of mystery under her arm. She was beaming like the Cheshire cat, and I could tell she was up to something.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Good morning, Turtle. I've brought you a surprise."<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes sparkled with anticipation, as she carefully placed the mystery bundle on my lap.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"A surprise? Bella, you really don't have to..."<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>"But I want to."<</say>>
<<md>>She interrupted me, her voice soft and full of affection.<</md>>
<<md>>As I unwrapped the surprise, I found a vintage graphic novel, a collector's item that I had wanted for years. My eyes widened in surprise and delight. How did she know?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Bella... this is... I can't believe you remembered."<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>"Of course, I remembered, Turtle. How could I forget something that brings you joy?"<</say>>
<<md>>She said, her voice tender and full of emotion. I was speechless, the words stuck in my throat. The only thing I could do was pull her into a tight hug, overwhelmed by her thoughtfulness.<</md>>
<<md>>As we broke apart, Bella's eyes held mine. There was a pause, a moment where the world seemed to stop, and then Bella leaned in, her lips gently meeting mine in a tender, sweet kiss. It was a soft, lingering kiss, one that spoke of caring and a deep, unspoken affection.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"I care about you, Turtle. More than you know."<</say>>
<<md>>She whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. I could only nod, words still failing me.<</md>>
<<md>>The rest of the day was spent in comfortable companionship, reading the graphic novel together and sharing quiet moments of laughter and connection. Despite the sterile environment of the hospital, Bella made it feel like home, a safe haven filled with affection and shared secrets.<</md>>
<<md>>Day three ended with Bella’s soft kiss still lingering on my lips, a promise of more sweet moments to come. Bella left with a wink, promising yet another surprise for the next day.<</md>>
<<set $RepairHospitalDay = 6>>\
<<set $RepairBellaWay = 6>>\
<<if $PhoneMessageChecked == 0>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms]]
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms1.5]]
[[Sleep|RepairReadSmsAfter]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(10)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(15)>>\
<<md>>The fourth day of my stay saw a daring new development. Bella, always one to keep me on my toes, decided to turn an ordinary afternoon into an unforgettable experience. She walked into my room, a mischievous glint in her eyes and a bottle of scented massage oil in her hand.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Ready for some unconventional therapy, Turtle?"<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Therapy? Bella, you know you're not that kind of nurse..."<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>"Who says I can't branch out?"<</say>>
<<md>>With a mischievous smile, she dimmed the lights in the room, giving it a warm, intimate glow. She raised the privacy screen around my bed, creating a secret sanctuary just for the two of us.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Now, this needs to stay our little secret, okay? Wouldn't want to get caught."<</say>>
<<md>>The aroma of the oil filled the room as Bella began her 'therapy.' Her hands worked expertly, kneading my tense muscles and eliciting relaxed sighs from me. Her touch was professional yet tantalizingly intimate, making my heart race and my body relax all at once.<</md>>
<<md>>Bella's hands started to drift lower, her fingers tracing a path down my chest and stomach. The anticipation built with every stroke, every lingering touch. Before I knew it, her hand was gently stroking my arousal, hidden beneath the thin hospital blanket.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Feeling better now, Turtle?"<</say>>
<<md>>Just as I was about to answer, a knock on the door made us both freeze. Bella quickly wiped her hands and fixed the bed sheets, barely suppressing her giggles.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"That was close, wasn't it? We'll continue our... therapy later."<</say>>
<<md>>She exited the room with a spring in her step, leaving me breathless and waiting in anticipation of what the fifth day might bring.<</md>>
[[Rest to the evening|RepairBellaPathMasage2]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(23)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(15)>>\
<<md>>As the evening descended into night, the hospital's daytime bustle gave way to a profound stillness. Just as I thought I'd be left to the mercy of sleep, Bella slinked into my room, a mischievous twinkle lighting up her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Ready for an encore of your therapy session, Turtle?"<</say>>
<<md>>My affirmation came as a quiet nod, anticipation surging through me like an electric current. Bella secured the room, locking the door and dimming the lights, the soft, intimate glow further enhancing the mysterious allure of the night.<</md>>
<<md>>Moving to my bedside, her fingers danced over the buttons of her nurse uniform, revealing the enticing curves hidden beneath. Her voice carried a note of playful seduction as she spoke.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"This therapy session might veer off the beaten path a bit... but I assure you, it's quite beneficial."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Unconventional seems to be your area of expertise."<</say>>
<<md>>Bella's laugh filled the room, an intoxicating melody that did nothing to quell the desire building within me. Her hand moved beneath the blanket, wrapping around my hardness, her touch sparking a wave of pleasure that made me gasp.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Relax, Turtle. This is a purely therapeutic maneuver to stimulate your cardiovascular activity and improve circulation."<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Bella\Quest\Video\BellaRepairJerk1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Her strokes started slow and deliberate, each one a calculated move designed to drive me to the brink of ecstasy. I was reduced to a spectator in this sweet torture, every brush of her fingers sending a torrent of sensations coursing through my body.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Hmm, you're quite responsive. The rigidity of your penile tissue is commendable, very healthy indeed."<</say>>
<<md>>My breathing hitched as Bella's pace increased, her expert touch pushing me closer to the edge. I was caught in the whirlwind of pleasure she was weaving, my release imminent.<</md>>
<<md>>With a final stroke, I couldn't hold back any longer. I climaxed, my essence painting Bella's pretty face. The aftermath left me breathless, my heartbeat thundering in my ears.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Well, that certainly seemed therapeutic, didn't it? I must say, your, um, output is quite impressive."<</say>>
<<md>>As the echoes of our heated intimacy faded, Bella cleaned herself with a naughty smile, kissed my forehead, and slipped out of the room as silently as she came in, leaving me basking in a state of euphoric exhaustion. The fourth day of my hospital stay was quickly proving to be one I'd not forget in a hurry.<</md>>
<<set $RepairHospitalDay = 7>>\
<<set $RepairBellaWay = 7>>\
<<if $PhoneMessageChecked == 0>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms]]
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms1.5]]
[[Sleep|RepairReadSmsAfter]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(10)>>\
<<md>>As dawn broke, Bella walked into my room, her eyes sparkling with an intriguing mischief. In her hands, she held an old shoebox, its edges worn and frayed with time.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Turtle, look what I found while tidying up my attic. Do you remember this?"<</say>>
<<md>>Intrigued, I peered into the box. It was like opening a treasure chest of our shared past – old photos, faded concert tickets, hastily scribbled notes, even that movie stub from our first date.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Oh, look at this, remember when we went to that rock concert, and you lost your shoe in the mosh pit?"<</say>>
<<md>>Bella laughed, the sound brightening up the room.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"And you gave me your shoe and spent the rest of the night in just one. Oh my, we were such a mess."<</say>>
<<md>>We spent the day taking a deep dive into our shared memories, reliving those carefree days of our youth, filled with laughter, wild exploits, and an untamed freedom.<</md>>
<<md>>As night fell, we found ourselves sharing the small hospital bed, our bodies brushing against each other in the dim light.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Remember our first kiss? It was so awkward."<</say>>
<<md>>Bella giggled, nodding her head.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Oh, I remember. You were so nervous, your hands were shaking. But it was its own way."<</say>>
<<md>>A shared blush, a shared memory, and a shared kiss, this one not awkward, but filled with years of understanding and desire.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Do you remember that time at the beach? When we snuck away from the bonfire and ended up skinny dipping?"<</say>>
<<md>>I grinned at the memory, feeling a blush creep up my neck.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"How could I forget? We almost got caught when they started the firework display."<</say>>
<<md>>The recollection was accompanied by a fond kiss, Bella's lips pressing against mine in a soft, yet insistent manner. Our laughter filled the room, mixing with the soft whispers of sweet nothings and stolen kisses.<</md>>
<<md>>As the fifth day drew to a close, we found ourselves wrapped in each other's arms, the bond between us stronger than ever. The past was behind us, filled with cherished memories, but the future lay ahead, a blank canvas waiting to be painted with new adventures. And I realized, as Bella's breath evened out in sleep, that I wanted her by my side as we journeyed into that future together.<</md>>
[[Sleep|RepairBellaPathCinema]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(9)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(29)>>\
<<md>>As the final day in the hospital unfolded, Bella came to me with a mysterious gleam in her eyes, sparking my curiosity.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Turtle, I've got a surprise for you!"<</say>>
<<md>>She unveiled a small projector and a white sheet, transforming the sterile hospital room into our private sanctuary of intimacy. I looked at her in surprise and anticipation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Bella, what's all this?"<</say>>
<<md>>She smirked, her gaze filled with a wild and exciting promise.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Just some essential preparations for a grand finale."<</say>>
<<md>>As the sun set, she started the movie, the lights dimming. Her body slid next to mine on the narrow hospital bed, her warmth seeping into me. As the room filled with the light of the projected movie, I felt Bella's hand move up my thigh.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Hospital food isn't the only thing that needs spicing up."<</say>>
<<md>>She winked at me, her fingers tracing tantalizing patterns on my inner thigh. As the plot of the movie unfolded, so did the heat between us. Bella's breath hitched when I reciprocated her touch, my fingers slowly trailing up her side.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"This movie is getting really interesting."<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>"And it's about to get even more so."<</say>>
<<md>>The screen and our bodies lit up with each passionate touch, our heavy breaths synchronizing with the movie's soundtrack. Our love story outplayed the on-screen drama, each touch, each whisper igniting a fiery need within us.<</md>>
<<md>>The room filled with the intoxicating mix of our shared desire and the dim glow of the movie. <div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Bella\Quest\Video\BellaRepairFuck1.mp4"></video></div>Our bodies moved rhythmically, creating a symphony of pleasure that echoed within the confines of the room.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"I want to feel you, Turtle."<</say>>
<<md>>Her words were a powerful aphrodisiac, stoking my desire. As we made love, our bodies entwined, the world around us faded into oblivion. The room, once sterile and cold, was now filled with the primal heat of our love, making it a den of shared passion and desire.<</md>>
<<md>>We climaxed together, a symphony of pleasure that left us breathless and satiated. As Bella collapsed onto me, her body flush with satisfaction, I stroked her hair, my other hand intertwined with hers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"That was... beyond perfect, Bella."<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>"Well, we do know how to make the best of every situation."<</say>>
<<md>>As we basked in the afterglow of our love, the movie ended, leaving us in the comfortable darkness. This wasn't just a movie night, but a testament to our wild, passionate love that knew no boundaries. The finale of my hospital stay was more spectacular than I could have imagined - filled with Bella, love, passion, and a promise of countless such unforgettable moments in the future.<</md>>
[[Sleep|RepairBellaPathFarewell]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(15)>>\
<<md>>As dawn broke, I woke up to Bella's silhouette against the morning light. She was putting on her nurse uniform, her back turned towards me, giving me a generous view of her body. A naughty thought crossed my mind.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Bella, how about one last hospital policy violation?"<</say>>
<<md>>She turned around, a teasing smile on her face. She looked me up and down, taking in my relaxed, yet expectant, expression.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Well, Turtle, just remember, I'm not responsible for any consequences of such a violation."<</say>>
<<md>>The words came out in a purr, her tone promising a morning full of passion and mischief. I grinned, my heart pounding with excitement.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"That's a risk I'm willing to take."<</say>>
<<md>>Bella approached the bed, her gaze locked with mine. She looked stunning in her nurse's uniform, a wild combination of responsibility and passion. She climbed onto the bed, straddling me.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Last check-up, Turtle."<</say>>
<<md>>Her hands began to explore, every touch sending shivers down my spine. We laughed and played, each moment taking us closer to the edge of wild desire. Our actions were brazen, a loud defiance against the sterile monotony of the hospital.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"This is the best therapy, isn't it?"<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"You're the best therapy, Bella."<</say>>
<<md>>Our bodies entwined, the heat between us growing with every touch, every kiss. The morning light illuminated our faces, the expression of shared passion and love evident in our eyes.<</md>>
<<md>>Our farewell was as wild and passionate as our love, a blazing testament to our bond. As we reached the peak of our desire, the sounds of our pleasure echoing in the room, I realized that every moment with Bella was a celebration, a whirlwind of emotions that I wouldn't trade for anything.<</md>>
<<md>>As Bella got ready to leave, she leaned in for one last kiss. It was soft, lingering, a promise of many more to come.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Until next time, Turtle."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Until next time, Bella."<</say>>
<<md>>The door closed behind her, leaving me with a memory of an unforgettable hospital stay and an insatiable desire for more adventures with Bella.<</md>>
[[Leave|5thave]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(47)>>\
<<md>>As I basked in the afterglow of our wild encounter, Bella put on her professional nurse mask and cleared her throat, bringing me back to reality.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Turtle, there are some things we need to discuss."<</say>>
<<md>>Her serious tone cut through the heady fog of desire that still lingered in the room.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"You mean, other than how amazing you are?"<</say>>
<<md>>Bella laughed, her cheeks flushing a pretty pink. But she quickly regained her composure and gave me a pointed look.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"As much as I enjoy your flattery, we need to talk about your recovery."<</say>>
<<md>>She went over to the table and picked up a small tray, containing various bottles of medication. Bella began explaining each medication, her tone shifting to a more professional, nurse-like demeanor. Her clinical description was interrupted only by her teasing remarks about my stamina and resilience.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"This one is an antibiotic, you need to take it twice a day. This one is for pain relief, take it only if needed. And this one...,"<</say>>
<<md>>She continued, holding up a small blue pill.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"is for those moments when we're feeling particularly adventurous."<</say>>
<<md>>Her wink was playful, adding a lightness to the otherwise serious situation. After discussing the medications, she moved on to the topic of food.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Now, for the food. I know hospital meals aren't the most exciting, but you need to keep your strength up."<</say>>
<<md>>She went on to list foods I should avoid and foods I should eat more of. Her tone was caring yet firm, and it was clear she was determined to get me back to full health.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"I'll follow your instructions to the letter, Nurse Bella."<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes lit up at my compliance, a grin spreading across her face.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"That's what I like to hear, Turtle."<</say>>
<<md>>As she finished up her instructions, I realized that despite the strange circumstances and the erotic moments, Bella was still a nurse, committed to her patients. And right now, I was her patient. It was a comforting thought, knowing that Bella was looking out for me, professionally and personally.<</md>>
<<md>>Before leaving, Bella bent down, giving me a quick peck on the lips.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Now, remember what I told you. I'll be checking in on you."<</say>>
<<md>>And with that, she walked out of the room, leaving me with a mix of desire, gratitude, and a newfound respect for the woman I had grown to love.<</md>>
[[Rest|RepairBellaPathInstruction2]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(47)>>\
<<md>>Evening found me restless, a combination of the dullness of the hospital environment and my body’s impatience for Bella's return. The door creaked open just as the sun was setting, the final golden rays of the day casting a beautiful glow over the room. Bella stepped in, her white nurse uniform almost blending in with the sterile walls of the hospital room.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Good evening, Turtle."<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice echoed through the quiet room, bringing a sense of comfort and familiarity. She walked over to the bedside, her heels clicking softly against the tile floor.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"How are you feeling?"<</say>>
<<md>>There was a gentle concern in her eyes as she looked over me, her professional gaze assessing my condition. I shrugged, a weak smile tugging at the corners of my lips.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Better now that you're here."<</say>>
<<md>>Bella chuckled softly, her hand reaching out to rest gently on my forehead, checking for fever.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Flattery won't get you out of this hospital any sooner, Turtle."<</say>>
<<md>>She moved her hand from my forehead to my wrist, her fingers wrapping around it to take my pulse. The gentle rhythm of her breath matched the steady beat under her fingers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Worth a shot."<</say>>
<<md>>I retorted, earning another chuckle from Bella. She pulled back, taking notes on her chart, her eyes narrowing in concentration.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Your vitals seem fine, but remember to take your meds on time."<</say>>
<<md>>Her gaze flicked to the tray with the pill bottles, a pointed look on her face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"I won't forget, Nurse Bella."<</say>>
<<md>>The promise elicited a satisfied nod from her. Bella then moved on to checking my bandages, her touch careful and deliberate.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Your hands are magic."<</say>>
<<md>>I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. Bella paused, her gaze meeting mine.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"And don't you forget it."<</say>>
<<md>>She replied, a playful smirk on her lips. Her hands finished up with the bandages, her movements efficient and practiced.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"You're healing well, but you need to rest, Turtle. No more late-night adventures."<</say>>
<<md>>The teasing tone was back, a sparkle in her eyes. I chuckled, promising to behave while she was away. With one last glance at me and the medical machines hooked up, Bella made her way to the door.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"I'll check on you in the morning. Sleep well."<</say>>
<<md>>And with that, she was gone, leaving me alone with the setting sun and the promise of her return.<</md>>
[[Sleep|BellaPathInstruction3]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(9)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(35)>>\
<<md>>Breakfast time in the hospital was a dreary affair. The meal laid out in front of me was anything but appealing – a bland-looking soup, an uninspiring piece of fish, and a pile of overcooked vegetables. I prodded at the food with my fork, my appetite waning.<</md>>
<<md>>Just as I was contemplating sending the tray back untouched, Bella walked in, her eyes immediately landing on the untouched food on my tray. She approached, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Not hungry, Turtle?"<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Have you tasted this stuff?"<</say>>
<<md>>I grimaced, pushing the tray slightly away. Bella chuckled, picking up a fork and sampling a piece of the fish. Her face immediately mirrored my own.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Yikes, you're not kidding."<</say>>
<<md>>She put the fork down, her eyes meeting mine with a sympathetic smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"So, what's a guy to do?"<</say>>
<<md>>Bella contemplated for a moment, her gaze thoughtful. She reached out, her hand gently patting my head in a comforting gesture.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"I'll see what I can do, okay? We can't have you starving."<</say>>
<<md>>I felt a small smile playing on my lips at her words. It was reassuring to know that Bella cared enough to try and make my hospital stay a little more bearable.<</md>>
<<md>>She adjusted the blankets around me, tucking them in at the sides. It was a small, gentle act, but one that spoke volumes about the care and concern she had for me. It made the sterile hospital room feel a little less cold, a little more like home.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Thanks, Bella."<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>"Anytime, Turtle. I'll be back later."<</say>>
<<md>>She promised, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze before she left the room. And though the hospital food was still unappetizing, I found myself looking forward to Bella's return, eager to see what she would come up with to make my dinner more palatable.<</md>>
[[Rest|BellaPathInscruction4]]<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(53)>>\
<<md>>The evening brought with it a surprise visitor. Angela, my neighbor, walked into my room carrying an air of guilt around her like a heavy shroud.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"I feel so terrible, it was my laptop that... I mean, if I hadn't..."<</say>>
<<md>>Her words trailed off, her gaze guilt-ridden as she looked at me laying in the hospital bed. I reached out my hand, touching hers in an attempt to comfort her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Angela, it's not your fault. Accidents happen."<</say>>
<<md>>Just as the words left my lips, the door to my room swung open again, revealing Bella in her nurse's uniform. Her gaze flitted between Angela and I, her hand on the door frame tightening slightly. Angela, perhaps sensing the subtle tension in the room, quickly took a step back.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"I just... I wanted to bring you this."<</say>>
<<md>>She held out a small bag. Inside was my phone, forgotten at her apartment during my unfortunate electrocution incident. I thanked her, taking the bag from her.<</md>>
<<md>>With a last apologetic look, Angela left the room, leaving Bella and me alone. Bella approached the bed, her expression unreadable.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Angela seems... nice."<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice carried a hint of something. Jealousy? I chuckled, reaching out to pull her closer to the bed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"She's just a neighbor, Bella."<</say>>
<<say $Bella>>"She seemed pretty concerned for a 'just a neighbor'."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Because I got hurt fixing her laptop. But you're here with me, aren't you? Isn't that what matters?"<</say>>
<<md>>I reassured her, pulling her close enough that I could press a soft kiss to her cheek. She huffed a little, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>"Just... don't go getting electrocuted for any more pretty neighbors, okay?"<</say>>
<<md>>I chuckled, promising her that I would be more careful in the future. Despite the jealousy, our conversation left me feeling warm, content. Bella's care for me was evident, even if it was shown through a hint of jealousy. It just made her all the more endearing.<</md>>
<<set $RepairHospitalDay = 3>>\
<<set $RepairBellaWay = 3>>\
[[Check your phone|RepairReadSms]]
<<addmins 90>>\
<<say $Angela>>"I'm just not able to hold this pose."<</say>>
<<md>>Angela complained, struggling to achieve a rather complex yoga posture.Holding back a chuckle, I approached her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Here, let me help."<</say>>
<<md>>I offered, taking a spot behind her.<</md>>
<<md>>Working as a pseudo-yoga instructor, I guided her hips, corrected her back alignment, and repositioned her arms. The proximity and physical contact were somewhat risqué. Angela, in her tight, form-fitting yoga gear and me in my casual attire, created an unexpectedly suggestive scene.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"Is this right?"<</say>>
<<md>>Angela questioned, her voice strained from the effort of maintaining the pose.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Perfect,"<</say>>
<<md>>I assured her, my eyes inadvertently drifting down her lithe, athletic figure.
Just as I was about to break the pose, there was a tearing sound. We both froze. Angela's eyes went wide, and a rush of red color flooded her cheeks. My gaze dropped instinctively to the source of the sound, and that's when I saw it - Angela's leggings had ripped along the seam, and there, in full view, was her uncovered lower half.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"Oh my God!"<</say>>
<<md>>Angela shrieked in embarrassment, hastily covering herself with her hands.
A moment of awkward silence passed before Angela burst into laughter. Confused, I looked up to see her holding her stomach, laughing uncontrollably at the situation.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"Look at your face!"<</say>>
<<md>>She managed to get out between bouts of laughter, pointing at my shocked expression.<</md>>
<<md>>Feeling my cheeks heat up, I quickly looked away, trying to give her some privacy. But Angela seemed to be far from shy about the situation.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"I see how you're looking at me. Maybe you want to touch?"<</say>>
<<md>>She joked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.<</md>>
<<md>>In my shock, all I could do was stutter.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Wha... No, I..."<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>"I'm just messing with you!"<</say>>
<<md>>Angela chuckled, seeing the flustered look on my face.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaYoga = 2>>\
[[Back|Home corridor]]
<<addmins 90>>\
<<say $mc>>"Hey, Angela!"<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>"I think we could try something different, a new setting could help us relax more. The countryside, maybe? There's a lovely place I know, and we could incorporate some natural elements in our practice. Smoky could even join."<</say>>
<<md>>She suggested, her eyes gleaming with excitement.Intrigued by the idea, I agreed. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Sure, why not?"<</say>>
<<set $AngelaYoga = 7>>\
[[Back|Home corridor]]
<<addmins 90>>\
<<say $mc>>"Well, if you insist."<</say>>
<<md>>I chuckled, agreeing to Angela's mischievous request. Our laughter mingled together, the absurdity of the situation giving way to an electric anticipation. She moved in closer, her fingertips lightly tracing the outline of my growing bulge through my shorts. Her eyes met mine, mischief dancing in her gaze.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"Ready for the grand unveiling?"<</say>>
<<md>>She asked, the teasing note in her voice sending an extra thrill of excitement through me.<</md>>
<<md>>Before I had a chance to respond, her fingers deftly worked at the button and zipper of my shorts. She eased them down, releasing my now throbbing member from its confines. Her breath hitched slightly at the sight, but she didn’t shy away.<</md>>
<<md>>Instead, she moved her face closer, her warm breath teasing against my skin causing me to twitch in anticipation. She watched me intently, her eyes never leaving mine as she flicked her tongue out, placing a light, teasing kiss on the tip of my cock.<</md>>
<<md>>A moan escaped my lips at the contact, the sensation of her soft lips against my skin sending a bolt of pleasure through me. Yet, she didn’t progress further. She simply continued to tease, peppering soft kisses along my length, her tongue occasionally darting out to taste.<</md>>
<<md>>She wrapped her hand around me, giving a slow, teasing stroke, her thumb brushing over the sensitive tip. Her lips followed the path of her hand, each soft kiss sending a jolt of pleasure coursing through me.<</md>>
<<md>>Angela took her time, not rushing the experience, instead prolonging each teasing touch and soft kiss, gradually building the pleasure and anticipation. The outdoor setting, her adventurous spirit, and this incredibly intimate act, turned our usual yoga session into a unique and unforgettable experience.<</md>>
[[Return to your street|Street Raw-Road]] <<say $Angela>>"Hey there,"<</say>>
<<md>>Angela greeted me, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes that I'd come to recognize, signaling she was up to something.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"I have a question. Are you into sports?"<</say>>
<<md>>She asked, her eyes appraising me as if trying to size me up.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Some. Why do you ask?"<</say>>
<<md>>I responded, a touch of curiosity in my voice.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"Well, I've been wanting to play tennis for a while, but I don't have anyone to play with. Would you...would you like to be my tennis partner?"<</say>> <<md>>Angela asked, biting her lower lip in anticipation of my answer.<</md>>
<<md>>Her question caught me off guard, but I couldn't help the smile that stretched across my face. Even after our previous encounters, Angela continued to surprise me. From yoga lessons to outdoor adventures, and now tennis. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and I found myself caught up in her energy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Tennis, huh? Sure, why not?"<</say>>
<<md>>I agreed, eager to see what kind of unexpected twist Angela would bring to a simple game of tennis.<</md>>
<<md>>The way her face lit up at my acceptance was worth it. Once again, we found ourselves drawn into another adventure, one that I was sure would be as fun and as exciting as our previous escapades.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaTennis = 1>>\
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Back|Home corridor]] <<md>>So, we found ourselves on the tennis court. Angela, in a form-fitting tennis outfit that left little to the imagination, looked every bit the professional player. Her hair was pulled back in a sleek ponytail, a determined gleam in her eyes as she prepared to serve.<</md>>
<<md>>I, on the other hand, was quickly realizing that my sporadic forays into the world of sports had not prepared me for this. Tennis was more challenging than it looked. But, fueled by Angela's infectious enthusiasm, I was ready to give it my best shot.<</md>>
<<md>>The game started, and it quickly became clear that Angela was not just good, she was phenomenal. Her serves were sharp and precise, her return shots were swift and almost impossible to counter. Despite my best efforts, Angela was clearly in the lead.<</md>>
<<md>>Despite my losses, Angela's high spirits were infectious. She was gracious in her victory, her bright laughter ringing out across the court as I failed to return yet another serve.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"Well, you sure gave it your best shot!"<</say>>
<<md>>She teased, her eyes twinkling with mirth.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Next time, Angela. I'll get you next time."<</say>> I promised, grinning despite my defeat.
<<say $Angela>>"I'll hold you to that, big boy!"<</say>> Angela retorted, her eyes alight with anticipation.
<<md>>Despite the defeat, I found myself looking forward to our next game. After all, with Angela as my partner, even defeat was a delightful adventure.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaTennis = 2>>\
<<addmins 90>>\
[[Back|Park]] <<md>>The next time, we returned to the tennis court. Angela was as radiant as ever, her athletic form accentuated by her tennis outfit. She had an impish grin on her face, and I instantly knew she was up to something.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"How about we make this game a bit more... interesting?"<</say>>
<<md>>She proposed, her eyes sparkling with mischief.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Interesting how?"<</say>>
<<md>>I asked, curious about what she had in mind.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"For every set I win, I'll remove one item of clothing."<</say>>
<<md>>She replied, her tone lighthearted but her eyes challenging me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"You're on."<</say>>
<<md>>I responded, ready to take on her challenge.After all, it was a win-win situation for me.<</md>>
<<md>>The game started, and once again Angela's skills were superior. Her shots were swift and precise, and despite my best efforts, she won the first set. True to her word, Angela started undressing, first removing her tennis cap, her fiery hair cascading down in waves.<</md>>
<<md>>The second set was equally challenging, and Angela won it too, removing her shoes and socks this time. Despite the distracting sight of Angela undressing, I found myself enjoying the game more than ever. Angela's lively spirit was contagious, and our tennis match was quickly becoming the highlight of my week.<</md>>
<<md>>Try as I might, I couldn't score a set. Angela remained superior, playfully teasing me as she skillfully maneuvered around the court. By the end of the match, Angela was in her sports bra and shorts, her radiant smile making my defeat much more bearable.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"Better luck next time,"<</say>>
<<md>>She teased, laughing as I pouted in mock resentment.<</md>>
<<md>>Despite my loss, I couldn't help but smile. After all, there was always the next match.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaTennis = 3>>\
<<set $OliviaTennisMove = 1>>\
<<addmins 90>>\
[[Back|Park]] <<md>>When it was time to face Angela again, I was filled with determination. The game started, and this time, I was giving Angela a run for her money. Our rallies were longer, and my improved shots had her scrambling across the court.<</md>>
<<md>>The crucial moment came when we were tied in the last set. I decided to go for a topspin lob, a technique Olivia had drilled into me. With Angela at the net, it was the perfect opportunity. I hit the ball with a powerful swing, and it soared high over Angela's head, bouncing just inside the baseline.<</md>>
<<md>>I had won. Angela was surprised but gracious in defeat. She laughed, clapping for me before she removed her blouse as promised, revealing a sporty bra that did nothing to hide her well-toned physique.<</md>>
<<set _AngelaTennisPlay4Pic = [1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _AngelaTennisPlay4Pic.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Angela>>"Congratulations, you've earned it!"<</say>>
<<md>>She said, her eyes sparkling with admiration and a hint of something else.<</md>>
<<md>>Victory never felt so good. Not only had I improved in tennis, but I also got to see Angela follow through on her promise. It was a moment of triumph that was made all the more special by Angela's infectious spirit and good sportsmanship. It made me anticipate our next game with even more excitement.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaTennis = 4>>\
<<set $OliviaTennisMove = 3>>\
<<addmins 90>>\
[[Back|Park]] <<md>>Feeling confident with my newly acquired skill, I challenged Angela to another match. This time, the stakes were higher, as she was only left with her skirt and bra after our last game. A determined gleam shone in Angela's eyes as we began the match, and she played her best tennis yet.<</md>>
<<md>>The serve-and-volley technique proved to be a game-changer. With a powerful serve, I would follow the ball into the net, ready to volley Angela's return. It was an assertive move, one that caught Angela off-guard a few times.<</md>>
<<md>>We played hard, our movements fueled by the growing intensity between us. The game came down to the wire, both of us sweating and breathing hard. In the end, it was a quick serve-and-volley combination that won me the game.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"That was a close game, Angela."<</say>>
<<md>>I said, panting as I approached the net to shake her hand.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"You played well, I must admit."<</say>>
<<md>>She conceded, her face flushed from the exertion.<</md>>
<<set _AngelaTennisPlay5Pic = [1, 2]>>\
<<switch _AngelaTennisPlay5Pic.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>In accordance with our deal, Angela slipped off her skirt and unhooked her bra, leaving her in just her sports panties. Her body was a sight to behold, strong and beautiful under the afternoon sun. Despite her loss, she was radiant, the very embodiment of sportsmanship and grace.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"Well, a deal is a deal."<</say>>
<<md>>She said, her eyes never leaving mine, a playful challenge in her gaze. And with that, our game came to an end, leaving me more eager than ever for our next encounter.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaTennis = 5>>\
<<set $OliviaTennisMove = 5>>\
<<addmins 90>>\
[[Back|Park]] <<md>>For our next game, I came prepared with all the tricks and moves Olivia had taught me. But Angela was no pushover, and she countered my every move with her own brand of aggressive tennis. We were neck and neck the entire game, our competitive spirits driving us to give it our all.<</md>>
<<md>>Towards the end, it seemed like Angela might snatch the victory from me. But in a moment of desperation, I did something I hadn't planned on - a fake out. It wasn't exactly fair play, but the stakes were high, and I was driven by the desire to see Angela stripped of her last piece of clothing.<</md>>
<<md>>I made a show of preparing to hit a hard, fast serve to the right, but at the last moment, I softly lobbed the ball to the left. Caught off guard, Angela made a valiant effort to reach it, but it was too late. The point was mine, and with it, the game.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Looks like I won again, Angela."<</say>> I said, trying to keep the smugness out of my voice.
<<say $Angela>>"Well, I did say a deal's a deal."<</say>> She said, a playful grin on her face. And with that, she slipped off her panties, standing naked under the bright sun, her confidence unabashed.
<<set _AngelaTennisPlay6Pic = [1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _AngelaTennisPlay6Pic.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<say $mc>>"You did say that. And what about next time?"<</say>>
<<md>>She hesitated for a moment, looking thoughtful. Then her face lit up with a mischievous grin.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"If you win again... well, let's say I'll do something crazy. Something you'd like."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"And what would that be?"<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>"You'll just have to win to find out."<</say>>
<<md>>We made a deal then, setting the stakes for our next game. The winner's prize? A solo performance by Angela, right there on the tennis court. It was a challenge I couldn't refuse.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaTennis = 6>>\
<<set $OliviaTennisMove = 7>>\
<<addmins 90>>\
[[Back|Park]]<<md>>The next match with Angela was intense. She came prepared, more determined than ever, serving difficult returns and making aggressive plays. The tension between us was tangible, electrifying each volley, each strike of the ball.<</md>>
<<md>>Despite her best efforts, I managed to keep up, using every trick I had learned from Olivia. I could see the surprise in Angela's eyes as I returned her powerful serves, rallied her difficult shots, and scored point after point.<</md>>
<<md>>The game came down to the wire. We were both panting, sweat dripping from our foreheads, muscles aching with exertion. It was a heated contest of skill and determination, each of us refusing to back down. But in the end, I landed the final, winning point.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Guess I won again, Angela."<</say>>
<<md>>I said, panting, a triumphant grin on my face.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"So you did."<</say>>
<<md>>She admitted, her eyes sparkling with a mix of surprise and admiration. A smile played on her lips as she stepped back, preparing to fulfill her end of the deal.<</md>>
<<md>>In the middle of the tennis court, under the clear blue sky, Angela began her tantalizing performance. [img[img/Angela/AngellaTennis4_3.jpg]]Her hands roamed her body, teasing and playing with herself right before my eyes. I watched in awe, my breath hitching as she gave me a show that would remain etched in my memory forever.<</md>>
<<md>>Angela's boldness, her confidence, and her unabashed sensuality made the victory even more rewarding. We both knew this game was about more than tennis. It was a dance of attraction and flirtation, each match increasing the heat between us.<</md>>
<<md>>As I watched Angela in her moment of intimacy, I knew one thing for sure - our tennis games were far from over. Each match, each bet was drawing us closer, building an intimacy that went beyond the tennis court.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaTennis = 7>>\
<<set $OliviaTennisMove = 9>>\
<<addmins 90>>\
[[Back|Park]] <<addmins 90>>\
<<if $AngelaYoga == 2>>\
<<say $Angela>>"Come here, let me show you tandem pose. It's very usefull for people who live together as we are."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Okay, lead the way, cap."<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>"Stop it, $mc.Name, it's not like. You should just do as I..."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Like this?"<</say>>
<<md>>As we bent and contorted into a tandem pose, the balancing act seemed like an exercise in comedy. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"You're doomed!"<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Hey!"<</say>>
<<md>>Our failed attempts resulted in us toppling over, our laughter echoing in the living room. There was a sense of camaraderie, an infectious joy that seemed to grow with every failed pose. <</md>>
<<md>>The yoga session soon became less about the poses and more about the laughter, the friendship, the shared moments of pure hilarity.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaYoga = 3>>\
[[Leave|Home corridor]]
<<elseif $AngelaYoga == 3>>
<<md>>One yoga session turned into a friendly competition. Angela stretched out on her mat, turning to face me with a playful grin.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"So, think you can outdo me?"<</say>>
<<md>>She threw down the gauntlet, challenging me to a pose-off.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Are you sure you're ready to be humbled?"<</say>>
<<md>>I responded with a confident smirk, drawing a snort of laughter from Angela.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"We'll see who gets humbled."<</say>>
<<md>>Our friendly competition soon devolved into silliness, each of us twisting our bodies into increasingly ludicrous poses. I was just attempting a convoluted inversion when Angela burst out laughing.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"I don't even think that's a real pose!"<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"It's called the 'I have no idea what I'm doing' pose."<</say>>
<<md>>I quipped, losing my balance and toppling over onto the mat.<</md>>
<<md>>By the end of the session, we were sprawled out on the yoga mats, our sides aching from laughter, our bodies spent from the hilarity of our pose-off.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"I think you won the pose-off."<</say>>
<<md>>Angela finally conceded, her laughter fading into an amused smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"It was a close contest. You put up a good fight."<</say>>
<<md>>I responded, both of us sharing one final laugh before the session ended.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaYoga = 4>>\
[[Leave|Home corridor]]
<<elseif $AngelaYoga == 4>>\
<<md>>During one session, Angela decided to show off a complicated new pose she'd been practicing. Her eyes sparkled with determination as she settled onto her mat.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"Watch and learn, this is called the Eka Pada Sirsasana."<</say>>
<<md>>With a look of intense concentration, she twisted and contorted her body, drawing an impressed whistle from me. But just as she reached the peak of the pose, there was a loud ripping sound. Her yoga pants had torn!<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Uh, Angela... I think you might have a... wardrobe malfunction."<</say>>
<<md>>With a startled yelp, she unfolded from the pose, her hands flying to cover the large tear in her pants. Thankfully, her long t-shirt came to the rescue, saving her from total embarrassment. But the sight of Angela blushing furiously, trying to hide her torn yoga pants, had me struggling to hold back laughter.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"Stop laughing, it's not funny!"<</say>>
<<md>>But her laughter soon joined mine, her initial embarrassment fading into amusement.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"Well, I guess I need to invest in some sturdier yoga pants."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"Or maybe just practice less ambitious poses."<</say>>
<<md>>We both ended up in stitches, the mishap turning our yoga session into a laugh-filled afternoon.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaYoga = 5>>\
[[Leave|Home corridor]]
<<elseif $AngelaYoga == 5>>\
<<md>>We were deep into the Savasana pose, our bodies relaxed, our breathing synchronized, and our minds stilled. The outside world seemed to fade away, leaving us in a state of peaceful tranquility.<</md>>
<<md>>The serenity of the moment was shattered by the sudden, jarring ringing of my phone. It was lying on a nearby table, and its loud chime echoed around the quiet room.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Sorry, let me just..."<</say>>
<<md>>Breaking my pose, I scrambled to my feet and rushed over to the offending device. I was expecting an important call, but as I picked up the phone, I was met with the overly enthusiastic voice of a telemarketer trying to sell me a new vacuum cleaner.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"No, I don't need a new vacuum cleaner..."<</say>>
<<md>>As I attempted to extricate myself from the call, I looked over at Angela. Her lips were pressed together, and her body was shaking with suppressed laughter. When I finally managed to end the call, I turned to Angela, an exasperated sigh escaping my lips.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Telemarketers..."<</say>>
<<say $Angela>>"Wait, let me guess... Did they have a special offer just for you?"<</say>>
<<md>>Our eyes met, and in an instant, we both erupted into laughter. Our peaceful yoga session was replaced by us comically reenacting the unwanted call, with Angela doing an impressive impersonation of the pushy telemarketer.<</md>>
<<md>>What was initially an interruption turned into a moment of shared amusement, transforming our yoga session into a laughter-filled afternoon.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaYoga = 6>>\
[[Leave|Home corridor]]
<</if>>\<<md>>The day arrived, and we headed to the countryside. Angela brought along Smoky, her beautiful horse, convinced that his presence would bring a soothing vibe to our session. She also opted for a lightweight dress, claiming it would provide more freedom of movement.<</md>>
<<md>>We found a tranquil clearing beside a serene lake and began our practice. Angela was attempting an intricate pose on Smoky when suddenly, the horse got spooked and bolted. Angela tumbled to the ground, her dress catching on a tree branch and ripping, leaving her top bare.<</md>>
<<md>>Immediately, she turned beet red, instinctively trying to cover herself. But seeing the shocked expression on my face, her embarrassment gave way to amusement.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"Seems like wardrobe malfunctions are becoming a theme here, don't you think?"<</say>>
<<md>>She quipped, her voice rich with humor. Stunned, I tried to find words, but she interrupted. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"I've got an idea... If you show me yours, I'll gladly take off the rest of my dress. Fair's fair."<</say>>
<<md>>I stared at her, stammering out.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Are you... Are you serious, Angela?"<</say>>
<<md>>To my surprise, she didn't back down. Instead, she gave me a steady, challenging gaze.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"Why not? I mean, it's not like we haven't seen each other... in compromising situations before."<</say>>
<<md>>Though unexpected, her boldness brought an entirely new dimension to our yoga sessions, ensuring they were anything but boring.<</md>>
<<set $AngelaYoga = 8>>\
[[Show it to her|AngelaYoga3.1]] <<include "OliviaSchedule">>\
<<include "AngelaSchedule">>\
<<md>>The tennis court was a pristine stretch of green and white, its geometric lines creating a grid of competition and sport. A high, chain-link fence surrounded it, adding a sense of exclusivity and focus. It was bathed in the warmth of the afternoon sun, the entire area alive with the echo of bouncing balls and the soft scuff of tennis shoes.<</md>>
<<if _oliviaTennisSchedule>>\
<strong>Olivia -</strong> <<link "Talk">><<goto "TennisCourtOlivia">><</link>>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 > 41 && $NoraQuest1 == 8>>\
[[Discuss cheerleaders|OliviaSecondMeet]]
<<if $AngelaTennis > 2 && _angelaTennisSchedule>>\
<strong>Angela -</strong> <<link "Talk">><<goto "TennisCourtAngela">><</link>>
[[Leave|Park]] <<set _OliviaTennisGreets = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>\
<<switch _OliviaTennisGreets.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Olivia>>"Well, look who's back! Are you here for a tennis match or just to work on your tan?"<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Olivia>>"Fancy seeing you here, Champ. I assume you're here to show off those mad tennis skills of yours?"<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Olivia>>"Ready to face defeat again? Or are you just here for the free water?"<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Olivia>>"Oh, here again? I thought you might be back. Was it the tennis or the view of me in my tennis outfit?"<</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Olivia>>"Back for another round, huh? Or did you just come to drool over my tight tennis shorts?"<</say>>
[[Play tennis|TennisCourtOliviaPlay]]
<<if $AngelaTennis > 2 && $OliviaTennisMove < 9>>\
[[Learn some tricks|TennisCourtOliviaTrain]]
<</if>>\<<set _AngelaCourtGreetings = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]>>\
<<switch _AngelaCourtGreetings.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Angela>>Hey there! Ready for our friendly match today?<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Angela>>Hi! It's always a pleasure to meet you on the court. Ready to play?<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Angela>>I see you've brought your A-game today. Too bad it's not going to be enough.<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Angela>>Did you come here to play or to provide some light entertainment for me?<</say>>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Angela>>Hello there! Can't wait to start our electrifying game today, are you ready?<</say>>
<<case 6>>\
<<say $Angela>>Hi! So excited to see you. Let's have a thrilling game of tennis!<</say>>
[[Simple game|TennisCourtAngelaPlay]]
<<if $AngelaTennis > 2>>\
[[Undressing game|TennisAngelaPlaySpecial]]
<</if>>\<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(17)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<if $OliviaTennisMove == 0>>\
<<set _OliviaTennisPlayZero = [ 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _OliviaTennisPlayZero.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>At the beginning of our training sessions, Olivia and I decided to have a friendly game to gauge my skill level. To say I was a novice would have been an understatement. I was utterly outmatched.<</md>>
<<md>>She moved around the court with the grace and agility of a panther, sending powerful forehands and backhands my way, each one catching me off guard. I tried to return them, but often I was just too slow or I would completely miss the ball.<</md>>
<<md>>Olivia's serve was a thing of beauty. She would toss the ball high in the air, arch her back, and with a swift movement, hit the ball with such power that it would whiz past me before I could even react.<</md>>
<<md>>Despite my lack of skill and the obvious outcome of the game, I was having fun. It was challenging, yes, and I was losing terribly, but the thrill of the game, the anticipation of the ball coming my way, the exhilaration of trying to hit it back... it was all strangely satisfying.<</md>>
<<md>>At the end of the match, despite being breathless and sweaty, I couldn't help but laugh at my poor performance. Olivia, on the other hand, seemed unfazed. She gave me a knowing smile, like she saw potential in me.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You're a blank canvas, my friend. It's time to start painting.<</say>>
<<md>>And thus began our training sessions.<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Stepping onto the court to face Olivia for the first time was a nerve-wracking experience. I'd watched her play and knew she was an experienced player. I, on the other hand, had only just picked up a tennis racket for the first time in years. <</md>>
<<md>>We exchanged a friendly handshake before taking our positions on the court. Olivia served first, and her serve was a thing of beauty – fast, precise, and utterly unreturnable for a novice like me. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You'll get there, don't worry! This is just the beginning. <</say>>
<<md>>I took a deep breath, trying to remember the basic instructions she'd given me. But when I tried to serve, my ball barely made it to the net. I frowned, frustrated with myself. Olivia was encouraging, offering a few quick tips before I tried again. <</md>>
<<md>>Despite her patient teaching, the match was a comedy of errors on my part. My serves were erratic, my returns even more so. But through it all, I was having fun. I couldn't help but laugh at my own ineptitude, and Olivia's good-natured teasing only added to the enjoyment. <</md>>
<<md>>By the time we called it a day, I was sweaty, exhausted, and utterly defeated. But I was also determined. I looked at Olivia, who was grinning despite her easy victory. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Next time, I'll give you a real challenge. <</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>I'm looking forward to it. <</say>>
<<md>>And with that, I started my journey into the world of tennis, spurred on by my initial defeat and the tantalizing prospect of improvement. <</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Facing off against Olivia was a whirlwind of emotion, every game was a mix of tension and thrill. It was evident from the start that her skill level was leagues above mine. Yet, there was something intoxicating about the challenge. <<</md>>
<<md>>The match started with Olivia serving. Her first serve was a powerful stroke that shot past me before I could react. I glanced at her and saw a smirk playing on her lips. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I hope you're not just here to watch the ball zoom past you! <</say>>
<<md>>Her teasing was playful, and it only added fuel to my determination. I took my position to serve. I felt a rush of adrenaline as I threw the ball up into the air and swung my racket. Unfortunately, my aim was off, and the ball didn't quite make it over the net. <</md>>
<<md>>There was a pause before Olivia broke into laughter, doubling over as she struggled to contain her amusement. Her mirth was infectious, and soon we were both laughing, the score of the game forgotten for a moment. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it. And when you do, I'll make sure to give you a proper challenge. <</say>>
<<md>>Her wink suggested something more than just tennis, but I brushed it off, focusing on the game at hand. We continued our match, and as expected, Olivia had no trouble outplaying me. <</md>>
<<md>>Despite my repeated failures, there was a sense of accomplishment. Each point I managed to score against Olivia felt like a small victory. And the flirty, competitive banter between us added a level of excitement to the game. <</md>>
<<md>>The game ended with Olivia as the clear victor, but it was the most fun I'd had in a long time. Olivia's teasing, her smirks and suggestive comments added an entirely new dimension to the game. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll beat you next time. <</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>I look forward to seeing you try. <</say>>
<<md>>Her reply was filled with amusement and promise, a challenge I was more than eager to accept. <</md>>
<<elseif $OliviaTennisMove < 2>>\
<<set _OliviaTennisPlayOne = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _OliviaTennisPlayOne.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>Olivia challenged me to another match. This time I was armed with newfound skills and a burning desire to win, or at least, not lose as spectacularly as last time. <</md>>
<<md>>As we started, I could see the look of surprise on Olivia's face. My movements were more coordinated, my returns were faster, and I even managed to pull off a decent serve. Yet, her experience and expertise were leagues above mine, and she quickly regained her rhythm, taking the lead. <</md>>
<<md>>There were moments when I managed to score, eliciting claps and cheers from Olivia. They were minor victories, but to me, they felt like major accomplishments. I could feel myself improving with every swing of my racket, every dash across the court. <</md>>
<<md>>Despite my increased skill level, I still found myself on the losing end. But the gap between our scores was narrower than before, and that in itself was a victory. Olivia, ever the mentor, was full of praise and encouragement. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You're getting better, keep it up! Remember, it's not about winning or losing, it's about enjoying the game and improving. And you're doing both. <</say>>
<<md>>I grinned, feeling a sense of accomplishment. I may have lost the game, but in terms of skill, I was definitely winning. <</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>My second match against Olivia was a different story. I'd been practicing and learning, but my experience was still dwarfed by her expertise. This time, I wasn't completely blindsided. I'd learned a few tricks and was eager to try them out. <</md>>
<<md>>The game started with a serve from Olivia. I was ready, positioning myself to counter. She was fast, but I managed to return her serve, using the forehand stroke I'd been practicing. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Not too bad, huh? <</say>>
<<md>>I challenged, but Olivia merely grinned, acknowledging my improved skills. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Impressive! But can you keep up? <</say>>
<<md>>The game was on. Olivia's next shot was a sharp, low ball. I was quick to react, but my backhand was not as strong as my forehand. I missed, but it didn't dishearten me. <</md>>
<<md>>Olivia continued to throw challenges at me, and I fought back with every move I'd learned, each point I scored was a testament to my hard work. However, I was still unable to match her in terms of skills and stamina. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You're getting better, I must admit. But you still have a long way to go. <</say>>
<<md>>Her words were teasing, yet motivating. Despite her victory, I felt a sense of accomplishment. <</md>>
<<md>>I didn't win the game, but I was learning, growing, and that's what mattered. Olivia's playful jabs and provocative comments added a level of anticipation to our future matches. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Next time, you'll see. I'm not going down so easy. <</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Oh, I'm counting on it. <</say>>
<<md>>Her words were a promise, a challenge, and I was more than ready to take it on. <</md>>
<<elseif $OliviaTennisMove == 4>>\
<<set _OliviaTennisPlayFull = [ 1, 2]>>\
<<switch _OliviaTennisPlayFull.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>After weeks of practice and several lessons under Olivia's tutelage, I felt ready to challenge her to a match once more. This time, I wasn't just hoping not to lose; I was aiming to win. <</md>>
<<md>>As we faced off on the court, I could feel the shift in dynamics. Olivia was no longer just my coach; she was my opponent. She watched with an appreciative smile as I warmed up, executing the moves she taught me with newfound finesse. <</md>>
<<md>>The game started off at a fast pace. I was on my toes, using every trick I learned to keep up with Olivia's quick returns and powerful serves. I pulled off a few successful serve-and-volleys, a backspin slice, and even a fake out, catching Olivia off guard. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I see you've been paying attention during our lessons. I'm impressed! <</say>>
<<md>>Despite my best efforts, Olivia still managed to pull ahead, demonstrating her superior skill and experience. But the gap wasn't as wide as before. For every point she scored, I was right on her heels, scoring one of my own. <</md>>
<<md>>The final score was closer than any of our previous matches, a testament to how much I'd improved. Despite the loss, I felt a sense of accomplishment. With Olivia's help, I'd grown from a tennis novice to a competent player. And who knows? Maybe next time, I'd even manage to win. <</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>It was my third match with Olivia, and I felt ready. I'd practiced her techniques, worked on my endurance, and improved my reaction speed. I walked into the court with a renewed sense of confidence. Olivia noticed it right away. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You look like you're ready to take on the world. Are you up for the challenge? <</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was teasing, her eyes twinkling with mischief. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see who the world will need to worry about after this game. <</say>>
<<md>>The game kicked off with a swift serve from Olivia. It was a tricky shot, but I managed to return it with a backhand. I saw a flicker of surprise in Olivia's eyes. It was my first small victory. <</md>>
<<md>>The game proceeded with us exchanging fast and powerful shots, utilizing every inch of the court. Each serve was a new challenge. I took every opportunity to deploy the techniques I'd learned from Olivia: serve-and-volley, drop shots, and the fake out. <</md>>
<<md>>Olivia was no easy opponent. She was fast, agile, and experienced. Yet with every passing moment, I was catching up. The gap between our skills was narrowing. <</md>>
<<md>>It came down to the final set, both of us breathing heavily, sweat dripping down our faces. Olivia served, a powerful shot aimed at the corner. I was ready, and in a moment of adrenaline, I performed a near-perfect counter, swinging my racket with all my might. <</md>>
<<md>>The ball flew past Olivia, and the game was mine. I couldn't believe it. I'd won. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, how about that? <</say>>
<<md>>Olivia, despite her loss, was grinning, clearly impressed. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well done. You've learned well. But don't get too cocky. I was just taking it easy on you. <</say>>
<<md>>Her words were light and playful, but the challenge was clear. And I was ready to accept it. <</md>>
<<md>>We took our positions on the tennis court, the sun casting long shadows as the match between Olivia and me commenced. Olivia's serve was powerful, the ball rocketing across the court with a spin that made it difficult to return.<</md>>
<<md>>As the match progressed, the intensity between us grew. Every serve, every rally was a battle of wits and skill. Olivia played with a grace and prowess that was awe-inspiring, her every move a testament to her mastery of the game.<</md>>
<<md>>I managed to keep up with her pace, returning her shots with a determination that matched her own. However, Olivia's strategic shots and clever use of the court often left me scrambling.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally, after a nail-biting rally, Olivia pulled off a stunning serve-and-volley. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't return the shot. With that decisive move, Olivia won the match.<</md>>
<<md>>Despite my loss, I couldn't help but appreciate the experience. Playing against Olivia, a seasoned tennis player, was a challenge that pushed me to my limits. Her congratulatory pat on my back at the end of the match only further solidified the respect I had for her as a player and as an individual.<</md>>
[[Leave the court|Park]] <<say $Olivia>>"So what trick do you want to learn?<</say>>
<<if $OliviaTennisMove == 1>>\
[[Forehand move|TennisCourtOliviaTrainForehand]]
<<elseif $OliviaTennisMove == 3>>\
[[Serve and volley move|TennisCourtOliviaTrainServeandVolley]]
<<elseif $OliviaTennisMove == 5>>\
[[Fakeout move|TennisCourtOliviaTrainFakeout]]
<<elseif $OliviaTennisMove == 7>>\
[[Dropshot move|TennisCourtOliviaTrainDropshot]]
<<set _AngelaTennisPlay = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>\
<<switch _AngelaTennisPlay.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>The sun was high in the sky as I met Angela on the tennis court. She had a gleam in her eye and a smile on her face, clearly excited for our match. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Ready to lose again? <</say>>
<<md>>Her tone was teasing, and I couldn't help but chuckle. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Only if you promise to take it easy on me. <</say>>
<<md>>With that, our match began. Angela served first, and her serve was a lightning bolt - fast and accurate. I managed to return it, but barely. <</md>>
<<md>>As the game progressed, it was clear that Angela was in her element. Her movements were fluid and confident, her serves powerful, and her returns quick. Despite my best efforts, I was struggling to keep up. <</md>>
<<md>>I managed to score a few points here and there, but Angela's lead was undeniable. Her experience and skill were shining through, and I found myself on the defensive for most of the match. <</md>>
<<md>>In the end, Angela won the match, her smile triumphant. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Good game. You put up a decent fight. <</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't help but laugh. It was a good game, despite the loss. And besides, it's not every day you get to play tennis with a friend and have such a fun time. <</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<md>>Once again, I found myself on the tennis court with Angela, the sun casting long shadows as the day moved towards evening. We exchanged playful banter before the match. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ready to see how much I've improved? <</say>>
<<say $Angela>>I can't wait to see it. <</say>>
<<md>>This time, I served first, and I could tell Angela was surprised by the power and accuracy of my serve. It was the first indication that the game might not go as she expected. <</md>>
<<md>>We rallied back and forth, each point hard-fought and earned. But as the game progressed, it became clear that the balance had shifted. My training with Olivia was paying off. I was more confident, more precise, and quicker on my feet. <</md>>
<<md>>I could see Angela's surprise growing with each point I won. Her game became more aggressive, but I was able to match and even surpass her efforts. The tide had turned. <</md>>
<<md>>In the end, to both our surprises, I emerged the victor. The look of astonishment on Angela's face was priceless, but it quickly turned into a warm, genuine smile. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Well, you certainly have improved. Congrats on the win! <</say>>
<<md>>It was a moment of triumph, a testament to hard work and determination. But more than anything, it was just another fun, competitive game with a good friend. <</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>We found ourselves on the court once again, the tension of the previous games hanging in the air. Both of us had victories under our belts, and we were eager to see who would take the lead this time. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, are you ready for the game? <</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Absolutely. Let's make it interesting! <</say>>
<<md>>We started, and it was immediately apparent that both of us had upped our games. Angela's serve was sharp and precise, and my returns were faster and stronger. The points were hard-earned, each rally a showcase of our growing skills. <</md>>
<<md>>As the game progressed, it became evident that neither of us was going to give in easily. We were equally matched, our scores climbing in tandem. Point for point, serve for serve, we were locked in a thrilling draw. <</md>>
<<md>>After the final rally, we found ourselves at an impasse. A draw. We exchanged a glance across the net, both panting and sweaty, and broke into laughter. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>I guess we're evenly matched now. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Seems so. But I’m looking forward to our next game. <</say>>
<<md>>The match ended, not with the definitive victory either of us had hoped for, but with a shared appreciation for the exhilaration of the game and the progression of our skills. <</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>We were ready for another friendly match on the tennis court. The sun was shining brightly above us, creating a beautiful backdrop for the game. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You ready for another round, Angela? <</say>>
<<say $Angela>>Absolutely, let’s get to it! <</say>>
<<md>>We had only just begun when we noticed a darkening on the horizon. We barely had the chance to start the game when a sudden thunderstorm swept over us. <</md>>
<<md>>The rain started to pour, soaking us and the court. We ran for cover, laughing and splashing in the sudden downpour. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Well, I guess the game is off! <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like it. But there's always a next time. <</say>>
<<md>>Our match didn’t turn out the way we planned, but the unexpected downpour turned it into a different kind of fun. Our tennis match was over, but the adventure was just beginning. <</md>>
<<case 5>>\
<<md>>The sun was just beginning to set, casting long shadows over the tennis court. Angela was standing at the other end of the court, her expression focused and determined. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright Angela, this is it, the match to end all matches. <</say>>
<<say $Angela>>You better believe it, let's do this! <</say>>
<<md>>We started our game and right from the outset, it was clear this wasn't going to be an easy match. Angela was playing fiercely, her powerful shots whizzing through the air, and her agility was unmatched. <</md>>
<<md>>Despite my best efforts and all the skills I learned from Olivia, Angela was always a step ahead. <</md>>
<<md>>After a grueling few hours, Angela emerged victorious. Her smile was broad, and she was beaming with joy, clearly proud of her win. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Great game! I told you it won't be easy. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Indeed, it was a tough match. Well played, Angela. <</say>>
<<md>>Even though I lost, it was a great match. We were both tired but happy. After all, it was not about winning, but about enjoying the game and the companionship it brought us. <</md>>
<<addmins 90>>\
[[Leave the court|Park]] <<if $OliviaTennisMove == 8>>\
<<elseif $OliviaTennisMove == 6>>\
<<elseif $OliviaTennisMove == 4>>\
<<elseif $OliviaTennisMove == 2>>\
<</if>>\<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(17)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, let's start with your forehand. Remember, you want to hit the ball with the center of your racquet. Use your whole body, not just your arm.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia advised, her tone firm yet patient. I mimicked her movement, trying to get the swing just right.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Like this?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Almost, but you need to follow through more. Here, let me show you.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia stepped closer, adjusting my grip on the racquet and showing me the correct swing. The proximity was a bit distracting, but I tried to concentrate on her instructions.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Next, let's work on your backhand.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia demonstrated the backhand stroke, making it look incredibly easy. It was much harder than it looked, but I tried my best to replicate her movements.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Is this right?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>You're getting there. Just remember to keep your elbow close to your body and swing through the ball.<</say>>
<<md>>The training session continued, with Olivia teaching me different techniques, each one more challenging than the last. Despite the difficulties, I was determined to improve. Each fall, each miss, only fueled my resolve to get better.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I can see you're improving. With more practice, you'll be able to beat Angela in no time.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's words of encouragement bolstered my confidence. With her guidance, I was certain I could improve my game and finally win a match against Angela.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, Olivia. I appreciate all your help.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>You're welcome. Now let's get back to work.<</say>>
<<md>>And with that, we dove back into training, each stroke, each hit bringing me one step closer to my goal. I was grateful for Olivia's help and determined to make the most of it.<</md>>
<<set $OliviaTennisMove = 2>>\
[[Leave the court|Park]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(17)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, let's move on to the serve-and-volley. This is an aggressive tactic, and it's all about catching your opponent off-guard.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's tone was serious as she took her position at the baseline, racquet poised in one hand and a tennis ball in the other. She made a swift upward motion, the ball shooting skywards before she smashed it over the net. Immediately, she charged forward towards the net.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, I serve and then rush towards the net?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Exactly. But remember, your serve needs to be powerful and well-placed. And once you start moving, don't hesitate. You need to be ready to make a volley shot.<</say>>
<<md>>I watched as Olivia demonstrated a few more times. The serve-and-volley was a combination of power and precision, a strategic move that, when executed correctly, could put the opponent under immense pressure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, let me give it a try.<</say>>
<<md>>Taking a deep breath, I tried to emulate Olivia's movements. My first couple of attempts were clumsy; my serve lacked power, and I was slow in moving towards the net. But with each try, I began to get the hang of it.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>That's it! Just keep practicing. The key to mastering the serve-and-volley is consistency.<</say>>
<<md>>With Olivia's words of encouragement echoing in my ears, I continued to practice. Despite the challenge, I was determined to master the serve-and-volley. It was a technique I was sure would give me an advantage in my matches against Angela.<</md>>
<<set $OliviaTennisMove = 4>>\
[[Continue training|TennisCourtOliviaTrainServeandVolleyAsk]] <<md>>After a few more rounds of practice, Olivia stopped and turned to me, a curious look in her eyes. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Why are you pushing yourself so hard? It's just a friendly match, isn't it?<</say>>
<<talk"Lie to her">>
<<md>>Her question made me pause. I couldn't tell her the real reason - the bet I had made with Angela. I had to come up with something believable.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I've always been a competitive person. I don't like to lose, even if it's just a friendly match. Plus, it's a good way to stay fit, don't you think?<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia chuckled at my response, shaking her head slightly. She probably suspected there was more to it, but she didn't press further.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Fair enough. Whatever motivates you to get better. Just remember, it's supposed to be fun too.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words resonated with me. Yes, there was a bet involved, but it was also about improving my skills and enjoying the game. I promised myself to remember that in my upcoming matches with Angela.<</md>>
[[Leave the court|Park]]
<<talk"Tell her truth">>
<<md>>As Olivia studied me intently, I debated whether or not to tell her the truth. Deciding that honesty was the best policy, I took a deep breath and confessed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Honestly, I made a bet with a friend. If I win, she has to... do something a bit crazy.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's eyes widened in surprise, and then she burst into laughter, clutching her stomach as she doubled over.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You're serious? You're doing all this because of a bet? That's hilarious! And also kind of sweet, in a twisted sort of way.<</say>>
<<md>>Feeling my face heat up, I shrugged and tried to downplay the situation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's not like that...<</say>>
<<md>>But Olivia cut me off with a smirk, raising an eyebrow in amusement.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Oh, it's definitely like that. Just remember, hotshot, keep your racket in your pants, or you'll be dealing with my kind of punishment.<</say>>
<<md>>Her warning was playful, but the teasing glint in her eyes suggested she was at least partially serious. I gulped, suddenly feeling a bit nervous about our next training session.<</md>>
<<set $OliviaTennisTruth = 1>>\
[[Leave the court|Park]]
<</talk>>\<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(17)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<md>>After a few sessions of refining my basic shots, Olivia decided it was time to step up my game. She introduced me to the concept of a 'fake out'.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>The idea of a fake out is to trick your opponent into thinking you're going one way when you're actually going the other. It's all about misdirection and quick reflexes.<</say>>
<<md>>She demonstrated, her body twisting one way, racket swinging the other. The ball, obedient to her command, zipped off in the unexpected direction.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Your turn.<</say>>
<<md>>I mimicked her movements, but my first few attempts were clumsy and my shots too predictable.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>No, no, no. You're telegraphing your movements. Be more subtle.<</say>>
<<md>>I tried again and again, each time with Olivia correcting my stance, my swing, my timing. She was a patient instructor, her critiques constructive and her praises sparing but encouraging.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>There you go! That was a decent fake out.<</say>>
<<md>>Her approval sent a rush of satisfaction through me. With each subsequent session, my fake outs became more convincing, my opponents left dumbfounded on the court.<</md>>
<<set $OliviaTennisMove = 6>>\
[[Leave the court|Park]] <<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(17)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<md>>Once I had a good handle on the fake out, Olivia decided to introduce me to another advanced move – the drop shot.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>The drop shot is a delicate, precision shot. It's meant to just barely clear the net, forcing your opponent to sprint to the net from the baseline.<</say>>
<<md>>She demonstrated, her racket lightly tapping the ball, sending it just barely over the net. It bounced softly a couple of times before coming to a stop.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>The trick is to make it look like you're going for a deep shot. Keep your swing the same but at the last moment, just give the ball a gentle tap.<</say>>
<<md>>I tried, but my first attempts either hit the net or flew too far, giving my imaginary opponent plenty of time to reach the ball.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Again.<</say>>
<<md>>And again I tried, Olivia's instructions echoing in my head. After countless attempts, I managed to execute a somewhat decent drop shot.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>That's better. Remember, it's all about precision and deception. Now let's do it again.<</say>>
<<md>>And so we continued, my shots gradually getting better under Olivia's tutelage.<</md>>
<<set $OliviaTennisMove = 8>>\
[[Leave the court|Park]] <<if $OliviaTennisMove == 1>>\
<<md>>Facing Angela again on the court, I was brimming with determination. The match began, and it was clear from the onset that this time I wouldn't be easily outplayed. Our rallies extended longer, and my refined techniques had Angela scuttling from one end of the court to the other.<</md>>
<<md>>The pivotal moment arrived when we were neck-to-neck in the final set. Seeing Angela positioned at the net, I decided to go for a topspin lob, a move Olivia had hammered into me. Executing a powerful swing, I sent the ball soaring over Angela's head, it bounced just inside the baseline. Yet, before I could savor my apparent victory, Angela had swiftly reversed her stance, rushing towards the ball.<</md>>
<<md>>With a powerful strike, Angela returned the lob, landing it just out of my reach. My chance at victory slipped away in that moment. Angela had won and I was left in awe of her prowess on the court.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"Well played! You really had me running there!"<</say>>
<<md>>She exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with respect and a glint of triumph.<</md>>
<<md>>Despite the defeat, it felt good. Not only because I had significantly improved my tennis game, but also because I got to witness Angela's excellent sportsmanship and incredible skills. It was a moment of self-realization and growth that was made all the more impactful by Angela's vivacious spirit. It left me eager for our next game, fueled by the ambition to win.<</md>>
<<set _AngelaTennisPlayFailPic = [1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _AngelaTennisPlayFailPic.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<elseif $OliviaTennisMove == 3>>\
<<md>>Riding high on my newly acquired skills, I issued another challenge to Angela. This time, the stakes were higher; she was only left with her skirt and bra after our previous match. As we started, her eyes were filled with fierce determination, and she was clearly playing her best tennis yet.<</md>>
<<md>>Despite my significant improvement, Angela's experience and skill were not to be underestimated. She expertly responded to my serve-and-volley strategy, consistently placing the ball out of my reach and forcing me to scramble across the court.<</md>>
<<md>>We pushed each other to our limits, the intensity of the match reflected in our heavy breathing and the sweat dripping from our faces. When the dust settled, it was Angela's expertly placed backhand that won her the game.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"You played an exceptional game, Angela."<</say>>
<<md>>I managed to say, panting as I approached the net to shake her hand.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"You gave me a good run for my money."<</say>>
<<md>>She admitted, a triumphant grin lighting up her flushed face.<</md>>
<<md>>Though I was the one who lost the game, the sight of Angela's radiant smile, her body glistening with sweat under the sun, was a reward in itself. Her spirit of competition, her grace in victory, made the loss more bearable.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"Better luck next time."<</say>>
<<md>>She said, her eyes sparkling with competitive spirit and anticipation for our next match.<</md>>
<<set _AngelaTennisPlayFailPic = [1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _AngelaTennisPlayFailPic.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<elseif $OliviaTennisMove == 5>>\
<<md>>Our next match was a fierce competition, Angela and I pulling out all the stops to clinch the victory. Despite all the tricks and strategies I had learned from Olivia, Angela was a formidable opponent. We were on even footing throughout the game, each of us refusing to give the other an inch.<</md>>
<<md>>As the game neared its end, Angela pulled off an impressive combination of shots, outmaneuvering me and putting me on the defensive. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't keep up with her aggressive play, and she ended up securing the victory with a decisive ace.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"You played really well, Angela."<</say>> I admitted, trying to hide my disappointment as I reached across the net to shake her hand.
<<say $Angela>>"And you gave me a good game."<</say>> She replied, her eyes softening as she noticed my disappointment.
<<md>>There was no gloating, no teasing from her end. Instead, she gave me an encouraging pat on the shoulder, her competitive spirit making way for her kind nature. She looked radiant under the sun, her body glistening with perspiration, her face glowing with the thrill of victory.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"We all have off days, you know. Don't beat yourself up."<</say>> She said, offering me a supportive smile.<</md>>
<<md>>Her words were a small comfort, easing the sting of defeat. I realized then that it wasn't just about winning or losing, but about the thrill of the game and the joy of playing with someone as passionate as Angela.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"What about next time?"<</say>> I asked, ready to face another challenge.
<<say $Angela>>"I'll be waiting for your rematch. And maybe, just maybe, you'll see something crazy."<</say>> She winked, a playful smirk on her face, leaving me with anticipation for our next match.<</md>>
<<set _AngelaTennisPlayFailPic = [1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _AngelaTennisPlayFailPic.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<elseif $OliviaTennisMove == 7>>\
<<md>>Our rematch was just as heated as the previous games, if not more so. Angela came onto the court with a fire in her eyes, ready to turn the tide in her favor. From the very first serve, it was clear that she meant business. She played with an aggressive style that I struggled to match, her powerful serves and rapid-fire volleys putting me on the backfoot.<</md>>
<<md>>Despite the skills and tricks I had learned from Olivia, Angela seemed to have an answer for everything. She anticipated my shots, returned my serves with precision, and seemed to be everywhere on the court. Her game had improved tremendously, her determination palpable in every swing of her racket.<</md>>
<<md>>The game came down to the last point, our scores neck and neck. But in the end, it was Angela's resilience and skill that won her the game. With a powerful serve that I couldn't return, she secured her victory.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"Well played, Angela."<</say>>
<<md>>I conceded, the disappointment in my voice hard to mask.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>"Thanks. You gave me a good game."<</say>>
<<md>>She replied, a proud smile on her face. Despite the thrill of victory, there was no gloating or mockery in her voice. Instead, she extended a hand towards me, helping me up from where I had fallen in my failed attempt to return her final serve.<</md>>
<<md>>Despite the defeat, I felt a sense of respect and admiration for Angela. She had earned her victory, and in doing so, had pushed me to up my game. I realized that our games were not just about winning or losing, but about the thrill of competition, the shared passion for the sport, and the connection that was blossoming between us.<</md>>
<<md>>I may have lost the game, but I knew that this defeat was only temporary. I was determined to come back stronger, to give Angela a run for her money. And in the process, I was looking forward to the tantalizing rewards that came with each victory.<</md>>
<<set _AngelaTennisPlayFailPic = [1, 2, 3]>>\
<<switch _AngelaTennisPlayFailPic.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<addmins 90>>\
[[Leave the court|Park]] <<if $LucyCum2 == 1>>\
<<goto "LucyCum">>
<<if $stamina< 15>>
<<goto "MCTiredLucy">>
<<if $LucyCum > 100>><<goto "LucyCum">><</if>>\
<<if $McCum > 100>><<goto "GGCumLucy">><</if>>\
<<set _LucyFootingArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _LucyFootingArray.random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<md>>It seems that today Lucy’s day was hard. It will not be superfluous to earn a few points of her favor, by helping her to take off shoes.<</md>>
<<md>>Then this thought occurred to me...<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Is something wrong? You do not take your eyes off my legs, as if they are the most valuable in the whole planet.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It seems that I'm crazy about them.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Only about them or about me too? Wait a minute...<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes fixed on my trousers, from where something bulged out.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Are you getting hard while helping me take off my shoes?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Will you blame me?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>No, I have a better idea...<</say>>
<<md>>As if she always did, she deftly unfastened the button, allowing dick to jump out. And after that she began to do magic, from which I was almost dizzy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, you...<</say>>
<<md>>Her feet hugged my cock very tight, moving with him to the beat. My tension grew every second...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are incredible-E-E-E!<</say>>
<<md>>Unable to restrain myself anymore, I let my pleasure splash onto my neighbor's feet.<</md>>
<<md>>What a gorgeous woman!<</md>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $mc>>You have such beautiful legs... The best legs in the world.<</say>>
<<md>>I didn’t lie. I really liked Lucy's legs. If there was a reward for the best legs, then I would give it to the girl next to me.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>What do you mean?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I also have something wonderful in my pants that I should take good care of. And it is too much stress...<</say>>
<<md>>She bit her lip and winked to me slyly.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Do you mean that you want me to do it with my legs?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I do not want this, but I long for it.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Well, I suppose nothing bad will happen...<</say>>
<<md>>Her legs grabbed my cock, tightly, as if he were their support and hope.<</md>>
<<if $LucyImage63Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $LucyImage63Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<md>>The touch increased tension in me, allowing Lucy to see my cock in all its glory.<</md>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>I can feel her legs around my waist and her hands firmly gripping my hips as she begins to move up and down.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Lucy\Quest\Video\LucyIntFooting1.mp4"></video></div>
She moves her legs in a steady rhythm, jerking my cock with each thrust. I can feel her heat radiating off of her and the intensity of her grip as she increases the pace.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mmmh…<</say>>
<<md>>My breathing becomes more labored as I reach the brink of climax, and I throw my head back in pleasure as I feel her legs tighten around me. She's pushing me further and further over the edge, and I can't help but moan in pleasure as she continues to jerk me off with her legs.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah…Your legs so fine.<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy's eyes are locked with mine as she takes me to the heights of pleasure, and I can feel my whole body trembling as I reach the ultimate climax. I'm left breathless as I feel my body shudder with pleasure, and I can see the satisfied look on Lucy's face as she releases her grip.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Now you tamed me, ha-ha. <</say>>
<<md>>I lay there panting, my body still trembling with pleasure from the experience. I glance up at Lucy and can't help but smile as I thank her for the most amazing experience of my life.<</md>>
<<case 4>>\
<<md>>I felt my body tremble with anticipation as Lucy's legs entwined around my waist. Her smooth, supple skin pressed against me, sending a wave of pleasure coursing through my veins. I looked into her eyes, and they were alive with the same desire that I felt.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah!<</say>>
<<md>>Her hands moved up and down my length, her touch gentle yet firm. I could feel her heat radiating off of her body, and it only intensified the pleasure that I was feeling.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Let’s go…<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy then began to move her legs in a rhythmical motion, her grip tightening around me as she did so. I felt my body responding to her touch, each stroke sending an electric current through me. I was in a trance-like state, unable to control the sensations coursing through my body.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Go on…More…<</say>>
<<md>>It felt like Lucy was an expert at her craft, as if she had been doing this for years. Her movements were like a symphony, each one more passionate than the last. I felt my pleasure mounting, and I was powerless to stop it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I can’t hold it!<</say>>
<<md>>Finally, I reached my climax, and I let out a loud moan of pleasure. Lucy smiled at me, her eyes twinkling with satisfaction. In that moment, I felt like I was floating on a cloud of pure bliss.<</md>>
<<addLust $Lucy 20>>
<<set $LucyCum += 6>>\
<<if $LucyCum > 100>><<set $LucyCum = 100>><<set $LucyCum2 = 1>><</if>>\
<<text r "-15 stamina">>
<<set $stamina -= 15>><<addmins 5>>\
<<if $Lucy.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Keep going footjob" 15 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFooting">><</talk>>
<<if $Lucy.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start blowjob" 6 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyBlowjob">><</talk>>
<<if $Lucy.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start titsjob" 10 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyBreastFuck">><</talk>>
<<if $Lucy.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start handjob" 7 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "Lucyhandjob">><</talk>>
<<if $Lucy.LustLvl gte 3>>\
<<talk "Start fisting" 15 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyFisting">><</talk>>
<<if $Lucy.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start cuni" 12 $stamina "Not enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyCuni">><</talk>>
<<if $Lucy.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start vaginal" 16 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $Lucy.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start anal" 18 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyAnal">><</talk>>
<<if $Lucy.LustLvl gte 4>>\
<<talk "Start fetish" 1 $stamina "I don't have enough stamina.">><<goto "LucyVaginal">><</talk>>
<<if $LucyCum2 == 1>>\
<</if>>\<<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
[[Girls|Girls Backgrounds]]
[[Cars|Cars Backgrounds]]
[[Abstract|Abstract Backgrounds]]
[[Nature|Nature Backgrounds]]
[[Back|Laptop]] <<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
[[USA tits|Change Background][$currentImage to "lt"]]
[[Angela|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg2"]]
[[Clara|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg3"]]
[[Lucy|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg4"]]
[[LucyBeach|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg40"]]
[[Monica|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg5"]]
[[Lexi|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg6"]]
[[Veronica|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg7"]]
[[Fiona|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg8"]]
[[Camilla|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg9"]]
[[Linda|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg10"]]
[[Naomi|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg11"]]
[[Sophia|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg12"]]
[[Amber|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg13"]]
[[Bella|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg14"]]
[[Autumn|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg15"]]
[[Jane|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg16"]]
[[Lilly|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg17"]]
[[Olivia|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg18"]]
[[Olivia lingerie|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg181"]]
[[Susan|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg19"]]
[[Marsha|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg20"]]
[[Samantha|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg21"]]
[[Aria|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg22"]]
[[Nora|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg23"]]
[[Ruby|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/ltg24"]]
[[Back|Laptop]] [[Back|Laptop]] <<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
[[Dunes of memories|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/lta1"]]
[[City of dream|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/lta2"]]
[[Wrong clock|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/lta3"]]
[[High peaks|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/lta4"]]
[[Blurry mind|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/lta5"]]
[[Fall of numbers|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/lta6"]]
[[Space lines|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/lta7"]]
[[Diamons in bloom|Change Background][$currentImage to "laptop/lta8"]]
[[Back|Laptop]] <<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
<<run $("body").removeClass().addClass($currentImage)>>
You have changed the background.
[[Laptop]] <<if $currentImage == "laptop/ltg2">>\
<<run $('.lt').removeClass('lt').addClass('ltg2')>>\
<<elseif $currentImage == "laptop/ltg3">>\
<<run $('.lt').removeClass('lt').addClass('ltg3')>>\
<<elseif $currentImage == "laptop/ltg4">>\
<<run $('.lt').removeClass('lt').addClass('ltg4')>>\
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<<elseif $currentImage == "laptop/lta7">>\
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<<elseif $currentImage == "laptop/lta8">>\
<<run $('.lt').removeClass('lt').addClass('lta8')>>\
<<say $mc>>Stop it!<</say>>
<<md>>I dash forward, my mind working in a frenzy. Despite her speed, I manage to knock the knife out of her hands, the metal blade clattering on the concrete pavement. As I hold her against the bus, her face displays a grin, mad with rebellion.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Stay where you are!<</say>>
<<say $Goth>>What's the matter, hero? Can't handle a little excitement?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice drips with sarcasm and provocation, her rebellious spirit undeterred by the position she's in. Her eyes spark with mischief and I find myself wrestling with annoyance, fear, and an inexplicable, unwilling attraction.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Quiet!<</say>>
<<say $Goth>>Oh, Mr. Big Teach, can't handle a student's rebellion?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice rings out in the still morning air, mocking and loud. Her eyes sparkle with defiance and her body squirms against the bus and my grip, making it difficult for me to keep my thoughts straight.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This isn't a game!<</say>>
<<md>>I snap back, but she only smirks in return, as if the situation amuses her.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>Sure, it's not. It's a lesson, isn't it, Big Teach? You're always so keen on giving us lessons.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words are cutting, dripping with sarcasm, but there's an undercurrent of something else. Something that sets my nerves on edge and my heart pounding harder. Her closeness, the sound of her voice, the underlying challenge in her words - it's a potent mix that I'm not prepared to handle.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Enough of this!<</say>>
<<md>>My tone is sharp, the frustration evident. But she just laughs, a sound that sends an unexpected shiver down my spine.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>What's wrong, Big Teach? Can't handle a little bit of heat?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice drops lower, teasing and provocative. Her laughter echoes in the morning air, a stark contrast to the tense situation. She's toying with me, playing a game in this chaos, pushing all the right buttons to keep me off balance.<</md>>
<<md>>I glance around and realize that the bus stop, once a stage for a normal morning, has been painted over with shock and disbelief. In the distance, the bus driver is stepping out, his face frozen in surprise.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Excuse me, driver!<</say>>
<<md>>I call out, finally tearing my eyes away from the girl. The bus driver is kneeling next to one of the wheels, his brows furrowed in concern. As he rises, he shakes his head, sighing.<</md>>
<<text r "Looks like we've got a flat. I'm going to need about 15 minutes to change the wheel.">>
<<md>>He informs me, his eyes flitting between me and the girl. As if on cue, the girl attempts to make a break for it, shouting obscenities about school. However, I'm ready for it and catch her around the waist before she gets far.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Not so fast!<</say>>
<<md>>I yank her back, her body colliding with mine for a brief moment before I regain control. She looks up at me, her eyes wide and challenging.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>And what are you going to do now, teacher?<</say>>
<<md>>Her words hold a hint of provocation, daring me to answer. The air between us crackles with tension, her rebellion and my responsibility creating a dynamic that's as chaotic as the situation itself.<</md>>
[[You will pay|BusEventGoth1.1]] <<say $mc>>Here's your laptop back, Linda.<</say>>
<<md>>I handed over the laptop with a slight smile playing on my lips. Linda looked up from her notebook, her eyes instantly lighting up. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, thank you, Golden. You're a lifesaver.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was as sweet as her nickname for me, the term 'Golden' uttered with a soft fondness that warmed me from the inside. I grinned, deciding to play along. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It was no big deal, Linda. Just a small bug. Nothing your 'Golden' couldn't handle.<</say>>
<<md>>I winked, eliciting a giggle from her. The lie tasted like sweet syrup on my tongue. There was no bug. But the lie had given me a chance to borrow her laptop and explore her private photos, each one more tantalizing than the last. It was a thrill that made the deception worth it.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>I don't know what I would do without you, Golden.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda's words fluttered in the air between us, heavy with an unsaid meaning. I merely chuckled in response, my mind already wandering back to those enticing photos.<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3T = 83>>\
<<set $LindaQuest6 = 5>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Back|School reception]] <<md>>On an otherwise regular day, a vibrant, unexpected guest strolled into my office. <</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Golden, have you got any plans for the Thursday's afternoon?<</say>>
<<md>>I looked up, raising an eyebrow at her unexpected intrusion, but signaled for her to continue with a nod.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>I always keep myself in shape, as you can see. But I need to lay low for a while. I would not like to meet Anna. And your meeting with her wasn't the best either.<</say>>
<<md>>I laughed, realizing how right Linda was. My last meeting with Anna was at the gym. I don't even want to think about it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And what exactly do you propose we do about it, Linda?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>I was thinking we could go for a run instead, just around the track. A bit of fresh air and exercise might do us both good.<</say>>
<<md>>Pondering her request, I found myself surprisingly open to the idea. It was certainly a break from the routine, and a bit of exercise never hurt anyone.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, Linda. Why not? A run might be just what I need.<</say>>
<<md>>With a beaming smile, Linda clapped her hands in excitement and left.<</md>>
<<set $LindaQuest6 = 6>>\
<<set $LindaQuest3T = 84>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[My class|Biology class]] <<md>>Linda was shocked at the turn of events. She helped me hobble away from the scene, a sympathetic arm around my waist, guiding me to transport. We rode in silence, the only sound being my pained grunts every time bus went over a bump.<</md>>
<<md>>Once at my apartment, she helped me to the couch. She fetched an ice pack from the freezer and cautiously approached my bruised pride and joy. Her touch was careful, almost feather-light as she delicately rubbed the ice pack through the fabric of my pants.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Golden, I... I think it'll help if I can apply the ice directly. If that's okay with you?<</say>>
<<md>> I nodded in agreement, my voice stolen by the pain. As she gingerly eased my pants down, her eyes widened at the sight of my manhood, even in its pained state.<</md>>
<<md>>Suddenly, her hands on me weren't just for administering first aid. A spark flared in her eyes as she looked up at me, questioningly. Receiving my silent consent, she moved closer, and a wave of warmth enveloped me as Linda began to show her appreciation in a rather unexpected way.<</md>>
<<md>>She took to the task at hand with an eagerness that was impressive. She worshipped my length, her lips and tongue working in sync to deliver a pleasure that was slowly easing the pain away.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, Golden... You're... so big.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words were punctuated by moans and soft gasps, her gaze never leaving mine. There was an intoxicating blend of innocence and fervor in her eyes. She seemed to derive as much pleasure from her actions as I was, the act itself amplifying her excitement.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah....<</say>>
<<md>>Her compliments only served to enhance the experience, making me forget about the day's earlier mishap. Her praises were a balm to my bruised ego, and I found myself relaxing into the couch, surrendering to Linda's comforting ministrations.<</md>>
<<md>>Linda's fervor didn't wane as she continued her ministrations. She would occasionally glance up at me, her eyes sparkling with desire and a hint of admiration.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>You're quite the specimen, Golden...<</say>>
<<md>>She murmured around me, her words sending vibrations along my length. There was a sense of awe in her voice, a wonder that was both flattering and arousing.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>I never knew... you were... this impressive.<</say>>
<<md>>Her lips curled into a smile around her task, her hand steady and firm. The praise coming from Linda, someone I'd known for a while, was oddly satisfying. It was a different kind of intimacy, a shared secret that made the moment even more intense.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>I should have... appreciated you... earlier.<</say>>
<<md>>The last words came out in breathless whispers, punctuated by soft moans as she enjoyed the task at hand as much as I did. The sensation, the praise, the intimacy - everything combined into an overwhelming wave of pleasure that was quickly approaching its peak.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Linda\Quest\Video\LindaIceSuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $mc>>Linda...Good girl...<</say>>
<<md>>Her praises and the rhythm of her movements brought me to a swift and intense climax. A wave of pleasure washed over me, a culmination of all the sensations Linda had skillfully elicited.<</md>>
<<md>>Caught in the throes of ecstasy, I coated Linda's face with my release. But she didn't flinch or pull away. Instead, she took it with a grace that was as impressive as her earlier skills.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Linda\Quest\Video\LindaIceSuck2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She licked her lips, capturing every trace of me. Her eyes were closed, her expression one of contentment and satisfaction as she savored the taste, swallowing without any hesitation.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>You taste... good, Golden.<</say>>
<<md>>She murmured, her voice soft, her cheeks still flushed. Her actions, her words, the intimacy of the moment - everything about Linda in that instant was the epitome of unexpected yet undeniable sensuality.<</md>>
<<set $LindaQuest3T = 85>>\
<<set $LindaQuest6 = 7>>\
[[Back|My room]] <style> body.park {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/park.jpeg");
<<md>>As Linda and I took to the track, the comforting rhythm of our synchronised footfalls filled the otherwise quiet afternoon air. The sun was gently dipping below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange. It was a perfect evening for a run.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, I've always admired the discipline it takes to stick to a routine, Linda. It's not something I've ever been particularly good at.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>It's all about finding something you love, Golden. And then, it's not a chore anymore, it's a joy.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda set a steady pace, her breaths coming in regular, controlled intervals. Her movements were fluid, graceful even. It was clear she was at home in her running shoes, her energy palpable, her spirit unwavering. I found myself matching her stride, welcoming the steady beat of my heart and the exhilarating rush of endorphins.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I can see why you love this. There's a simplicity to it, isn't there? Just you, the track, and the open sky.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>It's my escape, Golden. My time to think, to breathe. To<</say>>
<<md>>We were surrounded by the green expanse of the field and the soft whispers of leaves rustling in the wind. Every breath was filled with the smell of fresh grass and the hint of a cooling evening. It was an unspoken bond between us, the serenity of our environment, the simplicity of the exercise, it all contributed to a sense of calm.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, Linda, this was a great idea. I feel...refreshed.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>I'm glad you're enjoying it, Golden. Just remember, this isn't a race. It's about enjoying the journey.<</say>>
<<md>>But just as I was beginning to find my rhythm, to appreciate the gentle beauty of the moment, our peace was abruptly shattered. A sudden, looming presence seemed to break the tranquility we had settled into. Anna had found us.<</md>>
<<say $Anna>>What do you think you're doing, Linda?! You've got some nerve, bringing him here!<</say>>
<<md>>Before I could comprehend what was happening, Anna had swung her foot, her aim accurate and deadly. A sudden, searing pain exploded in my lower regions. I doubled over, gasping for breath, my world reduced to the throbbing pain between my legs.<</md>>
[[Ouch...|LindaQuestLaptopWay1.3]] <<say $mc>>You're going to face the consequences of your actions.<</say>>
<<md>>I inform her firmly, holding her gaze. I can see the momentary flash of fear in her eyes before it is replaced by her usual defiance.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>Oh, really? And what would those be, Mr. Teacher? Detention? Suspension?<</say>>
<<md>>Her tone is sarcastic, her words laced with a challenge. I feel a surge of irritation, but I push it down.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll be taking you to the director, Klara.<</say>>
<<md>>Her reaction is instant, her eyes widening and her body tensing.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>You wouldn't dare!<</say>>
<<md>>She hisses, her words filled with a mix of fear and anger. But I just give her a firm nod. It's time she learned that actions have consequences.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's not a matter of daring, it's a matter of doing what's right.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes narrow at that and she opens her mouth, likely to hurl another defiant remark, but I cut her off.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And before you say anything, this isn't a debate. It's a decision.<</say>>
<<md>>I see her swallow, her bravado slipping for a second. Then her lips curl into a wicked grin.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>Well, isn't this exciting? A private meeting with the fearsome Klara. I guess you won't be able to protect me in there, huh, teach?<</say>>
<<md>>Her tone is suggestive, her words provocative. She leans closer, her body brushing against mine, a deliberate move meant to distract and disconcert. But I stand my ground, refusing to let her games unsettle me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This isn't a game. This is serious.<</say>>
<<md>>I remind her, my tone steady. She pulls back, a smirk playing on her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>Oh, I know. I just love the idea of getting you all worked up.<</say>>
<<md>>She retorts, her voice dropping lower. I stiffen, both annoyed and unwillingly affected by her words. But I refuse to let her see that, keeping my expression stern.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We're here.<</say>>
<<md>>I announce as the school comes into view. As we disembark from the bus, her laughter follows me, a sound that somehow manages to be both defiant and alluring at the same time.<</md>>
[[Take rebel girl to the Clara|BusEventGoth1.2]] <<say $mc>>This way.<</say>>
<<md>>I guide, leading the girl towards Clara's office. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Again, we find ourselves in this situation.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice is icy, her tone a clear indication of her displeasure. The girl leans back in her chair, crossing her arms defiantly. Her lips curl into a mocking smile.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>Yeah, seems like I like being here.<</say>>
<<md>>The insolence in her voice is palpable, yet Clara remains unflinching, her gaze like a predator sizing up its prey.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Your parents have pleaded with me to keep an eye on you, to guide you on a better path. It seems their concerns were well-founded.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl’s laughter cuts through the silence, an insubordinate sound echoing off the cold, stone walls.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>School is shit.<</say>>
<<md>>She declares, the audacity of her words hanging in the air. Klara’s icy stare never wavers, her next words calculated and severe.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Considering your strong opinion about this institution, I think it's fitting that you'll be intimately involved in its maintenance. You'll clean the school toilets for a week.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl's snide grin fades, replaced by a look of disbelief. Klara's icy expression doesn't change, her judgement absolute and unwavering.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>You're out of your mind!<</say>>
<<md>>Her protest fills the room, but Klara simply raises an eyebrow, unfazed.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Not a negotiation, dear. A consequence. Maybe next time you'll think twice before causing such disruption.<</say>>
<<md>>The finality in Klara's voice indicates the discussion is over. The girl has no choice but to accept the punishment for her rebellious actions.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You may leave now.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl storms out of the office, slamming the door behind her. Klara watches the door for a moment before turning to me, her icy gaze softening slightly.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>She's a difficult one. I'm worried about her.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice is low, concerned. I nod in agreement, watching as Klara rubs her temples.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I think she might benefit from a different approach. Perhaps a male intervention could help.<</say>>
<<md>>I raise my eyebrow at that, curiosity piqued.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What exactly do you mean by that?<</say>>
<<md>>Clara pauses, seeming to choose her words carefully.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Well, some individuals respond better to a more... authoritative approach. Something that establishes clear boundaries and consequences.<</say>>
<<md>>I lean back in my chair, processing her words. She's hinting at something beyond traditional discipline methods, something akin to BDSM. The thought is unorthodox, but it might just be what the girl needs.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?<</say>>
<<md>>Clara simply gives a non-committal shrug, leaving the interpretation to me.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Just something to consider.<</say>>
<<set $BusEventGoth = 11>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave her office|Second floor]] <<md>>Following our conversation, I head to the toilets expecting to see the fruits of the girl's imposed labor. Instead, I'm greeted by a shocking sight. The walls are smeared with excrement, a disgusting display of rebelliousness. On one of the walls, written with a disturbing clarity, the words "School is shit".<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is...<</say>>
<<md>>I'm at a loss for words, my blood boiling with anger. This is not just disobedience, this is a disgrace. Just as I'm about to storm off to find her, I hear a noise from one of the stalls. The door creaks slightly open, revealing the girl.<</md>>
<<md>>She's leaning against the wall, her fingers working between her legs. Her head is thrown back, eyes closed as she lost herself in her own pleasure. Laughter spills from her lips, mixing with the low moans. She is in her own world, oblivious to my presence.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What the hell...!<</say>>
<<md>>Without thinking, I storm into the stall, yanking her up by her hair. Her eyes fly open, the look of surprise quickly replaced by a strange mix of fear and excitement.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is unacceptable!<</say>>
<<md>>I deliver a sharp slap to her rear, causing her to cry out in shock. She tries to squirm out of my grip, but I hold her firm, delivering several more stern slaps to her bare backside. She screams and writhes, but doesn't try to escape. This rebellious girl is learning a lesson in discipline, right here in the midst of the mess she created.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you going to continue this behavior?<</say>>
<<md>>I ask, my grip still firm on her hair. My voice is cold, mirroring the anger coursing through me. Her laughter ceases, replaced by a sly smirk.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>Depends... Will you keep spanking me if I do?<</say>>
<<md>>The audacity in her voice makes my jaw tighten, and yet, there's an undercurrent of excitement in her tone.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You think this is funny? You think this is some game?<</say>>
<<md>>Her smirk widens, her eyes gleaming with a mix of defiance and anticipation.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>Oh, it could be a game... A very pleasurable one. Why don't you show me how bad you can really be, big teach? Or... are you scared?<</say>>
<<md>>The provocation in her words ignites a spark of desire, mixing dangerously with my anger. As I'm about to respond, a faint voice echoes from outside the stall, jarring me back to reality.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We're not alone.<</say>>
<<md>>I let go of her hair, stepping back, my eyes still locked onto hers.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>So, what are you gonna do, teach?<</say>>
<<md>>The provocative smirk on her face suggests she's far from understanding the gravity of the situation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This isn't over.<</say>>
<<md>>I utter a final warning before stepping out of the stall, leaving her alone with the mess she's made and the anticipation of a reckoning yet to come.<</md>>
<<set $BusEventGoth = 12>>\
<<set $QuestNextWeek = 7>>\
[[Leave toilet|Second floor]] <<md>>Days later, I decide to give the girl a change of scenery, hoping it might encourage a shift in her behavior. I've organized a field trip, just the two of us, to a nature reserve nearby.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Get in the car.<</say>>
<<md>>I instruct her as we meet outside school. She raises her eyebrow at the sight of my car but doesn’t question it, sliding into the passenger seat with a huff.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>What, no school bus today?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice drips with sarcasm, but I ignore it, focusing on the drive ahead. We reach the nature reserve in silence, the chirping of birds and rustling leaves the only sound filling the air as we step out of the car.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We're here to learn about respecting our surroundings. That includes the school you seem to hate so much.<</say>>
<<md>>She crosses her arms, a smirk playing on her lips, but she doesn’t protest as we start walking through the woods.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>Let's see if you can actually teach me something, Big Teach.<</say>>
<<md>>I can’t help but shake my head at her impudence, yet there’s a glimmer of hope. The tranquillity of nature seems to soothe her fiery demeanor a bit. As we navigate through the paths, discussing flora, fauna, and the importance of preserving nature, I find myself hoping that this unconventional approach might help break through her rebellious exterior.<</md>>
[[Force her to undress|BusEvent1.5]] <<say $mc>>Take off your clothes.<</say>>
<<md>>My command is firm, echoing off the trees around us. She looks at me, her eyes widening slightly before a devilish grin replaces her surprise.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>Really? In the great outdoors? You're full of surprises, teach.<</say>>
<<md>>Her tone is teasing, yet she makes no move to follow my command. I stride over to her, my gaze never leaving hers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I wasn't asking.<</say>>
<<md>>Without waiting for her response, I grab the hem of her shirt, ripping it off her in one swift move. Her gasp is quickly replaced by a raucous laughter that bounces off the trees.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>Oh, teach, you're so assertive! Is this your version of a wilderness survival lesson?<</say>>
<<md>>Her words are laced with mockery, but the wild gleam in her eyes suggests she's far from disinterested. Her rebellious attitude is still intact, the anticipation of what might happen next etched onto her face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why the hell do you act like this?<</say>>
<<md>>My hand clasps tighter around her throat, the words a growl. Her eyes widen, but not in fear. A strange excitement dances in her gaze, her lips parting in a twisted grin.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>Because... it's... fun.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words come out as a raspy whisper, the breathy sound a stark contrast to the lively forest around us. Yet, she doesn't answer my question directly, the grin never leaving her face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You find this funny?<</say>>
<<md>>I grit my teeth, frustration mounting. My grip tightens, her air supply becoming dangerously thin. Her grin falters for a moment, the edges of her eyes glistening with unshed tears.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>Because... it's... the only... way... I... get... your... attention.<</say>>
<<md>>The words tumble out of her in gasping breaths, each syllable punctuated by a struggle for air. It's an answer I hadn't expected, and it takes me a moment to fully comprehend her admission.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara mentioned... you've acted out like this before.<</say>>
<<md>>My voice wavers slightly, the revelation having caught me off guard. I release my grip on her throat, stepping back to give her space to breathe. She rubs her neck, still panting heavily.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>Now you want to have a heart-to-heart, teach? Here in the middle of nowhere, with me half-naked?<</say>>
<<md>>Her words are laced with mockery as she tosses her torn shirt aside, her bare chest exposed to the forest air. Despite the peculiar situation, I stand firm, determined to get some answers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>If you have something to say, now's the time.<</say>>
<<md>>She smirks at my resolve, her teasing demeanor not showing any signs of waning.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>Well, my parents... they never really gave a damn about me.<</say>>
<<md>>She begins, her tone turning serious. She sits down on the ground, her gaze distant as she starts recalling her past.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>My mom, she's only interested in my grades, nothing else. Because I'm the daughter of a diplomat, I'm supposed to keep up appearances. An A-student, a good girl, always ready to smile for the cameras.<</say>>
<<md>>She continues her story, her voice heavy with bitterness.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>But that's not me, you know? I hate all that pretentious crap. So I act out. I play the rebel, the bad girl. Anything to grab their attention, to make them see me for once.<</say>>
<<md>>Her confession is raw, open, and completely unlike the brash, bold girl I've known so far. But there’s a certain honesty in her words, a heartfelt confession that gives me a glimpse into her troubled life.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I...<</say>>
<<md>>I'm at a loss for words, her story leaving me with more questions than answers. But at the very least, I finally begin to understand her chaotic behavior.<</md>>
[[Be soft|BusEvent1.51]]
[[Be rude|BusEvent1.52]]<<say $mc>>Look around you.<</say>>
<<md>>My voice breaks the heavy silence following her confession. She follows my gaze, taking in the surroundings – the old, gnarled trees, the overgrown foliage, the crumbling stone bench weathered by time.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's a ruin, but there's a certain beauty to it, don't you think?<</say>>
<<md>>She looks at me, her expression unreadable. But she doesn't interrupt, so I continue.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Not everything has to be perfect, to be beautiful. These trees, this bench, they're far from perfect. They're worn, they're weathered, they're old. But they're real. They're authentic.<</say>>
<<md>>I draw a breath, choosing my next words carefully.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Just like you. You don't have to be the perfect diplomat's daughter, the smiling A-student. You just have to be you. Because you are perfect, just as you are. And that's beautiful.<</say>>
<<md>>She stares at me, her teasing facade gone, replaced by a hint of vulnerability. It's the first time I've seen her truly raw, and it somehow makes her even more captivating.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>I want you... right here... right now...<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice is a breathy whisper, a seductive contrast to her earlier, brash tone. Her hands find the edges of her bra, unhooking it and letting it fall to the ground.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're sure?<</say>>
<<md>>I ask, the question hanging in the air between us. Her grin is back, but it’s different now - more genuine, less defensive. She nods, her gaze never leaving mine.<</md>>
<<md>>My hands find their way to her neck, my lips following shortly after, peppering gentle kisses down her throat. She gasps slightly, but doesn't pull away. Her fingers tangle in my hair, urging me on.<</md>>
<<md>>I let my hand trail down her body, my fingers hooking into the band of her panties and pulling them down her legs. She shivers at my touch, her breath hitching as my fingers glide across her skin.<</md>>
<<md>>She gasps louder when my hand brushes against her most intimate area, a soft moan escaping her lips. The gentle bitch has become more responsive, a mix of her earlier rebellious attitude and newfound softness. She's reacting, not with her usual brash defiance, but with a surprising surrender to the sensations.<</md>>
<<md>>Positioning myself between her legs, I feel the heat of her desire, our eyes locking onto each other. The world outside our little bubble ceases to exist, drowned by the sounds of our heavy breathing.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you ready?<</say>>
<<md>>I ask, giving her one last chance to back out. She answers by pulling me closer, her teasing smile replaced with a look of anticipation.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>Yes...<</say>>
<<md>>With her soft confirmation, I enter her slowly, giving her body time to adjust. Her moans start out as quiet whimpers, gradually growing louder and more impassioned as our rhythm increases.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>Don't... don't stop...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\BusGothForestFuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She gasps out between moans, her hands clutching at the grass beneath us as the pleasure builds. I keep my pace steady, each thrust earning me another cry of ecstasy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're doing so well...<</say>>
<<md>>I whisper, praising her as we continue our passionate dance. This raw, passionate connection between us is intoxicating, as if we're lost in a world that belongs to us alone.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>More... more!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\school\Video\BusGothForestFuck2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Her voice rings out through the secluded wilderness, her demands echoing in the stillness around us. I feel her body responding to each thrust, her nails digging into my back, grounding her in the midst of the pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You like this, don't you?<</say>>
<<md>>I murmur, a wicked grin playing on my lips as I continue to move within her. Her reactions are wild and unrestrained, a stark contrast to the guarded persona she usually displays.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>Yes... yes! Don't you dare stop!<</say>>
<<md>>Her answer comes in the form of a gasped command, her grip on me tightening as she pulls me deeper into her. Her raw, unfiltered reactions send a thrill through me, the wildness of her adding to the intoxication of the moment.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it... let it out...<</say>>
<<md>>I encourage her, my words only serving to spur her on further. The wild, crazy bitch is in full force now, embracing the pleasure and giving into the moment with reckless abandon.<</md>>
<<set $BusEventGoth = 13>>\
[[Return home|My room]] <<say $mc>>You expect me to believe that?<</say>>
<<md>>My voice comes out harsh and cold, shattering the quiet that had fallen between us after her confession. She looks at me in surprise, but I can see the defiance sparking in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>Believe what you want!<</say>>
<<md>>Her retort is sharp and biting, her vulnerability fading back behind her brash exterior. And in response, I feel a strange mix of anger and desire.<</md>>
<<md>>Without giving her a chance to react, I roughly grab the edges of her shirt, tearing it apart. She gasps in surprise, her laughter echoing around us as her clothes fall to the ground.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>What an asshole you are!<</say>>
<<md>>She laughs, her words tinged with a mix of mockery and anticipation. I grab her panties, ripping them off in one swift motion. Her laughter increases, turning into a mad cackle that seems to fuel my desire.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>Is that how you want it? Come on then... fuck me!<</say>>
<<md>>Her words are a taunt, a challenge, and I can't deny the thrill it sends through me. Her wild, crazy laughter fills the air, matching the chaotic rhythm of my heartbeat.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, so you like it rough?<</say>>
<<md>>My voice is laced with a teasing tone as I watch her. Her laughter fades slightly, replaced by heavy breaths, her gaze filled with a wild desire.<</md>>
<<md>>With a wicked grin, she brings her own hand down to her lower body, her fingers brushing against her most intimate area. I watch her, intrigued by this new, unrestrained side of her.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>Why don't you find out?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice is husky, filled with a raw need that matches the gleam in her eyes. As her fingers continue to tease herself, her moans start to mix in with the rustling leaves, creating a symphony of desire.<</md>>
<<md>>Her moans were a beautiful melody, a song of desire echoing through the deserted place. But the sight of her, writhing and moaning beneath the clear sky, pushed me to a decision.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Enjoy the solitude.<</say>>
<<md>>With a sudden move, I snatch up all of her discarded clothes. The surprise in her eyes is replaced by shock as I step back and set them aflame. The flames dance and flicker, consuming the last traces of her modesty.<</md>>
<<say $Goth>>You... you bastard!<</say>>
<<md>>Her screams echo behind me, her words a mix of threats and curses, but I don't turn back. I stride towards my car, her insults becoming fainter with each step.<</md>>
<<md>>The car roars to life, the headlights illuminating the road ahead. As I pull out onto the dirt track, I leave behind the wild girl in the wilderness. Her fate doesn't concern me. After all, she was nothing more than a defiant bitch.<</md>>
<<set $BusEventGoth = 14>>\
[[Return home|My room]] <<md>>The next morning found me standing before my class, detailing the intricacies of cellular biology. The rhythmic sound of chalk on blackboard filled the room, punctuated by my lecture on mitosis and meiosis.
Suddenly, the door swung open with a bang, interrupting my flow. All heads turned to the entrance, where Clara stood, her face set in a stern expression. Her cold eyes scanned the room, finally settling on me. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Mr. $mc.Name, a word please.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was icy, a stark contrast to the warm teaching environment I was fostering. Her brusque demeanor indicated that this was serious, instantly causing an uneasy silence to fall over the classroom. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Clara. Class, continue studying the diagrams in your textbooks. I will return shortly.<</say>>
<<md>>With a final glance at my students, I set down my chalk, brushed off my hands and followed Clara out of the room, my mind racing with what could have prompted such an interruption.<</md>>
[[To Clara's office|BusEvent1.522]] <<md>>Upon entering Clara's office, I was met with a scene I hadn't expected. The rebellious girl from yesterday was seated across from me, her appearance starkly contrasting the well-dressed woman and man beside her. Clara pointed me towards an empty seat without uttering a word, her face a mask of cold professionalism. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>The allegations put forth are quite serious, Mr. {insert name}.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara started, her tone as frosty as her gaze. She looked pointedly at the girl, who was watching me with an inscrutable expression. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>She claims you took advantage of her. <</say>>
<<md>>The room went quiet at Clara's words, the seriousness of the accusation hanging heavily in the air. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>This is her mother, the wife of the ambassador, and she demands your dismissal. The man next to her is their legal counsel.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara gestured towards the woman and the man. The woman's face was stern, reflecting a determination that spoke volumes of her intent. The man, seemingly indifferent, exuded an air of calm professionalism.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But this is not true...<</say>>
<<md>>My protest fell on deaf ears as the girl produced several photographs from an envelope, laying them out on the table. They were explicit images of me spanking her bare bottom, each one more incriminating than the last. I was at a loss for words, my mind reeling from the shock. Where had she gotten these pictures? <</md>>
<<say $ambassador_wife>>This is unacceptable.<</say>>
<<md>>The ambassador's wife interrupted my train of thought, her voice firm and uncompromising. <</md>>
<<say $ambassador_wife>>We sent our daughter to this institution to get an education, not to engage in illicit relations with her teachers. We demand that this man be removed from his position immediately.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words cut through the tension in the room like a knife, her threat leaving no room for ambiguity.<</md>>
<<say $ambassador_wife>>Clara, either you fire him, or we won't just withdraw our financial support, we'll make sure this school gets shut down for good.<</say>>
<<md>>The threat left her lips with an icy certainty. Clara's face grew even more rigid as she absorbed the ultimatum, her eyes darting from the photographs to me, then back again. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara... when you asked me to show her some discipline, I didn't realize it would come to this...<</say>>
<<md>>I explained, searching her eyes for some hint of understanding. She listened, her expression unchanging. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>We didn't... I didn't sleep with her. I just... humiliated her, left her without clothes. That was all.<</say>>
<<md>>I confessed, expecting a backlash or a sharp reprimand. But Clara's reaction was not what I expected. Instead of anger or disappointment, she laughed - a sound that echoed oddly in the tense office.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Oh, you certainly have a unique way of teaching lessons, Mr. {insert name}.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was laced with sarcasm but devoid of anger. I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. Her next words, however, made it clear that this wasn't over. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>But now you need to fix this. Figure out how to mend this situation.<</say>>
<<md>>She stated, her demeanor returning to its professional reserve. I nodded, understanding that the onus was on me to rectify this potentially disastrous situation.<</md>>
<<set $BusEventGoth = 141>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]] <<md>>During the school's football match, my eyes were inexorably drawn to Autumn. There was an intensity to her performance that was different from anything I'd seen before. The focus, the precision, and her unwavering concentration made her stand out even among the high-energy cheerleading squad.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>She's outdone herself, that's for sure.<</say>>
<<md>>As the team scored, the crowd's cheer amplified with Autumn leading the cheerleading routine. She carried out a challenging series of moves and formations as if they were second nature. Looking around, it was clear I wasn’t the only one mesmerized by her prowess. Why this sudden surge in her capabilities? Was it just extra practice sessions, or something more sinister?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Can someone just enhance their skills so rapidly?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Something's off, and I need to get to the bottom of it.<</say>>
<<md>>I resolved to keep a closer eye on her, especially off the field. If she was dabbling with some performance-enhancing substance, it could be perilous. I had to uncover the truth, no matter where it led.<</md>>
<<md>>As the match wrapped up and the crowd dispersed, I caught sight of Autumn. While her fellow cheerleaders were lost in celebration, clicking photos and laughing, she stood aloof, almost disdainfully. Every move, every gesture screamed superiority. I hesitated but finally decided to walk over.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You were on fire today, Autumn.<</say>>
<<md>>She glanced at me, her gaze frosty and unimpressed.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, another fan. What do you want, a selfie?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, I just wondered about your recent performance boost...<</say>>
<<md>>She interrupted, her proximity and tone both challenging.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Save it. I know what you're hinting at. Maybe I’m just that talented?.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, I...<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>That 'moment' in your office? How would it look if it went public? And don’t even get me started on what you owe me.<</say>>
<<md>>Her smirk held a malevolent promise. She had me right where she wanted.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What do you want?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>For starters, be at the party at Saturday. There might be some problems and I need protection. Ha-ha! And don’t forget, I always get my way. Cross me, and you’ll regret it.<</say>>
<<md>>She strode away, leaving a mix of dread and intrigue in her wake.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 15>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 15>>\
[[Back|Sport field]] <<md>>Autumn invited me to a party, an opportunity I saw as a chance to observe her in a relaxed setting outside of the rumors that surrounded her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This place is packed.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Of course. Only the best for me and my guests.<</say>>
<<md>>As we mingled with the crowd, a young woman approached us, trying to look nonchalant, but the tension in her voice gave her away.<</md>>
<<text y "Hey, Autumn, any chance you've got some... extra fun for tonight?">>
<<say $Autumn>>What's it to you?<</say>>
<<text y "Just heard you're the go-to for a good time.">>
<<say $Autumn>>Find me later. Not now.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl nodded and walked away, but her inquiry had attracted unwanted attention. A drunk guy, sensing an opportunity, staggered towards us.<</md>>
<<text r "Autumn! Ditch this guy. How about we have some fun, just you and me?">>
<<say $Autumn>>In your dreams. Get lost.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn didn't hesitate to shove him away, showcasing her dominant and assertive nature. I stepped in, trying to deescalate the situation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Easy there, man. Let's not cause a scene.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>He's not worth our time. Come on.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn grabbed my arm and pulled me away. We found a more secluded spot, and I took the opportunity to address the earlier interaction.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That was intense. Is everything okay?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Don't worry about it. Just another loser trying to get in my ass.<</say>>
<<md>>I left Autumn for a moment to refresh my drink, spotting Monica in the corner. She gave off a warm, comforting aura, contrasting starkly with Autumn's icy demeanor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, Monica. Everything good?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Hi! Yes, just taking in the sights and sounds. Parties like this can be overwhelming, but it's nice to see everyone.<</say>>
<<md>>We chatted for a bit, with Monica's gentle nature providing a soothing balm to the earlier confrontations. The topic soon turned to Autumn and the rumors surrounding her.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You know...<</say>>
Monica paused, hesitating for a split second,
<<say $Monica>>It's fascinating how far some people are willing to go to keep their spot in the limelight.<</say>>
<<md>>I looked at her, realizing she might be alluding to the earlier incident with Autumn.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Is there something you want to tell me, Monica?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Just be careful who you trust. Not everything is as it seems.<</say>>
<<md>>I thanked Monica for her advice and returned to Autumn, who looked impatient.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Took you long enough. What were you and Monica chattering about?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just catching up. Why, jealous?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>As if. Come on, let's play pool. And how about a wager? Loser loses an article of clothing?<</say>>
<<md>>Despite the intense atmosphere and unanswered questions between us, the night was young and the game was on.<</md>>
[[Play pool|AutumnQuest2.33]] <<md>>The atmosphere around the pool table was electric. Every eye in the room was trained on us, watching our every move. The first game was mine, and Autumn, with a playful pout, took off her shoes, revealing her delicate feet.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Just warming up.<</say>>
<<md>>But the next game didn’t go in her favor either. This time, it was her jacket. She slowly slid it off her shoulders, drawing out the moment.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You sure you want to continue?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Absolutely.<</say>>
<<md>>We played game after game, the tension increasing. With each loss, Autumn had to remove an item of clothing. Soon, she was down to her last layers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You sure you want to play the final round?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, I'm in it to win it.<</say>>
<<md>>The final game was the most intense. Every shot, every angle was calculated. But luck was on my side, and Autumn had to face the consequences of our bet. She looked around the room, took a deep breath, and with a devilish grin, moved to the door of the room and locked it.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>I don't think they need a show.<</say>>
<<md>>Her fingers danced along the hem of her dress, teasingly slow, and then with a swift motion, it dropped to the floor. The dim light of the room accentuated the curves of her body, and she stood there in her lingerie, confidence radiating from her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Autumn...<</say>>
<<md>>Before I could say anything else, she closed the gap between us. Her fingers found their way to my belt and danced down, teasingly brushing against me.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Looks like you enjoyed the game as much as I did.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>This wasn't part of the bet...<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Consider it a bonus.<</say>>
<<md>>The playful atmosphere had taken a sudden turn, and now there was a charged intimacy in the air. I had to decide whether to dive deeper into this unexpected turn of events or to pull back and regain my composure.<</md>>
<<md>>Autumn's grin widened, devilish and self-assured.
<<say $Autumn>>You think you're in control here?<</say>>
She whispered teasingly, dropping to her knees and unzipping my pants with a swift tug. The warmth of her mouth took me by surprise, every move she made was confident and self-assured, making me even more vulnerable under her touch.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Autumn...<</say>>
<<md>>She pulled away momentarily, looking up with a smirk. "Something you want to say?" Her tone was playful, yet there was a hint of challenge in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You're going to be begging for more soon.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnPooltableSuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>And with that, she continued, intensifying her pace. Overwhelmed, I tried to regain some semblance of control. I pulled her up to face me, my gaze meeting hers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This isn't over...<</say>>
<<md>>Without a word, I lifted her onto the pool table, the cool felt contrasting with the escalating heat between us. But even then, she retained that unyielding confidence. As I entered her, her grip on me was almost possessive, guiding the rhythm to her desire. The room was filled with our unchecked passion and fervor.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>That's right, keep up!<</say>>
<<md>>With each thrust and response, the intensity reached its peak. <div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnPooltableFuck1.mp4"></video></div>The room echoed with our fervent union until, with a mutual, powerful climax, silence fell. Lying there, a mischievous glint still present in Autumn's eyes, it was clear who truly held the power.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 16>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 16>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave|5thave]] <<set _AngelaBathroom4Array = [ 1, 2]>>
<<switch _AngelaBathroom4Array.random()>>
<<case 1>>
<<text g "Successfully.">>
<<md>>The steam from the shower was heavy, creating a hazy curtain in the dim bathroom light. Angela's silhouette could be seen behind the misted shower glass, her movements more urgent than before. The rhythmic slap of her hand and her intermittent moans filled the room.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Why can't it be rougher?<</say>>
<<md>>She panted, her voice revealing her desire for a more intense experience. The words startled me, but her unabashed need rooted me in place.<</md>>
<<md>>Droplets cascaded down her body, each splash resonating with her escalating tempo. The thick scent of jasmine blended with her deeper, muskier essence, creating an atmosphere of pure sensuality.<</md>>
<<md>>Caught in her fervor, she pressed harder, her voice a mix of frustration and longing.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Come on!<</say>>
<<md>>She urged herself, seeking that elusive pinnacle.<</md>>
<<md>>Entranced, I stood there, caught between the need to respect her privacy and the raw allure of her audacity. Her final cry, strong and resonant, echoed through the room.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>There!Yeeeeah!<</say>>
<<md>>The aftermath left the space vibrating, the lines between observer and participant forever blurred.<</md>>
<<case 2>>
<text g "Successfully.">>
<<md>>Stepping into the steam-filled room, the soft luminescence revealed Angela's form behind the translucent shower curtain. Her hands moved with a focused sensuality, one gliding across her breast, teasing and caressing, while the other ventured lower, delving into the warmth between her thighs.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaPeekMast1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Angela's breaths came in short gasps, punctuated by soft moans of delight. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh, this... just right. <</say>>
<<md>>She murmured, lost in the depths of her own touch. Her fingers circled and teased, caressing the sensitive peaks of her breasts, each touch drawing a deeper sigh from her lips.<</md>>
<<md>>Down below, her rhythm intensified. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Right there.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Angela\Quest\Video\AngelaPeekMast2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She whispered, a plea to herself, guiding her fingers to dance and press in the ways she knew best.<</md>>
<<md>>The scent of jasmine and the heavier aroma of arousal intertwined, creating an intoxicating atmosphere that threatened to pull me into her world. Her movements became more synchronized, her hands communicating in a dance of pleasure. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes, together.<</say>>
<<md>>She panted, her voice dripping with desire.<</md>>
<<md>>Unable to tear myself away, I was held captive by the raw display of her passion. Angela's climactic moans resonated in harmony, echoing the melody of her self-love. The room, bathed in a post-passionate glow, seemed to hold its breath, forever imprinting the scene in my memory.<</md>>
[[Home corridor]]
<<set _AngelaBathroom21Array = [ 1, 2, 3]>>
<<switch _AngelaBathroom21Array.random()>>
<<case 1>>
<<text g "Successfully.">>
<<md>>The soft patter of water against tile echoed in the steam-filled room. As the door to the shower slid open, a delicate mist enveloped the senses, carrying the scent of lavender and rose. The silhouettes behind the frosted glass were indistinct at first, but as clarity emerged, Angela was there, gracefully lathering her skin. <</md>>
<<md>>The ethereal atmosphere of the moment was one of serenity and vulnerability. A quiet understanding hung in the air, an unspoken connection amidst the warm droplets that cascaded all around.<</md>>
<<case 2>>
<<text r "Failure.">>
<<md>>Damn it, I wasn't as smart as I thought I was.<</md>>
<<md>>The bathroom was veiled in a thick blanket of steam, the aroma of citrus soap lightly pervading the air. As the glass door of the shower began to clear from the condensation, Angela's figure slowly became visible. The hum of water splashing against the tiles ceased momentarily when she turned, her gaze locking onto mine. Her face, once relaxed under the warm water, instantly transformed into an expression of dismay. Her eyes, sharp and piercing, bore into me with clear discontent.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Why are you here?<</say>>
<<md>>She asked tersely, her voice echoing slightly in the tiled chamber. The once inviting warmth of the steamy room now felt stifling and uncomfortable, as if the air itself was thick with tension.<</md>
<<md>>In a moment of awkwardness, I tried to break the ice. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I thought this was the way to Narnia!<</say>>
<<md>>I quipped, attempting to bring some levity to the situation. Angela's gaze didn't soften. Instead, her eyes rolled ever so slightly, signaling her clear annoyance at my attempt to make light of the intrusion.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Very funny.<</say>>
<<md>>She replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Sensing that staying would only escalate the discomfort, I quickly backed out, murmuring an apology, and closed the bathroom door behind me, leaving Angela to her moment of privacy.<</md>>
<<addAff $Angela -15>>
<<case 3>>\
<<md>>Fuck! I stepped on a rubber duck.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>You weren't taught to not go into the bathroom when it's occupied? Get out, please.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oops! I'm sorry. I didn’t hear that you were in here. I'm already leaving.<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela -15>>
[[Home corridor]]<<set _AngelaBathroom31Array = [ 1, 2]>>
<<switch _AngelaBathroom31Array.random()>>
<<case 1>>
<<text g "Successfully.">>
<<md>>The dimmed bathroom light refracted through the steam, casting a mysterious hue over the room. Behind the translucent shower curtain, Angela's silhouette moved rhythmically. As I approached, her soft moans became clear, laced with vulnerability and pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Oh, just like that.<</say>>
<<md>>She whispered breathlessly to herself, her voice trembling in the heated mist.<</md>>
<<md>>Droplets of water trailed down her form, each one magnifying the sensuality of the scene. The scent of jasmine and her own intoxicating aroma hung in the air, pulling me deeper into the moment.<</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Don't stop.<</say>>
<<md>>Angela sighed, probably unaware of my presence, lost in her own world of passion.<</md>>
<<md>>Hesitating, I stood there, caught between the desire to retreat and the temptation to witness her raw intimacy. Suddenly, a deep, resonant moan broke the silence. <</md>>
<<say $Angela>>Yes!Yes!Yes!<</say>>
<<md>>She cried out, signaling her peak. The room vibrated with the afterglow, leaving an indelible mark on my memory.<</md>>
<<case 2>>
<<text r "Failure.">>
<<md>>Fuck! She noticed me.<</md>>
<<if $AngelaImage37Unlocked == 0>>
<<set $AngelaImage37Unlocked = 1>>
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Angela>>You weren't taught to not go into the bathroom when it's occupied? Get out.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oops! I'm sorry. I didn’t hear that you were in here. I'm already leaving.<</say>>
<<addAff $Angela -7>>
[[Home corridor]]
<<md>>The classroom hummed with the persistent whispers of students as my phone buzzed with another message. The name "Autumn" flashed on the screen. With a furtive glance around the room, ensuring that no one was watching, I discreetly read the message. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>When is the next delivery? I already have a lot of customers.<</say>>
[[Write her back|AutumnQuest2.341]]
[[Ignore it|AutumnQuest2.342]]
<<md>>The sterile smell of antiseptic mixed with something more alluring lingered in the air as I stepped into the nurse's office. Jane was sorting through some medical supplies, her back turned to me. The room was dimly lit, with only the soft glow of an overhead lamp and the muted colors of the evening filtering through the blinds.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Jane… <</say>>
<<md>>I began, my voice sounding more strained than I intended, <</md>>
<<say $mc>>about Autumn's delivery…<</say>>
<<md>>She straightened up and faced me, her eyes, dark and intense, studied me for a moment. <</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Did she send you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, but I know she had to take something from you. She sent me a message instead of you.<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>I have no right to discuss patients' cases with outsiders.<</say>>
<<md>>She replied curtly, a hint of warning in her tone.Feeling an unusual tension in the room, I pressed on. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Jane, it's important. I need to know what's going on. I think she's putting herself in a lot of trouble. But perhaps not only herself, but others as well.<</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly, with a swift and graceful move, she was before me, her fingers deftly undoing the belt of my pants. The unexpected intimacy took me off guard. Her actions weren’t about seduction, but a daring attempt at distraction. The room became a mix of scents – the clinical coldness of the nurse's office combined with the musk of sudden proximity.<</md>>
[[Stop her|AutumnQuest2.351]]
[[Let her|AutumnQuest2.352]]
<<md>>Autumn's messages always carried an air of mystery, but this one was tinged with a unique brand of brazenness, a challenge wrapped in defiance. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Listen,we need to talk about that message. There's nothing for you there, and you need to let it go.<</say>>
<<md>>Curiosity burned even brighter, my desire for answers now fanned by her audacious response. But before I could even reply, another message popped up. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>I know what you like. I have a present for you. <</say>>
<<md>>she typed, and a file began downloading.I hesitated for a moment, torn between trepidation and anticipation. Autumn always had a way of pushing boundaries, of blurring lines. Finally, I tapped the play button.<</md>>
<<md>>The video was grainy, clearly taken on a phone camera, but the setting was unmistakable - the familiar tiles of the dormitory bathroom. Autumn's face filled the screen, her eyes hooded, lips parted, as the soft sounds of her pleasure punctuated the silence.<</md>>
<<md>>The atmosphere in the dormitory bathroom was thick with tension, the stillness broken only by the dripping of a leaky faucet. A soft, ambient light streamed from an overhead bulb, casting a muted glow on the tiles and revealing Autumn's form, leaning seductively against the bathroom counter.<</md>>
<<md>>With one hand gripping the edge of the sink, she looked straight into the camera, her eyes smoldering with a fiery defiance. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You want a show?<</say>>
<<md>>She whispered huskily, the challenge evident in her voice.She moved deliberately, teasingly. Slowly hiking up her skirt, she revealed more of her thighs. Her other hand wandered, fingers dancing lightly over her skin, evoking a shiver that ran through her body. <</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnConvinceMessage1.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $Autumn>>God, I need your big, steady dick so bad. <</say>>
<<md>>She moaned softly, biting her lip with a hunger evident in her eyes. Her fingers slipped beneath the lace of her underwear, and her breathing became shallow and ragged. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You have no idea how much I crave it. How I want to be your slut… <</say>>
<<md>>She murmured, her voice filled with yearning. The pace of her hand quickened, her movements becoming more desperate. Her eyes remained locked on the camera, every ounce of her desire laid bare. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Wish you were here,wish you filled me with your cum.<</say>>
<<md>>Each touch, each motion was accentuated by her whispered desires. The hum of the overhead lights combined with her soft sighs, creating an electrifying atmosphere. <div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnConvinceMessage2.mp4"></video></div>As her fingers moved with increased urgency, her voice grew more impassioned. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>I can't hold back, I need more.<</say>>
<<md>>The climax, when it came, was explosive. Her body convulsed, fingers digging into the countertop. A long, drawn-out moan escaped her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Fuck, shit, yes!<</say>>
<<md>>she cried, her voice echoing in the confines of the bathroom. After a moment of catching her breath, she straightened up, a sly, satisfied smile playing on her lips. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Hope you enjoyed the show. Keep you mouth shut now.<</say>>
<<md>>She whispered, her voice soft and sultry, the embers of her desire still evident in her eyes.It was amazing, but what do they all want to hide so badly? <</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 19>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 19>>\
[[Back|My room]] <<md>>Confused, I typed back.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Delivery?<</say>>
<<md>>The wheels in my mind churned, wondering if I had missed something or if this was another one of her mysterious endeavors. The wait for a response felt interminable, and then finally she replied.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Shit, that was meant for Jane.<</say>>
<<md>>Still perplexed, I pushed a little more, seeking clarity. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>What delivery, Autumn?<</say>>
<<md>>The tone of her next message was tinged with sharpness, a hint of malice even. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>None of your business.<</say>>
<<md>>I could almost hear the sneer in her voice as I read the words.<</md>>
<<md>>Feeling my heart rate rise slightly, the mixture of confusion and the alluring scent of the forbidden danced in my mind. <</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 17>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 17>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Back|Biology class]] <<md>>Confusion swept over me. What delivery was she talking about? We had no prior arrangement or dealings. Perhaps she'd sent the message to the wrong person. Or perhaps it was another one of her games; with Autumn, one could never really tell.<</md>>
<<md>>Despite the urge to dig deeper and confront Jane or even push Autumn for more information, I hesitated. Keeping this knowledge could be a powerful card to play at the right time. Moreover, there was also the possibility that this was all a simple mistake, a misplaced message without any deeper implications.<</md>>
<<md>>But in the back of my mind, the seed of doubt had been planted. The mystery surrounding Autumn's message and her dealings with Jane had just added another layer to the intricate puzzle of relationships and secrets that seemed to permeate our school. For now, I chose to watch, wait, and gather more information before making my next move.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 161>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 161>>\
[[Back|Biology class]] <<say $mc>>Jane,this isn't the way.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes never left mine, a challenge within them. <</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Isn't it?<</say>>
<<md>>She whispered, her voice dripping with suggestion.<</md>>
<<md>>But it was that very overt display, the attempt to muddle my senses, that brought clarity. I stepped back, fastening my pants, my gaze never wavering. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You can't distract me from this, Jane. I need answers.<</say>>
<<md>>She laughed, a sound that was both bitter and melodious. <</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Always the hero, aren't you?<</say>>
<<md>>I exhaled, feeling the weight of the room pressing down on me. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>This isn't a game. Whatever secret you're guarding, it involves me too now.<</say>>
<<md>>She moved towards her desk, her demeanor changing, a defensive wall forming. <</md>>
<<say $Jane>>It's best if you stay out of it. I don't wantyou to hurt.<</say>>
<<md>>she advised, a soft plea hiding behind her professional facade.<</md>>
<<md>>But I wasn't about to let it go. As I stepped out of the office, the taste of unresolved mysteries lingered on my tongue. The intertwining fates of Autumn, Jane, Monica and me were becoming more convoluted with each passing moment. And I was determined to unravel the web.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 18>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 18>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave|School reception]] <<md>>Her eyes held mine, a raw hunger evident in them. The shadows from the dim lights created a dance on her face, emphasizing the curve of her lips. Lips that were now inching closer to me, her intentions crystal clear. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Jane, this isn't the time or place...<</say>>
<<md>>But my words were drowned out by the intensity of the moment. Before I knew it, she was on her knees, taking my dick into her mouth.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnConvinceJane1.mp4"></video></div> Each movement was deliberate and calculated, her skill evident in every touch. It felt as if she was sucking the very essence out of me, not just physically, but emotionally. With every stroke, every tease, she was pulling me further into her world, making it increasingly difficult to resist her allure. <</md>>
<<md>>The room, already filled with tension, was now charged with an electricity that was palpable. The only sounds were our combined breaths, the occasional soft moan, and the relentless dripping of that leaky faucet, which now seemed to keep rhythm with our heartbeats.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Did... did she tell you something?<</say>>
<<md>>I managed to gasp out, my mind still reeling from the intensity of the experience. In response, she leaned back slightly, looking up at me with mischievous eyes. Then, slowly, almost teasingly, she stuck out her tongue, revealing the evidence of our shared moment. <</md>>
<<say $Jane>>What do you think?<</say>>
<<md>>She asked with a sly smirk, her voice dripping with satisfaction.<</md>>
<<md>>I could only stare, both shocked and aroused by the audacity of her actions. It was clear that Jane was not just any ordinary nurse, and this was not just any ordinary day. As the weight of the situation began to sink in, one thing was certain: the tangled web of intrigue surrounding Autumn, Jane, and myself was becoming more complex with each passing moment.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnCheerleader2 = 171>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 171>>\
[[Leave|School reception]] <style> body.street {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/StreetMorning.jpeg");
<<md>>The city seemed alive, its very heartbeat echoing in the distant hum of traffic and whispered conversations. With each step I took, the weight of responsibility for Monica's safety lessened, only to be replaced by an impending sense of something... electric.<</md>>
<<md>>Out of the dim light, she emerged. Autumn, a juxtaposition of mystery and audacity. Her voice, a soft, confident purr, floated tdo me.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Playing the savior again?<</say>>
<<md>>I took a moment to really look at her. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica needed help. It was the right thing to do.<</say>>
<<md>>She sidled up to me, her presence almost magnetic.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Always doing only the right thing. Mr. Right.<</say>>
<<md>>She teased, her breath warm against my ear. The distance between us had disappeared.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, not always.<</say>>
<<md>>I replied, feeling the heat rise in my face.<</md>>
<<md>>A chuckle escaped her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh? Prove it.<</say>>
<<md>>Her challenge was clear.<</md>>
<<md>>There was an undercurrent of flirtation to her words, a spark that was impossible to ignore. Guiding me with just a finger, she led me into a dim alcove.<</md>>
<<md>>As the ambient sounds of the city melded into the background, Autumn's voice sliced through, dripping with audacity. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Ever wondered why they call me 'assleader'? <</say>>
<<md>>She mused, the playful challenge unmistakable in her eyes.<</md>>
[[Is this a joke?|AutumnMonicaQuest1.10]]
<<if $mc.Boldness > 5>>\
[[Only rumors [ B ] |AutumnMonicaQuest1.2]]
<<talk "Only rumors [ B ]" 5 $talk "I`m not that bold">><</talk>>
<style> body.street {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/StreetMorning.jpeg");
<<say $mc>>I've heard rumors, but…<</say>>
<<md>>She smoothly lifted her skirt, interrupting my reply. Taking a bold step, I reached out to trace the curve of her butt, my fingertips lingering dangerously close to her more intimate areas.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Bold move.<</say>>
<<md>>She whispered, her breath warm against my ear. We were suddenly interrupted by distant voices. I quickly withdrew my hand, but Autumn, ever audacious, seemed only mildly distracted by the noise.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Got a bottle of alcohol on you?<</say>>
<<if $ > 0>>\
[[Sure [wine]|AutumnMonicaQuest1.3]]
<<talk "Sure [wine]" 1 $talk "I don't have wine with me>><</talk>>
<style> body.street {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/StreetMorning.jpeg");
<<md>>The evening's ambiance had transformed, laden with tension and unspoken desires. I clutched the bottle, feeling it as a mere prop in a scenario I hadn't anticipated.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Planning for an interesting night, were we?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice had that sultry edge, making my thoughts scatter.<</md>>
<<md>>Approaching the dorms, unmistakable moans emanated from a room. I blushed, feeling intrusive. Yet, Autumn seemed unaffected.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Dorms. Never a dull moment.<</say>>
<<md>>Her laughter did nothing to relieve the tension I felt, especially below my waist.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Seems you're enjoying the evening.<</say>>
<<md>>She teased, lying back on her bed with a seductive ease. I tried to maintain my focus as she traced her fingers along her skin.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>I always thought biology was about the study of life, sir. Want to study mine up close?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're crossing a line, Autumn.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, but lines are meant to be crossed, aren't they? Or do you prefer to simply... observe from a distance?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You think this is a game?<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnTeaseAssMast1.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $Autumn>>Isn't it? A game of push and pull, tease and retreat. How far can I push before you give in? Am I not a good student, teacher? Shouldn't you reward my... curiosity?<</say>>
<<md>>The charged atmosphere between us was palpable. Every nuance, every look was loaded with intention.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Seems I've caught you in a...compromised position.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice, deep and teasing, had me entrapped as her fingers wandered ever so close to my heated center.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Let me help you with that.<</say>>
<<md>>The world faded, the barriers dissolved; there was only this moment, this overpowering urge, and the imminent surrender to it.<</md>>
<<md>>Autumn's touch was more than just physical contact; it was a seductive promise. The sensations she elicited from me were both exhilarating and agonizing in their intensity.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnTeaseAssMast2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Every movement of her lips and flicker of her tongue had me spiraling, the crescendo of pleasure pushing me closer to the edge.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Autumn...<</say>>
<<md>>My voice came out in a breathless whisper, the mounting pressure becoming unbearable. And then, in a rush of sensation, I could resist no longer, succumbing to the pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You're so responsive. Delightful.<</say>>
<<md>>Her smug satisfaction was evident, reinforcing her dominance in this passionate exchange. The intensity between us lingered, a tangible force.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Monica really doesn't appreciate what she has, does she? Such a pity.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words had a teasing edge, her body radiating heat even without touching. She moved closer, her intentions clear.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>There's still so much I want to... explore.<</say>>
<<md>>Her finger trailed lazily down my chest, her promise ringing loud and clear. This night, unexpected and intoxicating, was firmly under Autumn's control.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnMonicaCheerleader1 = 4>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 72>>\
[[Leave|School gate]] <<md>>After the evening's rush of events, I tried to center my thoughts on grading assignments. Each paper was a reflection of the student, their perspective on the unique topic given.<</md>>
<<md>>First was Autumn's paper. Even her writing had that audacious flair.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The clitoris is not just an organ; it's a symphony of sensations.<</say>>
<<md>>A smile tugged at my lips. Classic Autumn.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica's paper was next. Always the diligent student, her work showed depth and methodical thinking.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>An often misunderstood piece of anatomy, the clitoris plays a pivotal role in female pleasure.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, impressed. Monica.<</md>>
<<md>>Lexi's paper was a whirlwind, her characteristic rebelliousness evident.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's get real about the star of the show.<</say>>
<<md>>Despite her confrontational style, there was a genuine curiosity beneath.<</md>>
<<md>>And then there was Veronica. Her paper, colorful and unconventional, screamed her personality.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The clitoris: Mother Nature's masterpiece and secret weapon.<</say>>
<<md>>I chuckled. Trust Veronica to blend science with spirituality.<</md>>
<<md>>The silence was interrupted by the buzz of a text.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>A message? From an unknown number?<</say>>
<<md>>Upon opening, a warning greeted me:<</md>>
<<text r "Be careful of Autumn. She isn't what she seems.">>
<<md>>But the shocker was the attached photo. Autumn, provocative and bold, with several men. The intimacy and power dynamic in the scene was palpable.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What on earth...?<</say>>
<<md>>Doubts and questions threatened to swamp my thoughts. Who was this mysterious "M"? And how did Autumn get embroiled in this? The night had just taken an unexpected turn.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnMonicaCheerleader1 = 4>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 73>>\
[[Back|My room]]
<<md>>The ambiance at the beach was surreal. The sun painting the sands gold, children playing in the distance, and the hypnotic song of the waves in the background.<</md>>
<<md>>Approaching Autumn and other girlI could feel a shift in the atmosphere.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Well, if it isn't our favorite biology teacher.<</say>>
<<say $Hannah>>I've heard about you. From Autumn, of course.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She has a very long tongue, I guess.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>You didn't complain about it last time, teach.<</say>>
<<say $Hannah>>Don't believe everything she says. Especially about me.<</say>>
<<md>>Their playful interaction hinted at stories and shared experiences, adding depth to their bond.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Especially about you being our most... ass-adventurous cheerleader.<</say>>
<<say $Hannah>>Shut up.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So I came because you asked, Autumn. What did you want?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Just a walk... and a chat. With both of you.<</say>>
<<md>>As we meandered down the beach, their conversations were light yet laced with teasing undertones.<</md>>
[[Follow them|AutumnMonicaQuest1.12]]
<style> body.street {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/StreetMorning.jpeg");
<<md>>Taken aback by her forwardness, I tried to muster some semblance of control over the situation. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Is that some kind of joke around school?<</say>>
<<md>>Without waiting for me to fully process her words, she yanked my hand, pulling me toward a luxurious-looking building. Her strides were confident, purposeful. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Why don’t you find out?<</say>>
<<md>>I hesitated, glancing at the grand entrance.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What's this place?<</say>>
<<md>>She rolled her eyes, a playful chuckle escaping her lips. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You ask too many questions.<</say>>
<<md>>Without missing a beat, she twirled around and lifted her skirt, showcasing her toned derrière. The unexpected audacity of the move left me breathless.<</md>>
<<md>>Stammering slightly, I managed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Autumn, this isn’t...<</say>>
<<md>>She cut me off, leaning in until our noses nearly touched. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Do you want to touch?<</say>>
<<md>>The temptation was almost unbearable, but before I could even make a move, a cacophony of voices echoed nearby. A rush of embarrassment hit me, and I took a step back. She simply chuckled, unfazed.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>I’m all for public displays, but it seems you need a more private setting.<</say>>
<<md>>Flustered, I replied. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is not how I imagined the evening going.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes glinted with mischief. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>How about after tomorrow’s training at the beach? Think you can handle that?<</say>>
<<set $AutumnMonicaCheerleader1 = 2>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 52>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Back|Street Raw-Road]] <style> body.street {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/StreetMorning.jpeg");
<<say $mc>>No, I wasn’t planning on… I mean, I don't.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>That's a pity.<</say>>
<<md>>She said with a flirtatious wink.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>If you come to the beach tomorrow, maybe you'll get to continue where we left off.<</say>>
<<md>>The evening might have ended prematurely, but the tantalizing promise of future encounters lingered in the air.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnMonicaCheerleader1 = 3>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 62>>\
[[Back|Street Raw-Road]] <<say $Hannah>>Our training sessions can get so... sweaty, right Autumn?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Absolutely. And sometimes, we just can't help but lose some of our clothes. It's liberating.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You two sure seem to enjoy your training.<</say>>
<<say $Hannah>>You have no idea. Especially when we practice our... flexibility. Right, Autumn?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Being a cheerleader has its perks. You get to bend and stretch in ways you never thought possible.<</say>>
<<md>>Their words were laced with innuendo, and I could feel the heat rising to my face as they spoke.<</md>>
<<say $Hannah>>But you know, we're more than just cheerleaders. We have our wild sides. Isn't that right, Autumn?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Hannah's not lying. Sometimes, we just love being the bad girls, the... 'sluts' and 'bitches' of the team.<</say>>
<<md>>Their conversation was filled with wit and a hint of mystery. I was caught up in their world, wanting to know more about these two vibrant personalities.<</md>>
<<say $Hannah>>Come on, Autumn, everyone knows you've had your fair share of the boys on the team. That surely makes you the bigger 'bitch'.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Well, at least I never let three guys have their way with me at once. Especially not like that.<</say>>
<<md>>There was a pause, the tension palpable. Both girls looked at me, their eyes searching for a reaction.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ladies, it's not my place to judge or comment on your personal lives. Let's just enjoy the beach and each other's company.<</say>>
<<md>>I could sense a momentary disappointment from both of them, but they soon brushed it off. The evening continued with laughter and shared moments, the beach providing the perfect backdrop for our shared memories.<</md>>
<<md>>Autumn seemed to take pleasure in pushing my buttons, using her words as a tantalizing tool.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Come on, Mr. Biologist. I know you didn't choose because deep down, you know I'm the better choice.<</say>>
<<md>>Her sultry voice sent a shiver down my spine, but before I could gather my thoughts, she shifted the mood entirely.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>But we both know why you're really here. Maybe to watch us heat up before our...<</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly, Hannah, never one to be outdone, did the unexpected.<</md>>
<<say $Hannah>>Maybe he's here for this.<</say>>
<<md>>She confidently revealed her upper body, letting the sun's rays highlight her daring move.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Well, what do you think, Mr. Biologist?<</say>>
<<md>>Both women, each with their own style, made sure to keep me on my toes, turning the entire afternoon into a whirlwind of emotions.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You enjoyed the little show earlier, didn't you?<</say>>
<<say $Hannah>>Always the one to dominate the scene, aren't you, Autumn?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Why settle for less when you can have the best? Isn't that right, Mr. Biologist?<</say>>
[[Enter Hannah's home|AutumnMonicaQuest1.13]]
<<md>>Entering Hannah's home, Autumn's audacity was unmissable. Her voice, a whisper filled with intent, caught my attention instantly.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>The real question is, are you ready for what's next?<</say>>
<<say $Hannah>>Here's your arena, Mr. Biologist. Time to choose your contender. Who will undress first?<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn, never missing a beat, ensured that the focus was always on her.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Choose wisely. Though I suspect you already have your favorite.<</say>>
<<md>>Her piercing gaze made it clear she was waiting for my next move. But before I could react, she began undressing, her voice teasing every step of the way.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Ever thought of joining our cheerleading squad, Mr. Biologist? I've seen you handle that stick.<</say>>
<<say $Hannah>>Oh, he'd make a great addition! But only if he learns the right moves. Not every routine is as simple as wielding that stick of his.<</say>>
<<md>>Caught up in their game, I decided to dive in.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, I always believed cheerleaders were all about the pom-poms and high kicks. Didn’t realize there was a, shall we say, 'stick' routine.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, there’s a lot you don’t know about us cheerleaders. Especially us...sluttier ones.<</say>>
<<md>>She threw a cheeky glance at Hannah, challenging her openly.<</md>>
<<say $Hannah>>Please, Autumn, if I’m a slut, then you invented the term. Maybe our dear Mr. Biologist can judge who’s the bigger 'slut' after seeing both our routines?<</say>>
<<md>>The room was electric, every word intensifying the mood. Hannah began her own performance, and the tension was palpable.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Seems we're putting on quite the show.<</say>>
<<md>>In a move no one expected, Autumn and Hannah suddenly drew close, sealing the charged atmosphere with a lingering kiss.<</md>>
<<say $Hannah>>It looks like all we have to do is fuck our teacher.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Give me a fucking break. He's mine. Maybe you should get four guys to fuck you in the ass.<</say>>
<<md>>Hannah's reaction was immediate and fierce, her face turning a shade of crimson in response to Autumn's provocative words.<</md>>
<<say $Hannah>>Bitch. Maybe you should think before speaking.<</say>>
<<md>>Without waiting for an answer or allowing a retort, Hannah made her abrupt exit, leaving the room in a swift motion. Meanwhile, Autumn seemed largely unperturbed.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Always so dramatic. She is really pussy.<</say>>
<<md>>She then directed her full attention toward me, her eyes alive with a potent mix of playfulness and seduction.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Now, where were we?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You really know how to push her buttons.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>It's all in good fun. And now, you have me all to yourself.<</say>>
<<md>>The atmosphere between us thickened, charged with anticipation and unsaid desires.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You look like you need some... assistance.<</say>>
<<md>>Taking a daring step, Autumn closed the gap between us, her intent clear as she pushed herself against me. Her actions were assertive, and she radiated an aura of confidence and control.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>I've got this.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Autumn\Quest\Video\AutumnBeachCompetitionSuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Every move she made was deliberate and expert, leaving me caught up in a whirlwind of sensations.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Autumn...<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>That's right, just relax and let me handle everything.<</say>>
<<md>>The air grew thick, and the intensity of the situation was palpable. Autumn's teasing never stopped.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You seem to be enjoying this.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You... you have no idea.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, I think I have a pretty good idea.<</say>>
<<md>>There was an undeniable heat in the room, and the playful look in Autumn's eyes only added to the fervor of the moment.<</md>>
<<md>>The quiet that enveloped the room was thick with unspoken words, a connection that grew stronger with each passing second. As the night wore on, Autumn took control, making sure every interaction was electrically charged, making the experience memorable.<</md>>
<<md>>Autumn's actions became more intentional, her eyes signaling promises of deeper emotions. The build-up was gradual, showcasing her expertise and determination to savor each second.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Tell me when.<</say>>
<<md>>The air was thick with tension, every look and gesture enhancing our connection.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Soon, very soon.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Good.<</say>>
<<md>>The sensations grew more intense, pushing me closer to the edge.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Autumn...<</say>>
<<md>>A final, exhilarating moment and I was lost to the overwhelming sensations. As I gradually regained my senses, Autumn's satisfied and slightly proud expression met my gaze. The aftermath was a blend of contentment, a strong bond, and gratitude for the shared moment.<</md>>
<<set $AutumnMonicaCheerleader1 = 21>>\
<<set $AutumnT = 53>>\
[[Back|Street York-Road]] <<md>>The weight of Fiona's words still lingered in my mind. A club where students admired me? At first blush, it sounded flattering, but the deeper implications made me uneasy. Such obsessions could spiral into dark territory, and the last thing I wanted was to be at the center of it.<</md>>
<<md>>Why would Fiona mention this, and why now? Was she genuinely trying to let me in on a secret, or was there some ulterior motive behind her words? Students occasionally form attachments to their teachers; it's a known dynamic. But an entire club dedicated to the admiration of one? That was something else entirely.<</md>>
<<md>>And then there's Sophia. The more I thought about her, the more the pieces seemed to fit. It was no secret that Sophia had always harbored a certain darkness. Her manipulation wasn't always overt, but those who've crossed her path have felt its chilling touch. Her fingers seemed to be in every shadow, manipulating strings and scenarios to her whims. Could she be the puppet master behind this club? Trying to turn students against me, or perhaps weave some complex plot for her own gain? The very idea of it made my blood run cold.<</md>>
<<md>>I needed answers, and the only way to get them was to confront Sophia. The challenge would be navigating her web of deceit without getting ensnared. But as a teacher, my duty was to protect my students, even if it meant diving headfirst into the lion's den.<</md>>
<<md>>My decision was firm. Tomorrow, I'd seek out Sophia and unearth the truth, whatever it might be. The wellbeing of my students was at stake, and I wasn't about to let anything - or anyone - stand in my way.<</md>>
<<set $Sophia1Quest = 1>>\
<<set $Sophia1T = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Back|My room]] <<md>>As I approached Sophia's office the next day, the familiar hum of murmured voices grew louder. They seemed disjointed at first, but as I got closer, the tenor of the conversation became apparent: flirtatious undertones, peppered with the occasional chuckle. It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.<</md>>
<<md>>I paused just outside her door, not wanting to invade the space outright. Through the slight gap, I could see Sophia leaning against her desk, her body language seductive and dominant. Facing her was a female student, her eyes wide with a mixture of naivety and infatuation. The student’s cheeks were flushed, either from the warmth of the room or from Sophia’s dangerously close proximity. The whole scene left a sour taste in my mouth.<</md>>
<<md>>This was not just a simple matter of a club or admiration anymore; it was about ethics and boundaries. Sophia's manipulation was manifesting in a way far more nefarious than I'd initially imagined.<</md>>
<<md>>My heart was pounding as I slowly opened the door and stepped inside. Sophia and the student both froze upon my entrance. The tension was palpable, and my suspicions were confirmed; I watched in horror as Sophia leaned forward and began to lick the student's pussy. <</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Sophia\SophiaLickStudent1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>The student's eyes grew wide, her breath catching in her throat as Sophia's tongue worked its way around her clit. I could see the pleasure wash over the girl's face, and it was only then that I noticed the handcuffs on her wrists. Sophia had been using them to restrain the student while she tortured her with pleasure. It was clear that this had been going on for some time now, and my heart sank at the thought of all the other students who could have been affected.<</md>>
<<md>>I knew I had to put a stop to this immediately, so I cleared my throat and stepped forward. <</md>>
<<md>>Both heads turned in surprise. Sophia's eyes narrowed as she took in my presence, her expression a blend of annoyance and calculation. The student, on the other hand, looked mortified, immediately stepping away from Sophia and readjusting her clothing and hair.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>$mc.Name, what a surprise! Do you need something?<</say>> <<md>>Her voice was dripping with faux sweetness, and her piercing gaze seemed to challenge me to call her out on the scene I had just witnessed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Actually, I wanted to discuss something with you. But it seems you're...occupied.<</say>>
<<md>>I stressed the last word, letting the implications hang in the air.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Oh, we were just wrapping up. Weren't we, dear?<</say>> <<md>>The student nodded silently, looking desperate to escape the room.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Perhaps I should leave. We have some faculty matters to discuss, but later.<</say>>
<<set $Sophia1Quest = 2>>\
<<set $Sophia1T = 2>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Turn away and leave|Second floor]] <<md>>Just before I leave my office , I've noticed something on my table. The note was crisp and neatly folded, placed in the center of my desk as if it was meant to capture my attention immediately. The starkness of the words contrasted with the soft, pristine paper it was written on. It read:<</md>>
<<text r "Beware of Sophia. She's a menace, preying on the innocent. She makes girls suffer.">>
<<md>>I examined the note closely, looking for any hints or clues that might reveal the sender. The handwriting was unfamiliar, meticulously written to ensure anonymity. There were no smudges, no imprints — only the words staring back at me. And then there it was, at the bottom right corner of the note, a singular initial: S.<</md>>
<<md>>An array of questions raced through my mind. Who was this "S"? Why did they choose to communicate through a clandestine message rather than approaching me directly? And the most unsettling thought: Was this a cry for help or a warning?<</md>>
<<md>>The evidence was mounting against Sophia, and the patterns were becoming hard to ignore. This was no longer just about a secret admiration club or a questionable relationship with a student. This was something much darker, a web of manipulation that Sophia was weaving around the school. But the question remained, who else was ensnared?<</md>>
<<md>>The weight of responsibility bore down on me. I couldn’t just stand by and allow this to continue. But I also knew I had to tread carefully. Sophia was cunning and would not be easily cornered.<</md>>
<<md>>I decided to keep the note safe, tucking it into the pages of my personal journal. It would serve as a reminder of the task at hand and the obligation I felt to the students. But first, I needed allies — trustworthy staff or faculty who could support the investigation into Sophia's actions.<</md>>
<<md>>As I packed my things, a plan started to form. The first step was to identify who "S" might be and ensure their safety. And then, together, we would expose Sophia and her machinations, ensuring the safety of our students once and for all.<</md>>
<<set $Sophia1Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Sophia2Quest = 1>>\
<<set $Sophia1T = 3>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Strange...|Biology class]] <<md>>The following day, with the weight of the anonymous note still pressing on my mind, I sought out Sophia. The corridors of the school echoed with the din of students, yet I felt a strange silence as I approached her office. Through the slightly ajar door, I could hear her voice, firm and authoritative, as she spoke to someone on the phone.<</md>>
<<md>>Not wanting to interrupt, I gave a soft knock. The conversation within abruptly paused. A few moments later, she emerged, looking somewhat surprised to see me. Her eyes, as always, seemed to be assessing, searching for any signs of weakness or vulnerability.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>$mc.Name? To what do I owe this unexpected visit?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I wanted to discuss something with you. It's rather urgent. But I see you're busy. How about we meet up later, outside of school?<</say>>
<<md>>There was a brief moment of hesitation in Sophia's eyes, as if she was calculating the potential risks and benefits of such a meeting.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>That's... unusual. But alright. Any particular place in mind?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The cafe by the beach? Around 6 PM?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Fine. I'll see you there.<</say>>
<<set $Sophia2Quest = 2>>\
<<set $Sophia1T = 4>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]] <<md>> As the clock neared the appointed hour, I made my way to the cafe. The soft amber lights inside cast a warm glow, contrasting the chilling unease I felt.<</md>>
<<md>>I chose a table towards the back, affording some privacy. From there, I had a clear view of the entrance. Not long after, Sophia arrived. She glanced around before spotting me and made her way over, her stride confident. Her presence always seemed to demand attention, and even in the casual setting of the cafe, she exuded an air of authority.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>You're early.<</say>>
<<md>>She remarked as she sat down.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I like to be punctual.<</say>>
<<md>>I replied, trying to keep my tone neutral. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sophia, there's something I need to discuss with you. Something serious.<</say>>
<<md>>Her gaze sharpened, the facade of casual indifference momentarily breaking. She took a sip of her drink, leaning back and studying me intently.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>By all means, proceed.<</say>>
<<md>>She said, her voice dripping with feigned sweetness.<</md>>
<<md>>Taking a deep breath, I began to lay out my concerns, ensuring that every word I spoke was measured and concise. It was essential to approach the topic carefully, given the gravity of the situation and the unknown depth of Sophia's manipulations.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sophia, I would like to talk about this so-called club.'m a little bit worried about how much they are into me.<</say>>
<<md>>Sophia's lips curved into a sly smile. <</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>$mc.Name, do you really think it's that unusual for students, or anyone for that matter, to appreciate your teaching methods and charm? It's just a group of students who admire your work, nothing more.<</say>>
<<md>>I frowned, trying to understand her angle. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's not about the appreciation, Sophia. These girls obsessively want me to fuck them. And I've heard some unsettling rumors linked to the club that I'd like to address.<</say>>
<<md>>She leaned in, her dark eyes sparkling. <</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>What you have heard may be an exaggeration. But I recognize that there is an exclusive group of students who have great respect for you and want to please you. Would it surprise you to learn that not only students feel this way?<</say>>
<<md>>Taken aback, I processed her words. Was she implying what I thought she was? Sophia had always been an enigma, her motives and desires hidden behind layers of calculated actions.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Come, $mc.Name. Let me show you how much you're admired. I've got something special at my house that I think you'd appreciate.<</say>>
<<md>>My gut warned me to proceed with caution, but my curiosity was piqued. What was Sophia up to? <</md>>
<<say $mc>>What is it that ?<</say>>
<<md>>She leaned back, swirling her drink. <</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Ah, but where's the fun in spoiling the surprise? Trust me, it's something you'll want to see for yourself.<</say>>
<<md>>The evening was growing darker, and the ambient noise from the cafe patrons added to the thick tension between us. Sophia's alluring charm and the prospect of uncovering the mysteries surrounding the club created a conflict within me.<</md>>
<<md>>After a moment of contemplation, I finally responded. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, Sophia. Lead the way.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled triumphantly, as if she'd won a hidden game of chess we'd been playing. And with that, we departed the cafe, heading towards the unknown that awaited at Sophia's residence.<</md>>
<<addmins 40>>\
[[To her house|SophiaQuest2.3]] <<md>>The way to Sophia's house was filled with a palpable tension, each of us lost in our thoughts. Her home was an elegant, modern structure, set somewhat apart from its neighboring residences. The interior was equally refined—dark wood, tasteful art, and understated lighting.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Welcome to my palace of pleasure.<</say>>
<<text y "You've unlocked Sophia's house">>
<<md>>She announced, locking the door behind us. She led me through the corridor to a living area adorned with bookshelves and cozy furniture. <</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Would you like a drink?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure.<</say>>
<<md>>Sophia returned with two glasses of red wine, handing me one before sitting down next to me. She lifted her glass for a toast. <</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>For the deepest pleasures!<</say>>
<<md>>Our glasses clinked, and I took a sip, still uncertain about what was unfolding.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>$mc.Name, do you ever consider how rare true appreciation is? To be seen for who you are, not just as a cog in the educational machine?<<say>>
<<say $mc>>It's a thought that has crossed my mind, yes.<</say>>
<<md>>I replied cautiously. She moved closer to me, her eyes not leaving mine. <</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>I appreciate you, $mc.Name. Not just as a fellow teacher, but as a remarkable individual.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was soft, almost a whisper, as she leaned in and kissed me.<</md>>
<<md>>For a moment, I hesitated, aware of the blurred lines and potential ramifications. But something in her kiss—a fervor, an intimacy—made me abandon caution. Sophia seemed to sense my internal battle and its subsequent resolution because she smiled knowingly as the kiss deepened.<</md>>
<<md>>The next few moments were a blur. Sophia's fingertips lightly brushed my neck as her lips explored mine. She started unzip my pants and sucking my dick, her movements becoming more urgent with each passing second. I grasped onto her in desperate pleasure, the sensations coursing through me like a drug. <</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Sophia\Quest\Video\SophiaCafeSuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>The intensity of the moment was overwhelming. I could barely contain my moans as Sophia expertly worked her mouth, her tongue dancing around my shaft. Her long hair cascaded over my body like a blanket, and the feeling of her lips engulfing me felt like a dream.<</md>>
<<md>>I closed my eyes and allowed myself to surrender to pleasure, and before I knew it, I came into her mouth with an earth-shattering force. It felt like time itself had stopped—the only thing in existence was Sophia and me in an infinite moment of bliss. <</md>>
<<md>>The night unfurled in a sequence of passionate encounters, as if all the tension that had built up was being released in one intense burst of energy. For those hours, the club, the school, and the rumors all faded into insignificance. All that remained was the raw, emotional connection between us, sealed in secrecy and veiled in the night.<</md>>
<<set $Sophia2Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Sophia3Quest = 1>>\
<<addmins 100>>\
[[Sleep|SophiaQuestNew3.1]] <<md>>As dawn approached, I lay there contemplating the course of events that had led me to this point. I realized I was still in uncharted territory, the lines between professional ethics and personal desires becoming increasingly blurred. Sophia was a puzzle, her motives still unclear, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that I'd stepped into a complex web.<</md>>
[[Go to school|SophiaQuestNew3.2]]
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 2>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<if $mc.MaxStamina gte $stamina>>\
<<set $stamina = $mc.MaxStamina>>\
<</if>>\<<md>>The early morning air was cool and crisp as I made my way to school. I felt a mix of emotions: guilt over the night I'd spent with Sophia, concern about the cryptic club, and uncertainty about where my involvement would lead.<</md>>
<<md>>Lost in thought, I was jolted back to reality when I almost collided with a student. It was Samantha, a quiet and observant girl who was known for her sharp intellect. She looked at me, her piercing eyes hinting at a deeper understanding of recent events.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>Mr. $mc.Name, sorry! Uggghm...I hope you're being careful with the company you keep.<<say>>
<<md>>I regarded her with a puzzled look. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>What do you mean, Samantha?<<say>>
<<md>>She hesitated for a moment, glancing around to ensure no one was within earshot.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>I...It's me... I left you that note. There's more to Sophia than meets the eye. She's done things, Mr. $mc.Name. Things you wouldn't believe.<<say>>
<<md>>My heart rate quickened. <</md>>
<<say $MH>>Why didn't you come to me directly?<<say>>
<<say $Samantha>>It's not that simple. But if you really want to know the truth, search her office. There are things hidden there that would shock even you.<<say>>
<<md>>With that, she hurried away, leaving me with more questions than answers. The weight of Samantha's words bore down on me, and my resolve hardened. I had to know the truth.<</md>>
<<addmins 30>>\
[[Enter Sophia's office|SophiaQuestNew3.3]]
<<md>>As I approached Sophia's office, I carefully surveyed the surroundings to ensure no one was watching. The door was unlocked, and I slipped inside. The office looked ordinary at first glance: books, papers, and an array of personal items. However, after searching for a while, my attention was drawn to a peculiar seam on the wooden paneling of one wall. On closer inspection, I realized it was a concealed door.<</md>>
<<md>>As I was about to pry it open, a voice from behind made me freeze.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Looking for something, $mc.Name?<</say>>
<<md>>I turned to find Sophia standing at the entrance, her expression unreadable. Any trace of last night's intimacy had vanished, replaced by a cold, calculating demeanor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sophia, what's going on? What is this?<</say>>
<<md>>She stepped closer, her eyes fixed on mine. <</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Mind your own business.<</say>>
<<md>>Sophia's gaze was unyielding, and the charged atmosphere in the room only heightened my unease.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sophia, I just need to know what's behind that door. What are you hiding?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>It's probably beyond your comprehension, $mc.Name. I'm not even going to try and explain it; I just need you to steer clear.<</say>>
<<md>>Realizing I wasn't going to get any more answers from her directly, my mind raced to think of who might help. Fiona's image popped into my head. She was one of my most adoring students, almost to a fault. She seemed to hang on to every word I said in class. Perhaps she'd caught wind of rumors about Sophia's activities. Meanwhile, Monica, with her kind-hearted nature and ability to reason, might provide a balanced perspective on the matter.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, Sophia. We'll leave it at that for now. But I hope you understand my concerns.<</say>>
<<md>>She nodded slowly.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Yeah, sure I do. Not like you have any real choice in the matter.<</say>>
<<md>>With a heavy heart, I exited the office.<</md>>
<<set $Sophia3Quest = 2>>\
<<set $Sophia1T = 5>>\
<<addmins 30>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]] <<md>>First, I approached Fiona, managing to find a quiet moment to discuss my concerns.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Just the fact that you're confiding in me is so... thrilling! I've always admired you. And while I've heard some students whisper about Ms. Sophia and her mysterious ways, I must admit I pay more attention to discussions about... well, you."<</say>>
<<md>>I chuckled lightly, though a bit uncomfortably. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Fiona. It's always good to have fans. But right now, I need information. Anything you might know or have overheard about Sophia could be helpful.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona thought for a moment before admitting.
