<<nobr>><div id="borderwrapem"><div id="introwrapper">
<<if $foodlimit is undefined>><<set $foodlimit = [4000, 1000, 1000, 5000]>><</if>>
<<if $mcrel is undefined>>
<<set $mcrel = {
faith: 0,
devotion: 20,
extra: 0,
faithn: "Atheism",
<<set $erasecommand to false>>
<<include ResetAllValues>>
<<unset $action555>>
<<set $noshow to false>>
<<set $inside to true>>
<<set $sounds to true>>
<<set $effect to true>>
<<set $measure to 2>>
<<set $clock to 2>>
<<set $diff to 2>>
<<include InHold>>
<<set $ver to 10830>>
<<include ObjectSlave>>
<<set $takensl to 0>>
<<set $ownlov to 0>>
<<set $ownreb to 0>>
<<set $ownjuno to 0>>
<<set $ownamel to 0>>
<<set $ownpiper to 0>>
<<set $ownmich to 0>>
<<set $ownrach to 0>>
<<set $ownsofia to 0>>
<<set $ownaveril to 0>>
<<set $ownaria to 0>>
<<set $ownmai to 0>>
<<set $owncat to 0>>
<<set $ownem to 0>>
<<set $avatars to 0>>
<<set $issidact to 2>>
<<set $cash to 0>>
<<set $ownrope to 0>>
<<set $owndildost to 0>>
<<set $owndildo to 0>>
<<set $ownanalplugs to 0>>
<<set $ownanalhook to 0>>
<<set $ownharness to 0>>
<<set $ownwhipstick to 0>>
<<set $owngags to 0>>
<<set $owncuffs to 0>>
<<set $owncamp to 0>>
<<set $ownfishstick to 0>>
<<set $ownchoco to 0>>
<<set $owncandybowl to 0>>
<<set $ownstim to 0>>
<<set $ownstimb to 1>>
<<set $owndoctor to 0>>
<<set $ownnipplechains to 0>>
<<set $ownbag to 0>>
<<set $augirls to 3>>
<<set $swag to 5>>
<<set $durasteel to 0>>
<<set $foodstuff to 75>>
<<set $pelts to 2>>
<<set $ownknife to 1>>
<<set $ownautorifle to 0>>
<<set $ownsword to 0>>
<<set $owncrossbow to 1>>
<<set $ownpistol to 0>>
<<set $ownshotgun to 0>>
<<set $ownrevolver to 0>>
<<set $owncoil to 0>>
<<set $ownenergy to 0>>
<<set $ownstaff to 0>>
<<set $ownrifle to 0>>
<<set $ownsledge to 0>>
<<set $owncoil to 0>>
<<set $ownplasma to 0>>
<<set $ownpowerkatana to 0>>
<<set $owngsword to 0>>
<<set $ownprifle to 0>>
<<set $own50c to 0>>
<<set $owngrenade to 0>>
<<set $ownwaki to 0>>
<<set $ownspear to 0>>
<<set $owngl to 0>>
<<set $owngrenade to 0>>
<<set $ownpadded to false>>
<<set $paddedsoak to 0>>
<<set $ownleather to false>>
<<set $leathersoak to 0>>
<<set $ownhleather to false>>
<<set $hleathersoak to 0>>
<<set $owncombat to false>>
<<set $combatsoak to 0>>
<<set $ownduraplate to false>>
<<set $durasoak to 0>>
<<set $ownweave to false>>
<<set $weavesoak to 0>>
<<set $ownstealth to false>>
<<set $stealthsoak to 0>>
<<set $ownhulc to false>>
<<set $hulcsoak to 0>>
<<set $hulcmaxsoak to 50>>
<<set $remhulc to 32>>
<<set $nodarkmere to 1>>
<<set $bolts to 12>>
<<set $a9mm to 0>>
<<set $a306 to 0>>
<<set $a556 to 0>>
<<set $a12g to 0>>
<<set $a45 to 0>>
<<set $aenergy to 0>>
<<set $acoil to 0>>
<<set $agl to 0>>
<<set $noammo to false>>
<<set $armorsoak to 0>>
<<set $armorwear to "none">>
<<set $meleeequip to true>>
<<set $rangedequip to false>>
<<set $activeweapon to "fists">>
<<set $ownstring to 0>>
<<set $ownlace to 0>>
<<set $owngown to 0>>
<<set $owngown2 to 0>>
<<set $owngarment1 to 0>>
<<set $owngarment2 to 0>>
<<set $ownper1 to 0>>
<<set $ownper2 to 0>>
<<set $ownper3 to 0>>
<<set $ownrings to 0>>
<<set $ownridingcloth to 0>>
<<set $ownharness2 to 0>>
<<set $owncollar to 0>>
<<set $ownholiday to 0>>
<<set $ownointment to 0>>
<<set $ownslpadded to 0>>
<<set $ownslleather to 0>>
<<set $ownslhleather to 0>>
<<set $ownslcombat to 0>>
<<set $ownslduraplate to 0>>
<<set $ownslweave to 0>>
<<set $ownslstealth to 0>>
<<set $ownslhulc to 0>>
<<set $ownhulcparts to 0>>
<<set $ownneura to 0>>
<<set $owngateart to 0>>
<<set $ownhaze to 0>>
<<set $ownnecklace1 to 0>>
<<set $ownnecklace3 to 0>>
<<set $ownteddy to 0>>
<<set $stampoints = 40>>
<<set $masterstrength = 40>>
<<set $masterdex = 30>>
<<set $manipulate = 25>>
<<set $masterstamina = 40>>
<<set $masterwill = 35>>
<<set $masterhealth = 100>>
<<set $mastermaxhealth = 100>>
<<set $mastercharm = 25>>
<<set $masterint = 30>>
<<set $masterage = 45>>
<<set $aca to 15>>
<<set $tech to 15>>
<<set $melee to 25>>
<<set $ranged to 30>>
<<set $survival to 15>>
<<set $medicine to 15>>
<<set $performance to 10>>
<<set $credit to 100>>
<<set $masterstealth = 15>>
<<set $gambling = 20>>
<<set $fuckskill = 20>>
<<set $kisskill = 25>>
<<set $lickskill = 20>>
<<set $bondskill = 20>>
<<set $whipskill = 20>>
<<set $pistoleer to 0>>
<<set $blacksmith to 15>>
<<set $artisan to 10>>
<<set $occult to 0>>
<<set $load = 1>>
<<set $cock = 1>>
<<set $masterfilth = 60>>
<<set $masterhunger = 5>>
<<set $fuckcount = 10>>
<<set $cumbuild = 4>>
<<set $fumble = false>>
<<set $makeoutrounds = 0>>
<<set $hascummed = false>>
<<set $daycount to 220>>
<<set $days to 0>>
<<set $weatherini to false>>
<<set $attribo = 20>>
<<set $skillbo = 20>>
<<set $tutorial to 0>>
<<set $bondage=0>>
<<set $techmod to 0>>
<<set $defe to 0>>
<<set $credtot = 0>>
<<set $upgrade to false>>
<<set $upgrade2 to false>>
<<set $incense to 0>>
<<set $quest_tut to 0>>
<<include InHold>>
<<if $state is 0>><<set $imgpath to "C:/Telsior/Pics/">><</if>>
<<if $state is 1>><<set $imgpath to "Pics/">><</if>>
<<set $lux to 0>>
<<set $foodm to 2>>
<<set $foods to 0>>
<<set $cashtot to -23>>
<<set $intalk to false>>
<<set $endtunnel to false>>
<<set $passionsex to false>>
<<set $tired to false>>
<<set $journal to 0>>
<<set $dildo = 0>>
<<set $refusestool to false>>
<<set $whipping to false>>
<<set $spanking to false>>
<<set $refuseoral to false>>
<<set $toobig to false>>
<<set $removebutt to false>>
<<set $showered to false>>
<<set $cancelmakeout to false>>
<<set $sexfeel to 0>>
<<set $slavetest to 0>>
<<set $guardpool to 0>>
<<set $skyguard_disp = 0>>
<<set $disp_roos = 20>>
<<set $disp_walton = 20>>
<<set $disp_devi = 0>>
<<set $disp_devi2 = 0>>
<<set $disp_book = 0>>
<<set $disp_book2 = 0>>
<<set $disp_kym = 1>>
<<set $disp_under = 0>>
<<set $power_kym to 66>>
<<set $power_cyk to 198>>
<<set $troop_kym to 144>>
<<set $troop_cyk to 1244>>
<<set $troop_sky to 11089>>
<<set $sawbook to false>>
<<set $slave_roos to 0>>
<<set $drunk to 0>>
<<set $furry_round to 0>>
<<set $furry_cash to 0>>
<<set $furry_cred to 0>>
<<set $furryday to 3>>
<<set $furryrumor to 1>>
<<set $play to 0>>
<<set $returned to 0>>
<<set $finishact to 0>>
<<set $specialcombat to false>>
<<set $groperound to 0>>
<<set $quest1 to 0>>
<<set $quest_valerie to 0>>
<<set $eliquest to 0>>
<<set $eli_disp to 5>>
<<set $eli_story to 0>>
<<set $rosita_story to 0>>
<<set $westraiders to 0>>
<<set $delivery1 to 0>>
<<set $delivery2 to 0>>
<<set $facgreet to 1>>
<<set $fish_round to 0>>
<<set $fish_catch to 0>>
<<set $assthief to 0>>
<<set $trained to 0>>
<<set $val to 0>>
<<set $saidnaked to 0>>
<<set $lessons to 0>>
<<set $daikgames to 2>>
<<set $acabook1 to 50>>
<<set $acabook2 to 0>>
<<set $acabook3 to 0>>
<<set $acabook4 to 0>>
<<set $chembook1 to 0>>
<<set $chembook2 to 0>>
<<set $chembook3 to 0>>
<<set $chembook4 to 0>>
<<set $techbook1 to 0>>
<<set $techbook2 to 0>>
<<set $techbook3 to 0>>
<<set $techbook4 to 0>>
<<set $manibook1 to 0>>
<<set $manibook2 to 0>>
<<set $manibook3 to 0>>
<<set $manibook4 to 0>>
<<set $bondbook1 to 0>>
<<set $bondbook2 to 0>>
<<set $bondbook3 to 0>>
<<set $bondbook4 to 0>>
<<set $tutorial to 0>>
<<set $tut to 0>>
<<set $ownneura to 0>>
<<set $aca_hem to 0>>
<<set $aca_wolf to 0>>
<<set $aca_daria to 0>>
<<set $aca_caltor to 0>>
<<set $quest_nic to 0>>
<<set $partyactive to false>>
<<set $event to 0>>
<<set $arms to true>>
<<set $charview to 2>>
<<set $sexacts to false>>
<<set $endevent to 0>>
<<set $stokkescav to 1>>
<<set $stokkespec1 to false>>
<<set $wf to 0>>
<<unset $elite>>
<<set $darkhigh to 1>>
<<set $execute to false>>
<<set $open to false>>
<<set $key to -1>>
<<set $string1 to -1>>
<<set $string2 to -1>>
<<set $string3 to -1>>
<<set $string4 to -1>>
<<set $followers to 0>>
<<set $ownridingcloth to 0>>
<<set $ownhorse to 0>>
<<set $invshow to 1>>
<<set $nobarrow to 1>>
<<set $pq = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]>>
<<set $moeday to 3>>
<<set $mchouse to "YOUR HOUSE">>
<<set $ownhandcomp1 to 0>>
<<set $ownhandcomp2 to 0>>
<<set $disp_dv=0>>
<<set $a45 to 0>>
<<set $bandits to 15660>>
<<set $masterint+=5>>
<<set $reden1 to 1>>
<<set $reden2 to 1>>
<<set $redspec1 to 1>>
<<set $redspec2 to 1>>
<<set $westen1 to 1>>
<<set $westen2 to 1>>
<<set $westen3 to 1>>
<<set $marsband1 to 1>>
<<set $marsband2 to 1>>
<<set $marsband3 to 1>>
<<set $marsen1 to 1>>
<<set $marsen2 to 1>>
<<set $stokkeband1 to 1>>
<<set $stokkeband2 to 1>>
<<set $stokkeband3 to 1>>
<<set $stokkeband4 to 1>>
<<set $stokkeen1 to 1>>
<<set $stokkeen2 to 1>>
<<set $stokkeen3 to 1>>
<<set $stokkeen4 to 1>>
<<set $stokkeen5 to 1>>
<<set $stokkeen6 to 1>>
<<set $stokkespec2 to 0>>
<<set $stokkespec4 to 1>>
<<set $wateryen1 to 1>>
<<set $wateryen2 to 1>>
<<set $wateryen3 to 1>>
<<set $wateryen4 to 1>>
<<set $wateryspec1 to 1>>
<<set $wateryspec2 to 1>>
<<set $docksen1 to 1>>
<<set $docksen2 to 1>>
<<set $dockpunks to 43>>
<<set $mercpes to 59>>
<<set $mercsword to 26>>
<<set $mercrifle to 30>>
<<set $redtigerroll to 0>>
<<set $redtigers to 56>>
<<set $ownrope to 1>>
<<set $dice to 2>>
<<set $blackg1 to 1>>
<<set $brian to 1>>
<<set $karate to 1>>
<<set $mad1 to 1>>
<<set $aca_wolf2 to 0>>
<<set $nomars to 1>>
<<set $noaca to 1>>
<<set $kaseyen1 to 1>>
<<set $kaseyen2 to 1>>
<<set $kaseyen3 to 1>>
<<set $kaseyen4 to 1>>
<<set $kaseyen5 to 1>>
<<set $kaseyen6 to 1>>
<<set $kaseyen7 to 6>>
<<set $kaseyen8 to 1>>
<<set $kaseyen9 to 1>>
<<set $kaseyquest to 1>>
<<set $slwon to 0>>
<<set $sllost to 0>>
<<set $walker to 1>>
<<set $swampking to 1>>
<<set $swamptribe to 74>>
<<set $wood to 0>>
<<set $meat to 0>>
<<set $skins to 0>>
<<set $steel to 0>>
<<set $scrap to 0>>
<<set $leather to 0>>
<<set $gold to 0>>
<<set $cboards to 0>>
<<set $cloth to 0>>
<<set $textile to 0>>
<<set $connect to 0>>
<<set $nanites to 0>>
<<set $gpow to 0>>
<<set $pcores to 0>>
<<set $injectors to 0>>
<<set $hunt_imogen to 9>>
<<set $barrowspec1 to 1>>
<<set $av_arena to 0>>
<<set $avIn_arena to 0>>
<<set $avAp_arena to 0>>
<<set $avAp2_arena to 0>>
<<set $ar_tier1 to 1>>
<<set $ar_tier2 to 1>>
<<set $evict to 7>>
<<set $ownhandcomp3 to 0>>
<<set $headmaid to 0>>
<<set $pantry to 0>>
<<set $quarter to 0>>
<<set $noacaslave to 1>>
<<set $linemod to true>>
<<if $foodget is undefined>>
<<set $foodget to 0>>
<<set $plimp = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]>>
<<set $addkids to 0>>
<<set $nanny to 0>>
<<if $taken is undefined>>
<<set $taken = {
state: 0,
name: "Lovisa",
age: 18,
will: 50,
comb: 45,
wear: 5,
body: 1,
state: 0,
name: "Lovisa",
age: 18,
will: 50,
comb: 45,
wear: 5,
body: 1,
state: 0,
name: "Lovisa",
age: 18,
will: 50,
comb: 45,
wear: 5,
body: 1,
state: 0,
name: "Lovisa",
age: 18,
will: 50,
comb: 45,
wear: 5,
body: 1,
state: 0,
name: "Lovisa",
age: 18,
will: 50,
comb: 45,
wear: 5,
body: 1,
state: 0,
name: "Lovisa",
age: 18,
will: 50,
comb: 45,
wear: 5,
body: 1,
<<set $pcFirstName to "Michael">>
<<set $pcLastName to "Courtenay">>
<div class="intropics">
[img[$imgpath + "first.png"]]
<div class="bottomtext">
<div class="tex7px"><br></div>
<center><h3>- GAME LOBBY - </h3></center>
<div class="row">
<div class="introtextleft">
<div class="padd40left">Support Masters of Raana on</div>
<span id="noIcon">[img[$imgpath + "ch/ssa.png"][https://subscribestar.adult/grimdark]]</span>
<div class="padd40left constant">
<div class="padd80left">
<span id="noIcon">[[Tier benefits|https://www.mastersofraana.com/index.php/Tier_benefits]]</span> include unique weapons, a customizable slave, <br> special quests and more!
<<set $dayend to true>>
<<set $noshow to true>>
<<include WeatherTimeEffect>>
<div class="introtextright">
<div class="tex6px"><br></div>
<div class="ulvendor">
<<if $action56 isnot true>>
<<if $action55 is true>>
[[Own slaves/7000$|Start][$action56 to true, $cash=7000]]
<div class="tex5px"><br></div>
[[Skip Cre/15000$|Home][$cash=15000]]
<div class="tex5px"><br></div>
<<link "return">>
<<goto Start>>
<<unset $action55>>
[[Start!|AbsoFirst][$pic to 1, $epic to true, $noclick to true]]
<div class="tex5px"><br></div>
<<link "Quick load">><<script>>UI.saves()<</script>><</link>>
<div class="tex5px"><br></div>
<span id="noIcon">[[Discord|https://discord.gg/hmk9AbZcde]]</span>
<div class="tex5px"><br></div>
<<if $state is 0>>[[Debug tools|Start][$action55 to true]]
<span id="noIcon">[[WIKI|https://www.mastersofraana.com/wiki/]]</span>
<div class="tex5px"><br></div>
<div class="gameversion">''Version: (<<if $invhold is 5>>Tier2+<</if>><<if $invhold is 10>>Tier3+<</if>><<if $invhold is 25>>Tier4+<</if>><<if $invhold is 0>>Public<</if>><<if $invhold is 50>>Tier9+ SUPER<</if>>)''</div>
<div class="buttbottomtext">
<<set $weatherroll to 6>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrapwborder"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<if $evefirst is undefined>><<set $evefirst to 1>><</if>>
<<if $ionafirst is undefined>><<set $ionafirst to 1>><</if>>
<<if _npc.health lte 0 or _npc.tempstamina lte 0>>
<<set _npc.avatarunc to true>>
<<set $avatarunc to true>>
<<if _npc.health gt _npc.toughness>><<set _npc.health to _npc.toughness>><</if>>
<<set _onlychange to true>>
<<if $avatarunc is true and _npc.tempstamina gte 1 and _npc.health gte 1>><<set $avatarunc to false>><<set _npc.avatarunc to false>><</if>>
<<unset $managearslave>>
<<if $traitrel is 1>><<set $traitrel to 0>><</if>>
<<if $traitrel is 3>><<set $traitrel to 2>><</if>>
<<if $likeoral lt 0>><<set $likeoral to 0>><</if>>
<<if $likeanal lt 0>><<set $likeanal to 0>><</if>>
<<if $likepussy lt 0>><<set $likepussy to 0>><</if>>
<<if $back is undefined>><<set $back = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]>><</if>>
<<if $bdsmfree is 1>>
<<set $rackbusy-=1>>
<<unset $bdsmfree>>
<<if $bdsmfree is 3>>
<<set $stoolbusy-=1>>
<<unset $bdsmfree>>
<<if $owndildost gte 1 and $stoolbusy isnot $owndildost>>
<<set _bondokey to true>>
<<if $rackbusy isnot $ownrack>>
<<set _bondokey to true>>
<<if $marepoints gte 1>>
<<set _marech to random(1, 4)>>
<<if _marech is 1>><<set $marepoints-=1>><<set $arousal+=1>><</if>>
<<if $quest_cat is undefined>><<set $quest_cat to 1>><</if>>
<<if $catfirst is true and $girlid is 13>><<set _catsay to true>><</if>>
<<if $girlid is 13 and $masterlove gte 60 and $quest_cat lte 3>><<set $masterlove to 59>><</if>>
<<if $girlid is 13 and $masterlove gte 75 and $quest_cat gte 4 and $quest_cat lte 23>><<set $masterlove to 74>><</if>>
<<if $girlid is 13 and $masterlove gte 90 and $quest_cat is 23>><<set $masterlove to 89>><</if>>
<<if $girlid is 11 and $quest_aria gte 20 and $avatarunc is false and $bondage lte 0 and $strippedsl isnot true>>
<<set _thechancellor to true>>
<<if $girlid is 11 and $quest_aria gte 5 and $quest_aria lte 6 and $busy is 0 and $avatarunc is false and $bondage lte 0>>
<<set _ariasay to true>>
<<set _stopall to true>>
<<set _ariaphase to true>>
<<if $girlid is 44 and $ionafirst is 1 and $busy lte 0 and $bondage lte 0>>
<<set _iona to true>>
<<set _stopall to true>>
<<if $girlid is 43 and $evefirst is 1>>
<<set _eve to true>>
<<set _stopall to true>>
<<if $girlid is 359 and $lancfirst is 1>>
<<set _stopall to true>>
<<set _nointer to true>>
<<set _lanc to true>>
<<if $lancfirst is 2>>
<<set _npc.status to 3>>
<<set _npc.salary to 120>>
<<set _npc.traitdead to 0>>
<<set _npc.masterlove to 30>>
<<set $masterlove to 30>>
<<set $scarefactor to 0>>
<<set _npc.scarefactor to 0>>
<<set $lancfirst to 22>>
<<if $lancfirst is 3>>
<<set $lancfirst to 33>>
<<if $arizonafirst is 2>>
<<set $masterlove+=5>>
<<set $scarefactor-=5>>
<<set _npc.masterlove+=5>>
<<set _npc.scarefactor-=5>>
<<set $arizonafirst to 22>>
<<if $arizonafirst is 3>>
<<set $willpower-=5>>
<<set _npc.willpower-=5>>
<<set $arizonafirst to 33>>
<<if $arizonafirst is 4>>
<<set $willpower-=5>>
<<set $likesadist+=5>>
<<set _npc.likesadist+=5>>
<<set _npc.willpower-=5>>
<<set $arizonafirst to 44>>
<<if $arizonafirst is 5>>
<<set $masterlove-=5>>
<<set $scarefactor+=5>>
<<set _npc.masterlove-=5>>
<<set _npc.scarefactor+=5>>
<<set $arizonafirst to 55>>
<<if $girlid is 213 and $arizonafirst is 1>>
<<set _stopall to true>>
<<set _nointer to true>>
<<set _arizona to true>>
<<set _nodo to true>>
<<if $ariaq is 1 or $ariaq is 2>>
<<set _stopall to true>>
<<set _ariaphase to true>>
<<if $girlid is 11 and $quest_aria lte 2 and $busy is 0>>
<<set _ariano to 1>>
<<if $quest_cat gte 15 and $quest_cat lte 18 and $girlid is 13>><<set _nointer to true>><<set $busy to 56>><</if>> /* at the mastersphere */
<<if $quest_cat is 10 or $quest_cat is 13 or $quest_cat is 19>>
<<if $girlid is 13>><<set $busy to 0>><</if>>
<<set _endok to true>>
<<include ClothCheck>>
<<include Checker>>
<<if $unsetter is true>>
<<unset $justexp>>
<<unset $proc>>
<<unset $seat>>
<<unset $forced>>
<<unset $passon>>
<<unset $detected>>
<<unset $chance2>>
<<unset $refresh>>
<<unset $refreshdone>>
<<unset $badblow>>
<<unset $unsetter>>
<<unset $blowjobfail>>
<<unset $haddinner>>
<<unset $gifts>>
<<unset $treattime>>
<<unset $giving>>
<<if $failed is undefined>><<set $failed to 0>><</if>>
<<set $interacting to true>>
<<include ResetAllValues>>
<<set $adpos to 0>>
<<set $refuse1 to false>>
<<set $refuse2 to false>>
<<set $refuse3 to false>>
<<set $refuse4 to false>>
<<set $refuse6 to false>>
<<set $refuse6b to false>>
<<set $refuse7 to false>>
<<set $refuse7b to false>>
<<set $refuse7c to false>>
<<set $refuse8a to false>>
<<set $refuse8 to false>>
<<set $refuse9 to false>>
<<set $refuse10 to false>>
<<set $refuse11 to false>>
<<set $makeoutrounds = 0>>
<<set $passionsex to false>>
<<unset $gounc>>
<<if $cumbuild lte 3>><<set $fuckcount to 10>><</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 4 and $cumbuild lte 8>><<set $fuckcount to 8>><</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 9 and $cumbuild lte 12>> <<set $fuckcount to 7>><</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 13 and $cumbuild lte 18>><<set $fuckcount to 6>><</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 19 and $cumbuild lte 24>> <<set $fuckcount to 5>><</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 25 and $cumbuild lte 29>><<set $fuckcount to 4>><</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 30>><<set $fuckcount to 3>><</if>>
<<set $interacting to true>>
<<set $cancelact to false>>
<<set $bondrounds to 0>>
<<if $groperound gte 1>><<set $groperound-=1>><</if>>
<<set $virgindildo to -1>>
<<set $dildo to 0>>
<<set $genround to 0>>
<<set $fingerbutt to 0>>
<<set $cleancounter=0>>
<<set $comesfromchange to false>>
<<set $normsuggest = false>>
<<set $domsuggest = false>>
<<set $bondcat to 0>>
<<unset $dildoing>>
<<unset $adildoing>>
<<unset $thrash>>
<<unset $readyspank>>
<<unset $otherel>>
<<set $pic to 0>>
<<unset $wenttosed>>
<<unset $edunaked>>
<<unset $readybutt>>
<<set $gotooral = false>>
<<set $gotopussy = false>>
<<set $gotoanal = false>>
<<set $pussynow = false>>
<<set $oralnow = false>>
<<set $analnow = false>>
<<set $hadoral to false>>
<<set $hadanal to false>>
<<set $hadpussy to false>>
<<set $whipping to false>>
<<set $spanking to false>>
<<set $landedstrikes = 0>>
<<set $undressed to false>>
<<set $saidpout to 0>>
<<set $oralstate to 0>>
<<set $oralwhips to 0>>
<<unset $inchance>>
<<unset $bondspecial1>>
<<unset $forcecloth>>
<<unset $saynow>>
<<unset $ismaking>>
<<unset $washcockrounds>>
<<unset $throatcum>>
<<unset $facecum>>
<<unset $mouthcum>>
<<unset $pussycum>>
<<unset $asscum>>
<<unset $free>>
<<unset $freed>>
<<unset $freed2>>
<<unset $action1c>>
<<unset $action2c>>
<<unset $action3c>>
<<unset $action4c>>
<<unset $action5c>>
<<unset $badaccept>>
<<unset $bondready>>
<<unset $offcloth>>
<<unset $badaccept>>
<<unset $askedsex>>
<<unset $incine>>
<<unset $talk4>>
<<unset $saidfear>>
<<set $analrounds to 0>>
<<set $oralrounds to 0>>
<<set $pussyrounds to 0>>
<<set $noshow to true>>
<<if $procbondbirth is 1>><<set $procbondbirth to 2>><</if>>
<<if $scarefactor gte 30>><<set $scarefactor to 30>><</if>>
<<if $afraid gte 100>><<set $afraid to 100>><</if>>
<<include WeatherTimeEffect>>
<<include Checker>>
<<set $checkbusy to true>>
<<include BusyEngine>>
<<unset $checkbusy>>
<<if $uncheck is true and $avatarunc is true>>
<<set $avatarunc to false>>
<<set $avataruncpass to true>>
<<unset $uncheck>>
<div class="headsign"><<if _thechancellor is true>>Chancellor <</if>>$girlname</div>
<<if $prisact gte 1>>
<<include PrisEngine>>
<<unset $prisact>>
<<set _prisact to true>>
<<if $avatarunc is true and $returned is 0>>
<div class="center"><div class="tex16px red">$girlname is unconscious!</div></div>
<<if _npc.transformed gte 1 and _npc.girlid isnot 353>>
_girlname is idling in a corner, looking like <<if _sex is 0>>she's<<else>>he's<</if>> completely unaware of <<if _sex is 0>>her<<else>>his<</if>> surroundings.
