<img class="img-center" src="img/BossOffice2.jpg" alt="A dark, luxurious looking office with a mahogany desk, mahogy walls, and expensive looking bits and trinkets spread about.">
//This place looks like money alright. Mmmmm... mahogany desk, maybe I can get one for myself at some point.//
The office seems to be empty, you gather she must be nearby.
[[Stay quiet and wait ->Meet Mrs. Meyer]]
<<link [[You wait for a while, but you get impatient and start calling out, hello? Anybody?->Meet Mrs. Meyer]]>>
<<set $MeyerRespect -=1>>
<</link>><img class="img-center" src="img/Meyer2.jpg" alt="A strict looking woman in her late fifties, pronounced breasts, wearing a grey office suit and white blouse. In a dark, luxurious looking mahogany-clad office.">
A woman you presume to be Mrs. Meyer, enters from behind you.
<<link "Hi, my name is $MCFirstName $MCLastName, I am here for an interview" "Interview">>
<</link>><img class="img-center" src="img/Meyer2.jpg" alt="A strict looking woman in her late fifties, pronounced breasts, wearing a grey office suit and white blouse. In a dark, luxurious looking mahogany-clad office.">
<<meyer>>Ah, yes Mr. $MCLastName. I am Mrs. Meyer, how nice of you to come so quickly. I'll keep this short. This is not really an interview. As you were recommended by your uncle Mr. William $MCLastName and we are in need of a replacement, I am giving you a chance on his word. Mr. William $MCLastName happens to be an old and trusted business associate of mine, but do not think that means you can slack off. If you fail to make money for us you will be on your ass out of here just as quick as anybody else would. You will be evaluated every friday, and if you haven't reached the target of the current week by then, you're out! Here at Finance Capital we care about results, be an asset, then we take good care of you. And no, I will not let you know what the target is, let that be an incentive to work hard. You are on trial for three weeks, the terms will be laid out in your contract.
I've asked Ms. Charlotte Armand, who is now your colleague, to show you the ropes. I look forward to seeing what you can do Mr. $MCLastName. Now go out and impress me.<</meyer>>
//You leave the office and find a woman waiting for you outside.//
<img class="img-center" src="img/Charlotte2wide.png" alt="An african-american woman with her hair in a braid, wearing an office suit. A serious but relaxed expression on her face.">
<<linkreplace "Check her out" t8n>>She is fiiine. If she noticed you ogling her, you can't tell.\
<<set $CharlotteRespect -=1>>\
<<set $CheckedOutCharlotte +=1>>\
<<charlotte>>So you're the new guy, huh? Let's get you started shall we? Follow me <</charlotte>>
[[Follow her]]
by Huurn
<img class="img-center" src="img/FC Logo.png" width="200vw" alt="Logo, a serifed F and C close together" style="padding-top: 1em"><<link "Audio on/off">>
<<set $mute to !$mute>>
<<run SimpleAudio.select(':all').mute($mute);>>
<<link "Scene Guide" "Scene Guide">><</link>>
<a href="https://subscribestar.adult/huurn" target="-blank">SUBSCRIBESTAR →</a>
<a href="https://discord.gg/FdnxMrFZFa" target="_blank">DISCORD →</a>
<a href="https://huurn.itch.io/finance-capital">ITCH.IO →</a><<set $mute to false>>
<<cacheaudio "bgm" "audio/1.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bgm2" "audio/2.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "phonering" "audio/phonering1.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "whiplash1" "audio/whiplash1.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "whiplash2" "audio/whiplash2.mp3">>
<<set $playerPassage to passage()>>
<<set $contractSigned to false>>
<<set $DebtPerWeek to 500>>
<<set $CrummyApartmentRent to 400>>
<<set $TotalDebt to 150000>>
<<set $income to "none">>
<<set $money to 500>>
<<set $PortfolioHealth to 0>>
<<set $LegalSavvy to 0>>
<<set $BonusPoints to 0>>
<<set $MarketResearched to false>>
<<set $CollectedDebts to false>>
<<set $BusinessAcumen to 0>>
<<set $DebtIsCollected to false>>
<<set $PortfolioThreshold1 to 28>>
<<set $PortfolioThreshold2 to 40>>
<<set $PortfolioThresholdWeek1 to 31>>
<<set $PortfolioThresholdWeek2 to 40>>
<<set $confidence to 5>>
<<set $SelfRespect to 5>>
<<set $empathy to 5>>
<<set $charlotte to "Charlotte">>
<<set $CharlotteRespect to 0>>
<<set $CharlotteGaveAdvice to false>>
<<set $CheckedOutCharlotte to 0>>
<<set $PassedCharlotteEvaluation to false>>
<<set $GoogledArmand to false>>
<<set $AskedAboutArmand to false>>
<<set $AdmittingToGoogle to false>>
<<set $CharlottesProtection to false>>
<<set $CharlotteLikesYou to false>>
<<set $CharlotteDislikesYou to false>>
<<set $hadLunchWithCharlotte to 0>>
<<set $youWantToSubmitToCharlotte to false>>
<<set $spokeWithCharlotteBirdies1 to false>>
<<set $admittedYouAreABitchToCharlotte to false>>
<<set $CharlottesProtectionWeek2 to false>>
<<set $charlotteDate1 to false>>
<<set $charlottesBitch to false>>
<<set $charlotteCutYou to false>>
<<set $MeyerRespect to 0>>
<<set $failedReview to 0>>
<<set $firstReviewIsDone to false>>
<<set $madeTargetWeek1 to false>>
<<set $madeTargetWeek2 to false>>
<<set $inChastity to false>>
<<set $SophieRespect to 0>>
<<set $CheckedOutSophie to 0>>
<<set $SophieDisrespect to 0>>
<<set $SophieHelp to 0>>
<<set $AskedSophieForHelp to false>>
<<set $tooPoorForSophie to false>>
<<set $spokeWithSophieBirdies1 to false>>
<<set $youAskedSophieToGetNextRound to false>>
<<set $strippedForSophie to false>>
<<set $sophiesBitch to false>>
<<set $simpingForSophie to 0>>
<<set $GoogledSophie to false>>
<<set $knowsLynchIsTheName to false>>
<<set $lickedTheCandlestick to false>>
<<set $DoingJenny to false>>
<<set $subbedForJenny to false>>
<<set $dommedJenny to false>>
<<set $spokeWithZohrehBirdies1 to false>>
<<set $zohrehToldYouWhereToLook to false>>
<<set $discoveredSuperior to false>>
<<set $youOweZohreh to 0>>
<<set $VisitedZohreh to false>>
<<set $sentAnitaContactInfo to false>>
<<set $anitaWantsYourServices to false>>
<<set $DoingDirt to 0>>
<<set $JenniferMailRead to false>>
<<set $JenniferMailRead2 to false>>
<<set $toldAJokeAtTheDeli to 0>>
<<set $madeDeliWomanLaugh to false>>
<<set $youMetTheCop to false>>
<<set $caughtSpeeding to false>>
<<set $contractReadDay4 to false>>
<<set $contractReadDay5 to false>>
<<set $contractReadDay7 to false>>
<<set $contractReadDay8 to false>>
<<set $contractReadDay9 to false>>
<<set $contractReadDay10 to false>>
<<set $DayOfTheWeek =[
<<set $day to 1>>
<<set $MCFirstName to "Ethan">>
<<set $MCLastName to "Bishop">>
<<set $ContactedClients to false>>
<<character "sophie" "Sophie" "img/portraits/sophiep.jpg">>
<<character "meyer" "Mrs. Meyer" "img/portraits/meyerp.jpg">>
<<character "zohreh" "Zohreh" "img/portraits/zohrehp.jpg">>
<<character "adam" "Adam" "img/portraits/adamp.jpg">>
<<character "blonde" "img/portraits/blondeclubber.jpg">>
<<character "redhead" "img/portraits/redheadclubber.jpg">>
<<character "bouncer" "img/portraits/bouncerp.jpg">>
<<character "tucker" "Nurse Tucker" "img/portraits/tucker.jpg">>
<<character "anita" "Anita" "img/portraits/anitap.jpg">>
<<character "gloria" "Gloria" "img/portraits/gloriap.jpg">>
<<character "jenny" "Jennifer" "img/portraits/jennyp.jpg">>
<<character "receptionist" "Receptionist" "img/portraits/receptionistp.jpg">>
<<character "cop" "Officer" "img/portraits/copp.jpg">>
<<set $FascistQuotes = [
"\"The history of saints is mainly the history of insane people.\"",
"\"There is a violence that liberates, and a violence that enslaves; there is a violence that is moral and a violence that is immoral.\"",
"\"Nessun fenomeno al mondo può impedire alla luna di sorgere.\"",
"\"All our dreams can come true; if we have the courage to pursue them.\"",
"\"Energy and persistence conquer all things.\"",
"\"A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm.\"",
"\"If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.\"",
"\"Demand and supply are the opposite extremes of the beam, whence depend the scales of dearness and cheapness; the price is the point of equilibrium, where the momentum of the one ceases, and that of the other begins.\"",
"\"Everything we get, outside of the free gifts of nature, must in some way be paid for.\"",
"\"Success is survival.\"",
"\"To follow, without halt, one aim: that’s the secret of success.\"",
"\"The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters.\"",
"\"Change the economic base, and you will change human beings.\"",
<<set $deliJokes = ["You tell a joke, trying to cheer her up. It doesn't seem to work.","You tell a joke. She does not look up from her phone.","You tell another joke, this time it's funnier, or at least you think so. She does not look up from her phone.","You tell a joke, trying to cheer her up. She seems to ignore you completely, figures.","<<include 'longJoke'>>","You tell another joke, hard to top the last one but she still smirks at you.","You tell a joke. Did you lose your touch? She does not look up from her mobile.","You tell a joke. Did you lose your touch? She does not look up from her mobile.","You tell a joke. Did you lose your touch? She does not look up from her mobile.","You tell a joke. Did you lose your touch? She does not look up from her mobile.","You tell a joke. Did you lose your touch? She does not look up from her mobile.","You tell a joke. Did you lose your touch? She does not look up from her mobile.","You tell a joke. Did you lose your touch? She does not look up from her mobile.","You tell a joke. Did you lose your touch? She does not look up from her mobile.","You tell a joke. Did you lose your touch? She does not look up from her mobile."]>>
<<set $expandPortfolio = [
"//You spend some time methodically looking for new clients. As your research suggested there was indeed unfulfilled demand among private medical clinics.//<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +3>><<set $MarketResearched to false>>",
"//You've spent some time sending out e-mails and making calls, looking for new clients. You found some garage with debtors piling up.//<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +3>><<set $MarketResearched to false>>",
"//You spend some time methodically looking for new clients. Following a failed class action lawsuit against the Municipality of Massasaugas Social Services, you know there are going to be loads more people in debt to short-term loaners. Time to make some calls.//<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +3>><<set $MarketResearched to false>>",
"//You spend some time methodically looking for new clients. As your research suggested, following the de-privatization of the police force, there are many unpaid bills to be found among tangent suppliers and operators.//<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +3>><<set $MarketResearched to false>>",
"//You spend some time methodically looking for new clients. As your research suggested a surge in use of anti-depressants was followed by an increase in forfeited debts towards medical clinics.//<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +3>><<set $MarketResearched to false>>",
"//You spend some time methodically looking for new clients. As your research suggested a recent surge in contruction material prices has left a lot of would be home-owners unable to pay their contractors in the outskirts of the city.//<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +3>><<set $MarketResearched to false>>",
"//You spend some time methodically looking for new clients. As your research suggested the new noise zoning regulations for the downtown area has left a lot of concert venues unable to see their concert programs through, leaving them either fined to hell or without income. Thus our services are needed amongst their suppliers of beer and drink as well as amongst their landlords.//<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +3>><<set $MarketResearched to false>>",
"//You spend some time methodically looking for new clients. Following some internet yoga-craze a short while back you know there will lots young people who signed up with the various yoga studios in the city, and predictably a lot of young people who only now are finding out they can't really afford it, or just don't care while being bad at opening mail. Time to call some studios.//<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +3>><<set $MarketResearched to false>>",
"//As your research suggested: Rampant forfeiture across key sectors further discombobulates tangent markets. Targeted efforts yield piles of dough.//<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +3>><<set $MarketResearched to false>>"]>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/Charlotte2wide.png" alt="An african-american woman with her hair in a braid, wearing an office suit. A serious but relaxed expression on her face.">
Without asking your name, she leads you through the office.
<<charlotte>>This is your space. As you hopefully know by now, we collect debts here. Usually, and preferably, on behalf of bigger companies. You have inherited the portfolio of the latest failure to leave us. It's not much, but it's a start. I suggest you contact your new clients and inform them you are the current liaison at the company. After this I would suggest you spend some time trying to expand your portfolio. Your future here very much depends on your ability to collect debt, and this in turn depends on you keeping a healthy portfolio.
Debt collection notices should be sent out at least once a week. If you don't send them out, no money will be coming in either. Now, while collecting debt is what you will be doing, be mindful that you not turn into a monster in the process. It will come back and bite you if you do.
Oh, and do remember to lock your computer when you leave it. We work with a lot of confidential information and are obligated to protect it by law. Neglecting this is a felony.
Any questions?<</charlotte>>
<<set $income to "Meager">>\
<<set $PortfolioHealth to 0>>\
<<link [[Eh, sorry to ask.. but I'm new and don't really know a lot about this stuff, how do I find new clients?->How do I find new clients?]]>><<set $confidence -=1>><</link>>
<<link [[Thanks Charlotte, I'll get to it now. I'll let you know if I have any more questions->No questions]]>><</link>>If/else
<<if $hasKey>>
It looks like the key will open the door.
No way forward!
<<set $FirstArray = ["one"," two"," three"," four"]>>
<<print $FirstArray[0]>>
- dette skal gi "one" fordi 0 er første item i indexen. Neste er 1, så 2 etc.
<<if $FirstArray.contains("two")>>
the first array contains two
<<print $FirstArray.length>> - for å se hvor mange items det er i arrayet.
<<set @FirstArray.push("five")>> - dette legger til "five" i arrayet.
skal du fjerne, bytte ut push med pluck, etterfultgt av indexnummer. bruk .indexOf for å finne indexnummer. eller? <<set $inventory.deleteAt($index)>>
To måter å putte variabler inn i knapper
/<<link [[Hello? Anybody? Hell0-0?!->BossOfficez]]>>/
/ <<set $MeyerRespect to $houseonRespect -1>>/
[[Hello? Anybody? Hell0-0?!->Meet Mrs. Meyer][$MeyerRespect to $houseonRespect -1]]
The answer to the //Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything// is?
<<cycle "$answer" autoselect>>
<<option "Towel">>
<<option "π" 3.14159>>
<<option 42>>
<<option 69>>
<<option "∞" Infinity>>
You see a large red, candy-like button.
<<cycle "$presses" once>>
<<option "Should you press it?" 0>>
<<option "Nothing happened. Press it again?" 1>>
<<option "Again?" 2>>
<<option "That time it locked into place with a loud click and began to glow ominously." 3>>
there's one easy way to do that.
you could have inside the PassageHeader passage something like
<<if not tags.includes("event")>>
<<set $playerPassage = passage()>>
this way you save the current passage's title inside a story variable, and it won't overwrite it if you're currently on a passage that is tagged event
this way $playerPassage always contains the last passage you've visited before the event
:: StoryInit
<<cacheaudio "song1" "…">>
<<cacheaudio "song2" "…">>
<<createplaylist "main_playlist">>
<<track "song1" volume 1>>
<<track "song2" volume 1>>
:: Another passage
<<playlist "main_playlist" loop shuffle play>><img class="img-center" src="img/Charlotte2wide.png" alt="An african-american woman with her hair in a braid, wearing an office suit. A serious but relaxed expression on her face.">
<<set $CharlotteRespect to $CharlotteRespect+1>>
<<charlotte>>Good, you can stop by my office or give me a call if you feel a pressing need. I will leave you to it. Good luck, $MCFirstName<</charlotte>>
[[Go to work->Work1]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/Charlotte2wide.png" alt="An african-american woman with her hair in a braid, wearing an office suit. A serious but relaxed expression on her face.">
//You feel like you can sense a sigh emanating from her stone face, but how could you tell? Maybe you are just projecting your anxieties.//
<<charlotte>>It is best to deal with local companies whenever possible, as sometimes a physical meeting will yield better results than e-mails and webinars ever can.
You can always just call each and every local company you can dig up, but if you don't base your search on any information to steer you in some kind of direction, you wont get lucky too often. You should strive to have your search guided by knowledge. Known facts of current goings-on.
For example, with the recent increases in the key policy rate, I expect a lot of people will be failing to make rent. Based on this I would focus my efforts on rental companies. Since you are new I will give you this freebie. But this kind of insight is our bread and butter here, so don't expect me to give you advice like this for free in the future. It's strictly "Quid pro quo" here.
Also, you should spend time researching the markets now and then. It will pay off.
If that is all I will leave you to it.<</charlotte>>
<<set $CharlotteGaveAdvice to true>>
[[Go to work->Work1]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You spend some time looking for new clients. You get some non-commital maybes out of varies companies throughout the city. At least you get your name out right?
<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +1>>
[[Go grab some lunch ->lunchtime]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<set $DebtIsCollected to true>>
You start sending out collection notices.
[[Go grab some lunch ->lunchtime]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
//I guess this is it. Time to get to work!//
<<if $CharlotteGaveAdvice is true>>
[[Follow up on Charlottes tip->Follow up on Charlottes tip1]]
<</if>>[[Research the market]]
[[Contact your clients]]
[[Expand portfolio->Expand portfolio]]
[[Collect debts]]
[[Surf the internet->internet1]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You manage to sort out the mess previous owner of this portfolio left you and start making calls, introducing yourself and leaving mesagges. There aren't that many clients, so it does not take very long.
<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +25>>
<<set $ContactedClients to true>>
[[Go grab some lunch ->lunchtime]]<img src="img/FinanceCapitallogo2.jpg" class="img-center" alt="An aerial view of a city by the water, at night dark clouds and lightening. Over the image are the words Finance Capital written in a classic serif font with a gold sheen">
<<audio "bgm2" loop play>>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<<print $FascistQuotes.random()>>
- [[Details]] -
[[Start new game ->Name your character]]</div><img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in."><<audio "bgm2" fadeout>>
It's an apartment alright. Adding to that, it seems William provided you with the crummiest apartment you have ever seen. Well, "provided", you still have to pay rent. To be paid weekly, sucked straight out of your bank account every Friday at 16:00 hours. Surely that says something about the state of the economy. But if this interview goes well, then maybe you can get something nicer down the line. It's already quite late, nothing left to do but get some sleep before the big day tomorrow.
[[Go to sleep->Go to sleep d0]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/Deli.jpg" alt="The counter of a small deli, various pastry and foodstuffs visible on the shelves. Behind the counter stands a young, petite, latina woman looking a bit skeptical">
<<set $money -=5>>
//You grab a baguette at the Deli at the corner. //
[[Back to the Office]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Sophie5.jpg" alt="Beautiful, blonde, chubby woman in a black office jacket and skirt, with a white blouse, standing in the office space.">
<div style="text-align:center;">Getting back to the your office space you see it occupied by a new face.</div>
<<linkreplace "Check her out" t8n>>Wow, she's hot!<<set $CheckedOutSophie +=1>><</linkreplace>>
<<sophie>>Hi, so you're $MCFirstName, huh? I'm Sophie, welcome to Finance Capital! I hope you last longer than the last guy in here. This place can come across as pretty harsh on new people, but it really isn't. Just work hard and let people get used to you, and you'll see.
See you around, new guy.<</sophie>>
[[She leaves ->Phone rings day 1]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You finish up and get ready to go home when you get called into Mrs. Meyers office.
[[Go to Mrs. Meyers office]]<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
You come home to your crummy apartment.
//This went well? //
You lay down exhausted on your convertible sofa bed, and as sleep creeps in, your thoughts start drifting. You think about the events of the day.
<<linkreplace "Think about Mrs. Meyer" t8n>> \
Mrs. Meyer is an imposing woman for sure. Predatory even. She is good looking for her age though, can't deny that. It would probably be best to stay on her good side.
<<linkreplace "Think about Charlotte" t8n>>\
Charlotte is hard to read. You don't think she likes you very much, or maybe that is just how she is? Time will tell I guess.
<<linkreplace "Think about Sophie" t8n>>\
Sophie seems nice enough. Actually you think she's the only person at the company who has expressed some kind of sympathy towards you so far. Also, she has an odd accent you can't quite place, kind of posh but at the same time not.
[[Think about the job]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
<<set $day to 2>>
//Another day another debtor. You chuckle to yourself as you head for the shower, you are so clever. Then you stuff your mouth with something edible and get dressed for work.//
[[Go to work ->Reception d2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
//Time to make that money!//
<<if $ContactedClients == false>>
[[Contact old clients->Contact your clients2]]
<</if>><<if $MarketResearched is false>>
[[Research the market->Research the market2]]
<</if>><<if $CharlotteGaveAdvice is true>>
[[Follow up on Charlottes tip->Follow up on Charlottes tip2]]
[[Expand portfolio ->Expand portfolio2]]
[[Collect debts->Collect debts 2]]
[[Surf the internet->internet2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You manage to sort out the mess the previous owner of this portfolio left you and start making calls, introducing yourself and leaving messages. It takes a while.
<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +25>>
<<set $ContactedClients to true>>
[[Go grab some lunch ->lunchtime2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<set $DebtIsCollected to true>>
//You start sending out collection notices. //
[[Go grab some lunch ->lunchtime2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Deli.jpg" alt="The counter of a small deli, various pastry and foodstuffs visible on the shelves. Behind the counter stands a young, petite, latina woman looking a bit skeptical">
<<set $money -=5>>
//You go for a baguette at the Deli on the corner. //
//The cashier looks bored. //
[[Tell a joke to the cashier]]
[[Go back to the office ->Back to the Office2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Sophie5.jpg" alt="Beautiful, blonde, chubby woman in a black office jacket and skirt, with a white blouse, standing in the office space.">
//Getting back to your office space you see Sophie again.//
<<sophie>>Hey, $MCFirstName! You really need to remember to lock your computer when you leave it. Anyone could access it and do god knows what on there. <</sophie>>
[[You thank her for reminding you->work 4]]
<<link "A bit miffed that she seems to be snooping around in your space you tell her to mind her own damn business" "work 4">>
<<set $SophieDisrespect +=1>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
//You thought you locked it? You always do. You take a look on your computer, but can't see anything out of the ordinary.
You wonder what that was all about. //
[[The phone rings ->The phone rings d2]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
//Collecting debts. It doesn't sound all that glamorous, but when you think about it, Repo Man started kind of like this. A little? Better keep an eye out for a Chevrolet Malibu just in case.//
<<link "Use laptop" "Google">><</link>>
[[Go to sleep ->Day 3]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
<<set $day to 3>>
//A new day with a boss to please and assets to seize. //
[[Go to work ->work 5]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<if $ContactedClients == false>>
[[Contact old clients->Contact your clients 3]]
<</if>>[[Collect debts->collect debts 3]]
<<if $MarketResearched is false>>[[Research the market->Research the market 3]]
<</if>><<if $CharlotteGaveAdvice is true>>[[Follow up on Charlottes tip->Follow up on Charlottes tip3]]
<</if>>[[Expand portfolio ->Expand portfolio 3]]
[[Surf the internet->internet3]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<if $MarketResearched is true>>\
<<print $expandPortfolio.shift()>>
You spend some time looking for new clients. You get some non-commital maybes out of various companies throughout the city. At least you get your name out right? Maybe you should have done some research beforehand.\
<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +1>>\
[[Go grab some lunch ->lunchtime2]]<br><br>
<img class="img-center" src="img/phone.jpg" alt="An old phone on a desk with many small programmable buttons on the side">
<<audio "phonering" play>>
The phone rings.
[[Answer it]]
<<link[[You ignore it until it stops ->work 2]]>>
<<set $SelfRespect-=1>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
//Collecting debts. It's not exactly what you dreamed of doing. //
<<link [[You hate everything about this, but you gotta eat. ->Night d1]]>>
<<set $empathy +=1>>
<<link [[This is how the world works, whether you like it or not makes no difference. ->Night d1]]>>
<<set $empathy +=0>>
<<link [[People who don't pay what they owe deserve what they get, and if you can make a profit off of that fact, then all the better. ->Night d1]] ]>>
<<set $empathy -=1>>
<<set $BonusPoints +=1>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/Meyer2.jpg" alt="A strict looking woman in her late fifties, pronounced breasts, wearing a grey office suit and white blouse. In a dark, luxurious looking mahogany-clad office.">
<<meyer>>Mr.$MCLastName, I trust you are getting settled? This is Mr. Bottoms. He is accounting and HR. If you have any questions pertaining to salary he is the one to ask.<</meyer>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerBottoms2.jpg">
<<adam>>Good meeting you, just call me Adam. As you might have inferred already, your salary is partly based on how much you make the company. There is a minimum amount paid regardless, as mandated by law, but as you would expect it is set low enough that no one should be comfortable on that alone.
Like Mrs. Meyer said I am also the HR department here at Finance Capital, though we don't exactly have a party committee or anything like that here, haha. I don't know why we even need HR to be honest, aren't we all human? Anyway, come by my office to sign the contract when you have the time. I need it signed by friday, and so do you if you want to get paid this week. Yeah, as long as you're on trial you get paid weekly. Every Friday. And don't hesitate to come by if you have any questions about anything, really. It's what I'm here for.
See you around $MCFirstName, don't be a stranger.<</adam>>
[[Go home]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Deli.jpg" alt="The counter of a small deli, various pastry and foodstuffs visible on the shelves. Behind the counter stands a young, petite, latina woman looking a bit skeptical">
<<set $toldAJokeAtTheDeli +=1>>
<<print $deliJokes.shift()>>
[[Go back to the office ->Back to the Office2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You manage to sort out the mess the previous owner of this portfolio left you and start making calls, introducing yourself and leaving messages. It takes a while.
<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +25>>
<<set $ContactedClients to true>>
[[You're just about to pat your own back when the phone rings->Jennifer Calls]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<set $DebtIsCollected to true>>
You start sending out collection notices.
[[You're just about to pat your own back when the phone rings->Jennifer Calls]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<if $MarketResearched>>
<<print $expandPortfolio.shift()>>
//You spend some time looking for new clients. You get some non-commital maybes out of various companies throughout the city. At least you get your name out right? Maybe you should have done some research beforehand.//\
<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +1>>\
[[You're just about to pat your own back when the phone rings->Jennifer Calls]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You took your sweet time contacting your clients. Some of the clients in your portfolio have moved on to other companies now.
<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +15>>
<<set $ContactedClients to true>>
You hear someone behind you.
[[Turn around->Charlotte stops by]] <img class="img-center" src="img/Deli.jpg" alt="The counter of a small deli, various pastry and foodstuffs visible on the shelves. Behind the counter stands a young, petite, latina woman looking a bit skeptical">
<<set $money -=5>>
//You go for a wiener at the deli on the corner. //
[[Tell a joke to the cashier->Tell another joke to the cashier]]
[[Go back to the office ->Office d3 s]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/Deli.jpg" alt="The counter of a small deli, various pastry and foodstuffs visible on the shelves. Behind the counter stands a young, petite, latina woman looking a bit skeptical">
<<print $deliJokes.shift()>>
<<set $toldAJokeAtTheDeli +=1>>
[[Go back to the office ->Office d3 s]]<img class="img-center" src="img/phone.jpg" alt="An old phone on a desk with many small programmable buttons on the side">
<<audio "phonering" play>>
//The phone rings. //
//You hear a female voice sobbing hysterically. She's trying to say something but you can't make it out with all the crying. //
<<player>>Miss, miss, I can't understand what you're saying. Take a deep breath.<</player>>
//The sobbing just get's worse and in the end you tell her to call back later when she's calmed down. //
[[You hang up]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
//That's enough for one day. //
<<if $JenniferMailRead is false>>
<<link "Check e-mail(1)" "Check e-mail from Jennifer">>
<<set $JenniferMailRead to true>>
[[Go home ->Home 4]]<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
//Here comes another beautiful evening. Fuck me, I don't even have a TV. Maybe I should stare at the ceiling some more. //
<<link "Use laptop" "Google">><</link>>
[[Go to sleep ->Day 4]]<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
<<set $day to $day+1>>
//The planet keeps spinning around.//
[[Go to work ->work 6 s]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<if $JenniferMailRead is false>>
<<link "Check e-mail(1)" "Check e-mail from Jennifer">>\
<<set $JenniferMailRead to true>>\
<<if $ContactedClients == false>>\
[[Contact old clients->Contact your clients 4]]
[[Collect debts->collect debts 4]]
<<if $MarketResearched is false>>
[[Research the market->Research the market 4]]
<<if $CharlotteGaveAdvice is true>>\
[[Follow up on Charlottes tip->Follow up on Charlottes tip4]]
[[Expand portfolio ->Expand portfolio 4]]
[[Surf the internet->internet4]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<set $DebtIsCollected to true>>
You send out debt collection notices.
You hear someone behind you.
[[Turn around->Charlotte stops by]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
<<set $day to $day+1>>
//Today is the day. It's the Friday review today. You feel your pulse rising thinking about it. If you don't make the cut, then you don't make rent either. //
[[Go to work->Reception d5]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Charlotte2wide.png" alt="An african-american woman with her hair in a braid, wearing an office suit. A serious but relaxed expression on her face.">
<<charlotte>>If you want my help, then get on your knees, ask me nicely to help you and... kiss my shoe.
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteFoot4.jpg" alt="Charlotte standing up with one foot forward, looking at you and pointing at her shoe.">
[[Uhh, what? What kind of crazy game are you playing, lady. Hell no! - You storm out of there->Back to the office 4 2]]
<<if hasVisited("Ask Charlotte for help 2") is true>><<link [[You are completely taken off guard. This is...wow...but you find it... besides very humiliating, very sexy too, and you're interested to see where this is going... you get on your knees->You get on your knees]]>>
<<set $CharlotteRespect -=1>>
<<set $confidence -=1>>
<<set $SelfRespect -=1>>
<<else>><<link [[You are completely taken off guard. This is...wow...but you don't really see any other choice, without this job you are pretty fucked so... you get on your knees->You get on your knees]]>>
<<set $CharlotteRespect -=1>>
<<set $confidence -=1>>
<<set $SelfRespect -=1>>
<</link>><</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/City.jpg" class="img-center" alt="An aerial view of a city by the water, at night dark clouds and lightening.">
What is your name?
First Name <<textbox "$MCFirstName" "Ethan">>
Last Name <<textbox "$MCLastName" "Bishop">>
[[Proceed ->Enter michigan]]<img class="img-center" src="img/phone.jpg" alt="An old phone on a desk with many small programmable buttons on the side">
<<audio "phonering" play>>
//You answer and there 's a soft female voice speaking. //
<<say "Jennifer" "img/portraits/unknownp.jpg">>Mr. Johnson? This is Jennifer Sullivan. I got this debt collection notice from Finance Capital. Thing is I don't have the money right now, but if I could get it postponed for a couple of weeks, I'll have the money. If you collect now I'll lose my apartment! Please, consider. I can make it up to you, can I send you an e-mail with details? Please, please, please consider. <</say>>
//Mr. Johnson? I guess that's someone who had this office before you.//
[[Well, it IS within your powers to postpone a payment, but you just give her your e-mail adress and tell her you'll get back to her (which you...might?)->office post-jennifer]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/laptop.jpg" alt="an old, crappy and slightly dirty looking laptop on a desk">
Google: <<linkreplace "Finance Capital" t8n>>It seems to be a debt collection company. Only a few years old, and quite small from the looks of it. They sure seem to be making a lot of money though. <</linkreplace>>
[[Close laptop->Go to sleep d0]]<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieCoffee4.jpg" alt="A curvy, big brested blond woman standing in an office space, wearing a white shirt and a black tie. Holding a cardboard cup of coffee">
<<sophie>>You're a life-saver, $MCFirstName!<</sophie>>
<<player>>Anything for you, Soph.<</player>>
She leaves.
<<link [[Back to work.->The phone rings day 3]]>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
[[It's time to grab some lunch again ->Lunchtime 3]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/Meyer2.jpg" alt="A strict looking woman in her late fifties, pronounced breasts, wearing a grey office suit and white blouse. In a dark, luxurious looking mahogany-clad office.">
<<set _TotalScore to $PortfolioHealth + $MeyerRespect + $BusinessAcumen + $BonusPoints>>
<<if _TotalScore gt $PortfolioThresholdWeek1>><<set $madeTargetWeek1 to true>><</if>>
<</nobr>><<meyer>>Mr. $MCLastName! Good to see you, isn't this exciting. It's the Friday review.<</meyer>>
//Mrs. Meyer is beaming. It's slightly unnerving.//
<<meyer>>Mr. Bottoms and myself have been following you closer than you might think this past week. We have looked at your ability to build a sustainable portfolio, evaluated your general affinity for the everyday dealings of this business as well as your ability to fit in as part of the team.<</meyer>>
<<if $CharlottesProtection is true>>
<<meyer>>Well, I'll get straight to the point. You have not impressed us Mr. $MCLastName. Usually that would be the end of this conversation. But it seems you have made friends in high places, which is something we can respect here at Finance Capital.<</meyer>>
\<<linkreplace "Would you care to join us, Ms. Armand">>
<img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerAndCharlotte.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer and Charlotte in her Mrs. Meyer's office, Charlotte is wearing a white office dress.">
<<meyer>>I will trust you to get Mr. $MCLastName in the right frame of mind, and to give him the right tools for the job, Ms. Armand. It seems he is in need of some schooling.<</meyer>>
<<charlotte>>I have every faith in him, Mrs. Meyer. I see promise in him, right $MCFirstName?<</charlotte>>
<<say $MCFirstName "img/portraits/playerp.jpg">>Uh, yes Ms. Armand<</say>>
<<meyer>>Splendid! Then please bring him to tonights weekend meet Ms. Armand. We will see you both there.<</meyer>>
[[You leave with Ms. Armand]]
<</linkreplace>><<elseif $madeTargetWeek1>><<set $confidence +=1>>
<<meyer>>Well, there's no point beating about the bush, you passed this week, so congratulations! Continue like this and you will be on your way to big things in the future. Seeing as you passed you are also invited to the club with us tonight for our monthly week-end meet. Drinks are on the company. You are dismissed for now, Mr. $MCLastName, we will see you later.<</meyer>>
[[You take your leave->Back to the office 5]]<<else>>
<<meyer>>Well, I'll get straight to the point. You have not impressed us Mr. $MCLastName. This is not necessarily the end of our working relationship. You will receive conditional compensation for this week, but we will need to discuss your future further on Monday morning.
Good day, Mr. $MCLastName. Mr. Bottoms will see you out now.<</meyer>>
<<set $failedReview to 1>><<set $confidence -=1>>
//Shit.. OK, well, seems like I might still have a shot.//
[[Go outside with Mr. Bottoms.]]
<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<if $MarketResearched>>
<<print $expandPortfolio.shift()>>
You spend some time looking for new clients. You get some non-commital maybes out of various companies throughout the city. At least you get your name out right? Maybe you should have done some research beforehand.
<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +1>>
//You hear someone behind you.//
[[Turn around->Charlotte stops by]] <img class="img-center" src="img/JennysPlace.jpg" alt="A non-descript looking apartment building, it's dark outside.">
//You show up at the door of her apartment complex at 19:00. //
[[You press the button that says J. Sullivan->Press the button]]<img class="img-center" src="img/JennysPlace.jpg" alt="A non-descript looking apartment building, it's dark outside.">
<<say "Jennifer" "img/portraits/intercomp.jpg">>Hello?<</say>>
<<player>>It's $MCFirstName<</player>>
<<say "Jennifer" "img/portraits/intercomp.jpg">>Right, come on up, it's in the third, door is open. <</say>>
[[You go in, and up the stairs]]You enter the apartment and close the door behind you. before you proceed into the bedroom.
<img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferwelcome2.jpg" alt="A naked woman with red long hair is standing up with her back to you, her head turned towards you. In a sparsely decorated, messy room with a bed.">
<<jenny>>Come on in, lover boy<</jenny>>
<<if $confidence gt 4>>[[Don't mind if I do]]<<else>> ==Don't mind if I do== (confidence too low)<</if>>
[[You hesitate, is this really an OK thing to do?->You fidget]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferwelcome2.jpg" alt="A naked woman with red long hair is standing up with her back to you, her head turned towards you. In a sparsely decorated, messy room with a bed.">
//She looks smoking hot.//
<<jenny>>Why don't you join me?<</jenny>>
<<link [[You say nothing, but forcefully push her down on all fours->You fuck her asshole]]>>
<<set $empathy -=2>>
[[So, how d'you like it, beautiful]]<img class="img-center" src="img/JenniferColdFeet2.png" alt="The naked red-headed woman is turned towards you, sitting in bed and looking at you with suspicion.">
<<jenny>>You are. I can't fucking believe this... Little boy thought he wanted to fuck, huh? But now you find you don't have the balls to go through with it. What a fucking wimp.<</jenny>>
[[uh.. wh-wh....uhhh]]<img class="img-center" src="img/JenniferCross.jpg" alt="Jennifer is sitting up in her bed with a straight back and a look of contempt on her face.">
<<jenny>>"Uh uHhHh", what you got brain damage now? And, what's that... are you getting hard?<</jenny>>
//She looks at the bulge forming in your pants.//
<<jenny>>You are, you're getting an erection from this. Oh my.<</jenny>>
//She looks right into your eyes//
<<jenny>>Take off your pants.<</jenny>>
//You stand like frozen in place. A cold feeling runs down the back of your spine and you can feel your legs starting to shake.//
<<jenny>>REMOVE. YOUR. FUCKING. PANTS!<</jenny>>
[[Run the hell out of there]]
[[...you can't help yourself, you hesitantly unbutton your pants as the body moves on its own.->You can't help yourself]]>>
<<set $confidence -=1>>
<</link>><img class="img-center" src="img/JennysPlace.jpg" alt="A non-descript looking apartment building, it's dark outside.">
//You storm out the door and half run/half stumble down the stairs letting gravity help with speed.
