<<set $gameversion to 16>>
<<set $prevpassage to 'Game start'>>
<<set $gameDate to new Date("2024-11-01T08:45Z"); >>
<<set $GameDays to [
"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"
<<set $day to 1>>
<<set $period to 1>>
<<set $periodname to "Early morning">>
<<set $city to {
name: "Marvella",
<<set $app to {
active: 0,
charges: 3
<<set $mc to {
name: "John",
surname: "Miller",
willpower: 0,
attunement: 0,
status: "Normal",
porn: 0,
money: 1000,
int: 0,
str: 0,
end: 0,
seXP: 0,
dom: 0,
<<set $sis to {
name: "Emma",
bond: "Roommate",
status: "Normal",
willpower: 20,
relation: 35,
loc: "Bathroom",
lochome: "Bathroom",
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $kathy to {
name: "Kathy",
status: "Normal",
willpower: 40,
relation: -80,
loc: "Kathy's bedroom",
gallery: [0,0,0,0],
<<set $mandy to {
name: "Mandy",
status: "Normal",
willpower: 45,
relation: 0,
loc: "Mandy's bedroom",
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $megan to {
name: "Megan",
status: "Normal",
willpower: 80,
relation: 5,
loc: "Megan's bedroom",
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $alice to {
name: "Alice",
status: "Normal",
willpower: 80,
relation: 25,
loc: "Church",
gallery: [0,0],
<<set $marsha to {
name: "Marsha",
status: "Normal",
willpower: 90,
relation: 10,
loc: "Marsha's bedroom",
gallery: [0,0],
<<set $andrea to {
name: "Andrea Doe",
status: "Normal",
willpower: 80,
relation: -10,
loc: "Andrea's bedroom",
gallery: [0,0,0,0],
<<set $niella to {
name: "Niella Windgate",
status: "Normal",
willpower: 0,
relation: -35,
loc: "Luthor's bedroom",
gallery: [0,0],
<<set $luthor to {
name: "Luthor Windgate",
status: "Normal",
willpower: 100,
relation: 0,
loc: "Luthor's bedroom",
metToday: 0,
gallery: [],
<<set $andi to {
name: "Andi",
status: "Normal",
willpower: 50,
relation: 0,
loc: "Andi's bedroom",
gallery: [0,0],
<<set $allGirlKeys to ["sis","megan","kathy","mandy","alice","marsha","andrea","niella","andi"]>>
<<set $allGirls to [$sis,$megan,$kathy,$mandy,$alice,$marsha,$andrea,$niella,$andi]>>
<<set $allManKeys to ["luthor"]>>
<<set $allMen to [$luthor]>>
<<set $has to {
breakfast: 0,
dishes: 0,
<<set $cheatCount to {
baby: 0,
child: 0,
youngster: 0,
man: 0,
gentleman: 0,
money: 0,
gallery: 0,
<<set $chores to {
<<set $quests to {
intro: {
stage: 0,
choices: {
late: "",
megan: "",
kathy: ""
release2: {
stage: 0,
choices: {
clean: "",
suspicious: ""
release3: {
stage: 0,
choices: {
agents: "",
luthor: "",
luthor2: "",
agents2: "",
andrea: "",
andrea2: "",
agents3: ""
<<set $activities to {
searchingForAnswers: {
stage: 0,
choices: {
stage3: ""
theWomanScorned: {
stage: 0,
choices: {
stage1: "",
stage2: "",
stage2B: ""
todayStage1: 0
gymRat: {
stage: 0,
choices: {
stage1: "",
stage2: ""
richGirlProblems: {
stage: 0
collectingWhatIsDue: {
stage: 0,
choices: {
stage1: ""
makingUpForLostTime: {
stage: 0,
choices: {
stage1: ""
<<set $uipassages to ["Cheat","Use code","Gallery Main","Progress","Credits","Options","Map options","Housing upgrades"]>>
<<set $mapPassages to ["City Map","Suburbs","The borough","Creamy acres","The lofts","Downtown","College avenue","The coast","Red light district"]>>
<span style="color: #ffd46e;">''Welcome to GrowUp RP, you're playing version 0.016''
''If you want to support the game, you can donate on:''</span>
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/agames" target="_blank" data-patreon-widget-type="become-patron-button">[img["resources/patreon.webp"]]</a>\
<button id="startbutton" class="large purple button">[[Click here to start|intro][$scene to 0]]<<addclass "body" "hs">></button>
<<nobr>><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="resources/css/main.css?v0.8.1">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Poppins:200,300,400,500" rel="stylesheet">
<link type="text/css" href="resources/css/all.css" rel="stylesheet">
<div id="body-mobile">
<div id="mobile">
<div class="top">
<div class="bottom">
<div class="screen" id="mainscreen">
<div class="appscreen active" id="homescreen">
<div class="topicons">
<div class="topicon" id="contactlogo" @style="_contactStyle"><img src="resources/phone/contacts.webp" alt=""></div>
<div class="topicon" id="progresslogo"><img src="resources/phone/walkthrough.webp" alt=""></div>
<div class="topicon" id="timeapplogo"><img src="resources/phone/timeapp.webp" alt=""></div>
<<if $quests.intro.stage>><div class="topicon" id="blackfirelogo"><img src="resources/phone/blackfire.webp" alt=""></div><</if>>
<div class="appscreen" id="contactsscreen">
<div id="friends" class="right-bar">
<div class="friend"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/white/sis.webp"><p><<print $sis.name>><span><br>will: <<print $sis.willpower>> rel: <<print $sis.relation>></span></p></div>
<<if !$quests.release3.stage>><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/windgate/luthor.webp"><p>Not met<span><br>will: ??? rel: ???</span></p></div>
<div class="friend"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/windgate/niella.webp"><p>Not met<span><br>will: ??? rel: ???</span></p></div>
<<else>><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/windgate/luthor.webp"><p>Luthor Windgate<span><br>will: <<print $luthor.willpower>> rel: <<print $luthor.relation>></span></p></div>
<div class="friend"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/windgate/niella.webp"><p>Niella Windgate<span><br>will: <<print $niella.willpower>> rel: <<print $niella.relation>></span></p></div><</if>>
<div class="friend"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/hs/kathy.webp"><p>Kathy Windgate<span><br>will: <<print $kathy.willpower>> rel: <<print $kathy.relation>></span></p></div>
<<if !$quests.release3.stage>><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/agents/andrea.webp"><p>Not met<span><br>will: ??? rel: ???</span></p></div><<else>><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/agents/andrea.webp"><p>Andrea Doe<span><br>will: <<print $andrea.willpower>> rel: <<print $andrea.relation>></span></p></div><</if>>
<div class="friend"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/stellia/megan.webp"><p>Megan<span><br>will: <<print $megan.willpower>> rel: <<print $megan.relation>></span></p></div>
<<if !$activities.gymRat.stage>><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/side/mandy.webp"><p>Not met<span><br>will: ??? rel: ???</span></p></div><<else>><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/side/mandy.webp"><p>Mandy<span><br>will: <<print $mandy.willpower>> rel: <<print $mandy.relation>></span></p></div><</if>>
<<if !$activities.richGirlProblems.stage>><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/side/andi.webp"><p>Not met<span><br>will: ??? rel: ???</span></p></div><<else>><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/side/andi.webp"><p>Andi<span><br>will: <<print $andi.willpower>> rel: <<print $andi.relation>></span></p></div><</if>>
<<if $activities.searchingForAnswers.stage lt 3>><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/church/alice.webp"><p>Not met<span><br>will: ??? rel: ???</span></p></div>
<div class="friend"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/church/marsha.webp"><p>Not met<span><br>will: ??? rel: ???</span></p></div>
<<else>><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/church/alice.webp"><p>Alice<span><br>will: <<print $alice.willpower>> rel: <<print $alice.relation>></span></p></div>
<div class="friend"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/church/marsha.webp"><p>Marsha<span><br>will: <<print $marsha.willpower>> rel: <<print $marsha.relation>></span></p></div><</if>>
<div class="friend"></div>
<div class="appscreen" id="blackfireappscreen">
<div id="blackfireapp">
<img class="skulllogo" src="resources/icons/skull.webp" /><span class="title">Blackfire App</span>
<div class="blackfirestats">
<ul style="text-align: left; padding-left: 12px;">
<li><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" class="blue">App charges: $app.charges</li>
<li><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" class="orange">Willpower: $mc.willpower</li>
<li><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" class="red">Attunement: $mc.attunement</li>
<li><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" class="pink">Porn addiction: $mc.porn</li>
<li><img src="resources/icons/money.svg" class="green">Money: $mc.money</li>
<span class="titlesec">Main quest advice:</span>
<p class="advice">At the moment I have nothing to suggest you</p>
<div class="appscreen" id="progressscreen">
<div id="progressdiv">
<div class="friend" id="storyprogress"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/logo.webp" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Main story</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="sisprogress"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/sis.webp" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>$sis.name</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="luthorprogress"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/luthor.webp" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Luthor Windgate</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="niellaprogress"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/niella.webp" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Niella Windgate</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="kathyprogress"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/kathy.webp" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Kathy Windgate</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="andreaprogress"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/andrea.webp" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Andrea Doe</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="meganprogress"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/megan.webp" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Megan</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="mandyprogress"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/mandy.webp" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Mandy</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="andiprogress"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/andi.webp" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Mandy</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="aliceprogress"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/alice.webp" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Alice</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="marshaprogress"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/marsha.webp" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Marsha</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="noneprogress"></div>
<div id="profileprogress">
<div class="profile-g story" id="story-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/logo.webp"></div>
<div class="profile-stats" style="transform: translateY(-14px);">
<p>State: <<print $mc.status>></p>
<p>App charges: <<print $app.charges>></p>
<p>Willpower: <<print $mc.willpower>></p>
<p>Attunement: <<print $mc.attunement>></p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $quests.intro.stage is 0>>
Complete the game's intro
<<elseif $quests.release2.stage is 0>>
Go home or wait for the night
<<elseif $quests.release2.stage is 1>>
Go to your bedroom at morning
<<elseif $quests.release2.stage is 2>>
Wait for the night
<<elseif $quests.release3.stage is 0>>
Wait for the event to happen
End of the main story for this update. There might be secondary quests around the town
<div class="close-progress" id="close-story"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g sis" id="sis-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/sis.webp"></div>
<div class="profile-stats" style="transform: translateY(-14px);">
<p>State: <<print $sis.status>></p>
<p>Willpower: <<print $sis.willpower>></p>
<p>Relation: <<print $sis.relation>></p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if true>>
End of her content for this update
<div class="close-progress" id="close-sis"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g megan" id="megan-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/megan.webp"></div>
<div class="profile-stats" style="transform: translateY(-14px);">
<p>State: <<print $megan.status>></p>
<p>Willpower: <<print $megan.willpower>></p>
<p>Relation: <<print $megan.relation>></p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $activities.makingUpForLostTime.stage is 0 && $luthor.metToday>>
Go to Stellia
<<elseif $activities.theWomanScorned.stage is 0>>
Go to Stellia
<<elseif $activities.theWomanScorned.stage is 1 && $activities.theWomanScorned.todayStage1>>
Wait for 1 day
<<elseif $activities.theWomanScorned.stage is 1>>
Go to Stellia
End of her content for this update
<div class="close-progress" id="close-megan"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g kathy" id="kathy-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/kathy.webp"></div>
<div class="profile-stats" style="transform: translateY(-14px);">
<p>State: <<print $kathy.status>></p>
<p>Willpower: <<print $kathy.willpower>></p>
<p>Relation: <<print $kathy.relation>></p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if true>>
End of her content for this update
<div class="close-progress" id="close-kathy"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g mandy" id="mandy-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/mandy.webp"></div>
<div class="profile-stats" style="transform: translateY(-14px);">
<p>State: <<print $mandy.status>></p>
<p>Willpower: <<print $mandy.willpower>></p>
<p>Relation: <<print $mandy.relation>></p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $activities.gymRat.stage is 0>>
Go to the mall's gym
<<elseif $activities.gymRat.stage is 1>>
Go to the mall's gym
End of her content for this update. You unlocked her repeatable interaction at the gym
<div class="close-progress" id="close-mandy"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g andi" id="andi-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/andi.webp"></div>
<div class="profile-stats" style="transform: translateY(-14px);">
<p>State: <<print $andi.status>></p>
<p>Willpower: <<print $andi.willpower>></p>
<p>Relation: <<print $andi.relation>></p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if !$quests.release3.stage>>
Progress through the main story
<<elseif !$activities.richGirlProblems.stage>>
Go to the Windgate Manors
<<elseif $activities.richGirlProblems.stage is 1>>
Use your computer at home
End of her content for this update. You unlocked her repeatable interaction at the gym
<div class="close-progress" id="close-andi"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g alice" id="alice-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/alice.webp"></div>
<div class="profile-stats" style="transform: translateY(-14px);">
<p>State: <<print $alice.status>></p>
<p>Willpower: <<print $alice.willpower>></p>
<p>Relation: <<print $alice.relation>></p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $activities.searchingForAnswers.stage is 0>>
Go to the library
<<elseif $activities.searchingForAnswers.stage is 1>>
Go to sleep
<<elseif $activities.searchingForAnswers.stage is 2>>
Go to the church on a Sunday
End of her content for this update
<div class="close-progress" id="close-alice"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g marsha" id="marsha-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/marsha.webp"></div>
<div class="profile-stats" style="transform: translateY(-14px);">
<p>State: <<print $marsha.status>></p>
<p>Willpower: <<print $marsha.willpower>></p>
<p>Relation: <<print $marsha.relation>></p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $activities.searchingForAnswers.stage is 0>>
Go to the library
<<elseif $activities.searchingForAnswers.stage is 1>>
Go to sleep
<<elseif $activities.searchingForAnswers.stage is 2>>
Go to the church
End of her content for this update
<div class="close-progress" id="close-marsha"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g luthor" id="luthor-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/luthor.webp"></div>
<div class="profile-stats" style="transform: translateY(-14px);">
<p>State: <<print $luthor.status>></p>
<p>Willpower: <<print $luthor.willpower>></p>
<p>Relation: <<print $luthor.relation>></p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if !$quests.release3.stage>>
Progress through the story
<<elseif $activities.collectingWhatIsDue.stage is 0 && $quests.release3.choices.luthor2 is "work with him on a condition">>
Go to Luthor's manor in the Windgate Manors
<<elseif ($activities.collectingWhatIsDue.stage is 0 || $activities.collectingWhatIsDue.stage is 1) && $mc.attunement lt 5>>
Raise your attunement to 5
<<elseif $activities.collectingWhatIsDue.stage is 0 || $activities.collectingWhatIsDue.stage is 1>>
Go to sleep
End of the content for this update
<div class="close-progress" id="close-luthor"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g niella" id="niella-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/niella.webp"></div>
<div class="profile-stats" style="transform: translateY(-14px);">
<p>State: <<print $niella.status>></p>
<p>Willpower: <<print $niella.willpower>></p>
<p>Relation: <<print $niella.relation>></p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if !$quests.release3.stage>>
Progress through the story
End of her content for this update
<div class="close-progress" id="close-niella"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g andrea" id="andrea-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="resources/profilpictures/andrea.webp"></div>
<div class="profile-stats" style="transform: translateY(-14px);">
<p>State: <<print $andrea.status>></p>
<p>Willpower: <<print $andrea.willpower>></p>
<p>Relation: <<print $andrea.relation>></p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if !$quests.release3.stage>>
Progress through the story
End of her content for this update
<div class="close-progress" id="close-andrea"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="appscreen" id="timeappscreen">
<div id="timesetter">
<div class="align-time">
<div class="fixing-row">
<div class="ts-hour"><input class="time-set-slide" type="number" placeholder="0-23" id="ts-hour" min="0" max="23"><label id="hour-label">Hours:</label></div>
<div class="ts-min"><input class="time-set-slide" type="number" placeholder="0-59" id="ts-min" min="0" max="59"><label id="mins-label">Mins: </label></div>
<button class="ts-set button blue makemewhite" onclick="setTime()">Set time</button><br>
<button class="pass-time button blue makemewhite" onclick="addHour()">Add an hour</button>
<<link [img["resources/img/skip-day.webp"]]>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>><<if ($houseBg is "loft" && !$housing.loft.own) || ($houseBg is "mansion" && !$housing.mansion.own)>><<set $houseBg to "house">><</if>><<set _ran to random(1, 100)>><<if _ran gt $aunt.introchance && $has.auntaddress is 0>><<goto "Aunt Intro">><<else>><<goto "Bedroom">><</if>><</link>><button class="button blue makemewhite">Skip day</button>
<img class="mobile-cover" src="resources/backgrounds/phone.webp" alt="">
<ul class="icons">
<li><i class="fa fa-comment" aria-hidden="true"></i></li>
<li><i class="fa fa-home" aria-hidden="true"></i></li>
<li class="right-bar"><<if $uipassages.includes(passage())>><a data-passage="Gallery Main" data-setter="$stage to 0"><i class="fas fa-images" aria-hidden="true"></i></a><<else>><a data-passage="Gallery Main" data-setter="$stage to 0; $prevpassage to passage()"><i class="fas fa-images" aria-hidden="true"></i></a><</if>></li>
$(document).ready(function() {
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console.log("mainscreen: " + mainscreen);
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localStorage.setItem("mainscreen", ids)
console.log("ids: " + ids);
window.mainscreen = localStorage.getItem('mainscreen');
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var max = parseInt(this.max);
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this.value = max
$('#ts-min').on('input', function() {
var max = parseInt(this.max);
if (parseInt(this.value) > max) {
this.value = max
$('#storyprogress').click(function() {
$('#progressscreen').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
$('#close-story').click(function() {
$('#sisprogress').click(function() {
$('#progressscreen').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
$('#close-sis').click(function() {
$('#meganprogress').click(function() {
$('#progressscreen').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
$('#close-megan').click(function() {
$('#kathyprogress').click(function() {
$('#progressscreen').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
$('#close-kathy').click(function() {
$('#mandyprogress').click(function() {
$('#progressscreen').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
$('#close-mandy').click(function() {
$('#aliceprogress').click(function() {
$('#progressscreen').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
$('#close-alice').click(function() {
$('#marshaprogress').click(function() {
$('#progressscreen').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
$('#close-marsha').click(function() {
$('#luthorprogress').click(function() {
$('#progressscreen').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
$('#close-luthor').click(function() {
$('#niellaprogress').click(function() {
$('#progressscreen').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
$('#close-niella').click(function() {
$('#andreaprogress').click(function() {
$('#progressscreen').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
$('#close-andrea').click(function() {
$('#andiprogress').click(function() {
$('#progressscreen').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
$('#close-andi').click(function() {
</script><img src="resources/logo.webp" style="width: 80%; height: auto; margin-top: 10px;">
<div id="now"><<now>></div>\
<<nobr>><button class="pass-time button blue makemewhite leftbar" style="margin-top: 8px;" onclick="addHour()"><img src="resources/img/arrow1.webp"></button>
<button class="button blue makemewhite leftbar skip-day" style="margin-top: 8px;"><img src="resources/img/arrow2.webp"><<link [img["resources/img/skip-day.webp"]]>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>><<goto "bedroom">><</link>></button><</nobr>>
<div id="helpss">
<<if $quests.intro.stage>><p class="title fasttravel dropbtn" onclick="dropdowngallery()">Fast travel <img style="width:8px;vertical-align:middle;" src="resources/img/arrow3.webp" /></p>\
<div class="gallery dropdown-content" style="" id="dropdowngallery">
<div class="girlcircle loc">
<div class="portrait loc">
<div class="fast-travel-img">[img["resources/fast-travel/house.webp"][House]]</div>
<div class="girlcircle loc">
<div class="portrait loc">
<div class="fast-travel-img">[img["resources/fast-travel/residential.webp"][City Map]]</div>
<div class="girlcircle loc">
<div class="portrait loc">
<div class="fast-travel-img">[img["resources/fast-travel/street.webp"][street]]</div>
<div class="girlcircle loc">
<div class="portrait loc">
<div class="fast-travel-img">[img["resources/fast-travel/stellia.webp"][stellia]]</div>
<div class="girlcircle loc">
<div class="portrait loc">
<div class="fast-travel-img">[img["resources/fast-travel/park.webp"][park]]</div>
<div class="girlcircle loc">
<div class="portrait loc">
<div class="fast-travel-img">[img["resources/fast-travel/hschool.webp"][library]]</div>
<div class="girlcircle loc">
<div class="portrait loc">
<div class="fast-travel-img">[img["resources/fast-travel/mall.webp"][mall]]</div>
<p class="title stats2 dropbtn" onclick="dropdownstats()" id="dropdownstats">Stats <img style="width:8px;vertical-align:middle;" src="resources/img/arrow3.webp" /></p>
<div class="statscontent" id="statscontent"><br><<if $app.active>><strong>App charges:</strong> $app.charges<br><</if>>
<strong>State:</strong> $mc.status<br>
<strong>Willpower:</strong> $mc.willpower<br>
<strong>Attunement:</strong> $mc.attunement<br>
<strong>Porn addiction:</strong> $mc.porn<br>
<strong>Money:</strong> <div id="money-var" style="display: inline;">$mc.money</div>
</div><<if $quests.intro.stage>><br>
<<set _locListClass to "girl-loc-links-cont loc-list-color">>
<<set _locListBtnClass to "title girlsloc loc-list-color">>
<<timed .4s>><<GirlsLinks>><br><p id="girl-loc-links-button" @class="_locListBtnClass" onclick="openGirlLocs()">Girls locations</p>
<<set _locLinkGirls to { sis: true,
megan: true,
kathy: true,
niella: $quests.release3.stage,
mandy: $activities.gymRat.stage,
andi: $activities.richGirlProblems.stage,
alice: $activities.searchingForAnswers.stage gte 3,
marsha: $activities.searchingForAnswers.stage gte 3,
andrea: $quests.release3.stage }>>
<<set _locLinkNames to Object.keys(_locLinkGirls)>>
<div id="girl-loc-links-cont" @class="_locListClass">
<<for _llgI to 0; _llgI lt _locLinkNames.length; _llgI++>>
<<set _thisLocGirlName to _locLinkNames[_llgI]>>
<<set _thisLocCheck to _locLinkGirls[_thisLocGirlName]>>
<<set _thisLocGirl to SugarCube.State.variables[_locLinkNames[_llgI]] >>
<<if _thisLocCheck>>
<<if _thisLocGirlName is "mom">>
<<set _thisLocGirlNameLabel to $mom.name>>
<<elseif _thisLocGirlName is "sis">>
<<set _thisLocGirlNameLabel to $sis.name>>
<<set _thisLocGirlNameLabel to _thisLocGirl.name>>
<div class="girl-loc-link"><strong style="text-transform: capitalize;">_thisLocGirlNameLabel:</strong> <<set _girlLinkStyle to "loc-girl-link">><a @id="_thisLocGirlName" @class="_girlLinkStyle" @data-passage="_allGirlsLocs[_thisLocGirlName]">_thisLocGirl.loc</a></div><br>
<a href="https://patreon.com/agames?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link" target="_blank" data-patreon-widget-type="become-patron-button">[img["resources/patreon.webp"]]</a>\
<a href="https://discord.gg/KUe2fyyGzV" id="discord-promo"><img src="resources/backgrounds/discord-logo-blue.png" id="" /></a><nav id="story-menu"><<if $uipassages.includes(passage())>>
[[Use code]]
[[Gallery|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]
[[Use code][$prevpassage to passage()]]
[[Gallery|Gallery Main][$stage to 0; $prevpassage to passage()]]
[[Credits][$prevpassage to passage()]]
<<link "Save">><<script>>UI.saves()<</script>><</link>>
<<link "Restart">><<script>>UI.restart()<</script>><</link>>
</nav><<nobr>><<widget "ShuffleArray">>
<<set _shuffArr to $args[0].slice()>>
<<for _oridx to 0; _oridx < _shuffArr.length; _oridx++>>
<<set _sfidx to random(_oridx, _shuffArr.length)>>
<<set _thisElement to _shuffArr[_oridx]>>
<<set _shuffArr[_oridx] to _shuffArr[_sfidx]>>
<<set _shuffArr[_sfidx] to _thisElement>>
<<widget "now">>
<<print $GameDays[$gameDate.getUTCDay()]>> - <<print "$periodname">><br> Day $day - <<= padZero($gameDate.getUTCHours())>>:<<= padZero($gameDate.getUTCMinutes())>>
<<set $daycheck = $GameDays[$gameDate.getUTCDay()]>>
<<widget "addmins">>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes($gameDate.getUTCMinutes() + $args[0])>>
<<widget "addhours">>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours($gameDate.getUTCHours() + $args[0])>>
<<widget "settime">>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours($args[0])>>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes($args[1])>>
<<widget "period">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '06:00', '07:59')>>
<<set $periodname = "Early morning">>
<<set $period = 1>>
<<if $quests.release2.stage gte 3 && $quests.release3.stage is 0 && !["Release 3","Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation","Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo","Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing"].includes(passage())>>
<<set $scene to 0>><<goto "Release 3">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '09:59')>>
<<set $periodname = "Morning">>
<<set $period = 2>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '10:00', '11:59')>>
<<set $periodname = "Late morning">>
<<set $period = 3>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '12:59')>>
<<set $periodname = "Noon">>
<<set $period = 4>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '13:00', '15:59')>>
<<set $periodname = "Afternoon">>
<<set $period = 5>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '17:59')>>
<<set $periodname = "Late afternoon">>
<<set $period = 6>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '21:59')>>
<<set $periodname = "Evening">>
<<set $period = 7>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '22:00', '05:59')>>
<<set $periodname = "Night">>
<<set $period = 0>>
<<if $quests.intro.stage is 1 && $quests.release2.stage is 0 && passage() isnot "Release 2">>
<<set $scene to 0>><<goto "Release 2">>
<<elseif $quests.release2.stage is 2 && passage() isnot "Release 2 Part 3">>
<<set $scene to 0>><<goto "Release 2 Part 3">>
<<widget "dayreset">>
<<set $app.charges to 3>>
<<set $has.breakfast to 0>>
<<set $has.dinner to 0>>
<<set $has.dishes to 0>>
<<set $has.trash to 0>>
<<set $has.laundry to 0>>
<<set $has.vacuum to 0>>
<<set $has.cleaning to 0>>
<<set $sis.lochome to either(`${$sis.name}'s bedroom`, "Living room", "Kitchen", "Bathroom")>>
<<set $luthor.metToday to 0>>
<<set $activities.theWomanScorned.todayStage1 to 0>>
<<widget "NextDay">>
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() >= 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
<<widget "NextPeriod">>
<<switch $periodname>>
<<case "Early morning">>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(10)>>
<<case "Late morning">>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>>
<<case "Noon">>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(16)>>
<<case "Late afternoon">>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>>
<<case "Evening">>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(22)>>
<<case "Night">>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>
<<set $day += 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<widget "mcporn">>
<<set $mc.porn = parseInt($mc.porn) + 5>> ''You're now a bit more addicted to porn''
<<widget "mcpornminus">>
<<set $mc.porn = parseInt($mc.porn) - 5>> ''Your porn addiction goes down a little''
<<widget "siswillpower">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $sis.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">''<<print $sis.name>>'s'' willpower is growing</span></div>
<<set $sis.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="trustloss"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="statloss">''<<print $sis.name>>'s'' willpower is falling</span></div>
<<widget "sisrelation">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $sis.relation += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/handshake-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">Your realtion with ''<<print $sis.name>>'' is improving</span></div>
<<set $sis.relation += $args[0]>><div class="trustloss"><img src="resources/icons/handshake-solid.svg" /><span class="statloss">Your realtion with ''<<print $sis.name>>'' is getting worse</span></div>
<<widget "sisstatus">>
<<set $sis.status = $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">''<<print $sis.name>>'' status is now ''$args[0]''</span></div>
<<widget "meganwillpower">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $megan.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">''Megan's'' willpower is growing</span></div>
<<set $megan.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="trustloss"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="statloss">''Megan's'' willpower is falling</span></div>
<<widget "meganrelation">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $megan.relation += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/handshake-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">Your realtion with ''Megan'' is improving</span></div>
<<set $megan.relation += $args[0]>><div class="trustloss"><img src="resources/icons/handshake-solid.svg" /><span class="statloss">Your realtion with ''Megan'' is getting worse</span></div>
<<widget "meganstatus">>
<<set $megan.status = $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">''Megan'' status is now ''$args[0]''</span></div>
<<widget "kathywillpower">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $kathy.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">''Kathy's'' willpower is growing</span></div>
<<set $kathy.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="trustloss"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="statloss">''Kathy's'' willpower is falling</span></div>
<<widget "kathyrelation">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $kathy.relation += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/handshake-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">Your realtion with ''Kathy'' is improving</span></div>
<<set $kathy.relation += $args[0]>><div class="trustloss"><img src="resources/icons/handshake-solid.svg" /><span class="statloss">Your realtion with ''Kathy'' is getting worse</span></div>
<<widget "kathystatus">>
<<set $kathy.status = $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">''Kathy'' status is now ''$args[0]''</span></div>
<<widget "mandywillpower">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $mandy.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">''Mandy's'' willpower is growing</span></div>
<<set $mandy.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="trustloss"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="statloss">''Mandy's'' willpower is falling</span></div>
<<widget "mandyrelation">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $mandy.relation += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/handshake-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">Your realtion with ''Mandy'' is improving</span></div>
<<set $mandy.relation += $args[0]>><div class="trustloss"><img src="resources/icons/handshake-solid.svg" /><span class="statloss">Your realtion with ''Mandy'' is getting worse</span></div>
<<widget "mandystatus">>
<<set $mandy.status = $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">''Mandy'' status is now ''$args[0]''</span></div>
<<widget "alicewillpower">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $alice.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">''Alice's'' willpower is growing</span></div>
<<set $alice.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="trustloss"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="statloss">''Alice's'' willpower is falling</span></div>
<<widget "alicerelation">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $alice.relation += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/handshake-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">Your realtion with ''Alice'' is improving</span></div>
<<set $alice.relation += $args[0]>><div class="trustloss"><img src="resources/icons/handshake-solid.svg" /><span class="statloss">Your realtion with ''Alice'' is getting worse</span></div>
<<widget "alicestatus">>
<<set $alice.status = $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">''Alice'' status is now ''$args[0]''</span></div>
<<widget "marshawillpower">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $marsha.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">''Marsha's'' willpower is growing</span></div>
<<set $marsha.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="trustloss"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="statloss">''Marsha's'' willpower is falling</span></div>
<<widget "marsharelation">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $marsha.relation += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/handshake-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">Your realtion with ''Marsha'' is improving</span></div>
<<set $marsha.relation += $args[0]>><div class="trustloss"><img src="resources/icons/handshake-solid.svg" /><span class="statloss">Your realtion with ''Marsha'' is getting worse</span></div>
<<widget "marshastatus">>
<<set $marsha.status = $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">''Marsha'' status is now ''$args[0]''</span></div>
<<widget "andreawillpower">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $andrea.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">''Andrea Doe's'' willpower is growing</span></div>
<<set $andrea.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="trustloss"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="statloss">''Andrea Doe's'' willpower is falling</span></div>
<<widget "andrearelation">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $andrea.relation += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/handshake-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">Your realtion with ''Andrea Doe'' is improving</span></div>
<<set $andrea.relation += $args[0]>><div class="trustloss"><img src="resources/icons/handshake-solid.svg" /><span class="statloss">Your realtion with ''Andrea Doe'' is getting worse</span></div>
<<widget "andreastatus">>
<<set $andrea.status = $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">''Andrea Doe'' status is now ''$args[0]''</span></div>
<<widget "niellawillpower">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $niella.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">''Niella Windgate's'' willpower is growing</span></div>
<<set $niella.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="trustloss"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="statloss">''Niella Windgate's'' willpower is falling</span></div>
<<widget "niellarelation">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $niella.relation += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/handshake-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">Your realtion with ''Niella Windgate'' is improving</span></div>
<<set $niella.relation += $args[0]>><div class="trustloss"><img src="resources/icons/handshake-solid.svg" /><span class="statloss">Your realtion with ''Niella Windgate'' is getting worse</span></div>
<<widget "niellastatus">>
<<set $niella.status = $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">''Niella Windgate'' status is now ''$args[0]''</span></div>
<<widget "luthorwillpower">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $luthor.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">''Luthor Windgate's'' willpower is growing</span></div>
<<set $luthor.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="trustloss"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="statloss">''Luthor Windgate's'' willpower is falling</span></div>
<<widget "luthorrelation">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $luthor.relation += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/handshake-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">Your realtion with ''Luthor Windgate'' is improving</span></div>
<<set $luthor.relation += $args[0]>><div class="trustloss"><img src="resources/icons/handshake-solid.svg" /><span class="statloss">Your realtion with ''Luthor Windgate'' is getting worse</span></div>
<<widget "luthorstatus">>
<<set $luthor.status = $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">''Luthor Windgate'' status is now ''$args[0]''</span></div>
<<widget "andiwillpower">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $andi.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">''Andi's'' willpower is growing</span></div>
<<set $andi.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="trustloss"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="statloss">''Andi's'' willpower is falling</span></div>
<<widget "andirelation">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $andi.relation += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/handshake-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">Your realtion with ''Andi'' is improving</span></div>
<<set $andi.relation += $args[0]>><div class="trustloss"><img src="resources/icons/handshake-solid.svg" /><span class="statloss">Your realtion with ''Andi'' is getting worse</span></div>
<<widget "andistatus">>
<<set $andi.status = $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">''Andi'' status is now ''$args[0]''</span></div>
<<widget "willpower">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $mc.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><span class="trustaddition">''Your willpower is growing''</span></div>
<<set $mc.willpower += $args[0]>><div class="corrgain"><span class="corraddition">''Your willpower is falling''</span></div>
<<widget "attunement">>
<<if $args[0] gte 0>>
<<set $mc.attunement += $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><span class="trustaddition">''Your attunement is growing''</span></div>
<<set $mc.attunement += $args[0]>><div class="corrgain"><span class="corraddition">''Your attunement is falling''</span></div>
<<widget "status">>
<<set $mc.status = $args[0]>><div class="trustgain"><img src="resources/icons/heart-pulse-solid.svg" /><span class="trustaddition">Your status is now ''$args[0]''</span></div>
<<widget "appcharge">>
<<set $app.charges -= $args[0]>><div class="corrgain"><span class="corraddition">''You used $args[0] app charge<<if $args[0] gt 1>>s<</if>>''</span></div>
<<widget "moneygain">>
<<set $mc.money += $args[0]>><div class="moneygain"><img src="resources/icons/money.svg" /><span class="moneyaddition">''You earned <<print $args[0]>>$''</span></div>
<</nobr>><<widget "MakeGallery">>
<<for _i to 1; _i lte $args[0]; _i++>>
<<set _passage to "gallery"+$args[1]+_i>>
<<switch $args[1]>>
<<case "Sis">>
<<if $sis.gallery[_i-1] is 1>>
<<switch _i>>
<<set _sisDesc to "<<print $sis.name>> " + _i>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_sasha"><div class="gallery-desc"><p>_sisDesc</p></div><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img[`resources/img/portraits/sis.webp`]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_sasha">
<div class="circle">[img[`resources/img/lock.webp`]]</div>[img[`resources/img/portraits/sis.webp`]]
<<case "Megan">>
<<if $megan.gallery[_i-1] is 1>>
<<switch _i>>
<<set _meganDesc to "Megan " + _i>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_tammy"><div class="gallery-desc"><p>_meganDesc</p></div><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img[`resources/img/portraits/megan.webp`]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_tammy">
<div class="circle">[img[`resources/img/lock.webp`]]</div>[img[`resources/img/portraits/megan.webp`]]
<<case "Kathy">>
<<if $kathy.gallery[_i-1] is 1>>
<<switch _i>>
<<set _kathyDesc to "Kathy " + _i>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_neera"><div class="gallery-desc"><p>_kathyDesc</p></div><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img[`resources/img/portraits/student.webp`]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_neera">
<div class="circle">[img[`resources/img/lock.webp`]]</div>[img[`resources/img/portraits/student.webp`]]
<<case "Mandy">>
<<if $mandy.gallery[_i-1] is 1>>
<<switch _i>>
<<set _mandyDesc to "Mandy " + _i>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_mikaela"><div class="gallery-desc"><p>_mandyDesc</p></div><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img[`resources/img/portraits/mandy.webp`]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_mikaela">
<div class="circle">[img[`resources/img/lock.webp`]]</div>[img[`resources/img/portraits/mandy.webp`]]
<<case "Alice">>
<<if $alice.gallery[_i-1] is 1>>
<<switch _i>>
<<set _aliceDesc to "Alice " + _i>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_alice"><div class="gallery-desc"><p>_aliceDesc</p></div><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img[`resources/img/portraits/alice.webp`]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_alice">
<div class="circle">[img[`resources/img/lock.webp`]]</div>[img[`resources/img/portraits/alice.webp`]]
<<case "Marsha">>
<<if $marsha.gallery[_i-1] is 1>>
<<switch _i>>
<<set _marshaDesc to "Marsha " + _i>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_marsha"><div class="gallery-desc"><p>_marshaDesc</p></div><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img[`resources/img/portraits/marsha.webp`]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_marsha">
<div class="circle">[img[`resources/img/lock.webp`]]</div>[img[`resources/img/portraits/marsha.webp`]]
<<case "Andrea">>
<<if $andrea.gallery[_i-1] is 1>>
<<switch _i>>
<<set _andreaDesc to "Andrea " + _i>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_andrea"><div class="gallery-desc"><p>_andreaDesc</p></div><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img[`resources/img/portraits/andrea.webp`]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_andrea">
<div class="circle">[img[`resources/img/lock.webp`]]</div>[img[`resources/img/portraits/andrea.webp`]]
<<case "Niella">>
<<if $niella.gallery[_i-1] is 1>>
<<switch _i>>
<<set _niellaDesc to "Niella " + _i>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_niella"><div class="gallery-desc"><p>_niellaDesc</p></div><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img[`resources/img/portraits/niella.webp`]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_niella">
<div class="circle">[img[`resources/img/lock.webp`]]</div>[img[`resources/img/portraits/niella.webp`]]
<<case "Andi">>
<<if $andi.gallery[_i-1] is 1>>
<<switch _i>>
<<set _andiDesc to "Andi " + _i>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_andi"><div class="gallery-desc"><p>_andiDesc</p></div><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img[`resources/img/portraits/andi.webp`]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_andi">
<div class="circle">[img[`resources/img/lock.webp`]]</div>[img[`resources/img/portraits/andi.webp`]]
<<widget "MapIndicators">>
<<if ($activities.searchingForAnswers.stage is 1) || ($activities.richGirlProblems.stage is 1) || ( ( ($activities.collectingWhatIsDue.stage is 0 && $quests.release3.choices.luthor2 isnot "work with him on a condition") || $activities.collectingWhatIsDue.stage is 1 ) && $mc.attunement gte 5 )>>
<<set _indiHouse to 1>>
<<set _indiHouse to 0>>
<<if ($activities.theWomanScorned.stage is 0) || (!$activities.makingUpForLostTime.stage && $luthor.metToday)>>
<<set _indiStellia to 1>>
<<set _indiStellia to 0>>
<<if false>>
<<set _indiPark to 1>>
<<set _indiPark to 0>>
<<if $activities.searchingForAnswers.stage is 0>>
<<set _indiLibrary to 1>>
<<set _indiLibrary to 0>>
<<if $activities.searchingForAnswers.stage is 2 && $GameDays[$gameDate.getUTCDay()] is "Sunday">>
<<set _indiChurch to 1>>
<<set _indiChurch to 0>>
<<if ($activities.gymRat.stage is 0) || ($activities.gymRat.stage is 1)>>
<<set _indiMall to 1>>
<<set _indiMall to 0>>
<<if ($activities.richGirlProblems.stage is 0 && $quests.release3.stage) || (!$activities.collectingWhatIsDue.stage && $quests.release3.choices.luthor2 is "work with him on a condition")>>
<<set _indiManors to 1>>
<<set _indiManors to 0>>
<<widget "VariableLimit">><<timed 0.2s>>
<<if $app.charges gt 999>>
<<set $app.charges to 999>>
<<if $app.charges lt 0>>
<<set $app.charges to 0>>
<<if $mc.willpower gt 999>>
<<set $mc.willpower to 999>>
<<if $mc.willpower lt 0>>
<<set $mc.willpower to 0>>
<<if $mc.attunement gt 999>>
<<set $mc.attunement to 999>>
<<if $mc.attunement lt 0>>
<<set $mc.attunement to 0>>
<<if $mc.porn gt 999>>
<<set $mc.porn to 999>>
<<if $mc.porn lt 0>>
<<set $mc.porn to 0>>
<<for _vlI to 0; _vlI lt $allGirls.length; _vlI++>>
<<if $allGirls[_vlI].willpower gt 999>>
<<set $allGirls[_vlI].willpower to 999>>
<<if $allGirls[_vlI].willpower lt -999>>
<<set $allGirls[_vlI].willpower to -999>>
<<if $allGirls[_vlI].relation gt 999>>
<<set $allGirls[_vlI].relation to 999>>
<<if $allGirls[_vlI].relation lt -999>>
<<set $allGirls[_vlI].relation to -999>>
<<for _vlI to 0; _vlI lt $allMen.length; _vlI++>>
<<if $allMen[_vlI].willpower gt 999>>
<<set $allMen[_vlI].willpower to 999>>
<<if $allMen[_vlI].willpower lt -999>>
<<set $allMen[_vlI].willpower to -999>>
<<if $allMen[_vlI].relation gt 999>>
<<set $allMen[_vlI].relation to 999>>
<<if $allMen[_vlI].relation lt -999>>
<<set $allMen[_vlI].relation to -999>>
<<widget "Highlight">>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<case "House">>
<<if false>>
<<set _livingroom1 to "imglink golden">>
<<set _livingroom1 to "imglink">>
<<case "hs">>
<<if false>>
<<set _hallway to "imglink golden">>
<<set _hallway to "imglink">>
<</nobr>><<if $stage is 0>>
<div class="portrait" target="_sasha">
[img[`resources/img/portraits/sis.webp`][Gallery Main][$stage to 1]]
<div class="portrait" target="_megan">
[img[`resources/img/portraits/megan.webp`][Gallery Main][$stage to 2]]
<div class="portrait" target="_andrea">
[img[`resources/img/portraits/andrea.webp`][Gallery Main][$stage to 7]]
<div class="portrait" target="_neera">
[img[`resources/img/portraits/student.webp`][Gallery Main][$stage to 3]]
<div class="portrait" target="_niella">
[img[`resources/img/portraits/niella.webp`][Gallery Main][$stage to 8]]
<div class="portrait" target="_andi">
[img[`resources/img/portraits/andi.webp`][Gallery Main][$stage to 9]]
<div class="portrait" target="_mikaela">
[img[`resources/img/portraits/mandy.webp`][Gallery Main][$stage to 4]]
<div class="portrait" target="_alice">
[img[`resources/img/portraits/alice.webp`][Gallery Main][$stage to 5]]
<div class="portrait" target="_marsha">
[img[`resources/img/portraits/marsha.webp`][Gallery Main][$stage to 6]]
let placeholder = document.getElementById('placeholder');
placeholder.setAttribute('draggable', false);
}, 400);
<div id="cheatdiv" style="clear:both; transform: translateX(-34px);">
<a data-passage=$prevpassage class="link-internal">Return</a>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<MakeGallery 11 Sis>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<MakeGallery 12 Megan>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<MakeGallery 4 Kathy>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<MakeGallery 5 Mandy>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<MakeGallery 2 Alice>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<MakeGallery 2 Marsha>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<MakeGallery 4 Andrea>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<MakeGallery 2 Niella>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<MakeGallery 2 Andi>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<</if>><<set $scene to 0>><<set $choice to 0>><<set $choiceB to 0>><p class="creditsmain">Credits</p>
<p class="creditssub">Development team</p>
<p class="creators">Lynx - Founder
Lostraven - Writer</p>
<p class="creditssub">Content creators:</p>
<span style="text-align: center;"><ol>
<li><a href="https://onlyfans.com/midwestandi">Andi</a><a href="https://discord.com/users/1153739663845097562"><img class="creditslogo" src="resources/discord.svg" /></a><a href="https://onlyfans.com/midwestandi"><img class="creditslogo" src="resources/of.svg" /></a></li>
<p class="shout">We would like to thank your guys and all the other patrons for making this adventure possible!</p>
<p class="creditssub">Infos</p>
<p>Videos and Images displayed in this game are used without removing the watermark that are on them.</p>
<p class="creditssub">To play this game you must have an account with a valid membership on these sites:</p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a src="https://www.brazzers.com/home" style="font-size:14px;">Brazzers</a>
<a src="https://bangbros.com/" style="font-size:14px;">Bangbros</a>
<a src="https://www.littlecaprice-dreams.com/" style="font-size:14px;">Little caprice dreams</a>
<a src="https://pornhub.com/" style="font-size:14px;">Pornhub</a>
<a src="https://www.teamskeet.com/t1/" style="font-size:14px;">Team Skeet</a>
<a src="https://digitalplayground.com/home" style="font-size:14px;">Digital Playground</a>
<a src="https://mofos.com" style="font-size:14px;">Mofos</a>
<a src="https://wicked.com/" style="font-size:14px;">Wicked</a>
<a src="https://www.fakehub.com" style="font-size:14px;">Fake hub</a>
<a src="https://www.realitykings.com" style="font-size:14px;">Reality King</a>
<a src="https://babes.com" style="font-size:14px;">Babes</a>
<p class="creditssub">Backgrounds come from:</p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a src="https://unsplash.com" style="font-size:14px;">Unsplash</a></p>
<p class="creditssub">Notes:</p>
<p class="shout">All scenes come from Legal Porn sites.</p>
<a data-passage=$prevpassage class="link-internal">Return</a>
<<if $quests.release2.stage is 1 && $periodname is "Early morning">>
<<set $scene to 0>><<goto "Release 2 Part 2">>
<<if $wokeUp is 0>>
<p>You enter your bedroom.</p>
<p>The room is as you left it. Your large, cosy bed appears unmade with the sheets haphazardly thrown on as usual. There are some bookcases, posters on the walls and various things around the place with your favourite pop culture memorabilia.</p>
<p>Your closet is filled with your clothes. Many of which have already been ironed for you.</p>
<p>Your prized PC sits patiently on your desk, your old ‘war machine’ as you call it has helped you win many online matches.</p>
<p>You just woke up.</p>
<<timed 0.2s>>
[[Use your computer|desk]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '08:59') && $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
[[Get ready and head to the pizzeria|stellia][$gameDate.setUTCHours(9); $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)]]
[[Sleep|Dream][$sleepOrigin to "house"]]
[[Leave room|House]]
<<set $wokeUp to 0>><<set $daydifference to $day - $referenceday>>
<<if $quests.intro.stage is 1 && $quests.release2.stage is 0>><<settime 22 0>><<set $scene to 0>><<goto "Release 2">><</if>>
<<Highlight "House">>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="bedroom">[img["resources/img/home/mcbedroom.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Bedroom</p><<LocPort "Your bedroom">></div>
<<set _sisBedroomName to $sis.name+"'s bedroom">><div class="imglink" data-passage="sisbedroom">[img["resources/img/home/sisbedroom.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p><<print $sis.name>>'s bedroom</p><<LocPort _sisBedroomName>></div>
<div @class="_livingroom1" data-passage="livingroom">[img["resources/img/home/livingroom.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Livingroom</p><<LocPort "Living room">></div>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="kitchen">[img["resources/img/home/kitchen.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Kitchen</p><<LocPort "Kitchen">></div>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="bathroom">[img["resources/img/home/bathroom.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Bathroom</p><<LocPort "Bathroom">></div>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="street">[img["resources/img/street/street.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Street</p><<LocPort "Street">></div>
<p>You walk into the kitchen.</p>
<p>There is a fridge freezer, an oven, shelves, and a cupboard filled with cooking utensils and cans of food around.</p>
<p>The dining table and four seats is across from the kitchen, where you normally have your food served.</p>
<<if $period is 1 && $has.breakfast is 0>>
[[Have breakfast|Eat][$stage to 0]]
<<if ($period is 4 or $period is 5) && $has.dinner is 0>>
[[Have dinner|Eat][$stage to 1]]
<<if $has.dishes is 0>>
<p>There are some knives by a wooden chopping board, and a sink with a couple dishes in it waiting to be cleaned.</p>
[[Wash the dishes|dishes]]
<<if $has.trash is 0>>
[[Take out the trash|trash]]
<div class="imglink" data-passage="House">[img["resources/img/home/house.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>House</p></div>
<p>You walk into <<print $sis.name>>'s bedroom.</p>
<p><<print $sis.name>>'s bedroom is as you expect it to be. There is your big, comfy bed… With the pillows she made you buy when you moved in.</p>
<p>Her wardrobe is huge, filled with various clothes and such, including her uniform, though, much of the clothes are not what you’d call fashionable.</p>
<p>She has a PC on her main desk which you’ve often see her doing homework at.</p>
<p>There is a large mirror in the corner of the room and another large desk, this one filled with makeup kits, eyeliner, and various trinkets.</p>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="House">[img["resources/img/home/house.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>House</p></div>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00', '21:59')>>
[[Watch some tv|watchtv]]
<p>You walk into the living room.</p>
<p>The room is warm and inviting, there are some couches and things around the place facing the TV. There is a small coffee table in front of the couch with some magazines and such on it.</p>
<p>On the walls, there is a clock telling you the time, and some family portraits hang around the place.</p>
<p>Around the room are a few ornaments and trinkets, but nothing of real note.</p>
<<if $has.vacuum is 0>>
[[Vacuum the living room|vacuum]]
<div class="imglink" data-passage="House">[img["resources/img/home/house.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>House</p></div>
<p>The room is empty.</p>
[[Take a shower|normalshower]]
<<if $has.laundry is 0>>
[[Do the laundry|laundry]]
<<if $has.cleaning is 0>>
[[Clean the bathroom|cleaning]]
<div class="imglink" data-passage="House">[img["resources/img/home/house.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Leave</p></div>
<<nobr>><<set _sisBedroomName to $sis.name+"'s bedroom">><div class="imglink" data-passage="House">[img["resources/img/home/house.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>House</p><<LocPort "Your bedroom" _sisBedroomName "Living room" "Kitchen" "Bathroom">></div>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="park">[img["resources/img/downtown/park.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Park</p><<LocPort "Park">></div>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="library">[img["resources/img/hs/hs.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Library</p><<LocPort "Library">></div>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="church">[img["resources/img/street/church.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Church</p><<LocPort "Church">></div>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="mall">[img["resources/img/downtown/mall.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Mall</p><<LocPort "Mall" "Mall's gym">></div>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="stellia">[img["resources/img/street/stellia.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Stellia</p><<LocPort "Stellia">></div>
<<if $quests.release3.stage>>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="manors">[img["resources/img/windgate/manors.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Windgate Manors</p><<LocPort "Windgate Manors">></div>
<</nobr>><<widget "homeworksetup">>
<<set $bathroom to {}>>
Object.defineProperties(SugarCube.State.variables.bathroom, {
"bath": {
value: "92cb3069ee182a844665f6668cf434de39e87dd561eeac0a9e5031b58fb2fca8",
writable: false,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false
"shower": {
value: "4743824901f84a52a39b7697c7f65cf2158f1864314687d163e10d4279c901df",
writable: false,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false
"toilets": {
value: "30f02b788926404a515faffa4b3f6f4d85b93db9ba113bef5759daa0fae22719",
writable: false,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false
"max": {
value: "3439b93b9db50aa3774d517dbd8f12c4bd8e8b5aeb956f44fbcd59e35a1c3d62",
writable: false,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false
"ultra": {
value: "1dbb3495d8e8cee3117e6e975b62e399f64f2f522e197548bb32e7f144f75866",
writable: false,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false
"cash": {
value: "fb7faaf1fb9d9d6846db679227810fa41ccab70cad17c76fcfc2e6e0177c68ce",
writable: false,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false
"urinal": {
value: "f35afad0b11abd8ebd2a07657dcb315f176db966564639055b0585edfac3c163",
writable: false,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false
});}, 600);
<<widget "contentcreator">>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<case "Andi">>
<div class="contentcreator"><a target="_blank" href="https://onlyfans.com/midwest.andi/c1"><img class="creditslogo" src="resources/offree.webp" /></a><a target="_blank" href="https://onlyfans.com/midwestandi/c3"><img class="creditslogo" src="resources/of.svg" /></a></div>
<<case "Mandy">>
<div class="contentcreator"><a target="_blank" href="https://onlyfans.com/mandystole2"><img class="creditslogo" src="resources/offree.webp" /></a><a target="_blank" href="https://onlyfans.com/mandystolee"><img class="creditslogo" src="resources/of.svg" /></a></div>
<<case "hs">>
<<if $elena.quest is 0>>
<<set _hallway to "imglink golden">>
<<set _hallway to "imglink">>
<</nobr>><div id="cheatdiv">
<h2>Enter your code in the textbox:</h2>
<<textbox "_testcode" "">>
<<linkreplace "Use the code">>
<<set _val = sha256(_testcode)>>
<<if _val == $bathroom.bath && $has.usedcheat is 0>>
''Level 1 cheat unlocked''
<<set $cheatlvl = 1>>
<<goto "Cheat">>
<<elseif _val == $bathroom.shower && $has.usedcheat is 0>>
''Level 2 cheat unlocked''
<<set $cheatlvl = 2>>
<<goto "Cheat">>
<<elseif _val == $bathroom.toilets && $has.usedcheat is 0>>
''Level 3 cheat unlocked''
<<set $cheatlvl = 3>>
<<goto "Cheat">>
<<elseif _val == $bathroom.max && $has.usedcheat is 0>>
''Level 4 cheat unlocked''
<<set $cheatlvl = 4>>
<<goto "Cheat">>
<<elseif _val == $bathroom.ultra && $has.usedcheat is 0>>
''Level 5 cheat unlocked''
<<set $cheatlvl = 5>>
<<goto "Cheat">>
<<elseif _val == $bathroom.cash && $has.usedcheatmoney is 0>>
''Money cheat unlocked''
<<set $cheatlvl = 6>>
<<goto "Cheat">>
<<elseif _val == $bathroom.urinal>>
<p class="got">Gallery Unlocked</p>
<<goto "Gallery cheat">>
<<elseif $has.usedcheat is 1 || $has.usedcheatmoney is 1>>
''You already used this cheat!''