<<set _ranp to random(1, 5)>>
''_girlname:'' //
<<if _ranp is 1>>(Low, grumbling sound)<</if>>
<<if _ranp is 2>>Uuhh.. <<if _npc.girlid is 1>>Mr... Mr... R... Rooob...<</if>><</if>>
<<if _ranp is 3>>Uuuuuuuuuuu...<</if>>
<<if _ranp is 4>>Grrahh...<</if>>
<<if _ranp is 5>>Uuuuuuggghhh...<</if>>
<<set _nointer to true>>
<<set _imprisononly to true>>
''//NOTE! The presence of _girlname negatively affects all living household NPC's Happiness (-2/day) down to a minimum of 50 - if their WILLPOWER is 39 or less!//''
<<set _transformed to 1>>
<<if $applied isnot true and $gavefood isnot true and $avatarunc is false and _temptag isnot true and $gifts isnot true and _transformed isnot 1>>
<<if $returned gte 1>>
<<include ReturnTexts>>
<<if $returned is 0 and _prisact isnot true>>
<<include BusyEngine>>
<<if $returned is 0 and $busy is 0 and $strippedsl isnot true and _prisact isnot true and _ariaphase isnot true and _nodo isnot true and _thechancellor isnot true>>
<<if _catsay isnot true>>
<<if $ver gte 10830>>
<<if _npc.status lte 2>>
<<if _npc.title is 5>>
<<include CrawlDoEngine>>
<<if _sex is 0 and _age gte 18>>
<<include GirlDoEngine>>
<<include MaleYouthTexts>>
<<if $health lte 15>>
<br><br><b>//$girlnames ''HEALTH'' is low! <<if _sex is 0>>The girl<<else>>He<</if>> remains conscious but <<if _sex is 0>>her<<else>>his<</if>> current physical state will impair <<if _sex is 0>>her<<else>>his<</if>> aptitude and alertness throughout the day. //</b>
<<if $dayblock is 999 and $daysa gte 2>>
<<if $girldo gte 5 and $happiness gte 10 and _nono isnot true and _special isnot true>>
Despite <<if _sex is 0>>her<<else>>his<</if>> apparent eagerness to tend to <<if _sex is 0>>her<<else>>his<</if>> household, $girlname has <<if _sex is 0>>her<<else>>his<</if>> gear packed and ready for whenever you decide to head out.
$girlnames has <<if _sex is 0>>her<<else>>his<</if>> gear nearby, ready to follow you outside within a short notice.
<<if _npc.status gte 3>>
<<include SerfDoEngine>>
<<include GirlDoEngine>>
<<set $tutorial to 172>>
<<include QuestTexts>>
<<if _ariaphase is true>>
<<include GirlDoEngine>>
<<if $dayblock is 999 and $sexacts is true and $returned is 0 and $strippedsl isnot true and _sex is 0 and _blocksex isnot true>>
You cannot initiate bondage sessions with combat-ready NPCs. Remove $girlname as your Follower if you want to take her down to the training room.''
<<if $punok isnot undefined>>
''You've left your session with $girlname.'' She now thinks her punishment is over and all the negating Defiance boosts will not apply if you continue abusing her from now on.
<<unset $punok>>
<<if _lanc is true and $strippedsl isnot true>>
''Philip:'' //(scared voice) Good Sir, I... I have a proposition for you, if you're interested.//
<<if _arizona is true and $strippedsl isnot true>>
Arizona seems extremely uspet over her current situation and refuses to take orders from anyone.
''Arizona:'' //What, asshole?//
<<if _eve is true>>
Your newly aquired slave nods obediently as you approach her.
''Eve:'' //Before I start my chores, Lord, I just want to make it clear that I'm always available, if you need me to pleasure you in any way possible. Just call on me and I'll service you.//
<<set _npc.callname to "Lord">>
<<set $evefirst to 2>>
<<if _iona is true>>
''Iona:'' //(Whisper) Hey, Mr. $pcLastName. I have an offer. It involves an investment. Meet me in your office whenever you have the time, okay?//
<<set $ionafirst to 2>>
<div class="blink_me">''Journal upated!''</div>
<<if $strippedsl is true>>
<<include RanTexts>>
<<unset $strippedsl>>
<<if _thechancellor is true and $busy isnot 4>>
<<include ChDoEngine>>
<<if $agedays is 0>>
<div class="green">It's $girlnames birthday today!</div><br>
Gifts, Golden Dragon dinner dates and evenings at the cinema might<br> present you with unique dialogues and noticeable Happiness and Affection boosts.
<<if $applied is true>>
''//You inject $girlname with a TendStim unit, causing her most acute injuries to heal within minutes. <<if $avatarunc is true>>However, the girl's Stamina remains depleted, which means that you're still unable to interact with her.<br><br><</if>>//''
<<set $ownstimb-=1>>
<<unset $applied>>
<<if $gifts is true>>
<<include GiftEngine>>
<<include Checker>>
<<if _def is true>>
<<if _defscore is undefined>><<set _defscore to 2>><</if>>
$girlnames ''Defiance (+_defscore)'' has increased!
<<set $defcount+=_defscore>>
<<if $action lte 0 and _lube isnot true and _npc.sex is 0 and _blocksex isnot true and _npc.pregnant lte 0>>
<div class="spemeter2">
<meter class="cum" @value="_npc.seload" min="0" max="10"></meter>
<div class="vag">
<div class="tex12px">
<<hovertip "Semen (_npc.seload/10)">>
[img[$imgpath + "Butt/womb.png"]]
<<if $sexacts isnot true and $gifts isnot true>>
<div class="bellplace2">
<div class="row">
<<if $occult3 gte 100>>
<<set _mind to true>>
<<include OccultSkill>>
<<unset _mind>>
<<hovertip "<center>- Mind Melt -</center> Effect: -_eff WILL<br> Cost: -_cost WILL">>
<div class="resholdersmall">
[img[$imgpath + "Butt/slbutt45.png"][Interact][$willpower-=_eff, _npc.willpower-=_eff, $masterwill-=_cost, $mindmelt to true]]
<div class="resholdersmall">
<<if $occult6 gte 100>>
<<set _aff to true>>
<<include OccultSkill>>
<<unset _aff>>
<<hovertip "<center>- Affinity -</center> Effect: +_eff2 Aff.<br> Cost: -_cost2 WILL">>
<div class="resholdersmall padd20right">
[img[$imgpath + "Butt/slbutt46.png"][Interact][$masterlove+=_eff2, _npc.masterlove+=_eff2, $masterwill-=_cost2, $mindmelt to true]]
<<set $returned to 0>>
<div class="pic">
<<include TalkTraits>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if _lanc is true>>
[[Alright?|MScaving][$mscaving to 55, $adpos to 0]]
<<if _arizona is true>>
[[Confront|MScaving][$mscaving to 56, $adpos to 0]]
<<if _ariano gte 1>>
[[Hey, calm down!|Interact][$aris to 1, $quest_aria to 3]]
[[Shut up, bitch!|Interact][$aris to 2, $quest_aria to 3]]
<<if $bondage gte 1 and $bondage lte 9>>
<<if $sexacts is true and $gifts isnot true and _blocksex isnot true and _sex is 0 and _npc.mychild isnot true and _npc.age gte 18>>
<<if $busy is 0 and _ariano is undefined>>
<<if $hascummed is false and $tempstamina gte 1 and $health gte 1 and $avatarunc is false and $bondage lte 0 and _justwbed isnot true>>
<<if $cancelmakeout is false>>[[Start seduction|Seduceini][$sedrounds=0, $saynow to 0]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Start seduction</p><</if>>
[[Request sex|Sextime][$comesfromsed to false, $comesfromint to true]]
<p class="usedpass">Start seduction</p>
<p class="usedpass">Request sex</p>
<<if _bondokey is true and $stampoints gte 4 and $dayblock isnot 999>>[[Bondage|Bondagemaster]]<</if>>
<<if _status lte 3 or _npc.willpower lte 9 or _npc.likesadist gte 40 or _npc.masterlove gte 75>>
[[Spanking|SpankEngine][$action to 0, $spankwho to 1, $gropedass to 0]]
<<if _imprisononly is true>>
[[Events & activities|EventEngine]]
<<if $sexacts is false and $busy is 0 and $avatarunc is false and $gifts isnot true and _ariano is undefined and _ariaanswer isnot true and _nointer isnot true>>
<<if _sex is 0 and _blocksex isnot true and _incestblock isnot true and _npc.mychild isnot true>>[[Sexual options|Interact][$sexacts to true]]<</if>>
<<if _imprisononly isnot true>>
[[Events & activities|EventEngine]]
[[Gifts & food|Interact][$gifts to true]]
[[Inventory|SlaveInventory][$action to 1]]
<<if $gifts is true>>
<<set _endok to false>>
<<if $treattime isnot true>>
<<if _npc.giftsgiven lte 3>>
<<if $ownteddy gte 1 and _sex is 0>>[[Give teddy bear|Interact][$ownteddy-=1, $giving to 3, _npc.giftsgiven+=1]]<</if>>
<<if $ownnecklace1 gte 1 and _sex is 0>>[[Give cheap trinket|Interact][$ownnecklace1-=1, $giving to 4, _npc.giftsgiven+=1]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Give cheap trinket</p><</if>>
<<if $ownnecklace3 gte 1 and _sex is 0>>[[Give nice trinket|Interact][$ownnecklace3-=1, $giving to 5, _npc.giftsgiven+=1]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Give nice trinket</p><</if>>
<<if $ownimpflowers gte 1 and _sex is 0>>[[Give imp. flowers|Interact][$ownimpflowers-=1, $giving to 7, _npc.giftsgiven+=1]]<</if>>
<p class="usedpass">Give cheap trinket</p>
<p class="usedpass">Give nice trinket</p>
[[Give treat|Interact][$treattime to true, $giving to 0, _npc.giftsgiven+=1]]
<<if $hunger lte 79 and $foodstuff gte 1>>[[Give ration|Interact][$foodstuff-=1, $giving to 6]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Give ration</p><</if>>
<<if $treattime is true>>
<<if $ownchoco gte 1 and $hunger lte 99>>[[Chocolate bar|Interact][$giving to 1]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Chocolate bar</p><</if>>
<<if $owncandybowl gte 1 and $hunger lte 99>>[[Bowl of candy|Interact][$giving to 2]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Bowl of candy</p><</if>>
<</if>> /* END OF GIFTS */
<<if $sexacts isnot true and $gifts isnot true>>
<<if $busy gte 1 or $avatarunc is true or _nointer is true>>
<<if _dayblock is 25>>
[[Manage NPC|Arena][$managearslave to true, $action4 to true, $arenaplace to 1, $action to 1, $nodel to true]]
<p class="usedpass">sexual options</p>
<<if _imprisononly isnot true>><p class="usedpass">Events & activities</p><</if>>
<p class="usedpass">Talk</p>
<p class="usedpass">Inventory</p>
<<if _ariaanswer is true>>
[[Thank you|Interact][$ariaq to 1]]
<<if _npc.status lte 3>>[[You're still my slave|Interact][$ariaq to 2]]<</if>>
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<<if $busy is 0 and $sexacts is false and $gifts isnot true and _ariano is undefined and _ariaanswer isnot true>>
<<if $health gte 1 and $tempstamina gte 1 and $avatarunc is false and $bondage is 0 and _nointer isnot true>>
<<if _sex is 0 and _blocksex isnot true and _mychild isnot true>>
<<if _npc.refuseshower isnot true>>[[take to bathroom|Bathroom][$gonnashower to true, $action to 2, $comesfromintera to true]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">take to bathroom</p><</if>>
<<if $girlid is 13 and $quest_cat is 6 and $dayblock is 0>>[[Laboratory assignment|Interact][$busy to 55]]<</if>>
<<if $girlid is 13 and $quest_cat is 10 and $busy lte 0 and $bondage lte 0>>[[Check progress|Scaving][$scaving to 30, $adpos to 0]]<</if>>
<<if $girlid is 13 and $quest_cat is 13 and $busy lte 0 and $bondage lte 0>>[[Academy findings?|Scaving][$scaving to 31, $adpos to 0]]<</if>>
<<if $girlid is 13 and $quest_cat is 19 and $busy lte 0 and $bondage lte 0>>[[Mastersphere findings?|Scaving][$scaving to 32, $adpos to 0]]<</if>>
<<if $busy is 4 and _sex is 0>>
[[Approach bed|Sleep][$action to 0]]
<<if $sexacts is true and $busy is 0>>
[[Back|Interact][$sexacts to false]]
<<if $bondage gte 1>>
[[Set free|Interact][$tied to false, $oralgag to false, $gagged to false, $ballgag to false, $clamped to false, $analhook to false, $returned to 18, $sexacts to false, $uncheck to true, $groperound to 0, $bdsmfree to $bondage, $daysabond to 0]]
<<if $foodstuff gte 1 and $hunger lte 34>>
[[give food|Interact][$hunger+=15, $eat to true, $foodstuff-=1]]
<<if $ownstim gte 1 or $ownstimb gte 1>>
<<if $health lte 9 and $gifts isnot true and $busy is 0>>
[[Use Tendstim!|Interact][$health+=20, $applied to true, $stimmed to true]]
<<if $gifts is true and $treattime isnot true>>
[[Back|Interact][$unsetter to true]]
<<if $treattime is true>>
[[Back|Interact][$treattime to false, $giving to 0]]
<div class="alt3">
<<include InteractStart>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include LockedPark>>
<<unset $aris>>
<<unset $firstsay>>
<<unset $showethnu>>
<<unset $abortedspank>>
<<unset $strippedsl>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<set _sextime to true>>
<<set $pic to 1>>
<<include ResetAllValues>>
<<set $action10b to false>>
<<set $gotooral = false>>
<<set $gotopussy = false>>
<<set $gotoanal = false>>
<<set $pussynow = false>>
<<set $oralnow = false>>
<<set $analnow = false>>
<<set $hadoral to false>>
<<set $hadanal to false>>
<<set $hadpussy to false>>
<<set $normsuggest = false>>
<<set $domsuggest = false>>
<<set $sadisuggest = false>>
<<set $poutass = false>>
<<set $morepout = false>>
<<set $poutpussy = false>>
<<set $poutmorepussy = false>>
<<set $poutanal = false>>
<<set $morepoutanal = false>>
<<set $actsugg = false>>
<<set $comesfromchange = false>>
<<set $persuadeagainsuccess = false>>
<<set $othercum = false>>
<<set $deepcum = false>>
<<set $iswashingcock = false>>
<<set $washtimetotal = 0>>
<<set $gaveinicred = false>>
<<set $drool = 0>>
<<set $gaveoralcred_once = false>>
<<set $gaveanalcred_once = false>>
<<set $gavepussycred_once = false>>
<<set $suggestdone = false>>
<<set $suggestcon = false>>
<<set $analvirgincancel = false>>
<<set $virgincancel = false>>
<<set $virgintimetotal = 0>>
<<set $virginrounds = 0>>
<<set $hadanalvirgin to false>>
<<set $hadvirgin to false>>
<<set $gotoanalvirgin to false>>
<<set $gotovirgin to false>>
<<set $cumscene1 to true>>
<<set $throatcum to false>>
<<set $oraltimetotal = 0>>
<<set $pussytimetotal = 0>>
<<set $analtimetotal = 0>>
<<set $putin to false>>
<<set $washcancel to false>>
<<set $holdrounds = 0>>
<<set $sexfeel to 0>>
<<set $washcockrounds = 0>>
<<set $event4 to true>>
<<set $sexscene to 0>>
<<set $poutnow to false>>
<<set $jumpup to 0>>
<<set $sofafinger to 0>>
<<set $action5 to false>>
<<set $oralwhip to 0>>
<<set $isjerking to 0>>
<<set $analfinger to 0>>
<<unset $gounc>>
<<unset $goingtooff>>
<<set $adpos to 0>>
<<if $cumbuild lte 3>><<set $fuckcount to 10>><</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 4 and $cumbuild lte 8>><<set $fuckcount to 8>><</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 9 and $cumbuild lte 12>> <<set $fuckcount to 7>><</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 13 and $cumbuild lte 18>><<set $fuckcount to 6>><</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 19 and $cumbuild lte 24>> <<set $fuckcount to 5>><</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 25 and $cumbuild lte 29>><<set $fuckcount to 4>><</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 30>><<set $fuckcount to 3>><</if>>
<<if $masterstamina gte 80>><<set $fuckcount+=1>><</if>>
<<if $fuckskill gte 80>><<set $fuckcount+=1>><</if>>
<<if $likeoral lte -10>><<set $likeoral to -10>><</if>>
<<if $likepussy lte -10>><<set $likepussy to -10>><</if>>
<<if $likeanal lte -10>><<set $likeanal to -10>><</if>>
<div class="headsign">$girlname</div>
<<include Libido>>
<<if $cancelmakeout is true and $bondage lte 0>>
<b>// You've turned off $girlname while attempting to seduce her, which makes all persuasion attempts harder to perform. <br><br> //</b>
<<include "Fuckcount">>
What type of sex did you have in mind?<br><br>
<<if $masterfilth gte 50 and $refuseoral is true>><<set $refuseoral to false>><</if>>
<<if $noanalday is true or $refusedanalvirgin is true>>$girlname refuses to have anal sex with you!<<set _tempsay to true>><</if>>
<<if $nooralday is true or $refuseoral is true>>She's not interested in giving you a blowjob today.<<set _tempsay to true>><<if $refuseoral is true>> Things might change if you take a shower!<</if>><</if>>
<<if $nopussyday is true or $refusedvirgin is true>>The girl refuses to have vaginal sex with you! <<set _tempsay to true>><</if>>
<<if _tempsay is true>>
You're not able to persuade her again until some time has passed.
<<if $scarefactor gte 1>>
''//All persuasion attempts concerning sex and intimacy are noticably affected until $girlnames Anger effect clears.<br><br>//''
<<if $hunger lte 9>>
''//$girlname is hungry! Persuasion attempts regarding oral sex gain a small bonus.''//<br><br>
<<if $hascummed is true>>
''You're sexually depleted and cannot initiate any intimate acts right now.''
<div class="pic">
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $noanalday isnot true and $analvirgin isnot true>> [[Anal sex|Currentfeeling][$gotoanal to true]]<</if>>
<<if $noanalday is true>><p class="usedpass">Anal sex</p><</if>>
<<if $analvirgin is true and $refusedanalvirgin isnot true>>[[Anal sex|Virginmaster][$gotoanalvirgin to true]]<</if>>
<<if $refusedanalvirgin is true>><p class="usedpass">Anal sex</p><</if>>
<<if $virgin is true and $refusedvirgin isnot true>>[[Vaginal sex|Virginmaster][$gotovirgin to true]]<</if>>
<<if $refusedvirgin is true>><p class="usedpass">Vaginal sex</p><</if>>
<<if $nooralday is false and $refuseoral is false>> [[Oral sex|Currentfeeling][$gotooral to true]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Oral sex</p><</if>>
<<if $nopussyday is false and $virgin isnot true>> [[Vaginal sex|Currentfeeling][$gotopussy to true]]<</if>>
<<if $nopussyday is true>><p class="usedpass">Vaginal sex</p><</if>>
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<<if $comesfromsed is true>>[[back|Makeoutsimulator]]<</if>>
<<if $comesfromint is true>>[[back|Interact]]<</if>>
<div class="alt3">
<<include BondInt>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<set $pic to 1>>
<<set $skillroll to random(1, 100)>>
<<set $skillroll2 to random(1, 100)>>
<<set $comesfromchange to false>>
<div class="headsign">$girlname</div>
<<include Libido>>
<<if $actsugg is false>>
How do you deliver your request to $girlname?<br><br>
<<if $gotit isnot true>>
''A normal suggestion'' maximizes your chances of actually <<if $gotooral>>getting $girlname to go down on you<<else>>getting $girlname naked and ready for intercourse<</if>>. This careful approach will not affect her <b>WILLPOWER</b> in any way, however, //and// it'll have a negative effect if she's into kinky sex (high Corruption or the Perverted Trait).
''A dominant demand'' has a significant chance of increasing her <b>Fear</b> if she accepts.
''A sadistic approach'' is a perverted act of humiliation that'll likely decrease $girlnames ''Affection'' toward you unless she appreciates rape fantasies. It will take a heavy toll on the girl's <b>WILLPOWER</b> if she accepts.
<center>[[Alright! Got it!|Currentfeeling][$gotit to true]]</center>
<<if $actsugg is true>>
<<include "Suggest">>
<<include "Currentfeelingengine">>
<div class="pic">
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $actsugg is false>>
[[Politely (charm)|Currentfeeling][$normsuggest to true, $actsugg to true]]
[[Demanding (manipulate)|Currentfeeling][$domsuggest to true, $actsugg to true]]
/*[[Sadistic|Currentfeeling][$sadisuggest to true, $actsugg to true]] */
<<if $actsugg>>[[Continue|Persuade][$actsugg to false]]
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<div class="alt3">
<<include BondInt>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<<if $cumbuild lte 0>> You are sexually depleted.<</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 1 and $cumbuild lte 2>> You are sexually exhausted.<</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 3 and $cumbuild lte 4>> You have a normal sexual craving right now.<</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 5 and $cumbuild lte 6>> You have a strong sexual craving.<</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 7 and $cumbuild lte 8>> You have an enormous sexual craving!<</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 9 and $cumbuild lte 10>> Your sexual craving is so immense that all non-physical skills are slightly (-2) impaired!<</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 11 and $cumbuild lte 12>> You're only thinking about sex! Mental skills are negatively affected (-8) until you've ejaculated.<</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 13>> Empty your load now! All mental skills are negatively affected (-10) until you've ejaculated.<</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -1>>
<<if $cumbuild lte 2>>Thankfully, neither $girlname looks like she's up for anything passionate right now.<</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 3 and $cumbuild lte 6>>$girlname looks disgusted, obviously not interested in anything physical right now.<</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 7>>Unfortunately, $girlname doesn’t seem to share your lustful desire to engage in sex right now. In fact, she looks disgusted and turned-off by everything that reminds her of physical contact.<</if>>
<<if $arousal is 0>>
<<if $cumbuild lte 6>>$girlname looks neither aroused or turned-off right now. <</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 7>>Unfortunately, $girlname doesn’t seem to share your lust for physical contact right now. <<if $likesadist gte 40>>You know she's easily turned on, however, thanks to her high Corruption.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 1 and $arousal lte 3>>
<<if $cumbuild lte 6>>$girlname looks excited but not overly aroused.<</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 7>>Thankfully, $girlname looks like she would be an easy target – at least if you give her a short warmup.<</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 4 and $arousal lte 5>>
<<if $cumbuild lte 6>>$girlname seems genuinely aroused and wouldn’t be that hard to convey into having sex. <<if $scarefactor gte 2 or $masterlove lte 29>>She looks a bit stiff, however, either because of Anger or a lacking Affection toward you. <</if>><</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 7>>Fortunately, $girlname looks almost as aroused as you are and would most likely be a willing subject to your lustful desires. <</if>>
<<if $arousal is 6>>
<<if $cumbuild lte 6>>$girlname is obviously aroused and any suggestions from you would receive a large persuasion bonus.<</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 7>>Thankfully, $girlname looks as aroused as you are. Any persuasion attempts you make would receive a large chance bonus.<</if>>
<<if $arousal is 7>>
<<if $cumbuild lte 6>>$girlname looks very aroused. She's constantly caressing herself, obviously keen on getting a release as soon as possible. <</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 7>>Fortunately, $girlname seems to share your lustful state. She's constantly caressing herself, hoping that someone or something will make her orgasm as soon as possible.<</if>>
<<if $scarefactor gte 3 or $masterlove lte 29>><br><br>Unfortunately, the stiffness she's feeling toward you, either due to Anger or low Affection, might hinder any advances if you're not careful.<</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>>
<<if $cumbuild lte 2>>$girlname, on the other hand, looks extremely aroused, shivering like she's close to an orgasm.<</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 3 and $cumbuild lte 6>>There's no question $girlname would be easy to persuade into having sex. She looks very aroused, almost close to having an orgasm. <<if $girlid is 1 and $weatherroll lte 5 and $likesadist lte 39>><br><br>It's cute how she's trying to hide it from you, obviously feeling ashamed of having such perverted thoughts.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $cumbuild gte 7>>$girlname also looks like she's ready to burst. She's constantly shivering, caressing her sensitive parts like she's petting a wrool kitten. <<if $girlid is 16 or $girlid is 1>><br><br>You're able to spot drops of pussy juice trailing down the insides of her slender thighs.<</if>><</if>>
<<set _rane to random(1, 20)>>
<<if $arousal gte 15 and $likesadist gte 50 and _rane lte 5 and $cumbuild gte 7>>
''//Just the presence of a throbbing stallion contemplating on ravaging her body is enough to give $girlname a spontaneous orgasm!//''
<<if $happiness lte 99 and $masterlove lte 109 and _rane lte 2>>
Her ''Happiness (+3)''<<if $likesadist lte 79>>, ''Corruption (+2)''<<set $likesadist+=2>><</if>> and ''Affection (+1)'' toward you have increased!