This... did not go like you had envisioned it. But fuck it, you're leaving. This was a terrible idea. //
[[Go home->home saturday night]]<img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferaww.jpg" alt="Jennifer is sitting in bed leaning backwords, looking at you with a mocking expression on her face.">
<<jenny>>Aww, you're one of those little boys that need to be told what to do aren't you. Why didn't you just say so straight away, you don't have to pretend with me. Pretending to be a tough guy, a real man. It just makes you look even more pathetic you know, it's better to be honest. If not with me, then at least with yourself.<</jenny>>
//You move closer, but...//
<<jenny>>No, you stay right there, boy. Get on your knees.<</jenny>>
[[You gather what you have left of willpower and run the hell out of there]]
<<link [[The words hit you like someone struck you at the back of your legs with a bat, the strength leaves you and you drop to your knees->You drop to your knees]] >>
<<set $confidence -=1>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
<<set $day to 6>><<audio "bgm" stop>><<audio "bgm2" loop volume 1 play>>
It's saturday morning. <<if not $DebtIsCollected>>
//FUCK! FUCK ME! I forgot to send out the debt collection notices... No money for me this week then. SHIT!... damn... oh well... //<</if>>
<<if $DoingJenny is true>>
//I have a date tonight, how about that. Well, "date", I am going to fuck a debtor. //
<<link "Time to meet Jenny" "Date with Jennifer">><</link>><<elseif $simpingForSophie gt 1>>[[You've got a message from Sophie]]
[[You have zero plans today and slouch around until Sunday morning. How about that. I'm slouching around like I'm royalty here.->Day 7 - Sunday]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/JennysPlace.jpg" alt="A non-descript looking apartment building, it's dark outside.">
//You storm out the door and half run/half stumble down the stairs letting gravity help with speed.
What the hell... What happened. Your head spins. You gotta get home before anything else happens tonight, you don't know think you could handle much of anything right now. //
[[Go home->home saturday night]]<img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferstroke.jpg" alt="Jennifer is lying down in bed on her back, half sat up, looking at you condescendingly and with a faint smile."><<set $subbedForJenny to true>>
<<jenny>>Now start stroking.. stroke your little cock for Jennifer.<</jenny>>
//The words... it's like they cause you physical pain, they cut into you. You start stroking.//
<<jenny>>That's it, nice and easy boy, stroke for me.<</jenny>>
<<jenny>>Now apologize.<</jenny>>
<<jenny>>I said apologize. Apologize for pretending to be a man.... apologize for trying to take advantage of my situation... and apologize for even failing to fucking do so.<</jenny>>
<<jenny>>And keep stroking.<</jenny>>
<<jenny>>Now repeat after me.<</jenny>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
//Well, that was new. You're still shaking as you walk through the door. Luckily there's a beer in the fridge that helps you calm down.
What a crazy week this has been. You think your uncle William might have warned you about how this place was!
Not that it would have made a difference come to think of it. You won't ever get on top of your debt unless you get a good paying job, and prospects of that right now are pretty slim outside of this one shot. //
[[Go to sleep->Day 7 - Sunday]]<img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferstroke.jpg" alt="Jennifer is lying down in bed on her back, half sat up, looking at you condescendingly and with a faint smile.">
<img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferstroke.jpg" alt="Jennifer is lying down in bed on her back, half sat up, looking at you condescendingly and with a faint smile.">
[[for]]<img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferstroke.jpg" alt="Jennifer is lying down in bed on her back, half sat up, looking at you condescendingly and with a faint smile.">
<<jenny>>Pretending, give a good long stroke for that one. Preteeeending...<</jenny>>
[[pretending]]<img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferstroke.jpg" alt="Jennifer is lying down in bed on her back, half sat up, looking at you condescendingly and with a faint smile.">
[[to]]<img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferstroke.jpg" alt="Jennifer is lying down in bed on her back, half sat up, looking at you condescendingly and with a faint smile.">
<<jenny>>Keep stroking.<</jenny>>
[[be]]<img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferstroke.jpg" alt="Jennifer is lying down in bed on her back, half sat up, looking at you condescendingly and with a faint smile.">
<<jenny>>A...oh getting closer, don't cum yet<</jenny>>
<<link [[Aaaaah!]]>>
<<set $confidence -=1>>
<</link>><img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferstroke.jpg" alt="Jennifer is lying down in bed on her back, half sat up, looking at you condescendingly and with a faint smile.">
<<jenny>>MAAAN! now cum for me!<</jenny>>
<<player>>MAAAaaan! GAAAAH!<</player>>
<<jenny>>Look at the lil' guy spurting. Out with it, come on, let it aaaaall out. Spurt that jizz out along with your self-respect. Pour out your pride and your will, let it aaaaall out along with your lil' squirts.
Oh, that is just too rich. Look at that, it's your sticky, disgusting pride, filthying up my floor.
Apology accepted... for the most part.<</jenny>>
<<jenny>>Now take your pants and leave boy. Before I make you eat your fucking mess up from the floor.<</jenny>>
[[You grab your pants and run out the door. You stumble down the stairs as if in a haze until you hit the cold air outside. Then you head home->home saturday night]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/Charlotte2wide.png" alt="An african-american woman with her hair in a braid, wearing an office suit. A serious but relaxed expression on her face.">
//It's Charlotte. //
<<charlotte>>So how's it coming along, new guy? Mrs. Meyer asked me to check in on you, so if you don't mind I'll have a look at those numbers.<</charlotte>>
<em>She types a bunch of stuff into your computer and streams of numbers show up.</em>
<<charlotte>><<if $PortfolioHealth lt $PortfolioThreshold1>>Oh, this is no good. Sorry to tell you, but you will not keep your job at this rate.
<<if $CharlotteGaveAdvice is false>>
Guess you should have been a bit more humble starting out. Self-confidence is good and all, but if you step into a field where you have little knowledge, being too prideful to ask questions is the same as digging your own grave.
You can still turn this around with some hard work, but you should probably take all the help you can get.
You know where to find me.<<set $PassedCharlotteEvaluation to false>>
<<else>>Huh, that's actually quite decent. Nice job $MCFirstName. Looks like we might be seeing you around for a while.
<<set $PassedCharlotteEvaluation to true>>
[[You ask her if she wants to join you for lunch]]
[[You thank her for checking in, but now it's lunchtime]]<img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferfours3.png" alt="A slim naked woman with long red hair is on all fours on the bed, arching her back slightly rounding her butt, she turns her head looking at you.">
<<jenny>>You can do my any way you like, sir. Just please let me feel you inside.<</jenny>>
[[You think you deserve it? huh? Dirty slut like you?]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You spend some time researching the market to see if you can find something you can use to find debtors, and thus someone in need of our services.
<<set $MarketResearched to true>>
<<set $BusinessAcumen +=1>>
[[Go grab some lunch ->lunchtime]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
//You spend some time researching the market to see if you can find something you can use to find debtors, and thus someone in need of our services. //
<<set $MarketResearched to true>>
<<set $BusinessAcumen +=1>>
[[Go grab some lunch ->lunchtime2]] <img class="img-center" src="img/Charlotte2wide.png" alt="An african-american woman with her hair in a braid, wearing an office suit. A serious but relaxed expression on her face.">
<<set $hadLunchWithCharlotte +=1>>
<<charlotte>>Sure, why not. I usually eat at Copper Spoon, it's a small café around the corner, why don't you go find us a table and I'll be there in ten.<</charlotte>>
[[Sure thing]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Deli.jpg" alt="The counter of a small deli, various pastry and foodstuffs visible on the shelves. Behind the counter stands a young, petite, latina woman looking a bit skeptical">
You go for a baguette at the Deli on the corner.
[[Tell a joke to the cashier->Tell a joke to the cashier day 4]]
[[Back to the office->Back to the office 4]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CopperspoonFront.jpg" alt="The facade of a nice looking little café in the city.">
<em>This seems to be the place</em>
[[Go inside->Copper Spoon]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteCoffee1.jpg" alt="Charlotte sitting at a table with a coffee in a café. A faint smile on her lips.">
<<set $money -=10>>
<em>Is that a smile? You think that might be a smile.</em>
<<if $PassedCharlotteEvaluation == false>>
[[You ask her if she has any tips to turn your situation around at work->Asked for tips cafe]]
<<link [[You ask her about her last name, Armand. It's unusual]]>>
<<set $AskedAboutArmand to true>>
[[Back to the office->Back to the office 4]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<if $JenniferMailRead is false>>
<<link "Check e-mail(1)" "Check e-mail from Jennifer">>
<<set $JenniferMailRead to true>>
\<<if $PassedCharlotteEvaluation == false>>
\<<if $AskedSophieForHelp is false>>
[[Ask Sophie for help?]]
[[Go ask Charlotte if she can help you with your portfolio->Ask Charlotte for help]]
[[You don't need any help, just focus on work->Back to the office 4 2]]<<else>>
[[Go meet Adam to sign the contract]]
[[You don't really need any help with this, but it would be a way to get to spend some time with Charlotte, so why not ask her for help anyway?]]
<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteCoffee1.jpg" alt="Charlotte sitting at a table with a coffee in a café. A faint smile on her lips.">
<<charlotte>>Not here, come to my office later.<</charlotte>>
[[Oh, ok]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteCoffee1.jpg" alt="Charlotte sitting at a table with a coffee in a café. A faint smile on her lips.">
<<link [[You ask her about her last name, Armand. It's unusual]]>><<set $AskedAboutArmand to true>><</link>>
[[You eat and drink up and return to the Office->Back to the office 4]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteCoffee1.jpg" alt="Charlotte sitting at a table with a coffee in a café. A faint smile on her lips.">
<<charlotte>>It's Creole. Our fore-mother moved here from Lousiana in the early 1800's. This city was just a small collection of houses back then. Well, I guess it was just a small town until the 1990's come to think of it. The growth of the last 20 years has been quite remarkable. Still, you'll probably be bumping into the name Armand from time to time in this city, there are a lot of us around here.<</charlotte>>
<<if $GoogledArmand is true>>
[[Admit you googled her name and ask about her sister Ottilie Armand]]<</if>>
[[You eat and drink up and return to the Office->Back to the office 4]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/Michigan.jpg" alt="A motorway from the perspective of the fron seat of a car. The road stretches ahead with a highway coming in from the side. Blue skya dn a few white clouds.">
After a gruelling long bus ride you're finally in Michigan. Only separated from your final destination by a few more hours. The city of Massasauga, a city of which you until very recently, had never heard before. Well, it's not like most people have heard of the shit-hole you just left either, surely it will be an improvement.
There is nothing holding you back anyway, other than memories of a non-eventful childhood, a chain of low-paying, boring-ass jobs and some failed romantic endeavours. Yeah, better to look forward and to focus on the problem at hand:
Your newly acquired and substantial debt.
[[Try to sleep the rest of the trip->Outside your apartment]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteCoffee1.jpg" alt="Charlotte sitting at a table with a coffee in a café. A faint smile on her lips."><<set $AdmittingToGoogle to true>>
<<charlotte>>You googled me, huh? Good for you. That's the sort of dilligence that might let you keep your head above your ass around here. Ottilie? What about her? She's my sister and she's a soldier. Well, general is probably more accurate, she runs her own army so I guess she can have whatever rank she wants. I think she's in Israel right now.<</charlotte>>
[[You eat and drink up and return to the Office->Back to the office 4]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteFoot4.jpg" alt="Charlotte standing up with one foot forward, looking at you and pointing at her shoe.">
<em>You get on your knees.</em>
<<charlotte>>Now ask me nicely<</charlotte>>
<<link [[Please help me, Charlotte]]>>
<<set $CharlotteRespect -=1>>
<<set $confidence -=1>>
<<set $SelfRespect -=1>>
<<link [[What the hell got into you, run! You hightail out of there, you think you heard a faint chuckle behind you on the way out->Back to the office 4 2]]>>
<<set $SelfRespect +=1>>
<</link>><img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteFoot4.jpg" alt="Charlotte standing up with one foot forward, looking at you and pointing at her shoe.">
<em>She places one foot in front of the other, and points at it.</em>
<<charlotte>>Kiss it<</charlotte>>
<<link [[You plant your lips on the tip of her shoe, and kiss it]]>>
<<set $CharlotteRespect -=1>>
<<set $confidence -=1>>
<<set $SelfRespect -=1>>
<</link>><img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteFoot4.jpg" alt="Charlotte standing up with one foot forward, looking at you and pointing at her shoe.">
<<charlotte>>Good boy. Doesn't that feel better. Now there' s no more pretense between us. Now You know where you stand.
And now you also know...
That //I// know...
That you know...
Exactly where you stand.
And now you get my help.
But no more of that overly familiar tone, from now on it's "Ms. Armand" to you. Got that?<</charlotte>>
<<set $charlotte to "Ms. Armand">>
<<if $CharlotteLikesYou>>
<<link [["Yes, Ms. Armand"]]>>
<<set $CharlottesProtection to true>><</link>><<else>>
<<link [["Yes, Ms. Armand"->Ms. Armand does not like you]]>>
<<set $CharlottesProtection to true>><</link>>
<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/Charlotte2wide.png" alt="An african-american woman with her hair in a braid, wearing an office suit. A serious but relaxed expression on her face.">
<<charlotte>>Good. This just might turn out to be a good thing for the both of us.
<<if hasVisited("Ask Charlotte for help 2") is false>>Now, we might not get you up to speed for Mrs. Meyers Friday evaluation, but I'll put in a word for you, which should buy us another week.
<</if>><<if $CharlotteGaveAdvice == true>>
I have already told you this, but I guess repetition as well as some elaboration is necessary. <</if>>Now, the main metric for success at this point in your career is your Portfolio Health, which is simply your total amount of clients multiplied by their individual size.
You grow this by getting new clients, and you find these by doing research. In other words, at your current level, you should be doing market research before every time you go scouting for clients. Over time your accumulated knowledge will also help you.
And don't forget to spend some time each week sending out debt collection notices, we don't get paid without them. At the very least send them out on Friday morning.
Now seeing as you have been such a well-behaved boy, I will give you a treat. A couple of hours ago there was announced massive lay-offs at a tech-firm in the city, and I know for a fact that they recently employed a lot of young people straight out of college, and some were even recruited before their education was finished. These newbies will be the first to go. Many of these will have short term-loans that they have no way of paying back now. Make calls to short-term loaners, some of them will be swamped soon and would probably be happy to leave some of the work to you.
Which leads nicely into my final point. Be expedient. Information like this has an expiry date.
That should get you started, now get to it.<</charlotte>>
[[You thank Ms. Armand for her time and leave->Back to the office 4 2]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
I should go see Adam.
<<if $JenniferMailRead is false>>
<<link "Check e-mail(1)" "Check e-mail from Jennifer">>
<<set $JenniferMailRead to true>><</link>><</if>>
[[Go meet Adam to sign the contract]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You spend some time researching the market to see if you can find something you can use to find debtors, and thus someone in need of our services.
<<set $MarketResearched to true>>
<<set $BusinessAcumen +=1>>
[[You're just about to pat your own back when the phone rings->Jennifer Calls]] <img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You spend some time researching the market to see if you can find something you can use to find debtors, and thus someone in need of our services.
<<set $MarketResearched to true>>
<<set $BusinessAcumen +=1>>
[[You take a deep breath ->Charlotte stops by]] <img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferfours3.png" alt="A slim naked woman with long red hair is on all fours on the bed, arching her back slightly rounding her butt, she turns her head looking at you.">
<<jenny>>Nooo, but pleeease, I need it!<</jenny>>
[[Oh, you'll get it. Spread those lips]]<img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferfours3.png" alt="A slim naked woman with long red hair is on all fours on the bed, arching her back slightly rounding her butt, she turns her head looking at you.">
//You take your clothes of and get onto the bed.//
//Your dick slides into her wet pussy with little resistance. You can see a slight shiver as it goes in. You press it deep and she lets slip a moan. You increase the pace a little with every thrust. //
//She starts breathing heavier. //
//You start pounding her harder. //
[[Speed up]]<img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferfours3.png" alt="A slim naked woman with long red hair is on all fours on the bed, arching her back slightly rounding her butt, she turns her head looking at you.">
//You speed up more. She is moaning now and you can feel climax building. //
[[Steel yourself, make it last]]
[[Finish]]<img class="img-center" src="img/AdamBottoms1.jpg" alt="A young and tall, lanky man with brown hair, crooked classes and an ill-fitting blue suit is standing in an office, looking casual with his hands in his pockets.">
<<adam>>There you are $MCFirstName, ready to sign the contract?<</adam>>
//He hands you a stack of paper so thick the stitches can barely hold it together. Ain't no way you can read and process all that in one day, not to say an evening after work.//
<<adam>>Remember to tick the little box that says "I have read and understood the terms stipulated in this contract".<</adam>>
//You skim some random pages, they read exactly how you thought they would, completely impenetrable for anyone but a team of specialized lawyers. But it's not like you would turn it down anyway right? How bad can it be? //
<<link [[You tick the little box and sign the contract, in two copies->Adam again]]>>
<<set $contractSigned to true>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferselfie1.jpg" alt="a naked, slim woman in her twenties with red hair taking a selfie.">
So how about you come to my place, so we can discuss my debt? Maybe there is something I can do for you? You already have my address. How about Saturday at 19:00?
<<link [[HELL YES I am doing this, I am DOING JENNY! WOW! -You write her a positive reply]]>>
<<set $DoingJenny to true>><<set $empathy -=1>>
<<link [[That would be a terrible idea, but you can still give her a couple more weeks, it probably wont make much of a difference to you ->you reply and say she has two more weeks]]>>
<<set $empathy +=1>>
<<link [[You're not risking shit, and if she can't pay up we take the apartment->this is not a damn charity]]>>
<<set $empathy -=1>>
<<set $BonusPoints+=1>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<set $DoingDirt +=1>>
It should seem prudent that we meet and discuss matters further.
$MCFirstName $MCLastName
Finance Capital
<<link "Aaaand sent!" $playerPassage>>
<</link>><img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
A meeting will not be necessary, it is well within my power to move the due date back two weeks from the original date. Be aware that interest will continue to accumulate.
$MCFirstName $MCLastName
Finance Capital
<<link "You send it" $playerPassage>>
<</link>><img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You send her a very formal-looking denial with lots of intimidating legaleze you cut and paste from various letters you find around the office.
<<link "Aaaand sent!" $playerPassage>>
<</link>><img class="img-center" src="img/Sophie5.jpg" alt="Beautiful, blonde, chubby woman in a black office jacket and skirt, with a white blouse, standing in the office space.">
<<set $AskedSophieForHelp to true>>
<<if $SophieDisrespect is 0>>
<<sophie>>I'd love to help you $MCFirstName but I'm really too swamped with work right now. Maybe you could ask Charlotte? Sorry!<</sophie>>
<<sophie>>If I'm going to drop whatever I'm doing to help you $MCFirstName, then maybe you should have been nicer when you had the chance. You know what I mean?
Maybe some other time, I'm swamped right now. <</sophie>>
[[Go back->Back to the office 4]]
<<if not tags().includes("event")>>
<<set $playerPassage to passage()>>
<<if not tags().includes("Scene-Guide")>>
<<set $playerPassage2 to passage()>>
<</nobr>><img class="img-center" src="img/phone.jpg" alt="An old phone on a desk with many small programmable buttons on the side">
<<link [[You hung up. Nothing good will come from engaging in that "conversation". ->work 2]]>>
<<if $empathy gt 4>>
<<set $SelfRespect -=1>>
<</link>><img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
<<if $CharlottesProtection is true>>
//Oh well, that was an interesting turn of events. You shake it off and look around you. Man, this place is a dump. Let's hope you can turn it around this week, then maybe you can switch this shit-hole out for something nice.//
//Ah, home sweet home. If you do well this week, maybe you can switch this dump out for something nice. //
<<link "Use laptop" "Google">><</link>>
<<if $contractReadDay4 is false>>
<<link [[Read the contract]]>>\
[[Go to sleep ->Day 5]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/contract.png" alt="A bunch of loose A4 pages with printed letters, laid out over a messy table, a glass on the side, a plate is laid atop some of the pages">
<<set $contractReadDay4 to true>>
//You sit down with a notebook and some markers, trying to make sense of your contract. It's mostly an exercise in looking up words on Google and trying to figure out what they mean in a legal sense. You do this until you get a head-ache, then put it away for another day.
You are unsure whether you are getting smarter or you are getting brain damage. //
<<set $LegalSavvy +=1>>
[[Put it away for now->Go home 4]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
Adam has sent you a message reminding you to send out invoices in case I haven't already. That was nice of him.
<<if $JenniferMailRead is false>>
<<link "Check e-mail(1)" "Check e-mail from Jennifer">>
<<set $JenniferMailRead to true>>
<<if $ContactedClients == false>>
[[Contact old clients->Contact your clients 5]]
[[collect debts->collect debts 5]]
<<if $CharlotteGaveAdvice is true>>
[[Follow up on Charlottes tip->Follow up on Charlottes tip 5]]
[[Expand portfolio ->Expand portfolio 5]]
<</if>><<if $MarketResearched is false>>
[[Research the market->Research the market 5]]
[[Surf the internet->internet5]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You took your sweet time contacting your clients. Some of the clients in your portfolio have moved on to other companies now.
<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +10>>
<<set $ContactedClients to true>>
[[Go to lunch->Lunchtime Day 5]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You send out debt collection notices.
<<set $DebtIsCollected to true>>
[[Go to lunch->Lunchtime Day 5]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<if $MarketResearched is true>>
<<print $expandPortfolio.shift()>>
You spend some time looking for new clients. You get some non-commital maybes out of various companies throughout the city. At least you get your name out right? Maybe you should have done some research beforehand.
<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +1>>
[[Go to lunch->Lunchtime Day 5]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You spend some time researching the market to see if you can find something you can use to find debtors, and thus someone in need of our services.
<<set $MarketResearched to true>>
<<set $BusinessAcumen +=1>>
[[Go to lunch->Lunchtime Day 5]]<img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferfours3.png" alt="A slim naked woman with long red hair is on all fours on the bed, arching her back slightly rounding her butt, she turns her head looking at you."><<set $dommedJenny to true>>
<<set $empathy -=1>>
//You pull down your pants and ram your cock into her asshole. It's dry and it stings, but her soft cry of pain makes you rock hard. Every thrust produces a whimper, and you get into a steady pace of thrusting slightly harder each time, yielding ever louder sounds of pain from Jennifer. //
<<jenny>>H-Hey, take it easy.<</jenny>>
//You ignore her and keep pounding her asshole. She starts faintly sobbing, which turns you on even more. You are at your limit for how hard and fast you can fuck her, and you feel climax coming closer. //
[[You slow down a bit, so you can last longer]]
[[You finish in her ass]]<img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferfours3.png" alt="A slim naked woman with long red hair is on all fours on the bed, arching her back slightly rounding her butt, she turns her head looking at you.">
<<set $empathy -=1>>
//You slow down the pace a bit until you feel the pressure subsiding, then you pick the pace back up. She has gotten used to you inside her ass, so you thrust harder to get a response from her, she starts whimpering again making you more horny. You start slamming into her with all your strength, her sobbing growing louder until you feel climax coming again. //
<img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferfours3.png" alt="A slim naked woman with long red hair is on all fours on the bed, arching her back slightly rounding her butt, she turns her head looking at you.">
//You give her one last hard thrust, making her scream as you empty your balls deep inside her ass. //
[[Power feels good when you are a big enough asshole to use it->Power feels good!]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
<<set $day to 7>>
//It's Sunday. You can't think of much to do really. Maybe it's time to explore the city a bit? You haven't really had the time since you got here. Actually, you haven't even said hello to the neighbours. That would be considered rude in some cultures. //
<<link "Use laptop" "Google">><</link>>
[[Say hello to the neighbours.->say hello to the neighbour]]
[[I'll pass on the neighbours, maybe I'll just go outside for a bit->Go explore the city]]
[[Eh, why bother. I'd rather get another 4-5 hours of sleep->Back inside 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/contract.png" alt="A bunch of loose A4 pages with printed letters, laid out over a messy table, a glass on the side, a plate is laid atop some of the pages">
<<set $contractReadDay5 to true>>
You sit down with a notebook and some markers, trying to make sense of your contract. It's mostly an exercise in looking up words on Google and trying to figure out what they mean in a legal sense. You do this until you get a head-ache, then put it away for another day.
You are unsure whether you are getting smarter or you are getting brain damage.
<<set $LegalSavvy +=1>>
[[Put it away for now->Go home 5]]<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in."><<set $money -= 900>>
Ah, home sweet home. If you do well this week, maybe you can switch this dump out for something nice.
<<link "Use laptop" "Google">><</link>>
[[Go to Birdies for the company week-end meet]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/Deli.jpg" alt="The counter of a small deli, various pastry and foodstuffs visible on the shelves. Behind the counter stands a young, petite, latina woman looking a bit skeptical">
<<if $DebtIsCollected>><<set _multiplier to $PortfolioHealth+$BusinessAcumen>><<set $money += Math.round(_multiplier*33.3)>><<set $money += 100>><</if>>\
You grab a baguette, wondering if this is the last time you will do so at this Deli. You feel a knot in your stomach thinking about the review only minutes away.
The clerk looks as bored as ever.
[[Time to face the music->Friday review]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/FinanceCapitalEntrancewithBottoms.jpg" alt="A lanky man in his twenties with short brown hair, wearing a blue suit with a white shirt. Standing outside the entrance to Finance Capital.">
<<adam>>I'd be sorry to see you go like this, but don't fret my friend. It's not over yet. Tell you the truth it was pretty close and if I have anything to say, you still have a good chance. Come back monday and we'll review your case.
<<if $DoingJenny is true>>
And have a good time with that girl Jennifer, tomorrow. Don't worry, I don't mind and I don't tell. <</if>>
See you on monday, buddy.<</adam>>
[[He walks back inside and with that, you go home->Go home 5]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteWhite.jpg" alt="Charlotte in an office, wearing a white office dress">
<<if $CharlotteLikesYou>>
<<charlotte>>You see what happens when you behave? You get to see another day. But I stuck my neck out for you today so you better make it worth it. I have faith in you, though. I wouldn't have done this if I didn't. Don't let me down.
Like Mrs. Meyer said we're having our weekly week-end meet tonight at Birdie's and you're expected to show up. Come around 18:00. See you.<</charlotte>>
<<charlotte>>Like Mrs. Meyer said we're having our weekly week-end meet tonight at Birdie's and you're expected to show up. Come around 18:00. See you.<</charlotte>><</if>>
[[You are left on your own, might as well go home and rest up a bit.->Go home 5]] <img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
I made it! Not bad, I guess I might be cut out for this type of work after all.
[[Well, time to go home and rest up before the party->Go home 5]]<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
//You get dressed, and leave.//
[[Go to the party->Birdies]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Charlotte2wide.png" alt="An african-american woman with her hair in a braid, wearing an office suit. A serious but relaxed expression on her face.">
<<charlotte>>So you need help, huh? Close the door behind you.
I can't say I'm surprised. But like I said, you won't get my help for free. But as money is likely an issue, I will let you off easy.
In fact I can help you twice over. You see, what typically gets in the way for you men is your pride. It makes you afraid to admit to yourselves that you might not be measuring up, and this fear holds you back. But I will deal with that too, if you really want me to.
So, do you really want my help?<</charlotte>>
[[As much as you hate to say it, yes you need help.->Kiss it]]
[[When you put it like that, I think I'll just handle this on my own.->Back to the office 4 2]] <img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteSquat3.png" alt="Charlotte squatting and looking down on you with a mean look on her face.">
<<charlotte>>Good, don't get up, you can stay on the floor for this.
Just get this straight. I do not particularly like you. My help and protection at this point, will be given at the cost of your obedience. But if you are honest with yourself, you will also realize that this is the best deal you will ever get.
<<if hasVisited("Ask Charlotte for help 2") is false>>Now, we might not get you up to speed for Mrs. Meyers Friday evaluation, but I'll put in a word for you, which should buy you another week.
<</if>><<if $CharlotteGaveAdvice == true>>
I have already told you this, but I guess repetition as well as some elaboration is necessary.
<</if>>The main metric for success at this point in your career is your Portfolio Health, which is simply your total amount of clients multiplied by their individual size.
You grow this by getting new clients, and you find these by doing research. In other words, at your current level, you should be doing market research before every time you go scouting for clients. Over time your accumulated knowledge will also help you.
And don't forget to spend some time each week sending out debt collection notices, we don't get paid without them.
Now seeing as you have been such a well-behaved boy, I will give you a treat. A couple of hours ago there was announced massive lay-offs at a tech-firm in the city, and I know for a fact that they recently employed a lot of young people straight out of college, and some were even recruited before their education was finished. These newbies will be the first to go. Many of these will have short term-loans that they have no way of paying back now. Make calls to short-term loaners, some of them will be swamped soon and would probably be happy to leave some of the work to you.
Which leads nicely into my final point. Be expedient. Information like this has an expiry date.
That should get you off to a good new start. If you choose to seek my help again, then do so knowing I will require more of you than I just did.
Now get up and leave.<</charlotte>>
[[You thank Ms. Armand for her time and leave->Back to the office 4 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferfours3.png" alt="A slim naked woman with long red hair is on all fours on the bed, arching her back slightly rounding her butt, she turns her head looking at you.">
//You slow down the pace a bit until you feel the pressure subsiding, Jenny makes a complaing sound. //
<<jenny>>What, no do me harder..<</jenny>>
//After a small pause, you happily oblige and pick the pace back up. You get into a good rythm, you can hear her breath getting heavier and heavier until you start feeling tremors around you cock. She is panting and shaking now, almost there.
You're almost there yourself, you can just about keep going. You wait until you can feel her finally coming..//
[[And then you let go]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferfours3.png" alt="A slim naked woman with long red hair is on all fours on the bed, arching her back slightly rounding her butt, she turns her head looking at you.">
//You're almost there, you thrust harder and harder until you can't hold back any more. //
[[You cum!->And then you let go]]<img class="img-center" src="img/FinanceCapitalEntrance.jpg" alt="A non-descript glass door entrance to a building of glass and steel, there's a bench outside with a token tree behind it. The ground is paved with stone">
This is the place. You didn't really know what to expect, but this building looks the part.
//Well, this is it. Here goes nothing.//
[[Enter->Reception d1]] <img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">\
<<set $day to 8>><<audio "bgm2" stop>><<audio "bgm" loop volume 1 play>><<set $DebtIsCollected to false>>
//Ah, Monday. //
<<if $failedReview is 1 and $CharlottesProtection is false>>
As I recall Mrs. Meyer will want to discuss my future at Finance Capital. Or the lack of it, I guess.
[[Oh well, time to face it->Reception d8]]
[[I wonder how much money I will make this week->Reception d8]]
<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in."><<audio "bgm" fadeout>>
//This has been a long day. You are exhausted. //
[[Go to sleep->Day 6 - Saturday]] <img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferleave2.jpg" alt="The naked slim red-head is sitting on her bed, only turninger her head enough that you can clearly her her voice.">
//You button up your pants. You turn around and see her sitting silently with her back to you. //
[[You walk out the door->home saturday night]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferfours3.png" alt="A slim naked woman with long red hair is on all fours on the bed, arching her back slightly rounding her butt, she turns her head looking at you.">
//With a final spasm that takes all you have you slam deep into putting all your weight into it and cum in her asshole. //
[[Power feels good when you are a big enough asshole to use it->Power feels good!]]<img class="img-center" src="img/jenniferleave2.jpg" alt="The naked slim red-head is sitting on her bed, only turninger her head enough that you can clearly her her voice.">
//You get dressed again, just as you're about to speak you are interrupted. //
<<jenny>>Just leave.<</jenny>>
[[You take the hint and walk out the door->home saturday night 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/FinanceCapitallogo2.jpg" class="img-center" alt="An aerial view of a city by the water, at night dark clouds and lightening. Over the image are the words Finance Capital written in a classic serif font with a gold sheen">
<div style="text-align: center;">
This game has adult themes and is meant for an adult audience. If you are not legally considered an adult in your country, please close this page.
[[I am a legal adult in my country and wish to proceed->Start screen]]</div><img class="img-center" src="img/Meyer2.jpg" alt="A strict looking woman in her late fifties, pronounced breasts, wearing a grey office suit and white blouse. In a dark, luxurious looking mahogany-clad office.">
<<meyer>>There you are Mr. $MCLastName. Whatever shall we do with you, hm? I had hoped you would have found your feet around here by now, but despite my words I am going to give you another chance. See, I think you have the mental capacity for this job, but the problem you men usually have, especially at your age, is one of self-control. You don't have it, so you get distracted from your duties.<</meyer>>
//You feel like protesting, but you catch yourself. It's probably best to just let her talk right now. //
<<meyer>>Luckily for you we can help you with that. If you cannot control yourself, I will do it for you. Starting today it will be much easier for you to focus on work.
Please come in, Nurse Tucker.<</meyer>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerAndTucker.jpg">
<<meyer>>Have you heard of a "Prince Albert"? It's a piercing going through the tip of your penis. It can be used to secure a chastity device in such a way that you cannot weasel yourself out of it with even the greatest lack of self-control.
And Nurse Tucker is here to make sure you get a good, snug fit, and a nice and sterile puncture<</meyer>>
<<link "You say nothing, if you lose this job you are on the streets, and with no way to ever get out on top of this debt, you accept it" "Oh well, if this is what it takes">>
<<link [[Wait a goddamn minute, what makes you think I will accept such a thing?]]>>
<</link>><img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerAndTucker.jpg" alt="A strict looking woman in her late fifties, at her side is standing a young woman with long black hair, a serious expression on her face, wearing a lab-coat. In a dark, luxurious looking mahogany-clad office.">
<<meyer>>You will accept it because you are not an idiot, Mr. $MCLastName. I trust you have read your contract thoroughly? Your payment up until now is technically just a loan unless you finish your three week trial, and you are not doing that without a chastity device. I will not have more of my time wasted by your frivolity.
You can of course leave right now, with an even bigger debt than you had when you first walked in here, but I think you know what will happen then. You won't be able to pay and after years of compounded interest you will end up in debtors jail. In other words, that would be a game over for you. All because you couldn't suck it up for a measly week or two of mild discomfort.
So, why don't you just show me that you actually have the ability to act in your own best self-interest, and drop your pants.<</meyer>>
[[What, here?]]<img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerAndTucker.jpg" alt="A strict looking woman in her late fifties, at her side is standing a young woman with long black hair, a serious expression on her face, wearing a lab-coat. In a dark, luxurious looking mahogany-clad office.">
<<meyer>>Yes, here! Know that I take no pleasure from this, but I will see it done with my own eyes.<</meyer>>
[[Oh well, if this is what it takes]]<img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerAndTucker.jpg" alt="A strict looking woman in her late fifties, at her side is standing a young woman with long black hair, a serious expression on her face, wearing a lab-coat. In a dark, luxurious looking mahogany-clad office.">
<<meyer>>Good, now let's get to it Nurse Tucker<</meyer>>
<<tucker>>Very well, just stand still. Find a spot in the ceiling to focus on and breathe deeply.<</tucker>>
You hear the sound of Nurse Tucker putting on a pair of latex gloves, before she starts sterilizing your penis with a cotton swab and some disinfectant. You feel a mild sting as it enters your urethra. You take a deep breath thinking to yourself that it is about to sting a whole lot more.
<<tucker>>Now I am going to make a puncture from inside your urethra to the underside of the shaft<</tucker>>
Your body suddenly jerks forward as immediately as you feel a very sharp, intense pain at the tip of your dick. Tears are welling up in your eyes, but as quick as it started the sharpness of the pain is giving way to a more constant feeling of pressure. She then applies some sort of cream that has a an immediate numbing and cooling effect.
You feel two pieces of metal being snuggly placed around your penis and scrotum, and you can hear and feel a loud *CLICK* and then another *CLICK*
<img class="img-center" src="img/PrinceAlbert.jpg" alt="A small metal chastity cage fastened around a flaccid penis, a metal ring goes through the head of the penis and the cage, a pair of elegant small feminine hands is twisting a key in an integrated lock securing it in place.">
<<tucker>>Now, wash it twice a day with salt water, abstain from swimming, and monitor the piercing for infection. Normally with this sort of piercing I would also tell you to abstain from sex until it heals, but I guess that's not really necessary now. I applied a special balm to speed up the healing process, so the wound should be healed completely in a couple of days. There really is no reason to, but it is normal to feel anxiety, especially if this is your first. If you still fear something is wrong with it, don't hesitate to call us, our sercive is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.<</tucker>>
The nurse hands the key over to Mrs. Meyer before she leaves the office.
Mrs. Meyer thanks her and turns to you.
<<meyer>>Very good Mr. $MCLastName, I am sure you will think back on this moment with fondness as the moment where you turned your life around. Now go out and start building your future. Make the target and I will unlock you on Friday. Please try not to fail us again.<</meyer>>
You feel numb, did you just let all that happen?
<<link "Oh well, time to get to work" "Work Day 8 1 2">>
<<set $firstReviewIsDone to true>>
<<set $confidence -=2>>
<<set $inChastity to true>>
<</link>><img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
Hey, creep. Just wanted to make sure we are clear that I no longer have any debt with you guys. A two week postponement won't cut it. It is gone, zero, zilch. I don't care if you need to pay out of your own pocket or whatever. And in case you were wondering, yes I have video of the whole thing.
