Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<<if $bg == "Bedroom">>
<<elseif $bg == "Kitchen">>
<<elseif $bg == "Bathroom">>
<<elseif $bg == "Livingroom">>
<<elseif $bg == "MomBedroom">>
<<elseif $bg == "Backyard">>
<<elseif $bg == "Park">>
<<elseif $bg == "Town">>
<<elseif $bg == "Town2">>
<<elseif $bg == "Bar">>
<<elseif $bg == "Gym">>
<<elseif $bg == "YogaGym">>
<<elseif $bg == "Saloon">>
<<elseif $bg == "SecretShop">>
<<elseif $bg == "Milkshakebar">>
<<elseif $bg == "GeneralStore">>
<<elseif $bg == "MuffingBrew">>
<<elseif $bg == "Campus">>
<<elseif $bg == "StudyHall">>
<<elseif $bg == "Classroom">>
<<elseif $bg == "SchoolField">>
<<elseif $bg == "SchoolCorridor">>
<<elseif $bg == "TestRoom">>
<<elseif $bg == "CouncilRoom">>
<<elseif $bg == "LectureHall">>
<<elseif $bg == "ManagerOffice">>
<<elseif $bg == "RedLightDistrict">>
<<elseif $bg == "RedLightDistrict2">>
<<elseif $bg == "RedLightDistrict3">>
<<elseif $bg == "DarkStudyroom">>
<<elseif $bg == "SchoolBathroom">>
<<elseif $bg == "LockerRoom">>
<<elseif $bg == "DanceStudio">>
<<elseif $bg == "AlleyWay">>
<<elseif $bg == "Library">>
<<elseif $bg == "Bookstore">>
<<elseif $bg == "Bookstore2">>
<<elseif $bg == "Tailoring">>
<<elseif $bg == "ClothingStore">>
<<elseif $bg == "LingerieStore">>
<<elseif $bg == "Bed">>
<<elseif $bg == "Beach">>
<<elseif $bg == "Market">>
<<elseif $bg == "Market_Cosmetics">>
<<elseif $bg == "Market_Candy">>
<<elseif $bg == "Market_Cute">>
<<elseif $bg == "Market_Scary">>
<<elseif $bg == "Market_Dyetie">>
<<elseif $bg == "Market_Portrait">>
<<elseif $bg == "Brezzers">>
<<elseif $bg == "BrazOffice">>
<<elseif $bg == "BrazSpa">>
<<elseif $bg == "BrazSpaBathroom">>
<<elseif $bg == "BrazRoof">>
<<elseif $bg == "BrazExeOffice">>
<<elseif $bg == "MovieSet">>
<<elseif $bg == "StripClub">>
<<elseif $bg == "LocalBar">>
<<elseif $bg == "IndoorGym">>
<<elseif $bg == "IndoorGymShowers">>
<<elseif $bg == "StellaOffice">>
<<elseif $bg == "ScienceClassroom">>
<<elseif $bg == "Mall">>
<<elseif $bg == "DinasRoom">>
<<elseif $bg == "FriendsHouse">>
<<elseif $bg == "KristineBedroom">>
<<elseif $bg == "MattsRoom">>
<<elseif $bg == "FriendsBathroom">>
<<elseif $bg == "Kiosks">>
<<elseif $bg == "BusRide">>
<<elseif $bg == "HotelLobby">>
<<elseif $bg == "HotelRoom">>
<<elseif $bg == "HotelTerrace">>
<<elseif $bg == "HotelDancefloor">>
<<elseif $bg == "IntroDream">>
<img src="gifs/BigGifs/IntroDream.webp">
<<elseif $bg == "IntroDream2">>
<<elseif $bg == "PlayGames">>
<<elseif $bg == "Logo">>
<</if>>/*<div id="showClothes" class="sideframe_playerPic"></div>*/
<<include "Sidepannel Wearing">>
<<if $gameStart == true>>
<div id="weekDay" class="day_place"></div>
<div id="junk" class="day_place"></div>
<div class="space"></div>
<div id="energy" class="sideframe_showstats">
<div id="energy1" class="container_stat_gray">
<div id="energy2" class="bar_stat_blue" style="width:0%"></div>
<div id="energy3" class="bar_stat_text"></div>
<div class="space"></div>
<div id="lust" class="sideframe_showstats">
<div id="lust1" class="container_stat_gray">
<div id="lust2" class="bar_stat_blue" style="width:0%"></div>
<div id="lust3" class="bar_stat_text"></div>
<div id="willpower" class="willpower"></div>
<div id="money" class="sideframe_showstats"></div>
<<if $flags.EnableAdditionalStats == true>>
<div id="Feminity" class="sideframe_showstats"></div>
<div id="Dancing" class="sideframe_showstats"></div>
/*<div id="Submissive" class="sideframe_showstats"></div>*/
/*<<createAvatar $player>>*/
<<set $player.totalFeminity = $player.feminity>>
<<set $player.totalFeminity += $player.tempFeminity>>
<<createStats $player $time $work>>
<<createPhotoAvatar $player>>
<<include "Load Variables">>
<center><div class="StartStoryImage">
<<set $bg = "Logo">><<include "Backgrounds">>
<div class="warning">This game is intended for mature audiences of the age of ''18 and over!'' If you are under 18 or cannot handle intimate matters, please close this game now.<br>
//If you are of the proper age, you may continue!//</div></center>
<div class="boxedText">
Game is still in development! Which means a lot of the content planned for the game is missing AND some game mechanics might change during the course of the development. Feel free to replay this game as often as you like. There are some secrets hidden within the choices.
<div class="notedText">
Please note that this game is entirely fictional and any connections to anyone or anything in the real world are mere coincidence and should be taken as such. No ages are mentioned so feel free to imagine yourself and the characters within at an age that seems appropriate to you.
<label>Enable Watersports Content: <<checkbox "$PissContent" false true autocheck>></label>
<div align="middle">
<center><div class="wardrobeButton">
<<button "I understand and accept.">><<goto "CHOOSE NAME">><</button>></div>
<center><div class="DreamBox">
<<set $bg = "IntroDream">><<include "Backgrounds">>
The last few days have been hard on you. Moving without your consent is never a fun experience. All your friends and acquaintances were left behind, aside from your adoptive parents, @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ and @@.Maria;Maria@@.
The ''two'' loving mothers who adopted you from a foster home and have taken care of you ever since. They've made sure that you grow up in a good environment with no distractions of the modern technology. They've always been very strict about what you watch and do around electronics, but since your old foster family didn't care as much, you have a hard time shaking off the bad habits. After a long debate, you manage to convince your parents to get you a laptop for your school work, but you've been using it to do other stuff as well.
@@.Maria;"//This new town will be a much better place for all of us and especially for you, since getting as far away from that old foster family as possible is what you really need. Our family council was very adamant about this. I know you might not like it at first, but I just know later down the line you'll be happier than ever.//" Maria@@ has always had that optimistic look on life, but not you.
The move to a brand-new town with a brand-new school and having to find a brand-new set of friends to come along with has left you with quite a lot of stress and anxiety.
//The nightmares of your fate plague you through the night as you gather up strength to face your first day in a brand new, ''Friendly Town''.//
[[Push the nightmares aside|FIRST WAKEUP]]
</center><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Bedroom">><<include "Backgrounds">>
<<set $location.area = "HOME">>
<<set $ = "MY BEDROOM">>
<<set $gameStart = true>>
<<if visited() == 1>>
Suddenly there is a ray of bright light bombarding your eyelids, making sleeping any longer impossible, and so you carefully open your eyes to see a familiar bust in a quite revealing nightgown. <br>
@@.Maria;"Morning sweetie. The first day in a new town is always the most exciting one."@@ Says the head attached to these softly curved knockers. @@.Maria;Maria@@, one of your two adoptive mothers, has a bad habit of walking around the house half-naked. She was one of the big reasons why the side effects of your stress relief medicine were so potent, and you've already had a few close calls with her noticing your horniness. After all, @@.Maria;Maria@@ and @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ raised you fairly conservatively, so much so that even porn was a new concept to you before you got your laptop for school, //which you are definitely using only for school.//
You were hoping she would have changed her ways with the new place and all, but alas, here she is with an even more revealing gown on. Your eyes look up and down as she almost intentionally stretches her whole body, showing off her new piece of clothing.<br>
@@.Maria;"Oh, you were looking at this? It's just something I got since it's a new town and all. How does it look?"@@
[[Say 'she might want to cover herself up more.'|FIRST WAKEUP][$choice to 0]]<br>
<<link "Say 'it's not revealing enough'">>
<<set $choice = 1>>
<<set $characterLikeness.Maria += 5>>
<<goto "FIRST WAKEUP">>
<<elseif visited() == 2>>
<center><div class="RelationShipBox"> Relationship:
<<print $characterLikeness.Maria>>
<<if $choice == 0>>
@@.Maria;"Silly, it's just around the house that I wear it. There is nobody else here anyway, //<<print $>>//. But I do appreciate your concern. Now let's get this day started, shall we? Hayley and I have some business we want to talk with you about something important. Come to the kitchen when you are ready."@@ She marches out of your bedroom, waving for you to follow.
<<elseif $choice == 1>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:500px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom1/MomKiss.webp"></div>
@@.Maria;"Thihihi, you are silly. I think it's great, and so does Hayley. But if you want, I could wear something else. Hmm, perhaps next time. Well, thanks for your honesty, <<print $>>!"@@ She leans in for a quick kiss, and before you can react, her big, plump lips are against yours.<br>
@@.Maria;"//''Smooch!''// Mmm, such a nice kisser you are. You should go out and make some new friends with those lips of yours! //Thihihi.// Now let's get this day started, shall we? Hayley and I want to talk with you about something important. Come to the kitchen when you are ready."@@ She marches out of your bedroom, blowing a few kisses your way.
<<link "Head for breakfast">>
<<goto "First Breakfast">>
<<set $character.movement = true>>
<<set $ = "Maria">>
<<MakeCharacter>><div class="Banner">
<<include "Clothing Calc">>
/* ************************************************************ */
/* ****************** SET EVENTS ******************* */
/* ************************************************************ */
<<if $flags.InvitationExtended == true && $ == 5 && $time.junk >= 4>>
You've invited Kristine to get together today. It's better not to miss it.
[<<link "Go to the get together">>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<elseif $location.PlayerCanLeaveRoom == true>>
/* ************************************************************ */
/* ****************** HOME ******************* */
/* ************************************************************ */
<<if $location.area == "HOME">>
<<if $ != "MY BEDROOM">>
[<<link "Bedroom">>
<<goto "MY BEDROOM">>
<</if>> |
<<if $ != "MY BATHROOM">>
[<<link "Bathroom">>
<<if $time.junk >= 6>>
<<goto "MY BATHROOM">> <<else>>
<<goto "Transition Bathroom HOME">> <</if>>
<</if>> |
<<if $ != "MY KITCHEN">>
[<<link "Kitchen">>
<<goto "MY KITCHEN">>
<</if>> |
<<if $ != "MY LIVINGROOM">>
[<<link "LivingRoom">>
<<goto "MY LIVINGROOM">>
<</if>> |
<<if $flags.MattQuestForPanties == true>>
<<if $flags.FridayParty == true && $time.junk >= 4>>
[<<link "Join the party with the 'Ladies'.">>
<<set $choice = 0>>
/* ************************************************************ */
/* ****************** TOWN ******************* */
/* ************************************************************ */
<<elseif $location.area == "TOWN">>
<<if $time.junk >= 6>>
It's late already better head home.
<<if $ != "TOWN SQUARE">>
[<<link "Town square">>
<<goto "TOWN SQUARE">>
[@@.Cancel;Town square@@]
<</if>> |
<<if $ != "PARK">>
[<<link "Park">>
<<goto "PARK">>
<<if $flags.MeetStella == true>>
[<<link "General store">>
<<set $player.toughtsText = "">>
<<set $Shop.CashierText = "">>
<<set $Shop.General = "Front">>
<<goto "GENERAL STORE">>
<<if $flags.LocationLibrary == true>>
[<<link "Library">>
<<goto "LIBRARY">>
[<<link "Go to Friend's house">>
<<if $flags.MuffingBrew == true>>
[<<link "Muffing brew">>
<<set $player.toughtsText = "">>
<<set $Shop.CashierText = "">>
<<goto "MUFFING BREW">>
[<<link "School">>
<<goto "CAMPUS">>
<<if $flags.RedlightDistrict == true>>
<<if $flags.KristineQuest1 == false>>
[<<link "Go to place Kristine mentioned">>
<<goto "Bus Ride To OUTSKIRTS">>
[<<link "Take a bus to Redlight district">>
<<goto "Bus Ride To OUTSKIRTS">>
[<<link "Go Home">>
<<goto "MY LIVINGROOM">>
/* ************************************************************ */
/* ****************** SCHOOL ******************* */
/* ************************************************************ */
<<elseif $location.area == "SCHOOL">>
<<if $time.junk >= 6>>
It's late already better head home:
[<<link "Leave School">>
<<goto "TOWN SQUARE">>
<<if $ != "CAMPUS">>
[<<link "Campus">>
<<goto "CAMPUS">>
<</if>> |
<<if $ != "SCHOOL FIELD">>
[<<link "Sports Field">>
<<goto "SCHOOL FIELD">>
[@@.Cancel;Sports Field@@]
<</if>> |
[<<link "Leave School">>
<<goto "TOWN SQUARE">>
Rundown building:
<<if $ != "CLASS ROOM">>
[<<link "Classroom">>
<<goto "CLASS ROOM">>
<<if $flags.SchoolMainBuilding == true>>
Main Building:
<<if $ != "STUDYHALL">>
[<<link "Study hall">>
<<goto "STUDYHALL">>
[@@.Cancel;Study hall@@]
<<if $flags.StellasRoom == true>>
<<if $flags.SnoopingStellas == false>>
<<if $ > 0>>
[<<link "Sneak into Stella's office">>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "STELLAS ROOM SNOOPING">>
<<goto "SNOOPING">>
[<<link "Sneak into Stella's office">>
Dialog.setup("Not enough energy");"You need some energy to do this. Go take a nap or get some coffee.");;<</script>>
[@@.Cancel;Sneak into Stella's office@@]
/* ************************************************************ */
/* ****************** CITY ******************* */
/* ************************************************************ */
<<elseif $location.area == "CITY">>
[<<link "Back To Town">>
<<goto "TOWN SQUARE">>
<</link>>] |
<<if $ != "SALOON">>
[<<link "Saloon">>
<<set $toughtsText = "">>
<<goto "SALOON">>
<</link>>] |
/* ************************************************************ */
/* ****************** FRIENDS ******************* */
/* ************************************************************ */
<<elseif $location.area == "FRIENDS HOUSE">>
<<if $time.junk >= 6>>
It's late already better head home.
[<<link "Leave">>
<<goto "TOWN SQUARE">><</link>>]
[<<link "Livingroom">>
<</if>> |
<<if $ != "FRIENDS BEDROOM">>
[<<link "Matt's room">>
[@@.Cancel;Matt's room@@]
<</if>> |
<<if $ != "FRIENDS BATHROOM">>
[<<link "Bathroom">>
<<if $time.junk >= 6>>
<<goto "FRIENDS BATHROOM">> <<else>>
<<goto "Transition Bathroom FRIENDS">> <</if>>
<</if>> |
[<<link "Leave">>
<<goto "TOWN SQUARE">><</link>>]
<<if $flags.SnoopingKristines == false>>
<<if $ > 0>>
[<<link "Snoop Kristine's room">>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "KRISTINES ROOM SNOOPING">>
<<goto "SNOOPING">>
[<<link "Snoop Kristine's room">>
Dialog.setup("Not enough energy");"You need some energy to do this. Go take a nap or get some coffee.");;<</script>>
[@@.Cancel;Snoop Kristine's room@@]
/* ************************************************************ */
/* ****************** OUTSKIRTS ******************* */
/* ************************************************************ */
<<elseif $location.area == "OUTSKIRTS">>
<<if $time.junk >= 6>>
It's late already better head home.
[<<link "Take bus back to town">>
<<goto "TOWN SQUARE">><</link>>]
<<if $ != "RedLight District">>
[<<link "Go out to the streets">>
<<goto "RedLight District">>
<<if $ != "BOOKSTORE">>
[<<link "Bookstore">>
<<set $toughtsText = "">>
<<goto "BOOKSTORE">>
[<<link "Take the bus back to town">>
<<goto "TOWN SQUARE">><</link>>]
<<if $player.Underwear == "">>
Not leaving without atleast some ''underwear'' on.
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "Bedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "HOME">>
<<if $flags.ChangedClothesFirst == true>>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
Simplistic and functional is what you would say if anyone asked what your room looks like. To you, it might be just that, but to anyone else your room is quite boring. A queen-size bed, a laptop for school and a desk for studying. That's all you have and all you need.
Even @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ sometimes comments on how nothing of a room you have, but at least it's yours to do whatever you want.
'@@.Thinking;''//I need to change clothes before I start doing anything else. Can't do anything with my pajamas. I can do that in my good old wardrobe over there. //''@@'
<<link "//Thoughts?//">>
<<replace "#toughts" t8n>>
<<include "Daily Toughts">>
<span id="toughts"></span>
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "Bathroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "HOME">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
This new house's bathroom functions just like any other bathroom would. A shower, a toilet and a sink are all that is in here. It has everything you need for basic hygiene. The only thing I think they could have added was a bidet.
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "Kitchen">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "HOME">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
The kitchen has been the center point of your household forever now. The smell of something good being cooked is always there, giving the house that loved and welcoming feeling. This is also @@.Maria;Maria's@@ favorite place to spent time in. She loves cooking, baking, and making people happy with her food. You love how she can make you feel like a king when you eat one of her meals. It's almost as if she were born to do this. Her skill at cooking has even gotten you thinking about maybe going into the culinary arts as well. It might have been because of the pressure from your parents, but they are all very excited for you and your future career choices.
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "Livingroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "HOME">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
The living room has a rather old looking furnishings, at least that is to your taste ancient, but the others in the house seem to enjoy having a neutral living room. A good place for you to sit down and relax and watch TV after dinner or just rest.
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">>
<<if $wardrobe.CantWearOutside == true>>
<<set $location.PlayerCanLeaveHome = false>>
<<if $player.Costume == "" || $player.Shoes == "" || $player.Underwear == "">>
<<set $location.PlayerCanLeaveHome = false>>
<<set $location.PlayerCanLeaveHome = true>>
<<if $time.junk >= 6>>
It's late, better stay home.
<<if $flags.SnoopingParents == false &&
$flags.FirstSnoopingParentsRoom == true>>
<<if $ > 0>>
[<<link "Sneak into parents room">>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "PARENTS ROOM SNOOPING">>
<<goto "SNOOPING">><</link>>]
[<<link "Sneak into parents room">>
Dialog.setup("Not enough energy");"You need some energy to do this. Go take a nap or get some coffee.");;<</script>>
<<if $location.PlayerCanLeaveHome == true>>
<<link "Leave house">>
<<goto "TOWN SQUARE">>
<<if $wardrobe.CantWearOutside == true>>
Can't leave the house wearing this.
Need to wear //''Clothing''// and //''Shoes''// and //''Underwear''// to leave the house.
<</if>><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "Town">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "TOWN">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
<<if $time.junk < 6>>
<<set $Strangers = random(2)>>
<<if $Strangers <= 1>>
This place is always busy and filled with people. You hardly ever get to go by this place without someone stopping you and asking a question or pointing out something they saw. You have noticed that people in this town are very, Very friendly, sometimes even to a fault. They tend to treat everyone as if they were good friends. It can be annoying at times when you really want to just walk past them and continue your day, but it also makes the town seem like home.
It's late, and there are only lights and a few drunks trying to stumble their way home.
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "Park">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "TOWN">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
<<if $time.junk < 6>>
<<set $Strangers = random(2)>>
<<if $Strangers <= 1>>
<<include "LOOK AROUND PARK">>
The Town's park has a small river flowing through it, and lots of ducks and other small creatures can be found around the park. The park is also a popular hangout spot, and people often come here to get their stress reliefs by being close to nature. There are a lot of benches near the riverside for those who want to sit down and relax there. In the middle of the park there is a large pond, which is actually just an artificial lake with lots of trees growing next to it. It's quite beautiful and very relaxing to look at.
There are many paths that one could follow around the park and take a long walk to enjoy the scenery. You will see many people walking around the park or sitting on some of the benches enjoying the view from them. Many couples come here after work to have a nice romantic dinner together, while others simply come here to get away from all the chaos in the city. Sometimes you might even find students studying under some of these trees.
It's late, and there are only lights and a few drunks trying to stumble their way home. It's best if you head home aswell.
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "Campus">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "SCHOOL">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
<<if $time.junk < 6>>
<<set $Strangers = random(2)>>
<<if $Strangers <= 1>>
<<include "LOOK AROUND CAMPUS">>
The school campus is large, with lots of room for activities. The campus was more like a park than an institution. There were statues, fountains, and flowers everywhere. It seemed like the school had been planned as much for socialization as education.
It's late, and there are only lights and a few drunk students trying to stumble their way home.
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">>/* Early MORNING */
<<if $time.junk == 0>>
<<set $characterStats={
Maria: "MY KITCHEN",
Hayley: "MY KITCHEN",
Teacher: "CLASS ROOM",
MariaClothing: "",
HayleyClothing: "",
TeacherClothing: "",
KristineClothing: "",
<<elseif $time.junk == 1>>
<<set $characterStats={
Maria: "MY KITCHEN",
Teacher: "CLASS ROOM",
MariaClothing: "",
HayleyClothing: "",
TeacherClothing: "",
KristineClothing: "",
/* NOON */
<<elseif $time.junk == 2>>
<<set $characterStats={
Hayley: "",
Teacher: "CLASS ROOM",
MariaClothing: "",
HayleyClothing: "",
TeacherClothing: "",
KristineClothing: "",
<<elseif $time.junk == 3>>
<<set $characterStats={
Hayley: "MY KITCHEN",
Teacher: "CLASS ROOM",
MariaClothing: "",
HayleyClothing: "",
TeacherClothing: "",
KristineClothing: "",
<<elseif $time.junk == 4>>
<<set $characterStats={
Teacher: "STUDYHALL",
MariaClothing: "",
HayleyClothing: "",
TeacherClothing: "",
KristineClothing: "",
/* Early EVENING */
<<elseif $time.junk == 5>>
<<set $characterStats={
Teacher: "STUDYHALL",
MariaClothing: "",
HayleyClothing: "",
TeacherClothing: "",
KristineClothing: "",
/* NIGHT */
<<elseif $time.junk >= 6>>
<<set $characterStats={
Maria: "MOMS ROOM",
Hayley: "MOMS ROOM",
Teacher: "",
Kristine: "",
MariaClothing: "Sleep",
HayleyClothing: "Sleep",
TeacherClothing: "Sleep",
KristineClothing: "Sleep",
<<if $flags.KristineQuest1 == true && $flags.FridayParty == true>>
<<if $ == 5>>
<<if $time.junk >= 4>>
<<set $characterStats={
Maria: "MY KITCHEN",
Kristine: "MY KITCHEN",
MariaClothing: "Party1",
HayleyClothing: "Party1",
TeacherClothing: "Party1",
KristineClothing: "Party1",
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 200
&& $characterLikeness.Hayley >= 200
&& $characterLikeness.Teacher >= 200
&& $characterLikeness.Kristine >= 200>>
<<if $PaidContent == true>>
<<set $characterStats.MariaClothing = "Party3">>
<<set $characterStats.HayleyClothing = "Party3">>
<<set $characterStats.TeacherClothing = "Party3">>
<<set $characterStats.KristineClothing = "Party3">>
<<set $characterStats.MariaClothing = "Party2">>
<<set $characterStats.HayleyClothing = "Party2">>
<<set $characterStats.TeacherClothing = "Party2">>
<<set $characterStats.KristineClothing = "Party2">>
<<elseif $characterLikeness.Maria >= 50
&& $characterLikeness.Hayley >= 50
&& $characterLikeness.Teacher >= 50
&& $characterLikeness.Kristine >= 50>>
<<set $characterStats.MariaClothing = "Party2">>
<<set $characterStats.HayleyClothing = "Party2">>
<<set $characterStats.TeacherClothing = "Party2">>
<<set $characterStats.KristineClothing = "Party2">>
<<set $characterStats={
Maria: "MOMS ROOM",
Hayley: "MOMS ROOM",
Teacher: "",
Kristine: "",
MariaClothing: "Sleep",
HayleyClothing: "Sleep",
TeacherClothing: "Sleep",
KristineClothing: "Sleep",
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $character2.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "">>
<<set $ = "">>
<<set $ = "">>
<<set $ = "">>
<<if $ == $characterStats.Maria>>
<<if $time.junk < 6 >>
<<if $flags.FridayParty != true || $time.junk < 4>>
<<link "Talk to Maria">>
<<goto "TALK TO MARIA">>
<<if $ == "">>
<<set $ = $characterStats.MariaClothing>>
<<set $ = "Maria">>
<<set $ = "Maria">>
<<set $ = $characterStats.MariaClothing>>
<<if $ == $characterStats.Hayley>>
<<if $time.junk < 6>>
<<if $flags.FridayParty != true || $time.junk < 4>>
<<link "Talk to Hayley">>
<<goto "TALK TO HAYLEY">>
<<if $ == "">>
<<set $ = $characterStats.HayleyClothing>>
<<set $ = "Hayley">>
<<set $ = "Hayley">>
<<set $ = $characterStats.HayleyClothing>>
<<if $flags.MeetStella == true &&
$ == $characterStats.Teacher>>
<<if $time.junk < 6>>
<<if $flags.FridayParty != true || $time.junk < 4>>
<<link "Talk to Teacher Stella">>
<<if $flags.DailyClass == true || $ > 5>>
<<goto "TALK TO TEACHER">>
<<if $time.junk >= 4>>
<<goto "TALK TO TEACHER">>
<<set $choice = 10>>
<<if $ == "">>
<<set $ = $characterStats.TeacherClothing>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
<<set $ = $characterStats.TeacherClothing>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
<<if $ == $characterStats.Kristine>>
<<if $time.junk < 6>>
<<if $flags.FridayParty != true || $time.junk < 4>>
<<link "Talk to Kristine">>
<<if $ == "">>
<<set $ = $characterStats.KristineClothing>>
<<set $ = "Kristine">>
<<set $ = $characterStats.KristineClothing>>
<<set $ = "Kristine">>
<<if $ != "">>
<<if $ != "">>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<center><div class="RelationShipBox"> Relationship With @@.Maria;Maria@@:
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 1200>>
MAX <<else>>
<<print $characterLikeness.Maria>><</if>>
<<include "Likeness: MARIA">>
<<if $ == "MY KITCHEN">>
@@.Maria;"<<print $>>"@@
<<if $flags.MariaMad > 0>>
@@.Maria;Maria@@ seems upset with you. Perhaps waiting few days might help things out.
<div class="Note">
<<include "MARIA FAVORS">>
<<include "MARIA ACTIVITYS">>
<<elseif $ == "MY LIVINGROOM">>
@@.Maria;"<<print $>>"@@
<<if $flags.MariaMad > 0>>
@@.Maria;Maria@@ seems upset with you. Perhaps waiting few days might help things out.
<div class="Note">
<<include "MARIA FAVORS">>
<<include "MARIA ACTIVITYS">>
<<elseif $ == "PARK">>
@@.Maria;"''Omg, hi Hun!'' What are you doing here? Seeing you outside the house is quite the rare sight. Thehe, I'm only teasing you, son. Now, what did you want to talk about?"@@ Her motherly smile is infectious, and you can't but to smile back at her.
@@.Maria;"''Oh'', hello Hun. Odd to see you here."@@ She seems a bit confused.
<<link "Leave">>
<<goto $>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Maria">>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<center><div class="RelationShipBox"> Relationship With @@.Hayley;Hayley@@:
<<if $characterLikeness.Hayley >= 1200>>
MAX <<else>>
<<print $characterLikeness.Hayley>><</if>>
<<include "Likeness: HAYLEY">>
<<if $ == "MY KITCHEN">>
@@.Hayley;"<<print $>>"@@
<<if $flags.HayleyMad > 0>>
@@.Hayley;Hayley@@ seems upset with you. Perhaps waiting few days might help things out.
@@.Hayley;Hayley@@ is sitting at the table smiling, staring at her coffee cup, which is an unusual sight to see from her. She does not see you come in and as you try getting her attention her smile fades a bit. @@.Hayley;"//He-//. Hello, I was just-. //Hmm//, did you perhaps hear anything last night? You know what, I don't want to-... <<print $>>"@@
<div class="Note">
<<include "HAYLEY FAVORS">>
<<include "HAYLEY ACTIVITYS">>
<<elseif $ == "MY LIVINGROOM">>
@@.Hayley;"<<print $>>"@@
<<if $flags.HayleyMad > 0>>
@@.Hayley;Hayley@@ seems upset with you. Perhaps waiting few days might help things out.
@@.Hayley;"Hi there, son, I was just about to sit down and watch the news. <<print $>>"@@ Her cold attitude gives you chills, even in the worm house you life in.
<div class="Note">
<<include "HAYLEY FAVORS">>
<<include "HAYLEY ACTIVITYS">>
<<elseif $ == "PARK">>
@@.Hayley;"Oh, it's you. So do you need something or are you generally here to just bother my workouts?"@@ Her cold hearth has not gone anywhere, even outside the house. You wonder if she ever relaxes.
@@.Hayley;"Hello? Sorry, it's just a little weird seeing you here. So, Anything you need or?"@@
<<link "Leave">>
<<goto $>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Hayley">>
<<MakeCharacter>><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = "Sup dude. How is it hanging?">>
<<if $time.junk < 6>>
<<if $ == "CLASS ROOM">>
@@.Matt;"<<print $>>"@@
<<include "MATT CHATTING">>
<<elseif $ == "FRIENDS BEDROOM">>
@@.Matt;"<<print $>>"@@
<<include "MATT CHATTING">>
<<link "Leave">>
<<goto $>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Matt">>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<center><div class="RelationShipBox"> Relationship With @@.Teacher;Stella@@:
<<if $characterLikeness.Teacher >= 1200>>
MAX <<else>>
<<print $characterLikeness.Teacher>><</if>>
<<include "Likeness: TEACHER">>
<<if $ == "CLASS ROOM">>
@@.Teacher;"<<print $>>"@@
<<if $flags.StellaMad > 0>>
@@.Teacher;Stella@@ seems upset with you. Perhaps waiting few days might help things out.
<div class="Note">
<<include "TEACHER FAVORS">>
<<elseif $ == "STUDYHALL">>
@@.Teacher;"<<print $>>"@@
<<if $flags.StellaMad > 0>>
@@.Teacher;Stella@@ seems upset with you. Perhaps waiting few days might help things out.
<div class="Note">
<<include "TEACHER FAVORS">>
<<elseif $ == "STELLAS ROOM">>
@@.Teacher;"Is everything alright sweetie?"@@
<<if $flags.StellaMad > 0>>
@@.Teacher;Stella@@ seems upset with you. Perhaps waiting few days might help things out.
<div class="Note">
<<include "TEACHER FAVORS">>
<<elseif $ == "PARK">>
@@.Teacher;"//Amm?// Hi there. Didn't expect to see you around the park. Do you come here often? I'm here to just get a little exercise with my friends. Sorry, but I don't have time for a talk right now."@@ She avoids eye contact, like she does not want to be seen with you.
@@.Teacher;"Mmm? What on earth are you doing here?"@@
<<link "Leave">>
<<goto $>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
/* HOME */
<<if $ == "MY BEDROOM">>
/* ** */
<<if $time.junk < 6>>
[<<link "Wardrobe">>
<<goto "WARDROBE">>
[<<link "Computer">>
<<set $toughtsText = "">>
<<goto "COMPUTER">>
[<<link "Check out your Stash">>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<goto "Player STASH">>
<<if $flags.DancingUnlocked == true>>
[<<link "Practice Dancing">>
<<set $energyToConsume = 30>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "Practice Dancing">>
<<goto "Transfer activities">>
<</link>>] @@.Cost;-30@@<br>
<<if $flags.StripPoleInstalled == false>>
<<if $wardrobe.StripPoleBought == true>>
[<<link "Install StripPole">>
<<set $energyToConsume = 20>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "Installing Strip Pole">>
<<goto "Transfer activities">>
[<<link "Rest down a bit">>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<set $ += 20>>
<<goto $>>
<</link>>] @@.Gain;+20@@
[<<link "Head to bed">>
<<set $choice = 9999>>
<<goto "GOING SLEEP">>
/* ** */
/* ************************************************************ */
<<if $ == "MY BATHROOM">>
<<if $time.junk < 6>>
<<if $flags.showered == false>>
[<<link "Take a Shower">>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<goto "SHOWER">>
/* ************************************************************ */
<<if $ == "MY KITCHEN">>
<<if $flags.DailyClass == true || $ > 5>>
<<if $time.junk < 6>>
[<<link "Check chores from the list on the fridge">>
<<goto "CHORES">><</link>>]<br>
It's too late for chores.
[Chores only after school is done.]
/* ************************************************************ */
<<if $ == "MY LIVINGROOM">>
[<<link "TV">>
<<if $time.junk >= 6>>
<<goto "Night Time TV">>
Dialog.setup("Not Right Now");"You don't have premission to watch TV right now. Maybe you could try again when everyone else has gone to sleep.");;<</script>>
/* SCHOOL */
<<if $time.junk < 6>>
<<if $ == "STUDYHALL">>
<<if $ >= 40>>
[<<link "Study">>
<<set $ -= 40>>
<<goto "STUDY">>
<<set $location.Hint = "Energy">><<include "HINT LINKS">>
<</if>> @@.Cost;-40@@ <br>
<<if $ == "SCHOOL FIELD">>
<<if $ >= 40>>
[<<link "Go for a run">>
<<set $ -= 40>>
<<goto "RUNNING">>
[@@.Cancel;Go for a run@@]
<<set $location.Hint = "Energy">><<include "HINT LINKS">>
<</if>> @@.Cost;-40@@ <br>
<<if $ == "CLASS ROOM" && $ < 6>>
<<if $flags.DailyClass == false>>
<<if $time.junk < 4>>
[<<link "Take the daily Class">>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<goto "TAKE CLASS">>
[Too late for taking class]
<<set $flags.WetDream = false>>
/* ************ NO LUST */
<<if $player.lust < 20>>
<div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/BigGifs/IntroDream.webp]]</div>
You dream about the world of things that have little impact to your current life.</center>
<<link "The dream slowly fades away and then you are awake">>
<<set $choice = 1>>
<<goto "Sleep transition">>
/* ************ HIGH LUST */
<<elseif $player.lust >= 190>>
<<include "WET DREAM">>
<<link "Wakeup">>
<<set $choice = 2>>
<<goto "Sleep transition">>
/* ************ SOME LUST */
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
<<include "DREAM ON">>
<<link "Wakeup">>
<<set $choice = 3>>
<<goto "Sleep transition">>
<<goto "WARDROBE Clothes">><center><div class="BigGif"><img src="gifs/Myroom/Computer.gif"></div></center>
<<set $ = "COMPUTER">>
<<set $flags.OnAComputer = true>>
<<if $toughtsText == "">>
Good old laptop is here for entertainment, but mostly for porn for now.
<<print $toughtsText>>
<<if $wardrobe.HackingTool == true>>
<<if $Shop.HackingToolInstalled == true>>
<<link "Watch porn">>
<<set $choice = 1>>
<<goto "WATCH PORN">>
<<link "Install Hacking tool">>
<<link "Search some porn">>
<<goto "SEARCH PORN">>
<<if $flags.DinasWebsite == true>>
<<link "Go to the website Matt told you about">>
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
<<goto "DINAS PORN">>
<<if $flags.KristineQuest4 == true>>
<<link "Go to the website Kristine told you about">>
<<set $player.lust += 20>>
<<goto "PORN Maternal Lovers WEBSITE">>
<<if $PaidContent == true>>
[<<link "CheatsSheet">>
<<link "Close the Laptop">>
<<set $flags.OnAComputer = false>>
<<goto $>>
<</link>><<if $choice == 0>>
<div class="BigGif">
<img src="gifs/Shower/ShowerNormal.webp">
<<set $player.SinceShowered = 0>>
You take a long, nice, steamy shower that cleanses your body and soul. Well, there is nothing that can clean that dirty soul of yours, but you sure can try. You have run out of your regular muscleman shampoo, so you have to borrow some from your mothers, but there are so many you can't decide, so you take one at random.
<<if $DailyRandom < 33>>
<<if $Workouts.ShampooFemIncrease < 5>>
<<set $player.feminity += 1>>
<<set $Workouts.ShampooFemIncrease += 1>>
The bottle you pick has some //golden hair// -like figure in it, and it smells quite normal. Thinking this is a good choice, you pour some of it into your hands. <br>
Starting from your hair and then the rest of your body, somehow paying extra attention at your crotch level as well as your booty.
<<elseif $DailyRandom < 66>>
<<if $Workouts.ShampooFemIncrease < 5>>
<<set $player.feminity += 1>>
<<set $Workouts.ShampooFemIncrease += 1>>
The bottle you pick has some //tiny girly dancer// in it, and the smell is fancy. Thinking this might be exciting, you pour some of it into your hands and admire the softness of it. <br>
Starting from your hair and then the rest of your body, somehow paying extra attention at your crotch level as well as your booty.
<<if $Workouts.ShampooFemIncrease < 5>>
<<set $player.feminity += 1>>
<<set $Workouts.ShampooFemIncrease += 1>>
The bottle you pick is Very pink and has a lot of feminine slogans and //''a half-naked woman''// figure with long pink hair. The smell is very fruity, and it reminds you of bubblegum. Thinking this might change something in you, but being too lazy to switch to another, you pour some of it into your hands. Immediately, you can feel the super silky smoothness of the shampoo, and the fruity smell fills your nostrils, but you are determined to use it. <br>
Starting from your hair and then the rest of your body, somehow paying extra attention at your crotch level as well as your booty.
<<elseif $choice == 1>> /*SHOWER WANK*/
<div class="BigGif">
<img src="gifs/Shower/ShowerWank.webp">
<<set $player.lust -= 100>>
After what you just went through, the only logical thing to do in the shower is to finish off what you started. So, with the images still playing in your head, you wank yourself to finish.
After what you just went through, the only logical thing to do in the shower is to finish off what you started. So, with the images still playing in your head, you wank yourself to finish.
<<link "Dry your self off">>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<goto "MY BATHROOM">>
<<set $flags.showered = true>>
<center><div class="BigGif"><img src="gifs/Chores/Dishes.webp"></div></center>
First you rince all of them with warm water and then add soap to the mix. Now one by one you scrub every pot, bowl and cutlery with warm soapy water with a brush. Then placing each one of them to dry up. This takes you quite some time and energy to do and at the end of it all you find your hands all wrinkly and worn out like you were an old lady.
@@.Maria;Maria@@ walks in the kitchen as you are finishing up. <br>
@@.Maria;"Oh my, our little one has been busy? It's lovely to see you work for once, I can't believe how grown up you have become in such sort amount of time."@@
<<set $work.dishes = 7>>
<<set $work.WeeklyChores += 1>>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<link "Back to Kitchen">>
<<goto $>>
<<link "Check more chores.">>
<<goto "CHORES">>
<</link>>The TV turns on, but nothing interesting can be found on the regular programmed channels instead a hack you have found useful is to click random three-digit number to find some saucy content.
<<if $dice == 0>>
<<set $player.lust += 40>>
The first thing that pops up is a vintage porn. In shock, you stare at the TV for a few seconds before realizing the sound to be way too loud for night time. Frantically you lower the volume to almost mute before Maria or Hayley wakeup.
<hr><div class="Banner">
<<set $dice1 = random(2)>>
<<if $dice1 == 0>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/TV/Vintage.webp]]</div></center>
<div class="boxedText">
A group of girls gets kidnapped in old time western from the local town. While the sheriff is trying to find out where the bad guys have taken the girls, the bad guys have found a way to entertain them selves. First the girls are against it, but soon it all turns into a massive orgy...
<<elseif $dice1 == 1>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/TV/Vintage2.webp]]</div></center>
<div class="boxedText">
There is a massive pool party where everyone is invited, but someone put something weird in the free cocktail and now everyone is acting a bit horny. Soon the tops of all women start to come off as well as the bottoms and in no time this pool party has turned out to be a nude party...
<<elseif $dice1 == 2>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/TV/Vintage3.webp]]</div></center>
<div class="boxedText">
Story of a woman nun whose take vow to never fuck another man, but then a series of unfortunate circumstances has led her to the road of something she never wanted to be part of. Her life as a nun whore has just begun...
<<if $player.lust <= 120>>/*Mastubate no cum*/
You don't even notice you've been masturbating to this old vintage film a while now, but still not close enough to get to the finish line and soon the erotic film ends leaving you watching only static.
<<elseif $player.lust <= 180>>/*Mastubate close to cum*/
Your little pecker seem to like this sort of thing as it throbs in the ryth of the films most erotic scenes. You are so close to the finish, but the all of a sudden, like someone cut the fee off of the TV, the erotic film ends eaving you staring to a static screen. With throbbing cock in hand you wonder if you should risk it even further, but then the common sense get's the better hold on you.
<<else>>/*Mastubate Cumming*/
<<set $player.lust = 0>>
The erotic scenes are making your man meat throb even before you touch it and you can feel the glimax approaching fast and furios with only little rubbing from your part. As the best scenes of the film start to appear on the screen your meat stick throbs and jerks as you uncontrollably thrusth your hips forward. The ropes of cum spurting from your cock head land mostly on the TV screen where the action is happening. In the after glow you watch few more scenes before cleaning things up and turning off the TV.
Few jawns tell you how good bedroom pillow under your head would feel right now.
/* ********** NEXT TIER ************* */
<<elseif $dice == 1>>
<<set $player.lust += 20>>
The first thing that pops up is very well known TV-show that is currently airing. Not being up-to-date with the plot or characters, it's a rough watch, but then a very erotic scene starts and you decide it must be a good watch.
<hr><div class="Banner">
<<set $dice1 = random(3)>>
<<if $dice1 == 0>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/TV/SexyMovie.webp]]</div></center>
<div class="boxedText">
A single woman is in danger of losing her home and since she got fired from her job, she had no way to pay all the stacking up bills. She finds a flyer for '@@.extra;maid work@@' and decides to put her whole body on the line for this new job...
<<elseif $dice1 == 1>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/TV/SexyMovie2.webp]]</div></center>
<div class="boxedText">
A rich couple has a hard time getting things going in the bedroom, so they hire a therapist, but this absolutely stunning therapist falls in love with the husband and secures him with her lady parts...
<<elseif $dice1 == 2>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/TV/SexyMovie3.webp]]</div></center>
<div class="boxedText">
Girls on a road trip find themselves trouble at a few times and the only way of getting out of them seem to be playing it sexy. The comedy has quite a few ridiculous situations, but the girls know their way out of them, eventually...
<<elseif $dice1 == 3>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/TV/SexyMovie4.webp]]</div></center>
<div class="boxedText">
In a fantasy world, a group of Amazonians find and capture men for breeding purposes, until one day they find a young girl who possesses power they have never seen before. The girl fells in love with one of the Amazonians, and they get to know each other very, Very intimately...
The scenes are in fact so erotic they make your ears glow red-hot. Too bad there isin't enough in one scene to get you going, but it's still a good watch.
The episode ends way too early for your liking, but gliff hangers are popular these days. Few jawns tell you how good bedroom pillow under your head would feel right now.
/* ********** NEXT TIER ************* */
<<elseif $dice == 2>>
The first thing that pops up is an action movie that you have heard about. <hr><div class="Banner">
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/TV/ActionMovie.webp]]</div></center>
<div class="boxedText">
The movie has fight scene after fight scene and then some shooting and good guys getting out against 100 bad guys without getting a hit. One of the good guys shoots down a plane with nothing but a pistol and then kills every passenger in it. It was a good thing all of the passengers were bad guys, somehow...
A few times during the film you find yourself dozing off and as the credits start to roll you just turn off the TV thinking that might have been the most boring movie ever made. Few jawns tell you how good bedroom pillow under your head would feel right now.
/* ********** NEXT TIER ************* */
<<elseif $dice == 3>>
<<set $player.lust += 40>>
<<if $flags.GameState == 0>>
<<set $dice1 = 10>>
<<elseif $flags.GameState == 1>>
<<set $dice1 = random(60)>>
<<elseif $flags.GameState == 2>>
<<set $dice1 = random(80)>>
<<if $PissContent == true>>
<<set $dice1 = random(100)>><<else>>
<<set $dice1 = random(79)>><</if>>
<<set $dice2 = random(2)>>
<center><div class="BigGif">
<<if $dice1 <= 30>> /*Sexy*/
<<if $dice2 == 0>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Park/ParkPublicSexy1.webp">
<<elseif $dice2 == 1>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Park/ParkPublicSexy2.webp">
<<elseif $dice2 == 2>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Park/ParkPublicSexy3.webp">
<<elseif $dice1 <= 60>> /*Bold*/
<<if $dice2 == 0>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Park/ParkPublicBold1.webp">
<<elseif $dice2 == 1>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Park/ParkPublicBold2.webp">
<<elseif $dice2 == 2>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Park/ParkPublicBold3.webp">
<<elseif $dice1 <= 80>> /*HC*/
<<if $dice2 == 0>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Park/ParkPublicHC1.webp">
<<elseif $dice2 == 1>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Park/ParkPublicHC2.webp">
<<elseif $dice2 == 2>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Park/ParkPublicHC3.webp">
<<else>> /*Special*/
<<if $dice2 == 0>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Park/ParkPublicSpecial1.webp">
<<elseif $dice2 == 1>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Park/ParkPublicSpecial2.webp">
<<elseif $dice2 == 2>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Park/ParkPublicSpecial3.webp">
On your walk around the park, you see a few rather brave town folks, not caring about how others might be seeing them going around like they do. This sort of behavior seems very odd to you, but then again, you are not the one to complain about it.
<<set $dice = random(100)>>
<<if $dice <= 50>>
<div class="BigGif"><img src="gifs/School/Study.webp"></div>
Despite all the distractions in the study hall, you manage to cram some information into that thick skull of yours.
It takes a lot of energy to keep yourself focused during studying, but you somehow manage.
<<if $player.willpower < $player.MaxWillpower>>
<<notify 5s>>
<<set $player.willpower += 2>>
Gain @@.Teacher;2 Willpower@@!
<<elseif $dice <= 90>><<set $player.lust += 10>>
<div class="BigGif"><img src="gifs/School/Study1.webp"></div>
Studying is hard when there are so many distractions, and at the end of the session, you feel like you only just manage to learn something.
<<if $player.willpower < $player.MaxWillpower>>
<<notify 5s>>
<<set $player.willpower += 1>>
Gain @@.Teacher;1 Willpower@@!
<<else>><<set $player.lust += 20>>
<div class="BigGif"><img src="gifs/School/Study2.webp"></div>
Studying is hard when there are so many distractions, and at the end of the session, you feel like you didn't really manage to learn anything.
<<if $player.willpower < $player.MaxWillpower>>
<<notify 5s>>
<<set $player.willpower += 0>>
Gain @@.Teacher;0 Willpower@@!
<<set $player.Studyed = true>>
<<link "Finish Studying">>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<goto $>>
/* ------------------------------------------------ */
/* LADIES */
/* ------------------------------------------------ */
Name: Maria / Lisa Ann & Ava Addams
Relations: Mother / Care Taker
Likes: Baking / Market
Job: Housewife / PhoneSex
Scents: Fruity Scent / H:Sweet & L:Salty
Hair: Brunet / Light Bush
Colors: White / Ruby
Impressed by: $player.Feminity
Maria is a Loving and caring House wife. Shes married to Hayley and is the MC's mother who would give world to you if you asked. She loves helping you out. She has always wanted a daughter and is pushing the MC in that direction all the time. When you finally come out as a Girl she's there to embrase it fully.
Name: Hayley / Brandi Love
Relations: Mother / Care Giver
Likes: Working out / Acting
Job: Business / Actor
Scents: Vanilla / H:Sour & L:Sweet
Hair: Blond / Small Patch
Colors: Yellow / Emerald
Impressed by: $player.Obediance
Hayley is more demanding parent to the MC, but that's only because she wants you to succeed in life.
She loves to workout and she has found a workout buddy from your teacher Stella. You can find both of them in Gym from time to time.
Hayley and Maria have quite the open relationship, so she often finds birds in bars to hangout with, but always comes back to Maria in the end.
Name: Stella / Ashley Fires
Relations: Teacher / Experience Giver
Likes: Obediance / Working out
Job: Teacher / SchoolBoardMember
Scents: Lavander / H:Salty & L:Sour
Hair: Blond / Shaved
Colors: Red / Amethist
Impressed by: $player.Feminity
Stella your new teacher like to give rewards for those who complete her tasks and punish those who don't. Carrot and a stick aproach. More you get to know her more she expects of you and is very demanding with school.
Name: Kristine / Julia Ann
Relations: Matts mother / Experience Taker
Likes: Party / Motherly stuff
Job: Partyplanner / Housewife
Scents: Soft Ginger / H:Sour & L:Umami
Hair: Blond / Small bush
Colors: Green / Gold
Impressed by: $player.Feminity
Kristine strikes as southern. Shes very shameless with you and other friends of Matt, but shes also very giving and likes to help out little things in need. She let's her children do what ever they want most of the time, but there are some rules that they must follow.
Kristine is very outgoing person and likes to take her friends out for things.
/* ------------------------------------------------ */
/* Gentlemen */
/* ------------------------------------------------ */
Frank (Kristines dear "Friend")
Larry (Kristines Husband)
/* ------------------------------------------------ */
/* Boy Friends */
/* ------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------ */
/* Girl Friends */
/* ------------------------------------------------ */
Images: Riley Reid
Likes: Cossip & Catching Predators
Fetish: Cuckhold & Cheating & BBC
Impressed: $player.Feminity
Rewards: PussyEating/Pissing/Taking Photos
Images: Katsuni / Asa Akira
Likes: Modeling
Fetish: Obediance and Teasing
Impressed: $player.Obediance
Rewards: Teasing/SlowStroking/Ruined orgsm
Images: Charlotte Sartre / Aria Alexander
Likes: Jokes and pranks and Tiktok
Fetish: Public and Risky Sex
Impressed: $player.DancingSkills
Rewards: Outdoor HJ/BJ/PussyEating
Images: Sasha Grey
Likes: Designing
Fetish: Dress up Sex
Impressed: $player.STR
Rewards: Under table HJ/BJ/PussyEating
/* ------------------------------------------------ */
/* BOSSY Friends */
/* ------------------------------------------------ */
Images: Marsha May / Dakota skye
Likes: Beauticion
Fetish: Sissification & Feetjobs
Rewards: FeetJob/Cunninlingus/Pegging
/* ------------------------------------------------ */
/* Submissive Friends */
/* ------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------ */
/* Other Random Characters */
/* ------------------------------------------------ */
Mother Theresa: Nun / BDSM / Masochist
Lena Paul
Joy: Nurse / School nurse / Experiments & Mindcontroll:
Lexi Belle / Kenzie Anne
Siri: Doctor / Doctor at Hospital / Experiments & Mindcontroll:
Siri / Siri Dahl
James / General store Manager / Abuser & Ladies man:
James Deen
Takes advantage of his employees by many ways.
Lindseys Father.
Him and Lindseys mother have open relationship agreemen
Mich / Detention Teacher / Porn & Masocist
Mick Blue / Danny D
Reads porn during class.
Pays little attention to the students.
Like authority
Cory / PE Teacher / Agressive & Strong & Hungry:
Brandi Mae
Strong and very into your cuteness.
Christy / Lindseys Mother / Punk & Tatoo artist
Christy Mack
/* ------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------ */
Kittenymph (Grazy Teen / Small Sample size)
alexa-grace (Blond / Teen / Tall / Small Breasts)
Piper Perri (Blond / Teen / Petite)
Emily Grey (Brunet / Teen / Petite)
Lena Paul (Blond / Teen Energy / Natural)
Lily Lou (Brunet / Teen)
Marilyn Sugar (Teen / Blond / Small Sample size)
Veruca James (Brunet / Teen)
Penny Pax (Redhead / Teen)
Ember Snow (asian / Teen)
Lana Rhoades (Brunet / Teen)
Dani Jensen (Redhead / Teen & Milf / Pratty)
Proxy Paige (Grazy hair / Teen & Milf / Milkers)
Monique Alexander (Redhead / Milf )
Amber Jade (Blond / Milf)
Luna Star (Busty / Brunet & GOLD / Milf?)
Mia Malkova (Blond / Pratty / Busty)
Krissy Lynn (Busty / Brunet / Milf?)
Zoey Holloway (Mommy / Darkhair)
Becky Bandini (Busty / Darkhair / Milf / Mommy)
Reagan Foxx (Busty / Darkhair / Milf / Mommy)
Sophie Dee (Busty / Darkhair / Milf / Mommy)
Brittney Kade (Bimbo / Transexual)
Natalie Mars (Sissy / Teen / Darkhair)
Ella Hollywood (Sissy / Teen / Blond)
Oliver Flynn
Owen Gray
Alex Riley pornstar
Ramon Nomar
Keiran Lee
John Johnson
<<if $character.render == true>>
<<characterMaker $character>>
<<set $character.render = false>>
<<if $character2.render == true>>
<<characterMaker2 $character2>>
<<set $character2.render = false>>
<<if $CharacterExtra.Render == true>>
<<makeCharacterExtra $CharacterExtra>>
<<set $CharacterExtra.Render = false>>
<<if $wardrobe.Create == true>>
<<createWardrobeWearingButtons $player>>
<<set $wardrobe.Create = false>>
<<if $CreateWardrobe == true>>
<<makeTable $table>>
<<set $CreateWardrobe = false>>
<<endif>><<widget "MakeCharacter">>
<<set $character.render = true>>
<<widget "MakeCharacter2">>
<<set $character2.render = true>>
<<widget "MakeCharacterExtra">>
<<set $CharacterExtra.Render = true>>
<<widget "MakeWardrobeFull">>
<<set $wardrobe.Create = true>>
<<widget "penis">>
<<print either("womb poker", "member", "meat popsicle", "pecker", "phallus", "weenie", "shaft", "schlong", "johnson", "prick")>>
<div class="DreamBox">
<<set $bg = "IntroDream">>
<<include "Backgrounds">>
Choose Name: <<textbox "$" "John">>
<div class="wardrobeButton">
<<button "Start New Game">><<goto "START DREAM">><</button>>
<<button "Skip First Week">><<goto "SKIP ONE WEEK">><</button>>
<<if $PaidContent == true>>
<<button "Skip First Two Weeks">><<goto "SKIP TWO WEEKS">><</button>>
<<set $DailyToughts = "
This new town feels rather spicy. I wonder if I get to make any new friends.
Chat: S/0 +5FS (max:10FS)
Quest1: S/10
A1.Share: S/10 +5FS (max:100FS)
A2.Fliry: S/50 +5FS (max:150FS)
T.Ask help: +10FS (mx:150FS)
Quest2: S/100
A1.Gift: S/100 +5FS (max:200FS)
A2.Tease: S/150 +5FS (max:250FS)
T.Market: +10FS (mx:250FS)
Quest3: S/200
A1.Kiss: S/200 +5FS (max:300FS)
A2.Fooling: S/250 +5FS (max:350FS)
T.Baking: +10FS (mx:350FS)
Quest4: S/300
A1.Grope: S/300 +5FS (max:400FS)
A2.Rub: S/350 +5FS (max:450FS)
T.Massage: +10FS (mx:450FS)
Quest5: S/400
A1.Makeout: S/400 +5FS (max:500FS)
A2.Handjob: S/450 +5FS (max:550FS)
Quest6: S/500
A1.Fingering: S/500 +5FS (max:600FS)
A2.Boobjob: S/550 +5FS (max:650FS)
/* TIER 0 */
<<if $flags.MariaQuest1 == false>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 10>>
<<if $flags.MariaQuest1Started == true>>
<<if $flags.BookAcquired == true>>
<<link "Give Maria the cookbook">>
<<set $choice = 2>>
<<goto "MARIA QUEST 1">>
<<link "Ask Maria about the cookbook?">>
<<set $choice = 1>>
<<goto "MARIA QUEST 1">>
<<link "Maria seems worried">>
<<set $Noted.MariaQuest1 = true>>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<goto "MARIA QUEST 1">>
<<if $Noted.MariaQuest1 == false || $flags.BookAcquired == true>>
<<if $flags.MariaQuest1 == true>>
<<if $flags.MariaDailyHelp == false>>
<<link "Ask help build your confidence">>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<set $energyToConsume = 20>>
<<set $timeToConsume = 2>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "MARIA ASK HELP">>
<<if $time.junk < 5>>
<<if $flags.MariaQuest2 == false>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 200>><hr>
<<if $location.PlayerCanLeaveHome == true>>
<<link "Maria seems troubled">>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<set $Noted.MariaQuest2 = true>>
<<set $energyToConsume = 20>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "MARIA QUEST 2">>
<<link "Maria seems troubled">>
<<set $choice = 2>>
<<if $flags.MariaQuest2 == true>>
<<if $time.junk < 5>>
<<if $flags.MariaDailyMarket == false>>
<<if $location.PlayerCanLeaveHome == true>>
<<link "Go to Market">>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<set $energyToConsume = 20>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "MARIA GO TO LOCAL MARKETS">>
<<link "Go to Market">>
<<set $choice = 2>>
<<if $flags.MariaQuest3 == false>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 400>>
<<link "Maria is in the Kitchen working on something">>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<goto "MARIA QUEST 3">>
<<if $flags.MariaQuest3 == true>>
<<if $flags.MariaDailyBaking == false>>
<<link "Help Maria with Baking">>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<set $energyToConsume = 20>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "MARIA BAKING">>
<<if $flags.MariaQuest4 == false>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 600>>
<<link "Maria shoulders seems hurt">>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<goto "MARIA QUEST 4">>
<<if $flags.MariaQuest4 == true>>
<<if $flags.MariaDailyMassage == false>>
<<link "Give Maria a Massage">>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<set $energyToConsume = 20>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "MARIA MASSAGE MORE">>
<<if $flags.MariaQuest5 == false>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 1200>>
<<link "Is there more?">>
<</if>><<if $energyToConsume <= 0>>
<<goto $passageToTransfer>>
<<elseif $energyToConsume <= $>>
<<set $ -= $energyToConsume>>
<<set $energyToConsume = 0>>
<<goto $passageToTransfer>>
<<set $energyToConsume = 0>>
<<set $choice = 1>>
<<if $CharacterToTransfer == "MARIA">>
<<elseif $CharacterToTransfer == "HAYLEY">>
<<elseif $CharacterToTransfer == "TEACHER">>
<<elseif $CharacterToTransfer == "KRISTINE">>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $choice == 1>>
You don't have enough energy to do that right now. Maybe after a good night's rest, or you could go drink a cup of coffee.
<<elseif $choice == 2>>
@@.Maria;"''Oh, Hun,'' you don't look to be wearing the right kind of clothing for this. Maybe go change and then we can talk."@@ She pats you on the head and sends you off.
<<set $location.Hint = "Clothing">><<include "HINT LINKS">>
<<elseif $choice == 4>>
@@.Maria;"''Oh, Hun,'' It's getting late and this might take some time. Perhaps we could try again tomorrow."@@ She pats you on the head and sends you off.
<<elseif $choice == 5>>
@@.Maria;"Hello hunney. Amm I don't think you are quite ready for this yet. Come back later when you feel more developed."
<<set $location.Hint = "FemScore">><<include "HINT LINKS">>
<<link "Leave">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Maria">>
<<MakeCharacter>><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $flags.MariaChatFirst = true>>
<<set $dice = random(3)>>
<<if $PaidContent == true>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 200>>
<<set $dice = random(8)>>
<<elseif $characterLikeness.Maria >= 100>>
<<set $dice = random(5)>>
<<switch visited()>>
<<case 1>>
@@.Maria;Maria@@ seems to be taken by surprise by you asking how has she been. <br>
@@.Maria;"//Oh, I-.// I'm actually quite fine. Well, a little sore from last night, but other than that I'm really well. What bring you asking these questions? You are not usually interested in others like that, so I'm a little surprised. Oh, how wonderful, our son has finally started taking interest in other peoples lives. //Thehehe//."@@ You tell her you are interested of others, especially to your parents, it's just that you've had a hard time lately and needed some time to adjust. <br>
@@.Maria;"Well, I'm glad you are settling in."@@ She gives you a deep motherly hug.
