<div class="main-module">
<<say $mc>> All the drawers in my room are kinda full... I don't have any place to put my stuff! <</say>>
<<say "Martin">> Oh my god! I was going to put Paul's stuff in the bags before you came, but I completely forgot! <</say>>
<<say "John" "p">> Oh my god! I was going to put Paul's stuff in the bags before you came, but I completely forgot! <</say>>
<<text>> <<color y 24>>She's <</color>> visibly <<color 32>>embarrased.<</color>> $timeShow <</text>>
<<img "test.jpg">>
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue">$baremRep :</span>
<span class="color-pink">$baremRepLvl</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$baremRepBar' `$baremRep / $baremRepMax`>>
<<btn "Let him fufu" MotelReward 30 0 "60-200" "05:15-24:00">><</btn>>
<<btn "Testin boyz" Testin 10>> <<set $bbcEnjoyer to $bbcEnjoyer+5>> <</btn>>
<<if Save.autosave.has()>>
<<set $autosaveCheck to 1>>
<<run memorize('failstate', 0)>>
<<set $level to 1>>
<<set $dayCount to 1>>
<<set $time to 660>>
<<set $cash to 0>>
<<if recall("videoVolume") > 0 >>
<<run memorize('videoVolume', 0)>>
<<set $videoVolumeShow to (recall("videoVolume")*100)>>
<<set $iconMc to "player">>
<<set $mcf to "Unnamed">>
<<set $mcl to "Soul">>
<<newmeter '$levelBar'>><<label '$levelXp / $levelMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 white>>
<<newmeter '$sanityBar'>><<label '$sanity / $maxSanity'>>
<<colors #FEFFB9 #FEFFB9 white>>
<<set $sanity to 100, $maxSanity to 200>>
<<newmeter '$sanityFailBar'>><<label '$sanityFail / $maxSanityFail'>>
<<colors #FEFFB9 #FEFFB9 white>>
<<set $sanityFail to 0, $maxSanityFail to 200>>
/* Reputation Bars */
<<newmeter '$johnRepBar'>><<label '$johnRep / $johnRepMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$charlesRepBar'>><<label '$charlesRep / $charlesRepMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$baremRepBar'>><<label '$baremRep / $baremRepMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$liyaRepBar'>><<label '$liyaRep / $liyaRepMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$christopherRepBar'>><<label '$christopherRep / $christopherRepMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$martinRepBar'>><<label '$martinRep / $martinRepMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$zachRepBar'>><<label '$zachRep / $zachRepMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
/* Job Bars */
<<newmeter '$luxuryGiftBar'>><<label '$luxuryGift / $luxuryGiftMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$cafeRepBar'>><<label '$cafeRep / $cafeRepMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$barRepBar'>><<label '$barRep / $barRepMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$bloggingRepBar'>><<label '$bloggingRep / $bloggingRepMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$streamingRepBar'>><<label '$streamingRep / $streamingRepMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
/* Perk Bars */
<<newmeter '$littleHelperBar'>><<label '$littleHelper / $littleHelperMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$pornomaniacBar'>><<label '$pornomaniac / $pornomaniacMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$influencerBar'>><<label '$influencer / $influencerMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$steadyHandBar'>><<label '$steadyHand / $steadyHandMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$noGaggingBar'>><<label '$noGagging / $noGaggingMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$lubedAndReadyBar'>><<label '$lubedAndReady / $lubedAndReadyMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$dildoOwnerBar'>><<label '$dildoOwner / $dildoOwnerMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$photogenicBar'>><<label '$photogenic / $photogenicMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$baristaBar'>><<label '$barista / $baristaMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$topGradeBar'>><<label '$topGrade / $topGradeMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$alluringAuraBar'>><<label '$alluringAura / $alluringAuraMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$heavyDrinkerBar'>><<label '$heavyDrinker / $heavyDrinkerMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$tattletaleBar'>><<label '$tattletale / $tattletaleMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$feebleBodyBar'>><<label '$feebleBody / $feebleBodyMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$everydayBodyBar'>><<label '$everydayBody / $everydayBodyMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$stalwartBodyBar'>><<label '$stalwartBody / $stalwartBodyMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$dimMindBar'>><<label '$dimMind / $dimMindMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$ordinaryMindBar'>><<label '$ordinaryMind / $ordinaryMindMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$sharpMindBar'>><<label '$sharpMind / $sharpMindMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$littleChampionBar'>><<label '$littleChampion / $littleChampionMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$aGrownUpBar'>><<label '$aGrownUp / $aGrownUpMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$realAmateurBar'>><<label '$realAmateur / $realAmateurMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$chessTimerBar'>><<label '$chessTimer / $chessTimerMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$freshJordansBar'>><<label '$freshJordans / $freshJordansMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$twoPieceBar'>><<label '$twoPiece / $twoPieceMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$funkyAttireBar'>><<label '$funkyAttire / $funkyAttireMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$bagOfDicksBar'>><<label '$bagOfDicks / $bagOfDicksMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$roboCockBar'>><<label '$roboCock / $roboCockMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$darkSkinnedBar'>><<label '$darkSkinned / $darkSkinnedMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$goodStudentBar'>><<label '$goodStudent / $goodStudentMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$cameraGirlBar'>><<label '$cameraGirl / $cameraGirlMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$pioneerBar'>><<label '$pioneer / $pioneerMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$thickSkinBar'>><<label '$thickSkin / $thickSkinMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$costOfLivingBar'>><<label '$costOfLiving / $costOfLivingMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$homeostasisBar'>><<label '$homeostasis / $homeostasisMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$carouserBar'>><<label '$carouser / $carouserMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$dignityLostBar'>><<label '$dignityLost / $dignityLostMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$houseWifeBar'>><<label '$houseWife / $houseWifeMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$fanserviceBar'>><<label '$fanservice / $fanserviceMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$explorerBar'>><<label '$explorer / $explorerMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$publicAgentBar'>><<label '$publicAgent / $publicAgentMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$fourthBaseBar'>><<label '$fourthBase / $fourthBaseMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$kamasutraBar'>><<label '$kamasutra / $kamasutraMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$riskyMoveBar'>><<label '$riskyMove / $riskyMoveMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$inviteOnlyBar'>><<label '$inviteOnly / $inviteOnlyMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<<newmeter '$superbadBar'>><<label '$superbad / $superbadMax'>>
<<colors #78F1F2 #78F1F2 #FFB0E3>>
<div data-passage="ui-bar"> </div>
<div id="passages"></div>
<div data-passage="save-window"></div>
<aside class="ui-bar" id="ui-bar">
<button class="ui-button button-toggle" id="button_toggle" role="button"> </button>
<div class="ui-main-group">
<img class="player-icon" src="img/icons/player-icon.jpg">
<<if $prologue != 1>>
<div class="player-name">Unnamed Soul</div>
<div class="ui-time">
<div class="ui-time-day">Day</div>
<div class="ui-time-time">???</div>
<div class="player-name">$mcf $mcl</div>
<div class="ui-time">
<div class="ui-time-day"> Day $dayCount </div>
<div class="ui-time-time"> $timeShow </div>
<div class="player-level">
<div class="level-text"> Level: $level</div>
<div class="level-bar">
<<showmeter '$levelBar' `$levelXp / $levelMax`>>
<div class="player-sanity">
<<if $fail isnot 1>>
<div class="sanity-text"> Mood :
<<if $sanity > 159>>
<span class="sanity-extatic-color"> Extatic </span>
<<elseif $sanity > 99>>
<span class="sanity-neutral-color"> Neutral </span>
<<elseif $sanity > 39>>
<span class="sanity-unhappy-color"> Unhappy </span>
<span class="color-red"> Depressed </span>
<div class="sanity-bar">
<<showmeter '$sanityBar' `$sanity / $maxSanity`>>
<div class="sanity-text"> Mood : <span class="color-red">
</span> </div>
<div class="sanity-bar">
<<showmeter '$sanityFailBar' `$sanityFail / $maxSanityFail`>>
<div class="player-cash"> Cash : <span class="cash-text">$cash</span> </div>
<div class="back-button" id="engine_back">
<div id="back-arrow"><img src="img/items/back-arrow.svg" alt=""></div>
<div class="player-author">by LustfulDev</div>
<div class="player-link-icons">
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/LustfulInsanity"><img src="img/patreon-icon.png"></a>
<div class="ui-button-group">
<<if passage().includes("perks") || passage().includes("Bebebebe")>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button" role="button" > Perks </button>' "perksMap">> <<set $rewardCount to 1>> <</link>>
<button class="ui-button button-pink" role="button" id="save_open">SAVE</button>
<<link '<button class="ui-button" role="button" > CHEAT </button>' "Bebebebe">> <<set $rewardCount to 1>> <</link>>
<button class="ui-button button-pink" role="button" id="engine_Restart"> RESTART </button>
<button class="ui-button" role="button" id="volume_button" > VOLUME $videoVolumeShow% </button>
<<link '<button class="ui-button" role="button" > Perks </button>' "perksMap">> <<set $prevpassage to passage(), $rewardCount to 1>> <</link>>
<button class="ui-button button-pink" role="button" id="save_open">SAVE</button>
<<link '<button class="ui-button" role="button" > CHEAT </button>' "Bebebebe">> <<set $prevpassage to passage(), $rewardCount to 1>> <</link>>
<button class="ui-button button-pink" role="button" id="engine_Restart"> RESTART </button>
<button class="ui-button" role="button" id="volume_button" > VOLUME $videoVolumeShow% </button>
</aside><aside class="save-container" id="save_container">
<div class="save-blur-container">
<div class="save-window" id="save_window">
<button class="save-exit ui-button" id="save_exit">X</button>
<div class="save-column" id="autosave_button">
<div class="save-number"><span class="blue">A</span></div>
<button class="autosave-button ui-button" id="autosave_button_load">Load</button>
<div class="save-date autosave-date"><span class="save-name blue" id="autosave-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time" id="autosave-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete ui-button blue">Auto</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id ="0">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">1</span></div>
<button class="save-button ui-button">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete ui-button">Delete</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id ="1">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">2</span></div>
<button class="save-button ui-button">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete ui-button">Delete</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id = "2">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">3</span></div>
<button class="save-button ui-button">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete ui-button">Delete</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id="3">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">4</span></div>
<button class="save-button ui-button">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete ui-button">Delete</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id="4">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">5</span></div>
<button class="save-button ui-button">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete ui-button">Delete</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id="5">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">6</span></div>
<button class="save-button ui-button">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete ui-button">Delete</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id="6">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">7</span></div>
<button class="save-button ui-button">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete ui-button">Delete</button>
<button class="save-disk ui-button" id="save_disk">Disk Save</button>
<button class="save-disk ui-button" id="load_disk">Disk Load</button>
</aside><div class="main-module ">
<div class="map-text"> CITY </div>
<div class="city-row top-row ">
<<if $district is 0>>
<<link '<div class="city-link">
<img src="img/navigation/map0.jpg">
<div class="city-img-text">DOWNTOWN</div>
</div> ' City>>
<<notify 6s>>You are already in this district<</notify>>
<<link '<div class="city-link">
<img src="img/navigation/map0.jpg">
<div class="city-img-text">DOWNTOWN</div>
</div> ' Downtown>>
<<notify 6s>> The fresh air fills your lungs as you step off the bus<</notify>>
<<if $district is 1>>
<<link '<div class="city-link">
<img src="img/navigation/map1.jpg">
<div class="city-img-text">UPTOWN</div>
</div> ' City>>
<<notify 6s>>You are already in this district<</notify>>
<<link '<div class="city-link">
<img src="img/navigation/map1.jpg">
<div class="city-img-text">UPTOWN</div>
</div> ' Uptown>>
<<notify 6s>> The fresh air fills your lungs as you step off the bus<</notify>>
<div class="city-row top-row ">
<<link '<div class="city-link">
<img src="img/navigation/map2.jpg">
<div class="city-img-text">COUNTRY SIDE</div>
</div> ' CountrySide>>
<<notify 6s>> Future Content <</notify>>
</div><div class="main-module ">
<div class="map-text"> DOWNTOWN </div>
<div class="district-row top-row">
<div class="district-link-container">
<<if $JHIntro isnot 1>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/jhome.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">JOHNS HOUSE</div>
</div> ' JHIntro>>
<<set $EventRNG to 2, $JHIntro to 1>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/jhome.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">JOHNS HOUSE</div>
</div> ' JHome>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0, 8)>>
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">00:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">23:59</div>
<div class="district-link-container">
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">07:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">18:59</div>
<<if $time >= 420 && $time < 1140>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/park.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">PARK</div>
</div> ' Park>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0, 9)>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/park.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">PARK</div>
</div> ' Downtown>>
<<notify 6s>>As of now, the Park is closed.<</notify>>
<div class="district-row top-row">
<div class="district-link-container">
<<if $time >= 720 && $time < 1380>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/bar.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">BAR</div>
</div> ' Bar>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0, 9)>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/bar.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">BAR</div>
</div> ' Downtown>>
<<notify 6s>>As of now, the Bar is closed.<</notify>>
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">12:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">22:59</div>
<div class="district-link-container">
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">08:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">18:59</div>
<<if $time >= 480 && $time < 1140>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/cafe.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">CAFE</div>
</div> ' Cafe>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0, 9)>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/cafe.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">CAFE</div>
</div> ' Downtown>>
<<notify 6s>>As of now, the Cafe is closed.<</notify>>
<div class="district-row top-row">
<div class="district-link-container">
<<if $time >= 600 && $time < 1140>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/library.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">LIBRARY</div>
</div> ' Library>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/library.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">LIBRARY</div>
</div> ' Downtown>>
<<notify 6s>>As of now, the Library is closed.<</notify>>
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">10:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">18:59</div>
<div class="district-link-container">
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">08:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">16:59</div>
<<if $schoolClosed != 0>>
<<if $time >= 480 && $time < 1020>>
<<if $dayCount > 14 && $graduation is undefined>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/school.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">HIGH SCHOOL</div>
</div> ' Grad>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/school.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">HIGH SCHOOL</div>
</div> ' School>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0,17)>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/school.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">HIGH SCHOOL</div>
</div> ' Downtown>>
<<notify 6s>>As of now, the High School is closed.<</notify>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/school.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">HIGH SCHOOL</div>
</div> ' Downtown>>
<<notify 6s>>The High School is closed on Sundays!<</notify>>
<div class="district-row top-row">
<div class="district-link-container">
<<if $time >= 360 && $time < 1380>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/bus.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">BUS STATION</div>
</div> ' Transit0>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/bus.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">BUS STATION</div>
</div> ' Downtown>>
<<notify 6s>>As of now, the Bus Station is closed.<</notify>>
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">06:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">22:59</div>
<div class="district-link-container district-hidden">
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">08:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">20:00</div>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/school.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">SCHOOL</div>
</div> ' Downtown>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>>
</div><<widget "district" container>>
<<if _args[5] is "L">>
<div class="district-link-container ">
<a data-passage="_args[0]" class="district-link">
<img @src="'img/navigation/' + _args[2] +'.jpg'">
<div class="district-img-text">_args[1]</div>
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">_args[3]</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">_args[4]</div>
<<elseif _args[5] is "H">>
<div class="district-link-container district-hidden">
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">_args[3]</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">_args[4]</div>
<a @data-passage="_args[0]" class="district-link">
<img @src="'img/navigation/' + _args[2] +'.jpg'">
<div class="district-img-text">_args[1]</div>
<div class="district-link-container">
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">_args[3]</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">_args[4]</div>
<a @data-passage="_args[0]" class="district-link">
<img @src="'img/navigation/' + _args[2] +'.jpg'">
<div class="district-img-text">_args[1]</div>
<</widget>><div class="main-module">
<div class="perk-map-text padding-top-20"> BAR </div>
<div class="perk-hub-row border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<div class="rep-entity">
<div class="rep-icon">
<img src="img/icons/bar-icon.jpg">
<div class="rep-rightside">
<div class="rep-upperside">
<div class="rep-name"> Job Experience </div>
<div class="rep-tier"> $barRepLvl </div>
<div class="rep-bottomside">
<<showmeter '$barRepBar' `$barRep / $barRepMax`>>
<<if $showCheatButtons is 1>>
<<if $barRepMax > $barRep>>
<<link '<div class="rep-add">
<img src="img/items/plus.svg">
</div>' `passage()`>> <<set $barRep to $barRepMax>> <</link>>
<div class="rep-container">
<div class="rep-entity">
<div class="rep-icon">
<img src="img/icons/barem-icon.jpg">
<div class="rep-rightside">
<div class="rep-upperside">
<div class="rep-name"> Barem </div>
<div class="rep-tier"> $baremRepLvl </div>
<div class="rep-bottomside">
<<showmeter '$baremRepBar' `$baremRep / $baremRepMax`>>
<<if $showCheatButtons is 1>>
<<if $baremRepMax > $baremRep>>
<<link '<div class="rep-add">
<img src="img/items/plus.svg">
</div>' `passage()`>> <<set $baremRep to $baremRepMax>> <</link>>
/* Perks */
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40 border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Thick Skin" "1" "When life gets rough... You get used to it." "$thickSkinBar" thickSkin>>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Heavy Drinker" "1" "Get better at out-drinking your opponents by... drinking more." "$heavyDrinkerBar" heavyDrinker >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Dignity Lost" "2" "It is nothing to lose some money on a bet, but what would happen if you were to bet with your body?" "$dignityLostBar" dignityLost >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Fanservice" "2" "When you have fans, you have to take care of them. Surely Barem would understand that." "$fanserviceBar" fanservice>>
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Carouser" "3" "Participate in every single unique event the Bar has to offer!" "$carouserBar" carouser >>
<<if $showCheatButtons isnot 1>>
<<if recall("MAKAREVICH") is true >>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 1>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<notify 4s>> Patreon only! <</notify>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Hide Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button back-map-button" role="button" > Back </button>' perksMap>> <</link>>
<div class="main-module">
<div class="perk-map-text"> DOWNTOWN </div>
<div class="perk-map-row">
<div class="perk-map-grid">
<a data-passage="perksJHome" class="perk-map-link">
<img src="img/navigation/jhome.jpg">
<div class="perk-map-img-text">JOHNS HOUSE</div>
<a data-passage="perksPark" class="perk-map-link">
<img src="img/navigation/park.jpg">
<div class="perk-map-img-text">PARK</div>
<a data-passage="perksBar" class="perk-map-link">
<img src="img/navigation/bar.jpg">
<div class="perk-map-img-text">BAR</div>
<a data-passage="perksCafe" class="perk-map-link">
<img src="img/navigation/cafe.jpg">
<div class="perk-map-img-text">CAFE</div>
<div class="perk-map-grid">
<a data-passage="perksLibrary" class="perk-map-link">
<img src="img/navigation/library.jpg">
<div class="perk-map-img-text">LIBRARY</div>
<a data-passage="perksSchool" class="perk-map-link">
<img src="img/navigation/school.jpg">
<div class="perk-map-img-text">HIGH SCHOOL</div>
<a data-passage="" class="perk-map-link district-hidden">
<img src="img/navigation/school.jpg">
<div class="perk-map-img-text">HIDDEN</div>
<a data-passage="perksDowntown" class="perk-map-link">
<img src="img/navigation/perks.jpg">
<div class="perk-map-img-text">DOWNTOWN</div>
<div class="perk-map-text"> UPTOWN </div>
<div class="perk-map-row">
<div class="perk-map-grid">
<a data-passage="perksApartments" class="perk-map-link">
<img src="img/navigation/apartments.jpg">
<div class="perk-map-img-text">APPARTMETNS</div>
<a data-passage="perksBeach" class="perk-map-link">
<img src="img/navigation/beach.jpg">
<div class="perk-map-img-text">BEACH</div>
<a data-passage="" class="perk-map-link district-hidden">
<img src="img/navigation/school.jpg">
<div class="perk-map-img-text">HIDDEN</div>
<a data-passage="" class="perk-map-link district-hidden">
<img src="img/navigation/school.jpg">
<div class="perk-map-img-text">HIDDEN</div>
<div class="perk-map-grid">
<a data-passage="perksMall" class="perk-map-link">
<img src="img/navigation/mall.jpg">
<div class="perk-map-img-text">CITY MALL</div>
<a data-passage="perksUptown" class="perk-map-link">
<img src="img/navigation/perks.jpg">
<div class="perk-map-img-text">UPTOWN</div>
<a data-passage="" class="perk-map-link district-hidden">
<img src="img/navigation/school.jpg">
<div class="perk-map-img-text">HIDDEN</div>
<<link '<button class="ui-button back-map-button" role="button" > Back </button>' $prevpassage>> <</link>>
</div><<widget "perk">>
<<set _max to _args[4] + "Max">>
<<set _ebalrotproduction to State.variables[_args[4]]>>
<<set _ebalrotproduction1 to State.variables[_max]>>
<<set _meter to _ebalrotproduction / _ebalrotproduction1>>
<div class="rep-container">
<div class="perk-entity">
<div class="perk-upperside">
<div class="perk-upperside-border">
<div class="perk-tier"> _args[1] </div>
<div class="perk-name"> _args[0]</div>
<div class="perk-hint" @data-text=[_args[2]]> ? </div>
<div class="rep-bottomside">
<<showmeter _args[3] _meter>>
<<capture _max>>
<<if $showCheatButtons is 1>>
<<if _ebalrotproduction1 > _ebalrotproduction>>
<<link '<div class="rep-add">
<img src="img/items/plus.svg">
</div>' `passage()`>> <<set State.variables[_args[4]] to State.variables[_max]>> <</link>>
<</widget>><div class="main-module">
<<if recall("MAKAREVICH") is true >>
<div class="center-text font-size-30">
Thank you so MUCH for supporting the creation of Lustful Insanity, it means the world to me, really!
<div class="center-text font-size-30">
Please enjoy your Bonus Content!
<div class="cheat-menu-text"> CHEAT MENU </div>
<<link '<button class="ui-button levelup-cheat" role="button" > LEVEL UP </button>' "Bebebebe">> <<set $level to $level+1>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button button-pink cash-cheat" role="button" > CASH <span class="cash-text">+</span>100 </button>' "Bebebebe">>
<<set $cash to $cash+100>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button button-pink sanityplus-cheat" role="button" > SANITY <span class="cash-text">+</span>10 </button>' "Bebebebe">> <<set $sanity to $sanity+10>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button sanityminus-cheat" role="button" > SANITY <span class="minus-span">-</span>10 </button>' "Bebebebe">> <<set $sanity to $sanity-10>> <</link>>
<div class="center-text font-size-30">
Enter code below
<<textbox "_code" "" >>
<<link '<button class="ui-button">
</button>' "Bebebebe">>
<<set _val = _code>>
<<if _val == $baban>>
<<run memorize('MAKAREVICH', true)>>
<<notify 4s>>Wrong!<</notify>>
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/LustfulInsanity" style="width: 40%"><img src="img/patreon-logo.png"></a>
<<link '<button class="ui-button back-map-button" role="button" > Back </button>' $prevpassage>> <<set $prevpassage to passage()>> <</link>>
</div><<widget "say" container>>
<<if _args[0] is $mc>>
<<set $dialogueWidgetArg to $iconMc>>
<<set $dialogueWidgetArg to _args[0].toLowerCase()>>
<<if _args[0] is $mc>>
<div class="dialogue-module">
<div class="rep-icon height-50">
<img @src="'img/icons/' + $dialogueWidgetArg + '-icon' + '.jpg'">
<div class="dialogue-text">
<<elseif _args[1] is "p">>
<div class="dialogue-module pink-say">
<div class="rep-icon height-50">
<img @src="'img/icons/' + $dialogueWidgetArg + '-icon' + '.jpg'">
<div class="dialogue-text">
<div class="dialogue-module notmc">
<div class="rep-icon height-50">
<img @src="'img/icons/' + $dialogueWidgetArg + '-icon' + '.jpg'">
<div class="dialogue-text">
<<widget "text" container>>
<div class="text-module">
<<widget "color" container>>
<<if typeof _args[0] == "number">>
<<if _args[0] is 24>>
<span class="font-size-24">
<<elseif _args[0] is 32>>
<span class="font-size-32">
<<if _args[1] is undefined>>
<<set _fontsize to 16>>
<<set _fontsize to _args[1]>>
<<if _args[0] is "y">>
<span @class= "'color-yellow font-size-' + _fontsize">
<<elseif _args[0] is "r">>
<span @class= "'color-red font-size-' + _fontsize">
<span @class= "'color-pink font-size-' + _fontsize">
<</widget>><<widget "img">>
<div class="image-module">
<img @src="'img/' + _args[0]">
<</widget>><<widget "video">>
<div class="image-module">
<video controls playsinline loop @src="'img/' + _args[0]"></video>
<</widget>><<widget "imgv">>
<div class="image-module-vert">
<img @src="'img/' + _args[0]">
<</widget>><<widget "videov">>
<div class="image-module-vert">
<video controls playsinline loop @src="'img/' + _args[0]"></video>
<</widget>>/* Sanity */
<<if $sanity >= $maxSanity>>
<<set $sanity to $maxSanity>>
<<if $sanity <= 0>>
<<set $sanity to 0>>
<<set $schoolClosed to $dayCount % 7>>
/* Reputation */
<<if $clydeRepLvl is undefined>> <<set $clydeRepLvl to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $johnRep is undefined>> <<set $johnRep to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $johnRepLvl is undefined>> <<set $johnRepLvl to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $johnRepLvl is 0>>
<<set $johnRepMax to 12>>
<<if $johnRep >= $johnRepMax>>
<<set $johnRep = $johnRepMax>>
<<if $johnlvl1Notify != 1>>
<<set $johnlvl1Notify to 1>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You can now advance your relationship with John!<</notify>>
<<elseif $johnRepLvl is 1>>
<<set $johnlvl1Perk to 1>>
<<set $johnRepMax to 20>>
<<if $johnRep >= $johnRepMax>>
<<set $johnRep = $johnRepMax>>
<<if $johnlvl2Notify != 1>>
<<set $johnlvl2Notify to 1>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You can now advance your relationship with John!<</notify>>
<<elseif $johnRepLvl is 2>>
<<set $johnlvl2Perk to 1>>
<<if $johnRep >= $johnRepMax>>
<<set $johnRep = $johnRepMax>>
<<if $charlesRep is undefined>> <<set $charlesRep to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $charlesRepLvl is undefined>> <<set $charlesRepLvl to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $charlesRepLvl is 0>>
<<set $charlesRepMax to 8>>
<<if $charlesRep >= $charlesRepMax>>
<<set $charlesRep to $charlesRepMax>>
<<if $charleslvl1Notify != 1>>
<<set $charleslvl1Notify to 1>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You can now advance your relationship with Charles!<</notify>>
<<elseif $charlesRepLvl is 1>>
<<set $charleslvl1Perk to 1>>
<<set $charlesRepMax to 20>>
<<if $charlesRep >= $charlesRepMax>>
<<set $charlesRep to $charlesRepMax>>
<<if $charleslvl2Notify != 1>>
<<set $charleslvl2Notify to 1>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You can now advance your relationship with Charles!<</notify>>
<<elseif $charlesRepLvl is 2>>
<<set $charleslvl2Perk to 1>>
<<if $charlesRep >= $charlesRepMax>>
<<set $charlesRep = $charlesRepMax>>
<<if $baremRep is undefined>> <<set $baremRep to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $baremRepLvl is undefined>> <<set $baremRepLvl to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $baremRepLvl is 0>>
<<set $baremRepMax to 8>>
<<if $baremRep >= $baremRepMax>>
<<set $baremRep = $baremRepMax>>
<<if $baremlvl1Notify != 1>>
<<set $baremlvl1Notify to 1>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You can now advance your relationship with Barem!<</notify>>
<<elseif $baremRepLvl is 1>>
<<set $baremlvl1Perk to 1>>
<<set $baremRepMax to 20>>
<<if $baremRep >= $baremRepMax>>
<<set $baremRep = $baremRepMax>>
<<if $baremlvl2Notify != 1>>
<<set $baremlvl2Notify to 1>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You can now advance your relationship with Barem!<</notify>>
<<elseif $baremRepLvl is 2>>
<<set $baremlvl2Perk to 1>>
<<if $baremRep >= $baremRepMax>>
<<set $baremRep = $baremRepMax>>
<<if $liyaRep is undefined>> <<set $liyaRep to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $liyaRepLvl is undefined>> <<set $liyaRepLvl to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $liyaRepLvl is 0>>
<<set $liyaRepMax to 8>>
<<if $liyaRep >= $liyaRepMax>>
<<set $liyaRep = $liyaRepMax>>
<<if $liyalvl1Notify != 1>>
<<set $liyalvl1Notify to 1>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You can now advance your relationship with Liya!<</notify>>
<<elseif $liyaRepLvl is 1>>
<<set $liyalvl1Perk to 1>>
<<set $liyaRepMax to 20>>
<<if $liyaRep >= $liyaRepMax>>
<<set $liyaRep = $liyaRepMax>>
<<if $liyalvl2Notify != 1>>
<<set $liyalvl2Notify to 1>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You can now advance your relationship with Liya!<</notify>>
<<elseif $liyaRepLvl is 2>>
<<set $liyalvl2Perk to 1>>
<<if $liyaRep >= $liyaRepMax>>
<<set $liyaRep = $liyaRepMax>>
<<if $christopherRep is undefined>> <<set $christopherRep to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $christopherRepLvl is undefined>> <<set $christopherRepLvl to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $christopherRepLvl is 0>>
<<set $christopherRepMax to 5>>
<<if $christopherRep >= $christopherRepMax>>
<<set $christopherRep = $christopherRepMax>>
<<if $christopherlvl1Notify != 1>>
<<set $christopherlvl1Notify to 1>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You can now advance your relationship with Christopher!<</notify>>
<<elseif $christopherRepLvl is 1>>
<<set $christopherlvl1Perk to 1>>
<<set $christopherRepMax to 15>>
<<if $christopherRep >= $christopherRepMax>>
<<set $christopherRep = $christopherRepMax>>
<<if $christopherlvl2Notify != 1>>
<<set $christopherlvl2Notify to 1>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You can now advance your relationship with Christopher!<</notify>>
<<elseif $christopherRepLvl is 2>>
<<set $christopherlvl2Perk to 1>>
<<if $christopherRep >= $christopherRepMax>>
<<set $christopherRep = $christopherRepMax>>
<<if $martinRep is undefined>> <<set $martinRep to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $martinRepLvl is undefined>> <<set $martinRepLvl to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $martinRepLvl is 0>>
<<set $martinRepMax to 5>>
<<if $martinRep >= $martinRepMax>>
<<set $martinRep = $martinRepMax>>
<<if $martinlvl1Notify != 1>>
<<set $martinlvl1Notify to 1>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You can now advance your relationship with Martin!<</notify>>
<<elseif $martinRepLvl is 1>>
<<set $martinlvl1Perk to 1>>
<<set $martinRepMax to 15>>
<<if $martinRep >= $martinRepMax>>
<<set $martinRep = $martinRepMax>>
<<if $martinlvl2Notify != 1>>
<<set $martinlvl2Notify to 1>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You can now advance your relationship with Martin!<</notify>>
<<elseif $martinRepLvl is 2>>
<<set $martinlvl2Perk to 1>>
<<if $martinRep >= $martinRepMax>>
<<set $martinRep = $martinRepMax>>
<<if $zachRep is undefined>> <<set $zachRep to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $zachRepLvl is undefined>> <<set $zachRepLvl to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $zachRepLvl is 0>>
<<set $zachRepMax to 15>>
<<if $zachRep >= $zachRepMax>>
<<set $zachRep = $zachRepMax>>
<<if $zachlvl1Notify != 1>>
<<set $zachlvl1Notify to 1>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You can now advance your relationship with Zach!<</notify>>
<<elseif $zachRepLvl is 1>>
<<set $zachlvl1Perk to 1>>
<<set $zachRepMax to 1, $zachRep to 1>>
<<if $zachRep >= $zachRepMax>>
<<set $zachRep = $zachRepMax>>
<<if $zachlvl2Notify != 1>>
<<set $zachlvl2Notify to 1>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You can now advance your relationship with Zach!<</notify>>
/* Jobs */
<<if $luxuryGift is undefined>> <<set $luxuryGift to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $luxuryGiftLvl is undefined>> <<set $luxuryGiftLvl to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $luxuryGiftLvl is 0>>
<<set $luxuryGiftMax to 5>>
<<if $luxuryGift > 0>>
<<set $luxurygiftPerk to 1>>
<<set $luxurygiftPerk to undefined>>
<<if $luxuryGift >= $luxuryGiftMax>>
<<set $luxuryGift to 5>>
<<if $cafeRep is undefined>> <<set $cafeRep to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $cafeRepLvl is undefined>> <<set $cafeRepLvl to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $cafeRepLvl is 0>>
<<set $cafeRepMax to 10>>
<<if $cafeRep >= $cafeRepMax>>
<<set $cafeRep to 0>>
<<set $cafeRepMax to 30>>
<<set $cafelvl1Perk to 1>>
<<set $cafeRepLvl to 1>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You have progressed in your career at Cafe!<</notify>>
<<elseif $cafeRepLvl is 1>>
<<if $cafeRep >= $cafeRepMax>>
<<set $cafeRep = $cafeRepMax>>
<<if $cafelvl2Perk != 1>>
<<set $cafelvl2Perk to 1>>
<<set $cafeRepLvl to 2>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You have progressed in your career at Cafe!<</notify>>
<<if $barRep is undefined>> <<set $barRep to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $barRepLvl is undefined>> <<set $barRepLvl to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $barRepLvl is 0>>
<<set $barRepMax to 10>>
<<if $barRep >= $barRepMax>>
<<set $barRep to 0>>
<<set $barRepMax to 30>>
<<set $barlvl1Perk to 1>>
<<set $barRepLvl to 1>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You have progressed in your career at Bar!<</notify>>
<<elseif $barRepLvl is 1>>
<<if $barRep >= $barRepMax>>
<<set $barRep = $barRepMax>>
<<if $barlvl2Perk != 1>>
<<set $barlvl2Perk to 1>>
<<set $barRepLvl to 2>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You have progressed in your career at Bar!<</notify>>
<<if $bloggingRep is undefined>> <<set $bloggingRep to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $bloggingRepLvl is undefined>> <<set $bloggingRepLvl to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $bloggingRepLvl is 0>>
<<set $bloggingRepMax to 100>>
<<if $bloggingRep >= $bloggingRepMax>>
<<set $bloggingRepMax to 250>>
<<set $blogginglvl1Perk to 1>>
<<set $bloggingRepLvl to 1>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You have progressed in your Blogging career!<</notify>>
<<elseif $bloggingRepLvl is 1>>
<<if $bloggingRep >= $bloggingRepMax>>
<<set $bloggingRepMax to 1000>>
<<set $blogginglvl2Perk to 1>>
<<set $bloggingRepLvl to 2>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You have progressed in your Blogging career!<</notify>>
<<elseif $bloggingRepLvl is 2>>
<<if $bloggingRep >= $bloggingRepMax>>
<<set $bloggingRep = $bloggingRepMax>>
<<if $blogginglvl3Perk != 1>>
<<set $blogginglvl3Perk to 1>>
<<set $bloggingRepLvl to 3>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You have progressed in your Blogging career!<</notify>>
<<if $streamingRep is undefined>> <<set $streamingRep to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $streamingRepLvl is undefined>> <<set $streamingRepLvl to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $streamingRepLvl is 0>>
<<set $streamingRepMax to 100>>
<<if $streamingRep >= $streamingRepMax>>
<<set $streamingRepMax to 250>>
<<set $streaminglvl1Perk to 1>>
<<set $streamingRepLvl to 1>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You have progressed in your Streaming career!<</notify>>
<<elseif $streamingRepLvl is 1>>
<<if $streamingRep >= $streamingRepMax>>
<<set $streamingRepMax to 1000>>
<<set $streaminglvl2Perk to 1>>
<<set $streamingRepLvl to 2>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You have progressed in your Streaming career!<</notify>>
<<elseif $streamingRepLvl is 2>>
<<if $streamingRep >= $streamingRepMax>>
<<set $streamingRep = $streamingRepMax>>
<<if $streaminglvl3Perk != 1>>
<<set $streaminglvl3Perk to 1>>
<<set $streamingRepLvl to 3>>
<<notify 4.5s>>You have progressed in your Streaming career!<</notify>>
/* Perks */
<<if $littleHelper is undefined>>
<<set $littleHelper to 0, $littleHelperMax to 3>>
<<if $littleHelper >= $littleHelperMax>>
<<set $littleHelper = $littleHelperMax>>
<<if $littleHelper == $littleHelperMax>>
<<set $littlehelperPerk to 1>>
<<if $littlehelperPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+200>>
<<set $littlehelperPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Little Helper" aquired; Lust Points +200! <</notify>>
<<if $pornomaniac is undefined>>
<<set $pornomaniac to 0, $pornomaniacMax to 5>>
<<if $pornomaniac >= $pornomaniacMax >>
<<set $pornomaniac = $pornomaniacMax>>
<<if $pornomaniac == $pornomaniacMax>>
<<set $pornomaniacPerk to 1>>
<<if $pornomaniacPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+200>>
<<set $pornomaniacPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Pornomaniac" aquired; Lust Points +200! <</notify>>
<<if $influencer is undefined>>
<<set $influencer to 0, $influencerMax to 1>>
<<if $influencer >= $influencerMax >>
<<set $influencer = $influencerMax>>
<<if $influencer == $influencerMax>>
<<set $influencerPerk to 1>>
<<if $influencerPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+200>>
<<set $influencerPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Influencer" aquired; Lust Points +200! <</notify>>
<<if $steadyHand is undefined>>
<<set $steadyHand to 0, $steadyHandMax to 5>>
<<if $steadyHand >= $steadyHandMax >>
<<set $steadyHand = $steadyHandMax>>
<<if $steadyHand == $steadyHandMax>>
<<set $steadyhandPerk to 1>>
<<if $steadyhandPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+200>>
<<set $steadyhandPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Steady Hand" aquired; Lust Points +200! <</notify>>
<<if $noGagging is undefined>>
<<set $noGagging to 0, $noGaggingMax to 5>>
<<if $noGagging >= $noGaggingMax >>
<<set $noGagging = $noGaggingMax>>
<<if $noGagging == $noGaggingMax>>
<<set $nogaggingPerk to 1>>
<<if $nogaggingPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+300>>
<<set $nogaggingPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "No Gagging" aquired; Lust Points +300! <</notify>>
<<if $lubedAndReady is undefined>>
<<set $lubedAndReady to 0, $lubedAndReadyMax to 5>>
<<if $lubedAndReady >= $lubedAndReadyMax >>
<<set $lubedAndReady = $lubedAndReadyMax>>
<<if $lubedAndReady == $lubedAndReadyMax>>
<<set $lubedandreadyPerk to 1>>
<<if $lubedandreadyPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+300>>
<<set $lubedandreadyPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Lubed and Ready" aquired; Lust Points +300! <</notify>>
<<if $dildoOwner is undefined>>
<<set $dildoOwner to 0, $dildoOwnerMax to 1>>
<<if $dildoOwner >= $dildoOwnerMax >>
<<set $dildoOwner = $dildoOwnerMax>>
<<if $dildoOwner == $dildoOwnerMax>>
<<set $dildoownerPerk to 1>>
<<if $dildoownerPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+200>>
<<set $dildoownerPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Dildo Owner" aquired; Lust Points +200! <</notify>>
<<if $photogenic is undefined>>
<<set $photogenic to 0, $photogenicMax to 7>>
<<if $photogenic >= $photogenicMax >>
<<set $photogenic = $photogenicMax>>
<<if $photogenic == $photogenicMax>>
<<set $photogenicPerk to 1>>
<<if $photogenicPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+300>>
<<set $photogenicPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Photogenic" aquired; Lust Points +300! <</notify>>
<<if $barista is undefined>>
<<set $barista to 0, $baristaMax to 7>>
<<if $barista >= $baristaMax >>
<<set $barista = $baristaMax>>
<<if $barista == $baristaMax>>
<<set $baristaPerk to 1>>
<<if $baristaPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+200>>
<<set $baristaPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Barista" aquired; Lust Points +200! <</notify>>
<<if $topGrade is undefined>>
<<set $topGrade to 0, $topGradeMax to 1>>
<<if $topGrade >= $topGradeMax >>
<<set $topGrade = $topGradeMax>>
<<if $topGrade == $topGradeMax>>
<<set $topgradePerk to 1>>
<<if $topgradePerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+400>>
<<set $topgradePerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Top Grade" aquired; Lust Points +400! <</notify>>
<<if $alluringAura is undefined>>
<<set $alluringAura to 0, $alluringAuraMax to 1>>
<<if $alluringAura >= $alluringAuraMax >>
<<set $alluringAura = $alluringAuraMax>>
<<if $alluringAura == $alluringAuraMax>>
<<set $alluringauraPerk to 1>>
<<if $alluringauraPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+400>>
<<set $alluringauraPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Alluring Aura" aquired; Lust Points +400! <</notify>>
<<if $heavyDrinker is undefined>>
<<set $heavyDrinker to 0, $heavyDrinkerMax to 5>>
<<if $heavyDrinker >= $heavyDrinkerMax >>
<<set $heavyDrinker = $heavyDrinkerMax>>
<<if $heavyDrinker == $heavyDrinkerMax>>
<<set $heavydrinkerPerk to 1>>
<<if $heavydrinkerPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+200>>
<<set $heavydrinkerPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Heavy Drinker" aquired; Lust Points +200! <</notify>>
<<if $tattletale is undefined>>
<<set $tattletale to 0, $tattletaleMax to 6>>
<<if $tattletale >= $tattletaleMax >>
<<set $tattletale = $tattletaleMax>>
<<if $tattletale == $tattletaleMax>>
<<set $tattletalePerk to 1>>
<<if $tattletalePerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+200>>
<<set $tattletalePerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Tattletale" aquired; Lust Points +200! <</notify>>
<<if $feebleBody is undefined>>
<<set $feebleBody to 0, $feebleBodyMax to 5>>
<<if $feebleBody >= $feebleBodyMax >>
<<set $feebleBody = $feebleBodyMax>>
<<if $feebleBody == $feebleBodyMax>>
<<set $feeblebodyPerk to 1>>
<<if $feebleBodyPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+200>>
<<set $feebleBodyPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Feeble Body" aquired; Lust Points +200! <</notify>>
<<if $everydayBody is undefined>>
<<set $everydayBody to 0, $everydayBodyMax to 8>>
<<if $everydayBody >= $everydayBodyMax >>
<<set $everydayBody = $everydayBodyMax>>
<<if $everydayBody == $everydayBodyMax>>
<<set $everydaybodyPerk to 1>>
<<if $everydayBodyPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+300>>
<<set $everydayBodyPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Everyday Body" aquired; Lust Points +300! <</notify>>
<<if $stalwartBody is undefined>>
<<set $stalwartBody to 0, $stalwartBodyMax to 10>>
<<if $stalwartBody >= $stalwartBodyMax >>
<<set $stalwartBody = $stalwartBodyMax>>
<<if $stalwartBody == $stalwartBodyMax>>
<<set $stalwartbodyPerk to 1>>
<<if $stalwartBodyPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+400>>
<<set $stalwartBodyPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Stalwart Body" aquired; Lust Points +400! <</notify>>
<<if $dimMind is undefined>>
<<set $dimMind to 0, $dimMindMax to 5>>
<<if $dimMind >= $dimMindMax >>
<<set $dimMind = $dimMindMax>>
<<if $dimMind == $dimMindMax>>
<<set $dimmindPerk to 1>>
<<if $dimMindPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+200>>
<<set $dimMindPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Dim Mind" aquired; Lust Points +200! <</notify>>
<<if $ordinaryMind is undefined>>
<<set $ordinaryMind to 0, $ordinaryMindMax to 8>>
<<if $ordinaryMind >= $ordinaryMindMax >>
<<set $ordinaryMind = $ordinaryMindMax>>
<<if $ordinaryMind == $ordinaryMindMax>>
<<set $ordinarymindPerk to 1>>
<<if $ordinaryMindPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+300>>
<<set $ordinaryMindPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Ordinary Mind" aquired; Lust Points +300! <</notify>>
<<if $sharpMind is undefined>>
<<set $sharpMind to 0, $sharpMindMax to 10>>
<<if $sharpMind >= $sharpMindMax >>
<<set $sharpMind = $sharpMindMax>>
<<if $sharpMind == $sharpMindMax>>
<<set $sharpmindPerk to 1>>
<<if $sharpMindPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+400>>
<<set $sharpMindPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Sharp Mind" aquired; Lust Points +400! <</notify>>
<<if $littleChampion is undefined>>
<<set $littleChampion to 0, $littleChampionMax to 1>>
<<if $littleChampion >= $littleChampionMax >>
<<set $littleChampion = $littleChampionMax>>
<<if $littleChampion == $littleChampionMax>>
<<set $littlechampionPerk to 1>>
<<if $littleChampionPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+400>>
<<set $littleChampionPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Little Champion" aquired; Lust Points +400! <</notify>>
<<if $aGrownUp is undefined>>
<<set $aGrownUp to 0, $aGrownUpMax to 1>>
<<if $aGrownUp >= $aGrownUpMax >>
<<set $aGrownUp = $aGrownUpMax>>
<<if $aGrownUp == $aGrownUpMax>>
<<set $agrownupPerk to 1>>
<<if $aGrownUpPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+300>>
<<set $aGrownUpPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "A Grown-Up" aquired; Lust Points +300! <</notify>>
<<if $realAmateur is undefined>>
<<set $realAmateur to 0, $realAmateurMax to 1>>
<<if $realAmateur >= $realAmateurMax >>
<<set $realAmateur = $realAmateurMax>>
<<if $realAmateur == $realAmateurMax>>
<<set $realamateurPerk to 1>>
<<if $realAmateurPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+300>>
<<set $realAmateurPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Real Amateur" aquired; Lust Points +300! <</notify>>
<<if $chessTimer is undefined>>
<<set $chessTimer to 0, $chessTimerMax to 1>>
<<if $chessTimer >= $chessTimerMax >>
<<set $chessTimer = $chessTimerMax>>
<<if $chessTimer == $chessTimerMax>>
<<set $chesstimerPerk to 1>>
<<if $chessTimerPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+200>>
<<set $chessTimerPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Chess Timer" aquired; Lust Points +200! <</notify>>
<<if $freshJordans is undefined>>
<<set $freshJordans to 0, $freshJordansMax to 1>>
<<if $freshJordans >= $freshJordansMax >>
<<set $freshJordans = $freshJordansMax>>
<<if $freshJordans == $freshJordansMax>>
<<set $freshjordansPerk to 1>>
<<if $freshJordansPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+200>>
<<set $freshJordansPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Fresh Jordans" aquired; Lust Points +200! <</notify>>
<<if $twoPiece is undefined>>
<<set $twoPiece to 0, $twoPieceMax to 1>>
<<if $twoPiece >= $twoPieceMax >>
<<set $twoPiece = $twoPieceMax>>
<<if $twoPiece == $twoPieceMax>>
<<set $twopiecePerk to 1>>
<<if $twoPiecePerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+200>>
<<set $twoPiecePerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Two Piece" aquired; Lust Points +200! <</notify>>
<<if $funkyAttire is undefined>>
<<set $funkyAttire to 0, $funkyAttireMax to 1>>
<<if $funkyAttire >= $funkyAttireMax >>
<<set $funkyAttire = $funkyAttireMax>>
<<if $funkyAttire == $funkyAttireMax>>
<<set $funkyattirePerk to 1>>
<<if $funkyAttirePerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+300>>
<<set $funkyAttirePerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Funky Attire" aquired; Lust Points +300! <</notify>>
<<if $bagOfDicks is undefined>>
<<set $bagOfDicks to 0, $bagOfDicksMax to 1>>
<<if $bagOfDicks >= $bagOfDicksMax >>
<<set $bagOfDicks = $bagOfDicksMax>>
<<if $bagOfDicks == $bagOfDicksMax>>
<<set $bagofdicksPerk to 1>>
<<if $bagOfDicksPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+200>>
<<set $bagOfDicksPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Bag of Dicks" aquired; Lust Points +200! <</notify>>
<<if $roboCock is undefined>>
<<set $roboCock to 0, $roboCockMax to 1>>
<<if $roboCock >= $roboCockMax >>
<<set $roboCock = $roboCockMax>>
<<if $roboCock == $roboCockMax>>
<<set $robocockPerk to 1>>
<<if $roboCockPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+300>>
<<set $roboCockPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Robo-Cock" aquired; Lust Points +300! <</notify>>
<<if $darkSkinned is undefined>>
<<set $darkSkinned to 0, $darkSkinnedMax to 5>>
<<if $darkSkinned >= $darkSkinnedMax >>
<<set $darkSkinned = $darkSkinnedMax>>
<<if $darkSkinned == $darkSkinnedMax>>
<<set $darkskinnedPerk to 1>>
<<if $darkSkinnedPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+200>>
<<set $darkSkinnedPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Dark-Skinned" aquired; Lust Points +200! <</notify>>
<<if $goodStudent is undefined>>
<<set $goodStudent to 0, $goodStudentMax to 15>>
<<if $goodStudent >= $goodStudentMax >>
<<set $goodStudent = $goodStudentMax>>
<<if $goodStudent == $goodStudentMax>>
<<set $goodstudentPerk to 1>>
<<if $goodStudentPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+300>>
<<set $goodStudentPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Good Student" aquired; Lust Points +300! <</notify>>
<<if $cameraGirl is undefined>>
<<set $cameraGirl to 0, $cameraGirlMax to 1>>
<<if $cameraGirl >= $cameraGirlMax >>
<<set $cameraGirl = $cameraGirlMax>>
<<if $cameraGirl == $cameraGirlMax>>
<<set $cameragirlPerk to 1>>
<<if $cameraGirlPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+200>>
<<set $cameraGirlPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Camera Girl" aquired; Lust Points +200! <</notify>>
<<if $pioneer is undefined>>
<<set $pioneer to 0, $pioneerMax to 6>>
<<if $pioneer >= $pioneerMax >>
<<set $pioneer = $pioneerMax>>
<<if $pioneer == $pioneerMax>>
<<set $pioneerPerk to 1>>
<<if $pioneerPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+400>>
<<set $pioneerPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Pioneer" aquired; Lust Points +400! <</notify>>
<<if $thickSkin is undefined || $thickSkinMax is undefined>>
<<set $thickSkin to 0, $thickSkinMax to 7>>
<<if $thickSkin >= $thickSkinMax >>
<<set $thickSkin = $thickSkinMax>>
<<if $thickSkin == $thickSkinMax>>
<<set $thickskinPerk to 1>>
<<if $thickSkinPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+200>>
<<set $thickSkinPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Thick Skin" aquired; Lust Points +200! <</notify>>
<<if $costOfLiving is undefined>>
<<set $costOfLiving to 0, $costOfLivingMax to 1>>
<<if $costOfLiving >= $costOfLivingMax >>
<<set $costOfLiving = $costOfLivingMax>>
<<if $costOfLiving == $costOfLivingMax>>
<<set $costoflivingPerk to 1>>
<<if $costOfLivingPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+300>>
<<set $costOfLivingPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Cost of Living" aquired; Lust Points +300! <</notify>>
<<if $carouser is undefined>>
<<set $carouser to 0, $carouserMax to 4>>
<<if $carouser >= $carouserMax >>
<<set $carouser = $carouserMax>>
<<if $carouser == $carouserMax>>
<<set $carouserPerk to 1>>
<<if $carouserPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+400>>
<<set $carouserPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Carouser" aquired; Lust Points +400! <</notify>>
<<if $dignityLost is undefined>>
<<set $dignityLost to 0, $dignityLostMax to 1>>
<<if $dignityLost >= $dignityLostMax >>
<<set $dignityLost = $dignityLostMax>>
<<if $dignityLost == $dignityLostMax>>
<<set $dignitylostPerk to 1>>
<<if $dignityLostPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+300>>
<<set $dignityLostPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Dignity Lost" aquired; Lust Points +300! <</notify>>
<<if $houseWife is undefined>>
<<set $houseWife to 0, $houseWifeMax to 7>>
<<if $houseWife >= $houseWifeMax >>
<<set $houseWife = $houseWifeMax>>
<<if $houseWife == $houseWifeMax>>
<<set $housewifePerk to 1>>
<<if $houseWifePerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+400>>
<<set $houseWifePerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "House-Wife" aquired; Lust Points +400! <</notify>>
<<if $fanservice is undefined>>
<<set $fanservice to 0, $fanserviceMax to 1>>
<<if $fanservice >= $fanserviceMax >>
<<set $fanservice = $fanserviceMax>>
<<if $fanservice == $fanserviceMax>>
<<set $fanservicePerk to 1>>
<<if $fanservicePerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+300>>
<<set $fanservicePerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Fanservice" aquired; Lust Points +300! <</notify>>
<<if $explorer is undefined>>
<<set $explorer to 0, $explorerMax to 4>>
<<if $explorer >= $explorerMax >>
<<set $explorer = $explorerMax>>
<<if $explorer == $explorerMax>>
<<set $explorerPerk to 1>>
<<if $explorerPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+400>>
<<set $explorerPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Explorer" aquired; Lust Points +400! <</notify>>
<<if $publicAgent is undefined>>
<<set $publicAgent to 0, $publicAgentMax to 1>>
<<if $publicAgent >= $publicAgentMax >>
<<set $publicAgent = $publicAgentMax>>
<<if $publicAgent == $publicAgentMax>>
<<set $publicagentPerk to 1>>
<<if $publicAgentPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+300>>
<<set $publicAgentPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Public Agent" aquired; Lust Points +300! <</notify>>
<<if $fourthBase is undefined>>
<<set $fourthBase to 0, $fourthBaseMax to 1>>
<<if $fourthBase >= $fourthBaseMax >>
<<set $fourthBase = $fourthBaseMax>>
<<if $fourthBase == $fourthBaseMax>>
<<set $fourthBasePerk to 1>>
<<if $fourthBasePerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+300>>
<<set $fourthBasePerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Fourth Base" aquired; Lust Points +300! <</notify>>
<<if $kamasutra is undefined>>
<<set $kamasutra to 0, $kamasutraMax to 3>>
<<if $kamasutra >= $kamasutraMax >>
<<set $kamasutra = $kamasutraMax>>
<<if $kamasutra == $kamasutraMax>>
<<set $kamasutraPerk to 1>>
<<if $kamasutraPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+300>>
<<set $kamasutraPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Kamasutra" aquired; Lust Points +300! <</notify>>
<<if $homeostasis is undefined>>
<<set $homeostasis to 0, $homeostasisMax to 3>>
<<if $homeostasis >= $homeostasisMax >>
<<set $homeostasis = $homeostasisMax>>
<<if $homeostasis == $homeostasisMax>>
<<set $homeostasisPerk to 1>>
<<if $homeostasisPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+200>>
<<set $homeostasisPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Homeostasis" aquired; Lust Points +200! <</notify>>
<<if $superbad is undefined>>
<<set $superbad to 0, $superbadMax to 3>>
<<if $superbad >= $superbadMax >>
<<set $superbad = $superbadMax>>
<<if $superbad == $superbadMax>>
<<set $superbadPerk to 1>>
<<if $superbadPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+200>>
<<set $superbadPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Superbad" aquired; Lust Points +200! <</notify>>
<<if $inviteOnly is undefined>>
<<set $inviteOnly to 0, $inviteOnlyMax to 1>>
<<if $inviteOnly >= $inviteOnlyMax >>
<<set $inviteOnly = $inviteOnlyMax>>
<<if $inviteOnly == $inviteOnlyMax>>
<<set $inviteonlyPerk to 1>>
<<if $inviteOnlyPerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+300>>
<<set $inviteOnlyPerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Invite Only" aquired; Lust Points +300! <</notify>>
<<if $riskyMove is undefined>>
<<set $riskyMove to 0, $riskyMoveMax to 1>>
<<if $riskyMove >= $riskyMoveMax >>
<<set $riskyMove = $riskyMoveMax>>
<<if $riskyMove == $riskyMoveMax>>
<<set $riskymovePerk to 1>>
<<if $riskyMovePerkExp is undefined>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp+300>>
<<set $riskyMovePerkExp to 1>>
<<notify 3s>>Perk "Invite Only" aquired; Lust Points +300! <</notify>>
/* Level */
<<if $level is undefined>> <<set $level to 1>> <</if>>
<<if $levelXp is undefined>> <<set $levelXp to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $level is 1>>
<<set $levelMax to 600>>
<<if $levelXp >= $levelMax>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp-$levelMax>>
<<set $level to 2>>
<<timed 3.5s>>
<<notify 3s>>Lust Level Up! Max Sanity +20!<</notify>>
<<if $level is 2>>
<<set $maxSanity to 220>>
<<set $levelMax to 1000>>
<<if $levelXp >= $levelMax>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp-$levelMax>>
<<set $level to 3>>
<<timed 3.5s>>
<<notify 3s>>Lust Level Up! Max Sanity +20!<</notify>>
<<if $level is 3>>
<<set $maxSanity to 240>>
<<set $levelMax to 1700>>
<<if $levelXp >= $levelMax>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp-$levelMax>>
<<set $level to 4>>
<<timed 3.5s>>
<<notify 3s>>Lust Level Up! Max Sanity +20!<</notify>>
<<if $level is 4>>
<<set $maxSanity to 260>>
<<set $levelMax to 2800>>
<<if $levelXp >= $levelMax>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp-$levelMax>>
<<set $level to 5>>
<<timed 3.5s>>
<<notify 3s>>Lust Level Up! Max Sanity +15!<</notify>>
<<if $level is 5>>
<<set $levelMax to 4600>>
<<set $maxSanity to 275>>
<<if $levelXp >= $levelMax>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp-$levelMax>>
<<set $level to 6>>
<<timed 3.5s>>
<<notify 3s>>Lust Level Up! Max Sanity +15!<</notify>>
<<if $level is 6>>
<<set $maxSanity to 290>>
<<set $levelMax to 7600>>
<<if $levelXp >= $levelMax>>
<<set $levelXp to $levelXp-$levelMax>>
<<set $level to 7>>
<<timed 3.5s>>
<<notify 3s>>Lust Level Up! Max Sanity +10!<</notify>>
<<if $level is 7>>
<<set $maxSanity to 300>>
<<set $levelMax to 7600>>
<<set $levelXp to 7600>>
<</if>><<widget "rewardS">>
<<if $sanity >= $maxSanity>>
<<set $sanity to $maxSanity>>
<<if _args[0].charAt(0) is "+">>
<div class="reward-container">
<div class="reward-text">
<div class="reward-img reward-sanity">
<img src="img/items/sanity.svg">
<div class="reward-container">
<div class="reward-text">
<span class="reward-num"> _args[0] </span>
<div class="reward-img reward-sanity">
<img src="img/items/sanity.svg">
<div class="reward-container">
<div class="reward-text">
<span class="reward-num"> _args[0] </span>
<div class="reward-img reward-sanity">
<img src="img/items/sanity.svg">
<</widget>><<widget "rewardC">>
<div class="reward-container">
<div class="reward-text">
<span class="reward-num"> _args[0] </span>
<div class="reward-img reward-cash">
<img src="img/items/cash.svg">
<</widget>><<widget "rewardP">>
<<set _perkmax = _args[2] + 'Max'>>
<<if State.variables[_args[2]] >= State.variables[_perkmax]>>
<<set State.variables[_args[2]] to State.variables[_perkmax]>>
<<if _args[1].charAt(0) is "+">>
<div class="reward-container">
<div class="reward-text">
_args[0] MAX
<div class="reward-img">
<img src="img/items/star.svg">
<div class="reward-container">
<div class="reward-text">
_args[0] <span class="reward-num"> _args[1] </span>
<div class="reward-img">
<img src="img/items/star.svg">
<div class="reward-container">
<div class="reward-text">
_args[0] <span class="reward-num"> _args[1] </span>
<div class="reward-img">
<img src="img/items/star.svg">
<</widget>><<widget "btn" container>>
<<unset _args2text>>
<<unset _args3text>>
<<unset _args4text>>
<<unset _args5text>>
<<unset _args6text>>
<<unset _args7text>>
<<unset _perk>>
<<unset _minutes>>
<<unset _hours>>
<<unset _from>>
<<unset _to>>
<<if _args[2] is 0 or _args[2] is undefined>>
<<set _args2text to "">>
<<set _args2text to _args[2] + " min">>
<<if _args[3] is undefined>>
<<set _args[3] to 0>>
<<set _args3text to "0">>
<<if _args[4] is undefined>>
<<set _args[4] to "0-300">>
<<set _args4text to "None">>
<<if _args[5] is undefined>>
<<set _args[5] to "00:00 - 23:60">>
<<set _args5text to "24">>
<<if _args[6] is undefined>>
<<set _perk to 1>>
<<set _args6text to "None">>
<<if _args[7] is undefined>>
<<set _args[7] to 0>>
<<set _args7text to "None">>
<<if _args[3] is 0>>
<<set _args3text to "0">>
<<if _args[4] is 0>>
<<set _args[4] to "0-300">>
<<set _args4text to "None">>
<<if _args[5] is 0>>
<<set _args[5] to "00:00 - 23:60">>
<<set _args5text to "24">>
<<if _args[6] is 0>>
<<set _perk to 1>>
<<set _args6text to "None">>
<<if _args[7] is 0>>
<<set _args7text to "None">>
<<set _args7text to "Level " + _args[7]>>
<<if _args[3] isnot 0 && _args[3] isnot undefined>>
<<set _args3text to _args[3] + "$">>
<<if _args[4] isnot 0 && _args[4] isnot undefined && _args4text isnot "None" >>
<<set _args4text to _args[4]>>
<<if _args[6] isnot 0 && _args[6] isnot undefined>>
<<set _args6text to _args[6]>>
<<if _args[4] isnot 0>>
<<set _array = _args[4].split("-")>>
<<set _num1 = parseInt(_array[0])>>
<<set _num2 = parseInt(_array[1])>>
<<if _args[5] isnot 0>>
<<if _args[5] is "00:00 - 23:60">>
<<set _args5text to "24">>
<<set _args5text to _args[5]>>
<<set _timearray = _args[5].split("-")>>
<<set _part1 = _timearray[0].split(":")>>
<<set _part2 = _timearray[1].split(":")>>
<<set _hours1 = parseInt(_part1[0])>>
<<set _minutes1 = parseInt(_part1[1])>>
<<set _hours2 = parseInt(_part2[0])>>
<<set _minutes2 = parseInt(_part2[1])>>
<<set _to = (_hours2 * 60) + _minutes2>>
<<set _from = (_hours1 * 60) + _minutes1>>
<<if _perk is undefined>>
<<set _array1 = _args[6].replace(/\s+/g, '')>>
<<set _array = _array1.replace(/-/g, '')>>
<<set _lowercase = _array.toLowerCase()>>
<<set _almostperk = _lowercase + "Perk">>
<<set _perk = State.variables[_almostperk]>>
<<if $cash >= _args[3] && $sanity >= _num1 && $sanity <= _num2 && $time >= _from && $time <= _to && _perk > 0 && $level >= _args[7]>>
<<if _args[3] == 0>>
<<link '<div class="main-button">
<div class="main-button-name"> _args[0] </div>
<div class="main-button-cash"></div>
<div class="main-button-time"> _args2text </div>
</div> ' _args[1]>> <<set $time to $time + _args[2]>> <<set $rewardCount to 0>> _contents <</link>>
<<link '<div class="main-button main-button-green">
<div class="main-button-name"> _args[0] </div>
<div class="main-button-cash"> _args[3]$</div>
<div class="main-button-time"> _args2text </div>
</div> ' _args[1]>> <<set $time to $time + _args[2]>> <<set $rewardCount to 0>> <<set $cash to $cash - _args[3]>> _contents <</link>>
<div class="plug-container">
<<if _args[3] == 0>>
<div class="main-button button-plug">
<div class="main-button-name"> _args[0] </div>
<div class="main-button-cash"></div>
<div class="main-button-time"> _args2text </div>
<div class="main-button button-plug main-button-green">
<div class="main-button-name"> _args[0] </div>
<div class="main-button-cash"> _args[3]$</div>
<div class="main-button-time"> _args2text </div>
<div class="tooltip">
<div class="tooltip-perk">
<div class="tooltip-img"><img src="img/items/star.svg"> </div>
<div class="tooltip-text"> _args6text </div>
<div class="tooltip-time">
<div class="tooltip-img"><img src="img/items/time.svg"> </div>
<div class="tooltip-text"> _args5text </div>
<div class="tooltip-level">
<div class="tooltip-img"><img src="img/items/level.svg"> </div>
<div class="tooltip-text"> _args7text </div>
<div class="tooltip-sanity">
<div class="tooltip-img"><img src="img/items/sanity.svg"> </div>
<div class="tooltip-text"> _args4text </div>
<</widget>><div class="main-module perk-main-module">
<div class="perk-map-text padding-top-20"> JOHNS HOUSE </div>
/* Perks */
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40 border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Little Helper" "1" "Help John around the house. Nobody likes to live in a messy place." "$littleHelperBar" littleHelper >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Pornomaniac" "1" "Watch some dirty videos. John, it's only for science, I swear!" "$pornomaniacBar" pornomaniac >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Influencer" "1" "You've heard that you can make a lot of money just by tweeting. Time to put that theory to the test!" "$influencerBar" influencer >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Steady Hand" "1" "Get good at pleasuring yourself with your hands alone." "$steadyHandBar" steadyHand >>
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "No Gagging" "2" "Before you choke yourself on a real cock, training yourself seems like a good idea." "$noGaggingBar" noGagging >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Lubed and Ready" "2" "They say anal gets better every time. That means you should stretch yourself before offering some." "$lubedAndReadyBar" lubedAndReady >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Photogenic" "2" "Learn how to take better selfies. You'll attract more followers that way!" "$photogenicBar" photogenic >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "House-Wife" "3" "Find every single unique event John's House has to offer!" "$houseWifeBar" houseWife>>
/* PARK */
<div class="perk-map-text padding-top-20"> PARK </div>
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40 border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Feeble Body" "1" "Exercise should contribute to building a better body. Worth a try. " "$feebleBodyBar" feebleBody >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Everyday Body" "2" "Your body looks better every day. You can't stop now!" "$everydayBodyBar" everydayBody >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Stalwart Body" "3" "Strength and beauty are your second names at this point. You're almost there!" "$stalwartBodyBar" stalwartBody >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Public Agent" "2" "Rumour has it that someone is looking for an actress in the Park. If you manage to get a part, you might even get something in return." "$publicAgentBar" publicAgent>>
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Explorer" "3" "Find every single unique event the Park has to offer!" "$explorerBar" explorer>>
/* BAR TBA */
<div class="perk-map-text padding-top-20"> BAR </div>
/* Perks */
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40 border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Thick Skin" "1" "When life gets rough... You get used to it." "$thickSkinBar" thickSkin>>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Heavy Drinker" "1" "Get better at out-drinking your opponents by... drinking more." "$heavyDrinkerBar" heavyDrinker >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Dignity Lost" "2" "It is nothing to lose some money on a bet, but what would happen if you were to bet with your body?" "$dignityLostBar" dignityLost >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Fanservice" "2" "When you have fans, you have to take care of them. Surely Barem would understand that." "$fanserviceBar" fanservice>>
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Carouser" "3" "Participate in every single unique event the Bar has to offer!" "$carouserBar" carouser >>
/* CAFE */
<div class="perk-map-text padding-top-20"> CAFE </div>
/* Perks */
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40 border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Barista" "1" "Become experienced in the art of coffee-making." "$baristaBar" barista >>
<div class="perk-map-text padding-top-20"> LIBRARY </div>
/* Perks */
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40 border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Dim Mind" "1" "A good life begins with knowledge. You should get started before it's too late." "$dimMindBar" dimMind >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Ordinary Mind" "2" "Look at you, now you can count in your head! Riches await, just keep going!" "$ordinaryMindBar" ordinaryMind >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Sharp Mind" "3" "Even though you've learned so much, it feels like you've only just begun... But you can't give up now!" "$sharpMindBar" sharpMind >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Fourth Base" "2" "You've known Clyde as a good friend for a long time, but you've always wondered if he could be more..." "$fourthBaseBar" fourthBase>>
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Homeostasis" "1" "Learn to stay healthy. After all, a good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book!" "$homeostasisBar" homeostasis >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Kamasutra" "2" "Learn how to become a sexual connoisseur, capable of bringing out the deepest, most satisfying orgasms!" "$kamasutraBar" kamasutra >>
/* SCHOOL */
<div class="perk-map-text padding-top-20"> HIGH SCHOOL </div>
/* Perks */
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40 border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Tattletale" "1" "You can learn all kinds of cool stuff by listening to the gossip in the cafeteria." "$tattletaleBar" tattletale >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Good Student" "2" "To receive a diploma and access to the school ball, you must attend the classes." "$goodStudentBar" goodStudent>>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Top Grade" "3" "Being at the top of the class should help you get a better job later in life, right?" "$topGradeBar" topGrade >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Alluring Aura" "3" "I've heard that prom queens tend to have an irresistible allure..." "$alluringAuraBar" alluringAura >>
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Pioneer" "3" "Find every single unique event the School has to offer!" "$pioneerBar" pioneer>>
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Invite Only" "2" "Successfully gain access to Martins' party" "$inviteOnlyBar" inviteOnly>>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Risky Move" "2" "Convince your girlfriend to go with you to the drinking party." "$riskyMoveBar" riskyMove>>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Superbad" "1" "Sometimes being down bad has its own benefits..." "$superbadBar" superbad>>
<<if $showCheatButtons isnot 1>>
<<if recall("MAKAREVICH") is true >>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 1>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<notify 4s>> Patreon only! <</notify>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Hide Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button back-map-button" role="button" > Back </button>' perksMap>> <</link>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say $mc>>$rewardCount <</say>>
<span id="skip1">
<<button "suck my dick">>
<<replace "#skip1">>
<<say $mc>> $rewardCount <</say>>
<span id="skip2">
<<button "suck my dick">>
<<replace "#skip2">>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "+300">>
<<say $mc>> $rewardCount <</say>>
</div><<set $sanity to 50>>
<<set $fail to 1>>
<<set $stage to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $rngJob to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $rngJob is 0 && ($streamingRep is 0 || $streamingRepLvl is 2)>>
<<set $rngJob to 1>>
<<if $rngJob is 1 && ($bloggingRep is 0 || $bloggingRepLvl is 2)>>
<<set $rngJob to 2>>
<<if $rngJob is 2 && ($cafeRep is 0 || $cafeRepLvl is 2)>>
<<set $rngJob to 3>>
<<if $rngJob is 3>>
<<set $stage to 2>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<set $rngRep to random(0,5)>>
<<if $rngRep is 0 && ($zachRep is 0 || $zachRepLvl is 2)>>
<<set $rngRep to 1>>
<<if $rngRep is 1 && ($martinRep is 0 || $martinRepLvl is 2)>>
<<set $rngRep to 2>>
<<if $rngRep is 2 && ($christopherRep is 0 || $christopherRepLvl is 2)>>
<<set $rngRep to 3>>
<<if $rngRep is 3 && ($liyaRep is 0 || $liyaRepLvl is 2)>>
<<set $rngRep to 4>>
<<if $rngRep is 4 && ($charlesRep is 0 || $charlesRepLvl is 2)>>
<<set $rngRep to 5>>
<<if $rngRep is 5 && ($johnRep is 0 || $johnRepLvl is 2)>>
<<set $rngRep to 6>>
<<if $rngRep is 6>>
<<set $stage to 1>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>Damn it all! I'm so tired of this bullshit!..<</say>>
<<text>>As your thoughts became unbearable, taking and twisting any semblance of happiness you felt at the moment, you found yourself in the same place you always returned to when things turned sour.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/breakdown0.jpg">>
<<say>>I wonder who's streaming right now...<</say>>
<<text>>Finding solace in the familiarity of your room, you quickly pulled out your trusty laptop and, having nested comfortably into your pillows, began to surf the internet, looking for something that would soothe the gnawing discontent that was filling your chest.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Take Rest" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>The minutes turn into hours, and the hours turn into days as you sit in front of the blue screen of your laptop, consuming whatever content you can get your hands on, from watching cute anime girls doing their cute things to listening to livestreamers discussing politics to studying programming with the cute turtle, sometimes mixing them together in a cocktail of excitement.<</text>>
<<say>>Ah, I wish I could spend all my days doing nothing but being a content creator myself... But that would require a bit of groundwork to be done first.<</say>>
<<text>>Driven by your new enthusiasm, you look around for the first time in what feels like an eternity. Surprisingly, the piles of worn clothes lying around the room were the least of your problems, as the kitchen was now full of dirty plates and the remains of your fast food deliveries, attracting all kinds of unneeded attention.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/breakdown1.jpg">>
<<say>>Aw shucks!.. This will take a while to clear up. And my body has definitely put on a pound or two in the process... Tsk, well, nothing I can do about it now.<</say>>
<<text>>Once again being reminded of the simple fact that losing control of your life only leads to further setbacks, you feel a growing determination to get things right, and this time, do it in a proper manner.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+50">>
<<switch $rngJob>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $cafeRep > 9>>
<<rewardP "Cafe Profficiency" "-10" cafeRep>>
<<rewardP "Cafe Profficiency" "-$cafeRep" cafeRep>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $bloggingRep > 99>>
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "-100" bloggingRep>>
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "-$bloggingRep" bloggingRep>>
<<case 0>>
<<if $streamingRep > 199>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "-200" streamingRep>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "-$streamingRep" streamingRep>>
<<rewardP "Day Count" "+2" dayCount>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "It's a New Day, a New You" JHomeBedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<run memorize('failstate', 0)>><<set $fail to undefined, $time to 390, $dayCount to $dayCount+2>>
<<switch $rngJob>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $cafeRep > 9>>
<<set $cafeRep to $cafeRep-10>>
<<set $cafeRep to 0>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $bloggingRep > 99>>
<<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRep-100>>
<<set $bloggingRep to 0>>
<<case 0>>
<<if $streamingRep > 199>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep-200>>
<<set $streamingRep to 0>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>Ugh... I just need to get my mind off of it. And what could be better than a little shopping spree to cheer yourself up?<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling unusually agitated and boisterous, you find yourself at your bedside, phone in hand, scrolling through pages and pages of different things—things you've always wanted to get but were too conscious of their price to actually buy.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/breakdown2.jpg">>
<<say>>Yes, I want that blouse... Oh, and these recommended stockings are so cute, they would make a perfect pair!<</say>>
<<text>>Distracted by the instant gratification of buying things, your worries began to disappear into the night sky, and as your shopping list grew, you felt freer than ever.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Take Rest" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>But alas, that feeling couldn't last forever, and soon reality began to seep through the cracks of your impulsive euphoria, doubly so when you realized just how deep you had gone into your savings.<</text>>
<<say>>Oh frick...<</say>>
<<text>>Overwhelmed with regret, you sat there for a moment, feeling a deep emptiness settle within you once more—the one that you could no longer get rid of with a simple click of a button. Worse, the road to regaining your fortune and your life was even more difficult now that you barely had any money left in your pocket, and you knew it well.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/breakdown3.jpg">>
<<say>>I'd better get back to work... And this time, I'd better to avoid any further slip-ups.<</say>>
<<text>>The only thing you could do now was pick yourself up and start moving, gradually getting your life together and slowly building yourself up from there, and this was enough of a hope to keep you moving forward.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $cash < 500>>
<<rewardC "-$cash">>
<<rewardC "-500">>
<<rewardS "+50">>
<<rewardP "Day Count" "+2" dayCount>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "It's a New Day, a New You" JHomeBedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<run memorize('failstate', 0)>><<set $fail to undefined, $time to 390, $dayCount to $dayCount+2>>
<<if $cash < 500>>
<<set $cash to 0>>
<<set $cash to $cash-500>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say>>Ngh, I feel so tired all of a sudden...<</say>>
<<text>>Stumbling back into your room, you find yourself completely and utterly exhausted, lying under the safety of your own blanket—the only thing you could count on. Your thoughts become a jumbled mess of anxiety and self-doubt, twisting and intertwining themselves into an incoherent mess that almost makes you wish to disappear, if only to relieve yourself from this struggle. But you know that this state is only temporary.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/breakdown4.jpg">>
<<say>>I don't want to do anything. I'll just lie in bed until I get better.<</say>>
<<text>>And that's what you do, sleeping away hours and days on end, barely eating anything in between the naps, stuck in the same loop of pitying and hating yourself in equal measure, until finally...<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Take Rest" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>You snap out of it.<</text>>
<<say>>All right. That should be enough rest for now; I have a lot that waits to be done after all~<</say>>
<<text>>Picking up the phone, you begin scrolling through the myriads of notifications, noticing an abnormal amount of missed calls and unanswered messages from the same person, instantly making your chest tense up in regret.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/breakdown5.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh no... They must be really mad at me now. Better make things right before it's too late.<</say>>
<<text>>While not completely free from your doubts and still having the ball of anxiety nestling itself deeply between your lungs and all, you know that prolonging your next move forward would be a silly mistake, making the right choice all the more obvious.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+50">>
<<switch $rngRep>>
<<case 5>>
<<if $johnRep > 9>>
<<rewardP "John Rep" "-10" johnRep>>
<<rewardP "John Rep" "-$johnRep" johnRep>>
<<case 4>>
<<if $charlesRep > 9>>
<<rewardP "Charles Rep" "-10" charlesRep>>
<<rewardP "Charles Rep" "-$charlesRep" charlesRep>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $liyaRep > 9>>
<<rewardP "Liya Rep" "-10" liyaRep>>
<<rewardP "Liya Rep" "-$liyaRep" liyaRep>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $christopherRep > 9>>
<<rewardP "Christopher Rep" "-10" christopherRep>>
<<rewardP "Christopher Rep" "-$christopherRep" christopherRep>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $martinRep > 9>>
<<rewardP "Martin Rep" "-10" martinRep>>
<<rewardP "Martin Rep" "-$martinRep" martinRep>>
<<case 0>>
<<if $zachRep > 9>>
<<rewardP "Zach Rep" "-10" zachRep>>
<<rewardP "Zach Rep" "-$zachRep" zachRep>>
<<rewardP "Day Count" "+2" dayCount>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "It's a New Day, a New You" JHomeBedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<run memorize('failstate', 0)>><<set $fail to undefined, $time to 390, $dayCount to $dayCount+2>>
<<switch $rngRep>>
<<case 5>>
<<if $johnRep > 9>>
<<set $johnRep to $johnRep-10>>
<<set $johnRep to 0>>
<<case 4>>
<<if $charlesRep > 9>>
<<set $charlesRep to $charlesRep-10>>
<<set $charlesRep to 0>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $liyaRep > 9>>
<<set $liyaRep to $liyaRep-10>>
<<set $liyaRep to 0>>v
<<case 2>>
<<if $christopherRep > 9>>
<<set $christopherRep to $christopherRep-10>>
<<set $christopherRep to 0>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $martinRep > 9>>
<<set $martinRep to $martinRep-10>>
<<set $martinRep to 0>>
<<case 0>>
<<if $zachRep > 9>>
<<set $zachRep to $zachRep-10>>
<<set $zachRep to 0>>
$polinaRepBar - название бара для репутации с полиной.