<<if $subbedForJenny>>I wasn't expecting it to be anything but incriminating on your part, but as a bonus it is also gloriously humiliating! How stupid you must feel!<<elseif $dommedJenny>>I wasn't expecting it to be anything but incriminating on your part, seeing as what your job is, but you were such an asshole I could get you locked up for rape.<</if>> If I get another debt collection notice on this, the video will go to your boss, my lawyer, the police and everywhere else I can think of sending it and posting it! Now don't worry if this will come back and haunt you again later, I don't want anything more to do with you. In fact, I find you so thoroughly disgusting I feel unwell writing to you, so if I never have a reason to look at this video again, then all the better.
Eat shit, loser.
<<link "You close the e-mail" $playerPassage>>
<<set $JenniferMailRead2 to true>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/MassasaugaStreet.jpg" alt="A street with low brick buildings, the sun is shining.">
//It's a lovely day! Perfect for checking out the neigbourhood. //
[[Go for a walk in the neighbourhood->Go to the park]]
[[Back inside]]<img class="img-center" src="img/ApartmentHallway1.jpg">
//You walk out of your apartment and knock on the first door to the left. You wait for a while but no one answers, As you are about move to the next door another door opens behind you. A woman with curly hair stands there looking at you questioningly. //
<img class="img-center" src="img/Anita1Hallway.jpg" alt="A fit looking woman in her late twenties, wearing a blue hoodie with the hood up, medium long, brown curly hair.">
<<player>>Hi, I just moved in, thought I was just going to introduce myself to the neighbours.<</player>>
<<anita>>Hello, neighbour, you're not from around here are you? I'm Anita.<</anita>>
<<player>>Nice to meet you, Anita. I'm $MCFirstName. No, I just moved to the city this week.<</player>>
<<anita>>Welcome to our little corner of the world, then.<</anita>>
<<link "Thanks! So, what do you do, Anita?" "Nice to meet you">>
<img class="img-center" src="img/Meyer2.jpg" alt="A strict looking woman in her late fifties, pronounced breasts, wearing a grey office suit and white blouse. In a dark, luxurious looking mahogany-clad office.">
<<meyer>>Ah, Mr. $MCLastName, good to see you. Seeing as you reached the goal on Friday, I just wanted to congratulate you and give you some motivation to keep going. You will receive a bonus that should be wired to your account just about now.
<<set $money +=500>>
Keep it up, Mr. $MCLastName.<</meyer>>
<<link "You go back to the office" "Work Day 8 1 2">>
<<set $firstReviewIsDone to true>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/Anita1Hallway.jpg" alt="A fit looking woman in her late twenties, wearing a blue hoodie with the hood up, medium long, brown curly hair.">
<<anita>>Really? I could actually use one of those. I have a bunch of free-loaders always late with their payments. Maybe I can just leave them to you, then? <</anita>>
[[Well that is my job so yes, you can!->Well that is my job, so yes, you can!]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Anita1Hallway.jpg" alt="A fit looking woman in her late twenties, wearing a blue hoodie with the hood up, medium long, brown curly hair.">
<<anita>>Finance stuff, huh?<</anita>>
You can see her suppressing a giggle.
<<anita>>I hear there's good money in that.<</anita>>
[[Uh, yeah, it can be.]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/Anita1Hallway.jpg" alt="A fit looking woman in her late twenties, wearing a blue hoodie with the hood up, medium long, brown curly hair.">
<<anita>>if you say so, l'll see you around money guy.<</anita>>
She goes back inside her apartment again.
//Why did you just lie? Stupid. //
<img class="img-center" src="img/ApartmentHallway1.jpg">
//Oh well.//
[[You go back inside->Back inside 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Anita1Hallway.jpg" alt="A fit looking woman in her late twenties, wearing a blue hoodie with the hood up, medium long, brown curly hair.">
<<set $anitaWantsYourServices to true>>
<<anita>>Great! I need to get ready for work, but drop your card in my mailbox or something and I'll get in touch.<</anita>>
//She goes back inside. //
<img class="img-center" src="img/ApartmentHallway1.jpg">
[[Was I networking now? I think so->Back inside 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in."><<audio "bgm2" fadeout>>
//What now?//
<<if $contractReadDay7 is false>>
[[Read the contract->contract day 7]]
<<link "Use laptop" "Google">><</link>>
[[Go to sleep->Day 8 - Monday]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Anita1Hallway.jpg" alt="A fit looking woman in her late twenties, wearing a blue hoodie with the hood up, medium long, brown curly hair.">
<<anita>>I'm a personal trainer, I have a studio just down the street. You look like you could use a good workout regime. If you come by one day I'll help you get started.
What about you, then. What do you do? <</anita>>
[[I work at a debt collection company]]
[[Uh, finance...stuff]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteSitting.jpg">
Close the door behind you.
<<charlotte>>Ok, another week, another Friday target to hit, eh? Let's see how you're doing. <</charlotte>>
<<if $contactedclients is false>><<charlotte>>Hm, I see you haven't contacted the clients left you by your predecessor yet. Probably no point in doing that now as they will mostly have moved on. Ugh.. this is grossly negligent. In fact, it is incompetent. How Mrs. Meyer gave you a chance I don't know. This is the type of shit that makes the whole company look bad.<</charlotte>>
<</if>><<if $PortfolioHealth >= 28>><<charlotte>>Your pool of clients is starting to look better. You should still get some more, but you are approaching what I'd consider a manageable size at your current level.<</charlotte>>
<<else>>She looks at the screen with confusion on her face.
<<charlotte>>What have you been doing all this time? You should be spending most of your time either researching the market or expanding your portfolio, first one, then the other. Not whatever it is you'be been spending your time doing up until now. let's hope you're not completely beyond saving, eh?<</charlotte>><</if>><<charlotte>>I guess that's that. Get to work and we'll see how it goes. And by the way, this concludes me helping you. I'll check up on you on Thursday again, and if you still need or want my help, I am going to need something from you.<</charlotte>>
[[Go to work->Work Day 8 1 2]] <img class="img-center" src="img/Nightclub2.jpg" alt="A nightclub lit in mostly purple and cyan colours. Four women standing in front of you, Sophie to the left in a white dress, then Charlotte, also wearing a white dress, Mrs. Meyer in a black dress, and to her right a beautiful middle eastern looking woman, maybe in her forties, wearing a gold dress.">
<<meyer>>Mr. $MCLastName! I am glad you came. I trust you have gotten acquainted with most of us here, but you must meet Zohreh.<</meyer>>
//Mrs. Meyer points to the women at her left side.//
<<meyer>>She just came back from a trip, she is in effect our legal department. Our legal general leading the army of lawyers we procure whenever the need arises.<</meyer>>
//Zohreh smiles at you. //
<<zohreh>>Nice to meet you, Mr. $MCLastName. You forgot to tell me he was handsome too, Mrs. Meyer<</zohreh>>
<<charlotte>>No, he's not the worst looking thing to come through the office.<</charlotte>>
<<sophie>>A bit on the small side, but he's got a cute little face.<</sophie>>
<<player>>Girls... I'm right here..<</player>>
<<sophie>>Aww... He's blushing<</sophie>>
//They mess with you like this until it dissipates into small talk and everyone starts wandering around.//
[[Speak with Sophie]]
[[Speak with Charlotte]]
[[Speak with Zohreh]]<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieNightclub1.jpg" alt="Sophie in a white dress, standing with one hand on her hip.">
<<set $spokeWithSophieBirdies1 to true>>
<<sophie>>What's up, new guy? Hey, this glass is starting to look awfully empty, would you be a dear and fetch me a drink? <</sophie>>
<<link [[Sure, I'll get us both. Then maybe you take the next one, what are you having?->Sure, I'll get us both. What can I get you?]] >>
<<set $youAskedSophieToGetNextRound to true>>
<<link [[Sure, I'll get us both. What can I get you?]] >>
<<link [[Sorry, I was just about to go over there, you point in a general direction and walk away->Birdies 2]]>>
<<set $SophieDisrespect +=1>>
<<set $rejectedSophieAtBirdies to true>>
<</link>><img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<set $spokeWithCharlotteBirdies1 to true>>
<<if $CharlottesProtection is true>>
<<charlotte>>So how's it going lil' protegé?<</charlotte>>
[[Not too bad, I think. Obviously I'm still learning, but I think I'll get there. In part thanks to you]]
<<link [[While I've had a few initial setbacks, I'm just getting started. Just you wait, I'll be running this show before you know it]]>>
<<set $CharlotteRespect -= 1>>\
<<charlotte>>So how's your first week been then?<</charlotte>>
[[Not too bad, but there's certainly room for improvement->Not too bad]]
[[It's been pretty good so far. Nothing that's tripped me up yet->Pretty good]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/ZohrehNightclub2.jpg" alt="A sexy middle eastern woman with black hair, wearing a gold dress, standing in the nightclub.">
<<set $spokeWithZohrehBirdies1 to true>>
<<zohreh>>So how's our rookie doing? Tough first week?<</zohreh>>
<<if $failedReview > 0>>
[[Not doing great to be honest, still trying to find my feet around here, any advice?->Not doing great to be honest, still trying to find my feet around here]]
<<link [[Pretty good so far (lie)]]>>\
<<set $SelfRespect -= 1>>\
[[Pretty good so far]]
<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/ZohrehNightclub2.jpg" alt="A sexy middle eastern woman with black hair, wearing a gold dress, standing in the nightclub.">
<<zohreh>>Yes, I heard something along those lines. Most newcomers find the first couple of weeks challenging. If you're doing so well already, then maybe you have a big future ahead of you. While this line of work might not be the most glamorous, it can be a stepping stone to many other things. And of course, money.<</zohreh>>
She looks down as in thought for a moment, then asks.
<<zohreh>>It is money you are here for, isn't it? Or is it maybe something else?<</zohreh>>
[[Yup, it's money. Cold, hard cash. The almighty dollar, she beckons to you]]
[[To be honest I never really cared much for money, I just need to pay down my debt so I don't lose my freedom]]<img class="img-center" src="img/ZohrehNightclub2.jpg" alt="A sexy middle eastern woman with black hair, wearing a gold dress, standing in the nightclub.">
<<zohreh>>Either you sink or you swim. That's how it goes in this business, it can be quite cruel to newcomers. If you want my advice, then it is to not get sentimental. Sentimentality is a luxury you can indulge in later when you are standing steady on your own feet. Right now you can't afford to be charitable.
You are smart to ask advice by the way, that is a good sign. Those that feel themselves too good for that, they rarely last long.
Feel free to stop by my office by the way. I'll see you around<</zohreh>>
She leaves.
[[Go to the bar->Birdies 2]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/ZohrehNightclub2.jpg" alt="A sexy middle eastern woman with black hair, wearing a gold dress, standing in the nightclub.">
She looks surprised at your answer
<<zohreh>>That is good to hear. Most newcomers find the first couple of weeks challenging. Maybe we have found ourselves a real golden boy, eh?<</zohreh>>
The indifference in her voice makes you think she does not quite believe that. I guess maybe these ladies talk a lot.
[[I don't know about that, truth is I really have no other option than succeeding here]]
[[Yeah, we'll all be rolling in dough before you know it]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/ZohrehNightclub2.jpg" alt="A sexy middle eastern woman with black hair, wearing a gold dress, standing in the nightclub.">
<<zohreh>>Is that so?<</zohreh>>
She suddenly looks at you with interest.
<<zohreh>>We find ourselves in some kind of pickle, do we?<</zohreh>>
[[You tell her briefly about your parents and your debt, trying not to bore her to death with your troubles]]<img class="img-center" src="img/ZohrehNightclub2.jpg" alt="A sexy middle eastern woman with black hair, wearing a gold dress, standing in the nightclub.">
She barely acknowledges your answer. She seems to be scanning the club for something or someone.
[[She excuses herself and leaves->Birdies 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/ZohrehNightclub2.jpg" alt="A sexy middle eastern woman with black hair, wearing a gold dress, standing in the nightclub.">
<<zohreh>>I'm sorry this happened to you, but you seem to have your head in the right space. No use moping around. Should you find yourself in need of legal assistance you are free to stop by my office sometime. <</zohreh>>
[[She excuses herself and leaves->Birdies 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/ZohrehNightclub2.jpg" alt="A sexy middle eastern woman with black hair, wearing a gold dress, standing in the nightclub.">
<<zohreh>>Hah! You are funny, and honest. I can appreciate that in a man. You keep going like this and I think you just might get your almighty dollars.<</zohreh>>
[[She excuses herself and leaves->Birdies 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/ZohrehNightclub2.jpg" alt="A sexy middle eastern woman with black hair, wearing a gold dress, standing in the nightclub.">
<<zohreh>>Interesting, so you do not seek power? That is uncommon around here, this city seems to run on avarice. So be aware that most people you meet here are indeed fond of power, and some of them even like to use those who are powerless as somewhere to park their feet. It's like that Eurythmics song, you know? And you can't choose to just be left alone in such company.
...But I'm sure you'll manage, I guess I started rambling.<</zohreh>>
[[She excuses herself and leaves->Birdies 2]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/EmptyNightclub.jpg" alt="The nightclub, some people are dancing, others are chatting.">
//You fetch yourself another drink. Try to mingle and smalltalk with people in the crowd for a bit. People in this club are more posh than you are used to, and you feel like you don't really fit in here, but you try your best.//
<img class="img-center" src="img/Painkillers.jpg" alt="two tropical looking yellow drinks with lemon slice, ice cubes and straw, standing on a counter.">
//You have another drink, and just enjoy watching the people for a while.//
//In the corner of your eye you can see someone approaching you//
[[You turn around->Go find Zohreh]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieNightclub1.jpg" alt="Sophie in a white dress, standing with one hand on her hip.">
<<player>>So what can I get you? <</player>>
<<sophie>>Ummm.. I'll have a painkiller<</sophie>>
<<player>>A what? <</player>>
<<sophie>>It's like a Piña Colada, they'll know what it is<</sophie>>
[[You fetch a painkiller for Sophie and one for yourself, since why not. It really is pretty much like a Piña Colada.->Back to sophie at Birdies]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/EmptyNightclub.jpg" alt="The nightclub, some people are dancing, others are chatting.">
She's gone. Hm. Maybe she went to the toilet?
You hang around for a while. Finish the first drink with still no sign of Sophie. What luck you have a second drink!
[[You walk around with your drink taking in the atmosphere->Birdies 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieNightclub1.jpg" alt="Sophie in a white dress, standing with one hand on her hip.">
<<sophie>>Thanks $MCFirstName, oh you got one for yourself too, it's good right?
So how are you liking our little operation so far?<</sophie>>
<<if $empathy <= 4>>
[[I love it, It feels like the whole world owes me money and I get to collect]]
[[I'm not thrilled to be honest, but a job is a job.]]
==I love it, It feels like the whole world owes me money and I get to collect==
(Empathy too high)
[[I'm not thrilled to be honest, but a job is a job.]]
<<link [[I don't know about the job yet, really, but at least I met you]]>>\
<<set $SophieRespect -=1>>\
<<set $simpingForSophie +=1>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
As you get in the door, you kick your shoes off and lay on the convertible sofa bed for a while and let your thoughts drift. You find yourself thinking about Charlotte. You actually grovelled at her feet today. She asked you to kiss her shoe and you did it. Why did you do that?
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteFootDream.jpg" alt="The image of Charlotte pointing at her foot, but now hazy and dream-like.">
<<if hasVisited("Ask Charlotte for help 2")>>[[Curiosity perhaps? But you went too far. You shouldn't have grovelled like that, it's too humiliating even if it's sexy too.->Go home 4]]<<else>>[[It was necessary. Without her help I'm done here. I can't deny it made me horny as hell though, but I also feel very conflicted about that->Go home 4]]<</if>>
<<link [[At first I felt like I had to...but... damn that was hot. Charlotte is amazing, I don't think I can deny that woman anything. Do I even want to?->Go home 4]]>>
<<set $youWantToSubmitToCharlotte to true>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
//It's almost the end of the day.//
<<if $anitaWantsYourServices>><<linkreplace "Find Anitas e-mail and send her the contact info she needs to send you debtors" t8n>>Aaaaand... done.<</linkreplace>>
<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +2>><<set $sentAnitaContactInfo to true>><</if>>
[[Go home->Go home d8]]<img class="img-center" src="img/JenniferColdFeet2.png" alt="The naked red-headed woman is turned towards you, sitting in bed and looking at you with suspicion.">
//The doubt in your mind is is written clearly all over your face.
You fidget a bit. //
<<jenny>>...what? Are you getting cold feet now?<</jenny>>
//Her expression hardens.//
[[... Uh... I..->You hesitate, not sure if this is right]]
<<if $confidence gt 4>>[[What? Hell, no! Just taking in the view->Don't mind if I do]]<<else>> ==What? Hell, no! Just taking in the view== (confidence too low)<</if>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>You take instructions well, that can take you a long way. I'm certain that if you keep the right mindset we will always be able to find some place for you to be.<</charlotte>>
<<if $youWantToSubmitToCharlotte>>
[[Yes, Ma'am. I hope to be able to impress you one of these days]]
[[Don't worry, I'll be out of your hair soon enough. I just need to get the numbers up.]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>Will you now? Will you be running it from behind a desk or while crawling on all fours begging me for help?<</charlotte>>
//You face turns into an unflattering signal red.//
<<charlotte>>You're not in a position to be speaking like that.<</charlotte>>
//While Charlotte may be hard to read sometimes, her words make her opinion very clear.//
<<link [[You know, it's, I just, I'll figure it out you'll see]]>>
<<set $CharlotteRespect -= 1>>\
[[... you're right. I don't. I guess I'm just trying to get myself into a winner mentality here.]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>I'm sure you will, $MCFirstName.<</charlotte>>
[[She excuses herself, then leaves->Birdies 2]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>That you do. I wish you luck with that, $MCFirstName.<</charlotte>>
[[She excuses herself, then leaves->Birdies 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>Good to hear! We're all rooting for you, $MCFirstName.<</charlotte>>
//You ignore her sarcasm, and excuse yourself.//
[[Leave->Birdies 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>Really? How is that working out for you?
You know, sometimes life puts you in a position where you can't really win. And this is where you get to show people how you handle defeat. If you can admit to yourself that you are just not equipped to handle this situation, and you take the consequences of that, then there is some honor in that. That's integrity, and real people respect that.
But if you're going to act like you're something you're not, then you should take care not to be so transparent. Because then the next time your knees hit the floor it might not be your typical office wall-to-wall carpet there, it could just as well be concrete.<</charlotte>>
<<charlotte>>I'll be seeing you around, kid<</charlotte>>
[[She leaves->Birdies 2]] <img class="img-center" src="img/SophieNightclub1.jpg" alt="Sophie in a white dress, standing with one hand on her hip.">
<<sophie>>Haha, well said. It's kinda fun isn't it. You know I think some people are just born to lose. If you don't have the mental capacity to know what you want and go get it, then you deserve whatever you get if you ask me.<</sophie>>
[[Where are you from then, I can't quite place your accent]]<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieNightclub1.jpg" alt="Sophie in a white dress, standing with one hand on her hip.">
<<sophie>>That it is. But it is important to find joy in your work, $MCFirstName. Otherwise you'll spend a good chunk of your life being miserable I think life is too short for that.
See you around, $MCFirstName.<</sophie>>
[[She leaves->Birdies 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieNightclub1.jpg" alt="Sophie in a white dress, standing with one hand on her hip.">
<<sophie>>Oh, aren't you just adorable. Flattery will get you everywhere, but I guess you already figured that out.
Thanks for the drink, $MCFirstName<</sophie>>
[[She leaves->Birdies 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Massasauga Park.jpg" alt="A park with grass one the ground and some trees, a park bench in the front of the picture, in the background there is a high-rise building.">
//You take a stroll down the street and into a park you see nearby. You hadn't expected to see something like this here, though you don't know how you've missed it. This is way nicer than back home, and you feel it gets you a bit hopeful. Maybe things can work out here.//
<<set $confidence +=1>>
[[You continue on down the street]]<img class="img-center" src="img/contract.png" alt="A bunch of loose A4 pages with printed letters, laid out over a messy table, a glass on the side, a plate is laid atop some of the pages">
<<set $contractReadDay7 to true>>
<<if $zohrehToldYouWhereToLook>>
Zohreh said something about....statutory law? So you end up reading about the different legislative bodies when something hits you. There's been references to something called the State of Superior of Michigan. You've glazed over it every time until now, not knowing what it means. You still don't, but you feel like it's important. Damned if you can find out anything more about it though. You should ask Zohreh about it.<<set $discoveredSuperior to true>> <<else>>
You sit down with a notebook and some markers, trying to make sense of your contract. It's mostly an exercise in looking up words on Google and trying to figure out what they mean in a legal sense. You do this until you get a head-ache, then put it away for another day.
You are unsure whether you are getting smarter or you are getting brain damage.
<<set $LegalSavvy +=1>><</if>>
[[Put it away for now->Back inside]]<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
//That hit the spot! Now, this has been a pretty crazy week. You think your uncle William might have warned you about how this place was.
Not that it would have made a difference come to think of it. You won't ever get on top of your debt unless you get a good paying job, and prospects of that right now are pretty slim outside of this one shot. //
[[Go to sleep->Day 7 - Sunday]]<img class="img-center" src="img/LocalPub.jpg" alt="The facade of a pub in a brick building, door and window frames in dark wood, there are some fold up chairs up agaisnt the wall outside.">
//After walking for a while and heading home, you spot a nice looking pub not too far from where you live. Maybe this could be a spot to stop by on the way home from work during the week.//
[[You've got time for a quick beer, and money for... well, maybe one.->pub d7]]
[[Nah, you're good. You go home->Back inside]] <img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You spend some time looking for new clients. Taking Charlotte's advice, you contacted various rental companies until you lucked out and found a fairly newly established (and big) one, with a recent influx of fresh debtors. Thanks, Charlotte.
<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +4>>
<<set $CharlotteGaveAdvice to false>>
[[Go grab some lunch ->lunchtime]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
//You spend some time looking for new clients. Taking Charlotte's advice, you contacted various rental companies until you lucked out and found a fairly newly established (and big) one, with a recent influx of fresh debtors. Thanks, Charlotte.//
<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +4>>
<<set $CharlotteGaveAdvice to false>>
[[Go grab some lunch ->lunchtime2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You contacted various rental companies, as Charlotte suggested. But it seems you might took longer than ideal, many have already been snatched up by somebody else.
<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +2>>
<<set $CharlotteGaveAdvice to false>>
[[You're just about to pat your own back when the phone rings->Jennifer Calls]] <img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You contacted various rental companies, as Charlotte suggested. But it seems you waited too long, apart from some small actors they've mostly been snatched up by somebody else.
<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +1>>
<<set $CharlotteGaveAdvice to false>>
[[Turn around->Charlotte stops by]] <img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You contacted various rental companies, as Charlotte suggested. But it seems you waited too long, apart from some small actors they've mostly been snatched up by somebody else.
<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +1>>
<<set $CharlotteGaveAdvice to false>>
[[It's time for lunch->Lunchtime Day 5]]<img class="img-center" src="img/surfing/Ekranoplan.jpg" alt="A google maps screen showing part of Debretsky district in Dagestan republic in Russia. We see co-ordinates, a satelite photo of a beach with some buildings, cars and an abandoned strange airplane, an Ekranoplan">
There it is! Wow, that is amazing. Imagine if all of those things were built back then.
[[Oh, look at the time, it's time for lunch already ->lunchtime]]<img class="img-center" src="img/surfing/cats.jpg" alt="Two cats on a shelf hissing angrily at something below with a text above them saying The Committe Against Vacuum Cleaners">
//Ehehehe, that's a good one. They really hate those things.//
[[Oh, look at the time, it's time for lunch already ->lunchtime2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/surfing/Diocletian.jpg" alt="The wikipedia page for the Roman Emperor Diocletian">
//Man, was that guy crazy or what. Mindblowing stuff. //
[[Right when you were about to start working, the phone rings->Jennifer Calls]] <img class="img-center" width="768" src="img/surfing/WCH.jpg" alt="The Working Class History blog webpage prominently displaying the text: History isn't made by kings and politicians, it's made by us. In the background a black and white picture from a pride parade in 1985." >
//That is so true. Why do people never talk about this stuff, working class history is important. I am subscribing to their newsletter straight away.
You hear someone behind you.//
[[Turn around->Charlotte stops by]] <img class="img-center" width="768" src="img/surfing/combinationlock.jpg" alt="part of a webpage describing how a combination lock works, with a drawing of a combination lock where you see all the inner parts.">
So THAT's how they work. Interesting...
[[Oh, look at the time, it's time for lunch already ->Lunchtime Day 5]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<if $CharlottesProtection>>
<<charlotte>>So $MCFirstName, how did it feel to grovel at my feet?<</charlotte>>
//Wow, you did not expect this level of directness.//
[[Uh, I don't know what to say. It caught me by surprise that's for sure]]
[[..to be honest i wouldn't mind doing more of that]]
<<elseif $spokeWithCharlotteBirdies1>>
<<charlotte>>Hey, it's $MCFirstName again. Can't get enough of me?<</charlotte>>
[[I guess not!]]
[[I don't know a lot of people here, so...]]
<<charlotte>>Hi, $MCFirstName. How has your evening been?<</charlotte>>
<<if $spokeWithSophieBirdies1>>
[[It's been alright? Had a chat with Sophie, do you know her well?]]
<<elseif $spokeWithZohrehBirdies1>>
[[It's been alright? Had a chat with Zohreh, do you know her well?]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieNightclubSolo.jpg" alt="Sophie standing in the nighclub by the bar, wearing a white pretty tight dress showing off her curves.">
<<if $spokeWithSophieBirdies1>>
<<sophie>>$MCFirstName! Just in time. Would you be an absolute dear and fetch me another drink?<</sophie>>
<<link [[Sure thing, Sophie!]]>>
<<set $simpingForSophie +=1>>
<<sophie>>Hey, it's the new guy. What's up $MCFirstName! Say, this glass is starting to look very empty, would you be a dear and fetch me a drink?<</sophie>>
<<link [[No problem, what are you having?]]>>
<<set $simpingForSophie +=1>>
[[You know, it's getting late, I should probably head home. See you on Monday Sophie->Go home 5 -2]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/ZohrehNightclub2.jpg" alt="A sexy middle eastern woman with black hair, wearing a gold dress, standing in the nightclub.">
<<if $spokeWithZohrehBirdies1>>
<<zohreh>>Oh, it's you again. How's the mingling going?<</zohreh>><<else>>
<<zohreh>>Hi, $MCFirstName. How's the mingling going?<</zohreh>><</if>>
<<player>>Alright, I guess. I feel a bit like a fish out of water to be honest, but alcohol helps.<</player>>
<<zohreh>>It does do that, up to a point. It also helps if one wants someone's honest opinion, thanks to alcohol they tend to surface towards the end of the night.<</zohreh>>
<<if $LegalSavvy >=1>><<player>>Hey, Zohreh. Mind if i ask you about some legal stuff? <</player>>
<<zohreh>>Sure, just please keep it short. I don't want to spend my entire evening discussing law, I get enough of that at work. <</zohreh>>
[[About my contract...]]
[[So how long have you been with the company]]
==About my contract...== (Legal savvy too low)
[[So how long have you been with the company]]
<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerNightclub.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing in the nightclub, wearing an elegant black dress.">
<<meyer>>Mr. $MCLastName! So how's our new little soldier doing?<</meyer>>
<<player>>I'm good, and thanks for asking! Just trying to get to know some of my new colleagues here.<</player>>
<<if $spokeWithCharlotteBirdies1>>
<<meyer>>It's good to see you getting along with Charlotte. She is one of the most driven employees I ever had. You'd do well to take her advice.<</meyer>>
[[I like Charlotte. Have you known her for a long time?]]
[[She's something alright. What's her background?]]
<<elseif $spokeWithSophieBirdies1>>
<<meyer>>Good to see you getting along with Sophie. You might not think it from how her easy-going manner, but she is a very effective debt collector.<</meyer>>
[[Actually, I can see that being the case. So how did Sophie end up here, anyhow?]]
<<elseif $spokeWithZohrehBirdies1>>
<<meyer>>Good to see you getting along with Zohreh. She is our secret weapon, you know. We are lucky to have her, she could command just about any price, but she only works with people whose goals align with her own.<</meyer>>
[[And what goals are those?]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>Oh, you need help with this too?<</charlotte>>
//There is glee in her voice, even if it doesn't show.//
<<charlotte>>How about this: "It felt great because I like being a bitch for strong women"<</charlotte>>
<<charlotte>>Oh! Or this one: "It made me feel like a weak little boy that belongs on my knees"<</charlotte>>
[[Uhh, I liked the first one best, I think]]
[[I can't lie, both are true]]
[[You know, this feels like a que, I think I should be getting home. See you on Monday, Charlotte, you leave->Go home 5 -2]]>>
<<set $SelfRespect +=1>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>Wouldn't you now? But can you tell me why? Is it just because it makes you horny?<</charlotte>>
[[It does do that, but I think there must be something more. Something about you.]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>I bet you did. I guess it's just a matter of time before you come asking for my help again, then. Am I right? You know where to find me when you do.
I will see you later, $MCFirstName.<</charlotte>>
[[She leaves, and come to think of it, so should you.->Go home 5 -2]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<set $admittedYouAreABitchToCharlotte to true>>
<<charlotte>>I am surprised you are able to say that. Good on you, if that's not just the alcohol talking.
If you really want to impress me, then come to my office, say...Wednesday morning, and tell it to me then and there. If you still have the guts to admit it then. Maybe I'll even reward you.<</charlotte>>
[[She leaves->Go home 5 -2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>There always is. Not procrastinating too much i hope? No one has time for that. <</charlotte>>
[[No, just have to optimize my workflow or something I guess]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>Glad to hear it. From what I've gathered you have no prior experience with this, so it's impressive that you got into it straight away. So how do you feel about the work?<</charlotte>>
[[A bit conflicted if I'm going to be honest. I don't particularly enjoy taking money from people who need it. But hey, I need them too, so->conflicted]]
[[I like it! It's like everybody owes me money all of a sudden->i like it]]<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieNightclub1.jpg" alt="Sophie in a white dress, standing with one hand on her hip.">
<<sophie>>Im an Appalachian! Can't you tell? An original, real-life hill-billie.<</sophie>>
[[Really? So how was it like growing up in the appalachians?]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieNightclub1.jpg" alt="Sophie in a white dress, standing with one hand on her hip.">
<<sophie>>Like how you'd think probably. My dad was a moonshiner, my mom worked at the meat processing plant, my brothers were annoying and the town was full of jerks. not much more to say really. There are plenty reasons I am here now, and not there.
Well, thanks for the drink, $MCFirstName. I'm going to look around a bit.<</sophie>>
[[She excuses herself and leaves->Birdies 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>It kinda is like that, yeah. It's best not to get too carried away though. Having money is nice, but doesn't do much good if one loses sight of everything else...<</charlotte>>
Her voice trails off for a bit.
<<charlotte>> See you around, $MCFirstName <</charlotte>>
[[She leaves->Birdies 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<set $CharlotteRespect +=1>>
<<charlotte>>Is that so? That's refreshing to hear actually. A very rare thing in our line of work. Most people here have no qualms at all taking someone's money. Quite the opposite. So this job was not your first choice then?<</charlotte>>
[[Right now it was my only choice, you elaborate]]
[[Right now it was my only choice, you keep it short]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
You explain to her about your situation without going into too much detail.
<<charlotte>>Sounds like you didn't have much of a choice. But you were lucky to get this chance then. And that Mrs. Meyer is willing to take a chance on you. It seems like you're making the most of it too.<</charlotte>>
She scans the room.
<<charlotte>>I'm going to go mingle a bit. Thanks for sharing, $MCFirstName<</charlotte>>
[[She leaves->Birdies 2]] <img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>I see. A man's gotta do, I guess<</charlotte>>
She scans the room.
<<charlotte>>I'm going to go mingle a bit. Thanks for sharing, $MCFirstName<</charlotte>>
[[She leaves->Birdies 2]] <img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>I see. In that case I will give you one single bit of advice for free. Unless you really like losing, never spend work time just surfing the web. You can learn about wood work or whatever in the weekends.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>You know, that's a good point <</player>>
<<charlotte>>It really is...<</charlotte>>
She scans the room.
<<charlotte>>I'm going to go mingle a bit. See you around, $MCFirstName<</charlotte>>
[[She leaves->Birdies 2]] <img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>I'm sure you'll figure it out<</charlotte>>
She scans the room.
<<charlotte>>I'm going to go mingle a bit. See you around, $MCFirstName<</charlotte>>
[[She leaves->Birdies 2]] <img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<player>>I feel like we've gotten off on the wrong foot here. I don't know what exactly I did to piss you off, but I'm planning to stay around for a while and would like to get along with my new colleagues if that's at all possible.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>I do not care for men that consider themselves such hot shit when they are still unproven, nor men that consider themselves above others for whatever reason. But fair enough, since you are gracious enough to ask, I will give you a chance to prove you are neither of those things.<</charlotte>>
[[So what kind of men DO you like?]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<player>>Well...To be honest I...uh. No? Who likes to be abused? But I guess you fascinate me, despite what happened.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>//Despite// what happened? Really? Cause from over here it sure looks like it is precisely //because// of what happened. I am going to go out on a limb here and guess that you have never experienced something like that before, am I right?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Yeah, I don't think that's a super common thing to experience, so that would be a pretty safe bet.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>I think you are about to learn that a lot of things are not like you have thought they were. Like that there aren't that many safe bets to be found. Especially if you are going to keep coming back to me, and I think you will. Am I right?<</charlotte>>
[[...I guess...->keep coming back]]
[[Let's keep it strictly professional-]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
//You approach $charlotte, she doesn't look too happy about it.//
<<if $CharlottesProtection>>
<<charlotte>>I have already made it clear to you that I do not especially like you, so why do you keep approaching me? I have already made you crawl for me once, so what is it? Do you crave the abuse?<</charlotte>>
[[Look, can we start over?]]
[[Yes, you crave the abuse]]
<<charlotte>>Look, I extend professional courtesy in my job, but this is my free time and I do not particularly like you, so why don't you just buzz off.<</charlotte>>
[[Didn't mean to get in your hair like that, I'll leave you alone then]]
[[I'm sorry, but have I done to you exactly?]]<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>I like men that are able to set their ego aside when dealing with others. People that are willing to look at the bigger picture and do what is right, even if it is not necessarily immediately pleasant. Those kinds of men, but failing that, I can tolerate obedient men.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Interesting. I guess I may be more of what you'd see as a self-serving type then. I'm a bit surprised at your sentiment, to be honest. This business will surely attract people who value money highly.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Nothing wrong with liking money if there is more to it. You do strike me as a self-serving type, but you have shown that you are able to serve others too, albeit when you have a knife at your throat. Still, maybe there's hope for you yet, $MCFirstName.<</charlotte>>
//She excuses herself, then leaves//
[[You are getting pretty tired at this point. It's time to go home->Go home 5 -2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>whether you seek me out or not is entirely up to you, whatever the reason. Just bear in mind that I have no need of you, so if you seek my help again I will demand complete obedience from you. Is that understood?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Yes, Ma'am<</player>>
<<charlotte>>You like this, don't you.<</charlotte>>
[[You can't deny it. You yearn for it]]
[[You can't admit it]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>For your sake I hope so. I guess you'll come crawling for help again then, hmm? But like I said, I will ask more of you next time. You should probably go home and have a think or two now, before you say or do something you will regret.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Yeah...Good call, Ms. Armand. See you on Monday<</player>>
[[You go home->Go home 5 -2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieNightclubSolo.jpg" alt="Sophie standing in the nighclub by the bar, wearing a white pretty tight dress showing off her curves.">
You get her another Painkiller,
<<sophie>>Thanks, $MCFirstName. Continue like this and I see great things for you in your future.<</sophie>>
She smiles at you.
<<sophie>>So, seems to me you've been hanging around me at every opportunity tonight. Can't get enough?<</sophie>>
[[Uh, well... I uh..]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/ZohrehNightclub2.jpg" alt="A sexy middle eastern woman with black hair, wearing a gold dress, standing in the nightclub.">
<<player>>I've been trying to get my head around everything in the contract I signed. Looking up the references to federal, state and local law, corporate, tax and employment law. But there are still things that don't make sense to me, it seems like I am missing something... <</player>>
//She interrupts you.//
<<zohreh>>That's because you are. There is one more level of statutory law you should be looking into. You really shouldn't sign contracts you don't understand the contents of, you know.<</zohreh>>
//The smirk on her face tells you that she perfectly understands the futility of that for most people.//
<<player>>Yeah... I'm beginning to understand that. So what am I not getting?<</player>>
<<zohreh>>Hey, if I spill all my occupational secrets I'd be out of a job!<</zohreh>>
//She's chuckling, why is this so funny to her? Is that lawyer humor or something?//
<<zohreh>>But tell you what, come see me in my office if you find the missing piece, then I'll tell you something about it. Ok? See you around, $MCFirstName<</zohreh>>
<<set $zohrehToldYouWhereToLook to true>>
[[She leaves and once again you are left alone->Birdies 3]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieNightclubSolo.jpg" alt="Sophie standing in the nighclub by the bar, wearing a white pretty tight dress showing off her curves.">
<<sophie>>I'll have a Painkiller. Yes, that's a drink if you were wondering. You should totally try one yourself if you haven't. It's like a Piña Colada, but for people who aren't.. well...you know, //Piña Colada people//. <</sophie>>
You have no idea what she means by Piña Colada people, are you a Piña Colada person? Better not tell Sophie then, I guess.