Sorry, the code you entered is not valid
<h2>To get the code you must donate</h2>
''On <span class="porn stat">Patreon:</span>''
<a href="https://patreon.com/agames?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link" target="_blank" data-patreon-widget-type="become-patron-button">[img["resources/patreon.webp"]]</a>
<a data-passage=$prevpassage class="link-internal">Return</a>
var $input = document.querySelector("#textbox--testcode");
var allowed = /^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$/;
if ($input) {
$input.addEventListener("beforeinput", e => {
if (!allowed.test(e.data)) {
<<if $gameversion !== 16 && passage() !== "Intro">>
<<goto "innitpassage">>
document.title = "GrowUp - " + passage();
const progressBar = document.getElementsByClassName('progress-bar')[0];
progressBar.style.setProperty('--power', Math.round(SugarCube.State.variables.mc.power));
progressBar.style.setProperty('--widthsubt', SugarCube.State.variables.mc.powersubt);
<<if $modes>>
<<if $modes.hard>>
<<set _baseStat to 1>>
<<set _baseStat to 2>>
<</if>><<widget "UnlockFinishedGalleries">>
<<if false>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $sis.gallery.length; _i++>>
<<set $sis.gallery[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $megan.gallery.length; _i++>>
<<set $megan.gallery[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $kathy.gallery.length; _i++>>
<<set $kathy.gallery[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $mandy.gallery.length; _i++>>
<<set $mandy.gallery[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $alice.gallery.length; _i++>>
<<set $alice.gallery[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $marsha.gallery.length; _i++>>
<<set $marsha.gallery[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $andrea.gallery.length; _i++>>
<<set $andrea.gallery[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $niella.gallery.length; _i++>>
<<set $niella.gallery[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $andi.gallery.length; _i++>>
<<set $andi.gallery[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $sis.gallery.length; _i++>>
<<set $sis.gallery[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $megan.gallery.length; _i++>>
<<set $megan.gallery[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $kathy.gallery.length; _i++>>
<<set $kathy.gallery[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $mandy.gallery.length; _i++>>
<<set $mandy.gallery[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $alice.gallery.length; _i++>>
<<set $alice.gallery[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $marsha.gallery.length; _i++>>
<<set $marsha.gallery[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $andrea.gallery.length; _i++>>
<<set $andrea.gallery[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $niella.gallery.length; _i++>>
<<set $niella.gallery[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $andi.gallery.length; _i++>>
<<set $andi.gallery[_i] to 1>>
<h1>All Gallery scenes unlocked</h1><<set $cheatCount.gallery++>>
<<if $activities.richGirlProblems.stage is 1>>
[[Check out Andi’s stream|Rich Girl Problems 2]]
[[Watch porn|watchporn]]
<div class="imglink" data-passage="bedroom">[img["resources/img/home/mcbedroom.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Bedroom</p></div>
<<if $activities.searchingForAnswers.stage is 1>>
<<set $scene to 0>><<set $question to 0>><<goto "Searching For Answers 2">>
<<elseif ( ($activities.collectingWhatIsDue.stage is 0 && $quests.release3.choices.luthor2 isnot "work with him on a condition") || $activities.collectingWhatIsDue.stage is 1 ) && $mc.attunement gte 5>>
<<goto "Collecting What Is Due 2">>
<<set $randomgirltodream = ["sis", "kathy"]>>
<<set $girldream = $randomgirltodream.random()>>
<<switch $girldream>>
<<case "sis">>
<<set _videosrc to "resources/dream/sis" + "/" + random(1,10) + ".mp4">>
<<case "kathy">>
<<set _videosrc to "resources/dream/kathy" + "/" + random(1,10) + ".mp4">>
<<set _girldreamName to SugarCube.State.variables[$girldream].name>>
<p>You're having a nice dream about _girldreamName</p>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
[[Wake up|bedroom]]<<NextDay>><<dayreset>><<set $wokeUp to 1>>
<</if>><<set _ran to random(10)>><<set _vid to "resources/videos/films/" + _ran + ".mp4">>
<p>You watched some tv series for an hour</p><<addhours 1>>
<video @src=_vid autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<p>You take a nice shower</p>
[[Leave|House]]<<addmins 30>>
<ul class="map-ul">
<<set _sisBedroomName to $sis.name+"'s bedroom">><div><li id="House" class="map-li"><a class="map-link House" onclick="selectLoc('House')"><div class="mamacita"><div style="display: flex;"><<if _indiHouse>><img class="map-indicator" src="resources/img/map-indicator.webp"><</if>><p class="map-p-hide">Your house</p></div><div class="mamacito"><<MapPortraits "Your bedroom" _sisBedroomName "Living room" "Kitchen" "Bathroom">></div></div></a></li>
<li id="House-sel" class="map-li" style="display:none;"><a class="map-link House selected" data-passage="House"><p>Your house</p></a></li></div>
<div><li id="stellia" class="map-li"><a class="map-link stellia" onclick="selectLoc('stellia')"><div class="mamacita"><div style="display: flex;"><<if _indiStellia>><img class="map-indicator" src="resources/img/map-indicator.webp"><</if>><p class="map-p-hide">Stellia</p></div><div class="mamacito"><<MapPortraits "Stellia">></div></div></a></li>
<li id="stellia-sel" class="map-li" style="display:none;"><a class="map-link stellia selected" data-passage="stellia"><p>Stellia</p></a></li></div>
<div><li id="park" class="map-li"><a class="map-link park" onclick="selectLoc('park')"><div class="mamacita"><div style="display: flex;"><<if _indiPark>><img class="map-indicator" src="resources/img/map-indicator.webp"><</if>><p class="map-p-hide">Park</p></div><div class="mamacito"><<MapPortraits "Park">></div></div></a></li>
<li id="park-sel" class="map-li" style="display:none;"><a class="map-link park selected" data-passage="park"><p>Park</p></a></li></div>
<div><li id="library" class="map-li"><a class="map-link library" onclick="selectLoc('library')"><div class="mamacita"><div style="display: flex;"><<if _indiLibrary>><img class="map-indicator" src="resources/img/map-indicator.webp"><</if>><p class="map-p-hide">Library</p></div><div class="mamacito"><<MapPortraits "Library">></div></div></a></li>
<li id="library-sel" class="map-li" style="display:none;"><a class="map-link library selected" data-passage="library"><p>Library</p></a></li></div>
<div><li id="church" class="map-li"><a class="map-link church" onclick="selectLoc('church')"><div class="mamacita"><div style="display: flex;"><<if _indiChurch>><img class="map-indicator" src="resources/img/map-indicator.webp"><</if>><p class="map-p-hide">Church</p></div><div class="mamacito"><<MapPortraits "Church">></div></div></a></li>
<li id="church-sel" class="map-li" style="display:none;"><a class="map-link church selected" data-passage="church"><p>Church</p></a></li></div>
<div><li id="mall" class="map-li"><a class="map-link mall" onclick="selectLoc('mall')"><div class="mamacita"><div style="display: flex;"><<if _indiMall>><img class="map-indicator" src="resources/img/map-indicator.webp"><</if>><p class="map-p-hide">Mall</p></div><div class="mamacito"><<MapPortraits "Mall" "Mall's gym">></div></div></a></li>
<li id="mall-sel" class="map-li" style="display:none;"><a class="map-link mall selected" data-passage="mall"><p>Mall</p></a></li></div>
<<if $quests.release3.stage>><div><li id="manors" class="map-li"><a class="map-link manors" onclick="selectLoc('manors')"><div class="mamacita"><div style="display: flex;"><<if _indiManors>><img class="map-indicator" src="resources/img/map-indicator.webp"><</if>><p class="map-p-hide">Windgate Manors</p></div><div class="mamacito"><<MapPortraits "Windgate Manors">></div></div></a></li>
<li id="manors-sel" class="map-li" style="display:none;"><a class="map-link manors selected" data-passage="manors"><p>Windgate Manors</p></a></li></div><</if>>
<div id="helpss-map"><div id="now-map"><<now>></div>
<button class="pass-time button blue makemewhite leftbar" style="margin-top: 8px;" onclick="addHour()"><img src="resources/img/arrow1.webp"></button>
<button class="button blue makemewhite leftbar skip-day" style="margin-top: 8px;"><img src="resources/img/arrow2.webp">
<<link [img["resources/img/skip-day.webp"]]>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>><<set _ran to random(1, 100)>><</link>>
<p>You are suddenly struck with a bout of intense exhaustion. Your eyelids grow heavy. Your muscles grow weak. Your mind becomes cloudy. You do all that you can to get back home and climb into bed, passing out into a deep slumber.</p>
<p>You awake the moment the sun funnels in between the shades of your window. It is time to start the day. You should pay closer attention to the clock next time!</p>
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<set $day += 1>>
[[Get up|bedroom]]
<<if $has.usedcheat is 0>>
<<if $cheatlvl is 1>>
<<set _increase to 5>>
<p class="got">Level 1 cheat used, have fun!</p>
<<elseif $cheatlvl is 2>>
<<set _increase to 10>>
<p class="got">Level 2 cheat used, have fun!</p>
<<elseif $cheatlvl is 3>>
<<set _increase to 15>>
<p class="got">Level 3 cheat used, have fun!</p>
<<elseif $cheatlvl is 4>>
<<set _increase to 20>>
<p class="got">Level 4 cheat used, have fun!</p>
<<elseif $cheatlvl is 5>>
<<set _increase to 25>>
<p class="got">Level 5 cheat used, have fun!</p>
<<elseif $cheatlvl is 6>>
<<set $mc.money += 100000>>\
<p class="got">Money cheat used, have fun!</p>
<<set $has.usedcheatmoney to 1>>
<<if $cheatlvl lt 6>>
<<set $mc.willpower += _increase>>\
<<set $mc.int += _increase>>\
<<set $mc.str += _increase>>\
<<set $mc.end += _increase>>\
<<set $mc.seXP += _increase>>\
<<set $mc.money += 10000>>\
<<set $mc.dom += _increase>>
<<set $has.usedcheat to 1>>
<p class="hint">You already used cheats</p>
[[Go back to your house|House]]
<video src="resources/scenes/intro/dream.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<p>*RING* *RING*</p>
<p>The musical tone of your phone alarm blares in your ears. Yanking you from your slumber and interrupting you from your pleasant dreams as you slowly open your eyes to greet the new day. It’s your second alarm. You can’t snooze this one. Otherwise you’ll be late to work. Megan will be pissed if you’re late again. And you cannot afford to lose this job. The shower is calling your name. So you get up out of bed, fighting your every urge and instinct. You win the battle this time. But, it truly does get harder every morning. Especially as you head out into the hall and see that the living room is a complete pig sty.</p>
<p>It’s not surprising in the least but it’s getting more and more annoying every day. Emma never cleans up after herself. And by the sound of it, she’s in the shower right now too.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Emma! Hurry the fuck up I’m gonna be late for work!<</speech>>
<p>You bang on the door so she knows you’re there.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Bro, I just got in. You gotta wait. I got work too.<</speech>>
<p>Every day you regret inviting her to live with you a little bit more. At least she always pays rent on time. That’s better than a lot of roommates out there.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>If I’m late one more time Megan will fire me!<</speech>>
<p>You aren’t sure that’s true but with how tight money is, you can’t rightly risk it.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>It’s been ten years, $mc.name. You should know by now I don’t rush my showers. You’re gonna have to make due.<</speech>>
<p>The sink is your only option at the moment. And of course, it’s full of dirty dishes. At least the tap is hot and there is soap to use. Your pits and face get washed. Beyond that it’s up to deodorant and cologne to save you. You rush back into your bedroom and get dressed. There’s only thirty minutes left until your shift starts and there’s six blocks to travel. It isn’t looking great for your chances of making it on time. But you have to try.</p>
<<widget "GalleryApp">>
<a data-passage="Gallery Main" data-setter="$stage to 1" class="portrait" target="_sasha">
[img[`resources/img/portraits/sis.webp`][Gallery Main][$stage to 1]]
<a data-passage="Gallery Main" data-setter="$stage to 2" class="portrait" target="_megan">
[img[`resources/img/portraits/megan.webp`][Gallery Main][$stage to 2]]
<a data-passage="Gallery Main" data-setter="$stage to 7" class="portrait" target="_andrea">
[img[`resources/img/portraits/andrea.webp`][Gallery Main][$stage to 7]]
<p>Andrea Doe</p>
<a data-passage="Gallery Main" data-setter="$stage to 3" class="portrait" target="_neera">
[img[`resources/img/portraits/student.webp`][Gallery Main][$stage to 3]]
<p>Kathy Windgate</p>
<a data-passage="Gallery Main" data-setter="$stage to 8" class="portrait" target="_neera">
[img[`resources/img/portraits/niella.webp`][Gallery Main][$stage to 8]]
<p>Niella Windgate</p>
<a data-passage="Gallery Main" data-setter="$stage to 9" class="portrait" target="_andi">
[img[`resources/img/portraits/andi.webp`][Gallery Main][$stage to 9]]
<a data-passage="Gallery Main" data-setter="$stage to 4" class="portrait" target="_mikaela">
[img[`resources/img/portraits/mandy.webp`][Gallery Main][$stage to 4]]
<a data-passage="Gallery Main" data-setter="$stage to 5" class="portrait" target="_alice">
[img[`resources/img/portraits/alice.webp`][Gallery Main][$stage to 5]]
<a data-passage="Gallery Main" data-setter="$stage to 6" class="portrait" target="_marsha">
[img[`resources/img/portraits/marsha.webp`][Gallery Main][$stage to 6]]
<<if !$uipassages.includes(passage()) && !passage().toLowerCase().includes("gallery") && !passage().toLowerCase().includes("sexapp") && !passage().toLowerCase().includes("dates") && !passage().toLowerCase().includes("love release")>><<set $prevpassage to passage()>><</if>>
<p>You sit down at your desk and pull out your laptop to review your notes. You spend about an hour rereading them through to memorize them. You retain quite a bit and feel like you have a strong grasp of the material.</p>
<<addhours 1>><<set $has.study to 1>>
<<if $mc.porn >= 5>>[[Softporn]]<br><</if>>
<<if $mc.porn >= 10>>[[Lesbian]]<br><</if>>
<<if $mc.porn >= 15>>[[Black]]<br><</if>>
<<if $mc.porn >= 20>>[[Hardcore]]<br><</if>>
<<if $mc.porn >= 25>>[[Gangbang]]<br><</if>>
<<if $mc.porn >= 30>>[[Bukkake]]<br><</if>>
[[Go back|desk]]
<<set $randomscene = random(9)>>
<p>You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode and search some nice blowjob video.</p>
<<if $randomscene is 0>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/blowjob/0.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 1>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/blowjob/1.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 2>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/blowjob/2.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 3>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/blowjob/3.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 4>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/blowjob/4.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 5>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/blowjob/5.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 6>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/blowjob/6.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 7>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/blowjob/7.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 8>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/blowjob/8.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 9>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/blowjob/8.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
[[Go back|desk]]
<<addmins 20>><<set $randomscene = random(9)>>
<<set $randomsoftspeech = ["You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, time to watch some soft porn", "You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, that's how do you do it dude", "You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, she seems to like it quite a lot!"]>>
<<if $lesbianporn is 0>><p>You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, fuck these blowjob videos it’s time to watch some real porn.</p>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/softporn/0.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<set $test = $randomsoftspeech.random()>>
<<print "$test">>
<<if $randomscene is 0>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/softporn/0.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 1>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/softporn/1.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 2>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/softporn/2.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 3>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/softporn/3.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 4>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/softporn/4.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 5>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/softporn/5.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 6>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/softporn/6.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 7>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/softporn/7.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 8>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/softporn/8.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 9>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/softporn/9.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
[[Go back|desk]]
<<mcporn>><<addmins 20>><<set $randomscene = random(9)>>
<<set $randomlesbianspeech = ["You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, time to watch some lesbian porn", "You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, I feel like watching some pussy clash today", "You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, that’s some nice pussy action!"]>>
<<if $lesbianporn is 0>><p>You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, this time you want to discover some new porn, what about lesbian porn.</p>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/lesbian/0.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<set $test = $randomlesbianspeech.random()>>
<<print "$test">>
<<if $randomscene is 0>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/lesbian/0.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 1>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/lesbian/1.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 2>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/lesbian/2.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 3>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/lesbian/3.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 4>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/lesbian/4.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 5>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/lesbian/5.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 6>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/lesbian/6.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 7>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/lesbian/7.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 8>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/lesbian/8.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 9>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/lesbian/9.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
[[Go back|desk]]
<<mcporn>><<addmins 20>><<set $randomscene = random(9)>>
<<set $randomblackspeech = ["You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, time to watch some black porn", "You open your favorite browser in incognito mode, why do white bitches prefer black cocks?", "You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, that's my boy!"]>>
<<if $lesbianporn is 0>><p>You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, this time you want to discover some new porn, maybe going a bit darker wouldn't be that unpleasant.</p>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/black/0.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<set $test = $randomblackspeech.random()>>
<<print "$test">>
<<if $randomscene is 0>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/black/0.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 1>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/black/1.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 2>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/black/2.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 3>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/black/3.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 4>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/black/4.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 5>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/black/5.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 6>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/black/6.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 7>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/black/7.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 8>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/black/8.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 9>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/black/9.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
[[Go back|desk]]
<<mcporn>><<addmins 20>><<set $randomscene = random(9)>>
<<set $randomhardcorespeech = ["You open your favorite browser in incognito mode, smash that pussy!", "You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, this little pussy is getting destroyed", "You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, get pounded!"]>>
<<if $lesbianporn is 0>><p>You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, time to go hardcore.</p>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/hardcore/0.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<set $test = $randomhardcorespeech.random()>>
<<print "$test">>
<<if $randomscene is 0>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/hardcore/0.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 1>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/hardcore/1.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 2>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/hardcore/2.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 3>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/hardcore/3.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 4>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/hardcore/4.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 5>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/hardcore/5.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 6>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/hardcore/6.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 7>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/hardcore/7.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 8>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/hardcore/8.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 9>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/hardcore/9.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
[[Go back|desk]]
<<mcporn>><<addmins 20>><<set $randomscene = random(9)>>
<<set $randomgangbangpseech = ["You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, that's my boys!", "You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, look like someone is going to be gangbanged", "You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, I didn't know you could fit 2 in a hole!?"]>>
<<if $lesbianporn is 0>><p>You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, hardcore isn't enough for me, what if there was more than one man?</p>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/gangbang/0.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<set $test = $randomgangbangpseech.random()>>
<<print "$test">>
<<if $randomscene is 0>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/gangbang/0.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 1>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/gangbang/1.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 2>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/gangbang/2.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 3>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/gangbang/3.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 4>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/gangbang/4.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 5>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/gangbang/5.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 6>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/gangbang/6.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 7>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/gangbang/7.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 8>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/gangbang/8.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 9>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/gangbang/9.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
[[Go back|desk]]
<<mcporn>><<addmins 20>><<set $randomscene = random(9)>>
<p>You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, after all of this fucking, it’s time to watch some bitches getting jerked on.</p>
<<if $randomscene is 0>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/bukkake/0.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 1>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/bukkake/1.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 2>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/bukkake/2.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 3>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/bukkake/3.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 4>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/bukkake/4.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 5>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/bukkake/5.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 6>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/bukkake/6.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 7>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/bukkake/7.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 8>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/bukkake/8.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 9>>
<video src="resources/videos/porn/bukkake/9.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
[[Go back|desk]]
<<mcporn>><<addmins 20>><<if !$activities.makingUpForLostTime.stage && $luthor.metToday>>
<p>There aren’t going to be many things that you could possibly say to excuse yourself for missing an entire day of work. And by the look of pure rage on Megan’s face, even the few things that you could say wouldn’t work very well. Her words cut through your ears like buzz saws the moment you open the front door.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Where the hell have you been? No call, no show. You’ve been late plenty but this is just unacceptable!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I know you’re right. I should have called. I had a completely unexplainable day. I don’t have anything I can really offer besides an apology<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Apologies aren’t enough for this $mc.name. This is too far. If you can’t give me a good reason why it isn’t your fault that you were not here, then I have no choice but to fire you<</speech>>
<<if $quests.release3.choices.agents isnot "told agents nothing" && $quests.release3.choices.agents3 isnot "side with luthor">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I was given a task to inform for an agency on Luthor Windgate. I had to speak with Mr. Windgate and tell the agents I’m working with what he said to me<</speech>>
<p>Megan scrunches her face into an incredulous look.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Do you truly expect me to believe that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Not really no. That’s why I said it’s unexplainable<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Call the agents then. Let them tell me<</speech>>
<p>Your stomach sinks. Agent Smith won’t like you talking about what you’re doing with someone else. But what else can you do? You pull out your phone and dial the number Agent Smith gave you to keep in touch. It rings loudly three times before it clicks as someone answers. It’s silent for a moment. Almost eerily so. Before suddenly a second click can be heard and Agent Smith’s voice starts coming from the phone.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>$mc.name, what do you need? Did something happen?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>No, I’m fine. I’m sorry to do this Agent Smith but, because of today I missed work and my boss Megan wanted to hear it from you. So could you tell her what I was doing that made me miss my shift?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Oh no no no you CANNOT lose that job. That pizza is too good. Who knows what some new counter person would serve me. No way. Yeah I’ll tell her. Put her on<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You’re already on speaker. Thank you for the compliment of my pizza<</speech>>
<p>Megan looks like she’s almost swooning over the compliment.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Any time. It’s the best in the city. But yeah $mc.name was handling an assignment for us. I obviously can’t get into details but please believe that it was very important that he do this before work. If it were me I’d give him some credit for coming in at all!<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Well, maybe I will. Thank you for telling me. I’m glad to know he was telling the truth<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Any time miss! Just keep making that pizza great! Bye bye now<</speech>>
<p>Before either of you two can say goodbye in return the click of the call ending rings from the phone.</p>
<<elseif $quests.release3.choices.agents3 is "side with luthor">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m working with Luthor Windgate. And he had me take care of something that took longer than I expected<</speech>>
<p>She gives you an incredulous look.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Luthor Windgate? He’s one of the wealthiest business men in the city. Why would he have you working for him, he could afford to pay for the services of almost anyone<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>My services were the ones he wanted. Here I’ll call the number he gave me. You can see for yourself<</speech>>
<p>You hit call from your call history on the same number you dialed before. Just as last time, it only rings once before the same deep and threatening voice answers.</p>
<<speech "???">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Sorry to call again. I could use a favor. My boss doesn’t believe what I was doing today. If you could tell her it would save my job<</speech>>
<<speech "???">>You don’t need a job. You have one with Mr. Windgate<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even offer a rebuttal, he hangs up. You put your phone away and look back at Megan.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Next time, prioritize your actual job over whatever mess you’ve gotten yourself entangled in<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Of course Megan I’m sorry. I’ll do my best, as always<</speech>>
<<if $megan.status is "Nice">>
<<speech "Megan">>I know $mc.name. And I want to believe that your best will be what it needs to be one day. And I truly hope you don’t get mad about this but I must give you some sort of incentive. Every day you miss from now on, I’ll be reducing your wage. I’m sorry but it’s the only way<</speech>>
<p>She’s being as nice as she can be. But it’s still such an unreasonable thing to suggest. You already make minimum wage. And she knows that you need this job too much to risk it by reporting her for the threat. Or worse for potentially following through it with if you miss again.</p>
<<if $app.charges>>
[[Use the App to make Megan forget this and think you weren’t here all day (1 charge)|Making Up For Lost Time 1][$scene to 0; $activities.makingUpForLostTime.choices.stage1 to "make her forget this"]]
[[Use the App to make her love you (1 charge)|Making Up For Lost Time 1][$scene to 0; $activities.makingUpForLostTime.choices.stage1 to "make her love you"]]
<a class="locked">Use the App to make Megan forget this and think you weren’t here all day (1 charge)</a>
<a class="locked">Use the App to make her love you (1 charge)</a>
[[Ignore it and accept the terms|Making Up For Lost Time 1][$scene to 0; $activities.makingUpForLostTime.choices.stage1 to "accept the terms"]]
<<speech "Megan">>One of these days I hope that your best will exceed my minimum expectations. Until then, every day you miss I will deduct one quarter from your hourly wage<</speech>>
<p>A tinge of anger begins to form in your chest. She knows you’re telling the truth, she knows that you’re doing your best. Maybe you’ve run through all of her understanding. But at this point, how much understanding can you have for how she treats you?</p>
<<if $app.charges>>
[[Use the App to make Megan forget this and think you weren’t here all day (1 charge)|Making Up For Lost Time 1][$scene to 0; $activities.makingUpForLostTime.choices.stage1 to "make her forget this"]]
[[Use the App to make her your thrall (1 charge)|Making Up For Lost Time 1][$scene to 0; $activities.makingUpForLostTime.choices.stage1 to "make her your thrall"]]
<a class="locked">Use the App to make Megan forget this and think you weren’t here all day (1 charge)</a>
<a class="locked">Use the App to make her your thrall (1 charge)</a>
[[Ignore it and accept the terms|Making Up For Lost Time 1][$scene to 0; $activities.makingUpForLostTime.choices.stage1 to "accept the terms"]]
<<elseif $activities.theWomanScorned.stage is 1 && !$activities.theWomanScorned.todayStage1>>
<<speech "Megan">>Back here again? Are you trying to get overtime out of me or do you not have anything better to do than spend your whole day at work?<</speech>>
<p>Megan is pouring ingredients in the stand mixer for the pizza dough as you walk back and start speaking with her. She’s prepping more dough to rise over night in the fridge to be used tomorrow. She greets you with a soft smile. Not really looking at you though as she focuses on her work.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’d be an idiot to ask you for overtime.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You would. So it’s the other answer then? Nothing better to do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Maybe I just wanna keep enjoying the smell of your pizza. It’s half the reason why I got a job here, if you remember.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh I remember. You were practically drooling during the entire interview.<</speech>>
<p>You’d never admit that the real reason was that Megan’s shirt was a bit too shear that day. But your love for that smell made for a great excuse. You lean against the table as you respond, looking up at her with an expression of interest and admiration.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I really just enjoyed our last talk though. It felt pretty good getting to know you more.<</speech>>
<p>She furrows her brow a bit. Her desire to keep her private life, private, is making her feel a bit uncomfortable. Even with your uses of the App, you can tell that deep down she hates telling others about her life and her problems. Before you can say another word though, she pops up and stares at you with a haughty look.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>I’m sure you did. Why don’t you return the favor then? I let you in. It’s only fair that you do the same.<</speech>>
<p>You don’t the feeling that she actually cares very much. If she did, she wouldn’t just be asking you about yourself now. But even though it’s an obvious deflection, she does make a good point about it being fair.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>True, what would you wanna know? I haven’t really had the most exciting life up to this point.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>I didn’t have anything specific in mind. How about you just tell me what you were like in school.<</speech>>
[[You were a Jock|The Woman Scorned 2][$scene to 0; $activities.theWomanScorned.choices.stage2 to "jock"]]
[[You were a Nerd|The Woman Scorned 2][$scene to 0; $activities.theWomanScorned.choices.stage2 to "nerd"]]
[[You were a Nobody|The Woman Scorned 2][$scene to 0; $activities.theWomanScorned.choices.stage2 to "nobody"]]
<<elseif $activities.theWomanScorned.stage is 0>>
<p>If you were only a customer, you would probably still spend a lot of time at Megan’s Pizza. It’s the best pizza in town. And that’s half the reason you chose to work there in the first place. Right now you want some pizza. Thankfully it’s pretty dead in the restaurant tonight. You’re the only person there besides Megan when you go inside.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>I thought you were heading home?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I was, but I want some pizza first. You alright if I just head back and heat a slice up myself?<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>No no, I’ll do it. You’re off the clock and I am not dealing the any insurance issues if you burn yourself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Fair enough. A slice with pepperoni then, please.<</speech>>
<p>She takes a slice from the display pie back and puts it in the over for a few minutes to crisp up the crust and remelt the cheese. Maybe like three minutes in total before its ready to pull out and put on a plate. You grab a cup of soda and fill it up while you wait. By the time you return to the counter your slice is on a plate and waiting for you. You pick it up and are about to grab a seat, but something in Megan’s look stops you. She looks, disappointed. It might just be a look of boredom but something tells you that there is more too it. You never really showed much interest in Megan’s personal life. Now might be the time though, after you’ve used the App on her.</p>
<<if $megan.status is "Humiliated">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So, about earlier today.<</speech>>
<p>She blushes noticeably.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Don’t even start.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh come on Megan. I’ve worked for you long enough that we shouldn’t be so tense with each other. I saw you topless, it isn’t the end of the world.<</speech>>
<p>You never would have spoken to her this way before. Something about having this App in your pocket, on top of already having seen her tits, just washes away almost all of your anxiety. But her reaction makes some of that anxiety snap back into you.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>You don’t tell me what it is or isn’t! You weren’t the humiliated one!<</speech>>
<<elseif $megan.status is "Nice">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>You seem to be in such a good mood today. I’m happy to see it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Considering your track record of showing up late, I think I’m pretty nice every day.<</speech>>
<p>She laughs, almost giggling. It’s actually infectious. You chuckle as well.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Okay yeah you have a point. But you know what I’m saying. I probably deserve it sometimes. But it was nice to not have to deal with little digs at me here and there.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh you definitely deserve it. But I figured I’d cut you some slack. I see that you’re trying.<</speech>>
<p>You notice her hand laying on the counter. You reach for it. Wanting to rest your hand on hers before you speak. You were going to apologize to her, and try and use touch to build a physical connection with your apology. To try and make it feel more genuine and from the heart. But second your hand touches hers she yanks it away quickly.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Don’t touch me.<</speech>>
<<elseif $megan.status is "Sub">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So tell me why you’ve always been so rude to me.<</speech>>
<p>The comment comes out boldly and directly. You make it sound like a question but you phrase it like an order. Trying to prey on the fact that she is more obedient now. Megan’s face contorts. Clearly offended at the insinuation.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>I have not always been rude to you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Okay always is a bit of an exaggeration but you’ve been more and more bitchy every day. Tell me why.<</speech>>
<p>She looks like she is on the verge of tears, suddenly. You can see her unnatural desire to do as she is told is fighting hard against he natural desire to just bottle it all inside.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>I DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!<</speech>>
<p>She yelps, her tone broken and sounding almost scared.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Whoa, sorry. I didn’t mean piss you off or anything<</speech>>
<p>You take a step back and place your hand up, showing a bit of remorse but also just getting a bit of distance between you both. She takes a deep breath and cools herself down a bit before responding.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to snap. I guess you deserve some sort of an explanation for my behavior. I’ve been short with you and, the reason is that I’m recently divorced. I don’t like to talk about my personal life much. This is work and those two things should be separate. So don’t ask about it. But that is why I have been… testy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh I’m sorry to hear that. Don’t worry I understand. Doubt I’m the person you wanna talk to about it but, I’d feel bad if I didn’t offer.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You’re right, I don’t want to talk with you about it. But thank you anyway. Sorry if I take it out on you. It is not on purpose.<</speech>>
<p>She has a dead stare on her face. Like she’s getting lost in the despair of her marriage ending. You feel bad for not even realizing. She is still wearing her ring so there isn’t any good way for you to have known. But even still, she has good reason to be getting more and more bitchy. And you’ve made yourself an easy target for it all by being late as often as you have been.</p>
<<if $app.charges>>
[[Use the App to open her up more and give her a hug (1 charge)|The Woman Scorned 1][$activities.theWomanScorned.choices.stage1 to "hug"]]
<a class="locked">Use the App to open her up more and give her a hug (1 charge)</a>
[[Tell her it’s alright and let her try and forget all about it|street][$activities.theWomanScorned.stage to 1; $activities.theWomanScorned.choices.stage1 to "forget"]]
<p>I'm at a cozy Italian pizzeria with the aroma of freshly baked pizza in the air. The warm, rustic decor exudes a welcoming ambiance. Red-checkered tablecloths and soft candlelight create an intimate setting, perfect for savoring authentic pizza and pasta dishes.</p>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="street">[img["resources/img/street/street.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Street</p></div>
<p>You're sitting in a quaint city park, nestled among charming streets. Towering oak trees offer shade, and a gentle breeze rustles through the colorful flower beds. A small playground and a serene pond with ducks complete this peaceful urban oasis.</p>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="street">[img["resources/img/street/street.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Street</p></div>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="electronics" data-setter="$action to 0">[img["resources/img/mall/electronics.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Electronics store</p></div>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="sexshop" data-setter="$action to 0">[img["resources/img/mall/sexshop.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Sex shop</p></div>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="mallgym">[img["resources/img/mall/gym.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Mall's gym</p><<LocPort "Mall's gym">></div>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="street">[img["resources/img/street/street.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Street</p><<LocPort "Street">></div>
<<if $activities.gymRat.stage is 1>>
<p>After how rudely your last workout was disrupted, you had really hoped that today would be different. A simple workout, just come in and lift or run for a bit, then leave. Nothing complicated about it in theory. Then you see the same girl from last time walk in through the front doors of the gym. She starts to make her way towards the locker rooms. She’s dressed like she goes to a private school specifically for whores considering how skimpy her outfit it. And yet its just proper enough that it has to be a uniform.</p>
<<contentcreator Mandy>>
<<if $activities.gymRat.choices.stage1 is "forget">>
<p>She walks by and pays you no mind at all. Clearly the App did its job last time and made sure that she forgot ever interacting with you. Let alone remembering how rude and accusatory she was. Even thinking back on it makes you feel angry and embarrassed that she would even suggest that you were creeping on her. Thinking more on it, you come to the realization that making her forget you hasn’t actually changed who she is. And frankly, just being in a gym with someone like her feels like it could be trouble.</p>
<<elseif $activities.gymRat.choices.stage1 is "defensive">>
<p>The woman notices you and sends a scowl your way while she passes by. Part of you wonders if you should have used the App last time. But the past is the past and at the moment you’re more concerned about your future. Remembering how rude and accusatory she was, it makes you feel angry and embarrassed that she would even suggest that you were creeping on her. That scowl tells you that she would be more likely to double down on it than ever consider that she might have been wrong. Being in the gym with someone who thinks and acts this way is bound to be trouble.</p>
<p>Continuing to come to this gym without making some sort of change is going to be completely impossible. Either you do something about this girl and her attitude, or you leave and find a new place to workout. Doing nothing is just going to get you labeled with something that you might not be able to live down.</p>
[[Leave the gym and never see this girl again|Gym Rat 2][$activities.gymRat.choices.stage2 to "leave"]]
<<if $app.charges>>
[[Use the App and change her to your liking (1 charge)|Gym Rat 2][$activities.gymRat.choices.stage2 to "change her"]]
<a class="locked">Use the App and change her to your liking (1 charge)</a>
<<elseif $activities.gymRat.stage is 0>>
<p>Part of turning your life around has to be getting in better shape. The App can do a lot for you but so far everything it has done has been helpful. But, has still required your action to take advantage of the help it gives. So this one will mostly be up to you to take care of. After a quick change into some shorts and a light t-shirt in the locker room, you come out and get right into doing some curls with the dumbbells. You start off light with fifteen pound weights. Just trying to warm your body up to working out. And its a little easy but you know that after multiple sets, you’re going to wake up tomorrow feeling a bit sore. As you’re doing the curls though, a girl walks up to the step machine in front of you. As she’s using the machine, just a few feet ahead of you, you can’t help but watch her work out.</p>
<video src="resources/scenes/activities/gymRat/treadmill.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<contentcreator Mandy>>
<p>You try not to stare. You don’t want to seem like a creep. But to be frank she is right in front of you. There aren’t many other places to look. It’s an enjoyable sight, at the very least. You make sure you keep your focus elsewhere though. Choosing to look directly at the guard rail of the step machine. She remains in your periphery, for better or for worse.</p>
<<speech "Mandy">>Can I help you?<</speech>>
<p>Her voice snaps you out of focusing on the guard rail as she hops off the machine, seemingly just to yell at you.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Um, no?<</speech>>
<p>You ask in return, confused about why she is yelling at you.</p>
<<speech "Mandy">>Why are you staring at me then?<</speech>>
[[Reply defensively|Gym Rat 1][$activities.gymRat.choices.stage1 to "defensive"]]
<<if $app.charges>>
[[Use the App to make her forget you were ever here (1 charge)|Gym Rat 1][$activities.gymRat.choices.stage1 to "forget"]]
<a class="locked">Use the App to make her forget you were ever here (1 charge)</a>
<<elseif $activities.gymRat.stage gte 2 && $activities.gymRat.choices.stage2 is "change her" && $mandy.loc is "Mall's gym">>
<p>Every trip to the gym starts the same way. A quick trip to the locker rooms to enjoy a quick shower with Mandy. You explore each other’s bodies with your hands. And sometimes, you don’t even bother working out after. Sometimes it’s just for the thrill of the moment.</p>
<<contentcreator Mandy>>
<p>It was certainly worth using the App on her. You get to see a lovely body almost any time you’re at the gym. And now no one has to worry about her being a bitch and calling them out for something they didn’t do. Everyone wins.</p>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="mall">[img["resources/img/downtown/mall.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Mall</p></div><<set $mandy.gallery[4] to 1>>
<p>As you enter the gym, you are assaulted by the clanging sounds of weights being dropped, and the unmistakable scent of sweat and perseverance. Directly ahead of you is a bank of treadmills, some of which are occupied by a group of girls wearing matching tightly fitted gym shorts and tiny tops. Behind them is the weights, with a scattering of people flexing their strengthening muscles, covered in a sheen of sweat.</p>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="mall">[img["resources/img/downtown/mall.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Mall</p></div>
<p>Pushing open the door, you hear the distinctive ding of the store bell. You look out across the aisles, lit by the flickering florescent bulbs. Before you are racks filled with chocolate and magazines, and to your right is a counter, piled high with gum and discount goods. From behind the counter, the shop keeper, a gothic look girl chewing gum and looking mostly uninterested greets you.</p>
<<speech "Shopkeeper">> Hey, lemme know if you want anything…<</speech>>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="mall">[img["resources/img/downtown/mall.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Mall</p></div>
<<if typeof $mc.willpower is "undefined">>
<<set $prevpassage to 'Game start'>>
<<set $gameDate to new Date("2024-11-01T08:45Z"); >>
<<set $GameDays to [
"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"
<<set $day to 1>>
<<set $period to 1>>
<<set $periodname to "Early morning">>
<<set $city to {
name: "Marvella",
<<set $app to {
active: 0,
charges: 3
<<set $mc to {
name: "John",
surname: "Miller",
willpower: 0,
attunement: 0,
porn: 0,
money: 1000,
<<set $sis to {
name: "Emma",
bond: "Roommate",
status: "Normal",
willpower: 20,
relation: 35,
loc: "Bathroom",
lochome: "Bathroom",
gallery: [0,0],
<<set $megan to {
name: "Megan",
status: "Normal",
willpower: 80,
relation: 5,
loc: "Megan's bedroom",
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $kathy to {
name: "Kathy",
status: "Normal",
willpower: 40,
relation: -80,
loc: "Kathy's bedroom",
gallery: [0,0,0],
<<set $mandy to {
name: "Mandy",
status: "Normal",
willpower: 45,
relation: 0,
loc: "Mandy's bedroom",
gallery: [0,0],
<<set $allGirlKeys to ["sis","megan","kathy","mandy"]>>
<<set $allGirls to [$sis,$megan,$kathy,$mandy]>>
<<set $has to {
breakfast: 0,
dishes: 0,
<<set $cheatCount to {
baby: 0,
child: 0,
youngster: 0,
man: 0,
gentleman: 0,
money: 0,
gallery: 0,
<<set $chores to {
<<set $quests to {
intro: {
stage: 0,
choices: {
late: "",
megan: "",
kathy: ""
<<set $activities to {
searchingForAnswers: {
stage: 0
theWomanScorned: {
stage: 0,
choices: {
stage1: ""
gymRat: {
stage: 0,
choices: {
stage1: ""
<<set $uipassages to ["Cheat","Use code","Gallery Main","Progress","Credits","Options","Map options","Housing upgrades"]>>
<<set $mapPassages to ["City Map","Suburbs","The borough","Creamy acres","The lofts","Downtown","College avenue","The coast","Red light district"]>>
<<if !$quests.release2>>
<<set $quests.release2 to {
stage: 0,
choices: {
clean: "",
suspicious: ""
<<set $activities.searchingForAnswers.choices to {
stage3: ""
<<set $activities.theWomanScorned.todayStage1 to 0>>
<<set $activities.theWomanScorned.choices.stage2 to "">>
<<set $activities.theWomanScorned.choices.stage2B to "">>
<<set $activities.gymRat.choices.stage2 to "">>
<<set $mc.status to "Normal">>
<<set $mc.int to 0>>
<<set $mc.str to 0>>
<<set $mc.end to 0>>
<<set $mc.seXP to 0>>
<<set $mc.dom to 0>>
<<set $alice to {
name: "Alice",
status: "Normal",
willpower: 80,
relation: 25,
loc: "Church",
gallery: [0,0],
<<set $marsha to {
name: "Marsha",
status: "Normal",
willpower: 90,
relation: 10,
loc: "Marsha's bedroom",
gallery: [0,0],
<<if !$quests.release3>>
<<set $quests.release3 to {
stage: 0,
choices: {
agents: "",
luthor: "",
luthor2: "",
agents2: "",
andrea: "",
andrea2: "",
agents3: ""
<<set $andrea to {
name: "Andrea Doe",
status: "Normal",
willpower: 80,
relation: -10,
loc: "Andrea's bedroom",
gallery: [0,0,0,0],
<<set $niella to {
name: "Niella Windgate",
status: "Normal",
willpower: 0,
relation: -35,
loc: "Luthor's bedroom",
gallery: [0,0],
<<set $luthor to {
name: "Luthor Windgate",
status: "Normal",
willpower: 100,
relation: 0,
loc: "Luthor's bedroom",
metToday: 0,
gallery: [],
<<set $andi to {
name: "Andi",
status: "Normal",
willpower: 50,
relation: 0,
loc: "Andi's bedroom",
gallery: [0,0],
<<set $activities.richGirlProblems to {
stage: 0
<<set $activities.collectingWhatIsDue to {
stage: 0,
choices: {
stage1: ""
<<set $activities.makingUpForLostTime to {
stage: 0,
choices: {
stage1: ""
<<if typeof $sis.gallery[7] is "undefined">>
<<set $sis.gallery.push(0,0,0,0,0,0)>>
<<if typeof $sis.gallery[10] is "undefined">>
<<set $sis.gallery.push(0,0,0)>>
<<if typeof $megan.gallery[8] is "undefined">>
<<set $megan.gallery.push(0,0)>>
<<if typeof $megan.gallery[11] is "undefined">>
<<set $megan.gallery.push(0,0,0)>>
<<if typeof $kathy.gallery[3] is "undefined">>
<<set $kathy.gallery.push(0)>>
<<if typeof $mandy.gallery[4] is "undefined">>
<<set $mandy.gallery.push(0,0,0)>>
<<set $allGirlKeys to ["sis","megan","kathy","mandy","alice","marsha","andrea"]>>
<<set $allGirls to [$sis,$megan,$kathy,$mandy,$alice,$marsha,$andrea]>>
<<set $allManKeys to ["luthor"]>>
<<set $allMen to [$luthor]>>
Updating old save file...
<<set $gameversion to 16>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<p>You decide not to try anything and simply eat your breakfast, making idle chatter about nothing in particular as you do so.</p>
<p>When you’ve finished eating, you get up to leave.</p><<set $has.breakfast to 1>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<p>You decide not to try anything and simply eat your dinner, making idle chatter about nothing in particular as you do so.</p>
<p>When you’ve finished eating, you get up to leave.</p><<set $has.dinner to 1>>
[[Leave|House]]<<addmins 30>>
<<speech "Shopkeeper">> Hey, lemme know if you want anything…<</speech>>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="mall">[img["resources/img/downtown/mall.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Mall</p></div>
<p>You clean all the plates, bowls and cups with relative ease, only a few pots taking more effort than usual.</p>
<p>It takes a little while, but the sink looks good as new, and the dishes do too!</p>
[[Finish|kitchen]]<<addmins 20>><<set $chores.dishes += 1>><<set $has.dishes to 1>>
<p>You pop into the laundry room and see a mountain of clothes in the basket.</p>
<p>There’s definitely a lot of your stuff in there filling out the huge pile.</p>
<p>You open the washer, grab as many like-colored clothes as you can stuff in the machine, pour some soap inside, and set it to wash. That was simple.</p>
<p>It only takes one more trip to set the laundry in the dryer. The highest heat setting should do.</p>
<p>When you come back the next time, however, the laundry is still soaking wet…</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Huh? Must be something wrong with the dryer…<</speech>>
<p>You put it on a lower setting and put it back in. When you return this time, everything’s nice and warm.</p>
<p>The mountain of clothes has now become a hill of clothes! Good enough for now...</p>
[[Finish|bathroom]]<<set $chores.laundry += 1>><<set $has.laundry to 1>><<addhours 1>>
<p>You take stock of the trash can, something you don’t remember doing anytime this century.</p>
<p>It’s nearly overflowing with cartons, food waste, and takeout bags, and the smell is horrible when you get up close…</p>
<p>It’s a small hassle getting everything to fit in a bag, but it eventually complies and you take it out to the curb without issue.</p>
<p>No more bad smell in the kitchen!</p>
[[Finish|kitchen]]<<set $chores.trash += 1>><<set $has.trash to 1>><<addmins 10>>
<p>You bring out the vacuum cleaner from the closet and start hooking it up when $sis.name walks into the room.</p>
<p>With the two of you working together, your own time spent vacuuming is cut in half, and the floors are friendly to bare feet again.</p>
[[Come back home|House]]<<set $chores.vacuum += 1>><<set $has.vacuum to 1>><<addmins 30>>
<p>Taking a look around the bathroom, you start to wonder when it was cleaned last.</p>
<p>There’s a lot of hair stopping the shower drain, the sink looks yellowed, and the toilet… has seen better days.</p>
<p>Nothing a bit of cleaning won’t help. You take out the cleaning supplies from the closet and grab a sponge.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Grime begone!<</speech>>
<p>You make short work of the dirt and stains in the bathroom using your honed technique of “spray it till it looks clean.”</p>
<p>The shower won’t get stopped up anymore, the sink has brushed its teeth to get rid of the yellowing, and the toilet is reliving those better days once more.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Can’t believe we were living with that for so long.<</speech>>
<p>The wonders of modern cleaning supplies.</p>
[[Finish|bathroom]]<<set $chores.cleaning += 1>><<set $has.cleaning to 1>><<addhours 1>>
<<set _ran to random(10,200)>>
<<moneygain _ran>>
<<questaddition mom>><</questaddition>>
<<cokesell>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>What is your name? <<textbox "$mc.name" "John">></p>
[[Start|intro][$scene to 1]]<<addclass "body" "intro">>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<video src="resources/scenes/intro/dream.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<p>*RING* *RING*</p>
<p>The musical tone of your phone alarm blares in your ears. Yanking you from your slumber and interrupting you from your pleasant dreams as you slowly open your eyes to greet the new day. It’s your second alarm. You can’t snooze this one. Otherwise you’ll be late to work. Megan will be pissed if you’re late again. And you cannot afford to lose this job. The shower is calling your name. So you get up out of bed, fighting your every urge and instinct. You win the battle this time. But, it truly does get harder every morning. Especially as you head out into the hall and see that the living room is a complete pig sty.</p>
<p>It’s not surprising in the least but it’s getting more and more annoying every day. Emma never cleans up after herself. And by the sound of it, she’s in the shower right now too.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Emma! Hurry the fuck up I’m gonna be late for work!<</speech>>
<p>You bang on the door so she knows you’re there.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Dude, I just got in. You gotta wait. I got work too.<</speech>>
<p>Every day you regret inviting her to live with you a little bit more. At least she always pays rent on time. That’s better than a lot of roommates out there.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>If I’m late one more time Megan will fire me!<</speech>>
<p>You aren’t sure that’s true but with how tight money is, you can’t rightly risk it.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>It’s been ten years, $mc.name. You should know by now I don’t rush my showers. You’re gonna have to make due.<</speech>>
<p>The sink is your only option at the moment. And of course, it’s full of dirty dishes. At least the tap is hot and there is soap to use. Your pits and face get washed. Beyond that it’s up to deodorant and cologne to save you. You rush back into your bedroom and get dressed. There’s only thirty minutes left until your shift starts and there’s six blocks to travel. It isn’t looking great for your chances of making it on time. But you have to try.</p>
[[Hop on your bike|intro][$scene to 2]]<<addclass "body" "bedroom">><<set $sis.gallery[0] to 1>>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Thank goodness for antiperspirant deodorants. Without it you’re high speed bike ride through the streets would have left you a sweaty mess of body odor. But despite the odds, you make it to work. The smell of good food from the pizzeria fills your nose and your soul. The food is one of the few good things about this job. And one of the bad rears its head the moment you walk through the front door.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>You’re late, again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What do you mean late? I’m right on time!<</speech>>
<p>Megan shows you her phone and it says 9:01.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Not according to my phone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I got here at nine though. It turned that one minute between when I walked through the front door and now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You haven’t clocked in yet. If you aren’t clocked in by nine, you’re late. I don’t know how many times this is now. But it is totally unacceptable. Your generation just has no work ethic. If it wasn’t so hard finding a replacement that is even as barely reliable as you are, you’d be fired right now. So get behind the register, and count yourself lucky.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Okay...<</speech>>
<p>There’s really no point in arguing. You’re just better off doing just what she said, being happy that you aren’t fired. There’s no time to bother with it anyway, it’s time to start your shift.</p>
[[Clock in|intro][$scene to 3]]<<addclass "body" "stellia">><<addmins 16>><<set $megan.gallery[0] to 1>>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>People come in, they tell you what they want to eat, they pay you, and then you give them the food. It’s the same process with every person that you see. It’s monotonous. And just a little bit soul crushing. But it’s a job. And you do it to the best of your ability either way.</p>
<p>The clock strikes noon and you’re about to head to lunch. There’s a slice of pizza with your name on it in the back. But of course, a customer has to come in just before you can go sit down to eat it. Not just any customer either though. It’s Kathy Elman. The woman who made almost every day of high school a living hell for you.</p>
<p>You cringe at just the sight of her. But you force a smile on your face as she approaches. The most she locks eyes with you, a wicked smile forms on her face.</p>
<<speech "Kathy">>Someone gave the spaz a job?<</speech>>
<p>She cracks up at her own comment. The smile disappears from your face. You can’t even fake it with her anymore.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What can I get you, Kathy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Can someone else serve me? I don’t want your greasy fingers anywhere near my food.<</speech>>
<p>You will never be able to get her condescending voice out of your head. Hearing it for even a moment just floods back terrible memories.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m just doing my job Kathy,<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>I didn’t know they paid people to be a disgusting bum.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>They don’t.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Oh so you just do that for free?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Can you just order something and leave, please?<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Excuse me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>$mc.name! What is wrong with you today? First you’re late and now you’re rude to customers. This is unacceptable.<</speech>>
<p>You sigh, and look down at your feet. Every fiber of your being is telling you to argue. To explain why you were rude to Kathy. Why she is such a bitch and why she deserves much worse that a rude reply.</p>
<p>But you know that Megan is a bit of a bitch too. And she will just take her side the second Kathy tries to weasel her way out of it like always. No the only thing you can really do here is apologize.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>You’re right Megan I’m sorry. I guess I was just anxious for my lunch. Hunger must have gotten the better of me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Do NOT let it happen again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I won’t.<</speech>>
<p>Megan turns and leaves you alone with Kathy again.</p>
<<speech "Kathy">>That’s right bitch boy. Go ahead and grovel and I might not put in a complaint online.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I don’t know what I did to make you hate me Kathy. But please order something. I would really rather not listen to you insult me all day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Too bad, bum. I’ll give you my order but you best believe losers like you don’t deserve to go a minute without being reminded. Now go make me a BLT wrap, no mayo.<</speech>>
<p>You tap the buttons on the screen corresponding with her order. Trying your best to show no emotion at all. That was the only tricked that ever worked back in school. Her thinking that you were so beat down that she couldn’t get a rise out of you seemed to get her to back off back then. But now, she seems even more malicious than before. You tell her the price and she pays. Handing you a credit card that is no doubt paid for by her father. A tap and a beep confirms payment and you sit there and wait. Having to listen to every course and grating thought that the bitch has about you. It almost begins to turn into a dull hum. The words melding together and losing all meaning to you. It’s almost meditative. Like white noise as it all just fades away.</p>
<<speech "???">>Someone should teach this bitch a lesson.<</speech>>
<p>The sound of a strange voice yanks you out of the trance and back into the moment. Just in time too, Kathy’s food is ready. You hand her the bag with her wrap in it and tell her to have a nice day. Finally glad to be rid of her and able to go enjoy your lunch.</p>
[[The rest of your day is uneventful|intro][$scene to 4]]<<addclass "body" "stellia">><<settime 12 0>><<set $kathy.gallery[0] to 1>>
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>The end of your shift could not have come soon enough. After dealing with Kathy today, and Megan being her usual hard ass self, you just need some rest. Of course though, as you walk back into your apartment, it is still just as dirty as it was this morning.</p>
<p>Although now, Emma is sitting in some sort of nook or nest within all of the mess.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Aren’t you ever going to clean up around here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Hey! Lay off I just got home from work like an hour ago. Do you feel like cleaning right now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>You work like three days a week. And today isn’t even one of your normal work days. You could at least clean up on the days you don’t work, like I do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>I took an extra shift today since someone was sick! You’re always complaining that money is tight and this is the thanks I get for helping out?<</speech>>
<p>You sigh, far to tired to argue at this point. You just choose the path of least resistance like always.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I didn’t know. I’m sorry. I had a tough day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Well, so. Did. I. Don’t take it out on me. Let me enjoy my shows.<</speech>>
<p>As you walk back down the hall to your bedroom you have another moment were sounds begin to fade into one another. You move as if on autopilot. A numbness radiates throughout as you can see yourself moving and even feel the motions. But you don’t feel like you’re actively driving yourself forward.</p>
<<speech "???">>She doesn’t respect you. You should make her learn to.<</speech>>
<p>The sound of that voice snaps you back again. It is masculine, dark, and commanding. And also oddly familiar. You turn back and see Emma completely entranced by the television. It certainly wasn’t her who said it. And by the sound of the show she is watching, it didn’t come from there either. It begins to worry you. And yet, why should you worry. Would being crazy actually change anything for you? You’d still have to wake up tomorrow, go to your crappy job, deal with your selfish friend, serve rude customers, and all for barely enough money to do it again the next day. You lay down on your bed. And the moment your head hits the pillow, you drift off to sleep. Unable to hear it, as your phone begins to buzz over and over.</p>
[[Continue|intro][$scene to 5]]<<addclass "body" "livingroom">><<settime 16 0>><<set $sis.gallery[1] to 1>>
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<p>Your sleep is not as restful as you would have hoped. You dream again. But not your usual dreams of gorgeous women dancing naked. But rather, of a dark smoky room. The inescapable feeling of confinement pressed down onto your chest. Fear wells up within you. You yearn for release, to wake up. You somehow feel that this is a dream and yet, something tells you it is more real than a dream. And yet, less real that the waking world at the same time.</p>
<<speech "???">>You think far too much.<</speech>>
<p>That voice again.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Who’s there?<</speech>>
<<speech "???">>A friend. I promise.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I need to know your name to call you a friend.<</speech>>
<<speech "???">>You may call me Asmo.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Asmo? Is that French or something?<</speech>>
<<speech "DreamLord" "Asmo">>A voice in your mind is speaking to you, and you ask the origin of my name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah, well, I figure this is a dream so what does it really matter?<</speech>>
<<speech "DreamLord" "Asmo">>I assure you, though you are sleeping this is no mere dream.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’ll be the judge of that when I wake up. What do you even want?<</speech>>
<<speech "DreamLord" "Asmo">>To help, my poor man, just to help.<</speech>>
<p>Asmo begins to take some shape within the smoke in front of you. He, or rather it, doesn’t appear human but whatever he is remains far too undefined to truly make out. He sways within the smoke. Seemingly looking at you, staring into your very should.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Help me with what?<</speech>>
<<speech "DreamLord" "Asmo">>Whatever you’d like! Vengeance, comeuppance, justice, whatever you desire. I’ve seen how the people in your life treat you. And I can sense how deeply you want this changed. I offer you the path to that change.<</speech>>
[[Be suspicious|intro][$scene to 6]]
[[Be grateful|intro][$scene to 7]]<<addclass "body" "bedroom">><<settime 22 0>>
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "DreamLord" "Asmo">>What do you mean <i>why?</i><</speech>>
<p>You look at the mostly formless being of smoke with pure suspicion. And it returns with a tone of total confusion.</p>
<<speech "DreamLord" "Asmo">>I offer you power and you ask why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Look at it from my point of view. Either this is a dream, and none of this matters. So what do I lose from seeing how deep my subconscious wants to dig with this story that it’s drum up. Or this is real and you’re some demon looking monster trying to offer me power. It sounds like a deal with the devil sort of thing that I want details on.<</speech>>
<<speech "DreamLord" "Asmo">>You are not very trusting, $mc.name. There is no deal. I will simply help you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What do you get out of it?<</speech>>
<<speech "DreamLord" "Asmo">>Can I not simply be generous?<</speech>>
<p>Asmo doesn’t even let you answer before cackling at the thought.</p>
<<speech "DreamLord" "Asmo">>Very well. What I get out of this is quite simple. It is fun. I love toying with you humans. And I love seeing what you choose to do when given means beyond one another. It is always interesting.<</speech>>
<p>Something tells you that there is more that he is hiding. But for the moment it doesn’t appear as though you’ll be getting any more out of him either. The way his words carry venom tells your that he is telling the truth. Even if it is not the whole truth, he truly does want to fuck with Humanity. And considering how your life has been headed, any little bit of help someone is offering is needed. Dream or not, you have no real choice but to accept.</p>
<<willpower 5>>
[[Continue|intro][$scene to 8]]<<addclass "body" "bedroom">>
<<elseif $scene is 7>>
<p>You almost can’t believe your ears. Even vaguely put, you can tell that Asmo is alluding to helping you get back at the people in your life who have been treating you like garbage. Or at the very least obtain some sort of justice. Hell you would even settle for a raise at this point.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I know this is probably a dream but hell if you’re serious then lay it on me.<</speech>>
<<speech "DreamLord" "Asmo">>So willing. I scarcely remember a human so eager to accept my gifts without question.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Maybe you don’t know, but my life kinda sucks. The best thing I have going for me is that I live with a friend who pays rent on time. Never mind her messiness, or the fact that she brings random dudes over three nights a week. My job sucks and I get treated like crap by almost every person I see. Do I sound like someone who has anything to lose?<</speech>>
<<speech "DreamLord" "Asmo">>The question isn’t what you have to lose. It is what do you wish to gain. So, $mc.name, what do you wish to gain?<</speech>>
<p>You don’t answer. There are too many things to list. The somewhat sinister tone of what Asmo is offering doesn’t dissuade you even a little. Dream or not you’re eager to finally have a win. Finally come out of something ahead. You’ve never been afraid to admit you need help and the type of help Asmo seems to be offering is exactly what you have needed for such a long time. So you accept his help and get ready to learn the next steps.</p>
<<attunement 1>>
[[Continue|intro][$scene to 8]]<<addclass "body" "bedroom">>
<<elseif $scene is 8>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So how is this supposed to work?<</speech>>
<<speech "DreamLord" "Asmo">>You humans these days cling to your mobile phones like that are an extension of yourself. I will be within that device. A simple application. Whenever you desire my assistance, simply tap the app and my power will do what is needed.<</speech>>
<p>It’s simple enough to understand. Although a bit complicated for a dream. You feel your pockets for your phone but realize that your pockets are empty.</p>
<<speech "DreamLord" "Asmo">>You don’t need the phone now you fool. I’m right here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Right, right… habit I guess.<</speech>>
<<speech "DreamLord" "Asmo">>Humans...<</speech>>
<p>You can’t see it, but you can feel Asmo roll his eyes in response to you.</p>
<<speech "DreamLord" "Asmo">>You must also remember that you will only have three uses of my power per day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Only three? Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "DreamLord" "Asmo">>I am offering you a gift of some power. Not all of it. In time I might offer you more of my power. Should be become more aligned in our goals and desires. But for now be gracious for your three uses.<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even respond further the smoke rapidly dissipates. Leaving you in an endless void of darkness. You will yourself awake. Closing your eyes and doing your best to force yourself to wake up. When you open your eyes again, the light of the sun is beginning to crack through your window. The sound of someone beating at your door begins to burn your ears.</p>
[[See who’s knocking|intro][$scene to 9; $app.active to 1]]<<addclass "body" "bedroom">>
<<elseif $scene is 9>>
<<speech "Emma">>Dude! Wake up! Don’t you have work again today? You’re gonna be late!<</speech>>
<p>Shit. You shove yourself up out of bed and look around. You hesitate, not sure what you should do. You need a shower, but you don’t really have time for that now. You just grab some clean clothes and spray yourself with cologne. Another day without a shower, you really hope no one notices. You grab your keys, wallet, and phone from your night stand and get ready to leave. But that is when you notice your phone has an odd screen on it. You watch for a moment as it flickers before going back to your normal home screen. Only now, there is a new app that you don’t recognize. Just like you were told would happen in your dream.</p>
[[Press the app to not be late for work (1 charge)|intro][$scene to 10; $quests.intro.choices.late to "not late"]]
[[Ignore it for now and just head out|intro][$scene to 10; $quests.intro.choices.late to "ignore it"]]<<addclass "body" "bedroom">><<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(10)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
<<elseif $scene is 10>>
<<if $quests.intro.choices.late is "not late">>
<p>You’re already late. It can’t hurt to press the button. At worst, you’ve wasted another half second. But if there is even a chance that this is all true and it wasn’t just an exhaustion induced fever dream, then you have to take it. The moment you feel your finger press the button, a pit forms in your stomach. The light from your window gets dimmer. It feels like you’re moving, or being pulled without anyone touching you. Then, it suddenly stops. You look over and see that now the clock says seven AM.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Hoooly shit it actually worked.<</speech>>
<p>You look down at your phone and wonder just how this is all happening. You have an app that can actually affect reality to your benefit. A smile forms across your face as you head out of your room towards the bathroom. You’re finally awake in time to grab yourself a nice long shower before work. And you’re going to savor it while you think of what else this app might be able to help you do.</p>
<<appcharge 1>>
<<attunement 1>>
[[Time to go to work, on time this time|intro][$scene to 11]]<<addclass "body" "bathroom">><<set $megan.gallery[1] to 1>>
<p>There isn’t time for you to waste even attempting something as silly as hoping some app will magically save your ass. You just need to hurry up and hope Megan will forgive you. Thankfully you have enough cologne and clean clothes to make sure you don’t stink. But two days in a row without a shower is making you hope that the smell of pizza is strong enough to overpower any odor that might be lingering on you.</p>
<p>The ride to work is short, but only because you’re rushing even more than usual. As you sprint through the door and into the restaurant, Megan glares daggers at you. Unluckily for you, there aren’t any customers in at the moment to prevent her from letting loose.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>You are UNBELIEVABLE. I give you so many chances and you just throw them in my face! You are a disappointment, and a disgrace. And you should kiss my feet for even THINKING of letting you continue working for me. What do you have to say for yourself?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I don’t have any good excuses Megan. I just messed up. I’m so sorry. All I can do is promise to do better.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>That’s what you said yesterday, and here you are doing WORSE. Do you like making a fool out of me? Or are you just so irresponsible that you can’t help but be late at every opportunity? Or maybe you just like being yelled at. Is that it? Are you some sort of secret masochist who just likes to hear me tear you down?<</speech>>
<p>She is an unbelievable bitch. Even if she is right to be mad, she has no right to make such wild and demeaning accusations like that. Your phone buzzes in your pocket as you consider ways to knock her down a peg. A weird sensation. You almost never get any messages at this time of day. Which reminds you of your dream last night, and the App on your phone. You still doubt it was true. But at the moment, you’re wondering if You have any better options. The being in the dream spoke about revenge and justice. Well just maybe you can get some of that right now. Worst case scenario is it does nothing and nothing changes, right?</p>
[[Use the App to make her nicer to you (1 charge)|intro][$scene to 12; $quests.intro.choices.megan to "nicer"]]
<<if $mc.attunement gte 1>>
[[Use the App to humiliate her back (1 charge)|intro][$scene to 12; $quests.intro.choices.megan to "humiliate"]]
<a class="locked">Use the App to humiliate her back (Requires more attunement)</a>
<</if>><<settime 9 5>><<addclass "body" "stellia">><<set $megan.gallery[2] to 1>>
<<elseif $scene is 11>>
<<if $quests.intro.choices.late is "not late">>
<p>You’re fresh, clean, and able to take a nice leisurely ride through town to get to work. You even have time to stop and grab some coffee on the way in. You grab an extra cup for Megan as well. It’s cheap coffee but it will be a nice gesture to apologize for being late in the past. As much as she can be a bitch to you and just about everyone else, you can’t act like being late so often isn’t good reason to be mad at you.</p>
<p>You pull open the door to the pizza place and walk right in. Enjoying the smell of the ovens and first pizzas just starting to cook. You look at the clock on the wall and see that you’re actually twenty minutes early.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Excuse me we aren’t open yet.<</speech>>
<p>Megan stops in her tracks when she sees that it’s you walking in through the door so early. She looks at you like a dear caught in the headlights. Completely thrown off by even the concept of you being early. You extend your arm, coffee in hand, offering it to her.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Here ya go Megan. I had some extra time so I got you a coffee. Just wanted to say sorry again for being late yesterday. I appreciate the patience.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>I’m not sure I even believe this is happening right now.<</speech>>
<p>She hesitantly takes the coffee from you. Pulling off the lid and inspecting it for a moment before taking a sip.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>You even got the cream and sugar right. Who are you? The $mc.name I know could never get my coffee right, AND be on time on the same day.<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle for a moment. Taking it as a joke even though you’re pretty certain that Megan is genuinely suspicious at this point.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>No it’s me. I just finally was able to get up and get my morning started on time today. I could give you excuses but I doubt you want to hear them. I just hope I’ll be able to keep this up from now on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You’re off to a good start I’ll give you that much. Don’t disappoint me. Ah who am I kidding. You probably will. I shouldn’t get my hopes up.<</speech>>
<p>She really just can’t help but be a bitch. Even her compliments have to be backhanded. And it is in this moment, that you remember what Asmo originally promised you. He’s already helped you get to work on time. But he said he would help to give you a sense of justice or revenge against the people in your life that are making it hell. But, you’ve already spent one charge today, and it is very early.</p>
<<meganrelation 5>>
[[Use the App to make her be nicer to you|intro][$scene to 12; $quests.intro.choices.megan to "nicer"]]
[[Use the App to make her compliant|intro][$scene to 12; $quests.intro.choices.megan to "compliant"]]<<addclass "body" "stellia">><<settime 8 40>>
<<elseif $scene is 12>>
<<if $quests.intro.choices.megan is "nicer">>
<p>Is wanting a boss to treat you like you’re wanted, too much to ask? You don’t think so. You press the App on your phone while focusing on Megan, imagining her being kind and downright sweet to you. In the speed of a blink, you feel an instant shift. Megan looks over at you with a smile. And not her usual professional smile but a genuine and appreciative smile. She looks away when she sees that you notice her looking at you. But then slowly turns back to look again. Your eyes meet hers.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>I’m sorry $mc.name. I’ve been a bit out of line. I know it must be hard for you. I get frustrated because I know you can do better. But I see you run in here almost every day. Even though you’re usually late you’re worried about it. You care. I need to appreciate that more. I hope you improve. But so long as I know you’re giving it your all, I’ll trust you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Thank you for saying that Megan. I really appreciate it. And It means a lot that you see my effort. I’ll keep doing my best. I’ll do my best to not let you down.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>I know you won’t. Let’s make this a great workday. What do ya say?<</speech>>
<p>She playfully taps your shoulder before heading back and getting to work. You hop behind the register and get ready to face the day. Seeing Megan be genuinely kind to you has done more for your confidence and enjoyment at work than anything has since your started. You’re actually standing behind the counter with a smile on your face. And your ready for anything that might come your way today. You haven’t felt this great in months. And it’s all thanks to this App. And at some point, you’ll have to try and learn more about it. Especially if you want to unlock its full potential. And if you want to see if there are any dangers in using it to readily on others.</p>
<<meganrelation 25>>
<<meganwillpower -30>>
<<meganstatus "Nice">>
<<attunement 1>>
<<appcharge 1>><<set $megan.gallery[3] to 1>>
<<elseif $quests.intro.choices.megan is "compliant">>
<p>Megan needs to learn to be nicer. She needs to learn how to take a hint and not be a bitch all the time. Her will is too strong and she just won’t take a single bit of crap from anyone. You want her to become more compliant. Focusing on her being more docile, sweet, and impressionable as you tap the App. And in that instant you see Megan’s entire disposition change. Her eyes almost glaze over, and she instantly stops bitching at you.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Let’s just get to work Megan. No need waste anymore time and risk starting late, right?<</speech>>
<p>Normally Megan would chew you out for even daring to suggest giving her instruction of any kind. But you know the App worked because she nods. And she does so silently. Megan being silent is as rare as a monochrome rainbow. In fact that app worked so well that you just can’t help yourself but take it even a step further.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>And Megan I have to be honest with you. That shirt just does not look great. You should take it off.<</speech>>
<p>Megan stops in her tracks. She looks down at her light green shirt, and for a moment you think it’s going to work. But then she turns to you with a skeptical look on her face.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Nice try, $mc.name. But you clearly don’t know fashion if you think this shirt doesn’t look fantastic on me.<</speech>>
<p>She walks off to the back as you take your spot behind the register. You can’t help but have a smile on your face. With two uses of the App now, you’ve basically completely changed the dynamic at your workplace. The customers start coming in. And you serve them all with a smile. But for once your mind isn’t at work. It’s off thinking about the possibilities that you can reach with this App. And after Megan refused you just now, it has you thinking about it’s limitations. You wanted her to become docile and impressionable. But she still pushed back when you suggested she take her shirt off. You’ll have to find out why it didn’t work as fully as you expected. And at some point, you’ll have to try and learn more about this app. Especially if you want to unlock its full potential. And if you want to see if there are any dangers in using it to readily on others.</p>
<<meganrelation 5>>
<<meganwillpower -50>>
<<meganstatus "Sub">>
<<attunement 1>>
<<appcharge 1>><<set $megan.gallery[4] to 1>>
<<elseif $quests.intro.choices.megan is "humiliate">>
<p>You focus on just an intense desire for Megan to get a taste of her own medicine. A hope, a prayer, anything that will help her feel as absolutely torn down and hung out to dry as you feel in this moment. You don’t expect it to work, but you having nothing to lose. Your finger taps the App, and in an instant you feel a surge of energy around you. As if the wind was carrying something, by force. That something being carried, is Megan’s shirt practically disintegrates before your eye with how quickly is it swept away. Her eyes go wide with shock as she is standing there, exposed to you.</p>
<p>She runs off without another word. While you just stand there, struggling with the many thoughts going through your mind in this moment. The image of her tits just sears into your brain, and is hard to get away from. Admittedly you aren’t trying very hard but that is beside the point. The more important thing you have to focus on is the reality that they App is real. The dream you had was no dream and you, with just a tap of your phone screen, managed to do something that shouldn’t be possible. The implications are immense. You’ll have to try and learn more about this app. Especially if you want to unlock its full potential. And if you want to see if there are any dangers in using it to readily on others.</p>
<<meganrelation -10>>
<<meganwillpower -20>>
<<meganstatus "Humiliated">>
<<willpower 5>>
<<attunement 1>>
<<appcharge 1>><<set $megan.gallery[5] to 1>>
[[Continue|intro][$scene to 13]]<<addclass "body" "stellia">>
<<elseif $scene is 13>>
<p>Your day was becoming more and more pleasant as time went on. But with your luck it was inevitable that something would come along to ruin it. And as if the universe loves sequels, Kathy comes in to repeat as the wrecking ball for her second day in a row. Her eyes meet yours the exact moment that she gets through the door. As if she’s only actually here specifically for the sake of ruining your day.</p>
<<speech "Kathy">>Sup spaz? Ready to take my order?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Hello, how can I help you?<</speech>>
<p>You keep your tone even. Showing as little emotion as possible as you do your best to not give her the satisfaction of getting a rise out of you. Your day is going well. And you’re determined to not let her ruin that. And if you’re left with no other choice, you do know that you at least have one ace up your sleeve now that you have the App.</p>
<<speech "Kathy">>BLT wrap, no mayo. And make it snappy, pond scum. Your rude behavior yesterday almost made me late and I don’t want that happening again.<</speech>>