$polinaRep - отображение прогресса репутации, сюда начисляются поинты.
$polinaRepLvl - уровень репутации с полиной.
$polinaRepMax - максимальный уровень polinaRep для нынешнего polinaRepLvl.
polinaRepMax изменяется в зависимости от конкретного уровня, это прописывается в PassageHeader
$bbcEnjoyerBar - название бара для перка
$bbcEnjoyer - отображение прогресса получения перка, сюда начисляются поинты.
$bbcEnjoyerMax - максимум поинтов в данном перке.
$bbcenjoyerPerk - переменная, отображающая, получен ли перк. 0 либо 1. очень важно, что название всего перка идет маленькими буквами и только "Perk" отделяется , я хуйзнает как иначе и только так я могу ужать несколько страниц кода в одну кнопку. <<widget "br">>
<div class="br"> </div>
<</widget>><div class="main-module">
<<set $cash to 1000>>
<<set $johnRep to 100>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Polina" "+1" johnRep>>
<<rewardP "Polina" "-1" johnRep>>
<<img "test.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>$rewardCount <</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Testin1" "01">><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say $mc>> delete me <</say>>
<<img "test.jpg">>
<<text>> <<color y 24>>She's <</color>> visibly <<color 32>>embarrased. <</color>> $timeShow <</text>>
<<say $mc>> ffff me <</say>>
<<say $mc>> ffff me <</say>>
<<video "Blowjob.mp4">>
</div><<widget "btns" container>>
<<unset _args2text>>
<<unset _args3text>>
<<unset _args4text>>
<<unset _args5text>>
<<unset _args6text>>
<<unset _args7text>>
<<unset _perk>>
<<unset _minutes>>
<<unset _hours>>
<<unset _from>>
<<unset _to>>
<<if _args[2] is 0 or _args[2] is undefined>>
<<set _args2text to "">>
<<set _args2text to _args[2] + " min">>
<<if _args[3] is undefined>>
<<set _args[3] to 0>>
<<set _args3text to "0">>
<<if _args[4] is undefined>>
<<set _args[4] to "0-300">>
<<set _args4text to "None">>
<<if _args[5] is undefined>>
<<set _args[5] to "00:00 - 23:60">>
<<set _args5text to "24">>
<<if _args[6] is undefined>>
<<set _perk to 1>>
<<set _args6text to "None">>
<<if _args[7] is undefined>>
<<set _args[7] to 0>>
<<set _args7text to "None">>
<<if _args[3] is 0>>
<<set _args3text to "0">>
<<if _args[4] is 0>>
<<set _args[4] to "0-300">>
<<set _args4text to "None">>
<<if _args[5] is 0>>
<<set _args[5] to "00:00 - 23:60">>
<<set _args5text to "24">>
<<if _args[6] is 0>>
<<set _perk to 1>>
<<set _args6text to "None">>
<<if _args[7] is 0>>
<<set _args7text to "None">>
<<set _args7text to "Level " + _args[7]>>
<<if _args[3] isnot 0 && _args[3] isnot undefined>>
<<set _args3text to _args[3] + "$">>
<<if _args[4] isnot 0 && _args[4] isnot undefined && _args4text isnot "None" >>
<<set _args4text to _args[4]>>
<<if _args[6] isnot 0 && _args[6] isnot undefined>>
<<set _args6text to _args[6]>>
<<if _args[4] isnot 0>>
<<set _array = _args[4].split("-")>>
<<set _num1 = parseInt(_array[0])>>
<<set _num2 = parseInt(_array[1])>>
<<if _args[5] isnot 0>>
<<if _args[5] is "00:00 - 23:60">>
<<set _args5text to "24">>
<<set _args5text to _args[5]>>
<<set _timearray = _args[5].split("-")>>
<<set _part1 = _timearray[0].split(":")>>
<<set _part2 = _timearray[1].split(":")>>
<<set _hours1 = parseInt(_part1[0])>>
<<set _minutes1 = parseInt(_part1[1])>>
<<set _hours2 = parseInt(_part2[0])>>
<<set _minutes2 = parseInt(_part2[1])>>
<<set _to = (_hours2 * 60) + _minutes2>>
<<set _from = (_hours1 * 60) + _minutes1>>
<<if _perk is undefined>>
<<set _array1 = _args[6].replace(/\s+/g, '')>>
<<set _array = _array1.replace(/-/g, '')>>
<<set _lowercase = _array.toLowerCase()>>
<<set _almostperk = _lowercase + "Perk">>
<<set _perk = State.variables[_almostperk]>>
<<if $cash >= _args[3] && $sanity >= _num1 && $sanity <= _num2 && $time >= _from && $time <= _to && _perk > 0 && $level >= _args[7]>>
<<if _args[3] == 0>>
<<link '<div class="main-button" @id="_args[1]">
<div class="main-button-name"> _args[0] </div>
<div class="main-button-cash"></div>
<div class="main-button-time"> _args2text </div>
</div>'>> <<if $rewardCount is 0>> <<set $time to $time + _args[2]>> _contents <</if>>
<<link '<div class="main-button main-button-green" @id="_args[1]">
<div class="main-button-name"> _args[0] </div>
<div class="main-button-cash"> _args[3]$</div>
<div class="main-button-time"> _args2text </div>
</div>'>> <<if $rewardCount is 0>> <<set $time to $time + _args[2]>> <<set $cash to $cash - _args[3]>> _contents <</if>>
<div class="plug-container">
<<if _args[3] == 0>>
<div class="main-button button-plug">
<div class="main-button-name"> _args[0] </div>
<div class="main-button-cash"></div>
<div class="main-button-time"> _args2text </div>
<div class="main-button button-plug main-button-green">
<div class="main-button-name"> _args[0] </div>
<div class="main-button-cash"> _args[3]$</div>
<div class="main-button-time"> _args2text </div>
<div class="tooltip">
<div class="tooltip-perk">
<div class="tooltip-img"><img src="img/items/star.svg"> </div>
<div class="tooltip-text"> _args6text </div>
<div class="tooltip-time">
<div class="tooltip-img"><img src="img/items/time.svg"> </div>
<div class="tooltip-text"> _args5text </div>
<div class="tooltip-level">
<div class="tooltip-img"><img src="img/items/level.svg"> </div>
<div class="tooltip-text"> _args7text </div>
<div class="tooltip-sanity">
<div class="tooltip-img"><img src="img/items/sanity.svg"> </div>
<div class="tooltip-text"> _args4text </div>
<</widget>><div class="main-module ">
<div class="map-text"> UPTOWN </div>
<div class="district-row top-row">
<div class="district-link-container">
<<if $aGrownUp isnot 1>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/apartments.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">APARTMENTS</div>
</div> ' Apartments>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>>
<<if $dayCount >= $rentCountdown>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/apartments.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">APARTMENTS</div>
</div> ' RentPay>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/apartments.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">APARTMENTS</div>
</div> ' Apartment>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>>
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">00:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">23:59</div>
<div class="district-link-container">
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">7:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">21:59</div>
<<if $time >= 420 && $time < 1320>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/beach.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">BEACH</div>
</div> ' Beach>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/beach.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">BEACH</div>
</div> ' Uptown>>
<<notify 6s>>As of now, the Beach is closed.<</notify>>
<div class="district-row top-row">
<div class="district-link-container">
<<if $time >= 600 && $time < 1320>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/mall.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">MALL</div>
</div> ' Mall>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/mall.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">MALL</div>
</div> ' Uptown>>
<<notify 6s>>As of now, the Mall is closed.<</notify>>
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">10:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">21:59</div>
<div class="district-link-container district-hidden">
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">08:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">20:00</div>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/gym.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">GYM</div>
</div> ' Gym>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>>
<div class="district-row top-row district-hidden">
<div class="district-link-container">
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/club.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">NIGHTCLUB</div>
</div> ' Nightclub>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>>
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">08:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">20:00</div>
<div class="district-link-container district-hidden">
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">08:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">20:00</div>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/office.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">OFFICE</div>
</div> ' Office>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>>
<div class="district-row top-row">
<div class="district-link-container">
<<if $time >= 360 && $time < 1380>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/bus.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">BUS STATION</div>
</div> ' Transit1>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/bus.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">BUS STATION</div>
</div> ' Uptown>>
<<notify 6s>>As of now, the Bus Station is closed.<</notify>>
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">06:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">22:59</div>
<div class="district-link-container district-hidden">
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">08:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">20:00</div>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/school.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">SCHOOL</div>
</div> ' Uptown>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>>
</div><<widget "btnAutosave" container>>
<<unset _args2text>>
<<unset _args3text>>
<<unset _args4text>>
<<unset _args5text>>
<<unset _args6text>>
<<unset _args7text>>
<<unset _perk>>
<<unset _minutes>>
<<unset _hours>>
<<unset _from>>
<<unset _to>>
<<if _args[2] is 0 or _args[2] is undefined>>
<<set _args2text to "">>
<<set _args2text to _args[2] + " min">>
<<if _args[3] is undefined>>
<<set _args[3] to 0>>
<<set _args3text to "0">>
<<if _args[4] is undefined>>
<<set _args[4] to "0-300">>
<<set _args4text to "None">>
<<if _args[5] is undefined>>
<<set _args[5] to "00:00 - 23:60">>
<<set _args5text to "24">>
<<if _args[6] is undefined>>
<<set _perk to 1>>
<<set _args6text to "None">>
<<if _args[7] is undefined>>
<<set _args[7] to 0>>
<<set _args7text to "None">>
<<if _args[3] is 0>>
<<set _args3text to "0">>
<<if _args[4] is 0>>
<<set _args[4] to "0-300">>
<<set _args4text to "None">>
<<if _args[5] is 0>>
<<set _args[5] to "00:00 - 23:60">>
<<set _args5text to "24">>
<<if _args[6] is 0>>
<<set _perk to 1>>
<<set _args6text to "None">>
<<if _args[7] is 0>>
<<set _args7text to "None">>
<<set _args7text to "Level " + _args[7]>>
<<if _args[3] isnot 0 && _args[3] isnot undefined>>
<<set _args3text to _args[3] + "$">>
<<if _args[4] isnot 0 && _args[4] isnot undefined && _args4text isnot "None" >>
<<set _args4text to _args[4]>>
<<if _args[6] isnot 0 && _args[6] isnot undefined>>
<<set _args6text to _args[6]>>
<<if _args[4] isnot 0>>
<<set _array = _args[4].split("-")>>
<<set _num1 = parseInt(_array[0])>>
<<set _num2 = parseInt(_array[1])>>
<<if _args[5] isnot 0>>
<<if _args[5] is "00:00 - 23:60">>
<<set _args5text to "24">>
<<set _args5text to _args[5]>>
<<set _timearray = _args[5].split("-")>>
<<set _part1 = _timearray[0].split(":")>>
<<set _part2 = _timearray[1].split(":")>>
<<set _hours1 = parseInt(_part1[0])>>
<<set _minutes1 = parseInt(_part1[1])>>
<<set _hours2 = parseInt(_part2[0])>>
<<set _minutes2 = parseInt(_part2[1])>>
<<set _to = (_hours2 * 60) + _minutes2>>
<<set _from = (_hours1 * 60) + _minutes1>>
<<if _perk is undefined>>
<<set _array1 = _args[6].replace(/\s+/g, '')>>
<<set _array = _array1.replace(/-/g, '')>>
<<set _lowercase = _array.toLowerCase()>>
<<set _almostperk = _lowercase + "Perk">>
<<set _perk = State.variables[_almostperk]>>
<<if $cash >= _args[3] && $sanity >= _num1 && $sanity <= _num2 && $time >= _from && $time <= _to && _perk > 0 && $level >= _args[7]>>
<<if _args[3] == 0>>
<<link '<div class="main-button">
<div class="main-button-name"> _args[0] </div>
<div class="main-button-cash"></div>
<div class="main-button-time"> _args2text </div>
</div> ' _args[1]>> <<set $time to $time + _args[2]>> <<set $rewardCount to 0>> _contents
<<set $autosaveTrigger to 1>>
<<link '<div class="main-button main-button-green">
<div class="main-button-name"> _args[0] </div>
<div class="main-button-cash"> _args[3]$</div>
<div class="main-button-time"> _args2text </div>
</div> ' _args[1]>> <<set $time to $time + _args[2]>> <<set $rewardCount to 0>><<set $cash to $cash - _args[3]>> _contents
<<set $autosaveTrigger to 1>>
<div class="plug-container">
<<if _args[3] == 0>>
<div class="main-button button-plug">
<div class="main-button-name"> _args[0] </div>
<div class="main-button-cash"></div>
<div class="main-button-time"> _args2text </div>
<div class="main-button button-plug main-button-green">
<div class="main-button-name"> _args[0] </div>
<div class="main-button-cash"> _args[3]$</div>
<div class="main-button-time"> _args2text </div>
<div class="tooltip">
<div class="tooltip-perk">
<div class="tooltip-img"><img src="img/items/star.svg"> </div>
<div class="tooltip-text"> _args6text </div>
<div class="tooltip-time">
<div class="tooltip-img"><img src="img/items/time.svg"> </div>
<div class="tooltip-text"> _args5text </div>
<div class="tooltip-level">
<div class="tooltip-img"><img src="img/items/level.svg"> </div>
<div class="tooltip-text"> _args7text </div>
<div class="tooltip-sanity">
<div class="tooltip-img"><img src="img/items/sanity.svg"> </div>
<div class="tooltip-text"> _args4text </div>
<</widget>><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "male">> All characters in this game are over the age of 18. Every single situation depicted in this game is fictional and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. <</say>>
<<img "launch/warning.jpg">>
<<say "male">> This game is for adults only. Do not play if you are under the legal age in your country. <</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "I am under the Legal Age" GetOut 0>><</btn>>
<<if $autosaveCheck == 1>>
<<btn "I am an Adult" Launch 0>><<set $stage to "autosavewarning">><</btn>>
<<btn "I am an Adult" Launch 0>><<set $stage to "autosave">><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say 'player' 'p'>>This place... Have I forgotten everything again?<</say>>
<<text>>A boundless sea of shifting blue stretches endlessly before your eyes. The non-euclidean shapes penetrate the deepest corners of your wandering mind, almost suffocating you with their presence. And yet...<</text>>
<<img "launch/start0.jpg">>
<<say 'player' 'p'>>It doesn't matter. All things are right in here... <</say>>
<<text>>And with that, your journey continues.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Follow the Path" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say 'player' 'p'>>The landscape... It's already changing - I must be getting closer.<</say>>
<<text>>As your legs carried you deeper and deeper into the maze of blue, the glassy shapes around you became more rigid. They now resembled the walls of an endless labyrinth, covered with the myriad of different mirrors, each containing it's own reflection.<</text>>
<<say 'player' 'p'>>Wait, could it be... It's coming closer to me instead?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Master your Mind" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say 'player' 'p'>>I can't leave my soon-to-be body waiting for much longer, it must be just around the corner. <</say>>
<<text>>As you took another turn, the reflections in the mirrors around you became clearer and clearer, resembling the shape of a human figure. It was a body, that of a young woman, and for some reason it evoked a deep sense of longing in you.<</text>>
<<img "launch/start1.jpg">>
<<say 'player' 'p'>>One of them must be the new me... Yet how do I choose the right one?<</say>>
<<text>>The pointlessness of the question that escaped your lips made you smile. You knew the answer long before you came to this place. <</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Steel your Focus" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<text>>Noticing your efforts, the woman in the mirror smiled at you - her eyes shining with trust and warmth. They were so bright, in fact, that it took you a moment to make out the true colour of them.<</text>>
<<say 'player' 'p'>>These eyes... What colour should they be?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Amber, like a fire that can't be extinguished." "04" 0>><<set $eyes to "amber">><</btns>>
<<btns "Blue, like a morning sky on a clear day." "04" 0>><<set $eyes to "blue">><</btns>>
<<btns "Green, like a lush forest after the rain." "04" 0>><<set $eyes to "green">><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<text>>As if trying to guide you, the reflection gently runs its hand through the hair, its luscious strands playing against the blue hue of the shapeless reality.<</text>>
<<say 'player' 'p'>>Right, next comes the hair...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Red, bright as a fireplace on a rainy day." "05" 0>><<set $hair to "redhead">><</btns>>
<<btns "Blonde, resembling that of a river of platinum." "05" 0>><<set $hair to "blonde">><</btns>>
<<btns "Brunette, with a pleasant chestnut colour." "05" 0>><<set $hair to "brunette">><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say 'player' 'p'>>It's all slowly coming back to me... Almost there.<</say>>
<<text>>Excited, you look lovingly at the reflection once more. Returning the smile, the woman presses her finger against the non-existent barrier between the two of you, inviting you to do the same. When your fingers touch, she speaks out for the first time, her voice ringing, full of that boyish spirit that is so ubiquitous in girls her age.<</text>>
<<img "launch/start2.jpg">>
<<say>>What is our name? You must say it out loud - then touch the veil and your wish will be granted~<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<textbox "$mcf" "Mary">>
<<textbox "$mcl" "Celeste">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btnAutosave "Invoke a Name that Binds" Start 0>><<notify 6s>>Your progress has been saved!<</notify>><<set $prologue to 1, $stage to 0, $cash to 30>><</btnAutosave>>
<<elseif $stage is "autosave">>
<<say "male">>In addition to manual saving, Lustfull Insanity has an auto-save system. The game will save every time you go to sleep, so keep track of it to make sure you don't lose your progress!<</say>>
<<text>> No existing auto-saves have been detected, you can proceed safely! <</text>>
<<img "launch/autosave.jpg">>
<<say "male">>Now that the warnings are out of the way, I sincerely hope you'll have lots of fun playing my game!<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Game Start" Launch 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "autosavewarning">>
<<notify 10s>> Be sure to load your existing auto-save or you may lose it! <</notify>>
<<say "male">>In addition to manual saving, Lustfull Insanity has an auto-save system. The game will save every time you go to sleep, so keep track of it to make sure you don't lose your progress!<</say>>
<<text>> <<color p 32>> Auto-save detected, proceed with caution!<</color>> <</text>>
<<img "launch/autosave.jpg">>
<<say "male">>Ah, but it seems you already know this by now. Please note that starting a new game will replace your existing autosave with the new one!<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Forfeit the Existing Autosave" Launch 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
</div><div class="main-module ">
<div class="map-text"> COUNTRY SIDE </div>
<div class="district-row top-row district-hidden">
<div class="district-link-container">
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/club.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">NIGHTCLUB</div>
</div> ' Nightclub>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>>
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">08:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">20:00</div>
<div class="district-link-container district-hidden">
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">08:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">20:00</div>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/office.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">OFFICE</div>
</div> ' Office>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>>
<div class="district-row top-row district-hidden">
<div class="district-link-container">
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/club.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">NIGHTCLUB</div>
</div> ' Nightclub>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>>
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">08:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">20:00</div>
<div class="district-link-container district-hidden">
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">08:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">20:00</div>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/office.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">OFFICE</div>
</div> ' Office>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>>
<div class="district-row top-row district-hidden">
<div class="district-link-container">
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/club.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">NIGHTCLUB</div>
</div> ' Nightclub>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>>
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">08:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">20:00</div>
<div class="district-link-container district-hidden">
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">08:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">20:00</div>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/office.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">OFFICE</div>
</div> ' Office>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>>
<div class="district-row top-row">
<div class="district-link-container">
<<if $time >= 360 && $time < 1380>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/bus.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">BUS STATION</div>
</div> ' Transit2>>
<<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/bus.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">BUS STATION</div>
</div> ' CountrySide>>
<<notify 6s>>As of now, the Bus Station is closed.<</notify>>
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">06:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">22:59</div>
<div class="district-link-container district-hidden">
<div class="district-time-column">
<div class="district-time-top">08:00</div>
<div class="district-time-bottom">20:00</div>
<<link '<div class="district-link">
<img src="img/navigation/school.jpg">
<div class="district-img-text">SCHOOL</div>
</div> ' Motel>>
<<set $cash to $cash+100>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button back-map-button" role="button" > City </button>' "City">> <</link>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<if !$jhomeE3 || $jhomeE3 == 3>>
<<set $jhomeE3 to 0>>
<<say>>Home, sweet home~<</say>>
<<text>>The familiar scent of home enveloped your senses with the faint but ever-present lingering aroma of alcohol. Looking around the room, a sense of reassurance washes over you no matter where you find yourself in life.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/home.jpg">>
/* RNG Buttons */
<<if $time > 480 && $time < 1200>>
<<if $EventRNG is 0>>
<<text>><<color y>>Looking around the room, you notice a large basket on the kitchen table. Upon closer inspection, you can see that it is overflowing with a variety of ingredients and food.<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Help out on the Kitchen" JH_RNG_Event0 60 0 "40-300" "8:00-19:59" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 1>>
<<say "John">>Hrrr... Zzz...<</say>>
<<text>><<color y>>The faint voice of John came from the direction of the couch, where he lied prostrated, seemingly knocked out cold.<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Comfort John with a Blanket" JH_RNG_Event1 30 0 "40-300" "8:00-19:59" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 2>>
<<text>><<color y>>The bathroom door emitted the muffled sound of running water, creating a rhythmic melody that induced a sense of relaxation.<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Peek into the Shower" JH_RNG_Event2 15 0 "40-300" "8:00-19:59" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 3 || $EventRNG is 4>>
<<text>><<color y>>A sharp sound of a ringtone cut through the comfy silence. But it doesn't seem to be coming from your phone this time.<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Find the source of the Sound" JH_RNG_Event3 15 0 "40-300" "8:00-19:59" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><<set $jhomeE3 += 1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 5>>
<<say>>This couch looks so comfortable right now... Aaah~ I'm getting drowsy all of a sudden.<</say>>
<<btn "Take a Short Nap" JH_RNG_Event4 30 0 "40-300" "8:00-19:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><</btn>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<if $DCBlock == $dayCount>>
<<plug "Tidy up the House" "The house is already shining clean!" 60 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Tidy up the House" DoChores 60 0 "40-300" "6:30-22:29" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to random(0, 8)>><</btn>>
<<if $ShowerBlock == $dayCount>>
<<plug "Take a Shower" "Showering too often is bad for your skin!" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Take a Shower" Shower 30 0 0 "6:30-23:29" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><</btn>>
<<btn "Move to John's Room" JRoom 0 0 0 "8:00-19:59" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><</btn>>
<<btn "Move to Your Bedroom" JHomeBedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Leave" Downtown 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>So peacefull, I love visiting this place!~<</say>>
<<text>>As you entered the city Park, you were greeted with a gentle breeze, carrying with it the scent of freshly cut grass and tree bark. The sunlight filtered through the leaves, as if lighting were the way forward.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/park/park0.jpg">>
/* RNG Buttons */
<<if $EventRNG is 3>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>..I'm sorry, but would you like to be a part of my project? I am looking for a new model, so... Oh, you aren't one? I see.<</say>>
<<text>><<color y>>A tall man stood at the intersection of the paved road, occasionally stopping the passersby to talk. In his hands was an expencive-looking camera, clueing you in that this person must be a photographer.<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Approach the Photographer" Park_RNG_Event3 0 0 "100-300" "7:00-18:59" "Photogenic" 4>>
<<set $EventRNG to undefined>>
<<if $ParkEvent3 != 1>><<set $stage to 0>><<else>><<set $stage to 1>><</if>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 4>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>And to think you were against taking the hike, ha!..<</say>>
<<text>><<color y>>The wind carried the sound of someone's voice straight to your ear, and after a second of looking around, you managed to locate the direction of the source. What could be going on over there?<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Check up on the noise" Park_RNG_Event4 0 0 0 "7:00-18:59" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 5>>
<<say 'male'>>Fuck, you're so tight!..<</say>>
<<text>><<color y>>The wind carried the sound of someone's voice straight to your ear, and after a second of looking around, you managed to locate the direction of the source. What could be going on over there?<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Check up on the noise" Park_RNG_Event5 0 0 0 "7:00-18:59" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 6>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Ha-ha, what are you doing?~<</say>>
<<text>><<color y>>The wind carried the sound of someone's voice straight to your ear, and after a second of looking around, you managed to locate the direction of the source. What could be going on over there?<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Check up on the noise" Park_RNG_Event6 0 0 0 "7:00-18:59" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><</btn>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Relax on a bench" Bench 60 0 0 "7:00-18:59" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to random(0,19)>><</btn>>
<<if $PhotoBlock == $dayCount>>
<<plug "Take a Photo" "Today you've already made a post!" 15 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Take a Photo" TakePhoto 15 0 0 "7:00-18:59" "Influencer" 0>><<set $stage to "park">><</btn>>
<<btn "Running Excercise" Excercise 60 0 "40-300" "7:00-18:59" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>><</btn>>
<<btn "Leave" Downtown 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>> $stage Great, it looks like there's not a lot of people around~<</say>>
<<text>>The thick and cozy feeling welcomed you warmly as you took your first step inside the brisling Cafe. The soft jazzy music played in the background, soothing you nicely with its elegance, setting up the mood for the day nicely.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/cafeMain.jpg">>
/* RNG Buttons */
<<if $job is "Cafe">>
<<if $EventRNG is 0>>
<<say>>Oh no! Don't tell me it broke again...<</say>>
<<text>><<color y>>An uncharacteristically loud hissing coming from behind a counter grabbed your attention. Your trusty friend, a coffee machine, was doing its best to prepare a drink when it suddenly let out a wet whimper before going completely quiet.<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Fix the Coffee Machine" Cafe_RNG_Event0 30 0 "40-300" "8:00-18:59" "Barista" 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 1>>
<<say>>What the...<</say>>
<<text>><<color y>>As you go about your duties as a cafe worker, you notice something unusual: a half-naked man who's been staring at you for quite a while.<</color>><</text>>
<<if $creepDaily == $dayCount>>
<<btn "Confront the Creep" Cafe_RNG_Event1 30 0 "40-300" "8:00-18:59" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><</btn>>
<<if $EventRNG is 2>>
<<btn "Greet the Newcomer" Cafe_RNG_Event2 60 0 "40-300" "8:00-18:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 3>>
<<btn "Listen in to the Argument" Cafe_RNG_Event3 15 0 "40-300" "8:00-18:59" 0 0>><</btn>><</if>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 4>>
<<say "Charles">>How many times do I have to tell you that I don't need your bloody money?<</say>>
<<text>><<color y>>As you were passing by the counter, a loud sound of Charles arguing with someone on his phone pierced the silence.<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Check up on Charles" Cafe_RNG_Event4 15 0 "40-300" "8:00-18:29">><<set $EventRNG to undefined, $stage to 0>><</btn>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<if $job isnot "Cafe">>
<<btn "Ask about a Job" CafeWork 30 0 "100-300" "8:00-18:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Work" CafeWork 210 0 0 "8:00-16:29" 0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><<set $EventRNG to random(0,9)>><</btn>>
<<if $PhotoBlock == $dayCount>>
<<plug "Take a Photo" "Today you've already made a post!" 15 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Take a Photo" TakePhoto 15 0 0 "8:00-18:59" "Influencer" 0>><<set $stage to "cafe">><</btn>>
<<if $job is "Cafe">>
<<btn "Talk to Charles" CharlesTalk 0 0 0 "8:00-18:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Place an Order" DrinkCoffee 0 0 0 "8:00-18:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Leave" Downtown 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Oh, now this is a good smell~<</say>>
<<text>>With a heavy wooden door closing behind your back, you stepped into the warmly lit bar filled with an auroma of richly brewed coffee and well-aged whiskey. There were quite a few people here, and the sounds of laughter and clinking glasses permeated the place.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/barMain.jpg">>
/* RNG Buttons */
<<if $job1 is "Bar">>
<<if $EventRNG is 0>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Bullseye! Hands off, it's my money now!<</say>>
<<text>><<color "y">>A mixture of curses and laughter erupted from the crowd of burly men at the back of the bar. It didn't look like a drunken brawl, that's for sure.<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Investigate Activity" Bar_RNG_Event0 0 0 "40-300" "12:00-21:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to random(0,9)>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 1>>
<<say "Barem">>$mcf! Come here, join us!<</say>>
<<text>><<color "y">>Barrem's voice rang through the drowsy air, and as you looked around, you saw him standing in the middle of a gathering crowd, beckoning you to join him.<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Walk up to Barem" Bar_RNG_Event1 0 0 "40-300" "12:00-21:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 2>>
<<say "Barem">>It just doesn't taste right. What's up with that?..<</say>>
<<text>><<color "y">>Muttering to himself, Barem stood behind the bar counter, seemingly scrutanizing the glass of some no doubt expencive beverage in his hand.<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Check up on Barem" Bar_RNG_Event2 0 0 "40-300" "12:00-21:59" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 3>>
<<say "Christopher">>...<</say>>
<<text>><<color "y">>A sight of a familiar silhouette behind one of the tables caught your eye, making you stop momentarily in your tracks. Despite the dim lighting that obscured the customer's face, you were certain that you knew him very well.<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "What is he doing here?" Bar_RNG_Event3 0 0 "40-300" "12:00-21:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><</btn>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<if $job1 isnot "Bar">>
<<btn "Ask about a Job" BarWork 30 0 "100-300" "12:00-22:59" 0 2>><<set $job1 to "Bar", $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Work" BarWork 210 0 0 "12:00-20:29" 0 0>><<set $stage to 1, $workRNG to random(0,3)>><<set $EventRNG to random(0, 9)>><</btn>>
<<btn "Talk to Barem" BaremTalk 0 0 0 "12:00-22:59" 0 0>><<set $workRNG to random(0,2)>><</btn>>
<<if $DrinkBlock == $dayCount && $HDrinkBlock == $dayCount>>
<<plug "Order a Drink" "You have far too much alcohol in your system to do that." 30 25>><</plug>>
<<elseif $DrinkBlock == $dayCount && $HDrinkBlock != $dayCount>>
<<btn "Order a Second Drink" BarDrink 30 20 0 "12:00-22:59" "Heavy Drinker" 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Order a Drink" BarDrink 30 20 0 "12:00-22:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<if $PhotoBlock == $dayCount>>
<<plug "Take a Photo" "Today you've already made a post!" 15 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Take a Photo" TakePhoto 15 0 0 "12:00-22:59" "Influencer" 0>><<set $stage to "bar">><</btn>>
<<btn "Leave" Downtown 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $gossip is undefined>>
<<set $gossip to 0>>
<<if $graduation != 1>>
<<if $time > 479 && $time < 570>>
<<say>> Just in time for the class!~ <</say>>
<<elseif $time > 569 && $time < 660>>
<<say>> Looks like I'm late... <</say>>
<<elseif $time > 659 && $time < 750>>
<<say>>Classes should be starting again soon... In the meantime, I could take a look around the Cafeteria. <</say>>
<<elseif $time > 749 && $time < 840>>
<<say>> Just in time for the class!~ <</say>>
<<elseif $time > 839 && $time < 930>>
<<say>> Looks like I'm late... <</say>>
<<say>> It seems that classes have finished for the day... Time for me to go home. <</say>>
<<text>> The sounds of the other students standing around in their own groups, some cheeriengly chattering and others hurriying for their classes. Should you follow in their example?<</text>>
<<say>>Wow, I'm surprised so many students are still here in the summer.<</say>>
<<text>>You watched as the remaining students gathered in their respective groups, some engaging in cheerful discussion and others in heated debates. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/school.jpg">>
/* RNG Buttons */
<<if $EventRNG is 0>>
<<say>>Huh? Is this a...<</say>>
<<text>><<color y>>You notice a forgotten backpack on one of the benches in a corridor - someone must have left it there in hurry. Should you take the opportunity to check it's insides?<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Check it out" School_RNG_Event0 15 0 "40-300" "8:00-16:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 1>>
<<say 'male'>>No, please stop!...<</say>>
<<text>><<color y>>Judging by the number of students turning their heads to the commotion happening down the hall, something big must be going down...<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "What's going on?" School_RNG_Event1 15 0 "40-300" "8:00-16:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 2>>
<<say 'male'>>Ah, fuck! You three are something...<</say>>
<<text>><<color y>>This time, the source of the noise wasn't coming from a bathroom but from the gym instead. Your curiosity was almost palpable.<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Investigate the source of moaning" School_RNG_Event2 15 0 "40-300" "8:00-16:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 3>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Get in line. I have enough for all of you~<</say>>
<<text>><<color y>>The barely audible murmuring coming from the direction of the gym caught your attention. Whoever was the source of it, they definitely weren't worried about being heard...<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Investigate the source of moaning" School_RNG_Event3 15 0 "40-300" "8:00-16:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 4>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Mh!.. Fuck!..<</say>>
<<text>><<color y>>The sudden sound of a woman's moaning broke you out of your trance. You've guessed that it must've been coming from the male bathroom. Maybe you could check what's going on, just to be on the safe side?<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Investigate the source of moaning" School_RNG_Event4 15 0 "40-300" "8:00-16:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 5>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Oh yeah, give me more... More!..<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>Shut it; someone might hear us!..<</say>>
<<text>><<color y>>The voices seemed to be coming from the nearby toilet. What's going on in there?<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Investigate the source of moaning" School_RNG_Event5 15 0 "40-300" "8:00-16:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<if $graduation != 1>>
<<btn "Attend to the Science Class" Class1 180 0 "40-300" "8:00-9:29" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to random(0,17)>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Attend to the PE Class" Class2 180 0 "40-300" "12:30-13:59" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to random(0,17)>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Visit the Science Class" Class1-1 0 0 "40-300" "8:00-12:29" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to random(0,17)>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<btn "Visit the PE Class" Class2-1 0 0 "40-300" "12:30-16:59" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to random(0,17)>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<btn "Listen to the Gossip" SchoolGossip 30 0 0 "11:00-16:59" 0 0>><<set $gossip += 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Visit Cafeteria" Cafeteria 0 0 0 "11:00-16:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<if $inviteOnly is 1>>
<<btn "Visit Matin's Mansion" Partyhouse 30 0 0 "12:00-16:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Leave" Downtown 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<if $libraryE2 is undefined || $libraryE2 > 2>>
<<set $libraryE2 to 0>>
<<say>>I should be able to find a quiet place to study in here...<</say>>
<<text>>An all-too-familiar scent of aged books and dust welcomed you as you took your first step behind the doors of the local Library. The main hall was mostly empty, with only the rare sounds of the pages hustling breaking the silence.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/library0.jpg">>
/* RNG Buttons */
<<if $EventRNG is 0>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Damn it, it stopped working again... Well, there goes my money.<</say>>
<<text>><<color y>>With a loud sigh, the man walked away from the counter, leaving the apparently malfunctioning coffee machine behind. Maybe you could take a look and see what's wrong.<</color>><</text>>
<<if $CoffeeBlock == $dayCount>>
<<plug "Free Coffee" "There's plenty of caffeine in your bloodstream as of now!" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Free Coffee" Library_RNG_Event0 30 0 0 "10:00-18:59" "Barista" 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 1 || $EventRNG is 6>>
<<say "Clyde">>Man... Hah.<</say>>
<<text>><<color y>>In one of the wings that were reserved for reading, you notice your good friend Clyde. He seems unusually solemn, sitting behind the table in complete solitude, barely paying any mind to the book before him.<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Inquire on Clyde" Library_RNG_Event1 15 0 "40-300" "10:00-18:59" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined, $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 2>>
<<text>><<color y>>Passing by one of the tables, you notice a pile of journals scattered across, catching your eye with their colorful covers.<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Check out the Journals" Library_RNG_Event2 30 0 "40-300" "10:00-18:59" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined, $libraryE2 += 1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 3>>
<<if $LiyaMet is 1>>
<<say>>Hm? I can't find Lyia... I wonder where she is.<</say>>
<<btn "Search for your Friend" Library_RNG_Event3 30 0 "40-300" "11:00-17:59" "Liya Lvl 1" 2>><<set $EventRNG to undefined, $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 4>>
<<if $messenger isnot 1>>
<<text>><<color y>>Passing in between the empty tables, you notice a familiar-looking figure hunched over some books, scribbling something hastily on the paper. It seems like they could use some help.<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Check up on the Person" Library_RNG_Event4 15 0 "40-300" "10:00-18:59" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><</btn>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Study" Study 90 0 "40-300" "10:00-18:59" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to random(0,8)>><</btn>>
<<if $PhotoBlock == $dayCount>>
<<plug "Take a Photo" "Today you've already made a post!" 15 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Take a Photo" TakePhoto 15 0 0 "10:00-18:59" Influencer 0>><<set $stage to "library">><</btn>>
<<if $LiyaMet != 1>>
<<btn "Check the Second Floor" LiyaTalk 0 0 0 "11:00-17:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<if $EventRNG is 3>>
<<plug "Walk up to Liya" "Liya is missing!" 0 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Walk up to Liya" LiyaTalk 0 0 0 "11:00-17:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Check the Archives" ReadABook 0 0 0 "10:00-18:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Leave" Downtown 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Oh, just in time! The bus should be coming soon~<</say>>
<<text>>Glansing over a timetable, you smiled and took a seat on a bench, taking a moment to get a lungful of crispy morning evening air, waiting for the inevitable arrival of your carriage.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/transit/bus.jpg">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Travel to another District" City 30 10 0 "6:00-22:29">> <<set $district to 0>> <</btn>>
<<btn "Wait for a Little While" Downtown 90 0 0 "6:00-21:29" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Leave" Downtown 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<set $nudistCount to random(0,2)>>
<<say>>Ha-ha~ This is great!<</say>>
<<text>>Watching over the golden sand merging with the clear, sky-blue water, you reveled in the sound of the crashing waves, filling you with a sense of excitement and tranquility.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/beach/beachmain.jpg">>
<<if $time > 839 && $time < 1320 >>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Keep the music going!<</say>>
<<text>>In the distance, you could hear a party going on, with excited shouts echoing across the sandy Beach.<</text>>
/* RNG Buttons */
<<if $EventRNG is 0>>
<<btn "Beach_RNG_Event0" Beach_RNG_Event0 15 0 "40-300" "10:00-21:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 5>>
<<btn "Beach_RNG_Event1" Beach_RNG_Event1 15 0 "40-300" "10:00-21:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<elseif $EventRNG is 6>>
<<btn "Beach_RNG_Event2" Beach_RNG_Event2 15 0 "40-300" "10:00-21:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Sunbathe" Sunbathe 60 0 0 "7:00-21:59" "Two Piece" 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Strip Naked" Nudist 90 0 0 "10:00-19:59" "Stalwart Body" 3>>
<<if $nudistCount is 0>>
<<set $stage to 0>>
<<elseif $nudistCount is 1>>
<<set $stage to 1>>
<<set $stage to 2>>
<<if $PhotoBlock == $dayCount>>
<<plug "Take a Photo" "Today you've already made a post!" 15 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Take a Photo" TakePhoto 15 0 0 "7:00-21:59" "Two Piece" 0>><<set $stage to "beach">><</btn>>
<<if recall("MAKAREVICH") is true >>
<<btn "Enter a VIP Zone" VIPZone 0 0 0 "14:00-21:59" "Two Piece" 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Enter a VIP Zone" VIPZoneStop 15 0 "100-300" "14:00-21:59" "Two Piece" 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Leave" Uptown 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say $mc>> Hey! <</say>>
<<img "test.jpg">>
/* RNG Buttons */
<<if $EventRNG is 0>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>What a beauty! I wish I could live in a funky apartment like this too...<</say>>
<<text>>Walking down the street from the bus stop, you found yourself stumbling onto an extravagantly-looking apartment building. For some reason, the outward appearance of it caught your eye, and you couldn't help but wonder how it feels to live in the rich neighborhood, with both the Beach and the Mall within walking distance. <</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/apartment0.jpg">>
<<if $time > 599 && $time < 960>>
<<say 'male'>>Ugh... Why isn't there anyone willing to rent my apartment?.. I've tried so hard to place all those flyers; maybe the issue is with the cost of living?..<</say>>
<<text>> A person stood before one of the doors, busily trying to latch something onto its wooden surface.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $checkApartment isnot 1>>
<<btns "Check out an apartment" "01" 30 0 "100-300" "10:00-15:59" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "Rent an apartment" "02" 60 2000 "100-300" "10:00-15:59" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<btn "Leave" Uptown 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Um, hello? Are you perchance willing to show me the apartment? I'm a bit interested in renting it for myself, as you can see...<</say>>
<<say 'male' >>Really now, I just finished glueing the damn ad... Well, whatever!<</say>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/apartment1.jpg">>
<<text>>The man gave one last look at the results of his work before turning to you and shaking your hand in greeting.<</text>>
<<say 'male' >>Call me Pip. I'm a professional landlord; please come in, and I'll show you the place.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "Walk inside the Apartment" CheckApartment 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Um, mister Pip? I wanted to talk with you about renting the apartment.<</say>>
<<say 'male' >>Oh, it's you! I knew you'd come back!<</say>>
<<text>>The man gave one last look at the results of his work before turning to you and shaking your hand in greeting.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/apartment1.jpg">>
<<say 'male' >>Let's get inside. I hope you've brought the money I asked for with you.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "Walk inside the Apartment" RentApartment 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>This place reminds me of my childhood with John. Ah, those were the nice times~<</say>>
<<text>>The bustling Mall greeted you with a lively hum of a myriad different shops and avenyes, each bristling with a little curiosity of their own. You wanted to visit all of them, but there was only so much you could afford.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/mall/mallMain.jpg">>
/* RNG Buttons */
<<if $EventRNG is 0>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Hobby Shop" MHobby 0 0 0 "10:00-21:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Clothes Shop" MClothes 0 0 0 "10:00-21:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Sex Shop" MSex 0 0 0 "10:00-21:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Food Court" MFood 0 0 0 "10:00-21:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Leave" Uptown 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say $mc>> Hey! <</say>>
<<img "test.jpg">>
/* RNG Buttons */
<<if $EventRNG is 0>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="main-module">
<<say $mc>> Hey! <</say>>
<<img "test.jpg">>
/* RNG Buttons */
<<if $EventRNG is 0>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Oh, just in time! The bus should be coming soon~<</say>>
<<text>>Glansing over a timetable, you smiled and took a seat on a bench, taking a moment to get a lungful of crispy morning evening air, waiting for the inevitable arrival of your carriage.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/transit/bus.jpg">>
<div class="button-module">
<<if $cash > 9>>
<<btn "Travel to another District" City 30 10 0 "6:00-22:59">> <<set $district to 1>> <</btn>>
<<btn "Travel to another District on Foot" City 60 0 0 "6:00-22:59">> <<set $district to 1>> <</btn>>
<<btn "Wait for a Little While" Uptown 90 0 0 "6:00-21:29" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Leave" Uptown 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say $mc>> Hey! <</say>>
<<img "downtown/transit/bus.jpg">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Travel to another District" City 0>> <<set $district to 2>> <</btn>>
<<btn "Leave" CountrySide 0>><</btn>>
<<widget "sub" container>>
<div class="substage" @id="_args[0]">
<</widget>><div class="main-module">
<<say>>I'm exausted...<</say>>
<<text>>You collapsed onto your bed with a heavy sigh; the mattress molding to your tired form, cradling you in its embrace. Soon, your eyelids drooped, and you fell asleep, allowing your tired body and mind to rest.<</text>>
<<set $PictureRNG to random(0,4)>>
<<if $PictureRNG is 0>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep0.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 1>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep1.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 2>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep2.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 3>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep3.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 4>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep4.jpg">>
<<if $homeostasisPerk is 1>>
<<text>><<color>>By taking the time to learn more about proper sleep hygiene, you are already feeling a little more energised than before.<</color>><</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $homeostasisPerk != 1>>
<<rewardS "+40">>
<<rewardS "+50">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Stay in Bed" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<btnAutosave "Wake Up Early" JHomeBedroom 0>><<set $dayCount to $dayCount+1>><<set $time to 390>><<if $homeostasisPerk != 1>> <<set $sanity to $sanity +40>> <<else>> <<set $sanity to $sanity +50>> <</if>><<set $EventRNG to random(0, 8)>><<notify 6s>>Your progress has been saved!<</notify>><</btnAutosave>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>> You switch off the alarm and fall back onto the blankets, enjoying the soft embrace that eases your worries about the day ahead.<</text>>
<<say>> No harm in staying in bed for a little longer, right? Especially when it feels so darn good~ <</say>>
<<text>> The tingling in your skin intensifies, gently welcoming you back to the land of dreams. But before you can fully relax, you hear John dropping something as he's walking out of the shower, forcing you to open your eyes once again. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/nap1.jpg">>
<<say>> Mh-ha!.. Ow-ow-ow, my body feels so stiff all of a sudden... I hope I haven't overslept anything important. <</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btnAutosave "Begin your Day" JHomeBedroom 0>><<set $dayCount to $dayCount+1>><<set $time to 480>><<if $homeostasisPerk != 1>> <<set $sanity to $sanity +40>> <<else>> <<set $sanity to $sanity +50>> <</if>><<set $EventRNG to random(0, 8)>><<notify 6s>>Your progress has been saved!<</notify>><</btnAutosave>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Yikes, why is it always so messy in here?<</say>>
<<text>>While you were looking over the mids of the turmoil caused by John, your eyes drifted to an old photograph hanging on the wall. The memories of the past lit up brightly before your eyes, and before you knew it, you were knee deep into cleaning the house.<</text>>
<<if $time > 1140>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/clock2.jpg">>
<<elseif $time > 840>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/clock1.jpg">>
<<img "downtown/jhome/clock0.jpg">>
<<say>>Huf... Well, I hope that'll last for a day or two.<</say>>
<<text>>Now that the floor glistened and the air was fresh, you dropped down on a couch, exhausted. But the knowledge that you just made John's life a little bit easier was enough of a reward for you, even if you'd have to scrape everything tomorrow once more.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Little Helper" "+1" "littleHelper">>
<<rewardP "John Rep" "+2" "johnRep">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JHome 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $littleHelper to $littleHelper+1>><<set $johnRep to $johnRep+2>><<set $DCBlock to $dayCount>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Phew. Finally, it's time to relax~<</say>>
<<text>>After throwing your clothes into a neat little pile on the floor, you quickly jump into the shower and turn on the tap, thus beginning the highlight of your day.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/shower0.jpg">>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Turn on the Water" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>Standing naked under the warm stream of water as it cascaded down your skin, you ran your fingers over the most private parts of your body, melting away the exhaustion that had built up over the day. Reveling in the simple pleasure of feeling the weight of the water on your shoulders, you prolonged this little intimate act until you were satisfied completely.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/shower1.jpg">>
<<say>>Mhm... That's what I'm talking about~<</say>>
<<text>>A few minutes later, it was time to grab the towel and leave the misty oasis behind. But thanks to the procedure, you now felt free as a bird and ready to take on anything the world throws at you.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+20">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JHome 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $ShowerBlock to $dayCount>><<set $ShowerBlock to $dayCount>><<set $sanity to $sanity+20>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>John, would you mind if I'd relax in here for a while?<</say>>
<<text>>Soft light spilled from the lamp in John's room, casting a warm glow over his workplace. The muffled sounds of his TV, which was usually always on, filled the room, soothing you with a sense of nostalgia.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/jroom.jpg">>
<<say "John">>Sure, just don't go searching for anything on my PC. I have a lot of confidential data over here, so...<</say>>
<<say>>Don't worry, I won't disturb your privacy~<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Talk to John" JohnTalk 0 0 0 "8:00-19:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Watch TV" WatchTV 90 0 0 "8:00-18:29" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to random(0, 8)>><<set $stage to random(0,3)>><</btn>>
<<if $johnRepLvl is 0>>
<<btn "Flirt with John" JFlirt 0 0 "40-300" "8:00-19:59" 0 2>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Flirt with John" JFlirt 0 0 0 "8:00-19:59" 0 2>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" JHome 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>How're you doing? I can see that you're quite stressed...<</say>>
<<say "John">>I'm fine, dear; please don't worry about me. I can take whatever the life throws at me just fine.<</say>>
<<text>>Taking another drag from his cigarete, John reached for the glass and, noticing your confused look, quickly elaborated.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/john3.jpg">>
<<say "John">>Don't worry, this is a glass of non-alcoholic water, just as I promised~ <</say>>
<<say>>I see... I'm glad to hear that you're keeping your word. <</say>>
<<if $littlehelperPerk is 1>>
<<say "John">>Oh, and I wanted to thank you for occasionally cleaning the house. You helped me a lot~<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $JTBlock >= $dayCount>>
<<plug "Ask for Money" "Wait a few days before trying that again" 0 0>><</plug>>
<<if $JohnTalk isnot 1>>
<<btns "Ask for Money" "01" 15 0 0 "8:00-19:59" "Little Helper" 0>><<set $JohnTalk to 1>><</btns>>
<<btns "Ask for Money" "02" 15 0 0 "8:00-19:59" "Little Helper" 0>><</btns>>
<<btn "Go Back" JRoom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>I'm glad you noticed. But I wanted to ask you something: just don't be angry, okay?<</say>>
<<text>>The man's brows furrowed as he gave you an inquiring look.<</text>>
<<say "John">>If this is about bringing boys here, I'm not going to allow you to do that. I think I've made my position clear before...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "No!.." "02" 0 0 0 "8:00-19:59" "Little Helper" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>I want to to ask you for some money~ Since I help around the house and all, it would be nice to have a snack now and then.<</say>>
<<say "John">>Oh. I guess that's fair.<</say>>
<<text>>After rummaging through his pockets for a few moments, John pulled out a few 50-dollar bills and gave them to you. Seeing the money, you jumped to hug him, almost tackling him into the bad by surprise, and kissed him on the cheek before he could say a word.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/money.jpg">>
<<say>>Thanks, I love you, John!~<</say>>
<<say "John">>Now-now, just make sure not to spend them all in one place.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "+200">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JRoom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $cash to $cash+200>><<set $JTBlock to $dayCount+2>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>How about we watch one of your movies? Together!<</say>>
<<text>>With a radiant smile, you hugged John around the shoulders, playfully pulling him over to the couch. After a few moments of struggle, he let out a sigh of defeat and switched TV to the DVD drive.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/tv0.jpg">>
<<say "John">>Sure dear, It's not like I was working or anything... But I do have an idea of what we could watch today~<</say>>
<<say>>Oh, what will it be this time?<</say>>
<<say "John">>It's one of my favorite movies, "Reservour Dogs." Did you know that one of the roles was played by Tarantino himself? And that's only one of the cool details. Look...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Pay Attention to the Movie" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Yawn~ I feel tired...<</say>>
<<say "John">>Come on, it's just about to get to the good part!<</say>>
<<text>>The action on the screen wasn't quite to your taste, but you watched it none the less, being quite intrigued with the portrayal and symbolism of "father figures" throughout. Surprisingly, just as the three protagonists pointed guns at each other, the video changed to something more to your liking...<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/tv1.jpg">>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Ah fuck! Fuck me, daddy, harder, yes!.. Like this, yes, your baby girl strives for some punishment!..<</say>>
<<text>>The reaction on John's behalf was surprisingly quick, and before the massive dick of "daddy" managed to penetrade the tight asshole of his "baby girl," the screen was turned black, leaving both of you in an awkward silence.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Lighten up the Mood" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<text>>With a chuckle, you pinched the man under his ribs, trying to defuse a situation with a silly joke.<</text>>
<<say>>Well, that was an interesting movie. Thanks for sharing it with me, Daddy. I mean, John!<</say>>
<<text>>Unable to hold eyes with you, John swiftly turned away with his eyes closed. You noticed that all this time he was desperately trying to hide his bone from you.<</text>>
<<say "John">>Ah, you and your jokes again... Don't think too much about it, okay? Let's just forget it ever happened.<</say>>
<<say>>Sure, if you say so... Sorry, I think I'll leave you alone for a bit; I feel a sudden desire to stretch myself~<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "John Rep" "+2" "johnRep">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JRoom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $johnRep to $johnRep+2>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>How about we watch one of your movies? Together!<</say>>
<<text>>With a radiant smile, you hugged John around the shoulders, playfully pulling him over to the couch. After a few moments of struggle, he let out a sigh of defeat and switched TV to the DVD drive.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/tv0.jpg">>
<<say "John">>Sure dear, It's not like I was working or anything... But I do have an idea of what we could watch today~<</say>>
<<say>>Oh, what will it be this time?<</say>>
<<say "John">>It's a pretty cool movie, "Matrix Revolution." It features Keanu Reaves before he became super famous. In fact, this movie was his breakout hit, and without it...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Pay Attention to the Movie" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Yawn~ I feel sleepy...<</say>>
<<say "John">>Come on, just a bit longer! The good part is right around the corner!<</say>>
<<text>>The action on the screen didn't do much to captivate you, but you watched the movie none the less, only being pulled back in by the scene of resistance fighters having a massive rave sex party. You kept wondering how many guys you could take on while being sustainably drugged up, but before you could finish it...<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/tv2.jpg">>
<<say "John">>And it's over. What do you think? Sorry for keeping you awake for so long...<</say>>
<<say>>No-no, it was fun. Definitely worth a watch, thanks for sharing it with me, John~<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "John Rep" "+2" "johnRep">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JRoom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $johnRep to $johnRep+2>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say>>How about we watch one of your movies? Together!<</say>>
<<text>>With a radiant smile, you hugged John around the shoulders, playfully pulling him over to the couch. After a few moments of struggle, he let out a sigh of defeat and switched TV to the DVD drive.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/tv0.jpg">>
<<say "John">>Sure dear, It's not like I was working or anything... But I do have an idea of what we could watch today~<</say>>
<<say>>Oh, what will it be this time?<</say>>
<<say "John">>It's a very cool movie, "The Ring." You won't believe it, but it's actually adapted from the work all the way from Japan, much like those animes you watch so much. What's even more fun is that it has two completely different adaptations, The Grudge and the original.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Pay Attention to the Movie" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Why is this movie has to be so scary?.. Please tell me nothing bad will happen to me- Aaaaah!..<</say>>
<<text>>The visual effects and action on the screen seemed so real, helped even further by the impeccably designed sound design. But you didn't care for any of that; overcome with fear, you could hear your own heart racing while you watched the screen through the gaps in your fingers.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/tv3.jpg">>
<<say "John">>Don't be scared, dear; it's just a movie. The tape is fake, and...<</say>>
<<say>>How do you know that it's fake? It looked so real!<</say>>
<<say "John">>Well, I've watched this movie a dozen times by now. And I'm still alive, right? I didn't know it'd be that scary for you, sorry~<</say>>
<<say>>I-I... I'll get through it. Although I think I'll have to sleep with the lights on today...<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "John Rep" "+3" "johnRep">>
<<rewardS "-30">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JRoom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $johnRep to $johnRep+3>><<set $sanity to $sanity-30>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say>>How about we watch one of your movies? Together!<</say>>
<<text>>With a radiant smile, you hugged John around the shoulders, playfully pulling him over to the couch. After a few moments of struggle, he let out a sigh of defeat and switched TV to the DVD drive.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/tv0.jpg">>
<<say "John">>Sure dear, It's not like I was working or anything... But I do have an idea of what we could watch today~<</say>>
<<say>>Oh, what will it be this time?<</say>>
<<say "John">>It's an iconic movie, "Titanic." You're going to love it; it's based on real-life events, although with small alterations. In actuality, the Titanic never sank; it was switched with an Olympic, one of its sister ships, and...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Pay Attention to the Movie" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>This is so... Romantic!..<</say>>
<<text>>Barely holding back the tears, your eyes were glued to the screen, fully captivated by the bond between Rose and Jack, with the tragedy of their lives breaking your heart in pieces. By the end of the movie, you were ugly crying, with Jack sitting by the side, comforting you with a hug.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/tv4.jpg">>
<<say "John">>Dear, it's all okay, shhh~<</say>>
<<say>>I know that this is just a movie... But it hurts so bad to see them separated!..<</say>>
<<say "John">>Yeah-yeah, just let it all out~<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "John Rep" "+2" "johnRep">>
<<rewardS "-10">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JRoom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $sanity to $sanity-10>><<set $johnRep to $johnRep+2>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>John? Can you give me a moment? I want to tell you something important...<</say>>
<<say "John">>Of course, dear. Anything for you~<</say>>
<<text>>Exhaling a cloud of smoke, John sat by the window, his musculine features coated in the rays of warm sunlight.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/john1.jpg">>
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue">John's Reputation :</span>
<span class="color-pink">level $johnRepLvl</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$johnRepBar' `$johnRep / $johnRepMax`>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $johnRep < $johnRepMax>>
<<plug "Deepen your Relationship" "Insufficient reputation with John" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<btns "Offer a Gift" "02" 15 0 0 "8:00-19:59" "Luxury Gift" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "Deepen your Relationship" "01" 30>><</btns>>
<<btn "Go Back" JRoom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>John- I think I love you...<</say>>
<<say "John">>I know, dear and I love you too~<</say>>
<<say>>No, I mean- I REALLY love you, as a woman. And I know I can make you trully happy too!<</say>>
<<say "John">>Whoa-whoa! Hold your horses, lady! It's not like I don't want to, but-<</say>>
<<text>>John bit his lip before the words managed to escape his mouth, but you knew what he wanted to say. The only thing holding him back from taking action was his set of morals. But that was something you could work with.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I am serious!" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Look at me, please. Look at me and tell me that my feelings for you are disengenious.<</say>>
<<text>>Your gaze went right into John's eyes, piercing through the thin veil of shadows and getting a good look at the state of his soul. You knew he felt the same feelings as you did, and there was no way you would step back without getting an answer.<</text>>
<<say "John">>Your $eyes eyes, dear. They're just like hers right now... I can't believe you managed to grow into such a beautiful $hair woman, $mcf.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Kiss me then!" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>Then kiss me. Let's do it. Forget about everything but me~<</say>>
<<text>>John didn't answer, instead pulling closer to you before finally touching your lips, and you could feel his hand gliding along your spine before passionately grabbing your buttocks, desperately trying to feel more of you. Your whole world was melting into the slow kiss, concepts such as time and space seaseing to exist, leaving only the hightened sensations behind.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/john4.jpg">>
<<say>>Ha-ha, I can't believe we're really doing it~<</say>>
<<say "John">>$mcf?..<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Stroke his Cock" J_PornScene0 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>It took quite a lot of effort to obtain, but I decided to give you this gift. I hope this will be enough to demonstrate just how important you are to me~<</say>>
<<text>>With a smile, you pull out a tightly knitted box from behind your back, presenting it to John.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/gift.jpg">>
<<say "John">>Whoa!.. But this is so extensive and I know you're tight on money, so this... This means a lot to me. Thank you.<</say>>
<<text>>John reached out to you and gave you a warm kiss on the forehead, stirring up the butterflies in your chest. You felt the connection between the two of you grow, but you weren't sure if that was the right moment to confess your feelings yet.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Luxury Gift" "-1" luxuryGift>>
<<rewardP "John Rep" "+15" johnRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Hurray!" JRoom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $johnRep to $johnRep+15, $luxuryGift to $luxuryGift-1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>John, can you give me a moment? I want to have a little talk with you.<</say>>
<<say "John">>Of course, dear. Anything for you~<</say>>
<<text>>Exhaling a cloud of smoke, John sat by the window, his musculine features coated in the rays of warm sunlight.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/john1.jpg">>
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue">John's Reputation :</span>
<span class="color-pink">level $johnRepLvl</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$johnRepBar' `$johnRep / $johnRepMax`>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $johnRepLvl is 1>>
<<btns "Deepen your Relationship" "01" 45 0 "40-300" "8:00-19:59" "House-Wife" 4>><</btns>>
<<if $johnRep < $johnRepMax>>
<<btns "Offer a Gift" "02" 15 0 0 "8:00-19:59" "Luxury Gift" 0>><</btns>>
<<if $sexBlock != $dayCount>>
<<btn "Let me suck you off~" J_PornScene0 30 0 0 "8:00-19:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<plug "Let me suck you off~" "Your body is too sore from all the sex you've been having" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<if $sexBlock != $dayCount>>
<<btn "Let me suck you off~" J_PornScene0 30 0 0 "8:00-19:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<btn "I want to feel you in my butt" J_PornScene1 30 0 0 "8:00-19:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<plug "Let me suck you off~" "Your body is too sore from all the sex you've been having" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<plug "I want to feel you in my butt" "Your body is too sore from all the sex you've been having" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Go Back" JRoom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>"Anything," huh?~<</say>>
<<say "John">>Yes. Tell me, what's on my little girl's mind today?<</say>>
<<text>>With a half-teasing smile, you slide your hand under the tight top covering your breasts, pulling it up slightly, savoring the sensations from John's eyes glued to your body. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/john5.jpg">>
<<say "John">>Oh?..<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Let's expirement some more" "03" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Don't you think that this would be a good moment for the two of us to take a step forward? There is so much we could do together, beyond the occasional blowjob here and there.<</say>>
<<say "John">>So that's what it was all about. I see now~<</say>>
<<text>>Taking time with his answer, the man simply continued eyeing your curves with a smug expression while taking another drag. You knew that he was teasing you, but it was working. You felt the desire to feel his cock inside of you stronger than ever. <</text>>
<<say "John">>And here I was, wondering why you were dressing so slutty lately.<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I couldn't miss a chance like that" "04" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>How could I not? I know that you love to jerk off to girls my age... And I'm smart enough to put two and two together, John.<</say>>
<<text>>Leaning forward as if entranced by you, John's arm finally found its way to your tits, groping and kneeding them, making you salivate while he pulled down on your top.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/john6.jpg">>
<<say>>Mmh... You think I wouldn't notice the looks you were giving me ever since then?.. I know just how bad you want to fuck me~<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Just take me already!" J_PornScene1 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>It took quite a lot of effort to obtain, but I decided to give you this gift. I hope this will be enough to demonstrate just how important you are to me~<</say>>
<<text>>With a smile, you pull out a tightly knitted box from behind your back, presenting it to John.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/gift.jpg">>
<<say "John">>Whoa!.. But this is so expensive and I know you're tight on money, so this... This means a lot to me. Thank you.<</say>>
<<text>>John reached out to you and gave you a warm kiss on the forehead, stirring up the butterflies in your chest. You felt the connection between the two of you grow, but you weren't sure if that was the right moment to confess your feelings yet.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Luxury Gift" "-1" luxuryGift>>
<<rewardP "John Rep" "+15" johnRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Hurray!" JRoom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $johnRep to $johnRep+15, $luxuryGift to $luxuryGift-1>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>What should I do now?..<</say>>
<<text>>If only for a moment, the familiar feeling of the room took your mind off your troubles, allowing you to think clearly of your next step. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/bedroom.jpg">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<if $time < 990>>
<<btn "Lie Down in Bed" TakeNap 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Sleep" Sleep 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to random(0, 11)>><</btn>>
<<btn "Watch Porn" WatchPorn 30 0 0 "6:30-22:59" 0 0>><<set $pornRng to random(0, 2)>><</btn>>
<<btn "Touch yourself" Masturbation 0 0 0 "6:30-22:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<if $influencerPerk isnot 1>>
<<btn "Register OnlyFans" Register 90 0 "100-300" "6:30-20:59" "Pornomaniac" 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Check your Account" Account 0 0 0 "6:30-22:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" JHome 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say $mc>> Looks like I can spare some time for myself... <</say>>
<<text>> Having made sure that your door is closed, you sit down on the side of the bed and contemplate on how exactly you are going to play with yourself today. A myriad of different possibilities swirl in your mind as the feeling of burning desire takes hold in the depths of your stomach. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/masturbation.jpg">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Masturbation" Solo_PornScene0 15 0 0 "6:30-22:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to random(0,2)>><</btn>>
<<if $bagofdicksPerk is 1 && $dildoOwner != 1>>
<<btn "Anal Training" Solo_PornScene1 30 0 0 "6:30-22:59" "Bag of Dicks" 2>><<set $stage to random(0,2)>><</btn>>
<<btn "Work on your Gag Reflex" Solo_PornScene2 30 0 0 "6:30-22:59" "Bag of Dicks" 2>><<set $stage to random(0,2)>><</btn>>
<<btn "Anal Training" Solo_PornScene1 30 0 0 "6:30-22:59" "Dildo Owner" 2>><<set $stage to random(0,2)>><</btn>>
<<btn "Work on your Gag Reflex" Solo_PornScene2 30 0 0 "6:30-22:59" "Dildo Owner" 2>><<set $stage to random(0,2)>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" JHomeBedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Mhm~ Breed me now with your giant cock... Yes, yes!..<</say>>
<<text>>Greeted by the loud sound of an advertisement, you bit your lip, feeling a fuzzy sensation swelling in the pit of your stomach as you watched a tiny woman moan, her pussy squirting after being stretched by a 20-inch cock.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/porn.jpg">>
<<say>>Those targeted ads are something else!.. Let's see what else they have to offer~<</say>>
<<text>>After spending a few minutes scrolling through the website, you finally found the video to your liking, feeling the tension rising in your loins in anticipation of the show.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<switch $pornRng>>
<<case 0>>
<<btns "Play the Video" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<case 1>>
<<btns "Play the Video" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<case 2>>
<<btns "Play the Video" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Mhm~ It's so big...<</say>>
<<text>>Bobbing and weaving, the woman slid her lips along the biggest penis you've ever seen, forcing the moans out of the big, hulking man before her. You could tell that she loved every second of it, her hips moving in anticipation of the moment when this big thing would finally penetrate her loin, filling her holes with its wholeness.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene5-1.mp4">>
<<say>>Ah, what a man he is- and what I would give to meet someone like him one day!..<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Pornomaniac" "+1" pornomaniac>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JHomeBedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $pornomaniac to $pornomaniac+1>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Grh... Glug, glug, glug~ Gha...<</say>>
<<text>>Despite the gagging, the woman was nothing if not devoted to giving the man as much pleasure as she could, moaning in-between breaths from the second cock, which she was riding all the way down to the base, the tip of it no doubt rearranging her insides in the most sublime way imaginable.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene5-0.mp4">>
<<say>>Just thinking about being in her place makes my knees weaken~ Ah, if only it was that easy to get laid.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Pornomaniac" "+1" pornomaniac>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JHomeBedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $pornomaniac to $pornomaniac+1>><</btn>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Fuck me!.. Fuck me!..<</say>>
<<text>>With shaking legs, you observed the woman getting repeatedly pounded in both pussy and asshole, her holes seaping from the cock juices as she moaned on the top of her longs from the insurmountable pleasure she was experiencing.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene5-2.mp4">>
<<say>>Damn, I really need to find someone like that. Maybe then I won't have to jerk off all alone...<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Pornomaniac" "+1" pornomaniac>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JHomeBedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $pornomaniac to $pornomaniac+1>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Let's see how my account is doing.<</say>>
<<text>>Having logged in to your Only Fans, you scrolled through the feed, admiring the photos and other people's posts, before opening your own tab.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/account.jpg">>
<<say>>Hm, it says that my current follower count is $bloggingRep...<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<if $PhotoBlock == $dayCount>>
<<plug "Take a Photo" "Today you've already made a post!" 15 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Take a Photo" TakePhoto 15 0 0 "6:30-22:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to "jhome">><</btn>>
<<btn "Read Comments" ReadComments 30 0 0 "6:30-22:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<if $PromoBlock >= $dayCount>>
<<plug "Cross-Promotion" "Wait a few days before trying that again" 0 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Cross-Promotion" Promotion 30 0 0 "6:30-22:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" JHomeBedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Should I take it a bit slower today?.. I could use some rest~<</say>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/nap0.jpg">>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Sleep for an Hour and a Half" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "Sleep untill Next Morning" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<btn "Go Back" JHomeBedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>I might as well lie down for a minute or two; I don't feel like doing anything right now...<</say>>
<<text>>As you settled into your bed, you felt your body sink into the softness of the pillows and blankets, their coolness providing a nice contrast, cradling you like a baby.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/nap1.jpg">>
<<say>>Yaawn!.. How long did I dream for?.. I hope too long~<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Get Up" JHomeBedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $time to $time+90>><<set $EventRNG to random(0, 8)>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>I might as well lie down for a minute or two; I don't feel like doing anything right now...<</say>>
<<text>>Before long, you felt your consciousness slip into the land of dreams, a vivid tapestry of imagination taking you to the wildest rides imaginable, soothing you in a new dream-like reality, until...<</text>>
<<set $PictureRNG to random(0,4)>>
<<if $PictureRNG is 0>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep0.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 1>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep1.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 2>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep2.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 3>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep3.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 4>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep4.jpg">>
<<say>>Yaawn!.. How long did I sleep for?.. <</say>>
<<text>>You suddenly stirred awake, yawning loudly. After stretching your limbs and taking a moment to come back to your senses, you stood up, feeling ready for the day ahead. <</text>>
<<say>>I had a nice dream, though~<</say>>
<<if $homeostasisPerk is 1>>
<<text>><<color>>By taking the time to learn more about proper sleep hygiene, you are already feeling a little more energised than before.<</color>><</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $homeostasisPerk != 1>>
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<rewardS "+25">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btnAutosave "Wake Up" JHomeBedroom 0>><<set $EventRNG to random(0, 8)>><<set $dayCount to $dayCount+1>><<set $time to 390>><<if $homeostasisPerk != 1>> <<set $sanity to $sanity +20>> <<else>> <<set $sanity to $sanity +25>> <</if>><<notify 6s>>Your progress has been saved!<</notify>><</btnAutosave>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is "jhome">>
<<addclass "body" "jhome">>
<<if $photogenicPerk isnot 1>>
<<say>>Oh right, I should take a photo for my blog...<</say>>
<<text>>After making sure that your door is locked and nobody sees you, you pull out your phone, but the idea of taking a spicy selfie that everyone could see still made your cheeks grow red. After a few moments of further deliberation, you pushed the thought away, capturing a playful but simple photo of yourself.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/jhome/photo0.jpg">>
<<say>>I hope this is good enough. It should be, right?<</say>>
<<text>>Nerviously refreshing the page after making a post, your worries were undone by the sheer number of people admiring and showing you their love in the comments. The feeling of liberty and acceptance coursed down your veins, creating a fuzzy feeling in the bottom of your stomach.<</text>>
<<say>>Yippee, they loved it!~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "+10" bloggingRep>>
<<rewardP "Photogenic" "+1" photogenic>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go back" Account 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRep+10>><<set $photogenic to $photogenic+1>><<set $PhotoBlock = $dayCount>><</btn>>
<<say>>Time to take a new photo for my followers~<</say>>
<<text>>After looking around and making sure that your door was locked and that no one was watching, you pulled out your phone. Then, you quickly got rid of the clothes that were restraining your natural beauty, capturing the best possible angle of your curves in a picture brimming with sexual energy.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/jhome/photo1.jpg">>
<<say>>I hope my admirers will find this one to their liking.<</say>>
<<text>>Nerviously refreshing the page after making a post, your worries were undone by the sheer number of people admiring and showing you their love in the comments. A fuzzy feeling in the bottom of your stomach felt overwhelming, and you gritted your teeth, imagining what would happen if you'd met a fan at his moment.<</text>>
<<say>>Ngh~ Too bad that they aren't around...<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "+25" bloggingRep>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go back" Account 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRep+25>><<set $PhotoBlock = $dayCount>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "apartments">>
<<addclass "body" "appartments">>
<<if $photogenicPerk isnot 1>>
<<say>>Oh right, I should take a photo for my blog...<</say>>
<<text>>After making sure that your door is locked and nobody sees you, you pull out your phone, but the idea of taking a spicy selfie that everyone could see still made your cheeks grow red. After a few moments of further deliberation, you pushed the thought away, capturing a playful but simple photo of yourself.<</text>>
<<imgv "uptown/apartments/photo0.jpg">>
<<say>>I hope this is good enough. It should be, right?<</say>>
<<text>>Nerviously refreshing the page after making a post, your worries were undone by the sheer number of people admiring and showing you their love in the comments. The feeling of liberty and acceptance coursed down your veins, creating a fuzzy feeling in the bottom of your stomach.<</text>>
<<say>>Yippee, they loved it!~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "+10" bloggingRep>>
<<rewardP "Photogenic" "+1" photogenic>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go back" AAccount 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRep+10>><<set $photogenic to $photogenic+1>><<set $PhotoBlock = $dayCount>><</btn>>
<<say>>Time to take a new photo for my followers~<</say>>
<<text>>After looking around and making sure that your door was locked and that no one was watching, you pulled out your phone. Then, you quickly got rid of the clothes that were restraining your natural beauty, capturing the best possible angle of your curves in a picture brimming with sexual energy.<</text>>
<<imgv "uptown/apartments/photo1.jpg">>
<<say>>I hope my admirers will find this one to their liking.<</say>>
<<text>>Nerviously refreshing the page after making a post, your worries were undone by the sheer number of people admiring and showing you their love in the comments. A fuzzy feeling in the bottom of your stomach felt overwhelming, and you gritted your teeth, imagining what would happen if you'd met a fan at his moment.<</text>>
<<say>>Ngh~ Too bad that they aren't around...<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "+25" bloggingRep>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go back" AAccount 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRep+25>><<set $PhotoBlock = $dayCount>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "park">>
<<addclass "body" "park">>
<<if $photogenicPerk isnot 1>>
<<say>>Oh right, I should take a photo for my blog...<</say>>
<<text>>Finding a secluded spot in an otherwise bustling bar, you pulled out a phone and took a breather. The idea of taking a spicy selfie, the one everyone could see, made your cheeks red, but after a few moments of deliberation, you pushed it away, capturing a playful but simple photo of yourself.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/park/photo0.jpg">>
<<say>>I hope this is good enough. It should be, right?..<</say>>
<<text>>Nerviously refreshing the page after making a post, your worries were undone by the sheer number of people admiring and showing you their love in the comments. The feeling of liberty and acceptance coursed down your veins, creating a fuzzy feeling in the bottom of your stomach.<</text>>
<<say>>Yippee, they loved it!~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "+10" bloggingRep>>
<<rewardP "Photogenic" "+1" photogenic>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go back" Park 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRep+10>><<set $photogenic to $photogenic+1>><<set $PhotoBlock = $dayCount>><</btn>>
<<say>>Time to take a new photo for my followers~<</say>>
<<text>>Finding a secluded spot in an otherwise bustling bar, you pulled out a phone and looked around once again, making sure that no one was watching. Then, you quickly got rid of the clothes that were restraining your natural beauty, capturing the best possible angle of your curves in a picture brimming with sexual energy.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/park/photo1.jpg">>
<<say>>I hope my admirers will find this one to their liking!<</say>>
<<text>>Nerviously refreshing the page after making a post, your worries were undone by the sheer number of people admiring and showing you their love in the comments. A fuzzy feeling in the bottom of your stomach felt overwhelming, and you gritted your teeth, imagining what would happen if you'd met a fan at his moment.<</text>>
<<say>>Ngh~ Too bad that they aren't around...<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "+25" bloggingRep>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go back" Park 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRep+25>><<set $PhotoBlock = $dayCount>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "bar">>
<<addclass "body" "bar">>
<<if $photogenicPerk isnot 1>>
<<say>>Oh right, I should take a photo for my blog...<</say>>
<<text>>Finding a secluded spot in the bar didn't pose much of a challenge, but the idea of taking a spicy selfie—the one everyone could see—made your cheeks red. Still, after a few moments of deliberation, you pushed it away, capturing a playful but simple photo of yourself.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/bar/photo0.jpg">>
<<say>>I hope this is good enough. It should be, right?..<</say>>
<<text>>Nerviously refreshing the page after making a post, your worries were undone by the sheer number of people admiring and showing you their love in the comments. The feeling of liberty and acceptance coursed down your veins, creating a fuzzy feeling in the bottom of your stomach.<</text>>
<<say>>Yippee, they loved it!~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "+10" bloggingRep>>
<<rewardP "Photogenic" "+1" photogenic>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go back" Bar 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRep+10>><<set $photogenic to $photogenic+1>><<set $PhotoBlock = $dayCount>><</btn>>
<<say>>Time to take a new photo for my followers~<</say>>
<<text>>Finding a secluded spot in the bar didn't pose much of a challenge, and after looking around once again, making sure that no one was watching, you pulled out your phone. Then, you quickly got rid of the clothes that were restraining your natural beauty, capturing the best possible angle of your curves in a picture brimming with sexual energy.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/bar/photo1.jpg">>
<<say>>I hope my admirers will find this one to their liking!<</say>>
<<text>>Nerviously refreshing the page after making a post, your worries were undone by the sheer number of people admiring and showing you their love in the comments. A fuzzy feeling in the bottom of your stomach felt overwhelming, and you gritted your teeth, imagining what would happen if you'd met a fan at his moment.<</text>>
<<say>>Ngh~ Too bad that they aren't around...<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "+25" bloggingRep>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go back" Bar 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRep+25>><<set $PhotoBlock = $dayCount>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "cafe">>
<<addclass "body" "cafe">>
<<if $photogenicPerk isnot 1>>
<<say>>Oh right, I should take a photo for my blog...<</say>>
<<text>>Surprisingly, finding a secluded spot in the Cafe didn't pose much of a challenge, but the idea of taking a spicy selfie—the one everyone could see—made your cheeks red. Still, after a few moments of deliberation, you pushed it away, capturing a playful but simple photo of yourself.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/photo0.jpg">>
<<say>>I hope this is good enough. It should be, right?..<</say>>
<<text>>Nerviously refreshing the page after making a post, your worries were undone by the sheer number of people admiring and showing you their love in the comments. The feeling of liberty and acceptance coursed down your veins, creating a fuzzy feeling in the bottom of your stomach.<</text>>
<<say>>Yippee, they loved it!~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "+10" bloggingRep>>
<<rewardP "Photogenic" "+1" photogenic>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go back" Cafe 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRep+10>><<set $photogenic to $photogenic+1>><<set $PhotoBlock = $dayCount>><</btn>>
<<say>>Time to take a new photo for my followers~<</say>>
<<text>>Surprisingly, finding a secluded spot in the Cafe didn't pose much of a challenge, and after looking around once again, making sure that no one was watching, you pulled out your phone. Then, you quickly got rid of the clothes that were restraining your natural beauty, capturing the best possible angle of your curves in a picture brimming with sexual energy.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/cafe/photo1.jpg">>
<<say>>I hope my admirers will find this one to their liking!<</say>>
<<text>>Nerviously refreshing the page after making a post, your worries were undone by the sheer number of people admiring and showing you their love in the comments. A fuzzy feeling in the bottom of your stomach felt overwhelming, and you gritted your teeth, imagining what would happen if you'd met a fan at his moment.<</text>>
<<say>>Ngh~ Too bad that they aren't around...<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "+25" bloggingRep>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go back" Cafe 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRep+25>><<set $PhotoBlock = $dayCount>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "library">>
<<addclass "body" "library">>
<<if $photogenicPerk isnot 1>>
<<say>>Oh right, I should take a photo for my blog...<</say>>
<<text>>Surprisingly, finding a secluded spot in the public Park didn't pose much of a challenge, but the idea of taking a spicy selfie—the one everyone could see—made your cheeks red. Still, after a few moments of deliberation, you pushed it away, capturing a playful but simple photo of yourself.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/library/photo0.jpg">>
<<say>>I hope this is good enough. It should be, right?..<</say>>
<<text>>Nerviously refreshing the page after making a post, your worries were undone by the sheer number of people admiring and showing you their love in the comments. The feeling of liberty and acceptance coursed down your veins, creating a fuzzy feeling in the bottom of your stomach.<</text>>
<<say>>Yippee, they loved it!~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "+10" bloggingRep>>
<<rewardP "Photogenic" "+1" photogenic>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go back" Library 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRep+10>><<set $photogenic to $photogenic+1>><<set $PhotoBlock = $dayCount>><</btn>>
<<say>>Time to take a new photo for my followers~<</say>>