<<set $happiness+=3>>
<<set $masterlove+=1>>
<<set $arousal to 4>>
<<set $like = false>>
<<set $likechance=0>>
<<set $likechance+=$skillroll>>
<<if $afraid gte 6 and $likesadist lte 39>><<set $likechance-=15>><</if>>
<<if $gotoanal>><<set $like_factor=$likeanal>><</if>>
<<if $gotooral>><<set $like_factor=$likeoral>><</if>>
<<if $gotopussy>><<set $like_factor=$likepussy>><</if>>
<<if $scarefactor gte 1>><<set $likechance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $scarefactor gte 3>><<set $likechance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -1>><<set $likechance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 1>><<set $likechance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 2>><<set $likechance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 5>><<set $likechance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 10>><<set $likechance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $traitnymfo gte 51>><<set $likechance+=30>><</if>>
<<if $mastercharm gte 80>><<set $likechance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $gotooral is true and $likesadist lte 49>>
<<if $masterfilth lte 9>><<set $likechance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterfilth lte 19>><<set $likechance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterfilth lte 29>><<set $likechance-=10>><</if>>
<<set $suggest_factor = 0>>
<<if $actsugg>>
<<set $suggestsuccess=$manipulate>>
<<set $suggestsuccess-=$skillroll2>>
<<if $likesadist gte 50 and $domsuggest is true>>
<<set $suggest_factor+=30>>
<<set $likechance+=30>>
<<if $likesadist gte 50 and $sadisuggest is true>>
<<set $suggest_factor+=40>>
<<set $likechance+=40>>
<<if $normsuggest is false and $likesadist gte 40>>
<<set $likechance+=20>>
<<if $traitperv gte 60>><<set $likechance+=25>><</if>>
<<if $traitnymfo gte 60>><<set $likechance+=25>><</if>>
<<if $willpower lte 0>>
<<if $domsuggest>><<set $suggestsuccess+=25>><</if>>
<<if $sadisuggest>><<set $suggestsuccess+=35>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist lte 39>>
<<if $sadisuggest is true or $domsuggest is true>>
<<if $suggestsuccess lte 0>><<set $masterlove-=3>><<if $willpower gte 1>><<set $willpower=0>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 1 and $willpower lte 39>>
<<if $domsuggest is true and $likesadist lte 39>>
<<set $suggestsuccess -= 3>>
<<if $masterlove lt 50>><<set $suggestsuccess -= 1>><</if>>
<<if $sadisuggest is true and $likesadist lte 39>>
<<set $suggestsuccess -= 7>>
<<if $masterlove lt 50>><<set $suggestsuccess -= 3>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist lte 39>>
<<if $sadisuggest is true or $domsuggest is true>>
<<if $suggestsuccess gte 1>><<set $masterlove-=1>><<set $happiness -= 1>><<set $suggest_factor =+ 15>><<set $afraid+=3>><</if>>
<<if $suggestsuccess lte 0>><<set $masterlove -=2>><<set $suggest_factor =- 10>><</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 40 and $willpower lte 79>>
<<if $domsuggest is true and $likesadist lte 39>>
<<set $suggestsuccess-=5>>
<<if $masterlove lte 49>><<set $suggestsuccess-=3>>
<<if $sadisuggest is true and $likesadist lte 39>>
<<set $suggestsuccess -= 10>>
<<if $masterlove lte 49>><<set $suggestsuccess -=5>>
<<if $likesadist lte 39>>
<<if $sadisuggest is true or $domsuggest is true>>
<<if $suggestsuccess gte 1>><<set $masterlove-=2>><<set $happiness-=1>><<set $suggest_factor=+15>><<set $afraid+=3>><</if>>
<<if $suggestsuccess lte 0>><<set $masterlove-=3>><<set $suggest_factor=-10>><</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 80>>
<<if $domsuggest is true and $likesadist lte 39>>
<<if $masterlove lt 50>><<set $suggestsuccess-=5>><</if>>
<<set $suggestsuccess -= 10>>
<<if $sadisuggest is true and $likesadist lte 39>>
<<if $masterlove lt 50>><<set $suggestsuccess -= 8>><</if>>
<<set $suggestsuccess -= 15>>
<<if $likesadist lte 39>>
<<if $sadisuggest is true or $domsuggest is true>>
<<if $suggestsuccess gte 1>><<set $happiness-=1>><<set $suggest_factor=+15>><</if>>
<<if $suggestsuccess lte 0>><<set $masterlove-=3>><<set $suggest_factor=-10>><</if>>
<<if $like_factor lte 0>><<if $likechance lt 100>><<set $like to false>><</if>><<if $likechance gt 99>><<set $like to true>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $like_factor gte 1 and $like_factor lte 5>><<if $likechance lt 98>><<set $like to false>><</if>><<if $likechance gt 97>><<set $like to true>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $like_factor gte 6 and $like_factor lt 16>><<if $likechance lt 95>><<set $like to false>><</if>><<if $likechance gt 94>><<set $like to true>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $like_factor gt 15 and $like_factor lt 26>><<if $likechance lt 91>><<set $like to false>><</if>><<if $likechance gt 90>><<set $like to true>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $like_factor gt 25 and $like_factor lt 36>><<if $likechance lt 84>><<set $like to false>><</if>><<if $likechance gt 83>><<set $like to true>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $like_factor gt 35 and $like_factor lt 46>><<if $likechance lt 79>><<set $like to false>><</if>><<if $likechance gt 78>><<set $like to true>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $like_factor gt 45 and $like_factor lt 56>><<if $likechance lt 61>><<set $like to false>><</if>><<if $likechance gt 60>><<set $like to true>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $like_factor gt 55 and $like_factor lt 66>><<if $likechance lt 56>><<set $like to false>><</if>><<if $likechance gt 55>><<set $like to true>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $like_factor gt 65 and $like_factor lt 76>><<if $likechance lt 41>><<set $like to false>><</if>><<if $likechance gt 40>><<set $like to true>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $like_factor gt 75 and $like_factor lt 86>><<if $likechance lt 31>><<set $like to false>><</if>><<if $likechance gt 30>><<set $like to true>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $like_factor gt 85 and $like_factor lt 96>><<if $likechance lt 11>><<set $like to false>><</if>><<if $likechance gt 10>><<set $like to true>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $like_factor gt 95 and $like_factor lt 106>><<if $likechance lt 4>><<set $like to false>><</if>><<if $likechance gt 3>><<set $like to true>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $like_factor gt 105>><<if $likechance lt 2>><<set $like to false>><</if>><<if $likechance gt 1>><<set $like to true>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $like is true>><<set $arousal+=2>><</if>>
<<if $like is false>><<set $arousal-=1>><</if>>
<<set $suggestroll to random(1, 7)>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 3)>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 3)>>
<<set _ran to random(1, 5)>>
<<if $normsuggest>>
<<if $gotoanal>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>You take a few seconds to marvel at $girlnames hips and <<if $age lte 19>>slender<<else>>other feminine<</if>> features before asking:<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>You gaze into $girlnames eyes and ask:<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>You ask $girlname with a soft, passionate voice:<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 1>> //<<if $wsex gte 1>>Hey. Dear wife.<</if>>You're not a girl who'd say no to some lovemaking, right? I'd like to take you anally, and I can make it really nice for you too, if you just trust me!//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 2>>//Are you in the mood for sex, $girlname? You know, I've been thinkin' about that cute, little tushy of yours all <<if $daycount lte 100 and $daycount gte 60>>morning<<else>>day<</if>>. And I promise I’ll make it really special, if you wanna try! <<if $wsex gte 1>>We could hit the coffee house later if you want to?<</if>> //<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 3>> //Would you like to have sex with me<<if $wsex gte 1>>, wife<</if>>? I was thinking about trying anal. I will make it so nice for you, I promise! I'm really good at it.//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 4>> //You wanna try some anal sex, $girlname? That <<if $body lte 2>>little<</if>> tushy looks like it would enjoy takin' a cock if you'd just let it!//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 5>> //I'll be really good to you if you'd let me taste that beautiful ass of yours. What do you say? A quick one? I've heard that it's the best way if you wanna come fast.//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 6>>//I promise we'll do something nice soon if we could have anal together. I'll owe you one, okay? Not to put any pressure on you, though.//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 7>>//<<if $age lte 18>>How about some anal sex? I know you're young and a bit… tight down there, but still. I promise I'll take it easy.<<else>>You know what I wanna do? Fuck you in the ass. It's okay to say no… But I'll make sure you'll enjoy it too. What do you say?<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $gotooral>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>You stare hungrily at $girlnames mouth while asking:<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>You stroke $girlname passionately over her shoulders while asking:<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>You smile passionately at $girlname and ask her:<</if>>
<<if $promisedoral isnot true>>
<<if $suggestroll is 1>>//You know what would make me happy right now? A blowjob. That’d really make my day perfect. I'm not forcing you in any way, but wow, that <<if $body lte 2>>little<<else>>sweet<</if>> mouth of yours would blow me away. Literally.//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 2>>//You know what… It would be so awesome if you could take my cock in your mouth and satisfy me. How about that? I'd owe you one. <<if $girlid is 16>>We began something in that alley behind your sister's that we haven’t properly finished.<</if>> //<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 3>>//Those lips of yours are so wonderful. How about using them on me? By giving me a blowjob?//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 4>>//If you go down on me, I'll give you a nice gift. I’d really appreciate it.//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 5>>//Could you go down on me? Please? <<if $girlid is 16>>Like you used to do in that alley down in Stokke Hills?<</if>> //<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 6>>//Hey, $girlname, could you give me a blowjob? I promise I'll make it up to you. <<if $masterage gte 46>>This old coot would really appreciate it.<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 7>>//I'd be so happy if you'd give me a blowjob. What do you say? <<if $girlid is 16>>I know oral sex still excites you, Dakky. (smile)<</if>> //<</if>>
Alright, I'm ready for that blowjob you promised me.
<<if $gotopussy>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>You stroke $girlname carefully over her hips before asking:<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>You try to sound as lenient and passionate as possible when asking:<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>You ask $girlname, using careful and considerate words:<</if>>
<<if $specialpussysex isnot true>>
<<if $suggestroll is 1>>//Hey, how about hitting the sack? You and I. Together… naked… fucking. It will be so nice, I promise! What do you say?//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 2>>//Hey, would you like to have sex with me? I promise you'll enjoy it.// <br><br>You smile confidently at the girl while your words sink in. <</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 3>>//Hey, $girlname, how about hitting the bed with me? I promise you'll enjoy it. <<if $masterage gte 46 and $age lte 19 and $masterlove lte 49 and $likesadist lte 19>>This old coot would really appreciate the warmth of a fresh, teenage body right now. <<if $wsex gte 1>>You have chosen to become my wife after all!<</if>><</if>> //<br><br>You smile confidently at the girl while your words sink in. <</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 4>>//<<if $masterage gte 46 and $masterlove lte 49>>I hope you don’t mind an old guy asking this, but… Maybe you wanna sleep with me?<<else>>Hey, let’s hit the sack and have some nice sex together! What do you say?<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 5>> //Ohh... you have such a sweet body… It's perfect. <<if $wsex gte 1>>I've married the most beautiful girl in Ikaanos.<</if>> Maybe you wanna have sex with me?//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 6>>//You'd like to do something naughty with me<<if $wsex gte 1>>, dear wife<</if>>? How about we hit the sack and have some hot, nice sex together? What do you say?//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 7>>//You wanna sleep with me? <<if $wsex gte 1>>We should make ourselves busy now that we're married and all.<</if>> //<br><br>You smile confidently at the girl while your straight-forward words sink in. <</if>>
How about that sex we discussed earlier? I'm ready!
<<if $domsuggest is true>>
<<if $gotoanal>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>You're not even looking at $girlname when you command her:<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>You speak to $girlname in a demeaning tone:<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>You grab one of $girlnames buttocks and utter determinedly:<</if>>
<<if _npc.girlid is 1>>
<<if _ran is 1>>You know that cute Scandi ass of yours has been in my thoughts all day. Time to do something about it. Follow me! <</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>You're my favorite _callit, Lovisa. Time to bend over and spread <<if $descroll is 3>>these<<else>>your<</if>> butt-checks in appreciation.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Hey, <<if _npc.age lte 24>>young lady<<else>>Lovisa<</if>>! Follow me. We're gonna explore that cute ass of yours – for hours.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>It's time to do perform your real "maidly" services. With your butt stretched out!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>I feel like I wanna bury my manhood in <<if $descroll is 3>>this<<else>>that<</if>> tight ass of yours. Come with me.<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.girlid is 2 and _npc.status lte 4>>
<<if _ran is 1>><<if $descroll is 3>>This<<else>>That<</if>> raider ass of yours is going to get a real treatment. Follow me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>I feel like fucking some raider ass. This way, _callit.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Time to spread <<if $descroll is 3>>these<<else>>your<</if>> buttchecks in the bedroom, raider. Come with me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>That saucy face of yours is gonna taste my sauce – after I've fucked you in the ass. Let's go.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Follow me. We're gonna explore <<if $descroll is 3>>this<<else>>that<</if>> tight, raider ass of yours. Follow me. Now!<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.girlid is 11>>
<<if $quest_aria lte 19>>
<<if _ran is 1>>You know I'm actually obliged to punish your rebel ass, Aria. So… We're gonna have a "special" session you and I. Follow me!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>It's time for your punishment, rebel. This time you'll feel your sins in the ass (laughter).<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>I feel like your ass needs a punishment. And I'm not talking about a spanking. Follow me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>It's assfucking time, Aria. You probably know the drill by now. Follow me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>I want you and your rebel ass in my bedroom in two minutes. Let's go.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 1>>I feel like fucking some Chancellor ass (laughter). This is my house, not the palace. Let's go.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>I feel I need to loosen up that tight chancellor's ass of yours, Aria. Let's go!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Hey, I want a good assfuck for all the nice things I've done for you. Let's go.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>Good for me those bodyguards of yours are outside the gates. You're gonna scream out loud when I ram that tight ass of yours. Now! Follow me!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>I can almost sense how that tight ass of yours is begging for a good fuck. I'm gonna give what it wants. Follow me!<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.status lte 1>>
<<if _ran is 1>>Come here, slave. I'm gonna ram that convict ass of yours.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>Ass-fucking time. Let's go. And I'm only asking once!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>I'm feel like it's time to give that ass of yours another round of punishment. Follow me. Now!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>><<if $descroll isnot 3>>Stick that butt out<<else>>This piece here's gonna get something hard<</if>>, I'm gonna fuck <<if $body lte 2>>your little ass<<else>>your cute ass<</if>>! Come with me. <</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>> Come with me, slave. I'm gonna fuck <<if $descroll isnot 3>>that<<else>>this<</if>> nice little tushy of yours. And I'm gonna do it long and hard. You're still gonna feel it tomorrow. <</if>>
<<elseif _npc.status is 2>>
<<if _ran is 1>>Drop what you're doing and follow me. I feel like I wanna pound some slave ass.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>Hey! It's time to perform your duties, slave. Take that ass of yours and follow me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Look at <<if $descroll is 3>>this<<else>>that<</if>> sweet ass of yours. I think it's begging for a good pounding. Yeah! Drop what you're doing and follow me. <</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>><<if $descroll is 3>>This<<else>>That<</if>> ass of yours is the most precious thing I own. Time to put it to use. Follow me!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Hey, slave. <<if $descroll is 3>>This ass of yours…<<else>>That nice piece of ass you have…<</if>> I wanna put it to use. Drop what you're doing and follow me.<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.status is 3>>
<<if _ran is 1>>Serving me is your most sacred duty. That also means serving me you’re your body. Follow me. I wanna taste that ass of yours.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>Moons, just looking at you makes my hardon intolerable. I believe serving me with your body, and especially with your ass, is part of our agreement, right?<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Drop what you're doing and come with me, servant. If you still want a job.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>Hey. This job's pretty important for you, right? Well, then, I feel you need to show just how important it is by servicing your landlord. Especially with that cute ass of yours.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>If you value your job, drop what you're doing and follow me. I think that ass of yours needs a good "job" too.<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.status lte 5>>
<<if _ran is 1>>Hey, I like tough chicks. And I love prying their asses open. Follow me and show me who your commander is!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>Hey! I think the commander here wanna see how much ass-pounding his soldiers can take. Drop those pants and follow me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>I'm paying you way too much, _girlname. I think you have to give it back somehow. With your ass! Follow me. It won't take that long.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>Hey! Wow. <<if $descroll is 3>>This is one nice piece of ass.<<else>>That nice piece of ass…<</if>> As your commander, I feel it's my right to take advantage of it. Any objections?<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>(Whisper) Hey. I feel you're a bit lacking in your soldiering skills. All that can be remedied, with your salary intact, if you give me <<if $descroll is 3>>this<<else>>that<</if>> nice piece of ass! <</if>>
<<elseif _npc.status is 10>>
<<if _ran is 1>>Hey, wifey! It's time to serve your husband – with your ass. Follow me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>Enough of this. I want your ass naked and ready in two minutes. Serving me is part of your sacred duties!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>You know there's nothing better than fucking your wife's tight asshole. Leave what you're doing and follow me! <</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>Wife! Leave what you're doing and follow me. Your ass is getting what it deserves.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Hey! Time to serve your husband. Let's go. Leave all that!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 1>>I'm gonna take you in the ass. Get ready.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>I want to take you in the ass. Let's go! This way.<</if>>
<<if _ran gte 3>> It's time to perform your duties<<if $body is 1>> young girl<</if>>. I'm gonna fuck you in the ass and you'll appreciate every second of it. Come with me! <</if>>
<<if $gotooral is true>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>You tap $girlname over her lips with one of your fingers before exclaiming:<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>You're not even looking at $girlname when telling the girl what you want from her:<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>You sound bossy and demeaning when commanding $girlname:<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>xxz<<else>><</if>>
<<if _npc.girlid is 1 and _npc.status isnot 10>>
<<if _ran is 1>> <<if $descroll is 1>>This cute little<<else>>That cute<</if>> mouth of yours is gonna take my load. Yeah, you heard me, Scandie. This way. <</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>You got the cutest pair of lips I've ever seen, Lovisa. And those lips are gonna serve me. Right now. This way!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Hey, girl. Drop what you're doing. You're gonna serve me orally and take my load down your gullet. Follow me!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>I want those cute lips of yours wrapped around my hardon in two minutes. Let's go!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Hey, Scandie. Let's put those cute lips of yours to good use. Follow me. You're gonna blow my manhood.<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.girlid is 2>>
<<if _ran is 1>>Alright. Blowjob. Now. Come with me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>Okay, raider! You're gonna blow me. Now! This way.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Rebecca! Those cocky lips of yours is gonna take some REAL cock. This way. Follow me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>Drop what you're doing. You're gonna blow me. This way.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Alright, raider. Drop what you're doing and come with me. You're gonna serve me orally.<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.girlid is 11>>
<<if $quest_aria lte 19>>
<<if _ran is 1>>Hey, Aria. Part of your contract states that you have to be subjected to daily deepthroat sessions. It's time for one of those (laughter). This way!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>I want your naked ass and soft mouth ready in the bedroom in one minute. Got it?<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>I need a blowjob. Drop what you're doing and follow me!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>Hey! The Swallow's gonna swallow my load. Follow me. It's time to give your <<if _npc.daysa lte 19>>new<</if>> master a blowjob.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Aria! You're gonna blow your master's cock. I need to get relieved. Follow me!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 1>>I think the Chancellor's mouth need some stuffing. It's been talking all day. <</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>I know you're still a devoted cock-worshipper deep down, Aria. Follow me, Chancellor. It's time to take your real Master's load!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Chancellor! I'm gonna let you blow my dick. I think you need it. Haha, we both need it! This way!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>You might be a Chancellor outside these walls. In here, you're still my slave. Time to get down on your knees and pray to your real master. With your mouth!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Hey! You're gonna blow my cock – and you're gonna enjoy it. This way, Chancellor.<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.status lte 1>>
<<if _ran is 1>>Hey! You'll be my official cum dumpster today. I need a blowjob. This way!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>Slave! I need a blowjob. One minute. Bedroom! You'll be sorry if you refuse.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>_girlname. In one minute, I want you down on your knees, naked and with your mouth open. I need a fucking cum dumpster!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>> It's time for you to give me a blowjob. Make that mouth ready. <</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>><<if _npc.age lte 19>>I want that cute, teenage mouth ready in one minute, young lady. You're gonna take and swallow my load.<<else>>I need a mouth to take my sticky load. Follow me, convict!<</if>><</if>>
<<elseif _npc.status is 2>>
<<if _ran is 1>>Time to give your Master some head. Follow me. We'll do it in here. Get a move on!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>Alright, time to get that mouth of yours busy. In a good, satisfying way. Follow me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>I want those cute slave lips of your wrapped around my cock. Follow me. This way!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>Alright, time to get down on your knees, slave. Time to give your Master a good blowjob.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Okay, this way. Time to give your master a blowjob.<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.status is 3>>
<<if _ran is 1>> It's time for you to give me a blowjob. Make that mouth ready.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>Alright, thrall. Time to put that cute mouth of yours to the test. Follow me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Okay, servant, I want your "service" someplace else. My cock. Your mouth. Follow me!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>Alright, you're gonna blow your boss really good. Follow me. Move! <</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Make that cute mouth of yours ready, thrall. It's time to put it to use.<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.status lte 5>>
<<if _ran is 1>>You know at this house, all servants ''serve'' their master. In any way possible. And I was thinking you could do it. With <<if $descroll is 1>>this nice<<else>>your<</if>> mouth!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>Such a waste. <<if $descroll is 1>>This<<else>>That<</if>> cute little mouth of yours running around without a cock shoved inside it. Let's change that, shall we?<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>><<if $descroll is 1>>This<<else>>That<</if>> nice mouth of yours will have to serve me in other ways too, you know. Wrapped around my cock and licking my ball-sack. Come with me. This way.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>Alright, soldier. I think <<if $descroll is 1>>these<<else>>those<</if>> cute lips of yours should be wrapped around commander's cock instead of doing nothing. Come with me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Let's put this soldier's mouth to some good use, shall we? I promise I won't discuss wages if you just do as I say.<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.status is 10>>
<<if _ran is 1>>I can feel that dirty little head of yours has been thinking about your husband's cock all day. I'm gonna stuff it full with manhood. This way, wife!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>So, my sweet wife. Gonna put that nice mouth of yours to some use, shall we?<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>I need a blowjob. Don’t make your husband disappointed.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>Alright, I'm gonna get a good blowjob from you and you're not gonna disappoint me, dear wife. Follow me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>It's time to service your husband with <<if $descroll is 1>>this<<else>>that<</if>> cute mouth of yours. Follow me!<</if>>
I want your lips around my cock right now. Time to get down on your knees.
<<if $gotopussy is true>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>You look down on $girlname like she's a domestic pet in need of her master's confirmation:<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>You sound bossy and cruel, exclaiming your command like you'd expect nothing else than total compliance:<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>You look at $girlname with a firm, fear-inducing expression and utter:<</if>>
<<if _npc.girlid is 1 and _npc.status isnot 10>>
<<if _ran is 1>> <<if _npc.age lte 25>>My sweet Scandie…<<else>>Little lady!<</if>> I'm gonna take you do my bed, and you have nothing to say about it.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>Alright, Lovisa, it's time to get that cute body of yours into bed. Follow me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>I want to sleep with you and it's happening right now! Come with me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>You're gonna drop what you were doing and follow me! Come on! This way. You're getting a taste of my manhood.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>I wanna screw you so hard, Lovisa. Fuck that tight pussy like it's the last day on Raana. Follo wme.<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.girlid is 2>>
<<if _ran is 1>>Okay! Follow me. I'm gonna screw that raider cunt so hard you'll be screaming my name in your sleep.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>Alright, I'm gonna fuck you really hard. Right now. Come here, raider scum.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Fuck all this. You're coming with me, I wanna screw that tight little cunt of yours really hard.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>Alright, Rebecca. It's time to serve your <<if _npc.daysa lte 29>>new<<else>><</if>> master. With that tight cunt of yours.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Enough of this. I wanna screw you. This way!<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.girlid is 11>>
<<if $quest_aria lte 19>>
<<if _ran is 1>>I feel like I want to punish you with a good fuck. Let's go. Off to the bedroom young lady!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>Enough. I want you in my bed in five seconds. Let's go.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Enough of this. I'm gonna fuck your brains out. Come with me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>Alright, my young rebel leader. I'm gonna fuck your brains out. Come with me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>I feel you deserve a good, hard fuck. This way. Off to the bedroom young lady.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 1>>So, I suspect my dear Chancellor wants her brains fucked out? Come with me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>I think I need to fuck you. Really hard. Get you off those high horses.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>It's time for a good fuck, Chancellor. Come with me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>I'm gonna fuck you so hard that the space marine corps can hear you up at the palace. Let's go.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Okay, Chancellor. You're getting fucked. Really hard. This way.<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.status lte 1>>
<<if _ran is 1>>Alright, slave, you're getting it. Fucked really, really hard. Let's go.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>Come with me. It's time to give you a really hard punishment. You're getting rammed by your Master's manhood.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Enough of this. I want to bed you. Come with me, slave.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>I feel like I wanna fuck you really hard. And you can't do anything about it! Let's go.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Alright, slave. I'm gonna fuck that tight cunt of yours. Come with me.<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.status is 2>>
<<if _ran is 1>>_girlname. Follow me. I feel I want to fuck some juicy, tight cunt. And you're the lucky girl.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>Alright, you're a really lucky girl today, _girlname. You're getting fucked by your master. Follow me!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Alright $girlname. I want you naked and ready in one minute. You're pussy's getting a taste of its master's hardon.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>Damn girl, you really know how to rouse a hardon (laughter). And you're gonna get it. This way!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Damn. I really need a good fuck right now. Follow me! <</if>>
<<elseif _npc.status is 3>>
<<if _ran is 1>>Thrall! Enough of all this. Come with me, I wanna screw you.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>Let's go and fuck. I think you wanna do it too, really deep down.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Alright, servant. I think we'd both benefit from a really good fuck. I know I would. Come with me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>><<if $age lte 18>>It's time to hit the sack, young lady. I wanna work your pussy really good.<<else>>Come with me, we're gonna have some nice, violent sex. Right now.<</if>> <</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>> I'm really in the mood for a nice fuck. And you'll be the lucky girl who's serving me.<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.status lte 5>>
<<if _ran is 1>>Alright, soldier! Let's go. I wanna see how much of a good fuck that body of yours can take.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>Alright. Female soldiers also have other duties in this household. Get undressed and follow me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>You and I. Bedroom in one minute. You know what awaits you, girl (wry smile).<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>I think we need to put that little snatch of yours to the test, soldier. Follow me!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>You think you can take your commander's hardon? We'll put your cunt to the test. Follow me!<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.status is 10>>
<<if _ran is 1>>Wife! I want to pound that <<if $body lte 2>>little<<else>>tight<</if>> pussy of yours. Come with me and spread your legs! <</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>> That little pussy of yours is gonna take a pounding from its husband. After you, my dearwife!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Okay. It's time to perform your sacred duties as a wife – service your husband's cock with that smoking body. This way.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>We're gonna have some nice time together and you're gonna spread those nice legs of yours for your husband. Right now!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Alright wife, I think it's time we move this over to a more pleasant scenery. What do you say? Well, you don’t have much saying in the matter (laughing).<</if>>
It's time for a good fuck. Follow me!
