<img src="" width="1000" height="250" alt="Abertura">
<<if $click is 1>>Nothing here is real, people are fictional and no one is blood related<</if>>
<<if $click is 0>>[[Disclaimer|Abertura][$click to 1]]<</if>>
This game may have sensible content
Hi, i'm from Brazil and my english is not the best but i hope you enjoy the game!!
<<if $click is 1>>[[History][$click to 0]]<</if>>
You are a girl that just turned 19, you had sex once but that was some time ago, and now you are horny as fuck.
You live with your family that includes your father, mother, brother and a sweet dog.
The world is a crazy, dangerous and horny place, and you are the one to explore it, good luck.
[[Wake up]]You wake up as you hear you're dad calling you
"Hey pumpkin wake up before you get late for school"
<img src="https://media.tenor.com/tDBnJSWR3O4AAAAM/pose-in-bed.gif" width="375" height="500" alt="Wake up">
[[Your room]]<<set $click to 0>>
<<set $energy to 100>>
<<set $money to 500>>
<<set $libido to 0>>
<<set $libidoB to 0>>
<<set $libidoP to 0>>
<<set $libidoM to 0>>
<<set $corruption to 0>>
<<set $corruptionB to 0>>
<<set $corruptionM to 0>>
<<set $corruptionP to 0>>
<<set $schoolc to 0>><img src="https://hgtvhome.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/hgtv/fullset/2019/5/30/0/IO_Little-Crown-Interiors-Naomi-Alon_Floral-Girls-Room_1.jpg.rend.hgtvcom.616.462.suffix/1559225251206.jpeg" width="1000" height="350" alt="Your room">
"This is you room, confortable and very feminine, its your safe place anytime you need.
Its not the biggest one but you made it to be yours."
[[Living room]]
[[Parents room]]
[[Brothers room][$click to 12]]
[[Hallway][$click to 13]]
<<if $libido > 15>>
<<if $corruption > 10>>
[[Masturbate][$click to 11]]
<</if>><img src="https://as2.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/01/15/30/83/1000_F_115308326_tBbz2EE5FyfPVKv38h6hsFWLTkdtHDM0.jpg" width="1000" height="350" alt="Living room">
"The living room of the house is quite big, its confortable and wide, youre allways watching tv here."
[[Watch tv][$click to 9]]
[[Your room]]
[[Parents room]]
[[Brothers room][$click to 12]]
[[Hallway][$click to 13]]<img src="https://www.thespruce.com/thmb/NaaNGlBVj7TmFMtVaMWQTdfiPuw=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/master-bathroom-design-ideas-4129362-hero-d896a889451341dfaa59c5b2beacf02d.jpg" width="1000" height="350" alt="Bathroom">
"The bathroom of your house is very clean and you always love taking a bath"
[[Take a bath]]
[[Your room]]
[[Living room]]
[[Parents room]]
[[Brothers room][$click to 12]]
[[Hallway][$click to 13]]<img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/75/78/0a/75780acac4ed5d9eef141e9e7abecbea.jpg" width="1000" height="350" alt="Kitchen">
"The kitchen of the house is very big, you often eat here with your family and you like to cook sometimes"
[[Cook][$click to 5]]
<<if $libido >100>>
<<if $libidoB > 100 or $libidoP>100>>
<<if $corruption > 50>>
<<if $corruptionB > 50 or $corruptionP > 50>>
[[Eat][$click to 6]]
<<set $libido to 0>>
<<set $libidoB to 0>>
<<set $libidoP to 0>>
[[Your room]]
[[Living room]]
[[Parents room]]
[[Brothers room][$click to 12]]
[[Hallway][$click to 13]]<img src="https://st.hzcdn.com/simgs/pictures/bedrooms/garden-apartments-design-forum-international-img~c751ddff07fcbd66_14-7567-1-426fde3.jpg" width="1000" height="400" alt="Parents room">
"Your parents room is the biggest in the house and is very confy, you love this room, specially the bed"
<<link "Tease" "Tease Dad">>
<<[[Tease Dad]]>>
<<set $corruption to $corruption + 2>>
<<set $corruptionP to $corruptionP + 2>>
<<set $libido to $libido + 5>>
<<set $libidoP to $libidoP + 5>>
<<set $click to 3>>
<<if $libido > 50>>
<<if $libidoP > 50>>
<<if $corruption > 25>>
<<if $corruptionP > 25>>
[[Sex Dad][$click to 10]]
[[Your room]]
[[Living room]]
[[Brothers room][$click to 12]]
[[Hallway][$click to 13]]<<if $click is 12>><<set $mas to either("sim", "nao")>><</if>>
<<if $libidoB > 20>>
<<if $mas is "sim">>
<img src="https://el.phncdn.com/pics/gifs/020/517/751/(m=ldpwiqacxtE_Ai)(mh=KA93z6R84fb0RoY6)20517751b.gif" width="400" height="350" alt="Brothers room">
"You caught your brother masturbating, you decided to watch and mastubate too"
<<set $libido to $libido - 12>>
<<set $libidoB to $libidoB - 12>>
@@color:red;Horny -12@@
@@color:cyan;Brother horny -12@@
[[Brothers room]]
<<if $mas is "nao">>
<img src="https://preview.redd.it/current-state-of-my-room-before-im-finally-moved-back-out-v0-940pjygsphqb1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=3ff962fa33711505b04bef74867c027e3d96a2b0" width="1000" height="400" alt="Brothers room">
"Your brother's room, he don't like much when you come here.Your brother is a guy that pass his days most with his friends but when in home he is always playing games."