<<text>>Surprisingly, finding a secluded spot in the public Park didn't pose much of a challenge, and after looking around once again, making sure that no one was watching, you pulled out your phone. Then, you quickly got rid of the clothes that were restraining your natural beauty, capturing the best possible angle of your curves in a picture brimming with sexual energy.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/library/photo1.jpg">>
<<say>>I hope my admirers will find this one to their liking!<</say>>
<<text>>Nerviously refreshing the page after making a post, your worries were undone by the sheer number of people admiring and showing you their love in the comments. A fuzzy feeling in the bottom of your stomach felt overwhelming, and you gritted your teeth, imagining what would happen if you'd met a fan at his moment.<</text>>
<<say>>Ngh~ Too bad that they aren't around...<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "+25" bloggingRep>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go back" Library 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRep+25>><<set $PhotoBlock = $dayCount>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "beach">>
<<addclass "body" "beach">>
<<if $photogenicPerk isnot 1>>
<<say>>Oh right, I should take a photo for my blog.<</say>>
<<text>>Surprisingly, finding a secluded spot on the Beach didn't pose much of a challenge, but the idea of taking a spicy selfie—the one everyone could see—made your cheeks red. Still, after a few moments of deliberation, you pushed it away, capturing a playful but simple photo of yourself.<</text>>
<<imgv "uptown/beach/photo0.jpg">>
<<say>>I hope this is good enough. It should be, right?..<</say>>
<<text>>Nerviously refreshing the page after making a post, your worries were undone by the sheer number of people admiring and showing you their love in the comments. The feeling of liberty and acceptance coursed down your veins, creating a fuzzy feeling in the bottom of your stomach.<</text>>
<<say>>Yippee, they loved it!~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "+10" bloggingRep>>
<<rewardP "Photogenic" "+1" photogenic>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go back" Beach 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRep+10>><<set $photogenic to $photogenic+1>><<set $PhotoBlock = $dayCount>><</btn>>
<<say>>Time to take a new photo for my followers~<</say>>
<<text>>Surprisingly, finding a somewhat secluded spot on the Beach didn't pose much of a challenge, and after looking around once again, making sure that no one was watching, you pulled out your phone. Then, you quickly got rid of the clothes that were restraining your natural beauty, capturing the best possible angle of your curves in a picture brimming with sexual energy.<</text>>
<<imgv "uptown/beach/photo1.jpg">>
<<say>>I hope my admirers will find this one to their liking...<</say>>
<<text>>Nerviously refreshing the page after making a post, your worries were undone by the sheer number of people admiring and showing you their love in the comments. A fuzzy feeling in the bottom of your stomach felt overwhelming, and you gritted your teeth, imagining what would happen if you'd met a fan at his moment.<</text>>
<<say>>Ngh~ Too bad that they aren't around...<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "+25" bloggingRep>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go back" Beach 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRep+25>><<set $PhotoBlock = $dayCount>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Now, what are they saying today?<</say>>
<<text>>You sat in a comfortable spot on your bed and scrolled through your most recent post. You went straight to the comments, which ranged from encouraging to inappropriate. However the comments that hurt you the most were the ones calling you ugly and morally bankrupt.<</text>>
<<if $time > 1140>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/clock2.jpg">>
<<elseif $time > 840>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/clock1.jpg">>
<<img "downtown/jhome/clock0.jpg">>
<<say>>Am I a bad person?.. But I'm just trying to make everyone happy and get some money in my spare time... Is it so wrong?<</say>>
<<text>>You did your best trying to respond to all of them, being nice and encouraging in your replies, but their criticism really got under your skin. Regardless of your inner conflict however, the engagement with fans increased the growth of your page considerably, even if at the cost of your mood.<</text>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-15">>
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "+15" bloggingRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Account 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRep+15, $sanity to $sanity-15>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Oh? Someone is willing to pay me for advertisements? Great!<</say>>
<<text>>Your fingers ran quickly on the digital keuboard, writing the glowing recommendation of the product aimed at combating male pattern baldness and problems with erection. "Use my code to get 20% off your next order," you wrote. "Don't miss your chance; your penis will thank you later!"<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/promo.jpg">>
<<if $bloggingRep > 99>>
<<say>>Not too shabby; it seems like my fans actually listened~ although some of them got quite upset that I am a "sellout"... Huh.<</say>>
<<say>>No one seems to be listening to what I am saying... Perhaps if I had a larger audience, things would be different?<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $bloggingRep > 999>>
<<rewardC "+300">>
<<elseif $bloggingRep > 249>>
<<rewardC "+200">>
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "-75" bloggingRep>>
<<elseif $bloggingRep > 99>>
<<rewardC "+100">>
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "-30" bloggingRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<if $bloggingRep > 999>>
<<btn "Go Back" Account 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $cash to $cash+200>><<set $PromoBlock to $dayCount+2>><</btn>>
<<elseif $bloggingRep > 249>>
<<btn "Go Back" Account 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $cash to $cash+150>><<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRep-75>><<set $PromoBlock to $dayCount+2>><</btn>>
<<elseif $bloggingRep > 99>>
<<btn "Go Back" Account 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $cash to $cash+60>><<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRep-30>><<set $PromoBlock to $dayCount+2>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" Account 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Did John buy all of this food? I guess I could make a good dinner with it though~<</say>>
<<text>>The soft sunlight stteamed through the kitchen window as you began checking all of your culinary utensils, making sure that you had everything you needed to make the best dinner imaginable.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/kitchen.jpg">>
<<say>>Making some fresh salad would be nice, John's diet has been really heavy on carbohydrates lately...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Cook" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Almost there~<</say>>
<<text>>Your slender fingers delicately danced across the cutting board, expertly slicing through the vegetables, the rhythimc sound of the knife creating a soothing melody that kept all your worries at bay.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/event0.jpg">>
<<say>>And... done. It smells amazing already and I'm sure John is going to like it too!<</say>>
<<text>>After savoring the aroma left by your cooking for a while, you just stood there, basking in the sense of pride and accomplishment, before returning to your enviable routine.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<rewardP "John Rep" "+2" "johnRep">>
<<if $JHomeEvent1 != 0>>
<<rewardP "House-Wife" "+1" houseWife>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JHome 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $sanity to $sanity +20>><<set $johnRep to $johnRep+2>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>>
<<if $JHomeEvent0 != 1>>
<<set $houseWife to $houseWife+1, $JHomeEvent0 to 1>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Ah, did he drink again?..<</say>>
<<text>>But as you came closer to get a better look and a better sniff at the John, to your surprise his odor was clean and there wasn't a single bottle of alcohol lying around him.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/event1.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh?.. He must've tired himself out by worked too hard... But why, is he crunching to release a project or something?<</say>>
<<say "John">>Don't worry... I love you both... very much~ Hrr...<</say>>
<<text>>You feel your chest swell with warmth as you see John in such a peaceful condition, and you reach for the blanket he dropped on the floor to cover him comfortably.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "John Rep" "+2" "johnRep">>
<<if $JHomeEvent1 != 1>>
<<rewardP "House-Wife" "+1" houseWife>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JHome 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $johnRep to $johnRep+2>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>>
<<if $JHomeEvent1 != 1>>
<<set $houseWife to $houseWife+1, $JHomeEvent1 to 1>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>It must be John.<</say>>
<<text>>As you looked through the door, you saw a man bathing under the shower. The bathroom was filled with steam and he was unaware of your presence, with his muscular arms running along his moist body.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/shower0.jpg">>
<<say>>I wonder what he'd do if I were to suddenly join him~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Jump In" "01" 60 0 "40-300" "8:00-19:59" "John Lvl 1" 3>><</btns>>
<<btn "Go Back" JHome 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>I'm coming in!~<</say>>
<<say "John">>Huh, $mcf?..<</say>>
<<text>>You quickly discarded your no longer needed clothes and stepped over the small lip of the shower, entering it properly. This action trapped John with you behind a glass door, surprising him.<</text>>
<<say>>What? I just thought that it's been such a long time since we last bathed together~<</say>>
<<say "John">>O-oh, I see...<</say>>
<<text>>As you applied the shower gel to your skin, you felt John's warm presence behind you. You rubbed the gel all over yourself, teasing him purposefully.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "How about a little help?" "06" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<say>>Come on, don't just stand there. I could use some help~<</say>>
<<say "John">>Well, if you say so...<</say>>
<<text>>The warmth of your bodies grew closer, and the next second you were embraced by John's strong arms. His palms drifted along your slippery curves, not missing a chance to group your tits and asses, forcing the sweetest moans from you.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene1-0.mp4">>
<<say>>Ah, you're teasing me again~<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "But it feels so nice~" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say "John">>Ha-ha, I do~ Come here, I still owe you for the earlier, so...<</say>>
<<text>>Having made sure that your feet were firmly planted on the floor, John pulled one of your legs over his shoulder, and your lower lips met his in a passionate kiss. A skilful tongue runs along your folds, sending electric signals through your body, raising the weight of your budding need.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene1-1.mp4">>
<<say>>Ah~ Yes, a bit more!.. Right there!..<</say>>
<<text>>Finally, your world came crashing down in a singular explosion of orgasmic pleasure, with the only thing stopping you from hitting the floor being the strong arms of your lover, expertly holding you together.<</text>>
<<say "John">>Shh, I've got you, I've got you~<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'm good..." "07" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 7>>
<<say>>I'm good... Oof, that was something. You sure have a way with your tongue~<</say>>
<<say "John">>Thanks; I've trained it myself, you know~<</say>>
<<text>>After seeing you come back to your senses, John gave you a warm kiss before letting you go freely out of his grasp. Taking a step back, you noticed that all this time his penis was hard as a rock, and a smidgen of shame pierced through your being for reaching your climax before him.<</text>>
<<say>>Oh, John... I didn't notice that you were so eager to continue~ Let's keep going for a little bit longer, shall we?<</say>>
<<say "John">>If you say so~<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Let me blow you~" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say "John">>You're really beautiful, you know that?<</say>>
<<text>>John murmured, looking at you kneeling before him as you began peppering the tip of his dick with kisses, before taking his owherwhelming girth into your mouth, bobbing your head up and down in a rhythmic pace.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene1-2.mp4">>
<<say>>Ah, you're so sweet~ I just can't get enough of you!..<</say>>
<<say "John">>I'm getting there, baby, just a bit more...<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Cum for me~" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say "John">>Mgh.... Fuck yeah!.. Ah!..<</say>>
<<text>>Barely lasting two seconds longer, a spasm shook John's body as he let out a powerful moan, his cock jolting in your hands, seeding you with his white-hot essence, not sparing even an inch of your naked body.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene1-3.mp4">>
<<say>>I can't believe you came so much...<</say>>
<<say "John">>Yeah, that's because you're so amazing~<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Clean Up" "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>Aww!.. I'm just happy that I can be helpful to you, that's all~<</say>>
<<say "John">>You're welcome, but I'm afraid we'll have to shower again now~ I've made quite a mess, didn't I?<</say>>
<<text>>After releasing the tension, both of you finally could enjoy the warm feeling of relaxation while cleaning yourselves from the worked-up sweat and spunk. And once it was time to leave the shower, you both appreciated the strengthening of the bond between you.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<rewardP "john Rep" "+5" johnRep>>
<<if $JHomeEvent2 != 1>>
<<rewardP "House-Wife" "+1" houseWife>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JHome 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity +20>><<set $johnRep to $johnRep+5>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>>
<<if $JHomeEvent2 != 1>>
<<set $houseWife to $houseWife+1, $JHomeEvent2 to 1>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Mhm? Did John forget his phone again?<</say>>
<<text>>Following the sound, you finally come across the familiar-looking phone lying under the tablecloth. From the looks of it, the screen doesn't appear to be locked, and a new message indicator glows brightly.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/event3.jpg">>
<<say>>Hm, maybe I should have a look. After all, it could be something important...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<switch $jhomeE3>>
<<case 1>>
<<btns "Browse through the Photos" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<case 2>>
<<btns "Browse through the Photos" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<case 3>>
<<btns "Browse through the Photos" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>Opening the chat app, you glance over the sender's name and profile, both obviously belonging to an adult content creator. After a moment of second-guessing yourself, you decide to open the photo, none the less. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/event3-1.jpg">>
<<say>>"Tiny Becca," huh? To think that John would be spending his time and money on something like that... It doesn't look very important, though.<</say>>
<<text>>Having satisfied your own curiosity, you put the phone back in its place, making doubly sure that John wouldn't find out that you were looking through it.<</text>>
<<say>>But wow, we look so similar to her... I wonder if that is just a coincidence or something more. <</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "John Rep" "+2" johnRep>>
<<if $JHomeEvent3 != 1>>
<<rewardP "House-Wife" "+1" houseWife>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" JHome 0>>
<<set $stage to undefined, $johnRep to $johnRep+2>>
<<if $JHomeEvent3 != 1>>
<<set $JHomeEvent3 to 1, $houseWife to $houseWife+1>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Another one?..<</say>>
<<text>>Opening the chat app, you glance over the sender's name and profile, both obviously belonging to an adult content creator. After a moment of second-guessing yourself, you decide to open the photo, none the less. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/event3-2.jpg">>
<<say>>This time it is from a "Blonde Dream." How many girls is he subscribed to?..<</say>>
<<text>>Having satisfied your own curiosity, you put the phone back in its place, making doubly sure that John wouldn't find out that you were looking through it.<</text>>
<<say>>If only he would ask me to do it instead of getting photos of some random chick... Why are you like this, John?<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "John Rep" "+2" johnRep>>
<<if $JHomeEvent4 != 1>>
<<rewardP "House-Wife" "+1" housewife>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" JHome 0>>
<<set $stage to undefined, $johnRep to $johnRep+2>>
<<if $JHomeEvent4 != 1>>
<<set $JHomeEvent4 to 1, $houseWife to $houseWife+1>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>I think I know where this is going...<</say>>
<<text>>Opening the chat app, you glance over the sender's name and profile, both obviously belonging to an adult content creator. After a moment of second-guessing yourself, you decide to open the photo, none the less. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/event3-3.jpg">>
<<say>>No surprise here; it's "Anal Princess." Let's see what she has to offer... Oh wow~<</say>>
<<text>>Having satisfied your own curiosity, you put the phone back in its place, making doubly sure that John wouldn't find out that you were looking through it.<</text>>
<<say>>The way this cock fills her up... God damn it. Why wouldn't he just use me instead?<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "John Rep" "+2" johnRep>>
<<if $JHomeEvent5 != 1>>
<<rewardP "House-Wife" "+1" houseWife>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" JHome 0>>
<<set $stage to undefined, $johnRep to $johnRep+2>>
<<if $JHomeEvent5 != 1>>
<<set $JHomeEvent5 to 1, $houseWife to $houseWife+1>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>Might as well take a nap right here. I'm sure John wouldn't mind that I'm taking his place for once.<</say>>
<<text>>Exhausted from the daily struggles, you drop down onto the comfortable couch, breathing in the familiar scent of John's body still lingering on the pillows. <</text>>
<<set $PictureRNG to random(0,4)>>
<<if $PictureRNG is 0>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep0.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 1>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep1.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 2>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep2.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 3>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep3.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 4>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep4.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh, I can even smell him a little bit~ So nice.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Sleep Naked" "01" 60 0 0 "8:00-19:59" "John Lvl 2" 4>>
<<btn "Leave" JHome 0>>
<<set $stage to undefined>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Mhm... H-huh?..<</say>>
<<text>>Waking up to the sensation of someone gently tugging on your thigh, you look around, still half asleep, finding yourself in a precarious position.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/jhome/event4-0.jpg">>
<<say "John">>Did I wake you up, honey?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Y-yeah?.." "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>M-mh, yes, you did... What are you doing?..<</say>>
<<say "John">>What does it look like? Daddy's in the mood for some fun~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Mhm~" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say "John">>Get over here, girl.<</say>>
<<text>>You John's firm hands wrap tightly around your slender body, mounting you onto his lap and pulling down your underwear with ease. Losing your breath for a moment, you simply shut your eyes, feeling men's fingers rubbing against your lower lips.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/jhome/event4-1.jpg">>
<<say>>F-frick... You can't just do that all of a sudden. I'm not ready yet...<</say>>
<<say "John">>And that's why Daddy's playing with you right now~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "In that case..." JH_RNG_Event4 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>I think I'm... Okay, okay, John...<</say>>
<<say "John">>Feeling all nice and warmed up? Took you long enough~<</say>>
<<text>>After a moment's struggle with his belt, John's pants, as well as his boxers, fell to the floor, letting his perked-up cock push against your cheek, his obundant pre-cum slobbering all over your face as you reached for it.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene7-0.mp4">>
<<say>>Mmgh- You like when I go deep, don't you?~<</say>>
<<say "John">>Ngh... Good girl.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Oh..." "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say "John">>I think you're ready for more, baby girl. Here-<</say>>
<<text>>Following John's command, you lied down on your back, and with a hot, wet rasping sound, the man began face-fucking you, his thrusts rough and his breathing ragged, his cock hitting the back of your throat repeatedly as it made its way past your clenched muscles and down your gullet.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene7-1.mp4">>
<<say>>Mmh... Hurk!..<</say>>
<<say "John">>Oh yeah! Good! - Fuck!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I can feel it..." "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say "John">>I hope you're ready... My little cumslut~<</say>>
<<say>>Hrk, I- Khn... t!..<</say>>
<<text>>Throwing all caution to the wind, the man thrusts his dick so deep that you physically couldn't breathe anymore, enticing John to keep up the rough pace, doubly so when his cock began throbbing, making your eyes water from the strain.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene7-2.mp4">>
<<say "John">>Grhk!.. Fuck!<</say>>
<<text>>With your mouth full of cock, his balls kept hitting your chin, and only a second later you were already letting out a wet grunt as the spilled seed began flowing down your gullet. You held onto the sheets with an iron grip, waiting for John to pull out, obtusely gulping down his abundant cum.<</text>>
<<say>>Phk- Kha-ah... <</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Take a breather" "06" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<say>>Oh frick, I thought I was going to die... Choke on my Daddy's cock, what a way to go out, huh?..<</say>>
<<text>>Finally able to breathe freely once again, you felt your body go limp and your muscles sore from the strain. John sat nearby, breathing heavily from the resentful orgasm. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/nap0.jpg">>
<<say "John">>Haaaah... You held up well.<</say>>
<<say>>Tee-he, I'm happy you liked it~<</say>>
<<text>>With a grin, you gave the man a little kiss on his thigh before falling back down on a couch.<</text>>
<<say "John">>I sure did... Sorry for waking you up like that, though.<</say>>
<<say>>Eh, don't worry about it. I've been dreaming of this for quite a while anyway~<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<if $JHomeEvent6 != 1>>
<<rewardP "House-Wife" "+1" houseWife>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" JHome 0>>
<<set $stage to undefined>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity +20>>
<<if $JHomeEvent6 != 1>>
<<set $JHomeEvent3 to 1, $houseWife to $houseWife+1>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<say>>I can see how hard you got just now, you know?~ Let me help you out really quick...<</say>>
<<text>>Teasingly cupping John's crotch with your slender hand, you slide his pants down with and with a gasp, see his semi-erect cock flop free from his clothed prison before your face.<</text>>
<<say "John">>$mcf I don't think we should...<</say>>
<<text>>Despite him saying that, his dick told another story completely. You could feel it slowly swelling in your hand as you began gently caressing along the length of it, forcing a tempting moan from your lover's lips, before increasing the speed of your pumps, making him hiss from sensation.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene0-0.mp4">>
<<say>>This is such a good cock, I didn't know you were THAT big!~<</say>>
<<say "John">>F-fuck... How are you so good at this?..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Let's try a different approach" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>You seem so pent-up!.. I wonder if this will be a better approach.<</say>>
<<text>>Slipping out your tongue, you leaned in, tasting the tip of the man, noticing him twitch from the stimulation. That was all the signs you needed to take his girth inside your mouth fully, bobbing your head up and down, with your tongue lewdly swirling around it as you savored his taste for yourself.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene0-1.mp4">>
<<say>>You're my favorite... Hurf... Candy~<</say>>
<<say "John">>I'm so close... Baby?..<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Do it~" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Of course you can cum~ Let me have it, I want to remember this moment forever!..<</say>>
<<text>>A moan tumbled from John's lips as you let him into the most potent orgasm he had in recent times, his load busting inside your mouth, spilling his seed all over your tongue. You were quick to work the remainder of the cum out of his cock, noticing John gasping through his teeth as you continued to pump his hypersedative cock for a few more seconds.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene0-2.mp4">>
<<say "John">>Baby, this was... This was something.<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Clean Yourself" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Did you like it?<</say>>
<<say "John">>Of course I did, silly. You've made me feel something I never thought I would, thank you~<</say>>
<<text>>Summoning the remainder of his strength, John pushed his drained body upwards, giving you a soft kiss on your lips, before falling back again. You smiled happily and decided not to disturb him any further, instead going straight to the bathroom to clean yourself.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/shower2.jpg">>
<<say>>He was so hesitant and cute... I wonder how long it will take before he'll let me have his cock inside of my pussy~<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $johnRepLvl is 0>>
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<rewardP "john Rep" "+3" johnRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JHome 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $johnRepLvl is 0>><<set $sanity to $sanity +20>><<set $johnRep to 0>><<set $johnRepLvl to 1>><<notify 4.5s>>Your bond with John has advanced to the next level!<</notify>><<else>><<set $johnRep to $johnRep+3>><<if $dailySex is 1>><<set $sexBlock to $dayCount>><</if>><<set $dailySex to 1>><</if>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Just take the plunge into the well of pleasure with me once more...<</say>>
<<text>>Not saying a word, John's hands drifted down your silky smooth skin, stopping for a moment before making quick work of your pants. His fingers carresed your already wet slit, continuously sending electric shivers through your spine. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/john7.jpg">>
<<say>>A-ah! Your hands are... You feel so good, Daddy~<</say>>
<<say "John">>Whoa! Easy there, $mcf.<</say>>
<<say>>Huh?.. But I felt you twitch; no way, do you like this nickname that much?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "He-he~" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say "John">>Careful. You're playing with fire, girl~ <</say>>
<<text>>Making good use of your natural lube, two of John's thick fingers effortlessly sank into your butthole, making you gasp from the sudden sensation of fullness. <</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene6-0.mp4">>
<<say>>Y-you... right into my butt? F-frick!..<</say>>
<<text>>Encouraged by your moans, the man slid his ring finger down your pussy as well, now filling both of your holes at the same time, leaving you completely defenseless before the rising wave of pleasure.<</text>>
<<say "John">>Look at how easily it goes in!<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "A-ah..." "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say "John">>My little girl must have been quite a slut, huh? Putting your bubble butt to good use in a spare time, yeah?<</say>>
<<say>>Ngh!.. N-no... I was keeping myself for you...<</say>>
<<text>>Giving you a pleased chuckle and a soft slap on your butt cheek, John took a step back, giving you a much-needed respite, even if only for a moment...<</text>>
<<say "John">>Ho-ho, what a good girl you are~<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Mhm~" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say "John">>And here's your reward!<</say>>
<<text>>..Before jamming his dick inside of your slick butthole, forcing a cry full of glee through your pursed lips. <</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene6-1.mp4">>
<<say>>Ah fuck!.. You're so- Mgh~<</say>>
<<say "John">>Nice and easy, girl. Like this, like this...<</say>>
<<say>>So good! Ah!..<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "W-what are you?.." "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say "John">>And it's going to feel even better now~<</say>>
<<text>>Fully embracing the pleasure, you didn't resit when John grabbed your perky ass, suddenly picking you up in a quick motion, before being yanked down onto his rearing cock again. <</text>>
<<say>>Fuuuck!.. Aaah!<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'm about to..." "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say "John">>I can feel you tensing up... Just cum, $mcf. Just do it; let it all out!<</say>>
<<say>>O-kay!.. Nngh- Ah, yeeees!~<</say>>
<<text>>You felt your muscles tensing up around the stiff mast, clenching stronger by the second, until finally you peaked, your legs giving out and your body thrashing around, contained in the strong grip of the man below you,.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene6-2.mp4">>
<<say>>Holy fr-rick... Please, you're breaking me!..<</say>>
<<text>>That did little to stop the man, however, his thrusts speeding up, the sensations of it's thick cochead rubbing against the outer part of your vagina walls making you go crazy in your post-orgasm state.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Fuuuck!.." "06" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<say "John">>Just a bit more—I'm getting close too. $mcf...<</say>>
<<say>>Yes, do it... Cover me in your sticky cum! Cum on my slutty pussy~<</say>>
<<text>>Letting out a low groan, you felt man's cock twitch inside of your asshole for the last time before he pulled out, shooting the white ropes of cum all over your body. Its hot, musky texture is dripping down your thighs and breasts, with most of it smearing across your pink, pissy lips.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene6-3.mp4">>
<<say "John">>Agrh!.. Mmmh. Fuck... <</say>>
<<say>>Mmmh, it was so hot~ <</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "All thanks to you~" "07" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 7>>
<<say>>And it's all thanks to my Daddy~<</say>>
<<text>>Unable to pass up on the opportunity to tease the man you loved, you made quick work of cleaning his shaft while looking as slutty as possible.<</text>>
<<say "John">>God damn, why do I enjoy this so much?<</say>>
<<say>>There's no shame in it, silly. Enjoy it to your heart's content.<</say>>
<<say "John">>Maybe you're right... Come here.<</say>>
<<text>>Pulling you closer with his strong arm, John locked his eyes with yours for a moment, then gave you a nice and long kiss, his beard ticling against your soft skin.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/john4.jpg">>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+20">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" JHome 0>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity +20>>
<<if $johnRepLvl is 1>><<set $johnRepLvl to 2>><<notify 4.5s>>Your bond with John has advanced to the next level!<</notify>><<else>><<if $dailySex is 1>><<set $sexBlock to $dayCount>><</if>><<set $dailySex to 1>><</if>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Ngh~ Mh...<</say>>
<<text>>With your pants out of the way, you stroked your slit, caressing your slit with your fingertips alone, sending a shiver all the way up your spine.<</text>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene2-0.mp4">>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene2-1.mp4">>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene2-2.mp4">>
<<say>>Ah!.. Hah, so good~<</say>>
<<text>>Pursing your lips a little, you dipped your middle, poking and pushing against your needy walls, before opening your legs wider and entering two more fingers, shuddering from the rising feeling of tension inside your womanhood. You felt your fingers curl as you reached the peak for a moment before releasing all the accumulated tension in a powerful explosion of glee.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Steady Hand" "+1" "steadyHand">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JHomeBedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $steadyHand to $steadyHand+1>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>Okay, let's start simple.<</say>>
<<text>>After a few moments of rubbing and poking against the entrance, your tight asshole finally accepted your finger, letting it slip inside with a quiet whimper, a moan escaping your lips from the unexpected and unfamiliar pleasure. Not satisfied with that, you pushed it further, desperatly biting onto your tongue, trying to hold the moans as the second finger slowly wentured deeper, only stopping when the size of it became too little to satisfy your need.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene3-0.mp4">>
<<say>>Ah frick, I need more~<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $lubedandreadyPerk != 1>>
<<rewardS "-25">>
<<rewardP "Lubed and Ready" "+1" lubedAndReady>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JHomeBedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $lubedandreadyPerk != 1>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity +-25>>
<<set $lubedAndReady to $lubedAndReady+1>>
<<set $stage to undefined>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>I'm ready for a bit more... Where is it now? ..<</say>>
<<text>>After searching for Dildo, you hid under the bed and began oiling your tight little butthole, shivering in anticipation.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene3-1.mp4">>
<<say>>Mgh... This way it'll slip right away~<</say>>
<<text>>And it did—the sharp feeling of your butt expanding, making you bite your lip. The initial discomfort, however, was vastly outweighed by the pleasure that followed it—the sensation of the plastic cock moving back and forth inside your well-lubed asshole.<</text>>
<<say>>Oh yeah, I'm feeling it... I wonder if it'll be easier if I sit on it instead.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $lubedandreadyPerk != 1>>
<<rewardS "-25">>
<<rewardP "Lubed and Ready" "+1" lubedAndReady>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JHomeBedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $lubedandreadyPerk != 1>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity +-25>>
<<set $lubedAndReady to $lubedAndReady+1>>
<<set $stage to undefined>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say>>Time for the final test, I guess...<</say>>
<<text>>You hesitated a little, looking over the graciously lubed dildo standing on the floor, patiently awaiting its fate. From this angle, it's size seemed almost unnatural, and you gulped, in both fear and excitement of what would happen next.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene3-2.mp4">>
<<say>>Okay, this moment is the most important. Ngh~<</say>>
<<text>>An exceptionally lewd moan escaped from your lips as you pushed yourself down on the plastic cock, filling your insides with its girthy wholeness. As you moved up and down, your innards tightened, and before long, you came hard, jamming yourself all the way down to the base of your plastic friend, moaning in glee as the waves of your own jucies began quirting out of your spazming pussy, making a huge mess all over the sheets.<</text>>
<<say>>Oh God!.. Ha-aah, I doubt it'll ever get better than that...<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $lubedandreadyPerk != 1>>
<<rewardS "-25">>
<<rewardP "Lubed and Ready" "+1" lubedAndReady>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JHomeBedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $lubedandreadyPerk != 1>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity +-25>>
<<set $lubedAndReady to $lubedAndReady+1>>
<<set $stage to undefined>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>Okay, I can do this!..<</say>>
<<text>>Deterred to master the art of deepthroating, you take your dildo from its hiding place below the bad and, after giving it a cursory glance, cautiously make your first attempt at taking it in, before stopping at about half mark, feeling the overwhelming urge to gag.<</text>>
<<say>>Gha-hag!.. Eugh!.. I should do something simpler before I get used to the idea. Like that Ahegao face...<</say>>
<<text>>Before giving your best impression of the Ahegao, you puled out your phone and rolled onto your stomach, turning on the front camera. It took you a while to find the right angle to match the faces that the other girls were making after having their throats violated by the big, meaty cocks of their partners in the videos you've seen so much of.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene4-0.mp4">>
<<say>>It seems good enough; I hope they're going to like it too~<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $nogaggingPerk != 1>>
<<rewardS "-25">>
<<rewardP "No Gagging" "+1" noGagging>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JHomeBedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $nogaggingPerk != 1>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity +-25>>
<<set $noGagging to $noGagging+1>>
<<set $stage to undefined>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>Let's continue with basic training for now.<</say>>
<<text>>Pursing your lips, you did your best to try to emulate giving a blowjob to your plastic friend, imagining as if your mouth were being used by someone you barely knew, but whose need was strong enough to claim you as his.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene4-2.mp4">>
<<text>>Your lips trailed along the slippery shaft, kissing its underside while your small and agile hand stroked the base of the cock gently. It's tip kept rubbing against the soft insides of your cheeks, and you felt your loins tighten from aurosal, your wet pussy quivering in anticipation of being penetrated by the cock.<</text>>
<<say>>I can barely wait for the real one...<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $nogaggingPerk != 1>>
<<rewardS "-25">>
<<rewardP "No Gagging" "+1" noGagging>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JHomeBedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $nogaggingPerk != 1>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity +-25>>
<<set $noGagging to $noGagging+1>>
<<set $stage to undefined>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say>>Mmh... Well, it's now or never~<</say>>
<<text>>After pulling the dildo out of its hiding place, you lick your lips before pushing its bulging tip past them. It's only when the soft material of the sex toy begins to curl down your throat, rubbing against your tense muscles, that you realize what an undertaking it will be to swallow the whole thing.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/jhome/video/Scene4-1.mp4">>
<<text>>But there was no backing down, and filled with determination, she pushed herself deeper, reaching all the way down to the plastic balls. The urge to gag was strong, but you clamped down on it instinctively, busying yourself with sucking onto the toy even harder, pouling it out only when you could no longer hold your breath.<</text>>
<<say>>Oh God, my pussy is aching so much right now~<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $nogaggingPerk != 1>>
<<rewardS "-25">>
<<rewardP "No Gagging" "+1" noGagging>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JHomeBedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $nogaggingPerk != 1>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity +-25>>
<<set $noGagging to $noGagging+1>>
<<set $stage to undefined>>
<<widget "plug" container>>
<<if _args[2] is 0 or _args[2] is undefined>>
<<set _args[2] to "">>
<<set _args[2] to _args[2] + " min">>
<div class="plug-container">
<<if _args[3] == "SOLD">>
<div class="main-button main-button-green button-plug-nojs ">
<div class="main-button-name"> _args[0] </div>
<div class="main-button-cash"> SOLD </div>
<div class="main-button-time">_args[2]</div>
<<elseif _args[3] == 0>>
<div class="main-button button-plug">
<div class="main-button-name"> _args[0] </div>
<div class="main-button-cash"> </div>
<div class="main-button-time">_args[2]</div>
<div class="tooltip">
<div class="tooltip-plug">
<div class="tooltip-text"> _args[1] </div>
<div class="main-button button-plug main-button-green">
<div class="main-button-name"> _args[0] </div>
<div class="main-button-cash"> _args[3]$</div>
<div class="main-button-time">_args[2]</div>
<div class="tooltip">
<div class="tooltip-plug">
<div class="tooltip-text"> _args[1] </div>
<</widget>><div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Charles">>Good day! I'm Charles. What can I help you with?<</say>>
<<text>>As you approached the counter, a pleasant-looking male barista, who was busy brewing some coffee, called to you, his eyes full of friendly sparks.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/charles0.jpg">>
<<say>>Erm... I wanted to ask if you're perchance looking for an employee right now. I could use some money...<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Don't be nervous, I won't bite, ha-ha~ Call me Charles. Now turn around and let me have a good look at you...<</say>>
<<text>>Pausing for a moment, the man studied your slender frame and pretty face before giving you a satisfied nod.<</text>>
<<say "Charles">>You have the looks to be a great barista, that's for sure! You can start right away, Jake will show you around; and, if anything happens, I'm always here as well~<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Cafe 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $job to "Cafe">><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>Charles? I'll take the reception duty for now~<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>You are most welcome $mcf! If anything happens, don't forget to tell me, okay?<</say>>
<<text>>Donning the Cafe's signature apron, you quickly glanced over the coffee grinder and espresso machine. Before long, your first customer of the day came, ordering a cup of freshly made latte.<</text>>
<<set $PictureRNG to random(0,2)>>
<<if $PictureRNG is 0>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/cafe0.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 1>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/cafe1.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 2>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/cafe2.jpg">>
<<say>>Your latte, please! Be careful, it's really hot~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Keep Working" "01" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>The next few hours passed in a flashing blur of productivity, and only now that the crowd around the reception has finally subsided could you finally breathe a sigh of relief.<</text>>
<<say>>Phew. This must've been the last one for now... Am I done now, Charles?<</say>>
<<text>>Giggling to yourself, you turn to face him as he hands you your hard-earned money, seemingly pleased with your efforts.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/money.jpg">>
<<switch $cafeRepLvl >>
<<case 1>>
<<say "Charles">>You were great today, $mcf. I'm happy to see you improving so quickly, so here's a little incentive to keep up the good work~<</say>>
<<case 2>>
<<say "Charles">>You are. Well done, $mcf, as long as you keep it up - I'd be happy to put you behind the cash register whenever you want.<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Here's your share for getting through the shift. I know it's never easy when you're just starting out, but trust me $mcf, you'll get the hang of it before you know it.<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $cafeRepLvl is 2>>
<<rewardC "+70">>
<<elseif $cafeRepLvl is 1>>
<<rewardC "+55">>
<<rewardC "+45">>
<<rewardS "-35">>
<<rewardP "Cafe Profficiency" "+2" "cafeRep">>
<<rewardP "Barista" "+1" "barista">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Cafe 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $stage to undefined>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity-35>>
<<set $barista += 1>>
<<set $cafeRep to $cafeRep+2>>
<<if $cafeRepLvl is 2>>
<<set $cash to $cash+70>>
<<elseif $cafeRepLvl is 1>>
<<set $cash to $cash+55>>
<<set $cash to $cash+45>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say 'male'>>Welcome to our Cafe. What would you like today? There's a menu, if you'd like to choose for yourself.<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing you approaching the reception, the male barista gifted you with a welcome smile, pointing out to the big whiteboard on which different positions resided, each written in a pleasant yet quirky style.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/coffee0.jpg">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<if $CoffeeBlock == $dayCount>>
<<plug "Buy a Coffee" "There's plenty of caffeine in your bloodstream as of now!" 15 10>><</plug>>
<<btn "Buy a Coffee" DrinkCoffee 15 10 0 "8:00-18:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 2>><</btn>>
<<btn "Buy a Sandwich" DrinkCoffee 15 20 0 "8:00-18:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" Cafe 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>I'd like a basket of sandwiches, if you don't mind.<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>Of course, please eat them while they are fresh.<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a busket of freshly made sandwiches, you found yourself in a secluded seat by the window. A golden ray of sun cast upon you as you took your first bite of the day.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/coffee2.jpg">>
<<say>>Mhm~ Yummy!<</say>>
<<text>>Minutes passed and you just sat there, savoring the crunchiness of the freshly baked bread and salad, lilfting your mood with its intricate flavors, and energizing your body with some calories.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-20">>
<<rewardS "+30">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" DrinkCoffee 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 0>><<set $sanity to $sanity+30>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say>>One coffee, please.<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>Here you go! Have a nice one~<</say>>
<<text>>Graciously accepting the cup of freshly made beverage, you found yourself a secluded seat by the window. A golden ray of sun cast upon you as you too took your first sip.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/coffee1.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh my God! It's so tasty~<</say>>
<<text>>Minutes passed and you just sat there, savoring the smoothness of the coffee that was caressing your taste buds, lilting your mood with its intricate flavors, and rejuvinating your body with the burst of caffeine.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-10">>
<<rewardS "+30">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" DrinkCoffee 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 0>><<set $sanity to $sanity+25>><<set $CoffeeBlock to $dayCount>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Charles? Do you have a free... Ah, nevermind. I see you're busy as always.<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>You know me; I can't sit still, seeing that there is more work waiting to be done~<</say>>
<<text>>As you approached the man behind the counter, the smell of the freshly brewed coffee intensified, pleasantly tingling your nose with its charred nature. Charles, as per usual, was operating a coffee machine, his skillful movements reminding you of an esoteric dance.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/charles0.jpg">>
<<say "Charles">>So, did you want something, $mcf? It's not often I see you here in your free time.<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $CharlesHelpBlock == $dayCount>>
<<plug "Offer to Help Him" "There is nothing else you can do for him today!" 60 0>><</plug>>
<<btns "Offer to Help Him" "01" 60 0 "40-300" "8:00-18:59" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<if $charlesRepLvl is 0>>
<<btn "Flirt with Charles" CharlesFlirt 0 0 "40-300" "8:00-18:59" 0 2>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Flirt with Charles" CharlesFlirt 0 0 "40-300" "8:00-18:59" 0 2>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" Cafe 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>I just wanted to know if you'd like some help. Maybe then you'll go home at the time of closure instead of staying back for an hour.<</say>>
<<text>>With a devious grin, you playfully nudge Charles under his shoulder, forcing a chuckle out of his lips.<</text>>
<<say "Charles">>It depends on whether you will actually help instead of messing with me. Ha-ha, I'm kidding of course; it's not like me to sway a helping hand.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Get to work" "02" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<text>>The next hour you spent getting your hands dirty, completing a myriad of different little tasks under the watchful eye of your boss, who tried his best to guide you through the process. His words, however, despite his cheery nature, caused you more irritation than help, and upon noticing this, Charles was quick to change his approach.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/charles1.jpg">>
<<if $cafeRepLvl is 2>>
<<say "Charles">>I'm impressed, $mcf... Thanks to you, there's almost nothing left for me to do!<</say>>
<<say>>Oh no, but this means that now you have time to... rest like every other human being? Oh no, this must be so awful for you.<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Ha-ha, you got me there~<</say>>
<<elseif $cafeRepLvl is 1>>
<<say "Charles">>Oh wow, you improved a lot... Good job, $mcf; you helped me a ton today. I might even leave this cafe on time for once, haha.<</say>>
<<say>>Your welcome, Charles~<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Okay, I think that's enough for today, $mcf.<</say>>
<<say>>Sorry, Charles, I tried, but...<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>No-no, don't worry about it! I'm really thankful that you're doing your best. I'm sure it will go much better once you have more experience working here!<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-20">>
<<if $cafeRepLvl is 2>>
<<rewardP "Charles Rep" "+4" charlesRep>>
<<elseif $cafeRepLvl is 1>>
<<rewardP "Charles Rep" "+3" charlesRep>>
<<rewardP "Charles Rep" "+2" charlesRep>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Cafe 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity-20>>
<<set $CharlesHelpBlock to $dayCount>>
<<if $cafeRepLvl is 2>>
<<set $charlesRep to $charlesRep+4>>
<<elseif $cafeRepLvl is 1>>
<<set $charlesRep to $charlesRep+3>>
<<set $charlesRep to $charlesRep+2>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Charles">>Thanks for helping me out so much lately, $mcf.<</say>>
<<text>>The hours flew by, and before long, the two of you sat behind one of the tables in the cafe, sharing a hot cup of coffee with each other.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/charles3.jpg">>
<<say "Charles">>But honestly, I didn't expect you to make a move so soon, $mcf. I sure as hell wouldn't...<</say>>
<<say>>Why not? What, am I not pretty enough for a big shot like you?~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Try your best looking offended" "05" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<text>>Puffing your cheeks, you crossed your arms as if you were offended. It was fun seeing how quickly the expression on Charles face changed from calm and throughtful to panicked, and now, noticing you giggling at the sight, he blushed with embarrassment.<</text>>
<<say "Charles">>Ah you're pulling my leg again... And I thought you were serious for a moment.<</say>>
<<text>>Trying to encourage a more honest answer, you slid your hand below the table, placing it on the man's thigh and answering his confused look with a grin.<</text>>
<<say>>Come on, don't tease me with an answer~<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Okay-okay... Your looks don't have anything to do with my hesitance. If anything, you seem to be too nice looking for a simple guy like me, ha-ha~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "What are you talking about?" "06" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<say>>Simple my ass! You're amazing, Charles; your dedication is something I admire a lot. And the way you handle yourself... Ah.<</say>>
<<text>>Overwhelmed with your compliments, the man laughed softly, brushing his hand against the tip of his nose.<</text>>
<<say "Charles">>Now-now, you're inflating my ego too much~ But to answer you truthfully, I guess I was simply too afraid to blow my chance with you to make a move first.<</say>>
<<text>>Seeing this vulnerable side of this usually composed man, you felt a rising temptation to tease him, the warmth in your loins getting unbearable as a certain idea crossed your mind.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "I have an idea~" Ch_PornScene0 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>I wonder if you would like this~<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a quick glance around you, making sure that there's no one inside the cafe to witness what you're about to do, before quickly going under the table.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/cafeMain1.jpg">>
<<say "Charles">>$mcf? What are you?..<</say>>
<<say>>Shush! Shut up and enjoy...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Size him up" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>Sliding in between the man's legs, you ran your fingers along his thighs, sizing his groin through the fabric slowly, as if to not scare Charles off by acting too recklessly.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/cafe/video/Scene0-0.mp4">>
<<say>>Oof, I could tell that you liked me a lot before, but now... Mh, let me take care of you~<</say>>
<<text>>Barely holding back your excitement, you began unbuckling Charles belt, eager to let his beast out of confinement. With some help from the man himself, you were now staring down on his plentiful cockhead before taking it in between your lips.<</text>>
<<say "Charles">>$mcf, you... Ngh!<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "That feels good, right?" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>You like it when I do it like that, right?<</say>>
<<text>>Taking short breaks to utter a word, you continue to suck on the bulging tip of the man's penis, pursing your lips around his crown tightly for a moment, then letting it go with a wet moan, only to repeat the process, teasing your lover by any measure.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/cafe/video/Scene0-1.mp4">>
<<say "Charles">>Ngh!.. Come on, I can't hold it much longer!<</say>>
<<text>>Granding the Charles's request, you pushed yourself deeper onto his marvelous dick; it's manly musk filling your mouth plenty as you diligently sucked on his girth, forcing loud moans from the man himself, his arms reaching over your head, before pushing you even deeper.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "...!" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Gh-hak!.. Not so rough~<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>I'm almost... $mcf!<</say>>
<<text>>With a last twitch and tremble, you felt man's legs locking, making you hit the back of your head against the table with its force. Letting out a gurgling moan full of pelasure and satisfaction, Charles's cock exloded with seering white hotness, covering the entirety of your mouth with his musky semen.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/cafe/video/Scene0-2.mp4">>
<<say "Charles">>Grhha!... Sh-shit!<</say>>
<<text>>You weren't done, however, until you sucked the last remaining drop of cum from his dick, leaving his balls empty and his head spinning, teasing him with the sight of his white semen nesting itself on your tongue before swallowing it in a single gulp.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "How was it?" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>Did you enjoy it?<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>G-godness gracious... No comments from me.<</say>>
<<text>>Giggling at the sight of an exasperated lover, you reached for a kiss, but before your lips could connect, a loud sound of a doorbell pierced through the air, returning both of you to earth.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/clyde4.jpg">>
<<say "Charles">>Oh shoot, a client just came in! Don't worry, I'll take care of him. You stay put!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Haah..." "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>And it was only starting to get fun...<</say>>
<<text>>A few moments later, you had already climbed out from under the table and watched as Charles went back to his work routine, making an espresso for a bored-looking student.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/charles4.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Oh, and put some extra whipped cream on this one. I'm in the mood for something sweet.<</say>>
<<text>>You couldn't help but let out a sigh of disdain at an untimely customer. After all, his appearance had forced your date to come to a halt just as things were getting interesting.<</text>>
<<say>>Ah, I'll make sure that next time Charles won't get out so easily~<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $charlesRepLvl is 0>>
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<rewardP "Charles Rep" "+3" charlesRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Clean up" Cafe 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<if $charlesRepLvl is 0>><<set $sanity to $sanity +20>><<set $charlesRep to 0>><<set $charlesRepLvl to 1>><<notify 4.5s>>Your bond with Charles has advanced to the next level!<</notify>><<else>><<set $charlesRep to $charlesRep+3>><<if $dailySex is 1>><<set $sexBlock to $dayCount>><</if>><<set $dailySex to 1>><</if>><<set $stage to undefined>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>I've been so much happier ever since I've met you, Charles. Oh gosh, I feel so warm right now~<</say>>
<<text>>To that, Charles tightened his grip around you, and then, to your surprise, you felt one of his palms squish your butt as he bit into your neck playfully.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/charles7.jpg">>
<<say "Charles">>I have an idea of how to help you with that-<</say>>
<<say>>Charles!.. But what about the customers?<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Do you see any inside? Yeah, me neither, so let's just relax together. We have plenty of time~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Ah!" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>M-mh!.. <</say>>
<<text>>You couldn't help but give in to the temptation and lean in to give your lover a kiss on the lips while your hands explored every inch of his body, groping his muscles before finding themselves cupping his impressive groin much to his delight.<</text>>
<<say>>You're that hard already?..<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>M-hm.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Suck his cock" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Let's get going then~<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Oh yeah.<</say>>
<<text>>With burning-red cheeks you curled your fingers around the base of his cock, leaning towards it with your mouth, then taking it in, your lips grazing his shaft as they slid down it. <</text>>
<<video "downtown/cafe/video/Scene3-0.mp4">>
<<say "Charles">>Ngh!.. Make it all nice and sloppy - make me proud.<</say>>
<<say>>Mmf~ Hrk!..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Let's see how long you can last~" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<text>>You felt Charles's cock twitch as you intensified your movements, but before you could push him over the edge, you felt his hand land on your head, prompting you to stop.<</text>>
<<say "Charles">>Huff. That's enough. Let's get you on the table, shall we?<</say>>
<<video "downtown/cafe/video/Scene3-1.mp4">>
<<text>>The feeling of his tip gliding inside sent shivers down your spine. The thrill of the moment was made even more intense by the boldness of his movements and the rush of adrenaline through your body as he sank deeper into your molten vice.<</text>>
<<say "Charles">>Get comfortable $mcf, I'm picking up the pace!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'm close!" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>Oh frick! I'm about to... Ah!<</say>>
<<text>>With a grunt, your back arched as you held onto the sides of the table, feeling your insides clamping down on the man's girth as he plundered you, before finally, he brought you over the peak.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/cafe/video/Scene3-2.mp4">>
<<say "Charles">>God, you're getting so tight when you're cumming! Ngh!..<</say>>
<<say>>Don't stop!- Keep fucking my pussy!.. Like this, yes, fuck!<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Who do you take me for, huh? I'm with you till the end~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Wait, I hear someone!" "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>W-wait, on the second thought, do I hear someone coming?.. They can see us from the windows, I think!<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Yeah, and? I don't give a damn about that! <</say>>
<<text>>Groaning with arousal, Charles sheathed his cock inside your pussy once more, his length stuffing itself between your wet folds before pulling partway out, forcing a moan of pleasure out of you with each new movement.<</text>>
<<say>>W-what? Mgh!..<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Huff- They can watch all they want~ I'm not leaving till I finished!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Make him cum" "06" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<say "Charles">>Speaking of... I-<</say>>
<<text>>Losing breath in an instant, the man slammed into your slick depths for the last time before blowing his load with an earthshattering yelp. Your walls strangled his shaft, helping to squeeze out rope after rope of his seed—it's warmth splattering all across your pussy lips and lower belly, leaving you moaning in delight. <</text>>
<<video "downtown/cafe/video/Scene3-3.mp4">>
<<say "Charles">>Ughhh!.. Fuck!<</say>>
<<say>>Oh gosh... Mmh~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Why did you come inside?!" "07" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 7>>
<<say>>You dumbass!.. What if I get pregnant from that?<</say>>
<<text>>After the orgasm subsided and your mind returned to your body, you couldn't help but grumble as you felt the sticky semen dripping out of your slit onto the table.<</text>>
<<say "Charles">>I doubt that you will. But if you do-<</say>>
<<text>>Charles smiled as his arm brushed against your thigh, which was still sensitive on the inside and making you giggle. <</text>>
<<say "Charles">>I'm sure we'll figure something out. Together.<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Go clean yourself up, babe. I know I said that I don't give a fuck about the customers, but... money talks.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $charlesRepLvl is 1>>
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<rewardP "Charles Rep" "+3" charlesRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Okay~" Cafe 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<if $charlesRepLvl is 1>><<set $sanity to $sanity +20>><<set $charlesRepLvl to 2>><<notify 4.5s>>Your bond with Charles has advanced to the next level!<</notify>><<else>><<set $charlesRep to $charlesRep+3>><<if $dailySex is 1>><<set $sexBlock to $dayCount>><</if>><<set $dailySex to 1>><</if>><<set $stage to undefined>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<say>>All right, let's see if I can fix it by myself...<</say>>
<<text>>Getting rid of the lid, your fingers delicately navigated the labyrinth of wires and tubes, and your determination remained unwavering despite the complexity of the task. Having identified the source of the malfunction, soon the comforting gurgle of brewing coffee could be heard once again.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/event0.jpg">>
<<say>>Phew. It should be working now~<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Oh wow, you've already fixed it?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I did~" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>> Yep! It was easy~<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Ha, and I was just about to call in for help. Thanks for saving me the trouble.<</say>>
<<text>>With a wink, Charles walked over to the machine, his eyes studying it intently as he brewed a fresh cup of mocca, offering it to you.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/charles2.jpg">>
<<if $CoffeeBlock is $dayCount>>
<<say>> Thanks, but I already had enough coffee for one day~<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>You sure you don't want to partake as a mechanic? I could even give you a raise!<</say>>
<<say>>Thanks; I'm fine with being a barista. You need someone pretty like me behind the cash register to attract the customers~<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>That's also true, ha-ha.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $CoffeeBlock != $dayCount>>
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<rewardP "Charles Rep" "+3" charlesRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Cafe 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $sanity to $sanity +20, $charlesRep to $charlesRep+3>><<set $CoffeeBlock to $dayCount>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Oh God, what is this?..<</say>>
<<text>>As you approach the man's table, you quickly realize your mistake. He wasn't half naked; no, the only thing covering his private parts were his boxers.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/event1.jpg">>
<<say>>Erm, Sir? Do I know you?<</say>>
<<text>>The man seemed unperturbed by your question, choosing to finish his drink before giving you an answer in a calm voice.<</text>>
<<if $bloggingRep > 99>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>No, but I know you, $mcf.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Excuse me?.." "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>No, but I am quite fascinated with your appearance. Enthralled even! Do you, by any chance, have a successful <<color r>> OnlyFans? <</color>><</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "No?.." "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>I... I don't have one.<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Tsk. What a shame! You should think about expanding your portfolio while you're still young and fresh.<</say>>
<<text>>Seemingly put off by your words, the man set his cup down on the table before making his way to the exit.<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Ah, what a waste... And she has such a pretty face too.<</say>>
<<say>>What a weird guy...<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Cafe 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined, $creepDaily to $dayCount>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>W-what? Who are you?!<</say>>
<<text>>Shoked, you took a step back, stumbling against the chair behind you.<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Call me a fan of yours~ I've been following your OnlyFans for a while now, and seeing you here with my two eyes is, shall we say, a sight to behold!<</say>>
<<text>>Having said that, the naked man slipped his hand into his boxers, his eyes fixed on your face. But before you could call out to Charles to help, the man before you hushed, pulling a bundle of cash out of his underwear.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/money.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Do not be afraid - this is nothing more than a token of my appreciation for the craft. Consider this my way of thanking you for your hard work.<</say>>
<<say>>This is so weird...<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-20">>
<<if $bloggingRep > 999>>
<<rewardC "+150">>
<<elseif $bloggingRep > 249>>
<<rewardC "+100">>
<<elseif $bloggingRep > 99>>
<<rewardC "+50">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Cafe 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity-20>>
<<if $bloggingRep > 999>>
<<set $cash to $cash+150>>
<<elseif $bloggingRep > 249>>
<<set $cash to $cash+100>>
<<elseif $bloggingRep > 99>>
<<set $cash to $cash+50>>
<<set $EventRNG to undefined, $creepDaily to $dayCount>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say $mc>> Hey <</say>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/event1.jpg">>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Unused" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say $mc>> Hey <</say>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/charles0.jpg">>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "+50">>
<<rewardS "-25">>
<<rewardP "Charles Rep" "+2" charlesRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Cafe 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $sanity to $sanity-25, $cash to $cash+50, $charlesRep to $charlesRep+2>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say $mc>> Hey <</say>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/event3.jpg">>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Cafe 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>Oh wow, I've never heard Charles get heated like this...<</say>>
<<text>>Curious about the commotion, you took a step closer, listening in on the conversation. Charles clearly wasn't fond of the person on the other side of the line and wasn't even bothering to hide it.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/event5.jpg">>
<<say "Charles">>Just stop. Don't ever call me again, hear me?<</say>>
<<say>>Charles? Is everything okay?<</say>>
<<text>>Caught off guard by the sound of your voice, the man stood silent for a moment before regaining his composure and turning to face you.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "What was that about?" "01" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>What was that all about?<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>It's nothing much, just your usual call from the family.<</say>>
<<say>>Are you sure you don't want to talk about it? It might make it easer to...<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Listen, we can do that later, okay? Right now, I should be getting back to work; I need to get everything prepared before the evening rolls in in full force.<</say>>
<<text>>With a dissatisfied hiss, Charles walked back to his working station and started tinkering with his bottles full of different syroups.<</text>>
<<say "Charles">>...fuck, and now I'll have to work with this shit weighting on my mind.<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Cheer him up" Cafe_RNG_Event4 60 0 "40-300" "8:00-19:59" "Charles Lvl 1" 3>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" Cafe 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>No, that won't do. Let me cheer you up a little~<</say>>
<<text>>You pressed against the man's body, tugging at his shoulders as you reached for a kiss. Somewhat reluctantly, he complied, his lips touching yours for a brief moment before pulling away.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/john4.jpg">>
<<say "Charles">>And may I ask you what you are doing right now?<</say>>
<<say>>Cheering you up of course! I can't have you going around all sad and depressed! So let me help you with it...<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Reach for his groin" "01" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say "Charles">>Oh?..<</say>>
<<text>>Kneeling behind the bar, you eagerly reached out to unbuckle his belt, getting a hold of the man's cock before he could get another word out.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/cafe/video/Scene1-0.mp4">>
<<say>>...by blowing away your pent-up emotions. That should do the trick, right?<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>You want to do it right here? No way!..<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Blow him" "02" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say "Charles">>Oh fuck! This is insane...<</say>>
<<text>>The man's whisper did little to stop you, instead becoming the fuel that kept the flames of desire burning.<</text>>
<<say "Charles">>Slow down, $mcf! We might get spotted if you continue like this...<</say>>
<<video "downtown/cafe/video/Scene1-1.mp4">>
<<say>>Mgh... Slurp~<</say>>
<<text>>The risk of being caught only added to the sensation as you moved your tongue swiftly yet skillfully along the man's penis. Your fingers curled around his shaft, trapping it in your tight grip, each stroke forcing a new, lewder moan from your lover's lips.<</text>>
<<say "Charles">>F-fuck!..<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "..." "03" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say "Charles">>Enough! Fucking hell, $mcf...<</say>>
<<text>>You felt the man grasp over your shoulder tightly as he hastely pulled you back onto your feet, despite your protests.<</text>>
<<say>>Hey!.. Come on, I know you were getting close!<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Shush! Let's move before anyone notices us, I've seen the restroom become available just now.<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "Oh?" Cafe_RNG_Event4 0 0>><<set $stage to 2>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Charles">>Just follow me! The restroom is empty; hurry up.<</say>>
<<video "downtown/cafe/video/Scene1-2.mp4">>
<<text>>You couldn't help but grin as the tingling sensation in the pit of your stomach hit its peak. And once you've reached the sanctuary of the public restroom, you could feel your butt begin moving on its own, grinding against the rock-hard penis, sending electric signals throughout your salacious body.<</text>>
<<say>>He-he~ Do it, Charles!<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Ah!.." "01" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Oh frick! You're hitting so deep!~<</say>>
<<text>>Unable to hold back your moans, you felt the man's cock slide into your wet cunt, your innards tightening around him with each thrust.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/cafe/video/Scene1-3.mp4">>
<<say>>So... Big!.. Mfh~<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Shut up, baby, don't be so loud now...<</say>>
<<text>>With your pants pushed aside, there was nothing to stop him as he continued to rock his thighs back and forth, filling your tightness to perfection. Such was the pleasure that Charles had to seal your lips with his strong palm to stop you screaming loudly, lest you risk revealing your mischief to customers.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'm about to!.." "02" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>I'll behave... Ngh~ Fuck me harder!..<</say>>
<<text>>Charles's thrusts were harsh and rough, fucking moans of pleasure from your lips without fail, the sounds of which mixed with the loud smacks of his thighs against your behind.<</text>>
<<say>>I'm almost... Aaagh!.. Mfhh~<</say>>
<<video "downtown/cafe/video/Scene1-4.mp4">>
<<text>>The world became brighter than ever as you let out a euphoric scream, your legs shaking and your pussys spasming, overwhelmed with a powerful climax. Luckily, your lover saw it coming and stuffed your mouth before any other sound could come out as he continued to pound your burning pussy.<</text>>
<<say "Charles">>Shhh... It's okay, baby girl. You can cum as much as you'd like.<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Let him cum" "03" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say "Charles">>Speaking of- I'm getting close as well~<</say>>
<<text>>Letting go of your thighs, the man pulled out, your pussy making a lewd sucking sound, failing to keep it's prized possesion inside, the sheer contrast of feelings making you shudder.<</text>>
<<say "Charles">>$mcf!..<</say>>
<<say>>Ngh!.. Fine, just try to not mess up my hair, okay?<</say>>
<<video "downtown/cafe/video/Scene1-5.mp4">>
<<text>>With just a few strokes, the man's penis erupted with his seed, splashing across your face as you pulled closer and sucked the last drips of cum from Charles' balls.<</text>>
<<say "Charles">>Agh!.. Fucking hell! Ha~<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "How do you feel now?~" "04" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>How do you feel now, Charles? I've heard that emptying your balls is a sure way to hit Nirvana for a man~<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Ha, just look at me! What do you think, smartass?~<</say>>
<<text>>Exhausted from the act, the man leaned over the sink, panting heavily as his locked legs twitched, still under the impression of the explosive climax. It took him a few moments to catch his breath and stand up straight before he could even walk up to the door.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/shower2.jpg">>
<<say>>Come on, be honest with me! Don't be a meanie~<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Okay, okay... Thanks to you I feel much better now, $mcf. Satisfied?<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<rewardP "Charles Rep" "+5" charlesRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Clean up" Cafe 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity +20>><<set $charlesRep to $charlesRep+5>><<set $EventRNG to undefined, $stage to undefined>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Good evening, young lady. Can I help you? You seem a bit lost.<</say>>
<<say>>O-oh, right, sorry...<</say>>
<<text>>Hypnotized by the symphony of clinking glasses and lazily curling smoke, it took you a second to process the phrase uttered by the barkeeper. Feeling like a dummy, you felt your cheeks glow red as you nervously hastened to explain yourself before his dutyful eye.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/drink1.jpg">>
<<say>>Erm, it's just that I wanted to ask if you maybe had a vacant spot on the team. I've always wanted to work in a cool place like this, you see!<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Indeed, I understand. But why don't you talk it out with the boss himself?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "So you're not?.." "01" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Oh, so you aren't the owner of this bar?..<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Ha-ha, of course not; I am merely a barkeeper. As for my boss, Barem seems to have taken an interest in you already, so please don't keep him waiting.<</say>>
<<text>>With a courteous gesture, the barkeeper pointed you to the man eyeing you from the corner. Judging by his piercing gaze, you could tell that he wasn't one to be messed with.<</text>>
<<say>>U-um... Okay then.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "C-can I work here?" "02" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Excuse me, are you B-barem?<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling the sudden dryness in your throat, your voice was shaking from tension. A faint smile played at the corners of the black man's lips as he gave you a silent nod, prompting you to continue.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/bar/barem0.jpg">>
<<say>>I've heard that you were hiring, so I... I was wondering if you maybe had any openings in the staff. I am a quick learner, and I work hard too.<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>And what would be your name?<</say>>
<<text>>His voice was deep and raspy, just as you'd expect from a man of his caliber.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "It's $mcf" "03" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>My name is $mcf $mcl...<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>$mcf, huh? It has a nice ring to it; I'll give you that.<</say>>
<<text>>A glimmer of amusement danced in Barem's eyes as he checked your figure once more, his eyes glimmering with a dangerous glow, before reaching for his glass and taking a sip, savoring the flavors as he continued his speech.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>Working here ain't an easy task, girl. You've got the looks for it, but the heart? I don't see it.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Oh..." "04" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<text>>Feeling rejected, you bit down on your lip, averting your eyes, ready to leave. But before you could do so, Barem stopped you with a hand gesture.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>That being said, I don't mind to see you try. Just letting you know that if you don't develop thick skin and do it quickly, mind you, you won't be sticking with us for long. Got it?<</say>>
<<text>>You didn't really get what he was trying to say, but you felt relieved to know that you're qualified. And that was all that mattered at the end of the day.<</text>>
<<say>>Thank you; I'll do my best! You can count on me!<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Bar 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>Barmen, I'm ready for a shift! Is there anything I can help you with?~<</say>>
<<text>>Waving away the smokey curl from a drink he just finished making, the bartender smiled, gesturing you to the tray and a stack of bar cards.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/drink1.jpg">>
<<say 'male'>>You're just in time. We've got a really busy evening ahead. Do me a favor and check in as a server for a while, will you?<</say>>
<<say>>Sure thing~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<switch $workRNG>>
<<case 0>>
<<btns "It's working time~" "01" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<case 1>>
<<btns "It's working time~" "03" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "It's working time~" "05" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>He wasn't kidding, there is a lot of people today...<</say>>
<<text>>You did your best, navigating through the smokey busling hall, serving and offering drinks to the evergrowing clientele, moving in tact to the funky beat of the jukebox playing the latest hits from the corner.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/work.jpg">>
<<say>>Here are your drinks, sir! Please enjoy~<</say>>
<<text>>But just as you were about to walk away from the man's table, you suddenly felt a touch of his hand coming into contact with your butt, grouping it shamelessly before everyone could see it, forcing a surprised gasp out of you and almost causing you to drop the trey with the glasses.<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>And how about you stay with me so that we can enjoy it together? I'll even pay you some extra under the table if you'll be a good girl doing everything that I say~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Oh no..." "02" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<if $thickSkinPerk is 1>>
<<text>>An expected tingle of shame mixed with sinful excitement betrayed your body, as you couldn't help but let a quet mewl escape past your lips, much to the amusement of the handyman. Ecnouraged by the needy sound, the man's movements were getting lewder by the second, his fingers clawing their way under your undies, seconds away from slipping into your wettened honeyhole.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/work1.jpg">>
<<say>>N-not there! Not when everyone can see us...<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I say let them watch. It makes it all the more exciting, dont'cha think?~<</say>>
<<text>>Thankfully, before he could do something even more outrageous, the cavalry came knocking on the door. From the shadows appeared the owner of the bar himself, placing his heavy hand over the client's shoulder, causing him to freeze.<</text>>
<<say>>Oh! It's all right, Barem- I don't mind Paul having a bit of fun~ <</say>>
<<say "Barem">>That so?.. Still, if he expects to keep touching working girls in my Bar, he better leave extra dough as a tip.<</say>>
<<text>>The rising wave of shame, confusion, and worst of all - the sinful excitement washed over you as you tried to get away from the handyman. He did not relent, however, only getting lewder and lewder by the second, his fingers trying to get under your undies and into your honeyhole.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/work1.jpg">>
<<text>>Thankfully, before he could do something even more outrageous, the cavalry came knocking on the door. From the shadows appeared the owner of the bar himself, placing his heavy hand over the client's shoulder, causing him to freeze.<</text>>
<<say>>Barem! Thank God...<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>We've been over this already, so pay up and get out, Paul. Don't forget to tip some extra to the girl if you want to be welcomed here again.<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $barRepLvl is 2>>
<<rewardC "+90">>
<<elseif $barRepLvl is 1>>
<<rewardC "+75">>
<<rewardC "+65">>
<<if $thickSkinPerk isnot 1>>
<<rewardS "-45">>
<<rewardP "Thick Skin" "+1" "thickSkin">>
<<rewardS "-35">>
<<rewardP "Bar Profficiency" "+2" "barRep">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Bar 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $stage to undefined>>
<<if $thickSkinPerk isnot 1>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity-45>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity-35>>
<<set $workRNG to undefined>>
<<set $thickSkin += 1>>
<<set $barRep to $barRep+2>>
<<if $barRepLvl is 2>>
<<set $cash to $cash+90>>
<<elseif $barRepLvl is 1>>
<<set $cash to $cash+75>>
<<set $cash to $cash+65>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>He wasn't kidding, there is a lot of people today...<</say>>
<<text>>You did your best, navigating through the smokey busling hall, serving and offering drinks to the evergrowing clientele, moving in tact to the funky beat of the jukebox playing the latest hits from the corner.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/work.jpg">>
<<say>>Here are your drinks, guys! Have a good night~<</say>>
<<text>>But just as you were about ot leave the partying college boys behind, their group split, one of them suddenly bumping up into your side, knocking the tray out of your arms.<</text>>
<<say>>Oh no, I'm so sorry!..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Oh uh..." "04" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<if $thickSkinPerk is 1>>
<<text>>And as luck would have it, the brunt of the liquid hit your chest, soaking your uniform in various mixtures of alcoholic beverages. Worse still, your plum-sized breasts were now as good as naked, the tight fabric now completely transparent, making the view even more erotic.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/work2.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Holy fuck! Look at her tits, they are even bigger than the one I've seen in the porn!<</say>>
<<say>>No way, really?~<</say>>
<<text>>You couldn't help but feel excited to be the target of the crowd's hungry gaze, each of them worshipping your beauty. Desperate to prolong this sensation, you allowed the boys in front of you a closer look, squeezing your breasts together as their jaws dropped. Some of them were even brave enough to get a feel, forcing Barem to intervene quickly.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>All right, I've seen enough of that. Refrain from touching the working girls, will you? And don't forget to pay for the damaged goods while we're at it.<</say>>
<<say>>He's right boys, this show ain't free~<</say>>
<<text>>And as luck would have it, the brunt of the liquid hit your chest, soaking your uniform in various mixtures of alcoholic beverages. Worse still, your plum-sized breasts were now as good as naked, the tight fabric now completely transparent, making the view even more erotic.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/work2.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Holy shit! Check out the tits on this one!<</say>>
<<say>>No, guys, don't look!...<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling helpless before the hungry eyes of the lustful crowd, you hurried to the safety of the staff room, accompanied by the chorus of excited giggles around you. But even asm the massive wooden doors closed behind your back, you could still feel their eyes crawling along your curves, stripping you naked, only to leave you feeling aroused and humiliated.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>Knock-knock~ Don't worry about the broken glass - the party boys were generous enough to cover the cost and then some. I'll leave your share at the bar, okay?<</say>>
<<say>>Sure thing, I'm getting used to it...<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $barRepLvl is 2>>
<<rewardC "+90">>
<<elseif $barRepLvl is 1>>
<<rewardC "+75">>
<<rewardC "+65">>
<<if $thickSkinPerk isnot 1>>
<<rewardS "-45">>
<<rewardP "Thick Skin" "+1" "thickSkin">>
<<rewardS "-35">>
<<rewardP "Bar Profficiency" "+2" "barRep">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Bar 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $stage to undefined>>
<<if $thickSkinPerk isnot 1>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity-45>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity-35>>
<<set $workRNG to undefined>>
<<set $thickSkin += 1>>
<<set $barRep to $barRep+2>>
<<if $barRepLvl is 2>>
<<set $cash to $cash+90>>
<<elseif $barRepLvl is 1>>
<<set $cash to $cash+75>>
<<set $cash to $cash+65>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>He wasn't kidding, there is a lot of people today...<</say>>
<<text>>You did your best, navigating through the smokey busling hall, serving and offering drinks to the evergrowing clientele, moving in tact to the funky beat of the jukebox playing the latest hits from the corner.<</text>>
<<say>>Okay, two more tables done... Think that should be enough, right Barem?<</say>>
<<text>>Sighing heavily, you walked past Barem and handed him the tips you'd managed to collect so far. With a pleased chuckle, he patted you on the shoulder before taking half of it and giving the rest of it back to you.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/money.jpg">>
<<say "Barem">>Good work, $mcf. I knew a $eyes eyed $hair like you would bring the buck. Just don't let the workload get to you, all right?<</say>>
<<if $thickSkinPerk is 1>>
<<say>>I'm good - I've got somewhat used to it by now~<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $barRepLvl is 2>>
<<rewardC "+90">>
<<elseif $barRepLvl is 1>>
<<rewardC "+75">>
<<rewardC "+65">>
<<if $thickSkinPerk isnot 1>>
<<rewardS "-45">>
<<rewardP "Thick Skin" "+1" "thickSkin">>
<<rewardS "-35">>
<<rewardP "Bar Profficiency" "+2" "barRep">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Bar 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $stage to undefined>>
<<if $thickSkinPerk isnot 1>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity-45>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity-35>>
<<set $workRNG to undefined>>
<<set $thickSkin += 1>>
<<set $barRep to $barRep+2>>
<<if $barRepLvl is 2>>
<<set $cash to $cash+90>>
<<elseif $barRepLvl is 1>>
<<set $cash to $cash+75>>
<<set $cash to $cash+65>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<if $baremRepLvl is 0>>
<<say>>Erm... Barem? Can I talk with you for a second?<</say>>
<<text>>Taking his eyes off the drunken crowd nesting in his bar, Barem sat in the same corner as usual and gave you a courteous smile.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/bar/barem0.jpg">>
<<say "Barem">>Sure. What is it?<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>$mcf! Glad to see you're doing well.<</say>>
<<text>>Smiling all the way from his nest behind the bar, Barem invited you in with a friendly gesture. His spirits were much higher than the first time you saw him, and you weren't sure if it was because of your growing bond or the increase in customers.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/bar/barem0.jpg">>
<<say "Barem">>Congratulations on your hard work. Thanks to your efforts - the regulars just keep coming and coming!<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>Although I'm getting a bit tired of your fans always pestering me about how to get on your good side, ha. Who knew you would be so popular?<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $DrinkBlock == $dayCount && $HDrinkBlock == $dayCount>>
<<plug "Offer a Drink" "You have far too much alcohol in your system to do that." 30 50>><</plug>>
<<elseif $DrinkBlock == $dayCount && $HDrinkBlock != $dayCount>>
<<btns "Offer a Drink" "01" 30 40 0 "12:00-22:59" "Heavy Drinker" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "Offer a Drink" "01" 30 40 0 "12:00-22:59" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<if $baremRep is 0>>
<<btn "Flirt with Barem" BaremFlirt 0 0 "40-300" "12:00-22:59" 0 2>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Flirt with Barem" BaremFlirt 0 0 "40-300" "12:00-22:59" 0 2>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<if $fanservice isnot 1>>
<<btn "Explore the Opportunity" Barem_PornScene2 30 0 "40-300" "12:00-22:59" Carouser 4>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btns "My body is ready~" "03" 90 0 "40-300" "20:00-22:59" Fanservice 4>><</btns>>
<<btn "Go Back" Bar 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>How do you feel about us drinking together?<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>Why not? Remember this though, even though you are part of the staff - the drinks cost the same for all. And before you ask - that rule applies even to me, ha-ha.<</say>>
<<text>>With a chuckle, Barem pulled out a bottle of fine color, taking a whiff of its pungent smell before serving it in two tall glasses. The ice cubes clinked excitedly as you took your first sip, savoring the bitter sweetness of the alcohol.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/drink3.jpg">>
<<say>>Mhm~ It's good!..<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>Of course it is, silly. In my bar, we only serve the finest of wines. Let me tell you how I got hold of this bottle...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'm listening..." "02" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>No way!...<</say>>
<<text>>Surprisingly talkative after a drink, Barem spoke about the different times of his life, each story sounding more mysterious than the one before, and by the end of the bottle, the two of you could feel something growing between each other.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/drink2.jpg">>
<<say "Barem">>This is why I chose to keep this bar open. I know that despite all opposition, one day my brother will get out of the slammer - and this time, I'll be there for him.<</say>>
<<say>>Whoa... That's so cool of you, Barem~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-50">>
<<rewardS "+35">>
<<rewardP "Barem Rep" "+2" baremRep>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Bar 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $DrinkBlock == $dayCount>>
<<set $HDrinkBlock to $dayCount>>
<<if $DrinkBlock == $dayCount>>
<<set $HDrinkBlock to $dayCount>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity+35, $DrinkBlock to $dayCount, $heavyDrinker to $heavyDrinker+1>>
<<set $baremRep to $baremRep+2>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>So, Barem... About that "thing" we've talked about earlier. I think I'm ready to do it.<</say>>
<<img "downtown/library/clyde1.jpg">>
<<say "Barem">>I was waiting for you to say that.<<if $workRNG is 0>>This time it's just one guy, lucky you.<<elseif $workRNG is 1>>This time it's five folks with different strokes. Suit you well enough?<<else>>I warn you now - it will be hard. There are at least a dozen guys waiting for you, are you sure you want to do this?<</if>><</say>>
<<say>>Sounds fun; I'm in the mood to let it all loose~<</say>>
<<text>>With your consent out of the way, Barem pulled out his mobile phone and dialled an unknown number, waiting for the reciever to respond.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>Interesting choice of words there, girl. You go into the VIP room for now and get yourself comfortable; It shouldn't take long.<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Okay!" Barem_PornScene2 0 0 "40-300" 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say 'male'>>No big deal; I'll win it back in an instant! And you better pay up, hear me?!<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Nice bark you have, but let's see if you know how to bite, bozo.<</say>>
<<text>>As you approached the source of the commotion, you couldn't help but partake in the excitement surrounding the group of bearded men that were engaged in a competitive game of darts.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/event0.jpg">>
<<say 'male'>>Shit! No way I lost again! My money...<</say>>