<<say $Fiona>>I don’t know much, but there are whispers that Ms. Sophia has a dual nature. But really, you should just ignore all that and focus on your teaching and us. We all adore you! We are ready to serve you.<</say>>
<<set $Sophia3Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Sophia1T = 6>>\
[[Back|School reception]] <<say $Monica>>Of course, I've noticed how some students idolize certain teachers, and while it might seem flattering, it can be quite dangerous. This kind of blind admiration can lead to manipulation and deceit. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>What about Sophia? Don't you think she's hiding something?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>If there's something off about Sophia, you should approach it carefully. And if there's any way I can help, please let me know.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, what do you think of this club that some students have formed? Do you think it's dangerous or harmful in any way?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>From what I've gathered, it seems pretty harmless. Just a bunch of students expressing their admiration for you.<</say>>
<<md>>Is she that naive? Whatever.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What about Samantha? She seems to be worried about something about this club.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Samantha has a flair for drama. She’s got a very active imagination, always coming up with stories and scenarios. She's shared some of her writings with me, and trust me, they're intense. But if you really want to know more about her perspective on the club or Sophia, you should probably approach her directly. She spends a lot of her free time in the park, writing and observing.<</say>>
<<md>>The park. I was no stranger to it. Many afternoons had been spent there, grading papers or just reflecting on the day. But now, it held the promise of a key piece in the puzzle. I decided to pay a visit.<<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, Monica<</say>>
<<set $Sophia3Quest = 4>>\
<<set $Sophia4Quest = 1>>\
<<set $Sophia1T = 7>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]] <<md>>As I sat on one of the park benches, I let the ambiance of the evening surround me. The soft chirping of birds as they prepared to roost, the gentle hum of distant conversations, and the faint laughter of children playing in the distance. But Samantha was nowhere in sight.<</md>>
<<md>>A sense of unease began to gnaw at me. That note, Sophia’s actions, and now Samantha's absence – everything seemed to be a piece in a puzzle I couldn’t quite put together.<</md>>
<<md>>I took a moment to center my thoughts. Jumping to conclusions wouldn’t help; perhaps Samantha had her reasons for not being in the park. She might be at home, at the library, or perhaps lost in her thoughts somewhere else.<</md>>
<<md>>With a deep breath, I decided to leave the park. The school would be a good place to start looking for her tomorrow. There were too many questions and too few answers, but I was determined to find the truth behind it all. As night fell, I made my way home, preparing myself mentally for the conversations and confrontations the next day might bring.<</md>>
<<set $Sophia4Quest = 2>>\
<<set $Sophia1T = 8>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave park|Street Raw-Road]] <<md>>The morning started routinely enough. I was in the midst of explaining the intricacies of cellular respiration to my biology class when Veronica's hand shot up, eager to question an aspect of the topic. Just as I was about to address her query, the door to the classroom opened abruptly.<</md>>
<<md>>Jerry, a familiar face from the local police department, stood at the entrance, his usually relaxed demeanor replaced by a stern and urgent expression. Beside him was Clara, her face drawn and pale with evident concern.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>$mc.Name, can I have a moment of your time?<</say>>
<<md>>The class murmured, their attention pivoting from cellular details to the sudden and an unexpected visit from a police officer.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, just a moment.<</say>>
<<md>>I addressed the class. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, we'll continue your question after the break. For now, please read ahead.<</say>>
<<md>>I stepped out of the classroom, closing the door behind me to find a more private setting for what seemed to be a serious conversation.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name we have a situation.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara began, her usually cold demeanor now filled with visible distress. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>"It's Samantha. She hasn’t been seen since yesterday evening. Her parents called the school this morning, worried sick because she didn't return home last night.<</say>>
<<say $Jerry>>We've searched her usual haunts, talked to her friends, but so far, nothing. We did, however, find her broken phone in the park. There were signs of a struggle.<</say>>
<<md>>The weight of the situation hit me, hard. The park? That was the same park I visited, looking for her. Struggle? That can't be good...<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Sophia mentioned she saw you talking to Samantha yesterday. Can you clarify that?<</say>>
<<md>>I took a deep breath. She's what? Damn it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I spoke to Samantha briefly yesterday morning. She hinted that she had left something for me. But I haven't seen her since then.<</say>>
<<md>>Jerry's sharp eyes studied me intently, trying to gauge my sincerity. <</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>We need to know every detail of that conversation. It's vital. Every piece of information is crucial.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, I'll cooperate fully. I'm just as concerned about Samantha as everyone else.<</say>>
<<md>>Jerry gave a nod of acknowledgment.<</md>>
<<say $Jerry>>We'll be in touch. For now, please make sure you're available for any further questioning.<</say>>
<<md>>As they left, the weight of the situation bore heavily on me. Samantha was missing, and our conversation, innocent as it had seemed at the time, was now a key piece in an increasingly complex puzzle. I had to get to the bottom of this, not just for my own sake but for Samantha's too.<</md>>
[[Back to lesson|SophiaQuestNew4.3]] <<md>>After the jarring interruption, it took all my strength to refocus on the lesson. The inquisitive eyes of my students were still on me, sensing that something was amiss. I tried my best to stay composed, answering questions and guiding them through the complexities of biology. <</md>>
<<md>>The chime of the bell, signaling the end of the period, came as a relief. The students slowly shuffled out of the classroom, but I could feel their curious and concerned glances. I suspected that news of Samantha's disappearance would spread through the school like wildfire.<</md>>
<<md>>Once the room emptied, I took a moment to collect my thoughts. Everything seemed to circle back to Sophia. Samantha's warning, her sudden disappearance, and now Sophia's absence from her office. It all felt too coincidental. I knew I had to confront Sophia and get some answers.<</md>>
<<md>>I made my way quickly to Sophia's office, hoping to catch her. But the room was dark and empty, her desk tidy with an aura of finality. Had she left for the day, or perhaps longer? There was an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.<</md>>
<<set $Sophia4Quest = 3>>\
<<set $Sophia1T = 9>>\
[[Back|Second floor]] <<md>>Taking a deep breath, I decided that visiting Sophia at her home might be the next logical step. If she was involved in any way, I needed to find out. For Samantha's sake and my own.<</md>>
<<md>>The sun had started its descent as I approached Sophia's residence, casting long shadows on the pathway. Her home, a modern two-story building, always had an air of mystery, with its tinted windows and tall perimeter walls.<</md>>
<<md>>With a heavy heart and a flood of questions swirling in my mind, I rang the doorbell. Would Sophia answer? And if she did, would I get the answers I sought or be pulled deeper into the enigma? Only time would tell. <</md>>
<<md>>As the door slowly creaked open, there stood Sophia, her silhouette illuminated by the soft interior lights. She was draped in a seductive dress that hugged her curves, its fabric shimmering in the dim ambiance. Her crimson lips curved into a sly smile, and her eyes seemed to hold secrets that went deeper than the dark hallways of her home.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>$mc.Name, what brings you here?<</say>>
<<md>>Swallowing hard, I said.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Samantha. She's missing, and I've been told that we talked this morning. But that's not all. Everything's becoming too tangled, Sophia. <</say>>
<<md>>She sighed theatrically, twirling a strand of her dark hair. <</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Ah, Samantha. Such a troubled soul. Rumor has it she was facing a lot of issues at home. Maybe she just... ran away. It's tragic, but not everyone is equipped to handle their demons.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words were like honey, dripping with sweetness yet potentially hiding a sting. She stepped closer, her perfume intoxicating. <</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>You must be so stressed, $mc.Name. Come in, let me take care of you.<</say>>
<<md>>She ran a finger down my arm, sending shivers down my spine. But the gravity of the situation was too pressing to be swayed by her advances.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, Sophia.<</say>>
<<md>>I said, taking a step back.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I can't. Not tonight. Samantha's disappearance, everything that's been happening... It's too much.<</say>>
<<md>>Sophia's expression hardened for just a split second before returning to her sultry demeanor. <</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Very well...<</say>>
<<md>>She replied, feigning disappointment. <</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>If you change your mind, you know where to find me.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, I turned and quickly walked away from her home, trying to shake off the unease that gripped me. I needed to get to the bottom of this, and letting Sophia distract me was not an option. <</md>>
<<set $Sophia4Quest = 4>>\
<<set $Sophia1T = 10>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Back|5thave]] <<md>>Sports have always represented discipline, resilience, and ambition to me. Athletes often exemplify perseverance and dedication. It's clear Olivia is no exception.<</md>>
<<md>>Sharing a workout session with someone who knows the ropes is exhilarating, especially when they're as fiery and spirited as Olivia. Her tenacity adds an entirely new dimension to the experience.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>$mc.Name! Think you can keep up with me today?<</say>>
<<md>>Her challenging smirk speaks volumes. She's competitive, but is she testing me or just being playful?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm always game for a challenge. Let's see who breaks a sweat first.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Oh, it's on! I'll guide you, but don't expect me to go easy on you.<</say>>
<<md>>A training session with Olivia promises to be anything but dull.<</md>>
<<md>>She confidently strides to a machine, beckoning me over.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>This will test your limits. Prove you've got what it takes.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm ready when you are.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Show me.<</say>>
<<md>>As I work on the machine, Olivia, not one to be outdone, pushes herself on another nearby. Every so often, she shoots me a challenging glance, as if daring me to push harder.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Keep that pace. I'm watching.<</say>>
<<md>>Her intense focus is both motivating and a little intimidating. But it's the kind of challenge I relish.<</md>>
<<if $OliviaImage2Unlocked == 0>>\
<<set $OliviaImage2Unlocked = 1>>\
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Olivia>>Not bad. You might actually keep up with me someday.<</say>>
<<md>>Her comment is part jest, part genuine compliment. I can't quite tell, but that's what makes training with her intriguing.<</md>>
<<md>>Olivia's legs look sexy and attractive in her shorts and sweat-soaked tank top as she moves around the gym. I can only imagine how powerful those muscles must feel beneath my fingertips.<</md>>
<<md>>My gaze lingers as I can't help but admire the way her body contours with each movement. She might not realize it, but she has an undeniable magnetism and beauty that distracts me from my workout.<</md>>
<<md>>Olivia notices my distraction and turns to me with a stern expression. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Focus, $mc.Name! If you want to get stronger, you need to stay on task.<</say>>
<<md>>I quickly turn away, feeling embarrassed but also strangely aroused by her scolding. My boner is thick and pulsing in anticipation of the next challenge she will throw at me.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Impressive session today. I knew you had it in you.<</say>>
<<md>>Her compliment was sincere, making the effort even more worthwhile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks. Let's see who tires out first next time.<</say>>
<<md>>She hesitates, her competitive edge making a brief reappearance.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Challenge accepted. Until then.<</say>>
<<md>>She left hurriedly, leaving me curious. That fleeting moment of vulnerability hinted at a story yet to be unraveled.<</md>>
[[Leave|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]
<<set $Olivia1QT = 3>>\
<<set $Olivia2Q = 2>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<set $QuestNextWeek = 7>>\<<md>>The following week, I find myself back at the gym, the thought of another training session with Olivia luring me in. The challenge she posed last time was more than just about physical fitness. There was an underlying tension, a spark that kept the atmosphere charged.<</md>>
<<md>>The gym is slightly busier than the last time, but among the crowd, her presence stands out. She's already warming up, her movements fluid and filled with determination.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Back for more, $mc.Name?<</say>>
<<md>>She's wearing a light gray top that clings to her petite frame and a pair of tight black shorts that showcase her toned legs. She looks amazing, and I can't help but feel a little intimidated by her commanding presence.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wouldn't miss it. What's today's challenge?<</say>>
<<md>>She grins, her fiery spirit evident.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Today, we're doing partner exercises. It's all about trust and coordination. Think you can handle that?<</say>>
<<md>>The idea of being in close proximity to Olivia is thrilling. My heart rate increases, not from the impending workout but from sheer anticipation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's find out.<</say>>
<<md>>We launch into a heated session of paired drills. With every exchange, our bodies become closer and closer until the electric energy between us is hard to ignore. Our eyes lock as we both anticipate the moment when our hands finally touch - like two magnets drawn together. Every move we make feels charged with a forbidden desire that neither of us dare speak out loud.<</md>>
<<md>>As the hours pass, the gym slowly empties out, leaving just the two of us engrossed in our shared challenge. We're both sweating and breathing hard, but there's a satisfied grin on Olivia's face.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>That was impressive, $mc.Name. You have a lot of potential.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words fill me with pride, and I can't help but let my gaze wander to her face, taking in every detail. My eyes meet hers for just a moment before they drift down to her chest, and then lower still. I almost expect her to reprimand me for being too forward, but instead she look at my boner, smiled but said nothing. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks for showing me those moves<</say>>
<<md>>There's a moment, a pause in the conversation, where we just stand there, taking each other in. The room is filled with the soft hum of the air conditioning and the distant sound of weights being placed back on racks.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Listen, I...<</say>>
<<md>>She stands tall, her resolve never faltering.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I have a task that needs to be taken care of. It's nothing you need to worry about.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, take your time.<</say>>
<<md>>She silently nodded, before abruptly turning away and vanishing in the direction of a distant room. I was left alone, but my mind swirled with questions. There was something between us that couldn't be explained by mere words - what did she want to tell me? <</md>>
<<md>>There's still so much I want to understand about Olivia, but for now, I should leave her.<</md>>
<<md>>As I leave, I look at the opened door where she went and have a choice to look there or not. <</md>>
[[Look what's there|OliviaQuest2NewWorkout2Look]]
[[Don't look|OliviaQuest2NewWorkout2DontLook]] <<md>>I can't help but feel a pull of concern for Olivia. There was something about the way she left, the slight tremor in her voice, that didn’t sit right with me. There's a weight on my chest; an odd mix of worry and responsibility, as if I might've inadvertently played a role in her abrupt departure.<</md>>
<<md>>Drawn by this nagging feeling, I quietly approach the door she disappeared behind. There's no sign on it, which is odd given the well-labeled nature of the gym. The room's purpose remains a mystery.<</md>>
<<md>>I slowly push open the door, expecting to find another workout area or maybe an office space. But what I see leaves me frozen in place.<</md>>
<<md>>Olivia stands with her back to me, completely naked. Her body is slender yet toned, and her curves are as exquisite as I imagined them to be. <</md>>
<<md>>I can't help but admire the sight of her pussy; its naturally dark and glossy hairs contrasting against the smoothness of her skin. Her labia look plump and inviting, while her clitoris stands erect like a little pearl waiting to be touched. My mouth waters just thinking about it.<</md>>
<<md>>Olivia has a hand between her legs, slowly stroking and teasing her pussy in a never-ending circle. Her breath is coming out in short gasps as she pushes herself closer and closer to the edge. She's so close that it causes my heart to race with anticipation of what's about come.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Ah, $mc.Name!<</say>>
<<md>>She calls out my name, and I'm rooted to the spot, unable to turn away from this beautiful sight. I'm both wonderstruck and afraid, wondering if she knows that I'm here but unable to move. The moment hangs in the air, thick with tension and desire.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You are so strong and handsome... Fuck me, fuck harder!<</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly, her body starts to shudder and spasm as she reaches her climax.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Olivia\Quest\Video\OliviaMast1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Finally, Olivia collapses onto the floor, completely spent from the experience. I take a few moments to compose myself before closing the door and heading back home with a newfound understanding of what truly makes Olivia tick.<</md>>
<<md>>I froze in place, not daring to move for fear of being seen. I lingered for a few tense moments before carefully closing the door and scurrying away with a profound understanding of Olivia's inner world.<</md>>
[[Leave|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]
<<set $Olivia1QT = 4>>\
<<set $Olivia2Q = 4>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<md>>I take one, last glance in her direction before heading out. Even from afar, I can sense the passion radiating from her body. It's as if she's silently commanding me to stay - urging me to venture even closer and discover the secrets hidden behind the door. But then again, maybe it's just my imagination playing tricks on me. With a heavy heart, I turn away and head home, determined to come back soon for another session and continue on this journey towards understanding Olivia better.<</md>>
<<set $Olivia1QT = 5>>\
<<set $Olivia2Q = 5>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave|Mall - Cheap pleasure]] <<md>>The cool breeze from the beach served as a temporary relief from the lingering unease. It should've been a place for relaxation, but as fate would have it, a familiar voice of frustration carried over the wind. There, not too far away, was Olivia, the picture of aggravation, her voice cutting through the air like a blade.<</md>>
<<md>>The cheerleaders were all lined up, most looking downcast and fearful. Except for one - Autumn. She stood defiantly, a sneer on her lips, her posture screaming nonchalance. Her attitude was in stark contrast to the rest of the squad.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>This isn't a game, Autumn! You think you're too good for this? The team is only as strong as its weakest link, and right now, that's you.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Maybe I just don’t want to lower myself to your level of mediocrity. Ever think about that? Besides, maybe the team needs a better leader, someone like me.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>You really think your little stunts and attitude help the team, Autumn? Every time you pull this nonsense, we all take a step back.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Maybe if you weren’t so hell-bent on 'tradition' and 'discipline', we could actually innovate and shine. Maybe it’s time the squad had a leader who’s living in the present.<</say>>
<<md>>The atmosphere grew thick with tension, like a storm about to break. The other cheerleaders exchanged nervous glances, unsure of how to react to Autumn's audacity. Olivia's eyes narrowed, a dangerous glint reflecting her fury.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Watch your mouth, Autumn. The respect I've earned wasn't handed to me on a silver platter like your captaincy. <</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Or what? You'll bench me? Good luck with that. The team loves me more than they fear you.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn rolled her eyes, but there was a hint of unease behind her defiant facade. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>One more step out of line, Autumn, and you'll see exactly how I deal with insubordination. This is your last warning.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Today's practice is over. Go home and reflect on your attitudes. Remember why you joined the squad in the first place. Tomorrow, I expect to see improvement. Dismissed.<</say>>
<<md>>The cheerleaders quickly dispersed, glad to be out of the line of fire. As I watched from a distance, Olivia took a moment to herself, seeming to regain her composure. The strength she demonstrated, the fierce protectiveness for her team, only intensified my curiosity about her.<</md>>
<<md>>I could only speculate what kind of person she was, but I was determined to find out. So, as I trudged back home, my mind ran through various plans on how to talk to Olivia and get to know her better. Maybe asking for coffee?<</md>>
[[Sounds right|Street York-Road]]
<<set $Olivia1QT = 6>>\
<<set $Olivia2Q = 51>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\<<md>>As I approached Olivia, her eyes met mine, initially guarded but softening ever so slightly when she recognized me. It was a subtle shift, almost imperceptible, but it was there.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey Olivia, tough practice recently, huh? Autumn was kinda rude.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>You could say that. Leading a team isn't a walk in the park, especially with personalities like Autumn's.<</say>>
<<md>>I could sense the weight of her responsibilities, how they seemed to momentarily deflate her usual confidence.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Would you like to grab some coffee? Maybe a change of scenery could help?<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia looked at me, her eyes searching for a moment, as if weighing the sincerity of my offer. Then, her lips curled into a reserved but appreciative smile.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Coffee sounds good, actually. Let's go.<</say>>
[[To cafe|OliviaQuest2NewCoffee3]] <<md>>The atmosphere at the coffee shop was a stark contrast to the tension on the beach. The scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the subtle undertones of baked goods and an acoustic playlist that filled the room. We found a quiet corner and settled in.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You know, coaching is a constant battle. Between balancing egos, maintaining discipline, and pushing for excellence—it's exhausting.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice held a note of vulnerability, a rare departure from the commanding tone I was accustomed to.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Have you ever considered something like yoga to manage the stress? It might also help with team-building.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Yoga? That's an... interesting suggestion. But I'm not sure I have the time or the know-how to implement it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What if I could help you with that? I'm no yogi, but I know a few basics that could help with stress relief.<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me, a playful spark igniting in her eyes as she gauged the earnestness of my offer.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, you're on. Let's see if your yoga skills are as good as your intentions. I'm waiting for you on Saturday at 10 am<</say>>
<<md>>As she spoke, I felt a sense of accomplishment, a small victory in the challenge of cracking Olivia's tough exterior. But beyond that was a realization that our budding friendship had crossed a new threshold, one that hinted at the promise of deeper connection.<</md>>
[[Back|Street York-Road]]
<<set $Olivia1QT = 7>>\
<<set $Olivia2Q = 52>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\<<md>>Finding Olivia's home was not difficult. Like its owner, it was very distinguished by its forms. Among all the identical, almost ordinary houses, it was the adornment of the entire street.<<md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Ah, $mc.Name, I've been waiting for you, come in!<</say>>
<<md>>The room was spacious and bathed in soft lighting, hinting at a side of Olivia I had yet to see. The subtle fragrance of lavender wafted through the room, setting a calm ambiance. As she moved, her toned physique was evident beneath her attire, showcasing years of hard work and discipline.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I've set up a space here for us to practice. I must admit, yoga isn't my forte, so I'm relying on you to guide me through it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. Let's start with some basic poses to warm up and get into the flow.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, I'm ready. How about the doggy pose? Downward Dog, right?<</say>>
<<md>>Watching her move into the Downward Dog position, I could see her muscles straining, and she seemed tense. Her posture was a bit off.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're close, Olivia. Let me help adjust your stance.<</say>>
<<md>>Gently, I positioned her hands and feet correctly, ensuring her spine was aligned. I felt her stiffen momentarily, but she soon relaxed into the pose.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Thanks. I never realized yoga could be this challenging. I'm always in control with cheerleading, but this... It feels different, vulnerable even.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's the beauty of yoga. It's not just a physical exercise; it's a mental and emotional journey. Sometimes, it brings up emotions or thoughts you've buried deep inside.<</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly, she turned so that her ass brushed against my cock, sending a wave of heat throughout my body. She didn't move away immediately, making sure the connection lingered before finally stepping aside with a coy smile on her lips. <</md>>
<<md>>There was a pause, and I could sense a hesitancy in her before she spoke.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You know, all my life, I've been pushing myself to be the best. That drive has helped me achieve many things, but it's also been my cage. The fear of not being good enough, of failing... It haunts me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're not alone in feeling that way. Perfectionism can be a double-edged sword. But remember, growth often happens outside of our comfort zones.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia smiled, and I felt as if a weight had been lifted from her being.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You're right. Thank you for reminding me of that.<</say>>
<<md>>With the conversation now fully open and our connection strong, I couldn't resist the urge to touch her any longer. I stepped forward and embraced her in a gentle hug, feeling the warmth of her body against mine and running my fingers through her hair. Then, slowly, I leaned in to kiss her lips before trailing my kisses down to her neck and collarbone. My hands moved to caress her breasts as we continued to kiss until my fingertips brushed softly against her nipples beneath the fabric of her clothing.<</md>>
<<md>>I felt her breathing quicken and heard a soft moan escape her lips as I moved my hands lower. With a gentle tug, I pulled at the waistband of her yoga pants and she stepped out of them with ease. Our eyes locked for a fraction of a second before I leaned in again to kiss her hungrily, and our bodies entwined as we sunk into the mattress. Her skin was warm against mine as we explored each other’s bodies. Our movements were slow, yet passionate, as if time had stopped and all that mattered was this fragile moment between us.<</md>>
<<md>>The intensity built until there was no denying it any longer; our clothes were left in a pile on the floor and my hardness pressed against her wetness eagerly. Her moans grew louder as I moved within her, probing deeper with every thrust until finally an orgasmic release burst through us both like an unstoppable wave of pleasure. <</md>>
<<md>>We lay there afterwards, our bodies intertwined in a blissful embrace as I held her close and kissed the top of her head. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I appreciate what you did.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Anytime, Olivia. Sharing moments like these, it's... special.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>You're special, $mc.Name. The way you see the world, the way you see people. It's different.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you. I believe everyone has layers, stories waiting to be uncovered.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Speaking of stories... There's something I need your help with.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Anything.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>It's Autumn. Her attitude, her rebellion – it's not just teenage angst. I've tried to reach her, but every time we talk, it becomes confrontational. Maybe you could talk to her? See what's really going on?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You believe she might be more receptive to me?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Yes. There's something about you – a genuine warmth, an understanding. I've seen how people around you gravitate towards that. Maybe Autumn will too.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, I'll give it a shot. But no promises, okay?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>That's all I ask. Thank you.<</say>>
<<md>>The weight of the request was not lost on me. As I held Olivia, I made a silent promise to do my best, to bridge the gap between two strong-willed souls, and to uncover the story behind Autumn's behavior.<</md>>
<<set $Olivia1QT = 8>>\
<<set $Olivia2Q = 53>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<md>>The sun was setting, casting a golden hue across the campus grounds when I found Autumn. She was sitting on a bench, earphones plugged in, clearly lost in her own world. Taking a deep breath, I approached, hoping for a civil conversation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, Autumn. Got a minute?<</say>>
<<md>>Without even looking up, she yanked out one earbud, her voice dripping with disdain. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>What do you want?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I just wanted to talk, see if everything's okay. Olivia seemed concerned about you.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn scoffed, rolling her eyes dramatically. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Of course she did, as if her opinion is the only thing that matters. Typical Coach Olivia, never caring about what anyone else thinks. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Look, I'm not here to judge or take sides. Just wanted to see if there's anything you'd like to share. Sometimes talking helps.<</say>>
<<md>>She regarded me with a skeptical gaze, clearly weighing her options. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Why do you even care?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Because everyone has a story. And sometimes, those stories need to be heard.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn hesitated, then laughed bitterly. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You honestly think I'm just gonna fall for that? Please.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, but it's worth a try. Whatever's going on with you and Olivia, it's affecting the entire squad. And I thought maybe you'd want to clear the air.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Clear the air? With Olivia? Please. She's just out to get me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Is that really how you see it? Or is there something deeper bothering you?<<say>>
<<md>>Autumn's eyes flashed with defiance, but there was a hint of vulnerability beneath. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You wouldn't understand. Nobody does.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Try me.<</say>>
<<md>>For a moment, it looked like Autumn might relent, might share whatever was burdening her. But then she pushed herself up from the bench, her walls firmly back in place. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>This conversation is over. Thanks for the 'concern' though.<</say>>
<<md>>She walked away, leaving me with more questions than answers. There was no other option; I had to talk to Olivia.<</md>>
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]
<<set $Olivia1QT = 9>>\
<<set $Olivia2Q = 54>>\<<md>>The gym was almost empty when I arrived, save for the faint echo of weights clinking and treadmills humming. I found Olivia at the back, setting up some cones and mats for the upcoming training session. She looked up and met my gaze, her eyes searching mine for answers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I talked to Autumn.<</say>>
<<md>>She stopped what she was doing and walked over, her face serious. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>And?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She didn't open up much, but I could tell there's something more going on with her. She feels like you're out to get her.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's face contorted with a mix of anger and frustration, her voice dripping with disdain.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>That arrogant, insufferable brat! She thinks the world revolves around her and her damn ass.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She’s defensive. I tried to understand where she's coming from, but she shut down.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's voice grew colder, her gaze sharp. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>That girl is a cancer, spreading throughout this team like a malignant venom. She won't get away with her arrogant attitude any longer - she's going to be put in her place.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Olivia, remember, anger isn't going to help here.<</say>>
<<md>>She exhaled sharply, her eyes filled with concern. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I just want the best for the team. But I'm at my wit's end with her. Can you...<</say>>
<<md>>She paused, seemingly debating something internally before finally deciding.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Can you stay for the training? I have a feeling things might escalate, and I'd appreciate an extra set of eyes and ears.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. I'll be here.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia managed a small smile, a rare vulnerability shining through her usually tough exterior. The weight of leadership, the responsibility for her squad, it was clearly taking its toll on her. And while I wasn’t sure how I could help, I was determined to be there for her – and for the team.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>There's something else, $mc.Name. There’s a party this weekend hosted by the gym owner. A lot of influential people from around the city will be there. I... I'd really like it if you came with me.<</say>>
<<md>>Taken aback, I tried to process the weight of her request. This wasn't just a casual gathering. It seemed like a big deal.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why me?<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia hesitated for a moment, looking down before meeting my gaze again. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I don’t usually let people in, you know? But with you, it feels different. I need someone by my side who I can trust, someone special.<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't help but smile, feeling a warmth spread through me. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, I'd be honored to accompany you.<<say>>
<<md>>Her face lit up with a smile, pure and unguarded. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Thank you. And... I have something special for the occasion. I rarely wear it, but for this event... I want to show it to you during our training session later. It's a necklace that's been in my family for generations.<</say>>
<<md>>The promise of seeing something so personal, combined with the invitation to such a significant event, underscored the deepening bond between Olivia and me. The world of cheerleading and gym politics was challenging, but through it all, our connection seemed to only grow stronger.<</md>>
[[Back|Gym - New body]]
<<set $Olivia1QT = 10>>\
<<set $Olivia2Q = 55>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<md>>The sun blazed fiercely overhead, setting the stage for a confrontation that seemed inevitable. Olivia's usually composed demeanor was visibly fraying at the edges, worn thin by the mounting challenges of coaching her cheer squad and dealing with Autumn's continual defiance.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Autumn, if you can't keep up with the routines, maybe you shouldn't be here!<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Maybe if you actually knew how to coach, I wouldn’t have this problem!<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's eyes flared with anger. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You ungrateful brat! You think you can do better? Go on then, lead! Show everyone how it's done. But I won't tolerate your constant insubordination.<</say>>
<<md>>Feeling the growing audience around them, Autumn smirked, relishing in the attention, her eyes darting maliciously to Olivia's necklace. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Maybe if you weren’t so busy flaunting your jewels, you’d be a better coach.<</say>>
<<md>>Unable to contain herself, Olivia lunged at Autumn, trying to pull her away.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Enough! We're done here. You need a timeout to think about your attitude.<</say>>
<<md>>But in the swift movement, Autumn's fingers cruelly hooked onto Olivia's necklace. The fragile chain, already stretched taut from the tension, snapped. The pendant, a symbol of Olivia's heritage and pride, fell, its shimmer swallowed by the sandy beach.<</md>>
<<md>>Autumn stepped back, feigning shock but with a malicious glint in her eyes. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oops. Maybe next time don't wear your precious trinkets to a beach practice.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia, for a moment, looked completely shattered, her voice choked with emotion. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You... You have no idea what you've done. That necklace was irreplaceable.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>What did you expect? You can't lead anyone; you're totally hopeless. <</say>>
<<md>>That was it. Olivia's jaw clenched, her eyes blazing with anger. Everyone had been pushing her patience to its limit but this final act of callousness was too much. She stepped forward, ready to take on Autumn and teach her a lesson she'd never forget. I could see the determination in her eyes and knew I had to step in - this wasn't the way to solve anything. <</md>>
<<md>>I grabbed Olivia's arm, but it was too late. She had already reached out and with one swift movement, slapped Autumn hard on the face so that she stumbled back and fell to the ground.<</md>>
<<md>>The scene was still; everyone around us frozen in shock. I hastily stepped between the two of them, hoping to defuse this dangerous situation before it escalated further.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's enough. Let's take a break and cool down for a bit.<</say>>
<<md>>But Olivia pushed me away, asking to leave her alone. I knew that she was too furious to think straight and I hesitated, worried about just leaving her like this. I glanced around, feeling the tension in the air and the eyes of our friends on us.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I said go!<</say>>
<<md>>I could feel the hurt radiating off of her and saw that there was no way for me to help in this moment. With a heavy heart, I released her from my grip, allowing her to escape whatever tangle of emotions I had stirred within her as she walked away.<</md>>
[[Leave her |Street York-Road]]
<<set $Olivia1QT = 11>>\
<<set $Olivia2Q = 56>>\<<md>>The events of the day replayed in my mind. The fierce confrontation at the beach, the raw emotions that had been laid bare, and the broken necklace that was meant to be Olivia's special accessory for the party. I felt a sharp sting of guilt and frustration.<</md>>
<<md>>I knew how much this necklace meant to Olivia. It was more than just a piece of jewelry; it symbolized something deeply personal, perhaps a connection or a cherished memory. And now, due to the unexpected turn of events, this symbol was in ruins.<</md>>
<<md>>I couldn't let it end like this. There was a resolve building within me. Before the party, I had to find a way to either repair or replace the necklace. Olivia deserved that much. And I was determined to set things right, no matter what it took.<</md>>
[[Back|My room]]
<<set $Olivia1QT = 12>>\
<<set $Olivia2Q = 57>>\<<md>>The afternoon sun began its descent, casting a golden hue over the city. I stood outside Olivia's door, the newly procured necklace clutched in my hand. I had managed to get it ready in time, and it looked just as magnificent, if not more, than the original. Taking a deep breath, I knocked.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Oh, it's you.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's face showed a mix of surprise and hesitance, her eyes darting briefly to the box in my hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Olivia, I... I wanted to apologize for earlier, and...<</say>>
<<md>>My words trailed off as I opened the box to reveal the necklace. Her eyes widened, shimmering with emotion.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Is this...? How did you...?<<say>>
<<md>>Her voice was barely a whisper, her hands reaching out to touch the glistening pendant.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I wanted to make things right. You shouldn't have had to lose something so special because of what happened.<</say>>
<<md>>For a few moments, all that could be heard was the gentle rustling of the trees outside. Then, Olivia closed the gap between us, her lips finding mine in a gentle yet passionate kiss. When we pulled apart, her eyes held a warmth and gratitude that words couldn't express.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Thank you, $mc.Name. This means more to me than you'll ever know.<</say>>
<<md>>She took a deep breath, her eyes shining brightly. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Since you've already seen the necklace, how about I show you the dress I've picked for tonight? I think it'll pair beautifully with this.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'd love to see it.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia led me inside, her fingers entwined with mine, and every step we took felt like a step towards a deeper connection. <</md>>
<<md>>She paused to turn and face me, a knowing smile on her lips<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>But before that though, I want you to wait here while I get ready. Can you do that for me?<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, feeling a warmth spread through me at the thought of having her all to myself later.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll be here waiting.<</say>>
<<md>>True to her word, Olivia emerged from her room a few minutes later, looking as beautiful as ever. She had chosen a sexy black dress that showed off her curves; it hugged her body in all the right places and was the perfect contrast to the glimmering necklace that rested against her chest.[img[img/Olivia/OliviaBlackDress1.jpg]] Her eyes sparkled with joy, and I knew in that moment that my apology had been accepted. <</md>>
<<set $Olivia1QT = 15>>\
<<set $Olivia2Q = 60>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\<<md>>The venue was resplendent, the chandeliers casting golden reflections on the marbled floors and the walls adorned with tasteful art. The atmosphere buzzed with energy as influential people from all walks of life engaged in conversations, with soft music playing in the background.<</md>>
<<md>>Olivia looked ethereal in her dress, the fabric draping elegantly over her figure and the necklace gleaming against her collarbone. Every so often, a light would catch the gem, making it sparkle. As we entered, she received admiring glances from many, both men and women alike. She held my arm gracefully, but I could sense a certain assertiveness in her grip, a subtle message of possession.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>This place is even more impressive than I though. But the best part? I get to share it with you.<</say>>
<<md>>Throughout the evening, several guests approached Olivia, complimenting her on her attire and trying to engage her in conversation. A few were rather blatant in their flirtation. Every time this happened, I felt a pang of jealousy. It was clear Olivia was accustomed to this attention, and she handled each interaction with grace.<</md>>
<<md>>However, as the evening progressed, I noticed Olivia's demeanor shifting. With each glass of wine she consumed, her cheeks grew rosier, her laughter more unrestrained, and her actions more flirtatious. She would pull me closer on the dance floor, whispering playful and sometimes suggestive comments in my ear, or playfully tease me in front of others.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You see how they're all looking, $mc.Name? I think they're jealous I have you and they don't.<</say>>
<<md>>She winked, taking another sip of her drink.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think I'm the one who should be jealous, given how much attention you're receiving tonight.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Oh, please! You're the only one I want to be with tonight.<</say>> <<md>>Her voice held a sultry tone as she leaned in close.<</md>>
<<md>>Just then, her boss from the gym approached us, and she immediately straightened up. He was an imposing figure, but his face softened when he saw Olivia and I.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia's Boss>>Olivia, I need you to come with me for a minute. My good friend needs a word.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Oh, of course. I'll be right back.<<say>>
<<md>>She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before hurrying off with her boss.<</md>>
<<md>>I watched as they disappeared into the crowd, wondering what could have been so urgent. Ten minutes passed before she returned, her face glowing with excitement.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You won't believe it, but he had a success story to tell me! A really inspiring one.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good for you.<</say>>
<<md>>I was filled with a mixture of jealously and admiration for Olivia. I wanted her all to myself, but I was also so proud of the way she had handled herself and the opportunities that were now in front of her. We hugged tightly, both knowing what this meant not just for us but for our shared future together.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Come on. Let's go and celebrate.<</say>>
<<md>>She kissed me lightly on the lips and grinned suggestively.<</md>>
<<md>>I was filled with a mixture of jealously and admiration for Olivia. I wanted her all to myself, but I was also so proud of the way she had handled herself and the opportunities that were now in front of her. We hugged tightly, both knowing what this meant not just for us but for our shared future together.<</md>>
<<md>>As the night deepened, a minor accident occurred. One of the attendees, slightly inebriated, tripped over a power cord, knocking over a table with a display of elaborate centerpieces. The room suddenly became a mix of gasps, murmurs, and some light laughter. Amidst the chaos, Olivia giggled, covering her mouth with her hand to stifle her laughter.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Geez, look at him trying to hog the spotlight!<</say>>
<<md>>Her mood was infectious, and I found myself chuckling along with her. It was a refreshing change from the otherwise formal and stiff environment of the party.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Seems like tonight is full of surprises.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Enough of this nonsense. Let's get out of here and take this party to my bedroom!<</say>>
<<md>>Her tone was playful, but there was a hint of authority that was hard to ignore.<</md>>
[[Continue|OliviaQuest2NewNecklace7]] <<md>>The drive to her house was filled with soft music and idle chatter, but beneath it all was an electric tension. Olivia, in her slightly tipsy state, was more dominant, taking the lead in our conversations and even deciding the route we took to her place. It was as if the events of the night, combined with the alcohol, had heightened her assertive side.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Here we are.<</say>>
<<md>>She said as we pulled up in front of her residence, her fingers deftly unbuckling her seatbelt.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Come on, slowpoke.<</say>>
<<md>>She smirked, tugging at my hand.<</md>>
<<md>>Her house was as elegant as I remembered from our yoga session. But tonight, it had a different energy. The dim lighting cast long shadows on the walls, and soft jazz played in the background. She led me inside, her grip firm yet gentle. It was clear that tonight, she was in charge, and I was more than willing to follow her lead.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I want you so much, I can't stop thinking about your dick from our yoga session.<</say>>
<<md>>My breath caught at her words, my body responding to the desire in her voice. She stepped closer and kissed me hungrily, her hands exploring my body as if it were the first time and yet familiar all the same.<</md>>
<<md>>I put my hands under her dress and slightly touched her pussy, feeling its heat and wetness. She moaned in pleasure and melted into me. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Stop! <<say>>
<<md>>She pulled away suddenly, smiling mischievously.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I'm in charge now.<</say>>
<<$Olivia>>Okay, boss...<</say>>
<<md>>I said, barely able to hide my amusement.<</md>>
<<$Olivia>>What do you want me to do?<</say>>
[[Show your tits|OliviaQuest2NewNecklace7Tits]] <<say $mc>>I want to watch you as you masturbate. <<say>>
<<md>>She walked over to the bed and opened the drawer of her nightstand, pulling out a dildo. She lay back on the sofa and spread her legs wide, exposing herself to me. Taking the dildo in her hand, she began to pleasure herself with it, moving it up and down against her clit while gently circling around it with her other hand.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Olivia\Quest\Video\OliviaPartyMast1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She bit her bottom lip as she pleasured herself, her movements getting quicker and more urgent as she got closer to climax. Her breathing became heavier and I could see her nipples hardening through her dress, a sign of her arousal. She closed her eyes tightly and let out a deep moan as she reached orgasm. Then, slowly, she opened her eyes again and looked at me with a satisfied smirk on her face.<</md>>
<<set $Olivia1QT = 16>>\
<<set $Olivia2Q = 61>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\<<md>>She grinned and stepped back, looking me up and down.<</md>>
<<$mc>>I want you to play with your tits. Make them dance for me, show me how aroused you are...<</say>>
<<md>>My eyes widened in surprise as my heart started racing. I looked into her eyes and saw a raw, animalistic hunger that made my skin tingle with anticipation.<</md>>
<<$Olivia>>Anything for you, my love.<</say>>
<<md>>She slowly lifted her dress and began to caress her breasts, lightly squeezing them as she moved around the room.<</md>>
<<md>>The heat from her body radiating off of me as I watched with rapt attention. She moved gracefully, arching her back as she ran her hands down her body before cupping them in each cheek and teasingly brushing against them with each pass.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Olivia\Quest\Video\OliviaPartyTits1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I could feel my desire growing, my cock becoming harder than ever as I watched Olivia play with herself. It was like nothing else mattered in that moment—only us, and the pleasure we were experiencing together.<</md>>
<<$Olivia>>What now?<<say>>
<<md>>She asked, looking at me with smoldering eyes.<</md>>
[[Suck my dick|OliviaQuest2NewNecklace7Suck]] <<$mc>>I want you to suck my dick.<</say>>
<<md>>Her expression changed slightly, and she bit her lip as if considering it.<</md>>
<<$Olivia>>Not today, but I have something special for you.<</say>>
<<md>>She said as she stepped closer to me. I could smell her sweet perfume and feel her body heat as she pulled me close for a lingering kiss. <</md>>
<<$Olivia>>One second...<</say>>
<<md>>She said, rummaging through the shelves until eventually coming out with something in her hands. It was a large dildo, shiny and smooth with raised veins that were sure to deliver intense pleasure. <</md>>
<<$Olivia>>Let me show you what I can do with this...<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Olivia\Quest\Video\OliviaPartySuck1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I felt a thrill of anticipation as she turned around and started to suck on the dildo, her eyes closed and her breathing erratic. She increased the intensity of her movements, bobbing up and down faster and faster until I could feel my own excitement rising. <</md>>
<<md>>I took out my dick and started to masturbate, watching Olivia with fascination as she continued to pleasure herself. It was beautiful—the way she moved, the way she moaned in pleasure... everything about it was arousing beyond belief. <</md>>
<<$Olivia>>I want you to cum...<</say>>
<<md>>Soon, my orgasm was so close that I could practically taste it. Olivia must have sensed this, as she increased her tempo even more and finally pulled away with a satisfied whimper.<</md>>
<<md>>I slumped down onto the sofa, panting heavily and trying to catch my breath. Olivia crawled up beside me and kissed me softly on the lips, our bodies still humming with pleasure.<</md>>
<<$Olivia>>That was amazing...<</say>>
<<md>>She murmured before snuggling up against me. All I could do was nod in agreement.<</md>>
<<set $Olivia1QT = 16>>\
<<set $Olivia2Q = 61>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\<<md>>The morning sun filtered through the tall trees surrounding the school, painting golden patterns on the brick path. As I made my way to my first class, I spotted Olivia, her raven hair catching the sunlight. She looked radiant despite the events of the previous evening.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Hey, about last night...<</say>>
<<md>>Before she could finish her sentence, a chilling voice interrupted us.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Olivia, a word.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara's cold, steely eyes bore into Olivia, a clear indication that she wasn't to be disobeyed. The headmistress’s appearance was as intimidating as her reputation – tall, impeccably dressed, with a permanent frown that seemed to say she disapproved of everything and everyone.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>What now, Clara?<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia shot back, her voice dripping with sarcasm.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>In my office. Now. And you, accompany her.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's jaw clenched, and I could see her struggling to keep her temper in check. We made our way to Clara's office, the silence between us heavy with tension.<</md>>
<<md>>As soon as the door closed behind us, Clara began.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Miss Coleman, it has come to my attention that you laid your hands on Autumn. Her mother, with her influential connections, paid me a visit this morning. She demands that you be suspended from coaching the cheerleaders.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>That spoilt brat had it coming. And since when do we listen to the whims of overprotective mothers?<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's voice was sharp and filled with defiance.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>This is not just any mother, Olivia. She holds significant sway in the school's board.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara retorted, her voice devoid of emotion. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Actions have consequences, and you must learn to hold your temper.<</say>>
<<md>>I could see the rage bubbling in Olivia, her face flushed, eyes narrowed. The room was thick with tension, and I felt the need to intervene before things escalated further.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>With all due respect, Clara, maybe there's another way to resolve this without taking such a drastic measure?<</say>>
<<md>>Clara's piercing gaze now fixed on me, her eyes evaluating. She took a moment, seemingly contemplating my words, then spoke.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I will consider alternatives. But for now, both of you, out.<</say>>
<<md>>As we exited Clara's office, I could feel the weight of Olivia's gratitude, mixed with her simmering anger. The school day had just begun, and it was already proving to be an eventful one.<</md>>
[[Leave her office|OliviaQuest3NewDisband2]]
<<md>>The school bell echoed through the hallways as Olivia's agitation was palpable. She clenched and unclenched her fists, eyes darting around as if looking for something – or someone – to unleash her fury upon.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>That insufferable woman! Who does she think she is? Trying to sideline me because of one mistake?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Olivia, breathe. You're right to be angry, but right now we need to channel that energy elsewhere.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>UGGGGGHGHGHGH!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How about a game of tennis after classes? It'll help you relax. And later, I'll see what I can find out about this whole mess.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia glanced at me, her eyes softened slightly, appreciating the support.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Tennis? Really?<<say>>
<<md>>She smirked.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, why not? But I warn you, I won't go easy on you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wouldn't expect anything less.<</say>>
<<set $Olivia1QT = 17>>\
<<set $Olivia2Q = 62>>\<<md>>The rest of the day was a blur. Between classes, I tried to gather some intel. It turned out Autumn's mother was not just influential in the school board but in the whole town. She had her fingers in many pies, from local businesses to politics. It wouldn't be easy navigating this situation.<</md>>
<<md>>The afternoon sun cast long shadows across the tennis court as I met up with Olivia. She was already there, racquet in hand, practicing her serves. The fierce determination in her eyes was undeniable.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Ready to lose?<</say>>
<<md>>She called out with a smirk.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's just focus on the game.<</say>>
<<md>>I replied, trying to infuse some levity into the situation.<</md>>
<<md>>For the next hour, the world was reduced to the tennis court. The rhythmic thud of the ball, the screech of sneakers on the court, and Olivia's fiery serves. As we played, the tension she held in her body seemed to melt away, replaced by the familiar competitive spirit and grace.<</md>>
<<md>>Eventually, the game ended. I'd won, but it was a close match. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>That wasn't a loss!<<say>>
<<say $mc>>Close enough.<<say>>
<<md>>She rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the grin tugging at the corner of her lips. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Fine, you win this one. But don't get too cocky – next time, I'm taking you down.<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I look forward to it.<</say>>
[[Pack your things|OliviaQuest3NewDisband4]] <<md>>As she reached down to take her racquet, I saw her ass under skirt. My breath caught in my throat and heat rushed through my veins.It was too tempting. And I think Olivia need so roughness so I grope her ass.<</md>>
<<md>>Shocked, Olivia turned around and narrowed her eyes. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>What was that for?<</say>>
<<md>>I froze for a moment, unsure of what to say, but then I smiled sheepishly and said. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Just testing my theory - that if you're feeling angry or overwhelmed, playing sports is the best way to let off some steam.But there is other way...<<say>>
<<md>>Olivia's face softened and she smiled back. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, in that case, I think I could use a bit more of it.<</say>>
<<md>>We moved closer to each other and my hand found its way around her waist as we started kissing passionately. I continued to explore her body, my hands making their way up her back before gently caressing her ass cheeks until she started moaning softly into my mouth.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Is that your theory?<</say>>
<<md>>She whispered, her eyes twinkling.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I suppose it is.<</say>>
<<md>>With a naughty smile, Olivia pulled back and said.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well then, are you going to fuck me right here?<</say>>
<<md>>There was no hesitation in my answer. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. Your ass is my goal.<</say>>
<<md>>She smirked and nodded her head. <</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Then let's get this game started<</say>>
<<md>>I quickly unzipped my pants and pulled out my dick, eager to start the game. I grabbed her hips and positioned her ass at the perfect angle before pushing hard into her tight heat. Olivia gasped in pleasure as I entered her and started thrusting with long, deep strokes.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Olivia\Quest\Video\OliviaDisbandTennis1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>The intensity was overwhelming - the sensation of being completely filled by Olivia's tightness was unbearable yet amazing all at the same time. Her moans grew louder with each stroke, echoing off the walls of the tennis court. My own groans joined hers as I increased my tempo until we were both screaming out our pleasure to the heavens.<</md>>
<<md>>The passion between us was palpable - it felt like we were one as I continued to thrust deep inside of her until finally I exploded in a wave of pleasure that left me trembling with desire.<</md>>
<<md>>Olivia let out one final moan before collapsing against me in exhaustion. We stayed there for what felt like an eternity, basking in each other.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>That was one hell of a game.Thanks for this. It really did help. But we still have a lot to figure out.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>One step at a time. We'll handle it.<</say>>
<<md>>But as the sun set and the shadows grew longer, I couldn't help but feel that the road ahead was going to be an uphill battle.<</md>>
<<set $Olivia1QT = 17>>\
<<set $Olivia2Q = 62>>\
<<md>>I finally have enough pearls for Olivia. I can make a necklace.<</md>>
[[Make necklace for Olivia|OliviaQuest2NewNecklace4.2]]
<<set $Olivia1QT = 13>>\
<<set $Olivia2Q = 58>>\<<md>>The necklace is ready to give to Olivia.<</md>>
[[Back|My room]]
<<set $Olivia1QT = 14>>\
<<set $Olivia2Q = 59>>\<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '17:55')>>\
<style> body.street {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/StreetMorning.jpeg");
<style> body.street {
background-image: url("img/backgrounds/StreetEvening.jpg");
<<md>>Walking down the streets, I can't shake off the weight of the day's challenges. Did I manage to get through to anyone today? I ponder, my thoughts heavy but unspoken. As I approach Street Raw-Road, I kick a puddle inadvertently, sending water splashing onto a passerby.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I'm really sorry! That was unintentional.<</say>>
<<md>>The water has splashed onto a lively Latina woman I've never met before. Her clothes are wet, but instead of anger, her eyes sparkle with mock outrage before she bursts into laughter.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>You must be a natural at water sports! No worries, this just gives me a chance to show off my "New Body"! And by that, I mean the gym I've been going to, not just me!<</say>>
<<md>>Her optimistic and playful demeanor is a breath of fresh air, contrasting sharply with the weight of the day I've just had.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I must say, "New Body" or not, the water has truly blessed you. I can't believe how irresistible you look now!<</say>>
<<say $Denisse>>Ohhh, I like this game already! You're definitely giving me something to look forward to. I'm Denisse, by the way.<</say>>
<<md>>Something about this accidental encounter, her laughter, and the spark in her eyes make me feel like this could be the start of something special. Maybe today had a silver lining after all.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Care to join me for a cup of coffee one day? I'm buying, as an apology for making you wet.<</say>>
<<say $Denisse>>I'm so excited! Just make sure you don't splash the coffee all over me, hmm?<</say>>
<<md>>As we share a laugh, I can't help but feel that this accidental meeting was the universe's way of turning my challenging day around. Sometimes, the most unexpected moments bring the most delightful surprises.<</md>>
<<addmins 20>>\
<<set $DenisseQuest = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<set $Denisse.Meet = 1>>\
<<run setup.unlockCharacter("Denisse")>>\
[[Say goodbye and leave|Street Raw-Road]] <<md>>A few days after our unexpected encounter, I find myself at the "New Body" gym. I'm in the middle of my usual workout routine, thoughts drifting between reps and sets.
<<md>>As I transition from the bench press to free weights, a familiar voice pulls me out of my workout zone.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Hey, guapo! Looks like the universe wants us to salsa through these workouts together!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Denisse? Wow, what a pleasant surprise! I wasn't expecting to see you here.<</say>>
<<md>>She laughs, her eyes twinkling with a flirty spark.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Alright, let's show 'em how it's done! Ready to mirror my moves, papi?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Mirror your moves? Bring it on.<</say>>
<<md>>Denisse starts with some Zumba-like dance steps, infusing the workout with the spirit of Latina dance. I follow her lead, our bodies moving in a playful rhythm.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Mmm, you've got some caliente moves there! But can you handle this?<</say>>
<<md>>With a sultry look, she transitions into a difficult plank variation. I do my best to mimic it, feeling the burn.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Impressive, but how about some handstand push-ups to spice things up?<</say>>
<<md>>Denisse laughs, smiling as she walks towards me, her gaze locking with>>
<<say $Denisse>>Ay, papi, you're turning this gym into a tango floor! Let's do it!<</say>>
<<md>>She nails the handstand push-ups, and I follow suit. Our eyes lock during the strenuous reps, the atmosphere charged with flirty tension.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How about we cool down with some synchronized stretches?<</say>>
<<say $Denisse>>Ooh, synchronized stretches? Espero que puedas seguir el ritmo!<</say>>
<<md>>We move through a series of intricate stretches, our bodies almost in sync. The playful competition has now fully transformed into flirty camaraderie.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>You kept up pretty well, guapo. Can we make our gym sessions a regular event?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>A regular event sounds like a plan. It's rare to find someone who can match both my workout and flirtation energy.<</say>>
<<md>>As we pack up our gym bags, I can't help but marvel at how a simple splash has led to this exciting, flirtatious dynamic.<</md>>
<<set $DenisseQuest = 2>>\
<<set $QuestNextWeek = 1>>\
<<addmins 60>>\
[[Leave gym|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]
<<md>>Another week, another workout session. This time, however, I can't help but wonder if I'll run into Denisse again. As I start my warm-up exercises, I feel a tap on my shoulder.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Ready for round two, guapo?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hell yes, let's make this workout extra steamy this time.<</say>>
<<md>>Denisse smiles, her eyes shining with excitement.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>How about we try some pair exercises today? Trust me, it'll be a lot more fun.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Pair exercises? Sounds like a great idea.<</say>>
<<md>>We start with some partner push-ups, our eyes meeting at the bottom of each rep. The atmosphere is flirtatiously electric.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>You know, when I'm not here, I love practicing my dance moves. My grandpa always said, 'Dance like the world is ending!'<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's a great philosophy. Ever thought about taking your dancing to the next level?<</say>>
<<say $Denisse>>Ah, my dream is to be a pole dancer! Imagine the sizzle and the spins! What about you, any secret dreams?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let's save that for another day; some mysteries are better unraveled slowly.<</say>>
<<md>>We both laugh and move on to the next set of exercises, the connection between us growing stronger.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>This was fun! We should definitely do this more often.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I agree, today was another great workout. See you next time!<</say>>
<<md>>We say our goodbyes and I head for the exit. Just as I'm a few steps away from the gym, I realize I've forgotten my trousers. I quickly turn back.<</md>>
<<md>>I enter the room and am overwhelmed by the sensuality of Denisse's movements. <div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Denisse\Video\Quest\DenisseGymDance1.mp4"></video></div>She dances in her panties near a mirror, lost in the rhythm, as if whisked away by some invisible force. I'm captivated by her grace and charm, transfixed by her reflection that doubles the allure, making this moment feel like something from a dream.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wow, you really do dance like no one's watching.<</say>>
<<say $Denisse>>Oh, hey there! I was just having a little 'me time.' But if you're here, maybe it's going to be our time...?<</say>>
<<md>>We share a flirtatious laugh. I grab my trousers and head for the door, but not before taking one last look at Denisse. Life's best moments are often the most unexpected, and this one will be a memory to cherish.<</md>>
<<set $DenisseQuest = 3>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 90>>\
[[Leave her|Mall - Cheap pleasure]] <<md>>Sitting in my room, the quiet atmosphere is in stark contrast to the energetic vibes of the gym. My thoughts drift to Denisse, particularly the last moment I caught her dancing. The image of her sexy ass, her movements so fluid and inviting, plays vividly in my mind.<</md>>
<<md>>I've always been intrigued by the idea of dating a pole dancer— the blend of athleticism, artistry, and allure is captivating. Could Denisse be the embodiment of that fantasy?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I should definitely take the next step. Coffee sounds like a good starting point.<</say>>
<<md>>With my mind made up, I decide to call her the next day and invite her for a coffee. The thought of getting to know her better, beyond the gym's sweaty and flirtatious atmosphere, fills me with a sense of excitement and anticipation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Tomorrow, I'll make that call. Maybe this is the beginning of something even more thrilling.<</say>>
<<set $DenisseQuest = 4>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Back|My room]]<<md>>My phone feels heavier than usual as I dial Denisse's number. The dial tone vibrates in my palm, and then a busy signal crackles across the line. After a couple of rings, her voice fills the air.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Hey there, guapo! To what do I owe the pleasure?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I was thinking, how about we catch up over some coffee?The one I owned you.<</say>>
<<md>>There's an abrupt pause, and my heart sinks a little. I brace for disappointment.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Ah, I'd love to, but I've got some "clients" to attend to.<</say>>
<<md>>For a moment, I think she's turned me down, but her tone suggests something else.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Just kidding! Those "clients" are just my dumbbells and yoga mat! How about we meet before training session? You bring the whiskey, and I'll take care of the coffee.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So whiskey and coffee before training? I knew you were going to be a wild one!<</say>>
<<md>>Denisse laughs, her voice tinged with a flirty excitement.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Life's too short for boring workouts and bland coffee dates, don't you agree?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely, it's a date then. I'll bring the whiskey.<</say>>
<<md>>As I hang up the phone, I can't help but smile. What seemed like a potential letdown turned into a promise for an interesting and flirtatious encounter. Maybe this is the start of something that neither of us saw coming.<</md>>
<<set $DenisseQuest = 5>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Great|My room]]<<md>>I arrive at the designated meeting spot, a bottle of whiskey in hand. Denisse greets me with a warm smile and two cups of coffee.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>You brought the best stuff! This is gonna be so much fun warming up together!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, you said to make things interesting, right?<</say>>
<<md>>We pour a bit of whiskey into our coffee cups and toast to an unconventional but exciting pre-workout. The lukewarm whiskey is bitter against my tongue, but the liquid heats up my stomach and seeps down my throat.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Ah, a good workout is like taking a dive into the ocean of serenity. It's calming and liberating, leaving me feeling energized and content.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I totally get it. Exercise can be both physically and mentally rejuvenating.<</say>>
<<md>>Denisse's eyes light up as she delves deeper into her passion for sports.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Pole dancing? Oh, there's nothing like it! Every time I dance, I can feel the men's eyes on me. It's like they want to eat me alive - and that gives me a rush! A feeling of energy ripples through my body, and I love it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It must be empowering to command that kind of attention.<</say>>
<<md>>She takes another sip of her whiskey-infused coffee, her eyes meeting mine with a newfound intensity.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>You know, I've felt that same feeling around you. It's different, but it's there.<</say>>
<<md>>Our faces were so close, the heat of our breath intertwining in the air. I could feel every single inch of my skin tingling with anticipation. My heart throbbed, begging me to press our lips together, and I knew it was only a matter of seconds before we'd be one. But then, Denisse pulled away slightly.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>No matter how badly I want this, we have a workout session waiting for us. Shall we?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely, let's not keep the dumbbells waiting.<</say>>
<<md>>As we pack up to head to the gym, the almost-kiss lingers in the air, adding another layer of intrigue to our already complex relationship. The gym awaits, but it's clear that our connection is evolving into something far more exciting.<</md>>
<<addmins 45>>\
[[Enter the gym|DenisseQuest5.1]] <<say $Denisse>>Ready to break a sweat, guapo?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I'm ready. But the question is, are you?<</say>>
<<md>>Denisse saunters to the squat rack, her hips swaying hypnotically. She unashamedly gazed into my eyes as she bends and squats. Her ass was too perfect to ignore- each rep sent ripples through its curves, beckoning me toward her. It's clear that she knows what she's doing - and the effect on me is devastating<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>How am I doing? Keeping up the pace?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're definitely setting a hard pace to follow.<</say>>
<<md>>She giggles, fully aware of the double entendre, and moves on to the next set of exercises. The tension between us has reached a boiling point.<</md>>
<<md>>As I finish the last set, I realize that the gym is unusually quiet. In fact, there are no other people around.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>I may have booked this time exclusively for us. So, are you going to stay and enjoy the privacy?<</say>>
<<md>>Her words, combined with her irresistible allure, leave no room for hesitation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It would be my pleasure. I'm all yours, ready to obey your every command.<</say>>
<<md>>Denisse smiles, a mix of triumph and anticipation coloring her features. We're alone, the gym is our playground, and the possibilities are endless.<</md>>
<<md>>Denisse steps back, her eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that leaves no room for ambiguity.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>I want you to watch me.<</say>>
<<md>>Her gaze burned into mine as she slowly and seductively starts to undress, one item of clothing at a time. Her movements were designed to tantalize and entice, with each gesture baring more and more of her soft skin. I felt my heart racing in anticipation as the last article of clothing hit the floor and she stood before me, naked and invitingly in all her glory.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>This is how you make me feel. But if you want more, you'll have to prove you're worthy.<</say>>
<<md>>Denisse slowly slides her fingers along her body, her gaze unwavering from my own. Each movement feels delicate yet daring, every glance full of temptation and enticement<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Denisse\Video\Quest\DenisseGymMast1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She begins to move her hips in a rhythm, slowly rubbing and massaging herself until she can no longer hold back her moans of pleasure. I can see the pleasure radiating from her face as she reaches higher and higher levels of ecstasy, and I am mesmerized.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>$mc.Name...It's so exciting...Oh...Yeeeeeah....<</say>>
<<md>>Her body is positively glowing with arousal now, each movement more intense than the last. The room is filled with her moans, which only add to my own pleasure as I watch her reach climax. I am in awe of the beauty before me, and all I want to do is join her in this moment of pure bliss.<</md>>
<<set $DenisseQuest = 6>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]
<<md>>As the bell rings, signaling the end of my lesson, the students file out, their chatter fading into the distance. I gather my belongings and head for the gate, still preoccupied with thoughts of Denisse.<</md>>
<<md>>Just as I'm about to step outside, a familiar voice calls out to me.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Hey, guapo! Fancy meeting you here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Denisse? What are you doing here?<</say>>
<<say $Denisse>>I had a feeling you'd be here. I wanted to talk, but the timing never seemed right. So, here I am.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What did you want to talk about?<</say>>
<<md>>Denisse looks away for a moment, her face flushing slightly as she gathers her thoughts.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>The other the gym...I was drunk and I done some things that I shouldn't have. I mean I wanted to...But it's okay if you only want me for my body.<</say>>
<<md>>I'm taken aback by her words and my heart aches for the sorrow I see in her eyes. Without a thought, I reach out and take her hands in mine.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, Denisse. You are so much more than that. I want to get to know you, to learn everything about you.<</say>>
<<md>>Denisse smiles, her face brightening as she takes in my words. She holds my gaze for a moment before speaking.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Then come with me. I want to show you my world. Meet me tonight at Club Sirius at 9 pm.<</say>>
<<set $DenisseQuest = 7>>\
[[Sure|Street Raw-Road]] <<say $Denisse>>Welcome to my world.<</say>>
<<md>>The atmosphere in the club is electric, the dim lighting and pulsing music setting the stage for what's to come. Denisse takes the center stage and begins to dance. She moves with a fluid grace, her body swaying to the beat of the music.<</md>>
<<md>>And then she focuses on me, her movements becoming more deliberate. She turns, giving me a view of her perfectly contoured ass as she dances. The effect is immediate; I feel a surge of arousal.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>You look like you're loving this show.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I want you so badly, Denisse.<</say>>
<<say $Denisse>>Oh, wow...My heart is racing. You know we can't do anything here, right?<</say>>
<<md>>Her words are a blend of temptation and restraint, leaving me even more captivated. We may be in a club filled with people, but in that moment, it feels like we're the only two people in the world.<</md>>
<<md>>As Denisse steps down from the stage, she takes my hand and leads me to the bar. The atmosphere is charged, both of us keenly aware of the electric tension between us.<</md>>
<<set $DenisseQuest = 8>>\
[[To the bar|DenisseQuest6.3]] <<say $Denisse>>How about we toast to new experiences?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>New experiences and unforgettable nights.<</say>>
<<md>>We clink our glasses together, and as the alcohol warms our insides, Denisse leans in closer.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Oh my god, I've been longing to do this for so long.<</say>>
<<md>>Shivers run up my spine as her hand snakes down and finds its way to my crotch. She caresses me through my trousers, sending waves of pleasure through my body that make me tremble with delight.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're so seductive, aren't you?<</say>>
<<say $Denisse>>Only for those who are worth it.<</say>>
<<md>>Her cheeks flush a lovely shade of pink, a sign that the alcohol and the atmosphere are having their effect.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>So, Mr. Worth-It, how about a proper date? And by 'date,' I mean something more than sweaty gym sessions and sultry dances.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'd love nothing more. When and where?<</say>>
<<say $Denisse>>Ah, always so eager! Wednesday, at 4 p.m.<</say>>
<<md>>She giggles, her eyes sparkling with mischief and flirtation. As we finish our drinks, I can't help but feel that this is the beginning of a new chapter in our relationship, one filled with even more passion and excitement.<</md>>
<<md>>Denisse's offer for a 'proper date' echoes in my mind as we leave the club, both of us a little tipsy but incredibly excited for what's to come. The night may be over, but the adventure is just beginning.<</md>>
<<set $DenisseQuest = 8>>\
[[Okay|Quarter Far-Dreams]] <<md>>The day of our long-awaited rendezvous is here. I race to the park, my excitement growing with every step. When I finally lay eyes on Denisse, I can't help but be overcome by her daring outfit—a sheer blouse that left nothing hidden from view. The sight of her nipples was tantalizing and sent a wave of heat through my veins<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Hey there, guapo! Ready for some outdoor fun?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Never been more ready. You look stunning, by the way.say>>
<<say $Denisse>>Oh, you! I've been dying to make our workout even more tantalizing.<</say>>
<<md>>With a wink, Denisse leads the way to an open area perfect for some light sports activities. We start off with some Frisbee, laughing and flirting as we chase the flying disc around.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>You've got some serious Frisbee skills!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's easy when I have such an inspiring partner.<</say>>
<<md>>I felt my heart racing as I looked at your beautiful face. Without skipping a beat, I come up with another idea to make the date even more thrilling.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's up the stakes and play strip poker?<</say>>
<<say $Denisse>>Poker in a park? You really know how to make a date unique!<</say>>
<<md>>We find a secluded spot, shielded by trees and away from prying eyes. I take out a deck of cards I had brought along, just in case the date took an interesting turn.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>I must warn you, I'm pretty good at poker.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, may the best player win.<</say>>
<<md>>As we shuffle and deal the cards, the atmosphere is thick with flirtatious tension. It's clear that this poker game is about much more than just cards.<</md>>
<<md>>As the final card is laid down, it's clear that luck is on my side today. A triumphant smile crosses my lips.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like I win. Are you ready to pay up?<</say>>
<<say $Denisse>>A deal is a deal, guapo.<</say>>
<<md>>With a seductive smile, Denisse rises from her seat and slides her shorts off her body. As they fall to the floor, she unbuttons her sheer blouse revealing her lascivious figure<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Well, here I am, in all my glory. What's the matter, cat got your tongue? Or are you just too shy to join the nudity party?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm just admiring the view.<</say>>
<<say $Denisse>>Well, don't admire too long; we've got an entire afternoon ahead of us!<</say>>
<<md>>Denisse stands up and starts to gather her things.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>I know a secret spot where things can get really wild. Wanna come with me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Lead the way.<</say>>
<<md>>We make our way through the park, finally arriving at a hidden alcove surrounded by trees and foliage. It's as if the world has created a private sanctuary just for us.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now that we're here, why don't you show me some of those moves you've been teasing me with at the gym?<</say>>
<<say $Denisse>>Mmm, I can see that you're ready for something a bit more...intimate. Well, you did win the poker game, so it's only fair that you get a special treat.<</say>>
<<md>>A sultry smirk spreads across Denisse's face as her hands wander between her legs. Her moans become loud and passionate, the sound of pleasure seeping through the tranquil outdoor>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Denisse\Video\Quest\DenisseParkMast1.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $Denisse>>Ohhh...being here with you, the possibility of being caught—it's all so exhilarating.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You drive me crazy baby. I'm burning up watching you like this.<</say>>
<<md>>I can feel myself becoming aroused as I watch Denisse's body respond to her own touch. <</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Fuck...<</say>>
<<md>>I join her in her pleasurable moment, stroking my own hardness, desperate to reach the same peak of pleasure that she is experiencing.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Ohhh...Yeah...<</say>>
<<md>>With each thrust of my hand, I become more and more aroused, until we both reach our climax.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It was awesome...<</say>>
<<say $Denisse>> Monday.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure I will.<</say>>
<<set $DenisseQuest = 9>>\
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]] <<md>>As I walk into club, the pulsing beats and dim lighting immediately set the mood. I spot Denisse near the bar, her eyes lighting up as she sees me.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>You're here! I'm so excited to be with you for this magical evening.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely. Where do we start?<</say>>
<<say $Denisse>>How about a spicy drink challenge to get things going?<</say>>
<<md>>Intrigued, I agree, and we order a round of spicy cocktails. The first sip is an explosion of flavors, setting the tone for what promises to be an adventurous evening.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Every sip leads to a confession or a dare. Are you game?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Game on.<</say>>
<<md>>As we continue to drink, the alcohol loosens our inhibitions, and our conversation grows increasingly intimate.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Confession: I've never felt as alive as I do when I'm with you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Dare: Prove it on the dance floor.<</say>>
<<md>>Denisse tightly clutches my hand and seductively guides me to the dance floor. I'm immediately captivated by her energy and my body can't help but respond as we move together, our bodies becoming one in an intimate embrace as we sway to the music. Our chemistry is sizzling, a titillating and tantalizing sensation that threatens to consume me.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Your turn for a confession.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Confession: I'm obsessed with you, your face, your body, all of it. I can't get you out of my head, no matter what I do.<</say>>
<<say $Denisse>>Dare: Show me how much you've been thinking about me.<</say>>
<<md>>I slide my hands around her waist and tug her into me. Our bodies crash together in a wild, frenzied dance. Our lips meet and the air between us fills with fire. Every touch and whisper heightens our passion, I'm desperate to make her mine.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Last sip, last dare. Make it count.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Dare: Let's make this night unforgettable, in a way that words can't capture.<</say>>
<<md>>As we catch our breaths, basking in the afterglow of our intimate dance, a voice cuts through the pulsating music.<</md>>
<<say $Stranger>>That was quite a performance. How about a dance-off to keep the night interesting?<</say>>
<<say $Denisse>>A dance-off? Oh, you're on!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like we've got ourselves a challenge.<</say>>
<<md>>Denisse takes center stage once again, her eyes sparkling with competitive fire. With a flirtatious glance in my direction, she starts to dance.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Try to keep up!<</say>>
<<md>>Her moves are a blend of humor and sensuality, a unique dance style that is quintessentially Denisse. Unable to resist, I join her on the dance floor, matching her step for step.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Is that all you've got?<</say>>
<<say $Denisse>>Oh, you haven't seen anything yet!<</say>>
<<md>>Denisse pulls off a particularly daring move, flipping her hair back as she spins. The crowd erupts in cheers, clearly impressed.<</md>>
<<say $Stranger>>Well, I have to say, you two definitely know how to put on a show!<</say>>
<<say $Denisse>>And what's your verdict? Who won?<</say>>
<<say $Stranger>>I'd say the audience is the real winner here, getting to witness such an electrifying performance.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>In that case, everyone's a winner tonight.<</say>>
<<md>>Denisse smiles at me, her eyes shining with a mix of triumph and exhilaration. It's clear that the impromptu dance-off has added yet another layer of excitement to our already unforgettable night.<</md>>
<<md>>The stranger leans in closer, a sly grin forming on his face.<</md>>
<<say $Stranger>>How would you two like a reward? A luxurious hotel room for the night, on me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That sounds tempting, but what's the catch?<</say>>
<<say $Stranger>>Ah, you're a sharp one. The room comes equipped with a camera. Consider it a... social experiment.<</say>>
<<md>>I glance at Denisse, fully expecting her to decline the offer. To my surprise, she seems intrigued.<</md>
<<say $Denisse>>Why not? It could add another layer of excitement to our adventure.<</say>
<<say $mc>>Well, if you're in, then so am I.<</say>>
[[Go to the hotel|DenisseQuest8.1]]
<<md>>We agree to the stranger's offer and make our way to the hotel. Upon entering the room, we're both stunned by its opulence—plush furnishings, a lavish bed, and all the amenities one could wish for.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Ready for an experience that will leave you trembling and speechless?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes, please.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Denisse\Video\Quest\DenisseHotelMast1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Denisse starts to dance, her movements more sensual than ever. As she twists and turns to the rhythm of an imaginary beat, I find myself getting lost in her performance.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>You seem to have forgotten about our little electronic audience.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>In this moment, all I can focus on is you.<</say>>
<<md>>Denisse smiles and continues to dance, her movements becoming increasingly suggestive. Her body language speaks volumes—every look, every gesture is meant to tantalize me.<</md>>
<<md>>I can't take my eyes off her—she's a vision of beauty and desire. I feel my heart racing faster with each passing second, as she teases me with her sensual moves. Before long, Denisse has worked her way into a passionate frenzy.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Are you ready for this?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes!<</say>>
<<md>>With that, Denisse reaches out to touch herself, the sight of it enough to make my heart race even faster. I watch intently as she pleasures herself with slow and deliberate motions, savoring every moment of pleasure.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Denisse\Video\Quest\DenisseHotelMast2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>The moans and gasps she releases only add to the jubilant atmosphere, and soon enough her movements become more frenzied as she reaches her climax. I can feel my own arousal growing with each passing second, an unstoppable force that won't be denied.<</md>>
<<md>>The stranger's words ring through my mind, and I can't help but feel thankful for his generous offer. Watching Denisse reach such heights of ecstasy is a reward in itself.<</md>>
<<say $Denisse>>Now it's your turn...<</say>>
<<md>>I'm taken aback by her boldness, yet strangely aroused by it. I take a hesitant step towards her, my heart racing with anticipation. I soon find myself lost in the sensation of her warm mouth and skilled tongue as she expertly teases me to the brink of ecstasy.<</md>>
<<md>>Each moan and gasp that escapes my lips only serves to fuel her passion, increasing the intensity of her performance until I'm finally unable to contain myself any longer. With a roar of pleasure, I succumb to an overwhelming flood of orgasmic bliss.<</md>>
<<set $DenisseQuest = 10>>\<<md>>I arrive home after another day, my mind still buzzing with thoughts of work and life's responsibilities. As I open the door, I notice a package sitting on my entryway table. There's no return address, just my name written in elegant script.<</md>>
<<md>>Curiosity piqued, I open the package to find a gym membership card. What catches my eye, though, are the extras: an imprint of lipstick and a lace garter. Tucked beneath them is a note.<</md>>
<<text y "Eager for a workout?">>
<<md>>The message is short but tantalizing, setting my imagination alight with possibilities. Who could have sent this?How the note got into the apartment if no one was home? My mind immediately goes to Olivia, the captivating woman I've been spending more and more time with.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, this is an invitation I can't ignore.<</say>>
<<md>>Feeling a mix of excitement and curiosity, I decide that a trip to the gym is in order. This is no ordinary workout invitation, and I can't help but wonder what's waiting for me there.<</md>><<md>>As I step into the gym, membership card in hand, I scan the area. My eyes are drawn to a brunette doing squats in the corner. Her form is impeccable, and there's something alluring about her movements. Could she be the one behind the mysterious package?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Only one way to find out.<</say>>
<<md>>I approach her, timing it so I arrive just as she's finishing her set. With a friendly smile, I offer to help her rack the weights.<</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>Well, aren't you a gentleman? Thanks.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No problem. Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you before.<</say>>
<<say $Ashley>>Oh, I've been around. The name's Ashley.<</say>>
<<md>>As she says her name, she locks eyes with me, giving off a vibe that's both mysterious and... somewhat provocative.<</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>So, are you here for a regular workout, or something more... intense?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I guess that depends.<</say>>
<<say $Ashley>>On what?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>On who's asking.<</say>>
<<md>>Before the conversation can go any further, Ashley glances at her watch and packs up her gear.<</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>Looks like I've got to run. But I'll be here again. Maybe you'll join me for that 'intense' workout?<</say>>
<<md>>As she says this, she slips a small piece of paper into my hand. It's another note, just as cryptic as the first one.<</md>>
<<text y "Until our next session...">>
<<md>>Ashley leaves, her presence lingering long after she's gone. As I stand there, note in hand, I realize that my gym visits have taken on a new dimension—one filled with intrigue, mystery, and a promise of encounters that are anything but ordinary.<</md>>
<<md>>With Ashley's parting words echoing in my mind, I can't help but look forward to our next 'session,' whatever that may entail.<</md>><<md>>As I saunter into the gym, my gaze is instantly drawn to Ashley. She's doing squats and her body looks even more powerful and attractive than before. But this time she isn't letting her focus slip away like it had on my first visit; every time she rises from a squat she stares directly at me with an intensity that makes me melt. The air around us sizzles with electricity as our eyes lock together.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mind if I join you?<</say>>
<<say $Ashley>>It would be my pleasure.<</say>>
<<md>>We take turns behind the machine, and with each exchange, Ashley's body presses into mine. I'm consumed by her musky scent, a dizzying fragrance that sends my heart racing. Her soft curves meld against me, sending jolts of electricity through my veins. My body vibrates from the anticipation of her next subtle touch.<</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>So, are you the kind of guy who believes in magic?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I tend to believe more in primal instincts.<</say>>
<<md>>My gaze instantly gets tangled in the curves that her workout attire brings out. Her body is a work of art, and my eyes can't help but drink in her beauty. Ashley notices me ogling her and lets out a seductive laugh.<</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>Well, in that case, we should definitely meet outside of this gym.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And what would be on the agenda?<</say>>
<<say $Ashley>>Let's just say it'll be more than just a workout. How about the park? There's something... mysterious I want to show you.<</say>>
<<md>>The way she says 'mysterious' sends a thrill down my spine, adding yet another layer of intrigue to our already charged interactions.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll be there. When and where?<</say>>
<<say $Ashley>>Tomorrow, sunset. I'll text you the exact spot. Give me your number. Trust me, you won't want to miss this.<</say>>
<<md>>As Ashley gathers her things to leave, I can't help but feel a mixture of excitement and curiosity. Whatever she has planned, it's clear that our next meeting will be a significant one, promising more than just physical exercise.<</md>>
<<md>>As I finish my workout, her scent still lingering in the air, I find myself looking forward to tomorrow's sunset with keen anticipation. What mysteries could Ashley be hinting at? Whatever they are, I'm eager to find out.<</md>><<md>>The sun stood proudly in the sky, its brilliant rays illuminating the park where I waited with bated breath for Ashley's arrival. Before long, her figure emerged from the crowd of people and she drew closer, her beauty radiating in the sunlight.<</md>
<<say $Ashley>>Finally here. Are you ready for our little adventure?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely. What did you have in mind?<</say>>
<<say $Ashley>>How about a game of chase?<</say>>
<<md>>Before I can respond, Ashley darts off into the maze-like hedges that crisscross the park. Grinning, I give chase.<</md>>
<<md>>The tortuous pathways gave us countless chances to brush against each other as we wound around the corners. I could feel her presence, and my heart raced until I finally managed to catch up with her in a quiet little nook. Her lips were like a warm embrace, inviting me in for an alluring kiss.<</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>You're getting warmer.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I feel it too.<</say>>
<<md>>As we share another kiss, I notice a mysterious figure in a hood lurking in the shadows. Oddly, he seems to be watching us.<</md>>
<<say $HoodedMan>>You are the chosen one.<</say>>
<<md>>The words are spoken softly, almost a whisper, but they cut through the air, causing both of us to turn.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Who are you?<</say>>
<<text y "That is not important. What is important is that you've been chosen. But for what, you'll have to discover on your own.">>
<<say $Ashley>>What is this, some kind of joke?<</say>>
<<text y "Time will tell.">>
<<md>>As quickly as he appeared, the mysterious man vanishes into the park, leaving us both bewildered but intrigued.<</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>Unsettling, to say the least.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Definitely adds a layer of mystery to the evening.<</say>>
<<say $Ashley>>Mystery seems to be a recurring theme with us.<</say>>
<<md>>I nod, realizing that whether it's a game of chase in a maze-like park or cryptic messages from a hooded stranger, my encounters with Ashley are anything but ordinary.<</md>>
<<md>>As the hooded man vanishes into the night, Ashley turns to me with a somewhat perplexed expression.<</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>About that note... it was actually from me, I should tell you...<</say>>
<<md>>Her words are cut off by the sudden appearance of two menacing figures. They emerge from the shadows, brandishing knives and advancing toward us.<</md>>
<<text r "Empty your pockets, now!">>
<<text r "What are you waiting for, get moving!">>
<<say $Ashley>>Oh my God...<</say>>
<<md>>My heart was pounding so hard it felt like it would burst out of my chest. I didn't hesitate, and with an unshakeable resolve, I stepped forward to shield Ashley from the robbers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I wouldn't do that if I were you.<</say>>
<<md>>Without even flinching, I meet the first robber head on as he lunges at me with his knife. I expertly dodge his attack and, using his momentum against him, deliver a crushing punch to his temple that sends him crashing down unconscious. The second robber, seeing his companion in such a state, is taken aback and hesitates. Instinctively, I snatch away the weapon from his hands and deliver a sharp kick to his abdomen that knocks the wind out of him and sends him plummeting to the ground. <</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>Oh my God, you were amazing!<</say>>
<<md>>Before I can respond, Ashley throws her arms around me, hugging me tightly. The tension of the moment melts away, replaced by a newfound sense of closeness.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you okay?<</say>>
<<say $Ashley>>I am now, thanks to you.<</say>>
<<md>>As we stand there, holding each other, I can't help but feel that these events have taken our relationship to a whole new level. Not only have we shared a romantic game of chase and a mysterious encounter with a hooded stranger, but we've also faced real danger—and come out of it stronger.<</md>>
<<md>>As we walk out of the park, arm in arm, I can't help but think about the hooded man's cryptic words. While I may not know what it means to be the 'chosen one,' one thing is clear: whatever lies ahead, Ashley and I will face it together.<</md>><<md>>After the park's dramatic events, I find myself back at home, still processing everything that happened. My phone buzzes, breaking my reverie. It's a text from Ashley.<</md>>
<<text y "Can't stop thinking about what happens. How about another rendezvous in the park this weekend? ;)">>
<<say $mc>>Looks like the adventure isn't over yet. She's not the scared type.<</say>>
<<md>>I quickly type out a response, my fingers practically flying over the phone's keyboard.<</md>>
<<text g "Wouldn't miss it for the world. See you this weekend.">>
<<md>>As I put down my phone, I can't help but feel a sense of anticipation building up. Our relationship has already had its share of twists and turns, from mysterious notes to a game of chase, and even a brush with danger. What could Ashley possibly have in store for our next meeting?<</md>>
<<md>>The weekend can't come soon enough. Whatever happens, I'm certain of one thing: our next encounter in the park will be anything but ordinary. And as for being the 'chosen one,' that's a mystery I'm more eager than ever to unravel.<</md>><<md>>As the weekend arrives, I find myself back at the park, waiting for Ashley. My mind races with possibilities, each more intriguing than the last. Soon enough, I see her walking toward me, a captivating smile on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>You made it. I'm glad.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wouldn't miss it. So, about that note...<</say>>
<<say $Ashley>>Ah, yes. I did have something to tell you. Something... important.<</say>>
<<md>>Her tone turns serious, capturing my full attention.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm listening.<</say>>
<<say $Ashley>>You see, that note, our meetings, even the mysterious man who spoke to you—it's all connected. I've been searching for someone, and I believe that someone is you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Searching for me? Why?<</say>>
<<say $Ashley>>Because you are part of an ancient prophecy. One that speaks of a 'Chosen One' who will bring balance in a world teetering on the edge of chaos. I've been sent to find you, to guide you.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words hang in the air, heavy with significance. For a moment, I'm at a loss for words.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's... a lot to take in. But why me?<</say>>
<<say $Ashley>>There are signs, markers that identify the Chosen One. Your actions, your choices, even the way you handled danger the other night—it all points to you.<</say>>
<<md>>As I listen to Ashley, I feel a mixture of disbelief and awe. Could I really be the 'Chosen One' from an ancient prophecy? And what does it mean to bring 'balance' in a world on the edge of chaos?<</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>I know it's a lot to absorb, but time is of the essence. Will you embark on this journey with me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's not every day you get invited to fulfill an ancient prophecy. I'm in.<</say>>
<<md>>Ashley smiles, her eyes shining with a mix of relief and excitement.<</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>Then let the adventure begin.<</say>>
<<md>>Before I can even reply, Ashley steps closer and takes my hand in hers. She leads me to a secluded part of the park and presses her body against mine. Her fingertips glide over my neck as she gazes into my eyes. Something about the way she looks at me sends a wave of excitement coursing through me. Her lips curl into a mischievous smile, as if she knows something I don't. Without warning, her hands move lower and unbutton the top of my pants before pushing them off my hips.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ashley...<</say>>
<<md>>My heart races as Ashley kneels down and starts to kiss down from my stomach all the way to the tip of my penis, causing it to immediately grow hard with pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh...That's....<</say>>
<<md>>Her tongue swirls around it before finally taking it in her mouth completely, eliciting moans from me with each movement. She continues this tantalizing motion until I can feel myself close to climaxing. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I like being chosen for your throat...<</say>>
<<md>>She speeds up, sucking with more intensity until I finally let go. The pleasure overcomes me as my body quakes with the intense orgasm I have just experienced. When it's over, Ashley stands back up and smiles at me. <</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>I told you you were the chosen one.<</say>><<md>>Back at home, I find myself pacing the room, my mind awash with conflicting emotions. On one hand, the idea of being part of some ancient prophecy sounds like the stuff of fantasy novels. On the other, there's something about Ashley—her conviction, her intensity—that makes me want to believe.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Is this real, or is it all some elaborate game? And if it's real, what does that mean for me?<</say>>
<<md>>As I ponder these questions, I realize that the only way to get the answers I seek is from Ashley herself. A date would be the perfect setting to probe deeper into this mysterious prophecy and why she believes I'm the 'Chosen One.'<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Time to make a move.<</say>>
<<md>>I pick up my phone and send her a text, my fingers hesitating for a moment before hitting 'send.'<</md>>
<<text g "Hey Ash, how about dinner this weekend? There's a lot I'd like to talk about, and it would be great to spend some time together.">>
<<md>>Almost immediately, my phone buzzes with a response.<</md>>
<<text y "Dinner sounds perfect. I have a feeling we have a lot to discuss. ;)">>
<<md>>A sense of anticipation washes over me. The dinner date will not only be an opportunity to get to know Ashley better but also a chance to dig deeper into this bewildering prophecy that has suddenly engulfed my life.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Whatever the truth is, I'm going to find out.<</say>>
<<md>>As I set down my phone, my thoughts drift to Ashley. Regardless of prophecies and mysteries, there's no denying the connection we share. And as I prepare for our upcoming date, I can't help but feel that it will be a significant step in unraveling the enigma that our relationship has become.<</md>><<md>>The weekend has arrived, and I find myself walking down York-Road, making my way to the restaurant where I'll meet Ashley for our dinner date. Just as I'm going over what questions to ask her about this supposed prophecy, the sky opens up, releasing a sudden downpour.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, this is unexpected.<</say>>
<<md>>Just then, I spot Ashley up ahead, her body glistening in the rain. Her wet clothes hug her curves, showing off every contour of her body. She spots me and her eyes sparkle with delight.<</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>Hey! Fancy meeting you here in this lovely weather!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's like the universe is setting the stage for us.<</say>>
<<say $Ashley>>In that case, how about a race? Winner gets to choose the appetizer!<</say>>
<<md>>With a playful grin, Ashley takes off, her laughter trailing behind her. I give chase, and the wet street beneath us turns into our own personal runway. Despite the rain, or perhaps because of it, the moment feels exhilarating.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally, we find shelter in a small alcove, both of us panting and laughing. The rain continues to pour outside, but in here, it's as if the world has stopped.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like we're stuck.<</say>>
<<say $Ashley>>At least we together.<</say>>
<<md>>My gaze locked onto hers and the air around us seemed to thicken. Our laughter dissipated as we stepped towards each other, our hearts pounding in time with the raindrops. Lips parted and touched, and for a few brief seconds, all I could think of was how alive I felt in that moment. The prophecy and destiny faded from my mind, replaced by an insatiable desire.<</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>Well, this certainly adds a splash to our evening.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>A memorable start to what promises to be an interesting night.<</say>>
<<md>>As we finally make our way to the restaurant, hand in hand, I can't help but think that whatever revelations tonight holds, they'll be faced together. And as for the ancient prophecy, that's a mystery for another time.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Welcome, my lady.<</say>>
<<md>>She gracefully takes a seat while I pull out her chair for her. We make small talk as we look over the menu, but all the while I'm acutely aware of the electrifying energy between us. <<md>>It's like a force that can't be denied or contained. There's something special about Ashley, something more than what meets the eye--a certain knowledge that she has about life and love that I can't quite put my finger on.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally, Ashley speaks up, her voice soft and passionate.<</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>I feel like I was born for a purpose. Ever since I was a little girl, I had this dream of becoming a singer and songwriter. Music is in my soul, it's what moves me and transports me to another world. I want to use it to bring beauty and harmony into the lives of others.<</say>>
<<md>>She pauses for a moment, taking a sip from her drink before she continues. <</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>That's why I'm here. That's my mission--to make music that can heal the broken-hearted, inspire hope in those who are weary and ignite passion in those who seek it.<</say>>
<<md>>As she tells me about her dream of becoming a singer-songwriter, there's an underlying sense of determination that radiates from her words. She has such faith in herself that I can't help but be moved by her commitment. She knows what she wants--what she needs--and nothing will stop her.<</md>><<md>>After the rain-soaked adventure on York-Road, I find myself eager for our next meeting. A text exchange later, we agree to meet at the beach, under the cover of night. The setting feels perfect—waves crashing in the distance, moonlight dancing on the water.<</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>This is beautiful.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It is. A perfect place to talk about life.<</say>>
<<md>>We spend the next hour immersed in conversation, sharing our thoughts, dreams, and even fears. It's a deeper level of connection, one that feels incredibly natural.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, do you really think I'm the 'Chosen One'?<</say>>
<<say $Ashley>>I do. Everything points to it.<</say>>
<<md>>Her conviction stirs something within me—a blend of skepticism and curiosity, perhaps even a touch of arrogance.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, if I'm the Chosen One, then you should do whatever I command of you, right?<</say>>
<<md>>Ashley purses her lips and leans forward, her eyes locked on mine with a mix of wanting and seduction.<</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>Yes, I suppose that's true. Anything you desire.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>In that case, I'd like you to wear something super sexy for our next date. The Chosen One needs a naughty adventure<</say>>
<<say $Ashley>>Naughty, huh? Well, consider it done.<</say>>
<<md>>Our eyes lock, sealing the pact. The air between us is thick with anticipation, and in that moment, I can't help but feel excited for our next encounter.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How about we have our next date here, on the beach, but during the day?<</say>>
<<say $Ashley>>A daytime beach date and naughty adventure? A little intriguing.<</say>>
<<md>>As we part ways, the promise of our next meeting hanging in the air, I find myself reflecting on the enigmatic turn my life has taken. Prophecies, chosen ones, and now, a date that promises to be as provocative as it is romantic.<</md>><<md>>The day of our beach date has finally arrived. The sun was a searing heat, almost oppressive in its warmth as I made my way to meet Ashley. As I arrived at the shore, I caught sight of her. She was wearing a mesmerizing ensemble - a velvet blouse and a black leather skirt with chains draped seductively around her hips, and a choker with a dim ruby glinting against her throat.<</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>What do you think?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm overwhelmed. You look absolutely breathtaking.<</say>>
<<say $Ashley>>Let's just say, I made sure the 'Chosen One' has something special to feast his eyes on.<</say>>
<<md>>We share a laugh, easing into the comfort that comes from a growing familiarity. We lay down a blanket and sit, the waves gently lapping at the shore providing a soothing soundtrack to our afternoon.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's beautiful here.<</say>>
<<say $Ashley>>It is, but not as beautiful as this moment with you.<</say>>
<<md>>Touched by her words, I lean in for a kiss. Our lips meet, and the world around us fades away.<</md>>
<<md>>As the afternoon progresses, we talk, laugh, and share a picnic I had prepared. Every so often, our eyes meet, and the tension builds—a mix of romance and something more primal.<</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>You know, we've been talking about prophecies and destinies a lot. But right now, I'm more interested in the present.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Couldn't agree more.<</say>>
<<md>>As if on cue, Ashley moves closer to me. The hem of her dress rides up a bit, revealing even more of her legs. She leans in, whispering in my ear.<</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>I've been waiting for this moment all day.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words ignite something within me, and I can't hold back any longer. I pull her into a passionate kiss, my hands exploring her back, pulling her closer. She reciprocates, her own hands tracing lines up and down my arms, sending shivers down my spine.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I've been waiting for this too.<</say>>
<<say $Ashley>>Then let's not wait any longer.<</say>>
<<md>>Our lips meet again, but this time, there's an urgency, a need that wasn't there before. We lose ourselves in the kiss, in the touch, in the electrifying sensation that courses through us.<</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>Do you want to come back to my place?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. Absolutely.<</say>>
<<md>>We stand up and gather our things, and walk hand in hand towards her house. The heat of the sun still lingers in the air, but I can feel something else too—a spark between us that promises an adventure filled with excitement and surprises.<</md>>
<<md>>We arrive at her place, and before I can say anything, she takes my hand and leads me to the couch. She looks at me with a spark in her eye and pulls up her skirt, revealing nothing but smooth skin beneath. My eyes widen as I take in the sight of her—the curves of her body, tantalizingly close. Without a word, I lean in and kiss her neck, feeling the heat radiating from her skin.<</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>Do you want this?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes.<</say>>
<<md>>In response she grabs my hand and presses it against herself. I insert two fingers into her pussy, feeling the warmth of her as we both moan out loud. Her hips start to move along to my rhythm as if they have a mind of their own.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You feel amazing.<</say>>
<<say $Ashley>>And you feel strong and gentle.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words and her movements fuel me on further, and I reach up to remove her top. I lightly trace my fingers along her back, feeling the bumps of her spine as our bodies move in tandem. Then I turned her head over and started fucking her mouth; she wraps it around my cock like a glove, making me moan out louder with every stroke. <</md>>
<<say $Ashley>>You are the chosen one, and your dick is so good.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words send a wave of pleasure through me, and I can't resist any longer. I thrust into her harder and faster, pushing her over the edge until she screams out in delight. We reach our peak together, as our bodies move in perfect harmony. When we both come back to reality, we collapse in each other's arms, drenched in sweat.<</md>><<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
<<say $mc>>Oh yes, stretch your ass more and more.<</say>>
<<md>>She moans like a bitch. She wants a cock to stretch that beautiful and seductive ass <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Open it all the way. Do you like my cock? Do you want it even more?<</say>>
<<md>>I can feel her wet hole flexing.It's like she's putting her ass on my cock, allowing me to penetrate that slut's holy place.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\laptop\Video\WebCamRoom7.2.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $mc>>Oh, good. You have such a nice ass. You can do it all so easily if you want to. Lean back and let me stretch your hot and silky ass.<</say>>
<<md>>My cock is aching, I'm ready for more.<</md>>
<<link "Pay even more">><<run $cash -=100>><<goto "WebcamWatch4.2">><<addmins 15>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<link "Watch other girls">><<goto "Webcam">><<addmins 5>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>><<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
<<md>>She lets the dildo completely into her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes, do you like my big cock? Do you want more? <</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\laptop\Video\WebCamRoom7.3.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She speeds up, her face in ecstasy. She looks like a flower. Oh yes... <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mmm...I like it. <</say>>
<<md>>My cock throbs in response to her manipulations and I move my hand until I come. <</md>>
<<link "Back">><<goto "Webcam">><<addmins 5>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>><<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
<<md>>Gently, she positions herself, hovering over dildo. With a deep, measured breath, she begins to lower herself onto it. The sensation of the object filling her is profound, eliciting a moan that escapes her lips. Slowly, she finds a rhythm, her movements graceful yet filled with fervor. Each ascent and descent amplifies the pleasure coursing through her, the snake tattoo on her leg seemingly moving in tandem with her every motion..<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mhhhh...Yeah, baby... <</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\laptop\Video\WebCamRoom8.2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>The room is filled with the sound of her increasing pace and the soft friction of the object against her, driving her closer to the precipice of release. Finaly, she get her freedom at the moment when I cum also. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Goddamn... <</say>>
<<link "Back">><<goto "Webcam">><<addmins 5>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>><<md>>I strode into Clara's sanctum, an arena where her word was law, her decrees shaping the very fabric of our corporate cosmos. The walls, awash in hues that spoke of power and prestige, bore witness to her ascent—a tableau of achievements that whispered tales of conquest and ambition.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>> $mc.Name. Sit. We need to talk about how things work around here.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice had that 'I-speak-you-listen' kind of vibe. I parked myself in the hot seat, ready for the lecture I knew was coming.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hit me with it. I'm all ears.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>First thing's first, you're here to get cozy with the students, learn their secrets, their fears, all that jazz. Fiona Hill is your golden ticket – she's the one with the brains and the votes to be the next school prez.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara flicked a file at me like she was dealing cards, and I caught a glimpse of Fiona's perfect record staring up at me. A part of me was itching to meet the girl behind the grades.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Got it, schmooze with the future president. Should I bring a tiara?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Don't get smart, $mc.Name. Fiona's your priority.She has a... let's call it a 'mature' appreciation for the... seasoned crowd. Your task is to learn everything about our students—start with her, understand her leanings.<</say>>
<<md>>I grabbed the file and got up, ready to dive headfirst into the teen drama. As I headed out, I couldn't help but think that tackling Clara every morning was going to be the real challenge.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>And $mc.Name, tread carefully. These halls are my domain, and if you play your cards right, you might just end up king of the prom... or at least, not the joker.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona Hill, here I come. If she's anything like her headmistress, I'm gonna need more than just charm.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 2>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 1>>\
<<set $ClaraFirstMeet = 1>>\
<<addmins 10>>\<<md>>The canteen was buzzing with the kind of energy that could power a small city. At the center of it all, like a planet with its own gravitational pull, was Fiona Hill. Surrounded by a throng of her peers, she held court with the confidence of a seasoned politician.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>So, prez-to-be, what's your grand plan for us mere mortals? Free weed on campus grounds?<</say>>
<<md>>A smattering of laughter rippled through the crowd. Veronica, with her rebel-heart and smoky aura, was the embodiment of teen defiance.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>We're aiming for higher education, not higher students, Veronica. Let's keep our ambitions above the influence, shall we?<</say>>
<<md>>There was a collective 'ooh' as the onlookers digested the sly dig. Veronica’s smirk didn’t waver, but I saw the flicker of respect in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Please, Fiona, don't mind her. We've got better things to do than debate the 'high' points of school policy. Right, V?<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn, the cheer captain with a glare that could curdle milk, stepped in, her arm slinging around Veronica’s shoulder with proprietorial ease.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Besides, we cheerleaders have our own way of... elevating the school spirit. Right, girls?<</say>>
<<md>>A chorus of agreement rose from the cluster of pom-poms and high ponytails. Veronica looked tempted, caught between the allure of rebellion and the promise of belonging.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds like a high-flying offer.<</say>>
<<md>>My voice cut through the tension, drawing attention. Fiona’s eyes met mine, an unspoken challenge passing between us. <</md>>
<<set $Autumn.Meet = 1>>\
<<set $Fiona.Meet = 1>>\
<<set $Autumn.unlockedgallery to true>>\
<<set $Fiona.unlockedgallery to true>>\
[[Come closer to her|Prologue1.3]] <<md>>The canteen's din faded into a hush as Fiona outlined her presidential program with the precision of a surgeon. Points on education reform, campus safety, and student representation were punctuated by nods and the occasional murmur of approval. Her voice was the metronome that kept the audience in rhythmic attention.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>...and that's why my campaign is about real issues, real solutions, not just pipe dreams. Any questions?<</say>>
<<md>>One by one, the crowd thinned, the allure of lunchtime freedom rivaling the pull of student politics. Soon, only a handful of students remained, including Monica, a familiar face from my classes.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>That was really something, Fiona. Don't let the smoke get to you, you're on fire without it.<</say>>
<<md>>A genuine smile broke through Fiona's campaign-ready facade, her guard momentarily down. It was a smile that didn't just reach her eyes but seemed to light them from within.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>And whoever wrote that speech? They've got talent. It’s tight, compelling... almost made me want to run for office.<</say>>
<<md>>The brunette with the writer's eye and a hint of mischief in her tone leaned against the nearby table, her comment hanging in the air like an unsung anthem.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Thanks, Sam. Your editorial skills made it what it is. We make quite the team, don't we?<</say>>
<<md>>Sam's eyes twinkled with the shared secret of their collaboration. As the last few students dispersed, I made my approach, file in hand, a dossier on the very girl who was now looking at me with a mix of curiosity and caution.<</md>>
<<set $Samantha.Meet = 1>>\
<<set $Samantha.unlockedgallery to true>>\
[[Praise her|Prologue1.4]] <<say $mc>>Impressive points, Fiona. Looks like you’ve got more than just votes in your pocket— you've got vision.<</say>>
<<md>>The last echoes of student chatter faded, leaving us in the relative quiet of the post-lunch lull. Fiona's smile lingered, a brave front to the tide of responsibility she was riding. As the final straggler left, her smile waned, revealing the weight of her campaign.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>There's so much to do. You saw them out there; half of them don't care. Makes me wonder if I'm cut out for this—being president.<</say>>
<<md>>I leaned against the table, the file from Clara feeling heavier by the second. It wasn't just grades and accolades in there; it was the hopes of someone who might just need a little push.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, I got a peek at your file from the headmistress. You've got a lot more listeners than you think. And those who don't, maybe they just need the right reason to tune in.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's eyes locked onto mine, searching for the jest, but finding none, they softened. I pressed on, the philosopher’s cap fitting snugly atop my head.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Think of it like this—every great leader started with a sea of faces not all that different from the ones out there. But it's not the nodding heads that define you; it's the silent ones you inspire to speak up. That's what makes a good president. Someone who doesn't just lead the parade but stirs the ones watching to join in.<</say>>
<<md>>A silent moment passed, heavy with consideration. Fiona's posture straightened, her resolve visibly cementing. There was a spark there, the kind that could ignite a cause or kindle belief in the most cynical of hearts.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>You really believe that? That I can get them to listen, to care?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely. It's not just about getting them to follow but getting them to walk with you. You've got the spark, Fiona. Just let it catch.<</say>>
[[Ask about problematic students|Prologue1.5]] <<say $Fiona>>So why are you here? Not just to eat?<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's question hung in the air, her keen eyes dissecting my nonchalant façade. I responded with a grin, the kind that hinted at untold stories and mischief.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Curiosity is part of the job description. But speaking of descriptions, this talk of leadership and change has worked up my appetite. How about you?<</say>>
<<md>>We sidled up to the canteen counter, the scent of the day's offerings a siren call to our empty stomachs. Fiona, with a grace that seemed at odds with the casual setting, chose a sausage, adorning it with a stripe of ketchup. As she took a bite, a stray drop of ketchup clung to the edge. With a quick, almost flirtatious flick of her tongue, she caught it, completely unaware of the picture she painted.<</md>>
<<md>>Oh my... The moment was a snapshot, one that could send a lesser man's mind down a rabbit hole. But I was on a mission—a mission that involved more than just the student body president's... culinary habits.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, about the student body. Who do you reckon is the most... challenging? I mean, apart from Veronica and her crusade for campus-wide cannabis.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona’s gaze lingered on the now-empty space where the ketchup had been before meeting my eyes. She set her food down, her expression turning contemplative.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Most problematic you mean? That’s a tough one. Autumn has her fingers in many pies—too many, if you ask me. She's the type to manipulate a situation to her advantage. And between us, I have this niggling suspicion she's involved in something... not entirely above board. But without proof, it’s just a hunch.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona’s words trailed off as she gave a meaningful glance towards the cheerleaders’ table, where Autumn reigned supreme amidst her loyal subjects. There was a tension there, a thread of unease that hinted at something darker beneath the pompoms and pep rallies.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Then there's Lexi. You might think Veronica, with her weed propositions, would be the wildcard, but she’s transparent, predictable even. She enjoys her vice but doesn't let it spill into chaos. Lexi, on the other hand, is like a tornado in a tiara—a spoiled child with a trust fund and an entourage that enables her worst impulses.<</say>>
<<md>>I raised an eyebrow, considering this. Veronica, with her laid-back defiance, was a known quantity, but Lexi was evidently the storm on the horizon, the one that could erupt without warning and leave a trail of destruction in her wake.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, Veronica gets high on her own supply but keeps it contained. Lexi, though... she's the one who could turn a drama into a crisis without breaking a sweat?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Exactly. Veronica might bend the rules, but Lexi would set them on fire if she thought the flames looked pretty. And that's the kind of problem that can't be ignored.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's concern was palpable, her gaze following the unpredictable current that Lexi seemed to carry with her wherever she went. It was clear that while Veronica was a free spirit, Lexi was an unchecked force—one that required careful handling.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Got it. Keep an eye out for storm warnings and flying tiaras. Thanks for the heads-up, Fiona.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona’s expression softened with my words of thanks. I decided to probe a bit further into the social fabric of the school.<</md>>
[[What about other students?|Prologue1.6]] <<say $mc>>What about Monica? How does she fit into the picture?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Monica? She's one of the sharpest minds we have—kind and clever. But sometimes I worry... her ambitions might lead her down a path filled with unintended consequences.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ambitions? Like what?<</say>>
<<md>>A laugh escaped Fiona, though it was edged with a note of concern.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Let's just say her dreams of cheering might just pom-pom her panties straight into the principal's office one day.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not a fan of the cheer squad?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>It's not about fondness. I just think our school’s funds could be... redistributed to benefit more... academic pursuits. But then, it's not up to me—yet.<</say>>
<<md>>There was a determined glint in her eye as she mentioned the potential redistribution of funds. It was clear she had plans for this place, and the cheerleaders’ budget might just be collateral in her campaign for change.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And Sam? What's her story?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Sam is a genius with words. She's my speechwriter, a true artisan of the English language. But her... personal stories, let's just say they're not for the faint of heart.<</say>>
<<md>>A blush crept up Fiona’s cheeks, the mere mention of Sam’s literary works enough to heat her complexion. She fanned herself, a small smile playing on her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>It's suddenly a bit too warm in here, isn’t it?<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn’t help but chuckle at her reaction. It was a rare glimpse beyond the poised presidential candidate to the teenager beneath, still susceptible to the fluster of embarrassment.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You've got a colorful crew here. Makes for an interesting term, I bet.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>It's not just the ones you've seen. There's also Marsha—she's our resident mad scientist, always knee-deep in some biology or chemistry project. I swear, half the things she concocts in the lab would make a grown man blush. And then there's Aria...<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona trailed off, a smirk playing at the edge of her lips as if the mere mention of Aria conjured a carousel of stories. The ambiguity in her tone piqued my interest—what sort of enigma was this Aria?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And Aria? What should I expect there?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Oh, you'll see. Aria is... Aria. She defies explanation. You'll get what I mean when you meet her. In fact, why don't you find out for yourself? Each girl here is a chapter of St.Virgin, and you're just turning the pages.<</say>>
<<md>>There was a challenge in her eyes, an unspoken dare for me to dive into the depths of the school's social ocean. I was beginning to understand that each student was a world unto themselves, and navigating those worlds would be no small feat.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I never was one to turn down a good story. I’ll take you up on that offer. Consider it my personal tour of the school's finest.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona nodded, approval and perhaps a hint of mischief in her gaze. As she gathered her things and stood to leave, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the task ahead. Marsha, the scientist with a penchant for the extraordinary; Aria, the mystery wrapped in a riddle; and the others, each a unique puzzle piece in the grand scheme of high school politics.<</md>>
<<md>>Fiona’s instructions were a veritable treasure map, each X marking not buried gold but a living, breathing enigma waiting to be understood. She spoke with a mix of resignation and amusement, as if she, too, had once tried to chart these waters and knew too well the currents I was about to navigate.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Veronica—you’ll find her skirting the edges of the rules out on the sports field, likely with a smoke in hand. Lexi is a fixture on the second floor, parading around like she owns the place. Monica, ever the bookworm, haunts the library, but you’ll catch her best at the gates before the day begins.<</say>>
<<md>>I noted each location, visualizing the school’s layout in my mind, the pieces of this social puzzle clicking into place.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Then there’s Sam. Her pen is mightier than any sword here, and she wields it after hours in the English classroom, her sanctuary of solitude. Autumn is a bit more elusive—she's partial to the beach or the dorms, depending on her mood, which changes with the tides.<</say>>
<<md>>The beach and the dorms. Two extremes, one open and expansive, the other closed and intimate. I made a mental note to tread carefully around Autumn; her territory was as varied as her temperament.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Marsha will, without a doubt, invade your lessons with her 'scientific inquiries.' She’s as predictable as a Bunsen burner’s flame.<</say>>
<<md>>In my brief time here, I had already seen the sparks of Marsha’s curiosity. She was a force of nature, one that didn't wait for an invitation.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>And Aria... she’s in her element amidst numbers and equations. The math classrooms are her stage, and algebra her script.<</say>>
<<md>>Math, the universal language, and Aria, its fluent speaker. I was beginning to see the depth of individuality that Saint Augustine's nurtured within its walls.<</md>>
<<md>>With a final nod, Fiona disappeared into the thrum of the school day, leaving me to contemplate my next move. Veronica on the sports field seemed like a good place to start—out in the open, a straightforward encounter, or so I hoped.<</md>>
<<md>>Each girl, a different day, a different approach needed. I’d have to be an actor and a detective, reading my audience and searching for clues. Fiona had given me the starting points; now it was up to me to navigate the labyrinth.<</md>>
<<md>>I set off, my footsteps echoing with purpose. First stop, the sports field. Veronica and her smokes were waiting, and I was ready to begin the delicate dance of diplomacy and discovery at St. Virgin's.<</md>>
<<addAff $Fiona 2>>\
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 3>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 3>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<set $PrologueQuest1Failed = 3>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(15)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
[[Leave her|School reception]] <<md>>The sports field was a stark contrast to the ordered chaos of the school halls, a wide expanse of green under the sprawling sky. I found Veronica, a solitary figure against the backdrop of goalposts and bleachers, in a meditative trance with a joint as her companion.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, I hear you're running a campaign for greener pastures, or should I say, greener practices?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica turned, a plume of smoke curling from her lips, her eyes narrowing into slits that didn't quite hide the flicker of amusement.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Ah, the new faculty spy. Come to deliver a moral lecture? You might be surprised, but there’s enlightenment in these leaves. Some very esteemed psychologists swear by its therapeutic qualities.<</say>>
<<md>>She held the joint between her fingers, regarding it as one might a sage's wand, imbued with the wisdom of the ancients and the modern alike.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Enlightenment, huh? That's one way to put it. And these psychologists—friends of yours?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Friends, idols, pioneers—call them what you will. They're the enlightened ones, unafraid to explore the mind’s labyrinth with a little... herbal guidance.<</say>>
<<md>>Her tone was earnest, her defense of her vice not just a rebellious retort but a belief system. She wasn't just a rule-breaker; she was a disciple of an old-school doctrine that preached liberation through nature's gifts.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I'm all for exploration, but remember, not all who wander are lost—some are just high.<</say>>
<<md>>A laugh escaped her, a sound that seemed too carefree for the confines of academia. It was clear that Veronica walked a path paved with her own convictions, and while I might not join her on it, I could respect the journey.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Just keep an open mind, Mr. Faculty. Sometimes the best way to find yourself is to lose the sober trappings of reality for a bit.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica's parting words hung in the air like the smoke from her joint, a challenge to the status quo and an invitation to see the world through a different lens. As I lingered, the conversation took an unexpected turn from the taboo to the literary, and I discovered another layer to the school's resident advocate of herbal escapism.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, most wouldn't peg you for a bookworm, Veronica. Especially one versed in the classics.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>What can I say? Tolkien's got a way with words that even the finest sativa can't match. And those elves... there's a serenity to them. A connection to the earth that feels... real.<</say>>
<<md>>She pulled a well-thumbed copy of "The Lord of the Rings" from her bag, its spine creased from frequent visits to Middle-earth. The incongruity of the book in her hands, juxtaposed with her earlier activities, was a silent testament to the complexities of her character.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Elves, huh? Masters of forest and lore. Sounds like someone else I know.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh? Comparing me to Legolas or Galadriel? I'm flattered, but I'm no ethereal being. I'm just someone who believes in the power of nature—and a good story.<</say>>
<<md>>Her laughter was light, and she seemed pleased that I had seen past the haze of her reputation to the intellect beneath. We discussed the finer points of elven philosophy, the intertwining of fate and free will, and the enduring power of myth.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>There's wisdom in those pages. Seems like you take more than just recreation from your... herbal pursuits.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Absolutely. It's all about balance, Mr. Faculty. The Ents teach us that much, don't they? Slow to anger, and rich in history. We could all learn a thing or two from Treebeard.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, impressed. Veronica was full of surprises, a walking contradiction who found harmony in the blend of fantasy and reality. As our conversation wound down, I felt a new respect for her. She was not just a student breaking the rules; she was a thinker, a dreamer, and perhaps, a kindred spirit in the search for understanding.<</md>>
<<md>>With a respectful nod, I excused myself, leaving Veronica to her musings. The sports field had offered me a glimpse into a mind that was as open as the sky above us, and as deep as the tales of Middle-earth. As I walked away, I wondered who among the remaining girls would reveal themselves to be just as multifaceted.<</md>>
<<addAff $Veronica 2>>\
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 4>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 4>>\
<<set $Veronica.moments[0].unlocked to true>>\
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Leave her|School gate]] <<md>>The hum of the second floor faded into a backdrop for the tableau before me. Lexi stood there, a living statue of defiance, her fingers stained with vibrant hues of paint that she was artfully applying to her own skin. The wall was untouched; instead, she had turned herself into the canvas, drawing lines across her chest that mimicked the contours of a bikini, an audacious nod to both concealment and display.<</md>>
<<md>>Her audience was a mix of awed peers and wary faculty, each drawn to the spectacle of rebellion and beauty intertwined. I approached, my steps measured, aware that I was stepping into a moment of unabashed self-expression.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, seems like you've taken a more... personal approach to art today.<</say>>
<<md>>She flashed me a grin, her eyes alight with the thrill of pushing boundaries. Her movements were deliberate, each stroke of paint on her skin a statement of autonomy, a challenge to the norms that bound everyone else.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Why paint the walls when I can paint on a much more interesting surface? Besides, it's not every day you get to wear your art.<</say>>
<<md>>The confidence in her voice was matched by the daring of her actions. She stood there, a rebel not just in spirit but in flesh, her body the testament to her fearless individuality.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I can see that you're not one to shy away from making a statement. But is this the only way to make your voice heard?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Honey, I have a voice that can roar, but why not put on a show while I'm at it? It's all about the aesthetics.<</say>>
<<md>>Her laugh was a challenge, her stance that of a performer in the spotlight, reveling in the power of her display. As she turned, showing off the artistry on her back—a winged design that gave the illusion of freedom—I realized that Lexi's provocations were not just acts of rebellion but declarations of her identity.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>There’s no denying you’ve got style, Lexi. Just remember, not all masterpieces are created for public exhibition.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>And yet, here you are, watching. Seems like I’ve got at least one admirer who appreciates the finer things.<</say>>
<<md>>She continued her art, each line a melody of color on her skin, each curve a lyric in her song of defiance. I stepped back, allowing her the space to complete her self-portrait, the living mural of Lexi—a testament to her audacity and a challenge to the world to accept her as she was, unapologetically vibrant.<</md>>
<<md>>I left the second floor with the image of Lexi imprinted in my mind, a reminder that the human body could be just as potent a canvas as any piece of cloth or wall. Her exhibitionism was a form of communication, a dialogue with the world that spoke louder than words ever could.<</md>>
<<addAff $Lexi 3>>\
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 5>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 5>>\
<<set $Lexi.moments[0].unlocked to true>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Back|Second floor]] <<md>>As the day waned into the golden hour, casting long shadows across the school grounds, I found Monica lingering by the wrought iron of the school gates. Her demeanor was a gentle contrast to the vivid display I had just left behind on the second floor. In her hands, she clutched a book, its title a playful innuendo, "Pom-Poms and Circumstance," which seemed to speak volumes about her hidden layers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Quite the intriguing read you have there, Monica. Does it live up to its... spirited title?<</say>>
<<md>>She looked up, her eyes bright behind the frames of her glasses, a soft smile playing on her lips. Her cheeks colored slightly, not in embarrassment but in the pleasure of sharing a secret joke.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, it's a riot of a romance, full of cheerleaders with ambitions that stretch far beyond the sidelines. The author has a knack for... vivid imagery.<</say>>
<<md>>Her laughter was light, a melodious sound that seemed to dance with the words she spoke. She closed the book gently, treating the pages with the kind of reverence reserved for treasured tales.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm glad to see literature brings you such joy. Speaking of joy, I hope my lessons are at least half as engaging as your book there.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Your lessons are fascinating, Mr. $mc.Name. Biology is like a window to a world of wonders, and you have a way of making even the most complex concepts accessible. I really appreciate it.<</say>>
<<md>>Her gratitude was genuine, her voice imbued with a warmth that seemed to soften the rigid structure of the school setting. Monica's kindness was apparent, her politeness not just a veneer but a true reflection of her character.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Monica. It's students like you that make teaching worthwhile. Your enthusiasm is contagious.<</say>>
<<md>>She blushed at the compliment, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear in a gesture of bashful pride. Our conversation meandered from the wonders of the natural world to the worlds crafted in fiction, each topic revealing more of Monica's thoughtful nature and her insightful perspectives.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Books are like portals, aren't they? They take us to places we might never see, introduce us to people we might never meet. It's quite magical, really.<</say>>
<<md>>As the time neared for her to depart, I couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for her. In the midst of the school's social labyrinth, Monica found solace and excitement in the pages of her books and the wonders of the living world.<</md>>
<<md>>She offered me a final smile, a silent thank you for the shared moment, before stepping through the gates, the book clutched close like a treasured companion. Monica, with her love of literature and her earnest appreciation for knowledge, reminded me that amidst the complexities of teenage life, there was room for simple kindness and the quiet pursuit of passion.<</md>>
<<addAff $Monica 2>>\
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 6>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 6>>\
<<set $Monica.moments[0].unlocked to true>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Say goodbye to her|School gate]] <<md>>The English classroom, in its post-lesson stillness, held a certain gravity—a sense that great thoughts had been thought within its walls. Samantha, known as Sam, sat almost hidden behind a fortress of books, her pen moving in tentative strokes. She looked up as I entered, her eyes widening slightly, the initial flush of surprise giving way to a shy smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Writing the next great novel or just musing away?<</say>>
<<md>>Sam's smile faltered for a moment, as if she were wrestling with an internal dialogue before answering. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, a demure gesture that seemed at odds with the bold words she was known for.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>Oh, just some... ah, drafts for Fiona's speech. Nothing as grand as a novel. But they do say the pen is mightier than the... well, you know.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice trailed off, the hint of a bolder thought peeking through before she corralled it back behind her timid demeanor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>They do say that. And I'm sure Fiona will be well-armed with your words. Need any help with the editing? Sometimes a second set of eyes can help... tame those wilder thoughts.<</say>>
<<md>>I gestured towards the papers with an offer of aid, but she quickly, almost protectively, gathered them closer to herself.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>Oh, no, I couldn't possibly... It's not ready for eyes other than mine. Maybe another time.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was a mix of apology and firmness, and I could sense the internal struggle—a desire for perfection before her words could be trusted to another.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Sam. When you're ready, I'm sure Fiona will shine with your words. And if you ever do want a second opinion, I'm here.<</say>>
<<md>>She nodded, the ghost of a smile fleeting across her lips, a silent acknowledgment of my offer. Her fingers resumed their dance, her focus returning to the task at hand with a renewed, if fragile, determination.<</md>>
<<md>>I left her to her quiet labor, the soft scratching of pen on paper a testament to her solitary toil. Samantha's timidity was a cloak she wore with unease, and yet beneath it, the burgeoning spirit of her words awaited the courage to be heard.<</md>>
<<addAff $Samantha 2>>\
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 7>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 7>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<set $Samantha.moments[0].unlocked to true>>\
[[Left her alone|Second floor]] <<md>>The sun beat down on the sports field, the grass glistening with the faint sheen of morning dew. Amid the hustle and bustle of the cheerleading squad, Autumn stood out, her presence commanding attention like a queen bee in her hive. As I approached, her eyes narrowed, a mixture of suspicion and annoyance flashing across her face.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>The fuck you want, bio boy? Here to study some anatomy?<</say>>
<<md>>Her tone was sharp, laced with the authority she wielded like a weapon. I raised my hands in a placating gesture, trying to diffuse the tension.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Just passing by, actually. I'm the new biology teacher, trying to get a feel for the campus.<</say>>
<<md>>Her demeanor shifted, suspicion giving way to a cunning smirk as she sauntered closer, her hips swaying with deliberate provocation.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, I know who you are. Huh... Maybe you can help me with my... 'physiology.' I've been working on some new moves that really get the heart racing and the blood pumping.<</say>>
<<md>>Each word dripped with suggestive undertones, her body language an echo of the same brazen invitation. She closed the distance between us, her perfume enveloping me like a sultry cloud.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Physiology is important, but it's the teamwork and coordination that really make a squad shine. Can't have a star player without a strong support system.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn let out a low, throaty chuckle, the sound seeming to vibrate through the charged air between us.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>I can coordinate with others, teach. But sometimes... I crave that solo spotlight. Maybe you could show me how to... stimulate the perfect biological 'response.' I promise I'm a quick study.<</say>>
<<md>>She leaned in, her lips brushing against my ear as she whispered, her breath hot and tantalizing. Her brazenness was as stunning as it was alluring, her confidence in her own desirability unshakable.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>I bet you're all about that extracurricular learning. How about we put that to the test? I could use some... 'private tutoring' to improve my... flexibility.<</say>>
<<md>>With a swift turn, she pressed herself against me, her movements fluid and deliberate, her laughter a seductive melody carried on the warm breeze.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>I'm a hands-on learner, teach. I like it... intense and immersive. It's the best way to ensure I really... grasp the material, if you know what I mean.<</say>>
<<md>>Her hand slid down her body, lingering at her hip with a touch that was pure temptation. The heat of her suggestion seemed to shimmer in the air, and I couldn't help but notice she wasn't wearing any panties beneath her short skirt...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>As much as I appreciate the offer, Autumn, I think it's best if we keep things... academic. I'm just here to get to know the school, not to disrupt your practice.<</say>>
<<md>>A shout rang out across the field, one of her squadmates calling for her. The spell of the moment shattered, pulling us back to reality.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Ugh, whatever. But if you change your mind about that... one-on-one session, I'm fucking game. Come watch me practice sometime, bio boy. I'll show you just how... flexible I can be. And who knows? Maybe you'll decide to give me that... personal attention I'm craving.<</say>>
<<md>>With a wicked grin and a wink full of sinful promises, she sashayed back to her squad, leaving me reeling from the blatant invitation. An open offer to witness her skills in action... and perhaps, to explore the intimate 'lessons' she so brazenly suggested.<</md>>
<<addLust $Autumn 3>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 8>>
<<set $Prologue1T = 8>>
<<set $Autumn.moments[0].unlocked to true>>\
[[Leave the field|School reception]]<<md>>The classroom was alive with the buzz of inquisitive minds, the air thick with the anticipation of discovery. At the helm stood Marsha, her eyes alight with the fervor of a true devotee to the sciences. Her passion for biology and chemistry was not just apparent—it was infectious.<</md>>
<<md>>As the lesson drew to a close, the students gathered around for the final, interactive segment. Marsha, with her characteristic enthusiasm, was eager to demonstrate a reaction, her hands steady as she mixed compounds with the precision of a seasoned alchemist.<</md>>
<<say $Marsha>>Watch closely. This is where science becomes art.<</say>>
<<md>>The class leaned in, their attention rapt as the solution in Marsha's flask changed color—a mesmerizing dance of molecules that earned gasps and murmurs of appreciation.<</md>>
<<md>>In her excitement, Marsha gestured a bit too grandly, and a drop of the liquid escaped, landing with a splash on her breast my trousers. Her eyes widened, a flicker of concern crossing her features as she reached out instinctively to dab at the spot with a cloth.<</md>>
<<say $Marsha>>Oh no, I'm so sorry, let me—<</say>>
<<md>>Her touch was light, but the unexpected contact sent a jolt through me, an involuntary response that did not go unnoticed. Marsha's eyes met mine, a sly smile playing at the corners of her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Marsha>>It's a natural reaction. Biology and chemistry don't just live in these bottles—they're in us. Every touch, every glance—it's all a series of complex reactions.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words were a veiled allusion, and the air between us crackled with the electric charge of the moment. But the spell was broken as swiftly as it had formed. The sharp click of heels echoed in the corridor, heralding Clara's approach.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Marsha, that's enough. We wouldn't want to spill any more... reactions.<</say>>
<<md>>Marsha withdrew her hand, her smile unwavering, a hint of mischief still sparkling in her eyes. She nodded, stepping back just as Clara entered the room, her gaze sweeping over the scene with the practiced scrutiny of a sentinel.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Is everything under control here?<</say>>
<<md>>I straightened, adjusting my stance to hide any evidence of the mishap—or the moment of indiscretion it had led to.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Ms. Clara. Just wrapping up an... interactive part of the lesson.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara eyed Marsha, then me, her intuition like a radar that missed nothing. But she simply nodded, a subtle acknowledgment, and continued on her path through the classroom.<</md>>
<<md>>Marsha, the ever-curious scientist, watched Clara leave with an expression that told me our 'experiment' was far from over, but for now, the lesson was indeed concluded.<</md>>
<<addAff $Marsha 2>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>\
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 9>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 9>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<set $Marsha.Meet = 1>>\
<<set $Marsha.unlockedgallery to true>>\
<<set $Monica.moments[0].unlocked to true>>\
<<set $Monica.moments[1].unlocked to true>>\
[[Leave the class|Second floor]] <<md>>The mathematics classroom was a realm of abstract thought and numbers, a sanctuary where Aria reigned supreme. As I entered, her eyes were fixed on an equation, her fingers dancing across the graph paper like a maestro commanding a symphony of variables and constants.<</md>>
<<say $Aria>>Ah, the biologist ventures into the land of logic and precision. What brings you to my domain?<</say>>
<<md>>Her tone was playful, yet there was a challenge in her eyes—a playful dare for me to step into her world.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I've heard that you're trying to find the formula for the secrets of the universe. Thought I might learn something.<</say>>
<<md>>Aria chuckled, a sound that seemed to echo the complexities of her beloved subject.<</md>>
<<say $Aria>>Biology is just applied chemistry, and chemistry? Well, that's just applied physics, which is essentially math. So, you see, at the root of it all, it's numbers. Even the beat of our hearts has a rhythm that can be quantified.<</say>>
<<md>>She approached, closing the gap between us with a few calculated steps. Her presence was a theorem in itself, each movement a variable contributing to the overall equation of her allure.<</md>>
<<say $Aria>>Let me show you.<</say>>
<<md>>With a swift motion, she drew a heart on the chalkboard, slicing it down the middle with a precise line, labeling each half with a different variable.<</md>>
<<say $Aria>>Imagine this is a heart. The left side pumps oxygenated blood; that's your... let's call it the 'passion' variable. The right, deoxygenated; the 'logic' variable. To function, you need a balance. Too much passion, and you're irrational. Too much logic, and you're cold.<</say>>
<<md>>Her explanation was a flirtatious metaphor, her fingertip tracing the chalk heart as if to emphasize her point.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And what about attraction? How does that fit into your equation?<</say>>
<<say $Aria>>Attraction? That's just a force, like gravity. It pulls objects together—some more strongly than others, depending on their... mass.<</say>>
<<md>>She glanced at me then, her eyes glinting with a mischievous twinkle as she stepped back, brushing chalk dust from her hands with a sly smile.<</md>>
<<say $Aria>>I suppose in biology, you'd call it 'chemistry.' But in my world, it's all about the forces at play. And trust me, the numbers never lie.<</say>>
<<md>>Our banter was light, yet laden with innuendo, a dance of intellect and innuendo. Aria's love for math was evident, as was her skill in using it to weave a web of playful seduction.<</md>>
<<md>>As the bell rang, signaling the end of the period, students began to filter out, and Aria gathered her things with a sense of satisfaction. The equation on the board remained, a silent testament to our interaction—a blend of math and metaphor, logic and lust.<</md>>
<<set $Aria.Meet = 1>>\
<<set $Aria.unlockedgallery to true>>\
<<set $Aria.moments[0].unlocked to true>>\
<<addAff $Aria 2>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 10>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 10>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Say goodbye to Aria|Second floor]] <<md>>The air in Clara's office was heavy with the weight of expectation as I stepped through the doorway. The walls, adorned with plaques and certificates, seemed to watch me with silent scrutiny, as if they too were eager to hear of my progress.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>So, have you acquainted yourself with our little garden of minds? Tell me, what have you learned?<</say>>
<<md>>Her question was sharp, a pointed reminder of the task she had set before me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I've begun to scratch the surface, to see the potential in each of them. There's a lot to uncover.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara nodded, her expression unmoved, but her eyes held a glint of approval.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>A little knowledge is a starting point, but it pales in comparison to the insight you'll gain in the trenches. And speaking of which, we have the perfect opportunity for you to dive deeper.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words piqued my curiosity, and I felt a twinge of anticipation, mingled with an undercurrent of surprise.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And what would that be?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>The Green Energy Contest. It's a prestigious event, and our school takes great pride in showcasing our commitment to ecological issues. You will assist Fiona in her preparations. Your... masculine intervention might just be the catalyst we need.<</say>>
<<md>>There was a certain irony in her tone, a coldness that belied the nurturing sentiment of her words. It was clear she saw this as more than just a contest; it was a statement of the school's values.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You think my involvement will make that much of a difference?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I believe in using all available resources to ensure victory. You are one such resource, Mr. $mc.Surname]. Do not disappoint me.<</say>>
<<md>>Her final words were delivered with a maternal sternness, a reminder that beneath her icy demeanor was a fierce protectiveness over her institution and its reputation.<</md>>
<<md>>I left her office with a new mission, a sense of purpose that extended beyond just getting to know the students. The contest was not just a competition; it was a battlefield on which the school's honor would be defended, and I was to be one of its champions.<</md>>
<<addAff $Clara 2>>\
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 11>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 11>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Leave Clara's office|Second floor]] <<md>>The reception area was abuzz with the usual midday chatter when I spotted Fiona. Her figure was poised, a testament to her relentless drive and meticulous nature. As I approached, her eyes lit up with the spark of someone who thrives on the meticulous orchestration of an event.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Ah, you're here! I've been mapping out the entire project. There's so much to do, and I want to ensure every piece falls perfectly into place.<</say>>
<<md>>Her enthusiasm was contagious, yet there was an underlying tension, a tight grip on the reins of control that suggested she left little to chance.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds like you've got everything figured out. What's the plan?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Lexi will handle the art decorations—her creativity is unparalleled. Veronica will recite poetry; her way with words can truly capture the essence of our message. Monica is putting together a performance, something that'll really draw the crowd's attention.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona continued, detailing the roles each student would play, her voice carrying the confidence of a conductor leading a symphony.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Marsha is bringing one of her inventions. It's a prototype that could be a game-changer for green energy. Aria's working on a special treat for our guests, a little math magic to sweeten the deal. And Sam... she's drafting a screenplay that will tie everything together.<</say>>
<<md>>The blueprint of the event was impressively comprehensive, a showcase of not just Fiona's leadership but also her ability to harness the unique talents of her peers. I noted, however, one name was conspicuously absent.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And Autumn? What will she be contributing?<</say>>
<<md>>At the mention of Autumn, Fiona's expression faltered, a shadow crossing her otherwise radiant face.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Autumn... well, I've decided it's in the best interest of the event that she not be involved. Her... talents, while certainly... engaging, don't align with the image we're striving to present.<</say>>
<<md>>There was a delicate diplomacy in her tone, a careful sidestepping of any direct criticism, yet the message was clear: Fiona had made a strategic decision to exclude Autumn from the lineup.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I see. It's important that everyone's contributions reflect the spirit of the contest. I'm here to help, so let's get to work and make this a success.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's smile returned, reassured by my support, and together we set off to bring her vision to fruition—a vision that would soon envelop the entire school in the fervor of the Green Energy Contest.<</md>>
<<md>>A mischievous glint played in Fiona's eyes, a subtle acknowledgment of the challenge she had set before me. There was an air of amusement in her stance, as if she were a chess master moving her pieces into play.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>I have complete faith in you. Handling these arrangements is no small feat, but something tells me you're more than capable of managing... spirited personalities.<</say>>
<<md>>Her laughter was a light note in the busy hum of the school, hinting at the dual nature of her request: a test of my abilities and a chance to enhance my standing within the school's complex social tapestry.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're throwing me into the lion's den and betting on my survival, huh?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Consider it an... initiation. Successfully bringing them on board will certainly turn heads and maybe even raise a few eyebrows in your favor.<</say>>
<<md>>There was a strategic sharpness to her words, a calculated thrust that spoke volumes of her leadership style. She was offering me a gauntlet, a chance to prove myself not just to her, but to the entire school.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, I accept your challenge. It's time to show that I can do more than just keep up with the pack. I'll make sure they're all in line for the contest.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's approving nod was the last piece of encouragement I needed. With a newfound determination, I set out to rally Veronica, Lexi, and Monica—a trio renowned for their individualism and vigor.<</md>>
<<md>>My journey would begin with Veronica, whose poetic soul and rebellious streak promised an intriguing negotiation, followed by Lexi, whose artistic flair was as vibrant as her personality. Lastly, I would seek out Monica, whose performance could captivate any audience. If I could win them over, I'd not only secure their talents for the Green Energy Contest but also cement my role as a unifier amongst the diverse threads of our school's fabric.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 12>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 12>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Go to the second floor|Second floor]] <<md>>The second floor of the school was quieter, a stark contrast to the vibrant energy that Lexi usually radiated. I found her in an art room, surrounded by a chaos of paints and brushes that seemed to echo her untamed spirit. Her focus was intense as she brought life to her canvas, a clear display of her passion.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Oh, it's you. Come to give me another lecture on school decorum?<</say>>
<<md>>Her tone was laced with a playful defiance, her eyes never leaving her work as she spoke.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Actually, I came to discuss the Green Energy Contest. Fiona's got a vision, and she needs your art to bring it to life.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Oh? And what makes you think I'm the right kind of artist for such a... wholesome event?<</say>>
<<md>>I stepped closer, matching her boldness with my own. Lexi was a creature of passion; she thrived on the edge, on the pulse of excitement.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Because it's not just about being wholesome. It's about making an impact, shaking up the status quo. And I've seen the way you work; you're not afraid to push boundaries or draw outside the lines. That's exactly what we need.<</say>>
<<md>>A daring light flickered in Lexi's eyes. She set her brush down, her body language an open invitation to convince her further.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>You've got a silver tongue. Alright, I'll bite. But if I do this, I do it my way. No holding back. I want the freedom to express the raw truth of the matter. Can you handle that?<</say>>
<<md>>Her stance was challenging, daring me to accept her terms without flinching. It was clear Lexi was someone who didn't just break the rules—she rewrote them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I wouldn't have it any other way. You're free to express yourself as you see fit, as long as it's within the theme of green energy. Can I trust you to bring your fire to the cause?<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi stepped closer, her presence a mix of danger and allure. She leaned in, her breath a whisper against my skin, her next words a promise laced with excitement.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Trust me, I'll bring the heat. But remember, you asked for it. Don't be surprised if I end up stealing the show... in more ways than one.<</say>>
<<md>>With a final, lingering look that left no doubt about her intentions, Lexi turned back to her art. I left the room with the knowledge that Lexi's contribution would be as bold and provocative as the artist herself, a perfect storm of creativity and seduction waiting to unfold.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 13>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 13>>\
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Leave her|Second floor]] <<md>>The school courtyard was Veronica's domain, a place where nature and nurture seemed to collide. She lounged with the ease of someone accustomed to questioning authority, her presence a silent challenge to the status quo. The scent of earth and a faint herbal undertone hinted at her not-so-secret pastime.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Hey there, teacher man. Come to join me in a session of mind expansion? Or just looking to share in the wisdom of the ancients?<</say>>
<<md>>Her greeting was playful, yet there was an undercurrent of sincerity—a recognition of the deeper truths she sought in her unconventional way.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Today, it's about tapping into that wisdom for a good cause. Fiona's spearheading the Green Energy Contest, and your perspective could be just the enlightenment it needs.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica's eyes sparkled with a mix of interest and amusement. She took a slow, contemplative drag of air, as if drawing inspiration from the universe itself.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, the ironies of life—using the insights gained from my... herbal journeys for the school's benefit. Tell me more.<</say>>
<<md>>I sat beside her, mirroring her relaxed posture, a signal that I was speaking to her as an equal, not as an authority figure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Think of it as a synthesis of your worlds. You have a unique take on life, one that could really resonate at this contest. You're like the Carl Jung of our high school, minus the suit.<</say>>
<<md>>A chuckle escaped her, the reference clearly hitting its mark. She was intrigued now, the idea of contributing in her own distinctive way clearly appealing.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Carl Jung, huh? I can work with that. I'll craft something...psychedelic yet profound. But it's gotta be on my terms—no censorship, no diluting the message.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, understanding the importance of maintaining the integrity of her voice.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Your terms are the only way this works. We want the raw, unfiltered Veronica experience—wisdom distilled from all spectrums of consciousness.<</say>>
<<md>>Her lips curved into a knowing smile, the deal sealed in mutual respect and the promise of creative freedom.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>You've got yourself a poet, sir. Expect a piece that'll give everyone something to chew on—metaphorically speaking, of course.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, we parted ways, her mind already churning with ideas, mine content in the knowledge that Veronica's voice would add a layer of depth and authenticity to the contest.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 14>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 14>>\
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Back|Sport field]] <<md>>The school gate was a bustling hub of activity, with students coming and going, their chatter filling the air. Amidst the commotion, I spotted Monica, her eyes fixed on her phone as she typed away, seemingly oblivious to the world around her. As I approached, she looked up, a warm smile spreading across her face, her eyes reflecting a mix of friendliness and curiosity.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Hey there, Mr. $mc.Surname! What's up? You look like you've got something on your mind.<</say>>
<<md>>Her greeting was casual and inviting, her demeanor open and approachable. I could sense her genuine interest in what I had to say, her attention fully focused on our conversation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Actually, I do have something I wanted to talk to you about. Fiona's organizing a Green Energy Contest, and she specifically asked for your help. She thinks your unique perspective could really make a difference.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's eyes widened, a spark of excitement igniting within them. It was clear that the idea of contributing to a meaningful cause resonated with her deeply.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Wow, really? That's so cool! I'd love to help out. What do you need me to do?<</say>>
<<md>>Her enthusiasm was palpable, her words tumbling out in an eager rush. I couldn't help but smile at her infectious energy.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We're looking for an engaging presentation that can really capture people's attention and make them think about the importance of green energy. I know you have a gift for connecting with others and explaining things in a way that everyone can understand. That's exactly what we need.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nodded, her expression turning thoughtful as she considered the task at hand. I could practically see the gears turning in her head, her mind already buzzing with ideas.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Okay, I can definitely do that. I've been reading a lot about sustainable living lately, and I've got some pretty cool ideas that I think people would really respond to. Do you have any specific guidelines or themes you want me to focus on?<</say>>
<<md>>Her question showcased her desire to understand the project fully, to ensure that her contribution would be both relevant and impactful.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The main theme is the future of green energy, so anything that highlights innovative solutions and practical applications would be perfect. We really want to inspire people to make positive changes in their own lives.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's face lit up, her passion for the subject shining through in her expression. It was clear that this project aligned perfectly with her own values and interests.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, I am so on board with this! I'll start brainstorming right away and put together some ideas. Thank you so much for thinking of me, Mr. $mc.Surname. It means a lot to be part of something so important.<</say>>
<<md>>I felt a surge of pride and gratitude at her words, knowing that her involvement would undoubtedly elevate the contest to new heights.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, thank you, Monica. Your passion and commitment are truly inspiring. I can't wait to see what you come up with. I know it's going to be amazing.<</say>>
<<md>>With a final exchange of smiles and a wave, I left Monica to her planning, confident that her unique blend of empathy, intelligence, and enthusiasm would shine through in her presentation.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 15>>\
<<set $FionaEmail1 = 1>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 15>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Back|School reception]]<<text y "Good evening, Mr. $mc.Surname! I am thrilled to inform you that the girls have unanimously agreed to participate in the contest, thanks in no small part to your extraordinary influence. Your ability to motivate and inspire is truly remarkable. I request your presence for a meeting after classes tomorrow on the first floor to discuss the next phase of our strategy. Your contributions have been invaluable, and I am greatly appreciative of your efforts. I eagerly anticipate our continued collaboration.">>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 16>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 16>>\
<<set $QuestNexDay = 1>>\
<<addmins 5>>\
[[My room]]
<<md>>The morning light filtered through the high windows of the school's first-floor corridor as I spotted Fiona, her figure poised and ready, like a general surveying the battlefield before the charge. She greeted me with a nod, her eyes alight with the fervor of impending action.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Good morning! I've been up since the crack of dawn, plotting out our course. I have everything charted, from logistics to aesthetics. I'm eager to start the actual prep work. Could you come by the rehearsal after your last class? Your presence would be beneficial.<</say>>
<<md>>Her request was both an invitation and a statement of need, her voice carrying the unmistakable tone of someone who thrives on meticulous planning and execution.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely, I'll be there. And if there's anything specific you need help with, don't hesitate to let me know. Two heads are better than one, after all.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona smiled, the expression fleeting but genuine, as if my offer of assistance was both appreciated and, in her mind, perhaps a little unnecessary.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Thank you, but I've got it under control. I have every detail mapped out—down to the minute. However, your input would be invaluable during the run-through. Seeing things from a fresh perspective can be enlightening.<</say>>
<<md>>Her confidence was infectious, yet it carried the subtle acknowledgment that even a well-oiled machine could use an occasional tune-up from a fresh pair of eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll be sure to provide that fresh perspective then. I'm looking forward to seeing all your hard work come to life.<</say>>
<<md>>As students began to fill the halls, we parted ways to begin our respective days, the anticipation of the rehearsal hanging in the air like a promise of the collaborative effort to come.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 17>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 17>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Go up|Second floor]] <<md>>The after-school hours held a charged energy, a blend of enthusiasm and chaos as I entered the bustling scene of the rehearsal. Amidst the whirl of activity, Fiona stood at the epicenter, her focus unwavering as she directed students and coordinated efforts. The air was electric with creativity and the occasional spark of tension.<</md>>
<<md>>Lexi was the embodiment of this tension, her creative flair bordering on the provocative. She presented her piece of the decor, a daring and slightly risqué interpretation of green energy, her work drawing eyes and whispers.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Lexi, the concept is... inventive, but let's aim for something that speaks to a wider audience. Can we tone it down just a notch?<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi rolled her eyes, a rebellious glint in her expression, yet she offered no verbal protest. It was clear that Fiona's authority was respected, even by the most audacious of students.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Fine, but it's losing its edge. Just so you know.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's nod to Lexi was one of a tactician acknowledging the need for creativity's leash to be both flexible and firm. With Lexi's piece recalibrated, Fiona's attention shifted to Monica, whose contribution promised a fusion of art and advocacy.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica approached the stage not with gadgets or gizmos, but with a sheaf of papers from which she planned to breathe life into words. Her poem, an ode to the environment, was to be accentuated with the fluidity of dance—a performance to touch the audience on multiple sensory levels.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I've prepared something special that I believe will make our message resonate. Not just through words, but through the movement they inspire.<</say>>
<<md>>She began, the cadence of her voice dancing in tandem with her limbs. Each verse was a step, each line a leap; her performance was enchanting, drawing everyone into the rhythm of her message. Yet, Fiona, ever the perfectionist, watched with a constructive eye.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Monica, that was captivating. Your passion shines through, and it's clear you've put your heart into this. But, let's work on the transition between the stanzas. I think if we tighten up the choreography there, the impact will be even stronger.<</say>>
<<md>>Her critique was delivered with a gentle firmness—a balance of respect for Monica's effort and the pursuit of excellence. Monica received the feedback with a gracious nod, her smile unwavering. It was evident there was a mutual respect between them; the perfectionist recognizing the artist's potential, and the artist trusting the visionary's guidance.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, Fiona. I'll refine it. We're going to make this performance unforgettable.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's expression softened slightly, the edges of her meticulous nature tempered by the evident warmth she held for Monica's dedication. Together, they were weaving not just an event, but a tapestry of communal effort and shared aspirations.<</md>>
<<md>>As Veronica took center stage, the air was thick with anticipation. She launched into her speech with the zeal of a true believer, her voice weaving tales of nature, freedom, and the controversial merits of cannabis. It was a speech that smacked of rebellion, echoing the sentiments of flower children from decades past rather than the green energy initiative they were meant to be promoting.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Veronica, I appreciate your... unique perspective, but we need to align your speech with the theme of the event. It's about sustainable energy, not personal liberties and recreational habits.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica's brows furrowed in mild frustration, her convictions clashing with the event's objectives. She turned to me, seeking an ally in her corner.<</md>>\
<<say $Veronica>>What do you think? Isn't there room for a broader discussion here? I mean, hemp is a sustainable resource, after all.<</say>>
<<md>>Caught in the crossfire of ecology and advocacy, I weighed my response carefully, aware of the delicate balance needed to satisfy both the event's purpose and Veronica's passion.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think there's merit in what you're saying, Veronica. Hemp does have ecological benefits worth discussing. However, Fiona has a point. The focus should be on the broader scope of green energy. Perhaps we can find a middle ground that incorporates your views in a way that complements the event's main message.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica pondered this, her ideological fervor simmering down as she considered the compromise. Fiona's lips pursed in approval, her eyes on me acknowledging the diplomatic solution.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Alright, I can work with that. I'll tone down the counterculture vibes and bring it back to the green energy focus. But I'm keeping the bit about hemp's environmental benefits.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona nodded, a silent acknowledgment of Veronica's concession, and the trio of us - the activist, the perfectionist, and the mediator - found common ground. With the golden middle established, the rehearsal moved forward, each participant adjusting their sails to the wind of collaboration.<</md>>
<<md>>As the last echoes of Veronica's amended speech faded into the quiet of the auditorium, Fiona exhaled a sigh that seemed to carry the weight of the day's challenges. The rehearsal space was now empty, save for the two of us and the lingering traces of collective effort and quiet determination.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Today was... more difficult than I anticipated. I hadn't expected to have to navigate such... spirited waters.<</say>>
<<md>>I could see the fatigue etched into her features, the usually imperceptible lines that spoke of a resolve tested yet unbroken. It was a testament to the pressure she placed upon herself, the perfectionist's burden.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You handled it with grace, Fiona. If anyone can steer this ship through a storm, it's you. You've got a knack for bringing out the best in people, even when they don't see it themselves.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes met mine, and for a moment, the steadfast facade wavered, revealing a glimmer of vulnerability. It was a rare glimpse into the humanity behind the headmistress's protégé.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Thank you. I... I really needed to hear that. And I'll need you here tomorrow, too. The bulk of the work lies ahead, and your support is invaluable.<</say>>
<<md>>There was a softness in her voice, a subtle warmth that belied her usual composed exterior. It was clear that my reassurance had bolstered her spirits, lending her the strength to face the coming day with renewed vigor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I wouldn't miss it. We'll get through this, side by side. You've got this, Fiona. And where you lead, we'll follow.<</say>>
<<md>>She offered a tired but genuine smile, a silent acknowledgment of the camaraderie that had formed between us. With the promise of tomorrow's challenges on the horizon, we parted ways, each with our own thoughts on the day's successes and the trials yet to come.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 18>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 18>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 90>>\
[[Leave|School gate]] <<md>>The next day, upon my arrival at the rehearsal, the atmosphere was charged with tension. Voices raised in discordant notes clanged against the walls of the auditorium. I stepped into the eye of the storm: Lexi, her expression thunderous, was in the midst of a heated exchange with Fiona.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>This is bullshit! You preach about creativity and expression, but the second I do something 'out of line,' you clamp down like some kind of dictator! What's the point of having me here if you're just going to puppeteer every damn move?<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona, ever the picture of control, held onto her composure by a thread, her voice even but her words firm, a counterpoint to Lexi's raw vehemence.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Lexi, please understand that this isn't about quashing your art. It's about presenting a united front. We're a team, and every single one of us has to pull in the same direction. Your piece is powerful, but it needs to align with the event's theme—precisely.<</say>>
<<md>>The tension seemed to crackle between them, a standoff that had all the makings of a showdown. Lexi's hands flew to her hips, her posture screaming defiance.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>A 'team' that doesn't give a crap about individuality, huh? Screw that! If you can't handle a little edge, then maybe your precious event is too damn fragile for real talent!<</say>>
<<md>>With a scornful twist of her lips, Lexi snatched up her sketches and stormed off, her departure a tumultuous exodus that left a silence in its wake.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona, she's pissed, but she's also right—in her own way. We don't want to stifle the spark that makes her work stand out. Maybe we can give her a segment that's purely her, something that showcases her style without compromising the event's integrity?<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona took a deep breath, visibly wrestling with the desire for order and the need to accommodate creative spirit.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>I know, I know. It's just... hard to let go of the reins when you want everything to be perfect. I'll talk to her, try to find a compromise. And maybe tone down the control just a notch.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>I know, I know. It's just... hard to let go of the reins when you want everything to be perfect. I'll talk to her, try to find a compromise. And maybe tone down the control just a notch.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's gaze shifted to Veronica, who had been observing the confrontation with a placid, almost detached amusement, her philosophy clearly differing from the storm of ambition and order around her.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>You know, the universe has a way of balancing things out. Maybe it's time to just... chill. Let things flow.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words were light, carrying the scent of rebellion, albeit a more mellowed kind, one that spoke of clouds of smoke and the haze of serenity that comes from a joint's embrace.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Veronica, can you just—handle Lexi? She listens to you. And we really can't afford to lose her art, but we also can't have her derailing the entire event.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica nodded, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of her lips, her eyes half-closed in that signature laid-back stance of hers.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>I'll talk to her. Sometimes, you just gotta step back and look at the big picture, man. We'll find the middle path—balance, it's all about balance. And hey, maybe after, we'll all share a peace pipe, yeah? Cool the tempers down.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona sighed, the exhalation carrying her exasperation and her hope. She nodded, giving Veronica her silent blessing to mediate the crisis.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Just... do it. Please. Without the... extra 'smoke.' We have enough fires to put out as it is.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica rose from her seat, her movements flowing with an ease that stood in stark contrast to the rigidity of the recent confrontation. Her departure was quiet but promised the potential for resolution—a whispered chance at harmony.<</md>>
[[Continue|Prologue4.2]] <<md>>The commotion settled into a focused hush as Fiona turned her attention to Marsha, who was carefully setting up her latest invention—a contraption designed to showcase the potential of clean energy. The device whirred to life, casting a soft glow over the stage. But in the midst of the demonstration, a mishap occurred: a vial tipped, and a clear liquid splashed across Marsha's front, instantly soaking her shirt and rendering it translucent.<</md>>
<<say $Marsha>>Oh my gosh, how embarrassing! This was supposed to demonstrate a chemical reaction, not cause a... wardrobe malfunction.<</say>>
<<md>>Despite her mortification, Marsha quickly tried to shield herself, her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue that matched the unintended reveal of her nipples through the wet fabric. It was an innocent accident, yet it charged the atmosphere with a sudden intensity.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I must say, your invention certainly has an impact. Science never looked so... intriguing.<</say>>
<<md>>My comment, though lighthearted and a tad flirtatious, was meant to ease the tension. Marsha, caught between the desire to hide and the need to address the malfunction, gave a nervous laugh.<</md>>
<<say $Marsha>>I guess it's true what they say about science being full of surprises. Let me just... cover this up and I'll get right back to the demonstration.<</say>>
<<md>>She hurried offstage, presumably to rectify her attire, leaving me to marvel not just at the scientific marvel she'd created, but at the unexpected turn of events that had revealed more than just the mechanics of her invention.<</md>>
<<md>>The day's tumult had taken its toll on Fiona, her usually unshakeable poise frayed at the edges. Sensing her need for a respite, I guided her away from the chaos of preparation, the halls of the school quieting as the sun began to dip below the horizon.<</md>>
<<md>>We arrived at the canteen only to find the lights dimmed and the doors locked—an unfortunate end to an already challenging day. Not one to be deterred, I had a backup plan. "Let's head to the cafe down the street," I suggested, hoping a change of scenery would lighten her spirits.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>A cafe? At this hour? I suppose... it would be nice to step away for a moment.<</say>>
<<md>>Our footsteps echoed through the empty corridors, a stark contrast to the earlier cacophony, and soon we found ourselves seated in the warm, ambient embrace of the local cafe, a small oasis amidst our hectic schedules.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You've been steering this ship with a steady hand, Fiona. It's okay to dock at port for a breather now and then.<</say>>
<<md>>She took a moment, sipping her coffee, the steam gently caressing her face as she seemed to absorb the comfort of the environment, the soft murmur of the cafe's other patrons providing a soothing backdrop.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Thank you, for this... for understanding. It's just that everything has to be perfect. The show, the presentation—it all reflects on the school... on me.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes, usually so full of resolve, held a glimmer of vulnerability in the low light. But as the minutes ticked by, the familiar fire began to return, the wheels turning as she plotted and planned, the born leader taking back the reins.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>You know, maybe this little hiccup with the demonstration could be a... happy accident. We spin it, use it to show the unexpected benefits of experimentation, of taking risks.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's the spirit. Innovation isn't just about what goes right—it's about rolling with the punches when things go sideways.<</say>>
<<md>>A small smile played upon her lips, and I could see the gears shifting in her mind, the perfectionist within finding order in chaos, shaping it to her will.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Exactly. Tomorrow is another day, and we'll tackle it with fresh eyes and... maybe a few new strategies.<</say>>
<<md>>The evening waned, and with it, the tension that had built over the day seemed to dissipate, leaving behind a renewed sense of determination and camaraderie as we parted ways, ready to face what lay ahead.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 19>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 19>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 90>>\
[[Leave|School gate]] <<md>>The sun had barely crept above the horizon when I set foot on campus, only to be met with an unexpected storm cloud in the form of a fuming Fiona. Her usual composed demeanor had been replaced with an aura of barely contained rage, her hands clutching a crumpled poster that made my own blood run cold.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Look at this! Look at what she's done now!<</say>>
<<md>>She thrust the poster into my hands, and the image it bore was as shocking as it was vile—a crudely photoshopped picture of Fiona, her image manipulated to appear as though she was naked, emblazoned with the venomous words "Slut prez."<</md>>
<<md>>Fiona's anger was a palpable force, her voice a hiss of fury and betrayal. <</md>>\
<<say $Fiona>>Lexi will regret this, I can't believe she would stoop so low.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>This is... This is beyond a prank. This is personal, and malicious. What do you need me to do?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>I need to get to the bottom of this. Can you please go to the second floor and take down any of these posters you see? I'll handle things from here. We have to act fast before more students see them.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes blazed with a determination that matched the urgency of the situation. Nodding, I took off towards the staircase, the echo of my footsteps in the empty hallway a stark reminder of the gravity of the task at hand.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 20>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 20>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Tear down all poster ASAP|Prologue4.4]]
<<md>>As I ascended to the second floor, the quiet was shattered by the sight of more posters plastered against the lockers, each one a dagger to Fiona's reputation. With each poster I tore down, a growing sense of protectiveness and anger welled within me. This wasn't just an attack on Fiona; it was an assault on the very ethos of the school.<</md>>
<<md>>I worked quickly, stripping away the offensive images with a fury that mirrored Fiona's. This had to be resolved, and fast, before the malicious intent behind these images could fester and spread throughout the student body.<</md>>
<<md>>After scouring the second floor, ensuring not a single slanderous poster remained in view, I returned to Fiona, who had managed to regain a fraction of her composure amidst the turmoil. She managed a small nod of appreciation as I approached.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's taken care of, all the posters are down. The halls are clear.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Thank you. I... I should tell you, those weren't photoshopped images. They were real.<</say>>
<<md>>Her admission hung in the air like a lead weight, and the implication of it sent a ripple of shock through me. My mind raced with questions, but it was neither the time nor the place.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Real? But how—where would Lexi have gotten something like that?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>That's what I need to find out. This is a breach of privacy and trust on so many levels.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's rage was palpable, yet it was contained within the framework of her meticulous nature—a wildfire restrained by iron will.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll talk to Lexi. We need to resolve this, and we need to end this petty feud. It's gone far beyond simple schoolyard antics.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Yes, please. I want to focus on the Green Energy Contest, not this... this childish vendetta. I trust you to handle it.<</say>>
<<md>>Determination set in my jaw, I left Fiona to gather herself, my own resolve hardening with each step towards the inevitable confrontation. Lexi would have to answer for this, and I was intent on making sure this was resolved swiftly, for Fiona's sake and the school's.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 21>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 21>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Say goodbye to her|School reception]] <<md>>As the school day waned and the shadows lengthened across the schoolyard, I intercepted Lexi just shy of freedom's threshold. She was poised to vanish, but there was unfinished business that tethered her here a moment longer.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, hold up. We need to hash things out about these posters. It's not a good look—for anyone.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Oh, did our 'slut prez' get under your skin? Or are you just jealous you weren't behind the camera?<</say>>
<<md>>Her tone was edged with that brazen defiance, a sneer sketched across her features. Yet, there was something hollow in her taunt—a cry dressed as a jibe.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This isn't about jealousy, Lexi. It's about respect. You've crossed a line. You're better than this petty squabble.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Respect? That's rich, coming from a school that thrives on order and obedience. Maybe I wanted to shake up the system. Ever think of that?<</say>>
<<md>>She was a tempest, her anger a maelstrom that could drown us both if I wasn't careful. But it was a storm I was willing to weather.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I get it. You want to challenge the status quo. But there's a constructive way to do that, and it's not by dragging Fiona through the mud. The Green Energy Contest—it's a chance to really make a statement. One that's heard, not just seen.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>And what's in it for me? I play nice and what, I get a gold star? Please.<</say>>
<<md>>I could see the cogs turning, her rebellious spirit not yet quelled, but perhaps redirected.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You get to channel that fire where it counts. On my watch, you can push the envelope in class, within reason. But for now, we support Fiona. We give this contest everything we've got. Agreed?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Fine. But I'm not doing it for her. I'm doing it because I want to. And if I'm going to toe the line, I'm doing it my way.<</say>>
<<md>>It was a truce painted in shades of grey, a ceasefire that would hold—at least for now. Lexi nodded, a silent accord struck between rebellion and responsibility, and with it, a path forward carved from the chaos.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 22>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 22>>\
[[Go to Fiona|Prologue4.6]]<<md>>The rehearsal space buzzed with an undercurrent of focused energy, a hive of activity orchestrated by Fiona's diligent oversight. I found her amidst a constellation of papers and plans, her gaze intense, but her hand steady as she conferred with Samantha.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>That's excellent, Sam. Just tweak the phrasing here and there for impact. You've got a real knack for this.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>Thanks, Fiona. I'll make those changes right away.<</say>>
<<md>>There was an air of mutual respect, a shared mission that seemed to elevate their exchange beyond mere direction. I approached, the news of Lexi’s acquiescence a banner I bore with quiet optimism.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona, I spoke with Lexi. She's on board. She'll play ball for the contest.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Really? That's... that's a relief. Thank you. I knew you could handle it.<</say>>
<<md>>A flicker of a smile teased at the corners of Fiona's mouth, a rare slip of her disciplined facade that hinted at the burden lifted from her shoulders.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>She wants to do it her way, but she understands the stakes now. She won't let you down.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Her way, huh? Well, I suppose everyone deserves a chance to express themselves. As long as it's within the bounds of decency and the contest's theme.<</say>>
<<md>>There was an unspoken gratitude in Fiona's tone, a silent acknowledgment that this was one less fire to put out in a landscape scattered with potential sparks.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Everyone's pulling together. It's shaping up to be a great event.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>It better be. We can't afford any more hitches. I'll trust Lexi to keep her end of the bargain... for now.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, understanding the precariousness of the peace we'd brokered. As Samantha returned to her work, I sensed the subtle shift in the air—the easing of tension, the collective breath held in hope.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 23>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 23>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave|School gate]] <<md>>The rehearsal room was a symphony of synchronized effort, each participant moving with a newfound fluidity that seemed too harmonious to be mere coincidence. Lexi was surprisingly focused, her rebellious streak tamed into a performance that was edgy yet appropriate. The transformation was nothing short of miraculous.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>I have to admit, this is coming together better than I expected. Everyone's really pulling their weight.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's words were tinged with pride, her watchful eyes scanning the room as if to capture this moment of perfection, to hold onto it before the inevitable imperfection of reality could mar it.<</md>>
<<md>>As I made my way through the bustling room, I noticed an odd mellowness to the activities. Veronica was the last to rehearse, and her giggles punctuated the space, a clear sign that something was amiss. The peculiar tranquility that enveloped everyone was reminiscent of a certain herbal haze.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Everything's running smoothly, but does it seem... off to you?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>What do you mean?<</say>>
<<md>>Before I could reply, Veronica stepped forward, her movements languid and her smile broad.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Hey, guys. Ready for my piece? I promise it's... enlightening.<</say>>
<<md>>Her laughter was a clear giveaway, and a faint, yet unmistakable scent hung in the air. The pieces clicked into place — Veronica's influence had spread in the most Veronica way possible.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think Veronica has shared a bit of her 'enlightenment' with the group.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's gaze sharpened, and she took a deep breath, likely not of the air she'd hoped for in her rehearsal space.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Veronica, please tell me you didn't...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Chill, Fiona. It's all natural, just a little something to help the creative juices flow. You said you wanted organic, right?<</say>>
<<md>>The room was filled with a sense of camaraderie and relaxation, a collective high that had everyone grinning. <</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>This isn't a game, Veronica. There's a time and a place, and it's certainly not here, not now.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's tone was firm, a sharp contrast to the mellow atmosphere that Veronica's 'creativity booster' had created. The seriousness of her voice seemed to pierce through the haze, reminding everyone of the gravity of the event they were preparing for.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Come on, Fiona. You're always so uptight. A little green could mellow out those edges.<</say>>
<<md>>A collective pause hung in the air, the group's attention shifting between Fiona and Veronica. The suggestion hung there, bold and brash, like Veronica herself.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>We are not having this discussion. Smoking weed on school premises is out of the question. And you, Veronica, are going to stop encouraging it.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Alright, alright. No more 'enhancements.' But I'm telling you, Fiona, you'd be a lot more fun with a bit of green in your system.<</say>>
<<md>>There was a tinge of jest in Veronica's voice, but her point was made. Fiona's dedication to discipline and control was notorious, and Veronica's rebellious nature was the perfect foil to that. Despite the humor, there was a touch of truth in the notion that maybe, just maybe, Fiona could do with a little loosening up.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Let's just focus on the contest, okay? We can debate personal choices some other time.<</say>>
<<md>>With a roll of her eyes and a playful salute, Veronica conceded, and the rehearsal resumed with a renewed, albeit slightly more sober, focus.<</md>>
<<md>>The rehearsal space emptied, leaving Fiona and me amidst the echoes of the day's chaos. Her brows furrowed as she mulled over the situation with Veronica, the perfectionist in her grappling with the reality of teenage rebellion.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>It's a delicate balance, isn't it? If we push too hard against Veronica's habits, she might just push back twice as strong. It's a classic case of psychological reactance.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's analysis was spot-on, a testament to her understanding that outright prohibitions often spurred the opposite of the intended effect.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So we go with a softer approach? Maybe channel her... tendencies into something more productive for the contest?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Exactly. Prohibition has never worked as well as proper channeling. We need to find a way to redirect her energy. You're good with words, maybe you can talk to her? Find an angle that resonates with her worldview.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, considering the angles. Veronica respected intellect and depth, often hidden beneath her carefree exterior.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think I have an idea. Maybe we can get her to see the contest as a platform to express her beliefs—responsibly. We could suggest she uses her speech to advocate for the benefits of hemp, for instance, in a constructive way. It's legal, productive, and fits the green theme.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's eyes lit up, a spark of appreciation flashing across her face for a plan that might just work.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Hemp advocacy... that's brilliant! It's educational, it's relevant, and it keeps her engaged without breaking any school rules. You have a way with solutions, you know that?<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't help but smile at her compliment, feeling a sense of partnership in the midst of the contest's trials.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll talk to her first thing tomorrow. We'll get her on board, no weed required.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Thank you. I... we really couldn't do this without you.<</say>>
<<md>>As we parted ways, I felt the weight of responsibility on my shoulders, not just to Fiona, but to all the students who were counting on us to make this event a success. The contest was more than just a competition; it was a test of our ability to lead and inspire.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 24>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 24>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave|School reception]] <<md>>The sport field was a haze of rebellion, with Veronica and Lexi ensconced in their own cloud of defiance. As Lexi sauntered away with a flirtatious wink, I turned my attention to Veronica, who was all peace signs and profound quotes.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Why does the establishment always want to come down on our freedom, man?<</say>>
<<md>>Her words floated on the air, tinged with the scent of weed and teenage angst.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's not about clipping your wings, Veronica. It's about guiding you to fly in a direction that benefits everyone. You're passionate about the earth, about nature's gifts, right?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Absolutely. The earth has so much to offer, if we just listen.<</say>>
<<md>>I saw my opening and took it, gently steering her toward our mutually beneficial endpoint.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Then let's use that. Instead of smoking on the field, why not talk about it? The Green Energy Contest is the perfect platform for you to advocate for hemp's potential. It's a chance to educate and perhaps even change some minds.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica's gaze, initially clouded, began to clear as she considered the possibility.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>You mean, like, use my speech to actually make a difference? Talk about hemp in a way that's not just... recreational?<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, affirming her grasp of the idea.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly. Show them how hemp can be used for clothing, for paper, even as a sustainable building material. Turn your passion into a message that resonates with everyone.<</say>>
<<md>>A smile slowly took shape on Veronica's lips, the wheels in her mind turning with the potential of the proposal.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Man, that's... that's actually a really good idea. I could totally do that. You're not just another suit, are you?<</say>>
<<md>>Her compliment was as unexpected as it was sincere.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I try not to be. I'm here to help, Veronica. To help you, to help Fiona, to help the school. Let's make this contest something memorable, for the right reasons.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica's nod was slow but sure, her earlier defiance giving way to a spark of inspiration.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Alright, I'm in. Let's do this. Let's show them what hemp—and we—can really do.<</say>>
<<md>>As we parted ways, her parting shot was a playful, "No promises on quitting, though!" But the seed was planted, and that's all I needed for now. The contest was shaping up to be quite the showcase, and with Veronica on board in a positive role, things were looking up.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 25>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 25>>\
[[Back|Sport field]] <<md>>The rehearsal space, usually a cacophony of creativity, was today overshadowed by tension. I arrived in time to see Autumn, the queen of condescension, cornering Monica, whose usual sunny disposition was clouded by distress.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You think you belong here? With your second-rate talent and mousy presence? This event is for people who shine, not fade into the background.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica stood her ground, though her eyes betrayed her hurt. She was a solitary figure, wilting under Autumn's sharp words.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I... I just want to contribute, to be a part of something. I don't want trouble.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn's laugh was a harsh sound that filled the room, and she flicked her hair with a dismissive hand.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Contribute? Please. You'll just embarrass yourself—and us. Why don't you scurry away and leave the spotlight to those who deserve it?<</say>>
<<md>>I'd heard enough. Stepping forward, I addressed Autumn with a calm authority.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's enough, Autumn. Monica has every right to be here. This festival is about showcasing all talents, not just those you deem worthy.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn's eyes flashed with surprise and defiance, not used to being challenged.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>And who are you to decide that? This is a contest, not a charity case.<</say>>
<<md>>I met her gaze steadily, unflinching.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm someone who believes in giving everyone a fair chance. Monica stays. If you have a problem with that, then maybe you're the one who doesn't belong.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica looked up, gratitude mingling with newfound confidence in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you. I... I won't let the team down. I promise.<</say>>
<<md>>As Autumn stormed off, her aura of invincibility slightly tarnished, I turned to Monica.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry about her. You focus on your performance. I've seen your work, and you have something special to share.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's smile returned, a little brighter this time, as she nodded and turned back to her preparations. The rehearsal could now continue, the discordant note silenced, at least for the moment.<</md>>
<<md>>After smoothing over the latest clash, I sought out Fiona to report on my intervention with Veronica. But before I could get a word in, Fiona preempted the conversation with her concerns about Autumn's abrasive behavior.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>This is precisely why I hesitated to involve Autumn. Her presence can be... disruptive, to say the least.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded in agreement, taking the opportunity to segue into my update about Veronica.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Speaking of disruptions, I've spoken to Veronica. We've come to an understanding. She'll keep her... extracurricular activities outside of school grounds.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's expression eased, a mixture of relief and satisfaction crossing her features as she processed the news.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Good work. I knew you could handle it. And with that settled, I think we're ready to proceed.<</say>>
<<md>>Together, we watched the rehearsal unfold, the participants moving with a synergy that seemed almost tangible. Every line, every movement was executed with precision and passion.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like all the pieces are falling into place. You've done an incredible job here, Fiona.<</say>>
<<md>>She glanced at me, a soft pride in her eyes, but her perfectionist nature wouldn't allow her to fully accept the praise just yet.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>We're not at the finish line yet. But yes, this... this is shaping up to be something special. The real test will be the concert itself.<</say>>
<<md>>As the final notes of rehearsal faded away, we shared a moment of quiet anticipation. The journey had been riddled with obstacles, but the destination was now in sight. The next stop was indeed the actual performance, and the air was thick with the promise of success.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 26>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 26>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave|School gate]] <<md>>The day of the festival dawned bright and full of promise. As I made my way through the bustling corridors of the school, transformed now with green banners and eco-friendly exhibits, I found Fiona overseeing the last-minute preparations. Her eyes were alight with that familiar blend of concern and command.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Big day, huh? How are you holding up?<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona took a deep breath, her gaze scanning the area like a general at the cusp of battle.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>As ready as we'll ever be. It's out of our hands now and into the spotlight.<</say>>
<<md>>The cue for the festival's opening was as much a herald of festivities as it was a relief. Monica was first, stepping onto the stage with a poise that belied her usual reserve. The music swelled, a rhythmic beat that pulsed through the crowd, and with it, Monica began her dance.<</md>>
<<md>>It was captivating. Each movement was a testament to the hours of practice, the dedication to her craft. The audience was entranced, following every step, every twirl with bated breath. And as the final notes echoed through the hall, the applause that followed was thunderous.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That was... incredible. Monica really set the bar high.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona, who had been a bundle of nerves, finally allowed a smile to break through, her pride in her student's performance shining in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>She did, didn't she? I always knew she had it in her. This is just the beginning.<</say>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 27>>
[[Continue|Prologue5.3]]<<md>>As the echoes of the applause for Monica's performance died down, the stage welcomed its next act. Veronica sauntered into view, her dual ponytails swaying with a life of their own, a stark contrast to the disciplined dance that preceded her. The audience's curiosity piqued; she was the embodiment of free spirit, a stark deviation from the orderly presentations they had seen thus far.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Peace and love, beautiful people!<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice carried through the hall, a sing-song lilt that drew smiles and a few raised eyebrows. Veronica's speech was a tapestry woven with the threads of environmentalism and personal freedom, each word delivered with an earnestness that could only come from a true believer.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>We're all just travelers on this little blue dot, sharing space and breath. And like the majestic trees, we gotta root deep but reach high, you know?<</say>>
<<md>>Her hands gestured to the sky, her eyes closed as if in silent prayer to Mother Earth. The audience, swept up in her passion, leaned forward, hanging on her every word. And as she reached the crescendo of her speech, Veronica pulled from her pocket a slender joint, igniting it with a flourish.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>To change the world, we gotta change the vibe. Let's breathe in the change, exhale the past, and light up the future.<</say>>
<<md>>A hush fell over the crowd, a blend of shock and intrigue. It was a bold move, undoubtedly controversial, but delivered with such conviction that it held the room in thrall. As the sweet scent of the smoke mingled with the air, Veronica's segment came to an end, not with a bang, but with a puff of smoky idealism.<</md>>
<<md>>I turned to glance at Fiona, her expression a mix of disbelief and reluctant admiration. It was clear Veronica had just left her mark on the festival, for better or for worse.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 28>>\
[[Check Aria|Prologue5.4]]<<md>>Aria was the picture of focused energy, her love for numbers expressed through the culinary spread before her. As I entered, her eyes caught mine, a playful twinkle in them, her apron dusted with flour like a badge of her hard work.<</md>>
<<say $Aria>>Hey there! Just applying a bit of arithmetic to the art of hospitality. You know, to make sure the banquet is... proportionally pleasing.<</say>>
<<md>>She gestured to her calculations with a flour-covered hand, her smile suggesting a shared secret between us. Around her, the kitchen was alive with the scent of freshly baked treats, each plate a testament to precision and care.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like you've got everything under control here. And that dress... it's really working with the whole 'math-meets-gourmet' vibe you've got going.<</say>>
<<say $Aria>>Oh, this old thing? Just a little something I 'summed' up for the occasion.<</say>>
<<md>>Her laugh was light, and she brushed a stray lock of hair from her face, leaving a smudge of flour on her forehead. The simple elegance of her dress paired with her natural beauty was a charming contrast to the bustling kitchen.<</md>>
<<say $Aria>>It's all about balance, right? Whether it's flavors or equations, you've got to find the perfect formula.<</say>>
<<md>>There was a warmth to her, an inviting glow that matched the delicious array of food. She offered me a sample, her fingers briefly touching mine, a subtle but intentional gesture.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The perfect formula seems to be working wonders. You're definitely adding a touch of grace to the event.<</say>>
<<say $Aria>>Let's just hope my calculations stand the test of a hungry crowd.<</say>>
<<md>>I left her with a compliment and a smile, the sight of her in that dress lingering in my mind as I made my way back to check on Fiona's progress.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 29>>\
[[Return to Fiona|Prologue5.5]]<<md>>I arrived back at the main hall, just as Marsha took the stage, her eyes alight with the thrill of sharing her passion. She stood by a contraption that looked like a cross between a science fair project and a piece of modern art, her voice ringing clear and confident across the crowd.<</md>>
<<say $Marsha>>Ladies and gentlemen, what you're about to see is the culmination of biology and technology—a symbiotic relationship that not only represents our school's commitment to green energy but also its potential for our future.<</say>>
<<md>>Marsha's enthusiasm was infectious, her scientific terminology interspersed with a genuine excitement that made even the most complex ideas seem approachable.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Isn't she just... adorable? Her brain's like a miniature supernova.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona whispered to me, a mix of pride and fondness in her voice as she watched Marsha explain the bio-reactive processes of her invention.<</md>>
<<say $Marsha>>And so, by harnessing the natural breakdown of organic material, we can generate clean, renewable energy. It's not just science—it's a promise for a brighter, greener tomorrow.<</say>>
<<md>>The audience was captivated, hanging on every word as Marsha animatedly described the potential of her creation, her hands gesturing to emphasize her points.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>She's more than adorable, Fiona. She's inspiring. Makes you believe we can actually make a difference.<</say>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 30>>\
[[Watch Lexi's show|Prologue5.6]]<<md>>The atmosphere shifted palpably as Lexi stepped up. She carried herself with a brazen confidence that bordered on defiance. At first, her words flowed with a surprising level of insight, touching on the importance of green energy and its impact on the future. But as she continued, her tone took a sharp turn.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>And let's be real, people—while we're all here preaching about saving the world, it's the big corporations that are choking it with a smile. They're the real problem, not us!<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's face drained of color, her hands clenched into fists at her side. Lexi's speech was spiraling into a tirade against the very sponsors sitting in the front row. Murmurs rose among the audience, and I knew I had to act fast.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, thank you for your... passionate perspective. Let's give her a round of applause, shall we?<</say>>
<<md>>I clapped loudly, moving towards Lexi and gently guiding her off stage, cutting her off before she could cause any real damage. The audience, taking the cue, joined in the applause, albeit somewhat confusedly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>(to the audience) That concludes our presentations for the day. We hope you've enjoyed the showcase of our school's commitment to a greener future. Refreshments will be served outside, courtesy of our very own Aria. Thank you for coming!<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona shot me a look that was a cocktail of relief and exasperation, mouthing a silent 'thank you' as I herded Lexi away from the spotlight and the potential fallout of her impromptu rant.<</md>>
<<md>>The final applause faded into a serene quiet as the last of the guests departed. Fiona turned to me, her eyes shimmering with a mix of fatigue and elation. There was a vulnerability in her stance that hadn't been there before—the shield of perfectionism had, at least for the moment, fallen.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 31>>\
[[End of Fiona's show |Prologue5.7]]<<say $Fiona>>I can't thank you enough for what you've done. You've been... well, amazing.<</say>>
<<md>>She stepped closer, and in the dimming light of the auditorium, I could see the gratitude in her eyes. Her breath was steady, her gaze intense, and there was an unspoken question hanging in the air between us.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You did the heavy lifting, Fiona. You should be proud. Now, go get some rest; you've earned it.<</say>>
<<md>>Her lips parted slightly, a soft sigh escaping them as if she were about to surrender to an impulse. But I held firm. This was neither the time nor the place, and despite the tension, professionalism had to come first.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll handle the cleanup. You don't need to worry about anything else tonight.<</say>>
<<md>>There was a momentary flicker of disappointment—or was it understanding?—in her eyes before she nodded, pulling herself back.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Alright. Thank you, again. I... I'll see you tomorrow.<</say>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 32>>\
[[Time for cleaning|Prologue5.8]]<<md>>The hall was slowly returning to its original state, each chair tucked neatly back into place, every piece of decoration carefully removed. Aria's presence was a welcome one, her methodical approach to cleaning almost as precise as her love for mathematics.<</md>>
<<say $Aria>>You handled Lexi really well back there. It was... well, it was pretty cool.<</say>>
<<md>>I gave a small smile, appreciating her words. It hadn't been easy, but it was part of the job.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, Aria. It's all part of the day's work, I guess.<</say>>
<<md>>We continued to clean in companionable silence until we reached the kitchen. There, amidst the clinking of dishes and the rustling of trash bags, Aria discovered a bottle of wine.<</md>>
<<say $Aria>>Hey, look at this. We should celebrate our victory, don't you think? It would be irrational to let this go to waste after such a stressful day.<</say>>
<<md>>Her logic was flawed but charming. The wine seemed like a minor indulgence after the whirlwind of the festival. And she was right about the stress. Perhaps a small celebration was in order.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, when you put it like that, how can I say no? A toast to a job well done.<</say>>
<<md>>We poured the wine into plastic cups, a stark contrast to the rich liquid within. Raising our makeshift glasses, we shared a toast to the success of the festival, to the hard work of all involved, and to the small victories that seemed all the more significant in the quiet aftermath.<</md>>
<<say $Aria>>To rational decisions and the occasional necessary irrationality.<</say>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 33>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 33>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\<<if $PrologueQuest1 == 3 && $currentPassage == "Sport field" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Talk with Veronica|Prologue2.1]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 4 && $currentPassage == "Second floor" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:15') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
[[Talk with Lexi|Prologue2.2]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 5 && $currentPassage == "School gate" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:30') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Approach Monica|Prologue2.3]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 6 && $currentPassage == "English class" && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:30')>>\
[[Talk to Samantha|Prologue2.4]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 7 && $currentPassage == "Sport field" && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '16:00')>>\
[[Talk with Autumn|Prologue2.5]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 9 && $currentPassage == "Math class" && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00')>>\
[[Talk with Aria|Prologue2.7]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 10 && $currentPassage == "ClaraTalk">>\
[[I got to know our students|Prologue3.1]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 11 && $currentPassage == "School reception" && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:30')>>\
[[Talk with Fiona about contest|Prologue3.2]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 12.1 && $currentPassage == "Second floor" && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:30')>>\
[[Convince Lexi to participate in the contest|Prologue3.3]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 13 && $currentPassage == "Sport field" && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00')>>\
[[Convince Veronica|Prologue3.4]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 14.5 && $currentPassage == "School gate" && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:30')>>\
[[Talk with Monica about contest|Prologue3.5]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 16 && $currentPassage == "School reception" && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '09:00')>>\
[[Discuss the next steps with Fiona|Prologue3.7]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 17 && $currentPassage == "Rehall" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
[[Watch the rehearsal|Prologue3.8]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 18 && $currentPassage == "Rehall" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Check rehearsal|Prologue4.1]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 21 && $currentPassage == "School gate" && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '15:30')>>\
[[Talk with Lexi about posters|Prologue4.5]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 23 && $currentPassage == "Rehall" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Check rehearsal|Prologue4.7]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 24 && $currentPassage == "Sport field" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Talk with Veronica about weed|Prologue4.8]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 25 && $currentPassage == "Rehall" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Rehearsal check|Prologue5.1]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 == 26 && $currentPassage == "Rehall" && $gameDate.getUTCDay() gte 3 && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '17:30') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Green Festival Contest|Prologue5.2]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 > 36 && $NoraQuest1 == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '15:30')>>\
[[Talk with Olivia|OliviaQuest1Prologue]]
<<elseif $PrologueQuest1 > 33 && $currentPassage == "Sport field" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '12:15') && $QuestNextDay is false && $Olivia1Q == 2 && $MonicaCheerleader1 == 0>>\
[[Talk with Monica|MonicaPrologue]]
// Passage end event handler
$(document).on(':passageend', function (ev) {
// Get current passage name
var passageName = ev.originalEvent.passage;
// Set variable to passage name
$PassageName = passageName;
// Later in code:
$PassageName // Contains current passage name<<set $currentPassage to passage()>><<include "PrologueQuests">>\
[[School reception]] <<md>>The air crackled with unspoken tension as I entered Clara's domain. Her eyes, sharp and scrutinizing, were like daggers poised to dissect every excuse. In her world, results were the only currency that mattered.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name, report. What have you learned from Fiona Hill? Your progress is crucial.<</say>>
<<md>>I hesitated, knowing well that my news wouldn't sit well with her. Clara's patience was as thin as the ice I was skating on.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>There's been a slight delay. I haven't made the contact yet.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I'm not in the habit of repeating myself, $mc.Name. You were given a task, and yet, here we are, a day wasted. I don't tolerate incompetence or idle hands. You will meet Fiona in the canteen today—she has a meeting scheduled. Consider this a final warning.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words were a whip, each syllable laced with icy reprimand. The atmosphere in the room was electric, charged with an unspoken ultimatum. This was more than a mere job—it was a trial by fire in Clara's kingdom.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Understood. I'll handle it.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Remember, $mc.Name, results are what matter here. Your salary for today is forfeit—a small price for a lesson in responsibility. Fail again, and you'll find my patience has limits.<</say>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1Failed = 2>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]] <<md>>The stillness of the biology lab was shattered by the brisk, purposeful strides of Clara. Her presence instantly transformed the room, her aura of authority enveloping the space like a cloak. Every eye was drawn to her, a blend of respect and trepidation in their gazes.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name, report. What have you learned from Fiona Hill? Your progress is crucial.<</say>>
<<md>>I hesitated, knowing well that my news wouldn't sit well with her. Clara's patience was as thin as the ice I was skating on.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>There's been a slight delay. I haven't made the contact yet.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I'm not in the habit of repeating myself, $mc.Name. You were given a task, and yet, here we are, a day wasted. I don't tolerate incompetence or idle hands. You will meet Fiona in the canteen today—she has a meeting scheduled. Consider this a final warning.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words were a whip, each syllable laced with icy reprimand. The atmosphere in the room was electric, charged with an unspoken ultimatum. This was more than a mere job—it was a trial by fire in Clara's kingdom.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Understood. I'll handle it.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Remember, $mc.Name, results are what matter here. Your salary for today is forfeit—a small price for a lesson in responsibility. Fail again, and you'll find my patience has limits.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara's departure was as swift as her arrival, leaving a wake of whispered speculations behind her. The challenge was clear: connect with Fiona Hill or face Clara's wrath. The biology lab had never seemed so confining.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1Failed = 2>>\
[[Back|Biology class]] <<if $SophiaFirstMeet is 0 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '09:00')>>\
[[English class|SophiaMeet]]
<<elseif $Sophia1Quest == 1>>\
[[English class|SophiaQuestNew1.2]]
<<elseif $Sophia2Quest == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[English class|SophiaQuestNew2.1]]
[[English class]]
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<<if $PrologueQuest1 === 15>>
[[Fiona's letter|Prologue3.6]]
<<button "Back">><<goto "Socials">><</button>>
</div><<md>>The air around us seemed to buzz with a new energy, a tension that was both exhilarating and slightly unnerving. Aria's playful demeanor, now laced with a more provocative edge, was a side of her I hadn't seen before.<</md>>
<<say $Aria>>I think it's time we explore some of those irrational choices, don't you? Life is too short for constant calculations.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words were light, but her intent was clear. Aria was challenging the boundaries, pushing the limits of our usual interactions. I found myself caught in the whirlwind of her sudden boldness.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Aria, you're full of surprises. Who knew mathematics could be so... intriguing in other contexts?<</say>>
<<md>>Aria laughed, a sound that seemed to fill the room and add to the intoxicating atmosphere. Then, in a bold move, she sat down in the armchair and lifted the bottom of her dress, revealing lacy, black panties. The mischievous glint in her eyes made it clear she was up to something.<</md>>
<<md>>I felt my heart rate spike at the sight. I had to stop myself from gasping as she crossed her legs slowly, ensuring I had a clear view. My cheeks burned with a blush I couldn't control. Aria leaned back, her gaze locked with mine, and ran her hands deliberately up and down her body. The clear intent behind her actions sent my pulse racing.<</md>>
<<md>>Aria's movements were both graceful and deliberate, a dance of seduction that held me captive. The way she touched herself, each motion calculated to tease and tantalize, was almost more than I could bear. Her eyes, bright and daring, never left mine, challenging me to react.<</md>>
<<md>>Just as the tension reached its peak, the sound of the steps shattered the moment. Clara, the headmistress known for her cold, authoritative demeanor, stepped into the room. Her presence was like a splash of cold water, instantly changing the atmosphere.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Is everything alright in here? I thought I heard something.<</say>>
<<md>>Aria and I exchanged a quick, panicked glance. She swiftly adjusted her dress, her movements now quick and efficient, a stark contrast to the slow, teasing gestures of moments ago. I straightened up, trying to compose myself, my heart still racing from the sudden interruption.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Clara. We were just... tidying up.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara eyed us both, her gaze sharp and probing. There was a moment where I thought she suspected something, but then she simply nodded.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I wanted to thank you personally for your efforts in organizing the Green Festival Contest. It was a commendable initiative, and you handled it with exceptional competence.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Clara. I'm glad it was a success.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara eyed us both, her gaze sharp and probing. There was a moment where I thought she suspected something, but then she simply nodded.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Very well. Make sure everything is in order before you leave.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, Clara turned and left the room as abruptly as she had entered. The moment she was gone, a tense silence fell between Aria and me. The charged atmosphere from before had dissipated, leaving a mixture of frustration and relief in its wake.<</md>>
<<say $Aria>>Well, that was... close.<</say>>
<<say $Aria>>You know, in mathematics, the best solutions are often found on the edge of chaos. It's where predictability ends and true creativity begins. Maybe we should experiment more with that edge, see what unique solutions we can discover together.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words, laced with double meanings, reignited the earlier spark between us. The interruption by Clara, rather than ending our moment, had only served to add another layer to the already complex dynamic unfolding between us.<</md>>
[[Leave|School reception]]
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Hey $mc.Name,
So, here's the thing – I was trying REALLY hard to focus on the lecture today, but guess what? I was absolutely, hopelessly distracted. And you're to blame.