<<if $sadisuggest>>
<<if $gotoanal>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>Your exclamation is so energetic that you're spitting out droplets of saliva when commanding $girlname:<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>You command $girlname with a loud, fear-inducing voice:<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>Your command is cruel, sounding like a judge sentencing a prisoner to corporal punishment: <</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 1>>//Turn over and stick your butt out for your <<if $wsex gte 1>>husband<<else>>master, slave<</if>>. I'm gonna destroy that <<if $body is 1>>little<</if>> ass of yours. You'll not be able to walk when I'm done with you.//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 2>>//Hey! You know what you are? My <<if $age lte 18>>little anal angel that the two moons have gifted to me<</if>><<if $age is 19>>teenage cum-bucket<</if>><<if $age gte 20>>dedicated anal slut<</if>>! I 'm gonna penetrate your ass and dump my load right in there between your buttocks. Come with me!//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 3>>//Spread your butt, <<if $wsex gte 1>>wife<<else>>slave<</if>>, I’ve decided to take you anally. You're gonna feel this. Come here!//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 4>>//<<if $age gte 20>>I'm gonna thrash that fucking ass! Stick it out for your master. Come with me!<<else>>That teenage ass of yours is gonna get the pounding of a lifetime! Prepare to cry, girl! Come with me.<</if>> If you behave and stick that ass out all the time, I might dump my load in your mouth when we're done.//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 5>>//This will hurt, bitch! Your ass is gonna burn from pain all night after I'm done with you.//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 6>>//It's time to stick that ass out for your $callname! I'm gonna butt-fuck you really hard. Come with me!//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 7>>//<<if $age lte 18>>Your little hiney's gonna get the fuck of its life. Follow me, <<if $wsex gte 1>>dear wife<<else>>slave<</if>>!<<else>>I wanna impale that cute butt of yours. Come with me!<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $gotooral>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>You gaze hungrily at $girlnames mouth while shouting out your command:<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>You're almost screaming out your command:<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>Your loud voice <<if $willpower gte 40>>almost<</if>> startles the girl: <</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 1>>//I feel like dumping my load in <<if $wsex gte 1>>wife's little<<else>>your<</if>> mouth. You're gonna have my shaft lodged inside your throat for hours! Come with me!//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 2>>//It's time for you to satisfy your <<if $wsex gte 1>>husband<<else>>master<</if>> with that sweet little mouth. Come on! You'll only have cock in your mind after we're done. That's all you ever need to think about.//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 3>> //I'm gonna put those lips to work. And if you're not doing your oral duties properly, we'll end this day in the whipping chamber, understood? <<if $wsex gte 1>>Just because you're my wife doesn’t mean you're free from preforming your duties.<</if>> //<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 4>> //I feel like fucking <<if $wsex gte 1>>my wife's <<else>>your<</if>> mouth. Come on! If your chin doesn't touch my balls each time I deepthroat you, I'll whip you really good after we're done, understood?//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 5>>//My <<if $masterage gte 46>>old and dirty<</if>> cock needs some young, sweet lips to clean it. It's time to perform your duties!//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 6>>//<<if $girlid lte 8>>Down on your knees and pull out your tongue! I'm gonna dump my load in that cute little mouth of yours!<<else>>I'm in the mood for a good throat-fuck. Open that mouth really wide and stick your tongue out. I'm gonna make it bathe in my cum!//<</if>><</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 7>>//<<if $age lte 18>>I wanna spray my load. And I'm gonna use you, my sweet, little cum-bucket for that. Let's go! Down on your knees.<<else>>You're my cum-bucket and I'm gonna use it. Right now. Down on your knees!<</if>> <<if $wsex gte 1>>Yeah! A wife needs to know her place.<</if>> //<</if>>
<<if $gotopussy>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>You exclaim in a loud, cruel voice:<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>You scream out your command with a loud, fear-inducing voice:<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>You pierce $girlname with a cruel gaze before screaming out your command:<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 1>>//I'm gonna fuck your pussy raw, <<if $wsex gte 1>>dear wife<<else>>slave<</if>>! Come with me.//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 2>>//Your cunt is mine. Spread your legs and prepare to scream from pain when I fuck you! Follow me!//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 3>>//I'm gonna fuck your filthy little cunt raw. And I'll show no mercy. You're gonna scream! Get over here! <<if $wsex gte 1>>A wife's duties are worse than a slave's! Hah!<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 4>>//I want to pound that <<if $body lte 2>>little<<else>>tight<</if>> snatch of yours. Come with me and spread your legs! //<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 5>>//I'm gonna ram your little cunt senseless. Let’s go!//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 6>>//We're gonna have ourselves a session of screaming together you and I, when I pound your pussy raw. Come on! It's time to perform your duties!//<</if>>
<<if $suggestroll is 7>>//<<if $age lte 18>>I'm gonna fuck you. And I can't guarantee that you'll survive this, young lady, cuz' I feel like a fucking stallion <<if $daycount lte 190 and $daycount gte 40>>today<<else>>tonight<</if>>!<<else>>Come with me. I'm gonna ram your pussy. And I promise this'll hurt!<</if>>//<</if>>
<<unset $suggestroll>>
<<if _npc.girlid is 1 and _npc.status isnot 10>>
<<if _ran is 1>> <<if $descroll is 1>>This cute little<<else>>That cute<</if>> mouth of yours is gonna take my load. Yeah, you heard me, Scandie. This way. <</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>><</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>xx<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.girlid is 2>>
<<if _ran is 1>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>xx<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.girlid is 11>>
<<if $quest_aria lte 19>>
<<if _ran is 1>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 1>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>xx<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.status lte 1>>
<<if _ran is 1>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>xx<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.status is 2>>
<<if _ran is 1>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>xx<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.status is 3>>
<<if _ran is 1>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>xx<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.status lte 5>>
<<if _ran is 1>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>xx<</if>>
<<elseif _npc.status is 10>>
<<if _ran is 1>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 1>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>xx<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>xx<</if>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<include "PersuadeEngine">>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 4)>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 4)>>
<<set $descroll3 to random(1, 9)>>
<<set $descroll4 to random(1, 5)>>
<div class="headsign">$girlname</div>
<<include Libido>>
<<if $wantgift is 0 and $action3 is false and $action4 is false and $action5 is false>>
<<include PerText>>
<<if $wantgift gte 1>>
<<include GiftText>>
<div class="pic">
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $fumble is true and $action3 is false and $action4 is false and $action5 is false>>
<<if $willpower gte 1 and $willpower lte 39>>
[[Abort attempt|Interact][$willpower+=3]]
<<if $willpower lte 0>>
[[New attempt|Persuadeagain][$action1 to true]]
[[Abort attempt|Interact][$willpower+=4]]
<<if $willpower gte 40>>
[[Abort attempt|Interact][$willpower+=2]]
<<if $chance gte 1 and $willpower gte 1 and $wantgift is 0 and $action3 is false and $action4 is false and $action5 is false>>
<<if $gotooral>>[[Continue|Oralmaster]]<</if>>
<<if $gotoanal>>[[Continue|Analmaster]]<</if>>
<<if $gotopussy>>[[Continue|Pussymaster]]<</if>>
<<if $wantgift gte 1 and $action3 is false and $action4 is false and $action5 is false>>
[[Alright!|Persuade][$action3 to true]]
[[Sorry, no!|Persuade][$action4 to true]]
[[No fucking way!|Persuade][$action5 to true]]
<<if $action3 is true>>
<<if $gotooral>>[[Continue|Oralmaster][$action3 to false]]<</if>>
<<if $gotoanal>>[[Continue|Analmaster][$action3 to false]]<</if>>
<<if $gotopussy>>[[Continue|Pussymaster][$action3 to false]]<</if>>
<<if $action4 is true or $action5 is true>>
<<if $chance gte 1>>
<<if $gotooral>>[[Continue|Oralmaster][$action4 to false, $action5 to false]]<</if>>
<<if $gotoanal>>[[Continue|Analmaster][$action4 to false, $action5 to false]]<</if>>
<<if $gotopussy>>[[Continue|Pussymaster][$action4 to false, $action5 to false]]<</if>>
<<if $chance lte 0>>
<<if $comesfromsed is true and $wsex isnot 1>>[[Cancel|Makeoutsimulator][$action4 to false, $action5 to false]]<</if>>
<<if $comesfromint is true and $wsex isnot 1>>[[Cancel|Interact]]<</if>>
<<if $action3 is false and $action4 is false and $action5 is false and $wantgift is 0>>
<<if $willpower lte 0 and $fumble is false>>
<<if $gotooral>>[[Continue|Oralmaster]]<</if>>
<<if $gotoanal>>[[Continue|Analmaster]]<</if>>
<<if $gotopussy>>[[Continue|Pussymaster]]<</if>>
<<if $chance lte 0 and $fumble is false and $willpower gte 1 and $willpower lte 79 and _inrefuse isnot true>>
[[New attempt|Persuadeagain][$action1 to true]]
<<set _punishok to true>>
<<if $fumble is false and $action3 is false and $action4 is false and $action5 is false and $wantgift is 0>>
<<if $comesfromsed is true and $wsex isnot 1>>[[Cancel|Makeoutsimulator]]<</if>>
<<if $comesfromint is true and $wsex isnot 1>>[[Cancel|Interact]]<</if>>
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<<if $comesfrom is 1>>[[Back to oral sex|Oralsimulation][$comesfrom = 0]]<br><</if>>
<<if $comesfrom is 2>>[[Back to anal sex|Analsimulation][$comesfrom = 0]]<br><</if>>
<<if $comesfrom is 3>>[[Back to vaginal sex|Pussysimulation][$comesfrom = 0]]<</if>>
<div class="alt3">
<<include BondInt>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<<if $action4 is true or $action5 is true>>
<<set $latentgift to 0>>
<<set $wantgift to 0>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<<if $fumble is true>><<set $fumble to false>><</if>>
<<include DiceRolls>>
<<if $normsuggest is false>>
<<include MainThreatEngine>>
<<include MainAffectEngine>>
<<set $chance-=$skillroll>>
<<set $chance+=$suggest_factor>>
<<if $girlid is 15 and $daysa lte 10>><<set $chance+=30>><</if>>
<<if $girlid is 16 and $happiness gte 10 and $scarefactor lte 3 and $masterlove gte 20>><<set $chance+=50>><</if>>
<<if _npc.status lte 2 and $traitvanilla lte 50 and $traitfem lte 50>><<set $chance+=30>><</if>>
<<if _npc.status lte 2 and $faction.ikaanos.corruption gte 75 and $traitvanilla lte 50 and $traitfem lte 50>><<set $chance+=20>><</if>>
<<if $afraid gte 1>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $afraid gte 2>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $afraid gte 3>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $afraid gte 5>><<set $chance+=20>><</if>>
<<if $afraid gte 10>><<set $chance+=25>><</if>>
<<if $afraid gte 30>><<set $chance+=25>><</if>>
<<if $afraid gte 60>><<set $chance+=50>><</if>>
<<if $hastasted gte 1 and $likeoral gte 5 and $hunger lte 9 and $load gte 3>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $passionsex is true>><<set $chance+=25>><</if>>
<<if $like is false and $willpower gte 15>><<set $chance-=20>><</if>>
<<if $like is true>><<set $chance +=35>><</if>>
<<if $skillroll lte 5>><<set $chance+=50>><</if>>
<<if $gotooral is true and $hunger lte 9>><<set $chance+=25>><</if>>
<<if $gotooral is true and $hunger lte 0>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $normsuggest is true>>
<<if $willpower gte 19>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 39>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 69>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 80>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $action8a is true and $action8b is true>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterstrength gte 60>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $masterstrength gte 75>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $credit gte 150>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $credit gte 300>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $credit gte 500>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $credit gte 750>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $like_factor lte 15>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $like_factor gt 49>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $like_factor gt 74>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $like_factor gt 89>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $like_factor gt 99>><<set $chance+=18>><</if>>
<<if $nooralday>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $noanalday>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $nopussyday>><<set $chance-=4>><</if>>
<<if $gotooral and $promisedoral>><<set $chance+=100>><</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 10>>
<<if $arousal lte -4>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 1>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 2>><<set $chance+=8>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 5>><<set $chance+=8>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 10>><<set $chance+=8>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 13>><<set $chance+=8>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 20>><<set $chance+=20>><</if>>
<<if $faction.ikaanos.corruption lte 9 and $masterlove lte 74>><<set $chance-=25>><</if>>
<<if $faction.ikaanos.corruption lte 24 and $masterlove lte 74>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $faction.ikaanos.corruption gte 75>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $faction.ikaanos.corruption gte 90>><<set $chance+=50>><</if>>
<<if $traitnymfo gte 50 and $masterlove gte 25>><<set $chance+=45>><</if>>
<<if $traitnymfo gte 50 and $arousal gte 6 and $masterlove gte 25>><<set $chance+=85>><</if>>
<<if $traitfrigid gte 50 and $masterlove lte 59>><<set $chance-=20>><</if>>
<<if $traitperv gte 51 and $masterlove gte 10>><<set $chance+=25>><</if>>
<<if $traitdaddy gte 5 and $masterage gte 40>><<set $chance+=20>><</if>>
<<if $traitdaddy gte 5 and $masterage gte 60>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $traitdaddy gte 5 and $masterage lte 24>><<set $chance-=20>><</if>>
<<if $girlid is 11 and $quest_aria lte 3>><<set $chance-=50>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 90 and $mastercharm gte 50>><<set $chance+=25>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 75>><<set $chance+=100>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 50>><<set $chance+=100>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 10>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $specialsex is true>><<set $chance+=100>><</if>>
<<if $specialpussysex is true and $gotopussy is true>><<set $chance+=100>><</if>>
<<unset $specialpussysex>>
<<if $sexscene is 1>>
<<if $bedroom is 3>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $bedroom is 4>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $sexscene is 2>>
<<if $liveroom is 3>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $liveroom is 4>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $girlid is 11 and $ariasex gte 1>><<set $chance+=60>><</if>>
<<if $girlid is 13 and $likesadist lte 9 and $happiness gte 10 and $scarefactor lte 2 and $gotoanal isnot true>><<if $sadisuggest isnot true>><<set $chance to random(55, 89)>><<else>><<set $chance+=100>><</if>><<set _specialok to true>><</if>>
<<if $traitoralfix gte 1 and $gotooral is true and $masterlove gte 20>><<set $chance+=20>><</if>>
<<if $skillroll is 100>><<set $fumble to true>><</if>>
<<if $chance gte 1>><<unset $promisedoral>><<set $specialsex to false>><</if>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 4)>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 4)>>
<<set $descroll3 to random(1, 9)>>
<<set $descroll4 to random(1, 5)>>
<div class="headsign">$girlname</div>
<<include Libido>>
<<include PersuadeEngine>>
<<include PerText>>
<<set _pic to 1>>
<div class="pic">
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $action1 is true and $action2 is false>>
[[Continue|Persuadeagain][$action2 to true, $action1 to false]]
<<if $action2 is true and $chance gte 1>>
<<if $gotooral>>[[Continue|Oralmaster][$action2 to false]]<</if>>
<<if $gotoanal>>[[Continue|Analmaster][$action2 to false]]<</if>>
<<if $gotopussy>>[[Continue|Pussymaster][$action2 to false]]<</if>>
<<if $action2 is true and $chance lte 0>>
<<if $comesfromsed is true and $wsex isnot 1>>[[Cancel|Makeoutsimulator][$action2 to false]]<</if>>
<<if $comesfromint is true and $wsex isnot 1>>[[Cancel|Interact]]<</if>>
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<div class="alt3">
<<include BondInt>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<set _oralgo to true>>
<<set $gotooral to false>>
<<set $oralnow to true>>
<<set $washcockrounds = 0>>
<<if $arousal lte -4>><<set $arousal=-2>><</if>>
<div class="headsign">$girlname</div>
<<include Libido>>
<<if $action12 is false>>
''//<<if $wsex is 1>>Your <<if $age lte 19>>young<</if>> wife<<else>>$girlname<</if>> is ready to suck your cock.//''
<br><br> Where do you want the session to take place?
<<include IniDescs>>
<div class="pic">
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $action12 is false>>
<<include RoomGo>>
<<if $girlid isnot 15 and $girlid isnot 10 and $girlid isnot 7 and $girlid isnot 9 and $girlid isnot 17 and $girlid isnot 105 and $girlid isnot 35 and $girlid isnot 211>>
[[The bedroom|Oralmaster][$sexscene=1, $action12 to true]]
<<if $girlid is 15 or $girlid is 10>>
[[The living room|Oralmaster][$sexscene=2, $action12 to true, $jumpup to 2]]
<<if $girlid is 7 or $girlid is 9 or $girlid is 17 or $girlid is 35 or $girlid is 105 or $girlid is 211>>
[[The office|Oralmaster][$sexscene=5, $action12 to true, $jumpup to 2]]
[[The kitchen|Oralmaster][$sexscene=3, $action12 to true]]
<<if $action12 is true and $action6 is false>>
<<if $naked is false>>
[[Undress|Oralmaster][$action6 to true]]
[[Continue|Oralini][$action12 to false, $action6 to false]]
<<if $action12 is true and $action6 is true>>
[[Continue|Oralini][$action12 to false, $action6 to false]]
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<div class="alt3">
<<include BondInt>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<set _analgo to true>>
<<set $gotoanal to false>>
<<set $persuadeagainsuccess to false>>
<<set $penetrateanal to false>>
<<set $analnow to true>>
<<if $arousal lte -4>><<set $arousal=-2>><</if>>
<div class="headsign">$girlname</div>
<<include Libido>>
You're about to have anal sex with <<if $wsex is 1>>your <<if $age lte 19>>young<</if>> wife<<else>>$girlname<</if>>.
Where do you want the session to take place?
<div class="pic">
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<include RoomGo>>
<<if $girlid isnot 15 and $girlid isnot 10 and $girlid isnot 7 and $girlid isnot 9 and $girlid isnot 17 and $girlid isnot 105 and $girlid isnot 35 and $girlid isnot 211>>
[[The bedroom|Analini][$sexscene=1, $action12 to true]]
<<if $girlid is 15 or $girlid is 10>>
[[The livingroom|Analini][$sexscene=2, $action12 to true]]
<<if $girlid is 7 or $girlid is 9 or $girlid is 17 or $girlid is 105 or $girlid is 35 or $girlid is 211>>
[[The office|Analini][$sexscene=5, $action12 to true]]
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<div class="alt3">
<<include BondInt>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<set _pussygo to true>>
<<set $pussynow to true>>
<<if $arousal lte -4>><<set $arousal=-2>><</if>>
<<set $pussyscene1 to false>>
<<set $pussyscene2 to false>>
<<set $pussyscene3 to false>>
<<if $action12 is false>>
<<set $sexscene to 0>>
<<set $gotopussy to false>>
<<set $penetratepussy to false>>
<div class="headsign">$girlname</div>
<<include Libido>>
<<include IniDescs>>
<<if $action12 is false>>
Where do you want the session to take place?
<<if $action12 is true and $action6 is true and $action11 is false>>
What position did you have in mind?
<<if $action11 is true>>
''Sadistic focus activated!''
<div class="pic">
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $action12 is false and $action11 is false>>
<<include RoomGo>>
<<if $action12 is true and $action6 is false>>
<<if $naked is false>>
[[Undress|Pussymaster][$action6 to true]]
[[Continue|Pussymaster][$action6 to true]]
<<if $action12 is true and $action6 is true>>
<<set _blockmiss to true>>
<<if $girlid isnot 7 and $girlid isnot 17 and $girlid isnot 105 and $girlid isnot 35 and $girlid isnot 9 and $goingtooff is undefined>>
<<unset _blockmiss>>
/* office missionary renders done */
<<if _girlid is 7 or _girlid is 35 or _girlid is 212 or _girlid is 211>><<unset _blockmiss>><</if>>
<<if _blockmiss isnot true>>[[Missionary|Pussyini][$pussyscene1 to true, $action12 to false, $action6 to false]]<</if>>
[[Doggy style|Pussyini][$pussyscene2 to true, $action12 to false, $action6 to false]]
[[Cowgirl|Pussyini][$pussyscene3 to true, $action12 to false, $action6 to false]]
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<<if $action12 is true and $action6 is true and $action11 is false>>
[[Make it rough!|Pussymaster][$action11 to true]]
<<if $action11 is true>><p class="usedpass">Make it rough!</p><</if>>
<div class="alt3">
<<include BondInt>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<if $arousal lte -3 and $willpower gte 80 and $girlid isnot 13 and $girlid isnot 15>><<set $cancelact to true>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -5 and $willpower gte 40 and $girlid isnot 13 and $girlid isnot 15>><<set $cancelact to true>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -12 and $willpower gte 40 and $girlid is 13>><<set $cancelact to true>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -15 and $willpower gte 40 and $girlid is 15>><<set $cancelact to true>><</if>>
<<if $event5 is false and $arousal lte -5 and $willpower lte 39 and $comesfromchange is false and $girlid isnot 15>><<set $event6 to true>><</if>>
<<if $event5 is false and $arousal lte -10 and $willpower lte 39 and $comesfromchange is false and $girlid is 15>><<set $event6 to true>><</if>>
<<set $eventround1 to 0>>
<<set $deeptime to 0>>
<<set $throatrounds to 0>>
<<set $washcockrounds to 0>>
<<set $oralstate to 1>>
<<if $comesfromchange is false>>
<<if $saidpout is 3>><<set $saidpout=4>><</if>>
<<if $saidpout is 9>><<set $saidpout=10>><</if>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 5)>>
<<if $descroll lte 4 and $event7 is true>><<set $fuckcount+=1>><</if>>
<<if $event7 is true>><<set $tempstamina+=2>><</if>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<set $daycount+=1>>
<<set $hygiene-=4>>
<<set _sexbuild to random(1, 10)>>
<<if $arousal lte -4>><<set _sexbuild-=1>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte 0>><<set _sexbuild-=1>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 5>><<set _sexbuild+=1>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>><<set _sexbuild+=1>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 110>><<set _sexbuild+=1>><</if>>
<<if _sexbuild gte 7>><<set $cumbuild+=1>><</if>>
<<set $oraltime to random(5, 8)>>
<<set $oraltimetotal+=$oraltime>>
<<set $oralnow to true>>
<<set $tempstamina-=1>>
<<if $oralxp lte 19 and $descroll lte 2>><<set $tempstamina-=1>><</if>>
<<if $oralxp gte 79 and $descroll lte 2>><<set $tempstamina+=1>><</if>>
<<if $tempstamina lte 0>><<set $tempstamina=5>><</if>>
<div class="headsign">$girlname</div>
<<include Libido>>
<<if $oralwhip is 1 or $oralwhip is 3>>
<<include OraWhi>>
<<set _readywhip to true>>
<<if $jumpup gte 1 and $saidpout isnot 1 and $saidpout isnot 7 and $comesfromchange is true and _readywhip isnot true>>
<<include SofaFinger>>
<<if $saidpout is 1 or $saidpout is 7>>
<<include PoutEngine>>
<<if $cancelact is true and $comesfromchange is false and _readywhip isnot true>>
<<include CancelEngine>>
<<set $pic to 22>>
<<set $isjerking to 0>>
<<if $event6 is true and $event5 is false and _readywhip isnot true>>
<<include CancelEngine>>
<<set $event5 to true>>
<<set $pic to 22>>
<<set $isjerking to 0>>
<<if $fuckcount gte 1 and $cancelact is false and $comesfromchange is false and $event6 is false and _readywhip isnot true>>
<<include "GreatOralEngine">>
<<if $saidpout isnot 1 and $saidpout isnot 7 and _noput isnot true and _readywhip isnot true>>
<<include PoutEngine>>
/*<<if $jumpup is 0 or $fuckcount lte 0>><br><br><</if>>*/
<<if $jumpup is 3 and $comesfromchange is false>>
<<include SofaFinger>>
<<if $tempstamina lte 0>><<set $tempstamina=5>><</if>>
<<if $tempstamina lte 0 and $cancelact is false and _readywhip isnot true>>
Poor $girlname can't suck cock any longer - she's totally exhausted and collapses in front of you!
<<if $pleadingfear is true>>
<<unset $pleadingfear>>
Your choice to continue the act has increased $girlnames ''Fear (+1)''<<if $defcount gte 1>> and lowered her ''Defiance (-1)''<<set $defcount-=1>><</if>>!
<<set $afraid+=1>>
<div class="pic">
<<if $jumpup is 3>><<set $pic to 234>><</if>>
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $fuckcount gte 1 and $tempstamina gte 1 and $cancelact is false>>
[[Continue|Oralsimulation][$comesfromchange to false, $event7 to false, $event6 to false, $isjerking to 0]]
<<if $comesfromchange is false>>
[[Deepthroat|Deepthroat][$deeprounds=1, $action4 to true, $event7 to false, $event6 to false, $firstthroat to true, $oralstate to 3, $pic to 23, $isjerking to 0]]
[[Change sex type|Changeposition][$comesfrom=1, $poutass to false, $morepout to false, $event7 to false, $oralnow to false, $event6 to false, $isjerking to 0]]
[[Finish|Finishsex][$hadoral to true, $action1 to false, $action2 to false, $action3 to false]]
<<if $fuckcount lte 0 and $tempstamina gte 1>>
[[CUM!|Cumming][$hadoral to true, $action1 to false, $action2 to false, $action3 to false]]
<<if $tempstamina lte 0>>
[[Cum in her face!|CumCat][$hadoral to true]]
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<<if $fuckcount gte 1 and $tempstamina gte 1 and $cancelact is false and $oralrounds gte 2 and $comesfromchange is false and $event6 is false>>
<<if $isjerking lte 0>>[[Jerk off|Oralsimulation][$isjerking+=1]]<<else>>[[Continue jerking|Oralsimulation][$isjerking+=1]]<</if>>
<<if $saidass is true>>
<<if $isjerking lte 0>><p class="usedpass">Jerk off</p><<else>><p class="usedpass">Continue jerking</p><</if>>
<<if $cancelact is false and $isjerking lte 0 and _notshow isnot true>>
<<if $jumpup is 0 and $sexscene is 2 and $fuckcount gte 1 and $girlid isnot 7 and $girlid isnot 17>>
[[Jump up on couch!|Oralsimulation][$jumpup+=1, $comesfromchange to true]]
<<if $sofafinger lte 3 and $fuckcount gte 1 and $isjerking is 0 and $jumpup isnot 3 and $girlid isnot 7 and $girlid lte 16>>
[[Finger in butt|Oralsimulation][$jumpup=3, $comesfromchange to true]]
<<if $jumpup is 3>>
[[Pull out finger|Oralsimulation][$jumpup+=1, $comesfromchange to true]]
<<if $sofafinger gte 4 and $jumpup isnot 3>>
<p class="usedpass">Finger in butt</p>
<<if $fuckcount gte 1 and $tempstamina gte 1 and $cancelact is false and $saidpout is 0 and $poutlearn lte 14 and $isjerking is 0>>
[[Stick your ass out!|Oralsimulation][$saidpout=1, $comesfromchange to true, $event7 to false, $saidass to true]]<</if>>
<<if $saidpout is 6 and $tempstamina gte 1 and $cancelact is false and $fuckcount gte 1 and $isjerking is 0>>[[I said - ass out!|Oralsimulation][$saidpout=7, $comesfromchange to true, $saidass to true]]<</if>>
<<if $saidpout is 11>><p class="usedpass">I said - ass out!</p><</if>>
<<if $cancelact is true>>
[[cancel|Finishsex][$hadoral to true, $action1 to false, $action2 to false, $action3 to false]]
<<if $cancelact is false and $fuckcount gte 1>>
<<if $ownwhipstick gte 1>>
<<if $oralwhip is 0 and $isjerking is 0>>
<<if $saidass isnot true>>
[[Ready whip|Oralsimulation][$oralwhip to 1, $pic to 230]]
<<else>><p class="usedpass">Ready whip</p>
<<if $oralwhip is 2>>
<<if $saidass isnot true and $oralwhips lte 19>>
[[Strike ass!|Oralsimulation][$oralwhip to 3, $pic to 231]]
<<else>><p class="usedpass">Strike ass!</p>
<p class="usedpass">Ready whip</p>
<div class="alt3">
<<include BondInt>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<<if $pleadingfear is 1>><<set $pleadingfear to true>><</if>>
<<unset $saidass>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<if $arousal lte -3 and $willpower gte 80 and $comesfromchange is false and $girlid isnot 13 and $girlid isnot 15>><<set $cancelact to true>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -5 and $willpower gte 40 and $comesfromchange is false and $girlid isnot 13 and $girlid isnot 15>><<set $cancelact to true>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -15 and $willpower gte 40 and $comesfromchange is false and $girlid is 13>><<set $cancelact to true>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -15 and $willpower gte 40 and $girlid is 15>><<set $cancelact to true>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -6 and $willpower gte 40 and $comesfromchange is false and $girlid is 13 and $actway is 3>><<set $cancelact to true>><</if>>
<<if $event5 is false and $arousal lte -5 and $willpower lte 39 and $comesfromchange is false>><<set $event6 to true>><</if>>
<<set $analtime to random(5, 7)>>
<<set $credroll to random(1, 10)>>
<<set $credsuccessroll to random(1, 100)>>
<<set $analnow to true>>
<<if $comesfromchange is false>>
<<set _sexbuild to random(1, 10)>>
<<if $arousal lte -4>><<set _sexbuild-=1>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte 0>><<set _sexbuild-=1>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 5>><<set _sexbuild+=1>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>><<set _sexbuild+=1>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 110>><<set _sexbuild+=1>><</if>>
<<if _sexbuild gte 7>><<set $cumbuild+=1>><</if>>
<<if $saidpout is 3>><<set $saidpout=4>><</if>>
<<if $saidpout is 9>><<set $saidpout=10>><</if>>
<<set $fuckcount-=1>>
<<set $stampoints-=1>>
<<set $tempstamina-=1>>
<<set $masterfilth-=6>>
<<set $hygiene-=3>>
<<set $analtimetotal+=$analtime>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<set $daycount+=1>>
<<if $stampoints lte 1>><<set $stampoints=1>><</if>>
<<if $tempstamina lte 0>><<set $tempstamina=5>><</if>>
<div class="headsign">$girlname</div>
<<include Libido>>
<<if $analrounds lte 3 and $comesfromchange is false>>
<<include SexScene>>
<<if $saidpout is 1 or $saidpout is 7>>
<<include PoutEngine>>
<<if $action3 is true and $fingerbutt lte 0>>
<<include GenSexDesc>>
<<if $action4>>
<<include CredEngine>>
<<set $action4 to false>>
<<if $cancelact is true and $comesfromchange is false>>
<<include CancelEngine>>
<<if $event6 is true and $event5 is false and $comesfromchange is false>>
<<include CancelEngine>>
<<set $event5 to true>>
<<if $fuckcount gte 1 and $stampoints gte 1>>
<<if $comesfromchange is false and $cancelact is false and $event6 is false>>
<<include "GreatAnalEngine">>
<<set $action1 to false>>
<<set $action2 to false>>
<<if $saidpout isnot 1 and $saidpout isnot 7>>
<<include PoutEngine>>
<<if $fuckcount lte 0>>''$girlnames butt is too nice! You need to cum right now!''<br><br><</if>>
<<if $stampoints lte 0 and $fuckcount gte 1>>You're completely exhausted! Cum now or finish the sex immediately.<br><br><</if>>
<<if $tempstamina lte 3 and $tempstamina gte 1>>
<br>$girlname is very exhausted!