[[You go and get her a Painkiller]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieNightclubSolo.jpg" alt="Sophie standing in the nighclub by the bar, wearing a white pretty tight dress showing off her curves.">
You got her a painkiller, and you got one for yourself as well.
<<sophie>>Thanks $MCFirstName, so how is it? Good right?<</sophie>>
[[Not bad at all, the orange juice really rounds it out. Lifting and enhancing the subtle sourness of the rum. It really is a perfect counter to the coconut cream and pineapple which would quickly get too sweet otherwise.]]
[[Not bad at all. I like it, tastes yummy.]]<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieNightclubSolo.jpg" alt="Sophie standing in the nighclub by the bar, wearing a white pretty tight dress showing off her curves.">
<<sophie>> Yeah, it does, doesn't it.<</sophie>>
<<if $spokeWithCharlotteBirdies1>>
<<sophie>>So, what were you and Charlotte, talking about then? Something going on there $MCFirstName?<</sophie>>
//She smirks //
[[No, just talking about this and that, work and stuff you know?]]
[[To be honest I kinda like her, do you know her well? What's she like?]]
<<sophie>>Thanks for the drink, $MCFirstName. See you around.<</sophie>>
[[She leaves, and looking around you don't see anything else to do here but go home->Go home 5 -2]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieNightclubSolo.jpg" alt="Sophie standing in the nighclub by the bar, wearing a white pretty tight dress showing off her curves.">
<<sophie>> Haha! Wow! Did you read a review on your phone on the way over or something? I didn't realize you were such a nerd. <</sophie>>
<<player>> Um, well. I watch a lot of cooking shows and stuff you know? It really has refined my palate.<</player>>
<<if $spokeWithCharlotteBirdies1>>
<<sophie>>So, what were you and Charlotte, talking about then? Something going on there $MCFirstName?<</sophie>>
//She smirks //
[[No, just talking about this and that, work and stuff you know?]]
[[To be honest I kinda like her, do you know her well? What's she like?]]
<<sophie>>Thanks for the drink, $MCFirstName. See you around.<</sophie>>
[[She leaves, and looking around you don't see anything else to do here but go home->Go home 5 -2]]
<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/SophieNightclubSolo.jpg" alt="Sophie standing in the nighclub by the bar, wearing a white pretty tight dress showing off her curves.">
<<sophie>>Just talking, eh. OK, I won't pry. A young handsome man and a smoking hot woman don't ever just talk though. Oh well, thanks for the drink $MCFirstName. See you later.<</sophie>>
//She leaves//
[[It's getting late, you head home->Go home 5 -2]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieNightclubSolo.jpg" alt="Sophie standing in the nighclub by the bar, wearing a white pretty tight dress showing off her curves.">
<<sophie>>Ah-haha! I knew it! She's alright. We don't really have a lot in common to be honest, so we haven't spoken much. Her family is absolutely loaded though. I wonder what growing up like that is like. They have a huge estate up in the hills with servants, an electric gate and guard dogs and all that. She lives quite modestly for one with access to all that stuff. I don't get why she wants to work with us when she could be spending her time at beaches and resorts.<</sophie>>
<<player>>Maybe she wants to prove herself?<</player>>
<<sophie>>Maybe? That seems silly though. It's not like she needs to. Anybody with half a brain can tell she's smart. Anyway, good luck with that. I think I'm done for tonight. See you around $MCFirstName.<</sophie>>
//She leaves//
[[It's getting late, you head home->Go home 5 -2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieNightclubSolo.jpg" alt="Sophie standing in the nighclub by the bar, wearing a white pretty tight dress showing off her curves.">
<<sophie>>Oh, come on. Was that a hard question? I guess you're even more lost than I thought. Take your shirt off. Let me take a look at you<</sophie>>
<<player>>Uh, what?<</player>>
<<sophie>>I said, take your shirt off, $MCFirstName.<</sophie>>
<<player>>What, here? Right here?<</player>>
<<sophie>>Yes, take your shirt off right here and now.<</sophie>>
[[I think you have had too much to drink, Sophie. I'm not doing that]]
[[Uh..Ok, Sophie]]<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieNightclubSolo.jpg" alt="Sophie standing in the nighclub by the bar, wearing a white pretty tight dress showing off her curves.">
<<sophie>>Hmf, how boring. OK, Mr. spoil-sport. Have it your way then.<</sophie>>
//She leaves//
[[It's probably best to go home before something happens->Go home 5 -2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/sophiebouncernightclub1.jpg" alt="Sophie standing with one hand on her hip, wearing a white dress.">
<<set $strippedForSophie to true>>
//You sheepishly start unbuttoning your shirt. This is embarassing, but it's what she wants.//
<<sophie>>Hey! Look at you go! Show your stuff $MCFirstName.<</sophie>>
//You continue unbuttoning and take your shirt off.//
<<sophie>>//whistles// Look at $MCFirstName go!<</sophie>>
[[People are starting to take notice]]<img class="img-center" src="img/sophiebouncernightclub2.jpg" alt="Sophie standing with one hand on her hip, wearing a white dress. A skinny blonde is standing next to her with a frown on her face.">
<<blonde>>Hey, what's happening here.<</blonde>>
<<sophie>>$MCFirstName is giving us a little show. Aren't you $MCFirstName?<</sophie>>
<<player>>Uh, yeah<</player>>
<<blonde>>What a dork. Hey, maybe you should work out a bit before pulling a stunt like that, yeah? That's kinda the whole difference between being a sexy, wild guy and a complete clown in a situation like this.<</blonde>>
<<sophie>>A-ha-haaa, that's so true!<</sophie>>
//This is turning out more embarassing than you...Well, you didn't think did you.//
[[More people come to watch]]<img class="img-center" src="img/sophiebouncernightclub4.jpg" alt="Sophie standing with one hand on her hip. A skinny blonde is standing next to her with a frown on her face. A very big man in his late forties, with a striped suit, long hair combed back and wearing sunglasses is standing in front, behind him a skinny red-head is watching">
<<bouncer>>It's time for you to leave, sir. If you will follow me please.<</bouncer>>
[[Uh, yeah it's probably time]]
[[What, it's illegal to take a shirt off now? It was getting hot]]<img class="img-center" src="img/sophiebouncernightclub4.jpg" alt="Sophie standing with one hand on her hip. A skinny blonde is standing next to her with a frown on her face. A very big man in his late forties, with a striped suit, long hair combed back and wearing sunglasses is standing in front, behind him a skinny red-head is watching">
<<bouncer>>I'm afraid this is not up for discussion. Please come with me, sir.<</bouncer>>
[[Uh, yeah it's probably time]]
[[Oh yeah? Try and make me then]]<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
//After a blurry retreat, you once again enter your crummy apartment.
Jesus, what a night. I hope I wont get too much shit for this. WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING!//
[[Oh well, nothing to be done about it now->Go home 5 -2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/black.jpg" alt="Darkness.">
[[...]]<img class="img-center" src="img/black.jpg" alt="Darkness.">
[[...->home after blackout]]<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in."><<audio "bgm" fadeout>>
Uh..What? Where am I? What day is it?
I seem to be in bed. Oh, I was stupid yesterday wasn't I.
Slowly you get to your feet.
[[get up->Day 6 - Saturday]] <img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerNightclub.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing in the nightclub, wearing an elegant black dress.">
<<meyer>>Only these couple of years she's been working with us. But I've known her mother, Marcelle Armand, for years. Quite a remarkable woman, I knew when she sent her daughter over that she would be someone special.<</meyer>>
<<if $GoogledArmand>>
[[I've gathered her family name carries a lot of weight here in Massasauga]]
[[I guess I'm not the only who is here because of family connections then]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerNightclub.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing in the nightclub, wearing an elegant black dress.">
<<player>>Um.. If that's not prying too much.<</player>>
<<meyer>>No, that's fine. We encourage curiosity here at Finance Capital, to a point. To be honest she was sent to me by her mother, which I know very well and respect highly. I gave her a chance based on that, and as I expected, I was not disappointed. Quite the contrary. Charlotte is one of the brightest women I ever had the fortune of meeting.<</meyer>>
[[So you know her mother then?]]<img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerNightclub.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing in the nightclub, wearing an elegant black dress.">
<<meyer>>That it does. They more or less founded the city along with a couple of other families. Not that you have to worry too much. They're not like mafia or anything.<</meyer>>
<<player>>"Too much?"<</player>>
<<meyer>>Even if they are reasonable, they have a lot of influence. Let's just say it's better to be on their good side.<</meyer>>
<<meyer>>Good. We will speak more later,Mr. $MCLastName.<</meyer>>
[[It's getting late, time to go home.->Go home 5 -2]] <img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerNightclub.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing in the nightclub, wearing an elegant black dress.">
<<meyer>>Hmm.. no, I guess not. <</meyer>>
<<player>>So how do you know my uncle anyway. You did business together?<</player>>
<<meyer>>Yes, we did. To tell you the truth we are not very close. But you were lucky with the timing. Had he asked me three months ago I would not have accepted you. <</meyer>>
[[I'm glad I got the chance, luck or no luck. I will prove myself worthy of this opportunity]]
[[Weird to think it's down to complete coincidences like that. That they can make the difference between a comfortable life or utter despair. It's not fair]]<img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerNightclub.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing in the nightclub, wearing an elegant black dress.">
<<meyer>>I am very happy to hear that. I do hope you will impress us. Just a word of advice, do not be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Even if it comes at a price, as it often will. We will speak more later,Mr. $MCLastName.<</meyer>>
[[It's time to go home.->Go home 5 -2]] <img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerNightclub.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing in the nightclub, wearing an elegant black dress.">
<<meyer>>Indeed it is not. And sometimes you have to be unfair yourself, if you want to get anywhere. Better to rid yourself of the notion that everyone is entitled to a fair trial or fair anything. It is not the case now, nor has it ever been.<</meyer>>
<<player>>That's harsh, but i guess there is truth to it.<</player>>
<<meyer>>There is. Better to accept it now rather than later. That way you'll at least have a chance of standing on the right side of it. We will speak again soon. Take care Mr. $MCLastName<</meyer>>
[[It's time to go home.->Go home 5 -2]] <img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerNightclub.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing in the nightclub, wearing an elegant black dress.">
<<meyer>>Back when I started this company up five years ago, I had a huge national recruitment campaign, with a whole team of people helping me to find real talent. Sophie got through a whole series of needle eyes to get here.<</meyer>>
[[Really? While I don't have a bad impression of her or anything, I don't really see her outclassing hundreds of qualified people in anything either.]]
[[Sounds like a big operation, what happened to all the other candidates? Or are they still here?]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerNightclub.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing in the nightclub, wearing an elegant black dress.">
<<meyer>>Only Sophie is still with me at what is now Finance Capital. The initial batch of people was recruited for a larger company which I later divided into several smaller companies, as I found many smaller and more specialized units to be more effective than one big and general one. We did more than debt collection initially.<</meyer>>
[[So am I right to assume you enjoy debt collection then, since you stayed with that side of the business while leaving other parts to others?]]
[[I guess you value Sophie quite highly then, seeing as she is your only remaining coworker out of a large team.]]<img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerNightclub.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing in the nightclub, wearing an elegant black dress.">
<<meyer>>Understandable, but also false. She did exactly that. Outclassed hundreds. Don't be fooled by her nonchalant demeanor, she is quite brilliant, and when she needs to be, she can also be quite ruthless.<</meyer>>
[[I guess ruthlessness is a good quality to have in this business.]]
[[In what way is she brilliant? Not to sound disrespectful, but just wondering. What exactly is she so good at?]]<img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerNightclub.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing in the nightclub, wearing an elegant black dress.">
<<meyer>>Frankly, I could have gone with marketing or sales too, it does not really matter all that much to me. I couldn't tell you what tipped the scales in favor of our particular branch. What I care about is making an efficient money-making machine out of whatever operation I'm leading. And that you can write down Mr. $MCLastName.<</meyer>>
<<player>>I will do that, for my own personal notes. I hope I can help in making this money-making machine run smoothly. <</player>>
//Mrs. Meyer smiles at you.//
<<meyer>>I hope so too, Mr. $MCLastName. It's getting late, I'll see you on Monday<</meyer>>
//She leaves.//
[[It's time to go home->Go home 5 -2]] <img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerNightclub.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing in the nightclub, wearing an elegant black dress.">
<<meyer>>Yes, I do. When I decided on leading the debt collection branch I wanted Sophie along with it. She has the perfect aptitude for this.<</meyer>>
<<player>>I hope I can show you I have some of that myself at some point.<</player>>
//Mrs. Meyer smiles at you.//
<<meyer>>I hope so too, Mr. $MCLastName. It's getting late, I'll see you on Monday<</meyer>>
//She leaves.//
[[It's time to go home->Go home 5 -2]] <img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerNightclub.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing in the nightclub, wearing an elegant black dress.">
<<meyer>>Sophie is a fast learner, and she is also very knowledgeable on topics relevant to our profession. If she seems like she doesn't try hard, it's because she never had to. While she may not be the hardest worker, I know I can trust her to handle whatever I throw at her when I need it. She has proven that again and again. She is desert island material I tell you.<</meyer>>
[[I guess I need to prove how fast of a learner I am]]<img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerNightclub.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing in the nightclub, wearing an elegant black dress.">
<<meyer>>While that is not a perspective I would nurture, it is not untrue. At the very least you will need to understand when it is time to put your own needs in front of those of others, if you are to succeed. Well, either that or if you can't, then ally yourself with someone who can do it for you.<</meyer>>
[[What do you mean by that exactly, someone else to put your needs in front of someone else before you? My head spins from trying to make sense of that.]]<img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerNightclub.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing in the nightclub, wearing an elegant black dress.">
<<meyer>>What I mean is that some people are born to lead, and others are born to follow. Don't take too long figuring out which one you are.<</meyer>>
<<player>>It's not something I have thought a lot about to be honest. I guess it's time to do that. <</player>>
//Mrs. Meyer smiles at you.//
<<meyer>>Yes, I think we are in agreement on that, Mr. $MCLastName. I am as excited as you are to see where you wil land, I am sure. I will see you on Monday, Mr. $MCLastName. Until then.<</meyer>>
//She leaves.//
[[It's time to go home->Go home 5 -2]] <img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerNightclub.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing in the nightclub, wearing an elegant black dress.">
<<meyer>>That would be good! I do not expect you to be on her level though. There are many ways to make oneselves useful. Just work hard and keep an open mind, and I am sure we will find a use for you.<</meyer>>
<<player>>I hope I can make it so at some point,<</player>>
//Mrs. Meyer smiles at you.//
<<meyer>>I hope so too, Mr. $MCLastName. See you on Monday<</meyer>>
She leaves.
[[It's time to go home->Go home 5 -2]] <img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerNightclub.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing in the nightclub, wearing an elegant black dress.">
<<meyer>>Yes, Marcelle Armand, She is an old friend, and also a very influential person in this city.<</meyer>>
<<if $GoogledArmand>>
[[As is the Armand family as far as I have gathered]]
<<player>>Is that so? I guess Charlotte does have a certain aire about her.<</player>>
<<meyer>>Indeed, whatever you do, you'd be wise to not get on the bad side of that family.<</meyer>>
//She eyes her surroundings in a way that let's you know the conversation has ended. You excuse yourself.//
[[It's time to go home->Go home 5 -2]]
<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerNightclub.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing in the nightclub, wearing an elegant black dress.">
<<set $MeyerRespect +=1>>
<<meyer>>Very good! Yes, they are. The Armands have been a substantial power in the region for several generations. I am glad to hear you are paying attention to your surroundings.<</meyer>>
<<player>>Thanks, I try. I have to admit it's a lot coming to a new city like this and trying to figure everything out. But I appreciate this chance and I will try and make the most of it.<</player>>
<<meyer>>I know you will. We will see each other later, Mr. $MCLastName. But now I need to see to someone before it gets too late.<</meyer>>
She leaves.
[[It's time to go home->Go home 5 -2]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerNightclub.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing in the nightclub, wearing an elegant black dress.">
<<meyer>>You will have to ask her that, anything else would be a breach of trust. I am sure you understand.<</meyer>>
<<player>>Okay. But she is really that brilliant then. Why do you need a legal genius? Do you have a lot of difficult legal issues coming your way?<</player>>
//Mrs. Meyer lights up at the question//
<<meyer>>You know, many would have been offended at such a question but I am delighted that you ask. Yes, we regularly face legal disputes. We often operate in areas where legal presedence is lacking, so we help establish praxis. The debt collection itself is just the surface of what we are really doing here.<</meyer>>
[[Ok, so what ARE we doing here when not collecting debts]]<img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerNightclub.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing in the nightclub, wearing an elegant black dress.">
<<meyer>>Oh, my. It's almost as if you are trying to impress me here. What we are doing can not be summed up in a sentence or two. But if you stick around I am sure you will pick it up. <</meyer>>
[[That sounds a bit ominous to be honest]]<img class="img-center" src="img/MeyerNightclub.jpg" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing in the nightclub, wearing an elegant black dress.">
<<meyer>> Well, I guess it could be, or not. It really isn't anything very special. But anyone worth their salt is not JUST working to pay their bills or buy a nicer house. We have certain ideas that we would like to see realized in the world at large. And the team I have assembled around me is very suited for reaching such goals. <</meyer>>
<<player>>That still sounds kind of ominous to be perfectly honest.<</player>>
<<meyer>>Ominous to some, filled with a promise of joy to others. If you stick around, maybe you will see which one it is for you. I have a feeling you will like it though.<</meyer>>
<<player>>Then I hope you are right, Mrs. Meyer.<</player>>
<<meyer>>We'll just have to see, won't we. I will see you on Monday, Mr. $MCLastName<</meyer>>
//She leaves.//
[[ With that you decide it's time to go home->Go home 5 -2]] <img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<if hasVisited("Oh well, if this is what it takes")>>Sitting down is not super comfortable right now, you have to admit. But you better get to work.
<</if>>Time to get busy.
<<if $JenniferMailRead2 is false and $DoingJenny is true>>
<<link "Check e-mail(1)" "Another e-mail from Jenny">><</link>>
<</if>>[[collect debts->collect debts 8]]
[[Expand portfolio ->Expand portfolio 8]]
<<if $MarketResearched is false>>[[Research the market->Research the market 8]]
<</if>>[[Surf the internet->internet8]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You send out debt collection notices.
<<set $DebtIsCollected to true>>
[[Go to lunch->Lunchtime Day 8]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<if $MarketResearched is true>>
<<print $expandPortfolio.shift()>>
You spend some time looking for new clients. You get some non-commital maybes out of various companies throughout the city. At least you get your name out right? Maybe you should have done some research beforehand.
<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +1>>
[[Go to lunch->Lunchtime Day 8]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You spend some time researching the market to see if you can find something you can use to find debtors, and thus someone in need of our services.
<<set $MarketResearched to true>>
<<set $BusinessAcumen +=1>>
[[Time for lunch! ->Lunchtime Day 8]]<img class="img-center" width="768" src="img/surfing/population.jpg" alt="A graph showing world population from the year 1700 with less than half a billion, being fairly flat until 1927 where it rises sharply to 4 billion in 1974, and 8 billion in 2024 and projected 9 billion in 2048.">
//Huh, that does not look very sustainable. Maybe we need another world war or something.//
[[Oh, look at the time, it's lunch time already ->Lunchtime Day 8]]<img class="img-center" src="img/FinanceCapitallogo2.jpg" class="img-center" alt="An aerial view of a city by the water, at night dark clouds and lightening. Over the image are the words Finance Capital written in a classic serif font with a gold sheen">
This is Finance Capital. A choose your own adventure style story with some game mechanics intertwined. The money system is still not fully implemented. The stats sometimes do things and sometimes they don't as the game is still a work in progress. Expect re-writes in the future.
If you breeze through the game in five minutes, try again with different choices, or take a look at the scene guide in the side bar. There's quite a bit of branching in this story.
[[Back->Start screen]] <img class="img-center" src="img/Deli.jpg" alt="The counter of a small deli, various pastry and foodstuffs visible on the shelves. Behind the counter stands a young, petite, latina woman looking a bit skeptical">
<<set $money -=5>>
You go for a wiener at the deli on the corner.
The cashier looks at her phone while taking your order.
[[Tell a joke to the cashier->Tell a joke to the cashier 8]]
[[Go back to the office ->Work day 8 2]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/Deli.jpg" alt="The counter of a small deli, various pastry and foodstuffs visible on the shelves. Behind the counter stands a young, petite, latina woman looking a bit skeptical">
<<print $deliJokes.shift()>>
<<set $toldAJokeAtTheDeli +=1>>
[[Go back to the office ->Work day 8 2]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/Deli.jpg" alt="The counter of a small deli, various pastry and foodstuffs visible on the shelves. Behind the counter stands a young, petite, latina woman looking a bit skeptical">
<<set $toldAJokeAtTheDeli +=1>>
<<print $deliJokes.shift()>>
[[Back to the office->Back to the office 4]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>Honest! I like that.<</charlotte>>
[[Can I get you a drink or something?]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>I guess that is true. It would be a good opportunity to get to know other people though. <</charlotte>>
[[Can I get you a drink or something?]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>Yes, I've known her for a while. She is very good at her job. She can come off as a bit cynical sometimes. I think that's an occupational hazard for lawyers, but she has a good heart underneath.<</charlotte>>
<<charlotte>>But how has your week been? New town and new job and all<</charlotte>>
[[Still trying to get my bearings, but I manage]]
[[I don't know. I'm just going to give it my best and see. It's all I can do really]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>Yes, I've known her for a while. We don't have a lot in common to be honest, but we get along. She is really good at her job, when she wants to be.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>When she wants to be?<</player>>
<<charlotte>>That's what I said. But how has your week been? New town and new job and all<</charlotte>>
[[Still trying to get my bearings, but I manage]]
[[I don't know. I'm just going to give it my best and see. It's all I can do really]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>That bad, huh? Are you in some kind of trouble?<</charlotte>>
[[To be frank, yes - you elaborate]]
[[Nothing I can't handle]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>Good to hear. This town can be something of a lion's den sometimes. You can't stay a rookie for too long if you want to survive here. That said, you have a great opportunity here as I'm sure you appreciate.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Oh, definitely. I'm trying to make the most of this. In fact, i kind of have to.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>In some kind of trouble are we?<</charlotte>>
[[To be frank, yes - you elaborate]]
[[Nothing I can't handle]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
//You explain to her about your situation without going into too much detail. //
<<charlotte>>Sounds like you were dealt some bad cards. But you were lucky to get this chance then. And that Mrs. Meyer is willing to take a chance on you. It seems like you're making the most of it too.<</charlotte>>
//she scans the room//
<<charlotte>>It's getting late. I think I'm going to go say goodbye to some people. See you around.<</charlotte>>
//She leaves//
[[It's time to go home->Go home 5 -2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>I'm glad to hear that. I hope you are right.<</charlotte>>
//she scans the room//
<<charlotte>>It's getting late. I think I'm going to go say goodbye to some people. See you around.<</charlotte>>
//She leaves//
[[It's time to go home->Go home 5 -2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>Sure, I'll have a Campari Tonic<</charlotte>>
<<player>>One Campari Tonic coming up.<</player>>
[[You go fetch a Campari Tonic, and a beer for yourself]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>Thanks, you want to be of service, don't you.<</charlotte>>
[[Yes, Ma'am I do]]
[[Just trying to be chivalrous]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>Good on you. There's always a place for people who are.<</charlotte>>
//She scans the room//
<<charlotte>>It's getting late, and I should say some parting words to some people before I leave. Let's have lunch some day. See you around, $MCFirstName. And thanks for the drink.<</charlotte>>
//She leaves//
[[It's getting late, you head home->Go home 5 -2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>Isn't that nice.<</charlotte>>
//She scans the room//
<<charlotte>>It's getting late, and I should say some parting words to some people before I leave. See you around, $MCFirstName. And thanks for the drink<</charlotte>>
//She leaves//
[[It's getting late, you head home->Go home 5 -2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
<<if $CharlottesProtection is true>>
Man, this place is a dump. Let's hope you can turn it around this week, then maybe you can switch this shit-hole out for something nice.
Ah, home sweet home. If you do well this week, maybe you can switch this dump out for something nice.
<<link "Use laptop" "Google">><</link>>
<<if $contractReadDay8 is false>>
<<link [[Read the contract->Read the contract d8]]>>\
[[Go to sleep ->Day 9 - Tuesday]]<img class="img-center" src="img/contract.png" alt="A bunch of loose A4 pages with printed letters, laid out over a messy table, a glass on the side, a plate is laid atop some of the pages">
<<set $contractReadDay8 to true>>
<<if $zohrehToldYouWhereToLook and $discoveredSuperior is false>>
Zohreh said something about....statutory law? So you end up reading about the different legislative bodies when something hits you. There's been references to something called the State of Superior of Michigan. You've glazed over it every time until now, not knowing what it means. You still don't, but you feel like it's important. Damned if you can find out anything more about it though. You should ask Zohreh about it.<<set $discoveredSuperior to true>> <<else>>
You sit down with a notebook and some markers, trying to make sense of your contract. It's mostly an exercise in looking up words on Google and trying to figure out what they mean in a legal sense. You do this until you get a head-ache, then put it away for another day.
You are unsure whether you are getting smarter or you are getting brain damage.
<<set $LegalSavvy +=1>><</if>>
[[Put it away for now->Go home d8]]<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">\
<<set $day to 9>>
//Waddya know, I'm still not dead and it's another day. //
<<if $DoingJenny>>[[Time to go ->Work d9 Sophie visits]]
<<elseif $simpingForSophie gt 2>>[[Time to go->Work d9 simping for Sophie]]
[[Time to go->Work d9 1]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<if $sophiesBitch>>//You think you hear som faint chuckles as you leave. Damn... Will I ever get out of this one?//<</if>>
<<if $JenniferMailRead2 is false and $DoingJenny is true>>
<<link "Check e-mail(1)" "Another e-mail from Jenny">>
[[collect debts->collect debts 9]]
[[Expand portfolio ->Expand portfolio 9]]
[[Surf the internet->internet 9]]
<<if $MarketResearched is false>>
[[Research the market->Research the market 9]]
<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You send out debt collection notices.
<<set $DebtIsCollected to true>>
[[Go to lunch->Lunchtime Day 9]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<if $MarketResearched is true>>
<<print $expandPortfolio.shift()>>
You spend some time looking for new clients. You get some non-commital maybes out of various companies throughout the city. At least you get your name out right? Maybe you should have done some research beforehand.
<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +1>>
[[Go to lunch->Lunchtime Day 9]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You spend some time researching the market to see if you can find something you can use to find debtors, and thus someone in need of our services.
<<set $MarketResearched to true>>
<<set $BusinessAcumen +=1>>
[[Time for lunch! ->Lunchtime Day 9]]<img class="img-center" src="img/surfing/Kazakhstan-Taraz.jpg" alt="An all concrete bus stop looking like it's made out of one continuous sheet of concrete.">
A Soviet bus stop. So cool! I think this one is in Kazakhstan, but I could be misremembering.
[[Would you look at that, it's time for lunch->Lunchtime Day 9]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
Time for lunch
[[Go to the deli->Go to the Deli D9]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
I guess it's time to wrap things up here.
<<if $anitaWantsYourServices and $sentAnitaContactInfo is false>>
<<linkreplace "Find Anitas e-mail and send her the contact info she needs to send you debtors" t8n>>Aaaaand... done.<</linkreplace>><<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +2>><<set $sentAnitaContactInfo to true>><</if>>
[[Go home->Go home d9]]<img class="img-center" width="768" src="img/surfing/billionaires.jpg" alt="a CNN article with a picture of five world famous billionaires with the headline: The wealth of world's five riches men more than doubled since 2020. The article is dated January 14, 2024">
//Yeah, figures. I wonder what the impact would be if we just took all their money and spent it on schools, health care, youth centers, mental health facilities, museums, galleries, universities and stuff like that. It's not like all the people they employ would be unable to do other stuff. And while we're at it, the fucking military.
One can dream. //
[[Oh, well. It's time for lunch! ->Lunchtime Day 10]]<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">\
<<set $day to 10>>
//It's a new day, I wonder what it will bring. //
<<if $admittedYouAreABitchToCharlotte>>Charlotte told you to come by her office this morning. You shudder a bit thinking about it.
[[Time to go->Work d10 Charlottes bitch]]<<else>>
[[Time to go to work->Work d10 1]]<</if>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/phone.jpg" alt="An old phone on a desk with many small programmable buttons on the side">
<<audio "phonering" play>>
//As you enter the office, the phone rings.
You pick up the phone and you can hear someone breathing. //
<<player>>Yes, hello? Finance Capital this is $MCFirstName, what can I do for you?<</player>>
//It sounded like someone was about to speak, then more breathing sounds.//
[[The person hangs up->Work day 9 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Deli.jpg" alt="The counter of a small deli, various pastry and foodstuffs visible on the shelves. Behind the counter stands a young, petite, latina woman looking a bit skeptical">
<<set $money -=5>>
You go for a wiener at the deli on the corner.
The cashier looks at her phone while taking your order.
[[Tell a joke to the cashier->Tell a joke at the deli d9]]
[[Go back to the office ->The phone rings day 9]]<img class="img-center" src="img/phone.jpg" alt="An old phone on a desk with many small programmable buttons on the side">
<<if $youWillHaveLunchWithCharlotteOnDay10>>
<<player>>Are your ready for lunch $charlotte?<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Sure, same place as last time then. Go find us a table and I'll be there in ten<</charlotte>><<else>>
<<player>>Hello $charlotte, I was wondering if you would like to join me for lunch?<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Sure, same as last time then. Go find us a table and I'll be there in ten<</charlotte>>
[[You leave for the Copper Spoon]]
<img class="img-center" src=img/CopperspoonFront.jpg alt="A café with some chairs and tables on the outside, it is open and looks cozy.">
<em>Here we are.</em>
[[Go inside->Copper Spoon 2]]<img class="img-center" src=img/CharlotteCoffee1.jpg alt="Charlotte is sitting by a table in front of you, holding a cup of coffee, she looks like she is in a good mood.">
<<set $money -=10>>
<em>Man, how is this smoking hot woman having lunch with me.</em>
//You get food and coffee, then smalltalk for a while.//
[[Do you consider yourself a feminist?]]
[[So, is there a Mr. Meyer somewhere?]]
[[Is it just me or are women just a lot more confident in this town?]]
<img class="img-center" src=img/CharlotteCoffee1.jpg alt="Charlotte is sitting by a table in front of you, holding a cup of coffee, she looks like she is in a good mood.">
<<set $copperSpoon2Feminist to true>>
<<charlotte>>Whatever gave you that idea?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>I don’t know. I guess I just assumed, you seem to be a very strong-willed, independent, career-focused woman and all. It would make sense to me.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>So that would make me believe in equality between the sexes, in your mind.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>When you put it like that I guess it sounds a bit dumb. But you know, equal opportunities would be a good thing wouldn’t it?<</player>>
<<charlotte>>I don’t see men as equal to women. I, in fact, strongly believe you to be inferior in every way but physical strength. That’s not to say exceptional men don’t exist, but they are just that, exceptions.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Huh.. Really? So you consider me to be inferior to you?<</player>>
<<if $PassedCharlotteEvaluation is false>><<charlotte>>Do you consider yourself to be exceptional? You surely don’t seem like it. Seems to me that you are in real need of some guidance. And I don’t say this to put you down, it’s just the way it is. And I think your life could be so much less stressful for you, if you accept that. Don’t you agree?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>I don’t really know what to say to that. You might be better than me at the job, but I just started. And even if I never reach your level at this job, I still have other qualities that mean something. How can you say I’m inferior?<</player>>
<<charlotte>>I sure hope you have other qualities, and I’m fairly certain of it too. The question of superiority is really only about who is most fit to lead. And nine times out of ten, that is the woman. If the world was a huge wrestling match it would be different, but it’s not. Power mostly takes social skills, leadership also demands self-discipline, and women are usually better at both.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Well, I don't know if I agree with that. You might be better at both leading and acquiring power than me, but that's still just you and me. It sounds to me like equal opportunities would sort that out if that was the case, it's not an argument for female supremacy.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>That's true. These aren't the only reasons why I believe women should lead, but this lunch is not long enough to go through all of it. See, this is what I like about you, you might be in need of guidance, but you're not stupid. <</charlotte>>
<<player>>Well, thanks I guess.<</player>>
<<else>><<charlotte>>Not necessarily you specifically. But in general terms the difference between the sexes is such that it would make us all both stronger and happier if men realized they should submit to the rule of women. <</charlotte>>
<<player>>Whoa! That's quite a bomb to be dropping it so casually.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Maybe to you. To me, and indeed most people in my circle, it's a commonly held view.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>This is common around here? What circles would that be, exactly?<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Welcome to Massasauga, $MCFirstName, I'm sure you'll figure it out.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>The rule of women, eh? It sounds sexy and all, but for real?<</player>>
<<charlotte>>I rarely exaggerate $MCFirstName. Women should rule, and men should submit. We would all be better off that way.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>If you say so...<</player>>
//She smiles at you// <</if>>
<<if $copperSpoon2Confident is false>>[[Is it just me or are women just a lot more confident in this town?]]<</if>>
<<if $copperSpoon2MrMeyer is false>>[[So, is there a Mr. Meyer somewhere?]]<</if>>
[[You finish lunch and head back to the office->Work d10 2]]<img class="img-center" src=img/CharlotteCoffee1.jpg alt="Charlotte is sitting by a table in front of you, holding a cup of coffee, she looks like she is in a good mood.">
<<set $copperSpoon2MrMeyer to true>>
<<charlotte>>Yes, there is. I haven't seen him in years though. I understand he spends most of his time at home.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>So Mrs. Meyer is the money-maker, huh. I guess that's not too surprising. She doesn't seem like the the type that would accept a husband that slouches around though.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Oh, she's not. I'm sure Mr. Meyer has his hands full at home.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Yeah, that makes sense.<</player>>
<<if $copperSpoon2Confident is false>>[[Is it just me or are women just a lot more confident in this town?]]<</if>>
<<if $copperSpoon2Feminist is false>>[[Do you consider yourself a feminist?]]<</if>>
[[You finish lunch and head back to the office->Work d10 2]]
<img class="img-center" src=img/CharlotteCoffee1.jpg alt="Charlotte is sitting by a table in front of you, holding a cup of coffee, she looks like she is in a good mood.">
<<set $copperSpoon2Confident to true>>
<<charlotte>>You noticed, huh?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Yes, so it is something special about this place?<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Massasauga has traditions for women being business owners and self-sufficient going back to at least the 1800's. There have also been several powerful families with women at the head here for at least as long.
<<if $AdmittingToGoogle is true>>
Like my own. As you already know.<<else>>Like my own family.<</if>><</charlotte>>
<<player>>There's been a woman at the head of your family since the 1800s?<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Yes, there has. In our case it's actually been this way since before my family moved here. I don't really know how long back it goes.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>A real progressive family, huh?<</player>>
<<charlotte>>I guess people would say that now, but I've always felt our family is very traditional and conservative. Obviously our traditions might be a bit different from what many are used to, so they would see it like that. But it's pretty far off the mark, really.<</charlotte>>
<<if $copperSpoon2feminist is false>>[[Do you consider yourself a feminist?]]<</if>>
<<if $copperSpoon2MrMeyer is false>>[[So, is there a Mr. Meyer somewhere?]]<</if>>
[[You finish lunch and head back to the office->Work d10 2]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<if $JenniferMailRead2 is false and $DoingJenny is true>>
<<link "Check e-mail(1)" "Another e-mail from Jenny">><</link>><</if>>
[[collect debts->collect debts10]]
[[Expand portfolio ->Expand portfolio10]]
[[Surf the internet->Internet 10]]
<<if $MarketResearched is false>>
[[Research the market->Research the market 10]]
<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You send out debt collection notices.
<<set $DebtIsCollected to true>>
[[Go to lunch->Lunchtime Day 10]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<if $MarketResearched is true>>
<<print $expandPortfolio.shift()>>
You spend some time looking for new clients. You get some non-commital maybes out of various companies throughout the city. At least you get your name out right? Maybe you should have done some research beforehand.
<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +1>>
[[Go to lunch->Lunchtime Day 10]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You spend some time researching the market to see if you can find something you can use to find debtors, and thus someone in need of our services.
<<set $MarketResearched to true>>
<<set $BusinessAcumen +=1>>
[[Time for lunch! ->Lunchtime Day 10]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
It's lunch time!
<<if $youWillHaveLunchWithCharlotteOnDay10>>
[[Go have lunch with Charlotte->Lunch with charlotte day 10]]
<<elseif $hadLunchWithCharlotte gt 0>>
[[Maybe you could ask Charlotte out for lunch again?->Lunch with charlotte day 10]]
[[Go to the deli->Go to the Deli Day 10]]
[[Go to the deli->Go to the Deli Day 10]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteBlackShirt1.jpg" alt="A close-up of charlotte, hair tightly braided in a single braid, wearing a black shirt." alt="A close-up of charlotte, hair tightly braided in a single braid, wearing a black shirt.">
//You knock on Charlotte's door before entering.//
<<charlotte>>$MCFirstName, what can I do for you.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Well...Um, it's Wednesday morning and you told me to come tell you something again at this time so... I don't remember the exact wording but...<</player>>
//An amused and slightly surprised expression creeps onto her face//
<<charlotte>>Oh, that. Do you need help remembering?<</charlotte>>
//She chuckles//
<<player>> ... <</player>>
<<charlotte>>I can help you with that, that too. As I recall you told me you like being a bitch for strong women. And that I made you feel like a weak little boy that belong on your knees. Was that what you wanted to tell me?<</charlotte>>
[[... Yes.]]