@@color:cyan;Hey sis, what are you doing here?@@
<<link "Tease" "Tease Bro">>
<<[[Tease Bro]]>>
<<set $corruption to $corruption + 2>>
<<set $corruptionB to $corruptionB + 2>>
<<set $libido to $libido + 5>>
<<set $libidoB to $libidoB + 5>>
<<set $click to 2>>
<<if $libido > 50>>
<<if $libidoB > 50>>
<<if $corruption > 25>>
<<if $corruptionB > 25>>
[[Sex bro][$click to 14]]
[[Your room]]
[[Living room]]
[[Parents room]]
[[Hallway][$click to 13]]
<img src="https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/11/21/15/40/architecture-1846023_1280.jpg" width="1000" height="350" alt="School">
Remember, you dont live in the best of places so be alert all time
[[Your room]]
[[Coffee shop]]
[[Mall]]<<if $click is 2>><<set $gif to either(1, 2, 3)>>\<</if>>
<<if $gif is 1>>\
<img src="https://porngifs.xxx/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/work-that-big-ole-thing-porn-gifs-sex-gif.gif" width="300" height="400" alt="Brother's room">
Hey bro, like girls with big ass?
<<if $gif is 2>>\
<img src="https://xgifer.com/content/2022/11/tight-teasing-teen-slut-that-needs-a-thorough-fucking-pt-1_001.gif" width="300" height="400" alt="Brother's room">
What do you think bro, am i hot?
<<if $gif is 3>>\
<img src="https://el.phncdn.com/pics/gifs/013/376/281/(m=ldpwiqacxtE_Ai)(mh=JgK0VYhmeRklicXT)13376281b.gif" width="300" height="400" alt="Brother's room">
Hey bro, like tight pants?
@@color:red;Corruption + 2@@
@@color:cyan;Brother corruption + 2@@
@@color:red;Horny + 5@@
@@color:cyan;Brother horny + 5@@
[[Brothers room]]
<img src="https://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me2neaLzgG1rao0jp.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="Kitchen">
"You cook a delicious meal for you but made more for if someone wants too"
<<if $libidoB > 20>><<set $cozinhando to either("irmao", "nao")>><</if>>
<<if $cozinhando is "irmao">>
<img src="https://el.phncdn.com/pics/gifs/035/831/071/(m=ldpwiqacxtE_Ai)(mh=PL_V9nkmEbI0b-Ar)35831071b.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="Kitchen">
"You were cooking when you brother appears and starts touching you, you don't control yourself and touch him back."