<<if $pleadingfear is true>>
<<unset $pleadingfear>>
Your continued abuse has increased $girlnames ''Fear (+1)''<<if $defcount gte 1>> and lowered her ''Defiance (-1)''<<set $defcount-=1>><</if>>!
<<set $afraid+=1>>
<div class="pic">
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $fuckcount gte 1 and $stampoints gte 1 and $tempstamina gte 1 and $cancelact is false>>
[[Continue (careful)|Analsimulation][$analrounds+=1, $comesfromchange to false, $actway to 1, $event6 to false]]
[[Continue (normal)|Analsimulation][$analrounds+=1, $comesfromchange to false, $actway to 2, $event6 to false]]
[[Continue (Hard!)|Analsimulation][$analrounds+=1, $comesfromchange to false, $actway to 3, $event6 to false]]
[[Change sex type|Changeposition][$comesfrom=2, $fingerinbutt to false, $comesfromchange to false, $poutanal to false, $morepoutanal to false, $event6 to false, $analnow to false, $action1 to false, $action2 to false]]
[[Finish|Finishsex][$hadanal to true, $action1 to false, $action2 to false, $action3 to false]]
<<if $fuckcount lte 0>>
[[CUM!|Cumming][$hadanal to true, $comesfromchange to false, $analnow to false, $action1 to false, $action2 to false, $action3 to false, $action12 to false]]
<<if $stampoints lte 0 and $fuckcount gte 1>>
[[Abort|Finishsex][$comesfromchange to false, $hadanal to true, $analnow to false]]
[[Cum!|Cumming][$hadanal to true, $comesfromchange to false, $analnow to false, $action1 to false, $action2 to false, $action3 to false]]
<<if $cancelact is true>>
[[Abort|Finishsex][$hadanal to true, $action1 to false, $action2 to false, $action3 to false]]
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<<if $fuckcount gte 1 and $stampoints gte 1 and $cancelact is false and $event6 is false>>
<<if $gaveanalcred_once is false>>[[Compliment|Analsimulation][ $comesfromchange to true, $action4 to true, $gaveanalcred_once to true]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Compliment</p><</if>>
<<if $girlid lte 99 and $girlid lte 34>>
<<if $makeoutrounds is 0>>[[Make out|Makeout]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Make out</p><</if>>
<<if $analfinger lte 4>>
<<if $action3 is false>>[[Insert finger|Analsimulation][$action3 to true, $comesfromchange to true, $pic to 26]]<<else>>[[Pull out finger|Analsimulation][$action3 to false, $comesfromchange to true, $fingerbutt=0, $analfinger+=1]]<</if>>
<<if $fuckcount gte 1 and $tempstamina gte 1 and $cancelact is false and $saidpout is 0 and $poutlearn lte 14>>
[[Stick your ass out!|Analsimulation][$saidpout=1, $comesfromchange to true, $event7 to false]]<</if>>
<<if $saidpout is 6 and $tempstamina gte 1 and $cancelact is false and $fuckcount gte 1>>[[I said - ass out!|Analsimulation][$saidpout=7, $comesfromchange to true]]<</if>>
<<if $saidpout gte 10>><p class="usedpass">You can do better!</p><</if>>
<div class="alt3">
<<include BondInt>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<<if $pleadingfear is 1>><<set $pleadingfear to true>><</if>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<if $arousal lte -3 and $willpower gte 80 and $comesfromchange is false and $girlid isnot 13 and $girlid isnot 15>><<set $cancelact to true>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -5 and $willpower gte 40 and $comesfromchange is false and $girlid isnot 13 and $girlid isnot 15>><<set $cancelact to true>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -15 and $willpower gte 40 and $comesfromchange is false and $girlid is 13>><<set $cancelact to true>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -15 and $willpower gte 40 and $girlid is 15>><<set $cancelact to true>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -6 and $willpower gte 40 and $comesfromchange is false and $girlid is 13 and $actway is 3>><<set $cancelact to true>><</if>>
<<if $event5 is false and $arousal lte -5 and $willpower lte 39 and $comesfromchange is false and $girlid isnot 15>><<set $event6 to true>><</if>>
<<if $event5 is false and $arousal lte -10 and $willpower lte 39 and $comesfromchange is false and $girlid is 15>><<set $event6 to true>><</if>>
<<set $pussytime to random(5, 8)>>
<<set $credroll to random(1, 10)>>
<<set $credsuccessroll to random(1, 100)>>
<<set $pussynow to true>>
<<if $comesfromchange is false>>
<<set _sexbuild to random(1, 10)>>
<<if $arousal lte -4>><<set _sexbuild-=1>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte 0>><<set _sexbuild-=1>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 5>><<set _sexbuild+=1>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>><<set _sexbuild+=1>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 110>><<set _sexbuild+=1>><</if>>
<<if _sexbuild gte 7>><<set $cumbuild+=1>><</if>>
<<if $credroll lte 5>><<set $tempstamina-=1>><</if>>
<<set $fuckcount-=1>>
<<set $stampoints-=1>>
<<set $masterfilth-=5>>
<<set $hygiene-=3>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<set $daycount+=1>>
<<set $pussytimetotal+=$pussytime>>
<<if $stampoints lte 1>><<set $stampoints=1>><</if>>
<<if $tempstamina lte 0>><<set $tempstamina=5>><</if>>
<div class="headsign">$girlname</div>
<<include Libido>>
<<if $pussyrounds lte 3>>
<<include SexScene>>
<<if $gavecred>><<include "CredEngine">><</if>>
<<if $cancelact is true and $comesfromchange is false>>
<<include CancelEngine>>
<<if $event6 is true and $event5 is false and $comesfromchange is false>>
<<include CancelEngine>>
<<set $event5 to true>>
<<if $fuckcount gte 1 and $stampoints gte 1 and $tempstamina gte 1>>
<<if $comesfromchange is false and $cancelact is false and $event6 is false>>
<<include GreatPussyEngine>>
<<if $gavecred>><<include "CredEngine">><</if>>
<<if $stampoints lte 0 and $fuckcount gte 1>>''You are totally exhausted. Cum right away of cancel the sexual intercourse!''<br><br><</if>>
<<if $fuckcount lte 0>>
''$girlnames pussy is too wonderful! You need to cum right now!''<br><br>
<<if $pleadingfear is true>>
<<unset $pleadingfear>>
Your choice to continue the act has increased $girlnames ''Fear (+1)''<<if $defcount gte 1>> and lowered her ''Defiance (-1)''<<set $defcount-=1>><</if>>!
<<set $afraid+=1>>
<div class="pic">
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $fuckcount gte 1 and $stampoints gte 1 and $cancelact is false>>
<<if $pussyscene3 is true>>
[[Continue|Pussysimulation][$comesfromchange to false, $event6 to false, $pussyrounds+=1]]
<<if $pussyscene3 is false>>
[[Continue (careful)|Pussysimulation][$comesfromchange to false, $event6 to false, $actway=1, $pussyrounds+=1]]
[[Continue (normal)|Pussysimulation][$comesfromchange to false, $event6 to false, $actway=2, $pussyrounds+=1]]
[[Continue (Hard!)|Pussysimulation][$comesfromchange to false, $event6 to false, $actway=3, $pussyrounds+=1]]
<<if $fuckcount lte 0>>
[[cum!|Cumming][$hadpussy to true, $comesfromchange to false, $pussynow to false, $action1 to false, $action2 to false, $action3 to false]]
<<if $stampoints lte 0 and $fuckcount gte 1>>
[[Abort|Finishsex][$comesfromchange to false, $hadpussy to true, $pussynow to false, $action1 to false, $action2 to false, $action3 to false]]
[[Cum!|Cumming][$hadpussy to true, $comesfromchange to false, $pussynow to false, $action1 to false, $action2 to false, $action3 to false]]
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<<if $event6 is false and $cancelact is false and $fuckcount gte 1>>
[[Change sex type|Changeposition][$comesfrom=3, $event6 to false, $comesfromchange to false, $pussynow to false]]
<<if $girlid lte 99 and $girlid lte 34>>
<<if $makeoutrounds is 0>>[[Make out|Makeout]]<</if>>
<<if $makeoutrounds is 1>><p class="usedpass">Make out</p><</if>>
<<if $gavepussycred_once is false and $fuckcount gte 1>>
[[Compliment|Pussysimulation][$comesfromchange to true, $gavecred to true, $pussycred to true, $gavepussycred_once to true]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Compliment</p><</if>>
<<if $fuckcount gte 1 or $cancelact is true>>
[[Finish|Finishsex][$comesfromchange to false, $hadpussy to true, $pussynow to false, $action1 to false, $action2 to false, $action3 to false]]<</if>>
<div class="alt3">
<<include BondInt>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<<if $pleadingfear is 1>><<set $pleadingfear to true>><</if>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 4)>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 6)>>
<div class="headsign">$girlname</div>
<<include Libido>>
<<if $penetrateanal is false and $toobig is false>>
<<include IniDescs>>
<<include PutinTexts>>
<div class="pic">
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $action12 is true>>
<<if $naked is false>>
[[Undress|Analini][$action6 to true, $action12 to false]]
[[Continue|Analini][$action6 to true, $action12 to false]]
<<if $penetrateanal is false and $toobig is false and $action12 is false>>
<<if $cock lte 2>>
[[Penetrate anus|Analini][$penetrateanal to true]]
<<if $cock gte 3 and $analxp gte 6>>
[[Penetrate anus|Analini][$penetrateanal to true]]
<<if $cock gte 3 and $analxp lte 5>>
[[Penetrate anus|Analini][$toobig to true]]
<<if $penetrateanal is true>>
[[Continue (careful)|Analsimulation][$action6 to false, $actway to 1, $analrounds=1]]
[[Continue (normal)|Analsimulation][$action6 to false, $actway to 2, $analrounds=1]]
[[Continue (hard!)|Analsimulation][$action6 to false, $actway to 3, $analrounds=1]]
<<if $toobig is true>>
<<if $wsex is 1>>
[[Cancel|Interact][$toobig to false]]
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<div class="alt3">
<<include BondInt>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<if $stampoints lte 0>><<set $stampoints to 2>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 2 and $sexfeel lte -2>><<set $sexfeel to -1>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 5 and $sexfeel lte -1>><<set $sexfeel to 0>><</if>>
<<unset $goingtooff>>
<<unset $oralsp1>>
<<unset $oralsp2>>
<<unset $oralsp3>>
<<unset $keepdown>>
<<unset $oralwhip>>
<<unset $oralwhips>>
<<unset $oralstate>>
<<unset $betterblow>>
<<unset $oralsp5>>
<<unset $cumsave>>
<<unset $undressbug>>
<<unset $actway>>
<<unset $preoraltime>>
<<unset $washtimetotal>>
<<unset $washcancel>>
<<unset $iswashingcock>>
<<unset $hardanal>>
<<unset $isjerking>>
<<unset $pleadingfear>>
<<unset $toldjerk>>
<<unset $officenow>>
<<unset $passmake>>
<<unset $dommake>>
<<if $analxp gte 90 and $pussyxp gte 90 and $traitdelicate gte 51>><<set $traitdelicate to 0>><</if>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 5)>>
<<include Checker>>
<<if $tempstamina lte 0>>
<<set $tempstamina to 3>>
<div class="headsign">$girlname</div>
<<include Libido>>
<<if $hascummed is false and $cancelact is false and $washcockrounds is 0>>
<<if $hadanal>> You pull out your penis from $girlnames ass and cancel the anal session you had with her.<</if>>
<<if $hadpussy>> You immediately pull out your cock from $girlnames pussy and cancel the sex immediately.<</if>>
<<if $hadoral is true>>You pull out your penis from $girlnames <<if $avatarunc>>unresponsive<<set _throatunc to true>><</if>> mouth, cancelling the oral act you just had with her. <<if $gotunc is true>>The session obviously became too much for her to endure. <<unset $gounc>><</if>><</if>>
<<if _throatunc is true>>
''The girl has fallen unconscious from lack of oxygen but will recover shortly!''
<<if $likesadist lte 39 and $arousal lte 6>>
Her ''Defiance (-1)'' has decreased!<br>
Her ''Fear (+1)'' toward you has increased!
<<set $defcount-=1>>
<<set $afraid+=1>>
<<if $cancelact is true and $washcockrounds is 0 and _throatunc isnot true>>
<<if $action6 is true>>
<<if $arousal gte 1>><<set $arousal=0>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 15>><<set $descroll-=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll lte 1>>$girlname releases your cock immediately. Her bite was only a signal that you've crossed a line. The pain quickly subsides and you're not injured in any way.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>$girlname bit you really hard and you're feeling a tremendous pain in your lower areas. You avoid permanent injuries but will have a lingering soreness for the rest of the day. <<set $masterhealth-=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>The bite clips your penis really hard, causing severe tenderness to your genital area.<<set $masterhealth-=2>><</if>>
<<if $descroll is 4>>The bite is really painful - and she keeps her teeth clamped together for several seconds before letting go, causing bloodied scrapes on your penis.<<set $masterhealth-=3>><</if>>
<<if $descroll gte 5>>The bite is extremely painful and $girlname jerks her head from side to side while still clamping your cock - causing blood to gush out from her mouth before letting go.<<set $masterhealth-=10>><</if>>
<<if $descroll gte 2>>
''Your Health has decreased!''
<<if $descroll gte 5>>
<p style="color:red;">You're bleeding from a deep wound! You need medical attention!</p>
<<set _bite to true>>
<<if $hadoral is true>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>$girlname has cancelled your oral session, obviously disgusted by something that happened.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>$girlname aborted your oral session after becoming disgusted about something that happened during the act.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>$girlname has just cancelled the blowjob. She stands with her back against you, obviously disgusted by something that happened during the act.<</if>>
<<if $descroll gte 4>>The girl quit the blowjob she performed on you after becoming repulsed by the act.<</if>>
<<set $nooralday to true>>
<<if $hadanal is true>>
The girl has cancelled your anal session after feeling too much pain and discomfort.
<<set $noanalday to true>>
<<if $hadpussy is true>>
$girlname has cancelled your sexual intercourse. She was feeling too uncomfortable to continue!
<<set $nopussyday to true>>
<<if $event1 is true>>
The act has been cancelled because of $girlnames petulance!
<<set $event1 to false>>
<<set _nogoodsex to true>>
<<if $event6 is false and $event5 is true and $washcockrounds is 0 and $arousal lte 2 and $sexfeel lte 1>>
$girlname begged you to stop but you didn't listen. Her ''Affection (-2)'' toward you has decreased!<br><br>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<if $event6 is true and $event5 is true and $hascummed is false and $washcockrounds is 0>>
<<set _nocom to true>>
''//You have cancelled the intercourse after $girlnames asked you to stop.//''
<<if $descroll gte 3>>
<<if $masterlove lte 40 and $scarefactor lte 3>>
Her ''Affection (+1)'' toward you has increased!<<set $masterlove+=1>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $hascummed is true and $washcockrounds is 0 and _throatunc isnot true>>
<<include FinishDescs>>
<<if _throatunc isnot true>>
<<include GirlAboutSex>>
<<if $nightblock gte 1 and $hadanal is true>>
//''$girlnames butt plug has been re-equipped!''//
<<if $event4 is true>>
<<set _oralx to 0>>
<<set _analx to 0>>
<<set _pussyx to 0>>
<<if $oraltimetotal gte 15 and $oralxp lte 59>><<set _oralx+=1>><</if>>
<<if $analtimetotal gte 15 and $analxp lte 59>><<set _analx+=1>><</if>>
<<if $pussytimetotal gte 15 and $pussyxp lte 59>><<set _pussyx+=1>><</if>>
<<if $oraltimetotal gte 25 and $oralxp lte 99>>
<<set _oralx+=1>>
<<if $masterlove gte 80 and $happiness gte 60 and $oralxp lte 39>><<set _oralx+=1>><</if>>
<<if $oralxp lte 39 and $traitoralfix gte 50>><<set _oralx+=1>><</if>>
<<if $analtimetotal gte 25 and $analxp lte 99>>
<<set _analx+=1>>
<<if $fuckskill gte 75 and $analxp lte 49>><<set _analx+=1>><</if>>
<<if $traitnymfo gte 51 and $analxp lte 39>><<set _analx+=1>><</if>>
<<if $pussytimetotal gte 25 and $pussyxp lte 99>>
<<set _pussyx+=1>>
<<if $fuckskill gte 75 and $pussyxp lte 49>><<set _pussyx+=1>><</if>>
<<if $traitnymfo gte 51 and $pussyxp lte 39>><<set _pussyx+=1>><</if>>
<<if $oraltimetotal gte 40 and $oralxp lte 99>><<set _oralx+=1>><</if>>
<<if $analtimetotal gte 45 and $analxp lte 99>><<set _analx+=1>><</if>>
<<if $pussytimetotal gte 45 and $pussyxp lte 99>><<set _pussyx+=1>><</if>>
<<if $oraltimetotal gte 90 and $oralxp lte 119>><<set _oralx+=1>><</if>>
<<if $analtimetotal gte 95 and $analxp lte 119>><<set _analx+=1>><</if>>
<<if $pussytimetotal gte 95 and $pussyxp lte 119>><<set _pussyx+=1>><</if>>
<<if _oralx gte 1>>$girlnames ''Oral skill (+_oralx)'' has increased!<<set $oralxp+=_oralx>><br><</if>>
<<if _analx gte 1>>$girlnames ''Anal Proficiency (+_analx)'' has increased!<<set $analxp+=_analx>><br><</if>>
<<if _pussyx gte 1>>$girlnames ''Vaginal skill (+_pussyx)'' has increased!<<set $pussyxp+=_pussyx>><br><</if>>
<<set $event4 to false>>
<<set $event5 to false>>
<<set $event6 to false>>
<div class="pic">
<<if $washcockrounds lte 0>>
<<if $sexfeel lte -3>><<set $pic to 42>><</if>>
<<if $sexfeel gte -2 and $sexfeel lte 2>><<set $pic to 41>><</if>>
<<if $sexfeel gte 3>><<set $pic to 40>><</if>>
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<link Finish>>
<<goto Interact>>
<<set $returned to 14>>
<<unset $oralrounds>>
<<unset $analrounds>>
<<unset $pussyrounds>>
<<unset $pussynow>>
<<unset $oralnow>>
<<unset $analnow>>
<<unset $comesfrom>>
<<unset $master_lfactor>>
<<unset $fingerinbutt>>
<<unset $gotooral>>
<<unset $gotoanal>>
<<unset $gotopussy>>
<<unset $poutass>>
<<unset $deepcum>>
<<unset $gaveoralcred_once>>
<<unset $gaveanalcred_once>>
<<unset $gavepusycred_once>>
<<unset $passionsex>>
<<unset $penetrateanal>>
<<unset $penetratepussy>>
<<unset $putin>>
<<unset $washmaster>>
<<unset $scene>>
<<unset $sexscene>>
<<unset $buttcum>>
<<unset $asscum>>
<<unset $throatcum>>
<<unset $othercum>>
<<unset $pussycum>>
<<unset $mouthcum>>
<<unset $facecum>>
<<unset $timeheldroll>>
<<unset $timeheld>>
<<unset $pussyscene1>>
<<unset $pussyscene2>>
<<unset $pussyscene3>>
<<unset $refuse1>>
<<unset $refuse2>>
<<unset $refuse3>>
<<unset $refuse4>>
<<unset $refuse6>>
<<unset $refuse6b>>
<<unset $refuse7>>
<<unset $refuse7b>>
<<unset $refuse7c>>
<<unset $refuse8a>>
<<unset $refuse8>>
<<unset $refuse9>>
<<unset $refuse10>>
<<unset $refuse11>>
<<unset $bodykissround>>
<<unset $kissround>>
<<unset $caressround>>
<<unset $massageround>>
<<unset $boobfondleround>>
<<unset $lickround>>
<<unset $aggroround>>
<<unset $talkround>>
<<unset $analfinger>>
<<unset $undressed>>
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<<if $action2 is true and $action3 is false>>[[Give cigarette|Finishsex][$action3 to true]]<</if>>
<<if $action3 is true>><p class="usedpass">Give cigarette</p><</if>>
<<if $tempstamina gte 1 and $action3 is false and $washcockrounds is 0 and _throatunc isnot true>>[[Clean my balls|Finishsex][$action1 to true, $washcockrounds+=1]]<</if>>
<<if $washcockrounds is 1 and $chance gte 1 and $willpower gte 1>>[[Continue!|Finishsex][$washcockrounds+=1]]<</if>>
<<if $washcockrounds is 1 and $willpower lte 0>>[[Work it more!|Finishsex][$washcockrounds+=1]]<</if>>
<div class="alt3">
<<include BondInt>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<set $hascummed to true>>
<<set $cumbuild to 0>>
<<set $hastasted+=1>>
<div class="headsign">$girlname</div>
<<include Libido>>
<<if $othercum is false and $action11 is false>>
<<if $deepcum>>
$girlnames throat take a few drops of precum! Where do you want to dump the rest of your load?
<<if $hadoral is true and $deepcum is false>>
The bitter taste of oozing precum hits $girlnames tongue! Where do you squirt the rest of your load?
<<if $hadanal>>
Where do you place your load?
<<if $hadpussy>>
You begin to squirt your cum into $girlnames pussy!
<<if $othercum is true>>
<<include CumEngine>>
<<if $action11 is true and $othercum is false>>
''Degradation focus activated!''
<div class="pic">
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $cancelact is true>>
[[Damn it!|Finishsex]]
<<if $othercum is false and $cancelact is false>>
<<if $deepcum>>
[[Cum in throat|Cumming][$throatcum to true, $othercum to true, $pic to 47, $oraltimetotal+=2]]
[[Cum in her mouth|Cumming][$mouthcum to true, $othercum to true, $action12 to true, $pic to 48, $oraltimetotal+=2]]
[[Cum over her face|Cumming][$facecum to true, $othercum to true, $pic to 46]]
<<if $hadoral is true and $deepcum is false>>
[[Cum in her mouth|Cumming][$mouthcum to true, $othercum to true, $action12 to true, $pic to 48, $oraltimetotal+=2]]
[[Cum in her throat|Cumming][$throatcum to true, $othercum to true, $pic to 47, $oraltimetotal+=2]]
[[Cum over her face|Cumming][$facecum to true, $othercum to true, $pic to 46]]
<<if $hadanal>>
[[Cum in her ass|Cumming][$asscum to true, $othercum to true, $pic to 50]]
[[Cum on buttocks|Cumming][$buttcum to true, $othercum to true, $pic to 49]]
[[Cum in her mouth|Cumming][$mouthcum to true, $othercum to true, $action10 to true, $pic to 48, $oraltimetotal+=2]]
[[Cum over her face|Cumming][$facecum to true, $othercum to true, $pic to 46]]
<<if $hadpussy>>
[[Creampie|Cumming][$pussycum to true, $othercum to true, $pic to 51]]
[[Cum in her mouth|Cumming][$mouthcum to true, $othercum to true, $action10 to true, $pic to 48, $oraltimetotal+=2]]
[[Cum on her face|Cumming][$facecum to true, $othercum to true, $pic to 46]]
<<if $othercum is true and $action10 is true and $chance gte 1>>
[[Continue|Cumming][$action12 to true, $action10 to false]]
<<if $othercum is true and $action10 is true and $chance lte 0>>
[[Finish|Finishsex][$action10 to false, $action1 to false, $action2 to false, $action3 to false]]
<<if $othercum is true and $action12 is true and $action2 is false>>
[[Continue|Cumming][$action12 to false, $action9 to true]]
<<if $othercum is true and $action12 is false and $action10 is false>>[[Finish|Finishsex][$action11 to false, $action1 to false, $action2 to false, $action3 to false]]<</if>>
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<<if $action11 is false and $othercum is false and $action12 is false>>[[Focus: Normal|Cumming][$action11 to true]]<</if>>
<<if $action11 is true and $action12 is false>><p class="usedpass">Focus: Degrading!</p><</if>>
<<if $action12 is true>>
<<if $action3 is false>>[[Hold it!|Cumming][$action2 to true, $holdrounds+=1, $pic to 53]]<</if>>
<<if $action1 is false and $action2 is false>>[[Swallow!|Cumming][$action1 to true, $action2 to false, $action12 to false, $holdrounds=1, $pic to 54]]<</if>>
<<if $action2 is true>>[[Swallow!|Cumming][$action3 to true, $action2 to false, $action12 to false, $pic to 54]]<</if>>
<div class="alt3">
<<include BondInt>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<if $analxp lte 5 and $cock gte 3>><<set _toobig to true>><</if>>
<<set $normsuggest to false>>
<<set $domsuggest to false>>
<<set $sadisuggest to false>>
<<set $penetrateanal to false>>
<<set $pussynow = false>>
<<set $oralnow = false>>
<<set $analnow = false>>
<<set $action8a to false>>
<<set $action8b to false>>
<<set $saidpout to 0>>
<div class="headsign">CHANGE POSITION</div>
<<include Libido>>
<<if $comesfrom is 1>>
You pull your slimy cock out from $girlnames mouth.