I mean, seriously, that outfit today? It was like a personal challenge to my concentration. The way that shirt clung to you, it left very little to the imagination – not that I'm complaining. It's not every day you get to enjoy such a... stimulating view in a biology class.
And let’s not even start on those pants – are you trying to start a fire? Because you're definitely raising the temperature in the room. I bet you turn heads everywhere you go with that sense of style. Or is it just for us lucky ones in your class?
I've got to hand it to you – you're more than just a source of academic enlightenment. You're like a walking, talking motivation to attend every single class. Never thought I'd be so eager to learn about cell biology, but here we are. I wonder what lessons tomorrow's outfit will bring – hopefully something equally... distracting.
Anyway, just thought I'd let you know the kind of impact you're having. Keep it up, and you might just make me the most attentive student you've ever had.
P.S. If you ever need someone to help pick out your outfits, I volunteer as tribute.<<set $lexiEmailText = "<<include 'WhoremailLexiUsual'>>">>Tip: \
<<if $DenisseQuest == 1>>\
I met Denisse and would like to invite her for coffee. But before that, it would be nice to go to the gym. Maybe I can find out something about her there.
<<elseif $DenisseQuest == 2>>\
Denisse and I met at the gym and it was something incredible. Her spirit and moves stuck with me. I have to go to the gym in a week.
<<elseif $DenisseQuest == 3>>\ Denisse's dance was so seductive. Her ass looks like a juicy apple that would love to let the juice flow. If I want to taste that juice, I have to think about my next move. In my room.
<<elseif $DenisseQuest == 4>>\ I need to call Denisse and invite her for coffee. <<elseif $DenisseQuest == 5>>\ Denisse asked me to come to Street Row Road before training with a bottle of whiskey. A bottle of whiskey and a sexy girl at 6 p.m. What could be better?
<<elseif $DenisseQuest == 6>>\ Wow, Denisse turned out to be extraordinary. Her show at the gym. I want to see more, but it's better to give her some time.
<<elseif $DenisseQuest == 7>>\ I promised to meet Denisse at the Sirius Club at 9 pm. I hope I can do more than just observe now. The pleasure is in the touch. Deep touch. Heh.
<<elseif $DenisseQuest == 8>>\ Denise and I agreed to meet in the park on Wednesday at 4 p.m.
<<elseif $DenisseQuest == 9>>\ Another meeting at the Sirius Club on Monday. I have a good feeling about it. Maybe she'll dance on my pole at last?
<<else>>\ No tips for now
<</if>>\<<md>>The first thing I heard when I entered the biology classroom was an irritated voice. It was as if it stung the person to whom it was addressed. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Seriously, Nora? You think you can just waltz your nerdy ass into the cheer team?<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn sneered, arms crossed, her cheerleader friends smirking behind her. Nora, her face flushed, stammered.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>I-I just thought...<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Thought? Cheerleaders don't need thinkers, especially not virginal bookworms!<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn cut her off, her voice dripping with disdain. <</md>>
<<say $Nora>>But I can learn the routines, I can...<</say>>
<<md>>Nora's voice was a mix of desperation and defiance. Autumn laughed coldly.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Learn? Honey, this isn't about fucking routines.Well it's a lot about fucking...But not routines.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn smiled broadly, emphasising the word “fuck”. The cheerleaders behind her laughed out loud. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>And let's not even start on the whole 'virgin' thing. You really think that fits with the cheerleader image?<</say>>
<<md>>Her words were cruel, designed to embarrass and belittle. Nora, her voice barely above a whisper, replied. I noticed Moniсa standing not far from Nora. She was shaking her head in displeasure at Autumn's remark. It seemed that things had gotten even worse between her and Autumn after the last encounter. <</md>>
<<say $Nora>>That-that has nothing to do with cheerleading.<</say>>
<<md>>But Autumn was relentless. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Cheerleading is about confidence, about being daring and sexy. And you? You're just a fucking wallflower.<</say>>
<<md>>She spat out bitterly.. The words stung, and Nora's resolve flickered under Autumn's ruthless scrutiny. The classroom, once a place of learning, had turned into a battlefield of words, with Nora struggling to hold her ground.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>And honestly, who the fuck would even bother with you? You're practically invisible to all the guys.<</say>>
<<md>>She jeered, her words sharp as knives.Nora, her resolve wavering, tried to hold back tears. <</md>>
<<say $Nora>>That's not what's important...<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, please…<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn rolled her eyes. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>I bet you're so innocent you don't even know how to spit shine a dick let alone suck one! <</say>>
<<md>>Her friends erupted into raucous laughter as they all high-fived each other.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Enough!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's voice rang out, silencing the room. The newfound fire in her eyes surprised everyone, including herself. It seems that she was not going to be silent. Autumn turned to glare at her, visibly annoyed at the interruption. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Just because you've the whore status doesn't mean you can bully others who aren't. Сheerleading is supposed to be about teamwork and sportsmanship, not tearing down others based on their sex lives.<</say>>
<<md>>The classroom fell deathly quiet as all eyes shifted between Monica, Autumn, and Nora. The silence hung heavy in the air. Monica stood tall, her heart pounding in her chest, but she refused to back down. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You don't get to define what a cheerleader should be like.<</say>>
<<md>>She continued, her volume lowering but no less fierce. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Who are you to say Nora can't be a cheerleader just because she doesn't sashay around like some over-sexualized Barbie doll? It's up to the coach to decide, not the smug girl. <</say>>
<<md>>Nora's jaw dropped as she stared at Monica defending her so ferociously. Autumn looked taken aback for a moment before recovering quickly. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, look at little miss goody-two-shoes with her perfect grades and lily-white reputation. Go back to the choir, Monica, and let us real cheerleaders handle this.<</say>>
<<md>>She spat out venomously. Monica's cheeks flushed but she stood her ground, unwavering in her defense of Nora. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Real cheerleaders wouldn't need to belittle others to boost their own self-esteem.<</say>>
<<md>>She countered, eliciting a few stifled gasps around the classroom. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>And FYI, Autumn, I don't need to sell my dignity for approval.<</say>>
<<md>>The air was thick with tension as the two girls exchanged heated glares, each trying to outdo the other in a battle of wills. <</md>>
<<md>>I think that's enough. It's time to stop this, otherwise one of them will want to use physical force.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ladies, what's going on here?<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn quickly composed herself, pasting on a saccharine smile. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Just discussing cheerleaders, Mr.$mc.Surname.<</say>>
<<md>>After addressing the class and reminding them to prepare for the lesson, I turned my attention to Monica. I noticed her calm but firm demeanor during the confrontation and wanted to ensure she was alright.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, how are you doing?<</say>>
<<md>>I asked gently, my tone conveying genuine concern. Monica gave a small nod, appreciating my concern.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I'm okay, Mr.$mc.Surname, but I think it's Nora who really needs the support right now. She's been treated unfairly, and it's not right.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I see. Thank you for standing up for her. It takes courage to speak out against such behavior. I'm concerned about the way Autumn has been acting. It's not acceptable.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica sighed, a hint of frustration in her voice. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It's just that Autumn is such a... Bi...Mhm… I mean, she's a control freak and thinks she can dictate who's on the team and who's not. Nora is trying to do something new, and instead of support, she's met with cruelty.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded in agreement.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I understand. It's important that we foster a supportive environment here at school. I'll have a talk with Autumn. In the meantime, if there's anything Nora or you need, please let me know.<</say>>
<<addAff $Nora 2>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 35>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = 1>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 1>>\
<<set $Nora.Meet = 1>>\
<<run setup.unlockCharacter("Nora")>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 0.5>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Start working|Basic work]] <<set $PrologueQuest1 = 37>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = 3>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 3>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 1>>\
<<md>>Navigated the school corridors, my attention was drawn to Monica and Nora, each burdened with a hefty stack of books. Their conversation, imbued with warmth and support, reached my ears.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>…holding up after that case? With the whole cheerleading ordeal and Autumn's remarks...<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>It was really hard... But your support, Monica, it meant everything to me. I've always felt so... overlooked, like a shadow.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica, compassionate and perceptive, reassured her.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Overlooked? Absolutely not, Nora. You're intelligent, caring, and anyone who doesn't see that is missing out. Autumn's words are just that - words. They don't define who you are.<</say>>
<<md>>As their teacher and someone deeply concerned for their wellbeing, I felt compelled to assist. Approaching them with a friendly smile, I offered help.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Seems like you two could use a hand with those books. May I help?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>That would be wonderful, Mr.$mc.Surname, thank you,<</say>>
<<md>>Taking some books from their stacks, we proceeded towards their next class. To ensure they were coping well after the incident, I initiated a light conversation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I see you two are getting along well. How's your day going?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>We're doing okay, Mr.$mc.Surname. We've decided to collaborate on our history project, and it's going surprisingly well.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>Yeah, and working with Monica has been really helpful. I'm learning a lot.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, pleased by their positive spirit.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm glad to hear that. .<</say>>
<<md>>As we continued towards the history class, Monica and Nora were deep in conversation about cheerleading, occasionally drawing me into their discussion.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>So... ummm... Monica, are you going to be on the cheerleader team too?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yeah, I'm going to go all the way to the top. Don't worry, there's plenty of room for both of us.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>No... I... Aren't you afraid that Autumn won't let you be part of the team?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I refuse to let Autumn control what I do or don't do. It's my life, my choices.<</say>>
<<md>>Their talk then shifted to why they each wanted to be cheerleaders. Monica's words carried a positive undertone, and she dropped a subtle hint about her family being a key factor.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You know, cheerleading... it's something that resonates with me and my family. It's more than just a sport for me, it’s the only way to help the dearest one.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>For me, cheerleading is... well, it's something I've been drawn to for a long time. It's like a thing you've always wanted, but it's been tarnished, taken away by others.<</say>>
<<md>>Finally, we arrived at the classroom. As I placed the books on their desks, Monica and Nora shared a light-hearted moment, playfully addressing our earlier conversation.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Mr.$mc.Surname, you'll have to forget everything we just said,<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>Yeah, consider it top secret cheerleader business.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, what conversation? I don't recall discussing any cheerleading secrets.<</say>>
<<md>>Their laughter filled the air, easing the tension of the earlier topics. It was moments like these that reminded me of the resilience and spirit of my students. As they settled into their seats, ready for the history lesson, I felt reassured by their ability to find lightness amidst their challenges.<</md>>
<<addAff $Nora 3>>
<<addAff $Monica 3>>
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Leave classroom|Second floor]] <<md>>The lesson came to an end, and the classroom gradually emptied as the students filed out. However, I noticed Nora remained seated, her attention absorbed in something she was drawing in a notebook . Curious, I approached her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Nora, is everything alright?<</say>>
<<md>>She looked up, slightly startled, then, with a hint of shyness, she nodded.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Yes, Mr.$mc.Surname, I'm fine. Just... finishing something.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What are you working on? If you don't mind my asking?<</say>>
<<md>>I inquired, trying to make the conversation as light and friendly as possible.<</md>>
<<md>>She looked up, her timidity evident, and hesitated for a moment before slowly turning the notebook to show me her drawing. It was a portrait of man, skillfully sketched in pen. Despite its simplicity, the drawing was remarkably beautiful and captured an impressive level of detail.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is incredible, Nora! I had no idea you were such a skilled artist.<</say>>
<<md>>A faint smile crossed her face.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Thank you... I like to draw. It's... kind of my way of expressing myself.<</say>>
<<md>>Encouraged by her response, I reached out to turn the page, curious to see more of her work. But Nora's reaction was immediate. She blushed deeply, quickly pulling the notebook away from my reach.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>I'm sorry, Mr.$mc.Surname, but those are personal sketches.<</say>>
<<md>>I instantly realized my overstep and withdrew my hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I apologize, Nora, I didn't mean to intrude.<</say>>
<<md>>As Nora gathered her belongings, I ventured a suggestion, considering her evident artistic talent.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Nora, maybe you should consider dedicating more time to your art. It's clear you have a real knack for it.<</say>>
<<md>>Her response was quiet and tinged with an underlying complexity.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>I've thought about it, Mr.$mc.Surname, but cheerleading... it takes a lot from me.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>It sounds like cheerleading is more than just an activity for you. If it's taking too much, remember it's important to balance and take care of yourself.<</say>>
<<md>>I advised, gently probing the surface of her veiled comment.<</md>>
<<md>>Nora looked down, fiddling with the strap of her bag.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>It's... difficult. For me, cheerleading is not just a hobby. It's something I have to achieve. At any cost.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she left. What did she mean when she said at any cost? But all of her sketches are extraordinary. Yeah.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 44>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = 10>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 10>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]] <<md>>Upon entering the classroom, I was immediately confronted with a distressing scene. Again. Autumn was harassing Nora, her behavior unmistakably cruel. Nora, looking visibly upset, implored Autumn to stop.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Please, just leave me alone, Autumn.<</say>>
<<md>>But Autumn, relentless in her taunting, mocked her further.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>What's up, Nora? Monica not around to be your fucking savior today?<</say>>
<<md>>Nora, clutching her notebook close, tried to ignore her, but Autumn persisted, now eyeing the notebook in Nora's hands.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Stop hiding behind your stupid notebook and try being a real cheerleader for once? Show us what you're hiding in there, I bet it's just a bunch of drawings of dicks! Come on, if you want to be part of the team, you've got to prove yourself.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>> Common, Whore-ahh! Sharing is caring. We share everything. Even the boys. <</say>>
<<md>>Nora steadfastly refused to hand over her notebook, holding it tightly against her chest. Autumn, growing more aggressive, resorted to name-calling. <</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>What's the matter, Nora? Too scared to show your face? You're just a pathetic little wimp.<</say>>
<<md>>The situation was escalating quickly, with both girls on the verge of a physical altercation, their voices raised and filled with anger. I knew I had to step in immediately to defuse the tension.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Enough! Autumn, Nora, both of you, stop this right now and take your seats.<</say>>
<<md>>My intervention startled them, momentarily pausing their scuffle. I stepped between them, ensuring they couldn't continue their confrontation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This kind of behavior is completely unacceptable. There will be no fighting or bullying in my classroom.<</say>> <<md>>After the lesson ended and the classroom began to empty, Nora approached me. Despite her usual timidity, there was a sense of gratitude in her demeanor.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Thank you, Mr.$mc.Surname, for stepping in.<</say>>
<<md>>Then, somewhat unexpectedly, Nora reached out and gave me a hug. It was a gentle, soft embrace, reflecting the thankfulness and comfort she felt after the tense situation with Autumn. It was a rare moment of openness from Nora, who usually kept to herself.<</md>>
<<md>>I patted her back reassuringly, understanding the significance of this gesture from a student who typically maintained her distance.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're welcome, Nora. It's my job to make sure all of you feel safe and treated here.<</say>>
<<md>>She pulled back, offering a small smile, and nodded.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>I know, but I... I... I wanted to show you something actually… <</say>>
<<md>>She continued, her voice barely above a whisper. Intrigued and a bit confused by this sudden change in her demeanor, I leaned in closer to hear her better.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>It's... well, it's something I've been working on, you know, for myself.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora fumbled with her notebook, the same one she had been clutching during her altercation with Autumn, and gingerly opened it to a page filled with the most exquisite drawings I had ever seen from a student. Intricate pencil sketches of dicks adorned the pages—dicks that seemed to dance and sing and tell stories of their own accord. There were dicks engulfed in flames, dicks riding unicorns across the sky, and even one in progress of slaying a dragon. The detail was astounding: each feather on the dick-knight's wings was meticulously rendered; each drop of fire on the fiery bird's beak captured with photorealistic precision.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>These are...<</say>>
<<md>>I began, struggling to find the words.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Incredibly...<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>I was thinking...About Autumn's words. I've never... you know...<</say>>
<<md>>Nora trailed off, unable to meet my gaze. <</md>>
<<say $Nora>>I've never... tasted a dick.<</say>>
<<md>>In that moment, as we stood there in the empty classroom, I found myself captivated by her confession. She was right; she was a virgin when it came to dicks—an untouched canvas, waiting to be explored. And in that instant, an idea began to formulate in my mind.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well…<</say>>
<<md>>I started slowly, trying to keep my voice even despite the raging hard-on that had now started to form in my pants. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>There is one way we could... rectify that.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora's head snapped up, her eyes wide with surprise and curiosity. <</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Really, Mr. Johnson? You'would?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, as your teacher, it is my responsibility to ensure your well-rounded education, besides, I could use a...heh... 'hand' with something myself.<</say>>
<<md>>She knelt down in front of my desk, her knees softly touching the cold, hardwood floor. Her hands trembling ever so slightly, she unbuckled my pants, revealing my already-erect dick.<</md>>
<<md>>I slid my chair back to give her more room to work with as she marveled at the sight before her. This would be the first dick inside of her mouth, and the gravity of the situation wasn't lost on either of us. She leaned in closer, inhaling my musky scent like it was the most intoxicating aroma she had ever experienced. Then, as if spellbound by its size and heft, she delicately wrapped her soft fingers around my shaft and looked up at me with those doe-like eyes of hers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Go ahead,it won't bite you.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora took a deep breath, feeling the heat of anticipation and nervousness fill her cheeks. Slowly, she brought her lips to the head of my member, her tongue darting out tentatively to taste the tip. Her warm, wet tongue sent shivers down my spine as she cautiously began to explore my length, flicking and swirling it around in erotic motions. My hand found its way to her head, gently guiding her closer as moans of pleasure escaped my lips.<</md>>
<<md>>As she continued, her confidence grew, and Nora's movements became bolder. She took more of me into her mouth, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked in earnest. The sensations were unlike anything I had ever experienced—her inexperience only heightening the allure. It was almost as if she was discovering every ridge and vein for the first time herself, each touch a newfound delight for both of us.<</md>>
<<md>>I couldn't take it anymore; I needed more. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it, baby.<</say>>
<<md>>I groaned, encouraging her. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Take it deeper.<</say>>
<<md>>Lost in the moment, I pushed myself further into her hot, wet cavern, my hips bucking against her face in abandon. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck, Nora, that's it, baby... suck my cock like a good girl.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>Your cock is great...<</say>>
<<md>>Emboldened by my praise, she sucked harder, her hands gripping my thighs for leverage as she bobbed up and down on my length. My senses were on fire: her soft lips engulfing me, the wet noises filling the otherwise silent room, and the way her eyes met mine every now and then—filled with lust and determination. It was everything I had ever fantasized about and more.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>'s so hard and throbbing," she continued. I want you fuck my mouth...More...<</say>>
<<md>>As she spoke those filthy words, my arousal only grew more intense. I couldn't believe these were coming from the once-innocent Nora—my meek and mild-mannered student was now a lustful goddess kneeling before me, her eyes filled with desire. Her inexperience only added to her charm, making it all the more irresistible.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Make me choke on your cock... You want me to.<</say>>
<<md>>Unable to hold back any longer, I grailed Nora's head and drove myself deep into her mouth one last time. With a primal grunt, I unleashed my load, filling her waiting mouth with copious amounts of sticky, hot cum. Nora gagged, but she didn't pull away; instead, she swallowed every drop, her eyes watering only slightly from the intensity of it all.<</md>>
<<md>>As I regained my composure, I pulled her up from the floor and wiped a stray strand of hair from her face. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Nora... that was... unexpectedly amazing.<</say>>
<<md>>I panted, still trying to catch my breath. She blushed, using the sleeve of her shirt to dab at the corners of her mouth. <</md>>
<<say $Nora>>You... you really think so?<</say>>
<<md>>She asked shyly, a newfound confidence in her voice.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely, in fact, I could use more... 'tutoring' in the future if you're up for it.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora giggled, a sound I hadn't heard from her before today. <</md>>
<<say $Nora>>I... think I could manage that, Mr.$mc.Surname. I need that for cheerleading, I guess.<</say>>
<<md>>She purred, leaning forward to plant a chaste kiss on my cheek before gathering our things and heading towards the door.<</md>> <<md>>As Nora and I left the biology class, sharing a quiet, supportive moment, we were abruptly confronted by Autumn in the corridor. Her expression was mischievous and malicious as she eyed us.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, look who's here! Mister "dick in Nora's throat". I hope his dick made you feel like a slut.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn sneered, her tone dripping with insinuation and malice. Her words were deliberately provocative, aimed at distorting the innocent and supportive exchange between a teacher and his student.<</md>>
<<md>>I immediately recognized the need to address Autumn's inappropriate comment. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Autumn, that's completely out of line.<</say>>
<<md>>I responded firmly, ensuring my voice carried the weight of my disapproval. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Comments like that are unacceptable.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora looked visibly shaken by Autumn's words, highlighting the impact such comments can have. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't pay any attention, Nora. Let’s go<</say>>
<<md>>But I knew I had to talk to Autumn. If she saw something, it could be a serious problem.<</md>><<md>>The morning sun was gentle, casting a soft glow over the school's stadium, a place I'd rarely visited in my tenure as the biology teacher. Curiosity had brought me here today, a desire to familiarize myself with every corner of the campus I called my workplace.<</md>>
<<md>>As I stepped onto the track, a heated exchange caught my attention. It was between two women: Clara and the other one. The tension between them was palpable, even from a distance.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>This is bullshit, Clara! Cheerleading is the fucking lifeblood of this school!We bring you a lot of money. Your sponsors are old fucking impos... <</say>>
<<say $Clara>>The budget is tight, Olivia. Your program must adapt, like everyone else.<</say>>
<<md>>With a clinical, detached air, Clara acknowledged my presence. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Good morning.<</say>>
<<md>>She said, her voice devoid of the earlier sharpness, before departing with a brisk, no-nonsense stride.<</md>>
<<md>>Olivia, now alone, seemed to simmer with a mix of anger and helplessness. Noticing my presence, she shot me a look that was a mix of curiosity and annoyance.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>What do you want? Here to see the cheer team fall apart?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Actually, I'm just exploring the campus. I overheard the argument. Tough situation with the budget cuts, I imagine.<</say>>
<<md>>Her expression softened slightly, though her tone remained edged.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You're the biology guy, right? What do you know about cheerleading?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nothing much about cheerleading, but I understand the challenges of working with limited resources. Maybe I can help in some way?<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia looked at me, her gaze assessing.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Help, huh? You really think you can make a difference?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I believe there's always a way to adapt and overcome challenges. <</say>>
<<md>>She scoffed, but there was a hint of interest in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Fine. If you're so eager to help, come see what these girls are really about. We're training at the beach now from 3 p.m to 5 p.m, thanks to the budget cuts. See for yourself what we're dealing with.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>See you there then.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Oh and by the way, name is Olivia.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nice to meet you, Olivia. I’m $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<md>>As Olivia walked away, her fiery spirit undiminished by the setback, I realized that this unexpected encounter might lead to an intriguing collaboration, one that could potentially bridge the gap between academia and athletics in our school.<</md>>
[[Back to school|School reception]]
<<addmins 15>>\
<<set $Olivia.Meet = 1>>\
<<run setup.unlockCharacter("Olivia")>>\
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 38>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = 4>>\
<<set $Olivia1Q = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 4>>\
<<set $Olivia1QT = 1>>\
<<md>>I arrived at the sports field to find Monica engaged in an intense cheerleading practice. The field was silent, highlighting the harshness of her solitary training.<</md>>
<<md>>Her routine was rigorous, each movement sharp and forceful, yet executed with a grace that reflected her innate talent. I approached with care, not wanting to break her fierce concentration, yet curious about her solitary practice.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, why are you training alone today? You seem to be pushing yourself pretty hard.<</say>>
<<md>>She paused, panting slightly from the exertion, and wiped a bead of sweat from her face. Despite the intensity of her practice, she greeted me with a warm smile, her kindness shining through.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I just needed some time to myself, to focus on my technique and work through some things mentally. Especially after what happened with Autumn at the last practice.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I noticed you left early that day. Do you want to talk about it?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nodded thoughtfully, her intelligence evident in the way she carefully considered her words.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Autumn was being particularly harsh, questioning my abilities and my place on the team. I tried to reason with her, to appeal to her sense of fairness, but she wasn't receptive. It's frustrating, but I know I can't let her negativity get the best of me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sorry you had to deal with that, Monica. Autumn's behavior is unacceptable, and it's not a reflection on your skills or your character. You handle these situations with a lot of grace and maturity.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, coach. I try to approach conflicts with understanding and empathy, even when it's difficult. I believe that kindness and reason can go a long way in resolving issues.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's a wonderful perspective to have, Monica. Your compassion and level-headedness are valuable assets, both on and off the field. Keep staying true to yourself and focusing on your own growth.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, It’s very kind of you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm going to talk to coach Olivia to get her to pay attention to you and your talents. I want you to train with the rest of us. No matter what Autumn says or does.<</say>>
<<md>>As I turned to leave, Monica called out, a hopeful look in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach, before you go, I wanted to ask you something. Do you think it would be possible for Nora to participate in the training too? She's really shy and would never ask herself, but I know she'd love the opportunity.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think that's a great idea, Monica. I'll definitely bring it up with Olivia and see what we can do. It's very thoughtful of you to consider Nora's feelings and advocate for her.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks, coach. I really appreciate you taking the time to listen and support us. It means a lot.<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled, touched by Monica's genuine concern for her friend and her willingness to speak up on her behalf.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Monica. I'll do my best to make it happen. Keep up the great work, and remember, I'm always here if you need to talk.<</say>>
<<md>>With a final wave, I left Monica to continue her practice, feeling even more determined to address the issues on the team and create a more inclusive environment for everyone.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 42>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = 8>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 8>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 3>>\
<<set $Olivia1Q = 5>>\
<<set $Olivia1QT = 5>>\
[[Back to school|School reception]]
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 36>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = 2>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 2>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 0.6>>\
<<say $mc>>Clara, I want to talk with you about...<</say>>
<<md>>Yet before I could speak on the topic, Clara's gaze froze my words, her own agenda taking precedence.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Let me make something clear—I expect all new teachers to integrate themselves within the faculty and staff before bringing any issues to my attention. Make yourself familiar with the staff here...their various roles and challenges.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Meet Sophia, an English teacher. She will be happy to finally meet you.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Also, meet Lucy, the English teacher. I think you'll have a lot to talk about.<</say>>
<<if $mc.Boldness gte 2 && $Lucy.Meet == 1>>\
[[Bold answer|PrologueCheerleadersClara2]]
<<elseif $mc.Intellect gte 2 && $Lucy.Meet == 1>>\
[[Intelectual answer|PrologueCheerleadersClara3]]
<<elseif $mc.Strength gte 2 && $Lucy.Meet == 1>>\
[[Powerful answer|PrologueCheerleadersClara4]]
<<elseif $mc.Charisma gte 2 && $Lucy.Meet == 1>>\
[[Charismatic answer|PrologueCheerleadersClara5]]
<<include "PrologueCheerleadersClara6">>\
<<say $mc>>Oh, we've already met her. A very nice and hot woman.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Hot? You mean you evaluate your colleagues in terms of sexuality?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, it's not that...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I hope so. I wouldn't want to fire you for insubordination.<</say>>
<<include"PrologueCheerleadersClara6">>\<<say $Clara>>Lucy seems extraordinarily bright - her knowledge of calculus is remarkable.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara raised an eyebrow. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I hope you're focused more on her intellect than anything else.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, I nodded. Her mathematical acumen is truly impressive.<</say>>
<<include"PrologueCheerleadersClara6">>\<<say $mc>Lucy leads her classes with confident command.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara gave me a look. <</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Command in what way exactly?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>As an educator - the students clearly respect her authority.<</say>>
<<include"PrologueCheerleadersClara6">>\<<say $mc>>Lucy has a way of making math engaging - her energy really connects with students.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara crossed her arms.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>See that you connect professionally as colleagues and nothing more.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Naturally, I reassured her. I simply meant Lucy builds great rapport as a teacher.<</say>>
<<include"PrologueCheerleadersClara6">>\<<say $Clara>>And finally, Olivia is the coach of our cheerleading team and an athletics teacher.<</say>>
<<md>>When she started talking about Olivia, the sports coach, I had a brilliant idea. Seeing an opening, I asked pointedly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Speaking of staff roles, where might I find the sports coach, Olivia? I thought introducing myself may be a sensible place to start.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara's response came swift, leaving no room for further discussion.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>The athletic fields, obviously. But don't assume you'll always find her there. Change comes swiftly in this environment.<</say>>
<<md>>Be that as it may, talking about Autumn's behavior with her trainer would be the best solution.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, Clara, I'll start right away.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Don't disappoint me. I have a good impression that you will become a vital part of the school.<</say>>
<<md>>Leaving her office, her final ambiguous caution echoed as a warning of what was to come navigating this maze.<</md>>
[[Leave her office|Second floor]]
<<addmins 10>>\<<include "LapBacksCheck">>\
<<md>>She continued to rub her clit, faster and faster, until she was on the brink of orgasm. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, yeah. <</say>>
<<md>>I rubbed my thumb up and down the length of my shaft, feeling the texture of my skin and the weight of my balls. <</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\laptop\Video\WebCamRoom9.2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She could feel her body shaking with excitement, and she couldn't wait to give in to the pleasure that was coursing through her veins.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good girl...<</say>>
<<link "Pay even more">><<run $cash -=100>><<goto "WebcamWatch6.2">><<addmins 15>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
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</script><<md>>The next day, I head to the beach where Olivia is supposed to be training the cheerleaders. The sun is high in the sky, and the sand is hot beneath my feet.<</md>>
<<md>>As I approach the group, I can see the girls practicing their routines. Olivia is in the middle of it all, barking orders and correcting their form.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Keep those legs straight, Autumn! Ruby, put some energy into it, for fuck's sake!<</say>>
<<md>>The girls are sweating under the hot sun, their faces flushed with exertion. Olivia seems to be pushing them hard.<</md>>
<<md>>As I get closer, Ruby spots me and calls out.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Well, hello there! Are you our new coach? Because I'd love for you to give me some private lessons.<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby winks at me, her tone dripping with flirtation. The other girls turn to look at me, some of them giggling and whispering to each other.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, that's enough. I'm leaving you girls with him for now. Don't fucking slack off, or you'll answer to me.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia gives me a curt nod before heading off towards the tennis court.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, ladies, let's see what you've got. Show me your routine from the top.<</say>>
<<md>>The girls get into position, and I watch as they start their choreography. It's clear that some of them are more focused than others.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Ruby, you're out of sync again! Stop shaking your ass and get it together!<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Oh please, Autumn. Just because you're not getting any doesn't mean the rest of us have to be prudes.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn scoffs and rolls her eyes, her outfit barely covering her curves as she moves through the routine.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You're one to talk, Ruby. <</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>We all know you're only taking this seriously because you want to get into coach's pants.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Can you blame me? Have you seen him?<</say>>
<<md>>I can see the tension between the girls, and I know I'll have to find a way to get them to work together if they're going to have any chance at winning.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, stop. Ruby, Autumn, come here.<</say>>
<<md>>The two girls approach me, looking wary.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Listen, I know there's some bad blood between you two, but you need to put that aside if you want to win. This is your last chance, remember?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>I know, but it's hard when some people only think with what's between their legs.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Hey, I can think with both my brain and my pussy, thank you very much.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Enough! We need to find a balance between hard work and having fun. Let's try the routine again, but this time, focus on supporting each other instead of tearing each other down.<</say>>
<<md>>The girls nod and head back to their positions. As they start the routine again, I can see a slight improvement in their teamwork.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Better! Keep it up, girls. Remember, you're all in this together.<</say>>
<<md>>As we continue the practice, I notice Autumn suddenly stop and point towards the beach entrance.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh great, look who it is. The biggest ass in the school.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Wait, is that Monica? What the fuck is she doing here?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>I don't know, but we're about to find out. Come on, Rubs.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn and Ruby start walking towards Monica, their faces twisted into cruel smirks. I quickly try to intervene.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, where are you two going? We're in the middle of practice!<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>This will only take a minute, coach. We just need to take care of something.<</say>>
<<md>>I watch as they approach Monica, who looks visibly uncomfortable at their presence.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Well, well, well. If it isn't Monica the mega-loser. Did you get lost on your way to the library?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Yeah, shouldn't you be studying or something? This beach is for people who actually have lives.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>> I was wondering if I could join the cheerleading team. I've been practicing and I think I could really contribute.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn and Ruby exchange a look of disgust before bursting into laughter.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Are you fucking kidding me? You, on the cheerleading team? That's the funniest thing I've heard all day.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Yeah, why don't you go join your loser best friend Nora instead? Oh wait, even she probably doesn't want to be seen with a pathetic cunt like you.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's face falls, but she tries to stand her ground.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>That's not very nice. I just want a chance to prove myself.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Listen, you desperate whore. This team is for winners, not for fucking losers like you and Nora. So why don't you do everyone a favor and fuck off?<</say>>
<<md>>I can see tears welling up in Monica's eyes, but she bravely fights them back.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You know what, Autumn? You're just a bully. You think tearing others down makes you better, but it just shows how insecure you really are.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn's face turns red with anger, and she takes a step towards Monica.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You fucking bitch, how dare you...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Enough! Autumn, Ruby, get back to practice now. I'll deal with you later.<</say>>
<<md>>I turn to Monica, my voice softening.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I'm so sorry about their behavior. It was completely unacceptable. Why don't you come talk to me after practice? We can discuss you joining the team then.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica gives me a grateful smile, wiping away a stray tear.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, coach. I'd like that.<</say>>
<<md>>As Monica walks away, I turn back to the team, my eyes narrowing in on Autumn and Ruby.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You two, with me. Now.<</say>>
[[Talk with them|Second visit(Beach)2]]<<md>>Later that day, I caught up with Olivia at the tennis court. She was in the middle of a practice session, her powerful serves echoing across the court. As she spotted me, she waved me over.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Hey, coach! Why don't you grab a racket and join me for a few rounds? We can talk while we play.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, I could use a good workout.<</say>>
<<md>>I grabbed a spare racket and took my position on the opposite side of the net. Olivia served, and we began to rally, the ball flying back and forth between us.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>So, what's on your mind? Let me guess, that bitch Autumn is stirring up trouble again?<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia laughed sharply, slamming the ball back with extra force.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>She's been bullying Monica, making her feel unwelcome on the team. And that's not all. Ruby tried to seduce me during practice.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia scoffed, shaking her head in disgust.<</md>>
<<md>>I lunged for the ball, barely managing to return it.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Those fucking sluts. Always trying to get ahead by spreading their legs. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I had to put a stop to it. I told them there would be no more drinking at training, and that their behavior was unacceptable.And they’ve done that. At least for now.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Really? I'm surprised they actually listened to you about the drinking.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia smashed the ball past me, scoring a point. She grinned, wiping the sweat from her body and it wsa very sexy.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, shit. Maybe we can use their thirst for dick to our advantage. If they want to impress you so badly, make them work for it on the field, not on their knees.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's a good point. I think we need to bring in some new blood to shake up the team dynamic. <</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Shit, at this point, I'm willing to try anything. We've got nationals coming up, and I'll be damned if I let these whores fuck it up for us. Do you have ideas? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Actually, yes. Monica, for one. She's been working her ass off and has a great attitude. And her friend Nora - she's shy, but I think with a little encouragement, she could be a real asset.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Monica, huh? Yeah, I've noticed that tight wonderful ass of hers in school. Girl's got some serious assets, in more ways than one.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia hit a particularly powerful serve, and I dove for it, barely managing to return the ball.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, fuck it. Let's give them a shot. Can't be any worse than the shitshow we've got now. But I'm warning you, coach. Everything's at stake here. We need to whip these girls into shape, or we're screwed.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm with you, Olivia. We'll make it happen. This team's going to be a force to be reckoned with, mark my words.<</say>>
<<md>>With a plan in place and a fire lit under us, Olivia and I parted ways, determined to turn the cheerleading team around. It wouldn't be easy, but with the right attitude and some fresh faces, we knew we could make it happen. Those slutty bitches better watch out - change was coming, whether they liked it or not.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 43>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = 9>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 9>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 4>>\
<<set $Olivia1Q = 6>>\
<<set $Olivia1QT = 6>>\
<<set $RubyQuest1T = 4>>\
<<md>>I spotted Nora on the first floor of the school, nervously shuffling through her locker. I approached her with a friendly smile, hoping to put her at ease.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, Nora! Can I talk to you for a minute?<</say>>
<<md>>Nora turned, her eyes widening in surprise. She clutched her books closer to her chest, a shy smile forming on her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Oh, hi! Um, sure, what's up?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I wanted to let you know that I talked to Olivia, I mean your coach... About you and Monica joining the cheerleading team. She agreed to give you both a chance!<</say>>
<<md>>Nora's face lit up, a mixture of excitement and disbelief washing over her features.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Really? That's amazing! I never thought... I mean, it's my dream, bu obsession, but...<</say>>
<<md>>She trailed off, her shyness getting the better of her. I gave her an encouraging nod.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You should definitely come to the next training session. Coach Olivia and I think you have a lot of potential.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>Thank you so much! This means a lot to me.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora paused, a flicker of concern crossing her face.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Um, is Monica allowed to come too? I know she's been working really hard...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely! I'm actually heading to talk to her next. You two will make a great addition to the team.<</say>>
<<md>>Relief and joy washed over Nora's face, her smile growing more confident.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>That's wonderful! Monica will be so happy. She's been such a great friend, always encouraging me to pursue my dreams.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's what friends are for, right? I'm glad you two have each other's backs.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora nodded, her eyes shining with gratitude.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Thank you again for giving us this opportunity. I promise we won't let you down!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I have no doubt about that, Nora. Keep up the positive attitude, and I'll see you at practice!<</say>>
<<md>>As I walked away, I couldn't help but smile at Nora's excitement. Her shy demeanor couldn't hide the spark of determination in her eyes. With her kindness and Monica's hard work, I had a feeling they would bring a much-needed breath of fresh air to the team.<</md>>
<<set $NoraCheerleader1 = 1>>\
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 45>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = 11>>\
[[Back|School reception]]<<md>>I found Monica at the sports field, diligently practicing her routines. As I approached, she paused, wiping the sweat from her brow and greeting me with a warm smile.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Mr.$mc.Surname! What brings you out here today?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I have some good news, Monica. I talked to Coach Olivia, and she's agreed to give you and Nora a chance on the cheerleading team!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's face lit up, her eyes sparkling with joy and excitement.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>That's fantastic! Oh my gosh, I can't believe it! Thank you so much for putting in a good word for us!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You've earned it, Monica. Your hard work and dedication haven't gone unnoticed.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica beamed with pride, but a hint of concern suddenly crossed her face.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I'm thrilled to be part of the team, but I actually have a small favor to ask. You see, I have some family matters to attend to, and I might miss the first training session. I was wondering if you could keep an eye on Nora for me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Monica. I'll make sure Nora feels welcome and supported. But is there something specific you're worried about?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica sighed, her smile faltering slightly.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It's just... well, you know how Autumn can be. She's not exactly the most welcoming person, especially to new members. I don't want Nora to feel intimidated or discouraged, you know?<</say>>
<<md>>She paused, a mischievous glint in her eye.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>But then again, with Autumn's attitude, she might end up scaring herself if she looks in the mirror!<</say>>
<<md>>We both laughed, the tension easing a bit.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, Monica. I'll keep a close eye on the situation and make sure Nora feels supported. Autumn's behavior won't be tolerated, and I'll step in if necessary.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you.. It means a lot to know you have our backs. I'll do my best to be there, but if I can't, I'm glad Nora will have you looking out for her.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's what I'm here for, Monica. You focus on your family matters, and I'll handle things on the team. We're going to make this a positive experience for everyone, Autumn included - even if she doesn't realize it yet.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica grinned, her confidence restored.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>With you in charge, Coach, I have no doubt about that. Thank you again for everything. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us on this team!<</say>>
<<md>>As I left Monica to continue her practice, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. Ensuring a supportive and inclusive environment for all the girls, especially new members like Nora, was now my top priority. Autumn's reign of terror was about to meet its match, and I was ready for the challenge.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 46>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = 12>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 11>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 5>>\
<<set $Olivia1Q = 7>>\
<<set $Olivia1QT = 7>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave|School gate]]
<<md>>As I arrived at the beach for the cheerleading practice, I noticed Nora wasn't among the girls warming up.I decided to look around the area, expecting to find the girl quickly. Instead, I started hearing voices. They were coming from the locker room. I had to check it out. <</md>>
<<md>>As I approached the locker area, I heard muffled laughter and cruel voices. Peeking around the corner, I saw Autumn and Ruby huddled over a locker, snickering maliciously.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>That stupid cunt Nora thinks she can just waltz onto our team? We'll see about that.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Ugh, who cares about her anyway? Let's just hurry up so we can party later!<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn shot Ruby a sharp glare, her voice dripping with venom.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Ugh, who cares about her anyway? Let's just hurry up so we can party later!<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn shot Ruby a sharp glare, her voice dripping with venom.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Shut up, Ruby. We need to teach that pathetic bitch a lesson. Hand me the scissors.<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby giggled and passed Autumn the scissors, watching as she began to cut strategic slits into Nora's cheerleading uniform.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>When that slut tries to do a split, her uniform will rip apart and expose her tits to everyone, showing how desperate whore she is. She'll be humiliated in front of everyone!<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Oh my god, that's hilarious! I can't wait to see the look on her face!<</say>>
<<md>>They laughed cruelly as Autumn continued to shred the fabric. I couldn't contain my anger any longer and stepped into view.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What are you two up to here?<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn and Ruby froze, their eyes wide with shock before quickly shifting to feigned innocence.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, hey Mr. Sexy Coach! We were just... making some alterations to the uniforms. You know, more boobs and asses to excite the audience <</say>>
<<md>>Ruby sauntered over to me, running her hands down my chest seductively.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Yeah, $mc.Name. We're just trying to make sure everyone looks their best. Speaking of which, I bet you'd look amazing out of that uniform...<</say>>
<<md>>I firmly removed her hands, my anger barely contained.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't think I'm dumb, both of you. I heard everything. Did you decide to destroy Nora's uniform on her first official training session?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Please, Coach. We both know that frumpy bitch doesn't belong on the squad. She's a fucking embarrassment!<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby clung to me and hugged me tightly. I could feel her breasts even through the cheerleader's uniform.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Please, $mc.Name, I'm sure if this remains our little secret, each of us will benefit from it.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>We can make a deal, can't we? Keep this between us, and I'll ensure the rest of the season goes smoothly. No need to drag a loser like Nora into this mess.<</say>>
[[Agree with them|NoraFirstTrainingAgree]]
[[Nora's place is here|NoraFirstTrainingRefuse]]
<<md>>I decided it was time to confront Autumn about the incident. I found her on the beach, practicing her routines with an intensity that matched her reputation for being tough and unyielding.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Autumn, we need to talk. Now.<</say>>
<<md>>She rolled her eyes but followed me to a more secluded area, her arms crossed defiantly.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>What's this about, Coach? If it's about Nora, I already told you, she's a waste of space.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Cut the attitude, Autumn. I want to know why you targeted Nora. What could possibly justify humiliating her like that?<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn scoffed, rolling her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You really don't get it, do you? This year has been a fucking nightmare for the cheerleading squad. Our budget's been slashed, we're practicing on the goddamn sand, and now you expect us to carry dead weight like Nora?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nora is not dead weight. She's a talented, dedicated athlete who deserves a fair chance.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh please, spare me the after-school special bullshit. We're here to win, not coddle losers who can't keep up. Nora's a liability, plain and simple.And by the way, you yourself shed the blood of that fucking virgin when you agreed to keep quiet. So there's no need to beat yourself up now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's not your call to make, Autumn. As captain, your job is to lead and support your teammates, not tear them down.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn laughed, a cruel, mocking sound.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Support? You want me to support a pathetic little mouse like Nora? I'm trying to whip this team into shape, Mr. New Coach. We can't afford any weak links, not if we want to make it to nationals.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's not about coddling, Autumn. It's about giving everyone a fair chance to prove themselves. And as for what happened with Nora's uniform, that was a mistake. I should have handled it differently.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>A mistake? That's bullshit, Coach. You're just as much a part of this as I am. You let it happen. And now you're trying to backpedal because you feel guilty?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm not trying to backpedal. I'm trying to do what's right for the team. And right now, that means making sure we're all pulling in the same direction, not tearing each other apart.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>What's right for the team is winning, Coach. And if that means we have to be tough, then so be it. You might be new here, but I've been leading this squad to victory for years. I know what it takes.<</say>>
<<md>>I could see the determination in Autumn's eyes, and I knew she believed every word she was saying. But her methods were toxic, and I couldn't let it continue.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Winning at all costs isn't leadership, Autumn. It's tyranny. And it's not the way we're going to operate. If you can't be a positive force on this team, then maybe it's time for you to step down as captain.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn's face hardened, and I could see the anger simmering just below the surface.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You can't do that. I am this team. Without me, you'll be nothing but a bunch of losers.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I believe in this team, Autumn. We will succeed. But I'd rather have you with us, as a leader who lifts others up, not one who tears them down.<</say>>
<<md>>There was a long silence as Autumn stared at me, her expression unreadable. Finally, she let out a slow breath and uncrossed her arms.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Fine. I'll play by your rules, for now. But don't think for a second that I'll let this team fall apart. We're going to nationals, with or without Nora.<</say>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 48>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = 14>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 13>>\
<<set $RubyQuest1T = 6>>\
<<set $Olivia1QT = 9>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 7>>\
<<md>>After the tense lesson, I found myself in need of a break. As I wandered the halls, I ran into Ruby, who seemed to be in her usual cheerful, carefree mood.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Hey there, Coach! Fancy running into you here. I was just about to grab a coffee from the canteen. Want to join me for a little one-on-one time?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, Ruby. I could use a little pick-me-up after the morning I've had.<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby grinned, bouncing on her toes with enthusiasm and giving me a playful wink.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>I know just the thing to perk you up, Coach. And I'm not just talking about the coffee, if you know what I mean.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Easy there, Ruby. Let's keep things professional, shall we?<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby pouted, her lower lip jutting out in an exaggerated manner.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>You're no fun, $! But I suppose I can behave... for now. Let's go get that caffeine fix before I say something really naughty!<</say>>
<<md>>We arrived at the canteen, and Ruby insisted on treating me to a coffee. As we sat down at a table, sipping our drinks, Ruby leaned forward, giving me a flirtatious look.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>So, Mr.$mc.Surname, any big plans for the weekend? I've got a killer party lined up. You should totally come! It'll be a blast... and who knows what might happen between us when we let loose.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I appreciate the invite, Ruby, but I don't think it would be appropriate for me to attend. I am still your coach, after all.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Aw, come on! . I promise I won't tell anyone if you don't. It can be our little secret.<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby winked suggestively, running her finger along the rim of her coffee cup.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>As tempting as that sounds, I'm going to have to pass. We need to focus on getting this team back on track.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Fiiiine, be that way! But you don't know what you're missing out on, Coach. I could show you a reeeally good time.<</say>>
<<md>>I chuckled, shaking my head at Ruby's bold advances.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sure you could, Ruby. But for now, let's channel that energy into your routines, okay?<</say>>
<<md>>As we sitting in the canteen sipping our coffees, Ruby's eyes sparkled with mischief. She grinned, leaning in close.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Hey Coach, want a sneak preview of the sexy new moves I've been working on? I guarantee they'll grab everyone's attention.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don't know, Ruby. This isn't really the place for a dance performance. Maybe save it for practice?<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Aw come on, live a little! It'll be fun. Check this out!<</say>>
<<md>>Before I could stop her, Ruby hopped up on our table. She started moving to a beat only she could hear, her hips swaying suggestively.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Get ready to have your mind blown, Coach! And maybe something else too, if you play your cards right.<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby winked flirtatiously before launching into a provocative dance. Her skirt rides up as she shimmied and shook, giving teasing glimpses of her toned legs and curvy backside. She spun around and wiggled her booty, giggling at the attention she was drawing.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ruby, maybe you should...<</say>>
<<md>>But it was too late. Many of the other patrons in the canteen started whistling and cheering, urging Ruby on. She basked in the attention, amping up her suggestive dance moves.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>You ain't seen nothing yet! How about this?<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby bent over, giving the hooting crowd a deliberate view down her top before slowly rolling her body upright. I shook my head, torn between amusement and exasperation at her brazen antics.<</md>>
<<md>>Just then, a stern voice cut through the commotion. The canteen manager stormed over, clearly unhappy with the impromptu show.<</md>>
<<text r "What's the meaning of this? Young lady, get down from there at once! This is a school canteen, not a strip club!">>
<<md>>Ruby pouted but hopped down, throwing her hands up in mock surrender. The watching students groaned in disappointment. Ruby shot me an impish grin as the manager shooed away the crowds.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Oops, guess I got a little carried away! But you gotta admit, Coach, I know how to captivate an audience. Imagine what I could do somewhere more private...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think I'll leave that to my imagination, Ruby. Let's get out of here before you get us both in trouble. And maybe keep the racy moves for the field from now on?<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Fiiine, I'll save the really naughty stuff for later. But I'll be thinking of you while I perform, Coach!<</say>>
<<md>>Shaking my head and chuckling, I ushered the unrepentant flirt out of the canteen. Ruby was incorrigible, but her lighthearted mischief was a welcome distraction from the drama with Autumn. I just hoped I could keep her in check before she really pushed things too far!<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 49>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = 15>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 15>>\
<<set $Olivia1QT = 10>>\
<<set $RubyQuest1T = 7>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 8>>\
[[Leave the canteen|School reception]]
<<if $NoraQuest1 == 15>>\
<<md>> I was ending my regular class when I noticed Monica and Nora engaged in a quiet conversation at the back of the room. Monica seemed to be comforting Nora, who still looked a bit shaken from the incident at cheerleading practice.<</md>>
<<md>>As the class ended and the students filed out, I approached the two girls, wanting to check in on Nora.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey Nora, how are you holding up? I know it was tough, but I hope you aren't letting it discourage you too much.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>Hi Mr.$mc.Surname. I'm still a lot embarrassed about what happened, but Monica's been really supportive. She thinks I should give cheerleading another try.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Absolutely! Nora, you're a great athlete and you deserve to be on the squad. Yesterday was just a fluke. I know you can do this!<</say>>
<<md>>Nora smiled shyly, bolstered by her friend's encouragement.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Thanks, Monica. And thank you, Coach, for being so understanding. I really appreciate you and Monica being in my corner. I think I will try again.<</say>>
<<elseif $NoraQuest1 == "15b">>\
<<md>>I was wrapping up my regular class when I noticed Monica and Nora excitedly chatting at the back of the room. They both seemed to be in great spirits, and Nora was smiling more than I'd seen before.<</md>>
<<md>>As the class ended and the students filed out, I approached the two girls, curious about what had them so cheerful.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey Nora, Monica! You two seem pretty happy today. Did something good happen?<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>Mr.$mc.Surname, I just feel good after training. I'm finally starting to feel like I belong on the squad.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>She is great, Coach! You could really see her confidence growing with each step.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora blushed at the praise, but she couldn't hide her proud smile.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>I couldn't have done it without your encouragement, Mr.$mc.Surname. Knowing you and Monica have my back has made all the difference.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's wonderful, Nora. And you know, I think Coach Olivia has noticed your hard work too. I talked with her during practice, and she sounded really impressed with your progress.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora's eyes widened in surprise, a hopeful look crossing her face.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Really? Coach Olivia said that? Wow, I had no idea she'd even noticed me...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Of course she has! Nora, you're becoming one of the strongest members of the squad. It's about time the coaches recognized that.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, remembering the glowing words Olivia had used to describe Nora's improvement. She had big plans for Nora, but I decided to keep the specifics to myself for now, not wanting to put too much pressure on the girl.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Trust me, Nora, your efforts haven't gone unnoticed. Keep putting in the work, and I have a feeling you'll be getting a lot more positive attention from Coach Olivia and the rest of the squad.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>That's... that's amazing to hear. I'll keep pushing myself, Mr.$mc.Surname. I won't let you or Coach Olivia down.<</say>>
Tip: \
<<if $NoraQuest1T == 1>>\
Nora seems to be suffering from being bullied by Autumn. I need to talk to <<customTip "Clara's office on the second floor in the school. In the morning (8.10 a.m. - 8.25 a.m) or after lessons (3 p.m - 4 p.m.)" "Clara" "#F65575" "Nora Weatherby">> about this.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 2>>\
It seems that Clara is not ready to listen to me yet. But Autumn is a cheerleader. I can talk to the cheerleaders <<customTip "I can find Olivia on the school sports field from 12 am to 3:30 pm" "coach" "#F65575" "Nora Weatherby">> at the sports field.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 3>>\
It seems that thanks to Monica's support, Nora is taking her fight with Autumn a little easier. However, I still need to talk to <<customTip "I can find Olivia on the school sports field from 12 a.m to 3:30 p.m" "Olivia" "#F65575" "Nora Weatherby">> about it.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 4>>\
Nora's problem is Autumn. To solve this problem, I need to attend a <<customTip "Training of cheerleaders takes place on the beach (from 3 p.m to 5 p.m)." "cheerleading practice" "#F65575" "Nora Weatherby">>
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 5>>\
The problems of cheerleaders and their behavior are not so easy to fix. I need <<customTip "I should look at different places like classrooms, cafe, park" "Olivia's" "#F65575" "Nora Weatherby">> help.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 6>>\
The key to helping Nora is to teach the cheerleaders the right behavior. It is necessary to attend their <<customTip "Cheerleaders trains on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m." "training sessions" "#F65575" "Nora Weatherby">>.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 7>>\
I think I have a plan how to help Nora. I need to talk to Olivia. But before that, I need to talk to Nora's friend, <<customTip "It seems that Monica is more persistent than Nora. She will definitely be training on the sports field from noon to 1 p.m." "Monica" "#F65575" "Nora Weatherby">>.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 8>>\
If I <<customTip "Olivia plays tennis in the park on the tennis court every day from 4 to 5 p.m." "can convince" "#F65575" "Nora Weatherby">> Olivia to accept Nora into the team, it will help make Nora's dream come true.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 9>>\
Before I can tell Nora the good news, I need to <<customTip "I can talk to her after school in my classroom, around 3 p.m." "talk to her alone" "#F65575" "Nora Weatherby">>
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 10>>\
Nora is a very talented artist, but her desire to be on the cheerleading team is irresistible. I need to bring her the <<customTip "I'm sure I'll find Nora on the first floor of the school between 8 and 8.25 am" "good news" "#F65575" "Nora Weatherby">>.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 11>>\
I need to attend Nora's <<customTip "As usual, cheerleaders will be training from 3 to 5 p.m. on the beach." "first training session" "#F65575" "Nora Weatherby">> and make sure everything goes well.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 12>>\
The incident with the uniform seems to have upset Nora. I need to talk to <<customTip "The best place to talk to Autumn is on the beach during a practice session." "Autumn and Ruby" "#F65575" "Nora Weatherby">> about the reasons for their behaviour.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == "12b">>\
Autumn and Ruby are unhappy that Nora is on the team. I need to talk to <<customTip "The best place to talk to Autumn is on the beach during a practice session." "them" "#F65575" "Nora Weatherby">>, maybe I can convince them not to be so aggressive.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 13>>\
If I couldn't convince Autumn fully, maybe I can convince <<customTip "Better to talk with Ruby at the second floor, from noon to 1 p.m." "Ruby" "#F65575" "Nora Weatherby">>? For Nora's sake.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 15>>\
Since the conversation with Autumn and Ruby didn't work out, it's time to focus on <<customTip "It is better to talk to her in the biology class from 12 to 1 p.m." "Nora" "#F65575" "Nora Weatherby">>.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 16>>\
Ruby seemed to be up to something, but I decided not to interfere. I hope Nora <<customTip "Nora can be found on the second floor before my classes in the morning" "will be okay" "#F65575" "Nora Weatherby">>.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == "16b">>\
Looks like Ruby's trying to pull a fast one on Nora. We better <<customTip "As usual, cheerleaders will be training from 3 to 5 p.m. on the beach." "keep tabs" "#F65575" "Nora Weatherby">> on the squad at their next practice.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 17>>\
It seems that my silence backfired on Nora. I'll have to see if she's okay for the next <<customTip "Practice will be held as usual on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m." "training session" "#F65575" "Nora Weatherby">>
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == "17b">>\
Man, that practice was a train wreck waiting to happen. I gotta be there <<customTip "Practice will be held as usual on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m." "next time" "#F65575" "Nora Weatherby">> to make sure Nora's okay.
<<elseif $NoraQuest1T == 19>>\
Training was a pleasure for Nora. I hope it will <<customTip "Practice will be held as usual on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m." "continue" "#F65575" "Nora Weatherby">> to be so.
You have reached the end of the line for this version.
<</if>>\<div id="instagram-icon-container" style="display: flex; align-items: center; cursor: pointer;" onclick="'Gram')">
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<span id="instagram-unread-count" style="font-weight: bold; color: #f52e74;"></span>
$(document).ready(function() {
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</script><<md>>A few days later, I arrived at the beach for the cheerleading practice, feeling cautiously optimistic about Nora's progress. As I approached the group, I noticed Autumn and Ruby huddled around Nora, their expressions uncharacteristically friendly.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Yo, Nora, listen up. We were pretty fuckin' harsh on you before, and that wasn't cool. We're sorry or whatever.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Yeah, totally! We totes want you to know that you're part of the squad now, and we've got your back, girl!<</say>>
<<md>>Nora looked surprised but pleased by their apparent change of heart. I, however, remained skeptical, knowing their track record.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Oh, wow, thanks guys. That means a lot to me.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Ooh, ooh, we have this super fun initiation tradition for new members! You gotta take a sip of the team punch, Nora!<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby produced a red plastic cup filled with a dubious-looking liquid, giggling and swaying slightly. Nora eyed it warily, hesitating.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>I don't know, I'm not really a big drinker...<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Don't be a fuckin' pussy, Nora. We've all done it. Just drink the damn punch and stop being so weak.<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby giggled, her words slurring together.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Yeah, Nora, don't be a buzzkill! It's just a little drinky to celebrate our new bestie!<</say>>
<<if $MonicaCheerleader1 gte 2>>\
[[Don't intervene|NoraThirdTrainingAgree]]
<<md>>I was packing up my things to leave the classroom when I noticed Ruby lingering in the corridor, looking uncertain and distracted. She seemed to be searching for something, her eyes darting around nervously. As I approached her, she quickly composed herself and flashed me a dazzling smile.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Hey there, handsome! I've been looking all over for you. I just wanted to thank you again for keeping our little... secret.<</say>>
<<md>>She winked playfully, her voice laced with flirtatious undertones. I shifted uncomfortably, trying to maintain a professional demeanor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ruby, I'm not sure what you're talking about. We should keep things appropriate between us.<</say>>
<<md>>She pouted, her full lips pursed in an exaggerated expression of disappointment. Despite her outward confidence, I could sense an underlying vulnerability in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Oh, come on! Don't be such a spoilsport.<</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly she came too close. I tried to move away, but I felt in my back that there was nowhere to run. Behind me was the board, and in front of me was a seductive cheerleader.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>> I know you feel the spark between us too. I've seen the way you look at me during cheer practice and in the canteen.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words caught me off guard, and I found myself at a loss for words. Ruby took a step closer, her perfume enveloping me in a sweet, intoxicating scent.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Listen, if you keep our secret safe, I can make it worth your while. We could have so much fun together.<</say>>
<<md>>The situation was becoming increasingly complicated. As a teacher, I knew I had to put an end to this inappropriate behavior. Yet, a small part of me was tempted by her offer, drawn to the excitement and allure she promised.<</md>>
[[Refuse|RubyDisctraction3]]<<say $mc>>So, girls, get yourselves together and start training! You've been chilling for too long!<</say>>
<<md>>I tried to assert some authority over the cheerleading practice, but it was clear from the outset that Autumn was in no mood to be tamed. She pranced around provocatively, each movement dripping with seduction. At one point, she sauntered up to me, her hips swaying suggestively.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Hey coach, you seem tense. Why don't you let loose a little? I could show you a good time.<</say>>
<<md>>She ran a finger down my arm, her touch sending an involuntary shiver through me. I took a step back, trying to maintain my composure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Autumn, that's enough. We're here to practice, not to... whatever this is.<</say>>
<<md>>She pouted, her lips forming a mock frown, but there was a gleam in her eye that told me she was enjoying this. She turned back to her teammates, who were watching the exchange with amused smiles.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Looks like coach is too uptight for our kind of fun, girls. Let's show him what he's missing.<</say>>
<<md>>The cheerleaders erupted into cheers and laughter, egging Autumn on as she launched into an even more provocative routine. I felt my face flush with a mix of embarrassment and frustration.<</md>>
<<md>>Meanwhile, Ruby had become the life of the party, her flask passed around among the cheerleaders. The smell of alcohol was thick in the air, and their movements became increasingly erratic as they drank. Ruby stumbled over to me, her breath reeking of liquor.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Come on, coach, don't be such a killjoy. Have a drink and join the fun!<</say>>
<<md>>She thrust the flask towards me, but I pushed it away firmly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Enough, Ruby. This has gone too far. You're all drunk, and this is supposed to be a practice session.<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby, undeterred by my rejection, merely shrugged and turned her attention back to her fellow cheerleaders, who were now forming a loose circle around us. Her defiance seemed to signal an open invitation for further debauchery.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>You heard the coach, girls! He wants us to practice. Let's give him a show he won't forget!<</say>>
<<md>>The cheerleaders, buoyed by Ruby's enthusiasm and the alcohol coursing through their veins, began a series of risqué routines. They were more interested in performing for each other, with exaggerated winks and sultry moves, than in any real cheerleading practice.<</md>>
<<md>>Autumn, seizing the moment, sauntered up to me again. This time, her behavior was more confrontational, a challenge in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>What's the matter, coach? Can't handle a little heat?<</say>>
<<md>>She then turned to perform an impromptu dance, her movements overly sexualized, clearly intended to provoke. The other cheerleaders cheered her on, clapping and whistling in a display of solidarity and defiance.<</md>>
<<md>>I realized then that my presence was only fueling their rebellion. Any attempts to regain control were met with laughter and mocking jeers. Ruby, emboldened by my failed attempts to discipline them, took it upon herself to escalate the situation further.<</md>>
<<md>>She grabbed a teammate, pulling her into a sloppy, alcohol-fueled kiss. The crowd of cheerleaders erupted into whoops and hollers, their behavior spiraling into outright anarchy. Ruby then slapped her teammate's behind, laughing maniacally as the girl spun around, feigning shock before joining in the laughter.<</md>>
<<md>>The spectacle before me was far from the disciplined and synchronized cheerleading practice I had envisioned. It was a debauched party, with no regard for rules or decorum. The realization hit me hard: I had lost any semblance of authority I might have had.<</md>>
<<md>>With a heavy heart and a sense of defeat, I turned away from the chaos, the sounds of their raucous laughter and mocking cheers echoing behind me. It was clear that any further efforts to corral the cheerleaders would be futile.<</md>>
<<md>>I knew I had to find Olivia and inform her of the situation. As I walked away, the weight of the cheerleaders' mockery bore down on me. This was a battle I had lost, but the war for the cheerleaders' discipline and respect was far from over.<</md>>
<<addmins 40>>\
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 39>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = 5>>\
<<set $Olivia1Q = 2>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 5>>\
<<set $Olivia1QT = 2>>\
<<set $Ruby.Meet = 1>>\
<<run setup.unlockCharacter("Ruby")>>\
<<set $RubyQuest1 = 1>>\
<<set $RubyQuest1T = 1>>\
[[Look for Olivia|OliviaQuest1Tennis2]] Tip: \
<<if $RubyQuest1T == 1>>\
Ruby may be pretty, but her behavior is simply nasty. I need to talk to <<customTip "I should look at different places like classrooms, cafe, park" "Olivia" "#F65575" "Ruby Martin">> about it.
<<elseif $RubyQuest1T == 2>>\
To make sure that Ruby's behavior doesn't happen again, I have to attend a <<customTip "Cheerleaders trains on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m." "cheerleading practice." "#F65575" "Ruby Martin">>
<<elseif $RubyQuest1T == 3>>\
I need to discuss Ruby and Autumn's behaviour with <<customTip "I need to talk to Olivia about this achievement and figure out what to do next." "Olivia" "#F65575" "Ruby Martin">>.
<<elseif $RubyQuest1T == 4>>\
I'll need to talk to Ruby one-on-one, but for now, I need to <<customTip "I have to tell Monica and Nora the good news." "tell the girls" "#F65575" "Ruby Martin">> the good news.
<<elseif $RubyQuest1T == 5>>\
Ruby and Autumn's behaviour led to Nora's embarrassment in front of everyone. I need to talk to <<customTip "The best place to talk to Autumn is on the beach during a practice session" "Autumn" "#F65575" "Ruby Martin">> and then Ruby about what happened.
<<elseif $RubyQuest1T == "5b">>\
Thanks to my persistence, Nora is safe for now. But I need to talk to <<customTip "The best place to talk to Autumn is on the beach during a practice session" "Autumn" "#F65575" "Ruby Martin">> and Ruby to make sure this doesn't happen again.
<<elseif $RubyQuest1T == 6>>\
The conversation with Autumn did not yield the desired results. I need to talk to Ruby in a <<customTip "Better to talk with Ruby at the second floor, from noon to 1 p.m." "place" "#F65575" "Ruby Martin">> where Autumn can't control her.
<<elseif $RubyQuest1T == 7>>\
Ruby seems to be more interested in me and parties than in cheerleading. Maybe I can use that. In the meantime, I have to keep an eye on all the cheerleaders, <<customTip "Talk to Nora in the biology classroom from 12 to 1 pm" "new" "#F65575" "Ruby Martin">>and old.
<<elseif $RubyQuest1T == "7b">>\
I'm getting sketchy vibes from Ruby. She and Autumn are definitely <<customTip "Cheerleaders trains on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m." "cooking up something." "#F65575" "Ruby Martin">>
<<elseif $RubyQuest1T == 8>>\
Ruby was up to something, but I decided not to interfere. I have to keep an eye on <<customTip "Nora can be found on the second floor before my classes in the morning" "Nora" "#F65575" "Ruby Martin">> and Ruby, of course.
<<elseif $RubyQuest1T == "8b">>\
Looks like Ruby's scheme fizzled out, but I've got a gut feeling this <<customTip "Training of cheerleaders takes place on the beach (from 3 p.m to 5 p.m)." "ain't over yet" "#F65575" "Ruby Martin">>
<<elseif $RubyQuest1T == 9>>\
I'll have to talk to Ruby about that party. But first, we have to make sure everything goes smoothly <<customTip "Practice will be held as usual on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m." "at practice" "#F65575" "Ruby Martin">>.
<<elseif $RubyQuest1T == 10>>\
Ruby was quite... convincing and hot. But I suspect there's more to it than that. That she's up to something. I'll ask her after <<customTip "Practice will be held as usual on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m." "practice" "#F65575" "Ruby Martin">>.
<<elseif $RubyQuest1T == "10b">>\
Ruby is up to something, but I won't fall for it. I'll have to figure out what's going on in her head, but after <<customTip "Practice will be held as usual on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m." "training" "#F65575" "Ruby Martin">>.
<<elseif $RubyQuest1T == 11>>\
It was time to talk to Ruby about her behavior. I'll do it right here at <<customTip "Practice will be held as usual on the beach from 3 to 5 p.m." "practice" "#F65575" "Ruby Martin">>.
You have reached the end of the line for this version.
<<md>>I took the girls to a corner further away and started discussing what had just happened.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Are you fucking kidding me, $mc.Name? That loser, on our team? Over my dead body.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Watch your tone, Autumn. I'm the coach, and what I say goes. Bullying and cruelty will not be tolerated, is that clear?<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn scoffs, rolling her eyes dramatically.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Coach…Sure…Yeah! Crystal as fuck!. But when little miss nobody brings our whole routine crashing down, don't come crying to me.<</say>>
<<md>>I looked at her with displeasure.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Hey Rubs, why don't you show Coach some of your special talents? I bet he'd appreciate a private show to calm down.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn smirks devilishly at Ruby, who takes the cue and slinks over to me, her body language oozing seduction.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Hey Coach, want a front row seat to my best moves? I guarantee you've never seen anything like it.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>We could find somewhere a little more intimate, just you and me. I'll let you do whatever you want, no holding back...<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby presses against me suggestively, her breath hot on your neck. The offer is tempting, I felt boner, but I stand firm. For Olivia.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ruby, enough. This is wildly inappropriate. We're here to practice, end of story.<</say>>
<<md>>I push Ruby back, my tone leaving no room for argument. She pouts, her lower lip jutting out.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Your loss, sexy Coach. But the offer stands if you change your mind. I could rock your world...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not going to happen, Ruby. Now get back in position.<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby shrugs, winking at me before sauntering back to her spot. I round on Autumn, mypatience wearing thin.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Autumn, get your girls in line. I won't stand for this kind of behavior, from anyone. Got it?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Aye aye, Captain Buzzkill.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>One more thing. The drinking at practice stops now. It's a liability we can't afford.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Whoa, hold up. You can't be serious. The girls will riot if I take away their booze!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Dead serious, Autumn. And while we're at it, let's talk about your treatment of Monica. That bullying? It ends now.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn pales, her bravado slipping for just a moment. She shares a nervous glance with Ruby.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>That? We were just messing around...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It was cruel and unacceptable. You're going to apologize to Monica, inform the team about the drinking ban, and start acting like a real leader. Are we clear?<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn clenches her jaw, looking away. After a long, tense moment, she nods curtly.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Sure “Coach”, whatever you say.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn turns to the team, her expression sour.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Listen up, ladies. Coach Boozekill here says no more booze at practice. So that means we're gonna have to suffer through this shit stone-cold sober from now on.<</say>>
<<md>>The girls groan and mutter in displeasure. Autumn holds up a hand to silence them.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Hey, don't shoot the messenger. If you've got a problem, take it up with Coach.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, Autumn stalks off to the side, leaving me to deal with the disgruntled team. I scan the field, looking for Monica, but she's nowhere to be seen.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, has anyone seen Monica?<</say>>
<<md>>The girls shrug, shaking their heads. Autumn, overhearing, saunters back over to me.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>She probably ran off to cry in the bathroom or something. You know how sensitive she is.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Autumn, you were supposed to apologize to her.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oops, guess it must have slipped my mind. My bad.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn's tone is dripping with false sincerity. It's clear she has no intention of making amends with Monica.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is unacceptable, Autumn. You can't just brush this off.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Look, Coach, I've got a lot on my plate right now, okay? I've got to whip these lazy bitches into shape, and now I've got to do it without any liquid encouragement. So excuse me if coddling Monica's delicate feelings isn't at the top of my priority list.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn crosses her arms defiantly, her jaw set. It's obvious that she's not going to budge on this.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fine. If you won't apologize, then I will. And Autumn? There will be consequences for your behavior. Count on it.<</say>>
<<md>>I march off to find Monica, leaving a fuming Autumn in my wake. I can only hope that Monica is alright, wherever she is.<</md>>
[[Leave|Street York-Road]]
<<addmins 120>>\
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 41>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = 7>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 7>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 2>>\
<<set $Olivia1Q = 4>>\
<<set $Olivia1QT = 4>>\
<<set $RubyQuest1T = 3>>\<<md>>I looked at Autumn, weighing my options. The thought of having a smooth season was tempting, but the idea of allowing such behavior to go unpunished didn't sit right with me. However, the pleading looks in their eyes and the promise of a peaceful season swayed me. I sighed, making a decision I hoped I wouldn't regret.<</md>> <<say $mc>>Fine. I'll let this slide. But this is the last time. Any more trouble from either of you, and there will be serious consequences. Do you understand?<</say>> <<md>>Autumn and Ruby exchanged relieved glances, nodding eagerly.<</md>> <<say $Autumn>>Of course, Coach. You won't hear a peep from us. Right, Ruby?<</say>> <<say $Ruby>>Absolutely! We'll be on our best behavior, promise.<</say>> <<md>>With that, they hurriedly tidied up the locker area and joined the other girls on the beach, leaving me to contemplate my decision. I hoped I had made the right choice for the team's sake.<</md>>
<<md>>As I was deep in thought, contemplating how to handle the situation with Nora's uniform, I heard a timid voice behind me.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Mr. $mc.Surname? What are you doing here in the girl’s locker room?<</say>>
<<md>>I turned to see Nora standing in the doorway, her eyes wide with curiosity and a hint of nervousness.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, hey Nora! I was just... checking to make sure everything was in order for practice. You know, making sure the uniforms were all set and ready to go.<</say>>
<<md>>I forced a smile, not wanting to worry her with the truth about Autumn and Ruby.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Oh, okay. I was just about to get changed... but I can come back later if you're busy?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, no, don't worry about it! I was just heading out anyway.<</say>>
<<md>>Before I left, I realized that even though I had accepted Autumn's offer, I still had to support Nora. Maybe nothing bad would happen...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Listen, Nora... I know you might be feeling a little nervous about your first practice, but I want you to know that you've got this. You're going to do great out there.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and gratitude, a shy smile tugging at her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Thanks, $mc.Surname . That means a lot. I'll do my best!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know you will, Nora. Now go get ready, and I'll see you out on the beach.<</say>>
<<md>>With a nod and a grateful smile, Nora headed into the locker room to change. I took a deep breath and made my way out to the field, spotting Olivia on the sidelines.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Hey, Coach. Everything alright? You look a little tense.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Hey, Coach. Everything alright? You look like shit.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, everything's fine. Just had a little chat with the girls. Nothing to worry about.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia snorted, clearly not entirely convinced, but she let it go.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, if you say so. But if any of those little shits are giving you trouble, you let me know.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So now you're my sexy, fit babysitter?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Ahahaha, shut up! Are Nora and Monica here?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Nora's here, but Monica's dealing with some family matters for now.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>So, how's Nora holding up? Poor thing must be a bundle of nerves.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She's definitely a little anxious, but I think she's got a lot of potential. We just need to make sure she feels supported and encouraged.<</say>>
<<md>>Just then, Nora emerged from the locker room, her uniform intact and a determined look on her face. She joined the other girls on the beach, taking her place among them.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, would you look at that. Looks like our little rookie is ready to show us what she's got.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I have a feeling she's going to surprise us all. Let's get this practice started and see what these girls can do.<</say>>
<<md>>As the cheerleading practice got underway, I kept a close eye on Nora, watching as she nervously took her place among the other girls. Despite her obvious anxiety, she seemed to be keeping up with the routines, her movements growing more confident with each passing minute.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Not bad for a rookie. She's got some raw talent, that's for sure.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Definitely. With a little training and support, she could really shine on this squad.<</say>>
<<md>>Just as the words left my mouth, the unthinkable happened. As girl executed a particularly challenging split, I heard a distinct ripping sound. My heart sank as I realized what happened.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>What the fuck just happened? Nora, are you okay?<</say>>
<<md>>Nora's uniform, sabotaged by Autumn and Ruby, tore apart at the seams, exposing her breasts to everyone on the beach.Nora's face turned bright red as she frantically tried to cover herself, tears welling up in her eyes. The other girls gasped and whispered among themselves, some of them shooting sympathetic looks in Nora's direction.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Oh my god... I can't... I have to go!<</say>>
<<md>>Before anyone could stop her, Nora turned and ran off the field, heading straight for the locker room. My heart sank as I watched her flee, knowing the humiliation and shame she must be feeling.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll go talk to Nora, try to calm her down and see if we can salvage the situation. Can you handle the rest of practice?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Yeah, I've got this. You go take care of our girl. And Coach? Make sure she knows this wasn't her fault. She didn't deserve this.<</say>>
<<md>>With a nod of understanding, I hurried off the field, making my way towards the locker room. My mind raced with thoughts of how to comfort Nora and assure her that she still had a place on this team, despite the cruel actions of her teammates.<</md>>
<<md>>I cautiously entered the locker room, my heart aching at the sound of Nora's muffled sobs. I found her huddled in a corner, her arms wrapped tightly around her knees as she trembled with emotion.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Nora? It's Coach. Can we talk for a moment?<</say>>
<<md>>Nora looked up at me, her eyes red and puffy from crying. She hastily wiped at her tears, trying to compose herself.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>C-Coach, I... I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened out there. My uniform just... fell apart. I'm so embarrassed...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nora, listen to me. You have nothing to apologize for. What happened out there wasn't your fault, not even a little bit.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sometimes, uniforms can be faulty. It's just a really unfortunate accident, but it doesn't reflect on you as a person or a cheerleader.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora sniffled, nodding slowly as she absorbed my words. I could see the doubt lingering in her eyes, but I knew I had to keep up the facade to protect her from the truth about Autumn and Ruby's sabotage.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>I just... I feel so humiliated. How can I face the others after this?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hold your head high, Nora. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You're a talented, hardworking young woman who deserves to be on this team. Don't let their cruelty destroy your confidence.<</say>>
<<md>>I opened my arms, offering Nora a comforting hug. She hesitated for a moment before falling into my embrace, her body shaking with silent sobs.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's going to be okay, Nora. I've got your back, and so does the rest of the team. We'll get through this together, I promise.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora clung to me, drawing strength from my words and my presence. After a long moment, she pulled back, wiping her tears and offering me a shaky smile.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Thank you, Coach. I... I don't know what I would have done without your support. I'll try to stay strong.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's my girl. Now, let's get you cleaned up and get back out there tomorrow. Show them what you're made of, Nora. Don't let this setback define you.<</say>>
<<md>>With a nod of determination, Nora stood up, ready to face the world once more. I smiled, proud of her resilience and strength. Together, we walked out of the locker room, ready to confront the challenges ahead and prove that nothing could keep Nora down for long.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 47>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = 13>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 12>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 6>>\
<<set $Olivia1Q = 8>>\
<<set $Olivia1QT = 8>>\
<<set $RubyQuest1T = 5>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave|Beach]] <<md>>I pushed her away, my disgust evident.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Enough! Both of you, listen up. I will not tolerate this kind of bullying and sabotage on my team. Nora has every right to be here, and I won't stand for you trying to humiliate her.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>But Coach, she's going to ruin everything! We can't let her-<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I said enough, Autumn! You and Ruby are going to leave Nora's uniform alone, and you're going to treat her with respect. If I catch either of you pulling a stunt like this again, you'll be off the team faster than you can say 'sabotage'. Got it?<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn and Ruby exchanged furious glances but nodded, knowing they were cornered.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Fine. Whatever you say, Coach.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good. Now get your asses out to the field and start warming up. I'll be watching you both closely.<</say>>
<<md>>With a final glare, Autumn and Ruby stalked out of the locker room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I knew I'd made the right decision by stopping them, but I also knew this was only the beginning of the challenges Nora would face on this team.<</md>>
<<md>>Just then, Nora herself walked in, surprised to see me there.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Oh, Coach! I didn't expect to see you here. Is everything okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Everything's fine, Nora. I was just making sure the locker room was tidy before practice. How are you feeling about your first official training session?<</say>>
<<md>>Nora's cheeks flushed with a mix of excitement and nerves.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>I'm a little nervous, to be honest. But I'm also really excited to prove myself and show what I can do.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's the spirit, Nora. You're going to do great out there. Just remember, you've earned your place on this team. Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora smiled, her confidence bolstered by my words.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Thanks, Coach. That means a lot. I won't let you down!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know you won't, Nora. Now go get ready, and I'll see you out on the field.<</say>>
<<md>>With a nod and a determined grin, Nora headed off to change into her uniform. I took a deep breath, knowing that I'd just taken the first step in protecting Nora from Autumn and Ruby's cruelty. It wasn't going to be an easy road, but I was determined to create a team built on respect, hard work, and unity.<</md>>
<<md>>As I walked out to the field to start practice, I caught Olivia's eye. She raised an eyebrow, sensing something was up.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Everything okay, $mc.Name? You look like you've got something on your mind.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just had to deal with a little team drama, but it's handled. Nothing to worry about.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Good. Because we've got a lot of work to do if we're going to whip these girls into shape for the competition.<</say>>
<<md>>As the cheerleading practice got underway, I watched Nora closely, noticing how she nervously took her place among the other girls. Despite her obvious anxiety, she seemed to be keeping up with the routines, her movements growing slightly more confident with each passing minute.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Hmm. Not terrible for a newbie.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She's got potential. With the right guidance, she could really grow on this squad.<</say>>
<<md>>Just as the words left my mouth, Autumn's mocking voice cut through the air like a knife.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Hey, Nora! Try not to fuck up too badly, okay? We don't need you dragging the whole team down with your incompetence.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora's face turned bright red, and she stumbled slightly, her confidence shaken. I felt a surge of anger at Autumn's cruelty.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Stay focused, Nora. You've got this. Don't let her get to you.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora gave me a small, grateful nod, trying her best to keep up with the routine despite Autumn's constant taunts and jeers.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Kid's got guts, I'll give her that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She just needs to believe in herself. With a supportive team behind her, she'll get there.<</say>>
<<md>>As the practice continued, Nora's moves slowly became more precise, though her nervousness was still evident. Even Autumn seemed slightly impressed, though she quickly masked it with a sneer.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Not bad, rookie. Keep working at it.<</say>>
<<md>>As the practice ended, the girls gathered around, catching their breath. Nora stood slightly apart from them, her eyes downcast.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, bitches, that's it for today. Nora, good effort out there. Keep busting your ass, and you might just survive on this squad.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn scoffed, rolling her eyes dramatically.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Please. She's still a fucking mess. I give her a week before she runs off crying like the pathetic loser she is.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Back off, Autumn. Nora's here to stay, and she's going to keep improving. You'd better get used to it.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn glared at me before storming off the field, Ruby trailing behind her like a lost puppy. I turned to Nora, giving her a reassuring smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't listen to Autumn, Nora. You did great today. Keep pushing yourself, and you'll be amazed at what you can achieve.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>T-Thanks, Coach. I... I'll keep trying my best.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's all anyone can ask of you. Now go hit the showers and get some rest. You've earned it.<</say>>
<<md>>With a shy smile and a nod, Nora hurried off to the locker room, her head down. I knew that today was just the first step on her journey, and I was determined to help her build the confidence she needed to truly shine.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Autumn's a real cunt, isn't she?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No arguments here. But we can't let her break Nora's spirit. That girl's got too much potential to let Autumn ruin it.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Damn straight. We'll whip her into shape, $mc.Name .<</say>>
<<md>>With a determined nod, Olivia and I gathered our things, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. <</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 47>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = "13b">>\
<<set $NoraQuest1T = "12b">>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1 += 1>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "6b">>\
<<set $Olivia1Q = 8>>\
<<set $Olivia1QT = "8b">>\
<<set $RubyQuest1T = "5b">>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave|Beach]] <<md>>And then Ruby flew into the room, swaying sexily, allowing me to almost see what was under her skirt. She flopped over onto a nearby table, batting her eyelashes at me before turning her attention to Nora.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Hey girl! So, like, we're totally having this super fun practice sesh tonight at 6. You've just gotta come! And afterwards, we can hit up this wild party I know about. It'll be the perfect way to forget all about yesterday's drama!<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby winked at me slyly when Nora wasn't looking, and a sinking feeling settled in my stomach. I suspected Ruby might be up to something, but I didn't want to voice my concerns and risk discouraging Nora further.<</md>>
<<md>>Ruby winked at me slyly when Nora wasn't looking, and a sinking feeling settled in my stomach. I suspected Ruby might be up to something, but I didn't want to voice my concerns and risk discouraging Nora further.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Oh, um... a party? I don't know, Ruby. I'm not really a party person...<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Aw, come on, Nora! Live a little! It'll be so much fun, and I bet there will be some super cute guys there. Maybe you'll even find a hottie to help you forget all about yesterday, if you know what I mean.<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby nudged Nora playfully, making the shy girl blush. I realized that I had to intervene and do something. Or did I not? <</md>>
[[Do nothing|NoraSecondTrainingAgree]]
<<md>>I felt a sinking sensation in my gut. Ruby's tone and the glint in her eye suggested that this "special initiation" was more likely a trick than a genuine welcome. I stepped in, placing a hand on Nora's shoulder.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Actually, Ruby, I don't think a special initiation is necessary. Nora is already a part of this team, and we should be focusing on supporting her, not putting her through any more stress.<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby pouted, looking put out.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Aw, come on, Coach! It's just a bit of fun! And Autumn was really looking forward to it...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>If Autumn wants to welcome Nora properly, she can do so at the regular practice. I won't have any more instances of singling Nora out or making her uncomfortable. Is that clear?<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby huffed, rolling her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Fiiine, whatever you say, Coach. Guess we'll just have to save the party for another time. See you at regular practice, Nora. If you even bother to show up.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, Ruby sashayed out of the room, leaving an uncomfortable silence in her wake. I turned to Nora, squeezing her shoulder gently.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Don't let her get to you, Nora. You have every right to be on this team, and I'll make sure you're treated with respect. If anyone gives you trouble, you come straight to me, okay?<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>Okay, Coach. Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without your support.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Don't forget, you've got me too, Nora! We'll face this together.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora smiled gratefully at both of us, looking a bit more at ease. As I watched her and Monica leave the classroom, I couldn't shake the feeling that Ruby and Autumn were far from done with their schemes. I'd have to be extra vigilant to keep Nora safe and supported in the face of their mean-girl antics.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = "50b">>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = "16b">>\
<<set $NoraQuest1T = "16b">>\
<<set $RubyQuest1T = "7b">>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1 += 1>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "9b">>\
<<set $Olivia1QT = "11b">>\
[[Leave|Second floor]] <<say $Nora>>Well... I guess it could be fun. And it would be nice to get to know the squad better outside of practice...<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>That's the spirit! Trust me, Nora, stick with me and I'll show you a whole new world of excitement. We're going to have a blast!<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby threw an arm around Nora's shoulders, grinning triumphantly. I felt uneasy about the whole situation but remained silent, not wanting to overstep my bounds as a coach.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Nora, are you sure about this? You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with...<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>It's okay, Monica. I think it's time I started being a little more adventurous. And Ruby's right, it could be a good bonding experience with the squad.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Exactly! Monica, you should totally come too! The more the merrier, right?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica hesitated, clearly torn between her concern for Nora and her desire to fit in with the team.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I... I guess I could come for a little while. Just to keep an eye on things.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Yay! This is going to be so much fun, I can already tell. See you girls tonight!<</say>>
<<md>>With a final wink in my direction, Ruby sauntered out of the classroom, leaving behind an excited Nora and a worried-looking Monica.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, it sounds like you two have an eventful evening ahead of you. Just remember to be safe and look out for each other, okay?<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>We will, Coach. And thank you, for everything. I feel like I'm finally starting to find my place on the squad.<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled, hoping Nora's optimism wasn't misplaced. As the girls gathered their things and headed out, chatting about what to wear to the party, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease in the pit of my stomach.<</md>>
<<md>>I had a sneaking suspicion that Ruby and Autumn had something planned for tonight, something that could end up hurting Nora. But without proof, there was little I could do except hope that Nora and Monica's friendship would be enough to weather whatever storm was brewing.<</md>>
<<md>>Only time would tell if Nora's newfound confidence would be enough to carry her through the challenges ahead. I just hoped I hadn't made a mistake by letting her walk into Ruby's trap unprepared.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 50>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = 16>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 16>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<set $RubyQuest1T = 8>>\
<<set $Olivia1QT = 11>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 9>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]<<md>>The following day, I arrived at school early, my mind still preoccupied with thoughts of the party and what might have transpired. As I walked through the halls, I heard raised voices coming from a nearby classroom. Curious, I approached the door, only to find Ruby and Monica engaged in a heated argument.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Geez, Monica, you're like, totally overreacting! It was just a silly little prank, no biggie!<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>No biggie? Ruby, what you and Autumn did to Nora was cruel and hurtful. Can't you see how upset she is?<</say>>
<<md>>My heart sank as I realized my suspicions had been correct. Ruby and Autumn had set Nora up for something at the party. I stepped into the classroom, my presence immediately drawing the girls' attention.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What's going on here? What happened at the party last night?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach, it was terrible. Autumn and her friends played a really mean prank on Nora. They embarrassed her in front of everyone and made her feel humiliated.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Oh, lighten up, Monica! It's not our fault Nora can't take a joke. Maybe if she partied more, she'd learn to loosen up!<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>This isn't about partying, Ruby. It's about treating people with kindness and respect. Something you and Autumn clearly don't understand.<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby rolled her eyes, twirling a strand of hair around her finger.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Look, Autumn's the one who came up with the prank, okay? I just went along with it because that's what besties do!<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Being a good friend doesn't mean blindly following someone, especially when they're doing something wrong.<</say>>
<<md>>I held up a hand, trying to diffuse the situation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, let's all take a breath. Ruby, regardless of who planned the prank, you still participated in it. That's not okay.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>But Coach, you don't get it! No one says no to Autumn. She's like, the queen bee around here. And I'm her right-hand girl!<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>That doesn't make it right, Ruby. You hurt Nora. You need to take responsibility for that.<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby huffed, looking annoyed at being lectured.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Whatever. This is so lame. I'm out of here. I've got better things to do than listen to you two buzz kills.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, Ruby sashayed out of the classroom, blowing a kiss to a passing male student as she left. Monica sighed, her empathy for Nora evident in her expression.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sorry you and Nora had to deal with that, Monica. Is she doing okay?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Not really, Coach. She's really upset and embarrassed. I've been trying to comfort her, but I think this really shook her confidence.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>We'll make this right, Monica. I promise. Autumn and Ruby can't get away with treating people like this.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nodded, looking grateful for my support. As we left the classroom together, I couldn't help but feel a mix of anger and disappointment. I had known something was off about that party invitation, but I hadn't done enough to stop it.<</md>>
<<md>>Now, Nora was paying the price, and the unity of the squad was at risk. It was going to take a lot of work to repair the damage that Autumn and Ruby had caused.<</md>>
<<md>>But I was determined to see it through. For Nora, for Monica, and for the principles of respect and compassion that I believed in. One way or another, we would come out of this stronger and more united than ever before.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 51>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = 17>>\
<<set $NoraQuest2 = 1>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 17>>\
<<set $RubyQuest1T = 9>>\
<<set $Olivia1QT = 12>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 10>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]] <<md>>That evening, I arrived at the beach for cheerleading practice, feeling a mix of anticipation and apprehension. I spotted Nora and Monica already warming up, both looking determined despite the nervous energy buzzing around them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey girls, ready to tackle practice today?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Absolutely, Coach! Nora and I are going to crush it, right Nora?<</say>>
<<md>>Nora nodded, offering a shy smile.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>I'm going to give it my all, Coach. I won't let yesterday's incident hold me back.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's the spirit, Nora! Remember, you've got a whole team behind you, supporting you every step of the way.<</say>>
<<md>>Just then, Ruby and Autumn sauntered over, their expressions a mix of amusement and disdain.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up. The crybaby and her pathetic little guardian angel.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Ooh, this is going to be fun to watch! I bet Nora falls flat on her ass within the first five minutes!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica bristled, stepping forward to defend her friend.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Back off, you two. Nora has just as much right to be here as anyone else. Why don't you focus on your own routines instead of tearing others down?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh please, spare us the kumbaya bullshit. This is cheerleading, not a fucking group therapy session.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora seemed to shrink under Autumn's harsh glare, but I could see a flicker of determination in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Enough, Autumn. I won't tolerate any more bullying on this team. Nora is here to stay, and if you can't handle that, we're going to have a serious problem.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Ooh, looks like Coach is playing favorites! I wonder what Nora had to do to earn such special treatment...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ruby, I'm warning you. One more inappropriate comment and you'll be running laps until you puke. Got it?<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby held up her hands in mock surrender, but her smirk never left her face.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Relax, Coach. I'm just messing around. Can't blame a girl for trying to have a little fun!<</say>>
<<md>>I shook my head, turning my attention back to Nora and Monica.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ignore them, girls. Let's focus on the routine. Nora, I want you to start us off. Show us what you've got.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora took a deep breath, stepping forward with a determined nod.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Okay, Coach. I'm ready.<</say>>
<<md>>As Nora began the routine, I could see Autumn and Ruby whispering and snickering to each other. But to Nora's credit, she didn't let their taunts break her concentration. She moved through the steps with growing confidence, Monica cheering her on from the sidelines.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>That's it, Nora! You're doing great! Keep it up!<</say>>
<<md>>Even I had to admit, Nora's skills were improving rapidly. She had a natural grace and athleticism that shone through, despite her shy demeanor.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Beginner's luck. She'll choke when it really counts, just wait and see.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The only thing choking here is your attitude, Autumn. Maybe if you spent half as much energy on your own routines as you do tearing Nora down, you'd be a better cheerleader.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn's face flushed with anger, but before she could retort, Ruby interjected.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Hey, I've got an idea! Why don't we have a little contest? Nora versus Autumn, head-to-head. Winner gets to lead the next routine.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>I don't know, Ruby... I'm not sure I'm ready for that kind of pressure...<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>What's the matter, Nora? Afraid you'll embarrass yourself even more than last time? I'm game if you are, loser.<</say>>
<<md>>I could see Nora wavering, her confidence starting to crack under Autumn's taunts. But Monica stepped in, placing a supportive hand on her friend's shoulder.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You've got this, Nora. Don't let Autumn psych you out. Just focus on the routine and do your best. I believe in you.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora took a shaky breath, squaring her shoulders.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Okay. I'll do it. Let's see what you've got, Autumn.<</say>>
<<md>>As the two girls took their positions, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for Nora. Win or lose, she was standing up for herself and refusing to be intimidated. That kind of bravery would serve her well, both on the squad and in life.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, ladies. Let's keep this clean and fair. Best routine wins. On my count...<</say>>
<<md>>I just hoped that whatever the outcome, Nora would come out of this with her head held high, knowing she had the strength to face any challenge that came her way.<</md>>
<<md>>As the impromptu competition began, Nora and Autumn launched into their routines, each trying to outdo the other. Nora's movements were precise and graceful, while Autumn's were fierce and aggressive.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Woo-hoo! Look at them go! This is better than pay-per-view!<</say>>
<<md>>I watched closely, my eyes narrowed in concentration. Suddenly, I noticed Autumn veering closer to Nora, a wicked glint in her eye.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oops, sorry! Didn't see you there, klutz!<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn purposely bumped into Nora, trying to knock her off balance. Nora stumbled, nearly falling, but managed to recover at the last second.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Hey! That was deliberate! Autumn, what the hell?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica rushed over, putting herself between Autumn and Nora.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, please. It was an accident. Not my fault Nora has two left feet.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Bullshit. You tried to sabotage her. I saw it, and so did everyone else.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn's face twisted into an ugly sneer.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You'd better watch yourself, Monica. Accidents can happen to anyone, anytime. It would be a shame if something happened to that pretty face of yours.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica stood her ground, not backing down from Autumn's threat.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I'm not afraid of you, Autumn. You're nothing but a pathetic bully who can't handle a little competition.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Enough! Autumn, that was a dirty move and you know it. I'm giving the win to Nora by default.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>What? That's bullshit! You can't do that!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can and I am. Consider this your first and last warning, Autumn. Pull a stunt like that again and you'll be off the squad permanently.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn looked like she was about to explode with rage, but Ruby quickly intervened, pulling her friend aside.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Come on, Autumn. It's not worth it. Let's just bail and go to that party I was telling you about. We can plot our revenge later.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn hesitated, glaring daggers at Monica and Nora. But finally, she relented, allowing Ruby to lead her away.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>This isn't over, bitches. Watch your backs.<</say>>
<<md>>As they stalked off, I turned to Nora and Monica, my expression softening.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you okay, Nora? That was a nasty trick Autumn tried to pull.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>I'm fine, Coach. Thanks to Monica. I don't know what I would have done without her.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiled, hugging her friend tightly.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>That's what friends are for, Nora. I'll always have your back, no matter what.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And so will I. You showed real courage out there, Nora. I'm proud of you for standing up to Autumn like that.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora blushed, ducking her head shyly.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Thanks, Coach. I couldn't have done it without you and Monica believing in me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Always, Nora. You're stronger than you know. Now, let's finish up practice and show Autumn and Ruby what this squad is really made of.<</say>>
<<md>>As we dove back into the routines, I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride for my team. Nora was coming into her own, Monica was proving to be a true friend, and even in the face of Autumn and Ruby's cruelty, they were rising above it all.<</md>>
<<md>>I knew there would be more challenges ahead, but for now, I was content in the knowledge that whatever came our way, we would face it together, as a united front. Bring it on, Autumn and Ruby. We're ready for you.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = "53b">>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = "18b">>\
<<set $NoraQuest1T = "17b">>\
<<set $RubyQuest1T = "8b">>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "10b">>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave|Beach]]<<md>>A few days after the confrontation with Ruby, I found myself at the beach, ready to oversee another cheerleading practice. The atmosphere was tense, with the squad divided between those who supported Autumn and Ruby, and those who sympathized with Nora and Monica.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, listen up, bitches! We've got a lot of fucking work to do today, so let's cut the crap and get started!<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's harsh voice cut through the chatter, and the girls quickly assembled, looking both fearful and respectful of their tough coach.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Before we begin, I want to address the elephant in the room. What happened at the party was unacceptable. We are a team, and we should be supporting each other, not tearing each other down.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn scoffed, her voice dripping with sarcasm.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, spare us the kumbaya bullshit, Coach. It was just a little hazing. If Nora can't handle it, maybe she doesn't belong on this squad.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>That's not hazing, Autumn. That's bullying. And it's not okay.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's voice was calm but firm, her gaze steady as she confronted Autumn. I could see the other girls looking at her with admiration for her bravery.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I don't give a flying fuck about your petty drama. We have a nationals trophy to win, and we can't do that if you're all at each other's throats!<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby, who had been busy checking her reflection in a compact mirror, piped up.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Ugh, can we wrap this up already? I've got a hot date tonight and I need to practice my new moves... if you know what I mean.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Shut it, Ruby! You'll practice your moves on your own damn time. Right now, you're on my time, and we're going to drill these routines until you get them fucking perfect!<</say>>
<<md>>I stepped in, trying to bring the focus back to the issue at hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Coach Olivia is right. We need to come together as a team if we want to succeed. And that means no more bullying, no more drama. Got it?<</say>>
<<md>>The girls nodded, some more reluctantly than others. Autumn leaned in close to Ruby, whispering something that made the party-loving girl smirk.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Enough yapping! Let's see some action. Monica, you're up first. Show these bitches how it's done.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica stepped forward, her movements graceful and precise as she executed the routine flawlessly. I could see Nora watching her with admiration, drawing strength from her friend's confidence.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You've got this, Nora. Just like we practiced, remember?<</say>>
<<md>>Nora nodded, stepping forward to take her turn. Despite Autumn's snide remarks and Ruby's eye rolls, Nora pushed through, her determination evident in every move.<</md>>
<<md>>Throughout the practice, Monica was a pillar of support for Nora and the other girls, offering encouragement and constructive feedback. Her positive attitude was a stark contrast to Autumn's negativity and Ruby's indifference.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Not bad, Monica. Keep that shit up, and we might just have a shot at nationals. Alright, bitches, let's run it again from the top!<</say>>
<<md>>By the end of the grueling session, everyone was exhausted - physically and emotionally. But I could see the impact Monica's leadership had on the team. The girls were working together better, despite the lingering tensions.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Excellent work today, everyone. Monica, thank you for setting such a strong example. Let's keep this momentum going.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiled, her eyes shining with pride and determination.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>We've got this, Coach. As long as we stick together and lift each other up, there's nothing we can't achieve.<</say>>
<<md>>As the girls dispersed, I caught Olivia's eye. She gave me a nod of approval, acknowledging the progress we'd made - and the challenges still ahead.<</md>>
<<md>>With leaders like Monica emerging, and the support of coaches like Olivia and myself, I knew this team had the potential for greatness. It wouldn't be easy, but nothing worthwhile ever was.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 53>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = 19>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 19>>\
<<set $RubyQuest1T = 11>>\
<<set $Olivia1QT = 13>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 11>>\
[[Leave the beach|Street York-Road]] <<md>>That evening, as I was packing up my things in the coach's office, I heard a knock at the door. To my surprise, Ruby sauntered in, a coy smile playing on her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Hey there, Coach. Rough day, huh?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ruby? What are you doing here? You know you're not supposed to be on school grounds after being kicked off the team.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Oh, come on. You're not still mad about that little prank, are you? It was just a joke, Coach. No harm, no foul.<</say>>
<<md>>She perched herself on the edge of my desk, crossing her legs suggestively.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>A joke? Ruby, you tried to poison Nora. That's not something I can just forget about.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Poison is such a strong word, Coach. It was just a little laxative. Nora would have been fine... eventually.<</say>>
<<md>>She giggled, leaning forward to give me a better view of her cleavage.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>But enough about that. I actually came here to talk to you about something else.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And what might that be?<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Well, now that Autumn's gone, the squad needs a new captain. And I think it should be me.<</say>>
<<md>>I raised an eyebrow, surprised by her audacity.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You? Ruby, you're not even on the team anymore. What makes you think I would even consider making you captain?<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Because, Coach, I'm Autumn's right-hand woman. I know all her routines, all her secrets. Without me, the squad will fall apart.<</say>>
<<md>>She slid off the desk, sauntering over to me with a sway in her hips.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>But if you make me captain, I can ensure a smooth transition. And I can make it worth your while, if you know what I mean.<</say>>
<<md>>She ran a finger down my chest, biting her lip seductively. I caught her wrist, removing her hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ruby, stop. This is highly inappropriate. I'm your coach, not some horny teenager you can seduce.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Oh, come on, live a little! No one has to know. It can be our little secret.<</say>>
<<md>>She pressed herself against me, her breath hot on my ear.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>I can do things to you that you've only dreamed about, Coach. All you have to do is say yes.<</say>>
<<md>>For a moment, I was tempted. The feel of her soft curves, the scent of her perfume... but then I thought of Nora, of Monica, of the trust they placed in me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, Ruby. I won't be manipulated like this. You're off the team, and that's final.<</say>>
<<md>>I pushed her away, putting some distance between us. Ruby pouted, looking put out.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Fine, be that way. But you'll regret this, Coach. Autumn and I will make sure of that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Is that a threat?<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Take it however you want. But you can't protect your precious little squad forever. Sooner or later, we'll have our revenge.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she turned on her heel and stormed out, slamming the door behind her. I sat down heavily in my chair, my head spinning.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What have I gotten myself into?<</say>>
<<md>>I knew Ruby's threats weren't idle. She and Autumn were a force to be reckoned with, and they wouldn't take their expulsion lying down. I would have to be on my guard, now more than ever.<</md>>
<<md>>But I also knew I had made the right decision. Nora, Monica, and the rest of the squad deserved a coach who would stand up for them, who would protect them from bullies and manipulators like Ruby and Autumn.<</md>>
<<md>>No matter what challenges lay ahead, I was determined to be that coach. To create a safe, supportive environment where my students could thrive, on and off the field.<</md>>
<<md>>Bring it on, Ruby and Autumn. I'm ready for you.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 91>>
<<set $RubyTriedToSeduceCoach = 1>>
[[Continue|Coach's Office]]<<md>>Not wanting to seem uncool, Nora took the cup and drank deeply. Almost immediately, she clutched her stomach, looking queasy.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Ugh, I don't feel so good. My stomach hurts and I feel dizzy...<</say>>
<<md>>When Nora tried to run through the routine, she stumbled, her stomach cramping. Autumn and Ruby burst out laughing.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Looks like someone's stomach isn't cut out for the squad! Pathetic.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Oopsie, maybe we put a little too much fun in the punch!<</say>>
<<md>>I stepped forward, angry and concerned.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What did you two do? What was in that drink?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Chill out, Coach. It was just a little prank. Here, we've got a cup for you too. No laxatives, we swear.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Laxatives? Where the hell did you get those?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>The chemistry lab, duh. They've got tons of that shit lying around.<</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly, it clicked. Ruby's distraction earlier, Autumn's suspicious absence...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You stole them. Ruby kept me busy while you raided the chemistry supplies. I can't believe this.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Believe it, Coach. Maybe next time you'll think twice before letting losers like Nora on the squad.<</say>>
<<md>>Despite my anger and disappointment, Autumn persisted, holding out the cup of spiked punch.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Come on, Coach. Don't be a fucking buzzkill like Nora. Just take a sip and join the fun.<</say>>
<<md>>I hesitated, knowing it was wrong, but the damage was already done. Maybe drinking would help me understand these girls better, to get on their level. Against my better judgment, I took the cup and drank.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fine, but this doesn't change anything. What you did to Nora was still messed up.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn and Ruby cheered as I drank, laughing and joking around. For a moment, I let myself get caught up in their revelry, chuckling along with their crude jokes.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I can't believe what I'm seeing.<</say>>
<<md>>My heart sank as I turned to see Monica standing at the edge of the beach, her face a picture of hurt and betrayal.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You're an asshole, Coach. A complete and utter asshole. I trusted you, and so did Nora. But you're just as bad as them.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she turned and stormed off, leaving me feeling like the scum of the earth. Autumn just laughed.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>If you want an asshole, Coach, I know plenty of girls who'd be down for that, if you know what I mean.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Ooh, pick me, Coach! I'll be your asshole any day!<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby pressed herself against me suggestively, but Autumn shoved her away.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Back off, slut. If Coach wants a piece, you better learn to share. No one likes a selfish whore.<</say>>
<<md>>I stepped back, my head spinning from the alcohol and the sheer depravity of the situation.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 54>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = 20>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 20>>\
<<set $RubyQuest1T = 12>>\
<<set $Olivia1QT = 14>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 12>>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]] <<md>>Alarm bells went off in my head. I stepped forward, placing myself between Nora and the suspicious cup.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hold on a second. What's in this punch, exactly?<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Oh, you know, just some fruit juice and a little sumthin' sumthin' to make it extra yummy!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I don't think so. Nora, don't drink that. I have a bad feeling about this.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora looked relieved, stepping back from the offered cup. Autumn scowled, her friendly facade slipping.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>What the fuck, Coach? It's just a harmless tradition. Don't be such a buzzkill.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Harmless? I highly doubt that. I'm not going to let you pressure Nora or anyone else into drinking some mystery concoction.<</say>>
<<md>>I took the cup from Ruby's hand, sniffing it suspiciously. Beneath the fruity scent, there was a distinct whiff of something else, something chemical.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This has been tampered with. What did you put in here, Autumn?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Nothing! God, why are you so fucking paranoid?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Because I know you, Autumn. And I know you're not above playing cruel pranks. Now, tell me the truth, or there will be serious consequences.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn glared at me defiantly, but Ruby cracked under the pressure.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>It was just a little laxative, okay? We thought it would be funny to see Nora shitting herself during practice!<</say>>
<<md>>Nora gasped, her face paling. I saw red, fury boiling up inside me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Laxatives? Are you insane? Do you have any idea how dangerous that is? Where did you even get those?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>From the chemistry lab, duh. It's not like they keep that shit locked up.<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The sheer audacity, the utter lack of empathy...<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You two are in serious trouble. Stealing from the chemistry lab? Attempting to poison a teammate? This is a new low, even for you.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, please. It was just a fucking joke. Lighten up, Coach.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, Autumn. This is not a joke. This is a serious violation of trust and safety. You could have really hurt Nora.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora was shaking, tears in her eyes. I put a comforting hand on her shoulder.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's okay, Nora. You did the right thing by not drinking it. I'm so sorry you had to deal with this.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>I can't believe they would do something like that. I thought... I thought they were actually being nice for once.<</say>>
<<md>>The hurt and betrayal in her voice broke my heart. I turned back to Autumn and Ruby, my voice cold.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You two are off the team, effective immediately. I won't tolerate bullies and would-be poisoners on my squad.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>What? You can't fucking do that! This team is nothing without me!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Watch me. Now get out of here before I report you to the principal for theft and attempted assault.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn looked like she wanted to argue, but Ruby tugged on her arm, looking frightened.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Come on, Autumn. Let's just go. It's not worth it.<</say>>
<<md>>With one last venomous glare, Autumn allowed herself to be led away. I watched them go, feeling a mix of anger and sadness.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach? Is everything okay? What happened?<</say>>
<<md>>I turned to see Monica approaching, concern etched on her face. I sighed, running a hand through my hair.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Autumn and Ruby tried to trick Nora into drinking laxatives. They stole them from the chemistry lab.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh my god, that's horrible! Is Nora okay?<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>I'm fine, thanks to Coach. He stopped me from drinking it just in time.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica hugged her friend tightly, relief evident on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank goodness for that. And good riddance to Autumn and Ruby. We're better off without those mean girls.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Agreed. I just hope this is a wake-up call for them, and that they learn to be better people.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I wouldn't hold my breath, Coach. But at least now Nora can practice in peace, without their cruelty hanging over her head.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, looking out over the beach. It had been a hard lesson, but a necessary one.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're right, Monica. From now on, this team is going to be a safe space, where everyone is respected and supported. No more bullying, no more toxicity.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>Thank you, Coach. For everything. I feel so much safer knowing you have my back.<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled, feeling a warmth in my chest. This was why I became a coach - to make a difference, to protect and empower my students.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Always, Nora. That's a promise. Now, let's get back to practice. We have a lot of work to do if we're going to be ready for the big competition.<</say>>
<<md>>As we headed back to the rest of the squad, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. We had weathered a storm today, but we had emerged stronger, more united. Together, there was nothing we couldn't handle.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = "54b">>\
<<set $Monica.Meet = 1>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 1>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "12b">>\
[[Leave|Street York-Road]] <<md>>Reluctantly, I nodded. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fine,I... I'll keep quiet. But this is a one-time thing, understand?<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby's dazzling grin could light up the room.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Oh, Coach, you'll wish it was more than just once...<</say>>
<<md>>She purred, her voice laced with confidence. She pushed her hips against mine, making it abundantly clear that she wasn't the only one aroused by this dangerous game we were playing.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>But for now, I want to see how well you can take direction.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she winked and dropped to her knees in front of my desk. <</md>>
<<md>>As Ruby sank to her knees, I felt my heart pounding in my chest, both with desire and fear of being caught. She unfastened my pants with practiced ease, her fingers nimble and confident on the buttons. This wasn't right, I thought to myself, but the temptation was too great to resist. Ruby looked up at me through heavy-lidded eyes, biting her lip seductively. I couldn't help but groan as her soft lips brushed against my cock, her tongue tracing delicate patterns on my shaft before she eagerly took me into her warm mouth.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes...<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby moaned around my cock, sending vibrations straight to my core.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Ruby\Quest\Video\RubyDisctrationSuck1.1.mp4"></video></div> My hips bucked involuntarily as she bobbed her head up and down on my length, one hand cupping my balls while the other teased my perineum. I'd never been more turned on in my life. The risk of getting caught only heightening the experience.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh,'re going to get us both expelled.<</say>>
<<md>>She looked up at me again, a wicked grin playing on her lips before she plunged down further, taking me deep into her throat. Her tongue danced along every sensitive inch of me as she sucked and suckled like a pro.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>It's worth that party!<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't believe what was happening. Ruby, cheerleader, was on her knees in front of me, sucking me off like a pro. Her hot mouth engulfed my cock, her tongue swirling around the head as she moaned, sending shivers down my spine. My hands gripped the edge of the desk tightly, trying to hold back moans of pleasure as she worked me over with skill far beyond her years.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, Ruby...<</say>>
<<md>>I groaned under my breath.<</md>>
<<md>>Emboldened by my reaction, she sucked harder, her teeth grazing my shaft just enough to send jolts of pleasure-pain shooting through my body. I had never been this hard in years, and I knew I wouldn't last much longer.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ruby...God... you're going to make me...<</say>>
<<md>>She pulled back with a pop and smirked up at me. <</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Mmm?<</say>>
<<md>>She purred, running a finger along my straining length. <</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Is Coach about to blow his whistle? Maybe you should...teach me some new cheer moves~ Let's get this party started!<</say>>
<<md>>With that wicked grin still painted on her face, she stood up and hopped onto the table, her skirt riding up to her hips and revealing a scantily clad panties that did nothing to hide her arousal.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, Ruby!<</say>>
<<md>>I groaned under my breath, unable to stop myself any longer. My cock ached to be inside her tight pussy, and by the look on her face, she wanted it just as much.<</md>>
<<md>>Ruby giggled, her eyes glassy with lust and alcohol as she wiggled her hips on the table, the movement making her already skimpy skirt ride even higher, revealing the damp lace of her panties. <</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Come on, Coach,I've been dying for this. Fill me up with that big cock of yours.<</say>>
<<md>>It was then that I lost all semblance of control. Scooping her up in my arms, I slammed her back onto the table, her legs wrapping around my waist effortlessly. Ruby's heels clacked against the floor as I positioned my throbbing cock at her entrance. Her eyes were glazed over with lust and desire as she bit her bottom lip in anticipation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you sure you want this, Ruby?<</say>>
<<md>>I asked one last time, still clinginging to a shred of decency.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Oh God, yes, I've never been surer about anything in my life.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she guided my cock to her dripping entrance and let out a low moan as I began to push inside her.<</md>>
<<md>>Ruby was hot and tight, her walls clenching around me like a vice grip.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Ruby\Quest\Video\RubyDisctrationFuck1.1.mp4"></video></div> I couldn't believe this was really happening – the student I'd fantasized about so often was now moaning beneath me, taking every inch of my cock as if she'd been made for it. Her nails dug into my back, no doubt leaving bruises as she writhed beneath me, matching my every thrust with equal fervor. <</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Oh fuck, Coach...<</say>>
<<md>>She moaned, her voice raspy with lust.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Yes, right there... don't stop.<</say>>
<<md>>Lost in the moment, I picked up the pace, driving deep into her molten heat. The sound of our bodies slapping together filled the otherwise silent classroom, bouncing off the walls along with our muffled moans and gasps. Ruby's head thrashed from side to side, her lips swollen and parted as she panted for air. This wanton display only spurred me on further, and I reached between her legs to find her throbbing clit.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Oh God!<</say>>
<<md>>She whailed, arching her back as I began to rub her in time with my thrusts. <</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Yes, Coach, right there! Fuck me harder!<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Ruby\Quest\Video\RubyDisctrationFuck1.2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I obliged, slamming my hips into hers with renewed vigor. Our bodies collided together, our moans and panting echoing off the walls of the empty classroom. The risk of being caught only heightened the arousal, knowing that at any moment, someone could walk in and discover us in our depraved act.<</md>>
<<md>>Ruby's nails dug deeper into my back as her orgasm approached, her legs tightening around my waist like a vice grip. Her inner muscles clenched around my cock, sending me over the edge as well. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck!<</say>>
<<md>>I growled through gritted teeth, emptying myself within her warmth.<</md>>
<<md>>We both collapsed against the desk, panting and spent. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>That was... wow.<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby laughed breathlessly, her eyes sparkling with mischief. <</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Told you it'd be worth it.<</say>>
<<md>>She winked at me before she slipped away from my arms and adjusted her clothes, leaving just as quickly as she had come.<</md>>
<<md>>As I stood there alone in my now-empty classroom, I couldn't help but wonder what had just happened – and if tonight would be the last time we'd cross this line or if this was only the beginning of our illicit affair.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 52>>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = 18>>\
<<set $RubyQuest1T = 10>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]] <<md>>She ran a finger down my chest, her movements a bit clumsy and uncoordinated. For a moment, I was tempted. Ruby was undeniably attractive, and the idea of a secret tryst was alluring. But I quickly came to my senses, gently but firmly pushing her away.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ruby, stop. This is completely inappropriate. I'm your coach, not some plaything for you to seduce.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Aww, c'mon $mc.Name! Let's just, like, have some fun! No one's gonna know. It'll be our little secret, pinky promise!<</say>>
<<md>>She giggled, her laughter a bit too loud and bubbly. She tried to press against me again, but I held my ground, my voice stern.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, Ruby. There are no "little secrets" between us. I'm not going to take advantage of you or jeopardize my career. This ends now.<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby pouted dramatically, her eyes wide and pleading.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Ugh, you're, like, totally killing my vibe! Fine, be a party pooper. But you're missing the ride of a lifetime!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll survive. Now, I think it's best if you leave. And in the future, keep things professional. I'm here to coach you, nothing more.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Oh, yes, train me so hard that your juices flow out of me while we dance the fiery rumba...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ruby, enough of these... images.<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby let out an exaggerated sigh and rolled her eyes, stumbling slightly as she stepped back.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Whatevs. But if you, like, change your mind or whatever, you totes know where to find me!<</say>>
<<md>>With an unsteady wink and a clumsy sway of her hips, Ruby sauntered out of the classroom, nearly tripping over her own feet. As she made her way down the corridor, she let out a series of off-key whistles and giggles.. I was left alone with my racing thoughts, letting out a heavy sigh as I ran a hand over my face.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = "52b">>\
<<set $NoraQuest1 = "18b">>\
<<set $RubyQuest1T = "9b">>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1 += 1>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]] <script>
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</style><<md>> Whistling a cheerful tune, I walk out of the brothel into the cool night air, my body still buzzing with pleasure. Another pleasant evening surrounded by hot girls. I take a shortcut through a dimly lit back alley, eager to get home and kick back with a drink or just sleep in my bed.<</md>>
<<md>>Suddenly, angry shouts shatter the silence, stopping me in my tracks. The harsh male voice drips with menace, setting off all sorts of alarm bells in my head.<</md>>
<<say $BeardMan>>You conniving slut! Hand over the damn necklace!<</say>>
<<md>>A feminine voice responds, husky and coy despite the obvious danger. Guess you can take the girl out of the brothel, but not the brothel out of the girl.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Aw baby, but it looks so pretty on me! Really makes my eyes pop, don't you think?<</say>>
<<md>>I edge closer, peering around a corner to get a better view. The man has the woman pinned against a wall, meaty hands wrapped around her slender throat. Yet somehow she maintains her flirtatious demeanor, even as he chokes her.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Ooh, I like it rough, handsome. Squeeze a little harder, make me really feel it!<</say>>
<<md>>Unbelievable. This chick is something else. The man snarls, clearly not in the mood for her games. He releases her throat only to backhand her viciously across the face.<</md>>
<<say $BeardMan>>Enough, you dumb bimbo! Just give me the fucking jewelry before I beat that smirk off your face for good.<</say>>
<<md>>The prostitute stumbles from the blow, spitting blood but still grinning up at him defiantly. Part of me wonders if I should get involved. Then again, this kind of crazy might be above my pay grade...<</md>>
<<if $mc.Strength < 4>>\
<<talk "Intervene[S]" 4 $mc.Boldness "I'm not strong enough to beat this guy">><</talk>>
[[Intervene|Alley confrontation]]
[[Keep walking|Ignore cries]]
<<md>>Against my better judgment, I step out of the shadows, hands raised in a placating gesture. Time to play the hero.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Whoa there, buddy. Let's all take a deep breath and calm down, okay?<</say>>
<<md>>The thug whirls to face me, his eyes wild and filled with rage. He jabs a finger in my direction, practically spitting his words.<</md>>
<<say $BeardMan>>Fuck off, asshole! This is none of your goddamn business!<</say>>
<<md>>I take a step closer, keeping my voice level and calm despite the throbbing adrenaline in my veins.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, man. No need for things to get violent. Why don't we settle this like rational adults?<</say>>
<<md>>The brute sneers, cracking his knuckles menacingly. He sizes me up with the calculating gaze of a hardened criminal.<</md>>
<<say $BeardMan>>I warned you, dipshit. Now you're gonna bleed alongside this crazy skank. Like rational adults.<</say>>
<<md>>Without warning, he lunges at me, fists swinging with vicious intent. I barely manage to dodge the first blow, retaliating with a swift jab to his solar plexus. The big lummox grunts but keeps coming.<</md>>
<<md>>We trade punches in a brutal dance, his crude brawling style against my more disciplined technique. The prostitute eggs us on from the sidelines, her shrill voice grating in my ears.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Kick his ass, baby! Show that musclebound jackass who's boss!<</say>>
<<md>>Finally, I spot an opening and unleash a devastating right hook to his jaw. The thug's eyes roll back and he crumples to the filthy pavement, out cold.<</md>>
<<md>>Panting and bruised, I gingerly step over his prone form and approach the battered woman. She grins up at me, blood staining her teeth a ghastly crimson.<</md>>
[[Help her|Aid woman]]
<<md>>I hesitate for a moment, weighing my options. The smart thing would be to keep my head down and mind my own business. Getting involved in this kind of mess is a surefire way to end up in trouble.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Mmm, yeah, that's it, baby! Hit me harder, I can take it!<</say>>
<<say $BeardMan>>Shut up, you crazy bitch! Just give me the damn necklace!<</say>>
<<md>>I grit my teeth, my stomach twisting with a mixture of guilt and self-preservation. Every instinct is screaming at me to go back, to do something, but I keep walking.<</md>>
<<md>>The sounds of the struggle fade into the distance as I put more and more space between myself and the alley. By the time I reach the main street, my heart is pounding and my palms are slick with sweat.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Just keep walking. Don't look back. It's not your problem.<</say>>
<<md>>I repeat the words like a mantra, trying to convince myself that I made the right choice. But deep down, I know I'll be haunted by the memory of that woman's face, bruised and bloody and still defiant.<</md>>
<<md>>I shake my head, pushing the thoughts aside. I need a drink. And maybe a few more, to help me forget what I just witnessed. With a heavy sigh, I head for the nearest bar, determined to drown my sorrows and silence the nagging voice of my conscience.<</md>>
<<set $TraceyQuest = "1b">>\
[[Leave|Quarter Far-Dreams]] <<md>>The woman saunters over to me, her hips swaying seductively despite her injuries. She plants a quick kiss on my cheek, her lips warm and soft against my skin.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>My hero! Guess I owe you one, handsome.<</say>>
<<md>>She punctuates her gratitude with a swift kick to the unconscious thug's ribs, her stiletto heel digging viciously into his side.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Be sure to drop by the brothel sometime, sugar. I'll make it worth your while.<</say>>
<<md>>With a wink and a grin, she reaches down and retrieves a glittering golden amulet from the ground, likely the source of this whole mess. To my shock, she presses it into my palm, curling my fingers around the warm metal.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hold on, isn't this what you two were fighting over? Don't you want to keep it?<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>Nah, baby. I just wanted to piss off that abusive prick. Consider it a token of my appreciation.<</say>>
<<md>>I try to refuse, pushing the amulet back towards her, but she's having none of it. She closes my hand around the trinket once more, her eyes gleaming with mischief and something darker.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>I insist, gorgeous. You earned it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date with a hot bath and a bottle of whiskey.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she struts off into the night, leaving me standing over the prone criminal with the amulet clutched in my fist. I glance down at the gaudy piece of jewelry and sigh. What the hell am I supposed to do with this thing?<</md>>
<<set $TraceyQuest = 1>>\
<<set $Coco.Meet = 1>>\
<<run window.unlockCharacter("Coco")>>\
<<set $CocoUnlocked = window.isCharacterUnlocked("Coco")>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Leave her|Far-Dreams Station]]
<<md>>A few nights later, I find myself standing indside the brothel, the golden amulet weighing heavy in my pocket. The red lights cast a seductive glow as I push through the velvet curtains and into the den of pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>Almost immediately, I spot her - the mysterious woman from the alley. She slinks over to me, her dark eyes smoldering with promise.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Well, well. Look who finally decided to take me up on my offer.<</say>>
<<md>>She takes my hand, her slender fingers intertwining with mine as she leads me up a winding staircase. We enter a lavishly appointed room, all rich fabrics and flickering candles. The air hangs heavy with the scent of incense and desire.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>I've been waiting for you, handsome. Time to show you just how grateful I am.<</say>>
<<md>>With a wicked grin, she steps back and begins to move her body in a sinuous dance. Her hips sway hypnotically as she runs her hands along her curves, the sheer silk of her dress leaving little to the imagination.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Watch closely, baby. This show is all for you.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Coco\Quest\Video\CocoThxTeasing1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>She spins and dips, her movements both graceful and erotic. Slowly, teasingly, she slides the straps of her blouse down her shoulders, revealing smooth expanses of golden skin.<</md>>
<<md>>I settle back on the plush velvet chaise, my eyes drinking in every sensual motion. She's good, I have to admit. Damn good. But I can't help feeling there's more to this woman than meets the eye...<</md>>
<<md>>She approaches me with a seductive confidence, her eyes never leaving mine as she kneels between my legs. Her hands glide up my thighs, sending a shiver of anticipation through me. With a practiced ease, she undoes my belt and zipper, freeing my growing erection from the confines of my pants.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Relax, baby. Let me take care of you.<</say>>
<<md>>Her touch is electric, her fingers wrapping around my shaft with just the right amount of pressure. She leans in, her breath warm against my skin, and then her lips close around the tip. The sensation is almost overwhelming, her mouth hot and wet as she takes me deeper.<</md>>
<<md>>She moves with a rhythm that drives me wild, her head bobbing up and down, each movement sending waves of pleasure through me. Her tongue swirls and flicks, adding to the intense sensation. I can’t help but moan, my hands finding their way to her head, fingers tangling in her hair.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>You like that, don’t you? I can tell you want it rough.<</say>>
<<md>>I can only nod, too lost in the moment to form words.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Coco\Quest\Video\CocoThxSuck1.mp4"></video></div> She takes me deeper, her lips stretching around my length as she sucks harder, her hand stroking in time with her mouth. The combination is intoxicating, pushing me closer and closer to the edge.<</md>>
<<md>>She pulls back just long enough to catch her breath, her eyes locked onto mine with a look of pure desire.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Give it to me harder, baby. I like it rough. Don’t hold back.<</say>>
<<md>>Then she dives back in, taking me even deeper than before. Her hand moves to cup my balls, adding another layer of sensation that has me teetering on the brink. She moans around my shaft, the vibrations adding to the pleasure. I grip her hair tighter, giving in to her request, guiding her head with more force.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Yes, just like that. Make me feel it.<</say>>
<<md>>Her enthusiasm and clear enjoyment of the roughness spur me on. I thrust into her mouth, and she takes it all, her eyes filled with a mix of lust and satisfaction.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Cum for me, baby. I want to taste you.<</say>>
[[Continue|TraceyMeet]] <<md>>Just as Coco's dance reaches a fevered pitch, the door swings open abruptly. In steps a vision of loveliness - a statuesque blonde with the face of a goddess and the bearing of a queen. She fixes Coco with an icy stare.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Coco, darling, I believe you have other clients to attend to.<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>But Mistress Tracey, I was just about to...<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>Out. Now.<</say>>
<<md>>Her tone brooks no argument. Coco shoots me an apologetic glance before scurrying from the room, leaving me alone with the formidable Tracey.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Well now, you must be the handsome hero I've heard so much about.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey stalks towards me, her hips swaying seductively with each step. Her voice drips with honey, sweet and thick with promise.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How do you know about that?<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>Oh sugar, in a place like this, secrets are a rare commodity - especially for me. My girls do love to talk.<</say>>
<<md>>She trails a perfectly manicured finger down my chest, her touch light as a feather yet searing with intent. Leaning in close, she breathes her next words against the shell of my ear.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>The real question is, how would you like me to express my own... gratitude?<</say>>
<<md>>I suppress a shiver, my mind whirling with possibilities - and unanswered questions. Just what have I stumbled into here?<</md>>
<<md>>Tracey laughs, a low, throaty sound that sends shivers racing down my spine. She presses closer, her lush curves molding against the hard planes of my body.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>You know, your little heroic display has made quite the impression on my girls. They can't stop gushing about the handsome stranger who saved poor Coco.<</say>>
<<md>>She leans back, a wicked gleam in her eye as she gives me a slow, appraising once-over.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>In their eyes, you've gained at least an extra ten centimeters, if you catch my drift.<</say>>
<<md>>I chuckle, shaking my head at the bawdy insinuation. Tracey grins, clearly pleased with my reaction. She winds her arms around my neck, pulling me down into a searing kiss that steals the breath from my lungs.<</md>>
<<md>>Her lips are soft and pliant, her tongue teasing along the seam of my mouth until I part for her with a groan. She explores me thoroughly, claiming and conquering until I'm dizzy with desire.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Normally, I don't make a habit of indulging in the same pleasures I offer my clients. But for the valiant protector of my precious girls, I might be persuaded to make an exception.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words are both flattering and tempting, stroking my ego even as her nimble fingers stroke the sensitive skin at the nape of my neck. I know I'm being played, but damn if she isn't hitting all the right notes.<</md>>
<<md>>With a knowing smile, she takes a step back and glances at the bed.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>As good as Coco is with her mouth, nothing compares to what I can do with the rest of my body.<</say>>
<<md>>She spreads her legs on the bed, her dress sliding up to reveal the most tantalizing sight. Her confidence and power are undeniable, and I can't resist the allure.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Come here, hero. Let me show you what you've been missing.<</say>>
<<md>>I move towards her, my heart pounding with anticipation. She guides me onto the bed, her eyes locked onto mine with a fierce intensity.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Don't hold back. Show me what you've got.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words ignite a fire within me. I grab her hips and pull her close, our bodies colliding with a primal urgency. She moans softly as I enter her, her nails tracing patterns on my back as she encourages me on.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Yes, just like that. I want to feel every inch of you.<</say>>
<<md>>Our rhythm builds steadily, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through both of us. <div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Tracey\Quest\Video\EliteClubWhoreWelcum.mp4"></video></div>She arches her back, meeting my movements with equal fervor, her body a perfect blend of softness and strength.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Give me everything you've got. Make me feel it.<</say>>
<<md>>Her seductive tone drives me wild. I push deeper, feeling her tighten around me, her gasps of pleasure music to my ears. Her fingers weave through my hair, pulling me closer for a deep, passionate kiss. Her lips are soft and insistent, her tongue exploring mine with a hunger that matches my own.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>You’re incredible, hero. Just like that.<</say>>
<<md>>The intensity of our connection grows, her body responding to mine in perfect harmony. She wraps her legs around my waist, urging me to go faster, deeper. Each movement is a testament to her experience and control, guiding me to give her exactly what she wants.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Harder, baby. I need you to go harder.<</say>>
<<md>>I comply, driven by her encouragement, the friction and heat between us building to an almost unbearable level. Her moans become louder, more urgent, each sound pushing me closer to the edge.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Yes, just like that. Don’t stop.<</say>>
<<md>>Her nails dig into my shoulders, the slight pain only heightening my pleasure. I can feel her muscles contracting around me, signaling her own imminent release. The sight of her lost in pleasure, her head thrown back, and her lips parted, is enough to send me over the edge.<</md>>
<<md>>With a final, powerful thrust, I release, the sensation overwhelming. She follows almost immediately, her body trembling with the force of her climax. We ride the waves of pleasure together, our bodies entwined and slick with sweat.<</md>>
<<md>>As the intensity fades, she collapses back onto the bed, her chest heaving with exertion. She looks up at me with a satisfied smile, her eyes sparkling with a mix of mischief and contentment.<</md>>
<<md>>Tangled sheets, sweat-slicked skin, and the musky scent of sex - the aftermath of our passionate encounter surrounds us as we bask in the afterglow. Tracey stretches languidly, her golden hair splayed across the silken pillows like a halo.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Well, well. That certainly lived up to the hype. I can see why my girls are so enamored with you.<</say>>
<<md>>She rolls onto her side, propping her head up on one elegant hand as she traces lazy patterns on my chest with the other.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>You know, ordinary girls can be so boring. But I can offer you something truly special. Come again and check yourself. <</say>>
<<md>>She leans back, a wicked gleam in her eye as she gives me a slow, appraising once-over.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Something special, you say? Does that generous offer include the Mistress herself?<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey's grin is positively sinful, her eyes darkening with renewed hunger as she leans in close.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Well, that depends on your behavior, big boy. Play your cards right, and I might be persuaded to grant you a few more... private audiences.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words are a purr of promise, sending a fresh wave of desire coursing through my veins. She nips playfully at my earlobe before pulling back with a wink.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>But for now, I'm afraid duty calls. You're welcome to stay and enjoy the hospitality of the house - I have a feeling you won't lack for companionship.<</say>>
<<md>>With a final, searing kiss, she slips from the bed and saunters towards the door, her hips swaying hypnotically. I watch her go, my mind buzzing with possibilities - and a nagging sense that I'm getting in far over my head.<</md>>
<<text y "You got access to the special pleasures of a brothel">>
<<set $TraceyQuest = 2>>\
<<set $Tracey.Meet = 1>>\
<<run window.unlockCharacter("Tracey")>>\
<<set $TraceyUnlocked = window.isCharacterUnlocked("Tracey")>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 40>>\
[[Leave the brothel|Quarter Far-Dreams]] <<md>>I came back to the brothel just to see Tracey and have some fun with the brothel girls. As I walk in, I find Tracey in her opulent office, draped languidly across a velvet chaise.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Tracey, I've been thinking about you. I know you've got the queen's pussy because I've felt it already, and I want more.<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>Oh darling, you do know how to flatter a lady. Why don't you come over here and let me help you relax again? You seem tense.<</say>>
<<md>>Before I can respond, a sudden commotion erupts from down the hall. There's a sound like a meaty slap followed by a high-pitched yelp of pain. Moments later, a middle-aged man comes barreling out of one of the rooms, clutching his hand and cursing up a storm.<</md>>
<<text r "Damn bitch! She nearly took my finger off! This is the worst excuse for a cathouse in the whole stinkin' city!">>
<<md>>Tracey sits up, her expression darkening. She snaps her fingers imperiously at Coco, who has just emerged from the back room.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Coco, be a doll and go soothe that poor man's wounded ego, would you? And do it quickly, before he scares off the other customers.<</say>>
<<md>>Coco nods and hurries after the irate client, her hips swaying. Tracey rises to her feet, smoothing out the silk of her dress. She turns to me, her eyes sparkling with a mix of irritation and allure.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Now, where were we? Oh yes, you were about to let me help you unwind again. But first, I need to handle this little drama. Pour yourself a drink and make yourself comfortable. I'll be back in two shakes.<</say>>
<<md>>She sashays out of the room and up the stairs, leaving me alone with my thoughts and a decanter of amber liquid. I pour myself a drink, trying to shake off the strange feeling and focus on the fun I came here for. I have a feeling the answers I'm looking for are close. I just hope I'm ready for the truth.<</md>>
[[Drink whiskey|TraceyNewGirl1.2]]<<md>>The whiskey burns pleasantly as it slides down my throat, a welcome distraction from the muffled sobs filtering down from upstairs. I pace the room, my mind churning with possibilities. What could have happened to leave a working girl in such a state?<</md>>
<<md>>After what feels like an eternity, Tracey returns, her normally flawless composure slightly ruffled. She sinks into the plush armchair opposite me, rubbing her temples.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What's going on, Tracey? Is everything alright?<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>It's Iris, one of the new girls. She's still so skittish around men. Poor thing's convinced that every guy who walks through that door is going to hurt her.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey sighs deeply, pouring herself a generous measure of whiskey.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>I've tried to calm her down, but she's trembling like a leaf. It's like she's trapped in some kind of waking nightmare.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Jesus. That's rough. What about giving her a few days off? Let her have some time to regroup in a safe space. Or maybe there's someone she trusts who could stay with her for a bit?<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>I wish it were that simple, but in this business, time is money. And Iris needs to toughen up quick if she wants to make it here.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey drains her glass, her gaze distant. I can't help but feel there's more to this situation than meets the eye, but I'm at a loss for what to do.<</md>>
<<md>>Tracey leans forward, her eyes smoldering with desire as she rests a hand on my knee, her fingers tracing tantalizing circles on my thigh.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Listen, darling, you're practically a god among men around here after that daring rescue. I'm sure Iris been fantasizing about your bravery and strength ever since she heard the story.<</say>>
<<md>>I shift in my seat, trying to ignore the growing heat of Tracey's touch and the doubt nagging at the back of my mind.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I don't know, Tracey. Saving a girl from a thug is one thing, but helping someone overcome deep-seated fears? That's way outside my wheelhouse.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey slides closer, her body pressing against mine as her intoxicating perfume envelops me. She traces a finger along my jawline, her touch leaving a trail of fire in its wake. Her voice drops to a seductive purr, her lips brushing against my ear.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Please, baby? For me? I have complete and utter faith in your... abilities.<</say>>
<<md>>I let out a shaky breath, my resolve crumbling under the weight of Tracey's sensual assault. Damn this woman and her irresistible wiles.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, fine. I'll give it a shot. But I'm gonna need some liquid courage first. And maybe a snack. You got any whiskey and cake laying around? Oh, and a salad would be nice too.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey pulls back slightly, arching a perfect eyebrow as a sultry smile plays on her lips. Her eyes gleam with mischief and promise.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>This isn't exactly a five-star dining establishment, darling. But for you? I'll see what I can... rustle up. Give me a few minutes, and I'll make sure you have everything you need to rise to the occasion.<</say>>
[[Wait for Tracey|TraceyNewGirl1.3]]
<<md>>Tracey returns bearing a tray laden with an assortment of goodies - a plate of cookies, a neatly arranged sandwich, a small bowl of salad, and a bottle of wine with two glasses. She sets it down on the desk with a flourish.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>I apologize for the lack of cake, darling, but I hope this will suffice. A little something to wet your whistle and calm your nerves.<</say>>
<<md>>I stand, grabbing a cookie and popping it into my mouth as I eye the stairs.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, Tracey. This should do the trick. Wish me luck.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey smiles warmly, reaching out to straighten my collar.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>You're a true gentleman, you know that? Not many men would go out of their way like this for a working girl they barely know.<</say>>
<<md>>She leans in close, her breath hot against my ear.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Iris's room is the third door on the left. But then, I'm sure a strapping lad like you is already quite familiar with the layout upstairs, hmm?<</say>>
<<md>>I chuckle at her playful jab, shaking my head as I make my way to the staircase, tray in hand. The climb seems to take an eternity, my mind racing with a jumble of thoughts and doubts. I pause outside Iris's door, taking a deep breath to center myself before reaching out to knock.<</md>>
[[Knock the door|TraceyNewGirl1.4]]
<<say $mc>>Iris? It's $mc.Name. Tracey sent me. I was hoping we could talk for a bit, if that's alright with you.<</say>>
<<md>>Silence. Then, a tentative voice from within.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>O-okay. Come in.<</say>>
<<md>>I balance the tray carefully as I turn the knob, steeling myself for whatever awaits me on the other side of the door.<</md>>
<<md>>Balancing the tray carefully, I step into Iris's room. She's sitting on the edge of her bed, her posture small and frightened. I approach slowly, setting the tray down on her nightstand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I thought you might be hungry. I brought you a little something to eat.<</say>>
<<md>>Iris eyes the food warily, shaking her head.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>I'm not hungry. But thank you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know you're feeling stressed, Iris. But trust me, getting some food in your belly will help. Even if it's just a few bites.<</say>>
<<md>>She hesitates for a moment before reaching for the sandwich with trembling fingers. As she nibbles at it, I settle into a nearby chair, trying to project an air of calm reassurance.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>I heard about what you did for Coco. How you saved her from that man in the alley.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice is barely above a whisper, her eyes downcast.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, well, I couldn't just stand by and watch her get hurt. I don't like seeing good people suffer.<</say>>
<<md>>Iris takes another small bite of the sandwich, chewing thoughtfully.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>Do you think... do you think girls like us are spoiled? Ruined?<</say>>
[[Be patient |TraceyNewGirl1.4Intelligence]]
[[Answer roughly|TraceyNewGirl1.4Strength]]
[[Try to seduce her|TraceyNewGirl1.4Charisma]]
[[Do something bold|TraceyNewGirl1.4Boldness]] <<md>>She's waiting for me in her office, a look of concern etched on her beautiful face. She rises from her chair as I enter, her unspoken question hanging in the air between us.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We need to talk about Iris.<</say>>
<<md>>I recount the heart-wrenching story Iris shared, watching Tracey's expression shift from worry to horror to sorrow. When I finish, she sinks back into her chair, shaking her head.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>That poor girl. I had no idea she'd been through something so awful.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think it's too soon for her to be taking customers, Tracey. She's still so fragile, so haunted by her past. Putting her in situations that trigger those memories... it's just going to do more harm than good.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey is silent for a long moment, considering my words. Finally, she nods, her eyes meeting mine with a newfound respect.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>You're right. I've been so focused on business that I've neglected my duty of care to the girls. Especially the vulnerable ones like Iris.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So you'll give her some time? Let her heal at her own pace?<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>Yes. I'll make sure she's taken care of, given a safe space to work through her trauma. It's the least I can do.<</say>>
<<md>>I exhale, feeling a weight lift from my shoulders. It's a small victory, but a meaningful one.<</md>>
<<set $TraceyQuest = 3>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave|Far-Dreams Station]]
<<md>>A few days later, I find myself back at the brothel, the events of my last visit still fresh in my mind. Tracey greets me at the door, a coy smile playing on her lips as she leads me to her office.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Well, well. If it isn't my favorite knight in shining armor. I was wondering when you'd grace us with your presence again.<</say>>
<<md>>She perches on the edge of her desk, crossing her long legs in a deliberately enticing manner. I grin, settling into the plush armchair opposite her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know me, always ready to swoop in and save a damsel in distress. Speaking of which, how's Iris doing?<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey's expression turns thoughtful, her playful demeanor giving way to a more serious air.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>She's... coping. Having some time away from customers has helped, I think. But she can't hide forever. Sooner or later, she'll need to face her fears.<</say>>
<<md>>She pauses, her gaze assessing as it meets mine.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that. I have an idea, but I need your help.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. Whatever Iris needs, I'm here.<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>I was thinking... maybe you could be her first. Her first client, I mean. Since that awful incident.<</say>>
<<md>>I blink, taken aback by the suggestion.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Me? Are you sure that's a good idea?<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>Iris trusts you. You've shown her kindness and understanding, something she's had precious little of in her life. If anyone can help her see that not all men are a threat, it's you.<</say>>
<<md>>I sit back, considering the weight of Tracey's words. It's a daunting prospect, but I can't deny the logic behind it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright. If you think it will help Iris, I'm willing to try. But only if she agrees. I won't force her into anything she's not ready for.<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>Of course. I would never suggest otherwise. I'll talk to her, see how she feels about the idea.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey reaches out, her hand resting lightly on my knee. Her touch is warm, electric.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Thank you, $mc.Name. You're a good man. Better than most.<</say>>
<<md>>I cover her hand with my own, feeling a spark of connection pass between us. Something tells me my involvement with the brothel and its inhabitants is only just beginning.<</md>>
<<md>>Tracey's lips crash against mine, her kiss filled with a desperate hunger that takes my breath away. I respond instinctively, pulling her close as our tongues dance and tangle.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>God, the things you do to me. If we were alone, I'd have you right here on this desk.<</say>>
<<md>>She nips at my lower lip, her eyes dark with promise as she pulls back.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>But that will have to wait. Right now, there's another woman who needs your special brand of attention.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey takes my hand, interlacing our fingers as she leads me out of the office and up the familiar stairs. We pause outside Iris's door, our hearts racing in tandem.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Ready?<</say>>
<<md>>I nod, not trusting my voice. Tracey knocks softly before pushing the door open, revealing a wide-eyed Iris perched on the edge of her bed.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>Tracey? $mc.Name? What's going on?<</say>>
<<md>>Her gaze darts between us, confusion and a hint of fear clouding her delicate features. Tracey steps forward, her smile gentle and reassuring.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>It's okay, sweetie. We're here because we care about you. Because we want to help you heal.<</say>>
<<md>>Iris's brow furrows, her hands twisting nervously in her lap.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>I don't understand. What do you mean?<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>$mc.Name has agreed to be your first client, Iris. Your first since... well, you know.<</say>>
<<md>>Iris's eyes widen, her face paling as she shakes her head vehemently.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>No. No, I can't. I'm not ready. Please don't make me.<</say>>
<<md>>My heart clenches at the fear in her voice. I step forward, kneeling before her and taking her trembling hands in mine.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Iris, look at me. No one is going to make you do anything you don't want to do. This is your choice, and yours alone.<</say>>
<<say $Iris>>But why you? Why now?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Because I care about you, Iris. Because I want to show you that intimacy doesn't have to be scary or painful. It can be gentle, loving, safe. If you'll let me.<</say>>
<<md>>Tears well in Iris's eyes, spilling down her cheeks as she searches my face. For a long moment, she is silent, the only sound her shaky breaths. Then, finally, a whisper.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>Okay. I trust you.<</say>>
[[Start with Iris|TraceyNewGirl2.2]]
<<md>>I smile softly, wiping away her tears with my thumb.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Iris. We'll take it slow, okay? Just tell me if you want to stop at any time.<</say>>
<<md>>She nods, her eyes wide and trusting. I lean in, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. Iris's breath hitches, but she doesn't pull away. I move to sit beside her on the bed, my hand resting lightly on her knee.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's start with something simple. How about a hug?<</say>>
<<md>>Iris hesitates for a moment, then nods. I wrap my arms around her, holding her close. Her body is tense, but slowly, she begins to relax against me. We stay like that for a while, just holding each other, until I feel her tension melt away.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're doing great. How do you feel?<</say>>
<<say $Iris>>Better. A little scared, but better.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's perfectly normal. Just remember, you're in control here.<</say>>
<<md>>Iris nods, taking a deep breath. I can see the determination in her eyes, the desire to overcome her fears. I smile, pressing another kiss to her forehead.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How about we take it one step further?<</say>>
<<md>>She nods again, and I lean in, pressing my lips to hers in a soft, tender kiss. Iris's response is hesitant at first, but she soon begins to kiss me back. Our kisses grow deeper, more passionate, but always gentle. I want her to feel safe, to know that she's loved.<</md>>
<<md>>As our kisses continue, I let my hands roam, caressing her back, her shoulders, her arms. Iris's breaths come quicker, but she doesn't pull away. I can feel her trust, her willingness to explore this new, frightening territory.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>God, you're amazing. So brave.<</say>>
<<say $Iris>>I... I want to try more. But slowly, please.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. We'll go as slow as you need.<</say>>
<<md>>I guide her gently onto her back, my kisses trailing down her neck. Iris's hands clutch at my shoulders, her breaths coming in soft gasps. I move slowly, my touches light and reassuring, wanting her to feel nothing but pleasure and safety.<</md>>
<<md>>As we continue, I see the fear in her eyes gradually replaced by trust, by a tentative desire. It's a slow, tender process, filled with whispered reassurances and gentle caresses. And through it all, I can see Iris beginning to heal, to reclaim a part of herself she thought she'd lost forever.<</md>>
[[Continue|TraceyNewGirl2.3]] <<md>>Tracey leans in close to whisper to Iris , her tone gentle but firm.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Remember, Iris, you're in control. If you need anything, just speak up. And $mc.Name, be gentle and take your time. I'll leave you two alone now.<</say>>
<<md>>With a reassuring smile, Tracey leaves the room, closing the door softly behind her. I turn my attention back to Iris, my heart pounding in my chest.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Iris, are you sure about this? We can stop at any time.<</say>>
<<md>>Iris takes a deep breath, her eyes meeting mine with a mixture of nervousness and determination.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>I'm sure. I trust you, $mc.Name . Let's continue.<</say>>
<<md>>I smile gently, brushing a strand of hair from her face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright. Just tell me if you need to slow down or stop, okay?<</say>>
<<md>>Iris nods, her body relaxing slightly. I lean in to kiss her again, my lips soft against hers. She responds with a tentative eagerness, her hands resting lightly on my shoulders.<</md>>
<<md>>Our kisses deepen, becoming more passionate as Iris's confidence grows. I let my hands wander over her body, caressing her skin with tenderness and care. She moans softly, her body arching into my touch.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're so beautiful, Iris. I want you to feel good.<</say>>
<<say $Iris>>I do. I feel safe with you.<</say>>
<<md>>With a gentle touch, I guide her onto her back, my kisses trailing down her neck and shoulders. Iris's breathing quickens, her hands gripping the sheets as I explore her body.<</md>>
<<md>>I take my time, savoring each moment, each soft gasp and moan that escapes her lips. My hand moves between her thighs, my fingers gently parting her folds. Iris gasps, her hips lifting slightly in response.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>That feels... really good.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm glad. Just relax and let me take care of you.<</say>>
<<md>>I continue to stroke her gently, my fingers moving in slow, deliberate circles. Iris's moans grow louder, her body responding eagerly to my touch. When I feel she's ready, I position myself between her legs, looking up at her for confirmation.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>Please, $mc.Name. I want to feel you inside me.<</say>>
<<md>>I enter her slowly, both of us moaning at the sensation. I move carefully, watching her closely to ensure she's comfortable. Iris's eyes are closed, her lips parted in a soft gasp.<</md>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Tracey\Quest\Video\TraceyIrisDefloration1.2.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $mc>>You're doing great, Iris. Just tell me if you need to stop.<</say>>
<<say $Iris>>No, don't stop. It feels good. Please, keep going.<</say>>
<<md>>I establish a slow, steady rhythm, my movements tender and deliberate. Iris's hands grip my shoulders, her hips beginning to move in sync with mine.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're amazing, Iris. So brave.<</say>>
<<md>>Our lovemaking is gentle and tender, each movement filled with care and affection. I lean down to kiss her deeply, our connection intensifying with each passing moment. Iris's moans grow louder, more confident, as she begins to lose herself in the pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>I feel her body begin to tense, her breath coming in ragged gasps. I slow my movements slightly, wanting to prolong the moment for her.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>I think... I'm close.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Tracey\Quest\Video\TraceyIrisDefloration1.1.mp4"></video></div>
<<say $mc>>Let go, Iris. I'm right here with you.<</say>>
<<md>>With a few more tender thrusts, girl cries out, her body arching against mine as she reaches her climax. The sight and feel of her pleasure push me over the edge, and I follow her into bliss, our bodies entwined in a moment of perfect connection.<</md>>
<<md>>As we come down from our highs, I hold Iris close, whispering soothing words in her ear. She looks up at me, her eyes shining with gratitude and a newfound sense of confidence.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>Thank you, $mc.Name I feel... I feel like I can do this. Like I can move forward.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can, Iris. You're stronger than you know.<</say>>
<<md>>We share a tender kiss, our connection deeper than ever. As we lie there, wrapped in each other's arms, I know that this is just the beginning of Iris's journey toward healing and trust. And I'll be there to support her every step of the way.<</md>>
[[Leave her room |TraceyNewGirl2.4]]
<<md>>Emotionally drained but filled with a sense of accomplishment, I quietly close the door to Lila's room and make my way back downstairs. Tracey is waiting for me in the foyer, her body draped seductively against the wall, a knowing smirk on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Well, well. Sounds like you gave our little Iris the ride of her life. Her moans were so loud, I could feel them vibrating through the floorboards. I had to cross my legs just to keep from soaking through my panties.<</say>>
<<md>>She slinks closer, her hips swaying with each step, her voice dropping to a husky purr that drips with desire.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>I have to admit, listening to you work has me feeling all sorts of envious. Maybe next time, you should forget about the other girls and come straight to the main event. I'll show you what real pleasure feels like.<</say>>
<<md>>I swallow hard, my body reacting to her brazen words and the heat in her gaze. But beneath the seductive veneer, I can sense a vulnerability, a longing for something more than just physical gratification.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Tracey, you know you're more to me than just another notch on my bedpost. You're the queen of this castle, the goddess that all other women aspire to be.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes widen, a flicker of genuine emotion passing over her face before she quickly masks it with a coy smile.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Careful, handsome. A girl could get addicted to sweet talk like that, especially coming from lips as sinful as yours.<</say>>
<<md>>She leans in close, her breasts brushing against my chest, her breath hot against my ear.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>But you're right, I do have a business to run. And as much as I'd love to ride you until we both can't walk straight, duty calls.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understand. But the offer stands, whenever you're ready. Even a goddess deserves to be worshipped every now and then.<</say>>
<<md>>Her smile turns wicked, her eyes smoldering with barely contained lust.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Oh, I'll keep that in mind. Trust me, when I'm ready for you, you'll know. Now, off with you before I change my mind and drag you upstairs for a private show.<</say>>
<<md>>With a wink and a sway of her hips that's nothing short of sinful, she saunters off, leaving me aching with desire and pondering the complex web of relationships I've found myself entangled in. But one thing is clear - my time at the brothel is far from over, and Tracey is a temptation I may not be able to resist much longer.<</md>>
<<set $TraceyQuest = 4>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave brothel|Quarter Far-Dreams]]
<<md>>The cool night air feels refreshing against my skin as I make my way down the alley, my mind still reeling from the events at the brothel. Suddenly, a rough hand grabs me from behind, spinning me around and slamming me against the brick wall.<</md>>
<<md>>I find myself staring down the barrel of a gun, the cold steel pressing painfully against my ribs. My attacker is a wiry man with wild eyes and a snarl twisting his weathered face.<</md>>
<<say $Thug>>Where is it, huh? Where'd that dumb broad stash it?<</say>>
<<md>>His voice is harsh and grating, his words tinged with a rough accent that screams of a life lived on the wrong side of the law.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey man, take it easy! I don't know what you're talking about!<</say>>
<<say $Thug>>Don't play stupid with me, boy. That fool whore's gone and put us all in a world of trouble, and you're gonna tell me where she hid the goods.<</say>>
<<md>>He jams the gun harder into my side, his finger twitching on the trigger. I raise my hands slowly, my heart pounding in my throat.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Listen, there's been a misunderstanding. I'm not involved in any of this, I swear!<</say>>
<<say $Thug>>Wrong answer, smart guy.<</say>>
<<md>>Pain explodes in my gut as he drives a fist into my stomach, doubling me over. I gasp for breath, my vision swimming.<</md>>
<<say $Thug>>I ain't askin' again. Start talkin', or I start fillin' you with lead and toss your corpse in the river. Understand?<</say>>
<<md>>My mind races desperately, trying to find a way out of this nightmare. What have I stumbled into, and how the hell do I get out alive?<</md>>
[[What to do?|TraceyThug2]]<<md>>The thug's patience is clearly wearing thin. He waves the gun erratically, his voice rising to a shout as he jabs a finger towards my face.<</md>>
<<say $Thug>>You deaf or just stupid? I said you better bring that damn list, boy! Great Gatsby is mighty pissed and he's ready to rain hellfire on that whorehouse!<</say>>
<<md>>Gatsby? The name tickles something in the back of my mind, but I can't quite place it. I raise my hands higher, trying to look as non-threatening as possible.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, okay! Just calm down a second. I'm not who you think I am. I don't have any list, I swear.<</say>>
<<say $Thug>>The hell you don't! You think I'm some kinda idiot? I saw you cozyin' up to that mouthy dame earlier. You're in this mess, same as her.<</say>>
<<md>>My mind races, trying to find some way to convince this lunatic that I'm not involved in whatever scheme he thinks I am. I can tell he's growing more agitated by the second.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Listen, there's clearly been a misunderstanding...<</say>>
<<md>>He spins around, gun already raised. Panic flashes in his eyes for a split second before he pulls the trigger. The shot echoes through the alley, and I feel a searing pain in my side. I stagger back, clutching my wound, the world around me beginning to blur.<</md>>
<<say $Thug>>I warned you, didn't I? Now look what you've made me do.<</say>>
<<md>>I can barely hear his words over the pounding of my heart. My legs give out, and I collapse to the ground. The pain is overwhelming, each breath a struggle. I try to focus, to stay conscious, but my vision darkens, the edges of my world growing fuzzy.<</md>>
<<md>>Somehow, I manage to pull out my phone and dial 911. I mutter my location to the operator before everything fades to black.<</md>>
[[Fade out|TraceyThug3]]<<md>>I wake up in a hospital bed, the sterile smell of antiseptic in the air. My side is heavily bandaged, and an IV is hooked up to my arm. The pain is still there, but dulled by the medication. A nurse notices I'm awake and comes over, offering a reassuring smile.<</md>>
<<say $Bella>>Turtle! You're lucky to be alive. The bullet missed your vital organs, but it was a close call. You should rest and let your body heal.<</say>>
<<md>>I nod weakly, closing my eyes as exhaustion takes over. My mind drifts back to the brothel, to Tracey and Iris. What have I gotten myself into, and how am I going to get out of this mess? As sleep pulls me under, I know one thing for certain: I need to find answers, and fast.<</md>>
<<set $TraceyQuest = 5>>\
[[Leave hospital|5thave]] Tip: \
<<if $TraceyQuest == 2>>
Tracy is just an incredibly beautiful and sexy woman. I want to get <<customTip "It is worth visiting a brothel in the evening. The best time is from 8 pm to 11 pm." "to know" "#F65575" "Tracey">> her better.
<<elseif $TraceyQuest == 3||$TraceyQuest == "3S"||$TraceyQuest == "3B"||$TraceyQuest == "3C">>
Tracy seems to be worried about Iris. I should <<customTip "It is worth visiting a brothel in the evening (from 8 to 11 pm) or at any other time" "check in" "#F65575" "Tracey">> on the new girl.
<<elseif $TraceyQuest == 4 && $CocoQuest == 3||$TraceyQuest == 4 && $CocoQuest == 4>>
Things are looking up with Tracy. But if I want to win her over, I need to <<customTip "Look in brothel, maybe something I can do for other girls " "take my time" "#F65575" "Tracey">> .
<<elseif $TraceyQuest == 4 && CocoQuest == 5>>
Things with Iris should go up. I need to <<customTip "Walk down the street where your house is." "give the girls some time" "#F65575" "Tracey">>.
You have reached the end of this character`s line. For now.
<</if>>Tip: \
<<if $TraceyQuest == 1>>
I think Coco promised to reward me. I have to go to her <<customTip "Brothel, of course. Time from 8 pm to 11 pm." "workplace" "#F65575" "Coco">>
<<elseif $TraceyQuest == 2 && $CocoQuest == 0>>
Coco's gratitude was nice, but fleeting. I need to <<customTip "Brothel, of course. Time from 8 pm to 11 pm." "get follow-up" "#F65575" "Coco">>.
<<elseif $TraceyQuest == 2 && $CocoQuest == 1>>
If I want to know more about Coco, I should visit <<customTip "Second floor in the brothel, first doors" "her room" "#F65575" "Coco">>.
<<elseif $TraceyQuest == 2 && $CocoQuest == 2>>
I'm not sure if Coco is okay. Should I <<customTip "Brothel in the evening" "talk" "#F65575" "Coco">> to her about it? Or Tracy.
<<elseif $TraceyQuest == 2 && $CocoQuest == 3>>
Coco was very angry with Tracy, or maybe it wasn't a quarrel... Anyway, I should <<customTip "Just let her be. Better check on Tracey" "leave Coco alone" "#F65575" "Coco">> for now.
<<elseif $TraceyQuest == 3 && $CocoQuest == 3||$TraceyQuest == "3S" && $CocoQuest == 3||$TraceyQuest == "3B" && $CocoQuest == 3||$TraceyQuest == "3C" && $CocoQuest == 3>>
Coco was very angry with Tracy, or maybe it wasn't a quarrel... Anyway, I should <<customTip "Just let her be. Better check on Tracey" "leave Coco alone" "#F65575" "Coco">> for now
<<elseif $TraceyQuest == 4 && $CocoQuest == 3>>
The conflict between Tracy and Coco seems to have had a strong impact on Coco. Ineed to check <<customTip "I bet she'll be on the second floor of a brothel" "if she's okay" "#F65575" "Coco">>.
<<elseif $TraceyQuest == 4 && $CocoQuest == 4>>
It seems that not only Iris is gradually opening up, but Coco as well. I have to keep <<customTip "I bet she'll be on the second floor of a brothel" "visiting her" "#F65575" "Coco">>.