<p>You don’t respond right away. Her insults are just words. And you’ll get back at her for them all in due time either way. You type the order into the screen and send it back.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>That’ll be $8.50.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>I know. I was here yesterday. Do you have short term memory issues too or are you just stupid?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I have neither, don’t worry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Who said I’m worried? I feel bad for anyone that worries about you. They’d never get a moment’s rest.<</speech>>
<p>You take a deep breath and simply let her tap her card to confirm the payment. The wrap comes up to the front and you hand it to her. She snatches it out of your hand. Moving so quick you’d think she was afraid of you stealing it from her. She stares you down as she unrolls it. Smirking smugly. She takes a mayo packet out of her purse and adds it to the wrap. You furl your brow. Confused why she would add the mayo to the wrap when she asked for no mayo. Then she suddenly slams it down into the counter and yells loudly.</p>
<<speech "Kathy">>I NEED TO SPEAK TO A MANAGER PLEASE!<</speech>>
[[Megan comes to the front|intro][$scene to 14]]<<addclass "body" "stellia">><<settime 9 30>>
<<elseif $scene is 14>>
<<if $quests.intro.choices.megan is "nicer">>
<p>Megan steps up to the counter with a wide smile on her face. She places her hand on your shoulder and looks at you sweetly. If only you had known that this side of her even existed let alone could have been brought out of her. What the App has done feels like a miracle. She is basically using the manufactured kindness that she pulls out for customers as how she just naturally treats you. She shows the same kindness to Kathy when addressing her. Something inside of your can tell though that it isn’t as genuine.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Hello again miss, how can I help you today?<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>I specifically asked for no mayo on my BLT wrap. But as you can plainly see, there is mayo on it. I don’t want to sound like a Karen, but I’m allergic to eggs. Between this today, and the rude behavior yesterday, I am very dissatisfied with my experience.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh I’m so very sorry miss. I’ll get this fixed right away. And I’ll refund you for the inconvenience.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Oh you will? That’s so sweet! I don’t mean to point fingers but I think your employee here is focused more on checking out customers than he is taking orders correctly.<</speech>>
<p>Megan looks puzzled at the insinuation.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh not our $mc.name. I’ve never had any sort of complaint like that about him before. I’ll be sure to discuss it with him but I can promise you that if it seemed like that, it must have been a misunderstanding. And I apologize for that.<</speech>>
<p>She looks at you, giving you a look that tells you she can tell that Kathy is out to get you. It’s an oddly reassuring look. Because it isn’t something that Megan has ever given you before. Even when dealing with other unruly customers Megan is usually on their side. But now she seems to be softening ever so slightly. Offering you just the slightest bit of support before she takes the wrap back to fix it. Meanwhile Kathy continues to stand there with a smug and superior smile. Thinking that she has once again won.</p>
<<elseif $quests.intro.choices.megan is "compliant">>
<p>Megan comes to the counter, looking unsure of herself. Doing so feeling as though it is because she was told to come up rather than because she wanted to. She puts her hands at her side, and wears an almost nervous look on her face. She is clearly not adjusting well to having compliance baked into her personality like this. She is just not used to doing things because she is told. She’s been the one in control for the vast majority of her life.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Hello again miss, how can I help you today?<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>I specifically asked for no mayo on my BLT wrap. But as you can plainly see, there is mayo on it. I don’t want to sound like a Karen, but I’m allergic to eggs. Between this today, and the rude behavior yesterday, I am very dissatisfied with my experience.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh I’m so very sorry miss. I’ll get this fixed right away. And I’ll refund you for the inconvenience. If that’s, what you want that is.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Oh you will? That’s so sweet! I don’t mean to point fingers but I think your employee here is focused more on checking out customers than he is taking orders correctly.<</speech>>
<p>Megan looks at you and then back at Kathy. Completely unsure of what she should do in this moment. She looks to you for guidance. So you step up.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m sorry if anything I did caused offense. It wasn’t intentional. I’m sure Megan will handle the situation appropriately.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>I absolutely will. Just as he said.<</speech>>
<p>She looks at you, giving you a look that tells you she will side with you at the end of this. But she just can’t go against her desire to provide great customer service. It’s an oddly reassuring look. Because it isn’t something that Megan has ever given you before. Even when dealing with other unruly customers Megan is usually on their side. But now she seems to be softening ever so slightly. Offering you just the slightest bit of support before she takes the wrap back to fix it. Meanwhile Kathy continues to stand there with a smug and superior smile. Thinking that she has once again won.</p>
<<elseif $quests.intro.choices.megan is "humiliate">>
<p>Megan rushes up to the counter, wearing a different shirt than earlier. She gives you an annoyed look. But she can’t hide her blush in the process. Clearly embarrassed by the fact that you saw her topless like that. She does well to remain professional though.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Hello again miss, how can I help you today?<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>I specifically asked for no mayo on my BLT wrap. But as you can plainly see, there is mayo on it. I don’t want to sound like a Karen, but I’m allergic to eggs. Between this today, and the rude behavior yesterday, I am very dissatisfied with my experience.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh I’m so very sorry miss. I’ll get this fixed right away. And I’ll refund you for the inconvenience.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Oh you will? That’s so sweet! I don’t mean to point fingers but I think your employee here is focused more on checking out customers than he is taking orders correctly.<</speech>>
<p>Megan blushes again, thinking about how she basically flashed you. You know it was through no fault of her own but she still has no clue how it happened.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Well I can assure you that we haven’t had any complaints like that in the past. But I’ll speak with him to be sure it doesn’t happen again.<</speech>>
<p>She looks at you, giving you a look that tells you she can tell that Kathy is out to get you. It’s an oddly reassuring look. Because it isn’t something that Megan has ever given you before. Even when dealing with other unruly customers Megan is usually on their side. But now she seems to be softening ever so slightly. Offering you just the slightest bit of support before she takes the wrap back to fix it. Meanwhile Kathy continues to stand there with a smug and superior smile. Thinking that she has once again won.</p>
[[Use the App to show Kathy what it’s like to feel humiliated|intro][$scene to 15; $quests.intro.choices.kathy to "humiliate"]]
[[Use the App to make Kathy be nicer|intro][$scene to 15; $quests.intro.choices.kathy to "nicer"]]<<addclass "body" "stellia">>
<<elseif $scene is 15>>
<<if $quests.intro.choices.kathy is "humiliate">>
<p>You hand goes into your pocket, and fiddles with your phone. This woman simply can’t help herself. She can’t go more than five minutes without making someone feel like shit. Making them feel helpless, and scorned. And she has focused that general bitchiness towards you more times than you can count. And the only thing you want in this moment, is for her to feel just as humiliated as she has made you feel. You clear your mind of anything else as you tap the screen. And in an instant you can feel it beginning to work. Just like before you feel the energy of the app around you before it suddenly alters the world around you. Your focus on humiliating Kathy worked perfectly, as in less than a moment a powerful wind ripped off her top with such speed and power that it seemed to be pulled off her body by unseen hands.</p>
<p>A chuckle escapes your lips. But you stifle it quickly. Trying your hardest to be the bigger person in this moment. But truth be told you don’t even want to be. Few things have ever felt better than seeing Kathy’s look of absolute fear and embarrassment as her little titties were exposed to the entire restaurant. She covers up and sprints away. Not even bothering to wait for her refund or replacement wrap.</p>
<p>Megan walks up with it just a moment or two after she leaves. Looking around and wondering where Kathy went.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>She makes a big fuss about her food and then doesn’t even stay for the replacement. Unbelievable. At least I don’t have to give her a refund now.<</speech>>
<<kathyrelation -5>>
<<kathywillpower -20>>
<<kathystatus "Humiliated">>
<<willpower 5>>
<<attunement 1>>
<<appcharge 1>><<set $kathy.gallery[1] to 1>>
<<elseif $quests.intro.choices.kathy is "nicer">>
<p>Why can’t she just be nice for five seconds. Every single moment you can remember knowing her, Kathy has been an insufferable bitch. Hell would probably freeze over before she could possibly become nice. But if she could just for a few short minutes be something short of pure evil, then it would give you a feeling of pure relief. You focus on this feeling. The desire to have her be a kind and sweet person. And you press your finger against the screen of your phone at the same time.</p>
<p>Suddenly, Kathy’s eyes brighten. As if a flash of light went through her eyes and into her mind. She places her hand on her face and looks at you with confusion and regret on her face.</p>
<p>She shakes out of it after a moment. Continuing to speak but her tone is much less course and lacks the conviction it had in the past.</p>
<<speech "Kathy">>Just forget the food and the refund. I think I’ll just find a better way to spend my lunch break.<</speech>>
<p>She storms out hurriedly. You can’t say that how she spoke to you was particularly nice or kind. But at the very least it wasn’t rude. And hey, she didn’t insult you. You assume the App had to have worked, but there was just far too much evil in that girl to get rid of it all with a single tap of the button. Maybe you’ll get a better answer if you find out more about Asmo and the App. You’re snapped out of your train of thought when Megan comes up behind you with the fixed wrap.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>She makes a big fuss about her food and then doesn’t even stay for the replacement. Unbelievable. At least I don’t have to give her a refund now.<</speech>>
<<kathyrelation 10>>
<<kathywillpower -20>>
<<kathystatus "Nice">>
<<willpower 5>>
<<attunement 1>>
<<appcharge 1>><<set $kathy.gallery[2] to 1>>
[[Continue|intro][$scene to 16]]<<addclass "body" "stellia">>
<<elseif $scene is 16>>
<p>The rest of your workday goes rather smoothly. And you clock out right on time. Saying goodbye to Megan as you head out and get ready to head home. You have some free time now though. So if there is anything you want to do first, now is the time.</p>
[[Continue|intro][$scene to 17]]<<addclass "body" "stellia">><<settime 16 0>>
<p>At times during this story, you will have free periods that allow you to visit people and follow side stories. You will have at least once free period every day going forward. But this free time is limited. You won’t be able to follow every side story in a single playthrough. So choose wisely, based on how you would like your story to play out. And then, come back and play again to make different choices the next time!</p>
[[Continue|City Map][$quests.intro.stage to 1]]<<addclass "body" "stellia">>
<<widget "locations">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','07:59')>>
<<set $sis.loc to $sis.lochome>>
<<set $megan.loc to "Megan's house">>
<<set $kathy.loc to "Luthor's manor">>
<<set $mandy.loc to "Mandy's house">>
<<set $alice.loc to "Church">>
<<set $marsha.loc to "Church">>
<<set $niella.loc to "Luthor's manor">>
<<set $andrea.loc to "Andrea's house">>
<<set $andi.loc to "Windgate Manors">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','11:59')>>
<<if ["Saturday","Sunday"].includes($daycheck)>>
<<set $megan.loc to "Megan's house">>
<<set $kathy.loc to "Luthor's manor">>
<<set $megan.loc to "Stellia">>
<<set $kathy.loc to "Stellia">>
<<set $sis.loc to "Living room">>
<<set $mandy.loc to "Mall's gym">>
<<set $alice.loc to "Church">>
<<set $marsha.loc to "Church">>
<<set $niella.loc to "Luthor's manor">>
<<set $andrea.loc to "Andrea's house">>
<<set $andi.loc to "Windgate Manors">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'12:00','12:59')>>
<<if ["Saturday","Sunday"].includes($daycheck)>>
<<set $megan.loc to "Megan's house">>
<<set $kathy.loc to "Luthor's manor">>
<<set $megan.loc to "Stellia">>
<<set $kathy.loc to "Stellia">>
<<set $sis.loc to "Living room">>
<<set $mandy.loc to "Mall's gym">>
<<set $alice.loc to "Church">>
<<set $marsha.loc to "Marsha's house">>
<<set $niella.loc to "Luthor's manor">>
<<set $andrea.loc to "Andrea's house">>
<<set $andi.loc to "Windgate Manors">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','16:59')>>
<<if ["Saturday","Sunday"].includes($daycheck)>>
<<set $megan.loc to "Megan's house">>
<<set $kathy.loc to "Luthor's manor">>
<<set $megan.loc to "Stellia">>
<<set $kathy.loc to "Stellia">>
<<set $sis.loc to "Living room">>
<<set $mandy.loc to "Mall's gym">>
<<set $alice.loc to "Church">>
<<set $marsha.loc to "Marsha's house">>
<<set $niella.loc to "Luthor's manor">>
<<set $andrea.loc to "Andrea's house">>
<<set $andi.loc to "Windgate Manors">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','17:59')>>
<<set $sis.loc to "Living room">>
<<set $megan.loc to "Megan's house">>
<<set $kathy.loc to "Luthor's manor">>
<<set $mandy.loc to "Mandy's house">>
<<set $alice.loc to "Church">>
<<set $marsha.loc to "Marsha's house">>
<<set $niella.loc to "Luthor's manor">>
<<set $andrea.loc to "Andrea's house">>
<<set $andi.loc to "Windgate Manors">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'18:00','18:59')>>
<<set $sis.loc to "Living room">>
<<set $megan.loc to "Megan's house">>
<<set $kathy.loc to "Luthor's manor">>
<<set $mandy.loc to "Mandy's house">>
<<set $alice.loc to "Church">>
<<set $marsha.loc to "Marsha's house">>
<<set $niella.loc to "Luthor's manor">>
<<set $andrea.loc to "Andrea's house">>
<<set $andi.loc to "Windgate Manors">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'19:00','19:59')>>
<<set $sis.loc to "Living room">>
<<set $megan.loc to "Megan's house">>
<<set $kathy.loc to "Luthor's manor">>
<<set $mandy.loc to "Mandy's house">>
<<set $alice.loc to "Church">>
<<set $marsha.loc to "Marsha's house">>
<<set $niella.loc to "Luthor's manor">>
<<set $andrea.loc to "Andrea's house">>
<<set $andi.loc to "Windgate Manors">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'20:00','21:59')>>
<<set $sis.loc to "Living room">>
<<set $megan.loc to "Megan's house">>
<<set $kathy.loc to "Luthor's manor">>
<<set $mandy.loc to "Mandy's house">>
<<set $alice.loc to "Church">>
<<set $marsha.loc to "Marsha's house">>
<<set $niella.loc to "Luthor's manor">>
<<set $andrea.loc to "Andrea's house">>
<<set $andi.loc to "Windgate Manors">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'22:00','06:59')>>
<<set $sis.loc to $sis.name+"'s bedroom">>
<<set $megan.loc to "Megan's bedroom">>
<<set $kathy.loc to "Kathy's bedroom">>
<<set $mandy.loc to "Mandy's bedroom">>
<<set $alice.loc to "Church">>
<<set $marsha.loc to "Marsha's bedroom">>
<<set $niella.loc to "Luthor's manor">>
<<set $andrea.loc to "Andrea's house">>
<<set $andi.loc to "Windgate Manors">>
<<widget "LocPort">>
<<set _totalPortraits to 0>>
<<set _limitPortraits to 5>>
<<set _style to "float: right; margin-right: 16px; max-height: 72px;">>
<div class="loc-port-cont">
<<for _i to 0; _i lte $args.length; _i++>>
<<for _lpI to 0; _lpI lt $allGirlKeys.length; _lpI++>>
<<if State.variables[$allGirlKeys[_lpI]].loc is $args[_i]>>
<<set _totalPortraits += 1>>
<<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<<set _locPortraitCheck to false>>
<<switch $allGirlKeys[_lpI]>>
<<case "alice">>
<<if $activities.searchingForAnswers.stage gte 3>><<set _locPortraitCheck to true>><</if>>
<<case "marsha">>
<<if $activities.searchingForAnswers.stage gte 3>><<set _locPortraitCheck to true>><</if>>
<<case "andrea">>
<<if $quests.release3.stage>><<set _locPortraitCheck to true>><</if>>
<<case "niella">>
<<if $quests.release3.stage>><<set _locPortraitCheck to true>><</if>>
<<case "andi">>
<<if $activities.richGirlProblems.stage>><<set _locPortraitCheck to true>><</if>>
<<set _locPortraitCheck to true>>
<<if _locPortraitCheck>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<elseif _totalPortraits is _limitPortraits>>
<p style="transform: translate(-55px, -11px); background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); padding: 0 8px 0 8px; box-sizing: revert;">+</p>
<<widget "MapPortraits">>
<<for _i to 0; _i lte $args.length; _i++>>
<<for _mpI to 0; _mpI lt $allGirlKeys.length; _mpI++>>
<<if State.variables[$allGirlKeys[_mpI]].loc is $args[_i]>>
<<set _mapPortraitCheck to false>>
<<switch $allGirlKeys[_mpI]>>
<<case "alice">>
<<if $activities.searchingForAnswers.stage gte 3>><<set _mapPortraitCheck to true>><</if>>
<<case "marsha">>
<<if $activities.searchingForAnswers.stage gte 3>><<set _mapPortraitCheck to true>><</if>>
<<case "andrea">>
<<if $quests.release3.stage>><<set _mapPortraitCheck to true>><</if>>
<<case "niella">>
<<if $quests.release3.stage>><<set _mapPortraitCheck to true>><</if>>
<<case "andi">>
<<if $activities.richGirlProblems.stage>><<set _mapPortraitCheck to true>><</if>>
<<set _mapPortraitCheck to true>>
<<if _mapPortraitCheck>>
<<widget "GirlsLinks">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs to {
sis: $sis.loc,
megan: $megan.loc,
kathy: $kathy.loc,
mandy: $mandy.loc,
<<set _allGirlsLocsKeys to Object.keys(_allGirlsLocs)>>
<<for _g to 0; _g lt _allGirlsLocsKeys.length; _g++>>
<<set _girl to _allGirlsLocsKeys[_g]>>
<<switch _allGirlsLocs[_girl]>>
<<case "Your bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "bedroom">>
<<case $sis.name+"'s bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "sisbedroom">>
<<case "Living room">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "livingroom">>
<<case "Bathroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "bathroom">>
<<case "Kitchen">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "kitchen">>
<<case "Megan's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Megan's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Kathy's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Kathy's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Mandy's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Mandy's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Marsha's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Marsha's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Andrea's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Andrea's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Luthor's manor">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Luthor's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Church">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "church">>
<<case "Mall">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "mall">>
<<case "Mall's gym">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "mallgym">>
<<case "Stellia">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "stellia">>
<<case "Windgate Manors">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "manors">>
<</nobr>><<if $activities.searchingForAnswers.stage is 0>>
<p>It hasn’t quite set in yet that you have an app on your phone that can literally affect the world around you. Working almost like an easy button to solve your greatest problems. It’s easy to think this is all just an extension of the same dream from last night. But you’ve never dreamed an entire day before. And a quick pinch to your arm tells you that you’re certainly awake right now. Schizophrenia isn’t an option either, because hallucinations and delusions wouldn’t explain how the app makes other people act differently.</p>
<<if $quests.intro.choices.late is "not late">>
<p>It certainly wouldn’t explain how you were able to go back a few hours to get to work on time. Could it have messed with your perception of the clock? Sure. But no way in hell would you have naturally woken up that early for work.</p>
<p>The simple truth is you have access to something that you can’t quite explain. And you want to change that last part. There isn’t exactly an encyclopedia on magical apps and the beings that download them. So the local library is your best shot.</p>
<p>The library itself is massive and sprawling. With more books than you or anyone else could ever hope to read. It’s intimidating and inviting at the same time.</p>
<p>You don’t have the first idea of where to look, so you head to the counter to speak to the Librarian. You gently tap the bell, making sure it isn’t too loud. The man behind the counter slowly turns to face you. He has a long and tired face, like someone who has not slept in far too long.</p>
<<speech "Librarian">>How can I help you?<</speech>>
<p>His tone is sour and dour. Clearly not very interested in speaking with you.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah, I was wondering if you had any books on the occult? Maybe something to do with supernatural beings that affect modern technology.<</speech>>
<<speech "Librarian">>A rather peculiar request.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>A little specific as well.<</speech>>
<p>You try and laugh it off but this librarian seems just generally suspicious of you.</p>
<<speech "Librarian">>Follow me.<</speech>>
[[Follow him|Searching For Answers 1][$scene to 0]]
<p>The library is impressively large inside, with row upon row of bookshelves marked appropriately. To the one side of the wall, is a long line of computers ready for use, and a reception-like desk by which books can be arranged to be borrowed from.</p>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="street">[img["resources/img/street/street.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Street</p></div>
<p>Megan clearly needs someone who she can rely on right now. She spends so much time here at the restaurant that, you don’t know if she has anyone at all to help her through this besides you. And if you can be that person, not only will you be doing a good thing, but you’ll also be helping make your life at work a lot more comfortable. She obviously doesn’t want your comfort though. You just aren’t the right person for it. Not yet at least. You reach into your pocket and pull your phone out. You look for the App and the second you find it, you press it. Focusing on Megan and opening her up emotionally. You want her to open to your support, and your touch.</p>
<p>You feel the energy of the App flow through your body and visibly see Megan’s disposition change. Going from that of someone who was full of despair, to someone vulnerable and yearning. You turn the screen on your phone off, put it back in your pocket, and move in. Trusting that the App did it’s job, you wrap your arms around Megan’s waist and rest your face on her chest. Hugging her tightly and showing her the affection that you believe she needs right now. You can feel her smile as she hugs you back.</p>
<p>The hug lasts for quite a while. You only let go when you feel her grip on your loosen. Pulling back and sharing a smile with her.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Thank you $mc.name. I didn’t realize I needed that. But I did.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Any time. I have to head out. But I’ll see you tomorrow.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Hopefully on time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I promise I will do my best.<</speech>>
<<willpower 10>>
<<attunement 1>>
<<meganwillpower -15>>
<<meganrelation 40>>
<<appcharge 1>>
[[Continue|street][$activities.theWomanScorned.stage to 1; $activities.theWomanScorned.todayStage1 to 1; $megan.gallery[6] to 1]]<<NextPeriod>>
<<if $activities.gymRat.choices.stage1 is "defensive">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I wasn’t staring at you! I was looking straight ahead!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mandy">>Yeah, and my ass was straight ahead.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I can’t help that! Where am I supposed to look?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mandy">>Somewhere else, creep. Get out of here before I tell the manager.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Fuck you.<</speech>>
<p>You pack up your stuff and head out of the gym. Gritting your teeth at the smug grin on her face. You don’t get what you did to make her treat you like a creep. Hell you took the extra step to try and not do exactly what she accused you of doing. But you know that with nothing more than her word she could have you banned from this gym entirely. So the fight just isn’t worth it right now. Its better to come back another day than continue to deal with stuff like this.</p>
<<willpower -5>>
<<mandywillpower 10>>
<<mandyrelation -10>><<set $mandy.gallery[0] to 1>>
<p>Only a few sentences in and you can already feel this going sideways. It isn’t worth arguing over. Because she could just go to the manager of the gym and complain. It would be her word against yours and the gym would likely just side with her to avoid any further issues or confrontations. But thankfully, you don’t have to worry about that. You grab your phone and act like you’re turning off some music. In reality you’re pressing the App on your phone and concentrating on the idea that she will forget she ever even saw you in the first place.</p>
<p>In an instant her eyes glaze over. Her face contorts a bit as if she could feel the memories being wiped away from her mind. You walk away before she can even notice you again. Looking back just to make sure she is alright before you leave. She is getting back to her workout. Wiping her face free of sweat with her shirt. And revealing a bit more than she likely intended in the process.</p>
<<contentcreator Mandy>>
<p>Something tells you that the memory wipe was a little too effective. But it got you out of a potential jam. So you can’t complain.</p>
<<willpower 5>>
<<attunement 1>>
<<mandywillpower -15>>
<<appcharge 1>><<set $mandy.gallery[1] to 1>>
[[Continue|mall][$activities.gymRat.stage to 1]]<<NextPeriod>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>He shuffles along. Moving slowly and quietly. You follow along as he confidently glides along. Knowing exactly where to go without even looking it up. It feels suspicious at first. But it is his job to know, so it’s rather easy to just set that aside and focus on just finding the information you need. The librarian turns down one of the aisles. You follow him down and marvel at how old some of the books around you look. There are a lot of religious books in this sections. Some are old and dusty but others appear brand new. Books ranging from a transcription of the Mahabharata to an in depth analysis of the Dead Sea Scrolls.</p>
<<speech "Librarian">>Ah, here we are.<</speech>>
<p>He descends from the ladder with two books in his hands. One looks unreasonably old, and has a grayish appearance as if covered with a layer of permanent dust. The other looks rather new. It is thick and glossy with a spine that shows almost no sign of use.</p>
<<speech "Librarian">>These two should be the closest to what you are searching for.<</speech>>
<p>He hold up the new one first.</p>
<<speech "Librarian">>This is called ‘The Devil in the Design. A book claiming several facets of modern technology such as demonic symbols found within circuitry.<</speech>>
<p>He hands you the book and then holds up the older book.</p>
<<speech "Librarian">>This is a compendium of Demons, and basically an encyclopedia on the topic of Demonology. It is translated from Italian in the 18th century. So the language will be rather verbose for the … average reader. But you will find no greater source on the topic than this.<</speech>>
<p>He places the older book on top of the new one in your hands. The older one is a thinner book but it feels like it weighs nearly twice as much as the newer one.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Thanks. Uh, I think this might do. I’m not really certain that I know what I’m looking for, exactly. I just, assume this is the best place to start.<</speech>>
<<speech "Librarian">>Sometimes we do not know what we are searching for, until we find it. All that can be done, is to begin the search.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Right, thanks again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Librarian">>I shall be at the front desk if you require further assistance.<</speech>>
[[He leaves, and you start searching|Searching For Answers 1][$scene to 1]]
<p>This isn’t a topic that you should be reading on in the middle of the library. Even if it is just a couple of books, the truth is that taking a look into the occult isn’t looked favorably in this town. As you’re reading you are reminded of a few instances in the town’s past. There were two families that were supposedly involved in occult things. One of the two families even had their home burn down because people thought they were witches. It’s nothing but ghost stories that the town uses for tourism purposes these days. But one of the families, the Uberas, are still around. Normally you wouldn’t think anything more of it. But when an app is altering the world around you, it’s hard to imagine that those old stories are impossible.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, neither book offers up much in the way of concrete information for you. There isn’t a demon listed in the compendium that goes by the name ‘Asmo’. And the ‘Devil in the Design’ only really explains how a demon could use a phone this way. Not why, or for what purpose. Even looking at the app itself tells you nothing but the name of it. The ‘GrowUp’ App. It only raised more questions. What does GrowUp have to do with it or what it can do? The only thing you do learn, is that no demon will ever help a human without it being objectively beneficial to themselves. And something tells you that the reason given to you in your sleep, wouldn’t really qualify. The time will come where you’ll likely have to confront Asmo on this, if you ever want to find out the truth of the matter. Although chances are, he will likely just lie about it once more. So you need to be prepared for that as well.</p>
<p>You’ve gotten all you can out of these books. So you head up to the front desk and place them gently into the book return cart. You quietly get the Librarian’s attention. And he looks up from his computer, looking just as tired as he did when you first came in.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>This compendium is pretty old so I figured I’d let you know that it’s here. In case you wanted to put it back right away. Thanks again for helping me out.<</speech>>
<<speech "Librarian">>Of course. It is my position here at the library. Thank you for informing me. I trust you found what you were looking for?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Not really. But I think it helped me figured out where to look next at least.<</speech>>
<<speech "Librarian">>A silver lining then. I am glad. Have a good day. And, a piece of advice before you go. Life is not unlike a novel. You do not know the ending. And yet you push forward. Take your chances and turn the pages, when the opportunity presents itself.<</speech>>
<p>You nod as you turn to leave. It isn’t entirely clear to you what he means. But something tells you that he knows more than he let’s on. So you take it to heart either way. Just in case. With that though, you head out, with plenty to consider.</p>
<<willpower 5>>
[[Continue|street][$activities.searchingForAnswers.stage to 1]]<<NextPeriod>>
<p>The end of your shift could not have come soon enough. After dealing with Kathy today, and Megan being her usual hard ass self, you just need some rest. Of course though, as you walk back into your apartment, it is still just as dirty as it was this morning.</p>
<p>Although now, Emma is sitting in some sort of nook or nest within all of the mess.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Aren’t you ever going to clean up around here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Hey! Lay off I just got home from work like an hour ago. Do you feel like cleaning right now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>You work like three days a week. And today isn’t even one of your normal work days. You could at least clean up on the days you don’t work, like I do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>I took an extra shift today since someone was sick! You’re always complaining that money is tight and this is the thanks I get for helping out?<</speech>>
<p>You sigh, far to tired to argue at this point. You just choose the path of least resistance like always.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I didn’t know. I’m sorry. I had a tough day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Well, so. Did. I. Don’t take it out on me. Let me enjoy my shows.<</speech>>
<p>As you walk back down the hall to your bedroom you have another moment were sounds begin to fade into one another. You move as if on autopilot. A numbness radiates throughout as you can see yourself moving and even feel the motions. But you don’t feel like you’re actively driving yourself forward.</p>
<<speech "???">>She doesn’t respect you. You should make her learn to.<</speech>>
<p>The sound of that voice snaps you back again. It is masculine, dark, and commanding. And also oddly familiar. You turn back and see Emma completely entranced by the television. It certainly wasn’t her who said it. And by the sound of the show she is watching, it didn’t come from there either. It begins to worry you. And yet, why should you worry. Would being crazy actually change anything for you? You’d still have to wake up tomorrow, go to your crappy job, deal with your selfish friend, serve rude customers, and all for barely enough money to do it again the next day. You lay down on your bed. And the moment your head hits the pillow, you drift off to sleep. Unable to hear it, as your phone begins to buzz over and over.</p>
<p>Thank goodness for antiperspirant deodorants. Without it you’re high speed bike ride through the streets would have left you a sweaty mess of body odor. But despite the odds, you make it to work. The smell of good food from the pizzeria fills your nose and your soul. The food is one of the few good things about this job. And one of the bad rears its head the moment you walk through the front door.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>You’re late, again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What do you mean late? I’m right on time!<</speech>>
<p>Megan shows you her phone and it says 9:01.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Not according to my phone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I got here at nine though. It turned that one minute between when I walked through the front door and now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You haven’t clocked in yet. If you aren’t clocked in by nine, you’re late. I don’t know how many times this is now. But it is totally unacceptable. Your generation just has no work ethic. If it wasn’t so hard finding a replacement that is even as barely reliable as you are, you’d be fired right now. So get behind the register, and count yourself lucky.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Okay...<</speech>>
<p>There’s really no point in arguing. You’re just better off doing just what she said, being happy that you aren’t fired. There’s no time to bother with it anyway, it’s time to start your shift.</p>
<p>People come in, they tell you what they want to eat, they pay you, and then you give them the food. It’s the same process with every person that you see. It’s monotonous. And just a little bit soul crushing. But it’s a job. And you do it to the best of your ability either way.</p>
<p>The clock strikes noon and you’re about to head to lunch. There’s a slice of pizza with your name on it in the back. But of course, a customer has to come in just before you can go sit down to eat it. Not just any customer either though. It’s Kathy Elman. The woman who made almost every day of high school a living hell for you.</p>
<p>You cringe at just the sight of her. But you force a smile on your face as she approaches. The most she locks eyes with you, a wicked smile forms on her face.</p>
<<speech "Kathy">>Someone gave the spaz a job?<</speech>>
<p>She cracks up at her own comment. The smile disappears from your face. You can’t even fake it with her anymore.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What can I get you, Kathy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Can someone else serve me? I don’t want your greasy fingers anywhere near my food.<</speech>>
<p>You will never be able to get her condescending voice out of your head. Hearing it for even a moment just floods back terrible memories.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m just doing my job Kathy,<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>I didn’t know they paid people to be a disgusting bum.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>They don’t.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Oh so you just do that for free?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Can you just order something and leave, please?<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Excuse me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>$mc.name! What is wrong with you today? First you’re late and now you’re rude to customers. This is unacceptable.<</speech>>
<p>You sigh, and look down at your feet. Every fiber of your being is telling you to argue. To explain why you were rude to Kathy. Why she is such a bitch and why she deserves much worse that a rude reply.</p>
<p>But you know that Megan is a bit of a bitch too. And she will just take her side the second Kathy tries to weasel her way out of it like always. No the only thing you can really do here is apologize.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>You’re right Megan I’m sorry. I guess I was just anxious for my lunch. Hunger must have gotten the better of me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Do NOT let it happen again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I won’t.<</speech>>
<p>Megan turns and leaves you alone with Kathy again.</p>
<<speech "Kathy">>That’s right bitch boy. Go ahead and grovel and I might not put in a complaint online.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I don’t know what I did to make you hate me Kathy. But please order something. I would really rather not listen to you insult me all day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Too bad, bum. I’ll give you my order but you best believe losers like you don’t deserve to go a minute without being reminded. Now go make me a BLT wrap, no mayo.<</speech>>
<p>You tap the buttons on the screen corresponding with her order. Trying your best to show no emotion at all. That was the only tricked that ever worked back in school. Her thinking that you were so beat down that she couldn’t get a rise out of you seemed to get her to back off back then. But now, she seems even more malicious than before. You tell her the price and she pays. Handing you a credit card that is no doubt paid for by her father. A tap and a beep confirms payment and you sit there and wait. Having to listen to every course and grating thought that the bitch has about you. It almost begins to turn into a dull hum. The words melding together and losing all meaning to you. It’s almost meditative. Like white noise as it all just fades away.</p>
<<speech "???">>Someone should teach this bitch a lesson.<</speech>>
<p>The sound of a strange voice yanks you out of the trance and back into the moment. Just in time too, Kathy’s food is ready. You hand her the bag with her wrap in it and tell her to have a nice day. Finally glad to be rid of her and able to go enjoy your lunch.</p>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<<speech "Emma">>Bro! Wake up! Don’t you have work again today? You’re gonna be late!<</speech>>
<p>Shit. You shove yourself up out of bed and look around. You hesitate, not sure what you should do. You need a shower, but you don’t really have time for that now. You just grab some clean clothes and spray yourself with cologne. Another day without a shower, you really hope no one notices. You grab your keys, wallet, and phone from your night stand and get ready to leave. But that is when you notice your phone has an odd screen on it. You watch for a moment as it flickers before going back to your normal home screen. Only now, there is a new app that you don’t recognize. Just like you were told would happen in your dream.</p>
[[Press the app to not be late for work|galleryMegan2][$scene to 1]]<<addclass "body" "bedroom">>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You’re already late. It can’t hurt to press the button. At worst, you’ve wasted another half second. But if there is even a chance that this is all true and it wasn’t just an exhaustion induced fever dream, then you have to take it. The moment you feel your finger press the button, a pit forms in your stomach. The light from your window gets dimmer. It feels like you’re moving, or being pulled without anyone touching you. Then, it suddenly stops. You look over and see that now the clock says seven AM.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Hoooly shit it actually worked.<</speech>>
<p>You look down at your phone and wonder just how this is all happening. You have an app that can actually affect reality to your benefit. A smile forms across your face as you head out of your room towards the bathroom. You’re finally awake in time to grab yourself a nice long shower before work. And you’re going to savor it while you think of what else this app might be able to help you do.</p>
[[Time to go to work, on time this time|galleryMegan2][$scene to 2]]<<addclass "body" "bathroom">>
<p>You’re fresh, clean, and able to take a nice leisurely ride through town to get to work. You even have time to stop and grab some coffee on the way in. You grab an extra cup for Megan as well. It’s cheap coffee but it will be a nice gesture to apologize for being late in the past. As much as she can be a bitch to you and just about everyone else, you can’t act like being late so often isn’t good reason to be mad at you.</p>
<p>You pull open the door to the pizza place and walk right in. Enjoying the smell of the ovens and first pizzas just starting to cook. You look at the clock on the wall and see that you’re actually twenty minutes early.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Excuse me we aren’t open yet.<</speech>>
<p>Megan stops in her tracks when she sees that it’s you walking in through the door so early. She looks at you like a dear caught in the headlights. Completely thrown off by even the concept of you being early. You extend your arm, coffee in hand, offering it to her.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Here ya go Megan. I had some extra time so I got you a coffee. Just wanted to say sorry again for being late yesterday. I appreciate the patience.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>I’m not sure I even believe this is happening right now.<</speech>>
<p>She hesitantly takes the coffee from you. Pulling off the lid and inspecting it for a moment before taking a sip.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>You even got the cream and sugar right. Who are you? The $mc.name I know could never get my coffee right, AND be on time on the same day.<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle for a moment. Taking it as a joke even though you’re pretty certain that Megan is genuinely suspicious at this point.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>No it’s me. I just finally was able to get up and get my morning started on time today. I could give you excuses but I doubt you want to hear them. I just hope I’ll be able to keep this up from now on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You’re off to a good start I’ll give you that much. Don’t disappoint me. Ah who am I kidding. You probably will. I shouldn’t get my hopes up.<</speech>>
<p>She really just can’t help but be a bitch. Even her compliments have to be backhanded. And it is in this moment, that you remember what Asmo originally promised you. He’s already helped you get to work on time. But he said he would help to give you a sense of justice or revenge against the people in your life that are making it hell. But, you’ve already spent one charge today, and it is very early.</p>
<<return>><<addclass "body" "stellia">>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<<speech "Emma">>Bro! Wake up! Don’t you have work again today? You’re gonna be late!<</speech>>
<p>Shit. You shove yourself up out of bed and look around. You hesitate, not sure what you should do. You need a shower, but you don’t really have time for that now. You just grab some clean clothes and spray yourself with cologne. Another day without a shower, you really hope no one notices. You grab your keys, wallet, and phone from your night stand and get ready to leave. But that is when you notice your phone has an odd screen on it. You watch for a moment as it flickers before going back to your normal home screen. Only now, there is a new app that you don’t recognize. Just like you were told would happen in your dream.</p>
[[Ignore it for now and just head out|galleryMegan3][$scene to 1]]<<addclass "body" "bedroom">>
<p>There isn’t time for you to waste even attempting something as silly as hoping some app will magically save your ass. You just need to hurry up and hope Megan will forgive you. Thankfully you have enough cologne and clean clothes to make sure you don’t stink. But two days in a row without a shower is making you hope that the smell of pizza is strong enough to overpower any odor that might be lingering on you.</p>
<p>The ride to work is short, but only because you’re rushing even more than usual. As you sprint through the door and into the restaurant, Megan glares daggers at you. Unluckily for you, there aren’t any customers in at the moment to prevent her from letting loose.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>You are UNBELIEVABLE. I give you so many chances and you just throw them in my face! You are a disappointment, and a disgrace. And you should kiss my feet for even THINKING of letting you continue working for me. What do you have to say for yourself?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I don’t have any good excuses Megan. I just messed up. I’m so sorry. All I can do is promise to do better.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>That’s what you said yesterday, and here you are doing WORSE. Do you like making a fool out of me? Or are you just so irresponsible that you can’t help but be late at every opportunity? Or maybe you just like being yelled at. Is that it? Are you some sort of secret masochist who just likes to hear me tear you down?<</speech>>
<p>She is an unbelievable bitch. Even if she is right to be mad, she has no right to make such wild and demeaning accusations like that. Your phone buzzes in your pocket as you consider ways to knock her down a peg. A weird sensation. You almost never get any messages at this time of day. Which reminds you of your dream last night, and the App on your phone. You still doubt it was true. But at the moment, you’re wondering if You have any better options. The being in the dream spoke about revenge and justice. Well just maybe you can get some of that right now. Worst case scenario is it does nothing and nothing changes, right?</p>
<<return>><<addclass "body" "stellia">>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<<if $quests.intro.choices.late is "not late">>
<p>You’re fresh, clean, and able to take a nice leisurely ride through town to get to work. You even have time to stop and grab some coffee on the way in. You grab an extra cup for Megan as well. It’s cheap coffee but it will be a nice gesture to apologize for being late in the past. As much as she can be a bitch to you and just about everyone else, you can’t act like being late so often isn’t good reason to be mad at you.</p>
<p>You pull open the door to the pizza place and walk right in. Enjoying the smell of the ovens and first pizzas just starting to cook. You look at the clock on the wall and see that you’re actually twenty minutes early.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Excuse me we aren’t open yet.<</speech>>
<p>Megan stops in her tracks when she sees that it’s you walking in through the door so early. She looks at you like a dear caught in the headlights. Completely thrown off by even the concept of you being early. You extend your arm, coffee in hand, offering it to her.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Here ya go Megan. I had some extra time so I got you a coffee. Just wanted to say sorry again for being late yesterday. I appreciate the patience.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>I’m not sure I even believe this is happening right now.<</speech>>
<p>She hesitantly takes the coffee from you. Pulling off the lid and inspecting it for a moment before taking a sip.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>You even got the cream and sugar right. Who are you? The $mc.name I know could never get my coffee right, AND be on time on the same day.<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle for a moment. Taking it as a joke even though you’re pretty certain that Megan is genuinely suspicious at this point.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>No it’s me. I just finally was able to get up and get my morning started on time today. I could give you excuses but I doubt you want to hear them. I just hope I’ll be able to keep this up from now on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You’re off to a good start I’ll give you that much. Don’t disappoint me. Ah who am I kidding. You probably will. I shouldn’t get my hopes up.<</speech>>
<p>She really just can’t help but be a bitch. Even her compliments have to be backhanded. And it is in this moment, that you remember what Asmo originally promised you. He’s already helped you get to work on time. But he said he would help to give you a sense of justice or revenge against the people in your life that are making it hell. But, you’ve already spent one charge today, and it is very early.</p>
<p>There isn’t time for you to waste even attempting something as silly as hoping some app will magically save your ass. You just need to hurry up and hope Megan will forgive you. Thankfully you have enough cologne and clean clothes to make sure you don’t stink. But two days in a row without a shower is making you hope that the smell of pizza is strong enough to overpower any odor that might be lingering on you.</p>
<p>The ride to work is short, but only because you’re rushing even more than usual. As you sprint through the door and into the restaurant, Megan glares daggers at you. Unluckily for you, there aren’t any customers in at the moment to prevent her from letting loose.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>You are UNBELIEVABLE. I give you so many chances and you just throw them in my face! You are a disappointment, and a disgrace. And you should kiss my feet for even THINKING of letting you continue working for me. What do you have to say for yourself?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I don’t have any good excuses Megan. I just messed up. I’m so sorry. All I can do is promise to do better.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>That’s what you said yesterday, and here you are doing WORSE. Do you like making a fool out of me? Or are you just so irresponsible that you can’t help but be late at every opportunity? Or maybe you just like being yelled at. Is that it? Are you some sort of secret masochist who just likes to hear me tear you down?<</speech>>
<p>She is an unbelievable bitch. Even if she is right to be mad, she has no right to make such wild and demeaning accusations like that. Your phone buzzes in your pocket as you consider ways to knock her down a peg. A weird sensation. You almost never get any messages at this time of day. Which reminds you of your dream last night, and the App on your phone. You still doubt it was true. But at the moment, you’re wondering if You have any better options. The being in the dream spoke about revenge and justice. Well just maybe you can get some of that right now. Worst case scenario is it does nothing and nothing changes, right?</p>
[[Use the App to make her be nicer to you|galleryMegan4][$scene to 1]]
<p>Is wanting a boss to treat you like you’re wanted, too much to ask? You don’t think so. You press the App on your phone while focusing on Megan, imagining her being kind and downright sweet to you. In the speed of a blink, you feel an instant shift. Megan looks over at you with a smile. And not her usual professional smile but a genuine and appreciative smile. She looks away when she sees that you notice her looking at you. But then slowly turns back to look again. Your eyes meet hers.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>I’m sorry $mc.name. I’ve been a bit out of line. I know it must be hard for you. I get frustrated because I know you can do better. But I see you run in here almost every day. Even though you’re usually late you’re worried about it. You care. I need to appreciate that more. I hope you improve. But so long as I know you’re giving it your all, I’ll trust you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Thank you for saying that Megan. I really appreciate it. And It means a lot that you see my effort. I’ll keep doing my best. I’ll do my best to not let you down.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>I know you won’t. Let’s make this a great workday. What do ya say?<</speech>>
<p>She playfully taps your shoulder before heading back and getting to work. You hop behind the register and get ready to face the day. Seeing Megan be genuinely kind to you has done more for your confidence and enjoyment at work than anything has since your started. You’re actually standing behind the counter with a smile on your face. And your ready for anything that might come your way today. You haven’t felt this great in months. And it’s all thanks to this App. And at some point, you’ll have to try and learn more about it. Especially if you want to unlock its full potential. And if you want to see if there are any dangers in using it to readily on others.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You’re fresh, clean, and able to take a nice leisurely ride through town to get to work. You even have time to stop and grab some coffee on the way in. You grab an extra cup for Megan as well. It’s cheap coffee but it will be a nice gesture to apologize for being late in the past. As much as she can be a bitch to you and just about everyone else, you can’t act like being late so often isn’t good reason to be mad at you.</p>
<p>You pull open the door to the pizza place and walk right in. Enjoying the smell of the ovens and first pizzas just starting to cook. You look at the clock on the wall and see that you’re actually twenty minutes early.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Excuse me we aren’t open yet.<</speech>>
<p>Megan stops in her tracks when she sees that it’s you walking in through the door so early. She looks at you like a dear caught in the headlights. Completely thrown off by even the concept of you being early. You extend your arm, coffee in hand, offering it to her.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Here ya go Megan. I had some extra time so I got you a coffee. Just wanted to say sorry again for being late yesterday. I appreciate the patience.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>I’m not sure I even believe this is happening right now.<</speech>>
<p>She hesitantly takes the coffee from you. Pulling off the lid and inspecting it for a moment before taking a sip.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>You even got the cream and sugar right. Who are you? The $mc.name I know could never get my coffee right, AND be on time on the same day.<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle for a moment. Taking it as a joke even though you’re pretty certain that Megan is genuinely suspicious at this point.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>No it’s me. I just finally was able to get up and get my morning started on time today. I could give you excuses but I doubt you want to hear them. I just hope I’ll be able to keep this up from now on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You’re off to a good start I’ll give you that much. Don’t disappoint me. Ah who am I kidding. You probably will. I shouldn’t get my hopes up.<</speech>>
<p>She really just can’t help but be a bitch. Even her compliments have to be backhanded. And it is in this moment, that you remember what Asmo originally promised you. He’s already helped you get to work on time. But he said he would help to give you a sense of justice or revenge against the people in your life that are making it hell. But, you’ve already spent one charge today, and it is very early.</p>
[[Use the App to make her compliant|galleryMegan5][$scene to 1]]
<p>Megan needs to learn to be nicer. She needs to learn how to take a hint and not be a bitch all the time. Her will is too strong and she just won’t take a single bit of crap from anyone. You want her to become more compliant. Focusing on her being more docile, sweet, and impressionable as you tap the App. And in that instant you see Megan’s entire disposition change. Her eyes almost glaze over, and she instantly stops bitching at you.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Let’s just get to work Megan. No need waste anymore time and risk starting late, right?<</speech>>
<p>Normally Megan would chew you out for even daring to suggest giving her instruction of any kind. But you know the App worked because she nods. And she does so silently. Megan being silent is as rare as a monochrome rainbow. In fact that app worked so well that you just can’t help yourself but take it even a step further.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>And Megan I have to be honest with you. That shirt just does not look great. You should take it off.<</speech>>
<p>Megan stops in her tracks. She looks down at her light green shirt, and for a moment you think it’s going to work. But then she turns to you with a skeptical look on her face.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Nice try, $mc.name. But you clearly don’t know fashion if you think this shirt doesn’t look fantastic on me.<</speech>>
<p>She walks off to the back as you take your spot behind the register. You can’t help but have a smile on your face. With two uses of the App now, you’ve basically completely changed the dynamic at your workplace. The customers start coming in. And you serve them all with a smile. But for once your mind isn’t at work. It’s off thinking about the possibilities that you can reach with this App. And after Megan refused you just now, it has you thinking about it’s limitations. You wanted her to become docile and impressionable. But she still pushed back when you suggested she take her shirt off. You’ll have to find out why it didn’t work as fully as you expected. And at some point, you’ll have to try and learn more about this app. Especially if you want to unlock its full potential. And if you want to see if there are any dangers in using it to readily on others.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>There isn’t time for you to waste even attempting something as silly as hoping some app will magically save your ass. You just need to hurry up and hope Megan will forgive you. Thankfully you have enough cologne and clean clothes to make sure you don’t stink. But two days in a row without a shower is making you hope that the smell of pizza is strong enough to overpower any odor that might be lingering on you.</p>
<p>The ride to work is short, but only because you’re rushing even more than usual. As you sprint through the door and into the restaurant, Megan glares daggers at you. Unluckily for you, there aren’t any customers in at the moment to prevent her from letting loose.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>You are UNBELIEVABLE. I give you so many chances and you just throw them in my face! You are a disappointment, and a disgrace. And you should kiss my feet for even THINKING of letting you continue working for me. What do you have to say for yourself?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I don’t have any good excuses Megan. I just messed up. I’m so sorry. All I can do is promise to do better.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>That’s what you said yesterday, and here you are doing WORSE. Do you like making a fool out of me? Or are you just so irresponsible that you can’t help but be late at every opportunity? Or maybe you just like being yelled at. Is that it? Are you some sort of secret masochist who just likes to hear me tear you down?<</speech>>
<p>She is an unbelievable bitch. Even if she is right to be mad, she has no right to make such wild and demeaning accusations like that. Your phone buzzes in your pocket as you consider ways to knock her down a peg. A weird sensation. You almost never get any messages at this time of day. Which reminds you of your dream last night, and the App on your phone. You still doubt it was true. But at the moment, you’re wondering if You have any better options. The being in the dream spoke about revenge and justice. Well just maybe you can get some of that right now. Worst case scenario is it does nothing and nothing changes, right?</p>
[[Use the App to humiliate her back|galleryMegan6][$scene to 1]]
<p>You focus on just an intense desire for Megan to get a taste of her own medicine. A hope, a prayer, anything that will help her feel as absolutely torn down and hung out to dry as you feel in this moment. You don’t expect it to work, but you having nothing to lose. Your finger taps the App, and in an instant you feel a surge of energy around you. As if the wind was carrying something, by force. That something being carried, is Megan’s shirt practically disintegrates before your eye with how quickly is it swept away. Her eyes go wide with shock as she is standing there, exposed to you.</p>
<p>She runs off without another word. While you just stand there, struggling with the many thoughts going through your mind in this moment. The image of her tits just sears into your brain, and is hard to get away from. Admittedly you aren’t trying very hard but that is beside the point. The more important thing you have to focus on is the reality that they App is real. The dream you had was no dream and you, with just a tap of your phone screen, managed to do something that shouldn’t be possible. The implications are immense. You’ll have to try and learn more about this app. Especially if you want to unlock its full potential. And if you want to see if there are any dangers in using it to readily on others.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Your day was becoming more and more pleasant as time went on. But with your luck it was inevitable that something would come along to ruin it. And as if the universe loves sequels, Kathy comes in to repeat as the wrecking ball for her second day in a row. Her eyes meet yours the exact moment that she gets through the door. As if she’s only actually here specifically for the sake of ruining your day.</p>
<<speech "Kathy">>Sup spaz? Ready to take my order?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Hello, how can I help you?<</speech>>
<p>You keep your tone even. Showing as little emotion as possible as you do your best to not give her the satisfaction of getting a rise out of you. Your day is going well. And you’re determined to not let her ruin that. And if you’re left with no other choice, you do know that you at least have one ace up your sleeve now that you have the App.</p>
<<speech "Kathy">>BLT wrap, no mayo. And make it snappy, pond scum. Your rude behavior yesterday almost made me late and I don’t want that happening again.<</speech>>
<p>You don’t respond right away. Her insults are just words. And you’ll get back at her for them all in due time either way. You type the order into the screen and send it back.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>That’ll be $8.50.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>I know. I was here yesterday. Do you have short term memory issues too or are you just stupid?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I have neither, don’t worry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Who said I’m worried? I feel bad for anyone that worries about you. They’d never get a moment’s rest.<</speech>>
<p>You take a deep breath and simply let her tap her card to confirm the payment. The wrap comes up to the front and you hand it to her. She snatches it out of your hand. Moving so quick you’d think she was afraid of you stealing it from her. She stares you down as she unrolls it. Smirking smugly. She takes a mayo packet out of her purse and adds it to the wrap. You furl your brow. Confused why she would add the mayo to the wrap when she asked for no mayo. Then she suddenly slams it down into the counter and yells loudly.</p>
<<speech "Kathy">>I NEED TO SPEAK TO A MANAGER PLEASE!<</speech>>
[[Megan comes to the front|galleryKathy2][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<if $quests.intro.choices.megan is "nicer">>
<p>Megan steps up to the counter with a wide smile on her face. She places her hand on your shoulder and looks at you sweetly. If only you had known that this side of her even existed let alone could have been brought out of her. What the App has done feels like a miracle. She is basically using the manufactured kindness that she pulls out for customers as how she just naturally treats you. She shows the same kindness to Kathy when addressing her. Something inside of your can tell though that it isn’t as genuine.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Hello again miss, how can I help you today?<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>I specifically asked for no mayo on my BLT wrap. But as you can plainly see, there is mayo on it. I don’t want to sound like a Karen, but I’m allergic to eggs. Between this today, and the rude behavior yesterday, I am very dissatisfied with my experience.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh I’m so very sorry miss. I’ll get this fixed right away. And I’ll refund you for the inconvenience.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Oh you will? That’s so sweet! I don’t mean to point fingers but I think your employee here is focused more on checking out customers than he is taking orders correctly.<</speech>>
<p>Megan looks puzzled at the insinuation.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh not our $mc.name. I’ve never had any sort of complaint like that about him before. I’ll be sure to discuss it with him but I can promise you that if it seemed like that, it must have been a misunderstanding. And I apologize for that.<</speech>>
<p>She looks at you, giving you a look that tells you she can tell that Kathy is out to get you. It’s an oddly reassuring look. Because it isn’t something that Megan has ever given you before. Even when dealing with other unruly customers Megan is usually on their side. But now she seems to be softening ever so slightly. Offering you just the slightest bit of support before she takes the wrap back to fix it. Meanwhile Kathy continues to stand there with a smug and superior smile. Thinking that she has once again won.</p>
<<elseif $quests.intro.choices.megan is "compliant">>
<p>Megan comes to the counter, looking unsure of herself. Doing so feeling as though it is because she was told to come up rather than because she wanted to. She puts her hands at her side, and wears an almost nervous look on her face. She is clearly not adjusting well to having compliance baked into her personality like this. She is just not used to doing things because she is told. She’s been the one in control for the vast majority of her life.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Hello again miss, how can I help you today?<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>I specifically asked for no mayo on my BLT wrap. But as you can plainly see, there is mayo on it. I don’t want to sound like a Karen, but I’m allergic to eggs. Between this today, and the rude behavior yesterday, I am very dissatisfied with my experience.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh I’m so very sorry miss. I’ll get this fixed right away. And I’ll refund you for the inconvenience. If that’s, what you want that is.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Oh you will? That’s so sweet! I don’t mean to point fingers but I think your employee here is focused more on checking out customers than he is taking orders correctly.<</speech>>
<p>Megan looks at you and then back at Kathy. Completely unsure of what she should do in this moment. She looks to you for guidance. So you step up.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m sorry if anything I did caused offense. It wasn’t intentional. I’m sure Megan will handle the situation appropriately.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>I absolutely will. Just as he said.<</speech>>
<p>She looks at you, giving you a look that tells you she will side with you at the end of this. But she just can’t go against her desire to provide great customer service. It’s an oddly reassuring look. Because it isn’t something that Megan has ever given you before. Even when dealing with other unruly customers Megan is usually on their side. But now she seems to be softening ever so slightly. Offering you just the slightest bit of support before she takes the wrap back to fix it. Meanwhile Kathy continues to stand there with a smug and superior smile. Thinking that she has once again won.</p>
<p>Megan rushes up to the counter, wearing a different shirt than earlier. She gives you an annoyed look. But she can’t hide her blush in the process. Clearly embarrassed by the fact that you saw her topless like that. She does well to remain professional though.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Hello again miss, how can I help you today?<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>I specifically asked for no mayo on my BLT wrap. But as you can plainly see, there is mayo on it. I don’t want to sound like a Karen, but I’m allergic to eggs. Between this today, and the rude behavior yesterday, I am very dissatisfied with my experience.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh I’m so very sorry miss. I’ll get this fixed right away. And I’ll refund you for the inconvenience.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Oh you will? That’s so sweet! I don’t mean to point fingers but I think your employee here is focused more on checking out customers than he is taking orders correctly.<</speech>>
<p>Megan blushes again, thinking about how she basically flashed you. You know it was through no fault of her own but she still has no clue how it happened.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Well I can assure you that we haven’t had any complaints like that in the past. But I’ll speak with him to be sure it doesn’t happen again.<</speech>>
<p>She looks at you, giving you a look that tells you she can tell that Kathy is out to get you. It’s an oddly reassuring look. Because it isn’t something that Megan has ever given you before. Even when dealing with other unruly customers Megan is usually on their side. But now she seems to be softening ever so slightly. Offering you just the slightest bit of support before she takes the wrap back to fix it. Meanwhile Kathy continues to stand there with a smug and superior smile. Thinking that she has once again won.</p>
[[Use the App to show Kathy what it’s like to feel humiliated|galleryKathy2][$scene to 2]]
<p>You hand goes into your pocket, and fiddles with your phone. This woman simply can’t help herself. She can’t go more than five minutes without making someone feel like shit. Making them feel helpless, and scorned. And she has focused that general bitchiness towards you more times than you can count. And the only thing you want in this moment, is for her to feel just as humiliated as she has made you feel. You clear your mind of anything else as you tap the screen. And in an instant you can feel it beginning to work. Just like before you feel the energy of the app around you before it suddenly alters the world around you. Your focus on humiliating Kathy worked perfectly, as in less than a moment a powerful wind ripped off her top with such speed and power that it seemed to be pulled off her body by unseen hands.</p>
<p>A chuckle escapes your lips. But you stifle it quickly. Trying your hardest to be the bigger person in this moment. But truth be told you don’t even want to be. Few things have ever felt better than seeing Kathy’s look of absolute fear and embarrassment as her little titties were exposed to the entire restaurant. She covers up and sprints away. Not even bothering to wait for her refund or replacement wrap.</p>
<p>Megan walks up with it just a moment or two after she leaves. Looking around and wondering where Kathy went.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>She makes a big fuss about her food and then doesn’t even stay for the replacement. Unbelievable. At least I don’t have to give her a refund now.<</speech>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Your day was becoming more and more pleasant as time went on. But with your luck it was inevitable that something would come along to ruin it. And as if the universe loves sequels, Kathy comes in to repeat as the wrecking ball for her second day in a row. Her eyes meet yours the exact moment that she gets through the door. As if she’s only actually here specifically for the sake of ruining your day.</p>
<<speech "Kathy">>Sup spaz? Ready to take my order?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Hello, how can I help you?<</speech>>
<p>You keep your tone even. Showing as little emotion as possible as you do your best to not give her the satisfaction of getting a rise out of you. Your day is going well. And you’re determined to not let her ruin that. And if you’re left with no other choice, you do know that you at least have one ace up your sleeve now that you have the App.</p>
<<speech "Kathy">>BLT wrap, no mayo. And make it snappy, pond scum. Your rude behavior yesterday almost made me late and I don’t want that happening again.<</speech>>
<p>You don’t respond right away. Her insults are just words. And you’ll get back at her for them all in due time either way. You type the order into the screen and send it back.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>That’ll be $8.50.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>I know. I was here yesterday. Do you have short term memory issues too or are you just stupid?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I have neither, don’t worry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Who said I’m worried? I feel bad for anyone that worries about you. They’d never get a moment’s rest.<</speech>>
<p>You take a deep breath and simply let her tap her card to confirm the payment. The wrap comes up to the front and you hand it to her. She snatches it out of your hand. Moving so quick you’d think she was afraid of you stealing it from her. She stares you down as she unrolls it. Smirking smugly. She takes a mayo packet out of her purse and adds it to the wrap. You furl your brow. Confused why she would add the mayo to the wrap when she asked for no mayo. Then she suddenly slams it down into the counter and yells loudly.</p>
<<speech "Kathy">>I NEED TO SPEAK TO A MANAGER PLEASE!<</speech>>
[[Megan comes to the front|galleryKathy3][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<if $quests.intro.choices.megan is "nicer">>
<p>Megan steps up to the counter with a wide smile on her face. She places her hand on your shoulder and looks at you sweetly. If only you had known that this side of her even existed let alone could have been brought out of her. What the App has done feels like a miracle. She is basically using the manufactured kindness that she pulls out for customers as how she just naturally treats you. She shows the same kindness to Kathy when addressing her. Something inside of your can tell though that it isn’t as genuine.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Hello again miss, how can I help you today?<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>I specifically asked for no mayo on my BLT wrap. But as you can plainly see, there is mayo on it. I don’t want to sound like a Karen, but I’m allergic to eggs. Between this today, and the rude behavior yesterday, I am very dissatisfied with my experience.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh I’m so very sorry miss. I’ll get this fixed right away. And I’ll refund you for the inconvenience.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Oh you will? That’s so sweet! I don’t mean to point fingers but I think your employee here is focused more on checking out customers than he is taking orders correctly.<</speech>>
<p>Megan looks puzzled at the insinuation.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh not our $mc.name. I’ve never had any sort of complaint like that about him before. I’ll be sure to discuss it with him but I can promise you that if it seemed like that, it must have been a misunderstanding. And I apologize for that.<</speech>>
<p>She looks at you, giving you a look that tells you she can tell that Kathy is out to get you. It’s an oddly reassuring look. Because it isn’t something that Megan has ever given you before. Even when dealing with other unruly customers Megan is usually on their side. But now she seems to be softening ever so slightly. Offering you just the slightest bit of support before she takes the wrap back to fix it. Meanwhile Kathy continues to stand there with a smug and superior smile. Thinking that she has once again won.</p>
<<elseif $quests.intro.choices.megan is "compliant">>
<p>Megan comes to the counter, looking unsure of herself. Doing so feeling as though it is because she was told to come up rather than because she wanted to. She puts her hands at her side, and wears an almost nervous look on her face. She is clearly not adjusting well to having compliance baked into her personality like this. She is just not used to doing things because she is told. She’s been the one in control for the vast majority of her life.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Hello again miss, how can I help you today?<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>I specifically asked for no mayo on my BLT wrap. But as you can plainly see, there is mayo on it. I don’t want to sound like a Karen, but I’m allergic to eggs. Between this today, and the rude behavior yesterday, I am very dissatisfied with my experience.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh I’m so very sorry miss. I’ll get this fixed right away. And I’ll refund you for the inconvenience. If that’s, what you want that is.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Oh you will? That’s so sweet! I don’t mean to point fingers but I think your employee here is focused more on checking out customers than he is taking orders correctly.<</speech>>
<p>Megan looks at you and then back at Kathy. Completely unsure of what she should do in this moment. She looks to you for guidance. So you step up.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m sorry if anything I did caused offense. It wasn’t intentional. I’m sure Megan will handle the situation appropriately.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>I absolutely will. Just as he said.<</speech>>
<p>She looks at you, giving you a look that tells you she will side with you at the end of this. But she just can’t go against her desire to provide great customer service. It’s an oddly reassuring look. Because it isn’t something that Megan has ever given you before. Even when dealing with other unruly customers Megan is usually on their side. But now she seems to be softening ever so slightly. Offering you just the slightest bit of support before she takes the wrap back to fix it. Meanwhile Kathy continues to stand there with a smug and superior smile. Thinking that she has once again won.</p>
<p>Megan rushes up to the counter, wearing a different shirt than earlier. She gives you an annoyed look. But she can’t hide her blush in the process. Clearly embarrassed by the fact that you saw her topless like that. She does well to remain professional though.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Hello again miss, how can I help you today?<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>I specifically asked for no mayo on my BLT wrap. But as you can plainly see, there is mayo on it. I don’t want to sound like a Karen, but I’m allergic to eggs. Between this today, and the rude behavior yesterday, I am very dissatisfied with my experience.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh I’m so very sorry miss. I’ll get this fixed right away. And I’ll refund you for the inconvenience.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Oh you will? That’s so sweet! I don’t mean to point fingers but I think your employee here is focused more on checking out customers than he is taking orders correctly.<</speech>>
<p>Megan blushes again, thinking about how she basically flashed you. You know it was through no fault of her own but she still has no clue how it happened.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Well I can assure you that we haven’t had any complaints like that in the past. But I’ll speak with him to be sure it doesn’t happen again.<</speech>>
<p>She looks at you, giving you a look that tells you she can tell that Kathy is out to get you. It’s an oddly reassuring look. Because it isn’t something that Megan has ever given you before. Even when dealing with other unruly customers Megan is usually on their side. But now she seems to be softening ever so slightly. Offering you just the slightest bit of support before she takes the wrap back to fix it. Meanwhile Kathy continues to stand there with a smug and superior smile. Thinking that she has once again won.</p>
[[Use the App to make Kathy be nicer|galleryKathy3][$scene to 2]]
<p>Why can’t she just be nice for five seconds. Every single moment you can remember knowing her, Kathy has been an insufferable bitch. Hell would probably freeze over before she could possibly become nice. But if she could just for a few short minutes be something short of pure evil, then it would give you a feeling of pure relief. You focus on this feeling. The desire to have her be a kind and sweet person. And you press your finger against the screen of your phone at the same time.</p>
<p>Suddenly, Kathy’s eyes brighten. As if a flash of light went through her eyes and into her mind. She places her hand on her face and looks at you with confusion and regret on her face.</p>
<p>She shakes out of it after a moment. Continuing to speak but her tone is much less course and lacks the conviction it had in the past.</p>
<<speech "Kathy">>Just forget the food and the refund. I think I’ll just find a better way to spend my lunch break.<</speech>>
<p>She storms out hurriedly. You can’t say that how she spoke to you was particularly nice or kind. But at the very least it wasn’t rude. And hey, she didn’t insult you. You assume the App had to have worked, but there was just far too much evil in that girl to get rid of it all with a single tap of the button. Maybe you’ll get a better answer if you find out more about Asmo and the App. You’re snapped out of your train of thought when Megan comes up behind you with the fixed wrap.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>She makes a big fuss about her food and then doesn’t even stay for the replacement. Unbelievable. At least I don’t have to give her a refund now.<</speech>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>If you were only a customer, you would probably still spend a lot of time at Megan’s Pizza. It’s the best pizza in town. And that’s half the reason you chose to work there in the first place. Right now you want some pizza. Thankfully it’s pretty dead in the restaurant tonight. You’re the only person there besides Megan when you go inside.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>I thought you were heading home?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I was, but I want some pizza first. You alright if I just head back and heat a slice up myself?<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>No no, I’ll do it. You’re off the clock and I am not dealing the any insurance issues if you burn yourself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Fair enough. A slice with pepperoni then, please.<</speech>>
<p>She takes a slice from the display pie back and puts it in the over for a few minutes to crisp up the crust and remelt the cheese. Maybe like three minutes in total before its ready to pull out and put on a plate. You grab a cup of soda and fill it up while you wait. By the time you return to the counter your slice is on a plate and waiting for you. You pick it up and are about to grab a seat, but something in Megan’s look stops you. She looks, disappointed. It might just be a look of boredom but something tells you that there is more too it. You never really showed much interest in Megan’s personal life. Now might be the time though, after you’ve used the App on her.</p>
<<if $megan.status is "Humiliated">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So, about earlier today.<</speech>>
<p>She blushes noticeably.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Don’t even start.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh come on Megan. I’ve worked for you long enough that we shouldn’t be so tense with each other. I saw you topless, it isn’t the end of the world.<</speech>>
<p>You never would have spoken to her this way before. Something about having this App in your pocket, on top of already having seen her tits, just washes away almost all of your anxiety. But her reaction makes some of that anxiety snap back into you.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>You don’t tell me what it is or isn’t! You weren’t the humiliated one!<</speech>>
<<elseif $megan.status is "Nice">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>You seem to be in such a good mood today. I’m happy to see it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Considering your track record of showing up late, I think I’m pretty nice every day.<</speech>>
<p>She laughs, almost giggling. It’s actually infectious. You chuckle as well.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Okay yeah you have a point. But you know what I’m saying. I probably deserve it sometimes. But it was nice to not have to deal with little digs at me here and there.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh you definitely deserve it. But I figured I’d cut you some slack. I see that you’re trying.<</speech>>
<p>You notice her hand laying on the counter. You reach for it. Wanting to rest your hand on hers before you speak. You were going to apologize to her, and try and use touch to build a physical connection with your apology. To try and make it feel more genuine and from the heart. But second your hand touches hers she yanks it away quickly.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Don’t touch me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So tell me why you’ve always been so rude to me.<</speech>>
<p>The comment comes out boldly and directly. You make it sound like a question but you phrase it like an order. Trying to prey on the fact that she is more obedient now. Megan’s face contorts. Clearly offended at the insinuation.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>I have not always been rude to you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Okay always is a bit of an exaggeration but you’ve been more and more bitchy every day. Tell me why.<</speech>>
<p>She looks like she is on the verge of tears, suddenly. You can see her unnatural desire to do as she is told is fighting hard against he natural desire to just bottle it all inside.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>I DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!<</speech>>
<p>She yelps, her tone broken and sounding almost scared.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Whoa, sorry. I didn’t mean piss you off or anything<</speech>>
<p>You take a step back and place your hand up, showing a bit of remorse but also just getting a bit of distance between you both. She takes a deep breath and cools herself down a bit before responding.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to snap. I guess you deserve some sort of an explanation for my behavior. I’ve been short with you and, the reason is that I’m recently divorced. I don’t like to talk about my personal life much. This is work and those two things should be separate. So don’t ask about it. But that is why I have been… testy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh I’m sorry to hear that. Don’t worry I understand. Doubt I’m the person you wanna talk to about it but, I’d feel bad if I didn’t offer.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You’re right, I don’t want to talk with you about it. But thank you anyway. Sorry if I take it out on you. It is not on purpose.<</speech>>
<p>She has a dead stare on her face. Like she’s getting lost in the despair of her marriage ending. You feel bad for not even realizing. She is still wearing her ring so there isn’t any good way for you to have known. But even still, she has good reason to be getting more and more bitchy. And you’ve made yourself an easy target for it all by being late as often as you have been.</p>
[[Use the App to open her up more and give her a hug|galleryMegan7][$scene to 1]]
<p>Megan clearly needs someone who she can rely on right now. She spends so much time here at the restaurant that, you don’t know if she has anyone at all to help her through this besides you. And if you can be that person, not only will you be doing a good thing, but you’ll also be helping make your life at work a lot more comfortable. She obviously doesn’t want your comfort though. You just aren’t the right person for it. Not yet at least. You reach into your pocket and pull your phone out. You look for the App and the second you find it, you press it. Focusing on Megan and opening her up emotionally. You want her to open to your support, and your touch.</p>
<p>You feel the energy of the App flow through your body and visibly see Megan’s disposition change. Going from that of someone who was full of despair, to someone vulnerable and yearning. You turn the screen on your phone off, put it back in your pocket, and move in. Trusting that the App did it’s job, you wrap your arms around Megan’s waist and rest your face on her chest. Hugging her tightly and showing her the affection that you believe she needs right now. You can feel her smile as she hugs you back.</p>