<<set $corruption to $corruption + 2>>
<<set $corruptionB to $corruptionB + 2>>
<<set $libido to $libido + 5>>
<<set $libidoB to $libidoB + 5>>
@@color:red;Corruption + 2@@
@@color:cyan;Brother corruption + 2@@
@@color:red;Horny + 5@@
@@color:cyan;Brother horny + 5@@
<<if $cozinhando is "nao">>
<<if $click is 6>><<set $comer to either("pai", "irmao")>><</if>>
<<if $corruptionB > 50>>
<<set $comer to "irmao">>
<<if $comer is "irmao">>
<img src="https://i.redd.it/uuqnstnfkuwa1.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="Kitchen">
"After you and your brother tease each other you guys decided to fuck right here in the kitchen, so he take down your pants, bend you over, take his cock out and star to fuck you"
<<set $corruption to 0>>
<<set $corruptionB to 0>>
@@color:red;Horny 0@@
@@color:cyan:Brother horny 0@@
<<if $corruptionP > 50>>
<<set $comer to "pai">>
<<if $comer is "pai">>
<img src="https://myteenwebcam.com/fapp/gifs/07fd11e3594478dd0ee2120e83a33e16.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="Kitchen">
"Your dad loses control every time he sees you, he can't hold himself, you two are in the kitchen but still he strip you naked and star fuck you right here carring about nothing more"
<<set $corruption to 0>>
<<set $corruptionP to 0>>
@@color:red;Horny 0@@
@@color:cyan:Father horny 0@@
<img src="https://31.media.tumblr.com/1d78576c9002e41ed91b829c1c5431dc/tumblr_ms5eqdUcuU1r9c8tbo1_500.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="Yard">
"You decided to take a good sunbath in your yard."
<<if $click is 7>><<set $irmao to either("olhou", "nao olhou")>><</if>>
<<if $irmao is "olhou">>
"You feel like beeing watched"
<<set $libido to $libido + 5>>
<<set $libidoB to $libidoB + 5>>
@@color:red;Horny + 5@@
@@color:cyan;Brother horny + 5@@
<<if $irmão is "nao olhou">>
<img src="https://31.media.tumblr.com/1d78576c9002e41ed91b829c1c5431dc/tumblr_ms5eqdUcuU1r9c8tbo1_500.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="Yard">
"It was nice but now you are feeling too hot"
[[Yard]] <img src="https://s2-casavogue.glbimg.com/4F0C3nFU9u-w9ksz89RYhcLCdqs=/0x0:1000x667/984x0/smart/filters:strip_icc()/i.s3.glbimg.com/v1/AUTH_d72fd4bf0af74c0c89d27a5a226dbbf8/internal_photos/bs/2023/u/G/idsiIXR7KEQVgW4AXMBg/area-externa-com-jardim.png" width="1000" height="350" alt="Yard">
"This is a very nice yard with a pool.Your dog house is here and normaly the dog too."
[[Sunbath][$click to 7]]
[[Your room]]
[[Living room]]
[[Parents room]]
[[Brothers room][$click to 12]]
[[Hallway][$click to 13]]<img src="https://uploads.spiritfanfiction.com/historias/capitulos/201511/fanfiction-originais-fantasma-4791291-171120151907.gif" width="1000" height="350" alt="Bathroom">
"The watter is already runing and you are already naked, now will you..."
[[Let the door open][$click to 4]]
[[Close the door]]<<if $click is 4>><<set $irmao to either("entrou", "nao entrou")>><</if>>
<<if $irmao is "nao entrou">>
<img src="https://el.phncdn.com/pics/gifs/011/184/011/(m=ldpwiqacxtE_Ai)(mh=a9HOPATSduKGYRtk)11184011b.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="Bathroom">
"You took a long and refresh shower"
<<if $irmao is "entrou">>
<<set $corruption to $corruption + 2>>
<<set $corruptionB to $corruptionB + 2>>
<<set $libido to $libido + 5>>
<<set $libidoB to $libidoB + 5>>
<img src="https://el.phncdn.com/gif/43911041.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="Bathroom">
"You brother suddenly enters the bathroom, he apology saying that didn't know that you was her. You know he is lying"
@@color:red;Corruption + 2@@
@@color:cyan;Brother corruption + 2@@
@@color:red;Horny + 5@@
@@color:cyan;Brother horny + 5@@
[[Bathroom]] <img src="https://static-ca-cdn.eporner.com/gallery/6k/Tl/St8ThswTl6k/270045-cute-girl-in-the-shower.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="Bathroom">
"You took a long and refresh shower"
[[Bathroom]] <<if $click is 9>><<set $comp to either("solo", "irmao", "pai", "dois")>><</if>>
<<if $comp is "solo">>
<img src="https://st2.depositphotos.com/1036362/8740/i/950/depositphotos_87408238-stock-photo-girl-is-watching-tv-on.jpg" width="500" height="500" alt="Living room">
"Youre watching tv by yourself, it was a cool movie"
<<if $comp is "irmao">>
<img src="https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/05/70/20/13/360_F_570201384_xca1mRX0z88UwVaRpgLpqFtjbgmGnSuO.jpg" width="500" height="500" alt="Living room">
"Your brother joined you do you want to play a little?"