<<text>>The loser quickly sank into the puddle of misery and self-loathing, while the winner took a victory lap, gloating about his achievements.<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Now get your broke ass out of here, Doug! If you have the balls, come here after you get another payout. Maybe then you'll have a chance of besting me, ha-ha!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Can I join you?" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Can I take his place and join in? They seemed to be having so much fun~<</say>>
<<text>>Lured by your innocent voice, the bulky man smiled, turning his full attention to you.<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>We've got a lady here! Watch your manner, boys.<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>Like you're the one to talk! Wasn't it you, who got scolded by Barem just the other day?..<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Kh-khm. So the rules are simple - if you're interested, the starting bet is 150$. If you win - you double it, but if you lose - that's the end of that. Sound good to you?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $stage > 0>>
<<btns "I'm feeling lucky today~" "02" 45 150>><</btns>>
<<btns "I'm feeling lucky today~" "03" 45 150>><</btns>>
<<if $stage > 7>>
<<btns "Take your time and aim carefully" "04" 45 150 "40-300" "12:00-21:59" "Steady Hand" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "Take your time and aim carefully" "05" 45 150 "40-300" "12:00-21:29" "Steady Hand" 0>><</btns>>
<<btn "Leave" Bar 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Okay, please stay with me, Lady Luck!<</say>>
<<text>>The game began and the darts flew through the air, each throw drawing cheers or groans from the crowd. But as the battle went on, the cheers began to die down as it became clear that your aim was way off the mark.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/bar/event1.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Nice try, girl. Nice try. I'm sure the Gods will be on your side next time. Just come back any time you feel like getting your money back~<</say>>
<<text>>The bearded man smacked his lips together and, after a playful wink, slipped your money into his back pocket. Back at the counter, Barem was waiting for you to have a word of advise.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>He's baiting you, $mcf. Getting lucky can only take you so far, doubly so in the game of skill. If you want to get back at this bastard, the quickest way would be to work on your aim first.<</say>>
<<say>>Thank you for pointing that out, Barem. I'll keep it in mind.<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-150">>
<<if $BarEvent0 != 1>>
<<rewardP "Carouser" "+1" carouser>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Bar 0>><<set $stage to undefined>>
<<if $BarEvent0 != 1>>
<<set $carouser += 1, $BarEvent0 to 1>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Don't fail me now, Lady Luck!..<</say>>
<<text>>The game began and the darts flew through the air, each throw drawing cheers or groans from the crowd. At the end of it all you did even better than you'd expected, each dart hitting the bullseye with pinpoint accuracy.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/event2.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh yes! I knew I had it in me~<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>No way!.. I've lost? Well done, ha-ha!<</say>>
<<text>>Taking your well-earned money from the man's hands, you walked back triumphantly to the counter. Even Barem seemed impressed by your work, winking at you as you got closer.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>I'll be damned, you actually pulled it off! I have to say, a rookie like you beating a seasoned veteran wasn't something I had on my bingo card, but surprises like that are what keep me going.<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "+150">>
<<rewardP "Barem Rep" "+2" baremRep>>
<<if $BarEvent0 != 1>>
<<rewardP "Carouser" "+1" carouser>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Bar 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $baremRep += 2, $cash += 300>>
<<if $BarEvent0 != 1>>
<<set $carouser += 1, $BarEvent0 to 1>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>Okay, nice and slow now... Let's do it.<</say>>
<<text>>The game began and the darts flew through the air, each throw drawing cheers or groans from the crowd. But as the battle wore on, the cheers began to fade as it became clear that your best efforts were simply not enough to win today's round.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/bar/event1.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Nice try, girl. That was a frighteningly close call at the end, but I came on top yet again~<</say>>
<<text>>The bearded man smacked his lips together and, after a playful wink, slipped your money into his back pocket. Back at the counter, Barem was waiting for you to have a word of advise.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>Don't be too hard on yourself, $mcf. Even the best of us can lose once in a blue moon. Just stay cool and next time - victory will be yours.<</say>>
<<say>>Thank you, now I feel a bit better~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-150">>
<<rewardP "Barem Rep" "+1" baremRep>>
<<if $BarEvent0 != 1>>
<<rewardP "Carouser" "+1" carouser>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Bar 0>><<set $stage to undefined. $baremRep += 1>>
<<if $BarEvent0 != 1>>
<<set $carouser += 1, $BarEvent0 to 1>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>I can do it... I will win.<</say>>
<<text>>The game began and the darts flew through the air, each throw drawing cheers or groans from the crowd, depending on how their own bets. At the end of it all you did even better than you'd expected, each dart hitting the bullseye with pinpoint accuracy.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/event2.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh yes! I knew I had it in me~<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>No way, I was so close!.. <</say>>
<<text>>Taking your well-earned money from the man's hands, you walked back triumphantly to the counter. Even Barem seemed impressed by your work, winking at you as you got closer.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>You did great, $mcf. Must feel good, all that training coming in handy, huh? But I have to wonder how you managed to get your grip so firm so quickly...<</say>>
<<say>>And I'd rather to keep it a secret~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "+150">>
<<rewardP "Barem Rep" "+2" baremRep>>
<<if $BarEvent0 != 1>>
<<rewardP "Carouser" "+1" carouser>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Bar 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $baremRep += 2, $cash += 300>>
<<if $BarEvent0 != 1>>
<<set $carouser += 1, $BarEvent0 to 1>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>Sure, what's going on?<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>Oh, just a little event for our patrons: a drinking contest. And I have to say, we could do with a pretty girl like you to cheer up the boys.<</say>>
<<text>>Smiling to himself, Barem surveyed the growing crowd of men, some of whom had already begun to drink.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/event6.jpg">>
<<say "Barem">>This sort of thing is good for business, so I'd really appreciate your help. Join us for a drink or two, free of charge, of course, and who knows—you might even win a prize.<</say>>
<<say>>Oh? There are prizes?<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>I knew you'd be interested! The rules are quite simple: anyone who is among the last ten people standing will receive a 100$ prize. It's tempting, isn't it?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "Leave" Bar 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<if $DrinkBlock == $dayCount && $HDrinkBlock == $dayCount>>
<<plug "This sounds great!" "You have far too much alcohol in your system to do that." 0 0>><</plug>>
<<elseif $DrinkBlock == $dayCount && $HDrinkBlock != $dayCount>>
<<btns "This sounds great!" "01" 30 0 "40-300" "12:00-21:59" "Heavy Drinker" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "This sounds great!" "01" 30 0 "40-300" "12:00-21:59">><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Okay, I'm in~<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>Great! Hey, guys, look who's joining us today for the drinking! No holding back now, eh?<</say>>
<<text>>The crowd greeted you with cheers, and as you shyly waved back, Barem wasted no time in pouring you a pint of cold beer. As you took it from his hands, the black man whispered to you.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/event3.jpg">>
<<say "Barem">>Don't worry about drinking too much. While I'm here, not a single S.O.B. will dare take advantage of you, so you can relax and let it all loose.<</say>>
<<say>>I'll take you up on it. Cheers!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $DrinkBlock == $dayCount || $heavydrinkerPerk isnot 1>>
<<btns "Cheers!~" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "Bottoms up!~" "03" 0>><<set $HDrinkBlock to $dayCount>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<text>>The first pint was soon followed by another, and as the crowd dwindled, you found yourself zoning out.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>You're feeling okay, $mcf?<</say>>
<<say>>I think I am... Ick!.. <<if $heavyDrinkerPerk isnot 1>>I should learn how to drink first...<<else>>I really shouldn't have been drinking earlier.<</if>> Haah, I don't think I can handle another drop.<</say>>
<<text>>Looking around, you tried to count the remaining people despite your blurred vision, and unfortunately, it seemed that you didn't make it into the top 10.<</text>>
<<say>>Oh well... At least I've got a free drink, right?<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>You have certainly done your part, and you are more than welcome to get some rest. Thanks for lending me a hand in this.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Heavy Drinker" "+1" heavyDrinker>>
<<if $BarEvent1 != 1>>
<<rewardP "Carouser" "+1" carouser>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Bar 0>>
<<if $BarEvent1 != 1>>
<<set $carouser += 1, $BarEvent1 to 1>>
<<set $stage to undefined, $heavyDrinker+=1>>
<<if $heavydrinkerPerk isnot 1>>
<<set $DrinkBlock to $dayCount>>
<<set $DrinkBlock to $dayCount>>
<<set $HDrinkBlock to $dayCount>>
<<sub 3>>
<<text>>The first pint was soon followed by another, and as the crowd dwindled, you found yourself zoning out. <</text>>
<<say "Barem">>...<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Look at this fellas—the big guy is already down for the count! The top 10 are decided!<</say>>
<<text>>The remaining nine men cheered as you looked across the table to see Barem in a deep slumber in front of a half-empty glass. But just as you were about to sober him up, a sizable wad of cash landed by your side.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/event8.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Don't be so hasty, girl. How about we up the ante a little?<</say>>
<<say>>Um, but I don't have much money to pay if I lose...<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Don't worry about that. If you lose, you can just give us a show to remember this great night by~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Decline" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "Try to win more money" "05" 60>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>Mh, I think I'm fine. Thank you for the offer, though.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "+100">>
<<if $BarEvent1 != 1>>
<<rewardP "Carouser" "+1" carouser>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Bar 0>>
<<set $stage to undefined, $cash to $cash+100>>
<<if $BarEvent1 != 1>>
<<set $carouser += 1, $BarEvent1 to 1>>
<<if $heavydrinkerPerk isnot 1>>
<<set $DrinkBlock to $dayCount>>
<<set $DrinkBlock to $dayCount>>
<<set $HDrinkBlock to $dayCount>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>I wouldn't count on that if I were you. I can see that some of you are already tipsy; there's no way I'd lose now!<</say>>
<<text>>But, just after a few more minutes, you found yourself staring at the half-full glass of sparkling beer, unable to even fathom the possibility of beating this challenge.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/event7.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Hah, so you were saying? I think it's time to uphold your end of the bargain~<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Well..." Bar_RNG_Event1 0>>
<<set $stage to 1>>
<<if $heavydrinkerPerk isnot 1>>
<<set $DrinkBlock to $dayCount>>
<<set $DrinkBlock to $dayCount>>
<<set $HDrinkBlock to $dayCount>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>I... Erm...<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Come on, isn't it hot out here, beauty?<</say>>
<<text>>Looking back, you now stood surrounded by a group of five or so men, some of whom had already begun taking off their shirts, revealing their bulging muscles for you to see. You did your best to not show it, but you couldn't help but lick your lips at the sight, feeling a sudden dryness in your throat.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/event9.jpg">>
<<say>>I guess you're kind of right... Let me take off my top.<</say>>
<<text>>Your loin spiked with excitement as you were swiftly unbuttoning your shirt, letting your plum breasts hang out freely, under the hungry gazes of the drunk strangers. Their looks alone were enough to push you forward, as seconds later, your skirt followed suit, sliding down from your thighs onto the ground, leaving you almost bare before the crowd, with the thin fabric of your undies serving as a last bastion of your dignity.<</text>>
<<say>>M-mh... Are you satisfied now?<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Of course not, girl. You still have some clothes to lose, right?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Take off your panties" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>Was it because of the alcohol you drank or not, but you meagerly accepted their condition. Biting your lip, you hesitatingly pulled your underwear down your thighs, trying your best to cover parts of your private place with the spare hand. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/event10.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>*whistle* Check this out, guys; we've got a little pervert on our hands!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'm not a pervert!" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>I-I'm not!.. I'm only doing this because of our bet...<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>No matter how hard you try to hide it, we can clearly see your pussy dripping on the floor. And all you did was strip, and yet look at you go~<</say>>
<<text>>Striken with shameful arousal, you looked around in search of help once more, instead noticing the growing bulge on the man's pants.<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Let me guess what's going on in your dirty mind. You're thinking about how good my cock must feel inside your cunt, ain't that right? Don't be shy; we're all friends here~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Yes..." "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>...Y-yes. I was thinking just about that.<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>That's all you needed to say. Boys!<</say>>
<<text>>Having stripped bare, the man pulled you over his shoulder and, accompanied by his friends, moved deeper into the bar. You'd be lying if you said you weren't aroused by the act of being manhandled like this, but looking at the size of their black cocks, you couldn't help but feel intimidated.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/event11.jpg">>
<<say>>M-huh? Where are you?..<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>To the VIP room, of course! I wouldn't want to get interrupted in the middle of fun~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "..." "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>O-okay... And what now?<</say>>
<<text>>The man carefully put you down on the floor just as his friends formed the group around you. Some of them already began stroking their cocks, their eyes glistening alongside your curves and tits, while the others waited in line before you. <</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>What do you think, girl? Let's get everybody nice and ready.<</say>>
<<say>>M-hm. I see...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "Let's start slow" Bar_RNG_Event1 0>><<set $stage to 2>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say>>And, erm, who's going to be the first?..<</say>>
<<text>>Without a word, the man to your right pulled you closer before showing his cock in between your lips, almost making you gag as his thick cockhead grazed against the back of your throat. It did not stop you, however, as you worked your way down to the base before pulling it out against your cheek. <</text>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene3-0.mp4">>
<<say>>Hg-gha... Watch where youre poking, buddy~<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>Fuck, that was so hot!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Hehe~" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say 'male'>>All right, time to get to it, babe!<</say>>
<<text>>Forcing you down on all fours with a light shove, the man behind you rubbed his cock against your pussy, sending electric jolts through your back and eliciting a loud moan that was quickly silenced by another man's penis being shoved right into your windpipe.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene3-1.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Fuck, I'll give her that; that bitch knows how to suck dick! <</say>>
<<text>>Time itself melted under the searing heat of your bodies rubbing against each other, the black cocks relentlessly ravaging your holes while you could only moan. <</text>>
<<say 'male'>>Her pussy is amazing too. God damn!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "No, I'm gonna cum!.." "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say 'male'>>Fuuuck!.. Oh yeah, baby...<</say>>
<<say>>Mfh?! Hrk... <</say>>
<<text>>Because of all this, you had no idea how long it took before the first lucky man poured his seed right into your womb, catching you completely off guard and leaving your surprised yelp buried in another man's groin. Not a moment later, you were shuddering in an explosive orgasm of your own, feeling your pussy being filled once again by a new eager cock. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/event12.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Oh hell! Dumbass, you just had to creampie her... Now the grip is all messed up!<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>Will you stop whining? If you don't like it, step aside; I'll gladly take your place.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Use me however you like..." "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Use me- however you like!.. I can't...<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>Oh fuck, I'm so close!<</say>>
<<text>>The cycle repeated itself again and again, one man replacing the other, their balls slapping against your slit as their girths continued to ravage your sloppy insides, each cock bigger than the one before.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene3-2.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>> Do you think she's still with us? She's so good at it, I'm not sure if it's me fucking her throat or her throat fucking my cock, ha! <</say>>
<<say>>Mmh... Haaah!~ Ngh...<</say>>
<<text>>You could barely tell what was going on at this point; your mind was lost completely in the ocean of never-ending extasy, both your throat and pussy put to their intended use.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I..." "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>All right, girl, we're almost at the end now... Just bear with me, agrh!..<</say>>
<<say>>Mmh... Nh~<</say>>
<<text>>The feeling of sudden emptiness, something you hadn't felt in what seemed like an eternity, washed over you as the last man pulled his discharged dick out of your cunt. You tried to tell him to stay, to keep you full a little longer. But all you could manage was a soft moan.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene3-3.mp4">>
<<say 'male'>>We fucked her good today... I bet none of us will forget this night anytime soon.<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Oh fuck..." Bar_RNG_Event1 0>><<set $stage to 3>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I didn't expect Barem to keep such a treasure all to himself, and yet here we are... <</say>>
<<say 'male'>>Serves him right, I'd say. So, how about we take a picture to commemorate an occasion?<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I'm in; just hold her straight for a moment!<</say>>
<<text>>Strong arms lift you to your feet, and the next thing you know, four fat cocks are being shoved roughly into your face, their wet girth slapping your cheeks and nose as you try to get a taste, drooling spit all over them.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/event13.jpg">>
<<say 'male'>>Ha-ha, now that's service worth a tip. Let's do her a favor, guys~<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I don't mind, but... Hey, look, she's about to faint!..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "..." "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "My head..." "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>> ..Oh man, I should really stop drinking like that. <</say>>
<<text>> Ignoring the ringing in your head, you rose from the sheets, finding yourself tucked in a soft bed. The dimness of the room suggested that you'd been here for some time, and the pleasant soreness in your loins gave hints of what might have happened before. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/event5.jpg">>
<<say>> The guys aren't around anymore either... <</say>>
<<say>> Well, at least I've got some prize money for myself, even if it was at the cost of walking around sore for a week~ <</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "+170">>
<<rewardP "Dignity Lost" "+1" dignityLost>>
<<if $BarEvent1 != 1>>
<<rewardP "Carouser" "+1" carouser>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Bar 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $cash to $cash+200, $dignityLost to 1>>
<<if $BarEvent1 != 1>>
<<set $carouser += 1, $BarEvent1 to 1>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<say>>Barem, are you okay? What happened?..<</say>>
<<text>>Still holding a glass, the man turned to you with an abstent look.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/bar/barem3.jpg">>
<<say "Barem">>Not much; just trying to figure out what is going on with my drink. I've made it a thousand times before, with all kinds of coffee, and yet this time, it just feels wrong.<</say>>
<<say>>So it's a coffee liquor... I see.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I can help you!" "01" 30 0 "40-300" "12:00-21:59" "Barista" 0>><</btns>>
<<btn "Go Back" Bar 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>I could try to help you out. I had my fair share of experience with coffee, you know?<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>That's so?..<</say>>
<<text>>With an inquisitive look, Barem studied your face before giving you a nod of approval.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>No foul in trying; go ahead.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Let's see..." "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Let's see now...<</say>>
<<text>>Taking the bottle, you examined it closely, your fingers tracing the faded label, before pouring it into the glass. Your movements were hesitant at first, but with enough delibiration, you knew you could make it.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/event4.jpg">>
<<say>>And adding coffee... that should be it.<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>Let me check.<</say>>
<<text>>Barem picked up the glass, swirling its contents, his eyes focused on its texture. He took a slow sip, savoring the flavors, before setting it down as you felt your heart sink. But then he smiled, satisfied completely.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>Not bad, $mcf. Not bad at all.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Barem Rep" "+2" baremRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Can I try some too?~" Barem_PornScene1 60 0 "40-300" "12:00-21:59" "Barem Lvl 1" 2>><<set $stage to 0>><<set $baremRep += 2>><</btn>>
<<btn "Leave" Bar 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $baremRep += 2>><</btn>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>Huh?.. But what is he doing in here, of all places...<</say>>
<<text>>Just as you approached the table, the well-dressed figure turned towards the sound of your voice, confirming your suspicions. It was none other than your school teacher, Christopher Cohen, enjoying a glass of one of Barem's most exquisite wines.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/bar/christopher0.jpg">>
<<say "Christopher">>Is that a familiar voice I hear? Long time no see, $mcf~<</say>>
<<say>>Oh, so it was you, Mr. Cohen.<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Huh, did not expect to stumble into one of my favourite students in a dingy bar like that. But, since we're both here, how about you join me for a drink or two?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "I think I'll pass" Bar 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<btns "Oh, I wouldn't mind~" "01" 60 0 "40-300" "12:00-21:59" "Christopher Lvl 2" 3>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Wouldn't your reputation take a hit if someone saw you wooing one of your students?~<</say>>
<<text>>Jokingly teasing the man, you sat on the velvet couch by his side, pouring yourself a glass of wine to match Christopher.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/drink3.jpg">>
<<say "Christopher">>Huh, I must say $mcf - outside of school, you seem much more relaxed. Did the work here help you that much?<</say>>
<<say>>Not quite; usually, I only feel comfortable when I'm around people I trust~<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>I am glad to hear that the feeling is mutual~ Cheers to that!<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Cheers~" Bar_RNG_Event3 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>>One glass was followed by another, and soon you found yourselves lost deep in all kinds of conversations, venting your frustrations and struggles of life to each other, like a good couple of drinking buddies would. <</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/bar/christopher1.jpg">>
<<say "Christopher">>...I really missed your company lately, $mcf. No one really gets me like you do.<</say>>
<<say>>Now this sounds like proper drunk talk~<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>No, I'm dead serious! Throughout all my years working as a teacher, you were the first student of mine with whom I've managed to make a real connection.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Aw, no way!" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Really? That's awfully nice of you to say...<</say>>
<<text>>Overcome with the warm feeling in your chest, you tried to hide your flustered cheeks from your teacher, hoping that he would mistake the growing redness for a sign of alcohol getting to you. <</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>I mean it, $mcf. And not just because we've got physical contact with each other. It was something bigger than that, it has to be.<</say>>
<<say>>How can you be so sure?<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Come on, I bet you can feel it too. That's why you decided to join me for a drink today, right?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Let me check~" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Hehe, maybe I did... But let's make sure of that~<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling the gravity pulling on you, you reached for the man's face, locking your lips in a long and needy kiss, the scent of alcohol tingling your nose as Christopher shuffled closer, his arms wrapping themselves around your slim waist.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/christopher2.jpg">>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "..." "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say "Christopher">>Oh, how I missed that look in your $eyes eyes.<</say>>
<<text>>It felt as time slowed down and the world around the two of you disappeared, as the only things left in existence were the palms of the man gliding along your curves. As they were getting lower and lower by the second, you tried to stop him before it was too late, but...<</text>>
<<say>>C-Christopher! No, not here; it's not allowed...<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Wasn't it what you wanted? Why else would you lead me on so hard?~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Even still!.." "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>M-maybe... But not in front of everyone; Barem will... Ah!..<</say>>
<<text>>Switly pushing your pants to the side, Christopher's fingers rubbed against your pink petals, spreading them gently, sending electric jolts down your spine, making you shiver in the needy desire to feel his cock inside you.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/christopher3.jpg">>
<<say>>Please, I want to feel you up too, but... Ngh!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Please..." "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>Please... <</say>>
<<text>>To your relief, Christopher decided to finally listen, taking his digits away from your slit, giving you a chance to recover composure. <</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>All right. Satisfied now?<</say>>
<<say>>Erm, not really... I already miss the feeling of you~ <</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>You can't be serious...<</say>>
<<say>>Oh, but I know what do to now, there is a place where we could continue; follow me!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "Lead Christopher into WC" Bar_RNG_Event3 0>><<set $stage to 2>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say>>Ah frick!.. I never thought I'd be doing it in the public toilet like a horny kid...<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Aren't you one, though?~<</say>>
<<text>>Before you could answer, the man caught you in a sloppy, lustful kiss. As your lips met, mashing against each other, you could barely contain yourself to remind Christopher that you could still be found out at any moment.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene2-0.mp4">>
<<say>>Nh!.. Shut up, just put it in already... Or do you like teasing me that much?<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Of course I do~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "You!.." "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>Meeting your fiery gaze, the man chuckled, pulling away to unbutton his shirt and pull down his trousers, revealing his raging boner. He then presses the head against your lower lips, forcing a moan full of anticipation from you.<</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>But, since you've been such a good student, I think I should spare you the trouble~<</say>>
<<text>>For a moment, the whole world went white as Christopher's penis slipped deep into your soaking wet pussy, the walls of it clinging tightly onto his girth, growing more comfortable with the sense of fullness with each new thrust.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene2-1.mp4">>
<<say>>G-god damn!.. Ah!<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Since we're... on a short... Fuck!.. It'll be quick, $mcf~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Yeah, I'm close already..." "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>I don't mind! Hah!..<</say>>
<<text>>Surrendering your will to alcohol and lust, you barely could contain your moans as Christopher's moves became rougher, his cock scratching all the right places inside you. For a moment, you question yourself if you were dominated by some kind of wild beast, but those thoughts quickly gave way to the mind-numbing extasy.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene2-2.mp4">>
<<say>>M-mh! Like that, yes!<</say>>
<<text>>You could feel the weight of his body behind the man's thrusts, each of them making your toes curl. A familiar sensation soon followed, with the world growing more distant while your connection to the body grew, before finally culminating in a powerful climax. <</text>>
<<say>>Ch-Chri... Ah-haa!.. Mh!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Are you... about to?.." "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say "Christopher">>Oh fuck, I'm about to...<</say>>
<<say>>Not inside! Let me help you out~<</say>>
<<text>>You stumbled to your knees, your slender fingers wrapped tightly around Christopher's girth, jerking it steadily as you smeared his copious pre-cum over your chest. The excitement you felt at the prospect of a facial in a public toilet almost made you doubt yourself, but...<</text>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene2-3.mp4">>
<<say "Christopher">>Fuuuck!.. Aaa-ha...<</say>>
<<text>>Now that the searing white heat had covered every inch of your pearly skin, you couldn't help but smile, finding joy in the fleeting moment of connection between the two of you, prompting you to wrap your lips around the thick cockhead once more, desperate to keep him by your side.<</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>Mh... Good girl~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Thanks~" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>Thank you for cumming and I hope to see you again~<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Now that would depend on whether you can keep this a secret. After all, I doubt your boss would like it if you were fucking on-clock.<</say>>
<<say>>Oh right, I've almost forgotten! I still have work to do...<</say>>
<<text>>Putting the sink to good use, you washed the sticky cum off your chest under the amused gaze of the man before you.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/shower2.jpg">>
<<say "Christopher">>It almost pains me to see you clean. My cum looked really good on you, you know?<</say>>
<<say>>All the more reasons for you to come visit me~<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<rewardP "Christopher Rep" "+8" christopherRep>>
<<if $BarEvent3 != 1>>
<<rewardP "Carouser" "+1" carouser>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "Leave" Bar 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $sanity to $sanity+20, $christopherRep to $christopherRep+8>>
<<if $BarEvent3 != 1>>
<<set $carouser += 1, $BarEvent3 to 1>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>Barmen? I'll have a glass of Irish Cream Baileys.<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>Good choice, coming right away~<</say>>
<<text>>The deft hand of the bartender did its magic before your eyes, and in a few moments, you were presented with an elexir of your choice. With a soft nod and a smile, you brought the drink to your lips, taking your first sip.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/drink0.jpg">>
<<say 'male'>>Did you enjoy it?<</say>>
<<text>>With an empy glass and a pleased smile plastered across your face, you felt a sense of liberation and release. This bar was your haven, in which you could embrace and enjoy the present moment in all its glory.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-20">>
<<rewardS "+35">>
<<rewardP "Heavy Drinker" "+1" heavyDrinker>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Bar 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $DrinkBlock == $dayCount>>
<<set $HDrinkBlock to $dayCount>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity+35, $DrinkBlock to $dayCount, $heavyDrinker to $heavyDrinker+1, $stage to undefined>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>I'll have another glass, please.<</say>>
<<text>>With a soft chuckle, the bartender obeyed your demand. The clink of ice cubes and a rhytmic shake of the coctail shaker hypnotized you for a while, and before long, a second drink poofed into existence.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/drink4.jpg">>
<<say 'male'>>How was this one?<</say>>
<<say>>Very good, thank you!~<</say>>
<<text>>The lights around you grew softer, casting gentle shadows that danced along the floor. In this moment of peace, you felt so happy that if any stranger came up and asked you for an offer, you would comply without a second thought.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-20">>
<<rewardS "+35">>
<<rewardP "Heavy Drinker" "+1" heavyDrinker>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Bar 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $DrinkBlock == $dayCount>>
<<set $HDrinkBlock to $dayCount>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity+35, $DrinkBlock to $dayCount, $heavyDrinker to $heavyDrinker+1, $stage to undefined>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>Let me get a little bit closer. I don't want anyone to overhear what I'm about to say...<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>Something secret, huh? You've got me curious.<</say>>
<<text>>Leaning over the bar table closer to Barem, you could smell the pleasant oudour of expensive perfume mixed with the sweetness of liquers coming from him, making your head feel spin.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/flirt.jpg">>
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue">Barem's Reputation :</span>
<span class="color-pink">level $baremRepLvl</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$baremRepBar' `$baremRep / $baremRepMax`>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $baremRep < $baremRepMax>>
<<plug "Deepen your Relationship" "Insufficient reputation with Barem" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<btns "Offer a Gift" "02" 15 0 0 "12:00-22:59" "Luxury Gift" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "Deepen your Relationship" "01" 60 0 0 "12:00-21:59" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<btn "Go Back" Bar 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>It's just... Well, I've noticed the way you look at me sometimes, and...<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling suddenly out of breath, you looked closely at Barem's face. To your surprise, he wasn't distraught by your words, but merely curious.<</text>>
<<say>>...I would like to know if that means that you like what you see.<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>And if I do like it?<</say>>
<<text>>There was a soft chuckle in the man's voice, hinting that he might be simply teasing you, not harbouring any feelings himself. Have you made a mistake? Had you been imagining the lust that was hidden behind his gaze?<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "..." "04" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<text>>No, you couldn't allow those doubts to cloud your vision, not when you had come so far.<</text>>
<<say>>I would... I'd be willing to give you a better look, whenever you like~<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>I like the sound of that~<</say>>
<<text>>There was a moment's silence as Barem's gaze traced your form, his gaze moving from your puffy lips to your plump chest and then down to your thighs, setting your loins ablaze.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>I'm not much of a sightseer, though. I prefer to be in the heat of the action, would that be all right with you?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Action?.." "05" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>Erm... Action? I..<</say>>
<<text>> The thought of taking someone of Barem's size was as exciting as it was terrifying.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>If you're so intimidated by the idea, you don't have to. I just thought I should make my intentions clear, that's all.<</say>>
<<text>>An image of your once tight hole being ravaged by the thick and sturdy black cock flashed before your eyes, making the angst subside momentarily, giving way to the all consuming need.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/bar/barem6.jpg">>
<<say>>I can take it!.. Ah, I mean, if I try hard enough that is... <</say>>
<<say "Barem">>Hah. In that case, what do you say we go to a place where we won't be interrupted? My office is down this corridor. It's not that big, but it shouldn't be too cramped for the two of us either.<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Follow Him" Barem_PornScene0 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>You know, I've been shopping recently and came across this little trinket. I thought you might like it, so...<</say>>
<<text>>Flustered by the end of the sentence, you awkwardly rummaged through your bag, pulling out a tightly knitted box and placing it before your boss.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/gift.jpg">>
<<say "Barem">>That's not something I was expecting today. What a pleasant surprise.<</say>>
<<text>>With a wide smile, Barem fidgeted with a box for a few seconds before storing it under the bar table. As you looked at him being truly happy for the first time in what felt like ages, you could feel the butterflies stir up in your chest, making it really hard to resist kissing him right here.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>You've just made my day, $mcf; I appreciate it a lot. If you ever need something, be sure to let me know, okay? I'll be more than happy to get you back.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Luxury Gift" "-1" luxuryGift>>
<<rewardP "Barem Rep" "+15" baremRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Hurray!" Bar 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $baremRep to $baremRep+15, $luxuryGift to $luxuryGift-1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>Let me get a little bit closer. I don't want anyone to overhear what I'm about to say...<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>Another secret, huh? You've got my attention.<</say>>
<<text>>Leaning over the bar table closer to Barem, you could smell the pleasant oudour of expensive perfume mixed with the sweetness of liquers coming from him, taking your world for a spin.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/flirt.jpg">>
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue">Barem's Reputation :</span>
<span class="color-pink">level $baremRepLvl</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$baremRepBar' `$baremRep / $baremRepMax`>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $baremRepLvl is 1>>
<<if $baremRep < $baremRepMax>>
<<plug "Deepen your Relationship" "Insufficient reputation with Barem" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<btns "Offer a Gift" "02" 15 0 0 "12:00-22:59" "Luxury Gift" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "Deepen your Relationship" "03" 90 0 "40-300" "12:00-21:59" Fanservice 4>><</btns>>
<<if $sexBlock != $dayCount>>
<<btn "I'll wait in the office~" Barem_PornScene0 60 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<plug "Let me suck you off~" "Your body is too sore from all the sex you've been having" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<if $sexBlock != $dayCount>>
<<btn "I'll wait in the office~" Barem_PornScene0 60 0 0 "12:00-21:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<btn "Call your friends. Let's have some fun!" Barem_PornScene3 90 0 0 "12:00-21:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<plug "I'll wait in the office~" "Your body is too sore from all the sex you've been having" 60 0>><</plug>>
<<plug "Call your friends. Let's have some fun!" "Your body is too sore from all the sex you've been having" 90 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Go Back" Bar 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say $mc>> Hey! <</say>>
<<img "uptown/beach/house1.jpg">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Fuck Fuck" Barem_PornScene1 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>You know, I've been shopping recently and came across this little trinket. I thought you might like it, so...<</say>>
<<text>>Flustered by the end of the sentence, you awkwardly rummaged through your bag, pulling out a tightly knitted box and placing it before your boss.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/gift.jpg">>
<<say "Barem">>That's not something I was expecting today. What a pleasant surprise.<</say>>
<<text>>With a wide smile, Barem fidgeted with a box for a few seconds before storing it under the bar table. As you looked at him being truly happy for the first time in what felt like ages, you could feel the butterflies stir up in your chest, making it really hard to resist kissing him right here.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>You've just made my day, $mcf; I appreciate it a lot. If you ever need something, be sure to let me know, okay? I'll be more than happy to get you back.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Luxury Gift" "-1" luxuryGift>>
<<rewardP "Barem Rep" "+15" baremRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Hurray!" Bar 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $baremRep to $baremRep+15, $luxuryGift to $luxuryGift-1>><</btn>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Actually, it's not about my secrets this time. It's about yours~<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>Oh, really now. I have quite a few secrets to my name, so you'd have to be more specific than that.<</say>>
<<text>>Grinning, the black man looked deep into your eyes, his brows slightly squinting. Pulling closer, you couldn't resist, but you ran your fingers through his short hair, smiling in return.<</text>>
<<say>>Well, remember back when I asked you to be my sutor? You had a few stipulations before agreeing to it? You mentioned that you might ask me about a few favors down the line, but you never did.<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>Go on...<</say>>
<<say>>I mean, you did so much for me and helped with so many things... It's only natural that I want to repay that kindness in turn, right?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Just tell me" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>I can do whatever you want me to do; you know I can. I am no longer that awfully shy girl who could barely keep her eyes on you. Wouldn't you agree?<</say>>
<<text>>After a few moments of deliberation, Barem gave you a satisfied nod.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>You're still as timid as they come, $mc. But you did gain some confidence when compared to before, that's for certain. And that makes me feel confident in you as well.<</say>>
<<text>>Your cheeks went ablaze in an instant from an unexpected compliment, and your heart skipped a few beats. It took you a few long seconds to regain your composure before you could turn back to face the black man.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>$mc, believe me when I say that I wouldn't approach you with this unless you asked for it. But since you did, here it goes. <</say>>
<<say "Barem">>The thing is, I need someone I can trust to entertain the old group I used to run with before they all went to jail. I got news that a few days ago they'd gotten out, so naturally it falls on me to make up to them for the lost time.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "You can trust me" "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>Oh, I see. But wouldn't it be better if you just picked up a few girls from the street instead? After all, I'm sure they would prefer to have more than one girl for the entire evening.<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>First of all, my boys are big, and I'm talking about my size. What's more, they like to play rough. But I also know you can manage them. After all, the way you deal with groups so far is nothing short of spectacular. <</say>>
<<say "Barem">>And more importantly, I know that you would never forgive me if I let someone else get railed with their fat cocks instead of you.<</say>>
<<text>>Caught off guard by the man's flirting, you felt a surge of excitement run through your veins, evaporating all of your worries away.<</text>>
<<say>>Well, I wouldn't put it like that, but... What you've said does sound exciting to me~<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>This is exactly what I had hoped to hear from you. Now you can go and relax while I'll make a couple of calls. Consider my bar to be our private haven for the rest of the day.<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Okay!" Barem_PornScene3 0>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<say>>It's so dim, how do you even work in here?..<</say>>
<<text>>As you looked around the office, you heard the door close behind you. Turning to follow the sound, you saw Barem unbuttoning his shirt, eagirly waiting for you to join him.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/barOffice.jpg">>
<<say "Barem">>What are you standing for? I thought I'd made my expectations of you crystal clear.<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing you staring, the man smirked, taking a few steps closer to you, his prominent bulge coming to light, shoking you with its size.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>Don't tell me you're ready to give up~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'm good!" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>S-sorry! Didn't expect you to be THAT big, that's all~<</say>>
<<text>>Hastely getting to your knees, your nimble fingers battled against Barem's belt for a few long moments before finally sliding the pants down alongside the boxers.<</text>>
<<say>>My God!..<</say>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene0-0.mp4">>
<<text>>Barely containing your excitment before the challenge, your fingers curled around the lengthy shaft of the black man, pulling away the foreskin revealing his bulbous cockhead. Not willing to wait any longer, your tongue connected with the tip, savoring the salty taste as you pushed herself onto its girth.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>Nice start... Good girl.<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Do it~" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<text>>With your teeth out of the way, Barem's dick plunged between your pink lips, rolling over her tongue as you did your best to stimulate it with the vigor intrinsic to any young girl of your age. Feeling the hotness of your mouth, even Barem couldn't help but let out a growl.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>Oh yes!.. Damn, you're better than I'd expected.<</say>>
<<say>>Mh-ha~ Hurp...<</say>>
<<text>>You felt the rising tension in the man's thighs, but just as you decided to try and take more of his girth past your lips, Barem swiftly pulled out, leaving you confused.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "What's wrong?" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Erm, did I do something wrong?..<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>It's the opposite, baby. From where I'm from, the girls come first, so get on the table, will you?<</say>>
<<say>>Oh! Sure~<</say>>
<<text>>Having swiftly stripped from your clothes, leaving only the erotic lingerie you happened to be wearing, the next second you found yourself on the barem's office table, spreading your needy pussy before his black cock, mewling in anticipation.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/barem5.jpg">>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'm waiting~" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say "Barem">>Let's ease you in first~<</say>>
<<text>>With a cry escaping your lips, you felt Barem's cock-head slipping inside, spreading your tight walls apart. A spark flew before your weary eyes as you bit on your finger, trying to quelch the lewd sounds coming from your mouth.<</text>>
<<say>>Aaah!.. Ngh! Mh...<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>Nice and easy, here we go~<</say>>
<<say>>Ah! It's so good! Nha~<</say>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene0-1.mp4">>
<<text>>The man was putting more weight behind his thrusts now, forcing hisses of primal satisfaction out of you, the ones tutning into a mewl as he drew back—only to moan even louder as he plunged back a second later, filling you up fully.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>Get on top of me, baby. It'll feel nicer that way.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'll try~" "06" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<say>>Ah, I'm melting! I'm melting away!.. Ah!<</say>>
<<text>>With a growl, you plunged yourself from the top, down onto the massive cock of this beast of a man, as he pumped into you, spreading your pink petals.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>Oh yeah, I can feel it... Go on!<</say>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene0-2.mp4">>
<<text>>Your muscles tensed up, and you could feel your thighs tremble as his shaft, sticky with your juices, pressed itself against your womb, hilting the cervix with enough force to leave you breathless—coaxing a throaty groan out of you at the moment of your climax.<</text>>
<<say>>Mgh!.. Aaaah!.. Fuuuuck~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "It's so good!" "07" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 7>>
<<say "Barem">>And now- Grh, my turn!<</say>>
<<text>>Placing you down onto your knees, the black man took a hold of your hair, shoving his dick into your face. Eager to please, you curled it tightly, showering its tip and length with kisses.<</text>>
<<say>>You have such a great cock! Oh my God~<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>Tighter!.. Fuck! Agh!..<</say>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene0-3.mp4">>
<<text>>And then he peaked, screaming aloud as his seed spilled across your burning face, every twitch and throb of his cock shaking your hands that could barely hold it place, until a final few ropes of cum erupted, eliciting a hot moan from your throat.<</text>>
<<say>>Mhg~ So hot...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Did you like it?" "08" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 8>>
<<say>>How was it? Tell me~<</say>>
<<text>>With a final smooch over his cockhead, you let your grip go, swiping the sticky ropes of semen away from your face. With a grunt, Barem glanced at the fruits of his labor before turning away to pick up his clothes.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>Fucking amazing, that's how. You did well, far beyond my wildest imaginations.<</say>>
<<say>>Yuppie! I'm so happy to hear that~<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>Just make sure to clean yourself before walking into the main hall, okay? Our customers would lose their shit if they saw something so hot right now—I might end up busting a skull or two trying to reign them in.<</say>>
<<say>>Sure thing~<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $baremRepLvl is 0>>
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<rewardP "Barem Rep" "+3" baremRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Bar 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $baremRepLvl is 0>><<set $sanity to $sanity +20>><<set $baremRep to 0>><<set $baremRepLvl to 1>><<notify 4.5s>>Your bond with Barem has advanced to the next level!<</notify>><<else>><<set $baremRep to $baremRep+3>><<if $dailySex is 1>><<set $sexBlock to $dayCount>><</if>><<set $dailySex to 1>><</if>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>Oh! Now I want to try it!~<</say>>
<<text>>Your eyes were glued to the coctail before you; it's smell is arousing you in more ways than one. Barem shook his shoulders, giving it some thought.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/beach/drink3.jpg">>
<<say "Barem">>I feel the need to let you know this first - this potion is my special recipe, rumored to open any lock in a woman's heart. Are you sure this is something you're willing to risk?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I don't mind~" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Sure, that sounds fun! Besides, I don't mind sharing my secrets with you~<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>That's so? Feel free to go ahead, then.<</say>>
<<text>>With a smile, you took a little sip, noticing a funny bubbling texture stinging the tip of your tongue in a pleasant way, reminding you of champagne. Surprised, you looked over at Barem, noticing a faint smile on his lips.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>How are you feeling so far?<</say>>
<<say>>It's so weird. I like it though~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'm feeling really hot..." "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>But, uhm... It's getting hot here. Maybe we should move somewhere else, closer to AC?<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>Reasonable suggestion. Let's move to the VIP zone; it should be empty today.<</say>>
<<text>>The rising heat, now coupled with the spreading fog that clouded your mind, made it a little difficult to talk straight, but you couldn't stop blabbering as you followed behind Barem.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/lounge.jpg">>
<<say>>You know, I really appreciate how well you've been taking care of me. Like, I don't know. You're just so sweet, tough, and buff... I feel so safe when you're around.<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>That's so?.. Here, $mcf, this way.<</say>>
<<text>>Barem repeated himself dully, inviting you to come and sit down on a couch. <</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Mhm~" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say "Barem">>Feel any better?<</say>>
<<text>>Coming closer to Barem, you smiled, getting a whiff of his man-scent mixed up with expencive perfume.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/bar/barem1.jpg">>
<<say>>I do... You smell so nice today~<</say>>
<<text>>At this point, the rising heat was almost unbearable, and you could feel your legs shaking as your eyes glided along his muscular figure, stopping around his crotch, reminding you of the fun times you've had in his office.<</text>>
<<say>>Can I suck you off right now?.. Pretty please~<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>..Go ahead.<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "I love your cock!~" Barem_PornScene1 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>Yay! You won't regret it~<</say>>
<<text>>Leaning forward, you felt his oh so kissable tip touching against your pinkish lips as you gave a big smooched to his cock-head, coaxing a surprised qoo out of the man's lips.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene1-0.mp4">>
<<say "Barem">>H-ha...<</say>>
<<say>>You liked it? I'm glad~<</say>>
<<text>>With a giggle, you angled his cock properly, and after taking a steep breath in, you took as much of its girth as you could, pursing your tender lips around his cock-crown, sucking it roughly to the beat of the music thumping rhythmically in the background.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>Oh fuck... You're feeling okay? $mcf?..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "H-huh?.." "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "..." "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Where am... Ah- Huh!~<</say>>
<<text>>The next thing you knew, you were laden on the bed with your legs spread wide, with Barem leaning over you as he thrust his cock into the depths of your pussy, making you cry out in glee.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene1-1.mp4">>
<<say "Barem">>Came to your senses, huh? Not for long, I'm afraid~<</say>>
<<text>>Your insides clamped around the man's cock tightly, the feelings sharper than ever, as he accidentally bottomed out inside of you, forcing the lewdest squares out of your throat, almost biting your tongue, as you felt his needy cock grinding and humping against your hot cervix.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Harder~" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Fuck me... Fuck me!- Ah-a!~<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>Hold tight!<</say>>
<<text>>Taken aback by the increase in the man's tempo, you could hear a strangled gasp escaping your throat as continuous spasms danced along your spine. Clutching at cooler sections of sheets, you were pinned down by the beast, your thoughts few, and the orgasms everlasting.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene1-2.mp4">>
<<say>>Aaahh!.. I ca- Ngh!~<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>Like this, yes! Gh!..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "It's so good!" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say "Barem">>I'm about to...<</say>>
<<say>>No, don't you dare waste it this time!..<</say>>
<<text>>With a hungry cry, you lunged yourself onto the twitching cock, gobbling it's bursting girth as deep as you could, pushing him over the edge with your pull, before finally letting him peak, busting his sticky load all the way down your throat, almost making you choke.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene1-3.mp4">>
<<say "Barem">>Fuck! Oh yeah, baby!.. I didn't know you could take all that...<</say>>
<<say>>Kha... Don't think—phah, we're not finished yet~<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>You serious?.. Oh shit, you're crazy~ $mcf?..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "M-huh?.." "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "..." "06" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<say>>Mghm~ W-where am I now?..<</say>>
<<text>>With a fresh breath, you rose from the sheets and found yourself in a soft bed. The dimness of the room suggested that you'd been here for some time, and the pleasant soreness in your loins gave hints of what might have happened before. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/event5.jpg">>
<<say>>So weird, I can't remember anything after Barem came... But it seems like we've had a lot of fun~<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<rewardP "Barem Rep" "+3" baremRep>>
<<if $BarEvent2 != 1>>
<<rewardP "Carouser" "+1" carouser>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Bar 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity +20>><<set $baremRep to $baremRep+3, $stage to undefined>>
<<if $BarEvent2 != 1>>
<<set $carouser += 1, $BarEvent2 to 1>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Nothing bad will happen if I'll sit down here for a bit~<</say>>
<<text>>Finding a brief respite on a weathered wooden bench, you breathed in the fresh air and simply sat there, captivated by the surrounding beauty.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/park/park1.jpg">>
<<say>>It sure feels nice to catch a break once in a while. But I still have work left to do!<</say>>
<<text>>Satisfied with this small detour, you felt well rested, with your mind acting steady and your anxieties gone.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+10">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Park 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $sanity to $sanity +10>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>I can already feel my muscles itching for an exercise~<</say>>
<<text>>A cheerful chirping accompanied your preparations as you checked the water and thoroughly warmed up your muscles in order to avoid any potential complications.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/park/run3.jpg">>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Start Running" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Seems like everything is fine and ready~ It's time for me to put in 100% of effort!<</say>>
<<text>>The feeling of your senses coming to life as you began your run made you smile in joy and pick up the pace even further. The sound of your footsteps created a steady rhythm that was so easy for you to follow.<</text>>
<<set $PictureRNG to random(0,2)>>
<<if $PictureRNG is 0>>
<<img "downtown/park/run0.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 1>>
<<img "downtown/park/run1.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 2>>
<<img "downtown/park/run2.jpg">>
<<text>>About half an hour of passionate jogging later, you felt your breath become unsteady as the exhaustion began taking its toll on your muscles, forcing you to gradually slow down to a walk.<</text>>
<<say>>I can't... Go on... Haah...<</say>>
<<text>>But, despite feeling thoroughly exhausted, you knew that this run was a big success, stewardening your physique and shaving off any unwanted fat. <<if $freshjordansPerk === 1>> <<color>> And the new running shoes you've bought were a big factor in aiding that! <</color>><</if>><</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-25">>
<<if $freshjordansPerk != 1>>
<<if $feeblebodyPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Feeble Body" "+1" feebleBody>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Everyday Body" "+1" everydayBody>>
<<rewardP "Stalwart Body" "+1" stalwartBody>>
<<if $feeblebodyPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Feeble Body" "+2" feebleBody>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Everyday Body" "+2" everydayBody>>
<<rewardP "Stalwart Body" "+2" stalwartBody>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Park 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity-25>>
<<if $freshjordansPerk != 1>>
<<if $feeblebodyPerk != 1>>
<<set $feebleBody to $feebleBody+1>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk != 1>>
<<set $everydayBody to $everydayBody+1>>
<<set $stalwartBody to $stalwartBody+1>>
<<if $feeblebodyPerk != 1>>
<<set $feebleBody to $feebleBody+2>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk != 1>>
<<set $everydayBody to $everydayBody+2>>
<<set $stalwartBody to $stalwartBody+2>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say $mc>> Hey! <</say>>
<<img "downtown/park/event0.jpg">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+10">>
<<rewardC "-10">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Park 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say $mc>> Hey! <</say>>
<<img "downtown/park/event1.jpg">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+10">>
<<rewardC "-10">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Park 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say $mc>> Hey! <</say>>
<<img "downtown/park/event2.jpg">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+10">>
<<rewardC "-10">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Park 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>Erm, hi! I've happened to overhear your conversation. You are looking for a model, right?<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Oh?!<</say>>
<<text>>Upon hearing those words, the man jumped, turning his attention away from the woman he was just talking to in an instant.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/park/event3.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Whoa, what a beautiful lady you are... You must be a professional model!<</say>>
<<say>>In a way, yes. I'm not sure if I would go as far as calling myself a professional, though...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "My name is $mcf" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Anyway, my name is $mcf.<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Very good; you can call me Dean. <</say>>
<<text>>Giving you a courteous bow, the man invited you to sit on a nearby park bench before continuing with a passion intrinsic to any creative. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/park/event4.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>So, as you might've heard already, as a lead producer on the show "Public Agent," I am looking for a new starring model for my project. I'm sure you've heard of my studio, right?<</say>>
<<say>>Erm, sorry, I don't. But you said you were a producer?<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I did.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "But, why me?" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Oh, don't get me wrong, it's not that you don't look the part... I'm simply surprised that you would want me, that's all.<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I'm searching for a nice-looking girl—the one who is not going to get shy in front of the camera lens. And I must say, you seem to be meeting both of those criteria.<</say>>
<<text>>His words reminded you of the first time you tried to snap a selfie for your followers. About how much you struggled back then, shaking from the embarrassment after each shot. But those times were long behind you.<</text>>
<<say>>Yes, I know what you mean. I don't really get shy anymore, at least not as much anyway.<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>That's the spirit! So, $mcf, would you be interested in working with me? I'm ready to pay you right away! Here, to prove that I'm telling you the truth, you can count the money right away.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "I'll pass" Park 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<btns "Take the money" "03" 60>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<text>>Taking the fat wad of cash from the man's hand, you carefully recounted the amount of banknotes within it, your eyes widening as you realized the amount of money you were just given.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/money.jpg">>
<<say>>W-wait! This can't be right; there's at least a thousand dollars in here... <</say>>
<<text>>Noticing your reluctance in the face of such sudden generosity, Dean smiled, took a step forward, and flipped some sort of switch on his camera.<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Yes, there is. And it's yours, as long as you are willing to follow the script.<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "+1000">>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Sure, what do you want me to do?" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>I see... And what would you want me to do now?<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>You can start slowly by simply showing me something. I, in turn, will take a quick photo for the cover.<</say>>
<<say>>Oh, you must mean like my... Ehem, well, I could show you my tits, I guess. Would that be okay?<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Yes, let me see these puppies~<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Take off your blouse" Park_RNG_Event3 0>>
<<set $stage to 2>>
<<if $ParkEvent3 != 1>>
<<set $cash to $cash+1000>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>Hi Dean~ I was looking for you.<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Oh?<</say>>
<<text>>Upon hearing your voice, the man jumped, turning his attention away from the woman he was just talking to in an instant.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/park/event3.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>$mc! Looking for me? Ha-ha, I wonder why...<</say>>
<<say>>You know, I was taking a stroll through the park, and... I just want to feel that excitement again. Would you mind helping me out? ~<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I hope you know that I can't pay you this time. Sorry, but I doubt anyone would buy the same film twice.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "Oh, nevermind then" Park 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<btns "I don't care about the money" "01" 60>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>I don't care. All I want is to have fun!<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Oh-ho, in this case, I will gladly accept your offer. Come here...<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Take off your blouse" Park_RNG_Event3 0>><<set $stage to 2>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say>>Ha-ha, well... Okay~<</say>>
<<text>>Letting loose your tightly knitted blouse, you hesitate for a moment before allowing your plentiful breasts to spill out in front of the man's eyes, prompting him to snap a few photos with his camera.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/park/video/Scene1-0.mp4">>
<<say>>What do you think? Do you like them?~<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I love them. You're a beautiful lady, $mcf.<</say>>
<<text>>A surge of excitement ran along your spine as you noticed a clueless passerby walking a few hundred feet before you. Not wasting any time, you winked at Dean, pulling him deeper into the bushes.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Now show me yours~" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Now that we're out of the way... How about you show me something too? Pull your pants down; I want to see~<</say>>
<<text>>Eager to continue, you tugged on the man's belt, helping him to pull down his pants. With his cock flopping free out of its confindes, your fingers curled around it's long shaft as you started to shower it's tip with kisses.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/park/video/Scene1-1.mp4">>
<<say>>Let me get you all nice and wet.<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Oh, fuck me!.. You're so good at this...<</say>>
<<say>>Tee-he~ I'm trusting that you can hold a bit longer, yeah?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Fuck my butt!" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Fuck!.. You taste so good that I just can't hold myself anymore!<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a step back, you turned around, leaning over the nearest parked car while rubbing your needy ass against a man's giant cock. Fiered up by your enthusiasm, Dean took a firm hold of your behind before ripping your jeans open, sending electric jolts down your back as his penis finally entered your sex.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/park/video/Scene1-2.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>God, you're tight! Fuck!<</say>>
<<say>>And you're so fricking big! Ah, keep slamming my pussy, yes!..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Let me ride you..." "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Oh!.. I'm almost there! Ngh!..<</say>>
<<text>>The rising sensations kept you both moving in a trance, the wet sounds of sex clapping against each other. Moving like that, it was only natural that your shorts soon became a liability and were thrown away to the side, letting you go all the way down on this magnifecent cock.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/park/video/Scene1-3.mp4">>
<<say>>Do you like the view?.. I've seen you point that camera at me this entire time~<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Fuck, I do! I'm not letting a second of it go to waste... You deserve to be seen.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Oh yeah?.." "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>Ngh!.. Yes!<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>To be praised and enjoyed by many... To be the most famous slut on the network!<</say>>
<<say>>Yesss!.. Oh frick, I can feel you throbbing inside me!.. You're ready to do it?..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Cum for me~" "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I'm... Let me cum on your tits! Your beautiful... Argh!<</say>>
<<say>>Sure, I'll help you out~<</say>>
<<text>>The slippery dick was too big for your hand, forcing you to go akimbo on it, your palms rubbing and kneeding on it's thick cockhead, slobbering your spit and pussy juices all over it. Progressively louder moans escaped past men's lips, and before you knew it, you felt the hot sperm hitting your face and breasts, dripping down in its hot abundance. <</text>>
<<video "downtown/park/video/Scene1-4.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Oh yeah, baby. Fuuuck!<</say>>
<<say>>My God! You have so much cum in you... Let me make it all better.<</say>>
<<text>>Determined to make it feel even better, your pink tongue ran across the man's sensitive tip, torturing him with pleasure as you drained every little drop of semen from his balls. <</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Mmh..." "06" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<say>>Phew! This was... amazing. I missed feeling this excitement.<</say>>
<<text>>Wiping away the smeared cum from your breasts and face with a napkin generously provided by Dean, you smiled to yourself, enjoying the freeing sensation of wind blowing against your naked skin.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/cleaning.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Girl, you're something else! You make me wish I could take you as a full time actress, and trust me, I don't say to every girl I shoot.<</say>>
<<say>>Really?.. That means that... You think that I could make it big as an adult star?<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I wouldn't be surprised if you did. The energy you eradiate during sex, the way you move your butt - it's nothing short of spectacular. It is one thing to fuck well, but fucking in such a way that it looks just as good from the side - that's some real talent.<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Remember my name, in case you decide to audition for a studio in Uptown. I might look unasuming, but having my recommendation should be more than enough to get you in. <</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $ParkEvent3 != 1>>
<<rewardP "Explorer" "+1" explorer>>
<<rewardP "Public Agent" "+1" publicAgent>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "Leave" Park 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $publicAgent to 1>>
<<if $ParkEvent3 != 1>>
<<set $explorer += 1, $ParkEvent3 to 1>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<say 'male' 'p'>>If I knew she was so easygoing, I'd invite some of my other boys too...<</say>>
<<text>>As the sounds of human voices intensified, you meandered along the winding path, your eyes occasionally glancing up at the vibrant landscape around you, creating a sense of mysterious excitement.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/park/event4.jpg">>
<<say 'male'>>Nah, man, three is the magic number. Am I right, Jecka?<</say>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Mh... Huff~<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "It's getting closer" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>And just as you rounded the corner, the mystery finally paid off, and your attention was suddenly snatched by an enthralling sight.<</text>>
<<say 'male'>>Oh yeah, you slut, move your ass!.. Like this, hell yeah!<</say>>
<<text>>The image of a teenage girl being ravaged by hard cocks from all sides captivated your mind as you watched three men move in unison, their considerable mahood filling up the once tight holes of a student to the brim.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/park/video/Scene0-0.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>And don't forget about me; keep sucking, girl!<</say>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Sure thing, buddy~ Mhm!..<</say>>
<<text>>She wasn't complaining, though; she was lost in a trance of pleasure, her face so sweet that you could barely stop yourself from coming out and joining the group.<</text>>
<<say>>Oh wow, I wish I was invited to hikes like this... Mgh, pleasing three men at once is something I've never thought about before~<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $ParkEvent4 != 1>>
<<rewardP "Explorer" "+1" explorer>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Park 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $ParkEvent4 != 1>>
<<set $explorer += 1, $ParkEvent4 to 1>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Okay, it looks like no one will be bothering me for a while. That means I should focus on my studies for once~<</say>>
<<text>>Having found a quiet corner all to yourself, you nested in a comfortable chair, immediately put in a cozy embrace by the surrounding environment. And with your academic materials spread out before you, you delved into the realm of knowledge.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/study0.jpg">>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Keep Reading" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Mhm, I understand now...<</say>>
<<text>>Without interruption from the outside world, the time flew by quickly, and soon you found your focus shift, wavering from the mental and physical exhaustion. With a natural reaction of stretching your limbs, you smiled, welcoming a warm and fuzzy feeling of the blood coarsing through your stiffened shoulders.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/study2.jpg">>
<<say>>That was a good session. I can feel my brain expanding already!<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-25">>
<<if $dimmindPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Dim Mind" "+1" dimMind>>
<<elseif $ordinarymindPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Ordinary Mind" "+1" ordinaryMind>>
<<rewardP "Sharp Mind" "+1" sharpMind>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Library 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity-25>>
<<if $dimmindPerk != 1>>
<<set $dimMind to $dimMind+1>>
<<elseif $ordinarymindPerk != 1>>
<<set $ordinaryMind to $ordinaryMind+1>>
<<set $sharpMind to $sharpMind+1>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $SleepAidBook > 3>>
<<set $SleepAidBook to 0>>
<<if $KylieMet != 1>>
<<say>>Oof. This reminds me of my middle-school class room way too much.<</say>>
<<text>>Stepping through the door leading to the archive section, your senses were assaulted by the sickly, distorting light eminted by the fluorescent bulbs humming softly somewhere overhead.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/books.jpg">>
<<say>>Let's see if I can find anything useful here...<</say>>
<<text>>Unsurprisingly, the shelves were full of fantasy and romantic literature, each book more melodramatic than the last. And as you moved from shelf to shelf, it became clear that it would take hours to go through them all before finding anything useful. <</text>>
<<say>>Gosh darn it, it's all a bunch of rubbish.<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Welp..." ReadABook 0 0 0>><<set $KylieMet to 1>><</btn>>
<<say 'Kylie'>>Can I help you with something, young miss? <</say>>
<<text>>A fine looking woman in her mid 20s appeared from behind one of the shelves, armed with a notebook in her hand. She spoke in a soft, reassuring voice.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/library/kylie0.jpg">>
<<say 'Kylie'>>Sorry, I've been too busy lately to organise all the shelves by myself, so they're a bit of a mess.<</say>>
<<text>>She smiles warmly, nodding towards the bookshelve on her right.<</text>>
<<say 'Kylie'>>But, I can tell you the name of every single book that I've put on these shelves from memory. So please - don't be afraid to bother me by asking where to get started.<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $SleepAidBook is undefined>>
<<if $BookReadDaily isnot $dayCount>>
<<btns "I need help to improve my sleep" "01" 45 0 0 "10:00-18:59" 0 1>><</btns>>
<<plug "I need help to improve my sleep" "Your brain is already overloaded with knowledge" 45 0>><</plug>>
<<if $homeostasisPerk isnot 1>>
<<if $BookReadDaily isnot $dayCount>>
<<btn "Read 'Sleep for Dummies'" SleepAidBook 45 0 0 "10:00-18:59" 0 1>><<set $SleepAidBook += 1, $BookReadDaily to $dayCount>><</btn>>
<<plug "Read 'Sleep for Dummies" "Your brain is already overloaded with knowledge" 45 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Read through 'Sleep for Dummies' again" SleepAidBook 45 0 0 "10:00-18:59" 0 1>><<set $SleepAidBook += 1>><</btn>>
<<if $SexEdBook is undefined>>
<<if $BookReadDaily isnot $dayCount>>
<<btns "How can I improve my sex life?" "03" 45 0 0 "10:00-18:59" 0 3>><</btns>>
<<plug "How can I improve my sex life?" "Your brain is already overloaded with knowledge" 45 0>><</plug>>
<<if $kamasutraPerk isnot 1>>
<<if $BookReadDaily isnot $dayCount>>
<<btn "Watch an episode of 'SexEd'" ReadSexEd 45 0 0 "10:00-18:59" 0 3>><<set $SexEdBook += 1, $BookReadDaily to $dayCount>><</btn>>
<<plug "Watch an episode of 'SexEd'" "Your brain is already overloaded with knowledge" 45 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Re-watch an episode of 'SexEd'" ReadSexEd 45 0 0 "10:00-18:59" 0 3>><<set $SexEdBook += 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" Library 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Um, sure. <</say>>
<<text>>You pause for a moment, thinking of the best way to describe your current predicament. The librarian waits patiently with a calm smile, letting you know that you can take as much time as you need.<</text>>
<<say>>So here's the thing, recently I've been taking my life more seriously and taking on more responsibility for myself, but it's resulted in a new issue: I end up waking up tired every morning.<</say>>
<<say>>And this has been stressing me out even further, making my sleep even worse. That's why I'm looking for a book that can help me to wind down and get to sleep easier.<</say>>
<<text>>The librarian, began to rattle through her notebook at an incredible speed, far faster than you could ever imagine. Clearly, she was someone with many years of experience under her belt.<</text>>
<<say 'Kylie'>>I feel for you, sweetie. I had similar problems a couple of years ago when I was fresh out of college. Let me see if I can find something for you-<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'll wait!" "02" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say 'Kylie'>>There it is! One second please.<</say>>
<<text>>For a moment, the woman disappeared behind the bookshelves, leaving you on your own. But before you had a chance to complain, she had already returned with a small book in her hand.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/library/book0.jpg">>
<<say 'Kylie'>>Have a good read, I hope it works for you as it did for me!<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Read 'Sleep for Dummies'" SleepAidBook 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $SleepAidBook to 1, $BookReadDaily to $dayCount>><</btn>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Okay, now how do I put it?.. Erm.<</say>>
<<text>>Blushing with embarrassment, you just stand there for a hot minute, all kinds of thoughts racing through your head, until finally, you summon the courage to speak out loud.<</text>>
<<say>>You see, I've recently started seeing someone and... Um, I'm not sure if I'm doing everything right when it comes to 'that'.<</say>>
<<say>>So I was hoping to find some literature to educate myself on the matter of... Erm, let's say "having intercourse in the best way possible". I know it sounds silly, but-<</say>>
<<text>>Fearing the ridicule you would receive for daring to ask about such a taboo subject, you simply lowered your head and looked at the ground. But to your surprise, instead of words of contempt, you were met wth affirmation.<</text>>
<<say 'Kylie'>>Don't worry, I wound never laugh at someone who's striving to get better at something. There's no shame in it, not at all. <</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Really?.." "04" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>You mean that?..<</say>>
<<say 'Kylie'>>Of course I do. <</say>>
<<say 'Kylie'>>But sadly, when it comes to the literature of that kind, I'm afraid the library will be of no help to you. Or at least that's what they would want me to say~ <</say>>
<<text>>The woman winked at you before disappearing behind the bookshelves again. For a while, all you could hear was her voice, punctuated by the occasional sound of falling books.<</text>>
<<say 'Kylie'>>Give me a few more minutes, honey. I know I've got it hidden somewhere in here-<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'm waiting!" "05" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say 'Kylie'>>Aha! I knew it was here!<</say>>
<<text>>The woman returned with a triumphant smile. She was holding a small book which, on closer inspection, turned out to be an old DVD case with a funny illustration on top of it.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/library/book1.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh wow, thank you!<</say>>
<<text>>But before you could get a hold of it, the librarian snatched it out of your hands. You could see her cheeks flush as she looked back at you, biting into her lip.<</text>>
<<say 'Kylie'>>Ehem. Please promise me that you'll use this DVD only for learning purposes and only within the vicinity of the library.<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "I promise!" ReadSexEd 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $ReadSexEd to 1, $SexEdBook to 1, $BookReadDaily to $dayCount>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $LiyaMet != 1>>
<<say>>Huh, so few familiar faces... I thought there would be a lot more people studying before the exams.<</say>>
<<text>>Upon reaching the second floor of the library, you were instantly enveloped in the tranquil atmosphere of a half-empty study. The silence was thick, only occasionally broken by the murmur of students and the sound of pens scribbling notes on papers.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/library1.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh, Liya is here today! Ah, she's just as hardworking as always, although it seems that something is bothering her...<</say>>
<<text>>As you took a step closer to the desk your classmate was sitting behind, you heard a frustated whisper come from Liya's lips.<</text>>
<<say "Liya">>Dang it, I can't do this anymore! Christopher was right—I have no hope of getting into a decent college, so why am I even trying?..<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Walk up to Liya" LiyaTalk 0 0 0>><<set $LiyaMet to 1>><</btn>>
<<say>>Hi Liya! I hear you have problems~<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>Oh!.. That's you, $mcf?<</say>>
<<text>>The girl jerked, quickly turning her eyes to you in surprise, before standing up and giving you a big hug. When she spoke, you could make out a faint but earnest smile; she was no doubt happy to see you.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/library/liya1.jpg">>
<<say "Liya">>Yeah, I've been having it rough lately. I can't focus on studying at all, even despite the exams coming...<</say>>
<<say>>Mhm. I know the feeling, Liya; I get you. <</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $LiyaHelpBlock == $dayCount>>
<<plug "Offer to Help Her" "There is nothing else you can teach her today!" 90 0>><</plug>>
<<btns "Offer to Help Her" "01" 90 0 "40-300" "11:00-17:59" "Dim Mind" 0>><<set $LiyaHelpBlock to $dayCount>><</btns>>
<<if $liyaInvitation is 0 && $riskyMove isnot 1>>
<<btn "Ask about the Party" LiyaInvitation 0 0 0 "11:00-17:59" "Liya Lvl 2" 0>><</btn>>
<<if $liyaRepLvl is 0>>
<<btn "Flirt with Liya" LiyaFlirt 0 0 "40-300" "11:00-17:59" 0 2>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Flirt with Liya" LiyaFlirt 0 0 "40-300" "11:00-17:59" 0 2>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" Library 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Hey, how about we try to study together then? It should be way more fun this way!<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>I guess we could. Not like I was doing much studying for the past hour anyway...<</say>>
<<text>>Determined to help Liya get her groove back, you pulled a pair of textbooks from your backpack and sat down next to the girl. Being so close to her, you couldn't help but marvel at her beauty, glancing down at her bare neck while the fruity scent of her perfume tickled your nose.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/study1.jpg">>
<<say>>Mhm, that's the spirit! Here, let's start with this-<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $ordinarymindPerk != 1>>
<<btns ... "02" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<elseif $sharpmindPerk != 1>>
<<btns ... "03" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<btns ... "04" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Liya? Hey! You're zoning out again?.. <</say>>
<<text>>As the evening wore on, Liya's understanding of the subject barely grew, despite your best efforts, leaving you feeling disheartened at your own inability to keep her interested in the subject.<</text>>
<<say>>Ah, I did my best to explain it in simple language, but it seems the only thing I accomplished was making you bored...<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>No-no, $mcf! I just got lost in a thought, that's all. You did great.<</say>>
<<text>>Trying her best to not offend your feelings, the girl hurried to comfort you with a smile, but you could tell that you were of little help in her studies. <</text>>
<<say>>Listen, I'm going to try and learn a little bit on my own so that I can teach you better next time, all right?<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>Thank you, $mcf, I really appreciate it, but you really shouldn't go to all this trouble for me~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-25">>
<<if $ordinarymindPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Ordinary Mind" "+1" ordinaryMind>>
<<rewardP "Liya Rep" "+2" liyaRep>>
<<elseif $sharpmindPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Sharp Mind" "+1" sharpMind>>
<<rewardP "Liya Rep" "+3" liyaRep>>
<<rewardP "Liya Rep" "+4" liyaRep>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Library 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity-25>>
<<if $ordinarymindPerk != 1>>
<<set $liyaRep to $liyaRep+2>>
<<set $ordinaryMind to $ordinaryMind+1>>
<<elseif $sharpmindPerk != 1>>
<<set $sharpMind to $sharpMind+1>>
<<set $liyaRep to $liyaRep+3>>
<<set $liyaRep to $liyaRep+4>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>That's the best way I can explain it. Did I help you at all?<</say>>
<<text>>As the evening wore on, it seemed that all you'd worked for was finally beginning to bear fruit. And while you continued to study together, helping each other to understand the complexities of the subject, the bond between the two of you also grew.<</text>>
<<say "Liya">>Mhm, I think so.<</say>>
<<say>>It seems like I still have room for improvement. I wonder if there's something I can improve on to make studying easier for you?.<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>You really shouldn't! You're doing so much for me already~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-25">>
<<if $ordinarymindPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Ordinary Mind" "+1" ordinaryMind>>
<<rewardP "Liya Rep" "+2" liyaRep>>
<<elseif $sharpmindPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Sharp Mind" "+1" sharpMind>>
<<rewardP "Liya Rep" "+3" liyaRep>>
<<rewardP "Liya Rep" "+4" liyaRep>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Library 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity-25>>
<<if $ordinarymindPerk != 1>>
<<set $liyaRep to $liyaRep+2>>
<<set $ordinaryMind to $ordinaryMind+1>>
<<elseif $sharpmindPerk != 1>>
<<set $sharpMind to $sharpMind+1>>
<<set $liyaRep to $liyaRep+3>>
<<set $liyaRep to $liyaRep+4>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>...and that about covers it up. Easy, right?<</say>>
<<text>>As the evening wore on, it seemed that all you'd worked for was finally beginning to bear fruit. And while you continued to study together, helping each other to understand the complexities of the subject, the bond between the two of you also grew.<</text>>
<<say "Liya">>You are amazing, $mcf! If I wasn't attending the same class as you, I would mistake you for a teacher!<</say>>
<<say>>What, did I finally begin giving off those sexy "senpai" kind of vibes?<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>I mean, you were always hot and sexy... Ah, nevermind that! I've just... nevermind.<</say>>
<<say>>I'll take it as a "yes", tee-hee~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-25">>
<<if $ordinarymindPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Ordinary Mind" "+1" ordinaryMind>>
<<rewardP "Liya Rep" "+2" liyaRep>>
<<elseif $sharpmindPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Sharp Mind" "+1" sharpMind>>
<<rewardP "Liya Rep" "+3" liyaRep>>
<<rewardP "Liya Rep" "+4" liyaRep>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Library 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity-25>>
<<if $ordinarymindPerk != 1>>
<<set $liyaRep to $liyaRep+2>>
<<set $ordinaryMind to $ordinaryMind+1>>
<<elseif $sharpmindPerk != 1>>
<<set $sharpMind to $sharpMind+1>>
<<set $liyaRep to $liyaRep+3>>
<<set $liyaRep to $liyaRep+4>>
<div class="main-module">
<<text>>After passing a few more twists and turns, the two of you found themselves inside a secluded space with a few bookshelves on the side and a ladder leading somewhere up to the roof. <</text>>
<<say "Liya">>And now you can touch me all you want. $mcf~<</say>>
<<text>>Accepting the invitation with a grin, you closed the distance between the two of you as your hands rose to cradle Liya's plump breasts, appreciating their size as you gently caressed them. You drew closer as you pressed your lips together in a passionate kiss, a soft moan escaping your classmate.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene2-0.mp4">>
<<say>>Nh... Aren't you excited~<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>Of course I am. I've been waiting for your move for so long now...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Fondle her breasts" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>I'm glad to hear that.<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling the growing need tingling in the lower part of your stomach, you both quickly began helping each other remove the now constricting clothing, and soon you felt the coldness of your friend's skin pressing against your own as your fingers danced along her silky-smooth curves. <</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene2-1.mp4">>
<<say "Liya">>Oof!.. Y-yes!<</say>>
<<text>>A steady stream of mewls tempted you to lean forward and suck on Liya's perky tit, your tongue circling the sensitive nipple, the long strokes eliciting a lustful moan from the girl, the pleasure consuming her as she begged you to go on.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Eat the girl out" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Okay, Liya, now get yourself comfortable~<</say>>