<p>The hug lasts for quite a while. You only let go when you feel her grip on your loosen. Pulling back and sharing a smile with her.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Thank you $mc.name. I didn’t realize I needed that. But I did.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Any time. I have to head out. But I’ll see you tomorrow.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Hopefully on time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I promise I will do my best.<</speech>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Part of turning your life around has to be getting in better shape. The App can do a lot for you but so far everything it has done has been helpful. But, has still required your action to take advantage of the help it gives. So this one will mostly be up to you to take care of. After a quick change into some shorts and a light t-shirt in the locker room, you come out and get right into doing some curls with the dumbbells. You start off light with fifteen pound weights. Just trying to warm your body up to working out. And its a little easy but you know that after multiple sets, you’re going to wake up tomorrow feeling a bit sore. As you’re doing the curls though, a girl walks up to the step machine in front of you. As she’s using the machine, just a few feet ahead of you, you can’t help but watch her work out.</p>
<video src="resources/scenes/activities/gymRat/treadmill.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<contentcreator Mandy>>
<p>You try not to stare. You don’t want to seem like a creep. But to be frank she is right in front of you. There aren’t many other places to look. It’s an enjoyable sight, at the very least. You make sure you keep your focus elsewhere though. Choosing to look directly at the guard rail of the step machine. She remains in your periphery, for better or for worse.</p>
<<speech "Mandy">>Can I help you?<</speech>>
<p>Her voice snaps you out of focusing on the guard rail as she hops off the machine, seemingly just to yell at you.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Um, no?<</speech>>
<p>You ask in return, confused about why she is yelling at you.</p>
<<speech "Mandy">>Why are you staring at me then?<</speech>>
[[Reply defensively|galleryMandy1][$scene to 1]]
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I wasn’t staring at you! I was looking straight ahead!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mandy">>Yeah, and my ass was straight ahead.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I can’t help that! Where am I supposed to look?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mandy">>Somewhere else, creep. Get out of here before I tell the manager.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Fuck you.<</speech>>
<p>You pack up your stuff and head out of the gym. Gritting your teeth at the smug grin on her face. You don’t get what you did to make her treat you like a creep. Hell you took the extra step to try and not do exactly what she accused you of doing. But you know that with nothing more than her word she could have you banned from this gym entirely. So the fight just isn’t worth it right now. Its better to come back another day than continue to deal with stuff like this.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Part of turning your life around has to be getting in better shape. The App can do a lot for you but so far everything it has done has been helpful. But, has still required your action to take advantage of the help it gives. So this one will mostly be up to you to take care of. After a quick change into some shorts and a light t-shirt in the locker room, you come out and get right into doing some curls with the dumbbells. You start off light with fifteen pound weights. Just trying to warm your body up to working out. And its a little easy but you know that after multiple sets, you’re going to wake up tomorrow feeling a bit sore. As you’re doing the curls though, a girl walks up to the step machine in front of you. As she’s using the machine, just a few feet ahead of you, you can’t help but watch her work out.</p>
<video src="resources/scenes/activities/gymRat/treadmill.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<contentcreator Mandy>>
<p>You try not to stare. You don’t want to seem like a creep. But to be frank she is right in front of you. There aren’t many other places to look. It’s an enjoyable sight, at the very least. You make sure you keep your focus elsewhere though. Choosing to look directly at the guard rail of the step machine. She remains in your periphery, for better or for worse.</p>
<<speech "Mandy">>Can I help you?<</speech>>
<p>Her voice snaps you out of focusing on the guard rail as she hops off the machine, seemingly just to yell at you.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Um, no?<</speech>>
<p>You ask in return, confused about why she is yelling at you.</p>
<<speech "Mandy">>Why are you staring at me then?<</speech>>
[[Use the App to make her forget you were ever here|galleryMandy2][$scene to 1]]
<p>Only a few sentences in and you can already feel this going sideways. It isn’t worth arguing over. Because she could just go to the manager of the gym and complain. It would be her word against yours and the gym would likely just side with her to avoid any further issues or confrontations. But thankfully, you don’t have to worry about that. You grab your phone and act like you’re turning off some music. In reality you’re pressing the App on your phone and concentrating on the idea that she will forget she ever even saw you in the first place.</p>
<p>In an instant her eyes glaze over. Her face contorts a bit as if she could feel the memories being wiped away from her mind. You walk away before she can even notice you again. Looking back just to make sure she is alright before you leave. She is getting back to her workout. Wiping her face free of sweat with her shirt. And revealing a bit more than she likely intended in the process.</p>
<<contentcreator Mandy>>
<p>Something tells you that the memory wipe was a little too effective. But it got you out of a potential jam. So you can’t complain.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>It’s been a while since you’ve felt this good heading home from work. The last time you can remember was once when a nice lady from the donut shop a few doors down brought over some leftover donuts. The whole shop was in a good mood that day. Your mood doesn’t stay this good, unfortunately. The near pitch blackness of your apartment startles you as you walk in. The only light coming from the TV that Emma is watching.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Hey, I’m back.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Hmm.<</speech>>
<p>Nothing but a grunt in acknowledgment. She’s completely absorbed into the TV and barely aware that you’re here. It makes you worry that if someone broke in she might not even notice. And as you nearly trip over a piece of trash on the floor, you realize that you might not notice if you were robbed either. The place wouldn’t look any different if it was ransacked.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>You still haven’t cleaned up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Uh uh.<</speech>>
<p>You sigh. It doesn’t seem she’ll ever listen to you, or change.</p>
[[Just forget it and head to bed|Release 2][$scene to 1; $quests.release2.choices.clean to "forget it"]]
<<if $app.charges>>
[[Use the App to get this place cleaned up (1 charge)|Release 2][$scene to 1; $quests.release2.choices.clean to "cleaned up"]]
<a class="locked">Use the App to get this place cleaned up (1 charge)</a>
<<if $quests.release2.choices.clean is "forget it">>
<p>There’s no use in even trying. You could argue over and over and she’ll just make excuses and fight back. It really isn’t worth the effort at the moment. It will just be nicer and easier for you to head to bed and get some rest. Maybe tomorrow will present a better opportunity.</p>
<p>At least your room is clean, and your bed is comfy. It makes it a lot easier to forget the rest of the apartment and just go right to sleep.</p>
<<willpower -5>><<set $sis.gallery[2] to 1>>
<p>It’s starting to become sickening. Every day you come home and the entire apartment looks like a pig’s sty. Even after days where you clean up, by the time you go to sleep she has found some way to leave a mess. You’re sick of it. And you want it to change. You pull out your phone, look at Asmo’s App, and focus. Imagining a spotless apartment, and Emma being the one cleaning it. Hell she’s even wearing a maid outfit. And as that image rests in your mind you tap the App.</p>
<p>You see it affect her. She perks up, and immediately begins picking things up from the table. It’s an almost entrancing sight. Something that even with the App, you hardly believed you would ever see. You wish that you could stay up and watch her clean all night. But as a yawn escapes your lips, you realize you won’t be able to stay awake long enough for that. You head to bed. Hoping in your heart that today wasn’t just a mirage and it doesn’t all go back to what it used to be in the morning. Hoping that whatever this App is helping your life become, simply continues along the path you’ve started down.</p>
<<willpower 5>>
<<attunement 1>>
<<siswillpower -20>>
<<sisstatus "Maid">>
<<appcharge 1>><<set $sis.gallery[3] to 1>>
[[Continue|Dream][$sleepOrigin to "house"; $quests.release2.stage to 1]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>It’s been a while since you’ve felt this good heading home from work. The last time you can remember was once when a nice lady from the donut shop a few doors down brought over some leftover donuts. The whole shop was in a good mood that day. Your mood doesn’t stay this good, unfortunately. The near pitch blackness of your apartment startles you as you walk in. The only light coming from the TV that Emma is watching.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Hey, I’m back.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Hmm.<</speech>>
<p>Nothing but a grunt in acknowledgment. She’s completely absorbed into the TV and barely aware that you’re here. It makes you worry that if someone broke in she might not even notice. And as you nearly trip over a piece of trash on the floor, you realize that you might not notice if you were robbed either. The place wouldn’t look any different if it was ransacked.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>You still haven’t cleaned up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Uh uh.<</speech>>
<p>You sigh. It doesn’t seem she’ll ever listen to you, or change.</p>
[[Just forget it and head to bed|gallerySis3][$scene to 1]]
<p>There’s no use in even trying. You could argue over and over and she’ll just make excuses and fight back. It really isn’t worth the effort at the moment. It will just be nicer and easier for you to head to bed and get some rest. Maybe tomorrow will present a better opportunity.</p>
<p>At least your room is clean, and your bed is comfy. It makes it a lot easier to forget the rest of the apartment and just go right to sleep.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>It’s been a while since you’ve felt this good heading home from work. The last time you can remember was once when a nice lady from the donut shop a few doors down brought over some leftover donuts. The whole shop was in a good mood that day. Your mood doesn’t stay this good, unfortunately. The near pitch blackness of your apartment startles you as you walk in. The only light coming from the TV that Emma is watching.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Hey, I’m back.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Hmm.<</speech>>
<p>Nothing but a grunt in acknowledgment. She’s completely absorbed into the TV and barely aware that you’re here. It makes you worry that if someone broke in she might not even notice. And as you nearly trip over a piece of trash on the floor, you realize that you might not notice if you were robbed either. The place wouldn’t look any different if it was ransacked.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>You still haven’t cleaned up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Uh uh.<</speech>>
<p>You sigh. It doesn’t seem she’ll ever listen to you, or change.</p>
[[Use the App to get this place cleaned up|gallerySis4][$scene to 1]]
<p>It’s starting to become sickening. Every day you come home and the entire apartment looks like a pig’s sty. Even after days where you clean up, by the time you go to sleep she has found some way to leave a mess. You’re sick of it. And you want it to change. You pull out your phone, look at Asmo’s App, and focus. Imagining a spotless apartment, and Emma being the one cleaning it. Hell she’s even wearing a maid outfit. And as that image rests in your mind you tap the App.</p>
<p>You see it affect her. She perks up, and immediately begins picking things up from the table. It’s an almost entrancing sight. Something that even with the App, you hardly believed you would ever see. You wish that you could stay up and watch her clean all night. But as a yawn escapes your lips, you realize you won’t be able to stay awake long enough for that. You head to bed. Hoping in your heart that today wasn’t just a mirage and it doesn’t all go back to what it used to be in the morning. Hoping that whatever this App is helping your life become, simply continues along the path you’ve started down.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>The morning starts off loudly, but nice. Your alarm goes off and it actually wakes you up this morning. Right on time to get washed, dressed, and leave for work when you’re supposed to. It takes a moment to get up from your bed. Your muscles need the time to stretch and wake up with you. A shower will help quite a bit with that.</p>
[[Head to the shower|Release 2 Part 2][$scene to 1]]<<addclass "body" "bedroom">>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<if $quests.release2.choices.clean is "cleaned up">>
<p>There’s shuffling coming from outside in the hall. It makes your heart sink. If Emma is getting in the shower now, on a day when you finally woke up on time, it would be just the most perfectly annoying way for your normal luck to come back and bite you in the ass. Much to your pleasant surprise though, your first instinct is wrong. You rush to open your bedroom door, only to see Emma, still wearing the maid outfit she had on last night, slowly heading towards her own bedroom. You turn to the right and look out into the living room. It is more spotless than you even imagined when you used the App on her. And the smell of fresh lemon hits your nose.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>It looks amazing out here. You did a great job. But, what are you still doing up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Just finished cleaning. No spots left.<</speech>>
<p>It’s then you realize that when you imagined the apartment being spotless the App really drove her to the extreme of that interpretation. Emma goes to bed and passes right out. She doesn’t even bother to close her door or get changed. But you make sure to appreciate the work she put in. There isn’t a single hair out of place. You look up and see that she even scrubbed the ceilings clean. It’s starting to make you wonder how you didn’t get woken up by all of this.</p>
<p>The bathroom is just as spotless. There is even a faint smell of bleach in the shower. The App is starting to scare you a bit with just how much you can change. Even with the limitations you’ve seen, this could really shape the world to be almost exactly how you want it. Especially given enough time. Thoughts like these dance in your mind as you shower and get dressed. You’ll have to be more critical when deciding when and how to use the App in the future. But for now, it’s time to get to work.</p><<set $sis.gallery[4] to 1>>
<p>The distinct sound of the shower turning on hits your ear. It makes your heart sink. You push up from your bed quickly and rush out into the hall. It’s still a mess out here. And you think it’s even starting to smell. And you live here, you can’t even imagine what scents you’ve become nose-blind too. The sound of the shower curtain sliding along the railing snaps your focus back to what’s important here. You bang on the bathroom door and yell,</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Emma! What are you doing in there so early I need to get in for work!<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>I spilled beer on my last night and it’s all dry and crusty now. I just need to rinse off real quick don’t freak out.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Come on you are always doing this! I’m sick of being late!<</speech>>
<p>Emma doesn’t even respond. You wait a moment, considering your options. And you figure that now is as good of a time as any to use the App. Emma always seems to want to use the shower when you need to as well. So what better way to solve this than to just have Emma be okay with taking showers with you. You grab your phone, and press the app as you focus on this thought. Letting the app do it’s work.</p>
<p>All that’s left to do is take advantage of the change you’ve made. As you turn the knob of the bathroom door, you hope dearly that the App worked because walking in on Emma showering would be a supreme risk otherwise. But as the door swings open, you don’t hear anger or fear. The only sound is the shower continuing to run. For a moment at least. Until Emma finally speaks up.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>What are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh, I uh-<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>when I heard the door open I thought you were getting in with me. Don’t you have to hurry up so you make it on time?<</speech>>
<p>It’s hard for your own brain to process what she’s saying. Even though you used the App to make her think this way. It still just doesn’t hit your ear quite right. You snap out of it quickly though. Truth be told while this may be gratifying, you really do need to get in and start showering. So you undress and hop in. Having to take a moment to soak in the sight before you start to actually clean yourself.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Not bad.<</speech>>
<p>You aren’t sure what she means at first. But when you see that she’s looking down at your cock you figure it out pretty quickly.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh thanks. Um, likewise.<</speech>>
<p>She giggles.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>You’re such a dork. Hurry up don’t hog the hot water.<</speech>>
<p>You quickly wash up and hop out to let her finish her shower properly. This app has saved your ass time and again. And every time it just feels more and more satisfying. As you’re getting dressed for the day, you’re almost excited for work. Which isn’t something you’re sure you’ve felt in a long, long time.</p>
<<siswillpower -10>>
<<sisrelation 25>>
<<willpower 10>>
<<attunement 1>>
<<sisstatus "Soft">><<set $sis.gallery[5] to 1>>
[[Continue|Release 2 Part 2][$scene to 2]]<<addclass "body" "bathroom">>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<<speech "Megan">>On time today. Good to see. Keep it up.<</speech>>
<p>It’s been a while since you have come into work not feeling almost any worry at all. Being able to be on time makes a pretty big difference. And Megan not being such a hard ass helps too. Just getting behind the register, no fights, no worries. It’s freeing. Customers come in, get their food, leave. You get your lunch time pizza. And you do it all with a smile on your face. Not one of the fake ones either. Not dishonest, polite falsehood behind it. Just a genuinely pleasant day all around.</p>
<<meganrelation 10>>
[[Your mind drifts to Kathy|Release 2 Part 2][$scene to 3]]<<addclass "body" "stellia">><<NextPeriod>>
<<if $kathy.status is "Humiliated">>
<p>As much of a pain as she has been to you, it’s almost disappointing when Kathy doesn’t come in today. She must be beyond embarrassed by what happened yesterday. And that’s also why it’s so disappointing. The look of horror and embarrassment on her face was an ever better sight than her tits. You can’t really blame her though. If it happened to you, you’d probably avoid this place and everyone in it as well. You can’t help but wonder if you’ll see her again sometime soon though.</p>
<<elseif $kathy.status is "Nice">>
<p>No sign of Kathy today. You held out some hope that she might come in and actually be a somewhat pleasant customer, after you used the App to make her be a little nicer. And there was obviously a bit of hope that you might be able to use it again. Just to see how far you could push her. Or if pushing her further was even necessary. Without her here, you can’t even tell how well your last use of the App worked on her. There are customers that are here now though. So you can do nothing but wonder when you’ll see her again.</p>
<<speech "Man in a suit">>Let me slice, with green peppers and anchovies.<</speech>>
<p>The order strikes you as an odd combination. It’s not your place to judge people’s pizza preferences though. Its just your job to ring them up for it.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Sure thing. Anything else I can get for you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Man in a suit">>If you can get me info on the suspect I’m tracking down. That would be great. If not, just the slice is fine.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh are you a cop?<</speech>>
<<speech "Man in a suit">>Ha! Something like that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Well, who are you looking for? I’ll help if I can.<</speech>>
<<speech "Man in a suit">>Ah thanks. Kinda hard to explain though kid. But tell ya what.<</speech>>
<p>The man reaches into his wallet as he pays and pulls out a business card. He hands it to you. The card is thick and glossy with only a little bit written on it. There’s a phone number. And just above it is the name ‘Agent Andrew Smith’.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>If you notice anything really weird, gimme a call and tell me about it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What do you mean by weird? Cuz I might have to call you about this conversation.<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith laughs boisterously. Playing his hand on his chest as his laughter bellows.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Oh you’re funny. That’s a first for me. In all seriousness, I’m talking something really weird. Like you flat out cannot explain what you’re looking at.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Like an alien?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>If you know it’s an alien then you can explain it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Damn, that’s a good point.<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Don’t worry. You won’t know it, when you see it. And then you’ll know to call me. By the way, what’s your name? Kinda unfair you know me but I don’t know you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m $mc.name. Now you know me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>That I do.<</speech>>
<p>He talks with a wide, oddly knowing smile. Just then his slice of pizza is brought up. You hand it too him and he take a long, almost sensual whiff of it.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Thanks! See ya around.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>You’re very welcome. Have a good day.<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith walks out with his food and heads down the street. You can’t help but watch him leave. The entire interaction with him has left your curious. What could he have meant by something that you can’t explain? His business card is peculiar too. It feels so glossy that its almost slick. Like there is a thin film over it. And it doesn’t actually say what agency or department that he is an agent of. It makes you wonder if he isn’t just some crazy guy with an interesting fabricated back story. Maybe even just some performance artist. Either way, you slot the card into your wallet. Just in case. And then you go about your day. Knowing that that man is going to be on your mind for quite a while.</p>
[[Continue|City Map][$quests.release2.stage to 2]]<<addclass "body" "stellia">><<settime 13 0>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>The morning starts off loudly, but nice. Your alarm goes off and it actually wakes you up this morning. Right on time to get washed, dressed, and leave for work when you’re supposed to. It takes a moment to get up from your bed. Your muscles need the time to stretch and wake up with you. A shower will help quite a bit with that.</p>
[[Head to the shower|gallerySis5][$scene to 1]]<<addclass "body" "bedroom">>
<p>There’s shuffling coming from outside in the hall. It makes your heart sink. If Emma is getting in the shower now, on a day when you finally woke up on time, it would be just the most perfectly annoying way for your normal luck to come back and bite you in the ass. Much to your pleasant surprise though, your first instinct is wrong. You rush to open your bedroom door, only to see Emma, still wearing the maid outfit she had on last night, slowly heading towards her own bedroom. You turn to the right and look out into the living room. It is more spotless than you even imagined when you used the App on her. And the smell of fresh lemon hits your nose.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>It looks amazing out here. You did a great job. But, what are you still doing up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Just finished cleaning. No spots left.<</speech>>
<p>It’s then you realize that when you imagined the apartment being spotless the App really drove her to the extreme of that interpretation. Emma goes to bed and passes right out. She doesn’t even bother to close her door or get changed. But you make sure to appreciate the work she put in. There isn’t a single hair out of place. You look up and see that she even scrubbed the ceilings clean. It’s starting to make you wonder how you didn’t get woken up by all of this.</p>
<p>The bathroom is just as spotless. There is even a faint smell of bleach in the shower. The App is starting to scare you a bit with just how much you can change. Even with the limitations you’ve seen, this could really shape the world to be almost exactly how you want it. Especially given enough time. Thoughts like these dance in your mind as you shower and get dressed. You’ll have to be more critical when deciding when and how to use the App in the future. But for now, it’s time to get to work.</p>
<<return>><<addclass "body" "bathroom">>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>The morning starts off loudly, but nice. Your alarm goes off and it actually wakes you up this morning. Right on time to get washed, dressed, and leave for work when you’re supposed to. It takes a moment to get up from your bed. Your muscles need the time to stretch and wake up with you. A shower will help quite a bit with that.</p>
[[Head to the shower|gallerySis6][$scene to 1]]<<addclass "body" "bedroom">>
<p>The distinct sound of the shower turning on hits your ear. It makes your heart sink. You push up from your bed quickly and rush out into the hall. It’s still a mess out here. And you think it’s even starting to smell. And you live here, you can’t even imagine what scents you’ve become nose-blind too. The sound of the shower curtain sliding along the railing snaps your focus back to what’s important here. You bang on the bathroom door and yell,</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Emma! What are you doing in there so early I need to get in for work!<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>I spilled beer on my last night and it’s all dry and crusty now. I just need to rinse off real quick don’t freak out.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Come on you are always doing this! I’m sick of being late!<</speech>>
<p>Emma doesn’t even respond. You wait a moment, considering your options. And you figure that now is as good of a time as any to use the App. Emma always seems to want to use the shower when you need to as well. So what better way to solve this than to just have Emma be okay with taking showers with you. You grab your phone, and press the app as you focus on this thought. Letting the app do it’s work.</p>
<p>All that’s left to do is take advantage of the change you’ve made. As you turn the knob of the bathroom door, you hope dearly that the App worked because walking in on Emma showering would be a supreme risk otherwise. But as the door swings open, you don’t hear anger or fear. The only sound is the shower continuing to run. For a moment at least. Until Emma finally speaks up.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>What are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh, I uh-<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>when I heard the door open I thought you were getting in with me. Don’t you have to hurry up so you make it on time?<</speech>>
<p>It’s hard for your own brain to process what she’s saying. Even though you used the App to make her think this way. It still just doesn’t hit your ear quite right. You snap out of it quickly though. Truth be told while this may be gratifying, you really do need to get in and start showering. So you undress and hop in. Having to take a moment to soak in the sight before you start to actually clean yourself.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Not bad.<</speech>>
<p>You aren’t sure what she means at first. But when you see that she’s looking down at your cock you figure it out pretty quickly.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh thanks. Um, likewise.<</speech>>
<p>She giggles.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>You’re such a dork. Hurry up don’t hog the hot water.<</speech>>
<p>You quickly wash up and hop out to let her finish her shower properly. This app has saved your ass time and again. And every time it just feels more and more satisfying. As you’re getting dressed for the day, you’re almost excited for work. Which isn’t something you’re sure you’ve felt in a long, long time.</p>
<<return>><<addclass "body" "bathroom">>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Having someone stop you in your tracks and confront you is never a pleasant experience. Let alone it being your roommate. So when Emma is standing there right in the hall staring at you, the moment you walk through the door, you feel your stomach drop like a lead weight.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>What is going on with you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What? What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Something is going on. You’re different. I’ve known you long enough to just tell.<</speech>>
<<if $sis.status is "Maid">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Well so have you. You did a great job cleaning up.<</speech>>
<<elseif $sis.status is "Soft">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Well so have you. You were really accommodating this morning.<</speech>>
<p>You snicker to yourself, almost involuntarily. And Emma instantly notices. Her face contorts. First in confusion and eventually in anger.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Did you do something to me too?!? What is changing? What is happening? Tell me what’s going on right now!<</speech>>
<<if $app.charges>>
[[Use the App to alter the dynamic (1 charge)|Release 2 Part 3][$scene to 1; $quests.release2.choices.suspicious to "alter"]]
<a class="locked">Use the App to alter the dynamic (1 charge)</a>
[[Just explain that she’s mistaken|Release 2 Part 3][$scene to 1; $quests.release2.choices.suspicious to "explain"]]<<addclass "body" "livingroom">>
<<if $quests.release2.choices.suspicious is "alter">>
<p>Emma isn’t going to stop digging at this. She’s never been someone to let something go. The App feels like the only path forward right now. You’ve used it on her once already. So you’re a little worried about what might happen if you use it again on her like this. That can’t be your main focus right now though. How could you even begin to explain the App to her? Best case scenario is that she believes you and ends up trying to take the power for herself. Worst case is she has you admitted into a psychiatric facility. No, none of the possible results of that are even remotely acceptable. You have to use the App on her. Damned be the consequences.</p>
<p>She needs to be more malleable. She needs to be more open to being convinced that whatever you’re telling her is the truth. She needs to be open to anything you tell her, and more so than that, she needs to believe it without even a hint of doubt in her mind. It’s a big change. You focus on it as hard as you can as you reach into your pocket and press the App on your phone. Your hand trembles with this. It almost hurts. But it works. You can see it work. Her eyes glaze over for a moment. It’s the moment you need and you take it.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Listen Emma, I’ve just started to… look at the world with a better attitude. It’s making me feel a lot better about just about everything. I’m even doing better at work! And you know I think it’s starting to rub off on others around me.<</speech>>
<p>She doesn’t really seem to react at first. Her mind being forced to accept the explanation, and you know it’s fighting it at every turn. But it is losing. There is an awkwardly long silence before she finally speaks.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>I guess that makes sense. I’m still keeping an eye on you though. If this new mindset is good for you, then I wanna see exactly what’s changed. I don’t want my best friend to just become someone new. I might not like this new you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Trust me, you’ll love the new me.<</speech>>
<p>You spoke without thinking. Her eyes glaze over again. As if by the mere fact that you spoke her mind began transcribing your words into her beliefs. Emma blushed. And you could see that you did more than you ever intended. A worry begins to set in that this change you made to her will be permanent. Will she simply believe anything and everything you say to her? Even if what you say was meant as a joke? You make have to be careful from now on. And you will certainly have to be better at being specific when you use the app in the future. Who knows what unintended consequences you might bring upon yourself or others?</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Maybe I will. We just… we just can’t know yet can we? I just never want to lose my best friend. You’ve always been there for me. I don’t know what I would do if you changed and stopped being the person that is so important to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m not changing who I am, Emma. I’m just changing how I look at things. I won’t be different. Except that I’ll be happier. Hopefully that will mean you and everyone else I know becomes happier too.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Well I’m already plenty happy with you.<</speech>>
<p>Emma blushes harder.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Come on, let’s go to bed. I don’t want to keep talking about this and risk this turning into an argument.<</speech>>
<p>You’re shocked out just how much Emma’s disposition has changed. She loves to argue. She loves to call stuff out. And yet here she is, grabbing you by your hand and leading you off towards your bedroom. Doing her best to avoid an argument. This App and the changes that it is capable continuously shock you day after day.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Laying down? What does it look like?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>This is my room though.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>So? Lay with me. Remember when we shared a sleeping bag when our families went camping together? It’ll be just like that.<</speech>>
<p>You lay down with her. Feeling her lay down beside you and worm her way under your arm. It’s nice to have her there with you. She smells good, and she is so soft and warm. You are almost shivering a little. Part of you can’t believe this is happening and the other part of you is too excited about it to be still. And yet, you have never fallen asleep faster and easier in your entire life.</p>
<<willpower 10>>
<<attunement 2>>
<<siswillpower -50>>
<<sisrelation 50>>
<<sisstatus "Love">>
<<appcharge 1>><<set $sis.gallery[6] to 1>>
<p>Emma isn’t going to stop digging at this. She’s never been someone to let something go. Your best bet is to just give her some flimsy explanation for your behavior. She can’t know the truth. The best case scenario would be that she believes you and pressures you into using the App to help her as well. The more likely and worst case though, is that she has you committed into a mental institution. She needs an answer now though. Her eyes sear into you. Full of consternation and suspicion. Even if it is a lie, anything that can make her think she is wrong about what she is seeing will do.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Listen Emma, I’ve just started to… look at the world with a better attitude. It’s making me feel a lot better about just about everything. I’m even doing better at work! And you know I think it’s starting to rub off on others around me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>You expect me to believe that? I’m not stupid.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I didn’t say you were.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>No, you just fed me some BS excuse like I am.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>It’s not BS. I’m sorry it seems that way but honestly what else could I even be doing differently?<</speech>>
<p>She looks at you with even more suspicion. Her brow scrunching. Gear spinning in her head as she tries to come to any conclusion that would explain it. But without suggesting something supernatural, there is only one thing that comes to mind for her.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Are you on some sort of drug?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What? No! I haven’t even smoked weed since high school.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>You can tell me if you are. I won’t judge. I just want to know the truth.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I told you the truth Emma. If you don’t wanna believe that, it’s not my problem. I’m not on drugs, I haven’t changed or done anything different. I am honestly, just refusing to be a sad sack about the things that don’t go my way anymore. Maybe that’s making others like you see things differently too. Or maybe not. I don’t know.<</speech>>
<p>She sees through you. Her suspicious look doesn’t fade for even a moment. But without any evidence to the contrary she doesn’t have much choice but to accept your answer as given.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Fine. I’ll believe you for now. But I’m keeping an eye on you. If you are doing anything different, I’ll find out eventually.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What are you going to do? Never leave me alone? Gonna follow me everywhere? Just in case I accidentally do something suspicious to you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Yeah! Maybe I will!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Do you realize how crazy that sounds?<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>It’s only crazy if you have something to hide. And what, you don’t wanna hang out with me now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Not if we’re only hanging out so you can spy on me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Well too bad.<</speech>>
<p>You were having a good day. But now it’s slowly being ruined. You sigh heavily. There’s no point in arguing with her further. She’s just gonna do what she wants either way.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Whatever, I’m going to bed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>You mean we’re going to bed.<</speech>>
<p>She follows you into your bedroom and takes a seat right on your bed. She smiles at you. It’s soft but also smug. Like she’s just doing this to mess with you. Or maybe to annoy you enough to get you to break.</p>
<p>You’re not gonna let her ruin your sleep though. No you just change into something comfortable to sleep in then hop right onto your mattress. She worms her way under the covers beside you. At least she’s warm. It will make for a pretty pleasant night’s sleep. Who knows how the morning will play out though. But, that’s an issue for later. Now, is the time for sleep.</p>
<<willpower 5>>
<<siswillpower 20>>
<<sisrelation -5>><<set $sis.gallery[7] to 1>>
[[Continue|Dream][$sleepOrigin to "house"; $quests.release2.stage to 3]]<<addclass "body" "bedroom">>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Having someone stop you in your tracks and confront you is never a pleasant experience. Let alone it being your roommate. So when Emma is standing there right in the hall staring at you, the moment you walk through the door, you feel your stomach drop like a lead weight.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>What is going on with you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What? What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Something is going on. You’re different. I’ve known you long enough to just tell.<</speech>>
<<if $sis.status is "Maid">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Well so have you. You did a great job cleaning up.<</speech>>
<<elseif $sis.status is "Soft">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Well so have you. You were really accommodating this morning.<</speech>>
<p>You snicker to yourself, almost involuntarily. And Emma instantly notices. Her face contorts. First in confusion and eventually in anger.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Did you do something to me too?!? What is changing? What is happening? Tell me what’s going on right now!<</speech>>
[[Use the App to alter the dynamic (1 charge)|gallerySis7][$scene to 1]]<<addclass "body" "livingroom">>
<p>Emma isn’t going to stop digging at this. She’s never been someone to let something go. The App feels like the only path forward right now. You’ve used it on her once already. So you’re a little worried about what might happen if you use it again on her like this. That can’t be your main focus right now though. How could you even begin to explain the App to her? Best case scenario is that she believes you and ends up trying to take the power for herself. Worst case is she has you admitted into a psychiatric facility. No, none of the possible results of that are even remotely acceptable. You have to use the App on her. Damned be the consequences.</p>
<p>She needs to be more malleable. She needs to be more open to being convinced that whatever you’re telling her is the truth. She needs to be open to anything you tell her, and more so than that, she needs to believe it without even a hint of doubt in her mind. It’s a big change. You focus on it as hard as you can as you reach into your pocket and press the App on your phone. Your hand trembles with this. It almost hurts. But it works. You can see it work. Her eyes glaze over for a moment. It’s the moment you need and you take it.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Listen Emma, I’ve just started to… look at the world with a better attitude. It’s making me feel a lot better about just about everything. I’m even doing better at work! And you know I think it’s starting to rub off on others around me.<</speech>>
<p>She doesn’t really seem to react at first. Her mind being forced to accept the explanation, and you know it’s fighting it at every turn. But it is losing. There is an awkwardly long silence before she finally speaks.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>I guess that makes sense. I’m still keeping an eye on you though. If this new mindset is good for you, then I wanna see exactly what’s changed. I don’t want my best friend to just become someone new. I might not like this new you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Trust me, you’ll love the new me.<</speech>>
<p>You spoke without thinking. Her eyes glaze over again. As if by the mere fact that you spoke her mind began transcribing your words into her beliefs. Emma blushed. And you could see that you did more than you ever intended. A worry begins to set in that this change you made to her will be permanent. Will she simply believe anything and everything you say to her? Even if what you say was meant as a joke? You make have to be careful from now on. And you will certainly have to be better at being specific when you use the app in the future. Who knows what unintended consequences you might bring upon yourself or others?</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Maybe I will. We just… we just can’t know yet can we? I just never want to lose my best friend. You’ve always been there for me. I don’t know what I would do if you changed and stopped being the person that is so important to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m not changing who I am, Emma. I’m just changing how I look at things. I won’t be different. Except that I’ll be happier. Hopefully that will mean you and everyone else I know becomes happier too.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Well I’m already plenty happy with you.<</speech>>
<p>Emma blushes harder.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Come on, let’s go to bed. I don’t want to keep talking about this and risk this turning into an argument.<</speech>>
<p>You’re shocked out just how much Emma’s disposition has changed. She loves to argue. She loves to call stuff out. And yet here she is, grabbing you by your hand and leading you off towards your bedroom. Doing her best to avoid an argument. This App and the changes that it is capable continuously shock you day after day.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Laying down? What does it look like?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>This is my room though.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>So? Lay with me. Remember when we shared a sleeping bag when our families went camping together? It’ll be just like that.<</speech>>
<p>You lay down with her. Feeling her lay down beside you and worm her way under your arm. It’s nice to have her there with you. She smells good, and she is so soft and warm. You are almost shivering a little. Part of you can’t believe this is happening and the other part of you is too excited about it to be still. And yet, you have never fallen asleep faster and easier in your entire life.</p>
<<return>><<addclass "body" "bedroom">>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Having someone stop you in your tracks and confront you is never a pleasant experience. Let alone it being your roommate. So when Emma is standing there right in the hall staring at you, the moment you walk through the door, you feel your stomach drop like a lead weight.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>What is going on with you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What? What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Something is going on. You’re different. I’ve known you long enough to just tell.<</speech>>
<<if $sis.status is "Maid">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Well so have you. You did a great job cleaning up.<</speech>>
<<elseif $sis.status is "Soft">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Well so have you. You were really accommodating this morning.<</speech>>
<p>You snicker to yourself, almost involuntarily. And Emma instantly notices. Her face contorts. First in confusion and eventually in anger.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Did you do something to me too?!? What is changing? What is happening? Tell me what’s going on right now!<</speech>>
[[Just explain that she’s mistaken|gallerySis8][$scene to 1]]<<addclass "body" "livingroom">>
<p>Emma isn’t going to stop digging at this. She’s never been someone to let something go. Your best bet is to just give her some flimsy explanation for your behavior. She can’t know the truth. The best case scenario would be that she believes you and pressures you into using the App to help her as well. The more likely and worst case though, is that she has you committed into a mental institution. She needs an answer now though. Her eyes sear into you. Full of consternation and suspicion. Even if it is a lie, anything that can make her think she is wrong about what she is seeing will do.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Listen Emma, I’ve just started to… look at the world with a better attitude. It’s making me feel a lot better about just about everything. I’m even doing better at work! And you know I think it’s starting to rub off on others around me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>You expect me to believe that? I’m not stupid.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I didn’t say you were.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>No, you just fed me some BS excuse like I am.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>It’s not BS. I’m sorry it seems that way but honestly what else could I even be doing differently?<</speech>>
<p>She looks at you with even more suspicion. Her brow scrunching. Gear spinning in her head as she tries to come to any conclusion that would explain it. But without suggesting something supernatural, there is only one thing that comes to mind for her.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Are you on some sort of drug?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What? No! I haven’t even smoked weed since high school.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>You can tell me if you are. I won’t judge. I just want to know the truth.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I told you the truth Emma. If you don’t wanna believe that, it’s not my problem. I’m not on drugs, I haven’t changed or done anything different. I am honestly, just refusing to be a sad sack about the things that don’t go my way anymore. Maybe that’s making others like you see things differently too. Or maybe not. I don’t know.<</speech>>
<p>She sees through you. Her suspicious look doesn’t fade for even a moment. But without any evidence to the contrary she doesn’t have much choice but to accept your answer as given.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Fine. I’ll believe you for now. But I’m keeping an eye on you. If you are doing anything different, I’ll find out eventually.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What are you going to do? Never leave me alone? Gonna follow me everywhere? Just in case I accidentally do something suspicious to you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Yeah! Maybe I will!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Do you realize how crazy that sounds?<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>It’s only crazy if you have something to hide. And what, you don’t wanna hang out with me now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Not if we’re only hanging out so you can spy on me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Well too bad.<</speech>>
<p>You were having a good day. But now it’s slowly being ruined. You sigh heavily. There’s no point in arguing with her further. She’s just gonna do what she wants either way.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Whatever, I’m going to bed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>You mean we’re going to bed.<</speech>>
<p>She follows you into your bedroom and takes a seat right on your bed. She smiles at you. It’s soft but also smug. Like she’s just doing this to mess with you. Or maybe to annoy you enough to get you to break.</p>
<p>You’re not gonna let her ruin your sleep though. No you just change into something comfortable to sleep in then hop right onto your mattress. She worms her way under the covers beside you. At least she’s warm. It will make for a pretty pleasant night’s sleep. Who knows how the morning will play out though. But, that’s an issue for later. Now, is the time for sleep.</p>
<<return>><<addclass "body" "bedroom">>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<<switch $question>>
<<case "Why did Asmo choose me?">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Why me? There have to be plenty of people out there that could do great things with an App like this. Why did you give it to me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>You appeared most in need to me, Human. This is not a tool for the politicians. Or a source of nourishment for the hungry. This is a tool of manipulation. One for personal gain.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So I was just the right amount of pathetic, and just the right amount of manipulative?<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>Precisely!<</speech>>
<p>His jubilant tone fails to match your own feeling. It isn’t a good feeling. Knowing that you were just needy and cold hearted enough to be chosen to have this App. But the circumstances can’t be changed. All that matters now is what you do with them.</p>
<<case "How can Asmo manipulate people and the world?">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So how can the App do all of this? How can you do all of this? The things the App has done for me so far is pretty fantastical. I really wanna understand it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>I would explain if I believed you could understand it, Human. You exist within this universe. I tap into powers beyond it. You cannot truly understand what lies beyond the limitations of your creation.<</speech>>
<video src="resources/scenes/activities/searchingForAnswers2/universe.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I think that’s all I wanted to know though. Power from outside the universe. That’s more of an answer than I actually thought you would give me.<</speech>>
<p>Asmo cackles softly. His smokey form reverberating with each chuckle.</p>
<<speech "Asmo">>You surprise me at times, Human.<</speech>>
<<case "Do other people have the App?">>
<<speech "Asmo">>Others? Elaborate.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Do other people have the App?<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>There is no other Human in possession of the GrowUp App.<</speech>>
<p>Asmo’s tone is vague. Emphasizing the App itself when he answers. It makes you believe there is more he isn’t telling you. But you’ll take the answer he gives for now. If you try to dig too deep too early, who knows how he might react.</p>
<<case "What does Asmo really get out of this relationship?">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I wanna know how you really benefit from all of this. You don’t seem like the guardian angel type. So I doubt you’re doing this just because I seem like I seem like a could use the help.<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>Is my own enjoyment not a sufficient answer? No, of course it is not. You are correct to ask. And I will divulge that your use of the App does in fact benefit me.<</speech>>
<p>Asmo stops speaking, annoying you slightly. His vagueness is a curse upon your thoughts. Never quite giving you enough to actually come to a solid conclusion on anything.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Are you going to tell me how it benefits you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>No.<</speech>>
<p>Was worth a shot.</p>
<<case "Why is it called the GrowUp App?">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I wanna ask about the name too. Why is it called the GrowUp App? It feels a little insulting.<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>No offense was intended Human. I understood the term ‘grow up’ in your language as meaning to progress in life.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah but usually people say it as an insult. When they say it they’re calling the person childish.<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>And I have just now explained that I chose it’s more uplifting connotation.<</speech>>
<p>Asmo’s voice carries a hint of annoyance.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>You’re right, you did. I’ll do my best to think of it that way from now on.<</speech>>
<p>The hazy fog of a dream obscures your vision. Though it feels different. Familiar but different. You are not dreaming, you are back in whatever in between state that you first met Asmo in. It has the same feeling, the pit in your stomach. The sense that you shouldn’t be where you are. And the smell lingers the same as well. Smokey, sulfur stained, and dank. You step through the fog, looking for any sign of Asmo. Wondering why you are here again, yet also grateful that you are. You have questions for him.</p>
<<speech "Asmo">>I sensed your desire to speak, Human.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>You’re sensing things about me? Are you reading my mind?<</speech>>
<p>You ask, feeling just a bit violated by the idea of being observed.</p>
<<speech "Asmo">>A piece of me resides within your phone. It has a microphone. I have no need to read your mind when I can collect your data like these applications do…. But yes I am reading your mind. Regularly I might add.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Do you have to? I’m not sure I like the sound of that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>If you want the App to work, then yes. I must read your mind.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Then read away. I’m glad I have the chance to do this now. I gotta thank you for this App. It’s beyond anything I could have ever asked for.<</speech>>
<<if $mc.attunement gte 3>>
<<speech "Asmo">>And I am glad to see you using it. But I sense praise and gratitude are not your goal in this conversation.<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>Good, good. And I hope to see you use it more. To truly revel in what it can offer you. However, I do not sense that praise and gratitude are your goal in this conversation.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>You’re right. I just needed to get that out. It’s not every day that someone gives you something that can completely change your life like this.<</speech>>
<p>You pause briefly, as you think of what you wish to ask him first. There is a lot on your mind. And a lot of answers that you really need. All you need to do is ask.</p><<set $questions to ["Why did Asmo choose me?", "How can Asmo manipulate people and the world?", "Do other people have the App?", "What does Asmo really get out of this relationship?", "Why is it called the GrowUp App?"]>>
<<if $questions.length>>
<<for _queI to 0; _queI lt $questions.length; _queI++>>
<a @id="$questions[_queI]" data-passage="Searching For Answers 2" onclick="SugarCube.State.variables.question = $(this).attr('id'); SugarCube.State.variables.questions.splice(SugarCube.State.variables.questions.indexOf( $(this).attr('id') ), 1)">$questions[_queI]</a><br>
[[Continue|Searching For Answers 2][$scene to 1]]
<<speech "Asmo">>Are you satisfied?<</speech>>
<p>There is a clear hint of impatience in Asmo’s tone. It’s a slight marvel that even a being as mysterious as him still falls prey to baser emotions in that way.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Not really. I don’t think I’m gonna get much more out of you though. So I guess thanks for answering what you have so far.<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>Good. I tire of your questioning. We shall speak again, I’m certain. Sleep well, Human.<</speech>>
<p>Asmo disappears before you can even reply.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>You too Asmo. If you do sleep.<</speech>>
<p>You reply anyway. Not even knowing if he can still hear you or not. You don’t want to come off as rude though. If you did you would have kept asking questions. Asmo’s answers weren’t exactly as in depth as you might have hoped. He didn’t completely stonewall you at least. But it’s obvious that he doesn’t want to give you the whole truth. As you’re thinking, you feel yourself being pulled. You’re starting to wake up. There aren’t anymore answers here so you quickly consider where else they might be. And just as you’re about to snap out of your slumber it comes to you. If the dark and smokey demonic being won’t give you answers, then maybe the exact opposite source will. You should head to the church when you are free again.</p>
<<willpower 5>>
<<attunement 1>>
[[Wake up|bedroom][$activities.searchingForAnswers.stage to 2]]<<NextDay>><<dayreset>><<set $wokeUp to 1>>
<</if>><<if $activities.searchingForAnswers.stage is 2 && $GameDays[$gameDate.getUTCDay()] is "Sunday">>
<p>Thankfully, the church isn’t busy during this time of day. It would be awkward if it got around that you’re asking the Priest about demons. Even if you didn’t have something to hide, that’s a series of questions that won’t look good to almost any audience. What does look good though, is the inside of the church. It always looks so much nicer and more magnificent on the inside.</p>
<p>It almost distracts you from your purpose for being here. Thankfully the soft murmurs of a pair of women talking pulls your focus back in. You walk over to them, cautiously trying to get their attention. Not wanting to be rude to interrupt them.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Excuse me, sorry to butt in. I was just wondering where I could find the Priest.<</speech>>
<p>They both turn to you at the same time. And it is in this moment that you realize how attractive they both actually are. One is a nun. She looks close to your age and even though she is almost completely covered, what little you can see is gorgeous.</p>
<p>The other woman is slightly older. Yet no less beautiful. She is dressed rather conservatively as well. And yet she still radiates beauty with her smile as she faces you.</p>
<p>You pause and gawk for a moment as they answer. Barely even understanding what they said.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Are you alright?<</speech>>
<p>You shake your head slightly and snap back to attention.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah yeah sorry. My mind wandered a bit. What did you say?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>She said the Priest ain’t here sweety. Come here and take a seat between us. Are you doing okay?<</speech>>
<p>You can’t help but feel warm and welcome by her slightly southern accent. The seat is uncomfortable. Hard wood with no cushion. It’s easy not to focus on it though. You have better things to give your attention to.</p>
<<speech "Marsha">>I’m Marsha, and this is Sister Alice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>What is troubling you? Perhaps we can help. I can’t promise that we know all that Father Mathews knows. But we have plenty of wisdom of our own.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Thank you so much, I’m $mc.name it’s nice to meet you both. My question is about demons though. I don’t know how much either of you know on the topic but-<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Now why would you go around messing with something like demons?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Ms. Marsha is right to ask. The thought of them alone can bring upon very negative consequences.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Really? Just thinking about them? I feel like people think about demons a lot in some way or another. Wouldn’t there be a real issue with them if just thinking about them could hurt us?<</speech>>
<p>Marsha giggles lightly.</p>
<<speech "Marsha">>You should come to service next Sunday. You might need a refresher.<</speech>>
<p>Sister Alice restrains herself from giggling as well.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>I agree. You should come to service. We are always under threat from evil. All of our sins start out as thoughts. Its part of why there is so much sin.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What if a demon promised good things though? What if one promised to help you? Can’t good things be done that way?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>They could. But it would still be wrong.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>How could good things be wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>A demon will always give you hope, and belief in a good outcome. But it is always false. You could ask a demon to help you with money. And you might use that money to do many wonderful things. But you will learn that that money was ill begotten. And all the good you will have done will be tainted.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>And now don’t forget, they don’t make these deals for your sake. They will always get something from you that you don’t realize. Until it’s too late.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Yes Ms. Marsha you are completely correct.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Don’t intentions matter?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Well of course they matter, hun. But, they don’t wipe away how it all wraps up. Wantin’ to cook your momma a nice dinner don’t clean the dishes after.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Such a wonderfully colorful turn of phrase, Ms. Marsha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Thank you darlin’.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So it sounds like you two think I should abandon even looking into this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Abandon is a strong word. I believe you should just be careful. It is impossible to know what a demon seeks to gain. So whatever has made you want to look into demons, might be the work of something that could end up harming you one day. When in doubt, the less you trifle the better.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Exactly. Preach Sister.<</speech>>
<p>The ladies have given you quite a lot to think about. And they have been so nice in the process. They almost make you want to come back on Sunday to attend the service. If for no other reason than to spend more time talking with them.</p>
<<if $app.charges>>
[[Follow your darker instincts and use the App to slutify the ladies (1 charge)|Searching For Answers 3][$activities.searchingForAnswers.choices.stage3 to "slutify them"]]
<a class="locked">Follow your darker instincts and use the App to slutify the ladies (1 charge)</a>
[[Thank the ladies for their time and be on with your day|Searching For Answers 3][$activities.searchingForAnswers.choices.stage3 to "thank them"]]
<p>You are in the church.</p>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="street">[img["resources/img/street/street.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Street</p></div>
<</if>><<if $activities.searchingForAnswers.choices.stage3 is "slutify them">>
<p>You came here looking for answers, and what you got was being mostly proselytized to. Vague warnings that frankly, you could have gotten from any movie about demons. You wanted something more concrete from a pastor, someone knowledgeable in the topic at all. Instead your time was taken up by two overly pious women rambling about anything to do with demons is bad news. You aren’t even sure if Asmo really is a demon. But you know that he has done more to help improve your life than anyone else has. These women can’t know that. And yet they act so judgmental and wise about something that they don’t truly know anything about. It lights a fire inside you. And it gives you an idea of how to knock these women down a peg, while letting you have some fun in the process.</p>
<p>The church is empty besides the three of you. Lucky for you. More lucky for them. Your phone lights up with the GrowUp App on your screen as you focus on Marsha and Sister Alice. You want them to let loose every slutty instinct that they’ve ever had. You want it to dominate their personalities from now on. Let loose every inhibition. Truly revel in the degeneracy that they want to shun. It’s the only thing on your mind and the thought is powerful. When the thought in your mind is the clearest, you tap the screen. The power of the App flows through and out of the phone. Both of their eyes glaze over for a moment. Like their minds are empty. Frozen in time as their thoughts are changed and warped. Marsha bites her lip. Her hands slowly begin to glide across her thighs. Her sexual need building with every passing moment. Sister Alice blushes hard. She can feel it building within her too. She just has much more restraint than Marsha.</p>
<p>Their eyes refocus and a wide salacious smile grows on Marsha’s face. She slowly pulls her top off. Revealing that she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath her otherwise rather conservative clothing. The sight of her bare breasts makes Sister Alice gasp with shock.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Ms. Marsha! What on earth are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Don’t have a cow, darlin’. I’m just getting some air. It can get so stuffy in here sometimes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>You are not alone it is not appropriate.<</speech>>
<p>Alice blushes harder. Her eyes never leave Marsha’s tits. Clearly appreciating the sight as much as you are.</p>
<<speech "Marsha">>Doesn’t seem like $mc.name minds. Seems like you like what you see too. Maybe you should air out a bit too, don’t ya think?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Oh, oh no I couldn’t possibly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Yes you can. Here, let me help ya out.<</speech>>
<p>Marsha slowly runs her hands along Sister Alice’s thighs, pushing the bottom of her abbot up. Sister Alice trembles at her touch. Her desires and her worries fighting one another. Her desires win though, with Marsha’s help. And soon the abbot is off. And her large silky white tits are bared for both of you to see.</p>
<<speech "Marsha">>Now ain’t that just so much better?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Y-yes. I think it is. The cool air is nice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>And showing this lovely little titties is nice to now ain’t it?<</speech>>
<p>Sister Alice doesn’t answer. Her blush extends to almost her entire body. Her lust is matched only by her shame for it. Marsha begins to explore the Nun’s body with her hands. Turning to you with a sultry expression.</p>
<<speech "Marsha">>I think you should be on your way now $mc.name. Alice and I need to have a chat. Be sure to be here for Sunday service. I really think you’ll enjoy it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yes ma’am I think I just might.<</speech>>
<p>Moans start echoing through the mostly empty church. Barely even quieted when you close the door to the entrance. Marsha and Sister Alice are going to have a lot of fun. You may not have learned much. But leaving the church, you feel much better than when you entered it.</p>
<<willpower 15>>
<<attunement 2>>
<<marshawillpower -50>>
<<marsharelation 40>>
<<marshastatus "Slut">>
<<alicewillpower -70>>
<<alicerelation 20>>
<<alicestatus "Slut">>
<<appcharge 1>><<set $alice.gallery[0] to 1>><<set $marsha.gallery[0] to 1>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Thank you both. I think I have to head out, but really thanks for taking the time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Oh bless your heart it weren’t nothing. Always so happy to help young men out when they need it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>You’re always welcome $mc.name. I believe I can speak for Marsha when I say we both hope to see you at the next service. Perhaps you might get more of the answers you need. And I can almost assure you that the Priest will be here on that day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Oh I certainly hope so!<</speech>>
<p>Both women giggle lightly.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’ll try to make it. Thanks again!<</speech>>
<p>You wave to them both as you leave. Taking one last long look at the inside of the church as you do. Thinking back on the conversation as a whole. You didn’t exactly learn much. But at least you can confirm a few things. Asmo most certainly has something to gain from letting you use the App. And it stands to reason that the more you use it, the more you help him. Whether you intend to or not. You need to find out what as soon as you can. Who knows what you might be contributing too. And you already know that Asmo won’t tell you. Coming back on Sunday might be helpful. But there has to be something else you can find. Maybe you’ll get a clue at some point. For the moment though, it seems like you won’t get many more answers no matter what you do.</p>
<<attunement -1>>
<<marsharelation 20>>
<<alicerelation 30>><<set $alice.gallery[1] to 1>><<set $marsha.gallery[1] to 1>>
[[Continue|City Map][$activities.searchingForAnswers.stage to 3]]<<NextPeriod>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Thankfully, the church isn’t busy during this time of day. It would be awkward if it got around that you’re asking the Priest about demons. Even if you didn’t have something to hide, that’s a series of questions that won’t look good to almost any audience. What does look good though, is the inside of the church. It always looks so much nicer and more magnificent on the inside.</p>
<p>It almost distracts you from your purpose for being here. Thankfully the soft murmurs of a pair of women talking pulls your focus back in. You walk over to them, cautiously trying to get their attention. Not wanting to be rude to interrupt them.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Excuse me, sorry to butt in. I was just wondering where I could find the Priest.<</speech>>
<p>They both turn to you at the same time. And it is in this moment that you realize how attractive they both actually are. One is a nun. She looks close to your age and even though she is almost completely covered, what little you can see is gorgeous.</p>
<p>The other woman is slightly older. Yet no less beautiful. She is dressed rather conservatively as well. And yet she still radiates beauty with her smile as she faces you.</p>
<p>You pause and gawk for a moment as they answer. Barely even understanding what they said.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Are you alright?<</speech>>
<p>You shake your head slightly and snap back to attention.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah yeah sorry. My mind wandered a bit. What did you say?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>She said the Priest ain’t here sweety. Come here and take a seat between us. Are you doing okay?<</speech>>
<p>You can’t help but feel warm and welcome by her slightly southern accent. The seat is uncomfortable. Hard wood with no cushion. It’s easy not to focus on it though. You have better things to give your attention to.</p>
<<speech "Marsha">>I’m Marsha, and this is Sister Alice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>What is troubling you? Perhaps we can help. I can’t promise that we know all that Father Mathews knows. But we have plenty of wisdom of our own.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Thank you so much, I’m $mc.name it’s nice to meet you both. My question is about demons though. I don’t know how much either of you know on the topic but-<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Now why would you go around messing with something like demons?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Ms. Marsha is right to ask. The thought of them alone can bring upon very negative consequences.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Really? Just thinking about them? I feel like people think about demons a lot in some way or another. Wouldn’t there be a real issue with them if just thinking about them could hurt us?<</speech>>
<p>Marsha giggles lightly.</p>
<<speech "Marsha">>You should come to service next Sunday. You might need a refresher.<</speech>>
<p>Sister Alice restrains herself from giggling as well.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>I agree. You should come to service. We are always under threat from evil. All of our sins start out as thoughts. Its part of why there is so much sin.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What if a demon promised good things though? What if one promised to help you? Can’t good things be done that way?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>They could. But it would still be wrong.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>How could good things be wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>A demon will always give you hope, and belief in a good outcome. But it is always false. You could ask a demon to help you with money. And you might use that money to do many wonderful things. But you will learn that that money was ill begotten. And all the good you will have done will be tainted.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>And now don’t forget, they don’t make these deals for your sake. They will always get something from you that you don’t realize. Until it’s too late.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Yes Ms. Marsha you are completely correct.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Don’t intentions matter?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Well of course they matter, hun. But, they don’t wipe away how it all wraps up. Wantin’ to cook your momma a nice dinner don’t clean the dishes after.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Such a wonderfully colorful turn of phrase, Ms. Marsha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Thank you darlin’.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So it sounds like you two think I should abandon even looking into this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Abandon is a strong word. I believe you should just be careful. It is impossible to know what a demon seeks to gain. So whatever has made you want to look into demons, might be the work of something that could end up harming you one day. When in doubt, the less you trifle the better.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Exactly. Preach Sister.<</speech>>
<p>The ladies have given you quite a lot to think about. And they have been so nice in the process. They almost make you want to come back on Sunday to attend the service. If for no other reason than to spend more time talking with them.</p>
[[Follow your darker instincts and use the App to slutify the ladies|galleryAlice1][$scene to 1]]
<p>You came here looking for answers, and what you got was being mostly proselytized to. Vague warnings that frankly, you could have gotten from any movie about demons. You wanted something more concrete from a pastor, someone knowledgeable in the topic at all. Instead your time was taken up by two overly pious women rambling about anything to do with demons is bad news. You aren’t even sure if Asmo really is a demon. But you know that he has done more to help improve your life than anyone else has. These women can’t know that. And yet they act so judgmental and wise about something that they don’t truly know anything about. It lights a fire inside you. And it gives you an idea of how to knock these women down a peg, while letting you have some fun in the process.</p>
<p>The church is empty besides the three of you. Lucky for you. More lucky for them. Your phone lights up with the GrowUp App on your screen as you focus on Marsha and Sister Alice. You want them to let loose every slutty instinct that they’ve ever had. You want it to dominate their personalities from now on. Let loose every inhibition. Truly revel in the degeneracy that they want to shun. It’s the only thing on your mind and the thought is powerful. When the thought in your mind is the clearest, you tap the screen. The power of the App flows through and out of the phone. Both of their eyes glaze over for a moment. Like their minds are empty. Frozen in time as their thoughts are changed and warped. Marsha bites her lip. Her hands slowly begin to glide across her thighs. Her sexual need building with every passing moment. Sister Alice blushes hard. She can feel it building within her too. She just has much more restraint than Marsha.</p>
<p>Their eyes refocus and a wide salacious smile grows on Marsha’s face. She slowly pulls her top off. Revealing that she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath her otherwise rather conservative clothing. The sight of her bare breasts makes Sister Alice gasp with shock.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Ms. Marsha! What on earth are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Don’t have a cow, darlin’. I’m just getting some air. It can get so stuffy in here sometimes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>You are not alone it is not appropriate.<</speech>>
<p>Alice blushes harder. Her eyes never leave Marsha’s tits. Clearly appreciating the sight as much as you are.</p>
<<speech "Marsha">>Doesn’t seem like $mc.name minds. Seems like you like what you see too. Maybe you should air out a bit too, don’t ya think?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Oh, oh no I couldn’t possibly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Yes you can. Here, let me help ya out.<</speech>>
<p>Marsha slowly runs her hands along Sister Alice’s thighs, pushing the bottom of her abbot up. Sister Alice trembles at her touch. Her desires and her worries fighting one another. Her desires win though, with Marsha’s help. And soon the abbot is off. And her large silky white tits are bared for both of you to see.</p>
<<speech "Marsha">>Now ain’t that just so much better?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Y-yes. I think it is. The cool air is nice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>And showing this lovely little titties is nice to now ain’t it?<</speech>>
<p>Sister Alice doesn’t answer. Her blush extends to almost her entire body. Her lust is matched only by her shame for it. Marsha begins to explore the Nun’s body with her hands. Turning to you with a sultry expression.</p>
<<speech "Marsha">>I think you should be on your way now $mc.name. Alice and I need to have a chat. Be sure to be here for Sunday service. I really think you’ll enjoy it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yes ma’am I think I just might.<</speech>>
<p>Moans start echoing through the mostly empty church. Barely even quieted when you close the door to the entrance. Marsha and Sister Alice are going to have a lot of fun. You may not have learned much. But leaving the church, you feel much better than when you entered it.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Thankfully, the church isn’t busy during this time of day. It would be awkward if it got around that you’re asking the Priest about demons. Even if you didn’t have something to hide, that’s a series of questions that won’t look good to almost any audience. What does look good though, is the inside of the church. It always looks so much nicer and more magnificent on the inside.</p>
<p>It almost distracts you from your purpose for being here. Thankfully the soft murmurs of a pair of women talking pulls your focus back in. You walk over to them, cautiously trying to get their attention. Not wanting to be rude to interrupt them.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Excuse me, sorry to butt in. I was just wondering where I could find the Priest.<</speech>>
<p>They both turn to you at the same time. And it is in this moment that you realize how attractive they both actually are. One is a nun. She looks close to your age and even though she is almost completely covered, what little you can see is gorgeous.</p>
<p>The other woman is slightly older. Yet no less beautiful. She is dressed rather conservatively as well. And yet she still radiates beauty with her smile as she faces you.</p>
<p>You pause and gawk for a moment as they answer. Barely even understanding what they said.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Are you alright?<</speech>>
<p>You shake your head slightly and snap back to attention.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah yeah sorry. My mind wandered a bit. What did you say?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>She said the Priest ain’t here sweety. Come here and take a seat between us. Are you doing okay?<</speech>>
<p>You can’t help but feel warm and welcome by her slightly southern accent. The seat is uncomfortable. Hard wood with no cushion. It’s easy not to focus on it though. You have better things to give your attention to.</p>
<<speech "Marsha">>I’m Marsha, and this is Sister Alice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>What is troubling you? Perhaps we can help. I can’t promise that we know all that Father Mathews knows. But we have plenty of wisdom of our own.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Thank you so much, I’m $mc.name it’s nice to meet you both. My question is about demons though. I don’t know how much either of you know on the topic but-<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Now why would you go around messing with something like demons?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Ms. Marsha is right to ask. The thought of them alone can bring upon very negative consequences.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Really? Just thinking about them? I feel like people think about demons a lot in some way or another. Wouldn’t there be a real issue with them if just thinking about them could hurt us?<</speech>>
<p>Marsha giggles lightly.</p>
<<speech "Marsha">>You should come to service next Sunday. You might need a refresher.<</speech>>
<p>Sister Alice restrains herself from giggling as well.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>I agree. You should come to service. We are always under threat from evil. All of our sins start out as thoughts. Its part of why there is so much sin.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What if a demon promised good things though? What if one promised to help you? Can’t good things be done that way?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>They could. But it would still be wrong.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>How could good things be wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>A demon will always give you hope, and belief in a good outcome. But it is always false. You could ask a demon to help you with money. And you might use that money to do many wonderful things. But you will learn that that money was ill begotten. And all the good you will have done will be tainted.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>And now don’t forget, they don’t make these deals for your sake. They will always get something from you that you don’t realize. Until it’s too late.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Yes Ms. Marsha you are completely correct.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Don’t intentions matter?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Well of course they matter, hun. But, they don’t wipe away how it all wraps up. Wantin’ to cook your momma a nice dinner don’t clean the dishes after.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Such a wonderfully colorful turn of phrase, Ms. Marsha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Thank you darlin’.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So it sounds like you two think I should abandon even looking into this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Abandon is a strong word. I believe you should just be careful. It is impossible to know what a demon seeks to gain. So whatever has made you want to look into demons, might be the work of something that could end up harming you one day. When in doubt, the less you trifle the better.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Exactly. Preach Sister.<</speech>>
<p>The ladies have given you quite a lot to think about. And they have been so nice in the process. They almost make you want to come back on Sunday to attend the service. If for no other reason than to spend more time talking with them.</p>
[[Thank the ladies for their time and be on with your day|galleryAlice2][$scene to 1]]
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Thank you both. I think I have to head out, but really thanks for taking the time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Oh bless your heart it weren’t nothing. Always so happy to help young men out when they need it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>You’re always welcome $mc.name. I believe I can speak for Marsha when I say we both hope to see you at the next service. Perhaps you might get more of the answers you need. And I can almost assure you that the Priest will be here on that day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Oh I certainly hope so!<</speech>>
<p>Both women giggle lightly.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’ll try to make it. Thanks again!<</speech>>
<p>You wave to them both as you leave. Taking one last long look at the inside of the church as you do. Thinking back on the conversation as a whole. You didn’t exactly learn much. But at least you can confirm a few things. Asmo most certainly has something to gain from letting you use the App. And it stands to reason that the more you use it, the more you help him. Whether you intend to or not. You need to find out what as soon as you can. Who knows what you might be contributing too. And you already know that Asmo won’t tell you. Coming back on Sunday might be helpful. But there has to be something else you can find. Maybe you’ll get a clue at some point. For the moment though, it seems like you won’t get many more answers no matter what you do.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Thankfully, the church isn’t busy during this time of day. It would be awkward if it got around that you’re asking the Priest about demons. Even if you didn’t have something to hide, that’s a series of questions that won’t look good to almost any audience. What does look good though, is the inside of the church. It always looks so much nicer and more magnificent on the inside.</p>
<p>It almost distracts you from your purpose for being here. Thankfully the soft murmurs of a pair of women talking pulls your focus back in. You walk over to them, cautiously trying to get their attention. Not wanting to be rude to interrupt them.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Excuse me, sorry to butt in. I was just wondering where I could find the Priest.<</speech>>
<p>They both turn to you at the same time. And it is in this moment that you realize how attractive they both actually are. One is a nun. She looks close to your age and even though she is almost completely covered, what little you can see is gorgeous.</p>
<p>The other woman is slightly older. Yet no less beautiful. She is dressed rather conservatively as well. And yet she still radiates beauty with her smile as she faces you.</p>
<p>You pause and gawk for a moment as they answer. Barely even understanding what they said.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Are you alright?<</speech>>
<p>You shake your head slightly and snap back to attention.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah yeah sorry. My mind wandered a bit. What did you say?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>She said the Priest ain’t here sweety. Come here and take a seat between us. Are you doing okay?<</speech>>
<p>You can’t help but feel warm and welcome by her slightly southern accent. The seat is uncomfortable. Hard wood with no cushion. It’s easy not to focus on it though. You have better things to give your attention to.</p>
<<speech "Marsha">>I’m Marsha, and this is Sister Alice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>What is troubling you? Perhaps we can help. I can’t promise that we know all that Father Mathews knows. But we have plenty of wisdom of our own.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Thank you so much, I’m $mc.name it’s nice to meet you both. My question is about demons though. I don’t know how much either of you know on the topic but-<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Now why would you go around messing with something like demons?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Ms. Marsha is right to ask. The thought of them alone can bring upon very negative consequences.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Really? Just thinking about them? I feel like people think about demons a lot in some way or another. Wouldn’t there be a real issue with them if just thinking about them could hurt us?<</speech>>
<p>Marsha giggles lightly.</p>
<<speech "Marsha">>You should come to service next Sunday. You might need a refresher.<</speech>>