You have reached the end of this character`s line. For now.
<</if>><<md>>I lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees, softening my tone to sound more empathetic.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, Iris. I don't think that at all. You've had a tough time, but that doesn't mean you're ruined. You can still have a good life here.<</say>>
<<md>>Iris looks up at me, her eyes filled with uncertainty.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>But... how? I feel so scared all the time.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's natural to feel that way after what you've been through. But you're stronger than you think. And you have people here who care about you and want to help. Like me.<</say>>
<<md>>I reach out and gently place a hand on her shoulder, offering what I hope is a comforting smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're not alone, Iris. You have friends here. We can help you get through this.<</say>>
<<md>>Iris takes a deep breath, her posture relaxing slightly.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>Maybe... maybe you're right. It's just so hard to believe sometimes.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know it is. But you can take things one step at a time. No one is expecting you to change overnight. Just let yourself feel what you need to feel and know that it's okay to be scared.<</say>>
<<md>>Encouraged by her response, I decide to take things a step further. I move my hand from her shoulder to her thigh, hoping to build on the trust I'm trying to establish.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And remember, you have the power to control your own future. You can decide how you want your life to be.<</say>>
<<md>>Iris looks up at me, her eyes softening slightly. Taking a chance, I lean in closer and begin to whisper naughty things in her ear.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, Iris, you could be so much more. You could feel so much more. Imagine the pleasure you could have. Imagine my hands exploring every inch of you.<</say>>
<<md>>She shivers slightly, her breathing becoming more ragged.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>I... I don't know...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just relax and let go. You deserve to feel good. Let me show you.<</say>>
<<md>>Iris hesitates but then gives a small, tentative nod. Emboldened, I slide my hand further up her thigh and gently push her panties aside.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>See, you’re already so wet for me. You want this, don't you?<</say>>
<<md>>For a brief moment, she seems to relax into my touch, her eyes fluttering closed. But the moment my fingers make contact with her pussy, she stiffens and jerks away, her eyes flying open in fear.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>No! Please, don't touch me!<</say>>
<<md>>I pull my hand back immediately, feeling the atmosphere in the room shift back to tension and fear.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sorry, Iris. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I was just trying to help.<</say>>
<<md>>Iris hugs herself tightly, tears streaming down her face.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>I can't... I can't do this. I'm sorry.<</say>>
<<md>>Realizing I've pushed too far too soon, I stand up, giving her space.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's okay, Iris. You don't have to apologize. I'll give you some time alone. If you need anything, just let Tracey or one of the other girls know.<</say>>
<<md>>I leave the room, closing the door gently behind me. My heart aches with regret for how poorly I've handled the situation. I know I've made things worse, and I need to find a way to fix it.<</md>>
[[Return to Tracey|TraceyNewGirl1.5.Charisma]] <<md>>Frustration bubbles up inside me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Listen, Iris. You need to keep your shit together. Stop being such a little pussy.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes widen in shock, her body trembling more violently.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is your life now. You need to toughen up and get used to it. You're going to be used by men, over and over. That's how it is here. The sooner you accept that, the better off you'll be.<</say>>
<<md>>Tears spill down her cheeks as she hugs herself tightly, shaking her head.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>Please, don't say that... I can't... I don't want to...<</say>>
<<md>>I grab her arm roughly, pulling her closer.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You don't have a choice, Iris. This is the reality. Either you adapt or you get crushed. Now stop whining and start acting like you belong here.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes fill with terror as she tries to pull away from my grip.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>Please, you're hurting me! Let go!<</say>>
<<md>>I release her, but my harsh words have already done the damage. She curls up on the bed, sobbing uncontrollably.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fine, cry if you want. But remember what I said. You're here to do a job, and you'd better get used to it.<</say>>
<<md>>Feeling a wave of guilt and frustration, I turn and leave the room, closing the door behind me. As I stand in the hallway, I can hear her sobbing softly. I know I've handled this poorly, and now I need to find a way to fix it.<</md>>
[[Return to Tracey|TraceyNewGirl1.5.Strength]]
<<md>>Feeling a wave of guilt and frustration, I turn and leave the room, closing the door behind me. I can still hear Iris's sobs as I make my way back down the hall. My mind races with thoughts about what I've just done and how I might have handled it better.<</md>>
<<md>>When I reach Tracey's office, I find her sitting at her desk, sipping a glass of wine. She looks up as I enter, raising an eyebrow at my expression.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Well, that was quick. How did it go with Iris?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not well. I tried to get through to her, but she just kept crying and pulling away. I might have been too harsh.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey sets her glass down and stands, walking around the desk to stand in front of me.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>What exactly did you say to her?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I told her she needs to toughen up, that this is her life now and she needs to get used to being used. I even grabbed her arm to try to get her to listen, but it just scared her more.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey's eyes narrow slightly, a mix of disappointment and contemplation in her gaze.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>I appreciate your effort, but scaring her isn't going to help. These girls are already dealing with enough fear and trauma. They need understanding and patience, not force.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know, I know. I just... I didn't know what else to do. She was so scared and fragile, and I thought maybe being tough would snap her out of it.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey sighs, crossing her arms over her chest.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>I get that you were trying to help, but these things take time. Iris has been through a lot, and she's not going to adjust overnight. We need to be there for her, to support her as she finds her strength.<</say>>
<<md>>I nod, feeling the weight of my actions settle heavily on my shoulders.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're right. I messed up. What can I do to make it right?<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey steps closer, placing a hand on my arm.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>For now, give her some space. Let her process what's happened. I'll talk to her and see if I can help calm her down. In the meantime, try to think about how you can approach her differently next time.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Alright. Thanks, Tracey. I really am sorry.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey offers a small smile, her eyes softening.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>I know you are. And I appreciate that you're willing to learn from this. Just remember, these girls have been through hell. They need more than just tough love; they need real, genuine care.<</say>>
<<md>>I nod, absorbing her words.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll do better next time. I promise.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey pats my arm before turning back to her desk.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>I believe you will. Now, why don't you take a break? I'll handle things here for a bit.<</say>>
<<md>>As I turn to leave, Tracey gives me a sultry look, her voice dropping to a seductive purr.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>And next time, if you want to be rough, save it for me. I might just enjoy it.<</say>>
<<md>>I raise an eyebrow, a small smile tugging at my lips.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh really? I'll keep that in mind.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey smirks, her eyes gleaming with mischief.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>You better. I'm looking forward to our next... encounter.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she returns to her desk, leaving me with thoughts of our previous and potential future trysts. I leave Tracey's office, my mind still reeling from the encounter with Iris and the conversation with Tracey. I know I have a lot to learn about handling these delicate situations, but I'm determined to make things right and be a better support for the girls at the brothel.<</md>>
<<set $TraceyQuest = "3S">>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave|Far-Dreams Station]] <<md>>My heart aches at the vulnerability in her question. I lean forward, catching her gaze.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely not. The women here are some of the most beautiful, kind, and clever people I've ever met. Including you, Iris.<</say>>
<<md>>A faint blush colors her cheeks at the compliment, and she ducks her head shyly. But I can see a glimmer of something like hope in her eyes. It's a start.<</md>>
<<md>>As the sandwich disappears and Iris seems to relax slightly, I decide to gently probe for more information.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, what exactly happened earlier? With the angry customer?<</say>>
<<md>>Iris fidgets with the hem of her skirt, avoiding my gaze.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>I... I stabbed him. With my knife. Just a little, in the hand. I didn't mean to, I just panicked and...<</say>>
<<md>>I lean back, letting out a low whistle.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds like it was his fault for scaring you like that. Can't blame a girl for defending herself.<</say>>
<<md>>To my surprise, Iris giggles softly. The sound is like music after the earlier tension. I grin, pleased to have lightened the mood.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, I think this calls for a drink. It's been a hell of a night.<</say>>
<<md>>I pour two glasses of wine, handing one to Iris. She accepts it hesitantly, taking a small sip. We drink in companionable silence for a moment before I venture my next question.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Iris... what's really going on here? Why are you so frightened?<</say>>
<<md>>She stiffens, her grip tightening on the glass.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>It's... it's men. I'm afraid of men.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why? Did something happen to you?<</say>>
<<md>>Iris's eyes fill with tears and she looks away, trembling. I scoot closer, reaching out to gently cup her cheek, turning her face back to mine.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, it's okay. You're safe here, I promise. Tracey cares about you, and so do I. You can tell me anything.<</say>>
<<md>>I stroke my thumb along her cheekbone, marveling at the softness of her skin. She leans into the touch, her eyes fluttering closed. But still, she hesitates, the words caught in her throat.<</md>>
<<md>>Iris takes a shuddering breath, her eyes haunted by memories I can only imagine.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>It was my stepfather. After my mother died, he... he changed. Became a monster.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice cracks, tears spilling down her cheeks.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>He wanted me. Wanted to... to hurt me. I couldn't take it anymore, so I ran. Ended up here.<</say>>
<<md>>I pull her into my arms without hesitation, cradling her trembling form against my chest. She clings to me, her sobs muffled by my shirt.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>God, Iris. I'm so sorry. No one should have to go through something like that, especially not from someone who's supposed to protect them.<</say>>
<<md>>I stroke her hair, rocking her gently as she weeps. My heart aches for this broken girl, filled with a fierce desire to shield her from any further pain.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're safe now, girl. He can't hurt you anymore. Tracey and I, we won't let anything happen to you. This place may not be perfect, but it's a damn sight better than what you left behind.<</say>>
<<md>>She nods against my chest, her sobs gradually quieting. We stay like that for a long time, just holding each other, finding solace in the shared warmth and understanding.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>Thank you, $mc.Name. For listening. For being here.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words are soft, barely audible, but filled with a profound gratitude that humbles me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Anytime, Iris. I mean that. If you ever need to talk, or just want some company, my door is always open. Figuratively speaking, of course.<</say>>
<<md>>That earns me a watery chuckle, and I feel a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, I can help this wounded soul find her way back to the light.<</md>>
<<md>>Emotionally drained but filled with a sense of purpose, I gently disentangle myself from Iris's embrace. She looks up at me, her eyes red-rimmed but clearer than before.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Try to get some rest, Iris. You've been through a lot. Things will look brighter in the morning, I promise.<</say>>
<<md>>She nods, managing a small smile as I slip out of the room, quietly closing the door behind me. I lean against the wall for a moment, collecting my thoughts before heading back downstairs to find Tracey.<</md>>
[[Return to Tracey|TraceyNewGirl1.5]] <<md>>Feeling a wave of guilt and frustration, I turn and leave Iris's room, closing the door gently behind me. My heart aches with regret for how poorly I've handled the situation. I know I've made things worse, and I need to find a way to fix it. As I make my way back to Tracey's office, I replay the encounter in my mind, searching for where I went wrong.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Tracey, we need to talk about Iris. I think I made a mistake.<<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey looks up from her desk, concern etched on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>What happened?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I tried to reassure her, to get her to relax. And she did, for a bit. She even seemed to respond when I started to seduce her. She whispered back, and I thought things were going well. But then I touched her pussy, pushing aside her panties, and she freaked out. I didn't mean to scare her, but I think I did.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey sighs, shaking her head.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>I appreciate your effort, but these things take time. Iris has been through a lot, and she's not going to trust easily. You have to be patient and let her set the pace.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know. I just thought I could help her feel more comfortable. But I ended up making things worse.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey stands and walks over to me, placing a hand on my arm.<<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>It's a learning process. Just give her some space for now. I'll talk to her and see if I can help calm her down. In the meantime, think about how you can approach her differently next time.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Alright. Thanks, Tracey. I really am sorry.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey offers a small smile, her eyes softening.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>I know you are. And I appreciate that you're willing to learn from this.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey's smile turns sultry, her voice dropping to a seductive purr.<<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>And I have to admit, I'm impressed you used your brain to get the girl wet. But next time you tell such naughty things, save it for me. I might just enjoy it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh really? I'll keep that in mind.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey smirks, her eyes gleaming with mischief.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>You better. I'm looking forward to our next... encounter.<</say>>
<<md>>She leans in closer, her breath hot against my ear.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Just imagine, next time it’s me you’re whispering those naughty things to. I want to hear every filthy thought you have.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That sounds like a promise.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey’s eyes darken with desire, her voice a husky whisper.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Tell me how much you want me, how badly you want to feel every inch of my body.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I want you more than anything, Tracey.<</say>>
<<md>>She trails a finger down my chest, her touch sending shivers through me.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>I want to hear you beg for it, to see you lose control.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I’ll do anything to have you. Just say the word.<</say>>
<<md>>Her lips brush against my ear.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Make me scream your name. Show me just how rough you can get.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I’ll give you everything you want, Tracey. Everything.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey’s smile is pure seduction.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Good. Because I’m going to make you work for it. I want to see you lose control, to hear you moan my name.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You drive me wild, Tracey. I can’t wait to feel you wrapped around me.<</say>>
<<md>>She moves closer, her body pressing against mine.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Oh, you will. And I’m going to make sure you never forget it.<</say>>
<<md>>Her hand slides lower, teasingly brushing against my thigh.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Do you like that? Do you want more?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Tracey. I want all of you.<</say>>
<<md>>She grins wickedly.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Then beg for it. Tell me how much you need me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I need you so bad, Tracey. I want to taste you, to feel you. Please.<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>Good boy. Now, let me show you just how good I can make you feel.<</say>>
<<md>>She straddles me, her movements slow and deliberate.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>You’re mine tonight. And I’m going to make you scream.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do it. Make me yours, Tracey.<</say>>
<<md>>Her hands roam over my body, each touch igniting a fire within me.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>I want to hear you say my name, to know that you’re completely at my mercy.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Tracey, I need you. I need you right now.<</say>>
<<md>>She leans down, her lips brushing against mine.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Then take me. Show me how rough you can get.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You asked for it. I’m going to make you beg for more.<</say>>
<<md>>Just as I’m about to push her over the edge, Tracey suddenly pulls away, her eyes gleaming with a wicked promise.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Next time, darling. I want to make sure you’re completely desperate for me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can’t leave me like this, Tracey.<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>Oh, I can and I will. Consider it your punishment for being so naughty.<</say>>
<<md>>With a final, teasing kiss, she slips from the view and saunters towards the door, her hips swaying hypnotically.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Until next time, handsome.<</say>>
<<md>>I watch her go, my body still burning with desire, my mind buzzing with thoughts of our next encounter.<</md>>
<<set $TraceyQuest = "3C">>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave|Far-Dreams Station]] <<md>>I lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees, softening my tone to sound more empathetic.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, Iris. I don't think that at all. You've had a tough time, but that doesn't mean you're ruined. You can still have a good life here.<</say>>
<<md>>Iris looks up at me, her eyes filled with uncertainty.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>But... how? I feel so scared all the time.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's natural to feel that way after what you've been through. But you're stronger than you think. And you have people here who care about you and want to help. Like me.<</say>>
<<md>>I reach out and gently place a hand on her shoulder, offering what I hope is a comforting smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're not alone, Iris. You have friends here. We can help you get through this.<</say>>
<<md>>Iris takes a deep breath, her posture relaxing slightly.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>Maybe... maybe you're right. It's just so hard to believe sometimes.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know it is. But you can take things one step at a time. No one is expecting you to change overnight. Just let yourself feel what you need to feel and know that it's okay to be scared.<</say>>
<<md>>Encouraged by her response, I decide to take things a step further. My heart pounds with a mix of excitement and nerves. I need to do something bold to show her that she can trust me, that she can feel safe and even desired.<</md>>
<<md>>With a deep breath, I decide to do something completely outrageous. I pull a rubber chicken out of my pocket and start to dance around the room, clucking like a chicken.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, Iris, life is too short to be scared all the time. You need to find the humor in things, to let go and just be silly sometimes.<</say>>
<<md>>Iris stares at me, wide-eyed and bewildered, as I flap my arms and continue to cluck. For a moment, she looks like she might burst into laughter, then, slowly, a hesitant smile spreads across her face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, join me! It's fun!<</say>>
<<md>>To my surprise, she stands up and starts to mimic my movements, clucking and flapping her arms. We dance around the room like a pair of fools, the tension between us easing as we both laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.<</md>>
<<md>>Feeling the moment is right, I move closer to her and, in a bold move, lean in to kiss her. Our lips meet briefly, but then she pulls back, her smile fading slightly.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>I... I'm not sure about this...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's okay, Iris. Let's just dance some more.<</say>>
<<md>>We resume our silly chicken dance, and I pull her close, spinning her around. She starts to relax again, her laughter filling the room. But then, as I turn her one last time, her hand accidentally brushes against my crotch, feeling the bulge through my pants. Her face drains of color, and she stumbles back, horror in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>No! Please, no!<</say>>
<<md>>The atmosphere shifts instantly, the fun and laughter vanishing as quickly as they had come. I freeze, my heart sinking as I realize just how badly I've misjudged the situation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sorry, Iris. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I was just trying to help.<</say>>
<<md>>Tears well up in her eyes as she hugs herself tightly, her entire body trembling.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>I can't... I can't do this. I'm sorry.<</say>>
<<md>>The fear and desperation in her voice hit me like a punch to the gut. I feel a wave of regret and shame wash over me. How could I have been so stupid, so insensitive?<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's okay, Iris. You don't have to apologize. I'll give you some time alone. If you need anything, just let Tracey or one of the other girls know.<</say>>
<<md>>I stand up and step away from the bed, trying to give her the space she needs.<</md>>
<<md>>As I leave the room, I can't shake the feeling of having made a terrible mistake. My bold move was meant to help her, but it had only served to deepen her fear and mistrust.<</md>>
[[Return to Tracey|TraceyNewGirl1.5.Boldness]] <<md>>Feeling defeated, I make my way back to Tracey's office, my mind racing with thoughts of how I might fix what I've broken.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Tracey, we need to talk about Iris. I think I made a mistake.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey looks up from her desk, concern etched on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>What happened?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I tried to reassure her, to get her to relax. And she did, for a bit. We even danced around doing a silly chicken dance. But then I did something really stupid. I tried to kiss her, and we danced some more. But then she accidentally touched me through my pants, and it ruined everything. She freaked out. I didn't mean to scare her, but I think I did.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey sighs, shaking her head.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>I appreciate your effort, but these things take time. Iris has been through a lot, and she's not going to trust easily. You have to be patient and let her set the pace.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know. I just thought I could help her feel more comfortable. But I ended up making things worse.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey stands and walks over to me, placing a hand on my arm.<<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>It's a learning process. Just give her some space for now. I'll talk to her and see if I can help calm her down. In the meantime, think about how you can approach her differently next time.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Alright. Thanks, Tracey. I really am sorry.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey offers a small smile, her eyes softening.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>I know you are. And I appreciate that you're willing to learn from this.<</say>>
<<md>>Her smile turns mischievous, her voice dropping to a playful purr.<<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>I must say, I didn't know you could dance with more than just your dick.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>There's a lot you don't know about me, Tracey.<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>Oh, I believe it. Maybe we should go to some official event together. Imagine me in a very elegant dress with nothing underneath it.<</say>>
<<md>>I raise an eyebrow, intrigued by the suggestion.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That sounds like an offer I can't refuse. We'd definitely turn some heads.<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>Oh, we'd do more than that. I'd let you fuck me right there in some old man's rich room, just to make all those cuckolds envious.<</say>>
<<md>>The vivid image sends a jolt of excitement through me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You really know how to paint a picture, Tracey.<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>I have my ways. Imagine a canvas that's yet to be touched, and the brush between your legs ready to create something unforgettable.<</say>>
<<md>>I feel a shiver of anticipation run down my spine.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's one masterpiece I'd love to create.<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>And imagine the colors, each stroke adding more to the masterpiece, with your paint making it complete. But for now, I have work to do.<</say>>
<<md>>She leans in closer, her breath warm against my ear as she whispers.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Maybe next time, if you don't mess up, you'll get to complete that picture.<</say>>
<<md>>I feel another shiver of anticipation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I won't mess up next time. You can count on it.<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>We'll see, handsome. Now, go on and let me get back to my duties. The sooner I finish, the sooner we can have some real fun.<</say>>
<<md>>I nod, taking one last lingering look at her before turning to leave the room. As I walk away, I can't help but feel a mixture of excitement and determination. Next time, I'll make sure not to fail.<</md>>
<<set $TraceyQuest = "3B">>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave|Far-Dreams Station]] <<md>>As I approach to the brothel, I notice a police car parked outside. My heart sinks, and I quicken my pace.<</md>>
<<md>>Inside, the atmosphere is tense. Girls huddle together, whispering and casting nervous glances toward the front room. I push through the small crowd and spot a police officer questioning Coco. Her usual confident demeanor is tempered with a hint of wariness.<</md>>
<<md>>I edge closer, straining to catch snippets of their conversation. The officer, a middle-aged man with a stern expression, leans in, his notepad ready.<</md>>
<<say $Officer>>...person seen with him. Care to explain what happened?<</say>>
<<md>>Coco gives him a sultry smile, her voice dripping with false innocence.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Oh, officer, you know how things get around here. He was just a rough customer. Couldn't handle a little fun, I guess.<</say>>
<<md>>The officer’s eyes narrow, clearly unimpressed with her flirty demeanor.<</md>>
<<say $Officer>>This isn't a joke, Miss. The man was found dead. Beating like that doesn't just happen. Someone's responsible.<</say>>
<<md>>Coco’s smile falters for a brief moment, but she quickly recovers, her tone turning icy.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Maybe he had it coming. Some men don't know when to back off.<</say>>
<<md>>I feel a chill run down my spine at her cold dismissal of the thug’s death. I push forward, hoping to diffuse the situation before it spirals out of control.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, officer. What’s going on here?<</say>>
<<md>>The policeman turns to me, his gaze scrutinizing.<</md>>
<<say $Officer>>And you are?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just a friend. I was here last night and saw the guy causing trouble. Coco was just defending herself.<</say>>
<<md>>Coco flashes me a grateful smile, but I can see the worry in her eyes. The officer jots down a few notes, then looks back at Coco.<</md>>
<<say $Officer>>Alright. But this isn’t over. We’ll be keeping an eye on this place.<</say>>
<<md>>Coco’s smile returns, more flirtatious than ever.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Oh, officer, why don't you come back later when you're off duty? I can help you relax... maybe even show you how I handle a big gun. Maybe we can make a deal later?<</say>>
<<md>>The officer's face hardens, and he leans in closer, his voice low and threatening.<</md>>
<<say $Officer>>Watch it, Miss. Another comment like that, and I'll arrest you for obstruction.<</say>>
<<md>>Coco’s playful demeanor slips away, replaced by a cold, hard stare.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Fine, officer. Whatever you say. Boring.<</say>>
<<md>>The officer gives us both a hard look before turning on his heel and leaving. The tension in the room dissipates slightly as he exits, but I can still feel the weight of what just happened.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You okay, Coco?<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>Yeah, I guess. That was close.<</say>>
<<md>>She looks shaken, her bravado slipping just a bit.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What really happened? That guy didn’t just drop dead on his own.<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>He was a piece of shit who deserved what he got. But don’t worry about it. I can handle myself.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words are defiant, but there’s an edge of vulnerability beneath them. I realize that whatever happened, it’s more complicated than she’s letting on.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>If you need help, just let me know. I’ve got your back.<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>Thanks, handsome. I appreciate it.<</say>>
<<md>>She reaches out and squeezes my hand briefly before pulling away.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>For now, the only thing I need is alcohol. If you want to help, you can keep me company. My door is open to you.<</say>>
<<md>>I nod, knowing that pushing her for more answers right now would do more harm than good. .<</md>>
<<set $CocoQuest = 1>>\
<<addmins 15>>
[[Back|Brothel - Three minutes of joy]] <<md>> I find Coco in her room, the air heavy with the scent of whiskey and something else, something primal and alluring. She looks up as I enter, her eyes dark with desire and a hint of vulnerability. A seductive smile plays on her full, sensual lips.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Hey there, baby.. Come to protect me from the big bad world?<</say>>
<<md>>She rises languidly from her chair and sways over to me, her every movement oozing sensuality. She wraps her arms around my neck, her body molding to mine as she pulls me into a deep, soulful kiss. Her lips are pillow-soft yet hungry, the taste of whiskey mingling with her own intoxicating essence. The kiss is electric, igniting a fire deep within me. It's a kiss that promises pleasure and demands surrender.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Do you want to know me more,sugar?<</say>>
<<md>>Her words are both invitation and challenge. I nod, my heart pounding with anticipation and a thrill of trepidation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I do.<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>Good. Let's play a game. It's called FUCKING truth. We ask each other questions and after each round, we drink. Got it?<</say>>
<<md>>I nod again, intrigued by the idea. We sit down, and Coco pours us each a generous measure of whiskey.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>I'll start. What was your childhood like?<</say>>
<<md>>I take a bracing sip, the whiskey leaving a trail of warmth down to my core as I gather my truths.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It was... lonely. I was always on the outside looking in, yearning for connection. But what about you?<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>Mmmm, so many demons, so little time. But there was a glimmer of light - a kindred spirit, a sister of the soul. We clung to each other in the darkness...until I lost her. <</say>>
<<md>>I can see the pain in her eyes as she speaks, but she quickly masks it with a smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Who was she, Coco? Who were you, before the world broke you?<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>She was my safe harbor, the only one who truly saw me. We were two damaged puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly...until we didn't. <</say>>
<<md>>The weight of her words hangs in the air, and I feel a pang of empathy for her.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Your turn. Where do you work?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm a biology teacher.<</say>>
<<md>>She giggles, the sound surprisingly light and girlish.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>So after all the young pussies, you come here. How...delicious.<</say>>
<<md>>I chuckle, taking another sip of my drink.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now is mine turn. What's your favorite color?<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>I crave red. The color of passion, violence, and the blood that connects us all in our primal humanity..<</say>>
<<md>>She downs her drink, the dark look in her eyes unsettling.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Do you want to stay a teacher forever?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don't know. I guess I haven't really decided.<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>Change is simple, darling. It's everything else that's hard. If you're ever ready to walk on the wild side, I know some people who could open delicious doors.<</say>>
<<md>>She winks at me, her smile turning mischievous.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you like sweets?<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>She and I...drowned our sorrows in ice cream - sweet, creamy innocence masking the bitter realities underneath. God, I miss her.<</say>>
<<md>>I take a deep drink, the alcohol burning pleasantly as it slides down my throat.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sometimes missing them is all we can do. <</say>>
<<md>>Coco's expression softens, and she looks at me with a mixture of sadness and curiosity.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Do you believe people can really change?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think so. If they really want to.<</say>>
<<md>>She nods thoughtfully, then leans closer, her breath warm against my ear.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Do you want to fuck me, sugar?<</say>>
<<md>>Her bluntness takes me by surprise, but I nod, unable to deny the attraction I feel.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes.<</say>>
<<md>>Coco's smile widens, and she leans in close, her lips brushing against my ear.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Good. Because I want you too. But first, let's see how much more you can drink.<</say>>
<<md>>She refills our glasses, and we continue to drink, the alcohol making my head spin.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think I can handle it..<</say>>
<<md>>But as I try to stand, the room tilts, and I feel myself falling back into the chair. My vision blurs, and I can barely make out Coco's face as she leans over me, her expression a mix of amusement and concern.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Looks like you can't handle your liquor, baby. Maybe next time.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice fades as darkness takes over, and the last thing I feel is her gentle touch on my cheek before everything goes black.<</md>>
<<addmins 60>>
[[Fade out|CocoAndCop1.21]] <<md>>I wake up with a pounding headache, my mouth dry and my stomach churning. The room spins slightly as I try to sit up. Just then, Coco enters the room, a glass of water and a bowl of ice cream in her hands.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Good morning, sleepyhead. How's the head?<</say>>
<<md>>I take the water gratefully, sipping it slowly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hurts like hell. But thanks for this. Ice cream for breakfast? That's a first.<</say>>
<<md>>Coco laughs, the sound bright and genuine.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Breakfast? Sugar, it's almost noon. You're lucky I didn't let you sleep the whole day away.<</say>>
<<md>>She sits on the edge of the bed, handing me the bowl of ice cream.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>I figured you could use something cold to help with the hangover.<</say>>
<<md>>I take a bite of the ice cream, the cold sweetness helping to clear the fog in my mind.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is actually really good. Thanks, Coco.<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>Don't mention it. Besides, I had a good time last night. It's nice to see someone take an interest in me beyond the usual.<</say>>
<<md>>She leans in, her lips brushing against my cheek in a soft kiss.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Next time, handsome, I promise you'll get to ride me like you want. But for now, I have some things to take care of.<</say>>
<<md>>She stands, smoothing out her dress and giving me a playful wink.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Try not to get into too much trouble without me, okay? I'll see you around.<</say>>
<<md>>I watch her leave, feeling a strange mix of gratitude and longing. Despite the headache and the lingering effects of the alcohol, I can't help but smile. Coco is a complex woman, and I'm more intrigued by her than ever.<</md>>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(11)>>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(15)>>\
<<addmins 20>>\
<<set $CocoQuest = 2>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave her room|Far-Dreams Station]]<<md>>I entered inside the brothel, the familiar scent of perfume and alcohol filling the air. The atmosphere is thick with tension, and as I make my way through the dimly lit hallways, I hear raised voices coming from one of the rooms.<</md>>
<<md>>I pause at the doorway, recognizing the voices of Tracey and Coco. Their argument is heated, and I can't help but listen in.<</md>>
<<say $Tracey>>Did you deal with that officer?<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>No, I didn't. Why are you even asking?<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>Because we can't afford to have the cops sniffing around here, especially with that...<</say>>
<<md>>Coco's voice rises, tinged with anger and frustration.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Don't you dare mention it!<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>Coco, I remember what happened with... . I know how much that still haunts you. But we can't let that happen again. We need to be careful.<</say>>
<<md>>Coco's anger flares again, her voice rising.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>And you think reminding me of that helps? You're just as bad as that cop, thinking about business while dredging up my past.<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>I'm sorry, Coco. It's just that this cop hanging around is not good for business. And you know as well as I do, all the girls here have their secrets. Most of them aren't very legal. If the police start digging, it could put us all in jeopardy.<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>He was an asshole, Tracey! But I had nothing to do with his death. Why can't you just believe me? <</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>It's not about believing you, Coco. It's about the damn cop scaring off our clients. We need to keep this place running, but more importantly, we need to keep you safe.<</say>>
<<md>>Coco's eyes flash with fury, and she takes a step closer to Tracey.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Are you serious? You're more worried about business than the fact that a man is dead? That's low, even for you.<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>Coco, you know it's not like that. I care about you and all the girls here. I would do anything to protect you. But we have to be smart about this. If the police start looking too closely, it could put everyone at risk.<</say>>
<<md>>Coco's face hardens, her eyes narrowing as she glares at Tracey.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>I've had my fill of assholes, Tracey. My limit is way past full. Now leave me alone.<</say>>
<<md>>Tracey looks genuinely remorseful, but before she can respond, Coco turns and storms out of the room, nearly bumping into me in the process.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Coco, wait.<</say>>
<<md>>She glances at me briefly, her eyes filled with a mix of anger and sadness, before pushing past and disappearing down the hall. I turn back to Tracey, who looks visibly shaken by the confrontation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What was that all about?<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>It's complicated. Coco's... been through a lot, and this situation with the police isn't helping. She's right, though. I need to be more sensitive to what she's dealing with.<</say>>
<<md>>I nod, understanding the gravity of the situation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe we can all sit down and talk this out. Find a way to make things better for everyone.<</say>>
<<say $Tracey>>Maybe. For now, let's just give her some space. She needs time to cool off.<</say>>
<<md>>I agree, deciding it's best to let Coco process her emotions on her own. I can only hope that, in time, things will calm down and we can find a way to move forward together.<</md>>
<<set $CocoQuest = 3>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Leave her|Far-Dreams Station]]<<md>>After the events of my last visit, I decide to return to see Coco again. As I make my way through the familiar hallways, I hear the soft, melodic sounds of a piano playing. Intrigued, I follow the music to Coco's room.<</md>>
<<md>>When I reach her door, I see that it's slightly ajar. I peek inside and find Coco sitting at the piano, teaching Iris a simple melody. The sight is unexpected and strangely touching.<</md>>
<<md>>I quietly enter the room, leaning against the wall as I watch them. Coco's fingers dance gracefully over the keys, while Iris tentatively mimics her movements. The music is soft and soothing, a stark contrast to the usual atmosphere of the brothel.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>I didn't know you were so skillful with your hands, Coco.<</say>>
<<md>>Coco smirks, a mischievous glint in her eye.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Oh, sweetie, you have no idea. My hands are good for more than just handjobs and playing the piano.<</say>>
<<md>>Iris blushes deeply, her shyness evident in her downcast eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>I...I mean, you're really talented. I wish I could play like you.<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>Don't worry, you'll get there. One girl taught me how to play right, and now I'm teaching you. Just takes practice.<</say>>
<<md>>Iris looks up, her curiosity overcoming her shyness.<</md>>
<<say $Iris>>Was she special to you? The girl who taught you?<</say>>
<<md>>Coco's expression softens, a hint of sadness in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Yeah, she was special. She meant a lot to me.<</say>>
<<md>>The weight of her words hangs in the air, and I feel a pang of empathy for her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey there, ladies. Sorry to interrupt.<</say>>
<<md>>They both turn to look at me, Coco's smile widening while Iris's face turns a deeper shade of red.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Oh, hello, baby. I see you're settling in nicely.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I didn't know you played the piano, Coco. This is incredible.<</say>>
<<say $Iris>>I...I was just learning. Coco is an amazing teacher.<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>I try, sweetie. Now, why don't you take a break? You've been practicing hard.<</say>>
<<md>>Iris nods, standing up and giving me a shy smile before leaving the room. Coco watches her go, a thoughtful expression on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>She's doing better, thanks to you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm glad to hear that. She seems to be opening up.<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>Yeah, she's been through a lot. But I think she'll be okay.<</say>>
<<md>>Coco steps closer, her demeanor shifting from thoughtful to playful.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Now, what about you? You here to finally cash in on that promise?<</say>>
<<md>>I chuckle, feeling the familiar pull of her charm.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe. But first, tell me more about you. What other talents do you have that I don't know about?<</say>>
<<md>>Coco's smile widens, and she takes my hand, leading me to the piano.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Why don't I show you? Have a seat.<</say>>
<<md>>I sit down beside her, watching as she places her fingers on the keys. She starts to play a new melody, this one more complex and hauntingly beautiful. As the music fills the room, I feel a deep connection to her, a sense of understanding and shared vulnerability.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Music has always been an escape for me. A way to express what words can't.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice is soft, almost wistful, as she plays.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're really talented, Coco. This is incredible.<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>Thanks, тow, let's see if you can keep up.<</say>>
<<md>>She starts to teach me a simple melody, her hands guiding mine over the keys. The intimacy of the moment is not lost on me, and I feel a sense of warmth and closeness that goes beyond physical attraction.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Not bad for a beginner. Maybe there's hope for you yet.<</say>>
<<md>>We play together for a while, the music binding us in a shared experience. Finally, Coco stops and looks at me, her eyes soft and inviting.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>You know, you keep surprising me. I think I like it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm full of surprises.<</say>>
<<md>>She leans in, her lips brushing against mine in a gentle, lingering kiss.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Next time, handsome, I promise you'll get to ride me like you want. But for now, I have to take care of some things.<</say>>
<<md>>She stands up, giving me a playful wink.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Thanks for taking an interest in me. Waiting for you next coming. <</say>>
<<md>>With that, she leaves the room, the sound of her footsteps fading away. I sit at the piano for a moment longer, the memory of her touch lingering on my skin.<</md>>
<<addmins 60>>\
<<set $CocoQuest = 4>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave her room|Far-Dreams Station]]<<md>>On my next visit , I find Coco in her room again, a bottle of whiskey on the table beside her. She looks up as I enter, her eyes slightly glazed from the alcohol.<<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Hey there, sugar. Just in time to join my pity party. Tough day. Tough night. Tough life. Fuck it.<</say>>
<<md>>She pours us both a drink and hands me a glass.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ready for another round of FUCKING truth?<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>Always. You first.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How long have you been playing the piano?<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>Almost 20 years. Music helps me deal with stress. Almost as much as alcohol.<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>And how do you deal with stress?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Jerking off.<</say>>
<<md>>Coco laughs, the sound genuine and infectious.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Fair enough. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>My turn. What did you dream of as a child?<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>I wanted to ride horses. But my family couldn't afford it.<</say>>
<<md>>She pauses, her expression turning somber.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That must have been hard to accept.<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>Yeah, it was. But we all have our disappointments, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>True. Your turn.<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>Do you think any of your students at school are hotter than me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No. Not even close.<</say>>
<<md>>Coco smirks, clearly pleased with my answer.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you still angry at Tracey?<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>No, I can't be. Tracey saved my life after...<</say>>
<<md>>She stops, her eyes darkening with a mix of pain and gratitude.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Let's not dwell on the past. How about we create some future? Fuck me before you drink too much again.<</say>>
<<md>>I nod, feeling the familiar pull of desire.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I can do that.<</say>>
<<md>>Coco stands up, closing the distance between us with a seductive sway of her hips. She leans in, her lips brushing against mine in a teasing kiss.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Good. Because I need you tonight. All of you.<</say>>
<<md>>She pulls me toward the bed, her hands already working to remove my clothes. The alcohol and the tension between us fuel our urgency, and soon we're lost in a tangle of limbs and desire.<</md>>
<<md>>Coco's touch is both demanding and tender, her movements guided by a mix of need and longing.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>I want it rough, baby. Don't hold back. I like the pain.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words ignite a fire within me, and I respond to her plea with fervor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Tell me what you want, Coco.<</say>>
<<say $Coco>>Pull my hair. Bite me. Make me feel it.<</say>>
<<md>>I comply, gripping her hair and pulling her head back gently. She moans, her eyes filled with a mix of pleasure and pain.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Yes, just like that. Harder.<</say>>
<<md>>I increase the intensity, my hands and mouth exploring her body with rough, passionate strokes.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Coco\Quest\Video\CocoCopFuck1.1.mp4"></video></div> She responds eagerly, her nails digging into my back as she urges me on.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Bite me. Leave marks. I want to remember this.<</say>>
<<md>>I bite down on her neck, eliciting a sharp gasp from her lips. She arches her back, pressing closer to me.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Yes, more. Don't stop.<</say>>
<<md>>The intensity between us builds, our bodies moving in a heated rhythm. Each thrust and touch is a blend of roughness and desire, driven by her need for both pleasure and pain.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Harder, baby. I need to feel you.<</say>>
<<md>>I respond, pushing deeper, driven by the raw passion between us. Her moans fill the room, each sound urging me on.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>You're amazing. Just like that. Don't stop.<</say>>
<<md>>I lose myself in the rhythm of our lovemaking, each movement bringing us closer to the edge. The connection we share is deeper than just physical, a blend of pain, healing, and understanding.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>More, baby. I want all of you.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Coco\Quest\Video\CocoCopFuck1.2.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>I give her everything, our bodies moving in perfect harmony. The intensity reaches its peak, and we climax together, our cries of pleasure echoing in the room.<</md>>
<<md>>As the waves of pleasure subside, we collapse onto the bed, breathless and spent. Coco's touch is gentle now, her fingers tracing patterns on my skin.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Thanks for being here, sugar. I needed this.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Anytime, Coco. Anytime.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiles, a genuine warmth in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Coco>>Next time, let's do it again. But maybe with a little less whiskey.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Deal.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she kisses me softly before settling back into the bed. <</md>>
<<addmins 40>>\
<<set $CocoQuest = 5>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
[[Leave her room|Far-Dreams Station]]::Widget AdjustBonuses
<<widget "adjustBonuses">>
<<if not $args[0].CocoBonusActive>>
<<set $args[0].CocoBonus to 0>>
<<set $args[0].CocoBonusPerDay to 0>>
<<if not $args[0].TraceyBonusActive>>
<<set $args[0].TraceyBonus to 0>>
<<set $args[0].TraceyPower to 0>>
<<if $args[0].CocoBonusActive>>
<<set $args[0].CocoBonus to $args[0].CocoBonus>>
<<set $args[0].CocoBonusPerDay to $args[0].CocoBonusPerDay>>
<<if $args[0].TraceyBonusActive>>
<<set $args[0].TraceyBonus to $args[0].TraceyBonus>>
<<set $args[0].TraceyPower to $args[0].TraceyPower>>
::Widget LustForce
<<widget "LustForce">>
<<set $args[0].TraceyPower to $args[0].LustLvl>>
<<set $args[0].CocoBonusPerDay to $args[0].LustLvl>>
<<set $args[0].TraceyBonus to $args[0].LustLvl>>
<<set $args[0].CocoBonus to random(0.1, 0.2) * $args[0].LustLvl>>
<<widget "calculateSchoolParams">>
<<if $GeneralMood is undefined>><<set $GeneralMood = 30>><</if>>\
<<if $GeneralGrades is undefined>><<set $GeneralGrades = 22>><</if>>\
<<if $GeneralObedience is undefined>><<set $GeneralObedience = 18>><</if>>\
<<if $GeneralExhibitionism is undefined>><<set $GeneralExhibitionism = 10>><</if>>\
<<set $girlsList = [$Veronica, $Lexi, $Monica, $Autumn, $Samantha, $Aria, $Marsha, $Ruby]>>\
<<set $totalGirls = $girlsList.length>>\
<<set $totalMood = 0>>\
<<set $totalObedience = 0>>\
<<set $totalGrades = 0>>\
<<set $totalExhibitionism = 0>>\
<<for _girl range $girlsList>>\
<<set _girl.PersonalGrades = (_girl.English + _girl.Math + _girl.History + _girl.Biology + _girl.Athletics + _girl.Swimming) / 6>>\
<<set $totalMood += _girl.PersonalMood>>\
<<set $totalObedience += _girl.PersonalObedience>>\
<<set $totalGrades += _girl.PersonalGrades>>\
<<set $totalExhibitionism += _girl.PersonalExhibitionism>>\
<<set $averageMood = $totalMood / $totalGirls>>\
<<set $averageObedience = $totalObedience / $totalGirls>>\
<<set $averageGrades = $totalGrades / $totalGirls>>\
<<set $averageExhibitionism = $totalExhibitionism / $totalGirls>>\
<<set $SchoolMood = ($GeneralMood + $averageMood) / 2>>\
<<set $SchoolObedience = ($GeneralObedience + $averageObedience) / 2>>\
<<set $SchoolGrades = ($GeneralGrades + $averageGrades) / 2>>\
<<set $SchoolExhibitionism = ($GeneralExhibitionism + $averageExhibitionism) / 2>>\
<</widget>><<widget "adjustPersonalParam">>
<<set _girl = $args[0]>>
<<set _param = $args[1]>>
<<set _value = $args[2]>>
<<set _operation = $args[3]>>
<<switch _param>>
<<case "English">>
<<if _operation == "add">>
<<set _girl.English += _value>>
<<set _girl.English -= _value>>
<<case "Math">>
<<if _operation == "add">>
<<set _girl.Math += _value>>
<<set _girl.Math -= _value>>
<<case "History">>
<<if _operation == "add">>
<<set _girl.History += _value>>
<<set _girl.History -= _value>>
<<case "Biology">>
<<if _operation == "add">>
<<set _girl.Biology += _value>>
<<set _girl.Biology -= _value>>
<<case "Athletics">>
<<if _operation == "add">>
<<set _girl.Athletics += _value>>
<<set _girl.Athletics -= _value>>
<<case "Swimming">>
<<if _operation == "add">>
<<set _girl.Swimming += _value>>
<<set _girl.Swimming -= _value>>
<<case "PersonalMood">>
<<if _operation == "add">>
<<set _girl.PersonalMood += _value>>
<<set _girl.PersonalMood -= _value>>
<<case "PersonalObedience">>
<<if _operation == "add">>
<<set _girl.PersonalObedience += _value>>
<<set _girl.PersonalObedience -= _value>>
<<case "PersonalExhibitionism">>
<<if _operation == "add">>
<<set _girl.PersonalExhibitionism += _value>>
<<set _girl.PersonalExhibitionism -= _value>>
<</widget>><<widget "adjustGeneralParam">>
<<set _param to $args[0]>>
<<set _value to $args[1]>>
<<set _operation to $args[2]>>
<<set _oldValue to 0>>
<<set _newValue to 0>>
<<switch _param>>
<<case "GeneralMood">>
<<set _oldValue to $GeneralMood>>
<<if _operation is "add">>
<<set $GeneralMood += _value>>
<<set $GeneralMood -= _value>>
<<set _newValue to $GeneralMood>>
<<case "GeneralGrades">>
<<set _oldValue to $GeneralGrades>>
<<if _operation is "add">>
<<set $GeneralGrades += _value>>
<<set $GeneralGrades -= _value>>
<<set _newValue to $GeneralGrades>>
<<case "GeneralObedience">>
<<set _oldValue to $GeneralObedience>>
<<if _operation is "add">>
<<set $GeneralObedience += _value>>
<<set $GeneralObedience -= _value>>
<<set _newValue to $GeneralObedience>>
<<case "GeneralExhibitionism">>
<<set _oldValue to $GeneralExhibitionism>>
<<if _operation is "add">>
<<set $GeneralExhibitionism += _value>>
<<set $GeneralExhibitionism -= _value>>
<<set _newValue to $GeneralExhibitionism>>
<div class="stat-change-indicator">
<<showChange _param _oldValue _newValue>>
As I walk into the classroom, the students settle into their seats, and I prepare to introduce today’s topic: "Common Erogenous Zones." I know this topic might make some students uncomfortable, so I aim to keep the discussion scientific and educational.
"Good morning, everyone," I begin, smiling at the class. "Today, we're going to talk about the concept of erogenous zones in the human body. These are areas that, when stimulated, can lead to heightened sexual arousal. Understanding these zones can help us better understand human physiology and behavior."
I start by drawing a diagram of the body on the whiteboard, highlighting the common erogenous zones: the lips, ears, neck, inner thighs, and genital areas. "Erogenous zones are areas of the body that are particularly sensitive to touch and stimulation. They are rich in nerve endings, making them more likely to produce pleasurable sensations when stimulated."
I notice Monica squirming slightly in her seat as I describe the process of arousal. Her cheeks flush a bit, and she avoids making direct eye contact. I lock eyes with her for a moment, trying to gauge her reaction, and then continue with the lesson.
Veronica, looking intrigued, raises her hand. "Mr. [Your Name], can you explain why these areas are so sensitive? Is it just about the nerves, or is there more to it?"
"Great question, Veronica," I reply. "Erogenous zones are sensitive because they contain a high density of nerve endings. These nerve endings are connected to the brain's reward system, which responds to pleasurable stimuli by releasing neurotransmitters like dopamine. This process is what makes these areas feel particularly good when touched or stimulated."
Aria, who loves to connect biology with math, asks, "Mr. [Your Name], can you explain how the brain processes these sensations? Is there a specific part of the brain involved?"
"Absolutely, Aria," I say, nodding. "The brain's limbic system, particularly the hypothalamus and the amygdala, plays a crucial role in processing sexual arousal and pleasure. These areas of the brain are involved in regulating emotions, memories, and the autonomic nervous system's response to stimuli."
Lexi, with her usual mischievous grin, chimes in, "So, basically, these zones are like the hotspots for pleasure, right? It’s like the body’s own version of a treasure map. And Mr. [Your Name], what about, you know, other ways to stimulate these zones? Like, can touching other parts of the body make a difference?"
"Yes, Lexi," I reply, smiling. "Touching other parts of the body can indeed enhance the experience. For instance, the back, the nipples, and the inner thighs are all highly sensitive areas. Different forms of stimulation can activate these zones, leading to varying degrees of arousal."
Monica, still looking a bit flustered, raises her hand. "Mr. [Your Name], can you tell us more about how these zones are different for everyone? I mean, like, how do personal preferences come into play?"
"That’s an excellent point, Monica," I say, acknowledging her question. "Each person’s body is unique, and what might be an erogenous zone for one person might not be for another. Personal preferences, experiences, and cultural factors all play a role in shaping individual responses to stimulation."
After the lesson, as the students start to pack up, I approach Monica, who seems a bit preoccupied. "Hey, Monica, are you feeling alright?" I ask softly, concerned about her reaction earlier.
She looks up, a bit embarrassed. "Yeah, I’m fine, just... it was a bit intense. I wasn’t expecting that part of the lesson."
I give her a reassuring smile. "If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to see me after school. We can arrange some extra tutoring if you’re interested. Sometimes, it helps to have a more detailed discussion in a one-on-one setting."
Monica nods, a bit relieved. "Thanks, Mr. [Your Name]. I might take you up on that offer."
I brush past her, whispering, "See me after school if you want to know more."
As the students leave, I feel confident that today’s lesson has been informative and respectful, providing a solid foundation for understanding human physiology and the complexities of human arousal.
<<md>>After the lesson, Monica stays behind, a mixture of curiosity and nervousness in her eyes. The room is quiet, save for the soft sounds of our breathing.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, come here. I want to show you something.<</say>>
<<md>>She approaches me hesitantly, her body trembling slightly. I place a gentle hand on her shoulder, guiding her to sit beside me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Relax. This is about you learning to understand and appreciate your own body. Trust me.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nods, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and anticipation. I begin by tracing my fingers along the curves of her body, naming each erogenous zone as I go.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is your neck. It’s very sensitive to touch. Close your eyes and feel it.<</say>>
<<md>>She shivers as my fingers glide over her neck, her breath hitching slightly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good. Now, your collarbone. Light touches here can send shivers down your spine.<</say>>
<<md>>I trace the delicate bones of her collarbone, and she trembles under my touch.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I want you to touch yourself now. Follow my instructions.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes flutter open, and she looks at me with a mixture of shame and excitement.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I... I don't know if I can...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can. Just trust me. Let go of your inhibitions.<</say>>
<<md>>She takes a deep breath and slowly begins to touch herself, her movements tentative and unsure. I watch closely, correcting her technique gently.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Gently. Like this.<</say>>
<<md>>I guide her hand, showing her the right pressure and movement. Her face flushes with a combination of shame and excitement, but she follows my directives, her body responding to her own touch.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good. Now, move to your breasts. Feel how sensitive they are.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's hands move to her breasts, and she gasps softly, her eyes closing as she explores her own body under my guidance.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's it. You're doing great. Keep going.<</say>>
<<md>>I watch her intently, my presence a constant reminder of her vulnerability and the new sensations she's discovering.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now, move lower. Touch yourself between your legs. Feel how your body reacts.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica hesitates for a moment, then slowly moves her hand down, her fingers trembling. She gasps as she touches herself, her body reacting instinctively.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good. Listen to your body. Follow its lead.<</say>>
<<md>>She continues to touch herself, her movements becoming more confident as she loses herself in the sensations.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Remember, this is about you. Your pleasure. Your body. Don't be afraid to explore.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's breath becomes ragged, her face flushed with excitement. She follows my instructions, her body responding eagerly to her own touch.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh... oh my God... I never knew it could feel like this...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's right. You're discovering your own pleasure. Embrace it.<</say>>
<<md>>I continue to guide her, my voice steady and reassuring. Monica's movements become more fluid, more confident, as she learns to trust her own body.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're doing amazing, Monica. Keep going.<</say>>
<<md>>As she reaches the peak of her pleasure, I stay close, offering words of encouragement and support. When she finally climaxes, her body shudders, and she lets out a soft cry of release.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you... I never knew...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're welcome, Monica. You did great. Remember, this is your body. Your pleasure. Never be afraid to explore it.<</say>>
<<md>>She nods, a look of gratitude and newfound confidence in her eyes. As she dresses, I feel a sense of satisfaction, knowing that I've helped her discover something important about herself.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you. I feel... different. In a good way.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm glad, Monica. You're amazing. Never forget that.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she leaves the room, a new sense of confidence and self-awareness in her step.<</md>>
<<md>>For a "special project," I instruct Monica to strip down so I can personally demonstrate the physiological signs of arousal. Monica hesitates, her eyes wide with doubt and fear.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, this is for science. Trust me, it's important for everyone to learn.<</say>>
<<md>>The other students in the classroom—Nora, Lexi, Autumn, and Marsha—watch with varying degrees of interest and anticipation. Monica looks around, seeing their eyes on her, and finally nods, albeit reluctantly.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Okay... for science.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica begins to strip, her movements slow and hesitant. As she removes her clothes, the room grows silent, the air thick with a mix of excitement and tension.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Finally, something interesting in biology.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi, the rebellious girl with an exhibitionist streak, grins widely, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Looks like little miss virgin is about to become a slut.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn, the bitchy and manipulative leader of the cheerleading team, smirks cruelly. Monica winces at her words but continues undressing until she stands completely naked, her body trembling slightly.<</md>>
<<say $Marsha>>This is fascinating!<</say>>
<<md>>Marsha, the crazy fan of science, watches intently, her eyes wide with curiosity.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, class. As you can see, Monica's body is reacting to the stimulus.<</say>>
<<md>>I step closer to Monica, my hands gently teasing her nipples. Monica gasps, her body responding instinctively.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Notice how her nipples harden in response to touch. This is a common physiological reaction to arousal.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's breathing becomes ragged, her cheeks flushing with a mix of shame and excitement.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Oh my gosh, this is... this is...<</say>>
<<md>>Nora, Monica's timid friend, watches with a mixture of fear and fascination.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>This is awesome. Keep going, Monica.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>I never knew you had it in you, Monica. Maybe you're not as boring as I thought.<</say>>
<<md>>I move my hand lower, teasing Monica's clitoris. She moans softly, her body trembling under my touch.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And here, we see the swelling and increased sensitivity of the clitoris. This is another sign of arousal.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's moans grow louder, her body reacting to my touch despite her initial reluctance.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica's moans grow louder, her body reacting to my touch despite her initial reluctance.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>As you can see, Monica's reactions are becoming more pronounced. Her body's natural response to stimulation is to become more sensitive and responsive.<</say>>
<<md>>I continue to tease her clitoris, applying gentle pressure and watching her body react. Monica's eyes flutter closed, her lips parting as she gasps for breath.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Wow, Monica. I didn't know you had it in you.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Looks like the virgin queen is turning into quite the slut. How does it feel, Monica?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's eyes snap open, a mixture of shame and defiance in her gaze.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Shut up, Autumn. This is for science.<</say>>
<<say $Marsha>>Ignore her, Monica. This is a valuable learning experience.<</say>>
<<md>>I nod in agreement, my fingers continuing their teasing motions.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's right, Monica. Focus on the sensations and what your body is telling you.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>I... I can't believe this is happening.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora's voice is a mix of awe and fear, her eyes wide as she watches her friend.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now, let's discuss the physiological signs of arousal. The increased heart rate, the flush of the skin, the swelling of the breasts and genitals—these are all indicators of sexual arousal.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's body trembles under my touch, her breathing becoming more erratic.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, describe what you're feeling.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica hesitates for a moment, her voice shaky and breathless.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I... I feel tingly all over. My heart is racing, and... and it's like every touch sends shivers through me.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Sounds like you're enjoying yourself.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Of course she is. Who knew our little virgin could get so into it?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's face flushes with a mix of embarrassment and defiance.<</md>>
<<say $Marsha>>Ignore them, Monica. This is about understanding your body.<</say>>
<<md>>I move my hand slightly, increasing the pressure on her clitoris. Monica's body arches instinctively, a soft moan escaping her lips.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Notice how Monica's body reacts to different levels of stimulation. This heightened sensitivity is a natural part of arousal.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's moans grow louder, her body trembling with each touch.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>This is... incredible.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, you're doing great. Keep focusing on the sensations. Let yourself feel everything.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nods, her eyes fluttering closed again as she surrenders to the sensations coursing through her body.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now, let's discuss the psychological aspects of arousal. The mind plays a crucial role in sexual response. Positive reinforcement, trust, and emotional connection can all enhance the experience.<</say>>
<<md>>I gently caress Monica's body, my fingers teasing her nipples and clitoris. She responds eagerly, her body writhing under my touch.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, how does it feel to trust and let go?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>It... it feels amazing. I never knew it could be like this.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Looks like someone's having a breakthrough.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Yeah, our little prude is finally learning how to have fun.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's eyes open, a mix of vulnerability and newfound confidence in her gaze.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Shut up, Autumn. I'm learning something important.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly, Monica. This is about understanding and embracing your own body and pleasure.<</say>>
<<md>>The next lesson is about sensitivity. I instruct Monica to bend over the lab table, her body trembling with anticipation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's test your sensitivity, Monica.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica cries out as I press against her from behind, my hands roaming her body. I can feel her shivering under my touch, her breath coming in short gasps.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How does this feel?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>It's... it's intense. I can feel everything.<</say>>
<<md>>I continue to tease her, my hands exploring every inch of her body, amplifying her sensitivity with each touch.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good. Now, let's see how sensitive you really are.<</say>>
<<md>>I grind against her, feeling the heat of her body through our clothes. Monica's moans grow louder, her body arching instinctively.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Please... please, I need you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Beg for it, Monica. Tell me how much you want it.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I need you inside me. Please, I can't take it anymore.<</say>>
<<md>>Her pleas drive me wild, and I decide to give her what she craves. I unzip my pants and position myself at her entrance, teasing her with the tip of my cock.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you ready, Monica?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, please. I need you.<</say>>
<<md>>I thrust into her, eliciting a loud cry of pleasure from Monica. My hands grip her hips as I move inside her, feeling her body tighten around me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How does that feel?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh my God, it's amazing. Don't stop.<</say>>
<<md>>I continue to thrust into her, each movement sending waves of pleasure through both of us.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>This is... I can't believe this is happening.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>That's how I got satisfied last time at the club. You should try it, Nora. It's amazing.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>I... I don't know. This is all so overwhelming.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Focus on the sensations, Monica. Feel every inch of me inside you.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's moans grow louder, her body writhing under my touch.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, yes, just like that. Please, don't stop.<</say>>
<<md>>I quicken my pace, driven by the sound of her pleasure. Monica's cries fill the room, her body responding eagerly to every thrust. My hands grip her hips firmly, guiding her movements as we fall into a rhythm.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Feel every inch of me, Monica. Let yourself go.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's fingers dig into the edge of the lab table, her knuckles turning white as she surrenders to the sensations.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh God, yes. Don't stop. Please, don't stop.<</say>>
<<md>>I lean over her, my chest pressing against her back as I whisper in her ear.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You like this, don't you? You like being taken like this.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, I love it. Please, harder.<</say>>
<<md>>I comply, increasing the intensity of my thrusts. Monica's body trembles with each movement, her moans growing louder and more desperate.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Look at her. She's loving every second of it.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>I... I don't know if I could ever do that.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Trust me, Nora. Once you try it, you'll love it. There's nothing like feeling a man inside you, making you feel every inch.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's cries reach a fever pitch, her body arching as she teeters on the edge of climax.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come for me, Monica. Let yourself go.<</say>>
<<md>>With a final, powerful thrust, Monica shudders beneath me, her body convulsing as she climaxes. Her cries of pleasure are raw and uninhibited, echoing off the walls of the classroom.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh my God, yes! Yes!<</say>>
<<md>>I follow her over the edge, my own release crashing over me as I fill her with my cum. We stay locked together for a moment, our bodies trembling with pleasure.<</md>>1)
<<md>>For a change of pace, Monica decides to seek help with her history lessons. She arrives at my private study, her eyes filled with curiosity and a hint of nervous anticipation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come in, Monica. Have a seat. Today, we're going to explore some of the more... colorful parts of history.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica sits down, her cheeks flushing slightly as she senses the undertone of my words.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>What do you mean by colorful?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, history isn't just about wars and politics. It's also about the passions and desires of people, about the more intimate moments that shaped their lives.<</say>>
<<md>>I open a thick, leather-bound book and begin to read aloud, my voice painting vivid scenes of historical debauchery.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>"In the opulent courts of ancient Rome, lavish feasts often gave way to nights of unrestrained passion. Nobles and courtesans would indulge in carnal pleasures, their bodies entwined in a dance of ecstasy..."<</say>>
<<md>>Monica listens intently, her breath hitching as the erotic imagery takes hold of her imagination.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Is this really necessary?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Trust me, Monica. This will help you remember the facts better. We remember things more vividly when we associate them with strong emotions.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica hesitates, her eyes wide with doubt and fear.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Recreate them? How?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll guide you. Just follow my instructions.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nods, albeit reluctantly. I stand up and walk behind her, my hands gently resting on her shoulders.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Close your eyes, Monica. Imagine you're the Empress, surrounded by luxury and desire. Feel the anticipation building within you.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica closes her eyes, her body relaxing under my touch.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now, slowly begin to undress. Feel the silk sliding off your skin, the cool air caressing your body.<</say>>
<<md>>With trembling hands, Monica begins to undress, her movements slow and deliberate. The air grows thick with tension as she bares herself, piece by piece.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good. Now lie back on the cushions, just like the Empress.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica lies back, her body exposed and vulnerable. I kneel beside her, my fingers tracing gentle patterns on her skin.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Feel the touch of your lovers, Monica. Let their caresses awaken your senses.<</say>>
<<md>>I guide her hands to her own body, encouraging her to explore the sensitive spots I described earlier.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Touch your breasts, feel the way your nipples respond to your touch. Imagine the hands of your lovers bringing you to the brink of ecstasy.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's fingers move over her breasts, her breathing becoming shallow and rapid.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It's... it's so intense.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's right. Now, let your hands travel lower, exploring every inch of your body. Feel the growing warmth, the desire building within you.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's hands slide down her body, her fingers hesitating before dipping between her legs. A soft moan escapes her lips as she touches herself, her body reacting to her own touch.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good, Monica. Now, as you touch yourself, I want you to repeat the historical facts I tell you.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nods, her voice trembling as she begins to repeat the facts I recite.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>In 27 BC, Augustus became the first Emperor of Rome.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>In 27 BC, Augustus became the first Emperor of Rome.<</say>>
<<md>>She continues to touch herself, her movements becoming more confident as she loses herself in the sensations and the rhythm of the lesson.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>During his reign, he brought peace and stability to the empire.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>During his reign, he brought peace and stability to the empire.<</say>>
<<md>>Her breathing becomes heavier, her body responding to the combined stimuli of my words and her touch.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now, Monica, touch your pussy. Feel the heat and wetness.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's eyes snap open, her body tensing.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I... I can't. I'm sorry.<</say>>
<<md>>I gently place a hand on her shoulder, trying to reassure her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's okay, Monica. You've done great. This is all about exploring and understanding your own body. You can take things at your own pace.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nods, her eyes still filled with uncertainty but also a hint of newfound confidence.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you. This is all so... new to me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're doing wonderfully, Monica. Remember, this is about understanding and embracing your own body and pleasure.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica takes a deep breath, her body relaxing slightly.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you for being patient with me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Monica. This is a learning experience. You're doing great.<</say>>
<<md>>The lesson ends, leaving Monica with a deeper understanding of both history and her own body.<</md>>
<<md>>A few days after our last lesson, I bring a book as a gift for Monica. When she arrives at my study, her eyes light up with curiosity and excitement.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I have something for you. This book contains some of the more... colorful and intimate tales from ancient history. I thought you might find it interesting.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica takes the book from my hands, her fingers brushing against mine.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you. This looks fascinating.<</say>>
<<md>>She opens the book and begins to read, her eyes widening as she takes in the erotic passages.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Is this really necessary for our lessons?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Monica. It will help you remember the historical context better. Plus, it will be on the test.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica raises an eyebrow, clearly skeptical but intrigued.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>On the test? Really?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely. Now, let's try something different today. How about some role-playing?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's eyes widen with a mix of excitement and nervousness.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Role-playing? Like what we did before?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly. We'll act out a fantasy from ancient history. You'll be the concubine, and I'll be the lusty emperor. It'll help you remember the historical context, just like last time.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica hesitates for a moment, then nods.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Alright, let's do it.<</say>>
<<md>>We set the scene, arranging the cushions and drapes to resemble a decadent Roman chamber. Monica lies back on the cushions, her body relaxed and ready.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You look perfect, Monica. Just like a real concubine. Now, let's begin.<</say>>
<<md>>I approach her, my hands trailing over her body, caressing her skin with a gentle touch.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are mine tonight, my lovely concubine. I will take you to heights of pleasure you've never known.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica shivers at my words, her eyes closing as she surrenders to the fantasy.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, my emperor. Take me. I'm yours.<</say>>
<<md>>I begin to tease her, my fingers exploring her body with a feather-light touch. Monica's breath hitches as I brush over her nipples, teasing them into hard peaks.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Feel my touch, Monica. Let it awaken every nerve in your body.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica moans softly, her body arching into my touch.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, it feels so good. Please, don't stop.<</say>>
<<md>>I lean down, my lips tracing a path along her neck, my tongue flicking out to taste her skin. Monica's moans grow louder, her hands gripping the cushions beneath her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are mine to pleasure, my beautiful concubine. Tell me what you want.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Please, I want more. I need more.<</say>>
<<md>>I smile against her skin, my fingers sliding lower, teasing the sensitive skin of her inner thighs.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Tell me, Monica. Beg for it.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Please, my emperor. I need you. I need your touch.<</say>>
<<md>>I move my fingers closer to her core, teasing her with feather-light touches. Monica's body trembles, her hips lifting in a silent plea for more.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You want this, don't you? You want to feel my fingers inside you.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, please. I want it so much.<</say>>
<<md>>I slide a finger into her, feeling her warmth and wetness envelop me. Monica gasps, her body arching as I begin to move my finger inside her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good girl. Let yourself feel the pleasure.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's moans fill the room, her body responding eagerly to my touch. I add another finger, stretching her gently as I continue to tease her.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh God, yes. Just like that.<</say>>
<<md>>I lean down, my tongue flicking out to tease her clit. Monica cries out, her body trembling as I bring her closer to the edge.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're so beautiful like this, Monica. So eager and willing.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Please, I need more. I need you.<</say>>
<<md>>I increase the pace of my fingers, my tongue working in tandem to drive her wild. Monica's cries grow louder, her body quivering with pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come for me, my lovely concubine. Let me hear you scream my name.<</say>>
<<md>>With a final, desperate cry, Monica shatters, her body convulsing as she reaches her climax. Her moans echo off the walls, her pleasure undeniable.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh God, yes! Yes, my emperor!<</say>>
<<md>>I continue to tease her, drawing out her pleasure until she collapses back onto the cushions, spent and satisfied.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You did wonderfully, Monica. How do you feel?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Incredible. That was... amazing.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm glad. Remember, history is not just about facts and dates. It's about the human experience, the passions and desires that shaped our world.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica arrives for her next private tutoring session, her eyes filled with a mix of anticipation and curiosity. I greet her with a warm smile, leading her into the study where our lessons have taken a more intimate turn.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, today we’re going to explore a different kind of lesson.<</say>>
<<md>>She raises an eyebrow, intrigued.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>What do you have in mind?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>A true philosopher pursues pleasure in all forms, Monica. Today, I want to experience every inch of you.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's cheeks flush with arousal as I begin to undress her, my hands moving with deliberate slowness.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Feel the anticipation, the desire building within you. Let it guide you.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica shivers at my words, her body reacting eagerly to my touch. She stands before me, fully exposed, her breath coming in shallow gasps.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I want this, I want you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good. Now, let’s begin.<</say>>
<<md>>I guide her to the cushioned bench, laying her down gently. My hands roam over her body, worshipping every curve, every inch of her skin.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are a work of art, Monica. A masterpiece to be cherished.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica moans softly, her body arching into my touch.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Please, touch me more.<</say>>
<<md>>I lower myself between her legs, my tongue teasing her clit as my fingers explore her depths. Monica's moans grow louder, her body trembling with pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You taste incredible, Monica. So sweet and delicious.<</say>>
<<md>>I continue to pleasure her with my mouth and hands, bringing her to the brink of ecstasy before pulling back, leaving her gasping and desperate for more.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Now, Monica, let’s see how well you’ve been paying attention.<</say>>
<<md>>I position myself at her entrance, the tip of my cock teasing her wetness.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Tell me, what year did Augustus become the first Emperor of Rome?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>27 BC.<</say>>
<<md>>Satisfied with her answer, I slide into her slowly, filling her completely.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good girl. And what significant event happened in 476 AD?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>The fall of the Western Roman Empire.<</say>>
<<md>>I begin to move inside her, each thrust deliberate and deep.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Excellent. Now, tell me about the Magna Carta.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>It was signed in 1215, limiting the powers of the English king.<</say>>
<<md>>I increase my pace, driving her wild with each thrust. Monica’s moans fill the room, her body responding eagerly to both the pleasure and the mental challenge.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You’re doing so well, Monica. Now, what year did the French Revolution begin?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>1789. Oh God, yes!<</say>>
<<md>>Her body tightens around me, signaling her imminent release. I push her further, my hands and words guiding her to the edge.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And the signing of the Declaration of Independence?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>1776. Please, I’m so close!<</say>>
<<md>>With a final, powerful thrust, I drive her over the edge, her body convulsing with the force of her climax. Her cries of pleasure echo off the walls as I follow her into ecstasy, filling her with my release.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You did amazing, Monica. How do you feel?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Incredible. That was... unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I’m glad. Remember, Monica, learning is not just about memorizing facts. It’s about experiencing and feeling them deeply.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nods, her eyes shining with gratitude and satisfaction.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you. For everything.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You’re welcome, Monica. I look forward to our next lesson.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, the session ends, leaving Monica with a deeper understanding of both history and her own body.<</md>>
<<md>>Monica arrives for her final tutoring session before the test, her eyes filled with determination and a hint of nervous anticipation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, today we’re going to review all the material. Are you ready?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, I’m ready. Let’s do this.<</say>>
<<md>>We settle into our usual spot, the air between us charged with anticipation. I begin to quiz her on the key historical events we’ve covered.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Tell me, Monica, when did Augustus become the first Emperor of Rome?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>27 BC.<</say>>
<<md>>I nod, pleased with her quick response.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good. And what happened in 476 AD?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>The fall of the Western Roman Empire.<</say>>
<<md>>As we continue to review, the tension between us builds, our words laced with a growing sense of urgency.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And the Magna Carta was signed in...?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>1215.<</say>>
<<md>>I notice the way Monica’s breath quickens, her body leaning closer to mine with each correct answer.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Excellent. Now, when did the French Revolution begin?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>1789.<</say>>
<<md>>Lost in passion, Monica grinds against my hardness, her wetness pressing against me through the thin fabric of her clothes.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Fuck me. Ravish me like the great seducers of old!<</say>>
<<md>>Her plea ignites a fire within me. I pull her closer, my lips capturing hers in a searing kiss.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>As you wish, my beautiful concubine.<</say>>
<<md>>With a swift motion, I undress her, my hands roaming her body with a possessive hunger. Monica’s moans fill the room as I tease her nipples, my fingers tracing the curves of her body.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You’re so beautiful, Monica. I want to feel every inch of you.<</say>>
<<md>>I lower myself between her legs, my tongue flicking out to taste her sweetness. Monica cries out, her hands gripping my hair as I bring her to the brink of ecstasy.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh God, yes! Please, more!<</say>>
<<md>>I stand, my clothes quickly discarded. My cock throbs with need as I position myself at her entrance.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you ready, Monica?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, please. I need you inside me.<</say>>
<<md>>I thrust into her, filling her completely. Monica’s cries of pleasure echo off the walls as I move within her, each thrust driving us both closer to the edge.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You feel incredible, Monica. So tight and wet.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh God, yes! Harder! Fuck me harder!<</say>>
<<md>>I increase my pace, my hands gripping her hips as I ravish her with all the passion of the great seducers of old. Monica’s body trembles beneath me, her moans growing louder with each thrust.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come for me, Monica. Let me hear you scream my name.<</say>>
<<md>>With a final, desperate cry, Monica shatters, her body convulsing as she reaches her climax. Her cries of pleasure are raw and uninhibited, echoing off the walls of the room.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh God, yes! Yes, my emperor!<</say>>
<<md>>I follow her over the edge, my release crashing over me as I fill her with my cum. We stay locked together for a moment, our bodies trembling with the aftershocks of our shared pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You did amazing, Monica. How do you feel?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Incredible. That was... beyond words.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I’m glad. Remember, Monica, you’ve learned everything you need to know. You’re ready for the test.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nods, a look of gratitude and satisfaction in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you. For everything.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You’re welcome, Monica. Good luck on your test.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, the session ends, leaving Monica with a deeper understanding of both history and her own body.<</md>>1)
<<md>>Monica arrives at cheerleading practice, her face determined but showing a hint of nervousness. She joins the other girls on the field, ready to begin their routine.<</md>>
<<say $Coach>>Alright, ladies, let's see some energy! Ready? And... go!<</say>>
<<md>>The girls start their routine, moving in sync. Monica struggles to keep up, her movements slightly off due to her ill-fitting sneakers.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Come on, Monica, you can do this...<</say>>
<<md>>As they perform a complicated spin, Monica's sneaker rips, causing her to stumble and fall. The other girls stop, looking at her with a mix of sympathy and frustration.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Nice going, Monica. You'll never succeed with those cheap sneakers. Face it, you're just not sexy enough for this.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's face flushes with anger and embarrassment.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Shut up, Autumn! I'm not a slut like you. I don't need to show my ass to everyone to feel good about myself.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, please. You can't even show your ass to the public without tripping over your own feet. How do you expect to be a cheerleader?<</say>>
<<md>>The tension between them escalates, the other girls looking on in anticipation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, that's enough! Both of you, stop it right now.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica and Autumn glare at each other but fall silent.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We're here to work as a team. Personal insults and bickering won't get us anywhere. Now, let's focus on the routine and get it right. Monica, you can borrow a pair of sneakers from the supply room.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nods, her eyes still blazing with anger but also gratitude.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you. I'll be back in a minute.<</say>>
<<md>>As Monica heads to the supply room, I turn to the rest of the team.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Remember, being a cheerleader is not just about looking good. It's about supporting each other and working together. Now, let's get back to practice and show everyone what we can do.<</say>>
<<md>>The girls nod, their expressions serious. Monica returns a few minutes later with a new pair of sneakers, ready to give it another try.<</md>>
<<say $Coach>>Alright, ladies. Let's do this again, from the top. And this time, let's show some real team spirit.<</say>>
<<md>>The girls resume their positions, the air filled with determination. As they move through the routine, Monica's movements are more confident and precise, her new sneakers giving her the support she needs.<</md>>
<<say $Coach>>Great job, everyone! That's more like it. Keep up the good work.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiles, her confidence restored as she continues to practice with the team.<</md>>
<<md>>After practice, I find Monica in the locker room, her face still flushed from the exertion and the confrontation with Autumn.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, can we talk for a minute?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Sure, what's up?<</say>>
<<md>>I sit down beside her on the bench, my tone gentle.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I noticed you were having a tough time out there. Do you really want to continue with cheerleading?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica looks down at her hands, her expression conflicted.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, I do. I want to. I have to...<</say>>
<<md>>She trails off, her eyes glazing over as she gets lost in her thoughts.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, if this is something you truly want to pursue, we need to get you some good sneakers.<</say>>
<<md>>She sighs, a look of frustration crossing her face.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I know, but I can’t afford them right now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why not? What's going on?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica hesitates, clearly struggling with whether or not to open up.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It's... it's family issues. I can't really talk about it right now. It's personal.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understand. You don't have to tell me everything. But if there's anything I can do to help, please let me know. We'll figure something out.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica looks at me, her eyes filled with gratitude.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you. I appreciate that. I just... I really want to make this work.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>We will. We'll find a way to get you those sneakers. And remember, I'm here if you ever need to talk.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nods, a small smile playing on her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks, [mc name]. That means a lot to me.<</say>>
<<md>>I stand up, giving her a reassuring pat on the shoulder.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, let's get you ready for the next practice. We'll make sure you're prepared.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nods, her determination renewed as she starts to change out of her practice clothes.<</md>>
<<md>>The next time I see Monica, I have a surprise for her. I hold out a box containing a pair of bright pink sneakers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I got these for you. I think they’ll boost your confidence.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s eyes widen in surprise and gratitude.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh my gosh, thank you so much! They’re perfect.<</say>>
<<md>>She tries them on, her face lighting up as she feels the comfort and support they provide.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How do they feel?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Amazing. I already feel sexier and more daring.<</say>>
<<md>>At practice, the coach gives Monica an encouraging nod.<</md>>
<<say $Coach>>Alright, Monica, let’s see what you’ve got. Show them what you’re made of.<</say>>
<<md>>Nervous but determined, Monica wears a short skirt, knowing that she needs to stand out and assert herself. During a particularly difficult routine, she moves to the front and executes a high kick. In doing so, she "accidentally" exposes her firm, round buttocks, the pink fabric of her new sneakers drawing attention to her daring move. Her smooth skin and perfectly toned ass catch the light, making the moment even more striking. The team stops, surprised by her boldness.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>What the hell, Monica? Trying to steal the spotlight?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s face flushes, but she holds her ground.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Just showing a bit of confidence, Autumn. Isn’t that what cheerleading is all about?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Confidence? More like desperation. You can’t even show your ass properly.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>At least I’m not afraid to try. Maybe if you spent less time tearing others down and more time working on your own skills, you’d understand.<</say>>
<<md>>The tension between them escalates, the other girls looking on in anticipation.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You think you’re better than me? You’re nothing but a wannabe cheerleader who can’t even afford decent shoes.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I may not have much, but I have the determination to succeed. And these shoes? They’re a gift from someone who believes in me.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s words hit home, silencing Autumn. The rest of the team looks impressed by Monica’s boldness and determination.<</md>>
<<say $TeamMember1>>You go, Monica! That was awesome!<</say>>
<<say $TeamMember2>>Yeah, show us what you’ve got!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s confidence grows with each word of encouragement.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>With that ass, we can grab more guys and more drinks! Party time!<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby’s light-headed and party-happy comment makes the team laugh and applaud.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, please. You think flashing your ass is enough to win?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>At least I don’t spread my legs for every guy who has a dick. Maybe then you wouldn’t lose this competition.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn's face flushes with anger, her eyes narrowing at Monica.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You know nothing about this team, Monica. This team is nothing without my control.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica stands her ground, her confidence unwavering.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Maybe it's time for a change then.<</say>>
<<md>>The rest of the team looks on, their support clearly with Monica.<</md>>
<<say $Coach>>Great job, everyone! And Monica, that was impressive. Keep it up!<</say>>
<<md>>As practice ends, Monica approaches me with a grateful smile.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you for the sneakers. They really made a difference.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I’m glad to hear that. You did great out there. Keep believing in yourself.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nods, her confidence visibly stronger.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I will. Thanks for believing in me.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, Monica leaves practice, her head held high and a newfound confidence in her stride.<</md>>
<<md>>The following week, Monica arrives at practice with a new determination. She has decided to take it a step further and reveal her breasts during the routine, aiming to outshine Autumn once and for all.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Okay, Monica, you can do this. Just like last time.<</say>>
<<md>>She whispers to herself, trying to muster the courage. The team starts their routine, and Monica moves to the front, her heart pounding with anticipation. As she prepares for the reveal, her confidence falters, and she hesitates, unable to go through with it. The routine ends, and she feels a wave of disappointment wash over her.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>What happened, Monica? Lost your nerve?<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn smirks, sensing Monica's insecurity. Monica's cheeks burn with embarrassment as she quickly changes out of her practice clothes and heads to the empty locker room.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, wait up.<</say>>
<<md>>I catch up with her, seeing the frustration etched on her face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You were doing great out there. Don't let one moment of doubt get you down. Maybe you just need a little more practice in private.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica looks at me, her eyes searching for reassurance.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You really think so?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely. Why don’t you try practicing here, where it’s just you? Get comfortable with yourself first.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nods, taking a deep breath.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Okay. I’ll give it a try.<</say>>
<<md>>As I leave her to find her confidence, Monica strips down to just her sneakers, feeling a mixture of vulnerability and excitement. She sits on one of the benches, her fingers trailing over her skin, feeling the electric thrill of being exposed.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I can do this. I can be confident.<</say>>
<<md>>She begins to touch herself, her fingers exploring her most sensitive areas. Her breath quickens as she imagines being watched, the fantasy of exhibitionism fueling her arousal.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Mmm, yes... just like that...<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's moans fill the empty locker room, her body responding eagerly to her own touch. As she brings herself closer to climax, she pictures herself on the field, confidently revealing her body to the world.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I can do this. I will do this.<</say>>
<<md>>With a final, trembling moan, Monica reaches her peak, her body shuddering with pleasure. She lies back on the bench, panting and flushed. After a moment, she stands up, feeling a newfound sense of empowerment.<</md>>
<<md>>Emboldened by her private session, Monica decides to take it a step further. She walks through the locker room completely nude, her skin tingling with the thrill of exposure. Each step fills her with more confidence, the fear melting away with every stride.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>This is my body, and I’m not afraid to show it.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s declaration echoes in the empty room, a promise to herself to embrace her boldness and confidence. She finishes her walk, feeling more empowered than ever.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Next time, I’ll show them. I’m ready.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, Monica dresses and leaves the locker room, her head held high and her confidence renewed.<</md>>
<<md>>The night of the toga-themed party arrives, and Monica feels a mix of excitement and nerves. She stands in front of her mirror, adjusting her barely-there toga. It’s a bold choice, but she knows she needs to stand out.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Remember, Monica, be daring. This is your moment.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I know. Thank you. I’m ready.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica arrives at the party wearing only her sneakers and a toga that barely covers her breasts. The fabric clings to her curves, and her confidence radiates as she walks through the door.<</md>>
<<say $PartyGoer1>>Whoa, Monica, you look amazing!<</say>>
<<say $PartyGoer2>>Yeah, girl! You’re rocking that toga!<</say>>
<<md>>As the party gets going, Monica spots Autumn and Ruby. Autumn sneers at her, clearly still holding a grudge from their previous encounters.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh look, Monica decided to show up. What, not brave enough to flash us your tits this time?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I don’t need to prove anything to you, Autumn. I’m here to have fun.<</say>>
<<md>>The tension between them is palpable, but Ruby steps in, grabbing Monica’s hand.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Come on, Monica! Let’s dance and get some guys to join us!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica lets Ruby lead her to the dance floor, where they start dancing together, their movements synchronized and bold.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>You know, last time I partied like this, two guys fucked me in both holes. It was wild!<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby laughs, clearly enjoying the memory. Monica smiles but then glances at me, her eyes showing a mix of worry and excitement.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I’ve got someone better.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Oh, you mean him? Yeah, that dick is definitely better than two random guys.<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby winks at me, and I approach Monica, sensing her nervousness.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You’re doing great, Monica. Just remember, you can do this.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I’m scared. What if I look like a whore?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You won’t. This is your only way to beat Autumn. Show them that you’re confident and in control.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica takes a deep breath, steeling herself. With renewed determination, she decides to make her move.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Okay, here goes nothing.<</say>>
<<md>>As the party gets wilder, Monica’s toga slips off, revealing glittery nipple stickers that catch the light. The room erupts in cheers, everyone applauding her boldness.<</md>>
<<say $PartyGoer3>>Go, Monica! You’re amazing!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica laughs, feeling the rush of adrenaline and the thrill of being the center of attention. She embraces the moment, her confidence soaring.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Typical. Always trying to steal the spotlight.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn’s seething jealousy is evident, but Monica ignores her, focusing on the positive energy around her. Ruby, ever the life of the party, cheers loudly.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Monica, you’re a star! With that ass and those tits, we’re going to have all the guys and drinks we want!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s laughter fills the room, her earlier doubts and fears melting away. She knows she’s made a statement tonight, one that no one will soon forget.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>This is just the beginning.<</say>>
<<md>>Encouraged by the cheers and feeling a bit aroused by the attention, Monica touches her tits, feeling the texture of the glittery stickers against her skin. Her body responds to the sensation, her nipples hardening beneath the stickers.<</md>>
<<say $PartyGoer4>>Show us more, Monica!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's confidence grows as she plays with her breasts, enjoying the mix of pleasure and empowerment. She knows she’s ready to take on anything that comes her way.<</md>>
<<md>>After the cheers die down and the party continues, I find Monica and pull her aside, away from the crowd.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, you were incredible out there. I’m so proud of you.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica blushes, her confidence bolstered by my words.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you. It felt amazing.<</say>>
<<md>>I lean in closer, my voice dropping to a whisper.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You looked so sexy up there. You have no idea how much you turn me on.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s cheeks flush deeper, her eyes widening slightly.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Really?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely. And I think you can do even more to boost your confidence and show Autumn who’s really in charge.<</say>>
<<md>>I take her by the hand and lead her to a secluded corner of the room, away from prying eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I want you to suck me. It’ll make you feel even more powerful and confident. Trust me.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica hesitates, uncertainty flickering in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I don’t know... I’ve never done anything like that before.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can do this. Just think of it as another way to show your dominance over Autumn. You’ve already proven you’re bold and daring. This will take it to the next level.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica takes a deep breath, her resolve strengthening.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Okay. I’ll do it.<</say>>
<<md>>I guide her down to her knees, my hands gently caressing her hair. She looks up at me, her eyes filled with a mix of nerves and determination.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Just take your time. Do what feels right.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica tentatively unzips my pants, her fingers trembling slightly. She takes a deep breath and begins to suck me, her movements hesitant at first but growing more confident with each passing moment.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That’s it, Monica. You’re doing great.<</say>>
<<md>>As she continues, her nervousness fades, replaced by a growing sense of empowerment. Her hands move to caress my thighs, her lips and tongue working together to please me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You’re amazing, Monica. Just like that.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s confidence soars as she hears my words of encouragement. She starts to enjoy the act, her arousal growing with each passing second.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Mmm... is this good?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It’s perfect. You’re perfect.<</say>>
<<md>>With renewed determination, Monica increases her pace, her hands and mouth working in unison. She takes me deeper, her movements more assured and bold.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, you’re incredible. Keep going.<</say>>
<<md>>As she continues to suck me, Monica feels a rush of power and confidence. She knows she’s taking control, showing Autumn and everyone else that she’s not to be underestimated.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I feel... so powerful.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You are powerful. You’re amazing.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s confidence reaches new heights as she brings me to the brink of climax. She looks up at me, her eyes filled with determination and pride.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I did it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, you did. And you were amazing.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiles, her confidence now unshakeable. She stands up, her body glowing with newfound power and self-assurance.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you. I feel like I can do anything now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can. You’re unstoppable.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s smile widens as she feels the full extent of her transformation. She knows that she’s ready to take on any challenge, to face down any rival, and to emerge victorious.<</md>>
<<md>>The days following the toga party are filled with a new sense of rivalry and determination. Autumn, still seething from Monica’s bold display, decides to challenge her publicly.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Alright, Monica. You think you’re so bold and sexy? Let’s settle this once and for all. I challenge you to a nude mile. Whoever runs the fastest and looks the hottest wins. This is your last chance to shine before I take back what’s mine.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s eyes widen in surprise, but she quickly regains her composure.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You’re on.<</say>>
<<md>>The news of the challenge spreads quickly, and soon everyone is talking about the upcoming event. I meet Monica to help her prepare for the challenge.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, Monica. If you’re going to do this, you need to be prepared. Let’s start with some training runs in secluded areas. You need to get comfortable being naked and confident while running.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I’m ready. Let’s do this.<</say>>
<<md>>We head out to a secluded forest trail for the first training session. Monica strips down to her sneakers, taking a deep breath as she feels the cool air against her skin.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Remember, confidence is key. You’ve got this.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica starts running, her body moving gracefully through the trees. At first, she feels a bit self-conscious, but with my encouragement, she begins to relax and embrace the freedom of running naked.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>This feels... amazing.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You’re doing great. Keep going.<</say>>
<<md>>On another training session, Ruby joins us. She’s lighthearted and full of energy, always up for a bit of fun.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Hey Monica, let’s see how fast you can run naked! This is going to be hilarious!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica laughs, feeling more at ease with Ruby’s playful attitude. They both strip down and start running, their laughter echoing through the forest.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>You’re doing great, Monica! This is so much fun!<</say>>
<<md>>The next training session is less pleasant. Autumn shows up, her eyes filled with disdain.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Look at you, Monica. Think you’re so special, running around naked like some exhibitionist slut. This challenge is my last chance to put you in your place. You’ll never be better than me.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s confidence wavers under Autumn’s harsh words, but she pushes through, determined to prove herself.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I’m not doing this for you, Autumn. I’m doing this for me.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn scoffs, but Monica ignores her and continues her run, her resolve strengthening with each step.<</md>>
<<md>>For the final training session, we meet Nora, Monica’s shy and supportive friend.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>I’m here to support you, Monica. You’ve got this.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks, Nora. You know, you could join me. It would be fun!<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>Oh, I don’t know... I’m too shy for that. But I’ll cheer you on!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiles, appreciating Nora’s support. With her friends behind her, she knows she’s ready for the challenge.<</md>>
<<md>>The day of the challenge dawns bright and clear. A crowd gathers at the starting line, buzzing with excitement and anticipation. Monica stands tall, wearing only her pink sneakers, her body radiating confidence.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You’ve got this, Monica. Remember all our training. Just be yourself and enjoy it.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks. I’m ready.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn arrives, her face a mask of determination. She glances at Monica, then looks away, clearly nervous.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Let’s get this over with.<</say>>
<<md>>The signal is given, and both girls take off running. Monica’s stride is smooth and confident, her body moving effortlessly. Autumn, on the other hand, quickly starts to struggle.<</md>>
<<say $CrowdMember1>>Go, Monica! You’ve got this!<</say>>
<<say $CrowdMember2>>Yeah, Monica! You’re amazing!<</say>>
<<md>>The crowd’s cheers boost Monica’s confidence even further. She picks up the pace, her body glistening with sweat in the sunlight. As they near the halfway point, Autumn starts to falter, her face turning red with embarrassment.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>This is ridiculous...<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn tries to cover herself with her hands, her stride faltering as she becomes more self-conscious. Monica, seeing her chance, pushes ahead, her confidence shining through.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>This is for all the times you doubted me, Autumn.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica crosses the finish line first, her body glowing with victory and confidence. The crowd erupts in applause, their admiration clear.<</md>>
<<say $CrowdMember3>>Monica, you did it! You’re incredible!<</say>>
<<say $CrowdMember4>>You’re the winner, Monica!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica stands tall, basking in the approval of the crowd. Autumn, meanwhile, slinks away, her face burning with humiliation.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, everyone. This means so much to me.<</say>>
<<md>>I approach Monica, pride shining in my eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You were amazing, Monica. You showed everyone just how strong and confident you are.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without you.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s smile is radiant, her confidence now unshakeable. She knows she’s proven herself, and nothing can hold her back.<</md>>
<<md>>Thrilled by her victory, Monica decides to visit my office to celebrate. She walks in, her smile wide and her eyes sparkling with excitement.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I did it! I can't believe I actually did it!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You were amazing, Monica. You deserve to celebrate.<</say>>
<<md>>I pull out a bottle of champagne, pouring us each a glass. We clink glasses, the bubbly liquid adding to the euphoria of the moment.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>To victory.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>To you, Monica.<</say>>
<<md>>We drink, the atmosphere charged with excitement and something more. The champagne goes to our heads, making us giddy and bold. Monica steps closer, her eyes locking onto mine with a smoldering intensity.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I feel... incredible. I want to thank you for everything.<</say>>
<<md>>She leans in, her lips brushing against mine in a tentative kiss. The spark between us ignites, and we lose ourselves in a passionate embrace.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You don’t have to thank me like this...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I want to. Please.<</say>>
<<md>>Overcome with lust, we move to my desk. I bend Monica over, her skirt hiking up to reveal her bare ass. I spank her lightly, watching as her skin flushes pink under my hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You’re so sexy, Monica. I can’t get enough of you.<</say>>
<<md>>She gasps, a mix of pleasure and anticipation in her voice.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Please, I need you. Now.<</say>>
<<md>>I slide into her from behind, our bodies moving in perfect rhythm. The sensation is intense, each thrust bringing us closer to the edge.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You feel amazing, Monica. So tight and wet.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s moans grow louder, her pleasure evident in every sound she makes.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Harder, please. I need it harder.<</say>>
<<md>>I comply, increasing the force of my thrusts. My hands grip her hips, guiding her movements as we fuck with a desperate intensity.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You’re mine, Monica. All mine.<</say>>
<<md>>She cries out, the pleasure overwhelming her as we move together.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, I’m yours. Don’t stop.<</say>>
<<md>>I feel my climax approaching, the pressure building with each powerful thrust. Monica’s body tenses, her own orgasm imminent.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I’m going to cum, Monica.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Me too. Let’s cum together.<</say>>
<<md>>With one final, deep thrust, we reach our peak. The pleasure crashes over us in waves, our bodies shuddering with the force of our climaxes. I collapse onto the desk, pulling Monica close as we ride out the aftershocks.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That was... incredible.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, it was. Thank you for everything.<</say>>
<<md>>We lie there for a moment, basking in the warmth of our shared intimacy. Our forbidden bond is solidified, the passion between us stronger than ever.<</md>>
<<md>>The next day, I call Monica into my office with a new idea to further explore her exhibitionism and build her confidence.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I have an offer for you. An ongoing extra credit assignment to further explore your exhibitionism. Each week, you must perform a daring public act and document it for me. We’ll start with something simple and gradually increase the daring nature of the acts. I’ll be there with you to ensure your safety and to... observe.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s eyes widen with a mix of excitement and apprehension.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>What kind of acts?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Things that push your boundaries and help you build confidence. This week, I want you to flash your tits in the cafeteria. Next week, you’ll masturbate in the library. And the week after that, you’ll send me naughty pictures during class.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica takes a deep breath, feeling the adrenaline already.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Okay. I’ll do it.<</say>>
<<md>>The following week, we meet in the cafeteria during the busiest lunch hour. The room is packed with students, the noise of conversations and clattering trays filling the air.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Remember, Monica, confidence is key. Just act natural and enjoy the moment.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica takes a deep breath and nods. She stands on a chair in the middle of the cafeteria, her heart pounding with adrenaline.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Hey everyone!<</say>>
<<md>>The room falls silent, all eyes turning to Monica. With a daring smile, she lifts her shirt, revealing her bare breasts to the crowd. Her tits are full and perky, the sight of them causing gasps and murmurs to ripple through the cafeteria.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good job, Monica. Hold it for a few more seconds.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica maintains her composure, feeling a rush of empowerment. Finally, she lowers her shirt and steps down, the cafeteria erupting in applause and cheers.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>That was... exhilarating.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You did great. This is just the beginning.<</say>>
<<md>>The second week, we head to the library. The atmosphere is quiet and studious, a stark contrast to the bustling cafeteria.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Find a secluded corner where you can have some privacy but still be in public view.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica chooses a spot behind a row of bookshelves, hidden from direct view but still accessible. She sits down, her breath quickening as she prepares for the act.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Alright, here goes nothing.<</say>>
<<md>>She slides her hand under her skirt, her fingers finding her clit. She begins to rub herself, the thrill of the public setting heightening her arousal.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good, Monica. Keep going.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica bites her lip to stifle a moan, her fingers working faster. Her body trembles with pleasure, the risk of being caught adding to the intensity.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh god... I’m so close...<</say>>
<<md>>She continues, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Finally, she reaches her climax, her body shuddering with the force of her orgasm. She quickly pulls her hand away, composing herself as best she can.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You did amazing, Monica. Ready for the next challenge?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Absolutely.<</say>>
<<md>>The third week, we decide on a challenge during one of Monica’s classes. She sits at the back of the room, her phone discreetly hidden under her desk.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>When you’re ready, start taking the pictures. Make sure they’re provocative.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nods, her heart racing with anticipation. She waits until the teacher’s back is turned, then lifts her skirt, exposing her bare pussy. She snaps a few pictures, feeling the rush of adrenaline.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Here goes...<</say>>
<<md>>She sends the pictures to me, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. I receive them and quickly respond.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You’re doing great, Monica. Now, lift your shirt and take a few more.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica complies, lifting her shirt to expose her breasts. She takes a few more pictures, her body tingling with arousal and excitement.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>How’s that?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Perfect. You’re a natural.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica lowers her shirt, her body buzzing with the thrill of the challenge. She knows she’s pushed her boundaries and grown more confident with each act.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I can’t believe I did that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You’re incredible, Monica. I’m so proud of you.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiles, her confidence soaring. She knows she’s ready to take on any challenge, both in the classroom and beyond.<</md>>
<<md>>The day of the pep rally arrives, and the gymnasium is packed with students, teachers, and parents. The noise is deafening as the crowd eagerly awaits the cheerleaders' performance.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Remember, Monica, confidence is key. Just enjoy the moment and give it your all.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nods, taking her place at the center of the gym floor. The music starts, and she begins to dance, her movements fluid and seductive.<</md>>
<<md>>The crowd falls silent, all eyes on Monica as she starts to shed her uniform piece by piece. Her shirt comes off first, revealing a lacy bra that barely contains her full breasts. She sways her hips, the rhythm of the music guiding her movements.<</md>>
<<say $CrowdMember1>>Go Monica!<</say>>
<<say $CrowdMember2>>You’re amazing!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's confidence grows with each cheer. She unzips her skirt, letting it fall to the floor to reveal a tiny thong. The crowd goes wild, their cheers echoing off the walls.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You’re doing great, Monica. Keep going.<</say>>
<<md>>With a daring smile, Monica reaches behind her and unclasps her bra, letting it fall away. Her bare breasts are adorned with glittery stickers, and she gives them a playful jiggle, eliciting more cheers from the crowd.<</md>>
<<md>>She continues her dance, her body moving sensuously as she teases the crowd. Finally, she slips out of her thong, leaving her completely naked except for her sneakers and the glittery stickers.<</md>>
<<say $CrowdMember3>>Monica, you’re incredible!<</say>>
<<say $CrowdMember4>>We love you, Monica!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s heart races with exhilaration. She’s done it. She’s bared herself completely in front of the entire school, and the crowd loves her for it.<</md>>
<<md>>Off to the side, Autumn’s face is a mask of fury. She storms off in defeat, unable to compete with Monica’s daring display.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>This isn’t over, Monica.<</say>>
<<md>>The pep rally’s energy carries over into the big game. Monica leads the cheerleading team with renewed confidence, her status as the sexiest cheerleader cemented in the eyes of her peers.<</md>>
<<md>>During the game, Monica's energy and enthusiasm are infectious. She leads the cheers with fervor, her confidence radiating and inspiring the team and the crowd alike.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>We’ve got this, team! Let’s show them what we’re made of!<</say>>
<<md>>The game is intense, but Monica’s spirited cheering helps drive the team to victory. The final whistle blows, and the crowd erupts in cheers, celebrating their hard-earned win.<</md>>
<<say $CrowdMember5>>Monica, you’re amazing! You did it!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica stands tall, basking in the adoration of the crowd. She knows she’s proven herself in more ways than one, and nothing can hold her back now.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You were incredible, Monica. I’m so proud of you.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without you.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s smile is radiant, her confidence unshakeable. She knows she’s ready to take on any challenge, both on the field and off.<</md>>
<<md>>I enter the classroom, ready to tackle today’s topic: Cell Membrane and Transport Mechanisms. The students are buzzing with their usual morning energy, but my eyes land on Veronica, who’s already seated at the back, her notebook open but a mischievous grin playing on her lips.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright class, today we’re diving into the fascinating world of the cell membrane and its transport mechanisms. Can anyone tell me what the main function of the cell membrane is?<</say>>
<<md>>A few hands shoot up, but I notice Veronica’s not among them. She’s leaning back, her eyes sparkling with that familiar rebellious glint.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>It’s like the cell’s bouncer, right? Letting the good stuff in and keeping the bad stuff out?<</say>>
<<md>>I chuckle at her analogy, appreciating her unique way of looking at things.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly, Veronica. The cell membrane regulates what enters and exits the cell. It’s made up of a phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins that act like gatekeepers.<</say>>
<<md>>I start drawing the structure on the board, highlighting the hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails of the phospholipids. As I talk about the different types of transport mechanisms, Veronica’s hand shoots up again.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>So, what’s the deal with active and passive transport? Sounds like a workout routine.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Great question. Passive transport doesn’t require energy – it’s like sliding down a hill. This includes diffusion and osmosis. Active transport, on the other hand, is like climbing up a hill. It requires energy, usually in the form of ATP, to move substances against their concentration gradient.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica nods thoughtfully, jotting down notes with a focused intensity. I move on to explain osmosis, using a few diagrams to illustrate how water moves across the membrane. The class seems engaged, but Veronica raises her hand again, a sly smile on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>So, if the cell membrane is so selective, how does it deal with toxins? Like, can it get rid of stuff it doesn’t want?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Excellent point. Cells have mechanisms like exocytosis to expel waste and toxins. It’s a bit like taking out the trash – the cell packages the unwanted material into vesicles and transports it out of the cell.<</say>>
<<md>>As the lesson progresses, I can see Veronica’s interest piquing. She’s always been keen on understanding the deeper implications of biology, and today is no exception.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>You know, it’s kind of like psychology. The cell membrane’s like our mind, deciding what influences we let in and what we keep out.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That’s an insightful comparison, Veronica. Just like our minds filter out negative influences, the cell membrane protects the cell’s internal environment.<</say>>
<<md>>The bell rings, signaling the end of the lesson. As the students gather their things, Veronica lingers, her eyes thoughtful.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Thanks for the lesson. Biology’s cool and all, but it’s the connections to real life that make it interesting.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I’m glad you think so, Veronica. Biology is all about understanding life, and the connections you make are what make learning truly meaningful.<</say>>
<<md>>With a final nod, Veronica heads out, her mind likely already wandering to her next big idea. As for me, I’m left with a sense of accomplishment – today’s lesson was a success.<</md>>
<<md>>The classroom is buzzing with anticipation for today's topic: Genetic Inheritance and Punnett Squares. I can feel the excitement as I set up the board with diagrams and charts. Veronica, Lexi, and Aria are already seated, with Lexi and Aria exchanging mischievous glances.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright class, today we're going to explore genetic inheritance and use Punnett Squares to predict the outcome of genetic crosses. Let's start with a basic question. What are alleles?<</say>>
<<md>>Aria's hand shoots up, her eyes gleaming with excitement.<</md>>
<<say $Aria>>Alleles are different forms of a gene. For example, the gene for flower color in pea plants has two alleles, one for purple and one for white.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly, Aria. Now, let's talk about how these alleles combine. Can anyone explain what a Punnett Square is?<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi leans back in her chair, a playful smirk on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>It's like a sexy little grid where you mix and match genes to see what comes out. Like, if I got fucked by a few different guys at once, it’d be interesting to see which one got me pregnant.<</say>>
<<md>>A few students giggle, and Veronica rolls her eyes but can't help but smile. Aria, however, seems intrigued by Lexi's analogy.<</md>>
<<say $Aria>>Well, it's actually a logical tool we use to determine the probability of an offspring inheriting particular traits. For example, if we cross two heterozygous parents, we can predict a 3:1 ratio of dominant to recessive traits.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly right, Aria. Now, let's do a quick example. If we have two heterozygous pea plants, what are the chances of getting a white flower?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica, who had been quietly observing, finally joins in.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>So, we're looking at a 25% chance, right? Because there’s one out of four squares in the Punnett Square that shows two recessive alleles.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's correct, Veronica. 25% chance for a white flower. Great job.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi nudges Veronica, a playful glint in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Imagine if making babies was as simple as filling out a Punnett Square. I bet you'd have a lot more people experimenting with all sorts of combinations. Like, a bunch of guys wanting to fuck you, Veronica. You'd probably get pregnant in no time.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica laughs, shaking her head.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yeah, yeah, Lexi. Maybe if I smoked enough weed, I wouldn’t even care who it was.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Or maybe you’d be so horny, you’d be down for whoever was up for it.<</say>>
<<md>>Aria, always quick to join a playful debate, chimes in.<</md>>
<<say $Aria>>Technically, Lexi, reproduction involves a lot more variables. But if we could predict attraction and compatibility with a simple grid, it would certainly make things interesting.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica, unable to resist the infectious energy of her friends, laughs and adds her thoughts.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yeah, but knowing my luck, I'd still end up with the recessive traits. Probably end up being a plant or something.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi grins and leans closer to Veronica.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Well, if you were a plant, you'd be one sexy flower. And Aria, with your math skills, you'd be the gardener keeping everything in perfect order.<</say>>
<<md>>Aria's cheeks flush slightly, but she doesn't back down.<</md>>
<<say $Aria>>If I were a gardener, I'd make sure all the plants were well taken care of. It's all about balance and nurturing the right traits.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Hey, Aria, what's your favorite number?<</say>>
<<say $Aria>>69.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Of course it is. Classic sex pose. Always knew you had a kinky side.<</say>>
<<md>>The room's atmosphere shifts slightly as the conversation takes on a more suggestive tone. Veronica, catching onto the playful mood, adds her own thoughts.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Maybe we should focus on the biology of attraction next. It's all about the right genes and the right chemistry, after all.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Hey, teach, ever thought about fucking Veronica? I mean, a lot of guys want to.<</say>>
<<md>>I chuckle, trying to maintain a professional demeanor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, everyone. Let's save the talk of attraction for another time and focus on mastering these Punnett Squares. They may not predict love, but they’re crucial for understanding genetic inheritance.<</say>>
<<md>>The lesson continues with everyone engaged, especially Veronica, Lexi, and Aria, who bring their unique perspectives and energies to the topic. By the end of the class, it's clear that not only have they grasped the concept, but they've also found a way to make it uniquely their own.<</md>>
3)<<md>>The classroom quiets down as I write today’s topic on the board: Male Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology. The students exchange glances, and I notice Nora looking particularly uneasy. She’s sitting next to Monica, who gives her a reassuring smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright class, today we're going to discuss the male reproductive system. We'll cover the anatomy, the physiology, and some common misconceptions. Let's start with the basic anatomy. Who can tell me the primary male reproductive organs?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica raises her hand confidently, a playful smile on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Los testículos y el pene, ¿verdad? They produce sperm and are responsible for sexual function.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Correct, Veronica. The testes and the penis are the primary organs. Now, let's talk about their functions. The testes produce sperm and testosterone, while the penis is involved in sexual intercourse.<</say>>
<<md>>Marsha, with her usual enthusiasm for chemistry, chimes in.<</md>>
<<say $Marsha>>There are also various chemicals and hormones involved in male reproductive health, like testosterone and enzymes that affect sperm motility. And you know, some girls really enjoy the taste of semen when guys have a healthy diet.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>Um... this topic is... um...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>It’s okay, Nora. You don’t have to say anything if it makes you uncomfortable.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Nora, it’s just biology. And trust me, knowing this stuff can be useful. Like, did you know smoking weed can affect sperm count? It’s something to think about. Plus, boys like timid girls. Especially when they’re cumming in their mouths.<</say>>
<<say $Marsha>>Weed? Really, Veronica? There are better ways to influence reproductive health. Certain chemicals and supplements can actually enhance performance and fertility. And if you’re good at it, like Veronica probably is, the guys will love it.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yeah, but weed is natural. Why mess with chemicals when you can just chill and let nature do its thing?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica, always the voice of reason, steps in.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Maybe we should focus on understanding both perspectives. It’s important to know how different substances, whether natural or synthetic, can affect our bodies.<</say>>
<<md>>Marsha crosses her arms, a slight frown on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Marsha>>Fine, but I still think chemicals are more reliable. They’re designed to have specific effects and can be controlled more easily.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>And I still say natural is better. Less risk of side effects. Besides, weed helps with relaxation, which is good for everyone.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>Um... I think... um... maybe both sides have points. It’s just... personal preference?<</say>>
<<md>>I step in to bring the discussion back to the main topic.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You all bring up interesting points. It’s important to understand how different factors can influence reproductive health. Now, let’s get back to the anatomy. Can anyone tell me the function of the prostate gland?<</say>>
<<md>>Marsha raises her hand eagerly.<</md>>
<<say $Marsha>>The prostate gland produces a fluid that, along with sperm, makes up semen. This fluid helps to nourish and transport sperm during ejaculation.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly. The prostate gland plays a crucial role in male fertility. Now, let's discuss the importance of hormones like testosterone. These hormones regulate many aspects of male reproductive health, including libido, muscle mass, and sperm production.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica leans back, a thoughtful look on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>So, all this talk about hormones and chemicals makes me wonder. Are there natural ways to boost testosterone, or is it all about supplements and stuff?<</say>>
<<say $Marsha>>There are natural ways, like exercise and a healthy diet. But sometimes supplements can provide an extra boost when needed.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I think it’s about balance. Using what works best for each person, whether that’s natural methods or supplements.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora nods quietly, feeling more comfortable with the supportive environment.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Great discussion, everyone. Remember, understanding our bodies helps us make informed decisions about our health. Let's wrap up today's lesson with a quick review of the key points.<</say>>
<<md>>The class ends with everyone feeling more knowledgeable and engaged. Despite the initial discomfort, the open discussion helped demystify the topic and allowed everyone to share their perspectives.<</md>>
4)<<md>>The classroom is filled with chatter as the students settle in for today’s lesson. I write the topic on the board: Bone Structure and Composition. Veronica, Lexi, Monica, and Aria are already seated, ready for another engaging class.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright class, today we’re going to learn about the structure and composition of bones. Who can tell me the main components of bone tissue?<</say>>
<<md>>Aria raises her hand, her eyes bright with enthusiasm.<</md>>
<<say $Aria>>Bone tissue is primarily composed of collagen fibers and calcium phosphate. The collagen provides flexibility, while the calcium phosphate gives the bones their hardness and strength. It's like a perfect equation balancing strength and flexibility.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly, Aria. The combination of these components makes bones both strong and flexible. Now, can anyone explain the difference between compact and spongy bone?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica raises her hand, her expression serious and focused.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Compact bone is dense and forms the outer layer of bones, providing strength and protection. Spongy bone, on the other hand, is lighter and found inside bones. It has a porous structure that helps reduce the bone's weight and contains bone marrow.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well said, Monica. Both types of bone tissue play crucial roles in our skeletal system. Now, let’s discuss the process of bone remodeling. How do bones maintain their strength and structure over time?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica leans forward, a thoughtful look on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Bone remodeling involves osteoclasts breaking down old bone tissue and osteoblasts forming new bone tissue. It’s a continuous process that helps repair damage and adapt to changes in physical stress. Just like how our bodies adapt to different substances we put in, you know, like weed.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly, Veronica. Bone remodeling is essential for maintaining healthy bones throughout our lives.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi, always ready to stir things up, chimes in with a grin.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Speaking of bones, did you know the term ‘boner’ comes from the fact that erections used to be thought of as bones getting hard? Imagine if guys actually had bones in their dicks. It would be a whole new level of fun, like having a rock-hard dick for real.<</say>>
<<md>>The class erupts in laughter, and even Monica can’t help but smile. Aria, intrigued by the odd fact, adds her own comment.<</md>>
<<say $Aria>>Technically, Lexi, an erection is caused by the engorgement of blood vessels, not bones. If it were a bone, it would complicate the anatomy significantly, like solving an impossible equation. But hey, it would be an interesting problem to solve.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>God, Lexi, you can’t stop thinking about dicks even here. Maybe you should focus on the bones we actually have. Although, it’s hilarious to imagine you doing math with boners. You’d be calculating how many you can handle at once.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Oh, I’m always up for some practical math. And speaking of handling, can you imagine how much fun we’d have if we could actually measure and compare?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Let’s keep the discussion focused on the bones we actually have. It’s fascinating how our bones support and protect our organs, allowing us to move and perform various activities.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yeah, yeah. But seriously, can you imagine if they had bones there? We’d have to be extra careful with those 'boners'. It's like nature's way of saying, 'Handle with care'.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica leans back with a smirk, her voice dripping with sarcasm.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Lexi, you’re hopeless. You’re probably the only person who can turn a biology lesson into a sex ed class. But hey, at least you keep things interesting.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Guilty as charged. But come on, Aria, back me up. You’re always talking about the math and logic behind things. Bet you’ve calculated the perfect angle for... well, you know.<</say>>
<<say $Aria>>If I were to calculate it, it would be a matter of finding the optimal trajectory and force. But let's just say it's more fun when you mix a little bit of spontaneity with logic.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yeah, and a little bit of weed to make things more interesting. You’d be surprised how it can enhance the experience.<</say>>
<<md>>I steer the conversation back to the main topic, appreciating the humor and engagement but also wanting to ensure we cover the essential points.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, everyone. Let’s refocus on the key aspects of bone structure. Bones are dynamic tissues that not only provide support and protection but also play a role in mineral storage and blood cell production.<</say>>
<<md>>The class settles down, and I continue with the lesson, delving deeper into the fascinating world of bones. Veronica, Lexi, Monica, and Aria each bring their unique perspectives, making the discussion lively and informative.<</md>>
5)<<md>>The classroom is filled with anticipation as the students settle in for today’s lesson. I write the topic on the board: Urine Formation and Excretion. Veronica, Lexi, Nora, and Autumn are already seated, ready for another engaging class.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright class, today we’re going to discuss the process of urine formation and excretion. Who can tell me the main organs involved in this process?<</say>>
<<md>>Nora hesitantly raises her hand, her voice barely above a whisper.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>The... kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That’s correct, Nora. The kidneys filter the blood to form urine, which then travels through the ureters to the bladder, and finally is excreted through the urethra.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica leans back, looking slightly dazed but manages to contribute.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yeah, the kidneys are like these little filters in our bodies. They get rid of all the junk we put in, like when you smoke too much weed, you know?<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi, always ready to stir things up, chimes in with a grin.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Speaking of junk, remember that time, Veronica? When you were so high you started masturbating and ended up peeing in front of those guys? Classic.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica’s face flushes with anger, and she snaps back.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Shut up, Lexi! That’s none of your business.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora looks uncomfortable, fidgeting in her seat. Autumn, sitting nearby, gives her a harsh look.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>What’s wrong with you, Nora? Can’t handle a little talk about piss? It’s just piss, nothing important.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Autumn, let's keep it respectful. Now, can anyone explain the three main steps of urine formation?<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Yeah, whatever. Piss is piss. Who cares about the details?<</say>>
<<md>>Ignoring Autumn’s comment, I turn to the class to redirect the discussion.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Urine formation involves three main steps: filtration, reabsorption, and secretion. The kidneys filter the blood, reabsorb necessary substances, and secrete waste into the urine. Can someone elaborate on the process of filtration?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica, always eager to help, raises her hand.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>During filtration, blood enters the glomerulus in the kidneys, where waste products and excess substances are filtered out and form the filtrate. This filtrate then moves through the nephron where reabsorption and secretion occur.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly, Monica. The glomerulus acts like a sieve, filtering out waste while retaining essential components in the blood.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica, trying to regain her composure, adds another comment.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>And all that filtered stuff ends up as urine. So, yeah, what we pee out is all the crap our bodies don’t need. Good thing, especially after a night of heavy partying.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi laughs, nudging Veronica playfully.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Well, at least you’re keeping it real, Veronica. But seriously, it’s fascinating how our bodies manage to filter out all the toxins and keep us going.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>It’s just... amazing how the body works. Even if... um... some parts are... embarrassing to talk about.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Embarrassing? Get over it, Nora. We all piss. It’s just part of life.<</say>>
<<md>>I step in to keep the focus on the lesson, ensuring everyone feels comfortable participating.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's stay focused on the science. Understanding how our bodies function, including urine formation, helps us appreciate the complex processes that keep us healthy.<</say>>
<<md>>The class settles down, and I continue with the lesson, delving deeper into the details of urine formation and excretion. Veronica, Lexi, Nora, and Autumn each bring their unique perspectives, making the discussion lively and informative.<</md>>
<<md>>The next English lesson begins like any other, but there's a charged atmosphere in the room. Veronica sits near the front, her eyes fixed on me with an intensity that makes me slightly uncomfortable and very aware of her presence.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Today, we're going to explore the themes of love and desire in Shakespeare's sonnets.<</say>>
<<md>>As I start reading a passage aloud, Veronica leans forward, resting her chin on her hand, her eyes never leaving mine. There's a suggestive smile on her lips, and she occasionally licks them, making my heart race.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Professor, isn't it interesting how Shakespeare uses such... intimate language to convey desire? It's almost like he’s writing a love letter directly to the reader.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice is low and sultry, sending a shiver down my spine. I clear my throat, trying to maintain my composure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Veronica, Shakespeare's use of language is indeed very powerful. He often blurs the lines between personal emotion and universal themes.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica’s smile widens, and she leans back in her chair, stretching her arms above her head in a way that makes her shirt ride up slightly, revealing a sliver of skin.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>I just love how he can make the reader feel so... connected. It's almost like he's speaking to you personally, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.<</say>>
<<md>>I feel my face heat up, and I struggle to keep my focus on the lesson.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's an interesting interpretation, Veronica. Shakespeare certainly had a way with words.<</say>>
<<md>>She tilts her head, her eyes glinting with mischief.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Professor, do you think it's possible for someone to write like that today? To capture such raw emotion and desire?<</say>>
<<md>>I swallow hard, feeling flustered by her direct gaze and the suggestive tone of her voice.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's definitely possible, Veronica. Writing is a powerful tool for expressing one's deepest feelings.<</say>>
<<md>>She leans forward again, her voice dropping to a whisper that only I can hear.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>I'd love to learn how to write like that. Maybe you could give me some private lessons... after class.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words send a jolt of excitement through me. I clear my throat again, trying to keep my composure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We can discuss that after the lesson, Veronica. For now, let's stay focused on Shakespeare.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica leans back with a satisfied smirk, knowing she’s gotten under my skin. I continue the lesson, but my thoughts keep drifting back to her sultry looks and suggestive comments. The rest of the class passes in a blur, and I can’t shake the anticipation building inside me.<</md>>
<<md>>The English classroom buzzes with the usual pre-lesson chatter. Veronica, stoned and already feeling the effects, takes her seat at the back of the room. Her eyes glaze over slightly as I begin the lecture on phallic symbolism in literature.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Today, we're going to discuss phallic symbolism and its implications in various literary texts. Phallic symbols often represent power, dominance, and fertility. Let's explore these themes in some classic literature.<</say>>
<<md>>As the lesson progresses, Veronica’s attention wavers. The combination of being high and the provocative topic stirs something within her. She starts to squirm in her seat, her hand slipping under her desk.<</md>>
<<md>>Her fingers brush against her thighs, moving slowly upward. Her breath quickens as she reaches the edge of her panties, her touch light and teasing. She bites her lip, trying to stay quiet, but a soft moan escapes her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Mmm...<</say>>
<<md>>Her other hand grips the edge of the desk, knuckles white as she fights to maintain her composure. Her fingers delve beneath the fabric, finding her clit. She circles it gently, her body responding with a shiver of pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>She increases the pressure, her movements becoming more insistent. Her hips begin to rock subtly, matching the rhythm of her fingers. Her breath catches, and she glances around nervously, hoping no one notices.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, why don't you come up here and analyze this passage for us?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica's eyes widen in surprise and embarrassment. She reluctantly withdraws her hand, her fingers damp, and stands, her legs shaky. Her classmates snicker softly, sensing her discomfort.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Go ahead, Veronica. Read this passage and tell us your interpretation of the phallic symbolism present.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica takes the book, her fingers trembling slightly. She clears her throat and begins to read the passage aloud.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>'The towering spire, rigid and unyielding, stood as a testament to the village's resilience...'<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice quivers, and she pauses, trying to compose herself. She looks up at me, her eyes filled with arousal and uncertainty.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Continue, Veronica. What do you make of this imagery?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>W-well, the spire... it's, um, very phallic. It represents... the village's strength and, uh, dominance. The way it... stands so tall and firm, it's like... it's like...<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice trails off, and she bites her lip, struggling to focus. Her classmates snicker louder, enjoying her obvious discomfort.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Go on, Veronica. What else can you infer?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>It's like... the village is... asserting its power. The spire is... penetrating the sky, claiming its place... it's very... sexual, in a way.<</say>>
<<md>>The class erupts in laughter, and Veronica blushes deeply, feeling humiliated yet strangely aroused by her own words.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Veronica. You can take your seat now.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica nods, quickly returning to her seat, her cheeks burning. She sits down, still feeling the lingering effects of her arousal, and tries to regain her composure as the lesson continues.<</md>>
<<md>>While making my usual rounds to ensure order in the school, I notice smoke seeping from under the door of the women's toilet. Frowning, I push the door open. The scene that greets me is unexpected, to say the least.<</md>>
<<md>>Veronica is there, stoned out of her mind, her hand moving rhythmically under her skirt. Her head is thrown back, eyes closed, lost in her own world. She’s murmuring softly, and I catch snippets of her fantasy.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>...fuck me... oh, professor...<</say>>
<<md>>My eyes widen, and I clear my throat loudly. Veronica's eyes snap open, and she gasps, yanking her hand out from under her skirt. Her face flushes red as she scrambles to compose herself.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Whoa, professor... didn't see you there...<</say>>
<<md>>I hold up a hand to stop her stammering.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, this is highly inappropriate behavior, especially on school grounds. You’re aware of the consequences, aren’t you?<</say>>
<<md>>She bites her lip, looking both terrified and aroused.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Please, don’t tell Clara, professor. I’ll do anything. Anything.<</say>>
<<md>>A myriad of thoughts race through my mind, but one stands out. I lean closer, lowering my voice.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Anything?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica nods eagerly, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and anticipation.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yeah, anything, man. Just... please don’t rat me out. I’ll do whatever you want.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, Veronica. Here’s the deal. You don’t want me to report this, you’ll have to... make it worth my while.<</say>>
<<md>>She swallows hard, understanding dawning in her eyes. She hesitates for a moment, then moves closer, her hands trembling slightly.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Okay... what do you want me to do?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Suck me, right here. Right now.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes widen, but she nods, determination setting in. She sinks to her knees in front of me, her fingers fumbling with my belt and zipper.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Alright, professor. I got this... just relax, yeah?<</say>>
<<md>>She frees my hardening length and hesitates only for a second before taking me into her mouth. Her lips are warm and soft, her tongue swirling around the head, sending shivers of pleasure through me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good girl, Veronica. Keep going.<</say>>
<<md>>She looks up at me with those wide, innocent eyes, her head bobbing up and down as she takes me deeper. The sensation is incredible, and I can't help but groan, my hands tangling in her hair.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Mmm... you taste so good, professor. Just like I imagined...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just like that... don’t stop.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica works me with a fervor, her movements becoming more confident and bold. She moans softly around my cock, the vibrations adding to the pleasure.<</md>>
<<md>>I grip her hair tighter, guiding her pace, pushing her to take me deeper. She gags slightly but doesn’t pull back, her eyes watering as she continues. The combination of her mouth and her obedience sends me over the edge.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I’m close, Veronica. Don’t you dare stop now.<</say>>
<<md>>With a final, deep thrust, I release into her mouth, groaning as waves of pleasure wash over me. Veronica swallows eagerly, not missing a drop. She pulls back, licking her lips and looking up at me with a satisfied smile.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Did I do good, professor? Betcha didn’t know I could be this good, huh?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, Veronica. You did very well. Now, get yourself cleaned up and make sure this doesn’t happen again.<</say>>
<<md>>She nods, standing and straightening her clothes. As she heads to the sink to wash her hands, I adjust my clothes and make my way to the door.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Remember, this stays between us. Don’t make me regret giving you this chance.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>No worries, professor. I won’t say a word. Thanks for not busting me.<</say>>
<<md>>I leave the bathroom, my heart still racing from the encounter. I know I’ve crossed a line, but I can’t deny the thrill of it. Veronica’s willingness and her eagerness to please have left a lasting impression.<</md>>
<<md>>During an English lesson, I collect essays from the students, each supposed to write a creative story. As I begin reading through them, one particular essay catches my eye. It's written by Veronica, and the explicit content shocks me, yet I can't help but feel aroused.<</md>>
<<md>>Her story is a raw, detailed account of her sexual fantasies, heavily influenced by her love for weed. The scenes are vivid, depicting her longing and desire in a way that's both shocking and titillating. My heart races as I read through it, the words searing into my mind.<</md>>
<<md>>One passage reads:<</md>>
<<md>>I could feel his strong hands on my body, exploring every inch of me. The sweet haze of weed mixed with the raw, animalistic desire, creating a heady blend that made me crave him even more. His touch was like fire, burning a path down my spine as he whispered naughty things in my ear. I was his, completely and utterly, lost in the ecstasy he provided.<</md>>
<<md>>Another passage:<</md>>
<<md>>Phallic symbols aren't just abstract; they're real, tangible, and oh so delicious. The professor's dick was the ultimate symbol, something I worshipped in my fantasies, something I needed like my next hit of weed. Each thrust, each stroke was a lesson in pleasure, a journey into the depths of my own lust.<</md>>
<<md>>As I continue reading, I realize the story is not just explicit but deeply philosophical and psychological, albeit through the lens of a stoned, horny teenager. Veronica's writing reflects her inner turmoil and desires, her addiction to both weed and the forbidden thrill of sex.<</md>>
<<md>>I look up and see Veronica watching me with a knowing smirk.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, can you stay after class? We need to discuss your story.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica looks up, her smirk widening as she nods. The rest of the class files out, and soon it's just the two of us.<</md>>
<<md>>I wait until the room is empty before approaching her desk.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, this story... it's highly inappropriate for a school assignment. But I have to admit, it's... quite evocative.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Evocative, huh? Glad you liked it, professor. After what happened in the toilet, I couldn't get you out of my head. It's like I'm addicted to your dick, like a drug.<</say>>
<<md>>Her boldness sends a jolt of excitement through me. I glance around, ensuring we're alone, then step closer.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, you can't write things like this for class. But... if you want to explore these fantasies, we can... discuss them further.<</say>>
<<md>>She stands, moving to stand right in front of me, her breath warm against my skin.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>I don't want to just discuss them, professor. I want to live them. Right here, right now.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words ignite a fire within me. I grab her by the waist, lifting her onto my desk. She wraps her legs around me, pulling me closer.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you sure about this, Veronica?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Absolutely. I need you, professor. Just like in my story. Fuck me right here, on your desk.<</say>>
<<md>>Her bluntness leaves no room for doubt. I push her skirt up, exposing her panties. She moans softly, her hands reaching for my belt.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Please, professor. I can't wait any longer.<</say>>
<<md>>I remove my belt and unbutton my pants, my desire for her growing with each passing second. I push her panties aside and thrust into her, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from her lips.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're so wet for me, Veronica.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>All for you, professor. Just for you.<</say>>
<<md>>I move inside her, each thrust deep and deliberate, matching the rhythm described in her story. Veronica's moans fill the room, her hands gripping the edge of the desk.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes, just like that... fuck me harder, professor.<</say>>
<<md>>I comply, increasing the pace, driving her closer to the edge. Her body responds eagerly, her back arching as she meets my thrusts.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You feel so good, Veronica. Just like I imagined.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>I'm yours, professor. All yours.<</say>>
<<md>>With a final, powerful thrust, we both reach our climax. Veronica cries out, her body trembling with pleasure. I release inside her, the sensation overwhelming.<</md>>
<<md>>We stay like that for a moment, catching our breath, before I slowly pull out. Veronica smiles up at me, her eyes filled with satisfaction and desire.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>That was... amazing. Better than any fantasy.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm glad you think so, Veronica. But remember, this has to stay between us.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Don't worry, professor. Your secret is safe with me.<</say>>
<<md>>She gets off the desk, adjusting her clothes. As she heads for the door, she gives me one last, lingering look.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>See you next class, professor.<</say>>
<<md>>I watch her leave, my mind racing with the implications of what we've just done. But one thing is clear: Veronica's addiction to me isn't the only one growing.<</md>>1)
<<md>>During a private tutoring session with Veronica, we delve into the psychology of attraction. The topic is mating rituals in nature, and I use various examples to explain the concepts.<</md>>
<<md>>Veronica, true to her nature, lights up a joint.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, you know you shouldn't be smoking weed here.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Come on, professor, it's just a little weed. It helps me focus... kinda. Want some?<</say>>
<<md>>She offers me the joint with a playful smirk.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No, thanks. Let's focus on the lesson.<</say>>
<<md>>She shrugs and takes another drag, her eyes gleaming with a mix of mischief and arousal.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, in many species, mating rituals are quite elaborate. Take, for example, the peacock. The male displays his vibrant feathers to attract a mate. It's all about showcasing the best aspects to lure a partner.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Like showing off your best assets, huh? Sounds familiar.<</say>>
<<md>>She leans in closer, her breasts brushing against my arm. My breath hitches, but I try to stay focused.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly. And in some cases, the behaviors can be quite primal. Take certain mammals, for example. They use scent marking, physical displays, and even aggressive behavior to secure a mate.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Sounds hot. So, professor, are we talking about animals or... people?<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes are heavy-lidded, her voice a sultry purr. She shifts, rubbing her breasts against my arm more deliberately.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, this is serious. We need to stay focused on the material.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, I'm focused. Very focused.<</say>>
<<md>>She moves even closer, her body pressing against mine. Her hand trails up my thigh, and I feel my resolve weakening.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>You know, professor, you talk about all these animal behaviors... but what about us? What about our primal instincts?<</say>>
<<md>>Her words send a shiver down my spine. Despite my better judgment, I find myself responding to her advances.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, you... you affect me, too. On a very primal level.<</say>>
<<md>>Her smile widens, and she leans in to whisper in my ear.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Then let's not fight it. Let's give in to our instincts.<</say>>
<<md>>She presses her lips to mine, and I lose the last of my restraint. I kiss her back, hungrily, my hands roaming her body.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica... we shouldn't...<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Shh, professor. Just let go. Let me be your primal urge.<</say>>
<<md>>She slides onto my lap, grinding against me, her hands guiding mine to her breasts. Her nipples are hard under my fingers, and I can't resist teasing them. She moans softly, her breath hot against my neck.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>That's it, professor. Just like that. Touch me. Make me feel it.<</say>>
<<md>>My hands move instinctively, exploring her body, driven by the desire she's awakened in me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, you drive me wild.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Good. Now show me just how wild you can get.<</say>>
<<md>>She rocks her hips against me, and I can feel the heat of her arousal through her clothes. We lose ourselves in the moment, the tutoring session forgotten as we give in to the raw, primal attraction between us.<</md>>
<<md>>During our next tutoring session, Veronica sits across from me, lazily smoking a joint.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>This new weed, professor... it's like making me numb all over. Crazy, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Interesting. Maybe we should do a "touch test" to see how numb you really are.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes light up with curiosity and a hint of mischief.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>A touch test? Sounds kinky. I'm in.<</say>>
<<md>>I grab a blindfold from my desk and approach her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, close your eyes. This will help you focus on your other senses.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica complies, closing her eyes as I tie the blindfold securely over them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Can you see anything?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Nope, not a thing. Just darkness.<</say>>
<<md>>I begin to trail my fingers lightly along her arm, starting at her wrist and moving upward.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Tell me what you feel.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Your fingers... they're warm. Kind of tingly.<</say>>
<<md>>I continue my exploration, my touch light and teasing as I move up to her shoulder and then to her collarbone.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How about now?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Still warm. It's nice... but kinda ticklish.<</say>>
<<md>>I lean in, murmuring in her ear as my fingers travel down to the neckline of her shirt.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And here?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Mmm... that's starting to feel really good.<</say>>
<<md>>I let my fingers graze the top of her breasts, feeling her shiver under my touch.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And here?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, professor... that's amazing.<</say>>
<<md>>Her breathing becomes heavier, and I can see her chest rising and falling more rapidly. I continue to explore, my fingers trailing down her side and then grazing the hem of her skirt.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How about now?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Your touch... it's driving me crazy. I need more.<</say>>
<<md>>I move my hand up her thigh, feeling the smoothness of her skin under my fingertips.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What about here?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Please, professor... don't stop.<</say>>
<<md>>I push her skirt up slightly, letting my fingers graze the edge of her panties. She gasps, her hips shifting slightly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you sure you want this?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes, please... I want it so bad.<</say>>
<<md>>I let my fingers slip inside her panties, touching her gently. She moans softly, her body responding eagerly to my touch.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're so wet, Veronica. Does it feel good?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes, professor... it feels incredible. Please, don't stop.<</say>>
<<md>>I continue to tease and explore her, my fingers moving in a slow, deliberate rhythm. Her moans grow louder, her body trembling with desire.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Just relax and let go. Enjoy the sensation.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica's hands grip the edge of the desk, her head falling back as she surrenders to the pleasure. The combination of the weed and my touch drives her to new heights of ecstasy.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, professor... I'm going to...<</say>>
<<md>>Before she can finish, her body tenses, and she cries out, shuddering with the force of her orgasm. I keep my fingers moving gently, prolonging her pleasure until she finally relaxes, panting and spent.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How was that?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>That was... unbelievable. You're amazing, professor.<</say>>
<<md>>I remove the blindfold, and she blinks up at me with a dazed, satisfied smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Glad you enjoyed it. Remember, this is just between us.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Don't worry, professor. Your secret's safe with me.<</say>>
<<md>>She straightens her clothes and takes another drag from her joint, a blissful expression on her face.<</md>>
<<md>>During our next tutoring session, the topic is aphrodisiacs and pheromones. Veronica is already lighting up a joint, the sweet smell of weed filling the room.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Today we're going to discuss how certain substances can act as aphrodisiacs, and how pheromones play a role in attraction.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Sounds hot, professor. And speaking of hot, this weed is amazing. Want some?<</say>>
<<md>>She offers me the joint, and this time, I take it, taking a deep drag and feeling the relaxing effects almost instantly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, let's get started. Aphrodisiacs can be found in many forms, from foods to scents. Pheromones, on the other hand, are natural chemicals our bodies produce to attract potential mates.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>So, it's like our bodies are saying 'come get me'?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly. Pheromones are a subconscious signal to others, letting them know we're interested.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica giggles, her eyes sparkling with mischief.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Well, professor, if you want to study natural aphrodisiacs and pheromones, I might have something for you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh? And what might that be?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Me. I'm all natural, baby. Want to taste and smell?<</say>>
<<md>>She spreads her legs, revealing her already glistening pussy. The sight and the intoxicating effects of the weed make it impossible to resist.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you sure about this, Veronica?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Absolutely. I want you to taste me.<</say>>
<<md>>I kneel between her legs, burying my face in her wet heat. The scent of her arousal mixes with the sweet smell of weed, creating an intoxicating blend. I lap up her juices, my tongue exploring every inch of her.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, yes... just like that, professor.<</say>>
<<md>>Her moans grow louder as I continue to taste her, my hands gripping her thighs to keep her steady. The more I lick, the more I want her, my own arousal building to a fever pitch.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You taste amazing, Veronica.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>I want you inside me, professor. Please, fuck me.<</say>>
<<md>>I stand up, quickly shedding my clothes before positioning myself between her legs. She wraps them around my waist, pulling me closer.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you ready?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes, professor. I need you.<</say>>
<<md>>I thrust into her, feeling her tight, wet heat envelop my cock. She cries out in pleasure, her nails digging into my back as I begin to move.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes, fuck me harder!<</say>>
<<md>>I increase the pace, each thrust deeper and more powerful than the last. Veronica's moans fill the room, her body responding eagerly to mine.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You feel so good, Veronica. So tight.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Don't stop, professor. I'm so close.<</say>>
<<md>>I can feel her tightening around me, her body on the brink of orgasm. With a few more thrusts, she comes undone, crying out my name as she shudders with pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, God, yes!<</say>>
<<md>>The sight and sound of her climax push me over the edge, and I release inside her, the sensation overwhelming. We stay like that for a moment, our bodies entwined, before I slowly pull out.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That was incredible, Veronica.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yeah, professor. You're the best aphrodisiac there is.<</say>>
<<md>>We both collapse onto the floor, panting and spent. The room is filled with the scent of weed and sex, a testament to our wild session.<</md>>
<<md>>During one of our tutoring sessions, Veronica suggests we take a different approach.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Hey, professor, how about we mix things up a bit? Instead of just biology, why don't we have a therapy session? You know, like therapist and patient.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Therapy session? What do you mean?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>I mean, I tell you my deepest, darkest fantasies, and you try to help me understand them. It could be... enlightening.<</say>>
<<md>>I hesitate for a moment, but her suggestion intrigues me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, Veronica. Let's give it a try.<</say>>
<<md>>We settle into our respective seats, and Veronica lights up a joint, taking a deep drag before beginning to speak.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Okay, so... I have these fantasies. They're pretty wild, maybe even depraved. But I can't stop thinking about them.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Go on. This is a safe space. You can tell me anything.<</say>>
<<md>>She smirks, taking another drag.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Alright, here goes. Sometimes, I imagine being tied up, completely at someone's mercy. I want to be used, to be someone's personal fucktoy. It's like... I crave that power dynamic.<</say>>
<<md>>My heart races as she describes her fantasies, the explicit details making it harder to maintain my composure.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And how does that make you feel?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>It makes me feel alive. The thought of being dominated, of being completely controlled... it's exhilarating. And when I think about you being the one to dominate me... it drives me wild.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words send a shiver down my spine. I struggle to maintain a professional demeanor, but the desire building within me is undeniable.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, these are intense fantasies. Have you ever acted on them?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Not really. I've always held back, but with you... I want to let go. I want you to use me, professor. Make me your personal fucktoy.<</say>>
<<md>>The raw need in her voice breaks my resolve. I stand up, closing the distance between us in an instant.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica, you have no idea what you're asking for.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, I do. And I want it. Please, professor. Don't hold back.<</say>>
<<md>>Her plea pushes me over the edge. I grab her, pulling her into a fierce kiss. She responds eagerly, her hands roaming my body.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>If we're going to do this, we're doing it my way. Understand?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yes, professor. I'll do whatever you say.<</say>>
<<md>>I push her onto the desk, quickly removing her clothes. She lies there, completely exposed, her body trembling with anticipation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're mine now, Veronica. And I'm going to use you exactly how I want.<</say>>
<<md>>I strip off my own clothes, positioning myself between her legs. My fingers explore her wet heat, teasing her clit until she's gasping for more.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Sí, profesor... más, por favor. No pares.<</say>>
<<md>>Her moans grow louder as I continue to taste her, my hands gripping her thighs to keep her steady. The more I lick, the more I want her, my own arousal building to a fever pitch.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You taste amazing, Veronica.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Quiero sentirte dentro de mí, profesor. Por favor, fóllame.<</say>>
<<md>>I stand up, quickly shedding my clothes before positioning myself between her legs. She wraps them around my waist, pulling me closer.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you ready?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Sí, profesor. Te necesito.<</say>>
<<md>>I thrust into her, feeling her tight, wet heat envelop my cock. She cries out in pleasure, her nails digging into my back as I begin to move.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Más fuerte, profesor!<</say>>
<<md>>I increase the pace, each thrust deeper and more powerful than the last. Veronica's moans fill the room, her body responding eagerly to mine.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You feel so good, Veronica. So tight.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>No pares, profesor. Estoy tan cerca.<</say>>
<<md>>I can feel her tightening around me, her body on the brink of orgasm. With a few more thrusts, she comes undone, crying out my name as she shudders with pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, Dios, sí!<</say>>
<<md>>The sight and sound of her climax push me over the edge, and I release inside her, the sensation overwhelming. We stay like that for a moment, our bodies entwined, before I slowly pull out.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That was incredible, Veronica.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Sí, profesor. Eres el mejor afrodisíaco que existe.<</say>>
<<md>>We both collapse onto the floor, panting and spent. The room is filled with the scent of weed and sex, a testament to our wild session.<</md>>1)
<<md>>I meet Veronica in the park, the air fresh and the sun casting a warm glow. She's lounging on a bench, smoking a joint, a thoughtful expression on her face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, Veronica. Deep in thought?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Hey, professor. Just pondering life's big questions, you know? Weed helps with that.<</say>>
<<md>>I sit down next to her, inhaling the sweet smell of the weed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What kind of philosophical topics are we discussing today?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, you know, the usual. Life, death, the universe... and sex.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sex? How does that fit in with the rest of it?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Well, think about it. Sex is one of the most primal, powerful experiences we can have. It's a connection, a release, a way to feel alive.<</say>>
<<md>>She takes another drag from her joint, exhaling slowly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You have a point. It's a fundamental part of being human.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Exactly. And there's so much to explore, so much to understand about ourselves through it.<</say>>
<<md>>Our conversation drifts to more personal topics, the weed making everything feel more profound and intimate.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, Veronica, you're incredibly insightful. I enjoy these talks with you.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Thanks, professor. I enjoy them too.<</say>>
<<md>>She suddenly grins and, without warning, lifts her top, revealing her breasts.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Speaking of primal experiences...<</say>>
<<md>>My breath catches as I take in the sight of her bare chest, the sun highlighting her smooth skin.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Veronica...<</say>>
<<md>>She leans closer, her breasts tantalizingly close.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Do you like what you see, professor?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I... yes, I do.<</say>>
<<md>>I reach out, my fingers almost touching her, when she suddenly pulls back.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Weed's running out, professor. I have to go.<</say>>
<<md>>She stands up, adjusting her top, a playful smile on her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Catch you later, professor. Don't miss me too much.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she walks away, leaving me sitting on the bench, my mind spinning with thoughts of what could have been.<</md>>
<<md>>Our next meeting is at the park again, but this time I bring a gift for Veronica—a beautifully crafted pipe for smoking weed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, Veronica. I brought you something. Thought you might like it.<</say>>
<<md>>She takes the pipe, her eyes lighting up with delight.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Wow, professor. This is beautiful. Gracias. Let's break it in.<</say>>
<<md>>We sit down on a secluded bench, and Veronica expertly packs the bowl, lighting it and taking a deep drag before passing it to me.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>You know, professor, there's something about smoking that just calms my nerves. Helps me forget about the world and its judgments.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Is that why you smoke so much? To escape?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Sí, partly. I'm afraid of crowds, of people seeing me, judging me. That's why I smoke. It helps me blend in, disappear.<</say>>
<<md>>I take a hit from the pipe, the smoke filling my lungs and making everything feel more relaxed, more open.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But you shouldn't have to hide, Veronica. You're amazing just as you are. Maybe it's time you faced that fear.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>How, professor? How do I prove I have nothing to be afraid of?<</say>>
<<md>>An idea forms in my mind, bold and risky, but perhaps exactly what she needs.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Undress again, Veronica. Show me that you can be fearless.<</say>>
<<md>>She hesitates for a moment, then slowly lifts her top, revealing her breasts again.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Alright, professor. What's next?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now, let's take it a step further. You need to prove to yourself that people don't care, that you have nothing to fear.<</say>>
<<md>>I move closer, my hand gently cupping her breast, fingers grazing her nipple. Veronica shivers but doesn't pull away.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>See? No one cares. Even if I touch you like this.<</say>>
<<md>>My other hand moves down to her pussy, teasing her through her clothes. Veronica gasps, her body responding to my touch.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, profesor... estás loco, pero me gusta.<</say>>
<<md>>People walk by, but no one seems to notice or care. The thrill of the public setting makes the moment even more intense.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>See? They don't care. Even if I fuck you right here, they wouldn't bat an eye.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Maybe... maybe next time, professor. I think I'm starting to understand.<</say>>
<<md>>She pulls her top back down, her eyes filled with a mix of relief and arousal.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Gracias, profesor. I needed this. I needed to see that I can be brave.<</say>>
<<md>>I smile, feeling a sense of accomplishment.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're stronger than you think, Veronica. Never forget that.<</say>>
<<md>>We finish the rest of the pipe in a comfortable silence, both of us lost in our thoughts, contemplating the boundaries we've just pushed.<</md>>
<<md>>I meet Veronica in the park again, this time with the intention of continuing our discussion about her fear of crowds. She's sitting on a bench, looking more relaxed than usual, the pipe I gave her last time resting on her lap.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, Veronica. How are you feeling today?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Hey, professor. I'm feeling better, but I still have my doubts. Crowds, people watching... it still scares me.<</say>>
<<md>>I sit down next to her, giving her a reassuring smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's okay. Progress takes time. But you're getting there. Let's take another step today.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>What do you have in mind, professor?<</say>>
<<md>>I lean in closer, lowering my voice.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How about you masturbate here, in this secluded area? The thrill of potentially getting caught might help you confront your fear.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>You're crazy, professor. But... I like crazy. Let's do it.<</say>>
<<md>>She glances around to make sure no one is watching, then spreads her legs, her fingers already moving to her wetness.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Remember, Veronica, you're safe. No one is judging you here.<</say>>
<<md>>She closes her eyes, her fingers moving faster as she gets lost in the pleasure.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, profesor... esto se siente tan bien.<</say>>
<<md>>The thrill of potentially getting caught makes her even hornier, her moans growing louder. Suddenly, she's startled by the sound of applause. Her eyes fly open, and she sees a group of guys standing nearby, watching her with smirks on their faces.<</md>>
<<say $Guy1>>Nice show, babe!<</say>>
<<say $Guy2>>Yeah, do it again!<</say>>
<<md>>For a moment, Veronica looks like she's going to bolt, but then she sees the appreciative looks on their faces. Instead of fear, she feels a rush of excitement.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You did great, Veronica. You faced your fear and came out stronger.<</say>>
<<md>>I join in the applause, giving her a proud smile.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Gracias, profesor. I think I'm starting to get it. People watching... it's not so bad.<</say>>
<<md>>The guys eventually disperse, still talking about what they just witnessed. Veronica pulls her clothes back into place, a satisfied look on her face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're amazing, Veronica. Keep pushing those boundaries. You're stronger than you think.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>You know, professor, I think I'm beginning to like the attention. Maybe next time, I'll put on an even bigger show.<</say>>
<<md>>We share a knowing smile, the connection between us growing even stronger.<</md>>
<<md>>Our next meeting in the park is filled with anticipation. Veronica is waiting for me on our usual bench, the pipe already in her hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, Veronica. Ready for another step?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Always ready, professor. What do you have in mind this time?<</say>>
<<md>>I sit down next to her, lighting the pipe and taking a deep drag before passing it back to her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How about we take things even further? I want to help you conquer your fear of crowds once and for all.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>How do you plan to do that?<</say>>
<<md>>I lean in closer, my voice low and suggestive.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I want to fuck you right here, by the fence. Show you that there's nothing to be afraid of.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes widen in surprise, but there's a spark of excitement there too.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>You really are crazy, professor. But... I like crazy. Let's do it.<</say>>
<<md>>We both take another hit from the pipe, the weed enhancing the thrill of what we're about to do. Veronica stands up, leading me to a secluded area by the fence.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you sure you're ready for this?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Sí, profesor. I'm ready. Let's do it.<</say>>
<<md>>I press her against the fence, my hands roaming her body, feeling her shiver with anticipation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Just remember, Veronica, you're safe. You're in control.<</say>>
<<md>>She nods, her breath coming in short, excited gasps as I undress her, my hands lingering on her soft, warm skin.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Hurry, profesor. I need you.<</say>>
<<md>>I waste no time, quickly removing my own clothes before positioning myself between her legs. I lift her up, pressing her against the fence as I enter her. She moans loudly, her fingers gripping the chain links.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you feel that, Veronica? The thrill of being watched, of being exposed?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Sí, profesor. It feels so good. Don't stop.<</say>>
<<md>>I thrust into her, our bodies moving in perfect rhythm. The weed heightens every sensation, making everything feel more intense, more raw.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're incredible, Veronica. So brave.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Gracias, profesor. I feel... amazing.<</say>>
<<md>>We continue to fuck against the fence, the fear and excitement blending into a powerful, intoxicating mix. As we reach our climax, I feel her tighten around me, her moans filling the air.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're doing great, Veronica. Let it all out.<</say>>
<<md>>With a final, powerful thrust, we both come, the pleasure overwhelming. I hold her close, feeling her body tremble against mine.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, profesor... that was... increíble.<</say>>
<<md>>We slowly get dressed, the adrenaline still coursing through our veins.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How do you feel now, Veronica?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>I feel... free. Ready for anything. I'm not afraid of crowds anymore.<</say>>
<<md>>I smile, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're amazing, Veronica. Never forget that.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Gracias, profesor. You've helped me more than you'll ever know.<</say>>
<<md>>We share a final kiss before heading our separate ways, knowing that we've both taken another step forward.<</md>>
<<md>>I meet Veronica on the weekend and lead her to the biology room, the air filled with anticipation. She looks at me curiously, unsure of what to expect.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>What's this all about, professor? Some new cosmic adventure?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>This is your final trial, Veronica. I want you to truly conquer your fear.<</say>>
<<md>>She raises an eyebrow, intrigued and a bit nervous.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>And how exactly are we going to do that, profe? Are we about to get real wild?<</say>>
<<md>>I sit down next to her, lighting the pipe and taking a deep drag before passing it back to her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You'll see. Just trust me.<</say>>
<<md>>I guide her to a hidden door at the back of the room, leading to a basement area. Inside, a small party is already underway. There are two other guys and two girls, all dressed provocatively. A crowd of onlookers fills the dimly lit space, creating a charged atmosphere.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>What is this, professor? This is like... some trippy sex experiment?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Your final trial. You’re going to fuck me in front of all these people. Show them how fearless you are.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica's eyes widen, a mix of fear and excitement flashing across her face.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Are you serious? This is like, next level crazy, profe.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Completely. This is your chance to prove to yourself that you have nothing to fear.<</say>>
<<md>>She takes a deep breath, then nods, determination setting in.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Alright, professor. Let's do this. Let's blow their minds.<</say>>
<<md>>We both take another hit from the pipe, the weed enhancing every sensation. Veronica stands up, leading me to a secluded area by the fence.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you sure you're ready for this?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Sí, profesor. I'm ready. Let's do it. Let's show them what fearless looks like.<</say>>
<<md>>I press her against the fence, my hands roaming her body, feeling her shiver with anticipation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Just remember, Veronica, you're safe. You're in control.<</say>>
<<md>>She nods, her breath coming in short, excited gasps as I undress her, my hands lingering on her soft, warm skin.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Hurry, profesor. I need you. I need to feel everything.<</say>>
<<md>>I waste no time, quickly removing my own clothes before positioning myself between her legs. I lift her up, pressing her against the fence as I enter her. She moans loudly, the sound echoing in the room, driving the crowd wild.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Do you feel that, Veronica? The power of being watched? The thrill of being exposed?<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Sí, profesor. It's... amazing. Don't stop. Make me feel alive.<</say>>
<<md>>We fuck with a primal intensity, her body responding eagerly to each thrust. The crowd cheers, their excitement adding to the electric atmosphere.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, profesor... más fuerte. Házmelo más fuerte.<</say>>
<<md>>I increase the pace, our bodies moving in perfect rhythm. Veronica's moans grow louder, her excitement reaching new heights.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You’re incredible, Veronica. So brave.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Gracias, profesor. I feel... invincible. Like I can conquer the world.<</say>>
<<md>>The intensity of the moment builds, the crowd's cheers driving us to new heights of pleasure. As we both reach our climax, Veronica's screams of ecstasy fill the room.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, Dios, sí! Esto es todo!<</say>>
<<md>>With a final, powerful thrust, we both come, the pleasure overwhelming. I hold her close, feeling her body tremble against mine.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You did it, Veronica. You conquered your fear.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Sí, profesor. I feel... amazing. Thank you. You've opened my mind.<</say>>
<<md>>We slowly get dressed, the crowd still buzzing with excitement. Veronica's confidence radiates from her, her fear of crowds now a distant memory.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're incredible, Veronica. Never forget that.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Gracias, profesor. You've helped me more than you'll ever know. This is like, next level enlightenment.<</say>>
<<md>>We share a final kiss before leaving the room, knowing that this moment has solidified our bond and helped her overcome her deepest fear.<</md>>
<<md>>The classroom is buzzing with excitement as the students settle in for today’s lesson. I write the topic on the board: Muscle Fiber Types and Contraction. Lexi, Autumn, Veronica, and Samantha are already seated, ready for another engaging class.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright class, today we’re going to discuss muscle fiber types and how muscle contraction works. Can anyone tell me the three types of muscle fibers?<</say>>
<<md>>Samantha, usually lost in her thoughts, surprises everyone by raising her hand first.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>There are three types: slow-twitch fibers, fast-twitch fibers, and intermediate fibers. Slow-twitch fibers are for endurance, fast-twitch for quick, powerful movements, and intermediate are a mix of both.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly, Samantha. Each type of muscle fiber has different characteristics and functions, which are essential for various physical activities.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi, always looking to make an impression, decides to stand up and demonstrate.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>So, if I were to show off my fast-twitch fibers, it’d be like this, right?<</say>>
<<md>>Without warning, Lexi starts to unbutton her shirt, revealing a sports bra underneath. She then flexes her muscles, striking a provocative pose. The class bursts into laughter, and even the teacher struggles to keep a straight face.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Lexi, you’re ridiculous. We’re supposed to be learning, not watching your striptease routine.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>She’s just showing off again. Typical Lexi, always has to be the center of attention. You’re such a whore.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Hey, I’m just making it interesting! Besides, my muscles between my legs should be working now. Are you hard yet, teacher?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica leans back, her voice taking on a philosophical tone.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>You know, Lexi, maybe it’s not about the attention. Maybe it’s about expressing our true selves in a world that tries to confine us. But, seriously, try to keep your clothes on during class.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn, never one to back down, glares at Lexi.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Expressing yourself? More like showing off how much of a whore you are. You can’t go a single class without making it all about sex.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Look who’s talking, Autumn. At least I’m honest about who I am. You act all bitchy and manipulative just to get attention. So who’s the real whore here?<</say>>
<<md>>The tension in the room escalates as Lexi and Autumn exchange heated words. Samantha, caught up in the drama, starts scribbling furiously in her notebook, clearly inspired.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>I can see it now... a story where the heroine battles her inner demons while flexing her muscles, both literally and metaphorically...<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica rolls her eyes, trying to bring some calm to the situation.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Can we just get back to the lesson? I’m all for self-expression, but let’s not forget why we’re here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, let’s refocus. Lexi’s demonstration, while unconventional, did highlight the difference between muscle fibers. Fast-twitch fibers are indeed used for quick, powerful movements, like sprinting and jumping.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi, still slightly out of breath and grinning, takes her seat again, clearly pleased with herself.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>See? Told you it would make things more interesting.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now, let’s talk about muscle contraction. Can anyone explain the sliding filament theory?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica raises her hand, ready to contribute.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>The sliding filament theory explains how muscles contract. Actin and myosin filaments slide past each other, causing the muscle to shorten and generate force. It’s like the universe working in harmony, man.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That’s correct, Veronica. Muscle contraction involves the interaction between actin and myosin filaments, which is essential for all types of movement.<</say>>
<<md>>Samantha, still caught up in her creative thoughts, adds her own perspective.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>It’s like a beautiful dance, the way the filaments move together. Almost poetic.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Leave it to Samantha to make muscle contraction sound romantic. It’s just science, nothing poetic about it.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Hey, let her be. At least she’s engaged and contributing.<</say>>
<<md>>I step in to ensure the discussion stays on track and everyone feels included.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Everyone has their own way of understanding and appreciating science. Let’s keep that in mind as we continue. Muscle contraction is a complex process, and it’s great to see everyone’s unique perspectives.<</say>>
<<md>>The class continues with a deeper dive into muscle fibers and contraction, with each student bringing their own flavor to the discussion. Lexi’s antics, Samantha’s creativity, Autumn’s bluntness, and Veronica’s insights make for a lively and memorable lesson.<</md>>
<<md>>The classroom is alive with anticipation as the students settle in for today’s lesson. I write the topic on the board: Anatomy of the Digestive Tract. Lexi, Nora, Veronica, and Marsha are already seated, ready for another engaging class.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright class, today we’re going to explore the anatomy of the digestive tract. Can anyone name the main organs involved in the digestive process?<</say>>
<<md>>Marsha, ever the enthusiastic student, raises her hand immediately.<</md>>
<<say $Marsha>>The main organs are the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus. Each part plays a critical role in breaking down food and absorbing nutrients.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly, Marsha. The digestive tract is a complex system that processes the food we eat and turns it into the energy and nutrients our bodies need.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi, always looking to add a provocative twist, chimes in with a smirk.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>So, basically, it’s like a long tube where food goes in and, well, you know, comes out. Kind of like a funhouse for your insides. And speaking of in and out, it's just like sex, especially anal. Biology’s really all about the fun stuff, right?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica, leaning back with a philosophical air, adds her own thoughts.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yeah, Lexi, it’s fascinating how everything we consume gets transformed and used by our bodies. It’s like a journey, man. And, you know, the anus has its own special role, both in digestion and... other pleasures. It’s all connected, just like life and the universe.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>Um... it’s also... kind of amazing how... um... the body knows what to do with all the different... um... nutrients.<</say>>
<<say $Marsha>>And don’t forget about the chemistry involved. Enzymes in the stomach and intestines break down food into smaller molecules that the body can absorb. It’s all very precise. And, well, there are different kinds of pleasures and functions for every part, if you catch my drift.<</say>>
<<md>>Marsha glances at me with a playful smile, hinting at her own experiences.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Yeah, yeah, Marsha. But you have to admit, talking about the rectum and anus in class is pretty funny. All that food ends up as poop. And let’s not forget, those parts can be fun too, if you know what I mean.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora blushes deeply, clearly embarrassed by Lexi’s bluntness. Marsha rolls her eyes but can’t help but smile at Lexi’s antics.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Lexi, you’ve got a point, but maybe we can focus on the amazing process that happens before it gets to that stage. The stomach, for example, uses acid and enzymes to break down food into a semi-liquid called chyme.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That’s right, Veronica. The stomach plays a crucial role in digestion by using gastric juices to break down food. The chyme then moves into the small intestine, where most nutrient absorption occurs.<</say>>
<<md>>Marsha, always eager to dive into the details, continues.<</md>>
<<say $Marsha>>The small intestine has three parts: the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. Each part has specific functions and is lined with villi and microvilli to increase surface area for absorption.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>You know, if you think about it, it’s like a really efficient factory. Everything gets broken down and used. No waste... except for, well, the actual waste. But honestly, who cares about all these boring details? The funniest and most interesting part of biology is sex and how our bodies respond to it.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Exactly. It’s fascinating how the body is designed to make the most out of what we eat. It’s like a perfect balance of chemistry and biology. And, you know, understanding how everything flows through our bodies makes you appreciate the journey even more.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>And... um... the large intestine absorbs water and electrolytes... from the remaining indigestible food matter.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Great job, Nora. The large intestine also houses bacteria that help with the fermentation of undigested carbohydrates. This process produces gases and some vitamins that the body can use.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi, ever the provocateur, can’t resist one last comment.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>So, basically, we’re all just walking chemistry experiments. It’s cool, but also kind of gross when you think about it too much. But hey, it all comes down to having fun and enjoying our bodies, right? And let’s not forget, the anus isn’t just for waste. It can be a lot of fun too, especially during sex.<</say>>
<<md>>I smile, appreciating the diverse perspectives and the lively discussion.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It’s true that the digestive system is both fascinating and complex. Understanding how it works helps us appreciate the incredible processes our bodies go through every day.<</say>>
<<md>>The class continues with a deeper dive into the specifics of each organ in the digestive tract. Lexi’s antics, Nora’s timid contributions, Veronica’s philosophical insights, and Marsha’s detailed explanations make for a lively and memorable lesson.<</md>>