<<text>>Prepping the girl against the wall, you went down on her, letting the all-consuming desire take hold of your mind and body. <</text>>
<<say "Liya">>What are you?.. Ngh!<</say>>
<<text>>Your tongue slipped and slid along Liya's folds, teasing her at first before going down on the sensitive parts of her slit; two fingers spread her pussy, allowing your tongue to curl and swirl across the next region, making the girl shiver under the waves of pleasure. <</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene2-2.mp4">>
<<say "Liya">>Oh my God!- Ah!.. So good!<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Make her cum" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say "Liya">>Ngh- Aaah!~<</say>>
<<text>>After securing the first orgasm of many, you held onto your trembling classmate, waiting for her to come back to her senses in the warm ebrasiveness of your body.<</text>>
<<say>>How're you feeling?<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>It was so good... You're great, $mcf. <</say>>
<<say>>Ha-ha, glad to hear that~<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "It's my turn now~" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>But now it's your turn to return the favor, so...<</say>>
<<text>>After getting rid of the last of your underwear, leaving only the thigh-highs, you lied down on a nearby chair, spreading your legs wide before the girl with a smirk. <</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene2-3.mp4">>
<<say "Liya">>Oh, trust me, I will!<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'm... Soon!.." "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<text>>Losing all sense of time, you found yourself sitting on Liya's face, and as the girl continued to work her tongue, you felt your whole body tighten, begging for release.<</text>>
<<say>>I'm so close!..<</say>>
<<text>>Liya must have noticed this too, because her licks quickly moved away from your inner thighs and folds, wetting your tingling clitoral area instead before going down on it, forcing a loud cry out of you as you peaked.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene2-4.mp4">>
<<say>>Ha- Aaaah! Haa... Huf...<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>Shh... Good, good girl. I'm holding you; let it all out; it's okay~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Clean Up" "06" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<text>>The next dozen or so minutes you spent earnestly trying to clean up the room and each other after your fun time, giggling each time you threw a peek at each other.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/cleaning.jpg">>
<<say "Liya">>Haa, I hope I'll get to see you more from now on, $mcf. Today was a wonderful day.<</say>>
<<say>>Did I manage to reignite your passion?<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>In more ways than one, tee-he~ <</say>>
<<text>>The two of you hugged each other once more before leaving the sacred place behind for the day, with the full intention of returning to it in the future.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $liyaRepLvl is 0>>
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<rewardP "liya Rep" "+3" liyaRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Library 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $liyaRepLvl is 0>><<set $sanity to $sanity +20>><<set $liyaRep to 0>><<set $liyaRepLvl to 1>><<notify 4.5s>>Your bond with Liya has advanced to the next level!<</notify>><<else>><<set $liyaRep to $liyaRep+3>><<if $dailySex is 1>><<set $sexBlock to $dayCount>><</if>><<set $dailySex to 1>><</if>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>What are we gonna do while we wait for him to come by?<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>Just use your imagination~<</say>>
<<text>>The next thing you knew, Liya had already stripped off her bra and jacket, leaving only a thin flannel shirt covering her ample breasts. Her finger was a curl, an invitation for you to join her as soon as possible.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/library/liya3.jpg">>
<<say "Liya">>Because we can do whatever we want, silly. Mmh~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Come here!" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>This love that we are feeling right now... Is meant to be shared, right?<</say>>
<<text>>Lips pressed against your own, soft and glossy with a hint of a strawberry taste to them, enticing you to kiss them back firmly. You felt fingers weaving through your hair, as a tongue slithered past your lips.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene4-0.mp4">>
<<say "Liya">>Of course.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Mmh~" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say 'Jay'>>I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long, ladies.<</say>>
<<text>>Startled by the sudden appearance of the dark figure before you, you felt your body twist as you hugged Liya tightly. She didn't seem to mind, welcoming the guest with a wave.<</text>>
<<say "Liya">>Jay! We were just thinking about you. <</say>>
<<text>>Getting hold of yourself, you reached for the man's crotch, encouraging him to remove his trousers, eagerly pushing down his boxers allowing for his hardening cock to spring out. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/flirt3.jpg">>
<<say>>Yes, come on, show us what you've got down there already~<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Wow!" Liya_PornScene1 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Liya">>Ooh... Mmhf~<</say>>
<<text>>You watched as Liya went down on the man's cock with style, slow and sensual. Her blowjob no doubt melted Jay's dick in the most pleasurable way possible, making you want to join in, but not finding any openings - you simply took on the role of an observer.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene4-1.mp4">>
<<say>>Seems like you're just as thick as I've imagined.<</say>>
<<say 'Jay'>>Yeah $mcf? How often do you think about the girth of my cock, I wonder.<</say>>
<<say>>Not nearly enough, I'd say~ <</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "My turn~" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>My turn~ <</say>>
<<text>>As if reading your mind, Jay grinned and pulled his cock away from Liya's hungry mouth, rubbing it's girth against your exposed crotch instead, his warm body spreading over your naked thighs. <</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene4-2.mp4">>
<<say>>Now fuck me hard!<</say>>
<<say 'Jay'>>Much obliged~<</say>>
<<text>>Even though you were prepared, you couldn't help but gulp as the head of his cock spread your lower lips, before rushing forward, stretching your slick depths to their limit.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "God!" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say 'Jay'>>Fuck, you're tight! Ngh...<</say>>
<<say>>No... it's you're who's big! Ah!..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'm cumming!" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say "Liya">>You must be real lucky tonight!.. <</say>>
<<text>>It wasn't long before you were well past your limit and Liya had taken your place, her hips rocking with enthusiasm, meeting the man's thrusts halfway, each movement accompanied by a cavalcade of moans and curses.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene4-3.mp4">>
<<say "Liya">>I mean... Fucking the both of us like that~<</say>>
<<say 'Jay'>>Damn straight!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Suck" "05" 0>>...<</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say 'Jay'>>Shit... too bad that I'm going to cum soon!<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>Then do it!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Don't forget about me!" "06" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<say 'Jay'>>Here-we-go! Have a taste my spunk, ladies!<</say>>
<<text>>You watched in awe as the twitching cock exploded with a huge load of white heat, the ropes of cum covering your face thoroughly with your friend being blessed by a similar fate. <</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene4-4.mp4">>
<<say "Liya">>Yummy. This just might be my new favourite~<</say>>
<<text>>Hearing that, Jay stumbled away, almost collapsing on the sofa cushion, his heavy grunts filling the air around you.<</text>>
<<say 'Jay'>>..I'm down to do it again anytime. Call me whenever you want, I'll be here in a heartbeat.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+20">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Library 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity +20, $stage to undefined>> <<if $dailySex is 1>><<set $sexBlock to $dayCount>><</if>> <<set $dailySex to 1>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $SexEdBook is 1>>
<<say>>Okay, let's see what we've got here...<</say>>
<<text>>Once you've found a quiet spot in the library, you popped in the disk from the hardcover and waited for the video to start. A few seconds later, a familiar face appeared on the other side of the screen.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/library/kylie1.jpg">>
<<say "Kylie">>Hello! My name is Kylie Page and today I'm going to teach you the basics of how to have an enjoyable and safe sex!<</say>>
<<say>>Holy frick, she looks just like the lady librarian!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Continue watching" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say "Kylie">>Today we're going to be talking about foreplay. And trust me, this very well might be one of the most enjoyable parts of the sex if done right!<</say>>
<<text>>A new figure appeared from the side of the screen. It was a half-naked man who walked behind Kylie and immediately began fondling her breasts, while showering her neck with kisses, forcing soft giggles past her lips.<</text>>
<<say "Kylie">>Ha-ha... To showcase this properly, I've got myself a very eager assistant~ <</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "..." "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say "Kylie">>The first thing I'd like to showcase you, is called "rimming". I'll start by showing you a proper tecnique, so watch and learn~<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Ngh!.. Hah!<</say>>
<<text>>As she pushed the man onto his back, the girl started licking his balls with gusto. Before long, her tongue was swirling around his butthole as the man let out a moan, jerking his rapidly hardening penis.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene5-0.mp4">>
<<say>>So that's how you do it?..<</say>>
<<say "Kylie">>As you can see, my boyfriend grew to enjoy the feeling of my tongue very much. So don't be shy about asking your partner to experiment a little~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Wow!.." "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say "Kylie">>And now-<</say>>
<<text>>The guy didn't even let her finish her sentence before he jumped on top of her, pushing his eager cock against the back of her throat.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene5-1.mp4">>
<<say "Kylie">>Gah!.. Don't be so rough, buddy~ <</say>>
<<text>>The man didn't seem put off at all, carrying on with throat-fucking Kylie, much to her pleasure. His hands were all over her large breasts and he wasted no time fondling them, eliciting all kinds of sounds from her.<</text>>
<<say>>Wow, they are really going at it!.. This is so hot!<</say>>
<<say "Kylie">>This part... is for you guys. This is how you should treat a woman to make her lose her damn mind~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I see..." "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say "Kylie">>But... that's enough for one episode. <</say>>
<<say "Kylie">>Next time we'll continue... with something even more fun. Mghh~<</say>>
<<text>>With that, the screen went black as the video abruptly ended. You wanted to start the next one immediately, but the growing suspicion of people forming groups around you made you reconsider.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/study6.jpg">>
<<say>>Holy frick, I feel so horny right now... I can barely think straight, I wish I could test what I've learned right away.<</say>>
<<text>>It wasn't easy to hold back the ever rising tide of need, but it had to be done. The thought that you didn't have a partner at hand to relieve yourself wasn't helping either. <</text>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-35">>
<<rewardP "Kamasutra" "+1" kamasutra>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Library 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $kamasutra to $kamasutra+1, $sanity to $sanity-35>><</btn>>
<<elseif $SexEdBook is 2>>
<<say>>Now where did I stop last time?..<</say>>
<<text>>Once you've found a quiet spot in the library, you popped in the disk from the hardcover and waited for the video to start. A few seconds later, a familiar face appeared on the other side of the screen, looking more seductive than ever.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/library/kylie2.jpg">>
<<say "Kylie">>Hi, I'm Kylie, and today we're continuing our journey in the lands of pleasure.<</say>>
<<say "Kylie">>I'm feeling a bit shy just thinking about what's going to happen next, but please don't mind that~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Continue watching" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say "Kylie">>Today's topic is all about penetration~<</say>>
<<text>>From the position of the camera, it looked like this video was filmed right after the previous one. You could even see the guy's pre-cum dripping from his dick, making you squirm with need. <</text>>
<<say "Kylie">>Make sure that you've got all nice and wet before attempting any of that though, otherwise you might get injured in the process.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "M-hm..." "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say "Kylie">>And with that warning out of the way- <</say>>
<<text>>The man didn't hesitate to comply, stroking his cock a little before getting right on top of Kylie, pressing his tip against her warm entrance. <</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene5-2.mp4">>
<<say "Kylie">>Ah! So good!..<</say>>
<<text>>A moment later he was already inside her, sunking deeper in inch by inch, fucking earnest moans from the girl with each thrust. <</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Ngh!.. Haa!<</say>>
<<say "Kylie">>What I really like about this position is... The feeling of my clit rubbing against your body~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Damn..." "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say "Kylie">>And if you really wanna feel it going deep, then-<</say>>
<<text>>Kylie mounted the man with equal grace and hunger, forcing a curse or two from him as she descended onto his cock. <</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene5-3.mp4">>
<<say "Kylie">>Fuuck!.. Ah! Yes baby, keep fucking me, like that!<</say>>
<<text>>He complied by grabbed her hips and picked up the pace, his cock jamming between her folds, hilting up in the deepest parts of her tight pussy. <</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I love to see your tits bounce like that!..<</say>>
<<say "Kylie">>Shit... Fuck!..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "What's gonna happen next?" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say "Kylie">>I'm about to cum, but... we need to save it for the next episode!.. Ah!..<</say>>
<<text>>With that, the screen went black as the video abruptly ended. <</text>>
<<say>>..Why do I get a feeling like I got duped into watching someone's sex tape?<</say>>
<<text>>You wanted to start the next one immediately, but the growing suspicion of people forming groups around you made you reconsider.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/study6.jpg">>
<<say>>Well, there's always tommorow, I guess.<</say>>
<<text>>It wasn't easy to hold back the ever rising tide of need, but it had to be done. The thought that you didn't have a partner at hand to relieve yourself wasn't helping either. <</text>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-35">>
<<rewardP "Kamasutra" "+1" kamasutra>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Library 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $kamasutra to $kamasutra+1, $sanity to $sanity-35>><</btn>>
<<elseif $SexEdBook is 3>>
<<say>>I think I should be reaching the climax of the tape today.<</say>>
<<text>>Once you've found a quiet spot in the library, you popped in the disk from the hardcover and waited for the video to start. A few seconds later, a familiar face appeared on the other side of the screen.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/kylie3.jpg">>
<<say "Kylie">>Hi, you know the drill by now. I'm Kylie and this time we're jumping in straight away~<</say>>
<<say>>Wow, she seems to really enjoy herself right now... I wish I could be as happy as she is sucking on that dick.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Continue watching" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say "Kylie">>Last time we left at- <</say>>
<<text>>Too eager to continue, the man cut her off with a sound smack on her butt, eliciting a yelp from her, the one that soon melted into a moan as he kept pumping her increasingly wet pussy with fat cock.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene5-4.mp4">>
<<say "Kylie">>Ah!.. W-wait, let me explain first... Ngh!~<</say>>
<<say "Kylie">>P-protection is important! And... Ah! The consent-<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Wow!" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I'm about to cum, baby... Fuck, I'm so close!<</say>>
<<text>>The assistant moved his right hand up her front, grabbing a handful of her right breast, groping her as his thrusts became much faster – the sound of flesh slapping together echoing throughout the bedroom.<</text>>
<<say "Kylie">>It's okay, just- Let it all out! Creampie me like a whore I am!..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Really?!" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Argh!.. F-fuck! <</say>>
<<text>>With a gasp, the man slammed inside of her one last time before busting his load, moaning in utter bliss as he emptied his balls inside of Kylie's soft cunt.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene5-5.mp4">>
<<say "Kylie">>Ah... Shit, it's so hot inside me- I can feel it dripping out~<</say>>
<<say>>Damn, that huge load must've felt amazing... Tsk.<</say>>
<<text>>It was impossible for you to not to feel a twinge of jealousy towards the girl. Oh how you would love to be in her position right now!<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "..." "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say "Kylie">>God... And that concludes this series of lessons. I hope I've been able to help some of you... to have a healthier relationship with sex.<</say>>
<<text>>With that, the screen went black as the video abruptly ended. You wanted to start the next one immediately, but the growing suspicion of people forming groups around you made you reconsider.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/study6.jpg">>
<<say>>She definetly went off-script for a good half of it. Haah.<</say>>
<<text>>It wasn't easy to hold back the rising tide of need, but it had to be done. And the thought that you didn't have a partner at hand to relieve yourself wasn't helping either. <</text>>
<<say>>There were some helpful parts, at least. I'll make sure to use a few of these tricks to my advantage from now on.<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-35">>
<<rewardP "Kamasutra" "+1" kamasutra>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Library 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $kamasutra to $kamasutra+1, $sanity to $sanity-35, $SexEdBook to 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Let's see what's it all about.<</say>>
<<text>>Nesting in a plush armchair by the window, your finger tracing along the hard cover of the book, as you open it on the page you left.<</text>>
<<switch $SleepAidBook>>
<<case 1>>
<<img "downtown/library/study3.jpg">>
<<case 2>>
<<img "downtown/library/study4.jpg">>
<<case 3>>
<<img "downtown/library/study5.jpg">>
<<say>>With a name like that, I would expect this book to be in a trash bin, let alone on the shelves of a library. But since it was recommended to me-<</say>>
<<say>>..I really hope that I'm not wasting my time with this. <</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<switch $SleepAidBook>>
<<case 1>>
<<btns "Flip to the next Page" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<case 2>>
<<btns "Flip to the next Page" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<case 3>>
<<btns "Flip to the next Page" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>"If you're having trouble sleeping, knowing how to sleep better can make a big difference. Find out more about different ways to help you sleep better in our amazing book-"<</say>>
<<text>>Flipping through the pages, you first landed on a passage about the importance of creating a calm and inviting sleep environment.<</text>>
<<say>>"Having a good sleep routine is a first step in inproving your everyday sleep" - okay, this sounds promising, "Try winding down an hour or two before bed with activities like reading, taking a warm bath, or listening to calming music."<</say>>
<<say>>..As if I have time for that. Jeez.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Continue reading" "04" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>"A good diet and regular physical exercise can help us to relax and get better sleep. And the opposite is also true: an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise can stop us from sleeping well."<</say>>
<<text>>Page after page, you read aloud various tips and tricks, some painfully obvious, some unexpected. And that's when a section dedicated to mindfulness caught your attention.<</text>>
<<say>>"Anxiety, worry and stress can affect how well we sleep" - who would've known, huh? "But, there are things you can do daily to help manage your worries, like talking to someone you trust or writing in a notebook about your concerns."<</say>>
<<say>>"Meditation practices can also be helpful, but be aware that you may find that it takes longer for you to reach a state of relaxation. You will be able to relax and fall asleep more quickly as you become more familiar with the process."<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Continue reading" "04" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>"Remember, your sleep routine starts before you get into bed, so build in time every evening to relax."<</say>>
<<text>>As you approached the end of a book, you felt yourself getting tense. After all, most of what you'd read so far hadn't been very helpful. All that was about to change, however.<</text>>
<<say>>"If you're lying awake unable to sleep, do no not try to force it. If you're tired and enjoying the feeling of resting, then sleep may naturally take over."<</say>>
<<say>>Huh... I've never thought about this.<</say>>
<<say>>"If you cannot sleep, get out of bed and spend some time relaxing in a comfortable place, such as reading a book or listening to quiet music. You can always go back to bed when you feel sleepier."<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Finish the book" "05" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<text>>But despite your grumbling, you kept on reading, picking up bits and pieces of useful knowledge. By the end of the session you were exhausted but undoubtedly wiser, and that counted as victory in your book.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/study2.jpg">>
<<say>>Phew... I think I'm done for the day. It's going to take me a while to digest all this.<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-35">>
<<rewardP "Homeostasis" "+1" homeostasis>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Library 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $homeostasis to $homeostasis+1, $sanity to $sanity-35>><</btn>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>The book is finished, finally!<</say>>
<<text>>And with that, you closed the book and pushed it across the table and into a corner. You sat there motionless for a few minutes, thinking about all the things you had just learned. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/study2.jpg">>
<<say>>I have a really good feeling now. This must've been it!<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-35">>
<<rewardP "Homeostasis" "+1" homeostasis>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Library 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $homeostasis to $homeostasis+1, $sanity to $sanity-35, $SleepAidBook to 0>><</btn>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<say>>Let's see if I can fix it and make everybody happy once again.<</say>>
<<text>>Using the knowledge you've gained working at the cafe, you thoroughly checked the main part of the machine—the water supply was full and the coffee capsules were ready to deploy. Next, you naturally checked the power supply, which turned out to be the source of the problem.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/event0-0.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh wow, the socket is so loose... Someone must've been extra rough with it when plugging and pulling the cord.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Fix the thing" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>To your relief, the issue was relatively small and easily fixable. After a few seconds of tinkering with the cabel, the machine began huffing and puffing once more, filling a left-over cup with freshly made coffee.<</text>>
<<say>>It would be a shame to waste a perfectly fine beverage like this~<</say>>
<<img "downtown/library/event0-1.jpg">>
<<text>>As you found yourself a cozy spot behind the table, the next few minutes you spent savoring the smoothness of the coffee, cherishing the energy boost it gave you with a small but potent burst of caffeine,.<</text>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+30">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Library 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $sanity to $sanity+30, $CoffeeBlock to $dayCount>><</btn>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $clydeRepLvl is 0>>
<<say>>Hi, Clyde, I haven't seen you in a while. How are you?<</say>>
<<text>>Torn out of his thoughts, Clyde jolted, almost dropping the cigarete out of his lips, before turning his eyes on you and greeting you with a weary smile.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/clyde0.jpg">>
<<say "Clyde">>Oh, hello, $mcf, I didn't expect to see you here today. I'm doing okay, I guess.<</say>>
<<say>>I see...<</say>>
<<say>>Hi Clyde! Great to see you again~<</say>>
<<text>>Your sudden appearance caught Clyde off guard. His eyes darted nervously around the room for a moment before settling on you and you saw his expression change from worried to excited in an instant.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/clyde0.jpg">>
<<say "Clyde">>Oh, hi, $mcf! Long time no see, you wanted something?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $clydeRepLvl is 0>>
<<btns "I think I know your secret~" "01" 15 0 0 "10:00-18:59" Tattletale 1>><</btns>>
<<elseif $clydeRepLvl is 1>>
<<btn "Let's do it once more~" Library_RNG_Event1 30 0 0 "10:00-18:59" Tattletale 3>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<btns "Hey Clyde, since now I have my own flat..." "07" 180 0 0 "10:00-18:59" "A Grown-Up" 3>><</btns>>
<<btn "Let's do it once more~" Library_RNG_Event1 30 0 0 "10:00-18:59" Tattletale 3>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "How about we move to my place?" Clyde_PornScene0 180 0 0 "10:00-18:59" "A Grown-Up" 3>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Well, see you later!" Library 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 7>>
<<say>>I do. I've had some time to think about it, and I thought - what if we...<</say>>
<<text>>But, as you peered into the curious face of your friend, you suddenly stopped, feeling as if you had lost your breath completely. You knew that it was the right time to act, to take the initiative, but just looking at Clyde reminded you of the short but sinful time you both spent in the archives. <</text>>
<<say>>Erm... Well...<</say>>
<<text>> Hastely looking away, you felt your teeth biting into your own lip as your cheeks burned ablaze with redness, the wave of embarrassment washing against your very being.<</text>>
<<say "Clyde">>Relax $mcf. You know me—I won't bite. Unless you ask me to<</say>>
<<text>>Clyde did his best to reasure you with a wide smile, to which you giggled, finding it surprisingly cute. And as this warm feeling spread itself from your stomach to your toes, courage came along with it.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Right..." "08" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 8>>
<<say>>Right. It's just that since now I rent my own house—why don't you come for a... Ah, let's call it a "visit," maybe?<</say>>
<<text>>You've done it. For the first time in your life, you invited a boy into your own house.<</text>>
<<say "Clyde">>You're renting your own place already?! That's so cool, $mcf!<</say>>
<<text>>Amazed by your accomplishments, Clyde locked you tightly in an embrace, his kisses sending shivers down your legs from the heightening sensitivity in your neck. Allowing yourself to relax, you gave him a brief smooch before pulling away and looking into his eyes.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/clyde5.jpg">>
<<say>>So... Shall we get going then?<</say>>
<<say "Clyde">>Oh, right, sorry, I got a bit excited. I'll try to behave until we get to your place~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "He-he, I can't wait~" Clyde_PornScene0 0>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Hey, I've wanted to talk with you about... something. Do you mind if I disturb your study for a little longer?<</say>>
<<say "Clyde">>Sure. Not like I was concentrating on the study anyway~<</say>>
<<text>>Stretching, your friend leaned back in the chair away from the table, and you didn't miss the chance to plop yourself down on his lap. Clyde's brows went up in the sky as he lost his breath from seeing you so close and personal, causing you to giggle with delight.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/clyde1.jpg">>
<<say>>Now, that confirms my suspicion~<</say>>
<<say "Clyde">>H-huh, what are you talking about?..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I've heard the rumours" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>You see, I've heard a little something while I was walking around the school. Something about you and me.<</say>>
<<say "Clyde">>Ah, you mean THAT thing. Ehm, you really shouldn't be so trusting of everything you hear...<</say>>
<<text>>Instead of entertaining this silly debate about nothing, you pull yourself closer to Clyde, making him lose his words as your ass rubs against his clothed cock. Which, to your surprise, was already rock hard.<</text>>
<<say>>And this must mean that this runour is true indeed~<</say>>
<<say "Clyde">>Oh, well- Nevermind, you got me good...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Are you gonna do something about it?~" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>And what'cha going to do about it?~<</say>>
<<text>>A quet squeak esacaped from your lips once Clyde's arm moved forward, darilngly wrapping itself around your chest, fondling it gently, while the other one rubbed itself against the inner side of your thigh. Silencing your moans, his lips connected with yours, and you felt your cheeks reddening with excitement.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/clyde2.jpg">>
<<say "Clyde">>What a cute noise you just made~<</say>>
<<say>>And to think that all this time you've been hiding your feelings from me?.. Ngh~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Don't stop, please!" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<text>>Sensing a rigidity in Clyde's moves, you could tell that he was still hesitating about how far is he allowed to go. To make the job easier for him, you decided to whisper in his ear in such a way that only he alone would hear your words.<</text>>
<<say>>Don't stop; I want you to do it with me. Or am I asking for too much?<</say>>
<<say "Clyde">>I want it too, but there are people around!.. What if we get spotted?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Let's move to your place" "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>Frick, you're right, I almost forgot where we were... Then how about we move to your place?<</say>>
<<say "Clyde">>My mom and sisters are home right now; no shot, I'll get them to leave us two alone. How about you?<</say>>
<<text>>After deliberating for a few seconds, trying to find a way to make it happen, you shook your head in dismissal.<</text>>
<<say>>It is forbidden for me to bring other boys into the house while I still live with John. It's out of the question, I'm afraid...<</say>>
<<say "Clyde">>Damnit! Then what do we do then?..<</say>>
<<text>>With a dissapointed sigh, you felt Clyde's arms tightening up around your body as if he were unable to bring yourself to the idea of letting you go. Your heart fluttered in your chest as you leaned into it, feeling the warmth of your friend's skin against your own. <<if $level > 2>> That's when the genius idea popped into your mind. <</if>><</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Let's do it here then~" "06" 30 0 0 "10:00-18:59" 0 3>><</btns>>
<<btn "I'll figure it out next time, okay?" Library 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 6>>
<<say>>I have an idea: what if we hide ourselves somewhere between shelves and dusty books in this labyrinth of a library, and then...<</say>>
<<text>>For a moment, Clyde just sat there completely silent, shocked by the daring nature of your proposal, long enough to make you worry that you could've overstepped your bounds. But before you could utter a word of excuse, the man giggled, pulling you in for a short but passionate kiss.<</text>>
<<say "Clyde">>That could work, I think. At this time of day, the archives should be completely empty; we can try hiding in there. Follow me.<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "I'll follow you~" Library_RNG_Event1 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>Not bad; it looks like we can finally be alone together~<</say>>
<<text>>Having made sure that you were well protected from the public outgoers by the various books and bookshelves, you felt the knot of anxiety form deep in your stomach, but the excitement at the thought of doing something so lewd in public kept you going.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/clyde3.jpg">>
<<say>>Which means... You can grab me all you want~<</say>>
<<text>>Now that he had all the confirmation he needed, Clyde pinned you lustfully against the bookshelf, his lips meeting yours as his palms found their way around your chest, kneading and caressing you with a passion only seen in young boys like him, making you shiver with the all-consuming need seeding itself in your loins.<</text>>
<<say "Clyde">>Both your lips and your breasts feel so nice!.. But I want to feel you down there too~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Not so rough!~" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>You're so... A-ah!~<</say>>
<<text>>Letting go of your plum breast, Clyde hurriedly lifted your skirt up before sneaking his hand into your undies, his fingers rubbing against your wettened slit, sending electric impulses throughout your body. You could barely keep yourself standing, much less being able to hold your moans, now filling the book-filled archives with your sweet sounds of sex.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene0-0.mp4">>
<<say "Clyde">>Don't be so loud, $mcf!.. You wouldn't want someone stumbling onto us in the middle of this, wouldn't you?<</say>>
<<say>>N-ngh, how can I hold it? When you're so... Mh!.. Good?~<</say>>
<<say "Clyde">>God, you're such a lewd one!..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Let's see what you've got down there~" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>All right, all right! I have an idea. Here~<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a step out of Clyde's grasp, you turned and, making sure that no one could see you, quickly dropped to your knees, busying yourself with unbuckling his pants. With some help from the man himself, his underwear soon slid all the way down to his ankles, revealing his cock in all its glory.<</text>>
<<say>>Oh wow, you're such a big boy! What will I do with all your girth, I wonder~<</say>>
<<say "Clyde">>Fuck, this is so hot...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I do it like this, right?.." "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<text>>Despite trying to act nonchalantly, you sensed the heat of your blushing cheeks rising up, as, with a sinful touch of your slender fingers, you noticed the man's penis begin to throb needily, eager for more sensual stimulation.<</text>>
<<say "Clyde">>Ngh!~ Fuck!..<</say>>
<<text>>Before you plunged yourself deep into it, pursing your lips around its girth as you moved up and down, sucking on the shaft of his rod as if it were your favorite candy cane, You could hear the muffled hisses of Clyde's breath escaping him each time your wet tongue rubbed itself over his sensitive tip.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene0-1.mp4">>
<<say>>And the taste of it is quite nice too.. Ngh~<</say>>
<<say "Clyde">>$mcf... Ah!..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "This is too much!~" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<text>>The aching in your loins reached its peak, and unable to hold herself any longer, your slim digits found their way to your burning slit, easily entering through your soppy hole.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene0-2.mp4">>
<<say>>M-mh... Slurp~<</say>>
<<text>>Of course, that didn't mean that you'd forgotten about the juicy cock before you. No, you kept bobbing your head back and forth like a good girl, shoving the penis as deep as you could muster, until it finally slammed itself against the back of your throat, letting a hot rasping sound out. Unable to withstand such sensations, the man hissed his loudest moan yet.<</text>>
<<say "Clyde">>A-ah!.. Oh fuck! Holy shit...<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Do it, Clyde!.." Library_RNG_Event1 0>><<set $stage to 2>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Clyde">>I'm almost...<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Hey?! Anyone there?<</say>>
<<text>>The voice of a librarian made both of you freeze in mid-action, and as you heard the sounds of the steps approaching, you felt the anxiety and fear of being caught taking hold over your body.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/clyde4.jpg">>
<<say "Clyde">>Don't worry, I'll take the heat. Leave when you're ready-<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing your viceral reaction, Clyde was the first to sheath his cock back into his trousers, and after tapping you reassuringly on the shoulder, he left in the direction of a librarian.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Keep quiet" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say "Clyde">>Hey, yeah, it was me...<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Clyde? I knew that I heard your voice. What happened, why did you scream like it was a bloody murder?<</say>>
<<text>>Without skipping a beat, Clyde answered with an explanation that sounded real even to you, despite the fact that he had to come up with it right on the spot.<</text>>
<<say "Clyde">>Well, you see, a crazy thing happened: while I was searching for a book to study, another book suddenly fell off the shelf and hit me on the back of my head. It startled the fuck out of me!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Is it time?.." "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Damn, that's messed up. Let's get you back into the lobby. I'll check if you suffered any blunt force trauma.<</say>>
<<text>>With that, you heard the sounds of the footsteps fainting into the thick silence of the library and were finally able to let out a breath of relief.<</text>>
<<say>>I can't believe what a nice guy he is, bailing me out of trouble like that yet again. If only I had an apartment of my own to bring him into~<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Library 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $sanity to $sanity+20, $clydeRepLvl to 1>><</btn>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<say>>Oh, what's all that? Someone forgot to return their journals...<</say>>
<<text>>Skimming through the pages of one of them, you notice that its content is rather adult-themed and certainly way too inappropriate to be housed in a public library.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/event1-0.jpg">>
<<say>>Whoa!.. It must be someone's private stash or something.<</say>>
<<text>>And yet, as a surge of excitement coursed through your veins, the thought of stumbling upon something forbidden made your heart ache.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<switch $libraryE2>>
<<case 1>>
<<btns "Flip to the next Page" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<case 2>>
<<btns "Flip to the next Page" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<case 3>>
<<btns "Flip to the next Page" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>I wonder what's on the next page.<</say>>
<<text>>Biting down on your lip, you watched over the sensual image of a woman taking a fat rod into her honeyhole, her face distorting with an almost audible moan, as she no doubt continued getting pounded in the middle of taking this picture.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/event1-3.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh wow~ I guess that old-timey journals aren't all that bad... Still, it makes me appreciate the Internet all the more.<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Pornomaniac" "+1" pornomaniac>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Library 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $pornomaniac to $pornomaniac+1>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>And the next page is...<</say>>
<<text>>A silent gasp escaped your lips as you examined the image of the woman locked tightly in a mating press. You saw the mixture of her pussy juices dripping down from the massive cock that was pounding deep into her sex, and you couldn't help but admire the photographer's skill in capturing the moment when, on the verge of climax, the woman held on tightly to the man's girth, desperately trying to prolong her blissful orgasm a little longer.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/event1-2.jpg">>
<<say>>This is so cool, I can almost feel the picture coming to life~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Pornomaniac" "+1" pornomaniac>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Library 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $pornomaniac to $pornomaniac+1>><</btn>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>I can't stop on such a cliffhanger; I need to see what happens next! ..<</say>>
<<text>>Flipping to the next page, you were quite surprised by the sheer sensual energy of the image before you. A phtotography of a woman lost in the bliss of sex, no doubt gasping from each movement of the girthy black cock that penetrated her slit, claiming her depths for him alone.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/event1-1.jpg">>
<<say>>The way he caresses her clitoral area is quite nice; I wish someone would do the same for me~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Pornomaniac" "+1" pornomaniac>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Library 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $pornomaniac to $pornomaniac+1>><</btn>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>If anything happened, she'd be in her favorite place. Now it's time to see if I can remember the way there.<</say>>
<<text>>After you have spent some time wandering around the labyrinth of the bookshelves, you will finally come to a place that looks familiar to you.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/library/liya4.jpg">>
<<say>>That's right. I must be almost there. Just a few more turns left...<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Liya?.." "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Liya? You're okay?..<</say>>
<<text>>Your hunch was correct, and as you stepped into your friend's sacred space, you saw her figure sitting behind one of the tables. She seemed to be lost deep in thought, nervously tapping her finger on the hard side of her laptop.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/library/liya5.jpg">>
<<say>>Liya! Hey-hey~<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>Huh?.. $mcf?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I was worried!" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Hey, I was worried about you... Why did you disappear all of a sudden? Are you feeling okay?<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>I think I'm fine. It's just that I couldn't stand the chatter in the reading hall any more. I can barely focus on my study as it is...<</say>>
<<text>>The girl shook her head gloopily before giving you a weak smile. <</text>>
<<say "Liya">>Sorry for making you worry. I'll be fine, trust me.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "Oh, okay..." Library 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<btns "I'm not leaving you!" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Now, I'm not going to leave my friend alone in the time of need.<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>I'm telling you, I'm fine-<</say>>
<<text>>Paying no attention to Lyia's protests, you took a seat a few feet away from the girl, holding her hand with your own before pressing it against your cheek.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "You can't fool me." "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>It's plainly obvious—you're stressed about something. Didn't you tell me before that friends should share these things with each other?<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>And what should I tell you? I suddenly started feeling lazy and unable to force myself to study anymore.<</say>>
<<say>>Hm, that's a good start. Sure, what else do you have on your mind?<</say>>
<<text>>Stunned by your sympathetic reaction to her outburst, Liya sat in silence for a moment or two. When she began to speak again, you could hear her voice trembling with the raging storm of emotion that began to seep through her defenses.<</text>>
<<say "Liya">>I-I... I don't know where to begin...<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Listen to her story" Library_RNG_Event3 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>> </div>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>It's okay, I see now.<</say>>
<<text>>After a long and arduous discussion, during which you did your best to soothe the girl's worries, you found yourself feeling a stronger bond with Liya than you had ever felt before.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/library2.jpg">>
<<say>>So, to sum it up, we need to find a way to relieve some of this stress, right? We can't really deal with the reason why you're nervous in the first place.<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>I'm already feeling much better, $mcf. But, if you can, would you mind sitting like this for a bit longer?..<</say>>
<<text>>As the girl nuzzled your shoulder, you felt your friend's hot breath hit the sensitive part of your neck, sending electric shocks down your spine. It was this tingling sensation that suddenly gave you an idea of how to remember Liya's problems.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I have an idea~" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Bear with me for a moment.<</say>>
<<text>>With a mischievous grin on your face, you leaned closer to your girlfriend's face and planted a brief yet sensual smooch on her lips. It was enough to cause Liya to lazily open her eyes and reach back, allowing your lips to meet in a deeper and more intimate kiss, savoring the warmth between you.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene3-0.mp4">>
<<say "Liya">>And what do you think you're doing?..<</say>>
<<say>>I just thought of a way to relieve your stress-<</say>>
<<text>>Your hands were already hard at work, slowly groping the girl's breasts and soon slipping under the fabric of her dress, dexterously freeing them from the thin confines of the fabric.<</text>>
<<say>>-I'm going to make you cum~<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Tee-hee~" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say "Liya">>Ooh? I like the sound of that~<</say>>
<<text>>It was not long before the two of you were lying on the carpeted floors, lost in a cavalcade of lust and primal need.<</text>>
<<say "Liya">>Mmgh!..<</say>>
<<text>>As your tongue danced along your girlfriend's wet clitoral area, your fingers kept rubbing against the ever-elusive G-spot, each movement eliciting a hot moan from Liya's throat. Eager to hear more, you kept the pace up, your fingers moving quickly back and forth, taking your girlfriend to the heavens.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene3-1.mp4">>
<<say "Liya">>Ah, $mcf!..<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "..." "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say "Liya">>$mcf! My purse... I have something for you there.<</say>>
<<text>>Following the girls' lead, you quickly pulled a newfound toy from her bag, examining it with equal parts excitement and curiosity.<</text>>
<<say>>Ho-ho~ And why do you have this little guy with you, I wonder?<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>Ngh, well, you're not the only one who's thought of using sexual relief to get rid of stress. It's just that I've been trying to cut down on it lately, and...<</say>>
<<say>>I see, so I'm going to have to ruin your abstaining streak, huh? Don't worry, though; I'll make it worth your while!<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Fuck her pussy with a Dildo" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>Get ready~<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>Ngh!.. Ah...<</say>>
<<text>>Parting the pink petals of your girlfriend, you spread her legs wide open as the synthetic black tip grazed against them, followed by a sharp moan of relief escaping Liya as you pushed deeper inside.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene3-2.mp4">>
<<say "Liya">>Fu-uuck!~<</say>>
<<say>>Wait, you came already? But I barely started...<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>Sorry, I was ready to go even before the toy~ Actually, I simply wanted to use it on you.<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Aww~" "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>Oh? I'd like that a lot~<</say>>
<<text>>With a giggle, you shifted to the floor and pulled your friend closer. The feeling of arousal was strong, and your pussy was drooling with wetness, welcoming the sensation of the fake cock pressing against your hole.<</text>>
<<say>>Frick me silly, Liya. I can take it!<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>Now you asked for it!<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Oh!" "06" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<say>>Mmh! Oh yes!..<</say>>
<<text>>And as the dildo pushed its way into your snug pussy, prying your tight walls apart inch by inch, the sounds of sex once again filled the room, followed by a shiver running through your body as you felt the synth toy ravage your insides.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene3-3.mp4">>
<<say>>I'm about to... Liya!~ Ah!...<</say>>
<<text>>Your girlfriend's steady hand kept the toy moving, the motions gradually accelerating as you felt the warm pressure building in the pit of your stomach before finally erupting in a searing white explosion of glee.<</text>>
<<say>>Fuuuck!.. Ohmygosh!<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Huff..." "07" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 7>>
<<say "Liya">>How're you feeling, $mcf? I didn't go overboard, I hope?<</say>>
<<text>>Still shaking after the explosive orgasm experienced in the prior minutes, you couldn't help but smirk at the sight of Liya's worried face.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/library/liya3.jpg">>
<<say>>Amazing... That's how I'm feeling. How about you?<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>I guess... I'm good now; he-he, the cumming strat worked wonders.<</say>>
<<say>>I'm glad to hear that. If you ever need someone to cheer you up, be sure to hit me up. What an experience it was~<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>I'll try to remember~ <</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<rewardP "liya Rep" "+5" liyaRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Library 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $liyaRepLvl isnot 1>><<set $sanity to $sanity +20>><<set $liyaRep to $liyaRep+5>><<set $stage to undefined>><</if>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>Just in the nick of time~ I hope you don't mind me messing with you on the way...<</say>>
<<text>>But as soon as you stepped past the door, Clyde interruped you, his lustful lips clashing against yours, as he slammed you into the wall with the force of his body alone, his arms running along your plentiful butt, eager to get under the thin fabric of your pants. There was a good reason for that, as while you traveled by bus, you'd been teasing him with your body relentlessly, greatly enjoying the look on his face as he tried to subdue his urges.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/clyde6.jpg">>
<<say "Clyde">>Finally I can get a piece of that... And to think you would tease me so shamelessly in public!<</say>>
<<say>>Ah, frick~ But it was so fun! You looked like you could take me right on the bus before everyone else; how could I resist?..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Not so rough!~" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say "Clyde">>You little... Now it's time for some payback!~<</say>>
<<text>>With the fire of passion burning brighter than ever, you yelled with excitement as Clyde pulled you onto the couch, somehow getting rid of your clothes in the process. Feeling the tightness in his pants under your crotch, you look at him with a daring smirk before mashing your lips against his once more, melting in a long, needy kiss.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene1-0.mp4">>
<<say>>Mgh~ It feels so nice.<</say>>
<<say "Clyde">>Are you talking about my kiss or?..<</say>>
<<text>>Instead of answering directly, you decide to put a bit more effort into your grinding, as if sizing up his bulging boner against your lusty pussy.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Nh~" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say "Clyde">>$mcf, how about we go a little further?<</say>>
<<text>>The strain of Clyde's cock against the fabric must've been getting unbearable at this point, and without further ado, you nodded, getting over to your knees and granting him the long-awaited release from its tight prison. The bursting girth of his cock caught you by surprise, his penis looking considerably bigger than before.<</text>>
<<say>>Oh my God! How are you so big today?..<</say>>
<<say "Clyde">>That's what you get for teasing me so much~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I do it like this, right?.." "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<text>>With a soft whimper, your lips curled around the bulbous tip of a man's penis, and as you slid down the shaft, each centimeter turned out to be a struggle. <</text>>
<<say>>Mmh~ I see now, let me try to relieve some tension with this... <</say>>
<<text>>But as you were too eager to serve, it did little to stop you, and before long, you found a new approach: getting a good mouthful of man's balls and forcing a lewd moan from his lips with your grip stroking along his slippery shaft.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene1-1.mp4">>
<<say "Clyde">>Oh fuck... Oh jeez!.. Nh!..<</say>>
<<text>>The rising need in your loins made you quiver with excitement as you felt the thickness of the cock jolting in your hand, all the while burying your face deep into your lover's scrodum, salivating from the pleasant musk filing up your lungs.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "This is too much!~" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<text>>The aching in your loins reached its peak, and unable to hold herself any longer, your slim digits found their way to your burning slit, easily entering through your soppy hole.<</text>>
<<say>>Clyde... You want to put it in too, right? Here, inside my tiny pussy, yeah?<</say>>
<<say "Clyde">>O-of course!..<</say>>
<<text>>With a half-groan and a half-moan, the man looked at you, begging to finally experience your warmth fully. Melting under his needy gaze, you proped yourself against the back of the couch, and despite the bright red heat that lit up your cheeks, you spread your dripping pussy before his all-devouring eyes.<</text>>
<<say>>Then what are you waiting for? Do it~ <</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Do it, Clyde!.." Clyde_PornScene0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Clyde">>F-fuck, it already feels so good!.. Am I doing this right?<</say>>
<<text>>Despite his best efforts, Clyde's cock kept pushing itself against your vulva, unable to find the entrance to the realm of glory—the comfort of the hot and wet hole that he so desired. With a chuckle, you brushed your hand against his thigh before guiding his girth with your palm, shaking as his bulging tip glided along your puffy lips.<</text>>
<<say>>You silly~ Do it like this... Ah!..<</say>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene1-2.mp4">>
<<text>>A mewl of disbelief and pleasure escaped from your lips when suddenly, with a loud pop, your lover's tip slipped past the pursed petals of your slit, a sudden weakness in your legs almost causing you to fall. However, the man did not relent, driven by a pure animalistic impulse, and with each new thrust, you feelt his tip slamming against your womb as if he was trying to force his way in.<</text>>
<<say "Clyde">>Amazing! I've dreamed of this moment my entire life, and yet your pussy is even better than I've imagined!<</say>>
<<say>>Oh fu-uck!.. No way you just said that!.. Nh!~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Keep going!.." "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>Getting pounded from behind never felt better; the sheer size and thickness of Clyde's cock filled your insides perfectly, like a long-lost puzzle piece. And just like a puzzle, the action whitened your mind completely, with the only thought in your head remaining being the everlasting need to be bread.<</text>>
<<say>>Yeah, like this... Keep going!~<</say>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene1-3.mp4">>
<<text>>The need was so strong in fact, that even when the man tried to take a breather, stopping his thrusts for a moment, your ass kept moving, kneeding its throbbing crown with your clumped-up walls.<</text>>
<<say "Clyde">>Jeez $mcf, I don't want this to be over so soon! Slow down a little~<</say>>
<<say>>How can I... You have such a magnificent cock; Jecka has no idea what she's missing...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'm so close!.." "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<text>>For the two of you lost completely in the trance of love, the time long since stopped existing, and the space around you filled with the smells of sex and sounds of flesh clapping and griding against each other as you moved to the song of lustful need.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene1-4.mp4">>
<<say>>Mgh! I'm cumming!.. A-again! Ah!..<</say>>
<<say "Clyde">>S-shit! You're clamping up so tight!..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I love you... So much!.." "06" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<say>>I love you... So much!..<</say>>
<<text>>Somehow finding yourself in the same position where it started, you felt the throbbing of the man's cock intensify, forcing a lewd moan out of you, shaking in anticipation of your womb being drowned in Clyde's semen. <</text>>
<<say "Clyde">>I'm about to... Oh fuck!<</say>>
<<text>>For a less split second, it occurred to you that today wasn't a safe day, but you wouldn't mind razing a dozen if that meant that you would be getting bread by him to the end of your days.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Cum for me!.. Do it!" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>C-c'mon! Do it!<</say>>
<<text>>Luckily for you, Clyde still had his head on his shoulders, and before you could even protest it, he pulled out, spilling his precious baby butter all across your ass, moaning in glee.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/library/video/Scene1-5.mp4">>
<<say "Clyde">>Shit!.. A second more, and I would bust it inside...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Oh well..." "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>Oh well. I guess this is good enough...<</say>>
<<text>>Pouting your cheeks, you felt the remaining strength leaving your body as your legs buckled under the weight of your own body, the man's seed dripping down from your ass down your thighs, staining the sheets in the process.<</text>>
<<say "Clyde">>Don't tell me... You wanted me to finish inside?.. But then you would risk getting pregnant!<</say>>
<<say>>I know, I know... You did the right thing; don't worry. Let us just lie down for a bit, okay?<</say>>
<<say "Clyde">>Sounds good to me~ You want a hug?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Hug him tight" "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>Mgh... How long have I been sleeping?..<</say>>
<<text>>Looking around the house, you notice that it's been at least a few hours by now, and Clyde was nowhere to be seen. You remember hearing him through delirium, asking if it was okay for him to leave, so you've guesed that he must've went on his merry way without waiting for you to wake up.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/bedroom.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh well, I was hoping to make him a breakfest, but I guess I took a little too long to recover~<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Apartment 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $sanity to $sanity+20, $clydeRepLvl to 2, $fourthBase to 1>><</btn>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>Just in time for the lecture to begin~ <</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>It's nice to see you attending the class again, $mcf. Please sit down behind your desk.<</say>>
<<text>>You followed Christopher's order and obidiently took your place, preparing for the lesson while one of the students desperately tried to solve a math problem on a whiteboard.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/science0.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh, I see, so this is how you do it...<</say>>
<<text>>Although trying to make sense of all kinds of different formulas and equations turned out to be a much heavier labor than you'd expected, you did your best to stay in the zone and keep some knowledge in your mind.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-25">>
<<if $dimmindPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Dim Mind" "+1" dimMind>>
<<elseif $ordinarymindPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Ordinary Mind" "+1" ordinaryMind>>
<<rewardP "Sharp Mind" "+1" sharpMind>>
<<rewardP "Good Student" "+1" goodStudent>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Okay?.." Class1 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $stage to "end">>
<<set $sanity to $sanity-25>>
<<if $dimmindPerk != 1>>
<<set $dimMind to $dimMind+1>>
<<elseif $ordinarymindPerk != 1>>
<<set $ordinaryMind to $ordinaryMind+1>>
<<set $sharpMind to $sharpMind+1>>
<<set $goodStudent to $goodStudent+1>>
<<elseif $stage is "end">>
<<say "Christopher">>...and that concludes our lecture. You all may go on a break now.<</say>>
<<text>>A dozen people sighed in relief upon hearing those words, and the sound of shuffling bags and ziplines filled the air around you. A few minutes later, the classroom was completely empty, except for you and Christopher.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/science2.jpg">>
<<if $christopherRepLvl is 0>>
<<say "Christopher">>That includes you, $mcf. Even though your grades aren't perfect yet, I have no intention of keeping you locked in here. At least for today.<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Are you still here, $mcf? Are you interested in another private session of ours?<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Attend to Teacher's Extra Class" TeachTalk 45 0 "40-300" "8:00-12:29" 0 0>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Leave the Classroom" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>Just in time! <</say>>
<<text>>The sun shone brightly over the school's stadium, and the students were already waiting in line, with Mr. Nevarro standing before them and giving a speech.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/physical1.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>All right, since the end of the school year is right around the corner, we'll be focusing heavily on athletic exercises.<</say>>
<<text>>Participating in different athletic activities wasn't something you enjoyed; instead, you preferred to slouch behind a computer screen, but you knew that partaking in it once in a while was good for your overall health.<</text>>
<<say>>Hah... Huf... Ghah.<</say>>
<<text>>But your stamina had its limits, and after a few laps of running, you've found yourself losing steam and backing out, while Martin took the lead, crossing the finish line first, much to the happiest of his fangirls, whose cheerful cries filled the air of a staduim.<</text>>
<<say>>How is he so popular? I know he's a sports star at our school, but still...<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-25">>
<<if $feeblebodyPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Feeble Body" "+1" feebleBody>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Everyday Body" "+1" everydayBody>>
<<rewardP "Stalwart Body" "+1" stalwartBody>>
<<rewardP "Good Student" "+1" goodStudent>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Okay?.." Class2 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $stage to "end">>
<<set $sanity to $sanity-25>>
<<if $feeblebodyPerk != 1>>
<<set $feebleBody to $feebleBody+1>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk != 1>>
<<set $everydayBody to $everydayBody+1>>
<<set $stalwartBody to $stalwartBody+1>>
<<set $goodStudent to $goodStudent+1>>
<<elseif $stage is "end">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Good job, everyone. That should be enough for the day. Now hit the lockers. Unless you are interested in going overtime like Martin does...<</say>>
<<text>>The black kid that teacher reffered to teacher smirked, taking a small rest in between his reps, while the rest of the class made their way back to the school building's locker room.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/physical0.jpg">>
<<say 'female'>>Ah, it looks like Martin is going to ghost us again. And that's after all this time we've spent thinking of the place we could hang out all together...<</say>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>You know him. He's gunning for the big sports; that's why he's so adamant about training.<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Excercise with Martin" MartinTalk 45 0 "40-300" "12:30-16:29" 0 0>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Leave the Classroom" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>I hope there aren't a lot of people here...<</say>>
<<text>>As you entered the cafeteria, the smell of freshly baked pizza and all kinds of other foods assaulted your senses, making your stomach rumble. And, to your relief, there were enough spaces behind the tables, so you didn't have to worry about sitting next to someone while eating.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/cafeteria.jpg">>
<<say 'male'>>Come in line, next! You want something, $mcf?<</say>>
<<text>>Before answering the canteen worker, you threw another quick glance at the menu, only two of which were of any interest to you.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Buy Soda" SchoolShop 15 10 0 "11:00-14:29" 0 0>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Buy Lunch" SchoolShop 45 20 0 "11:00-14:29" 0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Wait for the Next Class" School 0 0 0 "11:00-12:29" 0 0>><<set $time to 750>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>Actually, I was interested in attending an extra class. If you're up to it, of course...<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Sure. Let me get my papers ready.<</say>>
<<text>>After choosing a subject that had your worst grades, the teacher sat beside you with a book, and the next 40 minutes you spent trying to fix the gaps in your knowledge. The presence of a hot male inches away from you made you feel a little squimish, but Christopher didn't seem to notice your flustered behavior, even when your clumsy hand slid against an inner side of his thigh.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/science1.jpg">>
<<say "Christopher">>Next one is easy - this goes there and this is that. Understand now?<</say>>
<<say>>I do... Thank you so much for explaining it in detail!<</say>>
<<text>>Although it was somewhat difficult to keep your focus for the entirety of a lesson, the private nature of the activity strengthened your bond with Christopher.<</text>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-15">>
<<if $dimmindPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Dim Mind" "+1" dimMind>>
<<elseif $ordinarymindPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Ordinary Mind" "+1" ordinaryMind>>
<<rewardP "Sharp Mind" "+1" sharpMind>>
<<rewardP "Christopher Rep" "+2" christopherRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<if $christopherRepLvl is 0>>
<<btn "Flirt with Christopher" TeachFlirt 0 0 0 "8:00-12:29" 0 2>><<set $stage to 0, $christopherRep to $christopherRep+2, $sanity to $sanity-15>>
<<if $dimmindPerk != 1>>
<<set $dimMind to $dimMind+1>>
<<elseif $ordinarymindPerk != 1>>
<<set $ordinaryMind to $ordinaryMind+1>>
<<set $sharpMind to $sharpMind+1>>
<<btn "Flirt with Christopher" TeachFlirt 0 0 0 "8:00-12:29" 0 2>><<set $stage to 1, $christopherRep to $christopherRep+2, $sanity to $sanity-15>>
<<if $dimmindPerk != 1>>
<<set $dimMind to $dimMind+1>>
<<elseif $ordinarymindPerk != 1>>
<<set $ordinaryMind to $ordinaryMind+1>>
<<set $sharpMind to $sharpMind+1>>
<<btn "Leave" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $christopherRep to $christopherRep+2, $sanity to $sanity-15>>
<<if $dimmindPerk != 1>>
<<set $dimMind to $dimMind+1>>
<<elseif $ordinarymindPerk != 1>>
<<set $ordinaryMind to $ordinaryMind+1>>
<<set $sharpMind to $sharpMind+1>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>No, it's nothing. Nevermind.<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Okay then... Sure.<</say>>
<<text>>Slightly confused by your indecisiveness, Christoper shrugged his shoulders, focusing on his preparations for the next class.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/science2.jpg">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<if $christopherRepLvl is 0>>
<<btn "Flirt with Christopher" TeachFlirt 0 0 0 "8:00-12:29" 0 2>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Flirt with Christopher" TeachFlirt 0 0 0 "8:00-12:29" 0 2>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $martinRepLvl is 0>>
<<say>>You know what? I'll go join him.<</say>>
<<text>>Back at the stadium you walked to the track just in time to see Martin finishing his lap. Noticing you, he slowed down, smirking at you.<</text>>
<<say "Martin">>What, you want to try working out with me? Just so you know, I'm not going to go easy on you!<</say>>
<<text>>You nod, accepting the challenge. The next half an hour both of you spent racing across the track, trying to one-up each other, with you losing every single time.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/physical2.jpg">>
<<say>>Ha... Ha... How are you so quick?<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>I'm a natural, baby! Yes, it's that simple, ha-ha. Damn, I'm sweaty as all hell, let's go get changed now.<</say>>
<<text>>Following Marin, you went back to the locker room together, resulting in you having the pleasure of taking a peek over at Martn's developed physique. A thought crossed your mind—that he was specifically showing off before you, but it seemed too crazy to be true.<</text>>
<<say>>I should go and join him~<</say>>
<<text>>Back at the stadium you walked to the track just in time to see Martin finishing his lap. Noticing you, he greeted you with a wave.<</text>>
<<say "Martin">>Glad to see you, $mcf. Ready to go?<</say>>
<<text>>You nod, accepting the challenge. The next half an hour, both of you spent racing across the track, trying to one-up each other despite you losing every single time.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/physical2.jpg">>
<<say>>Ha... Dammit... You're too quick for me!<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>I'm a natural, baby! You aren't that bad either, though, just not on my level yet. Let's get moving; it's time for us to get changed.<</say>>
<<text>>After you went back to the locker room, both you and Martin had the pleasure of glancing over each other in a semi-naked state. Of course you didn't miss a moment to show off the better parts of your body, and judging by his look, Martin was quite intrigued with your fit ass in particular.<</text>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-15">>
<<if $feeblebodyPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Feeble Body" "+1" feebleBody>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Everyday Body" "+1" everydayBody>>
<<rewardP "Stalwart Body" "+1" stalwartBody>>
<<rewardP "Martin Rep" "+2" martinRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $martinRepLvl is 0>>
<<btn "Flirt with Martin" MartinFlirt 0 0 0 "12:30-17:29" 0 2>><<set $stage to 0, $martinRep to $martinRep+2, $sanity to $sanity-15>>
<<if $feeblebodyPerk != 1>>
<<set $feebleBody to $feebleBody+1>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk != 1>>
<<set $everydayBody to $everydayBody+1>>
<<set $stalwartBody to $stalwartBody+1>>
<<btn "Flirt with Martin" MartinFlirt 0 0 0 "12:30-17:29" 0 2>><<set $stage to 1, $martinRep to $martinRep+2, $sanity to $sanity-15>>
<<if $feeblebodyPerk != 1>>
<<set $feebleBody to $feebleBody+1>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk != 1>>
<<set $everydayBody to $everydayBody+1>>
<<set $stalwartBody to $stalwartBody+1>>
<<btn "Go Back" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $martinRep to $martinRep+2, $sanity to $sanity-15>>
<<if $feeblebodyPerk != 1>>
<<set $feebleBody to $feebleBody+1>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk != 1>>
<<set $everydayBody to $everydayBody+1>>
<<set $stalwartBody to $stalwartBody+1>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<if $martinRepLvl is 0>>
<<say>>On a second thought, it's nothing important.<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>Sure, come by when you have something to say. I can't promise that I'll be available, but I'll try to spare some time for you.<</say>>
<<text>>While Martin remained sitting on the stadium's grass, you returned to the locker room, ready to grab your belongings and leave.<</text>>
<<say>>Nah, nevermind. It's nothing.<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>Okay. Come by when you change your mind. I can't promise that I'll be available, though. I'm quite popular, you know!<</say>>
<<say>>I'll keep that in mind~<</say>>
<<text>>While Martin remained sitting on the stadium's grass, you returned to the locker room, ready to grab your belongings and leave.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/physical0.jpg">>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $martinRepLvl is 0>>
<<btn "Flirt with Martin" MartinFlirt 0 0 0 "12:30-17:29" 0 2>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Flirt with Martin" MartinFlirt 0 0 0 "12:30-17:29" 0 2>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>Hey, Martin?..<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>Yeah?<</say>>
<<text>>Now in his regular attire, Martin sat on the grass tinkering with his laptop.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/martin0.jpg">>
<<say "Martin">>Cone on, spill it out. I won't bite.<</say>>
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue">Martin's Reputation :</span>
<span class="color-pink">level $martinRepLvl</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$martinRepBar' `$martinRep / $martinRepMax`>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $martinRep < $martinRepMax>>
<<plug "Deepen your Relationship" "Insufficient reputation with Martin" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<btns "Offer a Gift" "02" 15 0 0 "12:30-17:29" "Luxury Gift" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "Deepen your Relationship" "01" 30 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<btn "Go Back" MartinTalk 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say "Martin">>Hey... How about we... You know, find ourselves a place, and...<</say>>
<<say>>What, you want to fuck? Well, I guess you're quite easy on the eye, being $hair... Not to mention you having a decent stamina, being able to keep up with me on track and all.<</say>>
<<text>>With a scrutinizing look, Martin thoroughly examined your assets, paying great attention to the way your clothes tightly warped around the tighs.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/school/martin1.jpg">>
<<say "Martin">>Old guy Nevaro lets me use his office whenever I want. Let's go, we can crush over there, but we'd better hurry before he returns from his break.<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Fuck Him" Martin_PornScene0 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>I have a little something for you...<</say>>
<<text>>After a moment's struggling, you've managed to pull a tightly knitted box out of your pocket and present it before Martin.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/gift.jpg">>
<<say "Martin">>Wow, this stuff looks phenomenal! About time someone recognizes me too.<</say>>
<<text>>With a snicker, Marin gave you a thumbs up and you felt the connection between the two of you grow.<</text>>
<<say "Martin">>I appreciate that a lot $mcf. Anything else?<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Luxury Gift" "-1" luxuryGift>>
<<rewardP "Martin Rep" "+15" martinRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Hurray!" MartinTalk 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 1, $martinRep to $martinRep+15, $luxuryGift to $luxuryGift-1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>Hey, Martin? You have a minute?<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>Sure, what's up?<</say>>
<<text>>Now in his regular attire, Martin sat on the grass tinkering with his laptop.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/martin0.jpg">>
<<say "Martin">>Come on, I won't bite. Unless you ask me to, ha-ha!<</say>>
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue">Martin's Reputation :</span>
<span class="color-pink">level $martinRepLvl</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$martinRepBar' `$martinRep / $martinRepMax`>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $martinRepLvl is 1>>
<<btns "Show Off" "01" 0 0 0 "12:30-17:29" "lubedAndReady" 3>><</btns>>
<<btns "Offer a Gift" "02" 15 0 0 "12:30-17:29" "Luxury Gift" 0>><</btns>>
<<btn "Let's fuck!" Martin_PornScene0 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Let's fuck!" Martin_PornScene0 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Wanna do my butt?" Martin_PornScene1 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" MartinTalk 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>I've noticed that you're quite a fan of my... bottom side. Do you wanna try... erm...<</say>>
<<text>>With a smug smile, Martin stood up and warped his hands around you, taking a hold of your buttcheeks, the strngth of his grip forcing a needy moan from your lips.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/flirt5.jpg">>
<<say "Martin">>Of course I do. I can already see my cock stretching you all day long.<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing the size of the black man's bulge, you were reminded of the soreness you felt after taking him all the way in last time. The intense amount of gum-biting pleasure that having your pussy fucked with an enourmous dick you felt was worth it, but that was your pussy and not your virgin ass.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $martinRep < $martinRepMax>>
<<plug "Deepen your Relationship" "Insufficient reputation with Martin" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<btns "Deepen your Relationship" "03" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<btn "Go Back" MartinTalk 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>I've heard Mr. Nevarro is busy preparing for the maraphone, so... how about we do it the usual way?<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>Works for me, babe - I'll grab the keys.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Follow Martin" "04" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say "Martin">>Ho-ho, he even has some lube ready; I wonder what's he been using it for... I'm sure it's good enough for the butt stuff.<</say>>
<<say>>Hey, I was just asking, let's do the usual...<</say>>
<<text>>Ignoring your week rebuttle, the man simply yanked off your skirt, revealing your beautiful bussom, before taking a good munch out of it, making you yelp in surprise.<</text>>
<<say "Martin">>What a nice butt you've got... Didn't expect anything less from a $hair like you.<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "H-hey!.." Martin_PornScene1 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>I have a little something for you...<</say>>
<<text>>After a moment's struggling, you've managed to pull a tightly knitted box out of your pocket and present it before Martin.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/gift.jpg">>
<<say "Martin">>Wow, this stuff looks phenomenal! About time someone recognizes me too.<</say>>
<<text>>With a snicker, Marin gave you a thumbs up and you felt the connection between the two of you grow.<</text>>
<<say "Martin">>I appreciate that a lot $mcf. Anything else?<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Luxury Gift" "-1" luxuryGift>>
<<rewardP "Martin Rep" "+15" martinRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Hurray!" MartinTalk 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 1, $martinRep to $martinRep+15, $luxuryGift to $luxuryGift-1>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>I'd like soda, please. Zero sugar.<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>Looking after your health, aren't you? Nice to see that at least someone is taking their life seriously, ha-ha.<</say>>
<<text>>The man took your money and placed the beverage before you. Walking away from the counter, you sat down behind one of the tables and, with a satisfying "psk," opened the can.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/food0.jpg">>
<<say>>So good~<</say>>
<<text>>Sipping it little by little, you felt the small but pleasant surge of energy rising up in your body.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-10">>
<<rewardS "+15">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Cafeteria 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $sanity to $sanity+15>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>I would like two slices of pizza with extra pepperoni. And some salad, please.<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>Coming right from the furnace, enjoy your meal!<</say>>
<<text>>Having exchanged your money for a large bowl of fresh salad and two slices of a searing hot pizza, you've sat down behind the table and indulged in the simple pleasures of life.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/food1.jpg">>
<<say>>It's surprising how tasty this pizza is. Simply amazing~<</say>>
<<text>>Even though it took you quite a while to finish your meal, at the end of it, you felt considerably more happy than before. It was "a dollar well spent," like you used to say.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-20">>
<<rewardS "+30">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Cafeteria 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $sanity to $sanity+30>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $gossip is 1>>
<<say>>Christoper told me that I should be more mindful of people gossiping... Let's see if I'll learn something new today.<</say>>
<<text>>Just as you stopped near the lockers, a group of chattering girls passed you by, entranced in a loud conversation.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/gossip0.jpg">>
<<say 'female'>>Poor Jean has really overworked herself lately. I haven't seen her at school in the last few days.<</say>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>I know right? <<color r>> It is really important to keep your sanity up<</color>>. She must've disregarded sleep and food, trying to fit overtime shifts into her school schedule.<</say>>
<<say 'female' >>Speaking of, how about we visit a Cafe in between the lessons? <<color r>>Their signature coffee always manages to pick me up<</color>>.<</say>>
<<text>>You couldn't quite make out what they have said next, but it felt like you've learned something important today.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Tattletale" "+1" "tattletale">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $tattletale to $tattletale+1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $gossip is 2>>
<<say>>What will I hear this time? I wonder...<</say>>
<<text>>It wasn't long before another group of students passing by caught your attention.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/gossip2.jpg">>
<<say 'female'>>...and after I've realized just how much porn there is on the internet, I've got an idea.<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Don't tell me you've fallen for it and <<color r>>created an account on OnlyFans too<</color>>!<</say>>
<<say 'female'>>Yeah, I did it, what of it? <<color r>>I'm simply taking pictures once in a while and then sending the advertisements to my followers<</color>>. It's free money and besides...<</say>>
<<text>>You couldn't quite make out what they have said next, but it felt like you've learned something important today.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Tattletale" "+1" "tattletale">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $tattletale to $tattletale+1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $gossip is 3>>
<<say 'female'>>Hey, you feeling lost?<</say>>
<<text>>Suddenly, the girl's voice called you out. Turning to face her, you notice that she is standing alone with some books and a smile on her face.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/gossip1.jpg">>
<<say>>Kind of... I'm not sure what to do next.<</say>>
<<say 'female'>>You know, you could <<color r>>always check the perks you have<</color>>. Looking at the ones you don't have might push you in the right direction. Well, I'll be going now. Good luck!<</say>>
<<text>>With that, the woman went on her merry way, leaving you staring in her wake, beffudled. There was some merit to her words, but...<</text>>
<<say>>Perks, huh? I wonder what she meant by that.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Tattletale" "+1" "tattletale">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $tattletale to $tattletale+1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $gossip is 4>>
<<say>>Let's see if I'll learn something new today..<</say>>
<<text>>Just as you stopped near the lockers, a group of chattering girls passed you by, entranced in a loud conversation.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/gossip0.jpg">>
<<say 'female'>>So <<color r>>after he gave me a Luxurious Gift, I knew instantly that he was the one<</color>>. It made me want to suck his dick on a spot too!<</say>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>I wish I was given a Luxurious Gift from my boyfriend... But I've heard <<color r>>they are quite expensive, being sold in Uptown Mall<</color>>, of all places.<</say>>
<<say 'female'>>That's why I'm so happy with Michael. I'd bet if we'd get to marry right after getting our degrees, I wouldn't need to work a day...<</say>>
<<text>>You couldn't quite make out what they have said next, but it felt like you've learned something important today.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Tattletale" "+1" "tattletale">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $tattletale to $tattletale+1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $gossip is 5>>
<<say 'female'>>Hi! You lost in thought again?<</say>>
<<text>>The girl's voice called to you, and as you turned to face her, you noticed that she was standing alone with some books, facing directly at you. You recognize her as the same girl; that gave you a hint about "perks.".<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/gossip1.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh, it's you. There's something I've wanted you to ask: Is there a way to get better in bed? To learn the art of love, to...<</say>>
<<say 'female'>>Ha-ha, I get what you mean; But to achieve that you'll need to find some tools to train yourself first; <<color r>>check out a sexshop at the Mall<</color>>. After that get used to the feeling of the toy, and then you're ready to go with the real cock! I hope it helps!<</say>>
<<text>>With that, the woman went on her merry way, leaving you staring in her wake, beffudled. There was some merit to her words, but...<</text>>
<<say>>Sex shop in the Mall? I guess I could check it out when I get the time.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Tattletale" "+1" "tattletale">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $tattletale to $tattletale+1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $gossip is 6>>
<<say>>What will I hear this time? I wonder...<</say>>
<<text>>It wasn't long before another group of students passing by caught your attention.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/gossip2.jpg">>
<<say 'male'>>...and then he told me about his crush on $mcf! Can you imagine?<</say>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>So, you're saying that despite dating Jecka, all this time <<color r>>Clyde had a massive boner for that $mcl<</color>> girl? That's some quality drama material.<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>And since he's not getting any action lately, <<color r>>all Clyde does now is soak in the Library<</color>>, staring at the walls...<</say>>
<<text>>You couldn't quite make out what they were saying next, but what you did hear was enough. The thought of your friend having a crash for you never even crossed your mind before, and faced with this information, you felt quite conflicted.<</text>>
<<say>>Huh... <<color r>>Clyde liked me all this time<</color>>? I should check the Library.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Tattletale" "+1" "tattletale">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $tattletale to $tattletale+1, $gossip to 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Whoa... Looks like someone forgot their backpack. <</say>>
<<text>>A thought has crossed your mind - since no one can really see you, would it be so bad if you took a look at what's inside? Who knows, it might even help you find the owner.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/event0.jpg">>
<<say>>Just a small peek...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Look Inside" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>Inside, you've found books, some notes and, to your surprise, a crusty $50 bill.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/money.jpg">>
<<say>>I could use this to...<</say>>
<<text>>As soon as you start thinking about using this money to buy a pizza in the Cafeteria, your stomach starts growling, making the choice even more tempting. <</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "Leave" School 0>>
<<if $ScEvent0 != 1>>
<<set $ScEvent0 to 1, $pioneer to $pioneer+1>>
<<btns "Take the money" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Frick it, no one's going to know that it was me who took it. It's a victimless crime...<</say>>
<<text>>With a quick movement, you put the money into your pocket and quickly closed the victim's backpack, leaving it in the same place as before. There's a slight sting in your self-consciousness at the realisation that you've just now committed theft.<</text>>
<<say>>At least I will be able to buy something for myself now... Ugh, I feel bad.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "+20">>
<<rewardS "-10">>
<<if $ScEvent0 != 1>>
<<rewardP "Pioneer" "+1" pioneer>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $cash to $cash+20, $sanity to $sanity-10, $EventRNG to undefined>>
<<if $ScEvent0 != 1>>
<<set $ScEvent0 to 1, $pioneer to $pioneer+1>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say 'male' 'p'>>...And how's your mother doing lately, huh Rando?<</say>>
<<text>>As you got closer to the group of people, it became clear that they had not gathered for no reason, but to watch and cheer at the sight of a guy being bullied.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/event1.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>You know, I really liked the taste of her lips when she came crawling up to me, asking to stop bullying you!<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>Oh yeah?.. Well, did you... Did you like the taste of my cum on her lips too, then?..<</say>>
<<text>>The sudden rebuttle of the victim took the crowd by surprise. You saw the bully's face turn to deep purple colour, knowing well that you had to do something to stop the fight before it went too far.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Intervine" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Guys, guys! Stop it!<</say>>
<<text>>However, your plan backfired, and now a bully came straight at you instead. Lucky for you, before the inevitable collision, the bully was stopped by someone grabbing over his shoulder. It was Christopher, who didn't miss the opportunity to give you an encouraging wink.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/school/christopher0.jpg">>
<<say "Christopher">>Whoa, take it easy, Bernard. Shouldn't you be in class right now anyway, huh pal? <</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I-I... Well yes...<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>That's great to hear, your sister must be waiting for you. Tell her I said hello~<</say>>
<<text>>Without saying a word, the bully walked away, disappearing into the crowd. You let out a sigh of relief as the people around you dispersed, leaving only you and Christopher.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Thank you!" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Thank you, Christopher. You saved me...<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>No worries, you did well. I saw you come to protect that poor fellow, too bad he got too scared and ran away before thanking you properly~<</say>>
<<text>>Your teacher patted you on the back and you could feel a bond growing between you.<</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>Well, it's time for me to get going too. My class should be starting soon~<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<rewardP "Christopher Rep" "+3" christopherRep>>
<<if $ScEvent1 != 1>>
<<rewardP "Pioneer" "+1" pioneer>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $christopherRep to $christopherRep+3, $sanity to $sanity+20, $EventRNG to undefined>>
<<if $ScEvent1 != 1>>
<<set $ScEvent1 to 1, $pioneer to $pioneer+1>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say 'male'>>Bratty bitches... You three better get ready for correction~ <</say>>
<<text>>At the entrance to the supposedly empty locker room, a man's strong voice rang hollow. You knew the source was just around the corner and your heart raced as you stepped closer and closer...<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/physical0.jpg">>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>I get an A+ for this, right? Right?.. Ah!..<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>As long as you move your hips... Fuck... And let me finish...<</say>>
<<text>>What you saw next was beyond your expectations. <</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "What's that?.." "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>What the... Is that how they get their grades so high?<</say>>
<<text>>A girl from the parallel class was busy riding Mr Nevarro's cock while her two friends made sure she was doing everything to her full potential. <</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/SceneE-0.mp4">>
<<say 'male'>>Oh yeah baby... Just a bit more, I'm almost there!<</say>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Yes! Do it inside me, please! I want to be the mother of Mr Nevarro's babies!<</say>>
<<text>>The first girl's hips continued to move hypnotically up and down the glistening cock of your PE teacher and you could see her eyes rolling back as one of her friends began to stimulate her clit with the other one waiting in anticipation. Enthralled by the sight of the act, you couldn't help but chastise her for waiting, instead of helping to please this hulking beast of a man, as a good girl should. <</text>>
<<say>>So horrible and yet so hot... Wait, what am I saying? Fuck, I should go before they notice me... <</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $ScEvent2 != 1>>
<<rewardP "Pioneer" "+1" pioneer>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>>
<<if $ScEvent2 != 1>>