<<case 2>>
@@.Maria;Maria@@ seem to look at you more carefully then nodding in approval of sorts. <br>
@@.Maria;"You actually remind me of Hayley in many ways. Back in a day, she used to have quite the same attitude toward life as you do, and she even wore similar clothes as yours."@@ You tell her that Hayley seems totally different to you. <br>
@@.Maria;"Oh, maybe now that she has grown up, but oh boy, you should have seen her back in a day. Thehe, she and I used to get so much in trouble. Well, maybe we still do from time to time, but that is nor here or there."@@ Surprised of her perspective toward Hayley have you stunned, to you, she has always been a demanding mother.
<<if $dice == 0>>
You ask @@.Maria;Maria@@ if she needs help with. <br>
@@.Maria;"//Awww,// thanks <<print $>>. I think I'm okay, but thank you for asking. It's sometimes the thought that counts more than. You just need to focus on your studies right now, it's important to not have too many distractions. Don't I know it. I had a hard time keeping my hands off of ''Hayley'' when we were just students. Ahh, how I sometimes wish I paid more attention to school rather than her massive bosom."@@
<<elseif $dice == 1>>
While hanging out with @@.Maria;Maria@@, you ask about why did they adopt you and why didn't they never had one of their own. <br>
@@.Maria;"Well, we tried, but apparently our changes of bringing healthy children to this world was not great. We were actually going to go through with it anyway at first, but then ''Hayley'' suggested adoption."@@ To your surprise, it was Hayleys idea to adopt. <br>
@@.Maria;"Yes, actually, and she's the one that pushed especially to get you since... Well, we can talk about this some other time."@@ She seems troubled, like you hit a nerve or something, so you let the subject go.
<<elseif $dice == 2>>
@@.Maria;Maria@@ likes to talk about her time in school and how she really misses those times. <br>
@@.Maria;"Oh how young we were back then, we used to sneak around the back of the school to make out or... Thehe, you don't want to hear things like that."@@ You try to convince her that you are interested in her life before, but she tells you it's too soon to talk about things like that with you, so you let the subject go.
<<elseif $dice == 3>>
You try to tell @@.Maria;Maria@@ how you wish to be done with school already, so you can start your adult life for real. To that, @@.Maria;Maria@@ seem very amused of your point. <br>
@@.Maria;"It's so funny to think how excited everyone is to get out, but how much you wish to be back in that time when you grow up. You should be enjoying your school life to the fullest while you still have some. You have plenty of time to be adult later, but school will never come back once it's over."@@ Her words seem so odd to you, but you respect @@.Maria;Maria@@ more than anyone else in this world.
<<elseif $dice == 4>>
You ask your @@.Maria;Maria@@ about how she and @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ met, since they seem so polar opposite to each other. This seems to amuse her quite a bit. <br>
@@.Maria;"Thehehe, yes, she was quite something else for my usual self, but I suppose that is what I liked about her. She was so free and so, So big and dominant and my god she was so good at the sack." Maria's@@ cheeks start to burn bright red and her thoughts seem to be in the clouds. <br>
@@.Maria;"''//Eh,//'' not that that was all that interested me about her. She was also smart and knew how to get around, she even helped me with getting my first job as a waitress."@@ She seems to be in clouds once again.
<<elseif $dice == 5>>
When talking with @@.Maria;Maria@@, you got into the topic of school, and you mention how she must have turned all the boys heads around when she was in the school. @@.Maria;"''Hah'', yeah well. I would have, but Hayley was in the same class as me, so when you are second best looking you might as well be not good-looking at all."@@ She seems upset about it, so to cheer her up, you tell how she was the one who ended up with her in the end. @@.Maria;"//Haah//. Yes, I suppose that to Hayley I was the best looking. //Thihi//, And I remember when Hayley was not around all them boys coming running at my way. Not that I had any interest in them. Thank you, Hun. It's so much fun always talking with you."@@ She grabs you in a hug and practically buries your face in her bosom for a moment or two.
<<elseif $dice == 6>>
As you are talking with @@.Maria;Maria@@, you notice how her smooth skin looks. @@.Maria;"My, yes. I've been using all sorts of skin care products to keep up with it. Ah, it's not getting any easier with age. I mean, feel this part of her. See how rough it has gotten. Well, you might not remember, but that part use to be smooth as a babies bottom."@@ She took your hand and placed it between her bosom and just now realizes it. @@.Maria;"''Oh!'' //Thehehe//. That's-. Anyway, It's hard to keep up with a skin routine if you don't start young. So don't slack on it, even tho your skin may seem nice and smooth now. Someday it will grumble without proper care."@@ Maria blushes as she talks.
<<elseif $dice == 7>>
While talking to @@.Maria;Maria@@, you compliment her outfit, and she seems really taken by your comment. @@.Maria;"Thank you, Hun, I thought it might have been a bit of a gamble to wear around the house such a revealing outfit, but more I wear it more comfortable I feel. The freeing feeling of it is just amazing, it's almost like it could fly off at any moment and for any reason."@@ She says the last part while blushing and daydreaming, then she comes back to the conversation with a smile. @@.Maria;"//Thehe//, not that you need to know of all the details, but I am very pleased that someone noticed. ''//Smooch!//''"@@ She kisses you on the forehead.
<<elseif $dice == 8>>
When talking with @@.Maria;Maria@@, you got into the topic of work, and you mention how she must be tired from always having to do all the housework. @@.Maria;"Well, that's just how we decided to divide things with Hayley. I'm the stay home house mommy, and she's the ''business'' mommy. Not that I'm complaining at all, but it does take your toll to be always cleaning and dusting and cooking and and and... But that's just what work is. If I wasn't doing this I would be doing some ''business'' at the office and as I used to do that when I was younger now I this sort of work feels more natural and Hayley just feels more natural to that ''business'' side."@@ You compliment her work nevertheless, and she seems to appreciate your words by giving you a quick kiss on the cheek.
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria < 50>>
<<set $characterLikeness.Maria += 5>>
<<link "Finish chatting">>
<<goto "TALK TO MARIA">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Maria">>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "FriendsHouse">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "FRIENDS HOUSE">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
<<if $flags.SkipFirstKristine == false>>
<<if visited() == 1>>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<goto "Matts Place First">>
A nicely designed living room with a sleek wood and glass coffee table accompanying other pieces of very modern, clean furniture. It's difficult not to be jealous of such a nice place, but you're practically family here.
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "MattsRoom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "FRIENDS HOUSE">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
Matt's room has so much cool-looking stuff and lights that it makes you jealous every time you see it.
<<if $time.junk < 6>>
<<link "Talk to Matt">>
<<goto "TALK TO MATT">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Matt">>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "FriendsBathroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "FRIENDS HOUSE">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
Matt's house bathroom is quite similar to yours, all tho a lot bigger, it still features the same functions as any bathroom would. A shower, a toilet, and a sink.
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "DinasRoom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "FRIENDS HOUSE">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
Matt's sister, Dina, keeps her room quite disorganized, or so it seems at first glance. There are piles of clothing everywhere, and all sorts of beauty products are just lying on the floor.
<<set $time.junk = 0>>
<<set $ += 1>>
<<if $ >= 8>>
<<set $ -= 7>>
<<set $Help.BullyDexter = false>>
<<set $Help.BullyStacy = false>>
<<set $flags.MariaForcedFingering = true>>
<<set $flags.HayleyForcedFingering = true>>
<<set $flags.StellaForcedFingering = true>>
<<set $flags.KristineForcedFingering = true>>
<<set $work.ClassCreditsMax = 0>>
<<set $work.LectureCreditsMax = 0>>
<<set $work.SecretaryCreditsMax = 0>>
<<set $flags.KristineDailyParty = false>>
/*Lust RESETs*/
<<if $player.lust < 0>>
<<set $player.lust = 0>>
<<elseif $player.lust > 200>>
<<set $player.lust = 200>>
<<set $time.DayCounter += 1>>
<<set $player.SinceShowered += 1>>
<<set $Snooping.CheckedPRWard = false>>
<<set $Snooping.CheckedPRDraw = false>>
<<set $Snooping.CheckedPRbed = false>>
<<set $Snooping.CheckedPRlaptop = false>>
<<set $Snooping.CheckedPRsecret = false>>
<<set $Snooping.CheckedSTLDesk = false>>
<<set $Snooping.CheckedSTLDraw = false>>
<<set $Snooping.CheckedSTLCab = false>>
<<set $Snooping.CheckedSTLlaptop = false>>
<<set $Snooping.CheckedSTLsecret = false>>
<<set $Snooping.CheckedKRSWard = false>>
<<set $Snooping.CheckedKRSDraw = false>>
<<set $Snooping.CheckedKRSBed = false>>
<<set $Snooping.CheckedKRSlaptop = false>>
<<set $Snooping.CheckedKRSsecret = false>>
<<set $work.GeneralStoreWork = false>>
<<set $work.BrazWork = false>>
<<set $work.dishes -= 1>>
<<set $work.mowing -= 1>>
<<set $work.laundry -= 1>>
<<set $work.vacuuming -= 1>>
<<if $ == 5>>
<<if $flags.KristineQuest1 == true>>
<<set $flags.FridayParty = true>>
<<set $flags.FridayParty = false>>
<<set $player.TempSTR = 0>>
<<set $player.TempWillpower = 0>>
/* DECRESEs */
<<if $flags.MariaMad > 0>>
<<set $flags.MariaMad -= 1>>
<<if $flags.HayleyMad > 0>>
<<set $flags.HayleyMad -= 1>>
<<if $flags.StellaMad > 0>>
<<set $flags.StellaMad -= 1>>
<<if $flags.KristineMad > 0>>
<<set $flags.KristineMad -= 1>>
<<if $flags.GamePhase >= 4>>
<<set $flags.GameState += 1>>
<<set $flags.GamePhase -= 4>>
<<set $flags.HomeBathroom = false>>
<<set $flags.showered = false>>
<<set $flags.FriendsBathroom = false>>
<<set $flags.MariaMastubateSeen = false>>
<<set $flags.HayleyMastubateSeen = false>>
<<set $flags.StellaMastubateSeen = false>>
<<set $flags.KristineMastubateSeen = false>>
<<set $flags.DinaMastubateSeen = false>>
<<set $flags.SnoopingParents = false>>
<<set $flags.SnoopingStellas = false>>
<<set $flags.SnoopingDinas = false>>
<<set $flags.SnoopingKristines = false>>
<<set $flags.DailyTestsubject = false>>
<<set $flags.DailyTutoring = false>>
<<set $flags.DailyStellasRoomSnoop = false>>
<<set $flags.DailyLecture = false>>
<<set $flags.DailyTV = false>>
<<set $flags.DailyClass = false>>
<<set $flags.MariaDailyHelp = false>>
<<set $flags.MariaDailyMarket = false>>
<<set $flags.MariaDailyBaking = false>>
<<set $flags.MariaDailyMassage = false>>
<<set $flags.HayleyDailyHelp = false>>
<<set $flags.HayleyDailyWork = false>>
<<set $flags.HayleyDailyWorkout = false>>
<<set $flags.HayleyDailyActing = false>>
<<set $flags.StellaDailyLecture = false>>
<<set $flags.StellaDailyHelper = false>>
<<set $flags.StellaDailyTutoring = false>>
<<set $flags.StellaDailyWorkout = false>>
<<set $flags.KristineDailyMall = false>>
<<set $flags.KristineDailyNap = false>>
<<set $flags.RileyHelped = false>>
<<set $flags.LindseyHelped = false>>
<<set $flags.KatsuniHelped = false>>
<<set $flags.MiaHelped = false>>
<<goto "MORNING">><<if $choice == 0>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $location.friend = passage()>>
<<set $Market.PlacesChecked = 0>>
<<if $flags.MariaMad > 0>>
@@.Maria;Maria@@ seems to be troubled, but when you ask about it she seems to just push you away. <br>
She seems still be upset with you. Perhaps waiting few days might help things out.
<<link "Come back later">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $ = "ApronStrict">>
You ask @@.Maria;Maria@@ if everything is okay. <br>
@@.Maria;"Hayley and I were going to take a look at the Old Town Markets today, but there was an emergency call from the office to her. It seems the trip is cancelled. //Hmph//, I was really looking forward to this."@@
[[Suggest going with her|MARIA QUEST 2][$choice to 1]]<br>
<<link "Some other time perhaps.">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $ = "Outside">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Maria">>
<<elseif $choice == 1>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Market">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Maria;"Ah! Really? You would do that for me? Oh, how thoughtful of you, Hunney! Hmm, yeah, let's do it. Today is not yet ruined for me!"@@ She quickly packs her stuff and is ready to go.
The two of you take a quick bus ride to the 'Old Town' which seems to be buzzing with people since the 'Seaside Markets' opened just today. You walk around the market for a bit and see everything from wooden utensils to homemade clothing, and even some exotic fruits and snacks. Maria seems overwhelmed with the choices and can't decide where to look first. <br>
@@.Maria;"Ah, would you look at this place? It's filled with awe and wonder. Where should we look first? I want to visit all of them, but man, there is a lot here. Hmm..."@@ There are several small stalls around the place to choose from.
<<if $Market.Stall_Cosmetics == false>>
<<link "Cosmetics Stall">><<set $bg = "Market_Cosmetics">>
<<set $Market.Location = "COSMETICS">>
<<set $Market.Stall_Cosmetics = true>><<goto $location.friend>>
<</link>><<else>>[@@.Cancel;Cosmetics Stall@@]<</if>>
<<if $Market.Stall_Candy == false>>
<<link "Odd candy Stall">><<set $bg = "Market_Candy">>
<<set $Market.Location = "CANDY">>
<<set $Market.Stall_Candy = true>><<goto $location.friend>>
<</link>><<else>>[@@.Cancel;Odd candy Stall@@]<</if>>
<<if $player.feminity >= 25>>
<<if $Market.Stall_Cute == false>>
<<link "Cute Accessories Stall">><<set $bg = "Market_Cute">>
<<set $Market.Location = "CUTE">>
<<set $Market.Stall_Cute = true>><<goto $location.friend>>
<</link>><<else>>[@@.Cancel;Cute Accessories Stall@@]<</if>>
<<if $player.feminity >= 15>>
<<if $Market.Stall_Scary == false>>
<<link "Scary Accessories Stall">><<set $bg = "Market_Scary">>
<<set $Market.Location = "SCARY">>
<<set $Market.Stall_Scary = true>><<goto $location.friend>>
<</link>><<else>>[@@.Cancel;Scary Accessories Stall@@]<</if>>
<<if $Market.Stall_Dyetie == false>>
<<link "Dye Tie Shirts Stall">><<set $bg = "Market_Dyetie">>
<<set $Market.Location = "DYETIE">>
<<set $Market.Stall_Dyetie = true>><<goto $location.friend>>
<</link>><<else>>[@@.Cancel;Dye Tie Shirts Stall@@]<</if>>
<<if $Market.Stall_Portrait == false>>
<<link "Hot Portrait Stall">><<set $bg = "Market_Portrait">>
<<set $Market.Location = "PORTRAIT">>
<<set $Market.Stall_Portrait = true>><<goto $location.friend>>
<</link>><<else>>[@@.Cancel;Hot Portrait Stall@@]<</if>>
<<set $choice = 10>>
<<set $character.movement = true>>
<<set $location.friend = passage()>>
<<elseif $choice == 10>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<if $choice == 20>><<set $choice = 100>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Market">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Maria;"Oh, okay. I was hoping to stay a bit longer, but I guess the Market is not going anywhere so we can visit it any time we want."@@
<<elseif $choice == 21>><<set $choice = 100>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Market">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $choice == 100>><<set $choice = 999>>
@@.Maria;Maria@@ is tired but there is sense of wonder and awe in her that you have not seen many times before. <br>
@@.Maria;"So, how did you like it? Was the seaside market everything you wish it to be? I certainly did. Oh, I'm already dreaming of next time coming back here. //Thihihi//. Hmm, perhaps you would like to company me then aswell? If you ever want to just come ask and I'm sure I'm up for it. Ouh, how I had such wonderfull time with you today. Thank you my son. //Smootch!//"@@ She lands a big kiss straight on to your lips before heading to the bus stop to leave back home.
<<if $choice == 999>>
<<notify 5s>>
@@.Maria;Maria@@ likes you more and has more things she wants to do with you.
<div class="wardrobeButton">
<<button "Head home with Maria">>
<<set $time.junk += 2>>
<<set $Market.PlacesChecked = 0>>
<<set $Market.Stall_Cosmetics = false>>
<<set $Market.Stall_Candy = false>>
<<set $Market.Stall_Cute = false>>
<<set $Market.Stall_Scary = false>>
<<set $Market.Stall_Dyetie = false>>
<<set $Market.Stall_Portrait = false>>
<<set $flags.MariaDailyMarket = true>>
<<set $flags.MariaQuest2 = true>>
<<set $ = "">>
<<goto $>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Maria">>
/**************************NEXT SECTIONS******************************/
<<elseif visited() == 2>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "MomBedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
In the bedroom, there are few clothes laying on top of the bed. @@.Maria;"Oh right, these things. Forgot to put them away. We can just do that real quick first. Uuu, haven seen this nightgown for a while. And you remember these. We bought them together from that lingerie store. Oh, what do people usually wear during a massage?"@@
[[Suggest her wearing less clothes|MASSAGE MARIA][$choice to 1]]<br>
[[Suggest her wearing other clothes|MASSAGE MARIA][$choice to 2]]<br>
[[Suggest her wearing no clothes at all|MASSAGE MARIA][$choice to 3]]<br>
/**************************NEXT SECTIONS******************************/
<<elseif visited() == 3>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "MomBedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $choice == 1>>
<<set $ = "Less">>
@@.Maria;"Hmm, I suppose it's right to wear little less heavy clothes. How about this. This should do fine, right? It gives easy access to my back and neck without exposing too much."@@
<<elseif $choice == 2>>
<<set $ = "Other">>
@@.Maria;"Something else? Hmm, this should do. Let me just put it on quickly... So, how does it look? I'm not sure if it's any better for massaging, but you're the expert here."@@
<<elseif $choice == 3>>
<<set $ = "Naked">>
@@.Maria;"//A-a massage!// Nude! Hmmm. Are you sure about that?" She hesitates before answering. "I don't know. Isn't it weird?"@@ You try convincing her that you need full access in order to give your best. @@.Maria;"Yes, right, but, I mean..."@@ She tries to come up with a reason. "Well, okay then..."
Maria lays down on top of the massage table. @@.Maria;"Okay, let's do this. My shoulders are killing me."@@
[[First you take out the massage oil|MASSAGE MARIA]]<br>
/**************************NEXT SECTIONS******************************/
<<elseif visited() == 4>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom1/Massage/MariaMassage2.mp4"></video>
You take the message oil and rub it all over her soft body.
@@.Maria;"//Mmm-,// that feels good. The massage oil was a good call. It makes my skin feel all tingly and young again. Uuuhh, keep rubbing it in just like that."@@ She seems to be enjoying it a bit too much for. Her skin feels soft and bouncy under your hands as you go in circle motions around her shoulder blades and then push toward the back of her neck. @@.Maria;"//Ah,// yes hunney. You have magical hands' babe. //Uhh,// that is nice."@@
Hands moving closer and closer toward her bottom as you can hear moans escape from her mouth. @@.Maria;"//Ahh,// sweetie that's the spot. Uuu-. Your hands are magical, they make me so-. So-. Ughh. Just, Keep, going. Mmmm, I'm in heaven right now."@@<br>
Slowly but surely, you go lower and lower until your hands rest on her bare ass.
[[Be rough|MASSAGE MARIA][$choice to 1]]<br>
[[Be gentle|MASSAGE MARIA][$choice to 2]]<br>
[[Go lower|MASSAGE MARIA][$choice to 3]]<br>
/**************************NEXT SECTIONS******************************/
<<elseif visited() == 5>>
<<if $choice == 1>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom1/Massage/MariaMassage5.mp4"></video>
Hands on her ass, you exert a force strong enough for her yelp. @@.Maria;"//Oih,// that is too much,// aaah,// too quick, too much, I'm going to... burst if you keep going like that."@@ But you don't slower down, instead you go even harder. Slowly but surely, you go lower and lower until your hands rest on her bare ass.
<<elseif $choice == 2>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom1/Massage/MariaMassage3.mp4"></video>
Massaging slowly and gently around her ass, you are not sure if this has any effect on her until your hands get so close to her crotch you almost touch her wet pussy. @@.Maria;"//Haa-.// Mmaybe a bit more upwards rather than so low..."@@ But despite her comment, your fingers keep circling ever so closer to her grand prize.
<<elseif $choice == 3>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom1/Massage/MariaMassage4.mp4"></video>
Hands going past her ass cheeks and instead start to approach from the other side, you push deeper and deeper toward her crotch until her legs start to shake. @@.Maria;"Maybe,//haa,// not so close. //Uuuh,// to the. //Ammm-.// There you know-. Are//ahh-.//"@ Despite her moaning comments, your hands creep closer and closer to her grand prize.
@@.Maria;"//A-.. -hhh,// hunney. That's-... That's enough for today."@@ She's clenching her ass so hard you might mistake her from having an orgasm. She then quickly rolls off the bed and wraps a towel around her body. Her face bright red and glazed eyes tell you just how close you got before she stopped you. @@.Maria;"You-. You may go now. I'm taking a shower and...."@@ Wanting to keep going, you try to find a set of words that could convince her, but nothing comes to mind, so you leave. @@.Maria;"And! Thank you sweetie. That really meant a lot to me."@@ You hear from behind as you step out the bedroom.
<<link "Head to your bedroom">><<goto "MY BEDROOM">><</link>>
<<set $flags.MariaQuest3 = true>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<swhich visited()>>
<<case 1>>
Asking @@.Maria;Maria@@ of how many partners she has had while casually chatting with her gave her quite the shock, but she quickly responds. @@.Maria;"Well, I've been with Hayley, but as you might know, we have more of an open relationship and can sometimes spend the night with others. As for how many? Let's just say, too many to count. Why do you ask?"@@
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom1/MomKiss.webp"></div>
You tell her not having being with anyone lately and the idea of getting with someone scares you. That you might not be good enough for anyone. @@.Maria;"Trust me, sweetie, you are good enough. In fact, you are better than ''most!''"@@ You ask how could she possibly know that. @@.Maria;"Well, how can I prove to know? The only way would be..."@@ She seems to be lost in words, so you try helping out, telling the only way is to test it out. She nods slowly and hesitates to move, so you make the move first by walking right up to her. @@.Maria;Maria@@ finally closes her eyes and leans in for a quick kiss on your lips. She takes a few steps away from you now and clears her throat. @@.Maria;"//Mmm,// yes. A good kiss. I'm sure anyone would love to kiss you."@@ Small patches of redness creep on her cheeks.
<<case 2>>
You decide to ask about the kiss you two had and if there is anyway you could improve on it. @@.Maria;"''Oh'', //Hmm//. Yes, you could use some chapstick. Or do you mean on the technique? ''Ah'', //well//, it's not that you were bad, but you might lack the experience. Nothing you really need to worry about. I'm sure you'll be kissing all the girls in your school."@@
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom1/MomKiss.webp"></div>
You tell @@.Maria;Maria@@ that you're still afraid that everyone is so far ahead of your technique that they don't want to do it with you. @@.Maria;"Then you need some practice. I suppose."@@ Lighting up and thanking her to be willing to help you out practice seems to be not what she had in mind, but seeing you so happy, she has a hard time backing down. @@.Maria;"Let's just be quick, then."@@ So, without hesitation, you land a big wet kiss on @@.Maria;Maria's@@ surprised mouth. @@.Maria;"//Ah, mmm.// That was better... We should stop for now, maybe later. I have so many home chores still to do."@@ She seems startled by your sudden approach.
/* ************************Default************************* */
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria < 400>>
<<set $dice = random(2)>>
You want to ask @@.Maria;Maria@@ about your kissing technique again, and at this point she seems more and more open to the idea. @@.Maria;"I'm sure it's fine, but if you're still unsure, I can check it out. But pay attention this time, so I don't have to continually repeat it."@@ She leans closer, ready for your kiss.
<<if $dice == 0>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom1/MommyDeepKiss.webp"></div>
You go in for a big passionate kiss while holding her head in with your hands. Taking as much time as possible before departing your lips from hers. A small batch of saliva is still connected between the two of you before it drips down. @@.Maria;Maria@@ is very well taken by your kiss. //Her half glazed eyes// linger on yours before they flatter and come back to reality. @@.Maria;"//That-.// That was quite the kiss. With that one, you'll land any girl or boy you want. Oh boy. //Waah...//"@@ She runs her finger across her lips once more, almost like wanting to taste you one more time.
<<elseif $dice == 1>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom1/MommyDeepKiss2.webp"></div>
You give her a quick kiss on her lips, so quick in fact that she seem rather surprised by the whole thing. @@.Maria;"''Oh-.'' Okay. That was-. A kiss, but when kissing someone, try to think what they want from it. Not just you. Small kisses can be cute tho. Hmm, yes. //Cute.//"@@ She taps her fingernails against a wooden surface, almost like she's waiting for more, but then just nods her head and is ready to leave.
<<elseif $dice == 2>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom1/MommyDeepKiss3.webp"></div>
You lean in for a passionate French kiss with full tongue and all. Maria seems shocked at first, but then responds to you in kind to her tongue. There, you two explore each other's mouths with your tongues while making multiple kisses to each other. Her lips depart from yours, and she has a hard time staying still as her whole body is quivering. With glazed eyes, she tries to say a few words of approval, but they come out as unrecognizable mumbling. She leans against a counter and takes a few deep breaths before facing you again. @@.Maria;"Good. You are //improving... gulp...//"@@
/* ************************LIKENESS +400************************* */
<<set $dice = random(2)>>
Rather than asking her any longer if she's willing to kiss you, just lean closer to her and she knows what's coming. Her eyes close as she's ready to receive your lips.
<<if $dice == 0>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom1/MommyPassionKiss.webp"></div>
You go in for a big passionate kiss while holding her head in with your hands. Her hands wonder around your neck and arms as well, and as your lips depart, she has a hard time taking her gaze off of yours. There is still a small batch of saliva connecting between the two of you, and she notices it as well and smiles when it finally cuts out. @@.Maria;"''Wow,'' that was more than I expected. Thank you. I really needed it."@@
<<elseif $dice == 1>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom1/MommyPassionKiss2.webp"></div>
You give her a quick kiss on her lips, and she's surprised at first then pouting at how you are already done, but she's not and just grabs hold of you and kisses you deep and long, wrapping both hands around your neck. @@.Maria;Maria@@ does not seem to want to let go before she's satisfied. Not that you are really against it, either. With a grin on her face, she lets go of you, waiting for a response in which you compliment her kiss. She nods approvingly. @@.Maria;"Now that's a kiss. You better remember it well."@@ You ask for a quick reminder, but she just smirks at your way.
<<elseif $dice == 2>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom1/MommyPassionKiss3.webp"></div>
You lean in for a passionate //''French kiss''// with full tongue. @@.Maria;Maria's@@ tongue enters yours, almost like she was anticipating this already and has made a few laps in there before you've had chance to fully enter hers. There is the two of you passionately caress each other few quite a long time like young lovers a like. In the end, her lips depart from yours. @@.Maria;"I do have some house chores still to do, otherwise I would stay here the whole day."@@
<</if>>/*DICE END*/
<</if>>/*$characterLikeness.Maria END*/
<<link "Finish up">><<goto "TALK TO MARIA">><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Maria">>
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria < 250>>
<<set $characterLikeness.Maria += 25>>
1. Back Tolerance -= 10 +1 MariaOrgsm Back
2. Tights Tolerance -= 20 +1 MariaOrgsm Thights
3. Ass Tolerance -= 30 +2 MariaOrgsm Butt
4. Hole Fingering Tolerance -= 40 +3 MariaOrgsm Hole
5. Anal Tolerance -= 50 +5 MariaOrgsm Anal
1. Legs Tolerance -= 10 +1 MariaOrgsm Legs
2. Face Tolerance -= 20 +1 MariaOrgsm Face
3. Boobs Tolerance -= 30 +2 MariaOrgsm Boobs
4. Pussy Fingering Tolerance -= 40 +3 MariaOrgsm Pussy
5. Vaginal Tolerance -= 50 +5 MariaOrgsm Vaginal
$Workouts.MariaMassage == "Fail"
<<if $choice == 0>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom1/Massage/MariaMassage1.mp4"></video>
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 550>>
You suggest Maria for another massage, and she licks her lips. @@.Maria;"Uuu, a hot massage from my handsome boy. Yes please. I can't wait for what this leads to. Thehe, that red face of yours is priceless. C'mon, let's go to my bedroom first."@@ She leads you to her and Hayley's bedroom where she gives you a quick strip tease taking off her clothes, slowly bending while putting each piece of fabric on the ground. @@.Maria;"//Mmmh-.// I'm ready now. It's your turn next."@@ She lies on top of the massage table, eagerly waiting for you to proceed with the hot massage she was promised.
Seeing @@.Maria;Maria@@ still being bothered by her sore neck, you suggest giving her another massage, and her face runs red. @@.Maria;"//Ah,// I'm okay, son. You don't have to bother old me with that."@@ You tell her it's no bother, and you would love to give her a massage, in which she has no arguments against.<br>
You take her to your parent's bedroom, where she again lies on the massage table fully naked now, not caring at all if you see her body or not.
[[Start with shoulders|MASSAGE WITH MARIA][$choice to 1]]<br>
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 300>>
[[Start from her bottom|MASSAGE WITH MARIA][$choice to 10]]<br>
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 450>>
[[Tell her to flip around|MASSAGE WITH MARIA][$choice to 20]]<br>
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 650>>
<<if $player.lust >= 100>>
[[Ask for a blowjob|MASSAGE WITH MARIA][$choice to 30]]<br>
Ask for a blowjob (Not enough lust)<br>
<<set $ = "Naked">>
/* --------------------------------------------- */
/* Shoulders */
/* --------------------------------------------- */
<<elseif $choice == 1>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria < 300>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom1/Massage/MariaMassage2.mp4"></video>
<<elseif $characterLikeness.Maria < 450>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom1/Massage/MariaMassage3.mp4"></video>
<<elseif $characterLikeness.Maria < 550>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom1/Massage/MariaMassage4.mp4"></video>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom1/Massage/MariaMassage5.mp4"></video>
You start with her aching shoulders first, that seems to be in a lot of pain, since when your hands start to rub around them, she gasps air after every stroke. @@.Maria;"Yes, boy, those hands are going to make some girl very happy someday. Keep going just like that."@@ You try finding every sore spot around, and she visibly shakes after every one of them. Slowly you go lower and lower until you reach the small of her back. There your hands circle around while you keep your eyes on the price below, wanting to go even lower on her smooth jiggly body.
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 300>>
<<set $player.lust += 5>>
Feeling a bit adventures still, you start approaching her booty, and she does not seem to mind until your hands are resting on top of her massive booty. You spent a lot of time massaging around those massive doughnuts, getting to know every bit of flesh you possibly can. It does not take long for @@.Maria;Maria@@ to start breathing heavy.<br>
A few light //moans// escape her mouth, and she pretends those are her yawns. @@.Maria;"//''Huaa-.'' Mm,// this is so relaxing..."@@ But you can tell she's far more than just simply enjoying the relaxing massage, by the way her puckered butt keeps twhiching.
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 450>>
<<set $player.lust += 5>>
You test your luck by circling your thumb, around her butt hole and her breathing quickens and her ass cheeks clench, but as you keep going with the very intimate place she soon starts to relax again letting you play with her hole. She keeps quiet throughout the whole thing other than her feminine moans.
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 550>>
<<set $player.lust += 5>>
<div class="vidSmall" style="float:right;">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom1/Massage/MariaMassageButtHole.mp4"></video>
As your thumbs circle around her puckered hole. Not being able to control yourself any longer, you push one finger inside. @@.Maria;Maria's@@ head immediate rises from the pillow, and it seems like she's about to say something, but then she just lowers it back down, letting you finger her hole.
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria < 650>>
A few more attempt to push fingers further into her puckered hole, and she clenches up, turns around, pulling herself away.
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria < 650>>
@@.Maria;"''Ah,'' I think I'm all good now. Thank you, Sweetie, //I-.// I need to... ''Pee!''"@@ She rushes toward the bathroom hand on crotch while some liquid drips on the floor from her crotch, leaving a beauty trail behind her.
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 650>>
<<if $player.lust >= 100>>
<<set $player.lust -= 100>>
Her hand reaches toward your crotch and finds your hard twat poker. She caresses you while you finger her tight asshole on. Unable to control yourself any further, you drop off your pants and start jerking yourself off. @@.Maria;"Uuuh, it must have been hard on you to endure all this pleasure. Well, I'm all satisfied, so why shouldn't you be as well."@@
<div class="vidSmall" style="float:right;">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom1/Massage/MariaMassageCumshot.mp4"></video>
She presents her massive ass to you, asking you to cream her on. This is all it takes to make you go over the edge. Your spunk now decorating her smooth massive booty, she massages the cream into it. @@.Maria;"This stuff is great for your skin. Thank you sweetie. I'll remember your gift. //Smooch.//"@@ She gives you a big kiss before heading to the bathroom to clean herself off.
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
Her hand reaches toward your crotch and finds your hard twat poker. She caresses you while you finger her tight asshole on. Not being too into it right now you instead focus all your attention on making her feel as much pleasure as you can. <br><br>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom1/Massage/MariaMassageButtHole2.webp"></div>
At this point your fingers go absolutely wild and her normally beautiful motherly voice turns toward animalistic gripes and wailing. Her body betrays herself, and she suddenly starts to convulse as her tight cunt starts soaking the massage table with its own fluids.
@@.Maria;"''AHH, AAAH, //MMMMmm-.// ''"@@ She collapses to the table, her whole body still quivering as your fingers are still locked in her asshole and with the sound. @@.Maria;"POP."@@ You pull them out. With the last conscious thought, @@.Maria;Maria@@ whispers. @@.Maria;"//Thank youuu-...//"@@
With this, you take a step backwards and admire your accomplishment of making a woman as beautiful as her have such intense orgasm.
<<link "Leave the room">><<set $ = "">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $player.lust += 5>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria < 350>>
<<set $characterLikeness.Maria += 50>>
/* --------------------------------------------- */
/* Bottom */
/* --------------------------------------------- */
<<elseif $choice == 10>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria < 450>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom1/Massage/MariaMassage2.mp4"></video>
<<elseif $characterLikeness.Maria < 550>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom1/Massage/MariaMassage8.mp4"></video>
<<elseif $characterLikeness.Maria < 650>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom1/Massage/MariaMassage9.mp4"></video>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom1/Massage/MariaMassage10.mp4"></video>
You start by adding massage oil from her nightstand to your hands, and then in goes to her back. Caressing her oily back gets @@.Maria;Maria@@ going already, as she's not holding back her open feminine moans. Further back, your hands move, louder and more frequent her moans get. You tease her all the way to her butt like this. Since this part has an incredible amount of mass, you have to be a little rough on it. Maybe a lot of rough and her booty and legs shaking beneath your hands indicates her pleasure toward it. You spent a lot of time massaging there, quickly her moans turn to begging for you to stop teasing her. This sensation of having full control over someone's faith is making you incredibly hard, and it takes all your willpower to not be too hasty with it. You want to take your time with her.
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 450>>
<<set $player.lust += 5>>
You then slowly push one finger in to her butt hole and then quickly take it out. She clenches but does not seem too bothered by this, in fact her moans could indicate her wanting even more and so, you push your thumb inside of her a few more times, each time she fully clenches her whole body only to relax a few moments later.
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 550>>
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
Wanting to savor the moment you decide to go next toward her knees and there your hands start to travel back up, deep in between her thighs and the back-down again, teasing her in the brink of an orgasm. She starts rocking her hips against your hand every time it gets close to her twat, hoping to be touched more intimately. Frustrated, her moans practically beg for you to go just an inch closer. Her whole body is quivering, waiting for you to take the final plunge toward her wet, inviting hole as you suddenly insert two fingers into her puckered back pocket. <br><br>
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 650>>
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
At this point your fingers go absolutely wild and her normally beautiful motherly voice turns toward animalistic gripes and wailing. Her body betrays herself, and she suddenly starts to convulse as her tight cunt starts soaking the massage table with its own fluids.
@@.Maria;"''AHH, AAAH, //MMMMmm-.// ''"@@ She collapses to the table, her whole body still quivering as your fingers are still locked in her asshole and with the sound. @@.Maria;"POP."@@ You pull them out. With the last conscious thought, @@.Maria;Maria@@ whispers. @@.Maria;"//Thank youuu-...//"@@
With this, you take a step backwards and admire your accomplishment of making a woman as beautiful as her have such intense orgasm.
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria < 650>>
@@.Maria;"I-hhh. //Uuuhh.// I-. I, think, that's good enough for today. ''Hoo...'' I ''really'' need to, //pee//."@@ Her whole body is shaking. Her eyes are glazed over, and she has a hard time catching her breath, which makes her mouth hang open like a blowup doll. She gives you a hug before shakily walks toward the bathroom, holding on to her pulsating crotch. She leaves behind a fluid trail that drips on the floor from it.
<<link "Leave the room">><<set $ = "">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria < 350>>
<<set $characterLikeness.Maria += 50>>
<<set $player.lust += 5>>
/* --------------------------------------------- */
/* Flip around */
/* --------------------------------------------- */
<<elseif $choice == 20>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria < 550>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom1/Massage/MariaMassage6.mp4"></video>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom1/Massage/MariaMassage7.mp4"></video>
You start by adding massage oil from her nightstand to your hands and then tell her to turn around. @@.Maria;Maria@@ does as she's told, exposing her massive baby feeders to you. @@.Maria;"So these are on your interest today. Well, okay then. Go ahead, they need a deep massage too sometimes."@@ Wasting no time, you grab both of them and start roughly massaging the sensual oil into them. @@.Maria;"//Mmm,// so feisty. Is my boy in a hurry? Well okay then. //Mmm,// as long as you do mommy good, I let you have your-. //Mmm,// fun."@@ She's already letting out some lewd noises, and something tells you there is no stopping them.
Your hands circle around and around until your fingertips come across the areolas of her massive knockers. There they play sometime, building up the tension before heading further toward the hard tips. The tips of your fingers finally come to contact with her nipples, and @@.Maria;Maria's@@ moans seem to agree with you. Now it's time to give her breasts a deep and thorough massage.
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 550>>
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
Your hands start to travel lower on her body until they find her sensitive crotch. Instinctively, @@.Maria;Maria@@ spreads her legs a bit, giving you better access to the goods, and you don't disappoint her. You massage her inner thigh, very close to her precious slit. Her faint begging is not lost to your ears. @@.Maria;"''HuaaAh-. //Please...// ''"@@ This time you attack her twat from both sides, finding every nook and granny around her area.
Frustrated, her moans practically beg for you to go just an inch closer. Her whole body is quivering, waiting for you to take the final plunge toward her wet, inviting hole as you suddenly take hold of her swollen clit. She thrust her hips upwards as one of your fingers insets itself deep within her.
Now your fingers can go absolutely wild on her. Maria's normal beautiful motherly voice has turned toward animalistic gripes and wailing. Her body betrays herself, and she suddenly starts to convulse as her tight cunt starts spasming under your fingers. The massage table is soon soaked with her fluids, and so is your hand. @@.Maria;"''AHH, AAAH, //MMMMmm-.//''"@@ She finally collapses to the table, her whole body still quivering as your finger is still locked in her tight hole and with the sound. @@.Maria;"POP."@@ You pull it out. With the last conscious thought, @@.Maria;Maria@@ whispers. @@.Maria;"//Thank youuu-...//"@@
With this you take a step backwards and admire your accomplisment of making woman as beautifull as her have such intence fullbody orgasm.
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria < 550>>
@@.Maria;"I-hhh. //Uuuhh.// I-. I, think, that's good enough for today. ''Hoo...'' I ''really'' need to, //pee//."@@ Her whole body is shaking. Her eyes are glazed over, and she has a hard time catching her breath, which makes her mouth hang open like a blowup doll. She gives you a hug before shakily walks toward the bathroom, holding on to her pulsating crotch. She leaves behind a fluid trail that drips on the floor from it.
<<link "Leave the room">><<set $ = "">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $player.lust += 5>>
/* --------------------------------------------- */
/* Blowjob */
/* --------------------------------------------- */
<<elseif $choice == 30>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom1/Massage/MariaBlowjob1.mp4"></video>
@@.Maria;"//Heh//, I was kind of hoping you would ask that. The last few times it's been all about me, and naturally mommy want to take good care of her son as well. So hop on here and get those pants off."@@ You hop on the message table without pants and let her take control. Her hand grabs the hold of your pecker and inserts the head into her gaping mouth hole. Her saliva goats the pecker from head to base acting as nice slippery lube. She then expertly pops her head up and down on your erect man meat while her hand twists and pumps it into a submission. She speeds up the process while her free hand cups your balls, giving them a quick, gentle squeeze. This all is making you think she must have done this at least a few times before.
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 750>>
<div class="vidSmall" style="float:right;">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom1/Massage/MariaBoobjob1.mp4"></video></div>
Feeling a bit daring, you ask if she could use her massive hooters to give your schlong some attention. @@.Maria;"//Uuh,// I knew you like them. I keep noticing your glances when I wear my nightgown around the house. Such dirty, perverted son we adopted. Well there is no harm admiring something so pretty now is there?"@@<br>
She smirks at first, but then buries it between her massive oiled baby feeder balloons. Her cleavage pussy is slippery, and they provide just enough pressure to make it feel like you were fucking a real wet cunt. She bounces her gigantic boobs up and down on your cock while moaning and begging for you to cum on them.
<div class="vidSmall" style="float:right;">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom1/Massage/MariaBoobjob2.mp4"></video></div>
The climax approaches terrifyingly fast, and you @@.Maria;Maria@@ notices this. She asks you to cover her pride and joy boobs with your spunk, and you can't deny her request, and so you take better position on the message table. Eagerly, she present them to you and begs for you to squeeze every last drop of your white baby making powder on top of her baby feeders. Her words of encouragement are what you needed to take you over the edge, and so a rope after rope you spurt your loud on top of her jiggly assets. @@.Maria;"//Uu lala//. What a massive loud you got there. Well, look at the mess you've made, I better go take a shower to clean it off."@@ She lands a kiss on your forehead before skipping to the bathroom.
<<link "Leave the room">><<set $ = "">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $player.lust -= 100>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $choice == 0>>
<<set $dice = random(5)>>
<<switch $dice>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $sleepness = 5>>
<<case 1>>
<<set $sleepness = 10>>
<<case 2>>
<<set $sleepness = 15>>
<<case 3>>
<<set $sleepness = 20>>
<<case 4>>
<<set $sleepness = 25>>
<<case 5>>
<<set $sleepness = 30>>
<<set $knowledge += $player.Intellect + $player.TempInt>>
<<set $SleepingPills = false>>
<<set $MassageOil = false>>
<<set $ScentedCandle = false>>
<<set $bg = "Bed">>
<<set $Workouts.MariaOrgsm = 0>>
Maria's blinks are heavy and she keeps yawning constantly, so you suggest her to take a nap. "It's okay hun. I'm just little sleepy. I can power through-.... It. Puuh. Oh boy-. It's hard to keep these peepers open sometimes, but soon they will-. Just-. Stay open. 'Yawn' No I know that even if I tryed to go take a nap I would just lay there and toss around few times before needing to stand up again." At this point you insist on her to take a nap, and that you can even brew her a 'sleeping potion' so she can fall a sleep. "Uh, well perhaps just a small one would not hurt. What are you thinking of 'brewing'?"
<<link "Soothing Tea">>
<<set $sleepness += 5>>
<<set $choice = 1>>
<<goto "MARIA NAPPING">>
<<if $knowledge >= 3>>
<<link "Warm milk">>
<<set $sleepness += 25>>
<<set $choice = 2>>
<<goto "MARIA NAPPING">>
<<if $knowledge >= 6>>
<<link "Hot coco">>
<<set $sleepness += 50>>
<<set $choice = 3>>
<<goto "MARIA NAPPING">>
<<if $knowledge >= 9>>
<<link "Boiled lettuce water">>
<<set $sleepness += 100>>
<<set $choice = 4>>
<<goto "MARIA NAPPING">>
<<set $location.Hint = "INT">><<include "HINT LINKS">>
<<if $wardrobe.SleepingPills == true>>
<label>Use Sleeping pills: <<checkbox "$SleepingPills" false true autocheck>></label>
<<else>>@@.Cancel;Use Sleeping pills:@@
<<if $wardrobe.MassageOil == true>>
<label>Use Massage oil: <<checkbox "$MassageOil" false true autocheck>></label>
<<else>>@@.Cancel;Use Massage oil:@@
<<if $wardrobe.ScentedCandle == true>>
<label>Use Scented Candles: <<checkbox "$ScentedCandle" false true autocheck>></label>
<<else>>@@.Cancel;Use Scented Candles:@@
<<elseif $choice == 1>> <<set $choice = 10>>
You make quickly some soothing tea for Maria.
<<elseif $choice == 2>> <<set $choice = 10>>
You warm up some milk for Maria.
<<elseif $choice == 3>> <<set $choice = 10>>
You make some hotcoco for Maria.
<<set $Workouts.MariaOrgsm += 2>>
<<elseif $choice == 4>> <<set $choice = 10>>
You boil some lettuce and take the boiled water and serve that to Maria.
<<if $choice == 10>>
<<if $MassageOil == true>>
<<set $sleepness += 25>>
<<set $choice1 = 1>>
<<set $Workouts.MariaOrgsm += 2>>
<<set $choice1 = 0>>
<<if $SleepingPills == true>>
<<set $sleepness += 50>>
You also crush some sleeping pills into her drink.
"Thanks hun. I'm heading for that nap now."
<<if $ScentedCandle == true>>
<<set $sleepness += 25>>
Before she leaves you suggest she light up few of the scented candles you have bought. "Hmm, I just might do that. Thanks hun."
Maria heads to her bedroom for that long needed nap.
Few minutes later you poke your head into your parents bedroom. Maria seems to have fallen a deep sleep, and you can't help put to wonder how deep in a sleep she really is.
<<set $choice = 100>>
<<set $location.friend = passage()>>
<<if $choice == 100>>
<<include "MARIA NAPPINGS">>
<<if $location.area == "HOME">>
<<if $time.junk >= 6>>
<<goto "MY BATHROOM">>
<<if $flags.HomeBathroom == false>>
<<set $dice = random(100)>>
<<if $dice <= 20>>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<set $flags.HomeBathroom = true>>
<<elseif $dice <= 40>>
<<set $choice = 1>>
<<set $flags.HomeBathroom = true>>
<<elseif $dice <= 50>>
<<set $choice = 2>>
<<set $flags.HomeBathroom = true>>
<<goto "MY BATHROOM">>
<<goto "MY BATHROOM">>
<<elseif $location.area == "FRIENDS HOUSE">>
<<if $flags.FriendsBathroom == false>>
<<set $dice = random(100)>>
<<if $dice <= 25>>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<set $flags.FriendsBathroom = true>>
<<elseif $dice <= 50>>
<<set $choice = 1>>
<<set $flags.FriendsBathroom = true>>
<<elseif $dice <= 75>>
<<set $choice = 2>>
<<set $flags.FriendsBathroom = true>>
<<if $energyToConsume <= 0>>
<<goto $passageToTransfer>>
<<elseif $energyToConsume <= $>>
<<set $ -= $energyToConsume>>
<<set $energyToConsume = 0>>
<<goto $passageToTransfer>>
<<set $energyToConsume = 0>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
You don't have enough energy to do that right now. Maybe after a good night rest, or you could go drink a cup of coffee. They sell those at the local General store.
<<link "Give up on it for now">>
<<if $flags.OnAComputer == true>>
<<goto $>>
<<goto $>>
<</link>><<if $flags.GameState == 0>>
<<set $dice1 = 10>>
<<elseif $flags.GameState == 1>>
<<set $dice1 = random(60)>>
<<elseif $flags.GameState == 2>>
<<set $dice1 = random(80)>>
<<if $PissContent == true>>
<<set $dice1 = random(100)>><<else>>
<<set $dice1 = random(79)>><</if>>
<<set $dice2 = random(2)>>
<center><div class="BigGif">
<<if $dice1 <= 30>> /*Sexy*/
<<if $dice2 == 0>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Campus/CampusSexy1.webp">
<<elseif $dice2 == 1>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Campus/CampusSexy2.webp">
<<elseif $dice2 == 2>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Campus/CampusSexy3.webp">
<<elseif $dice1 <= 60>> /*Bold*/
<<if $dice2 == 0>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Campus/CampusBold1.webp">
<<elseif $dice2 == 1>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Campus/CampusBold2.webp">
<<elseif $dice2 == 2>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Campus/CampusBold3.webp">
<<elseif $dice1 <= 80>> /*HC*/
<<if $dice2 == 0>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Campus/CampusHC1.webp">
<<elseif $dice2 == 1>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Campus/CampusHC2.webp">
<<elseif $dice2 == 2>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Campus/CampusHC3.webp">
<<else>> /*Special*/
<<if $dice2 == 0>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Campus/CampusSpecial1.webp">
<<elseif $dice2 == 1>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Campus/CampusSpecial2.webp">
<<elseif $dice2 == 2>>
<img src="gifs/LookAround/Campus/CampusSpecial3.webp">
You enter the school campus and see a few rather brave students, not caring about how others might be seeing them going around like they do. This sort of behavior seems very odd to you, but then again, you are not the one to complain about it.
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "StudyHall">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "SCHOOL">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
<<if $time.junk < 6>>
The study hall is so quiet it's almost creepy, but occasionally you hear some lewd noises carried by the walls. Once in a while, your eyes meet the eyes of someone else. They look away quickly or pretend not to notice you're looking at them. A couple of girls are giggling about something, but it's hard to tell whether they're joking around or being serious. One girl has her earphones on and appears to be reading a book, though I don't know if that's true or if she just likes to have her ears covered when people talk to her. Another guy looks like he's trying to read a textbook, but there are too many words on each page for him to really focus.
<<if $flags.TeachersQuest1Started == true>>
<<if $flags.PicsAcquired == false>>
<<if $flags.MetRiley == true>>
<<link "Find Riley again.">>
<<set $renderBG = true>>
<<set $choice = 1>>
<<link "Look for student named Riley">>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<set $renderBG = true>>
<<if $flags.RileyHelped == false>>
<<if $flags.TeacherQuest1 == true>>
<<link "Talk to Riley">>
<<set $renderBG = true>>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<goto "TALK TO RILEY">>
<<if $characterStats.Teacher == "STUDYHALL">>
<<set $character2.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Riley">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Riley">>
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">>
It's late and the school is closing. You better head on home.
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "Classroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "SCHOOL">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
This is where you come to take your classes.<br>
Classroom D is a normal and boring-looking classroom. A row of desks for students to sit on and a whiteboard next to a bigger desk for the teacher. A few of your classmates usually hang around here during breaks or sleep on their desks. All in all, it is one of the most boring places in the world to you.
<center><div class="RelationShipBox">
'' This weeks School Credits: <<print $player.WeeklySchoolCredits>> ''
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "SchoolField">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "SCHOOL">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
<<if $time.junk < 6>>
<<set $Strangers = random(2)>>
<<if $Strangers <= 1>>
The school's field is wide and green. It's a place where people can gather to play sports, talk with friends or even do homework if they're in the mood. There are benches around it for those who need some time to themselves. A few trees dot the edges of the field as well to give shade from the sun. Most students don't mind being there because it gives them an opportunity to get away from their usual daily routine. Some might be using this time to study, while others take advantage of the empty space to relax.
It's late, and there are only lights and a few drunk students trying to stumble their way home.
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Classroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $flags.FirstClass == false>>
<<goto "Story Quest 1 First Class">>
<<if $choice == 10>>
You enter the class at your usual seat at the back of the class. @@.Teacher;Stella@@ starts the class by writing something on the whiteboard. <br>
@@.Teacher;"So in class today we are going to talk about a very important subject, so everyone needs to pay extra attention..."@@ You tune her out, as she always seems to start her classes that way.
<<link "Let your mind wonder">>
<<set $choice = 1>>
<<goto "TAKE CLASS">>
<<if $ >= 30>>
<<link "Stay awake whole class">>
<<set $choice = 2>>
<<set $ -= 30>>
<<goto "TAKE CLASS">>
@@.Cancel;Stay awake whole class@@
<<if $choice == 0>>
<<if visited() == 2>>
You enter the class and go to the back to take your seat. @@.Teacher;Stella@@ soon walks on in and sighs at the sight of the Class D you belong to. By now, you understand that this is a class full of misbehaving rugrats. <br>
@@.Teacher;"Okay, Class D. Let's give it our best today, since today's subject is important!"@@ Her gaze lingers upon you for a second longer than others, and so you pay more attention today to her teachings, mostly because last time you had such an interesting dream about her that you wish to come to in reality.
Eventually, though, your mind starts to wonder, and soon your head falls, letting //the dreams take over.//
<<include "ALL DREAMS">>
<<link "Feel someone waking you up">>
<<goto "CLASS AFTER">>
You enter the class at your usual seat at the back of the class. @@.Teacher;Stella@@ starts the class by writing something on the whiteboard. <br>
@@.Teacher;"So in class today we are going to talk about a very important subject, so everyone needs to pay extra attention..."@@ You tune her out, as she always seems to start her classes that way.
<<link "Let your mind wonder">>
<<set $choice = 1>>
<<goto "TAKE CLASS">>
<</link>> @@.Gain;+20@@
<<if $ >= 30>>
<<link "Stay awake whole class">>
<<set $choice = 2>>
<<set $ -= 30>>
<<goto "TAKE CLASS">>
[@@.Cancel;Stay awake whole class@@]
<</if>> @@.Cost;-30@@
<<elseif $choice == 1>>
Soon your mind starts to wonder and in no time your head falls between your hands, letting //the dreams rush in.//
<<include "ALL DREAMS">>
<<link "Feel someone waking you up">>
<<goto "CLASS AFTER">>
<<elseif $choice == 2>>
<<include "AWAKE IN CLASS">>
<<set $character.movement = true>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
<<MakeCharacter>><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "Classroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $player.PlayerCurentStudy < 1>>
Fail class.
<<elseif $player.PlayerCurentStudy == 2>>
Fail class but teacher does not humiliate you completely
<<elseif $player.PlayerCurentStudy == 3>>
Pass class but still humiliating.
<<set $flags.weekendSchool = false>>
<<elseif $player.PlayerCurentStudy == 4>>
Pass but little humiliating
<<set $flags.weekendSchool = false>>
<<elseif $player.PlayerCurentStudy == 5>>
<<set $flags.weekendSchool = false>>
<<elseif $player.PlayerCurentStudy >= 6>>
Pass with flying colors
<<set $flags.weekendSchool = false>>
<<link "Class done">><<goto "CAMPUS">><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $character2.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Stella">>
<<set $ = "">>
<<MakeCharacter2>><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "SchoolField">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $player.PlayerCurentStudy <= 3>>
Fail class.
<<elseif $player.PlayerCurentStudy == 4>>
Fail class but teacher does not humiliate you completely
<<elseif $player.PlayerCurentStudy == 5>>
Pass class but still humiliating.
<<set $flags.weekendSchool = false>>
<<elseif $player.PlayerCurentStudy == 6>>
Pass but little humiliating
<<set $flags.weekendSchool = false>>
<<elseif $player.PlayerCurentStudy == 7>>
<<set $flags.weekendSchool = false>>
<<elseif $player.PlayerCurentStudy >= 8>>
Pass with flying colors
<<set $flags.weekendSchool = false>>
<<link "Class done">><<goto "CAMPUS">><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $character2.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "">>
<<set $ = "">>
<<MakeCharacter2>><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "Classroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $player.PlayerCurentStudy < 1>>
Fail class.
<<elseif $player.PlayerCurentStudy == 1>>
Fail class but teacher does not humiliate you completely
<<elseif $player.PlayerCurentStudy == 2>>
Pass class but still humiliating.
<<set $flags.weekendSchool = false>>
<<elseif $player.PlayerCurentStudy == 3>>
Pass but little humiliating
<<set $flags.weekendSchool = false>>
<<elseif $player.PlayerCurentStudy == 4>>
<<set $flags.weekendSchool = false>>
<<elseif $player.PlayerCurentStudy >= 5>>
Pass with flying colors
<<set $flags.weekendSchool = false>>
<<link "Class done">><<goto "CAMPUS">><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $character2.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Stella">>
<<set $ = "">>
<<MakeCharacter2>><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "Classroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $player.STR < 2>>
Fail class.
<<elseif $player.STR == 3>>
Fail class but teacher does not humiliate you completely
<<elseif $player.STR == 4>>
Pass class but still humiliating.
<<set $flags.weekendSchool = false>>
<<elseif $player.STR == 5>>
Pass but little humiliating
<<set $flags.weekendSchool = false>>
<<elseif $player.STR == 6>>
<<set $flags.weekendSchool = false>>
<<elseif $player.STR >= 7>>
Pass with flying colors
<<set $flags.weekendSchool = false>>
<<link "Class done">><<goto "CAMPUS">><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $character2.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Stella">>
<<set $ = "">>
<<MakeCharacter2>><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Classroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if visited() == 1>>
<<goto "MEET RILEY">>
Weekend class or detention is filled with students from Class C and Class D, most of you already recognise being the most unwanted bunch of people in school. Bullies, Jocks who could not make it with physical score alone and some sleepers, you know those who use school as times they sleep so that they can do what ever they do during night. And then there is Riley, she does not really belong here as shes none of the ones mentioned before. This makes you think why is she even here, she did mention before how she hates being told what to do. Does she really hate authority more than detention?
<<link "Sit at the back alone">><<goto "WEEKEND CLASS ALONE">><</link>>
<<link "Go Sit with Riley">><<goto "WEEKEND CLASS WITH RILEY">><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Riley">>
<<set $flags.dailyClass = true>><<if $choice == 0>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "StudyHall">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
You find @@.Riley;Riley@@ alone in the school study. As you approach she looks up from her phone at you and gives you that coy little smile that could crush thousads of little students hearths. <br>
<<if $flags.RileyBought == false>>
@@.Riley;"Hey, it's you. So. How can I help you today? Are you perhaps interested in helping me again with some predator teachers? We have quite a few in this school, and I intend to tame them all. So what do you say?"@@
<<link "Offer your help to her">>
<<if $ >= 20>>
<<set $choice = 10>>
<<set $choice = 9>>
<<goto "TALK TO RILEY">>
@@.Riley;"Oh, if it isn't the big spender. I don't have anymore ''Stella's'' pictures for you to jerk off to. Sorry. Hmm? Not here for that?"@@ You furiously shake your head at her, making sure she understands where those pictures really went to. <br>
@@.Riley;"Oh right, you were a knight in shining armor for her as you retrieved all of her naughty pictures. Well, if you are such a noble knight, might this lady ask for your help in catching a predator? Hmm? I'll give you a reward for it. All we have to do is catch them in the act."@@
<<link "Help with Extorsion">>
<<if $ >= 20>>
<<set $choice = 10>>
<<set $choice = 9>>
<<goto "TALK TO RILEY">>
<<link "Maybe some other time">>
<<goto $>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Riley">>
<<if $choice == 9>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "StudyHall">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Riley;Riley@@ looks straight into your eyes for a moment. <br>
@@.Riley;"Last time I asked a tired-looking fellow to help me out, they fell asleep halfway through the operation, and I promised myself that I would never let that happen again... Go get some sleep, man!" Riley@@ walks away after yelling loud enough for everyone to hear.
<<link "Get going">>
<<goto $>>
<<elseif $choice == 10>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ExtortedName = "Donte">>
<<set $dice = random(7)>>
<<if $dice == 0>>
<<set $ExtortedName = "Larry">>
<<elseif $dice == 1>>
<<set $ExtortedName = "Hans">>
<<elseif $dice == 2>>
<<set $ExtortedName = "Jason">>
<<elseif $dice == 3>>
<<set $ExtortedName = "Pierce">>
<<elseif $dice == 4>>
<<set $ExtortedName = "Dmitri">>
<<elseif $dice == 5>>
<<set $ExtortedName = "Aleks">>
<<elseif $dice == 6>>
<<set $ExtortedName = "Sergey">>
<<elseif $dice == 7>>
<<set $ExtortedName = "Tomas">>
@@.Riley;"Great! Now we do need you to change clothes a bit. The person we are trying to catch in act has interest... Well, your kind... There he is."@@ She points towards ''@@.Male;<<print $ExtortedName>>@@''!
<<if $player.Costume == "SchoolSkirtWear1" ||
$player.Costume == "SchoolSkirtWear2" ||
$player.Costume == "SchoolSkirtWear3" ||
$player.Costume == "SchoolSkirtWear4" ||
$player.Costume == "SchoolSkirtWear5" >>
@@.Riley;Riley@@ looks you quickly up and down and admires your choices of school clothing. <br>
@@.Riley;"That is exactly what kind of costume <<print $ExtortedName>> would want to ogle at. Perfect choice by you. Now, are you ready for the next step?"@@ Her eyes linger on your almost exposed tush that is showing underneath the school skirt.