<<if $comesfrom is 2>>
You eject your cock from $girlnames <<if $body lte 2>>little<</if>> ass.
<<if $comesfrom is 3>>
You pull out your hard-on from $girlnames pussy.
Where do you want to stick it instead?
<<if _toobig is true>>
''//The girth of your cock is too big for $girlnames untrained ass!<br> Anal sex disabled.//''
<div class="pic">
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $comesfrom is 1>><<if _toobig isnot true>>[[Her ass|ChgDirect][$gotoanal to true]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">her ass</p><</if>> <</if>>
<<if $comesfrom is 1>>[[Her pussy|ChgDirect][$gotopussy to true]]<</if>>
<<if $comesfrom is 2>>[[Her mouth|ChgDirect][$gotooral to true]]<</if>>
<<if $comesfrom is 2>>[[Her pussy|ChgDirect][$gotopussy to true]]<</if>>
<<if $comesfrom is 3>>[[Her mouth|ChgDirect][$gotooral to true]]<</if>>
<<if $comesfrom is 3>><<if _toobig isnot true>>[[Her ass|ChgDirect][$gotoanal to true]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">her ass</p><</if>> <</if>>
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<div class="alt3">
<<include BondInt>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 4)>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 7)>>
<<if $action3 is false and $action1 is false>>
<<if _nogoodsex is true and $sexfeel gte 1>><<set $sexfeel to 0>><</if>>
<<if $sexfeel lte -10>> $girlname seems disguised and devastated, with her cheeks smeared in sweat and tears. Your _callit is moaning from discomfort, signaling that you've put her through an abuse devoid from any loving intimacy. <<set $scarefactor+=2>><<set $happiness-=3>> <</if>>
<<if $sexfeel is -8 or $sexfeel is -9>>$girlname seems disgusted by your sexual interaction. She has a hard time keeping her tears back and looks at you with loathing and revulsion. <<set $scarefactor+=2>><<set $happiness-=3>> <</if>>
<<if $sexfeel is -7>>$girlname seems terribly shaken. You can tell by looking at her eyes that she's lost a great deal of self-esteem due to your perverted misuse of her body. <<set $scarefactor+=2>><<set $happiness-=3>> <</if>>
<<if $sexfeel is -5 or $sexfeel is -6>>$girlname seems very uncomfortable. You’ve put her through severe unpleasantness that've left her with a feeling of disgust. She looks at you with resentment, her pale face smeared in sweat. <<set $scarefactor+=1>> <<set $happiness-=2>> <</if>>
<<if $sexfeel is -3 or $sexfeel is -4>> $girlname seems both repulsed and sad – obvious signs that your interaction was an unpleasant experience that'll leave a lingering mark in her feelings toward you. <<if $scarefactor lte 0>><<set $scarefactor+=1>><</if>><<set $happiness-=2>> <</if>>
<<if $sexfeel is -2>> $girlname seems distant and uneasy after you’ve finished. It’s really hard to tell if she’s enjoyed herself. Her silent rigidity gives you a hint that she’s probably not particularly pleased, however.<</if>>
<<if $sexfeel is -1>>$girlname doesn't seem very pleased, staying silent and unresponsive after finishing her sexual interaction with you. She's not expressing any severe discomfort, however, so it couldn't have been that awful.<</if>>
<<if $sexfeel is 0>>$girlname is expressionless. It's impossible to tell if she's enjoyed her sexual interaction with you. <</if>>
<<if $sexfeel is 1 or $sexfeel is 2>>$girlname seems pretty relaxed – having placed herself in a more comfortable position, with eyes closed and fingers folded together. She’s not acting particularly ecstatic but doesn’t express any forms of aversion or discomfort. <</if>>
<<if $girlid isnot 13>>
<<if $sexfeel is 3 or $sexfeel is 4>>$girlname smiles as she places herself right next to you. The girl has truly felt pleasure – a fact that’s confirmed by her suggestive and relaxed posture as she squeezes herself against your body.<</if>>
<<if $sexfeel is 5 or $sexfeel is 6>>$girlname gives you a genuine, appreciative smile. She’s clearly enjoyed herself and shivers from pleasure as she strokes your shoulders and paints with her fingers on your chest.<</if>>
<<if $sexfeel is 7>>$girlname is panting heavily with a wide smile on her lips. She’s received a great, pleasurable experience from your intercourse and her entire body still churns from arousal. <<set $scarefactor-=1>> <</if>>
<<if $sexfeel gte 8 and $sexfeel lte 10>>$girlname still moans from immense sexual pleasure as your own ecstasy fades – she’s lost herself in a heavenly state that satisfied every one of her desires. The girl smiles and tries her best to stay in the orgasmic waves your cock has left inside her body. <<set $scarefactor-=1>> <</if>>
<<if $sexfeel gte 11>>As $girlname falls onto her back, it looks like she's been hit by a denaar rush, lying like a shivering heap of sweat-covered flesh - completely engrossed by the wild ecstasy left by your heavenly session together. <<set $scarefactor-=1>><</if>>
<<if $sexfeel gte 3 and $sexfeel lte 5>>$girlname smiles at you while she's sinking into the softness of your bed. There's no doubt that she's enjoyed herself, but you also notice something shameful going through her body that's hard to interpret.<</if>>
<<if $sexfeel gte 6>>$girlname almost loses herself in a wave of sexual ecstasy before regaining her senses. Your companion has obviously enjoyed herself, even if her troubled mind seems to work with accepting the fact that her Master could arouse her to such unimaginable heights.<</if>>
<<if $sexfeel gte 1 and $sexfeel lte 4 and $likesadist lte 49 and $willpower gte 1 and $descroll2 lte 5 and _bite isnot true>>
<<if $masterlove gte 50>>
<<if $girlid isnot 13>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Mmmh… That wasn’t too bad. I’d really like to get myself something sweet to eat right now. How about you?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //I could sleep for hours right now. Phew… that was intense…//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //(Laughter) I really, really like you, you know… I’d like to do something? Maybe go see a movie?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Wow… That was really nice. I'm wasted. In a good way.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //Oh man, I think I love you!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>Wow… I… I don’t know what to say… That was… Intense.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>I… Wow… Okay, I have some chores to do now… So… I have five more minutes here with you, okay?<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>Was… Was there something else you wanted me to do, Sir?<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>Thank you for not… Hurting me. I think I even found some… pleasure myself while having sex with you (nervous smile).<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>That was… Very… Special…<</if>>
<<if $girlid isnot 13>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Mmhh… That was... Intense!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //(Smiling) Man… You really know your game.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //MMh… (smile)//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //I’d actually like it if we tried this again someday. <<if $likesadist lte 10>>Maybe you could do it a bit less rough next time though?<<else>>Maybe you could make it a bit more… brutal next time, though?<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //Okay (smile). I’m gonna get me something to eat now.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>Okay, Sir. Was it… Something else you wanted?<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>Alright, Master. I have some chores to do. Was there anything else you wanted me to do?<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>I need to go and continue my studies… And chores, of course. Could I help you with something else?<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>Thank you, Master. That wasn’t too bad…<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>Wow… That was… Special, Master. Was there something else you wanted before I continue my chores?<</if>>
<<if _nocom isnot true>>
<<if $sexfeel lte -7 and $likesadist lte 49 and $willpower gte 5 and $descroll2 lte 5 and _bite isnot true>>
<<if $masterlove gte 40>>
<<if $girlid isnot 13>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Shit… I thought you liked me?... This was really awful…//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //Never do that again to me… promise… That was really unpleasant. //<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //I feel so… abused… please, never do that to me again…//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //(Sobbing) That was awful! I… I thought we had a thing going!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //That was… awful… <<if $willpower gte 25>>Asshole!<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>That was… Horrible. Please… Remember our… agreement. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>I… (sobbing)… I have some… chores do to. And I think I'm honestly hurt… So… I have to go…<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>(Sobbing) Why… Why did you do that to me?<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>Master… (faint sobbing) I… I don’t think I can… offer myself anymore if you continue raping me like that.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //You’re nothing more than a sadistic rapist… I hate you…//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //What the hell was that? (Sobbing)…//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //(Sobbing) Don’t you ever… Do that again…//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //You… fucking.. That was not okay!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //You’re nothing… just… you’re just filth to me…//<</if>>
<<if $sexfeel gte -6 and $sexfeel lte -2 and $likesadist lte 49 and $willpower gte 5 and $descroll2 lte 5 and _bite isnot true>>
<<if $girlid isnot 13>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //That was very unpleasant… Don't ever <<if $hadoral isnot true>>fuck me<<else>>let me take it<</if>> like that again, okay?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //<<if $age gte 19>>It… It felt like you raped me! Please… Was that really necessary?<<else>>(Sobbing) How could you do that to me?!<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //<<if $age gte 18>>That was extremely unpleasant. What do you think you’re doing? You can’t just use me like that!<<else>>I… I… I'm just a young girl… You shouldn’t treat me like that…<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Didn’t you notice I was uncomfortable? <<if $willpower gte 20>>Not fun at all…<</if>> //<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //(Sobbing) Didn’t you notice I was hurting? In what kind of world do you live?//<</if>>
<<set _ran to random(1, 5)>>
<<if _ran is 1>>(Faint sobbing) Okay… I… I guess we're done here? I need to go wash myself.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>(Sigh) That was… Far from pleasant. I… Never mind. I need to go wash myself.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Are you happy and satisfied? I'm… glad someone here has all his needs fulfilled. You'll find me in the restroom if you want anything (fake smile).<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>(Sigh) That was… A new kind of experience… Ehm, I'm feeling a bit sore. I think I'll head to the restroom.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Alright, I'm done here. Here's a cloth to… clean yourself. I need to take a shower.<</if>>
<<if $sexfeel lte -3 and $willpower lte 4 and $descroll2 lte 5>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //I… I hope you enjoyed my body, $callname. (Sobbing)//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //(Sobbing) Do I have master's permission to leave? I feel… I feel ill…//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //(Sobbing) May I go, $callname? I need to… tend to myself…//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //(Sobbing) Thank… you… for fucking me, $callname.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //(Sobbing) I hope my body has pleased you, $callname.//<</if>>
<<if $sexfeel gte 5 and $likesadist lte 49 and $willpower gte 1 and $descroll2 lte 5 and _bite isnot true>>
<<if $masterlove gte 50>>
<<if $girlid isnot 13>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Oh… fuck… I fucking love you! That was great...//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //Oh man. I’m in heaven. Thank you, thank you!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //Wow… I feel like the luckiest girl alive. What do you wanna do now, $callname? (smile) //<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //I could do it again right now! Fuck that was nice, honey!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //I… love you. (Long silence) You wanna… do something together after this? Go to the diner?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>I… I don’t have any more comments to that other than… Wow… That was… Very special.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>You're… You're good at that. Pleasuring women, I mean (blushing). Anyway… I… I think I have some chores to do. Thank you, Master.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>Thank you, Master… That was… Really, really special.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>I have to say… You're really good at what you're doing. I guess that agreement benefits the two of us sometimes (smile).<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>That… Really special. Thank you for… pleasuring me as well as yourself, Master (smile).<</if>>
<<if $girlid isnot 13>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Man… you’re good at this. Wow!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //What the hell. Shit! Haha, that was so fucking awesome.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //Wow! That was great.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Shit, you’re really good. Thank you! Do you treat all your women like this?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //That was lovely. You really know how to please a woman!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>(Blush) You are surely well-educated in the ways of pleasuring the opposite sex. Ehm, sorry if I sound a bit off… I should probably attend to my chores now.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>You know your way around the female body… I cannot argue with that. Thank you for not… Raping me, Master. <<if $wsex gte 1>>Ehm. Sorry. I mean husband (smile). Even if the difference is quite small.<</if>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>Wow… I think… If everything continues like this, I guess we made a pretty nice deal after all. Ehm, not that I… have any requests. I know I'm technically your slave and all that<<if $wsex gte 1>>- even if we're married. I'm kinda familiar with how the laws work in Ikaanos.<</if>>.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>Haha… Wow… That was really special. You actually made me… Ehm, never mind (blush). I have some chores to do, $callname. Was there something else I could help you with?<</if>>
<<if $sexfeel gte 1 and $likesadist gte 50 and $descroll2 lte 5 and _bite isnot true>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Oow… $callname, I adore you. Please, fuck me harder next time. I’ve been so bad and need to be taught my place with pain!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //You want your obedient little <<if $wsex gte 1>>wife<<else>>slave<</if>> to wash your cock now, $callname? <<set $washmaster to true>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //You want me to lick your cock clean, $callname? Let me taste all the fuck juices that’s oozing on your shaft? <<set $washmaster to true>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Have I been good, $callname? Or do you want to give your naughty little girl a good spanking?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //Oow… that was… so wonderful, $callname. Your <<if $wsex gte 1>>wife<<else>>slave<</if>> thanks you.//<</if>>
<<if _bite is true>>
<<if $afraid gte 5>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 2>>I… I'm sorry, okay. Fuck… It was just… Too much for me to take, okay?<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>Hey… Fuck. Please, don’t do that. I had to. I was… choking.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>Hey, I almost suffocated! I hope you understand.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 2>>Fuck, what the hell was that? You almost suffocated me.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>Alright, you had it coming, okay? Are you trying to choke me to death or what? <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>Is that some kind of execution style you have here? Suffocating me to death? You had that bite coming, okay!<</if>>
<<if $sexfeel lte -8 and $traitnymfo gte 50>>
Your terrible abuse has decreased $girlnames ''Nymphomaniac Trait value'' with one point!
<<set $traitnymfo-=1>>
<<if $action3 is true and $action1 is false>>
<<set $cash-=1>>
<<set $masterlove+=2>>
<<set $stampoints+=1>>
You lit a cigarette and share it with $girlname. The strong, semi-psychedelic substances make both of you relaxed.
''Cash:'' -1$<br>
''Stamina points increased'' (+1)<br>
$girlnames ''Affection (+2)'' toward you has increased!
<<set $daycount+=2>>
<<addmins 12>>
<<if $action1 is true and $action3 is false>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 7)>>
<<include DiceRolls>>
<<set $chance=$likeoral>>
<<set $chance-=$skillroll>>
<<if $willpower gte 1>><<set $chance-=$willpower>><</if>>
<<if $willpower lte 9>><<set $chance+=30>><</if>>
<<if $willpower lte 0>><<set $chance+=70>><</if>>
<<set $chance+=$likesadist>>
<<if $likesadist gte 50>><<set $chance+=120>><</if>>
<<if $kind gte 60>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $credit gte 500>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $credit gte 1000>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $manipulate gte 30>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $manipulate gte 50>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $manipulate gte 80>><<set $chance+=20>><</if>>
<<if _npc.status is 5>><<set $chance-=25>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -8>><<set $chance-=10>> <</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -6>><<set $chance-=10>> <</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -5>><<set $chance-=10>> <</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -1>><<set $chance-=10>> <</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 1>><<set $chance+=10>> <</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 3>><<set $chance+=10>> <</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 6>><<set $chance+=10>> <</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>><<set $chance+=10>> <</if>>
<<if $mastercharm lte 20>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $mastercharm gte 70>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterfilth lte 4>><<set $chance-=15>><</if>>
<<if $masterfilth lte 24>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterfilth lte 49>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterfilth gte 70>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 0>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 19>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 39>><<set $chance-=12>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 75>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterage gte 46>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $girlid is 13 and $likesadist lte 29>><<set $chance-=60>><</if>>
<<set $descroll3 to random(1, 6)>>
<<if $willpower lte 0>><<set $descroll3-=2>><</if>>
<<if $willpower lte 9>><<set $descroll3-=1>><</if>>
<<if $willpower lte 39>><<set $descroll3-=1>><</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 40 and $likesadist lte 29>><<set $descroll3+=1>><</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 60 and $likesadist lte 29>><<set $descroll3+=1>><</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 80 and $likesadist lte 29>><<set $descroll3+=2>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 30>><<set $descroll3-=1>><</if>>
<<if $washcockrounds is 1>>
<<if $washmaster isnot true>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>''You:'' //My cock is a real mess, I want your tongue around my shaft and under my balls. Lick it clean!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>''You:'' //I want you to lick away all <<if $hadanal>>sweat<</if>><<if $hadpussy>>cunt-juice<</if>><<if $hadoral>>remaining spit<</if>> on my cock. Get that tongue down there!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>''You:'' //I want you to place yourself between my legs and wash my cock with that <<if $body is 1>>little<</if>> tongue of yours. You're gonna taste the fuck we just had!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 4>>''You:'' //We’re not really finished yet. I want your face down between my legs – you’re gonna clean my cock before you do anything else. //<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 5>>''You:'' //I want you to start working that cute little tongue of yours all over my dick. And lick my ball-sack really clean – it’s covered in sweat!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 6>>''You:'' //Before we do anything else, that little mouth of yours is gonna make my cock sparkling clean. Get on your knees and start working!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 7>>''You:'' //I want your tongue wrapped around my shaft before we do anything else. You’re gonna clean my cock really good!//<</if>>
''You: ''
<<if $descroll lte 3>>Yes. Do it. Clean my balls good.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 4>>Good girl. You know your obligations. Get down with your tongue and lick my genitals clean.<</if>>
<<if $descroll gte 5>>Yes. I don’t feel like taking a shower. Your tongue will suffice. Get on with it, <<if $wsex gte 1>>wife<<else>>slave<</if>>.<</if>>
<<if $willpower lte 0 and $washcockrounds is 1>>
$girlname is an obedient sex slave and doesn’t object at all.
<<if $chance lte 0 and $willpower gte 1 and $washcockrounds is 1>>
''The girl refuses to obey!''
<<if $girlid isnot 13>>
<<if $sexfeel gte -1>>
<<if $descroll3 lte 1>>''$girlname:'' //Ehm, no… No I really can’t! It’s too disgusting!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //Ehh… I prefer not too! It's out of the question, actually.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //That sounds disgusting! I’d never agree to do something so degrading.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //No… No way. It’ll just make me vomit.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //Eeew, that’s just gross! I’m shocked that you even came up with something so sick as that…//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 6>>''$girlname:'' //Are you insane? Haha, I’d never do something like that! Not even if you paid me!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 7>>''$girlname:'' //Haha, no way! That’s just sick… I’m done here.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 lte 1>>''$girlname:'' //Please… I… I can’t… I… feel so ill…//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //No please… You’ve abused me enough.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //No! It’s enough! I’ve had enough of this pervert shit you've done to me!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //After this torture? Are you insane? Never!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //What? You fucked me like a ragdoll and now you ask for this?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 6>>''$girlname:'' //Dream on! That’s just sick! <<if $sexfeel lte -4>>You’ve fucked me like that and now you want to degrade me further? No way!<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 lte 0>>That isn’t actually sex, is it? I mean, I already made you cum. So, as far as I’m concerned, that isn’t part of our agreement. Feel free to use the shower after me if you want to clean yourself up.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 1>>What? No. I will not include something so hideous in our agreement.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>>Ehm, sorry. I think that's a line I don't want to cross regarding our sexual agreement. Okay?<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>>I agree – hygiene is important. You can use the shower as soon as I’m finished – okay?<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>>Maybe whores and sluts will do that for you if you toss a couple of extra coins at them, but not me.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 5>>Ehm – no. That falls beyond the scope of our agreement, as far as I’m concerned.<</if>>
<<if $chance gte 1 and $willpower gte 1 and $washcockrounds is 1>>
<<if $washmaster isnot true>>
''The girl agrees to your proposal.''
<<set $pic to 12>>
<<if $sexfeel gte -1 and $girlid isnot 13>>
<<if $descroll3 lte 1>>''$girlname:'' //Well… sure $callname, I’ll do it if you want me to.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //Well, alright. I guess I should serve your cock, $callname.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //Alright, I’ll do it!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //You’re really kinky! I like that! Let me taste my own juice…//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //Ok, I’ll do it! Let me taste you, $callname!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 6>>''$girlname:'' // Sure! I don’t mind! I’ll touch myself too, so we both can have a good time. //<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 lte 1>>''$girlname:'' //I… I guess I could do it, if that’s… If that’s what $callname really wants...//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //Well, okay, $callname, if you insist…//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //Do I have to? I’m really, really sore and… well, ok, if you insist… I’ll do it…//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Alright. Just let me catch my breath first okay? I’m not feeling very well.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //<<if $sexfeel gte -3>>Fuck…do I really have to? Well, ok, if you insist.<<else>>Do I really have to? After that awful shit we just did? Well, okay, but you gotta promise to leave me alone after we're done!<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 6>>''$girlname:'' //Alright, I’ll do it. But I’m not feeling very good… Do you mind if I do it really quick?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 7>>''$girlname:'' // Well… fuck… Okay, if you insist and leave me alone for the rest of the day. I need to get some sleep… //<</if>>
The girl smiles at you and crawls down toward your groin, while whispering suggestively:
<<if $descroll3 lte 4>>I'm always happy to serve you, $callname.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 5>>Mmh… I promise you'll be happy with the results!<</if>>
<<if $chance gte 1 or $willpower lte 0>>
<<set $pic to 12>>
<<if $washcockrounds is 1>>
<<if $descroll3 lte -2>>Your <<if $wsex gte 1>>wife<<else>>slave<</if>> crawls into position and starts her degrading chores by giving your shaft a long stroke with her tongue – working it from the root up to right below the cockhead. She then mouths the tip of your penis and cleans the entire glans with her lips – making sure she’s getting every drop of filth away. <br><br>After focusing on your shaft for almost a quarter of an hour, $girlname moves down to your ball-sack and gives it a sensual treatment with her mouth, that lasts for another ten minutes. Her slurping sounds are mesmerizing, and they almost turn your flaccid penis back into a hardon.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is -1>> $girlname sticks her <<if $body lte 2>>teenage<</if>> ass out during the submissive crawl toward you, causing your flaccid penis to regain some of its earlier rigidity. When the girl's in position, she starts her chores by licking and sucking your balls with exceptional tenderness. A few minutes in, strings of saliva connect your groin with $girlnames mouth, looking almost like an octopus clinging to its prey.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 0>> $girlname grabs your flaccid penis and moves her tongue toward the area between your shaft and ball-sack, that's covered with sweat and other pungent fluids. She mops this area for several minutes before letting her tongue ascend to the underside of your penis, which she works with surprising thoroughness.<br><br> She's almost overdoing it – making sure that she frees it from any remaining manjuices. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 1>> $girlname does everything a good girl should – she wants to please you with her entire body, meaning that you’re getting an outstretched ass, pouting lips, and a submissive glance during the whole session.<br><br> Her mouth moves all over your genital area but focuses mostly on the ball-sack, which is in greatest need of a good cleaning. And she does her chores more than thoroughly. $girlname covers every inch of flesh with her tongue, ready to be pressed between your legs all day if that is what it takes to make you satisfied. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>> $girlname cleans your cock dutifully – making sure she’s getting most of your grime and sweat away with her mouth. She focuses mostly on the upper part of your cock, but gulps the entire flaccid shaft on a couple of occasions. During those occasions, the girl's close to turning your cock erect again as she pulls it out slowly while lashing it with her tongue - almost how an automatic car wash used to clean a car in the old world.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>> After placing herself next to you and bending over your lap, $girlname begins her degrading chore by kissing and licking the upper side of your flaccid penis with tenderness and devotion. She works it for over ten minutes but occasionally drops her lips over your ball-sack.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>> $girlname starts her chores by <<if $cock is 3>>cramming<<else>>putting<</if>> the upper half of your cock into her mouth and rinse it by letting her tongue run up and down the shaft's underside. Your penis is soaked in saliva as she pulls it out, but her lips collect all bits of bodily fluids, and she makes sure she swallows each drop.<br><br> When the girl's pleased with her work, $girlname moves further down to your ball-sack and gives it as much attention as she did with your shaft. <<if $body is 1>>Unfortunately, your <<if $wsex gte 1>>wife<<else>>slave<</if>> is too small to take your scrotum satisfyingly, and you watch how she fails to hold your testicles inside her mouth for longer than a second.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 5>> $girlname begins her degrading act by lowering herself over your flaccid penis and bathe it in a stimulating flow of kisses. A couple of minutes later, the cockhead has searched its way into her mouth, but she’s not letting herself get too deep down into the mess - deliberately avoiding any area that’s too smelly and dirty. <<set $event2 to true>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 6>> With a cocky smile, the girl lowers herself over your penis and starts licking it. But she's almost too rough. Your tenderness makes it uncomfortable, but you manage to hold yourself from showing any signs of sensitivity. <br><br>A few minutes in, you’ve become further bruised by her hurried, dominant way, and you're almost trembling from fright when her mouth moves over your ball-sack, not knowing if she'll suck it too hard.<<set $event3 to true>> <</if>>
<br><div class="tex10px"><br></div>
''Your hygiene has improved!''
<<set $masterfilth+=3>>
<<set $hunger+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 29>><<set $masterlove-=1>><<set $scarefactor+=1>><</if>>
<<set $humiliation+=3>>
<<if $washcockrounds is 2>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 5)>>
<<set $chance+=30>>
<<if $event2 is false and $event3 is false>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>''You:'' //That’s it. Good girl… Go on!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>''You:'' //What a good <<if $body is 1>>little<</if>> tongue you've got there! Go on!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>''You:'' //That’s perfect… Now, move your tongue harder and make sure you're getting everything! I want it cleaner than a scrubbed plate!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 4>>''You:'' //Ohh… yeah… I almost wanna fuck you again! Go on! More licking! I’m not clean yet.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 5>>''You:'' //That’s soo good… But I’m not clean yet. You have to work harder, and really lick up all of that oozing fuckjuice if you want me to say this is over.//<</if>>
<<if $event2 is true>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 3)>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>''You:'' //You’re not doing it good enough. Go deeper! Take it all in!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>''You:'' //You have to plant your face between my shaft and my ball-sack if you’re gonna get some work done here. Come on!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>''You:'' //You have to work that tongue better. I want it really deep between my balls! Go on! Lick them!//<</if>>
<<if $event3 is true>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 3)>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>''You:'' //Fuck! Take it easy! Don’t fucking eat me!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>''You:'' //Don’t fucking bite me like that, okay? Take it slower!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>''You:'' //Oow… My sack is not a fucking apple! Take it easier! Go on, show me that you can do.//<</if>>
<<if $chance lte 0>>
''The girl refuses to continue!''