<<md>>The classroom is filled with curiosity as the students settle in for today’s lesson. I write the topic on the board: Growth Phases: Infancy to Adulthood. Lexi, Autumn, Ruby, and Samantha are already seated, ready for another engaging class.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright class, today we’re going to discuss the different growth phases from infancy to adulthood. Can anyone describe some key changes that happen during these phases?<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi, never one to shy away from attention, raises her hand with a mischievous grin.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Growing up is all about your body changing, right? Like when your boobs start growing and you get your first period. I remember when my breasts started developing, it was like a whole new world. I could show you guys how they look now, if you want.<</say>>
<<md>>The class erupts in giggles, and Lexi begins to unbutton her shirt, revealing a hint of cleavage before the teacher steps in.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lexi, let’s keep the focus on the discussion, not demonstrations.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn rolls her eyes, her tone dripping with sarcasm and rudeness.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Yeah, Lexi, we get it. Your tits grew. Big fucking deal. Growing up is more about when you get your first orgasm. That’s when you really know you’ve grown up.<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby, light-minded and always thinking about guys and parties, chimes in with a playful tone.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>First orgasm, huh? Does it matter if it’s in your mouth, ass, or pussy? I mean, it all feels good, right? Guys love all those places.<</say>>
<<md>>The class bursts into laughter, and Lexi can’t help but join in, her eyes sparkling with mischief.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Ruby’s got a point. But seriously, it’s all part of growing up. Your body changes, you start exploring, and it’s all about having fun and enjoying those changes.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn, not one to back down, glares at Ruby and Lexi.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You two are such sluts. It’s not just about having fun. Growing up means dealing with real shit, not just getting off.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Whatever, Autumn. At least we know how to have a good time. Maybe you should try it sometime instead of being such a bitch.<</say>>
<<md>>The tension in the room rises as the girls quarrel, their voices growing louder. I step in to redirect the discussion and bring some calm to the chaos.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, let’s bring it back to the topic. Growth phases involve a lot of physical and emotional changes. Samantha, what’s your perspective on this?<</say>>
<<md>>Samantha, usually lost in her thoughts, looks up and begins to speak, her voice soft but clear.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>Growing up is like a journey through a forest. Each phase is a different path, with its own challenges and discoveries. The changes in our bodies are like the seasons, each bringing new beauty and complexity. And yes, there’s a sensual side to it, exploring those changes and understanding ourselves. It’s all part of the human experience.<</say>>
<<md>>I nod, appreciating her artistic and thoughtful perspective.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well said, Samantha. Growing up is indeed a complex and multifaceted journey. It’s important to understand and appreciate all aspects of it, both physical and emotional.<</say>>
<<md>>The class continues with a deeper dive into the specifics of each growth phase. Lexi’s daring comments, Autumn’s bluntness, Ruby’s light-heartedness, and Samantha’s creative insights make for a lively and memorable lesson.<</md>>
<<md>>The classroom is filled with energy as the students settle in for today’s lesson. I write the topic on the board: Blood Pressure and Its Regulation. Lexi, Veronica, Monica, Nora, and Aria are already seated, ready for another engaging class.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright class, today we’re going to discuss blood pressure and how it’s regulated in the body. Can anyone explain what blood pressure is and why it’s important?<</say>>
<<md>>Aria, ever the brilliant student, raises her hand eagerly.<</md>>
<<say $Aria>>Blood pressure is the force exerted by circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels. It’s crucial for maintaining adequate blood flow to organs and tissues. Blood pressure is regulated by factors like cardiac output, blood volume, and resistance of blood vessels. It’s like balancing equations to ensure everything functions perfectly.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly, Aria. Blood pressure is a vital sign that reflects the health of the cardiovascular system. It’s regulated by various mechanisms in the body to ensure proper function.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi, always looking to stir things up, grins and leans forward.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Speaking of regulation, did you know that arousal and orgasm can affect blood pressure? It goes up when you’re excited and drops after you climax. So, Nora, ever felt your blood pressure rise when you’re, you know, getting it on?<</say>>
<<md>>Nora blushes deeply, clearly embarrassed by Lexi’s blunt question. Monica, always the defender, steps in to protect her friend.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Lexi, that’s inappropriate. We’re here to learn, not to make people uncomfortable.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>It’s okay, Monica. I can handle it. Yes, Lexi, I know that blood pressure changes with arousal. It’s a natural response of the body.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica, ever the philosophical weed enthusiast, adds her own thoughts while pulling out a joint.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yeah, blood pressure is like the rhythm of life. And speaking of regulation, did you know that weed can help lower blood pressure? It’s all about balance, man. Here, Lexi, take a hit.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica lights the joint and passes it to Lexi, who eagerly takes a puff. The room starts to fill with the smell of weed, and a few students giggle.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Thanks, Veronica. Weed definitely helps me relax. So, back to blood pressure – it’s fascinating how the body reacts to different stimuli, right? Like, arousal, exercise, and even fear can change it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That’s true, Lexi. Blood pressure is influenced by many factors, including physical activity, emotional states, and substances like nicotine and alcohol.<</say>>
<<md>>The smoke from the joint begins to fill the room, and I step in to take control of the situation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, that’s enough. Veronica, Lexi, hand over the joint. We’re here to learn, not to get high.<</say>>
<<md>>Reluctantly, Veronica hands over the joint, but not before taking one last puff and passing it to Lexi. I confiscate it, putting it out as the room starts to clear.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Sorry, teach. Just trying to illustrate the point. Weed and blood pressure, you know?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understand, but let’s keep the focus on the lesson. Blood pressure regulation is a complex and fascinating topic. Let’s discuss the role of the autonomic nervous system in regulating blood pressure.<</say>>
<<md>>Aria, caught off guard but eager to answer, starts speaking hesitantly.<</md>>
<<say $Aria>>The autonomic nervous system... um... regulates blood pressure through... um...<</say>>
<<md>>I step in to help her out.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The sympathetic and parasympathetic branches. The sympathetic system increases heart rate and constricts blood vessels, raising blood pressure. The parasympathetic system does the opposite, lowering heart rate and dilating blood vessels to reduce blood pressure.<</say>>
<<say $Aria>>Yes, exactly! It’s like solving a differential equation where the variables need to balance out to maintain homeostasis.<</say>>
<<md>>The class nods in understanding, appreciating the analogy. Veronica, still slightly dazed, adds her own comment.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>It’s all about finding that equilibrium, man. Just like in life, you need to find what keeps you balanced.<</say>>
<<md>>The class continues with a deeper dive into the specifics of blood pressure regulation. Lexi’s provocative questions, Veronica’s philosophical insights, Monica’s protective nature, Nora’s quiet strength, and Aria’s brilliant explanations make for a lively and memorable lesson.<</md>>
<<md>>The classroom is filled with anticipation as the students settle in for today’s lesson. I write the topic on the board: Fertilization and Early Development. Lexi, Autumn, Ruby, Marsha, Fiona, and Monica are already seated, ready for another engaging class.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright class, today we’re going to discuss fertilization and early development. Can anyone explain the process of fertilization?<</say>>
<<md>>The girls begin talking amongst themselves before raising their hands to answer.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>Fertilization is when the sperm meets the egg, right? It’s kind of like a race, and only one lucky guy gets to the finish line. It’s pretty hot if you think about it.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Leave it to you, Lexi, to turn everything into something sexual. It’s not just about the sperm. It’s about the whole process of creating life. Even if you’re a whore, you should know that.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>Yeah, and think about those elite parties with all the hot guys. It’s like having the best of the best competing. Only the strongest sperm wins.<</say>>
<<say $Marsha>>And then there’s the science behind it. The sperm has to break through the egg’s outer layer. It’s like a chemical reaction, really. Fascinating stuff.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>It’s a complex process that needs to be done perfectly. Every step is crucial, from the sperm penetrating the egg to the zygote forming and beginning to divide. It’s all about precision.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>And it’s such a beautiful process, creating new life. It’s something that should be done with love and care, not just seen as a biological event.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly, girls. Fertilization is the beginning of a complex and fascinating process that leads to the development of a new organism. Let’s dive deeper into this topic.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona, the school president, raises her hand first, her voice clear and authoritative.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Fertilization occurs when a sperm cell penetrates an egg cell, resulting in the formation of a zygote. This zygote undergoes several stages of development, including cleavage, blastulation, and implantation.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly, Fiona. Fertilization is the beginning of a complex and fascinating process that leads to the development of a new organism.<</say>>
<<md>>Lexi, always ready to stir things up, grins and speaks up.<</md>>
<<say $Lexi>>You know, I want to be a mother someday. It’s amazing how life starts from just one cell. Plus, I think I'd be a great mom.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn, ever the rude and harsh one, snorts derisively.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You? A mother? Give me a break, Lexi. You’re such a whore.<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>At least I wasn’t gangbanged by ten guys. I have standards, you know.<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby jumps in, defending Autumn with a mischievous smile.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Actually, it was only nine guys, and they all had big dicks. It was an elite party with elite wines. Very classy.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Every person deserves to be a mother if they want to be, no matter their past. It’s about love and commitment, not about judgment.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn, not one to back down, looks at Marsha with a smirk.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You know who would make a perfect mother? Marsha. She’s got those big tits already, like she could feed a whole football team.<</say>>
<<md>>Marsha looks surprised and a bit flustered.<</md>>
<<say $Marsha>>Um, thanks? I guess?<</say>>
<<say $Lexi>>Of course, Autumn would make it all about gangbangs and tits. It’s not about that. Being a mother is more than just having big boobs.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn’s face turns red with anger, but before she can retort, Fiona steps in with a serious tone.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Being a mother is a huge responsibility. It’s not just about the physical aspects; it’s about nurturing and raising a child properly.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Fiona’s right. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it should be done with love. That’s what truly matters.<</say>>
<<md>>The tension in the room eases as the discussion shifts to a more serious tone, and I step in to guide the conversation back to the topic.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Those are important points. Fertilization and early development are just the beginning of a long journey. It’s crucial to understand both the biological and emotional aspects of parenthood.<</say>>
<<md>>The class continues with a deeper dive into the specifics of fertilization and early development. Lexi’s boldness, Autumn’s harshness, Ruby’s light-hearted defense, Marsha’s surprise, Fiona’s seriousness, and Monica’s compassionate perspective make for a lively and memorable lesson.<</md>>
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:: PhoneColorChange
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<option value="#987e94">Storm Gray</option>
<option value="#ff6347">Tomato Red</option>
<option value="#4682b4">Steel Blue</option>
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<option value="#ffd700">Golden Yellow</option>
<option value="#ff4500">Orange Blaze</option>
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function getComplementaryColor(color) {
var r = (255 - parseInt(color.substr(1, 2), 16)).toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
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return '#' + r + g + b;
function getDarkerColor(color) {
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var b = Math.floor(parseInt(color.substr(5, 2), 16) * 0.8).toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
return '#' + r + g + b;
<<md>>The morning air was crisp with anticipation as I made my way to the biology classroom. The corridors echoed with the usual cacophony of student life, but a summons from Clara cut through the noise like a knife. Her office loomed ahead, a sanctum of authority where the day's agenda would be set in stone.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name, report. What progress have you made with our... more unconventional students?<</say>>
<<md>>Clara's gaze was sharp, dissecting every nuance of my response before I even spoke. The weight of her expectations hung heavy in the air.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I've managed to engage Veronica in the Green Energy Contest. Her unique perspective could add an unexpected depth to our presentation.<</say>>
<<md>>A flicker of something—approval, perhaps?—crossed Clara's features, gone as quickly as it appeared.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Interesting. Harnessing chaos for order. Just ensure her... contributions remain within acceptable boundaries.<</say>>
<<md>>Her tone left no room for interpretation—this was both praise and warning, wrapped in layers of unspoken meaning.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Now, onto a matter of utmost importance. It's come to my attention that you lack a crucial tool for your position.<</say>>
<<md>>I felt a momentary confusion, my mind racing to identify this mysterious deficiency.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm not sure I—<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>A smartphone, $mc.Name. In this institution, connectivity is not a luxury—it's a mandate. You are to be reachable at all times.<</say>>
[[Keep listening|Prologue 3.42]]
[[I will buy it|Prologue 3.43]]
<<md>>I opened my mouth to explain my intention to purchase one, but Clara's raised hand silenced me with the efficiency of a mute button.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>The school has already taken the liberty of providing you with one. The cost, naturally, will be deducted from your salary. Consider next week a period of... subsidized labor.<</say>>
<<md>>The finality in her voice made it clear this was not a point of negotiation. I nodded, accepting the device—and the financial burden—with as much grace as I could muster.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I understand, Clara. Thank you for... ensuring I remain connected.<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara 5>>
<<say $Clara>>Excellent. I trust you'll put it to good use. Now, if you'll excuse me, the day awaits, and time is a resource I do not squander.<</say>>
<<md>>As I left Clara's office, the new weight in my pocket served as a constant reminder of the strings attached to my position—invisible, yet undeniably present.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 14.5>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<set $phoneClara = 7>>\
<<set $phone = 1>>\
<<set $FckrActivated = 1>>\
<<set $SlutGramActivated = 1>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Leave Clara's office|Second floor]]
<</script>><<say $mc>>I'm planning to purchase a smartphone in the very near future, Clara. I understand its importance.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara's eyes narrowed, a flash of irritation crossing her features. She leaned back in her chair, her posture a study in controlled frustration.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Planning, $mc.Name? I expected action, not intentions. However, I'm not entirely surprised by this... hesitation. Men can be remarkably stubborn sometimes, can't they?<</say>>
<<addAff $Clara -10>>
<<md>>Her words were a masterclass in subtle condescension, each syllable dripping with barely veiled disdain.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Fortunately for you, I anticipated this very scenario. There's a store on York-Road—'Strange Store,' they call it. I've... arranged a deal for you there. A discounted phone awaits.<</say>>
<<md>>I felt a mixture of relief and unease wash over me. Clara's foresight was as impressive as it was unsettling.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's... very considerate of you, Clara. Thank you.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Don't thank me yet, $mc.Name. This is not a kindness—it's a necessity. I expect you to procure that phone immediately. Am I making myself clear?<</say>>
<<md>>Her gaze bore into me, brooking no argument or delay.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Crystal clear, Clara. I'll head there right after we're done here.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>See that you do. And $mc.Name? Don't disappoint me again. My patience, like all resources, is finite.<</say>>
<<md>>As I left Clara's office, her final words echoed in my mind, a stark reminder of the precarious nature of my position in this carefully controlled academic ecosystem.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 14.1>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 14.1>>\
<<set $phoneJohan = 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Leave Clara's office|Second floor]]<<md>>The dimly lit store seemed to close in around us as Johan leaned in conspiratorially, his eyes glinting with a mix of mischief and something darker.<</md>>
<<say $Johan>>Ah, so Clara sent you, did she? That woman... she's got her talons in everything these days.<</say>>
<<md>>His tone was a curious blend of admiration and resentment, like a man torn between desire and disgust.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know Clara?<</say>>
<<say $Johan>>Know her? Ha! That ice queen saved my hide once upon a time. Now she thinks she owns me, but Johan bows to no one, not even a looker like her.<</say>>
<<md>>He paused, his gaze growing distant, almost hungry.<</md>>
<<say $Johan>>And what a looker she is... All curves and steel. Those tits of hers, man, they're like something out of a fantasy. And that ass... it could make a grown man weep. I dream about her every night. The things I imagine doing to her... they'd make a sailor blush.<</say>>
<<md>>I shifted uncomfortably, caught between curiosity and the desire to maintain professional boundaries.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So you work for her?<</say>>
<<say $Johan>>Work for her? Nah, I may owe her, but I'm not stupid enough to get caught in her web. That woman's a black widow in heels. Hot as hell, sure, but she'd eat a man alive and spit out the bones.As for your phone, you can look at it on the shelf. There's a good discount.<</say>>
[[Strange Store Shop]]
<<md>>He reached under the counter, producing a sleek smartphone.<</md>>
<<say $Johan>>Here's the phone she arranged for you. Top of the line, of course. Nothing but the best for Clara's puppets.<</say>>
<<md>>I took the device, feeling its weight—both physical and metaphorical.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, Johan. I appreciate the... insight.<</say>>
<<say $Johan>>Just remember, teach—in this town, everyone's got an angle. Even ice queens like Clara. Especially ice queens like Clara.<</say>>
<<md>>As I left the store, Johan's words echoed in my mind, adding yet another layer of complexity to the enigma that was Clara Scott.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 14.5>>\
<<set $Prologue1T = 14>>\
<<set $phoneJohan = 2>>\
<<set $phone = 1>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
<<set $FckrActivated = 1>>\
<<set $SlutGramActivated = 1>>\
[[Leave the store|Street York-Road]]
<</script>><<md>>The morning sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the school hallway as I spotted Fiona approaching. Her stride was purposeful, her demeanor a perfect blend of professional poise and youthful energy. As she drew near, I could see the spark of an idea in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Good morning, Mr. $mc.Surname. I hope you're well-rested because we have quite the day ahead of us. But first, a quick question: are you using Whoremail?<</say>>
<<md>>Her tone was casual, yet there was an underlying current of importance to her query.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Actually, I haven't set that up yet. Is it important?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Important? Mr. $mc.Surname, it's absolutely crucial. As our school president, I can assure you that Whoremail is integral to our communication infrastructure.<</say>>
<<md>>She paused, her expression softening slightly as she added a personal touch to her official stance.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Plus, between you and me, it's a lifesaver when it comes to organizing events like our Green Energy Festival. <</say>>
<<md>>I could see the wheels turning in her head, her mind already several steps ahead in planning.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I see. Well, you've convinced me. I'll set it up right away.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Excellent decision. You won't regret it. It's not just about staying connected; it's about being part of the school's pulse. And trust me, in this place, you want to keep your finger on that pulse.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled, a mix of satisfaction and anticipation in her expression.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Now, once you're set up, you'll find my ideas in your inbox. I'd love your input on them. After all, a fresh perspective can be invaluable, especially from someone with your... experience.<</say>>
<<md>>There was a hint of something more in her voice, a subtle acknowledgment of the age gap between us that seemed to intrigue rather than deter her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I appreciate that, Fiona. I'm looking forward to contributing to the festival's success.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Perfect. Let's make this event one for the history books. Oh, and Mr. $mc.Surname? Don't be surprised if you find a few other interesting emails. The school can be quite... lively.<</say>>
<<md>>With a knowing wink, Fiona turned and strode away, leaving me with the distinct impression that setting up Wholemail would indeed open up a whole new world of school interactions.<</md>>
<<set $PrologueQuest1 = 12.1>>\
<<set $WhoremailActivated = 1>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[To the second floor|Second floor]]
<<md>>After dismissing Autumn and Ruby, I knew I had to discuss this significant decision with Olivia. I found her in her office in the gym, going over some paperwork. She looked up as I entered, her expression curious.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, well, look who it is. You've got that 'I've just made a big fucking decision' face on. Spill it, Coach $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I've dismissed Autumn and Ruby from the team.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's eyebrows shot up, a mixture of surprise and respect crossing her face.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Shit, you actually did it. Can't say I'm not impressed. But you do realize Autumn's not going to take this lying down, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know. That's why I wanted to talk to you about it.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Smart move. Look, Autumn's a manipulative little bitch. She's got her claws in deep with some of the other girls, not to mention a few of the faculty. This could get messy.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, feeling the weight of my decision even more heavily.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What do you think we should do?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, for starters, I'm glad you dealt with it. That toxic shit was poisoning the whole team. I'll talk to Clara about Autumn's behavior, make sure she understands the severity of the situation.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, Olivia. I appreciate the support.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Don't get all sappy on me now, Coach. We've still got work to do. I want you at the next training session. We need to talk to the team about this, make sure everyone's on the same page.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. What about Monica and Nora?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Those two? They're officially full-fledged cheerleaders now. They've more than earned their spots, especially after all this bullshit.<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't help but smile, thinking of how far Nora and Monica had come.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>They'll be thrilled to hear that.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Yeah, well, don't let it go to their heads. We've still got a long way to go before we're ready for nationals.<</say>>
<<md>>As I turned to leave, Olivia called out one last time.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Hey, Coach? Good job today. You've got balls, I'll give you that.<</say>>
<<md>>With a nod of appreciation, I left Olivia's office, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension. The road ahead wouldn't be easy, but at least now we had a chance to build a real team - one based on mutual respect and support rather than fear and manipulation.<</md>>
<<md>>As I walked through the hallways, my mind was already racing with thoughts of how to address the team at the next practice. We had a lot of work to do, but for the first time in a while, I felt genuinely optimistic about our chances.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 2>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "13b">>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Prepare for the next training session|School gym]]<<md>>The sun beat down on the beach as we gathered for the training session. The absence of Autumn and Ruby was palpable, but there was also a sense of relief among the squad. Olivia stood before the girls, her stance rigid and expression stern.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, listen up! Just because we've cut the dead weight doesn't mean we're taking it easy. Monica, show me what you've got. Give me a high kick followed by a back handspring.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nodded, determination etched on her face. She took a deep breath and launched into the move. Her high kick was impressive, but as she attempted the back handspring, the shifting sand threw off her balance. She stumbled, barely managing to stay upright.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach Olivia, I'm sorry. It's just... the sand makes it really difficult to get a solid footing.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>You think the competition's going to roll out a red carpet for you? Nationals don't give a shit about your excuses! Again!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica flinched at Olivia's harsh tone but squared her shoulders and tried again. This time, she managed to complete the move, though it wasn't as clean as it could have been on solid ground.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Better, but not good enough. Listen up, all of you! Now that Autumn and Ruby are gone, we need to work twice as hard. They may have been bitches, but they knew their routines. We've got gaps to fill and not a lot of time to do it.<</say>>
<<md>>The girls exchanged nervous glances, the pressure clearly weighing on them. Nora hesitantly raised her hand.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Um, Coach Olivia? I was wondering... who's going to be the new cheerleading captain now that Autumn's gone?<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's eyes narrowed, considering the question.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>That's actually a good question, Nora. But now is not the time to worry about leadership roles. What we need to focus on is training harder than ever before. The captain position will be filled when I see someone step up and prove they deserve it.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia paced in front of the squad, her voice rising with intensity.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I want to see every single one of you pushing yourselves to the limit. No more excuses about the sand, the heat, or anything else. You think Nationals is going to be easy? It's going to be brutal, and we need to be ready. So from now on, we're doubling our practice time. I want to see sweat, tears, and maybe even a little blood if that's what it takes to make you champions!<</say>>
<<md>>The girls looked both intimidated and inspired by Olivia's speech. I could see a mix of determination and anxiety on their faces, especially Monica and Nora's.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Now, let's run through the entire routine. And if I see anyone slacking, you'll be doing push-ups in the sand until your arms fall off. Got it?<</say>>
<<md>>A chorus of "Yes, Coach!" rang out as the girls scrambled into position. As they began the routine, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride mixed with concern. They were determined, yes, but Olivia's intensity was pushing them to their limits. I made a mental note to keep a close eye on the situation, ensuring that the drive for success didn't come at the cost of the team's well-being.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 3>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "14b">>\
<<addmins 90>>\
[[Leave the practice|Beach]]<<md>>The next morning, I arrived at school early, hoping to catch up with Monica and Nora. I found them in the hallway, looking tired but determined as they discussed yesterday's practice. As I approached, they both turned to greet me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good morning, girls. How are you holding up after yesterday's intense session?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Morning, Coach. It was tough, but I think it's exactly what we need. In fact, I'm planning to put in some extra hours at the gym to build up my stamina.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's eyes shone with determination, her posture radiating confidence. Nora, on the other hand, seemed more hesitant.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>It was... intense. I mean, I understand we need to work hard, but don't you think Coach Olivia is being a little too harsh?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What makes you say that, Nora?<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>Well, the way she pushed us yesterday, especially with the sand making everything so much harder. And doubling our practice time? I'm worried about keeping up with schoolwork and everything else.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica turned to Nora, her expression softening but her voice firm.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I get where you're coming from, Nora, but think about it. We're aiming for Nationals. That's not just any competition - it's the best of the best. Coach Olivia is pushing us because she believes in us, believes we can compete at that level.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>I know, but...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>And remember, we're down two members now. We have to make up for that. It's not just about working harder; it's about proving that we're stronger as a team without Autumn and Ruby's toxic influence.<</say>>
<<md>>I watched as Monica's words seemed to have an effect on Nora. The shy girl straightened up a bit, considering her friend's perspective.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Plus, overcoming these challenges now will make us that much stronger for the competition. The sand is hard to work with, sure, but imagine how amazing we'll be on a proper surface after mastering our routines here.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>I guess you're right. It's just... it's a lot, you know?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>It is a lot, but that's why we have each other. We're in this together, Nora. And think about how far you've come already. You've got this!<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled, impressed by Monica's leadership and encouragement. She was embodying the team spirit we needed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica's right, Nora. It's going to be challenging, but I believe in both of you. And if either of you ever feels overwhelmed, my door is always open. We're a team, and that means supporting each other both on and off the field.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>Thanks, Coach. And thank you, Monica. I'll try to keep that perspective in mind.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>That's the spirit! Now, who's up for some extra stretching before class?<</say>>
<<md>>As the girls headed off, chatting about their routines, I couldn't help but feel proud. Despite the challenges ahead, it was clear that the team was growing stronger, not just in skill, but in character and unity as well.<</md>>
[[Head to class|MonicaCheerleader1.4]]<<md>>After my lessons, I made my way to the school's sports field where Olivia had asked to meet me. As I approached, I saw her pacing back and forth, deep in thought. She looked up as I neared, her expression serious.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>About fucking time you showed up. We've got shit to discuss.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hey Olivia, is this about Monica or Nora? Are they having trouble?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Nah, Monica's actually kicking ass. If anything, the bitch is pushing herself too damn hard.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's just like her. When Monica commits to something, she gives it her all. It's in her character to take things seriously.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia nodded, a hint of admiration in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Yeah, well, that's not why I dragged your ass out here. We need to talk about choosing a new fucking cheerleader leader.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ah, I see. What are your thoughts on that?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Look, I don't give a rat's ass how buddy-buddy the team is now, we need a goddamn leader. Someone to whip these bitches into shape and keep them from falling apart. And since you're my co-coach or whatever, I want your two cents.<</say>>
<<md>>She paused, her gaze intense as she looked at me.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>So spill it. What the fuck should we be looking for in our new leader?<</say>>
<<md>>I considered the question carefully before responding.<</md>>
[[Be supportive|MonicaCheerleader2.11]]
[[Be disciplined|MonicaCheerleader2.12]]
[[Be cheerful|MonicaCheerleader2.13]]
<<md>>During the break, I spotted Monica in the hallway, carefully arranging some books in her locker. I approached her, curious about her training progress.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey Monica, how's the extra practice going?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, hello Mr.$mc.Surname! It's going well, I think. I've been focusing on improving my...<</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly, an angry voice cut through our conversation. Autumn stormed down the hallway, her face contorted with rage.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Well, well, well. If it isn't Little Miss Perfect trying to steal my fucking team!<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Autumn, I'm not trying to steal anything. I'm just working hard to improve myself and help the team.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Bullshit! You think you've got what it takes? You don't have half the skills I do, you pathetic wannabe!<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn lunged forward, trying to grab Monica's hair. Monica quickly stepped back, dodging Autumn's grasp, but in the process, her books tumbled to the floor.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Autumn, stop it! This isn't necessary!<</say>>
<<md>>As the books scattered across the floor, two titles caught Autumn's eye. She bent down, picking them up with a sneer.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>"Pom-Poms and Kinematics: The Physics of Cheerleading Mastery"? "Cheer or Fall: The Unstable Surface Handbook"? What the actual fuck is this shit?<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn burst into mocking laughter, waving the books in Monica's face.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, this is rich! You think cheerleading is about fucking books? This is what you're lacking, you dumb bitch. Cheerleading isn't learned from some nerdy textbook, it's about practice and raw talent – something you clearly don't have!<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>There's nothing wrong with trying to understand the science behind what we do, Autumn. It can actually help improve our performance and prevent injuries.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Spare me your smart-ass bullshit! While you're buried in your precious books, I'll be out there, showing everyone what real cheerleading looks like!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica took a deep breath, visibly trying to maintain her composure.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Autumn, I understand you're upset, but this hostility isn't helping anyone. We're all part of the same team, and we should be supporting each other, not tearing each other down.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, fuck off with your kumbaya crap! You're nothing but a backstabbing little...<</say>>
<<md>>I decided it was time to intervene before things escalated further.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's enough, Autumn. You're no longer part of this team, remember? I suggest you leave now before I have to report this incident.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn glared at me, then back at Monica, her fists clenched at her sides.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>This isn't over, bitch. Enjoy your little power trip while it lasts.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, Autumn stormed off, leaving Monica and me in the hallway with her scattered books.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you okay, Monica?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I'm fine, Coach. Thank you for stepping in. I just wish... I wish it didn't have to be like this.<</say>>
<<md>>As we began picking up her books, I couldn't help but admire Monica's resilience in the face of such hostility. It was clear that the road ahead would be challenging, but Monica's dedication and positive attitude gave me hope for the team's future.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 6>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "17b">>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Help Monica pick up her books and leave|Second floor]]<<md>>Concerned about Monica's mental state after the encounter with Autumn, I decided to check on her. I made my way to the sports field, where I found her practicing alone. As I approached, I could see her attempting a complex sequence of moves, her face etched with concentration.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey Monica, how's it going?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica completed her routine before turning to me with a smile, slightly out of breath.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, hello Mr.$mc.Surname I'm just working on some new techniques I learned from that book Autumn was making fun of earlier.<</say>>
[[Praise her intelligence|MonicaCheerleader2.31]]
[[Criticize her decision|MonicaCheerleader2.32]]
<<md>>A few days later, Monica approached me after class, her eyes shining with excitement.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach, I think I'm ready to try those techniques on the beach. Are you still available to help?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Monica. Let's head there after lessons today.<</say>>
<<addmins 5>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 71>>\
[[Leave|Second floor]]
<<md>>The next day, I arrived at the beach for the scheduled cheerleading practice. The girls were already warming up as Olivia paced back and forth, her expression stern as usual. As the team gathered around, Olivia cleared her throat to make an announcement.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Listen up, you lazy asses! For the next few weeks, I'll be watching you all like a hawk. We need a new cheerleader leader, and I'm going to find out which one of you has the balls to step up and take charge.<</say>>
<<md>>The girls exchanged nervous glances, the pressure of potential leadership weighing on them. As Olivia was about to start the routine, Monica tentatively raised her hand.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Um, Coach Olivia? I was wondering if I could show everyone a new technique I learned recently. I think it could really benefit the team.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Christ, we don't have time for...<</say>>
<<md>>I quickly interjected, sensing an opportunity.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Actually, Olivia, I think this will be worth your time. Monica's been working hard on this, and I believe it could give us an edge.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Fine. Make it quick, Monica. And it better be fucking impressive.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nodded, taking a deep breath before moving to the center of the group. She began her routine, incorporating the new tumbling sequence we had practiced. Her movements were fluid and precise, even on the unstable sand. The other girls watched in awe as Monica executed a particularly complex move flawlessly.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Wow, Monica! That was amazing!<</say>>
<<md>>As Monica finished, she looked to Olivia nervously. Olivia's face was unreadable for a moment before she gave a curt nod.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, I'll be damned. That wasn't half bad, Monica. It's not exactly getting us back to the sports field, but it'll definitely give us an edge on this goddamn beach. Good work.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, Coach Olivia. I've been studying the biomechanics of...<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Yeah, yeah, save the nerd talk. Just make sure you teach that to the rest of these slackers. Now, let's get back to work!<</say>>
<<md>>As the practice resumed, I noticed the other girls looking at Monica with newfound respect. She had clearly impressed not only Olivia but her teammates as well. It was becoming increasingly clear that Monica was emerging as a strong contender for the leadership role.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Great job, Monica. Keep it up.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica beamed with pride as she rejoined her teammates, ready to guide them through the new technique. The practice continued with renewed energy, the team inspired by Monica's demonstration and eager to improve their own skills.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 9>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "20b">>\
<<addmins 90>>\
[[Continue observing the practice|Beach]]<<md>>A few days after Monica's impressive demonstration to the team, I was tidying up my classroom when I heard a soft knock on the door. Looking up, I saw Monica standing in the doorway, a mix of determination and uncertainty on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Mr.$mc.Surname, do you have a moment? I was hoping to get some advice.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Monica. Come on in. What's on your mind?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica entered the room, clutching her books to her chest as she approached my desk.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I was wondering if you could tell me about some perspective universities in the USA. You know, for after graduation.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, I'd be happy to help. But why are you worried about this now? With your cheerleading skills and the team's potential, I'm sure you'll have plenty of universities interested in you.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's expression tightened slightly, and she shook her head.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Cheerleading isn't a magic wand, Mr.$mc.Surname. I need to have a plan B in case everything falls apart. It's important to be prepared, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's a mature way of looking at it. Well, there are several highly respected universities that would be lucky to have you. For instance, there's Harvard, Stanford, MIT...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Actually, Mr.$mc.Name, I was wondering about universities with... lower entry requirements. Do you know any good ones like that?<</say>>
<<md>>I raised an eyebrow, surprised by her request.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, there are schools like Arizona State University, University of Kentucky, or Penn State. They're all good schools with more accessible admission criteria. But Monica, why are you asking about these? Your grades are excellent.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica shifted uncomfortably, averting her gaze.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It's... it's family matters. I'd rather not get into it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I see. Is your family not allowing you to apply to more prestigious schools?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>No, it's not that. I just... I can't really discuss family matters. I'm sorry.<</say>>
<<md>>I could see the conflict in Monica's eyes, a mix of gratitude for my help and frustration at not being able to explain further.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you for the information, Coach. It really helps. I should go now.<</say>>
<<md>>As Monica turned to leave, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her situation than she was letting on. Her request for less prestigious schools despite her excellent academic performance was puzzling, and her reluctance to discuss family matters was concerning.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, wait. You know you can always talk to me if you need help, right? About anything.<</say>>
<<md>>She paused at the door, giving me a small, sad smile.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I know, Mr.$mc.Name. Thank you. Really.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she left, leaving me with a growing sense of unease about her situation. I made a mental note to keep a closer eye on Monica, wondering what family issues could be influencing her future plans so dramatically.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 10>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "21b">>\
[[Watch her leave|Second floor]]<<md>>The sun beat down on the beach as the cheerleading squad gathered for their next training session. Olivia stood before them, her usual stern expression in place as she surveyed the group.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, listen up, you lazy asses! Today, we're going to see what you're really made of. Monica, get your ass up here!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica stepped forward, a mix of surprise and determination on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You've been showing some real initiative lately, so let's see if you can handle this. You're in charge of today's practice. Don't fuck it up.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, Coach Olivia. I won't let you down.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica turned to face the team, her posture straightening as she took on the leadership role. As she led the squad through the new tumbling sequence, I watched from the sidelines, impressed by her confidence and skill.<</md>>
<<md>>Suddenly, one of the newer girls, Sarah, lost her balance during a back handspring. Without hesitation, Monica lunged forward to catch her. She managed to save Sarah from the fall, but the sudden movement caused Monica to twist awkwardly, her leg buckling beneath her with a sickening sound.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Ah!<</say>>
<<md>>I rushed forward immediately, reaching Monica before anyone else.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, don't move. Let me take a look at that leg.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I'm fine, Coach. Really. Is Sarah okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sarah's fine, thanks to you. But you're clearly hurt. Can you stand?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica tried to get up, but as soon as she put weight on her injured leg, she gasped in pain and started to fall. I quickly caught her, supporting her weight.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Shit! What the fuck happened?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Monica saved Sarah from a bad fall, but she's hurt her leg in the process. I don't think she can walk.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Christ, Monica. Your job was to lead the practice, not play hero.<</say>>
<<md>>Despite her harsh words, there was a note of grudging respect in Olivia's voice.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll take her to the nurse's office. Olivia, can you handle the rest of the practice?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Yeah, yeah. Just get her checked out.<</say>>
<<md>>I carefully lifted Monica into my arms, trying to be as gentle as possible with her injured leg. She winced but didn't complain.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I'm sorry, Coach. I should have been more careful.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You did great, Monica. You showed real leadership out there.<</say>>
<<md>>As I carried her off the beach, Monica turned to address the team one last time.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Keep working on that routine, everyone! Remember, it's all about adapting to the surface beneath you. You've got this!<</say>>
<<md>>Even in pain, Monica's dedication to the team shone through. As we left, I could feel the eyes of the squad on us, a mixture of awe and concern in their gazes. Monica's sacrifice had clearly made an impact, and I couldn't help but feel proud of her growth as a leader.<</md>>
[[Walk out|MonicaCheerleader4.2]] <<md>>As I carry Monica away from the beach, her bravery and dedication shine through despite her pain. Even injured, she's more concerned about the team than herself.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach, I'm so sorry about this. The team needs me back there. Maybe if we just rest for a moment, I can...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, you need medical attention. The team will be fine for now. Let's focus on getting you help.<</say>>
<<md>>We make it to a bench near the beach exit. I gently set Monica down, careful not to jostle her injured leg. Even as she winces in pain, she tries to put on a brave face.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, Coach. I didn't mean to cause so much trouble. Do you think this will affect our chances at Nationals?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry about that now, Monica. Your health is the priority. Let me figure out the best way to get you to the nurse's office.<</say>>
<<md>>I look at Monica, impressed by her strength and dedication, but concerned about the severity of her injury. We need to act quickly, but safely. I consider our options.<</md>>
<<md>>Time is of the essence, and I need to make a decision that will get Monica the help she needs as quickly and safely as possible.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Intellect > 2>>\
[[Think of a solution|MonicaCheerleader4.21]]
[[Look for lifeguard|MonicaCheerleader4.3]]
<<if $cash gte 40 >>\
[[Call for a ride|MonicaCheerleader4.4]]
<</if>>\<<say $mc>>Monica, I'm going to find a lifeguard. Stay here and try not to move your leg, okay?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Don't worry, Coach. I doubt I could go much further anyway. I'll be right here.<</say>>
<<md>>Despite her pain, Monica managed a small smile. Her resilience continued to impress me.[img[img/trash/tower.jpg]] I hurried off towards the lifeguard tower, which loomed over the beach like the Tower of Sauron from Lord of the Rings.<</md>>
<<md>>As I approached, I saw a large, muscular man with intricate tattoos covering his arms. He was scanning the beach from his elevated position.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Excuse me! We need help! One of my students has injured her leg.<</say>>
<<md>>The lifeguard's attention snapped to me immediately. Without hesitation, he grabbed a first aid kit and climbed down from the tower.<</md>>
<<say $Lifeguard>>Lead the way. What happened?<</say>>
<<md>>As we jogged back to Monica, I quickly explained the situation. The lifeguard nodded, his face serious and professional.<</md>>
<<md>>When we reached Monica, the lifeguard knelt beside her, his large frame somehow gentle as he examined her leg.<</md>>
<<say $Lifeguard>>I'm going to wrap this with an elastic bandage. It'll help with the swelling and provide some support.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nodded bravely as the lifeguard carefully bandaged her leg. His large, tattooed hands worked with surprising delicacy.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help.<</say>>
<<say $Lifeguard>>Just doing my job. Make sure you get that checked out properly, okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, we will. You've been a great help.<</say>>
<<md>>As the lifeguard headed back to his post, I pulled out my phone.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, Monica. I'm calling a taxi to take us to the nurse. Let's get that leg properly looked at.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, Coach. I'm sorry for all this trouble.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't apologize, Monica. You were looking out for your teammate. That's what a good leader does.<</say>>
<<md>>As I dialed for a taxi, I couldn't help but feel proud of Monica's leadership and concern for others, even in her current state. Her dedication was truly admirable.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleaderLifeguard = 1>>\
[[Wait for the taxi|MonicaCheerleaderJane]]<<md>>Realizing that moving Monica further could potentially worsen her injury, I decided the best course of action was to call a taxi.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, Monica. I'm going to call a taxi to take you home. It's better not to move you too much right now.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, Coach. I really appreciate your help.<</say>>
<<md>>As I dialed for a taxi, Monica's face scrunched up with worry. Even in pain, her mind was on the team and her responsibilities.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach, how long do you think it'll be before I can come back to exercise? We have so much work to do for Nationals, and I don't want to let the team down.<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't help but admire her dedication, but her health had to come first.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I know you're eager to get back, but we need to focus on your recovery first. You won't be helping the team if you rush back and make your injury worse.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>But Coach, there's so much to do. The new routines, the formations...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understand, but for now, we need to concentrate on getting you better. The team will manage, and you can still contribute by resting and healing properly.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica sighed, clearly frustrated but understanding the logic.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You're right, Coach. It's just hard to sit on the sidelines when there's so much at stake.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know it is. But you've shown great leadership today, and part of being a leader is knowing when to step back and take care of yourself. The team needs you at 100%, not pushing through an injury.<</say>>
<<md>>Just then, I spotted our taxi pulling up to the curb.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Look, our ride is here. Let's get you to Jane and rested. We'll take this one day at a time, okay?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Okay, Coach. Thank you for everything.<</say>>
<<md>>As I helped Monica into the taxi, I couldn't help but feel a mix of concern for her injury and pride in her unwavering commitment to the team. It was clear that her recovery process would be as much about managing her eagerness to return as it would be about physical healing.<</md>>
[[Ride with Monica to nurse|MonicaCheerleaderJane]]\
<<md>>As I considered our options, an idea struck me. There was a pharmacy not too far from the beach.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I think I have a solution. There's a pharmacy nearby. I'm going to run and get some bandages and pain relievers. It should help stabilize your leg until we can get you proper medical attention.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>That sounds like a good idea, Coach. I'll wait here. Don't worry about me.<</say>>
<<md>>Even in pain, Monica tried to put on a brave face. Her resilience was admirable.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll be as quick as I can. Just try to keep your leg elevated and don't move around too much.<</say>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleaderPharmacy = 1>>\
[[Go to pharmacy|Pharmacy]]\
<<md>>However, as I approached the counter, my heart sank. The total was more than I had in my wallet. Embarrassed and frustrated, I had to leave empty-handed.<</md>>
<<md>>I returned to Monica, dreading having to deliver the bad news. As I approached, I saw her face light up with hope, only to fall slightly as she noticed my empty hands.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I'm so sorry. I... I didn't have enough money for the supplies.<</say>>
<<md>>I felt ashamed, unable to meet her eyes. But Monica's response surprised me.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, Coach, don't worry about it! It's not your fault. You tried, and that's what matters.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But I wanted to help. You're in pain, and I couldn't even get a simple bandage...<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Hey, it's okay, really. We'll figure something out. Maybe we can use some of the first aid supplies from the team's kit?<</say>>
<<md>>Even in her injured state, Monica was trying to problem-solve and make me feel better. Her positivity was astounding.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Besides, the fact that you went all the way there to try means a lot. Not everyone would do that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I... thank you for being so understanding.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>We're a team, right? That means supporting each other, even when things don't go as planned.<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't help but smile at her unwavering spirit. Even in this difficult situation, Monica was showing true leadership qualities.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're right. Let's think about our next move. Maybe we can call someone to bring us some supplies, or find another way to get you home safely.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Sounds good, Coach. And don't worry, we'll get through this together.<</say>>
<<md>>As we sat there, brainstorming our next steps, I was struck by Monica's maturity and kindness. Despite her pain, she was more concerned with making me feel better about the situation. It was clear that her srength went far beyond her physical abilities as a cheerleader.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Strength > 4>>\
[[Be strong and walk|MonicaCheerleader4.521]]
<<if $mc.Intellect > 2>>\
[[Be smart and walk|MonicaCheerleader4.522]]
[[Call Nora|MonicaCheerleader4.523]]
<<if $ClaraM1Quest == 3>>\
[[Call Clara|MonicaCheerleader4.524]]
<<md>>After considering our options, I decided the safest course of action was to stay with Monica and call a taxi.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, Monica. I'm going to call us a taxi. It's best not to move you too much right now.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, Coach. I really appreciate you staying with me.<</say>>
<<md>>As we waited for the taxi, Monica seemed lost in thought. After a moment of silence, she spoke up, her voice quieter than usual.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach, can I tell you something? It's kind of a secret.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Monica. What is it?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>My friends... they call me Claire sometimes.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Claire? That's an interesting nickname. Is there a story behind it?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica – or Claire – smiled softly, wincing slightly as she adjusted her position.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It's because I regenerate quickly, like Claire Bennett from that old show, *Heroes.* You know, the cheerleader who could heal really fast?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I remember that show. But what do you mean by regenerate quickly?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Well, this one time, I fell from a really high place during a cheer stunt. It was bad, Coach. Everyone thought I'd be out for months. But in less than two weeks, I was back on track, good as new.<</say>>
<<md>>I listened, unsure how to respond. Part of me wondered if Monica was simply trying to make me feel better about her current injury, or if the pain was making her a bit delirious. On the other hand, her tone was so sincere, it was hard not to believe her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's... quite remarkable, Monica. I've never heard of anything like that before.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I know it sounds crazy. Maybe I just heal fast naturally. But my friends started calling me Claire after that, and it kind of stuck.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, still processing this information. Whether it was true or not, it was clear that Monica believed it, or at least wanted to believe it.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, 'Claire', let's hope that fast healing kicks in for this injury too. But remember, even superheroes need rest and proper care.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>*laughs softly* You're right, Coach. Thanks for listening and not thinking I'm completely crazy.<</say>>
<<md>>As the taxi pulled up, I helped Monica into the car, my mind still turning over her story. Whether it was true or just a coping mechanism, it was clear that Monica was determined to bounce back from this setback. And regardless of any supposed super-healing abilities, I made a mental note to ensure she got proper medical attention and didn't rush her recovery.<</md>>
[[Ride with Monica to the nurse|MonicaCheerleaderJane]]\
<<md>>As we enter Jane's office, I can't help but feel a mix of concern for Monica and unease about Jane. The nurse looks up from her desk, her eyes gleaming with an interest that seems beyond professional concern.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Well, well, what do we have here? A damsel in distress and her knight in shining armor?<</say>>
<<md>>Jane's voice is syrupy sweet, with an undercurrent of something more... suggestive. She approaches Monica, her hips swaying more than necessary.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica had an accident during cheerleading practice. She saved another student from falling but injured herself in the process.<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>How heroic. Let's take a look at our brave little cheerleader, shall we?<</say>>
<<md>>Jane helps Monica onto the examination table, her hands lingering longer than needed. She begins examining Monica's leg, her touch clinical at first, but then becoming more sensual.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>My, my, Monica. Such toned muscles. All that cheerleading certainly pays off, doesn't it?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica shifts uncomfortably, blushing. Jane's eyes flick to me, gauging my reaction.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It's not too bad, really. I just want to know how long before I can get back to practice.<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Oh, darling, we mustn't rush. Your body needs... special attention.<</say>>
<<md>>Jane's hand travels up Monica's leg, ostensibly part of the examination, but the movement is deliberately provocative. She looks directly at me as she does this.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Coach, you must take good care of your star cheerleader. She needs... hands-on treatment.<</say>>
<<md>>I clench my jaw, torn between concern for Monica and rising anger at Jane's blatant provocation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think we should stick to standard medical procedures, Jane.<</say>>
<<say $Jane>>Oh, you're no fun. But if you insist...<</say>>
<<md>>Jane steps back, but not before giving Monica a wink that makes the girl blush even deeper.<</md>>
<<say $Jane>>Here's some pain medication. And Monica, dear, do come see me for regular... check-ups. We need to make sure you're in top form.<</say>>
<<md>>As we leave, I can feel Jane's eyes on us, her gaze a mix of amusement and something darker. I place a protective hand on Monica's shoulder, acutely aware of the tension Jane has created.<</md>>
[[Wait for taxi|MonicaCheerleaderArrivalHome1]]\
<<md>>We step out of the school and into the warm afternoon air. I hail a taxi, carefully helping Monica into the back seat before sliding in next to her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, Monica. Let's get you home and resting.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, Coach. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me.<</say>>
<<md>>As the taxi pulls away from the curb, Monica fidgets with the hem of her cheerleading skirt, her brow furrowed in thought.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach, do you think... do you think Jane's right? About needing to take it slow?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's important not to rush your recovery, Monica. But we'll make sure you get the best care possible.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>It's just... Nationals are coming up so fast. The team needs me. I can't let them down.<</say>>
<<md>>Her dedication is evident in the way her eyes shine with determination, even as she winces slightly from the pain in her leg.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The team will understand, Monica. Your health comes first.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I know, but... Coach, I've worked so hard for this. We all have. And now, because of one little accident...<</say>>
<<md>>She trails off, looking out the window. After a moment, she turns back to me, her expression a mix of worry and hope.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Maybe Jane can help me recover faster. She seemed... eager to help.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let's stick to the standard recovery plan for now, okay? We don't want to risk making the injury worse.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>You're right, of course. I just... I feel like I'm letting everyone down.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You saved your teammate from injury, Monica. That's not letting anyone down. That's being a leader.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiles gratefully, some of the tension easing from her shoulders. As we ride in companionable silence, the taxi turns onto a tree-lined street. We pull up in front of a large, impressive wooden house.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>This is me. Thank you again, Coach. For everything.<</say>>
[[Walk her home|MonicaArrivalHome2]]\
<<md>>As I approach the Walker residence, I stop to appreciate the stately wooden structure. It's an impressive home, though I can't help but think about the amount of money the family spends to maintain it.<</md>>
<<md>>I ring the doorbell, box of chocolates in hand. After a moment, Mr. Walker opens the door. He looks tired, but manages a polite smile.<</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>Mr.$mc.Surname, good to see you. Here to check on Monica?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, sir. I brought her some chocolates. I hope that's alright.<</say>>
<<say $MrWalker>>That's very kind of you. She's upstairs in her room. Second door on the right.<</say>>
<<md>>There's a brief pause, and I can see Mr. Walker wrestling with something he wants to say.<</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>Mr.$mc.Surname, I... we appreciate you looking out for her.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Mr. Walker. Monica's a great kid.<</say>>
<<md>>He nods, seemingly relieved by my response. He steps aside to let me in.<</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>Go on up. I'm sure she'll be glad to see you.<</say>>
<<md>>I make my way up the stairs, noting the family photos lining the wall. They tell a story of happier times, of a family that's been through a lot but still sticks together.<</md>>
<<md>>As I reach the second floor, I can hear soft music coming from Monica's room. I take a deep breath, suddenly feeling a bit nervous about this visit. It's one thing to be a coach at school, but being here, in her home, feels more personal.<</md>>
<<md>>I approach the second door on the right, as Mr. Walker instructed, and knock gently.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica? It's Coach. May I come in?<</say>>
[[Enter Monica's room|MonicaCheerleaderVisit1.2]]\
<<say $Monica>>Coach? Come in!<</say>>
<<md>>I open the door to find Monica propped up on her bed, her injured leg elevated on a pillow. Her face brightens when she sees me.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You didn't have to come all this way!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I wanted to see how you're doing. And I brought you these.<</say>>
<<md>>I hand her the box of chocolates, which she accepts with a grateful smile.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, Coach. That's so thoughtful.<</say>>
<<md>>She opens the box and offers me one. I take a chocolate, and we share a moment of comfortable silence as we enjoy the treat.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>So, how's the leg feeling?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>It's... okay. But Coach, I'm worried. How long do you think before I can come back to practice?<</say>>
<<md>>I can see the anxiety in her eyes, the fear of falling behind.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, recovery takes time. We can't rush it.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I know, but... the team needs me. And I need... <</say>>
<<md>>She trails off, her eyes darting to a family photo on her nightstand. It shows happier times, her father standing tall and proud.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It's just... my dad, he's been... <</say>>
<<md>>She stops herself, clearly uncomfortable about sharing too much.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Never mind. It's not important.<</say>>
<<md>>Trying to lighten the mood, I reach for another chocolate.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, at this rate, I might eat all your chocolates.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>*laughs* Not if I eat them first!<</say>>
<<md>>We share a laugh, the tension from moments ago dissipating. We chat about lighter topics - funny moments from past practices, her dog Buddy's latest antics. It's nice to see her smile, to be reminded that she's not just an athlete, but a teenager with a whole life outside of cheerleading.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, I should get going. You need your rest.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks for coming, Coach. It really means a lot.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just focus on getting better, okay? And Monica... if you ever need to talk about anything, I'm here.<</say>>
<<md>>She nods, a mix of gratitude and something unspoken in her eyes. As I leave her room, I can't shake the feeling that there's more going on with this family than meets the eye. But for now, all I can do is be there for Monica and help her navigate this challenging time.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 3>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "23b">>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>
[[Leave her room|MHHall]]\
<<md>>As I enter Monica's room, I'm greeted by her warm smile. She's sitting up in bed, her injured leg still propped up, but she looks more energetic than during my last visit.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach! I'm so glad you came. I was starting to go stir-crazy in here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How are you feeling, Monica?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Better, I think. But I'm still worried about missing practice. I've been doing some upper body exercises to stay in shape.<</say>>
<<md>>I notice a set of small hand weights near her bed, testament to her dedication.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh! I have an idea. Do you want to play a game? It might be fun, and it'll help take my mind off things.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>A game? Sure, what did you have in mind?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>How about Trivial Pursuit? I have the championship edition. It's got some sports questions too!<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes light up with excitement, reminding me that despite her maturity and responsibilities, she's still a teenager who enjoys simple pleasures.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I used to play it with my parents all the time. It'll be fun to dust it off. Plus, it's educational, right? So it's like I'm still learning even while I'm stuck in bed.<</say>>
<<md>>She reaches for the game on her bedside table, wincing slightly as she stretches.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Don't worry, I'm fine. Just a little stiff. Now, prepare to be amazed by my vast knowledge of random facts, Coach!<</say>>
<<md>>Her determination to stay positive, even in difficult circumstances, is evident. As she sets up the game, she continues chatting enthusiastically.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You know, this reminds me of team strategy sessions. Maybe we can use some of these questions for team bonding exercises when I get back?<</say>>
<<md>>Even in proposing a simple game, Monica's mind is on how it could benefit the team. Her dedication is admirable, if a bit concerning in its intensity.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's not a bad idea, Monica. But for now, let's just enjoy the game, okay? No need to turn everything into practice.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>laughs You're right, Coach. Okay, let's play! I call the blue piece – it matches our team colors!<</say>>
<<md>>As we start the game, I can see Monica relaxing, allowing herself to just be a teenager for a while. It's a side of her I don't often see at school or practice, and it's refreshing to witness.<</md>>
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Start game|MonicaCheerleaderVisit2.2]]
<<md>>As we play Trivial Pursuit, Monica's competitive spirit shines through. She leans forward eagerly with each question, her eyes lighting up when she knows the answer.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Ha! Got another one right! I'm catching up to you, Coach!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm impressed, Monica. You really do know a lot about sports history.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks! I've been reading up on it. I figure the more I know, the better I can understand our team's strategies and traditions.<</say>>
<<md>>Even in a simple board game, her dedication to cheerleading is evident. I can't help but admire her drive, even as I worry it might be too intense.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's great, but remember, it's okay to have interests outside of cheerleading too.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, I know. But cheerleading is more than just a sport to me. It's... well, it's everything right now.<</say>>
<<md>>As the game of Trivial Pursuit progressed, the stakes gradually rose. Monica's competitive spirit was evident in every move, and it wasn't long before we jokingly suggested adding a twist to the game: the loser of each round would have to remove an article of clothing.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You're on, Coach! But don't think I'm going easy on you.<</say>>
<<md>>The game continued with heightened intensity, and after a few rounds, Monica found herself at a disadvantage. With a playful grin, she unbuttoned her blouse, revealing her sports bra underneath. She tossed the blouse aside, her cheeks flushing with a mix of excitement and embarrassment.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Guess I'm down to this. Better step up my game!<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't help but admire her determination and the lightheartedness with which she approached the situation. The game continued, and after a particularly tough question, I found myself in the same predicament, removing my shirt and joining Monica in the 'bare chest club.'<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like we're evenly matched now. But you're still going down, Monica.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>We'll see about that!<</say>>
<<md>>The final round was intense, with both of us neck and neck. But when it came to a question about sports history, Monica couldn't quite recall the answer. She sighed in defeat, her hands playfully moving to the waistband of her pants.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Well, I guess this is it... but considering my leg, I'll spare you this time. You can take a look next time, Coach.<</say>>
<<md>>We both laughed, the tension easing as we wrapped up the game. The evening had taken an unexpected turn, but it was all in good fun. As we started to put the game away, Monica looked at me with a warm smile.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks for this, Coach. I haven't had this much fun in a while.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Anytime, Monica. But remember, next time, I'm not going easy on you.<</say>>
<<md>>We both shared a laugh, and as I prepared to leave, I couldn't help but think about how much Monica had opened up during our time together. Despite her tough exterior, moments like these revealed a more vulnerable side to her—a side that made me appreciate her even more.<</md>>
<<addmins 40>>\
[[Leave her room|MonicaCheerleaderVisit2.3]]<<md>>As I make my way downstairs, ready to leave, I hear raised voices coming from the kitchen. Inadvertently, I find myself overhearing an argument between Mr. and Mrs. Walker.<</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>James, we have to consider it. We can't afford to keep—<</say>>
<<say $MrWalker>>No. Absolutely not. We'll find another way.<</say>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>But it could solve everything! Why are you being so—<</say>>
<<md>>They abruptly stop as they notice me at the foot of the stairs. An uncomfortable silence fills the air.<</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>Coach. I... didn't realize you were still here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I was just leaving. Is everything alright?<</say>>
<<md>>Mrs. Walker steps forward, a look of frustration on her face.<</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Actually, we—<</say>>
<<say $MrWalker>>It's fine. Everything's fine.<</say>>
<<md>>Mr. Walker cuts her off sharply, his jaw clenched. Mrs. Walker sighs, exasperated.<</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>You're so stubborn, James. And prudish! We need to—<</say>>
<<say $MrWalker>>Not now, Helen. Not here.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, Mr. Walker turns and walks out of the room, leaving an uncomfortable silence in his wake. Mrs. Walker turns to me, clearly embarrassed.<</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>I'm so sorry you had to see that, Coach. James is... well, he's under a lot of stress lately.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's alright, Mrs. Walker. We all have our moments.<</say>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>You're very kind. Thank you for being so good to Monica. She needs all the support she can get right now.<</say>>
<<md>>As I leave the house, I can't help but wonder about the Walkers' financial situation and what Mrs. Walker was about to suggest. It's clear that there's more going on than meets the eye, and I worry about how it might be affecting Monica.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 18>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "38b">>\
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Leave them be|Sycamore Heights]]
<<md>>I knock on Monica's door, a book tucked under my arm. When she calls for me to enter, I find her sitting up in bed, looking more energetic than during my last visit. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach! You came back! <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. And I brought you something. <</say>>
<<md>>I hand her the book, watching as her eyes light up with recognition. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh my gosh! "The History of Competitive Cheerleading"! I've been wanting to read this for ages. How did you find it? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I stumbled across it in the library and thought of you. <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you so much, Coach. This is perfect! <</say>>
<<md>>She flips through the pages, her excitement palpable. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You know, my mom taught me to read when I was little. We used to spend hours going through books together. <</say>>
<<md>>Her expression softens with the memory, then a mischievous glint appears in her eye. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Can I tell you a secret, Coach? Promise not to tell? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Monica. <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>*lowers her voice* I found out that mom sometimes reads these... well, kind of naughty fanfics. *giggles* But it's okay, you know? It's nice to know she has something just for herself, especially with everything going on. <</say>>
<<md>>She blushes slightly, seeming both amused and a little embarrassed by her mother's secret hobby. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Anyway, I can't wait to dive into this book. Maybe I can find some historical cheers to incorporate into our routines! <</say>>
<<md>>Even with this personal revelation, Monica's mind quickly returns to cheerleading and how she can use this new knowledge to benefit the team. Her dedication is as strong as ever. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's a great idea, Monica. Just remember to enjoy the book for its own sake too, okay? <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I will, Coach. Thank you again. This really means a lot. <</say>>
<<md>>As I leave, I can't help but smile at Monica's enthusiasm. Despite the challenges she and her family are facing, her passion for learning and cheerleading remains undiminished. <</md>>
[[Leave her room|MonicaCheerleaderVisit3.2]]
<<md>>As I head downstairs, I notice Mrs. Walker in the kitchen, busily cleaning. Mr. Walker is nowhere to be seen. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mrs. Walker, can I give you a hand with that? <</say>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Oh, Coach! That's very kind of you. If you don't mind, you could help me with these dishes. <</say>>
<<md>>I roll up my sleeves and start washing dishes while Mrs. Walker continues wiping down the counters. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>You know, I used to work full-time as an office assistant. Now I'm picking up extra shifts at the local supermarket. Times have been... challenging. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sorry to hear that, Mrs. Walker. <</say>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>*sighs* It's not just the money. James... Mr. Walker, he's been struggling since losing his job. His pride's taken quite a hit. <</say>>
<<md>>She pauses, lost in thought for a moment. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>We used to be close with the Sawyers, you know. Veronica's parents? Had barbecues together, went on camping trips. Those were good times. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>What changed? <</say>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Life, I suppose. Our circumstances changed, theirs improved. It's nobody's fault, really, but it's put a strain on things. <</say>>
<<md>>She lowers her voice, glancing towards the stairs. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>To be honest, we're having trouble with James. He's so set on handling everything himself, won't consider other options. I'm worried about what it's doing to Monica. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Monica seems to be holding up well, all things considered. <</say>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>She's a strong girl. Takes after her father in that way. But I worry it's too much pressure for her. <</say>>
<<md>>As we finish up the cleaning, Mrs. Walker gives me a grateful smile. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Thank you, Coach. Not just for this, but for being there for Monica. It means more than you know. <</say>>
<<md>>I leave the Walker house with a heavier heart, more aware than ever of the challenges this family is facing. <</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 41>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "41b">>\
<<set $CheerleadersBook -= 1>>\
[[Leave|Sycamore Heights]]
<<md>>As I arrive at the Walker residence, I'm greeted by Monica at the door. She's standing with the help of crutches, but her smile is bright and energetic. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach! I'm so glad you're here. I'm feeling much better today. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's great to hear, Monica. You look like you're on the mend. <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I am! But... I still can't run properly. Do you think... could you maybe take Buddy for a run? I'd love to come along for a walk, if that's okay. <</say>>
<<md>>Buddy, hearing his name, appears at Monica's side, tail wagging excitedly. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, I'd be happy to. <</say>>
<<md>>We make our way to the nearby beach, Monica moving carefully with her crutches while I hold Buddy's leash. The golden retriever is barely containing his excitement to be out. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I've been cooped up for so long, it's nice to get some fresh air. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I bet. How are you really feeling, Monica? <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Honestly? I'm going stir-crazy. I keep thinking about all the practice I'm missing. <</say>>
<<md>>We reach the beach, and I let Buddy off the leash. He immediately takes off running along the water's edge. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why don't you rest here, and I'll run a bit with Buddy? <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Sounds good, Coach. Just... don't wear yourself out too much. Buddy's got a lot of energy! <</say>>
<<md>>I jog off with Buddy, letting him set the pace. As we run, I can see Monica watching us, a wistful expression on her face. After a few minutes, I return, slightly out of breath. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Your dog's quite the athlete, Monica. <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>*laughs* He sure is. Thanks for doing this, Coach. It means a lot to me. <</say>>
<<md>>We start walking slowly along the beach, Buddy trotting happily beside us. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You know, being here, seeing you run with Buddy... it reminds me of why I love cheerleading so much. The energy, the teamwork. I can't wait to get back to it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understand, Monica. But remember, recovery takes time. Don't push yourself too hard, too fast. <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I know, I know. It's just... *sighs* Never mind. Race you to that rock over there? <</say>>
<<md>>She grins mischievously, already starting to move faster on her crutches. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, no fair! You got a head start! <</say>>
<<md>>As we laugh and make our way down the beach, I can see some of the tension leaving Monica's shoulders. It's good to see her relaxed and enjoying the moment, even as I know her mind is never far from her responsibilities and goals. <</md>>
<<md>>As we approach the Walker residence, I see Mr. Walker sitting on the porch. His brow is furrowed, and he stands up quickly when he spots us. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>Monica? What are you doing out? You should be resting. <</say>>
<<md>>His voice is gruff, tinged with worry rather than anger. Monica straightens up, her chin lifting slightly. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Dad, I'm fine. Coach was just helping me walk Buddy. The fresh air is good for me. <</say>>
<<say $MrWalker>>*sighs* I just don't want you to push yourself too hard. Your recovery is important. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Mr. Walker, I assure you, we were very careful. Monica's making great progress. <</say>>
<<md>>Mr. Walker runs a hand through his hair, his expression a mix of concern and frustration. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>I appreciate that, Coach. But Monica, honey, you need to be focusing on getting better. The team, the scholarship... it all depends on you being at your best. <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I know, Dad. That's why I'm working so hard. Coach is helping me stay in shape while I recover. <</say>>
<<md>>I can see Monica straightening her posture, trying to appear stronger than she might feel. Her determination is evident, even in the face of her father's worry. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>*softens slightly* I just worry about you, sweetheart. Why don't you go inside and rest for a bit? <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Okay, Dad. Thanks for the walk, Coach. I'll see you at our next session. <</say>>
<<md>>As Monica heads inside, I can see the mixture of pride and concern in Mr. Walker's eyes. He turns to me, his voice low. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>Coach, I hope you understand. Everything's riding on her recovery. We can't afford any setbacks. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understand, Mr. Walker. We're all working towards the same goal - Monica's well-being and success. <</say>>
<<md>>Mr. Walker nods, his shoulders relaxing slightly. As I leave, I can't help but feel the weight of expectations that both Monica and her father are carrying. <</md>>
<<md>>As Mr. Walker watches Monica disappear into the house, he remains standing on the porch, his eyes following her until she's out of sight. The silence between us stretches for a moment, heavy with unspoken thoughts. I decide to break it, sensing that there's more on his mind than just his daughter's physical recovery. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, Mr. Walker, I've worked with a lot of students over the years. But Monica... she's got something special. It's not just her talent—it's her spirit. Her determination to push through, even when things get tough... that's not something you see every day. <</say>>
<<md>>Mr. Walker looks at me, his expression softening slightly as he listens. He nods, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>She gets that from her mother. Stubborn as a mule, both of them. But you're right. Monica's got a fire in her that I don't want to see burn out too soon. <</say>>
<<md>>I nod, understanding the weight of his words. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's that fire that's going to carry her through this, Mr. Walker. But it's also what makes her push herself so hard. She's got big dreams, and she doesn't want to let anyone down—especially not you. <</say>>
<<md>>Mr. Walker sighs, rubbing the back of his neck as he looks out over the yard. The late afternoon sun casts long shadows, and there's a quiet serenity in the air that contrasts sharply with the tension in our conversation. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>I know. And that's what worries me. She carries so much on those young shoulders. The scholarship, the team, her future... Sometimes I wonder if she ever just lets herself be a kid. <</say>>
<<md>>There's a pause as we both consider his words. I can feel the concern he has for his daughter, a deep, parental worry that runs deeper than just her physical health. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's hard to find that balance. But she's got a good head on her shoulders, and she's got you and Mrs. Walker to guide her. I can see where she gets her strength from. <</say>>
<<md>>Mr. Walker chuckles softly, but there's a somber edge to it. He looks at me, his gaze suddenly more intense. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>You've been spending a lot of time with her, Coach. Helping her with her recovery, keeping her spirits up... You've been more than just a coach to her. <</say>>
<<md>>I sense a shift in the conversation, something more personal and probing. I meet his gaze, staying silent, letting him lead the way. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>I can see how you look at her. It’s more than just concern for her as a student, or even as an athlete. I see it in your eyes... like your whole world is wrapped up in Monica. <</say>>
<<md>>His words hang in the air, heavy with implication. I can feel my pulse quicken, not from fear, but from the weight of the truth he’s speaking. He watches me closely, waiting for my response. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mr. Walker, I... <</say>>
<<md>>I pause, choosing my words carefully, knowing that honesty is the only way forward. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica is special to me, more than just as a student or an athlete. She’s bright, talented, and driven—she’s got so much potential, and I want to see her succeed in every way. But yes... I care about her deeply. <</say>>
<<md>>Mr. Walker’s eyes narrow slightly, not in anger, but in deep contemplation. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>I thought as much. It's not easy seeing someone care about your daughter the way you do, especially when she's still so young, still finding her way. <</say>>
<<md>>I feel the need to clarify, to ensure he understands my intentions. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>My feelings for Monica go beyond just admiration for her talent. But I want you to know that my first priority has always been her well-being—physically, emotionally, and in every other way. I would never do anything to hurt her. <</say>>
<<md>>Mr. Walker looks at me, his gaze steady and unyielding. Finally, he nods, as if coming to a conclusion. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>I believe you, Coach. I can see that you're genuine, and that you care about her. But I need you to understand something... <</say>>
<<md>>He pauses, his voice lowering slightly, becoming more earnest. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>Monica’s got a future ahead of her—a bright one. And I don’t want anything or anyone to get in the way of that. I don’t say this to push you away, but because I need to protect my daughter. If you’re serious about her, if you really care about her, then you’ve got to be there for her in the right way. <</say>>
<<md>>His words resonate deeply, and I feel the weight of his expectations and his protective nature as a father. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I understand, Mr. Walker. I’m committed to supporting Monica in whatever way she needs, and I promise to always put her well-being first. She deserves the best, and I’ll do everything in my power to help her achieve that. <</say>>
<<md>>Mr. Walker studies me for a long moment before finally nodding, seemingly satisfied with my response. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>Alright, Coach. I’ll hold you to that. Just remember—Monica’s got one shot at making her dreams come true. Don’t let anything mess that up. <</say>>
<<md>>We stand in silence for a moment longer before he extends his hand. I shake it, feeling the firm grip of a man who’s both grateful and protective of his daughter. As I leave the Walker residence, I can’t help but think about the weight of the responsibility I’ve just taken on—not just as a coach, but as someone who genuinely cares about Monica and her future. <</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 49>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "49b">>\
<<md>>As Monica heads inside, I turn to Mr. Walker, sensing an opportunity to help. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mr. Walker, I hope you don't mind me saying, but if you're looking for work, I'd be happy to help you put together a CV. <</say>>
<<md>>Mr. Walker's expression tightens for a moment, his pride clearly stung. But then he sighs, his shoulders sagging slightly. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>That's... that's kind of you, Coach. I suppose it couldn't hurt. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Great. Why don't you tell me about your work experience? <</say>>
<<md>>Mr. Walker nods, his eyes distant as he recalls his past. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>Well, I served in the army for a few years after high school. Learned a lot about discipline, teamwork. After that, I worked in construction for a while. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's excellent experience. Any specific skills you picked up there? <</say>>
<<say $MrWalker>>*nods* Project management, safety protocols. I was even site supervisor for a couple of years. <</say>>
<<md>>As he speaks, I can see some of his old confidence returning. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>Then I moved into office work. Was with an insurance company for over a decade before... well, before the layoffs. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's a diverse background, Mr. Walker. I'm sure we can craft a strong CV from that. <</say>>
<<md>>Mr. Walker looks at me, a mix of gratitude and uncertainty in his eyes. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>You really think someone would hire me? At my age? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely. Your experience is valuable. We just need to present it the right way. <</say>>
<<md>>For a moment, Mr. Walker's stoic facade cracks, revealing the vulnerability beneath. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>I appreciate this, Coach. More than you know. It's been... tough, feeling like I can't provide for my family. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understand. Let's work on this together. It's a start. <</say>>
<<md>>As we begin discussing the details of his work history, I can see a small spark of hope in Mr. Walker's eyes. It's a small step, but an important one in helping the Walker family through their struggles. <</md>>
<<set $JamesHelp = true>>\
<<set $JamesQuest1 = 1>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 45>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "45b">>\<<md>>After leaving the porch, I head inside the Walker residence, where I find Mrs. Walker in the living room, carefully arranging some books on a large wooden shelf. The room is cozy, filled with the warm light of late afternoon. Mrs. Walker smiles as I approach, but I can see the tiredness in her eyes, the subtle signs of stress that come from managing both work and home life. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Afternoon, Mrs. Walker. Need a hand with those? <</say>>
<<md>>She glances at the stack of books next to her and nods gratefully. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Thank you, Coach. These shelves always seem to get cluttered so quickly, and I’ve been meaning to reorganize them for weeks. <</say>>
<<md>>I step closer, picking up a few books from the pile. As we begin placing them on the shelves, I notice the variety of titles—some on parenting, others on cooking, and a few novels that seem well-loved. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You’ve got a nice collection here. Some of these books look like they’ve been with you for a while. <</say>>
<<md>>Mrs. Walker chuckles softly, a hint of nostalgia in her voice. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Yes, some of these have been with us since before Monica was born. I remember picking up this one when we first moved into this house... <</say>>
<<md>>She pulls out a slightly worn book, the cover faded from years of handling. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>It was one of the first things I bought when we were just starting out—back when life was simpler. <</say>>
<<md>>I smile, sensing the memories attached to each item we place on the shelves. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It’s clear you’ve built a home filled with love and care, Mrs. Walker. But I also know it hasn’t been easy for you, especially with everything that’s happened recently. <</say>>
<<md>>Mrs. Walker pauses, her hand resting on a book as she considers my words. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>It’s been tough, I won’t lie. With Mr. Walker losing his job and the bills piling up... there are days when it feels like we’re barely holding it together. <</say>>
<<md>>Her voice is steady, but there’s an undercurrent of exhaustion and concern. I place the last book on the shelf, then turn to her, my tone gentle but firm. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mrs. Walker, I want to help. I know Mr. Walker is a proud man, and he might not accept it easily, but you don’t have to do this alone. Let me offer my support, even if it’s just to ease some of the burden you’re carrying. <</say>>
<<md>>She looks at me, surprised and a little hesitant. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Coach, I appreciate the offer, really, but... I don’t want to put you in an awkward position. We’re managing, just about. <</say>>
<<md>>I shake my head, determined. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I know how strong you and Mr. Walker are, and I admire that. But sometimes, accepting help isn’t a sign of weakness—it’s just a way to make sure you have the strength to keep going. Monica’s recovery, her future... it all depends on having a stable home. Let me do what I can to help you maintain that. <</say>>
<<md>>Mrs. Walker’s eyes soften, and I can see the internal struggle she’s facing—the desire to protect her family’s pride balanced against the reality of their situation. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>You’re right, Coach. We’ve been trying so hard to do everything ourselves, but maybe... maybe it’s time we accept some help. For Monica’s sake, if nothing else. <</say>>
<<md>>She sighs, a small weight seeming to lift off her shoulders. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Thank you. It’s not easy for us to ask for help, but I see now that it doesn’t mean we’re failing. It just means we’re human. <</say>>
<<md>>I nod, offering a reassuring smile. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>That’s exactly it. And whatever you need, I’m here. Whether it’s helping with errands, covering some expenses, or just being someone you can talk to—don’t hesitate to reach out. <</say>>
<<md>>Mrs. Walker reaches out and gives my hand a gentle squeeze, her gratitude evident. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Thank you, Coach. It means more than you know. <</say>>
<<md>>As we finish arranging the last of the books, there’s a sense of calm that settles over the room. For the first time in a while, it feels like things might just be okay. <</md>>
<<set $HelenHelp to true>>\
<<set $HelenQuest1 = 1>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 45>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "45b">>\
<<md>>Later that evening, as I’m getting ready to leave, Mrs. Walker approaches me in the kitchen. There’s a noticeable shift in her demeanor, her smile warmer, with a hint of something playful in her eyes as she glances at me. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Coach, before you go... could I trouble you for a little favor? <</say>>
<<md>>I turn to her, catching the slight teasing lilt in her voice, and smile back, intrigued by her tone. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Mrs. Walker. What do you need? <</say>>
<<md>>She gestures to the counter, where a few ingredients are laid out—fresh vegetables, some herbs, and a chicken waiting to be prepared. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>I’m making a special dinner for Monica tonight. She’s been working so hard on her recovery, and I want to make her favorite meal. But... it’s been a long day, and I could use an extra pair of strong, capable hands in the kitchen. <</say>>
<<md>>Her voice lingers on "strong, capable hands," and she holds my gaze for a moment longer than usual, her eyes twinkling with a hint of flirtation. I chuckle, rolling up my sleeves, ready to dive in. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Say no more. I’m at your service, Mrs. Walker. Let’s make this dinner something special. <</say>>
<<md>>Mrs. Walker’s smile widens, and there’s a playful spark in her eyes as she steps closer, handing me a knife. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Thank you, Coach. I knew I could count on you. It’s always nice to have someone around who knows how to handle... things properly. <</say>>
<<md>>Her tone is light, but there’s a clear underlying flirtation. As I start chopping the vegetables, I can feel her eyes on me, and there’s a new, almost electric energy in the room. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You’ve got a nice collection of cookbooks here. It looks like you’ve been perfecting your skills for a while. <</say>>
<<md>>Mrs. Walker laughs softly, a warm, inviting sound. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Oh, I’ve had plenty of practice. But it’s always more fun with the right company, don’t you think? Especially when that company is someone as capable and... attentive as you. <</say>>
<<md>>I glance over at her, catching the way she’s watching me, a small, knowing smile playing on her lips. There’s a hint of something more in her gaze—something bolder, more experienced. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I’m happy to help. And you’re right—it’s nice to have someone to share the work with. Makes the task a bit more enjoyable. <</say>>
<<md>>Mrs. Walker steps closer as she begins to season the chicken, her movements deliberate and smooth. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Absolutely. It’s been a while since we’ve had someone around the house who can lighten the load... and make things a bit more interesting. <</say>>
<<md>>She pauses, her eyes meeting mine with a suggestive glint. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>You know, Monica’s a sweet girl, but she’s still so young, a bit... naive about certain things. She’s focused on her recovery, her future... and that’s good. But there are other things, more... interesting things, that come with a bit more experience. <</say>>
<<md>>Her words are laced with subtle innuendo, and I can’t help but notice the way her fingers brush lightly against mine as she reaches for the herbs. There’s a brief moment of connection, a spark that lingers between us. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I’m glad to be here, Mrs. Walker. Monica’s well-being is important to me, but I’m also here to support however I can... in all areas. <</say>>
<<md>>She smiles, her eyes softening as she looks at me, but the playfulness doesn’t fade. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>I can see that, Coach. And I appreciate it. It’s just nice to have someone around who understands... how to handle a situation with a bit more maturity. <</say>>
<<md>>The flirtation in her voice is unmistakable now, and I meet her gaze with a knowing smile. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sometimes it’s the experience that makes all the difference. Knowing how to navigate things with a little finesse... and a lot of care. <</say>>
<<md>>Mrs. Walker’s smile deepens, and she leans in slightly, her voice dropping to a more intimate tone. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Exactly. It’s refreshing to have someone who knows how to appreciate those little nuances... the things that come with time and understanding. <</say>>
<<md>>The atmosphere in the kitchen shifts, becoming warmer, more charged with unspoken possibilities. As we finish preparing the meal, there’s a sense of connection growing between us, something unspoken but clearly understood. When the last dish is set on the table, Mrs. Walker turns to me, her expression a mix of gratitude and something more. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Thank you, Coach. For everything. You’ve done more for us than you know. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>It’s my pleasure, Mrs. Walker. I’m happy to help in any way I can. <</say>>
<<md>>She steps closer, her hand lightly brushing my arm, lingering for just a moment longer than necessary. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Don’t be a stranger. We could always use someone like you around here... to keep things interesting. <</say>>
<<md>>Her words are filled with a playful, teasing invitation, hinting at something deeper, as Monica’s voice calls from the other room, breaking the moment. Mrs. Walker steps back, giving me one last lingering smile before turning to join her daughter. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>I’ll see you around, Coach. Don’t keep us waiting too long. <</say>>
<<md>>As I leave the Walker residence, the warmth of the evening and the lingering flirtation fill my thoughts. There’s a sense of something more just beneath the surface, and I know that my connection with this family is deepening in ways I hadn’t fully anticipated. <</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 46>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "46b">>\
<<md>>A few days later, I arrive at the Walker residence again, this time with a discreet envelope of money tucked into my jacket pocket. The sun is beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the house as I knock on the door. Mrs. Walker answers, her expression brightening when she sees me. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Coach, it’s so nice to see you again. Come in, come in. <</say>>
<<md>>I step inside, and she leads me to the living room, where the atmosphere feels cozy and intimate, the soft lighting adding to the warmth of the space. I take a moment to gather my thoughts, knowing what I need to say. As Mrs. Walker turns to me, her eyes are filled with that familiar mix of warmth and something more. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mrs. Walker, I wanted to talk to you about something. <</say>>
<<md>>She tilts her head slightly, curiosity piqued. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Of course, Coach. What’s on your mind? <</say>>
<<md>>I reach into my jacket and pull out the envelope, holding it out to her. Her eyes widen slightly in surprise as she takes it. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I know things have been tough lately, and I want to help. This isn’t charity—it’s just something to ease the pressure a bit, so you can focus on what really matters. <</say>>
<<md>>Mrs. Walker looks down at the envelope, her fingers brushing the edges as if contemplating the weight of what I’m offering. When she lifts her gaze to mine, there’s a softness there, mixed with something deeper. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Coach, I... I don’t know what to say. This is... It’s incredibly generous of you. <</say>>
<<md>>I step closer, my voice gentle but firm. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You don’t have to say anything, Mrs. Walker. Just know that I’m here for you, for the family. Monica’s well-being is important, and so is yours. <</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes well up with emotion, and she steps closer to me, her hand resting lightly on my arm. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>You’ve done so much for us, Coach. I don’t know how to thank you properly. <</say>>
<<md>>Before I can respond, she leans in and kisses my cheek softly, her lips lingering just a bit longer than a simple gesture of gratitude would warrant. There’s a moment of silence as we both process the intimacy of the action. Then, before I realize what’s happening, she presses her lips softly against mine. It’s a gentle, tentative kiss, filled with a mix of emotions—gratitude, warmth, and something more. <</md>>
<<md>>The kiss is brief but enough to send a shock through me. Mrs. Walker suddenly pulls back, her eyes wide with shock, her hand covering her mouth as she steps back. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Oh my God... I’m so sorry, I... I shouldn’t have done that. <</say>>
<<md>>Her voice trembles slightly, and I can see the conflict in her eyes. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mrs. Walker, it’s okay... <</say>>
<<md>>She shakes her head, taking another step back, her expression filled with a mix of guilt and regret. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>No, it’s not. I’m a married woman... I can’t... I shouldn’t have... <</say>>
<<md>>She looks down, clearly torn between the emotions she’s feeling and the reality of her situation. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You don’t have to apologize. I understand. We’re both just... caught up in the moment. <</say>>
<<md>>She nods, her eyes still fixed on the floor. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>It’s just... you’ve been so kind, so supportive, and I... I let my emotions get the better of me. But I can’t—my family, my marriage... I have to keep that in mind. <</say>>
<<md>>There’s a silence between us, filled with unspoken words and lingering emotions. Finally, she looks up at me, her eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and apology. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>I’m sorry, Coach. I really am. <</say>>
<<md>>I offer her a reassuring smile, trying to ease the tension. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>There’s nothing to be sorry about, Mrs. Walker. We’re all human, and sometimes emotions take us by surprise. But I respect your commitment to your family, and I’m here to support you, in any way you need. <</say>>
<<md>>She exhales slowly, the tension in her shoulders easing slightly as she nods. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Thank you... for understanding, and for everything else. <</say>>
<<md>>As we stand there, the moment slowly fades, replaced by a mutual understanding. I know this is a line that won’t be crossed again, but the connection between us remains, grounded in a deep respect and shared care for her family. <</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 47>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "47b">>\
<<md>>Later that evening, I joined the Walker family for supper. The table was set with care, and the aroma of home-cooked food filled the room. Mrs. Walker had outdone herself, preparing a meal that was both comforting and delicious. As we sat down, she poured herself a generous glass of wine, smiling warmly at everyone around the table. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>Coach, I just want to say thank you. You've been helping Monica so much with her recovery, and you've also been a great support to our family. It means a lot to us. <</say>>
<<md>>Mrs. Walker nodded in agreement, lifting her glass in a small toast. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Yes, truly. We’re so grateful for everything you’ve done, Coach. Here’s to you. <</say>>
<<md>>She took a long sip of her wine, her cheeks already slightly flushed from the alcohol. The dinner continued with light conversation, laughter, and more wine being poured. As the meal came to an end, Mr. Walker excused himself to go to bed, looking tired but content. Monica also retired early, leaving just me and Mrs. Walker in the dining room. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Well, Coach, looks like it’s just you and me now. Care to help me tidy up? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. I’m happy to help. <</say>>
<<md>>We cleared the table together, carrying the dishes to the kitchen. Mrs. Walker, a bit tipsy, giggled as she nearly dropped a plate, but I caught it just in time. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Oh, thank you! I guess I might have had a bit too much wine tonight. <</say>>
<<md>>She laughed, leaning slightly against the counter for balance. After the dishes were done, she looked around the kitchen, her gaze falling on the floor. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>You know, the floor could use a good cleaning. It’s been a while, and with everything that’s been going on... <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can stay and help with that too. <</say>>
<<md>>She smiled, a bit more warmly than before, and nodded. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Thank you, Coach. You’re really something special. <</say>>
<<md>>We grabbed the cleaning supplies and started washing the floor together. As we worked, Mrs. Walker paused and wiped her brow, the combination of the wine and the work making her cheeks flush. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>You know, it’s a little hot in here, isn’t it? <</say>>
<<md>>Without waiting for a response, she began to unbutton her blouse, slipping it off and draping it over a chair, leaving her in just her t-shirt and panties. She glanced at me with a playful smile, clearly feeling more relaxed—or perhaps emboldened—by the wine. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>That’s much better. I hope you don’t mind, Coach. It’s just too warm to keep all those clothes on. <</say>>
<<md>>I kept my tone light, not wanting to make things awkward. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Not at all, Mrs. Walker. Whatever makes you comfortable. <</say>>
<<md>>She smiled at my response, her expression a mix of relief and warmth. We continued cleaning the floor, but the atmosphere had shifted slightly. The casual task of washing the floor now felt more intimate, given Mrs. Walker's relaxed state and the easy way she moved around in her minimal clothing. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>You know, it’s nice to have someone around who’s so willing to help. Most people would’ve run off by now. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I’m happy to help. You’ve got a lot on your plate, and it’s the least I can do. <</say>>
<<md>>As we finished up, Mrs. Walker glanced at the clean floor, a satisfied look on her face. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>I think that’s good for tonight. Thank you again, Coach. I really couldn’t have done all this without you. <</say>>
<<md>>She stepped closer, her hand resting lightly on my arm as she looked up at me. The moment lingered, her expression soft and appreciative. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It was no trouble at all, Mrs. Walker. I’m glad I could help. <</say>>
<<md>>She smiled, giving my arm a gentle squeeze before stepping back. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>You should get home and get some rest. But don’t be a stranger, alright? We could always use someone like you around here. <</say>>
<<md>>As I left the Walker residence, the evening’s events played over in my mind. There was a deepening connection between us, one grounded in mutual respect but tinged with something more—a sense of closeness that had grown in ways neither of us had fully anticipated. <</md>>
<<md>>As we finished cleaning, Mrs. Walker let out a satisfied sigh, wiping her hands on a towel. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>I think that’s about all we can do tonight. You’ve been such a big help, Coach. <</say>>
<<md>>She glanced around the room, her eyes landing on a pair of rubber cleaning gloves. She picked them up, her fingers brushing over the material, a thoughtful expression on her face. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>You know, there’s one last thing I need to take care of… something that’s been on my mind. <</say>>
<<md>>Before I could ask what she meant, Mrs. Walker gave me a sly smile and, in a surprising move, she slipped the gloves into the waistband of her panties. Her eyes never left mine as she slowly pushed them down, allowing the gloves to brush against her skin. <</md>>
<<md>>She let out a soft moan, her cheeks flushed, whether from the wine or something more. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>I have to admit, Coach, it feels so good to have someone like you around. Your help… it just drives me wild. <</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was breathy, and she began to move the gloves within her panties, her body reacting to the sensation. Her eyes closed for a moment as she bit her lip, clearly enjoying the moment. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Mmm, I’m not sure I can stop now… You’re just so… helpful. <</say>>
<<md>>I stood there, unsure how to respond as she continued to pleasure herself, her breathing growing heavier. She leaned against the counter, her back arching slightly, lost in the moment. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mrs. Walker… <</say>>
<<md>>My voice was quiet, filled with a mix of concern and disbelief at the situation. She opened her eyes, a playful yet needy look in them. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Shh, Coach… Just let me enjoy this… It’s been so long since I’ve felt this good. <</say>>
<<md>>Her hand moved more fervently, and her breath hitched as she neared the edge. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Oh, Coach… yes… just like that… your help… it’s everything… <</say>>
<<md>>With one final, quiet moan, she shuddered, her body trembling as she found release. She leaned heavily against the counter, her hand still in her panties, the gloves now discarded on the floor. Slowly, she caught her breath, her cheeks still flushed as she looked up at me with a satisfied smile. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Thank you, Coach… for everything. You have no idea how much this means to me. <</say>>
<<md>>She removed her hand from her panties and gave me a look that was both appreciative and intimate, as if a new understanding had passed between us. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>You should go now, get some rest. But please… don’t be a stranger. <</say>>
<<md>>She stepped closer, giving me a gentle kiss on the cheek, her lips lingering for just a moment longer than necessary. The gesture was soft, warm, and filled with an unspoken promise. As I left the Walker residence, I couldn’t shake the feeling that tonight had changed something between us, something deeper than I’d expected. <</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 48>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "48b">>\
<<md>>As I arrived at the Walker home, the house was quiet. The warm glow of the evening lights spilled out through the windows, giving the place a cozy and welcoming feel. I knocked gently, and Mrs. Walker answered the door with a warm smile, though there was a tiredness in her eyes. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Oh, Coach, it’s good to see you. Monica is resting right now—she's had a long day. But please, come in. You must be hungry. <</say>>
<<md>>I stepped inside, taking in the familiar surroundings. The aroma of something delicious simmering in the kitchen filled the air, making my stomach rumble in anticipation. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Mrs. Walker. I could use something warm to eat. <</say>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Please, Coach, call me Helen. We’re beyond formalities at this point, don’t you think? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Helen. <</say>>
<<md>>She smiled, her expression softening as she led me to the kitchen, where a pot of soup was bubbling on the stove. She moved with a practiced grace, ladling out a generous portion into a bowl and placing it in front of me at the table. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>It’s just some homemade chicken soup, but I hope it’ll hit the spot. <</say>>
<<md>>I took a spoonful, savoring the rich flavor. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is perfect. Thank you. <</say>>
<<md>>She sat down across from me with a glass of wine, a slight sigh escaping her as she relaxed into the chair. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>I’m glad you like it. It’s been a while since I’ve cooked something like this. Things have been… well, you know how they are. <</say>>
<<md>>There was a hint of sadness in her voice, and I could tell something was weighing on her mind. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Is everything alright, Helen? You seem a bit down. <</say>>
<<md>>She sighed deeply, swirling the wine in her glass as she considered her words. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>It’s just… James has been so difficult lately. Ever since he lost his job, he’s become so stubborn, so set in his ways. He refuses to consider any other options, and it’s like he’s given up. It’s been hard, trying to hold everything together. And then there’s Monica… <</say>>
<<md>>She trailed off, her eyes reflecting a mixture of frustration and worry. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica? Is everything okay with her? <</say>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>I’m so scared for her. She has to stay on the cheerleading team, get her scholarship… it’s the only way we can afford to keep her in school. If she loses that, we could lose everything. We could be forced to move out of our home… <</say>>
<<md>>Her voice wavered as she spoke, and I could see the deep anxiety etched on her face. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>That’s a lot of pressure on her… and on you. Have you talked to Monica about how much is riding on this? <</say>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>I try not to burden her with it, but I think she knows. She’s so determined, but I can see the weight it’s putting on her. And with James in the state he’s in… I’m afraid it’s all going to come crashing down. <</say>>
<<md>>She took a long sip of her wine, her shoulders slumping slightly as the weight of her worries seemed to settle even more heavily on her. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I’m really sorry you’re dealing with all this, Helen. It’s not easy carrying that kind of burden. But you’re doing everything you can to support her. Maybe, with time, things will start to improve. <</say>>
<<md>>She nodded slowly, though the worry in her eyes remained. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>I hope so. But sometimes I just feel so helpless, like I’m watching everything fall apart and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. <</say>>
<<md>>Her voice softened as she looked at me, a hint of appreciation in her eyes. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>You’ve been such a help to Monica, and to me too. I don’t know what we would’ve done without you. You’re not just her coach—you’re a real friend to our family, and that means more than you know. <</say>>
<<md>>Her words touched me, and I could see how much she was struggling to keep everything together. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I’m happy to help in any way I can. You’ve got a lot on your shoulders, but you’re not alone. If there’s anything else you need, don’t hesitate to ask. <</say>>
<<md>>She smiled, a genuine warmth in her expression, and for a moment, the weight of her worries seemed to lift. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Thank you, Coach. That means a lot. Really. <</say>>
<<md>>We sat in comfortable silence for a moment, the only sounds the ticking of the clock and the gentle simmering of the soup on the stove. The conversation had brought us closer, and I could tell that she appreciated having someone to talk to, someone who understood. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>You know, it’s nice to have someone around who’s so thoughtful. James used to be like that, but… well, things change, I guess. <</say>>
<<md>>She sighed softly, then quickly brightened, trying to steer the conversation back to lighter topics. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>But enough about that. How are things with you? You must have a busy life outside of all this. <</say>>
<<md>>We chatted for a while longer, talking about everything from work to hobbies. As the evening wore on, I could see that she was feeling a little more at ease, the tension in her shoulders gradually melting away. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It was good talking to you, Helen. And thanks again for the soup—it was exactly what I needed. <</say>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Anytime, Coach. And remember, you’re always welcome here. <</say>>
<<md>>As I left the Walker home that night, I couldn’t help but feel a deeper connection to this family. The challenges they were facing were tough, and with so much riding on Monica’s success, I was determined to be there for them in whatever way I could. <</md>>
<<set $MrsWalker.Meet = 1>>\
<<md>>As Helen and I continued our conversation in the kitchen, we heard soft footsteps coming down the stairs. Monica appeared, looking tired but determined.<</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Monica, honey, you should be resting. What are you doing up?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiled weakly, a large book tucked under her arm.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I heard voices and... I actually wanted to ask Coach something about this cheerleading technique I've been studying.<</say>>
<<md>>I noticed the book she was holding - "Advanced Cheerleading: Techniques and Strategies". It was clear she had been pushing herself, even while recovering.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, it's great that you're so dedicated, but you need to rest too. Why don't we take that soup upstairs and we can chat there?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nodded gratefully, and we made our way to her room. Once settled on her bed with the soup, she opened the book, pointing to a complex diagram.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I've been trying to understand this formation. I know I can't practice physically yet, but I thought if I could master the theory...<</say>>
<<md>>Her dedication was clear, but I could see the strain in her eyes. It hit me then - Monica wasn't just studying; she was desperately trying to secure her future through cheerleading.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I appreciate your hard work, but why didn't you mention you were interested in more advanced cheerleading books when we talked about college applications?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's hand paused over the page, her shoulders slumping slightly.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I... I have to be the best, Coach. This scholarship is my only shot at college. We can't afford anything else right now. I thought if I could master these techniques, maybe...<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice trailed off, revealing the immense pressure she was under. I realized that her intense focus on cheerleading wasn't just passion - it was her perceived lifeline for her family's future.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, you're incredibly talented and hardworking. But you don't have to carry this burden alone. We're here to support you - me, your mom, the whole team.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica looked up, her eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and worry.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, Coach. I just... I can't let my family down. This has to work.<</say>>
<<md>>I gently closed the book, placing my hand over hers.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>And it will. But remember, your health and well-being come first. We'll figure this out together, okay?<</say>>
<<md>>As I left her room, I couldn't shake the realization of how much pressure Monica was under. Her dedication to cheerleading wasn't just about the sport - it was her way of trying to secure her family's future. I knew then that my role as her coach extended far beyond just training; I needed to help her navigate this pressure and find a balance.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 40>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "40b">>\
<<set $MrsWalker.Meet = 1>>\
[[Leave their house|Sycamore Heights]]
<<md>>The next day, I arrived at the Walker home, intending to check on Monica and see how she was doing after our conversation the night before. As I approached the house, I could hear raised voices coming from inside—a heated argument was unfolding between Helen and James. I hesitated for a moment, not wanting to intrude, but then I heard Helen’s voice, strained with frustration. <</md>>
<<say $JamesWalker>>There’s a lot of clothes in that closet, Helen. We could sell them and make some money—money we need if we’re going to keep this house and take care of Monica. <</say>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>But those clothes… I feel sexy in them, James. They remind me of better times, times when we were happy, when we… when we were close. <</say>>
<<md>>There was a pause, and I could almost feel the tension in the air. <</md>>
<<say $JamesWalker>>It’s not the time for that, Helen. We need to think practically. You know we’re struggling. Monica needs that scholarship, and we need every penny we can get. <</say>>
<<md>>Helen’s voice softened, tinged with desperation. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Do you remember how we used to be, James? How you looked at me when I wore that little black dress? We could sell so many other things… but not that. Not the memories. Please, can’t we hold onto just a few things? <</say>>
<<md>>James’s response was quiet, almost resigned. <</md>>
<<say $JamesWalker>>Helen, it’s not about the memories. It’s about surviving right now. We can’t afford to be sentimental. <</say>>
<<md>>I stepped into the room, trying to ease the tension. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I hope I’m not interrupting. <</say>>
<<md>>They both turned to me, the argument halting as they noticed my presence. Helen looked flustered, while James seemed a bit embarrassed. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Oh, Coach, I didn’t hear you come in. Sorry about that… it’s just been a tough morning. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>No need to apologize. I understand things are difficult right now. <</say>>
<<md>>I glanced at Monica’s door, wondering if she had heard any of this. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>How’s Monica doing? Did she rest well? <</say>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>She’s still resting, but she’ll be up soon. I made some soup earlier, so I can take it up to her. <</say>>
<<say $JamesWalker>>I’ll leave you both to it. I’ve got some things to take care of. <</say>>
<<md>>James’s voice was weary, and I could see the weight of his responsibilities pressing down on him. He gave a brief nod and left the room, leaving Helen and me alone. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>I’m sorry you had to see that. It’s just… it’s been hard on all of us. I know James is right, but… it’s hard to let go of things that remind you of better times. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>It’s understandable, Helen. Those things represent more than just material items—they’re tied to memories and emotions. But I know you’re both doing everything you can to make things work. <</say>>
<<md>>Helen sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly as she took a seat at the table. She looked down at her hands, her voice softening as she asked, almost hesitantly. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Do you… do you think I’m still beautiful, Coach? <</say>>
<<md>>Her question caught me off guard, and I could see the vulnerability in her eyes—the need for reassurance in the midst of all the chaos. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Helen, you’re a beautiful woman, inside and out. That hasn’t changed. Anyone who sees you would agree with that. <</say>>
<<md>>She looked up at me, a small, grateful smile touching her lips, though her eyes remained sad. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Thank you. I just… sometimes I wonder if I’ve lost something along the way. Everything feels so different now. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You haven’t lost anything, Helen. You’re going through a tough time, but that doesn’t change who you are or how you look. You’re still the same beautiful, strong woman you’ve always been. <</say>>
<<md>>Helen nodded, though there was still a flicker of doubt in her eyes. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>I appreciate that. It’s just hard to feel like myself when everything around us is falling apart. <</say>>
<<md>>I reached out, gently squeezing her hand in reassurance. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You’re doing the best you can, Helen. And it’s okay to feel this way. You’re not just a wife or a mother—you’re a person with your own needs and emotions. Don’t forget that. <</say>>
<<md>>Helen squeezed my hand back, her smile a bit more genuine this time. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Thank you, Coach. It means a lot to have someone who understands. <</say>>
<<md>>We sat in silence for a moment, the weight of the situation hanging between us. Then, from upstairs, I heard Monica stirring, the soft sound of her footsteps on the floor. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I’ll go check on her. <</say>>
<<md>>When I arrived at the Walker home later that day, the tension was palpable even before I reached the door. As I approached, the door swung open, and James stormed out, his expression a mix of frustration and exhaustion. He barely noticed me as he passed by, his focus entirely on getting away from whatever had just happened inside. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>James, wait up. <</say>>
<<md>>He stopped, turning to face me with a sigh. The weariness in his eyes was impossible to miss. <</md>>
<<say $JamesWalker>>Coach, sorry… I just need to get out of here for a bit. It’s too much. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understand. How about we grab a drink? We can talk, or not—whatever you need. <</say>>
<<md>>He hesitated for a moment, then nodded, seeming relieved by the suggestion. <</md>>
<<say $JamesWalker>>Yeah… yeah, I could use a drink. <</say>>
<<md>>We headed to a nearby bar, a quiet place where the lights were dim and the noise was low—perfect for someone looking to escape their thoughts for a while. We found a corner booth, ordered a couple of beers, and sat in silence for a moment as James stared down at the table, lost in thought. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Rough day? <</say>>
<<md>>He let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head. <</md>>
<<say $JamesWalker>>Rough few months, more like it. I just… I don’t know how much more of this I can take. I’m supposed to be the one taking care of my family, providing for them. But I can’t even do that. <</say>>
<<md>>I could hear the frustration and self-doubt in his voice, the weight of his responsibilities pressing down on him. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You’re doing everything you can, James. This situation… it’s not your fault. <</say>>
<<say $JamesWalker>>But it feels like it is. I was supposed to have everything under control. I had a good job, a stable life. And now… now I’m scraping by, taking whatever work I can find, and it’s still not enough. <</say>>
<<md>>He took a long drink from his beer, his eyes staring blankly ahead as if trying to find answers in the empty air. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>That’s a lot of pressure to carry on your own. Have you talked to Helen about how you’re feeling? <</say>>
<<say $JamesWalker>>She’s already dealing with enough. I don’t want to add to her stress. She’s been holding everything together—managing the house, taking care of Monica… She deserves better than this. Better than me. <</say>>
<<md>>His voice cracked slightly, revealing the depth of his insecurity. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>James, you’re not failing them. You’re doing what you can in an incredibly tough situation. That’s all anyone can ask. <</say>>
<<say $JamesWalker>>But it’s not enough. Every day, I see them struggling because of me. Helen, trying to keep a smile on her face when I know she’s worried sick. And Monica… she’s carrying so much on her shoulders, trying to get that scholarship, trying to keep us from losing the house. It’s too much for her. It’s too much for all of us. <</say>>
<<md>>He looked down at his hands, clenched into fists on the table, as if trying to hold himself together by sheer force of will. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You don’t have to do this alone, James. It’s okay to admit that you’re struggling. It’s okay to lean on Helen, on Monica, on friends. That’s what we’re here for. <</say>>
<<md>>He nodded slowly, his shoulders slumping as some of the tension began to drain away. <</md>>
<<say $JamesWalker>>I just… I hate feeling so useless. I hate that I can’t give them the life they deserve. I never thought it would come to this. <</say>>
<<md>>There was a long pause as he stared into his drink, the silence between us filled with unspoken worries. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You’re not useless, James. You’re doing your best, and that’s all anyone can do. But maybe it’s time to start talking about this—really talking about it. With Helen, with Monica. They need to know what you’re going through too. You’re in this together. <</say>>
<<md>>He sighed deeply, nodding again as if finally accepting the truth of my words. <</md>>
<<say $JamesWalker>>Yeah… you’re right. I just… I don’t want to let them down. But I guess I already have. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You haven’t let them down. They’re still here, still fighting alongside you. That says something, doesn’t it? <</say>>
<<md>>James looked up at me, a flicker of hope in his eyes for the first time that night. <</md>>
<<say $JamesWalker>>Yeah, maybe it does. <</say>>
<<md>>We sat there for a while longer, talking about everything and nothing, slowly working through the layers of frustration and fear that had been building up inside him. By the time we left the bar, James seemed a little lighter, a little less burdened by the weight of his responsibilities. The road ahead was still tough, but at least now he knew he didn’t have to walk it alone. <</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 43>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "43b">>
<<md>>As I returned from my visit with Monica, I noticed the front door of the Walker home was slightly ajar. My heart skipped a beat, wondering if something was wrong. I cautiously pushed the door open and stepped inside, calling out softly. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello? Is everything alright? <</say>>
<<md>>There was no immediate response, but as I moved further into the house, I heard a faint rustling coming from upstairs. My curiosity got the better of me, and I quietly ascended the stairs, the sound of soft movements guiding me to the master bedroom. The door was half-open, and through the gap, I saw Helen, her back to the door, in the midst of changing her clothes. <</md>>
<<md>>I froze, unable to look away as she slipped out of her clothes, revealing her bare skin. My breath caught in my throat as I watched, my pulse quickening with every moment. She reached for something on the bed—a set of purple lingerie and stockings. With practiced ease, she slid the lingerie over her body, the delicate fabric hugging her curves, followed by the stockings that accentuated the smooth lines of her legs. She looked stunning, and I couldn't tear my eyes away, even though I knew I should. <</md>>
<<md>>Just as I was about to quietly back away, she turned and caught sight of me standing in the doorway. My heart dropped, fear of a scandal or an angry outburst rushing through my mind. But instead of reacting with anger or shock, Helen smiled—a knowing, playful smile. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Oh, Coach, you’re still here? Don’t be shy, we’re all adults here. <</say>>
<<md>>I swallowed hard, trying to find my voice, but the sight of her in that lingerie had me completely mesmerized. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>I bought this collection for James, you know. I thought maybe… just maybe, it could help lighten his burden a little. But since you’re already here… Tell me, do you think this could seduce him? <</say>>
<<md>>She struck a pose, her eyes gleaming with a teasing light, clearly enjoying the effect she was having on me. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>If I were James… I’d want to fuck you right here, right now. <</say>>
<<md>>The words slipped out before I could stop them, my voice thick with arousal. Helen’s smile widened, her gaze turning more flirtatious. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>And if you weren’t James? What would you want to do, Coach? <</say>>
<<md>>She took a step closer, her fingers lightly brushing my arm, sending a jolt of electricity through me. My mind raced, the temptation overwhelming—but before either of us could say another word, Monica’s voice rang out from downstairs. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Mom? Coach? Are you guys still here? <</say>>
<<md>>The spell was broken, and Helen quickly stepped back, adjusting her lingerie with a soft, almost regretful laugh. <</md>>
<<say $MrsWalker>>Looks like our little moment is over. Duty calls. <</say>>
<<md>>She gave me one last lingering look before turning and heading downstairs to meet Monica, leaving me standing there, heart pounding, still reeling from the encounter that had nearly crossed a line. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Right… duty calls. <</say>>
<<md>>I followed her downstairs, the tension still crackling in the air, but now overshadowed by the presence of Monica. The moment had passed, but the memory of it lingered, a dangerous mix of desire and restraint. <</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 44>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "44b">>\
[[Leave their house|Sycamore Heights]]
<<md>>A few days had passed since the moment in the bedroom, and the tension between Helen and me had only grown. I couldn’t shake the feeling that she needed a break from the constant stress, a chance to relax and feel appreciated. So, I decided to take a bold step. When I arrived at the Walker home that morning, I found Helen in the kitchen, busy with her usual chores. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Helen, can we talk for a moment? <</say>>
<<md>>She looked up, a bit surprised by the serious tone in my voice. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Of course, Coach. What’s on your mind? <</say>>
<<md>>I hesitated for just a second, then pushed forward. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think you need a break. You’ve been running yourself ragged, taking care of everyone else. You deserve a day off—a day just for you. And I want to spend it with you. <</say>>
<<md>>Helen blinked, clearly taken aback by the suggestion. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Coach, I… I have a husband. This… this wouldn’t be right. <</say>>
<<md>>I stepped closer, my voice soft but firm. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Helen, I know you have a husband. And this isn’t about that. This is about you. You’ve been so focused on holding everything together for everyone else that you’ve forgotten to take care of yourself. You need this, Helen. Let me do something for you, just this once. No strings attached. <</say>>
<<md>>She hesitated, her eyes searching mine, clearly torn. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>I don’t know, Coach… it feels like… <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Like you’re finally doing something for yourself? Helen, you’re always putting everyone else first. Let me help you unwind. You deserve it. <</say>>
<<md>>There was a long pause as she considered my words, her expression softening as she realized the truth in what I was saying. She looked down, almost as if she was trying to fight the urge to agree, but when she looked back up, there was a hint of a smile on her lips. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Alright, Coach. Maybe you’re right. I could use a day off. But just for today. <</say>>
<<md>>Relief washed over me, and I couldn’t help but smile back at her. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>That’s all I’m asking. Just one day. <</say>>
<<md>>She nodded, a mix of apprehension and anticipation in her eyes. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Okay, then. What do you have in mind? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You’ll see. Just leave everything to me. <</say>>
<<md>>For the first time in what felt like forever, Helen seemed to let go of the weight she’d been carrying. We both knew that this was more than just a simple day off, but neither of us was ready to acknowledge the deeper implications. For now, it was just about giving her the break she deserved. <</md>>
<<md>>We spent the day together, away from the responsibilities and stresses of the Walker household. It was a day filled with simple pleasures—a quiet walk in the park, lunch at a small café, and even a bit of shopping. Helen gradually relaxed, her laughter coming more easily as the hours passed. By the time the sun began to set, she looked like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. <</md>>
<<md>>As we stood on a hill overlooking the city, the sky painted in hues of orange and pink, Helen turned to me, her eyes filled with gratitude. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Thank you, Coach. I really needed this. I didn’t realize how much until now. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I’m glad I could do this for you, Helen. You deserve it. And remember, it’s okay to take time for yourself. You’re important too. <</say>>
<<md>>She smiled softly, the look in her eyes conveying a mixture of emotions—appreciation, relief, and something more. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>You’re a good man, Coach. I don’t know what we would’ve done without you. <</say>>
<<md>>We stood there for a while longer, enjoying the peaceful moment, before finally heading back. The day had been more than just a break; it had been a reminder that even in the midst of hardship, there was still room for care and kindness. <</md>>
<<md>>The day had finally arrived. I made my way to the Walker home, anticipation buzzing in my chest. When Helen answered the door, she looked slightly confused to see me standing there with a grin on my face. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Coach, what’s going on? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>The car is here. Time for your day off. <</say>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Car? What do you mean? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, the car is ready. We’re riding far away today. I’ve got a little surprise for you. <</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of excitement and curiosity lighting up her face. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>You’re serious? What kind of surprise? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You’ll see. But trust me, you’re going to love it. Now, let’s get going before we lose the day. <</say>>
<<md>>She hesitated for only a moment before the prospect of an unexpected adventure pulled her along. We got into the car, and I could see her trying to guess what I had planned as we drove out of town. The tension of the past weeks seemed to melt away with each passing mile. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>You’re not going to tell me where we’re going, are you? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not a chance. But I promise it’ll be worth the mystery. <</say>>
<<md>>After a while, the landscape began to change, and I could see the excitement building in Helen’s eyes as she started to recognize the area. When we finally arrived at our destination, she gasped in surprise and delight. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Wait… are we going to see Wet Strings? My favorite band? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You got it. I figured you could use a little fun, and what better way than to see your favorite band live? <</say>>
<<md>>Her face lit up with pure joy, the kind I hadn’t seen in a long time. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Coach, this is… I don’t even know what to say. Thank you. <</say>>
<<md>>We made our way into the venue, and the energy in the air was infectious. As the band took the stage and the first chords rang out, Helen’s excitement was palpable. We danced together, caught up in the music and the moment. The worries of the world seemed far away as we moved to the beat, her laughter and smiles infectious. <</md>>
<<md>>At one point, as we danced close, I felt Helen’s body press against mine, her hips moving in time with the music, her proximity stirring something in me. She glanced up at me with a playful gleam in her eye, deliberately pressing herself against me, feeling the reaction she was provoking. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Having fun, Coach? <</say>>
<<md>>Her tone was teasing, and I couldn’t help but chuckle, even as my body responded to her provocations. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know I am. And it seems like you’re having a good time too. <</say>>
<<md>>She laughed, her eyes sparkling as she leaned in closer, her breath warm against my ear. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>More than you know. <</say>>
<<md>>We continued to dance, the music surrounding us, the crowd’s energy fueling our own. We drank, laughed, and lost ourselves in the euphoria of the night. It felt like all the burdens and stresses had been left behind, at least for these precious hours. <</md>>
<<md>>As the concert drew to a close, we were both slightly tipsy, our inhibitions loosened by the drinks and the atmosphere. Helen turned to me, her face flushed with excitement and alcohol, her eyes still twinkling with mischief. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Thank you, Coach. This… this is exactly what I needed. I haven’t felt this alive in years. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I’m glad you had a good time. You deserve it, Helen. <</say>>
<<md>>We stood there for a moment, the remnants of the concert still buzzing around us, before finally making our way back to the car. The drive home was filled with comfortable silence, the kind that only comes after a day well spent. As we neared the Walker home, I glanced over at Helen, a sense of satisfaction settling in my chest. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I hope this day helped you forget about everything for a while. <</say>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>It did. More than you know. <</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was soft, sincere, and as we pulled into the driveway, she leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Thank you, Coach. For everything. <</say>>
<<md>>I smiled, touched by the gesture, and nodded. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Anytime, Helen. Anytime. <</say>>
<<md>>With that, we both stepped out of the car, the night’s memories still fresh in our minds, knowing that while this day was over, the connection we’d forged was only growing stronger. <</md>>
<<md>>The drive back from the concert was quiet at first, the hum of the engine and the fading memories of the night filling the silence. Helen leaned back in her seat, her head resting against the window, a contented smile on her lips. But after a few minutes, she turned to me, her eyes still shimmering with a mix of the alcohol and something deeper. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Can I ask you something, Coach? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Helen. What’s on your mind? <</say>>
<<md>>She hesitated for a moment, as if weighing her words carefully. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Have you been… thinking about me? <</say>>
<<md>>Her question caught me off guard, but the truth was there, plain and simple. I nodded, keeping my eyes on the road. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>I have. I think about you a lot, actually. <</say>>
<<md>>Helen smiled, a bittersweet expression that hinted at the turmoil inside her. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>I’ve always tried to be the perfect wife, you know? To satisfy James, to make sure he’s happy… it’s always been my priority. But lately… with him distancing himself… I’ve found myself thinking about you. A lot more than I should. <</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was soft, tinged with a vulnerability that made my chest tighten. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>And tonight… tonight I realized that it’s more than just thinking. I… I love you, Coach. I know it’s wrong, and maybe it’s just the alcohol talking, but I can’t help it. <</say>>
<<md>>The confession hung in the air between us, heavy and electric. I glanced over at her, my heart pounding, unsure of how to respond. But before I could say anything, Helen’s hand slid down between her legs, and she began to touch herself through the thin fabric of her lingerie. Her breath hitched as she looked over at me, her eyes dark with desire. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>I’ve been so good for so long… but right now, I don’t want to be the perfect wife. I want to be your perfect slut. <</say>>
<<md>>My breath caught in my throat as I watched her fingers move, teasing herself with a mixture of desperation and longing. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Watch me, Coach. I want you to see what you do to me. <</say>>
<<md>>She moaned softly, her movements becoming more deliberate, her body responding to the heat building between us. Her eyes never left mine, even as her breathing quickened and her hips began to rock against her hand. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Helen… are you sure about this? Is it just the drinks talking? <</say>>
<<md>>She let out a low, breathy laugh, her voice trembling with both arousal and emotion. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Maybe it is. Maybe it’s the drinks, maybe it’s the loneliness… but I’ve never felt more sure about anything in my life. I want you, Coach. I want to be the woman you think about… the one you desire. Not just a wife… but a woman. Your woman. <</say>>
<<md>>Her words sent a surge of heat through me, and I tightened my grip on the steering wheel, trying to maintain control as I watched her fingers work with increasing urgency. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>I want to be perfect for you… not just James. I want to be perfect for you. Please… tell me you want me too. <</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was pleading, desperate for validation as her body trembled, on the brink of release. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her, the intensity of the moment overwhelming. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Helen… I do want you. You’re beautiful… desirable… everything a man could want. <</say>>
<<md>>A shudder ran through her at my words, her breath catching as she reached the edge. With a final, soft cry, she came, her body trembling with the force of her orgasm. She closed her eyes, riding out the waves of pleasure as I watched, mesmerized by the raw intimacy of the moment. <</md>>
<<md>>For a few moments, the car was filled with nothing but the sound of her ragged breathing, the tension finally breaking as the reality of what had just happened settled in. Helen slowly opened her eyes, a contented, almost shy smile tugging at her lips as she looked over at me. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Thank you, Coach… for letting me be who I needed to be tonight. <</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, my voice caught in my throat as I tried to process everything. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Anytime, Helen. Anytime. <</say>>
<<md>>The rest of the drive back was quiet, a comfortable silence settling between us. As we pulled up to the Walker home, the weight of the night’s events lingered, both exhilarating and terrifying. Helen leaned over and gave me one last kiss on the cheek before stepping out of the car, her smile warm and genuine. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Goodnight, Coach. And… thank you. For everything. <</say>>
<<md>>I watched as she walked into the house, the image of her still vivid in my mind, knowing that things between us had shifted in ways that couldn’t be undone. <</md>>
<<md>>I arrived at the Walker home in the late afternoon, feeling a mixture of anticipation and tension. It had been a few days since my last visit, and as I approached the door, I couldn’t help but wonder how things would play out today. James greeted me at the door with a warm smile, his usual stoic demeanor softened. <</md>>
<<say $James Walker>>Coach, good to see you. Come on in, we’re just about to sit down for dinner. <</say>>
<<md>>I followed him into the house, the familiar warmth of the Walker home wrapping around me. As we entered the dining room, I saw Helen and Monica already seated at the table, the aroma of a home-cooked meal filling the air. Helen glanced up and gave me a soft smile, her eyes holding a hint of something more, while Monica beamed with excitement. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach! I’m so glad you’re here. I have some great news. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>What’s that, Monica? <</say>>
<<md>>I took a seat at the table, directly across from Monica, with Helen on one side and James on the other. The atmosphere was light, with an undercurrent of joy that was hard to miss. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I’m officially cleared to go back to school! The doctor said I’ve healed really well, and I can start cheerleading again in a couple of weeks. <</say>>
<<md>>The excitement in her voice was contagious, and I couldn’t help but smile. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>That’s fantastic news, Monica. I’m really proud of you for pushing through your recovery. <</say>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>We’re all so proud of her. She’s been working so hard, and it’s thanks to your support, Coach. You’ve been there every step of the way. <</say>>
<<md>>As Helen spoke, her hand subtly slipped under the table, brushing against my thigh. My breath caught for a moment as her fingers moved higher, coming to rest against my groin. She maintained a composed expression, her voice filled with warmth and gratitude, even as her touch sent a shiver up my spine. <</md>>
<<say $James Walker>>She’s right, Coach. You’ve been a rock for this family. I don’t know where we’d be without you. You’ve stuck with us through thick and thin, and I can’t thank you enough for that. <</say>>
<<md>>James’s words were earnest, his gaze fixed on me with genuine appreciation. Meanwhile, Helen’s hand began to move, her fingers teasing and pressing against my growing arousal. It took everything in me to keep my expression neutral, to focus on the conversation and not the fire burning under the table. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It’s been my pleasure to help. You’re all such a strong family, and I’m just glad I could be here for you. Monica’s recovery is a testament to her determination—and to the love and support you all give her. <</say>>
<<md>>Helen’s fingers traced along the length of my shaft, her touch light but purposeful. I swallowed hard, trying to keep my voice steady as I responded, aware of James and Monica’s eyes on me, unaware of what was happening just out of their sight. <</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>We couldn’t have done it without you. You’ve brought us closer together, Coach. We owe you so much. <</say>>
<<md>>Helen’s words were laced with double meaning, her hand still working me under the table as she spoke. I could feel the pressure building, the situation teetering on the edge of control. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yeah, Coach. You’re like family to us now. I don’t know how we would have managed without you. <</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s words were innocent and sincere, and I felt a pang of guilt mixed with the intense arousal coursing through me. Helen’s hand gave one final, firm squeeze before she slowly withdrew, leaving me throbbing with desire. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Monica. That means a lot to me. <</say>>
<<md>>I managed to keep my voice level, though it was a challenge with the adrenaline still pumping through my veins. The rest of the dinner passed in a blur, with more praise and laughter, but I was acutely aware of Helen’s proximity and the memory of her touch lingering long after she had removed her hand. <</md>>
<<md>>As the meal came to an end, James raised his glass, offering a toast to Monica’s recovery and to the strength of their family. <</md>>
<<say $James Walker>>To Monica’s health, and to the people who’ve stood by us. We’re stronger together. <</say>>
<<md>>We all raised our glasses, echoing his sentiment. But as I looked over at Helen, the heat between us still smoldering, I knew that the dynamics of this family—and my place within it—had shifted in ways none of us could have predicted. <</md>>
<<md>>As dinner came to an end, the family began to disperse. James excused himself to check on something in the garage, and Monica headed upstairs to get ready for bed. I lingered at the table, my mind racing with the events of the evening. Helen caught my eye as she began clearing the dishes, and I knew I had to talk to her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Helen, can we talk for a minute?<</say>>
<<md>>She glanced towards the hallway where James had gone, then nodded, her expression serious.<</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Of course. Let’s step outside for a moment.<</say>>
<<md>>We moved out to the back patio, the cool night air providing a stark contrast to the heat between us. As soon as the door closed behind us, Helen turned to me, her eyes filled with a mixture of desire and desperation. Without a word, she stepped closer and pressed her lips to mine, kissing me with a hunger that took my breath away. I returned the kiss, feeling the pent-up tension from the evening surge through me.<</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>I want you so much, Coach. I can’t stop thinking about you… about what we could be doing.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was breathy, urgent, and she reached down to unbutton my pants, her hands trembling slightly with anticipation. But I hesitated, glancing back towards the house.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Helen, your husband is just inside. Monica’s upstairs… are you sure about this?<</say>>
<<md>>She looked up at me, her expression filled with a raw honesty that took me off guard.<</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>I don’t care anymore. I’m tired, Coach. Tired of pretending, tired of holding everything together. I just want to be your slut. I want to do what makes me feel alive.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she dropped to her knees in front of me, pulling my pants down and taking my hardening cock into her mouth. The sensation was overwhelming, and I leaned back against the railing, trying to keep my composure as she sucked me with a fervor that spoke of months, maybe years, of pent-up frustration.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Helen… this is…<</say>>
<<md>>I struggled to find the words as she worked her mouth up and down my shaft, her eyes locked onto mine, filled with a wild need.<</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Just let me do this… I need this. I need you.<</say>>
<<md>>She moaned around my cock, her movements becoming more desperate as she took me deeper into her throat. The combination of her words and the incredible sensation of her mouth made it nearly impossible to think clearly.<</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>I want you to find something for James… something that will keep him away. A hard job… something where he won’t be home much. He doesn’t need to know what kind of slut I really am. It’ll be better for him.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words were shocking, but the intensity in her voice left no doubt about how serious she was.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you sure that’s what you want?<</say>>
<<md>>Helen pulled back just enough to speak, her lips glistening as she looked up at me with a fierce determination.<</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>I’ve always cared about James, but this… this is what I need now. I need you. And it’s better for him to be away, to not know what I’ve become. Please, Coach… help me.<</say>>
<<md>>She returned to sucking me, her mouth working with renewed vigor as if her very life depended on it. The mixture of her desperation and the taboo nature of what we were doing had me on the edge far too quickly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Helen… I…<</say>>
<<md>>But before I could finish, the wave of pleasure crashed over me, and I came hard, spilling into her mouth. She didn’t pull away, taking every drop with a satisfied hum. When she finally pulled back, her lips were swollen, her eyes dark with lust.<</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Thank you, Coach… I needed that. I needed you.<</say>>
<<md>>She stood up, adjusting her clothes, looking more relaxed than I’d seen her in weeks. But there was also a dangerous glint in her eyes, one that spoke of a woman who had crossed a line and wasn’t planning to go back.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I’ll see what I can do about finding something for James. But Helen… be careful. This is… this is a dangerous path we’re on.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled, leaning in to give me one last kiss, slow and lingering.<</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>I know. But I trust you, Coach. I trust you to take care of me.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she turned and walked back into the house, leaving me standing there, the reality of what had just happened weighing heavily on my mind. The line between right and wrong had become dangerously blurred, and as I pulled my pants back up and composed myself, I knew that things had irrevocably changed. Helen was no longer just a woman seeking comfort—she was someone willing to sacrifice anything to get what she wanted. And now, I was part of that equation.<</md>>
<<md>>It was late afternoon when I arrived at the Walker home, knowing that both James and Monica were out for the day. Helen had called earlier, her voice carrying a hint of something special, asking if I could stop by. When I walked in, the house was quiet, the familiar scent of Helen’s homemade soup filling the air.<</md>>
<<md>>As I entered the dining room, there she was—wearing the same dress she had worn the first time she made me that soup. The light material clung to her curves, accentuating her figure in a way that was both familiar and incredibly enticing. She turned to me with a warm smile, her eyes filled with an unmistakable intent.<</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>I thought I’d make you something special, Coach. The same soup as before. I hope you’re hungry.<</say>>
<<md>>I sat down at the table, watching her as she moved with practiced grace, setting the bowl in front of me. There was something deeply intimate about the moment—something that went beyond just a meal. As I took my first bite, the rich, comforting flavor brought back memories of our first real connection, and I couldn’t help but smile.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Helen, you’re the perfect housewife. You always know just how to make a man feel taken care of.<</say>>
<<md>>Her smile widened, but there was a glint in her eye—something more than just pride.<</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>I know what it takes to satisfy a man. I’ve always prided myself on that. But I’ve realized recently that there’s more than one way to be perfect for someone.<</say>>
<<md>>She moved closer, her fingers lightly brushing my arm as she sat down next to me. There was a tension in the air, thick and undeniable, and as she leaned in, her lips close to my ear, I felt my heart begin to race.<</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>You’ve made me realize that I can be more than just a housewife. I can be your perfect slut, Coach. I’ll do anything to make you happy. Anything you want.<</say>>
<<md>>The words sent a jolt of arousal through me, and before I could respond, she leaned in and kissed me—softly at first, then with growing urgency. The soup forgotten, I pulled her into my lap, feeling the heat of her body through the thin fabric of her dress.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Helen… you’re everything a man could want.<</say>>
<<md>>She moaned softly, grinding against me as she reached down to undo my pants, her movements frantic with need.<</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>That’s right… I’m your perfect slut. I’ll do anything to please you. Just promise me one thing…<</say>>
<<md>>I hesitated, lost in the sensation of her hands on me, but her next words cut through the haze.<</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Promise me you won’t touch Monica. She’s not for you… I am. I’ll give you anything you want—just please, leave her out of this.<</say>>
<<md>>The intensity in her voice was unmistakable, and I nodded, knowing this was a line even she wasn’t willing to cross.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You’re the only one I want, Helen. No one else.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes darkened with desire at my words, and she quickly pushed my pants down, straddling me as she guided me inside her. The feeling of her warmth enveloping me was overwhelming, and I groaned, gripping her hips as she began to move.<</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>That’s it… fuck me, Coach. Fuck your perfect slut.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words fueled the fire between us, and I thrust up into her, feeling her body shudder with each movement. She leaned in close, her lips brushing against my ear as she spoke.<</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>You don’t have to hold back. I want you to cum inside me. A perfect wife knows that cumming outside—unless it’s on her face—doesn’t arouse a man. Men like to own their women… to mark them as theirs.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words, combined with the tight, slick heat of her body, pushed me to the edge far too quickly. I gripped her hips harder, pulling her down onto me as I buried myself deep inside her, my release hitting with a force that made her cry out. She clenched around me, her body shaking as she rode out her own orgasm, milking every last drop from me as she whispered how much she loved being my slut.<</md>>
<<md>>For a moment, the world seemed to stand still, the only sound the ragged breathing between us. Helen rested her forehead against mine, her lips brushing against my skin as she sighed contentedly.<</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Thank you, Coach… for making me feel alive again. I’ll be anything you want. Just promise me… promise me you’ll keep me as your perfect slut.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You’re mine, Helen. No one else.<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled, a satisfied, almost possessive look in her eyes as she slowly climbed off me, adjusting her dress as if nothing had happened. But we both knew everything had changed.<</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Good. Because I’m not going anywhere. Not as long as I can make you happy.<</say>>
<<md>>She leaned down and kissed me one last time before stepping back, leaving me to catch my breath and process what had just happened. The lines we had crossed were impossible to ignore, and yet, in that moment, all I could think about was how much I wanted her again.<</md>>
<<md>>The scent of the soup still lingered in the air, but it was the taste of Helen’s lips that would stay with me long after I left that night.<</md>>
<<md>>The sun was setting, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink as Monica and I walked along the beach. The waves rolled in rhythmically, their sound soothing against the backdrop of a quiet evening. Monica’s steps were slower than usual, still favoring her injured leg, but there was a determination in her stride. She was pushing through the pain, as she often did with everything else in her life. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I’ve missed this, Coach. Thanks for coming out here with me. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Monica. How are you really feeling? <</say>>
<<md>>Monica sighed, her gaze drifting toward the horizon where the sun kissed the edge of the water. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Honestly? I’m worried. About everything. My leg, the team, my family… it’s all just… a lot. <</say>>
<<md>>We continued walking, the sand cool beneath our feet as the evening air grew brisk. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>That’s a lot to carry on your own. Do you want to talk about it? <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>It’s just… I know how much is riding on this scholarship. And with my injury, I’m scared I might lose it all. My future, the opportunities… everything. <</say>>
<<md>>We paused for a moment, watching the waves crash against the shore. The weight of her words hung in the air between us. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You’re incredibly strong, Monica. But you don’t have to face this alone. You have people who care about you, who want to help. <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I know. It’s just hard sometimes. I feel like I have to be strong for everyone else, but sometimes I wonder if I’m strong enough for myself. <</say>>
<<md>>I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You are. And it’s okay to lean on others when you need to. You’ve got a whole team behind you, both on and off the field. <</say>>
<<md>>Monica nodded, a small smile returning to her face as we turned back towards her house. The conversation had lightened the burden, if only a little. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>At least I have Buddy waiting for me at home. He always cheers me up, no matter what. <</say>>
<<md>>But as we approached her house, the sense of calm was shattered. Mr. Walker was standing in the yard, his expression grave. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>Monica, Coach. Good timing… but something’s happened. Buddy… he’s hurt. <</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s eyes widened with panic. She rushed past her father into the yard where Buddy lay, whimpering softly. His golden fur was matted with blood, and he tried to lift his head as Monica knelt beside him, her hands trembling as she gently stroked his head. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, Buddy… I’m so sorry. What happened, Dad? <</say>>
<<say $MrWalker>>The neighbor kids… they were playing with a BB gun or something, and Buddy got in their way. He’s bleeding pretty bad. I don’t think you should go, Monica. Let me handle this. <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>No, Dad. I’m going. He needs me. <</say>>
<<md>>Mr. Walker looked at her with a mixture of concern and stubbornness. He opened his mouth to argue, but I stepped in, sensing the tension. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica’s right, James. If she’s taken anything from you, it’s your stubbornness. Let her do this. <</say>>
<<md>>Mr. Walker’s eyes softened, and after a moment’s hesitation, he nodded. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>Alright. But I’m coming with you. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>We need to get him to the vet, now. <</say>>
<<md>>With Buddy cradled gently in my arms, we quickly made our way to the car. Monica sat in the backseat with him, holding his paw and whispering soothing words as we sped towards the nearest vet clinic. The drive was tense, every second feeling like an eternity as we raced against time. <</md>>
<<md>>When we finally arrived at the clinic, the staff rushed to take Buddy inside, promising to do everything they could. Monica and I were left in the waiting room, the sterile smell of antiseptic filling the air as we sat in silence, the weight of the evening pressing down on us. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>He’s a strong dog, and he’s got the best care now. We just have to hope for the best. <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>He’s more than just a pet to me… he’s family. I just want him to be okay. <</say>>
<<md>>As we waited, I couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of responsibility. For Buddy, for Monica, for everything that had happened. The Walkers were going through so much, and I knew that whatever came next, I would be there to support them in any way I could. <</md>>
<<md>>We sat together, the minutes ticking by, united in our hope that Buddy would pull through and return home with us, safe and sound. <</md>>
<<md>>The minutes in the vet clinic felt like hours as we waited for news about Buddy. The initial examination had revealed that the injury was more serious than we had hoped. The vet had informed us that Buddy would need surgery to remove the BB and stop the internal bleeding. <</md>>
<<md>>Monica sat beside me, her face pale with worry, while James paced the small waiting room, his fatigue evident in the lines of his face and the way his shoulders slumped. The stress of the situation was taking its toll on all of us. <</md>>
<<say $Vet>>We’ll do everything we can, but it’s going to be a delicate procedure. It might take some time. <</say>>
<<md>>James sighed heavily, rubbing a hand over his tired eyes. Monica, noticing her father’s weariness, reached out and gently touched his arm. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Dad, you should go home and get some rest. You’ve been up since early this morning. I’ll stay here with Buddy. <</say>>
<<say $MrWalker>>I don’t like leaving you here alone, Monica. It’s not right. <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I won’t be alone. Coach is here with me. Please, Dad. You need to rest. <</say>>
<<md>>James hesitated, glancing between Monica and me. The exhaustion in his eyes was clear, but so was his concern for his daughter. After a moment, he nodded reluctantly. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>Alright, Monica. But only because I know you’re in good hands. <</say>>
<<md>>He turned to me, his voice low and serious. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>Look after my girl, will you? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You have my word, James. I’ll stay with her until we know Buddy’s okay. <</say>>
<<md>>James patted my shoulder in gratitude before leaning down to kiss Monica on the forehead. <</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>Call me as soon as there’s any news, alright? <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I will, Dad. Drive safe. <</say>>
<<md>>With one last concerned look at his daughter, James left the clinic, leaving Monica and me alone in the quiet waiting room. As the door closed behind him, Monica let out a shaky breath and leaned her head on my shoulder, her earlier strength giving way to vulnerability. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I’m scared, Coach. Buddy’s been with me since I was a kid. He’s… he’s more than just a dog. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You don’t have to explain, Monica. I can see how much he means to you. <</say>>
<<md>>Monica nodded, her voice trembling as she began to speak. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>When I was little, there was this time… I was playing outside, and I wandered too close to the road. A car came speeding down the street, and I didn’t even see it. But Buddy did. He ran up and knocked me out of the way just in time. He saved my life, Coach. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for him. <</say>>
<<md>>I felt her grip tighten on my arm as she continued. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Ever since then, he’s always been there for me. Through everything. Every tough time, every scary moment… he was always there to make it better. I can’t lose him. I just can’t. <</say>>
<<md>>Her voice broke on the last word, and I felt the weight of her emotions pressing down on both of us. I gently placed my hand over hers, offering what comfort I could. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Buddy’s a fighter, Monica. Just like you. He’s strong, and he’s got the best care right now. We just have to hold on to hope. <</say>>
<<md>>Monica nodded, but her tears betrayed the fear she was trying to keep at bay. She leaned into me more, seeking solace as we both waited for news, the bond between her and Buddy a palpable presence in the room. <</md>>
<<md>>The minutes dragged on, each one filled with silent prayers and memories of a loyal dog who had given so much to protect the girl he loved. All we could do now was wait and hope that the same strength that had saved Monica years ago would carry Buddy through this battle too. <</md>>
<<md>>The first light of dawn filtered through the clinic windows, casting a soft glow over the waiting room where Monica and I had spent the night. We were both exhausted, but neither of us had slept much, too worried about Buddy to find any rest. <</md>>
<<md>>Just as the sun began to rise, the vet walked in, her face wearing a tired but reassuring smile. <</md>>
<<say $Vet>>Good morning. I have some good news. Buddy made it through the surgery just fine. He’s going to be okay. <</say>>
<<md>>Monica let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding, her eyes welling up with relief. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, thank you so much. Can I see him? <</say>>
<<say $Vet>>Of course. He’s resting now, but you can take him home. He’ll need plenty of care and rest, but with time, he should make a full recovery. <</say>>
<<md>>The relief in the room was palpable. Monica quickly pulled out her phone to call her father, but after a few rings, it became clear he was still asleep. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>He must’ve been really tired… I’ll just let him sleep a bit longer. <</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, knowing how much James had been through as well. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let’s get Buddy home. I’ll carry him to the taxi. <</say>>
<<md>>Monica and I moved quietly to the back where Buddy was resting. He looked up at us with tired eyes, his tail giving a weak wag as he recognized us. Carefully, I scooped him up into my arms, mindful of his injury. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You’re going to be okay, Buddy. We’re taking you home. <</say>>
<<md>>With Buddy securely in my arms, we made our way out of the clinic and into the waiting taxi. The ride was quiet, both of us lost in our thoughts, the relief of knowing Buddy was going to be okay slowly sinking in. <</md>>
<<md>>But as we neared home, just 700 meters away, the taxi suddenly sputtered and came to a halt. <</md>>
<<say $TaxiDriver>>Sorry folks, looks like the car’s broken down. <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Of course, this would happen now... <</say>>
<<say $mc>>It’s okay, we’re close enough. I’ll carry Buddy the rest of the way. <</say>>
<<md>>With a sigh, I stepped out of the taxi, lifting Buddy into my arms once more. He whimpered slightly but settled against me, trusting us to get him home. Monica followed, her expression a mix of exhaustion and determination. <</md>>
<<md>>We walked the last stretch in the early morning light, the quiet of the neighborhood surrounding us. It wasn’t long before we saw James standing outside the house, his worry evident as he watched us approach. <</md>>
<<say $James>>What happened? Why are you walking? <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>The taxi broke down, but we’re okay. Buddy’s okay. We’re almost home. <</say>>
<<md>>James hurried to meet us, his relief visible as he saw Buddy nestled in my arms. <</md>>
<<say $James>>Thank God... Let’s get him inside. <</say>>
<<md>>Together, we brought Buddy into the house, setting him down gently on his bed. Monica knelt beside him, her hand gently stroking his fur as James watched over both of them, his protective instincts still strong. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>He’s going to need a lot of care, but the vet said he’ll be okay with time. <</say>>
<<say $James>>We’ll make sure of it. Thanks for everything, really. <</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, feeling the weight of the night’s events finally beginning to lift. As Monica leaned against her father, her exhaustion clear, I knew that despite everything, this family had just overcome one of their toughest challenges together. <</md>>
<<md>>Buddy, their loyal companion, had pulled through, and though the road to recovery would be long, they would walk it together—just as they had always done. <</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 49>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "49b">>
<<md>>A few days after Buddy's surgery, I decided to visit Monica at her house to check on both her and Buddy. Knowing that Monica was still recovering from her injury, I hoped to lift her spirits with a relaxed visit. <</md>>
<<md>>When I arrived, Monica was seated on the couch, her leg propped up with a few pillows. Despite the injury, she greeted me with a bright smile, clearly glad to have some company. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Hey, Coach! It’s good to see you. Come on in. Buddy’s been waiting for his favorite visitor. <</say>>
<<md>>I stepped inside, immediately spotting Buddy resting comfortably in his bed near the couch. His tail wagged as he saw me, and he let out a little bark, clearly recognizing me. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey there, Buddy. You’re looking better every day. <</say>>
<<md>>I knelt down beside him, giving him a gentle pat. Buddy responded by licking my hand, clearly grateful for the attention. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>He’s been doing great, considering everything. He’s a tough little guy, just like I am, right? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely. You both are fighters. <</say>>
<<md>>Monica laughed lightly, shifting a bit to make herself more comfortable. Her injured leg was still giving her trouble, but she didn’t let it dampen her mood. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Well, at least one of us is up and moving around. I’m still stuck here, but having Buddy doing better really helps. <</say>>
<<md>>I smiled and took a seat next to her on the couch, Buddy settling in beside us. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>It’s only a matter of time before you’re up and about too. Just gotta take it easy for now. <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I know, I know. I’m just not good at sitting still, you know? But having you here makes it a lot easier. <</say>>
<<md>>We spent some time chatting about lighter topics, enjoying each other’s company. Buddy occasionally nudged his nose at my leg, reminding me he was still there and ready for more attention. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You’re really good with him, Coach. I’ve noticed how natural you are with animals. Do you like spending time with them? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely. I love every biological creature—they’re all beautiful in their own way. <</say>>
<<md>>I paused for a moment, a playful grin tugging at the corners of my mouth as I added, <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Though, I’ll admit, I’m particularly fond of doggy style. <</say>>
<<md>>Monica burst into laughter, her eyes lighting up with amusement despite the pain in her leg. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh my God, Coach! You’ve got to be careful with those jokes. My dad might not find that as funny as I do! <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You’re right, better keep that one between us. <</say>>
<<md>>Monica grinned, clearly enjoying the light-hearted banter. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Good call. Let’s not give him any ideas about chasing you out of here with a baseball bat. But seriously, it’s good to laugh again. After everything with Buddy and this stupid injury, it’s nice to just relax and have fun. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I’m glad I could be here to see you both doing so well. You’re handling all of this like a champ. <</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiled, her expression softening as she looked at Buddy, who was now dozing peacefully beside us. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks, Coach. It means a lot to have you here. And don’t worry, I’ll be back on my feet soon enough—literally and figuratively. <</say>>
<<md>>As the visit continued, the warmth of the room, filled with shared jokes and the presence of a recovering Buddy, made it clear that the toughest days were behind them. And as I prepared to leave, I knew that the bond I shared with Monica and her family, including their loyal dog, was stronger than ever. <</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 50>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "50b">>
<<md>>As the afternoon wore on, we continued chatting, the conversation flowing easily between us. I could tell Monica was getting a little restless from being cooped up, her usual energy tempered by her injury. I thought it might be nice to surprise her with something to lift her spirits. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, Monica, I was thinking... Since you can't move around much right now, how about we bring a little adventure to you? <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Adventure? From this couch? You’ve got me curious, Coach. What do you have in mind? <</say>>
<<md>>I grinned, an idea forming in my mind. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>How about a little indoor camping? We could set up a blanket fort, make some s'mores in the microwave, and tell ghost stories. It might not be the same as being out in the wild, but it could be fun. <</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s eyes lit up with excitement. It was clear the idea appealed to her playful side. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>That sounds awesome! I haven’t done anything like that since I was a kid. Let’s do it! <</say>>
<<md>>With a shared sense of enthusiasm, we quickly set to work. I gathered blankets and pillows from around the house, while Monica directed me on how to set them up. Despite her injury, she was fully engaged, offering suggestions and laughing as the blanket fort took shape in the middle of the living room. <</md>>
<<md>>Once the fort was up, we crawled inside, the cozy space lit by the soft glow of a few battery-operated candles I found. I pulled out some marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers, and we started making s'mores using the microwave in the kitchen. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>This is seriously the best idea ever, Coach. I can’t believe how much fun this is. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I’m glad you’re enjoying it. Sometimes it’s the simple things that make the best memories. <</say>>
<<md>>As we sat in the blanket fort, munching on s'mores and laughing at silly ghost stories, the atmosphere became more relaxed, the tension from the past few days melting away. I noticed Monica looking at me with a warm, appreciative smile, her eyes sparkling in the dim light. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You know, Coach, you’re really something else. I’ve been feeling pretty down lately, but you always seem to know how to cheer me up. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>It’s easy when I’m around you, Monica. You’ve got a way of making everything more fun. <</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s smile softened, and for a moment, the playful energy between us shifted to something more intimate. She leaned in a little closer, her gaze holding mine. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone quite like you. You’re… special, Coach. <</say>>
<<md>>Before I could respond, Monica leaned in and kissed me, her lips soft and warm against mine. The kiss was brief but filled with emotion, a moment of connection that felt natural and right. When she pulled back, there was a shy but confident smile on her face. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now. Hope you don’t mind. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Mind? Not at all. <</say>>
<<md>>We both smiled, the warmth between us lingering as we settled back into the blanket fort. The kiss had been unexpected, but it felt like a natural progression of the connection we’d been building. As we continued our makeshift camping adventure, the bond between us had grown even stronger, leaving both of us feeling closer than ever before. <</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 51>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "51b">>
<div class="centered">
<<text y "Hey there, future star! 🌟 Just so you know, we'll be collecting some non-personal data about your device and how you play. This helps us make the game even more awesome! By clicking 'Start', you're cool with this. Don't worry, we're not stalkers – just data enthusiasts! 😎">>
<p>Here's what we're grabbing:</p>
<li>Your device's platform (e.g., Windows, macOS, Android)</li>
<li>Your browser type</li>
<li>Your time zone</li>
<li>Your language setting</li>
<li>Your screen size</li>
<li>How long you play for</li>
<p>We use this info to improve the game and make it run smoother on your device. No personal shit, promise.</p>
<<link "Start the game" "Start1">>
<<set $SharedInfo to 1>>
<<link "Start the game with tutorial" "Tutorial1">>
<<set $SharedInfo to 1>>
<p><<link "Start without sharing data" "Start1">>
<<set $SharedInfo to 0>>
.centered { text-align: center; font-weight: bold; }
.centered p { margin: 0; }
.hello-user { font-size: larger; text-align: center; }
.favorite-teacher { font-size: x-large; font-weight: bold; margin: 0 auto; max-width: 500px; text-align: center; }
.hr-custom { width: 40%; margin: 5px auto; }
.changelog-heading { text-align: center; font-weight: bold; margin: 5px 0; }
</style><<md>>I arrived at the Walker residence, knocking lightly on Monica's bedroom door. She called out for me to enter, and I found her sitting up in bed, her injured leg propped up on a pillow. Despite her situation, her face brightened when she saw me, though I could see the underlying tension in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach! I'm so glad you're here. How's everything going with the team? I've been worried sick about falling behind.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's good to see you too, Monica. The team's doing okay, but we're definitely missing you out there.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica leaned forward eagerly, her expression a mix of enthusiasm and anxiety.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Really? How are the practices going? Is everyone managing with the beach training? I've been studying some biomechanics texts to try and stay ahead.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, to be honest, some of the girls are struggling with the sand. It's a whole different ballgame compared to the regular field.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nodded, her brow furrowing in concentration.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I've been theorizing about that. The unstable surface would significantly alter the force distribution during stunts and tumbles. Have you noticed any specific issues with balance or timing?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly. But you know, that technique you developed before your injury? It's actually improving our success rate significantly.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's eyes widened, a glimmer of pride breaking through her usual focused demeanor.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You're using my technique? I'm glad it's proving useful. I was concerned it might not translate well from theory to practice.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's been a game-changer. The girls who've mastered it are performing much better than those who haven't.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica sat up straighter, her expression becoming more determined.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>That's a relief to hear, Coach. I've been so worried about letting the team down while I'm stuck here. I've been trying to use this time productively, studying strategies and analyzing competition footage.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're contributing more than you know, Monica. Your dedication and innovative thinking are inspiring the whole team.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and renewed determination.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, Coach. That means a lot. Do you think... do you think you could bring some practice footage next time? I'd like to analyze how they're implementing the technique and see if I can identify any areas for improvement.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. I'll bring some footage next time I visit. And when you're back on your feet, you'll be ahead of the game with your understanding of how to work with the sand.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's expression turned serious, her mind already racing with possibilities.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Absolutely. I'm determined to come back stronger than ever. This setback won't define me or my contribution to the team. I've been working on some upper body exercises to maintain my strength. Do you think you could check my form next time to ensure I'm not developing any imbalances?<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, impressed by her proactive approach.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Monica. We'll make sure you're on the right track. Keep up this great attitude, and we'll have you back with the team before you know it.<</say>>
<<md>>As I left her room, I couldn't help but feel proud of Monica's resilience and her unwavering commitment to the team. Her analytical approach and determination were truly impressive, and I knew that when she returned, she'd be an even stronger asset to the squad.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 4>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "24b">>\
[[Leave her room|MHHall]]\
<<md>>I arrived at Monica's room with a laptop tucked under my arm. Her eyes lit up as I entered, immediately focusing on the device.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach! You brought the footage?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>As promised. Ready to do some analysis?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nodded eagerly, shifting in her bed to make room for the laptop. I set it up and played the video of the team's recent practice. Her eyes narrowed as she watched, her analytical mind clearly at work.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>This is... concerning. The execution is subpar, and the synchronization is off. Even with my technique, they're struggling more than I anticipated.<</say>>
<<md>>She bit her lip, a familiar crease of worry forming between her brows.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach, I hate to say it, but this isn't going to be enough. We're nowhere near the level we need to be for nationals.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know. Olivia said the same thing. We're improving, but not fast enough.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's frown deepened, her fingers tapping nervously against her leg.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>There has to be something we can do. We can't let all our hard work go to waste. Maybe... maybe I can talk to Clara?<</say>>
<<md>>I raised an eyebrow, surprised by her suggestion.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara? The headmaster? Are you sure that's a good idea?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I know she's... difficult. But she cares about the school's reputation and profit, right? If I could convince her that investing in better training facilities or equipment could improve our chances at nationals, maybe she'd be willing to help.<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't help but admire Monica's determination, even as I worried about her facing Clara's cold demeanor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I appreciate your initiative, but Clara is not easy to persuade. She's only interested in what brings money to the school.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Exactly! If we win nationals, it would bring attention to the school. More attention means more potential students, more funding. It's an investment in the school's future.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes were alight with determination, her mind clearly racing with possibilities.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I've been doing some research on the economic impact of successful sports programs in schools. If I could present a well-thought-out proposal, backed by data... maybe she'd listen.<</say>>
<<md>>I sighed, torn between wanting to protect Monica from disappointment and admiring her proactive approach.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's a long shot, Monica. Clara is... well, she's not known for her warmth or flexibility.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I know it's a risk, Coach. But we have to try something. This team, this competition... it means everything. Not just to me, but to all of us. We can't just give up without exploring every option.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice held a note of desperation that tugged at my heart. I knew how much this meant to her, how much was riding on the team's success.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, Monica. If you really want to try, I won't stop you. But let me talk to Olivia first. Maybe we can come up with a strategy together.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, Coach. I promise I'll be prepared. I won't let the team down.<</say>>
<<md>>As I left Monica's room, I couldn't shake a feeling of unease. Monica's determination was admirable, but I knew Clara's reputation. I hoped that somehow, Monica's passion and preparation might be enough to sway even Clara's cold, profit-focused heart. But I also knew I needed to prepare Monica for the very real possibility of disappointment.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 6>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "26b">>\
[[Leave her room|MHHall]]\
<<md>>I found Olivia in her office, poring over some paperwork. She looked up as I entered, her expression a mix of exhaustion and frustration.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>What is it now, Coach? Please tell me you've got some good fucking news for once.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, it's about Monica. She's seen the team's footage and she's worried. She wants to talk to Clara about getting more support for the team.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's eyebrows shot up, and she let out a harsh laugh.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Monica wants to talk to Clara? That's rich. Does she think she's going to sweet-talk that ice queen into opening the school's wallet?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She's prepared to make a case. She's been researching the economic impact of successful sports programs—<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Oh, for fuck's sake. Listen, Coach. Clara would never listen to a little flower like Monica. That woman eats hope and shits disappointment for breakfast.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia stood up, pacing behind her desk, her frustration palpable.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You think Clara gives two shits about some teenager's PowerPoint presentation? She cares about one thing: money. And unless Monica's pulling gold bars out of her ass, Clara's not going to be interested.<</say>>
<<md>>I listened to Olivia's tirade, considering her words carefully. After a moment, I spoke up.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What if I go to Clara myself?<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia stopped pacing abruptly, turning to stare at me with a mix of disbelief and curiosity.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You? Are you out of your fucking mind?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Think about it. I'm a staff member, not a student. Clara might be more inclined to listen to me. I could present Monica's research, make the case for the team.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia scoffed, but I could see a glimmer of consideration in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>And what makes you think you'll fare any better with that cold-hearted bitch?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I've dealt with difficult administrators before. And unlike Monica, I have nothing to lose. If Clara shuts me down, at least Monica won't have to face that rejection directly.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia regarded me for a long moment, her expression unreadable. Finally, she sighed.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You're either braver or dumber than I thought, Coach. But if you're willing to throw yourself to the wolves... hell, maybe it's worth a shot.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So you'll back me on this?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>I'll back you as far as not actively trying to stop you from committing career suicide. But don't expect me to pick up the pieces when Clara's done eviscerating you.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, feeling a mix of determination and apprehension.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fair enough. I'll talk to Monica, get all the information she's prepared, and set up a meeting with Clara.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Your funeral, Coach. Just don't say I didn't warn you.<</say>>
<<md>>As I left Olivia's office, I couldn't shake the feeling that I might be making a huge mistake. But the thought of Monica's hope, of the team's potential, steeled my resolve. If there was even a small chance of getting Clara's support, I had to try. Now I just had to figure out how to approach the formidable headmaster without getting myself fired in the process.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 7>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "27b">>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Leave her office|School gym]]\
<<md>>I stood outside Clara's office, taking a deep breath before knocking. Her cold voice beckoned me in, and I entered, finding her seated behind her imposing desk.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>What is it, $mc.Name? I hope this is important.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, I wanted to discuss the cheerleading team's funding situation.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara's eyes narrowed, her expression hardening.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>The cheerleading team? I wasn't aware that was part of your responsibilities as a biology teacher.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I've been assisting Coach Olivia. The team has potential, but they need more support to...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>More support means more money. Money this school doesn't have to waste on a team that consistently underperforms.<</say>>
<<md>>I swallowed hard, pressing on.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What if I offered to help more? I could dedicate extra time to the team, in exchange for some additional funding.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>$mc.Name, I've already allowed you to assist with the cheerleading team despite it being outside your area of expertise. That's more than enough latitude.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But this year could be different. We've made changes, removed disruptive elements like Autumn. And we have dedicated students like Monica who—<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>The cheerleading team hasn't placed higher than fifth in years. Why should I believe this year will be any different?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What if we get lucky this time? With me as co-coach and Monica's dedication, we could surprise everyone.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara's expression remained impassive, her voice cold and firm.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I don't believe in luck, co-Coach. I believe in hard work and results. Neither of which your team has demonstrated consistently.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But with the right support, we could...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Enough. My decision is final. The cheerleading team will continue with its current budget. If you want to waste your time trying to improve their performance, that's your prerogative. But don't expect this school to throw good money after bad.<</say>>
<<md>>I stood there, feeling defeated but trying one last time.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ms. Oswald, please. These girls are working hard. They just need a chance.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>They've had chances, Mr. $mc.Surname. Many of them. And they've squandered each one. Now, unless you have something relevant to your actual job to discuss, I suggest you leave.<</say>>
<<md>>Realizing there was no way to change her mind, I nodded stiffly and turned to leave. As I reached the door, Clara's voice stopped me.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>And Coach? I suggest you focus more on your biology classes and less on extracurriculars. We wouldn't want your primary responsibilities to suffer, would we?<</say>>
<<md>>The threat in her voice was clear. I left her office, feeling a mix of frustration and worry. How was I going to break this news to Monica and the team?<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 8>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "28b">>\
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Leave her office|Second floor]]\
<<md>>I made my way back to Olivia's office, still mulling over the conversation with Clara. As I entered, Olivia looked up from her desk, her expression a mix of curiosity and mild amusement.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>So, how'd it go with the ice queen? Did she melt at your charming request?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not exactly. She shot me down pretty hard. Said the cheerleading team hasn't placed higher than fifth in years.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Told you so. Clara's not one for sentiment or second chances. It's all about the bottom line with her.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I got that impression. But I'm not ready to give up just yet. There's got to be a way to convince her.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia leaned back in her chair, eyeing me thoughtfully.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>You're really serious about this, aren't you? Alright, if you're dead set on pursuing this lost cause, you might want to talk to some of the other teachers. They might have some insights on how to approach Clara.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's not a bad idea. Anyone in particular you'd recommend?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, there's Sophia, the English teacher. She's been here a while and seems to have Clara's ear. And then there's Lucy, the math teacher.<</say>>
<<md>>I noticed a slight edge in Olivia's voice when she mentioned Lucy.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Lucy's relatively new, but she's been... making waves. Seems to be climbing the ladder pretty quick, if you know what I mean. Plus, she's got a better ass than me, which I'm sure helps her case with the higher-ups.<</say>>
<<md>>I raised an eyebrow at Olivia's comment, but decided not to pursue that particular thread.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, I'll try talking to Sophia and Lucy. Maybe they can give me some insight into how to approach Clara.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Good luck with that. Just don't be surprised if they're not exactly forthcoming. Everyone's got their own agenda around here.<</say>>
<<md>>As I turned to leave, Olivia called out one last time.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Oh, and Coach? Watch yourself with Lucy. She might seem sweet, but she's got ambition written all over her. Don't let that perky ass of hers distract you from what's important.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, taking in Olivia's warning. It seemed there was more going on in this school than I initially realized. As I left her office, I made a mental note to approach Sophia and Lucy cautiously. If I wanted to help the cheerleading team, I'd need to navigate the complex web of relationships and rivalries that seemed to permeate every aspect of this school.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 9>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "29b">>\
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Leave Olivia's office|School reception]]\
<<md>>I found Lucy in her classroom, grading papers with intense focus. As I approached, she looked up, her eyes brightening with recognition.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, $mc.Name! What a pleasant surprise. Did you come for another coffee date?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not today, Lucy. I actually wanted to ask for your advice about something.<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy put down her red pen, giving me her full attention. Her posture straightened, and I could see her analytical mind already at work.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Of course! What can I help you with?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm trying to convince Clara to increase funding for the cheerleading team. I was wondering if you might have any insights on how to approach her.<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy's brow furrowed in concentration, and she bit her lip thoughtfully.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>Clara? Oh, that's a tough one. I've been studying her behavior patterns, you know. I've even created a mathematical model to predict her responses to various stimuli.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Really? That's... impressive. What does your model suggest?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Well, based on my calculations, Clara responds most positively to proposals that demonstrate a clear return on investment. Have you considered presenting her with a detailed cost-benefit analysis of increased cheerleading funding?<</say>>
<<md>>I blinked, slightly taken aback by Lucy's enthusiastic response.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I... hadn't thought of that, no.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, it's crucial! I could help you create a spreadsheet with projected outcomes. We could even factor in variables like improved school spirit and its correlation with academic performance. I have some fascinating data on that!<</say>>
<<md>>Lucy was practically bouncing in her seat now, her eyes alight with excitement.<</md>>
<<say $Lucy>>And don't forget to account for the psychological impact of success on the students. I've been reading some intriguing studies on the subject. Did you know that...<</say>>
<<md>>As Lucy launched into a detailed explanation of cognitive behavioral patterns and their relation to extracurricular activities, I found myself becoming increasingly overwhelmed. While her enthusiasm was admirable, I wasn't sure how much of this would actually help with Clara.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Lucy, this is all very interesting, but do you think Clara would really be swayed by all these... calculations?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, absolutely! Numbers don't lie, $mc.Name. If we can prove statistically that increased funding will benefit the school, how could she possibly refuse?<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, trying to hide my skepticism. While Lucy's advice was well-intentioned, I had a feeling that Clara might not be as impressed by spreadsheets and psychological studies as Lucy seemed to think.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, Lucy. I'll... give that some thought.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Anytime! Oh, and if you need help with the calculations, just let me know. I'd be happy to run some regression analyses for you!<</say>>
<<md>>As I left Lucy's classroom, I couldn't help but feel that while her approach was thorough, it might not be quite what I needed to convince Clara. It seemed I'd have to look elsewhere for advice on how to appeal to the headmistress's more practical side.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 10>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "30b">>\
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Leave Lucy's classroom|Second floor]]\
<<md>>I approached Sophia's classroom, hearing muffled voices from inside. As I got closer, I could make out Sophia's sultry tone and what sounded like a student's nervous laughter. I hesitated for a moment before knocking.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Come in!<</say>>
<<md>>As I entered, I saw a female student hastily adjusting her clothing and rushing past me, her face flushed. Sophia lounged behind her desk, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Well, well, if it isn't our resident biology expert. To what do I owe this pleasure?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sophia, I was hoping to get your advice on something.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Oh? And what could I possibly help you with that your... extensive knowledge can't solve?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice dripped with sarcasm, but I pressed on.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's about Clara. I'm trying to convince her to increase funding for the cheerleading team, but she's not budging.<</say>>
<<md>>Sophia's eyes narrowed, a calculating look crossing her face.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Clara, hmm? That cold-hearted bitch isn't easy to sway, you know. What makes you think you can change her mind?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I was hoping you might have some insight. You've been here longer, and it seems like you know how to... navigate the system.<</say>>
<<md>>Sophia chuckled, a dark, knowing sound.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Oh, I navigate it alright. But Clara? She's a different beast entirely. You want my advice? Find her weakness and exploit it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Her weakness?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Everyone has one, dear. Even our esteemed headmistress. The trick is finding it... and being willing to use it.<</say>>
<<md>>There was a dangerous glint in Sophia's eyes that made me uncomfortable.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm not sure I'm comfortable with blackmail, Sophia.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Blackmail? Such an ugly word. I prefer to think of it as... leverage. But if you're too squeamish for that, I suppose you could always try appealing to her baser instincts.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What do you mean?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Use your imagination, Coach. You're not entirely without charm. Or so I've heard.<</say>>
<<md>>Sophia's gaze raked over me, leaving no doubt about her meaning. I shifted uncomfortably.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I don't think that's appropriate, Sophia.<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Suit yourself. Oh, but there is one more person you might want to talk to - Linda.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Linda? The secretary?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>The very same. That woman is a veritable treasure trove of gossip and information. She's got her finger on the pulse of this school like you wouldn't believe.<</say>>
<<md>>Sophia leaned forward, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Linda loves to talk, you know. Especially to handsome new teachers. And she's always hanging around Clara's office. Who knows what juicy tidbits she might have overheard?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I see. And you think Linda might have some useful information?<</say>>
<<say $Sophia>>Oh, I'm sure of it. That woman's ears are like satellite dishes. Just be careful - she's not as innocent as she looks. She knows the value of the information she has.<</say>>
<<md>>As I turned to leave, Sophia called out one last time.<</md>>
<<say $Sophia>>Oh, and Coach? If you ever want to learn how to really play the game... my door's always open.<</say>>
<<md>>I left Sophia's office feeling more unsettled than when I entered. Her advice, while potentially effective, left a sour taste in my mouth. But the suggestion about Linda intrigued me. It seemed that finding a way to convince Clara might involve more players than I had initially imagined.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 11>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "31b">>\
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Leave Sophia's office|Second floor]]\
<<md>>I found Linda at her desk, her fingers flying over the keyboard as she worked. When she saw me approach, her face lit up with a warm smile.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, golden! What a pleasant surprise. Have you come to brighten my day?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was sweet and inviting, and I couldn't help but notice how her blouse seemed to be unbuttoned just a little more than usual.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hi Linda. I was hoping you might be able to help me with something.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>For you, golden? Anything.<</say>>
<<md>>She leaned forward, giving me an eyeful of her cleavage. I tried to keep my eyes on her face.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's about Clara. I'm trying to convince her to increase funding for the cheerleading team, but I'm not having much luck.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, Clara can be a tough nut to crack. But you know what they say about tough nuts...<</say>>
<<md>>She winked at me, her meaning clear.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>They just need the right... tool to open them up.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Uh, right. Do you have any advice on how to approach her?<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Well, between you and me, golden, Clara has a weakness for handsome men.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda reached out and straightened my collar, her fingers lingering a bit longer than necessary.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>And she absolutely adores jewelry. Especially since her divorce. Her current boyfriend is too busy chasing young girls to properly spoil her.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda reached into her desk drawer and pulled out a business card for a jewelry store. She scribbled something on the back before handing it to me.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Here's a little secret. On the back, I've written the name of a pair of earrings Clara's been dreaming about. If you were to surprise her with those... well, who knows how grateful she might be?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Linda, I... I'm not sure if I should...<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, don't be shy, golden. Sometimes you need to give a little to get a little. And trust me, Clara can be very generous when she's in a good mood.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda stood up and walked around her desk, stopping just inches from me. I could smell her perfume, sweet and intoxicating.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>And if things don't work out with Clara... well, I'm always here if you need any more... inside information.<</say>>