<<set $ScEvent2 to 1, $pioneer to $pioneer+1>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say 'male'>>Oh fuck, Jecka... You're such a slut!~<</say>>
<<text>>A man's strong voice rang hollow at the entrance to the supposedly empty changing room. You knew the source was just around the corner and your heart raced as you stepped closer and closer...<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/physical0.jpg">>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Ha-ha, how nice of you~ Now come here! Mgh~ Ngh!...<</say>>
<<text>>What you saw was beyond anything you could ever expect. <</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "What's that?.." "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>What the hell, there is no way she is doing that... <</say>>
<<text>>Three boys from a football team stood proudly with their trousers down and their massive, meaty cocks in the hands of none other than Jecka, one of the most popular girls in the school. <</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/SceneE-1.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Move your fingers, slut, we haven't got all day, you know?<</say>>
<<text>>Watching Jecka polish the team captain's dick with her mouth, while her slender and skilful hands were hard at work pleasuring his other two friends, was something of a sinful miracle come true, making your legs tremble just by looking at it. <</text>>
<<say 'male'>>Fuck... I can't believe that nerd Clyde thinks you love him. I wish I could see his face when he learnes what happens to his girl when he's not around!<</say>>
<<say>>So horrible and yet so hot... Wait, what am I saying? Fuck, I should go before they notice me... <</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $ScEvent3 != 1>>
<<rewardP "Pioneer" "+1" pioneer>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>>
<<if $ScEvent3 != 1>>
<<set $ScEvent3 to 1, $pioneer to $pioneer+1>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say "Martin">>How do you like dem apples now, huh bitch?!<</say>>
<<text>>The cacaphony of sounds assaulted your sences once you entered the bot-so-empty bathroom, cautiously looking around for the source. Judging by the direction of the noise - it was coming from one of the cubicals.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/bathroom.jpg">>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Ngh!.. Ah!.. So rough!..<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>Ha-ha, you haven't seen nothing yet!<</say>>
<<text>>Curious, you notice a movement behind a crach in the door and when you get closer to peek into it...<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "What's that?.." "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>What the hell, is this Martin?..<</say>>
<<text>>A school star was all consumed in an act of fucking the guts out of a girl you've seen a couple of times over at the Cafeteria. His cock penetrated deeply, and with each slam you felt the recoil in your own loins. <</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/SceneE-2.mp4">>
<<say "Martin">>What do you say now?.. How does it feel being my personal cum-dumpster now?~<</say>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Mgh!.. Breed me, Martin!.. Fill me up, like this, yes!..<</say>>
<<text>>The girl's back arked as she undoubtedly faced a powerfull orgasm, which made her legs shook uncontrolably, while the man between them continued pounding into her spasming pussy. You could barely held yorself from masturbating, your whole body yearning to release this tension.<</text>>
<<say>>I'd better get going while I still have controll... Damn~<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $ScEvent4 != 1>>
<<rewardP "Pioneer" "+1" pioneer>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>>
<<if $ScEvent4 != 1>>
<<set $ScEvent4 to 1, $pioneer to $pioneer+1>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say 'male' 'p'>>That just means we have to work faster~ Get to pumping!<</say>>
<<text>>The cacophony of sounds assaulted your senses as you entered the not-so-empty. Judging by the direction of the sound - it was coming from one of the cubicles.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/bathroom.jpg">>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Ah!.. Fuck, not so... Mgh~<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>Good call dude, with your dick blocking her windpipe, she won't be so loud anymore!<</say>>
<<text>>Curious, you notice a movement behind a crack in the door and when you come closer to look inside...<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "What's that?.." "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>What on earth, she's taking two of them at once?..<</say>>
<<text>>Behind the door, you saw a random girl whom you've never seen before getting passionately railed by the two guys from the sport's team. Their cocks worked together like a well-oiled machine, penetrating the girl's holes in such a way that she was stuck drooling from pleasure, barely keeping her wits about her.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/SceneE-3.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I love it when she gets obedient... And to think she was a quiet girl in your class, ha!<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>Corrupting bitches like her is my speciality. I bet it's only a matter of days before we get her to give us blowjobs in the middle of the lecture!<</say>>
<<text>>The poor girl was enjoying herself so much that she didn't even bother to talk back, being used like nothing more than a glorified fleshlight. But you couldn't help but feel jealous, seeing how deep the cocks of two men went into her little holes.<</text>>
<<say>>I'd better go while I'm still in control of myself... Damn!<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $ScEvent5 != 1>>
<<rewardP "Pioneer" "+1" pioneer>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>>
<<if $ScEvent5 != 1>>
<<set $ScEvent5 to 1, $pioneer to $pioneer+1>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say "Christopher">>That's funny; weren't you acting all shy just a moment ago?.. But I guess having a little a fun wouldn't hurt~<</say>>
<<text>>The man dropped his coat down on the ground, and his shirt soon followed it, revealing his surprisingly well-developed physique. And now, as he stood half naked in front of you, not letting a chance slip by, you quickly stepped forward, helping him to get rid of his pants.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/flirt3.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh my gosh... You're so hard already?.. Ehm...<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Be a bit braver, I've told you to use your head earlier, right? Show me what you learned.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Okay..." "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>Well, I can try I guess...<</say>>
<<text>>Holing onto the hard cock of your teacher with one hand and stroking it gently, you get down on your knees and shower his bulky tip with kisses before sticking out your tongue and allowing Christoper to use it in any way he desired.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/Scene0-0.mp4">>
<<say>>So juicy... Mhm~<</say>>
<<text>>Having wrapped up your lips around the tip of the penis, you begin bobbing your head back and forth, ushering in moans of pleasure from the man before you. His groaning grew louder, and you could tell by the increase in tempo that your teacher was passionate about you, that knowledge alone making you groan loudly.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "H-huh?.." "06" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<text>>Untill suddenly, he pulled his throbbing cock out, despite no doubt being on the verge of eruption, almost making you choke on your own saliva. Taking a step back, he breathed heavily before pointing you to the table.<</text>>
<<say>>Huf, h-huh?..<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>That was close... But I want to feel your pussy first. Come on baby, I know you want it too~<</say>>
<<text>>Unable to hold your all-consuming need any longer, you spread your legs, embarrassingly showing the most private of your parts before Christopher, hoping that this would please him.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Use my body, Christopher" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Please use me, Christopher... I need you to put it inside.<</say>>
<<text>>You squeaked as the man pushed you deeper on the table, his penis rubbing against your soaking folds, before unceremoniously invading them, reassuring your guts in the process.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/Scene0-1.mp4">>
<<say>>F-frick!.. Not so... Rough!..<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Shh, just keep taking... it! You'll love it soon enough~<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Mgh!.." "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<text>>You weren't certain of what happened next; from your perspective, it was as if the whole world melted in the unfathomable cocktail of pleasure and motion. Christopher Cock continues to ravage your body, elvisiting the lewdest of moans out of your throat.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/Scene0-2.mp4">>
<<say>>Breed me like an animal, yes! Yes..! More!...<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>You're tight; I'll give you that. For now, that is...<</say>>
<<text>>With your whole body electrified and convulsing under the waves of orgasm hitting your body repeatedly, you were grateful that a strong man like Christopher could hold you in his steady grasp, lest you risk collapsing on the floor.<</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>I'm almost...<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Do it Inside!" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Cum inside me, teacher! I want to...<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Fuck no, I would be in huge trouble if I did that. But...<</say>>
<<text>>Suddenly pulling out his girth, Christopher took a step back, and having lost the only thing keeping you upward, you stumbled down on your knees.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/Scene0-3.mp4">>
<<say "Christopher">>Open your mouth!..<</say>>
<<text>>Pushed to the highest of the high, the man storked down on his throbbing cock in front of you, and you barely had enough time to react. "Ah..." A single sigh was the only thing that escaped your lips before the warm, ropey seed erupted from the man's tip, smearing against your lushious skin.<</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>Fuck, this was... nice.<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Did I do it?~" "07" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 7>>
<<say>>Did I do well?~<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Yes! Heck I'd give you an A for that if I could... But no A+; there are things left to be desired~<</say>>
<<text>>Surprised, you swiped away some of the cum dripping from your eyelids and looked at him seriously.<</text>>
<<say>>Huh? Like what?<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>You have a very fuckable face, $mcf. It would be a shame if you didn't let your teacher use it properly, don't you think?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I guess you..." "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<text>>But before you could answer, a school's bell rang loudly, reminding the both of you that the school is still going and that there are yet lessons to be attended.<</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>You'd better get a move on and clean yourself properly. I would prefer if our little intrigue was kept secret, at least for a while.<</say>>
<<text>>Without a reason to disagree, you hastily picked up your clothes and moved into the bathroom, making sure that not a single person saw your cum-ridden face. And only after a few long minutes of washing and scraping your face you could finally feel clean once again.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/cleaning.jpg">>
<<say>>Phew... That was sure something to be remembered. And he said that he'd like to fuck my face—I'd need to train before I would be comfortable pulling that off.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $christopherRepLvl is 0>>
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<rewardP "Christopher Rep" "+5" christopherRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $christopherRepLvl is 0>><<set $sanity to $sanity +20>><<set $christopherRep to 0>><<set $christopherRepLvl to 1>><<notify 4.5s>>Your bond with Christopher has advanced to the next level!<</notify>><<else>><<set $christopherRep to $christopherRep+5>><</if>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>I can take it, I know I can! Come on, I'll show you...<</say>>
<<text>>After swiftly removing the man's pants, he sat down with his legs open, his penis twitching as your lips timidly wrapped around his swollen head for the first time. A low groan escaping his lips, as the musky taste of a cock intensified while you pushed your head closer to the base, leaving you wanting for more.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/Scene1-0.mp4">>
<<say "Christopher">>Ah, fuck!.. I can tell... that you've been training hard~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Brace for the Facefuck" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say "Christopher">>But let's see just how deep you can take it.<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling his grip on your head, you pushed yourself all the way down to the base of the man's penis, swallowing its girth to the best of your abilities. Christopher decided to help you out by roughly pushing it deeper with a thrust of his hips, making your eyes water as you tried your best to suppress a gag reflex.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/Scene1-1.mp4">>
<<say>>Mgh~ Hurp...<</say>>
<<text>>Despite the discomfort, you felt more aroused than ever, using a spare hand to pleasure yourself, bringing yourself to the verge of orgasm with a single touch, thanks to rising need you felt from getting facefucked. <</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Go all the way Down" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say "Christopher">>Nice girl... Now I'll go a bit rougher~<</say>>
<<text>>Getting a better grasp over your hair, the man pulled your face down while thrusting his cock forward with force, it's tip repeatedly hitting the back of your throat with each motion, straigning your muscles and forcing a wet rasping sound to come out.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/Scene1-2.mp4">>
<<say>>Mgh~ Ngh!..<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>You're taking it so well... I'll keep going then~<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Are you close?~" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say "Christopher">>Fuck, I'm so close! Get on the table, $mcf... And take off your shoes, too~<</say>>
<<say>>Is it.. Is it finally time?..<</say>>
<<text>>Following the man's demand, you climbed on the empty table, stripping off the remaining clothes in the process. Your loins ached in anticipation of Christopher's next move, and you felt your back arching fron his lustfull gaze alone.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/flirt2.jpg">>
<<say>>Give it to me... Your baby butter that is~<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Make him Cum" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say "Christopher">>S-shit!.. They are perfect... Ah!..<</say>>
<<text>>But, contrary to your expectations, instead of going for your needy pussy, Christopher simply grasped your slim feet with one hand while jerking yourself off with another, and before long, his white semen erupted, covering your soles in a warm and sticky coating.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/Scene1-3.mp4">>
<<say>>Erm... Is my feet that good?.. That simply touching them made you cum?<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Yes, I've always wanted to do it on your sweet little grippers~<</say>>
<<text>>Learning that even such a insignificant part of your body was able to bring pleasure to the man before you made your heart flutter, as a silly smile appeared on your face.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "My pussy waits for you..." "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>It makes me so happy to hear that!~ But... what about my needs?<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>You're right... We should continue then~<</say>>
<<text>>However, before the second round could begun, you were cut abruptly by a loud ring of a school's bell once again.<</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>Well, I guess this is it. Go clean yourself while you have the time. Oh and try not to stain the floor in the process, having cum all over the classroom could get me in trouble~<</say>>
<<img "downtown/school/cleaning.jpg">>
<<text>>You nod and hastily pick up your clothes, moving to the bathroom while making sure that you do it unnoticed. It must've took you a few dozen minutes of washing and scraping your feet before you were finally clean once again.<</text>>
<<say>>Heh, I knew I could do it! I'm so glad that Christopher liked it too~<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $christopherRepLvl is 1>>
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<rewardP "Christopher Rep" "+8" christopherRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $christopherRepLvl is 1>><<set $sanity to $sanity +20>><<set $christopherRepLvl to 2>><<notify 4.5s>>Your bond with Christopher has advanced to the next level!<</notify>><<else>><<set $christopherRep to $christopherRep+8>><</if>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Wow, this office is huge...<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>I guesss it's not that bad, but if you wanna see something that is actually huge...<</say>>
<<text>>With a smirk you've grown accustomed to, Martin quickly removed his shirt, hinting for you to help him get rid of his pants. Even simply brushing against his underwear, you could tell that the size of his cock is unlike anything you've seen before.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/flirt4.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh wow... You're not joking! How will I even be able to...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Take it in" "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say "Martin">>Don't worry about it, just mind your teeth.<</say>>
<<text>>With a bit of a struggle, you've managed to push the top of a man's tip past your lips, letting out a lewd moan from feeling the fullness in your slutty mouth.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/Scene3-0.mp4">>
<<say>>Gh... Ha-ah...<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>Geez, you've got only a tip in and already done? I swear, you white girls...<</say>>
<<text>>But despite your best attempts, you could not get it any deeper than that without a risk of gagging from getting hit into the back of the throat with a massive cock. But you quickly thought of another way that could satisfy both of you instead.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Offer your Pussy Instead" "06" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<say>>All right, how about this, then?.. <</say>>
<<text>>Taking a different approach, you let the the man's girthy tip out of your mouth and breasthing in relief, prepped yourself against the couch, shaking your ass lewdly in an attemp to entice your lover.<</text>>
<<say>>My white little hole... For you to take~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "It's so big!.." "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say "Martin">>Hah, now you asked for it!..<</say>>
<<text>>The force of impact made you squeal as Martin slammed himself deep down your pussy. His balls kept kissing your wetened sex, as he contuned pounding you like a wild animal, making you feel like you were losing your mind in lustful extasy.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/Scene3-1.mp4">>
<<say>>Ngh! Ah... Fu-uuck!<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>How's does it feel to have a REAL cock inside of you?..<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I..." "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>> I can't... even think... <</say>>
<<say "Martin">>Weren't you the one bragging that you could take it? Come on, this is embarrassing!<</say>>
<<text>>You tried to say something back, but with how Martin worked his thigs, picking up the pace with each second - his massive girth ravaged your insides, leaving you only able to mewl in excitement. By now you've already lost count of how many times you came, but you knew one thing and one thing only:<</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/Scene3-2.mp4">>
<<say>>I want... You... More~<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>That's what I like to hear from my bitches!<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'm cumming!" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>> I'm... cumming!.. Ahhh!~ <</say>>
<<text>>A shiver danced along your spine when Martin let out a gutteral growl as you pushed your ass all the way down into his groin, your spasming pussy making him shudder.<</text>>
<<say "Martin">>Oh fuck... Oh fuck!<</say>>
<<text>>Almost immediately, you could feel his dick slamming one last time into your cervix before errupting in an explosion of warmth, his thick cum filling your womanhood fully, the pleasure of orgasms overlapping and whitening your mind.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/Scene3-3.mp4">>
<<say "Martin">>God damn! I hope you have plan B ready?<</say>>
<<say>>I'm... Mgh... Today... Safe...<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Oh Frick..." "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<text>>Feeling throughly fucked, you couldn't do as much as move a muscle, simply zoning out and enjoying the moment while it lasted. You weren't sure how much time had passed before you came back to your senses, but when you did, Martin was nowhere to be seen.<</text>>
<<say>>Huh, he left already? I'd better follow his example before Mr. Nevarro comes... Getting caught like this would be so embarrassing~<</say>>
<<text>>The next 10 or so minutes you've spent thoroughly cleaning yourself, making sure that your pussy is no longer drenched in the black man's cum. At the end of it, you felt somewhat rejuvinated, if a bit sore.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/cleaning.jpg">>
<<say>>He came inside, and so much... And the way he looks at my butt, oh! I wonder if there's anything else I could do for him~<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $martinRepLvl is 0>>
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<rewardP "Martin Rep" "+5" martinRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $martinRepLvl is 0>><<set $sanity to $sanity +20>><<set $martinRep to 0>><<set $martinRepLvl to 1>><<notify 4.5s>>Your bond with Martin has advanced to the next level!<</notify>><<else>><<set $martinRep to $martinRep+5>><</if>>
<div class="main-module">
<<text>>Simply overpowering your pitiful attempts to escape from his grasp, Martin stepped forth, tacking you down on a bed with a single motion. Before you could even realize what was going on, the man took his position on top with his fingers running along your shaven pussy.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/flirt6.jpg">>
<<say>>Frick!.. You could've at least warned me before doing that...<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>Why? It all worked out nicely, I can see that you're quite excited now.<</say>>
<<text>>With a giggle, Martin continued his playful assault, now fingering your pussy fully, making you mewl with each skillful movement of his didgits, rubbing and spreading your nether loin. Before long, you were shaking in his firm grasp, brought to the edge of your first orgasm of the day.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "You're so... good!~" "06" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<say>>God... How are you so... good?<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>You know me; it's in my blood. And now that I've got you all nice and relaxed...<</say>>
<<text>>The following sensation of something huge knocking against your lubed-up butthole made you tense up for a moment before finally allowing the invader to slip in, stretching your insides in a way you didn't know was possible. The sensation of your guts stirring by the presence of Martin's mighty penis overwhelmed your being with extasy.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/Scene4-0.mp4">>
<<say>>Ha!.. Ah...<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>Don't worry, I'll start slow.<</say>>
<<text>>Unable to reply, you simply bit down on a pillow as the man's cock continued his perpetular motions inside you, forcing electricity spark alongside your arcked back, making you curl your toes in glee.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Mgh!~" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say "Martin">>Okay, now get on top of me; It'll be easier this way.<</say>>
<<text>>Obeying his command, you began riding him in a literal sense, his thick cockhead plowing through your insides, making both of you breathe heavily in unison. You wanted more, however and now aiding Martin with your own hand, rubbed and kneeded your swollen pussy lips, grunting with each new pump.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/Scene4-1.mp4">>
<<say>>Fu-ck... I'm almost... almost there!..<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>I told you'll love it... But damn, I did NOT expect you to be so tight!<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Keep going!.." "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Please, please!.. A little bit more!..<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling your coming climax, Martin was kind enough to place you on your back, just as your legs shook from the sesation of his cock hitting the back of the womb through the thin membrane.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/Scene4-2.mp4">>
<<say "Martin">>Come on, give to me, babe... Come on!<</say>>
<<text>>And then you screamed as you climaxed harder than ever before in your life, your butt tightening around Martin's cock and your mind completely fried. He did not relent, and even in your delirium, you could tell that he was nearing his peak too.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "You're close, I can feel it~" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say "Martin">>All right, babe, now show me your pretty little face, will you?<</say>>
<<say>>Of... course...<</say>>
<<text>>Knowing well what's about to happen next, you smiled, standing on your shaking knees before Martin's girthy dick. Your mouth opened just in time for the white eruption of baby buter to coat your skin and hair in it's ropey texture, a process made even more sensual by the man's growls of pleasure.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/Scene4-3.mp4">>
<<say>>I've caught as much as I could; are you pleased with me now?~<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>Fuck yeah... You're the best bitch I had... And that's saying something, trust me.<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Yay!.." "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<text>>Overcome with emotion, you tried to kiss Martin on the cheek, but to your dismay, he easily dodged your advance.<</text>>
<<say "Martin">>Hey! Clean up first, and then we'll talk about kissing. And remember: Nevaro can come back at any minute now!<</say>>
<<text>>Even despite being slightly disheartened by Martin's words and actions, you knew that you managed to please him better than anyone before you, and having that thought alone was enough to keep a wide smile on your face.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'll go clean myself now" "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>All right, I'll go to the bathroom right away. Catch you later!<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>Sure, see you.<</say>>
<<text>>Having picked up your belongings, you rushed into the empty bathroom and made quick work of cleaning yourself. Staring into the mirror, you still couldn't believe what just happened—you'd just had your first anal sex, and you loved every second of it!<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/cleaning.jpg">>
<<say>>I should try taking in the butt more often~ Now that I did it once, there's no way I'm turning back!<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $martinRepLvl is 1>>
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<rewardP "Martin Rep" "+8" martinRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $martinRepLvl is 1>><<set $sanity to $sanity +20>><<set $martinRepLvl to 2>><<notify 4.5s>>Your bond with Martin has advanced to the next level!<</notify>><<else>><<set $martinRep to $martinRep+8>><</if>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Well, if there's so much porn around, I wonder if I can male some easy money off of it too~<</say>>
<<text>>Remembering the story you'd heard in school, you went to your computer and searched for the platform named "Only Fans." It didn't take you long to find, and soon you were creating an account of your own.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/account.jpg">>
<<say>>How do I name it, though? I've heard having a good name is important for growth... Oh, I know. "Blode Girl Lewds" sounds pretty good~<</say>>
<<text>>A dozen or so minutes later, you were finishing the creation process, and now you were the proud owner of your own page, which you could use for blogging and posting photos.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Influencer" "+1" influencer>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" JHomeBedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $influencer to 1>><</btn>>
<<if !$rentCountdown>>
<<set $rentCountdown to $dayCount+5>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>> This place is so large that I can't help but wish that I could share it with someone~<</say>>
<<text>>Leisurly pacing in your marble-laid lounge, you couldn't help but feel like you're sleeping. You never could have imagined that one day you would be living in a luxurious apartment like this one.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/apartmentMain.jpg">>
/* RNG Buttons */
<<if $EventRNG is 0>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<if $CookBlock == $dayCount>>
<<plug "Cook Food" "You've already cooked your daily steak!" 45 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Cook Food" ACook 45 0 0 "6:30-21:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<if $ShowerBlock == $dayCount>>
<<plug "Take a Shower" "Showering too often is bad for your skin!" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Take Shower" AShower 30 0 0 "6:00-22:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Watch Porn" AWatchPorn 15 0 0 "6:30-21:59" 0 0>><<set $pornRng to random(0, 2)>><</btn>>
<<btn "Move to Bedroom" ABedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Leave" Uptown 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>What should I do next?..<</say>>
<<text>>If only for a moment, the modern style of the room took your mind off your troubles, allowing you to escape into that familiar feeling of security and solitude. Although the room felt a little spacious for you alone, you could still appreciate the space when you needed it.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/bedroom.jpg">>
<<if $level > 2 && $cameraGirl isnot 1>>
<<say>>Oh, right... Pip mentioned something about streaming; I've always wanted to try it out!~ But first, I'd need to get my hands on a <<color r>>video camera.<</color>><</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<if $time < 990>>
<<btn "Lie Down in Bed" ATakeNap 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Sleep" ASleep 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<if $realAmateur isnot 1>>
<<btn "Set-up the Camera for Streaming" CamRegister 90 0 "100-300" "6:30-19:29" "Camera Girl" 3>><</btn>>
<<btn "Start Streaming" CamStream 0 0 0 "6:30-20:59" "Real Amateur" 3>><</btn>>
<<if $influencer isnot 1>>
<<btn "Register OnlyFans Account" ARegister 90 0 "100-300" "6:30-20:59" "Pornomaniac" 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Check your Account" AAccount 0 0 0 "6:30-22:59" "Influencer" 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" Apartment 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say 'male' >>Be careful where you step; the marble floor could still be slippery after a wash.<</say>>
<<text>>A scent of fresh paint and polished wood greeted you once you stepped into the lobby of an apartment building. The marble floors and contemporary artwork adorned the walls, creating an atmosphere of luxury.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/apartmentMain.jpg">>
<<say>>Whoa, I bet living in a place like this is mighty expencive...<</say>>
<<say 'male' >>Well, usually it is, but... We'll get to it, don't worry. First, let's take a look at our kitchen.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Kitchen?" "02" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say 'male' >>As you can see, the kitchen is modeled in a modern style, has a 3D fireplace, and of course, everything one might need when cooking a dinner.<</say>>
<<text>>The kitchen beckoned with its gleaming appliances and ample counter space; with only one look, you could tell that even a 5-star Michelin chief wouldn't be able to find anything here to complain about.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/kitchen.jpg">>
<<say 'male' >>The best part is that each day you will be delivered a fresh stake cut from the premium beef, allowing for a quick and easy meal without leaving the comforts of your home. Next, let's look at the bedroom.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Okay..." "03" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<text>>The natural light seeped in through the large windows, flooding the room in such a way that it felt like every corner of the room was illuminated in equal measure.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/bedroom.jpg">>
<<say>>It's so spacious. Amazing!<</say>>
<<say 'male' >>Yes, the previous owner even doubled this room as a streaming office, so if you'll be planning on going into the digital entertainment, the internet here supports a wide bandwidth. As for the next room, I've left the biggest attraction as a surprise...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Oh?.." "04" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say 'male' >>Ta-da! Your personal home theater!<</say>>
<<text>>A big screen shone brightly, iluminating the room lined with leather couches that exuded warmth and cozyness, promising a great place for parties.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/cinema.jpg">>
<<say>>Cool! I've always dreamed of having my own personal cinima room! But... how much will it cost me to live here?<</say>>
<<say 'male' >>Considering that you're the first person willing to rent this place, $4000 per month sounds like a reasonable offer. And as a bonus, I'm ready to let you in as soon as you get me a 2000-dollar forward payment. I doubt you'll find a better deal in this city.<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "I have the Money" RentApartment 60 2000 "100-300" "10:00-15:59" 0 0>><<set $checkApartments to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Maybe some other time?" Uptown 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $checkApartment to 1>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Should I take it a bit slower today?.. I could use some rest~<</say>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/nap.jpg">>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Sleep for an Hour and a Half" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "Sleep untill Next Morning" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<btn "Go Back" ABedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>I might as well lie down for a minute or two; I don't feel like doing anything right now...<</say>>
<<text>>As you settled into your bed, you felt your body sink into the softness of the pillows and blankets, their coolness providing a nice contrast, cradling you like a baby.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/nap1.jpg">>
<<say>>Yaawn!.. How long did I dream for?.. I hope too long~<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Wake Up" ABedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $time to $time+90>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>I might as well lie down for a minute or two; I don't feel like doing anything right now...<</say>>
<<text>>Before long, you felt your consciousness slip into the land of dreams, a vivid tapestry of imagination taking you to the wildest rides imaginable, soothing you in a new dream-like reality, until...<</text>>
<<set $PictureRNG to random(0,4)>>
<<if $PictureRNG is 0>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep0.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 1>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep1.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 2>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep2.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 3>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep3.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 4>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep4.jpg">>
<<say>>Yaawn!.. How long did I sleep for?.. <</say>>
<<text>>You suddenly stirred awake, yawning loudly. After stretching your limbs and taking a moment to come back to your senses, you stood up, feeling ready for the day ahead. <</text>>
<<say>>I had a nice dream, though~<</say>>
<<if $homeostasisPerk is 1>>
<<text>><<color>>By taking the time to learn more about proper sleep hygiene, you are already feeling a little more energised than before.<</color>><</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $homeostasisPerk != 1>>
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<rewardS "+25">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $dayCount >= $rentCountdown>>
<<btnAutosave "Wake Up" RentPay>><<set $dayCount to $dayCount+1>><<set $time to 390>><<if $homeostasisPerk != 1>> <<set $sanity to $sanity +20>> <<else>> <<set $sanity to $sanity +25>> <</if>><<notify 6s>>Your progress has been saved!<</notify>><</btnAutosave>>
<<btnAutosave "Wake Up" ABedroom>><<set $dayCount to $dayCount+1>><<set $time to 390>><<if $homeostasisPerk != 1>> <<set $sanity to $sanity +20>> <<else>> <<set $sanity to $sanity +25>> <</if>><<notify 6s>>Your progress has been saved!<</notify>><</btnAutosave>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Yikes, I'm hungry. I wonder what I have left in the fridge.<</say>>
<<text>>With a quick check of your kitchen appliances and contents of the fridge, you decide that it would be best to get some use out of the free steak kit that has been delivered to you in the morning.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/kitchen.jpg">>
<<say>>Let's see if I remember how it's done...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Cook" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>With a confident flick of your wrist, you flipped the well-marinated steak onto the grates as the sizzling sound filled the kitchen along with the intoxicating smell of the charred meat, making you salivate in anticipation.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/food.jpg">>
<<say>>Bon appetite! Oh, it's so good!~<</say>>
<<text>>With the meat done to your liking, you bit into its seared crust. You felt its texture melting inside your mouth, and the flavors, echanted by the smokiness from the grill, exploded with each new chew, making you mewl in glee.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+40">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Apartment 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $sanity to $sanity +40>><<set $CookBlock to $dayCount>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Phew. Finally, it's time to relax~<</say>>
<<text>>After throwing your clothes into a neat little pile on the floor, you quickly jump into the shower and turn on the tap, thus beginning the highlight of your day.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/shower0.jpg">>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Turn on the Water" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>Standing naked under the warm stream of water as it cascaded down your skin, you ran your fingers over the most private parts of your body, melting away the exhaustion that had built up over the day. Reveling in the simple pleasure of feeling the weight of the water on your shoulders, you prolonged this little intimate act until you were satisfied completely.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/shower1.jpg">>
<<say>>Mhm... That's what I'm talking about~<</say>>
<<text>>A few minutes later, it was time to grab the towel and leave the misty oasis behind. But thanks to the procedure, you now felt free as a bird and ready to take on anything the world throws at you.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+20">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Apartment 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $sanity to $sanity+20, $ShowerBlock to $dayCount>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Now that I have a variety of toys, I wonder if my chat would like to interact with the stream in a more direct way. I sure hope they'll like new donation goals!<</say>>
<<text>>At the press of the button, the light next to your camera blinked red, signaling its activation, and before long, people began joining the stream. At first, it was a few guys, then a dozen, and then some more, stopping around a few hundred viewers, the number raising and falling with every second. It felt amazing to see your once small audience grow, and you knew well that you still had room for improvement.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/stream0.jpg">>
<<say>>Hi guys! I've got something special for my trusty viewers, so I have a feeling you're going to love today's show~<</say>>
<<text>>It didn't take long before the first donation rang the bell, the screen exploding in a vibrant color to match the amount of money donated. Barely holding in your excitement, you read out the message out loud, making sure to thank the generous viewer properly.<</text>>
<<say 'male'>>"Here's a few bucks to brighten up the mood! And by the way, make sure to DM me your address if you ever feel lonely; I have a 7-inch mosnter waiting for you~";<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<switch $stage>>
<<case 0>>
<<btns "Let's start the Show!" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<case 1>>
<<btns "Let's start the Show!" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<case 2>>
<<btns "Let's start the Show!" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Thank you for your offer, sweety; I'll keep it in mind~ And with that, we've reached our first goal of the day!<</say>>
<<text>>The rising vibration caused by the tip made you mewl the last few words, and as you bit the donw on your lip, you spread your legs before the camera once more, rubbing the thick tip of the dildo against your tight entrance.<</text>>
<<say>>Oh, I don't know if I can fill both of these at once... What do you think, chat?<</say>>
<<video "uptown/apartments/video/Scene2-0.mp4">>
<<text>> <<color "y">>"This is so hot!", "Do it pussy!"<</color>> and <<color "y">>"You can make it!"<</color>> were their answers. With a pleased grin, you plunged the dildo into your pussy, biting your tongue to keep yourself from moaning even louder, as some of the viewers felt compelled to continue tipping, sending vibrator and, by extension, you, into a frenzy. The burst of activity continued for a while, only subsiding after hours upon hours of fucking, leaving your pussy painfully sore.<</text>>
<<say>>Whoo!.. I think I'm going to call it for now! Thank ya'll for tipping guys; this was a crazy stream. See you soon!~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $streamingRep is 1000>>
<<rewardC "100">>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 249>>
<<rewardC "80">>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 99>>
<<rewardC "70">>
<<rewardC "65">>
<<rewardS "-30">>
<<if $alluringAura is 1>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+35" streamingRep>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+25" streamingRep>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+15" streamingRep>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+25" streamingRep>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+15" streamingRep>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+10" streamingRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "End Stream" ABedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $stage to undefined, $sanity to $sanity-30>>
<<if $streamingRep is 1000>>
<<set $cash to $cash+100>>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 249>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 99>>
<<set $cash to $cash+70>>
<<set $cash to $cash+65>>
<<if $alluringAura is 1>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+35>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+25>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+15>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+25>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+15>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+10>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>I'll keep that in mind, honey~ But, thanks to your tip, we now reached the second goal of the day! You know what that means...<</say>>
<<text>>Mewling with excitement, you tug the pantis of your hips, exposing your stuffed pussy before the chat, your wet juices drip from your pussy, creating a puddle on the floor.<</text>>
<<say>>That's right, now you get to watch me being brought to orgasm with the help of this little buddy—just imagine that this is your cock, chat! Please, be gentle with me guys~<</say>>
<<video "uptown/apartments/video/Scene2-1.mp4">>
<<text>>A ding after a ding, you heard the people commenting in chat, collectively speaking of just how much better it would feel if it really was their cocks. Biting your lip, you could see the image of that before your own eyes—several random men ramming their cocks into your tightness, one forcing their dick down your throat while the others slamming against your pussy and asshole repeatedly.<</text>>
<<say>>Mgh!.. Oh my God! It felt amazing, you guys... I've never came harder before, and all thanks to you~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $streamingRep is 1000>>
<<rewardC "100">>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 249>>
<<rewardC "80">>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 99>>
<<rewardC "70">>
<<rewardC "65">>
<<rewardS "-30">>
<<if $alluringAura is 1>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+35" streamingRep>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+25" streamingRep>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+15" streamingRep>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+25" streamingRep>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+15" streamingRep>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+10" streamingRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "End Stream" ABedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $stage to undefined, $sanity to $sanity-30>>
<<if $streamingRep is 1000>>
<<set $cash to $cash+100>>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 249>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 99>>
<<set $cash to $cash+70>>
<<set $cash to $cash+65>>
<<if $alluringAura is 1>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+35>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+25>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+15>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+25>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+15>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+10>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Now that's an offer! Thanks for the tip, baby~ Thanks to you, we've managed to reach our last goal of the day!<</say>>
<<text>>With your legs shaking from the intense vibration, you felt a jolt running through your spine as the tip of the second vibrator toughened upon your overstimulated clitorous, forcing a loud moan from your lips.<</text>>
<<say>>See this?.. Yeah, you get to make me cum for as long as the show lasts! But please, be mindful of your spending; empty your balls, not your wallet~<</say>>
<<video "uptown/apartments/video/Scene2-2.mp4">>
<<text>>Stirring your pussy, you smirked at the camera briefly before lowering your hips and pressing the vibrator against your sex. The chat was eager to help, tipping relentlessly in such a way that the first vibrator stirred up against your walls at maximum intensity, causing you to let out the lewdest sounds yet. Losing your mind in white bliss, you felt your toes curl as the shocks of orgasmic pleasure coarsed through your body for minutes on end, until finally the wallets were emptied and you were allowed to breathe again.<</text>>
<<say>>Jesus... What did I tell you about minding your spending, guys?.. Ha-ha, I'm kiddin', I love you all~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $streamingRep is 1000>>
<<rewardC "100">>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 249>>
<<rewardC "80">>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 99>>
<<rewardC "70">>
<<rewardC "65">>
<<rewardS "-30">>
<<if $alluringAura is 1>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+35" streamingRep>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+25" streamingRep>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+15" streamingRep>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+25" streamingRep>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+15" streamingRep>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+10" streamingRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "End Stream" ABedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $stage to undefined, $sanity to $sanity-30>>
<<if $streamingRep is 1000>>
<<set $cash to $cash+100>>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 249>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 99>>
<<set $cash to $cash+70>>
<<set $cash to $cash+65>>
<<if $alluringAura is 1>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+35>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+25>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+15>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+25>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+15>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+10>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>I hope chat will behave themselves - the machine is ready, but I don't know if I could take it at the stronger settings...<</say>>
<<text>>At the press of the button, the light next to your camera blinked red, signaling its activation, and before long, people began joining the stream. At first, it was a few guys, then a dozen, and then a hundred, the count increasing with each passing second, lulling you into a hypnotic trance of positivity.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/stream0.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh wow!.. That's so many of you already! I'll do my best to satisfy each and every one of you to the best of my ability.<</say>>
<<text>>It didn't take long before the first donation rang the bell, the screen exploding in a vibrant color to match the amount of money donated. Barely holding in your excitement, you read out the message out loud, making sure to thank the generous viewer properly.<</text>>
<<say 'male'>>"Hi $mcf, I've missed you so much over the weekend! I hope you're ready; We'll show you what happens when you leave us alone for that long~"<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<switch $stage>>
<<case 0>>
<<btns "Let's start the Show!" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<case 1>>
<<btns "Let's start the Show!" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<case 2>>
<<btns "Let's start the Show!" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Now, that sounds exciting~ But chat, we are just getting started today!..<</say>>
<<text>>Biting down on your lips, you rubbed your tender pussy against the mounted dildo, praying for the chat to contain their excitement and not to rush things.<</text>>
<<say>>It's a little bigger than usual, so... It barely fits, chat!<</say>>
<<video "uptown/apartments/video/Scene3-0.mp4">>
<<text>>With sweet moans filling the room, you sunk down onto the mounted dildo, your pussy squeezing around its firmness as you accepted about a half of its entire length. A loud groan accompanied your first attempt at rocking your hips as you adjusted to the plentiful girth of the toy. Now that you feel your pussy being properly stuffed, you could easily envision yourself being fucked not by a machine but by a real veiwer.<</text>>
<<say>>Thanks for being reasonable and allowing me to adjust, guys~ Next stream, you'll get to fuck me balls deep, pinky swear!<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $streamingRep is 1000>>
<<rewardC "100">>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 249>>
<<rewardC "80">>
<<elseif $streamingRep >99>>
<<rewardC "70">>
<<rewardC "65">>
<<rewardS "-30">>
<<if $alluringAura is 1>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+35" streamingRep>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+25" streamingRep>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+15" streamingRep>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+25" streamingRep>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+15" streamingRep>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+10" streamingRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "End Stream" ABedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $stage to undefined, $sanity to $sanity-30>>
<<if $streamingRep is 1000>>
<<set $cash to $cash+100>>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 249>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 99>>
<<set $cash to $cash+70>>
<<set $cash to $cash+65>>
<<if $alluringAura is 1>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+45>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+35>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+25>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+35>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+25>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+15>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Let's get to it, sweetie!.. The brakes are off today~<</say>>
<<text>>With a soft grunt, you placed yourself before the dildo, your palms clenching tightly at the bedsheets. As you pushed yourself down onto the mounted toy, it's girth spreading your wet pussy with a lewd sound.<</text>>
<<say>>Mh... I'm waiting for your chat. Show me how much you love me!~<</say>>
<<video "uptown/apartments/video/Scene3-1.mp4">>
<<text>>Amidst the sea of activity, the messages <<color "y">>"I'll fuck you raw all night long, $mcf"<</color>> and <<color "y">>"I've waited for this all week!"<</color>> were the ones that caught your eye, making you chuckle from how overconfident they were. But the moment machine bagan moved under the influence of generus tippers, you realized that you were the one who's being cocky. And now was the time for your punishment.<</text>>
<<say>>F-frick! Nnngh!.. Ah!.. Ha... I think I'm done for the day, guys... You did me good~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $streamingRep is 1000>>
<<rewardC "100">>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 249>>
<<rewardC "80">>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 99>>
<<rewardC "70">>
<<rewardC "65">>
<<rewardS "-30">>
<<if $alluringAura is 1>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+35" streamingRep>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+25" streamingRep>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+15" streamingRep>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+25" streamingRep>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+15" streamingRep>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+10" streamingRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "End Stream" ABedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $stage to undefined, $sanity to $sanity-30>>
<<if $streamingRep is 1000>>
<<set $cash to $cash+100>>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 249>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 99>>
<<set $cash to $cash+70>>
<<set $cash to $cash+65>>
<<if $alluringAura is 1>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+45>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+35>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+25>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+35>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+25>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+15>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Oh! Well, here's your chance~<</say>>
<<text>>Bouncing your butt, you let out a mewl as you felt your walls being spread by the large dildo, each thrust more addictive than the latter. <</text>>
<<say>>Oh my~ I'm this close already!.. Mah!..<</say>>
<<video "uptown/apartments/video/Scene3-2.mp4">>
<<text>>Chat clearly enjoyed your lustful exclamations, tipping relentlesly with each message telling you about how much they would love to fuck you in real life. Another stifled cry excaped your lips as you felt your muscles tensing up, your inner walls clenching around the plastic shaft. That was the moment your eyes widened, your whole body spasming from the powerful orgasm that crashed against you, leaving you powerless under the rule of chat. It took quite a bit of time before you came back to your senses, mewling gently to all of your belated viewers.<</text>>
<<say>>Aah-ha... So guys, we did it... We reached- Ah!.. I can't think straight from cumming so hard... Thank you all so much~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $streamingRep is 1000>>
<<rewardC "100">>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 249>>
<<rewardC "80">>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 99>>
<<rewardC "70">>
<<rewardC "65">>
<<rewardS "-30">>
<<if $alluringAura is 1>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+35" streamingRep>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+25" streamingRep>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+15" streamingRep>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+25" streamingRep>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+15" streamingRep>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+10" streamingRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "End Stream" ABedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $stage to undefined, $sanity to $sanity-30>>
<<if $streamingRep is 1000>>
<<set $cash to $cash+100>>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 249>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 99>>
<<set $cash to $cash+70>>
<<set $cash to $cash+65>>
<<if $alluringAura is 1>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+45>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+35>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+25>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+35>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+25>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+15>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Let's start easy. I just want to get used to the camera first~<</say>>
<<text>>At the press of the button, the light next to your camera blinks red, signaling its activation, and before long, people begin joining the stream. At first, it was only a few guys, but the number quickly rose, now sitting comfortably under the hundred concurrent viewers.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/stream0.jpg">>
<<say>>Hi, I'm $mcf! I'm new here, so please make sure to let me know if I can improve things! I hope you'll treat me well~<</say>>
<<text>>It didn't take long before the first donation rang the bell, the screen exploding in a vibrant color to match the amount of money donated. Barely holding in your excitement, you read out the message out loud, making sure to thank the generous viewer properly.<</text>>
<<say 'male'>>"You look cute! I wonder what your pussy looks like, so here's a little incentive";<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<switch $stage>>
<<case 0>>
<<btns "Let's start the Show!" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<case 1>>
<<btns "Let's start the Show!" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<case 2>>
<<btns "Let's start the Show!" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Sure thing, sweetie! Look closely now~<</say>>
<<text>>With a shy smile, you fell back onto the bed, running your nimble fingers against the sensitive petals of your slit, before giving yourself completely to the pleasure, each new message from chat making your loin ache all the more.<</text>>
<<say>>Would you treat me well, guys? If I were to ever meet up with you,<</say>>
<<video "uptown/apartments/video/Scene1-2.mp4">>
<<text>>Hearing that, the chat immediately exploded with messages, with each viewer describing in detail just how good it would feel if they were to fuck your little pussy given the chance. Overwhelmed with such a strong feeling of love, you did your best to keep both the show and chat going for as long as your body would allow, feeling exhausted by the end of the stream.<</text>>
<<say>>Phew, thank you all so much for the support, guys! Please make sure to follow me; I'll be streaming again soon~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $streamingRep is 1000>>
<<rewardC "80">>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 249>>
<<rewardC "65">>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 99>>
<<rewardC "55">>
<<rewardC "50">>
<<rewardS "-25">>
<<if $alluringAura is 1>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+30" streamingRep>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+20" streamingRep>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+10" streamingRep>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+20" streamingRep>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+10" streamingRep>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+5" streamingRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "End Stream" ABedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $stage to undefined, $sanity to $sanity-25>>
<<if $streamingRep is 1000>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 249>>
<<set $cash to $cash+65>>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 99>>
<<set $cash to $cash+55>>
<<set $cash to $cash+50>>
<<if $alluringAura is 1>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+30>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+20>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+10>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+20>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+10>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+5>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>I've seen some of you say nice things about my butt, so let me give you a closer look this time~<</say>>
<<text>>Leaning on your side, you pushed your butt a bit higher, feeling a little self-conscious, only now realizing just how many people were praising themselves while looking at you. With a shudder, you began caressing your lower lips with your digits, coaxing them with the pussy juices.<</text>>
<<say>>Ngh~ G-guys, did this make you hard?..<</say>>
<<video "uptown/apartments/video/Scene1-1.mp4">>
<<text>><<color y>>"I came", "You're so hot!"<</color>> and <<color y>>"Please be my girlfriend"<</color>> were the first responses from the chat, with many more to follow. Feeling the butterflies stirring up in your stomach, you did your best to keep both the show and chat going for as long as your body would allow, feeling exhausted by the end of the stream.<</text>>
<<say>>Oh wow! Thank ya'll for being here, guys~ I'll be streaming again soon!<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $streamingRep is 1000>>
<<rewardC "80">>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 249>>
<<rewardC "65">>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 99>>
<<rewardC "55">>
<<rewardC "50">>
<<rewardS "-25">>
<<if $alluringAura is 1>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+30" streamingRep>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+20" streamingRep>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+10" streamingRep>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+20" streamingRep>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+10" streamingRep>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+5" streamingRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "End Stream" ABedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $stage to undefined, $sanity to $sanity-25>>
<<if $streamingRep is 1000>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 249>>
<<set $cash to $cash+65>>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 99>>
<<set $cash to $cash+55>>
<<set $cash to $cash+50>>
<<if $alluringAura is 1>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+30>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+20>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+10>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+20>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+10>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+5>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Of course, be sure to tell me if you like this angle~<</say>>
<<text>>With a bashfull look on your face, you spread your legs in front of the camera, your fingers spreading and kneeding the outer lips, allowing everyone to see your nether pussy in detail. Feeling a sting of self-doubt as you began rubbing the finger against your sensitive clitouros, you mewl while looking at chat.<</text>>
<<say>>You like the way my pussy looks, right?.. Please be honest!<</say>>
<<video "uptown/apartments/video/Scene1-0.mp4">>
<<text>>Quick to reassure you, the chat showered you with all kinds of compliments, and feeling the need to recuperate their kindness, you tried your best to compliment them back in between your moans, as you did your best to keep both show and chat going for as long as your body would allow, feeling exhausted by the end of the stream.<</text>>
<<say>>I appreciate you so much, guys. Please make sure to visit my next stream too!~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $streamingRep is 1000>>
<<rewardC "80">>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 249>>
<<rewardC "65">>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 99>>
<<rewardC "55">>
<<rewardC "50">>
<<rewardS "-25">>
<<if $alluringAura is 1>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+30" streamingRep>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+20" streamingRep>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+10" streamingRep>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+20" streamingRep>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+10" streamingRep>>
<<rewardP "Viewer Count" "+5" streamingRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "End Stream" ABedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $stage to undefined, $sanity to $sanity-25>>
<<if $streamingRep is 1000>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 249>>
<<set $cash to $cash+65>>
<<elseif $streamingRep > 99>>
<<set $cash to $cash+55>>
<<set $cash to $cash+50>>
<<if $alluringAura is 1>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+30>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+20>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+10>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+20>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+10>>
<<set $streamingRep to $streamingRep+5>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Phew... Who knew it would be so hard to set this camera correctly?..<</say>>
<<text>>Jumping into the streaming without knowing anything on the matter turned out to be a much more daunting task than you'd expected. After hours spent trying to figure out the natural lighting in the room, you felt relieved when, on what felt like your 100th attempt, the video finally began looking up to the standard of quality you've set for yourself.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/stream2.jpg">>
<<say>>Great, I got it! Now, which website should I choose to stream on?.. Oh, this one is huge!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Register an Account" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>Deciding that it would be best to start on a well-known platform, it took you a while to fill up the never-ending list of forms, some of which required you to go as far as to confirm your identity with a cute photo.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/stream1.jpg">>
<<say>>Ah, this reminds me of that time when some weirdo was demanding a photo of my pussy to prove that I am a girl... Well, at least this site has the decency to be professional about it.<</say>>
<<text>>Once you had registered, all you needed to do now was to prepare yourself before you debute stream.<</text>>
<<say>>My heart is pounding... I hope everything will go right!..<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Real Amateur" "+1" "realAmateur">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Do a Sensual Stream" Cam_PornScene0 180 0 0 "6:30-20:29" 0 3>><<set $stage to random(0,2)>><<set $realAmateur to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Use your Assortment of Toys" Cam_PornScene1 180 0 0 "6:30-20:29" "Bag of Dicks" 3>><<set $stage to random(0,2)>><<set $realAmateur to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Give the Sex-Machine control to the Viewers" Cam_PornScene2 180 0 0 "6:30-20:29" "Robo-Cock" 3>><<set $stage to random(0,2)>><<set $realAmateur to 1>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Whoa!.. I could spend an entire night here and still find new things to geek out about.<</say>>
<<text>>The hobby shop's shelves were adorned with all kinds of anime figurines, manga merchandise, games, and puzzles, each item spiking a surge of curiosity in your eyes.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/mall/hobby.jpg">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<if $chesstimerPerk is 1>>
<<plug "Buy Chess Clock" 0 0 SOLD>><</plug>>
<<btn "Buy Chess Clock" MHobbyBuy 0 50 0 "10:00-21:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<if $cameragirlPerk is 1>>
<<plug "Buy VideoCam" 0 0 SOLD>><</plug>>
<<btn "Buy VideoCam" MHobbyBuy 0 250 0 "10:00-21:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<if $luxuryGift is 5>>
<<plug "Buy Luxury Gift" "You can't carry more than 5 at a time!" 0 1000>><</plug>>
<<btn "Buy Luxury Gift" MHobbyBuy 0 750 0 "10:00-21:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 2>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" Mall 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>It's about time I refreshed my wardrobe. Let's see what they have...<</say>>
<<text>>Making a stop at the clothes store, you walked by the racks, each lined with dozens upon dozens of carefully arranged garments. The colorful clothes were easy on the eye, and you enjoyed exploring every nook and cranny of the small shop.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/mall/clothes.jpg">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<if $twopiecePerk is 1>>
<<plug "Buy a Swimsuit" 0 0 SOLD>><</plug>>
<<btn "Buy a Swimsuit" MClothesBuy 0 150 0 "10:00-21:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<if $freshjordansPerk is 1>>
<<plug "Buy a Pair of Running Shoes" 0 0 SOLD>><</plug>>
<<btn "Buy a Pair of Running Shoes" MClothesBuy 0 350 0 "10:00-21:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<if $funkyattirePerk is 1>>
<<plug "Buy a Night Dress" 0 0 SOLD>><</plug>>
<<btn "Buy a Night Dress" MClothesBuy 0 750 0 "10:00-21:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 2>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" Mall 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Wow, there are so many toys in here!~<</say>>
<<text>>Walking in the sex shop, you immediately recognized the pleasant smell of the lube going through the air, and your eyes were glued to all kinds of contraptions. Some were big, some were small, some were curvy, and some were stretched. The sense of childlike wonder overcame you as you began to imagine the ways to use those tools to bring out the most pleasure.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/mall/sexshop.jpg">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<if $dildoownerPerk is 1>>
<<plug "Buy Dildo" 0 0 SOLD>><</plug>>
<<btn "Buy Dildo" MSexBuy 0 100 0 "10:00-21:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<if $bagofdicksPerk is 1>>
<<plug "Buy Pack of Sextoys" 0 0 SOLD>><</plug>>
<<btn "Buy Pack of Sextoys" MSexBuy 0 350 0 "10:00-21:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<if $robocockPerk is 1>>
<<plug "Buy Sex Machine" 0 0 SOLD>><</plug>>
<<btn "Buy Sex Machine" MSexBuy 0 1000 0 "10:00-21:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 2>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" Mall 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>I like the idea of getting a dildo; it could definitely come in handy later on~<</say>>
<<text>>The attentive sales staff quickly offered you their assistance, happily packing your new addition in a brightly colored bag.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/mall/buy.jpg">>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>That will be 100$. I'd also recommend you to buy...<</say>>
<<say>> No-no, thanks!~ Have a nice day! <</say>>
<<text>>With a smile you decliedn the offer and minutes after you were already walking across the Mall plaza in search of the next attraction.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-100">>
<<rewardP "Dildo Owner" "+1" "dildoOwner">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Mall 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $dildoOwner to 1, $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>I like the idea of getting a bunch of sextoys at once; it could definitely come in handy later on~<</say>>
<<text>>The attentive sales staff quickly offered you their assistance, happily packing your new addition in a brightly colored bag.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/mall/buy.jpg">>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>That will be 350$. I'd also recommend you to buy...<</say>>
<<say>> No-no, thanks!~ Have a nice day! <</say>>
<<text>>With a smile you decliedn the offer and minutes after you were already walking across the Mall plaza in search of the next attraction.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-350">>
<<rewardP "Bag of Dicks" "+1" "bagOfDicks">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Mall 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $bagOfDicks to 1, $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say>>I like the idea of getting a sex-machine; it could definitely come in handy later on~<</say>>
<<text>>The attentive sales staff quickly offered you their assistance, happily packing your new addition in a brightly colored bag.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/mall/buy.jpg">>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>That will be 1000$. I'd also recommend you to buy...<</say>>
<<say>> No-no, thanks!~ Have a nice day! <</say>>
<<text>>With a smile you decliedn the offer and minutes after you were already walking across the Mall plaza in search of the next attraction.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-1000">>
<<rewardP "Robo-Cock" "+1" "roboCock">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Mall 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $roboCock to 1, $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>I like the idea of getting a swimsuit for myself; it could definitely come in handy later on~<</say>>
<<text>>The attentive sales staff quickly offered you their assistance, happily packing your new addition in a brightly colored bag.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/mall/buy.jpg">>
<<say 'female'>>That will be 150$. Would you be also interested in bying...<</say>>
<<say>> No-no, thanks!~ Have a nice day! <</say>>
<<text>>With a smile you decliedn the offer and minutes after you were already walking across the Mall plaza in search of the next attraction.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-150">>
<<rewardP "Two Piece" "+1" "twoPiece">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Mall 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $twoPiece to 1, $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>I like the idea of getting a pair of running shoes for myself; it could definitely come in handy later on~<</say>>
<<text>>The attentive sales staff quickly offered you their assistance, happily packing your new addition in a brightly colored bag.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/mall/buy.jpg">>
<<say 'female'>>That will be 300$. Would you be also interested in bying...<</say>>
<<text>>With a smile you decliedn the offer and minutes after you were already walking across the Mall plaza in search of the next attraction.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-300">>
<<rewardP "Fresh Jordans" "+1" "freshJordans">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Mall 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $freshJordans to 1, $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say>>I like the idea of getting a night dress for myself; it could definitely come in handy later on~<</say>>
<<text>>The attentive sales staff quickly offered you their assistance, happily packing your new addition in a brightly colored bag.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/mall/buy.jpg">>
<<say 'female'>>That will be 750$. Would you be also interested in bying...<</say>>
<<say>> No-no, thanks!~ Have a nice day! <</say>>
<<text>>With a smile you decliedn the offer and minutes after you were already walking across the Mall plaza in search of the next attraction.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-750">>
<<rewardP "Funky Attire" "+1" "funkyAttire">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Mall 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $funkyAttire to 1, $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>I like the idea of getting a chess clock for myself; it could definitely come in handy later on~<</say>>
<<text>>The attentive sales staff quickly offered you their assistance, happily packing your new addition in a brightly colored bag.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/mall/buy.jpg">>
<<say 'male'>>That will be 50$. Would you like also to buy...<</say>>
<<say>> No-no, thanks!~ Have a nice day! <</say>>
<<text>>With a smile you decliedn the offer and minutes after you were already walking across the Mall plaza in search of the next attraction.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-50">>
<<rewardP "Chess Timer" "+1" "chessTimer">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Mall 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $chessTimer to 1, $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>I like the idea of getting a video camera for myself; it could definitely come in handy later on~<</say>>
<<text>>The attentive sales staff quickly offered you their assistance, happily packing your new addition in a brightly colored bag.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/mall/buy.jpg">>
<<say 'male'>>That will be 250$. Would you like also to buy...<</say>>
<<say>> No-no, thanks!~ Have a nice day! <</say>>
<<text>>With a smile you decliedn the offer and minutes after you were already walking across the Mall plaza in search of the next attraction.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-250">>
<<rewardP "Camera Girl" "+1" "cameraGirl">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Mall 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $cameraGirl to 1, $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say>>I like the idea of getting a Luxurious Gift for myself; it could definitely come in handy later on~<</say>>
<<text>>The attentive sales staff quickly offered you their assistance, happily packing your new addition in a brightly colored bag.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/mall/buy.jpg">>
<<say 'male'>>That will be 1000$. Would you like also to buy...<</say>>
<<say>> No-no, thanks!~ Have a nice day! <</say>>
<<text>>With a smile you decliedn the offer and minutes after you were already walking across the Mall plaza in search of the next attraction.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-1000">>
<<rewardP "Luxurious Gift" "+1" "luxuryGift">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Mall 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $luxuryGift to $luxuryGift+1, $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>I'm hugry... I want to eat everything this place has to offer!<</say>>
<<text>>Buzzling with activity as per usual, the food court had the best assortment of the local food restaurants in the city, and the memory of eating here alone was enough to make your mouth salivate and your tummy rumble.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/mall/foodcourt.jpeg">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Order Fries and Hamburger" MEat 30 25 0 "10:00-21:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Order a Sushi" MEat 45 50 0 "10:00-21:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Order a Full-Course Meal" MEat 60 100 0 "10:00-21:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 2>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" Mall 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>I would like a cheesburger and some fries, please!..<</say>>
<<say 'female'>>Number 21 is coming right up! Enjoy your meal next!<</say>>
<<text>>With your order in hand, you carefully navigated the crowded space to the empty spot near the window, the one you had carefully secured with your bag beforehand.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/mall/food0.jpg">>
<<say>>Bon Appétit! Nom~<</say>>
<<text>>With each new bite of the burger, you were overcome with joy as your most cherished memories came alive once again. When the meal was eaten, you felt full and rejuvinated, both mentally and physically.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+30">>
<<rewardC "-25">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" MFood 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $sanity to $sanity+30>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>Can I have a set of salmon rolls and a set of spicy eels? I love them the most~<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>Of course, lady, here you go! Freshly made, enjoy your meal!<</say>>
<<text>>With your order in hand, you carefully navigated the crowded space to the empty spot near the window, the one you had carefully secured with your bag beforehand.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/mall/food1.jpg">>
<<say>>Bon Appétit! Nom~<</say>>
<<text>>With each sushi roll you've eaten, you've been overcome with joy as your most cherished memories come alive once again. When the meal was eaten, you felt full and rejuvinated, both mentally and physically.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+60">>
<<rewardC "-50">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" MFood 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $sanity to $sanity+60>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say>>I would like a full-course meal! You can spice it up, but only a little, please!..<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>A full-course meal for a young lady, spicy but not too spicy! Enjoy!<</say>>
<<text>>With your order in hand, you carefully navigated the crowded space to the empty spot near the window, the one you had carefully secured with your bag beforehand.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/mall/food2.jpg">>
<<say>>Bon Appétit! Nom~<</say>>
<<text>>With each new bite of the pastry, you were overcome with joy as your most cherished memories came alive once again. When the meal was eaten, you felt full and rejuvinated, both mentally and physically.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+120">>
<<rewardC "-100">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" MFood 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $sanity to $sanity+120>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Oof, the sun hits just right today...<</say>>
<<text>>Having found a perfect spot, you laid your towel on the soft sand, easing yourself down under the pleasant warmth of the sun.<</text>>
<<set $PictureRNG to random(0,2)>>
<<if $PictureRNG is 0>>
<<imgv "uptown/beach/sunbathe0.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 1>>
<<img "uptown/beach/sunbathe1.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 2>>
<<img "uptown/beach/sunbathe2.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh yeah, this swimsuit was totally worth it~<</say>>
<<text>>The feeling of the warmth seeping deep into your bones and muscles revitalized your body and spirit with energy, making you confident in dealing with whatever will come next in your life.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+15">>
<<rewardP "Dark-Skinned" "+1" darkSkinned>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Beach 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $sanity to $sanity +15, $darkSkinned to $darkSkinned+1>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say "Zach">>Now-now, where are you going, girlie?<</say>>
<<text>>A large, tattooed man rose from his shezlong and blocked your path before you could step into the brightly lit party area. Looking at the tattoo on his chest, you were reminded of Kali, the goddess of death.<</text>>
<<imgv "uptown/beach/zach1.jpg">>
<<say>>Um, I... I've heard music, and I thought it would be cool to visit your party...<</say>>
<<say "Zach">>This party is a place of celebration for our Patreons. You can either consider joining us or move on; there's more than enough fun to be had elsewhere.<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Beach 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Drop the beat, DJ! Hell yeah!~<</say>>
<<text>>The air was alive with the sounds of laughter and the rhytmic beat of the music, mixing in with the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. At a bit of a distance from the busy dance floor, you could see a secluded party house.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/beach/vipMain.jpg">>
/* RNG Buttons */
<<if $EventRNG is 0>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Party with the Crowd" BParty 90 0 "40-300" "14:00-20:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<if $DrinkBlock == $dayCount && $HDrinkBlock == $dayCount>>
<<plug "Participate in Drinking Game" "You have far too much alcohol in your system to do that." 30 0>><</plug>>
<<elseif $DrinkBlock == $dayCount && $HDrinkBlock != $dayCount>>
<<btn "Participate in Drinking Game" BDrink 30 0 0 "14:00-20:59" "Heavy Drinker" 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Participate in Drinking Game" BDrink 30 0 0 "14:00-20:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<if $zachIntro isnot 1>>
<<btn "Walk to the Beach House" ZachIntro 0 0 0 "14:00-21:59" 0 0>><<set $zachIntro to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Walk to the Beach House" ZachTalk 0 0 0 "14:00-21:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" Beach 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>This song is funky; I want to dance to it!<</say>>
<<say 'female'>>That's right, join us, girl!.. Shake that butt to the beat!<</say>>
<<text>>Drawn to the dance floor, you smiled toward the louder of the Patreons, who clearly already had a few drinks in them, humoring them with a few twerks of your bussom.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/beach/party0.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Hell yeah! Keep it moving!..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Party" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say 'female'>>Nice moves, sister!<</say>>
<<say>>Thanks, you too!~<</say>>
<<text>>Merging into the larger crowd of bodies, you all moved as one, with each bit growing closer to each other, all equally enjoying the freedom in this private corner of the world.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/beach/party1.jpg">>
<<say>>Huff... I'm exhausted. But this was so much fun~<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-20">>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<rewardP "Zach Rep" "+3" zachRep>>
<<elseif $everydayBody is 1>>
<<rewardP "Zach Rep" "+2" zachRep>>
<<rewardP "Zach Rep" "+1" zachRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" VIPZone 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<$sanity to $sanity-20>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $zachRep to $zachRep+3>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk is 1>>
<<set $zachRep to $zachRep+2>>
<<set $zachRep to $zachRep+1>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Who wants to have a drink? It's on the house!..<</say>>
<<say>>Me, me!~<</say>>
<<text>>After joining the group of Patreons, you were swiftly given a nice-tasting fruity coctail. People around you were eating grilled foods, some others dancing, but the clinking of glasses and the chorus of cheerful toasts overpowered them all in an instant.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/beach/drink1.jpg">>
<<say 'female'>>How about we move the party house? Partying there will be fun, with fewer people staring from the sidelines!..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Sit at the Bar" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "Party with Everyone" "02" 60 0 0 "14:00-20:59" "Zach Lvl 1" 4>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>I'll stay here, I think. Have fun, though!..<</say>>
<<text>>As you parted ways with the drunken crowd, you found yourself behind a cozy bar, drinking your troubles away in a much more subdued, yet charming, atmosphere of solitude.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/beach/drink0.jpg">>
<<say>>Is it me, or has the world spun around a bit?~<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I'm pretty sure it's you. And I have a feeling you've had enough for one night.<</say>>
<<text>>As your partying antics got better and better, you found yourself growing closer and closer to the people around you.<</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+25">>
<<rewardP "Heavy Drinker" "+1" heavyDrinker>>
<<rewardP "Zach Rep" "+2" zachRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" VIPZone 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $DrinkBlock == $dayCount>>
<<set $HDrinkBlock to $dayCount>>
<<set $zachRep to $zachRep+2, $sanity to $sanity+20, $DrinkBlock to $dayCount, $heavyDrinker to $heavyDrinker+1>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Sure, let's go~<</say>>
<<text>>Following the high-spirited crowd of the Patreons through the gates of the party house, the glasses rose once more, cliking in a toast, and the sweet taste of the drink danced along your tongue, fueling your excitement even further.<</text>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Start the Party!.." Zach_PornScene1 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $zachRepLvl is 0>>
<<say>>I feel so much freer in here... It's a nice change~<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a full breath of the fresh coastal air, you stood before the gates to the party house. Near them, on his shezlong, sat the bouncer you saw before.<</text>>
<<say>>The air is so fresh here. Such a nice change~<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a full breath of the coastal air, you stood before the gates to the party house. With a nod, Zach stood up from his shezlong, opening the way forward before you.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/beach/house0.jpg">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Make a Donation" "01" 15 200 0 "14:00-21:59" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<if $zachRepLvl is 0>>
<<btn "Flirt with Zach" ZachFlirt 0 0 "40-300" "14:00-21:59" 0 2>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Flirt with Zach" ZachFlirt 0 0 "40-300" "14:00-21:59" 0 2>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" VIPZone 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Hey Zach? I wanted to make a donation. Is 200 bucks enough?<</say>>
<<say "Zach">>That will help us refill our bar for a bit. I'll make sure to write it up $mcf.<</say>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/money.jpg">>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-200">>
<<rewardP "Zach Rep" "+5" zachRep>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" VIPZone 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $zachRep to $zachRep+5>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>Zach? You free?<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a step back from his shezlong, Zack carefully fixed his hair before giving you his full attention.<</text>>
<<imgv "uptown/beach/zach2.jpg">>
<<say "Zach">>Yep, you wanted something?<</say>>
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue">Zach's Reputation :</span>
<span class="color-pink">level $zachRepLvl</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$zachRepBar' `$zachRep / $zachRepMax`>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $zachRep < $zachRepMax>>
<<plug "Deepen your Relationship" "Insufficient reputation with Zach" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<btns "Offer a Gift" "02" 15 0 0 "14:00-21:59" "Luxury Gift" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "Deepen your Relationship" "01" 60 0 0 "14:00-21:59" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<btn "Go Back" VIPZone 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Don't you think that by now I did enough to be considered "the best of the best," or at least "one of"?<</say>>
<<text>>After deliberating for a few long seconds, Zack nodded and reached for the gates, opening them with a key. But before you got your foot inside, he pulled a hand over your shoulder, stopping you in place.<</text>>
<<say "Zach">>Not so quick, $mcf. I warn you now: when you first step into the house, you need to pass the ride of passing, an initiation of sorts.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Sounds fun!" "03" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Initiation? Sounds fun; I'm in!~<</say>>
<<say "Zach">>Great, then follow me.<</say>>
<<text>>Passing through the labyrinths of the corridors and rooms, you were taken aback by just how magnificent the house looked, and only now has it dawned on you how important whoever the owner of this place was must be.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/beach/house1.jpg">>
<<say "Zach">>I can see you're getting tense, so how about a drink to make it easier for you?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "That would be nice~" "04" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>Erm, sure. Something fruity would hit the spot~<</say>>
<<say "Zach">>Sure thing, I've got you covered. Here.<</say>>
<<text>>Taking the cocktail out of Zach's hand, you took a little sip, noticing a funny bubbling texture stinging the tip of your tongue, but in a pleasant way, reminding you of that one time you drank champagne. After finishing it properly, an odd sensation of rising heat overtook your loins and the belly, making you wonder what exactly was in that drink.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/beach/drink3.jpg">>
<<say "Zach">>Finished the drink?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Erm..." "05" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>Yes, I think so... By the way, is the AC on?..<</say>>
<<text>>The rising heat and the sudden fog spread itself over your mind, making it difficult to think properly. After carefully examining your reaction, Zach nodded, taking the glass from your hand and pointing to the door beside you.<</text>>
<<say "Zach">>It is on, but if the heat is bothering you still, you could take some of your clothing off. When you'll feel comfortable, pass through the door. You'll be greeted by Patreons, and initiation will begin.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "O-okay..." "06" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<text>>Following the bouncer's suggestion, you decided to remove some of your garments. Now that you sat on the couch completely naked, for a moment you felt better as the temperature of your skin cooled down a few degrees, but pretty soon you felt the rising heat once more, and with it the rising need.<</text>>
<<say>>Am I drugged?.. I suddenly feel so horny... But I think the Patreons would be happy to help me with that~<</say>>
<<text>>Coming closer to the door Zach pointed you to, the muffled sounds of people moaning, accompanied by the sounds of flesh slapping against each other, grazed past your ears, only making you more eager and down bad.<</text>>
<<say>>I want to suck someone's dick so bad... Anyone will do!.. Please, please just be in there~<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Open the Door" Zach_PornScene0 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>I have a little something for you, so... here. I hope this gift will help improve your opinion of me.<</say>>
<<text>>With a smile, you pulled out a tightly knitted box from behind your back, presenting it before Zach.<</text>>
<<imgv "uptown/beach/zach1.jpg">>
<<say "Zach">>Sorry, I can't do it. If you want to increase your standing through monetary gains, you'll have better odds by making a donation or two. Nothing personal, of course.<</say>>
<<say>>Ah, I see...<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Yikes! He doesn't like it!" VIPZone 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>Zach? You free?<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a step back from his shezlong, Zack carefully fixed his hair before giving you his full attention.<</text>>
<<imgv "uptown/beach/zach2.jpg">>