<<link "Ready for next step">>
<<set $choice = 51>>
<<goto "TALK TO RILEY">>
<<elseif $player.Costume == "SchoolWear1" ||
$player.Costume == "SchoolWear2" ||
$player.Costume == "SchoolWear3" ||
$player.Costume == "SchoolWear4" ||
$player.Costume == "SchoolWear5" >>
@@.Riley;Riley@@ looks you quickly up and down and admires your choices of school clothing. <br>
@@.Riley;"That is exactly what kind of costume <<print $ExtortedName>> would want to ogle at. Perfect choice by you. Now, are you ready for the next step?"@@
<<link "Ready for next step">>
<<set $choice = 51>>
<<goto "TALK TO RILEY">>
<<elseif $player.Costume == "SPECIAL SCHOOL CLOTHING">>
<<link "Ready for next step">>
<<set $choice = 51>>
<<goto "TALK TO RILEY">>
@@.Riley;"I have two ideas for what you could wear to pique his interest. I'll be generous and let you choose which to wear."@@ She takes two uniforms out of her bag.
<<if $player.feminity >= 10 ||
$player.lust >= 100>>
<div class="ChoiceButtonBig" data-passage="TALK TO RILEY" data-setter="$choice to 21;">
<div class="ChoiceButtonBig">
<<link [img[Costume|images/Wardrobe/Basic/BigCostumes/SchoolWear1.png]]>>
Dialog.setup("Too Feminen");"These Clothes feel too feminen for you wear. Perhaps when you feel more horny?");;<</script>>
<<if $player.feminity < 10>>
<div class="ChoiceButtonBig">
<<link [img[Costume|images/Wardrobe/Basic/BigCostumes/SchoolWear2.png]]>>
Dialog.setup("Too Feminen");"These Clothes feel way too feminen for you wear.");;<</script>>
<<if $player.feminity >= 30 ||
$player.lust >= 100>>
<div class="ChoiceButtonBig" data-passage="TALK TO RILEY" data-setter="$choice to 22;">
<div class="ChoiceButtonBig">
<<link [img[Costume|images/Wardrobe/Basic/BigCostumes/SchoolWear2.png]]>>
Dialog.setup("Too Feminen");"These Clothes feel too feminen for you wear. Perhaps when you feel more horny?");;<</script>>
<<if $player.feminity < 55>>
<div class="ChoiceButtonBig">
<<link [img[Costume|images/Wardrobe/Basic/BigCostumes/SchoolWear3.png]]>>
Dialog.setup("Too Feminen");"These Clothes feel way too feminen for you wear.");;<</script>>
<<if $player.feminity >= 75 ||
$player.lust >= 100>>
<div class="ChoiceButtonBig" data-passage="TALK TO RILEY" data-setter="$choice to 23;">
<div class="ChoiceButtonBig">
<<link [img[Costume|images/Wardrobe/Basic/BigCostumes/SchoolWear3.png]]>>
Dialog.setup("Too Feminen");"These Clothes feel too feminen for you wear. Perhaps when you feel more horny?");;<</script>>
<<link "Maybe some other time">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $wardrobe.CostumeLock = $player.Costume>>
<<set $wardrobe.AccessoriesLock = $player.Accessories>>
<<set $wardrobe.ShoesLock = $player.Shoes>>
<<set $wardrobe.UnderwearLock = $player.Underwear>>
<<set $wardrobe.BraLock = $player.Bra>>
<<elseif $choice == 21>><<set $choice = 50>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $player.Costume = "SchoolWear1">>
<<if $flags.SecretaryWear1 == false>>
<<set $flags.SecretaryWear1 = true>>
You put on the first set of clothes Riley is holding. The bright colors of them sure is stunning compared to what you usually wear, but since it's school uniform you don't mind.
You put on the first set of clothes Riley is holding. The bright colors of them brings smile to your face and perhapst that was the idea of them in the first place.
<<elseif $choice == 22>><<set $choice = 50>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $player.Costume = "SchoolWear2">>
<<if $flags.SecretaryWear2 == false>>
<<set $flags.SecretaryWear2 = true>>
The style is a bit tighter than normal especially around the waist and the collar is not going quite all the way up, but over all it's not a bad choice. Something you don't quite understand is why the pants have to be held so high. Perhapst it's a new trend you don't know about.
The style is a bit tight especially around the waist and the collar is not going quite all the way up, but over all it's not a bad choice.
<<elseif $choice == 23>><<set $choice = 50>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $player.Costume = "SchoolWear3">>
<<if $flags.SecretaryWear3 == false>>
<<set $flags.SecretaryWear3 = true>>
You put on the clothes Riley handed to you and first thing you note is the tightness around your waist and shoulders. The collar is way wider than on the previous onces to the point you start to think it might be wrong size. This might be just how these kind of proper clothes are cut.
The clothes Riley hand to you are still a bit tight around the shoulders and waist, but you've gotten more used to the feeling. The one bit you've not so happy about is the wide collar it has.
<<elseif $choice == 24>><<set $choice = 50>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $player.Costume = "SchoolWear4">>
<<if $flags.SecretaryWear4 == false>>
<<set $flags.SecretaryWear4 = true>>
<<elseif $choice == 25>><<set $choice = 50>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $player.Costume = "SchoolWear5">>
<<if $flags.SecretaryWear5 == false>>
<<set $flags.SecretaryWear5 = true>>
<<elseif $choice == 26>><<set $choice = 50>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $flags.SecretaryWear6 == false>>
<<set $flags.SecretaryWear6 = true>>
<<set $player.Costume = "School_SkirtBlack">>
After awkwardly putting on the skirt you chose, you realize just how small it really is. The hem of the thing just barely covers your buttocks, and even the smallest gust of wind would be the same as showing your ass to the whole world.
<<elseif $choice == 27>><<set $choice = 50>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $flags.SecretaryWear7 == false>>
<<set $flags.SecretaryWear7 = true>>
<<set $player.Costume = "School_Leggings">>
After awkwardly putting on the leggings you chose, you realize just how tight they really are. The crease at the back has a seam in it that wants to dig deep between your cheeks, showing your tushie to the rest of the world.
<<if $choice == 50>>
@@.Riley;Riley@@ somehow knew that the complaints would be coming when you noticed the size of your new outfit and decided to pack your old clothes away before quickly skipping off, nowhere to be found. Now with no choice, but to commit to the role, you ponder how you should approach ''@@.Male;<<print $ExtortedName>>@@''.
[[Play Shy little Mouse|TALK TO RILEY][$choice1 to 1]]<br>
<<if $characterLikeness.Riley >= 15 && $player.feminity >= 25>>
[[Play Arrogant Brat|TALK TO RILEY][$choice1 to 2]]<br><</if>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Riley >= 30 && $player.feminity >= 50>>
[[Play Clumsy Student|TALK TO RILEY][$choice1 to 3]]<br><</if>>
<<if $PaidContent == true>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Riley >= 45 && $player.feminity >= 75>>
[[Play The role of a School's biggest Slut|TALK TO RILEY][$choice1 to 4]]<br><</if>>
<<set $choice = 70>>
<<set $location.friend = passage()>>
<<elseif $choice == 51>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Riley;Riley@@ nods approvingly again before asking about our approach. <br>
@@.Riley;"I have a few interesting ideas on how to approach this, but ultimately it's your choice."@@ She whispers her ideas into your ear and then quickly dashes around the corner, leaving you to ponder how to commit to the role.
[[Play Shy little Mouse|TALK TO RILEY][$choice1 to 1]]<br>
<<if $characterLikeness.Riley >= 15 && $player.feminity >= 25>>
[[Play Arrogant Brat|TALK TO RILEY][$choice1 to 2]]<br><</if>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Riley >= 30 && $player.feminity >= 50>>
[[Play Clumsy Student|TALK TO RILEY][$choice1 to 3]]<br><</if>>
<<if $PaidContent == true>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Riley >= 45 && $player.feminity >= 75>>
[[Play The role of a School's biggest Slut|TALK TO RILEY][$choice1 to 4]]<br><</if>>
<<set $choice = 70>>
<<set $location.friend = passage()>>
<<elseif $choice == 70>>
<<include "RILEY HELP">>
[[Pray for help to come|TALK TO RILEY][$choice to 71]]<br>
<<if $choice == 71>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
'CLICK' @@.Riley;"What on earth do you think you are doing? Oh, ''<<print $ExtortedName>>''! I got you now."@@ @@.Male;<<print $ExtortedName>>@@ releases you from sudden intruding voice that has come for your rescue. <br>
@@.Male;"What? I-. I wasn't doing anything. This one just asked my help. That's all."@@ @@.Riley;Riley@@ shows him the phone in her hand with a clear picture of groping your ass. @@.Riley;"Not even you can deny this level of evidence. And now the whole school will know of your exploits among students. Oh, how I will spin this story first around my friends, then they will start adding their own rumors to the mix, and only when those rumors reach the teachers council's ears will I'll be there showing this picture to seal the deal. And then there is no more <<print $ExtortedName>> to be worried about." Riley's@@ smile is evil, and you are happy that it's not directed toward you.
@@.Male;<<print $ExtortedName>>@@ tries to wiggle his way out of @@.Riley;Riley's@@ grasp a little while longer, but eventually has to admit defeat.<br>
@@.Male;"Fine! What do you want in exchange, you little..."@@ @@.Riley;Riley@@ raises her eyebrow at him. <br>
@@.Riley;"You better start by treating me and my little friend here a bit better. Oh, and that test you made me go through. Mmm, I'm thinking one whole grade upgrade should be fine."@@ @@.Male;<<print $ExtortedName>>@@ is about to lose it, but @@.Riley;Riley@@ just shows the picture to him once again. The two of them agree on these terms, and @@.Riley;Riley@@ deletes the picture from her phone in exchange.
[[Frusterated the teacher walks off, but still takes few glances at you or perhaps your bottom.|TALK TO RILEY][$choice to 72]]<br>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Mitch">>
<<set $character2.movement = true>>
<<set $ = "Riley">>
<<if $choice == 72>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "StudyHall">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<center><div class="RelationShipBox"> Relationship:
<<print $characterLikeness.Riley>>
@@.Riley;"//Thihihi//, I can't believe it worked so well. I mean, it's all thanks to that cute outfit of yours. Mmm, who could keep their hands off of you when you are wearing something like that? What? You thought I'd abandon the whole mission? There's no need to worry about that. The prize was way too great to miss. I mean, did you see the look on his face. ''Priceless!'' Oh, and you played your part perfectly as well! We might have to do this again some other time. //Thihihi//. Hmm, still a bit shocked? Maybe I should give you a little reward for a job well done. What do you think? Want a 'reward' from silly old me?"@@
<<link "Ask if you can 'Please' her">>
<<set $choice = 90>>
<<set $character.Reward = "Pleasing">>
<<set $bg = "SchoolBathroom">>
<<goto "TALK TO RILEY">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Riley">>
<<set $choice1 = 0>>
<<set $location.friend = passage()>>
<<elseif $choice == 90>>
<<include "RILEY REWARDS">>
<<if $choice == 999>><<set $choice = 9999>>
You rush after @@.Riley;Riley@@ who seems to be in a pretty good mood. <br>
@@.Riley;"Mmm, that was nice. We should do that and more some other time, but for now, it's time for me to take off. Oh, and here are your old clothes. I almost forgot to give them back. After all, you look so great in those."@@ She hands you your old clothes so you can change back and then waves you the goodbyes before going back to whatever she was doing before.
<<elseif $choice == 1000>><<set $choice = 9999>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "StudyHall">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
You rush after @@.Riley;Riley@@ who seems to be in a pretty good mood. <br> @@.Riley;"//Ahh,// that was lovely."@@ She hands you your old clothes so you can change back. @@.Riley;"Mmm, I think you looked better in the other ones, but I guess these are your preferred choice."@@ She waves you goodbye after that and leaves.
<<elseif $choice == 1001>><<set $choice = 9999>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "StudyHall">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
You rush out after @@.Riley;Riley@@ who seems to be pretty pissed off at the moment. <br>
@@.Riley;"Pff, what do you want now? Didn't you ruin my day enough in there already?"@@ She hands you your old clothes so you can change back. After that, she waltzes off without paying even a little bit of attention to you.
<<elseif $choice == 1002>><<set $choice = 9999>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "StudyHall">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
After finishing your business in the bathroom, you walk after Riley, who seems to be really pissed off at you. <br>
@@.Riley;"You really just did that? You are a ''Freak''!"@@ She tosses you your old clothes so you can change back. After that, she waltzes off without paying even a little bit of attention to you.
<<if $choice == 9999>>
<<link "Get going aswell">>
<<set $player.Costume = $wardrobe.CostumeLock>>
<<set $player.Accessories = $wardrobe.AccessoriesLock>>
<<set $player.Shoes = $wardrobe.ShoesLock>>
<<set $player.Underwear = $wardrobe.UnderwearLock>>
<<set $player.Bra = $wardrobe.BraLock>>
<<set $flags.RileyHelped = true>>
<<set $ -= 20>>
<<set $flags.RileyBought = false>>
<<set $ = "">>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<goto $>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Riley">>
Double-click this passage to edit it.<<if $player.lust >= 190>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/WetDream.webp]]</div></center>
<<set $player.lust = 80>>
As soon as you open your eyes, you notice a small jerking motion happening below, and as you take a look, your rock-hard member is gushing out its content straight on to your stomach. Seeing yourself cumming while not getting full satisfaction from orgasm is a rather strange feeling, and all you can really think of is all that mess you need to clean up now. The throbbing member soon finishes its leaky task and yet again rests softly and flobby between your legs.
You take a towel from the nightstand nearby to wipe off the mess you made.
<<elseif $player.lust <= 20>>
Start of a new day. What wonders will you counter today?
Your eyes flutter open to reveal the dimly lit bedroom you had been sleeping in. You roll over and look at your clock, it is only ''7:00am.'' Your mind starts racing as you try to figure out what to do with yourself.
Your heart races as you think about all the possibilities of what could happen today.
<<elseif $player.lust < 80>>
Naughty dreams keep plaguing your nighttime since you wake up with your ''member'' rock hard, too bad you can't remember any of them. Your eyes flutter open to reveal the dimly lit bedroom you had been sleeping in. You roll over and look at your clock, it is only 7:00am.
Your mind starts racing, what could have caused this? There was nothing that would cause you to wake up this horny.
<<elseif $player.lust < 190>>
Today you wake up with such throbbing erect phallus tenting up your blanket that you cannot think of anything but sex. You are so hard and horny, it's as if every inch of your body is throbbing with ''sexual energy''.
Your mind is racing with ideas for how to relieve this pressure. There are a number of options: some more extreme than others. If you're feeling brave, there might be something in the house that can help.
/*<<include "WHAT ARE YOU WEARING">>*/
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "Bedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = 100>>
<<switch random(4)>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $DailyToughts = "
Today nothing is going to stop me. I feel invincible! It's like all the hard times are all gone and I'm ready to take the world with storm!
<<case 1>>
<<set $DailyToughts = "
I feel good. Today is going to be a good day! I just know it. It's like everything is working for me and every will work. Ready world? Here I come!
<<case 2>>
<<set $DailyToughts = "
Today I feel just okay. Nothing fancy which is good. Right? Nothing bad, but at the same time, I don't feel really good either... Hmph. Better not think about it too much tho.
<<case 3>>
<<set $DailyToughts = "
Ooof. Today It not going to go well. I just know it. Something about this day feels... Off? Hmm, maybe staying home would be the best choice.
<<case 4>>
<<set $DailyToughts = "
Urgh. I feel like crap today. I just don't know if anything is going to go my way and everything I try to do is definately going to fail. Ugh. I better not even try.
<<if $ == 1>>
<<include "RENT TO PAY">>
<<include "Waking up Toughts">>
<<link "Change clothes and start the day">>
<<set $player.Costume = $wardrobe.CostumeLock>>
<<set $player.Accessories = $wardrobe.AccessoriesLock>>
<<set $player.Shoes = $wardrobe.ShoesLock>>
<<set $player.Underwear = $wardrobe.UnderwearLock>>
<<set $player.Pants = $wardrobe.PantsLock>>
<<set $player.Bra = $wardrobe.BraLock>>
<<set $player.Shirt = $wardrobe.ShirtLock>>
<<if $player.Costume == "">><<if $player.Pants == "">>
<<if $wardrobe.Pants_Grey == true>>
<<set $player.Pants = "Pants_Grey">>
<<elseif $wardrobe.Joggers_Brown == true>>
<<set $player.Pants = "Joggers_Brown">>
<<if $dice == 0>>
<div class="Banner">
<<set $dice2 = random(1)>><center>
<<if $dice2 == 0>>
<div class="dreamsImage">[img[gifs/Porn/PornBlonde1.webp]]</div>
<<elseif $dice2 == 1>>
<div class="dreamsImage">[img[gifs/Porn/PornBlonde2.webp]]</div>
A Blond bimbo student is about to fail class, but then she has a wonderful idea and starts flirting with her six feet tall bodybuilder teacher who seem to be very interested in her and in no time the blonde is on her knees unzipping his pants. To her surprise, the teacher is packing quite the python underneath.
The Blond massages the python first with one hand, then with both. She then starts to kiss the head and finally takes it all the way down her throat in one go without hesitation.<br>
She gags and tears start to run down her face, but she keeps her composure as the gigantic python is making home to her tight throat. He then starts thrusting in and out and after several thrusts she gets to have more air. The teacher compliments the bimbos skills and the bimbo giggles and thanks him.
He then picks her up from the floor and places her on his desk, exposing her already soaked panties. That don't stay on for long.
The blond rubs her self while talking dirty to her teacher before he goes in on her with the python. With one trust, he goes all the way in, and she moans and yelps like she's having the most amazing orgasm of her life.<br>
Despite this, the teacher keeps ramming her with his python faster and faster, and the moans and sounds of sex get louder and louder. This continues for quite a while with different sex positions. <br>
Soon it's time for the climax and the blonde goes down on her knees again as he pumps the biggest load you have ever seen in her mouth and on her face. She thanks him from the creamy reward and asks for more...
<<elseif $dice == 1>>
<div class="Banner">
<<set $dice2 = random(1)>><center>
<<if $dice2 == 0>>
<div class="dreamsImage">[img[gifs/Porn/PornBrunet1.webp]]</div>
<<elseif $dice2 == 1>>
<div class="dreamsImage">[img[gifs/Porn/PornBrunet2.webp]]</div>
A sexy brunet is shown having trouble with the kitchen sink, and so she calls for a plumber. The doorbell rings and in comes the stud of the show. It does not take long for the brunet to ask the plumber to plum her up, and soon she's on her knees unzipping the plummets pants.<br>
She reveals the plumbers big meat stick and immediately pops it into her mouth. She licks the head of the meat stick while her hands make sure the rest are getting their share of attention as well. Soon she finds the massive balls hanging beneath and gives them good attention with her mouth.
The bull is already now and picks the chick up from the ground. Her panties beneath the tiny skirt get pulled out and replaced with enormous meat stick that seem to disappear into her wet cunt.<br>
He fucks her while standing, and she seems to be in love with him, and he's massive meat stick. The two of them preform different sex acts one after another, companies with various moans and yelps from the brunet.<br>
He asks the brunet where does she want him to cum to. She does not hesitate and goes on to her knees mouth gaping tongue out telling to cover her face and mouth. He's pleased by her answer and does just that. The creamy load on her face, she thanks him for plumping...
<<elseif $dice == 2>>
<div class="Banner">
<<set $dice2 = random(1)>><center>
<<if $dice2 == 0>>
<div class="dreamsImage">[img[gifs/Porn/PornRedhead1.webp]]</div>
<<elseif $dice2 == 1>>
<div class="dreamsImage">[img[gifs/Porn/PornRedhead2.webp]]</div>
Porn star redhead hears the doorbell ring and goes to check it out. There is a package for her delivered by a handsome bodybuilder. She needs to check the package out before accepting it, and so invites him in. She also asks for another package he might have for her, and soon she's down on her knees in front of him, unzipping he's pants.<br>
Underneath, she does reveal another package bigger than the first, at least in length wise. She's fast to take these man 10-inch monster into her. The lengthy wiener travels far down to her windpipe before she's at her max depth. This does not satisfy him tho and decide to pushing a little further in with she gags and tears up.
Final satisfied with the dept, he starts pumping in and out of her, giving little air in between. She holds her composure like a champ and soon is rewarded by compliments like "Good whore" and "House slut of the year". <br>
The delivery man now pulls out and tells her to undress, in which she does in record time. She teases him with her body a bit before he throws her on the sofa, where she's about to get fucked seven ways to heaven.<br>
They then preform several different sexual acts companies with moans, slaps and heavy sex sounds. He goes back to the mouth every once in a while. He pulls out his cock from her mouth and starts fucking her, making sure to pound hard against her cervix. Her legs are wide open in order to receive as much dick as possible.<br>
It's finally time for the climax, and she goes down to her knees begging for he's cum. After some good sucking, he spurts on her, our biggest load all over her face and mouth. She gathers everything to her mouths and swallows it all down, and thanks him for the creamy reward...
<<elseif $dice == 3>>
<div class="Banner">
<<set $dice2 = random(1)>><center>
<<if $dice2 == 0>>
<div class="dreamsImage">[img[gifs/Porn/PornSchool1.webp]]</div>
<<elseif $dice2 == 1>>
<div class="dreamsImage">[img[gifs/Porn/PornSchool2.webp]]</div>
School girls are getting bored at class. The hot teacher seems far more exiting than anything he teaches. They first seduce him, then one of them kisses him while the other plays with he's bulge.<br>
Soon the meaty cock gets released from his trousers and is popped in one of the girls mouths. The other girl is still kissing him, but now and then encourager her friend to do a good job with the meaty stick.
They soon are both on their knees on playing with the balls while the other has the stick. The teacher can't take it any longer and just lift one of the girls up and start fucking her then and there.<br>
He bounds her wet pussy with all of he's might until the other girl get jealous enough to swhich places with her friend. This time it's doggy style and the girls kiss each other while one of them is getting railed hard.<br>
They swap positions a few more times before it's time for the climax. Both girls kneel before him, begging to be covered in he's manhood, and he is not disappointing them. He spurts load after load on top of the girls faces, fully covering them in white, sticky semen. The girls happily lap up all the cum in their mouths before having a creamy make out session with each other. They then swallow and thank the teacher...
<<elseif $dice == 4>>
<div class="Banner">
<<set $dice2 = random(1)>><center>
<<if $dice2 == 0>>
<div class="dreamsImage">[img[gifs/Porn/PornYoga1.webp]]</div>
<<elseif $dice2 == 1>>
<div class="dreamsImage">[img[gifs/Porn/PornYoga2.webp]]</div>
The yoga instructor is late and that is making her worry, but soon a handsome stud enters the room telling he's the new instructor. Her massive bulge is very noticeable, and it twhiches when ever her boobs bounce. She makes a move on him and has her tongues deep in he's mouth not much later.<br>
Her hands travel to his bulge and massage it a bit before revealing what kind of monster is hidden beneath. She almost can't believe her eyes as it bounces out of his pants. She licks the whole thing from base to tip before swallowing it whole.<br>
Meanwhile, he is fully absorbed by her tight outfit and jiggly body, so much, so he lifts her upside down having access to her cunt while she keeps sucking him off. In no time, he's expert tongue is making her squirt her pussy juices all over him. She twirls around, and now her cervix is happily being penetrated by his massive penis. She moans and groans as he picks up the phase, and soon she's squirting yet again.<br>
He makes her squirt and cum a few more times before it's he's turn. She's on her knees, tongue out, begging for a creamy meal, and he's there to deliver.
Her mouth and face is covered in sticky ooze right after, and it looks like she's squirting again from the over whelming aroma...
<<elseif $dice == 5>>
/*********** IS THAT SOMEONE I KNOW? ********************/
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "MomBedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "HOME">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
This is probably the most decorated and elegant room in the house, as two obsessed clean freaks live here, so everything has to be the purest white color and as light as possible. Both @@.Maria;Maria@@ and @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ has told you many times not to wander into their bedroom since you might make it dirty by your presence alone. Something tells you they are just trying to hide something. The bed looks really comfy, which makes you feel like taking a nap. The desk is made up with some books on it and an old-fashioned laptop, which seems to be working fine. There is even a small balcony outside where you could sit down and read or write something.
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "Gym">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "GYM">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
<<if $toughtsText == "">>
The Gym is a place Hayley often visits, but to you this place is a bit too girly. The cashier seems nice. Here she is now. @@.Babe;"What can I get you today, handsome?"@@
@@.Babe;"<<print $toughtsText>>"@@
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Extras">>
<<set $ = "Cashier">>
<<MakeCharacter>><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "City">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "CITY">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
Simplistic and functional is what you would say if anyone asked what your room looks like and to you it might be just that, but to anyone else your room is quite boring. A singels bed, almost empty wardrobe, old gaming console and small tv. That's all you have and all you need. Even Maria sometimes comments how nothing of a room you have.
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Classroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
The detention class room is same as your regular class so your quite familiar with it. The teach at the front strict as nail about the students and how they behave and all the rest of the students here are worst kind of people. @@.Riley;"Thrash bullies all."@@ You hear someone say the exact same thing you were just thinking about. @@.Riley;"Except you. You give out a different wibe."@@ A stunning brunet is standing right next to you, looking straight into your eyes. @@.Riley;"Hi, I'm Riley nice to meet you."@@ You mutter your greetings to Riley as you cannot believe such beauty is in here, in detention, with you. @@.Riley;"I bet you greet every girl you meet like that. //Thihihi//, I'm kidding. Come let's sit together."@@ She takes you by the hand and leads you to the back of the class where you two can sit together.
Riley is apparently a transfer student that started school in here not too long ago like you and has a quite similar ideas as you as well all tho she likes to talk Alot and this comes quite apparent to you as you hear about her life stories during the detention. You can mostly nod at first, but as the hours goes by, you get more into talking with her. Even the teacher have to shush you two a few times by the end of the detention, for talking too loud. Soon you hear the school bell ring and you cannot believe how fast the school went by with her.
@@.Riley;"Hey that was quite fun. That time detention didn't feel that long at all. You also look way cuter than the rest of them here."@@ She gestures around the room. "Well anyway. Thanks for keeping me company. See you next time." She packs her backpack and leaves.
<<link "Go on after her">><<goto "RILEY FIND JOB">><</link>><br>
<<link "Class is over">><<goto "CAMPUS">><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Riley">>
<<set $flags.MeetRiley = true>><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "Bedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
"Get up mister. Teacher told me you have failed school this whole week so today you get to enjoy weekend school. Now dress up. I'm taking you there in 5minutes."
<<link "To School">><<goto "WEEKEND CLASS">><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = true>>
<<set $character2.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Hayley">>
<<set $ = "">>
<<MakeCharacter2>><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Town2">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "KIOSK">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
<<if $toughtsText == "">>
The kiosk is a nice place to buy quick items to boost your day or something a bit naughty. They sell all sorts of things here, and the cashier is a very pretty girl who always seems to flirt with you. Here she is now. @@.Babe;"What can I get you today, handsome?"@@
She asks in her sweet voice with a smile on her face. Her uniform looks new and sexy at the same time, showing off her cleavage nicely. The skirt is short and shows off her legs while leaving her butt mostly covered up, which is good, as some guys might object. But then again her ass is really nice so no complaints from you. Her hair is tied back in a ponytail, and it's long enough to almost cover her nipples when she bends over. Overall, she's got great body proportions that make you want to run your hands all over them. She has perfect perky breasts, tight waist and hips, and amazing ass. And let's not forget about those cute perky little nipples poking through the shirt.
What wouldn't any man do to see this girl naked. Maybe one day you will if you work up enough courage...
@@.Babe;"<<print $toughtsText>>"@@
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Extras">>
<<set $ = "Cashier">>
<<MakeCharacter>><div class="Shop_Div">
<div class="Shop_Section"> <center>
General stuff
<div class="flex-table">
<<if $wardrobe.PornMagazine == false>>
<div class="flex-table-item ShopButton" data-passage="Consumables To Buy TRANSITION" data-setter="$Shop.ItemToBuy to 'PornMagazine'; $Shop.CostToBuy to 15;">
[img[Go home|images/Items/PornMag.png]]Porn Magazine <br> (15$)</div>
<<if $wardrobe.HackingTool == false && $Shop.HackingToolSearched == true>>
<div class="flex-table-item ShopButton" data-passage="Consumables To Buy TRANSITION" data-setter="$Shop.ItemToBuy to 'HackingTool'; $Shop.CostToBuy to 150;">
[img[Go home|images/Items/HackingTool.png]]Hacking Tool <br> (150$)</div>
<<if $wardrobe.Gift_Flowers == false>>
<div class="flex-table-item ShopButton" data-passage="Consumables To Buy TRANSITION" data-setter="$Shop.ItemToBuy to 'Gift_Flowers'; $Shop.CostToBuy to 20;">
[img[Go home|images/Items/Gift_Flowers.png]]Flowers <br> (20$)</div><</if>>
<<if $wardrobe.Gift_Candy == false>>
<div class="flex-table-item ShopButton" data-passage="Consumables To Buy TRANSITION" data-setter="$Shop.ItemToBuy to 'Gift_Candy'; $Shop.CostToBuy to 5;">
[img[Go home|images/Items/Gift_Candy.png]]Candy <br> (5$)</div><</if>>
<<if $wardrobe.Gift_GymEquipment == false>>
<div class="flex-table-item ShopButton" data-passage="Consumables To Buy TRANSITION" data-setter="$Shop.ItemToBuy to 'Gift_GymEquipment'; $Shop.CostToBuy to 5;">
[img[Go home|images/Items/Gift_GymEquipment.png]]Gym Equipment <br> (5$)</div><</if>>
<<if $wardrobe.Gift_Elektronics == false>>
<div class="flex-table-item ShopButton" data-passage="Consumables To Buy TRANSITION" data-setter="$Shop.ItemToBuy to 'Gift_Elektronics'; $Shop.CostToBuy to 10;">
[img[Go home|images/Items/Gift_Elektronics.png]]Electronics <br> (10$)</div><</if>>
<<if $wardrobe.Gift_Lingerie == false>>
<div class="flex-table-item ShopButton" data-passage="Consumables To Buy TRANSITION" data-setter="$Shop.ItemToBuy to 'Gift_Lingerie'; $Shop.CostToBuy to 20;">
[img[Go home|images/Items/Gift_Lingerie.png]]Lingerie <br> (20$)</div><</if>>
<<if $wardrobe.Gift_Comics == false>>
<div class="flex-table-item ShopButton" data-passage="Consumables To Buy TRANSITION" data-setter="$Shop.ItemToBuy to 'Gift_Comics'; $Shop.CostToBuy to 10;">
[img[Go home|images/Items/Gift_Comics.png]]Comics <br> (10$)</div><</if>>
<div class="flex-table">
<<if $flags.MariaQuest3 == true>>
<<if $wardrobe.MassageOil == false>>
<div class="flex-table-item ShopButton" data-passage="Consumables To Buy TRANSITION" data-setter="$Shop.ItemToBuy to 'MassageOil'; $Shop.CostToBuy to 50;">
[img[Go home|images/Items/MassageOil.png]]MassageOil <br> (50$)</div>
<<if $wardrobe.SoothingGel == false>>
<div class="flex-table-item ShopButton" data-passage="Consumables To Buy TRANSITION" data-setter="$Shop.ItemToBuy to 'SoothingGel'; $Shop.CostToBuy to 20;">
[img[Go home|images/Items/SoothingGel.png]]SoothingGel <br> (20$)</div>
<<if $wardrobe.MuscleRelaxers == false>>
<div class="flex-table-item ShopButton" data-passage="Consumables To Buy TRANSITION" data-setter="$Shop.ItemToBuy to 'MuscleRelaxers'; $Shop.CostToBuy to 35;">
[img[Go home|images/Items/MuscleRelaxer.png]]MuscleRelaxers <br> (35$)</div>
<<if $PaidContent == true>>
<<if $wardrobe.SensualOils == false>>
<div class="flex-table-item ShopButton" data-passage="Consumables To Buy TRANSITION" data-setter="$Shop.ItemToBuy to 'SensualOils'; $Shop.CostToBuy to 25;">
[img[Go home|images/Items/SensualOils.png]]SensualOils <br> (25$)</div>
<<if $flags.KristineQuest3 == true>>
<<if $wardrobe.KnockoutPills == false>>
<div class="flex-table-item ShopButton" data-passage="Consumables To Buy TRANSITION" data-setter="$Shop.ItemToBuy to 'SleepingPills'; $Shop.CostToBuy to 20;">
[img[Go home|images/Items/SleepingPills.png]]SleepingPills <br> (20$)</div>
<<if $wardrobe.ScentedCandle == false>>
<div class="flex-table-item ShopButton" data-passage="Consumables To Buy TRANSITION" data-setter="$Shop.ItemToBuy to 'ScentedCandle'; $Shop.CostToBuy to 15;">
[img[Go home|images/Items/ScentedCandle.png]]ScentedCandle <br> (15$)</div>
<<if $wardrobe.Diffuser == false>>
<div class="flex-table-item ShopButton" data-passage="Consumables To Buy TRANSITION" data-setter="$Shop.ItemToBuy to 'Diffuser'; $Shop.CostToBuy to 50;">
[img[Go home|images/Items/Diffuser.png]]Diffuser <br> (50$)</div>
<<if $wardrobe.ReedDiffusers == false>>
<div class="flex-table-item ShopButton" data-passage="Consumables To Buy TRANSITION" data-setter="$Shop.ItemToBuy to 'ReedDiffusers'; $Shop.CostToBuy to 35;">
[img[Go home|images/Items/ReedDiffusers.png]]ReedDiffusers <br> (35$)</div>
<<if $flags.PoleDanceUnlocked == true && $PaidContent == true>>
<<if $wardrobe.StripPoleBought == false>>
<div class="flex-table-item ShopButton" data-passage="Consumables To Buy TRANSITION" data-setter="$Shop.ItemToBuy to 'StripPole'; $Shop.CostToBuy to 80;">
[img[Go home|images/Items/StripPole.png]]StripPole <br> (80$)</div>
</center> </div>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "City">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "CITY">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
A local mall has stores for everything and everyone. There are quite a lot of floors and side corridors, so much so that you seem to find a new secret little shop every time you visit this place.
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "Saloon">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "SALOON">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
<<if $toughtsText == "">>
The Saloon is a nice place to get a haircut and both of your parents often tell how good the service is in here and how they want to go get haircuts there all the time. The owner might have a crush on you since she always is so friendly and flirty with you. Here she is now. @@.Babe;"Uuuh, hello again. What should we do today?"@@ <br>
@@.Babe;"<<print $toughtsText>>"@@
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Extras">>
<<set $ = "Cashier">>
<<MakeCharacter>><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "City">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "CITY">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
A local mall has stores for everything and everyone. There are quite a lot of floors and side corridors, so much so that you seem to find a new secret little shop every time you visit this place.
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">><<set $Shop.BoughtItem = false>>
<<set $Shop.CashierText = "">>
<<set $player.toughtsText = "">>
<<if $ >= $Shop.CostToBuy>>
<<set $ -= $Shop.CostToBuy>>
<<set $Shop.BoughtItem = true>>
<<if $Shop.ItemToBuy == "PornMagazine">>
<<set $wardrobe.PornMagazine = true>>
<<set $Shop.CashierText = "Uuuh, you gotta love this months issue, it has some lovely stories in it.">>
<<if $Shop.ItemToBuy == "HackingTool">>
<<set $wardrobe.HackingTool = true>>
<<set $Shop.CashierText = "What the hell is this? Oh, it's one of those rasberry pie things ment for... Well I'm not asking what you use it for, just be save with it. //Thihi//. Honestly I didn't even know we sold these.">>
<<if $Shop.ItemToBuy == "Gift_Flowers">>
<<set $wardrobe.Gift_Flowers = true>>
<<set $Shop.CashierText = "Aww, flowers! //Sniff//. They smell nice. I wonder whos the lucky one getting these? Not that it's any of my business.">>
<<if $Shop.ItemToBuy == "Gift_Candy">>
<<set $wardrobe.Gift_Candy = true>>
<<set $Shop.CashierText = "Ouh, fancy candy. Not for you I presume? I wonder who's getting such gift from you.">>
<<if $Shop.ItemToBuy == "Gift_GymEquipment">>
<<set $wardrobe.Gift_GymEquipment = true>>
<<set $Shop.CashierText = "Ou wow. Those are heavy. Good luck lifting them up. Puuh.">>
<<if $Shop.ItemToBuy == "Gift_Elektronics">>
<<set $wardrobe.Gift_Elektronics = true>>
<<set $Shop.CashierText = "What the hell is this? Honestly I didn't even know we sold these.">>
<<if $Shop.ItemToBuy == "Gift_Lingerie">>
<<set $wardrobe.Gift_Lingerie = true>>
<<set $Shop.CashierText = "Uuu la la. Those are some fancy lingerie you got there. I wonder if this is for you or someone special? ">>
<<if $Shop.ItemToBuy == "Gift_Comics">>
<<set $wardrobe.Gift_Comics = true>>
<<set $Shop.CashierText = "Ouh. Comics-. Meh...">>
<<if $Shop.ItemToBuy == "StripPole">>
<<set $wardrobe.StripPoleBought = true>>
<<set $Shop.CashierText = "HOLY MOLY! Do we sell these here? Oh my, I should get one myself. I know we've been practicing in class, but I never tought about buying one for my home. Mmm, I bet I could make some sexy tiktoks with this. 350$ HOLY SHIT! Amm, on the second tought. I might wait a bit first...">>
<<if $Shop.ItemToBuy == "SleepingPills">>
<<set $wardrobe.KnockoutPills = true>>
<<set $Shop.CashierText = "Mmm, I have troubles sleeping myself sometimes. These will garantee a ''deep-night-sleep''.">>
<<if $Shop.ItemToBuy == "MassageOil">>
<<set $wardrobe.MassageOil = true>>
<<set $Shop.CashierText = "Uuh, I would love a massage myself.">>
<<if $Shop.ItemToBuy == "ScentedCandle">>
<<set $wardrobe.ScentedCandle = true>>
<<set $Shop.CashierText = "//Sniff//-. Nice smell.">>
<<if $Shop.ItemToBuy == "MuscleRelaxers">>
<<set $wardrobe.MuscleRelaxers = true>>
<<set $Shop.CashierText = "That will relax your muscles. I promise you that. Well, at least the package promises that.">>
<<if $Shop.ItemToBuy == "SoothingGel">>
<<set $wardrobe.SoothingGel = true>>
<<set $Shop.CashierText = "Uuuh, this will work nicely on that rought skin of yours.">>
<<if $Shop.ItemToBuy == "SensualOils">>
<<set $wardrobe.SensualOils = true>>
<<set $Shop.CashierText = "Oh my. Treating someone special? Mmm?">>
<<if $Shop.ItemToBuy == "Diffuser">>
<<set $wardrobe.Diffuser = true>>
<<set $Shop.CashierText = "Oh this looks fancy.">>
<<if $Shop.ItemToBuy == "ReedDiffusers">>
<<set $wardrobe.ReedDiffusers = true>>
<<set $Shop.CashierText = "Ah, these are the best!">>
<<set $player.toughtsText = "">>
<<set $player.toughtsText = "I can't afford to buy this.">>
<<set $Shop.WhatToBuy = "">>
<<set $Shop.ItemToBuy = "">>
<<if $Shop.BoughtItem == true>>
<<set $Shop.General = "CASHIER">>
<<goto $Shop.Location>> Hmm, when you are at school you could find a friend or two. Speaking of school. I know it's free school format here where you only have to take one class a week, but do have in mind that we can see if you pass class from online. Hayley has been going on and on about how terrible your school scores where from last place we lived in and wants this time making sure you get better scores, so if you don't pass any classes whole week you are sent to weekend school. She just wants you to, well she wants the best of you, we both do.
I'm only kidding, well maybe a little, but when you are at school you could find a friend or two. Speaking of school. I know it's free school format here where you only have to take one class a week, but do have in mind that we can see if you pass class from online. Hayley has been going on and on about how terrible your school scores where from last place we lived in and wants this time making sure you get better scores, so if you don't pass any classes whole week you are sent to weekend school. <<if $player.lust >= 100>>
You are worried that you might burst from any touching of your cock, so you carefully remove your underwear to avoid any extra stimuli to your prick. Hands almost shaking, you navigate to your favorite porn site and click the first video you see. You then lean back and enjoy the show.
<<elseif $player.lust > 80>>
Your prick has been hard for a long time now, and it's been harder and harder to hide it. When you dig it out from its underwear prison, you swear to dog, it's even bigger than it's used to. This is tho no time for such thoughts as you have a very important task at hand and that is to drain this monster watching the highest quality (free) porn you can find. You click one of the recommended options on your favorite porn sites and sit back and enjoy.
<<elseif $player.lust > 70>>
Typing your favorite porn site's name in the search engine gets you fully hard already, and it's hard to even navigate to the recommended video list with all the lust coursing through your veins. Popping the prick out of your underwear reveals just how ready it is to explode. Quickly clicking one of the recommended clips before anything else happens.
<<elseif $player.lust > 60>>
Heat coming from your underwear is noticeable, and so you carefully lower them to see your rock hard prick oozing out some pre-cum. You sit down in front of the computer and navigate to your favorite porn site. There you navigate to the recommended list and finding something decent to watch. You then lean back and enjoy the show.
<<elseif $player.lust > 40>>
Your prick seems to be semi hard already when you lower your underwear. You give it a few tucks before settling down before your laptop. You go to your favorite porn site and start searching for the perfect porn clip. You find something that might interest you and hit play.
<<elseif $player.lust > 20>>
Freeing your prick from your underwear shows a limp little dick. This is not what you were hoping for, but after few tucks it's get semi hard and that's good enough for you. Settling down before your laptop and going to your favorite porn site. You find something that might interest you and hit play.
<<elseif $player.lust > 10>>
Not quite feeling it you take your prick from your underwear, but it only shows its limpness to you and even after getting to the porn site and searching through the videos nothing seems to be in interest to you or your prick. Only after watching several video previews you start to get some interest in and the blood start pumping to the right place. Now it's time to lean back and vigorously pump to keep the blood flowing.
Not being too into it right away is normal to you by now, but even so you click play and a video of high quality porn stars playing on your laptops screen, hoping that once it's starts to play you regains your lost interest.
10% Change that Maria walks on in you masturbating
10% Change that Hayley walks on in you masturbating
80% Normal
<<if $choice1 == 0>>
<<if $player.lust < 20>>
/* Not Interested */
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
You turn on the porn that would normally make you go wild, but today you are just not feeling it and the blood is not flowing to the right place. The quality of the porn is good, and now you start noticing things in the porn that you would normally, in heat, miss out on. Still, this does not keep your interest enough to keep doing this any longer, and so.
<<link "Close the laptop">>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<set $flags.OnAComputer = false>>
<<goto "MY BEDROOM">>
<<elseif $player.lust >= 190>>
Your Diglet is pulsing with the need to release, and at any moment the avalanche is about to burst.
<<if $player.willpower >= 2>>
<<link "Hold back the orgasm">>
<<set $player.willpower -= 2>>
<<set $choice1 = 1>>
[@@.Cancel;Hold back the orgasm@@]
<</if>> @@.Will;2-Will@@
<<set $location.Hint = "Will">><<include "HINT LINKS">>
<<link "Let it go">>
<<set $choice1 = 11>>
<<elseif $player.lust >= 100>>
Your meat stick is leaking out as you pump it to the beat on the porno, and in no time you are ready to bust a nut.
<<if $player.willpower >= 1>>
<<link "Hold back the orgasm">>
<<set $player.willpower -= 1>>
<<set $choice1 = 2>>
[@@.Cancel;Hold back the orgasm@@]
<</if>> @@.Will;1-Will@@
<<set $location.Hint = "Will">><<include "HINT LINKS">>
<<link "Let it go">>
<<set $choice1 = 12>>
<<elseif $player.lust >= 20>>
/* Needs to work hard */
Your soft willy needs quite a bit of work to get itself going, almost like it doesn't really want to do what you are about to do. Nevertheless you pump it up and down to the beat of the porno.
<<if $player.willpower >= 1>>
<<link "Masturbate untill you finish">>
<<set $player.willpower -= 1>>
<<set $choice1 = 13>>
[@@.Cancel;Masturbate untill you finish@@]
<</if>> @@.Will;1-Will@@
<<set $location.Hint = "Will">><<include "HINT LINKS">>
<<link "Give up on it">>
<<set $choice1 = 99>>
<<if $choice1 == 1>>/*Edging HARD*/
<<include "Porn To Watch">>
<<set $player.lust = 0>>
You managed to hold back the avalanche and instead edge yourself hard, but it took all your willpower not to go over. For now, instead, you decide to enjoy the show by only giving a few short squeezes to your Diglet every now and then.
When it comes time for the finale, you start pumping again and manage to reach the climax very fast. Pushing ropes after ropes of jizz to the table as the stud on the film is also bursting a nut on the pornstar you feel a sense of accomplishment in you.
When the afterglow started to fade away, you start to worry if anyone in the house heard your vigorous pumping session.
<<link "Clean up the mess you've made and close the laptop">>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<set $flags.OnAComputer = false>>
<<goto "MY BEDROOM">>
<<elseif $choice1 == 2>>/*Edging*/
<<include "Porn To Watch">>
<<set $player.lust = 0>>
Managing to edge a few times during the porno made the whole experience much more enjoyable., but it takes quite a lot of your willpower not to go over. For now, instead, you decide to enjoy the show by only giving a few short pumps to your Meat stick every now and then.
When it comes time for the finale, you start pumping again and manage to reach the climax very fast. Pushing ropes after ropes of jizz to the table as the stud on the film is also bursting a nut on the pornstar, you feel a sense of accomplishment in you.
When the afterglow started to fade away, you start to worry if anyone in the house heard your vigorous pumping session.
<<link "Clean up the mess you've made and close the laptop">>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<set $flags.OnAComputer = false>>
<<goto "MY BEDROOM">>
<<elseif $choice1 == 11>>/*Cumming*/
<center><div class="BigGif">
<<if $player.UnderwearStyle == "Panties" ||
$player.UnderwearStyle == "Thong">>
<img src="gifs/Myroom/PantiesCum.webp">
<img src="gifs/Myroom/Cumming.webp">
<<set $player.lust = 0>>
Not being able to hold yourself back at all, as it only takes a few short pumps before you reach the finish line. Pushing ropes after ropes of jizz to the table even before the film really gets started leaves you wondering if the film was even needed.
<<link "Clean up the mess you've made and close the laptop">>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<set $flags.OnAComputer = false>>
<<goto "MY BEDROOM">>
<<elseif $choice1 == 12>>/*Cumming*/
<center><div class="BigGif">
<<if $player.UnderwearStyle == "Panties" ||
$player.UnderwearStyle == "Thong">>
<img src="gifs/Myroom/PantiesCum.webp">
<img src="gifs/Myroom/Cumming.webp">
<<set $player.lust = 0>>
Not being able to hold yourself back any longer, you pump yourself to the finish line. Pushing ropes after ropes of jizz to the table even before the big finisher happens during the film leaves you wanting, but since you already busted a nut, you decide it's enough for today.
<<link "Clean up the mess you've made and close the laptop">>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<set $flags.OnAComputer = false>>
<<goto "MY BEDROOM">>
<<elseif $choice1 == 13>>/*Cumming Barely*/
<<include "Porn To Watch">>
<<set $player.lust = 0>>
The vigorous pumping session comes to an end as you somehow manage to reach climax. The small puddle of spunk you leak on the table is a good indicator of how much enjoyment you really got out of it.
In the end, the whole thing was more work than pleasure for you, and now you sort of regret it. Feeling a bit mellow, you hope you didn't make too much noise for your moms to hear.
<<link "Clean up and close the laptop">>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<set $flags.OnAComputer = false>>
<<goto "MY BEDROOM">>
<<elseif $choice1 == 99>>
/* Not Interested */
<<include "Porn To Watch">>
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
Somehow, you lose an interest in the porno mid-way through and instead start noticing things like, 'What is happening in the background' and 'What kind of clothes are the actors wearing'. These things would normally be completely missed by you, but now that you have little interest in the actual porno part, you can focus on those instead. In the end, you don't manage to reach a climax at all, and soon the film itself becomes rather boring, so you decide it's best to just close the whole thing off.
<<link "Close the laptop">>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<set $flags.OnAComputer = false>>
<<goto "MY BEDROOM">>
<<if $choice == 0>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "WATCH PORN">>
<<set $flags.HaveSomeNaughty = false>>
You could masturbate while... <br><br>
<<include "CHOOSE TO WEAR">>
<<if $flags.HaveSomeNaughty == true>>
<<link "Go normally.">>
<<set $energyToConsume = 0>>
<<goto "Transfer activities">>
<<set $choice = 1>>
<<goto "WATCH PORN">>
<<elseif $choice == 1>>
<<set $choice1 = 0>>
<<if $PaidContent == true>>
<<set $dice = random(4)>><<else>>
<<set $dice = random(2)>><</if>>
<<include "Porn To Watch">>
<center><div class="Banner">
<<set $dice = random(6)>>
<<if $dice == 0>>
<div class="Magazine">[img[images/Extra/Magazine3.jpg]]</div>
Story of a young woman in her early twenties who had to get used to living in another country. It's the story of how her accidental visit to a local adult store turned into her getting a job there. A story of how her first time on a glory hole, earning some pocket change, made her realize how exciting and intriguing the life of a sex worker could be. Not far later from that, she earned her way to strip clubs, then sex clubs, and eventually became a full time prostitute. Now she earns her living by making men and women happy in bed, and she loves every minute of it. She has many regulars whom she has visited for months now, but she also takes on new clients as well. Her favorite type is dominant males. They are always eager to pay extra if their pleasure comes at the expense of hers. The money is good enough so that she can afford expensive lingerie, shoes, and makeup without having any financial problems or worries about rent payments. It's a job she loves, and she wouldn't have it any other way. The story revolves around her life and her sex life. I hope you enjoy reading!
<<elseif $dice == 1>>
<div class="Magazine">[img[images/Extra/Magazine5.jpg]]</div>
A story of a boy student falling in love with his sexy teacher is a classic tale among porn magazines. First there is a spark, then there is action, and later it becomes awkward during class. What you didn't expect is a twist where she's also having a relationship with another student, and a girl at that. The girl is apparently much more adventurous than he is, and this gives the boy motivation to up his game. First there is some light BDSM, but soon it turns into a sexy dares challenges. Walk day with no underwear, masturbating during class, and sex in the locker room are just a few to mention. The teach, eventually also includes the girl in this, and now it's more of a competition that almost gets out of hand. Eventually, this love triangle turns into a threesome like no other.
<<elseif $dice == 2>>
<div class="Magazine">[img[images/Extra/Magazine4.png]]</div>
A story of a single mother who one day decided to, instead of finding a man, test out more adventures side of hers. She started with some adult toys that got more complicated as time went on. She eventually joined a sex club at her friend's request and fell in love with it. Furthermore, she tells how hard it is to balance between being a mother to a teenage girl and her sex life in BDSM clubs. She eventually falls in love with a woman in one of the sex shows, and she now lives happily with her as a lesbian couple that does sex shows occasionally.
<<elseif $dice == 3>>
<div class="Magazine">[img[images/Extra/Magazine7.png]]</div>
This story is about a couple who are having a hard time in bed. First, it's the wife that starts adventuring with others, and as the husband finds out, rather than being angry, he gets curious. They agree to terms where they can both go out with others and decide to still stay married. The wife is using an app to find her partners. It's agreed that some sort of identity-hiding mask is to be worn, as she does not want to be labeled as a slut. One day, she meets a guy who is just right for her, and she asks if they could both remove their masks. Her dream man turns out to be her husband all along.
<<elseif $dice == 4>>
<div class="Magazine">[img[images/Extra/Magazine1.png]]</div>
It seems like there is a whole section on celebrities and their stories of coming out as big black cock lovers and how this new view has changed their lives. They all talk about how much more they get out of sex now that they have gone exclusively black, and how white cocks are no longer turning them on. Each one of them is giving encouraging words to ladies out there who are still trapped in small white-cock relationships to come out and publicly shame their partner, and how that is the first step to a better life. There are also detailed first-time experiences from these celebrities with big black cocks.
<<elseif $dice == 5>>
<div class="Magazine">[img[images/Extra/Magazine2.png]]</div>
'It's only natural' is what this section is called. Teens are talking about anal sex and how it is actually more pleasant than the media tells us. There are some instructions on how to get things cleaned out, and after getting used to the routine of washing everything out every day, anal sex becomes way more pleasant than regular sex. Of course, most teens agree that having sex both ways at the same time is even better, but the main point is that anal sex should be normalized and even taught in schools. Some of the girls even agreed to show how it's done in front of the whole class if it encouraged them to at least give it a try.
<<elseif $dice == 6>>
<div class="Magazine">[img[images/Extra/Magazine6.png]]</div>
'Teens and their toys' is what the title of this section is called. Lots of teens these days have adult toys, so much so that other teens bully teens who don't have any adult toys. It shows pictures of how to use them, how much better they are giving climaxes than most sex is, and how teens should not be discouraged from using them. There are a lot of statistics of how much better the teens that are actively using adult toys are at school and social life than those who don't. In the end, the writer comes to the conclusion that parents should buy adult toys for their teens if they want them to succeed in life.
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
<<if $player.lust >= 100>>
<center><div class="BigGif">
<<if $player.UnderwearStyle == "Panties" ||
$player.UnderwearStyle == "Thong">>
<img src="gifs/Myroom/PantiesCum.webp">
<img src="gifs/Myroom/Cumming.webp">
<<set $player.lust -= 80>>
Playing with the tip of your 'Johnson' while reading the story has gotten you all riled up, and the pictures are nothing to scold at. Soon you realize the edging has gotten too far, and the inevitable climax reaches its peak. After one final jerk from your dicklet you push ropes after ropes of jizz right on top of the magazine pages. A new stain of cum now decorates your porn magazines' pages.
<<link "Close the magazine">>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<goto $>>
<div class="dreamsImage">[img[gifs/Myroom/Vibrator1.webp]]</div>
<<if visited() == 1>>
<<set $player.feminity += 1>>
<<set $player.lust -= 80>>
You decide to try it out now, so you quickly strip off your clothes and lie down on your bed, only your socks remain. You slip the vibrator between your lips and begin to lick it up and down like a lollipop. You can taste the sourness of its previous owner on it, and you know that she probably had a great deal of fun with this toy. You work your tongue up the shaft, pausing every few strokes just before the head. There, you place your mouth around the tip and swirl your tongue around it. You watch yourself in the mirror as you do this.
You can see the vibrator glistening on your tongue as you go back to licking the shaft again. This time, you slide your hands under your shirt and grab your nipples. Your body begins to shake as you moan softly into the vibrator. It's time to press the vibrator against your dick until the vibrations start to travel through you. Your body is shaking by now. You pull away from the vibrator as your orgasm creeps closer. You watch yourself in the mirror as you grind the vibrator into your rock hard dick. The sensation is incredible! Every time you hit your dick with the vibrator, it causes you to shudder. You can tell you're getting close to orgasm already; your breathing becomes heavier and faster.
You moan as you grind the vibrator into your dick. You look at yourself in the mirror as your orgasm begins to take hold. Suddenly, your dick start cumming, spraying white liquid all over yourself and the bed, and your mind start to wink out. You continue to rub the vibrator on your dick for another minute while your orgasm subsides. Once it does, you let the vibrator fall out next to you. As you lie there panting in your post orgasm glow, you look at yourself in the mirror and realize that you have a big smile on your face. Embarrassed, you cover your face with your hands, thinking that you can't believe how good it all felt!
Not wanting to be caught handling someone else's vibrator, you quickly stash the thing away. You think about what just happened and how naughty it was to play with something that wasn't yours and masturbate while doing so. You lay in bed fantasizing for a while.
<<link "Wait untill you have recovered">>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<goto $>>
<<if $PaidContent == true>> <<set $dice = random(5)>>
<<else>> <<set $dice = random(2)>>
<div class="Banner">
<<if $dice == 0>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/DreamsPOV.webp]]</div></center>
A girl at school asks you if you could help her install her bed, and you agree. The installation of the bed is very easy, but she's worried it might break in use, so agree to test it out with her. Turns out the bed was not strong enough for the both of you rocking on top of it. Might have to install new bed next week.
<<elseif $dice == 1>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/DreamsPOV2.webp]]</div></center>
A red head teacher got her tongue pierced, and you thought it was super cool. The teacher agreed to show you her other piercings if you come home with her. Turns out she had quite a few other piercings underneath her clothes. The best one was hiding underneath her panties. Now she wants you to inspect every new piercing she gets.
<<elseif $dice == 2>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/DreamsPOV3.webp]]</div></center>
At PE, you got a bruise on your knee and had to go to the nurse's office to check it out. The nurse was worried if you had any other bruises around your body and had to strip naked for her. She admired your physique and wanted to make sure you are in full fitness before she can let you back to PE class. The method was unorthodox and she could not get accurate reading. So now you have to go get your fitness checked before every PE class.
<<elseif $dice == 3>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/DreamsPOV4.webp]]</div></center>
Some rich girl wanted to learn tennis from you since you are the best tennis player in town. During the practice, you notice how awful her passes are and suggested unorthodox method of playing. Now she complains how cold is making her nipples hard, but you can't help her with everything.
<<elseif $dice == 4>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/DreamsPOV5.webp]]</div></center>
Long-lost step-sister of yours came home from school all frustrated. She was told her tits were too small and asked you to confirm or deny the accusations. You said needing a bit more research on the matter, and you only knew one way to be sure. Turns out her tits very big enough, but now she wants you to inspect them almost every day. Hard work to be a step-brother.
<<elseif $dice == 5>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/DreamsPOV6.webp]]</div></center>
You moved to your very first apartment and as you were moving in your stuff the lesbian neighbors decided to welcome you in the building. You get to talking and well turns out they are a bit of a nudist themselves and like for you to join them. One thing left to another, and now your lesbian neighbors are bisexuals.
<<set $CharacterToTransfer = "MARIA">>
<<set $timeToConsume = 0>>
<<if $wardrobe.CantWearOutside == true>>
<<set $location.PlayerCanLeaveHome = false>>
<<if $player.Costume == "" || $player.Shoes == "" || $player.Underwear == "">>
<<set $location.PlayerCanLeaveHome = false>>
<<set $location.PlayerCanLeaveHome = true>>
<<if $flags.MariaMad > 0>>
<<set $ = "What is it? Anything else you want to poke your overly eager nose poke into?">>
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria < 100>>
<<set $ = "Hello hun! Hmm? Do you want something?">>
<<elseif $characterLikeness.Maria < 200>>
<<set $ = "''Hi!'' How is your day going. Oh, did you need something?">>
<<elseif $characterLikeness.Maria < 300>>
<<set $ = "Hello sweetie! Is there anything I can help you with? I'm always happy to help">>
<<elseif $characterLikeness.Maria < 400>>
<<set $ = "Hello sweetiepie! Can Maria help you with anything? Perhaps I could make a patch of cookies for you?">>
<<set $ = "Hi sweetiepie! Oh, you look fabulous today. Ah, right. Was there anything I could help you out with? I'm always ready to serve.">>
/**********************************/<<set $CharacterToTransfer = "HAYLEY">>
<<set $timeToConsume = 0>>
<<if $wardrobe.CantWearOutside == true>>
<<set $location.PlayerCanLeaveHome = false>>
<<if $player.Costume == "" || $player.Shoes == "" || $player.Underwear == "">>
<<set $location.PlayerCanLeaveHome = false>>
<<set $location.PlayerCanLeaveHome = true>>
<<if $flags.HayleyMad > 0>>
<<set $ = "Hmph. It's you. I'm not in mood to talk with you right now. Could you give me some space.">>
<<if $characterLikeness.Hayley < 100>>
<<set $ = "Did you need something? I'm very busy so, out with it.">>
<<elseif $characterLikeness.Hayley < 200>>
<<set $ = "Hello <<print $>>. Did you need something? No, I'm not lending you any money.">>
<<elseif $characterLikeness.Hayley < 300>>
<<set $ = "Hello hunney. Did you need something? I'm all ears.">>
<<elseif $characterLikeness.Hayley < 400>>
<<set $ = "Well hello there hunney. Is everything allright? You can always come ask for me if you need help with anything.">>
<<set $ = "Hi there hunney! How are you doing? Oh, do you need my help with something? I'm always exited to help you with.">>
/**********************************/<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<div align="middle">
Thank you for playing! This is as far as the content goes with @@.Maria;//''Maria''//@@. <br>
There is more to come in the next update, so see you then!