<<md>>She pressed the card into my hand, her fingers brushing against mine. Then, with a mischievous glint in her eye, she leaned in even closer, her lips almost touching my ear.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>You know, golden, sometimes a woman like Clara just needs the right... tool to crack her open. And I have a feeling you've got just the equipment for the job.<</say>>
<<md>>She pulled back slightly, her eyes roaming over my body appreciatively.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Trust me, if you use your... talents wisely, Clara will be putty in your hands. She's always so much softer when she's been properly... satisfied.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Linda, I... I'm not sure if I should...<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, don't be shy, golden. Sometimes you need to give a little to get a little. And trust me, Clara can be very generous when she's in a good mood.<</say>>
<<md>>She winked at me, her meaning unmistakable.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Just remember, if you need any practice before tackling Clara's... tough nut, I'm always happy to lend a hand. Or anything else you might need.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Linda. I'll... think about it.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>You do that, golden. And remember, my door is always open for you. Day or night.<</say>>
<<md>>As I walked away, I could feel Linda's eyes on me. The card felt heavy in my pocket, and I couldn't help but wonder if I was getting in over my head. Linda's suggestive advice had certainly given me a lot to think about - perhaps more than I had bargained for.<</md>>
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Leave Linda's desk|MonicaCheerleaderClaraTalk1.7]]\
<<md>>Early the next morning, I arrived at school with a small, elegantly wrapped box tucked under my arm. My heart was racing as I approached Linda's desk.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Good morning, golden. My, don't you look dashing today.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda's eyes sparkled with mischief as she noticed the box.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>I see you took my advice. Smart man. Here, take this.<</say>>
<<md>>She slipped a key into my hand, her fingers lingering on mine.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Clara's in a meeting for the next 10 minutes. That should give you plenty of time to leave your little... surprise.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, Linda. I appreciate your help.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>Anytime, golden. Now hurry, and remember - my offer still stands if you need any... practice.<</say>>
<<md>>With a wink, she shooed me towards the stairs. I made my way to the second floor, my palms sweating slightly. As I rounded the corner to Clara's office, I saw a figure in the corridor and my heart nearly stopped. For a moment, I thought it was Clara, but as I got closer, I realized it was just a student, probably on some errand.<</md>>
<<md>>Breathing a sigh of relief, I quickly unlocked Clara's office and slipped inside. The room was immaculate, everything in its place. I approached her desk, my eyes scanning the polished surface. With trembling hands, I placed the box in the center, where she couldn't miss it.<</md>>
<<md>>For a moment, I hesitated. Was this really the right thing to do? But then I remembered the cheerleading team, their hopes riding on this. I took a deep breath and turned to leave.<</md>>
<<md>>As I closed the door behind me, I couldn't help but hope that Clara would appreciate the gesture. Maybe this would soften her up, make her more receptive to the idea of increasing the team's funding. Or maybe I was making a huge mistake. Only time would tell.<</md>>
<<md>>I made my way back downstairs, nodding to Linda as I passed. She gave me a thumbs up and a wink. Now, all I could do was wait and see how Clara would react.<</md>>
<<addmins 30>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 14>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "34b">>\
<<addmins 20>>\
[[To my duty|Second floor]]
<<md>>The lesson seemed to drag on forever. Every tick of the clock felt like an eternity as I anxiously waited for any word from Clara. Just as I was wrapping up the class, my phone buzzed with a message. My heart skipped a beat when I saw it was from Clara, and the content was terse: "My office. Now."<</md>>
<<md>>I dismissed the class and made my way to Clara's office, my stomach in knots. As I entered, I found Clara standing behind her desk, her expression stern and disapproving. The box with the earrings was open in front of her.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Sit down, $mc.Name.<</say>>
<<md>>I complied, bracing myself for the worst. Clara's stern gaze bore into me for what felt like an eternity before she finally spoke.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I hope you understand the severity of your actions, $mc.Name. Attempting to bribe a school official is a serious offense.<</say>>
<<md>>My heart sank. This was not going well at all.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I could have you fired for this, you know. It would be within my rights to report this to the school board.<</say>>
<<md>>I opened my mouth to explain, to apologize, but Clara held up a hand, silencing me.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I've half a mind to call security and have you escorted off the premises right now.<</say>>
<<md>>Just as I was about to stand up, feeling utterly defeated, Clara's stern expression cracked, and a small smile played at the corners of her mouth.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>But then again, I must say, I'm impressed by your audacity. Not many would dare to leave such a... personal gift in my office.<</say>>
<<md>>I blinked, confused by the sudden change in her demeanor.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>At first, I was furious. The sheer presumption of it all. But then, I realized something. You have persistence, Mr.$mc.Surname. And if there's one thing I admire in men, in girls, in anyone – it's persistence.<</say>>
<<md>>She paused, fingering the earrings thoughtfully.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>So, let's talk about your cheerleaders. I've given it some thought, and I'm willing to make a compromise.<</say>>
<<md>>I leaned forward, hardly daring to hope.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>The cheerleaders and the baseball team will share the field. Baseball will move to mornings. From 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. will be reserved for cheerleading practice.<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It was more than I'd dared to hope for.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Clara. That's incredibly generous of you.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Don't thank me yet. There's a catch. I cannot allocate any of the school's budget for cheerleading expenses. Any additional equipment, uniforms, or other necessities will need to be funded by the team themselves.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, understanding. It wasn't perfect, but it was a significant improvement.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Do we have a deal, Coach?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, absolutely. Thank you again, Clara.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Don't make me regret this. And $mc.Name? Let's keep the gift-giving to a minimum in the future, shall we? I wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong idea.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she dismissed me. As I left her office, I couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and excitement. We had our practice time, and while the funding issue wasn't fully resolved, it was a start. Now, I just had to break the news to Olivia and the team.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 15>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "35b">>\
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Leave Clara's office|Second floor]]
<<say $mc>>Monica! I've got great news!<</say>>
<<md>>She looked up, her face brightening at the sight of me. There was a sparkle in her eyes that made my heart skip a beat.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach! What is it? Did something happen with Clara?<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't help but grin as I stepped into the room.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We did it, Monica. Clara agreed to give the cheerleading team dedicated practice time. From 12 to 4 every day, the field is ours.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's eyes widened in disbelief, then her face broke into a radiant smile.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Really? Oh my gosh, that's amazing! I can't believe you managed to convince her!<</say>>
<<md>>In her excitement, Monica rushed forward and threw her arms around me. Before I knew it, she planted a quick kiss on my cheek. Her lips were soft, and I could smell the faint scent of her perfume.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you so much, Coach. This means everything to the team... to me.<</say>>
<<md>>She pulled back, her cheeks flushed with a mix of excitement and slight embarrassment at her impulsive action. I felt a warmth spreading through me that had nothing to do with the news I'd just delivered.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's not all perfect. We'll have to fund any additional equipment or uniforms ourselves. But it's a start.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>That's okay. We can figure that out. The important thing is we have our practice time. We'll show Clara and everyone else what we're capable of!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's enthusiasm was infectious. As I watched her practically bouncing with joy, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. This was why I became a coach - to make a difference, to see that spark of determination in my students' eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We've got a lot of work ahead of us, but I know you and the team are up for it.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Absolutely! I can't wait to tell the others. They're going to be so excited!<</say>>
<<md>>As I left Monica's classroom, the warmth of her kiss still lingering on my cheek, I felt more motivated than ever. With Monica's dedication and the team's newfound opportunity, I knew we were on the path to something great.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 16>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "36b">>\
<<addAff $Monica 5>>\
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Leave her room|MHHall]]
<<md>>As I walked through the school corridor the following day, I spotted Olivia heading in my direction. Her expression was a mix of surprise and grudging respect.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, well, look who it is. The miracle worker himself.<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't help but smile at her sarcastic tone.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good morning to you too, Olivia.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Cut the shit, Coach. Clara told me what you pulled off. How the hell did you manage to convince that ice queen to give us practice time?<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's eyes narrowed suspiciously, but I could see a glimmer of curiosity behind her tough exterior.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's just say I found a way to appeal to her practical side.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Her practical side, huh? Is that what we're calling it now?<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia snorted, shaking her head in disbelief.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, whatever you did, it worked. Four hours of dedicated practice time? That's more than we've had in years.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's a start. We still need to figure out how to fund additional equipment and uniforms, but at least we have the time to work with now.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Yeah, Clara mentioned that little catch. Typical. Still, I gotta hand it to you, Coach. I didn't think you had it in you.<</say>>
<<md>>There was a moment of silence as Olivia seemed to reassess me.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Look, I'm not gonna pretend this solves all our problems. We've still got a hell of a lot of work to do if we want to whip this team into shape for nationals. But... it's a good start.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, Olivia. I'm looking forward to working with you to make the most of this opportunity.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Don't get all sappy on me now, Coach. We've got our work cut out for us. Those girls need some serious training if we're gonna have a shot at placing this year.<</say>>
<<md>>Despite her gruff words, I could see a spark of excitement in Olivia's eyes. It was clear she was already planning how to make the most of our new practice schedule.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, enough chitchat. We've got a practice to plan. My office, after school. Don't be late.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, Olivia strode off down the corridor, leaving me with a sense of accomplishment and a new set of challenges ahead. It was clear that while I'd won this battle, the war to get our cheerleading team to nationals was just beginning.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 17>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "37b">>\
<<addmins 15>>\
[[Continue through the corridor|School reception]]
<<md>>The sun was high in the sky as I made my way to the field for cheerleading practice. As I approached, I could see the team already gathered, their excitement palpable in the air. But there was something different today - a familiar figure standing among them, surrounded by hugs and cheers.</md>>
<<md>>Monica had returned.</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Monica! We've missed you so much!</say>
<<md>>Nora's voice carried across the field as she threw her arms around Monica. The other girls quickly joined in, creating a group hug that nearly toppled them all over.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I've missed you all too! It feels so good to be back.</say>
<<md>>As I got closer, I could see the joy radiating from Monica's face. Her eyes were bright, her smile wide, and there was an energy about her that seemed to invigorate the entire team.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Welcome back, Monica. It's great to see you on your feet again.</say>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, Coach. I'm just happy to be back with the team.</say>
<<md>>Olivia's whistle cut through the chatter, bringing everyone to attention.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, ladies, enough with the lovefest. We've got work to do. But before we start...</say>
<<md>>Olivia paused, her gaze sweeping across the team. There was an unusual glint in her eye, something almost resembling excitement.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I've got an announcement to make. Next week, I'll be naming our new cheerleading captain.</say>
<<md>>A ripple of excitement went through the squad. Monica and Nora exchanged hopeful glances, while some of the other girls straightened up, trying to look their best.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>This isn't a popularity contest, got it? I'll be watching each and every one of you this week. I want to see dedication, skill, and leadership. Show me you've got what it takes to lead this team to nationals.</say>
<<md>>The announcement seemed to energize the team even further. As they broke into their warm-up routine, I could see a new determination in their movements.</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's quite an incentive you've given them, Olivia.</say>
<<say $Olivia>>Yeah, well, we need all the motivation we can get. Besides, with Monica back and this captain thing, maybe we've finally got a shot at whipping these girls into shape.</say>
<<md>>As practice began in earnest, I couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism. With Monica's return, the promise of new leadership, and our hard-won practice time, it felt like things were finally falling into place for the team.</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 14>>
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 21>>
<<set $OliviaQuest1 = 4>>
<<set $OliviaQuest1T = 4>>
<<addmins 60>>
[[Continue observing practice|Beach]]<<md>>As the practice wound down and the girls started to disperse, I noticed Monica lingering behind. She seemed to be waiting for the others to leave, fidgeting slightly with the hem of her uniform. Once we were alone, she approached me, a mix of determination and nervousness in her eyes.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach? Do you have a minute?</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Monica. What's on your mind?</say>>
<<md>>She took a deep breath, as if steeling herself for what she was about to say.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I was wondering if... if you could help me with some extra training? After what Olivia said about choosing a new captain, I really want to improve my skills.</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes met mine, filled with a combination of hope and vulnerability that tugged at my heart.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>There's this move I've been struggling with, and I thought maybe with your help, I could perfect it. I know it's asking a lot, especially with your busy schedule, but...</say>>
<<md>>I could see how much this meant to her. The determination in her voice, the slight tremor in her hands - it was clear she was putting everything into this.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I'd be happy to help you train. Your dedication is admirable, and I'm here to support you in any way I can.</say>>
<<md>>Her face lit up with a brilliant smile, relief and excitement washing over her features.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Really? Oh, thank you so much, Coach! You have no idea how much this means to me.</say>>
<<md>>In her excitement, she took a step closer, her hand briefly touching my arm in a gesture of gratitude.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>When can we start? I'm free most evenings, and I promise I'll work hard.</say>>
<<say $mc>>How about tomorrow evening? We can use the field after regular practice.</say>>
<<say $Monica>>That's perfect! I'll be there, ready to give it my all.</say>>
<<md>>As Monica turned to leave, there was a new spring in her step. I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her determination, mixed with a touch of something else - a warmth that I quickly pushed aside. This was about helping Monica reach her potential, nothing more.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica?</say>>
<<md>>She turned back, eyebrows raised in question.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Remember, being a captain isn't just about perfecting moves. It's about leadership, teamwork, and spirit. Keep that in mind as you practice.</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I will, Coach. Thank you again. For everything.</say>>
<<md>>As I watched her walk away, I couldn't shake the feeling that these extra training sessions might lead to more than just improved cheerleading skills. But for now, I focused on the task at hand - helping Monica become the best cheerleader and leader she could be.</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = 15>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 1>>
<<addAff $Monica 3>>
<<addmins 15>>
[[Leave the beach|Street York-Road]]<<md>>The next evening, I arrived at the field to find Monica already there, stretching and preparing herself mentally for the session ahead. Her determination was evident in every movement.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ready to get started, Monica?</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, Coach. I've been thinking about this move all day.</say>>
<<md>>We began with some warm-up exercises before moving on to the specific cheerleading move Monica wanted to perfect. As she attempted it, I could see the concentration etched on her face. Her form was good, but there was a slight hesitation in her movements, likely due to her recent injury.</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's a good start, Monica. Let's try it again, but this time, focus on your landing.</say>>
<<md>>Monica nodded, her brow furrowed in concentration. She attempted the move again, but as she landed, her recently injured leg buckled slightly, throwing off her balance.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Damn it!</say>>
<<md>>The frustration in her voice was palpable. She slapped her thigh in anger, her eyes glistening with unshed tears of frustration.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I should be able to do this by now. What if I can't get back to where I was before the injury? What if I let the team down?</say>>
<<md>>I could see the weight of her expectations crushing down on her. Her drive for perfection, her need to prove herself worthy of the potential captain position, and the pressure she put on herself were all taking their toll.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, take a breath. Remember, you're just coming back from an injury. It's normal for things to take time.</say>>
<<say $Monica>>But I don't have time! The captain selection is next week, and if I can't even nail this basic move...</say>>
<<md>>I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, feeling the tension in her muscles.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Listen to me. You're being too hard on yourself. Your dedication and spirit are just as important as your physical skills. And those are stronger than ever.</say>>
<<md>>Monica looked up at me, her eyes searching mine for reassurance.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You really think so?</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know so. And as for this move, it's all about building your confidence back up. Your body knows what to do; you just need to trust it again.</say>>
<<md>>Monica took a deep breath, nodding slowly.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You're right. I'm sorry for getting so frustrated. It's just... there's so much riding on this.</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understand. But remember, improvement takes time. We'll keep working on it. How about we meet again in a couple of days? I'm sure you'll see progress by then.</say>>
<<md>>A small smile finally broke through Monica's serious expression.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, Coach. For the training and... for believing in me.</say>>
<<md>>As we wrapped up the session, I could see Monica's determination returning. She may not have perfected the move today, but her spirit was unbroken. I had a feeling that next time, with her incredible drive and a little more confidence, she'd nail it.</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 2>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2T = 2>>
<<addAff $Monica 2>>
<<addmins 60>>
[[End the training session|Street York-Road]]<<md>>A couple of days later, I arrived at the field for our follow-up session. Monica was already there, her face set with determination as she went through her warm-up routine. There was a noticeable difference in her demeanor - a quiet confidence that hadn't been there before.</md>>
<<say $mc>>How are you feeling today, Monica?</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Much better, Coach. I've been practicing and... I think I'm ready.</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was steady, lacking the anxious edge it had during our last session. We started with some basic exercises, and I could already see improvement in her form and balance.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, let's see that move we were working on last time.</say>>
<<md>>Monica took a deep breath, centering herself. She began the routine, her movements fluid and assured. As she approached the crucial part of the move, I held my breath, watching intently.</md>>
<<md>>This time, there was no hesitation. Monica executed the move perfectly, her landing solid and graceful. The smile that broke across her face was radiant.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I did it! Did you see that, Coach?</say>>
<<say $mc>>I certainly did! That was excellent, Monica. Your hard work is really paying off.</say>>
<<md>>Monica's eyes were shining with pride and excitement. She bounced on her toes, unable to contain her joy.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It felt so much better this time. I wasn't second-guessing myself. I just... did it.</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's exactly it. You trusted your body and your training. How do you feel now?</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I feel great! Confident. Like I can take on anything.</say>>
<<md>>She paused for a moment, her expression becoming more serious, but in a determined way rather than anxious.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach, I want to thank you. Not just for the training, but for believing in me. For helping me believe in myself again.</say>>
<<say $mc>>You did all the hard work, Monica. I just provided a little guidance.</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Still, it means a lot. I was so worried after my injury, but now... now I feel like I'm back. Better than before, even.</say>>
<<md>>The pride I felt in that moment was immense. Seeing Monica overcome her doubts and regain her confidence was exactly why I became a coach.</md>>
<<say $mc>>You should be proud of yourself, Monica. This kind of perseverance and growth is exactly what makes a great leader.</say>>
<<md>>Monica's cheeks flushed slightly at the praise, but her smile never wavered.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, Coach. I'm ready for whatever comes next. Captain or not, I'm going to give it my all for this team.</say>>
<<md>>As we wrapped up the session, Monica's newfound confidence was evident in every move she made. She had overcome not just the physical challenge, but the mental one as well. Whatever Olivia's decision about the captain position might be, I knew Monica was ready to face it head-on.</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 3>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2T = 3>>
<<addAff $Monica 3>>
<<addmins 60>>
[[End the training session|Street York-Road]]<<md>>The field was buzzing with energy as the cheerleading squad gathered for their practice. Monica and Nora stood at the front, ready to lead the warm-up routine. The improvement in both girls was evident - Monica with her newfound confidence, and Nora having grown more comfortable in her role on the team.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, ladies! Let's see what you've got. Monica, Nora, take it away.</say>>
<<md>>Monica and Nora exchanged a quick smile before starting the routine. Their movements were synchronized and fluid, setting a high standard for the rest of the team to follow. As they went through the more complex moves, I could see the other girls watching intently, trying to match their form and energy.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Not bad, not bad at all. Monica, why don't you take the lead and run the girls through that new routine we've been working on?</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Of course, Coach Olivia.</say>>
<<md>>Monica stepped forward, her posture confident but not arrogant. She began to instruct the team, her voice clear and encouraging.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Remember, it's all about precision and teamwork. Let's take it from the top, and don't be afraid to ask questions if you're unsure about anything.</say>>
<<md>>As the practice progressed, it was clear that Monica had a natural talent for leadership. She was patient with those who struggled, offered constructive criticism where needed, and wasn't shy about praising good performances. Nora, too, was coming into her own, often offering helpful tips to the younger members of the squad.</md>>
<<md>>Olivia watched it all with a critical eye, occasionally barking out instructions or corrections. But even she couldn't hide a hint of approval at the overall improvement of the team.</md>>
<<md>>As the session began to wind down, Olivia called everyone together.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, listen up! I've got an announcement about the captain selection.</say>>
<<md>>The girls gathered around, a mix of excitement and nervousness on their faces.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I've been watching you all closely, and I've made a decision. But here's the twist - your opinion matters too.</say>>
<<md>>A murmur of surprise ran through the group.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Here's how it's going to work. You're all going to vote for who you think should be captain. Your collective decision will count for 50% of the final choice. The other 50% will be based on Coach $mc.Name's input and my own assessment.</say>>
<<md>>The girls exchanged glances, some looking excited, others nervous.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>This isn't a popularity contest, got it? I want you to think carefully about who has the skills, the dedication, and the leadership qualities to take this team to nationals. You'll submit your votes to me privately after the next practice.</say>>
<<say $mc>>Remember, being a captain is about more than just being the best performer. It's about bringing out the best in your teammates and representing the spirit of this school.</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Exactly. So think hard, and vote wisely. Dismissed!</say>>
<<md>>As the girls dispersed, chattering excitedly about the upcoming vote, I couldn't help but notice the determined looks on both Monica's and Nora's faces. The competition for captain was heating up, and it was clear that both girls were ready to give it their all.</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 4>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2T = 4>>
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 22>>
<<set $OliviaQuest1 = 5>>
<<set $OliviaQuest1T = 5>>
<<addmins 90>>
[[End the training session|Beach]]<<md>>The atmosphere was tense as the cheerleading squad gathered for the pivotal practice. Everyone knew that today was the day they'd vote for their new captain. Olivia stood at the front, her face set in its usual stern expression.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, listen up you lazy asses! Before we start the voting, I want a word with Coach $mc.Name.</say>>
<<md>>She beckoned me over, her voice lowering as we stepped aside.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>So, Coach, who's your pick for captain? And don't give me any of that wishy-washy bullshit. I want a straight answer.</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think it should be Monica. She found a technique to train on sand, she saved her teammate during practice, and she's shown real leadership skills.</say>>
<<md>>Olivia nodded, a hint of approval in her eyes.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Fair point. And let's not forget, it was Monica who lit a fire under your ass to go talk to Clara about getting us field time. Girl's got guts, I'll give her that.</say>>
<<md>>She paused, eyeing the team.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, I agree. Monica's shown she's got what it takes. But let's see what these airheads think.</say>>
<<md>>Olivia turned back to the team, her voice rising to its usual commanding tone.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Okay, you glitter-covered pom-pom wavers! It's time to vote for your captain. Remember, this isn't a fucking popularity contest. I want you to think about who's got the skills, the drive, and the balls to lead this team to nationals.</say>>
<<md>>She held up a box and a stack of paper slips.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Write down your choice on these slips. And if I see anyone trying to peek at someone else's vote, you'll be doing suicides until you puke. Got it?</say>>
<<md>>The girls nodded, a mixture of nervousness and excitement on their faces. They each took a slip of paper and a pen, carefully writing down their choice before approaching the box to cast their vote.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>That's it, no hesitating. Make your choice and own it. A real cheerleader doesn't second-guess themselves.</say>>
<<md>>As the last vote was cast, Olivia sealed the box.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, that's it. Coach $mc.Name and I will count these votes, combine them with our decision, and announce your new captain at the next practice. Now, just because voting's over doesn't mean you get to slack off. Give me five laps around the field, now!</say>>
<<md>>As the girls took off running, Olivia turned to me, a rare smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, Coach, looks like we've got some counting to do. Let's hope these girls have enough brains to make the right choice.</say>>
<<md>>With that, we headed off to tally the votes, the fate of the team's leadership hanging in the balance.</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 5>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2T = 5>>
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 23>>
<<set $OliviaQuest1 = 6>>
<<set $OliviaQuest1T = 6>>
<<addmins 90>>
[[End the training session|Beach]]<<md>>Olivia and I sat in her office, the ballot box between us. As we started counting, we couldn't help but chuckle at some of the entries.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>What the hell? One of these just says 'The cute one with the nice hair.' These airheads, I swear...</say>>
<<say $mc>>Here's one that says 'Whoever can do the most backflips.' At least they're thinking about skills?</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Oh, for fuck's sake. This one voted for me. I'm not even eligible!</say>>
<<md>>Despite the few odd votes, a clear winner emerged. We tallied up the final count, combining it with our own decision.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, would you look at that. Seems like the team isn't as clueless as I thought.</say>>
<<md>>The next day, we gathered the team on the field. The tension was palpable as Olivia stepped forward, her face an unreadable mask.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, listen up! We've counted the votes, factored in our own assessment, and come to a decision. Your new cheerleading captain is... Monica!</say>>
<<md>>A cheer went up from the squad. Monica stood there for a moment, shock written across her face before it transformed into pure joy. Without warning, she sprinted towards me, launching herself into a hug that nearly knocked me off my feet.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, Coach! Thank you so much!</say>>
<<md>>Her enthusiasm was infectious, and I couldn't help but laugh as I steadied us both. Olivia watched the scene with a raised eyebrow.</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Easy there, Captain. Don't break our coach. I'm almost jealous of that enthusiasm. Almost.</say>>
<<md>>Monica pulled back, her cheeks flushed with excitement and a touch of embarrassment.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Sorry, I just... I can't believe it!</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Believe it, kid. You earned it. Now, are you ready to whip this team into shape?</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Absolutely, Coach Olivia!</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Good. Because captain or not, I'm still going to run you all ragged. Now, let's see some real cheerleading!</say>>
<<md>>As the team broke into their routine, led by an ecstatic Monica, I couldn't help but feel proud. The road to nationals was still long, but with Monica as captain and the team's growing unity, our chances were looking better than ever.</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 6>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2T = 6>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 1>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3T = 1>>
<<set $NoraQuest1T = 24>>
<<set $OliviaQuest1 = 7>>
<<set $OliviaQuest1T = 7>>
<<addAff $Monica 5>>
<<addmins 30>>
[[Continue observing practice|Beach]]<<md>>As the team dispersed after practice, Monica approached me, her eyes shining with excitement and gratitude.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach? Do you have a moment?</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Monica. What's on your mind?</say>>
<<md>>She fidgeted slightly, a mix of nervousness and enthusiasm in her demeanor.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I was wondering if you'd like to come over to my house this evening. My family would love to see you. They're so grateful for everything you've done to help me become captain.</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's very kind of them, Monica. But you know, becoming captain was all your achievement. Your hard work and dedication got you here.</say>>
<<md>>Monica stepped closer, her eyes locked onto mine. There was an intensity in her gaze that caught me off guard.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>But I couldn't have done it without you, Coach. Your support, your belief in me... it made all the difference.</say>>
<<md>>She was standing very close now, close enough that I could catch the faint scent of her perfume. Her voice softened, taking on a more personal tone.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I want you to be there for me. Not just as my coach, but... as someone important to me. Please?</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes were pleading, filled with an emotion that went beyond simple gratitude. I felt a flutter in my chest, a mix of pride and something else I couldn't quite name.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, Monica. I'd be happy to come.</say>>
<<md>>Her face lit up with a radiant smile, and for a moment, I thought she might hug me again. Instead, she clasped her hands together in excitement.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you so much! My parents will be thrilled. And I... I'm really looking forward to it.</say>>
<<md>>As Monica turned to leave, there was a spring in her step and a warmth in her parting smile that left me feeling both pleased and slightly unsettled. I couldn't shake the feeling that this dinner invitation might be more significant than I initially thought.</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 2>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3T = 2>>
<<addAff $Monica 3>>
<<addmins 15>>
[[Agree to visit Monica's home|Street York-Road]]Certainly. Here's a rewritten version of the confrontation between Monica and Autumn, taking into account their established characters:
<<md>>As I approached Monica's house, I heard raised voices coming from around the side. The sharp, aggressive tone was unmistakably Autumn's, contrasting with Monica's more measured responses.</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Well, well, if it isn't Little Miss Perfect. Enjoying your stolen glory?</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Autumn? What are you doing here? The position wasn't stolen, it was voted on fair and square.</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Fair? Don't make me fucking laugh. You think you can just waltz in and take my spot? That team is mine, you stupid bitch.</say>>
<<md>>I could hear the venom in Autumn's voice, matched by Monica's determination.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>The team made their choice, Autumn. I'm sorry you're upset, but—</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Upset? Oh, honey, I'm way past upset. I'm fucking livid. You think you can lead this team? You're nothing but a pathetic, try-hard loser.</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I earned this position, Autumn. My hard work paid off, and I'm not going to let you intimidate me.</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Intimidate you? Please. This isn't intimidation. This is me telling you how it's gonna be. You're going to step down as captain, or I'm going to make your life a living hell.</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I won't quit, Autumn. The team needs stability and positivity, not your toxic—</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Toxic? You haven't seen toxic yet, you fucking prude. By the time I'm done with you, you'll be begging to leave the squad. I'll turn everyone against you. You'll be a fucking outcast.</say>>
<<md>>Monica's voice wavered slightly, but she stood her ground.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Your threats don't scare me, Autumn. I'm not alone in this. The team supports me, and I won't let you bully us anymore.</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, you naive little cunt. You think the team will stick by you when shit hits the fan? Wake the fuck up. This isn't some fairy tale where the good girl wins. This is my world, and in my world, you're nothing but a speed bump.</say>>
<<md>>The hostility in Autumn's voice was escalating, and I knew I had to make a decision on how to intervene.</md>><<md>>I decided I'd heard enough. Stepping out from my hiding spot, I approached the two girls.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Is there a problem here, ladies?</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Well, if it isn't the fucking knight in shining armor. Come to rescue your precious little—</say>>
<<md>>Before Autumn could finish her sentence, I swiftly moved towards her. In one fluid motion, I grabbed her arm and hoisted her over my shoulder.</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>What the fuck? Put me down, you asshole!</say>>
<<md>>Autumn's protests grew louder and more vulgar as I carried her towards the nearby pool.</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Don't you fucking dare! I swear to God, I'll—</say>>
<<md>>Her threats were cut short as I unceremoniously tossed her into the pool. She surfaced, sputtering and cursing.</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You fucking piece of shit! I'll ruin you for this!</say>>
<<md>>Just then, Monica's father, James, came rushing out of the house, alarmed by the commotion.</md>>
<<say $James>>What on earth is going on here?</say>>
<<md>>I turned to James, my voice calm but firm.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Mr. Walker, I suggest you either remove Autumn from your property or call the police. She was here threatening your daughter.</say>>
<<say $James>>Threatening Monica? Is this true?</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, Dad. Autumn was... she was saying awful things.</say>>
<<md>>James's face hardened as he looked at the drenched and furious Autumn in the pool.</md>>
<<say $James>>Young lady, I think it's time for you to leave. Now.</say>>
<<md>>As James moved to deal with Autumn, I gently took Monica's hand.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, Monica. Let's go inside.</say>>
<<md>>Monica nodded, visibly shaken but relieved. As we walked into the house, I could hear Autumn's continued threats and curses fading behind us. I knew this wasn't over, but for now, Monica was safe.</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 3>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3T = 3>>
<<addAff $Monica 5>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<md>>I decided I'd heard enough. Stepping out from my hiding spot, I approached the two girls.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, go inside the house. Now.</say>>
<<md>>Monica looked surprised to see me, but nodded and quickly headed inside. Autumn sneered, about to say something, but I cut her off with a sharp look.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Autumn, let's have a little chat, shall we?</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, look who it is. The big bad coach coming to rescue his favorite little—</say>>
<<md>>I took a step closer to Autumn, my voice dropping to a low, menacing tone.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Listen carefully, because I'm only going to say this once. If you ever threaten Monica or any other member of my team again, I will make your life a living nightmare.</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>You think you scare me? I've dealt with worse than you, old man.</say>>
<<say $mc>>Have you? Because I don't think you understand what I'm capable of. I can make sure you never cheer again. Not just at this school, but anywhere. I have connections you can't even imagine.</say>>
<<md>>Autumn's cocky expression faltered slightly.</md>>
<<say $mc>>And that's just the beginning. I know people who can dig up every dirty little secret you've ever had. Every party, every drink, every drug, every hook-up. How do you think your parents would feel seeing all that splashed across the internet?</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>You're bluffing. You wouldn't dare.</say>>
<<say $mc>>Try me. Push me, and I'll push back harder than you can imagine. You think you're toxic? I'll show you what real toxicity looks like.</say>>
<<md>>I leaned in closer, my voice barely above a whisper.</md>>
<<say $mc>>And if you ever, EVER come near Monica or her family again, I'll personally make sure you regret the day you were born. Are we clear?</say>>
<<md>>Autumn's face had gone pale, her usual bravado completely shattered.</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Are... are you threatening me?</say>>
<<md>>I smiled, but it was cold and without humor.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Threatening you? No, Autumn. I'm promising you.</say>>
<<md>>With that, I turned and walked towards the house, leaving a stunned and shaken Autumn behind me. As I reached the door, I looked back one last time.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Remember, Autumn. I'm watching you.</say>>
<<md>>I entered the house, my heart pounding but satisfied that I had put Autumn in her place. I knew it was a risky move, but protecting Monica and the team was worth it. Now, I just had to deal with the aftermath and make sure Monica was okay.</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 3>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3T = 3>>
<<addAff $Monica 5>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<md>>I decided to intervene, but in a way that might surprise both girls. I stepped out from my hiding spot and approached them calmly.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ladies, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation.</say>>
<<md>>Both girls turned to me, startled by my sudden appearance.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, why don't you head inside? I'd like to have a word with Autumn.</say>>
<<md>>Monica hesitated for a moment, glancing between Autumn and me, before nodding and heading towards the house. Once she was out of earshot, I turned my attention to Autumn.</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>What do you want, Coach? Come to lecture me?</say>>
<<say $mc>>Actually, Autumn, I think you and I both know there's a better way to handle this situation.</say>>
<<md>>Autumn's aggressive stance faltered slightly, replaced by a flicker of curiosity.</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>What are you talking about?</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're smarter than this, Autumn. Threats? Intimidation? That's beneath you. I think you know there's a more... effective approach.</say>>
<<md>>I held Autumn's gaze, letting my words sink in. After a moment, a glimmer of understanding crossed her face.</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You mean...</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think you know exactly what I mean. The question is, are you willing to consider it?</say>>
<<md>>There was a long pause as Autumn seemed to mull this over. Finally, she let out a long sigh, her demeanor shifting subtly.</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Fine. I guess... I guess we could try it your way. But this better work.</say>>
<<say $mc>>Trust me, Autumn. This will be much more satisfying in the long run.</say>>
<<md>>As we headed towards the house, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The situation was far from resolved, but a new, potentially intriguing path had opened up. Only time would tell where it might lead.</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 3>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3T = 3>>
<<addAff $Monica 3>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<md>>I stepped out from my hiding spot, making my presence known.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ladies, is everything alright out here?</say>>
<<md>>Both girls turned, startled by my sudden appearance.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, why don't you head inside? I'd like to have a word with Autumn.</say>>
<<md>>Monica hesitated for a moment before nodding and heading towards the house. Once she was gone, I turned my attention to Autumn, my demeanor shifting subtly.</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Well, if it isn't the fucking knight in shining armor. Come to rescue your precious little bitch?</say>>
<<md>>I took a step closer to Autumn, my voice dropping to a low, husky tone.</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, Autumn, I've always admired your... fire.</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>What the fuck are you on about?</say>>
<<md>>I moved even closer, my eyes locked on hers.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Your passion, your drive. It's... intoxicating. But I think you're wasting it on petty threats.</say>>
<<md>>I reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair from her face. Autumn tensed but didn't pull away immediately.</md>>
<<say $mc>>A woman like you... you could have so much more. Do so much more.</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Are you fucking high or something? What kind of game are you playing?</say>>
<<say $mc>>No game, Autumn. I'm suggesting that maybe you and I could come to an... arrangement. One that would be much more satisfying for both of us than this squabble with Monica.</say>>
<<md>>I let my hand trail down her arm, feeling her shiver slightly at my touch.</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You've got to be shitting me. You think you can just touch me and I'll do whatever you want?</say>>
<<md>>Despite her harsh words, I noticed she didn't immediately push me away. There was a flicker of something in her eyes - curiosity, maybe even desire - before it was quickly replaced by her usual scowl.</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Nice try, Coach. But I'm not some desperate slut you can manipulate. We'll see each other in school, and trust me, this isn't over.</say>>
<<md>>With that, Autumn turned and stormed off, but not before I caught one last conflicted glance over her shoulder. As I watched her leave, I couldn't help but feel that our interaction had shifted something between us, even if I wasn't quite sure what the consequences would be.</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 3>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3T = 3>>
<<addAff $Monica 3>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<md>>I decided to intervene, but in a way that didn't engage Autumn directly. I stepped out from my hiding spot and approached Monica.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, let's go inside. There's no need to listen to this.</say>>
<<md>>Monica looked relieved to see me, while Autumn's face contorted with anger.</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, look who it is. The fucking hero coach coming to save his little—</say>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, ignore her. Come on.</say>>
<<md>>I gently placed a hand on Monica's shoulder, guiding her towards the house. Autumn continued to shout obscenities behind us, but we didn't turn back.</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks, Coach. I didn't know what to do.</say>>
<<say $mc>>You don't have to deal with that kind of behavior, Monica. Let's talk to your father about this.</say>>
<<md>>As we entered the house, James was coming down the stairs, looking concerned.</md>>
<<say $James>>What's all that noise outside?</say>>
<<say $mc>>Mr. Walker, we have a situation. Autumn, a former member of the cheerleading squad, was outside threatening Monica.</say>>
<<md>>James's face hardened as he looked from me to Monica.</md>>
<<say $James>>Is this true, sweetheart?</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes, Dad. She was saying awful things and threatening to make my life miserable.</say>>
<<md>>Without another word, James strode past us and out the front door. We could hear his voice, firm and authoritative.</md>>
<<say $James>>Young lady, I don't know who you think you are, but you need to leave my property right now. If I catch you threatening my daughter again, I'll be calling the police. Now get lost!</say>>
<<md>>There was a moment of silence, then the sound of retreating footsteps. James came back inside, his face still stern but softening as he looked at Monica.</md>>
<<say $James>>You okay, sweetheart?</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I'm fine, Dad. Thanks.</say>>
<<say $James>>Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Coach. I appreciate you looking out for Monica.</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Mr. Walker. That's what I'm here for.</say>>
<<md>>As the tension began to dissipate, I couldn't help but feel relieved that we had handled the situation without escalating it further. Monica was safe, and Autumn had been warned off. For now, at least, it seemed the crisis had been averted.</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 3>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3T = 3>>
<<addAff $Monica 3>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<md>>As we stepped inside the house, the tension from the confrontation outside began to dissipate, replaced by the warmth and comfort of the Walker home. Helen was in the kitchen, putting the final touches on what looked like a celebratory meal. The aroma of roasted meat and freshly baked bread filled the air, mingling with the soft glow of the evening lights.<<md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>There you two are! I was starting to wonder if you’d gotten lost. Come on in, dinner’s ready. We’re celebrating tonight!<<say $Helen Walker>>
<<md>>Monica smiled, though the edges were still tinged with the remnants of the confrontation. Helen noticed, her expression softening with concern.<<md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Monica, honey, is everything alright? You look a little shaken.<<say $Helen Walker>>
<<say $Monica>>I’m fine, Mom. Just had a run-in with Autumn. She… she wasn’t happy about me becoming cheerleader captain. But it’s over now. Thanks to Coach.<<say $Monica>>
<<md>>Helen’s eyes flickered to me, a mixture of gratitude and something deeper passing between us.<<md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Well, I’m glad you’re safe, both of you. Now, let’s not let that spoil our evening. Tonight is about celebrating Monica’s hard work and dedication.<<say $Helen Walker>>
<<md>>We all gathered around the table, the atmosphere slowly lightening as Helen began serving the food. James, already seated, had a glass of whiskey in hand, a broad smile on his face as he raised his glass in a toast.<<md>>
<<say $James Walker>>To my daughter, Monica—the new cheerleader captain! You’ve made us all so proud, sweetheart. Here’s to many more successes to come.<<say $James Walker>>
<<md>>We all raised our glasses, the clinking sound a reminder of the unity and love within this family. The meal was delicious, and the conversation flowed easily, with Monica sharing stories of her plans for the team and Helen chiming in with motherly advice. James, in a particularly jovial mood, kept the drinks flowing, his laughter ringing out more loudly as the evening wore on.<<md>>
<<say $James Walker>>You know, Coach, you’ve been like a guardian angel to this family. I don’t know what we’d do without you.<<say $James Walker>>
<<md>>He clapped me on the back, his movements slightly unsteady from the amount of alcohol he’d consumed. I smiled, grateful for his kind words, though my attention was partially focused on Helen, who was watching me with a knowing look in her eyes.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>It’s been my pleasure to help, James. You’ve got a wonderful family.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>James nodded, his eyes glassy with drink, before he pushed his chair back and stood, swaying slightly.<<md>>
<<say $James Walker>>Well, I think that’s enough for me tonight. I’m going to head to bed. Don’t let the party stop on my account.<<say $James Walker>>
<<md>>With that, James gave us all a final wave and made his way out of the dining room, his footsteps uneven as he headed upstairs. The room fell into a comfortable silence for a moment after he left, the only sound the clink of silverware against plates. Then Helen looked over at me, a slow smile spreading across her lips.<<md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>He’s had a bit too much, hasn’t he? But it’s good to see him happy. He’s been so stressed lately.<<say $Helen Walker>>
<<md>>Monica nodded, her smile returning as she reached across the table to squeeze her mother’s hand.<<md>>
<<say $Monica>>I’m just glad we can all celebrate together. It feels like things are finally starting to look up.<<say $Monica>>
<<say $mc>>You’ve worked hard for this, Monica. You deserve to enjoy it.<<say $mc>>
<<md>> We continued talking, sharing light conversation about Monica’s upcoming plans with the cheerleading squad, and Helen occasionally slipping in subtle, suggestive comments that only I seemed to notice.<<md>>
<<say $Monica>>It’s been a long day, but I’m excited to get started on my new responsibilities. I think I’ll head up to my room now.<<say $Monica>>
<<md>>Monica stood up, stretching slightly before looking at me with a warm, inviting smile.<<md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach, before you leave, could you stop by my room? I have something I want to show you.<<say $Monica>>
<<md>>Her tone was casual, but there was a hint of something more in her eyes, something curious and expectant. I nodded, watching as she left the dining room and headed upstairs.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, Monica. I’ll be up in a bit.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>As soon as Monica was out of sight, the mood shifted. Helen, who had been quietly observing the interaction, leaned in closer to me, her voice dropping to a sultry whisper.<<md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>I have something to show you too, Coach. Something I think you’ll enjoy even more.<<say $Helen Walker>>
<<md>>Without waiting for a response, Helen slowly stood up and, with a teasing smile, began to pull up her dress. My breath caught as the fabric rose higher, revealing smooth, bare skin, until finally, she lifted it completely to show me she was wearing nothing underneath. Her pussy was fully exposed, glistening slightly in the soft light, and she looked at me with a bold, seductive gaze.<<md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>There’s no need to rush off to Monica, Coach. Stay here with me. I can give you everything you need… everything you want.<<say $Helen Walker>>
<<md>>She stepped closer, her hand gently resting on my thigh, her fingers tracing upward with slow, deliberate strokes. The heat of her body, combined with the sight of her bare, inviting pussy, sent a surge of desire through me.<<md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>So, what will it be? Your perfect slut… or the girl upstairs?<<say $Helen Walker>>
<<md>>I found myself torn between the two options, each one carrying its own weight, its own consequences. Helen’s boldness, her willingness to give herself completely to me, was intoxicating. But Monica’s invitation, her innocent curiosity, was equally compelling. I knew that whichever choice I made would change the dynamics between us all in ways that couldn’t be undone.<<md>>
<<md>>Helen’s hand continued to move higher, her touch becoming more insistent, as she waited for my decision.<<md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Come on, Coach… make the right choice. I’m here, ready for you. All yours.<<say $Helen Walker>>
<<md>>The air was thick with tension, the decision looming large in the room. I took a deep breath, knowing that whatever I chose, there would be no turning back.<<md>>
<<md>>Helen’s eyes bore into mine, filled with a mixture of lust and desperation, while the thought of Monica waiting upstairs lingered in the back of my mind. I knew I had to make a choice, and fast.<<md>>
<<md>>The decision was mine to make, but the consequences… those would last forever.<<md>><<md>>The decision was made in an instant. I reached out, pulling Helen close, and kissed her fiercely. She responded with equal intensity, her hands clawing at my clothes as we stumbled toward the nearest surface. The need between us was raw, animalistic, and there was no holding back.<<md>>
<<md>>I pushed her onto the dining table, her dress hiked up around her waist, and positioned myself between her legs. Without any hesitation, I thrust into her hard, her slick heat enveloping me as she cried out in pleasure.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Quiet, Helen. Your husband is just upstairs. He could hear us.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>I tried to keep my voice low, but the urgency in my movements betrayed my own desperation. Helen, however, seemed completely lost in the moment.<<md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>I don’t care! Let him hear! Let him know what I am… a slut… your slut! Fuck me, Coach! Show me how much you want me!<<say $Helen Walker>>
<<md>>Her words fueled my desire, and I pounded into her with a primal force, her body writhing beneath me. Each thrust elicited a moan that grew louder, more desperate, until she was practically screaming with pleasure.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Helen… be quiet! You’ll wake the whole house!<<say $mc>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Let them wake up! Let them see what I’ve become… what you’ve made me! I’m yours, Coach… your perfect slut. And don’t you even think about Monica. Ever. She’s not for you. I am!<<say $Helen Walker>>
<<md>>Her voice was a mix of moans and breathless whispers, each word laced with an intoxicating blend of submission and defiance. The room was filled with the sounds of our bodies colliding, the table creaking under the strain, as I drove into her harder, faster.<<md>>
<<md>>I was close, the heat building inside me to an unbearable point, and Helen could feel it too. She wrapped her legs around me, pulling me deeper as she begged for more, her voice barely above a whisper now, but filled with a frantic need.<<md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Cum on my face, Coach… mark me as yours… let me be the slut you need.<<say $Helen Walker>>
<<md>>The moment was upon us, and I pulled out just in time, aiming for her face. But just as I was about to release, a voice called out from the stairs.<<md>>
<<say $Monica>>Mom? Is everything alright?<<say $Monica>>
<<md>>Monica’s voice was filled with concern, and in that instant, she stepped into the room. The sight before her was something she could never have expected—her mother, spread out on the dining table, her dress pulled up, her face flushed with arousal… and me, standing over her, cock in hand, ready to cum.<<md>>
<<md>>Her eyes went wide, shock and horror flooding her expression as she took in the scene. And in that split second, I couldn’t stop myself. With a guttural groan, I came, my release splashing across Helen’s face in hot, thick streams.<<md>>
<<md>>Helen moaned loudly, savoring every drop, even as Monica stood frozen in place, her hands covering her mouth in disbelief. The room was suddenly filled with a heavy silence, broken only by Helen’s panting breaths as she looked up at me with a satisfied smile.<<md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>You see, Coach? I told you… I’m your slut. Yours.<<say $Helen Walker>>
<<md>>Monica’s eyes filled with tears as she finally found her voice, trembling with a mixture of anger, confusion, and betrayal.<<md>>
<<say $Monica>>Mom… how could you? How could you do this?<<say $Monica>>
<<md>>The reality of what had just happened came crashing down, the weight of it settling in as I watched the devastation on Monica’s face. Helen, however, seemed unrepentant, licking her lips as she wiped my cum from her face with her fingers, still lost in the afterglow of what we had just done.<<md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Monica, sweetheart… you don’t understand. This… this is what I need. What we both need.<<say $Helen Walker>>
<<md>>But Monica couldn’t hear her. She turned and fled from the room, her sobs echoing through the house as she ran upstairs, leaving Helen and me alone in the aftermath of our destructive choices.<<md>>
<<md>>Helen’s smile faded as the gravity of the situation began to sink in, and she looked up at me with a mixture of fear and regret.<<md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Coach… what have we done?<<say $Helen Walker>>
<<md>>But there were no easy answers, no simple way to fix the damage we had caused. The line between passion and destruction had been crossed, and there was no going back.<<md>><<md>>The choice weighed heavily on me, but as I stood there with Helen’s seductive offer hanging in the air, I found myself thinking of Monica—her innocence, her determination, and the way she had asked me to visit her room. With a deep breath, I made my decision.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I’m sorry, Helen… but Monica asked me to come up. I should go see what she wants.<</say>>
<<md>>Helen’s smile faltered, her disappointment barely concealed as she stepped back, her expression hardening slightly.<</md>>
<<say $Helen Walker>>Of course… go ahead.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, feeling the tension in the room as I turned away from her and made my way upstairs. The decision felt significant, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was walking into something that would change everything.<</md>>
<<md>>When I reached Monica’s door, I knocked softly, then pushed it open. Monica was sitting on her bed, a small, nostalgic smile on her face as she held a photo in her hand. She looked up as I entered, her smile brightening.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach, come in! I wanted to show you something.<</say>>
<<md>>I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. Monica handed me the photo, and I couldn’t help but smile as I saw a much younger version of her, dressed in a cheerleader’s uniform, beaming with pride.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You were adorable, Monica. It’s no wonder you’ve always been so dedicated to cheerleading.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Yeah, I’ve been at it since I was a little girl. It’s always been my dream to lead a team. And now… thanks to you, it’s finally happening.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was soft, filled with gratitude, and when she looked up at me, there was something more in her eyes—something deeper and more vulnerable.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I don’t know how to thank you, Coach. You’ve done so much for me… I really love you, you know.<</say>>
<<md>>Her confession hung in the air, and before I could respond, Monica leaned in, pressing her lips to mine in a tender, hesitant kiss. The innocence of the moment quickly gave way to something more intense as I kissed her back, my hand moving to cup her cheek.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica… we’re going to need more training if you want to be the best cheerleader.<</say>>
<<md>>My voice was low, teasing, and Monica blushed but smiled up at me, understanding the double meaning in my words.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I’m ready for whatever you want to teach me, Coach. Anything.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eagerness was intoxicating, and before I knew it, we were on her bed, our kisses deepening, our hands exploring each other’s bodies. The tension that had been building between us finally broke, and I quickly undressed her, revealing her smooth, youthful body beneath.<</md>>
<<md>>I moved over her, kissing her neck, her chest, her stomach, each touch eliciting soft gasps from her as she tangled her fingers in my hair.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach… I want you. Please.<</say>>
<<md>>Her plea was breathy and filled with need. I positioned myself between her legs and entered her slowly, savoring the tight heat of her body as she gasped, her back arching with the sensation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Shh… we have to be quiet, Monica. Your dad’s just down the hall.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica’s eyes widened, realizing the risk, and she bit her lip, trying to stifle the sounds of pleasure as I began to move inside her. The knowledge that we could be caught at any moment only heightened the intensity of the moment.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It feels so good… I don’t know if I can be quiet.<</say>>
<<md>>I leaned down, kissing her deeply to muffle her moans as we moved together in perfect rhythm. Monica’s hands clutched at my back, her nails digging into my skin as she tried to control the sounds escaping her lips.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You have to try, Monica. We can’t let anyone hear us.<</say>>
<<md>>Despite my warning, Monica couldn’t help but let out soft whimpers, her body trembling beneath me as the pleasure built between us. The sensation was overwhelming, and I could feel myself nearing the edge far too quickly.<</md>>
<<md>>When I knew I couldn’t hold back any longer, I pulled out, guiding myself over her stomach as I stroked the final moments. With a groan, I released, my cum spilling onto her bed in thick streams.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like I made a bit of a mess, Monica.<</say>>
<<md>>I joked lightly, trying to break the tension, but Monica only smiled up at me, her eyes filled with adoration and satisfaction.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I don’t mind. I’ll sleep better knowing you were here with me, Coach.<</say>>
<<md>>She reached up, pulling me down for one last, lingering kiss, her hands gently caressing my face as if trying to memorize the moment. We lay together for a few minutes, basking in the afterglow of what we had just shared, before I finally sat up, knowing I needed to leave before anyone noticed.<</md>>
<<md>>As I dressed, Monica watched me with a contented smile, her fingers idly tracing patterns on the bed where my cum had landed.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, Coach. For everything. I… I love you.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words were sincere, filled with a vulnerability that tugged at my heart. I leaned down, kissing her forehead gently.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I care about you too, Monica. But we need to be careful, okay? Your family means a lot to me.<</say>>
<<md>>She nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation, but her smile remained, her love for me evident in every glance.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I’ll be careful, Coach. I promise.<</say>>
<<md>>With one last look at her, I left the room, my heart heavy with the weight of the choices I’d made. As I closed the door behind me, I knew that Monica and I had crossed a line that couldn’t be uncrossed, and the consequences of that choice would follow us from this night forward.<</md>>
<<md>>I approached Monica during a break in training, hoping to have a private word with her. However, as I got closer, I noticed her body language stiffen.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, can we talk for a moment?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I'm busy, Coach. Maybe later.<</say>>
<<md>>Her tone was cold, unlike her usual warmth. I pressed on, lowering my voice.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's about your mother. I think she might have some... needs that aren't being met.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's eyes flashed with anger, and she turned to face me fully.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>What are you talking about? My family is going through some difficulties right now, and the last thing we need is another man sniffing around my mother.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm just trying to help. Every marriage has tough times—<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Stop. Just stop right there. You don't know anything about my family or our situation.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was trembling with emotion, but she continued.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I can close my eyes to a lot of things, Coach. I can pretend not to see when you flirt with other girls. But my mom? That's crossing a line. Do you have any idea what it would do to my dad if he found out?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I didn't mean to—<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>He's already going through so much. He lost his job, we're struggling to make ends meet, and now you're suggesting that my mom should what? Have an affair? With you?<</say>>
<<md>>I realized the gravity of my mistake and tried to backpedal.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sorry, Monica. I didn't understand the full situation. I was just trying to—<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>To what? Break up my family? God, I can't believe I actually thought I loved you. You don't care about anyone's feelings but your own, do you?<</say>>
<<md>>Her words hit me like a punch to the gut. I could see tears forming in her eyes as she continued.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I trusted you. I thought you were different. But you're just like all the others, aren't you? Only thinking about yourself.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, please, let me explain—<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>No. I don't want to hear it. Just... just leave me alone.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, Monica turned and walked away, leaving me standing there, the weight of my actions crashing down on me. I realized I had severely misjudged the situation and potentially ruined not only my relationship with Monica but also her trust in me as a coach and mentor.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 4>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3T = 4>>\
<<addAff $Monica -10>>\
<<addmins 15>>
div id="enemy-type">Opponent: <<print>></div>
<div class="status-display">
<div>Your Stamina: <<print $stamina.toFixed(1)>></div>
<div>Enemy Stamina: <<print State.variables.enemyStamina.toFixed(1)>></div>
<div class="status-display">
<div>Strength: <<print>></div>
<div>Intellect: <<print>></div>
<div class="status-display">
<div>Current Combo: <<print State.variables.currentCombo.join(' + ') || 'None'>></div>
<div>Combo Counter: <<print State.variables.comboCounter>></div>
<div class="button-group">
<<button "Jab" "Game">><<run attack('jab')>><</button>>
<<button "Hook" "Game">><<run attack('hook')>><</button>>
<<button "Uppercut" "Game">><<run attack('uppercut')>><</button>>
<<button "Cross" "Game">><<run attack('cross')>><</button>>
<<button "Overhand" "Game">><<run attack('overhand')>><</button>>
<div class="button-group">
<<button "High Guard" "Game">><<run defend('highGuard')>><</button>>
<<button "Body Guard" "Game">><<run defend('bodyGuard')>><</button>>
<<button "Philly Shell" "Game">><<run defend('phillyShell')>><</button>>
<<button "Peek-a-Boo" "Game">><<run defend('peekABoo')>><</button>>
<<button "Cross Arm" "Game">><<run defend('crossArm')>><</button>>
<div class="button-group">
<<button "Skip Turn" "Game">><<run skip()>><</button>>
<div id="game-log">
<<for _i to 0; _i < State.variables.gameLog.length; _i++>>
<div><<print State.variables.gameLog[_i]>></div>
<h1>Advanced Mini-Box Game</h1>
<p>Welcome to the Advanced Mini-Box Game! Test your boxing skills against increasingly challenging opponents.</p>
<<button "Start Game">><<run resetGame()>><<goto "UndergroundBoxingGame">><</button>><<md>>The dream began on a golden shore, the sand shimmering beneath the sun’s rays as if every grain were made of pure gold. The ocean stretched out endlessly, the water a deep, almost impossibly blue hue that shifted and pulsed with every breath I took. I stood there, feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin, dressed only in swim trunks. Everything around me felt vibrant, alive, yet somehow distant—like a painting that moved but never fully settled into reality.<</md>>
<<md>>I looked to my side and saw Monica standing there, her back to me. She wore a simple yet elegant swimsuit, the pale blue fabric hugging her curves in a way that made her seem ethereal, almost glowing. Her hair flowed like silk down her back, catching the light as she stared out at the horizon.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Why couldn’t you save me?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was soft, but it carried an edge of sadness that echoed in the strange, shifting air around us. I took a step closer to her, reaching out, but the distance between us seemed to stretch and warp with every movement, making it feel as though I was walking through molasses.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Save you? Monica, what do you mean? I’m here.<</say>>
<<md>>She turned to face me then, her eyes wide and filled with a mix of longing and confusion. Her lips parted as if to speak, but instead of words, I heard the distant crash of waves against the shore, a sound that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You couldn’t save me… you let me slip away.<</say>>
<<md>>She began to walk away from me, her feet barely making any indentations in the golden sand as if she were weightless, floating just above the surface.<</md>>
[[Grab her hand|MonicaDreamNew1.2]]
<<md>>I made my way up to the second floor, each step echoing in the quiet corridor. My mind was on Monica, hoping to catch her before practice, to check in on her. She’d been through so much lately, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. <</md>>
<<md>>When I reached her door, I noticed it wasn’t fully closed. Instead, it hung slightly ajar, a thin beam of light spilling out into the dim hallway. Something tugged at me—a quiet curiosity—and before I could stop myself, I stepped closer and peeked through the gap. <</md>>
<<md>>What I saw hit me like a jolt of electricity. Monica was inside, sprawled across her bed, one hand gripping the sheets while the other was busy between her legs. Her cheerleader skirt was bunched up around her waist, her panties tossed aside. Her fingers moved with purpose, rubbing slow, deliberate circles against her clit, her breath hitching in her throat with every stroke. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Mmm... yes... right there... <</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was soft, but the need in it was unmistakable. She whispered to herself, lost in the moment, the fire in her eyes blazing with determination—just like how she approached everything else. Her head tipped back, exposing her neck, her lips parting as she let out a soft moan that sent a shiver down my spine. <</md>>
<<md>>I stood frozen, watching her. My heart pounded as I imagined what it would be like to be the one touching her—my fingers replacing hers, my tongue tracing the path her fingers so eagerly explored. Every part of me wanted to slip inside that room, to drop to my knees between her thighs, to hear her moan my name instead of those soft, breathless gasps. <</md>>
<<md>>Her fingers quickened, and she bit down on her lower lip, her hips lifting off the bed as she worked herself closer to the edge. <<say $Monica>>Oh... fuck... right there... don't stop... <</say>> Her breathy voice broke through my restraint, and my cock throbbed painfully against the tightness of my pants. <</md>>
<<md>>I could practically feel the heat of her skin, the wetness she was desperately chasing. My mouth watered as I imagined sliding inside her—my dick replacing her fingers, filling her completely, making her scream instead of these quiet, stifled moans. My mind spun with fantasies of taking her, watching her fall apart beneath me, guiding her to release as her body trembled with ecstasy. <</md>>
<<md>>But I stayed frozen, locked in place by the desire to witness her finish, the scene so intimate and raw. Her breath hitched again, her fingers moving frantically as her thighs tensed. <<say $Monica>>Yes... yes... oh... oh fuck... <</say>> She gasped, her body arching off the bed as the orgasm washed over her, her face a mask of pleasure, completely unaware of my presence behind the door. <</md>>
<<md>>I swallowed hard, my breath shaky. The temptation to step inside, to finally feel her skin against mine, was almost too much. But I didn’t move, knowing this moment—this private, erotic moment—belonged to her. For now, I was just an outsider, left only with the pulsing need and the vivid images of what could have been. <</md>>
<<md>>As she collapsed back onto the bed, panting and spent, I slipped away from the door, retreating into the hallway. But the image of Monica, flushed and glowing from her release, lingered in my mind long after I walked away, my body still thrumming with desire. <</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 46>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "46b">>\
<<md>>The subway car rocked gently as it sped through the tunnels, the dim lights casting long shadows over the few passengers scattered around. My eyes scanned the space, landing on a familiar figure near the far end of the car—Monica. She was standing by the door, one hand gripping the pole for balance, the other holding her phone. She was dressed in a black, tight skirt that hugged her curves perfectly, her legs encased in sheer black tights. Her usual kindness was there in her expression, but something else lingered, something that piqued my curiosity.<</md>>
<<md>>The car wasn’t crowded, just a few people lost in their own world. I saw an opportunity and, without overthinking it, made my way over to her. She didn’t notice me at first, too engrossed in whatever she was reading on her phone. The sway of the subway car made her skirt ride up just slightly, revealing more of her smooth thighs. A surge of desire coursed through me, and I decided to take advantage of the situation.<</md>>
<<md>>I stepped in closer, pressing myself against her from behind, my hand casually resting on her hip. She tensed for a moment, glancing over her shoulder, but when she saw it was me, a small, knowing smile played on her lips. She didn’t say anything, didn’t move away—instead, she leaned slightly into me, her body language telling me she didn’t mind.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Mmm... what are you up to? This isn’t very proper, you know...<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was soft, teasing, but there was a hint of anticipation there too. My hand slid lower, fingers brushing over the curve of her ass through the fabric of her skirt. She shifted slightly, almost imperceptibly, pressing back against my hand as if encouraging me to continue.<</md>>
<<md>>I took the invitation, slowly inching her skirt up, revealing more of her thighs. The soft, silky material of her tights felt smooth under my hand as I explored the firm roundness of her ass. My breath quickened as I slid my hand further, squeezing the soft flesh through her tights. Monica’s breath hitched, but she didn’t pull away—instead, she pushed back, her ass grinding subtly against my palm.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You’re so bold... what if someone sees? Or... maybe that’s what you want?<</say>>
<<md>>Her words sent a thrill through me. My hand moved with more purpose now, pulling her skirt up higher until it was bunched around her waist, her ass fully exposed except for the thin barrier of her tights. I could feel the heat radiating from her, the tightness of the space around us amplifying every sensation.<</md>>
<<md>>My fingers found the waistband of her tights, and with a quick, firm tug, I tore them open, exposing her panties beneath. She gasped, a sound that was more pleasure than surprise, her back arching slightly as she pressed herself further into my touch.<<md>>
<<md>>I slid my hand inside, feeling the softness of her panties and the warmth beneath. My fingers traced the outline of her pussy, teasing her through the fabric. Her breath was coming faster now, her grip on the pole tightening as she fought to stay steady.<<md>>
<<say $Monica>>You’re... so bad...<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was a whisper, laced with arousal. I could feel how wet she was, even through the thin material of her panties. My fingers dipped lower, pushing the fabric aside, and I finally made contact with her slick, hot skin. Monica’s body shuddered, a quiet moan escaping her lips as I slid one finger inside her.<</md>>
<<md>>She didn’t resist—instead, she parted her legs slightly, giving me better access as I pushed deeper, adding a second finger. Her pussy clenched around my fingers, warm and tight, and I could feel her trying to hold back the sounds that threatened to escape.<<md>>
<<md>>My thumb found her clit, rubbing slow, deliberate circles as I fucked her with my fingers, each thrust making her body tense and tremble.<<md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh... fuck... right there...<</say>>
<<md>>Her whisper was shaky, her usual composure slipping as she gave in to the pleasure. The subway car’s gentle rocking only added to the sensation, each movement pushing her further onto my fingers. I could feel her getting close, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps, her grip on the pole so tight her knuckles were white.<</md>>
<<md>>I increased the pace, my fingers moving faster, harder, and she responded immediately, her hips grinding against my hand, chasing the release she so desperately needed.<<md>>
<<say $Monica>>Yes... yes... don’t stop...<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was a mix of desperation and command, and I obeyed, driving her closer to the edge until finally, with a muffled cry, she came. Her body convulsed around my fingers, her pussy gripping me tight as she rode out the waves of her orgasm, her thighs quivering against my hand.<</md>>
<<md>>I slowed my movements, easing her down gently as she caught her breath. Her body relaxed against mine, her head resting back on my shoulder for a moment as she let out a soft, contented sigh.<<md>>
<<say $Monica>>You really are something else...<</say>>
<<md>>She whispered, a small smile on her lips as she pulled away slightly, adjusting her skirt back into place with a casual grace that belied what had just happened. She didn’t seem flustered or embarrassed—just that same calm, composed Monica, with a hint of mischief in her eyes.<<md>>
<<say $Monica>>Next time... maybe somewhere a bit more private?<</say>>
<<md>>She gave me a playful wink before turning back to her phone, leaving me standing there, still reeling from the intensity of what we’d just shared.<<md>>
<<md>>As the subway car slowed to a stop at the next station, I couldn’t help but think about how right she was—there definitely would be a next time.<<md>><<md>>After the gym had emptied and the lights began to dim, I noticed Monica still gathering her things. She had worked hard today, pushing herself through a grueling cheerleading practice. I approached her, noticing a slight weariness in her movements.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, Monica, how are you getting home?<<</say>>
<<md>>She looked up, offering me a small smile as she slipped her water bottle into her bag.<<md>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, I’ll just go by myself. I usually take the subway. Taxis are way too expensive for me right now, especially with everything going on at home.<<</say>>
<<md>>There was a lighthearted tone to her voice, but I could sense the strain beneath it. It wasn’t unusual for her to hide her worries behind that sweet smile of hers.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I’m headed that way too. How about we ride together?<<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me for a moment, her smile softening.<<md>>
<<say $Monica>>That sounds nice, actually. It’s been a long day.<<</say>>
<<md>>With that, we left the school together, the cool evening air refreshing after the heat and intensity of the gym. The walk to the subway wasn’t far, but it gave us just enough time to talk.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You were great in practice today. I noticed you’ve really been pushing yourself.<<</say>>
<<md>>Monica blushed slightly at the compliment, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.<<md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks... I’ve just been trying to do my best. I guess with everything going on, it feels like the one thing I can really control. You know? Cheerleading is... it’s like my anchor right now.<<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was sincere, and I could hear the depth of her dedication in every word. Monica had always been the kind of person who gave her all, even when things weren’t easy.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>I can tell. But don’t forget to take care of yourself too. You’re not just the team’s anchor—you’ve got to make sure you don’t burn out.<<</say>>
<<md>>She glanced at me, her expression softening with a hint of gratitude.<<md>>
<<say $Monica>>I know. It’s hard sometimes, but I’m trying. Having someone to talk to helps though.<<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes met mine, and there was something warm and genuine in her gaze.<<md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you... for riding with me. It’s nice to not have to be alone tonight.<<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled at her, feeling that same warmth settling between us.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Anytime, Monica. You’re not alone.<<</say>>
<<md>>We reached the subway platform, the faint hum of the train approaching in the distance. As we stood there, waiting for the ride home, the comfortable silence between us spoke more than any words could.<<md>><<md>>The gym was quiet now, the echoes of practice still lingering in the air as I watched Monica gather her things. She moved slower than usual, her shoulders drooping slightly and her face flushed with exhaustion. It was clear that the day's training had taken a lot out of her, more than I’d seen before.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, you look beat. You feeling alright?<<</say>>
<<md>>She glanced up at me, her usual bright smile appearing, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes this time.<<md>>
<<say $Monica>>I’m fine, just a little tired. Practice was rough today, but I’ll be okay.<<</say>>
<<md>>She shrugged it off, but the way she leaned against the locker for support made me think otherwise. I stepped closer, concern creeping into my voice.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Are you sure? I don’t like seeing you this worn out. How are you getting home?<<</say>>
<<md>>She paused for a moment, then sighed.<<md>>
<<say $Monica>>I’ll just take the subway, like always. It’s nothing I can’t handle... I’ve done it before.<<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was steady, but I could tell she was pushing herself too hard. She had always been the type to give everything her all, but tonight, it seemed like too much.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Tell you what—let me ride with you tonight. I want to make sure you’re alright.<<</say>>
<<md>>She hesitated, looking at me with a tired but appreciative smile.<<md>>
<<say $Monica>>You don’t have to do that. I’ll be fine, really...<<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know I don’t have to. But I want to.<<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me for a long moment, then nodded, her smile softening.<<md>>
<<say $Monica>>Okay. I guess I could use the company.<<</say>>
<<md>>We walked together to the subway in the cool evening air. Monica leaned on me slightly as we walked, and I kept a close eye on her, watching for any signs that she was struggling.<<md>>
<<md>>When we reached the platform, I could see the weariness in her face more clearly under the dim lights. She rubbed her eyes, trying to shake off the fatigue.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You’ve really been pushing yourself lately, Monica. Maybe take it easy for the next few days, huh?<<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I know... It’s just, I want to get everything right. There’s so much riding on this, and... I guess I don’t always know when to stop.<<</say>>
<<md>>Her honesty caught me off guard, and I felt a wave of protectiveness wash over me.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>That’s why I’m here. To remind you to take care of yourself too.<<</say>>
<<md>>She smiled up at me, leaning against the pole as the train finally pulled into the station.<<md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks... I guess I needed that.<<</say>>
<<md>>As the doors opened and we stepped inside, I made sure to stay close to her, ready to help if she needed it. We rode in comfortable silence, the rhythmic hum of the subway lulling both of us into a quiet calm.<<md>>
<<md>>Tonight wasn’t about anything more than making sure she was okay. But as we sat there, side by side, I couldn’t help but feel a deepening connection—a bond that grew with each quiet moment we shared.<<md>>
<<md>>After practice, Monica left the gym in a hurry, her usual bright smile absent. She seemed distracted, almost as if lost in her own thoughts. She barely acknowledged me as she grabbed her bag and made her way out of the gym, her steps quick and her head down.<<md>>
<<md>>I watched her go, feeling a tug of concern. She hadn’t been herself lately, always rushing off after practice, her mind clearly elsewhere. It wasn’t like her to be so distant, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica... wait.<<</say>>
<<md>>But she didn’t hear me, or if she did, she didn’t show it. Instead, she continued down the hallway and out the door, her pace never slowing. I stood there for a moment, debating whether to let her go or follow her.<<md>>
<<md>>Concern won out over hesitation. I grabbed my own bag and followed her out of the school, keeping a few paces behind so she wouldn’t notice. The evening air was cool, and the streets were mostly quiet as I trailed her towards the subway station.<<md>>
<<md>>She didn’t look back once, lost in her thoughts, her steps quick and purposeful. I stayed close, watching her closely, unsure of what had her so distracted. Something was different tonight—she wasn’t just tired. She seemed anxious, almost tense.<<md>>
<<md>>As she descended into the subway station, I quickened my pace slightly, not wanting to lose sight of her. She moved with a kind of quiet urgency, her black skirt swaying slightly with each step.<<md>>
<<md>>When she reached the platform, she leaned against the wall, her eyes distant as she waited for the train. I stopped a little distance away, observing her. She was biting her lip, her fingers fidgeting with the strap of her bag—something she did when she was nervous.<<md>>
<<md>>It was in that moment that a strange idea crossed my mind. Maybe it was the tension in the air, or the way she seemed so oblivious to the world around her, but I felt an irresistible pull. She was vulnerable right now, and though part of me knew it was wrong, another part wanted to use this moment to get closer to her.<<md>>
<<md>>The train arrived with a quiet hum, and Monica stepped inside, still unaware of my presence. I followed her into the car, the quiet buzz of the subway filling the space.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>She has no idea...<<</say>>
<<md>>The thought danced in my mind as I stood behind her, watching her body shift slightly with the movement of the train. She was close enough to touch, and the temptation was overwhelming.<<md>>
<<md>>Tonight, I wouldn’t just watch. Tonight, I would act.<<md>><<md>>As the girls headed off, chatting about their routines, I couldn't help but feel proud. Despite the challenges ahead, it was clear that the team was growing stronger, not just in skill, but in character and unity as well.<</md>>
<<md>>I was just about to enter my biology classroom when I heard a familiar, gruff voice behind me.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Hey, $mc.Surname! Get your ass over here for a second.<</say>>
<<md>>I turned to see Olivia marching towards me, her face set in its usual stern expression.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Morning, Olivia. What's going on?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Listen up, I've got some shit we need to discuss. Meet me at the sports field during the break at 12. And don't be late, got it?<</say>>
<<md>>Her tone was brusque and left no room for argument.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, I'll be there. Is there a problem with the team?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Just be there, Coach. I don't have time for twenty questions right now. We'll talk at the field.<</say>>
<<md>>Without another word, Olivia turned on her heel and strode away, leaving me standing there with more questions than answers. As I entered my classroom, I couldn't help but wonder what urgent matter had Olivia so worked up this time.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 4>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "15b">>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Enter the class|Biology class]] <<say $mc>>I believe our leader should be someone who genuinely cares for each member of the team. They need to be attentive to everyone's training routines, making sure each girl is progressing and not falling behind. But at the same time, they should have a light touch - supportive and encouraging rather than harsh or demanding.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia listened intently, her eyebrow raised skeptically as I spoke.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>A light touch? Are you fucking kidding me? We're not running a damn daycare here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understand your concern, Olivia. But we've seen how Autumn's harsh leadership style affected the team. I think what these girls need now is someone who can build them up, not tear them down. Someone who can foster a sense of unity and mutual support.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Christ, you sound like a fucking Hallmark card. But... you might have a point. We don't need another psycho bitch like Autumn running things. Still, we can't go soft. This is still a competitive sport, not a fucking knitting circle.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely. It's about finding the right balance. Someone who can push the team to excel while also nurturing their individual strengths.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia seemed to mull this over, her brow furrowed in thought.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Fine, I'll think about your kumbaya bullshit. We'll need to watch these girls like hawks, see who's got the balls to step up. Thanks for the input, I guess.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No problem. Anything else we need to discuss?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Nah, that's it for now. Let's reconvene in a few days and see who's shown some fucking leadership potential. We can't screw this up.<</say>>
<<md>>As we parted ways, I couldn't help but feel the weight of this decision. Choosing the right leader could make or break our team's chances at Nationals. But more importantly, it would shape the experience of every girl on the squad. We had to get this right.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "16b">>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleaderCaptain1 += 1>>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Back to school|School reception]] <<say $mc>>I believe our leader should be disciplined. We need someone who can maintain order and push the team to their limits.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's eyebrows shot up, a grin spreading across her face.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, holy shit. Looks like you've grown a pair, Coach. I didn't expect that from you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Discipline is key in any sport, Olivia. We need someone who can keep the team focused and working hard, especially with Nationals coming up.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Damn straight. These girls need a kick in the ass, not a fucking group hug. But how do we make sure we don't end up with another Autumn situation?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's about finding the right balance. We need someone who can be strict without being cruel. Someone who leads by example and demands excellence, but also knows when to ease up.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia nodded, looking thoughtful.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, I can work with that. We'll keep an eye out for someone who's got the guts to crack the whip but isn't a complete psycho bitch.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Exactly. We want discipline, not tyranny.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Fine. We'll watch these girls like hawks, see who's got the balls to step up and the brains to do it right. Thanks for not being a total pussy about this, Coach.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No problem. Anything else we need to discuss?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Nah, that's it for now. Let's reconvene in a few days and see who's shown some fucking leadership potential. We can't screw this up.<</say>>
<<md>>As we parted ways, I couldn't help but feel the weight of this decision. Choosing the right leader could make or break our team's chances at Nationals. But more importantly, it would shape the experience of every girl on the squad. We had to get this right.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "16b">>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Back to school|School reception]] <<say $mc>>I think our leader should be cheerful. We need someone who can keep the team's spirits high, especially under pressure.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's jaw dropped, her expression a mix of disbelief and irritation.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Cheerful? Are you shitting me right now? We're trying to win Nationals, not host a fucking birthday party!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hear me out, Olivia. Cheerleading is about energy and enthusiasm. A positive leader can motivate the team better than anyone else.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Jesus Christ, I can't believe I'm hearing this. You want a peppy little sunshine spreader leading our squad?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not just peppy. We need someone who can be positive while still pushing the team to excel. Someone who can lift spirits during tough practices and keep everyone focused on our goals.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia pinched the bridge of her nose, looking exasperated.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Fine. I'll humor your rainbow and unicorn bullshit. But if I see one fucking group hug during practice, I'm shutting that shit down.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's about balance, Olivia. Cheerful doesn't mean soft. It means resilient, able to bounce back from setbacks and keep the team motivated.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Whatever. We'll keep an eye out for your perfect little ray of fucking sunshine. But they better be able to do more than just smile pretty for the judges.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. They need to have the skills to back it up.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, we'll watch these girls and see who's got the pep and the skill to lead without making me want to puke. This better work, Coach.<</say>>
<<md>>As we parted ways, I couldn't help but feel the weight of this decision. Choosing the right leader could make or break our team's chances at Nationals. But more importantly, it would shape the experience of every girl on the squad. We had to get this right, even if Olivia wasn't entirely on board with my vision.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "16b">>\
<<set $QuestNextDay to true>>\
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Back to school|School reception]] <<say $mc>>I can see that. It looks pretty advanced. Mind telling me more about what you're working on?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Of course! I'm focusing on the biomechanics of tumbling. The book explains how understanding the physics behind our movements can help improve precision and reduce the risk of injury. It's fascinating stuff!<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, impressed by her dedication and intellectual approach to cheerleading.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's really interesting, Monica. But I'm curious, why are you practicing here instead of at the beach with the others?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Well, I wanted to sharpen my skills on a stable surface first. The book talks about the importance of mastering techniques in a controlled environment before adding variables like sand. I figured I'd perfect the moves here, then apply what I've learned to our beach practices.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's a smart approach. It's good to see you thinking strategically about your training.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, $mc.Name. Sorry...I mean Coach! I just want to be as prepared as possible for when we hit the beach. It's challenging enough without stumbling over the basics.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understand. You know, when you feel ready to transition to the beach, I'd be happy to help you adjust your techniques to the sand.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's face lit up at the offer.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Really? That would be amazing, Coach! I'd appreciate any guidance you can offer.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. That's what I'm here for. Just let me know when you're ready, and we'll set up some time to work on it together.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you so much! I'll definitely take you up on that offer.<</say>>
<<md>>As I watched Monica return to her practice with renewed enthusiasm, I couldn't help but feel proud of her dedication and methodical approach. Despite the challenges and conflicts she'd faced, she was channeling her energy into self-improvement and team success. It was clear that Monica was emerging as a strong contender for the team leadership role, even if she didn't realize it yet.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 7>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "18b">>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleaderCaptain1 += 1>>\
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Leave the sports field|School gate]]<<say $mc>>A book? Monica, cheerleading isn't something you learn from reading.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's smile faltered slightly at my tone.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Well, it's about the biomechanics of tumbling. The book explains how understanding the physics behind our movements can help improve precision and reduce the risk of injury. It's fascinating stuff!<</say>>
<<md>>I shook my head, disappointed by her approach.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but this isn't the right way to improve. You need practice, not books. Why aren't you at the beach with the others?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I... I wanted to sharpen my skills on a stable surface first. The book talks about the importance of mastering techniques in a controlled environment before adding variables like sand.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's not how it works in real life, Monica. You need to be out there, on the sand, with your team. Books can't teach you how to adapt to real conditions.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's face fell, her earlier excitement replaced by uncertainty.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I just thought... I wanted to be as prepared as possible for when we hit the beach. It's challenging enough without stumbling over the basics.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The basics are exactly what you should be practicing with the team, on the actual beach. This isolated practice isn't going to help you or the team.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nodded slowly, looking deflated.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I see. I'm sorry, Coach. I thought I was doing the right thing.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know you meant well, Monica, but cheerleading is a team sport. You need to be with your team, facing the same challenges together. Pack up your things and head to the beach. That's where you'll really improve.<</say>>
<<md>>As Monica gathered her belongings, her earlier enthusiasm gone, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. But I reminded myself that sometimes, tough love was necessary. Monica needed to learn that real improvement comes from practical experience, not just theory.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 7>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "18b">>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleaderCritisized1 = 1>>\
<<addmins 20>>\
[[Leave the sports field|School gate]]<<md>>Later that afternoon, we arrived at the beach. The sun was low in the sky, casting a golden glow over the sand. Monica began her warm-up routine as I observed her form.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, Monica. Let's start with the tumbling sequence you were practicing earlier. Remember, the sand will affect your balance and momentum differently.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nodded, taking a deep breath before launching into her routine. Her movements were graceful, but I could see her struggling to adjust to the unstable surface.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good effort, but you're overcompensating for the sand. Try to relax your ankles more and let your feet sink in a bit.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Like this?<</say>>
<<md>>She attempted the move again, but stumbled slightly on the landing. I moved closer to help her maintain her balance.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Almost. Here, let me show you.<</say>>
<<md>>I positioned myself behind Monica, gently placing my hands on her shoulders to guide her posture. I could feel the warmth of her skin through her practice clothes, and for a moment, our eyes met. There was a flicker of something more than just student-teacher rapport, but I quickly refocused on the task at hand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Feel how your weight should be distributed? It's all about adapting to the surface beneath you.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I... I think I understand.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was slightly breathless, and I wasn't sure if it was from the exertion or our proximity. I took a step back, maintaining a professional distance.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Good. Now try it again on your own.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nodded, a slight blush on her cheeks as she resumed her position. This time, her execution was nearly flawless, her body moving in harmony with the shifting sand.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Excellent work, Monica! You're a quick learner.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, Coach. I couldn't have done it without your guidance.<</say>>
<<md>>As the training session continued, I made sure to keep our interactions purely professional, despite the lingering awareness of that brief moment we'd shared. Monica's dedication and skill were impressive, and I reminded myself that my role was to support her growth as an athlete, nothing more.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think that's enough for today. You've made great progress, Monica. Keep practicing these techniques, and you'll be more than ready for our next team practice.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks again, Coach. This session was really... helpful.<</say>>
<<md>>As we packed up to leave, I couldn't help but feel a mix of pride in Monica's achievements and a nagging awareness that I needed to be extra careful about maintaining appropriate boundaries in the future.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 8>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "19b">>\
<<addmins 180>>\
[[Leave the beach|Street York-Road]]<<md>>A sprained leg, especially a severe one, could be devastating for a cheerleader. Monica didn't join the squad to sit on the sidelines, and the last thing we need is for this to turn into a career-ending injury.<</md>>
<<md>>I glance at her swelling ankle, my brow furrowing in thought. What she needs is an elastic bandage to immobilize the joint and prevent further damage. If I can stabilize her leg before we move her, it could save her from serious complications. After all, it's often not the initial injury that's the worst, but what follows if it's not treated properly.<</md>>
<<md>>A pharmacy. That's what we need. I try to recall the nearest one, my memory fuzzy for a moment before it clicks. There's one about 5-10 minutes from here. But leaving Monica alone in this state... that's a risk too.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach? Is everything okay?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice snaps me back to the present. I look at her brave face, still trying to put on a strong front despite the pain.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm just thinking about how to best help you, Monica. We need to get that leg wrapped up properly.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I'm sure I'll be fine. The team—<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The team will manage. Right now, you're my priority.<</say>>
<<md>>I have to make a decision. Every minute counts when dealing with an injury like this.<</md>>
<<if $id.bandage == 0>>\
[[Go to pharmacy|MonicaCheerleader4.5]]
[[Use bandage|MonicaCheerleader4.6]]
[[Stay with Monica|MonicaCheerleader4.7]]
<<md>>After making my purchase, I rushed back to Monica, finding her exactly where I'd left her, her face tight with discomfort but still managing a small smile as she saw me approach.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>That was fast, Coach. I hope you didn't run all the way there and back.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry about me. Let's get you taken care of.<</say>>
<<md>>I carefully wrapped her injured leg with the elastic bandage, doing my best to provide support without cutting off circulation. Then I handed her the pain relievers and helped her position the ice pack.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This should help reduce the swelling and pain. How does it feel?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>It's better, thank you. The ice really helps.<</say>>
<<md>>As I finished tending to her injury, Monica's brow furrowed with concern.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach, how long do you think it'll be before I can come back to practice? We have so much work to do for Nationals...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Monica. Right now, we need to focus on your recovery. We don't want to rush things and risk making the injury worse.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>But the team needs me. There's so much left to do...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The team needs you healthy. You've shown great leadership today, and part of being a leader is knowing when to step back and take care of yourself. We'll take this one day at a time, okay?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nodded reluctantly, clearly torn between her dedication to the team and the need to heal.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You're right, Coach. Thank you for taking care of me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. Now, let's get you to Jane and then home so you can rest properly.<</say>>
<<md>>As I helped Monica to her feet, supporting her weight, I couldn't help but admire her commitment. It was clear that her recovery would be a test not just of her physical resilience, but of her patience as well.<</md>>
[[Wait for taxi|MonicaCheerleader4.5Taxi]]\
<<set $MonicaCheerleaderPharmacy = 2>>\
<<md>>As I considered our options, an idea struck me. We needed a bandage to stabilize Monica's leg. Suddenly, I remembered something crucial.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wait a minute, Monica. I think I have a solution.<</say>>
<<md>>I reached into my bag, rummaging through it with growing excitement.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I always keep a first aid kit with me for emergencies like this. And... yes! Here it is.<</say>>
<<md>>I pulled out an elastic bandage, relief washing over me.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This should help stabilize your leg until we can get you proper medical attention.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>That's great, Coach! I'm so glad you're prepared.<</say>>
<<md>>Even in pain, Monica managed a small smile. Her resilience was admirable.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, let's get this wrapped up. It might hurt a bit, but it'll help prevent further injury.<</say>>
<<md>>I carefully began to wrap Monica's leg, trying to be as gentle as possible while still providing adequate support.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, Coach. I don't know what I'd do without you here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's what I'm here for, Monica. Now, let's focus on getting you some proper medical attention.<</say>>
<<md>>With Monica's leg stabilized, I felt more confident about moving her. We still had challenges ahead, but at least we had taken the first step in addressing her injury.<</md>>
[[Call taxi|MonicaCheerleader4.5Taxi]]\
<<md>>I hailed a taxi, carefully helping Monica into the backseat before sliding in next to her. The driver gave us a concerned look in the rearview mirror.<</md>>
<<text g "Everything alright back there?">>
<<say $mc>>We're heading to the school. My student has injured her leg.<</say>>
<<md>>As the taxi pulled away from the curb, Monica leaned her head back, closing her eyes briefly.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach, I'm sorry for all this trouble.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't apologize, Monica. These things happen in sports. We'll get you fixed up in no time.<</say>>
<<md>>The ride to school was quiet, with Monica occasionally wincing when we hit a bump. I kept a steadying hand on her shoulder, trying to provide what comfort I could.<</md>>
<<md>>When we arrived at the school, I paid the driver and helped Monica out of the taxi. We made our way slowly through the halls, Monica leaning heavily on me for support.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We're almost there. Jane will take good care of you.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I hope so. I can't afford to be out of commission for long.<</say>>
[[Enter Jane's office|MonicaCheerleaderJane]]\
<<md>>After considering our limited options, we realized we had no choice but to make our way to Jane's office by ourselves. As Monica tried to stand, she let out a sharp gasp of pain.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I... I don't think I can walk, Coach. It hurts too much.<</say>>
<<md>>I looked at Monica's pained expression and made a quick decision.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, change of plans. We're not going to Jane's office. I'm taking you home.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>But Coach, shouldn't we—<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Your injury needs immediate attention, and we can't risk making it worse by having you walk. I'm going to carry you.<</say>>
<<md>>Before Monica could protest further, I carefully scooped her up in my arms, one arm supporting her back and the other under her knees. She let out a small yelp of surprise.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach! You don't have to—<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's okay, Monica. Just try to keep your leg as still as possible.<</say>>
<<md>>As I began walking, Monica's initial tension eased, and she relaxed slightly in my arms. The journey was slow and careful, each step measured to avoid jostling her injured leg.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I can't believe you're doing this for me, Coach. Thank you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's what being a team is all about, remember?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica smiled weakly, but I could see the pain in her eyes. As we made our way through the streets, I could feel the strain in my arms, but Monica's well-being was my only concern.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>We're almost there, Monica. Just hang on a little longer.<</say>>
<<md>>Finally, we reached Monica's house. As I carried her up to the front door, I couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and concern. We'd made it, but Monica's recovery journey was just beginning.<</md>>
[[Walk her out|MonicaArrivalHome2]]\
<<md>>After considering our limited options, I realized we had no choice but to make our way to Monica's house on foot. I didn't have enough money for a taxi or ride-share, and we couldn't risk waiting any longer to treat her injury.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I'm afraid we're going to have to walk. But I have an idea to make it easier for you.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Okay, Coach. I trust you.<</say>>
<<md>>I looked around and spotted a sturdy branch nearby.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>First, we're going to improvise a crutch for you.<</say>>
<<md>>I retrieved the branch and quickly stripped it of any smaller twigs. Then, I took off my jacket and wrapped it around the top of the branch, securing it with my belt.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's not perfect, but it should help take some weight off your injured leg.<</say>>
<<md>>I helped Monica to her feet, letting her lean on the makeshift crutch.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>This is actually pretty clever, Coach. Thank you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>We'll take it slow and steady. If you need to rest at any point, just let me know.<</say>>
<<md>>We began our slow journey towards Monica's house. It was challenging, with Monica wincing occasionally despite her best efforts to hide her discomfort. I stayed close, ready to support her if needed.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I'm sorry for all this trouble, Coach.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't apologize, Monica. We're a team, remember? We look out for each other.<</say>>
<<md>>As we walked, I couldn't help but admire Monica's resilience. Despite the pain and inconvenience, she pushed forward with determination.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're doing great, Monica. We're almost there.<</say>>
<<md>>Finally, after what seemed like hours but was probably only about 30 minutes, we reached Monica's house. We were both exhausted, but there was a sense of accomplishment in having overcome this challenge together.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you, Coach. I don't know what I would have done without you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's what I'm here for, Monica. Now, let's get you inside so you can rest that leg properly.<</say>>
<<md>>As we approached her front door, I felt a mix of relief and pride. Despite our limited resources, we'd found a way to get Monica home safely.<</md>>
[[Walk her out|MonicaArrivalHome2]]\
<<md>>After considering our limited options, I had an idea.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I'm going to call Nora. She might be able to bring us some supplies.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>That's a great idea, Coach!<</say>>
<<md>>I quickly dialed Nora's number, explaining the situation. There was a moment of hesitation before Nora's soft, worried voice came through.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>I-I'll be right there with a bandage. Just... just give me a few minutes.<</say>>
<<md>>True to her word, Nora arrived shortly after, slightly out of breath and clutching a first aid kit. Her eyes were wide with concern as she approached us.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Monica, are you okay? I brought the bandage and some other things... I hope they help.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks, Nora. You're a lifesaver.<</say>>
<<md>>As I carefully wrapped Monica's leg, Nora hovered nearby, wringing her hands anxiously. She then pulled out her phone, her voice barely above a whisper as she made a call.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Um... could you... could you come pick us up? It's an emergency...<</say>>
<<md>>Soon after, a car pulled up - an old, beat-up model that looked out of place in the neighborhood. A young man with a tough demeanor stepped out, causing Nora to shrink back slightly.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>This is my brother. He... he can give us a ride.<</say>>
<<md>>I hesitated, eyeing the suspicious-looking vehicle and Nora's brother. Something felt off, but Monica needed to get home. I decided not to voice my concerns to Monica.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, let's go.<</say>>
<<md>>The ride was mostly silent, broken only by Nora's quiet inquiries about Monica's wellbeing. [img[img/Monica/MonicaNoraBrother.jpg]]Her brother drove carefully, occasionally glancing at us in the rearview mirror.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally, we arrived at Monica's house. I helped her out of the car, thanking Nora and her brother.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you all so much. Nora, you're such a good friend.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>I'm just glad you're okay, Monica. Please rest and get better soon.<</say>>
<<md>>As the car drove away, I couldn't help but wonder about Nora's family situation. However, my primary concern was getting Monica inside to rest.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's get you inside and comfortable, Monica. You need to rest that leg.<</say>>
<<md>>As we approached her front door, I felt relieved that we'd gotten Monica home safely, but I also made a mental note to check on Nora later.<</md>>
[[Walk her out|MonicaArrivalHome2]]\
<<md>>After considering our options, I remembered the favor Clara owed me for repairing her car. This seemed like the perfect time to call it in.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, I have an idea. I'm going to call Clara.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>The headmistress? Are you sure that's a good idea, Coach?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Trust me on this one.<</say>>
<<md>>I dialed Clara's number, my heart racing slightly as I waited for her to answer.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Yes? What is it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, it's me. I need to call in that favor you owe me. Monica's been injured during practice, and we need a ride to her house.<</say>>
<<md>>There was a moment of silence on the other end.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Very well. Send me your location. I'll be there shortly.<</say>>
<<md>>About fifteen minutes later, a sleek, expensive car pulled up beside us. Clara stepped out, her expression as cold and stern as ever.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Get in. Now.<</say>>
<<md>>I helped Monica into the backseat, then sat beside her. Clara drove with precision, her eyes fixed on the road ahead.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Ms. Clara, I want to express my gratitude for your assistance. I've calculated that this detour will only impact your schedule by approximately 7.3 minutes, which I hope isn't too inconvenient.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Save your calculations, Monica. I expect this setback won't affect your performance or the team's chances at the upcoming competition.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Of course not! I've already started formulating a recovery plan that should optimize my healing process while minimizing impact on our routines. I estimate I'll be back to peak performance in—<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Enough. I don't need estimations. I need results.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica fell silent, but I could practically see the gears turning in her head as she recalculated her approach.<</md>>
<<md>>As we pulled up to Monica's house, Clara turned to face us.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Monica, take care of that leg. I expect a full recovery before you return to practice. Is that understood?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Absolutely, Ms. Clara. I'll approach this recovery with the same dedication I apply to my studies and cheerleading. Thank you again for the ride.<</say>>
<<md>>As Clara drove away, I couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and relief.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's get you inside, Monica. You need to rest that leg.<</say>>
[[Walk her out|MonicaArrivalHome2]]\
<<say $mc>>Here, let me help you inside.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks, Coach. I guess it hurts more than I thought.<</say>>
<<md>>I carefully support Monica as we make our way through the door. Almost immediately, we're greeted by the enthusiastic barking of a large, golden-furred dog.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Hey, Buddy! Easy boy, I can't play right now.<</say>>
<<md>>The Labrador, Buddy, seems to sense Monica's discomfort and settles for gently nuzzling her hand. Just then, a man who I assume is Mr. Walker emerges from what looks like a home office.<</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>Monica? What happened?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>It's nothing, Dad. Just a little accident at practice.<</say>>
<<md>>Mr. Walker's face is a mixture of concern and something else - a weariness that seems to go beyond just worry for his daughter. He turns to me, his expression guarded but polite.<</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>Thank you for bringing her home, Coach. I hope this won't affect her position on the team.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not at all, Mr. Walker. Monica's safety and health are our primary concerns.<</say>>
<<md>>Mr. Walker nods, a flicker of relief passing over his face.<</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>That's... that's good to hear. Monica, your mother will be home soon. She'll want to take a look at that leg.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Dad, it's fine. I don't want to worry Mom.<</say>>
<<md>>There's a moment of tension, and I can sense there's more going on than just concern over Monica's injury. Mr. Walker sighs, running a hand through his hair.<</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>Coach, I don't want to keep you, but... could I have a word?<</say>>
<<md>>He leads me a few steps away, lowering his voice.<</md>>
<<say $MrWalker>>I know the cheerleading scholarship is important to Monica. We... well, times have been tough. I just want to make sure this won't jeopardize her chances.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understand, Mr. Walker. Monica is a valued member of our team. We'll do everything we can to support her recovery.<</say>>
<<md>>He nods, some of the tension easing from his shoulders. As I turn to leave, I see Monica settling on the couch, Buddy curled protectively at her feet. Despite the challenges they're facing, there's a palpable sense of love and support in this household.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thanks again, Coach. I'll see you at school.<</say>>
<<md>>As I walk back to the taxi, I can't help but feel a renewed sense of responsibility. It's clear that for Monica and her family, cheerleading is more than just an extracurricular activity - it's a lifeline.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader2 = 11>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "22b">>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 1>>\
<<if $id.boxofchocolate > 0>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleaderHasChocolate to true>>\
[[Leave her home |Sycamore Heights]] <<say $mc>>Chocolate... that might be just what Monica needs right now.<</say>>
<<md>>I stepped into the shop, the bell above the door chiming softly. As I approached the counter, I began to recall some articles I'd read about the potential benefits of dark chocolate.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>If I remember correctly, dark chocolate has antioxidants that could help with inflammation. And doesn't it have a bit of caffeine too? That might help with pain management.<</say>>
<<md>>I picked up the box, examining the varieties inside. A mix of dark and milk chocolates, perfect.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Plus, there's the whole endorphin release thing. Chocolate makes people happy, and staying positive is crucial for recovery.<</say>>
<<md>>As the shopkeeper rang up my purchase, I couldn't help but smile, imagining Monica's reaction.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's not a miracle cure, of course, but every little bit helps. And if nothing else, it'll show her that I'm thinking about her.<</say>>
<<md>>I handed over the money, my mind already racing ahead to how this small gesture might brighten Monica's day.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe it's not much, but if it brings a smile to her face and helps her stay positive during recovery, it'll be worth it.<</say>>
<<md>>With the chocolates securely in hand, I left the shop, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness. It wasn't just about the potential physical benefits; it was about showing Monica that I cared about her wellbeing, both as her coach and as someone who... well, someone who cared deeply for her.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 2>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleaderHasChocolate to true>>\
<<addmins 10>>\
[[Leave the shop|Mall - Cheap pleasure]]\
<<md>>As I stood outside Monica's house, I suddenly remembered the box of chocolates I had picked up earlier. A small smile played on my lips as I recalled my reasoning for buying them.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Chocolate might be just what Monica needs right now. It's not just a comfort food; it could actually help with her recovery.<</say>>
<<md>>I recalled reading about the potential benefits of dark chocolate for healing and recovery. The antioxidants could help reduce inflammation, and the small caffeine boost might help with pain management. Plus, the endorphin release from eating chocolate could lift her spirits, which is crucial for a speedy recovery.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's not a miracle cure, of course, but every little bit helps. And if nothing else, it'll make her feel better emotionally.<</say>>
<<md>>I looked down at the box in my hands, hoping Monica would appreciate the gesture. It wasn't just about the potential physical benefits; it was about showing her that I cared about her wellbeing, both as her coach and as someone who... well, someone who cared deeply for her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe it's not much, but if it brings a smile to her face and helps her stay positive during recovery, it'll be worth it.<</say>>
<<md>>With that thought, I took a deep breath and prepared to enter Monica's house, chocolate in hand, ready to support her through her recovery in any way I could.<</md>>
<<addmins 5>>\
[[Enter Walker's house|MonicaCheerleaderVisit1.1]]\
<<md>>The next day, I arrived at the beach for cheerleading practice. The sun was high, and the sand was warm under my feet. As I approached, I could see the girls were already warming up.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, look who finally decided to show up. What's with the camera, Coach? Planning on making a fucking beach movie?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's for Monica, Olivia. I promised her some footage of the practice.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Are you shitting me? We're not here to make home videos. We've got a competition to prepare for!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I understand, but this could really help Monica's recovery. She's been analyzing techniques and—<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Fine, whatever. Just don't get in the way of my practice.<</say>>
<<md>>As I set up the camera, Nora approached me timidly.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>Um, Coach? Is... is Monica really going to watch this? Do you think she'll notice if I mess up?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, Nora. Monica just wants to see the team's progress. You're doing great.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>Oh... okay. I'll try my best.<</say>>
<<md>>I watched as the squad went through their routine. The improvement was noticeable, with the girls adapting to the sand much better than before.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Great work, everyone! You're really getting the hang of Monica's technique.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Don't get too cocky. We've still got a long fucking way to go before we're ready for competition.<</say>>
<<md>>Despite Olivia's harsh words, I could see a hint of satisfaction in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Olivia, could we run through the routine one more time? I want to make sure I get a good shot for Monica.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Jesus Christ, fine. But this is the last time. Alright, you lazy asses, from the top!<</say>>
<<md>>As the practice continued, I focused on capturing the team's progress. The girls' energy was high, even if some, like Nora, still looked nervous about being on camera.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Great job, team. Monica will be impressed when she sees how far you've come.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Yeah, yeah. Just make sure she's working on her recovery. We need her ass back here ASAP.<</say>>
<<md>>As I left the beach, I felt a mix of pride and anticipation. Despite Olivia's gruff exterior, the team was making progress. I looked forward to sharing this footage with Monica, knowing it would fuel her determination to rejoin the squad.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 5>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "25b">>\
[[Leave the beach|Street York-Road]]\
<<md>>I walked away from Linda's desk, her words still echoing in my mind, a mix of seductive promises and practical advice. The card she had slipped me felt heavy in my pocket, the name of the jewelry store and Clara's desired earrings scrawled on the back.<</md>>
<<md>>Linda's insinuations about using "the right tools" had me considering every angle. Clara was a difficult woman, no doubt—strong-willed, sharp-tongued, and hard to impress. I knew I could take a more... direct approach with her, maybe even charm my way into her favor using the methods Linda had alluded to. But something about that path didn’t feel right. At least, not tonight.<</md>>
<<md>>As I thought about it, I could still hear Linda's voice in my head, playful and sultry. <<say $Linda>>Clara can be very generous when she's in a good mood.<</say>> But I wasn’t interested in playing Clara’s game that way. Not yet.<</md>>
[["Right tools"|MonicaCheerleaderClaraTalk1.72]]
<<say $mc>>Jewelry...<</say>>
<<md>>I muttered to myself, rolling the idea over in my mind. It was the safer option. A more strategic move that didn’t involve getting tangled in Clara’s personal life, at least not in a way that couldn’t be managed. A gift of the right earrings might soften her up enough to get what I needed—more funding for the cheerleading team, and maybe a little breathing room from her constant demands.<</md>>
<<md>>I pulled the card out of my pocket, staring at the name Linda had written. A pair of earrings—just a simple gift. It wasn’t the most exciting route, but it felt like the right one. I could keep things professional while still getting what I needed from Clara.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright... jewelry it is.<</say>>
<<md>>The decision settled in my mind, and with it, a sense of control. Tomorrow, I'd head to the store, pick out the earrings, and deliver them to Clara. Let the jewelry do the talking instead of me.<</md>>
<<md>>As I made my way down the hallway, Linda’s words still played in the background of my thoughts. <<say $Linda>>If you need any practice...<</say>> I couldn’t help but smirk. Linda was an intriguing woman, no doubt, but for now, I had other priorities. Clara was a problem I needed to solve, and I would handle her on my terms—with a bit of finesse and the right piece of jewelry.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 12>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "32b">>\
[[Yeah|School reception]]
<<md>>I let out a slow breath, the decision forming in my mind. Jewelry? Nah. That could come later. Right now, I had a different approach in mind. Clara wanted attention, power, control—but she also craved something more, something physical. And if that was what it took to get what I needed, then so be it.<</md>>
<<md>>My thoughts wandered as I made my way down the hallway. Clara wasn’t the type to shy away from what she wanted, and neither was I.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Who minds a free fuck, anyway?<</say>>
<<md>>The words slipped out under my breath, and I couldn’t help but smirk at the thought. Maybe it wasn’t the cleanest solution, but it was direct. And in my experience, direct solutions often got the best results.<</md>>
<<md>>Tomorrow, I’d make my move. No jewelry needed—just me, Clara, and whatever “tools” it took to get the job done. I wasn’t afraid of playing dirty if it meant getting what I wanted. And from what I knew of Clara, neither was she.<</md>>
<<md>>I could still feel Linda’s lingering eyes as I walked away, but that was a game for another time. For now, Clara was the focus. And when the time came, I’d be ready to give her exactly what she wanted.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 121>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "321b">>\
[[Yeah|School reception]]
<<md>>The next morning, I walked into the school, my mind set on what I was about to do. As I made my way down the hall, I caught sight of Linda at her desk. Her eyes flicked up as she saw me approach, and a sly smile spread across her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Good morning, golden.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes scanned over me, lingering for a moment before they narrowed slightly.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>I don’t see any jewelry on you. Change of plans?<</say>>
<<md>>I chuckled, stepping closer to her desk.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You could say that. I thought I’d take a different approach.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda leaned back in her chair, her gaze playful but with a hint of something else—maybe curiosity or even excitement.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Oh, I see. Using your... other tools instead?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was teasing, but there was a glint in her eyes that told me she knew exactly what I meant.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Something like that.<</say>>
<<md>>Linda laughed softly, shaking her head in mock disbelief.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>You know, I’m almost jealous of Clara. She has no idea how lucky she’s about to get.<</say>>
<<md>>She leaned forward, her fingers sliding across the desk as she reached for something. When she straightened up, she held a set of keys between her fingers, dangling them in front of me.<</md>>
<<say $Linda>>Here, take these. They’ll get you into her office. Just... try not to make too much of a mess, alright? Clara’s got an important meeting later, and I’d hate for her to be late because of... distractions.<</say>>
<<md>>She winked at me, her smile mischievous as she placed the keys into my hand, her fingers brushing mine lightly.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I’ll be careful.<</say>>
<<say $Linda>>I’m sure you will, golden.<</say>>
<<md>>She leaned back in her chair, watching me with that same playful expression as I turned to head toward Clara’s office. The keys felt cool and solid in my hand, a reminder of what I was about to do.<</md>>
<<md>>As I walked down the hallway, my mind was already on Clara and how this would play out. Linda’s words echoed in my mind, and I couldn’t help but smirk at the thought. This was about to be an interesting morning.<</md>>
<<if $mc.Boldness > 5 && $mc.Charisma > 5>>\
[[To Clara's office|MonicaCheerleaderClaraTalk2.2b]]
[[To Clara's office|MonicaCheerleaderClaraTalk2.3b]]
<</if>>\<<md>>I entered Clara’s office, the door closing with a soft click behind me. The room was as meticulously organized as always—everything in its place, not a paper out of line. Clara’s scent, crisp and expensive, hung faintly in the air. I waited by the window, my mind already turning over how this was going to play out.<</md>>
<<md>>Moments later, the door opened, and Clara walked in with her usual brisk pace. Her heels clicked against the floor as she made a beeline for her desk, her sharp eyes flicking to me with barely concealed irritation.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>What are you doing here?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was icy, each word laced with disdain. She didn’t bother hiding the fact that my presence was an unwelcome intrusion into her perfectly scheduled day.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I wanted to discuss the cheerleading budget.<</say>>
<<md>>I tried to keep my tone even, but Clara’s expression hardened even further, her eyes narrowing as she dropped her bag onto her desk.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I’ve already told you—the budget is closed. No more funds. You’re wasting your time.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words were clipped, dismissive, as if she could brush me off like an annoying fly. She turned her attention to the papers on her desk, her focus already shifting away from me. To her, this conversation was over before it had even begun.<</md>>
<<md>>I stepped closer, my eyes never leaving her as I came up behind her desk. She didn’t look up, but her body tensed slightly, her fingers tightening around a pen.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You really care about this school, don’t you? The money, the image... everything. But what about what you need, Clara?<</say>>
<<md>>She finally looked up at me, her gaze cold as ice.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Don’t try to psychoanalyze me. I care about what matters—this school’s reputation and its finances. Not your petty cheerleader concerns. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have real work to do.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was sharp, dismissive, and she turned her attention back to the papers on her desk as if I had already left. But I wasn’t about to be dismissed so easily.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That’s where you’re wrong, Clara. You care about control. You care about power. But deep down, I think you crave something more... something you can’t control.<</say>>
<<md>>I leaned in closer, my hands resting on the edge of her desk, pinning her between me and the cold, hard surface. She stiffened, her eyes flicking up to meet mine with a mix of anger and something else—a hint of fear, maybe, or was it anticipation?<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You’re overstepping, and I won’t warn you again.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was low, dangerous, but there was a tremor in it. I could feel the tension radiating from her, the rigid control she always maintained starting to crack.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Am I? Or am I getting exactly where I need to be?<</say>>
<<md>>I moved behind her, my hands sliding over her hips as I pressed her against the desk. She tried to pull away, but I tightened my grip, whispering into her ear.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You can pretend all you want, Clara, but I know what you really need. You want to be taken, don’t you? To have someone strip away all that cold, bitchy exterior and fuck you until you can’t think straight.<</say>>
<<md>>She let out a sharp breath, her hands gripping the desk harder.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You’re delusional if you think this will get you what you want. I’m not some...<</say>>
<<md>>Her words faltered as I slid my hand up her skirt, my fingers tracing the edge of her panties.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You’re exactly what I think you are, Clara. And this is exactly what you need.<</say>>
<<md>>I whispered, my hand slipping inside her panties, finding her wetness. She gasped, a sound of frustration and something deeper—something she didn’t want to admit.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>This doesn’t change anything. You’re not getting more money for those useless cheerleaders.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was strained, but she was losing the battle. I could feel her body trembling beneath my touch, her resolve crumbling as I continued to tease her, pushing her closer to the edge.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I think it changes everything. I’ll fuck you so good you won’t even remember why you said no. And by the end of this, you’ll be begging to give those cheerleaders everything they need.<</say>>
<<md>>I pushed her over the desk, her body jerking as I positioned myself behind her, sliding my cock inside her with a slow, deliberate thrust. She bit her lip, trying to stifle a moan, but I could feel her tightening around me, her body betraying her icy demeanor.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This is what you really want, isn’t it, Clara? To be fucked so hard that you forget about everything else... about all that money and control.<</say>>
<<md>>Her moan escaped before she could stop it, her body arching back against me as I began to fuck her harder, my hands gripping her hips firmly.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Just... shut up and finish.<</say>>
<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Clara\Quest\Video\ClaraOfficeTools1.1.mp4"></video></div>
<<md>>Her voice was breathless, her command lacking its usual bite. She was on the edge, and I knew I had her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Not until you give me what I want. The cheerleaders get their field, and you get to be exactly what you need to be—mine.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara’s hands clawed at the desk, her breath coming in ragged gasps as I continued to pound into her, each thrust driving her closer to submission.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Fine... fuck... you’ll get your damn field... just... just don’t stop...<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice broke, her body convulsing around me as she came, her usual cold composure completely shattered. I followed soon after, spilling across her pristine desk as she slumped forward, exhausted and spent.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Glad we could come to an agreement.<</say>>
<<md>>I pulled back, adjusting my clothes as Clara straightened up, her face flushed but her eyes still cold. She fixed her skirt and turned to face me, her expression a mixture of anger and reluctant satisfaction.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Get out.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was harsh, but I could see the faint tremble in her hands as she smoothed her hair back into place.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I’ll be sure to remind the cheerleaders to thank you.<</say>>
<<md>>I smirked, giving her one last look before I turned and walked out of her office, leaving her to recover in the silence of her perfect little world. The cheerleaders would get their field, and Clara had gotten what she needed—though she’d never admit it.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 122>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "322b">>\
<<addmins 30>>
[[Second floor]] <<md>>I entered Clara’s office, closing the door softly behind me. The room was as pristine and cold as its owner—everything perfectly in place. I stood by the window, waiting, my thoughts running wild with how this could go.<</md>>
<<md>>Moments later, Clara stormed into the room, her heels clicking against the floor, her sharp eyes immediately finding mine with an irritated glare.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>What are you doing here? I’ve already told you—there’s no more money for your little cheerleader project.<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was icy, dripping with disdain. She didn’t even bother to sit, instead standing behind her desk with her arms crossed, her body language screaming that she had no patience for this conversation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I think you need to hear me out, Clara. I know what you really need...<</say>>
<<md>>I moved toward her, trying to close the gap between us. But her expression only hardened, her jaw clenching as she stared at me with cold, calculating eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Need? You think you know what I need? I need you to get out of my office before you waste any more of my time.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words hit like ice, but I didn’t back down. I stepped closer, letting my hand brush her arm.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara, I think you want this. I can give you what you really crave...<</say>>
<<md>>Before I could finish, Clara’s expression darkened. Without warning, she slapped me hard across the face. The sharp sting of her hand left me momentarily stunned, my cheek burning from the impact.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Are you out of your damn mind?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was sharp, her eyes blazing with fury. She stepped back, her arms crossing again as she glared at me like I was nothing more than an inconvenience.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You think you can come in here and touch me like that? You should be thanking me I don’t call the cops right now. Do you have any idea what kind of lawsuit I could slap on you for this?<</say>>
<<md>>She straightened her blouse, her voice dripping with disdain.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>And that’s if you’re lucky. If it were up to me, I’d fire you on the spot. But for some reason, I’m choosing not to destroy your career right here and now. I’d suggest you take that as a gift, though it’s more than you deserve.<</say>>
<<md>>I opened my mouth to respond, but Clara’s expression cut me off. She wasn’t playing games.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Let this be your last warning. Stay out of my office unless you have legitimate business here. If I hear one more word about your cheerleader budget, I’ll make sure you never work in this town again. Understood?<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, swallowing the bitterness of the moment. Her words echoed in my mind, reminding me just how cold and calculating she truly was.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Understood.<</say>>
<<md>>I turned and walked out of the office, the sting of her slap still lingering on my face and her threats ringing in my ears. I had gambled—and lost. Clara was a wall of ice, and I had been foolish to think I could melt it.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 1220>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "3220b">>\
<<addmins 10>>
[[Second floor]] [[Olivia's office]]
[[Second floor]] <<include"Monica quests">>\
[[School gym]]<<if $MonicaCheerleader2 == 1 && $currentPassage == "Olivia's office" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Talk with Olivia|MonicaCheerleader1.1]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader2 == 2 && $currentPassage == "Beach" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Cheerleaders training|MonicaCheerleader1.2]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader2 == 3 && $currentPassage == "School reception" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '09:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader2 == 4 && $currentPassage == "Sport field" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Talk with Olivia|MonicaCheerleader2.1]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader2 == 5 && $currentPassage == "School reception" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Chat with Monica|MonicaCheerleader2.2]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader2 == 6 && $currentPassage == "Sport field" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Discuss what happened|MonicaCheerleader2.3]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader2 == 7 && $currentPassage == "Biology class" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader2 == 71 && $currentPassage == "Second floor" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader2 == 8 && $currentPassage == "Beach" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Cheerleaders training|MonicaCheerleader3.2]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader2 == 9 && $currentPassage == "Second floor" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader2 == 10 && $currentPassage == "Beach" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Cheerleaders training|MonicaCheerleader4.1]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 1 && $currentPassage == "All in one" && $id.boxofchocolate > 0 && $MonicaCheerleaderHasChocolate is false && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "MonicaCheerleaderVisit1.0Buying">>\
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 1 && $currentPassage == "All in one" && $id.boxofchocolate > 0 && $MonicaCheerleaderHasChocolate is false && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "MonicaCheerleaderVisit1.0Buying">>\
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 1 && $currentPassage == "All in one" && $id.boxofchocolate > 0 && $MonicaCheerleaderHasChocolate is false && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "MonicaCheerleaderVisit1.0Buying">>\
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 1 && $currentPassage == "MHHall" && $id.boxofchocolate > 0 && $MonicaCheerleaderHasChocolate is true && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00') >>\
<<goto "MonicaCheerleaderVisit1.0BoughtBefore">>\
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 2 && $currentPassage == "MHHall" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 3 && $currentPassage == "MHMonicaroom" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Check how is Monica|MonicaCheerleaderFootage1.1]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 4 && $currentPassage == "Beach" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false && $ == 1>>\
[[Film cheerleaders training|MonicaCheerleaderFootage1.10]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 5 && $currentPassage == "MHMonicaroom" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[About footage|MonicaCheerleaderFootage1.2]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 6 && $currentPassage == "Olivia's office" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[About Clara and sportfield|MonicaCheerleaderClaraTalk1.1]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 7 && $currentPassage == "ClaraTalk" && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Ask about sportfield|MonicaCheerleaderClaraTalk1.2]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 8 && $currentPassage == "Olivia's office" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[About Clara and sportfield.Again|MonicaCheerleaderClaraTalk1.3]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 8 && $currentPassage == "Olivia's office" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '13:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[About Clara and sportfield.Again|MonicaCheerleaderClaraTalk1.3]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 9 && $currentPassage == "Math class" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '16:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Clara and her secrets|MonicaCheerleaderClaraTalk1.4]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 10 && $currentPassage == "SophiaTalk" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '09:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Leverage over the Сlara|MonicaCheerleaderClaraTalk1.5]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 11 && $currentPassage == "LindaTalk" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '16:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Clara's weakness|MonicaCheerleaderClaraTalk1.6]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 13 && $currentPassage == "School reception" && $QuestNextDay is false && $Earring1 == 1 >>\
<<goto "MonicaCheerleaderClaraTalk2.1">>\
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 121 && $currentPassage == "School reception" && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
<<goto "MonicaCheerleaderClaraTalk2.1b">>\
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 14 && $currentPassage == "Second floor" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "MonicaCheerleaderClaraTalk2.2">>\
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 15 && $currentPassage == "MHMonicaroom" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
[[Tell about my success|MonicaCheerleaderClaraTalk2.3]]
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 16 && $currentPassage == "Second floor" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '09:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "MonicaCheerleaderClaraTalk2.4">>\
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 17 && $currentPassage == "MHMonicaroom" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "MonicaCheerleaderVisit2.1">>\
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 19 && $currentPassage == "MHHall" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "MonicaMotherSoup1.1">>\
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 40 && $currentPassage == "My room" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '23:00') && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<goto "MonicaCheerleaderVisit3.0">>\
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 40.1 && $currentPassage == "My room" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '06:00', '07:05') && $QuestNextDay is false && $MonicaCheerleaderBookOrdered is true>>\
<<goto "MonicaCheerleaderMailman1">>\
<</if>>\[[The Manors at Crossroads Estates]]
[[Street Raw-Road]] [[Walkers`s residence|MHHall]]
[[Street Raw-Road]]
<<addmins 30>><<if not $GalleryUnlockedState>>
<<set $GalleryUnlockedState to []>>
/* Check all characters and update GalleryUnlockedState */
<<for _i = 0; _i < $characters.length; _i++>>
<<set _character to $characters[_i]>>
<<if, _character) and State.variables[_character].unlockedgallery is true>>
<<if !$GalleryUnlockedState.includes(_character)>>
<<run $GalleryUnlockedState.push(_character)>>
/* Display the gallery images in a grid */
<<if $GalleryUnlockedState.length > 0>>
<div id="gallery-grid">
<<for _i = 0; _i < $characters.length; _i++>>
<<set _character to $characters[_i]>>
<<if $GalleryUnlockedState.includes(_character) and State.variables[_character].galleryImg>>
<<set _characterImage to State.variables[_character].galleryImg>>
<div class="gallery-item" onclick="setupSelectedCharacter('<<print _character>>');">
<<print '<img src="' + _characterImage + '" alt="' + _character + ' Image">'>>
<p><<print _character>></p>
function setupSelectedCharacter(characterName) {
// Set $SelectedCharacter in Twine
State.variables.SelectedCharacter = characterName;
// Redirect to CharacterGallery passage'CharacterGallery');
#gallery-grid {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
gap: 20px;
padding: 20px;
.gallery-item {
text-align: center;
transition: all 0.3s ease;
cursor: pointer;
.gallery-item img {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
border-radius: 8px;
filter: grayscale(100%);
transition: filter 0.3s ease;
.gallery-item:hover img {
filter: grayscale(0%);
.gallery-item p {
margin-top: 10px;
font-weight: bold;
<p>No characters have unlocked galleries.</p>
<<if $PrologueQuest1Failed == 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:00')>>\
<<link "Go to work">><<goto "Prologue1.1Failed2">><<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>><<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4 && $PrologueQuest1 == 19 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<link "Go to work">><<goto "Prologue4.3">><<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>><<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4 && $MonicaCheerleader2 == 3 && $QuestNextDay is false>>\
<<link "Go to work">><<goto "MonicaCheerleader1.3">><<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>><<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<elseif $MonicaCheerleader3 == 16 && $QuestNextDay is false && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:00')>>\
<<link "Go to work">><<goto "MonicaCheerleaderClaraTalk2.4">><<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>><<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:30', '08:00') && $gameDate.getUTCDay() lte 4>>\
<<link "Go to work">><<goto "Biology class">><<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>><<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<check_all_achievements>> <</link>>
<</if>>\<<if $Tutorial > 2.5>>\
<<talk "I have one unusual question">>
<<say $mc>>I have a personal question. What led you to do this with your body? What's with all the window dressing? Are you trying to prove something?<</say>>
<<if $LindaImage1Unlocked is 0>>\
<<set $LindaImage1Unlocked to 1>>
<div class="y" style="text-align: center;"><span class="yt">New moment added to your gallery</span></div>
<<say $Linda>>That question is too personal. If you want to discuss it, then we should get to know each other better. Agreed?<</say>>
<<if $LucyQuest12 > 1>>\
[[Ask about Lucy|LucyRememberGymLinda]]
<<elseif $Fiona2Q is 1 and isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '14:00')>>\
[[Come to girl|Fiona(Club1)]]
<<elseif $ChristmasDecoration is 1 and isDateBetween($gameDate, '09:00', '13:00')>>\
[[Talk about concert|ChristmasDecorationLinda]]
<<elseif $ChristmasTalentCompetition is 1 and isDateBetween($gameDate, '14:00', '18:00')>>\
[[About that competition...|ChristmasTalentCompetition2]]
<<elseif $BaseballCount > 12 and $BaseballRose is 0>>\
<<goto "BaseballLinda">>\
<<elseif $LindaClaraPath1Q is 1>>\
[[About extra money|LindaClaraPath1Quest2]]
<<elseif $LindaQuest4 is 3 and isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '17:00')>>\
<<goto "LindaQuest 4.4">>\
<<elseif $LindaQuest6 is 1 and isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '16:15')>>\
[[Ask her for a date|LindaQuest 6.2]]
<<elseif $LindaQuest6 is 4>>\
[[Return laptop to her|LindaQuestLaptopWay1.1]]
<</if>>\<<md>>I lunged forward, grabbing her hand before she could get too far. The moment I touched her, the golden shore vanished, the ground beneath us collapsing into nothingness. <</md>>
<<md>>We tumbled together, falling through a vast, endless void, but instead of fear, there was only a strange calm. Then, as if by magic, the world reformed around us, and we were no longer on the beach but in my bed—my familiar sheets tangled beneath us, though they seemed larger, stretching endlessly in every direction like a vast white sea. Monica was beneath me now, her swimsuit replaced by nothing but her bare skin, her body soft and yielding as I held her close. <</md>>
<<md>>The bed seemed to pulse beneath us, the sheets moving as if they had a life of their own, curling around us like waves of soft fabric. Monica’s eyes were locked onto mine, filled with that same mixture of desire and vulnerability that had haunted me for so long. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I thought you were going to help me, Coach… make me better. But here I am… still lost. Still yours. <</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was like a whisper carried on the wind, but it stirred something deep inside me, something primal. I could feel the heat between us growing, intensifying with every breath. I moved over her, and without thinking, I spread her legs wide, my hand tracing down the curve of her back, feeling the smoothness of her skin beneath my fingers. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica… you’re not lost. I’m here with you. <</say>>
<<md>>She shivered at my touch, her breath hitching as she bit her lip, her body arching slightly as I positioned myself behind her. The bed beneath us seemed to shift and twist, the edges of reality blurring as my mind raced with feverish intensity. The moment felt surreal, dreamlike, and yet so incredibly vivid. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Then show me, Coach… show me what it means to be yours. <</say>>
<<md>>Her words sent a bolt of desire through me, and without hesitation, I entered her from behind, pressing into her ass. The sensation was overwhelming—both familiar and foreign, like stepping into a world I hadn’t fully understood until now. Monica moaned softly, the sound carrying through the surreal landscape around us, as though it echoed across the endless white sheets. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica… be quiet. Your father… <</say>>
<<md>>But even as I spoke the words, they felt distant, almost absurd. There was no father, no house, no boundaries here—just Monica and me, tangled together in a feverish dance of lust and desire. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>I don’t care anymore… I’m yours. Yours completely. <</say>>
<<md>>Her voice was breathless, filled with need, and I could feel her body trembling beneath me as I thrust harder, deeper.<div class="sexvideo"><video width="700" autoplay loop src="img\Monica\Quest\Video\MonicaDream1.mp4"></video></div>
The world around us continued to shift, the bed now feeling more like an ocean beneath us, the sheets rolling like waves as I moved. Monica’s hands gripped the fabric tightly, her body arching and pressing back against me with every movement. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Don’t stop, Coach… don’t ever stop. I need this… I need you. <</say>>
<<md>>Her words drove me to the edge, the feverish intensity of the dream heightening every sensation. I could feel the climax building within me, the heat surging through my body as Monica moaned louder, her voice a mix of pleasure and desperation. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica… I’m going to— <</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Do it… mark me… make me yours forever. <</say>>
<<md>>As the wave of release crashed over me, the world around us seemed to explode into a kaleidoscope of color and sensation. The bed, the sheets, everything melted away, replaced by a swirling vortex of light and sound. And through it all, Monica’s voice echoed in my ears, her final words lingering in the air like a haunting melody. <</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Why couldn’t you save me? <</say>>
<<md>>The dream began to fade, the surreal landscape dissolving into darkness, leaving me with the echo of her voice and the lingering sensation of her body beneath mine. <</md>>
<<md>>When I awoke, my heart was racing, my body drenched in sweat. The memory of the dream clung to me like a shadow, the question Monica had asked echoing in my mind. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Why couldn’t I save her? <</say>>
<<md>>But there were no answers in the darkness of my room—only the fading remnants of a dream that left me feeling more lost than ever. <</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 19>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "39b">>\
[[Wake up|My room]]
<<set $books to []>>
<<set $orderedBooks to $orderedBooks || []>>
#genre-filter {
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<div id="genre-filter"></div>
<div id="book-container-wrapper">
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<p>Book: <span id="popup-book-title"></span></p>
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<input type="text" id="popup-name" readonly>
<input type="email" id="popup-email-address" readonly>
<button id="popup-buy">Complete Purchase</button>
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// Define a mapping of book titles to variable names
const bookVariableMap = {
"Dark Side of Cheerleading": "CheerleaderBook",
"The Power of Hard Habits": "GymHabitsBook",
"Dare to Bare: The Art of Bold Seduction": "SeductionBook",
"Moby's Dick: The Big, Hard Pursuit": "MobyDickBook",
"Wuthering Thighs": "WutheringThighsBook",
"The Ass-atsby": "AssatsbyBook",
"Jane Laid": "JaneLaidBook",
"War and Pieces... of Me": "WarAndPiecesBook",
"The Scarlet Leather": "ScarletLeatherBook",
"Brave Nude World": "BraveNudeWorldBook",
"To Thrill a Mockingbird": "ThrillMockingbirdBook",
"Of Mice and Moans": "MiceAndMoansBook",
"Pride, Prejudice, and Penetration": "PridePrejudicePenetrationBook"
// Common books that are always available
const commonBooks = [
{ title: "Moby's Dick: The Big, Hard Pursuit", author: "H. P. Melville", cover: "/api/placeholder/100/150", rating: 4.8, price: 15.99, genre: "Classic", reviews: [{ text: "A wild oceanic chase with more than just whales!", author: "Nautical Nancy" }, { text: "Big, bold, and a ton of fun.", author: "Captain Lustbeard" }] },
{ title: "Wuthering Thighs", author: "Emily Bone-brontë", cover: "img/BookShopping/WThights.jpg", rating: 4.5, price: 14.99, genre: "Romance", reviews: [{ text: "Windy moors and steamy floors!", author: "Heathcliff Hotpants" }, { text: "Ghosts and lust never blended better.", author: "Brontë Burner" }] },
{ title: "The Ass-atsby", author: "F. Butt Fitzgerald", cover: "img/BookShopping/Assatsby.png", rating: 4.7, price: 13.99, genre: "Classic", reviews: [{ text: "A party with more than just champagne flowing.", author: "Jazz Hands Johnny" }, { text: "Decadence with a spicy twist!", author: "Roaring Rebecca" }] }
// Pool of books that can be randomly selected
const bookPool = [
{ title: "Jane Laid", author: "Charlotte Hot-brontë", cover: "img/BookShopping/JLaid.jpg", rating: 4.6, price: 12.99, genre: "Classic", reviews: [{ text: "This governess has all the right moves.", author: "Sizzling Sophia" }, { text: "Steamy and clever—an enjoyable romp.", author: "Edward Handsome" }] },
{ title: "War and Pieces... of Me", author: "Leo Thrust-oy", cover: "img/BookShopping/WPAndMe.jpg", rating: 4.3, price: 16.99, genre: "Classic", reviews: [{ text: "A battlefield of love and passion!", author: "Tolstoy Tease" }, { text: "Epic battles and even more epic pleasures.", author: "General Frisky" }] },
{ title: "The Scarlet Leather", author: "Nathaniel Naughtyhawthorne", cover: "img/BookShopping/SLeather.jpg", rating: 4.4, price: 13.49, genre: "Classic", reviews: [{ text: "Hotter than Hester's affair!", author: "Steamy Scarlet" }, { text: "Bold and scandalous.", author: "Red Letter Lover" }] },
{ title: "Brave Nude World", author: "Aldous Sexley", cover: "img/BookShopping/BNWorld.jpg", rating: 4.6, price: 14.49, genre: "Science Fiction", reviews: [{ text: "Bold and bare—this is the future!", author: "Nude Newcomer" }, { text: "Daring and disturbing in all the right ways.", author: "Futuristic Fanny" }] },
{ title: "To Thrill a Mockingbird", author: "Harper Sleaze", cover: "img/BookShopping/Mocjingbird.jpg", rating: 4.5, price: 14.99, genre: "Fiction", reviews: [{ text: "Southern charm with a sexy twist.", author: "Atticus Lust" }, { text: "Hot courtroom drama with extra spice.", author: "Southern Siren" }] },
{ title: "Of Mice and Moans", author: "John Steinboink", cover: "img/BookShopping/OMAM.jpg", rating: 4.3, price: 12.99, genre: "Classic", reviews: [{ text: "Tender, seductive, and playful.", author: "Lonely Lenny" }, { text: "A sultry, steamy twist on the classic.", author: "Curly's Crush" }] },
{ title: "Pride, Prejudice, and Penetration", author: "Jane Aroustin", cover: "img/BookShopping/PPPenetration.jpg", rating: 4.8, price: 11.99, genre: "Romance", reviews: [{ text: "A lusty dance of wits and desires.", author: "Darcy Dreamboat" }, { text: "Witty and wickedly naughty.", author: "Elizabeth Bennet Blush" }] }
// Books that appear based on specific variables
const variableBooks = {
isGymMember: { title: "The Power of Hard Habits", author: "Charles Duhhump", cover: "img/BookShopping/HardHabbits.jpg", rating: 4.7, price: 13.99, genre: "Self-Help", reviews: [{ text: "Strong habits, even stronger results!", author: "Gym Buff Guy" }, { text: "The perfect blend of hard work and hard... well, you'll see.", author: "Fitness Fiend" }] },
hasSeductionSkill: { title: "Dare to Bare: The Art of Bold Seduction", author: "Brené Brownie Points", cover: "/api/placeholder/100/150", rating: 4.6, price: 14.99, genre: "Self-Help", reviews: [{ text: "Bold, brash, and irresistibly daring.", author: "Fearless Fiona" }, { text: "Seducing with boldness at every turn.", author: "Risky Rita" }] },
monicaCheerleader: { title: "Dark Side of Cheerleading", author: "Monica Pom-Pom", cover: "img/BookShopping/DarkCheerleading.jpg", rating: 4.8, price: 15.99, genre: "Self-Help", reviews: [{ text: "Go, fight, win... in life!", author: "Spirited Susan" }, { text: "A cheerful approach to achieving your dreams.", author: "Captain Cartwheels" }] }
function getRandomBooks(count) {
const shuffled = bookPool.sort(() => 0.5 - Math.random());
return shuffled.slice(0, count);
function refreshBookList() {
let newBookList = [...commonBooks, ...getRandomBooks(2)];
if (State.variables.isGymMember) {
if (State.variables.hasSeductionSkill) {
if (State.variables.MonicaCheerleader3 >= 40) {
State.variables.books = newBookList;
function handleBookOrder(book) {
const variableName = bookVariableMap[book.title];
if (variableName) {
State.variables[variableName] = 'ordered';
} else {
console.warn(`No variable mapping found for book: ${book.title}`);
function handleBookArrival(book) {
const variableName = bookVariableMap[book];
if (variableName && State.variables[variableName] !== 'arrived') {
console.log(`Book "${book}" has arrived!`);
State.variables[variableName] = 'arrived';
// Additional effects based on the book
switch(book) {
case "Dark Side of Cheerleading":
State.variables.CheerleadersBook += 1;
State.variables.MonicaCheerleaderBookOrdered = true;
// ... other cases ...
function updateOrderedBooks() {
let arrivedBooks = [];
let processedBooks = new Set(); // Keep track of processed books
for (let i = State.variables.orderedBooks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const book = State.variables.orderedBooks[i];
if (processedBooks.has(book.title)) continue; // Skip if already processed
if (book.daysLeft <= 0) {
// Book has arrived
const arrivedBook = book.title;
// Handle book arrival actions
// Add to arrived books list
// Remove the book from the ordered list
State.variables.orderedBooks.splice(i, 1);
// Mark as processed
// Notify player of arrived books
if (arrivedBooks.length > 0) {
State.variables.notifications = State.variables.notifications || [];
type: "bookArrival",
message: `Your book${arrivedBooks.length > 1 ? 's have' : ' has'} arrived: ${arrivedBooks.join(", ")}`,
books: arrivedBooks
$(document).ready(function() {
const bookContainer = $('#book-container');
const genreFilter = $('#genre-filter');
const purchasePopup = $('#purchase-popup');
const reviewsPopup = $('#reviews-popup');
const thankYouPopup = $('#thank-you-popup');
const popupBookTitle = $('#popup-book-title');
const popupBookPrice = $('#popup-book-price');
const popupName = $('#popup-name');
const popupEmailAddress = $('#popup-email-address');
const popupBuyButton = $('#popup-buy');
const reviewBookTitle = $('#review-book-title');
const reviewList = $('#review-list');
const closeReviewsButton = $('#close-reviews');
const closeThankYouButton = $('#close-thank-you');
const thankYouMessage = $('#thank-you-message');
const cashDisplay = $('#cash-amount');
const navLeft = $('#nav-left');
const navRight = $('#nav-right');
let currentGenre = "All";
const currentPassage = passage();
function updateCashDisplay() {
const genres = ["All", Set( => book.genre))];
genres.forEach(genre => {
const button = $('<button>').addClass('genre-button').text(genre);
button.on('click', () => filterBooks(genre));
function filterBooks(genre) {
currentGenre = genre;
const filteredBooks = genre === "All" ? State.variables.books : State.variables.books.filter(book => book.genre === genre);
function displayBooks(books) {
books.forEach(book => {
const bookElement = $('<div>').addClass('book');
const bookInfo = $('<div>').addClass('book-info');
const coverImage = $('<img>').addClass('book-cover').attr('src', book.cover).attr('alt', book.title + ' cover');
coverImage.on('click', () => showReviews(book));
bookInfo.append($('<div>').addClass('book-rating').text('★'.repeat(Math.floor(book.rating)) + '☆'.repeat(5 - Math.floor(book.rating))));
bookInfo.append($('<div>').addClass('book-price').text('$' + book.price.toFixed(2)));
const buttonSection = $('<div>').addClass('button-section');
const buyButton = $('<button>').addClass('buy-button').text('Buy');
buyButton.on('click', () => showPurchasePopup(book));
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
function updateButtonColors() {
$('.buy-button').each(function() {
const price = parseFloat($(this).closest('.book').find('.book-price').text().substring(1));
if ( >= price) {
$(this).css('background-color', '#28a745').prop('disabled', false);
} else {
$(this).css('background-color', '#cccccc').prop('disabled', true);
function updateNavArrows() {
const containerWidth = bookContainer.width();
const scrollWidth = bookContainer[0].scrollWidth;
const scrollLeft = bookContainer.scrollLeft();
const showLeft = scrollLeft > 0;
const showRight = scrollLeft + containerWidth < scrollWidth;
function showPurchasePopup(book) {
function showReviews(book) {
reviewList.empty(); => {
const reviewElement = $('<div>').addClass('review');
reviewElement.append($('<div>').addClass('review-text').text('"' + review.text + '"'));
reviewElement.append($('<div>').addClass('review-author').text('- ' +;
popupBuyButton.on('click', function() {
const name = popupName.val();
const email = popupEmailAddress.val();
const bookTitle = popupBookTitle.text();
const bookPrice = parseFloat(popupBookPrice.text());
// Find the book object
const purchasedBook = State.variables.books.find(book => book.title === bookTitle);
// Handle book order
// Remove the purchased book from the current display list
State.variables.books = State.variables.books.filter(book => book.title !== bookTitle);
// Remove the purchased book from the common books list
const commonBookIndex = commonBooks.findIndex(book => book.title === bookTitle);
if (commonBookIndex !== -1) {
commonBooks.splice(commonBookIndex, 1);
// Remove the purchased book from the book pool
const bookPoolIndex = bookPool.findIndex(book => book.title === bookTitle);
if (bookPoolIndex !== -1) {
bookPool.splice(bookPoolIndex, 1);
// Remove the purchased book from the variable books
for (let key in variableBooks) {
if (variableBooks[key].title === bookTitle) {
delete variableBooks[key];
// Add the book to the ordered books list with a random delivery time
const deliveryDays = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1; // Random number between 1 and 4
title: bookTitle,
daysLeft: deliveryDays
}); -= bookPrice;
thankYouMessage.text(`Thank you, ${name}! Your order for "${bookTitle}" has been placed. It will be delivered in ${deliveryDays} days. A confirmation email will be sent to ${email}.`);
// Refresh the book list after purchase
// Use setTimeout to allow the thank you message to be shown before refreshing the passage
setTimeout(() => {;
}, 2500); // 2.5 seconds delay for better user experience
closeReviewsButton.on('click', function() {
closeThankYouButton.on('click', function() {
$('.popup-overlay').on('click', function(e) {
if ( === this) {
navLeft.on('click', function() {
scrollLeft: '-=220'
}, 300, updateNavArrows);
navRight.on('click', function() {
scrollLeft: '+=220'
}, 300, updateNavArrows);
bookContainer.on('scroll', updateNavArrows);
$(window).on('resize', updateNavArrows);
// Initial display of all books
// Call this function whenever a new day starts in your game
function startNewDay() {
// Other daily update logic...
// Make sure to call refreshBookList() when initializing or revisiting the book shopping interface
if (!State.variables.books || State.variables.books.length === 0) {
// Example of how to integrate with your game's day cycle
window.newDayBooks = function() {
console.log('newDayBooks called at:', new Date());
// Increment your game's day counter
// Update ordered books
// Your other daily update logic goes here
// ...
// Initialize orderedBooks if it doesn't exist
if (!State.variables.orderedBooks) {
State.variables.orderedBooks = [];
// Initialize book-specific variables
for (let book in bookVariableMap) {
if (!State.variables.hasOwnProperty(bookVariableMap[book])) {
State.variables[bookVariableMap[book]] = 'not ordered';
<<set $BookShoppingVisited to true>><<md>>I was wandering through the library's dusty shelves when a bright pink spine caught my eye. "The Dark Side of Cheerleading," it read. Intrigued, I pulled it out and started flipping through.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Holy shit,<</say>> <<md>>I muttered, eyes widening at the contents. This was some next-level stuff. I couldn't help but think of Monica as I read:<</md>>
<<md>>"The aerodynamics of skirt flips are directly proportional to the volume of team spirit generated. Shorter skirts yield higher spirits, as demonstrated in Figure 6.9."<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck me, Monica would probably have an aneurysm reading this.<</say>> <<md>>She's always so focused on the athletic side of cheerleading. But maybe... maybe this could give her an edge?<</md>>
<<md>>"Studies show that the frequency of 'accidental' wardrobe malfunctions increases crowd engagement by 69%. Always be prepared with our patented 'Oops, I Did It Again' technique."<</md>>
<<md>>I snorted. Monica's face would be redder than a fucking tomato. But hell, if it helps beat Autumn at her own game...<</md>>
<<md>>"The viscosity of team spirit varies based on environmental factors. Proper hydration is key to maintaining optimal flow and preventing premature evaporation."<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Jesus, they're really going for it with the innuendos.<</say>> <<md>>Monica might actually appreciate the pseudo-scientific bullshit though.<</md>>
<<md>>"Our proprietary 'Pom-Pom Propulsion' method harnesses the kinetic energy of bouncing assets, converting it into pure, unadulterated enthusiasm."<</md>>
<<md>>I couldn't help but laugh out loud at this one. Monica's got the assets, that's for sure. Maybe it's time she learned to use 'em.<</md>>
<<md>>"The 'Bend and Snap' maneuver, when executed correctly, can alter the gravitational pull of nearby objects. Exercise caution to avoid unintended attractions."<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck me sideways, this book is wild. But you know what? Monica needs this. She's always playing by the rules, being the good girl. But to beat bitches like Autumn, she needs to know the dark side of cheerleading.<</say>>
<<md>>I closed the book, a grin spreading across my face. Monica might hate me for it, but this could be exactly what she needs. And hey, if she needs a guide to the sleazier side of cheer, I wouldn't mind volunteering.<</md>>
<<md>>Tucking the book under my arm, I headed for the checkout. This was gonna be one hell of an education for Monica. Time to show her there's more to cheerleading than just school spirit and high kicks.<</md>>
<<set $CheerleadersBook = 1>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 40.9>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "40.9b">>\<<md>>I found Autumn lounging by her locker, looking bored as fuck. Steeling myself, I approached her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey Autumn, I need that copy of 'The Dark Side of Cheerleading'. Susan told me you were the last to check it out before she got fired.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn's eyes lit up with malicious glee.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Well, fuck me sideways. Is our precious Coach taking reading recommendations from unemployed librarians now? What's next, you gonna ask the janitor for sex tips? Or did you finally realize you need some pointers to get your dick wet?<</say>>
<<md>>I felt my face burning.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's not for me. It's for Monica.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn cackled, her voice dripping with disdain.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Monica? That fucking prude? Oh, this is too good. What's next, you gonna ask for a vibrator for Nora?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She got hurt saving Sarah during practice.<</say>> <<md>>I said defensively.<</md>>
<<md>>Autumn rolled her eyes dramatically.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, right. Our little hero. Tell me, Coach, did she get a merit badge for that along with her broken ass?<</say>>
<<md>>She leaned in close, her breath hot on my ear.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Listen up, dipshit. I don't have that fucking book. And even if I did, I wouldn't waste it on that dried-up cunt Monica.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Watch your mouth, Autumn.<</say>> <<md>>I warned, trying to keep my cool.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Or what, Coach? You gonna spank me?<</say>> <<md>>She winked, running a hand down her body suggestively.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Because I might just enjoy that.<</say>>
<<md>>I took a step back, disgusted.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Just give me the damn book, Autumn.<</say>>
<<md>>She stepped closer, her voice low and mocking.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Face it, Coach. Monica's finished. One little heroic save, and now she's nothing but a benchwarmer with a Bible up her ass. That book would be wasted on her.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn's eyes narrowed.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>No, you listen here, fuckface. Monica can take her goody-two-shoes act and shove it up her tight, now probably bruised, ass. The day she becomes a real cheerleader is the day I start wearing granny panties.<</say>>
<<md>>I felt my patience snap. Time to show this bitch I wasn’t fucking around.<</md>>
<<md>>I stepped closer to Autumn, using my height to loom over her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Listen here, you little shit. I'm done playing games. Give me the fucking book, or things are gonna get real ugly, real fast.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn’s eyes widened for a split second before narrowing dangerously.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, is that how it’s gonna be, Coach? You gonna get all big and scary on me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm not kidding around, Autumn.<</say>> <<md>>I growled, clenching my fists.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That book. Now.<</say>>
<<md>>She laughed, a sharp, mocking sound.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Wow, look at you, trying to be all tough. What are you gonna do, huh? Hit me? Go ahead, try it. I fucking dare you.<</say>>
<<md>>My patience evaporated. In an instant, I grabbed her by the neck and pushed her against the locker. Instead of fear, though, her eyes gleamed with something else—amusement. She bit her lip, mocking me even now.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh, Coach, getting rough, are we? I didn’t know you had it in you.<</say>>
<<md>>Her words were like gasoline on a fire. My hand slid down, gripping her breast through her shirt, and instead of flinching, she smirked, her voice dripping with dark amusement.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Is that it? That all you've got?<</say>>
<<md>>Her defiance stoked my anger further. I pushed my hand lower, slipping under her skirt and pressing between her legs. Her breath caught for a moment, but the smirk didn’t fade. She leaned closer, her voice low and teasing.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You think this scares me? Try again, Coach.<</say>>
<<md>>I tightened my grip, fingers grazing her through her panties.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You’re going to give me that book,<</say>> <<md>>I hissed, my voice low and dangerous.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Or I’ll rip this skirt and your panties right here, in front of everyone. I’ll humiliate you so badly that your control over everyone will be finished. You won’t be able to manipulate anyone ever again.<</say>>
<<md>>Her eyes widened slightly, and I could feel her body tense. I leaned in closer, whispering harshly into her ear.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>No one will believe you after that, Autumn. You’ll be the girl who got humiliated so bad, you lost everything. So what's it going to be?<</say>>
<<md>>For the first time, her mocking attitude wavered. She tried to hold onto her arrogance, but I could see the flicker of uncertainty in her eyes now. Her voice came out softer, less confident.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You're fucking insane...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe,<</say>> <<md>>I muttered, pressing my hand harder against her.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But are you willing to bet everything on that?<</say>>
<<md>>She stood there, breathing heavily, her smirk finally gone. Her defiance crumbled as she reached into her bag and pulled out the book. She shoved it toward me with a scowl.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Take it. You win, you sick fuck.<</say>>
<<md>>I grabbed the book, stepping back and releasing her. She straightened her clothes, the anger and embarrassment clear on her face. She glared at me but said nothing as she turned and walked away, her shoulders tense.<</md>>
<<md>>I watched her go, the adrenaline still coursing through my veins. I had the book, but something told me that this wasn’t over. Autumn wasn’t the type to forgive or forget—and I’d just made her my enemy in a whole new way.<</md>>
<<set $CheerleadersBook = 1>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 40.9>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "40.9b">>\<<md>>I took a deep breath, deciding to switch tactics. Time to turn on the charm.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Look, Autumn,<</say>> <<md>>I said, lowering my voice and leaning in closer.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I get it. You're the queen bitch around here. You've got everyone wrapped around your little finger. But you and I both know there's more to you than just a pretty face and a sharp tongue.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite herself.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh? And what the fuck would you know about that, Coach?<</say>>
<<md>>I smirked, meeting her gaze.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I know you're smart. Cunning. You didn't get to the top by just shaking your pom-poms. That book? It's not just about cheap tricks. It's about power. Control. Things you excel at.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Flattery will get you nowhere, dipshit,<</say>> <<md>>Autumn sneered, but I could see a glimmer of interest in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's not flattery if it's true.<</say>> <<md>>I countered.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Look, how about we make a deal? You let me borrow that book, and I'll owe you one. Anything you want. Within reason, of course.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn's lips curled into a wicked grin.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Anything, Coach? Careful what you offer. I might just take you up on that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sure you would.<</say>> <<md>>I said, matching her smirk.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>But think about it. Wouldn't it be more fun to have me in your debt? Plus, imagine Monica trying to use that book. It'd be hilarious. You could lord it over her for weeks.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn considered for a moment, twirling a strand of hair around her finger.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>You know what? Fuck it. Why not? This could be entertaining as hell.<</say>>
<<md>>She reached into her locker and pulled out the book, tossing it to me.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Here, take the damn thing. But remember, Coach, you owe me now. And I always collect on my debts.<</say>>
<<md>>I caught the book, trying not to look too relieved.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, Autumn. I knew you weren't just another pretty face.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Yeah, yeah,<</say>> <<md>>she said, waving me off.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Now get out of here before I change my mind. And Coach? Make sure Monica knows exactly who she has to thank for her new... education.<</say>>
<<md>>As I walked away, clutching the book, I couldn't shake the feeling that I'd just made a deal with the devil. But if it helped Monica, it would be worth it. Probably.<</md>>
<<set $CheerleadersBook = 1>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 40.9>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "40.9b">>\<div id="school-improvements">
<h2>School Improvements</h2>
<div id="improvements-grid">
<div class="improvement" data-cost="1800" data-var="SchoolDormitory" data-time="30">
<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" class="building-icon">
<rect x="10" y="40" width="80" height="60" fill="#3a1538" stroke="#f52e74" stroke-width="2"/>
<polygon points="50,10 10,40 90,40" fill="#f52e74" stroke="#f52e74" stroke-width="2"/>
<rect x="40" y="60" width="20" height="40" fill="#240021"/>
<span class="name">Dormitory</span>
<span class="cost">$1800</span>
<span class="time">30 days</span>
<div class="progress-bar"><div class="progress"></div></div>
<div class="improvement" data-cost="750" data-var="Imp_Strength" data-time="15">
<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" class="building-icon">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" fill="#3a1538" stroke="#f52e74" stroke-width="2"/>
<line x1="50" y1="10" x2="50" y2="90" stroke="#f52e74" stroke-width="2"/>
<line x1="10" y1="50" x2="90" y2="50" stroke="#f52e74" stroke-width="2"/>
<span class="name">Basketball Court</span>
<span class="cost">$750</span>
<span class="time">15 days</span>
<div class="progress-bar"><div class="progress"></div></div>
<div class="improvement" data-cost="800" data-var="Imp_Intellect" data-time="20">
<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" class="building-icon">
<rect x="10" y="30" width="80" height="60" fill="#3a1538" stroke="#f52e74" stroke-width="2"/>
<polygon points="50,10 10,30 90,30" fill="#f52e74" stroke="#f52e74" stroke-width="2"/>
<rect x="30" y="50" width="40" height="20" fill="#240021"/>
<span class="name">Library</span>
<span class="cost">$800</span>
<span class="time">20 days</span>
<div class="progress-bar"><div class="progress"></div></div>
<div class="improvement" data-cost="750" data-var="Imp_Charisma" data-time="10">
<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" class="building-icon">
<rect x="20" y="20" width="60" height="60" fill="#3a1538" stroke="#f52e74" stroke-width="2"/>
<line x1="20" y1="40" x2="80" y2="40" stroke="#f52e74" stroke-width="2"/>
<line x1="20" y1="60" x2="80" y2="60" stroke="#f52e74" stroke-width="2"/>
<span class="name">School Mirrors</span>
<span class="cost">$750</span>
<span class="time">10 days</span>
<div class="progress-bar"><div class="progress"></div></div>
<div class="improvement" data-cost="750" data-var="Imp_Boldness" data-time="25">
<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" class="building-icon">
<ellipse cx="50" cy="50" rx="45" ry="30" fill="#3a1538" stroke="#f52e74" stroke-width="2"/>
<ellipse cx="50" cy="50" rx="35" ry="20" fill="none" stroke="#f52e74" stroke-width="2"/>
<span class="name">Sports Stadium</span>
<span class="cost">$750</span>
<span class="time">25 days</span>
<div class="progress-bar"><div class="progress"></div></div>
<div class="improvement" data-cost="300" data-var="WCAvailable" data-time="5">
<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" class="building-icon">
<rect x="30" y="30" width="40" height="60" fill="#3a1538" stroke="#f52e74" stroke-width="2"/>
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="10" fill="#240021"/>
<span class="name">Bathroom</span>
<span class="cost">$300</span>
<span class="time">5 days</span>
<div class="progress-bar"><div class="progress"></div></div>
<div class="improvement" data-cost="200" data-var="NLevel" data-time="7">
<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" class="building-icon">
<rect x="10" y="40" width="80" height="50" fill="#3a1538" stroke="#f52e74" stroke-width="2"/>
<polygon points="50,10 10,40 90,40" fill="#f52e74" stroke="#f52e74" stroke-width="2"/>
<text x="50" y="70" font-size="20" text-anchor="middle" fill="#fff">N</text>
<span class="name">North Upgrade</span>
<span class="cost">$200</span>
<span class="time">7 days</span>
<div class="progress-bar"><div class="progress"></div></div>
<div class="improvement" data-cost="200" data-var="SLevel" data-time="7">
<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" class="building-icon">
<rect x="10" y="40" width="80" height="50" fill="#3a1538" stroke="#f52e74" stroke-width="2"/>
<polygon points="50,10 10,40 90,40" fill="#f52e74" stroke="#f52e74" stroke-width="2"/>
<text x="50" y="70" font-size="20" text-anchor="middle" fill="#fff">S</text>
<span class="name">South Upgrade</span>
<span class="cost">$200</span>
<span class="time">7 days</span>
<div class="progress-bar"><div class="progress"></div></div>
<<if $BuildingUpdatesVisited is false>>\
<<set $BuildingUpdatesVisited to true>>\
#school-improvements {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
max-width: 800px;
margin: 0 auto;
background-color: #240021;
color: #fff;
padding: 20px;
border-radius: 10px;
border: 2px solid #f52e74;
box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.5);
#improvements-grid {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(180px, 1fr));
gap: 1rem;
.improvement {
border: 1px solid #f52e74;
padding: 1rem;
border-radius: 5px;
cursor: pointer;
transition: all 0.3s, opacity 0.5s, transform 0.5s;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
text-align: center;
background-color: rgba(58, 21, 56, 0.7);
position: relative;
.improvement:hover {
box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.5);
transform: translateY(-5px);
.improvement.completed {
opacity: 0;
transform: scale(0.8);
pointer-events: none;
.building-icon {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
transition: all 0.3s;
.improvement:hover .building-icon {
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 5px #f52e74);
.improvement .name {
font-weight: bold;
margin-bottom: 5px;
color: #f52e74;
.improvement .cost, .improvement .time {
color: #987e94;
font-size: 0.8em;
margin-top: 5px;
.built {
background-color: rgba(58, 21, 56, 0.9);
.built .building-icon {
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 5px rgba(0,255,0,0.5));
.upgrading .building-icon {
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 5px rgba(255,255,0,0.5));
.improvement:not(.built):not(.upgrading):hover .name,
.improvement:not(.built):not(.upgrading):hover .time {
display: none;
.improvement:not(.built):not(.upgrading):hover .cost {
display: block;
font-weight: bold;
color: #f52e74;
h2 {
color: #f52e74;
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 20px;
#cash-display, #day-display {
color: #f52e74;
font-weight: bold;
.progress-bar {
width: 100%;
height: 20px;
background-color: #240021;
border: 1px solid #f52e74;
border-radius: 5px;
overflow: hidden;
margin-top: 10px;
position: relative;
.progress {
width: 0%;
height: 100%;
background-color: #f52e74;
transition: width 0.5s ease-in-out;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
.improvement.upgrading .progress-bar {
border-color: #ffeb3b;
.improvement.built .progress-bar {
border-color: #4caf50;
.improvement.built .progress {
background-color: #4caf50;
#next-day {
display: block;
margin: 20px auto 0;
padding: 10px 20px;
background-color: #f52e74;
color: #fff;
border: none;
border-radius: 5px;
cursor: pointer;
transition: all 0.3s;
#next-day:hover {
background-color: #ff4081;
.ui-dialog {
background-color: #240021;
border: 2px solid #f52e74;
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color: #fff;
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
padding: 20px;
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background-color: #3a1538;
border-bottom: 1px solid #f52e74;
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color: #f52e74;
padding: 10px;
.ui-dialog-content {
padding: 20px;
text-align: center;
.ui-dialog-buttonpane {
background-color: #3a1538;
border-top: 1px solid #f52e74;
padding: 10px;
text-align: right;
.ui-dialog-buttonpane button {
background-color: #f52e74;
border: none;
border-radius: 5px;
color: #fff;
cursor: pointer;
margin-left: 10px;
padding: 5px 10px;
transition: all 0.3s;
.ui-dialog-buttonpane button:hover {
background-color: #ff4081;
.dialog-image {
border-radius: 5px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
max-width: 100%;
<<run Dialog.setup("Dialog Title", "Dialog Content")>>
<<run'<img src="dialog_image.jpg" class="dialog-image">')>>
window.addDayBuilding = function() {
var dayAdvancing = false;
if (!dayAdvancing) {
dayAdvancing = true;
setTimeout(function() {
dayAdvancing = false;
}, 500);
$(document).on('click', '.improvement', function() {
var cost = parseInt($(this).data('cost'));
var varName = $(this).data('var');
var upgradeTime = parseInt($(this).data('time'));
var currentCash =;
if (currentCash >= cost && !State.variables[varName] && !State.variables.upgrades[varName]) { -= cost;
State.variables.upgrades[varName] = {
timeLeft: upgradeTime,
totalTime: upgradeTime
// Navigate to the passage based on the improvement variable name
switch (varName) {
case 'SchoolDormitory':'InvestDormitory');
case 'Imp_Strength':'InvestS');
case 'Imp_Intellect':'InvestI');
case 'Imp_Charisma':'InvestC');
case 'Imp_Boldness':'InvestB');
case 'WCAvailable':'BuyingToilet');
case 'NLevel':'NorthPart To1Level');
case 'SLevel':'SouthPart To1Level');
} else if (State.variables[varName]) {
Dialog.setup("Improvement Already Built", "This improvement has already been built!");'<img src="already_built_image.jpg" class="dialog-image">');;
} else if (State.variables.upgrades[varName]) {
Dialog.setup("Improvement Being Upgraded", "This improvement is already being upgraded!");'<img src="already_upgrading_image.jpg" class="dialog-image">');;
} else {
Dialog.setup("Insufficient Cash", "You don't have enough cash to build this improvement!");'<img src="insufficient_cash_image.jpg" class="dialog-image">');;
function updateUI() {
$('.improvement').each(function() {
var varName = $(this).data('var');
if (State.variables[varName]) {
$(this).addClass('built completed').removeClass('upgrading');
$(this).find('.progress').css('width', '100%');
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
} else if (State.variables.upgrades[varName]) {
var upgrade = State.variables.upgrades[varName];
var progress = ((upgrade.totalTime - upgrade.timeLeft) / upgrade.totalTime) * 100;
$(this).addClass('upgrading').removeClass('built completed');
$(this).find('.progress').css('width', progress + '%');
} else {
$(this).removeClass('built upgrading completed').show();
$(this).find('.progress').css('width', '0%');
function advanceDay() {
for (var varName in State.variables.upgrades) {
var upgrade = State.variables.upgrades[varName];
if (upgrade.timeLeft <= 0) {
State.variables[varName] = true;
delete State.variables.upgrades[varName];
// Set $LibraryOpen to true when $Imp_Intellect becomes true
if (varName === 'Imp_Intellect') {
State.variables.LibraryOpen = true;
// Event listener for the "Next Day" button
$(document).on('click', '#next-day', function() {
$(document).ready(function() {
<</script>>Just for testing
setup.characters = State.variables.characters;
[[GalleryMain]] :: GalleryPersonal
<<set $currentCategory to "scenes">>
<<set $currentPage to 1>>
<<set $itemsPerPage to 6>>
<h1><<print $characters[$currentCharacterIndex]>>'s Personal Gallery</h1>
<div id="category-buttons">
<<button "MOMENTS">>
<<set $currentCategory to "moments">>
<<set $currentPage to 1>>
<<replace "#gallery-content">><<include "GalleryDisplay">><</replace>>
<<button "SCENES">>
<<set $currentCategory to "scenes">>
<<set $currentPage to 1>>
<<replace "#gallery-content">><<include "GalleryDisplay">><</replace>>
<<button "MEMORIES">>
<<set $currentCategory to "memories">>
<<set $currentPage to 1>>
<<replace "#gallery-content">><<include "GalleryDisplay">><</replace>>
<div id="gallery-content">
<<include "GalleryDisplay">>
<<link "Back to Main Gallery">><<goto "MainGallery">><</link>>
#category-buttons {
margin-bottom: 20px;
#category-buttons button {
margin-right: 10px;
.gallery-grid {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);
gap: 20px;
.gallery-item img, .gallery-item video {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
#pagination {
margin-top: 20px;
text-align: center;
#pagination button {
margin: 0 10px;
</style>:: GalleryDisplay
<<set _character to setup.getCharacter($characters[$currentCharacterIndex])>>
<<set _items to _character[$currentCategory] || []>>
<<set _unlockedItems to _items.filter(item => item.unlocked)>>
<<set $totalPages to Math.ceil(_unlockedItems.length / $itemsPerPage)>>
<<set _startIndex to ($currentPage - 1) * $itemsPerPage>>
<<set _endIndex to _startIndex + $itemsPerPage>>
<<set _displayItems to _unlockedItems.slice(_startIndex, _endIndex)>>
<div class="gallery-grid">
<<for _item range _displayItems>>
<div class="gallery-item">
<<if $currentCategory is "moments">>
<<print "<img src='" + _item.src + "' alt='Gallery Image'>">>
<<print "<video src='" + _item.src + "' controls></video>">>
<div id="pagination">
<<if $currentPage > 1>>
<<button "Previous">>
<<set $currentPage to $currentPage - 1>>
<<replace "#gallery-content">><<include "GalleryDisplay">><</replace>>
<span id="page-info">Page $currentPage of $totalPages</span>
<<if $currentPage < $totalPages>>
<<button "Next">>
<<set $currentPage to $currentPage + 1>>
<<replace "#gallery-content">><<include "GalleryDisplay">><</replace>>
</div><<set $imagePath to "img/Angela/AngelaEating1.jpg">>
<!-- Method 3: Using <<print>> macro with HTML -->
<<print "<img src='" + $imagePath + "' alt='Angela Eating3'>" >>
<<if not $UnlockedCharacter>>
<<set $UnlockedCharacter to []>>
<<if not $LockedCharacter>>
<<set $LockedCharacter to $ =>>>
<<set $currentCategory to "scenes">>
<<set $galleryPage to 1>>
<<for _i to $LockedCharacter.length - 1; _i gte 0; _i-->>
<<set _charName to $LockedCharacter[_i]>>
<<set _char to $characters.find(c => === _charName)>>
<<if _char and _char.object.unlockedgallery>>
<<run $UnlockedCharacter.push(_charName)>>
<<run $LockedCharacter.splice(_i, 1)>>
<div class="mode-switch">
<span id="galleryLabel">Gallery</span>
<label class="switch">
<input type="checkbox" id="modeSwitch">
<span class="slider"></span>
<span id="mediaLabel">Media Player</span>
<div id="galleryContent">
<div id="gallery-grid" class="gallery-grid">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $characters.length; _i++>>
<<set _char to $characters[_i]>>
<<if $UnlockedCharacter.includes(>>
<<if _char.object.galleryImg>>
<div class="gallery-item">
<<set _imgTag to ('<img src="' + _char.object.galleryImg + '" alt="' + _char.object.Name + '" data-character="' + + '" class="clickable-image">')>>
<<= _imgTag>>
<div id="mediaPlayerContent" style="display: none;">
<div class="media-buttons">
<button id="imagesButton">Images</button>
<button id="videosButton">Videos</button>
<div id="mediaContent"></div>
<div id="pagination"></div>
<div id="video-popup" class="video-popup">
<div class="video-popup-content">
<video id="popup-video" controls>
<source src="" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<div class="video-controls">
<button id="prev-video">Previous</button>
<button id="next-video">Next</button>
<button id="close-popup">Close</button>
<label class="loop-checkbox"><input type="checkbox" id="popup-loop-checkbox"><span class="checkmark"></span> Loop</label>
<div class="playlist">
<ul id="video-playlist"></ul>
body {
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grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
gap: 20px;
padding: 20px;
.gallery-item {
text-align: center;
overflow: hidden;
transition: all 0.3s ease;
position: relative;
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max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
cursor: pointer;
transition: all 2s ease;
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content: '';
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transition: all 2s ease;
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box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.5);
.gallery-item:hover .clickable-image {
filter: grayscale(0%);
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border-width: 4px;
opacity: 1;
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0% { transform: scale(1); }
50% { transform: scale(1.05); }
100% { transform: scale(1); }
.gallery-item:hover {
animation: juicyEffect 0.5s ease;
.mode-switch {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
margin-bottom: 20px;
.switch {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
width: 60px;
height: 34px;
margin: 0 15px;
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width: 0;
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color: #f52e74;
text-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.5);
transition: all 0.3s ease;
#modeSwitch:checked ~ #galleryLabel {
color: #987e94;
text-shadow: none;
#modeSwitch:not(:checked) ~ #mediaLabel {
color: #987e94;
text-shadow: none;
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height: 100%;
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color: white;
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padding: 10px;
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list-style-type: none;
padding: 0;
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cursor: pointer;
padding: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
background-color: rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.1);
border-radius: 3px;
transition: all 0.3s ease;
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background-color: rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.3);
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display: flex;
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color: #fff;
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border-radius: 3px;
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transition: all 0.3s ease;
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background-color: #f52e74;
box-shadow: 0 0 5px #f52e74;
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position: relative;
padding-left: 35px;
margin-bottom: 12px;
cursor: pointer;
font-size: 16px;
user-select: none;
.loop-checkbox input {
position: absolute;
opacity: 0;
cursor: pointer;
height: 0;
width: 0;
.checkmark {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
height: 25px;
width: 25px;
background-color: #240021;
border: 2px solid #f52e74;
border-radius: 5px;
.loop-checkbox:hover input ~ .checkmark {
background-color: #3a1538;
.loop-checkbox input:checked ~ .checkmark {
background-color: #f52e74;
.checkmark:after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
display: none;
.loop-checkbox input:checked ~ .checkmark:after {
display: block;
.loop-checkbox .checkmark:after {
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$(document).ready(function(){const e=$("#modeSwitch"),t=$("#galleryLabel"),n=$("#mediaLabel"),o=$("#galleryContent"),a=$("#mediaPlayerContent");let i=0,r=[],s=0,c=6;const d=["images","videos"];let l="videos";function u(){e.prop("checked")?(o.removeClass("content-visible").addClass("content-hidden"),setTimeout(()=>{o.hide(),"content-hidden").addClass("content-visible"),m("videos")},500)):(a.removeClass("content-visible").addClass("content-hidden"),setTimeout(()=>{a.hide(),"content-hidden").addClass("content-visible")},500)),t.css("color",e.prop("checked")?"#987e94":"#f52e74"),n.css("color",e.prop("checked")?"#f52e74":"#987e94"),t.css("text-shadow",e.prop("checked")?"none":"0 0 5px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.5)"),n.css("text-shadow",e.prop("checked")?"0 0 5px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.5)":"none")}function m(e){if(console.log("Displaying starred items:",e),!SugarCube.State.variables.starredItems)return void console.log("No starred items found");l=e,r=SugarCube.State.variables.starredItems.filter(t=>"images"===e?"moments"===t.category:["scenes","memories"].includes(t.category)),console.log("Filtered items:",r),s=0,h(),$("#imagesButton, #videosButton").removeClass("active"),$("#"+e+"Button").addClass("active"),d.forEach(e=>{$("#"+e+"Button").css("color",e===l?"#fff":"#987e94")})}function h(){const e=r.slice(s*c,(s+1)*c),,t)=>e&&e.src&&e.title?`<div class="media-item"><h3>${e.charName||"Unknown"} - ${e.title}</h3>${"images"===l?`<img src="${e.src}" alt="${e.title}">`:`<video src="${e.src}" class="gallery-video" data-index="${s*c+t}"><source src="${e.src}" type="video/mp4"></video>`}</div>`:(console.log("Invalid item:",e),"")).join("");$("#mediaContent").html(t||`<p>No starred ${l} available.</p>`),function(){const e=Math.ceil(r.length/c),t=$("#pagination");t.empty();for(let n=0;n<e;n++)t.append(`<button class="page-button${n===s?" active":""}" data-page="${n}">${n+1}</button>`)}()}function v(e){if(console.log("Playing video:",e),e<0||e>=r.length)return void console.log("Invalid video index");i=e;const t=r[e];if(!t||!t.src)return void console.log("Invalid video object:",t);const n=$("#popup-video")[0],o=$("#popup-video source")[0];n.oncanplay=null,n.onerror=null,n.oncanplay=function(){console.log("Video can play"),>console.error("Error playing video:",e))},n.onerror=function(){console.error("Error loading video:",n.error)},o.src=t.src,n.load()}e.on("change",u),$("#imagesButton").on("click",function(){m("images")}),$("#videosButton").on("click",function(){m("videos")}),$(document).on("click",".gallery-video",function(){i=$(this).data("index"),v(i),function(){console.log("Setting up video playlist");const e=$("#video-playlist");e.empty(),r.forEach((t,n)=>{t&&t.title&&e.append(`<li data-index="${n}">${t.title}</li>`)})}(),$("#video-popup").show()}),$("#close-popup").on("click",function(){$("#popup-video")[0].pause(),$("#video-popup").hide()}),$("#prev-video").on("click",function(){i=(i-1+r.length)%r.length,v(i)}),$("#next-video").on("click",function(){i=(i+1)%r.length,v(i)}),$(document).on("click","#video-playlist li",function(){const e=$(this).data("index");v(e)}),$("#popup-loop-checkbox").on("change",function(){$("#popup-video")[0].loop=$(this).prop("checked")}),$("#popup-video").on("ended",function(){this.loop||(i=(i+1)%r.length,v(i))}),$(document).on("click",".clickable-image",function(){var e=$(this).data("character");SugarCube.State.variables.selectedCharacter=e,"CharacterGallery")}),$(".gallery-item").hover(function(){const e=$(this).find(".clickable-image")[0],t=$(this)[0];let n=0;e.interval=setInterval(()=>{n+=1;const o=100-n;`grayscale(${o}%)`,"--border-width",`${4*(1-o/100)}px`),"--border-opacity",1-o/100),100===n&&clearInterval(e.interval)},20)},function(){const e=$(this).find(".clickable-image")[0],t=$(this)[0];clearInterval(e.interval),"grayscale(100%)","--border-width","0px"),"--border-opacity",0)}),$(document).on("click",".page-button",function(){s=parseInt($(this).data("page")),h()})});
<<set _char to $characters.find(c => === $selectedCharacter)>>
<<set _itemsPerPage to 6>>
<<set _currentPage to $galleryPage || 1>>
<<set _startIndex to (_currentPage - 1) * _itemsPerPage>>
<<set _endIndex to _startIndex + _itemsPerPage>>
<!-- Ensure $currentCategory is set to a valid default category -->
<<if not $currentCategory or typeof $currentCategory !== "string">>
<<set $currentCategory to "scenes">>
<!-- Centered Category Buttons with Gaps -->
<div class="category-buttons" style="display: flex; justify-content: center; gap: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px;">
<<button "Moments">>
<<set $currentCategory to "moments">>
<<set $galleryPage to 1>>
<<replace "#gallery-content">><<include "DisplayGalleryContent">><</replace>>
<<button "Scenes">>
<<set $currentCategory to "scenes">>
<<set $galleryPage to 1>>
<<replace "#gallery-content">><<include "DisplayGalleryContent">><</replace>>
<<button "Memories">>
<<set $currentCategory to "memories">>
<<set $galleryPage to 1>>
<<replace "#gallery-content">><<include "DisplayGalleryContent">><</replace>>
<!-- Gallery content display -->
<div id="gallery-content" class="gallery-grid">
<<if _char and _char.object and $currentCategory in _char.object and Array.isArray(_char.object[$currentCategory])>>
<<for _i to _startIndex; _i lt Math.min(_endIndex, _char.object[$currentCategory].length); _i++>>
<<set _item to _char.object[$currentCategory][_i]>>
<div class="gallery-item <<if not _item.unlocked>>locked-item<</if>>">
<<if not _item.unlocked>>
<div class="locked-overlay">Locked</div>
<div class="star-icon" data-index="<<= _i>>" data-category="<<= $currentCategory>>">★</div>
<<if $currentCategory === "scenes" or $currentCategory === "memories">>
<<set _mediaTag to ('<video src="' + _item.src + '" class="' + (not _item.unlocked ? 'locked-media' : 'gallery-video') + '" data-index="' + _i + '" ' + (not _item.unlocked ? 'disabled' : '') + '><source src="' + _item.src + '" type="video/mp4">Your browser does not support the video tag.</video>')>>
<<set _mediaTag to ('<img src="' + _item.src + '" alt="' + _item.title + '" class="' + (not _item.unlocked ? 'locked-media' : '') + '">')>>
<<= _mediaTag>>
<p><<= _item.title>></p>
<p>No content available for the category <<= $currentCategory>> in this character's gallery.</p>
<!-- Back to GalleryMain2 Button -->
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">
<<button "Back to GalleryMain2">>
<<goto "GalleryMain2">>
<!-- Video Popup -->
<div id="video-popup" class="video-popup">
<div class="video-popup-content">
<video id="popup-video" controls>
<source src="" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<div class="video-controls">
<button id="prev-video">Previous</button>
<button id="next-video">Next</button>
<button id="close-popup">Close</button>
<label class="loop-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="popup-loop-checkbox">
<span class="checkmark"></span>
<div class="playlist">
<ul id="video-playlist"></ul>
body {
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color: #fff;
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
.gallery-grid {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);
gap: 20px;
padding: 20px;
justify-content: center;
.gallery-item {
text-align: center;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
transition: all 0.3s ease;
border: 2px solid #f52e74;
border-radius: 10px;
padding: 20px;
width: 400px;
.gallery-item img, .gallery-item video {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
transition: filter 0.3s ease, transform 0.3s ease;
border-radius: 5px;
.gallery-item:hover img:not(.locked-media),
.gallery-item:hover video:not(.locked-media) {
filter: grayscale(0%);
transform: scale(1.05);
.locked-media {
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user-select: none;
.locked-overlay {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
color: white;
font-size: 1.2em;
font-weight: bold;
text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.7);
z-index: 10;
.star-icon {
position: absolute;
top: 15px;
right: 15px;
font-size: 24px;
color: #ccc;
cursor: pointer;
z-index: 20;
text-shadow: 0 0 3px #000;
.star-icon.starred {
color: gold;
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display: none;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.8);
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position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
width: 80%;
max-width: 800px;
background-color: #3a1538;
border: 2px solid #f52e74;
border-radius: 10px;
padding: 20px;
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width: 100%;
border-radius: 5px;
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justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
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color: #fff;
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border-radius: 3px;
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transition: all 0.3s ease;
.video-controls button:hover {
background-color: #f52e74;
box-shadow: 0 0 5px #f52e74;
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<<set _char to $characters.find(c => === $selectedCharacter)>>
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<<set _currentPage to $galleryPage || 1>>
<<set _startIndex to (_currentPage - 1) * _itemsPerPage>>
<<set _endIndex to _startIndex + _itemsPerPage>>
<!-- Gallery content display with grid layout -->
<div id="gallery-content" class="gallery-grid">
<<if _char and _char.object and $currentCategory in _char.object and Array.isArray(_char.object[$currentCategory])>>
<<for _i to _startIndex; _i lt Math.min(_endIndex, _char.object[$currentCategory].length); _i++>>
<<set _item to _char.object[$currentCategory][_i]>>
<div class="gallery-item <<if not _item.unlocked>>locked-item<</if>>">
<<if not _item.unlocked>>
<div class="locked-overlay">Locked</div>
<div class="star-icon" data-index="<<= _i>>" data-category="<<= $currentCategory>>">★</div>
<<if $currentCategory === "scenes" or $currentCategory === "memories">>
<<set _mediaTag to ('<video src="' + _item.src + '" class="' + (not _item.unlocked ? 'locked-media' : 'gallery-video') + '" data-index="' + _i + '" ' + (not _item.unlocked ? 'disabled' : '') + '><source src="' + _item.src + '" type="video/mp4">Your browser does not support the video tag.</video>')>>
<<set _mediaTag to ('<img src="' + _item.src + '" alt="' + _item.title + '" class="' + (not _item.unlocked ? 'locked-media' : '') + '">')>>
<<= _mediaTag>>
<p><<= _item.title>></p>
<p>No content available for the category <<= $currentCategory>> in this character's gallery.</p>
<!-- Pagination controls centered and positioned under the gallery grid -->
<div class="pagination-container" style="text-align: center; margin-top: 20px;">
<div class="pagination" style="display: inline-block;">
<<if _currentPage > 1>>
<<button "Previous">>
<<set $galleryPage to _currentPage - 1>>
<<replace "#gallery-content">><<include "DisplayGalleryContent">><</replace>>
<<run $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, 'slow')>>
<<if _char and _char.object and $currentCategory in _char.object and _endIndex < _char.object[$currentCategory].length>>
<<button "Next">>
<<set $galleryPage to _currentPage + 1>>
<<replace "#gallery-content">><<include "DisplayGalleryContent">><</replace>>
<<run $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, 'slow')>>
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$(document).ready(function() {
function initializeStarIcons() {
$(".star-icon").each(function(index) {
$(this).attr("data-index", index);
$(this).attr("data-category", SugarCube.State.variables.currentCategory);
$(".star-icon").off("click").on("click", function(e) {
const index = parseInt($(this).data("index"), 10);
const category = $(this).data("category");
const character = SugarCube.State.variables.characters.find(c => === SugarCube.State.variables.selectedCharacter);
if (!character || !character.object || !character.object[category]) {
console.log("Error: Invalid character or category");
const item = character.object[category][index];
if (!item) {
console.log("Error: Gallery item not found - Index: " + index + ", Category: " + category);
SugarCube.State.variables.starredItems = SugarCube.State.variables.starredItems || [];
const existingIndex = SugarCube.State.variables.starredItems.findIndex(i =>
i.src === item.src && i.category === category && i.charName ===;
if (existingIndex > -1) {
SugarCube.State.variables.starredItems.splice(existingIndex, 1);
console.log("Item removed from starred items");
} else {
SugarCube.State.variables.starredItems.push({...item, category: category, charName:});
console.log("Item added to starred items");
$(".gallery-video").on("click", function() {
const index = $(this).data("index");
const src = $(this).attr("src");
$("#popup-video source").attr("src", src);
<!-- Back to GalleryMain2 Button -->
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">
<<button "Back to GalleryMain2">>
<<goto "GalleryMain2">>
<<set $globalVar to "Global Variable">>
<<set _tempVar to "Temporary Variable">>
<h1>Variable Interpolation Testing</h1>
<h2>Global Variable ($globalVar)</h2>
<li>Using =: <<= $globalVar >></li>
<li>Using print: <<print $globalVar>></li>
<li>Using -: <<- $globalVar >></li>
<li>Using = without spaces: <<==$globalVar>></li>
<li>Using print without spaces: <<print$globalVar>></li>
<li>Using JavaScript: <script>document.write(State.variables.globalVar)</script></li>
<li>Using @: <<@$globalVar>></li>
<li>Using unescaped output: `$globalVar`</li>
<li>Using escaped output: \$globalVar</li>
<li>Using string interpolation: "${$globalVar}"</li>
<h2>Temporary Variable (_tempVar)</h2>
<li>Using =: <<= _tempVar >></li>
<li>Using print: <<print _tempVar>></li>
<li>Using -: <<- _tempVar >></li>
<li>Using = without spaces: <<=_tempVar>></li>
<li>Using print without spaces: <<print_tempVar>></li>
<li>Using JavaScript: <script>document.write(State.temporary.tempVar)</script></li>
<li>Using @: <<@_tempVar>></li>
<li>Using unescaped output: `_tempVar`</li>
<li>Using escaped output: \_tempVar</li>
<li>Using string interpolation: "${_tempVar}"</li>
<h2>Testing in data attributes</h2>
<div data-global="<<= $globalVar >>" data-temp="<<= _tempVar >>">
Hover over me to see data attributes in your browser's developer tools.