<p>Sister Alice restrains herself from giggling as well.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>I agree. You should come to service. We are always under threat from evil. All of our sins start out as thoughts. Its part of why there is so much sin.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What if a demon promised good things though? What if one promised to help you? Can’t good things be done that way?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>They could. But it would still be wrong.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>How could good things be wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>A demon will always give you hope, and belief in a good outcome. But it is always false. You could ask a demon to help you with money. And you might use that money to do many wonderful things. But you will learn that that money was ill begotten. And all the good you will have done will be tainted.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>And now don’t forget, they don’t make these deals for your sake. They will always get something from you that you don’t realize. Until it’s too late.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Yes Ms. Marsha you are completely correct.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Don’t intentions matter?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Well of course they matter, hun. But, they don’t wipe away how it all wraps up. Wantin’ to cook your momma a nice dinner don’t clean the dishes after.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Such a wonderfully colorful turn of phrase, Ms. Marsha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Thank you darlin’.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So it sounds like you two think I should abandon even looking into this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Abandon is a strong word. I believe you should just be careful. It is impossible to know what a demon seeks to gain. So whatever has made you want to look into demons, might be the work of something that could end up harming you one day. When in doubt, the less you trifle the better.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Exactly. Preach Sister.<</speech>>
<p>The ladies have given you quite a lot to think about. And they have been so nice in the process. They almost make you want to come back on Sunday to attend the service. If for no other reason than to spend more time talking with them.</p>
[[Follow your darker instincts and use the App to slutify the ladies|galleryMarsha1][$scene to 1]]
<p>You came here looking for answers, and what you got was being mostly proselytized to. Vague warnings that frankly, you could have gotten from any movie about demons. You wanted something more concrete from a pastor, someone knowledgeable in the topic at all. Instead your time was taken up by two overly pious women rambling about anything to do with demons is bad news. You aren’t even sure if Asmo really is a demon. But you know that he has done more to help improve your life than anyone else has. These women can’t know that. And yet they act so judgmental and wise about something that they don’t truly know anything about. It lights a fire inside you. And it gives you an idea of how to knock these women down a peg, while letting you have some fun in the process.</p>
<p>The church is empty besides the three of you. Lucky for you. More lucky for them. Your phone lights up with the GrowUp App on your screen as you focus on Marsha and Sister Alice. You want them to let loose every slutty instinct that they’ve ever had. You want it to dominate their personalities from now on. Let loose every inhibition. Truly revel in the degeneracy that they want to shun. It’s the only thing on your mind and the thought is powerful. When the thought in your mind is the clearest, you tap the screen. The power of the App flows through and out of the phone. Both of their eyes glaze over for a moment. Like their minds are empty. Frozen in time as their thoughts are changed and warped. Marsha bites her lip. Her hands slowly begin to glide across her thighs. Her sexual need building with every passing moment. Sister Alice blushes hard. She can feel it building within her too. She just has much more restraint than Marsha.</p>
<p>Their eyes refocus and a wide salacious smile grows on Marsha’s face. She slowly pulls her top off. Revealing that she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath her otherwise rather conservative clothing. The sight of her bare breasts makes Sister Alice gasp with shock.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Ms. Marsha! What on earth are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Don’t have a cow, darlin’. I’m just getting some air. It can get so stuffy in here sometimes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>You are not alone it is not appropriate.<</speech>>
<p>Alice blushes harder. Her eyes never leave Marsha’s tits. Clearly appreciating the sight as much as you are.</p>
<<speech "Marsha">>Doesn’t seem like $mc.name minds. Seems like you like what you see too. Maybe you should air out a bit too, don’t ya think?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Oh, oh no I couldn’t possibly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Yes you can. Here, let me help ya out.<</speech>>
<p>Marsha slowly runs her hands along Sister Alice’s thighs, pushing the bottom of her abbot up. Sister Alice trembles at her touch. Her desires and her worries fighting one another. Her desires win though, with Marsha’s help. And soon the abbot is off. And her large silky white tits are bared for both of you to see.</p>
<<speech "Marsha">>Now ain’t that just so much better?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Y-yes. I think it is. The cool air is nice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>And showing this lovely little titties is nice to now ain’t it?<</speech>>
<p>Sister Alice doesn’t answer. Her blush extends to almost her entire body. Her lust is matched only by her shame for it. Marsha begins to explore the Nun’s body with her hands. Turning to you with a sultry expression.</p>
<<speech "Marsha">>I think you should be on your way now $mc.name. Alice and I need to have a chat. Be sure to be here for Sunday service. I really think you’ll enjoy it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yes ma’am I think I just might.<</speech>>
<p>Moans start echoing through the mostly empty church. Barely even quieted when you close the door to the entrance. Marsha and Sister Alice are going to have a lot of fun. You may not have learned much. But leaving the church, you feel much better than when you entered it.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Thankfully, the church isn’t busy during this time of day. It would be awkward if it got around that you’re asking the Priest about demons. Even if you didn’t have something to hide, that’s a series of questions that won’t look good to almost any audience. What does look good though, is the inside of the church. It always looks so much nicer and more magnificent on the inside.</p>
<p>It almost distracts you from your purpose for being here. Thankfully the soft murmurs of a pair of women talking pulls your focus back in. You walk over to them, cautiously trying to get their attention. Not wanting to be rude to interrupt them.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Excuse me, sorry to butt in. I was just wondering where I could find the Priest.<</speech>>
<p>They both turn to you at the same time. And it is in this moment that you realize how attractive they both actually are. One is a nun. She looks close to your age and even though she is almost completely covered, what little you can see is gorgeous.</p>
<p>The other woman is slightly older. Yet no less beautiful. She is dressed rather conservatively as well. And yet she still radiates beauty with her smile as she faces you.</p>
<p>You pause and gawk for a moment as they answer. Barely even understanding what they said.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Are you alright?<</speech>>
<p>You shake your head slightly and snap back to attention.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah yeah sorry. My mind wandered a bit. What did you say?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>She said the Priest ain’t here sweety. Come here and take a seat between us. Are you doing okay?<</speech>>
<p>You can’t help but feel warm and welcome by her slightly southern accent. The seat is uncomfortable. Hard wood with no cushion. It’s easy not to focus on it though. You have better things to give your attention to.</p>
<<speech "Marsha">>I’m Marsha, and this is Sister Alice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>What is troubling you? Perhaps we can help. I can’t promise that we know all that Father Mathews knows. But we have plenty of wisdom of our own.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Thank you so much, I’m $mc.name it’s nice to meet you both. My question is about demons though. I don’t know how much either of you know on the topic but-<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Now why would you go around messing with something like demons?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Ms. Marsha is right to ask. The thought of them alone can bring upon very negative consequences.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Really? Just thinking about them? I feel like people think about demons a lot in some way or another. Wouldn’t there be a real issue with them if just thinking about them could hurt us?<</speech>>
<p>Marsha giggles lightly.</p>
<<speech "Marsha">>You should come to service next Sunday. You might need a refresher.<</speech>>
<p>Sister Alice restrains herself from giggling as well.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>I agree. You should come to service. We are always under threat from evil. All of our sins start out as thoughts. Its part of why there is so much sin.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What if a demon promised good things though? What if one promised to help you? Can’t good things be done that way?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>They could. But it would still be wrong.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>How could good things be wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>A demon will always give you hope, and belief in a good outcome. But it is always false. You could ask a demon to help you with money. And you might use that money to do many wonderful things. But you will learn that that money was ill begotten. And all the good you will have done will be tainted.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>And now don’t forget, they don’t make these deals for your sake. They will always get something from you that you don’t realize. Until it’s too late.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Yes Ms. Marsha you are completely correct.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Don’t intentions matter?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Well of course they matter, hun. But, they don’t wipe away how it all wraps up. Wantin’ to cook your momma a nice dinner don’t clean the dishes after.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Such a wonderfully colorful turn of phrase, Ms. Marsha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Thank you darlin’.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So it sounds like you two think I should abandon even looking into this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>Abandon is a strong word. I believe you should just be careful. It is impossible to know what a demon seeks to gain. So whatever has made you want to look into demons, might be the work of something that could end up harming you one day. When in doubt, the less you trifle the better.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Exactly. Preach Sister.<</speech>>
<p>The ladies have given you quite a lot to think about. And they have been so nice in the process. They almost make you want to come back on Sunday to attend the service. If for no other reason than to spend more time talking with them.</p>
[[Thank the ladies for their time and be on with your day|galleryMarsha2][$scene to 1]]
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Thank you both. I think I have to head out, but really thanks for taking the time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Oh bless your heart it weren’t nothing. Always so happy to help young men out when they need it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alice">>You’re always welcome $mc.name. I believe I can speak for Marsha when I say we both hope to see you at the next service. Perhaps you might get more of the answers you need. And I can almost assure you that the Priest will be here on that day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marsha">>Oh I certainly hope so!<</speech>>
<p>Both women giggle lightly.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’ll try to make it. Thanks again!<</speech>>
<p>You wave to them both as you leave. Taking one last long look at the inside of the church as you do. Thinking back on the conversation as a whole. You didn’t exactly learn much. But at least you can confirm a few things. Asmo most certainly has something to gain from letting you use the App. And it stands to reason that the more you use it, the more you help him. Whether you intend to or not. You need to find out what as soon as you can. Who knows what you might be contributing too. And you already know that Asmo won’t tell you. Coming back on Sunday might be helpful. But there has to be something else you can find. Maybe you’ll get a clue at some point. For the moment though, it seems like you won’t get many more answers no matter what you do.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<<if $activities.theWomanScorned.choices.stage2 is "jock">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I played a lot of sports. Wasn’t particularly good at any of them but I was athletic enough to be okay at pretty much all of them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>A jock? I must say I wouldn’t have guessed that. You don’t seem assertive enough for that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>That’s actually how I ended up becoming a jock. I ran so fast in my first gym class in high school that the track coach spoke to me after. I didn’t really want to do it but I wasn’t very good at saying no.<</speech>>
<p>Megan chuckles lightly.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Now that I believe.<</speech>>
<<status "Jock">>
<<elseif $activities.theWomanScorned.choices.stage2 is "nerd">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>In high school? I was a pretty big nerd. I even competed in a couple academic decathlons.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You’re that smart but you want to work here? Why on earth didn’t you do something with that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I figured out during my last year of school that, I was just really good at remembering things. I wasn’t actually any good and putting any of it to use.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>If only you would remember to be on time more consistently.<</speech>>
<<status "Nerd">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Sorry, there really isn’t much to tell. I was a nobody in school. The only people who even knew my name were my best friend Emma, and the people who bullied me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You truly had no extra-curriculars? No wonder your resume was so short.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Nope, wasn’t in any clubs or anything. I would go from school, to either Emma’s house, or home, every day. I don’t think I even went to my graduation.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Maybe that’s why you end up being late so often. You have the idea that no one will notice, baked into that head of yours. Well I notice.<</speech>>
<p>There was something oddly comforting about the way Megan said that.</p>
<<status "Nobody">>
[[Your turn to ask something|The Woman Scorned 2][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Seems like you being open enough to answer her question has softened Megan up a bit. She starts scooping out the dough from the mixer bowl onto the large butcher block table to divide it into individual dough balls. She’s got a calm and rather pleasant look on her face. It’s hard to tell if she’s enjoying your company, or just the process of making the dough. But either way she is primed for you to ask her more to try and get close to her.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So how are you filling your free time? Now that you’re newly single and all.<</speech>>
<p>You chose to phrase it as newly single rather than divorced. Hoping that going with the more positive spin makes her a bit more willing to let you in.</p>
<<if $megan.status is "Humiliated">>
<<speech "Megan">>How I spend my time is my business.<</speech>>
<p>She replies with a snippy tone. Clearly your plan to phrase it positively did not help at all. Although, you can imagine that after the other day, she isn’t too interested in opening up to you. Her breasts were exposed to you. She probably feels like she has already shared way more with you than she ever would have wanted. Hard to blame her. But her snippy reply was still unwarranted. And the look on her face says that she knows it.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>I am as well. I should not have been so course with you. I just wish to keep my private life and professional life separate. One shouldn’t affect the other.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I get that. I just wanted to be helpful. Maybe try and make the private life good as I try to make your work life easier too.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>It is a kind thought. But it’s also easier said than done.<</speech>>
<p>She looks up from the dough at you. Your eyes meet and there is a brief moment of tense silence. As if you’re both waiting for the other to say something. Or maybe hoping that the other will say something.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Yeah… my divorce. How lovely to be reminded of that.<</speech>>
<p>She gives some snark to you as she replies. Clearly your attempt at better phrasing didn’t help in the slightest.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>It is kind of you to ask. But that’s my personal business. It isn’t smart to mix your professional life with your personal life.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah I get that. Sorry if I sounded nosy.<</speech>>
<p>She smiles warmly.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Don’t apologize. I appreciate that you care to ask. I have things to fill my free time. And if for some reason I didn’t, the restaurant will always be here for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>And I’ll be here too. Just in case.<</speech>>
<p>She looks up from the dough at you. Your eyes meet and there is a brief moment of tense silence. As if you’re both waiting for the other to say something. Or maybe hoping that the other will say something.</p>
<<if $app.charges>>
[[Use the App to have her let you into her life (1 charge)|The Woman Scorned 2][$scene to 2; $activities.theWomanScorned.choices.stage2B to "into her life"]]
<a class="locked">Use the App to have her let you into her life (1 charge)</a>
[[Respect her wishes|The Woman Scorned 2][$scene to 2; $activities.theWomanScorned.choices.stage2B to "respect her"]]
<<if $activities.theWomanScorned.choices.stage2B is "into her life">>
<p>She might want to separate her personal and professional life. But, what you want is to get closer to her. The better your relationship is with Megan, the better your life will be all around. It started with just using the App to make sure you’re on time, and to work against some of her more coarse personality traits. It’s becoming more as time goes on. She’s single. And you want to take advantage of that. It’s important that you go about this in the right way though. Using the App to just completely alter her into loving or lusting after you, might not even work. But if you continue down the path you’ve already begun, finding a point in which she falls for you herself might be rather simple. The next stepping stone along this path is blurring the lines between professional and personal. You pull your phone out and open it up. Your thumb hovering over the App as you focus on a particular thought. One of Megan welcoming you into her home. Sharing a glass of wine with you, talking throughout the night and enjoying the evening with her. A vision of her thinking of you as someone that she can count on. That she would want in her life. Once you have it, you press your thumb to the screen and activate the App. Letting it’s power work. In an instant her eyes go a bit dim, and in that moment you know it is the time to make your move.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>If you don’t wanna discuss that stuff at work, then let’s discuss it at your place. Let’s have dinner this weekend. We can have wine and you can tell me what’s be going on since the divorce.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>I really shouldn’t. That does sound nice. Fine. I suppose that if we make sure to only discuss work, at work. And let personal discussions only occur outside of it, then yes. You can come by this weekend.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Perfect, I’ll be there. And I’ll leave you to the work so I don’t bother you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Your presence doesn’t bother me. In fact it’s usually when you don’t show up that I’m most bothered.<</speech>>
<p>The two of you share a quick laugh as you head out. You remind her that you’ll see her in the morning. Waving goodbye and walking out the door. Saturday is a couple days away, but you can’t wait.</p>
<<willpower 10>>
<<attunement 1>>
<<meganwillpower -25>>
<<meganrelation 15>>
<<appcharge 1>><<set $megan.gallery[7] to 1>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I think I’ll head out then. Let you get back to your work. Just know if you need someone to spend time with, I’m usually available.<</speech>>
<p>As you’re turning to leave Megan sighs. She stops dividing the dough and hesitates. Clearly deep in thought.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Wait.<</speech>>
<p>You halt immediately. Turning back to her to see what she stopped you for. She continues to hesitate. A pregnant pause between you lasts longer than you’d like. Until she finally breaks the silence.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Come over to my home on Saturday. I have nothing to do but drink some wine. So I would at least prefer to do that with someone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Sure thing, I’ll be there.<</speech>>
<p>You smile warmly at her. And she returns the smile, but hers is a bit more terse. Part of you wonders why she would change her mind. And you have some theories as to why. But you don’t ask. Figuring it’s better to not know than to risk picking at it and maybe getting uninvited. You wave goodbye to her and head out. Looking forward to Saturday.</p>
<<meganwillpower 5>>
<<meganrelation 20>><<set $megan.gallery[8] to 1>>
[[Continue|City Map][$activities.theWomanScorned.stage to 2]]<<NextPeriod>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<<speech "Megan">>Back here again? Are you trying to get overtime out of me or do you not have anything better to do than spend your whole day at work?<</speech>>
<p>Megan is pouring ingredients in the stand mixer for the pizza dough as you walk back and start speaking with her. She’s prepping more dough to rise over night in the fridge to be used tomorrow. She greets you with a soft smile. Not really looking at you though as she focuses on her work.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’d be an idiot to ask you for overtime.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You would. So it’s the other answer then? Nothing better to do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Maybe I just wanna keep enjoying the smell of your pizza. It’s half the reason why I got a job here, if you remember.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh I remember. You were practically drooling during the entire interview.<</speech>>
<p>You’d never admit that the real reason was that Megan’s shirt was a bit too shear that day. But your love for that smell made for a great excuse. You lean against the table as you respond, looking up at her with an expression of interest and admiration.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I really just enjoyed our last talk though. It felt pretty good getting to know you more.<</speech>>
<p>She furrows her brow a bit. Her desire to keep her private life, private, is making her feel a bit uncomfortable. Even with your uses of the App, you can tell that deep down she hates telling others about her life and her problems. Before you can say another word though, she pops up and stares at you with a haughty look.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>I’m sure you did. Why don’t you return the favor then? I let you in. It’s only fair that you do the same.<</speech>>
<p>You don’t the feeling that she actually cares very much. If she did, she wouldn’t just be asking you about yourself now. But even though it’s an obvious deflection, she does make a good point about it being fair.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>True, what would you wanna know? I haven’t really had the most exciting life up to this point.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>I didn’t have anything specific in mind. How about you just tell me what you were like in school.<</speech>>
<<if $activities.theWomanScorned.choices.stage2 is "jock">>
[[You were a Jock|galleryMegan8][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $activities.theWomanScorned.choices.stage2 is "nerd">>
[[You were a Nerd|galleryMegan8][$scene to 1]]
[[You were a Nobody|galleryMegan8][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<if $activities.theWomanScorned.choices.stage2 is "jock">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I played a lot of sports. Wasn’t particularly good at any of them but I was athletic enough to be okay at pretty much all of them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>A jock? I must say I wouldn’t have guessed that. You don’t seem assertive enough for that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>That’s actually how I ended up becoming a jock. I ran so fast in my first gym class in high school that the track coach spoke to me after. I didn’t really want to do it but I wasn’t very good at saying no.<</speech>>
<p>Megan chuckles lightly.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Now that I believe.<</speech>>
<<elseif $activities.theWomanScorned.choices.stage2 is "nerd">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>In high school? I was a pretty big nerd. I even competed in a couple academic decathlons.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You’re that smart but you want to work here? Why on earth didn’t you do something with that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I figured out during my last year of school that, I was just really good at remembering things. I wasn’t actually any good and putting any of it to use.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>If only you would remember to be on time more consistently.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Sorry, there really isn’t much to tell. I was a nobody in school. The only people who even knew my name were my best friend Emma, and the people who bullied me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You truly had no extra-curriculars? No wonder your resume was so short.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Nope, wasn’t in any clubs or anything. I would go from school, to either Emma’s house, or home, every day. I don’t think I even went to my graduation.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Maybe that’s why you end up being late so often. You have the idea that no one will notice, baked into that head of yours. Well I notice.<</speech>>
<p>There was something oddly comforting about the way Megan said that.</p>
[[Your turn to ask something|galleryMegan8][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Seems like you being open enough to answer her question has softened Megan up a bit. She starts scooping out the dough from the mixer bowl onto the large butcher block table to divide it into individual dough balls. She’s got a calm and rather pleasant look on her face. It’s hard to tell if she’s enjoying your company, or just the process of making the dough. But either way she is primed for you to ask her more to try and get close to her.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So how are you filling your free time? Now that you’re newly single and all.<</speech>>
<p>You chose to phrase it as newly single rather than divorced. Hoping that going with the more positive spin makes her a bit more willing to let you in.</p>
<<if $megan.status is "Humiliated">>
<<speech "Megan">>How I spend my time is my business.<</speech>>
<p>She replies with a snippy tone. Clearly your plan to phrase it positively did not help at all. Although, you can imagine that after the other day, she isn’t too interested in opening up to you. Her breasts were exposed to you. She probably feels like she has already shared way more with you than she ever would have wanted. Hard to blame her. But her snippy reply was still unwarranted. And the look on her face says that she knows it.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>I am as well. I should not have been so course with you. I just wish to keep my private life and professional life separate. One shouldn’t affect the other.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I get that. I just wanted to be helpful. Maybe try and make the private life good as I try to make your work life easier too.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>It is a kind thought. But it’s also easier said than done.<</speech>>
<p>She looks up from the dough at you. Your eyes meet and there is a brief moment of tense silence. As if you’re both waiting for the other to say something. Or maybe hoping that the other will say something.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Yeah… my divorce. How lovely to be reminded of that.<</speech>>
<p>She gives some snark to you as she replies. Clearly your attempt at better phrasing didn’t help in the slightest.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>It is kind of you to ask. But that’s my personal business. It isn’t smart to mix your professional life with your personal life.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah I get that. Sorry if I sounded nosy.<</speech>>
<p>She smiles warmly.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Don’t apologize. I appreciate that you care to ask. I have things to fill my free time. And if for some reason I didn’t, the restaurant will always be here for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>And I’ll be here too. Just in case.<</speech>>
<p>She looks up from the dough at you. Your eyes meet and there is a brief moment of tense silence. As if you’re both waiting for the other to say something. Or maybe hoping that the other will say something.</p>
[[Use the App to have her let you into her life|galleryMegan8][$scene to 3]]
<p>She might want to separate her personal and professional life. But, what you want is to get closer to her. The better your relationship is with Megan, the better your life will be all around. It started with just using the App to make sure you’re on time, and to work against some of her more coarse personality traits. It’s becoming more as time goes on. She’s single. And you want to take advantage of that. It’s important that you go about this in the right way though. Using the App to just completely alter her into loving or lusting after you, might not even work. But if you continue down the path you’ve already begun, finding a point in which she falls for you herself might be rather simple. The next stepping stone along this path is blurring the lines between professional and personal. You pull your phone out and open it up. Your thumb hovering over the App as you focus on a particular thought. One of Megan welcoming you into her home. Sharing a glass of wine with you, talking throughout the night and enjoying the evening with her. A vision of her thinking of you as someone that she can count on. That she would want in her life. Once you have it, you press your thumb to the screen and activate the App. Letting it’s power work. In an instant her eyes go a bit dim, and in that moment you know it is the time to make your move.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>If you don’t wanna discuss that stuff at work, then let’s discuss it at your place. Let’s have dinner this weekend. We can have wine and you can tell me what’s be going on since the divorce.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>I really shouldn’t. That does sound nice. Fine. I suppose that if we make sure to only discuss work, at work. And let personal discussions only occur outside of it, then yes. You can come by this weekend.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Perfect, I’ll be there. And I’ll leave you to the work so I don’t bother you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Your presence doesn’t bother me. In fact it’s usually when you don’t show up that I’m most bothered.<</speech>>
<p>The two of you share a quick laugh as you head out. You remind her that you’ll see her in the morning. Waving goodbye and walking out the door. Saturday is a couple days away, but you can’t wait.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<<speech "Megan">>Back here again? Are you trying to get overtime out of me or do you not have anything better to do than spend your whole day at work?<</speech>>
<p>Megan is pouring ingredients in the stand mixer for the pizza dough as you walk back and start speaking with her. She’s prepping more dough to rise over night in the fridge to be used tomorrow. She greets you with a soft smile. Not really looking at you though as she focuses on her work.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’d be an idiot to ask you for overtime.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You would. So it’s the other answer then? Nothing better to do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Maybe I just wanna keep enjoying the smell of your pizza. It’s half the reason why I got a job here, if you remember.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh I remember. You were practically drooling during the entire interview.<</speech>>
<p>You’d never admit that the real reason was that Megan’s shirt was a bit too shear that day. But your love for that smell made for a great excuse. You lean against the table as you respond, looking up at her with an expression of interest and admiration.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I really just enjoyed our last talk though. It felt pretty good getting to know you more.<</speech>>
<p>She furrows her brow a bit. Her desire to keep her private life, private, is making her feel a bit uncomfortable. Even with your uses of the App, you can tell that deep down she hates telling others about her life and her problems. Before you can say another word though, she pops up and stares at you with a haughty look.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>I’m sure you did. Why don’t you return the favor then? I let you in. It’s only fair that you do the same.<</speech>>
<p>You don’t the feeling that she actually cares very much. If she did, she wouldn’t just be asking you about yourself now. But even though it’s an obvious deflection, she does make a good point about it being fair.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>True, what would you wanna know? I haven’t really had the most exciting life up to this point.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>I didn’t have anything specific in mind. How about you just tell me what you were like in school.<</speech>>
<<if $activities.theWomanScorned.choices.stage2 is "jock">>
[[You were a Jock|galleryMegan9][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $activities.theWomanScorned.choices.stage2 is "nerd">>
[[You were a Nerd|galleryMegan9][$scene to 1]]
[[You were a Nobody|galleryMegan9][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<if $activities.theWomanScorned.choices.stage2 is "jock">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I played a lot of sports. Wasn’t particularly good at any of them but I was athletic enough to be okay at pretty much all of them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>A jock? I must say I wouldn’t have guessed that. You don’t seem assertive enough for that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>That’s actually how I ended up becoming a jock. I ran so fast in my first gym class in high school that the track coach spoke to me after. I didn’t really want to do it but I wasn’t very good at saying no.<</speech>>
<p>Megan chuckles lightly.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Now that I believe.<</speech>>
<<elseif $activities.theWomanScorned.choices.stage2 is "nerd">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>In high school? I was a pretty big nerd. I even competed in a couple academic decathlons.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You’re that smart but you want to work here? Why on earth didn’t you do something with that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I figured out during my last year of school that, I was just really good at remembering things. I wasn’t actually any good and putting any of it to use.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>If only you would remember to be on time more consistently.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Sorry, there really isn’t much to tell. I was a nobody in school. The only people who even knew my name were my best friend Emma, and the people who bullied me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You truly had no extra-curriculars? No wonder your resume was so short.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Nope, wasn’t in any clubs or anything. I would go from school, to either Emma’s house, or home, every day. I don’t think I even went to my graduation.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Maybe that’s why you end up being late so often. You have the idea that no one will notice, baked into that head of yours. Well I notice.<</speech>>
<p>There was something oddly comforting about the way Megan said that.</p>
[[Your turn to ask something|galleryMegan9][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Seems like you being open enough to answer her question has softened Megan up a bit. She starts scooping out the dough from the mixer bowl onto the large butcher block table to divide it into individual dough balls. She’s got a calm and rather pleasant look on her face. It’s hard to tell if she’s enjoying your company, or just the process of making the dough. But either way she is primed for you to ask her more to try and get close to her.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So how are you filling your free time? Now that you’re newly single and all.<</speech>>
<p>You chose to phrase it as newly single rather than divorced. Hoping that going with the more positive spin makes her a bit more willing to let you in.</p>
<<if $megan.status is "Humiliated">>
<<speech "Megan">>How I spend my time is my business.<</speech>>
<p>She replies with a snippy tone. Clearly your plan to phrase it positively did not help at all. Although, you can imagine that after the other day, she isn’t too interested in opening up to you. Her breasts were exposed to you. She probably feels like she has already shared way more with you than she ever would have wanted. Hard to blame her. But her snippy reply was still unwarranted. And the look on her face says that she knows it.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>I am as well. I should not have been so course with you. I just wish to keep my private life and professional life separate. One shouldn’t affect the other.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I get that. I just wanted to be helpful. Maybe try and make the private life good as I try to make your work life easier too.<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>It is a kind thought. But it’s also easier said than done.<</speech>>
<p>She looks up from the dough at you. Your eyes meet and there is a brief moment of tense silence. As if you’re both waiting for the other to say something. Or maybe hoping that the other will say something.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Yeah… my divorce. How lovely to be reminded of that.<</speech>>
<p>She gives some snark to you as she replies. Clearly your attempt at better phrasing didn’t help in the slightest.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>It is kind of you to ask. But that’s my personal business. It isn’t smart to mix your professional life with your personal life.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah I get that. Sorry if I sounded nosy.<</speech>>
<p>She smiles warmly.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Don’t apologize. I appreciate that you care to ask. I have things to fill my free time. And if for some reason I didn’t, the restaurant will always be here for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>And I’ll be here too. Just in case.<</speech>>
<p>She looks up from the dough at you. Your eyes meet and there is a brief moment of tense silence. As if you’re both waiting for the other to say something. Or maybe hoping that the other will say something.</p>
[[Respect her wishes|galleryMegan9][$scene to 3]]
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I think I’ll head out then. Let you get back to your work. Just know if you need someone to spend time with, I’m usually available.<</speech>>
<p>As you’re turning to leave Megan sighs. She stops dividing the dough and hesitates. Clearly deep in thought.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Wait.<</speech>>
<p>You halt immediately. Turning back to her to see what she stopped you for. She continues to hesitate. A pregnant pause between you lasts longer than you’d like. Until she finally breaks the silence.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Come over to my home on Saturday. I have nothing to do but drink some wine. So I would at least prefer to do that with someone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Sure thing, I’ll be there.<</speech>>
<p>You smile warmly at her. And she returns the smile, but hers is a bit more terse. Part of you wonders why she would change her mind. And you have some theories as to why. But you don’t ask. Figuring it’s better to not know than to risk picking at it and maybe getting uninvited. You wave goodbye to her and head out. Looking forward to Saturday.</p>
<</if>><<if $activities.gymRat.choices.stage2 is "leave">>
<p>The path of least resistance is preferable here. You can’t be sure that the App is strong enough to change this girl completely. Although, even if it was, whoever that girl is just isn’t worth the effort. Canceling your membership is a bit of a pain but once it’s done, there is nothing more to worry about or even consider. She is out of your life and hopefully you’ll never even see her again. You do have to find a new gym, but there are plenty in this city. It won’t take you long. Hell you could even just buy some weights online. The important thing is the conflict has been averted.</p>
<<willpower -15>><<set $mandy.gallery[2] to 1>>
<p>You have no intention of finding a new place to work out. This girl is the problem. And if the problem is going to be fixed, it will be fixed by changing her. Not by walking away from it. If she is going to dress skimpy and work out directly in front of guys, then she is going to crave the attention instead of being mad about it. You focus on this girl, and imagine her needing to be seen. Having an insatiable desire for men to ogle her. One that is so strong that it should become her primary desire. Turning her into a true and unabashed exhibitionist. With the thought formed, you tap the App and let it’s power work. Waiting just a few moments before heading towards the locker rooms to see how well the App worked on her.</p>
<<speech "Mandy">>Hey!<</speech>>
<p>You hear her say loudly, but in a whispered tone. Her head and hand are popping out of the locker room door, waving to get your attention.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What do you need?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mandy">>I need someone to wash my back.<</speech>>
<p>She gives you a sultry smile. You aren’t sure how it worked so fast but it’s like her personality changed so much that she is borderline a different person. She curls her finger, beckoning you in as she closes the door behind her. You follow in, enjoying the sight of her nude body. She soaps herself up and turns around, letting you see every inch of her. She has changed so much so quickly that she actually seems pleasant to be around.</p>
<<contentcreator Mandy>>
<p>Her skins is soft, so you wash it softly. Gliding your hands up and down along her back for her. She moans, both enjoying the feeling of you washing her. But also that you are seeing her like this.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m $mc.name, by the way. I figure we should know each other’s names if I’m gonna be washing your back.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mandy">>I’m Mandy. Now less talk, more washing.<</speech>>
<p>It’s funny how even when you turn her into an exhibitionist slut, she still manages to come off bitchy. Seems like there are somethings you can never change.</p>
<<speech "Mandy">>I hope you’re around next time I need my back washed. You do a decent job at it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Any time I’m here, I’ll be happy to help.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mandy">>Good boy.<</speech>>
<p>The fun may be over for now. But it seems like your visits to the gym are going to be a lot more enjoyable from now on.</p>
<<willpower 15>>
<<attunement 2>>
<<mandywillpower -50>>
<<mandystatus "Exhibitionist">>
<<appcharge 1>><<set $mandy.gallery[3] to 1>>
[[Continue|City Map][$activities.gymRat.stage to 2]]<<NextPeriod>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>After how rudely your last workout was disrupted, you had really hoped that today would be different. A simple workout, just come in and lift or run for a bit, then leave. Nothing complicated about it in theory. Then you see the same girl from last time walk in through the front doors of the gym. She starts to make her way towards the locker rooms. She’s dressed like she goes to a private school specifically for whores considering how skimpy her outfit it. And yet its just proper enough that it has to be a uniform.</p>
<<contentcreator Mandy>>
<<if $activities.gymRat.choices.stage1 is "forget">>
<p>She walks by and pays you no mind at all. Clearly the App did its job last time and made sure that she forgot ever interacting with you. Let alone remembering how rude and accusatory she was. Even thinking back on it makes you feel angry and embarrassed that she would even suggest that you were creeping on her. Thinking more on it, you come to the realization that making her forget you hasn’t actually changed who she is. And frankly, just being in a gym with someone like her feels like it could be trouble.</p>
<p>The woman notices you and sends a scowl your way while she passes by. Part of you wonders if you should have used the App last time. But the past is the past and at the moment you’re more concerned about your future. Remembering how rude and accusatory she was, it makes you feel angry and embarrassed that she would even suggest that you were creeping on her. That scowl tells you that she would be more likely to double down on it than ever consider that she might have been wrong. Being in the gym with someone who thinks and acts this way is bound to be trouble.</p>
<p>Continuing to come to this gym without making some sort of change is going to be completely impossible. Either you do something about this girl and her attitude, or you leave and find a new place to workout. Doing nothing is just going to get you labeled with something that you might not be able to live down.</p>
[[Leave the gym and never see this girl again|galleryMandy3][$scene to 1]]
<p>The path of least resistance is preferable here. You can’t be sure that the App is strong enough to change this girl completely. Although, even if it was, whoever that girl is just isn’t worth the effort. Canceling your membership is a bit of a pain but once it’s done, there is nothing more to worry about or even consider. She is out of your life and hopefully you’ll never even see her again. You do have to find a new gym, but there are plenty in this city. It won’t take you long. Hell you could even just buy some weights online. The important thing is the conflict has been averted.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>After how rudely your last workout was disrupted, you had really hoped that today would be different. A simple workout, just come in and lift or run for a bit, then leave. Nothing complicated about it in theory. Then you see the same girl from last time walk in through the front doors of the gym. She starts to make her way towards the locker rooms. She’s dressed like she goes to a private school specifically for whores considering how skimpy her outfit it. And yet its just proper enough that it has to be a uniform.</p>
<<contentcreator Mandy>>
<<if $activities.gymRat.choices.stage1 is "forget">>
<p>She walks by and pays you no mind at all. Clearly the App did its job last time and made sure that she forgot ever interacting with you. Let alone remembering how rude and accusatory she was. Even thinking back on it makes you feel angry and embarrassed that she would even suggest that you were creeping on her. Thinking more on it, you come to the realization that making her forget you hasn’t actually changed who she is. And frankly, just being in a gym with someone like her feels like it could be trouble.</p>
<p>The woman notices you and sends a scowl your way while she passes by. Part of you wonders if you should have used the App last time. But the past is the past and at the moment you’re more concerned about your future. Remembering how rude and accusatory she was, it makes you feel angry and embarrassed that she would even suggest that you were creeping on her. That scowl tells you that she would be more likely to double down on it than ever consider that she might have been wrong. Being in the gym with someone who thinks and acts this way is bound to be trouble.</p>
<p>Continuing to come to this gym without making some sort of change is going to be completely impossible. Either you do something about this girl and her attitude, or you leave and find a new place to workout. Doing nothing is just going to get you labeled with something that you might not be able to live down.</p>
[[Use the App and change her to your liking|galleryMandy4][$scene to 1]]
<p>You have no intention of finding a new place to work out. This girl is the problem. And if the problem is going to be fixed, it will be fixed by changing her. Not by walking away from it. If she is going to dress skimpy and work out directly in front of guys, then she is going to crave the attention instead of being mad about it. You focus on this girl, and imagine her needing to be seen. Having an insatiable desire for men to ogle her. One that is so strong that it should become her primary desire. Turning her into a true and unabashed exhibitionist. With the thought formed, you tap the App and let it’s power work. Waiting just a few moments before heading towards the locker rooms to see how well the App worked on her.</p>
<<speech "Mandy">>Hey!<</speech>>
<p>You hear her say loudly, but in a whispered tone. Her head and hand are popping out of the locker room door, waving to get your attention.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What do you need?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mandy">>I need someone to wash my back.<</speech>>
<p>She gives you a sultry smile. You aren’t sure how it worked so fast but it’s like her personality changed so much that she is borderline a different person. She curls her finger, beckoning you in as she closes the door behind her. You follow in, enjoying the sight of her nude body. She soaps herself up and turns around, letting you see every inch of her. She has changed so much so quickly that she actually seems pleasant to be around.</p>
<<contentcreator Mandy>>
<p>Her skins is soft, so you wash it softly. Gliding your hands up and down along her back for her. She moans, both enjoying the feeling of you washing her. But also that you are seeing her like this.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m $mc.name, by the way. I figure we should know each other’s names if I’m gonna be washing your back.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mandy">>I’m Mandy. Now less talk, more washing.<</speech>>
<p>It’s funny how even when you turn her into an exhibitionist slut, she still manages to come off bitchy. Seems like there are somethings you can never change.</p>
<<speech "Mandy">>I hope you’re around next time I need my back washed. You do a decent job at it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Any time I’m here, I’ll be happy to help.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mandy">>Good boy.<</speech>>
<p>The fun may be over for now. But it seems like your visits to the gym are going to be a lot more enjoyable from now on.</p>
<p>Every trip to the gym starts the same way. A quick trip to the locker rooms to enjoy a quick shower with Mandy. You explore each other’s bodies with your hands. And sometimes, you don’t even bother working out after. Sometimes it’s just for the thrill of the moment.</p>
<<contentcreator Mandy>>
<p>It was certainly worth using the App on her. You get to see a lovely body almost any time you’re at the gym. And now no one has to worry about her being a bitch and calling them out for something they didn’t do. Everyone wins.</p>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>The squeals and whirls of a motor rips you from your slumber. Your eyes are forced open to see Emma vacuuming and cleaning up your room. When you made her have that desire to clean, seeing your room be even mildly messy when she woke up next to you must have set her off.</p>
<p>You look over at your clock as see that she only really robbed you of about three more minutes of sleep before your alarm would have woken you either way. She doesn’t pay you much mind as you get up. Simply vacuuming and cleaning around you.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Good morning, Emma<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Good morning! Scooch, I need to get under your bed<</speech>>
<p>You do just as she asks and slide out of the way. Moving past her and into the hall. It’s time for a shower anyway. It’s kind of hard to ignore how good it feels to see her cleaning up the place though. Especially in that skimpy maid outfit. A knock on the front door snaps you out of your focus on her though.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Who the hell could that be, this early?<</speech>>
[[Answer the door|gallerySis9][$scene to 1]]<<addclass "body" "bedroom">>
<p>The banging practically reverberates throughout the hall as you approach the door. You don’t have a peek hole, so you just pull the door open. To your shock though, no one is there. Something shiny catches your eye as it slowly falls to the ground, though. Looking around, there doesn’t seem to be anyone around to have actually done the knocking. And a sense of anxiety suddenly fills you. How could someone have knocked and then disappeared that quickly? No way to get an answer to that now, so you just bend down and pick up the envelope. It’s a dark gold and covered in glitter. To the extent that it has the consistency of sandpaper.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Who is it?<</speech>>
<p>Emma was popping her head out into the hall. Looking over at you and waiting for an answer.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I have no idea. They were gone before I opened the door. They left this though<</speech>>
<p>You hold up the envelope for her to see.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>A gold envelope? It’s probably some stupid scam flier<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah maybe<</speech>>
<p>Emma had a point but between how hard the knocking was, and their sudden disappearance, you get a pit in your stomach that you just can’t shake. You open it up and pull out a piece of simple white paper. It’s thick and heavy, like card stock. There is some writing in printed calligraphy. ‘16 Windfall Manors, come alone and come immediately.’ Windfall Manors is the richest part of town. Politicians and business owners live there. You don’t know who lives at number 16. But, whoever does would shock you to learn that they even know who you are. Between the urgency of the message, and the oddity of it, you’re compelled to follow through. Heading back to your room and quickly getting dressed. You look at the clock and see that you have time to make a stop by this house before heading to work. And if you end up late, at least you will have this note to show Megan to explain why. Emma walks in to your room again and looks at you curiously.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Where are you going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>This envelope had an address in it. And told me to come right away<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>And you’re just gonna… listen to it? Are you an idiot? Don’t answer that, I know you’re an idiot. But do you have to be one right now? I don’t want you getting hurt or worse<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>The address is in Windfall Manors<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>What the fuck?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>That’s what I was thinking too. Gated community. Full of rich people. Doesn’t really seem like a scam to me. And if it is, it’s the most expensive scam someone has ever tried to pull<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Still, be careful<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I will. I’ll be back after work like usual, I promise<</speech>>
<p>It’s an empty promise and you both know it. But at least saying it is reassuring in it’s own way.</p>
<<return>><<addclass "body" "mchouse">>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>The alarm blares and your eyes shoot open. The new day has started and it’s time to get up yet again. Thankfully you manage to actually push yourself up out of bed today. Things going your way actually make getting up to face the day much easier. If only you had something to help like this App all along.</p>
<p>The bed feels oddly empty considering you remember distinctly that Emma had forced her way into it with you last night. She swore that she needs to keep an eye on you. Seems a bit odd that she would just leave you alone the next morning. But then you notice the sounds of the shower running. Seems like she figured you’d sleep through your alarm and could get a shower in before you woke up. Well you’re tempted to make her realize just how wrong she was, and join her in that shower. The second you get to the hall though, there is a loud knock on your door. So loud that it sounds urgent.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Who the hell could that be, this early?<</speech>>
[[Answer the door|gallerySis10][$scene to 1]]<<addclass "body" "bedroom">>
<p>The banging practically reverberates throughout the hall as you approach the door. You don’t have a peek hole, so you just pull the door open. To your shock though, no one is there. Something shiny catches your eye as it slowly falls to the ground, though. Looking around, there doesn’t seem to be anyone around to have actually done the knocking. And a sense of anxiety suddenly fills you. How could someone have knocked and then disappeared that quickly? No way to get an answer to that now, so you just bend down and pick up the envelope. It’s a dark gold and covered in glitter. To the extent that it has the consistency of sandpaper.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Who is it?<</speech>>
<p>Emma was popping her head out into the hall. Looking over at you and waiting for an answer.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I have no idea. They were gone before I opened the door. They left this though<</speech>>
<p>You hold up the envelope for her to see.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>A gold envelope? It’s probably some stupid scam flier<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah maybe<</speech>>
<p>Emma had a point but between how hard the knocking was, and their sudden disappearance, you get a pit in your stomach that you just can’t shake. You open it up and pull out a piece of simple white paper. It’s thick and heavy, like card stock. There is some writing in printed calligraphy. ‘16 Windfall Manors, come alone and come immediately.’ Windfall Manors is the richest part of town. Politicians and business owners live there. You don’t know who lives at number 16. But, whoever does would shock you to learn that they even know who you are. Between the urgency of the message, and the oddity of it, you’re compelled to follow through. Heading back to your room and quickly getting dressed. You look at the clock and see that you have time to make a stop by this house before heading to work. And if you end up late, at least you will have this note to show Megan to explain why. Emma walks in to your room again and looks at you curiously.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Where are you going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>This envelope had an address in it. And told me to come right away<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>And you’re just gonna… listen to it? Are you an idiot? Don’t answer that, I know you’re an idiot. But do you have to be one right now? I don’t want you getting hurt or worse<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>The address is in Windfall Manors<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>What the fuck?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>That’s what I was thinking too. Gated community. Full of rich people. Doesn’t really seem like a scam to me. And if it is, it’s the most expensive scam someone has ever tried to pull<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Still, be careful<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I will. I’ll be back after work like usual, I promise<</speech>>
<p>It’s an empty promise and you both know it. But at least saying it is reassuring in it’s own way.</p>
<<return>><<addclass "body" "mchouse">>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Feeling warm, comfortable, and down right euphoric is a rare way to wake up. But it’s also always the best. Sometimes it can just be from a really comfortable blanket on a cold winter morning. And sometimes it comes from waking up to your best friend giving you a blowjob for the first time. That latter is happening right now. And while it feel undoubtedly amazing, it also comes as a complete shock to you.</p>
<video src="resources/scenes/release3/emmabj.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Uh, good morning<</speech>>
<p>When you aren’t expecting a morning blowjob, it’s hard enough to think of what to say. Add on that this blowjob is coming to your best friend of many years, who just last night was confronting you about how you’re changing, and thinking of a good thing to say in this moment is next to impossible.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Good morning<</speech>>
<p>She replies with your dick in her mouth. So her words are jumbled but you’re pretty sure you got the jist of it. She doesn’t say another word. Just getting back to work bobbing her head up and down and sucking you with a passion that makes your toes curl. Eventually swallowing every drop of cum when you let loose into her mouth.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>I knew that would wake you up<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>That’s why you did that? Just to wake me up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>I have other reasons too. Like how I thought about what you said last night. And you were right. I do love the new you. A lot. I’m not gonna wait to show you that<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I don’t know what to say<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>You don’t have to say anything. Just come join me in the shower<</speech>>
<p>She gets up from the bed and pulls her top off for you. Showing off before leaving your bedroom and heading towards the shower across the hall.</p>
<p>It’s pretty unlikely that you’ve ever gotten up out of your bed faster in your life. Just as you’re about to reach the bathroom door though. There is a loud knock at your front door. The kind of knocking that sounds angry, or urgent.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Who the hell could that be, this early?<</speech>>
[[Answer the door|gallerySis11][$scene to 1]]<<addclass "body" "bedroom">>
<p>The banging practically reverberates throughout the hall as you approach the door. You don’t have a peek hole, so you just pull the door open. To your shock though, no one is there. Something shiny catches your eye as it slowly falls to the ground, though. Looking around, there doesn’t seem to be anyone around to have actually done the knocking. And a sense of anxiety suddenly fills you. How could someone have knocked and then disappeared that quickly? No way to get an answer to that now, so you just bend down and pick up the envelope. It’s a dark gold and covered in glitter. To the extent that it has the consistency of sandpaper.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Who is it?<</speech>>
<p>Emma was popping her head out into the hall. Looking over at you and waiting for an answer.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I have no idea. They were gone before I opened the door. They left this though<</speech>>
<p>You hold up the envelope for her to see.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>A gold envelope? It’s probably some stupid scam flier<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah maybe<</speech>>
<p>Emma had a point but between how hard the knocking was, and their sudden disappearance, you get a pit in your stomach that you just can’t shake. You open it up and pull out a piece of simple white paper. It’s thick and heavy, like card stock. There is some writing in printed calligraphy. ‘16 Windfall Manors, come alone and come immediately.’ Windfall Manors is the richest part of town. Politicians and business owners live there. You don’t know who lives at number 16. But, whoever does would shock you to learn that they even know who you are. Between the urgency of the message, and the oddity of it, you’re compelled to follow through. Heading back to your room and quickly getting dressed. You look at the clock and see that you have time to make a stop by this house before heading to work. And if you end up late, at least you will have this note to show Megan to explain why. Emma walks in to your room again and looks at you curiously.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Where are you going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>This envelope had an address in it. And told me to come right away<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>And you’re just gonna… listen to it? Are you an idiot? Don’t answer that, I know you’re an idiot. But do you have to be one right now? I don’t want you getting hurt or worse<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>The address is in Windfall Manors<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>What the fuck?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>That’s what I was thinking too. Gated community. Full of rich people. Doesn’t really seem like a scam to me. And if it is, it’s the most expensive scam someone has ever tried to pull<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Still, be careful<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I will. I’ll be back after work like usual, I promise<</speech>>
<p>It’s an empty promise and you both know it. But at least saying it is reassuring in it’s own way.</p>
<<return>><<addclass "body" "mchouse">>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>On your way to the address from the envelope, you notice a familiar face. As well as an unfamiliar one. Agent Smith is leaning against an all black Crown Victoria, speaking to a redheaded woman on the sidewalk. Both are wearing somewhat similar clothes. Both in a white shirt with black bottoms. The difference being that Agent Smith has a collared shirt with slack, and the woman has a more stylish shirt and skirt combination.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Well look who it is! $mc.name, right?<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith steps in front of you to greet you. The woman next to him looks at you sternly. Eyes like daggers jabbing into you. Reminds you a bit of how Megan used to look at you sometimes.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah that’s right. Agent Smith right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>That’s me. That pizza was amazing yesterday. Let your boss know that you guys have the best pizza in the city by FAR<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh thanks. I’ll pass that along, she’ll really appreciate that<</speech>>
<p>You turn to the stern woman and smile politely.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>And you are?<</speech>>
<p>She stares at your hand as you extend it to shake hers.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Oh I wouldn’t recommend that<</speech>>
<p>He laughs, placing his hand over yours to push it away from the woman.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>This here’s my partner, Andrea Doe<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>If you refer to me at all, I would prefer to be referred to as ‘Agent Doe.’ Not referring to me at all is ideal, though<</speech>>
<p>Her tone is icy and the words feel sharper than the look she is giving you. Either she doesn’t like men in general, or she just hates the way you look.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Oh don’t be a bitch Andrea. He seems like a good guy. Give him a chance<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>No.<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith shakes his head.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Anyway, how’s the search going? See anything you can’t explain since I talked to ya?<</speech>>
[[Tell the Agents about the Invitation you received|galleryAndrea1][$scene to 1]]<<addclass "body" "street">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Now that you mention it, something just happened that might be worth reporting<</speech>>
<p>Both agents perk up at the thought. Agent Smith takes a step closer to you, his demeanor changing to be a bit more serious. You hold up the envelope for them to see as you continue to explain.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Why would an envelope be something you can’t explain? Mail is a pretty easy to understand thing $mc.name<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Someone was banging on my front door really hard this morning. When I answered it, no one was there and this was on the ground in front of it. Whoever left it was fast. Because there was maybe a second or two between when they knocked and when I opened the door. And they were already gone<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith and Doe look at each other with a bit of concern.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>That might just be worth telling us about, I’ll admit. Who is it from?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Well, that’s actually the more inexplicable part. It doesn’t say who it’s from but it just says that I should go to 16 Windfall Manors, immediately. A nobody like me being summoned to Windfall Manor feels a little supernatural to me<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith cracks up at your point. Laughing boisterously to the point that he puts his hand over his stomach. Agent Doe’s expression doesn’t change. Like carved stone her face remains resolute.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>I’m actually tempted to agree with ya. But it’s still a little mundane for what we’re looking out for. No clue who’s address that is. But, if they live in Windfall, then they have a lot of money, power, or both. So be careful $mc.name. I don’t want to be buying pizza from anyone else<</speech>>
<p>You laugh with Agent Smith at his comment.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Don’t worry I will. And if it gets any weirder, I still have your card<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Good man! Good luck with whatever that invitation is all about. And keep in touch if something unexplainable comes up. Agent Doe lives in this neighborhood if you need us<</speech>>
<p>Agent Doe hits Smith on the shoulder clearly not happy that he told you where she lives. You say your goodbyes and walk past the pair as they return to whatever they were discussing before. And you set off once more to Windfall Manors. Your mind continues to race, as nothing really came from your conversation with the Agents. So you’re no closer to knowing what you’re about to walk into.</p>
<<return>><<addclass "body" "street">>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Windfall Manors might as well be a completely different city. The walls around the community are ten feet high, made with brick, and sport ornate iron spikes at the top. And the gate itself is a massive set of cast iron bars with the letters ‘W’ and ‘M’ adorning each of the gate’s pillars respectively. It’s almost intimidating to look up at it. And you know that if you weren’t invited, even trying to set foot in there would have you being grabbed by a security guard and charged with trespassing. But with the invite, the guards let you right through the gate without any issue.</p>
<p>Every house you pass is nicer than the last. The deeper you get, the larger they get. The more opulent, and the more expensive. You were invited the number 16, which is about halfway up the road. Looking at it, even calling it a manor feels insufficient. It’s absolutely massive, and you get the feeling that if you kept following the road to the end, you’d find a castle or two. Even the door knocker is made of gold. It might even cost more than your rent if it’s solid and not just plated with gold. It feels almost wrong to use it. But you do, knocking and waiting for whoever invited you to answer the door.</p>
[[A gorgeous woman opens up|galleryNiella1][$scene to 1]]<<addclass "body" "windgatemanor">>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<speech "Niella">>How may I help you?<</speech>>
<p>The woman who answers is elegantly gorgeous. Clearly older than you but carrying an astounding beauty. And more so there is a familiarity in her appearance. As if you’ve maybe seen her before. You can’t place it. But you definitely see it.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Uh hi. I’m not sure. I just had this invitation on my doorstep. It said to come to this address immediately. So… here I am<</speech>>
<p>You hand the envelope with the invitation to her. She takes it gingerly. Her hand moving slowly as if not sure if she is even allowed to take it from you. Her movements are second guessed and filled with trepidation. Her eyes quickly gaze over it before she simply gestures for you to enter. She turns and begins walking down the hall, back into her home. Her long heels clicking loudly against the tile floor. You close the front door behind you. Following her closely as she guides you into her living room. A room that compares to the size of your entire apartment. With large, black leather couches and chairs. Vaulted ceilings, and even a brick fireplace. A home that befits the likely astronomical cost of it. And the man sitting at the center of it, leaning back comfortably in one of the chairs, draws your attention in instantly.</p>
<<speech "Niella">>Presenting the man of this home, Luthor Windgat<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Nice to meet you. I’m-<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I know who you are, $mc.name<</speech>>
<p>The name, ‘Windgate’, instantly rings a bell in your mind. That’s Kathy’s last name. And suddenly the resemblance clicks. These must be Kathy’s parents. The woman stands beside the man, submissively. Suspiciously submissively. Money can buy a lot of things but even that level of just acceptance of someone else’s control seems beyond money’s reach. Everything about this situation is starting to feel more and more like some sort of trap. And the smarmy southern accent of Luthor’s voice seems to only make that feeling grow.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I can’t say that I know you two<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>As my wife Niella here already said, I’m Luthor Windgate. For now, that’s all you need to know. I believe you do already know my daughter, Kathy, though<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>We’ve crossed paths<</speech>>
<p>You can’t hide the indignation in your tone, so you don’t even try. Luthor clearly notices it.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So you’re the one who invited me here? What do you need?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I did. You see I noticed a slight change in my daughter’s behavior, that past couple days. Now normally, I wouldn’t pay much mind. But, call it sixth sense. I got the feeling that something unusual was at play. I took a look and found out that she decided to visit some dinky little pizza restaurant on these days. Where she spoke, with you<</speech>>
<p>You keep quiet, not wanting to tip your hand or give him anything. He’s making some clear insinuations but you won’t give him the satisfaction of playing into them.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>So answer this for me, $mc.name. Did you do anything, that might be causing these changes in behavior? Anything at all? A comment, an altercation, something… more?<</speech>>
<p>Luthor seems like he knows more than he is letting on. And it’s almost concerning how much implication is tied to his words. You’ll have to consider deeply over how you play this.</p>
[[Admit you’re the cause|galleryNiella1][$scene to 2]]<<addclass "body" "windgatemanor">>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah. I did something that Might be the cause<</speech>>
<p>You leave it vague. You have no way of telling exactly how much he knows already. Risking giving him more information is simply off the table. But so it lying at this stage.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>You don’t have to be cagey now. I know all about your little friend. Or ally, whatever you may call it. I have one of my own you see<</speech>>
<p>The admission catches you off guard. So much so that you can’t even help but have your surprise appear on your face.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>Now don’t go telling me you thought you was the only one<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I hadn’t thought that much of it<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I understand that. I suppose you would have learned one way or the other when you found someone that your ally couldn’t affect. That is beside the point at the moment, though. I have an offer for you<</speech>>
<p>An offer? Something tells you that this could only be trouble. But his other point sticks in your mind more. If Asmo couldn’t affect him, then one has to assume that his ‘friend’ can’t affect you either.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>I want you to work for me. Together, there’s no telling what we could accomplish<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What if I’d rather follow my own path?<</speech>>
<p>The suggestion makes Luthor’s face contort slightly into a soft scowl.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>In such an unfortunate case, you’d become a potential threat to me. One that I could not let alone<</speech>>
<p>The threat, vague as it may be, is clearly serious. Luthor Windgate is a man with the means to take you down even without his own demonic entity’s aid. Refusing just doesn’t seem to be much of an option at the moment. That being said, you do still have options of how to proceed. Your acceptance doesn’t have to be truthful. That being said, he is a man with wealth and influence. Maybe he wouldn’t be the worst person to get in bed with. And you could even negotiate and agree on a condition as well.</p>
<<if $quests.release3.choices.luthor2 is "work with him on a condition">>
[[Agree to work with him on a condition|galleryNiella1][$scene to 3]]
[[Agree to work with him, regardless of if it’s a lie or not|galleryNiella1][$scene to 3]]
<</if>><<addclass "body" "windgatemanor">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Alright, doesn’t feel like I have much of a choice. So let’s do it<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>You always have a choice now. And you done made the right one. But it ain’t as simple as you saying ‘yes.’ You’re gonna need to prove yourself<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Prove myself? How?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I care a mighty deal about loyalty. And I like when I method of ensuring someone’s loyalty. So you’re going to remove an obstacle of mine. Lucky for you, this just happens to be a potential obstacle of your own as well<</speech>>
<p>You stand there silently. Looking at him, expecting him to continue and get to the point.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>See now, there’s this group. Call em an organization if you’d like. That also knows all about our helpful friends. They just happen to hate our friends. Out there, trying to stop people like us from using what these friends so graciously offer us. They call themselves, Ouranius. And I do believe that you have even met one of them already<</speech>>
<p>You nod silently. Thinking about what Luthor is saying. It’s clear that the only person he could be implying is Agent Smith. Making you think back to consider your previous interactions with him. Does he already know about Asmo? Is he following you?</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So what exactly do you want me to do?<</speech>>
<p>Impatience stains your tone.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>The man you have encountered previously. He has a partner that I have discovered lives in your neighborhood<</speech>>
<p>Your thoughts immediately turn back to Agent Doe from this morning.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>She is an obstacle. More so than her partner. Prove your loyalty, by removing that obstacle from us<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Remove her how?<</speech>>
<p>Luthor laughs boisterously.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>Now that would be up to your discretion. I don’t quite care how you do it. Nor would I ever desire to learn. Just so long as she is removed from the board, so to speak<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Alright. I’ll see what I can do<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>Good man. I expect to hear from you as soon as it’s taken care of. Niella will give you my phone number, and escort you out<</speech>>
<p>You nod in understanding. Letting Niella walk past you, and following her to the front door. She opens it for you, allowing you to pass and handing you a piece of paper with a phone number on it.</p>
<<speech "Niella">>Thank you for visiting. Have a pleasant day<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even reply the door is closed. And you’re left alone on the front step. Wondering just what you’ve gone and gotten yourself into. Doesn’t seem like there is much sense in turning back now though. You just head to Andrea’s house and figure out what to do about all this.</p>
<<return>><<addclass "body" "windgatemanor">>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Windfall Manors might as well be a completely different city. The walls around the community are ten feet high, made with brick, and sport ornate iron spikes at the top. And the gate itself is a massive set of cast iron bars with the letters ‘W’ and ‘M’ adorning each of the gate’s pillars respectively. It’s almost intimidating to look up at it. And you know that if you weren’t invited, even trying to set foot in there would have you being grabbed by a security guard and charged with trespassing. But with the invite, the guards let you right through the gate without any issue.</p>
<p>Every house you pass is nicer than the last. The deeper you get, the larger they get. The more opulent, and the more expensive. You were invited the number 16, which is about halfway up the road. Looking at it, even calling it a manor feels insufficient. It’s absolutely massive, and you get the feeling that if you kept following the road to the end, you’d find a castle or two. Even the door knocker is made of gold. It might even cost more than your rent if it’s solid and not just plated with gold. It feels almost wrong to use it. But you do, knocking and waiting for whoever invited you to answer the door.</p>
[[A gorgeous woman opens up|galleryNiella2][$scene to 1]]<<addclass "body" "windgatemanor">>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<speech "Niella">>How may I help you?<</speech>>
<p>The woman who answers is elegantly gorgeous. Clearly older than you but carrying an astounding beauty. And more so there is a familiarity in her appearance. As if you’ve maybe seen her before. You can’t place it. But you definitely see it.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Uh hi. I’m not sure. I just had this invitation on my doorstep. It said to come to this address immediately. So… here I am<</speech>>
<p>You hand the envelope with the invitation to her. She takes it gingerly. Her hand moving slowly as if not sure if she is even allowed to take it from you. Her movements are second guessed and filled with trepidation. Her eyes quickly gaze over it before she simply gestures for you to enter. She turns and begins walking down the hall, back into her home. Her long heels clicking loudly against the tile floor. You close the front door behind you. Following her closely as she guides you into her living room. A room that compares to the size of your entire apartment. With large, black leather couches and chairs. Vaulted ceilings, and even a brick fireplace. A home that befits the likely astronomical cost of it. And the man sitting at the center of it, leaning back comfortably in one of the chairs, draws your attention in instantly.</p>
<<speech "Niella">>Presenting the man of this home, Luthor Windgat<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Nice to meet you. I’m-<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I know who you are, $mc.name<</speech>>
<p>The name, ‘Windgate’, instantly rings a bell in your mind. That’s Kathy’s last name. And suddenly the resemblance clicks. These must be Kathy’s parents. The woman stands beside the man, submissively. Suspiciously submissively. Money can buy a lot of things but even that level of just acceptance of someone else’s control seems beyond money’s reach. Everything about this situation is starting to feel more and more like some sort of trap. And the smarmy southern accent of Luthor’s voice seems to only make that feeling grow.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I can’t say that I know you two<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>As my wife Niella here already said, I’m Luthor Windgate. For now, that’s all you need to know. I believe you do already know my daughter, Kathy, though<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>We’ve crossed paths<</speech>>
<p>You can’t hide the indignation in your tone, so you don’t even try. Luthor clearly notices it.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So you’re the one who invited me here? What do you need?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I did. You see I noticed a slight change in my daughter’s behavior, that past couple days. Now normally, I wouldn’t pay much mind. But, call it sixth sense. I got the feeling that something unusual was at play. I took a look and found out that she decided to visit some dinky little pizza restaurant on these days. Where she spoke, with you<</speech>>
<p>You keep quiet, not wanting to tip your hand or give him anything. He’s making some clear insinuations but you won’t give him the satisfaction of playing into them.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>So answer this for me, $mc.name. Did you do anything, that might be causing these changes in behavior? Anything at all? A comment, an altercation, something… more?<</speech>>
<p>Luthor seems like he knows more than he is letting on. And it’s almost concerning how much implication is tied to his words. You’ll have to consider deeply over how you play this.</p>
[[Deny knowing anything|galleryNiella2][$scene to 2]]<<addclass "body" "windgatemanor">>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I couldn’t say that anything worth talking about happened. She came in, ordered food, was nasty to me like she has always been, and left<</speech>>
<p>You lie easily. With no positive emotional tie to this person or the family, there is nothing you fear ruining by lying to them. And you aren’t about to admit to manipulating their daughter anyway. Who knows how they might react to news like that? Luthor clearly doesn’t look very pleased by your answer though. He sighs before replying.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>I had higher hopes for you. I already know about your App. And what you’ve done to my daughter with it. But, out of curiosity and understanding, I’ll give you one chance to change your answer<</speech>>
<p>Shit, if he knows about the App he might know everything. You can continue to lie and deny. But making him made might not be the best course of action. However, who knows what might happen if you casually admit to having access to demonic powers from your cell phone?</p>
[[Deny deny deny|galleryNiella2][$scene to 3]]<<addclass "body" "windgatemanor">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>App? I’m sorry sir, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I appreciate the second chance but my answer remains that I don’t know how or why Kathy might be acting strangely<</speech>>
<p>Luthor sighs again. He pulls out a gun from his waistband and aims it at you.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>Now why would you go and make a silly choice like that<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even respond Luthor pulls the trigger. Three shots, three flashes, and three stabbing pains in your torso. Warm wetness spreads across your shirt. Red drips to the tile below you. Suddenly, the tile appears to be coming closer to you. You fall to the floor. Your sight dimming. And fading away into total darkness.</p>
<p>Pitch darkness…</p>
<p>And then, a voice?</p>
<<speech "DreamLord" "Asmo">>Your allegiance was your undoing. You protected me, and I shall reward you for it. But you must choose more wisely. I will send you back. This time, keep yourself alive<</speech>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<<if $sis.status is "Maid">>
<p>The squeals and whirls of a motor rips you from your slumber. Your eyes are forced open to see Emma vacuuming and cleaning up your room. When you made her have that desire to clean, seeing your room be even mildly messy when she woke up next to you must have set her off.</p>