<<link "Continue Playing....">>
<<set $flags.MariaQuest5 = true>>
<<goto "TALK TO MARIA">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Maria">>
<<set $characterLikeness.Maria += 100>>
Chat: S/0 +5FS (max:10FS)
Quest1: S/10
Share: S/10 +5FS (max:100FS)
Fliry: S/50 +5FS (max:150FS)
Quest2: S/100
Gift: S/100 +5FS (max:300FS)
Tease: S/150 +5FS (max:350FS)
Quest3: S/200
Kiss: S/200 +5FS (max:400FS)
Fooling: S/250 +5FS (max:450FS)
Quest4: S/300
Grope: S/300 +5FS (max:500FS)
Rub: S/350 +5FS (max:550FS)
Quest5: S/400
Makeout: S/400 +5FS (max:600FS)
Handjob: S/450 +5FS (max:650FS)
Quest6: S/500
Fingering: S/500 +5FS (max:700FS)
Boobjob: S/550 +5FS (max:750FS)
/* TIER 0: */
<<if $flags.HayleyQuest1 == false>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Hayley >= 10>>
<<if $flags.HayleyQuest1Started == true>>
<<if $flags.TapeAcquired == true>>
<<link "Give Hayley the Tape">>
<<set $choice = 2>>
<<goto "HAYLEY QUEST 1">>
<<link "Ask Hayley about the tape?">>
<<set $choice = 1>>
<<goto "HAYLEY QUEST 1">>
<<link "Hayley seems worried">>
<<set $Noted.HayleyQuest1 = true>>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<goto "HAYLEY QUEST 1">>
<<if $Noted.HayleyQuest1 == false || $flags.TapeAcquired == true>>
<<if $flags.HayleyQuest1 == true>>
<<if $flags.HayleyDailyHelp == false>>
<<link "Ask help build your confidence">>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<set $energyToConsume = 20>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "HAYLEY ASK HELP">>
<<if $time.junk < 5>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Hayley >= 200>>
<<if $flags.HayleyQuest2 == false>>
<<if $location.PlayerCanLeaveHome == true>>
<<link "Hear Hayley arguing on the phone">>
<<set $energyToConsume = 20>>
<<set $work.BrazWork = true>>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "HAYLEY QUEST 2">>
<<link "Hear Hayley arguing on the phone">>
<<set $choice = 5>>
<<if $flags.HayleyQuest2 == true>>
<<if $time.junk < 5>>
<<if $flags.HayleyDailyWork == false>>
<<if $location.PlayerCanLeaveHome == true>>
<<link "Help Hayley with Work">>
<<set $energyToConsume = 20>>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "HAYLEY HELP WORK">>
<<link "Help Hayley with Work">>
<<set $choice = 2>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Hayley >= 400>>
<<if $flags.HayleyQuest3 == false>>
<<link "Hayley seems to be ready for workout">>
<<set $energyToConsume = 20>>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "HAYLEY QUEST 3">>
<<if $flags.HayleyQuest3 == true>>
<<if $flags.HayleyDailyWorkout == false>>
<<link "Workout Together">>
<<set $energyToConsume = 20>>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "HAYLEY HELP WITH WORKOUT">>
<<if $characterLikeness.Hayley >= 600>>
<<if $flags.HayleyQuest4 == false>>
<<link "You see Hayley talking to her self in the mirror">>
<<set $energyToConsume = 20>>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "HAYLEY QUEST 4">>
<<if $flags.HayleyQuest4 == true>>
<<if $flags.HayleyDailyActing == false>>
<<link "Help Acting">>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<set $energyToConsume = 20>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "HAYLEY HELP ACTING">>
<<if $flags.HayleyQuest5 == false>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Hayley >= 1200>>
<<link "Is there more?">>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $choice == 1>>
You don't have enough energy to do that right now. Maybe after a good night's rest, or you could go drink a cup of coffee.
<<elseif $choice == 2>>
@@.Hayley;"Your clothes don't seem to be an appropriate for this. Why don't you go change first."@@ She nods toward your bedroom.
<<set $location.Hint = "Clothing">><<include "HINT LINKS">>
<<elseif $choice == 3>>
@@.Hayley;"''Hunney'', exersice is important, but having a rest between exersices is also important. So come ask again tomorrow."@@ She sends you off.
<<elseif $choice == 4>>
@@.Hayley;"''Hmm,'' It's getting late and this might take some time. Perhaps we could try again tomorrow."@@ She nods toward your bedroom.
<<elseif $choice == 5>>
@@.Hayley;"Oh, hi. Ahh, I don't think you are quite ready for this yet. Come back later when you feel more developed."
<<set $location.Hint = "FemScore">><<include "HINT LINKS">>
<<link "Leave">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Hayley">>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $flags.HayleyChatFirst = true>>
<<set $dice = random(2)>>
<<if $PaidContent == true>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Hayley >= 200>>
<<set $dice = random(7)>>
<<elseif $characterLikeness.Hayley >= 100>>
<<set $dice = random(4)>>
<<switch visited()>>
<<case 1>>
@@.Hayley;Hayley@@ looks at you confused, she even checks your temperature with the back of her hand. <br>
@@.Hayley;"No cold, not asking for anything. Hmm, this is new from you. Why are you suddenly interested in my life?"@@ Her piercing, cold stare imitates you, but you continue telling her you just want to get to know your parents a bit better. <br>
@@.Hayley;"Oh, well-. There is nothing wrong with that, I suppose. Let's see. I'm a bit hungry, didn't have the best lunch today because one of the temps forgot my orders... Sorry, it's hard to just talk to someone out all of a sudden."@@ You tell her that it's all fine, anything she can think of you want to just get to know of her. @@.Hayley;"Well, I'm glad you are putting more interest in other, but don't forget to study also."@@ She gives you a that demanding look mothers sometimes have.
<<case 2>>
She sighs while looking at you, and you ask if there is anything wrong. <br>
@@.Hayley;"Mmm-. Let's hope not. //Pff//, that sounded mean. I meant that you remind me when I was young, and I know just how stupid I was back then. Did all sorts of bad decisions."@@ You don't seem to be anything like she is. <br>
@@.Hayley;"Oh, trust me. I had the same attitude back then, and sometimes I can get bit-. ''Argh'', never mind that."@@ @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ seems to be frustrated of herself somehow.
<<if $dice == 0>>
You ask @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ what kind of food she likes. <br>
@@.Hayley;"Umm, veggies stew Maria makes is something I look forward to every time. She can also cook mean stake if we are celebrating something. Hmm, what else. I do like the small cupcakes she made for your last birthday. Those had the extra creamy filling that just busted in your mouth. It had that nutty aftertaste as well."@@ You ask her if she likes nuts. @@.Hayley;"Oh, I do enjoy an occasional ''nut''. Do you like ''nut'' as well?"@@
<<elseif $dice == 1>>
While hanging out with @@.Hayley;Hayley@@, you ask about why did they adopt you and why didn't they never had one of their own. <br>
@@.Hayley;"Well, we tried, but apparently our changes of bringing healthy children to this world was not great. I have always wanted a child and if we can't bare one of our own, we might as well help one in need of parents."@@ To your surprise at her answer. <br>
@@.Hayley;"It was only logical to me. There are children in need of help, and I am capable of helping."@@ She seems really proud of her decision.
<<elseif $dice == 2>>
@@.Hayley;Hayley@@ likes to talk about her time in school and how she really misses those times. <br>
@@.Hayley;"We were quite reckless back then. Sleeping in school, staying awake all night doing... Well ''//stuff//''. We even used to sneak around the back of the school to make out or..."@@ You try to convince her that you are interested in her life before, but she tells you it's too soon to talk about things like that with you, so you let the subject go.
<<elseif $dice == 3>>
You ask your @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ about how she and @@.Maria;Maria@@ met, since they seem so polar opposite to each other. This seems to amuse her quite a bit. <br>
@@.Hayley;"''Hah!'' Yes, she was something else for sure, but I suppose that is what I liked about her. She was this cute little mouse at school. I just had to have her and when I did, boy was she good at the //sack//..."@@ @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ looks at you like she said something she was not supposed to. <br>
@@.Hayley;"//Eh,// not that that was all that interested me about her. She was also smart and kind and knew a lot about food. God, she looked good at that waitress dress."@@ She smiles like she just woke a good memory in her.
<<elseif $dice == 4>>
When talking with @@.Hayley;Hayley@@, you got into the topic of school, and you mention how she must have been quite the head turner. @@.Hayley;"Mmm, I don't know about that. Maria was much cuter, but there were times when a group of boys would walk into each other because they were looking at my ''ass.''"@@ You tell her she still does that. @@.Hayley;"''Hahaa,'' perhaps, //perhaps.// Thanks. You have no idea how much I needed that. Ah, man now I feel all refreshed and ready for the day."@@ She really seems pumped up.
<<elseif $dice == 5>>
As you are talking with @@.Hayley;Hayley@@, you notice how fit her body is. @@.Hayley;"Oh, this old thing."@@ She flexes her muscles, showing just how fit she really is. Impressed, you want to touch her abs. @@.Hayley;"Oh, go ahead, Hun. I'm really proud of them, so don't hesitate."@@ Her firm but still so soft skin feels a bit bouncy under your skin. You let your fingers wander around her stomach, but when they are about to enter too close to her panty line, she pulls away. @@.Hayley;"Hold your horses their cowboy. At least take me to dinner first. ''//Hahahaa.//''"@@ @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ awkwardly steps back away from you with a small blushes on her face.
<<elseif $dice == 6>>
While talking to @@.Hayley;Hayley@@, you ask about her work and how she seem to be on top of her game. @@.Hayley;"You noticed that, huh? Yeah, I've been part of Brezzers for so long now and the move to here only accelerated my work load, but it comes with good benefits as well. Better pay and all."@@ You ask if you could help her with the work some time again. @@.Hayley;"Of course, Hun, I was so happy that you were interested in entering the work life. We have lots of temp work at the office, so we could use all the extra hands we can get."@@
<<elseif $dice == 7>>
You talk to @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ about this and that, but then ask about how she's so good at picking girls and how she's able to get any girl she wants. @@.Hayley;"Well, I don't know about every girl, but yes. There are a lot of chicks that get caught in my fishnet. There are also plenty of boys that get caught, but less of those."@@ You ask if someone like you would get caught in it. @@.Hayley;"''Hahaa,'' well you are cute enough, but there are a lot of other things that matters as well."@@ She pokes at your pelvis and winks. @@.Hayley;"If you know what I mean."@@
<<if $characterLikeness.Hayley < 50>>
<<set $characterLikeness.Hayley += 5>>
<<link "Finish chatting">>
<<goto "TALK TO HAYLEY">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Hayley">>
<<MakeCharacter>><<if $choice == 0>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $flags.HayleyMad > 0>>
You want to ask another Acting session with @@.Hayley;Hayley@@, but she seems to just push you away. <br>
She is still be upset with you. Perhaps waiting few days might help things out.
<<link "Come back later">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $ = "Mad1">>
@@.Hayley;"So you want to help my acting career, is that it? Well, of course, hun. I take all the help I can get. Hmm, what scene should we do?."@@ She gives you a few options to choose from.
[<<link "Wizard Scene">><<set $choice = 10>>
<<set $choice1 = 1>>
<<set $Workouts.HaylayActing = "Wizard">>
<<goto "HAYLEY HELP ACTING">><</link>>]
<<if $characterLikeness.Hayley >= 650>>
[<<link "Son in law Scene">><<set $choice = 10>>
<<set $choice1 = 1>>
<<set $Workouts.HaylayActing = "SonInLaw">>
<<goto "HAYLEY HELP ACTING">><</link>>]
<<if $characterLikeness.Hayley >= 750>>
[<<link "Mafia scene">><<set $choice = 10>>
<<set $choice1 = 1>>
<<set $Workouts.HaylayActing = "Peeper">>
<<goto "HAYLEY HELP ACTING">><</link>>]
<<if $characterLikeness.Hayley >= 850>>
[<<link "Girlfriend's mother Scene">><<set $choice = 10>>
<<set $choice1 = 1>>
<<set $Workouts.HaylayActing = "Spanking">>
<<goto "HAYLEY HELP ACTING">><</link>>]
<<if $PaidContent == true>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Hayley >= 950>>
[<<link "Domina Scene">><<set $choice = 10>>
<<set $choice1 = 1>>
<<set $Workouts.HaylayActing = "Dominatrix">>
[<<link "Actually maybe some other time">>
<<goto $>>
<<set $ = "">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Hayley">>
<<set $location.friend = passage()>>
<<if $choice == 10>>
<<include "HAYLEY ACTING">>
<<if $choice == 100>><<set $choice = 9999>>
<<if $choice == 9999>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Hayley < 1200>>
<<set $characterLikeness.Hayley += 30>>
<<link "Get going">>
<<set $flags.HayleyDailyActing = true>>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<goto $>>
<<elseif $choice == 10000>>
<<set $player.lust = 0>>
... You wake up sometime later from your bed, as if someone has tugged you in. Your ass still hurts from the pounding you got, but somehow you are proud of yourself. Proud of who you've become.
<<link "Sleep out">>
<<set $ = "">>
<<set $choice = 10>>
<<set $flags.HayleyDailyActing = true>>
<<set $time.junk = 5>>
<<goto "GOING SLEEP">>
<</if>><<if $choice == 1>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
You ask your @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ if you could help her at work again and she light up. @@.Hayley;"Of coarse //hunney!// You are always welcome at the office. Let me just change clothes and we can get going."@@
<<if $characterLikeness.Hayley < 400>>
<<link "Head to her the office once again">><<set $choice = 2>><<goto "HELP WORK WITH HAYLEY">><</link>><<else>>
<<link "Head to her the office once again">><<set $choice = 3>><<goto "HELP WORK WITH HAYLEY">><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = true>>
<<set $ = "Hayley">>
<<set $ = "Work1">>
/* ************************WORK PORTIONS************************* */
<<elseif $choice == 2>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "BrezzersOffice">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
You are put back doing the same job as before stacking boxes, printing out the label and then labeling them. In only a few hours, you manage to finish all the work you were given and start to wonder around the office to see what you can find. Soon you stumble on something interesting. <br>
Hearing the familiar clip clap of @@.Hayley;Hayley's@@ heels around the corner zaps you out of the zone. Pretending like nothing is happening, you meet up with @@.Hayley;Hayley@@, who is ready to leave home. @@.Hayley;"Thanks hunney. You have been a big help today at the office."@@
<<link "Head home with Hayley">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = true>>
<<set $ = "Hayley">>
<<set $ = "Work1">>
<<set $ += 20>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Hayley < 200>>
<<set $characterLikeness.Hayley += 25>>
/* ************************ LIKENESS +400 ************************* */
<<elseif $choice == 3>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "BrezzersOffice">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
Soon as you get to the compound @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ undresses a bit showing much more skin than normal and to your goggling eyes she answers with just a smirk before continuing. @@.Hayley;"So I just heard that one of our star actresses assistant got sick and needs a replacement, could you be dear and help us out. The pay is double for normal and at least in my mind the job is easier than that office stuff you normally do."@@ You agree to help //damsel in stress//.
<<set $dice = random(2)>>
<<if $dice == 0>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom2/WorkMassage1.webp"></div>
The actress in question is said to be very stressed out and is throwing big tantrums to the producers. She even tried attacking one of the other actors, and now nobody wants to deal with her. Her trailer is parked outside in a quiet alley. It's a lot bigger trailer than what you have seen in the movies, indicating that she must be a big deal. You knock on the door and hear her throwing a tantrum about this and that. You walk inside, telling her you're to be her new assistant and that you are in her full service. She looks at you, then complains about back pain and demands a hot body massage from you. She strips naked right in front of you and lays back on the massage table, eagerly waiting for you to response. Taking a deep breath, you find the massage oil and start working on her tiny naked body. After oiling her up, you give her front a good deep massage. Your hands then travel further down on her body, where they find an oily hole to play with. From her reaction, you can tell she wants more.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom2/WorkMassage2.webp"></div>
Other hand massaging her big bouncy pillows while the other rubs on the nub downstairs, her body is soon convulsing in the rhythm of your hands. She clenches her whole body around your arms, eyes rolling to the back of her head as she orgasm from your full body massage. Satisfied, she just lays there looking at you, asking if you could be her new permanent assistant.
<<elseif $dice == 1>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom2/WorkCunning1.webp"></div>
The actress in question is said to be very sleepy today and is refusing to leave the bed. Her trailer is parked outside in a quiet alley. It's a lot bigger trailer than what you have seen in the movies, indicating that she must be a big deal. You knock on the door and hear her murmuring you to go away. You walk inside, telling her you're to be her new assistant and that you are in her full service. She's sitting on the leather couch wearing no clothing whatsoever. She looks at you up and down before nodding in an approving way, then spreading her legs and pointing down to her snatch. Her delegate, tiny body is relaxed, and her womanly slit is leaking out. Without complaining, you decide it's best to just obey her and bury your face into her muff. Her moans tell you it was definitely the right choice and as you continues on her pitch goes higher and higher. She wraps her legs around your head not letting you escape her grasp now, an act that you were not going to do anyway.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom2/WorkCunning2.webp"></div>
Her whole body is soon convulsing in the rhythm of your tongue and as you make a few final thrusts into her, her eyes roll in to the back of her head, and she has a full body orgasm covering your face and shirt into her pussy juices. Satisfied, she just lays there looking at you, asking if you could be her new permanent assistant.
<<elseif $dice == 2>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom2/WorkShower1.webp"></div>
You hear the actress is refusing to leave the shower. Her trailer is parked outside in a quiet alley. It's a lot bigger trailer than what you have seen in the movies, indicating that she must be a big deal. You knock on the door and hear her moaning in the shower room. You undress and walk inside, telling her you're to be her new assistant and that you are in her full service. When you enter the shower naked, she does not look concerned in the least and just lets you help her wash her body. Same time as your hands wash her body from top to bottom, so does her hands do to you. You feel like her tiny body could crumble beneath your hands at any moment, but she holds it together very well.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom2/WorkShower2.webp"></div>
She soon has hunger for something more and so, she pushes your head down, making you clean up her puckered hole in a different way. Her moans echo throughout the bathroom walls as you tongue fuck her tight little fart box. Few moments later she taps your head indicating her to be satisfied and asks if you would like to be her new assistant permanently.
At this point, a few knocks on the door and a familiar voice interrupts your fun. @@.Hayley;"Hunney, time for us to leave. You have been a big help today, and I will be sure to give you a reward."@@
<<set $ += 40>>
<<link "Head home with Hayley">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = true>>
<<set $ = "Hayley">>
<<set $ = "Work2">>
<</if>><<if $choice == 0>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Bathroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $flags.HayleyMad > 0>>
@@.Hayley;Hayley@@ seems to be troubled, but when you ask about it she seems to just push you away. <br>
She seems still be upset with you. Perhaps waiting few days might help things out.
<<link "Come back later">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $ = "Mad1">>
@@.Hayley;"What a filthy man, you-. You be? No, it should be more like. ''Filth!'' And-. //Argh.// This ain't working." Hayley@@ is standing in front of the bathroom mirror, looking at a piece of paper. <br>
@@.Hayley;"Oh, hi, ''hunney.'' I was just trying to act out this scene that I was given in this acting class I'm taking, but without a partner to act it out with, it's become a real hassle. I just can't get into the role. ''Maria'' tried to help, but we just ended up flirting with each other."@@ She takes a better look at you. <br>
@@.Hayley;"Perhaps you don't mind helping me out? It's just a few simple lines. You don't even have to try, I promise."@@ She makes this sound so easy that you can't refuse. The two of you try to act out a scene from the script, but @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ says something is still missing. <br>
@@.Hayley;"It's like I still see you as our son instead of what's depicted in the script. Perhaps a quick costume change could give this that extra bit of realism that it needs. Let's go to my wardrobe closet to check out what we could use."@@
In your parent's bedroom, @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ opens one of the big double-door closets to reveal all sorts of clothing. <br>
@@.Hayley;"Well then. Do you have any ideas what we should do?"@@
<div class="ChoiceButtonBig" data-passage="HAYLEY QUEST 4" data-setter="$choice to 1;">
<div class="ChoiceButtonBig" data-passage="HAYLEY QUEST 4" data-setter="$choice to 2;">
<<if $PaidContent == true>>
<div class="ChoiceButtonBig" data-passage="HAYLEY QUEST 4" data-setter="$choice to 3;">
[[Let her to choose your costume|HAYLEY QUEST 4][$choice to 3]]<br>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Hayley">>
<<elseif $choice == 1>><<set $choice = 99>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div><<set $bg = "MomBedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Hayley;"Oo. Vanilla, I do like those light colors, but they make you look more like a background character than the main one. Maybe it's just your style, though."@@ She watches as you put on the girly clothing from her wardrobe.
<<set $wardrobe.CasualWear_LightBlue = true>>
<<set $wardrobe.Pumps_Black3 = true>>
<<set $player.Costume = "CasualWear_LightBlue">>
<<set $player.Shoes = "Pumps_Black3">>
<<elseif $choice == 2>><<set $choice = 99>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div><<set $bg = "MomBedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Hayley;"Uu, that's the spirit. Those colors make you really pop! I mean, I could just eat you right up. //Thehehe//."@@ She watches as you put on the colorful, and super girlish, clothing from her wardrobe, not wanting to question why she has it in the first place.
<<set $wardrobe.GirlyWear_SparklyGreen = true>>
<<set $wardrobe.Pumps_Black3 = true>>
<<set $player.Costume = "GirlyWear_SparklyGreen">>
<<set $player.Shoes = "Pumps_Black3">>
<<set $player.feminity += 5>>
<<elseif $choice == 3>><<set $choice = 99>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div><<set $bg = "MomBedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Hayley;"Aww, you trust me to pick one for you. Well, I cannot disappoint you, then. Hmm, let's see. Oh my, it has to be this one. It is like it was made for you!"@@ She picks a maid outfit for you to put on, explaining how she needs you to get into the role of someone underneath her, and this is the best pick. After a little arguing with her, you put the maid outfit on under her judging eye. Being a little curious, you ask why she has such an outfit in the first place, but she just dodges the question completely.
<<set $wardrobe.Maid_Black1 = true>>
<<set $wardrobe.Pumps_Black3 = true>>
<<set $wardrobe.CantWearOutside = true>>
<<set $player.Costume = "Maid_Black1">>
<<set $player.Shoes = "Pumps_Black3">>
<<set $player.feminity += 10>>
<</if>>/* END CHOICE */
<<if $choice == 99>>
@@.Hayley;"Okay, now that we have chosen your outfit, it's time for the scene. I let you choose which one we should act."@@ You take a look at the different scenes she has presented.
[[Mafia Scene|HAYLEY QUEST 4][$choice to 101]]<br>
[[Wizard Scene|HAYLEY QUEST 4][$choice to 102]]<br>
[[SonInLaw Scene|HAYLEY QUEST 4][$choice to 103]]<br>
<<if $PaidContent == true>>
[[Dominatrix Scene|HAYLEY QUEST 4][$choice to 104]]<br>
<<elseif $choice == 101>><<set $choice = 999>>
<<set $player.lust += 5>>
<div class="BigGif"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom2/Acting/MafiaScene1.webp"></div>
@@.Hayley;"Okay! This will be fun. Now, let me tell you the premise... The neighborhood I live in has ''a crime boss'' in it, and I need to catch him by any method necessary, so I use my incredible seduction skills to get all the information out of one of his minions. Here, let's act it out at the backyard."@@ She goes to the backyard and sets you up behind her in the bushes, telling you to soon pop out of them and act accordingly.
As you have no idea what you are supposed to do other than jump out, you do just that, not realizing she's in the backyard stretching out with a very tight outfit, which on further inspection reveals her outfit to have a hole in a //very inconvenient// place. As you are staring at her, she notices you.
She hikes up to you and starts reading her lines, but the only thing you can focus on is the inconvenient gap in her pants. @@.Hayley;"What are you... ''OMG'' are you looking at my //twat? Ew, you ''pervert!''// You can't just openly bursting into other people's homes to inspect their ''snatches!''"@@ She's openly angry at you, and you try to come up with any excuse for your staring at her little hole...
@@.Hayley;"Okay, ''tough guy''. If you really want to inspect it that bad. Why don't you take a closer look at it? Here, let me give you a hand."@@ She forces your hand into her crotch. In full panic mode, you have lost all reasoning skills, but luckily she's a professional and just continues on. @@.Hayley;"Feel that ''tough guy?'' That's how //moist, dripping ''cunt''// should feel like. That's how you know the lady's ''muff'' is ready for your meat. Let's go somewhere private where we can continue this."@@ She starts dragging you along, and as she's about to go even further...
She drops the act, and words seem to be stuck at the back of her throat. Her face reveals how much this meant to her, as she's profusely blushing. @@.Hayley;"//Gulp//. I-. Mmm, that was great acting. I think I get this scene now..."@@ She takes a few steps, walking around the room, before confronting you again.
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
<<elseif $choice == 102>><<set $choice = 999>>
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
<div class="BigGif"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom2/Acting/WizardScene1.webp"></div>
@@.Hayley;"Okay, then let's go check out our scene."@@
She leads you to the kitchen and sits you down. She quickly gets into position and starts acting out the scene.
@@.Hayley;"So what does an arc mage like you do here for fun? I know lots of ''//spells//'' that could make our time here more enjoyable. My favorite spell is the ''//love//'' spell, after all."@@ She quickly lifts up her dress, revealing sexy black lingerie underneath. Shocked by this sudden sexiness from her, you can't really get any words out of your mouth, and somehow she takes this as good acting and keeps going with the scene.
@@.Hayley;Hayley@@ pushes your face into her giant bosom, practically smothering you with her soft front pillows while keeping on with her own role play. @@.Hayley;"Don't they feel nice. I had them grown with my witch potion I made, and I thought you might want to inspect them out. Uuu-aaah, yes, go at it, my wizard friend."@@
She drops the act, lets go of your head, and steps back a bit. Her face reveals how much this meant to her, as she's profusely blushing. @@.Hayley;"//Gulp//. I-. Mmm, that was great acting. I think I get this scene now..."@@ She takes a few steps, walking around the room, before confronting you again.
<<set $player.lust += 15>>
<<elseif $choice == 103>><<set $choice = 999>>
<<set $player.lust += 5>>
<div class="BigGif"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom2/Acting/InLawScene0.webp"></div>
@@.Hayley;"Oh my, oh my. That is quite the... Okay. These should do for the next scene."@@ She takes out one of her bikinis and puts it on.
@@.Hayley;"Okay then let's go check out our scene."@@
She leads you to the backyard and hands you the script. She quickly gets into position and starts acting out the scene.<br>
@@.Hayley;"Okay, ''//son-in-law//'', come here, and I teach you a bit of something about flowers. See how delicate and fragile they are. Now, you need to be very careful when handling such small and delicate flowers, or they might break. Now, the same applies to having girlfriends. You need to be careful not to hurt their feelings, okay?"@@.
@@.Hayley;"//Uuh,// isn't it hot in here today? //Puuh,// I'm almost scorched. Maybe some extra moisture might help my smooth skin in this heat."@@ She sprinkles some of the water on her bosom. @@.Hayley;"Oh my are you staring at my ''//chest?//'' I'm your mother-in-law, you can't be staring without caring."@@ She starts dragging you back in the house all of a sudden.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom2/Acting/InLawScene1.webp"></div>
@@.Hayley;"Now listen, ''//son-in-law//''. Just staring at a pretty girl's chest is not enough, you need to give her more attention. Let's see, if I do this, you might get the idea."@@ She pushes her bikini aside, revealing her massive breast to you. @@.Hayley;"See, these kinds of things need constant attention, and who better to give it than you. Don't be shy, give them a nice big squeeze."@@ Not believing what is happening, you quickly give @@.Hayley;Hayley's@@ revealed breast a squeeze, but then she covers herself back up...
She drops the act, and words seem to be stuck at the back of her throat. Her face reveals how much this meant to her, as she's profusely blushing. @@.Hayley;"//Gulp//. I-. Mmm, that was great acting. I think I get this scene now..."@@ She takes a few steps, walking around the room, before confronting you again.
<<set $player.lust += 20>>
<<elseif $choice == 104>><<set $choice = 999>>
<<set $player.lust += 15>>
<div class="BigGif"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom2/Acting/DominaScene1.webp"></div>
@@.Hayley;"Okay then let's go check out our scene."@@ She hands you a piece of the script and tells you to sit down, facing away from her. Soon your vision is blocked by something frilly, but she tells you to leave it on. In the darkness, you hear some odd sounds. @@.Hayley;"You've been a ''//bad boy//'' today. Let's see how you like //Mistress's// wrapping technique this time."@@ You just sit still, letting her do her thing...
In no time, you are completely trapped in plastic wrap. She completes the project with a ball-gag. @@.Hayley;"How does it feel now? Now that all your movements have been restricted by me. Does my bad ''//bad boy//'' still want to play around. Well, okay then. We shall play around."@@ She starts dragging you around the room while calling you names, all while you struggle inside the wrapped cage. You start to think she is never letting you out, but then she cuts you loose...
When you can see her again, you notice she's still wearing the costume, but this time it's enhanced by her noticeable red blushing around her face and ears. @@.Hayley;"//Gulp//. I-. Mmm, that was great acting. I think I get this scene now..."@@ She takes a few steps, walking around the room, before confronting you again.
<<set $player.lust += 25>>
<</if>>/* END CHOICE */
<<if $choice == 999>>
<<notify 5s>>
@@.Hayley;Hayley@@ likes you more and has more things she wants to do with you.
@@.Hayley;"That was wonderful. I really think I learned a lot from that. Maybe we could act more scenes together later. Oh, and as a reward, you can keep that costume. It really suits you. Almost like it was made for you."@@ She has this coy smile on her face as she says it.
She seems to be over the moon happy right now and gives you one of those rare @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ wholehearted hugs before rushing off.
<center><div class="wardrobeButton">
<<button "Wrap things up here aswell.">>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<set $flags.HayleyDailyActing = true>>
<<set $ = "">>
<<set $flags.HayleyQuest4 = true>>
<<set $flags.GamePhase += 1>>
<<goto $>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<div align="middle">
Thank you for playing! This is as far as the content goes with @@.Hayley;//''Hayley''//@@. <br>
There is more to come in the next update, so see you then!
<<link "Continue Playing....">>
<<set $flags.HayleyQuest5 = true>>
<<goto "TALK TO HAYLEY">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Hayley">>
<<set $characterLikeness.Hayley += 100>>
+100$+Joblvl*(25$+JobDif*5) = -1Junk & -40Energy
Example:JOB Cashier <IF JobDif = 1 / Joblvl = 0-5>
joblvl:0 = 100$
joblvl:1 = 130$
joblvl:2 = 160$
joblvl:5 = 250$
+5 <endOfDay>
-1+intensity<0-5>+hypnolvl<0-10> (Same but reverse)
How intense/Sexual/Potent the action or scene is
At the start of the game the question determent what level of Sissy they are and how much help/Forcefulness would they like.
1. What is your prefered difficulty in games?
Hard: xpMulti = 1
Normal: xpMulti = 2
Easy: xpMulti = 4
2. What is your preference in sexual content?
Everything goes: Enable All fetises
Some: Needs more questions
2b. Select the sexual content you are interested in
- Water sports
- Forced Feminization
- Futas
- Transexuals
- Bisexuality
- GaySexuality
- Hypnotism
- ABDL content
- Drugs
- Insect
- Captivity
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "Bathroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<div class="flex-table">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.UnderwearToChange to 'Boxers_Black'; $UnderwearStyle to 'Boxers';">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.UnderwearToChange to 'Boxers_Black'; $UnderwearStyle to 'Boxers';">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.UnderwearToChange to 'Boxers_Black'; $UnderwearStyle to 'Boxers';">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.UnderwearToChange to 'Boxers_Black'; $UnderwearStyle to 'Boxers';">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.UnderwearToChange to 'Boxers_Black'; $UnderwearStyle to 'Boxers';">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.UnderwearToChange to 'Boxers_Black'; $UnderwearStyle to 'Boxers';">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.UnderwearToChange to 'Boxers_Black'; $UnderwearStyle to 'Boxers';">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.UnderwearToChange to 'Boxers_Black'; $UnderwearStyle to 'Boxers';">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.UnderwearToChange to 'Boxers_Black'; $UnderwearStyle to 'Boxers';">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.UnderwearToChange to 'Boxers_Black'; $UnderwearStyle to 'Boxers';">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.UnderwearToChange to 'Boxers_Black'; $UnderwearStyle to 'Boxers';">
<div class="flex-table">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.BraToChange to 'TrBra_3'; $BraStyle to 'TrainingBra';">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.BraToChange to 'TrBra_3'; $BraStyle to 'TrainingBra';">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.BraToChange to 'TrBra_3'; $BraStyle to 'TrainingBra';">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.BraToChange to 'TrBra_3'; $BraStyle to 'TrainingBra';">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.BraToChange to 'TrBra_3'; $BraStyle to 'TrainingBra';">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.BraToChange to 'TrBra_3'; $BraStyle to 'TrainingBra';">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.BraToChange to 'TrBra_3'; $BraStyle to 'TrainingBra';">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.BraToChange to 'TrBra_3'; $BraStyle to 'TrainingBra';">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.BraToChange to 'TrBra_3'; $BraStyle to 'TrainingBra';">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.BraToChange to 'TrBra_3'; $BraStyle to 'TrainingBra';">
<div class="flex-table-item ChoiceButton" data-passage="Change Clothing New" data-setter="$wardrobe.BraToChange to 'TrBra_3'; $BraStyle to 'TrainingBra';">
<<link "go to wardrobe">>
<<goto "WARDROBE">>
Friendly Town: Make friends and more...
Choose your own adventure text based sandbox game made with Twine, that is both open-ended and with a focus on different stories should you choose to pursue them. Find friends and get to know them, and surely they will reward you with their love and affection. Help them realize their true potential and become better versions of themselves, and let them help you as well. Get thrown into a world with plenty of sex and fun to be had.<<set $CharacterToTransfer = "TEACHER">>
<<set $timeToConsume = 0>>
<<if $flags.StellaMad > 0>>
<<set $ = "What is it? Anything else you want to poke your overly eager nose poke into?">>
<<if $characterLikeness.Teacher < 100>>
<<set $ = "Hmm? Hello student. Was there anything you need from me?">>
<<elseif $characterLikeness.Teacher < 200>>
<<set $ = "Oh, hello <<print $>>. Did you need to discuss me with something?">>
<<elseif $characterLikeness.Teacher < 300>>
<<set $ = "Hi! So good to see you. How are you <<print $>>? Is there anything I can help you with today?">>
<<elseif $characterLikeness.Teacher < 400>>
<<set $ = "Oh, is that my new favorite studen I see? Well hellp there <<print $>>! How may I assist you today?">>
<<set $ = "//Hello there, ''cutie''//. //O-u//, I could just slurp you right up. Mmm, hmm? Oh, was there something you needed me for today? I'm always happy to help!">>
Chat: S/0 +5FS (max:10FS)
Quest1: S/10
Share: S/10 +5FS (max:100FS)
Fliry: S/50 +5FS (max:150FS)
Quest2: S/100
Gift: S/100 +5FS (max:300FS)
Tease: S/150 +5FS (max:350FS)
Quest3: S/200
Kiss: S/200 +5FS (max:400FS)
Fooling: S/250 +5FS (max:450FS)
Quest4: S/300
Grope: S/300 +5FS (max:500FS)
Rub: S/350 +5FS (max:550FS)
Quest5: S/400
Makeout: S/400 +5FS (max:600FS)
Handjob: S/450 +5FS (max:650FS)
Quest6: S/500
Fingering: S/500 +5FS (max:700FS)
Blowjob: S/550 +5FS (max:750FS)
Fit Teacher:
You run into Stella at Park as she is on her run
OR You run into Stella in Gym while shes doing her workout
She notes that she has never seen you here before and what are you doing here and that shes on her workout. You tell that you are alos doing your workout and then she sees you trying your workout, but get's embarrased of you failing at your workout so she decides to help you out a bit.
After this you can ask her to help with working out more.
Bully Help:
Teacher needs to find a Bully called Dexter and you offer to help her with this.
Beat dexter up
OR Get beaten up.
She takes you to nurse where you get applied an oitment for your bruises.
NEW LOCATION: NURSES OFFICE : If didn't have it already
After this you can ask to help her out on bullies again for some SchoolCredits.
<<if $characterLikeness.Teacher >= 10>>
<<if $flags.TeacherQuest1 == false>>
<<if $flags.TeachersQuest1Started == true>>
<<if $flags.PicsAcquired == true>>
<<link "Give Stella the pictures">>
<<set $choice = 2>>
<<goto "TEACHER QUEST 1">>
<<link "Ask Stella about the pictures?">>
<<set $choice = 1>>
<<goto "TEACHER QUEST 1">>
<<link "Stella is deep in tought">>
<<set $Noted.StellaQuest1 = true>>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<goto "TEACHER QUEST 1">>
<<if $Noted.StellaQuest1 == false || $flags.PicsAcquired>>
<<if $flags.TeacherQuest1 == true>>
<<if $time.junk < 5>>
<<if $flags.StellaDailyLecture == false>>
<<link "Lectures">>
<<set $energyToConsume = 20>>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "TEACHER AIDE LECTURE">>
<<if $flags.TeacherQuest2 == false>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Teacher >= 200>>
<<link "Need help with studying">>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<goto "TEACHER QUEST 2">>
/* END QUEST 1 */
<<if $flags.TeacherQuest2 == true>>
<<if $flags.StellaDailyTutoring == false>>
<<link "Tutoring">>
<<set $energyToConsume = 20>>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "TEACHER TUTORING">>
<<if $flags.TeacherQuest3 == false>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Teacher >= 400>>
<<link "Stella is on her way to somewhere">>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<goto "TEACHER QUEST 3">>
<<if $flags.TeacherQuest3 == true>>
<<if $flags.StellaDailyWorkout == false>>
<<link "Workout Together">>
<<set $energyToConsume = 20>>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "TEACHER HELP WITH WORKOUT">>
<<if $time.junk < 5>>
<<if $flags.TeacherQuest4 == false>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Teacher >= 600>>
<<link "Stella seems to be in a hurry">>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<goto "TEACHER QUEST 4">>
<<if $flags.TeacherQuest4 == true>>
<<if $time.junk < 5>>
<<if $flags.StellaDailyHelper == false>>
<<link "Be Stella's helper">>
<<set $energyToConsume = 20>>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "STELLAS LITTLE HELPER">>
<<if $flags.TeacherQuest5 == false>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Teacher >= 1200>>
<<link "Is there more?">>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $choice == 1>>
You don't have enough energy to do that right now. Maybe after a good night's rest, or you could go drink a cup of coffee.
<<elseif $choice == 2>>
@@.Teacher;"Hmm, those clothes won't do. Why don't you head on home and change clothes before we can do this." Stella@@ pats your head and sends you on your way.
<<elseif $choice == 3>>
@@.Teacher;"Sweetie, we already had one session today. Come back tomorrow. It's important to get good night sleep between sessions. The brain works twice as hard trying to figure out what is worth in life during sleep." Stella@@ pats your head and sends you on your way.
<<elseif $choice == 4>>
@@.Teacher;"''Oh, hello,'' It's getting late and this might take some time. Perhaps we could try again tomorrow." Stella@@ pats your head and sends you on your way.
<<elseif $choice == 5>>
@@.Teacher;"Hello mister. Ehh, I don't think you are quite ready for this yet. Come back later when you feel more developed."
<<set $location.Hint = "FemScore">><<include "HINT LINKS">>
<<elseif $choice == 10>>
@@.Teacher;"Oh, hello. I just can't talk with you right now."@@ It's like she's in teacher mode and has to focus on teaching, she might be filling to chat after the class.
<<link "Leave">>
<<goto $>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $flags.HayleyChatFirst = true>>
<<set $dice = random(2)>>
<<if $PaidContent == true>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Teacher >= 200>>
<<set $dice = random(6)>>
<<elseif $characterLikeness.Teacher >= 100>>
<<set $dice = random(4)>>
<<switch visited()>>
<<case 1>>
@@.Teacher;Stella@@ taps her fingers against the wooden table, making an instinct clicking sound while looking at you. <br>
@@.Teacher;"So, are you in need of something or is this genuine interest you have toward my life?"@@ You try convincing her that you are interested in her. <br>
@@.Teacher;"Oh, well this ain't the first time a cute little boy has had a crush on their teacher, but to be so open about it is a bit, //Pff.// Very well, I bite. Let's see, ''Ah'', I have this wonderful coffee place near the center of the town that I go to every morning called ''MuffingBrew''. //Ahh,// they make the best coffee."@@ She seems to space out a bit, dreaming about her cup of coffee.
<<set $flags.MuffingBrew = true>>
<<case 2>>
@@.Teacher;Stella@@ smiles at you as you ask about her day. <br>
@@.Teacher;"So, you really are trying this, huh? Well okay. I bite. Let's see, today I have been trying to teach Class C all morning. Somehow I managed to ram information about the proper use of the condom into their little heads, but it was not easy. Trying to make a whole class interested in a single subject can be tough, but I have my ways."@@ She smacks her long wooden ruler against the palm of her hand. You suggest the carrot method instead of the stick, in which seems to give her quite the laughter. <br>
@@.Teacher;"//HAHAHAA-//. Yeah, like something of, so simple, would work against rugrats of their caliber. No, no, no. You need violence and threats to keep them in line."@@ She seems deterred by her ways of teaching.
<<if $dice == 0>>
You ask @@.Teacher;Stella@@ about her work, and her eyes light on fire. <br>
@@.Teacher;"Of course, I love my job, it's just difficult sometimes. Man, I wish we could still use the techniques from olden days, I would make everyone beg for mercy from dawn till dusk, and they would love it! //Thahahaa.// Yes, I would have every student in this school in the palm of my hand, and they would be the most educated personnel in the entire town."@@ Her fiery eyes are piercing into you, almost asking permission to punish you, so you drop the subject before things get out of hand.
<<elseif $dice == 1>>
You ask @@.Teacher;Stella@@ about her time in school. <br>
@@.Teacher;"Pff, my teachers were all such wusses. They didn't know anything about teaching the kids. Well, there was ''Rob Johnson''... He knew how to punish those who misbehaved. Ah, I would let him punish me every day. Too bad he got fired at my senior year all because his teaching style was ''//out dated,//'' I think the others were just worried how good of a teacher he was compared to them. Cowards I say. //Hmph...//"@@ She seems uncomfortably angry, and you drop the subject.
<<elseif $dice == 2>>
You asked @@.Teacher;Stella@@ about the other classes. <br>
@@.Teacher;"Well, your class D is the worst, of course, but the others ain't half bad. Class C still has a few problem children, but I can manage, and then Class B and Class A. ''AAH-,'' the students in those classes know how to behave. It's always such a treat to walk into a class and be greeted by all the lovely students in unison. //Oh,// and how they tremble when they make a single mistake, ahh, that just makes me-. //Makes me-//. Well, it makes me very happy."@@ She licks her lips while gazing at you. Being afraid she just might eat you, you drop the subject.
<<elseif $dice == 3>>
As you are talking with @@.Teacher;Stella@@, you ask who's her favorite student and she smirks. @@.Teacher;"Well, you are, of course. I'm just kidding. //Thehehee//. Actually I like all my students, sure I like some more than others, but it's difficult to say who I like the best. It's like asking my favorite color. I love my golden blonde hair, but on the other hand, black might be my favorite color to wear. It depends on all. You are currently my favorite pet to train."@@ She holds your collar a bit rough, before landing a //smooch// on your cheek.
<<elseif $dice == 4>>
You ask @@.Teacher;Stella@@ about her favorite school subject, and she licks her lips. @@.Teacher;"There is no one particular subject I like to teach the most, well, maybe one."@@ You are curious of what it is, and she grabs hold of your collar and pulls you close before whispering in your ear. @@.Teacher;"''//Sexual education.//''"@@ She lets go of you after kissing your cheek. @@.Teacher;"//Thehehee//, it's true. Since all ''Sex'' is about power, and boy do I love power. Would you like to take one of my //''sex courses''//?"@@ She puckers her lips seductively, but somehow this seems more scary to you than sexual.
<<elseif $dice == 5>>
You decide to ask @@.Teacher;Stella@@ about her trimmed body and how does she keep it in such a good shape. @@.Teacher;"''Thahahaa!'' Exercise of coarse. As one of my students, you should know this by now, or has my education been that lacking? Hmm, maybe some proper training is in order?"@@ Trying to avoid her question, you ask one of your own about her favorite exercise. @@.Teacher;"Uuu, well, let's see... Ah, yes, obviously it has to be... ''SEX!'' What you didn't know? Sex is the best ''Exercise'' one can have. With all the adrenaline and sweat and other liquids... //Thihihi.//"@@...
<<elseif $dice == 6>>
As you are talking with @@.Teacher;Stella@@, you ask her if she treats all her students like this. @@.Teacher;"//Mmm//, ''no!'' You are-. Well, special case. Don't think too much about it. ''Hah.'' I just needed another pup to train, and into my life you walked in. Willingly, I might add. And now I can't stop until I have made you just the way I want."@@ You ask if you have any in that. @@.Teacher;"''HAH!'' You wish, I'm only joking. Obviously, we want what is best for you."@@ You don't think she was joking...
<<if $characterLikeness.Teacher < 50>>
<<set $characterLikeness.Teacher += 5>>
<<link "Do something else">>
<<goto "TALK TO TEACHER">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
<<MakeCharacter>><<if visited() == 1>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Teacher;"So it's finally come. The day you actually ask for my help. Pff, took you long enough. Very well then. I will forge you into a proper shape, ''Hah'', look at me rambling on when it's time to teaching. Well, then let's get some privacy, so we can really get to focus on this."@@ Her soul seems to be on fire and ready to burst, which makes you a little worried and exited somehow.
[[Follow along|Teacher Tutoring Quest old][$choice to 1]]<br>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
/* --------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------- */
<<elseif visited() == 2>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "StellaOffice">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Teacher;Stella@@ leads you to her private office. She has a setup for private tutoring. A single desk and a chalkboard. @@.Teacher;"Sit, so we can get this thing started."@@ You sit on the chair and Stella sits next to you. Her revealing cleavage is distracting you during the private lessons and making it hard to concentrate on what she's actually teaching...
...A few hours pass by and she stands up. @@.Teacher;"How are you so bad at this? Nothing I teach is sticking to you. It's like there is an empty tunnel going through one ear and coming out the other."@@ While she's talking and explaining the lesson to you, you take a few sneak peaks at her cleavage, which she seems to notice. @@.Teacher;"Oh, oh my. Is-. Is that where your motivates are? //Pff//, I should have known just how simple men can sometimes be.'' Hahahaa-.'' And here I was worried you were too complicated for me. //Pff,// well then... Okay. Every time you answer right to my questions, I will let you touch me. What do you say?"@@ She rises her eyebrows and winks at you. In disbelieve, you are about to agree, but then she adds. @@.Teacher;"BUT! Every time you fail, you need to get ''punished''."@@ Her smile twists and turns into almost ''inhuman shape'', and you are scared to answer.
[[Agree|Teacher Tutoring Quest old][$flags.StripTeasePunishments to 1]]<br>
[[Disagree|Teacher Tutoring Quest old][$flags.StripTeasePunishments to 2]]<br>
[[Suggest something better|Teacher Tutoring Quest old][$flags.StripTeasePunishments to 3]]<br>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
/* --------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------- */
<<elseif visited() == 3>>
<center><div class="BigGif"><img src="gifs/Teacher/StellaConversation.webp"></div></center>
<<if $flags.StripTeasePunishments == 1>>
You nod and she licks her lips. @@.Teacher;"Okay then. Let's see what you got."@@ She starts tutoring again, and you focus all your brainpower on the subjects she teaches you...
<<elseif $flags.StripTeasePunishments == 2>>
@@.Teacher;"//Pff//, so you were a coward after all. Not that it really matters. We just have to manage our expectations. //Hmm//, instead of letting you touch, I let you see more every time you answer right on the questions I ask. And when you fail, I cover up more. How about it?"@@ Now that there is no punishment in line, you agree to her suggestion...
<<elseif $flags.StripTeasePunishments == 3>>
@@.Teacher;"''Oh my'', you want more? Well, then the punishment has to be harsher as well."@@ She quivers from excitement as you agree to this. @@.Teacher;"Well then. Let's get this started."@@ ...
@@.Teacher;...Question 1:
The planet closest to the sun is ... ? @@
[[Earth|Teacher Tutoring Quest old][$choice1 to 1]]<br>
[[Mercury|Teacher Tutoring Quest old][$choice1 to 2]]<br>
[[Mars|Teacher Tutoring Quest old][$choice1 to 3]]<br>
<<set $answers = 1>>
<<set $wrongAnswers = 0>>
/* --------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------- */
<<elseif visited() == 4>>
<<if $choice1 == 1 || $choice1 == 3>>
<<set $wrongAnswers += 1>>
<<if $flags.StripTeasePunishments == 1>>
<<include "TEACHER Strip Tease PUNISHMENTS">>
@@.Teacher;"M.''slap'' E.''slap'' R.''slap'' C.''slap'' U.''slap'' R.''slap'' Y.''slap, slap, slap!''... Few extra for good luck, right?"@@ She slaps your ass after every letter.
<<elseif $flags.StripTeasePunishments == 2>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/Snooping/TeacherCover.mp4"></video></div></center><br>
She shakes her head in disbelieve. @@.Teacher;"Oh boy, you are dumb. The correct answer was ''Mercury''! Well, wrong answer means no rewards."@@ She covers up a bit.
<<elseif $flags.StripTeasePunishments == 3>>
<<include "TEACHER Strip Tease PUNISHMENTS">>
@@.Teacher;"M.''SLAP'' E.''SLAP'' R.''SLAP'' C.''SLAP'' U.''SLAP'' R.''SLAP'' Y.''SLAP, SLAP, SLAP!''... Few extra for good luck, right?"@@ She slaps your ass after every letter with a force you did not anticipate, and they make you yelp after the first few.
@@.Teacher;"Now do remember it since I might ask it again. Okay? //Pff//, Anyway, ready for the next question?"@@
<<elseif $choice1 == 2>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "StellaOffice">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
@@.Teacher;"That is ''correct!'' Wow, very well done. Now here is your reward..."@@
<<set $answers += 1>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="images/Characters/Teacher/TSG/Stella3.png"></div>
@@.Teacher;Stella@@ unbuttons her blouse, revealing her bra underneath.
@@.Teacher;"//Thihi//, you like what you are seeing? No, no, ''nou.'' Only look, no touch. You wanted something lighter, remember. So this is all you get. Now let's see about that second question"@@
@@.Teacher;...Question 2:
Which of the world's Ocean is the largest?@@
[[Pacific|Teacher Tutoring Quest old][$choice1 to 1]]<br>
[[Atlantic|Teacher Tutoring Quest old][$choice1 to 2]]<br>
[[Indian|Teacher Tutoring Quest old][$choice1 to 3]]<br>
/* --------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------- */
<<elseif visited() == 5>>
<<if $choice1 == 2 || $choice1 == 3>>
<<set $wrongAnswers += 1>>
<<if $flags.StripTeasePunishments == 1>>
<<include "TEACHER Strip Tease PUNISHMENTS">>
@@.Teacher;"P.''slap'' A.''slap'' C.''slap'' I.''slap'' F.''slap'' I.''slap'' C.''slap, slap, slap!'' Did you get that? The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world. Everyone knows that! //Pff//, I thought I gave you a free by just because I was feeling bad for your perfect bum, but oh boy you failed. Okay. Let's just get to the next question"@@
<<elseif $flags.StripTeasePunishments == 2>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/Snooping/TeacherCover.mp4"></video></div></center><br>
She shakes her head in disbelieve. "Oh boy, you are dumb. The correct answer was @@.Teacher;''Pacific''! //Pff,// I thought I gave you a free by just because I was feeling bad for your perfect ''bum,'' but oh boy you failed. Well, wrong answer means no rewards."@@ She covers up a bit. @@.Teacher;"Okay. Let's just get to the next question"@@
<<elseif $flags.StripTeasePunishments == 3>>
<<include "TEACHER Strip Tease PUNISHMENTS">>
@@.Teacher;"P.''SLAP'' A.''SLAP'' C.''SLAP'' I.''SLAP'' F.''SLAP'' I.''SLAP'' C.''SLAP, SLAP, SLAP!'' Did you get that? ''Pacific'' ocean is the largest ocean in the world. Everyone knows that! //Pff//, I thought I gave you a free by just because I was feeling bad for your perfect ''bum'', but oh boy you failed. Okay. Let's just get to the next question."@@
<<elseif $choice1 == 1>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "StellaOffice">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
<<set $answers += 1>>
<<if $answers == 2>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="images/Characters/Teacher/TSG/Stella3.png"></div>
@@.Teacher;Stella@@ unbuttons her blouse, revealing her bra underneath.
@@.Teacher;"//Thihi//, you like what you are seeing? No, no, ''nou.'' Only look, no touch. You wanted something lighter, remember. So this is all you get. Now for the last question."@@
<<elseif $answers == 3>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="images/Characters/Teacher/TSG/Stella5.png"></div>
@@.Teacher;Stella@@ Unbuttons her blouse completely, showing off her mid-drift
@@.Teacher;"So you like seeing this sort of stuff, huh? Well how about a little more then. Remember only looking and no touching. It is what you wanted after all..."@@
@@.Teacher;...Question 3:
How many continents are there? @@
[[6|Teacher Tutoring Quest old][$choice1 to 1]]<br>
[[5|Teacher Tutoring Quest old][$choice1 to 2]]<br>
[[7|Teacher Tutoring Quest old][$choice1 to 3]]<br>
/* --------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------- */
<<elseif visited() == 6>>
<<if $choice1 == 1 || $choice1 == 2>>
<<set $wrongAnswers += 1>>
<<if $flags.StripTeasePunishments == 1>>
<<include "TEACHER Strip Tease PUNISHMENTS">>
@@.Teacher;"''slap'' ''slap'' ''slap'' ''slap'' ''slap'' ''slap'' ''SLAP!''"@@ The last one is a bit tougher, making you yelp in pain. @@.Teacher;"Did you get that? It's ''7''. I bet you forgot about Antarctica. They usually do."@@
<<elseif $flags.StripTeasePunishments == 2>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/Snooping/TeacherCover.mp4"></video></div></center><br>
She shakes her head in disbelieve. @@.Teacher;"Oh boy, you are dumb. The correct answer was ''7''! Can't forget Antarctica! Well, wrong answer means no rewards."@@ She covers up a bit.
<<elseif $flags.StripTeasePunishments == 3>>
<<include "TEACHER Strip Tease PUNISHMENTS">>
@@.Teacher;"''SLAP'' ''SLAP'' ''SLAP'' ''SLAP'' ''SLAP'' ''SLAP'' //''SLAP!!''//"@@ The last one is a bit tougher, making you yelp out loud in pain. @@.Teacher;"Did you get that? It's ''7''. I bet you forgot about Antarctica. They usually do."@@
<<elseif $choice1 == 3>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "StellaOffice">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
@@.Teacher;"''Yes!'' 7 is the right answer. Well done, Very well done! Oh, can't wait for your reward? Very well then."@@
<<set $answers += 1>>
<<if $answers == 2>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="images/Characters/Teacher/TSG/Stella3.png"></div>
@@.Teacher;Stella@@ unbuttons her blouse, revealing her bra underneath.
@@.Teacher;"//Thihi//, you like what you are seeing? No, no, ''nou''. Only look, no touch. You wanted something lighter, remember. So this is all you get."@@
<<elseif $answers == 3>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="images/Characters/Teacher/TSG/Stella5.png"></div>
@@.Teacher;Stella@@ Unbuttons her blouse completely, showing off her mid-drift
@@.Teacher;"So you like seeing this sort of stuff, huh? Well how about a little more then. Remember only looking and no touching. It is what you wanted after all..."@@
<<elseif $answers == 4>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="images/Characters/Teacher/TSG/Stella8.png"></div>
@@.Teacher;Stella@@ drops her skirt, showing off her full set of lingerie to you. @@.Teacher;"''Oh my'', what is that poking in my student's pants? Thihihi, you are so adorable, easy to control, aren't you? ''Oh'', how I love teasing you, knowing you cannot touch this perfect body of mine."@@ She shakes her ass a bit to you, making you incredible frustrated.
[[Lesson finished|Teacher Tutoring Quest old]]<br>
/* --------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------- */
<<elseif visited() == 7>>
/* ******************* 1 or less Right ******************* */
<<if $answers <= 2>>
<<if $flags.StripTeasePunishments == 1 || $flags.StripTeasePunishments == 3>>
<div class="vidSmall" style="float:right;">
<video autoplay muted loop><source src="Videos/Teacher/StellaSpanks3.mp4"></video></div>
@@.Teacher;Stella@@ enjoys giving your burnt red bum a little more attention from the palm of her hand making sure every part of it has had it fare share of punishment, before tapping on your back indicating for you to stand back up. @@.Teacher;"That truly was a pathetic attempt. It's almost like you didn't want to win. Well, not like I'm mad about the result either. After all, I'm happy to ''educate'' that bottom of yours any time you want. Mmm, well if you've had gotten them all right there might have been some extra rewards, but oh well. Better luck next time, I guess."@@...
<center><div class="BigGif"><img src="gifs/Teacher/StellaAngry.webp"></div></center>
@@.Teacher;"That truly was a pathetic attempt. It's almost like you didn't want to win. Mmm, well if you've had gotten them all right there might have been some extra rewards, but oh well. Better luck next time I guess."@@...
/* ******************* 2Right ******************* */
<<elseif $answers == 3>>
<<if $flags.StripTeasePunishments == 1 || $flags.StripTeasePunishments == 3>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/StellaSpanks3.mp4"></video></div></center><br>
Stella enjoys giving your burnt red bum a little more attention from the palm of her hand making sure every part of it has had it fare share of punishment, before tapping on your back indicating for you to stand back up. @@.Teacher;"That was close, but no cigar. Well, not like I'm mad about the result either. After all, I'm happy to ''educate'' that bottom of yours any time you want. Mmm, well if you've had gotten them all right there might have been some extra rewards, but oh well. Better luck next time, I guess."@@...
<center><div class="BigGif"><img src="gifs/Teacher/StellaAngry.webp"></div></center>
@@.Teacher;"That was close, but no cigar. It's almost like you didn't want to win. Mmm, well if you've had gotten them all right there might have been some extra rewards, but oh well. Better luck next time, I guess."@@...
/* ******************* ALL RIGHT ******************* */
<<elseif $answers >= 4>>
<<if $flags.StripTeasePunishments == 1>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/TSG/StellaCorrect1.mp4"></video></div></center><br>
@@.Teacher;"You have answered very well today. I shall give you a nice-. Ahh! Uuu-. NICE and hard down here. I see someone was eager today. Uu yeah, Let's get those boxers off so I can meet the 'president'! Oh my oh my. Is that you sit, you stand so firm and erect today." She takes a hold of your stiff member giving it a good few tugs while licking her lips.
<<elseif $flags.StripTeasePunishments == 2>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "StellaOffice">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="images/Characters/Teacher/TSG/Stella10.png"></div>
She pulls her bra down, showing off her perky nipples to you for a second. @@.Teacher;"//Uups, Haaa//, Did you like that? Well, that's all you get from me for now. Thaha, Maybe next time we can be a bit harsher with each other. Mmm?"@@...
<<elseif $flags.StripTeasePunishments == 3>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/TSG/StellaCorrect1.mp4"></video></div></center><br>
@@.Teacher;"You have answered very well today. I shall give you a nice-. Ahh! Uuu-. NICE and hard down here. I see someone was eager today. Uu yeah, Let's get those boxers off so I can meet the 'president'! Oh my oh my. Is that you sit, you stand so firm and erect today." She takes a hold of your stiff member giving it a good few tugs while licking her lips.
<center><div class="vidSmall" style="float:right;">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/TSG/StellaCorrect2.mp4"></video></div></center><br>
"//Uuuaa//, And since we bet little tought outcomes I shall show you something else. Sit on your lovely teachers lap here. //Uuu,// eager boy aren't you, going straight to jerking it. Hmm, I'll allow it, you have earned your reward, but I see that your technique is lacking a bit. Maybe, I could teach you thing or two about it." Her hand rubs your tight teasing you out.
<center><div class="vidSmall" style="float:right;">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/TSG/StellaCorrect3.mp4"></video></div></center><br>
"Mmm, I'm feeling very generous today, after all you did so very well today, so, here comes another lesson." Her hand snakes round your back taking hold of your stiff 'meat loaf'. "I want to teach you today is this secret technique called round rubbing. See, if I just take a hold of the head of your meat stick here and start slowly rubbing it around and around, it should feel fantastic. Uuu yeah, I can feel the pre-cum leaking out already. Now if I slowly pump it up and down with my hand like this it should start leaking even more. See how good it feels. Ahh yes. Your moaning is turning me on."