[[Tease bro]]
<<if $comp is "pai">>
<img src="https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/05/70/20/13/360_F_570201384_xca1mRX0z88UwVaRpgLpqFtjbgmGnSuO.jpg" width="500" height="500" alt="Living room">
"Your father joined you, youre not thinking in tease him are you?"
[[Tease dad]]
<<if $comp is "dois">>
<img src="https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/05/70/20/13/360_F_570201384_xca1mRX0z88UwVaRpgLpqFtjbgmGnSuO.jpg" width="500" height="500" alt="Living room">
"Your Dad and your Brother joined you here, you gonna tese both of them now?"
[[Tease them]]
[[Living room]] "Will you putt your bikini?"
[[No][$click to 8]]<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/3dc9feba1ff908652b9d882a44d05ab4/847906d46e0d30af-4c/s540x810/2bedff51fa329493e7740ed4672ebfe86d1b7992.gifv" width="500" height="500" alt="Yard">
"You had a very good and refreshing swimming"
[[Yard]]<<if $click is 8>><<set $irmao to either ("quer", "nao quer")>><</if>>
<<if $libidoB > 20>><<set $irmao to "quer">>
<img src="https://cdn5-images.motherlessmedia.com/images/D317325.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="Yard">
"You provoked your brother too much"
<<set $libido to 0>>
<<set $libidoB to 0>>
@@color:red;Horny 0@@
@@color:cyan;Broyher horny 0@@
<<if $libidoB < 21>><<set $irmao to "nao quer">>
<img src="https://myteenwebcam.com/fapp/gifs/0187e69802e7a64363934421c4d5b61f.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="Yard">
"Now that was a good swim"
<img src="https://el.phncdn.com/pics/gifs/042/812/881/(m=ldpwiqacxtE_Ai)(mh=maSTlmxHR_8Y4NMv)42812881b.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="Living room">
"The two of you start making out on the couch"
<<set $libido to $libido + 5>>
<<set $libidoB to $libidoB + 5>>
@@color:red;Horny +5@@
@@color:cyan;Brother horny +5@@
<<if $libido > 70>>
<<if $libidoB > 70>>
<<if $corruption > 50>>
<<if $corruptionB > 50>>
<<set $img to either("1", "2")>>
<<if $img is "1">><img src="https://el.phncdn.com/pics/gifs/017/539/141/(m=ldpwiqacxtE_Ai)(mh=aYKbGUCJL4UlsL74)17539141b.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="Living
<<if $img is "2">>
<img src="https://himg.nl/images/sex/b3bf9312590a59e5e9b0b8e631bfd393/original.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="Living
"Your brother gets too much horny to hold himself, and you start fucking on the couch"
<<set $libido to 0>>
<<set $libidoB to 0>>
@@color:red;Horny 0@@
@@color:cyan;Brother horny 0@@
[[Living room]] <img src="https://el.phncdn.com/gif/28941481.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="Living room">
"Your Dad takes the lead and starts touching you where he should not"
<<set $libido to $libido + 5>>
<<set $libidoP to $libidoP + 5>>
@@color:red;Horny +5@@
@@color:blue;Father horny +5@@
<<if $libido > 70>>
<<if $libidoP > 70>>
<<if $corruption > 50>>
<<if $corruptionP > 50>>
<img src="https://media.eroticasearch.net/35f/35f2c7f4d8e2a29664f1c97a5563e782.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="Living
"He can't hold himself any longer and fucks you right here"
<<set $libido to 0>>
<<set $libidoP to 0>>
@@color:red;Horny 0@@
@@color:blue;Father horny 0@@
[[Living room]] <img src="https://el.phncdn.com/pics/gifs/004/762/931/(m=ldpwiqacxtE_Ai)(mh=euasgvGNthHG8d3F)4762931b.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="Living room">
"You are making out with your father and brother now, is the craziest thing you've ever done"
<<set $libido to $libido + 5>>
<<set $libidoB to $libidoB + 5>>
<<set $libidoP to $libidoP + 5>>
@@color:red;Horny +5@@
@@color:cyan;Brother horny +5@@
@@color:blue;Father horny +5@@
<<if $libido > 90>>
<<if $libidoP > 90>>
<<if $libidoB > 90>>
<<if $corruption > 60>>
<<if $corruptionP > 60>>
<<if $corruptionB > 60>>
<img src="https://s.smutty.com/media_smutty_2/u/s/u/p/b/usupgi-pgf4w-f5ae09.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="Living
"Everyone is horny in the house and this is the day that it ends"
<<set $libido to 0>>
<<set $libidoP to 0>>
<<set $libidoB to 0>>
@@color:red;Horny 0@@
@@color:blue;Father horny 0@@
@@color:cyan;Brother horny 0@@
[[Living room]] <<if $click is 3>><<set $gif to either(1, 2, 3)>>\<</if>>
<<if $gif is 1>>\
<img src="https://myteenwebcam.com/fapp/gifs/4b804b12cb78626476ccd469fb1fe9ff.gif" height="400" alt="Parents room">
Daddy do i have pretty tits?