<p>You look over at your clock as see that she only really robbed you of about three more minutes of sleep before your alarm would have woken you either way. She doesn’t pay you much mind as you get up. Simply vacuuming and cleaning around you.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Good morning, Emma<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Good morning! Scooch, I need to get under your bed<</speech>>
<p>You do just as she asks and slide out of the way. Moving past her and into the hall. It’s time for a shower anyway. It’s kind of hard to ignore how good it feels to see her cleaning up the place though. Especially in that skimpy maid outfit. A knock on the front door snaps you out of your focus on her though.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Who the hell could that be, this early?<</speech>><<set $sis.gallery[8] to 1>>
<<elseif $sis.status is "Soft">>
<p>The alarm blares and your eyes shoot open. The new day has started and it’s time to get up yet again. Thankfully you manage to actually push yourself up out of bed today. Things going your way actually make getting up to face the day much easier. If only you had something to help like this App all along.</p>
<p>The bed feels oddly empty considering you remember distinctly that Emma had forced her way into it with you last night. She swore that she needs to keep an eye on you. Seems a bit odd that she would just leave you alone the next morning. But then you notice the sounds of the shower running. Seems like she figured you’d sleep through your alarm and could get a shower in before you woke up. Well you’re tempted to make her realize just how wrong she was, and join her in that shower. The second you get to the hall though, there is a loud knock on your door. So loud that it sounds urgent.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Who the hell could that be, this early?<</speech>><<set $sis.gallery[9] to 1>>
<p>Feeling warm, comfortable, and down right euphoric is a rare way to wake up. But it’s also always the best. Sometimes it can just be from a really comfortable blanket on a cold winter morning. And sometimes it comes from waking up to your best friend giving you a blowjob for the first time. That latter is happening right now. And while it feel undoubtedly amazing, it also comes as a complete shock to you.</p>
<video src="resources/scenes/release3/emmabj.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Uh, good morning<</speech>>
<p>When you aren’t expecting a morning blowjob, it’s hard enough to think of what to say. Add on that this blowjob is coming to your best friend of many years, who just last night was confronting you about how you’re changing, and thinking of a good thing to say in this moment is next to impossible.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Good morning<</speech>>
<p>She replies with your dick in her mouth. So her words are jumbled but you’re pretty sure you got the jist of it. She doesn’t say another word. Just getting back to work bobbing her head up and down and sucking you with a passion that makes your toes curl. Eventually swallowing every drop of cum when you let loose into her mouth.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>I knew that would wake you up<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>That’s why you did that? Just to wake me up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>I have other reasons too. Like how I thought about what you said last night. And you were right. I do love the new you. A lot. I’m not gonna wait to show you that<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I don’t know what to say<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>You don’t have to say anything. Just come join me in the shower<</speech>>
<p>She gets up from the bed and pulls her top off for you. Showing off before leaving your bedroom and heading towards the shower across the hall.</p>
<p>It’s pretty unlikely that you’ve ever gotten up out of your bed faster in your life. Just as you’re about to reach the bathroom door though. There is a loud knock at your front door. The kind of knocking that sounds angry, or urgent.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Who the hell could that be, this early?<</speech>><<set $sis.gallery[10] to 1>>
[[Answer the door|Release 3][$scene to 1]]<<addclass "body" "bedroom">>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>The banging practically reverberates throughout the hall as you approach the door. You don’t have a peek hole, so you just pull the door open. To your shock though, no one is there. Something shiny catches your eye as it slowly falls to the ground, though. Looking around, there doesn’t seem to be anyone around to have actually done the knocking. And a sense of anxiety suddenly fills you. How could someone have knocked and then disappeared that quickly? No way to get an answer to that now, so you just bend down and pick up the envelope. It’s a dark gold and covered in glitter. To the extent that it has the consistency of sandpaper.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Who is it?<</speech>>
<p>Emma was popping her head out into the hall. Looking over at you and waiting for an answer.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I have no idea. They were gone before I opened the door. They left this though<</speech>>
<p>You hold up the envelope for her to see.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>A gold envelope? It’s probably some stupid scam flier<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah maybe<</speech>>
<p>Emma had a point but between how hard the knocking was, and their sudden disappearance, you get a pit in your stomach that you just can’t shake. You open it up and pull out a piece of simple white paper. It’s thick and heavy, like card stock. There is some writing in printed calligraphy. ‘16 Windfall Manors, come alone and come immediately.’ Windfall Manors is the richest part of town. Politicians and business owners live there. You don’t know who lives at number 16. But, whoever does would shock you to learn that they even know who you are. Between the urgency of the message, and the oddity of it, you’re compelled to follow through. Heading back to your room and quickly getting dressed. You look at the clock and see that you have time to make a stop by this house before heading to work. And if you end up late, at least you will have this note to show Megan to explain why. Emma walks in to your room again and looks at you curiously.</p>
<<speech "Emma">>Where are you going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>This envelope had an address in it. And told me to come right away<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>And you’re just gonna… listen to it? Are you an idiot? Don’t answer that, I know you’re an idiot. But do you have to be one right now? I don’t want you getting hurt or worse<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>The address is in Windfall Manors<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>What the fuck?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>That’s what I was thinking too. Gated community. Full of rich people. Doesn’t really seem like a scam to me. And if it is, it’s the most expensive scam someone has ever tried to pull<</speech>>
<<speech "Emma">>Still, be careful<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I will. I’ll be back after work like usual, I promise<</speech>>
<p>It’s an empty promise and you both know it. But at least saying it is reassuring in it’s own way.</p>
[[Head out|Release 3][$scene to 2]]<<addclass "body" "mchouse">>
<p>On your way to the address from the envelope, you notice a familiar face. As well as an unfamiliar one. Agent Smith is leaning against an all black Crown Victoria, speaking to a redheaded woman on the sidewalk. Both are wearing somewhat similar clothes. Both in a white shirt with black bottoms. The difference being that Agent Smith has a collared shirt with slack, and the woman has a more stylish shirt and skirt combination.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Well look who it is! $mc.name, right?<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith steps in front of you to greet you. The woman next to him looks at you sternly. Eyes like daggers jabbing into you. Reminds you a bit of how Megan used to look at you sometimes.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah that’s right. Agent Smith right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>That’s me. That pizza was amazing yesterday. Let your boss know that you guys have the best pizza in the city by FAR<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh thanks. I’ll pass that along, she’ll really appreciate that<</speech>>
<p>You turn to the stern woman and smile politely.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>And you are?<</speech>>
<p>She stares at your hand as you extend it to shake hers.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Oh I wouldn’t recommend that<</speech>>
<p>He laughs, placing his hand over yours to push it away from the woman.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>This here’s my partner, Andrea Doe<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>If you refer to me at all, I would prefer to be referred to as ‘Agent Doe.’ Not referring to me at all is ideal, though<</speech>>
<p>Her tone is icy and the words feel sharper than the look she is giving you. Either she doesn’t like men in general, or she just hates the way you look.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Oh don’t be a bitch Andrea. He seems like a good guy. Give him a chance<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>No.<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith shakes his head.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Anyway, how’s the search going? See anything you can’t explain since I talked to ya?<</speech>>
[[Tell the Agents about the Invitation you received|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 0; $quests.release3.choices.agents to "told agents about invitation"; $luthor.metToday to 1]]
[[Tell the Agents about the Invitation as well as Asmo|Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo][$scene to 0; $quests.release3.choices.agents to "told agents about asmo"; $luthor.metToday to 1]]
[[Say no, and politely move along|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 0; $quests.release3.choices.agents to "told agents nothing"; $luthor.metToday to 1]]<<addclass "body" "street">>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Now that you mention it, something just happened that might be worth reporting<</speech>>
<p>Both agents perk up at the thought. Agent Smith takes a step closer to you, his demeanor changing to be a bit more serious. You hold up the envelope for them to see as you continue to explain.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Why would an envelope be something you can’t explain? Mail is a pretty easy to understand thing $mc.name<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Someone was banging on my front door really hard this morning. When I answered it, no one was there and this was on the ground in front of it. Whoever left it was fast. Because there was maybe a second or two between when they knocked and when I opened the door. And they were already gone<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith and Doe look at each other with a bit of concern.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>That might just be worth telling us about, I’ll admit. Who is it from?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Well, that’s actually the more inexplicable part. It doesn’t say who it’s from but it just says that I should go to 16 Windfall Manors, immediately. A nobody like me being summoned to Windfall Manor feels a little supernatural to me<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith cracks up at your point. Laughing boisterously to the point that he puts his hand over his stomach. Agent Doe’s expression doesn’t change. Like carved stone her face remains resolute.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>I’m actually tempted to agree with ya. But it’s still a little mundane for what we’re looking out for. No clue who’s address that is. But, if they live in Windfall, then they have a lot of money, power, or both. So be careful $mc.name. I don’t want to be buying pizza from anyone else<</speech>>
<p>You laugh with Agent Smith at his comment.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Don’t worry I will. And if it gets any weirder, I still have your card<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Good man! Good luck with whatever that invitation is all about. And keep in touch if something unexplainable comes up. Agent Doe lives in this neighborhood if you need us<</speech>>
<p>Agent Doe hits Smith on the shoulder clearly not happy that he told you where she lives. You say your goodbyes and walk past the pair as they return to whatever they were discussing before. And you set off once more to Windfall Manors. Your mind continues to race, as nothing really came from your conversation with the Agents. So you’re no closer to knowing what you’re about to walk into.</p>
[[Head to the address|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 1]]<<addclass "body" "street">><<set $andrea.gallery[0] to 1>>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Windfall Manors might as well be a completely different city. The walls around the community are ten feet high, made with brick, and sport ornate iron spikes at the top. And the gate itself is a massive set of cast iron bars with the letters ‘W’ and ‘M’ adorning each of the gate’s pillars respectively. It’s almost intimidating to look up at it. And you know that if you weren’t invited, even trying to set foot in there would have you being grabbed by a security guard and charged with trespassing. But with the invite, the guards let you right through the gate without any issue.</p>
<p>Every house you pass is nicer than the last. The deeper you get, the larger they get. The more opulent, and the more expensive. You were invited the number 16, which is about halfway up the road. Looking at it, even calling it a manor feels insufficient. It’s absolutely massive, and you get the feeling that if you kept following the road to the end, you’d find a castle or two. Even the door knocker is made of gold. It might even cost more than your rent if it’s solid and not just plated with gold. It feels almost wrong to use it. But you do, knocking and waiting for whoever invited you to answer the door.</p>
[[A gorgeous woman opens up|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 2]]<<addclass "body" "windgatemanor">>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<<speech "Niella">>How may I help you?<</speech>>
<p>The woman who answers is elegantly gorgeous. Clearly older than you but carrying an astounding beauty. And more so there is a familiarity in her appearance. As if you’ve maybe seen her before. You can’t place it. But you definitely see it.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Uh hi. I’m not sure. I just had this invitation on my doorstep. It said to come to this address immediately. So… here I am<</speech>>
<p>You hand the envelope with the invitation to her. She takes it gingerly. Her hand moving slowly as if not sure if she is even allowed to take it from you. Her movements are second guessed and filled with trepidation. Her eyes quickly gaze over it before she simply gestures for you to enter. She turns and begins walking down the hall, back into her home. Her long heels clicking loudly against the tile floor. You close the front door behind you. Following her closely as she guides you into her living room. A room that compares to the size of your entire apartment. With large, black leather couches and chairs. Vaulted ceilings, and even a brick fireplace. A home that befits the likely astronomical cost of it. And the man sitting at the center of it, leaning back comfortably in one of the chairs, draws your attention in instantly.</p>
<<speech "Niella">>Presenting the man of this home, Luthor Windgat<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Nice to meet you. I’m-<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I know who you are, $mc.name<</speech>>
<p>The name, ‘Windgate’, instantly rings a bell in your mind. That’s Kathy’s last name. And suddenly the resemblance clicks. These must be Kathy’s parents. The woman stands beside the man, submissively. Suspiciously submissively. Money can buy a lot of things but even that level of just acceptance of someone else’s control seems beyond money’s reach. Everything about this situation is starting to feel more and more like some sort of trap. And the smarmy southern accent of Luthor’s voice seems to only make that feeling grow.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I can’t say that I know you two<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>As my wife Niella here already said, I’m Luthor Windgate. For now, that’s all you need to know. I believe you do already know my daughter, Kathy, though<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>We’ve crossed paths<</speech>>
<p>You can’t hide the indignation in your tone, so you don’t even try. Luthor clearly notices it.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So you’re the one who invited me here? What do you need?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I did. You see I noticed a slight change in my daughter’s behavior, that past couple days. Now normally, I wouldn’t pay much mind. But, call it sixth sense. I got the feeling that something unusual was at play. I took a look and found out that she decided to visit some dinky little pizza restaurant on these days. Where she spoke, with you<</speech>>
<p>You keep quiet, not wanting to tip your hand or give him anything. He’s making some clear insinuations but you won’t give him the satisfaction of playing into them.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>So answer this for me, $mc.name. Did you do anything, that might be causing these changes in behavior? Anything at all? A comment, an altercation, something… more?<</speech>>
<p>Luthor seems like he knows more than he is letting on. And it’s almost concerning how much implication is tied to his words. You’ll have to consider deeply over how you play this.</p>
[[Admit you’re the cause|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 3; $quests.release3.choices.luthor to "admit you're the cause"]]
<<if $quests.release3.choices.luthor is "deny deny deny">>
<a class="locked">Deny knowing anything (Will get you killed)</a>
[[Deny knowing anything|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 3; $quests.release3.choices.luthor to "deny knowing anything"]]
<</if>><<addclass "body" "windgatemanor">>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<<if $quests.release3.choices.luthor is "admit you're the cause">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah. I did something that Might be the cause<</speech>>
<p>You leave it vague. You have no way of telling exactly how much he knows already. Risking giving him more information is simply off the table. But so it lying at this stage.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>You don’t have to be cagey now. I know all about your little friend. Or ally, whatever you may call it. I have one of my own you see<</speech>>
<p>The admission catches you off guard. So much so that you can’t even help but have your surprise appear on your face.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>Now don’t go telling me you thought you was the only one<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I hadn’t thought that much of it<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I understand that. I suppose you would have learned one way or the other when you found someone that your ally couldn’t affect. That is beside the point at the moment, though. I have an offer for you<</speech>>
<p>An offer? Something tells you that this could only be trouble. But his other point sticks in your mind more. If Asmo couldn’t affect him, then one has to assume that his ‘friend’ can’t affect you either.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>I want you to work for me. Together, there’s no telling what we could accomplish<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What if I’d rather follow my own path?<</speech>>
<p>The suggestion makes Luthor’s face contort slightly into a soft scowl.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>In such an unfortunate case, you’d become a potential threat to me. One that I could not let alone<</speech>>
<p>The threat, vague as it may be, is clearly serious. Luthor Windgate is a man with the means to take you down even without his own demonic entity’s aid. Refusing just doesn’t seem to be much of an option at the moment. That being said, you do still have options of how to proceed. Your acceptance doesn’t have to be truthful. That being said, he is a man with wealth and influence. Maybe he wouldn’t be the worst person to get in bed with. And you could even negotiate and agree on a condition as well.</p>
[[Agree to work with him, regardless of if it’s a lie or not|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 5; $quests.release3.choices.luthor2 to "work with him"]]
[[Agree to work with him on a condition|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 5; $quests.release3.choices.luthor2 to "work with him on a condition"]]
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I couldn’t say that anything worth talking about happened. She came in, ordered food, was nasty to me like she has always been, and left<</speech>>
<p>You lie easily. With no positive emotional tie to this person or the family, there is nothing you fear ruining by lying to them. And you aren’t about to admit to manipulating their daughter anyway. Who knows how they might react to news like that? Luthor clearly doesn’t look very pleased by your answer though. He sighs before replying.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>I had higher hopes for you. I already know about your App. And what you’ve done to my daughter with it. But, out of curiosity and understanding, I’ll give you one chance to change your answer<</speech>>
<p>Shit, if he knows about the App he might know everything. You can continue to lie and deny. But making him made might not be the best course of action. However, who knows what might happen if you casually admit to having access to demonic powers from your cell phone?</p>
<<luthorrelation -25>>
<<willpower 5>>
[[Deny deny deny|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 4; $quests.release3.choices.luthor to "deny deny deny"]]
[[Admit you’re the cause|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 3; $quests.release3.choices.luthor to "admit you're the cause"]]
<</if>><<addclass "body" "windgatemanor">>
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>App? I’m sorry sir, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I appreciate the second chance but my answer remains that I don’t know how or why Kathy might be acting strangely<</speech>>
<p>Luthor sighs again. He pulls out a gun from his waistband and aims it at you.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>Now why would you go and make a silly choice like that<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even respond Luthor pulls the trigger. Three shots, three flashes, and three stabbing pains in your torso. Warm wetness spreads across your shirt. Red drips to the tile below you. Suddenly, the tile appears to be coming closer to you. You fall to the floor. Your sight dimming. And fading away into total darkness.</p>
<p>Pitch darkness…</p>
<p>And then, a voice?</p>
<<speech "DreamLord" "Asmo">>Your allegiance was your undoing. You protected me, and I shall reward you for it. But you must choose more wisely. I will send you back. This time, keep yourself alive<</speech>>
<<willpower 15>>
<<attunement 3>>
<<appcharge 2>>
[[The App is activated|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 2; $luthor.relation += 25]]<<set $niella.gallery[1] to 1>>
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Alright, doesn’t feel like I have much of a choice. So let’s do it<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>You always have a choice now. And you done made the right one. But it ain’t as simple as you saying ‘yes.’ You’re gonna need to prove yourself<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Prove myself? How?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I care a mighty deal about loyalty. And I like when I method of ensuring someone’s loyalty. So you’re going to remove an obstacle of mine. Lucky for you, this just happens to be a potential obstacle of your own as well<</speech>>
<p>You stand there silently. Looking at him, expecting him to continue and get to the point.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>See now, there’s this group. Call em an organization if you’d like. That also knows all about our helpful friends. They just happen to hate our friends. Out there, trying to stop people like us from using what these friends so graciously offer us. They call themselves, Ouranius. And I do believe that you have even met one of them already<</speech>>
<p>You nod silently. Thinking about what Luthor is saying. It’s clear that the only person he could be implying is Agent Smith. Making you think back to consider your previous interactions with him. Does he already know about Asmo? Is he following you?</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So what exactly do you want me to do?<</speech>>
<p>Impatience stains your tone.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>The man you have encountered previously. He has a partner that I have discovered lives in your neighborhood<</speech>>
<p>Your thoughts immediately turn back to Agent Doe from this morning.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>She is an obstacle. More so than her partner. Prove your loyalty, by removing that obstacle from us<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Remove her how?<</speech>>
<p>Luthor laughs boisterously.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>Now that would be up to your discretion. I don’t quite care how you do it. Nor would I ever desire to learn. Just so long as she is removed from the board, so to speak<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Alright. I’ll see what I can do<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>Good man. I expect to hear from you as soon as it’s taken care of. Niella will give you my phone number, and escort you out<</speech>>
<p>You nod in understanding. Letting Niella walk past you, and following her to the front door. She opens it for you, allowing you to pass and handing you a piece of paper with a phone number on it.</p>
<<speech "Niella">>Thank you for visiting. Have a pleasant day<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even reply the door is closed. And you’re left alone on the front step. Wondering just what you’ve gone and gotten yourself into. Doesn’t seem like there is much sense in turning back now though. You just head to Andrea’s house and figure out what to do about all this.</p>
<<luthorrelation 5>>
[[Head back to your neighborhood|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 6]]<<addclass "body" "windgatemanor">><<set $niella.gallery[0] to 1>>
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<p>There’s a certain comfort you feel being out of Windfall Manors. Those gates are made to keep people out but they serve just as well to give one the feeling of being trapped inside. Being free from that feeling helps as you have a multitude of other thoughts and feelings that you need to contend with at the moment. You can’t trust Luthor. That much is obvious. But you have a commonality that at least makes you feel like what is good for him could be good for you as well. And if he is telling the truth that the Agents work for an organization hell bent on opposing people gifted aid by a being like Asmo, then getting rid of people from that organization is ultimately to your benefit.</p>
<p>And yet, this is such a major action to take. You’ve just met Agent Doe. And you’ve only spoken to Agent Smith twice. Could you really treat them as enemies? Potentially even kill them? To your knowledge they haven’t done anything to you. But, they also might not know that you have Asmo helping you. Then again it’s awfully suspicious that they show up so soon after you met Asmo. And you never remembered seeing Agent Doe living near you before now. It’s all a bit too much. But you don’t have much time to make a decision. Every step you take brings you a little bit closer to Agent Doe’s home. Closer to having to make a decision. One that might set you down a path that you can’t come back from.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>$mc.name! Back so soon? They turned you away at the gate didn’t they!<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith laughs as he is leaning on his car outside Agent Doe’s home. It felt like you had been walking home for much longer than it took to walk to Windfall Manors. Agent Smith’s comment makes you check your phone though to see that it hasn’t been very long at all.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah that whole thing with the invite… was nothing but a scam<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Sorry to hear that. At least you were smart enough not to fall for it right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Right<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>So what are you up to now? Heading to work? Home? I’m really hoping work. I might follow you for some more pizza<</speech>>
<p>There is a pause as you consider how to answer, and what to do next. You can’t simply walk into Agent Doe’s home with Agent Smith right here. And doing nothing doesn’t seem like an option. If you just ignore what he said, especially after you said you would do it, who knows what type of hell he might rain down on you. And Emma for that matter. You can’t really risk putting her in danger. Agent Smith has always been nice to you though. Maybe you can ask him for help instead. Whichever option you choose, the choice has to be made now.</p>
<<if $app.charges>>
[[Trick Agent Smith to get inside (1 app charge)|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 7; $quests.release3.choices.agents2 to "trick smith"]]
<a class="locked">Trick Agent Smith to get inside (1 app charge)</a>
[[Admit the truth and ask Agent Smith for help|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 11; $quests.release3.choices.agents2 to "ask smith for help"]]<<addclass "body" "street">><<NextPeriod>>
<<elseif $scene is 7>>
<<if $mc.attunement gt 8>>
<p>These Agents are a threat to you and Asmo. And so long as Asmo is helping you, you will help him in return. Starting with making sure these Agents and the organization they work for can do nothing against him or yourself. You yank your phone from your pocket and in a blink of an eye tap the App with your thumb. Your mind focuses on Agent Smith and him leaving. Going home and forgetting that he ever even saw you at all today. Wiping every bit of your presence this morning from his mind until you’re absolutely certain that no matter what you do next, he won’t be able to suspect that you had any role to play what so ever.</p>
<p>Agent Smith wordlessly begins to walk away. His will not his own. Leaving and heading towards the center of the city. Presumably to wherever he lives. Watching him leave fills you with mixed emotions. He was nice to you. But it was likely all just an act. Getting close to you to get you to slip up. Who knows what might happen if you don’t work against him. He could be acting nice to do the same to you as what Luthor has asked you to do to Agent Doe. And you are not going to let that happen. Not to yourself, and especially not to Emma. Once he is gone and over the horizon, you are satisfied and ready to head in to deal with Agent Doe, as you were tasked.</p>
<<willpower 5>>
<<attunement 1>>
<<appcharge 1>>
[[Head inside|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 8]]
<p>These agents present a threat to you. And so long as Asmo helps you, you intend to help him return. And the risk of something happening to you or Emma because of all of this is far too great to ignore. It takes some quick thinking, but you come up with a plan.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I was actually headed to speak with Agent Doe<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>You were? Did she not give you enough dirty looks earlier? Or are you just into that sort of thing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>No I just feel like we got off on the wrong foot. And if she’s my neighbor I’d like to introduce myself properly to her. As my neighbor and not just as some guy who served her partner pizza sometime<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>I get that. Want some backup?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>No no, thanks. But I think this is something I should handle on my own ya know? You won’t be there every day but we both live here, every day. Either I make a good second impression or I don’t<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith gives you an odd look. You fear that suspicion is part of that look. But you see more worry in it. Worry for you. He clearly doesn’t think you’ll do well. Which will hopefully play to your advantage.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Don’t let me stop you. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you when she bites your head off<</speech>>
<p>The two of you share a chuckle. To risk any sort of awkward pauses, you head towards the house right away. Letting that be the end of the conversation so you can take the last few steps you have towards the door to consider how you are going to handle Agent Doe.</p>
[[Head inside|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 8]]
<</if>><<addclass "body" "street">>
<<elseif $scene is 8>>
<p>Three knocks reverberate through the front door. Your heart beats so hard that the thumping drowns the sound out for you. Seemingly hearing the blood pump in your ears. Thoughts of what you’re going to do run through your mind. It’s hard to imagine. You’ve never intentionally harmed anyone before. Even in some of your darkest moments, the thoughts of how you might go about it never even formed. There is no turning back in this moment though. This isn’t simply a matter of harming someone. It’s a matter of preventative self defense. Emma’s safety, as well as your own, have to matter more to you than someone you barely know at all. And even as she answers the door, staring at you just as she did earlier today. Her simply humanity makes the thought difficult once again.</p>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>What are you knocking on my door for?<</speech>>
<p>Your thumping heart makes it take a moment to fully register what she asked. Forcing you to snap out of your self induced trance.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I know we sort of met earlier, but I figured I’d come by and do it properly. I like to greet new neighbors. If we’re gonna share a neighborhood we should be on good terms right?<</speech>>
<p>Whether you believed what you were saying or not was irrelevant. It’s still just a lie to try and get inside her home. Alone and away from anyone who might see you both from the street. Her look is incredulous. But still softer than it has been any other time she has looked at you so far.</p>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Is that some sort of attempt at a pick up line? I can respect the attempt but if that is your best, you need practice<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh no, sorry. I didn’t mean it to come off like that. I really did just wanna take a moment, maybe have a cup of coffee or tea, and meet you. Like I said you’re part of the neighborhood. And I haven’t met you before. I feel like we should know each other<</speech>>
<p>She cocks an eyebrow up. Looking almost intrigued. She steps aside and raises one arm up. Silently inviting you in. Two steps in and she closes the door behind you. Almost slamming it with how hard it closes.</p>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Shoes off here. I don’t have any coffee. But I’ll pour you some milk. Take a seat on the couch<</speech>>
<p>You slide your shoes off and place them on a mat beside her own shoes. Stepping in and following her until you see the couch. Taking a seat and enjoying how comfortable it is. A momentary distraction from what you’re about to do. But one you don’t let sway you from your intentions. Intentions that you now have to plan to the fullest. Your next actions have to be deliberate and quick. You won’t get another opportunity like this.</p>
[[Kill her as Luthor asked|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 9; $quests.release3.choices.andrea to "kill her"]]
<<if $app.charges>>
[[Use the App, Asmo can help you find the middle ground (1 charge)|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 9; $quests.release3.choices.andrea to "use the app"]]
<a class="locked">Use the App, Asmo can help you find the middle ground (1 charge)</a>
<</if>><<addclass "body" "street">>
<<elseif $scene is 9>>
<<if $quests.release3.choices.andrea is "kill her">>
<p>While she’s away, you scour the room for something to use. On one wall of the living room, Agent Doe has a desk. Thinking that you might be able to use a pair of scissors, you head over and begin going through the drawers quickly but silently. You find something else before a pair of scissors though. She has a rather ornate and frankly beautiful letter opener in her top drawer. You pull it out and marvel at how much sharper it is than a typical letter opener. Being almost as sharp as a proper dagger.</p>
<p>Folding it under your arm you return to the couch. Sitting and waiting. Only a moment or two later, Agent Doe steps back out from her kitchen with two glasses, one in each hand. With each of them occupied, it’s the perfect opportunity to strike while she can’t properly defend herself. She bends over in front of you, about to place the glasses down on the table. You strike. Flipping the letter opener around and plunging it directly into her throat through her jugular vein. It all happens so fast that your body froze. The adrenaline in your system making you shake. She pulls back away from you. The weapon remaining in your hand and her neck spewing copious amounts of blood. Her throat was pierced, so her screams for help are muffled by the blood filling it. She falls to the floor. The milk in the glasses pooling with the blood as it coats the carpet below.</p>
<p>By the time you regain your senses, she is gone. No life remaining in her eyes. You wipe the letter opener on an unstained part of her carpet, holding it through your sleeve, hoping to smudge or remove any fingerprints that you might have left on it. Before tossing it away. In a stroke of luck, none of her blood sprayed onto your clothes. A little got onto your face and hands. But nothing you can see on your clothes. You carefully wash up in her kitchen, being sure to only touch things through other pieces of fabric. Leaving as little trace of your presence here as possible. Then, with the job done you leave. Every bit of you is shaking. Taking her life has drained you of color and any sense of peace. As the thought of it begins replaying in your mind as you hold out some sense of hope that this was the right decision.</p>
<p>You rush home after that. As you aren’t sure what else you can do. You’re glad to see that Emma is gone when you arrive. The peace quiet and privacy quell you slightly. You’re able to strip down and throw away your cloths. Knowing that you’ll never be able to look at them again without feeling a sense of dread. And after a long, and grueling shower, you finally feel ready to call Luthor and tell him it’s done.</p>
<<andreastatus "Dead">>
[[Call Luthor|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 16]]<<set $andrea.gallery[1] to 1>>
<p>You don’t want to kill Agent Doe. You don’t want to kill anyone. And maybe you don’t have to. Luthor tasked you with removing her as an obstacle. He never said specifically that she has to die. Just that she can’t be a threat anymore. You pull out your phone and think on what you could do with the App. The thought crosses your mind that you should just have her forget Ouranius and about the group she works for. Something told you, in the back of your mind, that such a simple solution would be too easily undone.</p>
<p>Then you watch her walk into the room. As if by some sort of divine irony, she holds the two glasses of milk she prepared up right beside her chest. Just as each step makes her heavy breasts bounce. A much better, and more permanent and mutually beneficial idea instantly forms in your mind. One of Agent Doe… no of Andrea, being helplessly loyal to you and only you. Shirking any sense of loyalty to Ouranius. And believing that your safety, happiness, and success are what she would live for. An Andrea that believes that serving you, no matter the request, is her true life’s purpose. It would be an extreme change. But it would be one that can’t simply be undone. And you wouldn’t have to do something as heinous as harm her. You focus on it. Putting all your thoughts into this as you press the App with your thumb. The power that radiates from you, and your phone is the most intense you’ve ever felt from it. You look up at Andrea’s eyes as she places the glasses down on the table. She looks at you in return. Pure fear is behind them, at first. She realizes what you’re doing. But before she can even think to act, the power from the App consumes her. Her eyes go blank. And stay that way for several minutes before finally becoming full of life once again.</p>
<p>Andrea smiles as she looks at you. Appreciation, devotion, and perhaps even love fill her gaze. It is by far the most kind she has looked in the few hours that you have known her. And it tells you for certain that the App worked.</p>
<<speech "Andrea">>Here’s your milk $mc.name. I’m so glad you wanted to take the time for us to get to know each other better. Is there anything else I can do for you? Anything at all? Please don’t hesitate for a moment to ask<</speech>>
<p>If only Andrea was this kind to you from the moment you met. But kindness isn’t necessarily subservience. Testing how well the power worked is imperative.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah actually, if you stripped down it would make us both more comfortable I think<</speech>>
<p>Andrea doesn’t waste even a moment. Pulling her clothes off almost frantically until she is down to nothing but her underwear. She pulls her cloths off with such fervor that it reminds you of someone acting almost fearful. As if the moment you asked her to remove them, she felt horrendous shame for even having them on to begin with.</p>
<<speech "Andrea">>How is this? Are you more comfortable? Please tell me you are. I would hate to hear that anything is causing you discomfort<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>It is. You have nothing to worry about. You’re being a very gracious host<</speech>>
<p>Hearing you say that gave her visible relief. Her shoulders actually even relaxed from hearing this. She truly does live to serve you now. She could never be a threat to you in this state.</p>
<<andreawillpower -200>>
<<andrearelation 200>>
<<andreastatus "Controlled">>
<<willpower 15>>
<<attunement 3>>
<<appcharge 1>>
[[Press your advantage|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 10]]
<</if>><<addclass "body" "street">>
<<elseif $scene is 10>>
<p>With a woman as attractive as Andrea sitting beside you on the couch and anxious to serve your every whim, it only makes sense that you would take advantage of this moment to it’s fullest. You take her by her hand. Feeling her smooth palm against yours. Her eyes meet yours, staring deeply into them as if to invite you to proceed. You stand from the couch and lead Andrea towards her kitchen. Lifting her up onto the counter. Making her yelp from surprise. No words are exchanged. Every motion is deliberate yet just innately understood by one another. She pulls her underwear off. Slowly yet sensually, giving you a show. In turn you strip as well. Shedding your clothes quickly as to not waste a moment. Your hands glide against her soft and plush thigh as you lift one of her legs up to rest it against your shoulder. Letting her lay back as you plunge yourself inside her. There is a breathless moment before you begin to thrust. She lays back, loving every moment and movement. Relishing as much in your pleasure as she does her own.</p>
<video src="resources/scenes/release3/andreamissionary.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<p>You spend longer than you intend too, completely enraptured by your new servant. And it almost hurts you to leave her. But you’ve done what you came here to do. Andrea could not ever possibly be a threat to you, Asmo, Emma, or anyone else you don’t want her to harm. So before you get stuck here forever, as nice as that might sound, you need to leave and let Luthor know that she is no longer an obstacle.</p>
[[Call Luthor|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 16]]<<addclass "body" "street">><<set $andrea.gallery[2] to 1>>
<<elseif $scene is 11>>
<p>Luthor is a man with so much wealth and power, that he cannot be trusted. As much as he has helped, you don’t even know for certain that Asmo can be trusted. And if any of them pose a threat to you or to Emma, then you have to do anything you can to protect you both. Your hope, in this moment, is that Agent Smith can be trusted.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Actually, I have a confession to make<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Oh don’t tell me you have rats over there. It’d break my bleeding heart<</speech>>
<p>Your heart thumps as you consider what might happen if you tell him the truth. He might help you, and continue to be as friendly as he’s always been. Or he might just kill you here and now to prevent you from being able to continue to use Asmo’s power. But as you consider these endings, at least neither of them pose a threat to Emma or anyone else in your life. And with Luthor’s influence, and his own source of power, that is at least preferable to the worst case scenario if you side with him. And that gives you just enough relief to continue.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I know about Ouranius. And I need your help<</speech>>
[[Blackness|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 12]]<<addclass "body" "street">>
<<elseif $scene is 12>>
<p>You jolt awake to the feeling of ice cold water splashing against your face. Your vision remains blurry for a moment. Focusing on your environment as you slowly realize that you are strapped to a wooden chair in the middle of a rather nice looking living room. You’re soaked with water and Agent’s Smith and Doe are standing in front of you, staring you down with clear suspicions in their expression.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Sorry about the rough treatment. You’ll understand as we talk<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Don’t apologize to the enemy<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>He asked for our help. We don’t know he’s the enemy yet<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m not<</speech>>
<p>You cough, still feeling sore all over. The soreness doesn’t even seem to originate from anywhere specific. Giving you no clues as to how exactly Agent Smith was able to so quickly knock you unconscious.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Or, maybe I am. I don’t know. I just don’t know what to do<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Start with how you heard the name Ouranius<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Luthor Windgate told me about you. He’s who gave me that invitation this morning<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Working with Windgate? We should end him now before he becomes a problem<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>If you’re with Windgate, why tell us?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m not with him. I’m scared of him. He talked about having a sort of power and told me I had to work with him. Otherwise people I care about could be in danger. I don’t want anyone I care about to be in danger<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>What kind of power<</speech>>
<p>You pause for a moment. Carefully considering your answer. Wanting to be truthful but still worrying about telling them everything.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I don’t know. He mentioned altering the world. And his wife seemed, weird. Like she was a robot<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>If he can do something like that, why didn’t he use it on you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I don’t know…<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Liar<</speech>>
<p>Agent Doe punches you in the gut. Her fist striking your solar plexus perfectly and knocking the wind out of you. Agent Smith puts his arm against her, getting her to move back.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Listen $mc.name, we need you to tell the whole truth here. No omissions. We can’t trust you if you keep things from us. And if we can’t trust you, we can’t help you<</speech>>
<p>Between the pain of the punch, and the stress of the moment, you don’t waste any more time.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>He has an entity working with him, that can alter the world. And he didn’t use it against me, because I have one too<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>There we go. Was that so hard?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>We should still kill him<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>I don’t agree. We’re going to help him<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Protocol dictates-<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>There is no protocol for a possessor turning themselves in and asking for help<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>A possessor?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Shorthand we use. You possess an item that gives access to power beyond you. Possessor for short<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Why are you treating him like he’s an initiate?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>He only just popped up on our radar. He hasn’t done anything heinous worth standard procedure<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Not yet. He’s still a threat<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Listen I don’t want to hurt anyone if that’s what you think. I didn’t even know there was an issue with any of this. I just figured Asmo wanted to give me a hand. Like some sort of weird guardian angel<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>That’s a story we’ve heard more than once. The problem is ‘Asmo’, isn’t your friend or your guardian. He’s something beyond humanity and the help he gives, is like a drug. I trust you $mc.name. You seem like a good egg. But I’ve seen others like you. And they all end up the same. There’s a price to letting a demon into your life<</speech>>
<<if $activities.searchingForAnswers.stage gte 3>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>You aren’t the first one to tell me that<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>You need to shun him. If you want us to even consider helping you, you need to never use that power again<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>She’s not very delicate but she’s right. He isn’t your friend, or your guardian angel. He’s just using you to spread his influence<</speech>>
[[Agree|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 13]]<<addclass "body" "nicelivingroom">><<NextPeriod>>
<<elseif $scene is 13>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I promise, I won’t<</speech>>
<p>There’s an odd feeling that brews in the back of your head. Like a pain that formed just by your saying that. You aren’t even sure if you meant it. It’s not like they made you sign a contract. So you aren’t beholden to any promise you make here. But still, even suggesting rejecting Asmo gives you a slight pain and uneasiness.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Good. I’m gonna head out<</speech>>
<p>He unties you from the chair and lets you stand up again. Doe looks at you with pure suspicion. But seems satisfied with your promise at the very least.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>I’m going to go talk to some of the higher up. Sees what they say we should do here. We’ll be in touch. And if Luthor Windgate tries to contact you again, just come here and get help from Agent Doe. Understand?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Got it. I will<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith nods and heads out. The door closing and leaving a noticeable emptiness behind. As the tension in the room grows between you and Agent Doe. Neither of you saying a word, just stewing in the silence. You’re aren’t really sure what to do next.</p>
<<if $app.charges>>
[[Betray your promise and use the App on Doe (1 charge)|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 14; $quests.release3.choices.andrea2 to "betray her"]]
<a class="locked">Betray your promise and use the App on Doe (1 charge)</a>
[[Leave and thank Agent Doe for her help|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 14; $quests.release3.choices.andrea2 to "thank her"]]<<addclass "body" "nicelivingroom">>
<<elseif $scene is 14>>
<<if $quests.release3.choices.andrea2 is "betray her">>
<p>Luthor is still going to want to hear that Doe is taken care of. And these Agents had no immediate way to help you. You don’t want to follow through and kill Agent Doe. But an idea does form in your mind to get the job done without harming anyone. One of Agent Doe… no of Andrea, being helplessly loyal to you and only you. Shirking any sense of loyalty to Ouranius. And believing that your safety, happiness, and success are what she would live for. An Andrea that believes that serving you, no matter the request, is her true life’s purpose. It would be an extreme change. But it would be one that can’t simply be undone. And you wouldn’t have to do something as heinous as harm her. You focus on it. Putting all your thoughts into this as you press the App with your thumb. The power that radiates from you, and your phone is the most intense you’ve ever felt from it. You look up at Andrea’s eyes as she places the glasses down on the table. She looks at you in return. Pure fear is behind them, at first. She realizes what you’re doing. But before she can even think to act, the power from the App consumes her. Her eyes go blank. And stay that way for several minutes before finally becoming full of life once again.</p>
<p>Andrea smiles as she looks at you. Appreciation, devotion, and perhaps even love fill her gaze. It is by far the most kind she has looked in the few hours that you have known her. And it tells you for certain that the App worked.</p>
<<speech "Andrea">>I’m here for you $mc.name. Anything you need, please don’t hesitate for a moment to ask<</speech>>
<p>If only Andrea was this kind to you from the moment you met. But kindness isn’t necessarily subservience. Testing how well the power worked is imperative.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah actually, if you stripped down it would make us both more comfortable I think<</speech>>
<p>Andrea doesn’t waste even a moment. Pulling her clothes off almost frantically until she is down to nothing but her underwear. She pulls her cloths off with such fervor that it reminds you of someone acting almost fearful. As if the moment you asked her to remove them, she felt horrendous shame for even having them on to begin with.</p>
<<speech "Andrea">>How is this? Are you more comfortable? Please tell me you are. I would hate to hear that anything is causing you discomfort<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>It is. You have nothing to worry about. You’re being a very gracious host<</speech>>
<p>Hearing you say that gave her visible relief. Her shoulders actually even relaxed from hearing this. She truly does live to serve you now. She could never be a threat to you in this state.</p>
<<andreawillpower -200>>
<<andrearelation 200>>
<<andreastatus "Controlled">>
<<willpower 15>>
<<attunement 3>>
<<appcharge 1>>
[[Press your advantage|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 15]]
<p>There’s a bit of an awkward silence as you and Agent Doe are left alone together. She looks at you, as if not wanting to give you the opportunity to try anything funny. Her distrust is understandable. Even if uncomfortable.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Okay well, thanks I guess. I won’t take up more of your time. I appreciate you being willing to help me<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Make sure you don’t ask that friend of yours for any help. If I hear you even think about it, I’ll take you down myself. No matter what Andrew says<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I believe you<</speech>>
<p>You turn and leave. She closes the door behind you. You look back at the last second and see that she actually has a smile on her face. It’s slight but unmistakable. It’s pretty likely that she’s just happy you’re out of her home. But part of you hopes that maybe she’s coming around to you.</p>
[[Call Luthor|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 16]]
<</if>><<addclass "body" "nicelivingroom">>
<<elseif $scene is 15>>
<p>With a woman as attractive as Andrea sitting beside you on the couch and anxious to serve your every whim, it only makes sense that you would take advantage of this moment to it’s fullest. You take her by her hand. Feeling her smooth palm against yours. Her eyes meet yours, staring deeply into them as if to invite you to proceed. You stand from the couch and lead Andrea towards her kitchen. Lifting her up onto the counter. Making her yelp from surprise. No words are exchanged. Every motion is deliberate yet just innately understood by one another. She pulls her underwear off. Slowly yet sensually, giving you a show. In turn you strip as well. Shedding your clothes quickly as to not waste a moment. Your hands glide against her soft and plush thigh as you lift one of her legs up to rest it against your shoulder. Letting her lay back as you plunge yourself inside her. There is a breathless moment before you begin to thrust. She lays back, loving every moment and movement. Relishing as much in your pleasure as she does her own.</p>
<video src="resources/scenes/release3/andreamissionary.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<p>You spend longer than you intend too, completely enraptured by your new servant. And it almost hurts you to leave her. But you’ve done what you came here to do. Andrea could not ever possibly be a threat to you, Asmo, Emma, or anyone else you don’t want her to harm. So before you get stuck here forever, as nice as that might sound, you need to leave and let Luthor know that she is no longer an obstacle.</p>
[[Call Luthor|Release 3 - Told Agents About Invitation][$scene to 16]]<<addclass "body" "nicelivingroom">><<set $andrea.gallery[2] to 1>>
<p>Now that you’ve left Agent Doe’s home, it’s time to give Luthor a call. You grab the piece of paper with Luthor’s phone number out of your pocket and dial it. It only rings once before it’s answered. Curiously, the voice on the other end isn’t Luthor’s though. It’s deeper, and more threatening.</p>
<<speech "???">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh uh, Luthor Windgate told me to call this number<</speech>>
<<speech "???">>You $mc.name?<</speech>>
<p>You hesitate for a moment before answering. Not really sure if you should be talking to this person.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah that’s me<</speech>>
<<speech "???">>Is it handled?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Uh, yeah. The thing Luthor asked to me take care of, is taken care of<</speech>>
<p>A click rings through your ear. Whoever was on the other end just hung up the second you gave him confirmation. You look at your phone and wonder what you should do now. You’re beyond late for work. And you could still head there. But it’s so late you don’t know what it would be like if you did. You look both ways down the street and see that for the moment, you’re alone. You take a deep breath and try to decompress over all that’s happened today as you decide what you should do next.</p>
[[Continue|street][$quests.release3.stage to 1]]<<addclass "body" "street">><<NextPeriod>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Now that you mention it, something just happened that might be worth reporting<</speech>>
<p>Both agents perk up at the thought. Agent Smith takes a step closer to you, his demeanor changing to be a bit more serious. You hold up the envelope for them to see as you continue to explain.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Why would an envelope be something you can’t explain? Mail is a pretty easy to understand thing $mc.name<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Someone was banging on my front door really hard this morning. When I answered it, no one was there and this was on the ground in front of it. Whoever left it was fast. Because there was maybe a second or two between when they knocked and when I opened the door. And they were already gone<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith and Doe look at each other with a bit of concern.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>That might just be worth telling us about, I’ll admit. Who is it from?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Well, that’s actually the more inexplicable part. It doesn’t say who it’s from but it just says that I should go to 16 Windfall Manors, immediately. A nobody like me being summoned to Windfall Manor feels a little supernatural to me<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith cracks up at your point. Laughing boisterously to the point that he puts his hand over his stomach. Agent Doe’s expression doesn’t change. Like carved stone her face remains resolute.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>I’m actually tempted to agree with ya. But it’s still a little mundane for what we’re looking out for. No clue who’s address that is. But, if they live in Windfall, then they have a lot of money, power, or both. So be careful $mc.name. I don’t want to be buying pizza from anyone else<</speech>>
<p>You laugh with Agent Smith at his comment.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>There is one more thing…<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>What’s that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Well, I can kind of explain it so I didn’t think to tell you about it before. But it’s so out there that I really wonder if it’s what you’re looking for<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Out with it<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Be nice<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I have an App that some being named Asmo gave me that lets me do some crazy stuff<</speech>>
<p>The pair of agents look at one another, then back at you. And before either of the three of you even come out with another word, you feel a sharp pain in your head, and are knocked out.</p>
[[Continue|Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo][$scene to 1]]<<addclass "body" "street">>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You jolt awake to the feeling of ice cold water splashing against your face. Your vision remains blurry for a moment. Focusing on your environment as you slowly realize that you are strapped to a wooden chair in the middle of a rather nice looking living room. You’re soaked with water and Agent’s Smith and Doe are standing in front of you, staring you down with clear suspicions in their expression.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Sorry about the rough treatment. You’ll understand as we talk<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Don’t apologize to the enemy<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>He told us the truth on his own. We don’t know he’s the enemy yet<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m not<</speech>>
<p>You cough, still feeling sore all over. The soreness doesn’t even seem to originate from anywhere specific. Giving you no clues as to how exactly Agent Smith was able to so quickly knock you unconscious.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I don’t even know what’s going on right now<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Short version is we tied you up. You’re officially in custody of Ouranius<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Ouranius?<</speech>>
<p>As if you weren’t already foggy enough, now he’s telling you random words that you’ve never heard before.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Don’t worry about the name. We work for a group that operates in direct opposition to people like you<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What do you mean people like me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>He means dirt-bag demon worshipers<</speech>>
<p>Your eyes go wide in shock.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’ve never worshiped a demon in my life<</speech>>
<p>Agent Doe punches you in the gut suddenly. Agent Smith steps in front of her to pull her away.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Let’s calm down here before someone does something they’ll regret. Start at the beginning $mc.name. Who is Asmo and what can the App do<</speech>>
<p>You spend a moment contemplating what to say. They don’t seem like your allies at the moment. And you’re afraid of anything you might tell them. But you’ve told them enough already that lying might hurt you more than telling the truth could.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>A few days ago I had a dream. Where a voice that called itself Asmo said he was giving me an App to use to help me out however I need. I thought it was just a dream but the App actually worked. I don’t really know what it can or can’t do, so far it’s done anything I can imagine<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>See Andrea? He’s just a guy who doesn’t have a clue what’s going on<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith grabs a chair and sits in front of you, looking at you rather softly.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Listen $mc.name because if you don’t I’m pretty sure Andrea is gonna hit you again. Asmo isn’t your friend. He’s a being from beyond our reality. He dangerous. How many times have you used his power?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>A few, I’ve only had him for a couple days<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>I need you to promise me you won’t use it again. Using that power makes it work like a drug. It gets harder and harder to keep yourself from using it. Until eventually, you become just some tool for it rather than it being a tool for you<</speech>>
<p>You don’t know for certain that you can trust Agent Smith. He seems genuine. But Asmo has helped you repeatedly. You don’t have to choose now though in the end. You can decide whether you want to use Asmo again on your own. Agent Smith just wants to hear the words right now. There’s no contract involved.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Okay, yeah. I promise<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>That’s what I like to hear!<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>We should still kill him<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>I don’t agree. We’re going to help him<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Protocol dictates-<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>There is no protocol for a possessor turning themselves in and asking for help<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>A possessor?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Shorthand we use. You possess an item that gives access to power beyond you. Possessor for short<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Why are you treating him like he’s an initiate?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>He only just popped up on our radar. He hasn’t done anything heinous worth standard procedure<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Not yet. He’s still a threat<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Listen I don’t want to hurt anyone if that’s what you think. I didn’t even know there was an issue with any of this. I just figured Asmo wanted to give me a hand. Like some sort of weird guardian angel<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>That’s a story we’ve heard before. But like I told you, the power is corrupting. Trust me, just do what we say and you’ll be better off. The invitation you got is from Luthor Windgate. He’s a bit of a thorn in the side of our organization. If he wants you to speak with him, then it’s because he knows you have a demon behind you as well. If you’re telling the truth and really don’t want to hurt anyone, then agree to inform on him for us<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Inform on him how?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>He’ll ask you to do something. He’ll likely try and convince you that it’s mutually beneficial. Just agree to it, then come back and tell us. You’ll be our inside man<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I guess I can do that<</speech>>
<p>Another half truth. You could side with them, or listen to whatever Luthor wants honestly. It’s just words for now. The actions will come later. Agent Smith unties you and let’s you go.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Glad to hear it. Keep in touch. I’m putting myself on the line for you here. Don’t make me regret it<</speech>>
<p>You nod in understanding before you leave. Walking out to see that you were just being held in Agent Doe’s home the whole time. You don’t know if trusting the agents is the right thing to do. But for now, heading to Windfall Manors is next on your docket. Hopefully you’ll know what to do after meeting this Luthor person.</p>
[[Head to the address|Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo][$scene to 2]]<<addclass "body" "street">><<set $andrea.gallery[3] to 1>>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Windfall Manors might as well be a completely different city. The walls around the community are ten feet high, made with brick, and sport ornate iron spikes at the top. And the gate itself is a massive set of cast iron bars with the letters ‘W’ and ‘M’ adorning each of the gate’s pillars respectively. It’s almost intimidating to look up at it. And you know that if you weren’t invited, even trying to set foot in there would have you being grabbed by a security guard and charged with trespassing. But with the invite, the guards let you right through the gate without any issue.</p>
<p>Every house you pass is nicer than the last. The deeper you get, the larger they get. The more opulent, and the more expensive. You were invited the number 16, which is about halfway up the road. Looking at it, even calling it a manor feels insufficient. It’s absolutely massive, and you get the feeling that if you kept following the road to the end, you’d find a castle or two. Even the door knocker is made of gold. It might even cost more than your rent if it’s solid and not just plated with gold. It feels almost wrong to use it. But you do, knocking and waiting for whoever invited you to answer the door.</p>
[[A gorgeous woman opens up|Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo][$scene to 3]]<<addclass "body" "windgatemanor">>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<<speech "Niella">>How may I help you?<</speech>>
<p>The woman who answers is elegantly gorgeous. Clearly older than you but carrying an astounding beauty. And more so there is a familiarity in her appearance. As if you’ve maybe seen her before. You can’t place it. But you definitely see it.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Uh hi. I’m not sure. I just had this invitation on my doorstep. It said to come to this address immediately. So… here I am<</speech>>
<p>You hand the envelope with the invitation to her. She takes it gingerly. Her hand moving slowly as if not sure if she is even allowed to take it from you. Her movements are second guessed and filled with trepidation. Her eyes quickly gaze over it before she simply gestures for you to enter. She turns and begins walking down the hall, back into her home. Her long heels clicking loudly against the tile floor. You close the front door behind you. Following her closely as she guides you into her living room. A room that compares to the size of your entire apartment. With large, black leather couches and chairs. Vaulted ceilings, and even a brick fireplace. A home that befits the likely astronomical cost of it. And the man sitting at the center of it, leaning back comfortably in one of the chairs, draws your attention in instantly.</p>
<<speech "Niella">>Presenting the man of this home, Luthor Windgat<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Nice to meet you. I’m-<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I know who you are, $mc.name<</speech>>
<p>The name, ‘Windgate’, instantly rings a bell in your mind. That’s Kathy’s last name. And suddenly the resemblance clicks. These must be Kathy’s parents. The woman stands beside the man, submissively. Suspiciously submissively. Money can buy a lot of things but even that level of just acceptance of someone else’s control seems beyond money’s reach. Everything about this situation is starting to feel more and more like some sort of trap. And the smarmy southern accent of Luthor’s voice seems to only make that feeling grow.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I can’t say that I know you two<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>As my wife Niella here already said, I’m Luthor Windgate. For now, that’s all you need to know. I believe you do already know my daughter, Kathy, though<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>We’ve crossed paths<</speech>>
<p>You can’t hide the indignation in your tone, so you don’t even try. Luthor clearly notices it.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So you’re the one who invited me here? What do you need?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I did. You see I noticed a slight change in my daughter’s behavior, that past couple days. Now normally, I wouldn’t pay much mind. But, call it sixth sense. I got the feeling that something unusual was at play. I took a look and found out that she decided to visit some dinky little pizza restaurant on these days. Where she spoke, with you<</speech>>
<p>You keep quiet, not wanting to tip your hand or give him anything. He’s making some clear insinuations but you won’t give him the satisfaction of playing into them.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>So answer this for me, $mc.name. Did you do anything, that might be causing these changes in behavior? Anything at all? A comment, an altercation, something… more?<</speech>>
<p>Luthor seems like he knows more than he is letting on. And it’s almost concerning how much implication is tied to his words. You’ll have to consider deeply over how you play this.</p>
[[Admit you’re the cause|Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo][$scene to 4; $quests.release3.choices.luthor to "admit you're the cause"]]
<<if $quests.release3.choices.luthor is "deny deny deny">>
<a class="locked">Deny knowing anything (Will get you killed)</a>
[[Deny knowing anything|Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo][$scene to 4; $quests.release3.choices.luthor to "deny knowing anything"]]
<</if>><<addclass "body" "windgatemanor">>
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<<if $quests.release3.choices.luthor is "admit you're the cause">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah. I did something that Might be the cause<</speech>>
<p>You leave it vague. You have no way of telling exactly how much he knows already. Risking giving him more information is simply off the table. But so it lying at this stage.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>You don’t have to be cagey now. I know all about your little friend. Or ally, whatever you may call it. I have one of my own you see<</speech>>
<p>The admission catches you off guard. So much so that you can’t even help but have your surprise appear on your face.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>Now don’t go telling me you thought you was the only one<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I hadn’t thought that much of it<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I understand that. I suppose you would have learned one way or the other when you found someone that your ally couldn’t affect. That is beside the point at the moment, though. I have an offer for you<</speech>>
<p>An offer? Something tells you that this could only be trouble. But his other point sticks in your mind more. If Asmo couldn’t affect him, then one has to assume that his ‘friend’ can’t affect you either.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>I want you to work for me. Together, there’s no telling what we could accomplish<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What if I’d rather follow my own path?<</speech>>
<p>The suggestion makes Luthor’s face contort slightly into a soft scowl.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>In such an unfortunate case, you’d become a potential threat to me. One that I could not let alone<</speech>>
<p>The threat, vague as it may be, is clearly serious. Luthor Windgate is a man with the means to take you down even without his own demonic entity’s aid. Refusing just doesn’t seem to be much of an option at the moment. That being said, you do still have options of how to proceed. Your acceptance doesn’t have to be truthful. That being said, he is a man with wealth and influence. Maybe he wouldn’t be the worst person to get in bed with. And you could even negotiate and agree on a condition as well.</p>
[[Agree to work with him, regardless of if it’s a lie or not|Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo][$scene to 6; $quests.release3.choices.luthor2 to "work with him"]]
[[Agree to work with him on a condition|Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo][$scene to 6; $quests.release3.choices.luthor2 to "work with him on a condition"]]
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I couldn’t say that anything worth talking about happened. She came in, ordered food, was nasty to me like she has always been, and left<</speech>>
<p>You lie easily. With no positive emotional tie to this person or the family, there is nothing you fear ruining by lying to them. And you aren’t about to admit to manipulating their daughter anyway. Who knows how they might react to news like that? Luthor clearly doesn’t look very pleased by your answer though. He sighs before replying.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>I had higher hopes for you. I already know about your App. And what you’ve done to my daughter with it. But, out of curiosity and understanding, I’ll give you one chance to change your answer<</speech>>
<p>Shit, if he knows about the App he might know everything. You can continue to lie and deny. But making him made might not be the best course of action. However, who knows what might happen if you casually admit to having access to demonic powers from your cell phone?</p>
<<luthorrelation -25>>
<<willpower 5>>
[[Deny deny deny|Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo][$scene to 5; $quests.release3.choices.luthor to "deny deny deny"]]
[[Admit you’re the cause|Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo][$scene to 4; $quests.release3.choices.luthor to "admit you're the cause"]]
<</if>><<addclass "body" "windgatemanor">>
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>App? I’m sorry sir, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I appreciate the second chance but my answer remains that I don’t know how or why Kathy might be acting strangely<</speech>>
<p>Luthor sighs again. He pulls out a gun from his waistband and aims it at you.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>Now why would you go and make a silly choice like that<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even respond Luthor pulls the trigger. Three shots, three flashes, and three stabbing pains in your torso. Warm wetness spreads across your shirt. Red drips to the tile below you. Suddenly, the tile appears to be coming closer to you. You fall to the floor. Your sight dimming. And fading away into total darkness.</p>
<p>Pitch darkness…</p>
<p>And then, a voice?</p>
<<speech "DreamLord" "Asmo">>Your allegiance was your undoing. You protected me, and I shall reward you for it. But you must choose more wisely. I will send you back. This time, keep yourself alive<</speech>>
<<willpower 15>>
<<attunement 3>>
<<appcharge 2>>
[[The App is activated|Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo][$scene to 3; $luthor.relation += 25]]<<set $niella.gallery[1] to 1>>
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Alright, doesn’t feel like I have much of a choice. So let’s do it<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>You always have a choice now. And you done made the right one. But it ain’t as simple as you saying ‘yes.’ You’re gonna need to prove yourself<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Prove myself? How?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I care a mighty deal about loyalty. And I like when I method of ensuring someone’s loyalty. So you’re going to remove an obstacle of mine. Lucky for you, this just happens to be a potential obstacle of your own as well<</speech>>
<p>You stand there silently. Looking at him, expecting him to continue and get to the point.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>See now, there’s this group. Call em an organization if you’d like. That also knows all about our helpful friends. They just happen to hate our friends. Out there, trying to stop people like us from using what these friends so graciously offer us. They call themselves, Ouranius. And I do believe that you have even met one of them already<</speech>>
<p>You nod silently. Thinking about what Luthor is saying. Reminding you of what Agent Smith revealed to you this morning. You do your best not to tip off that you already know about Ouranius as you respond to him.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So what exactly do you want me to do?<</speech>>
<p>Impatience stains your tone.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>The man you have encountered previously. He has a partner that I have discovered lives in your neighborhood<</speech>>
<p>Your thoughts immediately turn back to Agent Doe from this morning.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>She is an obstacle. More so than her partner. Prove your loyalty, by removing that obstacle from us<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Remove her how?<</speech>>
<p>Luthor laughs boisterously.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>Now that would be up to your discretion. I don’t quite care how you do it. Nor would I ever desire to learn. Just so long as she is removed from the board, so to speak<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Alright. I’ll see what I can do<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>Good man. I expect to hear from you as soon as it’s taken care of. Niella will give you my phone number, and escort you out<</speech>>
<p>You nod in understanding. Letting Niella walk past you, and following her to the front door. She opens it for you, allowing you to pass and handing you a piece of paper with a phone number on it.</p>
<<speech "Niella">>Thank you for visiting. Have a pleasant day<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even reply the door is closed. And you’re left alone on the front step. Wondering just what you’ve gone and gotten yourself into. Doesn’t seem like there is much sense in turning back now though. You just head to Andrea’s house and figure out what to do about all this.</p>
<<luthorrelation 5>>
[[Head back to your neighborhood|Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo][$scene to 7]]<<addclass "body" "windgatemanor">><<set $niella.gallery[0] to 1>>
<<elseif $scene is 7>>
<p>There’s a certain comfort you feel being out of Windfall Manors. Those gates are made to keep people out but they serve just as well to give one the feeling of being trapped inside. Being free from that feeling helps as you have a multitude of other thoughts and feelings that you need to contend with at the moment. You can’t trust Luthor. That much is obvious. But you have a commonality that at least makes you feel like what is good for him could be good for you as well. And you know he is being truthful about the Agents working for an organization hell bent on opposing people gifted aid by a being like Asmo. They admitted as much to you. And they might just be using you for the time being as their mole. Who knows what they might do when you stop being useful? But that can just as easily be asked of Luthor as well.</p>
<p>The decision feels almost impossible. Who do you side with? You’ve just met Agent Doe. And you’ve only spoken to Agent Smith twice. Could you really treat them as enemies? Potentially even kill them? To your knowledge they haven’t done anything to you. At least outside of knocking you unconscious to discuss your situation. Which hurt like hell but you can’t really blame them for it. Then again you never remembered seeing Agent Doe living near you before now. Perhaps they’re only even here to come after you. It’s all a bit too much. But you don’t have much time to make a decision. Every step you take brings you a little bit closer to Agent Doe’s home. Closer to having to make a decision. One that might set you down a path that you can’t come back from.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>That didn’t take long<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>No, it didn’t. He was pretty direct about what he wanted from me<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith was leaning on the car out front. But the moment he hears that you got orders from Luthor he stands up straight and walks closer to you, whispering.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>What did he say? It’s important that you tell me everything<</speech>>
[[Side with Ouranius and tell Agent Smith the truth|Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo][$scene to 8; $quests.release3.choices.agents3 to "side with ouranius"]]
<<if $app.charges>>
<a class="locked">Side with Luthor and take care of Agent Doe (1 app charge)</a>
[[Side with Luthor and take care of Agent Doe (1 app charge)|Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo][$scene to 8; $quests.release3.choices.agents3 to "side with luthor"]]
<</if>><<addclass "body" "street">>
<<elseif $scene is 8>>
<<if $quests.release3.choices.agents3 is "side with ouranius">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>He told me to ‘get rid’ of Agent Doe. He told me she was the greater threat and to prove my loyalty, I needed to remove that threat<</speech>>
<p>There’s no point in holding back. Luthor is a rich thug that will chew you up and spit you out. Agent Smith and Ouranius might do the same. But, you feel like there is at least a chance that they might actually want what is best for you and the people you care about. Siding with them is simply the better choice for you. Agent Smith smiles warmly. Clearly glad to see you kept up his end.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>That’s good. I’ll talk to Andrea and take care of it. You tell Luthor that it’s handled. I’ll make sure Agent Doe isn’t seen for a little while. So you can sell it to him. You have my card, let me know if you hear anything else alright?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Understood<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Good man<</speech>>
<p>With that Agent Smith heads into the house. Leaving you alone to figure out what you’d like to do next. So much has happened today that it’s hard to imagine what the best next course of action is. Hell there are so many people affected by today that you might not even have time to speak with them all. But you’ll know which ones matter most when it’s time to make that decision. For now, you just need to call Luthor and get on with your day.</p>
<<willpower 5>>
<<andrearelation 20>>
[[Call Luthor|Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo][$scene to 12]]
<p>These Agents are a threat to you and Asmo. And so long as Asmo is helping you, you will help him in return. Starting with making sure these Agents and the organization they work for can do nothing against him or yourself. You yank your phone from your pocket and in a blink of an eye tap the App with your thumb. Your mind focuses on Agent Smith and him leaving. Going home and forgetting that he ever even saw you at all today. Wiping every bit of your presence this morning from his mind until you’re absolutely certain that no matter what you do next, he won’t be able to suspect that you had any role to play what so ever.</p>
<p>Agent Smith wordlessly begins to walk away. His will not his own. Leaving and heading towards the center of the city. Presumably to wherever he lives. Watching him leave fills you with mixed emotions. He was nice to you. But it was likely all just an act. Getting close to you to get you to slip up. Who knows what might happen if you don’t work against him. He could be acting nice to do the same to you as what Luthor has asked you to do to Agent Doe. And you are not going to let that happen. Not to yourself, and especially not to Emma. Once he is gone and over the horizon, you are satisfied and ready to head in to deal with Agent Doe, as you were tasked.</p>
<<willpower 5>>
<<attunement 1>>
<<appcharge 1>>
[[Head inside|Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo][$scene to 9]]
<</if>><<addclass "body" "street">>
<<elseif $scene is 9>>
<p>Three knocks reverberate through the front door. Your heart beats so hard that the thumping drowns the sound out for you. Seemingly hearing the blood pump in your ears. Thoughts of what you’re going to do run through your mind. It’s hard to imagine. You’ve never intentionally harmed anyone before. Even in some of your darkest moments, the thoughts of how you might go about it never even formed. There is no turning back in this moment though. This isn’t simply a matter of harming someone. It’s a matter of preventative self defense. Emma’s safety, as well as your own, have to matter more to you than someone you barely know at all. And even as she answers the door, staring at you just as she did earlier today. Her simply humanity makes the thought difficult once again.</p>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>What are you knocking on my door for?<</speech>>
<p>Your thumping heart makes it take a moment to fully register what she asked. Forcing you to snap out of your self induced trance.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I know we sort of met earlier, but I figured I’d come by and do it properly. I like to greet new neighbors. If we’re gonna share a neighborhood we should be on good terms right? Even more so if we’re going to be working together<</speech>>
<p>Whether you believed what you were saying or not was irrelevant. It’s still just a lie to try and get inside her home. Alone and away from anyone who might see you both from the street. Her look is incredulous. But still softer than it has been any other time she has looked at you so far.</p>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Is that some sort of attempt at a pick up line? I can respect the attempt but if that is your best, you need practice. And we are NOT working together. You are an informant. If even that<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh no, sorry. I didn’t mean it to come off like that. I really did just wanna take a moment, maybe have a cup of coffee or tea, and meet you. Like I said you’re part of the neighborhood. And I haven’t seen you around before. I feel like we should know each other<</speech>>
<p>She cocks an eyebrow up. Looking almost intrigued. She steps aside and raises one arm up. Silently inviting you in. Two steps in and she closes the door behind you. Almost slamming it with how hard it closes.</p>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Shoes off here. I don’t have any coffee. But I’ll pour you some milk. Take a seat on the couch<</speech>>