... She looks at the clock. @@.Teacher;"I think that's all for today's tutoring, but don't hesitate to come ask for more. My doors are always open for those who are willing to pay the price. ''Haha!''"@@ She waves for you to leave.
<<link "Leave...">><<goto "CAMPUS">><</link>>
<<set $flags.TeacherQuest2 = true>>
<<set $flags.StellasRoom = true>>
<</if>><<if $choice == 0>>
<<if visited() == 1>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "SchoolCorridor">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
You see @@.Teacher;Stella@@ nervously roaming around school halls, so you ask her if everything is alright. @@.Teacher;"No, everything is not alright. There just ain't enough time for my research and too much paperwork to do. Goddammit, now someone else is going to publish their remarks before I get to do anything. This is disaster!"@@ You pick up a piece of paper from the floor that fell and hand it to her. @@.Teacher;"Ah, Thank you <<print $>>, I can always count on you..."@@ She looks at you more curious now and starts to smile. @@.Teacher;"How would you feel about increasing your grades?"@@ @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ has been bugging you lately about how bad your school grades have been, so the answer is a no-brainer to you. @@.Teacher;"Good, I have a proposition for you. There is a new wave coming through that will help students of all ages to absorb education much faster rate than normal! It is still on the testing period, but once it's fully researched, it will help students worldwide. What do you say? Are you willing to make a sacrifice for the greater good? Are you willing to become my //guinea-pig//?"@@ This all sounds very scary to you and as you are about to decline she adds a small note. @@.Teacher;"It will increase your grades without you having to do almost anything, and It would earn a few student points from me, which as we all know it, are incredibly valuable. So what do you say? I even give you some //Extra// rewards if you do well enough."@@ She winks and waits for your response.
[[Become her 'guinea-pig'|TEACHER OLD HYPNO QUEST][$choice to 2]]<br>
[[Maybe later|TEACHER OLD HYPNO QUEST][$choice to 1]]<br>
<<set $character.movement = true>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
/********** ASK AGAIN **********/
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Teacher;"Have you considered to becoming my //guinea-pig// yet? There will be a lot of benefits for it." Stella@@ winks at you.
[[Become her 'guinea-pig'|TEACHER OLD HYPNO QUEST][$choice to 2]]<br>
[[Maybe later|TEACHER OLD HYPNO QUEST][$choice to 1]]<br>
<<set $character.movement = true>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
/********** NO **********/
<<elseif $choice == 1>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Teacher;"//Aww//, well, too bad. Come talk to me if you change your mind."@@
<<link "She walks off.">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $flags.TeachersTestsubject = false>>
<<set $ += 20>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
/********** YES **********/
<<elseif $choice == 2>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Teacher;"''Excellent!'' Let's go to my office, we can start from there."@@
[[Follow along|TEACHER OLD HYPNO QUEST][$choice to 3]]<br>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
/********** STARTS **********/
<<elseif $choice == 3>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "TestRoom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
In @@.Teacher;Stella's@@ office, she leads you to the door at the back, which she opens with a key hanging around her neck. @@.Teacher;"This all is very confidential, so no telling anyone else what you see from this point forward? Got that?"@@ She sounds mysterious, but you trust her and nod in approval. She opens the door, revealing a few tanning booths. At least you think they are tanning booths, but there is something odd about them. Few extra long cables attached to them as well as monitors checking status of the subjects inside. Current reading says @@.Extra;"UNOCCUPIED"@@... @@.Teacher;"Now I know it all looks a bit scary, but there is nothing to be worried about. Oh, I need you to strip down or the machine won't work."@@
<a data-passage="" data-setter="$choice to '4'; $choice1 to '1'"></a>
[[Strip all the way down|TEACHER OLD HYPNO QUEST][$wardrobe.TestsubjectOutfit to 1]]<br>
[[Strip to your underwear|TEACHER OLD HYPNO QUEST][$wardrobe.TestsubjectOutfit to 2]]<br>
[[Refuse to strip|TEACHER OLD HYPNO QUEST][$wardrobe.TestsubjectOutfit to 3]]<br>
<<set $choice = 4>>
/********** NEXT **********/
<<elseif $choice == 4>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "TestRoom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $player.Holdclothing = $>>
<<set $player.Holdunderwear = $player.underwear>>
<<if $wardrobe.TestsubjectOutfit == 1>>
<<set $ = "">>
<<set $player.underwear = "">>
Awkwardly, you take off all your clothes and place them in a bag she provides. @@.Teacher;"//Uuu,// look at you all cute and naked. All I was thinking was to strip to your underwear, but since you are so eager, we can do it this way. //Thihihi.// Actually things might be even better like this, so for consistency from now on you have to go fully naked when in the future we try this again.@@
<<set $player.feminity += 3>>
<<elseif $wardrobe.TestsubjectOutfit == 2>>
<<set $ = "">>
Not wanting to go fully naked, you strip down to your underwear. @@.Teacher;"//Aww,// those are cute. Suit you just. //Thihi// don't think too much about it. I have seen all kinds. So feel free to try different sorts of underwear in the future when we try this again.@@
<<set $player.feminity += 1>>
<<elseif $wardrobe.TestsubjectOutfit == 3>>
<<set $ = "VRSuitM">>
Stripping here in school seems too much for you. @@.Teacher;"Aww, feeling a bit awkward are we. Don't worry. Stella has thought of everything. Go behind that change curtain. There you can change in privacy to this suit."@@<br>
She hands you some sort of latex suit that when you put on covers your whole body skintight. In matter of fact, since it's so tight, it's even more revealing than just being in your underwear and very responsive to your touch as well. Almost like a second skin that you can feel through. Pondering where @@.Teacher;Stella@@ might have got such advanced tech, she urges you to emerge from behind the curtain.<br>
@@.Teacher;"Well, look at you all geared up for this. ''Oh,'' and in the future I insist on you wearing this just so the test results are consistent. We want the least amount of changed variables between tests as possible.@@
<<set $player.feminity += 5>>
@@.Teacher;//Thihihi,// Oh, don't look so confused. Of course, we need to test this out multiple times if we want accurate and fully realized results. Now hop on in here." Stella@@ opens one of the tanning booth looking capsules for you to step on in.
[[Hop on in the capsule|TEACHER OLD HYPNO QUEST][$choice to 5]]<br>
/********** HYPNO **********/
<<elseif $choice == 5>>
... Someone opens the lid of the capsule and a bright smile welcomes you back to the world.
[[Give lovely greeting to Stella|TEACHER OLD HYPNO QUEST][$choice to 6]]<br>
/********** CHOICE **********/
<<elseif $choice == 6>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "TestRoom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Teacher;"Well aren't you all lovely dove now. C'mon, let's take a look at your progress." Stella@@ helps you to stand up. @@.Teacher;"Okay, so I have bought you something. I have a few bags of clothing you could take with you if you want. I let you choose which one you would like to take."@@
<<if $player.feminity >= 60>>
<td><div class="ChoiceButton" data-passage="TEACHER Tier3: Quest" data-setter="$choice1 to 1">[img[Girly Clothing|images/Items/GirlyShirt.png]]</div></td>
<td><div class="ChoiceButtonBad">[img[Not enough Feminity|images/Items/GirlyShirt.png]]</div></td>
<<if $player.feminity >= 57>>
<td><div class="ChoiceButton" data-passage="TEACHER Tier3: Quest" data-setter="$choice1 to '2'">[img[Cute Clothing|images/Items/CuteShirt.png]]</div></td>
<td><div class="ChoiceButtonBad">[img[Not enough Feminity|images/Items/CuteShirt.png]]</div></td>
<td><div class="ChoiceButton" data-passage="TEACHER Tier3: Quest" data-setter="$choice1 to '3'">[img[Unisex Jeans|images/Items/UnisexJeans.png]]</div></td>
<<set $choice = 7>>
/********** END **********/
<<elseif $choice == 7>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "TestRoom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = $player.Holdclothing>>
<<set $player.underwear = $player.Holdunderwear>>
<<if $choice1 == 1>>
@@.Teacher;"''Oh my!'' Did not expect today's session to take you this far, but ''okay!'' This is wonderful news, as it seems that you are a very good test subject. Well, have fun with your new clothing. @@
<<set $wardrobe.GirlyShirt = true>>
<<set $player.feminity += 5>>
<<elseif $choice1 == 2>>
@@.Teacher;"//Uuu,// what a cute little outfit you have chosen. I bet those will look good on you. I must say the first session alone have been a huge success so far.@@
<<set $wardrobe.CuteShirt = true>>
<<set $player.feminity += 3>>
<<elseif $choice1 == 3>>
<<if $wardrobe.UnisexJeans == true>>
@@.Teacher;"//What?// You already had a pair of those? Well, it's okay. Now you have ''two''! //Thihi//.@@
@@.Teacher;"Hmm, unisex jeans. They should make your booty look great. Thihi. I was hoping a bit more progress, but it's only the first time.@@
@@.Teacher;Anyway, I can see from your posture that something has changed, but how much exactly I'm not sure.@@
<<set $wardrobe.UnisexJeans = true>>
<<set $player.feminity += 1>>
@@.Teacher;We still have many new areas to unlock within your mind, so come by when ever, but not today. You need a good night sleep for that little brain of yours to absorb all that new info."@@ She lets you dress up and then leads you out of her champers.
<<set $flags.DailyTestsubject = true>>
<<set $flags.TeacherQuest3 = true>>
<<link "Finish todays session">><<goto $>><</link>>
/********** **********/
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<div align="middle">
Thank you for playing! This is as far as the content goes with @@.Teacher;//''Stella''//@@. <br>
There is more to come in the next update, so see you then!
<<link "Continue Playing....">>
<<set $flags.TeacherQuest5 = true>>
<<goto "TALK TO TEACHER">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
<<set $characterLikeness.Teacher += 100>>
<<if $choice == 1>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Teacher;"So you have come back to ask for my help, like I told you would. Let's get to my champers first, so we can have some privacy."@@
[[Follow her to her private champers.|DOMINANT TUTORING OLD][$choice to 2]]<br>
[[You've changed your mind.|DOMINANT TUTORING OLD][$choice to 999]]
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
/* ******************* CHANGE MIND *********************** */
<<elseif $choice == 999>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Teacher;"Oh, well okay then. Come back when you are ready to put on your big boy pants."@@ She marches off shaking her head in disbelieve.
<<link "Leave the room">><<goto $>><</link>>
/* ******************* AGREEMENT *********************** */
<<elseif $choice == 2>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "StellaOffice">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Teacher;"Here we are. Now then like last time I will give you a reward for every correct answer and every incorrect you get punishment. Okay? And no, you don't get to choose lighter or heavier consequences. We are just going to have a little show-off and that's it. Maybe at the end if you have answered all of them right I will give you something extra? Are you okay with this, or are you walking away?"@@
[[Agree to her terms|DOMINANT TUTORING OLD][$choice to 3]]<br>
[[You've changed your mind.|DOMINANT TUTORING OLD][$choice to 999]]
/* ******************* Question 1 *********************** */
<<elseif $choice == 3>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Teacher;"Great! Now that we are on the same page. Let's get this party started. We can begin where we left off from last time with the answers."@@
...Question 1:<br>
<<include "TEACHER Strip Tease Questions">>
<<set $choice = 4>>
<<set $work.TSGWrongs = 0>>
/* ******************* Question 2 *********************** */
<<elseif $choice == 4>>
<<include "TEACHER Strip Tease Results">>
<br><br>@@.Teacher;"Let's move on to the next question."@@<br><br>
...Question 2:<br>
<<include "TEACHER Strip Tease Questions">>
<<set $choice = 5>>
/* ******************* Question 3 *********************** */
<<elseif $choice == 5>>
<<include "TEACHER Strip Tease Results">>
<br><br>@@.Teacher;"Let's move on to the next question."@@<br><br>
...Question 3:<br>
<<include "TEACHER Strip Tease Questions">>
<<set $choice = 6>>
/* ******************* Question 4 *********************** */
<<elseif $choice == 6>>
<<include "TEACHER Strip Tease Results">>
<br><br>@@.Teacher;"Let's move on to the next question."@@<br><br>
...Question 4:<br>
<<include "TEACHER Strip Tease Questions">>
<<set $choice = 7>>
/* ******************* Question 5 *********************** */
<<elseif $choice == 7>>
<<include "TEACHER Strip Tease Results">>
<br><br>@@.Teacher;"Let's move on to the next question."@@<br><br>
...Question 5:<br>
<<include "TEACHER Strip Tease Questions">>
<<set $choice = 9>>
/* ******************* DONE *********************** */
<<elseif $choice == 9>>
<<include "TSG FINAL REWARD">>
<<link "Leave the room">><<goto $>><</link>><br>
<<link "Play again">>
<<set $choice = 3>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Teacher < 250>>
<<set $characterLikeness.Teacher += 50>><</if>>
<</if>>/********** Start **********/
<<if $choice == 0>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "TestRoom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Teacher;"Oh, so eager for it, huh? Well, I'm always happy to do some more ''Research'' on your mind. Come let's go." Stella@@ leads you to her Office and into the familiar backdoor, where this lovely tanning booth looking thing waits for you.
<<if $wardrobe.TestsubjectOutfit == 1>>
@@.Teacher;"First, you need to strip out of those clothes, no matter how lovely they are. C'mon, we have done this already. Fully naked and we can get started. Or if you want, we can try something else out."@@
[[Strip naked|HYPNOSIS WITH TEACHER][$choice to 1]]<br>
[[Try something else|HYPNOSIS WITH TEACHER][$choice to 3]]
<<elseif $wardrobe.TestsubjectOutfit == 2>>
@@.Teacher;"First, you need to get rid of those clothes. Hmm, would you like to try something different than just underwear?"@@
[[Go fully naked|HYPNOSIS WITH TEACHER][$choice to 1]]<br>
[[Keep going with underwear|HYPNOSIS WITH TEACHER][$choice to 4]]<br>
[[Refuse to take off clothes|HYPNOSIS WITH TEACHER][$choice to 2]]
<<elseif $wardrobe.TestsubjectOutfit == 3>>
@@.Teacher;"First, you need to strip out of those clothes ad put this on."@@ She holds the skintight rubber suit you had on the last time. Still embarrassed by this procedural, you strip naked in front of your own teacher and put on the suit. It feels like second skin and when Stella touches your arm to guide you to the capsule you are surprised how sensitive your skin has become. @@.Teacher;"''Lovely'' now hop on in will you."@@
[[Hop on in the capsule|HYPNOSIS WITH TEACHER][$choice to 5]]
<<set $player.Holdclothing = $>>
<<set $player.Holdunderwear = $player.underwear>>
<<set $ = "VRSuitM">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
/********** NAKED **********/
<<elseif $choice == 1>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $wardrobe.TestsubjectOutfit = 1>>
Awkwardly, you take off all your clothes and place them in a bag she provides. @@.Teacher;"//Uuu//, look at you all cute and naked. //Thihihi//."@@ She teases you with her gaze, so you hurry up to the capsule.
<<set $player.feminity += 3>>
[[Hop on in the capsule|HYPNOSIS WITH TEACHER][$choice to 5]]<br>
<<set $player.Holdclothing = $>>
<<set $player.Holdunderwear = $player.underwear>>
<<set $ = "">>
<<set $player.underwear = "">>
/********** REFUSE STRIP **********/
<<elseif $choice == 2>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $wardrobe.TestsubjectOutfit = 3>>
Stripping here in school seems too much for you. @@.Teacher;"Aww, feeling a bit awkward are we. Don't worry. Stella has thought of everything. Go behind that change curtain. There you can change in privacy to this suit."@@<br>
She hands you some sort of latex suit that when you put on covers your whole body skintight. In matter of fact, since it's so tight, it's even more revealing than just being in your underwear and very responsive to your touch as well. Almost like a second skin that you can feel through. Pondering where @@.Teacher;Stella@@ might have got such advanced tech, she urges you to emerge from behind the curtain. @@.Teacher;"Well, look at you all geared up for this. Oh, and in the future I insist on you wearing this just so the test results are consistent. We want the least amount of changed variables between tests as possible."@@
<<set $player.feminity += 5>>
[[Hop on in the capsule|HYPNOSIS WITH TEACHER][$choice to 5]]<br>
<<set $player.Holdclothing = $>>
<<set $player.Holdunderwear = $player.underwear>>
<<set $ = "">>
<<set $player.underwear = "">>
/********** BODYSUIT FIRST **********/
<<elseif $choice == 3>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $wardrobe.TestsubjectOutfit = 3>>
@@.Teacher;"So here we have something new. It's a bodysuit purposely made for this."@@<br>
She hands you some sort of latex suit that when you put on covers your whole body skintight. In matter of fact, since it's so tight, it's even more revealing than just being in your underwear and very responsive to your touch as well. Almost like a second skin that you can feel through. Pondering where @@.Teacher;Stella@@ might have got such advanced tech, she urges you on. @@.Teacher;"Well, look at you all geared up for this. ''Oh'', and in the future I insist on you wearing this just so the test results are consistent. We want the least amount of changed variables between tests as possible."@@
<<set $player.feminity += 5>>
[[Hop on in the capsule|HYPNOSIS WITH TEACHER][$choice to 5]]<br>
<<set $player.Holdclothing = $>>
<<set $player.Holdunderwear = $player.underwear>>
<<set $ = "VRSuitM">>
/********** UNDERWEAR **********/
<<elseif $choice == 4>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Teacher;"Well, if you insist, but we won't be getting the best results with just this. Hmm, maybe instead I try upping the time of the..."@@ Her head wonders to the clouds for a second while you strip to your underwear. @@.Teacher;"Oh, right, let's get this started, shall we."@@
[[Hop on in the capsule|HYPNOSIS WITH TEACHER][$choice to 5]]<br>
<<set $player.Holdclothing = $>>
<<set $player.Holdunderwear = $player.underwear>>
<<set $ = "">>
<<set $player.underwear = "">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
/********** Hypno **********/
<<elseif $choice == 5>>
... Someone opens the lid of the capsule and a bright smile welcomes you back to the world.
[[Give lovely greeting to Stella|HYPNOSIS WITH TEACHER][$choice to 6]]
/********** END **********/
<<elseif $choice == 6>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Teacher;"Well, aren't you perky today. //Hmm//, we still have many new areas to unlock within your mind, so come by when ever, but not today. You need a good night sleep for that little brain of yours to absorb all that new info.""" She lets you dress up and then leads you out of her champers.
<<link "Finish todays session">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $ = $player.Holdclothing>>
<<set $player.underwear = $player.Holdunderwear>>
<<set $flags.DailyTestsubject = true>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Teacher < 350>>
<<set $characterLikeness.Teacher += 50>>
<<set $player.feminity += 1>>
<</if>><<if visited() == 9999999>>
<<goto "MEET FRIEND">>
<<set $dice = random(5)>>
<<if $dice == 0>>
<<goto "Easy Class">>
<<elseif $dice == 1>>
<<goto "PE Class">>
<<elseif $dice == 2>>
<<goto "Hard day Class">>
<<elseif $dice == 3>>
<<goto "Normal Class">>
<<elseif $dice == 4>>
<<goto "Normal Class">>
<<elseif $dice == 5>>
<<goto "Normal Class">>
<<set $flags.dailyClass = true>><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Classroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if visited() == 1>>
There is a wooden ruler poking at you, which wakes you up from your beauty sleep, and as you crack open your eye, you see an angry teacher staring at you intently. <br>
@@.Teacher;"Had a nice ''nap''? //Hmm//? This ain't the place for that. Sleep at home if you want to sleep somewhere. We are here to study and learn. Show some respect to your fellow classmates at the very least."@@
You take a look to see that half of them are sleeping as well, and now @@.Teacher;Stella@@ notices that as well. <br>
@@.Teacher;"Okay! I got it. School is boring but very important for your ''future!''"@@ She yells, waking up everyone...
<<elseif visited() == 2>>
@@.Teacher;Stella's@@ notebook hits the back of your head. Eyes slowly opening, you notice her angry face staring at yours.
@@.Teacher;"Hey! Didn't I tell you about this already? ''No, sleeping, in, my, class!''"@@ Her notebook smacks your head between every word. Not in a hard way, but rather by making her point. She shakes her head in a disapproving way. @@.Teacher;"And here I thought you were so cute. Hmph, what a waste." Stella@@ walks back in front of the class to teach you the importance of something, something, you don't pay attention any longer...
You wake up feeling something smack the back of your head. Your face is leaning against the school book, with a page stuck to your cheek from the saliva you drooled on top of it while napping.
@@.Teacher;"So you are sleeping again in my class. Well, at least you can answer the question on the board, right?"@@ The squiggly lines on the white board bring nothing to mind. @@.Teacher;"Sigh, I thought so."@@ She walks back in front of the class and starts teaching the boring class to everyone.
Somehow you manage to keep yourself awake for the rest of the day, and as the bell rings, indicating class to be over.
<<link "Todays class is finished">>
<<set $flags.DailyClass = true>>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<goto "CLASS ROOM">>
<<set $character.movement = true>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
<<MakeCharacter>><<set $player.lust += 5>>
<<set $ += 20>>
<<set $WhatToDo = "Dreams1">>
<<set $SnoopAround to ['Dreams1']>>
<<set $SnoopAround.push('Dreams2')>>
<<set $SnoopAround.push('Dreams3')>>
<<set $SnoopAround.push('Dreams4')>>
<<set $RollsAmount = 3>>
<<if $PaidContent == true>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Maria >= 450>>
<<set $SnoopAround.push('Maria')>>
<<set $RollsAmount += 1>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Hayley >= 450>>
<<set $SnoopAround.push('Hayley')>>
<<set $RollsAmount += 1>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Teacher >= 450>>
<<set $SnoopAround.push('Stella')>>
<<set $RollsAmount += 1>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Kristine >= 450>>
<<set $SnoopAround.push('Kristine')>>
<<set $RollsAmount += 1>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Katsuni >= 30>>
<<set $SnoopAround.push('Katsuni')>>
<<set $RollsAmount += 1>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Lindsey >= 30>>
<<set $SnoopAround.push('Lindsey')>>
<<set $RollsAmount += 1>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Riley >= 30>>
<<set $SnoopAround.push('Riley')>>
<<set $RollsAmount += 1>>
<<switch random($RollsAmount)>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $WhatToDo = $SnoopAround[0]>>
<<case 1>>
<<set $WhatToDo = $SnoopAround[1]>>
<<case 2>>
<<set $WhatToDo = $SnoopAround[2]>>
<<case 3>>
<<set $WhatToDo = $SnoopAround[3]>>
<<case 4>>
<<set $WhatToDo = $SnoopAround[4]>>
<<case 5>>
<<set $WhatToDo = $SnoopAround[5]>>
<<case 6>>
<<set $WhatToDo = $SnoopAround[6]>>
<<case 7>>
<<set $WhatToDo = $SnoopAround[7]>>
<<case 8>>
<<set $WhatToDo = $SnoopAround[8]>>
<<case 9>>
<<set $WhatToDo = $SnoopAround[9]>>
<<case 10>>
<<set $WhatToDo = $SnoopAround[10]>>
<div class="Banner"><center>
<<if $WhatToDo == "Dreams1">>
<div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/SchoolDream6.webp]]</div>
A friend, you made at one of the parties, talks about wanting a pet to take care of and asks for your help in getting one. You suggest an //obedient dog// would do her good. She does not believe any dog would want her as their owner, and you convince her that anyone would love to be her //dog...//
<<elseif $WhatToDo == "Dreams2">>
<div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/SchoolDream2.webp]]</div>
A redhead you have seen around the town asks you to show her your workout techniques since you are so fit. You are happy to do so, but only if you are well compensated. She asks how much you want, but you are flush with cash already and would like something else instead. She agrees...
<<elseif $WhatToDo == "Dreams3">>
<div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/SchoolDream4.webp]]</div>
An exchange student moves in to your home to the spare room @@.Maria;Maria@@ has set up in your home. She's new in the country and asks if there are any traditions she should know about. You decide to take //full advantage// of her ignorance...
<<elseif $WhatToDo == "Dreams4">>
<div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/SchoolDream5.webp]]</div>
Deciding what car to buy is tough, and ask one of the lady salespersons if she could help you to decide what to get. She suggests one of the bigger cars for you, and you question her decision, but she somehow manages to //convince// you...
<<elseif $WhatToDo == "Dreams5">>
A girl from school takes you to her place to check out her //cat//. When you get to her room, you ask where the cat is, and she pulls her panties aside. You compliment her //shaven cat// and tell her you would like to get to known to it more...
<<elseif $WhatToDo == "Maria">>
<div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/DreamsMaria.webp]]</div>
@@.Maria;Maria@@ is worried about something, and you ask what is it. She is having to go to a meeting with some old school friends, and she's stressed out. You ask if there is anyway you could give her some stress relief, and she comes up with an interesting solution...
<<elseif $WhatToDo == "Hayley">>
<div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/DreamsHayley.webp]]</div>
@@.Hayley;Hayley@@ walks to your room naked after showering and asks if there is any towel here she could borrow. You don't have any, but you heard about this new way of drying off that is supposed to be healthy for the ''body''. You decide to show her how it's done..
<<elseif $WhatToDo == "Stella">>
<div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/DreamsStella.webp]]</div>
Teacher @@.Teacher;Stella@@ has had it with you and your lack of education, so she wants to give you private tutoring from her home. You ask for a reward anytime you answer one of her questions correctly, and she agrees. All the same, she forgot to specify what kind of reward you are getting at...
<<elseif $WhatToDo == "Kristine">>
<div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/DreamsKristine.webp]]</div>
<<elseif $WhatToDo == "Katsuni">>
<div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/DreamsKatsuni.webp]]</div>
<<elseif $WhatToDo == "Lindsey">>
<div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/DreamsLindsey.webp]]</div>
<<elseif $WhatToDo == "Riley">>
<div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/DreamsRiley.webp]]</div>
<<if $work.TSGCorrect == false>>
<<set $work.TSGWrongs += 1>>
<<if $work.TSGAnswers == 1>>
<<set $work.TSGAnswers = 1>>
<<set $work.TSGAnswers -= 1>>
<<set $work.TSGAnswers += 1>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<</if>><<if $work.TSGAnswers <= 1>>
@@.Teacher;When written as a percent, 4/5 is which of these ... ?@@ <br><br>
<<link "45 percent ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "80 percent ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "55 percent ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 2>>
@@.Teacher;The substance in the center of your bones is called what ... ?@@ <br><br>
<<link "Cerebellum">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Marrow">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Plasma">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 3>>
@@.Teacher;What does a "legislator" make ...? @@ <br><br>
<<link "Airplanes">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Guns">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Laws">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 4>>
@@.Teacher;How many major Olympian gods were there ... ?@@ <br><br>
<<link "Twelve">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Ten ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Seven ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 5>>
@@.Teacher;On which continent would you find the Nile River ... ?@@ <br><br>
<<link "Africa ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "South America ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Asia ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 6>>
@@.Teacher;What is a young pigeon called ... ? @@ <br><br>
<<link "Squab ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Nestling ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Piglet ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 7>>
@@.Teacher;How many inches is 6 feet ... ?@@ <br><br>
<<link "66 ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "48 ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "72 ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 8>>
@@.Teacher;What is a somnambulist ... ?@@ <br><br>
<<link "Coin collector ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Compulsive liar ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Sleepwalker ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 9>>
@@.Teacher;What meat is used to make Hungarian goulash ... ? @@ <br><br>
<<link "Lamb ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Pork ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Beef ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 10>>
@@.Teacher;What type of food is Quark ... ?@@ <br><br>
<<link "Cereal ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Cheese ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Fish ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 11>>
@@.Teacher;Chevon is the meat of which animal ... ?@@ <br><br>
<<link "Duck ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Piglet ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Goat ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 12>>
@@.Teacher;What were the Ten Commandments written on ... ? @@ <br><br>
<<link "Tablets of stone ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "A blackboard ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Papyrus reeds ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 13>>
@@.Teacher;Who are the legendary founders of Rome ... ?@@ <br><br>
<<link "Cleapatra and Helena ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Romulus and Remus ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Spartacus and Hanoi ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 14>>
@@.Teacher;Which is nearest in meaning to the word Dormant ... ?@@ <br><br>
<<link "Open ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Inactive ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Minuscule ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 15>>
@@.Teacher;In WHICH ocean is the North Pole ... ?@@ <br><br>
<<link "Pacific ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Atlantic ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Arctic ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 16>>
@@.Teacher;What is the highest mountain in Kenya... ?@@ <br><br>
<<link "Mount Kenya ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Mount McKinley ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Mount Kilimanjaro ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 17>>
@@.Teacher;How water is written scientifically?@@ <br><br>
<<link "HO2">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "H2O">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "O2H">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $characterLikeness.Teacher >= 800>>
<<if $work.TSGAnswers == 18>>
@@.Teacher;Hmm, maybe I'm asking too simple questions. Let's see. What is average bra size in the world?@@ <br><br>
<<link "B Cup">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "C Cup">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "D Cup">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 19>>
@@.Teacher;How many times on average do women ''Orgasm'' in a week?@@ <br><br>
<<link "Twice or less">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "about 7 times">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "14 or more">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 20>>
@@.Teacher;How many times on average do men Ejaculate in a week?@@ <br><br>
<<link "14 or more">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "about 7 times">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "twice or less">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 21>>
@@.Teacher;What is average lenght of man's penis?@@ <br><br>
<<link "15cm or 6'">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "12cm or 5'">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "10cm or 4'">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 22>>
@@.Teacher;How much semen does man produce in the typical ''“serving”'' of male ejaculate... ?@@ <br><br>
<<link "More than 8 mL">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "About 4 mL">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Less than 2 mL">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 23>>
@@.Teacher;Where is women's ''G-spot''?@@ <br><br>
<<link "It's the clitoris ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Inside the vagina ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "In the bum ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers == 24>>
@@.Teacher;Where is men's ''G-spot''... ?@@ <br><br>
<<link "Tip of the penis ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "Under the balls ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<link "In the bum ">><<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $work.TSGAnswers >= 25>>
@@.Teacher;"Hmm, I think that's all the questions I have for you. Should we //skip// right to the rewards then?"@@
<<link "Agree!">>
<<set $choice = 30>>
<<set $RightAnswers += 1>>
<<set $work.TSGAnswers += 1>>
<<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto $location.friend>>
@@.Teacher;"Hmm, I think that's all the questions I have for now. Should we //skip// right to the rewards then?"@@
<<link "Agree!">>
<<set $choice = 30>>
<<set $RightAnswers += 1>>
<<set $work.TSGAnswers += 1>>
<<set $work.TSGCorrect = true>>
<<goto $location.friend>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
You approach @@.Teacher;Stella@@, but she's having none of it.
<<if $ == "CLASS ROOM">>
@@.Teacher;"Go take a seat. The class is about to begin."@@
@@.Teacher;"Go take my class first, then we can talk."@@
<br>It's like she's in teacher mode and has to give all her focus on teaching first.
<<link "Leave">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
<<set $dice1 = random(5)>>
<<if $dice1 == 0>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Hypnotic/Hypnotic1.webp]]</div></center>
<<elseif $dice1 == 1>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Hypnotic/Hypnotic2.gif]]</div></center>
<<elseif $dice1 == 2>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Hypnotic/Hypnotic3.gif]]</div></center>
<<elseif $dice1 == 3>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Hypnotic/Hypnotic4.webp]]</div></center>
<<elseif $dice1 == 4>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Hypnotic/Hypnotic5.webp]]</div></center>
<<elseif $dice1 == 5>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Hypnotic/Hypnotic6.webp]]</div></center>
The booth's lid closes on you and the pretty lights hum to different bright colors and soon voices fill your head, first too quiet to hear, but the longer you lay there more you can understand them and more you want to hear them out....
<span class="makeVisible">
<span class="shining" style="-webkit-animation-delay: 0.0s;">
Relaxing is good for body and soul...</span><br><br>
<span class="shining" style="-webkit-animation-delay: 1.5s;">
Accepting is good for you and you will always accept...</span><br><br>
<span class="shining" style="-webkit-animation-delay: 3.0s;">
Being passive is what you want to do...</span><br><br>
<span class="shining" style="-webkit-animation-delay: 4.5s;">
Consent to everything your superior tells you...</span><br><br>
<span class="shining" style="-webkit-animation-delay: 6.0s;">
Obey to your superior in every single way...</span><br><br>
<span class="shining" style="-webkit-animation-delay: 7.5s;">
Remember to be happy when superior commands you...</span>
<span class="text_hypnosis_1" style="-webkit-animation-name: hypnosis1;animation-name: hypnosis1;">
@@.PGirlyVoice;"Such pretty lights. They make me feel so happy and passive."@@
<span class="text_hypnosis_1" style="-webkit-animation-name: hypnosis2;animation-name: hypnosis2;">
@@.PGirlyVoice;"So much happyness it's almost bursting from my chest."@@
<span class="text_hypnosis_1" style="-webkit-animation-name: hypnosis3;animation-name: hypnosis3;">
@@.PGirlyVoice;"This place is the best. I don't want this ever to end."@@
<span class="text_hypnosis_1" style="-webkit-animation-name: hypnosis4;animation-name: hypnosis4;">
@@.PGirlyVoice;"I love my superior. I need my superior. I'm nothing without my superior."@@
<span class="text_hypnosis_1" style="-webkit-animation-name: hypnosis4;animation-name: hypnosis5;">
@@.PGirlyVoice;"I want my treathment to work. I need my treathment to work."@@
<span class="text_hypnosis_1" style="-webkit-animation-name: hypnosis4;animation-name: hypnosis6;">
@@.PGirlyVoice;"I will obey. I will submit. I will do as I'm told."@@
For a while you just lay there taking in all the pretty lights and sounds. They are making you so happy, so relaxed, that you don't want to move an inch. You want to stay there forever and take in all the pretty, happy thoughts. To you, this feels like the happiest place in the world...
... Much later something change and the lights and sounds slowly, very, very slow, start to fade leaving a humming after glow behind that seem to be part of you now. A part you don't want ever to lose. The part that almost feels like it has always been there. A part that is now coming to alive. Then a perky voice in your head tells you...
<span class="text_hypnosis_1" style="-webkit-animation-name: hypnosis4;animation-name: hypnosis7;">
@@.PGirlyVoice;"I am a pet for Stella, ''//Ahh//''-...."@@</span><br>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "StellaOffice">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "SCHOOL">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
@@.Teacher;Stella's@@ personal office. By the looks of it, it's like a mini classroom with some liberty for her own personal preferences in the furniture. Everything still looks very much like Stella's.
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">>
<<if $PaidContent == true>> <<set $dice = random(4)>>
<<else>> <<set $dice = random(2)>>
<div class="Banner">
<<if $dice == 0>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/WetDream1.webp]]</div></center>
You pass by a woman in town that seems to be in trouble. She's in desperate need of a //handyman// at her house since there is a serious ''leak''. You volunteer to come take a look at the ''leak''. When you get to her place you ask where this leak is, and she drops her panties to the floor telling you it's a serious issue and someone needs to plug ''the leak'' up. Her leak gets plugged in no time with your massive fat //Plunger//. She moans and begs for you to install permanent //''Cement''// to plug the leak up. You pump and push until finally you plug her leak with your white //''Cement''//...
<<elseif $dice == 1>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/WetDream2.webp]]</div></center>
A bunny costumed girl at the party asks what is your costume and as you look down you realize being fully naked. Clever as you are, you come up with ''bunny hunter'' and she laughs. Fast-forward a few minutes and the bunny girl is begging for you to ''shoot your load'' on her as she lies on the bed moaning in her post orgasm. As a seasoned hunter, you know how to finish the ''job''...
<<elseif $dice == 2>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/WetDream3.webp]]</div></center>
The gym is quiet at this hour, and it's only you and some gym bunny desperately trying to get some of the gym equipment working. You offer your expertise to her, and she's so taken by your help that she's offering a treat of her own. As you are in no hurry, you take up on her offer, and soon she's showing her ''massive assets'' to you. After covering her with your white load, she rubs it in to her saying it's good for the skin, and she even asks if you'd had some more for her...
<<elseif $dice == 3>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/WetDream4.webp]]</div></center>
The school's new substitute teacher is much younger than you thought, and you first question her capability to teach you as well as Stella does. She agrees that Stella is an excellent teacher, but that she has her own methods to get bad boys inline. Not believing her, she leads you to her office and show just how good her ''teaching'' skills are. She even lets you blow on her if you answer her questions right. Her question was ''How much is one plus one''...
<<elseif $dice == 4>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/WetDream5.webp]]</div></center>
You enter the bathroom desperate to pee, but there is a woman in the bathtub. Her initial reaction was to tell you to leave, but then she sees your ''massive member'' and instead invites you to bathe with her, and you can't decline such beauty. As you get talking, she tells you how she forgot her shampoo and would like for a substitute from you instead. Apparently, anything ''white'' will do...
<<elseif $dice == 5>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/.webp]]</div></center>
You are arguing with some of the school's cheerleaders that cheerleading is just dancing and hopping around they argue that there is more to cheerleading than just that, so you ask them to prove it to you. Soon both of them are in front of you on their knees naked sharing your meat, ''Patton''. A thought comes to mind that their faces would look so much better if they were covered in your spunk, and so you do. Finally, you agree that cheerleading is harder than it looks. Happy of your decision, they want to give you another reward...
<</if>></div><<if $answer == false>>
<<set $wrongAnswers += 1>>
<<include "TEACHER Strip Tease PUNISHMENTS">>
<<if $answers == 1>>
<<set $answers = 1>><<else>>
<<set $answers -= 1>><</if>>
/* ********* WRONG ********* */
<<if $work.TSGWrongs >= 5>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/StellaSpanks3.mp4"></video></div></center><br><<set $player.lust += 5>>
@@.Teacher;"You truly are hopeless, huh? Well, perhaps next time I can give you an actual reward for a job well done. But today, well we shall make sure you get the answers right, shall we?"@@ She distributes a few extra ''slaps'' against your bare bottom while moaning to herself. She's clearly enjoying this. At the end, she taps you a few times, letting you stand back up and pull up your pants. With a sore bottom, you stand in front of her, and she looks at you from head to toe. @@.Teacher;"We will make you a proper student yet. I'll make sure of it, but for today, this is enough. You may leave."@@
<<if $answers < 7>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/StellaCorrect1.mp4"></video></div></center><br><<set $player.lust += 10>>
@@.Teacher;"Yes, that is correct! Uuu nice and hard down here. Let's get those boxers off too, so I can meet the ''//stiffy biffy//''. //Uuuaa//, he's so eager. Come now sit on teacher's lap will you. //Uuu,// eager boy aren't you, going straight to jerking it. Very well then, but the technique is lacking. It seems that I have few things to teach you and if you answer a few more questions right I might show you what."@@
/* ********* 2 ********* */
<<elseif $answers < 10>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/StellaCorrect2.mp4"></video></div></center><br><<set $player.lust += 10>>
@@.Teacher;"//Uumm//, that is correct! Nice one sweetie, now let's see. The thing I want to teach you today is this secret technique called round rubbing. See, if I just take a hold of the head of your meat stick here and start slowly rubbing it around and around, it should feel fantastic. Uuu yeah, I can feel the pre-cum leaking out already. Now if I slowly pump it up and down with my hand like this it should start leaking even more. See how good it feels. Well, I could teach you more, but first you need to answer a few more questions right."@@
/* ********* 3 ********* */
<<elseif $answers < 13>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/StellaCorrect3.mp4"></video></div></center><br><<set $player.lust += 10>>
@@.Teacher;"''Correct!'' Okay now sit down and practice what I taught to you. //Uuh//, it's so hot in here. I better take some of these clothes off. Keep practicing mister. You need it later. Oh, it's so hot. //Hmm,// I think your pumping technique is a little lagging, let me show you how it's done. You see you need little lubricant like spit from your teacher. That's it. Now it's going all smooth. Up and down. Put I'm still so'' hot ''I need to take a few more clothes off. Only if you answer the next few questions right, of course."@@
/* ********* 4 ********* */
<<elseif $answers < 16>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/StellaCorrect4.mp4"></video></div></center><br><<set $player.lust += 10>>
@@.Teacher;"''Yes, I knew you would find the answer to that one!''
And as promised here comes off the bra. Thihi look at you all stiff and broud. Now we need to add a little more spit and don't forget to cup the balls. That is where all the heavy cream is stored. What you like my tits? Thanks, I grew them all by my self. Thihihi. Now how we get that heavy cream out of those balls of yours is by heavy pumping like this. Uuh, let me have a quick taste. //Mmm-.// No it's very crucial we keep it moist at all times so better add a bit of spit in there too. Now you ready to give me your ''cream?'' One more question right, and I'll let you give me your creamy reward."@@
/* ********* 5 ********* */
<<elseif $answers < 19>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/StellaCorrect5.mp4"></video></div></center><br><<set $player.lust -= 50>>
@@.Teacher;"''Aaah, YES! That's-. Right!'' Here, let teach give you the best reward. Let's pump that cream out. Come on babe. Give me all of your delicious heavy cream. Give it to me. I order, you, to, ''//CUM//''! That's it. Splurt it all out into your teacher's hand, yes baby, give it to me. ''Yes!'' Good-. Good boy, uuh, that is such a big load. So creamy and so nasty. Well done boy, well done."@@
/* ********* LAST ********* */
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/TeacherReward6.mp4"></video></div></center><br><<set $player.lust += 20>>
@@.Teacher;Stella@@ lies on top of her desk. @@.Teacher;"You have done such a wonderful job today that I shall give you a special reward. Uuu, you'd like that don't you?"@@ She hops off the desk, kneels down in front of you and digs your prick out of your pants. @@.Teacher;"//Aaa//, already hard, are we? Well, saves me the trouble to get it going."@@ She plops the head into her mouth and expertly stars popping back and forth with it...
... She goes deep, she goes fast, she only uses her hands and then none at all, she even has time to gurgle your balls every now and then. Her moans and groan in between the sloppy blowjobs indicate her being in heat herself, and her free hand handling her crotch certainly confirms your hypothesis. She's like a sex machine of different caliber, but nevertheless she never lets you go over the edge and at the end she just lets go of your dick right before the big finale. @@.Teacher;"//Aaaah,// well? What do you think of my skills? Pretty good huh. Oh, you wanted me to finish you off? No way Jose. You can go do that on the bathroom. Besides time's up. I have to get going to next class, so... Back up your things and get out."@@ She smirks, but seems demanding enough for you to not want to go against her will.
@@.Teacher;"''Oh,'' how resource full you can be when there is boobs in line? //Thihihi,// I understand. There is only one thing men are interested in. But really, maybe there is still hope for you yet. So, since you did so well, I might as well give you a little reward for it."@@
@@.Teacher;Stella@@ leans on top of the desk, giving you full view of her trimmed booty. @@.Teacher;"Well, what are you waiting for? It's all your for a few more seconds."@@ In a heat, you plunge toward her ass first, just squeezing it until it's not enough. You need to taste her, bite into her, get as much out of her as possible. @@.Teacher;"''Oh!'' My boy. So rough, so //Animalistic//. I love eager little boys. Don't worry, I let you have it a little longer."@@...
@@.Teacher;"''Oh,'' how resource full you can be when there is boobs in line? //Thihihi,// I understand. There is only one thing men are interested in. But really, maybe there is still hope for you yet. So, since you did so well, I might as well give you a little reward for it."@@
She pulls her bra down, showing off her perky nipples to you. @@.Teacher;"Well, what are you waiting for? They are all yours for a few more seconds."@@ In heat, you plunge toward them, trying to get much use out of her perky tits as possible. @@.Teacher;"//Uuuaa-.// So rough, so //animalistic.// I love it! Make use of them however you want. Don't worry, I let you play with them a little longer."@@...<<if visited() == 1>>
<<set $player.feminity += 1>>
<center><div class="dreamsImage">[img[gifs/Myroom/DildoSuck1.webp]]</div></center>
You decide to give the Dildo a quick lick for a taste, and the sourness of the previous owner's juices make you feel all exited. Now licking the Dildo up and down like a lollipop makes you think how much @@.Teacher;Stella@@ must have had with it, ramming it inside of her soft moist pussy. Wanting a bit more, you take the whole head into your mouth and push it a tiny bit in toward your throat before stopping and pulling out. Catching your breath before going back in, now with determination to take the whole thing in, and you somehow manage to do so, but then a gag reflex forces you to take it out. Not wanting to choke any longer, you decide it's best to stop for now.
<<elseif visited() == 2>>
<center><div class="dreamsImage">[img[gifs/Myroom/DildoSuck2.webp]]</div></center>
You go again with the dildo now with a little more experience from last time and immediately slip it between your lips and begin to suck on the head still coated with some of the @@.Teacher;Stella's@@ juices. You can taste the sourness of its previous owner on your tongue, and you know that she probably had a great deal of fun with this toy. Furthermore, you work your way around the shaft, pausing just before it would enter your throat, before plunging the whole thing in as deep as you can. You manage to hold it deep in for a second, but then again the gag reflex pushes you out. Getting used to the choking feeling a bit, you try going deep again, but this time the gag reflex hits you right away, forcing you to stop for now.
<<elseif visited() == 3>>
<center><div class="dreamsImage">[img[gifs/Myroom/DildoSuck3.webp]]</div></center>
This toy seems a bit more familiar to you now that you have used it a couple of times, and you can barely smell @@.Teacher;Stella's@@ juices on it, indicating that the owner of this toy is about to be changed permanently. The thought of owning your own Dildo embarrasses you, but also excitement creeps on in. So without further ado, you lick the shaft up and down like a lollipop. The head of it slides quickly deep with in and goes past the throat threshold with eas now. So much, so you manage to keep the whole thing in your throat for a several seconds before needing air. After that you try a few more times going all the way to the throat before the gag reflex start to push you out of it forcing you to stop for now.
<center><div class="dreamsImage">[img[gifs/Myroom/DildoSuck3.webp]]</div></center>
Now you don't even regard this toy as @@.Teacher;Stella's@@, but yours, since you have used it quite a few times now. Her smell has all but gone by now and is instead placed with your own coating from your throat. To you, this does not smell like anything. You have decided to play with your toy.
Quickly stripping off your clothes and laying on top of your bed. Here, you have better access to your rock hard member that has been itching for a touch. The familiar head of the dildo now enters your mouth with eas and travels down to toward your throat. At the same time your other hand has started to tease with your own cock making it leak of pre-cum.<br>
Up and down in a rhythm, you push the dildo into your throat and back out, while at the same time your hand is doing the same to your own. This sensation of being pleasured from both ends is clashing inside your body, giving you shiver of excitement, and you would like to increase set pleasure. So you speed up the pumping motion on both ends, giving you a chance of breath every few strokes. The gag reflex is not quite gone, but every time you gag, your whole body jerks, making you leak pre-cum even more.
<<if $player.lust >= 80>>
<center><div class="dreamsImage">[img[gifs/Myroom/GushingCum.webp]]</div></center>
Soon the climax approaches and not being able to help yourself, you push the dildo as far down your throat as you can, choking on it as the climax hits you. The meaty member between your legs spits its white gooy gob of cum landing on top of your stomach pooling on your belly button while your throat is begging for air. The sensation of denied basic need of air while having an orgasm has an unearthly feeling, but when you finally let the dildo out of your mouth and gasp in air, you realize there is no longer turning back. You love fucking your throat too much.
You clean up your mess and hide the dildo away from prying eyes.
<<set $player.lust -= 80>>
Soon tho, you realize, you are not getting anywhere and need to stop.
<</if>>/* END VISITED */
<<link "Wait untill you have recovered">>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<goto $>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "KristinesBedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "FRIENDS HOUSE">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
Matts Parents place
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "SecretShop">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "SECRET SHOP">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
<<if visited() == 1>>
The small shop is filled with pits and bobbles, odd looking clothing on rags and shiny crystals behind security class. You have no idea where such shop came from or why does it sell such odd looking stuff, but it's here.
<<if $toughtsText == "">>
The shop's owner is a tall lady, and she winks at you as you walk on in. @@.Babe;"Oh, I was waiting for you. Come on in. I have a few fares you might be interested to you."@@ She sets up some clothing for you to look at, and you realize you have seen them someone before...
@@.Babe;"<<print $toughtsText>>"@@
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Extras">>
<<set $ = "Cashier">>
<div class="Shop_Div">
<div class="Shop_Section"> <center>
<<include "SHOP LIST COSTUMES">>
</center> </div>
<<if $choice == 0>>
<center><div class="BigGif"><img src="gifs/Teacher/StellaConversation.webp"></div></center>
You ask @@.Teacher;Stella@@ to increase your grades again. @@.Teacher;"I could, but you know how the saying goes. '//You scratch my back and I scratch yours.//' So, willing to be my little secretary today? ''Ah'', yes, but what sort of duties would we be willing to do today?"@@
<<link "You can take notes normally.">><<set $score = 1>>
<<goto "TEACHERS SECRETARY">><</link>><br>
<<if $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit >= 1>>
<<link "Take notes wearing cute underwear">><<set $score = 2>>
<<goto "TEACHERS SECRETARY">><</link>><br><<else>>
(Not unlocked yet)<br><</if>>
<<if $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit >= 2>>
<<link "Take notes wearing girly underwear">><<set $score = 3>>
<<goto "TEACHERS SECRETARY">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit >= 1>>
(Not unlocked yet)<br><</if>>
<<if $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit >= 3>>
<<link "Take notes wearing Unisex clothing">><<set $score = 4>>
<<goto "TEACHERS SECRETARY">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit >= 2>>
(Not unlocked yet)<br><</if>>
<<if $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit >= 4>>
<<link "Take notes wearing cute Unisex clothing">><<set $score = 5>>
<<goto "TEACHERS SECRETARY">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit >= 3>>
(Not unlocked yet)<br><</if>>
/* TIER 2 */
<<if $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfitTIER2 == true>>
<<if $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit >= 5>>
<<link "Take notes wearing cute clothing">><<set $score = 6>>
<<goto "TEACHERS SECRETARY">><</link>>
<<elseif $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit >= 4>>
(Not unlocked yet)
<<if $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit >= 6>>
<<link "Take notes wearing cute clothing">><<set $score = 7>>
<<goto "TEACHERS SECRETARY">><</link>>
<<elseif $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit >= 5>>
(Not unlocked yet)
<<if $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit >= 7>>
<<link "Take notes wearing girly clothing">><<set $score = 8>>
<<goto "TEACHERS SECRETARY">><</link>>
<<elseif $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit >= 6>>
(Not unlocked yet)
<<set $choice = 1>>
<<set $character.movement = true>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
<<elseif $choice == 1>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "CouncilRoom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="images/Extra/StudentCouncil.png"></div>
<<if $score == 1>>
@@.Teacher;"Hmm, if you wish so. Well, come on, then. We don't have all day."@@ Once again, she leads you to the building meant for top students of the school. Through its twisty corridors and crisscrossed hallways, she leads you to in front of an enormous double door with a text '//Student Council//'.<br>
She takes a quick look at your way and smirks before swinging the door open with confidence. A council of intimidating students gathered around a gigantic conference table steer their darting eyes toward you two. Instinctively, you flinch and take a step behind @@.Teacher;Stella@@, seeking shelter from her.
Here we are once again, @@.Teacher;Stella@@ arguing with the top students of the school about this and that while you sit quietly in the corner taking notes from them. Nobody pays much attention to you, which you are glad of, but feeling a little out of place. Almost like you should be wearing something different. Even the girls who accidentally take a look at you shake their heads before continuing with the conversation...
<div class="vidSmall" style="float:right;">
<video autoplay muted loop><source src="Videos/School/TopStudent1.mp4"></video></div>
... A few hours go by with some intense arguing and arm wrestling with the budgets and other important stuff that is going way over your head, but then everyone finally comes to agreement about something and are about to leave. The same top three student before asks. @@.Fox;"So, this is what she allows her new pet to wear? You sure about this one, Stella?"@@ @@.Teacher;Stella@@ looks at her and for a second you swear you could see sparks fling from their staring contest until @@.Teacher;Stella@@ shakes her head before walking off. Not wanting to be left alone to be eaten by superior carnivores, you sprint after her...
/* -----------------------CUTE UW------------------------------ */
<<elseif $score == 2>>
@@.Teacher;"I bet they look so cute on you. Now put these on."@@ You slowly take off your old underwear and put on the cute pair of panties and bra she hands to you. @@.Teacher;"//Aww//, you look so cute with those. I should make you wear them in class as well. //Thihihi,// maybe some other time. For now, we need to get going."@@ <br>
Once again, she leads you to the building meant for top students of the school. There you pass a few of the students who give you a few looks, probably because you stand out a bit and not because they see your new underwear. Probably. @@.Teacher;Stella@@ assures you that nothing can be seen from outside, but then again, her smirks make you squeamish all the same. Again you are headed toward the enormous double doors with a text '//Student Council//' on them. <br>
She takes a quick look at your way and smirks before swinging the door open with confidence. A council of intimidating students gathered around a gigantic conference table steer their darting eyes toward you two. Instinctively you flinch and take a step behind @@.Teacher;Stella@@ seeking shelter from her, and she puts her hand on your shoulder indicating you are safe with her.
Here we are once again, @@.Teacher;Stella@@ arguing with the top students of the school about this and that while you sit quietly in the corner taking notes from them. One of the top student girls keeps eyeing at you, but does not say anything...
<div class="vidSmall" style="float:right;">
<video autoplay muted loop><source src="Videos/School/TopStudent1.mp4"></video></div>
... A few hours go by with some intense arguing and arm wrestling with the budgets and other important stuff that is going way over your head, but then everyone finally comes to agreement about something and are about to leave. The one girl eyeing at you during the meeting opens up. @@.Fox;"There is something different about you? I can't quite say what, but something? Hmm, Stella, care to give a comment?"@@ @@.Teacher;Stella@@ only smirks at her for your relief and starts heading off. You dart after her and hear the student's voice behind. @@.Fox;"Oh now I see. //Thihihi...//"@@ Her giggles fade out as you hurry after Stella, still worried what could have she seen when looking at you...
/* -------------------------GIRLY UW--------------------------- */
<<elseif $score == 3>>
@@.Teacher;"Oh,'' wow.'' Feeling a bit risky, are we? Okay let's see what they look on you then. Now put them on."@@ You slowly take off your old underwear and put on the girly pair of panties and bra she hands to you. @@.Teacher;"Oh, ''my god,'' You look absolutely stunning! I could eat you up wearing those. //Mmm,// I should make you wear them in class as well."@@ She licks her lips and seems not to be joking. @@.Teacher;"Maybe some other time. For now, we need to get going."@@<br>
Once again, she leads you to the building meant for top students of the school. There you pass a few of the students who give you a few looks, probably because you stand out a bit and not because they see your new underwear. Probably. @@.Teacher;Stella@@ assures you that nothing can be seen from outside, but then again, her smiling and licking her lips make you squeamish all the same. Again you are headed toward the enormous double doors with a text '//Student Council//' on em. <br>
She takes a quick look at your way and blows a kiss toward you before swinging the door open with confidence. A council of intimidating students gathered around a gigantic conference table steer their darting eyes toward you two. Instinctively you flinch and take a step behind @@.Teacher;Stella@@ seeking shelter from her, and she puts her hand on your head indicating you are safe with her.
Here we are once again, @@.Teacher;Stella@@ arguing with the top students of the school about this and that while you sit quietly in the corner taking notes from them. One of the top student girls keeps smiling at you, but does not say anything...
<div class="vidSmall" style="float:right;">
<video autoplay muted loop><source src="Videos/School/TopStudent1.mp4"></video></div>
... A few hours go by with some intense arguing and arm wrestling with the budgets and other important stuff that is going way over your head, but then everyone finally comes to agreement about something and are about to leave. The one girl eyeing at you during the meeting opens up. @@.Fox;"So is this how far you have come now? Hmm, you tough I would not notice your new wear? Oh, don't worry, I bet nobody else noticed. I have a keen eye on things like this. So this was the plan for him after all, Stella?"@@ She takes a look at @@.Teacher;Stella@@, who smiles and nods a bit, before heading out. @@.Fox;"//Thihihi//. Well good luck little one. You are in good hands."@@ You dart after @@.Teacher;Stella@@, still worried, how did she see your underwear under your clothes...
/* ------------------------- Unisex --------------------------- */
<<elseif $score == 4>>
@@.Teacher;"Oh, ''wow.'' Feeling a bit risky, are we? Okay let's see what they look on you then. Now put them on."@@ You slowly take off your old underwear and put on the girly pair of panties and bra she hands to you, as well as a set of unisex clothing. @@.Teacher;"Oh, my god, You look absolutely stunning! I could eat you up wearing those. //Mmm,// I should make you wear them in class as well."@@ She licks her lips and seems not to be joking. @@.Teacher;"Maybe some other time. For now, we need to get going."@@<br>
Once again, she leads you to the building meant for top students of the school. There you pass a few of the students who give you a few looks, probably because you stand out a bit and not because they see your new underwear. Probably. @@.Teacher;Stella@@ assures you that nothing can be seen from outside, but then again, her smiling and licking her lips make you squeamish all the same. Again you are headed toward the enormous double doors with a text '//Student Council//' on em. <br>
She takes a quick look at your way and blows a kiss toward you before swinging the door open with confidence. A council of intimidating students gathered around a gigantic conference table steer their darting eyes toward you two. Instinctively you flinch and take a step behind @@.Teacher;Stella@@ seeking shelter from her, and she puts her hand on your head indicating you are safe with her.
Here we are once again, @@.Teacher;Stella@@ arguing with the top students of the school about this and that while you sit quietly in the corner taking notes from them. One of the top student girls keeps smiling at you, but does not say anything, even some of the boys have taken a glance or two toward you during the meeting...
<div class="vidSmall" style="float:right;">
<video autoplay muted loop><source src="Videos/School/TopStudent2.mp4"></video></div>
... A few hours go by with some intense arguing and arm wrestling with the budgets and other important stuff that is going way over your head, but then everyone finally comes to agreement about something and are about to leave. The one girl eyeing at you during the meeting opens up to you. @@.Fox;"O.M.G those clothes suit you so well, and I can even see a hint of a bra line under the shirt. //Thihi. Aww,// did you think nobody would notice them. It's okay sissy. They suit you, and you should be more brave about wearing them."@@ She takes a look at Stella and nods approvingly toward her, and she answers the same. @@.Fox;"//Thihihi//. Well good luck little one. You are in for a good ride with her. //Thihihi//"@@ You walk after @@.Teacher;Stella,@@ worried of her last words...
/* -------------------------Cute Unisex--------------------------- */
<<elseif $score == 5>>
@@.Teacher;"Oh, ''wow.'' Feeling a bit risky, are we? Okay let's see what they look on you then. Now put them on."@@ You slowly take off your old underwear and put on the girly pair of panties and bra she hands to you, as well as cute unisex clothing. @@.Teacher;"Oh, ''my god,'' You look absolutely ''stunning!'' I could eat you up wearing those. //Mmm,// I should make you wear them in class as well."@@ She licks her lips and seems not to be joking. @@.Teacher;"Maybe some other time. For now, we need to get going."@@<br>
Once again, she leads you to the building meant for top students of the school. There you pass a few of the students who give you a few looks, probably because you stand out a bit and not because they see your new underwear. Probably. @@.Teacher;Stella@@ assures you that nothing can be seen from outside, but then again, her smiling and licking her lips make you squeamish all the same. Again you are headed toward the enormous double doors with a text '//Student Council//' on em. <br>
She takes a quick look at your way and blows a kiss toward you before swinging the door open with confidence. A council of intimidating students gathered around a gigantic conference table steer their darting eyes toward you two. Instinctively you flinch and take a step behind @@.Teacher;Stella@@ seeking shelter from her, and she puts her hand on your head indicating you are safe with her.
Here we are once again, @@.Teacher;Stella@@ arguing with the top students of the school about this and that while you sit quietly in the corner taking notes from them. One of the top student girls keeps smiling at you, but does not say anything. You catch a few of the Jockeys looking at you and smiling before going back to the topic at hand....
<div class="vidSmall" style="float:right;">
<video autoplay muted loop><source src="Videos/School/TopStudent2.mp4"></video></div>
... A few hours go by with some intense arguing and arm wrestling with the budgets and other important stuff that is going way over your head, but then everyone finally comes to agreement about something and are about to leave. The one girl eyeing at you during the meeting opens up to you. @@.Fox;"//Uuu lala.// Those are some bright colors on you sissy. //Mmm,// yeah, they definitely open you up a bit. Making you look more desirable. //Thihi. Uuu,// and this bra line that keeps poking from under the shirt. It's like you are done hiding it. ''Hahahaa. Yes!'' I approve this outfit. You def should wear it more often."@@ She takes a look at @@.Teacher;Stella@@ and nods approvingly toward her, and she answers the same. @@.Fox;"//Thihihi//. Well good luck little one. You are in for a good ride with her. //Thihihi//"@@ You walk after @@.Teacher;Stella@@, worried of her last words...