<<if $gif is 2>>\
<img src="https://myteenwebcam.com/fapp/gifs/f0a22581f594d072fba5aaf84cda474f.gif" width="300" height="400" alt="Parents room">
Is the view from my pussy good dad?
<<if $gif is 3>>\
<img src="https://myteenwebcam.com/fapp/gifs/38138d7981f795c3226b850356fef769.gif" width="300" height="400" alt="Parents room">
A litlle view of everything for you daddy
@@color:red;Corruption + 2@@
@@color:blue;Father corruption + 2@@
@@color:red;Horny + 5@@
@@color:blue;Father horny + 5@@
[[Parents room]] <img src="https://images.pond5.com/empty-high-school-hallway-footage-050999779_iconl.jpeg" width="1000" height="350" alt="School">
School hallway, many people pass here but there is a time when everyone is in a room, so things here go quietly and horny...
School corruption=<<print $schoolc>>
<<if $schoolc > 10>><<set $img to either("1", "2")>><</if>>
<<if $img is "1">>
<img src="https://31.media.tumblr.com/68212bb4f1b6a4f1443d96d9879a3884/tumblr_nsrfum5tpa1ud8y2ko4_500.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="School">
You see a girl touching a professor dick inside an empty classroom, you think she needs some points
<<set $libido to $libido + 5>>
<<set $schoolc to $schoolc + 2>>
@@color:red;Horny +5@@
@@color:pink;School corruption +2@@
<<if $img is"2">>
<img src="https://cdn5-images.motherlessmedia.com/images/6BFCBE9.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="School">
You saw a teacher touching a girl inappropriately in the hallway
<<set $libido to $libido + 5>>
<<set $schoolc to $schoolc + 2>>
@@color:red;Horny +5@@
@@color:pink;School corruption +2@@
[[Street]]<<if $click is 10>><<set $img to either("1", "2", "3")>><</if>>
<<if $img is "1">>
<img src="https://el.phncdn.com/pics/gifs/019/521/801/(m=ldpwiqacxtE_Ai)(mh=u9b8cLgiqoVnduVE)19521801b.gif" width="300" height="400" alt="Parents room">
<<if $img is "2">>
<img src="https://el.phncdn.com/gif/42716372.gif" width="300" height="400" alt="Parents room">
<<if $img is "3">>
<img src="https://myteenwebcam.com/fapp/gifs/e741205c0b9ee0b30755cbc31283853a.gif" width="300" height="400" alt="Parents room">
"You and your father can't control yourselves, you just whip your clothes off and begin to fuck"
@@color:red;Horny 0@@
@@color:blue;Father horny 0@@
<<set $libido to 0>>
<<set $libidoP to 0>>
[[Parents room]] <img src="https://st2.depositphotos.com/1041088/11874/i/950/depositphotos_118748432-stock-photo-upstairs-hallway-in-big-house.jpg" width="1000" height="400" alt="Hallway">
"This is the hallway of your house, where all the other parts of it gets conected"
[[Your room]]
[[Living room]]
[[Parents room]]
[[Brothers room][$click to 12]]
<img src="https://el.phncdn.com/gif/31695101.gif" width="400" height="350" alt="Your room">
"You gotta relieve yourselfe, so you masturbate on your bed"
<<if $libidoP > 15>>
<img src="https://el.phncdn.com/pics/gifs/040/110/271/(m=ldpwiqacxtE_Ai)(mh=cTpQMiOV2b9E4ddI)40110271b.gif" width="400" height="350" alt="Your room">
"You've been coght by your father, but he don't seems mad at all"
<<set $libidoP to 0>>
@@color:blue;Father horny 0@@
<<set $libido to - 12>>
@@color:red;Horny -12@@
[[Your room]] You and your brother can't hold yourselfes anymore you guys just want to fuck, and thats what you do.