<<link "Back to CharacterGallery">>
<<goto "CharacterGallery">>
<</nobr>>/* 1. Reset Daily Activities and Character States */
<<set _dailyResetVars to ["SeaRelax", "SportfieldRun", "ReadPerDay", "RunPerDay", "WalkPerDay", "PUPerDay", "TVPerDay", "GymPerDay", "CoffeeDrinked", "ShowerTaked", "MeditationToday", "MCseeAngelaFap", "Homeless", "HomelessBonus", "HomeBonus", "MeditationBonus", "GymPerDay", "TodayReadHorrorBook", "CanteenCoffeeBonus", "FoodPreparePerDay", "LivewithLexiSexPerDay", "StudioRoseWorkDay", "AngelaHugPerDay", "ShowerPerDay", "VirPerDay"]>>
<<set _characterStates to ["Lexi", "Veronica", "Monica", "Lucy", "Angela"]>>
<<set _sexualActivities to ["Spanking", "Undressing", "Touching", "Handjob", "Blowjob", "FuckPussy", "FuckAnal"]>>
<<for _i to 0; _i < _dailyResetVars.length; _i++>>
<<set State.variables[_dailyResetVars[_i]] = 0>>
<<for _char range _characterStates>>
<<set State.variables[_char + "CleaningDone"] = 1>>
<<set State.variables[_char + "CookingDone"] = 1>>
<<set State.variables[_char + "Cum"] = 0>>
<<set State.variables[_char + "Arouse"] = 0>>
<<set State.variables[_char + "Punishment"] = 0>>
<<for _activity range _sexualActivities>>
<<set State.variables[_activity] = 0>>
<<set $AngelaCum2 = 0>>
<<set $Homeless = 1>>
/* 2. Handle Stay at Home Achievement */
<<if $StayAtHome is 1>><<set $StayAtHomeAch = 1>><<else>><<set $StayAtHome = 1>><</if>>
/* 3. Reset Punishments Count on Fridays */
<<if $gameDate.getUTCDay() is 5>><<set $punishments_count = 0>><</if>>
/* 4. Display Random Tip */
<<set _tipArray to [
"Remember that for a person, the sound of his name is the sweetest and most important sound of human speech.",
"Do not miss the opportunity to touch a person, but only if he is not against your invasion of his personal space.",
"Be a good listener. Listen carefully to the person you are talking to, look into his eyes at least 2/3 of the time while he is talking.",
"Just smile. Sincerely smiling, you will automatically evoke sympathy and cheer up others.",
"Remember that if you are near a person while he is in a good mood, he will still associate his good mood with you, even if you are not the reason for his good mood.",
"Take an interest in a person's hobby and interests, let him know that you care about his desires.",
"Non-verbal communication can talk about a person's thoughts more than verbal. Watch your and other people's gestures.",
"Try to avoid saying bad things about people; this will probably only provoke negative emotions.",
"Each time you press the Sleep button, the game is saved to the very first slot.",
"Don't forget to upgrade your skills to open up more opportunities to interact with other characters.",
"One student complained to me that the lunch she was having didn't contain enough protein. I was happy to give her a protein shot directly into her stomach",
"I dragged a naughty student to the janitor's closet where I have her swallow my dick during her break. Watching her finger herself, I can't help but wonder how she would feel much better if my big cock was filling her pussy rather than her mouth.",
"A student in her school uniform was very eager to get a taste of my cock and quickly started to swallow it. It was the least I could do to return the favour and teach her about being fingered by an expert.",
"At the back of my classroom, I spotted a horny student fingering herself to my latest lesson on the male anatomy. Her hand spreads her lips as she rubs her clit vigorously with the other. The only time I truly know I'm dreaming since I'd go over and fuck her otherwise.",
"I was ploughing my student from behind, face down ass up, as she moaned like a professional porn star, constantly begging for more. This slutty student didn't even bother with the pretense of a better grade. She just presented her holes for her teacher.",
"During personal mentoring, one student wanted to know what it felt like to be fucked by one of her teachers. Wearing no panties and presenting her wet pussy to me was one of the more direct ways to get fucked.",
"She was rubbing her ass all over my cock as soon as we were alone, so I had no choice. I bent her over and forcefully pulled down her panties as I started fucking her from behind in my own classroom. Good thing the next class wouldn't show up for another 20 minutes.",
"One of my most common dreams. Slowly fucking an innocent student who invited me over for 'extra-tutoring'. Flipping up her skirt and getting her to beg for some personal mentoring never fails to get me hard, even in a dream.",
"One of my students very politely asked at the start of the lesson to finish inside her. Since we had free time and we had no where to rush, I decided to take a break and show the other schoolgirls how to enjoy the teacher.",
"When a schoolgirl behaves badly, I punish her. Roughly punish her. I dreamt about it today, punishing a naughty slut.",
"There is nothing better than .. uhhh .. these beautiful buttocks, these sweet holes and juices that are hidden inside. The most daring, waiting for a reward.",
"Damn what she is doing with my dick, I fell into a dream of a femdom, how to get out of here. Well at least I enjoy it.",
"If the student behaves badly, she needs to be punished as soon as possible to make her understand that she was wrong.",
"My hands touched many beautiful things, but the best .. The best thing is to touch those things that you need, which need you.",
<<set _randomTip to _tipArray.random()>>
<<text y _randomTip>>
/* 5. Include Patreon Reminder or Sleep Dreams */
<<if $dreamCounter % 10 == 0 && $patreonReminder > 0>>
<<set _showPatreonChance to 0>>
<<if $patreonReminder == 3>>
<<set _showPatreonChance to 0.5>>
<<elseif $patreonReminder == 2>>
<<set _showPatreonChance to 0.25>>
<<elseif $patreonReminder == 1>>
<<set _showPatreonChance to 0.1>>
<<if Math.random() < _showPatreonChance>>
<<include "PatreonReminder">>
<<set $patreonReminder -= 1>>
<<include "SleepDreamsNew">>
<<include "SleepDreamsNew">>
<<set $dreamCounter to $dreamCounter += 1>>
/* 6. Handle Wake Up Options */
<<if $LivewithLexi is 1>>
<<set _LexiLiveSleep to [1, 2, 3]>>
<<set _LexiWakeOption to _LexiLiveSleep.random()>>
<<switch _LexiWakeOption>>
<<case 1>> <<link [[Wake up|LexiLiveMorning]]>><</link>>
<<case 2>> <<link [[Wake up|My room]]>><</link>>
<<case 3>> <<link [[Wake up|LexiLiveMorning]]>><</link>>
<<elseif $LivewithMonica is 1>>
<<set _MonicaLiveSleep to [1, 2, 3]>>
<<set _MonicaWakeOption to _MonicaLiveSleep.random()>>
<<switch _MonicaWakeOption>>
<<case 1>> <<link [[Wake up|MonicaLiveMorning]]>><</link>>
<<case 2>> <<link [[Wake up|My room]]>><</link>>
<<case 3>> <<link [[Wake up|MonicaLiveMorning]]>><</link>>
<<link [[Wake up|My room]]>><</link>>
/* 7. Set Game Date and Time */
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 2>>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>>
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
/* 8. Reset Player Stats */
<<if $mc.MaxStamina gte $stamina>>
<<set $stamina = $mc.MaxStamina>>
<<set $QuestNextWeek -= 1>>
<<set $QuestNextDay to false>>
/* 9. Handle Drunk Level Effects */
<<if $DrunkLvl is 5 or $DrunkLvl is 4 or $DrunkLvl is 3>>
<<set $mc.Strength += 1>>
<<set $mc.Charisma += 1>>
<<set $mc.Intellect += 1>>
<<set $mc.Boldness += 1>>
<<elseif $DrunkLvl is 2>>
<<set $mc.Charisma += 1>>
<<set $mc.Intellect += 1>>
<<set $mc.Boldness -= 2>>
<<elseif $DrunkLvl is 1>>
<<set $mc.Charisma -= 1>>
<<set $mc.Boldness -= 1>>
<<set $DrunkLvl = 0>>
/* 10. Ensure Stats Don't Go Below 0 */
<<if $mc.Strength < 0>><<set $mc.Strength = 0>><</if>>
<<if $mc.Charisma < 0>><<set $mc.Charisma = 0>><</if>>
<<if $mc.Intellect < 0>><<set $mc.Intellect = 0>><</if>>
<<if $mc.Boldness < 0>><<set $mc.Boldness = 0>><</if>>
/* 11. Reset Photo-related Variables */
<<set _photoCharacters to ["Clara", "Lexi", "Angela", "Veronica", "Lucy", "Monica", "Naomi"]>>
<<for _char range _photoCharacters>>
<<if State.variables[_char + "Photo"] is 3 or State.variables[_char + "Photo"] is 5>>
<<set State.variables[_char + "Photo"] = 0>>
<<set $PhotosSearchPerDay = 6>>
<<set $PhotoSelectedLexi = 0>>
<<set $PhotoSelectedClara = 0>>
/* 12. Handle Countdown Variables */
<<if $BrokenGlassDaysLeft > 0>><<set $BrokenGlassDaysLeft -= 1>><</if>>
<<if $LexiReportDaysLeft > 0>><<set $LexiReportDaysLeft -= 1>><</if>>
<<set $DaysPassed += 1>>
/* 13. Check Achievements and Open Library */
<<if $Imp_Intellect is 1>><<set $LibraryOpen = 1>><</if>>
/* 14. Handle Quest Progression */
<<if $LindaQuest3 is 1>>
<<goto "LindaQuest 3.2">>
<<elseif $LindaQuest5 is 7>>
<<goto "LindaQuest8.5">>
<<elseif $Amber1Q is 4>>
<<goto "Amber3Q1">>
<<if $CamillaQuest5 is 6>>
<<goto "CamillaQuest 7.6">>
<<if $MonicaCheerleader3 is 18 && $QuestNextDay is false>>
<<goto "MonicaDreamNew1.1">>
<<if $PrologueQuest1 is 2>><<set $PrologueQuest1Failed = 1>><</if>>
<<if $DenisseQuestAvailable > 0>><<set $DenisseQuestAvailable -= 1>><</if>>
/* 15. Enable Energy Item Usage */
for(var i=0; i< State.variables.Inventory.length; i++){
if(State.variables.Inventory[i].Name == "energy"){
State.variables.Inventory[i].CanUse = true;
/* 16. Save Game */
/* 17. Include Email Random Event */
<<include "EmailRandom">>
/* 18. AddBuildingDay */
<<if $BuildingUpdatesVisited is true>>
/* 19. AddBookDay */
<<if $BookShoppingVisited is true>>
/*20. Restart Photo Clients */
<<if $ClientsPhotoActivated is true>>
<<if !$dreamSetup>>\
<<set $dreamSetup to true>>\
<<set $GeneralDreams to [
{id: 1, content: "[img[img/Sleep/Blowjob.gif]]"},
{id: 2, content: "[img[img/Sleep/Blowjob1.gif]]"},
{id: 3, content: "[img[img/Sleep/Blowjob2.gif]]"},
{id: 4, content: "[img[img/Sleep/Student girl fap.gif]]"},
{id: 5, content: "[img[img/Sleep/Doggystyle.gif]]"},
{id: 6, content: "[img[img/Sleep/Doggystyle1.gif]]"},
{id: 7, content: "[img[img/Sleep/Doggystyle2.gif]]"},
{id: 8, content: "[img[img/Sleep/Missionary.gif]]"},
{id: 9, content: "[img[img/Sleep/Doggystyle3.gif]]"},
{id: 10, content: "[img[img/Sleep/Hardcore.gif]]"},
{id: 11, content: "[img[img/Sleep/1.gif]]"},
{id: 12, content: "[img[img/Sleep/2.gif]]"},
{id: 13, content: "[img[img/Sleep/3.gif]]"},
{id: 14, content: "[img[img/Sleep/4.gif]]"}
<<set $GirlsDreams to []>>\
<<set $LockedDreams to [
{id: 15, character: "Monica", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Monica\\Quest\\Video\\MonicaSleepBed1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 16, character: "Monica", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Monica\\Quest\\Video\\MonicaSleepBed2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 17, character: "Monica", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 3, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Monica\\Quest\\Video\\MonicaSleepBed4.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 18, character: "Monica", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 2, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Monica\\Quest\\Video\\MonicaBedSleep3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 19, character: "Monica", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Monica\\Quest\\Video\\MonicaDanceDream1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 20, character: "Monica", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Monica\\Quest\\Video\\MonicaSleepDance2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 21, character: "Monica", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Monica\\Quest\\Video\\MonicaSleepDance3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 22, character: "Monica", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 2, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Monica\\Quest\\Video\\MonicaSleepDance4.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 23, character: "Monica", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 3, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Monica\\Quest\\Video\\MonicaSleepDance5.mp4\"></video></div>"},
// Lexi's dreams
{id: 24, character: "Lexi", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Lexi\\Quest\\Video\\LexiSleepShooting1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 25, character: "Lexi", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Lexi\\Quest\\Video\\LexiSleepShooting2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 26, character: "Lexi", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 2, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Lexi\\Quest\\Video\\LexiSleepShooting3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 72, character: "Lexi", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Lexi\\Quest\\Video\\LexiDreamHospital1.1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 73, character: "Lexi", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 2, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Lexi\\Quest\\Video\\LexiDreamHospital1.2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 74, character: "Lexi", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 3, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Lexi\\Quest\\Video\\LexiDreamHospital1.3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
// Veronica's dreams
{id: 27, character: "Veronica", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 2, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Veronica\\Quest\\Video\\VeronicaSleepOil3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 28, character: "Veronica", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 3, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Veronica\\Quest\\Video\\VeronicaSleepOil4.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 29, character: "Veronica", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Veronica\\Quest\\Video\\VeronicaSleepOil1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 30, character: "Veronica", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Veronica\\Quest\\Video\\VeronicaSleepOil2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 31, character: "Veronica", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Veronica\\Quest\\Video\\VeronicaSleepTwogirlsRedLingerie.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 32, character: "Veronica", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Veronica\\Quest\\Video\\VeronicaSleepTwogirlsRedLingerie2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 33, character: "Veronica", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Veronica\\Quest\\Video\\VeronicaSleepTwogirlsRedLingerie3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 34, character: "Veronica", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 3, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Veronica\\Quest\\Video\\VeronicaSleepTwogirlsRedLingerie4.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 75, character: "Veronica", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Veronica\\Quest\\VeronicaDreamGarden1.1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 76, character: "Veronica", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Veronica\\Quest\\VeronicaDreamGarden1.2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 77, character: "Veronica", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 2, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Veronica\\Quest\\VeronicaDreamGarden1.3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 78, character: "Veronica", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 3, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Veronica\\Quest\\VeronicaDreamGarden1.4.mp4\"></video></div>"},
// Clara's dreams
{id: 35, character: "Clara", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 2, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Clara\\Quest\\Video\\ClaraSleepJeans1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 36, character: "Clara", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Clara\\Quest\\Video\\ClaraSleepJeans2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 37, character: "Clara", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 3, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Clara\\Quest\\Video\\ClaraSleepJeans3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 38, character: "Clara", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Clara\\Quest\\Video\\ClaraSleepWindow1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 39, character: "Clara", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Clara\\Quest\\Video\\ClaraSleepWindow2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 40, character: "Clara", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 2, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Clara\\Quest\\Video\\ClaraSleepWindow3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 41, character: "Clara", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 3, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Clara\\Quest\\Video\\ClaraSleepWindow4.mp4\"></video></div>"},
// Lucy's dreams
{id: 42, character: "Lucy", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Lucy\\Quest\\Video\\LucySleepDesert1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 43, character: "Lucy", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Lucy\\Quest\\Video\\LucySleepDesert2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 44, character: "Lucy", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 3, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Lucy\\Quest\\Video\\LucySleepDesert3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 45, character: "Lucy", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Lucy\\Quest\\Video\\LucySleepKitchen1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 46, character: "Lucy", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 2, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Lucy\\Quest\\Video\\LucySleepKitchen2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 47, character: "Lucy", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 3, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Lucy\\Quest\\Video\\LucySleepKitchen3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
// Amber's dreams
{id: 48, character: "Amber", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Amber\\Quest\\Video\\AmberDreamBlueroom1_1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 49, character: "Amber", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Amber\\Quest\\Video\\AmberDreamBlueroom1_2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 50, character: "Amber", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 2, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Amber\\Quest\\Video\\AmberDreamBlueroom1_3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 51, character: "Amber", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 3, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Amber\\Quest\\Video\\AmberDreamBlueroom1_4.mp4\"></video></div>"},
// Fiona's dreams
{id: 52, character: "Fiona", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Fiona\\Quest\\Video\\FionaDreamPool1_1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 53, character: "Fiona", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Fiona\\Quest\\Video\\FionaDreamPool1_2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 54, character: "Fiona", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 2, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Fiona\\Quest\\Video\\FionaDreamPool1_3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 55, character: "Fiona", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Fiona\\Quest\\Video\\FionaDreamHover1_1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 56, character: "Fiona", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Fiona\\Quest\\Video\\FionaDreamHover1_2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 57, character: "Fiona", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 2, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Fiona\\Quest\\Video\\FionaDreamHover1_3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
// Naomi's dreams
{id: 58, character: "Naomi", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Naomi\\Quest\\Video\\NaomiDreamBrick1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 59, character: "Naomi", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Naomi\\Quest\\Video\\NaomiDreamBrick1_2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 60, character: "Naomi", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 2, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Naomi\\Quest\\Video\\NaomiDreamBrick1_3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
// Camilla's dreams
{id: 61, character: "Camilla", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Camilla\\Quest\\Video\\CamillaDreamDarkRoom1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 62, character: "Camilla", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Camilla\\Quest\\Video\\CamillaDreamDarkRoom2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 63, character: "Camilla", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 3, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Camilla\\Quest\\Video\\CamillaDreamDarkRoom3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
// Bella's dreams
{id: 64, character: "Bella", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Bella\\Quest\\Video\\BellaDreamRest1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 65, character: "Bella", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 2, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Bella\\Quest\\Video\\BellaDreamRest2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 66, character: "Bella", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 3, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Bella\\Quest\\Video\\BellaDreamRest3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
// Lily's dreams
{id: 67, character: "Lily", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Lily\\Quest\\Video\\LilyDreamYoga1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 68, character: "Lily", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Lily\\Quest\\Video\\LilyDreamYoga2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
// Marsha's dreams
{id: 79, character: "Marsha", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Marsha\\Quest\\Video\\MarshaDreamOffice1.1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 80, character: "Marsha", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Marsha\\Quest\\Video\\MarshaDreamOffice1.2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 81, character: "Marsha", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Marsha\\Quest\\Video\\MarshaDreamOffice1.3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 82, character: "Marsha", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Marsha\\Quest\\Video\\MarshaDreamOffice1.4.mp4\"></video></div>"},
// Samantha's dreams
{id: 83, character: "Samantha", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Samantha\\Quest\\Video\\SamanthaDreamClub1.1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 84, character: "Samantha", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Samantha\\Quest\\Video\\SamanthaDreamClub1.2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 85, character: "Samantha", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Samantha\\Quest\\Video\\SamanthaDreamClub1.3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 86, character: "Samantha", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Samantha\\Quest\\Video\\SamanthaDreamClub1.4.mp4\"></video></div>"},
// Aria's dreams
{id: 87, character: "Aria", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Aria\\Quest\\Video\\AriaDreamSchool1.1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 88, character: "Aria", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Aria\\Quest\\Video\\AriaDreamSchool1.2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 89, character: "Aria", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Aria\\Quest\\Video\\AriaDreamSchool1.3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 90, character: "Aria", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Aria\\Quest\\Video\\AriaDreamSchool1.4.mp4\"></video></div>"},
// Autumn's dreams
{id: 91, character: "Autumn", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Autumn\\Quest\\Video\\AutumnDreamLesbian1.1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 92, character: "Autumn", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Autumn\\Quest\\Video\\AutumnDreamLesbian1.2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 93, character: "Autumn", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 2, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Autumn\\Quest\\Video\\AutumnDreamLesbian1.3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 94, character: "Autumn", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 3, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Autumn\\Quest\\Video\\AutumnDreamLesbian1.4.mp4\"></video></div>"},
// Angela's dreams
{id: 95, character: "Angela", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Angela\\Quest\\Video\\AngelaDreamNet1.1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 96, character: "Angela", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Angela\\Quest\\Video\\AngelaDreamNet1.2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 97, character: "Angela", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 2, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Angela\\Quest\\Video\\AngelaDreamNet1.3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 106, character: "Angela", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Angela\\Quest\\Video\\AngelaDreamDance1.1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 107, character: "Angela", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Angela\\Quest\\Video\\AngelaDreamDance1.2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 108, character: "Angela", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 2, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Angela\\Quest\\Video\\AngelaDreamDance1.3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 109, character: "Angela", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 3, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Angela\\Quest\\Video\\AngelaDreamDance1.4.mp4\"></video></div>"},
// Jane's dreams
{id: 98, character: "Jane", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Jane\\Quest\\Video\\JaneDreamRedLingerie1.1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 99, character: "Jane", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Jane\\Quest\\Video\\JaneDreamRedLingerie1.2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 100, character: "Jane", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 2, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Jane\\Quest\\Video\\JaneDreamRedLingerie1.3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 101, character: "Jane", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Jane\\Quest\\Video\\JaneDreamSlave1.1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
// Ruby's dreams
{id: 102, character: "Ruby", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Ruby\\Quest\\Video\\RubyDreamQueen1.1.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 103, character: "Ruby", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 0, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Ruby\\Quest\\Video\\RubyDreamQueen1.2.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 104, character: "Ruby", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 1, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Ruby\\Quest\\Video\\RubyDreamQueen1.3.mp4\"></video></div>"},
{id: 105, character: "Ruby", meetReq: 1, lustReq: 2, content: "<div class=\"sexvideo\"><video width=\"700\" autoplay loop src=\"img\\Ruby\\Quest\\Video\\RubyDreamQueen1.4.mp4\"></video></div>"}
<<set $previousDreamCharacter to null>>\
function unlockDreams() {
let lockedDreams = State.variables.LockedDreams;
let girlsDreams = State.variables.GirlsDreams;
for (let i = lockedDreams.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let dream = lockedDreams[i];
if (State.variables[dream.character] &&
State.variables[dream.character].Meet >= dream.meetReq &&
State.variables[dream.character].LustLvl >= dream.lustReq) {
girlsDreams.push(lockedDreams.splice(i, 1)[0]);
State.variables.GirlsDreams = girlsDreams;
State.variables.LockedDreams = lockedDreams;
function selectAndDisplayDream() {
let generalDreams = State.variables.GeneralDreams;
let girlsDreams = State.variables.GirlsDreams;
// If we have a previous dream, filter out dreams from the same character
if (State.variables.previousDreamCharacter && girlsDreams.length > 1) {
girlsDreams = girlsDreams.filter(dream => dream.character !== State.variables.previousDreamCharacter);
let dreamPool = Math.random() < 0.7 && girlsDreams.length > 0 ? girlsDreams : generalDreams;
let index = Math.floor(Math.random() * dreamPool.length);
let selectedDream = dreamPool[index];
console.log('Selected Dream ID:',;
State.variables.selectedDreamContent = selectedDream.content.replace(/\n/g, ' ').trim();
if ( === 38) { // Clara's first dream
console.log('Selected Dream Clara:',;
SugarCube.State.variables.Clara.scenes[0].unlocked = true;
if (dreamPool === girlsDreams) {
// Store the character of this dream to avoid repetition next time
State.variables.previousDreamCharacter = selectedDream.character;
girlsDreams.splice(index, 1);
State.variables.GirlsDreams = girlsDreams;
} else {
// If it's a general dream, reset the previousDreamCharacter
State.variables.previousDreamCharacter = null;
<<print $selectedDreamContent>>\Tip: \
<<if $HelenQuest1T == 1>>\
You have reached the end of the line for this version.
<</if>>\<<md>>Back home, I couldn't shake the image of Monica's desperate determination. Opening my laptop, I delved into research, hoping to find something - anything - to give her an edge.
That's when I stumbled upon it: "The Dark Side of Cheerleading: Secrets of the Elite." The book's description promised insider techniques and controversial strategies used by top-tier squads. Reviews were mixed, praising its honesty while condemning its ethics.
My cursor hovered over the "Buy Now" button as I muttered to myself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>This could be exactly what Monica needs... but at what cost?<</say>>
<<md>>The price was steep, both financially and morally. I leaned back, conflicted.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Is this really the right thing to do? What kind of example am I setting?<</say>>
<<md>>But then I remembered Monica's eyes, filled with fear and determination. I straightened up, decision made.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I have to help her, whatever it takes. But maybe there's another way to get this information...<</say>>
<<md>>I closed the laptop, mind racing with possibilities. I had contacts in the cheerleading world - perhaps someone could lend me a copy or share the key points.
One thing was certain: I would find a way to help Monica succeed. The question remained - how far was I willing to go?<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 40.1>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "40.1b">>\
[[Leave|My room]] <<md>>I found Olivia at the gym, intensely focused on her workout. As I approached, she glanced up, barely breaking her rhythm.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey Olivia, got a minute? I wanted to ask you about a book.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia snorted, her eyes narrowing as she continued her reps.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>A fucking book? Since when did cheerleading become a goddamn book club?<</say>>
<<md>>I pressed on, undeterred by her initial reaction.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It's called "The Dark Side of Cheerleading: Secrets of the Elite." I thought it might help Monica—<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia cut me off with a harsh laugh, finally stopping her workout to face me directly.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Listen here, Coach. Cheerleading isn't about reading some bullshit book. It's about sweat, pain, and pushing your fucking limits.<</say>>
<<md>>She paused, a flicker of realization crossing her face.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Although... fuck. That new technique Monica pulled off last week. She said she got it from a book, didn't she?<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's tone softened slightly, her expression thoughtful.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Alright, maybe there's something to this book crap after all. But I don't have any, and I still think the field is the best teacher.<</say>>
<<md>>She wiped her face with a towel, then looked at me with a hint of resignation.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>If you're dead set on this book thing, try asking Susan. She was the school librarian before she retired last year. Old bat probably has a whole collection of cheerleading shit gathering dust somewhere.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, grateful for the lead.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, Olivia. I appreciate the help.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Yeah, yeah. Just don't forget that books don't win competitions. Hard work does. Now, if you're done with this library crap, either grab some weights or get the fuck out of my gym. We've got real work to do.<</say>>
<<md>>With that, she turned back to her workout. As I left, I couldn't help but smile at Olivia's grudging acknowledgment of the value of book learning, even as she remained committed to her tough, no-nonsense approach to cheerleading.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 40.2>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "40.2b">>\<<md>>As I walked through the school corridor, I spotted Susan, the former librarian. Her kind face lit up as she saw me approach.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hello, Susan. I was hoping you might be able to help me with something.<</say>>
<<say $Susan>>Oh, hello dear! How wonderful to see you. What chapter of knowledge are we exploring today?<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiastic, book-inspired language.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm looking for a book called "The Dark Side of Cheerleading: Secrets of the Elite." Olivia mentioned you might know something about it.<</say>>
<<md>>Susan's expression darkened slightly, like a cloud passing over the sun.<</md>>
<<say $Susan>>Ah, that tome. A controversial volume, to be sure. I did have it in my collection, but alas, it seems to be stuck in the hands of a rather careless reader.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What do you mean?<</say>>
<<say $Susan>>Well, my dear, I'm afraid Autumn borrowed it some time ago and has yet to return it. That girl treats books like... like... disposable chapters in her own story!<</say>>
<<md>>Susan's voice quivered with a mix of frustration and sadness.<</md>>
<<say $Susan>>You should see how she handles those precious pages - dog-earing corners, scribbling in margins, leaving coffee stains! It's enough to make a librarian's heart weep ink!<</say>>
<<md>>She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper.<</md>>
<<say $Susan>>Between you and me, that Autumn is a character I'd rather not have in my library. She's like a plot twist that ruins the whole story, if you catch my meaning.<</say>>
<<md>>Susan straightened up, composing herself.<</md>>
<<say $Susan>>But fear not, dear reader! Perhaps you can be the hero who retrieves this lost tome from the clutches of our... less than careful borrower.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, appreciating Susan's colorful way of explaining the situation.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Susan. I'll see what I can do about getting that book back.<</say>>
<<say $Susan>>Splendid! May your quest be successful, and may you always find the knowledge you seek!<</say>>
<<md>>As I walked away, I couldn't help but smile at Susan's enthusiasm, even as I pondered how to approach Autumn about the book.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 40.3>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "40.3b">>\<<say $Susan>>Well, hello there, handsome. Come to explore my newly restored kingdom of knowledge?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hi Susan. Actually, I'm looking for a specific book. It's called "The Dark Side of Cheerleading: Secrets of the Elite." It's for Monica's research.<</say>>
<<md>>Susan's eyes twinkled with amusement.<</md>>
<<say $Susan>>Ah, that particular tome. It should be here somewhere. Why don't you check the "Science for Hornies" section?<</say>>
<<md>>I blinked, sure I had misheard.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sorry, the what section?<</say>>
<<say $Susan>>You heard me correctly, dear. "Science for Hornies." It's right between "Quantum Physics for Lovers" and "The Kama Sutra of Academic Achievement."<</say>>
<<md>>I must have looked bewildered because Susan laughed, a rich, melodious sound.<</md>>
<<say $Susan>>Oh, don't look so shocked. When you find that cheerleading book, you'll understand why it's there. Knowledge and passion often go hand in hand, you know.<</say>>
<<md>>She winked at me, clearly enjoying my confusion.<</md>>
<<say $Susan>>Go on, explore. You might be surprised by what you discover about yourself... and others.<</say>>
<<md>>As I walked towards the section Susan had indicated, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of book I was really getting myself into, and what Susan meant by her cryptic comments.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 40.4>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "40.4b">>\<<md>>As I turned the corner, I nearly collided with a woman I didn't recognize. She was dressed in a form-fitting sweater and pencil skirt, her hair styled in a way that seemed more suited to a fashion magazine than a school.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you new here? I don't think we've met.<</say>>
<<md>>The woman laughed, a warm, inviting sound that seemed to brighten the corridor.<</md>>
<<say $Susan>>Oh, my dear, I'm hardly a new chapter in this institution's story. Oh, darling, I'm hardly new. I'm Susan, the sex education teacher... though I used to be the keeper of the literary realm until our recent plot twist.<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't hide my surprise. This glamorous woman before me didn't fit my mental image of a sex ed teacher at all.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sorry, but you don't look much like...<</say>>
<<say $Susan>>A stuffy old sex ed teacher? interrupting with a mischievous glint in her eye Oh, honey, haven't you learned never to judge a book by its cover?<</say>>
<<md>>She winked, and I felt a sudden warmth creep up my neck.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I just meant... well, you look more like you stepped out of a fashion magazine than a classroom.<</say>>
<<say $Susan>>Flattery, my dear, is the foreword to many an exciting chapter. But remember, the study of intimate relations is about embracing the entire story of our physical beings, not redacting the juicy parts.<</say>>
<<md>>She leaned in closer, her perfume subtly intoxicating.<</md>>
<<say $Susan>>The school decided to 'streamline' the library this year. Apparently, literature isn't a bestseller in their ledger. But they couldn't fully write me out of the narrative - sex ed is still a requirement, thank goodness.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's quite a career change. You must be angry at Clara for cutting the library program.<</say>>
<<md>>Susan's expression softened, a look of understanding crossing her face.<</md>>
<<say $Susan>>Angry? No, darling. I pity her, really. Clara's trapped in a man's world, trying to run this school like a business. She's under so much pressure to conform to their standards, to be 'one of the boys'. She's forgotten that the most compelling heroines write their own unique narratives.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded, finding myself drawn in by her passion and charm.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>You're absolutely right. The students here could really benefit from that kind of approach.<</say>>
<<say $Susan>>Oh, I do enjoy a reader who can read between the lines. Now, why don't you tell me what brought you barreling around that corner? Perhaps I can help you find what you're looking for... in more ways than one.<</say>>
<<md>>The suggestive tone in her voice was unmistakable. I realized that Susan was far more than just a former librarian turned sex ed teacher - she was a force of nature, full of wisdom, passion, and an unexpected sensuality. This encounter had certainly taken an interesting turn.<</md>>
<<set $Susan.Meet = 1>>\
[[Enter the school|School reception]]
<<widget "showChange">>
<<set _param to $args[0]>>
<<set _oldValue to $args[1]>>
<<set _newValue to $args[2]>>
<<set _changeValue to _newValue - _oldValue>>
<<set _changeClass to _changeValue >= 0 ? "positive" : "negative">>
<span class="stat-label"><<print _param>></span>
<span class="stat-change <<print _changeClass>>"><<print _changeValue.toFixed(2)>></span>
<div class="stat-range">
<span class="stat-old"><<print _oldValue>></span>
<span class="stat-arrow">→</span>
<span class="stat-new"><<print _newValue>></span>
<</widget>><<set _OliviaGreetNotMeetArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>\
<<switch _OliviaGreetNotMeetArray .random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Olivia>>Christ, another one. Listen up, newbie. This isn't some cushy country club gym. We don't coddle anyone here. You want results? You work your ass off. Simple as that.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Olivia>>We've got a new training regimen. It's gonna make you wish you'd never stepped foot in here. But trust me, you'll thank me when you're not a pathetic weakling anymore. Ready to start, or do you need a minute to cry first?<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Olivia>>Christ, you again? Don't you have a life outside this place?<</say>>
<<md>>Despite her words, there's a hint of a smirk on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Fine, since you're here, might as well make use of you. We've got some new recruits that need whipping into shape. Think you can handle it without making them cry? Actually, scratch that. Making them cry is part of the fun.<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Olivia>>Oh look, it's our favorite punching bag. Here for another round of 'how much can Olivia make me suffer today?'<</say>>
<<md>>She's standing by a particularly brutal-looking piece of equipment.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Got this beauty in yesterday. It's called 'The Destroyer'. Wanna give it a go? I promise it only has a 50% chance of sending you to the hospital. Come on, live a little!<</say>
<<case 5>>\
<<say $Olivia>>Well, if it isn't our resident gym rat. Back for more punishment?<</say>>
<<md>>She's wiping down some equipment, her muscles flexing with each movement.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Listen up. We've got a competition coming up next month. I need bodies, and I don't care if they're alive or dead by the end of it. You in? It'll be hell, but it'll be worth it. Maybe.<</say>>
<<set _OliviaGreetMeetArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>\
<<switch _OliviaGreetNotMeetArray .random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Olivia>>Hey, Coach. Didn't expect to see you today. Rough day with the squad?<</say>>
<<md>>She tosses you a towel, her way of welcoming you.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Listen, I've got a new high-intensity class starting in 10. Could use someone who can keep up. You game?<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Olivia>>Coach! Perfect timing. I need a spotter for my bench press. Think you can handle it, or should I ask one of these muscleheads?<</say>>
<<md>>There's a playful challenge in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Oh, and heads up - protein bars are on sale. They still taste like crap, but at least they're cheap crap now.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Olivia>>Hey, you made it. Was starting to think you'd gone soft on me.<</say>>
<<md>>She's wiping down some equipment, but stops to give you her full attention.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Got a new training program I want to run by you. It's tough, but I think it could really boost the squad's performance. Wanna grab a shake after your workout and go over it?<</say>>
<<set _OliviaGreetMeetLovelyArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _OliviaGreetNotMeetArray .random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Olivia>>Well, well, look what the cat dragged in. Here to give me a show, Coach?<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's eyes rake over you appreciatively, a smirk playing on her lips.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>New equipment's in the back. Why don't you let me spot you? I promise to keep my hands to myself... mostly.<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Olivia>>Damn, Coach. Those workouts are really paying off.<</say>>
<<md>>She bites her lip, not bothering to hide her admiring gaze.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I've got a private training room free. Wanna see how long you can last in a one-on-one session with me?<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Olivia>>Hey there, handsome. Thought I might see you today.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia stretches, deliberately showing off her toned body.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I've been working on some new... flexibility exercises. Care to help me test them out? I promise it'll be worth your while.<</say>>
<<case 4>>\
<<say $Olivia>>Coach! Just the man I wanted to see.<</say>>
<<md>>She saunters over, her hips swaying more than usual.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I've got a bet going with the other trainers about who can do the most pull-ups. Winner gets to choose the loser's punishment. Wanna be my motivation?<</say>>
<<set _OliviaGreetMeetLustyArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<switch _OliviaGreetNotMeetArray .random()>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<say $Olivia>>Fucking finally, Coach. I was about to start without you.<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's tank top is damp with sweat, clinging to her curves. She makes no effort to adjust it as she approaches you.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I've got a new... protein shake recipe I want you to taste. It's thick, creamy, and guaranteed to satisfy. Interested?<</say>>
<<case 2>>\
<<say $Olivia>>Well, well. If it isn't my favorite piece of eye candy.<</say>>
<<md>>She runs her tongue over her lips, her gaze locked on yours.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I've been thinking about our last... workout session all day. Ready for round two? I promise I'll make you sweat even harder this time.<</say>>
<<case 3>>\
<<say $Olivia>>Shit, Coach. You trying to give me a heart attack walking in looking like that?<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's eyes roam your body hungrily, a predatory grin on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>I've got a special after-hours class tonight. Just you and me, working on our... stamina. What do you say? Think you can keep up?<</say>>
<<md>>As I approached the imposing glass doors of "New Body" gym, I could already feel the energy pulsing from within. The rhythmic thud of weights and the whir of treadmills promised a world of fitness just beyond my reach. But as I reached for the handle, a mountain of a man materialized before me, blocking my path.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Whoa there, champ. Where do you think you're going?<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>His biceps strained against the fabric of his tight polo shirt, the gym's logo stretched across his barrel chest. I tried to sidestep him, but he moved with surprising agility for his size.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>I'm here to work out. Is there a problem?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>The big guy's laugh boomed through the entryway, drawing curious glances from those inside.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Problem? Nah, not unless you count trying to enter the most exclusive gym in the city without a pass as a 'problem'.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>He puffed out his chest, his chin tilting upward as he spoke.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>This ain't your average sweat factory, pal. "New Body" is the crown jewel of the Adonis Fitness Empire. My old man built this chain from the ground up, and now we've got VIP locations in every major city across the country.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<say $mc>>Look, I don't have a pass. Can't I just pay for a day?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>The big guy's eyes glinted with amusement, like a peacock admiring its own reflection.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>A day? Oh, that's cute. We don't do 'day passes' here. It's lifetime membership or nothing. Unless, of course, you've got a recommendation from one of our esteemed members.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<say $mc>>I don't have that kind of money right now.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>He leaned in close, his cologne a mixture of musk and self-importance.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Tell you what, champ. I like your moxie. If you change your mind about joining the fitness elite, you can find me at Club Sirius. That's where I unwind when I'm not sculpting perfect bodies here.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>He stepped back, spreading his arms wide as if presenting himself to an adoring crowd.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Think about it. This could be you. All it takes is a lifetime commitment and a not-so-small fortune.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>With a wink and a flex of his pecs, he turned back to guard the entrance, leaving me on the outside looking in at the world of elite fitness.<<md>>
[[Leave the gym|Street York-Road]]<<md>>The pulsing lights and thumping bass of Club Sirius enveloped me as I made my way through the crowd. I spotted the muscular gym owner at the VIP section, lounging on a plush sofa with a bottle of champagne in hand. As I approached, he looked up with a smirk of recognition.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Well, well, well! Look who decided to join the big leagues after all. Come to bask in my presence again, champ?<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>He gestured grandly, nearly spilling his champagne in the process. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the conversation ahead.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>I've thought about what you said. I'm ready to pay for the lifetime membership. I've got the $1000 right here.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>The big guy's eyebrows shot up, a mixture of surprise and amusement crossing his face. He let out a booming laugh that somehow carried over the club's music.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Oh, buddy. That's cute, real cute. But I'm afraid the price has gone up. Supply and demand, you know? It's $1300 now.<<say $BigGuy>>
[[Agree with 1300|AdonisJrSirius1.11]]
[[Use your charm and bribe him with drinks|AdonisJrSirius1.2]]
[[Be bold and offer some pussies|AdonisJRSirius1.3]]
<<say $mc>>What? But you said $1000 before. That's not fair.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>He shrugged, taking a long sip of his champagne before responding.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Life's not fair, champ. Neither is the world of elite fitness. But hey, if you can't handle a little price hike, maybe you're not "New Body" material after all.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>I clenched my jaw, frustration bubbling up inside me. But I knew I didn't have much choice if I wanted access to the gym.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Fine. $1300 it is.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>The big guy's face split into a wide grin as I handed over the money. He pocketed it with a flourish, then raised his champagne glass in a mock toast.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Welcome to the club, little man! You're officially part of the fitness elite now. Well, at least you can walk through the door.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>He took another swig of champagne, some of it dribbling down his chin. He wiped it away with the back of his hand, still grinning.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>You know, I almost feel bad taking your money. Almost. But hey, that's the price of greatness, right? Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some actual VIPs to entertain.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>With that, he turned away, already shouting for more champagne. I stood there for a moment, the thumping music suddenly feeling like a headache. The membership was mine, but the victory felt hollow.<<md>>
<<set $GymPass += 1>>
<<set $Money -= 1300>>
[[Leave the club|Street York-Road]]<<md>>I took a deep breath, steeling myself. It was time to speak his language.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Hold up, big man. Let's not flex our wallets when we could be flexing our negotiation muscles. How about we settle this like two alphas in the wild?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>The gym owner's eyebrow raised, intrigued.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>I'm listening, little man. What've you got in mind?<<say $BigGuy>>
<<say $mc>>First, let me buy you a drink. What's your poison? Wait, let me guess - protein shake with a champagne chaser?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>He let out a booming laugh, slapping his knee.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Ha! You're alright, kid. I'll take a 'Muscle Mary' - it's off-menu, but they know how to make it for me.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>I ordered the drink, and we clinked glasses when it arrived. The gym owner took a long sip, nodding approvingly.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Now, about that membership. $1000 is a steal for access to the temple of fitness you've built. I bet I could double my gains in half the time with equipment like yours.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>The big guy considered for a moment, taking another sip of his drink. Then he grinned, extending his hand.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>You know what? I like your style. You've got that winner's attitude. Alright, $1000 it is. Welcome to the world of the swole patrol, brother!<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>We shook hands, his grip predictably crushing. As I handed over the money, I couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Come by the gym tomorrow. I'll give you the grand tour myself. Just don't expect me to go easy on you!<<say $BigGuy>>
<<say $mc>>Wouldn't dream of it, big man. Time to turn this dad bod into a rad bod!<<say $mc>>
<<md>>We clinked glasses one more time, sealing the deal. As I left the club, I couldn't help but smile. Sometimes, speaking the language of peacocks was the key to success.<<md>>
<<set $GymPass += 1>>
<<set $Money -= 1000>>
[[Leave the club|Street York-Road]]<<md>>I leaned in closer, making sure he could hear me over the pounding music, my voice steady and confident.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Look, I get it. Prices change. But what if I sweeten the deal? You knock it down to $800, and I bring in some company. You, me, and two girls. You know, make it worth your while. Let’s say a hundred-dollar discount for each.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>His grin widened, the offer clearly piquing his interest. He swirled his champagne thoughtfully, then set it down on the table.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>$800, huh? Two girls, you say? You sure know how to play the game, champ.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>He paused, sizing me up for a moment, then nodded slowly, his smirk deepening.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Alright, you’ve got yourself a deal. But you better deliver. I’m not one for empty promises. Bring the girls, and we’ll call it even.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>I shook his hand, sealing the arrangement, feeling the tension ease a little. The deal was set, but now it was up to me to make it happen. As I turned to leave, the big guy chuckled and raised his glass.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Looking forward to seeing what you’ve got, champ. Don’t disappoint me.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>I made my way through the dimly lit corridors of the brothel, the familiar smell of incense and perfume thick in the air. The soft hum of voices and muffled laughter filled the room, but my focus was on one person—Coco. I needed her help, and I had a plan in mind.<<md>>
<<md>>I found her lounging at the bar, a glass of something strong in her hand. She noticed me approaching, her lips curling into that sultry, mischievous smile she always wore.<<md>>
<<say $Coco>>Well, well, if it isn't my favorite customer. What brings you back so soon, sugar?<<say $Coco>>
<<md>>I leaned in close, keeping my voice low and steady.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Coco, I need a favor. Something special this time. I have a deal with the gym owner, and I need you—and one more girl—to help me seal it.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Coco raised an eyebrow, her lips parting in amusement. She took a slow sip from her glass before setting it down.<<md>>
<<say $Coco>>Oh, darling. You know I'm always up for a little fun, but what's in it for me?<<say $Coco>>
<<md>>I gave her a grin, knowing exactly how to play her game.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Let's just say you'll be saving me a couple hundred bucks, and you’ll get a nice share of that cut. Plus, we both know you love a little adventure.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Coco chuckled, clearly intrigued. She leaned forward, her breath warm against my ear as she whispered.<<md>>
<<say $Coco>>Mmm... You know how to tempt a girl. Alright, I’m in. I know just the girl to bring along. You owe me big for this, though.<<say $Coco>>
<<md>>She gave me a playful wink before reaching around and pulling me into a tight embrace. As we hugged, she leaned in close, her lips brushing against my ear.<<md>>
<<say $Coco>>Touch my ass when we leave, sugar. I want to make sure you’re serious about this.<<say $Coco>>
<<md>>I couldn’t help but laugh, giving her a playful squeeze as requested. Coco’s playful nature mixed with her wild side always kept things interesting. Now, with Coco on board and the other girl ready, it was time to pay the BigGuy a visit and close this deal.<<md>>
<<md>>I returned to Club Sirius with Coco and the other girl in tow, the pulsing lights and throbbing bass already making my head buzz. As we approached the VIP section, I spotted the BigGuy lounging on the same plush sofa as before, his smirk widening as he saw us approaching.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Well, well, well, look who kept his word!<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>He stood up, eyeing both girls with barely concealed lust as he strode toward us. Coco, ever the professional, played right into it, giving him a flirtatious smile while the other girl followed her lead.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>So, we good with the deal? 800 bucks, like we talked about.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>The BigGuy chuckled, barely able to tear his eyes away from the girls long enough to answer me.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Oh, we’re more than good, champ. You delivered, and I’m a man of my word. 800 it is.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>He pulled out a thick wad of cash, slapping it into my hand without even counting. But his attention was already back on the girls. Without hesitation, he reached out and started groping them, his large hands sliding over their bodies as if they were his property.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>You girls ready for some fun? Oh, we’re gonna have a good time tonight.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>Coco giggled, playing along as she let him touch her, while the other girl stayed silent, letting him have his way. The BigGuy’s grin only grew wider as he pulled them both close, clearly thrilled with how things were going.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>800 bucks, huh? Hell, I should be paying you extra for bringing me these fine ladies.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>With that, he motioned for his security to clear a path, and with the girls on either side of him, he swaggered out of the club, leaving me standing there with the cash in hand. The deal was done, and the BigGuy got exactly what he wanted.<<md>>
<<md>>I watched them leave, Coco flashing me a quick, playful wink over her shoulder as they disappeared into the night.<<md>>
<<md>>The neon signs of Quarter Far-Dreams flickered as I walked through the crowded streets, my mind still buzzing from the deal I’d made with the BigGuy. I wasn’t expecting to see him again so soon, but there he was—swaying slightly as he stood outside a bar, clearly drunk, and grinning like a fool.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Heyyy! Look who it is! My favorite fucking PIMP!<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>He stumbled over, clapping me on the back with more force than necessary, nearly knocking me off balance. His breath reeked of alcohol, and his speech was slurred, but that peacock-like swagger was still there, even in his drunken state.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Man, I gotta tell ya… last night? Coco and that other girl? Whew! Buddy, you did good! I fucked them so hard, I thought they were gonna break. Every. Single. Inch. Of them.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>I forced a smile, trying to ignore the revulsion creeping up as he launched into every disgusting detail. His voice was loud, shameless, and full of pride.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Coco, man… she knows her way around a dick. I had her screaming all night. Bent her over that fancy sofa, had her moaning like she’d never been fucked before.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>He paused, hiccupping loudly before continuing, laughing at his own words as if he was recounting the best night of his life.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>And that other girl? Ha! Didn’t know what hit her. I took both of 'em together, man. Had 'em begging for more. Felt like a fucking king!<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>I gritted my teeth, trying to keep calm as he continued to ramble, his words growing more graphic with every sentence. Finally, he stopped, wiping a hand across his sweaty brow.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Ahhh… but I’m feeling like shit now. I think I drank too much… Man, I need to get home. You gotta drive me.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>He didn’t wait for my response, already leaning against me, too drunk to stand on his own. With a sigh, I nodded, knowing I didn’t have much of a choice. I led him to my car, helping him into the passenger seat.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, let’s get you home.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>As I started the engine, he continued his drunken tirade, leaning back in the seat with a smug grin plastered on his face.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>You know, man… Coco was right about you. You’re a real pal. I’ll never forget last night. I fucked those girls like a goddamn champ. Coco? She couldn’t get enough of me. I made her scream my name, over and over.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>I gripped the steering wheel tighter, trying to tune out his vile monologue. The city lights blurred past as I drove, the BigGuy still lost in his twisted retelling of the night.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>They were begging for it, man. I could’ve had 'em all night, but a guy’s gotta take a break, ya know? Even a king needs his rest.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>He laughed again, that same obnoxious, booming laugh that carried through the car. I kept my eyes on the road, silently counting down the minutes until I could drop him off and be done with this nightmare.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>You ever had a night like that, huh? You’re missing out, buddy. But hey, stick with me. I’ll show you how it’s done.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>I nodded absently, my patience wearing thin as we neared his place.<<md>>
<<md>>As I stepped out of the gym, the cool breeze hit my face, a welcome relief after the intensity inside. Just as I was about to make my way home, I heard a familiar voice call out behind me.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Hey, PIMP! Leaving so soon? Thought you’d wanna stick around and bask in the glory of my gym a little longer.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>I turned to see the BigGuy leaning against the gym doors, arms crossed, that smug grin plastered on his face. He looked me up and down, still riding high on his ego.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I’ve got things to do. But thanks for the, uh… hospitality.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>The BigGuy chuckled, pushing off the door and swaggering over to me, his confidence oozing out of every step. He made a show of looking around, as if he owned the whole street, then gave me a knowing look.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>You know, this gym’s just the start, buddy. It’s my kingdom. But I got something even better. You ever been to Crossroads Estate? My personal mansion?<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>I raised an eyebrow, unsure of where this was going. The BigGuy’s ego was insufferable at times, but something told me this was more than just another flex.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. Big fancy place, huh? Well, you should come check it out. I’m throwing a little get-together soon. Real exclusive. You’re invited.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>He paused for dramatic effect, as if waiting for me to be impressed. When I didn’t respond right away, he leaned in closer, his grin widening.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Come on, man. You helped me out before. Time to return the favor. Crossroads Estate is the place to be. You’ll see how a real king lives.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>I hesitated for a moment, but I knew that refusing him wouldn’t do me any favors. The BigGuy was cocky, sure, but there was something about the invitation that piqued my curiosity. Maybe it was the chance to see just how deep his world really went.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, I’ll come by. When is it?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>The BigGuy slapped me on the back, his laughter echoing down the street.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>That’s the spirit! I’ll send you the details. Just be ready to see how the big boys live, PIMP!<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>With that, he swaggered back inside the gym, leaving me standing there, already wondering what kind of mess I was getting myself into.<<md>>
<<md>>The towering gates of Crossroads Estate swung open as I drove up the long driveway, the mansion looming ahead, lit up like some sort of decadent palace. As I stepped out of the car and made my way inside, I was immediately greeted by the sight of scantily clad, or completely naked, women lounging and playing throughout the grand hall. Their laughter echoed through the room, and as I walked in, a few of them immediately approached me, their teasing touches sending chills up my spine.<<md>>
<<say $NakedGirl>>Oh, look who we have here... You came to play, huh?<<say $NakedGirl>>
<<say $AnotherGirl>>Don’t be shy. We don’t bite... unless you want us to.<<say $AnotherGirl>>
<<md>>They giggled, running their hands over my shoulders and chest, whispering suggestive things in my ear. But just as things started to heat up, a booming voice interrupted the scene.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Alright, ladies, back off! This one’s not for you.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>The girls scattered at his command, leaving me standing there as the BigGuy made his way over, that ever-present smirk on his face.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>These cheap whores? Nah, you don’t need them. I’ve got something special for you, something... unforgettable.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>I couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at his words. Special? Unforgettable? He motioned for me to follow him, leading me up the grand staircase to the second floor. We moved through a dimly lit corridor until we reached a large wooden door. With a flourish, the BigGuy opened it and stepped inside.<<md>>
<<md>>Sitting in the center of the room, on a plush chair, was a brunette girl. She was naked, her long hair falling over her shoulders, and she wore glasses that gave her an air of studiousness despite the situation. Her calm, collected demeanor only added to the tension in the air.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>This...<<he gestured to her with a wide grin>> Mazie, my girl. And tonight, she’s all yours too. A thank you for everything.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Share his girlfriend? The idea seemed wild, even for the BigGuy. But there she was, staring at me through her glasses, completely unbothered by the situation.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You’re really gonna share your girl with me?<<say $mc>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Oh yeah. Mazie here... she’s my slutcreatary.<<He laughed, clearly proud of the wordplay.>> She handles all my business, and tonight, she’s gonna handle you too.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>Mazie remained silent, watching the exchange with an unreadable expression. The entire situation felt surreal, but the BigGuy’s cocky grin never faltered.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Go on, take a seat. Mazie here is gonna take real good care of you.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>The atmosphere in the room shifted as Mazie stood up from the chair, her eyes locking onto mine with a glint of something wild and dangerous. The BigGuy, already pouring drinks, grinned as he handed me a glass.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>Drink up, champ. We’re just getting started.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>I took the drink, the strong liquor burning down my throat as Mazie approached, her hips swaying seductively with every step. There was no hesitation in her movements as she leaned in, her lips brushing against mine before she moved lower, her hands roaming over my body. The sensation was overwhelming, her touch electric as she slid onto me, her moans filling the room.<<md>>
<<say $Mazie>>Mmm, yeah... this is what I’m made for. Both of you. Use me.<<say $Mazie>>
<<md>>BigGuy joined in, swapping places with me, as we started taking turns with her. It was chaotic, a mess of limbs and bodies, Mazie begging to be filled as we used her in every way imaginable. She moaned like she couldn’t get enough, her body shaking with pleasure as we switched positions, changing holes as easily as we passed drinks.<<md>>
<<md>>The drugs kicked in, sending a rush through my body like nothing I’d ever felt before. Every touch, every movement seemed amplified, and Mazie’s moans grew louder, more desperate as we filled her again and again.<<md>>
<<say $Mazie>>More... I need more.<<say $Mazie>>
<<md>>I couldn’t believe the level of arousal I was feeling, my body responding to every filthy thing we did. Mazie was acting like a true slut, taking everything we gave her and still asking for more, her voice raspy with pleasure as she begged us to keep going.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>That’s it, champ! You’re feeling it, aren’t ya? No one can handle her like we do.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>His voice was full of cocky pride as he poured more drinks, laughing as Mazie took him deep, her mouth working him over before moving back to me, her hands stroking me as we switched again. The night blurred into a haze of drinks, drugs, and pure, unfiltered lust, the intensity of it all pushing me further than I’d ever gone before.<<md>>
<<say $Mazie>>Don’t stop... don’t ever stop.<<say $Mazie>>
<<md>>With every passing moment, my mind raced, the combination of pleasure, drugs, and alcohol driving me to a level of arousal I’d never thought possible. Mazie was insatiable, taking us both in every way she could, and I found myself lost in the frenzy of it all.<<md>>
<<say $Mazie>>More... I need both of you... fill me up.<<say $Mazie>>
<<md>>We didn’t hold back. The intensity of the moment surged as we used every part of her, taking turns until it was a chaotic frenzy of bodies. Mazie screamed in pleasure as we filled her in all her holes, her body arching as she trembled under us.<<md>>
<<say $BigGuy>>That’s it, champ! Let’s show her what she’s made for.<<say $BigGuy>>
<<md>>The final moments were a blur, my body on fire as the intensity reached its peak. Mazie’s words, her desperate moans, everything pushed me over the edge. Together, the BigGuy and I gave her what she wanted, filling her completely. Her voice cracked as she came, her body tightening around us, and I felt myself release, the overwhelming sensation as I came deep inside her.<<md>>
<<md>>The BigGuy roared in pleasure, filling her as well, and Mazie’s body shook as she took it all, her moans turning into soft gasps as we finished. We collapsed onto the bed, spent, the room spinning around us as Mazie lay between us, completely drained but smiling in satisfaction.<<md>>
<<say $Mazie>>Mmm... just what I needed. You two... are incredible.<<say $Mazie>>
<<md>>The night was finally over, the exhaustion setting in as we lay there, catching our breath. Mazie had been insatiable, and I couldn’t believe how far things had gone, but the rush of the moment left me feeling more alive than ever before.<<md>>
<<md>>The late afternoon sun filtered through the trees in the park, casting dappled shadows over the grassy area where a group of three girls were lounging on a bench, laughing and joking. Charlie Delgado sat in the middle, her long brunette hair cascading down her back, looking effortlessly stunning in her tight yoga pants and a sports bra that left little to the imagination. Her two friends, both in their early twenties, were chatting animatedly about their day, but Charlie’s mind was elsewhere, her hazel eyes occasionally flicking with that mischievous gleam.<<md>>
<<say $Friend1>>I mean, seriously, this whole VIP gym membership thing is such a joke! Like, who even cares about that? It’s just a scam to take your money.<<say $Friend1>>
<<say $Friend2>>Right? It’s all about making people feel important when really, they’re just handing over extra cash for nothing.<<say $Friend2>>
<<md>>Charlie chuckled softly, leaning back against the bench as she twirled a strand of her hair around her finger.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>You guys are missing the point. Sure, the VIP thing is ridiculous, but the real joke is how easy it is to bypass the whole system.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Her friends turned to look at her, curiosity piqued. Charlie’s smile widened, her tone playful but edged with that familiar confidence she always carried.<<md>>
<<say $Friend1>>Wait, what do you mean?<<say $Friend1>>
<<say $Charlie>>Come on, you really think they have everything locked down? Please. I could walk in there tomorrow, flash a fake pass, and they wouldn’t even blink. People like to feel important, but they’re too lazy to check the details.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Her friends exchanged glances, a mix of amusement and disbelief crossing their faces.<<md>>
<<say $Friend2>>No way. You’re telling me you can fake the whole thing and they wouldn’t notice?<<say $Friend2>>
<<md>>Charlie’s smile turned into a smirk as she shrugged casually.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>I’ve done it before. It’s not rocket science, trust me.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>The truth of her words hung in the air, but only Charlie knew just how much weight they carried. This wasn’t just a game for her—this was survival. The fake gym membership scam was one of many schemes she’d pulled to keep herself afloat, but lately, the pressure had been building. Her friends thought it was all fun, a way to mess with the system, but for Charlie, it was a lifeline.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Honestly, if you know the right people, it’s easy to make it happen. VIP? Please. It’s just a status symbol for people with too much money.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>One of her friends laughed, shaking her head in disbelief.<<md>>
<<say $Friend1>>You’re something else, Charlie. You always know how to play the game.<<say $Friend1>>
<<md>>Charlie flashed them a grin, but there was a flicker of something deeper behind her eyes—an exhaustion, maybe even fear. She masked it quickly, though, leaning forward with that confident, flirtatious glint she knew they expected.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Well, a girl’s gotta survive, right?<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Her friends laughed, but Charlie’s mind was already racing. She had a deadline looming, and this scam was her last chance to gather the money she needed. If this fell through, if something went wrong, she wasn’t sure how she’d recover.<<md>>
<<say $Friend2>>You’re lucky you’re so smart. I’d be too scared to try anything like that.<<say $Friend2>>
<<md>>Charlie smiled again, but this time it didn’t quite reach her eyes.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Yeah, well… sometimes you don’t have a choice.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Her words were light, but the weight of them lingered as they all laughed and joked, unaware of just how deep Charlie’s schemes really went.<<md>><<md>>As I approached the bench where Charlie and her friends were sitting, their laughter still echoing in the air, I couldn’t help but catch the tail end of their conversation about the gym. Charlie was leaning back, looking as confident and seductive as ever, her tight yoga pants and sports bra leaving little to the imagination. Her friends glanced at me as I came closer, but it was Charlie who locked eyes with me, a playful smile curling at her lips.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, I couldn’t help but overhear... sounds like you know a way around that gym’s ridiculous VIP system.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie’s eyes gleamed with that familiar mischievous glint as she straightened up, clearly intrigued. She sized me up, her gaze lingering just a second longer than necessary.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Oh, you heard that, huh? Well, maybe I do. But why should I share my secrets with you?<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She leaned forward slightly, her voice dropping to a more sultry tone, playing the part of the seductive manipulator with ease. I could feel her eyes on me, testing me, waiting to see how I’d respond.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>I’ve got some cash. How much are we talking for a fake pass?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie laughed softly, shaking her head as she stood up, moving closer to me. She let her fingers trail along my arm, her touch light and teasing, as if she was playing with her prey.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Oh, you think it’s that easy, huh? Just throw some money at me, and I’ll hand you everything?<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Her voice was playful, but I could sense the calculation behind it. She stepped even closer, her body almost brushing against mine, her lips curling into a smirk.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Tell you what... I’ll give you the pass for 150 bucks. But you gotta do a little more than just hand over the cash. You’ve gotta show me you really want it.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She tilted her head, her eyes locking onto mine with a challenge hidden behind her flirtatious facade. I could feel her testing me, pushing my buttons to see how far I’d go.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, 150. I can handle that.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by my quick agreement. She turned slightly, giving me a teasing glance over her shoulder as she reached into her bag, pulling out a small envelope. But instead of handing it over, she held it just out of reach, dangling it in front of me like bait.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Oh, you’re so eager. I like that. But...<<Her voice dropped to a whisper.>>’re gonna have to work a little harder for this.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She leaned in close, her lips brushing against my ear as she whispered.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Maybe give me a little preview of how grateful you’ll be once you’ve got the pass. You know, just to make sure you’re not wasting my time.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Her hand rested lightly on my chest, her eyes daring me to make a move. She was playing her game, knowing full well how to manipulate the situation. Despite the heat building between us, I knew she wasn’t just doing this for fun—this was Charlie’s way of ensuring she got what she needed.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You’ll get your 150, and I’ll make sure you know how grateful I am.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie smiled, satisfied with my response. She finally handed me the envelope, her fingers lingering on mine for a moment longer before pulling away.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Good boy. I’ll take the cash now, and we’ll consider this... our little secret.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I handed over the 150 bucks, feeling the weight of the fake pass in my hand. Charlie grinned, slipping the money into her pocket before giving me a teasing pat on the chest.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Pleasure doing business with you. Maybe I’ll see you around the gym... or somewhere else.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>With a wink, she turned back to her friends, leaving me standing there with the pass in hand, feeling the mix of tension and excitement that came from dealing with someone like Charlie. She’d gotten what she wanted, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was just another piece in her game.<<md>>
<<md>>Charlie smirked as she pocketed the cash, but instead of handing over the fake pass, she gave me a wicked look, her eyes gleaming with mischief.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>You know, 150 is nice and all... but I need a little more than just money to be sure you really want this.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I raised an eyebrow, feeling the tension in the air shift as Charlie stepped closer, her fingers lightly trailing along my chest again.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>More? What are you talking about?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Charlie>>It’s simple. Show me how much you want it. Right here. Right now.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I could feel my pulse quicken as she stepped even closer, her body brushing against mine. There was a challenge in her eyes, daring me to push the boundaries.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Here? In the park? That’s... that’s dangerous.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie’s grin widened, and she gave me a playful shove.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Exactly. That’s how I’ll know you really want it. If you’re too scared, then maybe you don’t deserve the pass.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Her voice was laced with teasing, but I knew she was serious. She wanted to see how far I’d go for this. I hesitated for a moment, glancing around the park, but Charlie’s friends were watching with curiosity, and the tension in the air was electric.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Fine.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>I took a deep breath and started unbuttoning my pants, feeling the adrenaline course through me as I lowered them to the ground. Charlie’s eyes flicked down, a satisfied smirk on her lips as she glanced at my exposed body. Her friends giggled in the background, but Charlie’s focus stayed on me.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Not bad... not bad at all.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She knelt down in front of me, her face dangerously close to my exposed dick. Her fingers brushed along the inside of my thigh, sending a shiver through my body as she looked up at me with that teasing smile.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Now that’s more like it.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Without warning, she leaned forward and gave my dick a quick, teasing lick, just enough to send a shock of pleasure through me but pulling back before I could react.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Mmm... now I believe you really want that pass.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She stood up, still smirking as she handed me the fake pass, her friends watching the whole thing with wide eyes and muffled giggles.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>You did good. Here’s your pass. But next time... you might have to do a little more to earn it.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I quickly pulled my pants back up, my heart racing from both the danger and the teasing. Charlie’s eyes never left mine, her grin full of amusement and control.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You got what you wanted. Now we’re even.<<say $mc>>
<<say $Charlie>>Oh, sweetheart... we’re never even. But you can consider this a head start.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>With a final wink, she turned back to her friends, leaving me standing there, still buzzing from the experience. Charlie had gotten inside my head, playing her game perfectly, and now I had the pass—but at what cost?<<md>>
<<md>>With the fake pass tucked into my pocket, I made my way to the gym, my heart still racing from the encounter with Charlie in the park. The building loomed ahead, and I could feel a mix of excitement and anxiety bubbling up as I approached the entrance. Everything had to go smoothly.<<md>>
<<md>>I walked through the front doors, doing my best to look confident as I approached the reception desk. A bulky security guard stood nearby, eyeing me suspiciously as I handed over the fake VIP pass.<<md>>
<<say $SecurityGuard>>VIP, huh? Let’s take a look at this.<<say $SecurityGuard>>
<<md>>The guard scanned the card, his expression unchanging as he looked down at it. For a moment, I thought I was in the clear. But then his eyes narrowed, and I felt a knot tighten in my stomach.<<md>>
<<say $SecurityGuard>>This pass... doesn’t look right. You sure this is legit?<<say $SecurityGuard>>
<<say $mc>>Uh, yeah, I got it through... some connections. It should be good.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>The guard's face hardened as he stared at me, the tension in the air thickening. He turned the card over in his hands, then nodded to one of the other security staff.<<md>>
<<say $SecurityGuard>>Wait right here. I need to check something.<<say $SecurityGuard>>
<<md>>Panic started to set in. The guard walked off, but I could feel the weight of his suspicion hanging over me. A few minutes later, he came back, his expression dark and dangerous.<<md>>
<<say $SecurityGuard>>Nice try, pal. This is a fake. You think we don’t know what a real VIP pass looks like?<<say $SecurityGuard>>
<<md>>Before I could respond, he grabbed me by the collar, yanking me toward the side. His grip was strong, and I could feel the situation spiraling out of control.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Wait! It’s a mistake—I didn’t know!<<say $mc>>
<<say $SecurityGuard>>Bullshit. You’re coming with us.<<say $SecurityGuard>>
<<md>>I barely had time to process what was happening before I felt a sharp pain shoot through my side. The guard’s fist connected with my ribs, knocking the breath out of me. I stumbled backward, clutching my side as I gasped for air.<<md>>
<<say $SecurityGuard>>You think you can waltz in here with a fake pass? Let’s see how tough you are when the cops get here.<<say $SecurityGuard>>
<<md>>I tried to protest, but the guard wasn’t listening. He hit me again, this time harder, knocking me to the floor. My head was spinning as I lay there, struggling to get back up. The sound of sirens blaring in the distance made my heart sink.<<md>>
<<md>>The guard crouched down next to me, gripping my shirt as he leaned in close, his voice dripping with menace.<<md>>
<<say $SecurityGuard>>You messed with the wrong place, buddy. The cops will be here any minute, and then it’s game over for you.<<say $SecurityGuard>>
<<md>>I could barely think, my mind racing as I tried to come up with a plan. But the reality of the situation was hitting me hard—there was no way out of this one. The sound of footsteps approached, and I knew the police were closing in.<<md>>
<<md>>With the fake pass tucked into my pocket, I made my way to the gym, my heart still racing from the encounter with Charlie in the park. The building loomed ahead, and I could feel a mix of excitement and anxiety bubbling up as I approached the entrance. Everything had to go smoothly.<<md>>
<<md>>I walked through the front doors, doing my best to look confident as I approached the reception desk. A bulky security guard stood nearby, eyeing me suspiciously as I handed over the fake VIP pass.<<md>>
<<say $SecurityGuard>>VIP, huh? Let’s take a look at this.<<say $SecurityGuard>>
<<md>>The guard scanned the card, his expression unchanging as he looked down at it. For a moment, I thought I was in the clear. But then his eyes narrowed, and I felt a knot tighten in my stomach.<<md>>
<<say $SecurityGuard>>This pass... doesn’t look right. You sure this is legit?<<say $SecurityGuard>>
<<say $mc>>Uh, yeah, I got it through... some connections. It should be good.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>The guard's face hardened as he stared at me, the tension in the air thickening. He turned the card over in his hands, then nodded to one of the other security staff.<<md>>
<<say $SecurityGuard>>Wait right here. I need to check something.<<say $SecurityGuard>>
<<md>>Panic started to set in. The guard walked off, but I could feel the weight of his suspicion hanging over me. A few minutes later, he came back, his expression dark and dangerous.<<md>>
<<say $SecurityGuard>>Nice try, pal. This is a fake. You think we don’t know what a real VIP pass looks like?<<say $SecurityGuard>>
<<md>>Before I could respond, he grabbed me by the collar, yanking me toward the side. His grip was strong, and I could feel the situation spiraling out of control.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Wait! It’s a mistake—I didn’t know!<<say $mc>>
<<say $SecurityGuard>>Bullshit. You’re coming with us.<<say $SecurityGuard>>
<<md>>I barely had time to process what was happening before I felt a sharp pain shoot through my side. The guard’s fist connected with my ribs, knocking the breath out of me. I stumbled backward, clutching my side as I gasped for air.<<md>>
<<say $SecurityGuard>>You think you can waltz in here with a fake pass? Let’s see how tough you are when the cops get here.<<say $SecurityGuard>>
<<md>>I tried to protest, but the guard wasn’t listening. He hit me again, this time harder, knocking me to the floor. My head was spinning as I lay there, struggling to get back up. The sound of sirens blaring in the distance made my heart sink.<<md>>
<<md>>The guard crouched down next to me, gripping my shirt as he leaned in close, his voice dripping with menace.<<md>>
<<say $SecurityGuard>>You messed with the wrong place, buddy. The cops will be here any minute, and then it’s game over for you.<<say $SecurityGuard>>
<<md>>I could barely think, my mind racing as I tried to come up with a plan. But the reality of the situation was hitting me hard—there was no way out of this one. The sound of footsteps approached, and I knew the police were closing in.<<md>>
<<md>>The cold, gray walls of the prison cell had a way of making time stretch on endlessly. After two days locked inside, with only the occasional guard or another inmate for company, I was starting to lose hope. The fake gym pass had gotten me into far more trouble than I’d expected, and now I was paying the price. My mind kept replaying the events, wondering how it all went so wrong.<<md>>
<<md>>Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed down the hallway, and the guard called out my name. I looked up, surprised to see Clara standing behind him, her arms crossed, her expression cold and sharp as ever.<<md>>
<<say $Guard>>You’ve got a visitor. Make it quick.<<say $Guard>>
<<md>>Clara stepped inside the small visitation room, her heels clicking against the floor. She didn’t sit down. Instead, she stood with her arms crossed, glaring at me with those icy eyes.<<md>>
<<say $Clara>>So, this is what you’ve gotten yourself into? How... pathetic.<<say $Clara>>
<<md>>Her voice was sharp, full of disdain. I could already feel the tension rising as she looked me up and down, clearly unimpressed with my current state.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Clara... I didn’t think you’d come.<<say $mc>>
<<say $Clara>>Of course I came. Not because I care about you, but because your stupidity is an inconvenience to me. How could you be so reckless? A fake pass? Really?<<say $Clara>>
<<md>>I opened my mouth to explain, but Clara cut me off, her voice turning colder as she took a step closer.<<md>>
<<say $Clara>>Do you have any idea how embarrassing this is for me? You think I have time to deal with your mess when I’m trying to focus on school and my future? You’re lucky I even bothered to show up.<<say $Clara>>
<<md>>She stared at me, her arms still crossed tightly over her chest. The anger in her eyes was palpable, but there was something else there too—disappointment, maybe?<<md>>
<<say $mc>>I didn’t ask for you to come. I’m handling it.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Clara laughed, a cold, mirthless sound that cut through the tension like a knife.<<md>>
<<say $Clara>>Handling it? Please. You’re sitting in jail, and you think you’re in control of the situation? How typical. Always making a mess of things and expecting someone else to clean it up.<<say $Clara>>
<<md>>She leaned in closer, her eyes narrowing as she spoke in a low, venomous tone.<<md>>
<<say $Clara>>You’ve embarrassed me enough. But don’t think for one second that I’m here to bail you out because I care. I’m here to make sure this doesn’t get any worse. You’ve already ruined enough.<<say $Clara>>
<<md>>I could feel the weight of her words pressing down on me, but before I could respond, she straightened up and turned to leave.<<md>>
<<say $Clara>>Get your act together. The next time I see you, it better not be because you’ve screwed up again.<<say $Clara>>
<<md>>Without waiting for a response, Clara strode out of the room, her heels clicking against the cold floor as she left me sitting there, wondering what would happen next.<<md>>
<<md>>Weeks had passed since I’d been released from jail, and the anger had been simmering just beneath the surface ever since. I couldn’t get the memory of Charlie’s smug face out of my head—the way she’d teased and manipulated me, leading me straight into that disaster. Today, I saw her again, laughing with her friends in the park, and something inside me snapped.<<md>>
<<md>>I marched toward them, my jaw clenched tight as I approached. Charlie saw me coming, her friends falling silent as they noticed the fury in my eyes.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Oh, look who’s back. What’s the matter? Gym didn’t work out for you?<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Her words dripped with sarcasm, and her friends laughed, but I wasn’t in the mood for games. Without saying a word, I grabbed Charlie by the arm, pulling her roughly away from the group. The laughter stopped as her friends watched in shock, but no one moved to intervene.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Hey! What the hell are you doing? Let go of me!<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She struggled against my grip, but I didn’t stop. My anger was boiling over, and I wasn’t about to let her slip away this time.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You think this is funny? You think you can play games and just walk away like nothing happened?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie’s face hardened, her usual playful smirk disappearing as she realized I wasn’t backing down.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Let go of me! You’re making a scene!<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>But I didn’t care. I dragged her down the street toward her apartment, my grip firm as she continued to struggle. I forced her into the building, making her unlock the door to her flat as she glared at me, still trying to pull free.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Open the door, Charlie. Now.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Her hands shook as she fumbled with the keys, finally managing to unlock the door. I pushed her inside, slamming the door shut behind us. Charlie turned to face me, her eyes flashing with anger.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>You’re out of your mind. What the hell is wrong with you?<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I stepped closer, my voice low and controlled, the rage still simmering beneath the surface.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You set me up, Charlie. You knew exactly what would happen with that fake pass, and now you’re going to pay for it.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie swallowed hard, but the defiance in her eyes didn’t fade. She wasn’t backing down, even as the tension between us grew.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Yeah? So what? You played the game, and you lost. Now what? You gonna try and scare me?<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I grabbed her by the shoulders, pushing her back against the wall, my hands gripping her tightly as I leaned in closer.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>This isn’t a game anymore. You’re not going to walk away from this like nothing happened.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>For a moment, Charlie’s confidence wavered. She could see the seriousness in my eyes, the fury I’d been holding onto for weeks. But just as quickly, she composed herself, her lips curling into a faint smirk.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>You think you scare me? You think roughing me up is gonna make me regret what I did?<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Her words were defiant, but I could see a flicker of something else in her eyes—something more vulnerable, more conflicted. I pushed her further inside the flat, the tension between us growing thicker with every step.<<md>>
[[Continue inside the flat|CharlieFakePassGymPrisonRevenge2]]<<md>>Once inside the flat, the air felt heavier. Charlie’s defiance flickered briefly in her eyes, but as I grabbed her by the hair and yanked her down to her knees, that bravado faded, replaced by a mix of shock and fear. She opened her mouth to protest, but I wasn’t interested in hearing excuses.<<md>>
<<md>>I forced myself into her mouth roughly, the intensity of my anger driving every movement. Charlie gagged as I pushed deeper, her eyes wide as she struggled to keep up. I didn’t slow down, gripping the back of her head as I moved with an unrelenting pace. She tried to push back, her hands on my thighs, but I didn’t let her go, the animalistic urge inside me taking over.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You think you can play games with me? Think again.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Her muffled protests quickly turned into choked gasps as I continued, forcing her to take everything. Her eyes watered, her throat struggling to keep up, but I wasn’t finished. The need to punish her, to take control, burned inside me, and I could feel her body trembling beneath my grip.<<md>>
<<md>>After what felt like an eternity, I finally pulled out, Charlie collapsing on the floor, gasping for breath. But I wasn’t done. I yanked her up by the arm, dragging her to the bedroom. She tried to stand on her own, but her legs wobbled beneath her, the raw intensity of the moment overwhelming her.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Get on the bed. Now.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>She hesitated for a second, her breathing still labored, but she complied, crawling onto the bed as I stood over her, stripping off the last of her clothes. I could see the defiance returning to her eyes, but it was mixed with fear now—fear of what was coming next.<<md>>
<<md>>I didn’t give her time to think. I grabbed her by the hips and forced her onto her back, spreading her legs roughly. The sound of fabric tearing filled the room as I nearly ripped her underwear off, her body exposed and vulnerable beneath me.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You brought this on yourself, Charlie.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Without any warning, I thrust into her, not caring about her reaction or the pain it might cause. She gasped, her body jolting as I drove into her, not holding back. The cruelty of the moment consumed me as I moved, feeling her body react beneath mine. She gripped the sheets, her breath coming in ragged gasps as I pounded into her, each thrust harder and more brutal than the last.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>This is what you get for playing with me.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie whimpered, her defiance crumbling as I continued, her body unable to resist the sheer force of what was happening. I could feel her shaking beneath me, her hands grasping for something—anything—as I tore into her, each thrust rougher than the last.<<md>>
<<md>>I didn’t stop until I’d completely exhausted myself, leaving her lying beneath me, her body trembling and broken from the intensity of it all. The room was filled with the sound of our ragged breathing, the aftermath of the encounter hanging heavy in the air.<<md>>
<<md>>I had barely been out of jail for a day, but the anger that had been boiling inside me had simmered down to something cold and distant. I saw Charlie around, sure—just like today, when she strolled into the gym, her long hair swaying behind her, as if nothing had ever happened. But I didn’t react. Not anymore.<<md>>
<<md>>I was focused on my workout, keeping my head down, trying to drown out the noise of the past few weeks. That was, until a commotion broke out near the front entrance. I glanced up just in time to see a man—angry, red-faced, and shouting—storming into the gym, his eyes scanning the room as if he were hunting someone.<<md>>
<<say $AngryClient>>Where is she? Where’s that bitch, Charlie?!<<say $AngryClient>>
<<md>>My gaze flicked over to Charlie, who had frozen mid-step, her usual confident demeanor cracking as she spotted the furious client. It didn’t take much to figure out what had happened—she’d promised him something, taken his money, and delivered nothing. Typical Charlie.<<md>>
<<md>>But instead of running right away, she quickly moved toward me, her eyes wide with urgency.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Hey, you. You gotta help me. He’s pissed and I don’t feel like getting punched today.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I didn’t say anything, just gave her a quick look before turning back to my weights, pretending not to notice the storm coming her way. But as the guy got closer, yelling louder, I sighed and shifted slightly, moving just enough to obscure her from view.<<md>>
<<say $AngryClient>>Where the hell is she?!<<say $AngryClient>>
<<md>>The man was getting closer, clearly looking for blood. Charlie, quick on her feet as always, ducked behind a rack of weights, trying to stay hidden. But she wasn’t careful enough. The client spotted her just as she tried to slip out of sight, his face twisting with rage.<<md>>
<<say $AngryClient>>There you are! You think you can just take my money and disappear?<<say $AngryClient>>
<<md>>For a moment, Charlie stood her ground, her eyes darting around, looking for a way out. But the man was already closing in, and I could tell this was about to get ugly. Before I could react, Charlie’s expression shifted from fear to determination. She stepped forward, just as the guy got within arm’s reach, and without warning—<<md>>
<<md>>—she drove her knee right into his groin. The guy crumpled to the floor, gasping for breath, his anger instantly replaced by pain.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Oops. Guess you should’ve been faster, huh?<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She smirked down at him, her confidence fully restored. Without missing a beat, she turned and sprinted toward the exit, her voice echoing back as she ran.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Better luck next time!<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>The entire gym stared, some in shock, others clearly amused by the sudden turn of events. I watched her disappear out the door, shaking my head slightly. Typical Charlie—always getting herself into trouble, always finding a way to slip out of it just in time.<<md>><<md>>The sun was setting in the park, casting long shadows as I walked the familiar path. It had been a few days since the gym incident, and I hadn’t seen Charlie since she ran off after kneeing that guy. I wasn’t exactly surprised when I spotted her again, sitting on a bench, her legs crossed, that mischievous grin on her face as she caught sight of me.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Well, if it isn’t my favorite jailbird. Surprised to see me?<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I didn’t respond right away, just gave her a look as she stood up, walking over with her usual swagger. Her yoga pants clung to her curves, and that playful glint was back in her hazel eyes. She was always teasing, always trying to push my buttons.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>What’s the matter? Still mad I got you into a little trouble? Or are you just here to enjoy the view?<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She laughed, leaning closer as if daring me to respond, but before I could say anything, I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. A group of guys—four of them, led by the same angry client from the gym—were making their way toward us. His face was red with fury, and his buddies didn’t look much friendlier.<<md>>
<<say $AngryClient>>There she is! That bitch owes me, and I’m not leaving without payback!<<say $AngryClient>>
<<md>>Charlie’s smile faded, replaced by a look of frustration. She glanced at me, then back at the group of guys closing in on us.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Great. Just what I needed. You think I like having fans?<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>The guy and his crew stopped a few feet away, their hands balled into fists, clearly looking for a fight.<<md>>
<<say $AngryClient>>You think you can just take my money and disappear? You’re not running this time, Charlie!<<say $AngryClient>>
<<say $mc>>You want to deal with this, or should I?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie raised an eyebrow, then smirked, shifting into that confident, teasing mode she used so well.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Why don’t we both have a little fun? These guys don’t look too tough.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Before I could respond, the first guy lunged at me, swinging wildly. I ducked, delivering a hard punch to his gut that sent him stumbling backward. Another one tried to grab Charlie, but she dodged effortlessly, landing a quick kick to his side.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Come on, boys! You gotta do better than that!<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>It turned into a full-on brawl. One guy grabbed my arm, but I twisted free, landing a punch square in his face. Charlie, ever the quick one, dodged and weaved, landing sharp hits whenever she could. She might’ve been reckless, but she could handle herself in a fight.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Told you this would be fun!<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Within minutes, we had knocked most of them to the ground. The angry client was the last one standing, clutching his side and glaring at us.<<md>>
<<say $AngryClient>>You’re dead! I’m calling the cops!<<say $AngryClient>>
<<md>>Charlie froze for a second, her eyes widening slightly as the words sank in. She looked at me, panic flashing in her eyes for the first time.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Cops? Oh, no. No way. I can’t be caught.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Without warning, she grabbed my hand, pulling me away from the scene.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Come on, we’ve gotta go. I’m not getting arrested today.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>We took off running, Charlie leading the way as the sound of sirens began to echo in the distance. Her grip on my hand was tight, and despite the chaos, she was laughing, the adrenaline clearly kicking in.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>You’re not bad in a fight, you know that? But we better lay low until this blows over.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>We disappeared into the trees, the park fading behind us as we ran, her laughter ringing out in the cool evening air.<<md>>
[[Run with Charlie|EscapeWithCharlie]]<<md>>After running through the park and finding a secluded spot away from prying eyes, we finally stopped to catch our breath. My muscles ached from the fight, and I could feel the sting of a few fresh bruises forming. Charlie leaned against a tree, her hands on her hips, still breathing heavily but with that familiar glint of mischief in her eyes.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>You’re a real piece of work, you know that? Helping me out like that, after everything?<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She moved closer, her eyes dropping to the scars and bruises that littered my arms and chest. Her fingers grazed one of the marks gently, her teasing demeanor giving way to a rare moment of sincerity.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Why’d you do it? I tricked you, got you thrown in jail, and yet... you’re still here.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I looked at her, unsure of how to respond. The truth was, I didn’t know why. Maybe part of me felt something for her, even though I knew better.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>I don’t even know why. Maybe I’m just an idiot.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie let out a soft laugh, her fingers still trailing over the bruises.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>You’re not an idiot. But you did get yourself into a mess. And don’t think I don’t remember. I remember handsome men... especially the ones whose dick I’ve tasted.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She smirked, that teasing tone back in full force as she looked up at me, her eyes flashing with that same playful gleam.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>And let’s not forget... you undressed for me in the park. I think it’s only fair I return the favor.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Before I could respond, she stepped back and slipped off her jacket, her fingers moving slowly, deliberately, as she began to undress. Her eyes never left mine, daring me to look away, but I couldn’t.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You’re crazy.<<say $mc>>
<<say $Charlie>>Oh, I know. But that’s what makes it fun, right?<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She smiled, pulling her top over her head and letting it fall to the ground. I stood there, frozen, watching as she undressed completely, her body illuminated by the faint light filtering through the trees. She was teasing me, her movements slow and purposeful, as if she knew exactly what she was doing.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>What have you gotten yourself into, Charlie?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Charlie>>It’s a long, boring story. You wouldn’t want to hear it.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>We sat down on the cool grass, her completely naked, me still in my clothes. The night air was starting to chill, and I could see Charlie shivering slightly. Without thinking, I took off my shirt and handed it to her. She slipped it on, but as I pulled the fabric over her shoulders, my fingers accidentally brushed against her nipples.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Careful there... you might be getting a little too familiar.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She winked at me, her teasing tone back as she playfully nudged me. I shook my head, trying not to let her get to me. She always knew how to push my buttons.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Just trying to keep you warm.<<say $mc>>
<<say $Charlie>>Well, thanks... but don’t get any ideas.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Charlie stood up, slipping back into her clothes, still smiling that smug, confident smile. I followed her lead, getting to my feet as we prepared to leave.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Come on. Let’s get out of here before those cops find us.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>With that, we left the park, the tension between us still thick, but something about the night felt different. She was still the same Charlie—reckless, manipulative, teasing—but there was something else there, something deeper. And as we walked away, I couldn’t help but wonder what was really going on behind those mischievous eyes.<<md>>
<<md>>The night air was cool as I walked through the quiet streets, lost in my own thoughts. The buzz of the city had slowed down, and for once, things seemed peaceful. That was, until I heard a sharp, angry voice cut through the air.<<md>>
<<say $Woman>>Catch this bitch! She stole my wallet!<<say $Woman>>
<<md>>I turned quickly, scanning the crowd until I saw a blur of movement darting down the sidewalk. It didn’t take long to recognize the figure—Charlie, weaving through people with that same reckless energy, clutching something in her hand.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course it’s her...<<say $mc>>
<<md>>For a split second, I debated whether to help her or let her deal with the mess she’d created. But before I could make a decision, the woman who had shouted was already running toward Charlie, determined to catch her. Without thinking, I stepped forward.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry, miss!<<say $mc>>
<<md>>I pretended to stumble, colliding with the woman just hard enough to send her off balance. She let out a frustrated gasp as she tried to regain her footing, giving Charlie just enough time to disappear around the corner.<<md>>
<<say $Woman>>Hey! Watch where you’re going!<<say $Woman>>
<<md>>I apologized quickly, feigning innocence as she glared at me, clearly too angry to think much about my “accidental” interference. By the time she got her bearings again, Charlie was long gone, her escape secured.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry! Didn’t see you there.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>The woman huffed in frustration, muttering something under her breath before storming off in the opposite direction. I waited until she was out of sight before turning down the alley where I’d seen Charlie run.<<md>>
<<md>>Sure enough, there she was, leaning against a wall, her chest rising and falling as she caught her breath. When she saw me approaching, a sly grin spread across her face.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Well, well, well. Seems like you’re always there to save the day, aren’t you?<<say $Charlie>>
<<say $mc>>Seems like you’re always in trouble, aren’t you?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie shrugged, holding up the stolen wallet with a casual flick of her wrist.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>What can I say? A girl’s gotta survive.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I shook my head, unable to stop the smile creeping onto my face despite myself. No matter how reckless she was, no matter how many lines she crossed, there was something about her that always kept me on edge—always pulling me back in.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You know one day this is going to catch up to you, right?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Charlie>>Maybe. But not today.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She winked, slipping the wallet into her pocket and giving me a playful nudge.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Thanks for the assist, by the way. I owe you one.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I wasn’t sure if I should laugh or groan at her casual attitude, but one thing was for sure: Charlie Delgado was always full of surprises.<<md>>
<<md>>I was just about to drift off to sleep when I heard it—tap, tap, tap. At first, I thought I was dreaming, but then I heard it again, more insistent this time. I groggily opened my eyes, sitting up and looking around the room, confused. Then it happened again: tap, tap, tap. Stones? At my window?<<md>>
<<md>>Curious and a little irritated, I got out of bed and made my way over to the window. Pulling back the curtain, I spotted a familiar figure standing outside, grinning up at me like she hadn’t just interrupted my night. Charlie Delgado, of course.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Charlie? What the hell are you doing? You know there’s a door, right?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>I leaned out the window, mockingly pointing to the front door of the building. Charlie just smirked, shrugging casually.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Yeah, yeah, but where’s the fun in that? Besides, I’ve got a craving. Got any hamburgers in there?<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I raised an eyebrow, already knowing where this was going.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Hamburgers? Seriously?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Charlie>>Yep. Hamburgers... and coffee. I’m running low on cash, and I figured you might want to help a girl out.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I sighed, shaking my head. It was late, and I should’ve known better than to expect anything resembling normalcy with Charlie around.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You want me to take you to a cafe... at this time of night?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Charlie>>Why not? It’s not like you were busy or anything. Besides, it’ll be fun. You’re not gonna make me starve, are you?<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She flashed that mischievous smile of hers, the one that always somehow got her what she wanted. I sighed again, knowing full well I couldn’t say no.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, alright. Let me get dressed.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie’s grin widened, and she leaned back against the wall outside as I quickly threw on some clothes. A few minutes later, I opened the door and joined her on the street.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>See? Was that so hard? Now let’s get that burger. I’m starving.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Together, we started walking down the quiet street, the city much calmer at this late hour. As we made our way toward the nearest 24-hour cafe, Charlie kept up her usual playful banter, nudging me every now and then to keep things lively.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>You know, for a guy who’s been to jail because of me, you sure are easygoing. You could’ve just told me to take a hike, but here we are.<<say $Charlie>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe I’m just a glutton for punishment.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie laughed, her voice echoing down the empty street.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>You’re not wrong. But you know you love it.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Despite myself, I found a small smile forming. No matter how much trouble she got into—or got me into—there was something about Charlie that kept things interesting. As we walked, I couldn’t help but wonder what other chaos she’d drag me into by the time the night was over.<<md>><<md>>We settled into a booth at the 24-hour cafe, the warm glow of the neon sign outside casting soft shadows over the table. Charlie eagerly dug into her hamburger, sipping her coffee between bites. I watched her for a moment, the usual playful glint in her eyes dulled by something more serious, though she tried to hide it.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>So, what kind of trouble did you get yourself into this time?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>I asked casually, but I kept my gaze steady on her. Charlie glanced up at me, her smile flickering for just a second before she shook her head, her voice too light, too dismissive.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Trouble? Nah, nothing like that. I’m fine. Just needed a bite to eat, that’s all.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She was lying—I could see it in her eyes. Despite her carefree attitude, there was something off. Her hands fidgeted more than usual, her eyes darting away every time I tried to meet her gaze. It was subtle, but Charlie wasn’t her usual confident self tonight.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Charlie, come on. You know you can tell me if something’s up. What’s really going on?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>She paused mid-bite, staring down at her plate. For a moment, I thought she might actually open up, but then she forced a smile and took a long sip of her coffee.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Nah, it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it. I’ve got everything under control, as usual.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>But I could see the faintest trace of fear in her eyes, just for a second, before she hid it behind her usual bravado. She was afraid of something—something she didn’t want to admit, not even to herself.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You don’t have to act tough all the time, you know. If something’s wrong, you can talk to me.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>For a split second, I saw her expression soften, her walls starting to come down. But just as quickly, she shook her head again and stood up abruptly, her jacket already in hand.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Thanks for the coffee. I appreciate it. But I’ve gotta run.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I opened my mouth to say something, but before I could, she was already halfway to the door, her usual swagger back in full force as she pushed it open.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Catch you later, yeah?<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>And just like that, she was gone. I sat there, watching her disappear into the night, the unanswered questions hanging in the air. She was running from something—something big—but whatever it was, Charlie wasn’t ready to face it. Not yet.<<md>>
<<md>>I was walking through the quiet streets, lost in thought, when I heard quick footsteps behind me. Before I could turn around, a familiar voice cut through the air.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Hey, you! Fancy meeting you out here again.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I glanced over my shoulder and saw Charlie grinning at me, her usual playful energy radiating as she caught up. She had that mischievous glint in her hazel eyes, but something felt different this time—something more intense, almost desperate.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Charlie, what’s up? Don’t tell me you’re still hungry.<<say $mc>>
<<say $Charlie>>No, it’s not about food this time. There’s something I need to tell you.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Her tone shifted slightly, more serious than I was used to. Charlie gestured for me to follow her, and I did, curious and a little concerned.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Wait, are we going to your place? I was starting to think you were homeless, the way you show up at random windows.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>She laughed, nudging me playfully.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Ha! Not quite. But close, maybe.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>We walked in silence for a few minutes before reaching a small, dimly lit apartment building. She led me up the stairs and into her flat—a modest, slightly messy space that looked like it hadn’t been tidied in a while. She threw her jacket onto a chair, pacing around a little before stopping in front of me. I was about to ask her what was going on, but before I could get a word out, she closed the distance between us and pressed her lips to mine.<<md>>
<<md>>It took me by surprise, but her kiss was intense, almost urgent, like she needed to prove something to herself. When she pulled back, she looked up at me, her voice soft but filled with emotion.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>I love you.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Her words hung in the air, and for a moment, I didn’t know how to respond. Charlie had always been reckless, always keeping people at arm’s length, but this... this was different. Before I could say anything, she kissed me again, her hands gripping my shirt tightly.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>I almost died last night. I did something reckless... even for me. But all I could think about was you.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Her voice cracked, and she kissed me harder, as if she needed to feel something real, something tangible. When she finally pulled back, her eyes were glistening, the playful mask she usually wore completely gone.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>I need you. I know it’s wrong, and I know I’ve dragged you into a mess, but... just pretend. Even if it’s not right, just pretend for me. I need this. I need you.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>There was a vulnerability in her words that I hadn’t seen before. For all her bravado and reckless behavior, Charlie was scared—scared of losing control, scared of losing me.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Charlie...<<say $mc>>
<<md>>I started to speak, but she silenced me with another kiss, pulling me closer to her. She was trembling slightly, her body pressed against mine, as if holding onto me was the only thing keeping her from falling apart.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Just stay with me tonight. I need you here. I don’t care if it’s wrong.<<say $Charlie>><<md>>Charlie stood in front of me, her hands trembling slightly as she began to undress, her eyes full of desperation and longing. She pulled her shirt over her head, letting it fall to the floor, exposing her bare skin to the dim light of the apartment.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>I need you. Please... just fuck me. Make me forget everything for a little while.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She leaned in to kiss me again, her lips soft but urgent, her body pressing against mine. I kissed her back, my hands on her waist, but something in me held back. I could feel the weight of something unspoken between us, something she wasn’t telling me. I pulled away slightly, my breath shallow as I looked into her eyes.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Charlie, wait. Tell me what happened last night. Why are you doing this? What’s really going on?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Her expression faltered, the vulnerability returning as she took a step back. She bit her lip, hesitating before finally speaking, her voice barely above a whisper.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>I crossed a line. I... I tricked someone I shouldn’t have. Someone dangerous.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She turned slightly, showing me a fresh scar near her neck, close to her shoulder. My heart skipped a beat as I realized what it was—a bullet wound.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>It was the mayor’s son. He knew people—dangerous people. I thought I could get away with it, but they caught me. They shot at me. I got lucky... this time.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I reached out and touched the scar gently, my fingers brushing against the tender skin. She shivered at the contact, and I leaned in, kissing the spot where the bullet had grazed her. Her breath hitched as I pulled back slightly, looking into her eyes.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Please... I don’t want to think about it anymore. I just want you. I need you.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She was begging now, her voice raw with emotion, but I couldn’t let it go. Not yet.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Charlie, why are you doing this? Why do you keep putting yourself in these situations? There’s more to it than just survival. Tell me the truth.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Her eyes filled with tears, and she looked away, as if ashamed to admit what she was about to say. After a moment, she finally spoke, her voice trembling.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>My mom... she’s sick. Really sick. We don’t have the money for her treatment, and I’m drowning in debt trying to cover the bills. That’s why I started tricking people. I needed the money. But... it’s more than that.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She paused, her hands gripping the edge of the bed as she took a deep breath.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>I like it. I like the thrill of it—the power, the control. It makes me feel alive. But I know it’s dangerous. I know I’m risking everything.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She looked up at me, her eyes filled with a mix of fear, guilt, and desire.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>I’m stuck. I don’t know how to stop. But right now, I don’t want to stop. I just want you. Please... just for tonight.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. Charlie stirred beside me, her fingers tracing light patterns on my chest as she lay silently, clearly lost in thought. After a moment, she shifted, propping herself up on her elbow to look at me. Her expression was more serious than I’d ever seen it.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>I need your help. But... it’s dangerous.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I frowned, my heart sinking as I realized that last night had only been part of a larger plan.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>So that’s what this was about? You needed my help, not... me.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie shook her head quickly, leaning down to kiss me softly, her hand resting on my cheek.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>No. I need both. I’m not using you, I swear. But if you can’t help me cross this line, then I’ll have to do it alone.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Her voice wavered slightly, and I could see the conflict in her eyes. She wasn’t just asking for help—she was asking for something more.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>What’s the plan, Charlie? What are you trying to do?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>She took a deep breath, sitting up and pulling the covers around her as if trying to shield herself from the weight of what she was about to say.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>The mayor’s son... he let me go because we made a deal. He hates Adonis Jr—Big Guy. They’ve got bad blood, and he wants to ruin him.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>My stomach twisted at the mention of Big Guy. I wasn’t exactly his biggest fan, but I knew how dangerous things could get if Charlie was caught in the middle of something like this.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>The plan is simple. He wants me to do something... that’ll ruin Adonis Jr’s reputation.<<say $Charlie>>
<<say $mc>>What do you mean?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie hesitated for a moment, her eyes dropping to the floor before meeting mine again.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>I have to be recorded—online. In his gym. Doing things that’ll make sure Adonis Jr’s business is finished.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I stared at her, my mind racing as I tried to process what she was asking. This wasn’t just a simple favor—this was a dangerous, risky plan that could blow up in both our faces.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You can’t be serious. That’s insane, Charlie.<<say $mc>>
<<say $Charlie>>I know it’s crazy, but it’s my only way out. If I don’t do this, the deal falls apart, and then...<<Her voice trailed off, fear flickering in her eyes.>>I don’t have any other options. Please. I need you.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She reached out, gripping my hand tightly, her voice pleading.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>If you don’t want to help me, I understand. But I’m doing this with or without you. I need to finish what I started.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I could see the desperation in her eyes. She wasn’t bluffing—if I didn’t help her, she was going to go through with it alone, and that terrified me more than anything.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright. I’ll help you.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding, her eyes softening with relief. She leaned in, kissing me softly, her lips lingering for a moment before she pulled back.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Thank you. I knew I could count on you.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Charlie and I had the janitor uniforms stuffed into a backpack as we entered the gym, trying our best to blend in. We moved quickly, keeping our heads low and avoiding eye contact as we made our way to the locker room. It was quiet, and for a moment, I thought we were in the clear. But then I spotted Olivia—one of the staff members—walking toward us, her eyes narrowing suspiciously.<<md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Hey, what are you two doing here? You don’t look like the regular janitors.<<say $Olivia>>
<<md>>Charlie tensed beside me, but I kept my cool, offering Olivia a quick smile as I stepped forward to distract her.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, hey! Yeah, the regular crew couldn’t make it, so they sent us instead. We’re just here to do a quick cleanup, nothing major. You know how it is.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>I could tell Olivia wasn’t entirely convinced, her eyes flicking between us. She opened her mouth to ask another question, but I quickly cut her off, gesturing toward one of the machines.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Actually, could you help us with something? We’re having a bit of trouble figuring out where to start. I’d hate to miss anything important.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>The momentary distraction worked. Olivia hesitated, then nodded, walking over to the machines to give us some pointers. I shot Charlie a quick glance, and she nodded, understanding that we had a window to move fast.<<md>>
<<md>>Once Olivia’s back was turned, we slipped into the locker room, changing into the janitor uniforms as quickly as we could. The plan was risky, but we didn’t have much of a choice. After we’d changed, I moved to the door, securing it with a makeshift barricade to keep us safe for what was about to happen.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Nice work. Now, let’s get this over with before anyone else shows up.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Charlie’s voice was tense, but there was a determination in her eyes. She knew the risks, but we were already too deep to back out now.<<md>>
Here’s the continuation where the intense and dangerous plan unfolds, with you and Charlie executing the mission:
<<md>>With the door barricaded and the camera set up, Charlie gave me one last look, her eyes filled with determination, but also a hint of nervousness. There was no going back now.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Let’s get this done.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>We started recording, Charlie slipping into her role effortlessly. Her body moved with confidence as we began fucking, her moans filling the small space. The camera captured everything, and I could already feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins, knowing that what we were doing would destroy Adonis Jr's gym once it hit the internet.<<md>>
<<md>>We moved together, the intensity of the moment heightening with every second. The camera was rolling, broadcasting everything online, just as planned. But just as we were reaching our peak, we heard a sudden knock at the door. Charlie froze for a moment, her eyes darting toward the door as the knocking grew louder and more frantic.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Ignore it. They can’t get in.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie nodded, but the tension was palpable now. We continued, fucking even harder, the urgency building as the knocking turned into banging. Whoever was outside was getting desperate, but the barricade was holding... for now.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Come on... we’re almost done.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Just as we reached the climax, the banging on the door stopped, only to be replaced by the sound of shattering glass. They had broken the window. I barely had time to react before the door burst open, and several men rushed inside, their eyes filled with rage as they saw what we were doing.<<md>>
<<say $Guard>>What the hell?! Stop right there!<<say $Guard>>
<<md>>It was too late. The damage was already done. The video had been sent, and there was no taking it back now. The guards stormed in, but just as they reached us, a strange hissing sound filled the air.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>What the...<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Before I could finish the thought, I felt a sharp sting in my lungs, my vision blurring as gas began to fill the room. I stumbled, my hand gripping Charlie’s as we both tried to make sense of what was happening.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Gas... they’re trying to knock us out!<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Charlie’s voice was faint, her grip on my hand weakening as the gas took effect. My vision darkened, and I felt my body grow heavy, my legs giving out beneath me. The last thing I saw was the guards closing in, the damage already done, but our fates uncertain.<<md>>
Here’s the updated continuation where Charlie’s character shines through, showing both her determination and her deeper feelings for you amidst the chaotic situation:
<<md>>With the camera rolling and our bodies moving in sync, I could feel the tension rising, not just from the act itself, but from the weight of what we were doing. The stakes were high—Adonis Jr’s entire business was at risk—and Charlie knew it better than anyone. But even in the middle of it all, there was something softer in her eyes, something more than just the reckless thrill that usually drove her.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>You know...<<Her voice was breathy, her lips curling into a faint smile.>> Every journey we take together is never calm, is it? It’s always like this—crazy, dangerous, and...<<Her breath hitched as we moved together.>> damn intense.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I could hear the affection in her words, buried beneath the tension of the moment. Charlie had always been wild, always pushing boundaries, but in that moment, I could feel how much this meant to her—how much I meant to her.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>But I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love you... even when we’re right in the middle of all this chaos.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Her confession hung in the air, the words raw and real even as we continued, her body trembling against mine. There was something unspoken between us—something deeper than the danger and the thrill of what we were doing. But there wasn’t time to dwell on it.<<md>>
<<md>>Just as we reached the peak of the moment, the knocking started. At first, it was faint, but quickly grew louder and more insistent. Charlie glanced at the door, her eyes flashing with a mix of fear and determination.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Don’t stop. We’re almost there.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Her voice was strained, but not from exhaustion—there was an urgency behind it, a desperate need to finish what we’d started before everything came crashing down. We pushed forward, fucking harder, knowing that the door wouldn’t hold for long.<<md>>
<<md>>But the moment we hit our peak, the sound of shattering glass filled the air. Charlie’s eyes widened as the door burst open, men storming in, their faces twisted with rage.<<md>>
<<say $Guard>>Get them! Stop it!<<say $Guard>>
<<md>>The guards rushed toward us, but Charlie didn’t flinch. She turned to me, her lips brushing against my ear as she whispered through the chaos.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>I love you... I always have. Even when things get like this. Especially when things get like this.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Before I could respond, a hissing sound filled the air. The gas hit us fast, my vision blurring as I felt my strength leaving me. Charlie’s grip on my hand tightened, her voice a faint echo in the fog of my mind.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>It’s always a wild ride with us, isn’t it?<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I could barely make out her words as the gas took hold, pulling me under. The last thing I saw was the guards closing in, the damage done but our fate uncertain.<<md>>
<<md>>When I finally came to, the world was a blur of pain and dim, flickering light. My head throbbed, and it took a moment to realize where I was—somewhere underground, in a cold, concrete basement. My wrists were bound, and across the room, Charlie was in a similar state, surrounded by Adonis Jr’s goons.<<md>>
<<md>>Before I could say anything, a sharp pain exploded across my face. Adonis Jr stood over me, his hand still raised from the punch. He was grinning, his chest puffed out, acting like a peacock as usual.<<md>>
<<say $AdonisJr>>You thought you could ruin me? You thought that little stunt would take me down? The mayor’s son won’t get shit! I’m Adonis Jr! This gym is mine, and it’s not going anywhere!<<say $AdonisJr>>
<<md>>His voice dripped with arrogance, his eyes wild with rage as he delivered another punch, harder this time. I groaned in pain, my vision swimming as the blows kept coming. He was enjoying this too much—acting like some sadistic showman, taking pleasure in every hit.<<md>>
<<say $AdonisJr>>You really thought I’d just roll over? I don’t surrender to anyone, especially not some politician’s brat.<<say $AdonisJr>>
<<md>>Adonis Jr sneered, pacing back and forth in front of me, his hands moving theatrically as if he were performing in front of an audience.<<md>>
<<say $AdonisJr>>This gym will still stand, and I’ll make sure everyone knows what happens when you try to cross Adonis Jr.<<say $AdonisJr>>
<<md>>With a dramatic flourish, he pulled out a knife, the blade gleaming in the dim light. He knelt beside me, holding it dangerously close to my face, his grin widening as he reveled in his dominance.<<md>>
<<say $AdonisJr>>Let’s see how tough you are when I’m done with you. Maybe I’ll start by carving a little message, just so you don’t forget who’s in charge.<<say $AdonisJr>>
<<md>>As Adonis Jr taunted me, I could hear the grunts and groans of the men surrounding Charlie. She was being held, but I could see the fire in her eyes—the one that always signaled she had something planned. Just as Adonis Jr raised the knife, ready to strike, Charlie made her move.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Oh, please. You guys are just as pathetic as your boss.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>With a swift movement, Charlie elbowed the man holding her in the gut, sending him doubling over in pain. In one fluid motion, she kicked another in the face, knocking him out cold. The room exploded into chaos as Charlie took down each guard with precision, using her agility and quick thinking to outsmart them.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Looks like it’s game over, boys.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Adonis Jr whipped around, his eyes wide with shock as his men hit the floor one by one. Before he could react, Charlie lunged at him, grabbing his arm and twisting it, forcing the knife out of his hand.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Sorry, Junior, but this is where your reign ends.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>With a final, dramatic flourish, Charlie delivered a knockout punch, sending Adonis Jr crumpling to the ground. She stood over him, a smug smile on her face as she looked down at his unconscious body.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Guess you didn’t see that coming, huh? You can’t spell "gym rat" without "R.A.T."... and that’s all you are, Junior. A rat.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I couldn’t help but chuckle despite the pain. Charlie always had a flair for the dramatic, and she never missed a chance to throw in a final jab.<<md>>
<<md>>As Adonis Jr lay unconscious on the floor, Charlie wasted no time. She pulled out her phone, her fingers moving quickly as she dialed the mayor's son. I watched her pace around the room, her confidence fully restored as she prepared to close this chapter.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Yeah, it’s me. The deal’s done. Adonis Jr is taken care of, and his gym is about to go down. Your problem’s solved.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She paused for a moment, listening to the response on the other end. A smirk tugged at the corner of her lips, but there was no real humor in her expression—just the cold satisfaction of someone who had crossed the finish line.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>No, there’s nothing else. We’re out of here. Deal’s over.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>With that, she hung up and slipped her phone back into her pocket, her eyes sweeping the room one last time.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Come on. Let’s get out of this damn basement.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She walked over to me, helping me up as we both made our way toward the exit. The air felt heavier down here, like we’d left more than just the broken bodies of Adonis Jr and his men behind—we’d left a part of this wild ride behind, too.<<md>>
<<md>>As we stepped into the cool night air, Charlie let out a long breath, her shoulders relaxing for the first time in what felt like days.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>It’s over. Finally.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I nodded, still processing everything that had happened. But as we walked away from the gym, one thing was clear—Charlie had gotten what she needed, and we’d survived, once again, against all odds.<<md>>
<<md>>As we left the gym behind, the cool night air helped clear my head, but I couldn’t shake the image of Charlie taking down Adonis Jr’s men so effortlessly. I glanced over at her, still trying to make sense of it.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Charlie... where did you learn to fight like that? You took those guys down like it was nothing.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie’s expression shifted slightly, her usual smirk fading as she stared ahead. For a moment, I thought she wouldn’t answer, but then she let out a bitter laugh.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>My father. He was a bastard, but he trained me well. Trained me like no one else ever could.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I could hear the edge in her voice, the pain of old wounds still lingering.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>He always wanted a boy, you know? Guess I was a disappointment from day one. But that didn’t stop him from making sure I knew how to fight. He figured if I wasn’t the son he wanted, I could at least be tough enough to handle myself.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She shrugged, as if trying to brush it off, but I could see the weight those memories carried. I thought about her mother and everything Charlie had been doing—the dangerous deals, the lies, the fights.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Did it help? Your mom, I mean. Does all of this... help her at all?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie’s face darkened, and she shook her head.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>No. It doesn’t help her. It only keeps me alive. That’s all this is—just surviving. Every time I pull off another trick, every time I get out of another fight, it’s just to save my own skin.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Her words were raw, filled with a mix of anger and resignation. She wasn’t fooling herself—she knew that everything she did was just keeping her afloat, not solving the deeper problems in her life.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>My mom’s still sick. Nothing changes that.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>There was a sadness in her voice that I hadn’t heard before, a vulnerability that cut deeper than her usual bravado. I wanted to say something, anything, to make it better, but I knew there wasn’t much I could do.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>I’m sorry, Charlie.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>She smiled faintly, but there was no humor in it.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Yeah, well... it is what it is. Let’s just get through tonight. One day at a time.<<say $Charlie>>Here’s the continuation where Charlie tells you about the mayor’s son’s new offer, and you discuss it over coffee:
<<md>>We sat across from each other at the small cafe, the warm scent of coffee filling the air. Charlie stirred her drink absentmindedly, her eyes darting around as if she was deep in thought. I could tell something was on her mind, and after a moment, she glanced up at me, her usual smirk replaced by a more serious expression.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>So... the mayor’s son reached out again. He’s got an offer for me. Interesting work, he says. Enough to cover all my debts.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I frowned, setting my coffee down as I studied her face. The last time she’d made a deal with the mayor’s son, it had almost gotten her killed.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Charlie, we’ve been here before. Last time, you barely made it out alive. And now you’re considering working for him again?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie sighed, leaning back in her chair, her fingers tapping against the table.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>I know it sounds crazy. But this time it’s different. He’s offering something legit. No more dangerous stunts, no more risking my neck. He says it’ll clear all my debts. This could be my way out.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>There was a spark of hope in her eyes, but I couldn’t ignore the pit in my stomach. We’d been through too much already, and the thought of her getting wrapped up in another deal made me uneasy.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>What exactly is this job?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Charlie>>Something to do with keeping his business clean, or maybe managing some of his under-the-radar stuff. He says I’ve got the street smarts for it, and honestly... it’s the best offer I’ve had in a long time.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>We sat in silence for a moment, the tension between us growing. I wanted to tell her not to do it, to walk away from the danger, but I knew that for Charlie, this was more than just a job—it was a way out of the hole she’d been digging herself into for years.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>I don’t know, Charlie. Last time was a mess, and I don’t want to see you go through something like that again.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>She reached across the table, her fingers brushing against mine, her expression softening.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>I get it. I do. But this could actually help me. Help my mom. I’m not saying it’s perfect, but it’s a hell of a lot better than where I am now.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I hesitated, the memory of the last time flashing in my mind. But I also knew Charlie—once she set her mind on something, there was no stopping her.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright. If you really think this is your way out, then I’ll support you. Just... be careful.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie smiled, relief washing over her face.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>I will. I promise.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>As we finished our coffee, I couldn’t shake the feeling that we were stepping into another storm. But if this could help Charlie get her life back on track, maybe it was worth the risk.<<md>><<md>>Charlie had filled me in on the details of the job over the next few days. The mayor’s son had tasked her with “cleaning up” one of his more discreet businesses—a small shop that acted as a front for his side operations. It wasn’t the most glamorous gig, but it was simple enough: we’d go in, organize some documents, move a few questionable items out of sight, and make sure everything looked legit.<<md>>
<<md>>It sounded straightforward, and for once, there didn’t seem to be any immediate danger. But given our history, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was bound to go wrong.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>So, this is the place?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>I looked up at the unassuming storefront, the faded sign above the door barely readable. Charlie nodded, glancing around to make sure no one was watching before unlocking the door.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Yep, this is it. Just a little cleanup, and we’re done. Easy, right?<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>We stepped inside, and the musty smell of old merchandise and dust hit me immediately. The shop was filled with shelves of random knick-knacks, most of which looked like they hadn’t been touched in years. But in the back, hidden behind a heavy curtain, was the real reason we were here: stacks of documents, boxes of suspicious items, and a safe that needed to be handled discreetly.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Alright, let’s get this done. The sooner we’re out of here, the better.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>We got to work, sorting through the documents and moving the questionable items out of sight. Charlie handled the safe, making sure everything that shouldn’t be found was locked away securely. It was tedious, but as the hours passed, we made steady progress.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Almost done. This is probably the least chaotic thing we’ve ever done together.<<say $mc>>
<<say $Charlie>>Don’t jinx it.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Charlie laughed softly, but just as we were about to finish up, I heard a faint click from the front of the shop. I froze, glancing at the door.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Did you hear that?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Charlie>>Yeah... I thought I locked the door.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Charlie walked over to check, but when she tried the door handle, it didn’t budge. Her expression shifted from casual to concerned as she rattled the handle harder.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Shit. It’s locked... from the outside.<<say $Charlie>>
<<say $mc>>You’re kidding, right?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Charlie>>Nope. We’re officially locked in.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I walked over to the door, trying it myself, but it was no use. Someone must have locked us in, either on purpose or by accident. Charlie let out a frustrated groan, slumping against the wall.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Great. Just great.<<say $Charlie>>
<<say $mc>>So what now?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Charlie>>Looks like we’re stuck here until morning. Unless you feel like breaking down the door, which, honestly, I’m not in the mood for.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I sighed, leaning back against the counter as the reality of the situation sank in. We were done with the job, but now we were trapped until someone came to unlock the door in the morning.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Could be worse, I guess. At least we got the job done.<<say $mc>>
<<say $Charlie>>Yeah, but now we’re spending the night in a dusty old shop. Not exactly my idea of a good time.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Charlie crossed her arms, clearly annoyed, but there was a hint of amusement in her eyes. This wasn’t the first time we’d found ourselves in a ridiculous situation together, and it probably wouldn’t be the last.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Well, since we’re stuck, might as well make the best of it.<<say $Charlie>><<md>>As the reality of being stuck in the shop for the night sank in, I watched Charlie pacing around, her usual restless energy barely contained. Her frustration was evident, but there was something else too—a familiar look in her eyes that I’d seen before, especially when things got chaotic.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, we’ve got the whole night... might as well make the best of it.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>I moved closer, my voice lowering as I reached out, gently brushing a hand along her waist. Charlie’s eyes flicked up to meet mine, and I could see the tension between us shift. The irritation and frustration melted away, replaced by something much more primal.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Oh, I see where this is going...<<Her lips curled into a smirk, her eyes narrowing as she stepped closer.>> You think being trapped in here with me is gonna end with us just sitting around?<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I shrugged, my hands sliding down her sides, pulling her closer.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Can’t say the thought hasn’t crossed my mind. You seem a little tense... maybe I can help with that.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie let out a soft laugh, her body pressing against mine as she leaned in, her breath hot against my ear.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Tense, huh? You have no idea how much I’ve been holding back.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Her voice was dripping with desire, and before I could respond, she grabbed the front of my shirt, pulling me toward the counter. We crashed into the shelves behind us, sending a few dusty trinkets to the floor, but neither of us cared. Her hands were on me, pulling me closer, her lips crashing into mine with a fiery intensity.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Charlie...<<say $mc>>
<<md>>I barely managed to get her name out before she was tugging at my clothes, her fingers working quickly to undress me. Her breathing was heavy, her movements frantic as if she couldn’t wait another second. I responded in kind, my hands exploring every inch of her body, feeling her shiver under my touch.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Fuck, I’ve been wanting this all night...<<Her voice was breathy as she pulled me down onto the makeshift bed of shelves and boxes.>> Come on, don’t make me wait any longer.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>She was already soaking wet, her body practically vibrating with anticipation as I slid inside her, her hips grinding against mine as we moved together. Her moans filled the small shop, echoing off the walls as we fucked with reckless abandon.<<md>>
<<md>>Charlie’s hands gripped the edges of the counter, her nails digging into the wood as I thrust harder, feeling her body tighten around me.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Yes... fuck, just like that.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Her words were raw, dripping with lust as she rode me harder, her body writhing beneath mine. I could feel the heat building between us, the tension from earlier completely forgotten as we lost ourselves in the moment.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Come on... make it dirty. I want every bed in this place to be soaked.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>I couldn’t resist her command, and soon we were moving from one makeshift bed to another, knocking over shelves, spilling boxes as we fucked like animals. Charlie’s body was insatiable, her moans growing louder with every thrust, her nails raking across my back as I filled her over and over again.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Fuck, don’t stop. I need more.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>Her voice was a mix of desperation and ecstasy, and I gave her everything she wanted, feeling myself release into her, over and over again. By the time we were done, the entire shop was a mess—shelves knocked over, beds dirty with my semen and her juices, the air thick with the smell of sex.<<md>>
<<md>>Charlie lay beside me, her chest heaving as she caught her breath, a satisfied smile on her face.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Well, if we’re gonna be stuck here all night... might as well make the most of it, right?<<say $Charlie>><<md>>The Quartal Far-Dreams district was alive with its usual hustle, the mix of high-end businesses and the shady underworld giving the area a strange energy. As we walked through the streets, Charlie’s steps were cautious but confident. We reached the appointed meeting spot, a dimly lit café tucked away in the corner of the district. Inside, the mayor’s son sat at a private booth, sipping a drink and watching us with a sharp gaze.<<md>>
<<md>>He was dressed in an expensive suit, but there was something about his demeanor that screamed mafia—calculated, powerful, and dangerous. As we approached, he greeted us with a nod, his eyes lingering on Charlie a moment longer than was comfortable.<<md>>
<<say $MayorSon>>Charlie. I’m glad you made it. I’ve got some news... though I wish it were better. Adonis Jr—he’s gone. Slipped away.<<say $MayorSon>>
<<md>>Charlie’s expression hardened, but she didn’t say anything. The mayor’s son leaned forward, his tone dropping.<<md>>
<<say $MayorSon>>Junior will be back. I know him. He’ll hunt me down eventually, but I’m more concerned about you. You’ve made yourself a target.<<say $MayorSon>>
<<md>>He glanced at me briefly before turning back to Charlie, his voice low but serious.<<md>>
<<say $MayorSon>>I can help you disappear for a while. Keep you safe until this blows over. Trust me, it’s better than being out in the open.<<say $MayorSon>>
<<md>>Charlie’s eyes narrowed, a defiant edge creeping into her voice.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>I don’t need your help. I’ve been taking care of myself for this long, and I’m not about to start relying on you now.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>The tension between them was palpable, and I could see Charlie’s pride kicking in. She wasn’t one to accept help easily, especially not from someone like him. I stepped in, trying to diffuse the situation.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Charlie, listen. He’s right about one thing—Adonis Jr won’t just let this go. You need to lay low for a while, but if you don’t want his help, then I have another idea.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie turned to me, her eyes searching mine, waiting for the suggestion.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>There’s a student dormitory I know of, somewhere nobody would think to look for you. It’s quiet, off the radar, and you can blend in. You’ll be safe there.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Charlie hesitated, her expression softening slightly as she considered the option.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>A dormitory, huh? That could work... I guess it’s better than dealing with more favors from him.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>The mayor’s son smirked, leaning back in his seat.<<md>>
<<say $MayorSon>>As long as you’re smart about it, Charlie. Junior won’t stop hunting until he feels he’s got his revenge. Just remember, the offer’s still on the table if you change your mind.<<say $MayorSon>>
<<md>>Charlie stood up, giving him a dismissive wave.<<md>>
<<say $Charlie>>Yeah, yeah. Thanks, but I’ve got this.<<say $Charlie>>
<<md>>We left the café, the tension still hanging in the air. As we walked through the streets of Quartal Far-Dreams, I could see Charlie was lost in thought.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You made the right choice. You’ll be safe in the dorm. Nobody will think to look for you there.<<say $mc>>
<<say $Charlie>>I hope you’re right.<<Her voice was quiet, but there was a hint of relief.>> Let’s just get out of here before anything else happens.<<say $Charlie>><<md>>I made my way upstairs, the wooden steps creaking softly under my feet. As I approached Monica's room, I could hear rustling from inside. I knocked gently on the door.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica? It's Coach. Can I come in?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Oh, Coach! Just a second!<</say>>
<<md>>There was a brief pause and some more rustling before Monica called out again.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Okay, you can come in now.<</say>>
<<md>>I opened the door to find Monica sitting up in bed, her hair slightly tousled from sleep but her eyes bright and alert. She had a few textbooks spread out on her lap, clearly trying to catch up on her studies.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>How are you feeling today, Monica?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Much better, thanks. I was just trying to get ahead on some schoolwork. I don't want to fall behind because of this injury.<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled, impressed by her dedication.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's great to see. But remember, your recovery is important too. Don't push yourself too hard.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>I know, I know. It's just... I overheard my parents arguing earlier. About money and... well, everything. I feel like I need to do my part, you know?<</say>>
<<md>>Her voice trailed off, and I could see the worry etched on her face. I moved closer, sitting on the edge of her bed.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Monica, listen to me. Your parents' concerns are not your burden to bear. Your job right now is to focus on getting better and keeping up with your studies. Leave the adult worries to the adults, okay?<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>But Coach, if I don't get that scholarship...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, let's focus on your recovery and getting you back to your best. One step at a time, alright?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica nodded, a small smile finally breaking through her worried expression.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>You're right. Thanks, Coach. I don't know what we'd do without you.<</say>>
<<md>>I patted her hand reassuringly, feeling a mix of pride in her determination and concern for the pressure she was putting on herself.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>That's what I'm here for. Now, how about we go through some of these textbooks together? I might be able to help you with your studies while you're recovering.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>Really? That would be amazing!<</say>>
<<md>>As we settled in to review her schoolwork, I couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose. Despite the challenges facing the Walker family, I was determined to do whatever I could to help them through this difficult time.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 42>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "42b">>\<<md>>As I stand there, considering the situation, I find myself at a crossroads. On one hand, I've just had a heartfelt conversation with Mrs. Walker, offering my support and seeing her vulnerability. On the other, Mr. Walker clearly needs help with finding work, which could significantly improve the family's financial situation.<</md>>
<<md>>Both options could make a real difference to the Walker family, but in different ways. Helping Mrs. Walker might provide emotional support and day-to-day assistance, while aiding Mr. Walker could potentially solve their financial issues in the long run.
I weigh the pros and cons in my mind. Mrs. Walker seems more open to accepting help, and there's a connection there that might make my assistance more readily accepted. However, Mr. Walker's pride has taken a hit, and helping him regain his confidence and find work could have a ripple effect on the entire family's well-being.<</md>>
<<md>>As I contemplate my next move, I realize that this decision could significantly impact not just the individual I choose to help, but the dynamics of the entire Walker family. I take a deep breath, knowing that whatever I choose, I'm committed to seeing it through.<</md>><<md>>It's 6:30 AM when I'm jolted awake by frantic knocking at my front door. Groggy and confused, I stumble out of bed and make my way downstairs. I open the door to find a mailman, red-faced and out of breath, clutching a package to his chest.<</md>>
<<say $Mailman>>Special urgent delivery for Mr. $Mc.Surname! wheeze I ran all the way here!<</say>>
<<md>>I blink, trying to process this surreal wake-up call.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, but... it's 6:30 in the morning. Couldn't this wait?<</say>>
<<say $Mailman>>Oh no, sir! It says 'URGENT' in big red letters. I take my job very seriously.<</say>>
<<md>>I glance at the package. There's indeed a large 'URGENT' stamp on it, though it looks like it was applied with a child's toy stamp set.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Right... Well, thanks for your dedication. But you know, that stamp doesn't look very official.<</say>>
<<say $Mailman>>gasps dramatically Sir, are you questioning the validity of official postal markings? I'll have you know I've been in the mail delivery business for 25 years, and I can spot an urgent package from a mile away!<</say>>
<<md>>I can't help but chuckle at his earnestness.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, alright. I believe you. But tell me, what makes this package so urgent that you had to deliver it at the crack of dawn?<</say>>
<<say $Mailman>>Well, you see, Coach, I have a sixth sense about these things. This package... lowers voice conspiratorially I think it contains secrets. Very important cheerleading secrets.<</say>>
<<md>>I raise an eyebrow, amused by his enthusiasm.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Cheerleading secrets, huh? And how did you come to that conclusion?<</say>>
<<say $Mailman>>taps his nose knowingly The package smells like pom-poms and determination. Plus, I may have, uh, given it a little shake. You know, for security purposes.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I see. Well, thank you for your... thorough investigation. I'm sure the cheerleading world is safer because of your vigilance.<</say>>
<<say $Mailman>>beams proudly Just doing my duty, sir! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have more urgent mail to deliver. The neighborhood dogs won't chase themselves, you know!<</say>>
<<md>>With that, he salutes once more and jogs off, narrowly avoiding a collision with my garden gnome. I close the door, shaking my head in disbelief at the absurdity of the situation.<</md>>
<<md>>Curiosity piqued, I tear open the package. Inside is a book titled "The Dark Side of Cheerleading: Secrets of the Elite." I can't help but laugh.<</md>>
<<set $MonicaCheerleader3 = 40.9>>\
<<set $MonicaCheerleader1T = "40.9b">>\
[[My room]]
<div id="photo-session-game">
<div id="game-content"></div>
<div id="popup-overlay" class="hidden"></div>
<div id="popup-content" class="hidden"></div>
/* Styling for the game */
#photo-session-game {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
max-width: 800px;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 20px;
background-color: #240021;
border-radius: 10px;
box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.5);
color: #fff;
#daily-info {
background-color: #3a1538;
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 5px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
border: 1px solid #f52e74;
#game-content {
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 30px;
background-color: #3a1538;
padding: 20px;
border-radius: 8px;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.3);
h2 {
font-size: 24px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
color: #f52e74;
text-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.5);
#client-info {
margin-bottom: 20px;
#client-name {
font-size: 20px;
color: #f52e74;
margin-bottom: 5px;
#client-requirements {
font-style: italic;
color: #987e94;
#image-container, #popupPhotoContainer, #client-interaction-photo {
width: 400px;
height: 300px;
margin: 0 auto 20px;
overflow: hidden;
border: 2px solid #f52e74;
border-radius: 5px;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.3);
#image-container img, #popupPhotoContainer img, #client-interaction-photo img {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
object-fit: cover;
#slider-container {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
margin: 20px auto;
.slider {
width: 150px;
height: 150px;
border-radius: 50%;
background-color: #3a1538;
position: relative;
margin: 0 20px;
cursor: pointer;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.3);
border: 1px solid #f52e74;
transition: box-shadow 0.3s ease;
.slider-knob {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
border-radius: 50%;
background-color: #f52e74;
position: absolute;
cursor: grab;
box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.5);
transition: box-shadow 0.3s ease;
.slider-label {
text-align: center;
font-size: 14px;
margin-top: 10px;
color: #987e94;
position: absolute;
bottom: -30px;
left: 0;
right: 0;
#total-progress {
margin-top: 20px;
font-size: 18px;
color: #f52e74;
text-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.5);
#progress-percentage {
font-weight: bold;
color: #ff74b8;
.slider-value {
display: none;
.slider[data-value="high"] {
box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
.slider[data-value="high"] .slider-knob {
box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
.controls {
margin-top: 20px;
#orientationPreview, #filterPreview {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: center;
margin-top: 10px;
.preview-option {
margin: 5px;
padding: 5px 10px;
border: 1px solid #f52e74;
cursor: pointer;
border-radius: 3px;
transition: all 0.3s ease;
color: #fff;
background-color: #3a1538;
.preview-option:hover {
background-color: #f52e74;
box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.5);
.preview-option.selected {
background-color: #f52e74;
color: #fff;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.8);
#isoSlider {
width: 200px;
margin: 10px 0;
background-color: #3a1538;
border: 1px solid #f52e74;
button {
margin-top: 20px;
padding: 10px 20px;
font-size: 16px;
cursor: pointer;
background-color: #f52e74;
color: white;
border: none;
border-radius: 5px;
transition: all 0.3s ease;
box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.5);
button:hover {
background-color: #ff74b8;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.8);
#popup-overlay {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
z-index: 1000;
#popup-content {
position: fixed;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
background-color: #3a1538;
padding: 20px;
border-radius: 5px;
z-index: 1001;
border: 2px solid #f52e74;
box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.5);
color: #fff;
.hidden {
display: none;
#interaction-points-bar {
width: 100%;
height: 20px;
background-color: #3a1538;
border: 1px solid #f52e74;
border-radius: 10px;
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
margin-bottom: 20px;
#interaction-points-fill {
height: 100%;
background-color: #f52e74;
transition: width 0.3s ease;
#interaction-points-bar span {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
text-align: center;
line-height: 20px;
color: #fff;
text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
#interaction-buttons {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: center;
gap: 10px;
.interaction-btn, #back-to-session {
padding: 10px 20px;
font-size: 14px;
cursor: pointer;
background-color: #3a1538;
color: #fff;
border: 1px solid #f52e74;
border-radius: 5px;
transition: all 0.3s ease;
.interaction-btn:hover, #back-to-session:hover {
background-color: #f52e74;
#talkWithClientBtn {
margin-left: 10px;
// Use State.variables to store game state
if (typeof State.variables.gameInitialized === 'undefined') {
State.variables.gameInitialized = false;
if (typeof State.variables.ClientsPerDay === 'undefined') {
State.variables.ClientsPerDay = 3;
State.variables.totalEarnings = 0;
State.variables.clients = [];
State.variables.vipClients = [];
State.variables.currentClient = null;
State.variables.firstStageFilters = {
blur: 0,
brightness: 100,
scale: 100
if (typeof State.variables.tutorialStep === 'undefined') {
State.variables.tutorialStep = 0;
if (typeof State.variables.shownPopups === 'undefined') {
State.variables.shownPopups = {};
// Client and VIP Client classes
class Client {
constructor(name, modestPhoto, naughtyPhoto, orientation, filter, iso, naughtyPoints, reactions, interactionPoints) { = name;
this.modestPhoto = modestPhoto;
this.naughtyPhoto = naughtyPhoto;
this.requirements = {
orientation: orientation,
filter: filter,
iso: iso,
blur: Math.floor(Math.random() * 101),
brightness: Math.floor(Math.random() * 101),
scale: Math.floor(Math.random() * 101)
this.naughtyPoints = naughtyPoints;
this.reactions = reactions;
this.interactionPoints = interactionPoints;
this.currentNaughtyPoints = 0;
this.photographedToday = false;
this.priceAsClient = 1;
this.satisfaction = 0;
this.earnings = 0;
class VipClient extends Client {
constructor(name, modestPhoto, naughtyPhoto, orientation, filter, iso, naughtyPoints, reactions, interactionPoints, activationVariable, popupPassage) {
super(name, modestPhoto, naughtyPhoto, orientation, filter, iso, naughtyPoints, reactions, interactionPoints);
this.activationVariable = activationVariable;
this.priceAsClient = 2;
this.popupPassage = popupPassage;
isActivated() {
return State.variables[this.activationVariable] === true;
// Initialize game
window.InitializePhotoGame = function() {
if (!State.variables.gameInitialized) {
if (State.variables.clients.length === 0) {
State.variables.gameInitialized = true;
function showVipPopup(client) {
if (client instanceof VipClient) {
// Get the content of the VIP popup passage
let popupContent = Story.get(client.popupPassage).text;
// Use Dialog to show the VIP popup
Dialog.setup( + " - VIP Client", "vip-popup");;;
// Initialize client lists
function initializeLists() {
State.variables.clients = [
new Client("Annabelle", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseAnnabelle1.jpg", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseAnnabelle2.jpg", "portrait", "none", 100, 40, {simple: 5, professional: 10, compliment: 15, seduce: -5}, 3),
new Client("Emily", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseEmily1.jpg", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseEmily2.jpg", "landscape", "sepia", 200, 40, {simple: 10, professional: 15, compliment: 5, seduce: -10}, 3),
new Client("Hayly", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseHayli1.jpg", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseHayli2.jpg", "portrait", "saturate", 150, 40, {simple: 5, professional: 5, compliment: 20, seduce: 10}, 3),
new Client("Indiana", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseIndiana1.jpg", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseIndiana2.jpg", "landscape", "hue-rotate", 250, 40, {simple: 15, professional: 10, compliment: 5, seduce: -5}, 3),
new Client("Jennifer", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseJennifer1.jpg", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseJennifer2.jpg", "portrait", "invert", 180, 40, {simple: 10, professional: 15, compliment: 10, seduce: 5}, 3),
new Client("Jessica", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseJessica1.jpg", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseJessica2.jpg", "landscape", "contrast", 220, 40, {simple: 5, professional: 20, compliment: 10, seduce: -10}, 3),
new Client("Karen", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseKaren1.jpg", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseKaren2.jpg", "portrait", "grayscale", 120, 40, {simple: 20, professional: 15, compliment: -5, seduce: -15}, 3),
new Client("Lima", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseLima1.jpg", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseLima2.jpg", "landscape", "brightness", 280, 40, {simple: 10, professional: 5, compliment: 15, seduce: 10}, 3),
new Client("LiMoon", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseLiMoon1.jpg", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseLiMoon2.jpg", "portrait", "blur", 160, 40, {simple: 5, professional: 10, compliment: 15, seduce: 15}, 3),
new Client("Mia", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseMia1.jpg", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseMia2.jpg", "landscape", "opacity", 240, 40, {simple: 15, professional: 10, compliment: 10, seduce: 5}, 3),
new Client("Mila", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseMila1.jpg", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseMila2.jpg", "portrait", "sepia", 140, 40, {simple: 10, professional: 15, compliment: 15, seduce: 0}, 3),
new Client("Nina", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseNina1.jpg", "img/PhotoRose/Common/PhotoRoseNina2.jpg", "landscape", "saturate", 260, 40, {simple: 5, professional: 20, compliment: 10, seduce: 5}, 3),
new Client("Sonya", "img/PhotoRose/Common/sonya-blaze-blazing-metart_05.jpg", "img/PhotoRose/Common/sonya-blaze-blazing-metart_08.jpg", "portrait", "contrast", 190, 40, {simple: 15, professional: 5, compliment: 20, seduce: 0}, 3),
new Client("Sun", "img/PhotoRose/Common/virginia-sun-altrudo-metart_12.jpg", "img/PhotoRose/Common/virginia-sun-altrudo-metart_12.jpg", "landscape", "brightness", 210, 40, {simple: 10, professional: 10, compliment: 15, seduce: 5}, 3)
State.variables.vipClients = [
// Ensure VIP activation variables are set
if (typeof State.variables.CharlieActivated === 'undefined') {
State.variables.CharlieActivated = false;
if (typeof State.variables.DianaActivated === 'undefined') {
State.variables.DianaActivated = false;
// Reset client status
function resetClientStatus() {
[...State.variables.clients, ...State.variables.vipClients].forEach(client => {
client.photographedToday = false;
client.satisfaction = 0;
client.earnings = 0;
client.currentNaughtyPoints = 0;
client.interactionPoints = client.interactionPoints; // Reset to initial value
// Reset game variables
function resetGame() {
State.variables.ClientsPerDay = 3;
State.variables.totalEarnings = 0;
State.variables.currentClient = null;
State.variables.firstStageFilters = {
blur: 0,
brightness: 100,
scale: 100
// Do not reset tutorialStep here
// Do not reset shownPopups here
// Setup event listeners
function setupEventListeners() {
// Remove any existing event listeners in the photoGame namespace
$(document).on('click.photoGame', '#startSessionBtn', startPhotoSession);
$(document).on('click.photoGame', '#finalizePhotoBtn', finalizePhotoFirstStage);
$(document).on('click.photoGame', '#finalizeShot', finalizePhoto);
$(document).on('click.photoGame', '#nextClientBtn', moveToNextClient);
$(document).on('click.photoGame', '#endOfDayBtn', endOfDay);
$(document).on('mousedown.photoGame', '.slider-knob', startSliderDrag);
$(document).on('mousemove.photoGame', moveSlider);
$(document).on('mouseup.photoGame', stopSliderDrag);
$(document).on('click.photoGame', '#orientationPreview .preview-option', selectOrientation);
$(document).on('input.photoGame', '#isoSlider', updateIso);
$(document).on('click.photoGame', '#filterPreview .preview-option', selectFilter);
$(document).on('click.photoGame', '#talkWithClientBtn', showClientInteractionPopup);
// Event listeners for tutorial progression
$(document).on('input.photoGame', '.slider', function() {
if (State.variables.tutorialStep > 0 && State.variables.tutorialStep <= 3) {
$(document).on('click.photoGame', '#orientationPreview .preview-option', function() {
if (State.variables.tutorialStep === 5) {
$(document).on('input.photoGame', '#isoSlider', function() {
if (State.variables.tutorialStep === 6) {
$(document).on('click.photoGame', '#filterPreview .preview-option', function() {
if (State.variables.tutorialStep === 7) {
// Get a random client
function getRandomClient() {
if (State.variables.ClientsPerDay <= 0) {
return null;
let availableClients = [
...State.variables.clients.filter(client => !client.photographedToday),
...State.variables.vipClients.filter(client => client.isActivated() && !client.photographedToday)
if (availableClients.length === 0) {
return null;
let regularClients = availableClients.filter(client => !(client instanceof VipClient));
let availableVipClients = availableClients.filter(client => client instanceof VipClient);
let selectedClient;
if (availableVipClients.length > 0 && State.variables.ClientsPerDay >= 2 && Math.random() < 0.5) {
selectedClient = availableVipClients[Math.floor(Math.random() * availableVipClients.length)];
} else if (regularClients.length > 0) {
selectedClient = regularClients[Math.floor(Math.random() * regularClients.length)];
} else if (availableVipClients.length > 0) {
selectedClient = availableVipClients[Math.floor(Math.random() * availableVipClients.length)];
} else {
selectedClient = null;
return selectedClient;
// Setup photo session
function setupPhotoSession(client) {
State.variables.currentClient = client;
if (!client) {
// Show VIP popup before setting up the session
// Get the player's Intellect level (assuming it's stored in
let intellect = ( && || 0;
// Generate requirements string based on Intellect level
let requirementsString = generateRequirementsString(client, intellect);
// Set up the photo session
let content = `
<div id="client-info">
<h3 id="client-name">${}${client instanceof VipClient ? ' (VIP)' : ''}</h3>
<p id="client-requirements">
<div id="image-container">
<img src="${client.currentNaughtyPoints >= client.naughtyPoints ? client.naughtyPhoto : client.modestPhoto}" alt="Client Photo">
<div id="slider-container">
<div class="slider" data-filter="blur">
<div class="slider-knob"></div>
<div class="slider-label">Focus</div>
<div class="slider" data-filter="brightness">
<div class="slider-knob"></div>
<div class="slider-label">Lighting</div>
<div class="slider" data-filter="scale">
<div class="slider-knob"></div>
<div class="slider-label">Framing</div>
<div id="total-progress">
<span>Total Progress:</span>
<span id="progress-percentage">0%</span>
<button id="startSessionBtn">Start Session</button>
<button id="talkWithClientBtn">Talk with Client</button>
if (!State.variables.shownPopups['newClient']) {
showPopup("New Client", `Your next client is ${}${client instanceof VipClient ? ' (VIP)' : ''}. Are you ready to start the session?`);
State.variables.shownPopups['newClient'] = true;
if (State.variables.tutorialStep === 0) {
} else if (State.variables.tutorialStep >= 8) {
State.variables.tutorialStep = 8;
function generateRequirementsString(client, intellect) {
let requirements = [];
if (intellect >= 1) requirements.push(`Orientation: ${client.requirements.orientation}`);
if (intellect >= 2) requirements.push(`Filter: ${client.requirements.filter}`);
if (intellect >= 3) requirements.push(`ISO: ${client.requirements.iso}`);
if (intellect >= 4) {
requirements.push(`Focus: ${client.requirements.blur}%`);
requirements.push(`Lighting: ${client.requirements.brightness}%`);
if (intellect >= 5) requirements.push(`Framing: ${client.requirements.scale}%`);
if (requirements.length === 0) {
return "The client has some preferences, but you're not sure what they are.";
} else {
return requirements.join(', ');
// Show tutorial step
function showTutorialStep() {
if (State.variables.tutorialStep >= 8) {
return; // Tutorial is complete, don't show any more steps
let tutorialContent;
switch (State.variables.tutorialStep) {
case 0:
tutorialContent = "Welcome to the Photo Session Game! Let's start by adjusting the Focus slider.";
case 1:
tutorialContent = "Great! Now let's adjust the Lighting slider.";
case 2:
tutorialContent = "Perfect! Finally, let's adjust the Framing slider.";
case 3:
tutorialContent = "You're doing great! Now click 'Finalize Photo' to move to the next stage.";
case 4:
tutorialContent = "In this stage, you'll fine-tune the photo. Start by selecting the orientation.";
case 5:
tutorialContent = "Now adjust the ISO using the slider.";
case 6:
tutorialContent = "Finally, choose a filter for the photo.";
case 7:
tutorialContent = "You're all set! Click 'Finalize Shot' to complete the session.";
showPopup("Tutorial", tutorialContent);
// Start photo session
function startPhotoSession() {
$('#startSessionBtn, #talkWithClientBtn').hide();
if ($('#finalizePhotoBtn').length === 0) {
$('<button id="finalizePhotoBtn">Finalize Photo</button>').insertAfter('#slider-container');
if (!State.variables.shownPopups['sessionStarted']) {
showPopup("Session Started", "Adjust the sliders to capture the perfect photo!");
State.variables.shownPopups['sessionStarted'] = true;
if (State.variables.tutorialStep > 0 && State.variables.tutorialStep <= 3) {
// Finalize photo first stage
function finalizePhotoFirstStage() {
if (State.variables.tutorialStep > 3 && State.variables.tutorialStep <= 7) {
// Start second stage
function startSecondStage() {
let content = `
<h2>Fine-tune Your Photo</h2>
<div id="popupPhotoContainer">
<img src="${State.variables.currentClient.currentNaughtyPoints >= State.variables.currentClient.naughtyPoints ? State.variables.currentClient.naughtyPhoto : State.variables.currentClient.modestPhoto}" alt="Client Photo">
<div class="controls">
<div id="orientationPreview">
<div class="preview-option" data-orientation="landscape">Landscape</div>
<div class="preview-option" data-orientation="portrait">Portrait</div>
<input type="range" id="isoSlider" min="100" max="3200" step="100" value="100">
<span id="isoValue">100</span>
<div id="filterPreview">
<div class="preview-option" data-filter="none">None</div>
<div class="preview-option" data-filter="sepia">Sepia</div>
<div class="preview-option" data-filter="invert">Invert</div>
<div class="preview-option" data-filter="saturate">Saturate</div>
<div class="preview-option" data-filter="hue-rotate">Hue Rotate</div>
<div class="preview-option" data-filter="clarendon">Clarendon</div>
<div class="preview-option" data-filter="juno">Juno</div>
<div class="preview-option" data-filter="gingham">Gingham</div>
<button id="finalizeShot">Finalize Shot</button>
if (!State.variables.shownPopups['fineTuning']) {
showPopup("Fine-tuning", "Make final adjustments to your photo before finalizing!");
State.variables.shownPopups['fineTuning'] = true;
// Finalize photo
function finalizePhoto() {
let firstStageSatisfaction = calculateFirstStageSatisfaction();
let secondStageSatisfaction = calculateSecondStageSatisfaction();
let overallSatisfaction = calculateOverallSatisfaction(firstStageSatisfaction, secondStageSatisfaction);
let satisfactionLevel = getSatisfactionLevel(overallSatisfaction);
let earnings = calculateEarnings(overallSatisfaction, State.variables.currentClient);
State.variables.currentClient.satisfaction = overallSatisfaction;
State.variables.currentClient.earnings = earnings;
State.variables.currentClient.photographedToday = true;
// Adjust ClientsPerDay based on whether the current client is VIP or not
if (State.variables.currentClient instanceof VipClient) {
State.variables.ClientsPerDay -= 2;
} else {
State.variables.ClientsPerDay -= 1;
State.variables.totalEarnings += earnings;
let resultContent = `
<h3>Session Result</h3>
<p>Client: ${}${State.variables.currentClient instanceof VipClient ? ' (VIP)' : ''}</p>
<p>Satisfaction: ${overallSatisfaction.toFixed(2)}% (Level ${satisfactionLevel})</p>
<p>Earnings: $${earnings.toFixed(2)}</p>
<button id="nextClientBtn">Next Client</button>
showPopup("Session Complete", `You've completed the session with ${}! Earnings: $${earnings.toFixed(2)}`);
if (State.variables.ClientsPerDay <= 0) {
if (State.variables.tutorialStep < 8) {
State.variables.tutorialStep = 8; // Mark tutorial as complete after the first client
// Move to next client
function moveToNextClient() {
let nextClient = getRandomClient();
if (nextClient) {
} else {
// End work day
function endWorkDay() {
let clientResults = [...State.variables.clients, ...State.variables.vipClients]
.filter(client => client.photographedToday)
.map(client => `
${} (${client instanceof VipClient ? 'VIP' : 'Regular'}):
Satisfaction ${client.satisfaction.toFixed(2)}%,
Earnings $${client.earnings.toFixed(2)}
let content = `
<h2>Your working day is over.</h2>
<h3>Today's Client Results:</h3>
<p>Total earnings today: $${State.variables.totalEarnings.toFixed(2)}</p>
<button id="endOfDayBtn">End of Day</button>
showPopup("Day Complete", "You've completed all your sessions for today!");
// End of day function
function endOfDay() {
// Update SugarCube State variable for cash
if (typeof === 'undefined') { = 0;
} += State.variables.totalEarnings;
// Navigate to the specified passage'Photo studio Rose');
window.startNewPhotoDay = function() {
// Reset clients for the new day
resetGame(); // Reset day-specific variables
// Check if any clients are available
let remainingClients = [
...State.variables.vipClients.filter(client => client.isActivated())
].filter(client => !client.photographedToday);
if (remainingClients.length > 0) {
let firstClient = getRandomClient();
} else {
endWorkDay(); // All clients have been photographed, end the day
// Helper functions for calculations
function calculateFirstStageSatisfaction() {
let totalDifference = 0;
let filters = Object.keys(State.variables.firstStageFilters);
filters.forEach(filter => {
let clientRequirement = State.variables.currentClient.requirements[filter];
let difference = Math.abs(clientRequirement - State.variables.firstStageFilters[filter]);
totalDifference += difference;
let averageDifference = totalDifference / filters.length;
return Math.max(0, 100 - averageDifference);
function calculateSecondStageSatisfaction() {
let satisfaction = 0;
let orientation = $('#orientationPreview .selected').data('orientation');
let iso = parseInt($('#isoSlider').val());
let filter = $('#filterPreview .selected').data('filter');
if (orientation === State.variables.currentClient.requirements.orientation) {
satisfaction += 33.33;
let isoDifference = Math.abs(iso - State.variables.currentClient.requirements.iso);
if (isoDifference <= 100) {
satisfaction += 33.33 * (1 - isoDifference / 100);
if (filter === State.variables.currentClient.requirements.filter) {
satisfaction += 33.33;
return satisfaction;
function calculateOverallSatisfaction(firstStageSatisfaction, secondStageSatisfaction) {
let charisma = ( && || 0;
let charismaBonus = (charisma / 10) * 10;
let overallSatisfaction = (firstStageSatisfaction * 0.4) + (secondStageSatisfaction * 0.6) + charismaBonus;
return Math.min(100, Math.max(0, overallSatisfaction));
function getSatisfactionLevel(satisfaction) {
if (satisfaction >= 90) return 5;
if (satisfaction >= 70) return 4;
if (satisfaction >= 50) return 3;
if (satisfaction >= 30) return 2;
return 1;
function calculateEarnings(satisfaction, client) {
let basePrice = client.priceAsClient * 10;
let satisfactionMultiplier = satisfaction / 100;
return Math.round(basePrice * satisfactionMultiplier);
// Slider functionality
function initializeSliders() {
$('.slider').each(function() {
let $slider = $(this);
let filter = $'filter');
// Assign a random angle offset for 100% position (in degrees)
let maxValueAngle = Math.floor(Math.random() * 360);
$'maxValueAngle', maxValueAngle);
// Assign a random starting value between 0 and 100
let value = Math.floor(Math.random() * 101);
State.variables.firstStageFilters[filter] = value;
// Update the slider with the initial value and angle
updateSlider($slider, value, true);
function startSliderDrag(e) {
function stopSliderDrag() {
function moveSlider(e) {
let $knob = $('.slider-knob.dragging');
if ($knob.length) {
let $slider = $knob.closest('.slider');
let offset = $slider.offset();
let centerX = $slider.width() / 2;
let centerY = $slider.height() / 2;
let dx = e.pageX - offset.left - centerX;
let dy = centerY - (e.pageY -;
let angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
let degrees = angle * (180 / Math.PI);
degrees = (degrees + 360) % 360;
// Retrieve the maxValueAngle for this slider
let maxValueAngle = $'maxValueAngle');
// Calculate the value based on the angle and maxValueAngle
let value = ((degrees - maxValueAngle + 360) % 360) / 3.6;
value = Math.round(value);
if (value < 0) value += 100;
updateSlider($slider, value);
function updateSlider($slider, value, initializing = false) {
let filter = $'filter');
State.variables.firstStageFilters[filter] = value;
// Get the maxValueAngle for this slider
let maxValueAngle = $'maxValueAngle');
// Calculate the angle for the current value
let angle = ((value * 3.6) + maxValueAngle) % 360;
let radians = angle * (Math.PI / 180);
let radius = $slider.width() / 2 - 10;
let centerX = $slider.width() / 2;
let centerY = $slider.height() / 2;
let knobX = centerX + radius * Math.cos(radians) - $slider.find('.slider-knob').width() / 2;
let knobY = centerY - radius * Math.sin(radians) - $slider.find('.slider-knob').height() / 2;
left: knobX + 'px',
top: knobY + 'px'
// Update glow effect based on value
if (value > 80) {
$slider.attr('data-value', 'high');
} else {
$slider.attr('data-value', 'normal');
function updateImageEffects() {
let blurValue = (100 - State.variables.firstStageFilters.blur) / 10;
let brightnessValue = State.variables.firstStageFilters.brightness / 100;
let scaleValue = State.variables.firstStageFilters.scale / 100;
let scaleFactor = 1 + (1 - scaleValue) * 0.5;
$('#image-container img').css({
filter: `blur(${blurValue}px) brightness(${brightnessValue})`,
transform: `scale(${scaleFactor})`
function updateTotalProgress() {
let totalProgress = Object.values(State.variables.firstStageFilters).reduce((sum, value) => sum + value, 0);
let avgProgress = Math.round(totalProgress / 3);
$('#progress-percentage').text(avgProgress + '%');
// Second stage controls
function selectOrientation() {
function updateIso() {
function selectFilter() {
function updateSecondStagePhoto() {
let $photo = $('#popupPhotoContainer img');
let orientation = $('#orientationPreview .selected').data('orientation');
let iso = $('#isoSlider').val();
let filter = $('#filterPreview .selected').data('filter');
if (orientation === 'portrait') {
$photo.css({width: '225px', height: '300px'});
} else {
$photo.css({width: '400px', height: '300px'});
let brightness = 1 + (iso - 100) / 3200;
let contrast = 1 + (iso - 100) / 1600;
let filterCSS = getFilterCSS(filter);
let blurValue = (100 - State.variables.firstStageFilters.blur) / 10;
let brightnessValue = State.variables.firstStageFilters.brightness / 100 * brightness;
let scaleValue = State.variables.firstStageFilters.scale / 100;
let scaleFactor = 1 + (1 - scaleValue) * 0.5;
filter: `blur(${blurValue}px) brightness(${brightnessValue}) contrast(${contrast}) ${filterCSS}`,
transform: `scale(${scaleFactor})`
function getFilterCSS(filter) {
switch(filter) {
case 'sepia': return 'sepia(100%)';
case 'invert': return 'invert(100%)';
case 'saturate': return 'saturate(200%)';
case 'hue-rotate': return 'hue-rotate(90deg)';
case 'clarendon': return 'contrast(120%) saturate(125%) brightness(120%)';
case 'juno': return 'sepia(35%) contrast(115%) brightness(115%) saturate(180%) hue-rotate(20deg)';
case 'gingham': return 'brightness(105%) hue-rotate(350deg)';
default: return '';
// Popup functionality
function showPopup(title, message) {
<button id="closePopupBtn">Close</button>
$('#closePopupBtn').on('click', closePopup);
function closePopup() {
$('#closePopupBtn').off('click', closePopup);
// Client interaction popup
function showClientInteractionPopup() {
let client = State.variables.currentClient;
let content = `
<h3>Conversation with ${}</h3>
<div id="client-interaction-photo">
<img src="${client.currentNaughtyPoints >= client.naughtyPoints ? client.naughtyPhoto : client.modestPhoto}" alt="${}">
<div id="interaction-points-bar">
<div id="interaction-points-fill" style="width: ${(client.currentNaughtyPoints / client.naughtyPoints) * 100}%"></div>
<div id="interaction-buttons">
showPopup("Client Interaction", content);
// Add event listeners for interaction buttons
$('.interaction-btn').on('click', function() {
$('#back-to-session').on('click', closePopup);
// Generate interaction buttons
function generateInteractionButtons(client) {
let buttons = '';
if (client.interactionPoints > 0) {
buttons += `
<button class="interaction-btn" data-action="simple">Simple Talk</button>
<button class="interaction-btn" data-action="professional">Professional Talk</button>
<button class="interaction-btn" data-action="compliment">Compliment</button>
<button class="interaction-btn" data-action="seduce">Seduce</button>
buttons += '<button id="back-to-session">Back to Photosession</button>';
return buttons;
// Handle client interactions
function handleClientInteraction(action) {
let client = State.variables.currentClient;
let pointChange = client.reactions[action] || 0;
client.currentNaughtyPoints = Math.max(0, Math.min(client.naughtyPoints, client.currentNaughtyPoints + pointChange));
client.interactionPoints -= 1;
// Update the interaction points bar
$('#interaction-points-fill').css('width', `${(client.currentNaughtyPoints / client.naughtyPoints) * 100}%`);
$('#interaction-points-bar span').text(`${client.currentNaughtyPoints}/${client.naughtyPoints}`);
// Check if we need to change the photo
let photoSrc = client.currentNaughtyPoints >= client.naughtyPoints ? client.naughtyPhoto : client.modestPhoto;
$('#client-interaction-photo img').attr('src', photoSrc);
// Also update the main session photo
$('#image-container img').attr('src', photoSrc);
// Show result of the interaction
let resultMessage = pointChange > 0 ? "The client seems to like that!" :
pointChange < 0 ? "The client doesn't seem to appreciate that." :
"The client's reaction is neutral.";
showPopup("Interaction Result", resultMessage);
// After showing the result, update the interaction popup
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1500); // Delay to allow the user to read the result
// Start the game when the passage is ready
$(document).ready(function() {
<<set $ClientsPhotoActivated to true>><<script>>
:: CharlieVIPPopup
<<set _name to "Charlie">>
# ${_name}, your VIP client, has arrived!
${_name} is known for his eccentric taste in photography. He loves saturated colors and often requests unusual poses. Be prepared for a challenging but potentially rewarding session!