<<say "Zach">>Yep, you wanted something?<</say>>
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue">Zach's Reputation :</span>
<span class="color-pink">level $zachRepLvl</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$zachRepBar' `$zachRep / $zachRepMax`>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $zachRepLvl is 1>>
<<if $zachRep < $zachRepMax>>
<<plug "Deepen your Relationship" "Insufficient reputation with Zach" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<btns "Offer a Gift" "02" 15 0 0 "14:00-21:59" "Luxury Gift" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "Deepen your Relationship" "03" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<if $sexBlock != $dayCount>>
<<btn "Take part in Initiation" Zach_PornScene0 60 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<btns "Got anything new for me?" "01" 60 0 0 "14:00-21:59" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<plug "Take part in Initiation" "Your body is too sore from all the sex you've been having" 60 0>><</plug>>
<<plug "Got anything new for me?" "Your body is too sore from all the sex you've been having" 60 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Deepen Throat" Zach_PornScene0 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<btn "Deepen Ass" Zach_PornScene1 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" VIPZone 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Zach, I came here to ask... Erm. Are there any parties happening in the house right now? <</say>>
<<say "Zach">>Like, you want to fuck somebody?<</say>>
<<text>>Somehow hearing your intentions sayed out of loud in such a blunt manner made you blush, as if only now you realized that you were asking for this tattoe behhemoth of a man to fix you up with some complete strangers with the sole purpose of getting railed like a cheap whore you were.<</text>>
<<say "Zach">>There is nothing wrong with it, of course; I just need you to be clear if you want my help.<</say>>
<<say>>..Yes. I'd like to blow off some steam.<</say>>
<<say "Zach">>Can do. Just give me a sec. <</say>>
<<text>> The man pulled out his phone and before you knew it he was having a lively conversation with someone on the other end of the line. <</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Wait for Zach to finish the call" "03" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say "Zach">>Done and done. I hope you'll take good care of these guys; they are good friends of mine. <</say>>
<<say>>Oh? There will be more than one?<</say>>
<<say "Zach">>Of course. Keep in mind that they are very devout patrons of our enterprise. Speaking of-<</say>>
<<img "uptown/beach/house3.jpg">>
<<text>>Out of nowhere, you felt a strong pull on your body as you were lifted by a well-built man into the air and onto his shoulder before he proceeded to carry you into the mansion. <</text>>
<<say>>Aaah! At least warn me before doing that! <</say>>
<<say "Zach">>Have fun!<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Fuck Fuck" Zach_PornScene2 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>I have a little something for you, so... here. I hope this gift will help improve your opinion of me.<</say>>
<<text>>With a smile, you pulled out a tightly knitted box from behind your back, presenting it before Zach.<</text>>
<<imgv "uptown/beach/zach1.jpg">>
<<say "Zach">>Sorry, I can't do it. If you want to increase your standing through monetary gains, you'll have better odds by making a donation or two. Nothing personal, of course.<</say>>
<<say>>Ah, I see...<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Yikes! He doesn't like it!" VIPZone 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<say 'male'>>Oh, hi. You're here for initiation, right? We can start slow if you want, with...<</say>>
<<say>> Your cock, give it to me!~ <</say>>
<<text>>Lacking patience to listen to the Patreon's words, you pushed yourself against his body, rubbing and licking his large cock through the thin fabric of his undergarments.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/beach/house2.jpg">>
<<say 'male'>>Or not... Oh fuck!..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Suck him off" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>I see you're having fun already. You don't mind if I join you, right?<</say>>
<<text>>But you were too busy in the process to even notice a newcomer, instead gratifying the perfect dick before you with your plump lips, enveloping its swollen tip, and guiding it further down your mouth. With saliva dripping onto the top of the cock, your lips glided along its shaft, accepting as much of the man's meat as you could before sucking it all the way back up to the tip.<</text>>
<<video "uptown/beach/videos/Scene0-0.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Damn, I can see you've got yourselves busy in no time. How about we all hit the bed so that we can all participate?<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Sure!.." "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<text>>Lost in your lustful delirium, you simply obeyed the orders of people around you, aiming to please as many of them as you could, caring only for your body to be used in the most gleeful way.<</text>>
<<video "uptown/beach/videos/Scene0-1.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I'll take the $hair; you take the other. I like her spirit.<</say>>
<<text>>Your wet, needy pussy finally got what it deserved; it's walls clamping around the black cock of the Patreon, making both of you groan in pleasure. Somewhere near you, the white guy was taking his reign over the other girl, stuffing her face deep into the pillows.<</text>>
<<say>>Mgh! Oh yes!.. Don't stop, oh frick!..<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "So good!~" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say 'male'>>Wait bro, let me have some of her pussy too.<</say>>
<<say>>Don't worry... I have enough for all of you~<</say>>
<<text>>Building momentum, the thrusts of the Patreon kept slamming against your soaking slit, the tip of his penis barging against your cervix continuously, as if trying to force it's way inside the womb.<</text>>
<<video "uptown/beach/videos/Scene0-2.mp4">>
<<say>>Ngh! Oh frick!..~<</say>>
<<text>>Losing your mind from pleasure, the only thing that was stopping you from moaning on the top of your lungs was the thickness of the black cock, which kept pushing its girth down your throat as you did your best sucking onto it, feeling the rising stiffness in the black man's legs.<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Ngh!.. Fuck, this $hair chick sure knows how to suck! I'm so close!..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Cum on me, baby!~!" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Agrh... Fuck!.. I'm cummning!..<</say>>
<<text>>The black man's face shuddered as he yelped in orgasmic delight, pulling his cock from your mouth before busting his semen all over your face, some hitting you in the nose, some dripping down from your hair, and only some hitting your open mouth.<</text>>
<<video "uptown/beach/videos/Scene0-3.mp4">>
<<say>>Mgh, how clumsy... I wanted to have it all for myself~<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>What a greedy little slut, ha-ha!.. But thats what we like to see - you can consider yourself one of us.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Cool, but let's get back to business~" "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<text>>A few dozens of minutes later, with the need satisfied, you left the house, whistling a happy motif to yourself, not able to contain your excitement about being a part of something as great as this elite group of Patreons. As you were passing through the gate, Zach met you with a smirk.<</text>>
<<imgv "uptown/beach/zach2.jpg">>
<<say "Zach">>I'm glad to see that it all went well with you. Cheers to that~<</say>>
<<say>>It did! Thanks for letting me in, Zach. If I ever can do anything to make you happy, and I mean anything, just call me~<</say>>
<<say "Zach">>Thanks; I'll keep it in mind~<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $zachRepLvl is 0>>
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<rewardP "Zach Rep" "+3" zachRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" VIPZone 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $zachRepLvl is 0>><<set $sanity to $sanity +20>><<set $zachRep to 0>><<set $zachRepLvl to 1>><<notify 4.5s>>Your bond with Zach has advanced to the next level!<</notify>><<else>><<set $zachRep to $zachRep+3>><<if $dailySex is 1>><<set $sexBlock to $dayCount>><</if>><<set $dailySex to 1>><</if>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say 'female'>>$mcf, Your body is so nice... I just get enough of it~<</say>>
<<text>>With the feeling of liberation and connection at its peak, one of the girls that took a liking to you embraced your body in a friendly hug, her hand gliding along your curves, forcing a giggle out of you. You tried to kiss her in retaliation, but you were quickly grabbed by someone from behind, their lips passionately connecting with the soft skin on your neck.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/beach/drink2.jpg">>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>You're so sweet, $mcf; let's have some fun together~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "More!.." "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say 'female'>>Oh yeah, oh yeah!..<</say>>
<<say>>Ngh~ More, please... Yes!..<</say>>
<<text>>The collective energy of the partygoers reached its climax as people began losing their minds in a lustful fever, dropping their clothes, and joining in the grandiose showcase of love and passion around them. The smell of sweaty bodies and sex made the need you were feeling unbearable.<</text>>
<<video "uptown/beach/videos/Scene1-0.mp4">>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Fuck!.. Wait for your turn dude, I can't take you all!..<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>Oh, sorry, my bad...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Yeah, come here instead~" "06" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<say>>...All right then. Come here, dude~<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>H-huh?..<</say>>
<<text>>Following your impulse, you cast away your shyness and hesitation, instead leaning toward the attractive young man near you, pulling his erect penis into your mouth and savoring the salty taste of his sweat. With your tongue running circles around his shaft, you bobbed your head back and forth, drooling at the idea of sucking off a complete stranger in a public show of lust.<</text>>
<<video "uptown/beach/videos/Scene1-1.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Damn girl, you're crazy!..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Let;s keep going!" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Holy fuck your pussy is tight... Agh!..<</say>>
<<say>> Ngh... I'm cumming!... Kya!~ <</say>>
<<text>>With time melting in-between the orgasms you've experienced, you found yourself changing positions and lovers, now getting stretched by the massive girth of a black man, huffing under his mating press in the sweet delirium of sex.<</text>>
<<video "uptown/beach/videos/Scene1-2.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Ah shit, we're getting close... Who wants a cumshot?<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Me!" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Me!.. Spill it all out, baby~<</say>>
<<text>>Unable to resist the temptation of bringing another man to his peak, you positioned yourself under his balls, licking them with your tongue as well as rimming his buttocks, until finally he groaned, his spilling baby buttocks going all over you and a few other girls.<</text>>
<<video "uptown/beach/videos/Scene1-3.mp4">>
<<say>>Frick yeah!.. This is the best party ever!~<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "It's getting late now..." "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<text>>As the night dew to a close, the Patreons around you grew increasingly tired, and before long, the party moved into a more realxing phase, with people helping each other clean as well as recupirating their energy with food and drinks.<</text>>
<<if $time > 1140>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/clock2.jpg">>
<<elseif $time > 840>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/clock1.jpg">>
<<img "downtown/jhome/clock0.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh well... I guess it's enough fun for one day.<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Are you already leaving $mcf? I hope to see you here again. Make sure to keep yourself safe!<</say>>
<<say>>Thanks guys~ I'll be sure to come here more often now!<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+25">>
<<rewardP "Heavy Drinker" "+1" heavyDrinker>>
<<rewardP "Zach Rep" "+5" zachRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" VIPZone 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $zachRep to $zachRep+5, $sanity to $sanity+25, $DrinkBlock to $dayCount, $heavyDrinker to $heavyDrinker+1>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say $mc>> Hey! <</say>>
<<imgv "uptown/beach/event0.jpg">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+10">>
<<rewardC "-10">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Beach 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say $mc>> Hey! <</say>>
<<imgv "uptown/beach/event1.jpg">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+10">>
<<rewardC "-10">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Beach 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say $mc>> Hey! <</say>>
<<img "uptown/beach/event2.jpg">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+10">>
<<rewardC "-10">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Beach 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue"> John </span> : <span class="color-pink">Level 1</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$johnRepBar' `$johnRep / $johnRepMax`>>
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue"> Charles </span> : <span class="color-pink">Level 1</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$charlesRepBar' `$charlesRep / $charlesRepMax`>>
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue"> Barem </span> : <span class="color-pink">Level 1</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$baremRepBar' `$baremRep / $baremRepMax`>>
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue"> Liya </span> : <span class="color-pink">Level 1</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$liyaRepBar' `$liyaRep / $liyaRepMax`>>
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue"> Christopher </span> : <span class="color-pink">Level 1</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$christopherRepBar' `$christopherRep / $christopherRepMax`>>
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue"> Martin </span> : <span class="color-pink">Level 1</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$martinRepBar' `$martinRep / $martinRepMax`>>
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue"> Zach </span> : <span class="color-pink">Level 1</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$zachRepBar' `$zachRep / $zachRepMax`>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<div class="perk-map-text padding-top-20"> JOHNS HOUSE </div>
<div class="perk-hub-row border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<div class="rep-entity">
<div class="rep-icon">
<img src="img/icons/blogging-icon.jpg">
<div class="rep-rightside">
<div class="rep-upperside">
<div class="rep-name"> Follower Count </div>
<div class="rep-tier"> $bloggingRepLvl </div>
<div class="rep-bottomside">
<<showmeter '$bloggingRepBar' `$bloggingRep / $bloggingRepMax`>>
<<if $showCheatButtons is 1>>
<<if $bloggingRepMax > $bloggingRep>>
<<link '<div class="rep-add">
<img src="img/items/plus.svg">
</div>' `passage()`>> <<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRepMax>> <</link>>
<div class="rep-container">
<div class="rep-entity">
<div class="rep-icon">
<img src="img/icons/john-icon.jpg">
<div class="rep-rightside">
<div class="rep-upperside">
<div class="rep-name"> John </div>
<div class="rep-tier"> $johnRepLvl </div>
<div class="rep-bottomside">
<<showmeter '$johnRepBar' `$johnRep / $johnRepMax`>>
<<if $showCheatButtons is 1>>
<<if $johnRepMax > $johnRep>>
<<link '<div class="rep-add">
<img src="img/items/plus.svg">
</div>' `passage()`>> <<set $johnRep to $johnRepMax>> <</link>>
/* Perks */
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40 border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Little Helper" "1" "Help John around the house. Nobody likes to live in a messy place." "$littleHelperBar" littleHelper >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Pornomaniac" "1" "Watch some dirty videos. John, it's only for science, I swear!" "$pornomaniacBar" pornomaniac >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Influencer" "1" "You've heard that you can make a lot of money just by tweeting. Time to put that theory to the test!" "$influencerBar" influencer >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Steady Hand" "1" "Get good at pleasuring yourself with your hands alone." "$steadyHandBar" steadyHand >>
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "No Gagging" "2" "Before you choke yourself on a real cock, training yourself seems like a good idea." "$noGaggingBar" noGagging >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Lubed and Ready" "2" "They say anal gets better every time. That means you should stretch yourself before offering some." "$lubedAndReadyBar" lubedAndReady >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Photogenic" "2" "Learn how to take better selfies. You'll attract more followers that way!" "$photogenicBar" photogenic >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "House-Wife" "3" "Find every single unique event John's House has to offer!" "$houseWifeBar" houseWife>>
<<if $showCheatButtons isnot 1>>
<<if recall("MAKAREVICH") is true >>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 1>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<notify 4s>> Patreon only! <</notify>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Hide Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button back-map-button" role="button" > Back </button>' perksMap>> <</link>>
<div class="main-module">
<div class="perk-map-text padding-top-20"> PARK </div>
/* Perks */
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40 border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Feeble Body" "1" "Exercise should contribute to building a better body. Worth a try. " "$feebleBodyBar" feebleBody >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Everyday Body" "2" "Your body looks better every day. You can't stop now!" "$everydayBodyBar" everydayBody >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Stalwart Body" "3" "Strength and beauty are your second names at this point. You're almost there!" "$stalwartBodyBar" stalwartBody >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Public Agent" "2" "Rumour has it that someone is looking for an actress in the Park. If you manage to get a part, you might even get something in return." "$publicAgentBar" publicAgent>>
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Explorer" "3" "Find every single unique event the Park has to offer!" "$explorerBar" explorer>>
<<if $showCheatButtons isnot 1>>
<<if recall("MAKAREVICH") is true >>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 1>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<notify 4s>> Patreon only! <</notify>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Hide Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button back-map-button" role="button" > Back </button>' perksMap>> <</link>>
<div class="main-module">
<div class="perk-map-text padding-top-20"> CAFE </div>
<div class="perk-hub-row border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<div class="rep-entity">
<div class="rep-icon">
<img src="img/icons/cafe-icon.jpg">
<div class="rep-rightside">
<div class="rep-upperside">
<div class="rep-name"> Job Experience </div>
<div class="rep-tier"> $cafeRepLvl </div>
<div class="rep-bottomside">
<<showmeter '$cafeRepBar' `$cafeRep / $cafeRepMax`>>
<<if $showCheatButtons is 1>>
<<if $cafeRepMax > $cafeRep>>
<<link '<div class="rep-add">
<img src="img/items/plus.svg">
</div>' `passage()`>> <<set $cafeRep to $cafeRepMax>> <</link>>
<div class="rep-container">
<div class="rep-entity">
<div class="rep-icon">
<img src="img/icons/charles-icon.jpg">
<div class="rep-rightside">
<div class="rep-upperside">
<div class="rep-name"> Charles </div>
<div class="rep-tier"> $charlesRepLvl </div>
<div class="rep-bottomside">
<<showmeter '$charlesRepBar' `$charlesRep / $charlesRepMax`>>
<<if $showCheatButtons is 1>>
<<if $charlesRepMax > $charlesRep>>
<<link '<div class="rep-add">
<img src="img/items/plus.svg">
</div>' `passage()`>> <<set $charlesRep to $charlesRepMax>> <</link>>
/* Perks */
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40 border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Barista" "1" "Become experienced in the art of coffee-making." "$baristaBar" barista >>
<<if $showCheatButtons isnot 1>>
<<if recall("MAKAREVICH") is true >>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 1>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<notify 4s>> Patreon only! <</notify>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Hide Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button back-map-button" role="button" > Back </button>' perksMap>> <</link>>
<div class="main-module">
<div class="perk-map-text padding-top-20"> LIBRARY </div>
<div class="perk-hub-row border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<div class="rep-entity">
<div class="rep-icon">
<img src="img/icons/liya-icon.jpg">
<div class="rep-rightside">
<div class="rep-upperside">
<div class="rep-name"> Liya </div>
<div class="rep-tier"> $liyaRepLvl </div>
<div class="rep-bottomside">
<<showmeter '$liyaRepBar' `$liyaRep / $liyaRepMax`>>
<<if $showCheatButtons is 1>>
<<if $liyaRepMax > $liyaRep>>
<<link '<div class="rep-add">
<img src="img/items/plus.svg">
</div>' `passage()`>> <<set $liyaRep to $liyaRepMax>> <</link>>
/* Perks */
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40 border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Dim Mind" "1" "A good life begins from knowledge. You should get started before it's too late." "$dimMindBar" dimMind >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Ordinary Mind" "2" "Look at you, now you can count in your head! Riches await, just keep going!" "$ordinaryMindBar" ordinaryMind >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Sharp Mind" "3" "Even though you've learned so much, it feels like you've only just begun... But you can't give up now!" "$sharpMindBar" sharpMind >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Fourth Base" "2" "You've known Clyde as a good friend for a long time, but you've always wondered if he could be more..." "$fourthBaseBar" fourthBase>>
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Homeostasis" "1" "Learn to stay healthy. After all, a good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book!" "$homeostasisBar" homeostasis >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Kamasutra" "2" "Learn how to become a sexual connoisseur, capable of bringing out the deepest, most satisfying orgasms!" "$kamasutraBar" kamasutra >>
<<if $showCheatButtons isnot 1>>
<<if recall("MAKAREVICH") is true >>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 1>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<notify 4s>> Patreon only! <</notify>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Hide Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button back-map-button" role="button" > Back </button>' perksMap>> <</link>>
<div class="main-module">
<div class="perk-map-text padding-top-20"> HIGH SCHOOL </div>
<div class="perk-hub-row border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<div class="rep-entity">
<div class="rep-icon">
<img src="img/icons/christopher-icon.jpg">
<div class="rep-rightside">
<div class="rep-upperside">
<div class="rep-name"> Christopher </div>
<div class="rep-tier"> $christopherRepLvl </div>
<div class="rep-bottomside">
<<showmeter '$christopherRepBar' `$christopherRep / $christopherRepMax`>>
<<if $showCheatButtons is 1>>
<<if $christopherRepMax > $christopherRep>>
<<link '<div class="rep-add">
<img src="img/items/plus.svg">
</div>' `passage()`>> <<set $christopherRep to $christopherRepMax>> <</link>>
<div class="rep-container">
<div class="rep-entity">
<div class="rep-icon">
<img src="img/icons/martin-icon.jpg">
<div class="rep-rightside">
<div class="rep-upperside">
<div class="rep-name"> Martin </div>
<div class="rep-tier"> $martinRepLvl </div>
<div class="rep-bottomside">
<<showmeter '$martinRepBar' `$martinRep / $martinRepMax`>>
<<if $showCheatButtons is 1>>
<<if $martinRepMax > $martinRep>>
<<link '<div class="rep-add">
<img src="img/items/plus.svg">
</div>' `passage()`>> <<set $martinRep to $martinRepMax>> <</link>>
/* Perks */
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40 border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Tattletale" "1" "You can learn all kinds of cool stuff by listening to the gossip in the cafeteria." "$tattletaleBar" tattletale >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Good Student" "2" "To receive a diploma and access to the school ball, you must attend the classes." "$goodStudentBar" goodStudent>>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Top Grade" "3" "Being at the top of the class should help you get a better job later in life, right?" "$topGradeBar" topGrade >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Alluring Aura" "3" "I've heard that prom queens tend to have an irresistible allure..." "$alluringAuraBar" alluringAura >>
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Pioneer" "3" "Find every single unique event the School has to offer!" "$pioneerBar" pioneer>>
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Invite Only" "2" "Successfully gain access to Martins' party" "$inviteOnlyBar" inviteOnly>>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Risky Move" "2" "Convince your girlfriend to go with you to the drinking party." "$riskyMoveBar" riskyMove>>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Superbad" "1" "Sometimes being down bad has its own benefits..." "$superbadBar" superbad>>
<<if $showCheatButtons isnot 1>>
<<if recall("MAKAREVICH") is true >>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 1>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<notify 4s>> Patreon only! <</notify>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Hide Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button back-map-button" role="button" > Back </button>' perksMap>> <</link>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>I'm exausted...<</say>>
<<text>>You collapsed onto your bed with a heavy sigh; the mattress molding to your tired form, cradling you in its embrace. Soon, your eyelids drooped, and you fell asleep, allowing your tired body and mind to rest.<</text>>
<<set $PictureRNG to random(0,4)>>
<<if $PictureRNG is 0>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep0.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 1>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep1.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 2>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep2.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 3>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep3.jpg">>
<<elseif $PictureRNG is 4>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/sleep4.jpg">>
<<if $homeostasisPerk is 1>>
<<text>><<color>>By taking the time to learn more about proper sleep hygiene, you are already feeling a little more energised than before.<</color>><</text>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $homeostasisPerk != 1>>
<<rewardS "+40">>
<<rewardS "+50">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Stay in Bed" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<if $dayCount >= $rentCountdown>>
<<btnAutosave "Wake Up Early" RentPay>><<set $dayCount to $dayCount+1>><<set $time to 390>><<if $homeostasisPerk != 1>> <<set $sanity to $sanity +40>> <<else>> <<set $sanity to $sanity +50>> <</if>><<notify 6s>>Your progress has been saved!<</notify>><</btnAutosave>>
<<btnAutosave "Wake Up Early" ABedroom>><<set $dayCount to $dayCount+1>><<set $time to 390>><<if $homeostasisPerk != 1>> <<set $sanity to $sanity +40>> <<else>> <<set $sanity to $sanity +50>> <</if>><<notify 6s>>Your progress has been saved!<</notify>><</btnAutosave>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>> Just a few more mintes... Mmh~ <</say>>
<<text>> The tingling in your skin intensifies, gently welcoming you back to the land of dreams. But before you can fully relax, the sounds of your neighbour's dog barking loud as a thunder tear you awake from that place, forcing you to open your eyes once again. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/nap1.jpg">>
<<say>> Gosh darn it, I was happing such a pleasant dream too! Ouchie, and now thanks to that my body feels all stiff... <</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $dayCount >= $rentCountdown>>
<<btnAutosave "Begin your Day" RentPay>><<set $dayCount to $dayCount+1>><<set $time to 480>><<if $homeostasisPerk != 1>> <<set $sanity to $sanity +40>> <<else>> <<set $sanity to $sanity +50>> <</if>><<notify 6s>>Your progress has been saved!<</notify>><</btnAutosave>>
<<btnAutosave "Begin your Day" ABedroom>><<set $dayCount to $dayCount+1>><<set $time to 480>><<if $homeostasisPerk != 1>> <<set $sanity to $sanity +40>> <<else>> <<set $sanity to $sanity +50>> <</if>><<notify 6s>>Your progress has been saved!<</notify>><</btnAutosave>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>It feels so nice to know that there's so many people willing to spend their time watching someone like me~ Last time I managed to hit $streamingRep viewers!<</say>>
<<text>>Stepping away from your laptop for a moment, you quickly stripped down your clothes, the mixture of excitement and worry tingling in the depths of your stomach. And now, with only your lingerie covering your private parts, you sat down on the edge of your bed, leaning before the button to start the stream.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/stream1.jpg">>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk isnot 1>>
<<say>>Mhm... Would I get more viewers if I had a <<color r>> better body? <</color>> <<if $alluringAura isnot 1>>It would also help if my persona had some kind of <<color r>> charismatic allure...<</color>><</if>><</say>>
<<say>>I wonder what my dear viewers would like to see the most today...<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Do a Sensual Stream" Cam_PornScene0 180 0 0 "6:30-20:59" 0 3>><<set $stage to random(0,2)>><<set $realAmateur to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Use your Assortment of Toys" Cam_PornScene1 180 0 0 "6:30-20:59" "Bag of Dicks" 3>><<set $stage to random(0,2)>><<set $realAmateur to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Give the Sex-Machine control to the Viewers" Cam_PornScene2 180 0 0 "6:30-20:59" "Robo-Cock" 3>><<set $stage to random(0,2)>><<set $realAmateur to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" ABedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Let's see how my account is doing.<</say>>
<<text>>Having logged in to your Only Fans, you scrolled through the feed, admiring the photos and other people's posts, before opening your own tab.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/account.jpg">>
<<say>>Hm, it says that my current follower count is $bloggingRep...<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<if $PhotoBlock == $dayCount>>
<<plug "Take a Photo" "Today you've already made a post!" 15 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Take a Photo" TakePhoto 15 0 0 "6:30-22:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to "apartments">><</btn>>
<<btn "Read Comments" AReadComments 30 0 0 "6:30-22:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<if $PromoBlock >= $dayCount>>
<<plug "Cross-Promotion" "Wait a few days before trying that again" 0 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Cross-Promotion" APromotion 30 0 0 "6:30-22:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" ABedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Well, if there's so much porn around, I wonder if I can male some easy money off of it too~<</say>>
<<text>>Remembering the story you'd heard in school, you went to your computer and searched for the platform named "Only Fans." It didn't take you long to find, and soon you were creating an account of your own.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/account.jpg">>
<<say>>How do I name it, though? I've heard having a good name is important for growth... Oh, I know. "Blode Girl Lewds" sounds pretty good~<</say>>
<<text>>A dozen or so minutes later, you were finishing the creation process, and now you were the proud owner of your own page, which you could use for blogging and posting photos.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Influencer" "+1" influencer>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" ABedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $influencer to 1>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Now, what are they saying today?<</say>>
<<text>>You sat in a comfortable spot on your bed and scrolled through your most recent post. You went straight to the comments, which ranged from encouraging to inappropriate. However the comments that hurt you the most were the ones calling you ugly and morally bankrupt.<</text>>
<<if $time > 1140>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/clock2.jpg">>
<<elseif $time > 840>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/clock1.jpg">>
<<img "downtown/jhome/clock0.jpg">>
<<say>>Am I a bad person?.. But I'm just trying to make everyone happy and get some money in my spare time... Is it so wrong?<</say>>
<<text>>You did your best trying to respond to all of them, being nice and encouraging in your replies, but their criticism really got under your skin. Regardless of your inner conflict however, the engagement with fans increased the growth of your page considerably, even if at the cost of your mood.<</text>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-15">>
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "+15" bloggingRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" AAccount 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRep+15, $sanity to $sanity-15>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Oh? Someone is willing to pay me for advertisements? Great!<</say>>
<<text>>Your fingers ran quickly on the digital keuboard, writing the glowing recommendation of the product aimed at combating male pattern baldness and problems with erection. "Use my code to get 20% off your next order," you wrote. "Don't miss your chance; your penis will thank you later!"<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/promo.jpg">>
<<if $bloggingRep > 99>>
<<say>>Not too shabby; it seems like my fans actually listened~ although some of them got quite upset that I am a "sellout"... Huh.<</say>>
<<say>>No one seems to be listening to what I am saying... Perhaps if I had a larger audience, things would be different?<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $bloggingRep > 999>>
<<rewardC "+200">>
<<elseif $bloggingRep > 249>>
<<rewardC "+150">>
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "-75" bloggingRep>>
<<elseif $bloggingRep > 99>>
<<rewardC "+60">>
<<rewardP "Follower Count" "-30" bloggingRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<if $bloggingRep > 999>>
<<btn "Go Back" AAccount 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $cash to $cash+200>><<set $PromoBlock to $dayCount+2>><</btn>>
<<elseif $bloggingRep > 249>>
<<btn "Go Back" AAccount 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $cash to $cash+150>><<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRep-75>><<set $PromoBlock to $dayCount+2>><</btn>>
<<elseif $bloggingRep > 99>>
<<btn "Go Back" AAccount 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $cash to $cash+60>><<set $bloggingRep to $bloggingRep-30>><<set $PromoBlock to $dayCount+2>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" AAccount 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Hm... I always wondered how it would feel like to watch something naughty on a big screen~<</say>>
<<text>>Once you have your laptop connected to the screen, you sink into the leather sofa in the front row of your home cinema and begin your search for the highest-resolution porn you can find.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/cinema.jpg">>
<<say>>Ooh, this one looks good~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<switch $pornRng>>
<<case 0>>
<<btns "Play the Video" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<case 1>>
<<btns "Play the Video" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<case 2>>
<<btns "Play the Video" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say 'female'>>Ah fuck!..<</say>>
<<text>>You watched as on the screen before you two girls were getting bred with two juicy black girth, yelping in euphoric bliss each time their long cocks were hiting against their cervixes, before moving back and repeating the motion, causing an immense pleasure for all involved. Having this video on a big screen made you feel part of the process, patiently waiting for your turn that you knew wouldn't come.<</text>>
<<video "uptown/apartments/video/Scene0-2.mp4">>
<<say>>Why don't I ever get invited to parties like that? If they would ask me, I wouldn't even mind taking both of them at the same time.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Pornomaniac" "+1" pornomaniac>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Apartment 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $pornomaniac to $pornomaniac+1>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say 'male'>>You two are so fucking hot...<</say>>
<<text>>On the other side of the screen, there were two perfect brunettes having the best time of their lives, getting railed by the lengthy cock of a white boy, who every now and then was earnestly switching between their juicy asses. You felt a sting of jealousy looking at just how good their sex was, with your body wishing to get some too.<</text>>
<<video "uptown/apartments/video/Scene0-0.mp4">>
<<say>>Oof, maybe one day I'll get to experience some of that too. But until then, I'll have to keep going as it is.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Pornomaniac" "+1" pornomaniac>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Apartment 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $pornomaniac to $pornomaniac+1>><</btn>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say 'male'>>Suck it harder, slut. Like this, yes, all the way down...<</say>>
<<text>>You couldn't believe your eyes when the slut in question went all the way down to the base of the man's massive penis without as much as gagging, her head bobbing back and forth hypnoticly while her tits were getting sucked by another woman. The sheer hotness of the picture made you sweat a little, feeling the rising heat in your loins.<</text>>
<<video "uptown/apartments/video/Scene0-1.mp4">>
<<say>>Fuck, she must feel great... I've never tried anything like this before.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Pornomaniac" "+1" pornomaniac>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Apartment 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $pornomaniac to $pornomaniac+1>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<div class="perk-map-text padding-top-20"> APARTMENTS </div>
<div class="perk-hub-row border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<div class="rep-entity">
<div class="rep-icon">
<img src="img/icons/streaming-icon.jpg">
<div class="rep-rightside">
<div class="rep-upperside">
<div class="rep-name"> Viewer Count </div>
<div class="rep-tier"> $streamingRepLvl </div>
<div class="rep-bottomside">
<<showmeter '$streamingRepBar' `$streamingRep / $streamingRepMax`>>
<<if $showCheatButtons is 1>>
<<if $streamingRepMax > $streamingRep>>
<<link '<div class="rep-add">
<img src="img/items/plus.svg">
</div>' `passage()`>> <<set $streamingRep to $streamingRepMax>> <</link>>
/* Perks */
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40 border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "A Grown-Up" "2" "Now you have a place to call your own. Welcome to the world of adults, make sure to remember to pay the rent!" "$aGrownUpBar" aGrownUp >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Real Amateur" "2" "Become a Cam-Girl! You might as well make the money, why waste your beauty?" "$realAmateurBar" realAmateur >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Cost of Living" "2" "Congratulations on paying your first rent by any means necessary!" "$costOfLivingBar" costOfLiving>>
<<if $showCheatButtons isnot 1>>
<<if recall("MAKAREVICH") is true >>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 1>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<notify 4s>> Patreon only! <</notify>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Hide Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button back-map-button" role="button" > Back </button>' perksMap>> <</link>>
<div class="main-module">
<div class="perk-map-text padding-top-20"> BEACH </div>
<div class="perk-hub-row border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<div class="rep-entity">
<div class="rep-icon">
<img src="img/icons/zach-icon.jpg">
<div class="rep-rightside">
<div class="rep-upperside">
<div class="rep-name"> Zach </div>
<div class="rep-tier"> $zachRepLvl </div>
<div class="rep-bottomside">
<<showmeter '$zachRepBar' `$zachRep / $zachRepMax`>>
<<if $showCheatButtons is 1>>
<<if $zachRepMax > $zachRep>>
<<link '<div class="rep-add">
<img src="img/items/plus.svg">
</div>' `passage()`>> <<set $zachRep to $zachRepMax>> <</link>>
/* Perks */
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40 border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Dark-Skinned" "1" "Who knew so many people were into tanned girls? Get busy before the trend is over!" "$darkSkinnedBar" darkSkinned >>
<<if $showCheatButtons isnot 1>>
<<if recall("MAKAREVICH") is true >>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 1>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<notify 4s>> Patreon only! <</notify>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Hide Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button back-map-button" role="button" > Back </button>' perksMap>> <</link>>
<div class="main-module">
<div class="perk-map-text padding-top-20"> CITY MALL </div>
<div class="perk-hub-row border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<div class="rep-entity">
<div class="rep-icon">
<img src="img/icons/luxuryGift-icon.jpg">
<div class="rep-rightside">
<div class="rep-upperside">
<div class="rep-name"> Luxury Gifts </div>
<div class="rep-tier"> $luxuryGiftLvl </div>
<div class="rep-bottomside">
<<showmeter '$luxuryGiftBar' `$luxuryGift / $luxuryGiftMax`>>
<<if $showCheatButtons is 1>>
<<if $luxuryGiftMax > $luxuryGift>>
<<link '<div class="rep-add">
<img src="img/items/plus.svg">
</div>' `passage()`>> <<set $luxuryGift to $luxuryGiftMax>> <</link>>
/* Perks */
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40 border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Chess Timer" "1" "To enter any kind of chess tournament, you need a clock, or so John says!" "$chessTimerBar" chessTimer>>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Camera Girl" "1" "Grab yourself a trusty video cam. I'm sure you'll find a use for it in no time!" "$cameraGirlBar" cameraGirl>>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Fresh Jordans" "1" "Good trainers can dramatically improve your performance. They also look cool!" "$freshJordansBar" freshJordans >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Two Piece" "1" "Before you go to the beach, get yourself a swimsuit. After all, you can't be naked in public..." "$twoPieceBar" twoPiece >>
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Funky Attire" "2" "A good dress to accentuate your beauty. No one will be able to resist temptation!" "$funkyAttireBar" funkyAttire >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Dildo Owner" "1" "Although not as good as a real cock, this dildo can be used for training!" "$dildoOwnerBar" dildoOwner >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Bag of Dicks" "1" "Why settle for one dildo when you can have a dozen?" "$bagOfDicksBar" bagOfDicks >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Robo-Cock" "2" "With this machine you can get fucked without any need for human communication. Hurray!" "$roboCockBar" roboCock >>
<<if $showCheatButtons isnot 1>>
<<if recall("MAKAREVICH") is true >>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 1>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<notify 4s>> Patreon only! <</notify>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Hide Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button back-map-button" role="button" > Back </button>' perksMap>> <</link>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>Ehm, Mr. Cohen... I mean Christopher... I've wanted to tell you something...<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Yes? What is it, $mcf?<</say>>
<<text>>The man turned to face you, his eyes meeting yours, making your heart race even quicker.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/school/christopher1.jpg">>
<<say>>Well... Ah...<</say>>
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue">Christopher's Reputation :</span>
<span class="color-pink">level $christopherRepLvl</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$christopherRepBar' `$christopherRep / $christopherRepMax`>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $christopherRep < $christopherRepMax>>
<<plug "Deepen your Relationship" "Insufficient reputation with Christopher" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<btns "Offer a Gift" "02" 15 0 0 "8:00-12:29" "Luxury Gift" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "Deepen your Relationship" "01" 30 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<btn "Go Back" TeachTalk 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>The thing is... And I know this is inappropriate, but I... I... I love you.<</say>>
<<text>>Barely audible, you muttered the words as the feeling of unbearable shame and nervousness overwhelmed you, forcing you to close your eyes. Contrary to your worst predictions, Christopher did not push you away, but instead allowed you to lean against him a little. As you did so, you noticed the faint but pleasant scent of his French cologne, which made you smile.<</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>Is that so, $mcf? Well, you might be surprised, but you aren't the first of my students to show me such hospitality. Sorry~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "And what if I'm not the first?" "03" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>And wh-what of it? Even though I may not be the first, I'm still serious about my feelings!..<</say>>
<<text>>Agitated by your teacher's playful dismissal of your love, you open up your blouse, daringly grouping your own breasts in an erotic manner, just like you've seen it being done in pornographic intros, desperatly trying to seduce him.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/flirt0.jpg">>
<<say>>See? I'm just as much of a woman as anyone else! Just... take me already and I'll make you mine!<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Help him Undress" Teach_PornScene0 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>It's just that I've wanted to give you this gift. As a token of my appreciation and all...<</say>>
<<text>>After a moment's struggle, you've managed to pull a tightly knitted box out of your bag, presenting it before your teacher.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/gift.jpg">>
<<say "Christopher">>Oh wow... You really shouldn't have. You're the first student to give me something so experiential. You must really appreciate my company, and I must say, I've grown to like you a lot as well.<</say>>
<<text>>Christoper smiled, and you felt butterflies stir up in your chest. The bond between the two of you grew considerably, but you weren't sure if that was the right moment to confess your feelings.<</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>Thank you, $mcf; I appreciate that a lot. If you want to tell me something else, I'm ready to listen.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Luxury Gift" "-1" luxuryGift>>
<<rewardP "Christopher Rep" "+15" christopherRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Hurray!" TeachTalk 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 1, $christopherRep to $christopherRep+15, $luxuryGift to $luxuryGift-1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>Christopher, do you have a minute? I've wanted to ask you about something...<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Sure. What is it about $mcf?<</say>>
<<text>>The man turned to face you with a coy look, no doubt thinking about what had happened between you two earlier. Realizing that, your cheeks lit up with red, as you lost a breath flustered.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/school/christopher1.jpg">>
<<say>>Well... Ah...<</say>>
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue">Christopher's Reputation :</span>
<span class="color-pink">level $christopherRepLvl</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$christopherRepBar' `$christopherRep / $christopherRepMax`>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $christopherRepLvl is 1>>
<<btns "Show Off" "01" 0 0 0 "8:00-12:29" "No Gagging" 3>><</btns>>
<<btns "Offer a Gift" "02" 15 0 0 "8:00-12:29" "Luxury Gift" 0>><</btns>>
<<btn "Let's fuck!" Teach_PornScene0 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Let's fuck!" Teach_PornScene0 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "I want to feel you down my throat!" Teach_PornScene1 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" TeachTalk 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Would you be interested in... erm... making your wish come true?<</say>>
<<text>>With a daring look in your eyes, you playfully tied your hair into a tail, doing a pulling motion with one hand while blowing the opposite cheek, implying a blowjob.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/flirt1.jpg">>
<<say>>I have been thinking a lot about your words and decided to go through a little training arc. Just for you~<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>I appreciate the gesture, but... You sure about that? I can be pretty rough when it comes to that.<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<if $christopherRep < $christopherRepMax>>
<<plug "Deepen your Relationship" "Insufficient reputation with Christopher" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Deepen your Relationship" Teach_PornScene1 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" TeachTalk 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>It's just that I've wanted to give you this gift. As a token of my appreciation and all...<</say>>
<<text>>After a moment's struggle, you've managed to pull a tightly knitted box out of your bag, presenting it before your teacher.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/gift.jpg">>
<<say "Christopher">>Oh wow... You really shouldn't have. You're the first student to give me something so experiential. You must really appreciate my company, and I must say, I've grown to like you a lot as well.<</say>>
<<text>>Christoper smiled, and you felt butterflies stir up in your chest. The bond between the two of you grew considerably, but you weren't sure if that was the right moment to confess your feelings.<</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>Thank you, $mcf; I appreciate that a lot. If you want to tell me something else, I'm ready to listen.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Luxury Gift" "-1" luxuryGift>>
<<rewardP "Christopher Rep" "+15" christopherRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Hurray!" TeachTalk 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 1, $christopherRep to $christopherRep+15, $luxuryGift to $luxuryGift-1>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>Well, I wanted to ask you about something... Something, erm, private.<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Oh, okay? Give me a sec.<</say>>
<<text>>Making sure that there weren't any customers waiting, Charles finished brewing his coffee, putting it aside. You felt your heart flatter a little, taking pleasure in looking at his precise movements.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/charles2.jpg">>
<<say "Charles">>Well, I can't promise to give you a definitive answer, but feel free to ask. I won't judge.<</say>>
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue">Charles's Reputation :</span>
<span class="color-pink">level $charlesRepLvl</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$charlesRepBar' `$charlesRep / $charlesRepMax`>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $charlesRep < $charlesRepMax>>
<<plug "Deepen your Relationship" "Insufficient reputation with Charles" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<btns "Offer a Gift" "02" 15 0 0 "8:00-18:59" "Luxury Gift" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "Deepen your Relationship" "01" 60 0 0 "8:00-18:59" 0 2>><</btns>>
<<btn "Go Back" Cafe 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>I've been thinking about it lately, and I really enjoy your company, so... would you like to go on a date with me?<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling anxious, you did your best to avoid looking Charles in the eyes, too fearful to find a sign of rejection. The void in the pit of your stomach grew by a minute, and soon you began cursing yourself for even bringing this topic up, no doubt ruining your relationship forever...<</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/charles5.jpg">>
<<say "Charles">>All right, how do I put it? Please don't get me wrong, $mcf; I'd really love to take you somewhere, but you must know that I'm basically married to work at this point.<</say>>
<<say>> Huh?.. <</say>>
<<text>>Mustering the courage to look at Charles, you saw his eyes glow with warmth as he smiled warmly at you. That single glimmer of hope was all you needed to take a lead.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Why are you so against asking me for anything?" "03" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>And you must know that you can count on me when it comes to work! I can always help you out; that way, you will be able to close the shop early.<</say>>
<<text>>A short silence ensued while Charles thought the logistics of your offer through.<</text>>
<<say "Charles">>...You aren't going to take no for an answer, will you?<</say>>
<<say>> No! <</say>>
<<text>>With your anxiety quickly waning, you shook your head before taking a step closer, hugging the man in a tight embrace.<</text>>
<<say "Charles">>Haah, I see, I see... Let's get to it, then~<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "After some time..." Ch_PornScene0 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>You know, I've been shopping recently, and I happened to come across this silly thing. I thought you might like it, so... Here it is.<</say>>
<<text>>Flustered by the end of the sentence, you awkwardly rummaged through your bag, pulling out a tightly knitted box and placing it before your boss.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/gift.jpg">>
<<say "Charles">>A gift? That wasn't something on today's menu. But what a pleasant surprise it is~<</say>>
<<text>>Charles took a second to appreciate the ornaments in the box before opening it, his smile growing wide as he examined its contents. Looking at his lit-up face, you could feel the butterflies stir up in your chest, making it really hard to resist kissing him right here.<</text>>
<<say "Charles">>You must know me really well; this is exactly what I was looking for. If you ever need something, be sure to hit me up!<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Luxury Gift" "-1" luxuryGift>>
<<rewardP "Charles Rep" "+15" charlesRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Hurray!" Cafe 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $charlesRep to $charlesRep+15, $luxuryGift to $luxuryGift-1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>So, can I talk to you about something? It won't take long, I think.<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Sure, $mcf, just give me a moment.<</say>>
<<text>>Making sure that there weren't any customers waiting, Charles finished brewing his coffee, putting it aside. You felt your heart flatter a little, taking pleasure in looking at his precise movements.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/charles2.jpg">>
<<if $charlesRepLvl isnot 2>>
<<say "Charles">>Come on now; don't be shy. I think we've already passed that milestone.<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Someone's in a playful mood today, eh? But let's be quick, baby, I've got quite a few things left to be done.<</say>>
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue">Charles's Reputation :</span>
<span class="color-pink">level $charlesRepLvl</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$charlesRepBar' `$charlesRep / $charlesRepMax`>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $charlesRepLvl is 1>>
<<if $charlesRep < $charlesRepMax>>
<<plug "Deepen your Relationship" "Insufficient reputation with Charles" 60 0>><</plug>>
<<btns "Offer a Gift" "02" 15 0 0 "8:00-18:59" "Luxury Gift" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "Deepen your Relationship" "01" 60 0 0 "8:00-18:59" 0 3>><</btns>>
<<if $sexBlock != $dayCount>>
<<btn "I'll be under the table~" Ch_PornScene0 30 0 0 "8:00-18:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<plug "I'll be under the table~" "Your body is too sore from all the sex you've been having" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<if $sexBlock != $dayCount>>
<<btn "I'll be under the table~" Ch_PornScene0 30 0 0 "8:00-18:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "I want you so bad right now" Ch_PornScene1 60 0 0 "8:00-18:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<plug "I'll be under the table~" "Your body is too sore from all the sex you've been having" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<plug "I want you so bad right now" "Your body is too sore from all the sex you've been having" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Go Back" Cafe 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Hey Charles, I, uh... How do I say this? You've been so great to me so far, and I-<</say>>
<<text>>Taking note of your indecisiveness Charles took a step, pulling you closer so that his eyes could meet yours easily. His smile was so warm, and as you struggled to find the right words to explain your feelings, you felt his arms around your waist. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/cafe/charles6.jpg">>
<<say>>Ah... W-what are you?..<</say>>
<<say "Charles">>Don't mind me, I'm just admiring my little babe from up-close~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "You seem so happy today" "03" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Looks like someone's in a playful mood today. I'm glad~<</say>>
<<text>>As you ran your fingers through his hair, you answered him, losing yourself in a moment of bliss. The man's smile grew wider, and for the first time, you noticed a hint of embarrassment in his words as he spoke.<</text>>
<<say "Charles">>If I'm being honest, it's all thanks to you. Ever since you came to work here—let's just say—you've lifted quite a bit of the weight from my shoulders.<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "It's true for the both of us" Ch_PornScene1 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>You know, I've been shopping recently, and I happened to come across this silly thing. I thought you might like it, so... Here it is.<</say>>
<<text>>Flustered by the end of the sentence, you awkwardly rummaged through your bag, pulling out a tightly knitted box and placing it before your boss.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/gift.jpg">>
<<say "Charles">>A gift? That wasn't something on today's menu. But what a pleasant surprise it is~<</say>>
<<text>>Charles took a second to appreciate the ornaments in the box before opening it, his smile growing wide as he examined its contents. Looking at his lit-up face, you could feel the butterflies stir up in your chest, making it really hard to resist kissing him right here.<</text>>
<<say "Charles">>You must know me really well; this is exactly what I was looking for. If you ever need something, be sure to hit me up!<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Luxury Gift" "-1" luxuryGift>>
<<rewardP "Charles Rep" "+15" charlesRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Hurray!" Cafe 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $charlesRep to $charlesRep+15, $luxuryGift to $luxuryGift-1>><</btn>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Liya">>You're staring again; what is it, $mcf?<</say>>
<<say>>I was?.. I mean, I just have been lost in thought, you know...<</say>>
<<text>>Caught in the moment, you shyly cover your face and turn away from the girl. But when you feel her hand tugging at your shoulder, you quickly reconsider, meeting her eyes with yours once again.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/library/liya2.jpg">>
<<say "Liya">>That sounded like something I would come up with. Come on, I can see that something is clearly bothering you, so just tell me already. Aren't we friends?<</say>>
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue">Liya's Reputation :</span>
<span class="color-pink">level $liyaRepLvl</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$liyaRepBar' `$liyaRep / $liyaRepMax`>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $liyaRep < $liyaRepMax>>
<<plug "Deepen your Relationship" "Insufficient reputation with Liya" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<btns "Offer a Gift" "02" 15 0 0 "11:00-17:59" "Luxury Gift" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "Deepen your Relationship" "01" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<btn "Go Back" Library 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>It's just... You look so cute today.<</say>>
<<text>>You murmured as your eyes were glued to the slender figure of your classmate, her smooth curves enraptured by the school uniform. Liya returned a curious look, smiling softly.<</text>>
<<say "Liya">>Oh, I see~ How about this, then?<</say>>
<<text>>Making sure no one was looking in her direction, Liya grinned before quickly unbuttoning her shirt to reveal her bare breasts, unrestrained by the lack of a bra.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/liya0.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh my gosh!..<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>Like what you see? He-he, I know you do; it's written all over your face~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Can I touch them?.." "03" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>...Can I touch them?<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>Not here, $mcf. It's just a peek. Now...<</say>>
<<text>>After making sure her chest was covered once again, the girl stood up and took your hand, leading you away from the reading room and through the labyrinth of book shelves.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/library/liya4.jpg">>
<<say "Liya">>I know just the place; I used to like to hide there when everything seemed dark. No one will bother us there.<</say>>
<<say>>Oh wow, I didn't know the library had all these rooms...<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Keep following Liya" Liya_PornScene0 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Well, it's just that I was out shopping and I found this little curio. It reminded me of you, so... Here.<</say>>
<<text>>Flustered by the end of the sentence, you awkwardly rummaged through your bag, pulling out a tightly knitted box and placing it before your classmate.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/gift.jpg">>
<<say "Liya">>Oh wow! That's just what I was looking for!~<</say>>
<<text>>Overwhelmed with excitement at an unexpected gift, the girl hugged you tightly, kissing you on the cheek. You could feel the scent of her skin rubbing off on your own, and before you knew it, you were holding each other in a warm embrace.<</text>>
<<say "Liya">>Thank you so much, $mcf. I still can't believe you bought this for me; it must have cost a lot.<</say>>
<<say>>Don't worry about how much it cost; I just wanted to make you feel happy~<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Luxury Gift" "-1" luxuryGift>>
<<rewardP "Liya Rep" "+15" liyaRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Hurray!" Library 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $liyaRep to $liyaRep+15, $luxuryGift to $luxuryGift-1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<if $liyaRepLvl is 1>>
<<say "Liya">>Oh, you wanna talk some more? Well, I'm all ears.<</say>>
<<text>>The girl smiles and looks into your eyes. You can see sparks of fiery mischief lighting up in her soul, much to your delight.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/library/liya2.jpg">>
<<say>>I see someone is in a good mood today~<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>$mcf?<</say>>
<<say>>I wanted to talk with you about something. You have a second?<</say>>
<<text>>The girl steps closer to you, her arms nerviously clenched together. You can tell she has been looking forward to this talk for quite some time now.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/library/liya2.jpg">>
<<say "Liya">>Don't keep me waiting... I'm getting nervious now~<</say>>
<div class="bar-module">
<div class="bar-text">
<span class="color-blue">Liya's Reputation :</span>
<span class="color-pink">level $liyaRepLvl</span>
<div class="bar-dialogue">
<<showmeter '$liyaRepBar' `$liyaRep / $liyaRepMax`>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $liyaRepLvl is 1>>
<<if $liyaRep < $liyaRepMax>>
<<plug "Deepen your Relationship" "Insufficient reputation with Liya" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<btns "Offer a Gift" "02" 15 0 0 "11:00-17:59" "Luxury Gift" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "Deepen your Relationship" "01" 15 0 0 "11:00-17:59" "Messenger" >><</btns>>
<<if $sexBlock != $dayCount>>
<<btn "Let's have some fun~" Liya_PornScene0 30 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<plug "Let's have some fun~" "Your body is too sore from all the sex you've been having" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<if $sexBlock != $dayCount>>
<<btn "Let's have some fun~" Liya_PornScene0 30 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<btns "Let's have a Threesome!" "07" 60 0 0 0 0 3>><</btns>>
<<plug "Let's have some fun~" "Your body is too sore from all the sex you've been having" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<plug "Let's have a Threesome!" "Your body is too sore from all the sex you've been having" 60 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Go Back" Library 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Well, it's just that I was out shopping and I found this little curio. It reminded me of you, so... Here.<</say>>
<<text>>Flustered by the end of the sentence, you awkwardly rummaged through your bag, pulling out a tightly knitted box and placing it before your classmate.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/gift.jpg">>
<<say "Liya">>Oh wow! That's just what I was looking for!~<</say>>
<<text>>Overwhelmed with excitement at an unexpected gift, the girl hugged you tightly, kissing you on the cheek. You could feel the scent of her skin rubbing off on your own, and before you knew it, you were holding each other in a warm embrace.<</text>>
<<say "Liya">>Thank you so much, $mcf. I still can't believe you bought this for me; it must have cost a lot.<</say>>
<<say>>Don't worry about how much it cost; I just wanted to make you feel happy~<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Luxury Gift" "-1" luxuryGift>>
<<rewardP "Liya Rep" "+15" liyaRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Hurray!" Library 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $liyaRep to $liyaRep+15, $luxuryGift to $luxuryGift-1>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>I just wanted to say how stunning you look. I am so happy to have you!<</say>>
<<text>>You could see Liya imidiatly blush, flustered by your unexpected compliment.<</text>>
<<say "Liya">>Huh? What's gotten into you-<</say>>
<<text>>As it took her a hot second to recover, you didn't hesitate to squeeze her hand lovingly with two of your own, calming her down with your warmth.<</text>>
<<say>>Now-now, I'm just showing you my gratitude. That's all~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Ha-ha~" "03" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say "Liya">>I see what you are up to $mcf. You just can't get enough of me, can you?~<</say>>
<<text>>A smirk formed on the girl's lips as she inched closer to your face. You could feel the pleasant scent of her perfume mixing with the scent of the books around you, taking your head for a spin.<</text>>
<<say>>And what if I can't? Is it so bad for us to be together?<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>That's... not what I meant. After all, I love you too.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'm joking" "04" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>I know, I was just teasing you.<</say>>
<<text>>After a quick kiss on her puffy lips, you stepped back to enjoy the moment when you were suddenly reminded of a letter Jay had asked you to deliver earlier.<</text>>
<<say>>Oh, and one more thing.<</say>>
<<img "downtown/library/event2-1.jpg">>
<<say>>I've met Jay around here not too long ago and he wanted me to give you this.<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>A letter?.. Okay, I'll check it out.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "..." "05" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>Come on, don't leave me hanging. I'm curious, what did he write in there?<</say>>
<<text>>After reading the paper, Liya seemed to be lost in her own thoughts for quite a while before she asked you a surprising question.<</text>>
<<say "Liya">>$mcf, how would you feel about having a threesome?<</say>>
<<say>>Uh... I guess it would depend on who I was having it with. Why are you asking?<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>As you have probably already guessed - this letter is a confession of love. And if it was from anyone else - I'd tear it up in a second.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "So?" "06" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<say "Liya">>But Jay and I have liked each other for a long time now. I thought nothing of it, especially when you came into my life, but it seems that he still treasures me dearly.<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>If you're against it - so be it, I'll tell him that I'm taken straight away. But if there's a chance that you wouldn't mind... I'd like to try it too.<</say>>
<<text>>A momentary silence fell over the room as you weighed all the pros and cons of what Liya had suggested. But alas, you weren't quite able to make up your mind yet.<</text>>
<<say>>..Give me some time to think about it, okay? I don't want to rush this. <</say>>
<<say "Liya">>No worries, $mcf. I understand. <</say>>
<<text>>With a reassuring smile, the girl opened the book she was studying and reached for a pen.<</text>>
<<say "Liya">>Let me know when you have a answer ready, I'll wait here.<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Library 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $liyaRepLvl to 2>><<notify 4.5s>>Your bond with Liya has advanced to the next level!<</notify>>
<<sub 7>>
<<say>>Let's do it. Together.<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>Yes!<</say>>
<<text>>A bright spark ignited in the eyes of the girl, as she clapped her hand together in excitement. <</text>>
<<say "Liya">>You have no idea how long I waited for this. Let's go to our usual place, I'll call Jay right away.<</say>>
<<text>>Liya's soft giggle as she reached for her phone made you feel at ease, realising how silly your worries had been so far. There was no way anything would stay between you two, be it another man or a women.<</text>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Lead the way!" Liya_PornScene1 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<say>>Well, I do have the money, but aren't there other papers you all will need?..<</say>>
<<say 'male' >>Before we get to the meat of the process, I'd like to see the money first.<</say>>
<<text>>Not seeing a reason to disagree, you pull open your bag stashed with money, and Pip's smile widens in satisfaction.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/money.jpg">>
<<say 'male' >>There are some papers that need to be signed, sure, but don't worry; I'll guide you through it.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Sure..." "02" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<text>>It took you a while, but under the skillful guidance of the "professional landlord," the papers were done without much trouble.<</text>>
<<say 'male' >>The only thing I ask of you is to pay the rent, so make sure not to forget it. I might be a kind and understanding fella, but even my patience knows its limits.<</say>>
<<say>>Don't worry about it; I'm always paying on time!.. Except when I don't, but I promise this time it'll be different~<</say>>
<<text>>With that, you were finally given the keys, and you could barely contain your excitement at the prospect of moving in, but before that, Pip had a few parting words addressed to you.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/apartment2.jpg">>
<<say 'male' >>I'll come by in a few weeks to check on you and collect the biweekly payment. Enjoy your stay~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-2000">>
<<rewardP "A Grown-Up" "+1" aGrownUp>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "Yatta!" "Apartment" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $aGrownUp to 1>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $rentCountdown to $dayCount+14>>
</div><div class="main-module perk-main-module">
<div class="perk-map-text padding-top-20"> APARTMENTS </div>
/* Perks */
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40 border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "A Grown-Up" "2" "Now you have a place to call your own. Welcome to the world of adults, make sure to remember to pay the rent!" "$aGrownUpBar" aGrownUp >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Real Amateur" "2" "Become a Cam-Girl! You might as well make the money, why waste your beauty?" "$realAmateurBar" realAmateur >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Cost of Living" "2" "Congratulations on paying your first rent by any means necessary!" "$costOfLivingBar" costOfLiving>>
/* BEACH */
<div class="perk-map-text padding-top-20"> BEACH </div>
/* Perks */
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40 border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Dark-Skinned" "1" "Who knew so many people were into tanned girls? Get busy before the trend is over!" "$darkSkinnedBar" darkSkinned >>
/* MALL */
<div class="perk-map-text padding-top-20"> CITY MALL </div>
/* Perks */
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40 border-top">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Chess Timer" "1" "To enter any kind of chess tournament, you need a clock, or so John says!" "$chessTimerBar" chessTimer>>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Camera Girl" "1" "Grab yourself a trusty video cam. I'm sure you'll find a use for it in no time!" "$cameraGirlBar" cameraGirl>>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Fresh Jordans" "1" "Good trainers can dramatically improve your performance. They also look cool!" "$freshJordansBar" freshJordans >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Two Piece" "1" "Before you go to the beach, get yourself a swimsuit. After all, you can't be naked in public..." "$twoPieceBar" twoPiece >>
<div class="perk-hub-row gap-40">
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Funky Attire" "2" "A good dress to accentuate your beauty. No one will be able to resist temptation!" "$funkyAttireBar" funkyAttire >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Dildo Owner" "1" "Although not as good as a real cock, this dildo can be used for training!" "$dildoOwnerBar" dildoOwner >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Bag of Dicks" "1" "Why settle for one dildo when you can have a dozen?" "$bagOfDicksBar" bagOfDicks >>
<div class="rep-container">
<<perk "Robo-Cock" "2" "With this machine you can get fucked without any need for human communication. Hurray!" "$roboCockBar" roboCock >>
<<if $showCheatButtons isnot 1>>
<<if recall("MAKAREVICH") is true >>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 1>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Show Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<notify 4s>> Patreon only! <</notify>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button cheat-toggle" role="button" > Hide Cheat </button>' `passage()`>> <<set $showCheatButtons to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="ui-button back-map-button" role="button" > Back </button>' perksMap>> <</link>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Christopher">> $mcf... $mcf $mcl! Hey, no sleeping in class! <</say>>
<<text>>Jolted awake by the sudden and powerful sound of the man's voice, you open your eyes widely and, still disoriented from the peculiarities of the dream, gaze into the direction of the speaker.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/school/christopher0.jpg">>
<<say "Christopher">>No need to give me this look with your $eyes eyes, Ms. $mcl. I can tell that you're not a fan of this lecture being dedicated to the question of spirituality, but I will not allow snoring in my class.<</say>>
<<say>>I was... snoring? No way...<</say>>
<<text>>The guy sitting behind your back must've found your flustered reaction hilarios, because as soon as he heard that, he burst out laughing, and the rest of the auditorium gladly followed in his steps.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I don't do that!" "01" 0>>Ugh...<</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>I don't snore! Shut up!...<</say>>
<<text>>Turns out that hushing the guy behind you to make him stop wasn't the smartest idea, it just made him laugh even louder. Thankfully, seeing how hard you got flustered by the comotion, the teacher was quick to calm the rest of the class down before speaking to you directly.<</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>Now, now, that's enough. But keep in mind, miss $mcl, if you break the rules, next time I'll have to leave you on suspension. Understand?<</say>>
<<text>>Still feeling embarrassed, the best you could do is respond with a small nod, feeling the redness take over your cheeks as you shift in place.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Pay Attention to the Lecture" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say "Christopher">>Good, now where was I? Oh right. Contrary to the popular works of philosophical thought in the West...<</say>>
<<text>>But despite you doing your best trying to listen to the words of the teacher, it felt like their meaning was slipping between your fingers. Soon, exasperated by this rutless endevor, your mind began wondering once more.<</text>>
<<say "Liya">>Ha-ha, where did you learn that? I thought Jecka was a good girl all this time!<</say>>
<<text>>That's when your attention slipped to a row next to yours, where the two girls were chatting without a care in the world.<</text>>
<div class="img-row-container">
<<imgr "downtown/library/liya1.jpg">>
<<imgr "downtown/school/science3.jpg">>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Her? A good girl? No way, she might be the third biggest slut on our campus, and that's saying something, considering the kind of competition she has...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Listen in to the conversation" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Not so long ago, I spotted her getting railed by the guy from a track team! Right in the school, no less.<</say>>
<<say>>What?! But wasn't Jessica dating Clyde?..<</say>>
<<text>>You suddenly blurred out, unable to hold your thoughts contained. Clyde was one of your friends, the only guy in school who was nice enough to keep you company, the two of you playing video games together from time to time. Noticing you speaking out, both of the girls turned to you.<</text>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>As if. The only reason Jecka keeps that sharade is to get her grades up before the exams - I doubt she even lets him touch her boobs, though.<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>Poor guy~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Then why don't you tell him?!" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>Then why don't you tell it to...<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>$mcf $mcl! I've warned you before, and yet you still don't listen. We'll have a special talk when the class is over!<</say>>
<<text>>As you became the focus of the teacher's attention, the auditorium fell silent again. The only thing now left for you to do was to bow your head and nod until the lesson resumed.<</text>>
<<say "Liya">>Sorry...<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Sit back and endure the lecture" Start 45 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>>When the bell finally rang, signaling the end of this forsaken lesson, the class quickly emptied out, leaving only you and the teacher inside. Using the moment, he sat on the desk in front of you, looking at you with a worried expression.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/science1.jpg">>
<<say "Christopher">>What's going on with you, $mcf?<</say>>
<<say>>Mister Cohen, I...<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Please call me Christopher. $mcf, you wanna know why I've suspended you, but not those two girls you were talking to?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Yes" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say "Christopher">>It is because they are not in any danger of failing the class or the school as a whole. Liya is studying hard every day in the library and as for Karen... Well, let's just say she's got the rich kid treatment. Understand?<</say>>
<<text>>You nodded, shyly turning away from the peering gaze of the man sitting inches before you.<</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>...You've been such a good girl a few years before, and now you're on the verge of failing out. Listen, the classes are going to stop two weeks from now. And in those 12 days, you need to attend at least 15 lessons in order to be eligible for a diploma.<</say>>
<<text>>Christopher stood up and walked back to his teacher's table, writing something on a piece of paper.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Okay..." "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say "Christopher">>That's all you need to do; 15 lessons were attended. But if you want to fix your grades before the exams and get a good score... Well, you'll have to work with your head.<</say>>
<<say>>Wh-what do you mean?<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing your reaction, the teacher chuckled and was quick to clarify.<</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>Nothing out of the ordinary, of course. Things like staying for bonus classes with me as well as hitting the library in the spare time. You have a bright mind; it would be a shame if you never got to use it, don't you think?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "You're right" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>I guess you're right...<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Great, good thing we've managed to find common ground then. I'll be waiting for you tomorrow, but as of right now, you're free to go.<</say>>
<<say>>Thank you, Mr. Cohen.<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Again, just Christopher is fine, haha. And remember, if you're feeling lost, listen to the people gossiping in school. You can always expect to hear something useful this way.<</say>>
<<text>>With a smile, he tapped you over the shoulder and began preparing for the next lecture. Quetly, you've picked up your belongings and slipped out of the classroom.<</text>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave the Classroom" Start 30 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 2>><<set $EventRNG to 2>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<if $gossip is undefined>>
<<set $gossip to 0>>
<<say>>Phew. Finally, this is over. What should I do now, though?<</say>>
<<text>>The sounds of the other students going around in their own groups, chattering and hurriying for their classes, filled the space around you. Uncertain of your next move, you stood there, near the lockers, peering into the window on a sunny day.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/school.jpg">>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Get in line. I have enough for all of you~<</say>>
<<text>><<color y>>The barely audible murmuring coming from the direction of the gym caught your attention. Whoever was the source of it, they definitely weren't worried about being heard...<</color>><</text>>
<<btn "Investigate the source of moaning" School_RNG_Event3 15 0 "40-300" "8:00-16:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Attend to the Science Class" Class1 180 0 "40-300" "8:00-9:29" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to random(0,17)>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Attend to the PE Class" Class2 180 0 "40-300" "12:30-13:59" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to random(0,17)>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Listen to the Gossip" SchoolGossip 30 0 0 "11:00-16:59" 0 0>><<set $gossip += 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Visit Cafeteria" Cafeteria 0 0 0 "11:00-16:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<btn "Leave" Downtown 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<widget "imgr">>
<div class="image-module img-row">
<img @src="'img/' + _args[0]">
<</widget>><<if $stage is undefined >>
<<set $stage to 0>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>So quiet. It's borderline eerie in here.<</say>>
<<text>>As you entered the school, you couldn't help but be surprised by the emptiness of the usually busy halls and the silence of the lifeless building.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/school/christopher0.jpg">>
<<say "Christopher">>There you are! I had a hunch I'd meet you here if I waited long enough.<</say>>
<<text>>Turning towards the familiar voice, you find your teacher leaning comfortably against the locker, looking at you with a gentle smile.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Why are you alone?" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Chrisopher? Where are everybody?<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>They are busy preparing for the graduation ceremony, of course. The one that you seem to have forgotten about.<</say>>
<<text>>He was right; the memory of an upcoming ceremony has escaped your mind completely.<</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>I was worried about you, you know?~ <</say>>
/* <<say "Christopher">>After all, it would be very problematic if one of my students were to miss out on such an important moment in her life.<</say>> */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'll go right away!" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>I'm so sorry! I'll go meet with others.<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Don't be so hasty.<</say>>
<<text>>He stopped you with a gesture and looked you over with the kind of expression you'd expect from a professional teacher. <</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>Before I let you go, I need to check with you about your attendance, miss $mcl.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $goodstudentPerk isnot 1>>
<<btns "Yeah, about that..." "03" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "I've got it!" "06" 0 0 0 "8:00-16:59" "Good Student" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "I've got it!" "06" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Erm, you see Mr. Cohen, I...<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>It looks like my concerns were well-founded once again.<</say>>
<<text>>Christopher smiled wearily, shrugging his shoulders.<</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>Oh well, you know what it means for you, right?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Oh no!.." "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>No! Pelase, don't tell me I'm going to get expelled!..<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Fortunately for you, the director was able to reach the person you live with, who made a very timely donation to cover up for your mistakes.<</say>>
<<text>>The feeling of letting John down weighted heavily on your soul, and you felt tears begin rolling down your reddened cheeks.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/graduation1.jpg">>
<<say>>You mean- <</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Yes, you can thank John for getting this certificate of attendance.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "..." "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say "Christopher">>Now, now $mcf. Please wipe your beautiful $eyes eyes and get yourself together. I'm sure that was enough of a wake-up call for you.<</say>>
<<say>>Yes... It was.<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Good. Your classmates will be waiting for you at the ceremony, so go and meet them. Don't let the mistakes of your past dictate the rest of your life.<</say>>
<<text>>In an attempt to console you, the man tapped you on the shoulder with a gentle smile before walking away in the direction of his classroom.<</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>Remember, if you're ever interested in getting anything higher than the basic level of the education certificate, I'll be here waiting for you~ <</say>>
<<say>>T-Thank you!..<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-45">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go to the Ceremony" Grad 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><<set $sanity to $sanity-45>><<set $graduation to 1>><</btn>>
<<sub 6>>
<<say>>I've done it just as you've said, Christopher. Surprisingly, it wasn't that hard to show up on time as I thought it was!.. <</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Splendid. I knew you could do it if you were to put your mind to it~<</say>>
<<text>>Barely containing a lighthearted chuckle, your teacher taps you on the shoulder in a friendly manner before checking something in his notebook.<</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>And what about your grades?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $sharpmindPerk isnot 1>>
<<btns "Yeah, about that..." "04" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "All A's!" "06" 0 0 0 "8:00-16:59" "Sharp Mind" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "All A's!" "06" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 7>>
<<say>>Well, I've tried, but... school is hard.<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>I understand. Life can be that way sometimes.<</say>>
<<text>>In an attempt to console you, the man tapped you on the shoulder with a gentle smile.<</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>Your classmates will be waiting for you at the ceremony, so go and meet them. Don't let the struggles of your past dictate the rest of your life.<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>And remember, if you're ever interested in getting anything higher than the basic level of the education certificate, I'll be here waiting for you~ <</say>>
<<say>>T-Thank you!..<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go to the Ceremony" Grad 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><<set $graduation to 1>><</btn>>
<<sub 8>>
<<say>>All straight A's. I did my best!<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>You sure did, haha~<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing your bright smile, Christopher grinned in response, taking something out of his bag.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Is this what I think it is?!" "09" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 9>>
<<say "Christopher">>Here's your honors diploma. Congratulations on finishing high school at the top of your class!<</say>>
<<text>>Having taken the high school diploma from Christopher's hand, your smile was wider than ever. The feeling of overwhelming happiness warmed up your chest so much that tears of joy began rolling down your reddened cheeks.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/graduation0.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh wow, really? It's so nice to see my efforts finally paying off!..<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Now-now, $mcf. Wipe your beautiful $eyes eyes and remember: What's awaiting you in life next is not going to be so easy. <</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>And that's exactly why I'll be at the school if you're interested in preparing for college. I'm certain that you will have a bright future ahead of you, so make sure to make the best of it!<</say>>
<<say>>I will!<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+35">>
<<rewardP "Top Grade" "+1" topGrade>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go to the Ceremony" Grad 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><<set $sanity to $sanity+35>><<set $topGrade to 1>><<set $graduation to 1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>Has it started yet? I hope I'm not too late...<</say>>
<<text>>You made your way through the tightly packed crowd of graduates and their friends, many of whom you had seen before but never really connected with. But just as the loneliness began overcoming you, a familiar voice reached your ears. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/graduation2.jpg">>
<<say "Liya">>..I don't know; I just don't feel like doing it.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Come closer" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>You won't get another chance like this for a long time, Liya. Think about it.<</say>>
<<text>>From the crowd, you could see the outlines of your friends from the class, Cindy and Liya, who were engaged in a very active conversation.<</text>>
<div class="img-row-container">
<<imgr "downtown/library/liya1.jpg">>
<<imgr "downtown/school/science3.jpg">>
<<say "Liya">>It's okay. Parties like that aren't for me anyway-<</say>>
<<text>>Liya broke off mid-thought, smiling at you when she finally noticed you walking towards them.<</text>>
<<say "Liya">>Oh, $mcf! You've made it!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "What are you chatting about?" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>What were you two talking about?<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>Oh, it's nothing. <</say>>
<<text>>Cindy was quick to chip in, eager to share her thoughts on the matter.<</text>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Liya got invited to Martin's party, but she's being difficult about it. <</say>>
<<say>>Really? But that's such a huge opportunity!..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $sharpmindPerk isnot 1>>
<<btns "You should-" "05" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "???" "03" 0 0 0 "8:00-16:59" "Sharp Mind" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "You should-" "03" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>..And from Class A, we welcome Liya and $mcf! Please come up on stage!<</say>>
<<text>>But before you could add another word, you were interrupted by a loud voice from the director, echoing around the stadium.<</text>>
<<say "Liya">>It's us! Let's go.<</say>>
<<text>>Walking onto the stage, you felt countless eyes following your every step, each watching at you with some sort of reverence you've never felt before.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Wow..." "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>For achieving the highest academic score, please accept this award! You two have earned it well!<</say>>
<<text>>As you received your awards, it was impossible not to be excited. You could hear the applause as people in the audience celebrated your achievements, marking the end of a long journey and the beginning of a new chapter.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/graduation3.jpg">>
<<say>>I can't believe it! I actually made it...<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>We made it, $mcf! Yes, I'm so happy right now!<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+45">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Grad 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 2>><<set $sanity to $sanity+45>><</btn>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>..And from Class A, we welcome miss Liya! Please come up on stage!<</say>>
<<text>>But before you could add another word, you were interrupted by a loud voice from the director, echoing around the stadium.<</text>>
<<say "Liya">>I should go; see you guys later!<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>For achieving the highest academic score, please accept this award! You have earned it well!<</say>>
<<text>>When your friend got her awards, the crowd went wild. You were happy for her too, of course, but you also felt rather inadequate in comparison. <</text>>
<<say>>This is amazing... I wish I could have been up there with her.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-45">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Grad 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to 2>><<set $sanity to $sanity-45>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say>>Oh, hi Martin.<</say>>