<<if $click is 14>><<set $gif to either("1", "2", "3")>><</if>>
<<if $gif is "1">>
<img src="https://el.phncdn.com/gif/2257011.gif" width="300" height="400" alt="Brother's room">
Going for that big ass right?
<<if $gif is "2">>
<img src="https://el.phncdn.com/gif/42094551.gif" width="300" height="400" alt="Brother's room">
Oh fuck bro, what a huge cock
<<if $gif is "3">>
<img src="https://el.phncdn.com/gif/26836721.gif" width="300" height="400" alt="Brother's room">
Oh god we definitely should started fucking sooner
[[Brothers room]] <img src="https://el.phncdn.com/gif/39359211.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="School">
You watch a simple class from a hot teacher
<<set $libido to $libido + 2>>
<<set $schoolc to $schoolc + 1>>
@@color:red;Horny +2@@
@@color:pink;School corruption +1@@
<<if $schoolc > 15>><<set $img to either("1", "2", "3")>><</if>>
<<if $img is "1">>
<img src="https://static9.porn-images-xxx.com/upload/20211203/944/966082/19.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="School">
You and your friend are playing with each other tits in middle of class
<<set $libido to $libido + 5>>
<<set $schoolc to $schoolc + 2>>
@@color:red;Horny +5@@
@@color:pink;School corruption +2@@
<<if $img is "2">>
<img src="https://el.phncdn.com/gif/1377171.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="School">
You go for a talk to your teacher needing some advesiment, but you think he wants other thing
<<set $libido to $libido + 5>>
<<set $schoolc to $schoolc + 2>>
@@color:red;Horny +5@@
@@color:pink;School corruption +2@@
<<if $img is "3">>
<img src="https://static.porn-images-xxx.com/upload/20170220/154/157082/5.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="School">
You and a friend are making jokes about sex in the class, the boys here seems to like it
<<set $libido to $libido + 5>>
<<set $schoolc to $schoolc + 2>>
@@color:red;Horny +5@@
@@color:pink;School corruption +2@@
<<if $schoolc > 60>><<set $img to either("4", "5", "6")>><</if>>
<<if $img is "4">>
<img src="https://el.phncdn.com/gif/27812682.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="School">
You do a blowjob to your professor in front of the whole class, after all you need some points
<<set $libido to $libido + 5>>
<<set $schoolc to $schoolc + 2>>
@@color:red;Horny +5@@
@@color:pink;School corruption +2@@
<<if $img is "5">>
<img src="https://el.phncdn.com/pics/gifs/033/160/982/(m=ldpwiqacxtE_Ai)(mh=pXB0yNTs4SCWXiVd)33160982b.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="School">
You do a blowjob to one of your class friends, everyone around is watchin and the teacher dont really seems to care
<<set $libido to $libido + 5>>
<<set $schoolc to $schoolc + 2>>
@@color:red;Horny +5@@
@@color:pink;School corruption +2@@
<<if $img is "6">>
<img src="https://cdn5-images.motherlessmedia.com/images/C9056C8.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="School">
You've been called to the principals office and there you've gotta spanked for bad behaviour
<<set $libido to $libido + 5>>
<<set $schoolc to $schoolc + 2>>
@@color:red;Horny +5@@
@@color:pink;School corruption +2@@
<<if $schoolc > 100>><<set $img to either("7", "8", "9")>><</if>>
<<if $img is "7">>
<img src="https://cdn.asianporngif.com/101067/asian.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="School">
You seduced a guy from your class and you fucked with him right here
<<set $libido to $libido + 5>>
<<set $schoolc to $schoolc + 2>>
@@color:red;Horny +5@@
@@color:pink;School corruption +2@@
<<if $img is "8">>
<img src="https://kartaplovdiv.com/img/438365.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="School">
You fucked with the teacher for some points, but this time you two were alone here
<<set $libido to $libido + 5>>
<<set $schoolc to $schoolc + 2>>
@@color:red;Horny +5@@
@@color:pink;School corruption +2@@
<<if $img is "9">>
<img src="https://el.phncdn.com/pics/gifs/038/614/361/(m=ldpwiqacxtE_Ai)(mh=RbD675w4sGmpR6zG)38614361b.gif" width="500" height="500" alt="School">
You get to fuck with one of your colleagues in the midle of a class, with every one watching you
<<set $libido to $libido + 5>>
<<set $schoolc to $schoolc + 2>>
@@color:red;Horny +5@@
@@color:pink;School corruption +2@@