/* ----------------------Cute clothing----------------------------- */
<<elseif $score == 6>>
"Okay, here." She does not say anything else just hands you the cute clothing to wear. Slowly you take off your old clothing, including your underwear and replace them with the once she hands to you. A cute pair of Panties and Bra as well as Long Skirt and School Blouse. She even has a pair of cute black Mary Janes for you to wear with them. After everything is on she asks for you to spin around for her. "That is it. Wow, this looks even better on you than I first hoped. I should make you wear this outfit in class as well. Well that is your choise." She nods aprovingly. "Maybe some other time. For now we need to get going."<br>
Once again she leads you to the building ment for top students of the school. Every student you pass makes a double take on you and some of the boys even whisle after you, making the experience feel even more humiliating. Stella ensures you this is normal for girls and you should not worry, but her smirk does not dispense confidence in you. Again you are headed toward the enormous double doors with a text 'Student Council' on em. She takes a look at you with a smile before opening the doors. A council of intimitating students gathered around gigantic conference table steer their darting eyes toward you two. Instictively you flintch and take a step behind Stella seeking shelter from her and she puts her hand around you indicating you are hers.
Here we are once again, Stella arquing with the top students of the school about this and that while you sit quetly at the corner taking notes from them. Few of the top student girls keeps smiling at you and the boys keep taking sneak peaks as well...
... Few hours go by with some intence arquing and arm wrestling with the budgets and other important stuff that is going way over your head, but then everyone finally come to agreement about something. As you stand up from your seat in the corner one of the Jocks whistles at you and blows a kiss toward you. To your surprise one of the top student girl comes to your aid. "Jack no bullying the other students. Let her enjoy her life however she wants to." She walks you past the bully. "//You do look super cute tho.// Smooch." She whispers to your ear and gives you a smootch on your cheek before handing you to Stella who catches you by the hand. "Heres your pet. My how well she has grown. Wonder if you could lend her to me sometimes? Thihihi." Stella bites her lower lip takes a quick glance toward you. She giggles as well, but leaves without answer...
/* ---------------------Girly clothing----------------------------- */
<<elseif $score == 7>>
"Oh, how I have been waiting for this. Here why don't you put those one." She hands you the clothes after stripping off the old. Ears burning you put on each piece of the new girly out fit. First comes the Girlies pink Satin panties followed by matching Bra. Then you are to wear white stockings underneath the Small Skirt. The School top she hands to you leaves the stomack area open and finally she hands you some High Heeled Mary Janes that you have hard time standing on. Stella is speachless and her grin is from ear to ear. "This is it. This-. I mean wow. Just wow." She bites her lower lip, but then gains her composure. "We have a job to do so... Let's get going."
This time
Once again she leads you to the building ment for top students of the school. Every student you pass makes a double take on you and some of the boys even whisle after you, making the experience feel even more humiliating. Stella ensures you this is normal for girls and you should not worry, but her smirk does not dispense confidence in you. Again you are headed toward the enormous double doors with a text 'Student Council' on em. She takes a look at you with a smile before opening the doors. A council of intimitating students gathered around gigantic conference table steer their darting eyes toward you two. Instictively you flintch and take a step behind Stella seeking shelter from her and she puts her hand around you indicating you are hers.
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
<<elseif $score == 8>>
Something much more
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
... Back at the classroom after all is said and done, Stella checks your notes. @@.Teacher;"Mmm. You are getting better at this. This is a good start. A good, but you're still the same rascal who sleeps through all my classes and funks most of the tests. Hmm, yes, I will increase your grades this week by ''<<print $score>>''.@@
<<if $score == 0>>
@@.Teacher;I do wish you would do better, tho. Hmm, well. You may leave now."@@ She waves toward the door.
@@.Teacher;You can take those off now, maybe next time we can try something a little more ''risky?'' //Hmm,// maybe too soon for you still. Thihi. Anyway, you may take your leave now."@@
<<link "Say you want more">><<set $choice = 2>><<goto "TEACHERS SECRETARY">><</link>><br>
<<link "Thank her for the grades">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = true>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
<<if $characterLikeness.Teacher < 100>>
<<set $characterLikeness.Teacher += 25>>
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
<<elseif $choice == 2>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Classroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Teacher;"''Oh'', more, huh? Well, I do have a few things we could do to increase your grades. ''Thihi'', let's see."@@ She takes something out of her drawer and places it on the desk. @@.Teacher;"If you are willing to wear these as my secretary for my next appointment, I will consider upping your grade once more. What do you say?"@@<br>
<<if $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit == 0>>
On the table is a set of normal looking //female underwear.// Cotton panties and small strapless bra.
<<if $player.feminity >= 55>>
[[Accept her proposal|TEACHER COUNCIL AID]]<<else>>
(Too shy to accept)<</if>>
<<elseif $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit == 1>>
On the table is a set of very //feminine looking female underwear.// A Pink Sating panties and Pink Sating push-up bra.
<<if $player.feminity >= 60>>
[[Accept her proposal|TEACHER COUNCIL AID]]<<else>>
(Too shy to accept)<</if>>
<<elseif $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit == 2>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Teacher >= 350>>
On the table is the same set of //feminine looking female underwear// from last time, but also what seems to be //unisex clothing.//
<<if $player.feminity >= 65>>
[[Accept her proposal|TEACHER COUNCIL AID]]<<else>>
(Too shy to accept)<</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit == 3>>
<<if $characterLikeness.Teacher >= 550>>
On the table is the same set of //feminine looking female underwear// from last time, but also what seems to be brightly colored //unisex clothing.//
<<if $player.feminity >= 70>>
[[Accept her proposal|TEACHER COUNCIL AID]]<<else>>
(Too shy to accept)<</if>><</if>>
(Not yet in game)
<<link "Refuse and leave">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $choice = 3>>
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
<<elseif $choice == 3>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "Classroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit == 0>>
Weight down pros and cons of this deal, you decide it's worth the trouble. Looking around, you wonder if there is any place for you to change. @@.Teacher;"Oh, you can change in here." Stella@@ has a small dirty closet in the back of the classroom. <br>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:250px; height:417px; float:right;"><img src="images/Characters/Player/Player_WhitePanties.png"></div>
Displeased, you enter the closet with the feminine underwear in hand and make a quick change, before coming out. @@.Teacher;"How does it feel? Wearing feminine undergarments? ''Oh!'' You don't have to be shy about it. It's normal to wear something exiting under your regular clothing. ''Hah!'' But anyway. We don't have time to foreplay, so, let's head to the next meeting."@@ She again starts walking out, leading you on, but this time you stay in the smaller building and barely meet anyone on your way to the next place. And those who happen to see you don't pay any attention to you. <br>
The teacher's lounge she takes you is much smaller than the student council's room, but the teacher doesn't seem to mind it, nor do they mind you being there either for the meeting. @@.Teacher;Stella@@ talks to the other teachers about how they should change the schedule of the students to better be suited for them. All you have to do is sit in the corner and take notes, once again...
... The meeting comes to an end and @@.Teacher;Stella@@ leads you back to the home classroom.
<<elseif $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit == 1>>
A big sigh escapes your mouth as you agree to the deal, taking the girly undergarments off the table and heading to the closet at the back of the class. <br>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:250px; height:417px; float:right;"><img src="images/Characters/Player/Player_ThongMarias.png"></div>
A quick change later, you march out of the closer, wondering if anyone can see that you are wearing girly underwear. @@.Teacher;"Don't worry, it's called underwear for a reason. It's under your regular clothes. Now we again don't have time to foreplay so, let's head to the next meeting."@@ She starts leading you to the teacher's lounge.<br>
Only few teachers in the lounge today and nobody is paying attention to you for your relief. @@.Teacher;Stella@@ starts talking with the other teachers about how they should change the schedule of the students and teachers... When the meeting is almost done, a new teacher enters the lounge. A much muscular woman with short hair who apologizes for being late. She notices you in the corner and seems to take interest in you. Immediately you flinch under her gaze as you remember wearing something naughty underneath. She licks her lips while locking her eyes with you, but then goes back to the conversation at hand, leaving you to wonder what on earth just happened...
... The meeting comes to an end and the new teacher, whose name you don't know yet, calls you a sweetie pie as you leave the room with @@.Teacher;Stella@@. Back at the home classroom.
<<set $character2.movement = true>>
<<set $ = "Cory">>
<<elseif $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit == 2>>
The set of clothing does not seem too bad, so you decide to give it a try, taking the girly undergarments with the new clothing to the closet, where you make a quick change. <br>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:250px; height:417px; float:right;"><img src="images/Characters/Player/Player_UnisexJeans.png"></div>
@@.Teacher;"//Uu, lala.// Now does that not suit you or what? Mmm, such a treat to the eyes, you are. //Pff,// I would like to stay and admire your assets a bit longer, but we are in a bit of a schedule."@@ She starts leading you to the teacher's lounge.<br>
The lounge has a dozen teachers this time, including the muscular woman before. She smirks as you enter the room and starts heading to your way. When confronting her, she introduces herself. @@.Cory;"Hello'w, sugar. I'm ''Cory'', the PE teacher for the undesirables. That's just what we teachers call the C and D classes. //Hmm,// it seems the meeting is about to begins. See you later, ''Sweetie''."@@ She winks at you and goes back to her seat. During the meeting, @@.Cory;Cory@@ keeps giving you glances, and you feel your ears burning toward the end...
... The meeting comes to an end and @@.Cory;Cory@@ starts heading toward you again, but you manage to escape the room before she reaches you. Back at the home classroom.
<<set $character2.movement = true>>
<<set $ = "Cory">>
<<elseif $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit == 3>>
The set of clothing is very bright compared to your regular dully toned clothing, but the reward for wearing it still outweighs the negative. So taking the girly undergarments with the new clothing to the closet where you make a quick change. <br>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:250px; height:417px; float:right;"><img src="images/Characters/Player/Player_CuteShirt.png"></div>
@@.Teacher;"That color pallet suits you much better, don't you think? Uu and there is even hint of a bra line here. //Mmm,// such a treat to the eyes, you are. //Pff,// I would like to stay and admire your assets a bit longer, but we are in a bit of a schedule."@@ She starts leading you to the teacher's lounge.<br>
In the lounge there are only three other teachers including Cory. When she sees you with your new clothing, you swear her eyes turn to the shape of hearths. @@.Cory;"''Puuh,'' sugar ''baby'', you just keep on getting better and ''better''. I hope you don't run out on me like last time? Mmm..."@@ @@.Teacher;Stella@@ steps between you two. @@.Teacher;"Hello, //Cory//. I thought I told you what happens to those who harass my students? Or should I give you a reminder?" Stella@@ seems very aggressive, something she seems to be able to just turn on and off when she wants to. @@.Cory;"//Ehh,// but we were just having a little fun, didn't //we?// No harm in looking now is there?"@@ Cory licks her lips again while glancing at you. @@.Teacher;"Well, you can look from your own seat over there. Come <<print $>>. You can sit with me over here."@@ Walking away from Cory, you hear her murmur. @@.Cory;"See you later //''<<print $>>''//..."@@<br>
Stella plants you next to her keeping an arm on your knee the whole meeting making it seem like a mother hen taking care of her chick...
... The meeting comes to an end and @@.Cory;Cory@@ stays seated as @@.Teacher;Stella@@ leads you by hand on shoulder, out of the lounge and all the way back to the classroom, making it look like you need her protection for anyone who sees you on the way.
<<set $character2.movement = true>>
<<set $ = "Cory">>
<<elseif $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit == 4>>
The set of clothing is very <br>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:250px; height:417px; float:right;"><img src="images/Chacaters/Player/Player_FrillySissyPanties.png"></div>
@@.Teacher;"Okay, that wasn't too bad, right? //Hmm-.// Maybe from now on you could wear these to the regular meetings as well? Of course, it's still your choice, so no need to decide right now. ''Oh yes,'' you can take them off now, maybe next time we can try something a little more risky? Anyway, you may take your leave now."@@
<<link "Change back to your regular clothing and leave">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $wardrobe.SecretaryOutfit += 1>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
<<MakeCharacter>><<if visited() == 1>>
<center><div class="BigGif"><img src="gifs/Teacher/StellaAngry.webp"></div></center>
@@.Teacher;"''Argh.'' This stupid student council can't decide on anything."@@ You ask her what is going on. @@.Teacher;"There is just too much too for one person to do..."@@ She looks at you for a second, and you swear you can see a lightbulb flicker on in her head. She digs up your school report. @@.Teacher;"//Ahaa,// you are about to fail school. Yes, with your school credits, you are out of here in no time. Oh, don't look so sad. We can rectify that, but only if you are willing to lend me a hand. //Hmm,// interested?"@@ Looking at your papers, trying to find a single good thing about them, you realize just how much in her mercy you really are. Frustrated, you agree to help her out. @@.Teacher;"Splendid! Now, we have no time for chit-chat here. Take this and follow. I hope you at least know how to use it."@@ She hands you a notebook and a pen.
[[Follow along|secretary work OLD][$choice to 1]]<br>
<<elseif visited() == 2>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "CouncilRoom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Teacher;Stella@@ leads you to the building meant for lead students of the prominent school. Something where you normally aren't allowed to enter.
Through its twisty corridors and crisscrossed hallways, she leads you like a lamb to a slaughter until she soon stops in front of an enormous double door with a text //'Student Council'//.<br>
She takes a quick look at your way and smirks before swinging the door open with confidence. A council of intimidating students gathered around a gigantic conference table steer their darting eyes toward you two. Instinctively, you flinch and take a step behind @@.Teacher;Stella@@, seeking shelter from her.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="images/Extra/StudentCouncil.png"></div>
@@.Teacher;"So, have you finally reach agreement? Or are we perhaps delaying it even further?" Stella@@ still seems to be fully confident, and so you decide to rise your eyes from the floor where they somehow dropped down. Now that you get to see the council more clearly headed, you notice three distinct groups. School ''Jockies'' that consist of few jacked up dudes, ''a supermodel'' squad or perhaps cheerleaders, and lastly but most notably three top students of the school. Two girls and the student council lead, ''//Johnny Baxter//''. He was the one giving the opening ceremony speech when you started here. He's prestige upcoming has been noted during school few times already. They seem so different from everyone else at the school, they almost seem to be different species all together.
@@.Johnny;"We have come to agreement. We have decided-."@@.Teacher; One of the models stops the lead speakers real quick. @@.Fox;"Who is this? Why do we have an outsider here? Looking at he's clothes, he's not even part of the main building, is he?"@@ @@.Teacher;Stella@@ smirks at the girl and clicks her tongue. The girl visibly tremble, but tries to keep her composure. @@.Teacher;"This is my little assistant, got any problems with that now?"@@ The girl that spoke only shakes her head, and you feel quite happy that @@.Teacher;Stella@@ jumped in for your defense. The main speaker starts again. @@.Johnny;"AS I was saying, we have decided this year's student budget. Like always the A classes get the most, and D the least, but in particular this year we have cut the D-Classes budget even more from last year. Here are the spreadsheets."@@ They start arguing back and forth about how to spend the budget, and all you do is note down everything you can...
[[Keep taking notes|secretary work OLD][$choice to 1]]<br>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
<<elseif visited() == 3>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "CouncilRoom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<div class="vidSmall" style="float:right;">
<video autoplay muted loop><source src="Videos/School/TopStudent2.mp4"></video></div>
... Few hours go by with some intense arguing and arm wrestling with the budget, they all finally come to agreement. @@.Teacher;Stella@@ and you are about to take your leave until one of the two top student girls asks. @@.Fox;"You never really introduced your pet to us? Might we know it's name?"@@ @@.Teacher;Stella@@ looks at her and for a second you swear you could see sparks fling from their staring contest, until Stella just waves good buys to the student council and walks off. Not wanting to be left alone to be eaten by superior carnivores, you sprint after her...
... Back at the classroom after all is said and done, Stella checks your notes. @@.Teacher;"//Mmm.// Good. Not the best, but still better than I expected of you. This is a good start. A good start, but you're still the same rascal who sleeps through all my classes and funks most of the tests. No, I'm not giving you better grades after one decent afternoon. Maybe if you keep this up I can up your grades a bit."@@ Stella sees you slump down from the bad news and gives you a pat on the head. @@.Teacher;"Hang in there. I'm sure we can get you some extra rewards. //'Winks' Thihihii//. Look who's all cheered up all of a sudden. Well. I see you next time then."@@ She walks off.
<<link "Extra rewards, what could she mean?">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
<<set $flags.TeacherQuest1 = true>><<if $work.TSGWrongs == 1>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/TSG/StellaSpanks1.mp4">
@@.Teacher;Stella@@ shakes her head and smirks at the same time. @@.Teacher;"Oof, that is not the right answer. Well, we better make sure you remember the right answer for the next time, shall we. Hmm, what are you waiting for. Those things need to be taken off for this to work? Or did you think you will get them all right this time? Hah, Amusing thought, but a false answer is a false answer. ''Take them off NOW!''"@@ She seems even more threatening than normal, but you can also see the passion burning behind her eyes. Slowly, you strip down to your underwear in front of her, and she notes how cute your boxers look before telling you to bend over her knee. After positioning yourself in this awkward manner, she pulls down your boxers as well, revealing your bare bum to her.<br>
@@.Teacher;"Ready? Ooh, look at that bouncy little thing, someone has had a few too many cakes to make it so thick and juicy. //Thihihii.// It's just begging for my attention."@@ Embarrassed, you start anticipating her first strike that does not come, but instead she just caresses your bottom for a while. A few moments later you let your guard down and that is when the palm of her hand strikes. Smacking right against your left cheek. Another one lands on the right and the another left. She starts alternating between cheeks in different rhythms so that you can't get used to any of it...
<<elseif $work.TSGWrongs == 2>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/TSG/StellaSpanks2.mp4">
A grin from ear to ear appears to her face as she starts shaking her head. @@.Teacher;"Nope, wrong once more. Wow, you are as dump as you look, huh? Well, that is why we are here after all. To be educated, and what could be better education than this."@@ Her hand whips through the air fast as her soft delegate hands ''slam'' against your bare ass once more, making you ''yelp'' for the sudden surprise.
<<elseif $work.TSGWrongs == 3>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/TSG/StellaSpanks2.mp4">
She shakes her head in disbelieve. @@.Teacher;"Wow, you really don't know shit, do you? No, that is not the right answer. How ''dump'' are you really? Eh, well, more work for my hand then."@@ She rises her hand way up, and you clench your butt in anticipation.
<<elseif $work.TSGWrongs == 4>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/TSG/StellaSpanks2.mp4">
She shakes her hand to you. @@.Teacher;"My hand is getting tired. You've got so many wrong, my hand is even tired. Hahaha. Was that your tactic? Well, let's see who last longer then..."@@ She rises her hand way up, and you clench your butt in anticipation of little harder ''slaps'' this time.
<<elseif $work.TSGWrongs == 5>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/TSG/StellaSpanks2.mp4">
@@.Teacher;Stella@@ seems genuinely tired. @@.Teacher;"//Puuh//, I'm getting almost a workout here just teaching you this stuff. Well, what a wonderful workout it is. Now, since you got that wrong as well..."@@ She rises her hand way up, and you clench your butt in anticipation.
<<elseif $work.TSGWrongs >= 6>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/TSG/StellaSpanks2.mp4">
@@.Teacher;Stella@@ stays quiet this time and just rises her hand ready to ''slap'' your bare bum.
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/TSG/StellaSpanks2.mp4">
She shakes her head in disbelieve yet again. @@.Teacher;"I cannot believe this. You really don't know the answers to any of these, do you? Maybe more spanking will do? Or are you just enjoying my hand so much? Well, here comes more."@@ Already sore butt is making tears form in your eyes as she starts her ''//education//'' again and again.
<</if>><<if $wrongAnswers == 1>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/TeacherReward1.mp4"></video></div></center><br>
@@.Teacher;"//O-. ou.// That is the wrong answer, and your punishment is for you to eat my ''ass.''"@@ She lean on top of the table, giving you full view of her well-trained bottom as she taps it a few times, eager for you to get to it. <br>
With no hesitation, you charge in face first toward her delicious ''booty.''
<<elseif $wrongAnswers == 2>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/TeacherReward2.mp4"></video></div></center><br>
@@.Teacher;"//Thihi,// no-, but almost. Your punishment is to-. ''Eat my puckered asshole.''"@@ She pulls her panties aside, showing you her pretty little hole that is in desperate need of tongue punching.
<<elseif $wrongAnswers == 3>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/TeacherReward3.mp4"></video></div></center><br>
@@.Teacher;"//O-. ou.// That is the wrong answer, and your punishment is to eat me kitty out. ''Meow!''"@@ She spreads her legs a bit more, giving you access to her ''pussycat''.
<<elseif $wrongAnswers == 4>>
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/TeacherReward5.mp4"></video></div></center><br>
@@.Teacher;"//O-. ou.// That is the wrong answer, and your punishment is to..."@@ She turns around now going full spread eagle tapping her wet cunt few times. @@.Teacher;"Well, it's to make me feel good. C'mon, don't be shy now."@@ Your tongue goes absolute wild on her wet kitten, and she moans in response.
<center><div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Teacher/TeacherReward5.mp4"></video></div></center><br>
@@.Teacher;"''Nouuu,'' that is incorrect and as a punishment you get to make me-. //''CUM''//."@@ As your tongue goes wild on her erect clit, she pushes her crotch into your face as much as she can, until her whole body ''jerks''. Her pussy juices flowing down your chin, you keep at it for a few more minutes before she taps you out.
<<set $wrongAnswers = 0>>
<</if>><<if $QuestionSlutty == 1>>
@@.Teacher;Who is your favorite ''teacher''...? @@ <br><br>
<<link "Cory the PE teacher">><<set $answer = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING2">><</link>><br>
<<link "Lisa the english teacher">><<set $answer = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING2">><</link>><br>
<<link "Teacher Stella is">><<set $answer = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING2">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $QuestionSlutty == 2>>
@@.Teacher;What do you like me the most ... ? @@<br><br>
<<link "Stellas perfect body">><<set $answer = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING2">><</link>><br>
<<link "Stellas briliant brain">><<set $answer = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING2">><</link>><br>
<<link "Stellas smelly feet">><<set $answer = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING2">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $QuestionSlutty == 3>>
@@.Teacher;How do you please your ''teacher'' ... ? @@<br><br>
<<link "By helping her out">><<set $answer = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING2">><</link>><br>
<<link "By paying attention in her class">><<set $answer = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING2">><</link>><br>
<<link "By kneeling down to her feet">><<set $answer = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING2">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $QuestionSlutty == 4>>
@@.Teacher;How do you worship me ... ? @@<br><br>
<<link "By obeying ">><<set $answer = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING2">><</link>><br>
<<link "By giving you money ">><<set $answer = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING2">><</link>><br>
<<link "By licking your feet ">><<set $answer = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING2">><</link>><br>
<<elseif $QuestionSlutty == 5>>
@@.Teacher;And lastly. Do you ''love'' me ... ? @@<br><br>
<<link "Yes!">><<set $answer = true>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING2">><</link>><br>
<<link "No.">><<set $answer = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING2">><</link>><br>
<<link "Maybe...">><<set $answer = false>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING2">><</link>><br>
@@.Teacher;"Hmm, I think that's all the questions I have for you. Should we skip right to the reward then?"@@<br><br>
<<link "Agree!">><<set $choice = 10>>
<<goto "PRIVATE TUTORING2">><</link>><br>
<</if>>UNLOCK T1 After T1 QUEST
Help Hayley with Acting.
Dominatrix scene
Spanking scene
SUBMISSIVE > 120 + GameState > 1
Femdom scene
Son-in-law scene
Yoga pervert scene
Wizard scene
SUBMISSIVE > 120 + GameState > 1
Gross fit
Rock Gliming
/* ============================================================= */
/* TIER 2 */
/* ============================================================= */
Hayley needs a old video tape for Marias birthday.
She asks you to get her one that she and her made.
Go to the Lindsey
Lindsey has the tape
Beg to get it back
You need to do some task for them to give the tape
Flirt with them to get it back
Has to make them orgasm for them to give the tape
Buy them from them (150$)
/* ====================== LOCAL BAR ====================== */
Dance Girly
Flirt During
/* ====================== GAME STADIUM ====================== */
/* ====================== STRIP CLUB ====================== */
SUBMISSIVE > 120 & GameState > 1
SUBMISSIVE > 400 & GameState > 2
<<if $player.HasPants>>
Down your pants
up your skirt
/* ============================================================= */
/* TIER 3 */
/* ============================================================= */
/* *************************** QUESTS *************************** */
400 = Making out (KISS UPGRADED)
450 = Yoga hot (YOGA UPGRADED)
350 = Grope
500 = Hand job
500 = Boob job
500 = Oral (To her)
500 = Oral (To You)
500 = Oral (Both/69)
500 = Sex (Missionary)
525 = Sex (Cowboy)
550 = Sex (Doggystyle)
575 = Sex (Hardcore)
600 = Risky Sex (Place:Bathroom)
625 = Risky Sex (Place:Kitchen)
650 = Risky Sex (Place:Livingroom)
675 = Risky Sex (Place:Public)
700 = ???
Help Maria with shopping.
Dance Girly
Talk Clothes
Talk Skincare
Let her belittle you
Let her tease you
SUBMISSIVE > 120 & GameState > 1
Let her spank you
Let her punish you
Let her Dress you UW
Let her Dress you Clothing
SUBMISSIVE > 400 & GameState > 2
Let her Dress you Maid
Let her Lock you up
Flirt During
Groping During
Kissing During
1. Pajama pink
2. BoyShorts + Sports bra
3. Pegged pants + Boat neck Shirt
4. Lip cream + Moisturizer
5. Pixie cut / Light color variations
6. Some color in room decor
7. Sensual panting
SUBMISSIVE > 120 & GameState > 1
11. Nightshirt
12. Control Briefs + Halter
13. Skinny jeans + Off shoulders shirt
14. Clear Lip gloss + Face toner
15. Shoulder Lenght / Basic color variations
16. Colorfull room decor
17. Phallic ornament
SUBMISSIVE > 400 & GameState > 2
21. Nightgown
22. Classic + Bralette
23. Skirts + Blouse
24. Lipstick + Mascara
25. Ponytail / Deep color variations
26. Pinkish room decor
27. Dolly's and Barbie's
1.New Pickuplines
2.New Hugging Techinique
3.New Kissing Techinique
4.New Groping Techinique
/* ============================================================= */
/* TIER 2 */
/* ============================================================= */
UNLOCK $characterLikeness.Maria > 6
Maria needs a cooking book for Hayleys birthday.
She asks you to get her one that she likes
Go to the library
??? has lend the of the cook book
Beg to get it back
You need to do some task for them to give the cook book
Flirt with them to get it back
Has to make them orgasm for them to give the cook book
Buy them from them (50$)
/* ====================== BEACH ====================== */
/* ====================== POOL ====================== */
/* ====================== LIBRARY ====================== */
/* ====================== MUSEUM ====================== */
/* ====================== FARM ====================== */
/* ====================== RESTAURANT ====================== */
/* ====================== PIZZERIA ====================== */
/* ====================== BOAT ====================== */
/* ====================== CRUISE ====================== */
/* ====================== HIKE ====================== */
/* ====================== MOUNTAINS ====================== */
/* ====================== FOREST ====================== */
/* ====================== ARCADE ====================== */
1. Gifs from phone: I like Bikes
2. Gifs from phone: I like Swimming
3. Gifs from phone: I like Cartoons
4. Gifs from phone: I like Sauna
5. Gifs from phone: I like Comics
6. Gifs from phone: I like Arcade
SUBMISSIVE > 120 & GameState > 1
7. Gifs from phone: I like This one actor
8. Gifs from phone: I like The City
9. Gifs from phone: I like Clothing store
SUBMISSIVE > 180 & GameState > 1
10. Gifs from phone: I like This movie
11. Gifs from phone: I like Female Sports
12. Gifs from phone: I like Lingerie store
I like Nature
I like Sports
I like Girls with short skirts
/* ============================================================= */
/* TIER 3 */
/* ============================================================= */
Help her Get some sleep
Go buy sleeping pills OR (25$)
Go make a tonic in kitchen that will help her sleep.
Boil lettuce and serve the water(100%)
Hot milk (50%)
Hot Coco (25%)
Soothing Tea (0%)
Hot Coffee (-25%)
Spicy mix of flavors (-50%)
Energy drink (-100%)
When and IF shes a sleep you can play with her body based on how sleep she is.
100% = Do what ever
0 = She's a sleep wakes up if too rought
-100% = She can't sleep
400 = Making out (KISS UPGRADED)
450 = Massage hot (BODY MASSAGE UPGRADED)
350 = Grope
500 = Hand job
500 = Boob job
500 = Oral (To her)
500 = Oral (To You)
500 = Oral (Both/69)
500 = Sex (Missionary)
525 = Sex (Cowboy)
550 = Sex (Doggystyle)
575 = Sex (Hardcore)
600 = Risky Sex (Place:Bathroom)
625 = Risky Sex (Place:Kitchen)
650 = Risky Sex (Place:Livingroom)
675 = Risky Sex (Place:Public)
700 = ???
@@.Maria;Maria@@ is sitting at the table as usual with an assortment of toasts and toppings on display, but unlike normal, her eyes seem to be glued to her coffee, and she seems to giggle to her self occasionally. You ask if she's in a good mood today. She zaps and that gentle smile shows up on her face. @@.Maria;"Morning Hun! And ''yes!'' I'm in very good mood today and, //last-night-...// Did you sleep well? You didn't happen to hear anything weird? There may or may have not been some noises coming from our bedroom..."@@
She seems to settle down after a while of hectic rambling. @@.Maria;"''Cough.'' Anyway."@@ Her eyes are all settled on you.
@@.Maria;"''Hello Hun!'' How are you. I was just about to watch some TV. My favorite soap opera is coming, and I rarely get to watch it with all the housework that needs to be done. <<print $>>"@@ She seems really eager to watch her TV show, but still takes time to speak with you.UNLOCK T1 After T1 QUEST
Help Stella with a school Bully.
Confront anothe bully for Her
Confront them in Hallway
Confront them in Studyhall
SUBMISSIVE > 120 & GameState > 1
Confront them in Cafeteria
Confront them During Class
SUBMISSIVE > 400 & GameState > 2
Confront them in Bathroom
Confront them in Lockeroom
Fight them in Hallway
Fight them in Cafeteria
Fight them in School Field
Fight them in School Gym
Fight them in Lockeroom
Fight them in Bathroom
Teacher needs help keeping one of her big lectures.
You help her out.
It's sexual education lecture and you find out at last minute.
1. Sexual education lecture
SUBMISSIVE > 120 & GameState > 1
1.Secretary + panties
2.Secretary + bra
3.Secretary + Cute clothing
4.Secretary + Makeup
5.Secretary + Cute Hairstyle
SUBMISSIVE > 400 & GameState > 2
1.Secretary + Locked up
1. Class rep in PE class
2. Class rep in Other classes
/* ============================================================= */
/* TIER 2 */
/* ============================================================= */
Stella needs her swimming trunks for schools bikini calander.
She asks you to go get her a pair from a friends house.
Go to the friends house.
Proxy has the swimming trunks
Beg to get it back
You need to do some task for them to give them
Flirt with them to get it back
Has to make them orgasm for them to give them
Buy them from them (250$)
/* ====================== MUFFING BREW ====================== */
Dance Girly
Flirt During
(FriendshipHayley > 200 & GameState > 2)
/* ====================== RESTAURANT ====================== */
Dance Girly
Flirt During
(FriendshipHayley > 400 & GameState > 2)
/* ====================== STELLAS HOME ====================== */
Dance Girly
Flirt During
(FriendshipHayley > 600 & GameState > 2)
/* ====================== CASTLE ====================== */
Dance Girly
Flirt During
/* ====================== STELLAS OFFICE ====================== */
Punishments = spanking
Rewards = Handjob & Striptease
Punishments = Teasing
Rewards = Blowjob & Sex
/* ============================================================= */
/* TIER 3 */
/* ============================================================= */ <<include "Morning Breakfast">>
<<if $flags.MustGoChurch == true>>
After you finish the breakfast Maria jingles her car keys at you. "Ready? I know you are going to love this. "
<<link "Maria takes you to Church">>
<<goto "CHURCH FIRST">>
<<elseif $flags.MustGoGym == true>>
After you finish the breakfast Hayley nods to you. "Ready? This is going to teach you something about the real world."
<<link "Hayley takes you to Gym">>
<<goto "GYM FIRST">>
Now that you are wake and ready it's time to start the day.
<<link "Go to Bedroom">>
<<goto "MY BEDROOM">>
You ask @@.Maria;Maria@@ if she needs any help around the house, which seems to brighten up her mood. @@.Maria;"Well of coarse sweetie, there is always something to do around the house, let's see...@@
<<set $dice = random(3)>>
<<if $dice == 0>>
@@.Maria;Ahh, yes, you could help me with vacuuming the living room. That place is getting a bit dusty and could use a quick touch up. Here, take this vacuum cleaner, I'll help there too."@@ The two of you get to dusting and cleaning the living room and seem to have quite some fun doing so. At the end, she seems to really enjoy your help and even gives you a deep loving hug.
<<elseif $dice == 1>>
@@.Maria;Ahh, yes, you could help me with mowing the lawn. That place needs a touch up, can't let the bushes grow too large after all. Let's get that lawnmower going, so you can cut the crass, and I'll help there too."@@ The two of you get to fixing up the old garden and seem to have quite some fun doing so. At the end, she seems to really enjoy your help and even gives you a deep loving hug.
<<elseif $dice == 2>>
@@.Maria;The attic is quite the troublemaker, and I have wanted to sort that place for months now. Now that I have a helper, this might be a lot easier. So, what you say? Let's go up there and see what we can do."@@ The two of you get to the attic and see how much old stuff there is, but with determination and hard work you manage to sort that place out and seem to have quite some fun doing so. At the end, she seems to really enjoy your help and even gives you a deep loving hug.
<<elseif $dice == 3>>
@@.Maria;The garage is a mess and needs sorting. Let's go see what we can do, shall we?"@@ The two of you get to sorting the garage up and seem to have quite some fun doing so. At the end, she seems to really enjoy your help and even gives you a deep loving hug.
You take her to your parent's bedroom, where she lies on the bed. You start same as before with the shoulders first, but then instead of going toward her bottom, you circle around and start massaging her side boobs. First, Maria seems to be against it, but her posture changes a bit, giving you better access to her baby feeders. Your hands circle around and around before you find her two incredibly erect nipples. Your fingertips circle around the areolas a few times, building up the tension. By now, her whole body is asking for it. @@.Maria;"//Haa-.// plss.. hunney. Your hands are magic-. //Mmmm.//"@@ You can barely hear her mumbles, but by the sounds of it she wants more, and you are here to give it to her. The tips of your fingers finally come to contact with her nude hard nipples. @@.Maria;Maria@@ moans like an animal in heat, letting you play with her boobs and nipples to your hearths desires.
Without hesitation, one of your fingers slips into her puckered hole and she quivers. @@.Maria;"Please more."@@ She begs of you. Second fingers soon join the first, and then a third. Her moans start to get deeper now, and she even lifts her butt up for it.
When the fourth finger enters her, she squirts a small amount of pussy juice on the bed and her whole body shakes. Faster and faster you push your fingers in and out of her butt hole now giving yourself a mission to make her cum from her anal massage. @@.Maria;"//HAA-.// More, please, I'm almost there. //HAAHH.// Yes, yes, yes!"@@ Her moans are getting faster and faster until her whole body spasms and clenches. @@.Maria;"//AAAH-.// I'm! //Cumminghh-.// I'm-... //CUMMIIINGGHHH....//"@@ Maria's pussy juices start to flow out like from a waterfall, soaking everything up, and her whole body shakes and spasms.
When she finally calms down from her anal orgasm you stop the massage leaving her there on the bed to recover.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom1/MomBoobjob.webp"></div><br>
While you are massaging her over grown front pumpers, Maria's hands wonder toward your crotch. @@.Maria;"//Uuh,// look what we have here. All ready and hard. Perhaps we could do something about it."@@ She suddenly pushes you to lay on the bed instead and removes your pants. She grabs your rock hard dick between her boobs and start pumping up and down with them. @@.Maria;"Looks like you are a fond of mommy's big pillows. Well, I let you enjoy them as much as you like. After all, they are there to be loved and liked and-. //Uuuh.//"@@ You pinch her nipples to shut her up a bit, so you can focus on the amazing boob job you are getting.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom1/MassageBoobjob.webp"></div><br>
She pumps and moans are giving you just what you need, and soon you are at the edge. @@.Maria;"Come my boy. Come to your mommy's tits.// Ahh-. //Spew your gooy load on to my big bouncy breasts. Come on son. //Uuuh-.// Make mommy proud."@@ Her encouragement is too much for you as your orgasm reaches its peak. A torrent of cum erupts from your meat stick, hitting your mother on the face and landing on her tits. Rope after rope of your baby powder covers her breast entirely.
After all your juice is pumped out, she lies on the bed, tits and face covered in your spunk.
Maria seems satisfied, so it's time for you to leave, and as you are walking out of the room you hear her quiet voice whisper to you. @@.Maria;"Thank you. Let's do this again some time."@@
She feels like a wet, hot little toy that just needs some attention. Then suddenly You slide both hands down between her legs and grab hold of her swollen clit with one hand while the other plays with the opening. her moans made you think she might have had an orgasm then and there, but you know better.
Starting from shoulders first then going lower over time until you get to her massive bottom, but this time your hands trail even lower and lower. She automatically adjusts herself, spreading her legs a bit, giving you better access to her moist crotch. There your fingers go to work, first playing around the area then going closer and closer until you find just the spot to massage at. Maria quivers and clenches in the rhythm of your hand movements, and small moans echo through the bedroom walls. You can give her pussy deep and thorough massage.
The first hand's fingers are rubbing over her sensitive bud, while the other is teasing her entrance, thinking of plunging in. It doesn't take much more than this before she's bucking under your hand. Her moans are getting louder and longer as her breathing gets heavier and deeper until she shivers and shakes furiously while the most animalistic moans fire from her gaping mouth hole. You let her cum without stopping or slowing down, intensifying her orgasm even further. You keep fingering her until she stops shuddering. You gently remove your fingers from her, letting her rest there on her bed after an intense orgasm she just had.Worried that you have gotten your hopes up for no reason you put the DVD in the livingroom player when nobody is watching.
To your suprise the video playing is not plank, but rather oddly relaxing and soothing.
<<if $Workouts.StellasHypnoDVD < 5>>
<<set $Workouts.StellasHypnoDVD += 1>>
<<set $player.BoobSize += 1>>
<<set $player.feminity += 1>>
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
<<set $dice1 = random(1)>>
<<if $dice1 == 0>><center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/TV/TVTrance2.webp]]</div></center>
<<elseif $dice1 == 1>>
<center><div class="BigGif">
<div class="boxedText">
<span class="makeVisible">
<span class="shining" style="-webkit-animation-delay: 0.0s;">Relax And Sink Into My Voice...</span><br>
<span class="shining" style="-webkit-animation-delay: 2.5s;">Be Passive, Be Submissibe, Be Ready To Obey...</span><br>
<span class="shining" style="-webkit-animation-delay: 4.0s;">Listen To Master Always Obey Master Always Do As Master Tells You To Do...</span><br>
<span class="shining" style="-webkit-animation-delay: 6.5s;">Remember To Forget It's Easy To Forget Never Remember Anything...</span><br>
Someone taps your shoulder and you look around. @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ looks at you confused. <br>
@@.Hayley;"You okay hunney? You've been staring at that black TV screen for quite a while now."@@ She continues on, leaving you confused on the sofa thinking what on earth were you doing here?
<<link "Finish up">>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<goto $>>
This is Friendly Town, a relatively open Twine game that features the ability to make friend and explore options they present to you. Explore a constantly expanding modern world with a few characters to find and interact with.
Current free version is 0.6 and includes:
- Feminization/Sissification
- Corruption
- Humiliation
- Hypnotism
- Water Sports
Patch Notes: 0.6
Free Version:
- New Scenes & Quests: Kristine
- Practice dancing at home
- New Friend: Meet Mia
- New Locations:
Paid version:
- Extra Scenes: (Maria / Hayley / Kristine / Stella)
- Extra content: (Mia / Lindsey / Riley / Katsuni)
- Secret interaction: (Maria / Hayley / Kristine / Stella)
- More clothing choices
- Cheats (Access computer)
Friendly town is getting friendlyer for some reason:
In Act1 you notice alot of people acting little too sexy for it to be normal but you don't complain. In the school you find several of the girls also wearing very slutty school clothing.
As you are working toward getting grades up in school you find few references to
Finding references to a BIG company Sis.Co from the internet, School, Library, Hayley's workplace and In parents-, Kristines, bedrooms as well as Stellas office.
When you have 3/7 of the references found start getting suspicious about this company.
UNLOCKING: Search about
You find out about their influence in town's politics and how they have over the years started shaping local area to their liking. Recently their CEO has also changed to someone called Robers Mirange. They have gigantic building in the close by City...
In Act2 people start somehow act even more like a Sluts around the streets sometimes. And in school there is few changes to school attire.
Stella murmurs something about the changes, but being powerless to do anything about it.
If you try asking Hayley about it, she just notes the being mother company to her's.
When you have 6/7 of the references found start getting worried about this company. You find out about the clinic in town that is performing some sort of Clinical Trials
Find a Clinic in town related to
Go in the Clinic for a check up and try to roll into a voluntary clinical trial.
At the end of the clinical trial you get an invitation to join in with the's EG Testing unit.
The EG Testing unit starts at the Big City Building they have and you get to roll up to there next...
Finding a way to get to the City: Asking one of the Ladies for a Ride...
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $ == "">>
<<elseif $ == "">>
<<link "Leave">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Jude">>
Meet at school in computer class.
<<set $player={
name: "John",
Lastname: "Doe",
body: "Body",
rentToPay: 0,
RentNotPayd: 0,
money: 25,
energy: 80,
curEnergy: 80,
lust: 50,
feminity: 0,
tempFeminity: 0,
totalFeminity: 0,
BoobSize: 0,
Submissive: 0,
Dominant: 0,
willpower: 0,
TempWillpower: 0,
MaxWillpower: 3,
STR: 1,
TempSTR: 0,
MaxSTR: 15,
DanceSkills: 0,
BadBoyPoints: 0,
curHypnosis: 0,
MaxHypnosis: 5,
MinHypnosis: 0,
Intellect: 1,
TempInt: 0,
PornKnow: 0,
PlayerCurentStudy: 0,
Study: 0,
SinceShowered: 0,
FirstKiss: "",
FirstRubjob: "",
FirstHandjob: "",
FirstFingering: "",
FirstBoobjob: "",
FirstBlowjob: "",
/* School stats */
ClassScore: 0,
Studyed: false,
WeeklySchoolCredits: 0,
/* Game State Stats */
OrgasmControll: 0,
toughtsText: "",
GameStateType: "Basic",
ClothesFeminity: 0,
Costume: "Pajama_Blue",
Bra: "",
Underwear: "",
Shoes: "",
Accessories: "",
ClothingStyle: "",
UnderwearStyle: "",
BraStyle: "",
ShoesStyle: "",
AccessoriesStyle: "",
ClothingBase: "",
ClothingStyle: "",
BraBase: "",
BraStyle: "",
UnderwearBase: "",
UnderwearStyle: "",
ShoesBase: "",
ShoesStyle: "",
AccessoriesBase: "",
AccessoriesStyle: "",
HairLenght: 10,
HairStyle: "",
CockCageSize: 10,
CockCageType: "",
PenisSize: 10,
ErectionSTR: 10,
AnalTraining: 0,
AnalLove: 0,
ThroathTraining: 0,
ThroathLove: 0,
BDSMTraining: 0,
BDSMLove: 0,
ABDLTraining: 0,
ABDLLove: 0,
UrethraTraining: 0,
UrethraLove: 0,
HasPants: false,
<<set $TempFem = 0>>
<<set $TempFem1 = 0>>
<<set $TempFem2 = 0>>
<<set $TempFem3 = 0>>
<<set $TempFem4 = 0>><<set $wardrobe={
Create: false,
CantWearOutside: true,
NotOutsideWear: false,
CantBuy: true,
count: 0,
T1FemAmount: 0,
T2FemAmount: 0,
T3FemAmount: 0,
T4FemAmount: 0,
T5FemAmount: 0,
ExtraToChange: "",
SocksToChange: "",
ShoesToChange: "",
UnderwearToChange: "",
PantsToChange: "",
BraToChange: "",
ShirtToChange: "",
CostumeLock: "",
AccessoriesLock: "",
ShoesLock: "",
UnderwearLock: "",
PantsLock: "",
BraLock: "",
ShirtLock: "",
CasualWear_Black: false,
CasualWear_Denim3: false,
CasualWear_Grey2: false,
CasualWear_Grey3: false,
CasualWear_Pink: false,
CasualWear_Red: false,
CasualWear_White1: false,
CasualWear_WhiteBlue: false,
CasualWear_WhiteGreen: false,
CoolWear_White: false,
FemaleWear_Black: false,
PartyGirlWear_Red: false,
Pajama_Blue: true,
Pajama_Pink: false,
Pajama_HotPink: false,
SilkPajama_Blue: false,
SilkPajama_Pink: false,
SilkPajama_HotPink: false,
Sleepwear: "",
SleepwearBra: "",
SleepwearFem: 0,
SleepwearSlut: 0,
SleepwearCute: 0,
CasualWear_Blue: true,
CasualWear_BoatNeck: false,
CasualWear_Sporty: false,
CasualWear_Loose: false,
CasualWear_Tomboy: false,
CasualWear_VNeck: false,
CasualWear_White: false,
GirlyWear_DenimPink: false,
GirlyWear_Green: false,
GirlyWear_Pink: false,
CasualWear_OffShould: false,
CasualWear_Colorful: false,
CasualWear_Blouse: false,
CasualWear_BlouseDark: false,
School: true,
School_Small: false,
School_Small2: false,
CasualWear_Denim2: false, /*MQ1*/
CasualWear_FlaredDenim: false, /*HQ1*/
CasualWear_LightBlue: false, /*HQ3*/
GirlyWear_SparklyGreen: false, /*HQ3*/
Maid_Black1: false, /*HQ3*/
School_JAP: false, /*SQ1*/
CasualWear_Dark: false, /*Help*/
CasualWear_DarkBlue: false, /*Help*/
CasualWear_Grey: false, /*Help*/
CasualWear_Green: false, /*Help*/
CasualWear_Denim1: false, /*Help*/
SchoolWear1: false, /*Stella*/
SchoolWear2: false, /*Stella*/
SchoolWear3: false, /*Stella*/
SchoolWear4: false, /*Stella*/
SchoolWear5: false, /*Stella*/
SchoolSkirtWear1: false, /*Stella*/
SchoolSkirtWear2: false, /*Stella*/
SchoolSkirtWear3: false, /*Stella*/
SchoolSkirtWear4: false, /*Stella*/
SchoolSkirtWear5: false, /*Stella*/
BarbRashguard_Blue: false,
BarbRashguard_Pink: false,
BarbSwim_Blue: false,
BarbSwim_Pink: false,
BarbSwim_HotPink: false,
Onepiece_Blue: false,
Beach_Bright: false,
Beach_Dark: false,
Beach_Pink: false,
Bikini_HotPink: false,
Bikini_Teal: false,
Bikini_White: false,
SportsWear_Base1: false,
SportsWear_Base2: false,
SportsWear_Base3: false,
SportsWear_Fem1: false,
SportsWear_Fem2: false,
SportsWear_Fem3: false,
SportsWear_LadyLike1: false,
SportsWear_LadyLike2: false,
FormalWear1: false, /*PARTY*/
FormalWear2: false, /*PARTY*/
FormalWear3: false, /*PARTY*/
FormalWear4: false, /*PARTY*/
Maid_Black2: false,
Maid_Black3: false,
Maid_HotPink: false,
Maid_LightPink: false,
Maid_Pink: false,
LeatherJacket: false,
School_SkirtBlack: false, /*RILEY*/
School_Leggings: false, /*RILEY*/
Apron1: false, /*MARIA*/
Apron2: false,
Apron3: false,
Apron4: false,
Apron5: false,
Apron6: false,
TrBra_5: false,
Bralet_Black: false,
Bralet_Cow: false,
Bralet_Orange: false,
Bralet_Pink: false,
Bralet_Turq: false,
Halters_Black: false,
Halters_Colors: false,
Halters_LPink: false,
FullBra_Black: false,
FullBra_Brown: false,
FullBra_Color: false,
FullBra_DBlue: false,
FullBra_Golden: false,
FullBra_Green: false,
FullBra_Leopard: false,
SexBralet_Pink: false,
SexBralet_Red: false,
WrBra_Black: false,
WrBra_Blue: false,
WrBra_Orange: false,
WrBra_Paige: false,
WrBra_Pink: false,
WrBra_Turq: false,
SexWrBra_LPink: false,
SexWrBra_Mag: false,
SexWrBra_Pink: false,
SexWrBra_Paige: false,
StBra_Maria: false, /*Stolen*/
StBra_Hayley: false, /*Stolen*/
StBra_Stella: false, /*Stolen*/
StBra_Kristine: false, /*Stolen*/
TrBra_1: false, /*Help Parents*/
TrBra_4: false, /*Help Parents*/
TrBra_6Blue: false, /*Help Parents*/
TrBra_6Pink: false, /*Help Parents*/
TrBra_8Pink: false, /*Help Parents*/
TrBra_8Blue: false, /*Help Parents*/
Halters_PowerBlack: false, /*Help Parents*/
Halters_PowerPink: false, /*Help Parents*/
Halters_Lila: false, /*Help Parents*/
Halters_Pink: false, /*Help Parents*/
FullBra_Blue: false, /*Help Parents*/
FullBra_LPink: false, /*Help Parents*/
FullBra_White: false, /*Help Parents*/
FullBra_Teddy: false, /*Help Parents*/
TrBra_2: false, /*Help Ladies*/
TrBra_3: false, /*Help Ladies*/
TrBra_7Blue: false, /*Help Ladies*/
TrBra_7Pink: false, /*Help Ladies*/
Bralet_Blue: false, /*Help Ladies*/
Bralet_LPink: false, /*Help Ladies*/
Bralet_Mag: false, /*Help Ladies*/
FullBra_Pink: false, /*Help Ladies*/
FullBra_Red: false, /*Help Ladies*/
FullBra_Turq: false, /*Help Ladies*/
SexBralet_Lila: false, /*Help Ladies*/
Boxers_Black: true,
Boxers_Blue: true,
Boxers_Pink: false,
Boxers_Dark: false,
Boxers_Yellow: false,
Boxers_Skull: false,
Straps_Black: false,
Straps_Dark: false,
Straps_Mag: false,
FemStraps_Mag: false,
MBriefs_Blue: false,
SexStraps_Brown: false,
SexStraps_Dark: false,
SexStraps_Red: false,
CBriefs_Brown: false,
CBriefs_Orange: false,
CBriefs_Pink: false,
FBriefs_Cow: false,
FBriefs_Green: false,
FBriefs_Pink: false,
Panties_Black: false,
Panties_Blue: false,
Panties_Emerald: false,
Panties_Leopard: false,
Panties_Purple: false,
Panties_Red: false,
Panties_Golden: false,
SexPanties_Pink: false,
SexPanties_Red: false,
StPanties_Hayley: false, /*Stolen*/
StPanties_Kristine: false, /*Stolen*/
StPanties_Maria: false, /*Stolen*/
StPanties_Stella: false, /*Stolen*/
STThong_Maria: false, /*Stolen*/
STThong_Hayley: false, /*Stolen*/
STThong_Stella: false, /*Stolen*/
STThong_Kristine: false, /*Stolen*/
Boxers_PowerBlack: false, /*Help Parents*/
Boxers_PowerPink: false, /*Help Parents*/
Boxers_Purple: false, /*Help Parents*/
MBriefs_Red: false, /*Help Parents*/
MBriefs_Yellow: false, /*Help Parents*/
Straps_Pink: false, /*Help Parents*/
FemStraps_White: false, /*Help Parents*/
FemStraps_Pink: false, /*Help Parents*/
FBriefs_Blue: false, /*Help Parents*/
FBriefs_LPink: false, /*Help Parents*/
Panties_White: false, /*Help Parents*/
Panties_Teddy: false, /*Help Parents*/
Boxers_Pink: false, /*Help Ladies*/
Straps_Light: false, /*Help Ladies*/
CBriefs_Black: false, /*Help Ladies*/
CBriefs_White: false, /*Help Ladies*/
FBriefs_Black: false, /*Help Ladies*/
FBriefs_Red: false, /*Help Ladies*/
FBriefs_Mag: false, /*Help Ladies*/
Panties_Pink: false, /*Help Ladies*/
Panties_LPink: false, /*Help Ladies*/
SexPanties_Lila: false, /*Help Ladies*/
Shoes_Black: false,
Shoes_White: true,
Sneakers_White: true,
Ballet_pink: false,
Boots_Black: false,
Boots_Light: false,
Boots_Pink: false,
Boots_PinkLight: false,
Pumps_Black: false,
Pumps_Black2: false,
Pumps_White: false,
Shoes_HotPink: false,
Shoes_LightPink: false,
Flats_Pink: false,
Flats_Black: false,
Pumps_Black3: false, /*HQ3*/
Casual_Green: false, /*Help*/
Casual_Brown: false, /*Help*/
Casual_Brown2: false, /*Help*/
Casual_Chain: false, /*Help*/
Sneakers_Cute: false, /*Help*/
Socks_White: true,
Bow_Colorful: false,
CuteHat1: false, /*Market*/
CuteHat2: false, /*Market*/
CuteHat3: false, /*Market*/
KittySock1: false, /*Market*/
KittySock2: false, /*Market*/
KittySock3: false, /*Market*/
KittySock4: false, /*Market*/
Halloween1: false, /*Market*/
Halloween2: false, /*Market*/
Halloween3: false, /*Market*/
Halloween4: false, /*Market*/
Halloween5: false, /*Market*/
Halloween6: false, /*Market*/
/* OTHERS */
FemCare1: false, /*Help*/
FemCare2: false, /*Help*/
FemCare3: false, /*Help*/
FemCare4: false, /*Help*/
FemCare5: false, /*Help*/
Pic_Maria: false, /*Stolen*/
Pic_Hayley: false, /*Stolen*/
Pic_Stella: false, /*Stolen*/
Pic_StellaKeptone: false, /*Stolen*/
Pic_Kristine: false, /*Stolen*/
Strapon_Parents: false, /*Stolen*/
StraponKinky_Parents: false, /*Stolen*/
DvD_Stella: false, /*Stolen*/
Dildo_Stellas: false, /*Stolen*/
Vibrator_Stellas: false, /*Stolen*/
Pacifier_Kristine: false, /*Stolen*/
Buttplug_Kristine: false, /*Stolen*/
Teddy_Kristine: false, /*Stolen*/
ComicsKristine: false, /*Kristine Q1*/
Gift_Flowers: false, /*Bought*/
Gift_Candy: false, /*Bought*/
Gift_GymEquipment: false, /*Bought*/
Gift_Elektronics: false, /*Bought*/
Gift_Lingerie: false, /*Bought*/
Gift_Comics: false, /*Bought*/
PornMagazine: false, /*Bought*/
SleepingPills: false, /*Massage*/
MassageOil: false, /*Massage*/
ScentedCandle: false, /*Massage*/
SoothingGel: false, /*Massage*/
MuscleRelaxers: false, /*Massage*/
SensualOils: false, /*Massage*/
Diffuser: false, /*Massage*/
ReedDiffusers: false, /*Massage*/
HackingTool: false, /*Computer*/
KnockoutPills: false, /*Napping*/
SleepingPills: false, /*Napping*/
StripPoleBought: false, /*Dancing*/
Male: 0,
Unisex: 0,
Female: 0,
Girly: 0,
Sissy: 0,
Bimbo: 0,
Whore: 0,
Basic: 0,
Handsome: 0,
Cute: 0,
Sporty: 0,
Sexy: 0,
Slutty: 0,
CumSlut: 0,
<<set $wearing_first={
Panties: false,
SexStraps: false,
StPanties: false,
STThong: false,
StBra: false,
TrBra: false,
SexBra: false,
<<set $character={
name: "Maria",
clothing: "",
movement: false,
render: false,
count: 0,
DoubleCharacter: false,
talk: "",
Reward: "",
<<set $character2={
name: "Maria",
clothing: "",
movement: false,
render: false,
count: 0,
DoubleCharacter: false,
<<set $CharacterExtra={
CharacterName: "",
FolderName: "",
ImageName: "",
MoveIn: false,
Render: false,
<<set $characterStats={
Maria: "",
Hayley: "",
Teacher: "",
Kristine: "",
Riley: "",
Matt: "",
MariaClothing: "",
HayleyClothing: "",
TeacherClothing: "",
KristineClothing: "",
RileyClothing: "",
MattClothing: "",
<<set $characterLikeness={
ToAdd: 0,
Maria: 0,
Hayley: 0,
Teacher: 0,
Kristine: 0,
Katsuni: 0,
Lindsey: 0,
Riley: 0,
Mia: 0,
Dina: 0,
Matt: 0,
<<set $flags={
GameState: 0,
GamePhase: 0,
Cheats: false,
FemWardrobeState: false,
ObedianceTrainingState: false,
BonerTrainingState: true,
ContrabandSearching: false,
ContrabandFoundSomething: false,
SkipFirstKristine: false,
SkipFirstSchool: false,
HaveSomeNaughty: false,
Rent: false,
MorningPrivateReachTalk: false,
MorningCummingTalk: false,
ChangedClothesFirst: false,
FirstSnoopingParentsRoom: false,
/* ********* FRIDAYs PARTY ********* */
ChangedClothes: false,
WearingCasual: false,
Formalwear2: false,
Formalwear3: false,
/* ********* CHARACTER QUESTS ********* */
MariaQuest1: false,
MariaQuest2: false,
MariaQuest3: false,
MariaQuest4: false,
MariaQuest5: false,
MariaQuest1Started: false,
LocationLibrary: false,
BookAcquired: false,
KatsuniBought: false,
HayleyQuest1: false,
HayleyQuest2: false,
HayleyQuest3: false,
HayleyQuest4: false,
HayleyQuest5: false,
HayleyQuest1Started: false,
TapeAcquired: false,
LindseyBought: false,
TeacherQuest1: false,
TeacherQuest2: false,
TeacherQuest3: false,
TeacherQuest4: false,
TeacherQuest5: false,
TeachersQuest1Started: false,
PicsAcquired: false,
RileyBought: false,
Tutoring: false,
SecretaryWear1: false,
SecretaryWear2: false,
SecretaryWear3: false,
SecretaryWear4: false,
SecretaryWear5: false,
KristineQuest1: false,
KristineQuest2: false,
KristineQuest3: false,
KristineQuest4: false,
KristineQuest5: false,
KristineQuest1Started: false,
KristineQuest1Package: false,
MiaBought: false,
KristineGetToKnow: false,
KristineGetToKnowStarted: false,
InvitationExtended: false,
MattQuestForPanties: false,
MattQuestAskPics: false,
MattsQuestForPantiesDone: false,
MeetRiley: false,
MeetKatsuni: false,
MeetLindsey: false,
MeetMatt: false,
MeetStella: false,
MeetKristine: false,
MeetCory: false,
MeetPierce: false,
MeetNina: false,
MeetEvelyn: false,
/* Secret quests */
RileyPleasedGood: false,
LindseyPleasedGood: false,
KatsuniPleasedGood: false,
/* ********* ONCE AND DONE ********* */
Shampoo1: false,
Shampoo2: false,
Shampoo3: false,
TVHypno1: false,
TVHypno2: false,
TVHypno3: false,
CookingMaria1: false,
CookingMaria2: false,
CookingMaria3: false,
CookingMaria4: false,
CookingMaria5: false,
ActedOutScene1: false,
ActedOutScene2: false,
ActedOutScene3: false,
BreakfastTalk1: false,
BreakfastTalk2: false,
BreakfastTalk3: false,
CummiesWithHayley: false,
FirstUseComics: false,
FirstUsePornMag: false,
FirstUseVibrator: false,
FirstUseDildo: false,
FirstUseButtplug: false,
FirstUseStrapon: false,
FirstUseDoubleStrapon: false,
FirstUsePacifier: false,
FirstUseDVD: false,
pajamabedFirst1: false,
pajamabedFirst2: false,
pajamabedFirst3: false,
pajamabedFirst4: false,
pajamabedFirst5: false,
DildoDeepthroath: false,
StripPoleInstalled: false,
TVHacked: false,
/* Maria */
MariaChatFirst: false,
MariaShareFirst: false,
MariaFlirtFirst: false,
MariaGiftFirst: false,
MariaTeaseFirst: false,
MariaKissFirst: false,
MariaFoolingFirst: false,
MariaGropeFirst: false,
MariaRubjobFirst: false,
MariaMakeoutFirst: false,
MariaHandjobFirst: false,
MariaFingerFirst: false,
MariaBoobjobFirst: false,
MariaMakeoutAgreed: false,
Maria_Gift_Flowers: false,
Maria_Gift_Candy: false,
Maria_Gift_GymEquipment: false,
Maria_Gift_Elektronics: false,
Maria_Gift_Lingerie: false,
Maria_Gift_Comics: false,
Maria_PornMagazine: false,
MariaMad: 0,
/* Hayley */
HayleyChatFirst: false,
HayleyShareFirst: false,
HayleyFlirtFirst: false,
HayleyGiftFirst: false,
HayleyTeaseFirst: false,
HayleyKissFirst: false,
HayleyFoolingFirst: false,
HayleyGropeFirst: false,
HayleyRubjobFirst: false,
HayleyMakeoutFirst: false,
HayleyHandjobFirst: false,
HayleyFingerFirst: false,
HayleyBoobjobFirst: false,
HayleyMakeoutAgreed: false,
HayleyForWork: false,
Hayley_Gift_Flowers: false,
Hayley_Gift_Candy: false,
Hayley_Gift_GymEquipment: false,
Hayley_Gift_Elektronics: false,
Hayley_Gift_Lingerie: false,
Hayley_Gift_Comics: false,
Hayley_PornMagazine: false,
HayleyMad: 0,
/* Stella */
StellaChatFirst: false,
StellaShareFirst: false,
StellaFlirtFirst: false,
StellaGiftFirst: false,
StellaTeaseFirst: false,
StellaKissFirst: false,
StellaFoolingFirst: false,
StellaGropeFirst: false,
StellaRubjobFirst: false,
StellaMakeoutFirst: false,
StellaHandjobFirst: false,
StellaFingerFirst: false,
StellaBoobjobFirst: false,
StellaMakeoutAgreed: false,
Stella_Gift_Flowers: false,
Stella_Gift_Candy: false,
Stella_Gift_GymEquipment: false,
Stella_Gift_Elektronics: false,
Stella_Gift_Lingerie: false,
Stella_Gift_Comics: false,
Stella_PornMagazine: false,
StellaMad: 0,
/* Kristine */
KristineChatFirst: false,
KristineShareFirst: false,
KristineFlirtFirst: false,
KristineGiftFirst: false,
KristineTeaseFirst: false,
KristineKissFirst: false,
KristineFoolingFirst: false,
KristineGropeFirst: false,
KristineRubjobFirst: false,
KristineMakeoutFirst: false,
KristineHandjobFirst: false,
KristineFingerFirst: false,
KristineBoobjobFirst: false,
KristineMakeoutAgreed: false,
Kristine_Gift_Flowers: false,
Kristine_Gift_Candy: false,
Kristine_Gift_GymEquipment: false,
Kristine_Gift_Elektronics: false,
Kristine_Gift_Lingerie: false,
Kristine_Gift_Comics: false,
Kristine_PornMagazine: false,
KristineMad: 0,
/* Help teacher with bullies */
VisitBully1: false,
VisitBully2: false,
VisitBully3: false,
MetBully1: false,
MetBully2: false,
MetBully3: false,
FightBully1: false,
FightBully2: false,
FightBully3: false,
/* Night TV */
BreakfastTalkTVTalk1: false,
BreakfastTalkTVTalk2: false,
BreakfastTalkTVTalk3: false,
BreakfastTalkTVTalk4: false,
/* ********* DAILY's ********* */
DailyWorkout: false,
DailyActing: false,
DailyTV: false,
DailyClass: false,
DailyTestsubject: false,
DailyTutoring: false,
DailyLecture: false,
MariaDailyHelp: false,
MariaDailyMarket: false,
MariaDailyBaking: false,
MariaDailyMassage: false,
HayleyDailyHelp: false,
HayleyDailyWork: false,
HayleyDailyWorkout: false,
HayleyDailyActing: false,
StellaDailyLecture: false,
StellaDailyHelper: false,
StellaDailyTutoring: false,
StellaDailyWorkout: false,
KristineDailyMall: false,
KristineDailyParty: false,
KristineDailyNap: false,
MorningCummies: false,
WetDream: false,
NotPayingRentTalk: false,
showered: false,
HomeBathroom: false,
FriendsBathroom: false,
SnoopingParents: false,
SnoopingStellas: false,
SnoopingDinas: false,
SnoopingKristines: false,
RileyHelped: false,
LindseyHelped: false,
KatsuniHelped: false,
MiaHelped: false,
MariaMastubateSeen: false,
HayleyMastubateSeen: false,
StellaMastubateSeen: false,
KristineMastubateSeen: false,
DinaMastubateSeen: false,
/* ********* WEEKLIES ********* */
FridayParty: false,
MariaForcedFingering: false,
HayleyForcedFingering: false,
StellaForcedFingering: false,
KristineForcedFingering: false,
/* ********* UNLOCKS ********* */
GF: false,
SercretShop: false,
Milkshakebar: false,
pills: false,
MuffingBrew: false,
RedlightDistrict: false,
Church: false,
MustGoChurch: false,
Gym: false,
MustGoGym: false,
PRsecret: false,
Stelsecret: false,
Kristsecret: false,
Dinasecret: false,
TVHacked: false,
GymClothes: false,
DancingUnlocked: false,
BellyDanceUnlocked: false,
ShuffleDanceUnlocked: false,
TwerkingDanceUnlocked: false,
LapDanceUnlocked: false,
BalletDanceUnlocked: false,
PoleDanceUnlocked: false,
/* ********* SCHOOL ********* */
FirstClass: false,
TeachersTestsubject: true,
StellasRoom: false,
StellasDVD: false,
StripTeasePunishments: 0,
TeacherBullycontrol: false,
TutoringFirst: false,
BadBoyTalk1: false,
BadBoyTalk2: false,
HypnoClass: false,
FirstHypnoTherapy: false,
/* ********* ON LOCATION SPECIFIC ********* */
OnAComputer: false,
/* ********* CHEATS ********* */
MaxedFriendshipLadies: false,
MaxedFriendshipFriends: false,
MaxedMoney: false,
MaxedFeminity: false,
EnableAdditionalStats: false,
Before you can get your ass off the bed a two stunning siluets block the morning sun coming to your room. "Listen here mister know it all! You have gone too far with this lazyness of yours. We just got a call from your teacher about your behaviour at school." "Apparently you've been sleeping during class and can't even produce any results from even the simplest questions." "Do you have anything to say for yourself? No? Didn't think so. Pff." At this point Hayley marches out of your bedroom shaking her head. "Ahh-. Well, as a rule from your school if you skip even one day from school during week without good excuse, you are to attend saturday school to make up for it. I'll make sure you actually end up there and not skip on it this time so, after you've made your morning routines I'll drive you to the school."...