<p>You slide your shoes off and place them on a mat beside her own shoes. Stepping in and following her until you see the couch. Taking a seat and enjoying how comfortable it is. A momentary distraction from what you’re about to do. But one you don’t let sway you from your intentions. Intentions that you now have to plan to the fullest. Your next actions have to be deliberate and quick. You won’t get another opportunity like this.</p>
[[Kill her as Luthor asked|Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo][$scene to 10; $quests.release3.choices.andrea to "kill her"]]
<<if $app.charges>>
[[Use the App, Asmo can help you find the middle ground (1 charge)|Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo][$scene to 10; $quests.release3.choices.andrea to "use the app"]]
<a class="locked">Use the App, Asmo can help you find the middle ground (1 charge)</a>
<</if>><<addclass "body" "street">>
<<elseif $scene is 10>>
<<if $quests.release3.choices.andrea is "kill her">>
<p>While she’s away, you scour the room for something to use. On one wall of the living room, Agent Doe has a desk. Thinking that you might be able to use a pair of scissors, you head over and begin going through the drawers quickly but silently. You find something else before a pair of scissors though. She has a rather ornate and frankly beautiful letter opener in her top drawer. You pull it out and marvel at how much sharper it is than a typical letter opener. Being almost as sharp as a proper dagger.</p>
<p>Folding it under your arm you return to the couch. Sitting and waiting. Only a moment or two later, Agent Doe steps back out from her kitchen with two glasses, one in each hand. With each of them occupied, it’s the perfect opportunity to strike while she can’t properly defend herself. She bends over in front of you, about to place the glasses down on the table. You strike. Flipping the letter opener around and plunging it directly into her throat through her jugular vein. It all happens so fast that your body froze. The adrenaline in your system making you shake. She pulls back away from you. The weapon remaining in your hand and her neck spewing copious amounts of blood. Her throat was pierced, so her screams for help are muffled by the blood filling it. She falls to the floor. The milk in the glasses pooling with the blood as it coats the carpet below.</p>
<p>By the time you regain your senses, she is gone. No life remaining in her eyes. You wipe the letter opener on an unstained part of her carpet, holding it through your sleeve, hoping to smudge or remove any fingerprints that you might have left on it. Before tossing it away. In a stroke of luck, none of her blood sprayed onto your clothes. A little got onto your face and hands. But nothing you can see on your clothes. You carefully wash up in her kitchen, being sure to only touch things through other pieces of fabric. Leaving as little trace of your presence here as possible. Then, with the job done you leave. Every bit of you is shaking. Taking her life has drained you of color and any sense of peace. As the thought of it begins replaying in your mind as you hold out some sense of hope that this was the right decision.</p>
<p>You rush home after that. As you aren’t sure what else you can do. You’re glad to see that Emma is gone when you arrive. The peace quiet and privacy quell you slightly. You’re able to strip down and throw away your cloths. Knowing that you’ll never be able to look at them again without feeling a sense of dread. And after a long, and grueling shower, you finally feel ready to call Luthor and tell him it’s done.</p>
<<andreastatus "Dead">>
[[Call Luthor|Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo][$scene to 12]]<<set $andrea.gallery[1] to 1>>
<p>You don’t want to kill Agent Doe. You don’t want to kill anyone. And maybe you don’t have to. Luthor tasked you with removing her as an obstacle. He never said specifically that she has to die. Just that she can’t be a threat anymore. You pull out your phone and think on what you could do with the App. The thought crosses your mind that you should just have her forget Ouranius and about the group she works for. Something told you, in the back of your mind, that such a simple solution would be too easily undone.</p>
<p>Then you watch her walk into the room. As if by some sort of divine irony, she holds the two glasses of milk she prepared up right beside her chest. Just as each step makes her heavy breasts bounce. A much better, and more permanent and mutually beneficial idea instantly forms in your mind. One of Agent Doe… no of Andrea, being helplessly loyal to you and only you. Shirking any sense of loyalty to Ouranius. And believing that your safety, happiness, and success are what she would live for. An Andrea that believes that serving you, no matter the request, is her true life’s purpose. It would be an extreme change. But it would be one that can’t simply be undone. And you wouldn’t have to do something as heinous as harm her. You focus on it. Putting all your thoughts into this as you press the App with your thumb. The power that radiates from you, and your phone is the most intense you’ve ever felt from it. You look up at Andrea’s eyes as she places the glasses down on the table. She looks at you in return. Pure fear is behind them, at first. She realizes what you’re doing. But before she can even think to act, the power from the App consumes her. Her eyes go blank. And stay that way for several minutes before finally becoming full of life once again.</p>
<p>Andrea smiles as she looks at you. Appreciation, devotion, and perhaps even love fill her gaze. It is by far the most kind she has looked in the few hours that you have known her. And it tells you for certain that the App worked.</p>
<<speech "Andrea">>Here’s your milk $mc.name. I’m so glad you wanted to take the time for us to get to know each other better. Is there anything else I can do for you? Anything at all? Please don’t hesitate for a moment to ask<</speech>>
<p>If only Andrea was this kind to you from the moment you met. But kindness isn’t necessarily subservience. Testing how well the power worked is imperative.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah actually, if you stripped down it would make us both more comfortable I think<</speech>>
<p>Andrea doesn’t waste even a moment. Pulling her clothes off almost frantically until she is down to nothing but her underwear. She pulls her cloths off with such fervor that it reminds you of someone acting almost fearful. As if the moment you asked her to remove them, she felt horrendous shame for even having them on to begin with.</p>
<<speech "Andrea">>How is this? Are you more comfortable? Please tell me you are. I would hate to hear that anything is causing you discomfort<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>It is. You have nothing to worry about. You’re being a very gracious host<</speech>>
<p>Hearing you say that gave her visible relief. Her shoulders actually even relaxed from hearing this. She truly does live to serve you now. She could never be a threat to you in this state.</p>
<<andreawillpower -200>>
<<andrearelation 200>>
<<andreastatus "Controlled">>
<<willpower 15>>
<<attunement 3>>
<<appcharge 1>>
[[Press your advantage|Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo][$scene to 11]]
<</if>><<addclass "body" "street">>
<<elseif $scene is 11>>
<p>With a woman as attractive as Andrea sitting beside you on the couch and anxious to serve your every whim, it only makes sense that you would take advantage of this moment to it’s fullest. You take her by her hand. Feeling her smooth palm against yours. Her eyes meet yours, staring deeply into them as if to invite you to proceed. You stand from the couch and lead Andrea towards her kitchen. Lifting her up onto the counter. Making her yelp from surprise. No words are exchanged. Every motion is deliberate yet just innately understood by one another. She pulls her underwear off. Slowly yet sensually, giving you a show. In turn you strip as well. Shedding your clothes quickly as to not waste a moment. Your hands glide against her soft and plush thigh as you lift one of her legs up to rest it against your shoulder. Letting her lay back as you plunge yourself inside her. There is a breathless moment before you begin to thrust. She lays back, loving every moment and movement. Relishing as much in your pleasure as she does her own.</p>
<video src="resources/scenes/release3/andreamissionary.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<p>You spend longer than you intend too, completely enraptured by your new servant. And it almost hurts you to leave her. But you’ve done what you came here to do. Andrea could not ever possibly be a threat to you, Asmo, Emma, or anyone else you don’t want her to harm. So before you get stuck here forever, as nice as that might sound, you need to leave and let Luthor know that she is no longer an obstacle.</p>
[[Call Luthor|Release 3 - Told Agents About Asmo][$scene to 12]]<<addclass "body" "street">><<set $andrea.gallery[2] to 1>>
<p>Now that you’ve left Agent Doe’s home, it’s time to give Luthor a call. You grab the piece of paper with Luthor’s phone number out of your pocket and dial it. It only rings once before it’s answered. Curiously, the voice on the other end isn’t Luthor’s though. It’s deeper, and more threatening.</p>
<<speech "???">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh uh, Luthor Windgate told me to call this number<</speech>>
<<speech "???">>You $mc.name?<</speech>>
<p>You hesitate for a moment before answering. Not really sure if you should be talking to this person.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah that’s me<</speech>>
<<speech "???">>Is it handled?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Uh, yeah. The thing Luthor asked to me take care of, is taken care of<</speech>>
<p>A click rings through your ear. Whoever was on the other end just hung up the second you gave him confirmation. You look at your phone and wonder what you should do now. You’re beyond late for work. And you could still head there. But it’s so late you don’t know what it would be like if you did. You look both ways down the street and see that for the moment, you’re alone. You take a deep breath and try to decompress over all that’s happened today as you decide what you should do next.</p>
[[Continue|street][$quests.release3.stage to 1]]<<addclass "body" "street">><<NextPeriod>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Not really. Sorry to disappoint<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Not disappointed at all! As far as I’m concerned that means I’m doing my job<</speech>>
<p>The two of you share a laugh that Agent Doe does not join in on. You use the break in the conversation to disengage and head out. The thought of whether you should have said something about the letter you received, or perhaps even Asmo himself, does stick in your mind for a moment. But who knows what Agent Smith is really looking for? And that Agent Doe seems like a real hard ass. You are in a bit of a hurry either way. So the less time you waste the better.</p>
[[Head to the address|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Windfall Manors might as well be a completely different city. The walls around the community are ten feet high, made with brick, and sport ornate iron spikes at the top. And the gate itself is a massive set of cast iron bars with the letters ‘W’ and ‘M’ adorning each of the gate’s pillars respectively. It’s almost intimidating to look up at it. And you know that if you weren’t invited, even trying to set foot in there would have you being grabbed by a security guard and charged with trespassing. But with the invite, the guards let you right through the gate without any issue.</p>
<p>Every house you pass is nicer than the last. The deeper you get, the larger they get. The more opulent, and the more expensive. You were invited the number 16, which is about halfway up the road. Looking at it, even calling it a manor feels insufficient. It’s absolutely massive, and you get the feeling that if you kept following the road to the end, you’d find a castle or two. Even the door knocker is made of gold. It might even cost more than your rent if it’s solid and not just plated with gold. It feels almost wrong to use it. But you do, knocking and waiting for whoever invited you to answer the door.</p>
[[A gorgeous woman opens up|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 2]]<<addclass "body" "windgatemanor">>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<<speech "Niella">>How may I help you?<</speech>>
<p>The woman who answers is elegantly gorgeous. Clearly older than you but carrying an astounding beauty. And more so there is a familiarity in her appearance. As if you’ve maybe seen her before. You can’t place it. But you definitely see it.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Uh hi. I’m not sure. I just had this invitation on my doorstep. It said to come to this address immediately. So… here I am<</speech>>
<p>You hand the envelope with the invitation to her. She takes it gingerly. Her hand moving slowly as if not sure if she is even allowed to take it from you. Her movements are second guessed and filled with trepidation. Her eyes quickly gaze over it before she simply gestures for you to enter. She turns and begins walking down the hall, back into her home. Her long heels clicking loudly against the tile floor. You close the front door behind you. Following her closely as she guides you into her living room. A room that compares to the size of your entire apartment. With large, black leather couches and chairs. Vaulted ceilings, and even a brick fireplace. A home that befits the likely astronomical cost of it. And the man sitting at the center of it, leaning back comfortably in one of the chairs, draws your attention in instantly.</p>
<<speech "Niella">>Presenting the man of this home, Luthor Windgat<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Nice to meet you. I’m-<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I know who you are, $mc.name<</speech>>
<p>The name, ‘Windgate’, instantly rings a bell in your mind. That’s Kathy’s last name. And suddenly the resemblance clicks. These must be Kathy’s parents. The woman stands beside the man, submissively. Suspiciously submissively. Money can buy a lot of things but even that level of just acceptance of someone else’s control seems beyond money’s reach. Everything about this situation is starting to feel more and more like some sort of trap. And the smarmy southern accent of Luthor’s voice seems to only make that feeling grow.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I can’t say that I know you two<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>As my wife Niella here already said, I’m Luthor Windgate. For now, that’s all you need to know. I believe you do already know my daughter, Kathy, though<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>We’ve crossed paths<</speech>>
<p>You can’t hide the indignation in your tone, so you don’t even try. Luthor clearly notices it.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So you’re the one who invited me here? What do you need?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I did. You see I noticed a slight change in my daughter’s behavior, that past couple days. Now normally, I wouldn’t pay much mind. But, call it sixth sense. I got the feeling that something unusual was at play. I took a look and found out that she decided to visit some dinky little pizza restaurant on these days. Where she spoke, with you<</speech>>
<p>You keep quiet, not wanting to tip your hand or give him anything. He’s making some clear insinuations but you won’t give him the satisfaction of playing into them.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>So answer this for me, $mc.name. Did you do anything, that might be causing these changes in behavior? Anything at all? A comment, an altercation, something… more?<</speech>>
<p>Luthor seems like he knows more than he is letting on. And it’s almost concerning how much implication is tied to his words. You’ll have to consider deeply over how you play this.</p>
[[Admit you’re the cause|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 3; $quests.release3.choices.luthor to "admit you're the cause"]]
<<if $quests.release3.choices.luthor is "deny deny deny">>
<a class="locked">Deny knowing anything (Will get you killed)</a>
[[Deny knowing anything|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 3; $quests.release3.choices.luthor to "deny knowing anything"]]
<</if>><<addclass "body" "windgatemanor">>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<<if $quests.release3.choices.luthor is "admit you're the cause">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah. I did something that Might be the cause<</speech>>
<p>You leave it vague. You have no way of telling exactly how much he knows already. Risking giving him more information is simply off the table. But so it lying at this stage.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>You don’t have to be cagey now. I know all about your little friend. Or ally, whatever you may call it. I have one of my own you see<</speech>>
<p>The admission catches you off guard. So much so that you can’t even help but have your surprise appear on your face.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>Now don’t go telling me you thought you was the only one<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I hadn’t thought that much of it<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I understand that. I suppose you would have learned one way or the other when you found someone that your ally couldn’t affect. That is beside the point at the moment, though. I have an offer for you<</speech>>
<p>An offer? Something tells you that this could only be trouble. But his other point sticks in your mind more. If Asmo couldn’t affect him, then one has to assume that his ‘friend’ can’t affect you either.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>I want you to work for me. Together, there’s no telling what we could accomplish<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What if I’d rather follow my own path?<</speech>>
<p>The suggestion makes Luthor’s face contort slightly into a soft scowl.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>In such an unfortunate case, you’d become a potential threat to me. One that I could not let alone<</speech>>
<p>The threat, vague as it may be, is clearly serious. Luthor Windgate is a man with the means to take you down even without his own demonic entity’s aid. Refusing just doesn’t seem to be much of an option at the moment. That being said, you do still have options of how to proceed. Your acceptance doesn’t have to be truthful. That being said, he is a man with wealth and influence. Maybe he wouldn’t be the worst person to get in bed with. And you could even negotiate and agree on a condition as well.</p>
[[Agree to work with him, regardless of if it’s a lie or not|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 5; $quests.release3.choices.luthor2 to "work with him"]]
[[Agree to work with him on a condition|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 5; $quests.release3.choices.luthor2 to "work with him on a condition"]]
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I couldn’t say that anything worth talking about happened. She came in, ordered food, was nasty to me like she has always been, and left<</speech>>
<p>You lie easily. With no positive emotional tie to this person or the family, there is nothing you fear ruining by lying to them. And you aren’t about to admit to manipulating their daughter anyway. Who knows how they might react to news like that? Luthor clearly doesn’t look very pleased by your answer though. He sighs before replying.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>I had higher hopes for you. I already know about your App. And what you’ve done to my daughter with it. But, out of curiosity and understanding, I’ll give you one chance to change your answer<</speech>>
<p>Shit, if he knows about the App he might know everything. You can continue to lie and deny. But making him made might not be the best course of action. However, who knows what might happen if you casually admit to having access to demonic powers from your cell phone?</p>
<<luthorrelation -25>>
<<willpower 5>>
[[Deny deny deny|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 4; $quests.release3.choices.luthor to "deny deny deny"]]
[[Admit you’re the cause|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 3; $quests.release3.choices.luthor to "admit you're the cause"]]
<</if>><<addclass "body" "windgatemanor">>
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>App? I’m sorry sir, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I appreciate the second chance but my answer remains that I don’t know how or why Kathy might be acting strangely<</speech>>
<p>Luthor sighs again. He pulls out a gun from his waistband and aims it at you.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>Now why would you go and make a silly choice like that<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even respond Luthor pulls the trigger. Three shots, three flashes, and three stabbing pains in your torso. Warm wetness spreads across your shirt. Red drips to the tile below you. Suddenly, the tile appears to be coming closer to you. You fall to the floor. Your sight dimming. And fading away into total darkness.</p>
<p>Pitch darkness…</p>
<p>And then, a voice?</p>
<<speech "DreamLord" "Asmo">>Your allegiance was your undoing. You protected me, and I shall reward you for it. But you must choose more wisely. I will send you back. This time, keep yourself alive<</speech>>
<<willpower 15>>
<<attunement 3>>
<<appcharge 2>>
[[The App is activated|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 2; $luthor.relation += 25]]<<set $niella.gallery[1] to 1>>
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Alright, doesn’t feel like I have much of a choice. So let’s do it<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>You always have a choice now. And you done made the right one. But it ain’t as simple as you saying ‘yes.’ You’re gonna need to prove yourself<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Prove myself? How?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I care a mighty deal about loyalty. And I like when I method of ensuring someone’s loyalty. So you’re going to remove an obstacle of mine. Lucky for you, this just happens to be a potential obstacle of your own as well<</speech>>
<p>You stand there silently. Looking at him, expecting him to continue and get to the point.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>See now, there’s this group. Call em an organization if you’d like. That also knows all about our helpful friends. They just happen to hate our friends. Out there, trying to stop people like us from using what these friends so graciously offer us. They call themselves, Ouranius. And I do believe that you have even met one of them already<</speech>>
<p>You nod silently. Thinking about what Luthor is saying. It’s clear that the only person he could be implying is Agent Smith. Making you think back to consider your previous interactions with him. Does he already know about Asmo? Is he following you?</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So what exactly do you want me to do?<</speech>>
<p>Impatience stains your tone.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>The man you have encountered previously. He has a partner that I have discovered lives in your neighborhood<</speech>>
<p>Your thoughts immediately turn back to Agent Doe from this morning.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>She is an obstacle. More so than her partner. Prove your loyalty, by removing that obstacle from us<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Remove her how?<</speech>>
<p>Luthor laughs boisterously.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>Now that would be up to your discretion. I don’t quite care how you do it. Nor would I ever desire to learn. Just so long as she is removed from the board, so to speak<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Alright. I’ll see what I can do<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>Good man. I expect to hear from you as soon as it’s taken care of. Niella will give you my phone number, and escort you out<</speech>>
<p>You nod in understanding. Letting Niella walk past you, and following her to the front door. She opens it for you, allowing you to pass and handing you a piece of paper with a phone number on it.</p>
<<speech "Niella">>Thank you for visiting. Have a pleasant day<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even reply the door is closed. And you’re left alone on the front step. Wondering just what you’ve gone and gotten yourself into. Doesn’t seem like there is much sense in turning back now though. You just head to Andrea’s house and figure out what to do about all this.</p>
<<luthorrelation 5>>
[[Head back to your neighborhood|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 6]]<<addclass "body" "windgatemanor">><<set $niella.gallery[0] to 1>>
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<p>There’s a certain comfort you feel being out of Windfall Manors. Those gates are made to keep people out but they serve just as well to give one the feeling of being trapped inside. Being free from that feeling helps as you have a multitude of other thoughts and feelings that you need to contend with at the moment. You can’t trust Luthor. That much is obvious. But you have a commonality that at least makes you feel like what is good for him could be good for you as well. And if he is telling the truth that the Agents work for an organization hell bent on opposing people gifted aid by a being like Asmo, then getting rid of people from that organization is ultimately to your benefit.</p>
<p>And yet, this is such a major action to take. You’ve just met Agent Doe. And you’ve only spoken to Agent Smith twice. Could you really treat them as enemies? Potentially even kill them? To your knowledge they haven’t done anything to you. But, they also might not know that you have Asmo helping you. Then again it’s awfully suspicious that they show up so soon after you met Asmo. And you never remembered seeing Agent Doe living near you before now. It’s all a bit too much. But you don’t have much time to make a decision. Every step you take brings you a little bit closer to Agent Doe’s home. Closer to having to make a decision. One that might set you down a path that you can’t come back from.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Back again? Don’t you have work today?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Well I actually do. But something came up that I had to take care of first. And I was just on my way home to get a proper shower before heading to work.<</speech>>
<p>You lied instinctively. The words flowing through you as if they weren’t even your own. You did mean them, to some extent. But it wasn’t the full truth. But now might be the only chance you can get to tell the full truth. Agent Smith has been nice to you. But you aren’t sure if he can be trusted. That goes double for Agent Doe. But Luthor isn’t trustworthy either. He even made it plainly clear that you would be in danger to go against him. There are a lot of things to consider before you proceed. From your safety, as well as Emma and even Megan’s. To what Asmo might thing. And hell even what is best for you. This App was given to you to solve problems. And yet here more seem to be piling up. You can’t really help it though. As right now, you just need to decide how to proceed.</p>
<<if $app.charges>>
[[Trick Agent Smith to get inside (1 app charge)|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 7; $quests.release3.choices.agents2 to "trick smith"]]
<a class="locked">Trick Agent Smith to get inside (1 app charge)</a>
[[Admit the truth and ask Agent Smith for help|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 11; $quests.release3.choices.agents2 to "ask smith for help"]]<<addclass "body" "street">><<NextPeriod>>
<<elseif $scene is 7>>
<<if $mc.attunement gt 8>>
<p>These Agents are a threat to you and Asmo. And so long as Asmo is helping you, you will help him in return. Starting with making sure these Agents and the organization they work for can do nothing against him or yourself. You yank your phone from your pocket and in a blink of an eye tap the App with your thumb. Your mind focuses on Agent Smith and him leaving. Going home and forgetting that he ever even saw you at all today. Wiping every bit of your presence this morning from his mind until you’re absolutely certain that no matter what you do next, he won’t be able to suspect that you had any role to play what so ever.</p>
<p>Agent Smith wordlessly begins to walk away. His will not his own. Leaving and heading towards the center of the city. Presumably to wherever he lives. Watching him leave fills you with mixed emotions. He was nice to you. But it was likely all just an act. Getting close to you to get you to slip up. Who knows what might happen if you don’t work against him. He could be acting nice to do the same to you as what Luthor has asked you to do to Agent Doe. And you are not going to let that happen. Not to yourself, and especially not to Emma. Once he is gone and over the horizon, you are satisfied and ready to head in to deal with Agent Doe, as you were tasked.</p>
<<willpower 5>>
<<attunement 1>>
<<appcharge 1>>
[[Head inside|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 8]]
<p>These agents present a threat to you. And so long as Asmo helps you, you intend to help him return. And the risk of something happening to you or Emma because of all of this is far too great to ignore. It takes some quick thinking, but you come up with a plan.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I was actually headed to speak with Agent Doe<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>You were? Did she not give you enough dirty looks earlier? Or are you just into that sort of thing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>No I just feel like we got off on the wrong foot. And if she’s my neighbor I’d like to introduce myself properly to her. As my neighbor and not just as some guy who served her partner pizza sometime<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>I get that. Want some backup?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>No no, thanks. But I think this is something I should handle on my own ya know? You won’t be there every day but we both live here, every day. Either I make a good second impression or I don’t<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith gives you an odd look. You fear that suspicion is part of that look. But you see more worry in it. Worry for you. He clearly doesn’t think you’ll do well. Which will hopefully play to your advantage.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Don’t let me stop you. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you when she bites your head off<</speech>>
<p>The two of you share a chuckle. To risk any sort of awkward pauses, you head towards the house right away. Letting that be the end of the conversation so you can take the last few steps you have towards the door to consider how you are going to handle Agent Doe.</p>
[[Head inside|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 8]]
<</if>><<addclass "body" "street">>
<<elseif $scene is 8>>
<p>Three knocks reverberate through the front door. Your heart beats so hard that the thumping drowns the sound out for you. Seemingly hearing the blood pump in your ears. Thoughts of what you’re going to do run through your mind. It’s hard to imagine. You’ve never intentionally harmed anyone before. Even in some of your darkest moments, the thoughts of how you might go about it never even formed. There is no turning back in this moment though. This isn’t simply a matter of harming someone. It’s a matter of preventative self defense. Emma’s safety, as well as your own, have to matter more to you than someone you barely know at all. And even as she answers the door, staring at you just as she did earlier today. Her simply humanity makes the thought difficult once again.</p>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>What are you knocking on my door for?<</speech>>
<p>Your thumping heart makes it take a moment to fully register what she asked. Forcing you to snap out of your self induced trance.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I know we sort of met earlier, but I figured I’d come by and do it properly. I like to greet new neighbors. If we’re gonna share a neighborhood we should be on good terms right?<</speech>>
<p>Whether you believed what you were saying or not was irrelevant. It’s still just a lie to try and get inside her home. Alone and away from anyone who might see you both from the street. Her look is incredulous. But still softer than it has been any other time she has looked at you so far.</p>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Is that some sort of attempt at a pick up line? I can respect the attempt but if that is your best, you need practice<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh no, sorry. I didn’t mean it to come off like that. I really did just wanna take a moment, maybe have a cup of coffee or tea, and meet you. Like I said you’re part of the neighborhood. And I haven’t met you before. I feel like we should know each other<</speech>>
<p>She cocks an eyebrow up. Looking almost intrigued. She steps aside and raises one arm up. Silently inviting you in. Two steps in and she closes the door behind you. Almost slamming it with how hard it closes.</p>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Shoes off here. I don’t have any coffee. But I’ll pour you some milk. Take a seat on the couch<</speech>>
<p>You slide your shoes off and place them on a mat beside her own shoes. Stepping in and following her until you see the couch. Taking a seat and enjoying how comfortable it is. A momentary distraction from what you’re about to do. But one you don’t let sway you from your intentions. Intentions that you now have to plan to the fullest. Your next actions have to be deliberate and quick. You won’t get another opportunity like this.</p>
[[Kill her as Luthor asked|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 9; $quests.release3.choices.andrea to "kill her"]]
<<if $app.charges>>
[[Use the App, Asmo can help you find the middle ground (1 charge)|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 9; $quests.release3.choices.andrea to "use the app"]]
<a class="locked">Use the App, Asmo can help you find the middle ground (1 charge)</a>
<</if>><<addclass "body" "street">>
<<elseif $scene is 9>>
<<if $quests.release3.choices.andrea is "kill her">>
<p>While she’s away, you scour the room for something to use. On one wall of the living room, Agent Doe has a desk. Thinking that you might be able to use a pair of scissors, you head over and begin going through the drawers quickly but silently. You find something else before a pair of scissors though. She has a rather ornate and frankly beautiful letter opener in her top drawer. You pull it out and marvel at how much sharper it is than a typical letter opener. Being almost as sharp as a proper dagger.</p>
<p>Folding it under your arm you return to the couch. Sitting and waiting. Only a moment or two later, Agent Doe steps back out from her kitchen with two glasses, one in each hand. With each of them occupied, it’s the perfect opportunity to strike while she can’t properly defend herself. She bends over in front of you, about to place the glasses down on the table. You strike. Flipping the letter opener around and plunging it directly into her throat through her jugular vein. It all happens so fast that your body froze. The adrenaline in your system making you shake. She pulls back away from you. The weapon remaining in your hand and her neck spewing copious amounts of blood. Her throat was pierced, so her screams for help are muffled by the blood filling it. She falls to the floor. The milk in the glasses pooling with the blood as it coats the carpet below.</p>
<p>By the time you regain your senses, she is gone. No life remaining in her eyes. You wipe the letter opener on an unstained part of her carpet, holding it through your sleeve, hoping to smudge or remove any fingerprints that you might have left on it. Before tossing it away. In a stroke of luck, none of her blood sprayed onto your clothes. A little got onto your face and hands. But nothing you can see on your clothes. You carefully wash up in her kitchen, being sure to only touch things through other pieces of fabric. Leaving as little trace of your presence here as possible. Then, with the job done you leave. Every bit of you is shaking. Taking her life has drained you of color and any sense of peace. As the thought of it begins replaying in your mind as you hold out some sense of hope that this was the right decision.</p>
<p>You rush home after that. As you aren’t sure what else you can do. You’re glad to see that Emma is gone when you arrive. The peace quiet and privacy quell you slightly. You’re able to strip down and throw away your cloths. Knowing that you’ll never be able to look at them again without feeling a sense of dread. And after a long, and grueling shower, you finally feel ready to call Luthor and tell him it’s done.</p>
<<andreastatus "Dead">>
[[Call Luthor|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 16]]<<set $andrea.gallery[1] to 1>>
<p>You don’t want to kill Agent Doe. You don’t want to kill anyone. And maybe you don’t have to. Luthor tasked you with removing her as an obstacle. He never said specifically that she has to die. Just that she can’t be a threat anymore. You pull out your phone and think on what you could do with the App. The thought crosses your mind that you should just have her forget Ouranius and about the group she works for. Something told you, in the back of your mind, that such a simple solution would be too easily undone.</p>
<p>Then you watch her walk into the room. As if by some sort of divine irony, she holds the two glasses of milk she prepared up right beside her chest. Just as each step makes her heavy breasts bounce. A much better, and more permanent and mutually beneficial idea instantly forms in your mind. One of Agent Doe… no of Andrea, being helplessly loyal to you and only you. Shirking any sense of loyalty to Ouranius. And believing that your safety, happiness, and success are what she would live for. An Andrea that believes that serving you, no matter the request, is her true life’s purpose. It would be an extreme change. But it would be one that can’t simply be undone. And you wouldn’t have to do something as heinous as harm her. You focus on it. Putting all your thoughts into this as you press the App with your thumb. The power that radiates from you, and your phone is the most intense you’ve ever felt from it. You look up at Andrea’s eyes as she places the glasses down on the table. She looks at you in return. Pure fear is behind them, at first. She realizes what you’re doing. But before she can even think to act, the power from the App consumes her. Her eyes go blank. And stay that way for several minutes before finally becoming full of life once again.</p>
<p>Andrea smiles as she looks at you. Appreciation, devotion, and perhaps even love fill her gaze. It is by far the most kind she has looked in the few hours that you have known her. And it tells you for certain that the App worked.</p>
<<speech "Andrea">>Here’s your milk $mc.name. I’m so glad you wanted to take the time for us to get to know each other better. Is there anything else I can do for you? Anything at all? Please don’t hesitate for a moment to ask<</speech>>
<p>If only Andrea was this kind to you from the moment you met. But kindness isn’t necessarily subservience. Testing how well the power worked is imperative.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah actually, if you stripped down it would make us both more comfortable I think<</speech>>
<p>Andrea doesn’t waste even a moment. Pulling her clothes off almost frantically until she is down to nothing but her underwear. She pulls her cloths off with such fervor that it reminds you of someone acting almost fearful. As if the moment you asked her to remove them, she felt horrendous shame for even having them on to begin with.</p>
<<speech "Andrea">>How is this? Are you more comfortable? Please tell me you are. I would hate to hear that anything is causing you discomfort<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>It is. You have nothing to worry about. You’re being a very gracious host<</speech>>
<p>Hearing you say that gave her visible relief. Her shoulders actually even relaxed from hearing this. She truly does live to serve you now. She could never be a threat to you in this state.</p>
<<andreawillpower -200>>
<<andrearelation 200>>
<<andreastatus "Controlled">>
<<willpower 15>>
<<attunement 3>>
<<appcharge 1>>
[[Press your advantage|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 10]]
<</if>><<addclass "body" "street">>
<<elseif $scene is 10>>
<p>With a woman as attractive as Andrea sitting beside you on the couch and anxious to serve your every whim, it only makes sense that you would take advantage of this moment to it’s fullest. You take her by her hand. Feeling her smooth palm against yours. Her eyes meet yours, staring deeply into them as if to invite you to proceed. You stand from the couch and lead Andrea towards her kitchen. Lifting her up onto the counter. Making her yelp from surprise. No words are exchanged. Every motion is deliberate yet just innately understood by one another. She pulls her underwear off. Slowly yet sensually, giving you a show. In turn you strip as well. Shedding your clothes quickly as to not waste a moment. Your hands glide against her soft and plush thigh as you lift one of her legs up to rest it against your shoulder. Letting her lay back as you plunge yourself inside her. There is a breathless moment before you begin to thrust. She lays back, loving every moment and movement. Relishing as much in your pleasure as she does her own.</p>
<video src="resources/scenes/release3/andreamissionary.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<p>You spend longer than you intend too, completely enraptured by your new servant. And it almost hurts you to leave her. But you’ve done what you came here to do. Andrea could not ever possibly be a threat to you, Asmo, Emma, or anyone else you don’t want her to harm. So before you get stuck here forever, as nice as that might sound, you need to leave and let Luthor know that she is no longer an obstacle.</p>
[[Call Luthor|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 16]]<<addclass "body" "street">><<set $andrea.gallery[2] to 1>>
<<elseif $scene is 11>>
<p>Luthor is a man with so much wealth and power, that he cannot be trusted. As much as he has helped, you don’t even know for certain that Asmo can be trusted. And if any of them pose a threat to you or to Emma, then you have to do anything you can to protect you both. Your hope, in this moment, is that Agent Smith can be trusted.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Actually, I have a confession to make<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Oh don’t tell me you have rats over there. It’d break my bleeding heart<</speech>>
<p>Your heart thumps as you consider what might happen if you tell him the truth. He might help you, and continue to be as friendly as he’s always been. Or he might just kill you here and now to prevent you from being able to continue to use Asmo’s power. But as you consider these endings, at least neither of them pose a threat to Emma or anyone else in your life. And with Luthor’s influence, and his own source of power, that is at least preferable to the worst case scenario if you side with him. And that gives you just enough relief to continue.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I know about Ouranius. And I need your help<</speech>>
[[Blackness|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 12]]<<addclass "body" "street">>
<<elseif $scene is 12>>
<p>You jolt awake to the feeling of ice cold water splashing against your face. Your vision remains blurry for a moment. Focusing on your environment as you slowly realize that you are strapped to a wooden chair in the middle of a rather nice looking living room. You’re soaked with water and Agent’s Smith and Doe are standing in front of you, staring you down with clear suspicions in their expression.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Sorry about the rough treatment. You’ll understand as we talk<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Don’t apologize to the enemy<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>He asked for our help. We don’t know he’s the enemy yet<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m not<</speech>>
<p>You cough, still feeling sore all over. The soreness doesn’t even seem to originate from anywhere specific. Giving you no clues as to how exactly Agent Smith was able to so quickly knock you unconscious.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Or, maybe I am. I don’t know. I just don’t know what to do<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Start with how you heard the name Ouranius<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Luthor Windgate told me about you. He’s who gave me that invitation this morning<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Working with Windgate? We should end him now before he becomes a problem<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>If you’re with Windgate, why tell us?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m not with him. I’m scared of him. He talked about having a sort of power and told me I had to work with him. Otherwise people I care about could be in danger. I don’t want anyone I care about to be in danger<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>What kind of power<</speech>>
<p>You pause for a moment. Carefully considering your answer. Wanting to be truthful but still worrying about telling them everything.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I don’t know. He mentioned altering the world. And his wife seemed, weird. Like she was a robot<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>If he can do something like that, why didn’t he use it on you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I don’t know…<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Liar<</speech>>
<p>Agent Doe punches you in the gut. Her fist striking your solar plexus perfectly and knocking the wind out of you. Agent Smith puts his arm against her, getting her to move back.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Listen $mc.name, we need you to tell the whole truth here. No omissions. We can’t trust you if you keep things from us. And if we can’t trust you, we can’t help you<</speech>>
<p>Between the pain of the punch, and the stress of the moment, you don’t waste any more time.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>He has an entity working with him, that can alter the world. And he didn’t use it against me, because I have one too<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>There we go. Was that so hard?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>We should still kill him<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>I don’t agree. We’re going to help him<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Protocol dictates-<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>There is no protocol for a possessor turning themselves in and asking for help<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>A possessor?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Shorthand we use. You possess an item that gives access to power beyond you. Possessor for short<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Why are you treating him like he’s an initiate?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>He only just popped up on our radar. He hasn’t done anything heinous worth standard procedure<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Not yet. He’s still a threat<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Listen I don’t want to hurt anyone if that’s what you think. I didn’t even know there was an issue with any of this. I just figured Asmo wanted to give me a hand. Like some sort of weird guardian angel<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>That’s a story we’ve heard more than once. The problem is ‘Asmo’, isn’t your friend or your guardian. He’s something beyond humanity and the help he gives, is like a drug. I trust you $mc.name. You seem like a good egg. But I’ve seen others like you. And they all end up the same. There’s a price to letting a demon into your life<</speech>>
<<if $activities.searchingForAnswers.stage gte 3>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>You aren’t the first one to tell me that<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>You need to shun him. If you want us to even consider helping you, you need to never use that power again<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>She’s not very delicate but she’s right. He isn’t your friend, or your guardian angel. He’s just using you to spread his influence<</speech>>
[[Agree|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 13]]<<addclass "body" "nicelivingroom">><<NextPeriod>>
<<elseif $scene is 13>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I promise, I won’t<</speech>>
<p>There’s an odd feeling that brews in the back of your head. Like a pain that formed just by your saying that. You aren’t even sure if you meant it. It’s not like they made you sign a contract. So you aren’t beholden to any promise you make here. But still, even suggesting rejecting Asmo gives you a slight pain and uneasiness.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Good. I’m gonna head out<</speech>>
<p>He unties you from the chair and lets you stand up again. Doe looks at you with pure suspicion. But seems satisfied with your promise at the very least.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>I’m going to go talk to some of the higher up. Sees what they say we should do here. We’ll be in touch. And if Luthor Windgate tries to contact you again, just come here and get help from Agent Doe. Understand?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Got it. I will<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith nods and heads out. The door closing and leaving a noticeable emptiness behind. As the tension in the room grows between you and Agent Doe. Neither of you saying a word, just stewing in the silence. You’re aren’t really sure what to do next.</p>
<<if $app.charges>>
[[Betray your promise and use the App on Doe (1 charge)|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 14; $quests.release3.choices.andrea2 to "betray her"]]
<a class="locked">Betray your promise and use the App on Doe (1 charge)</a>
[[Leave and thank Agent Doe for her help|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 14; $quests.release3.choices.andrea2 to "thank her"]]<<addclass "body" "nicelivingroom">>
<<elseif $scene is 14>>
<<if $quests.release3.choices.andrea2 is "betray her">>
<p>Luthor is still going to want to hear that Doe is taken care of. And these Agents had no immediate way to help you. You don’t want to follow through and kill Agent Doe. But an idea does form in your mind to get the job done without harming anyone. One of Agent Doe… no of Andrea, being helplessly loyal to you and only you. Shirking any sense of loyalty to Ouranius. And believing that your safety, happiness, and success are what she would live for. An Andrea that believes that serving you, no matter the request, is her true life’s purpose. It would be an extreme change. But it would be one that can’t simply be undone. And you wouldn’t have to do something as heinous as harm her. You focus on it. Putting all your thoughts into this as you press the App with your thumb. The power that radiates from you, and your phone is the most intense you’ve ever felt from it. You look up at Andrea’s eyes as she places the glasses down on the table. She looks at you in return. Pure fear is behind them, at first. She realizes what you’re doing. But before she can even think to act, the power from the App consumes her. Her eyes go blank. And stay that way for several minutes before finally becoming full of life once again.</p>
<p>Andrea smiles as she looks at you. Appreciation, devotion, and perhaps even love fill her gaze. It is by far the most kind she has looked in the few hours that you have known her. And it tells you for certain that the App worked.</p>
<<speech "Andrea">>I’m here for you $mc.name. Anything you need, please don’t hesitate for a moment to ask<</speech>>
<p>If only Andrea was this kind to you from the moment you met. But kindness isn’t necessarily subservience. Testing how well the power worked is imperative.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah actually, if you stripped down it would make us both more comfortable I think<</speech>>
<p>Andrea doesn’t waste even a moment. Pulling her clothes off almost frantically until she is down to nothing but her underwear. She pulls her cloths off with such fervor that it reminds you of someone acting almost fearful. As if the moment you asked her to remove them, she felt horrendous shame for even having them on to begin with.</p>
<<speech "Andrea">>How is this? Are you more comfortable? Please tell me you are. I would hate to hear that anything is causing you discomfort<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>It is. You have nothing to worry about. You’re being a very gracious host<</speech>>
<p>Hearing you say that gave her visible relief. Her shoulders actually even relaxed from hearing this. She truly does live to serve you now. She could never be a threat to you in this state.</p>
<<andreawillpower -200>>
<<andrearelation 200>>
<<andreastatus "Controlled">>
<<willpower 15>>
<<attunement 3>>
<<appcharge 1>>
[[Press your advantage|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 15]]
<p>There’s a bit of an awkward silence as you and Agent Doe are left alone together. She looks at you, as if not wanting to give you the opportunity to try anything funny. Her distrust is understandable. Even if uncomfortable.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Okay well, thanks I guess. I won’t take up more of your time. I appreciate you being willing to help me<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Make sure you don’t ask that friend of yours for any help. If I hear you even think about it, I’ll take you down myself. No matter what Andrew says<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I believe you<</speech>>
<p>You turn and leave. She closes the door behind you. You look back at the last second and see that she actually has a smile on her face. It’s slight but unmistakable. It’s pretty likely that she’s just happy you’re out of her home. But part of you hopes that maybe she’s coming around to you.</p>
[[Call Luthor|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 16]]
<</if>><<addclass "body" "nicelivingroom">>
<<elseif $scene is 15>>
<p>With a woman as attractive as Andrea sitting beside you on the couch and anxious to serve your every whim, it only makes sense that you would take advantage of this moment to it’s fullest. You take her by her hand. Feeling her smooth palm against yours. Her eyes meet yours, staring deeply into them as if to invite you to proceed. You stand from the couch and lead Andrea towards her kitchen. Lifting her up onto the counter. Making her yelp from surprise. No words are exchanged. Every motion is deliberate yet just innately understood by one another. She pulls her underwear off. Slowly yet sensually, giving you a show. In turn you strip as well. Shedding your clothes quickly as to not waste a moment. Your hands glide against her soft and plush thigh as you lift one of her legs up to rest it against your shoulder. Letting her lay back as you plunge yourself inside her. There is a breathless moment before you begin to thrust. She lays back, loving every moment and movement. Relishing as much in your pleasure as she does her own.</p>
<video src="resources/scenes/release3/andreamissionary.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<p>You spend longer than you intend too, completely enraptured by your new servant. And it almost hurts you to leave her. But you’ve done what you came here to do. Andrea could not ever possibly be a threat to you, Asmo, Emma, or anyone else you don’t want her to harm. So before you get stuck here forever, as nice as that might sound, you need to leave and let Luthor know that she is no longer an obstacle.</p>
[[Call Luthor|Release 3 - Told Agents Nothing][$scene to 16]]<<addclass "body" "nicelivingroom">><<set $andrea.gallery[2] to 1>>
<p>Now that you’ve left Agent Doe’s home, it’s time to give Luthor a call. You grab the piece of paper with Luthor’s phone number out of your pocket and dial it. It only rings once before it’s answered. Curiously, the voice on the other end isn’t Luthor’s though. It’s deeper, and more threatening.</p>
<<speech "???">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh uh, Luthor Windgate told me to call this number<</speech>>
<<speech "???">>You $mc.name?<</speech>>
<p>You hesitate for a moment before answering. Not really sure if you should be talking to this person.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah that’s me<</speech>>
<<speech "???">>Is it handled?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Uh, yeah. The thing Luthor asked to me take care of, is taken care of<</speech>>
<p>A click rings through your ear. Whoever was on the other end just hung up the second you gave him confirmation. You look at your phone and wonder what you should do now. You’re beyond late for work. And you could still head there. But it’s so late you don’t know what it would be like if you did. You look both ways down the street and see that for the moment, you’re alone. You take a deep breath and try to decompress over all that’s happened today as you decide what you should do next.</p>
[[Continue|street][$quests.release3.stage to 1]]<<addclass "body" "street">><<NextPeriod>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>There’s a certain comfort you feel being out of Windfall Manors. Those gates are made to keep people out but they serve just as well to give one the feeling of being trapped inside. Being free from that feeling helps as you have a multitude of other thoughts and feelings that you need to contend with at the moment. You can’t trust Luthor. That much is obvious. But you have a commonality that at least makes you feel like what is good for him could be good for you as well. And if he is telling the truth that the Agents work for an organization hell bent on opposing people gifted aid by a being like Asmo, then getting rid of people from that organization is ultimately to your benefit.</p>
<p>And yet, this is such a major action to take. You’ve just met Agent Doe. And you’ve only spoken to Agent Smith twice. Could you really treat them as enemies? Potentially even kill them? To your knowledge they haven’t done anything to you. But, they also might not know that you have Asmo helping you. Then again it’s awfully suspicious that they show up so soon after you met Asmo. And you never remembered seeing Agent Doe living near you before now. It’s all a bit too much. But you don’t have much time to make a decision. Every step you take brings you a little bit closer to Agent Doe’s home. Closer to having to make a decision. One that might set you down a path that you can’t come back from.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>$mc.name! Back so soon? They turned you away at the gate didn’t they!<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith laughs as he is leaning on his car outside Agent Doe’s home. It felt like you had been walking home for much longer than it took to walk to Windfall Manors. Agent Smith’s comment makes you check your phone though to see that it hasn’t been very long at all.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah that whole thing with the invite… was nothing but a scam<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Sorry to hear that. At least you were smart enough not to fall for it right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Right<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>So what are you up to now? Heading to work? Home? I’m really hoping work. I might follow you for some more pizza<</speech>>
<p>There is a pause as you consider how to answer, and what to do next. You can’t simply walk into Agent Doe’s home with Agent Smith right here. And doing nothing doesn’t seem like an option. If you just ignore what he said, especially after you said you would do it, who knows what type of hell he might rain down on you. And Emma for that matter. You can’t really risk putting her in danger. Agent Smith has always been nice to you though. Maybe you can ask him for help instead. Whichever option you choose, the choice has to be made now.</p>
[[Trick Agent Smith to get inside|galleryAndrea2][$scene to 1]]<<addclass "body" "street">>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<if $mc.attunement gt 8>>
<p>These Agents are a threat to you and Asmo. And so long as Asmo is helping you, you will help him in return. Starting with making sure these Agents and the organization they work for can do nothing against him or yourself. You yank your phone from your pocket and in a blink of an eye tap the App with your thumb. Your mind focuses on Agent Smith and him leaving. Going home and forgetting that he ever even saw you at all today. Wiping every bit of your presence this morning from his mind until you’re absolutely certain that no matter what you do next, he won’t be able to suspect that you had any role to play what so ever.</p>
<p>Agent Smith wordlessly begins to walk away. His will not his own. Leaving and heading towards the center of the city. Presumably to wherever he lives. Watching him leave fills you with mixed emotions. He was nice to you. But it was likely all just an act. Getting close to you to get you to slip up. Who knows what might happen if you don’t work against him. He could be acting nice to do the same to you as what Luthor has asked you to do to Agent Doe. And you are not going to let that happen. Not to yourself, and especially not to Emma. Once he is gone and over the horizon, you are satisfied and ready to head in to deal with Agent Doe, as you were tasked.</p>
[[Head inside|galleryAndrea2][$scene to 2]]
<p>These agents present a threat to you. And so long as Asmo helps you, you intend to help him return. And the risk of something happening to you or Emma because of all of this is far too great to ignore. It takes some quick thinking, but you come up with a plan.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I was actually headed to speak with Agent Doe<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>You were? Did she not give you enough dirty looks earlier? Or are you just into that sort of thing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>No I just feel like we got off on the wrong foot. And if she’s my neighbor I’d like to introduce myself properly to her. As my neighbor and not just as some guy who served her partner pizza sometime<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>I get that. Want some backup?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>No no, thanks. But I think this is something I should handle on my own ya know? You won’t be there every day but we both live here, every day. Either I make a good second impression or I don’t<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith gives you an odd look. You fear that suspicion is part of that look. But you see more worry in it. Worry for you. He clearly doesn’t think you’ll do well. Which will hopefully play to your advantage.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Don’t let me stop you. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you when she bites your head off<</speech>>
<p>The two of you share a chuckle. To risk any sort of awkward pauses, you head towards the house right away. Letting that be the end of the conversation so you can take the last few steps you have towards the door to consider how you are going to handle Agent Doe.</p>
[[Head inside|galleryAndrea2][$scene to 2]]
<</if>><<addclass "body" "street">>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Three knocks reverberate through the front door. Your heart beats so hard that the thumping drowns the sound out for you. Seemingly hearing the blood pump in your ears. Thoughts of what you’re going to do run through your mind. It’s hard to imagine. You’ve never intentionally harmed anyone before. Even in some of your darkest moments, the thoughts of how you might go about it never even formed. There is no turning back in this moment though. This isn’t simply a matter of harming someone. It’s a matter of preventative self defense. Emma’s safety, as well as your own, have to matter more to you than someone you barely know at all. And even as she answers the door, staring at you just as she did earlier today. Her simply humanity makes the thought difficult once again.</p>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>What are you knocking on my door for?<</speech>>
<p>Your thumping heart makes it take a moment to fully register what she asked. Forcing you to snap out of your self induced trance.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I know we sort of met earlier, but I figured I’d come by and do it properly. I like to greet new neighbors. If we’re gonna share a neighborhood we should be on good terms right?<</speech>>
<p>Whether you believed what you were saying or not was irrelevant. It’s still just a lie to try and get inside her home. Alone and away from anyone who might see you both from the street. Her look is incredulous. But still softer than it has been any other time she has looked at you so far.</p>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Is that some sort of attempt at a pick up line? I can respect the attempt but if that is your best, you need practice<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh no, sorry. I didn’t mean it to come off like that. I really did just wanna take a moment, maybe have a cup of coffee or tea, and meet you. Like I said you’re part of the neighborhood. And I haven’t met you before. I feel like we should know each other<</speech>>
<p>She cocks an eyebrow up. Looking almost intrigued. She steps aside and raises one arm up. Silently inviting you in. Two steps in and she closes the door behind you. Almost slamming it with how hard it closes.</p>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Shoes off here. I don’t have any coffee. But I’ll pour you some milk. Take a seat on the couch<</speech>>
<p>You slide your shoes off and place them on a mat beside her own shoes. Stepping in and following her until you see the couch. Taking a seat and enjoying how comfortable it is. A momentary distraction from what you’re about to do. But one you don’t let sway you from your intentions. Intentions that you now have to plan to the fullest. Your next actions have to be deliberate and quick. You won’t get another opportunity like this.</p>
[[Kill her as Luthor asked|galleryAndrea2][$scene to 3]]<<addclass "body" "street">>
<p>While she’s away, you scour the room for something to use. On one wall of the living room, Agent Doe has a desk. Thinking that you might be able to use a pair of scissors, you head over and begin going through the drawers quickly but silently. You find something else before a pair of scissors though. She has a rather ornate and frankly beautiful letter opener in her top drawer. You pull it out and marvel at how much sharper it is than a typical letter opener. Being almost as sharp as a proper dagger.</p>
<p>Folding it under your arm you return to the couch. Sitting and waiting. Only a moment or two later, Agent Doe steps back out from her kitchen with two glasses, one in each hand. With each of them occupied, it’s the perfect opportunity to strike while she can’t properly defend herself. She bends over in front of you, about to place the glasses down on the table. You strike. Flipping the letter opener around and plunging it directly into her throat through her jugular vein. It all happens so fast that your body froze. The adrenaline in your system making you shake. She pulls back away from you. The weapon remaining in your hand and her neck spewing copious amounts of blood. Her throat was pierced, so her screams for help are muffled by the blood filling it. She falls to the floor. The milk in the glasses pooling with the blood as it coats the carpet below.</p>
<p>By the time you regain your senses, she is gone. No life remaining in her eyes. You wipe the letter opener on an unstained part of her carpet, holding it through your sleeve, hoping to smudge or remove any fingerprints that you might have left on it. Before tossing it away. In a stroke of luck, none of her blood sprayed onto your clothes. A little got onto your face and hands. But nothing you can see on your clothes. You carefully wash up in her kitchen, being sure to only touch things through other pieces of fabric. Leaving as little trace of your presence here as possible. Then, with the job done you leave. Every bit of you is shaking. Taking her life has drained you of color and any sense of peace. As the thought of it begins replaying in your mind as you hold out some sense of hope that this was the right decision.</p>
<p>You rush home after that. As you aren’t sure what else you can do. You’re glad to see that Emma is gone when you arrive. The peace quiet and privacy quell you slightly. You’re able to strip down and throw away your cloths. Knowing that you’ll never be able to look at them again without feeling a sense of dread. And after a long, and grueling shower, you finally feel ready to call Luthor and tell him it’s done.</p>
<<return>><<addclass "body" "street">>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>There’s a certain comfort you feel being out of Windfall Manors. Those gates are made to keep people out but they serve just as well to give one the feeling of being trapped inside. Being free from that feeling helps as you have a multitude of other thoughts and feelings that you need to contend with at the moment. You can’t trust Luthor. That much is obvious. But you have a commonality that at least makes you feel like what is good for him could be good for you as well. And if he is telling the truth that the Agents work for an organization hell bent on opposing people gifted aid by a being like Asmo, then getting rid of people from that organization is ultimately to your benefit.</p>
<p>And yet, this is such a major action to take. You’ve just met Agent Doe. And you’ve only spoken to Agent Smith twice. Could you really treat them as enemies? Potentially even kill them? To your knowledge they haven’t done anything to you. But, they also might not know that you have Asmo helping you. Then again it’s awfully suspicious that they show up so soon after you met Asmo. And you never remembered seeing Agent Doe living near you before now. It’s all a bit too much. But you don’t have much time to make a decision. Every step you take brings you a little bit closer to Agent Doe’s home. Closer to having to make a decision. One that might set you down a path that you can’t come back from.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>$mc.name! Back so soon? They turned you away at the gate didn’t they!<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith laughs as he is leaning on his car outside Agent Doe’s home. It felt like you had been walking home for much longer than it took to walk to Windfall Manors. Agent Smith’s comment makes you check your phone though to see that it hasn’t been very long at all.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah that whole thing with the invite… was nothing but a scam<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Sorry to hear that. At least you were smart enough not to fall for it right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Right<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>So what are you up to now? Heading to work? Home? I’m really hoping work. I might follow you for some more pizza<</speech>>
<p>There is a pause as you consider how to answer, and what to do next. You can’t simply walk into Agent Doe’s home with Agent Smith right here. And doing nothing doesn’t seem like an option. If you just ignore what he said, especially after you said you would do it, who knows what type of hell he might rain down on you. And Emma for that matter. You can’t really risk putting her in danger. Agent Smith has always been nice to you though. Maybe you can ask him for help instead. Whichever option you choose, the choice has to be made now.</p>
[[Trick Agent Smith to get inside|galleryAndrea3][$scene to 1]]<<addclass "body" "street">>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<if $mc.attunement gt 8>>
<p>These Agents are a threat to you and Asmo. And so long as Asmo is helping you, you will help him in return. Starting with making sure these Agents and the organization they work for can do nothing against him or yourself. You yank your phone from your pocket and in a blink of an eye tap the App with your thumb. Your mind focuses on Agent Smith and him leaving. Going home and forgetting that he ever even saw you at all today. Wiping every bit of your presence this morning from his mind until you’re absolutely certain that no matter what you do next, he won’t be able to suspect that you had any role to play what so ever.</p>
<p>Agent Smith wordlessly begins to walk away. His will not his own. Leaving and heading towards the center of the city. Presumably to wherever he lives. Watching him leave fills you with mixed emotions. He was nice to you. But it was likely all just an act. Getting close to you to get you to slip up. Who knows what might happen if you don’t work against him. He could be acting nice to do the same to you as what Luthor has asked you to do to Agent Doe. And you are not going to let that happen. Not to yourself, and especially not to Emma. Once he is gone and over the horizon, you are satisfied and ready to head in to deal with Agent Doe, as you were tasked.</p>
[[Head inside|galleryAndrea3][$scene to 2]]
<p>These agents present a threat to you. And so long as Asmo helps you, you intend to help him return. And the risk of something happening to you or Emma because of all of this is far too great to ignore. It takes some quick thinking, but you come up with a plan.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I was actually headed to speak with Agent Doe<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>You were? Did she not give you enough dirty looks earlier? Or are you just into that sort of thing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>No I just feel like we got off on the wrong foot. And if she’s my neighbor I’d like to introduce myself properly to her. As my neighbor and not just as some guy who served her partner pizza sometime<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>I get that. Want some backup?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>No no, thanks. But I think this is something I should handle on my own ya know? You won’t be there every day but we both live here, every day. Either I make a good second impression or I don’t<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith gives you an odd look. You fear that suspicion is part of that look. But you see more worry in it. Worry for you. He clearly doesn’t think you’ll do well. Which will hopefully play to your advantage.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Don’t let me stop you. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you when she bites your head off<</speech>>
<p>The two of you share a chuckle. To risk any sort of awkward pauses, you head towards the house right away. Letting that be the end of the conversation so you can take the last few steps you have towards the door to consider how you are going to handle Agent Doe.</p>
[[Head inside|galleryAndrea3][$scene to 2]]
<</if>><<addclass "body" "street">>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Three knocks reverberate through the front door. Your heart beats so hard that the thumping drowns the sound out for you. Seemingly hearing the blood pump in your ears. Thoughts of what you’re going to do run through your mind. It’s hard to imagine. You’ve never intentionally harmed anyone before. Even in some of your darkest moments, the thoughts of how you might go about it never even formed. There is no turning back in this moment though. This isn’t simply a matter of harming someone. It’s a matter of preventative self defense. Emma’s safety, as well as your own, have to matter more to you than someone you barely know at all. And even as she answers the door, staring at you just as she did earlier today. Her simply humanity makes the thought difficult once again.</p>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>What are you knocking on my door for?<</speech>>
<p>Your thumping heart makes it take a moment to fully register what she asked. Forcing you to snap out of your self induced trance.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I know we sort of met earlier, but I figured I’d come by and do it properly. I like to greet new neighbors. If we’re gonna share a neighborhood we should be on good terms right?<</speech>>
<p>Whether you believed what you were saying or not was irrelevant. It’s still just a lie to try and get inside her home. Alone and away from anyone who might see you both from the street. Her look is incredulous. But still softer than it has been any other time she has looked at you so far.</p>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Is that some sort of attempt at a pick up line? I can respect the attempt but if that is your best, you need practice<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh no, sorry. I didn’t mean it to come off like that. I really did just wanna take a moment, maybe have a cup of coffee or tea, and meet you. Like I said you’re part of the neighborhood. And I haven’t met you before. I feel like we should know each other<</speech>>
<p>She cocks an eyebrow up. Looking almost intrigued. She steps aside and raises one arm up. Silently inviting you in. Two steps in and she closes the door behind you. Almost slamming it with how hard it closes.</p>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Shoes off here. I don’t have any coffee. But I’ll pour you some milk. Take a seat on the couch<</speech>>
<p>You slide your shoes off and place them on a mat beside her own shoes. Stepping in and following her until you see the couch. Taking a seat and enjoying how comfortable it is. A momentary distraction from what you’re about to do. But one you don’t let sway you from your intentions. Intentions that you now have to plan to the fullest. Your next actions have to be deliberate and quick. You won’t get another opportunity like this.</p>
[[Use the App, Asmo can help you find the middle ground|galleryAndrea3][$scene to 3]]<<addclass "body" "street">>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You don’t want to kill Agent Doe. You don’t want to kill anyone. And maybe you don’t have to. Luthor tasked you with removing her as an obstacle. He never said specifically that she has to die. Just that she can’t be a threat anymore. You pull out your phone and think on what you could do with the App. The thought crosses your mind that you should just have her forget Ouranius and about the group she works for. Something told you, in the back of your mind, that such a simple solution would be too easily undone.</p>
<p>Then you watch her walk into the room. As if by some sort of divine irony, she holds the two glasses of milk she prepared up right beside her chest. Just as each step makes her heavy breasts bounce. A much better, and more permanent and mutually beneficial idea instantly forms in your mind. One of Agent Doe… no of Andrea, being helplessly loyal to you and only you. Shirking any sense of loyalty to Ouranius. And believing that your safety, happiness, and success are what she would live for. An Andrea that believes that serving you, no matter the request, is her true life’s purpose. It would be an extreme change. But it would be one that can’t simply be undone. And you wouldn’t have to do something as heinous as harm her. You focus on it. Putting all your thoughts into this as you press the App with your thumb. The power that radiates from you, and your phone is the most intense you’ve ever felt from it. You look up at Andrea’s eyes as she places the glasses down on the table. She looks at you in return. Pure fear is behind them, at first. She realizes what you’re doing. But before she can even think to act, the power from the App consumes her. Her eyes go blank. And stay that way for several minutes before finally becoming full of life once again.</p>
<p>Andrea smiles as she looks at you. Appreciation, devotion, and perhaps even love fill her gaze. It is by far the most kind she has looked in the few hours that you have known her. And it tells you for certain that the App worked.</p>
<<speech "Andrea">>Here’s your milk $mc.name. I’m so glad you wanted to take the time for us to get to know each other better. Is there anything else I can do for you? Anything at all? Please don’t hesitate for a moment to ask<</speech>>
<p>If only Andrea was this kind to you from the moment you met. But kindness isn’t necessarily subservience. Testing how well the power worked is imperative.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah actually, if you stripped down it would make us both more comfortable I think<</speech>>
<p>Andrea doesn’t waste even a moment. Pulling her clothes off almost frantically until she is down to nothing but her underwear. She pulls her cloths off with such fervor that it reminds you of someone acting almost fearful. As if the moment you asked her to remove them, she felt horrendous shame for even having them on to begin with.</p>
<<speech "Andrea">>How is this? Are you more comfortable? Please tell me you are. I would hate to hear that anything is causing you discomfort<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>It is. You have nothing to worry about. You’re being a very gracious host<</speech>>
<p>Hearing you say that gave her visible relief. Her shoulders actually even relaxed from hearing this. She truly does live to serve you now. She could never be a threat to you in this state.</p>
[[Press your advantage|galleryAndrea3][$scene to 4]]<<addclass "body" "street">>
<p>With a woman as attractive as Andrea sitting beside you on the couch and anxious to serve your every whim, it only makes sense that you would take advantage of this moment to it’s fullest. You take her by her hand. Feeling her smooth palm against yours. Her eyes meet yours, staring deeply into them as if to invite you to proceed. You stand from the couch and lead Andrea towards her kitchen. Lifting her up onto the counter. Making her yelp from surprise. No words are exchanged. Every motion is deliberate yet just innately understood by one another. She pulls her underwear off. Slowly yet sensually, giving you a show. In turn you strip as well. Shedding your clothes quickly as to not waste a moment. Your hands glide against her soft and plush thigh as you lift one of her legs up to rest it against your shoulder. Letting her lay back as you plunge yourself inside her. There is a breathless moment before you begin to thrust. She lays back, loving every moment and movement. Relishing as much in your pleasure as she does her own.</p>
<video src="resources/scenes/release3/andreamissionary.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<p>You spend longer than you intend too, completely enraptured by your new servant. And it almost hurts you to leave her. But you’ve done what you came here to do. Andrea could not ever possibly be a threat to you, Asmo, Emma, or anyone else you don’t want her to harm. So before you get stuck here forever, as nice as that might sound, you need to leave and let Luthor know that she is no longer an obstacle.</p>
<<return>><<addclass "body" "street">>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>On your way to the address from the envelope, you notice a familiar face. As well as an unfamiliar one. Agent Smith is leaning against an all black Crown Victoria, speaking to a redheaded woman on the sidewalk. Both are wearing somewhat similar clothes. Both in a white shirt with black bottoms. The difference being that Agent Smith has a collared shirt with slack, and the woman has a more stylish shirt and skirt combination.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Well look who it is! $mc.name, right?<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith steps in front of you to greet you. The woman next to him looks at you sternly. Eyes like daggers jabbing into you. Reminds you a bit of how Megan used to look at you sometimes.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah that’s right. Agent Smith right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>That’s me. That pizza was amazing yesterday. Let your boss know that you guys have the best pizza in the city by FAR<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh thanks. I’ll pass that along, she’ll really appreciate that<</speech>>
<p>You turn to the stern woman and smile politely.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>And you are?<</speech>>
<p>She stares at your hand as you extend it to shake hers.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Oh I wouldn’t recommend that<</speech>>
<p>He laughs, placing his hand over yours to push it away from the woman.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>This here’s my partner, Andrea Doe<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>If you refer to me at all, I would prefer to be referred to as ‘Agent Doe.’ Not referring to me at all is ideal, though<</speech>>
<p>Her tone is icy and the words feel sharper than the look she is giving you. Either she doesn’t like men in general, or she just hates the way you look.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Oh don’t be a bitch Andrea. He seems like a good guy. Give him a chance<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>No.<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith shakes his head.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Anyway, how’s the search going? See anything you can’t explain since I talked to ya?<</speech>>
[[Tell the Agents about the Invitation as well as Asmo|galleryAndrea4][$scene to 1]]<<addclass "body" "street">>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Now that you mention it, something just happened that might be worth reporting<</speech>>
<p>Both agents perk up at the thought. Agent Smith takes a step closer to you, his demeanor changing to be a bit more serious. You hold up the envelope for them to see as you continue to explain.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Why would an envelope be something you can’t explain? Mail is a pretty easy to understand thing $mc.name<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Someone was banging on my front door really hard this morning. When I answered it, no one was there and this was on the ground in front of it. Whoever left it was fast. Because there was maybe a second or two between when they knocked and when I opened the door. And they were already gone<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith and Doe look at each other with a bit of concern.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>That might just be worth telling us about, I’ll admit. Who is it from?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Well, that’s actually the more inexplicable part. It doesn’t say who it’s from but it just says that I should go to 16 Windfall Manors, immediately. A nobody like me being summoned to Windfall Manor feels a little supernatural to me<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith cracks up at your point. Laughing boisterously to the point that he puts his hand over his stomach. Agent Doe’s expression doesn’t change. Like carved stone her face remains resolute.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>I’m actually tempted to agree with ya. But it’s still a little mundane for what we’re looking out for. No clue who’s address that is. But, if they live in Windfall, then they have a lot of money, power, or both. So be careful $mc.name. I don’t want to be buying pizza from anyone else<</speech>>
<p>You laugh with Agent Smith at his comment.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>There is one more thing…<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>What’s that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Well, I can kind of explain it so I didn’t think to tell you about it before. But it’s so out there that I really wonder if it’s what you’re looking for<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Out with it<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Be nice<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I have an App that some being named Asmo gave me that lets me do some crazy stuff<</speech>>
<p>The pair of agents look at one another, then back at you. And before either of the three of you even come out with another word, you feel a sharp pain in your head, and are knocked out.</p>
[[Continue|galleryAndrea4][$scene to 2]]<<addclass "body" "street">>
<p>You jolt awake to the feeling of ice cold water splashing against your face. Your vision remains blurry for a moment. Focusing on your environment as you slowly realize that you are strapped to a wooden chair in the middle of a rather nice looking living room. You’re soaked with water and Agent’s Smith and Doe are standing in front of you, staring you down with clear suspicions in their expression.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Sorry about the rough treatment. You’ll understand as we talk<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Don’t apologize to the enemy<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>He told us the truth on his own. We don’t know he’s the enemy yet<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m not<</speech>>
<p>You cough, still feeling sore all over. The soreness doesn’t even seem to originate from anywhere specific. Giving you no clues as to how exactly Agent Smith was able to so quickly knock you unconscious.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I don’t even know what’s going on right now<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Short version is we tied you up. You’re officially in custody of Ouranius<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Ouranius?<</speech>>
<p>As if you weren’t already foggy enough, now he’s telling you random words that you’ve never heard before.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Don’t worry about the name. We work for a group that operates in direct opposition to people like you<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What do you mean people like me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>He means dirt-bag demon worshipers<</speech>>
<p>Your eyes go wide in shock.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’ve never worshiped a demon in my life<</speech>>
<p>Agent Doe punches you in the gut suddenly. Agent Smith steps in front of her to pull her away.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Let’s calm down here before someone does something they’ll regret. Start at the beginning $mc.name. Who is Asmo and what can the App do<</speech>>
<p>You spend a moment contemplating what to say. They don’t seem like your allies at the moment. And you’re afraid of anything you might tell them. But you’ve told them enough already that lying might hurt you more than telling the truth could.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>A few days ago I had a dream. Where a voice that called itself Asmo said he was giving me an App to use to help me out however I need. I thought it was just a dream but the App actually worked. I don’t really know what it can or can’t do, so far it’s done anything I can imagine<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>See Andrea? He’s just a guy who doesn’t have a clue what’s going on<</speech>>