[[Uh, you know what, this was a bad idea, sorry. You run the hell out of there->Panic and run the hell out of there]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
//You remember Charlotte dared you to you repeat what you told her at Birdies. Should you really follow up on that? Who knows what will come of it, well... apart from utter and complete humiliation. She said it would impress her, but do you really want to impress her in that way?//
[[Yes, you do. Time to go see her.]]
[[No, you were drunk, she was probably drunk too, hopefully she's forgotten the whole thing.->Work d10 1]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteBlackShirt1.jpg" alt="A close-up of charlotte, hair tightly braided in a single braid, wearing a black shirt."><<set $charlottesBitch to true>>
<<if $CharlotteDislikesYou>>
<<charlotte>>Well, aren't you something. Even after I made it clear to you what I think of you, you still come crawling. I'm unsure wheter this is a reflection of a remarkable degree of self-awareness or if you are truly just that much of a spineless, pathetic worm. Regardless, not many men have it in them to make a confession like that when sober. You are sober right?<</charlotte>>
<<charlotte>>I think there just might be a future for you after all. Maybe you might even see your greatest dreams come true, depending on what they are.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Yeah, I'm feeling pretty confused about that to be honest.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Not surprising. Now get over here.<</charlotte>>
//She slides her chair out from the desk.//
[[You approach her->Charlottes bitch again]]
//Her demeanor changes. She looks at you earnestly.//
<<charlotte>>Well, aren't you something. I'm impressed, $MCFirstName. Not many men have it in them to make a confession like that when sober. You are sober right?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Yes! <</player>>
<<charlotte>>I think there might be hope for you yet, $MCFirstName. I'll be honest, while you might not be the most ambitious or capable man out there, you do have redeeming qualities. And you are honest with yourself, even to what most would perceive to be the most embarassing flaw. That shows shows some integrity.<</charlotte>>
<<set $CharlotteRespect +=2>>
<<player>>I'm trying, you know? Anyway, I should get back to work.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Not so fast, didn't I say there might be a reward for you? Get over here.<</charlotte>>
//She slides her chair out from the desk.//
[[You approach her->Charlottes bitch again]]
<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
//What the fuck were you thinking?! Your heart is racing. What is this place doing to you. A mere weeks ago a situation like this would be absolutely unthinkable.//
[[You calm down and get ready for work.->Work d10 1]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Deli.jpg" alt="The counter of a small deli, various pastry and foodstuffs visible on the shelves. Behind the counter stands a young, petite, latina woman looking a bit skeptical">
<<set $money -=5>>
//You go for a wiener at the deli on the corner.
The cashier looks at her phone while taking your order.//
[[Go back to the office ->Work d10 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
//Well, I guess that's that for today. Time to go home.//
[[Go home->Go home d10]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
//You got a message from Sophie. She wants you to come by her office. //
[[Visit Sophie->Sophies Office d9]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Sophie4.jpg" alt="Sophie is wearing a white shirt and a black tie, standing in her office">
<<sophie>>Hi, $MCFirstName. I bet you're wondering why i called you in here?<</sophie>>
<<player>>I guess?<</player>>
<<sophie>>I've been hearing some bad things, $MCFirstName. I hear you've been fooling around with our debtors! That's very serious, $MCFirstName. You could get in big trouble for that.<</sophie>>
[[I would never!]]
[[Uh, I might have?]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Sophie4.jpg" alt="Sophie is wearing a white shirt and a black tie, standing in her office">
<<sophie>>Oh, come now. I wouldn't say it if I didn't know it already. The question for you now is, will I keep it to myself, hmm?<</sophie>>
<<player>>Umm...Will you?<</player>>
<<sophie>>I might, but you'll have to do me a favour. Only a small one.<</sophie>>
[[What->Sophiefavour1]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Sophie4.jpg" alt="Sophie is wearing a white shirt and a black tie, standing in her office">
<<sophie>>Oh, there's no "might", you did. The question for you now is, will I keep it to myself, hmm?<</sophie>>
<<player>>Umm...Will you?<</player>>
<<sophie>>I might, but you'll have to do me a favour. Only a small one.<</sophie>>
[[What->Sophiefavour1]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Sophie4.jpg" alt="Sophie is wearing a white shirt and a black tie, standing in her office">
<<sophie>>Take your pants off.<</sophie>>
<<if $strippedForSophie>>//You're getting this strange feeling of Deja Vu//<</if>>
<<if $inChastity>>
<<player>>Do I really have to?<</player>>
<<sophie>>Only if you want to keep your job, $MCFirstName.<</sophie>>
<<player>>Ok then...<</player>>
//You unbutton your pants pull them down, looking at Sophie to see if she's happy, but you quickly pick up that you are not getting out of showing everything.//
<<sophie>>What the...AHAHAHA! Now, there's a surprise! I didn't know you were this perverted $MCFirstName. Haha! This is hilarious! Who locked you up? Wait, I know who. You really are the company bitch now aren't you.<</sophie>>
<<player>>I guess so...<</player>>
<<sophie>>Now.. close your eyes<</sophie>>
[[You close your eyes]]
<<elseif not $inChastity>>
<<player>>Uh... I guess I have no choice...<</player>>
<<sophie>>Oh, there's a choice. It's between doing this and keeping your job, or not doing this and losing it!<</sophie>>
//Why does she have to sound so cheerful//
<<player>>Ok then...<</player>>
//You unbutton your pants pull them down, looking at Sophie to see if she's happy, but you quickly pick up that you are not getting out of showing everything.//
<<sophie>>There you are, now that wasn't so hard was it? Or...is it? I think someone is getting naughty feelings down there.<</sophie>>
<<player>>I guess so...<</player>>
<<sophie>>Now.. close your eyes<</sophie>>
[[You close your eyes->You close your eyes 2]]<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/black.jpg" alt="Darkness.">
<<player>> . . . <</player>>
<<sophie>>There you are, now that wasn't so hard was it? Or... I guess it can't get hard right now, right? Ha-haaa. Ok, you can open your eyes again. <</sophie>>
<<player>>You're not wrong.<</player>>
[[You open your eyes]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieMobile.jpg" alt="A close-up of Sophie, wearing a white shirt and black tie, holding her phone up like she would when taking a picture.">
<<sophie>>There's one for the family album. See how easy it is when you just do what you're told?<</sophie>>
<<player>>. . .<</player>>
<<sophie>>Now I want you to get down on your knees and open your mouth.<</sophie>>
[[You get down on you knees]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Sophie4.jpg" alt="Sophie is wearing a white shirt and a black tie, standing in her office">
<<sophie>>And open your mouth! If I have to repeat everything you can just forget about my good will. <</sophie>>
[[Open your mouth]]<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieSpit.jpg" alt="Sophie, seen from below, leaning down and a long strand of spit coming from her mouth and towards the viewer.">
//You feel her sticky saliva slowly landing on your tongue with a small sense of the coolness it gathered on it's slow descent through the air//
<<sophie>>Don't swallow it yet. Keep it in your mouth. Look into my eyes.<</sophie>>
//You look into her eyes//
<<sophie>>Now, swallow.<</sophie>>
<<link [[Swallow]]>><<set $confidence -=1>><</link>> <img class="img-center" src="img/Sophie4.jpg" alt="Sophie is wearing a white shirt and a black tie, standing in her office">
//You feel the gooey saliva pass through your throat//
<<sophie>>Good boy!<</sophie>>
//She looks very pleased, but you can see a faint malice in her eyes now that wasn't there before.//
<<sophie>>From now on you are going to be my little obedient beta bitch. Now, repeat after me: From this day onwards, I am Sophie's obedient little bitch boy.<</sophie>>
[[From this day onwards, I am Sophie's obedient little bitch boy.]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/Sophie4.jpg" alt="Sophie is wearing a white shirt and a black tie, standing in her office">
<<set $sophiesBitch to true>>
<<sophie>>Good. You can get up now, and get out of here. I'll call for you when I need you. And you better come straight away when I do.<</sophie>>
[[You leave->Work d9 1]]<img class="img-center" src="img/black.jpg" alt="Darkness.">
<<player>> . . . <</player>>
<<sophie>>Keep them closed<</sophie>>
//You can hear her moving closer. Suddenly you feel a hand on your balls, very gently squeezing. And then you hear her whispering very softly.//
<<sophie>>How about you get even harder for me, hmm? Get your little soldier up?<</sophie>>
//You feel your dick getting hard. You have no control over this.//
<<sophie>>Good... Now grab it.<</sophie>>
//You can hear her move away as you grab your very erect dick//
<<sophie>>You can open your eyes again<</sophie>>
[[You open your eyes]]<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
//Ah, sweet, crappy, piece-of-shit apartment.//
<<link "Use laptop" "Google">><</link>>
<<if $contractReadDay9 is false>>
<<link [[Read the contract->Read the contract d9]]>>\
[[Go to sleep ->Day 10 - Wednesday]]<img class="img-center" src="img/contract.png" alt="A bunch of loose A4 pages with printed letters, laid out over a messy table, a glass on the side, a plate is laid atop some of the pages">
<<set $contractReadDay9 to true>>
<<if $zohrehToldYouWhereToLook and $discoveredSuperior is false>>/
//Zohreh said something about....statutory law? So you end up reading about the different legislative bodies when something hits you. There's been references to something called the State of Superior of Michigan. You've glazed over it every time until now, not knowing what it means. You still don't, but you feel like it's important. Damned if you can find out anything more about it though. You should ask Zohreh about it.//<<set $discoveredSuperior to true>> <<else>>
//You sit down with a notebook and some markers, trying to make sense of your contract. It's mostly an exercise in looking up words on Google and trying to figure out what they mean in a legal sense. You do this until you get a head-ache, then put it away for another day. //
//You are unsure whether you are getting smarter or you are getting brain damage. //
<<set $LegalSavvy +=1>><</if>>
[[Put it away for now->Go home d9]]<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
//Ah, sweet, crappy, piece-of-shit apartment.//
<<link "Use laptop" "Google">><</link>>
<<if $contractReadDay10 is false>>
<<link [[Read the contract->Read the contract d10]]>>\
[[Go to sleep ->Day 11 - Thursday]]<img class="img-center" src="img/contract.png" alt="A bunch of loose A4 pages with printed letters, laid out over a messy table, a glass on the side, a plate is laid atop some of the pages">
<<set $contractReadDay10 to true>>
<<if $zohrehToldYouWhereToLook and $discoveredSuperior is false>>/
Zohreh said something about....statutory law? So you end up reading about the different legislative bodies when something hits you. There's been references to something called the State of Superior of Michigan. You've glazed over it every time until now, not knowing what it means. You still don't, but you feel like it's important. Damned if you can find out anything more about it though. You should ask Zohreh about it.<<set $discoveredSuperior to true>> <<else>>
You sit down with a notebook and some markers, trying to make sense of your contract. It's mostly an exercise in looking up words on Google and trying to figure out what they mean in a legal sense. You do this until you get a head-ache, then put it away for another day.
You are unsure whether you are getting smarter or you are getting brain damage.
<<set $LegalSavvy +=1>><</if>>
[[Put it away for now->Go home d10]]<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">\
<<set $day to 11>>
<<if $CharlottesProtection>>//Charlotte said she'd come by today. If I want her help again I better decide quick.//<<else>>//I have this Meat Loaf song playing in my brain, wtf//<</if>>
[[Go to the office->Work d11]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<if $JenniferMailRead2 is false and $DoingJenny is true>>
<<link "Check e-mail(1)" "Another e-mail from Jenny">><<set $JenniferMailRead2 to true>>
[[collect debts->collect debts 11]]
[[Expand portfolio ->Expand portfolio 11]]
[[Surf the internet->Internet 11]]
<<if $MarketResearched is false>>
[[Research the market->Research the market 11]]
<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You spend some time researching the market to see if you can find something you can use to find debtors, and thus someone in need of our services.
<<set $MarketResearched to true>>
<<set $BusinessAcumen +=1>>
[[Time for lunch! ->Lunchtime Day 11]]<img class="img-center" src="img/surfing/dog.jpg" alt="A super cute golden retriever puppy with three tennis balls in it's mouth looking like it's smiling.">
[[Oh, well. It's time for lunch! ->Lunchtime Day 11]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<if $MarketResearched is true>>
<<print $expandPortfolio.shift()>>
You spend some time looking for new clients. You get some non-commital maybes out of various companies throughout the city. At least you get your name out right? Maybe you should have done some research beforehand.
<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +1>>
[[Go to lunch->Lunchtime Day 11]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You send out debt collection notices.
<<set $DebtIsCollected to true>>
[[Go to lunch->Lunchtime Day 11]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
Time for lunch.
[[Go to the Deli->Go to the Deli Day 11]] <img class="img-center" src="img/Deli.jpg" alt="The counter of a small deli, various pastry and foodstuffs visible on the shelves. Behind the counter stands a young, petite, latina woman looking a bit skeptical">
<<set $money -=5>>
You go for a wiener at the deli on the corner.
The cashier looks at her phone while taking your order.
<<if $CharlottesProtection>>[[Go back to the office ->Work d11 c 2]]<<else>>
[[Go back to the office ->Work d11 2]]<</if>><<if $sentAnitaContactInfo>><img class="img-center" src="img/phone.jpg" alt="An old phone on a desk with many small programmable buttons on the side">
<<audio "phonering" play>>
[[The phone rings->Anita calls]]
<<else>><img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
[[Time to go home->Go home d11]]
<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/Zohreh1.jpg" alt="A middle-eastern looking women, with black shoulder-length hair, wearing a white blouse and gold earrings and a gold necklace, sitting at her desk."><<set $VisitedZohreh to true>>
The door is ajar, you knock on it while going in.
<<zohreh>>$MCFirstName! Ah, I invited you over, didn't I. Please sit down. <</zohreh>>
You sit down and watch her for a while as she finishes whatever she was doing on her PC.
<<zohreh>>So, I told you to find a piece of information last time we spoke. I trust you found it?<</zohreh>>
<<player>>I'm not sure. But i found that there seems to be a legislative body called the State of Superior of Michigan? Damned if I can find out more about it though. <</player>>
<<zohreh>>Very good! And I suppose you want me to tell you all about it now?<</zohreh>>
<<player>>Yes, well, you said you would, so I was kinda hoping.<</player>>
<<zohreh>>What do I get for it then? You should know by now that we only do charity at the tail end of the tax year, and that’s a way off yet.<</zohreh>>
<<player>>I don’t know? What can I do for you? <</player>>
She eyes you for a while
<<zohreh>>…how about you be a good boy and get under my desk, hmm? Let me see if that tongue can be used for more than just asking questions. I bet you’d like that.<</zohreh>>
<<if $confidence gt 5>>[[I appreciate your boldness, but could I instead just owe you one? I'm sure you'll find a way to exploit some other skill of mine in the future]]<<else>> ==I appreciate your boldness, but could I instead just owe you one? I'm sure you'll find a way to exploit some other skill of mine in the future== (confidence too low)<</if>>
[[You hesitate for a little while, but looking at her you can tell she's serious. You crawl under her desk->You hesitate for a little while, looking at her. You can tell she's not joking, not being able to (or maybe not wanting to?) you crawl under her desk]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Zohreh1.jpg" alt="A middle-eastern looking women, with black shoulder-length hair, wearing a white blouse and gold earrings and a gold necklace, sitting at her desk.">
<<zohreh>>I will hold you to that. Well, pay attention then. Not too many know this, so appreciate the privelege. The State of Superior is a sort of quasi-state. There was a movement for independence here in the 1800's, that ended in a compromise. This compromise is called The State of Superior of Michigan. A legislative body making laws for this region that is then codified though the laws of Michigan. This arrangement grants the region a great deal of autonomy, a great deal more than you would think at that. As a lawyer this is of course not only very interesting but also very useful for those of us with the wherewithall to take advantage.<</zohreh>>
<<player>>Wow, I never knew. So what laws are different here?<</player>>
<<zohreh>>Quite a lot of them, and too many for me to list. But pertaining to our trade, in The State of Superior of Michigan, we have far more avenues of collecting debts than any other state in the U.S. The law here does a much better job of protecting creditors than debitors. The only better place to set up a company like this, that I know of, would probably be Dubai.<</zohreh>>
<<player>>Then why isn't this more well known? There should be a gold rush of debt collecting companies here.<</player>>
<<zohreh>>The law won't apply outside of The State of Superior so there is a limited amount of cash cows to go around, so to speak. Thus, the bigger actors aren't all that interested. This place is however ideal for smaller companies like Finance Capital. I bet there would be more smaller companies opening offices here if they knew about it, but very few who doesn't have a specific interest in this place will learn about it. It's not like we are the only place with local legal peculiarities in the country, they are just a lot more substantial here than most people would suspect. <</zohreh>>
<<player>>So I need to read up on the laws particular to the State of Superior then. But I can only find them referenced to, not the laws themselves.<</player>>
<<zohreh>>Indeed. A remnant of the time it was first codified. You need to go read a physical copy at the town hall of Massasauga.<</zohreh>>
<<player>>...That's crazy. I'm betting it's being kept like that on purpose, right? No matter, I'll have to go there.<</player>>
<<zohreh>>You probably should. I will get back to you when I need you for something. See you around, $MCFirstName.<</zohreh>>
<<set $youOweZohreh to 1>>
[[You leave for the office->Work d11 1]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Zohreh1.jpg" alt="A middle-eastern looking women, with black shoulder-length hair, wearing a white blouse and gold earrings and a gold necklace, sitting at her desk.">
<<zohreh>>Mmmmmh, I needed that. Well, I guess you've earned some information. Not too many know this, so appreciate the privelege. The State of Superior is a sort of quasi-state. There was a movement for independence here in the 1800's, that ended in a compromise. This compromise is called The State of Superior of Michigan. A legislative body making laws for this region that is then codified through the laws of Michigan. This arrangement grants the region a great deal of autonomy, a great deal more than you would think at that. As a lawyer this is of course not only very interesting but also very useful for those of us with the wherewithall to take advantage.<</zohreh>>
<<player>>Wow, I never knew. So what laws are different here?<</player>>
<<zohreh>>Quite a lot of them, and too many for me to list. But pertaining to our trade, in The State of Superior of Michigan, we have far more avenues for collecting debts than any other state in the U.S. The law here does a much better job of protecting creditors than debitors. The only better place to set up a company like this, that I know of, would probably be Dubai.<</zohreh>>
<<player>>Then why isn't this more well known? There should be a gold rush of debt collecting companies here.<</player>>
<<zohreh>>The law won't apply outside of The State of Superior so there is a limited amount of cash cows to go around, so to speak. Thus, the bigger actors aren't all that interested. This place is however ideal for smaller companies like Finance Capital. I bet there would be more smaller companies opening offices here if they knew about it, but very few who doesn't have a specific interest in this place will learn about it. It's not like we are the only place with local legal peculiarities in the country, they are just a lot more substantial here than most people would suspect. <</zohreh>>
<<player>>So I need to read up on the laws particular to the State of Superior then. But I can only find them referenced to, not the laws themselves.<</player>>
<<zohreh>>Indeed. A remnant of the time it was first codified. You need to go read a physical copy at the town hall of Massasauga.<</zohreh>>
<<player>>...That's crazy. I'm betting it's being kept like that on purpose, right? No matter, I'll have to go there.<</player>>
<<zohreh>>You probably should. Now, this has been a pleasant diversion, but I need to get back to this case. See you around, $MCFirstName.<</zohreh>>
[[You leave for the office->Work d11 1]]<img class="img-center" src="img/ZohrehChair.jpg" alt="A middle-eastern looking women, with black shoulder-length hair, wearing a white blouse and gold earrings and a gold necklace, sitting on her chair slid to the side.">
She slides her chair to the side, so you can get on your knees under her desk. She spreads her legs and pulls her panties to one side.
<<zohreh>>Get in there, don’t be shy. Yes, let me feel how deep your tongue can go. Like that, yes, you love this, don’t you, you little bitch. You love being the pussy licking office slut.<</zohreh>>
Her pussy is dry at first, but it doesn't take many seconds before you can feel her juices starting to flow
<<zohreh>>Deeper... deeeeper. Don’t be afraid, I’m not made of porcelain you know, get into it.<</zohreh>>
She grabs your head with both hands and pulls it hard against her pussy. You quickly start gasping for air, but that only makes her grip stronger.
<<zohreh>>You don’t need to breathe yet, if you want air then make me cum, you little bitch. You’re my fucking pussylicker now.<</zohreh>>
She starts breathing more heavily
<<zohreh>>Maybe I should just keep you under there, hmm? We could have you chained to the feet of my desk. I bet you would love that, yeah? Don’t try to talk, make your tongue useful.
Yes! Aaaaaah, shit! Mmmm. <</zohreh>>
You feel her spasm for a short while before her grip softens.
She takes a minute to compose herself as you crawl out from under her desk and get back on your feet. She hands you a handkerchief so you can wipe her juices off your face.
<<set $SelfRespect -=1>> <<set $Confidence -=1>>
[[You wipe your face]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/ZohrehNightclub2.jpg" alt="A sexy middle eastern woman with black hair, wearing a gold dress, standing in the nightclub.">
<<zohreh>>Well, I'm not "with the company" like that. But Finance Capital have required my services so often I set up an additional office in their offices.<</zohreh>>
<<player>>You ARE popular.<</player>>
<<zohreh>>Hah! I guess I am. There aren't many lawyers who can compare to me in my field, and Mrs. Meyer pays me very well so I don't see this arrangement ending anytime soon.<</zohreh>>
<<player>>Maybe I could come by your office and pick your brain about some things?<</player>>
<<zohreh>>You would have to make it interesting then. I don't work for free.<</zohreh>>
[[With that, she leaves and once again you are left alone->Birdies 3]]
<h1>Scene Guide</h1>
This is not a complete guide, but here are some pointers to reach some of the content. I recommend just playing organically at first, it will be more fun. But if you played through it and want to see some things you might have missed, here you are.
<<linkreplace "Jennifer">>You will get a phone call, then an e-mail from Jenny on day 3. Accept her offer and visit her on Saturday. If you are hesitant with her you will get a humiliation scene. If however you have the confidence to be assertive, you can get the only maledom scene in the game so far, choices for that should be self-explanatory. Accepting Jennifers invitation will lock you out of one scene with Sofie on the simping route, but is a prerequisite for a scene with Sophie on the blackmail path.<</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Helping sophie move a box">>If you have done Sophie any small favours during week one, and you are not planning to see Jennifer, you will get a message from Sophie on Saturday morning.<</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Sophie at Birdies">>When you are at the nightclub. If you talk to Sophie at every opportunity and then just do everything she says, she will publically humiliate you.<</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Your neighbour">>Say hello to your neighbour on day 7. Tell her what you do for a living. Send her an e-mail on the following monday or tuesday and then accept her offer of a free PT session when you get it on Thursday.<</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Sophie Blackmail">>If you acccept Jennifer's invitation in the first week, Sophie will find out, and she will use it against you on Tuesday (day 9).<</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Getting Charlotte's help">>Charlotte will visit you on Thursday during the first week and evaluate you. If you score low enough, you can ask her to help you. This starts a path with her. She will treat you differently depending on if she likes you or not.<</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Getting Charlotte to like/dislike you">>Charlotte likes empathic men. If on Day 2, when the phone rings you can choose the asshole answer to get her to dislike you or the nice-guy ansert to make her like you.<</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Mrs. Meyer's failed evaluation scene">>Be bad at your job so you don't hit the target by friday (you can always just "surf the internet" just like in real life), and don't ask anyone for help. Mrs. Meyer will then take matters into her own hands on Monday (day 8).<</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Zohreh">>Read the contract at least once before Friday, week 1. Then ask Zohreh about the contract when she approaches you. Read the contract once more after that talk. You should get a text mentioning "The State of Superior" and that you should ask Zohreh about it. You will get an option to visit her office Thursday morning week 2.<</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Becoming Charlotte's bitch">>If you have accepted Charlottes help on week one, talk to her at your second opportunity at the nightclub on friday. Admit to wanting it. She will then invite you to visit her office Wednesday morning. Go there. <</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Whipped">>If you are Charlotte's bitch and she dislikes you, she will call you into her office on Friday, day 12.<</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Restaurant date">>If Charlotte likes you, she will invite you to a date at the end of Friday, day 12.<</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Sophie feeds you breakfast">>If you have been doing more than one small thing for Sophie, she will ask you to come to her office on day 9.<</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Sophie has you figured out">>If you have been simping for Sophie quite a lot, she will ask you to come to her office on day 12<</linkreplace>>
<<link "Back" $playerPassage2>>
<</link>><img class="img-center" src="img/phone.jpg" alt="An old phone on a desk with many small programmable buttons on the side">
<<anita>>I just read your e-mail, I've already sent you some non-paying low-lifes. I must say I'm very happy to leave those fucking leeches! ...uhh, to you...<</anita>>
//She interrupts herself. Sounds like she really gets worked up over these people.//
<<anita>>... I think this might be the start of something beautiful, $MCFirstName.<</anita>>
<<player>>I'm glad to hear that, I'll do my part.<</player>>
<<anita>>Say, I don't normally do this. But since you are my neighbour and helping with non-payers, a spot just opened up, if you come by my studio tonight at 18:00 I'll throw in a free PT session and create a routine for you to get you started. What do you say?<</anita>>
[[Gee, I don't know, today is not really a great day]]
[[Sounds great! I'll come by at 18:00 then->Sounds great! I'll come by after work.]]<img class="img-center" src="img/phone.jpg" alt="An old phone on a desk with many small programmable buttons on the side">
<<anita>>Are you serious? Have you any idea what I normally charge for a session? I'm one of the most sought after PT's in the city. I'll give you one chance to reconsider.<</anita>>
[[Uh..When you put it like that...->Sounds great! I'll come by after work.]]
[[Sorry, Anita. It really is a bad time. Some other time?]]<img class="img-center" src="img/phone.jpg" alt="An old phone on a desk with many small programmable buttons on the side">
<<anita>>Good! See you then.<</anita>>
[[She hangs up->Work d11 3]]<img class="img-center" src="img/phone.jpg" alt="An old phone on a desk with many small programmable buttons on the side">
<<anita>>I wouldn't count on it. Free spots don't come up often, but suit yourself. Talk to you later, neighbour.<</anita>>
[[She hangs up->Go home d11]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
//You finish up some things in your office, like throwing a cardboard coffee cup in the trash, and get ready to leave.//
[[You swing by home to pick up some of your old gym clothes and head to the gym!->To the gym]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Anitagym1.jpg" alt="A young fit woman with shoulder length curly brown hair, wearing a blue hoodie, standing in a gym.">
<<anita>>Right on time! It's been a while since you saw a gym, am I right?<</anita>>
<<player>>Yes, it has...<</player>>
<<anita>>No worries, you are in good hands. Let's get to it!<</anita>>
//She starts showing you around the gym and demonstrates how to do the different exercises and how to operate the machines. She has already written up, printed out and laminated the program and made it into a booklet for you with suggested progression and alternate exercises.
After the initial introductions she starts you at the top of the program, guiding you through every exercise and pushing you to lift heavier and heavier. This goes on for an hour, after which you are completely exhausted. //
<<player>>Wow, I gotta say you are very thorough with this.<</player>>
<<anita>>We are the most premium gym for the most premium clientele, so you should not expect anything less.<</anita>>
<<player>>I can easily believe that, when I am ready to be a member your gym will be on top of the list for sure.<</player>>
//Her expression freezes. //
<<anita>>When you are ready? I just gave you a free PT session. You don't get those without being a member. I expect you will sign up on the way out if you haven't already.<</anita>>
<<player>>Uh...Well, this is embarassing, but I really can't do that right now.<</player>>
<<anita>>You can't? What is that supposed to mean? I know what kind of money you guys make, of course you can!<</anita>>
<<player>>My situation is... complicated, I would sign up right now if I could, I promise you, but I can't!<</player>>
<<anita>>Where do you think this is, Planet Fitness or something!? I can't fucking believe this!<</anita>>
//She sighs, looks at you, and calms herself down.//
<<anita>>Ok, I will have to let you get your shit together first then. But I will need some sort of compensation.<</anita>>
[[Some sort... ?]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/Anitagym2.jpg" alt="Anita is facing away from you leaning over some gym equipment, lifting up her baggie hoodie to reveal her toned ass, only covered by a thin strip of her panties">
//She turns around and lifts her sweater up.//
<<anita>>Kiss it.<</anita>>
//How... How do these things keep happening to you.//
<<anita>>I SAID KISS IT!<</anita>>
[[Kiss her ass]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Anitagym2.jpg" alt="Anita is facing away from you leaning over some gym equipment, lifting up her baggie hoodie to reveal her toned ass, only covered by a thin strip of her panties">
//You look around, nobody seems to care what's happening. Is this kind of thing common around here? You lean forward and place your lips on her well toned buttock.//
<<anita>>Good, now the other cheek.<</anita>>
[[Kiss her other butt cheek]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/Anitagym2.jpg" alt="Anita is facing away from you leaning over some gym equipment, lifting up her baggie hoodie to reveal her toned ass, only covered by a thin strip of her panties">
//You lean forwards again and kiss her other butt cheek.//
<<anita>>Good, we can be friends again now. It sure would be awkward meeting each other in the hallway if we weren't. Don't you agree?<</anita>>
<<anita>>You can keep your training program. You'll need it later when you've stopped being a broke-ass leech. Now get out of my gym. I'll see you later, neighbour.<</anita>>
//You figure it's best to take that shower at home and just get out now. //
[[Go home->Go home d11]]Changelog for Finance Capital 0.7.0
- Added a vestibule with a receptionist which will appear sporadically.
- Changed the art and some text for a Sophie event day 12.
- Changed some art in Charlotte's date.
- New character, a cop.
- Added event, Driving Mrs. Meyer.
- Several minor re-writes and some typos fixed.
Changelog for Finance Capital 0.6.3
- Fixed a few bugs
- FIxed a missing image
- Minor re-writes
- Re-sized some images for the sake of looks.
Changelog for Finance Capital 0.6.2
- revived a dead scene with Sophie on day 12
- updated the scene guide
Changelog for Finance Capital 0.6.1
- Fixed a dead end when speaking with Charlotte on day 11.
Changelog for Finance Capital 0.6.0
- Word count 53133
- A new scene where sophie feeds you breakfast.
- Re-wrote how it's determined whether Charlotte likes you or not, with a new short scene.
- Moved the scene guide to the sidebar
- Added a second sidebar and moved things around.
- Made some small stat tweaks
- Re-wrote details-section.
- Re-worded some choices for more clarity
- Several small and not so small re-writes and additions.
- More tweaks and changes to the lay-out,
- Added alt-text to the rest of the images.
- Re-worked the economics.
- FIxed a bug where you could pay rent an infite amount of times.
- New art for reading the contract
- It should be possible to make the weekend targets without help again.
Changelog for Finance Capital 0.5.1
- Fixed a missing image
- Fixed an eldritch hand
- Squashed a few bugs
- FC-logo added to sidebar
- Several small re-writes
- Added alt-text to first Anita encounter, bar scene and the chastity scene.
- Adjusted weekly payment to include legal minimum amount.
Changelog for Finance Capital 0.5.0
- Word count total at 48404
- Added the friday review for week 2
- New event: Restaurant date with two different versions of a potential hot nachspiel.
- New blackmail event
- New whipping scene
- Made it an option to ask for Charlotte's help even if you don't need it.
- Updated the scene guide
- Added a new audio track for the weekends and game start
- Added alt-text for many of the images
- Changed art for the deli girl, and Zohreh at the nightclub.
- Charlotte got a new portrait picture.
- There are now more things to google.
- Rent and interest is now deducted from your account.
- A lot of art have been improved/replaced.
- Made it harder to make the week-end target.
- Fixed some typos
- A bunch of small tweaks to certain variables
- Re-wrote and re-structured parts of the opening.
- Re-wrote a bunch of code for maintenance purposes.
Changelog for Finance Capital 0.4.0
- Word count total at 32813
- Made improvements on the UI
- Re-structured some code
- Added a mute button in the sidebar
- Charlotte got a dynamic speech box
- Charlotte's bitch event is now available for both liked and disliked players, with different outcomes.
- Re-structured the nightclub events a bit to make it easier to unlock scenes later
- Squashed some more bugs
- Fixed the looping Zohreh and Anita events.
- Added event at Sophie's place on day 6 for some of those who don't do Jenny.
- Added more opportunities to simp for Sophie.
- Fixed the day counter
- Added Charlotte's second evaluation.
- Ends on Day 12 at the second Friday review
Changelog for Finance Capital 0.3.3
Made a better system for telling jokes to the deli clerk.
Fixed some bugs and missing images.
Changelog for Finance Capital 0.3.2
Total of 29918 words
Jenny got her own dialogue box.
The text of Jenny's second e-mail now reflect your actions to a greater degree.
Charlotte disliking you will now change some more dialogue.
Changed some of the art.
Fixed some minor bugs.
Fixed a possible dead end when talking to Mrs. Meyer at Birdies.
Made some typographical improvements in the speech box system.
Wrote some points in the scene guide more clearly.
Several re-writes here and there.
Changelog for Finance Capital 0.3.1
Made it so that your chosen MC name now should show up in the dialogue box.
Low confidence now has more consequences
Lots of bug fixes.
Corrected some typos.
Chopped some more fingers off in photoshop.
The intercom in Jennys building finally got to shine.
Tidied up the code around the Friday review.<img class="img-center" src="img/bartender1.jpg" alt="a striking looking slim woman in her late forties with fiery red hair, wearing a white shirt and green apron, standing behind the bar with her hands on the counter, bottles of alcohol on a shelf in the background.">
//This place looks nice. Classic irish type pub with solid wooden furniture with some wear on it. This can definately become a haven. There's not many people here, but you're thinking that's to be expected at this day and hour. You are greeted by a striking looking woman standing behind the bar. //
<<gloria>>So, what can I getcha, young man?<</gloria>>
//Straight to the point.//
[[I'll have a beer, thanks]]
[[I'm feeling adventurous, surprise me]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/bartender1.jpg" alt="a striking looking slim woman in her late forties with fiery red hair, wearing a white shirt and green apron, standing behind the bar with her hands on the counter, bottles of alcohol on a shelf in the background."><<set $money -=8>>
<<gloria>>A young man who knows what he wants. That can take you far in life...<</gloria>>
//She pours you a beer, wiping the top foam off before setting it on the bar.//
<<gloria>>The name is Gloria. You're new around here, aren't you?<</gloria>>
[["Hi, Gloria. I'm "+$MCFirstName+ ". Yes I am. Just arrived in the city this Monday."->Hi, Gloria. I'm $MCFirstName. Yes I am. Just arrived in the city this Monday.]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/bartender1.jpg" alt="a striking looking slim woman in her late forties with fiery red hair, wearing a white shirt and green apron, standing behind the bar with her hands on the counter, bottles of alcohol on a shelf in the background."><<set $money -=8>>
<<gloria>>One roofied Gatorita for the adventurous youngster coming right up.<</gloria>>
<<player>>Uh... what was that? <</player>>
<<gloria>>Hah! Not so adventurous after all are we. I'll pour you a beer. If you really want adventure you might want to be more specific. And maybe not put your fate in the hands of a total stranger.<</gloria>>
<<player>>Thanks, I'll try to remember that, Ma'am.<</player>>
<<gloria>>You can call me Gloria. That's my name. You're new around here, aren't you?<</gloria>>
[["Hi, Gloria. I'm "+$MCFirstName+ ". Yes I am. Just arrived in the city this Monday."->Hi, Gloria. I'm $MCFirstName. Yes I am. Just arrived in the city this Monday.]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/bartender2.jpg" alt="a striking looking slim woman in her late forties with fiery red hair, slightly cross-eyed, wearing a white shirt and green apron, crossing her arms and leaning on the counter.">
<<if $failedReview gt 0>>
<<gloria>>That new, huh? So what's eating you, $MCFirstName. Thing's not working out how you would have hoped? You look like someone killed your cat or something.<</gloria>>
[[Just a snag, I'll bounce back]]
[[To be honest things have kind of gone to shit. Like, deep shit.]]