<<if $flags.RoutineShower == true>>
<<set $flags.showered = true>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Shower/ShowerPlayer8.webp"></div>
Shower first, but today shower feel a little more dull than normal, something to do with detention you have to get to...
<<if $flags.RoutineBreakfast == true>>
<<set $ = true>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="images/Extra/Meal.jpeg"></div>
Food somehow feels a little less refreshing today, something to do with the dull detention you are about to go to...
<<set $ += 20>>
... And in the end, Maria drives you to school to have your saturday school. At school yard you see a sortment of other rugrats and miss behaving students ready to attend saturday school or as everyone calls it, The Detention.
<<link "Start The Detention">><<goto "WEEKEND CLASS">><</link>>
<<goto "MORNING">>
<<set $flags.weekendSchool = false>><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "Milkshakebar">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "TOWN">>
<<include "LOCATIONS:">>
Milkshake bar is a cool place for youngsters to hangout at.
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">><center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "MuffingBrew">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "MUFFING BREW">>
<<set $Shop.Location = passage()>>
<<set $Shop.Coffee = "Front">>
<<if $time.junk < 6>>
<div class="Banner">
<<include "SHOPS">>
This is 'MuffingBrew' a local Coffee place that everyone is talking about.
<<if $player.toughtsText != "">>
@@.PlayerToughts;"<<print $player.toughtsText>>"@@
<<elseif $Shop.CashierText != "">>
@@.Babe;"<<print $Shop.CashierText>>"@@
<<include "MuffingBrews Shoplist">>
It's late and the shop is closing. You better head on home.
[<<link "Leave">>
<<goto "TOWN SQUARE">><</link>>]
<<include "ACTIVITIES:">>
<<set $ = "Extras">>
<<set $ = "Barista">>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Classroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
The detention is a boring place where only thing to do is some handout school work that the detention teacher is dealing. You might think of dozing off like in normal class, but soon as your head starts to fall down the strict detention teacher is there to scold you off. She even makes you do your handout work standing up or answer some lessons assignments at the front of the class if you slack off too much, so it's worth more to just keep your head up and focus on the lesson...
... The hours roll by and after aganicingly long time has passed the school bells finaly ring and the detention is over. You can head on out now.
<<link "Class done">><<goto "CAMPUS">><</link>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Classroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Riley;"Hey there, how is going?"@@ Hanging out with Riley is one of the best things in the entrire week, all tho it's in detention.
<<set $dice = random(2)>>
<<if $dice == 0>>
"Omg, my sis is such a slut, take a look a this pic she just send me?" She shows you a video of a woman wearing no underwear in work. "She works at this local barista and she was bragging how much money she was making. Of coarse I don't believe she could be making bank by serving some coffee, but apparently her new outfit has caught few peoples eyes and they are giving her big tips for it. Makes you think right. Only few sneak peaks to some guys and you are rolling with cash. Hmm, maybe I should try that around here. Do you think it would improve my grades? I'm only kidding-. Well, maybe..."
<<elseif $dice == 1>>
"Have you seen this new club that opened around the town. I saw few vids from that place and oh boy are they going hard on there. Take a look." She shows you a video from local club or maybe more of a strip club than normal one. "Argh, too bad I'm always stuck in here rather than enjoying my youth in there. All my friends always tell me how much puss they get from just entering that place. Hey, maybe we could go that place together at somepoint. What do you think? I could show you some of my dance moves..."
<<elseif $dice == 2>>
"Have you ever been to the main building of the school? It's pretty ridiculus how much of a difference there is between upper and lower classes. They have whole ass virtual reality rooms there for top students. Pff if only I was smart or rich enough I would be in VR for the rest of my life. I mean look what you can do in VR." She show you a video of someone fucking a VR avatar. "Could you imagine that being your life. Just fucking hot babes all the time and not needing to care about your mortal body the lest. Man, what a shame. Money does indeed buy your happyness. If happyness is fucking a hot virtual girl." She talks way too loud about this and now rest of the class is eye on you two...
... Eventually the bell rings indicating detention to be over. @@.Riley;"Thanks for keeping me company and listening my stories, I know I can sometimes be too much. So-. Mmm, thanks..."@@
<<if visited() == 1>>
She suddenly wraps her hands around you squusing herself agains your body. You feel her perky boobs press against your chest which has immediate reaction of blood flowing to the wrong place. "Oh, mmm. Well bye." Face red she quickly takes her leave.
<<elseif visited() == 2>>
Riley lips peck against your cheek faster than you can react, leaving behind a moist lip shaped spot. "Thihi, thanks and see you next time." She leaves.
<<elseif visited() == 3>>
Rileys red lips touch your nose all of a sudden, leaving behind a moist lip shaped spot. "Thihi, thanks and see you next time." She leaves.
Suddenly Rileys lips are against yours, but just as quick as they appeared they take their leave leaving behind a sweet after taste. "Thihi, thanks and see you next time." She leaves.
<<if $flags.Milkshakebar == false>>
<<link "Go after her">><<goto "RILEY FIND JOB">><</link>><br>
<<link "Leave as well">><<goto "CAMPUS">><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Riley">>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Milkshakebar">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
You ask her to wait on up as you sprint after her she seems baffled. "Wh-. What? Did you want to hang out? Sorry I just don't have time. I need to find a job to pay the bills." Somehow more determent to make friends at school you offer your help to her. "Really? You want to go look job with me? Umm, Okay! Thihihi, thanks. Didn't really expect anyone to care about me that much." The two of you walk in the town center, but before you can look for any good places to work for her she sees something and start dragging somewhere. She drags you infront of some sort of 90's dinner looking place called ''//MilkyMoo//''. "Omg, are you seeing this! I love ''Milkshakes''! I didn't know MilkyMoo had a restaurant in this town. Omg we have to in. This was one of my favorite places to hang out back in the city." She barely even looks at your confirmation before rushing in.
The MilkyMoo is a milkshake dinner looking place where you can order every kind of milkshake possible or atleast the giant menu would suggest that. Riley seem really exited of this place, making you feel giddy as well.
@@.Riley;"What should we order? Oh, you have never been to MilkyMoo before have you? Omg, you are going to love this! Ah, yes! Let's get a ''RainbowSmash''. Thihihi"@@ She orders you two a milkshake and takes you to sit on a booth by the window and soon the waitress arrives with the giant rainbow colored milkshake with two straws in it and places it between you two. <br>
You look this monster up and down trying to size it like it's an opponent of sort. Riley giggles.
@@.Riley;"The look on your face. It's priceless. I did the same thing when I first saw it. Well go on then, have a taste."@@ It truly is impressive milkshake and the twirly red and white straws are sticking out of it. You take a sip and your mouth explodes in flavor. @@.Riley;"Well what do you think? It's the best right?"@@ You only nod as you go for more.
In only few minutes the whole milkshake is shared between you two.
@@.Riley;"Wow, all of it gone just like that."@@ Not sure what got into you, but you just had to drink it all. It was almost like you were in trance of some sort. "Dammit, I have done it again. I was suppose to get a job, but here I am distracted with something totally different." Feeling bad for her you look around and see 'We are hiring' sign next to the counter where you ordered and point it to Riley. "Hmm, you really think I could work here? Well, maybe, but-. I-. I don't know. It's kindof embarrasing to first order then ask for a job and all..." Couraging her to take every shot available she perks up and head to ask for a job.
Riley talks with the presumably the owner whos behind the counter, for quite a while before Riley strudes back to you. "I-.. I got the job! I have to start immediately tho so... Thank's for helping me. See you back at the school!" Akwardly she takes her stuff and rushes to the backroom. Feeling yourself akward now you decide to take your leave as well.
<<link "Leave the dinner">><<goto "TOWN CENTER">><</link>>
<<set $flags.Milkshakebar = true>>
<<set $flags.RileyQuest1 = true>>
<<set $characterLikeness.Riley = 50>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Riley">>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Milkshakebar">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
You offer to help Riley with her new job. "Wow, really? You would do that for me? Thank's <<print $>>! Come let me show you how it's done." She hands you The MilkyMoo's iconic pink appren and show you how to take orders and to deliver them. She then goes to the backrooms, where you are not allowed to go, to do some extra work. She would not tell you what sort of work that is, but it must be important to her based on the expression she gives.
<<set $dice = random(2)>>
<<if $dice == 0>>
Thankfully it's a slow day, well, for a MilkyMoo restaurant standards it is. So few orders in a older couple enters the dinner looking around and you give them your best sellers smile asking what they would like to order. "O-hoh hoh, what a pretty little thing you are and that appron is so cute on you. My oh my. It's good to be young." The grandma seems to be the more agressive one from the two of them. You recommend them the daily special and they hook up to your recomendation before sitting in the corner booth. As soon as the milkshakes are ready you deliver them to the older couple. "Uu, would you look at that. They make the drinks just as cute as the waitress here. O-hoh hoh. Here's a little tip for you pretty one." Says the grandma handing you a old coin or two.
<<elseif $dice == 1>>
Today there are few more customers than normal, but nothing you can't handle that is untill a group of girls from your school comes in and makes some special order. "BAnanas, Caramell drizzled on the sides, extra whip at top also extra ice, atleast 7 pumps of strawberry jam, caramel crunch added in layers only one pump of Honey blend, Heavy cream and double blended please." Was just one of the 4 orders. You try your best to make all of the girls drinks, but as they point out you fall short on some of them. The girls get overly angry at you for this. "Why would they hire someone like you in this place who can't even remember some simple orders. Pff I'm not paying for these." Soon as they say that the owner walk up to the girls takes away their drinks and bans them from ever entering the restaurant ever again. "You did great. Those over privilged brats need to learn some respect for others..." Says the owner to you before marching back to her post.
<<elseif $dice == 2>>
Rather normal day at MilkyMoo restaurant seems quite fine with you, but then a group of athletes walks on in. Their sweaty muscles and tall bodies are a high contrast to your smaller delegate body frame. "This place looks nice. Do you have anything healty? Don't want all my hard work go to waste." The groups leader flexes proudly while talking. The MilkyMoo has a few outmeal based drinks with lots of greens and protein, so you regommend that to them. "Ahh, like a protein shake. Sure we'll take that. One for each please. Cutie." She nods toward you before heading to take a seat. Embarrased by her previous comment you deliver the drinks to them quickly, but then remember they haven payed yet. "Uuu these are nice. I can feel my muscles pumping up already. Here this is for you. Sweetie." She tugs the money in to your backpocket giving your ass a quick squeese before going back talking to her friends. Embarrased you walk back to your post.
<<if visited() == 1>>
<div class="imagePhone" style="width:250px; height:500px; float:right;"><img src="images/Extra/Phone/Riley1.png"></div>
<<elseif visited() == 2>>
<div class="imagePhone" style="width:250px; height:500px; float:right;"><img src="images/Extra/Phone/Riley2.png"></div>
<<elseif visited() == 3>>
<div class="imagePhone" style="width:250px; height:500px; float:right;"><img src="images/Extra/Phone/Riley3.png"></div>
<<elseif visited() == 4>>
<div class="imagePhone" style="width:250px; height:500px; float:right;"><img src="images/Extra/Phone/Riley4.png"></div>
<<elseif visited() == 5>>
<div class="imagePhone" style="width:250px; height:500px; float:right;"><img src="images/Extra/Phone/Riley5.png"></div>
<<elseif visited() == 6>>
<div class="imagePhone" style="width:250px; height:500px; float:right;"><img src="images/Extra/Phone/Riley6.png"></div>
As you continue your shift on only few more orders come in with regular customers and regular orders and soon you hear familiar steps from behind you and a tap on very feminen fingers on your shoulder. "So, how was the shift? Puuh, I'm exhausted. Thanks again <<print $>>! You were a great help. I actually have a little gift for job well done." She takes out her phone.
"Mmm, Do you like it? Thihihi look at you blushing like that. Thihi- hahahaa, you should see your face! Oh, and don't forget to check the email. I'll send you the //Full picture// there later." She lands you a quick kiss...
<<link "Finish up">>
<<set $ = "">>
<<goto "TALK TO RILEY">><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Riley">>
<<set $ = "Work">>
<<if $characterLikeness.Riley < 150>>
<<set $characterLikeness.Riley += 50>>
<</if>><<if visited() == 1>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
"Oh, a date huh? I'm sorry it's just-. I've had some bad experiences with boyfriends lately and it's not that I don't trust you, it's just that I need to find someone whos loyal to the core. You know, someone who would do anything for me." You agree that she deserves atleast that much from a boyfriend. "Eh? Really? Normally guys just-. Well you know... Act all brute like and tell you how women should stop complaing about everything and... You are a really good guy <<print $>>. Thanks, buuut I still need you to prove it with actions. Hmm, oh how about this." She looks around to see if anyone is watching and then pulls down her panties from underneath her skirt. "Here, amm, to prove your loyalty could you wear these for-. Our date. I know it's much... Perhaps too much."
[[Agree to wear them|GO DATE HELP OUT Girl In Detention UPCOMING][$choice to 1]]<br>
<<link "Maybe some other time">>
<<set $ = "">>
<<goto "TALK TO RILEY">><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Riley">>
<<set $ = "Work">>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $choice == 0>>
"So want to go on a date with me. Remember our deal? I need loyal boyfriend whos willing to do anything for me and that includes. Wearing these." She digs her panties from her pocket making you wonder if shes was wearing anything this whole time.
[[Agree to wear them|GO DATE HELP OUT Girl In Detention UPCOMING][$choice to 1]]<br>
<<link "Maybe some other time">>
<<set $ = "">>
<<goto "TALK TO RILEY">><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Riley">>
<<set $ = "Work">>
<<elseif $choice == 1>>
Her eyes light up. "Yeah?! Thank you <<print $>>! Thank you so much. I know I'm asking alot, but it's just hard for me to trust others and you have just put yourself one notch above the rest. //Smooothc//! Now go to the bathroom for change." She hands you her panties and you can still smell her scent from them. In the bathroom you change your underwear to hers before walking back out again. She walks close and pulls down your jeans just enough to see that you really are wearing them. "Thihihi, this will be exiting right? Cmon let's go to our first date."
She takes you to the movies and then eat some burgers after. The whole time you wonder if anyone notices your underwear, but Riley is confident that there is nothing showing, all tho she still likes teasing you about it.
She asks her panties back before heading out.
<<link "Finish Date">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $flags.RileyQuest1 = true>>
<</if>>Waking up from a haze that you've just been through you see the woman staring down on youFully belittelled
Mommies little boy
Futa Mommies
Nurse Joy's experiments
Start you don't like your colorfull room or your colorfull clothes.
Mommy tells you how they were just some cheap clothes she got you can you get used to them,
At shower you demissen about how mommy has forgotten to buy you your own shampoo for months now and you have had to use one of mommys many shampoos you take at random from the rack.
At breakfast you are reminded how your house hold is purely vegan now and you get only soymilk that taste funny as well as some vegan food.
Mommy talks about your little problem that happened at school to Hayley where you got hardon during class and how you refused to go upfront at the class to make your presentation because of it. They discuss openly infront of you how they should deal with the situation.
Other situation brings to mommys mind when she found out you stroking you penis in the bathroom. At the time in panic you told her you were trying to make it big like you saw some men have one in the pictures. Hayley informs how all that filth should be blocked in this house hold, but you told how it was at school. This was all a like and you were actually mastubating looking at mommys figure at shower, but this was the best you could hide it.
Mommy tells you to be brave little boy and go talk nurse Joy after school about these things or she could companny you if you don't feel brave enough.
If you didn't go to talk nurse Joy after school Mommy takes you there and openly discuss things with Joy infront of you. Joy thinks that Chastity cage could be the best solution.
If you refuce Mommy get's real confused of your choice, but Joy then speak how little boys at that age have been too used to playing with their JoySticks and you might be nervous about not having that access anymore.
If you agree then she gives you another accessory with the Cage talking you this is solution to your problems and it's a chastity cage attachment dildo that you can play with instead and now you have nomore exuces to refuse that cage...
/* Made a mess into boxers during night */
You wakeup from a messy dream and look down as you are cumming to your boxers. Scared of what to do you toss them into laundry, but mommy sees you toss them in and asks what happened.
Nothing you say, but as mommy takes them from laundry she notices you mess and instead tosses them back to you saying that that sort of stuff would just mess the rest of the laundry and should always hand wash them instead. She notices how kulunut they are and instead tosses them away saying you need new underwear. You say how those were your only pair and mommy is shocked. She gives you emergensy pair of white cotton panties to wear untill you can get new ones...
/* Made a mess into Panties during night */
You wakeup from a messy dream and look down as you are cumming to your Panties. Scared of what to do you toss them into laundry, but mommy sees you toss them in and asks what happened. Nothing you say, but as mommy takes them from laundry she notices you mess and instead tosses them back to you saying that that sort of stuff would just mess the rest of the laundry and should always hand wash them instead. She takes you to the sink and asks you to pre-wash them before adding them to landry.The school is having a Play and you have to take part of it. They give you very generic character to play who only has few lines.
When you talk to Hayley about this she get's super exited since she's been doing some light acting herself.
She wants to teach you everything there is to know about acting.
One of the things is Makeup
She shows you how to look even better with makeup and how it's not just girls anymore who wear makeup.
/***** LEADS TO *****/
You can now work and practice acting.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "GeneralStore">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ = passage()>>
<<set $location.area = "GENERAL STORE">>
<<set $Shop.Location = passage()>>
<<if $time.junk < 6>>
<div class="Banner">
<<include "SHOPS">>
<<if $Shop.General == "Front">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Lindsey">>
<<if visited() == 1>>
You enter a store near the town center named ''Meager JunkTown''. The name alone is interesting, but when you get inside, your jaw really drops. At first, you have no idea what you are looking at, as there is everything from furniture to clothing to kitchen utensils to baby food and everything in between, and it's all just mixed in with each other like there is no organization whatsoever. As you are walking around in awe between the lines of displays and stalls, you start to realize that the items on sale are displayed in some sort of theme. Baby food is next to baby toys and diapers, while on the other side is what a mother would want, from kitchen utensils to nice summer clothing and even wine, for obvious reasons. Everything also looks and feels super cheap, like something you would maybe get to use a few times before it broke. All of a sudden, the store name starts to make more sense.
The store ''Meager JunkTown'' still looks as messy to you as it did the first time you entered, and if you were in charge, you would never organize it like this, but you have to admit that there is something about it that makes it feel super cheap, and maybe that is the aim for this sort of arrangement?
<<if $flags.HayleyQuest1Started == true>>
<<if $flags.TapeAcquired == false>>
<<if $flags.MeetLindsey == true>>
<<link "Talk to Lindsey about Hayley's Tape.">>
<<set $choice = 1>>
<<link "Talk to the cashier about Hayley's Tape.">>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<if $flags.HayleyQuest1 == true>>
<<if $flags.LindseyHelped == false>>
<<link "Talk to Lindsey">>
<<set $choice = 0>>
<<goto "TALK TO LINDSEY">>
<<include "JOBS / SCHOOL">>
<<elseif $Shop.General == "Underwear">>
This is the ''//Underwear//'' section of the shop. Everything is still mix matched up, but there is some method to it's madness.
<<if $player.toughtsText != "">>
@@.PlayerToughts;"<<print $player.toughtsText>>"@@
<<include "UNDERWEAR To Buy LIST">>
<<elseif $Shop.General == "Shoes">>
This is the ''//Shoes//'' section of the shop. Everything is still mix matched up, but there is some method to it's madness.
<<if $player.toughtsText != "">>
@@.PlayerToughts;"<<print $player.toughtsText>>"@@
<<include "SHOES To Buy LIST">>
<<elseif $Shop.General == "Clothing">>
This is the ''//Clothing//'' section of the shop. Everything is still mix matched up, but there is some method to it's madness.
<<if $player.toughtsText != "">>
@@.PlayerToughts;"<<print $player.toughtsText>>"@@
<<include "CLOTHES To Buy LIST">>
<<elseif $Shop.General == "Consumables">>
This is the General section of the shop. Everything is still mix matched, but there is some method to it's madness.
<<if $player.toughtsText != "">>
@@.PlayerToughts;"<<print $player.toughtsText>>"@@
<<include "Consumables To Buy LIST">>
<<elseif $Shop.General == "CASHIER">>
<<if $flags.MeetLindsey == true>>
@@.Lindsey;Lindsey@@ looks up from her phone at the item you are buying.
@@.Lindsey;Cashier@@ looks up from her phone at the item you are buying.
@@.Lindsey;"<<print $Shop.CashierText>>"@@
She charges the amount and then just bags the item before going back to her phone.
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Lindsey">>
It's late and the shop is closing. You better head on home.
[<<link "Leave">>
<<goto "TOWN SQUARE">><</link>>]
<</if>>Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Nurse Joy hears you having money troubles and offers you a quineypig position.
After each hypno session she hands you a lolli that has creamy inside.
The lolli grows overtime and the cream becomes more potent over time untill you love the taste too much to quit.
She then tells how she has run out of incredient but local milkshake bar has more.<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "Kitchen">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $ += 20>>
@@.Hayley;Hayley@@ and @@.Maria;Maria@@
Sitting by the dinner table are both of your parents, listening to the morning radio and sipping on their coffees. The table is set with all sorts of healthy breakfast options. From berry-rich porridge to TLC sandwiches including high-vitamin orange juice.
As you sit down on the open spot at the end of the table, @@.Hayley;Hayley@@, your second mother, the mean one, glances at you. <br>
@@.Hayley;"So we were thinking that now that we live in this new house and town, it's time for you to give your contribution to this family, and since we don't want to be the ones telling you how to do it, we are setting you a rent that needs to be paid weekly."@@ Shocker like this first thing in the morning is a tough pill to swallow or even process thoroughly before you start complaining.<br>
@@.Hayley;"Listen ''mister''. You ain't that young anymore, and you need to learn that life has its only difficulties to overcome. Be glad that we don't lay out the whole rent amount at once, but rather wriggle you into this new phase of your life."@@
Still wanting to protest their decision, but @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ has had enough of you. @@.Maria;Maria@@, who's been sitting pretty at the other end of the table until now, stood up and attacked a list on the fridge door. <br>
@@.Maria;"Here are some chores for you to do after school. We are willing to take off //''10$''// from your weekly rent for every chore you do around the house. We also will be calling //''Stella''//, your new teacher, every week. If you have improved your scores in school, we are also taking an additional //''10$''// for each point you get."@@ @@.Maria;Maria@@ silently looks into your eyes with full hope that you will do the right thing, but scared as you are of this new change, you look around the room for more help.
As your eyes meet @@.Hayley;Hayley's@@, and she adds. <br>
@@.Hayley;"Or you could get a real job around the town. I'm sure they can't keep their hands off of you once you start searching for one. The next rent needs to be paid on next //''Monday morning''//, so you have a full week to gather it. Oh, and the amount is //''50$''// for now."@@ @@.Maria;Maria@@ gives you a big hug to provide some comfort.
@@.Maria;Maria@@, start cleaning off the breakfast while you are still munching down your now //stale sandwich//...
<<link "Head to your room">>
<<goto "MY BEDROOM">>
<<set $flags.Rent = true>>
<<set $player.rentToPay += 50>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Maria">>
<<set $character2.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Hayley">>
<<MakeCharacter2>><<if $player.lust >= 190>>
<center><div class="BigGif">[img[gifs/Dreams/WetDream.webp]]</div></center>
<<set $player.lust = 80>>
As soon as you open your eyes, you notice a small jerking motion happening below, and as you take a look, your rock-hard member is gushing out its content straight on to your stomach. Seeing yourself cumming while not getting full satisfaction from orgasm is a rather strange feeling, and all you can really think of is all that mess you need to clean up now. The throbbing member soon finishes its leaky task and yet again rests softly and flobby between your legs.
Before you manage to clean up the spunk
@@.Hayley;Hayley@@ decides to walk on in. She immediately notices the mess you've made.
@@.Hayley;"Umm, what are you doing? First in the morning, Really? Eww-. Why don't you try controlling yourself a bit? Ugh, that funk is so pungent, it's almost making me feel sick. Ugh..."@@ You apologies to @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ and take a towel from the nightstand to clean up what you can while she watches you shaking her head.
@@.Hayley;"You have been acting oddly these days. Are you sure you are okay? I might need to get you to see someone if this sort of behavior continues. Puuh-. Well, at the very least, you know to clean up your own mess."@@
<<elseif $player.lust <= 20>>
It's monday and the first thing in the morning what happens is @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ walking into your room with smug smile on her face.
<<elseif $player.lust < 80>>
Naughty dreams keep plaguing your nighttime since you wake up with your ''member'' rock hard, too bad you can't remember any of them. Your eyes flutter open as @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ walks on in. In one quick motion, you manage to hide your throbbing member from her before she notices, or at least you think you do...
<<elseif $player.lust < 190>>
Today you wake up with such throbbing erect phallus tenting up your blanket that you cannot think of anything but sex. You are so hard and horny, it's as if every inch of your body is throbbing with ''sexual energy''.
Your mind is racing with ideas for how to relieve this pressure, but then @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ walks on in and also notices your 'tent'. She straight at you and shakes her head.
@@.Hayley;"You have been acting oddly these days. Are you sure you are okay? I might need to get you to see someone if this sort of behavior continues. Puuh-. Don't show this side of you in front of ''Maria'', at the very least."@@
<<set $Renting = $player.rentToPay>>
<<set $Renting -= $work.WeeklyChores * 10>>
<<set $Renting -= $player.WeeklySchoolCredits * 10>>
<<if $Renting <= 0>>
<<if $player.rentToPay < 250>>
<<set $player.rentToPay += 20>>
@@.Hayley;Hayley@@ stares at you intensly for a few breaths before continuing.
@@.Hayley;"Seems like you have done well this past week. No rent required today, but can you keep it up this week as well? Oh and the rent is now. ''<<print $player.rentToPay>>$''. Hope you'll make it."@@
@@.Hayley;Hayley@@ stares at you intensely for a few breaths as you wonder why she's in here, only to remember that it's rent pay day.
<<if $ >= $Renting>>
<<set $ -= $Renting>>
<<if $player.rentToPay < 250>>
<<set $player.rentToPay += 20>>
<<set $player.RentNotPayd = 0>>
<<set $flags.NotPayingRentTalk = false>>
You hand her the weekly rent without a word. She carefully counts it up.
@@.Hayley;"Good, now next weeks rent will be ''<<print $player.rentToPay>>$''"@@
<<set $flags.NotPayingRentTalk = true>>
You shake your head to her and see her eyes squint.
@@.Hayley;"Really? Ugh! Well, better prepare yourself then."@@
<<set $player.WeeklySchoolCredits = 0>>
<<set $work.WeeklyChores = 0>>
<<if $flags.NotPayingRentTalk == true>>
@@.Hayley;"Come now. We are going to have that talk about what to do with freeloaders like you who can't even pay rent, at the breakfast table. Oh, but do take a shower first."@@
<<else>>/* ALL GOOD */
@@.Hayley;Hayley@@ smirks at you before walking out of the room.
<<set $character.movement = true>>
<<set $ = "Hayley">>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<<set $bg = "Kitchen">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
You need to clear all the Chores from the list if you don't want to be paying rent every week.
<<set $Renting = 0>>
<<set $Renting = $player.rentToPay>>
<<set $Renting -= $work.WeeklyChores * 10>>
<<if $Renting <= 0>>
Current Rent amount to pay: All done!
Current Rent amount to pay: <<print $Renting>>
<<if $time.junk <= 6>>
<<if $work.dishes <= 0>>
<<link "Do dishes">>
<<set $energyToConsume = 20>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "DISHES">>
<<goto "Transfer activities">>
<</link>> @@.Cost;-20@@
Wait <<print $work.dishes>> more day(s) to do Dishes.
<<if $work.vacuuming <= 0>>
<<link "Dusting the house">>
<<set $energyToConsume = 20>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "VACUUMING">>
<<goto "Transfer activities">>
<</link>> @@.Cost;-20@@
Wait <<print $work.vacuuming>> more day(s) to do Dusting.
<<if $work.laundry <= 0>>
<<link "Do Laundry">>
<<set $energyToConsume = 20>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "LANDRY">>
<<goto "Transfer activities">>
<</link>> @@.Cost;-20@@
Wait <<print $work.laundry>> more day(s) to do Laundry.
<<if $work.mowing <= 0>>
<<link "Mow the lawn">>
<<set $energyToConsume = 30>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "MOWING">>
<<goto "Transfer activities">>
<</link>> @@.Cost;-30@@
Wait <<print $work.mowing>> more day(s) to Mowing the lawn.
Too late for chores.
<<link "Back to Kitchen">>
<<goto "MY KITCHEN">>
<center><div class="BigGif"><img src="gifs/Chores/Vacuuming.webp"></div></center>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<set $work.vacuuming = 7>>
<<set $work.WeeklyChores += 1>>
You take out the vacuum cleaner and start cleaning the livingroom floor. You first do a quick sweep of the place and are about to call it quits, but @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ walk on in. <br>
@@.Hayley;"//No no no,// if you are going to clean then clean proper."@@ Frusterated you decide to do it properly.
Slowly and rythmitcly you move every furniture out of theyr place first then vacuum clean that spot before placing that furniture back to where it belong. <br>
@@.Hayley;"Great, now the other rooms as well." Hayley@@ smirks and starts humming to herself almost like shes happy seeing you suffer.
You go room by room doing the same thing. Furniture, vacuume, place back, then rest of the floor. This whole prosses takes a good while and you feel more exhausted after than you first anticipated.
@@.Maria;Maria@@ walks in the livingroom as you are finishing up. <br>
@@.Maria;"Oh my, our little one has been busy? It's lovely to see you work for once, I can't believe how grown up you have become in such sort amount of time."@@
<<set $work.WeeklyChores += 1>>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<link "Back to Kitchen">>
<<goto $>>
<<link "Check more chores.">>
<<goto "CHORES">>
<center><div class="BigGif"><img src="gifs/Chores/LandryAlot.webp"></div></center>
Laundry seems like the easyes choice of all the chores. Easy peacy, you think to yourself. There lives only three in this house and you barely have any clothing at all. When you get to the laundry room you see just how wrong you were. Not only does @@.Maria;Maria@@ and @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ have impressive amount of clothing, but there are bed sheets, planket covers, some rugs and curtains that all need to go through the loundry machine.
<<set $dice = random(3)>>
<<if $dice == 0>>
@@.Maria;"I heard you coming down here, just A quick advice. Most of our lingerie stuff needs to be put on those small landry cover bags before those can go through the laundry machine. Oh, and don't forget to seperate whites, blacks and colors to different piles. I'll be cheching if there is any colour spreading on them later and those rugs are too heavy for the machine so those have to be done by hand. Thanks!" Maria@@ leaves you to it.
This all seems a bit too much for one person to handle so you make executive decision. You only need to do two piles of laundry and the rest is someone elses problem.
Only little later you are already done and ready to leave, but then Hayley walk on in to check on you. <br>
@@.Hayley;"Where do you think you are going? If you expect to get paid you need to do all of it. Pff and even I know that colors, whites and blacks need to be seperated. Get back in there and don't come out untill it's all properly done. Other wise I aint paying shit." Hayley@@ being her usual self clicks her tongue at you before leaving.
Long time go by, but in the end you manage to do it all.
@@.Maria;Maria@@ walks in the laundry room as you are finishing up. <br>
@@.Maria;"Oh my, our little one has been busy? It's lovely to see you work for once, I can't believe how grown up you have become in such sort amount of time."@@
<<set $work.laundry = 7>>
<<set $work.WeeklyChores += 1>>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<link "Back to Kitchen">>
<<goto $>>
<<link "Check more chores.">>
<<goto "CHORES">>
<center><div class="BigGif"><img src="gifs/Chores/MowingLawn.webp"></div></center>
The lawn seems like it could use some work and you go to carage to fire up the lawnmower. The job is quite simple as long as you have a plan on how to manuver between the various obstacles on the way. All and all mowing the lawn seems like quite nice gig and you start to wonder if you could do this other place than just your home.
@@.Maria;Maria@@ walks out to the lawn as you are finishing up. <br>
@@.Maria;"Oh my, our little one has been busy? It's lovely to see you work for once, I can't believe how grown up you have become in such sort amount of time."@@
<<set $work.mowing = 7>>
<<set $work.WeeklyChores += 1>>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<link "Back to Kitchen">>
<<goto $>>
<<link "Check more chores.">>
<<goto "CHORES">>
<</link>>Game state can increase if Players SUBMISSIVEness or DOMINANCEness goes beond certain thresh hold and then get suggested by someone who notices it that you could increase it.
At this point you can still decline it, but if these increase further more you can't decline it and the next Game state happens automatickly.
Game state also can increase if player does some hidden events.
Some GameStates have secret conditions to transform the game into a different kindof setting.
::::::::::::::::::::SUBMISSIVE GAMES STATES:::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Pants only
Small Bras
No heels
No Jewlery
No Piercings
No Tatoos
No Hairmods
Town: Fairly modest
Pants and Skirts
Medium Bras
Small heels
Some Jewlery
No Piercings
Some Tatoos
Medium Hairmods
Town: People getting lusty
Skirts and Dresses
Large Bras
All Jewlery
Some piercings
Long HairMods
Town: People getting Horny
General Store:
1. Normal
2. Blowjob worker
3. Slut
<<if $ == "GENERAL STORE">>
<<if $work.GeneralStoreWorker == 1>>
<<if $time.junk < 6>>
<<if $work.GeneralStoreWork == false>>
<<link "Start your shift">>
<<set $energyToConsume = 40>>
<<set $passageToTransfer = "General Store Worker">>
<<goto "Transfer activities">>
<</link>> @@.Cost;-40@@
Your shift is done for today.
[@@.Cancel;Start your shift@@]
<<set $location.Hint = "Late">><<include "HINT LINKS">>
<<if $time.junk < 6>>
<<if $flags.MeetLindsey == true>>
<<link "Talk to the Lindsey about getting a job">>
<<goto "General Ask Job">>
<<link "Talk to the cashier about getting a job">>
<<goto "General Ask Job">>
[@@.Cancel;Talk to the cashier about getting a job@@]
<<set $location.Hint = "Late">><<include "HINT LINKS">>
/* Farm */
<<elseif $ == "???">>
<</if>><<if visited() == 1>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "GeneralStore">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $flags.MeetLindsey == false>>
You walk up to the cashier, who seems to be busy with their phone. She gives off quite a strong goth vibe and is an odd contrast to the store, but a welcoming one. Suddenly, without taking her eyes off the phone, she asks. <br>
@@.Lindsey;"Are you here for the job interview? If so, just walk to the manager's office over there. If you are here to buy something, put it on the belt. And if, I swear to dog, you are here for some fucked-up reason here trying to hit on me, I'm going to punch you in the face."@@ Her free hand makes a fist threateningly.
You walk up to @@.Lindsey;Lindsey@@, who seems to be busy with their phone. Suddenly, without taking her eyes off the phone, she asks. <br>
@@.Lindsey;"Are you here for the job interview? If so, just walk to the manager's office over there. If you are here to buy something. Put it on the belt. And if, I swear to dog, you are here for some fucked-up reason here trying to hit on me, I'm going to punch you in the face."@@ Her free hand makes a fist threateningly.
<<link "Ehh, here for the job...">>
<<set $choice = 1>>
<<goto "Lindsey Talk">>
<<link "I just wanted to know about this place.">>
<<set $choice = 2>>
<<goto "Lindsey Talk">>
<<link "Tell her that there is nothing wrong with little chat">>
<<set $choice = 3>>
<<goto "Lindsey Talk">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Lindsey">>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "ManagerOffice">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $flags.MeetLindsey = true>>
You walk up to the ''Manager's'' office door and knock on it. <br>
@@.Manager;"//''C'mon in.''//"@@ Says the voice behind. As you enter, the manager is sitting behind the desk. <br>
@@.Manager;"Ah, yes. How can I help? Ah, right here for the job offer? Umm, you are hired! ''Congratulations'' for our //newest// employee."@@ You ask about the job, how much it pays, and other information about it. <br>
@@.Manager;"Right, I didn't yet explain. Well, we just need general helping hands around here. We often have part-timers who come and go as they please, and they help with the store. You know, the basic stuff. Stuffing the shelves, cleaning and unpacking the deliveries, answering the phone. That sort of stuff, and as for the pay. It's ''50$'' for every shift you work here. You can come and go as you please, but when you start a shift, you need to finish it or get no pay at all. We have a lot of other students working here who have the same contract. Speaking of which. Ah, here it is. Just sign down there, and Lindsey can show you where to start. Oh, I'm ''James'', by the way. The store //manager//. Also, don't bother me unless you really need to. And even then, ask ''Lindsey'' first. She usually knows what to do."@@
<<link "Take the job">>
<<set $choice = 3>>
<<goto "Managers Office">>
<<link "Just leave the store">>
<<goto "TOWN SQUARE">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "James">>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "GeneralStore">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $choice == 1>>
She does not take her eyes off the phone and instead just points toward a door behind you labeled @@.extra;"Manager's Office"@@. <br>
@@.Lindsey;"Go on now. I don't have all day."@@
<<link "Go to the managers office">>
<<set $choice = 1>>
<<goto "Managers Office">>
<<link "Tell her that there is nothing wrong with little chat">>
<<set $choice = 3>>
<<goto "Lindsey Talk">>
<<elseif $choice == 2>>
She //exhales// long and loud before taking a look at you. <br>
@@.Lindsey;"It's a ''store''. You go there."@@ She points at the aisle of goods. @@.Lindsey;"And choose what you want to buy before bringing it here, where I charge you with it. Got it, //''dumbo''//? It's a fricking store. You know how stores work, ''right''?"@@
<<link "Ask about the job opening">>
<<set $choice = 1>>
<<goto "Lindsey Talk">>
<<link "Tell her that there is nothing wrong with little chat">>
<<set $choice = 3>>
<<goto "Lindsey Talk">>
<<elseif $choice == 3>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Friends/Lindsey/LindseyPunch.webp"></div>
She stops, looks up from the phone, and casually punches you in the face. With the sudden impact, you drop to the floor and feel the cold floor tiles beneath your ass. <br>
@@.Lindsey;"I warned you. That one was free of charge, but the next one is going to cost you a tooth or two. Still willing to try with it?"@@ All of a sudden, it seems much stronger than before.
<<set $choice = 4>>
<<goto "Lindsey Talk">>
<<elseif $choice == 4>>
She goes back to her phone like nothing happened and just points toward a door behind you labeled @@.extra;'Managers' Office'@@. <br>
@@.Lindsey;"There, go ahead and see if I care..."@@
<<link "Go to the managers office">>
<<set $choice = 2>>
<<goto "Managers Office">>
<<link "Just leave">>
<<goto "TOWN SQUARE">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Lindsey">>
<<if visited() == 1>>
<<if $choice == 1>>
<<set $player.lust += 5>>
<center><div class="BigGif"><img src="gifs/Work/ManagersDesk.webp"></div></center>
You open the door, getting ready for an impromptu interview with the manager of this place, but instead you are met with a manager and a cheap hooker having sex on top of the manager's desk. <br>
@@.Manager;"Oh, ''SHIT''! //Aaa//. Occupied! ''//We are occupied!//''"@@ Quickly, you step back out and slam the door closed in shock. You can now hear the cashier giggling at you. <br>
@@.Lindsey;"Oh, my bad. I thought they were done by now. Usually it takes only two pumps for him to finish. //Thehehee!//"@@ Soon the cheap hooker steps out of the office, taking a quick look at you. @@.Bimbo;"Sorry hun. He's all yours now."@@ She also whispers something to the cashier, and she hands the hooker some money from the register before leaving. A bit confused by all of it, you knock on the door. <br>
@@.Manager;"//''C'mon in.''//"@@
This time, as you enter, the //manager// is sitting behind the desk instead of fucking a hooker next to it. <br>
@@.Manager;"Ah, yes. How can I help? Uu, right here for the job offer? Umm, you are hired! ''Congratulations'' for our newest employee."@@ He wants to shake your hand, but knowing what just happened here, you step away from it instead and ask what the job is, how much it pays, and other information about it. <br>
@@.Manager;"Right, I didn't yet explain. Well, we just need general helping hands around here. We often have part-timers who come and go as they please, and they help with the store. You know the basics. Stuffing the shelves, cleaning and unpacking the deliveries, answering the phone. That sort of stuff, and as for the pay. It's ''50$'' for every shift you work here. You can come and go as you please, but when you start a shift, you need to finish it or get no pay at all. We have a lot of other students working here who have the same contract. Speaking of which. Ah, here it is. Just sign down there, and Lindsey can show you where to start. Oh, I'm ''James'', by the way. The store manager. Also, don't bother me unless you really need to. And even then, ask ''Lindsey'' first. She usually knows what to do."@@
<<link "Take the job">>
<<set $choice = 3>>
<<goto "Managers Office">>
<<link "Just leave the store">>
<<goto "TOWN SQUARE">>
<<elseif $choice == 2>>
<<set $player.lust += 5>>
<center><div class="BigGif"><img src="gifs/Work/ManagersDesk.webp"></div></center>
In anger, you swing the manager's door open, ''shouting'' how you have been wronged by one of the workers, only to see a man having sex with a hooker on top of the manager's desk. Everything freezes, and you can hear distant mumbled shouts coming your way until, finally, the naked manager gently pushes you out of his office and slams the door closed. Now, more clearly, you can hear the cashier's audible ''laughter'' fits she's having while pointing the camera of her phone toward you. <br>
@@.Lindsey;"//''Hah Hah Haa!''// This shit is //priceless//! You should see your face right now!"@@ In the midst of trying to process what just happened, the door swings open once again, and the now somewhat clothed hooker walks on past you while the manager shouts toward the cashier. <br>
@@.Manager;"''Lindsey'', put away the phone and get back to //work//! And as for you, have you ever heard of knocking? Argh, what ever. Come on in."@@
The manager now sits behind the desk, asking you to close the door behind you. <br>
@@.Manager;"Now. How can I help? Other than teaching you some manners?"@@ You have a hard time choosing where to start, and as such, he makes an educated guess as to why you are here. @@.Manager;"Here for the job offer? Right, So... Umm, you are hired! ''Congratulations'' on our newest employee."@@ He stands up, forcibly takes your hand, and shakes it. You feel something moist on his hand, and at this point you don't want to know what it is and just let it go.
Before you get to open your mouth to complain again, he starts telling you about the job. <br>
@@.Manager;"Right, we need just general helping hands around here. We often have part-timers who come and go as they please, and they help with the store. You know, the basic stuff. Stuffing the shelves, cleaning and unpacking the deliveries, answering the phone. That sort of stuff, and as for the pay. It's ''50$'' for every shift you work here. You can come and go as you please, but when you start a shift, you need to finish it or get no pay at all. We have a lot of other students working here who have the same contract. Speaking of which. Ah, here it is. Just sign down there, and Lindsey can show you where to start. Oh, I'm ''James'', by the way. The store manager. Also, don't bother me unless you really need to. And even then, ask ''Lindsey'' first. She usually knows what to do."@@
<<link "Take the job">>
<<set $choice = 3>>
<<goto "Managers Office">>
<<link "Complain about what just happened">>
<<set $choice = 4>>
<<goto "Managers Office">>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "ManagerOffice">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $choice == 3>>
@@.Manager;"Good! Now. You've met our prankster, ''Lindsey''. She will be showing you around the ropes. I have another meeting coming up, so... ''Vamos!''"@@ She waves at you to leave. You leave the office and see another street walker talking to @@.Lindsey;Lindsey@@, the cashier, and as they see you, they giggle at you before the other walks past you to the managers' office. You can only imagine what is going on in there as you walk back to @@.Lindsey;Lindsay@@. <br>
@@.Lindsey;"So you took the job? Good. Back there are the lockers. Yours is number 13. Hehe, lucky. There you have your vest. Go put it on, and then come back here, and I show you what to do..."@@
<<set $work.GeneralStoreWorker == 1>>
<<link "Go get to know of your new job">>
<<set $choice = 1>>
<<set $work.GeneralStoreWorker = 1>>
<<set $ -= 30>>
<<goto "General Store Worker">>
<<elseif $choice == 4>>
@@.Manager;"Oh, she hit you, did she? Well, maybe learn to respect some boundaries next time, and you won't get hit. What? What do you want me to do about it? Go ask ''Lindsey'' to forgive you, she's the one who punched you, not me. Oh, but do you want the job or...?"@@
<<link "Take the job">>
<<set $choice = 5>>
<<goto "Managers Office">>
<<link "Refuse">>
<<set $choice = 6>>
<<goto "Managers Office">>
<<elseif $choice == 5>>
@@.Manager;"Great! We need enthusiastic workers like you around here. Now that you've met our prankster, ''Lindsey'', she will be showing you the ropes. I have another meeting coming up so... Vamos!"@@ He waves at you to leave. You leave the office and see another street walker talking to @@.Lindsey;Lindsay@@, the cashier, and as they see you, they giggle at you before the other walks past you to the managers' office.
You can only imagine what is going on in there as you walk back to @@.Lindsey;Lindsay@@. @@.Lindsey;"Aww, don't feel bad. I punch every douchebag around here. You are nothing special like that. Oh, don't look so sad. I'm sure you'll learn how to respect women eventually. So you took the job? Good. Back there are the lockers. Yours is number 13. Hehe, lucky. There you have your vest. Go put it on, and then come back here, and I'll show you what to do... Go!"@@
<<link "Go get to know of your new job">>
<<set $choice = 1>>
<<set $work.GeneralStoreWorker = 1>>
<<set $ -= 30>>
<<goto "General Store Worker">>
<<elseif $choice == 6>>
@@.Manager;"Well, get out of my office then. I have other important clients coming in soon."@@ You leave the office and see another street walker talking to @@.Lindsey;Lindsey@@, the cashier, and as they see you, they giggle at you before the other walks past you to the managers' office.
You can only imagine what is going on in there as you walk back to @@.Lindsey;Lindsay@@. @@.Lindsey;"Aww, don't feel bad. I punch every douchebag around here. You are nothing special like that. Oh, don't look so sad. I'm sure you'll learn how to respect women eventually. And the job offer is waiting for you here when you want to come get it."@@ She just smirks at you and goes back to looking at her phone.
<<link "Just leave the store">>
<<goto "TOWN SQUARE">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "James">>
<<set $flags.MeetLindsey = true>>
Caught snooping: (25%)
0. Help her yoga
0. Help her acting
0. Clean her Sweaty Gym equipment (DONE)
1. Clean her sweaty Underwear
1. Clean her lingerie
1. Feet Massage
10. Train with BDSM 1
10. Train with BDSM 2
10. Train with BDSM 3
10. She shows her BDSM
10. She shows her BDSM2
Caught shower: (66%)
0. Wash her Back (DONE)
0. Wash her Hair
1. Wash her feet
1. Wash her Hands
2. Wash her tits
2. Wash her whole body
10. Washes you (Hands)
10. Washes you (Tits)
10. Washes you (Crotch)
Caught snooping: (25%)
0. Help her Cooking
0. Help her Cleaning (DONE)
0. Help her Shopping
1. Clean her sweaty Underwear
1. Clean her lingerie
1. Feet Massage
10. Train with sextoys1
10. Train with sextoys2
10. Train with sextoys3
10. She shows her sextoys
10. She shows her sextoys2
Caught shower: (66%)
0. Wash her Back (DONE)
0. Wash her Hair
1. Wash her feet
1. Wash her Hands
2. Wash her tits
2. Wash her whole body
10. Washes you (Hands)
10. Washes you (Tits)
10. Washes you (Crotch)
Parents (Both):
Didn't pay Rent:
0-2. Going to Church with Maria and helping out
0-2. Going to Gym with Hayley and helping out
1-2. Stellas little helper
1-2. Nurse Joys little helper
Caught shower: (66%)
0-2. Family Bathtime (DONE)
Caught Night Tv Masturbating:(66%)
Caught Night Snooping: (66%)
When BonerTraining:
Caught without a Cage
1. Spanking butt
2. Spanking balls (Light)
Caught snooping: (25%)
0. Detention
1. Detention
2. Detention
Caught Sleeping in class: (50%)
0. Detention
1. Detention
2. Detention
Could use swhich here instead.
<<swhich $hairColor>>
<<case "red" "auburn">>
You ginger.
<<case "black" "brown">>
Dark haired, eh?
<<case "blonde">>
You may have more fun.
<<if $ == 1>>
<<if $player.Shirt == "Pajama_Pink" && $notices.Pajama_Pink_Hayley>>
"That pajama looks cute on you. Maybe we should give more clothing of that style to you. Just food for a tought."
<<elseif $player.Shirt == "Pajama_Pink">>
<<if $player.Shirt == "Pajama_Pink">>
The pink pyjama @@.Maria;Maria@@ gave you.
<<elseif $player.Shirt == "Pajama_Blue">>
the worn out pyjama you've had for ages now.
<<elseif $player.Shirt == "Nightgown">>
the nightgown you wore in lastnight.
<<if $ == 1 && $flags.HayleyNoticeNightgown == false>>
<<set $flags.HayleyNoticeNightgown = true>>
<<if $player.lust > 180>>
Sudden exitement of Hayley finding out your new sleeping wear is enough to get you over the edge. You can't help but to thrust your hips in to the air as spurts of cum jets out of your member all over your Nightgown. Her frozen panic of a face is unable to look away as she stares at you the whole orgasm through.
In the after glow you finally have controll to hide away your shame. "I was going to say you have pretty new night gown, but it looks like you're more exited about it than I am." She hands you a towel to clean yourself up and as such she watches steadily as you clean away what you can before continuing with the rent agreement.
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
"Uuu, that is quite bold choice of nightware, but if that is what you'd like to wear in bed then that is your choice. Thahaa, I can't wait for Maria to hear about this. Shes going to blush beond belives."
<</if>>/* END OF $player.lust */
<</if>>/* END OF $ && $flags.HayleyNoticeNightgown */
<</if>>/* END OF $player.Shirt */
<<if $player.Shirt == "">> /* DO WE HAVE SHIRT */
<<if $player.Bra != "">> /* DO WE HAVE BRA */
What bra are you wearing?
<<else>> /* WEARING SHIRT */
your shirt that you should have put away before heading to bed.
<<if $player.Pants == "">> /* DO WE HAVE PANTS */
<<if $player.Underwear != "">> /* DO WE HAVE UNDERWEAR */
Your Dick is out.
<<else>> /* WEARING PANTS */
your pants that you should have put away before heading to bed.
<<elseif $ != "">><<set $ = 70>>
your clothes that you should have put away before heading to bed.
<<if $ == 1>>
"Maybe you should consider sleeping with the pajamas we gave you. It would help you sleep much better."<</if>>
<<elseif $ == "">>
<<if $player.underwear == "BoxersPink">><<set $ = 90>>
The pink boxers @@.Maria;Maria@@ gave you.
<<if $ == 1>>
"Aww those are cute. Did Maria pick them for you? Yeah, I know her taste very well."<</if>>
<<elseif $player.underwear == "Boxers">><<set $ = 80>>
the worn out boxers you've had for ages now.
<<elseif $player.underwear == "CoolBoxers">><<set $ = 100>>
those cool boxers!
<<elseif $player.underwear == "MenStraps">><<set $ = 80>>
those tight straps!
<<if $ == 1 && $flags.HayleyNoticeStraps == false>>
<<set $flags.HayleyNoticeStraps = true>>
"What are those?! Oh my dog, I can't believe they make clothing like that these days."<</if>>
<<elseif $player.underwear == "WhitePanties">><<set $ = 95>>
those white cotton panties!
<<if $ == 1 && $flags.HayleyNoticeCottonPanties == false>>
<<set $flags.HayleyNoticeCottonPanties = true>>
<<if $player.lust > 180>>
Sudden exitement of Hayley finding out your new underwear is enough to get you over the edge. You can't help but to thrust your hips in to the air as spurts of cum jets out of your member all over your panties. Her frozen panic of a face is unable to look away as she stares at you the whole orgasm through.<br>
In the after glow you finally have controll to hide away your shame. "Mmm, those do suit you, but it looks like you're more exited about them than I am." She hands you a towel to clean yourself up and as such she watches steadily as you clean away what you can before continuing with the rent agreement.
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
"Oh, when did you start wearing things like that? That actually suits you very well. Hmm, maybe we should get you more these sort of things in the future. I talk to Maria about this."<</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $player.underwear == "ThongMarias">><<set $ = 100>>
@@.Maria;Marias@@ thong you stole!
<<if $ == 1 && $flags.HayleyNoticeMariaThong == false>>
<<set $flags.HayleyNoticeMariaThong = true>>
<<set $flags.StealingTalk1 = true>>
<<if $player.lust > 180>>
Sudden exitement of Hayley finding out your stolen underwear is enough to get you over the edge. You can't help but to thrust your hips in to the air as spurts of cum jets out of your member all over your panties. Her frozen panic of a face is unable to look away as she stares at you the whole orgasm through.<br>
In the after glow you finally have controll to hide away your shame. "Those look like Marias, I would regognice them anywhere. Puuh, and now they are dirty as well. We are going to have a talk about this in the breakfast table after this." She hands you a towel to clean yourself up and as such she watches steadily as you clean away what you can before continuing with the rent agreement.
<<set $flags.CummiesWithHayley = true>>
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
"Wait! What the... Are those. Oh my lord. No you didn't steal Marias underwear like that? Arh. I'm so very dissapointed in you. We are going to have a talk about this in the breakfast table after this."<</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $player.underwear == "ThongHayleys">><<set $ = 100>>
@@.Hayley;Hayley's@@ thong you stole!