<<if $descroll3 lte 1>>''$girlname:'' //I… I… cannot continue. I’ll vomit all over you, $callname!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //I’ve had enough… please, $callname, I’m really sick and I’ll throw up if I continue!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //No this is so disgusting! I’m gonna get sick if I continue!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //<<if $body gte 2>>I can’t go on! Your taste, it’s… It’s too disgusting!<<else>>Why are you doing this to me? My body can't stand this anymore!<</if>> //<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //Fuck, this was more gross than I thought!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 6>>''$girlname:'' //No… fuck this! I only did it because you asked me. I never thought it would taste so bad!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 7>>''$girlname:'' //Shit… This was really fucking awful!//<</if>>
<<if $chance gte 1>>
<<if $descroll3 lte -1>> As you force your _callit to continue, she moves her mouth deep down between your testicles and gives your ball-sack an exceptionally thorough cleaning. It's so deep that she's occasionally touching your anus with her tongue. <br><br>$girlnames gazing at you submissively all the time and sticks her ass out to make you aware that it’s yours to fuck if you’d crave for anal sex, or if you'd feel like giving it a good whipping. After several minutes of degradation, you finally free the girl from her chore. <<set $willpower-=1>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 0>> Your <<if $wsex gte 1>>wife<<else>>slave<</if>> continues to lap your cock and ball-sack with sweeping motions. By now, her tongue has given you a careful cleaning, and before finishing up, $girlnames lips scrape your shaft one last time, making sure no fluids or spots are left out. <<set $willpower-=1>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 1>> As $girlname continues her submissive act, she puts a lot of effort into rubbing and kissing the top of your penis, making you both clean and sexually re-stimulated. After working your cockhead for almost ten minutes, the girl moves her tongue over your ball-sack one last time before finishing. <<if $oralxp gte 70>><br><br>$girlnames skill has enticed you in such a way that you’re able to have sex again! <<set $hascummed to false>><<set $cumbuild=5>><</if>><<set $willpower-=1>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>> As the girl continues, she gives you a complete cleanse that strains her jaws and tongue to their utmost. $girlnames engulfing deed involves every part of your groin - the ball-sack, your shaft's over-, and underside, and even your perineum when she parks her tongue just an inch away from your anus. <br><br>Before finishing, the girl gulps your flaccid cock one last time and scrapes it free from any remaining sweat with her lips as she’s pulling it out. <<set $willpower-=1>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>> $girlname continues by focusing solely on your cock. She overwhelms it with kisses and laps the shaft's underside for several minutes before moving further up to the cockhead. <<if $masterfilth lte 19>>The disgust must be tough to endure, though, since your genital area reeks from body fluids and sweat.<</if>> <br><br>After one more round with her tongue buried at the penis root, $girlname finishes up and leaves your groin at least somewhat cleaner than before. <<set $willpower-=1>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>> She continues her duties by focusing on the lower part of your genitals, putting an extraordinary effort into lapping every inch of flesh that makes out her master's ball-sack. $girlnames tongue moves over your testicles, down to your perineum, and into the soft tissue right below the penis root.
After gobbling, licking, and sucking for over ten minutes, the girl's saliva has drenched your groin, but she doesn't finish until it's all licked up and your cock has been wiped clean.
<<set $willpower-=1>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 5>> As $girlname continues, her focus grows sloppier, and she's wrenching both her tongue and stomach trying to withstand something that's become too degrading for her to handle mentally. She’s licking your ball-sack and kissing your shaft but fails to do any real, thorough work. <br><br>The girl sighs from relief when you declare her duties completed - although barely approved. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 6>> As $girlname proceeds, <<if $event3>> you feel that she hasn’t listened to your commands to slow the fuck down. There's not even a touch of your desired tenderness as the girl continues her coarseness that's by now becoming seriously painful. You let her do another minute of reckless slurping before ending the act yourself. <<set $defcount+=1>><<else>>she moves her technique into an accelerated phase, slurping away with significantly more roughness that causes you discomfort and pain instead of the tender post-sexual stimulation you wanted. You have to squint your eyes from pain as she sucks your balls way too hard, and you're actually relieved when she finishes.<</if>><</if>>
<<set $daycount+=2>>
<<addmins 12>>
''Your hygiene has improved!''
<<set $masterfilth+=10>>
<<set $hunger+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 29>><<set $masterlove-=1>><<set $scarefactor+=1>><</if>>
<<set $humiliation+=5>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 4)>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 4)>>
<<set $descroll4 to random(1, 8)>>
<<set _ran to random(1, 5)>>
<<include DiceRolls>>
<<if $skillroll lte 3>><<set _inc to true>><</if>>
<<set $chance=$fuckskill>>
<<set $chance-=$skillroll>>
<<if $mastercharm lte 20>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $mastercharm gte 70>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $manipulate gte 70>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -8>><<set $chance-=8>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -7>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -5>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -3>><<set $chance-=7>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -1>><<set $chance-=8>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 1>><<set $chance+=8>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 2>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 4>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 6>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>><<set $chance+=12>><</if>>
<<if $like is true>><<set $chance+=20>><</if>>
<<if $like is false>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $likeanal lte 9>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $likeanal lte 19>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $likeanal gte 30>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $likeanal gte 50>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $likeanal gte 80>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist lte 3>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 5>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 15>><<set $chance+=8>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 25>><<set $chance+=8>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 40>><<set $chance+=40>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 50>><<set $chance+=40>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 0>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 19>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 39>><<set $chance-=12>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 75>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterage gte 46 and $likesadist lte 29>><<set $chance-=3>><<if $age lte 19>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 74>><<set $chance-=8>><</if>>
<<if $happiness lte 19>><<set $chance-=6>><</if>>
<<if $skillroll is 1>><<set $chance+=60>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist lte 29 and $arousal lte 5>>
<<if $afraid gte 3>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $afraid gte 8>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $afraid gte 15>><<set $chance-=20>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist lte 74>>
<<if $analwear gte 25>><<set $chance-=15>><</if>>
<<if $analwear gte 50>><<set $chance-=15>><</if>>
<<if $analwear gte 75>><<set $chance-=20>><</if>>
<<if $pussywear gte 25>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $traitnymfo gte 51>><<set $chance+=20>><</if>>
<<if $traitdelicate gte 50 and $likesadist lte 19 and $cock gte 2>><<set $chance-=23>><</if>>
<<if $fuckskill lte 39 and $skillroll lte 7>><<set $fuckskill+=1>><</if>>
<<if $cock gte 3 and $skillroll lte 6 and $willpower gte 25>><<set $willpower-=1>> <<if $traitsub gte 50>><<set $willpower-=1>><</if>> <</if>>
<<if $traitsize gte 5 and $cock gte 3>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $traitsize gte 5 and $cock lte 2>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $actway is 1>>
<<set $descroll3 to random(0, 9)>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 8 and $analwear lte 25>><<set $analwear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $traitdelicate gte 50 and $analwear lte 29 and $decsroll3 lte 6>><<set $analwear+=1>><</if>>
<<set $pic to 24>>
<<if $actway gte 2>>
<<if $traitdelicate gte 50>><<set $analwear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $actway is 2>>
<<set $descroll3 to random(4, 13)>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 13>><<set $pain+=1>><</if>>
<<set $pic to 24>>
<<if $analwear lte 45 and $descroll3 gte 9>><<set $analwear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $actway is 3>>
<<set $descroll3 to random(11, 16)>>
<<set $pain+=1>>
<<set $pic to 25>>
<<if $cock gte 2 and $descroll is 1>><<set $analwear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $traitdelicate gte 50 and $cock gte 3>><<set $analwear+=2>><<set $pain+=1>><<set $health-=1>><</if>>
<<if $traitdelicate gte 50 and $cock gte 3 and $analxp lte 29>><<set $health-=1>><</if>>
<<if $traitdelicate gte 50 and $cock gte 3 and $analxp lte 60>><<set $analwear+=1>><<set $pain+=1>>
<<if $traitvanilla gte 1>><<set $chance-=15>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 13>><<set $analwear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $traitdelicate gte 50 and $cock gte 2>><<set $analwear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 15>><<set $descroll2+=1>><</if>>
<<if _npc.lesbian gte 25>><<set $chance-=25>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist lte 34>>
<<set $arousal-=1>>
<<if $actway is 3>><<set $arousal-=1>><</if>>
<<set $descroll2-=1>>
<<set $arousal+=1>>
<<set $descroll2+=2>>
<<if $actway is 2>>
<<if $chance gte 1 and $likesadist gte 15>><<set $arousal+=1>><</if>>
<<if $actway is 3>>
<<if $chance gte 1 and $likesadist gte 35>><<set $arousal+=1>><</if>>
<<if $give is 5 and $descroll3 gte 12 and $traitjaded lte 49>><<set $happiness+=1>><</if>>
<<if $chance gte 1>>
<<set $arousal+=1>>
<<set $descroll2+=1>>
<<if $arouser gte 1 and $arousal lte 7>><<set $arousal+=1>><</if>>
<<if $chance gte 30>>
<<set $arousal+=1>>
<<set $descroll2+=1>>
<<if $chance lte 0>>
<<set $descroll2-=1>>
<<if $chance lte -50>>
<<set $arousal-=1>>
<<if $fingerbutt is 2>>
<<set $arousal-=1>>
<<set $analwear+=1>>
<<if $fingerbutt is 1 and $descroll2 lte 2>>
<<set $arousal+=1>>
<<if $girlid is 13>>
<<if $masterlove lte 74 and $likesadist lte 39 and $likeanal lte 79>>
<<set $arousal to random(0, -3)>>
<<set $sexfeel to random(-1, -3)>>
<<set _stopcat to true>>
<<if $analrounds is 1>>
<<if $descroll3 lte 1>>You start out carefully, not wanting to hurt or upset $girlname while doing something so delicate as anal sex. You're only moving your cock half-way in for the first five minutes, and use one of your hands to gently touch and stroke her pussy.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>>You start out carefully, sawing your cock all the way inside with such slowness that it's hard to tell if it's even moving. The following ten thrusts are as tender as the first – your shaft fills her <<if $body is 1>>little<</if>> ass up entirely, but you're showing the uttermost respect and delicacy while doing it. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>> You begin moving your cock with delicate slowness, feeling and appreciating $girlnames sphincter as it tries to adapt to the sensation of a foreign object pushing and stretching it out. A couple of minutes later, you're fucking her more resolutely, plowing yourself deeper and deeper while still trying to adapt and show respect to any yelps or cries of pain you might hear from her. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>>After only four careful thrusts, you begin to plow $girlnames ass with more resolution, but still try to avoid fucking her too viciously. You answer every shriek of pain by immediately stopping yourself, and try your best not to hold her down or obstructing her in any way. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 5>> You plow her deep, right from the beginning, but avoid thrusting it too viciously, as you don’t want to upset or cause her any unnecessary pain. Holding $girlnames <<if $body is 1>>petite<</if>> hips and feeling her anus squeezing your hardon while you're slowly churning her ass is enough to get out precisely what you want for the moment. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 6>> You grab $girlnames shoulders and thrust yourself inside by moving her body back and forth. Taking your <<if $wsex gte 1>>wife<<else>>slave<</if>> like this infuses you with a feeling of sexual power that's profoundly arousing. It's almost like forcing her to fuck you with her anus. <<set $analsp1 to true>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 7>>You give $girlname a minute's respite, so she's able to adapt and relax her sphincter before you begin to ram her more methodically. Each thrust plows the fullness of your cock inside her<<if $cock is 3>><<if $body is 1>>, filling the young girl's rectal cavity in a way that cannot cause anything other than pain, no matter how experienced she is or how careful you are. <<if $willpower gte 20>><<set $willpower-=1>><</if>> <<else>> and she moans from shock and surprise as your huge rod fills her up the first couple of times<<if $analxp gte 40>> - despite her built-up experience in anal sex<</if>><</if>>.<<else>> and it only takes a minute before you've painted her pussy wet with your sweat-covered ball-sack as it slams against it repeatedly.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 8>> <<if $girlid is 1>>$girlnames perineum bulges in a unique, sexy way, and it embraces your ball-sack each time you park your cock inside her. Especially now, in the beginning, before your sweat will turn it slippery and relaxed. <<else>>You plow through $girlnames butt right from the start but park your cock inside to give the girl some time to adapt and relax her sphincter. Then, slowly, you build up a slippery wetness inside her anus, which you use to propel the act into something faster.<</if>> <br><br>The following ten minutes are like a delirious dream of hot, steaming sex as you continue to ram your <<if $wsex gte 1>>wife's<<else>>slave's<</if>> ass. You're both careful and determined, mixing slow-going thrusts with more savage pushes that jerk $girlnames body back and forth. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 9>>You push yourself against $girlnames buttocks and park your first thrust all the way inside her. The following ten thrusts are a repetition of the first - you slowly pull yourself out before inserting your entire cock again. <<if $body is 1>>Even if she'd be excited and aroused, $girlnames young age makes it hard for her to relax enough to have anal sex in this fashion, causing her body to shiver involuntarily for the first minute or two.<</if>> <br><br>After having rammed her 50-or-so times, a much more loosened sphincter embraces your cock. By now, you're able to turn your movements up a notch and reach for that satisfying excitement you hope $girlnames<<if $age lte 18>> little<</if>> body will provide.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 10>>You don't give $girlnames sphincter much time to adapt. After fifteen seconds, you're ramming her ass as if you're in the middle of a long anal session with a prostitute. However, a good amount of lubrication, and that you at least show some form of leniency, save her from sustaining any serious injuries. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 11>><<set $hardanal to true>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 11>>You selfishly plow your cock deep inside the girl and begin to fuck her ass right away. Your motions are penetrating and mean, showing no mercy or care toward your <<if $wsex gte 1>>wife<<else>>slave<</if>>, who flails around like a puppet each time you hit her with a hard thrust. For now, you're holding your most savage actions at bay, as an injured $girlname would likely end this wonderful session prematurely. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 12>>You press yourself firmly against $girlname and grab her body in a demeaning way as you begin to ass-fuck her. You're doing it selfishly, only seeking your own gratification, with no regard to how your partner feels or thinks about the intercourse you're forcing her through. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 13>>There's no thought on your partner when you plow your cock deep inside her ass and begin to fuck it with savage thrusts<<if $body lte 2>>, paying no regard to the girl's young age<</if>>. You're also holding your arms firmly around $girlnames body, pressing her neck and butt upward in a highly degrading way. She looks more like a fuck-toy than a consensual partner. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 14>> Your <<if $wsex gte 1>>wife<<else>>slave<</if>> experiences her master's most sadistic savagery right from the beginning. You open the girl's ass like it's a magazine and plow your cock deep into her intestines. <br><br>There's no rest for $girlname during the following ten minutes when you continue your act of cruelty and use her like a disposable sex-doll. It's hot and brutal, enveloped by a cacophony of cries, yelps, and the sound of your two bodies slamming against each other. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 15>> There's no mercy for $girlname today. You throw yourself over her poor little ass and begin to fuck it with unimaginable savagery. Your first thrust goes all the way in and slaps your ball-sack against her pussy with a painful smack. She's flailing like a puppet during the following five minutes, and you're using her like a fuck-toy that you can throw away after finishing. <</if>>
<<if $analrounds gte 2>>
<<if $descroll3 lte 1>><<if $hardanal is true>>The shift in savagery is like the sun breaking through stormy clouds. You continue the act by fucking $girlnames ass with<<unset $hardanal>><<else>>You continue to fuck $girlnames ass with<</if>> slow thrusts, frequently stopping yourself as you don't want her to feel pain or discomfort. It's a tender and loving scene<<if $arousal gte 1>>, filled with respect and carnal devotion that both of you enjoy<<else>>, at least for you<</if>>. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>> As the anal intercourse continues, <<if $hardanal is true>>you decide to slow down your savage pace and do it more<<unset $hardanal>><<else>> you're doing it<</if>> carefully and tenderly, moving in and out of $girlnames ass with unhurried but deep-reaching thrusts. You're also scratching the girl's back with your fingernails and occasionally let your hand drop down to her buttocks, which you squeeze and fondle thoroughly.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>> You’re holding $girlname in a firm grip while you continue to fuck her <<if $analxp lte 20>>tight<<if $body lte 2>>, little<</if>><<else>>in the<</if>> ass. She gets to feel the fullness of your cock as you move it all the way in with every thrust; sometimes letting it rest in a parked position, with your ball-sack laid over her pussy like a bag of potatoes.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>> You continue to fuck $girlnames ass with methodical and careful thrusts. However, to get more out of this occasion, you frequently stop hammering the girl's butt and let your shaft rest inside her while focusing on touching, squeezing, and feeling her pussy, in an almost too invasive way.<<set $analwear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 5>>The anal intercourse continues as a prolonged, mechanical act. You’re fucking her ass repeatedly, not changing either your stance or the speed of your thrusts, making it look like $girlnames caught in a drop forging machine.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 6>>You continue your thrusting in a mixed pace; sometimes moving slowly in and out of the girl's ass before building up a more relentless churning that buries your cock all the way inside her.
After slowing down to caress and squeeze $girlnames buttocks, you move one of your hands up to her shoulders <<if $analsp1 is true>>again <<unset $analsp1>><</if>>and use them as a leverage in an invigorated display of fuck-power that forces her to bend her ass up against your cock.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 7>>Your thrusts end with a loud smacking sound each time your hips join with $girlnames ass, which adds to the aroused atmosphere. It's raw, mechanical, and dominant. In a good, respectful way.
<<if $descroll is 1>>''You:'' //Mm… I think you like this, right?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>''You:'' //Oh man! What an ass. I could fuck you all day! <<if $girlid is 1 and $age lte 19>>There's nothing better than a tight, teenage Scandinavian butt. Oh, yeah…<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>''You:'' //Ooh… you're so fucking sweet. I love taking you in the ass!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 4>>''You:'' //There's nothing I love more than a sweet <<if $age lte 19>>teenage<</if>> ass. You like feeling my cock inside you?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 5>>''You:'' //Your butt is so fucking fantastic. I’m a lucky man. You like having me inside your ass?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 8>>You continue to ass-fuck $girlname with deep thrusts while moving your hands all over her body in an invasive way, making sure that you get to enjoy every part of your <<if $wsex gte 1>>wife<<else>>slave<</if>>. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 9>>You continue to fuck $girlname with deep thrusts that are careful but also raw<<if $body is 1>>, trying to both enjoy and stay attentive of her young and fragile age<</if>>. She moans each time you push your dick inside her, either from excitement of from the sheer power of your cock<<if $body is 1>> - that's a bit too big for such a petite butt as $girlnames<</if>>. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 10>>You’re squeezing $girlnames waist hard as you continue to fuck her ass with determined thrusts. Each impact from your groin slamming against her asscheeks creates ripples that cause her buttocks to tremble in a very satisfying way. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 11>> You’re groping $girlname intensively as you continue to fuck her anally. Your powerful movements and your partners flailing body transform the act into an exhausting ordeal that covers both of you in a glistening hue of sweat. <<set $tempstamina-=1>><<set $fuckcount-=1>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 12>> Your brutal thrusts make $girlnames body twitch back and forth as you continue fucking her. The impacts are so hard that they would daze even a trained sphere slave. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 13>> You’re brutalizing $girlnames ass with rough, selfish thrusts. There's not a hint of mercy or compassion as you rip through her sensitive sphincter with a terrifying rawness, searching solely for your own gratification. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 14>> You continue to fuck $girlname with such rawness that she loses control over her body, which twists back and forth each time you park your cock inside her. The assfuck is more abuse than an intercourse, and you have to hold your <<if $wsex gte 1>>wife<<else>>slave<</if>> firmly in place to prevent her from tumbling down on the floor.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 15>>You’ve locked $girlname in a firm choke-hold as you continue to fuck her with deep, agonizing thrusts. There's no mercy and your abusive manners make her ass more and more sore for every second that passes. <br><br>It's really a display of utter savagery, as each plowing push ends with your ball-sack slapping against her trembling pussy-lips, and the girl's sphincter has no other option than to embrace your cock as it repeatedly parks itself inside her. <</if>>
/* Analrounds gte 2 ends below */
<<if $action3 is true>>
<<if $descroll3 lte 3>>
<<if $descroll lte 2>>You've added a sadistic twist to the kindness you're showing, though, by expanding the girl’s anus with one finger lodged inside it together with your cock.<</if>>
<<if $descroll gte 3>>Your careful approach is somewhat corrupted by having one of your fingers pressed inside $girlnames anus while fucking it.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 4 and $descroll3 lte 11 and $descroll3 isnot 7>>
The finger you’re holding inside $girlnames anus adds further to the expanding sensation that she’s feeling.
<<if $descroll3 gte 12>>
<<if $descroll lte 2>>To add to the girl's predicament, your finger is constantly stretching her anus to the point of tearing it<<if $cock is 3>> - as if your huge cock wasn't enough of a punishment to take.<<else>>, viciously increasing the girth she's forced to take.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll gte 3>>Your sadistic choice of fucking the girl with one of your fingers lodged inside her anus intensifies the horrible ordeal even more.<</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -8>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>The girl is screaming and yelping in pain. It's almost too hard keeping her in the same position, as her body twitches violently each time your shaft tunnels its way inside her anus. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>> The girl lets out a constant flow of cries and moans. She’s extremely uncomfortable with having your <<if $cock is 3>>huge<</if>> cock hammer her ass over and over in a never-ending spree of sexual torture. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>> The girl shouts out in pain when your penis grounds itself inside her, and she tries fruitlessly to hold you at some distance with her arms and legs, not wanting to take your cock too deep as it might hurt her even more. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>> The girl lets out a yelp of pain each time your shaft lands inside her. She’s also holding her eyes squeezed shut, trying to mentally escape the unbearable act you're putting her through. <<set $likeanal+=1>><</if>>
<<set $masterlove-=1>>
<<set $analwear+=1>>
<<set $likeanal-=3>>
<<set $happiness-=1>>
<<if $arousal gte -7 and $arousal lte -4>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>She tries everything to ease the pain - arching her back, twisting her butt, and uttering pleads to make you fuck her more carefully. It's obvious that the girl's feeling great discomfort and doesn’t like this at all. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>> <<if $body is 1>>The young girl<</if>><<if $body gte 2>>The girl<</if>> whimpers from pain each time you bury your shaft inside her. She's very uncomfortable and every part of her body pleads for you to stop this torture.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>> You're received by a constant tirade of moans and yelps; the girl's clearly uncomfortable in her current position and squints her eyes shut each time you launch a new attack with your <<if $cock is 3>>grotesquely large<<else>>throbbing<</if>> shaft. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>It feels like you're fucking a vibrator machine; the girl trembles from discomfort and twitches her ass back and forth, desperately trying to avoid taking your shaft too deep. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 2>>
''$girlname: ''
<<if $willpower gte 4>>
<<if $willpower lte 10>><<set $descroll4-=1>><</if>>
<<if $willpower lte 29>><<set $descroll4-=1>><</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 30>><<set $descroll4+=1>><</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 40>><<set $descroll4+=1>><</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 60>><<set $descroll4+=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll4 lte 1>>Awww… Noo…. Not like that! It hurts!<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 2>>Please…. Nooo. It hurts! Mercy!<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 3>>Please stop! You're fucking me too hard!<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 4>>Take it easier! My ass' burning. I'm gonna crack right open!<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 5>>Hey, fuck…. Take it easier. You're killing me!<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 6>>Hey, stop that! You're too rough.<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 7>>Fuuuuck! What the fuck are you doing? It hurts!<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 gte 8>>What the fuck are you doing! Take it easier!<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 lte 1>>(Sobbing) Thank…. Thank you for fucking my ass, $callname.<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 2>>(Sobbing) Please, $callname, I love… I love when you take my ass, but please, take it easier… I'll crack if you fuck me like this!<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 3>>(Sobbing) Please, $callname, take it slower. Your slave will be hurt if you fuck her like this!<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 4>>No, please, I beg you, take it easier. I know $callname can be very kind…. Mercy!<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 5>>Please, show mercy on your <<if $wsex gte 1>>wife's<<else>>slave's<</if>> ass, $callname. It burns!<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 6>>You'll kill me if you continue fucking me like this. I beg you, $callname! Take it easier!<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 7>>Please, please go easier on my ass, $callname!<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 gte 8>>I beg you! Show mercy! You're destroying my ass. Oww…<</if>>
<<set $masterlove-=1>>
<<set $likeanal-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=1>>
<<if $arousal gte -3 and $arousal lte -1>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>The girl tries to stop you from getting too deep inside by arching her back. She's also searching for a less uncomfortable position by wiggling her <<if $body lte 2>>little<</if>> butt from side to side. She's sweating from exhaustion and are very far away from enjoying herself. <<set $masterlove-=1>><<set $likeanal-=1>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>The girl is silent, fallen into a state of apathy. She's mostly holding her eyes shut; they’re only instinctively opened when she’s hit by a thrust that's too painful to absorb with her fleeing mind state. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>The girl is mostly quiet but seems generally uneasy and uncomfortable. It's obvious that she's not enjoying herself right now.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>> <<if $body is 1>> The young girl<<else>> The young woman<</if>> holds her head down and squeezes her eyes shut. It's impossible to tell if she's enjoying herself. <</if>>
<<if $arousal is 0>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>The girl moans and pants out loud each time your shaft stretches her anus, but it's hard to tell if she's enjoying any of it. She seems to be drifting in and out of pain and a subtle state of attempted appreciation. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>The girl is mostly silent and stiff. You can’t figure out if she’s feeling pain or pleasure, and her faint, infrequent yelps are too hard to read. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>You're unable to read how your <<if $wsex gte 1>>wife's<<else>>slave's<</if>> taking it. She's not saying much, and her body feels a bit stiff at the moment. She doesn’t seem particularly aroused, but you're not detecting any signs of mind-shattering agony either. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>> It's hard to tell if the <<if $body is 1>>young girl<<else>>girl<</if>> enjoys herself. Sporadic moans indicate that she's drifting between pain and lust, and you're able to detect a faint tremor running through her sphincter a couple of times. You suspect that she's probably closer to excitement than agony. <</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 1 and $arousal lte 3>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>> The girl's obviously finding this pleasurable, at least to some extent, as she's moaning and writhing her body in a way that's both relaxed and joyful. Sometimes, though, you're fucking her a bit too rough, and unintentionally push her into a more painful state that breaks the arousal you've managed to build up. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>You push the girl further and further into sexual ecstasy. Both her body and ass feel relaxed, and are whole-heartedly accepting your shaft as it plows repeatedly through her buttocks. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>The girl moans from lust and sexual pleasure as your shaft rams her anus over and over. She’s enjoying herself, and tries to rock her hips in unison with your thrusts, obviously looking for sexual gratification. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>The girl cries out loud as she’s overcome by strong, arousing sensations. Her entire body shivers from ecstasy and you feel how pleasurable tremors rock $girlnames anus as your shaft continues to ram her.<</if>>
<<set $likeanal+=1>>
<<if $arousal gte 4 and $arousal lte 7>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>It's obvious that your fuck-partner finds your intercourse arousing. The girl caresses her buttocks and belly intensively, while letting her fingers run a gauntlet between her pussy-lips. She's constantly yelping and moaning as feelings of submissiveness and sexual ecstasy mix into an orgy of sweat, tears, and arching backs. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>> $girlname is obviously enjoying herself. She's moaning from aroused pleasure and welcomes your shaft by spreading her buttocks far apart, squeezing and pulling at them hungrily. After a couple of minutes, she moves down and mushes her fingers into the wetness of her pussy instead. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>> The girl screams out loud and seems to whole-heartedly enjoy herself as you're ramming her ass over and over. It's wonderful. A relaxed anus welcomes your shaft with such delight that you frequently have stop yourself to avoid a premature ejaculation. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>The girl holds her ass wide open and welcomes your shaft with such intensity that she's crying and screaming out loud. It doesn’t matter that you reach way too deep inside her bowels – she wants you to continue fucking her just like you're doing now. <</if>>
<<if $traitjaded lte 49>><<set $happiness+=1>><</if>>
<<set $likeanal+=1>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>The girl’s mind is dancing in a state of pure, sexual bliss and every part of her body enjoys the feeling of your shaft ravaging its way through her anus. She's pulled back into reality as your cock twists in a way that's too painful even for $girlname to enjoy, but the pain subsides after a few seconds and she's able to shake the agonizing feeling rather quickly. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>> The girl is extremely aroused and moans out loud each time she feels the stone-hard veins of your shaft plowing irregularly through her anus. The vibrations from $girlnames constant cries make her ass feel like a mouth that's blowing your cock instead of receiving it. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>> The girl shivers uncontrollably from tremendous lust and ecstasy. Your shaft works her like a magic wand that touches on just the right spots in every way possible. <br><br>She’s crying out loud with each breath, reaching closer and closer to orgasm. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>With eyes tightly shut, her head bent upward, and a never-ending tremor of aroused pleasure, it’s clear that the girl is stuck in a wave of heavenly ecstasy. <<if $fuckskill lte 49 and $skillroll lte 14>><<set $fuckskill+=1>><</if>> <</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 79>><<set $masterlove+=1>><</if>>
<<if $traitjaded lte 49 or _ran lte 2>><<set $happiness+=1>><</if>>
<<set $likeanal+=1>>
<<set _tchance to random(1, 100)>>
<<set _tear=0>>
<<if $body is 1>><<set _tear+=50>><</if>>
<<if $body is 2>><<set _tear+=30>><</if>>
<<if $body gte 3>><<set _tear+=20>><</if>>
<<if $actway is 1>><<set _tear-=30>><</if>>
<<if $actway is 2>><<set _tear+=15>><</if>>
<<if $actway is 3>><<set _tear+=35>><</if>>
<<if $analxp lte 9>><<set _tear+=10>><</if>>
<<if $analxp lte 19>><<set _tear+=5>><</if>>
<<if $analxp lte 29>><<set _tear+=10>><</if>>
<<if $analxp gte 80>><<set _tear-=20>><</if>>
<<if $cock is 2>><<set _tear+=12>><</if>>
<<if $cock is 3>><<set _tear+=20>><</if>>
<<if $cock is 3 and $body is 1>><<set _tear+=10>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -8>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal-=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>><<set $arousal to -7>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel-=2>>
<<set $pain+=1>>
<<set _tear+=20>>
<<if $arousal gte -7 and $arousal lte -4>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal to -8>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>> <<set $arousal to -3>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel-=2>>
<<set $pain+=1>>
<<set _tear+=15>>
<<if $arousal gte -3 and $arousal lte -1>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>> <<set $arousal to -4>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>> <<set $arousal to 0>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel-=1>>
<<set _tear+=10>>
<<if $arousal is 0>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal to -1>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>><<set $arousal to 1>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<if $arousal gte 1 and $arousal lte 3>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>><<set $arousal to 4>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel+=1>>
<<if $arousal gte 4 and $arousal lte 7>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>> <<set $arousal to 3>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>><<set $arousal to 8>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel+=1>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal to 7>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>><<set $arousal+=1>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel+=2>>
<<set _tear-=_tchance>>
<<if _tear gte 1>><<set $analwear+=1>><</if>>
<<if _tear gte 50>><<set $analwear+=1>><</if>>
<<if _tear gte 100>><<set $analwear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $fuckskill lte 89>>
<<if _inc is true>>
Your ''Copulation skill'' has increased by one point!