<<text>>As you were leaving the school grounds, you came across Martin, who looked unusually excited, sitting right outside the gate.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/martin2.jpg">>
<<say "Martin">>Hi, babe. <</say>>
<<say>>You look happier than usual. Did you graduate at the top of your class as well?<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>Even better: my college application just came, and I've been accepted! I've got a lot to look forward to now~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Can I have a question?" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Mh-hm. Can I ask you about something?<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>Sure, what's up?<</say>>
<<say>>I heard you're throwing a big party, so I'm guessing you're celebrating your college application? <</say>>
<<say>>Would you mind if I, maybe, joined you or something like that?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Please!.." "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say "Martin">>Eh, let's not talk about it here where everybody can hear us. <</say>>
<<text>>Martin stopped you with a gesture and looked around at the group of fresh graduates passing you by.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/school/martin3.jpg">>
<<say "Martin">>I don't want to run the risk of someone snitching on us; it could ruin everything. <</say>>
<<say "Martin">>I've spent a lot of time and money getting this party together, and I don't want to see it fail before it even gets off the ground. <</say>>
<<text>>He was really proud of that, and it was clear that there was no way of changing his mind no matter how much you asked.<</text>>
<<say>> I see... <</say>>
<<say "Martin">>But if you really want to know more, you can meet me around the usual spot during the track team training. We'll talk there.<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Downtown 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $time += 120>><</btn>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<say>>Ah, home-sweet home~<</say>>
<<text>>As you look around the room, you feel a sense of familiarity that reassures you, no matter where you find yourself at life. There is, however, also a faint but ever-present aroma of alcohol in the air that brings memories you'd rather forget...<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/home.jpg">>
<<say>>...John? You're here?<</say>>
<<say "John">>Ick!.. Hi, daaarling~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Again?.." "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>You were drinking again, weren't you?..<</say>>
<<say "John">>Well, you know, just a bit, a tiny one~ <</say>>
<<text>>Following the faint and muffled voice, you came over to the couch, the one positioned not too far away from the lingering fireplace. On it, a rather drunk man lied prostrated, while the half-empty bottles of booze were standing neatly on the floor nearby.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/event1.jpg">>
<<say "John">>How's the school going? I hope the other students are treating you nicely.<</say>>
<<text>>A feeling of overwhelming sadness washed over you, seeing a man you once admired in such a pitiful state. You felt your eyes tearing up, and when you tried to speak, the sound of your voice was as quiet as the wind.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "You promised me!" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>...You know that drinking yourself isn't going to return her... So why are you?.. Why?..<</say>>
<<text>>You fell into a chair, unable to finish the sentence. You waited, hoping to disappear from this place and find yourself somewhere far, far away.<</text>>
<<say "John">>I take it the school didn't go that well either... Sorry.<</say>>
<<text>>You felt a gentle touch on your shoulder, causing conflicting emotions to stirr up from your chest. While it was nice to have John beside you, you were still upset with him.<</text>>
<<say "John">>I promised myself and you that I would stop, but... I can't deal with that loneliness.<</say>>
<<text>>You couldn't help but embrace the man as you heard his voice shaking with overwhelming grief. You were both together now, yet each lonely in their own way and you needed a way to fix it. To fix him.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "The school is going to be over soon" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>The school term will end in two weeks- after that, I will have more time to spend with you. Will that be enough for you?..<</say>>
<<text>>Having said that, you wiped the tears from your $eyes eyes, carefully studying John's expression. In response, he rewarded you with a tired smile as he rubbed your cheek gently.<</text>>
<<say "John">>Of course. You are the only thing I have left in this world and I'll do my darnest to make you happy untill the end of my days~<</say>>
<<say>>Don't say that! Remember, you're the most likely to find a supermodel with big breasts if you behave like a responsible man and not a desperate drunk~<</say>>
<<say "John">>Ha-ha, you have a good point. I'll try my best this time~<</say>>
<<text>>Having kissed you on the forehead, John stood up and began to clean up after himself, trying his best to remove the stain left by his alcoholic beverage, before walking into the bathroom. It was nice to see him trying, even though you knew that it's you who would have to clean it properly later.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<<btn "Peek into the Shower" JH_RNG_Event2 15 0 "40-300" "8:00-19:59" 0 0>><<set $EventRNG to undefined>><</btn>>
<div class="button-module">
<<if $DCBlock == $dayCount>>
<<plug "Tidy up the House" "The house is already shining clean!" 60 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Tidy up the House" DoChores 60 0 "40-300" "8:00-19:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<if $ShowerBlock == $dayCount>>
<<plug "Take a Shower" "Showering too often is bad for your skin!" 30 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Take a Shower" Shower 30 0 0 "6:00-22:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Move to John's Room" JRoom 0 0 0 "8:00-19:59" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Move to Your Bedroom" JHomeBedroom 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Leave" Downtown 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>I feel so much freer in here... It's a nice change~<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a full breath of the fresh coastal air, you stood before the gates to the party house. Near them, on his shezlong, sat the bouncer you saw before.<</text>>
<<imgv "uptown/beach/zach0.jpg">>
<<say "Zach">>Hey, lassie, do you want something? I don't remember seeing you here before.<</say>>
<<say>>Yes, I'm new. My name is $mcf; can you let me in?<</say>>
<<say "Zach">>I'm Zach. Sorry, but this place is reserved for the best of the best.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Can I become one?" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>And how do I become "the best of the best"?<</say>>
<<say "Zach">>Either through gaining notoriety while partying with everyone else, or you could simply donate a few hundred dollars and become a sponosor.<</say>>
<<say>>I see...<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Make a Donation" "02" 15 200 0 "14:00-21:59" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<if $zachRepLvl is 0>>
<<btn "Flirt with Zach" ZachFlirt 0 0 "40-300" "14:00-21:59" 0 2>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Flirt with Zach" ZachFlirt 0 0 "40-300" "14:00-21:59" 0 2>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Go Back" VIPZone 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Hey Zach? I wanted to make a donation. Is 200 bucks enough?<</say>>
<<say "Zach">>That will help us refill our bar for a bit. I'll make sure to write it up $mcf.<</say>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/money.jpg">>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-200">>
<<rewardP "Zach Rep" "+5" zachRep>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" VIPZone 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $zachRep to $zachRep+5>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Oh yes, Chris! It feels so good~<</say>>
<<text>>As the sounds of human voices intensified, you meandered along the winding path, your eyes occasionally glancing up at the vibrant landscape around you, creating a sense of mysterious excitement.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/park/event4.jpg">>
<<say 'male'>>Good thing you showed me this place before... Your parents won't disturb us here, he-he.<</say>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Ngh! You're hitting so fucking deep!..<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "It's getting closer" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>And just as you rounded the corner, the mystery finally paid off, and your attention was suddenly snatched by an enthralling sight.<</text>>
<<say 'male'>>To think you'd let me bang your ass all the way... But forbid me to touch your pussy!<</say>>
<<text>>Holding your breath, you watched as the slender girl stood on all fours, drooling with pleasure as another student pounded her from behind, his fat cock glistening with wetness in the sunlight. <</text>>
<<video "downtown/park/video/Scene0-1.mp4">>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Not until you marry me, dummy~ I ain't planning on burning in Hell, you know...<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>It's fine with me, as long as I get a piece of this peach!..<</say>>
<<text>>A loud cry full of glee rang through the air as the girl's knees buckled under the weight of the man's thrusts. You couldn't help but want to take her place, to feel your own bottom spread by the meaty and girty cock of the stranger, to submit and lose your mind in the act of last.<</text>>
<<say>>I never knew you could go to Hell for having sex before marriage, that sounds kinda bad... Ngh, but it would be so hard to resist~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $ParkEvent5 != 1>>
<<rewardP "Explorer" "+1" explorer>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Park 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $ParkEvent5 != 1>>
<<set $explorer += 1, $ParkEvent5 to 1>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Come on, it's been a good date so far. So why stop here?~<</say>>
<<text>>As the sounds of human voices intensified, you meandered along the winding path, your eyes occasionally glancing up at the vibrant landscape around you, creating a sense of mysterious excitement.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/park/event4.jpg">>
<<say 'male'>>Well, if you insist...<</say>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Oof! Easy there; no need to be so rough!..<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "It's getting closer" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>And just as you rounded the corner, the mystery finally paid off, and your attention was suddenly snatched by an enthralling sight.<</text>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Keep it moving, baby... You're hitting the right spot! Ah~<</say>>
<<text>>The lovers, shamelessly caught in the act, moved their hips in unison, the man holding on tightly to the woman as he kept his thighs rocking, eliciting all sorts of moans from her lips.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/park/video/Scene0-2.mp4">>
<<say 'male'>>Fuck, you feel so good!.. <</say>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Just don't you dare to stop! I'm almost... Agh!..<</say>>
<<text>>The woman shuddered as her body was overwhelmed with orgasm, the man gently holding her up, and you couldn't help but marvel at the sight of true love, feeling a slight pang of envy, hoping that one day you'll get to experience it for yourself.<</text>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $ParkEvent6 != 1>>
<<rewardP "Explorer" "+1" explorer>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Park 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<if $ParkEvent6 != 1>>
<<set $explorer += 1, $ParkEvent6 to 1>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>Hey, is that you Clyde? What are you-<</say>>
<<text>>Startled by your approach, the figure in front of you drops his pen and quickly covers the note he was writing behind one of his books. Looking at him upclose, you realise that you are now staring at one of the main players on your school's sports team - Jay King. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/event2-0.jpg">>
<<say 'Jay'>>$mcf? What do you want?<</say>>
<<say>>Sorry, Jay. I thought you were someone else...<</say>>
<<say 'Jay'>>...<</say>>
<<if $liyaRepLvl is 1>>
<<say 'Jay'>>I've been hearing rumours that you're friends with Liya, is that true?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Help him out" "01" 0 0 0 0 "Liya Lvl 1">><</btns>>
<<btn "Leave" Library 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<set $messengerPerk to 1>>
<<say>>Um, yes, we've been getting pretty close lately. What about it?<</say>>
<<say 'Jay'>>Could you give her a little something from me? It's nothing serious, but...<</say>>
<<text>>Hesitantly, Jay pulled a small piece of paper from one of his books and carefully placed it in front of you. It looked like a neatly folded letter, sealed with a heart-shaped stamp.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/library/event2-1.jpg">>
<<say>>What is this? A love confession?<</say>>
<<say 'Jay'>>You don't have to worry about it, just hand it over to Liya. Please. <</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Messenger" "+1" messenger>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Library 0>><<set $messenger to $messenger+1>><</btn>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<say>>Mhm... What is this noise?..<</say>>
<<text>>This time, the morning's usual tranquility was shattered by the unbearably loud noise of an electric doorbell, jolting you awake from the sweet land of dreams. As you staggered to the floor, muttering all sorts of exclamations under your breath, you nonetheless went to have a look at the rude intruder.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/apartmentMain.jpg">>
<<say>>Hey, don't you know that it's rude to be so loud first thing in the morning?!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Open the Door" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<if $costOfLiving != 1>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Finally, there you are. I'll let you know that I've been waiting for quite a while now, $mсl.<</say>>
<<text>>On the other side of the now-open door, a tall, bulky man stared down at you, his arms crossed in frustration. As he spoke, his voice sounded firm and exuded strength, much like his build, creating an air of danger and confidence about him.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/rent0.jpg">>
<<say>>Erm, hi... Who are you?<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I am Joe. I've come about the rent; it's been two weeks now. I take it the money is ready?<</say>>
<<say>>W-wait! I don't remember hearing anything about you from Pip...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Where is he?" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<say>>Ah, it's you again... Time sure flies by~<</say>>
<<text>>On the other side of the now-open door, a tall, bulky man stared down at you, his arms crossed in frustration. As he spoke, his voice sounded firm and exuded strength, much like his build, creating an air of danger and confidence about him.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/rent0.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Let's get straight to the point: the money—have you got it this time?<</say>>
<<say>>Inpatient as ever, aren't you? Let me see...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Pay up 400$" "04" 0 400 0 "6:30-23:59" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "But I don't have any money!" "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<text>>Speaking of whom, where is he? He told me he was coming to collect the rent himself!<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Haah. It's always the same song and dance with your lot...<</say>>
<<text>>With an exasperated sigh, the man reached into his pocket, pulling out a business card and holding it out in front of you.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/rent1.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I've been helping out my good pal Philip ever since a couple of his tenants decided that it would be a good idea to get rowdy with him. If you don't believe me, his number is in front of you. <</say>>
<<say>>I'll do just that. Thank you very much~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Dial the number" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<text>>After a quick phone call to confirm the identity of the man from your landlord's mouth, you returned to Joe, who was by now more than eager to get this over with.<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Satisfied? I don't have all day. <</say>>
<<say>>Sure, sorry for the wait...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Pay up 400$" "04" 0 400 0 "6:30-23:59" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "But I don't have any money!" "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>Well, how do I put it? Listen, I don't really have the money right now...<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Huh, is that so?<</say>>
<<say>>Y-yes... Could we perhaps make some sort of arrangement?<</say>>
<<text>>A short silence befell the room was your answer, as the man straightened his shoulders before pulling out a phone with an abscent look.<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>In that case, I assume you're ready to leave the apartment by the evening. I'll inform Philip right away.<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Please dont!" Rent_PornScene0 0>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>$400, wasn't it? Here it is, just for you.<</say>>
<<text>>Pulling out a neatly bound wad of hard-earned bills, you held it out to the man with a cheeky grin. As he counted each note, making sure you had given him the full amount, you saw his lips taking on the shape of a pleased smile. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/jhome/money.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>All right, that's all I needed from you today. I hope the next payment will be as easy as this one, $mcl.<</say>>
<<say>>I'll do my best! Oh, and one more thing: next time, if you can, please don't be so loud...<</say>>
<<text>>But by the time you've finished your sentence, the man has already disappeared into the corridor, leaving you alone with your thoughts.<</text>>
<<say>>Oh well... I guess it can't be helped.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "-400">>
<<rewardP "Cost of Living" "+1" costOfLiving>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Apartment 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $costOfLiving += 1>>
<<set $rentCountdown to $dayCount + 14>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>What? No, please, just give me a few more weeks!<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>No shot. There is a reason why we have a strict no-loan policy. I'll say it again: Either you pay up now or you can say goodbye to this place. Which will it be, $mcl?<</say>>
<<text>>Seeing your indecisiveness, the man was ready to walk away, only to be stopped at the last moment when you grabbed hold of his leg. Normally, you would be ashamed of yourself for acting like this. But in your moment of desperation, your dignity and all that were no longer a factor.<</text>>
<<video "uptown/apartments/video/Scene4-0.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>What the hell? Let go if you don't have the cash; you're out with the trash!<</say>>
<<say>>Please, Joe, don't! I need this place to live; I'll do anything to stay here!<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>...<</say>>
<<text>>It was the first time you saw the man's iron veneer slip as he hesitated for a moment and looked down at you, his eyes lingering on your chest. It was at that moment that you knew exactly what had to be done.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'll do anything!" "01" 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>I'm telling you, I'll do anything you want me to- Doesn't that sound enticing?.. <</say>>
<<text>>Your words seemed to take a second to register as Joe simply stood there, weighing his options. Eager to make the choice easier for him, your hand moved up along his thigh, cupping his sizable groin. <</text>>
<<say>>Come on, if you don't like giving out the loans, how about I pay you with my body instead?<</say>>
<<text>>Flustered by speaking out such a lewd thought, much less touching a complete stranger's cock, you couldn't help but shut your eyes tight, unable to withstand Joe's gaze.<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Hm. I guess that could work. <</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Really?" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Ah?.. Really?!<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Yes. But you better not disappoint me.<</say>>
<<text>>Pushing aside any hesitation you might have felt at the prospect of selling yourself like a girl on the street, you helped the man unbuckle his belt. Seconds later, you were on the verge of drooling just from breathing in the man's musky scent as you stared at his half-erect girth with a mixture of awe and excitement.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/apartments/rent2.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh wow... <</say>>
<<text>>Taking advantage of his already erect cock, you hastenly curled your slim digits around his shaft, forcing a grunt past his lips with only a few strokes.<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Ngh... Suck it down, you bitch.<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "It's too big..." "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<text>>Following the man's command, you kneeled before this monster of a cock, gulping down nervously at the perspective of fitting it into your mouth. <</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I own you now, $mcl. Out of hesitation, all I need from you is to be an obedient cockslut. Unless, of course, you want me to walk out?<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "No, I'll do it!.." Rent_PornScene0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>No, don't go! I'll do it...<</say>>
<<text>>You felt Joe's grip tighten around your throat as he spat into your open mouth before giving you a rough kiss. Surprisingly, you didn't hate the idea of it; quite the contrary, you felt that it was what you deserved. <</text>>
<<video "uptown/apartments/video/Scene4-1.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Good slut.<</say>>
<<text>>Seconds later, your nose was buried deep in his groin as the man continued to facefuck you, his bulbous tip hitting the back of your throat repeatedly and relentlessly, forcing all sorts of rasping sounds out of you before suddenly stopping.<</text>>
<<say>>Gha- huh?..<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>That's enough of a warm-up for me. Let's get serious...<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Huh?.." "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>With a rough tug on your shoulders, the man brought you to your feet, only to bend you against the wall, his thick fingers tearing off your pants as he lodged himself into your wet slit.<</text>>
<<video "uptown/apartments/video/Scene4-2.mp4">>
<<say>>What the... You're so deep! - Ah!..<</say>>
<<text>>A growl of lust erupted from Jon's mouth as he overpowered you, forcing you to bury your face in the handle of the couch, his cock pulling all the way back, only to slam into you again, each time forcing a yelp past your lips.<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Huff... Haaa.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'm going to cum!~" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>I can't!.. I'm cumming again!~<</say>>
<<text>>It comes as no surprise to either of you that after being fucked repeatedly with such earnest desire and cumming over and over again, your legs could no longer take it, and as they gave out, you found yourself falling into Jon's arms.<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I didn't expect you to be such a wuss... Ha, it's almost cute.<</say>>
<<text>>Of course, that didn't stop the man. To remedy the situation, he simply pushed you onto the side of a couch and stretched your pussycat with his girth in a newfound freedom.<</text>>
<<video "uptown/apartments/video/Scene4-3.mp4">>
<<say>>Oh fuck! I... Nghh!<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Damn it, I must be reaching my limit too...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Cum for me!" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Do it! Mark me as your slut!~<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Oh, I will! Gha!.. Ngh!<</say>>
<<text>>Breathing heavily, the man pulled out his throbbing cock and thrust it into your face instead. You barely had time to stick out your tongue before he brought himself to a climax with a few quick strokes, his cock erupting with sticky ropes of cum all over you.<</text>>
<<video "uptown/apartments/video/Scene4-4.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Fuuuck!.. <</say>>
<<text>>A low growl from the man's lips was music to your ears, intensifying tenfold as you looked into his eyes as you sucked the remaining semen from his tip.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Are you satisfied?" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>Judging by the look on your face, I haven't let you down today, have I?<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>That was... a fair trade. <</say>>
<<text>>The man said the words under his breath, still struggling to recover from an orgasm.<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>But I hope I've taught you a lesson today... Next time, you'd better pay on time, $mсl.<</say>>
<<say>>I'll do my best. I promise!<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-80">>
<<rewardP "Cost of Living" "+1" costOfLiving>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Apartment 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $costOfLiving += 1, $sanity to $sanity-80>>
<<set $rentCountdown to $dayCount + 14>>
<<set $stage to undefined>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>So, about those fans of mine you have mentioned...<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>What about them, were they causing you annoyance again? And here I was thinking that I'd made it perfectly clear what will happen if they do that...<</say>>
<<text>>Casting you a tired glance, Barem tiredly waved his hand in the air, as if swatting some annoying fly that refused to leave him alone.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/bar/barem2.jpg">>
<<say>>I thought about it for a while, but isn't it rude of me to leave them hanging like that? I can only imagine how bad it must feel to have your passion ignored.<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>Listen, there's nothing for you to worry about—I doubt it's anything new for them. You don't seriously think you are their first object of obsession, are you? Flocking around beautiful women is something they always do. Besides...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Yes?.." "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>The black man's gaze glossed over your tiny body, his eyes lingering on your bust for a few moments before going up to meet yours.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>What they feel towards you has nothing to do with love or appreciation, let me make that clear. <</say>>
<<say "Barem">>The only thing driving their bodies is an all-consuming desire—a need to own you, if only for a moment—to see your firm ass bouncing on their cocs as they ejaculate into your pussy, dissipating into the night the moment after.<</say>>
<<text>>Unbeknownst to him, the picture Barem painted had an opposite effect on you from what he tried to envoke. Your vivid imagination easily picked up on the lustful words the black man uttered, creating imagery you simply could not resist.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/bar/barem7.jpg">>
<<say "Barem">>Got it? Now go and do something else, I have business to attend to.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "This is exactly what I need!" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Hey, but I wouldn't mind any of it! If anything, this might be exactly what I need in my life right now.<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>You what? There is no way I heard that right-<</say>>
<<say>>An opportunity like that doesn't present itself often, am I wrong? If they consider me beautiful, so be it; I might as well live a little.<</say>>
<<text>>The memories of all the suppressed jealousy you felt towards the popular girls at school and the regret you felt at not being able to get boys interested in you began to stir in your mind, making you sound more enthusiastic by the second.<</text>>
<<say>>Think about it this way: Wouldn't it be a good way to grow your business too?<</say>>
<<text>>Barem froze in a pose of a Greek statue, his face obscured by the thick cigarette smoke wafting from the busy tables. He waited for your next word with a dark curiosity. <</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Just give me a chance!" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>What if the next time someone asks to meet with me in private, instead of hushing them out, you strike a deal with them on your terms? After all, I would need a safe place to meet them and someone strong to keep me safe in case something went south.<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>No way. I didn't expect to hear that from you, of all people...<</say>>
<<text>>Biting your lip from worry, you never the less kept your eyes on your boss' face, praying that he would go along with you. In the worst-case scenario, you thought you would lose your job, but that was a risk you were willing to take.<</text>>
<<say "Barem">>Haaah. You're lucky I have experience in this field, even if it was a while ago. Otherwise, I would send you packing right now. But still-<</say>>
<<say>>Please, Barem! I don't ask for much, it will be good for us both!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Please!" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say "Barem">>..Fine. I'll pimp you out if that's what you want.<</say>>
<<say>>Really?! Thank you!..<</say>>
<<text>>You jumped onto your feet, hugging tightly onto the black man's shoulders, your breasts pushing against his face for a few moments before taking a step back, freeing him once again. <</text>>
<<say "Barem">>I'm not doing this for free, mind you! If all goes well and this "thing" sticks, I may ask you to do me a few favours in the future. If that's okay with you - meet me here after 20:00 and I'll get the first group ready.<</say>>
<<say>>Of course I'm okay with doing good by you~ Oh, I know! Why don't you ask me to do it right now? I'm more than willing...<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>It's not that easy, I need you to... Hah, you know what, don't think too hard about it, I'll let you know when we get there. Now scram, I need to get back to work.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Fanservice" "+1" fanservice>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "Leave" Bar 0>><<set $fanservice to 1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>Mhm... This is taking a while.<</say>>
<<text>>Sitting on a rather comfortable couch, you couldn't help but feel worried, and as you kept kicking your feet up and down, shadows of doubt began creeping into your mind. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/lounge.jpg">>
<<say>>Just think how exciting it will be, $mc. Getting so much love at once—just like you've always wanted.<</say>>
<<text>>Thankful before you could really start second-guessing yourself, a sound of approaching steps shattered the silence, and a wave of excitement and anticipation washed over you anew.<</text>>
<<switch $workRNG>>
<<case 0>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>God, you're actually here! I've been dreaming of meeting you in private for so long; you have no idea...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Then shall we?.." "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<case 1>>
<<say>>Oh, that's quite a few of you~<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I hope you don't mind. But, even if you do... We paid good money for this.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Then shall we?.." "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<case 2>>
<<say 'male'>>Look at this; that big guy wasn't lying after all. I was certain the girl would run away upon hearing that there were going to be 12 of us, but this bitch seems happier than ever!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Then shall we?.." "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Relax, baby. You're here to have fun, aren't you?<</say>>
<<text>>With a cocky grin on your face, you let loose of your blouse, letting it slip along your silky smooth skin, revealing your plump tits before the entranced man. With his eyes wide, his hungry gaze followed along your curves, as if he tried to burn it into his memory.<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>You're so pretty... Wow.<</say>>
<<say>>Let's make it even better, shall we?<</say>>
<<text>>You kneeled, reaching for the man's belt with your slender fingers, cupping his surpringly sizable groin. After a few seconds of battling with the buttons, you finally got his cock into your hands and then into your mouth, milking it to the best of your abilities.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene4-0.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Your mouth—it's so warm and wet!..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Your cock is nice too~" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I'm about to...<</say>>
<<text>>But just as you were getting into the heat of things, you felt the white cock twitch as the man grasped at your head, pushing it deep down your throat before erupting in a wave of white hotness. You struggled to swallow every drop, but noticing you choking, the man pulled his dick out, spurting the remaining semen across your pretty face. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/work3.jpg">>
<<say>>Hgk!.. My God, that was quick... <</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Fuck... Sorry if I was too rough. But you felt so good that I couldn't stop!..<</say>>
<<say>>It's okay, baby; you did your best. I'm glad that you've enjoyed it.<</say>>
<<text>>Having thanked you, albeit with an akward smile, the man pulled up his pants and, after throwing you one last glance, disappeared back into the corridor.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Haah~" "07" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>In that case, why don't we skip to the fun part?<</say>>
<<text>>A few minutes later, you were already choking on the fat black cock while being taken from behind, your pussy squirming with each thrust. A massive dick ravaged your asshole, sending electricity down your spine and making you arch your back as you neared an explosive climax.<</text>>
<<say>>I'm going to... I'm cumming!!!<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Oh yeah, let it all go!<</say>>
<<text>>Answering with nothing but a senseless moan, your insides clenched around the massive dick, forcing the man to pull out momentarily, or else risk cumming prematurely. But that was enough to bring you over the peak, and letting a cry out, you collapsed, your ass gaping and pussy squirting.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene4-1.mp4">>
<<say 'male'>>Hah, oh fuck, oh fuck... You think she's got more in her?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Mhm~" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<text>>Seconds melted into minutes and minutes into hours, but the bodies of insatiete men kept moving, their cocks ramming your holes in all kinds of poistions. <</text>>
<<say 'male'>>I think I'm about to...<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Me too, bro. This bitch is something else!<</say>>
<<text>>You've long lost count of the number of climaxes you've reached, barely able to think straight by the time strong hands set you upright. That didn't mean you let go of their cocks, of course, slobbering all over them with kisses and licks, savoring the taste of semen.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/work4.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I think it's about time we get moving. Say "bye bye," girl~<</say>>
<<say>>Ah?.. Bai-bai... Ngh~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Haah~" "07" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>Oh wow!.. That's a lot of you there... <</say>>
<<say 'male'>>We paid good money for this, so you better be worth it, girl.<</say>>
<<say>>Don't worry, I'll do my best to satisfy each and every one of you~<</say>>
<<text>>A couple of minutes later, you stood in a circle of men, a new cock slamming against your slutty sex every couple of minutes, leaving you feeling so full that you could only cry out, throwing your head back as the lengthy cock shoved itself deeper, scratching spots a white cock never could, feeding the aching urges within.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene4-2.mp4">>
<<say 'male'>>Oh, fuck, that's hot.<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>'I know, right? Somethin' 'bout seeing this small chick getting dicked just hits right...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Yes!.." "06" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<say 'male'>>Oh, fuck! That's it!<</say>>
<<say>>Yes!.. Mess me up, guys!.. Aaagh!<</say>>
<<text>>A chorus of moans escaped the dudes around you, and then they came. Ropes of their sticky white cum arced and splattered over your face, the hotness hitting your forehead, nose, and chin. Plenty hit lower too, your tits getting the most of their load while her bare back also got spurted on, cum dribbling down in streams.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/work5.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Shiiet, that's the best 10 bucks I've ever spent...<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>What a hoe! We should get together more often. Right guys?<</say>>
<<text>>After getting you a few last slaps, the group of men went back into the main hall, no doubt to get some drinks, leaving you slumping back on your elbows as you panted, cum profusely running down your skin, forming small pools if white on the carpet floor.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Haah~" "07" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 7>>
<<say "Barem">>You really are going all out with those guys, aren't you?<</say>>
<<text>>A sound of a familiar voice made you jump as you quickly covered your breasts before turning back, only to find a smiling Barem standing in the door.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/bar/barem1.jpg">>
<<say>>All this time, were you watching us?.. <</say>>
<<say "Barem">>Wouldn't you like to know, ha-ha.<</say>>
<<text>>With a chuckle, Barem's hand slipped into one of his pockets, and after a few moments of rummaging through the contents, he pulled out a couple of 20$ bills, <</text>>
<<say "Barem">>Since you've already finished, you can take your cut. Get some rest too, I wouldn't want you to blow out a hip or something worse with the way you're riding those folks.<</say>>
<<say>>Thanks... I'm feeling very tired right now. <</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardC "+100">>
<<rewardS "-35">>
<<rewardP "Barem Rep" "+3" baremRep>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "Leave" Bar 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $baremRep to $baremRep+3, $sanity to $sanity-35, $cash+=100>><</btn>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>>Following the man's orders, you sat behind the bar, sipping from the drink you had generously poured for herself. Your heart raced in anticipation of what this evening might bring, your mind drowning in a torrent of lewd thoughts.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/barMain.jpg">>
<<say "Barem">>They're here, $mcf. Come and greet our guests.<</say>>
<<text>>Awoken from the trance, you turn around, watching a large group of people walk into the bar, led by the barem himself.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Oh?" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>So this is the girl you were yapping my ear off about... What was her name again?<</say>>
<<say>>Oh, hi! I'm $mcf. Nice to meet you~<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a step closer to the group, you watched them circle you, stripping you down with their lustful gazes, setting your cheeks ablaze in an instant.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/barem8.jpg">>
<<say>>So, erm... should we perhaps start?~<</say>>
<<text>>Having said that, you gently cupped the groin of the guys nearest to you, gasping in awe at how full your hands felt. The crowd let out a cheer as the atmosphere grew livelier, and things finally began moving in the direction you were hoping for.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "You're so big, guys~" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Be a good puppy and get down on your knees.<</say>>
<<text>>Following the order, you watched the man unbuckle his belt, his thumbs sliding his pants down just enough to free up his cock—it's a fully erect girth that now twitched excitedly for your attention. <</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>You know what to do next, don't you?<</say>>
<<text>>Rolling your tongue over the tip, you soon push your head down once more, your palms grasping and fingers curling at the two other nearest cocks. The man pushed you down deeper, and like any other good bitch, you complied—nearly deep-throating Barem's friend on the spot.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene5-0.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>F-fuck! Her mouth feels so good...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Mhm~" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Let's get her mounted. I want to fuck her pussy now!<</say>>
<<say>>Mhm?.. Hrk!..<</say>>
<<text>>Man's cock slid in deep, penetrating your depths in one go. Barem wasn't kidding; his friends were all well-endowed, to say the least, leaving you with a pleasant feeling of fullness. Starting to work your hips, your knees sunk into the seat, and a needy moan fled your lips as another man grabbed you by the hair, jamming his dick through your pursed lips.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene5-1.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Fuck, her pussy sucks it in like a champ!..<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>God damn! Fuck it, give me some space too!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "You too?!" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Sure thing, bruv. Here!<</say>>
<<text>>Before you knew it, the black man yanked you forward, letting Barem take position firmly behind your rear. Your eyes widened as you felt a bulbous tip prod against your asshole, and, with a gasp, it slipped right inside. Letting out a groan of bliss, Barem sank in deeper, a couple slow thrusts helping to ease in before picking up the full pace.<</text>>
<<say>>Fuuuck! I need—I need more!.. Grk!<</say>>
<<text>>Even as you were getting fucked into both holes, you couldn't miss the erect cock hanging right in front of you; it's tip bumping against your parted lips. With a submissive groan, you let them part further, immediately rewarded by the taste of a fat cock sliding into your mouth.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene5-2.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Jesus, motherfucking Christ! What a pro!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I can feel it..." "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say "Barem">>I'm almost there... <</say>>
<<text>>Finally getting a breath of fresh air, you gasped at the twitching cock in front of your eyes, barely having enough time to close the eyelids, before he erupted, sending the ropes of white semen across your face.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/bar/video/Scene5-3.mp4">>
<<say>>It's so much... Barem, I...<</say>>
<<text>>You let out a yelp as someone grabbed your thighs, tugging you forward. You hadn't had a second of calm before another man got in front of you and grabbed your plentiful ass, grinding against your soaking wet slit, fully expecting to slip inside at any moment.<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>My turn next!<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>Let me join; I want a piece too!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Haah~" "06" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<text>>Uncertain for how much longer this revelry continued, at the end of it all, you could barely move your sore body, your skin sticky from the semen of your new friends.<</text>>
<<say>>B-barem?.. I need a shower... Could you help me out a little?<</say>>
<<say 'Barem'>>Of course, you can have mine. Here: hold onto my hand, I'll lead you to it...<</say>>
<<text>>With some help from your boss, you slowly staggered towards the bathroom. And only when the roaring stream of water hit against your back could you feel a wave of warmth washing away that tiredness, replaced by tranquil relaxation.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/bar/barem9.jpg">>
<<say>>I... I think I can take it from here. Thank you-<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>Nonesence, it's me who should be thanking you, $mcf. You've made my day, and the boys are happy too. That's more than I could've ever hoped for. <</say>>
<<say>>Really, they liked me? It makes me so happy to hear that~<</say>>
<<say "Barem">>Of course. Make sure to take some rest now; you've more than earned it. I'll be back at the bar; it's about time for me to open the doors once again.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+20">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Bar 0>>
<<set $sanity to $sanity +20>>
<<if $baremRepLvl is 1>><<set $baremRepLvl to 2>><<notify 4.5s>>Your bond with Barem has advanced to the next level!<</notify>><<else>><<if $dailySex is 1>><<set $sexBlock to $dayCount>><</if>><<set $dailySex to 1>><</if>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>Oh God, it's so hot today! I wonder if it would be okay for me to go nude for a bit.<</say>>
<<text>>Glancing side to side across the sun-bathed sands, you notice a few people doing exactly that, their bodies completely bare for everyone to see. "If they are doing it, it should be fine to do the same for me~"—with this thought out of the way, you swiftly got rid of your bikini, your skin tickling under the salty summer breeze.<</text>>
<<say>>This feels more awkward than I'd expected. Maybe I should be taking it slow for now until I get used to the looks.<</say>>
<<img "uptown/beach/nudist0.jpg">>
<<text>>Taking advantage of the nearby shezlong, you hide yourself behind the book. While pretending to read it, you couldn't help but take peeks at the naked women around you, genuinely surprised by how pretty they all were.<</text>>
<<say>>I guess being rich does that for you. It is as if I'm surrounded by professional models!<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Wait, are they?.." "01" 0>> <</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Huh? What's... Oh!<</say>>
<<text>>From the corner of your eye, you saw a woman approach one of the bulky men you were eyeing minutes before. To your surprise, after barely exchanging even a couple of words, her hand confidently slipped into the man's shorts, the fabric folding as she began casually stroking his cock, unburdened by the people around, before kneeling on the hot sand and taking his full girth into her mouth.<</text>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Oh, I like the feeling of that already~<</say>>
<<say>>Wow, they're doing that in front of everyone?<</say>>
<<video "uptown/beach/videos/Scene2-0.mp4">>
<<text>>The open devotion the woman showed to sucking this stranger's cock was the thing of dreams, your own stomach tensing as you continued watching her bob and weave to the accompaniment of cheers and gasps. A few seconds more, and the man hissed, pulling down on his lover's head, before letting go a second later, spilling his cum all over her lips, face, and even chest. <</text>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Haa... Just look at the mess you've made~ How about we go in the water now and wash it all off? And after that... Hehe~<</say>>
<<say>>Gosh! I wish- I wish I was brave enough to do something like that too...<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Beach 0>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>Mmh, the way the wind caresses my skin today! I wonder if it would be okay if I walked around naked for a bit?..<</say>>
<<text>>Having walked away to the less crowded part of the beach, you slide down your clothes, smiling under the warm, shining sun. After a moment of delibiration, you step closer to the water, savoring the salty sea smell of the ocean.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/beach/nudist1.jpg">>
<<say>>This is so much better. But God, the way they all are looking at me now is... Nnh~<</say>>
<<text>>With the occasional curious glances of the strangers admiring your perky chess and ass, you smiled, feeling the rising surge of need coarsing through your veins. The power of emotion you felt in this moment was so strong, in fact, that if anyone were to come and try to pick you up, you knew you wouldn't be able to resist them.<</text>>
<<say>>I'd better walk it off before I do something stupid~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Follow the waves" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>After a few more minutes of leisurely pacing around the sand, you find yourself walking in between palm trees and the greenery, until finally you reach a secluded spot on the edge of the water you had no idea even existed.<</text>>
<<say 'female'>>Ah~<</say>>
<<text>>Startled by a sudden moan, you instinctually hid behind a tree, and as you peeked from behind it, only now did you realize that you must've intruded upon someone's secret place.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Oh wow!" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>I'm not alone here after all, am I?..<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Oh fuck!..<</say>>
<<text>>The hot moans intensified, and after a bit of looking around, you finally spot a couple making love amid the yellow sand. Coupled with your already pent-up excitement, the sight of the man's dick ravaging through the pussycat of his woman was enough to make you squirm. <</text>>
<<say 'female'>>I'm... I..!<</say>>
<<video "uptown/beach/videos/Scene2-1.mp4">>
<<text>>Your body moved on its own, your fingers penetrating you already, soaking wet pussy, movements mirroring the thrusts of the man fucking the guts out of his woman before you, the tingling sensation growing until...<</text>>
<<text>>With a shriek, you peaked. The orgasm was powerful enough to leave you shaking for a good few minutes before you could finally come back to your senses, but by that point, the couple, likely startled by your moans, was already gone with no trace in sight.<</text>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Beach 0>> <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say>>Phew, the sun is so hot today! Perfect time to get some full-body tan.<</say>>
<<text>>Not wasting any time, you strip down and spread your silky towel across the sand, finding a suitably comfortable position and closing your eyes with a pleased smile on your face.<</text>>
<<img "uptown/beach/nudist2.jpg">>
<<text>>It doesn't take long before your consciousness begins to drift and the sweet dreams become your only reality.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "..." "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>The peace was short-lived, however, interrupted by a sudden brush against the back of your thigh. Surprised, you jumped a bit, but when nothing happened further, you assumed that it must've been the wind, only to feel something thick and heavy prod itself against your lips.<</text>>
<<say>>Ah?.. W-wha-<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Just continue sucking, girl... It's all good.<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Finally~" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<text>>Deciding to entertain the thought, you playfully chuckled to yourself before giving way the lust as you felt the heat of the twitching dick under your breath.<</text>>
<<text>>Your lips pursed around the shaft, sliding up and down with wet gurgling sounds as the penis throbbing filled your mouth full of its girth. It was a challenge to keep your breathing stable, but somehow you managed, pushing the yelpes of glee from the stranger.<</text>>
<<video "uptown/beach/videos/Scene2-2.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>F-fuck!.. Hold on!<</say>>
<<text>>The man's grip tightened, suddenly locking your head in place as he suddenly shoved his cock deep down your gullet, busting his load straight down your naughty throat. Grunting in surprise, you did your best to swallow it all, but despite your efforts, you found yourself drowning in cum, struggling to earn a single breath.<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>K-ha... Ha. If you can still hear me - come find me some time later. I'll happily return the favor~<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" Beach 0>> <</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>H-hey! No need to be so rough!<</say>>
<<text>>Free at last, you now stood in the middle of a warmly lit room, trying to recover after getting yoinked around the house like some luggage just a few moments prior.<</text>>
<<imgv "uptown/beach/house4.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>It seems that Zach forgot to mention that you were such a princess~<</say>>
<<say>>I'm not!..<</say>>
<<text>>You grumbled, shyly looking away from the surprisingly well-built patreons flexing their bulging muscles and pants before you.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I don't want you tiring out..." "06" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<say>>Besides, I simply don't want you to exhaust yourself before we get to the fun part...<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Oh? Shall we begin then?~<</say>>
<<text>>You watched in amazement as the men began sliding down their pants, letting their half-chubbed cocks flop out freely, their sheer size and girth making you shake in excitement.<</text>>
<<say 'male'>>About damn time, I was getting restless!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Wow!" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Oh wow! Yours is so lengthy, and his is so thick... Can I touch them?<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>Pfft. Do your best!<</say>>
<<video "uptown/beach/videos/Scene3-0.mp4">>
<<text>>After a few playful pokes, you curled your digits firmly around their shafts, kneeding and stroking their lengths, each movement eliciting soft grunts from their pursed lips.<</text>>
<<say>>I can tell that you're loving it when I do this~<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "..." "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I'm sure you're not going to stop at that, right?~<</say>>
<<say>>Oh? <</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Let's keep it going, baby!<</say>>
<<video "uptown/beach/videos/Scene3-1.mp4">>
<<say>>Oh! Frick, you're reaching so deep... The way your cockhead is kissing my crevix— Mmh!~<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>Less talking and more sucking... God!<</say>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "This feels so good!.." "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>H-hey, bro? Wanna help? She's crazy tight...<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>Tapping out already? Ha-ha, fine, I'll take the rear!<</say>>
<<say>>G-god! I'm about to... Aaaaah!!<</say>>
<<video "uptown/beach/videos/Scene3-2.mp4">>
<<say>>Frick... Oh God...<</say>>
<<say 'male' >>No slowing down now, girl!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "..." "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Shit, I think this is it for me...<</say>>
<<say 'male' >>Hold it together! It's way too early to knock her up!<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I know, but!.. Ngh!<</say>>
<<say>>Just give it to me guys! Ah!..<</say>>
<<video "uptown/beach/videos/Scene3-3.mp4">>
<<say 'male' >>Nice reflexes, brother. Fuck that was close.<</say>>
<<say>>Oh wow, you two are so tasty~ <</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "We'll see each other soon, right?" "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>I hope you're down to doing it again some time soon?~<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Anything for you, babe...<</say>>
<<say 'male' >>Yeah... Just give us a call and we'll be there.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Zach Rep" "+3" zachRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" VIPZone 0 0 0 0 0 0>>
<<set $zachRep to $zachRep+3>><<if $dailySex is 1>><<set $sexBlock to $dayCount>><</if>><<set $dailySex to 1>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<say "Christopher">>Good morning, $mcf. It's great to see you here today.<</say>>
<<text>>As you walked past the departing student inside the classroom, you were greeted by Christopher, who had just finished tidying up the chalkboard following some complex maths problem.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/science2.jpg">>
<<if $time < 629>>
<<say "Christopher">>If you'd like to sit out a lecture or to try out a mock exam, you're welcome to stay. I just need a few more minutes to prepare.<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>So, what brings you here?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Attend to Teacher's Extra Class" "01" 180 0 "60-300" "8:00-10:29" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<btn "Ask for an Exam" TeachTest 0 0 0 "8:00-10:29" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<if $christopherRepLvl is 0>>
<<btn "Flirt with Christopher" TeachFlirt 0 0 0 "8:00-12:29" 0 2>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Flirt with Christopher" TeachFlirt 0 0 0 "8:00-12:29" 0 2>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "Leave" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say "Christopher">>It looks like it's going to be just the two of us today, so let me get a bit closer to you if you don't mind.<</say>>
<<text>>Having said that, the teacher sat down on the side of your desk with an open book in his hand. Inside you could see a bunch of colourful notes decorating the pages.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/school/christopher2.jpg">>
<<say "Christopher">>Believe me, it'll make the process a lot smoother~<</say>>
<<say>>O-of course, Sir.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Focus on the lecture" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say "Christopher">>..And that's pretty much it. <</say>>
<<text>>When he said those words, you couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Noticing your reaction, Christopher let out a chuckle, winking at you with a friendly smile.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/science1.jpg">>
<<say "Christopher">>I hope the lesson wasn't entirely lost on you~ <</say>>
<<say>>..I think I've got most of it, but I'll need to re-read the material once I get home to make sure. <</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>No worries. It's hard to take it all in in just three hours time, so don't be too hard on yourself if you don't. You can always come back and I'll explain it to you once more~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-45">>
<<if $dimmindPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Dim Mind" "+2" dimMind>>
<<elseif $ordinarymindPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Ordinary Mind" "+2" ordinaryMind>>
<<rewardP "Sharp Mind" "+2" sharpMind>>
<<rewardP "Christopher Rep" "+3" christopherRep>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $christopherRep to $christopherRep+3, $sanity to $sanity-45>>
<<if $dimmindPerk != 1>>
<<set $dimMind to $dimMind+2>>
<<elseif $ordinarymindPerk != 1>>
<<set $ordinaryMind to $ordinaryMind+2>>
<<set $sharpMind to $sharpMind+2>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Faster, faster! Keep your breathing steady!..<</say>>
<<text>>You watched as the members of the track team ran their laps of the empty stadium, with the sun glinting off the pavement. In the shadows nearby, you could make out a familiar figure relaxing on the grass, waving in your direction.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/physical1.jpg">>
<<say "Martin">>Yo, $mcf! I've just finished my warm-up, feel free to come and chat.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Excercise with Martin" "01" 180 0 "60-300" "12:30-14:29" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<if $inviteOnly isnot 1>>
<<btn "Ask about the Party" MartinInvitation 0 0 0 "12:30-16:29" 0 0>><</btn>>
<<if $martinRepLvl is 0>>
<<btn "Flirt with Martin" MartinFlirt 0 0 0 "12:30-16:29" 0 2>><<set $stage to 0>>
<<btn "Flirt with Martin" MartinFlirt 0 0 0 "12:30-16:29" 0 2>><<set $stage to 1>>
<<btn "Leave the Classroom" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Actually, I wanted to join you on the track. It's always more fun to excercise together!<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>Sure thing, buddy. But just so you know, that doesn't mean that I'm going to go easy on you!<</say>>
<<text>>You nod, feeling a little nervous about this. But before long, that feeling fades and the next three hours you spend racing, working out and resting together.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/physical2.jpg">>
<<say>>Ha... Ha... Is that your usual routine?.. How do you manage to get through this every day?<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>It's all skill baby, ha-ha. <</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Focus on the lecture" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say "Martin">>God damn, I'm sweaty as all hell right now. Let's go get changed.<</say>>
<<text>>Following Martin, you went back to the changing room together. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/physical0.jpg">>
<<say "Martin">>Makes you think why we have mixed changing rooms, huh? Not that I'm comlaining, ha-ha.<</say>>
<<say>>I d-don't mind it either...<</say>>
<<text>>There was a moment's thought that maybe you should show off a bit more in front of him, but you quickly put that thought out of your mind, to not risk embarassing yourself.<</text>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-45">>
<<if $feeblebodyPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Feeble Body" "+2" feebleBody>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk != 1>>
<<rewardP "Everyday Body" "+2" everydayBody>>
<<rewardP "Stalwart Body" "+2" stalwartBody>>
<<rewardP "Martin Rep" "+3" martinRep>>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "Leave" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined, $martinRep to $martinRep+3, $sanity to $sanity-45>>
<<if $feeblebodyPerk != 1>>
<<set $feebleBody to $feebleBody+2>>
<<elseif $everydaybodyPerk != 1>>
<<set $everydayBody to $everydayBody+2>>
<<set $stalwartBody to $stalwartBody+2>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>I'd love to test out my knowledge by partaking an exam, if it's not too much trouble.<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Sure thing.<</say>>
<<text>>With a nod, Chrisopher pulled out a few blanks, placing them on a desk before you.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/test0.jpg">>
<<say "Christopher">>Feel free to skim through the questions before you start writing your answers. If you don't think you're up to the task, there's no harm in admitting it straight away.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Take the Exam" "01" 120 0 "40-300" "8:00-10:29" "Sharp Mind" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "Use an Alternative Method" "03" 180 0 0 "8:00-10:29" "Christopher Lvl 2" 4>><</btns>>
<<btn "Leave" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>It goesn't look too bad... Let's try it out.<</say>>
<<text>>The next 90 minutes you've spend rigorously putting your knowledge to the test, putting to use each and every hour you spend studying in fron of the book. <</text>>
<<say>>So far it's going rather well. I like that.<</say>>
<<text>>Before finally, the last box in the questioneer was ticked off second before the examination time was over.<</text>>
<<say>>I'm done!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "How did it go?" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>How did it go?<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Consider me impressed, $mcf~<</say>>
<<text>>The teacher, grinning from ear to ear, returned the blank you'd filled in minutes earlier with a giant letter A across it. You could feel the tears welling up in the corners of your eyes, a sense of relief and happiness washing over you.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/test1.jpg">>
<<say "Christopher">>You've passed the exam with flying colours. Congratulations.<</say>>
<<say>>Oh, God!.. I did it! I can't believe I did it!<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Yes, you certainly did~ You have a bright future ahead of you, so make sure to make the best of it! <</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Top Grade" "+1" topGrade>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $topGrade to 1>><</btn>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Teacher, can I have a word with you first?~<</say>>
<<text>>Christopher looked at you closely, drawn in by the alluring tone of your voice, and nodded for you to continue.<</text>>
<<say>>I was wondering if I could suggest a different way for me to prove to you that I am worthy of being called one of the top students in this school?<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Uh-huh. And what do you have on your mind exactly?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "You'll love it~" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>Only good things of course~<</say>>
<<text>>Your fingers traced the outline of the man's belt, before gently cupping his groin through the thick fabric of his trousers, much to your teacher's delight.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/flirt3.jpg">>
<<say "Christopher">>I'm sure you understand that you'll need to go the extra mile on this one, right?<</say>>
<<say>>Yes, but I wouldn't want to risk getting caught during that... Haah.<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>If you're worried about that, we can always switch places. What do you think about coming to mine for a while?~<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Lead the way~" Teach_PornScene2 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<say>>Uh, yeah. About that—<</say>>
<<text>>You take a step towards Martin with a nervous smile, trying to think of a good way to approach this.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/school/martin3.jpg">>
<<say>>I wanted to talk about the party you're hosting. We got cut short the last time, remember?<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>Ah, so that's what you've meant...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Mh-m." "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say "Martin">>Well, don't take this as an unnecessary dig $mcf, but you know that I can't just let anyone in there. As a matter of fact, I have a special policy about that.<</say>>
<<say>>Is it about money? If so, I can pay!<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>Ha-ha, no need for that. I have plenty of sponsors as it is. You know what I'm lacking, though?<</say>>
<<text>>Furrowing his eyebrows momentarily, Martin examines you with an expert look.<</text>>
<<say "Martin">>I need to get more nice-looking girls who know how to keep their mouths shut when it comes to secrets. <</say>>
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk isnot 1>>
<<say "Martin">> And sadly, you are neither one of those. <</say>>
<<text>>There is some truth to what Martin said. You have always felt that <<color>>you could look better with enough diligent training.<</color>><</text>>
<<say>>I see...<</say>>
<<elseif $stalwartbodyPerk is 1>>
<<say "Martin">>And while you do look nice, I'll give you that, I just don't know you well enough to rule out the possibility of you snitching.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<if $stalwartbodyPerk isnot 1>>
<<btns "I know someone who can vouch for me" "02" 0 0 0 0 "Stalwart Body" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "You don't trust me? Really?" "03" 0 0 0 0 "Stalwart Body" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "I know someone who can vouch for me" "02" 0 0 0 0 "Liya Lvl 2" 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "You don't trust me? Really?" "03" 0 0 0 0 "Martin Lvl 2" 0>><</btns>>
<<btn "Leave" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><</btn>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>What if, let's say, I knew a girl who could vouch for me? The one who wouldn't be attending the party if I didn't ask her out?<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>Then... Then we could bend some rules.<</say>>
<<text>>The man scratched his chin, looking up at you curiously. <</text>>
<<say "Martin">>Do you have someone in mind?<</say>>
<<say>>Yes, I remember Liya mentioning getting invited. I'm good friends with her, actually.<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>Oh! Then I have high hopes for you, $mcf. Good luck with that bombshell, ha-ha.<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "I'll go meet her right away" School 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $liyaInvitation to 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>Come on, Martin, you know that you can trust me!<</say>>
<<text>>Leaning closer to the man, you puffed your lips, tilting your head a little, before placing his hand onto your ass.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/school/flirt5.jpg">>
<<say>>I haven't told anyone about all the fun we've been having, have I?<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>...Right.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "..." "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say "Martin">>Khm. Fine then.<</say>>
<<text>>Sliding his fingers into his pockets a second later, Martin held something that looked like a club card before you.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/partyhouse/invitation.jpg">>
<<say "Martin">>Here you go, knock yourself out. <</say>>
<<say>>Ah! Thank you!<</say>>
<<say "Martin">>Just make sure to bring your A-game with you. Who knows, I might come by to check on you too, ha-ha.<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardP "Invite Only" "+1" "inviteOnly">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Of course!" IntroPartyhouse 30 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $inviteOnly to 1>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<say>>What's up with that frown of yours, huh?<</say>>
<<text>>You expected more of a reaction from your teacher after stripping naked right in front of him, but to your surprise, he just kept looking over at you with a rather confused look on his face.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/school/flirt7.jpg">>
<<say>>Come on, don't you like to see me naked?~<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Of course I do. But it'll be tricky to explain why I brought one of my students to my home the next time I meet the principal.<</say>>
<<say>>Ah, so that's what you're worried about. For a second I thought you didn't like me or something...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'll help you out~" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>But, let me help to get your mind off the worries~<</say>>
<<text>>Reaching for the man's belt, you seductively waved your butt in front of him, anticipating his next move,<</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>Thanks, that's exactly what I needed to hear. And now-<</say>>
<<text>>Without wasting any more time, Christopher finally smiled and moments later, his trousers were already on the floor and his cock was pushing against the back of your throat.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/Scene5-0.mp4">>
<<say "Christopher">>Have at this!..<</say>>
<<text>>But much to your chagrin, before things could get really fun, he pulled out with a sadistic chuckle, leaving you wanting more.<</text>>
<<say>>Mmh... Please stop teasing me with a good time, mr Cohen~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Put it in already!" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Can't you see? My slutty little hole is so wet for you right now.<</say>>
<<text>>His dick bumped against your sex, making you squeal at the contact, as the man began slowly grinding himself along your slit, feeling just how wet you'd become, before finally grasping his shaft and lining up, his tip pressing in-<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/school/christopher3.jpg">>
<<say "Christopher">>Oh, I can see that all right-<</say>>
<<text>>And then the pleasure washed over you like a wave, as your teacher's cock sunk between your tight lips, itching into your wet tunnel. <</text>>
<<say>>Nngh!.. Frick, you're so damn huge!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Haah!.." "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say "Christopher">>Just take it all in, my little student.<</say>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/Scene5-1.mp4">>
<<say>>Oh God! It's reaching so fucking deep!.. <</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Keep taking it, baby. Just like that!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "..Harder!" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>Harder, harder!.. Ah!<</say>>
<<text>>Enticing him to be rougher, to pound you without a second thought, you wiggled your bottom around Chrisopher's cock as he rammed into your cervix, squealing as he kept you upright even as he buried his cock all the way in.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/Scene5-2.mp4">>
<<say "Christopher">>I'm... Argh!<</say>>
<<say>>I'm losing my mind! Your cock feels so damn good, I can't!..<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Shit, I'm so close!..<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Do it!" "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>Cum for me, just do it~<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling he was close, the man pulled away, forcing you to your knees. You smiled. You knew exactly what would happen next.<</text>>
<<say "Christopher">>Nggh!.. Argh...<</say>>
<<text>>And just as you had expected, moments later the thick ropes of scorching hot cum splattered across your pink lips and eyebrows, dripping down your cheeks and nose. Even your eyes weren't spared, both shut quickly as the milky load made its way over your eyelids and into your hair.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/school/video/Scene5-3.mp4">>
<<say "Christopher">>I can barely breathe... Haaah. Sorry for the mess.<</say>>
<<say>>I don't mind~ Gosh, it tastes so nice!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Phew~" "06" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<say "Christopher">>I'm thoroughly satisfied right now. You'll get the certificate, I'll see to it.<</say>>
<<say>>Hm, is that so?~<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>What are you?..<</say>>
<<text>>Mounting the body of an exausted man once more, you rubbed against his half-flaccid cock with your soaking wet pussy, shutting his needless inquires with a kiss.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/school/christopher4.jpg">>
<<say>>You wouldn't think we'd stop here, would you? I've got a lot more to prove, so let's get on with it, baby.<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>Hah.<</say>>
<<say "Christopher">>..Just give me a moment or two to catch my breath while I suck on your titties and I'll be back in business in no time~<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+20">>
<<rewardP "Top Grade" "+1" topGrade>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Leave after a few more hours" Downtown 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $sanity to $sanity+20, $topGrade to 1>><</btn>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<say>>Uh, Liya? I wanted to ask you about something important.<</say>>
<<text>>The girl tilted her head a little, intent on listening you out fully.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/library/liya2.jpg">>
<<say "Liya">>Important? Sure, ask away.<</say>>
<<say>>It's about the Martin's party. You were invited to come, correct?<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>Oh, you're talking about that one...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Yup!" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say "Liya">>Well, to be more specific, I was invited by Jay earlier, but I told him off. <</say>>
<<say>>But why?<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>Just didn't feel like it, I guess. <</say>>
<<text>>Liya shrugged, turning away to fix her hair before looking back at you once more.<</text>>
<<say "Liya">>Anyway, what about it?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I need your help" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Um, you see, I really wanted to go there, but I'm not invited myself.<</say>>
<<say "Liya">>Ah, but I already had plans!<</say>>
<<say>>Listen, I reallyI need your help... Mark told me that I could go as long as I bring you together with me. Please..!<</say>>
<<text>>Seemingly hesitating, the girl looked at you for a few long moments, then let out a sigh and moved closer, passionately kissing you on the lips.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/library/liya5.jpg">>
<<say "Liya">>Haa... I'll do it. As long as it helps you out, $mc.<</say>>
<<say>>Thank you so much!<</say>>
<div class="reward-module">
<<if $inviteOnly isnot 1>>
<<rewardP "Invite Only" "+1" "inviteOnly">>
<<rewardP "Risky Move" "+1" "riskyMove">>
<div class="button-module">
<<if $inviteOnly isnot 1>>
<<btn "I'll go now!" IntroPartyhouse 30 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $inviteOnly to 1, $riskyMove to 1>><</btn>>
<<btn "I'll go now!" Partyhouse 30 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $inviteOnly to 1, $riskyMove to 1>><</btn>>
<div class="main-module">
<<if $exploreMansion is undefined>>
<<set $exploreMansion to 0>>
<<say>>Let's see, where should I check next...?<</say>>
<<text>>The half-empty hall was ridden with tables overflowing with drinks and snacks. You walked past them, however, intent on finding something even greater than that.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/partyhouse/main.jpg">>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "Explore the Mansion" PartyhouseExplore 30 0 0 "12:00-22:59" 0 3>> <<set $exploreMansion+=1>> <</btn>>
<<plug "Walk upstairs" "Future Content" 0 0>><</plug>>
<<plug "Check out the Sponsors Area" "Future Content" 0 0>><</plug>>
<<btn "Visit the Bathroom" Partyhouse_PornScene0 0 0 0 "12:00-22:59" 0 0>><<set $stage to 0>><</btn>>
<<btn "Leave" Downtown 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<say>>Oh wow... Martin totally lives in a mansion, huh?<</say>>
<<text>>Walking past the crystal clean pool, you approach the main gate into the house proper. At the entrance you are greeted by a serious-looking bouncer.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/partyhouse/intro0.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Stop right there, girlie. Who are you?<</say>>
<<say>>Um, I'm $mcf. I've been invited here by Martin-<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Is that so? Then you should have no problems showing me your invitation.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "S-sure..." "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>O-of course, here it is.<</say>>
<<text>>Having taken a look at your card, the bouncer shrugged his shoulders, muttering something under his breath before finally opening the door for you.<</text>>
<<say 'male'>>Enjoy yourself, girl. Don't get too carried away, though. <</say>>
<<say 'male'>>...Or do; I don't really care either way.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Walk inside" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>What the... <</say>>
<<text>>Taking a step in, you were enveloped in a thick layer of smoke, adding to the deep darkness surrounding you. Not too far ahead, you could make out people dancing and chatting, lighted up by the dull neon lamps.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/partyhouse/intro1.jpg">>
<<say>>There's so much smoke! But it doesn't smell bad; it tastes kinda... fruity?<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Hey there, you're new? <</say>>
<<text>>Turning to the sound of the voice, you saw a Black man leaning against the wall with a relaxed but curious expression on his face.<</text>>
<<say>>Yes, I am actually...<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Cool, it's nice to see some new blood for once. I'm Jake, by the way.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'm $mcf" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>I'm $mcf, nice to meet you.<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Do you want me to show you around? Or are you the adventurous type? Ha-ha.<</say>>
<<text>>Off to the side, you could see a large group of people gathering with drinks in their hands, shouting toasts and profanities in equal measure.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/partyhouse/intro2.jpg">>
<<say>>Please do! I don't know anyone here...<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>That's okay; I'll get you started. But first—let's get you a drink.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Follow Jake" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>...Wow, you're such a nice guy, Jake~<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Ha-ha, you'd be surprised.<</say>>
<<text>>Word after word, the two of you found yourself lost in a conversation that lasted much longer than you'd expected.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/partyhouse/intro3.jpg">>
<<say>>I'd love to hear more, but... I need to take a second to fix my makeup if you don't mind.<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Sure, be my guest, $mcf. See you later.<</say>>
<<say>>I'll be back soon, Jake.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Visit the Bathroom" "05" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<if $exploreMansion is undefined>>
<<set $exploreMansion to 0>>
<<set $liyaInvitation to 0>>
<<text>>No longer than ten minutes later, you had already walked out of the bathroom and back into the hall.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/partyhouse/main.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh, I don't see him anywhere... Where did Jake go?<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btn "Explore the Mansion" PartyhouseExplore 30 0 0 "12:00-22:59" 0 3>> <<set $exploreMansion+=1>> <</btn>>
<<plug "Walk upstairs" "Future Content" 0 0>><</plug>>
<<plug "Check out the Sponsor Area" "Future Content" 0 0>><</plug>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<if $exploreMansion is 1>>
<<say>>Oh—oh. Wow.<</say>>
<<text>>Walking a few rooms down from the main hall, you were completely caught off-guard by the scene that unfolded before your eyes. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/partyhouse/exploration0.jpg">>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Ngh...! Ah, looks like we have a new visitor~<</say>>
<<text>>Before you were two girls, surrounded by a group of men, one of whom was squealing with pleasure as the men railed her from behind roughly, with the other girl winking at you seductively.<</text>>
<<say 'male'>>Come and join us; we have plenty of dick to go around. It's going to be so much fun!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Uh..." "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Um, sorry... I don't think I'll be able to handle it.<</say>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>That's a shame. We'll be here for a while, so if you change your mind, you know where to find us.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Walk deeper into the Mansion" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say 'female'>>Oh f-fuck...! Yes!<</say>>
<<text>>But just as you made another turn walking out to the terrace, you saw another couple in the middle of their spicy time.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/partyhouse/video/Scene0-0.mp4">>
<<say 'female'>>Keep going! I'm about to... Argh...!<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Yes, baby! Give it to me!<</say>>
<<text>>You could see the wetness dripping down from the soaking wet pussy of the girl who was getting impaled by a massive cock inches away from you. <</text>>
<<say>>Ugh, I'd better get away before I lose control of myself...<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-15">>
<<rewardP "Superbad" "+1" "superbad">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Partyhouse 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $sanity to $sanity-15>><<set $superbad to $superbad+1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $exploreMansion is 2>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Oh, look who it is...! Have you changed your mind?<</say>>
<<text>>As you passed the room, a familiar voice called out to you. A girl that you've seen getting railed before now stood on all fours with her ever-growing group of friends.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/partyhouse/exploration1.jpg">>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>If you did, just so you know, we ran out of condoms, so I hope you're safe, ha-ha!<</say>>
<<say 'male'>>Your turn, Bella. Hope you're ready for this dick!<</say>>
<<text>>The next thing you know, the guy is already balls deep in the girl's pussy, her friends giggling in anticipation, waiting for their turn, while their soon-to-be mates stroked their cocks in preparation.<</text>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>Ngh...! Y-yes!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Wow..." "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Oh man... <</say>>
<<text>>But just as you turned away from the orgy happening in the guest room, your eyes drifted to the corner of the kitchen, where lay yet another couple, unable to hold their lust for each other. <</text>>
<<video "downtown/partyhouse/video/Scene0-1.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Ah... You're so tight.<</say>>
<<say 'female'>>And you're so big...!<</say>>
<<text>>Unsurprisingly, the couple was so busy fucking each other senseless that they didn't notice you watching from the sidelines. But you had a feeling that even if they did, they wouldn't care.<</text>>
<<say>>Why is it that everyone is having fun but me? Life is so unfair...<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-15">>
<<rewardP "Superbad" "+1" "superbad">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Partyhouse 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $sanity to $sanity-15>><<set $superbad to $superbad+1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $exploreMansion is 3>>
<<say>>Gosh, they're still going at it...<</say>>
<<text>>Walking through the corridor, you saw many rooms filled with people consumed by explosive orgies, their blissful moans filling the air around you.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/partyhouse/exploration2.jpg">>
<<say 'female'>>Hrk—God, your dick is so tasty~<</say>>
<<say 'female' 'p'>>I love this stench of cocks...! Give me more!<</say>>
<<text>>You couldn't help but envy them, but at the same time you knew you couldn't just strip naked and join them; it would be far too much for someone like you.<</text>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Walk away" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Well, at least it's quiet here... <</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Ah, fuck! Girl...!<</say>>
<<say>>Is that..? Wait, don't tell me—<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Investigate the familiar voice" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>Is that fricking Jake?!<</say>>
<<text>>With the source of those wet grunting sounds before you, you watched as the girl swallowed the massive cock of the Black man with a rasping gag. <</text>>
<<video "downtown/partyhouse/video/Scene0-2.mp4">>
<<say 'female'>>Hk- Ngh..!<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Through the nose, baby... Just keep breathing'.<</say>>
<<text>>You watched for a few more long seconds as the man kept hitting the back of the girl's throat repeatedly, before stepping back and vanishing in the shadows, leaving the two to each other.<</text>>
<<say>>Damn it, now I really need to relieve myself somehow...<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "-15">>
<<rewardP "Superbad" "+1" "superbad">>
/* Buttons */
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Go Back" Partyhouse 0 0 0 0 0 0>><<set $sanity to $sanity-15>><<set $superbad to $superbad+1>><<set $exploreMansion to 0>><</btn>>
</div><div class="main-module">
<<if $stage is undefined>>
<<set $stage to 0>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say>>Mhm. It's surprisingly clean in here.<</say>>
<<text>>Unlike the rest of the house, the bathroom was surprisingly well lit and maintained, with little to no signs of the debauchery so prevalent in the other rooms.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/partyhouse/bathroom0.jpg">>
<<say>>Oh, but it looks like someone forgot their sex-toys...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Masturbate in the Shower" "01" 30 0 0 "12:00-22:59" "Superbad" 3>><</btns>>
<<btn "Go back" Partyhouse 0 0 0 0 0 0>><</btn>>
<<sub 1>>
<<say>>Might as well use it, I guess.<</say>>
<<text>>Tugging down on your shorts, you've made quick work of your clothes, stepping into the shower, but not before throwing another glance at the wooden door. <</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/partyhouse/bathroom1.jpg">>
<<say>>...I really hope no one walks in while I'm busy here.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Turn on the water" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<text>>Having turned the valve on, you felt the hot droplets of water hit against your skin, warming your sore muscles and intensifying your senses. <</text>>
<<img "downtown/partyhouse/bathroom2.jpg">>
<<say>>Mmh... I feel so good already~<</say>>
<<text>>Slowly caressing your sex, you repeatedly stroked your slit, sending shivers up your spine, a moan escaping through your tightly pursed lips as you pressed the vibrator against your clit.<</text>>
<<say>>Oh yes! Ugh...<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "Masturbate" Partyhouse_PornScene0 0>><<set $stage to 1>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say>>F-frick... If only I could have a hard dick instead of this vibrator-<</say>>
<<text>>Just as you knelt, burrowing your fingers into your molten vise, you suddenly felt something heavy land on your face.<</text>>
<<img "downtown/partyhouse/bathroom3.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Hey, there you are, babe~<</say>>
<<text>>A startled whimper escaped your lips as you looked up at the familiar face of the man you had met earlier today, completely naked, his hard cock now pressed against your nose.<</text>>
<<say>>Oh! Jake...?<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Yep, that's me. Had some urgent business to attend to; hope you don't mind me ghosting you earlier.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Suck him off" "01" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 1>>
<<text>>At first you wanted to lash out at him for abandoning you, but your bubbling lust didn't make it easy, the smell of his dick entrancing you within seconds until you finally gave up.<</text>>
<<say>>W-whatever, just let me suck on your cock already.<</say>>
<<text>>You leaned forward, tickling the twitching tip of his cock with your lips, before receiving a groan from the man as he bucked his hips and thrust his girth all the way to the back of your throat.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/partyhouse/video/Scene1-0.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Be my guest, ha-ha.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Try to fit it all in" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<text>>You did your best to suck on the man's shaft through your pursed lips, bobbing your head at a steady pace, slowly realizing that you had barely taken in even half of his dick.<</text>>
<<say>>Haa... I can barely take it in...!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Fuck..." "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>If that's the case, let's switch things a bit.<</say>>
<<text>>Getting between your legs in seconds, the man pulled you closer as his cock, hard as a rock, slapped against your pussy, pushing its tip against your wet opening.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/partyhouse/video/Scene1-1.mp4">>
<<say>>Mmm! I love this...!<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Ah! Shit, this feels good, too good...!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Yes..!" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Fuck, babe, wait—<</say>>
<<text>>The action came to an abrupt halt, as the man staggered back, leaning against the wall.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/partyhouse/bathroom4.jpg">>
<<say>>Mm-huh? <</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>I need a moment. Just give me a sec.<</say>>
<<say>>Come on now...<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Do me a Golden Shower~" "05" 0 0 0 "12:00-22:59" 0 0>><</btns>>
<<btns "Wait for Jake to finish" "07" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 5>>
<<say>>...If you want to piss, you can use me as your urinal instead, you know? <</say>>
<<text>>Flabbergasted by your proposition, the man simply stared back at you in disbelief.<</text>>
<<say>>I've always wondered how it would feel to be under a golden shower~<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Mmh~" "06" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 6>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Shit, you're crazy...<</say>>
<<video "downtown/partyhouse/video/Scene1-2.mp4">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>But I'm not going to say no to that!<</say>>
<<say>>Ah, it's so warm...!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "Wait for Jake to finish" "07" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 7>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Well, now that that's done... How about we switch places? <</say>>
<<text>>The man chuckles, rubbing his chin.<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>It's getting a bit soggy in here to my liking.<</say>>
<<say>>...I thought you'd never ask.<</say>>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "..." Partyhouse_PornScene0 0>><<set $stage to 2>><</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say>>And now— Haaah..!<</say>>
<<text>>Mere moments later, the two of you moved onto the sofa in a nearby room, his cock parsing your nether lips, claiming your twitching pussy once and for all.<</text>>
<<imgv "downtown/partyhouse/bathroom5.jpg">>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>No holding back now!<</say>>
<<say>>Oh my God! It feels so much sharper now..!<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'm so close..!" "02" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 2>>
<<say>>I can't hold it in anymore! I'm about to-<</say>>
<<text>>With a loud shriek, you threw your head back as your back arched from the molten pleasure that rushed through your body, amplified by the repeated slams of the man's cock against your deepest parts.<</text>>
<<video "downtown/partyhouse/video/Scene1-3.mp4">>
<<say>>Cuuuum..! Ah!<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Nice. I knew I still got it~<</say>>
<<text>>The man smiled, and you felt his cock throb powerfully, hinting at what's to come.<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Don't forget about me, though.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "I'll help you finish~" "03" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 3>>
<<say>>I won't forget... Just let me—<</say>>
<<text>>Before you could add another word, with a final stroke, the man peaked, his searing white seed dribbling down your face and onto your chest. <</text>>
<<video "downtown/partyhouse/video/Scene1-4.mp4">>
<<say>>Ah, already...? It's so thick...<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>It's because your pussy is goated, babe. I'm impressed.<</say>>
<div class="button-module sub">
<<btns "How about we continue, then?" "04" 0>><</btns>>
<<sub 4>>
<<say>>Ha-ha~ Then how about some more?<</say>>
<<text>>You smiled coy and slid your hand playfully along Jake's shoulders.<</text>>
<<say>>Unless you've already tired~<</say>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>Of course not; I have more in the tank.<</say>>
<<text>>The man smiled, pointing towards the table with snacks.<</text>>
<<say 'male' 'p'>>...Just let me grab another can of beer first.<</say>>
/* Rewards */
<div class="reward-module">
<<rewardS "+60">>
<div class="button-module">
<<btn "After some time passes..." Partyhouse 0>><<set $stage to undefined>><<set $sanity+=60>><</btn>>