<<say $mc>>Hey bitch<</say>>
<<button "Start Session">>
<<run Dialog.close()>>
<<run setupPhotoSession(State.variables.currentClient)>>
<</button>>:: Farm Simulator
#story {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
height: 100vh;
margin-left: 200px; /* Adjust this value to shift left or right */
padding: 20px;
box-sizing: border-box;
#field-container {
width: 100%;
max-width: 450px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
#field {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(5, 1fr);
grid-gap: 4px;
background-color: #3a1538;
padding: 10px;
border: 3px solid #f52e74;
border-radius: 15px;
box-shadow: 0 0 30px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.7), inset 0 0 15px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.3);
.cell {
aspect-ratio: 1;
background-color: #3a1538; /* Changed to match the field background */
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
font-size: 2vw;
cursor: pointer;
position: relative;
border-radius: 10px;
transition: all 0.3s ease;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
.cell:hover {
background-color: rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.2);
transform: scale(1.05);
.cell::after {
content: '';
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 5px;
background-color: transparent;
transition: all 0.3s ease;
.watered::after {
background-color: #4169E1;
box-shadow: 0 0 15px #4169E1;
.fertilized::after {
background-color: #8B4513;
box-shadow: 0 0 15px #8B4513;
.watered.fertilized::after {
background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #4169E1 50%, #8B4513 50%);
box-shadow: 0 0 15px #4169E1, 0 0 15px #8B4513;
#menu-container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
width: 100%;
max-width: 450px;
#plant-menu, #tool-menu {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
gap: 15px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
width: 100%;
button {
padding: 12px 20px;
font-size: 16px;
cursor: pointer;
background-color: #3a1538;
color: #fff;
border: 2px solid #f52e74;
border-radius: 10px;
transition: all 0.3s ease;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.5);
button:hover {
background-color: #f52e74;
box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.8);
transform: translateY(-2px);
.selected {
background-color: #f52e74;
color: white;
box-shadow: 0 0 25px rgba(245, 46, 116, 1);
@keyframes grow {
0% { transform: scale(0.5); opacity: 0.5; }
100% { transform: scale(1); opacity: 1; }
.cell[data-growth="1"] { animation: grow 1s ease-out; }
.cell[data-growth="2"] { animation: grow 1.5s ease-out; }
.cell[data-growth="3"] {
animation: grow 2s ease-out;
background-color: rgba(144, 238, 144, 0.3);
box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(144, 238, 144, 0.7);
@keyframes glow {
0% { box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.5); }
50% { box-shadow: 0 0 25px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.8), 0 0 40px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.5); }
100% { box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.5); }
button:hover, .cell:hover {
animation: glow 1.5s infinite alternate;
@media (max-width: 1200px) {
#story {
margin-left: 0;
padding: 10px;
.cell {
font-size: 24px;
button {
padding: 10px 15px;
font-size: 14px;
#skip-day-button {
margin-top: 20px;
#inventory {
margin-top: 20px;
text-align: center;
<div id="field-container"></div>
<div id="menu-container"></div>
<div id="inventory"></div>
<button id="skip-day-button" onclick="setup.skipDay()">Skip Day</button>
setup.state = {
selectedPlant: '🌱',
selectedTool: null,
cells: Array(25).fill().map(() => ({ content: '', growth: 0, water: 0, fertilizer: 0, daysLeft: 0, plantType: '' })),
inventory: {
'🌱': 10, // Seedling
'🌾': 5, // Wheat seeds
'🥕': 3, // Carrot seeds
'🌿': 0, // Grown wheat
'🥕🥕': 0 // Grown carrots
currentDay: 1
setup.plantTypes = {
'🌱': { growthTime: 3, harvest: '🌱' },
'🌾': { growthTime: 5, harvest: '🌿' },
'🥕': { growthTime: 4, harvest: '🥕🥕' }
setup.initializeGame = function() {
setup.renderField = function() {
let fieldHtml = '<div id="field">';
for (let i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
fieldHtml += `<div class="cell" onclick="setup.interact(${i})">${setup.state.cells[i].content}</div>`;
fieldHtml += '</div>';
setup.renderMenus = function() {
let plantMenuHtml = '<div id="plant-menu">';
['🌱', '🌾', '🥕'].forEach(plant => {
plantMenuHtml += `<button onclick="setup.selectPlant('${plant}')">${plant}</button>`;
plantMenuHtml += '</div>';
let toolMenuHtml = '<div id="tool-menu">';
['water', 'fertilize', 'harvest'].forEach(tool => {
const emoji = tool === 'water' ? '💧' : tool === 'fertilize' ? '💩' : '🧺';
toolMenuHtml += `<button onclick="setup.selectTool('${tool}')">${emoji} ${tool.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + tool.slice(1)}</button>`;
toolMenuHtml += '</div>';
$('#menu-container').html(plantMenuHtml + toolMenuHtml);
setup.renderInventory = function() {
let inventoryHtml = '<h3>Inventory</h3>';
for (let [item, quantity] of Object.entries(setup.state.inventory)) {
inventoryHtml += `<div>${item}: ${quantity}</div>`;
inventoryHtml += `<div>Day: ${setup.state.currentDay}</div>`;
setup.selectPlant = function(plant) {
setup.state.selectedPlant = plant;
setup.state.selectedTool = null;
setup.selectTool = function(tool) {
setup.state.selectedTool = tool;
setup.updateButtonStyles = function() {
if (setup.state.selectedTool) {
$(`button:contains(${setup.state.selectedTool.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + setup.state.selectedTool.slice(1)})`).addClass('selected');
} else {
setup.interact = function(index) {
const cell = setup.state.cells[index];
if (setup.state.selectedTool === 'water') {
} else if (setup.state.selectedTool === 'fertilize') {
} else if (setup.state.selectedTool === 'harvest') {
} else if (!cell.content) {
} else if (cell.content && cell.daysLeft > 0) {
alert(`This plant will be ready in ${cell.daysLeft} days (${cell.daysLeft * 24} hours)`);
setup.plant = function(index) {
const cell = setup.state.cells[index];
if (!cell.content && setup.state.inventory[setup.state.selectedPlant] > 0) {
cell.content = setup.state.selectedPlant;
cell.growth = 0;
cell.water = 0;
cell.fertilizer = 0;
cell.plantType = setup.state.selectedPlant;
cell.daysLeft = setup.plantTypes[setup.state.selectedPlant].growthTime;
setup.water = function(index) {
const cell = setup.state.cells[index];
if (cell.content && cell.water < 1) {
cell.water = 1;
setup.fertilize = function(index) {
const cell = setup.state.cells[index];
if (cell.content && cell.fertilizer < 1) {
cell.fertilizer = 1;
setup.updateGrowthTime = function(index) {
const cell = setup.state.cells[index];
if (cell.water && cell.fertilizer) {
cell.daysLeft = Math.max(cell.daysLeft - 2, 3);
} else if (cell.water || cell.fertilizer) {
cell.daysLeft = Math.max(cell.daysLeft - 1, 4);
setup.harvest = function(index) {
const cell = setup.state.cells[index];
if (cell.content && cell.daysLeft === 0) {
const harvestedItem = setup.plantTypes[cell.plantType].harvest;
cell.content = '';
cell.growth = 0;
cell.water = 0;
cell.fertilizer = 0;
cell.daysLeft = 0;
cell.plantType = '';
setup.skipDay = function() {
setup.state.cells.forEach((cell, index) => {
if (cell.content && cell.daysLeft > 0) {
if (cell.daysLeft === 0) {
cell.growth = 3; // Fully grown
setup.updateCellAppearances = function() {
setup.state.cells.forEach((cell, index) => {
setup.updateCellAppearance = function(index) {
const cell = setup.state.cells[index];
const $cell = $(`#field .cell:eq(${index})`);
if (cell.content) {
const growthProgress = (setup.plantTypes[cell.plantType].growthTime - cell.daysLeft) / setup.plantTypes[cell.plantType].growthTime;
$cell.css('opacity', 0.25 + (growthProgress * 0.75));
if (cell.daysLeft === 0) {
$cell.css('background-color', 'rgba(144, 238, 144, 0.3)');
$cell.css('box-shadow', '0 0 20px rgba(144, 238, 144, 0.7)');
} else {
$cell.css('background-color', '#240021');
$cell.css('box-shadow', 'inset 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)');
} else {
$cell.css('opacity', 1);
$cell.css('background-color', '#3a1538');
$cell.css('box-shadow', 'inset 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)');
$cell.removeClass('watered fertilized');
if (cell.water > 0) $cell.addClass('watered');
if (cell.fertilizer > 0) $cell.addClass('fertilized');
</script><<set $cellStates to [false, false, false, false]>>
<<set $inventory to [
{name: "Red Herb", category: "a"},
{name: "Yellow Powder", category: "b"},
{name: "Green Leaf", category: "c"},
{name: "Purple Crystal", category: "d"},
{name: "Orange Petal", category: "a"},
{name: "Blue Essence", category: "b"},
{name: "White Root", category: "c"},
{name: "Black Seed", category: "d"}
<<set $recipes to {
"Healing Elixir": ["Red Herb", "Yellow Powder", "Green Leaf", "Purple Crystal"],
"Energy Potion": ["Orange Petal", "Blue Essence", "White Root", "Black Seed"]
<<set $currentRecipe to "Healing Elixir">>
<<set $recipeProgress to []>>
<div id="grid-container">
<div class="cell" id="cell-0" data-category="a">A</div>
<div class="cell" id="cell-1" data-category="b">B</div>
<div id="capsule-container">
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 300" width="100" height="300">
<linearGradient id="fillGradient" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="0%" y2="100%">
<stop offset="0%" stop-color="#FF69B4" />
<stop offset="16.67%" stop-color="#FF6347" />
<stop offset="33.33%" stop-color="#FFA500" />
<stop offset="50%" stop-color="#32CD32" />
<stop offset="66.67%" stop-color="#1E90FF" />
<stop offset="83.33%" stop-color="#9370DB" />
<stop offset="100%" stop-color="#FF69B4" />
<clipPath id="condom-clip">
<!-- Condom Shape -->
<path d="M50,20 Q30,20 30,30 L30,230 Q30,240 50,240 Q70,240 70,230 L70,30 Q70,20 50,20 Z" />
<!-- Sperm reservoir tip -->
<circle cx="50" cy="10" r="10" fill="#f0f0f0" stroke="#FF69B4" stroke-width="4"/>
<!-- Condom Shape -->
<path d="M50,20 Q30,20 30,30 L30,230 Q30,240 50,240 Q70,240 70,230 L70,30 Q70,20 50,20 Z" fill="#f0f0f0" stroke="#FF69B4" stroke-width="4"/>
<!-- Gradient fill for condom -->
<rect id="fill-level" x="0" y="300" width="100" height="0" fill="url(#fillGradient)" clip-path="url(#condom-clip)"/>
<div class="cell" id="cell-2" data-category="c">C</div>
<div class="cell" id="cell-3" data-category="d">D</div>
<div id="recipe-info">
<h3>Current Recipe: <span id="recipe-name"></span></h3>
<button id="switch-recipe">Switch Recipe</button>
<div id="recipe-progress"></div>
<div id="inventory">
<div id="inventory-items"></div>
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function updateRecipeDisplay() {
$('#recipe-progress').empty();[State.variables.currentRecipe].forEach((item, index) => {
const completed = State.variables.recipeProgress.includes(item);
$('#recipe-progress').append(`<div class="recipe-step ${completed ? 'completed' : ''}"></div>`);
function updateCellVisibility(cellIndex) {
function resetCapsule() {
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setTimeout(() => {
alert(`Congratulations! You've created the ${State.variables.currentRecipe}!`);
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function checkRecipe(item) {
const recipe =[State.variables.currentRecipe];
const nextIngredient = recipe[State.variables.recipeProgress.length];
return item === nextIngredient;
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const cellIndex = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'].indexOf(item.category);
if (!State.variables.cellStates[cellIndex]) {
State.variables.cellStates[cellIndex] = true;
State.variables.inventory.splice(itemIndex, 1);
} else {
alert("This ingredient doesn't match the next step in the recipe!");
$('#switch-recipe').on('click', function() {
State.variables.currentRecipe = State.variables.currentRecipe === "Healing Elixir" ? "Energy Potion" : "Healing Elixir";
<</script>><<md>>I spotted Summer walking toward me, her outfit catching my attention immediately. She wore a cropped knit top and denim shorts, the sun highlighting the flowers woven into her hair. There was something effortlessly captivating about her, a natural beauty that left me momentarily speechless.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Wow, you look amazing.<</say>>
<<say $Summer>>Thanks, man. Just something I threw on. Ready for some coffee?<</say>>
<<md>>We grabbed coffee and spent some time talking about music, life, and her yoga classes. The conversation flowed easily, but as always, there was this sense that Summer was holding something back, like a part of her was locked away.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>C’mon, I want to show you something.<</say>>
<<md>>With a playful smile, she stood up and led me to a quiet, secluded spot off the main path. The place looked a lot like her—calm, natural, and a little mysterious. Sunlight filtered through the trees, and the soft breeze added to the peaceful vibe. She leaned on the wooden railing, the same relaxed energy about her, but there was something deeper in her expression.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>This is it.<</say>>
<<md>>She took a deep breath, letting her eyes drift over the scenery.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>This place just calms me, you know? Helps me forget all the... well, you know, the bullshit.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What kind of bullshit?<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at me for a moment, her eyes flickering with something unspoken, but instead of answering, she shifted the mood, her playful smile returning.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>Teasing is more fun.<</say>>
<<md>>Before I could say anything, she lifted her top just a little, flashing me a glimpse of her skin before pulling it back down just as quickly, a grin spreading across her face.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>See?<</say>>
<<md>>She laughed, her eyes twinkling with mischief.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>Just enough to keep things interesting.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You’re trouble, you know that?<</say>>
<<say $Summer>>Maybe.<</say>>
<<md>>Her playful smirk lingered, and she leaned back against the railing, soaking in the moment.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>But the fun kind of trouble.<</say>>
<<set $SummerLikes1 = 4>>\
<<addAff $Summer 5>>
<<addLust $Summer 2>>
[[Back|Street Raw-Road]]
<<md>>I spotted Summer sitting in the park, a wide smile spreading across her face as she noticed me walking up. She was sitting on the grass, leaning back comfortably against a tree with a joint between her fingers, and another girl was sitting beside her, also smoking.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>Hey! Fancy seeing you here. Come join us.<</say>>
<<md>>As I got closer, I realized the other girl was Veronica, her thoughtful eyes fixed on me as she exhaled a slow stream of smoke, her expression calm and curious.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh, hey... wait, you two know each other?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I could ask the same thing. How do you two know each other?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica smiled softly, exchanging a knowing look with Summer.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Well, Summer was my first...<</say>>
<<md>>Before she could finish, Summer interrupted, her tone light and playful, cutting Veronica off with a grin.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>Alright, alright. No need to go into details. We're here to chill, right?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica let out a small laugh, her expression still peaceful but intrigued. I sat down with them as Summer passed me the joint. We sat there, smoking quietly, letting the conversation flow effortlessly between us.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>You know, Summer... it feels like it’s been forever.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica’s voice softened, a hint of sadness in her usually tranquil tone. She glanced at Summer, her eyes filled with quiet longing.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>I’ve missed you. Where did you go? Why’d you disappear like that?<</say>>
<<md>>Summer exhaled slowly, looking up at the sky as if searching for answers.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>I told you, I was in Colorado.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Colorado?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica gave a little chuckle, though it didn’t reach her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>You know... that doesn't really make sense. Colorado isn’t exactly the kind of place you'd disappear to.<</say>>
<<md>>Summer smiled, though there was a flicker of something deeper beneath her carefree expression.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>Hey, Colorado’s got mountains... and space to think.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yeah... but I still don’t believe it. I mean, I know you, Summer. It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me now. But I do hope one day you will.<</say>>
<<md>>Summer didn’t respond, just gave her a soft, knowing smile. The kind of smile that says more than words ever could. She leaned back against the tree, passing the joint between us again.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>One day. But today? Let’s just enjoy being here.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica nodded, her expression serene but still holding that quiet curiosity. I could tell she wanted answers, but she wasn’t going to push Summer for them, not today. Instead, we let the conversation drift back to lighter topics, the three of us smoking in peaceful silence, enjoying the moment despite the lingering questions in the air.<</md>>
[[Pass the joint to the girls|SummerQuest2.3]] <<md>>The joint passed between us, the air getting thicker with smoke and laughter. Summer was in her element, leaning back on the grass, her eyes half-closed, clearly enjoying the moment. Veronica’s mood seemed to lighten too, her earlier questions fading as she relaxed into the present, a soft smile never leaving her face.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>You know what I love about this?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What’s that?<</say>>
<<say $Summer>>Everything just feels... free. Like, right here, right now, nothing really matters except this. Us. The world can wait.<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica giggled softly, exhaling a plume of smoke.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Yeah, it’s like the universe just stops spinning for a while. You know, to give us a break.<</say>>
<<md>>I smiled, the vibe contagious. Summer sat up suddenly, her eyes wide with playful energy.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>Let’s do something crazy. Something wild.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What did you have in mind?<</say>>
<<md>>Summer didn’t respond right away. Instead, she got up, grabbed Veronica’s hand, and pulled her to her feet. They both started spinning in the grass, laughing like kids without a care in the world. Veronica’s quiet, calm persona melted away, replaced by carefree wildness, and I couldn’t help but watch them. Their joy was infectious.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>C’mon, you’re missing out!<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica grabbed my hand, pulling me into their circle. We spun around together, laughing, the world around us blurring into a haze of movement and light. Everything felt surreal, like we’d stepped out of reality for a moment.<</md>>
<<md>>Suddenly, Summer stopped spinning, pulling me toward her. The world slowed down as her eyes locked with mine. She smiled, her gaze flickering with that playful, teasing energy.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>You know... you’re kinda fun.<</say>>
<<md>>Before I could respond, she leaned in, pressing her lips against mine in a quick, spontaneous kiss. The world seemed to stop for a second, her soft lips lingering for just a heartbeat before she pulled back, grinning.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>See? Crazy, right?<</say>>
<<md>>Veronica, still spinning, finally stopped, noticing the moment. Her expression didn’t change—she just smiled softly, as if this was the most natural thing in the world.<</md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Guess you got caught up in the moment.<</say>>
<<md>>I laughed, a little stunned but not complaining.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Guess I did.<</say>>
<<md>>Summer just chuckled, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she stepped back.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>Hey, sometimes you just have to go with the flow, right?<</say>>
<<md>>The three of us stood there in the park, the wild energy still buzzing around us. The kiss was unexpected, but it felt right—like just another part of the strange, carefree world Summer seemed to live in.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>Alright, alright... no more spinning. Let's just sit down, enjoy the night.<</say>>
<<md>>We collapsed back onto the grass, still laughing, the night around us peaceful yet electric, the world somehow feeling more alive after that one spontaneous moment.<</md>>
<<set $SummerLikes1 = 5>>\
<<set $SummerLikes2 = 1>>\
<<addLust $Summer 10>>
<<addAff $Veronica 3>>
<<addmins 120>>
[[Leave them be|Park]] <<md>>I arrived at the yoga session, feeling slightly out of place the moment I stepped inside. Summer had gathered a group of girls for her class, and it didn’t take long for me to realize I was the only guy here. The girls were already stretching, laughing softly among themselves, but when they noticed me, a few curious glances came my way. I couldn’t help but feel like I was suddenly the center of attention.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>Alright, everyone, we can start now.<</say>>
<<md>>Summer smiled at me, her laid-back vibe instantly calming my nerves... at least a little. As the class began, the girls moved into their first positions—slow, deliberate stretches that accentuated their curves. My concentration was slipping fast, their yoga poses drawing my gaze, making it hard to focus on anything else.<</md>>
<<md>>They moved gracefully, their bodies bending and flexing, and it wasn’t long before my mind wandered. Tight yoga pants hugged their hips, their bodies stretching in ways that made it impossible not to notice... everything. My eyes darted between them, catching glimpses of toned legs, hips, and... I had to snap myself out of it.<</md>>
<<md>>I tried to focus, desperately looking at Summer. She moved effortlessly, her movements graceful and fluid, but even watching her didn’t help. She was gorgeous, and no matter how hard I tried, I kept getting distracted.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, concentrate.<</say>>
<<md>>The next exercise was supposed to help, but it only got worse. The girls were arching their backs now, the poses even more revealing. I could see their smooth curves, the gentle sway of their hips... it was impossible not to notice. Again, I forced myself to focus on Summer.<</md>>
<<md>>Finally, after what felt like the longest session of my life, the class came to an end. The girls thanked Summer and began packing up, but I waited, watching her from the side. When the others had left, I walked up to her, feeling a bit dazed.<</md>>
[[SummerQuest3.2]] <<md>>As I walked over to Summer, she was standing near the railing, a soft breeze tugging at her hair. Her relaxed smile greeted me, but there was that familiar glint of mischief in her eyes.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>You survived. I wasn’t sure you would, honestly.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, well, it was harder to focus than I thought it would be.<</say>>
<<say $Summer>>Oh, I know.<</say>>
<<md>>She said it with a sly smile, taking a step closer. Her fingers brushed lightly against my arm, and I could feel a warmth lingering from her touch. She leaned in slightly, her voice soft and teasing, a hint of something more behind her words.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>You’re so good at pretending you’re not distracted... but I saw the look in your eyes.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And what look was that?<</say>>
<<md>>She tilted her head playfully, her eyes locking with mine as she smirked.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>Like you were trying really hard to stay zen when all you wanted to do was look.<</say>>
<<md>>I laughed, shaking my head, knowing she had me pegged.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe you’re just too good at making it hard to stay zen.<</say>>
<<say $Summer>>Maybe... or maybe you should just stop fighting it. Go with the flow, right? Life's too short to get caught up in resistance.<</say>>
<<md>>She stepped even closer, her breath warm against my skin, and I could feel the energy shift between us. Her teasing always had a deeper vibe, like there was more meaning behind her words than just the playful surface.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>You know what I think? I think sometimes you just need to stop thinking so much and let things happen.<</say>>
<<md>>Before I could reply, Summer leaned in, pressing her lips against mine in a soft, lingering kiss. It wasn’t just playful this time—there was something warm and genuine behind it, her usual laid-back demeanor melting into the moment. She pulled back slowly, her smile soft, not teasing this time, just real.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>See? Much better when you don’t fight it.<</say>>
<<md>>I chuckled, feeling the warmth still buzzing between us.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, you might be right.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Summer took a step back, her playful nature returning as she stretched lazily, like a cat in the sun.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>So, why do I do this for free, huh?<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She leaned against the railing again, her eyes gazing out over the park as if she were searching for the answer in the trees.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Yoga’s... a gift. It’s like... you know how the wind just knows where to blow? That’s what yoga feels like to me. I don’t do it for money, I do it because it keeps me grounded. Keeps me from spinning out. And maybe it helps some of the girls, too—keeps them from making choices they’ll regret.<<say $Summer>>
<<say $mc>>Like what kind of choices?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>Like... getting involved with the wrong people. Guys like Bobby Martell.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice grew a little quieter, and for the first time since the kiss, I saw her smile falter just a bit. There was something in her tone that made me pause, a shadow behind her usual lightness.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Who’s Bobby Martell?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>For a moment, Summer didn’t answer, her eyes distant, like she was staring at something far away that I couldn’t see. Then she blinked, and her carefree smile returned, but it wasn’t as effortless this time.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>He’s... nothing. Just someone I erased from my life.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>The way she said it made it clear she didn’t want to talk about it, but the sadness in her eyes lingered for just a moment longer before she shook it off, shrugging as if to say “it’s no big deal.”<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You sure?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>Yeah, it’s nothing worth dwelling on. Let’s not get stuck in the past, right? That’s what I’ve learned... you let go, you move forward. Life’s too short to carry all that weight around.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She smiled again, more naturally this time, the moment of heaviness passing as she stretched her arms out wide, letting the sun hit her face.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Anyway, you coming back for another class? Maybe this time you’ll actually learn how to stay zen.<<say $Summer>>
<<say $mc>>How could I say no after that?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Summer laughed, that easy, lighthearted sound filling the air again as she gave me one last teasing look.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Good answer. See you then.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>With that, she turned and headed off, the shadow of Bobby Martell still lingering in the back of my mind as I watched her go. There was more to her story, more she wasn’t saying, but I knew better than to push right now. Whatever it was, it was buried deep—just like Summer liked to keep it.<<md>>
<<set $SummerLikes2 = 3>>\<<md>>After the yoga class, I saw Veronica sitting on a bench, casually smoking a joint, her eyes half-closed in her usual laid-back, thoughtful expression. When she saw me, a lazy smile spread across her face.<<md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Hey, amigo. You’re becoming a regular in Summer’s world, huh? You know... she’s been talking about you... like, a lot lately.<<say $Veronica>>
<<md>>She took another drag, blowing the smoke into the air, her eyes narrowing playfully as she looked at me.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Veronica>>Oh yeah, like... non-stop. Can’t shut up about you. But hey, listen...<<md>>
<<md>>Her tone softened slightly, the smoke swirling around her, making her look even more lost in thought.<<md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Just be careful, okay? Summer... she’s different now. Like, she disappeared for two years, right? And Colorado? Nah, man, Summer would never go to a place like that. Something’s not adding up. You feel me?<<say $Veronica>>
<<md>>I could hear the concern in her voice, a kind of quiet wisdom beneath her usual playful demeanor.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>What do you mean?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Veronica>>Look, I’ve known Summer for a long time. She was never the type to just vanish without a trace, no call, no nada. And Colorado? Psh, come on. The only mountains she’d want are the ones made out of vibes, not snow and cold reality. Something’s off, man.<<say $Veronica>>
<<md>>I frowned, thinking back to what Summer had told me about being in Colorado. It didn’t quite sit right, and now Veronica was confirming my suspicions.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, Summer mentioned Bobby Martell before. Who is he?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Veronica let out a long sigh, her fingers playing with the joint between them as she stared off into the distance, her expression shifting to something more introspective.<<md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Bobby... Bobby was this boy I was... in love with. God, I was young, dumb, and craving danger like a thirsty flower craves rain, ya know? He had that dark energy, you know, the kind that pulls you in even though you know it’s bad for you.<<say $Veronica>>
<<md>>She smiled sadly, shaking her head.<<md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Summer, though... she always said Bobby was bad news. Said he felt like... like a butcher, yeah. That’s what she always called him. El carnicero, you know? Like he could slice you up with just one look.<<say $Veronica>>
<<md>>Her voice took on a dreamlike quality, the mix of weed and memories blending together in a haze.<<md>>
<<say $Veronica>>But me? Nah, I didn’t care. I wanted to be... well, butchered. Like, I wanted him, all of him, meaty cock and all. I thought I was ready for it, ready to be consumed.<<say $Veronica>>
<<md>>She let out a laugh, though it was tinged with regret.<<md>>
<<say $Veronica>>But then, just when I thought I was ready, he disappeared. Gone. Poof. No note, no nothing. And Summer? She vanished right after. I looked for her, man... I looked hard. But there was no trace.<<say $Veronica>>
<<md>>She paused, taking a deep breath before continuing, her voice quieter now.<<md>>
<<say $Veronica>>And now she comes back... two years later, saying she was in Colorado? It doesn’t fit, hermano. Summer would never just dip out like that. There’s more to this. I feel it in my bones, you know?<<say $Veronica>>
<<md>>Her eyes met mine, and I could see the mix of sadness, curiosity, and frustration swirling in them. She wasn’t angry, just... searching for answers she couldn’t quite grasp.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You really think something else happened?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Veronica>>I don’t know, man. But something has shifted in her vibe. Like, she’s not the same Summer that used to get high with me and talk about the universe until the sun came up. She’s holding something back, and it’s tied to Bobby, I’m sure of it.<<say $Veronica>>
<<md>>I could hear the weight in her words, her usual chill, philosophical tone laced with real concern.<<md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Just... watch out, alright? I’m happy she’s back, but I don’t trust that things are as simple as she says. There’s a lot of shadows hiding in that sunshine.<<say $Veronica>>
<<md>>I nodded, taking in what she said. Veronica wasn’t someone who jumped to conclusions, and if she was worried, it meant something.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>I’ll keep an eye out.<<say $mc>>
<<say $Veronica>>Good. Keep her safe. And if you find anything... let me know. We’re in this together, right?<<say $Veronica>>
<<md>>She gave me a soft smile, her eyes still hazy from the weed, but I could see the sharpness behind them. She cared about Summer, and whatever was happening, she wanted answers just as much as I did.<<md>>
<<say $Veronica>>Now, let’s just chill. The universe will show us the way... eventually.<<say $Veronica>>
<<md>>She leaned back, taking another drag from her joint, the moment slipping back into her usual laid-back, thoughtful rhythm. But the conversation left me with more questions, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that Summer’s past was about to catch up with her.<<md>>
<<set $SummerLikes2 = 4>>\<<md>>I showed up for another one of Summer’s yoga classes, already knowing what to expect this time. Or at least, I thought I did. The class was full again, with Summer leading the group through poses with her usual laid-back, natural grace. But no matter how much I tried to focus, my attention kept drifting back to her—the way she moved, how comfortable she was in her body, the relaxed confidence she carried.<<md>>
<<md>>After the class ended, I hung back while the other girls filtered out, my eyes on Summer as she stretched lazily, the last rays of sunlight catching in her hair. She looked up at me, a teasing smile already playing on her lips.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>So, you came back, huh? Told you yoga could be... fun.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I chuckled, walking over to her as she bent down to grab her water bottle.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, it’s definitely... something.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Summer straightened up, and with that mischievous look in her eyes again, she stepped a little closer.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>You know, it’s funny... but doing yoga with you kinda turns me on.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She said it so casually, like it was just another observation about the weather. I blinked, caught off guard, but before I could respond, she tugged at the hem of her sports top, lifting it just enough to give me a glimpse of the pink lace lingerie peeking out from underneath.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Oops.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She grinned, clearly enjoying the way my eyes widened slightly.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>You know, that’s why I like you... you don’t overthink things. You’re easygoing, just like me. Well, maybe a little older...<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She gave me a playful nudge, her tone light, teasing, but with that philosophical undertone she always seemed to carry.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Older, huh?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>Yeah, but I mean, that’s a good thing, you know? Old guys... they’ve got experience. They care about stuff that matters, not the little things.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She leaned in slightly, her voice dropping a little as she spoke, her words taking on that familiar, thoughtful cadence.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>They know how to appreciate life, you know? Like, they’ve lived through the bullshit, so they know how to slow down and... just be. That’s rare.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I raised an eyebrow, amused.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>So, you’re saying I’m an old guy who knows how to slow down?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>Exactly.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She winked, her fingers still playing with the hem of her sports top.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>And... you’ve got that thing going on where you care about stuff. I like that. It’s hot.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She laughed softly, that carefree sound echoing in the quiet park.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>You know, some guys? They’re all about... I don’t know, trying to prove something. But you? You just are. You don’t need to prove anything. It’s like... the wind. It just flows, doesn’t worry about where it’s going. That’s why I like you.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She stepped back, giving me that mischievous grin again as she slipped her water bottle into her bag, her sports uniform clinging to her in all the right ways, but it was the way she said things, the way she felt things that really got to me.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>So yeah, old man... you’re doing something right.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her words hung in the air between us, teasing, but there was always that deeper meaning behind them, something more than just the surface level. That was Summer—always more than she seemed.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Glad to hear I’m doing something right.<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>Oh, you are. But hey... you keep coming back to these classes, and maybe you’ll figure out a few more things.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She winked again, that playful smile never leaving her face as she grabbed her bag and started heading toward the path out of the park. I watched her go, knowing that every time I came to one of these classes, Summer was going to keep pushing the boundaries, teasing me with that mix of carefree fun and deep, philosophical insight. And I wasn’t complaining.<<md>>
<<set $SummerLikes2 = 5>>\
<<set $SummerLikes3 = 1>>\
[[Leave|5thave]] <<md>>I arrived at the park, spotting Summer waiting for me under the big tree like she promised. Her expression was a little different today, more serious, though she still gave me that relaxed smile as I approached. Without a word, she took my hand and started leading me down a familiar path, her fingers warm in mine, guiding me to the same quiet spot she’d shown me before.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Come on, let’s go to our place.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>We walked through the park, her pace steady but not rushed, until we reached that quiet, secluded spot where the world seemed to slow down. Summer leaned against the railing, the sunlight filtering through the trees, casting soft shadows across her face. She took a deep breath, her eyes distant for a moment, like she was gathering her thoughts.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I come here when I need to calm down, you know? When the noise gets too loud... when my mind won’t stop spinning.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice was soft, the usual playfulness gone, replaced by something more vulnerable. I stayed quiet, letting her speak.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I’ve been... having nightmares. For a while now. Like, I’ll wake up in the middle of the night, heart racing, mind racing... and I can’t sleep.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She sighed, running a hand through her hair, her expression clouded.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I’ve tried everything. Weed, yoga, even just sitting out here under the stars, hoping the universe would just... I don’t know, give me some peace. But nothing’s working.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She looked at me, her eyes heavy with exhaustion, a hint of frustration there too.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>It’s like I’m stuck in this loop, and no matter what I do, I can’t get out of it.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I could hear the weight of her words, the sadness in her tone. This wasn’t the usual carefree Summer—this was someone dealing with something deeper, something she hadn’t been able to talk about before.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>There’s... something else I need to tell you.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She hesitated, her gaze shifting to the ground for a moment before she met my eyes again.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I’m a webcam model.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>The confession hung in the air between us, her voice soft but steady, like she was finally letting go of something she’d been holding onto for too long.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>It’s not like... you know, what most people think. It’s just... at first, I thought it would help me sleep. Like, after a show, I’d be exhausted and finally get some rest.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She let out a small, bitter laugh, shaking her head.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>But even that didn’t help. It’s like... I keep chasing this idea of peace, but it’s always just out of reach.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I stayed quiet, giving her space to keep talking, to let it all out.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I know it probably sounds messed up, but I thought if I could just push myself hard enough—if I could just... I don’t know, escape in that way—maybe the nightmares would stop. Maybe I’d finally be able to sleep through the night.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She looked at me again, her eyes searching mine, as if looking for reassurance, or maybe just understanding.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>But none of it worked. And now... I’m just tired. So tired.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>The vulnerability in her voice hit me hard. This wasn’t the carefree, easygoing Summer I had come to know. This was a girl struggling to find her way through something dark, something that wouldn’t let her go.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Why didn’t you tell me sooner?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>I don’t know. I guess... I didn’t want you to think I was weak or... broken.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She shrugged, her smile returning, but it was small and sad, like it took more effort than usual to pull it off.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I’m just... trying to figure it out, you know? Like we all are. But sometimes, the universe doesn’t give you the answers you want.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I nodded, stepping closer, reaching out to gently squeeze her hand.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You’re not broken, Summer. And you’re definitely not weak.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>She looked up at me, her eyes softening, the tension in her shoulders easing just a little.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Thanks... I needed to hear that.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>We stood there in the quiet for a moment, the weight of her confession settling between us. There was still more to her story, I could feel it. But for now, just being there seemed to be enough.<<md>>
[[Continue|SummerQuest4.3]] <<md>>Summer took a deep breath, as if what she was about to say was something she’d been thinking about for a while.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>You know... I’ve heard there’s some weed out there, like really strong stuff, that might actually help with the nightmares. But it’s not something you can just buy. You have to grow it, and maybe mix it with a few... other things.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She looked at me, her eyes searching for any hint of judgment, but I kept my expression calm, letting her know I wasn’t going to judge her for anything.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>So... you want to grow your own?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>Yeah. I was thinking... if I grew it myself, made it exactly how I need it to be, maybe it could finally help me sleep. You know? Like, creating my own little solution.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She shrugged, her usual carefree tone returning for a moment.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>But I don’t know... what do you think? Is it crazy?<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I shook my head, giving her a reassuring smile.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>No, I don’t think it’s crazy. If you think it’ll help, then why not? It’s your peace of mind, right?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Her face lit up at my words, the tension from earlier easing as she smiled widely, clearly relieved.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I knew you wouldn’t judge me. That’s why I like having you around... you just get it.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She stepped closer again, that familiar teasing glint returning to her eyes.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Actually... there’s something I want to show you. Something a little... different.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Before I could ask what she meant, she reached down and casually pulled up her top, revealing her breasts. My breath caught for a second as she stood there, unbothered, like it was the most natural thing in the world.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Touch them. I want you to hear my heartbeat.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice was soft, but there was an edge of intimacy behind it. I reached out, gently resting my hand on her chest, feeling her warmth beneath my palm. Her skin was soft, and I could feel the steady thump of her heartbeat.<<md>>
<<md>>But my fingers lingered, and without thinking, I brushed my thumb over her nipple. Her breath hitched slightly, her lips parting as she let out a soft moan.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Mmm...<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her eyes fluttered closed for a moment, the teasing look replaced with something more real, more intense. I played with her nipples, circling them lightly with my fingers, feeling the way her body responded to the touch. She moaned softly again, the sound barely above a whisper, her body leaning into mine slightly as I continued.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>You... you’re good at this.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice was breathless now, a soft laugh escaping her lips as she bit her lower lip gently, clearly enjoying the sensation. But then, just as quickly as it started, she reached up and gently took my hand, stopping me, though there was no urgency in her movements.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Okay, okay... that’s enough teasing for now.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She pulled her top back down, though the playful grin was still on her face as she looked at me, her eyes twinkling with mischief.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Can’t let you have all the fun, right?<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I chuckled, feeling the tension of the moment ease as she leaned back against the railing again, her usual easygoing energy settling back in.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, wouldn’t want to ruin the mystery.<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>Exactly.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>We stood there for a moment, the air between us still charged with the intimacy of what had just happened, but neither of us pushed it further. It was enough, for now.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>So... what do you think? You in on this little grow project with me?<<say $Summer>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I’m in.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>She smiled, a look of relief and excitement crossing her face.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Awesome. You and me, we’re gonna figure this out together.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her hand brushed mine again, that same warm, electric feeling passing between us. Whatever this journey was going to be, I had a feeling it was only just beginning.<<md>>
<<set $SummerLikes3 = 3>>\<<md>>After Summer’s yoga class, she asked if I could come over and help with her garden. I agreed, curious about how her project was coming along. When we arrived at her place, the scent of fresh soil and greenery filled the air—it was like stepping into her own little sanctuary. But as I turned to ask her where to start, I froze.<<md>>
<<md>>Summer stood there, wearing nothing but her pink lingerie, a playful smile tugging at her lips when she saw my reaction.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>So, I was doing some reading...<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice was casual, as if standing there in just her underwear was the most natural thing in the world.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Apparently, there’s this belief that if you plant with your body bare, like totally naked, it connects you more with the earth. Something about energy and being grounded, you know? It’s supposed to help the plants grow stronger.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I raised an eyebrow, still taking in the sight of her standing there, her pink lingerie hugging her curves.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>I mean... you’re still in lingerie. That’s not quite bare, is it?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Summer tilted her head, her grin widening.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Huh. You’ve got a point.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Without hesitation, Summer reached behind her back, unclasping her bra, letting it slip to the floor, revealing her breasts. Her nipples hardened slightly in the cool air, and she gave me a playful look as she shimmied out of her panties. She stood there completely naked, her body relaxed and confident.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>There. Now I’m ready. What about you?<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I chuckled, shaking my head as I pulled off my shirt, letting it drop beside me.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You’ve got me convinced.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>I removed the rest of my clothes, standing naked beside her. Summer’s eyes glanced down at me, her gaze lingering for a moment before she laughed softly.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>See? Now we’re really connected to the earth.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>We started working together, planting the seeds in the soft soil, our bodies moving in sync. The feel of the earth between our fingers, the intimacy of being completely bare, it was freeing in a way I hadn’t expected. I could feel Summer’s energy beside me, relaxed yet charged with something deeper.<<md>>
<<md>>As we worked, Summer occasionally brushed up against me, her breasts grazing my arm, her body moving close, and every time it sent a spark through me.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>You know... this is kind of turning me on.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice was soft, teasing. I glanced at her, and she smiled, her nipples stiff as she leaned in closer, her bare skin brushing against mine.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I mean... we’re naked, planting seeds... it’s kind of hot, don’t you think?<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I laughed softly, my body reacting to her closeness.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I think you’re onto something.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>She stepped closer, her fingers lightly grazing my chest, then lower.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I wonder if it helps... you know, if we really connect while we plant.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her hand moved lower, her touch teasing as she wrapped her fingers around my growing erection, her playful grin never leaving her face. She leaned in, her lips brushing against my ear.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Wanna see if it makes the plants grow stronger?<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I could feel the heat between us building as she pulled me down to the ground, her body pressing against mine. Her breasts brushed against my chest as she guided my hand between her legs, her soft moan escaping her lips as my fingers found her wetness.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Mmm... just like that.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice was breathy now, her body arching into my touch as I played with her. She reached up, guiding my hand to her breast, my fingers teasing her nipple while she moaned softly, the heat between us growing.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>This is... definitely better than just planting.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I chuckled, pulling her closer as I kissed her neck, my hand moving from her breast back down to her pussy, feeling how wet she was. She moaned again, her body pressing into mine as I touched her, teasing her clit with slow, gentle movements.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Mmm... you’re really good at this.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her moans grew louder as I continued, her breath hitching as she moved her hips in time with my hand. Her fingers wrapped around my dick again, stroking me slowly as we moved together in that intimate, primal rhythm.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>This is... so much better than I imagined.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her lips found mine, kissing me deeply as we continued, the connection between us more intense than anything we’d felt before. The plants around us, the earth beneath us, it all felt alive, like we were part of something bigger.<<md>>
<<set $SummerLikes3 = 4>>\<<md>>I was walking up to my place when I spotted Summer near my door, leaning casually against the wall. She had that usual carefree smile, her eyes twinkling like she was up to something. I raised an eyebrow as I approached.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, what are you doing around here? Everything okay?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>She grinned, pushing off the wall and walking toward me, her steps light and confident.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Everything’s good. The garden’s growing really well... thanks to all our hard work.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She winked, and I chuckled, remembering our last session in the garden.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I’m sure the plants are thriving.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>She stepped closer, her expression shifting slightly, that playful yet thoughtful look she always got when something was on her mind.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Actually, I’ve been thinking about something else. Something that doesn’t involve plants.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I raised an eyebrow, curious.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>What’s that?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>Well... I’ve been doing the webcam thing for a while now. And it’s cool, but... I think it could be better. More fun. More... profitable.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She leaned in slightly, her voice dropping just a bit, making the suggestion feel more intimate.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I’ve been thinking about bringing someone else into it. You know, like... a partner. Someone to share the camera with.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her eyes locked with mine, her meaning clear, but she still carried that laid-back, playful energy that made it seem like just another one of her wild ideas.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>A partner, huh? And you want that to be... me?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>Well, yeah. You’ve already seen... well, a lot.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She laughed softly, her hand lightly brushing against my arm.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I think we’d make a great team. Plus, it’d raise the money I’m bringing in, and honestly? It could be kinda fun.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice was casual, but I could see the excitement in her eyes, the idea clearly something she’d been thinking about for a while.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I mean, if it’s not your thing, that’s cool. But... think about it. We’ve got chemistry, and people eat that up on camera.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She flashed me a playful grin, leaning in closer, her body brushing against mine.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>It’s just an idea. No pressure. But I think we’d make quite a show together.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I looked at her, weighing the proposition. Summer had always been open, adventurous, and this wasn’t exactly out of character for her. The thought of being on camera with her, of sharing those intimate moments in front of an audience... it was definitely a wild idea.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You really think this will boost your earnings?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>Absolutely. People love seeing that kind of connection on screen. It’s not just about the show, it’s about the chemistry. And we’ve got plenty of that.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her confidence was contagious, and the way she said it, like it was the most natural thing in the world, made the idea seem a lot less crazy than it might have at first.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>So... what do you think? You in?<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I hesitated for a moment, but there was no denying the excitement in the air. Summer always had a way of pulling me into her world, and this time was no different.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright. I’m in.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Her face lit up, that carefree, happy energy filling the space between us.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Awesome! I knew you’d be down. We’re gonna make this so fun. And profitable.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She winked, her hand brushing against mine again as she stepped back, already planning the next step in her head.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I’ll set everything up, and we’ll start slow. You’ll see, it’s gonna be great. And... who knows? Maybe we’ll be famous.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She laughed, her usual lighthearted energy returning as she headed off, leaving me standing there, wondering what I had just signed up for. But with Summer, nothing ever seemed impossible.<<md>>
<<set $SummerLikes3 = 5>>\
[[Enter my home|Home corridor]]
<<md>>The lights were dimmed, the camera set up just right, and the air in the room buzzed with anticipation. Summer moved around confidently, adjusting a few last-minute details before we started our first webcam session together. She was relaxed, calm, and in control, like she’d done this a hundred times before. But there was something different about this—something electric.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>You ready for this?<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She asked with a playful smile, glancing back at me from across the room. She looked amazing—her body on full display for the camera, her eyes twinkling with mischief.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I’m ready.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Summer chuckled softly, moving closer, her bare skin glistening under the soft light.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Good. Let’s give them a show they won’t forget.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She knelt down in front of me, her hands sliding up my thighs, her touch sending a shiver through me. She looked up at me with those wide, playful eyes, her lips parting slightly as she leaned in, her breath warm against my skin.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Just relax... let me take care of you.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice was soft, teasing, and before I could respond, she wrapped her lips around the tip of my cock, her tongue swirling around it gently. The sensation hit me instantly, my breath catching as she slowly took more of me into her mouth.<<md>>
<<md>>The camera captured everything, every slow, deliberate movement as Summer worked her way up and down, her eyes occasionally flicking up to meet mine. Her pace was slow at first, teasing, her lips and tongue working in perfect rhythm, sending waves of pleasure coursing through me.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Mmm... you taste good.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She whispered between breaths, her hand stroking me while she licked and sucked, her moans barely audible but enough to drive me crazy. She was good at this—too good—and it wasn’t long before I could feel the pressure building.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Summer... I’m getting close.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Her eyes sparkled with excitement, and she didn’t stop. If anything, she picked up the pace, taking me deeper into her mouth, her tongue working faster now, her hand stroking the base in time with her movements.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Cum for me. Right here. For the camera.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice was breathless, filled with a teasing kind of urgency. I groaned, unable to hold back any longer, my body tensing as the pleasure overwhelmed me.<<md>>
<<md>>With one final, deep motion, Summer took me fully into her mouth, and I came hard, the release intense and immediate. She pulled back slightly, letting the cum spill out onto her lips and onto her chest, a wicked smile crossing her face as the camera captured every moment.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Mmm... just what I needed.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She licked her lips slowly, her hand trailing down her chest, spreading my cum across her breasts as she gazed up at me, the satisfaction clear in her eyes.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I think we’re gonna be a hit.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She laughed softly, standing up and wiping her lips before moving back to the camera, checking the angle and replaying the footage with a pleased expression.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>That was fun. Let’s do it again sometime.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She winked, her playful energy never fading as she began tidying up the space, leaving me there, still catching my breath, already wondering when the next session would be.<<md>>
<<set $SummerLikes3 = 6>>\<<md>>I arrived at Summer’s place, the familiar, earthy scent of our growing garden filling the air. The moment she opened the door, there was something different in her eyes—something wilder, more electric. She didn’t even wait for a greeting, just grabbed my hand and pulled me inside with a sly grin.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>You ready to blow?<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice was low, teasing, as she led me to the living room. I caught sight of the joint she had ready, but before I could say anything, she pushed it into my hand and lit it for me, her fingers lingering on mine as she smiled.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Take a hit. Let’s get this started.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I took a long drag, the familiar warmth of the smoke spreading through my lungs, making the world feel hazy and light. Summer took the joint from me, her lips closing around it as she inhaled deeply, the smoke curling lazily out of her mouth as she exhaled. But it wasn’t the weed that had my attention—it was her. The way she moved, the fire in her eyes, the wild energy in her body.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Mmm... this stuff’s good. But you know what’s better?<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She closed the distance between us, her hands suddenly on my chest, pushing me back against the couch with a forceful, hungry energy. She climbed onto my lap, her body pressing down on me as she kissed me hard, her tongue slipping between my lips with a sense of urgency that made my pulse race.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I can’t fucking wait anymore.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice was a growl, full of raw, animalistic need as she tore her top off, tossing it aside without a second thought. Her bare breasts pressed against my chest as she ground her hips against me, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I want you... I need you... right now.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She wasn’t playing around. There was no teasing this time, no playful build-up—just pure, wild desire. Her hands moved fast, yanking at my clothes, practically tearing them off as her eyes blazed with hunger.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Fuck... I need to feel you.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her words were breathless, her body already moving, her hand slipping down between us to grab my hard cock, guiding it to her wet pussy. She moaned deeply, her head tilting back as she sank down onto me, her nails digging into my shoulders as she started riding me with wild, frantic energy.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>God... yes... just like that. Fuck me.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her hips slammed against mine, her movements fast and desperate, her moans turning into growls as she moved. She wasn’t holding anything back, her body moving with a primal need, her breasts bouncing with every rough thrust.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Harder... fuck me harder.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice was a raw command, her hands gripping my hair as she pulled me into a rough kiss, her teeth grazing my bottom lip as her body moved faster. I grabbed her hips, pulling her down hard onto me, driving into her as she moaned louder, her voice echoing through the room.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Yes... yes... fuck, that’s it... fuck me like an animal.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her words were wild, her body grinding against mine, her hips moving faster and faster as we lost ourselves in the intensity of the moment. She was unstoppable, relentless, her moans turning into sharp cries of pleasure as we fucked hard, the heat between us unbearable.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Fuck, I’m so close... I’m gonna cum...<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her body tightened around me, her nails raking down my back as she threw her head back, moaning loudly as she came hard. I felt her body convulse around me, her pussy clenching tight as she rode out her orgasm, her cries filling the room.<<md>>
<<md>>I wasn’t far behind, the intensity of her climax driving me over the edge. With one final, deep thrust, I came inside her, groaning as my release hit, my body shuddering against hers. We collapsed together, both of us breathless, our bodies tangled as we lay there, panting, the sweat glistening on our skin.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Mmm... fuck, that was... intense.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She laughed breathlessly, her body still trembling slightly from the aftershocks of her orgasm.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I told you... we’d blow.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She leaned over and kissed me again, this time slower, her wild energy finally starting to ease as she lay beside me, her hand lazily trailing down my chest.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>You... you really know how to keep up with me.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I chuckled, still trying to catch my breath as I wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You make it impossible not to.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Summer grinned, a satisfied look on her face as she rested her head on my chest, the wild moment between us finally settling into something more peaceful, the air still thick with the scent of weed and sweat.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Well, next time, we’ll see if we can top that.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She laughed softly, her fingers idly tracing patterns on my skin as we lay there, still buzzing from the intensity of what had just happened.<<md>>
<<set $SummerLikes4 = 3>>\<<md>>The sun was starting to set as Summer and I strolled through the park, the air warm and filled with the soft sounds of nature. We’d been walking for a while, just talking, the conversation flowing easily like it always did with her. But there was something in the air—something electric, just beneath the surface. Summer had that mischievous glint in her eyes, her lips curling into a playful grin every now and then, like she was up to something.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>You know... this is nice. Walking with you, the fresh air, the sunset. It’s all very... peaceful.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She paused, glancing at me, her grin widening.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>But I bet you couldn’t handle doing something... less peaceful right here.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I raised an eyebrow, already knowing where this was going.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>What do you mean?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>Oh, you know exactly what I mean.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She stopped walking, turning to face me fully, her eyes locking onto mine with a teasing fire.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>You wouldn’t fuck me here in the park. I mean, come on... you wouldn’t be able to handle it. Too risky.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice was low, sultry, daring me. She stepped closer, her body brushing against mine, her hand sliding down to rest on my thigh.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Is that a challenge?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>Maybe... or maybe it’s just a fact.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She laughed softly, her hand trailing further down as she leaned in, her lips just inches from my ear.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I don’t think you’ve got it in you.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her words hit me hard, a surge of adrenaline rushing through me. I grabbed her wrist gently, pulling her closer, my voice low as I responded.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>I can handle it.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Her grin widened, her eyes sparkling with excitement.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Prove it.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Before I could respond, Summer dropped to her knees right there in the park, her hands working quickly to undo my pants. She glanced up at me, that wild, teasing energy blazing in her eyes as she pulled out my cock, stroking it slowly.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Looks like you’re ready.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Without waiting for a response, she wrapped her lips around the tip, her tongue swirling around it in slow, deliberate circles. The sensation hit me immediately, my body tensing as I looked around, the thrill of being out in public only adding to the intensity.<<md>>
<<md>>Summer didn’t stop. If anything, she picked up the pace, taking more of me into her mouth, her hand stroking the base while she sucked, her head moving in a steady rhythm. Her moans were soft, but in the quiet of the park, they felt impossibly loud, adding to the adrenaline pumping through me.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Mmm... you like that?<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She whispered between breaths, her hand moving faster now as she took me deeper, her tongue working magic as the pleasure built inside me. I could barely think, my mind lost in the sensation of her mouth, the thrill of the park, the danger of being caught.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Summer... fuck...<<say $mc>>
<<md>>She pulled back slightly, her lips glistening as she grinned up at me.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Not bad for a challenge, huh? But we’re not done yet.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Before I could respond, she stood up, her hands grabbing my shoulders as she pushed me toward the bench behind us. I sat down, and Summer immediately climbed onto my lap, straddling me, her dress riding up her thighs as she positioned herself over me. She wasn’t wearing any panties, and the sight of her wet pussy hovering just above my cock sent a jolt of need through me.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I want you to fuck me... right here.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice was a low growl, her eyes blazing with desire as she lowered herself onto me, taking me inside her with one swift motion. We both moaned, the intensity hitting us instantly as she started riding me, her hips moving fast, her hands gripping my shoulders for support.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Fuck, yes... just like that... fuck me harder.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice was wild, breathless, as she bounced on my cock, her body moving with raw, animalistic energy. The sound of our bodies slapping together echoed through the quiet park, the risk of being caught only adding to the fire between us.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You feel so fucking good.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>I groaned, my hands grabbing her hips, pulling her down hard onto me as I thrust up into her, our movements frantic and desperate.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Harder... fuck me harder.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice was a mixture of moans and commands, her nails digging into my shoulders as she rode me faster, her pussy clenching around me as she got closer to the edge.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Fuck... I’m so close...<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I could feel the pressure building inside me, the pleasure almost overwhelming as I thrust into her harder, driving her wild.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>I’m gonna cum...<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Summer grinned wickedly, her eyes blazing with excitement as she leaned in close, her lips brushing against my ear.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Cum on my face. Right here... let them see.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her words sent a jolt through me, and as she pulled off of me, dropping to her knees again, I couldn’t hold back. With a groan, I came hard, my release spilling onto her face as she looked up at me, her tongue darting out to catch some of it.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Mmm... I think you proved me wrong.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She laughed softly, wiping the cum from her face with a satisfied grin, her body still trembling slightly from the intensity of what had just happened.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>But you know... I never mind being wrong with you.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She leaned back, her wild energy finally starting to ease as she stood up, her grin playful again.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Next time, maybe we’ll find an even riskier spot.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I laughed, still catching my breath as I pulled my pants back up, my body still buzzing from the intensity of the moment.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>I’m starting to think you’ll always find a way to challenge me.<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>Oh, you can count on that.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She winked, her usual mischievous grin returning as we walked away from the bench, both of us still riding the high of what had just happened.<<md>>
<<set $SummerLikes4 = 4>>\<<md>>The beach was quiet, the sound of the waves crashing softly against the shore creating a calming rhythm as we walked side by side. The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden glow across the water. I had told Summer that tonight would just be a peaceful walk—no wild challenges, no risky stuff, just the two of us enjoying the tranquility of the ocean.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>I figured we could use a break from all the excitement. Just walk, talk, and relax.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Summer smiled, though it was softer than usual. There was a shadow in her eyes that hadn’t been there before, something more somber. We walked for a few minutes in comfortable silence before she finally spoke.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Yeah... peaceful is good. I could use that right now.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice was quieter than usual, and I glanced over at her, noticing how she was staring out at the ocean, lost in thought. I could feel the shift in her energy—she wasn’t her usual playful self. Something was weighing on her.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You alright?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>She sighed softly, kicking a small pebble as we walked, her hands stuffed into her pockets.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I don’t know. I mean, I’ve been trying to keep things chill, you know? Keep that positive energy going. But... the dreams... they’re getting worse.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her words hung in the air, heavy and filled with an unspoken fear. I stopped walking, turning to face her.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>The dreams? Like... the nightmares you told me about?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>Yeah. It’s been different lately, though. It’s not just the usual weird, fuzzy stuff. They’re... vivid. Like, really real.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She paused, her eyes scanning the horizon as if searching for the right words.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>It’s like I’m trapped in these strange places... seeing people I don’t know, but somehow I feel like I should. And there’s always this sense of... I don’t know, danger? Like something’s watching me. Something’s trying to keep me there, and I can’t escape.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I frowned, sensing the deep frustration in her voice. This wasn’t the carefree Summer I was used to. She sounded lost, scared even.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>That sounds intense. Have you figured out what it means?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>No. That’s the thing—I can’t make sense of any of it. It’s like I’m trapped in my own head, but I don’t know why or how. And the worst part? Even the new weed I’ve been working on... it’s not helping. It’s like nothing can quiet it down.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She laughed softly, but it wasn’t the carefree sound I was used to. It was bitter, edged with disappointment.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I thought maybe if I mixed the weed with other things, maybe I could control it. But... it’s like the more I try to escape, the more trapped I feel.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>We kept walking, the peaceful beach and the crashing waves feeling like a strange contrast to the darkness of the conversation. I could see the weight of it in her eyes, and for once, Summer wasn’t hiding behind her usual playful energy. She was vulnerable, raw, admitting something that clearly scared her.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You’re not alone in this, you know. I’m here, and we’ll figure it out.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>She looked at me, her eyes softening for a moment before she gave me a small, grateful smile.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I know... thanks. It just feels like I’m stuck in this loop, you know? And no matter what I do, I can’t break free.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She paused again, her fingers brushing through her hair as she stared out at the horizon, her voice barely above a whisper.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I don’t know how much longer I can take this.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her vulnerability hit me hard, and I reached out, gently taking her hand. She looked at me, her eyes searching mine, and for a moment, it felt like the weight of everything she’d been carrying finally cracked the surface.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>We’ll figure it out together.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>She squeezed my hand, her smile returning just a little, though the shadow in her eyes remained.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I hope so. Because right now... I feel like I’m drowning in this.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>We stood there in the fading light, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore filling the silence between us. There was no wild challenge this time, no teasing or laughter—just the quiet, raw honesty of Summer admitting that she was struggling. And for now, that was enough.<<md>>
<<set $SummerLikes4 = 5>>\<<md>>Something had been nagging at me all day. After our conversation at the beach, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong, that Summer was in deeper trouble than she let on. So I headed to her place to check on her, hoping to ease my mind.<<md>>
<<md>>As I approached her house, I noticed something was off immediately. There was a man standing at her door, his body language aggressive. I could hear him yelling, though the exact words were muffled. My heart rate spiked as I got closer, and that’s when I saw it—he was holding a gun, pointing it at the door.<<md>>
<<say $Stranger>>You fucking bitch! You think you can just cut me off? I swear to God, I’ll fucking kill you if you don’t give me what I’m owed!<<say $Stranger>>
<<md>>My pulse thundered in my ears, the situation turning from bad to worse in an instant. I couldn’t just stand there. Without thinking, I rushed forward, adrenaline surging through me.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey! Get the fuck away from her!<<say $mc>>
<<md>>The guy turned, startled by my voice, but before he could react, I grabbed him by the arm, yanking him away from Summer’s door. The gun slipped from his grip, clattering to the ground as I shoved him hard, sending him stumbling backward.<<md>>
<<say $Stranger>>What the fuck, man?!<<say $Stranger>>
<<md>>He tried to regain his balance, fury in his eyes as he lunged toward me, but I was faster. I threw a punch, connecting with his jaw, sending him sprawling to the ground. He groaned, clutching his face, but I didn’t let up.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>I said, get the fuck out of here!<<say $mc>>
<<md>>I stood over him, fists clenched, my entire body tensed and ready. The guy looked up at me, his eyes blazing with anger, but he didn’t make another move. He knew he was outmatched. Grumbling under his breath, he staggered to his feet, grabbing the gun off the ground, but not daring to point it at me again.<<md>>
<<say $Stranger>>This isn’t over. You tell that bitch she owes me, and if I don’t get what I’m owed... she’s dead.<<say $Stranger>>
<<md>>I took a threatening step toward him, and he backed off, muttering curses as he turned and slunk away into the night. My heart was still pounding as I watched him go, the adrenaline coursing through my veins making everything feel sharper, more real.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Summer? Are you alright?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>I turned toward the door, my hand still trembling slightly from the confrontation. Summer opened the door slowly, her face pale, her eyes wide with fear. She didn’t say anything at first, just stood there, trembling slightly. I could see the tension in her body, the way she hugged her arms around herself like she was trying to hold it together.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I... I didn’t think he’d come here.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice was small, scared, nothing like the confident, carefree Summer I knew. It hit me hard, seeing her like this—so vulnerable, so shaken. I stepped closer, reaching out to gently take her hand.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>What the hell was that about? Who was that guy?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>She hesitated, her eyes darting to the ground. I could see the conflict in her expression, like she was debating whether or not to tell me the whole truth. Finally, she sighed, stepping aside to let me inside.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>You should come in... we need to talk.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Once inside, I could feel the weight of whatever she was about to say pressing down on both of us. She paced the room for a moment before finally stopping and looking at me.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Look, I’ve been growing weed... but not just for myself. I... I’ve been selling it.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>The admission hung in the air between us, the pieces starting to come together.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You’ve been selling? Since when?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>For a while now. It wasn’t supposed to be like this... I just needed extra cash at first, and it was easy. I thought I could handle it, you know? But it got out of control. I got in over my head.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She sat down on the couch, her shoulders slumping as the weight of the situation seemed to crash down on her. I stayed standing, still trying to process everything.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>And that guy outside... he was one of your customers?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>Yeah, but it’s more complicated than that. I... I owe him money. And not just him.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I frowned, stepping closer.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You owe him money? For what?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>I didn’t have a choice. He helped me out when I was in trouble... saved me, actually. I owe him, and I’ve been paying him back by selling for him.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice was shaky, and I could see the guilt in her eyes. There was something deeper here, something she wasn’t telling me.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Saved you from what? Summer, what’s really going on? Where does this guy come from?<<say $mc>>
<<md>>She looked away, biting her lip, her fingers playing nervously with the hem of her shirt. For a moment, I thought she was going to answer, but then she shook her head.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I... I can’t. Not right now. It’s complicated. Just... trust me.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I could feel the frustration building, but I could also see the fear in her eyes. She wasn’t ready to talk about it, and pushing her wasn’t going to help. I took a deep breath, sitting down beside her.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Okay... but you know this isn’t something you can handle alone, right? Whatever this is, whoever that guy is—you don’t have to face this by yourself.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Summer nodded, her eyes glistening with unshed tears as she leaned into me, her head resting on my shoulder.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I just... I thought I could handle it.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>We’ll figure it out. But no more secrets, okay? We’re in this together.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>She nodded again, but I could feel the tension in her body, the fear that whatever she was hiding wasn’t going to stay hidden for long. And the worst part? I had a feeling she was right.<<md>>
<<set $SummerLikes4 = 6>>\<<md>>The party was already in full swing by the time I arrived. The music was loud, the lights dim, and the atmosphere had that buzzing energy that promised a good time. Summer spotted me the moment I walked in, her face lighting up with that familiar, mischievous grin as she made her way over to me.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Hey! You made it! Now we can really get this party started.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She was already holding a drink, her body moving to the beat of the music, her carefree energy infectious. I couldn’t help but smile as she pulled me into the crowd, her eyes sparkling with excitement.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like the party’s already in full swing.<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>Oh, you have no idea. But trust me, we’re just getting started.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>We danced for a while, the energy between us growing with every song, every drink. Summer was in her element, laughing, teasing, and pulling me deeper into the night. As we made our way to the bar for another round, I slipped the aphrodisiac into her cocktail, stirring it subtly as I handed her the drink.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Here you go. Something to really help you unwind.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>She took the drink with a grin, downing it without hesitation.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Mmm... this is good. I think I needed this.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>We danced some more, and I could see the shift in her energy almost immediately. The aphrodisiac was working, her movements becoming more fluid, more sensual. Her hands roamed over my body as we danced, her touch lingering longer than before, her eyes darkening with desire.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>God, I feel... amazing. Like, really amazing.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice was breathy, her lips brushing against my ear as she spoke.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>You... you always know how to make me feel good.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her hand slipped down my chest, her fingers teasingly brushing against the waistband of my pants as she leaned in closer.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>But I’m not the only one who deserves to have fun tonight.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She pulled back slightly, her eyes scanning the room before they landed on one of her friends—a girl I hadn’t met before. She was just as wild as Summer, dancing in the middle of the room, completely lost in the music. Summer grabbed my hand, pulling me toward her.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Hey! Come over here!<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her friend looked up, a sly smile spreading across her face as she saw us approaching.<<md>>
<<say $Friend>>Well, well, what do we have here?<<say $Friend>>
<<say $Summer>>We’re just here to have a little fun... and I thought you might want to join us.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>The girl laughed, her eyes flicking between us as she stepped closer.<<md>>
<<say $Friend>>Oh, I’m always down for some fun.<<say $Friend>>
<<md>>Before I knew it, the three of us were moving together, our bodies pressed close, the heat between us growing with every touch, every whispered word. Summer’s hand slid down my chest again, her breath hot against my neck as she leaned in.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Let’s take this somewhere a little more... private.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>We slipped away from the party, finding a quiet corner of the house where the music was still loud enough to drown out anything else, but the darkness gave us the privacy we needed. Summer’s lips were on mine the moment we reached the room, her body pressing against mine, her hands already tugging at my clothes. Her friend wasn’t far behind, her hands roaming over both of us as the three of us quickly became a tangled mess of limbs, heat, and desire.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Mmm... I told you we’d have fun tonight.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her voice was breathless as she pulled away for a moment, her eyes dark with lust.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Now let’s see if you can handle the two of us.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Before I could respond, Summer dropped to her knees, her friend following her lead. The two of them worked together, their hands and mouths on me, teasing, stroking, sucking. The sensation of both of them on me at once was overwhelming, and I could barely think as they took turns, their lips and tongues driving me wild.<<md>>
<<say $Friend>>You like that?<<say $Friend>>
<<say $Summer>>Oh, he definitely likes it. But we’re not done yet.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Summer stood up, pulling me down onto the nearby couch. Her friend climbed onto my lap, straddling me as she kissed me hard, her hands gripping my hair as she ground against me. Summer watched for a moment, a wicked smile on her face before she joined us, her hands sliding over both of us as she leaned in to kiss her friend.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Let’s make sure he never forgets this.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>The night became a blur of pleasure, our bodies moving together in a frenzy of heat and desire. Summer was wild, her hands and mouth on both me and her friend, her moans mixing with ours as we fucked like we couldn’t get enough. Her friend rode me hard, her nails digging into my skin as she came, her body shuddering against mine.<<md>>
<<say $Friend>>Fuck... you’re so good.<<say $Friend>>
<<md>>But Summer wasn’t done. She pushed her friend aside, climbing onto my lap, her eyes blazing with lust as she took me inside her.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>It’s my turn. Let’s see if you can make me scream.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her movements were fast, rough, her hips slamming against mine as we fucked, her moans loud and unrestrained. Her friend watched, her hands sliding over Summer’s body as she kissed her, her fingers teasing her nipples as we moved together, the heat between us building higher and higher.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Fuck... yes... yes... I’m so close...<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I could feel my own release building, the intensity of having both of them on me almost too much to handle. With one final thrust, I came hard, my body tensing as the pleasure washed over me. Summer followed seconds later, her body convulsing as she screamed out her orgasm, her head thrown back in ecstasy.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Fuck... that was... incredible.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>We collapsed together, our bodies tangled in a sweaty, satisfied heap. Summer’s friend grinned, leaning back against the couch as she caught her breath.<<md>>
<<say $Friend>>I’m definitely coming to more of your parties.<<say $Friend>>
<<md>>Summer laughed, her hand lazily trailing down my chest as she smiled at me, her eyes still dark with satisfaction.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>See? I told you we’d have fun tonight.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I chuckled, still catching my breath as I wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah... I guess you were right.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>We lay there for a while, the party still raging outside, but in here, everything felt quiet, peaceful—at least for now.<<md>>Subject: Let’s blow off some steam 🌙✨
Hey you,
So… after everything that’s been going down lately, I think we could both use a break. A big one. What do you say we have a night out, just you, me, and a few of my friends? Nothing too wild… unless we feel like making it wild. 😉
We’ll hit up this spot I know—it’s got good vibes, good people, and plenty of ways to relax. We deserve it, don’t you think? After all the stress we’ve been through, I say we just blow it all away. You in? Come on, you know you need this as much as I do. 🌿🍷
Let’s forget about all the heavy stuff for one night and just be. I’ll be waiting for you. Dress comfy, but don’t be afraid to look good. We might get into some trouble… the fun kind. 😏
Catch you there,
Summer ✌️<<md>>I was in the middle of teaching a class when my phone buzzed. Glancing down, I saw Summer’s name pop up with a message: ASAP, need you NOW. A quick glance at the clock told me I had a while before the period ended, but the urgency in her text was enough to make me wrap things up early.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, class. We’ll finish this up next time. Got somewhere to be.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>As I made my way to the parking lot, I wondered what kind of trouble Summer had gotten herself into this time. When I arrived at her place, she was already waiting at the door, bouncing nervously on her feet.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Thank god you’re here. You’re seriously saving my ass right now.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her hair was pulled back in those messy space buns she always wore when she was stressed, and her eyes had that wild, panicked look that I wasn’t used to seeing from her.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Skipping my class for you, huh? I like to fuck you, but I don’t think my students would appreciate it.<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>Cute. But this is serious. My parents are coming over in two hours.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I raised an eyebrow, stepping inside as she quickly shut the door behind me.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>So? What’s the big deal?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>They don’t know anything. About the weed. The webcam. They think I’m like... this responsible doctor or something.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I laughed, shaking my head.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>A doctor? That’s some next-level lying, Summer.<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>I know, I know. Don’t judge me, okay? They have this whole perfect daughter thing in their heads. I couldn’t exactly tell them I’m smoking joints and streaming on webcam for extra cash.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She let out a dramatic sigh, throwing her hands up in the air.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I swear, if they find out, my life is over. My mom will have a heart attack, and my dad... well, let’s just say he’s not the chill type.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She grabbed my arm, pulling me further into the house.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Help me clean this place up, hide all the weed, the cameras, everything. Please. I can’t do this alone.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I couldn’t help but laugh again as I glanced around. There were weed plants in pots, the unmistakable scent lingering in the air, and a camera setup in the corner that was definitely not something a “doctor” would have lying around.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Well, this ought to be interesting. Let’s get to work.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Summer let out a relieved sigh, already moving to grab a pile of clothes off the couch.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>You’re a lifesaver, you know that? Seriously, I’ll owe you big time after this.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>We spent the next hour rushing around her place, stuffing bags of weed into closets, taking down her camera setup, and hiding anything that even remotely suggested her real lifestyle. Summer moved quickly, her usual laid-back demeanor replaced by a frantic energy I hadn’t seen before.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>God, I hope they don’t notice anything.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She glanced nervously at the clock, her hands fidgeting as she stuffed the last of her stash into a drawer.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Relax. We’ve got this under control. Your parents won’t have a clue.<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>Easy for you to say. You’re not the one pretending to be a doctor.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I laughed, shaking my head as I grabbed the last of the camera equipment.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>You really went all out with this lie, didn’t you?<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>You have no idea. They think I’m working at some fancy hospital or something. I just... didn’t have the heart to tell them what I’m really doing.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She let out a long breath, running a hand through her hair.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>I know it’s messed up. But it’s easier this way. At least for now.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I nodded, setting the camera equipment down as I stepped closer, placing a hand on her shoulder.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Look, I get it. It’s not easy, but you’re doing what you need to do. Besides, you’re not in this alone anymore. You’ve got me.<<say $mc>>
<<md>>Summer smiled, her tension easing a bit as she leaned into me, resting her head on my chest.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Thanks. You always know how to calm me down.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>We stood there for a moment, the panic of the last hour finally settling as we looked around at the now-clean living room. It was hard to believe this was the same space from just a few minutes ago.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, I think we’re good. Now, let’s just hope your parents aren’t the type to snoop.<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>Oh god, don’t even say that.<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>She laughed, shaking her head as she playfully shoved me toward the door.<<md>>
<<say $Summer>>Get out of here before you jinx it!<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>I grinned, giving her a quick kiss before heading out the door.<<md>>
<<say $mc>>Good luck, Doctor Summer.<<say $mc>>
<<say $Summer>>Shut up!<<say $Summer>>
<<md>>Her laughter followed me down the hallway as I left, the tension from earlier now replaced with her usual playful energy. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that keeping up this lie wasn’t going to be easy for her—especially with everything else going on in her life.<<md>><<md>>The sun was setting as I spotted Summer standing by the street corner, her relaxed posture unmistakable. She was casually leaning against a lamppost, taking slow drags from a joint, her eyes scanning the sky like she was lost in some deep, philosophical thought.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey.<</say>>
<<md>>I said as I approached. Summer turned, flashing a lazy smile, the kind that made you feel like you’d just stumbled into a secret.<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>Hey you.<</say>>
<<md>>She replied, exhaling smoke. <</md>>
<<say $Summer>>You ever think about how sunsets are like nature’s way of reminding us that endings can be beautiful too?<</say>>
<<md>>I chuckled. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Not until now.<</say>>
<<md>>She took one more drag before putting out the joint against the side of her shoe. Just as we were about to head off for our little adventure, a shout caught our attention. Around the corner, a guy was yelling at a girl, his tone sharp and cutting.<</md>>
<<md>>Summer’s smile faded, replaced by a furrow in her brow<</md>>
<<say $Summer>>That doesn’t sit right with me.<</say>>
<<md>>I nodded. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Want to do something about it?<</say>>
<<say $Summer>>Obviously,<</say>>
<<md>>she replied, her voice calm but resolute. <</md>>
<<say $Summer>>No way I’m letting that kind of bad energy slide.<</say>>
<<md>>Without hesitation, we walked around the corner. The guy had the girl cornered against the wall, his voice low but menacing.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, why don’t you back off?<</say>>
<<md>>The guy turned, scowling. <</md>>
“Who the hell do you think you are?”
<<md>>Before I could respond, he came at me, fists raised. But I was faster. My fist connected with his jaw, and he stumbled back, eyes wide in shock before crumpling to the ground.<</md>>
<<md>>Summer whistled, clearly impressed. <</md>>
<<say $Summer>>Damn, that was kinda hot.<</say>>
<<md>>The girl quickly slipped away, disappearing into the shadows. I turned to Summer, brushing off my knuckles, and shrugged. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Didn’t really plan on starting our date with a fistfight.<</say>>
<<md>>She laughed, shaking her head. <</md>>
<<say $Summer>>Yeah, our date is kinda ruined now, huh? Tell you what, let’s just call this a warm-up round. We definitely need a do-over. Same time tomorrow?<</say>>
<<md>>I grinned. <</md>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds good to me.<</say>>
<<say $Summer>>Cool. But next time, less fighting, more chilling, alright?<</say>>
<<md>>she said, that playful smile returning to her face.<</md>>
<<set $SummerLikes1 = 3>>\
<<addmins 15>>
<<addAff $Summer 2>>
<<addLust $Summer 7>>
[[Leave|Street Raw-Road]] :: Hidden Objects Game [script]
body, html {
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margin: 0;
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font-family: "Walter Turncoat", Arial, sans-serif;
background-color: #240021;
color: #fff;
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flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
height: 100vh;
width: 100vw;
max-width: 100%;
padding: 20px;
box-sizing: border-box;
#game-container {
width: 80%;
max-width: 1000px;
aspect-ratio: 1 / 1;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
.room {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: relative;
.room svg {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
#room-name {
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
left: 50%;
transform: translateX(-50%);
font-size: 1.5em;
background: rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.7);
color: #fff;
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z-index: 10;
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#timer {
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
right: 10px;
background: rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.7);
color: #fff;
padding: 5px 10px;
border-radius: 5px;
z-index: 10;
#hint {
position: absolute;
bottom: 10px;
left: 50%;
transform: translateX(-50%);
background: rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.7);
color: #fff;
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 5px;
z-index: 10;
text-align: center;
width: 80%;
max-width: 600px;
#item-list {
margin-top: 20px;
padding: 10px;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: center;
gap: 10px;
background: rgba(58, 21, 56, 0.8);
width: 80%;
max-width: 1000px;
border-radius: 5px;
.item {
padding: 5px 10px;
border: 1px solid #f52e74;
border-radius: 5px;
background: rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.1);
transition: all 0.3s ease;
.item:hover {
background: rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.3);
box-shadow: 0 0 10px #f52e74;
.found {
text-decoration: line-through;
opacity: 0.6;
.arrow {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
transform: translateY(-50%);
font-size: 2em;
cursor: pointer;
background: rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.3);
color: #fff;
padding: 10px;
z-index: 10;
border-radius: 50%;
transition: all 0.3s ease;
.arrow:hover {
background: rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.7);
box-shadow: 0 0 15px #f52e74;
#left-arrow { left: 10px; }
#right-arrow { right: 10px; }
@keyframes glow {
0% { filter: drop-shadow(0 0 5px #f52e74); }
50% { filter: drop-shadow(0 0 20px #f52e74); }
100% { filter: drop-shadow(0 0 5px #f52e74); }
.glow {
animation: glow 1s infinite;
.object, .movable-container {
cursor: pointer;
transition: all 0.3s;
.object:hover, .movable-container:hover {
filter: brightness(1.2);
box-shadow: 0 0 15px #f52e74;
setup.objects = ['Webcam', 'Long stick', 'Rubber', 'Highlight', 'Bag'];
setup.rooms = ['bedroom', 'kitchen', 'toilet'];
setup.hints = {
bedroom: "Summer's room is full of her favorite things. Look for something that captures memories.",
kitchen: "The kitchen is where Summer's family gathers. Check the cabinets and counters carefully.",
toilet: "Even the bathroom can hide secrets. Don't forget to look in unexpected places."
setup.initGame = function() {
State.variables.foundObjects = [];
State.variables.timeLeft = 300;
State.variables.currentRoom = 'bedroom';
setup.renderRoom = function() {
const roomContent = {
bedroom: `
<svg viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#3a1538"/>
<rect x="100" y="600" width="400" height="250" fill="#6A4C93"/>
<rect x="100" y="500" width="400" height="100" fill="#8B6CAF"/>
<rect x="700" y="100" width="200" height="300" fill="#87CEEB"/>
<line x1="800" y1="100" x2="800" y2="400" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="10"/>
<line x1="700" y1="250" x2="900" y2="250" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="10"/>
<g class="movable-container">
<rect x="600" y="600" width="300" height="200" fill="#8B4513"/>
<rect x="650" y="650" width="80" height="80" fill="#A0522D"/>
<rect x="770" y="650" width="80" height="80" fill="#A0522D"/>
<circle class="object" data-object="Webcam" cx="750" cy="700" r="20" fill="#f52e74"/>
<rect class="object" data-object="Highlight" x="150" y="550" width="40" height="10" fill="#ffff00"/>
kitchen: `
<svg viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#3a1538"/>
<rect x="100" y="600" width="800" height="200" fill="#A0522D"/>
<rect x="100" y="590" width="800" height="10" fill="#D2691E"/>
<g class="movable-container">
<rect x="100" y="200" width="800" height="200" fill="#8B4513"/>
<rect x="150" y="250" width="100" height="100" fill="#A0522D"/>
<rect x="300" y="250" width="100" height="100" fill="#A0522D"/>
<g class="object" data-object="Long stick">
<rect x="200" y="260" width="20" height="80" fill="#f52e74"/>
<ellipse cx="210" cy="260" rx="10" ry="15" fill="#f52e74"/> <!-- Rounded top -->
<ellipse cx="210" cy="340" rx="10" ry="15" fill="#f52e74"/> <!-- Rounded bottom -->
<circle cx="210" cy="310" r="3" fill="#fff"/> <!-- Small segment detail -->
<circle cx="210" cy="290" r="3" fill="#fff"/> <!-- Another segment detail -->
<rect x="700" y="600" width="150" height="100" fill="#C0C0C0"/>
<circle cx="775" cy="650" r="30" fill="#A9A9A9"/>
<path id="bag" class="object" data-object="Bag" d="M50,700 Q75,650 100,700 L100,800 Q75,850 50,800 Z" fill="#8b4513"/>
toilet: `
<svg viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#3a1538"/>
<g class="movable-container">
<rect x="700" y="500" width="200" height="300" fill="#FFF"/>
<ellipse cx="800" cy="500" rx="100" ry="50" fill="#FFF"/>
<g class="object" data-object="Rubber Pack">
<!-- Condom pack -->
<rect x="750" y="580" width="60" height="60" fill="#f52e74" stroke="#fff" stroke-width="2" rx="10" ry="10"/>
<!-- Circular detail representing condom inside -->
<circle cx="780" cy="610" r="15" fill="none" stroke="#fff" stroke-width="2"/>
<!-- Additional detail -->
<line x1="770" y1="590" x2="790" y2="590" stroke="#fff" stroke-width="2"/>
<line x1="770" y1="630" x2="790" y2="630" stroke="#fff" stroke-width="2"/>
<rect x="100" y="400" width="300" height="100" fill="#F5F5F5"/>
<rect x="150" y="500" width="200" height="200" fill="#E0E0E0"/>
<circle cx="250" cy="450" r="30" fill="#C0C0C0"/>
<rect x="100" y="100" width="300" height="250" fill="#C0C0C0"/>
<rect x="110" y="110" width="280" height="230" fill="#87CEEB"/>
<div class="room">
<div id="left-arrow" class="arrow">◀</div>
<div id="right-arrow" class="arrow">▶</div>
<div id="room-name">${State.variables.currentRoom.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + State.variables.currentRoom.slice(1)}</div>
<div id="timer"></div>
<div id="hint">${setup.hints[State.variables.currentRoom]}</div>
// Hide already found objects
State.variables.foundObjects.forEach(obj => {
$(`.object[data-object="${obj}"]`).css('visibility', 'hidden');
$('.object').on('click', function(e) {
const objectName = $(this).data('object');
$('.movable-container').on('click', function() {
$('#left-arrow').on('click', () => setup.changeRoom(-1));
$('#right-arrow').on('click', () => setup.changeRoom(1));
setup.changeRoom = function(direction) {
const currentIndex = setup.rooms.indexOf(State.variables.currentRoom);
const newIndex = (currentIndex + direction + setup.rooms.length) % setup.rooms.length;
State.variables.currentRoom = setup.rooms[newIndex];
setup.updateItemList = function() {
const $itemList = $('#item-list');
setup.objects.forEach(obj => {
const $item = $('<span>').addClass('item').text(obj).attr('id', `item-${obj}`);
if (State.variables.foundObjects.includes(obj)) {
setup.updateTimer = function() {
const minutes = Math.floor(State.variables.timeLeft / 60);
const seconds = State.variables.timeLeft % 60;
$('#timer').text(`Time left: ${minutes}:${seconds.toString().padStart(2, '0')}`);
if (State.variables.timeLeft <= 60) {
if (State.variables.timeLeft === 0) {
alert("Time's up! Summer's parents have arrived. You should start again to help Summer hide her things!");
} else {
setTimeout(setup.updateTimer, 1000);
setup.removeObject = function(objectName) {
if (!State.variables.foundObjects.includes(objectName)) {
$(`.object[data-object="${objectName}"]`).css('visibility', 'hidden');
setup.checkWin = function() {
if (State.variables.foundObjects.length === setup.objects.length) {
alert("Congratulations! You found all the objects before Summer's parents arrived!");
$(document).ready(function() {
Welcome to "Hidden Objects in Summer's House"!
Summer needs your help to hide some objects before her parents arrive. You have 5 minutes to find and hide all the objects. Good luck!
<div id="game-container"></div>
<div id="item-list"></div><<widget "votingSystem">>
.container {
background-color: #3a1538;
padding: 20px;
border-radius: 10px;
box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.5);
text-align: center;
max-width: 600px;
width: 100%;
border: 2px solid #f52e74;
animation: glow 1.5s infinite alternate;
margin: 0 auto;
.timer {
font-size: 24px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
color: #f52e74;
text-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.5);
.progress-bar {
width: 100%;
height: 20px;
background-color: #240021;
border-radius: 10px;
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.3);
animation: glow 1.5s infinite alternate;
.progress {
width: 0%;
background-color: #f52e74;
transition: width 1s linear;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
overflow: hidden;
border-radius: 10px;
.progress::before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
background: linear-gradient(90deg, transparent, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3), transparent);
transform: translateX(-100%);
animation: shimmer 2s infinite;
@keyframes shimmer {
100% {
transform: translateX(100%);
.vote-buttons {
margin-top: 20px;
position: relative;
.vote-button {
padding: 10px 20px;
font-size: 16px;
margin: 0 10px;
cursor: pointer;
background-color: #3a1538;
color: white;
border: 2px solid #f52e74;
border-radius: 5px;
transition: all 0.3s ease;
.vote-button:hover {
transform: scale(1.05);
box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.8);
background-color: #f52e74;
.vote-button:disabled {
opacity: 0.5;
cursor: not-allowed;
.votes {
margin-top: 20px;
font-size: 18px;
color: #fff;
text-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.5);
.voters-list {
text-align: left;
margin-top: 20px;
padding: 10px;
background-color: rgba(58, 21, 56, 0.5);
border-radius: 5px;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.3);
.voter {
margin: 5px 0;
padding: 5px;
border-radius: 3px;
transition: background-color 0.3s ease;
.voter.voted-yes {
background-color: rgba(76, 175, 80, 0.2);
.voter.voted-no {
background-color: rgba(244, 67, 54, 0.2);
.voter-name {
font-weight: bold;
color: #f52e74;
.voter-status {
font-style: italic;
margin-left: 10px;
color: #bbb;
.voter-influence {
font-size: 0.8em;
color: #987e94;
margin-left: 10px;
.custom-alert {
display: none;
position: fixed;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
background-color: #3a1538;
padding: 20px;
border-radius: 10px;
box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.5);
z-index: 1000;
animation: popIn 0.3s ease-out;
border: 2px solid #f52e74;
color: #fff;
max-width: 80%;
text-align: center;
.custom-alert h2 {
color: #f52e74;
margin-top: 0;
.custom-alert-button {
background-color: #f52e74;
color: white;
border: none;
padding: 10px 20px;
margin-top: 15px;
cursor: pointer;
border-radius: 5px;
transition: all 0.3s ease;
.custom-alert-button:hover {
background-color: #ff74b8;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(245, 46, 116, 0.8);
.overlay {
display: none;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
z-index: 999;
@keyframes glow {
0% { box-shadow: 0 0 5px #f52e74; }
50% { box-shadow: 0 0 20px #ff74b8; }
100% { box-shadow: 0 0 5px #f52e74; }
@keyframes popIn {
0% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(0.8); opacity: 0; }
100% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1); opacity: 1; }
<div class="container">
<h1>Dynamic Voting System</h1>
<div class="timer">Time left: <span id="time-left">30</span> seconds</div>
<div class="progress-bar">
<div class="progress" id="progress"></div>
<div class="vote-buttons">
<button class="vote-button" id="vote-yes" onclick="window.playerVote('yes')">Vote Yes</button>
<button class="vote-button" id="vote-no" onclick="window.playerVote('no')">Vote No</button>
<div class="votes">
Current votes: Yes (<span id="yes-votes">0</span>) - No (<span id="no-votes">0</span>)
<div class="voters-list" id="voters-list"></div>
<div class="overlay" id="overlay"></div>
<div class="custom-alert" id="custom-alert">
<h2 id="alert-title"></h2>
<p id="alert-content"></p>
<div id="alert-buttons"></div>
window.closeCustomAlert = function() {
window.playerVote = function(vote) {
setup.themes = ['Pizza toppings', 'Zrada or peremoga'];
setup.timeLeft = 30;
setup.votes = { yes: 0, no: 0 };
setup.theme = '';
setup.playerVoteChoice = null;
setup.initializeVoters = function() {
setup.voters = [
{ name: 'Player', vote: null, status: 'Thinking...', weight: 1, algorithm: null, playerInfluence: 1, npcInfluence: 1, cap: 1 },
{ name: 'Olivia', vote: null, status: 'Thinking...', weight: 0.8, algorithm: Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1,
playerInfluence: State.variables.Olivia.playerInfluence,
npcInfluence: State.variables.Olivia.npcInfluence,
cap: State.variables.Olivia.cap },
{ name: 'Clara', vote: null, status: 'Thinking...', weight: 0.6, algorithm: Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1,
playerInfluence: State.variables.Clara.playerInfluence,
npcInfluence: State.variables.Clara.npcInfluence,
cap: State.variables.Clara.cap },
{ name: 'Sophia', vote: null, status: 'Thinking...', weight: 0.7, algorithm: Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1,
playerInfluence: State.variables.Sophia.playerInfluence,
npcInfluence: State.variables.Sophia.npcInfluence,
cap: State.variables.Sophia.cap },
{ name: 'Lucy', vote: null, status: 'Thinking...', weight: 0.5, algorithm: Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1,
playerInfluence: State.variables.Lucy.playerInfluence,
npcInfluence: State.variables.Lucy.npcInfluence,
cap: State.variables.Lucy.cap }
setup.showCustomAlert = function(title, content, buttons) {
if (buttons) {
buttons.forEach(button => {
$("#alert-buttons").append(`<button class="custom-alert-button" onclick="${button.onclick}">${button.text}</button>`);
} else {
$("#alert-buttons").append('<button class="custom-alert-button" onclick="closeCustomAlert()">OK</button>');
setup.closeCustomAlert = function() {
setup.startVoting = function() {
setup.theme = setup.themes[Math.floor(Math.random() * setup.themes.length)];
setup.showCustomAlert("Voting Theme", "The theme for this vote is: " + setup.theme);
setup.votingTimer = setInterval(function() {
$("#progress").css("width", ((30 - setup.timeLeft) / 30) * 100 + "%");
if (setup.timeLeft <= 0) {
}, 1000);
}; = function(choice, voterName, final = false) {
const voter = setup.voters.find(v => === voterName);
if (voter && ( === null || !final)) {
if ( !== null) {
} = choice;
voter.status = `Voted ${choice}${final ? ' (Final)' : ''}`;
if (voterName !== 'Player') setup.influenceOtherVoters(voter);
// Update character object if it's one of the girls
if (['Olivia', 'Clara', 'Sophia', 'Lucy'].includes(voterName)) {
setup.updateCharacterVote(voterName, choice);
setup.updateCharacterVote = function(name, choice) {
State.variables[name].lastVote = choice;
setup.playerVote = function(choice) {
if (setup.playerVoteChoice === null) {
setup.playerVoteChoice = choice;, 'Player', true);
$("#vote-yes, #vote-no").prop("disabled", true);
setup.influenceWaitingVoters = function() {
setup.voters.forEach(voter => {
if ( !== 'Player' && === null && voter.waitForPlayer) {
setTimeout(() => {
let influenceChance = voter.playerInfluence;
if (Math.random() < influenceChance) {,, true);
} else { < 0.5 ? 'yes' : 'no',, true);
}, Math.random() * 3000 + 2000); // 2-5 seconds delay
setup.influenceOtherVoters = function(influencer) {
const unvotedVoters = setup.voters.filter(v => === null && !== 'Player' && !==;
unvotedVoters.forEach(voter => {
if (voter.playerInfluence <= voter.cap) {
const influenceChance = Math.min(influencer.npcInfluence, voter.cap);
if (Math.random() < influenceChance) {
voter.status = `Influenced by ${}...`;
voter.algorithm = null; // Cancel original voting algorithm
setTimeout(() => {
if ( === null) {,, true);
}, Math.random() * 2000 + 1000);
setup.updateVoteDisplay = function() {
setup.simulateVoters = function() {
const aiVoters = setup.voters.filter(v => !== 'Player');
aiVoters.forEach(voter => {
if (voter.playerInfluence > voter.cap) {
voter.status = "Waiting for player's vote...";
voter.algorithm = null;
voter.waitForPlayer = true;
} else {
switch(voter.algorithm) {
case 1: // Momentary voting
setTimeout(() => < 0.5 ? 'yes' : 'no',, true), Math.random() * 3000 + 2000);
case 2: // Mid-time voting
setTimeout(() => < 0.5 ? 'yes' : 'no',, true), Math.random() * 3000 + 7000);
case 3: // Last-moment voting
setTimeout(() => < 0.5 ? 'yes' : 'no',, true), 27000 + Math.random() * 3000);
case 4: // Change-mind voting
setTimeout(() => { < 0.5 ? 'yes' : 'no',;
setTimeout(() => === 'yes' ? 'no' : 'yes',, true), 27000 + Math.random() * 3000);
}, Math.random() * 10000 + 5000);
setup.updateVotersList = function() {
const votersList = $("#voters-list");
setup.voters.forEach(voter => {
const voterElement = $("<div>").addClass("voter");
if ( === 'yes') voterElement.addClass('voted-yes');
if ( === 'no') voterElement.addClass('voted-no');
let influenceInfo = '';
if ( !== 'Player') {
influenceInfo = `
<span class="voter-influence">
(PI: ${voter.playerInfluence.toFixed(2)},
NI: ${voter.npcInfluence.toFixed(2)},
Cap: ${voter.cap.toFixed(2)})
<span class="voter-name">${}</span>
<span class="voter-status">${voter.status}</span>
setup.showResults = function() {
const winner = setup.votes.yes > ? 'Yes wins!' : > setup.votes.yes ? 'No wins!' : 'It\'s a tie!';
const resultsText = `
Final votes for "${setup.theme}":<br>
Yes: ${setup.votes.yes}<br>
No: ${}<br>
Your vote: ${setup.playerVoteChoice || 'Did not vote'}
setup.showCustomAlert("Voting Results", resultsText, [
{ text: "Continue", onclick: "'VotingResults')" }
$(document).ready(function() {
<<votingSystem>>Tip: \
<<if $SummerLikes1 == 2>>
Summer's Fckr message was pretty chill. Now it's time to <<customTip "Street Raw-Road at 4 p.m. Don't forget to bring some good vibes!" "meet up" "#F65575" "Summer">> and see if that cosmic connection is real. Maybe grab a joint or some coffee on the way?
<<elseif $SummerLikes1 == 3>>
Date with Summer got crazy when some jerk showed up. I handled it, and now we're set for a <<customTip "Street Raw-Road, 4 p.m. Round two, hopefully drama-free." "do-over" "#F65575" "Summer">>.
<<elseif $SummerLikes1 == 4>>
Summer's wild side came out. Time to <<customTip "City park, old oak tree, 2 p.m. Perfect for her free spirit." "get back to nature" "#F65575" "Summer">> for our next hangout.
<<elseif $SummerLikes2 == 1>>
Whoa, Summer kissed me while smoking with Veronica. Need to <<customTip "Check your inbox. She might drop a line about that kiss." "give her space" "#F65575" "Summer">> and see what's up. No pressure, just wait it out.
<<elseif $SummerLikes2 == 2>>
Summer wants me to <<customTip "Yoga studio downtown, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 p.m. Don't forget your mat." "join her yoga class" "#F65575" "Summer">>. Says not to overthink things, but damn... her lips, that body. Can't get her outta my head.
<<elseif $SummerLikes2 == 3>>
Summer's pushing for another <<customTip "Yoga studio, same time. But first, hit up biology class. Might reveal something." "yoga session" "#F65575" "Summer">>. Feels like there's more to it. Gotta go with the flow and see where this leads.
<<elseif $SummerLikes2 == 4>>
Veronica dropped some cryptic info about Summer. Time to <<customTip "Yoga studio, usual time. Keep your eyes peeled for anything weird." "dig deeper" "#F65575" "Summer">> at her yoga class. There's more to this hippie chick than meets the eye.
<<elseif $SummerLikes3 == 1>>
Summer's vibing hard. That magnetic pull is real. But time to <<customTip "Give her some breathing room. Ball's in her court now." "step back" "#F65575" "Summer">>. If she's feeling it, she'll <<customTip "Keep an eye on your inbox. She might drop a line." "hit up my email" "#F65575" "Summer">>.
<<elseif $SummerLikes3 == 2>>
Summer's inviting me to <<customTip "The park, our usual spot by the old oak. She mentioned sunset, so around 7 p.m." "meet at the park" "#F65575" "Summer">>. Her email seemed off, but can't help thinking about her. Hope we can clear the air and maybe get closer.
<<elseif $SummerLikes3 == 3>>
Summer dropped some heavy truth bombs. Gotta <<customTip "Yoga studio, after her class. Usually wraps up around 7:30 p.m." "check on her" "#F65575" "Summer">> and see how she's holding up. Also need to make sure her "garden" isn't causing any trouble. Things are getting complicated.
<</if>><<md>>Yoga Studio is full of girls in tight yoga gear, their asses flexing and breasts bouncing with every move. It’s impossible to focus with curves like that on display in every corner of the room.<</md>>
<<if $SummerLikes2 == 2 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:30') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
[[Yoga and Summer|SummerQuest3.1]]
<<elseif $SummerLikes2 == 4 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:30') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
[[Yoga and Summer again|SummerQuest4.1]]
<<elseif $SummerLikes3 == 3 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '15:00', '17:30') && $QuestNextDay is false >>\
[[See how Summer's holding up|SummerQuest5.1]]
[[5thave]] <<nobr>>
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background-image: url('path/to/naomi.jpg');
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background-image: url('path/to/autumn.jpg');
/* Right column grid portraits */
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background-image: url('path/to/marsha.jpg');
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background-image: url('path/to/ruby.jpg');
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background-image: url('path/to/lucy.jpg');
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/* Add blood trail effect */
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/* Animations */
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0% {
box-shadow: 0 0 10px #ff0000;
filter: brightness(1);
50% {
box-shadow: 0 0 20px #ff0000;
filter: brightness(1.5);
100% {
box-shadow: 0 0 10px #ff0000;
filter: brightness(1);
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0%, 100% {
transform: translateY(0);
box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5);
50% {
transform: translateY(-10px);
box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8);
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0%, 100% { filter: drop-shadow(0 0 5px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)); }
50% { filter: drop-shadow(0 0 10px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8)); }
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0%, 100% { transform: translateX(-50%) scale(1); opacity: 1; }
50% { transform: translateX(-50%) scale(1.2); opacity: 0.8; }
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0% { transform: translateX(-50%) rotate(-5deg) scale(1); }
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100% { transform: translateX(-50%) rotate(-5deg) scale(1); }
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<div class="bats">
<div class="bat" style="animation-delay: 0s"></div>
<div class="bat" style="animation-delay: 2s"></div>
<div class="bat" style="animation-delay: 4s"></div>
<div class="bat" style="animation-delay: 6s"></div>
<div class="bat" style="animation-delay: 8s"></div>
<div class="container">
<div class="column" id="left-column">
<div class="skull-corner skull-tl"></div>
<div class="skull-corner skull-tr"></div>
<div class="skull-corner skull-bl"></div>
<div class="skull-corner skull-br"></div>
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<div class="cobweb web-tr"></div>
<div class="cobweb web-bl"></div>
<div class="cobweb web-br"></div>
<div class="candle left-candle"></div>
<h2 class="theme-title">Dark Academia: Victorian Scientific Society</h2>
<div class="bar-container">
<div class="portraits-above-bar">
<div class="portrait"></div>
<div class="portrait"></div>
<div class="portrait"></div>
<div class="hp-bar">
<div class="hp-bar-fill" style="width: 40%"></div>
<div class="text">
Focuses on intellectual horror and scientific mystery
<ul class="feature-list">
<li>Gothic academic aesthetic with a scientific twist</li>
<li>Elegant and educational, perfect for traditional sponsors</li>
<div class="note-paper">
<div class="note-paper-fold fold-top-right"></div>
<div class="note-paper-fold fold-bottom-left"></div>
<div class="coffee-stain stain-1"></div>
<div class="coffee-stain stain-2"></div>
Specimen notes: Curious manifestations of Victorian-era scientific experiments gone awry.
Recommended for those with a penchant for intellectual discourse and historical mysteries.
<div class="portraits-grid left-grid">
<div class="grid-portrait-container">
<div class="grid-portrait"></div>
<div class="portrait-name">Monica</div>
<div class="grid-portrait-container">
<div class="grid-portrait"></div>
<div class="portrait-name">Samantha</div>
<div class="grid-portrait-container">
<div class="grid-portrait"></div>
<div class="portrait-name">Clara</div>
<div class="grid-portrait-container">
<div class="grid-portrait"></div>
<div class="portrait-name">Naomi</div>
<div class="grid-portrait-container">
<div class="grid-portrait"></div>
<div class="portrait-name">Autumn</div>
<div class="price-stamp">$100</div>
<div class="separator"></div>
<div class="column" id="right-column">
<div class="skull-corner skull-tl"></div>
<div class="skull-corner skull-tr"></div>
<div class="skull-corner skull-bl"></div>
<div class="skull-corner skull-br"></div>
<div class="cobweb web-tl"></div>
<div class="cobweb web-tr"></div>
<div class="cobweb web-bl"></div>
<div class="cobweb web-br"></div>
<div class="candle right-candle"></div>
<h2 class="theme-title">Modern Pop Horror Carnival</h2>
<div class="bar-container">
<div class="portraits-above-bar">
<div class="portrait"></div>
<div class="portrait"></div>
<div class="hp-bar">
<div class="hp-bar-fill" style="width: 50%"></div>
<div class="text">
Contemporary horror with pop culture elements
<ul class="feature-list">
<li>Bright, energetic, carnival atmosphere</li>
<li>Appeals to younger, tech-focused sponsors</li>
<div class="note-paper">
<div class="note-paper-fold fold-top-right"></div>
<div class="note-paper-fold fold-bottom-left"></div>
<div class="coffee-stain stain-1"></div>
<div class="coffee-stain stain-2"></div>
Field observations: Modern manifestations with a flair for the dramatic.
Ideal for those seeking a fresh take on traditional horror elements.
<div class="portraits-grid right-grid">
<div class="grid-portrait-container">
<div class="grid-portrait"></div>
<div class="portrait-name">Lexi</div>
<div class="grid-portrait-container">
<div class="grid-portrait"></div>
<div class="portrait-name">Marsha</div>
<div class="grid-portrait-container">
<div class="grid-portrait"></div>
<div class="portrait-name">Ruby</div>
<div class="grid-portrait-container">
<div class="grid-portrait"></div>
<div class="portrait-name">Lucy</div>
<div class="price-stamp">$500</div>
<div class="buttons-container">
<button class="select-button" onclick="selectColumn('left')">Choose Academia</button>
<button class="select-button" onclick="selectColumn('right')">Choose Carnival</button>
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duration: 1000 + Math.random() * 500,
easing: 'cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)'
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duration: dripDuration,
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duration: dripDuration,
easing: 'cubic-bezier(.22,1.28,.4,.95)',
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{ height: '4px', opacity: 0.8 },
{ height: '2px', opacity: 0, transform: 'translateY(20px)' }
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duration: 600,
easing: 'ease-in'
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<div class="document">
<div class="classified-stamp">Classified</div>
<div class="header">
<h1 class="title">Personnel Record #531</h1>
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<div class="photo">
<div class="subject-info">
<div class="info-group">
<div class="info-label">Name:</div>
<div class="info-value">Sarah <span class="redacted">Richardson</span></div>
<div class="info-group">
<div class="info-label">ID Number:</div>
<div class="info-value">#<span class="redacted">86-742</span></div>
<div class="info-group">
<div class="info-label">Status:</div>
<div class="info-value" style="color: #8b0000;">CONTAINED</div>
<div class="info-group">
<div class="info-label">Location:</div>
<div class="info-value">Sector <span class="redacted">7-B</span></div>
<div class="risk-level">
<div class="info-label">Risk Assessment:</div>
<div class="risk-bar">
<div class="risk-fill"></div>
<div class="incident-list">
<div class="info-label">Recorded Incidents:</div>
<div class="incident" data-incident="1">
<strong>Date: [REDACTED]</strong><br>
First manifestation observed in <span class="redacted">basement level</span>...
<div class="incident" data-incident="2">
<strong>Date: 12/██/20██</strong><br>
Subject exhibited unusual <span class="redacted">temporal displacement</span>...
<div class="incident" data-incident="3">
<strong>Date: [ONGOING]</strong><br>
Multiple instances of <span class="redacted">reality distortion</span>...
<div class="fingerprint"></div>
<div class="verification">FINGERPRINT VERIFICATION REQUIRED</div>
<div class="warning-label">Level 4 Clearance Required</div>
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</script><<md>>As I approached my classroom that morning, excited chatter spilled into the hallway. Monica's voice rang out with enthusiasm, rising above the general murmur of students arriving for the day.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Can you believe it? They're actually going to transform the entire gymnasium into a haunted Victorian mansion! The drama club is helping with the set design and everything!<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's eyes sparkled as she gestured animatedly to Nora, who was listening with a shy but genuine smile.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>The architecture club is building these incredible Gothic archways. And get this - they're setting up a special photo area with vintage props and costumes from the 1800s. It's going to be amazing!<</say>>
<<md>>Nora nodded enthusiastically, her usual timidity forgotten in the face of her friend's excitement.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>The art department is helping too. I saw some of the backdrop paintings they're working on - all these spooky portraits where the eyes seem to follow you.<</say>>
<<md>>She shuddered, but her smile remained.<</md>>
<<say $Nora>>It's actually pretty incredible.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>And we get to perform right in the middle of it all! The cheerleading squad has this special routine planned that's supposed to tie into the whole Victorian ghost theme. I've been practicing the moves at home every—<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Oh. My. God.<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn's cutting voice sliced through their conversation like ice.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Could you two losers be any more pathetic? Getting all wet over some lame school dance?<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby, swaying slightly with her ever-present drink in hand, draped herself over a nearby desk.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Seriously! Like, who even cares about crusty old Victorian whatever? The only thing that matters is looking hot and getting wasted.<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>It's not just a dance. It's a chance to be part of something really creative and—<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Creative?<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn sneered, examining her perfect manicure.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Listen, princess, the only 'creative' thing happening at that dance will be finding new places to hook up. Right, Ruby?<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby giggled, spilling a bit of her drink.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Totally! I've already scoped out like, three perfect spots behind those stupid arch things they're building. Though...<</say>>
<<md>>She gave an exaggerated pout.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>It's gonna be hard to give a proper blow job while wearing one of those dumb corset things.<</say>>
<<md>>Nora's face flamed red, but Monica stood her ground.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Just because you can't appreciate something cultural doesn't mean—<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Cultural?<</say>>
<<md>>Autumn cut her off with a harsh laugh.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Honey, the only 'culture' you need to worry about is not embarrassing yourself when you inevitably fall on your ass during the routine. Though...<</say>>
<<md>>Her lips curved into a cruel smile.<</md>>
<<say $Autumn>>Maybe you'll get lucky and one of those Victorian ghosts will possess you and actually make you a decent cheerleader.<</say>>
<<say $Nora>>At least she's trying to contribute something positive. Instead of just... just trying to find new places to be inappropriate.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>Aww, did you hear that, Ruby? The little mouse is trying to roar! How adorable.<</say>>
<<md>>Ruby snorted into her drink.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Maybe she can dress up as a backbone for Halloween! Though she'd probably need to borrow one first.<</say>>
<<md>>Before things could escalate further, I decided it was time to start class. But as I moved toward my desk, I couldn't help but notice the way Monica squeezed Nora's hand in silent support, both of them holding onto their enthusiasm despite Autumn and Ruby's attempts to tarnish it. The stark contrast between their genuine excitement and the mean girls' cynical mockery painted a clear picture of the social dynamics at play in St. Valentine Gymnasium & Nobility School's upcoming Halloween celebration.<</md>>
<<md>>The haunted Victorian mansion theme was clearly more than just a dance - it was a showcase of school unity and creativity. Well, for most students anyway. For others, it was just another opportunity to cause trouble. I made a mental note to keep a close eye on Autumn and Ruby during the event, suspecting they might have more planned than just finding inappropriate places for hookups.<</md>>
[[Continue with class|Second floor]]
<<set $HalloweenQuest = 1>>
<<addAff $Monica 1>>
<<addAff $Nora 1>><<md>>As I walked through the school corridor the next morning, I heard animated voices coming from the student council room. Fiona and Samantha were engaged in what appeared to be an intense discussion, papers and reference books scattered across the table between them.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Look, I understand wanting to honor traditional Halloween customs, but we need to consider the practical aspects. We can't exactly have students running around with actual jack-o'-lanterns in a Victorian mansion setting.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>But that's exactly my point! The Victorian era actually had fascinating Halloween traditions of their own. Look at this.s<</say>>
<<md>>She excitedly pulled out a book, flipping to a marked page.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>They used to carve turnips, not pumpkins! And they had these amazing divination rituals where young ladies would look into mirrors at midnight to see their future husbands. It's like something straight out of a Gothic romance manga!<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>*sigh* Samantha, we can't have students performing midnight rituals in the school gymnasium.<</say>>
<<md>>Noticing me in the doorway, Fiona's expression brightened.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Oh Coach! You are here...Uhhm...Maybe you can help us resolve this debate.. We're trying to finalize the Halloween celebration details. Need opinion from someone elder and wise.<</say>>
[[Ask about Samantha's research|HalloweenFionaBegin2]]
[[Ask about Fiona's concerns|HalloweenFionaBegin3]]
<<md>>I found Fiona in the student council room, surrounded by costume design sketches and theme proposals. She looked up as I entered, relief evident on her face.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Perfect timing! I've been trying to resolve a dilemma. We can't cater to everyone's preferences while maintaining a cohesive theme that will impress the sponsors.<</say>>
<<md>>She laid out two distinct proposal boards.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>I've narrowed it down to two main themes, and we need your input as both a teacher and event organizer. Each appeals to different groups of students and different types of sponsors.<</say>>
Theme Option 1: "Dark Academia: Victorian Scientific Society"
Focuses on intellectual horror and scientific mystery
Gothic academic aesthetic with a scientific twist
Elegant and educational, perfect for traditional sponsors
Would Appeal To:
Monica as a scholarly Supergirl (reimagined as a Victorian student hero)
Samantha as a sophisticated devil scholar
Clara in her riding outfit (fits the Victorian aesthetic)
Naomi as a corrupted nun researcher
Autumn as a 70s housewife (reimagined as a time-traveling researcher)
Theme Option 2: "Modern Pop Horror Carnival"
Contemporary horror with pop culture elements
Bright, energetic, carnival atmosphere
Appeals to younger, tech-focused sponsors
Would Appeal To:
Lexi and her friend as playful spirits
Marsha as Harley Quinn
Ruby and friend as party Pikachus
Lucy as a carnival bunny
<<say $Fiona>>Each theme would require the other group to modify their costumes, but they'd gain something unique in return. The Victorian theme offers elegance and sophistication, while the carnival offers energy and modern appeal.<</say>>
[[Choose Victorian Scientific Society|Victorian_Theme]]
[[Choose Modern Horror Carnival|Carnival_Theme]]
<<if $Choice == "Victorian_Theme">>
<<say $mc>>The Victorian Scientific Society would align better with our educational goals while still allowing for creativity.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>I agree. It would certainly please our more traditional sponsors. Though we'll need to help the others adapt their costumes to fit the theme...<</say>>
<<md>>She started sketching modifications for the carnival-styled costumes.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>We could transform Harley Quinn into a mad scientist's assistant, the Pikachus into exotic specimen discoveries...<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Carnival_Theme">>
<<say $mc>>The Modern Horror Carnival could show our ability to innovate while keeping the educational aspects.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>True, it would appeal to our tech-industry sponsors. We'd need to help the Victorian-styled group adapt though...<</say>>
<<md>>She began sketching updated versions of the traditional costumes.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>The riding outfit could become a carousel master, the nun a fortune teller...<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>There's one other consideration. Whichever theme we don't choose, those students might feel... less enthusiastic about participating. Some might even refuse to adapt their costumes.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How do you suggest we handle that?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>We could create special roles for them - give them unique positions that make them feel their original costume choices are being respected while still fitting our theme.<</say>>
<<md>>She pulled out a list of potential roles and responsibilities.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>The key is making everyone feel their contribution is valuable, even if it's not exactly what they initially planned. And of course, we need to consider how each group might affect our sponsor relationships.<</say>>
[[Discuss special roles|Special_Roles]]
[[Focus on sponsor appeal|Sponsor_Appeal]]
<<set $HalloweenQuest += 1>>
<<addAff $Fiona 1>><<md>>I found Fiona in the main hallway, clipboard in hand as she studied the school's floor plans.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Ah, Coach! Perfect timing. I need your help with finalizing the location assignments for our Victorian Scientific Society theme.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What areas still need to be planned?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>I've been coordinating with different departments, but we still need someone to oversee the transformation of the main academic floors. I can handle the gymnasium and outdoor areas, but these interior spaces are crucial for creating the right atmosphere.<</say>>
<<md>>She showed me detailed floor plans with highlighted sections.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>We're thinking of turning the first floor into a "Scientific Exhibition Hall" - showcasing Victorian-era discoveries and experiments. The second floor would become a "Paranormal Research Wing" - exploring the intersection of science and supernatural investigation in that period.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That sounds ambitious. What resources do we have available?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>That's where it gets interesting. There's an antique store downtown - Strange Things - that specializes in vintage scientific equipment. And the local PhotoStudio has offered to help create authentic-looking aged photographs for the displays.<</say>>
[[Offer to handle first floor|Floor_One]]
[[Volunteer for second floor|Floor_Two]]
<<if $Choice == "Floor_One">>
<<say $mc>>I can take charge of the Scientific Exhibition Hall. My biology background should help make it authentic.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Perfect! I'll coordinate the second floor setup then. Just make sure to visit Strange Things - they're expecting us. The owner has some fascinating Victorian microscopes and lab equipment we can borrow.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Floor_Two">>
<<say $mc>>I'll handle the Paranormal Research Wing. We can create some interesting displays about how Victorians tried to scientifically study supernatural phenomena.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Excellent! I'll manage the Exhibition Hall downstairs. Don't forget to stop by PhotoStudio - they can create some amazing "spirit photography" in the Victorian style.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>We'll need everything set up with enough time for testing. The fog machines especially - we don't want to accidentally set off any fire alarms during the event.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>When do you need this completed?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>The stores are expecting us tomorrow. That gives us three days to get everything installed and tested before the event. I'll handle coordinating with the other departments for their sections.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds like a plan. Anything else I should know?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Just remember we're aiming for educational value as well as atmosphere. Every display should teach something about Victorian scientific history while maintaining the spooky theme.<</say>>
<<set $HalloweenQuest += 1>>
<<addAff $Fiona 1>>Part 1 - Strange Things Store:
<<md>>The bell chimed eerily as I entered Strange Things, the antique store's cluttered shelves looming with peculiar items. An elderly man emerged from behind a towering display of brass instruments.<</md>>
<<say $Shopkeeper>>Ah, from the school, yes? I've set aside some pieces that might interest you.<</say>>
<<md>>He led me to a collection of Victorian scientific equipment - brass microscopes, mysterious glass tubes, and arcane measuring devices that seemed both elegant and slightly sinister.<</md>>
<<say $Shopkeeper>>These were all authentic tools of scientific inquiry in the Victorian era. This microscope here - they used it to study what they called 'animalcules.' And this device? For measuring electrical currents in the human body. They thought it might detect the soul.<</say>>
[[Select equipment for Exhibition Hall|Equipment_Science]]
[[Choose items for Paranormal Wing|Equipment_Paranormal]]
Part 2 - PhotoStudio:
<<md>>The PhotoStudio was a stark contrast - modern and sleek, but the photographer's enthusiasm matched the antique store owner's.<</md>>
<<say $Photographer>>We can definitely create that Victorian spirit photography look! It was all the rage back then - they used double exposures to make "ghosts" appear in photos.<</say>>
<<md>>She showed me some test prints she'd already prepared - modern photos expertly aged and altered to look like authentic Victorian images.<</md>>
Part 3 - Meeting Fiona:
<<md>>Later, I found Fiona overseeing the final touches on her sections. Her face lit up when she saw the items we'd acquired.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>These are perfect! The gymnasium transformation is nearly complete - we've created a grand Victorian ballroom with some rather clever mechanical special effects.<</say>>
<<md>>She helped me arrange the borrowed equipment and photographs between the two floors.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>The first floor Exhibition Hall looks incredible with these authentic instruments. And these "spirit photographs" for the Paranormal Wing - they're exactly what we needed.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How are the other areas coming along?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>The outdoor spaces are set up as a Victorian botanical garden - complete with "experimental specimens." And the basement...<</say>>
<<md>>She grinned mischievously.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Well, let's just say our "mad scientist's laboratory" down there will certainly leave an impression.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds like everything's coming together.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Indeed. Though we should do one final walkthrough of both floors. Make sure all the equipment is secure and the special effects are working properly.<</say>>
[[Test Exhibition Hall|Test_Science]]
[[Inspect Paranormal Wing|Test_Paranormal]]
<<set $HalloweenQuest += 1>>
<<addAff $Fiona 1>><<md>>The day before the Halloween event, I heard a commotion from the girls' locker room. Monica's distressed voice carried into the hallway.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>No, no, no! This can't be happening!<</say>>
<<md>>I found her staring in horror at her Supergirl costume, which was soaked in something dark and staining. Ruby stood nearby, an "accidentally" spilled energy drink in her hand.<</md>>
<<say $Ruby>>Oopsie! My hand must have slipped. But hey, at least now your costume matches how lame you are!<</say>>
<<md>>As Ruby sauntered away, Monica held up the ruined costume, tears threatening to spill.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach, what am I going to do? The event is tomorrow, and my costume is completely ruined!<</say>>
[[Offer emergency shopping help|Emergency_Shopping]]
[[Confront Ruby|Confront_Ruby]]
<<if $Choice == "Emergency_Shopping">>
<<say $mc>>Don't panic. There's still time to find something else. Grab your things - we're going shopping.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Confront_Ruby">>
<<say $mc>>This was clearly deliberate. I should report this to—<</say>>
<<say $Monica>>No, please don't! It'll just make things worse. I... I just need to figure out a new costume.<</say>>
<<md>>We rushed to the nearby clothing store, which thankfully was still open late for Halloween shoppers.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Everything superhero-related is probably sold out by now...<</say>>
<<md>>But as we browsed, something caught my eye - an elegant Victorian-style dress in deep blue, similar to her Supergirl colors.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>What about this? Instead of a modern superhero, you could be a Victorian-era heroine?<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's eyes lit up as she examined the dress.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It's beautiful! And look - there's even a matching cape! But... it's kind of expensive...<</say>>
[[Offer to help with cost|Help_Cost]]
[[Find creative solutions|Creative_Solutions]]
<<if $Choice == "Help_Cost">>
<<say $mc>>Let me help. Consider it my contribution to the Halloween event.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica's eyes widened with surprise and gratitude.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Coach, I couldn't possibly—<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can and you will. You've worked too hard on this event to let Ruby ruin it.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Creative_Solutions">>
<<say $mc>>Look, these pieces are on sale. If we combine them creatively, we could make something even better than the original costume.<</say>>
<<md>>We started gathering items - the blue dress, some lace trim, costume jewelry that could pass for Victorian...<</md>>
<<md>>In the accessories section, we found period-appropriate items that could transform the outfit from simple dress to complete costume.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>These gloves are perfect! And this brooch looks like something a Victorian lady would wear...<</say>>
<<md>>Her enthusiasm was returning as we pieced together the new look.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Try it all on - let's see how it comes together.<</say>>
<<md>>When Monica emerged from the fitting room, the transformation was remarkable. The Victorian dress gave her an elegant, almost regal bearing - completely different from the Supergirl costume, but somehow even more powerful.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>It's not what I planned, but... I actually love it more? It feels like I'm not just wearing a costume - I'm becoming a character from a Gothic novel!<</say>>
[[Suggest final touches|Final_Touches]]
[[Practice Victorian manners|Victorian_Practice]]
<<if $Choice == "Final_Touches">>
<<md>>We found a few last accessories - a small reticule bag, vintage-style hair pins, and delicate lace gloves.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Ruby actually did me a favor. This is so much better than my original costume!<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Victorian_Practice">>
<<md>>I helped Monica practice some Victorian-era gestures and mannerisms to complete her transformation.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>attempting a curtsy Like this? Oh, this is going to be so much fun!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You look amazing. Nobody will even remember your original costume.<</say>>
<<md>>Monica beamed, doing a twirl in her new outfit.<</md>>
<<say $Monica>>Thank you so much, Coach. Not just for the help with the costume, but for turning this disaster into something even better.<</say>>
<<set $HalloweenQuest += 1>>
<<addAff $Monica 3>><<md>>Clara called me to her office to discuss the Halloween preparations. Her typically stern expression held a hint of satisfaction as she reviewed photos of the transformed floors.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>The Scientific Exhibition Hall and Paranormal Research Wing have exceeded expectations. However...<</say>>
<<md>>She pulled out a blueprint of the school grounds.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>We still need to address the stadium area. It's too prominent to leave unthemed, especially with sponsors likely to tour the entire grounds.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What if we transformed it into an outdoor laboratory? Keep with our Victorian scientific theme.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara's eyebrow raised with interest.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Elaborate.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>We could set up different experimental stations around the track - astronomy observations, botanical studies, maybe even a weather monitoring station. All Victorian-era style, of course.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara nodded slowly, then pressed the intercom.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Send for Olivia.<</say>>
<<md>>Minutes later, Olivia strode in, looking mildly annoyed at being interrupted.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>What's so fucking urgent?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Language, please. We need your help with the stadium transformation for Halloween. Given that it's your domain...<</say>>
<<md>>Olivia's expression shifted from annoyed to intrigued as I explained the outdoor laboratory concept.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Actually, that could work. I've got some old sports equipment we could modify to look like Victorian exercise science apparatus.<</say>>
[[Discuss equipment modifications|Equipment_Talk]]
[[Focus on layout planning|Layout_Talk]]
<<if $Choice == "Equipment_Talk">>
<<say $mc>>What kind of equipment were you thinking of?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Those old wooden climbing frames could pass for period exercise equipment. And the measurement tools for track events - we could make them look like they're for scientific observation.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Layout_Talk">>
<<say $mc>>We should plan the station locations carefully. Maybe create a natural flow for tours?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>The track itself could be like a timeline - showing the progression of Victorian scientific discovery.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Excellent. I want this area to particularly impress Dr. Morrison - he's fascinated by historical scientific methodology.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>smirking Well, we've got plenty of old methods to show off. Some of our gym equipment isn't much newer than Victorian era anyway.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara shot her a disapproving look.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Just ensure everything is appropriately themed and secure. I'm putting you both in charge of this area. The sponsors will be starting their tour here.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>Fine, but I need help moving all that equipment. And we'll need proper lighting for the evening portion.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Requisition whatever you need. Within reason, of course. I'll expect a detailed plan on my desk tomorrow morning.<</say>>
[[Partner with Olivia|Work_Together]]
[[Request additional resources|More_Resources]]
<<if $Choice == "Work_Together">>
<<md>>After leaving Clara's office, Olivia and I began brainstorming the transformation.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Meet me at the stadium in an hour. Bring a notebook - we've got some crazy shit to plan.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "More_Resources">>
<<md>>Clara approved our initial resource request, and Olivia seemed pleased with the allocation.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Not bad. We can work with this. Meet me at the stadium in an hour - we've got some heavy lifting to do.<</say>>
<<set $HalloweenQuest += 1>>
<<addAff $Clara 1>>
<<addAff $Olivia 1>><<md>>The local Goods Store was a massive warehouse-like building filled with all sorts of equipment and supplies. Olivia was already there when I arrived, arguing with the store manager.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>What do you mean you 'just sold' your brass telescopes? We called ahead!<</say>>
<<say $Manager>>Sorry, but St.VGN's representatives came in with a bigger order. However...<</say>>
<<md>>The manager led us to a back section of the store.<</md>>
<<say $Manager>>We have some interesting alternatives that might work even better for your Victorian outdoor laboratory concept.<</say>>
[[Check alternatives|Alternative_Equipment]]
[[Express frustration|Show_Frustration]]
<<if $Choice == "Alternative_Equipment">>
<<md>>The back section revealed a treasure trove of antique-styled equipment.<</md>>
<<say $Manager>>These are actually props from an old movie set - all designed to look Victorian but sturdy enough for outdoor use.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>examining a brass sundial Well, this is pretty fucking perfect.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Show_Frustration">>
<<say $mc>>St.VGN again? They've been one step ahead of us this whole time.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>grinning Maybe, but we can work with this. Sometimes the understudy puts on a better show than the star.<</say>>
<<md>>We started gathering equipment: wooden cases that could be modified into specimen boxes, brass instruments that looked period-appropriate, and various measuring tools that could be weatherproofed for outdoor use.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Look at these old barometers. We can set up a whole weather station with these.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And these surveying tools - perfect for the astronomical observation area.<</say>>
<<say $Manager>>I also have some old gymnasium equipment in storage. Victorian era inspired...<</say>>
[[Investigate gym equipment|Gym_Equipment]]
[[Focus on scientific tools|Science_Tools]]
<<if $Choice == "Gym_Equipment">>
<<md>>The gymnasium equipment was surprisingly perfect - wooden parallel bars, leather medicine balls, and rope climbing apparatus that looked straight out of a Victorian physical culture manual.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Now this is what I'm talking about! We can create a whole 'physical sciences' section showing how they studied human movement.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Science_Tools">>
<<md>>We found an impressive collection of scientific instruments - glass beakers, brass microscopes, and even a small seismograph that could be restored.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>These will look badass set up around the track. Each station telling its own story about Victorian science.<</say>>
<<say $Manager>>There's one more thing you might be interested in...<</say>>
<<md>>The manager pulled out a large crate filled with old-fashioned gas lamps.<</md>>
<<say $Manager>>These are reproduction Victorian street lamps. They're wired for electricity but look authentic. Perfect for evening lighting.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>whistling Now that's going to set a mood. Clara will shit herself when she sees this.<</say>>
[[Negotiate price|Price_Talk]]
[[Plan installation|Installation_Plan]]
<<if $Choice == "Price_Talk">>
<<md>>After some haggling and creative bundling of items, we managed to get everything within our budget - barely.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Good thing Clara doesn't know what St.VGN paid. We got twice the atmosphere for half the price.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Installation_Plan">>
<<md>>We started mapping out where each piece would go, creating a detailed layout for efficient setup.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>If we start early tomorrow, we can have it all installed before dark. Test the lighting before anyone else sees it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Think Clara will be impressed?<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>loading equipment into her truck Impressed? She'll have to be. This isn't just matching St.VGN's show - we're creating something uniquely ours.<</say>>
<<md>>As we finished loading the equipment, Olivia handed me a gas lamp to carry.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Meet me at the stadium at dawn tomorrow. We've got a laboratory to build.<</say>>
<<set $HalloweenQuest += 1>>
<<addAff $Olivia 2>><<md>>I arrived at the stadium just as dawn was breaking. Olivia was already there, surrounded by our purchased equipment and additional supplies.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>About fucking time! Help me unload these lamps before the sun gets too high.<</say>>
<<md>>The stadium looked strangely bare in the early morning light, like a blank canvas waiting for our Victorian transformation.<</md>>
[[Start with lighting setup|Lighting_Setup]]
[[Begin with equipment stations|Station_Setup]]
<<if $Choice == "Lighting_Setup">>
<<md>>We began installing the Victorian-style gas lamps around the track perimeter, carefully concealing the modern wiring.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>These need to be secured properly. One strong wind and Clara will have our asses if anything falls.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Station_Setup">>
<<md>>We started arranging the scientific stations around the track, creating distinct areas for different Victorian studies.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Let's set up the physical sciences equipment near the starting line. Show them how Victorians studied athletic performance.<</say>>
<<md>>As the morning progressed, the transformation began taking shape. We created several distinct zones:<</md>>
<<say $mc>>The astronomical observation area is coming together nicely.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>adjusting a telescope Yeah, and check this out - I had the team rig up these pulleys to adjust the viewing angles. Totally period-appropriate.<</say>>
<<md>>We moved to the next section, where old gymnasium equipment was being reimagined as Victorian exercise science apparatus.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>These wooden parallel bars? Now they're "locomotion study equipment." And these medicine balls are for "gravitational force experiments."<</say>>
[[Add atmospheric details|Atmosphere]]
[[Focus on scientific accuracy|Accuracy]]
<<if $Choice == "Atmosphere">>
<<md>>We added Victorian-style information placards, brass nameplates, and carefully placed props to enhance the period feel.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>hanging an old barometer Now this is starting to look like a proper mad scientist's playground.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Accuracy">>
<<md>>We carefully labeled each piece of equipment with its Victorian-era scientific purpose, ensuring educational value alongside the aesthetics.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Clara's gonna love this. It's like a fucking museum of old-school sports science.<</say>>
<<md>>By midday, the transformation was remarkable. The track had become a circular timeline of Victorian scientific discovery, each station telling its own story.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Just wait until tonight when those lamps are lit. The shadows will make everything look even more authentic.<</say>>
<<md>>Suddenly, we heard Clara's voice behind us.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Very impressive.<</say>>
<<md>>She walked the track slowly, examining each station with her characteristic thoroughness.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>The integration of physical education with Victorian scientific principles is particularly well done. Dr. Morrison will appreciate the historical accuracy.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>under her breath High praise from the ice queen.<</say>>
[[Test the lighting|Lighting_Test]]
[[Demonstrate equipment|Equipment_Demo]]
<<if $Choice == "Lighting_Test">>
<<md>>We waited until dusk to test the Victorian lamps. The effect was magical - the gas-style lights cast a warm, flickering glow that transformed the modern stadium into something from another era.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Excellent. This will provide the perfect atmosphere for evening tours.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Equipment_Demo">>
<<md>>We demonstrated how each piece of equipment would function during the event, showing how students could interact with the Victorian scientific apparatus.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Good. The hands-on demonstrations will appeal to our more practical-minded sponsors.<</say>>
<<say $Olivia>>We still need to do a full run-through with the student demonstrators.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Arrange that for tomorrow. I want everything perfect before the event.<</say>>
<<md>>As Clara left, Olivia grinned and pulled out a flask.<</md>>
<<say $Olivia>>Well, I'd say this deserves a celebration. Want a sip of some "Victorian medicine"?<</say>>
<<set $HalloweenQuest += 1>>
<<addAff $Clara 1>>
<<addAff $Olivia 2>><<md>>Walking past the girls' restroom, I heard someone muttering in frustration. The door was slightly ajar, and I recognized Samantha's voice.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>This is hopeless... I look nothing like what I imagined...<</say>>
<<md>>She was standing before the mirror in her Victorian outfit, tugging uncomfortably at the high collar and long sleeves.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Everything alright, Samantha?<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>Oh! Coach! I... sighs heavily No, not really. This outfit is so... proper. So boring.<</say>>
<<md>>She pulled out her phone, showing me a reference photo of a Gothic Victorian devil costume - all red silk and black lace, seductive yet elegant.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>This is what I wanted to be. A Victorian devil scholar - someone who'd fit right into those Gothic romance novels I love. But I have no idea how to make it work, how to pose, how to... be that character.<</say>>
[[Offer photo help|Photo_Help]]
[[Suggest costume modifications|Costume_Help]]
<<if $Choice == "Photo_Help">>
<<say $mc>>I could help you find some reference photos - proper Victorian poses and expressions. It's not just about the costume, but how you carry yourself.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>eyes lighting up Really? You'd do that? I have all these ideas from manga, but I need something more... historically accurate.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Costume_Help">>
<<say $mc>>We could modify your current outfit to make it more devilish while keeping the Victorian elements.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>But I wouldn't even know how to wear it properly. I need references, inspiration...<</say>>
<<md>>She pulled out a small notebook filled with sketches and magazine cutouts.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>I want to be elegant but with a hint of darkness. Like a devil who infiltrated Victorian high society. But when I try to pose...<</say>>
<<md>>She attempted a seductive pose but immediately looked embarrassed.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>See? I just look silly. Not like those amazing Gothic models in the reference photos.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let me help. I can gather some historical photos for you - real Victorian poses mixed with some Gothic elements.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>suddenly excited Could you? I mean, I know it's a lot to ask, but I really want to do this right. Make it authentic but also... you know... devilishly appealing.<</say>>
[[Promise photo references|Promise_Help]]
[[Offer posing tips|Posing_Tips]]
<<if $Choice == "Promise_Help">>
<<md>>I wrote down some specific photo references she needed - Victorian sitting poses, standing poses, expressions that mixed proper etiquette with subtle seduction.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>I'll find you some good examples. Victorian devils need proper reference material, after all.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Posing_Tips">>
<<md>>I gave her some quick tips about Victorian posture and expressions, promising to bring more detailed references later.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>Remember - Victorian ladies were all about subtle gestures. Even a devil would maintain proper form.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>adjusting her outfit with renewed enthusiasm This could actually work! A proper Victorian devil, with historically accurate poses... It's like something straight out of my favorite Gothic novels!<</say>>
<<md>>She looked at herself in the mirror again, this time with more confidence.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>Thank you, Coach. I was about to give up on the whole idea. Just knowing I'll have proper references... it makes such a difference.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll get those photos to you tomorrow. Plenty of time to practice before the event.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>grinning mischievously Perfect! I'll show everyone that even a Victorian devil can be properly scandalous!<</say>> <<md>>I found Samantha in the school library, hidden behind a stack of Gothic romance novels while reading manga during her lunch break. Her eyes lit up when she saw the envelope of photos in my hand.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>You actually found them! quickly bookmarking her manga Let me see!<</say>>
<<md>>She eagerly spread the Victorian reference photos across the table, accidentally knocking over her collection of vampire romance novels.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>blushing Oops! Um... those are for... research purposes.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>picking up a book "The Vampire Earl's Forbidden Love"?<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>snatching it back It's a classical piece of Gothic literature! ...from last month.<</say>>
<<md>>She quickly changed the subject by pulling out her devil costume from her bag.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>Look! I already started modifying it based on the reference photos you sent! Though...<</say>>
<<md>>She dramatically posed in front of a library mirror, attempting a Victorian stance while making playful devil horns with her fingers.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>Something's missing. I feel like one of those anime characters who's only at 60% of their final form.<</say>>
[[Suggest shopping trip|Devil_Shopping]]
[[Ask about her vision|Devil_Vision]]
<<if $Choice == "Devil_Shopping">>
<<say $mc>>Let's find you some proper horns. Can't have a Victorian devil using finger horns.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>bouncing excitedly Yes! Like in chapter 47 of "My Devil Academia" when the protagonist finally gets her demon accessories!<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Devil_Vision">>
<<say $mc>>What kind of devil are you going for exactly?<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>striking a pose A sophisticated temptress who lures Victorian gentlemen with literature discussions and chess matches... then steals their souls via intellectual debate!<</say>>
<<md>>At the costume shop, Samantha was like a kid in a candy store, trying on various horn styles while narrating each attempt like a manga scene.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>These are too "generic demon." These are too "friendly goat." Ooh, these are giving me major "otome game villain" vibes...<</say>>
<<say $ShopKeeper>>confused What is she talking about?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just go with it. She speaks fluent manga.<</say>>
<<md>>Samantha suddenly gasped, holding up an elegant pair of curved horns with subtle Victorian-style engravings.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>These! They're perfect! Like something a demon duchess would wear to a cursed tea party!<</say>>
<<md>>She quickly put them on with her costume, then pulled out her phone to show me a manga panel.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>See? Just like Lady Hellsington from "The Devil's Drawing Room!" Though she ended up being sealed away by a magical butler... but before that, her tea parties were to die for. Literally!<</say>>
[[Encourage her enthusiasm|Devil_Encourage]]
[[Help with positioning|Horn_Position]]
<<if $Choice == "Devil_Encourage">>
<<md>>Her excitement was infectious as she practiced her Victorian devil poses right there in the shop.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>attempting a dignified pose while nearly tripping In the name of the infernal library, I shall corrupt you with... improper grammar and dog-eared pages!<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Horn_Position">>
<<md>>We spent some time adjusting the horns to look natural yet sophisticated.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>checking every angle They need to be symmetrical! Like in Chapter 23 of "Demon Etiquette School" where the protagonist fails her finals because her horns were tilted 3 degrees too far left!<</say>>
<<md>>Back at school, Samantha insisted on doing a full costume test, complete with character backstory.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>in character I am Lady Samanthia Hellbrook, collector of cursed first editions and host of the most scandalously intellectual salon soirées in all of Victorian London!<</say>>
<<md>>She attempted a graceful twirl but got her Victorian skirts tangled and nearly fell.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>laughing Okay, maybe I need to practice the movement parts. But the horns are perfect! Now I just need to perfect my "tempting scholars with forbidden knowledge" pose.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just try not to actually curse anyone at the Halloween event.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>grinning mischievously Of course not! ...though I did bring some very controversial literature opinions to debate. Did you know some people think "Pride and Prejudice" isn't a Gothic novel? Scandalous!<</say>>
<<set $HalloweenQuest += 1>>
<<addAff $Samantha 3>><<md>>
I arrived at Naomi's impressive house, and the maid showed me to what she called the "young lady's parlor." The room was as extravagant as its occupant.
<<say $Naomi>>from behind an ornate changing screen Well, well... if it isn't my favorite commoner. Come to pay homage to your queen?<</say>>
She stepped out, wearing a partially done-up Victorian dress that left just enough to the imagination to be tantalizing. Her usual royal attitude was amplified by the period clothing.
[[Play along|Royal_Roleplay]]
[[Stay professional|Professional_Invite]]
<<if $Choice == "Royal_Roleplay">>
<<say $mc>>Your Majesty. I come bearing an invitation to a most exclusive gathering.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>smirking Mmm, at least you know how to properly address your betters. Do continue...<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Professional_Invite">>
<<say $mc>>Naomi, I wanted to personally invite you to the Halloween event.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>pouting playfully Oh darling, you're no fun. Where's your sense of theater?<</say>>
She sauntered closer, deliberately letting her dress slip slightly off one shoulder.
<<say $Naomi>>Tell me, dear Coach... why should I grace your little soirée with my royal presence? What... entertainments do you offer?<</say>>
Her voice was pure honey, each word carefully chosen to tease.
<<say $mc>>It's a Victorian theme. I thought it might appeal to your... regal sensibilities.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>circling me slowly Victorian, you say? How deliciously proper. You know how much I enjoy... propriety.<</say>>
She stopped directly in front of me, adjusting her corset with deliberate slowness.
<<say $Naomi>>Though I do hope you're not expecting me to play some boring, well-behaved noble lady. Queens make their own rules, after all.<</say>>
[[Flirt back|Flirt_Response]]
[[Maintain composure|Composed_Response]]
<<if $Choice == "Flirt_Response">>
<<say $mc>>I wouldn't dream of trying to tame Your Majesty.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>laughing delightedly Clever boy. You're learning.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Composed_Response">>
<<say $mc>>I'm sure you'll find appropriate ways to make the role your own.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>trailing a finger down my chest Oh, I always do...<</say>>
She moved to her vanity, deliberately giving me a view of her profile as she applied her lipstick.
<<say $Naomi>>You know, in Victorian times, a lady would never receive a gentleman alone in her chambers like this. How terribly scandalous of us.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Should I leave then? To preserve your reputation?<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>turning with a wicked smile Now why would a queen care about reputation? Besides...<</say>>
She stepped close again, her perfume intoxicating.
<<say $Naomi>>Don't you want to see my costume? I simply must know if it's... appropriate for your event.<</say>>
[[Stay to see costume|Watch_Change]]
[[Make excuses|Polite_Exit]]
<<if $Choice == "Watch_Change">>
She disappeared behind the screen again, the silhouette of her changing clearly visible.
<<say $Naomi>>No peeking now, Coach. Unless... your queen commands it.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Polite_Exit">>
<<say $mc>>I should probably let you finish preparing...<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>catching my arm Leaving so soon? How disappointing. And here I thought you were more... daring.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>emerging in full costume Well? Is your queen suitably... impressive?<</say>>
The costume was stunning - a perfect blend of Victorian nobility and Naomi's natural royal bearing. The deep purple fabric clung in all the right places while maintaining period accuracy.
<<say $Naomi>>strutting past I do so enjoy making men speechless. Though usually, they're on their knees first.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The costume suits you perfectly.<</say>>
<<say $Naomi>>leaning close to whisper Everything suits me perfectly, darling. Though I do hope you'll save me a dance at this little gathering of yours. I do so enjoy making my subjects... squirm.<</say>>
<set $HalloweenQuest += 1>
<addAff $Naomi 2>
I found Lucy in her classroom, surrounded by papers and looking slightly lost. She was holding the same notebook page for several minutes, staring at it with increasing confusion.
<<say $Lucy>>Oh! Coach... I think I was about to do something with this... pauses ...paper?<</say>>
She glanced around her classroom, then at the biology lab across the hall.
<<say $Lucy>>Your laboratory looks amazing. All those bubbling things and Victorian gadgets... frowning My classroom just looks like... well, I think it always looks like this. I remember it looking like this. I think.<</say>>
[[Offer suggestion|Crypto_Suggestion]]
[[Ask about her plans|Lucy_Plans]]
<<if $Choice == "Crypto_Suggestion">>
<<say $mc>>What if we turned it into a Cryptography Chamber? Victorian-era code-breaking and secret messages?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>eyes lighting up Oh! Like those wonderful cipher machines! I read about those... yesterday? Last year? giggles Time is funny.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Lucy_Plans">>
<<say $mc>>Did you have any ideas for your classroom?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>I had several! Wrote them down somewhere... pats pockets Or did I dream that? Sometimes I dream about writing things...<</say>>
She wandered to her desk, picked up a pen, then seemed surprised to find it in her hand.
<<say $Lucy>>Cryptography! Yes! I could get all sorts of lovely old ciphers and codes. Make it mysterious! pauses Unless I already did that? No, no, that's for Halloween. Future Lucy's adventure!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you need help gathering supplies?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>waving hand dismissively with elegant grace Oh no, darling. Shopping I can manage. It's like a treasure hunt! Sometimes I find extra treasures I don't remember looking for, but those are just bonus adventures.<</say>>
She pulled out a small notebook with dozens of colorful bookmarks.
<<say $Lucy>>See? I write everything down now. Well, most things. Important things. flips through pages Though sometimes I forget which things were important... but that makes every page a surprise!<</say>>
[[Offer assistance anyway|Help_Offer]]
[[Trust her capability|Trust_Lucy]]
<<if $Choice == "Help_Offer">>
<<say $mc>>Are you sure? I could—<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>pressing finger to my lips Shush, darling. Lucy is perfectly capable of a little shopping. Besides... leans in conspiratorially I have a secret weapon!<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Trust_Lucy">>
<<say $mc>>Alright, just let me know if you need anything.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>beaming Such a gentleman! But Lucy has her methods. Did you know I once found an entire collection of Victorian novels I don't remember buying? They were perfect for class! Or will be. Have been? laughs musically Tenses are tricky!<</say>>
She twirled across the room to her bookshelf, pulling out various books with surprising precision despite her usual forgetfulness.
<<say $Lucy>>The lovely thing about cryptography is that even if I forget the codes... winks that just makes them more authentic! Real mysteries to solve!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's... actually quite clever.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Isn't it? proud smile Sometimes my forgetting things works out perfectly. Like method acting! Or was that another thing? shrugs elegantly No matter! The Victorian cryptographers probably forgot things too. Makes it historically accurate!<</say>>
She started writing something in her notebook, then looked at it with surprise.
<<say $Lucy>>Oh look! Past Lucy already made a shopping list! She's so thoughtful. I do like her, even if she keeps hiding things from me. Though... squints at writing I'm not sure why she wanted seventeen purple candles...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe stick to the cryptography supplies?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>laughing Probably wise. Though purple candles might be lovely... No, no, focus! Cryptography! Victorian secrets! pauses You know, I might have some Victorian secrets already. Or are those different? waves hand dismissively I'll figure it out while shopping!<</say>>
The next day, I found Lucy standing in the middle of her classroom, staring blankly at some shopping bags on her desk. Her expression was that familiar mix of confusion and mild distress.
<<say $Lucy>>Oh, hello... Coach? Yes, Coach. I'm just... looks at bags ...I think I went shopping? There are bags, so I must have gone shopping. But I can't quite remember...<</say>>
She picked up one of the bags, looking inside with puzzled fascination.
<<say $Lucy>>How curious! There are all sorts of interesting things in here. Though I'm not entirely sure why I bought seven decoder rings and... is that a stuffed parrot?<</say>>
[[Check shopping bags|Check_Bags]]
[[Remind her gently|Gentle_Remind]]
<<if $Choice == "Check_Bags">>
Looking through the bags revealed a chaotic mix of items - some perfect for a cryptography chamber, others completely random.
<<say $mc>>Well, you got some cipher wheels... and apparently a collection of rubber ducks?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>brightening Oh! Maybe they're secret agent ducks! Though I don't recall recruiting them...<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Gentle_Remind">>
<<say $mc>>We discussed turning your classroom into a Victorian Cryptography Chamber, remember?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Did we? smiles dreamily That sounds lovely! Though I'm not sure how the rubber ducks fit into that theme...<</say>>
Lucy wandered over to her desk, picked up a piece of chalk, then stared at it as if she'd never seen it before.
<<say $Lucy>>I had a plan. I wrote it down somewhere... pats pockets Or did I dream about writing it down? Sometimes I dream about writing things down about dreams about writing things down...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How about I help you set this up?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>visible relief Would you? That would be... looks around classroom ...where am I again?<</say>>
[[Start organizing|Start_Setup]]
[[Guide Lucy gently|Guide_Lucy]]
<<if $Choice == "Start_Setup">>
I began sorting through the supplies, creating organized piles while Lucy watched with fascinated interest.
<<say $Lucy>>Oh! Those cipher wheels are pretty. Did I buy those? How clever of me. Past Lucy sometimes has excellent taste.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Guide_Lucy">>
I tried to involve Lucy in the organization, but she kept getting distracted by rediscovering items she'd bought.
<<say $Lucy>>Look! Another decoder ring! pauses Or is it the same one I found five minutes ago? They're all so shiny...<</say>>
Over the next hour, I transformed the classroom into a proper Victorian Cryptography Chamber. Lucy fluttered around, occasionally helping but mostly providing amusing commentary.
<<say $Lucy>>picking up a cipher wheel You know, in Victorian times, they used these to... to... stares at wheel Is this a very fancy pizza cutter?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's for decoding secret messages.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>Oh yes! beaming I knew that. Or I knew it once. Or I will know it soon? Time is so fluid, isn't it?<</say>>
As I set up the final display, Lucy suddenly gasped.
<<say $Lucy>>This is beautiful! Did you do all this? looks around in wonder I don't remember it looking like this before. Though I'm not entirely sure what it looked like before. Or if there was a before. Was there a before?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, just now. We just finished setting it up.<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>clapping delightedly How wonderful! I should write this down... pats pockets again I had a notebook. I think. Unless that was yesterday's Lucy. She's always hiding things from me, you know.<</say>>
I handed her a notebook from her desk.
<<say $Lucy>>writing carefully "Dear Future Lucy, The classroom is now a beautiful Cryptography Chamber. Coach helped. Don't forget to thank him. Also, if you find any rubber ducks, they might be secret agents."<</say>>
<set $HalloweenQuest += 1>
<addAff $Lucy 3><<md>>
I found Autumn and Ruby in the hallway, with Autumn deliberately adjusting her "housewife" costume to show more cleavage than any proper Victorian lady would display.
<<say $Autumn>>Well, if it isn't our favorite Coach. innocent smile What do you think of my costume concept? Just a sweet, innocent housewife...<</say>>
She did a slow turn, the movement calculated to show off every curve.
<<say $Ruby>>giggling and sipping from her flask She's, like, totally going for that whole 'perfect wife' thing. So different from usual!<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>batting eyelashes Isn't this what every man wants? A nice, obedient housewife who knows her place?<</say>>
[[Stay professional|Professional_Response]]
[[Play along cautiously|Cautious_Play]]
<<if $Choice == "Professional_Response">>
<<say $mc>>The Victorian theme requires historical accuracy, Autumn.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>pouting Oh, but Coach... I need help with that. I'm just a simple girl, all these complex Victorian fashions confuse me so...<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Cautious_Play">>
<<say $mc>>Somehow I doubt 'obedient' is in your vocabulary, Autumn.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>smirking Clever Coach. But don't you want to help make me more... proper?<</say>>
She stepped closer, deliberately dropping her costume sketch. As she bent to pick it up, her skirt rode up significantly.
<<say $Autumn>>Oops! How clumsy of me. looking up through her lashes You know, I really do need help with this costume. All these buttons and corsets... it's so complicated.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>snorting Like, you should totally help her, Coach. She might put it on backward or something!<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>mock offense Ruby! Are you suggesting I'm not intelligent enough to dress myself? to me, sweetly Though I could use a man's... guidance.<</say>>
[[Maintain boundaries|Keep_Distance]]
[[Agree to help shop|Accept_Shopping]]
<<if $Choice == "Keep_Distance">>
<<say $mc>>I'm sure you can figure it out, Autumn.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>dropping the sweet act slightly Oh come on, Coach. Don't you want to make sure I'm properly... contained? These Victorian outfits need such firm... handling.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Accept_Shopping">>
<<say $mc>>Fine. We'll go to the costume shop. Strictly professional.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>victorious smile Of course! I'll be on my very best behavior. whispers Until I'm not.<</say>>
Ruby wobbled slightly, clutching her flask.
<<say $Ruby>>Can I come watch? This is gonna be, like, so entertaining!<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>sharply No, Ruby. I need the Coach's... undivided attention.<</say>>
She pulled out a list of costume requirements, holding it so I had to lean in close to read it.
<<say $Autumn>>See all these complicated terms? Bustle, petticoat, corset... breathing against my ear I'll need help trying everything on. To ensure proper... historical accuracy.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>This is strictly about the Halloween event, Autumn.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>trailing a finger down my arm Of course it is, Coach. I'm just a dedicated student trying to get into character. innocent smile Unless you'd prefer I go shopping alone and accidentally buy something... inappropriate?<</say>>
Ruby nearly choked on her drink trying not to laugh.
<<say $Ruby>>Oh my god, she's totally got you there, Coach!<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>So, shall we go shopping? sweet smile I promise to be a perfect lady. Well, as perfect as a housewife with... urges... can be.<</say>>
<set $HalloweenQuest += 1>
<addAff $Autumn 2>
<addAff $Ruby 1><<md>>
At the costume shop, Autumn immediately took charge, while Ruby tagged along despite being told not to come, already tipsy and giggly.
<<say $Autumn>>holding up a corset Coach, be a dear and help me with the measurements?<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>sipping from her flask Ooh, you'll need help lacing that up! It's, like, impossible to do alone!<</say>>
[[Maintain professionalism|Stay_Professional]]
[[Suggest store clerk|Call_Clerk]]
<<if $Choice == "Stay_Professional">>
<<say $mc>>You should use the fitting room and ask for a female assistant.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>fake pout But Coach... I trust your judgment so much more...<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Call_Clerk">>
<<say $mc>>I'll get someone to help you—<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>cutting me off Oh no, they're all busy. Looks like you'll have to help...<</say>>
Autumn disappeared behind the curtain, but didn't close it completely. The gap gave a tantalizing view as she "struggled" with the buttons.
<<say $Autumn>>Coach? I think I'm doing this wrong... deliberately fumbling with the dress<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>giggling Show him, Autumn! He needs to see the, um, historical accuracy!<</say>>
Ruby stumbled slightly, catching herself on a rack of Victorian dresses while Autumn continued her show.
<<say $Autumn>>Oops! letting her modern dress slip Is this how Victorian ladies undressed? So many layers...<</say>>
[[Look away|Avert_Eyes]]
[[Maintain supervision|Watch_Carefully]]
<<if $Choice == "Avert_Eyes">>
I turned around, but could still hear their teasing giggles.
<<say $Autumn>>Such a gentleman! But how will you know if I'm wearing it correctly?<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Watch_Carefully">>
I kept my eyes on the situation, trying to stay professional despite their obvious provocations.
<<say $Autumn>>smirking See something you like, Coach?<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>holding up another dress My turn next! I totally need help with these stupid buttons too!<</say>>
Autumn emerged, the Victorian dress deliberately misaligned.
<<say $Autumn>>How's this? turning slowly Though I think something's not quite right... maybe you should check the fit more closely?<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>stumbling into a mannequin Yeah, like, hands-on inspection!<</say>>
Autumn stepped close, adjusting her bodice.
<<say $Autumn>>These Victorian ladies had to be so proper in public... whispering but I bet they were wild in private. Want to help me practice both roles?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let's focus on finding appropriate costumes.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>innocently But I am! See? deliberately bending over to pick up a dropped glove I'm learning all about Victorian lady-like behavior...<</say>>
Finally, after several more provocative costume changes and Ruby's increasingly drunk commentary, they found suitable dresses.
<<say $Autumn>>admiring herself Perfect! Just innocent enough to be proper... winks but with room for impropriety.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>slurring You look like... like a totally hot Victorian MILF!<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>adjusting the neckline Thank you for your help, Coach. leaning close I'll be sure to show you my... gratitude... at the Halloween event.<</say>>
<set $HalloweenQuest += 1>
<addAff $Autumn 2>
<addAff $Ruby 2><<md>>
Clara was waiting in her office, surrounded by promotional materials from competing schools. Her expression was even more serious than usual.
<<say $Clara>>Sit down. adjusts glasses St.VGN just released their Halloween promotional photos. Predictably theatrical, but unfortunately... effective.<</say>>
She laid out several glossy photos showing their elaborate Victorian mansion setup.
<<say $Clara>>Please tell me our PhotoStudio sessions are arranged. The sponsors need to see that we're not just matching their spectacle, but exceeding it with substance.<</say>>
[[Show confidence|Confident_Response]]
[[Admit pending status|Honest_Response]]
<<if $Choice == "Confident_Response">>
<<say $mc>>I have some concepts planned that will showcase our educational focus.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>raised eyebrow Concepts aren't photographs. I need tangible results.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Honest_Response">>
<<say $mc>>The sessions are still being arranged—<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>cutting me off sharply Still being arranged? pinches bridge of nose Unacceptable.<</say>>
She pulled out a detailed schedule.
<<say $Clara>>The sponsors' quarterly meeting is in three days. Dr. Morrison specifically asked about our Halloween preparations. Do you understand what's at stake here?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The school's funding, yes.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Not just funding. stands, pacing Our reputation. Our credibility. While St.VGN plays dress-up, we need to show that we can make education engaging without sacrificing academic integrity.<</say>>
[[Propose immediate action|Action_Plan]]
[[Request guidance|Seek_Direction]]
<<if $Choice == "Action_Plan">>
<<say $mc>>I can head to the PhotoStudio now. We'll focus on showing the educational aspects of each setup.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>slight approval Better. But I want to review the shots before anything goes to print.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Seek_Direction">>
<<say $Clara>>sighs Must I micromanage everything? pulls out notebook Here are the key points we need to highlight...<</say>>
She laid out specific requirements with military precision.
<<say $Clara>>First photo: The Scientific Exhibition Hall. I want to see students actively engaged with the exhibits. No posed smiles, real learning moments.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Second: The Cryptography Chamber. Show the mathematical principles behind the codes. Dr. Morrison particularly appreciates historical mathematics.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Third: The outdoor laboratory. Capture the authentic Victorian scientific methodology, but ensure it looks organized. We're not running a circus.<</say>>
She adjusted her glasses again, fixing me with her signature stern gaze.
<<say $Clara>>And most importantly... emphasizes each word No. Halloween. Gimmicks. This is about education, not entertainment. Even if some of our staff slight eye roll seem to have forgotten that.<</say>>
[[Accept mission|Accept_Task]]
[[Suggest balance|Suggest_Compromise]]
<<if $Choice == "Accept_Task">>
<<say $mc>>I'll ensure the photos emphasize our educational focus.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>nods approvingly Finally, someone who understands priorities.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Suggest_Compromise">>
<<say $mc>>We could balance the educational aspects with some atmospheric elements...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>sharp look The Victorian theme is atmospheric enough. Focus on substance.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I expect the first proofs on my desk by tomorrow morning. straightens papers And remember, these photos need to tell our sponsors that their money is being well spent on real education, not theatrical frivolity.<</say>>
She handed me a folder containing sample photos from previous successful funding presentations.
<<say $Clara>>Study these. Note the professional composition, the focus on academic engagement. That's what I expect. pauses Though perhaps with slightly more... Victorian flair. But tasteful flair.<</say>>
<set $HalloweenQuest += 1>
<addAff $Clara 2>
At the PhotoStudio, Monica was already in her Victorian scholar outfit, arranging books with precise care.
<<say $Monica>>I've researched proper Victorian study postures! demonstrates See? Very period-accurate!<</say>>
Samantha twirled in her devil scholar costume, clutching a Gothic novel.
<<say $Samantha>>in character Lady Samanthia Hellbrook, ready to corrupt minds with forbidden literature! breaks character Oh! Just like in Chapter 43 of "The Demon Librarian's Forbidden Archive"!<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>looking confused at her props Am I supposed to be decoding something? Or did I already decode it? picks up cipher wheel Oh, what a lovely pizza cutter!<</say>>
[[Start the session|Begin_Photos]]
[[Arrange poses|Arrange_Setup]]
<<if $Choice == "Begin_Photos">>
The photographer began positioning the girls for educational action shots.
<<say $Monica>>Should I look more studious? Or maybe slightly less studious? What's the optimal study face?<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Arrange_Setup">>
I helped position each girl according to Clara's requirements.
<<say $Samantha>>striking dramatic pose How about this? Like a Victorian devil offering knowledge instead of apples!<</say>>
Suddenly, Ruby's drunken giggle echoed through the studio, followed by Autumn's sharp voice.
<<say $Autumn>>entering dramatically Well, well... what do we have here? A little photo shoot that we weren't invited to?<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>stumbling slightly Like, totally rude! We're way more photogenic!<</say>>
Autumn switched to her "innocent housewife" act.
<<say $Autumn>>sugary sweet Surely there's been some mistake? A proper housewife would make such a lovely addition to your photos...<</say>>
[[Explain situation|Explain_Purpose]]
[[Stand firm|Stay_Firm]]
<<if $Choice == "Explain_Purpose">>
<<say $mc>>These are specifically for showing educational elements to sponsors.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>interest immediately fading Education? Ugh, boring.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Stay_Firm">>
<<say $mc>>This session is for highlighting academic activities only.<</say>>
<<say $Autumn>>dropping innocent act Academic? scoffs Please, like I'd want to be in your nerd propaganda.<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>already losing interest Wait, this is like, actual studying? Not even fake studying? takes a drink Booooring!<</say>>
Meanwhile, the photo session continued with its original participants.
<<say $Monica>>deep in character "The correlation between atmospheric pressure and theoretical mathematics suggests..."<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>posing with Gothic flair "But what if we considered forbidden theorems?" whispers to me Just like in my favorite manga where the demon teacher—<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>staring at her reflection in a brass instrument Oh! There's another Lucy in there! Hello, other Lucy! Are you also decoding things? waves at reflection<</say>>
Autumn rolled her eyes, her interest completely gone.
<<say $Autumn>>Come on, Ruby. Let's leave the nerds to their little photoshoot. pauses at door, dropping voice Though Coach, if you want to do a more... private photo session later...<</say>>
<<say $Ruby>>giggling Yeah, with like, way less clothes and way more fun!<</say>>
After they left, the session continued more focused than ever.
<<say $Monica>>adjusting glasses Now, about the proper angle for Victorian scientific observation...<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>in full character "Come, let us explore the darkest corners of mathematical theory!" breaks character Was that too dramatic? Not dramatic enough?<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>to her reflection again Oh! We're doing photos? How wonderful! Though I think we did photos yesterday. Or was that tomorrow? smiles dreamily Time is such a delightful mystery!<</say>>
<set $HalloweenQuest += 1>
<addAff $Monica 2>
<addAff $Samantha 2>
<addAff $Lucy 2>
<addAff $Autumn 1>
<addAff $Ruby 1>
Clara was methodically examining each photo through her reading glasses, occasionally making notes in her precise handwriting.
<<say $Clara>>studying a photo Hmm. The Victorian scientific authenticity is... acceptable. However...<</say>>
She laid out the photos in a perfect grid on her desk.
<<say $Clara>>While these will sufficiently impress the aesthetic sensibilities of our sponsors, we need substance behind the style. adjusts glasses We need comprehensive educational materials to accompany each setup.<</say>>
[[Ask for specifics|Ask_Details]]
[[Offer suggestions|Give_Ideas]]
<<if $Choice == "Ask_Details">>
<<say $mc>>What kind of materials are you looking for?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>pulls out detailed checklist I've prepared a comprehensive list of requirements...<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Give_Ideas">>
<<say $mc>>We could create period-appropriate worksheets and—<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>interrupting Let me stop you before you suggest something inadequately rigorous.<</say>>
She opened a folder containing samples from previous successful educational programs.
<<say $Clara>>For each area, I require:
First: Victorian-era scientific worksheets. Not just calculations, but historical context. Dr. Morrison particularly appreciates that.
Second: Code-breaking exercises for the Cryptography Chamber. Real Victorian ciphers, mind you, not theatrical nonsense.
Third: Laboratory documentation forms. Everything must be properly recorded, just as Victorian scientists would have done.<</say>>
She paused, fixing me with her stern gaze.
<<say $Clara>>And most importantly - assessment materials. emphasizes each word The sponsors need to see measurable educational outcomes.<</say>>
[[Propose collaboration|Suggest_Team]]
[[Accept solo task|Accept_Solo]]
<<if $Choice == "Suggest_Team">>
<<say $mc>>I could work with the other teachers to develop these materials.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>considering Acceptable. But you'll oversee quality control. I won't have anyone turning this into a... slight grimace ...Halloween game.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Accept_Solo">>
<<say $mc>>I'll handle the development personally.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>nods approvingly Good. Though do consult the historical archives. Accuracy is paramount.<</say>>
She handed me another folder, this one even thicker than the last.
<<say $Clara>>Here are examples of Victorian educational materials. Note the rigorous attention to detail. pauses Though perhaps make ours slightly more... accessible. We're impressing sponsors, not torturing students.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Should we include interactive elements?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>slight eye roll If you must. But remember - this is an educational institution, not an... distaste evident ...escape room. Though...<</say>>
She seemed to have a sudden thought.
<<say $Clara>>The Victorians did have some intriguing educational methods. Their examination techniques were particularly... thorough.<</say>>
[[Express interest|Show_Interest]]
[[Wait for elaboration|Stay_Silent]]
<<if $Choice == "Show_Interest">>
<<say $mc>>That could be interesting to incorporate.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>almost showing enthusiasm Indeed. Their oral examination methods were quite... intensive. composes herself But let's not get carried away.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Stay_Silent">>
Clara caught herself, straightening her already perfect posture.
<<say $Clara>>Well, we'll stick to more modern assessment methods. Though perhaps with a Victorian aesthetic.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>I expect draft materials on my desk by tomorrow morning. straightens papers And remember - educational rigor first, Victorian atmosphere second, and Halloween... slight pause ...a distant third.<</say>>
As I turned to leave, she added one final thought.
<<say $Clara>>Oh, and... adjusts glasses do try to make it somewhat engaging. We don't want the sponsors falling asleep. Just ensure they're learning while they're awake.<</say>>
<set $HalloweenQuest += 1>
<addAff $Clara 2>
I'd set up in the library, surrounded by Victorian reference books, when Monica appeared, already carrying an armful of research materials.
<<say $Monica>>Coach! I cross-referenced three different Victorian scientific journals for accuracy. Did you know they had specific penmanship requirements for laboratory notes?<</say>>
Samantha popped up from behind a bookshelf, clutching a Gothic novel.
<<say $Samantha>>And their exam questions were deliciously dramatic! in spooky voice "Describe the properties of acids, and what terrible fate might befall one who mishandles them!"<</say>>
[[Start organizing|Begin_Organization]]
[[Welcome help|Accept_Help]]
<<if $Choice == "Begin_Organization">>
Lucy wandered over, looking confused but interested.
<<say $Lucy>>Are we writing something? I love writing! Though sometimes I forget what I wrote... picks up random paper Did I write this? It's quite good!<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Accept_Help">>
As we started working, Aria appeared, drawn by the mention of mathematics.
<<say $Aria>>Victorian math problems? eyes gleaming Their numerical systems were like early coding... pure logic in its most elegant form!<</say>>
The girls naturally fell into different roles:
Monica created meticulous worksheets, each one perfectly balanced between educational value and historical accuracy.
<<say $Monica>>These questions progress from basic principles to advanced applications, just like Victorian universities! beaming I added margin space for proper notation!<</say>>
Samantha added atmospheric elements that somehow made even math problems sound exciting.
<<say $Samantha>>writing dramatically "As the fog rolls through London's streets, so must you navigate through these equations..." looks up Too much? Not enough Gothic ambiance?<</say>>
Lucy contributed unexpectedly useful ideas... when she could remember them.
<<say $Lucy>>staring at cipher wheel Oh! What if we made the answers into a secret code? Though we should write down the code somewhere... I had a lovely code yesterday. Or was it next week?<</say>>
Aria developed intricate mathematical problems that tied into the Victorian theme.
<<say $Aria>>These calculations are exactly what a Victorian scientist would use to measure supernatural phenomena! adjusts glasses The math is real, even if the ghosts aren't.<</say>>
[[Focus on worksheets|Develop_Worksheets]]
[[Create assessments|Create_Tests]]
<<if $Choice == "Develop_Worksheets">>
Naomi sauntered by, pausing to examine our work with royal disdain.
<<say $Naomi>>picking up a paper delicately Well, if you're creating Victorian materials, they simply must have proper etiquette instructions. smirks Even scientists needed to know which fork to use.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Create_Tests">>
Veronica appeared, adding her philosophical perspective.
<<say $Veronica>>slightly high Victorian epistemology was wild, man... they questioned everything while maintaining rigid social structures... deep thought Like, contradictions within contradictions...<</say>>
The final materials came together beautifully:
Laboratory Notebooks with period-appropriate observations
Cryptography exercises disguised as Victorian correspondence
Mathematical problems set in historical contexts
Scientific method worksheets with Gothic literary flair
Assessment materials that looked like Victorian exam papers
<<say $Monica>>organizing everything We even included proper Victorian grading rubrics!<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>And each section has its own spooky backstory! dramatic voice "The Case of the Mysterious Mathematical Manuscript..."<</say>>
<<say $Lucy>>looking pleased I helped with... something. I think. Though these papers look fascinating! Did we just make these?<</say>>
<<say $Aria>>The numerical progression is perfect. Like solving the mysteries of the universe... through Victorian eyes.<</say>>
Even Naomi had contributed, adding a section on Victorian scientific society etiquette.
<<say $Naomi>>examining final product Well, at least it has proper style. Those sponsors better appreciate the attention to detail.<</say>>
<<say $Veronica>>philosophical mode It's like... we've created a bridge between past and present educational paradigms... takes another hit Deep, right?<</say>>
Looking at the completed materials, I felt confident even Clara would be impressed. We'd managed to create something both academically rigorous and atmospherically appropriate.
<set $HalloweenQuest += 1>
<addAff $Monica 2>
<addAff $Samantha 2>
<addAff $Lucy 2>
<addAff $Aria 2>
<addAff $Naomi 1>
<addAff $Veronica 1><<md>>
I found Clara at her desk, methodically examining each page of the educational materials. Her expression remained neutral, but I noticed her eyebrow raise slightly - a sign of potential approval in Clara-speak.
<<say $Clara>>adjusting glasses Most... interesting. The Victorian scientific rigor is evident, yet it remains surprisingly accessible.<</say>>
She laid out the materials in precise sections.
<<say $Clara>>The laboratory documentation is particularly well-crafted. slight nod Dr. Morrison will appreciate the historical accuracy of the experimental methods.<</say>>
[[Wait patiently|Patient_Wait]]
[[Express confidence|Show_Confidence]]
<<if $Choice == "Patient_Wait">>
Clara continued her meticulous review, occasionally making small "hmm" sounds that grew progressively more approving.
<<elseif $Choice == "Show_Confidence">>
<<say $mc>>We ensured everything met your standards for both education and atmosphere.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>almost smiling Indeed you have.<</say>>
She picked up Samantha's Gothic-styled mathematics section, and I tensed slightly.
<<say $Clara>>The dramatic elements are... pauses ...surprisingly effective at conveying complex concepts. Though I question the need for quite so many references to "mysterious midnight calculations."<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It helps engage the students while maintaining educational value.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>straightening papers Yes, well... slight softening of expression I suppose even Victorian educators understood the value of maintaining student interest.<</say>>
She reviewed the final checklist:
<<say $Clara>>Exhibition Hall materials... complete.
Cryptography Chamber documentation... thorough.
Laboratory worksheets... properly rigorous.
Assessment methods... actual tiny smile quite clever.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Well. stands It appears we are indeed ready for the event. The sponsors will see that we can balance historical authenticity with genuine education.<</say>>
[[Confirm arrangements|Final_Check]]
[[Express gratitude|Show_Thanks]]
<<if $Choice == "Final_Check">>
<<say $mc>>Everything is in place for tomorrow then?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>nods decisively Yes. Thanks to your... unexpectedly competent coordination.<</say>>
<<elseif $Choice == "Show_Thanks">>
<<say $mc>>Thank you for your guidance throughout this process.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>slightly flustered Yes, well... proper oversight is essential for any successful educational endeavor.<</say>>
She gathered the materials into a perfectly organized portfolio.
<<say $Clara>>I must admit... hesitates this has turned out rather better than I anticipated. St.VGN may have their theatrical production, but we have created something of genuine educational value.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And the Victorian atmosphere?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>straightening her already impeccable jacket The historical elements are... appropriately atmospheric without compromising academic integrity. Even the more... slight grimace ...Halloween-oriented aspects serve an educational purpose.<</say>>
She walked to the window, looking out at the transformed school grounds.
<<say $Clara>>Tomorrow, when the sponsors arrive, they will see that we understand how to make education engaging without resorting to mere spectacle. turns back Though I trust there will be no last-minute... surprises?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Everything is under control.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>almost warmly Good. Then I believe we are ready. pauses And... well done. This is exactly the sort of initiative I hope to see from our faculty.<</say>>
Coming from Clara, this was practically a standing ovation.
<<say $Clara>>Now, get some rest. Tomorrow will be... adjusts glasses one final time ...quite the educational experience for everyone involved.<</say>>
<set $HalloweenQuest += 1>
<addAff $Clara 3>
<<say $mc>>Tell me more about these Victorian traditions, Samantha. They sound interesting.<</say>>
<<md>>Samantha's eyes lit up with enthusiasm.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>Oh my gosh, they're fascinating! Did you know they used to play this game called 'snap-dragon' where they'd try to grab raisins out of a bowl of burning brandy? And they had these incredible fortune-telling games involving nuts and apples!<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>We are NOT setting anything on fire.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>Obviously not the dangerous stuff! But we could adapt things. Like, instead of the burning brandy game, we could do apple bobbing - that's period appropriate too! And the mirror divination could be reimagined as a photo booth with Victorian-style filters.<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona tapped her pen thoughtfully against the table.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Well... I suppose we could incorporate some of the tamer traditions. The Victorian theme does need to feel authentic.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>Yes! And look at these parlor games I found! They're perfect for creating that eerie Victorian atmosphere without any safety risks.<</say>>
<<md>>She pulled out another reference book, this one filled with colorful sticky notes.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>They had this game called 'Consequences' where people would write parts of a story without seeing what others wrote, and then read the whole thing aloud. We could do a spooky version!<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>That... actually sounds quite promising. We could set up different activity stations throughout the mansion setup.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>And we can't forget the most important Victorian Halloween tradition - the ghost stories! Every station could have its own tale tied to the mansion's "history."<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's professional demeanor cracked slightly as she became more engaged with the idea.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>You know what? That could work really well with the drama club's performances. We could create a whole narrative throughout the event.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>Yes! And I can write the stories! I've been studying Victorian ghost story techniques, and—<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Hold on, any stories will need to be approved by the faculty first.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>Of course! I'll keep them tastefully spine-chilling, just like the classics.<</say>>
<<md>>As they continued brainstorming, I could see their different approaches starting to complement each other - Samantha's creative enthusiasm balanced by Fiona's practical oversight.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It sounds like you're creating something really special here.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>We're trying to. Though we still need to figure out how to handle the cheerleading performance. The squad needs to be integrated into the overall narrative somehow.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>Oh! What if they were the ghosts of a Victorian girls' school? Like, ethereal dancers haunting the mansion's ballroom?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>That... could actually work. Coach, do you think Olivia would go for something like that?<</say>>
[[Support the ghost theme|HalloweenFionaBegin4]]
[[Suggest alternative theme|HalloweenFionaBegin5]]
<<set $HalloweenQuest += 1>>
<<addAff $Fiona 1>>
<<addAff $Samantha 1>>
<<say $mc>>What are your main concerns, Fiona?<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona straightened her posture, adopting her more official demeanor.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Safety and liability, primarily. Plus, we need to maintain a certain level of decorum. This is meant to be an elegant Victorian ghost story come to life, not some wild costume party.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>But that's what makes the Victorian traditions so perfect! They were all about elegance AND spookiness. Like, they used to tell ghost stories while doing needlework. How refined is that?<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona tapped her pen thoughtfully against the table.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Well... I suppose we could incorporate some of the tamer traditions. The Victorian theme does need to feel authentic.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>Yes! And look at these parlor games I found! They're perfect for creating that eerie Victorian atmosphere without any safety risks.<</say>>
<<md>>She pulled out another reference book, this one filled with colorful sticky notes.<</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>They had this game called 'Consequences' where people would write parts of a story without seeing what others wrote, and then read the whole thing aloud. We could do a spooky version!<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>That... actually sounds quite promising. We could set up different activity stations throughout the mansion setup.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>And we can't forget the most important Victorian Halloween tradition - the ghost stories! Every station could have its own tale tied to the mansion's "history."<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's professional demeanor cracked slightly as she became more engaged with the idea.<</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>You know what? That could work really well with the drama club's performances. We could create a whole narrative throughout the event.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>Yes! And I can write the stories! I've been studying Victorian ghost story techniques, and—<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Hold on, any stories will need to be approved by the faculty first.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>Of course! I'll keep them tastefully spine-chilling, just like the classics.<</say>>
<<md>>As they continued brainstorming, I could see their different approaches starting to complement each other - Samantha's creative enthusiasm balanced by Fiona's practical oversight.<</md>>
<<say $mc>>It sounds like you're creating something really special here.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>We're trying to. Though we still need to figure out how to handle the cheerleading performance. The squad needs to be integrated into the overall narrative somehow.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>Oh! What if they were the ghosts of a Victorian girls' school? Like, ethereal dancers haunting the mansion's ballroom?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>That... could actually work. Coach, do you think Olivia would go for something like that?<</say>>
[[Support the ghost theme|HalloweenFionaBegin4]]
[[Suggest alternative theme|HalloweenFionaBegin5]]
<<set $HalloweenQuest += 1>>
<<addAff $Fiona 1>>
<<addAff $Samantha 1>><<md>>I nodded thoughtfully, seeing the potential in merging the cheerleaders into the Victorian ghost narrative. The idea actually aligned well with our recent training focus on fluid, graceful movements.</md>>
<<say $mc>>You know, this could work perfectly. The squad's been working on some really ethereal routines that would fit a ghostly performance. And with the right costumes and lighting...<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>*excitedly* Yes! We could dress them in these flowing white dresses with tattered edges! And maybe use some of that special stage fog Marsha's been experimenting with in the chemistry lab—<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>Wait, Marsha's doing what in the lab?<</say>>
<<md>>Samantha quickly backpedaled, realizing she might have said too much.</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>Um, never mind that part! But the dresses—imagine them catching the moonlight as the squad performs their routine!<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>*rubbing her temples* Just... please make sure any fog effects are properly approved this time. We don't need another incident like last year's Valentine's Day disaster.<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't help but chuckle, remembering the pink smoke that had somehow turned everyone's hair various shades of purple for a week.</md>>
<<say $mc>>I can talk to Olivia about choreographing something specific for this theme. Maybe incorporate some of the Victorian dance elements you've researched, Samantha?<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>*pulling out another book* Oh! Yes! Look at these old ballroom formations—they'd be perfect for a haunting routine!<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona leaned over to look at the diagrams, her practical mind already working through the logistics.</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>These patterns could work well in the gymnasium space. But we'll need to coordinate with the lighting team to get the right atmospheric effects.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And I think Monica could help with the historical accuracy. She's been doing some research on Victorian era dance for her history project.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>Really? That's perfect! Maybe she could help me write the ghost story for the cheerleaders too! I was thinking they could be students from a finishing school who disappeared during a Halloween ball...<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>*looking slightly concerned* Just keep it PG, please. We don't want to actually frighten the younger students.<</say>>
<<md>>Samantha's eyes sparkled with creative enthusiasm as she began scribbling notes.</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>Of course! Think more 'gracefully eerie' than 'terrifying.' Like those elegant ghost stories by Henry James!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can already see this coming together. The squad moving like spirits through the fog, telling their story through dance...<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>*nodding approvingly* It would certainly be more sophisticated than last year's zombie cheerleader routine.<</say>>
<<md>>The three of us spent the next hour refining the concept, with Samantha's literary knowledge and Fiona's organizational skills creating a solid plan. By the time we finished, what had started as a simple Halloween performance had evolved into something that promised to be truly memorable.</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Thank you, Coach. This is exactly the kind of creative direction we needed.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>Yes! And wait until you see the ghost stories I'll write for each cheerleader's character! They'll be like individual chapters in a Gothic novel!<</say>>
<<set $HalloweenQuest = 2>>
<<addAff $Fiona 2>>
<<addAff $Samantha 2>>
<<md>>I listened to their Victorian ghost ideas, but a bolder, more contemporary vision formed in my mind.</md>>
<<say $mc>>What if we went totally modern? Picture this: a pop horror carnival where everyone cosplays as twisted versions of popular characters.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>*gasping excitedly* Oh my god, like a dark cosplay carnival? That's literally perfect for my TikTok aesthetic!<</say>>
<<md>>Fiona's professional demeanor cracked slightly as she considered the possibility.</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Well... Ruby has been begging to wear her "sexy Pikachu" costume. Something about it being her signature look from her streaming channel—<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>And I heard Marsha's been working on a pretty impressive Harley Quinn outfit. Something about "chemical authenticity" for the hair dye...<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>*pinching her nose bridge* Please tell me she hasn't been experimenting with actual hair dye in the lab again.<</say>>
<<md>>Samantha was already sketching frantically in her notebook.</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>And Lexi would make the perfect twisted princess! She's already got that whole 'rebellious royalty' vibe going on. Like Disney gone dark!<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>*reviewing her notes* So we have a demonic Pikachu, Harley Quinn, and a corrupted princess... This is certainly... unique.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Think about it - each carnival "attraction" could feature different pop culture themes. The cheerleading routine could tell the story of how these characters got twisted by the carnival's dark energy.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>*practically bouncing* Yes! Ruby's Pikachu could shoot black lightning, Marsha's Harley Quinn could run the toxic cotton candy stand—<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>*interrupting quickly* All SAFELY SIMULATED effects, right?<</say>>
<<md>>I couldn't help but notice Samantha carefully hiding what looked like a diagram for a "thunder machine" under her papers.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. We can use LED effects for Pikachu's lightning, UV paint for the toxic elements, and some clever lighting for the transformations.<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>And Lexi's princess could be like the carnival's corrupted ruler! Starting all pure and Disney, then gradually becoming this amazing horror queen!<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>*thoughtfully* The contrast could be quite striking. And it would give each performer a chance to showcase their personality...<</say>>
<<md>>The idea was gaining momentum, with each suggestion building on the last.</md>>
<<say $mc>>We could incorporate their character traits into the choreography too. Pikachu's quick movements, the bunny's graceful hops, Harley's acrobatics...<</say>>
<<say $Samantha>>And the princess's royal attitude! Oh! What if we did this whole sequence where they each try to escape the carnival's corruption but end up embracing it instead?<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>*making notes* We'll need to coordinate with the costume committee. And ensure all the props meet safety standards...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Marsha's already volunteered to handle the special effects. Something about "creating the perfect chemical reaction for—"<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>*quickly* I don't want to know. Just... keep her away from anything flammable.<</say>>
<<md>>The room was buzzing with creative energy as we continued developing the concept.</md>>
<<say $Samantha>>This is going to break the school's social media! We could do character teasers leading up to the event, behind-the-scenes costume trials...<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>*surprisingly enthusiastic* And it would certainly be more memorable than another ghost story...<</say>>
<<set $HalloweenQuest = 2>>
<<addAff $Fiona 2>>
<<addAff $Samantha 2>>
<<md>>After my last class, I received an urgent message requesting my presence in Clara's office. When I arrived, she was intently studying what appeared to be promotional materials, her expression more tense than usual.</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Sit down. We need to discuss something rather... pressing.<</say>>
<<md>>She laid out several glossy flyers showcasing St. Valentine Gymnasium & Nobility School's elaborate Halloween plans. Their Victorian mansion concept looked impressive, even I had to admit.</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Look at this nonsense. Gothic archways, period costumes, theatrical performances... They're turning their entire Halloween celebration into some grand spectacle. *sigh* And our sponsors are taking notice.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I've heard about it from the students. They seem quite excited.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara's expression tightened almost imperceptibly.<</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Of course they're excited. It's flashy, dramatic, and completely lacking in any real educational value..<</say>>
<<md>>She pulled out another folder, this one filled with donor correspondence.</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Our funding partners are expecting us to show... innovation. Creative thinking. They're tired of St.VGN outshining us at every event. As our new biology teacher, I believe you might have a fresh perspective on this.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What exactly are you looking for?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>Something unique. Something that will show our sponsors that we can be both educational and entertaining. The students are already buzzing about St.VGN's Victorian theme, but I think we can do better.<</say>>
<<md>>She straightened in her chair, fixing me with her characteristic stern gaze.</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I want you to take charge of our Halloween event. Create something that will not only compete with St.VGN's theatrical production but also demonstrate our school's academic excellence. Our sponsors need to see results, not just spectacle.<</say>>
[[Suggest Victorian Ghost Theme|Halloween_Support]]
[[Propose Modern Horror Carnival|Halloween_Alternative]]<<md>>I leaned forward, seeing an opportunity to turn the competition to our advantage.</md>>
<<say $mc>>What if we took their Victorian theme and elevated it? Instead of just theatrical performances, we create an immersive historical-educational experience with our cheerleaders as Victorian-era ghosts. Each performance could teach about both the historical period and incorporate proper academic elements.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara's expression shifted from skeptical to intrigued as I continued.</md>>
<<say $mc>>The squad could perform as spirits of a Victorian girls' school, with each routine incorporating authentic period dance elements. We could even include scientific demonstrations disguised as "supernatural phenomena."<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>*adjusting her glasses* Go on. But remember, we need concrete educational value here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. Each "ghost" could represent different aspects of Victorian society - we could cover historical sciences, literature, social reforms... And the cheerleaders' performances would illustrate these themes through choreographed storytelling.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>*nodding slowly* This could work... But I'll need detailed documentation. Everything must be properly recorded and justified to our sponsors.<</say>>
<<md>>She pulled out a fresh folder and began making notes.</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I want comprehensive reports: educational objectives, historical accuracy verification, photographs of rehearsals and preparations, student learning assessments... Everything needs to be thoroughly documented and submitted to me for approval.<</say>>
<<md>>She paused, considering something.</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You've worked well with Fiona before - as student council president, she could be valuable in organizing this. I'll have her assist you with the administrative aspects.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fiona's already been brainstorming ideas with Samantha about Victorian themes. They've done some impressive research.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>*looking slightly relieved* Good. But remember - while they handle the creative elements, you're responsible for the educational content. I expect weekly progress reports and all materials must cross my desk before implementation.<</say>>
<<md>>She handed me several forms.</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Here are the documentation requirements. I need everything properly formatted - budget proposals, safety protocols, educational objectives, historical authenticity verifications... Our sponsors will want to see a paper trail proving this isn't just another theatrical performance.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What about the logistics of mixing the performances with educational content?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>That's precisely why I'm trusting you with this. As our biology teacher, you understand both the academic requirements and the need to keep students engaged. Just ensure everything is properly documented and approved.<</say>>
<<md>>She stood up, signaling the meeting was wrapping up.</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Work with Fiona, coordinate with Olivia for the cheerleading elements, but remember - every aspect needs my approval. Show me that we can match St.VGN's spectacle while maintaining our academic standards.<</say>>
<<md>>As I was about to leave, Clara's expression became more serious as she pulled out another, more discreet folder.</md>>
<<say $Clara>>One more thing... *lowering her voice* This information doesn't leave this room, but it might help you make a more... informed decision about the theme.<</say>>
<<md>>She slid a list across her desk. The paper was high-quality, with elegant letterhead bearing our school's crest.</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Our key sponsors for this year. Each has their own... particular interests. I shouldn't share this, but given your role in this event, you need to know what we're dealing with.<</say>>
<<md>>I scanned the list:</md>>
- Lord Winchester III - Old money, obsessed with historical accuracy and Victorian era. Currently funding our library renovation.
- Dr. Sarah Chen - Progressive tech entrepreneur, pushing for modern STEM education. Interested in funding new computer lab.
- The Blackwood Family Foundation - Traditional values, very interested in "proper" young ladies' education. Major scholarship providers.
- Mr. James Morrison - Entertainment industry mogul, loves theatrical productions. Considering large donation for performing arts.
- The Barrett Institute - Scientific research organization, wants to see practical applications of science in education.
<<say $Clara>>*adjusting her glasses* As you can see, they have... diverse expectations. Some might appreciate a traditional Victorian approach, while others would prefer something more contemporary.<</say>>
<<md>>She tapped the list meaningfully.</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Lord Winchester practically lives in the Victorian era - he'd certainly appreciate historical authenticity. But Dr. Chen has been vocal about modernizing our approach... And the Blackwood family has strong opinions about appropriate themes for young ladies...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So whatever theme we choose needs to somehow satisfy all these different interests?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>*thin smile* Now you understand our predicament. The Victorian ghost theme might please certain parties, while a modern carnival could impress others. Choose carefully - next year's funding could depend on it.<</say>>
<<md>>She quickly returned the sponsor list to her drawer.</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I trust you'll keep this information confidential while using it to inform your decision. Consider all angles before committing to a theme.<</say>>
<<set $HalloweenQuest = 2>>
<<addAff $Clara 2>>
<<addAff $Fiona 1>><<say $mc>>What if, instead of trying to compete with St.VGN's Victorian theme directly, we created something boldly different? A modern pop horror carnival.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara's eyebrow raised sharply, her expression a mix of shock and skepticism.</md>>
<<say $Clara>>A... carnival? *adjusting her glasses* Please tell me you're not suggesting we turn our academic institution into some sort of circus.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not just any carnival. Picture this: Each carnival "attraction" represents different academic disciplines. We have the cheerleaders as twisted versions of pop culture characters, each representing different scientific or cultural concepts.<</say>>
<<md>>I quickly outlined some specifics before she could object further.</md>>
<<say $mc>>Ruby as a demonic Pikachu teaching about electrical biology, Lucy's horror bunny demonstrating ecological principles, Marsha's Harley Quinn running chemical reaction demonstrations, and Lexi as a twisted princess exploring social evolution...<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>*interrupting* This sounds rather... unorthodox. How exactly would this maintain our academic standards?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's the beauty of it. Each performance and attraction would have genuine educational content disguised as entertainment. We're not just putting on a show - we're teaching through engagement.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara leaned back in her chair, her expression thoughtful despite her obvious reservations.</md>>
<<say $Clara>>And the educational documentation? This needs to be more than just costumes and entertainment.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Each carnival 'attraction' would have detailed educational materials, learning objectives, and assessment methods. We can track student engagement and learning through interactive elements disguised as carnival games.<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>*taking notes* I'll need comprehensive reports. Everything must be documented - educational objectives, safety protocols, learning assessments... And Marsha's chemical demonstrations will need particularly careful oversight.<</say>>
<<md>>She paused, considering the proposal.</md>>
<<say $Clara>>You've discussed this with Fiona? As student council president, she'll need to coordinate the logistics.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She and Samantha have been brainstorming ideas. We can work together to ensure everything meets both educational and entertainment standards.<</say>>
<<md>>Clara began organizing several folders on her desk.</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Very well. But I want everything thoroughly documented and submitted for approval. Weekly progress reports, detailed educational plans, safety protocols, costume designs - everything crosses my desk first.<</say>>
<<md>>She handed me a stack of forms.</md>>
<<say $Clara>>And remember - while St.VGN can focus purely on entertainment, we need to maintain our academic integrity. Each element must serve an educational purpose.<</say>>
<<md>>As I was about to leave, Clara's expression became more serious as she pulled out another, more discreet folder.</md>>
<<say $Clara>>One more thing... *lowering her voice* This information doesn't leave this room, but it might help you make a more... informed decision about the theme.<</say>>
<<md>>She slid a list across her desk. The paper was high-quality, with elegant letterhead bearing our school's crest.</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Our key sponsors for this year. Each has their own... particular interests. I shouldn't share this, but given your role in this event, you need to know what we're dealing with.<</say>>
<<md>>I scanned the list:</md>>
- Lord Winchester III - Old money, obsessed with historical accuracy and Victorian era. Currently funding our library renovation.
- Dr. Sarah Chen - Progressive tech entrepreneur, pushing for modern STEM education. Interested in funding new computer lab.
- The Blackwood Family Foundation - Traditional values, very interested in "proper" young ladies' education. Major scholarship providers.
- Mr. James Morrison - Entertainment industry mogul, loves theatrical productions. Considering large donation for performing arts.
- The Barrett Institute - Scientific research organization, wants to see practical applications of science in education.
<<say $Clara>>*adjusting her glasses* As you can see, they have... diverse expectations. Some might appreciate a traditional Victorian approach, while others would prefer something more contemporary.<</say>>
<<md>>She tapped the list meaningfully.</md>>
<<say $Clara>>Lord Winchester practically lives in the Victorian era - he'd certainly appreciate historical authenticity. But Dr. Chen has been vocal about modernizing our approach... And the Blackwood family has strong opinions about appropriate themes for young ladies...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So whatever theme we choose needs to somehow satisfy all these different interests?<</say>>
<<say $Clara>>*thin smile* Now you understand our predicament. The Victorian ghost theme might please certain parties, while a modern carnival could impress others. Choose carefully - next year's funding could depend on it.<</say>>
<<md>>She quickly returned the sponsor list to her drawer.</md>>
<<say $Clara>>I trust you'll keep this information confidential while using it to inform your decision. Consider all angles before committing to a theme.<</say>>
<<set $HalloweenQuest = 2>>
<<addAff $Clara 2>>
<<addAff $Fiona 1>>
<<md>>I found Fiona in the student council room, reviewing the notes from our earlier brainstorming sessions. When she saw me enter, she immediately perked up.</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Coach! Clara just informed me you're officially taking the lead on the Halloween event. Does this mean we're moving forward with one of our ideas?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, but Clara needs everything properly documented and approved. I need to make a final decision between our two concepts.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>*organizing her previous notes* Right - we had the Victorian ghost theme with the ethereal dance routines, and the modern horror carnival with Ruby's Pikachu and everyone's pop culture characters.<</say>>
<<md>>She pulled out the sketches Samantha had made during our earlier discussions.</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>Samantha's already started writing character backgrounds for both concepts. Though I had to confiscate some of her more... intense drafts.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Clara's very concerned about maintaining academic standards with whichever theme we choose.<</say>>
<<say $Fiona>>*nodding* That's not surprising. Though I think we've got solid educational elements worked into both concepts from our previous discussions. The Victorian theme has all the historical elements, and the carnival has the science demonstrations we talked about.<</say>>
<<md>>She glanced at her planning board, where both concepts were already roughly mapped out.</md>>
<<say $Fiona>>We've done the groundwork for either direction. Now we just need to know which one to fully develop. The choice is yours, Coach - which vision do you want to pursue?<</say>>