<<if $ == 1 && $flags.HayleyNoticeHayleyThong == false>>
<<set $flags.HayleyNoticeHayleyThong = true>>
<<set $flags.StealingTalk2 = true>>
<<if $player.lust > 180>>
Sudden exitement of Hayley finding out your stolen underwear is enough to get you over the edge. You can't help but to thrust your hips in to the air as spurts of cum jets out of your member all over your panties. Her frozen panic of a face is unable to look away as she stares at you the whole orgasm through.<br>
In the after glow you finally have controll to hide away your shame. "Those are mine arent they? And you just... Puuh, and now they are dirty as well. We are going to have a talk about this in the breakfast table after this." She hands you a towel to clean yourself up and as such she watches steadily as you clean away what you can before continuing with the rent agreement.
<<set $flags.CummiesWithHayley = true>>
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
"Wait! Are those... MINE! When did you... Never mind this is not the time for this. We are going to have a good nice talk at the breakfast table after this."<</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $player.underwear == "StellasPanties">><<set $ = 100>>
@@.Teacher;Stellas@@ Underwear!
<<if $ == 1 && $flags.HayleyNoticeStellas == false>>
<<set $flags.HayleyNoticeStellas = true>>
<<set $flags.StealingTalk3 = true>>
<<if $player.lust > 180>>
Sudden exitement of Hayley finding out your stolen underwear is enough to get you over the edge. You can't help but to thrust your hips in to the air as spurts of cum jets out of your member all over your panties. Her frozen panic of a face is unable to look away as she stares at you the whole orgasm through.<br>
In the after glow you finally have controll to hide away your shame. "I. I think I regognice those panties. Yes, they are definataly Stellas. She wears them to gym sometimes. Puuh, and now they are dirty as well. We are going to have a talk about this in the breakfast table after this." She hands you a towel to clean yourself up and as such she watches steadily as you clean away what you can before continuing with the rent agreement.
<<set $flags.CummiesWithHayley = true>>
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
"Wait! Where did you get those? I think I've seen those before... Stella. YES! Stella had those exact pair at the gym one time. Did you steal your teachers underwear?! OH MY LORD. Mister you are in big trouble. After this come to the breakfast table. We are going to have good long conversation about this!"<</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $player.underwear == "FrillySissyPanties">>
<<set $ = 100>>
those frilly sissy panties!
<<if $ == 1 && $flags.HayleyNoticeFrilly == false>>
<<set $flags.HayleyNoticeFrilly = true>>
<<if $player.lust > 180>>
Sudden exitement of Hayley finding out your new frilly panties is enough to get you over the edge. You can't help but to thrust your hips in to the air as spurts of cum jets out of your member all over your frilly panties. Her frozen panic of a face is unable to look away as she stares at you the whole orgasm through.<br>
In the after glow you finally have controll to hide away your shame. "I was going to say you have such girly taste in underwear now, but it looks like you're more exited about it than I am." She hands you a towel to clean yourself up and as such she watches steadily as you clean away what you can before continuing with the rent agreement.
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
"What are those!? Thahahaa, omg they are perfect on you! Hehehe. Sorry it's just... I've just realised something... What? No, I'm not telling you, but Maria is going to love this."<</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $player.underwear == "">><<set $ = 80>>
nothing at all.
<<if $ == 1 >>
<<if $player.lust < 100>>
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
"So you sleep naked huh? Well can't blame you, but exposing yourself like that to your own mother is a bit much don't you think."
<<elseif $player.lust < 180>>
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
"Oh jesus. Have some decensy will you. I know it's early and all, but put that thing away before It's going to poke someone eye out."
<<else $player.lust > 180>>
<<set $player.lust = 0>>
Your throbbing hard member that is about to burst leaves Hayley speechless and as shes about to say something the exitement of it all is enough for you to go over the edge. You can't help but to thrust your hips in to the air as spurts of cum jets out of your phallus all over your stomack. Some of the white goo even lands on Hayleys blouse. Her frozen panic of a face is unable to look away as she stares at you the whole orgasm through.<br>
In the after glow you finally have controll to hide away your shame. She utters no words toward you instead she just hands you a towel after cleaning what she can from her blouse.
She watches steadily as you clean away what you can before continuing with the rent agreement.
<<elseif $flags.WetDream == true>>
"What is that smell and why are you naked and so... So slimy... is that. Ugh..." She sees the mess you've made druing night. For a good moment she just stares at it before shaking her head and handing you a towel to clean your shame.
To be Added:
Of parents mad change dialogue breakfast!
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<div id="character2"></div>
<<set $bg = "Kitchen">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<if $flags.NotPayingRentTalk == true>>
<<set $flags.NotPayingRentTalk = false>>
<<include "Talk OBEDIANCE IN HOUSE">>
In awkward silence, you finish your breakfast.
<<elseif $flags.ContrabandSearching == true &&
$ == 1>>
You walk up to the kitchen, where @@.Maria;Maria@@ and @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ are already having the week's first breakfast. Hayley notices you walking in and smirks. @@.Hayley;"You know what time it is. Contraband search time." Hayley@@ starts marching to your room.
<<include "Contraband Search">>
In awkward silence, you finish your breakfast.
<<include "NORMAL BREAKFAST">>
<<if $flags.MeetKristine == true>>
<<set $flags.MeetKristine = false>>
@@.Hayley;Hayley@@ walks in the middle of you eating your sugary snack and just stares at you for a while. Her perfectly worked-out body is a fascinating contrast to your life choices, and she only needs to give you a few shakes of her head to make you feel a little less like yourself. <br>
@@.Hayley;"Why don't you accompany me to the ''gym'' every once in a while? You know, the girls like trimmed bodies more than fluffy sags. Just ask Maria. She knows the answer."@@ @@.Maria;Maria@@ now sits down with a fresh cup of coffee at hand and taps @@.Hayley;Hayley's@@ trimmed abs. <br>
@@.Maria;"Oh, you do know I love you no matter how this looks. Admit it, you are doing this more for yourself than for me. Not that I'm complaining or anything. '//Smootch//'!"@@ The two of them kiss and joke about what they would look like with pot bellies and how they would still love each other.
<<set $character.movement = true>>
<<set $ = "Maria">>
<<set $character2.movement = true>>
<<set $ = "Hayley">>
Now that it's morning it is time for your morning schedule and firstly you of course go take a ''refreshing shower''. So to the bathroom goes your way.
/* --------------------------------------------- */
<<set $dice = random(2)>>
<<if $dice == 0>>
<center><<if $LightMode == false>>
<div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom2/HayleyShowers.mp4"></video>
<div class="BigGif"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom2/HayleyShowers.webp"></div>
<<set $player.lust += 20>>
When you approach the bathroom, you hear the shower running and as you open the unlocked door, you @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ see putting up quite a show. Her ''//Giant Melons//'' seem to get almost all the attention from her hands as she plays with them relentlessly, but soon stops and walks herself out.<br>
She notices you at the doorway. @@.Hayley;"Morning hun. Shower is free now. Go on, hop on in."@@ You wait for @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ to leave.
/* --------------------------------------------- */
<<elseif $dice == 1>>
<center><<if $LightMode == false>>
<div class="vidBig">
<video autoplay muted loop>
<source src="Videos/Moms/Mom1/MariaShowers.mp4"></video>
<div class="BigGif"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom1/MariaShowers.webp"></div>
<<set $player.lust += 20>>
When you approach the bathroom, you hear the shower running and as you open the unlocked door, you see @@.Maria;Maria@@ putting up quite a show. Her ''//Giant Melons//'' seem to get almost all the attention from her hands as she plays with them relentlessly, but soon stops and walks herself out.<br>
She notices you at the doorway. @@.Maria;"Morning sweetie. Shower is free now. Go on, hop on in."@@ You wait for @@.Maria;Maria@@ to leave.
/* --------------------------------------------- */
''Nobody's'' at the shower, so you can straight hop on in.
/* --------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------- */
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Shower/ShowerNormal.webp"></div>
You take a long, nice, ''steamy'' shower that cleanses your body and soul. Well, there is nothing that can clean that dirty soul of yours, but you sure can try. You have run out of your regular ''muscleman'' shampoo, so you have to borrow some from your mothers, but there are so many you can't decide, so you take one at random.
/* --------------------------------------------- */
<<set $dice1 = random(2)>>
<<if $dice1 == 0>>
<<if $flags.Shampoo1 == false>>
<<set $flags.Shampoo1 = true>>
<<set $player.feminity += 1>><</if>>
The bottle you pick has some //golden hair// like figure in it, and it smells quite normal. Thinking this is a good choice, you pour some of it into your hands. <br>
Starting from hair and then rest of your body, somehow paying extra attention at your crotch level as well as your booty.
/* --------------------------------------------- */
<<elseif $dice1 == 1>>
<<if $flags.Shampoo2 == false>>
<<set $flags.Shampoo2 = true>>
<<set $player.feminity += 2>><</if>>
The bottle you pick has some //tiny girly dancer// in it and the smell is fancy. Thinking this might be exiting, you pour some of it into your hands and admire the softness of it. <br>
Starting from hair and then rest of your body, somehow paying extra attention at your crotch level as well as your booty.
/* --------------------------------------------- */
<<if $flags.Shampoo3 == false>>
<<set $flags.Shampoo3 = true>>
<<set $player.feminity += 3>><</if>>
The bottle you pick is Very pink and has a lot of feminine slogans and //''a half naked woman''// figure with long pink hair. The smell is ''very fruity, and it reminds you of bubblegum''. Thinking this might change something in you, but being too lazy to swhich you some of it into your hands. Immediately you can feel super silky smoothness of the shampoo and the fruity smell fills your nostrils, but still you are determinant to use it. <br>
Starting from hair and then rest of your body, somehow paying extra attention at your crotch level as well as your booty.
At the end, you rinse all of it with hot water. You take few moments just staying under the hot shower and your lonely thoughts before having to face the real world once again.
<<set $flags.showered = true>>Double-click this passage to edit it.<<if $choice == 0>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Lindsey;Lindsey@@ looks as bored as ever, sitting in the cashier's spot and browsing through her phone. @@.Lindsey;"Oh. Sup. So what do you want now?"@@
<<if $flags.LindseyBought == true>>
<<link "Ask if you can help her in anyway">>
<<if $ >= 20>>
<<set $choice = 9>>
<<set $choice = 8>>
<<goto "TALK TO LINDSEY">>
<<link "Offer to help her out again">>
<<if $ >= 20>>
<<set $choice = 10>>
<<set $choice = 8>>
<<goto "TALK TO LINDSEY">>
<<link "Finish talking">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Lindsey">>
<<elseif $choice == 8>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Lindsey;Lindsey@@ looks straight into your eyes for a moment. <br>
@@.Lindsey;"//Pff//! You look dead tired, man. Go get some sleep, and then we can talk."@@ She goes back to her phone.
<<link "Finish talking">><<goto $>><</link>>
<<elseif $choice == 9>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Lindsey;"Hmm, maybe you could help me. Are you willing to put your body on the line for this? Okay then. I need someone to come with me to the dance studio. Err, I have always wanted to know how to dance. I mean, look at these ''TikTok'' dancers. If I could dance like that, I would be so popular. It's just too embarrassing to go to the dance studio alone. So how about it coming or leaving me hanging?"@@
She looks at you like she's trying to think of your name. @@.Lindsey;"//<<print $>>// was it? Pff, was that really your name? Oh, I'm so sorry. That must have been hard to live with... Anyways. //<<print $>>// time to choose."@@
[[Go with her|TALK TO LINDSEY][$choice to 10]]<br>
<<link "Maybe some other time">>
<<goto $>>
<<elseif $choice == 10>><<set $choice = 11>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "DanceStudio">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $flags.LindseyBought = false>>
@@.Lindsey;"Hmm, you want to help me with the ''TikTok'' dances again? Well, okay. My shift just ended anyway, so we should go right away."@@
@@.Lindsey;Lindsey@@ leads you to the dance studio, and there are a lot of dance courses to choose from. @@.Lindsey;"I'm feeling generous and letting you choose one for us."@@
<<if $player.feminity >= 5 ||
$player.lust >= 100>>
<<link "Belly Dance">>
<<set $choice1 = 2>>
<<goto "TALK TO LINDSEY">><</link>>
<<link "Belly Dance">><<script>>
Dialog.setup("Too girly");"The idea feels a bit too girly for you. Perhaps when you feel more horny?");;<</script>><</link>>
<<if $player.DanceSkills >= 6>>
<<if $player.feminity < 5>>
<<link "Shuffle Dance Moves">><<script>>
Dialog.setup("Too girly");"The idea feels way too girly for you.");;<</script>><</link>>
<<if $player.feminity >= 25 ||
$player.lust >= 100>>
<<link "Shuffle Dance Moves">>
<<set $choice1 = 5>>
<<goto "TALK TO LINDSEY">><</link>>
<<link "Shuffle Dance Moves">><<script>>
Dialog.setup("Too girly");"The idea feels a bit too girly for you. Perhaps when you feel more horny?");;<</script>><</link>>
<<if $player.DanceSkills >= 12>>
<<if $player.feminity < 5>>
<<link "Palette">><<script>>
Dialog.setup("Too girly");"The idea feels way too girly for you.");;<</script>><</link>>
<<if $player.feminity >= 25 ||
$player.lust >= 100>>
<<link "Palette">>
<<set $choice1 = 4>>
<<goto "TALK TO LINDSEY">><</link>>
<<link "Palette">><<script>>
Dialog.setup("Too girly");"The idea feels a bit too girly for you. Perhaps when you feel more horny?");;<</script>><</link>>
<<if $player.DanceSkills >= 15 && $PaidContent == true>>>>
<<if $player.feminity < 30>>
<<link "Pole dancing">><<script>>
Dialog.setup("Too girly");"The idea feels way too girly for you.");;<</script>><</link>>
<<if $player.feminity >= 50 ||
$player.lust >= 100>>
<<link "Pole dancing">>
<<set $choice1 = 3>>
<<goto "TALK TO LINDSEY">><</link>>
<<link "Pole dancing">><<script>>
Dialog.setup("Too girly");"The idea feels a bit too girly for you. Perhaps when you feel more horny?");;<</script>><</link>>
[[You are here just to watch|TALK TO LINDSEY][$choice1 to 1]]<br>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Lindsey">>
<<elseif $choice == 11>>
<<include "LINDSEY HELP">>
/* CHOOSE */
<<if $choice == 99>>
<<set $choice = 1001>>
At the end, @@.Lindsey;Lindsey@@ is looking at her phone, shaking her head, and mumbling. @@.Lindsey;"What a waste of time that was."@@ Maybe you could have done better than that.
<<if $choice == 100>>
The two of you head to the chancing room together, while @@.Lindsey;Lindsey@@ is still mumbling about the dance session you two had. @@.Lindsey;"Yep, next time I try it that way. I'm sure if I practice, the views will come. Will you be joining me next time as well? Mmm, there might be a reward afterward. In fact, I should give you one right now? What do you think?"@@ Maybe you dare ask something from her.
<<link "Ask if you can 'Please' her">>
<<set $choice = 150>>
<<set $character.Reward = "Pleasing">>
<<goto "TALK TO LINDSEY">>
<<set $choice1 = 1>>
<<set $location.friend = passage()>>
<<if $choice == 150>>
<<include "LINDSEY REWARDS">>
<<if $choice == 1000>> <<set $choice = 9999>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Town">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Lindsey;"Thanks, that actually was quite a bit of fun for a change. Maybe we could do this again sometime? Come seek me out if you feel like grooving with these hips again. Hehehe."@@ She pumps her eyebrows a bit before sprinting off while giggling like a little girl.
<<elseif $choice == 1001>> <<set $choice = 9999>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Town">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Lindsey;"I got to go now. Bye."@@ She walks off while waving goodbyes to you.
<<elseif $choice == 1002>> <<set $choice = 9999>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Town">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Lindsey;"Ugh-. I'm leaving. Don't follow me. Bye"@@ She leaves without even looking at you.
<<if $choice == 9999>>
<<link "All finished">>
<<set $flags.LindseyHelped = true>>
<<set $ -= 20>>
<<set $time.junk += 1>>
<<goto $>>
<</if>>Double-click this passage to edit it.<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Library">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "James">>
<<if $choice == 0>>
Offer your services to her again.<br>
<<link "Finish talking">><<goto $>><</link>>
Things to Add:
Use willpower to work harder = Get paid more
+1 promotion
if promotion >= 10
Next tier of WORK = more pay (More lewd pics)
Work minigames?
1. Stack boxes from bigest to smallest
2. Sort items to right categories
3. Help customer find right item (Select right isle)
4. Have STR to pick customers orders (T1 str +5, T2 double ...)
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "GeneralStore">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
Working in a general store is not so bad since you never know what happens in this mix bag of a store.
<<set $dice = random(4)>>
<<if $dice == 0>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Work/GeneralStore1.webp"></div>
Today, as you were cleaning some of the isles, you noticed a //young woman// crouching next to the bottled sodas. At first, she seemed to be struggling to make a decision, but as you kept observing her, you realized she had already found the right //'fit'// for her.
<<elseif $dice == 1>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Work/GeneralStore2.webp"></div>
Today, a //young lady// wanted to find goods in the store and asked for your assistance. Of course, as a ''gentleman'', you are more than happy to help a lady in need, but after an hour or so of running around the store, it all might not have been worth it until she gave you a quick look at her '//goods//' as a reward.
<<elseif $dice == 2>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Work/GeneralStore3.webp"></div>
Today, @@.Lindsey;Lindsey@@ told you to clean the bathroom since someone had an accident there. Prepared for the worst, you swing the bathroom door open, only to find something you didn't expect at all. Your ''manager'' is ''porking'' one of the regulars in there. Quickly, you close the door and apologize, but you get the feeling the two didn't even notice you. The only one that truly noticed was @@.Lindsey;Lindsey@@, as she kept laughing for the rest of the day.
<<elseif $dice == 3>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Work/GeneralStore4.webp"></div>
From listening to your co-workers talk, you get the feeling that you are severely underpaid, and as such, you ask one of the girls how they are making such a bank. @@.Girls;"Oh, let's just say we have other skills to pay the bills. Speaking of which, I think it's time for me to make the big pucks."@@ She heads to the back of the store, and curiosity gets the better of you, so you follow. Peaking around the corner confirms your '//suspicion//'.
<<elseif $dice == 4>>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Work/GeneralStore5.webp"></div>
Today a //young lady// walked past you wearing tall leather boots, and you could not help but look after her, only to realize the boots were only the start of her //intimate appearance//.
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
<<link "Finish the shift">>
<<set $time.junk += 2>>
<<set $ += 50>>
<<set $work.GeneralStoreWork = true>>
<<goto "GENERAL STORE">>
Things to Add:
World tier1 = Maid outfitted while being punished:
World tier2 = and Heeled:
World tier3 = and chastity cage:
<<if $Punishment == 0>>
@@.Hayley;"What on earth are you doing here looking through other people's businesses? You should be ashamed of yourself! Have we really raised up someone who has no respect for others privacy, or are you just that dumb?" Hayley@@ marches next to you with a frown on her face.
@@.HayleyYell;"This place is our sanctuary away from the world, and you are not welcome in it no matter how curious you might be. I knew we had been way too lenient with you, but I was hoping you would take it in a productive direction instead of... ''THIS!'' It's about time I showed you that actions have consequences. I have some things for you to take care of, nosy mister."@@ She takes hold of your hand and leads you out of the bedroom.
<<link "Follow along">>
<<set $Punishment = 1>>
<<set $character.movement = true>>
<<elseif $Punishment == 1>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Bathroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Hayley;Hayley@@ escorts you to the laundry room. @@.Hayley;"So as punishment for snooping around our private stuff, here's some more private stuff. My gym clothes and equipment are dirty, and you'll be the one cleaning them today. Okay?"@@ She shows you a huge pile of clothing that needs to be washed and where to put it to dry. There is also a lot of equipment you have to clean while the machine is going with the clothing. All sorts of weights and pike saddles to weird looking straps and bands.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Chores/EquipmentCleaning.jpg"></div>
When everything is washed clean and put to dry, @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ comes back to check your handy work. @@.Hayley;"Wow, you've actually done a pretty good job. I'm impressed. Well, not the fact that you were looking at my private stuff, but this. I think you have a natural talent for cleaning. Maybe I make you our personal ''Maid'' or something. ''Thahahaa''."@@ She winks while walking off. @@.Hayley;"//Maid//. ''HAH''. I would pay to see that..."@@
<<link "Exhausted, go to livingroom">>
<<set $player.feminity += 1>>
<<if $ >= 50>>
<<set $ -= 50>><<else>>
<<set $ = 0>><</if>>
<<set $flags.HayleyMad += 5>>
<<set $time.junk += 2>>
<<goto "MY LIVINGROOM">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<elseif $Punishment == 10>>
@@.Hayley;"What are you doing in our... Is that my laptop? Are THOSE our vacation Pictures-..."@@ You turn your whole body toward the direction of the noise to see @@.Hayley;Hayley's@@ shocked expression as she has frozen up in mid-sentence. As you are already at the edge of the orgasm, it would take a lot for it not to spill on out.
<<if $player.willpower >= 1>>
<<link "Hold back the orgasm">>
<<set $player.willpower -= 1>>
<<if $PaidContent == true &&
$flags.HayleyMad <= 0>>
<<set $Punishment = 11>>
<<set $Punishment = 13>>
[@@.Cancel;Hold back the orgasm@@]
<</if>> @@.Will;1-Will@@
<<link "Let it go">>
<<set $Punishment = 20>>
<<set $character.movement = true>>
<<elseif $Punishment == 11>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "MomBedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
It takes all of your might to stop the avalanche of orgasm from reaching its peak, but somehow you manage to do so. @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ is still not happy to find you out like this.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom2/Handjob.webp"></div>
@@.Hayley;"C'mon son! This is not healthy behavior. Jacking off to our private picture? //Puuh//, and besides, it's not healthy for a young man to stop mid-way orgasm. It could lead to some serious health issues. C'mon now. Finish what you started. No, don't look at me with those puppy eyes of yours, focus on the task at hand. Eyes up front and get pumping."@@ One hell of a confused set of statements come out of @@.Hayley;Hayley's@@ mouth to the point that you don't really know what to do, and @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ notices it. She walks up to you and starts pumping you out instead.
@@.Hayley;"Do I really have to do everything for you? C'mon now, boy. Focus on the pictures. See all the pretty curves? All those plump shapes. Think about how your pecker would feel between them. What? Oh, don't even give me that look. Faster you cum faster we can get out of here."@@ Her left hand cups your balls and lightly squeezes them, while the right hand's palm is caressing the head, slowly rubbing it. <br>
@@.Hayley;"Mmm, this is way too dry. Are you not using any lubricants? Hmm, we should get you some, but for now, this should advise."@@ She lowers her head, and a big spit ball drops from her mouth straight into your dickhead. The palm of @@.Hayley;Hayley's@@ hand then rubs the spit evenly into it, lubing it up. The sensation of her soft, feminine hand cupping your balls and playing with your pecker's tender head is phenomenal, and since you were close to the edge already, it takes you only a few breaths to be ready to shoot again.
<<if $player.willpower >= 2>>
<<link "Hold back the orgasm">>
<<set $player.willpower -= 2>>
<<set $Punishment = 12>>
[@@.Cancel;Hold back the orgasm@@]
<</if>> @@.Will;2-Will!@@
<<link "Let it go">>
<<set $Punishment = 21>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<elseif $Punishment == 12>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "MomBedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
It takes everything from you to stop this feeling from taking hold of you, and after closing your eyes and biting your tongue, you manage to keep things clear. @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ pumps your monument hard and fast now eagering for you to shoot out the gooey substance.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom2/Handjob.webp"></div>
@@.Hayley;"//C'mon son. Shoot it out. Give me your seed. It's okay to spurt your load. Please son. Holding it back is not healthy. Won't you listen to your mother for this one time? Please, give me your full load. Empty your balls into my hands. C'mon son. I know you can do it. Shoot it. Shoot it Right ''Now!''//"@@ Her soft voice whispering next to your ear is too much for you to handle any longer and the avalanche that is about to erupt is impossible to contain. First a small amount of pre-cum leaks out, but then more and more until a full blast shoots out like a cannonball straight into @@.Hayley;Hayley's@@ chin and face. She does not seem to be fazed by it and instead encourages for the rest to come out as well. <br>
@@.Hayley;"That's it. Go on now. Give me that seed. All of it. Don't leave a single drop behind. That's it my son. Bring me that full load of yours."@@ Her soft, encouraging words are giving you courage to fully let yourself go as ropes after sticky ropes of cum spurt out of your one eyed pecker. The white gooey substance gets everywhere, but mostly into her hands and shirt, but somehow even this does not faze her one bit. @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ just smiles at you, like you did a great deed for her by letting her milk your pecker dry.
Her hands slowly pump out any remains from your flesh tube to make sure that none is left behind before letting go of the thing. <br>
@@.Hayley;"Ahh, See? Don't you feel much better now that you've let all of it out? It's important that you don't hold back with these sorts of things. Otherwise, there might be some damage to the whole system."@@ She takes a towel from nearby to wipe herself clean to the best of her ability, but some of the stuff has already soaked into her clothes, and she has to change. <br>
@@.Hayley;"You can get going now. I need to change as well. Clean the rest of it up."@@ She indicates the mess that spilled onto the floor. As you are leaving the room, and closing the door behind you, you can faintly hear @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ say something to herself. <br>
@@.Hayley;"//Holy moly, that was a lot. When did he learn to do all that?//" @@
<<link "Fix your clothing.">>
<<set $player.lust -= 80>>
<<goto "MY LIVINGROOM">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<elseif $Punishment == 13>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "MomBedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
It takes all of your might to stop the avalanche of orgasm from reaching its peak, but somehow you manage to not shoot your load in front of your mother. @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ is still not happy to find you out like this. She stares you down as you calm your throbbing member to a halt with pure willpower alone. <br>
@@.Hayley;"Son, this is a highly improper thing to do! Let alone a direct breach of someone else's private property. //I-. I can't deal with this right now.// ''Put that thing away''. Just get on out of here."@@ You yelp out your apologies while trying to hide your throbbing member from her. She dares not even look at you as you wobble yourself out of the room.
<<link "Fix your clothing.">>
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
<<set $flags.HayleyMad += 3>>
<<goto "MY LIVINGROOM">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<elseif $Punishment == 20>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "MomBedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
You try your best not to let it happen as you tighten your grip on the throbbing member, holding back the tidal wave and plugging the leaky hole with one of your fingers. This turns out to be the very wrong thing to do, as the avalanche is happening no matter what. The small choke point acts as a pinched funnel where the spunk may escape with greater force than normal, increasing the distance it would normally go. Some of which land straight on @@.Hayley;Hayley's@@ body and well-kept clothes.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="images/Items/Pics/CumCovered/Hayley.png"></div>
@@.Hayley;Hayley@@ stands there, surprised by what just happened, for a while. At first, her impression turns toward being impressed, but quickly it sours. <br>
@@.Hayley;"This is highly improper of you. First of all. You have been told many times not to come into our room without permission. Ugh, and then there is this. This stuff that you just managed to get everywhere. //Sniff//. ''Eww'' it stinks and I'm drenched in it. That is so pungent! Just get out of here and let me clean up your mess."@@ She points at the door for you to walk out of. As you are leaving the room, closing the door behind you, you can faintly hear @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ say something to herself. <br>
@@.Hayley;"//Holy moly, that was a lot. Where did he learn that...//"@@
<<link "Fix your clothing.">>
<<set $player.lust -= 80>>
<<goto "MY LIVINGROOM">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<elseif $Punishment == 21>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "MomBedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
Her encouraging soft voice whispering next to your ear is too much for you to handle any longer, and the avalanche erupts out with a small force, covering some of her shirt with your white spunk. She seems not to care about this and just slowly pumps the rest of it out of you.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom2/HayleyHandjobNutting.webp"></div>
@@.Hayley;"//Good boy. Give mommy all your seed. Nicely done. Don't leave anything behind.//"@@ A trickle of cum leaks out of your one eyed pecker into her soft, tender hands as the orgasm slowly comes to an end. @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ smiles at you like a proud mother would as she notes all of your spunk has come out. Her hands slowly pump out any remains from your flesh tube to make sure that none is left behind before letting go of the thing. <br>
@@.Hayley;"Ahh, See? Don't you feel much better now that you've let all of it out? It's important that you don't hold back on these sorts of things. Otherwise, there might be some damage to the whole system."@@ She takes a towel from nearby to wipe herself clean to the best of her ability, but some of the stuff has already soaked into her clothes, and she has to change. <br>
@@.Hayley;"You can get going now. I need to change as well. Clean the rest of it up."@@ She indicates the mess that spilled onto the floor.
As you are leaving the room, closing the door behind you, you can faintly hear @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ say something to herself. <br>
@@.Hayley;"//Holy moly, that was a lot. Where did he learn that...//"@@
<<link "Fix your clothing.">>
<<set $player.lust -= 80>>
<<goto "MY LIVINGROOM">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<elseif $Punishment == 22>>
<<set $ = "Hayley">>
Things to Add:
World tier1 = Maid outfitted while being punished:
World tier2 = and Heeled:
World tier3 = and chastity cage:
<<if $Punishment == 0>>
@@.Maria;"What are you doing in our bedroom? Hey! We have told you many times that our bedroom is off limits! And now I've found you snooping around here? What on earth has gone into you?"@@ @@.Maria;Maria@@ marches next to you with a frown on her face.
@@.MariaYell;"This place is our sanctuary away from the world, and you are not welcome in it no matter how curious you might be. //Puuh...// Have I been too lenient with you? Maybe this is partly my fault. Well, it's about time I showed you a different side of me. Follow along, mister. I have some things for you to take care of."@@ She takes hold of your hand and leads you out of the bedroom.
<<link "Follow along">>
<<set $Punishment = 1>>
<<set $character.movement = true>>
<<elseif $Punishment == 1>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Bathroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
@@.Maria;Maria@@ escorts you to the bathroom. @@.Maria;"Yep, this should be enough of a punishment. Clean this place up. Top to bottom. Every inch of it at that. I want it so spotless that you could eat out of it. There are the cleaning supplies. Well? Get to it. I'll come monitor your progress now and then."@@ She nods toward you and leaves. Embarrassed by what just happened, thinking that this might have gone so much worse.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Chores/BathroomCleaning.webp"></div>
First pouring some water at the bottom of the bathtub, then adding some soap to it. Kneeling against the hard bathroom floor, you start scrubbing the bathtub clean. Next come the bathroom wall tiles that have some built-up gunk on them. And finally, the floor can be cleaned with a mop and soapy water.
When everything is clean and sparkly, @@.Maria;Maria@@ comes back to take a look. @@.Maria;"Wow, you have done a wonderful job with this. Better than what I expected, actually. Hmm, //back pains//? Yep, that's what honest work does to you. Next time I catch your nose where it does not belong, you know what's waiting for you."@@ She smirks while walking off.
<<link "Exhausted, go to livingroom">>
<<set $player.feminity += 1>>
<<if $ >= 50>>
<<set $ -= 50>><<else>>
<<set $ = 0>><</if>>
<<set $flags.MariaMad += 5>>
<<set $time.junk += 2>>
<<goto "MY LIVINGROOM">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<elseif $Punishment == 10>>
@@.Maria;"Hun? What are you doing in here... Is that ''Hayley's'' laptop? Are THOSE our vacation Pictures."@@ You turn your whole body toward the direction of the noise to see @@.Maria;Maria@@ shocked expression as she has frozen up in mid-sentence. As you are already at the edge of the orgasm, it would take a lot for it not to spill out.
<<if $player.willpower >= 1>>
<<link "Hold back the orgasm">>
<<set $player.willpower -= 1>>
<<if $PaidContent == true &&
$flags.MariaMad <= 0>>
<<set $Punishment = 11>>
<<set $Punishment = 13>>
[@@.Cancel;Hold back the orgasm@@]
<</if>> @@.Will;1-Will@@
<<link "Let it go">>
<<set $Punishment = 20>>
<<set $character.movement = true>>
<<elseif $Punishment == 11>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "MomBedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
It takes all of your might to stop the avalanche of orgasm from reaching its peak, but somehow you manage to do so. @@.Maria;Maria@@ is still not happy to find you out like this.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom1/MariaHandjob.webp"></div>
@@.Maria;"Hunney what are you doing? Masturbating to our private picture? //Puuh//, That is not healthy for you... Agh-. I meant that it's not healthy for a young man to stop mid-way through an orgasm. It could lead to some serious health issues. Hunney, you need to finish what you've started, now. Hmm? Don't look at me with those baby pupper eyes of yours, focus on the task at hand. Eyes to the monitor already. You need to get pumping."@@ One hell of a confused set of statements come out of @@.Maria;Maria's@@ mouth to the point that you don't really know what to do, and @@.Maria;Maria@@ notices it. She walks up to you and takes hold of your leaky 'dicklet' instead.
@@.Maria;"Do you need some assistance, perhaps? Was that why you were here? Well, of course, hunney. I'm happy to help you out. Now, focus on those pictures. See all the pretty curves? All those plump shapes. Think about how your-. Dicklet, would feel touching them. Caressing them. Being forced in between them... What? Oh, don't even give me that look. Faster you finish, faster we can get out of here."@@ Her left hand nurses your inner tight and lightly squeezes every now and then, while the right hand's is firmly wrapped around your 'Diglet', slowly pumping it up and down. <br>
@@.Maria;"//Uhh-.// This is getting us nowhere. It's way too dry. Are you not using any lubricants? We should really get you some, but for now, this should advise."@@ She lowers her head, and a big spit ball drops from her mouth straight into the head of your meat-stick. Her hand then rubs it all over the shaft, lubing it up. The sensation of her soft, feminine hand nursing the soft inner tights is phenomenal, and since you were close to the edge already, it takes you only a few breaths to be ready to shoot again.
<<if $player.willpower >= 2>>
<<link "Hold back the orgasm">>
<<set $player.willpower -= 2>>
<<set $Punishment = 12>>
[@@.Cancel;Hold back the orgasm@@]
<</if>> @@.Will;2-Will!@@
<<link "Let it go">>
<<set $Punishment = 21>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<elseif $Punishment == 12>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "MomBedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
It takes everything from you to stop this feeling from taking hold of you, and after closing your eyes and biting your tongue, you manage to keep things clear. @@.Maria;Maria@@ starts pumping your standing monument even harder and gripping it even tighter when she's pulling upwards, all the while eagerly waiting for you to shoot out the gooey substance.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom1/MariaHandjobNutting.webp"></div>
@@.Maria;"//Hunney, you need to shoot your load. It's only healthy for you. Cum now hunney. Cum to your mother's embrace. Please, give me your seed. I know you want to. I know you need to. You only need to. Release it. Release it now, Hunney. Release your load, Right ''Now!''//"@@ Her soft voice whispering next to your ear is too much for you to handle any longer, and the avalanche that is about to erupt is impossible to contain. First a small amount of pre-cum leaks out, but then more and more until a full blast shoots out like a cannonball straight into @@.Maria;Maria's@@ chin and face. She does not seem to be fazed by it and instead encourages for the rest to come out as well. <br>
@@.Maria;"Good job, hunney. Very good job. Give me all of that spunk. Don't leave even a drop behind. That's it, hunney. Spill that full load of yours."@@ Her soft, encouraging words are giving you courage to fully let yourself go as ropes after sticky ropes of cum spurt out of your one eyed pecker. The white gooey substance gets everywhere, but mostly into her hands and shirt, but somehow even this does not faze her one bit. @@.Maria;Maria@@ proudly smiles at you and even lands a kiss on your forehead almost like you did a great deed for her by letting her milk your pecker dry.
Her hands slowly pump out any remains from your flesh tube to make sure that none is left behind before letting go of the thing. <br>
@@.Maria;"Feeling better now, hunney? It's good that you didn't hold back any more than that. Otherwise, there might have been some complications. Mmm, but no need to worry about that now."@@ She takes a towel from nearby to wipe herself clean to the best of her ability, but some of the stuff has already soaked into her clothes, and she has to change. <br>
@@.Maria;"You are all emptied out now. There is a lot for me to clean, so it's better if you get going. Let mommy clean out the rest."@@ She indicates the mess that spilled onto the floor. As you are leaving the room, and closing the door behind you, you can faintly hear @@.Maria;Maria@@ say something to herself. <br>
@@.Maria;"//Fewww-. That one really had a pungent smell. I wonder how often he empties himself out. Probably not that often. Sniff sniff. Mmm-...//" @@
<<link "Fix your clothing.">>
<<set $player.lust -= 80>>
<<goto "MY LIVINGROOM">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<elseif $Punishment == 13>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "MomBedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
It takes all of your might to stop the avalanche of orgasm from reaching its peak, but somehow you manage to not shoot your load in front of your mother. @@.Maria;Maria@@ is still not happy to find you out like this. She stares you down as you calm your throbbing member to a halt with pure willpower alone. <br>
@@.Maria;"Hunney, this is a highly improper thing to do! Let alone a direct breach of someone else's private property. //I-. I can't deal with this right now.// ''Put that thing away''. Just get on out of here."@@ You yelp out your apologies while trying to hide your throbbing member from her. She dares not even look at you as you wobble yourself out of the room.
<<link "Fix your clothing.">>
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
<<set $flags.MariaMad += 3>>
<<goto "MY LIVINGROOM">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<elseif $Punishment == 20>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "MomBedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
You try your best not to let it happen as you tighten your grip on the throbbing member, holding back the tidal wave and plugging the leaky hole with one of your fingers. This turns out to be the very wrong thing to do, as the avalanche is happening no matter what. The small choke point acts as a pinched funnel where the spunk may escape with greater force than normal, increasing the distance it would normally go. Some of which land straight on @@.Maria;Maria's@@ body and well-kept clothes.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="images/Items/Pics/CumCovered/Maria.png"></div>
@@.Maria;Maria@@ stands there, surprised by what just happened for a while. At first, she licks her lips, but then is quick to change it back to being sour. <br>
@@.Maria;"Sweetie this is not a place you can do that! You've been told many times not to come into our room without permission. Ugh, and then there is this. This stuff that you just managed to get all over me. //Sniff//. Eww it stinks. Uhh-! Just get out. Get out now while I'm still letting you."@@ She points at the door for you to walk out of. As you are out of the room, closing the door behind you, you can faintly hear @@.Maria;Maria@@ say something to herself.<br>
@@.Maria;"//Fewww-. That one really had some distance. I wonder if ''Hayley'' taught him that...//"@@
<<link "Fix your clothing.">>
<<set $player.lust -= 80>>
<<goto "MY LIVINGROOM">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<elseif $Punishment == 21>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "MomBedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
Her encouraging soft voice whispering next to your ear is too much for you to handle any longer, and the avalanche erupts out with a small force, covering some of her shirt with your white spunk. She seems not to care about this and just slowly pumps the rest of it out of you.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Moms/Mom1/MariaHandjobNutting.webp"></div>
@@.Maria;"//Well done, hunney. It's better to let out all that nasty spunk than keep it in, so don't even worry about any of this and just spill all of it out. Don't leave anything behind.//"@@ A trickle of cum leaks out of your one eyed pecker into her soft, tender hands as the orgasm slowly comes to an end. @@.Maria;Maria@@ smiles at you like a proud mother would as she notes all of your spunk has come out. Her hands slowly pump out any remains from your flesh tube to make sure that none is left behind before letting go of the thing. <br>
@@.Maria;"Feeling better now, hunney? It's good that you didn't hold back any more than that. Otherwise, there might have been some complications. Mmm, but no need to worry about that now."@@ She takes a towel from nearby to wipe herself clean to the best of her ability, but some of the stuff has already soaked into her clothes, and she has to change. <br>
@@.Maria;"You are all emptied out now. There is a lot for me to clean, so it's better if you get going. Let mommy clean out the rest."@@ She indicates the mess that spilled onto the floor. As you are leaving the room, and closing the door behind you, you can faintly hear @@.Maria;Maria@@ say something to herself. <br>
@@.Maria;"//Fewww-. That one really had a pungent smell. I wonder how often he empties himself out. Probably not that often. Sniff sniff. Mmm-...//" @@
<<link "Fix your clothing.">>
<<set $player.lust -= 80>>
<<goto "MY LIVINGROOM">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<elseif $Punishment == 22>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "MomBedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
You try your best to not let it happent as you tighten your grip on the throbbing member, holding back the tidal wave, plugging the leaky whole with one of your fingers. This turns out to be to very wrong thing to do as the avalance is happening no matter what. The small chokepoint access as pinched funnel where the spunk may escape with greater force than normal increasing the distance it would normally go. Some of witch lands straight on to Maria's body and well kept clothes.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="images/Items/Pics/CumCovered/Maria.png"></div>
Maria stands there suprised of what just happened for a while. At first she licks her lips, but then is fast to change it back to being sour. "Sweetie this is not a place you can do that! You've been told meny times not to come in our room without premission. Ugh, and then there is this. This stuff that you just managed to get all over me. //Sniff//. Eww it stinks. Uhh-! Just get out. Get out now while I'm still letting you." She points at the door for you to walk out of. As you are out of the room closing the door behind, you can faintly hear Maria say something to herself.
"//Fewww-. That one really had some distance. I wonder if ''Hayley'' tought him that...// "
<<link "Fix your clothing">>
<<set $player.lust -= 80>>
<<goto "MY LIVINGROOM">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Maria">>
@@.Hayley;"Umm, what did you find there? Something to pique your interest, perhaps? Thahahaa. You should check out your own face right now, it's priceless. What, you didn't think your parents were capable of this? Oh, hunney. This is still nothing but a simple foreplay. You should see when... Well, explaining that might be going too far. Have you perhaps ever tried this kind of stuff?"@@ She caresses a spiked leather collar with her elegant hand while looking directly at your eyes. Her face then turns to a creepy smile. @@.Hayley;"Hmm, this was a quite the intrusion of our privacy, and thus we are to give you a proper Punishment for it. After all, how are you to learn your place otherwise? Thahahaa, don't worry hunney. It's nothing you can't handle. Hmm? Yes, you will do this, or I just might make your life a living hell for the rest of your miserable little life."@@ She smiles while saying it.
Hayley escorts you to the bathroom. @@.Hayley;"Yep, this should be enough of a punishment. Clean this place up. Top to bottom. Every inch of it at that. I want it spotless, so much, so you could eat out from the floor. There are the cleaning supplies. Well? Get to it. I'll come monitor your progress now and then."@@ She nods toward you and leaves. Embarrassed of what just happened, thinking that this might have gone so much worse.
First pouring some water at the bottom of the bathtub, then adding some soap to it. Knees against the hard bathroom floor, you start scrubbing the bathtub clean. Next comes the bathroom wall tiles that have some build up gunk on them. And finally, the floor that can be clean with a mob and soapy water.
When everything is clean and sparkly, @@.Hayley;Hayley@@ comes back to take a look. @@.Hayley;"Wow, you have done a wonderful job with this. Better than what I expected, actually. Hmm, back pains? Yep, that's what honest work does to you. Okay, okay. I'm not that mean. Here have this. But next time I caught your nose where it does not belong won't end up so easily."@@ She smirks while handing you some pocket change. Fully spent, you can't think of anything but heading to bed.
@@.Maria;"Oh, mmm... You found our little secret stash, huh. Hihihi, look at your face. Did you think your parents were innocent angles with no carnal desires? Oh hunney, we have done way worse things than those... Have you ever tried anything like this, for example?"@@ She picks up a shiny butt plug from the drawer, displaying it to you. The plug itself is quite small and there is a small pink jewel at the end. Your eye wondering on its shiny surface, you wonder what kind of things has it seen over the years. Maria sees your curios eyes and smirks. @@.Maria;"Oh my, oh my. Our little boy has an interest in such things. Well, the apple does not fall far from the tree, I suppose. Hmm, this is still a intrusion of our privacy and as such there seems to be a punishment in order. Take this and well. Insert it. Hmm? Yes, you will do this, or I just might make you clean the whole house for the next month."@@
@@.Maria;Maria@@ escorts you to the laundry room. @@.Maria;"So today you'll be doing the laundry. Do you know how it's done? Good, I expect all of this to be done. Oh, and don't forget to separate whites and colors. Right then there are these hosiers that you have to clean by hand. The machine is too rough for them. Well. I let you get to it then."@@ She shows you are huge pile of clothing that needs to be washed and where to put them to dry, and what you can clean while the machine is going.
And when you thought you were done, @@.Maria;Maria@@ brings in a few more things to clean. There are bedsheets, blanket covers, some rugs and curtains that all need to go through the laundry machine put on to dry and then folded to closets where they can be found neat and clean again. @@.Maria;"Ahh yes, I found all these and since you are such a little helper today. Ahh, and those rugs are too heavy for the machine, so those have to be done by hand outside."@@
When everything is washed and put away, Maria comes back to check your handy work. @@.Maria;"Wow, you have done a wonderful job with this. Better than what I expected, actually. Okay, this was amazing, it even left me some time to read books and watch TV. Oh god, how long has it been since I manage to catch one of my favorite shows. Here have this. But next time, I caught your nose where it does... Well, I'm sure we find some other work for you."@@ She winks while handing you some pocket change. Fully spent, you can't think of anything but heading to bed.<<set $location.PlayerCanLeaveRoom = true>>
<<if $player.Underwear == "">>
<<set $location.PlayerCanLeaveRoom = false>>
<<if $player.Costume != "">>
<<set $location.PlayerCanLeaveRoom = true>>
Parents room SNOOPINGS:
10% Masturbating/Lesbian Sex
25% Maria Masturbating
25% Hayley Masturbating
50% Parents Sex
else Nobody here Start snooping
Check Wardrobe:
1. Marias Panties
2. Hayleys Panties
3. Marias Thong
4. Hayleys Thong
5. IF boobsize +20: Marias Bra
6. IF boobsize +15: Hayleys Bra
7. IF boobsize +20: Marias Lingerie set
8. IF boobsize +15: Hayleys Lingerie set
9. IF boobsize +20: Marias Night gown
10.IF boobsize +15: Hayleys Night gown
Check Drawer:
1. Maria Naked pic
2. Hayley Naked pic
3. Strapon Dildo
4. Double sided dildo
5. BDSM gear
Check Under Bed:
50% Something from Wardrobe
50% Nothing
Check A Laptop:
1. Diary
2. Sexy pics
3. Sexy pics Collection
4. Sexy vid
-> Amateur Porn (Maria+Hayley)
-> Vintage Porn (Maria+Hayley)
Check Secret Closet (Locked)
(Get key from Hayley at fridays party first)
New Parent outfit's
Base: Clean Bathroom
If FS +100: Hand wash her Lingerie
If FS +200: Wash her back
If FS +300: Clean Sex toys
Base: Clean Gym clothes and equipment
If FS +100: Hand wash her Lingerie
If FS +200: Wash her back
If FS +300: Clean BDSM equipment
Stellas office SNOOPING:
10% Masturbating/Lesbian Sex
50% Stella Masturbating
50% Lesbian Sex with someone
Else Nobody here Start snooping
Check Desk:
1. Stellas Panties
2. Stellas Thong
3. Stellas Shoes
4. IF boobsize +10: Stellas Bra
5. IF boobsize +10: Stellas Lingerie set
6. IF boobsize +10: Stellas Night gown
Check Small cabin:
1. Stellas Naked pic
2. BlankDVD
3. Dildo
4. Choker with 'Teachers Slut' Text on it
Check Her Laptop:
1. Diary
2. Sexy pics Collection
3. Sexy Student pics Collection
4. Sexy vid
-> BDSM Porn
Check Secret Door (Locked)
(Get key from Stella at fridays party first)
New Teacher outfit
IF Stellas Bitch GAMESTATE. She Doubles the Aide content
IF Cummies Caught: She Doubles the Aide (+4 if Stellas Bitch)
Forced to help as Student AIDE. (Set Dice Random(9))
1. Wear Panties
2. Wear Buttplug
3. Wear Bra
4. Wear Stockings
5. Wear Skirt
6. Wear Chastity cage
7. Waer Girly shoes
8. Waer Girly School outfit (Skirt)
9. Humiliating pics taken
Go to help her with Class/Student council
Kristines room SNOOPING:
10% Masturbating
Kristines Masturbating
else Nobody here Start snooping
Check Wardrobe:
1. Kristines Panties
2. Kristines Thong
3. Kristines Shoes
4. IF boobsize +20: Kristines Bra
5. IF boobsize +20: Kristines Lingerie set
6. IF boobsize +20: Kristines Night gown
Check Drawer:
1. Kristines Naked pic
2. Pacifier
3. Baby bottle
4. Cute Oncie
Check Under Bed:
50% Something from Wardrobe
50% Nothing
Check Her Laptop:
1. Diary
2. Sexy pics Collection
3. Sexy ABDL Collection
4. Sexy vid
-> ABDL Porn
Check Secret LockBox (Locked)
(Get key from Kristine at fridays party first)
New Kristine outfit
IF Kristines ABDL GAMESTATE. She Doubles the ABDL content
IF Cummies Caught: She Doubles the dare (+4 if ABDL)
Forced to play ABDL game. (Set Dice Random(9))
1. Wear Diaber
2. Wear Chastity cage
3. Wear Oncie
4. Play with Pacifier
5. Play with Baby bottle
6. Baby Sleep time
7. Stroller
8. Milk from the tap
9. Humiliating pics taken
Play ABDL with Kristine
Dinas room SNOOPING:
10% Masturbating
Dinas Masturbating
else Nobody here Start snooping
Check Wardrobe:
1. Dinas Panties
2. Dinas Thong
3. Dinas Dress
4. IF boobsize +5: Dinas Bra
5. IF boobsize +5: Dinas Lingerie set
6. IF boobsize +5: Dinas Pajamas
Check Drawer:
1. Dinas Naked pic
2. Strange game
3. Buttplug
4. Transparent Lingerie
Check Under Bed:
50% Something from Wardrobe
50% Nothing
Check Her Laptop:
1. Diary
2. Sex forum entrie
3. Sexy pics
4. Sexy vid
-> Sissy Porn
IF Dinas Sissy Slave GAMESTATE. She Doubles the dare
IF Cummies Caught: She Doubles the dare (+4 if Sissy Slave)
Forced to play Dare game. (Set Dice Random(9))
1. Wear Panties
2. Wear Buttplug
3. Wear Bra
4. Wear Stockings
5. Wear Skirt
6. Wear Chastity cage
7. Waer girly shoes
8. Humiliating pics taken
9. Serve her in Coffee house
Go to Coffee house with Dina
Punishments depends on the person that finds you.
FriendShip to this person effects what kind of punishment you get.
High FS more Spicy punishment.<<if $Punishment == 0>>
There are no obvious things lying around the room, nor do you find anything under the desk, but since you have come this far, you decide to open one of the drawers on @@.Teacher;Stella's@@ desk. Opening it makes a bit of noise, but this does not matter to you right now. You are on a treasure hunt, and there ain't anything stopping you. The drawer is full of school equipment. Not being interested in any of that right now, you close it and open the second drawer. This one is a jackpot, full of '//lube and adult toys//', but before you get to pick anything up, you hear a voice from behind you.
@@.Teacher;"What are you doing in my quarters?"@@ She looks at you first, confused, but then notices what you were looking at. <br>
@@.TeacherYell;"These are my private quarters! You are ''NOT'' supposed to be in here! That's it. I've had enough of you. I'm sending you to Detention for the rest of the day! That should teach you where to poke your nosy nose."@@
<<link "Go to the Detention">>
<<set $flags.StellaMad += 5>>
<<set $Punishment = 1>>
<<set $character.movement = true>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
<<elseif $Punishment == 1>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "Classroom">><<include "Backgrounds">>
Head slouching, you enter the detention classroom that has some students from Class D, which most of you already recognize as the most unwanted bunch of people in school. Bullies, jocks who could not make it with PE scores alone, and some classroom sleepers. Those who use school as their personal sleeping quarters.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/School/Detention.webp"></div>
After a big sigh, you march to an empty seat to wait for the teacher to arrive. Soon ''@@.Male;Tode@@'', the famous '//I don't give a fuck//' detention teacher, steps in the class, counts the heads, marks them down, and goes to sit in his chair without saying a word. After that, you have nothing better to do than read a school book for the next few hours...
... The hours roll by, and after an agonizingly long time has passed, the school bells finally ring, and the detention is over. You can head on out.
<<link "Exhausted, leave the detention">>
<<if $ >= 50>>
<<set $ -= 50>><<else>>
<<set $ = 0>><</if>>
<<set $time.junk += 2>>
<<goto "STUDYHALL">>
<<elseif $Punishment == 10>>
@@.Teacher;"You are in wrong place mister! And what on earth are you doing with my laptop? Wait those are my ''pictures!''"@@ You turn your whole body toward the direction of the noice to see @@.Teacher;Stella's@@ shocked expression as she has frozen up in mid sentance.
<<if $player.willpower >= 1>>
<<link "Hold back the orgasm">>
<<set $player.willpower -= 1>>
<<if $PaidContent == true &&
$flags.StellaMad <= 0>>
<<set $Punishment = 11>>
<<set $Punishment = 13>>
[@@.Cancel;Hold back the orgasm@@]
<</if>> @@.Will;1-Will@@
<<link "Let it go">>
<<set $Punishment = 20>>
<<set $character.movement = true>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
<<elseif $Punishment == 11>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
It takes all of your might to stop the avalanche of orgasm from reaching its peak, but somehow you manage to do so. @@.Teacher;Stella@@ is still not happy to find you out like this.
@@.Teacher;"''Mister'', what are you doing? Are you ''masturbating''? To my ''private pictures''? In my ''private office'', nevertheless. //Ugh-//. That is highly improper. Should I report this to the ''principal'', or perhaps I should make a call to your ''parents''? What? You are stopping ''now''? No, no ''no''! You are my ''bitch'' now. C'mon. Keep going with it. Finish what you started. Or have you not heard it is bad for a male to stop mid-way? It's true. If you don't finish what you started, there just might come some health issues later, so better start //pumping again//."@@ Her hand makes a pumping motion in the air while she says that. One hell of a confused set of statements come out of @@.Teacher;Stella's@@ mouth to the point you don't know what to do, and she takes a note of it. Her rhythmic march next to you speaks with authority and determination, and as she kneels down next to you, her soft fingers wrap around your already quite leaky meat log.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Teacher/StellaHandjob2.webp"></div>
@@.Teacher;"It seems like you are unable to comprehend the meaning of my words, so allow me to assist you in this indecorous endeavor. See how you should be doing it. Firm hold on the base, and then you slide it up and down the shaft. Hmm? What are you looking at me for? Didn't you already have something to watch? Just look at those pretty curves of mine. That trimmed body is going to ravage your life if you are not careful. Oh, is that what is getting you going? You want me to crush under my feet? //Hmm,// it seems you like ''dominant'', ''tall women''. You are in luck then, since you have one right here and now."@@ Her left hand starts to ''pinch your nipple'', while the other is holding almost a ''death grip'' around your meat log, slowly pumping it up and down. <br>
@@.Teacher;"//Mmm-.// This is getting us nowhere. Ah, it's way too dry for this. Where is lube when you need one? Puuh, looks like we have to work it old and reliable method instead."@@ She lowers her head, and a big spit ball drops from her mouth straight into the head of your meat-log. Her hand then rubs it all over the shaft, lubing it up. The sensation of her soft fingertips ''pinching'' your left nipple while the other one is aggressively pumping you to finish has already gotten you to the edge. You are only a few breaths away from shooting your baby powder into the world.
<<if $player.willpower >= 2>>
<<link "Hold back the orgasm">>
<<set $player.willpower -= 2>>
<<set $Punishment = 12>>
[@@.Cancel;Hold back the orgasm@@]
<</if>> @@.Will;2-Will!@@
<<link "Let it go">>
<<set $Punishment = 21>>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
<<elseif $Punishment == 12>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
It takes everything from you to stop this feeling from taking hold of you, and after closing your eyes and biting your tongue, you manage to keep things clear. @@.Teacher;Stella@@ starts pumping your standing meat-log even harder and gripping it even tighter when she's pulling upwards, all the while eagerly waiting for you to shoot out the gooey substance.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Teacher/StellaHandjobNutting.webp"></div>
@@.Teacher;"Be a //''good boy''// for me. //''Good boys''// shoot their loads when asked. And I am asking. Shoot your load, boy. Make me proud. Be ''Miss Stella's'' //''Good boy''//. Give me your white, slimy seed. Release it. Release it now, //''Good boy''//! Release your load, Right Fucking ''NOW!''"@@ Her soft voice whispering next to your ear is too much for you to handle any longer, and the avalanche that is about to erupt is impossible to contain. First a small amount of pre-cum leaks out, but then more and more until a full blast shoots out like a cannonball straight into @@.Teacher;Stella's@@ chin and face. She does not seem to be fazed by it and instead encourages for the rest to come out as well. <br>
@@.Teacher;"//''Good boy''//. Very //''good boy''//. Uhh-. You did very-, very good. Give me all of that spunk. Don't leave even a drop behind. That's it, boy. Spit out every last drop of your."@@ Her soft, encouraging words are giving you courage to fully let yourself go as ropes after sticky ropes of cum spurt out of your one eyed pecker. The white gooey substance gets everywhere, but mostly into her hands and shirt, but somehow even this does not faze her one bit. @@.Teacher;Stella@@ proudly smiles at her handiwork as you bask in the afterglow.
Her hands slowly pump out any remains from your flesh tube to make sure that none is left behind before letting go of the thing. <br>
@@.Teacher;"Feeling better? See, it always feels better when you do as I tell you to do. Disobeying only leads to misfortune, and obeying, well-. You get this."@@ She takes a towel from nearby to wipe herself clean to the best of her ability, but some of the stuff has already soaked into her clothes, and she has to change. <br>
@@.Teacher;"All pumped out now. I have other matters to attend to, so now it's time for you to leave. Hmm? Go on now. That is all the rewards I'm giving you. //''Good boy''//!"@@ She smirks as she says the last part, and you can't help but to feel slight amount of pleasure from her words. As you are leaving the room, and closing the door behind you, you can faintly hear @@.Teacher;Stella@@ say something to herself. <br>
@@.Teacher;"//I'm going to wrap that boy around my finger someday, and he's even going to thank me for it. I'm sure of it now...//"@@
<<link "Fix your clothing">>
<<set $player.lust -= 80>>
<<goto "STUDYHALL">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
<<elseif $Punishment == 13>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "StellaOffice">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
It takes all of your might to stop the avalanche of orgasm from reaching its peak, but somehow you manage to do so. @@.Teacher;Stella@@ is still not happy finding you out like this. She marches at you, closing the laptop and pointing a finger straight at you. She stares you down as you calm your throbbing member to a halt with pure willpower alone. <br>
@@.Teacher;"You mister, are in SO much trouble! //Puuh.// ''Put that thing away''. Just get on out of here. I'll find a way to deal with you later."@@ You yelp out your apologies while trying to hide your throbbing member from her. She dares not even look at you as you wobble yourself out of the room.
<<link "Fix your clothing">>
<<set $player.lust += 10>>
<<goto "STUDYHALL">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
<<elseif $Punishment == 20>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "StellaOffice">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
You try your best not to let it happen as you tighten your grip on the throbbing member, holding back the tidal wave and plugging the leaky hole with one of your fingers. This turns out to be the very wrong thing to do, as the avalanche is happening no matter what. The small choke point acts as a pinched funnel where the spunk may escape with greater force than normal, increasing the distance it would normally go. Some of which land straight on to @@.Teacher;Stella's@@ body and clothes.
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="images/Items/Pics/CumCovered/Stella.png"></div>
@@.Teacher;Stella@@ just stands there surprised by what just happened for a while. At first, she's about to laugh, but then she's quick to correct herself back to being sour. <br>
@@.Teacher;"Hey. That was. Not something you should be doing in my office! Ugh. This stuff, how did you manage to land it all on me? //Sniff//. Eww it stinks. ''Uhg-''! Just get out. Get out now while I'm still letting you."@@ She points at the door for you to walk out of. As you are out of the room, closing the door behind you, you can faintly hear @@.Teacher;Stella@@ say something to herself. <br> @@.Teacher;"//Hahahaa! That boy could get an Olympic medal for the distance he managed. And that accuracy...// "@@
<<link "Fix your clothing">>
<<set $player.lust -= 80>>
<<goto "STUDYHALL">>
<<set $character.movement = false>>
<<set $ = "Teacher">>
<<elseif $Punishment == 21>>
<center><div class="LocationImage">
<div id="character"></div>
<<set $bg = "MomBedroom">>
<<include "Backgrounds">></div></center>
Her encouraging soft voice whispering next to your ear is too much for you to handle any longer, and the avalanche erupts out with a small force, covering some of her shirt with your white spunk. She seems not to care about this and just slowly pumps the rest of it out of you. <br>
<div class="imageSmall" style="width:50%; height:300px; float:right;"><img src="gifs/Teacher/StellaHandjob2.webp"></div>
@@.Teacher;"Oh? You're done already? I was hoping we could play with this a little longer, but that