<<gloria>>So what brings you to the city, $MCFirstName?<</gloria>>
<<player>>Different circumstances made it so I had to accept a job here. Which might turn out to be a good thing all in all. I might actually make some real money here. It would be a welcome change to what I've been doing with my life so far.<</player>>
<<gloria>>Sounds good. Just be aware this city is named after a snake. It has turned out to be a bad omen for many who come here who didn't tread carefully. It can be a treacherous place.<</gloria>>
<<if $confidence lt 3>>
<<player>>Yeah, I think I might have seen some of that.<</player>>
<<gloria>>Then hopefully you've learned to be careful.<</gloria>><<else>>
<<player>>Well, that sounded ominous.<</player>>
<<gloria>>Hehe, I guess it did. But it's true. <</gloria>> <</if>>
//You see you are getting close to finishing your beer and with a deft and well practiced move you finish it off. //
<<player>>Well, thanks for the talk Gloria. I have a feeling I'll see you again.<</player>>
<<gloria>>See you around, $MCFirstName.<</gloria>>
[[You go home->Back inside]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/bartender2.jpg" alt="a striking looking slim woman in her late forties with fiery red hair, wearing a white shirt and green apron, crossing her arms and leaning on the counter.">
<<gloria>>Yeah, I figured. Want to talk about it?<</gloria>>
<<player>>Not really, suffice to say I'm way over my head in debt. Which for the record, my parents left me. And now I might be out of a job too.<</player>>
<<gloria>>Sorry to hear that. You look like a good sort. You can help out here some if you want. I could always use some help on busy nights collecting glasses and cleaning up.<</gloria>>
<<player>>Thanks, but I'm afraid that won't even cover interest. Not to say rent on top of it. I appreciate you offering though.<</player>>
<<gloria>>That bad, huh. I'm crossing fingers for you. Maybe you won't lose your job.<</gloria>>
<<player>>That's what I'm hoping.<</player>>
//You see you are getting close to finishing your beer and with a deft and well practiced move you finish it off. //
<<player>>Well, thanks for the talk Gloria. I have a feeling I'll see you again.<</player>>
<<gloria>>See you around, $MCFirstName.<</gloria>>
[[You go home->Back inside]] <img class="img-center" src="img/bartender2.jpg" alt="a striking looking slim woman in her late forties with fiery red hair, wearing a white shirt and green apron, crossing her arms and leaning on the counter.">
<<gloria>>I'm glad to hear that.<</gloria>>
//She looks unconvinced.//
<<player>>Well, you know. You just gotta keep at it. Keep smashing it. Then things will work out.<</player>>
<<gloria>>I couldn't have said it better myself.<</gloria>>
//You think that might have been sarcasm. //
//You are about half way through your beer, but somehow you feel too restless to stay any longer.//
<<player>>Well, thanks for the talk Gloria. I have a feeling I'll see you again.<</player>>
<<gloria>>See you around, $MCFirstName.<</gloria>>
[[You go home->Back inside]] <img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
//It's that time again.//
<<link "Use laptop" "Google">><</link>>
[[Time to sleep->Day 12 - Friday]]<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
//What now? //
<<if $contractReadDay7 is false>>
[[Read the contract->contract day 7 2]]
[[Go explore the city]]
<<link "Use laptop" "Google">><</link>>
[[Go to sleep->Day 8 - Monday]]<img class="img-center" src="img/FinanceCapitalEntrance.jpg" alt="A non-descript glass door entrance to a building of glass and steel, there's a bench outside with a token tree behind it. The ground is paved with stone">
//It's getting to be a familiar sight.//
<<if $discoveredSuperior>>//You should probably go see if Zohreh is in.//
[[Go see Zohreh->Visiting Zohreh]]<</if>>
[[Go to the office->Work d11 1]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/contract.png" alt="A bunch of loose A4 pages with printed letters, laid out over a messy table, a glass on the side, a plate is laid atop some of the pages">
<<set $contractReadDay7 to true>>
<<if $zohrehToldYouWhereToLook>>
Zohreh said something about....statutory law? So you end up reading about the different legislative bodies when something hits you. There's been references to something called the State of Superior of Michigan. You've glazed over it every time until now, not knowing what it means. You still don't, but you feel like it's important. Damned if you can find out anything more about it though. You should ask Zohreh about it.<<set $discoveredSuperior to true>> <<else>>
You sit down with a notebook and some markers, trying to make sense of your contract. It's mostly an exercise in looking up words on Google and trying to figure out what they mean in a legal sense. You do this until you get a head-ache, then put it away for another day.
You are unsure whether you are getting smarter or you are getting brain damage.
<<set $LegalSavvy +=1>><</if>>
[[Put it away for now->Back inside 2]]<<widget "player" container>>
<<say $MCFirstName "img/portraits/playerp.jpg">>_contents<</say>>
<<widget "charlotte" container>>
<<say $charlotte "img/portraits/charlottep.jpg">>_contents<</say>>
<</widget>>1. replace art, sophie standing by your space, adam, charlotte pointing at foot, charlotte in white
1 second friday review gives wrong text when failing twice?
1. Make weekdays appear in top right corner mon-sun
1 Improve the balance of making the target/confidence
1 Reading the contract -> visit town hall
1 Make another BonusPoint and MeyerRespect opportunity week 2
1 whipping scene, either make it easier to become her bitch or make the whipping easier to get.
1. Make portrait for deli clerk
1. The speeding ticket needs to come up later if you didn't fess up.
2 Walk in the park on sunday - bullied by girl gang?
2 Make an array for internet where one scene is randomly plucked each visit.
2 make numbers display red when negative
2 Make a variable for having googled finance capital, have Mrs. Meyer ask you if you know what they do, -1 respect if you don't.
2 Make some choices/events exclusive for empathy lt 0
2 if charlottesprotection and made target - make friday review talk reflect that, also Meyer Respect
2 Make an image for charlotte footjob
2 Make new Sophie event on second saturday
2 visit the pub on friday night, meet someone new
2 alternative to Charlotte date. Get a call from charlotte on saturday morning getting more or less ordered over to her place in the evening if you are her bitch
2 Reading the contract- make it an event like google?
2 Day 6 Saturday - something to do if not doing Jenny or Sophie.
2Make an event for if you fail to make rent
3 make Gloria the bartenders name dynanic, bartender/Gloria<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteChair.jpg" alt="Charlotte seen in full figure, sitting in an office chair, legs crossed, wearing a black shirt, black skirt and pumps." alt="Charlotte seen in full figure, sitting in an office chair, legs crossed, wearing a black shirt, black skirt and pumps.">
<<charlotte>>Kneel down and kiss my foot<</charlotte>>
[[Do it->You kneel down and kiss her foot]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteChair.jpg" alt="Charlotte seen in full figure, sitting in an office chair, legs crossed, wearing a black shirt, black skirt and pumps."><<if $CharlotteDislikesYou>>
<<charlotte>>There, now doesn't that feel right? This is how our relation is and will always be. This is the only way I will excuse you your shortcomings. Got that?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Yes, $charlotte..<</player>>
<<charlotte>>That's what I like to hear. Now tell me. What are you?<</charlotte>>
<<charlotte>>Don't try my patience. You've already admitted to it. Now I want to hear you say it. What are you?<</charlotte>>
[[A bitch...]]
<<charlotte>>Good boy. Now, was this exactly what you was hoping for when you came in?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Yes, $charlotte<</player>>
<<charlotte>>That's what I like to hear. I want to get back to work now, but we will have lunch later.<</charlotte>>
<<link "I'd like that very much, Ms. Armand. See you at lunchtime then" "Work d10 1">>
<<set $youWillHaveLunchWithCharlotteOnDay10 to true>>
<</link>><</if>>" //You have tried a bunch of jokes to little effect at this point, so you decide to take it up a notch.//
<<player>>So a guy walks into a Deli and orders a baguette. He has done so many times before, but never does he get a response from the clerk. He is starting to wonder if he, in fact, has been dead all along. His spirit doomed to walk into Delis ordering baguettes for all eternity, unheard, unseen and alone. in despair he drops to his knees yelling: "AM I NOT ALIVE? Can someone please acknowledge my existence...!"<</player>>
//You drop to your knees and continue.//
<<player>>"But the clerk makes no sign of seeing or hearing the man. He proceeds to pull his pants down (you mime this), still on his knees. He produces a (make-believe) knife from his pocket and announces: "I will sever my cock and balls from my body with this knife! Surely that warrants some kind of response?" But there is no response from the clerk. So he pulls on his dick with one hand and cuts with the other. A geyser of blood erupts from his groin as he hoists his manhood into the air. Still the clerk gives no response. He throws his dick on the floor yelling: "I will eat my balls from the floor, just pleeease acknowledge me!"<</player>>
//You proceed to mimic that you are eating something from the floor on all fours when you finally hear a chuckle from behind the counter.//
<<say "clerk">>You are seriously weird, mister.<</say>>
//She smirks. It seems you finally managed to drag her out of her boredom.//
<<say "clerk">>But you should probably get up before someone sees you like that.<</say>>
<<set $toldAJokeAtTheDeli +=1>><<set $madeDeliWomanLaugh to true>>
<<player>>Hey! I'm alive after all! Thank you for acknowledging me.<</player>>
//Ah, the satisfaction of acknowledgement.// <img class="img-center" src="img/EmptyNightclub.jpg" alt="The nightclub, some people are dancing, others are chatting.">
//A couple of hours pass and you are starting to feel the effects of alcohol after quite a few of these ridiculous things. Judging from the people in your immediate vicinity you are not alone in this. You feel like THIS is a good time to talk some more with someone from your new workplace.//
<<if $CharlotteDislikesYou>>
[[Go find Charlotte->Charlotte birdies 2]]
[[Go find Charlotte]]
[[Go find Sophie]]
[[Go find Mrs. Meyer]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Deli.jpg" alt="The counter of a small deli, various pastry and foodstuffs visible on the shelves. Behind the counter stands a young, petite, latina woman looking a bit skeptical">
<<print $deliJokes.shift()>>
<<set $toldAJokeAtTheDeli +=1>>
[[Go back to the office ->The phone rings day 9]]<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">\
<<set $day to $day+1>>
//It's Friday!//
[[Go to the office->Work d12]]<<widget 'det' container>>
<span class='inner-details'>_contents</span>
<img class="img-center" src="img/FinanceCapitalEntrance.jpg" alt="A non-descript glass door entrance to a building of glass and steel, there's a bench outside with a token tree behind it. The ground is paved with stone">
"Oh, think twice
'Cause it's another day
For you and me in paradise"
//That's Phil Collins, why did that pop into my head right now?//
[[Go inside->Reception d12]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<if $JenniferMailRead2 is false and $DoingJenny is true>>
<<link "Check e-mail(1)" "Another e-mail from Jenny">><<set $JenniferMailRead2 to true>>
[[collect debts->collect debts 12]]
[[Expand portfolio ->Expand portfolio 12]]
[[Surf the internet->Internet 12]]
<<if $MarketResearched is false>>
[[Research the market->Research the market 12]]
<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
//You send out debt collection notices.//
<<set $DebtIsCollected to true>>
[[Go to lunch->Lunchtime Day 12]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<if $MarketResearched is true>>
<<print $expandPortfolio.shift()>>
<<else>>You spend some time looking for new clients. You get some non-commital maybes out of various companies throughout the city. At least you get your name out right? Maybe you should have done some research beforehand.
<<set $PortfolioHealth to $PortfolioHealth +1>>
[[Go to lunch->Lunchtime Day 12]]<img class="img-center" src="img/surfing/difference.jpg" alt="A picture with the headline Difference between the rich and poor in Brazil. The picture shows a bird's eye view of some nice highrise buildings with green grass and a swimming pool, all fenced in. Outside the fence is a shanty town slum looking dirty and dreary.">
<<if $empathy lt 4>>//Look at those idiots living in shacks. If they got themselves a real job, then maybe they could have swimming pools too.//<<else>>//It's not that different here, really.//<</if>>
[[It's time for lunch! ->Lunchtime Day 12]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You spend some time researching the market to see if you can find something you can use to find debtors, and thus someone in need of our services.
<<set $MarketResearched to true>>
<<set $BusinessAcumen +=1>>
[[Time for lunch! ->Lunchtime Day 12]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant"><<if $DebtIsCollected>><<set _multiplier to $PortfolioHealth+$BusinessAcumen>> <<set $money += Math.round(_multiplier*33.3)>><<set $money += 100>><</if>>
Time for lunch.
[[Go to the Deli->Go to the Deli Day 12]] <img class="img-center" src="img/Deli.jpg" alt="The counter of a small deli, various pastry and foodstuffs visible on the shelves. Behind the counter stands a young, petite, latina woman looking a bit skeptical">
<<set $money -=5>>
You go for a wiener at the deli on the corner.
The cashier looks at her phone while taking your order.
[[Tell a joke to the cashier->Tell a joke to the cashier 12]]
[[Go back to the office ->Work d12 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Meyer2.jpg" alt="A strict looking woman in her late fifties, pronounced breasts, wearing a grey office suit and white blouse. In a dark, luxurious looking mahogany-clad office."> <<if $PortfolioHealth+$MeyerRespect+$BusinessAcumen+$BonusPoints gt $PortfolioThresholdWeek2>><<set $madeTargetWeek2 to true>><</if>>
<<meyer>>Mr. $MCLastName, here we are again! Isn't this exciting. It's another Friday review.<</meyer>>
//I guess she's really into this.//
<<meyer>>Mr. Bottoms and myself have once again been following your progress this past week.<</meyer>>
<<if $CharlottesProtectionWeek2 and $CharlottesProtection is true>>
<<meyer>>Well, I'll get straight to the point. Once again you have failed to impress us Mr. $MCLastName. But no matter...<</meyer>>
\<<linkreplace "Would you care to join us, Ms. Armand">>
<img class="img-center" src="img/Meyer and Charlotteblackshirt.jpg">
<<meyer>>I will leave you to take care of the further schooling and guidance of Mr. $MCLastName, something which he seems to be in dire need of.<</meyer>>
<<charlotte>>He might not be neither the sharpest nor the most disciplined mind, even for a man, but I am certain we can find a place for him, with some work.<</charlotte>>
<<meyer>>Good! I will leave you to it then.<</meyer>>
[[You leave with Ms. Armand->You leave with Ms. Armand 12]]
<</linkreplace>><<elseif $CharlottesProtectionWeek2 is true>>
<<meyer>>Well, I'll get straight to the point. You have failed to impress us Mr. $MCLastName. But it seems you have made friends in high places, which is something we can respect here at Finance Capital...<</meyer>>
\<<linkreplace "Would you care to join us, Ms. Armand">>
<img class="img-center" src="img/Meyer and Charlotteblackshirt.jpg">
<<meyer>>I will leave you to take care of the further schooling and guidance of Mr. $MCLastName, which he seems to be in dire need of.<</meyer>>
<<charlotte>>He might not be neither the sharpest nor the most disciplined mind, even for a man, but I am certain we can find a place for him, with some work.<</charlotte>>
<<meyer>>Good! I will leave you to it then.<</meyer>>
[[You leave with Ms. Armand->You leave with Ms. Armand 12]]
<</linkreplace>><<elseif $madeTargetWeek2 and $madeTargetWeek1 is true>><<set $confidence +=1>><<set $money +=500>>
<<meyer>>Another week, and another success! It seems we bet our money on the right horse with you Mr. $MCLastName. I will have Mr. Bottoms give you a bonus. Only one week left of your trial run here, succeed once more and you'll be looking at a substantial increase in comfort from where you're currently at. Good on you! Now get back to work.<</meyer>>
[[You take your leave->Back to the office 12]]<<elseif $madeTargetWeek2 is true>><<set $confidence +=1>><<set $money +=500>>
<<meyer>>Who says an old dog can't learn new tricks? You made this weeks target Mr. $MCLastName. I'll be honest, it's rare to see turnarounds like that. Let's hope you can keep it up, eh? I'll have Mr. Bottoms wire a bonus to your account, well deserved. Now get back to work.<</meyer>>
[[You take your leave->Back to the office 12]]<<elseif $failedreview gt 0>>
<<meyer>>Another week another failure! Pathetic! You will receive conditional compensation for this week too, but we will once again need to discuss your future further on Monday morning.
Good day, Mr. $MCLastName. Mr. Bottoms will see you out now.<</meyer>>
<<set $failedReview +=1>><<set $confidence -=1>>
//Shit... //
[[Go outside with Mr. Bottoms->Go outside with Mr. Bottoms2]]<<else>>
<<meyer>>Well, I'll get straight to the point. You have not impressed us Mr. $MCLastName. Was last week just a fluke perhaps? This is not necessarily the end of our working relationship, but we will need to discuss your future here further on Monday morning. Mr. Bottoms will see to it that you will receive conditional compensation for this week,
Good day, Mr. $MCLastName. Mr. Bottoms will see you out now.<</meyer>>
<<set $failedReview +=1>><<set $confidence -=1>>
//Shit.. OK, well, seems like I might still have a shot.//
[[Go outside with Mr. Bottoms->Go outside with Mr. Bottoms2]]
<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/Deli.jpg" alt="The counter of a small deli, various pastry and foodstuffs visible on the shelves. Behind the counter stands a young, petite, latina woman looking a bit skeptical">
<<print $deliJokes.shift()>>
<<set $toldAJokeAtTheDeli +=1>>
[[Go back to the office ->Work d12 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/FinanceCapitalEntrancewithBottoms.jpg" alt="A lanky man in his twenties with short brown hair, wearing a blue suit with a white shirt. Standing outside the entrance to Finance Capital."><<set $money -= 900>>
<<if hasVisited("Go outside with Mr. Bottoms") is true>>
<<adam>>Here we are again, old boy. I'm afraid you won't get off the hook as easy as last time, but I'm willing to bet you still have a shot if you keep your wits about you. I'll discuss things with Mrs. Meyer and we'll see you on Monday.
Keep your head up, champ.<</adam>><<else>><<adam>>I'd be sorry to see you go like this, but don't fret my friend. It's not over yet. Tell you the truth it was pretty close and if I have anything to say, you still have a good chance. Come back monday and we'll have a thorough review of your case.
See you on monday, buddy.<</adam>><</if>>
[[He walks back inside and with that, you go home->Go home d12]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant"><<set $money -= 900>><<if $madeTargetWeek2 and $madeTargetWeek1 is true>>
//Man, look at me. I'm killing it! Maybe I'm really cut out for this world of business?//<<elseif $madeTargetWeek2 is true>>//Hell yeah, I made it this week. Just gotta continue on this track and I might just make it here.//<</if>>
<<if $CharlotteLikesYou>>//Hey, looks like I got a message from Charlotte, she wants me in her office.//
[[Better go see what she wants]]<<else>>[[I guess I can continue congratulating myself at home->Go home d12]]
<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/Charlotteblackshirtoffice2.png" alt="Charlotte standing in an office, her hair in a braid, wearing a black shirt with a belt and a black skirt."><<set $money -= 900>>
<<if $CharlotteLikesYou>>
<<charlotte>>You see what happens when you behave? You get to see another day. But I stuck my neck out for you today so you better make it worth it. Don't betray my faith in you. <</charlotte>>
<<player>>I'll try my best.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Good. You can start with joining me for dinner at The Gavroche on Saturday. Don't worry about the bill, I got you.<</charlotte>>
[[Oh, um, Saturday? Gee, I'm sorry but I can't]]
[[Yes Ma'am!]]
<<elseif $CharlotteDislikesYou and $charlottesBitch>><<charlotte>>This wasn't entirely unexpected now was it. My goodwill is the only thing keeping you afloat at this point, and I can withdraw it at any time. <</charlotte>>
<<player>>Yeah, I guess so. I don't know what you say, I'm just not very good at this.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>That much is obvious. But being my bitch and all, you have certain rights.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Uh... I do?<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Of course you do. And I will demonstrate one of them now: Your right to have your behaviour corrected when you are acting like an idiot.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Yeah, that makes sense.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Good to hear you are not completely vapid. Now take your shirt off and place your hands on the wall.<</charlotte>>
[[You do as you are told]]<<else>>
<<charlotte>>This wasn't entirely unexpected now was it. My goodwill is the only thing keeping you afloat at this point, and I can withdraw it at any time. Don't forget that. I'll see you later. <</charlotte>>
[[You are left on your own, might as well go home and rest up a bit.->Go home d12]] <</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/Sophie6.jpg" alt="A curvy, big brested blond woman standing in an office space, wearing a white shirt and a black tie.">
<<sophie>>Hey, $MCFirstName, are you going out to fetch lunch? Could you be a dear and bring me some coffee? That would literally save my life.<</sophie>>
<<link [[Sure thing, Sophie->Lunchtime day 3 2]]>>
<<set $simpingForSophie +=1>><<set $SophieRespect -=1>><<set $GetSophieCoffee to true>>
<<link [[Sorry Sophie, I just came back from lunch.->The phone rings day 3]]>>
<</link>><img class="img-center" src="img/Deli.jpg" alt="The counter of a small deli, various pastry and foodstuffs visible on the shelves. Behind the counter stands a young, petite, latina woman looking a bit skeptical">
<<set $money -=5>>
//If she notices that you are the same person that was just there, she does not let you know.
You pick up a coffee for Sophie//
[[Coffee for Sophie]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
//As soon as you boot up your PC you see you have a message from Sophie. She tells you her mouse died and she wants you to come by her office with some batteries.//
<<link [[You head right over!->Sophies request day 4]]>>
<<set $simpingForSophie +=1>><<set $SophieRespect -=1>>
[[You feel that this is not in your job description and text her something about being busy->work 6]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Sophie4.jpg" alt="Sophie is wearing a white shirt and a black tie, standing in her office">
<<sophie>>Oh, hi $MCFirstName. My mouse just stopped working, I think it might be the batteries. Would you be a dear and change them?<</sophie>>
You open the little lid on the underside of her wireless mouse and take out the two AA batteries in there and replace them with the ones you brought. You power it on and confirms that it lights up again.
<<sophie>>Thanks $MCFirstName, you're such a hero!<</sophie>>
<<player>>No problem, Sophie. Just let me know if I can help.<</player>>
//She seems focused on something on her computer.//
[[My job here is done, back to work->work 6]]<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
//Sophie asks you if you want to come over and help her carry some stuff into her apartment.//
<<link "You head right on over!" "SophiesPlaceDay6">><<set $SophieRespect -=1>><<set $simpingForSophie +=1>><</link>>
<<link "Sure, you just need to grab some breakfast then you head over to Sophie." "SophiesPlaceDay6">><</link>>
[[You're feeling spent after the week. You'd rather spend your day watching stuff on youtube or something until going to bed->Day 7 - Sunday]]<img class="img-center" src="img/sophiesBlock.jpg" alt="A white, nice looking apartment block, the sun is shining."><<set $knowsLynchIsTheName to true>>
//So this is where she lives, huh? Looks like a pretty nice neighbourhood.//
<<if $GoogledSophie>>
//Lucky you googled, her. There's no Sophie on any of these buttons.//
[[You press the button marked "S. Lynch".->Ring Sophies door]]<<else>>//You locate the right door, then read all the buttons on the doorbell, it suddenly hits you that you don't know her last name and there are several buttons on here with an "S. Something". You send her a message that you're outside. //
<<set $confidence -=1>>
//After a while you get a message back to press the button marked "S. Lynch".//
[[You find it and press it.->Ring Sophies door]]
<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/sophiesBlock.jpg" alt="A white, nice looking apartment block, the sun is shining.">
<<say "Sophie" "img/portraits/sophieintercomp.jpg">>Hello?<</say>>
<<player>>It's me.<</player>>
<<say "Sophie" "img/portraits/sophieintercomp.jpg">>Oh, you were fast. The package isn't due for another 20 minutes. But if you can just wait there until it arrives and then bring it up that would be swell.<</say>>
[[What? Doing a favour is one thing, being treated like an errand boy is another. You tell her "No sorry, I don't have time for that", and go home. ->Saturday evening day 6]]
<<link [[Sure thing, sophie. It's a beautiful day, I'll just enjoy the weather until it arrives.]]>><<set $simpingForSophie +=1>><<set $SophieRespect -=1>><</link>><img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
//You slouch around for a while at home until you decide the day is over.//
[[Go to bed->Day 7 - Sunday]]<img class="img-center" src="img/sophiesBlock.jpg" alt="A white, nice looking apartment block, the sun is shining.">
//After a while a car pulls up and unloads a small cardboard box. The courier confirms it's for a "S. Lynch". You accept the package and sign for it.
You buzz Sophie's apartment once more//
<<player>>I got the package.<</player>>
<<say "Sophie" "img/portraits/sophieintercomp.jpg">>Great! The door is open. That darn elevator is down for maintenance again, so you'll have to take the stairs. It's floor 6.<</say>>
<<player>>I'll be right up.<</player>>
//This package weighs practically nothing.//
[[You go in and start ascending the stairs.]]<img class="img-center" src="img/sophieAtApartment.jpg" alt="Sophie wearing a blue dress, standing in an apartment. The apartment is large and has warm inviting colors, with large windows. Parquet flooring with a rug on it, a large flat screen TV in the background along with a sofa, a table and a chair.">
<<sophie>>There you are. I was starting to wonder when you'd show up.<</sophie>>
<<player>>Well, there were a lot of stairs...<</player>>
<<sophie>>No matter. Thanks $MCFirstName, you're such a lifesaver. If you want you can start unpacking it, otherwise you can just leave it there and I'll sort it out later.<</sophie>>
<<link "Start unpacking the box" "Start unpacking the box">><<set $simpingForSophie +=1>><</link>>
<<link "Leave the box on the floor." "Leave the box on the floor.">><</link>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/sophieAtApartment.jpg" alt="Sophie wearing a blue dress, standing in an apartment. The apartment is large and has warm inviting colors, with large windows. Parquet flooring with a rug on it, a large flat screen TV in the background along with a sofa, a table and a chair.">
//You open the box. It's filled with bubble wrap and more cardboard, and after some digging you find a couple of candlesticks in there.//
<<sophie>>I guess you don't have a lot on your plate in the weekends, being new to the city and all.<</sophie>>
<<player>>No, I guess I don't.<</player>>
<<sophie>>I figured that, if you want you can find a rag in the kitchen and wipe them off. They're second hand, so they're probably dirty.<</sophie>>
<<link [[Go find a rag]]>><</link>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/sophieAtApartment.jpg" alt="Sophie wearing a blue dress, standing in an apartment. The apartment is large and has warm inviting colors, with large windows. Parquet flooring with a rug on it, a large flat screen TV in the background along with a sofa, a table and a chair.">
<<player>>OK, then. I'll just leave it here. I guess I better get going.<</player>>
<<sophie>>Already? Ok, I'll see you on Monday and thanks for your help.<</sophie>>
//You feel that maybe you should have gotten some more substantial thanks for this, to yourself.//
[[You leave->Saturday evening day 6]]<img class="img-center" src="img/sophieAtApartment.jpg" alt="Sophie wearing a blue dress, standing in an apartment. The apartment is large and has warm inviting colors, with large windows. Parquet flooring with a rug on it, a large flat screen TV in the background along with a sofa, a table and a chair.">
//You go the kitchen and fetch a rag and proceed to wipe the candlesticks clean... They look quite old. 1970s maybe.//
<<player>>You don't strike me as a person who is into vintage and retro stuff.<</player>>
<<sophie>>I'm not, but I have some memories attached to those candlesticks. Well not those in particular, but that type of candlestick.<</sophie>>
<<if $strippedForSophie>>
<<sophie>>you sure have been helpful today. Maybe you came here expecting to give me another show or something?<</sophie>>
//She smirks//
<<player>>Uh, what? No?<</player>>
//You start blushing at the memory.//<<else>>
<<sophie>>You sure have been helpful today $MCFirstName.<</sophie>>
<<player>>No worries, like you said I don't have too much going on these days.<</player>><</if>>
<<sophie>>Looks like you're getting that stick pretty clean. How about you lick it?<</sophie>>
[[You laugh, she is obviously joking]]
<<link [[Uh, well. I guess a tiny lick couldn't hurt if that makes her happy?->You lick the candlestick]]<<set $lickedTheCandlestick to true>><<set $simpingForSophie +=1>><<set $SophieRespect -=1>><</link>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/sophieAtApartment.jpg" alt="Sophie wearing a blue dress, standing in an apartment. The apartment is large and has warm inviting colors, with large windows. Parquet flooring with a rug on it, a large flat screen TV in the background along with a sofa, a table and a chair.">
//It's hard to tell from her demeanor, she was joking, right?//
<<sophie>>Well, thanks again for the help $MCFirstName, but I'm having guests later so I better start preparing for that...<</sophie>>
//She looks at you waiting for you to get the hint.//
<<player>>Uh, ok. No problem. I guess I better get going.<</player>>
<<sophie>>Already? Ok, I'll see you on Monday and thanks for your help.<</sophie>>
[[You leave->Saturday evening day 6]]<img class="img-center" src="img/sophieAtApartment.jpg" alt="Sophie wearing a blue dress, standing in an apartment. The apartment is large and has warm inviting colors, with large windows. Parquet flooring with a rug on it, a large flat screen TV in the background along with a sofa, a table and a chair.">
//You lick the candlestick. Good thing you just cleaned it, even though it still has some old grime in the recesses of the details.//
<<sophie>>Haha! I didn't mean it, silly!<</sophie>>
<<player>>Oh, yeah, I know that...Haha.. just joking.<</player>>
<<sophie>>You're such a goof.<</sophie>>
//You feel her looking at you a bit differently.//
<<sophie>>Anyway, thanks again for the help $MCFirstName, but I'm getting guests later so I better start preparing for that...<</sophie>>
//She looks at you waiting for you to get the hint.//
<<player>>Uh, ok. No problem. I guess I better get going.<</player>>
<<sophie>>Already? Ok, I'll see you on Monday and thanks for your help, candlestick-licker.<</sophie>>
[[You leave->Saturday evening day 6]] <img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<linkreplace "There's a knock on the door behind you, you turn around" t8n>><img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteStandingblacktie2.png" alt="Charlotte is standing looking down on you, wearing a white buttoned up shirt, a black tie, and a black jacket.">
<<charlotte>>So let's take a look at your numbers, shall we?<</charlotte>>
//Again she punches in a bunch of commands on your computer and gets some numbers flashing.//<<if $PortfolioHealth + $BusinessAcumen gt $PortfolioThreshold2>>
<<charlotte>>Hey, this looks pretty good. Well done, $MCFirstName. Looks like you're learning something.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Thanks, $charlotte. I guess I can breathe again.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Yes, please do. Seems like your good. I'll catch you later, $MCFirstName.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Sure thing.<</player>>
She leaves.
[[Well, back to work I guess.->Work d11 2]]<<else>>
<<charlotte>>This is no good. I'd tell you to re-evaluate your choice of career, but I guess that would be unfair. Point is your not getting it. And the question now is, do you want me to help you? Well "help", at this point we're not really talking about me helping you get self-sufficient or anything like that. This is me carrying you on my back, and that will cost you.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Obviously I need all the help I can get, but what exactly will it cost me?<</player>>
<<charlotte>>First of all I need you to trust me to do what is best for you, even when it is very uncomfortable, and maybe does not even make sense to you. And it starts now, with you accepting the terms for my help without knowing what they are. Now, do you?<</charlotte>>
[[Yes I do, please help me Ms. Armand]]
[[...No, I can't do this. I'll take my chances on my own.]]<</if>><</linkreplace>><img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteStandingblacktie2.png" alt="Charlotte is standing looking down on you, wearing a white buttoned up shirt, a black tie, and a black jacket.">
<<charlotte>>Then get down on your knees.<</charlotte>>
[[Aww, man not this again, screw it. You politely decline]]
[[You get down on your knees.->Charlotte cuts you]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteStandingblacktie2.png" alt="Charlotte is standing looking down on you, wearing a white buttoned up shirt, a black tie, and a black jacket.">
<<charlotte>>Suit yourself, $MCFirstName<</charlotte>>
//With that, she leaves.//
[[Back to work->Work d11 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteStandingblacktie2.png" alt="Charlotte is standing looking down on you, wearing a white buttoned up shirt, a black tie, and a black jacket.">
<<charlotte>>Suit yourself, $MCFirstName. Let's not hope you are trading a moments spared embarassment for your whole future. Now that would truly be embarassing, wouldn't it.<</charlotte>>
//With that, she leaves.//
[[Back to work->Work d11 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteStandingblacktie2.png" alt="Charlotte is standing looking down on you, wearing a white buttoned up shirt, a black tie, and a black jacket.">
<<charlotte>>Now hold out your left hand, and look me in the eyes.<</charlotte>>
<<linkreplace "You hold out your left hand" t8n>><img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteKnife4.png" alt="Charlotte is leaning over you holding up a knife">
//She takes out a knife and places the blade against your palm, while looking you straight into your eyes.//
<<charlotte>>Don't make a sound.<</charlotte>>
//You see her tensing slightly as you feel the blade cut into your palm as she slides it across. A small whimper escapes your lips before you catch yourself. It's not immediately painful. Your distress comes more from processing what is actually happening. //
<<charlotte>> ... <</charlotte>>
//She takes out a handkerchief and wipes the blood off the blade.//
<<charlotte>>There's a first aid kit in the desk next to yours. You should rinse the wound and bandage it up. Stitches shouldn't be necessary. <</charlotte>>
<<charlotte>>Congratulations $MCFirstName, you've bought yourself my help for another week. <</charlotte>>
<<set $CharlottesProtectionWeek2 to true>><<set $charlotteCutYou to true>>
<<player>>Uh, thanks $charlotte.<</player>>
//You can feel the wound starting to throb as you open the drawer and find the first aid kit.//
[[You rinse the wound and bandage it up.]]<</linkreplace>><img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteStandingblacktie2.png" alt="Charlotte is standing looking down on you, wearing a white buttoned up shirt, a black tie, and a black jacket.">
<<charlotte>>There's no chance of hitting the targets by tomorrow, but we'll take a look at your portfolio on Monday. <</charlotte>>
<<player>>Sure thing, $charlotte.<</player>>
//With that, she leaves.//
[[Back to work->Work d11 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>whether you seek me out or not is entirely up to you, whatever the reason. Just bear in mind that I have no need of you, so if you seek my help again I will demand complete obedience from you. Is that understood?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Yes, Ma'am<</player>>
//You thought you could just see a flicker of a smile there before she excuses herself and leaves.//
[[You are getting pretty tired at this point. It's time to go home->Go home 5 -2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<set $admittedYouAreABitchToCharlotte to true>>
<<charlotte>>That's what I thought. Beneath that thin skin of yours, you are nothing but a bitch, and you like that. Especially when you stand before a strong woman. Am I right?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>...Yeah. You're right.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Indeed, but men like you only fess up to that after a substantial amount of drink. Come and admit this to me at my office on Wednesday morning, sober. Then I might have to re-evaluate my opinion of you.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>I'll...I'll do that.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>We'll see...<</charlotte>>
//She leaves.//
[[You are getting pretty tired at this point too. It's time to go home->Go home 5 -2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>You're not fooling anyone.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>No, Ma'am<</player>>
<<charlotte>>There is nothing more boring in this world than closeted people. See you around $MCFirstName.<</charlotte>>
//She leaves.//
[[You are getting pretty tired at this point too. It's time to go home->Go home 5 -2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteChair.jpg" alt="Charlotte seen in full figure, sitting in an office chair, legs crossed, wearing a black shirt, black skirt and pumps.">
<<charlotte>>That's right. You may kiss my foot again.<</charlotte>>
[[Kiss it->Kiss her foot again]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteChair.jpg" alt="Charlotte seen in full figure, sitting in an office chair, legs crossed, wearing a black shirt, black skirt and pumps.">
<<charlotte>>Very good. I bet you can be trained to be just about anything. Later. I need to get back to work.<</charlotte>>
//She waves you away with her hand.//
[[You get up and leave->Work d10 1]]<img class="img-center" src="img/FinanceCapitallogo2.jpg" class="img-center" alt="An aerial view of a city by the water, at night dark clouds and lightening. Over the image are the words Finance Capital written in a classic serif font with a gold sheen">
<<meyer>>It's the end of the update! What does the future hold for our young hero? Will he thrive in this den of snakes? Will he find protection with powerful allies? Or will he perhaps succumb to one of the many sexy pitfalls ahead? Stay tuned to find out!<</meyer>>
Thanks for playing! This game is very much still a WIP, undoubtedly some parts will be expanded, moved around and/or changed. If you like the game so far, you can follow progress on my discord server, on itch.io or you can support the game through subscribestar adult or purchase through Itch.
Why support? I am only promising I will do my best to get this finished, but I think I have a good chance of doing that. I will continue to use the support I get to improve the art. So far your generous support have allowed me to partially finance a not terrible GPU that have helped generating the graphics you see immensely. If this game gets enough interest I might even make another one when it's done. There is no shortage of ideas.
Until next time.
See ya!
Huurn<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
You get home and lay down on your bed, <<if hasVisited("Strike five")>>OUCH! Right, without the adrenaline racing through your system your back hurts like shit now.<<else>>another week done.
<</if>>After slouching around for a while your phone rings, It's Mrs. Meyer. You answer it.
<<meyer>>Mr. $MCLastName. Looks like an opportunity for you to clock in some overtime just opened up. My driver suddenly deserted me, so I need a new one right now.<</meyer>>
She pauses, giving you the opportunity to volunteer.