<p>Agent Smith grabs a chair and sits in front of you, looking at you rather softly.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Listen $mc.name because if you don’t I’m pretty sure Andrea is gonna hit you again. Asmo isn’t your friend. He’s a being from beyond our reality. He dangerous. How many times have you used his power?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>A few, I’ve only had him for a couple days<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>I need you to promise me you won’t use it again. Using that power makes it work like a drug. It gets harder and harder to keep yourself from using it. Until eventually, you become just some tool for it rather than it being a tool for you<</speech>>
<p>You don’t know for certain that you can trust Agent Smith. He seems genuine. But Asmo has helped you repeatedly. You don’t have to choose now though in the end. You can decide whether you want to use Asmo again on your own. Agent Smith just wants to hear the words right now. There’s no contract involved.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Okay, yeah. I promise<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>That’s what I like to hear!<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>We should still kill him<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>I don’t agree. We’re going to help him<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Protocol dictates-<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>There is no protocol for a possessor turning themselves in and asking for help<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>A possessor?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Shorthand we use. You possess an item that gives access to power beyond you. Possessor for short<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Why are you treating him like he’s an initiate?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>He only just popped up on our radar. He hasn’t done anything heinous worth standard procedure<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Doe">>Not yet. He’s still a threat<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Listen I don’t want to hurt anyone if that’s what you think. I didn’t even know there was an issue with any of this. I just figured Asmo wanted to give me a hand. Like some sort of weird guardian angel<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>That’s a story we’ve heard before. But like I told you, the power is corrupting. Trust me, just do what we say and you’ll be better off. The invitation you got is from Luthor Windgate. He’s a bit of a thorn in the side of our organization. If he wants you to speak with him, then it’s because he knows you have a demon behind you as well. If you’re telling the truth and really don’t want to hurt anyone, then agree to inform on him for us<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Inform on him how?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>He’ll ask you to do something. He’ll likely try and convince you that it’s mutually beneficial. Just agree to it, then come back and tell us. You’ll be our inside man<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I guess I can do that<</speech>>
<p>Another half truth. You could side with them, or listen to whatever Luthor wants honestly. It’s just words for now. The actions will come later. Agent Smith unties you and let’s you go.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Glad to hear it. Keep in touch. I’m putting myself on the line for you here. Don’t make me regret it<</speech>>
<p>You nod in understanding before you leave. Walking out to see that you were just being held in Agent Doe’s home the whole time. You don’t know if trusting the agents is the right thing to do. But for now, heading to Windfall Manors is next on your docket. Hopefully you’ll know what to do after meeting this Luthor person.</p>
<<return>><<addclass "body" "street">>
<</if>><<if !$activities.richGirlProblems.stage && $quests.release3.stage>>
<p>The invitation that Luthor had sent to you gives you almost unfettered access to Windfall Manors now. Since the looming confusion of what the invitation was about the first time, you didn’t get a chance to properly explore or take in the sights of the neighborhood. Now is as good of a time as any to rectify that.</p>
<p>The streets of Windfall are sparkling clean. Not even a leaf on the sidewalks or roads. Every house is so well maintained and all of the yards equally so. They appear professionally kept as well. It’s doubtful that anyone in this neighborhood even owns a lawnmower. They likely all just pay people to cut their grass for them. That little bit of envy, and desire to be that wealthy that you can simply pay people to do your household chores for you is hard to ignore.</p>
<p>Thankfully though, as you’re walking through the neighborhood you notice something that helps take your mind off of all that. Namely the large, round ass of a girl bending over and struggling to pick up a package at her front door.</p>
<<contentcreator Andi>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Hey! Need some help?<</speech>>
<p>You jog up her walkway to her as you call out. She jumps up, a little startled by you. She turns and looks at you with a weary smile. Clearly just a little concerned about a stranger on her front porch. But also looking appreciative of the offer.</p>
<<speech "Andi">>Oh my god please. This is just so heavy. If you could just get it inside the door that would be great<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Sure! No problem<</speech>>
<p>You kneel down and wrap your arm around the box and begin to lift. It barely budges the first try. It is absurd how heavy it is. It feels like it’s filled with rocks or metal. But you’re able to get it off the ground on the second try. Getting it up and inside her door for her. She hurriedly closes the door too keep you out though. It’s pretty obvious that she doesn’t trust you to fully enter her home.</p>
<<speech "Andi">>Thank you so much! You are so nice. I’m Andi by the way!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m $mc.name. Nice to meet you. I gotta ask, what the hell is in there?<</speech>>
<<speech "Andi">>Oh like, a LOT of dildos and lube<</speech>>
<p>She giggles at the silliness of her answer. It seems like a joke at first but she doesn’t say so at any point.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Really? I’m shocked they’re so heavy<</speech>>
<<speech "Andi">>Yeah that’s probably the lube. But I need it for work<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh? What do you do?<</speech>>
<p>You ask the question innocently enough. It’s not hard to guess her job but coming off presumptuous right now would be a very bad look.</p>
<<speech "Andi">>I’m a streamer!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Streamer?<</speech>>
<<speech "Andi">>Yeah it’s mostly streams of me fucking myself with dildos. Sometimes gaming too though. Depends on the day<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh nice! You must be pretty popular<</speech>>
<<speech "Andi">>I am! How else could I afford this big house?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Exactly. Congrats on doing so well. That’s really impressive<</speech>>
<<speech "Andi">>You’re too sweet. You should check out a stream some time. My handle is @AndiSnacks<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh I will. I wanna see my hard work getting that box in pay off<</speech>>
<<speech "Andi">>Good! See you around $mc.name<</speech>>
<<contentcreator Andi>>
<p>You wave goodbye as Andi closes her front door. You’ll definitely have to catch one of her streams. Her ass is great. And who knows, it might be good to know someone so successful in the adult entertainment industry.</p>
<<willpower 5>>
[[Continue|street][$activities.richGirlProblems.stage to 1; $andi.gallery[0] to 1]]<<NextPeriod>>
<p>You're in the Windgate Manors, the luxury residential complex owned by Luthor Windgate.</p>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="luthormanor">[img["resources/img/windgate/manor.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Luthor's manor</p></div>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="street">[img["resources/img/street/street.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Street</p></div>
<</if>><<if !$activities.collectingWhatIsDue.stage && $quests.release3.choices.luthor2 is "work with him on a condition">>
<<if $andrea.status is "Normal">>
<p>It’s time to give Luthor another visit. Working for nothing isn’t your style. So it’s time for you to get some form of compensation for all of the stress that him dragging you into this mess has caused. For all he knows Agent Doe is no longer a factor and you held up your end. The worry that he may know the truth settles into the back of your thoughts. But, if he was watching her house close enough to see that Agent Doe is unharmed, then you’d probably already be dead. So demanding a just reward is exactly what someone who actually went through the stress of killing someone, would do.</p>
<<elseif $andrea.status is "Controlled">>
<p>It’s time to give Luthor another visit. Working for nothing isn’t your style. So it’s time for you to get some form of compensation for all of the stress that him dragging you into this mess has caused. Andrea may still be alive. But, like Luthor himself said, how you took care of her was up to your discretion. Choosing a path that benefited you more may not be what he had in mind. But the job is done. Andrea won’t be an issue for you or anyone you don’t want her to interfere with any time soon. With the job done, you want your payment.</p>
<<elseif $andrea.status is "Dead">>
<p>It’s time to give Luthor another visit. Working for nothing isn’t your style. So it’s time for you to get some form of compensation for all of the stress that him dragging you into this mess has caused. Agent Doe is no more. The look of shock in her eyes as she felt you plunge the dagger into her won’t leave your memory. Something tells you that it won’t, ever. But you did what you were tasked with. The job is done. And you do not intend to walk away from this empty handed.</p>
<p>Niella answers the door for you once again. Taking a second look at her with new context affirms suspicions that you already had. Luthor has her under the influence of whatever being is working with him. She wears a friendly, and downright pleasant smile when greeting you. But her eyes just remain so empty that it’s almost sad.</p>
<<speech "Niella">>Can I help you?<</speech>>
<p>She doesn’t even seem as though she remembers you. It’s a little haunting.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh yeah, I’m here to speak with Luthor. I did as he asked<</speech>>
<<speech "Niella">>You called the phone number to report your success. Did you not?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I did, yeah. But he wasn’t who I talked to. I told him that I would tell him that it was done. Not some random person on the phone. Besides I want to talk to him about compensation too<</speech>>
<p>Niella furrows her brow. It’s hard to tell if it’s a confused look or an angry one. Either way she simply gestures her hand to guide you inside. Closing the door behind you and leading you back along to the living room to meet with Luthor once again.</p>
[[Continue|Collecting What Is Due 1][$scene to 0]]
<p>You're outside Luthor's manor.</p>
<div class="imglink" data-passage="manors">[img["resources/img/windgate/manors.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Windgate Manors</p></div>
<p>The invitation that Luthor had sent to you gives you almost unfettered access to Windfall Manors now. Since the looming confusion of what the invitation was about the first time, you didn’t get a chance to properly explore or take in the sights of the neighborhood. Now is as good of a time as any to rectify that.</p>
<p>The streets of Windfall are sparkling clean. Not even a leaf on the sidewalks or roads. Every house is so well maintained and all of the yards equally so. They appear professionally kept as well. It’s doubtful that anyone in this neighborhood even owns a lawnmower. They likely all just pay people to cut their grass for them. That little bit of envy, and desire to be that wealthy that you can simply pay people to do your household chores for you is hard to ignore.</p>
<p>Thankfully though, as you’re walking through the neighborhood you notice something that helps take your mind off of all that. Namely the large, round ass of a girl bending over and struggling to pick up a package at her front door.</p>
<<contentcreator Andi>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Hey! Need some help?<</speech>>
<p>You jog up her walkway to her as you call out. She jumps up, a little startled by you. She turns and looks at you with a weary smile. Clearly just a little concerned about a stranger on her front porch. But also looking appreciative of the offer.</p>
<<speech "Andi">>Oh my god please. This is just so heavy. If you could just get it inside the door that would be great<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Sure! No problem<</speech>>
<p>You kneel down and wrap your arm around the box and begin to lift. It barely budges the first try. It is absurd how heavy it is. It feels like it’s filled with rocks or metal. But you’re able to get it off the ground on the second try. Getting it up and inside her door for her. She hurriedly closes the door too keep you out though. It’s pretty obvious that she doesn’t trust you to fully enter her home.</p>
<<speech "Andi">>Thank you so much! You are so nice. I’m Andi by the way!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m $mc.name. Nice to meet you. I gotta ask, what the hell is in there?<</speech>>
<<speech "Andi">>Oh like, a LOT of dildos and lube<</speech>>
<p>She giggles at the silliness of her answer. It seems like a joke at first but she doesn’t say so at any point.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Really? I’m shocked they’re so heavy<</speech>>
<<speech "Andi">>Yeah that’s probably the lube. But I need it for work<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh? What do you do?<</speech>>
<p>You ask the question innocently enough. It’s not hard to guess her job but coming off presumptuous right now would be a very bad look.</p>
<<speech "Andi">>I’m a streamer!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Streamer?<</speech>>
<<speech "Andi">>Yeah it’s mostly streams of me fucking myself with dildos. Sometimes gaming too though. Depends on the day<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh nice! You must be pretty popular<</speech>>
<<speech "Andi">>I am! How else could I afford this big house?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Exactly. Congrats on doing so well. That’s really impressive<</speech>>
<<speech "Andi">>You’re too sweet. You should check out a stream some time. My handle is @AndiSnacks<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh I will. I wanna see my hard work getting that box in pay off<</speech>>
<<speech "Andi">>Good! See you around $mc.name<</speech>>
<<contentcreator Andi>>
<p>You wave goodbye as Andi closes her front door. You’ll definitely have to catch one of her streams. Her ass is great. And who knows, it might be good to know someone so successful in the adult entertainment industry.</p>
<p>Sitting at the computer can often make it pretty easy to get into the mood. You think about loading up your favorite porn game. But a second thought crosses your mind. You did promise to check out Andi’s stream sometime. And what better time could there be to see if she’s online. Typing her name in brings you her page very quickly. And as luck would have it, she’s actually live. Not only is she live, she’s already stripped down and gotten right into the action. Bent over with her big ass and pussy showing. Teasing every fold with her fingers as people send her more and more money.</p>
<video src="resources/scenes/activities/richGirlProblems2/andimasturbation.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<contentcreator Andi>>
<p>You watch for a while and enjoy yourself. Sticking around even after you’re finished to check out more of her stream. She clearly knows what she’s doing. No need to look beyond the constant stream of gifts and donations that her views provide for her. Actually, she seems popular enough that you’re shocked that you haven’t heard of her before.</p>
<p>Suddenly though, something catches your eye. Something moving just outside her window. He curtains make it very hard to see outside. And likely just as difficult to see inside. But you definitely saw something. And after a short time, it comes back. It’s impossible to make out who or what it is exactly. But there is enough shape there this time to know that it’s a person. Someone in Andi’s yard is casting that shadow. Trying to look into her bedroom. Trying to peep on her during her live stream. Andi might just have a stalker. You should talk to her about this next time you see her.</p>
[[Continue|bedroom][$activities.richGirlProblems.stage to 2; $andi.gallery[1] to 1]]<<NextPeriod>>
<p>Sitting at the computer can often make it pretty easy to get into the mood. You think about loading up your favorite porn game. But a second thought crosses your mind. You did promise to check out Andi’s stream sometime. And what better time could there be to see if she’s online. Typing her name in brings you her page very quickly. And as luck would have it, she’s actually live. Not only is she live, she’s already stripped down and gotten right into the action. Bent over with her big ass and pussy showing. Teasing every fold with her fingers as people send her more and more money.</p>
<video src="resources/scenes/activities/richGirlProblems2/andimasturbation.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<contentcreator Andi>>
<p>You watch for a while and enjoy yourself. Sticking around even after you’re finished to check out more of her stream. She clearly knows what she’s doing. No need to look beyond the constant stream of gifts and donations that her views provide for her. Actually, she seems popular enough that you’re shocked that you haven’t heard of her before.</p>
<p>Suddenly though, something catches your eye. Something moving just outside her window. He curtains make it very hard to see outside. And likely just as difficult to see inside. But you definitely saw something. And after a short time, it comes back. It’s impossible to make out who or what it is exactly. But there is enough shape there this time to know that it’s a person. Someone in Andi’s yard is casting that shadow. Trying to look into her bedroom. Trying to peep on her during her live stream. Andi might just have a stalker. You should talk to her about this next time you see her.</p>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<<speech "Luthor">>Now, I think I’m starting to see why you ended up being chosen. It’s ain’t all the way lit yet but there’s a fire in you. Demanding to see me like this is bold. Make it quick though<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I will. You wanted me to tell you when the situation was handled. It’s handled<</speech>>
<p>Luthor nods slightly. He holds his tongue as though expecting you to continue on.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>Is that all? I already knew the moment you called my men<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I said I’d tell you. Not some employee of yours<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>Attention to detail is a trait I value. So I shall not hold your boldness against you<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I hope not. Because I’m also here to talk to you about compensation<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>Compensation?<</speech>>
<p>His eyes widen as he slightly covers his mouth and strokes his beard.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>What kind of compensation were you expecting?<</speech>>
<<if $app.charges>>
[[Have him offer you something (Requires being a nerd)|Collecting What Is Due 1][$scene to 1; $activities.collectingWhatIsDue.choices.stage1 to "offer you something"]]
<a class="locked">Have him offer you something (Requires being a nerd)</a>
[[Demand an apology from Kathy|Collecting What Is Due 1][$scene to 1; $activities.collectingWhatIsDue.choices.stage1 to "apology from kathy"]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<if $activities.collectingWhatIsDue.choices.stage1 is "offer you something">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>We didn’t discuss anything specific. But I made my desire for payment known. So I would like to know what you think the work I did was worth. And we can discuss it from there<</speech>>
<p>Diplomacy is the name of the game here. You’ve studied up enough to know that this is going to become a negotiation. And in a negotiation whoever makes the first offer is almost always the person to concede the most in the end. The look on Luthor’s face tells you he knows this too.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>How does a thousand dollars sound?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Insultingly low considering what I did. But I think you know that already. My counter offer is that I get Kathy<</speech>>
<p>His face begins to look sour.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>Now just what do you mean by that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I mean, in the same way that you have her mother Niella here, I-<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I’m going to stop you right there, boy. Before you finish a sentence that could get you killed<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m sorry, I thought this was a negotiation. You start way too low, I counter way too high, and we meet in the middle<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>Next time, don’t make you counter so wholly offensive to the person you are negotiating with<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I appreciate the advice<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>Why don’t we skip the rigmarole and you just tell me what you think meeting in the middle would mean here?<</speech>>
<p>You take a second to truly consider your options. But one really sticks into your mind so much that you have to suggest it.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I want an apology from Kathy<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>An apology. Might I ask what on earth for?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Since I first met her, she has terrorized me. Mocking me, berating me. Treating me like dirt. I’m done being treated that way by anybody. And I want a sincere apology from her<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I am impressed. Took me years of having my ally to reach the level conviction that you have. I can agree to tell her to apologize. But I will do anything to control her into being sincere. In case that is what you were implying. I’m her father, not her puppet master<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Agreed<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I want an apology from Kathy<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>An apology. Might I ask what on earth for?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Since I first met her, she has terrorized me. Mocking me, berating me. Treating me like dirt. I’m done being treated that way by anybody. And I want a sincere apology from her<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I am impressed. Took me years of having my ally to reach the level conviction that you have. I can agree to tell her to apologize. But I will do anything to control her into being sincere. In case that is what you were implying. I’m her father, not her puppet master<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Agreed<</speech>>
[[Continue|Collecting What Is Due 1][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<<speech "Luthor">>Niella, fetch Kathy for me<</speech>>
<<speech "Niella">>Of course, my love<</speech>>
<p>Niella turns and steps away. Heading up the stairs towards one of the bedrooms. The livingroom remains silent, somewhat awkwardly so. Until the sounds of discussion from upstairs echo down. It’s hard to make out what is being said. But it’s clear that there is a bit of argumentation occurring. Before long Niella returns with Kathy in tow. She sees you, and tries not to acknowledge you. Differing to her father instead.</p>
<<if $kathy.status is "Nice">>
<<speech "Kathy">>You wanted to see me Daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>Yes darling. This young man here has brought it to my attention, that you have been treating him very poorly for quite some time. Now behavior like that is something that I can excuse and overlook when you’re young. But you’re your own woman now. You need to take better responsibility for your behavior. And it needs to change<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Yes Daddy, I’ll do my best<</speech>>
<p>She speaks to him with a reverence that is laced with fear. The type that only comes from a daughter who was both spoiled and heavily disciplined. He was clearly hard on her, and very domineering as a father. It’s quite possible that he is the reason why she took out so many frustrations on you.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>That’s my girl. Now do the right thing and apologize to the man. Make it count, and make it quick<</speech>>
<<if $kathy.status is "Nice">>
<<speech "Kathy">>I’m sorry $mc.name. I treated you very poorly for years and you did nothing to deserve it. I can’t take back what I did. But I hope that my apology helps<</speech>>
<p>There is actual sincerity in her voice. The App’s affects on her must have been pretty potent to cause this much of a change. She’s actually being as nice as you had hoped. And as late as it came, it feels nice to finally hear.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Apology accepted. Thank you for saying so. Even if your father made you<</speech>>
<p>Luthor waves her off and she smiles at you slightly before turning and heading back upstairs to her bedroom. Luthor turns his attention back to you once more.</p>
<p>Kathy scoffs at the thought, but clearly she will do as her father tells her too.</p>
<<speech "Kathy">>Yeah, I’m sorry<</speech>>
<p>Her words are lazy and empty. She doesn’t mean it. Not in the slightest. You know it, and clearly so does Luthor.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>I said make it count. A scoff and just two words means very little to a disaffected man. Do it again, and do. It. Right<</speech>>
<p>Kathy recoils at his sudden dark and domineering tone. She sinks into her shoulders as she looks back at you and speaks again.</p>
<<speech "Kathy">>I’m really sorry. I know I’m a bitch some times. You don’t deserve it. Sorry. I’ll try to not do it again<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Apology accepted<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>Now see how easy that was? Do things right the first time and you won’t have to do them again. No head along. We have more to discuss. Topics which do not concern you<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Yes Daddy<</speech>>
<p>She quickly turns and practically runs upstairs back to her bedroom. You hear the faint sound of a sniffle as she runs up the stairs. She must be truly scared of him.</p>
[[Listen to Luthor|Collecting What Is Due 1][$scene to 3]]
<<speech "Luthor">>Now then, with that settled we can discuss a few things<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Another mission?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>No no, not quite yet. I will be in touch, should something come up. And when you receive a call from the number that Niella gave you in the future, treat it as an extension of my own voice. Even if my voice is not the one you hear<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Doesn’t sound very secure, but if that’s what you want<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>If there’s one thing you learn from today, $mc.name, I hope it’s that when I say something I mean it. And I’m saying to you right now, that you will hear from me in person, before that number could ever even become insecure<</speech>>
<p>His words carry quite a bit of weight and gravitas. Even if he isn’t a trustworthy person, he excels at projecting an authority that is hard to discredit. He almost makes you want to trust him, even if you never truly could.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Good to know. I’ll remember that next time<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>You would do well to. Now if you’ll excuse me. Niella will show you out<</speech>>
<p>Just as before, Niella leads you to the front door and opens it for you. Closing it behind you as you step out. Her eyes just as empty as always. Not even the look of someone trying to fight whatever power he is using to manipulate her. Just a pretty vessel that does what her husband commands. Part of it is sad, and another part is almost enviable. And it sticks in your mind even as you head out and continue on your day.</p>
<<kathywillpower -20>>
<<kathyrelation 5>>
<<willpower 10>>
[[Continue|street][$activities.collectingWhatIsDue.stage to 1; $kathy.gallery[3] to 1]]<<NextPeriod>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<<if $andrea.status is "Normal">>
<p>It’s time to give Luthor another visit. Working for nothing isn’t your style. So it’s time for you to get some form of compensation for all of the stress that him dragging you into this mess has caused. For all he knows Agent Doe is no longer a factor and you held up your end. The worry that he may know the truth settles into the back of your thoughts. But, if he was watching her house close enough to see that Agent Doe is unharmed, then you’d probably already be dead. So demanding a just reward is exactly what someone who actually went through the stress of killing someone, would do.</p>
<<elseif $andrea.status is "Controlled">>
<p>It’s time to give Luthor another visit. Working for nothing isn’t your style. So it’s time for you to get some form of compensation for all of the stress that him dragging you into this mess has caused. Andrea may still be alive. But, like Luthor himself said, how you took care of her was up to your discretion. Choosing a path that benefited you more may not be what he had in mind. But the job is done. Andrea won’t be an issue for you or anyone you don’t want her to interfere with any time soon. With the job done, you want your payment.</p>
<p>It’s time to give Luthor another visit. Working for nothing isn’t your style. So it’s time for you to get some form of compensation for all of the stress that him dragging you into this mess has caused. Agent Doe is no more. The look of shock in her eyes as she felt you plunge the dagger into her won’t leave your memory. Something tells you that it won’t, ever. But you did what you were tasked with. The job is done. And you do not intend to walk away from this empty handed.</p>
<p>Niella answers the door for you once again. Taking a second look at her with new context affirms suspicions that you already had. Luthor has her under the influence of whatever being is working with him. She wears a friendly, and downright pleasant smile when greeting you. But her eyes just remain so empty that it’s almost sad.</p>
<<speech "Niella">>Can I help you?<</speech>>
<p>She doesn’t even seem as though she remembers you. It’s a little haunting.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Oh yeah, I’m here to speak with Luthor. I did as he asked<</speech>>
<<speech "Niella">>You called the phone number to report your success. Did you not?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I did, yeah. But he wasn’t who I talked to. I told him that I would tell him that it was done. Not some random person on the phone. Besides I want to talk to him about compensation too<</speech>>
<p>Niella furrows her brow. It’s hard to tell if it’s a confused look or an angry one. Either way she simply gestures her hand to guide you inside. Closing the door behind you and leading you back along to the living room to meet with Luthor once again.</p>
[[Continue|galleryKathy4][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<speech "Luthor">>Now, I think I’m starting to see why you ended up being chosen. It’s ain’t all the way lit yet but there’s a fire in you. Demanding to see me like this is bold. Make it quick though<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I will. You wanted me to tell you when the situation was handled. It’s handled<</speech>>
<p>Luthor nods slightly. He holds his tongue as though expecting you to continue on.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>Is that all? I already knew the moment you called my men<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I said I’d tell you. Not some employee of yours<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>Attention to detail is a trait I value. So I shall not hold your boldness against you<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I hope not. Because I’m also here to talk to you about compensation<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>Compensation?<</speech>>
<p>His eyes widen as he slightly covers his mouth and strokes his beard.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>What kind of compensation were you expecting?<</speech>>
[[Have him offer you something|galleryKathy4][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>We didn’t discuss anything specific. But I made my desire for payment known. So I would like to know what you think the work I did was worth. And we can discuss it from there<</speech>>
<p>Diplomacy is the name of the game here. You’ve studied up enough to know that this is going to become a negotiation. And in a negotiation whoever makes the first offer is almost always the person to concede the most in the end. The look on Luthor’s face tells you he knows this too.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>How does a thousand dollars sound?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Insultingly low considering what I did. But I think you know that already. My counter offer is that I get Kathy<</speech>>
<p>His face begins to look sour.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>Now just what do you mean by that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I mean, in the same way that you have her mother Niella here, I-<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I’m going to stop you right there, boy. Before you finish a sentence that could get you killed<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m sorry, I thought this was a negotiation. You start way too low, I counter way too high, and we meet in the middle<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>Next time, don’t make you counter so wholly offensive to the person you are negotiating with<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I appreciate the advice<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>Why don’t we skip the rigmarole and you just tell me what you think meeting in the middle would mean here?<</speech>>
<p>You take a second to truly consider your options. But one really sticks into your mind so much that you have to suggest it.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I want an apology from Kathy<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>An apology. Might I ask what on earth for?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Since I first met her, she has terrorized me. Mocking me, berating me. Treating me like dirt. I’m done being treated that way by anybody. And I want a sincere apology from her<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>I am impressed. Took me years of having my ally to reach the level conviction that you have. I can agree to tell her to apologize. But I will do anything to control her into being sincere. In case that is what you were implying. I’m her father, not her puppet master<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Agreed<</speech>>
[[Continue|galleryKathy4][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<<speech "Luthor">>Niella, fetch Kathy for me<</speech>>
<<speech "Niella">>Of course, my love<</speech>>
<p>Niella turns and steps away. Heading up the stairs towards one of the bedrooms. The livingroom remains silent, somewhat awkwardly so. Until the sounds of discussion from upstairs echo down. It’s hard to make out what is being said. But it’s clear that there is a bit of argumentation occurring. Before long Niella returns with Kathy in tow. She sees you, and tries not to acknowledge you. Differing to her father instead.</p>
<<if $kathy.status is "Nice">>
<<speech "Kathy">>You wanted to see me Daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>Yes darling. This young man here has brought it to my attention, that you have been treating him very poorly for quite some time. Now behavior like that is something that I can excuse and overlook when you’re young. But you’re your own woman now. You need to take better responsibility for your behavior. And it needs to change<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Yes Daddy, I’ll do my best<</speech>>
<p>She speaks to him with a reverence that is laced with fear. The type that only comes from a daughter who was both spoiled and heavily disciplined. He was clearly hard on her, and very domineering as a father. It’s quite possible that he is the reason why she took out so many frustrations on you.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>That’s my girl. Now do the right thing and apologize to the man. Make it count, and make it quick<</speech>>
<<if $kathy.status is "Nice">>
<<speech "Kathy">>I’m sorry $mc.name. I treated you very poorly for years and you did nothing to deserve it. I can’t take back what I did. But I hope that my apology helps<</speech>>
<p>There is actual sincerity in her voice. The App’s affects on her must have been pretty potent to cause this much of a change. She’s actually being as nice as you had hoped. And as late as it came, it feels nice to finally hear.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Apology accepted. Thank you for saying so. Even if your father made you<</speech>>
<p>Luthor waves her off and she smiles at you slightly before turning and heading back upstairs to her bedroom. Luthor turns his attention back to you once more.</p>
<p>Kathy scoffs at the thought, but clearly she will do as her father tells her too.</p>
<<speech "Kathy">>Yeah, I’m sorry<</speech>>
<p>Her words are lazy and empty. She doesn’t mean it. Not in the slightest. You know it, and clearly so does Luthor.</p>
<<speech "Luthor">>I said make it count. A scoff and just two words means very little to a disaffected man. Do it again, and do. It. Right<</speech>>
<p>Kathy recoils at his sudden dark and domineering tone. She sinks into her shoulders as she looks back at you and speaks again.</p>
<<speech "Kathy">>I’m really sorry. I know I’m a bitch some times. You don’t deserve it. Sorry. I’ll try to not do it again<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Apology accepted<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>Now see how easy that was? Do things right the first time and you won’t have to do them again. No head along. We have more to discuss. Topics which do not concern you<</speech>>
<<speech "Kathy">>Yes Daddy<</speech>>
<p>She quickly turns and practically runs upstairs back to her bedroom. You hear the faint sound of a sniffle as she runs up the stairs. She must be truly scared of him.</p>
[[Listen to Luthor|galleryKathy4][$scene to 4]]
<<speech "Luthor">>Now then, with that settled we can discuss a few things<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Another mission?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>No no, not quite yet. I will be in touch, should something come up. And when you receive a call from the number that Niella gave you in the future, treat it as an extension of my own voice. Even if my voice is not the one you hear<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Doesn’t sound very secure, but if that’s what you want<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>If there’s one thing you learn from today, $mc.name, I hope it’s that when I say something I mean it. And I’m saying to you right now, that you will hear from me in person, before that number could ever even become insecure<</speech>>
<p>His words carry quite a bit of weight and gravitas. Even if he isn’t a trustworthy person, he excels at projecting an authority that is hard to discredit. He almost makes you want to trust him, even if you never truly could.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Good to know. I’ll remember that next time<</speech>>
<<speech "Luthor">>You would do well to. Now if you’ll excuse me. Niella will show you out<</speech>>
<p>Just as before, Niella leads you to the front door and opens it for you. Closing it behind you as you step out. Her eyes just as empty as always. Not even the look of someone trying to fight whatever power he is using to manipulate her. Just a pretty vessel that does what her husband commands. Part of it is sad, and another part is almost enviable. And it sticks in your mind even as you head out and continue on your day.</p>
<p>Asmo must have sensed your desire to speak with him. It’s been hard to digest everything you learned today. And talking to him might be the only way to sort it all out. Who to trust. Who not to trust. It’s still tough to say if Asmo is even worthy of your trust. There are so many variables to weigh against one another. And the only way to make an informed decision is to become more informed.</p>
<<speech "Asmo">>Back again, human?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah. I know you’re watching. So I want to talk about what happened today<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>Indeed. I did not suspect these complications to develop so quickly<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So you knew they would happen eventually?<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>Knew is a strong word in this case. I suspected. Many possibilities. Not all saw this result. But most did<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Then why didn’t you warn me? Why not tell me that someone else in the city had their own version of the App?<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>The one known as Luthor was not known to me. The entity that aids him was similar. We are not a collective, nor a community. We are individuals. Not privy to the actions or dispositions of the others<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Is that why he said we can’t affect each other? Is there some sort of barrier between you and his entity?<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>It is not so complicated, Human. I shall attempt to explain in terms you might better comprehend. Another human lives in another nation. He possesses a small rodent pet. Are you knowledgeable of this human’s actions? Would he not protect his rodent should you try to harm it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Are you saying that I’m no different to you than what a pet rat would be to me? Because that would be pretty fucked up<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>I care not for your feelings on my perception of you. Focus solely on the aid I offer<</speech>>
<p>His words sting with an icy chill behind them.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Okay so that aid can’t hurt him because he’s protected. Are there some entity’s that are stronger than others that can make a difference?<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>Beings like I and the entity that aids the Human Luthor are all equals. And power over equals can only come through Hierarchy. No hierarchy exists between us<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So what happens if there is conflict between you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>Petty disputes are forgotten. Significant disputes are settled by separation. Existence is vast enough that no two of us must interact if they don’t wish to<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Sounds peaceful<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>On the contrary. A lack of physical altercation, does not equate to peace<</speech>>
<p>There is a tense pause between you two for a moment before you respond. Learning more about Asmo and the beings like him can be a lot to digest at once. Especially on top of all that you’re already dealing with.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>What can you tell me about Ouranius?<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>I have heard the name. But little else more than you already know. My only advice, is distance. Observe and learn before engagement<</speech>>
<<if $quests.release3.choices.agents is "told agents about asmo" && $quests.release3.choices.agents3 isnot "side with luthor">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I was thinking of doing the opposite. Working with them. Maybe they’re good for me, and I should be close to them. Maybe they’re bad for me, and I’ll be keeping my enemies close<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>Your logic is flawed, but your actions are your own<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>So what about Luthor Windgate? I don’t think I could ever trust him but do you think he’s worth working with?<</speech>>
<<speech "Asmo">>Entanglements as such breed endless complications. With another entity involved, this is amplified tenfold. Though nothing with great benefit ever can come without great risk. The decision must be yours to make. As I only desire to offer you my aid. Decide who you wish to be, then allow your actions to follow that decision<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Thank you. You’ve helped a lot<</speech>>
<p>Asmo simply dissipates as the smoke begins to clear. While he didn’t give you clear answers, he provided you with more context. Hopefully enough to make your decisions moving forward easier to make. Only time will tell though. You let yourself drift back into deep sleep. Ready to face the next morning.</p>
[[Wake up|bedroom][$activities.collectingWhatIsDue.stage to 2]]<<NextDay>><<dayreset>><<set $wokeUp to 1>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<<if $activities.makingUpForLostTime.choices.stage1 is "make her forget this">>
<p>Your phone is still in your hand. And the GrowUp App is staring right back at you. This whole issue, can be wiped away with a tap. And so you make it so. Focusing hard on Megan’s own memories. Wiping and rewriting them for your own purposes. You look up into her eyes as you tap the App. Her eyes going dull and blank as the memory of your absence is wiped away. Replaced by one of you arriving to work on time and working more diligently than ever. A perfect model employee, and one worthy of a raise. Not a deduction. When the power coursing through the App and yourself finally finishes working, Megan’s disposition completely changes. So much so that she pulls you in for a hug. Launching you face first right into her chest.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Thank you again for your diligent work today $mc.name. If every shift were like this, you would be my favorite employee<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Uh, thanks Megan. Like I always say. I try my best<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>And today that was exemplary. I think you deserve a raise. How does an extra ten cents per hour sound?<</speech>>
<p>Ten cents? That’s all? Even when she’s being kind she’s cheap. But any raise is better than no raise.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Sounds great! Thank you so much!<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>So glad to hear it. For the first time in a while, I’m actually looking forward to my next shift with you<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Likewise. I’ll see you tomorrow Megan<</speech>>
<p>You feel her hand gently pat the top of your head as she lets you go. It’s an odd, but warm feeling. A tempting feeling. Making you miss the hug instantly. But you have to leave, for now. You have more to do today. And now that you’ve made up for your missed shift, there isn’t much else for you here at the moment.</p>
<<appcharge 1>>
<<attunement 1>>
<<willpower 5>>
<<meganwillpower -10>>
<<meganrelation 25>>
[[Continue|street][$activities.makingUpForLostTime.stage to 1; $megan.gallery[9] to 1]]<<NextPeriod>>
<<elseif $activities.makingUpForLostTime.choices.stage1 is "accept the terms">>
<p>Sometimes it’s best to simply accept your fate. Fighting this would probably mean more trouble than it’s worth. The App can’t solve every problem either. This is one of those times, where simply laying down your arms and moving forward is likely the best option.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I understand, Megan. I’ll earn your trust one of these days<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>I certainly hope that you do. I’ll see you tomorrow<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>You definitely will. And I promise to work late some time soon to make up for today<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>I will hold you to that<</speech>>
<p>With that, you head out. It’s gonna suck earning less. But keeping your job at a lower rate is better than losing it completely. And you will have the App if money gets too dire. You’ll figure something out.</p>
<<willpower -5>>
<<meganwillpower 5>>
[[Continue|street][$activities.makingUpForLostTime.stage to 1]]<<NextPeriod>>
<<elseif $activities.makingUpForLostTime.choices.stage1 is "make her your thrall">>
<p>No matter what you do, that core of Megan’s is just rotten. Even using the App on her to effect her lightly, just masks the shitty personality defects that hide beneath her. A thought creeps into the back of your mind that perhaps the App can’t even change someone’s true nature.</p>
<<if $andrea.status is "Controlled">>
<p>But then, you remember back to Andrea. She is your thrall now. The App helped you sway her completely. Clearly down to her very core she is a different person. And you can do the same here and now to Megan.</p>
<p>You have to keep trying though. This is your work. And your life. Maybe the sunk cost fallacy applies here. But you’ve already invested one App charge into this woman. It’s worth one more to see if you can correct her behavior totally and completely. Once and for all.</p>
<p>Phone in hand, you focus hard on a new Megan. Not just someone who is kinder to you. But someone who is devoted to you. Someone who can’t refuse any command you give. Because at her very core she would never want to refuse you. Effectively a Thrall. A version of Megan so helplessly devoted to you, that every thought and emotion she has of any consequence will be focused on you and your betterment. As that thought crystallizes in your mind, your tap the App. Letting the power flow through you and watching as Megan’s eyes go blank. You can see her be rewired to your desires.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>You alright, Megan?<</speech>>
<p>She blinks for a moment. Regaining her senses as the power has finished working. She smiles widely. Seemly now completely carrying a new disposition.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Of course $mc.name! I’m always alright when you’re around. Is there something I can do for you?<</speech>>
<p>The change is jarring. Almost scary. But at the same time pleasant.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah, you could do me a favor and not lower my pay. You know it isn’t my fau-<</speech>>
<p>She interrupts you, sounding frantic.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh absolutely not! I won’t just do that for you. I’ll give you a raise! Anything for you to feel and do better. I’m sorry I even suggested such a thing. I don’t know what I was thinking<</speech>>
<p>The power of her almost grovelling for you instantly goes to your head.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m glad you feel that way. Next time though, don’t interrupt me. It’s rude<</speech>>
<p>Megan looks heartbroken. Like she just watched a small animal get harmed. Fear and concern welling up in her eyes.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>You’re absolutely right $mc.name. I’m so sorry I promise it will never happen again. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?<</speech>>
<p>You pause for a moment. Looking at her and coming up with a dozen ways she could make it up to you. An even bigger raise comes to mind first. Then of course paid time off as well. But those feel just far too mundane. Then she bounces a little. Clearly unintentional. But hard to miss either way. And as her large tits bounce with her, it becomes hard to think of anything else but using her as her way of making it up to you.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>There is, you can start by stripping. I’ve had to work here, looking at that body of yours for so long now. You’re gonna make it up to me by letting me have it<</speech>>
<p>She smiles saucily. Sauntering over to you and dropping her clothes to the floor. Piece by piece, step by step, until she is standing before you completely nude.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>It’s yours. However you need. I just want to make sure you know how sorry I am for interrupting<</speech>>
<p>Your own clothes come off quickly. Once you’re nude you quickly wrap your arms underneath each of her thighs and lift her into the air. Slowly lowering her down onto your cock. Letting the moment of you filling Megan with it for the first time, settle. A lot of feelings and emotions mix with the sensations. Fear, desire, anger, pleasure, worry, all of them mixing into the moment. Holding her still as you both settle down from the experience. Focusing only on the desire and pleasure as you start to move your hips. Thrusting into her and not stopping until you cum.</p>
<video src="resources/scenes/activities/makingUpForLostTime/standfuck.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
[[Continue|Making Up For Lost Time 1][$scene to 1]]
<p>Being nicer just doesn’t seem to be enough. It needs to be more, and deeper. What she thinks and how she feels needs to be so profound that she could never actually consider something like this ever again. It may be the only way to break through her nature. If you want real change in the workplace, and in your relationship with her, you need to turn this working relationship into something much more. You formulate the vision in your mind more deeply. One of Megan being doting, and haplessly in love with you. A love so deep and strong that it borders on obsession. Desire, affection, care, and joy all felt deeply for you and only you. When the thought is fully fleshed out you tap your thumb on the App on your phone. Feeling the power course through you and instantly affecting Megan as she stands before you. Megan’s eyes go blank. You can see her be rewired to your vision of a better future.</p>
<<if $activities.theWomanScorned.stage gte 2>>
<p>Standing there and watching, the thought of if you’re taking advantage of her pops into your mind. But then you remember her troubles with her ex husband. If anything, you’re helping her just as much as you’re helping yourself. She has someone new in her life now to care for. She can forget her ex, focus on you, and be happier for it.</p>
<p>Megan closes her eyes and takes a deep breath as the App completes its work. Letting the air out slowly and sounding like she’s just relaxed for the first time in years. Loosening muscles that she had forgotten that she tightened. She smiles wide as she opens her eyes again to look at you.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>No, I’m being absurd. I could never punish you like that<</speech>>
<p>She walks up and brings you in for a hug. Planting your face right against her chest.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Don’t you worry about anything at all $mc.name. You do your best, and that is all I can ask. I couldn’t possibly punish you because of what someone else did to you. I could never do that to someone I love<</speech>>
<p>She pauses for a moment, putting her hand over her mouth.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh no, did I say that out loud? Well I guess the truth is out there. I love you $mc.name. I’m sorry it took me such an unbearably long time to just admit it<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Wow Megan I don’t know what to say<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You don’t have to say a thing. You’ve said and done plenty already. You were dragged into something you have no control over today. And you still came here to make sure I knew what happened. That says more than words could. I’m not going to take away any of your wage. In fact, I’m going to increase it. My way of acting, instead of saying I love you. I’m still going to say it too though<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Thank you Megan. That means a lot. And I’ll keep doing my best to show you I’m worthy of it<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh you’re more than worthy of it $mc.name. Come with me. I’m going to show you just how worthy you are of my love<</speech>>
<p>Megan pulls away from you, lifting her shirt from her body and letting you see her large breasts. She backs away from you slowly. Beckoning you to follow with her finger. Of course, you follow without question. Watching as the changes you’ve made to her materialize in full swing. When the two of you reach the counter, your clothes are already off. Left in disheveled piles on the ground like a river of fabric flowing into the lake of your love meeting together in a crescendo of kissing. Both of you explore one another’s bodies with your arms. Felling her pull you in tightly. Your own palms caressing every inch of her that you can reach. Pulling together until you inevitably pull yourself inside her. Your cock slowly sliding into her pussy as she sits back on one of the counter stools. Your eyes lock as you thrust slowly. Each motion delivering more passion and pleasure than the last. Building, building, exploding, in a moment of mutual bliss that makes you feel things for Megan that you never thought you’d feel for her. As though the power of the App created love for her within you in that very moment.</p>
<video src="resources/scenes/activities/makingUpForLostTime/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
[[Continue|Making Up For Lost Time 1][$scene to 1]]
<<if $activities.makingUpForLostTime.choices.stage1 is "make her your thrall">>
<p>In the aftermath, you expected to feel nervous or awkward. But Megan just looks at you with big doting eyes that melt any sense of those feelings away.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>That was fantastic<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>It was! I wish we had done it sooner<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Likewise. And now I wish I didn’t have to go<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>It’s alright. You’ll be back here tomorrow I presume<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>And I’ll probably be around after too. If this is what working late is like, I’m going to make sure I do it more often<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>That’s just what I like to hear<</speech>>
<p>She gives you a sudden kiss on your forehead as you get dressed. Waving goodbye while you leave. You really wish you could stay, but you have to leave, for now. You have more to do today. And now that you’ve made up for your missed shift, there isn’t much else for you here at the moment.</p>
<<appcharge 1>>
<<attunement 3>>
<<willpower 5>>
<<meganwillpower -200>>
<<meganrelation 200>>
<<meganstatus "Controlled">>
[[Continue|street][$activities.makingUpForLostTime.stage to 1; $megan.gallery[10] to 1]]<<NextPeriod>>
<p>In the aftermath, you expected to feel nervous or awkward. But Megan just looks at you with big doting eyes that melt any sense of those feelings away.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>That was fantastic<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>It was! I wish we had done it sooner. I’m glad we didn’t wait a single second longer<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Likewise. And now I wish I didn’t have to go<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>If wishes like that came true I’d make one every day. But it’s alright. You’ll be back here tomorrow I hope<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>And I’ll probably be around after too. If this is what working late is like, I’m going to make sure I do it more often<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Exactly what I hoped to hear, my love<</speech>>
<p>She gives you a sudden kiss on your forehead as you get dressed. Waving goodbye while you leave. You really wish you could stay, but you have to leave, for now. You have more to do today. And now that you’ve made up for your missed shift, there isn’t much else for you here at the moment.</p>
<<appcharge 1>>
<<attunement 3>>
<<willpower 5>>
<<meganrelation 200>>
<<meganstatus "In Love">>
[[Continue|street][$activities.makingUpForLostTime.stage to 1; $megan.gallery[11] to 1]]<<NextPeriod>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>There aren’t going to be many things that you could possibly say to excuse yourself for missing an entire day of work. And by the look of pure rage on Megan’s face, even the few things that you could say wouldn’t work very well. Her words cut through your ears like buzz saws the moment you open the front door.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Where the hell have you been? No call, no show. You’ve been late plenty but this is just unacceptable!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I know you’re right. I should have called. I had a completely unexplainable day. I don’t have anything I can really offer besides an apology<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Apologies aren’t enough for this $mc.name. This is too far. If you can’t give me a good reason why it isn’t your fault that you were not here, then I have no choice but to fire you<</speech>>
<<if $quests.release3.choices.agents isnot "told agents nothing" && $quests.release3.choices.agents3 isnot "side with luthor">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I was given a task to inform for an agency on Luthor Windgate. I had to speak with Mr. Windgate and tell the agents I’m working with what he said to me<</speech>>
<p>Megan scrunches her face into an incredulous look.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Do you truly expect me to believe that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Not really no. That’s why I said it’s unexplainable<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Call the agents then. Let them tell me<</speech>>
<p>Your stomach sinks. Agent Smith won’t like you talking about what you’re doing with someone else. But what else can you do? You pull out your phone and dial the number Agent Smith gave you to keep in touch. It rings loudly three times before it clicks as someone answers. It’s silent for a moment. Almost eerily so. Before suddenly a second click can be heard and Agent Smith’s voice starts coming from the phone.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>$mc.name, what do you need? Did something happen?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>No, I’m fine. I’m sorry to do this Agent Smith but, because of today I missed work and my boss Megan wanted to hear it from you. So could you tell her what I was doing that made me miss my shift?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Oh no no no you CANNOT lose that job. That pizza is too good. Who knows what some new counter person would serve me. No way. Yeah I’ll tell her. Put her on<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You’re already on speaker. Thank you for the compliment of my pizza<</speech>>
<p>Megan looks like she’s almost swooning over the compliment.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Any time. It’s the best in the city. But yeah $mc.name was handling an assignment for us. I obviously can’t get into details but please believe that it was very important that he do this before work. If it were me I’d give him some credit for coming in at all!<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Well, maybe I will. Thank you for telling me. I’m glad to know he was telling the truth<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Any time miss! Just keep making that pizza great! Bye bye now<</speech>>
<p>Before either of you two can say goodbye in return the click of the call ending rings from the phone.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m working with Luthor Windgate. And he had me take care of something that took longer than I expected<</speech>>
<p>She gives you an incredulous look.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Luthor Windgate? He’s one of the wealthiest business men in the city. Why would he have you working for him, he could afford to pay for the services of almost anyone<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>My services were the ones he wanted. Here I’ll call the number he gave me. You can see for yourself<</speech>>
<p>You hit call from your call history on the same number you dialed before. Just as last time, it only rings once before the same deep and threatening voice answers.</p>
<<speech "???">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Sorry to call again. I could use a favor. My boss doesn’t believe what I was doing today. If you could tell her it would save my job<</speech>>
<<speech "???">>You don’t need a job. You have one with Mr. Windgate<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even offer a rebuttal, he hangs up. You put your phone away and look back at Megan.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Next time, prioritize your actual job over whatever mess you’ve gotten yourself entangled in<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Of course Megan I’m sorry. I’ll do my best, as always<</speech>>
<<if $megan.status is "Nice">>
<<speech "Megan">>I know $mc.name. And I want to believe that your best will be what it needs to be one day. And I truly hope you don’t get mad about this but I must give you some sort of incentive. Every day you miss from now on, I’ll be reducing your wage. I’m sorry but it’s the only way<</speech>>
<p>She’s being as nice as she can be. But it’s still such an unreasonable thing to suggest. You already make minimum wage. And she knows that you need this job too much to risk it by reporting her for the threat. Or worse for potentially following through it with if you miss again.</p>
[[Use the App to make Megan forget this and think you weren’t here all day|galleryMegan10][$scene to 1]]
<<speech "Megan">>One of these days I hope that your best will exceed my minimum expectations. Until then, every day you miss I will deduct one quarter from your hourly wage<</speech>>
<p>A tinge of anger begins to form in your chest. She knows you’re telling the truth, she knows that you’re doing your best. Maybe you’ve run through all of her understanding. But at this point, how much understanding can you have for how she treats you?</p>
[[Use the App to make Megan forget this and think you weren’t here all day|galleryMegan10][$scene to 1]]
<p>Your phone is still in your hand. And the GrowUp App is staring right back at you. This whole issue, can be wiped away with a tap. And so you make it so. Focusing hard on Megan’s own memories. Wiping and rewriting them for your own purposes. You look up into her eyes as you tap the App. Her eyes going dull and blank as the memory of your absence is wiped away. Replaced by one of you arriving to work on time and working more diligently than ever. A perfect model employee, and one worthy of a raise. Not a deduction. When the power coursing through the App and yourself finally finishes working, Megan’s disposition completely changes. So much so that she pulls you in for a hug. Launching you face first right into her chest.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Thank you again for your diligent work today $mc.name. If every shift were like this, you would be my favorite employee<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Uh, thanks Megan. Like I always say. I try my best<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>And today that was exemplary. I think you deserve a raise. How does an extra ten cents per hour sound?<</speech>>
<p>Ten cents? That’s all? Even when she’s being kind she’s cheap. But any raise is better than no raise.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Sounds great! Thank you so much!<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>So glad to hear it. For the first time in a while, I’m actually looking forward to my next shift with you<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Likewise. I’ll see you tomorrow Megan<</speech>>
<p>You feel her hand gently pat the top of your head as she lets you go. It’s an odd, but warm feeling. A tempting feeling. Making you miss the hug instantly. But you have to leave, for now. You have more to do today. And now that you’ve made up for your missed shift, there isn’t much else for you here at the moment.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>There aren’t going to be many things that you could possibly say to excuse yourself for missing an entire day of work. And by the look of pure rage on Megan’s face, even the few things that you could say wouldn’t work very well. Her words cut through your ears like buzz saws the moment you open the front door.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Where the hell have you been? No call, no show. You’ve been late plenty but this is just unacceptable!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I know you’re right. I should have called. I had a completely unexplainable day. I don’t have anything I can really offer besides an apology<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Apologies aren’t enough for this $mc.name. This is too far. If you can’t give me a good reason why it isn’t your fault that you were not here, then I have no choice but to fire you<</speech>>
<<if $quests.release3.choices.agents isnot "told agents nothing" && $quests.release3.choices.agents3 isnot "side with luthor">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I was given a task to inform for an agency on Luthor Windgate. I had to speak with Mr. Windgate and tell the agents I’m working with what he said to me<</speech>>
<p>Megan scrunches her face into an incredulous look.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Do you truly expect me to believe that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Not really no. That’s why I said it’s unexplainable<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Call the agents then. Let them tell me<</speech>>
<p>Your stomach sinks. Agent Smith won’t like you talking about what you’re doing with someone else. But what else can you do? You pull out your phone and dial the number Agent Smith gave you to keep in touch. It rings loudly three times before it clicks as someone answers. It’s silent for a moment. Almost eerily so. Before suddenly a second click can be heard and Agent Smith’s voice starts coming from the phone.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>$mc.name, what do you need? Did something happen?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>No, I’m fine. I’m sorry to do this Agent Smith but, because of today I missed work and my boss Megan wanted to hear it from you. So could you tell her what I was doing that made me miss my shift?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Oh no no no you CANNOT lose that job. That pizza is too good. Who knows what some new counter person would serve me. No way. Yeah I’ll tell her. Put her on<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You’re already on speaker. Thank you for the compliment of my pizza<</speech>>
<p>Megan looks like she’s almost swooning over the compliment.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Any time. It’s the best in the city. But yeah $mc.name was handling an assignment for us. I obviously can’t get into details but please believe that it was very important that he do this before work. If it were me I’d give him some credit for coming in at all!<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Well, maybe I will. Thank you for telling me. I’m glad to know he was telling the truth<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Any time miss! Just keep making that pizza great! Bye bye now<</speech>>
<p>Before either of you two can say goodbye in return the click of the call ending rings from the phone.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m working with Luthor Windgate. And he had me take care of something that took longer than I expected<</speech>>
<p>She gives you an incredulous look.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Luthor Windgate? He’s one of the wealthiest business men in the city. Why would he have you working for him, he could afford to pay for the services of almost anyone<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>My services were the ones he wanted. Here I’ll call the number he gave me. You can see for yourself<</speech>>
<p>You hit call from your call history on the same number you dialed before. Just as last time, it only rings once before the same deep and threatening voice answers.</p>
<<speech "???">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Sorry to call again. I could use a favor. My boss doesn’t believe what I was doing today. If you could tell her it would save my job<</speech>>
<<speech "???">>You don’t need a job. You have one with Mr. Windgate<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even offer a rebuttal, he hangs up. You put your phone away and look back at Megan.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Next time, prioritize your actual job over whatever mess you’ve gotten yourself entangled in<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Of course Megan I’m sorry. I’ll do my best, as always<</speech>>
<<if $megan.status is "Nice">>
<<speech "Megan">>I know $mc.name. And I want to believe that your best will be what it needs to be one day. And I truly hope you don’t get mad about this but I must give you some sort of incentive. Every day you miss from now on, I’ll be reducing your wage. I’m sorry but it’s the only way<</speech>>
<p>She’s being as nice as she can be. But it’s still such an unreasonable thing to suggest. You already make minimum wage. And she knows that you need this job too much to risk it by reporting her for the threat. Or worse for potentially following through it with if you miss again.</p>
[[Use the App to make her your thrall|galleryMegan11][$scene to 1]]
<<speech "Megan">>One of these days I hope that your best will exceed my minimum expectations. Until then, every day you miss I will deduct one quarter from your hourly wage<</speech>>
<p>A tinge of anger begins to form in your chest. She knows you’re telling the truth, she knows that you’re doing your best. Maybe you’ve run through all of her understanding. But at this point, how much understanding can you have for how she treats you?</p>
[[Use the App to make her your thrall|galleryMegan11][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>No matter what you do, that core of Megan’s is just rotten. Even using the App on her to effect her lightly, just masks the shitty personality defects that hide beneath her. A thought creeps into the back of your mind that perhaps the App can’t even change someone’s true nature.</p>
<<if $andrea.status is "Controlled">>
<p>But then, you remember back to Andrea. She is your thrall now. The App helped you sway her completely. Clearly down to her very core she is a different person. And you can do the same here and now to Megan.</p>
<p>You have to keep trying though. This is your work. And your life. Maybe the sunk cost fallacy applies here. But you’ve already invested one App charge into this woman. It’s worth one more to see if you can correct her behavior totally and completely. Once and for all.</p>
<p>Phone in hand, you focus hard on a new Megan. Not just someone who is kinder to you. But someone who is devoted to you. Someone who can’t refuse any command you give. Because at her very core she would never want to refuse you. Effectively a Thrall. A version of Megan so helplessly devoted to you, that every thought and emotion she has of any consequence will be focused on you and your betterment. As that thought crystallizes in your mind, your tap the App. Letting the power flow through you and watching as Megan’s eyes go blank. You can see her be rewired to your desires.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>You alright, Megan?<</speech>>
<p>She blinks for a moment. Regaining her senses as the power has finished working. She smiles widely. Seemly now completely carrying a new disposition.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Of course $mc.name! I’m always alright when you’re around. Is there something I can do for you?<</speech>>
<p>The change is jarring. Almost scary. But at the same time pleasant.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Yeah, you could do me a favor and not lower my pay. You know it isn’t my fau-<</speech>>
<p>She interrupts you, sounding frantic.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh absolutely not! I won’t just do that for you. I’ll give you a raise! Anything for you to feel and do better. I’m sorry I even suggested such a thing. I don’t know what I was thinking<</speech>>
<p>The power of her almost grovelling for you instantly goes to your head.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m glad you feel that way. Next time though, don’t interrupt me. It’s rude<</speech>>
<p>Megan looks heartbroken. Like she just watched a small animal get harmed. Fear and concern welling up in her eyes.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>You’re absolutely right $mc.name. I’m so sorry I promise it will never happen again. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?<</speech>>
<p>You pause for a moment. Looking at her and coming up with a dozen ways she could make it up to you. An even bigger raise comes to mind first. Then of course paid time off as well. But those feel just far too mundane. Then she bounces a little. Clearly unintentional. But hard to miss either way. And as her large tits bounce with her, it becomes hard to think of anything else but using her as her way of making it up to you.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>There is, you can start by stripping. I’ve had to work here, looking at that body of yours for so long now. You’re gonna make it up to me by letting me have it<</speech>>
<p>She smiles saucily. Sauntering over to you and dropping her clothes to the floor. Piece by piece, step by step, until she is standing before you completely nude.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>It’s yours. However you need. I just want to make sure you know how sorry I am for interrupting<</speech>>
<p>Your own clothes come off quickly. Once you’re nude you quickly wrap your arms underneath each of her thighs and lift her into the air. Slowly lowering her down onto your cock. Letting the moment of you filling Megan with it for the first time, settle. A lot of feelings and emotions mix with the sensations. Fear, desire, anger, pleasure, worry, all of them mixing into the moment. Holding her still as you both settle down from the experience. Focusing only on the desire and pleasure as you start to move your hips. Thrusting into her and not stopping until you cum.</p>
<video src="resources/scenes/activities/makingUpForLostTime/standfuck.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
[[Continue|galleryMegan11][$scene to 2]]
<p>In the aftermath, you expected to feel nervous or awkward. But Megan just looks at you with big doting eyes that melt any sense of those feelings away.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>That was fantastic<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>It was! I wish we had done it sooner<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Likewise. And now I wish I didn’t have to go<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>It’s alright. You’ll be back here tomorrow I presume<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>And I’ll probably be around after too. If this is what working late is like, I’m going to make sure I do it more often<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>That’s just what I like to hear<</speech>>
<p>She gives you a sudden kiss on your forehead as you get dressed. Waving goodbye while you leave. You really wish you could stay, but you have to leave, for now. You have more to do today. And now that you’ve made up for your missed shift, there isn’t much else for you here at the moment.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>There aren’t going to be many things that you could possibly say to excuse yourself for missing an entire day of work. And by the look of pure rage on Megan’s face, even the few things that you could say wouldn’t work very well. Her words cut through your ears like buzz saws the moment you open the front door.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Where the hell have you been? No call, no show. You’ve been late plenty but this is just unacceptable!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I know you’re right. I should have called. I had a completely unexplainable day. I don’t have anything I can really offer besides an apology<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Apologies aren’t enough for this $mc.name. This is too far. If you can’t give me a good reason why it isn’t your fault that you were not here, then I have no choice but to fire you<</speech>>
<<if $quests.release3.choices.agents isnot "told agents nothing" && $quests.release3.choices.agents3 isnot "side with luthor">>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I was given a task to inform for an agency on Luthor Windgate. I had to speak with Mr. Windgate and tell the agents I’m working with what he said to me<</speech>>
<p>Megan scrunches her face into an incredulous look.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Do you truly expect me to believe that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Not really no. That’s why I said it’s unexplainable<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Call the agents then. Let them tell me<</speech>>
<p>Your stomach sinks. Agent Smith won’t like you talking about what you’re doing with someone else. But what else can you do? You pull out your phone and dial the number Agent Smith gave you to keep in touch. It rings loudly three times before it clicks as someone answers. It’s silent for a moment. Almost eerily so. Before suddenly a second click can be heard and Agent Smith’s voice starts coming from the phone.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>$mc.name, what do you need? Did something happen?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>No, I’m fine. I’m sorry to do this Agent Smith but, because of today I missed work and my boss Megan wanted to hear it from you. So could you tell her what I was doing that made me miss my shift?<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Oh no no no you CANNOT lose that job. That pizza is too good. Who knows what some new counter person would serve me. No way. Yeah I’ll tell her. Put her on<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You’re already on speaker. Thank you for the compliment of my pizza<</speech>>
<p>Megan looks like she’s almost swooning over the compliment.</p>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Any time. It’s the best in the city. But yeah $mc.name was handling an assignment for us. I obviously can’t get into details but please believe that it was very important that he do this before work. If it were me I’d give him some credit for coming in at all!<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Well, maybe I will. Thank you for telling me. I’m glad to know he was telling the truth<</speech>>
<<speech "Agent Smith">>Any time miss! Just keep making that pizza great! Bye bye now<</speech>>
<p>Before either of you two can say goodbye in return the click of the call ending rings from the phone.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>I’m working with Luthor Windgate. And he had me take care of something that took longer than I expected<</speech>>
<p>She gives you an incredulous look.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Luthor Windgate? He’s one of the wealthiest business men in the city. Why would he have you working for him, he could afford to pay for the services of almost anyone<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>My services were the ones he wanted. Here I’ll call the number he gave me. You can see for yourself<</speech>>
<p>You hit call from your call history on the same number you dialed before. Just as last time, it only rings once before the same deep and threatening voice answers.</p>
<<speech "???">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Sorry to call again. I could use a favor. My boss doesn’t believe what I was doing today. If you could tell her it would save my job<</speech>>
<<speech "???">>You don’t need a job. You have one with Mr. Windgate<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even offer a rebuttal, he hangs up. You put your phone away and look back at Megan.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Next time, prioritize your actual job over whatever mess you’ve gotten yourself entangled in<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Of course Megan I’m sorry. I’ll do my best, as always<</speech>>
<<if $megan.status is "Nice">>
<<speech "Megan">>I know $mc.name. And I want to believe that your best will be what it needs to be one day. And I truly hope you don’t get mad about this but I must give you some sort of incentive. Every day you miss from now on, I’ll be reducing your wage. I’m sorry but it’s the only way<</speech>>
<p>She’s being as nice as she can be. But it’s still such an unreasonable thing to suggest. You already make minimum wage. And she knows that you need this job too much to risk it by reporting her for the threat. Or worse for potentially following through it with if you miss again.</p>
[[Use the App to make her love you|galleryMegan12][$scene to 1]]
<<speech "Megan">>One of these days I hope that your best will exceed my minimum expectations. Until then, every day you miss I will deduct one quarter from your hourly wage<</speech>>
<p>A tinge of anger begins to form in your chest. She knows you’re telling the truth, she knows that you’re doing your best. Maybe you’ve run through all of her understanding. But at this point, how much understanding can you have for how she treats you?</p>
[[Use the App to make her love you|galleryMegan12][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Being nicer just doesn’t seem to be enough. It needs to be more, and deeper. What she thinks and how she feels needs to be so profound that she could never actually consider something like this ever again. It may be the only way to break through her nature. If you want real change in the workplace, and in your relationship with her, you need to turn this working relationship into something much more. You formulate the vision in your mind more deeply. One of Megan being doting, and haplessly in love with you. A love so deep and strong that it borders on obsession. Desire, affection, care, and joy all felt deeply for you and only you. When the thought is fully fleshed out you tap your thumb on the App on your phone. Feeling the power course through you and instantly affecting Megan as she stands before you. Megan’s eyes go blank. You can see her be rewired to your vision of a better future.</p>
<<if $activities.theWomanScorned.stage gte 2>>
<p>Standing there and watching, the thought of if you’re taking advantage of her pops into your mind. But then you remember her troubles with her ex husband. If anything, you’re helping her just as much as you’re helping yourself. She has someone new in her life now to care for. She can forget her ex, focus on you, and be happier for it.</p>
<p>Megan closes her eyes and takes a deep breath as the App completes its work. Letting the air out slowly and sounding like she’s just relaxed for the first time in years. Loosening muscles that she had forgotten that she tightened. She smiles wide as she opens her eyes again to look at you.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>No, I’m being absurd. I could never punish you like that<</speech>>
<p>She walks up and brings you in for a hug. Planting your face right against her chest.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Don’t you worry about anything at all $mc.name. You do your best, and that is all I can ask. I couldn’t possibly punish you because of what someone else did to you. I could never do that to someone I love<</speech>>
<p>She pauses for a moment, putting her hand over her mouth.</p>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh no, did I say that out loud? Well I guess the truth is out there. I love you $mc.name. I’m sorry it took me such an unbearably long time to just admit it<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Wow Megan I don’t know what to say<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>You don’t have to say a thing. You’ve said and done plenty already. You were dragged into something you have no control over today. And you still came here to make sure I knew what happened. That says more than words could. I’m not going to take away any of your wage. In fact, I’m going to increase it. My way of acting, instead of saying I love you. I’m still going to say it too though<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Thank you Megan. That means a lot. And I’ll keep doing my best to show you I’m worthy of it<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Oh you’re more than worthy of it $mc.name. Come with me. I’m going to show you just how worthy you are of my love<</speech>>
<p>Megan pulls away from you, lifting her shirt from her body and letting you see her large breasts. She backs away from you slowly. Beckoning you to follow with her finger. Of course, you follow without question. Watching as the changes you’ve made to her materialize in full swing. When the two of you reach the counter, your clothes are already off. Left in disheveled piles on the ground like a river of fabric flowing into the lake of your love meeting together in a crescendo of kissing. Both of you explore one another’s bodies with your arms. Felling her pull you in tightly. Your own palms caressing every inch of her that you can reach. Pulling together until you inevitably pull yourself inside her. Your cock slowly sliding into her pussy as she sits back on one of the counter stools. Your eyes lock as you thrust slowly. Each motion delivering more passion and pleasure than the last. Building, building, exploding, in a moment of mutual bliss that makes you feel things for Megan that you never thought you’d feel for her. As though the power of the App created love for her within you in that very moment.</p>
<video src="resources/scenes/activities/makingUpForLostTime/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
[[Continue|galleryMegan12][$scene to 2]]
<p>In the aftermath, you expected to feel nervous or awkward. But Megan just looks at you with big doting eyes that melt any sense of those feelings away.</p>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>That was fantastic<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>It was! I wish we had done it sooner. I’m glad we didn’t wait a single second longer<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>Likewise. And now I wish I didn’t have to go<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>If wishes like that came true I’d make one every day. But it’s alright. You’ll be back here tomorrow I hope<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" $mc.name>>And I’ll probably be around after too. If this is what working late is like, I’m going to make sure I do it more often<</speech>>
<<speech "Megan">>Exactly what I hoped to hear, my love<</speech>>
<p>She gives you a sudden kiss on your forehead as you get dressed. Waving goodbye while you leave. You really wish you could stay, but you have to leave, for now. You have more to do today. And now that you’ve made up for your missed shift, there isn’t much else for you here at the moment.</p>