[[Sure, I'll be right there]]
[[You would really rather stay at home and make up an excuse.]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
//No use putting off the inevitable I guess...//
[[Time to face the music->Second Friday review]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">\
<<set $day to 13>><<audio "bgm" stop>><<audio "bgm2" loop volume 1 play>>
<<if $charlotteDate1>>//I have a date with Charlotte tonight, WOWEEE!//
[[Go to the restaurant]]<<else>>
[[What now?->End of update]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteBlackShirt1.jpg" alt="A close-up of charlotte, hair tightly braided in a single braid, wearing a black shirt.">
<<charlotte>>Shame. Well, see you later then.<</charlotte>>
//I wonder if that was a bad idea...//
[[You are left on your own, might as well go home and rest up a bit.->Go home d12]] <img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteBlackShirt1.jpg" alt="A close-up of charlotte, hair tightly braided in a single braid, wearing a black shirt.">
<<set $charlotteDate1 to true>>
<<charlotte>>Good, I'll get us a table for 19:00. See you then.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Sounds good!<</player>>
//Is that a date? It's a date!//
[[You are left on your own, might as well go home and rest up a bit.->Go home d12]] <img class="img-center" src="img/Charlotteblackshirtoffice2.png">
<<charlotte>>There's our new golden boy. Things are going well I understand.<</charlotte>>
<<if $madeTargetWeek2 and $madeTargetWeek1 is true>><<player>>It seems I might actually have a knack for this, either that or I'm lucky.<</player>><<else>><<player>>It certainly went better than last week, so you could say it's a positive trend.<</player>><</if>>
<<charlotte>>It would seem so. Are you doing anything on Saturday evening? How about joining me for dinner at The Gavroche.<</charlotte>>
[[Oh, um, Saturday? Gee, I'm sorry but I can't->Decline date]]
[[Sure, I would like that]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteBlackShirt1.jpg" alt="A close-up of charlotte, hair tightly braided in a single braid, wearing a black shirt.">
<<charlotte>>Shame. Well, see you later then.<</charlotte>>
//I wonder if that was a bad idea...//
[[You leave her office, might as well go home->Go home d12]] <img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteBlackShirt1.jpg" alt="A close-up of charlotte, hair tightly braided in a single braid, wearing a black shirt.">
<<set $charlotteDate1 to true>>
<<charlotte>>Good, I'll get us a table for 19:00. See you then.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Sounds good!<</player>>
//Is that a date? It's a date!//
[[You take your leave, might as well go home->Go home d12]] <img class="img-center" src="img/The Gavroche.jpg" alt="The facade of a restaurant, a pavement in front, some potted bushes, and with windows on the side and a window in the door. the lighting inside looks intimate.">
//Here we are. Looks expensive as shit, luckily you're not paying.//
[[You take a deep breath, and go inside]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteRestaurant1.jpg" alt="Charlotte sitting. She is wearing a red strapped dress, and more make-up than she does at the office. Her hair in a single braid.">
//You scan the restaurant and see $charlotte over by a table and walk over there//
<<charlotte>>There you are, $MCFirstName. Right on time.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>You look great, $charlotte. This place looks fancy.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Massasauga isn't Paris, but we have a couple of good spots here. Take a seat.<</charlotte>>
[[You sit down]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteRestaurant3.png" alt="Charlotte sitting. She is wearing a red strapped dress, and more make-up than she does at the office. Her hair in a single braid. The wall behind her is adorned with paintings.">
<<if $charlotteCutYou is true>><<charlotte>>How's that hand coming along?<</charlotte>>
//She had to go there straight away, didn't she.//
<<player>>It's healing just fine, thanks for asking $charlotte<</player>>
<</if>><<charlotte>>So tell me. What did you do before you came to Massasauga?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Not much really. Last job I had was doing IT support at a gas station if you can imagine such a thing.<</player>>
//She smirks//
<<charlotte>>Really? I guess I can imagine that if I put some effort into it. What happened?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>They automated the whole station and out-sourced support to some company in India. Leaving me without a job.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Oh, wow. That's almost funny. So what were you planning next?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>I can't say I had any real plan yet. That was only a couple of months back. I’ve been looking for a job since then, was thinking of maybe signing up for some online classes if I could find something cheap that seemed worthwhile.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Months... You’re sounding like a real goal-getter there, champ.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>What can I say. While I have my likes and dislikes, wants and such, I've never really been in a hurry.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>It appears not. So what do you want? Out of life I mean. This month, this year, the rest of your life, or whatever time frame you're operating with presently.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>I guess what I want is...<</player>>
[[To get out of debt. As long as I'm debt free, I'm free to do whatever.]]
[[Financial security and then some. I'm tired of chasing paychecks every month to pay never ending rents and expenses. I want to live too.->Financial security]]
[[I don't really know. To find love? I guess?]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteRestaurant3.png" alt="Charlotte sitting. She is wearing a red strapped dress, and more make-up than she does at the office. Her hair in a single braid. The wall behind her is adorned with paintings.">
<<charlotte>>Getting debt free is a good thing. But it's not exactly a life goal is it. You were probably debt free through your entire childhood, it's not really an accomplishment. Being free to do whatever? What is whatever? What do you want to do?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Huh, well, I guess you got a point. I uh... Well...<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Man, you're cute as a kitten right now. But i bet that's not what you're going for.<</charlotte>>
//You can feel the color red creeping over your face.//
<<player>>Well, uh. I guess I just want to be free. This debt, is frankly not my fault, it was a shitty inheritance, and I'm trying to get out. I haven't really thought too much about what I'll do after, like life goals and stuff like that.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>I see. Maybe you like to have other people do the thinking for you, hm?<</charlotte>>
[[You know, that doesn't sound too bad right now]]
[[I don't know about that]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteRestaurant3.png" alt="Charlotte sitting. She is wearing a red strapped dress, and more make-up than she does at the office. Her hair in a single braid. The wall behind her is adorned with paintings.">
<<charlotte>>That's understandable. You can get there easily if you get the job with us. Then what?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Then? Hmm. I don't know. After owning the place I live and maybe getting some passive income from investments I guess I'll be free to do whatever I want?<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Which is what exactly?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>I guess I haven't thought that far? A vacation I guess. But I'll finally have time to figure something out then.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Like you have been busy every minute of your adult life. You have no clue at all, do you. That's fine, but you should accept that then, and don't think there's a grand plan inside you waiting to come out as soon as you're financially secure.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Uh, well... I. That's kinda harsh...<</player>>
<<charlotte>>I'm just being real with you. I'm not judging you for it. Just trying to save you the embarassment of trying to outline a great plan that does not, and will probably never exist. What you're describing is exactly how to get a mid-life crisis. This is how we get alle these balding men in Porsches with nothing to do trying to pick up young girls.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Maybe.. I don't know. What are you getting at?<</player>>
<<charlotte>>A person like you, sweet as you are, is not the person to make grand plans and big waves. And that's fine. Maybe you are the kind of person who would have it better if someone did the thinking for you?<</charlotte>>
[[You know, that doesn't sound too bad right now]]
[[I don't know about that]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteRestaurant3.png" alt="Charlotte sitting. She is wearing a red strapped dress, and more make-up than she does at the office. Her hair in a single braid. The wall behind her is adorned with paintings.">
<<charlotte>>To find love? You surprise me.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Well, don't we all? It's easy to get caught up in the practicalities of day to day, and even the practicalities of your whole life. But if there's no love to be found what's the point of having a 401(k)? Or getting rich for that matter.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>It's true. I guess I have always been blessed in that regard with my family. We humans are not solitary creatures, we cannot really function without a flock. In solitude all our efforts go towards finding a partner or mate, sooner or later. <</charlotte>>
<<player>>I guess so. I mean, I'm pretty comfortable living by myself, but I don't plan on doing that forever. It would be nice to settle down with someone into something stable at some point.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>I'm glad to hear that. While I have noe shortage of people in my own life, it would be nice to find someone special. Someone to share everything with.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Do you have anyone particular in mind?<</player>>
<<charlotte>>I'm not sure. Maybe we'll find out.<</charlotte>>
//You really wish she was easier to read, she did not change expression one bit saying that.//
[[So, what are you looking for exactly?]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteRestaurant3.png" alt="Charlotte sitting. She is wearing a red strapped dress, and more make-up than she does at the office. Her hair in a single braid. The wall behind her is adorned with paintings.">
<<if $charlottesBitch>><<charlotte>>Sounds about right. In your case it's more a question of you being worthy of that, isn't it. We both know what you want. You want to be lead, in every way, don't you?<</charlotte>>
<</if>><<charlotte>>I had a feeling you might say that. So you dream about being taken care of and provided for? And by a strong woman perhaps?<</charlotte>>
[[Yes, please]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteRestaurant3.png" alt="Charlotte sitting. She is wearing a red strapped dress, and more make-up than she does at the office. Her hair in a single braid. The wall behind her is adorned with paintings.">
<<charlotte>>Really? Have I figured you that wrong, or are you perhaps being a tad dishonest right now?<</charlotte>>
<<if $youWantToSubmitToCharlotte or $charlottesBitch>>//Am I really that transparent? I guess so...//
<<player>>To be honest I've never been surrounded by so many strong-willed women, or even people, in my life. I've never really thought in these terms before. But I guess...<</player>>
[[maybe I would, even if it's a bit hard to accept.->Yes, please]]<<else>><<player>>Honestly my head is still spinning from all that's happened since I came here.<</player>>
[[You're right, that does sound great in some ways, but it's scary->Yes, please]]
[[But no, I couldn't put my life into someone elses hands like that]]
<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteRestaurant3.png" alt="Charlotte sitting. She is wearing a red strapped dress, and more make-up than she does at the office. Her hair in a single braid. The wall behind her is adorned with paintings.">
<<charlotte>>You're almost too sweet, continue like this and I might just eat you up. You are lucky I have food in front of me.<</charlotte>>
//You eat and talk for a while and get to the point where there's nothing left to eat or do at the restaurant. Charlotte asks for the tab and pays.//
<<if $charlottesBitch>><<charlotte>>I guess we've come to the part of the evening where I take you home and see how well you can follow some more orders.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Oh..wow, huh. I guess it is...<</player>>
//She smirks//
<<charlotte>>It is.<</charlotte>>
[[You go outside and hail a taxi]]
<</if>><<charlotte>>So, how about you come home with me?<</charlotte>>
//Well, that was forward.//
[[I would like that very much]]
[[I don't think that's a good idea. Sorry. I'm going home]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteRestaurant3.png" alt="Charlotte sitting. She is wearing a red strapped dress, and more make-up than she does at the office. Her hair in a single braid. The wall behind her is adorned with paintings.">
<<charlotte>>I thought you might, let's go.<</charlotte>>
//She gets up and walks towards the exit.//
[[You go outside and hail a taxi]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteRestaurant3.png" alt="Charlotte sitting. She is wearing a red strapped dress, and more make-up than she does at the office. Her hair in a single braid. The wall behind her is adorned with paintings.">
//She looks at you slightly perplexed.//
<<charlotte>>Really? Well.. I guess I'll see you on Monday then.<</charlotte>>
//And with that she walks out.//
[[Go home d13]]<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
<<if hasVisited("If you want me to.")>>//You're a cum-eater now. Congratulations. Man, am I really like that?//<<elseif hasVisited("Can I please not?")>>//She wants to push my limits, eh? I wonder if she can get me there... Who am I kidding?...//<<else>>//It's time for bed I guess....//<</if>>
<<link "Use laptop" "Google">><</link>>
[[Time to sleep->Day 14 - Sunday]]<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">\
<<set $day to $day+1>>
//So what did I do yesterday again, oh that! Right...//
[[I guess it's time to start the day, I have a feeling it will be very eventful!->End of update]]<img class="img-center" src="img/taxi.jpg" alt="a taxi standing on the street outside, it's dark out and the street is busy with people.">
<<charlotte>>There's our ride. Now if you think this is going to be some sort of test, then you are absolutely right. When you step into my apartment I expect you to do everything I tell you to do. No ifs or buts. Is that understood?<</charlotte>>
[[Clear as day, Ma'am]]
[[Uh, you know I think maybe I uh...(you get the hell out of there)]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteRed2.jpg" alt="Charlotte is standing in a red dress in a large livingroom. Two sofas, a chair and a low table is visible in the background. Everything in the room is done in brown and white.">
//Wow, this place looks like money.//
<<charlotte>>Welcome to my place, $MCFirstName. Now why don't you show me what a good boy you are going to be, and get down on all fours.<</charlotte>>
The way she looks at you, you understand that this is not a request.
[[You get down on all fours.]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/taxi.jpg" alt="a taxi standing on the street outside, it's dark out and the street is busy with people.">
<<charlotte>>Good! You can step into the taxi now.<</charlotte>>
[[You get in the cab]]<img class="img-center" src="img/taxi.jpg" alt="a taxi standing on the street outside, it's dark out and the street is busy with people.">
<<charlotte>>Yeah, I thought you might. Get out of here. See you on Monday, you big baby.<</charlotte>>
[[Go home d13]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteRed2.jpg" alt="Charlotte is standing in a red dress in a large livingroom. Two sofas, a chair and a low table is visible in the background. Everything in the room is done in brown and white.">
<<charlotte>>Good. Now close your eyes<</charlotte>>
[[You close your eyes->close eyes2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/black.jpg" alt="Blackness.">
<<charlotte>>Stay there.<</charlotte>>
You can hear her walking away from you and sitting down in a couch.
<<charlotte>>Crawl over here.<</charlotte>>
You crawl towards her voice.
<<charlotte>>Good boy, now open your eyes.<</charlotte>>
[[You open your eyes->open eyes2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteSpread.jpg" alt="An african american woman, with hair in one braid, wearing a red dress, she is sitting on a leather couch with legs spread and dress pulled up, exposing her pussy.">
<<charlotte>>Lick my pussy, $MCFirstName<</charlotte>>
//Slightly taken aback by how this evening is unfolding, you hesitate a litte, before you press your face against her wet pussy..//
<<charlotte>>That's it. Start slow and deep, give me some deep and greedy licking.<</charlotte>>
//Encouraged by her words, you do as she says.//
<<charlotte>>You love being a slut for me, don't you. Play your cards right and this might end up being a very regular thing. Now pick up the pace.<</charlotte>>
//You pick up the pace, you can feel her getting more wet as you're going. Covering your face with her juices.//
<<charlotte>>Now, put some... more power into it.<</charlotte>>
//She is breathing heavily as you're straining to comply and you're getting sweaty yourself both from arousal the physical work. The smell and taste of her pussy is overwhelming, and intoxicating.//
<<charlotte>>YES! HARDER!<</charlotte>>
//She's holding your head firmly and pressing hard from each side and you can feel her shaking.//
//She takes a little while to compose herself. Then she looks at you//
<<charlotte>>I bet you would like some fun too right about now.<</charlotte>>
<<if $charlottesBitch>>[[Yes, I would Ma'am]]<<else>>[[I wouldn't mind that]]<</if>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieSpread.jpg" alt="A voluptupos woman wearing an open shirt, exposing her breasts with a loose read tie. Sitting on a chair, spreading her legs exposing her pussy. She holds one foot up showing the sole of her high heeled shoe. In one hand she holds up a phone like she's taking a picture or recording.">
//Wow... //
<<sophie>>Hi, there bitch-boy. We're making a little movie, how about that? Won't that be fun? It's gonna be called "look at the wimp licking my shoe". Can you guess what happens now?<</sophie>>
//She looks at you, looking quite amused//
<<player>>I think I have an idea...<</player>>
<<sophie>>You better do what I say if you ever want a job anywhere ever again, you little shit.<</sophie>>
//She's got you by the balls and you both know that.//
<<sophie>>Now get down on all fours and crawl over here..<</sophie>>
[[You get down on all fours, and crawl over to her like she says.]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieSpread.jpg" alt="A voluptupos woman wearing an open shirt, exposing her breasts with a loose read tie. Sitting on a chair, spreading her legs exposing her pussy. She holds one foot up showing the sole of her high heeled shoe. In one hand she holds up a phone like she's taking a picture or recording.">
<<sophie>>That's right. Now, lick the sole of my shoe clean. This is your life now. Being my obedient little bitch. You're going to do whatever I tell you until I get tired of playing with you. You got that?<</sophie>>
//You hesitate, unsure wether you should stop licking her soles to answer her. She pulls her foot away and taps you on the head with it.//
<<sophie>>I asked if you got that, silly.<</sophie>>
<<player>>Yes, Sophie. I got it.<</player>>
<<sophie>>Good. Now get my shoes nice and clean. Use your whole tongue, up and down the soles. Up and down, up and down. Just like that. You can swallow the dirt as it builds up. This video is going to be great. You should see your face right now, you look like a complete idiot.<</sophie>>
<<sophie>>What an obedient little bitch, you can crawl under my desk and continue from there. I need to do something on the computer.<</sophie>>
//She puts the phone away and sits down behind her desk.//
[[Crawl under her desk]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Sophieunderdesk2.png" alt="You see sophies pussy from under her desk. Legs spread.">
<<sophie>>Now lick your owners pussy while she works, bitch boy. Get!<</sophie>>
//At least she is clean and pretty you think to yourself as you start licking up and down her pussy.//
<<sophie>>Mmmm, yeah just like that... I'm imposing a weekly tax on you. Every week, that is if you get any more weeks here, you will give me your one best client. Mmmm, don't stop.<</sophie>>
//You can feel her getting wetter.//
<<sophie>>Now... I know what you're thinking, but don't worry. Mhhh... You'll just have to work harder and I'm sure you'll do fine. Now... let's see here, oh! Yessss... Seems like your best client is... our local IKEA? You had that one, huh?....Mmmmmm.... not bad. I bet they generate tonnnnns of those annoyingly tiny expired invoices, but I can probably have it... Uhhh... automated!.....<</sophie>>
//She taps some more on the keyboard lazily while breathing heavily.//
<<set $PortfolioHealth -=5>>
<<sophie>>Aaand... it's mine. Thanks a lot for being so generous.... bitchboy....Mmmm, yeah that's enough. Get up. You can go back to your sad little loser life now. Go on, get up and get out.<</sophie>>
[[Crawl out from under her desk and leave]]
//You get up and try to ignore the shame burning in your face as you leave, wiping her juices from around your mouth with the back of your hand. This is not what you needed right now.//
[[Back to work->Work d12 1]]<img class="img-center" src="img/apartments.png" alt="A non-descript red brick apartment building on a downtown street. A couple of cars outside and a road.">
So you arrive in the city of Massasauga, with nothing but a bag of clothes and an old beaten up laptop. Your uncle William hooked you up with a job interview with a "Mrs. Meyer" tomorrow, at what he described as a potentially very lucrative job. Some company called "Finance Capital". That sounds exactly like what a shady white collar operation would call itself, which I guess could mean he might actually be right about that "lucrative" bit. You do not really know the man, but after your parents died, at least he came through with this. Lucky!
You don't really have any other options at this point as your parents left you nothing but debt (thanks, mom and dad!), so this will just have to work out somehow. William also provided you with an apartment, which with any luck is inside the building currently in front of you.
[[Go inside->Day 0]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in."><<audio "bgm2" stop>><<audio "bgm" loop volume 1 play>>
//What? Where is this? What did I... Oh right... I moved, and I need to get ready for the interview.//
[[Use laptop]]
[[Go to the interview->Outside]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteRestaurant3.png" alt="Charlotte sitting. She is wearing a red strapped dress, and more make-up than she does at the office. Her hair in a single braid. The wall behind her is adorned with paintings.">
<<charlotte>>That's a shame. You might have had a shot at something here, but I guess either pride or fear was just too strong for you.<</charlotte>>
//You keep talking about this and that until there's nothing left on your plates.//
<<charlotte>>I think I'm getting finished here. I got the bill, I'll see you on Monday $MCFirstName.<</charlotte>>
//With that it's clear she wants you to leave.//
<<player>>Thanks for dinner, $charlotte. This was nice.<</player>>
[[You leave->Go home d13]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteRestaurant3.png" alt="Charlotte sitting. She is wearing a red strapped dress, and more make-up than she does at the office. Her hair in a single braid. The wall behind her is adorned with paintings.">
She cuts a piece of meat on her plate and points it at you with her fork before putting it her mouth.
<<charlotte>><<if $copperSpoon2Feminist is true>>As you know, I believe women to be superior to men, and that will be the basis of any relationship I enter into. <</if>>No two dynamics are exactly the same, but some things are given. Obviously I would be in charge of everything. My man could work if he wanted to, or he could stay at home. At some point I would like for him to be home taking care of our child or children, at least for a couple of years. We could have a maid of course, or he could even BE the maid depending on circumstances. Anything could be discussed, but I would have the last word, always. Also, and this is where you act surprised, I have a very strong sadistic streak.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>What? Noo....<</player>>
You theatrically put you hands on the side of your face.
<<charlotte>>...So anyone interested in something with me should be prepared not only to be very obedient, but be willing to suffer for me. In return there will be occasional hard-earned rewards. And of course, the man would be free from responsibilites, those are all mine, even the responsiblity of his behaviour towards me. I will see to it that it is to my liking.<</charlotte>>
[[Somehow that sounds very appealing.]]
[[Wow, I don't know what to say to that.->Wow,I don't know what to say to that.]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteRestaurant3.png" alt="Charlotte sitting. She is wearing a red strapped dress, and more make-up than she does at the office. Her hair in a single braid. The wall behind her is adorned with paintings.">
<<charlotte>>Oh you do, but you can say it later when you have gathered the courage.<</charlotte>>
You eat and talk for a while and get to the point where there's nothing left to eat or do at the restaurant. Charlotte asks for the tab and pays.
<<if $charlottesBitch>><<charlotte>>I guess we've come to the part of the evening where I take you home and see how well you can follow orders.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Oh..wow, huh. I guess it is...<</player>>
//She smirks//
<<charlotte>>It is.<</charlotte>>
[[You go outside and hail a taxi]]
<</if>><<charlotte>>So, how about you come home with me?<</charlotte>>
//Well, that was forward.//
[[I would like that very much]]
<<if $youWantToSubmitToCharlotte is false>>[[I don't think that's a good idea. Sorry. I'm going home]]<</if>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteRestaurant3.png" alt="Charlotte sitting. She is wearing a red strapped dress, and more make-up than she does at the office. Her hair in a single braid. The wall behind her is adorned with paintings.">
<<charlotte>>Of course it does, it's how nature always intended it.<</charlotte>>
You eat and talk for a while and get to the point where there's nothing left to eat or do at the restaurant. Charlotte asks for the tab and pays.
<<charlotte>>I guess we've come to the part of the evening where I take you home and see how well you can follow orders.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Oh..wow, huh. I guess it is...<</player>>
//She smirks//
<<charlotte>>It is.<</charlotte>>
[[You go outside and hail a taxi]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteSpread.jpg" alt="An african american woman, with hair in one braid, wearing a red dress, she is sitting on a leather couch with legs spread and dress pulled up, exposing her pussy.">
<<charlotte>>Pull your pants down then, and I'll give you a hand with that. Stay on your knees.<</charlotte>>
[[You pull your pants down]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteSofa.png" alt="African-american woman with hair in a braid and a red dress, sitting up in a brown leather sofa">
<<charlotte>>Take your clothes off and lay down on your back.<</charlotte>>
//You take your clothes off and throw them in a pile to side, and then lay down on your back as she said. She just sits there for a little while looking at you. You can feel your cock harden as she's watching you.//
<<charlotte>>Getting hard already? Just from this?<</charlotte>>
//She put her foot on the shaft of your dick and starts to press down.//
<<charlotte>>How is your self-control? Are you able to hold it in until you get to the main course, or are you one of those boys that I might as well keep locked up?<</charlotte>>
//She presses down harder on your dick with her foot and starts to grind it up and down along the shaft. You can feel the pressure start building immediately, you could easily cum now if you don't put some effort into holding back,//
[[Hold it in as good as you can.]]
[[You really want to cum now, let it go.]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
<<if hasVisited("You pull you pants down")>>I am under orders to only have humilitating orgasms from now on. I think I am going to have a hard time not thinking of tonight for a while, so that sorts it self out in a way.<<elseif hasVisited("You really want to cum now, let it go.")>>Ugh, I came early, how embarassing. WAS it the thought of being locked up?...Hmmmm...<<else>>//It's time for bed...//<</if>>
<<link "Use laptop" "Google">><</link>>
[[Time to sleep->Day 14 - Sunday]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteSofa.png" alt="African-american woman with hair in a braid and a red dress, sitting up in a brown leather sofa">
//She doesn’t even look at your erect cock, she just grabs your balls while looking you straight in the eyes. She gives them a light squeeze and then starts slowly stroking you. //
<<charlotte>> How does that feel? <</charlotte>>
<<player>>It feels amazing...<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Good, now I'm going to make a new rule.<</charlotte>>
//She speaks softly as she keeps stroking you.//
<<charlotte>>Whenever I make you cum, you will eat it. You can't have one without the other. Is that understood?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Yes Ma'am, I'll... eat it.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Good, you will cum in my hand, and then you will eat it from my hand.<</charlotte>>
//She intensifies her grip slightly and quickens the pace.//
<<charlotte>>Cumming should never be purely pleasurable for someone like you. It should always come with humiliation, pain or both. That is the way it should be.<</charlotte>>
//Her long hard stroking is bringing you close, she holds her free hand in front of your dick ready to catch the load.//
<<charlotte>>You're getting closer, now get ready to show me what a bitch you are.<</charlotte>>
//It's building rapidy, you can't hold much longer.//
<<charlotte>>Aaaalmost there... Now cum for me.<</charlotte>>
//At her words you can't help but cumming. She holds her hand around the head of your dick catching all the semen.//
<<charlotte>>Theeere you go, good boy, now open your mouth and stick your tongue out.<</charlotte>>
//You do as she says and she immediately starts to wipe her hand on your tongue leaving your sticky semen on it.//
<<charlotte>>Now swallow it, swallow every last drop like a good bitch, then open your mouth for more.<</charlotte>>
//You swallow it and stick your tongue out again, she continues to wipe her hand on it, and you swallow. She looks you straight into your eyes and then she sticks her fingers down your throat. She presses them slowly down your throat until your gag reflex kicks in. Then she pulls her fingers out.//
<<charlotte>>Now this is what sex should be for you. You're not man enough for anything more. Your every orgasm should remind you of how pathetic you are, every time. Is that understood?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Yes, Ma'am.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Good. I'm done with you for now. You can go home now. You'll probably want to jerk off again thinking about this.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Yes, Ma'am, thank you Ma'am.<</player>>
[[You leave->Go home d13 2]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteSofa.png" alt="African-american woman with hair in a braid and a red dress, sitting up in a brown leather sofa">
//She keeps stroking your dick with her foot. It feels incredible. She adds some more pressure, and some more until it starts to get uncomfortable.//
<<charlotte>>Too much yet?<</charlotte>>
//She presses some more until she sees the pain on your face and seems satisfied with that, then goes back to a mild firm pressure and gets into a rythm.//
<<charlotte>>Let's see if you can hold out a bit more.<</charlotte>>
//She distributes the pressure evenly under much of her foot and quickens the pace, you can't hold any longer.//
<<player>>Gaaaah.... I can't take anymore.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Hmph... It's up to you.<</charlotte>>
//You let got and jizz starts shooting up and landing on your stomach.//
<<charlotte>>Was it the mention of getting locked up that got you going this early? Or is the prospect of fucking me maybe a bit too much to handle? No matter, wait here.<</charlotte>>
//She gets up and leaves the livingroom. She comes back with a towel and throws it towards you. //
<<charlotte>>You can clean up and get dressed now.<</charlotte>>
//Once again you do as she says.//
<<charlotte>>You did well $MCFirstName, we can take this further if you are up for it. But now I'd like to get some sleep. Alone. If you need taxi money there is some in the dresser by the door.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Ok. I had a great time. Bye for now then.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>See you on Monday.<</charlotte>>
[[Time to go home->Go home d13 2]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteSofa.png" alt="African-american woman with hair in a braid and a red dress, sitting up in a brown leather sofa">
//She keeps stroking your dick with her foot. It feels incredible. She adds some more pressure, and some more until it starts to get uncomfortable. Then continues adding pressure until she can see the pain on your face and seems satisfied. She then eases on the pressure again and gets into a rythm. The pressure quickly builds again and you need to really focus to hold back.//
<<charlotte>>You still hanging in there?<</charlotte>>
//She removes her foot and watches as your dick throbs into the air for a little while.//
<<charlotte>>Can you keep it hard for a while with no physical stimuli?<</charlotte>>
//You have no trouble keeping it hard just watching Charlotte sitting above you and looking down.//
<<player>>Yes, I can manage.<</player>>
//She sits there watching you for a little while longer. She looks absolutely regal sitting there.//
<<charlotte>>Let's move on then.<</charlotte>>
[[You watch as she stands up and removes her dress.]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteRiding.png" alt="African-american woman with hair in a braid, naked and sitting on top a white man, riding his dick">
//She sits down over you, your hard cock slides into her pussy as she sits down. She starts to do gentle rolling motions back and forth, looking into your eyes as she rides you. Her breathing gets heavier.//
<<charlotte>>Do you like the view?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>It's the best I've ever seen.<</player>>
//She smiles at you.//
<<charlotte>>It better be... And this is the only way you will ever fuck me, if you get another chance. I'm always on top.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>That's perff....<</player>>
//She intensifies the pressure and increases the rythm. You are not going to last much longer at this rate.//
<<charlotte>>Having trouble? Don't come yet.<</charlotte>>
//She leans forward and quickens the pace even more. Her breathing is getting heavier, she must be close too. You muster what you have of willpower to last a bit longer.//
//You can feel her pussy contract strongly which brings you over the edge too, shooting your load into her. She collapses on top of you and lays there for a little while before getting up again.//
<<charlotte>>Who said you could cum?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Uhm, sorry?<</player>>
<<charlotte>>It's fine... But don't you think you should clean up the mess you made?<</charlotte>>
[[If you want me to.]]
[[Can I please not?]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/creampie.png" alt="A close-up of a shave pussy, seated on a couch, with a small amount jizz coming out of it.">
//She sits up on the couch.//
<<charlotte>>Oh, aren't you just eager to please. Yes, I do want you to.<</charlotte>>
//She spreads her legs and you can see your own juices oozing out of her pussy. This is new for you, but you probably can't deny her anything at this point. You slowly move closer.//
<<charlotte>>You haven't done this before have you. Don't be shy, just eat it.<</charlotte>>
//She place a hand on your head and gently but firmly presses your face against her pussy.//
<<charlotte>>Stick your tongue in there, lick it out. Do it like you mean it.
//You try not to think too much about it and start licking like you did just earlier. And swallow as you go. You can hear her moaning softly as you start to swallow, clearly enjoying it.//
<<charlotte>>You're a cum-licker now, boy. A cum-swallower. And from now on you always will be. <</charlotte>>
//She chuckles. You know she's right. There's no way to undo this. Oh, well, you continue dilligently enjoying the sweet sounds coming from her while trying to ignore the salty taste.//
<<charlotte>>You'll get used to it. And learn to enjoy it.<</charlotte>>
//You think you've gotten out all that you can at this point. She loosens her grip.//
<<charlotte>>Not bad, $MCFirstName. Not bad at all. Come here.<</charlotte>>
//She leans forward and gives you a long deep kiss. It has such intensity you almost lose your balance standing on your knees. //
<<charlotte>>You can get up now.<</charlotte>>
[[You stand up.]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteSofanude.png" alt="African-american woman with hair in a braid, naked and sitting in a brown sofa">
<<charlotte>>That's a limit is it? That's fine. Limits are good, it's so much fun pushing them. Maybe we'll get to do that later, hm?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Uhm, yeah, maybe.<</player>>
//She smiles knowingly. You think you both know that given some time she can probably make you do whatever she wants.//
<<charlotte>>As fun as this has been, It's getting time for me to sleep soon. Alone. If you need cab money it's in the dresser by the door. See you on Monday, $MCFirstName<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Yes, this was great. See you on Monday<</player>>
[[You get dressed and leave->Go home d13]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteSofanude.png" alt="African-american woman with hair in a braid, naked and sitting in a brown sofa">
<<charlotte>>As fun as this has been, It's getting time for me to sleep soon. Alone. If you need cab money it's in the dresser by the door. See you on Monday, $MCFirstName.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Yeah, this was great. See you on Monday<</player>>
[[You get dressed and leave->Go home d13]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
You send Charlotte a message asking if she could help you out some, saying that you just lucked out with a customer but really could use some pointers. She tells you to come over to her office.
[[You go to Charlotte's office->Ask Charlotte for help 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Charlotte2wide.png" alt="An african-american woman with her hair in a braid, wearing an office suit. A serious but relaxed expression on her face.">
<<charlotte>>You just lucked out you say... Close the door behind you.
I can help you out, but my time is valuable, so you won't get it for free. Don't worry though, I won't ask for money, we both know you don't have much.
In fact I can help you twice over. You see, what typically gets in the way for you men is your pride. It makes you afraid to admit to yourselves that you might not be measuring up, and this fear holds you back. But I will deal with that too, if you really want me to.
So, do you really want my help?<</charlotte>>
[[This got a bit more intense than you had imagined but you say yes, you need help.->Kiss it]]
[[When you put it like that, I think I'll just handle this on my own.->Back to the office 4 2]] <img class="img-center" src="img/laptop.jpg" alt="an old, crappy and slightly dirty looking laptop on a desk">
Google: <<linkreplace "Finance Capital" t8n>>It seems to be a debt collection company. Only a few years old, and quite small from the looks of it. They sure are making a lot money though. <</linkreplace>>
Google: <<linkreplace "Charlotte Armand" t8n>>You search her name. Not much seems to come up, but the name Armand and this city sure pops up a lot. Looks like there are a lot of influential Armand's in this city. Business owners, politicians, lawyers...She has a sister called "Ottilie Armand" who... runs a private army?
Wow.. If all these Armands are one family, then they must have been here for quite a
while. What kind of name is that anyway...?\
<<set $GoogledArmand to true>><</linkreplace>>
Google: <<linkreplace "Sophie+Finance Capital" t8n>>Her full name is Sophie Lynch. Other than that I can't find much. It seems she's from a place called Shepherdstown in West Virginia, I guess that would explain the accent, if that's her. <<set $GoogledSophie to true>><</linkreplace>>
<<if $AskedAboutArmand == true>>Google: <<linkreplace "Armand+1800s+Lousiana" t8n>>Apparently there was a slave revolt in Louisiana in 1811, other than that you don't find anything noteworthy. Nothing with Armand.
<</if>><<if hasVisited("So you know her mother then?") or hasVisited("I like Charlotte. Have you known her for a long time?")>>Google: <<linkreplace "Marcelle Armand" t8n>> Marcelle Armand is on the board of a whole host of companies, owns a lot of land in Michigan and it seems also in Louisiana. But there’s not much else to find.<</linkreplace>>
<</if>><<if hasVisited("Birdies")>>Google: <<linkreplace "Zohreh + Lawyer + Finance Capital" t8n>> Her full name is Zohreh Zamani. There’s an old newspaper article on her. Apparently she is the youngest person to ever graduate from The University of Michigan with a law degree, and with some scholarship award. I guess she is pretty smart.<</linkreplace>>
<</if>><<if hasVisited("Sure, I'll get us both. What can I get you?")>>Google: <<linkreplace "How to make a Painkiller Cocktail" t8n>>Fill a cocktail shaker with ice, then add pineapple juice, rum, orange juice, and cream of coconut. Shake until cold, about 15 to 30 seconds.Then pour into a glass filled with ice, and grate nutmeg on top. Garnish with orange slice and serve. Hey, why did I google that? I don’t want more of those.<</linkreplace>>
<</if>><<if $VisitedZohreh>>Google: <<linkreplace "State of Superior" t8n>> There was an attempt to make a 51st state called Superior or Ontonagon at the Ontonagon convention in 1858. I can’t really find any mention of the legal compromises Zohreh spoke of though. Several attempts at independence have been tried over the years, last time in 1962, hmm...<</linkreplace>>
<</if>><<if hasVisited("Driving Mrs. Meyer")>>Google: <<linkreplace "Springborn Biosys +research" t8n>>Springborn Biosys. A fairly large, and old pharmaceutical company. They have a bunch of papers published over the last few years, you can't read them of course but you can see some titles and keywords attributed to them; chemical neural programming, behavioral analytics and adjustment, libido suppressants and mental health, alternatives to chemical castration, 21st century prison population control, hormonal keys to the peculiarities of the male psyche, experiments in shared access cybernetics... The list goes on and on. Something tells me these guys are uh, up to something.<</linkreplace>>
<</if>><<if $youMetTheCop>>Google: <<linkreplace "Massasauga police brutality" t8n>>You find some posts about people having bad experiences with cops around here, mainly from tourists, and men. It seems your experience wasn't totally unique at least, but there doesn't seem to be any epidemic either, hmmm..<</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<link "Close laptop" $playerPassage>>
<</link>><img class="img-center" src="img/Charlottewhipoffice.jpg" alt="A black woman with her hair in a long braid, wearing a black shirt, a belt and black skirt. She is in a large, dark single office and she is holding a bullwhip">
Charlotte pulls a large and intimidating looking black leather bullwhip out from under her desk, and positions herself at a good striking distance.
//Fuck me...This is going to hurt.//
<<charlotte>>I am going to give you some motivation now. Hopefully this will help you get your shit together. I don't know what you've been doing around here, but I am certain you can do better if you just focus. Now, I'm not going to pretend this is tough love or some bullshit like that, this is me dishing out some real pain because I want to see you suffer. But I am serious when I'm saying that you can use this in a beneficial way, and you should.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Uh...Right, shit...<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Get ready.<</charlotte>>
[[First strike]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/Charlottewhipoffice.jpg" alt="A black woman with her hair in a long braid, wearing a black shirt, a belt and black skirt. She is in a large, dark single office and she is holding a bullwhip">
<<audio "whiplash1" play>>
There's a sharp, intense pain on your back, shortly followed by a burning sensation.
<<charlotte>>Screaming is permitted, but try and keep it down a little. Some people are still trying to work.<</charlotte>>
Her tone of voice is cold as ice.
[[Second strike]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Charlottewhipoffice.jpg" alt="A black woman with her hair in a long braid, wearing a black shirt, a belt and black skirt. She is in a large, dark single office and she is holding a bullwhip">
<<audio "whiplash2" play>>
//Jeeeesus, this hurts! You have never felt pain quite like this//
You are still facing the wall, but you can hear her reposistion her feet for another strike already.
[[Strike three]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Charlottewhipoffice.jpg" alt="A black woman with her hair in a long braid, wearing a black shirt, a belt and black skirt. She is in a large, dark single office and she is holding a bullwhip">
<<audio "whiplash1" play>>
//Aww, man you wonder how long she will keep this going.//
<<charlotte>>Such a noisy boy.<</charlotte>>
You can hear the smile on her voice as she says it.
//She's really enjoying this.//
[[Strike four]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Charlottewhipoffice.jpg" alt="A black woman with her hair in a long braid, wearing a black shirt, a belt and black skirt. She is in a large, dark single office and she is holding a bullwhip">
<<audio "whiplash2" play>>
<<player>>AUGH! Ugh...<</player>>
You're starting to feel it in your teeth as well now from clenching them so hard together.
<<player>>Ugh, could I please have something to bite on, $charlotte?<</player>>
You can hear her walking over to her desk, open a drawer and take something out before walking over to you. She speaks softly straight into your ear.
<<charlotte>>Open your mouth.<</charlotte>>
You open your mouth and she puts a thin leather bound notebook in it. You bite on it.
[[Strike five]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Charlottewhipoffice.jpg" alt="A black woman with her hair in a long braid, wearing a black shirt, a belt and black skirt. She is in a large, dark single office and she is holding a bullwhip">
<<audio "whiplash1" play>>
The individual strikes don't sting as much as they did initially, they have been dulled by a very big and painful burning sensation. You can feel something running down your back. You realize it must be blood.
<<charlotte>>Oh, look at that. You are bleeding already. Thin skin, huh? Or maybe you're just not used to this kind of treatment, yet. I don't think you'll bleed much, but I think we'll say we're good for now before you stain my carpet. Come over here.<</charlotte>>
She takes you to her desk where she has some disinfectant and cotton swabs. She takes care of your wound.
<<charlotte>>The bleeding has stopped and scabbed over, so you can put your shirt back on. Now, as I was saying. You're going to be feeling this for the next four or five days I gather. Use that to remind you what slacking off gets you. Custom dictates you should thank me now.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Thank you $charlotte.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>You're welcome. I'll see you later $MCFirstName.<</charlotte>>
[[It's time to go home->Go home d12]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteRestaurant3.png" alt="Charlotte sitting. She is wearing a red strapped dress, and more make-up than she does at the office. Her hair in a single braid. The wall behind her is adorned with paintings.">
<<charlotte>>Ultimately I'm looking for marriage.<</charlotte>>
She states it as the plain fact it is.
<<player>>Just like that, huh?<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Just like that. Too direct for you?<</charlotte>>
<<player>>No, just a bit surprised to hear it stated so bluntly.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Well, you asked so there it is. But as you'd expect my standards are high.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>No surprise there. I bet whoever lucks out is going to have to work hard for it.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>You got that right...<</charlotte>>
[[So what would a long term relationship with you look like?]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
Oh, well. Plenty of time to worry about that tomorrow.
<<link "Use laptop" "Google">><</link>>
[[Go to sleep ->Day 2]]Finance Capital<br>
<p style="text-align:center;margin: 0;padding: 0; font-size: 2em;">Day: $day</p><div style="text-align:left;">
<h2>Personal Finances</h2>
<</nobr>><p2>- Income: ''$income''
- Money: ''$money''
- Weekly rent: ''$CrummyApartmentRent''
- Weekly debt down payment: ''$DebtPerWeek ''
- Total weekly cost: ''<<print $CrummyApartmentRent + $DebtPerWeek>>''</p2>
<h2>Target-critical Numbers</h2>
<</nobr>><p2>- Portfolio Health: ''$PortfolioHealth''
- Business Acumen: ''$BusinessAcumen''
- Legal Savvy: ''$LegalSavvy''
- Bonus Points: ''$BonusPoints''</p2>
<h2>Your Attributes</h2>
<</nobr>><p2>- Confidence: ''$confidence''
- Empathy: ''$empathy''
- Self-respect: ''$SelfRespect''</p2>
<h2>Co-worker relations</h2>
<</nobr>><p2>- Charlotte's Respect: ''$CharlotteRespect''
- Sophie's Respect: ''$SophieRespect''
- Mrs. Meyer's Respect: ''$MeyerRespect''</p2>
</div><img class="img-center" src="img/contract.png" alt="A bunch of loose A4 pages with printed letters, laid out over a messy table, a glass on the side, a plate is laid atop some of the pages">
<<set $contractReadDay4 to true>>
//You sit down with a notebook and some markers, trying to make sense of your contract. It's mostly an exercise in looking up words on Google and trying to figure out what they mean in a legal sense. You do this until you get a head-ache, then put it away for another day.
You are unsure whether you are getting smarter or you are getting brain damage. //
<<set $LegalSavvy +=1>>
[[Put it away for now->Go home 4]]
d1 contact your clients 25
BonusPoint 1
MeyerRespect -1
d2 charlotte advice 4 (-1 confidence)??
d3 research market
BonusPoint 1
d4 expand 3 -
d5 collect debts -
totalt -> 32 / 34
<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
//You got a message from Sophie. She wants you to come by her office. //
[[Visit Sophie->Sophies Office d9 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Sophiebanana.jpg" alt="Sophie is wearing a white shirt and a red tie, she is sitting on her desk. holding a banana in her right hand looking at you">
<<sophie>>Hi $MCFirstName. I was just thinking, did you have a proper breakfast today? <</sophie>>
<<player>>Well, not a great one I suppose.<</player>>
<<sophie>>I knew it! It's the most important meal of the day you know.<</sophie>>
<<player>>That's what they say...<</player>>
<<sophie>>No worries, I got you $MCFirstName. Get over here and open your mouth.<</sophie>>
[[Uh, I don't know Sophie, I really should get to work.]]
[[You walk over to her and open your mouth.]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Sophiebanana.jpg" alt="Sophie is wearing a white shirt and a red tie, she is sitting on her desk. holding a banana in her right and looking at you">
<<sophie>>Oh, come on. Don't be such a drag $MCFirstName!<</sophie>>
[[Oh, all right, you walk over to her and open your mouth]]
[[Sorry, Soph. I really need to get to work.]] <img class="img-center" src="img/Sophiebanana.jpg" alt="Sophie is wearing a white shirt and a red tie, she is sitting on her desk. holding a banana in her right and looking at you"><<set $simpingForSophie +=1>>
<<sophie>>Ok, now here it comes!<</sophie>>
She peels the skin of the banana and points it towards your mouth.
<<sophie>>Don't get any dirty thoughts now, it's just a banana. Now, don't bite it straight away.<</sophie>>
She sticks the banana into your open mouth slowly.
<<sophie>>Keep your mouth open.<</sophie>>
[[You keep your mouth open.]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Sophiebanana.jpg" alt="Sophie is wearing a white shirt and a red tie, she is sitting on her desk. holding a banana in her right and looking at you">
<<sophie>>Yay! Ok, now here it comes!<</sophie>>
She peels the skin of the banana and points it towards your mouth.
<<sophie>>Don't get any dirty thoughts now, it's just a banana. Now, don't bite it straight away.<</sophie>>
She sticks the banana into your open mouth slowly.
<<sophie>>Keep your mouth open.<</sophie>>
[[You keep your mouth open.]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Sophiebanana.jpg" alt="Sophie is wearing a white shirt and a red tie, she is sitting on her desk. holding a banana in her right and looking at you">
<<sophie>>Ugh, have it your way. See you later, $MCFirstName.<</sophie>>
[[You go back to your desk->Work d9 1]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Sophiebanana.jpg" alt="Sophie is wearing a white shirt and a red tie, she is sitting on her desk. holding a banana in her right and looking at you"><<set $simpingForSophie =1>><<set $SophieRespect -=1>>
She takes the banana out again
<<sophie>>Say, do you know how much of a gag reflex you have? I bet you don't know!<</sophie>>
<<player>>Well, I...<</player>>
<<sophie>>Just keep your mouth open, and we'll find out together.<</sophie>>
She slowly pushes the banana towards the back of your mouth, all the way in until you suddenly spasm with the gag reflex.
<<player>> *KHKAAK*<</player>>
<<sophie>>Aaaahaha, theeeere it is. It's pretty far back actually. I bet you could be a great cock-sucker. Have you ever sucked cock before?<</sophie>>
<<player>>No I haven't...<</player>>
<<sophie>>Are you sure..? Whatever. Now open your mouth again, we mustn't forget to eat.<</sophie>>
[[You open your mouth again.]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/Sophiebanana.jpg" alt="Sophie is wearing a white shirt and a red tie, she is sitting on her desk. holding a banana in her right and looking at you">
<<sophie>>Let me soften it a bit for you first.<</sophie>>
She looks you into the eyes and starts licking the banana, up and down slowly. From the bottom to the top, and down again.
<<sophie>>Now you do it. Tongue out.<</sophie>>
You stick your tongue out. She moves the banana up and down on your tongue slowly, starting at the bottom, just like she did herself.
<<sophie>>Ok, now for the main course.<</sophie>>
She sticks the banana into your open mouth.
<<sophie>>Now eat it.<</sophie>>
You chew down on it, and as you do so she immediately pushes more banana into your mouth as you are chewing.
<<sophie>>Now swallow, we don't have all day here, swallow!<</sophie>>
Your mouth is now so full of banana your cheeks bulge out. You swallow quickly as more banana is pressed into your mouth, and finally all of it.
<<sophie>>Haha, you're so silly, $MCFirstName. Look at you. It's like you never ate banana before.<</sophie>>
<<player>>Wwwll, tht's mmmmhh, mmshtr shlly.<</player>>
<<sophie>>That was fun. But now that we got you breakfast I really need to get back to work, $MCFirstName.<</sophie>>
She sits down behind her desk and starts typing into her computer.
[[You go back to work->Work d9 1]]<img class="img-center" src="img/phone.jpg" alt="An old phone on a desk with many small programmable buttons on the side">
<<audio "phonering" play>>
//You answer and there 's a young distressed-sounding man speaking. //
<<say "Unknown man" "img/portraits/playerp.jpg">>Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, Sir. I hope I can have some of your time. My name is Justin Miller and I call on behalf of my mother, Sylvia Miller. You see, Sylvia has acquired a huge debt, she is quite sick you see. She has serious amnesia and still acts like if my father was still alive. She used to be quite well off, but that is simply not the case anymore. She knows this on her good days, but that does not help her much as she has episodes where she forgets and spends way beyond her ability. I understand that your company own the majority of her debt now and that it is forfeit in a few days. If she does not pay now, which is not going to happen, the debt will grow substantially. I hope you can have some understanding and give us, her family, some time to find a solution to this before it becomes completely unmanageble. I can provide medical records if you need documentation.<</say>>
//You think... On one hand, this will probably not make a huge difference to you and the company. It is only one debtor, the debt will most likely be paid, just not this week.
On the other hand, you don't know how much this will affect your performance score, and if you don't do very well this week this might be what tips the balance against you. In addition this will cost you extra time that could be spent actually making money for the company instead... You must make a choice...//
<<link [[I'm sorry Mr. Miller, but policy dictates requests for postponal of payments must be made at a minimum two weeks before EOM. Have a good day, Mr. Miller]]>><<set $BonusPoints +=1>><<set $empathy -=1>><<set $CharlotteDislikesYou to true>><<set $CharlotteRespect -=1>><</link>>
<<link [[Send me the documentation on e-mail and I'll see what I can do. I can't make any promises, but I'll look into it and with some luck maybe I can freeze your mother's case while you sort it out. I'll speak to you later, good day Mr. Miller]]>><<set $CharlotteLikesYou to true>><<set $SelfRespect +=1>><<set $CharlotteRespect +=1>><</link>>
//Eh, I'll send this one to Sophie. It will probably take me hours to figure this out, but to her it's probably nothing.//
<<link [[I'm unsure whether I can autorize this, Mr. Miller. Will forward your case to a senior cosultant. You can expect an answer shortly.]]>><<set $confidence =1>><<set $CharlotteRespect -=1>><<set $SophieRespect -=1>><</link>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
//Ugh, people with sob-stories. You have your own problems, it's not like anyone is giving you any charity either.//
You think you hear something behind you.
<<charlotte>>/**ahem* <</charlotte>>
[[You turn around]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
//Hmph. I'll just have to see how this one pans out. Maybe I can ask Adam about it.//
You think you hear something behind you.
[[You turn around]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Charlotte2wide.png" alt="An african-american woman with her hair in a braid, wearing an office suit. A serious but relaxed expression on her face.">
It' Charlotte.
<<charlotte>>Just dropping by to tell you I was asked to come by and check up on your progress on Thursday. I have put it in my schedule at around 11:00, so if you need some pointers by then, make sure to be at your office.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Oh uh, thanks Charlotte.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Thank me later. See you around, $MCFirstName.<</charlotte>>
//She turns around and leaves. You wonder if she heard that conversation. If she did, you couldn't tell.//
[[Hey, look at the time! I'm out of here->Home 3]]<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieStandingInHerOffice.png" alt="A big, beautful blonde, wearing a white shirt with two buttons open and a black skirt, standing in an office.">
<<sophie>>There you are. I called you in here because I have a theory about you that I want to test out. You've been such a nice boy and have done everything I have told you to. Now I want you to strip and get on your knees.<</sophie>>
[[Uh, what? No, that's too far Sophie...]]
<<link [[You do as she says]]>><<set $simpingForSophie +=1>><</link>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
<<if $JenniferMailRead2 is false and $DoingJenny is true>>
<<link "Check e-mail(1)" "Another e-mail from Jenny">><<set $JenniferMailRead2 to true>><</link>><</if>>
[[You get a message from Sophie, she asks you to meet her in the conference room.->In the conference room]]<img class="img-center" src="img/desk.jpg" alt="a cheap looking desk with two monitors appearing to run programs in windows, a small white tower PC on the side and a potted plant">
//Hopefully Sophie doesn't mind. Shouldn't think so, she seems helpful enough.//
You think you hear something behind you.
[[You turn around]]<img class="img-center" src="img/EmptyNightclub.jpg" alt="The nightclub, some people are dancing, others are chatting.">
You have another drink by yourself, what's with that reaction? You wonder what you did that pissed her off like that. After a while you decide to head home.
[[Go home 5 -2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>To me? Nothing. I just don't like your type. When someone calls you on behalf of a sick old woman to try and sort their case out, you have the option to try and be a bit helpful. If you don't then I guess that's just your character, isn't it. <</charlotte>><<if $empathy lt 4>>
<<player>>We're here to make money aren't we? I can't afford to waste time on other people's problems. I have my own.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>Of course you do. See you around $MCFirstName.<</charlotte>>
She leaves.
[[Ok, then. I guess I'll just uh...Be right here]]
<<else>>[[Look, I'm new at the job. I have lot to think about and sometimes I get overwhelmed and make a bad decision all right? I don't know what you heard, but I'm trying here]]
[[We're here to make money aren't we? I can't afford to waste time on other people's problems. I have my own.]]
<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/EmptyNightclub.jpg" alt="The nightclub, some people are dancing, others are chatting.">
You have another drink by yourself, what's with that reaction? You're surprised to see she would be such a bleeding heart.
You look at your watch and see it's getting late, I guess it's time.
[[You go home->Go home 5 -2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub."><<set $CharlotteDislikesYou to false>>
She eyes you with some obvious scepticism.
<<charlotte>>All right, I'll assume it was a one-time mistake for now. But do try and have some understanding when dealing with our debtors. While we are here to collect it does not mean we need to sacrifice our humanity.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>You're right, I agree with that. These just aren't the type of decisions I've been used to making.<</player>>
<<charlotte>>I'll believe that. See you around, $MCFirstName.<</charlotte>>
<<player>>Yeah, catch you later Charlotte.<</player>>
She leaves, and with that you're thinking it might be time to call it a night.
[[You go home->Go home 5 -2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/CharlotteNightclub1.jpg" alt="Charlotte in a white dress, with a white matching choker, standing in the nightclub.">
<<charlotte>>Of course you do. See you around $MCFirstName.<</charlotte>>
She leaves.
[[Ok, then. I guess I'll just uh...Be right here]]<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieStandingInHerOffice.png" alt="A big, beautful blonde, wearing a white shirt with two buttons open and a black skirt, standing in an office.">
<<sophie>>Oh, come on now. You've been so good up until now. Surely you can do this small little thing for me.<</sophie>>
[[I'm sorry Sophie, but I can't]]
[[Oh...Oh all right I'll do it.->You do as she says]]
<<link [[Oh...Oh all right I'll do it.|You do as she says]]>><<set $SelfRespect-=1>><<set $simpingForSophie +=1>><</link>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieStandingInHerOffice.png" alt="A big, beautful blonde, wearing a white shirt with two buttons open and a black skirt, standing in an office."><<set $SophieRespect -=1>>
<<if hasVisited("Uh, what? No, that's too far Sophie...")>><<sophie>>Yay! I knew you'd come around for me $MCFirstName<</sophie>><</if>>
She drinks in the sight of you as you obediently undress. Then walk over to you.
<<sophie>>Keep your hands behind your back. Now, just relax and don't move.<</sophie>>
She puts her hands around your neck and start squeezing. It's quite a strong grip, effectively stopping air and blood flow. You struggle to not move, feeling the pressure build.
<<sophie>>Good boy, just stay like that, don't worry I'm not going to kill you or anything.<</sophie>>
Just before panic sets in she eases the grip, and then resumes it. Involuntarily you feel your cock stiffening.
<<sophie>>Theeere it is... Just like i thought.<</sophie>>
She smiles looking down at your dick bobbing its head in the air.
<<sophie>>Ha-haaaa. You're one of those special boys!<</sophie>>
She looks very happy.
<<sophie>>You're going to be my special friend, $MCFirstName.<</sophie>>
You open your mouth to speak...
<<sophie>>Shush! You don't have to say anything, from now on I'll do most of the talking, alright? Of course, I know how boys like you are, you'll love this.<</sophie>>
She grabs your neck and start squeezing again, leaning over and whispering in your air.
<<sophie>>We're going to have a lot of fun, little man. Maybe I'll even let you cum one day. Letting you squirt your little load on the floor. Or maybe on my shoes, hmm? I bet you'd love that.<</sophie>>
For more than one reason you're starting to become quite red-faced and you're also starting to feel desperate for air, and just as before panic sets in, once again she lets go.
<<sophie>>I knew I was right about you. You can put your clothes on and leave now. We'll talk more later, ok?<</sophie>>
<<player>>Uh, yes Sophie. We'll...<</player>>
She waves you away with her hand dismissively, a small smile on her lips as you sheepishly put your clothes back on.
[[You leave->Work d12 1]]<img class="img-center" src="img/SophieStandingInHerOffice.png" alt="A big, beautful blonde, wearing a white shirt with two buttons open and a black skirt, standing in an office.">
<<sophie>>Pshh.. You're no fun. OK, then let's have a boring time then... apart.<</sophie>>
Her body language makes it clear she wants you to leave.
[[You leave->Work d12 1]]<img class="img-center" src="img/Bentley.png" alt="Mrs. Meyer dressed in a light grey office suit, standing on the street in front of an expensive looking silver colored car. The sun has set and the street is lit up by street lights and signs.">
You grab a taxi and make your way to the specified address with no difficulty.
//Is that a Bentley? Nice.//
<<meyer>>Mr.$MCLastName, I see you wasted no time getting here, good... Let's get moving.<</meyer>>
<<player>>All right then I'll just... drive this Bentley.<</player>>
Mrs. Meyer has gotten in the passanger seat before you finish the sentence.
[[You get in the car]]<img class="img-center" src="img/carinterior2.png" alt="The interior of a car, dashboard in front of you with the usual gauges and steering wheel, you see the road in front of you.">
<<player>>So, where are we going?<</player>>
<<meyer>>Southcrest, just go straight ahead and turn left, GPS should get you the rest of the way.<</meyer>>
//You start the car and and get on the road.//
<<player>>Ok, so what’s on the agenda for tonight? Business or pleasure?<</player>>
<<meyer>>A bit of both. I am meeting an old friend. She's the director of the research division of Springborn BioSys, you might have heard of them.<</meyer>>
<<if $BusinessAcumen gt 2>> //Two weeks ago you wouldn't have, but you now know they are a fairly big pharmaceutical company that have a large presence in this town.//
<<player>>Yes, I've heard of them. Some pharmaceutical outfit.<</player>>
<<meyer>>That's them. They are doing interesting things, and making a lot of money in the process..<</meyer>><<else>><<player>>Can't say that I have.<</player>>
<<meyer>>No? hmm... They're a Parmaceutical company and a big player in this town, you should know them.<</meyer>><<set $MeyerRespect -=1>><</if>>
The GPS informs you that you are at your destination.
[[You pull up to the side]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/carinterior1.jpg" alt="The interior of a car, dashboard in front of you with the usual gauges and steering wheel, you see the road in front of you.">
<<meyer>>This is where I get off. I'll call you when I'm done, it probably won't be more than a couple of hours, maybe less. You can take a drive if you want, but be here when I need you.<</meyer>>
<<player>>Yes, Ma'am<</player>>
She walks into the main entrance of the building you parked next to..
//Now what, maybe I'll take this car for a spin around the neighbourhood? Might be a good opportunity to familiarize myself a bit more with the town too.//
[[You drive off]]
[[I'm taking no chances, I am going to sit in this car and wait until Mrs. Meyer calls to ensure absolutely nothing happens]]<img class="img-center" src="img/carinterior1.jpg" alt="The interior of a car, dashboard in front of you with the usual gauges and steering wheel, you see the road in front of you.">
//You never drove a car that handled this well before, and you can tell it can go fast. In fact, it wants to go fast. It's DARING you to go fast.//
[[Fuck it, you only live once right? Just for a short stretch, GET READY TO STEP ON IT]]
[[Better not, I could get into all sorts of trouble.]]<img class="img-center" src="img/carinteriorcop.jpg" alt="The interior of a car, a female police officer is on foot in front of you, a motorcycle parked beside her.">
Fighting your instinct to see how fast this thing can go, you responsiby drive around the district, taking in the sights. You don't get very far before you see som blinking lights in the rearview mirror. Then a motorcycle speeds past you and motions for you to stop. I guess it's lucky I'm not speeding.
[[You stop the car on the side of the road.]]<img class="img-center" src="img/carinterior2.png" alt="The interior of a car, dashboard in front of you with the usual gauges and steering wheel, you see the road in front of you.">
You drive around for a little while, looking for a good place to see what this car can do. It doesn't take long before you come upon a good straight stretch of road without too many cars in the way. It's go-time.
[[You put some pressure on the pedal.]]<img class="img-center" src="img/carinteriorcop.jpg" alt="The interior of a car, a female police officer is on foot in front of you, a motorcycle parked beside her.">
<<set $caughtSpeeding to true>>
This thing responds like crazy, it accelerates FAST, and it doesn't take two seconds before you are at a speed where you don't dare go any faster. You're about to slow down again when a motorcycle speeds past you, switching on a siren and blue lights as it does so.
//SHIT! Oh, man this is bad. Jeeeesus fucking christ this is bad.//
The motorcycle cop is in front of you and is slowing down, signalling for you to stop.
//Yeah, you don't really have any other viable choices here.//
[[You stop the car on the side of the road.]]Ok, he, she? Is coming over, play it cool, you're new in town, new job, actually at work right now driving your boss, in fact you're kinda well off and respacteable now, be polite, casual, jovial, breathe. <<set $youMetTheCop to true>>
The cop walks over to you car and leans in the window.
<img class="img-center" src="img/copinwindow.png" alt="A female cop in a black leather motorcycle jacket with long black hair leans in the car window, she looks beautiful in a fierce kind of way.">
<<if $caughtSpeeding>><<cop>>Where's the fire?<</cop>>
<<player>>Uh, what? Sorry?<</player>>
<<cop>>You were driving quite fast there, is there some kind of emergency?<</cop>>
<<player>>Oh, uh no, you see, I'm not used to driving this car and it just accelerates so quickly and...<</player>><<else>><<cop>>A fine night for a drive, eh?<</cop>>
<<player>>Yeah, I guess...<</player>>
<<cop>>Nice car, must have cost you quite a bit...<</cop>>
<<player>>Well, it's not mine, but I guess it is pretty expensive looking.<</player>><</if>>
<<cop>>Not your car... Why am I not surprised. License and registration, please.<</cop>>
You open the glove compartment and fish out the registration and give her your license from your wallet. She looks at them.
<<cop>>This car is not registered in your name, so that part checks out. So what's an out-of-towner doing joy-riding in Massasauga with a car that doesn't belong to them?<</cop>>
<<player>>Well, you see I was driving..<</player>>
<<cop>>Step out of the vehicle and hold your hands where I can see them.<</cop>>
<<player>>But I..<</player>>
//I better do as the lady says.//
[[You step out of the car]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/reception1.png" alt="A bright and modern looking reception area, a young woman with brown hair and brown jacket, an academic type, is sitting behind the counter looking at you with a slight frown.">
The receptionist is looking at you expectantly, waiting for you to state your business.
<<player>>Hi, I'm here to meet a Mrs. Meyer, for a job interview.<</player>>
<<receptionist>>Another one looking to work at Finance Capital, eh.<</receptionist>>
The words are factually stated.
<<player>>I guess so...<</player>>
<<receptionist>>There's an appointment scheduled. You can find Mrs. Meyer on floor 6, the last door on the left, it’s the nice looking one.<</receptionist>>
She seems to push a button behind the counter and shortly after you hear a "ding" from the elevator.
You walk into the elevator.
[[You make your way to what you think must be Mrs. Meyers office, based on her description.->Empty office]] <img class="img-center" src="img/reception1.png" alt="A bright and modern looking reception area, a young woman with brown hair and brown jacket, an academic type, is sitting behind the counter looking at you with a slight frown.">
<<receptionist>>Still here, huh? I guess you got the job, congratulations.<</receptionist>>
//She sounds very insincere, she doesn't like me or what?//
<<player>>It seems I did, for a trial period if nothing else.<</player>>
<<receptionist>>Good on you. well, here's your keycard.<</receptionist>>
She hands you a blank white keycard.
<<receptionist>>You can enter the offices at any time now. Gotta clock in those late night overtime hours, right?<</receptionist>>
She sounds like she's mocking you, but not in any way that you can confront her with. //I guess that's a skill too.//
<<player>>Yeah, thanks. I'll get to work now, see you around.<</player>>
[[Get to work->work 3]]<img class="img-center" src="img/reception3.png" alt="A bright and modern looking reception area, a young woman with brown hair and brown jacket, an academic type, is sitting behind the counter looking at you, looking bored..">
<<receptionist>>Hi Mr.$MCLastName, I was told to remind you that you are up for review today. At Mrs. Meyer's office after lunch.<</receptionist>>
<<player>>Yeah, thanks. Would've been embarassing to forget, huh.<</player>>
<<receptionist>>It would.<</receptionist>>
She returns to reading a book.
[[Back to work, then->Work Day 5 1]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/copstanding.png" alt="A female cop in a black leather motorcycle jacket with long black hair.">
<<cop>>You have anything on you that I should know about? Weapons? Drugs?<</cop>>
<<player>>What? No! I'm trying to tell you I..<</player>>
<<cop>>Calm down boy, and just answer my questions. Now I want you to take off your jacket and throw it to the side.<</cop>>
You hesitantly take your jacket off and throw it on the ground.
<<cop>>Now pull your pants down, put your hands on the roof of the car, and spread your legs.<</cop>>
//...Did she say pull my pants down?//
[[Uh, what was that, officer?]]<img class="img-center" src="img/pistol1.png" alt="The cop is pointing a gun at you, and she's looking very serious.">
<<cop>>GET ON THE GROUND NOW!<</cop>>
You throw yourself to the ground.
<<cop>>When I give you an order you do it! No hesitation! Now pull down your pants, slowly.<</cop>>
You sheepishly comply.
<<cop>>And your underwear.<</cop>>
You know better than to argue at this point and take your underwear off.
<<cop>>Now sit up in a squatting position.<</cop>>
You awkwardly get up in a squat with your pants around your ankles.
<<cop>>Now let's see what kind of poison you're peddling shall we?<</cop>>
Squatting with your back to the police officer you can't see what she's doing but you hear the unmistaking, distinct snap of a latex glove being put on. She walks up behind you, you hear a rattle under you as she drops a small plastic mirror to the ground under your exposed butt. Suddenly you can feel her boot on your back, she is putting some of her weight on you pushing you into a deeper squat.
<<cop>>Now let's see if you're hiding something.<</cop>>
You feel her weight shifting as she's peering over to look into the mirror. Then you feel a latex-clad finger press against your sphincter.
<<cop>>Just relax, I'm just going to loosen you up a bit so that if you're hiding something in there, it will come plopping right out of there.<</cop>>
<<player>>I'm not hiding anything!<</player>>
<<cop>>Did I tell you to speak? ...No? Then shut up and let me do my job. Unless you'd rather I'd take you to the station?<</cop>>
You wisely decide to not say anything more. You're thinking that with some luck she let's you go and you can pick up Mrs. Meyer afterwards like nothing happened.
You feel some pain as her finger enters your ass. Then another one. She seems to be massaging your asshole from inside and out. You can hear she breathes a bit more heavily and she's putting some energy into this, her boot still pressing down on your back. After a while she takes her fingers out and presses down on your back even more and holds it there. It feels like it's for ten minutes, but who can tell.
You hear some giggles from some people walking by. You keep your eyes on the ground consoling yourself that the chances of anyone knowing you are very slim. After a while you feel her weight shifting again as she's getting off you.
<<cop>>Nothing's coming out. Looks like you're clean.<</cop>>
She steps back, not saying anything and you just sit there for little while.
<<player>>Can I get up now?<</player>>
<<cop>>Yes, and put some clothes on.<</cop>>
You pull your pants and underwear back on and pick up your jacket.
[[You turn around to face the cop]]<img class="img-center" src="img/copstanding.png" alt="A female cop in a black leather motorcycle jacket with long black hair.">
<<player>>Am I free to go now, officer?<</player>>
<<if $caughtSpeeding>><<cop>>Yes, you are. Your speeding ticket has already been electronically sent to the owner of the car, a Mrs. Meyer was it...?<</cop>>
//Aaaargh! Shit!//
<<player>>...Ok, then.<</player>>
<<cop>>Drive safely now.<</cop>><<else>><<cop>>Yes, you are. Drive carefully and enjoy your stay here in beautiful Massasauga.<</cop>>
//She says, like she's greeting you all normally, jolly even. //<</if>>
[[Uh, would you like to.. uh, go on a date with me?]]
[[You get back in the car]]<img class="img-center" src="img/carinterior1.jpg" alt="The interior of a car, dashboard in front of you with the usual gauges and steering wheel, you see the road in front of you.">
//The long arm of the law, my ass. More like, long fingers... and my ass.//
You decide to drive back to where you dropped Mrs. Meyer off and find a place to park.
The GPS tells you where to go and the drive is nice and uneventful, you take the time to look around a bit. You notice most of the buildings you see are quite new. This whole district probably wasn't even here 20 years ago.
Arriving at the place you quickly find a parking space nearby.
[[Wait for Mrs. Meyer to call]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/copstanding.png" alt="A female cop in a black leather motorcycle jacket with long black hair.">
She looks at you with a completely blank face.
<<cop>>You know, that's the funniest shit I heard all day. No, I wouldn't. Now, get out of here.<</cop>>
//Oh, well it was worth a try.//
[[You get back in the car]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/carinterior1.jpg" alt="The interior of a car, dashboard in front of you with the usual gauges and steering wheel, you see the road in front of you.">
It's been a couple of hours after you dropped her off, and your phone rings, Mrs. Meyer's name shows up on the display..
<<player>>Yes, I'm standing right outside.<</player>>
<<meyer>>Good, I'm coming out.<</meyer>>
[[You step out of the car so you can open the door for her]]<img class="img-center" src="img/carinterior1.jpg" alt="The interior of a car, dashboard in front of you with the usual gauges and steering wheel, you see the road in front of you.">
You find a suitable place to stay park and turn on the radio, and wait.
[[Wait for Mrs. Meyer to call]]<img class="img-center" src="img/meyeroutside.png" alt="Mrs. Meyer standing outside an entrance on a city street at night.">
You open the door for her, and she gets in.
<<meyer>>You can take me home now.<</meyer>>
You get the car moving.<<if $caughtSpeeding>> Should I tell her about the speeding ticket now? She'll find out anyway, maybe it's best if she hears it from me? Or maybe she doesn't care and don't want to hear about it?
[[You tell her you were caught speeding]]<</if>>
[[You ask her about her evening]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/carinterior2.png" alt="The interior of a car, dashboard in front of you with the usual gauges and steering wheel, you see the road in front of you."><<set $MeyerRespect -=1>><<set $youToldMeyerAboutSpeeding to true>>
She sounds completely uninterested.
<<player>>Yeah, uh, the police are pretty aggressive here, aren't they..<</player>>
<<meyer>>I imagine they can be.<</meyer>>
//yeah, better change the subject//
[[You ask her about her evening]]<img class="img-center" src="img/carinterior2.png" alt="The interior of a car, dashboard in front of you with the usual gauges and steering wheel, you see the road in front of you.">
<<meyer>>It was nice... Pleasant and productive, how about your evening, <<if $youToldMeyerAboutSpeeding>>apart from your little rendezvous with the police,<</if>>did you get a look at the city?<</meyer>>
<<if hasVisited("I'm taking no chances, I am going to sit in this car and wait until Mrs. Meyer calls to ensure absolutely nothing happens")>><<player>>To be honest I just sat outside and waited. I didn't want to take the chance of anything happening and not being available when you needed me.<<player>>
<<meyer>>Really? I would have thought a young man like yourself would be more adventurous. But I guess there can be plenty adventure to be found by doing what you're told too. It just won't be on your own terms.<</meyer>><<else>><<player>>Yes I did. There's a lot of newly developed real estate in this area isn't there, this town must have grown quite a lot in recent years.<</player>>
<<meyer>>Indeed it has, and it still is.<</meyer>><</if>>
<<if hasVisited("And what goals are those?")>><<player>>So the meeting tonight... I'm guessing it has to do with your greater goals that you briefly touched upon at Birdies?<</player>>
<<meyer>>Everything I do has to do with my long term goals, but yes, you could say that. Anyone wanting to have a hope of shaping the future need to know what new technology will bring and know how to use it when it's time.<</meyer>><</if>>
The GPS is telling you that Mrs. Meyer's stop is right up ahead. You drive up to a gate that opens up as you approach. On the other side is a collection of tall and nice looking apartment buildings.
<<meyer>>You can stop here. Just leave the car with the keys in it, a community manager will take it to the garage. I'll see you on Monday.<</meyer>>
<<player>>Yes, OK. See you then.<</player>>
Mrs. Meyer steps out of the car and walks towards one of they buildings.
//I guess I'll catch a cab then...//
[[You go home->Go home d12 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/reception3.png" alt="A bright and modern looking reception area, a young woman with brown hair and brown jacket, an academic type, is sitting behind the counter looking at you, looking bored..">
<<receptionist>>Hi Mr.$MCLastName, I was told to remind you there's another review today. At Mrs. Meyer's office after lunch, same as last week.<</receptionist>>
<<if $sophiesBitch>><<receptionist>>Also, Ms. Lynch told you to come straight to her office, said it was urgent.<</receptionist>>
<<player>>Okay thanks, I'll go see what she wants then.<</player>>
[[You go to Sophie's office->Sophie calls again]]<<elseif $SimpingForSophie gt 4>>She returns to reading a book.
[[Time to go to work->Work d12 sophies simp]]
<<else>>She returns to reading a book.
[[Let's get to it->Work d12 1]]<</if>>
<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in."><<audio "bgm" fadeout>>
<<if hasVisited("Driving Mrs. Meyer")>>Jeez, what an evening. What the hell was with that cop? Is it just my luck or are they like that here?
<<else>>It's getting late. I guess it's time for bed.<</if>>
<<link "Use laptop" "Google">><</link>>
[[Time to sleep->Day 13 - Saturday]]<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
<<meyer>>Good. I'll send you the adress to your phone, be seeing you soon.<</meyer>>
You get dressed and hear a beep as you receive a message.
[[You go to meet Mrs. Meyer->Driving Mrs. Meyer]]
<img class="img-center" src="img/crummyApartment.png" alt="A dark and sparsly furnitured, small single-room apartment. A single sofa, a cabinet, a refridgerator, two flimsy tables, and some buckets and messy tidbits about.Two small windows lets some light in.">
<<meyer>>I see. I'll see you on Monday then, Mr. $MCLastName.<</meyer>>
She hangs up. Was that wise? Probably not.
[[You go back to doing nothing->Go home d12 2]]<img class="img-center" src="img/reception1.png" alt="A bright and modern looking reception area, a young woman with brown hair and brown jacket, an academic type, is sitting behind the counter looking at you with a slight frown.">
<<receptionist>>Still with us I see.<</receptionist>>
She looks bored.
<<if $CharlottesProtection is true>>
<<receptionist>>I have a message from Ms. Armand, she wants you to come to her office.<</receptionist>>
<<player>>Right, thanks.<</player>>
<<link "You go straight up to Charlottes office" "Charlottes office">><</link>>
<<elseif $failedReview is 1>>
<<receptionist>>We'll se if it lasts I guess. Mrs. Meyer wants you to come straight to her office.<</receptionist>>
<<player>>Ok, thanks.<</player>>
<<link "You go up to Mrs. Meyers' office" "You failed evaluation once">><</link>>
<<elseif $failedReview is 0>>
<<receptionist>>I have a message from Mrs. Meyer, she wants you to come straight to her office.<</receptionist>>
<<player>>Ok, thanks.<</player>>
<<link "You go up to Mrs. Meyers' office" "You passed evaluation for week 1">><</link>>
[[Time to get to work->Work Day 8 1 2]]
<</if>><img class="img-center" src="img/AdamBottoms1.jpg" alt="A young and tall, lanky man with brown hair, crooked classes and an ill-fitting blue suit is standing in an office, looking casual with his hands in his pockets.">
<<adam>>There we are, great. Now like I said, if you have any questions later about anything, don't hesitate to come by my office. Mrs. Meyer is a very busy, and powerful woman so we don't want to bother her with small stuff. See you around, $MCFirstName.<</adam>>
<<if $CharlottesProtection is true>>
<<link [[That's that, time to go home.->Go home 4 - thinking about charlotte]]>>
<<set $contractSigned to true>>
<<link [[Time to go home->Go home 4]]>>
<<set $contractSigned to true>><</link>><</if>>