<<set $fuckskill+=1>>
<<if $age lte 19 or $traitpure gte 51>><<set _purefall to true>><</if>>
<<if _purefall is true and $happiness gte 10 and $actway gte 2 and $likesadist lte 29 and $descroll lte 2 and $arousal lte -5>><<set $happiness-=2>><<set $masterlove-=1>><<if $willpower gte 10>><<set $willpower-=1>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $fuckcount lte 2 and $fuckcount gte 1>>
''You’re extremely aroused and will cum any second!''
<<set _nocum to true>>
<<if $arousal gte 9 and _nocum isnot true>>
<<if $arousal gte 10 or $likeanal gte 50>>
//Suddenly, $girlname burst out in a loud scream as she's overcome by an orgasm! You can feel her sphincter pulling together in delicious cramps as it tightens around your shaft.//
<br><br>''Her disposition <<if $masterlove lte 64 or $skillroll lte 2>>toward you and<<set _both to true>><</if>> toward anal sex <<if _both is true>>have<<else>>has<</if>> increased!''
<<if $plimp[5] gte 1 and $traitvanilla gte 1>>
$girlnames ''Vanilla Trait value (-1)'' has decreased!
<<set $traitvanilla-=1>>
<<if $actway is 3 and _ran lte 1 and $traitvanilla gte 1>>
Your rough act has decreased $girlnames ''Vanilla Trait value (-1)''!
<<set $traitvanilla-=1>>
<<if $masterlove lte 64 or $skillroll lte 2>><<set $masterlove+=2>><</if>>
<<set $likeanal+=1>>
<<set $arousal=3>>
<<set $sexfeel+=3>>
<<if $happiness lte 64>><<set $happiness+=1>><</if>>
<<if $traitnymfo gte 51>><<set $happiness+=1>><<set $masterlove+=1>><</if>>
<<if $traitperv gte 51>><<set $happiness+=1>><<if $scarefactor gte 1>><<set $scarefactor-=1>><</if>> <</if>>
<<if $scarefactor gte 1 and $skillroll lte 50>><<set $scarefactor-=1>><</if>>
<<if $afraid gte 3 and _ran lte 2>><<set $afraid-=1>><</if>>
<<if $actway is 3 and $likesadist lte 29>><<set $likesadist+=1>><</if>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 10)>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 10)>>
<<set $skillroll to random(1, 100)>>
<<set $gavecred to false>>
<<include MainAffectEngine>>
<<if $arousal lte -2>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 40 and $willpower lte 79>>
<<set $chance-=4>>
<<if $willpower gte 80>>
<<set $chance-=6>>
<<if $skillroll is 100>>
<<set $chance-=100>>
<<set $masterlove-=1>>
<<if $chance gte 1>>
<<if $masterlove lte 69 or $traitstarlet gte 51>><<set $masterlove+=1>><</if>>
<<if $happiness lte 79 or $traitstarlet gte 51>><<set $happiness+=1>><</if>>
<<if $analnow is true and $likeanal lte 49>><<set $likeanal+=1>><</if>>
<<if $oralnow is true and $likeoral lte 59>><<set $likeoral+=1>><</if>>
<<if $pussynow is true and $likepussy lte 69>><<set $likepussy+=1>><</if>>
<<if $chance lte 0>>
<<if $willpower gte 69>><<set $masterlove-=1>><</if>>
<<if $analnow>>
<<if $descroll is 1>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //Girl, your ass is so sexy! I don't think I've ever seen a <<if $body lte 2>>woman<<else>>girl<</if>> as sexy as you!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //You're incredible! So sexy, so smart. Everything a man needs! Perfect!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //Everything about you is so perfect – your <<if $body lte 2>>tight<</if>> ass, your body, your face. I love you!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 4>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //I could fuck this ass all day - it's the sexiest thing I've ever seen. You're absolutely stunning! <<if $body is 1>>And so innocently young!<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 5>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //You're fucking HOT! I love you!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 6>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //You're the hottest <<if $body lte 2>>little teenage girl<<else>>woman<</if>> I've ever had sex with!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 7>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //<<if $body is 1>>This little butt of yours is so sexy! So small, but can take so much! I love you girl!<<else>>Your butt is incredible! It's freaking perfect! I love you!<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 8>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //You're the hottest <<if $body lte 2>> teen<<else>>woman<</if>> on this entire planet. You're the sexiest girl I've ever laid my eyes on!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 9>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //I'm so lucky to have you. It's incredible! You and I are gonna have many good years together.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 10>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //Oohhh... we're gonna do this again. Your ass is the best thing I know. You're so sexy. So beautiful.//<</if>>
<<if $oralnow>>
<<if $descroll is 1>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //Giiirl... You're so incredibly sexy. Those <<if $body lte 2>>tiny<</if>> lips... mmh... so fantastic... That's it, do it like that...<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //Your mouth is the sexiest thing I know! <<if $body lte 2>>Despite your young age, you can handle a man's cock sooo freakin' good... <</if>> That's it, ohh... you're so good at what you're doing!
<<if $descroll is 3>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //Ohh, $girlname, you should know that you're fantastic. Your mouth, your body. Everything about you is so perfect!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 4>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //You're sooo perfect! Your tongue is magic! <<if $body lte 2>>It's unbelievable that such a small girl can make me so satisfied!<</if>> Keep on doing it, that's it! That's just right!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 5>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //This right here is the sexiest thing I know, a <<if $body lte 2>>small<</if>> girl giving head. And she does it so good! Ohh, yes, you’re the loveliest girl I've ever known! Oh... you're perfect...//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 6>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //Oohh, your mouth is so sexy and sooo warm. Keep doing it... Yeah... You're really, really good!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 7>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //You're so incredible! You and I are gonna have many fine moments together. And this <<if $body lte 2>>little<</if>> mouth will be put to work, doing what it's best at doin'...//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 8>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //You're the sexiest girl I know! I love every little inch of you!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 9>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //You're so hot! Your <<if $body lte 2>>little<</if>> neck, your lovely<<if $body lte 2>>, little <</if>> mouth, your diligent tongue... Everything about you is perfect!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 10>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //You're the most beautiful and sexiest girl in this entire colony! I love you!//<</if>>
<<if $pussynow>>
<<if $descroll is 1>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //You're so incredibly sexy! Those <<if $body lte 2>>small<</if>> pussy lips of yours... wow!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //You're mine… Mmh… I love your warm, <<if $body lte 2>>little<<else>>delicious<</if>> body so much. I worship it.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //$girlname, you're amazing! Your body is perfect and I love you. I love you so much!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 4>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //Your body is sooo perfect. You're perfect! I'm so lucky to have you!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 5>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //Oohh... your cunt... it's so lovely... and warm... You're the best thing that's happened to me. My sexy, <<if $body gte 3>>cute<<else>>little<</if>> girl!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 6>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //You're so sexy, $girlname. Every other girl must be envious of you!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 7>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //You're incredibly beautiful. I'm amazed by you! And your <<if $body lte 2>>little<</if>> cunt, it's soo soft and so perfect. We're gonna spend many fine moments together and your pussy will work really hard doin' what it's created to do.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 8>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //You're the cutest girl in this entire world! You should be really proud!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 9>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //Ooww... your sooo HOT! I love you with my entire heart! Please, never disappoint me...//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 10>> ''$pcFirstName:'' //Girl, you're amazing. Totally, fucking amazing! I love you so much! Please, never make me disappointed. You're too good for that!//<</if>>
<<if $skillroll lte 99>>
<<if $chance gte 1>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 5>>It's hard to tell if the girl's been positively affected by your praise. She seems relatively unfocused and you fail to make eye contact with her. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 6>>$girlname seems sincerely affected by your praise and smiles back at you.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 7>>$girlname gives you a sincere smile in response. She’s been positively affected by your nice words.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 8>>$girlname blushes and gives you a sincere smile in return. You’ve succeeded in affecting her! <</if>>
<<if $chance lte 0>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 5>>It's hard to tell if the girl's been positively affected by your praise. She seems relatively unfocused.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 6>>Judging from the look in $girlnames eyes, she doesn't seem to appreciate your praise - which might have had an opposite effect. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 7>>$girlname seems stiff and uncomfortable. To be honest, your words didn’t sound particularly good.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 8>>Unfortunately, your words sounded a bit too much. You’ve failed to positively affect $girlname. <</if>>
<<if $skillroll is 100 and $willpower lte 79>>
''Critical failure!''
$girlname glances at you with a dismissive look - your attempt at praising her has only made you seem pathetic and desperate.
<<if $skillroll is 100 and $willpower gte 80>>
<div class="red">Critical failure!</div>
<<if $descroll2 lte 5>>$girlname gives you a dismissive look. She bursts out in laughter and shakes her head. Your attempt at praising her has only made you more pathetic in her eyes.<<set $masterlove-=2>><</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 6>>$girlname becomes very uncomfortable, clearly negatively affected by your attempt at praising her. <</if>>
<<set $masterlove-=1>>
<<set $willpower+=1>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<set $preoraltime to random(4, 14)>>
<div class="headsign">$girlname</div>
<<include Libido>>
<<if $iswashingcock is false and $putin is false and $event7 is false and $action2 is false>>
<<set _pic to 3>>
<<include IniDescs>>
<<if $iswashingcock is false and $event7 is false and $action2 is false>>
<<include PutinTexts>>
<<if $iswashingcock is true and $comesfromchange is false and $action5 is false>>
<<set _pic to 8>>
<<include Washcocksimulator>>
<<if $iswashingcock is true or $action5 is true>>
<<include WashcockThreat>>
<<if $action2 is true and $action5b is false>>
<<include GenSexDesc>>
<<set $action1 to false>>
<<if $tempstamina lte 3 and $tempstamina gte 1>>
<br><br>$girlname is very exhausted!
<<if $tempstamina lte 0>>
<br><br>Poor $girlname is totally exhausted and collapses in front of you!
<div class="pic">
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $refuseoral is false and $tempstamina gte 1>>
<<if $putin is false>>
<<if $iswashingcock is true and $action5 is false and $washcockrounds lte 5>>[[Continue licking!|Oralini][$washcockrounds+=1, $comesfromchange to false]]<</if>>
[[Put it in your mouth|Oralini][$putin to true, $iswashingcock to false, $comesfromchange to false]]
<<if $washcancel is false>>
<<if $iswashingcock is false and $action5 is false>> [[Lick my balls!|Oralini][$iswashingcock to true, $washcockrounds+=1, $comesfromchange to false]]<</if>>
<<if $putin is true and $action5 is false>>[[Start blowjob|Oralsimulation][$comesfromchange to false, $event7 to false, $oralrounds=1]]<</if>>
<<if $action4 is true and $action5 is true and $action5b is false and $washcockrounds lte 0>>[[Put it in your mouth|Oralini][$comesfromchange to false, $iswashingcock to false, $action2 to false, $putin to true, $action5 to false, $refuseoral to false]]<</if>>
<<if $action4 is true and $action5 is true and $action5b is false and $washcockrounds gte 1>>[[put it in your mouth|Oralini][$comesfromchange to false, $iswashingcock to false, $action5b to true]]<</if>>
<<if $action4 is true and $action5 is true and $action5b is true>>[[Start blowjob|Oralsimulation][$comesfromchange to false, $event7 to false, $action1 to false, $action2 to false, $action3 to false, $action4 to false, $action5 to false, $oralrounds=1]]<</if>>
<<if $refuseoral is true and $action1 is true>>
[[Threaten|Oralini][$action2 to true]]
<<if $action2 is true and $action5 is false>>
[[Continue|Oralini][$action5 to true]]
<<if $refuseoral is true and $action4 is false and $action2 is false>>
<<if $wsex isnot 1>>
<<if $tempstamina lte 0>>
<<if $wsex isnot 1>>
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<<if $action5 is true>>
<<if $washcancel is false>>
<<if $iswashingcock is false and $action5b is false and _nolick isnot true>> [[Lick my balls clean!|Oralini][$iswashingcock to true, $washcockrounds+=1, $comesfromchange to false]]<</if>>
<<if $iswashingcock is true and $washcockrounds lte 4>>[[Continue licking!|Oralini][$washcockrounds+=1, $comesfromchange to false]]<</if>>
<div class="alt3">
<<include BondInt>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<<set $washtimetotal+=$preoraltime>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 3)>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 6)>>
<<set $descroll3 to random(1, 5)>>
<<include DiceRolls>>
<<set $chance=$likeoral>>
<<set $chance+=$masterfilth>>
<<set $chance-=$willpower>>
<<set $chance-=$skillroll>>
<<if $ownstatue is true and $wopos is 1>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $incense gte 1 and $wopos is 1>><<set $chance+=1>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 50>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 75>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 40>><<set $chance+=20>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 50>><<set $chance+=50>><</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 40>><<set $chance-=15>><</if>>
<<if $washcockrounds is 3>><<set $chance-=15>><</if>>
<<if $washcockrounds is 4>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $washcockrounds gte 5>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $chance lte 0 and $washcockrounds gte 2 and $willpower gte 1>><<set $washcancel to true>><<set $washcockrounds to 8>><</if>>
<<if $chance gte 1 and $washcockrounds gte 3>><<set $arousal+=1>><</if>>
<<if $chance gte 1 and $skillroll lte 2 and $washcockrounds gte 3>><<set $likeoral+=1>><</if>>
<<if $washcockrounds is 1>>
<<if $firstclean is true>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>''You:'' //Now I’m gonna tell you something really important. In my household, it's a fine tradition for a woman to blow her Master's, or friend's, ball-sack before the blowjob begins.<br><br> So get your face down there and show me what you can do with your tongue.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>''You:'' //I really like to have my cock and ball-sack cleaned before you blow it. Let me see what you can do with your tongue!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>''You:'' //We’ll try a new thing. You’re gonna lick my balls before we begin. <<if $age lte 19>>That’s how a teenage _callit studies her _callyou's cock! <</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $firstclean is false>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''You:'' //My cock needs a cleaning before we start.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''You:'' //I want your tongue all over my ball-sack before we begin. So get down there!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''You:'' //I need to get rid of all the ball-sweat before we begin. I want you to lick my cock clean! //<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''You:'' //Get your tongue down there and clean my balls first!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''You:'' //As I told you – get your face in there and lick my balls clean!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 6>>''You:'' //You know what you should do. Wrap your cute little tongue around my shaft and clean it good! //<</if>>
<<if $willpower lte 0 or $likesadist gte 45>>
<<if $likesadist gte 45>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Mmm… yes $callname, I’m gonna leave you sparkling… and really satisfied!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //I’ve been a bad girl, I deserve to clean the filth away from you, $callname.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //Yes, please, disgrace me with your filth! I’ve really deserved it! I’ve been having bad thoughts about your cock. I need to learn how to behave more like an innocent girl.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Let me swallow your filth, $callname. I’m your cum-bucket, and my tongue’s job is to clean your big cock before you fuck me.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //Yes, of course, $callname.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 6>>''$girlname:'' //My tongue is ready, $callname.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>> ''$girlname:'' //Sure, $callname. I'll do it. Gladly.// <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //Whatever you… Whatever you say, $callname.// <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //Of course $callname. Gladly.// <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>''$girlname:'' //(Long sigh)// <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 1>>Your _callit immediately starts stroking her tongue along your shaft, using thorough motions that arouse you faster than you expected.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>>The girl starts to lick the underside of your cock while giving you a submissive look. Drops of precum smear all over her forehead because of the girl’s angle while cleaning your shaft, but this doesn’t distract her a bit – in fact, when $girlname becomes aware of the slimy ordeal on her head, she moves her lips upward and gives your cockhead a good wipe with her tongue.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>>Just like a good cock-servant should, your _callit fondles your balls as she starts to kiss and lick the head of your shaft with wrapping, tenacious tongue motions.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>> The girl immediately plants her tongue between your inner thigh and your ball-sack before slowly moving her mouth up to the shaft, where she begins slurping every little droplet of sweat that she can find. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 5>>With an obedient gulp, $girlname takes the head of your penis inside her mouth and starts licking it gently with her tongue, not leaving any part of it out.<</if>>
<<if $masterfilth lte 39>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>$girlname does this despite your unclean cock. She’s obviously broken enough to know that complaining will only lead to punishment.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>The taste of your unclean cock doesn’t stop $girlname at all. She's using her tongue with good effort and obediently withholds any signs of disgust as the salty, bitter taste fills her mouth.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>$girlname doesn’t seem to mind the pungent odor from your cock. She’s obviously broken enough to know that it’s her job to get the filth away from her master’s groin.<</if>>
<<set $humiliation+=2>>
<<set $pic to 12>>
<<if $willpower gte 1 and $willpower lte 34 and $likesadist lte 44>>
<<if $masterfilth lte 24>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //No, no please, you’re so cruel! You can’t force me into doin' something so disgusting!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //No! You’re disgusting! It smells really bad. I think you need to wash yourself…//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //<<if $body gte 2>>No, please… I… I’m not crossing that line. I’m gonna throw up if I put that salty thing in my mouth!<<else>>How can you ask something so disgusting from me?<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //No…! You’re a sadist… (Sobbing) Please, don’t ever ask me to do that again when you haven’t… haven’t cleaned yourself!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //You can’t be serious? Asking me to do something so gross!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 6>>''$girlname:'' //No, I’ll never do that. I'll blow you, but I’m not actually gonna taste you!//<</if>>
$girlnames ''Affection (-3)'' toward you has decreased!
<<set $washcancel to true>>
<<set $iswashingcock to false>>
<<set $masterlove-=3>>
<<set $likeoral-=2>>
<<set $arousal-=2>>
<<set $humiliation+=1>>
<<set $pic to 22>>
<<if $masterfilth gte 25>>
<<if $descroll3 is 1>>The weak-minded girl gives you a submissive look as she starts licking your shaft’s underside with her tongue, carefully and obediently. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>>The girl takes your <<if $cock is 3>>huge<</if>> cock in her hands and starts to kiss the head of the penis before moving her tongue down to the root of your shaft.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>>The girl opens her mouth after a nervous gulp and starts eating at your cockhead with her lips. She's using a gentleness that sends shivers of arousal down your legs, all while she's squirming and churning her body suggestively in front of you. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>>$girlname tries to show her obedience by fondling your scrotum while giving you a submissive look with her puppy-eyes. The girl then opens her mouth, puts her tongue out, and starts licking at the root of your shaft with unexpected thoroughness. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 5>>$girlnames nods <<if $willpower lte 14>>obediently<</if>> after a moment’s hesitation, obviously not very interested in your suggestion. She inserts your <<if $masterfilth lte 49>>musky<</if>> cockhead into her mouth, however, and even takes the shaft surprisingly deep down her throat. <br><br>You instantly feel the girl’s tongue rasping away at its underside – a fantastic sensation that stimulates you in a very pleasurable way. <<set $fuckcount-=1>><</if>>
<<set $pic to 12>>
<<if $willpower gte 35 and $masterlove gte 70 and $likesadist lte 44>>
<<if $masterfilth gte 50>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Alright! I can lick your balls if that turns you on!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //Yeah, ok. I’m gonna work you up really good! Mmm! Just say Go when you want to begin!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //Mm… Yes… let me taste those delicious balls of yours!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Sure, let me taste them! This will be really nice for you.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //Mmm… Okay, I’ll lick your balls! This is gonna feel so nice for you, dear!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 6>>''$girlname:'' //Mm… Yes… You like my tongue? I’m gonna give you something to moan about!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 1>>After a few seconds, the girl starts licking your shaft with tongue motions that are immensely stimulating<<if $oralxp lte 19>> despite her inexperience with oral sex<<else>> but also done professionally enough to not make you cum prematurely<</if>>. You’re tremendously aroused, and somewhat surprised, by $girlnames quick initiative. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>>After giving you a smile of affection, the girl starts licking and kissing your cockhead before moving her mouth down to your scrotum, which she covers in a layer of saliva as her tongue sweeps all over it with satisfying strokes.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>> The girl then begins her submissive act by caressing your stomach and uttering suggestive moans, while moving her mouth further and further down toward your groin. <br><br> $girlname graces your hardon with a breeze of stimulating breaths before lapping the shaft’s underside with her tongue. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>>The girl then moves her mouth down to your ball-sack, which she embraces with the warmth and hunger of her loving lips. She’s bordering on being too rough, but the sexual stimulation far outweighs the faint soreness your balls have to endure. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 5>>The girl starts stimulating your cockhead with gentle, almost imperceptible kisses before sliding her lips along the underside of the shaft and slowly continuing all the way down to your balls.<</if>>
<<set $pic to 12>>
<<if $masterfilth lte 49>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Ehm, no! I’m not gonna wash that cock, honey, it fucking reeks!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //No! You’re disgusting! Your dick smells bad, and I’ll not make this blowjob longer than it needs to be!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //No fucking way! You need to shower! I won’t lick your balls if you smell like that. //<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //You’re disgusting. You really think I wanna do something so degrading?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //You can’t be serious? Asking me to do something so gross! You're not fresh! Not at all!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 6>>''$girlname:'' //No! I will not do something so degrading! You’re not fresh!//<</if>>
$girlnames ''Affection (-2)'' toward you has decreased!
<<set $washcancel to true>>
<<set $iswashingcock to false>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $likeoral-=2>>
<<set $pic to 22>>
<<if $willpower gte 35 and $masterlove lte 69 and $likesadist lte 44>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //You’re a real creep! You think I want to do something so disgraceful? You have to do with a blowjob!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //No! You’re disgusting! <<if $masterage gte 46>>Just a perverted old man!<</if>> I will never do something so disgraceful.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //Ewww… no, that’s a bit too intimate for me. //<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Haha, I’ll never do that!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //You can’t be serious? I’ll never do something so intimate with you.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 6>>''$girlname:'' //Haha, no, dream on! I’ll just do a regular blowjob, nothing more. Understand?//<</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 60>>
$girlnames ''Affection (-2)'' toward you has decreased!
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $washcancel to true>>
<<set $iswashingcock to false>>
<<set $pic to 22>>
<<set $arousal-=2>>
<<set $firstclean to false>>
<<if $washcockrounds is 2 and $comesfromchange is false>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>The girl continues to clean your <<if $masterfilth lte 49>>sweaty<</if>> genitals with her mouth – focusing on licking the head while carefully caressing your ball-sack with both her hands.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>The girl focuses on licking your perineum while gently raising your ball-sack with one of her hands. You shiver from sexual pleasure as $girlnames <<if $body lte 2>>little<</if>> tongue goes further and further down, not stopping until it’s just an inch away from your anus.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>For another ten minutes, the girl focuses on licking and sucking your ball-sack with thorough mouthfuls, making the entire package clean from sweat and dried body fluids.<<set $masterfilth+=2>><</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>The girl takes your entire shaft in her mouth and uses her lips to scrape off every drop of sweat from both its over- and underside. She does this over thirty times, almost simulating a real blowjob.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>The girl focuses on sucking and licking the soft skin around the root of your penis, making sure every droplet of sweat and filth is washed away.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 6>>The girl lets her tongue run in the area between your genitals and inner thighs, licking away each occurrence of filth and grime.<</if>>
<<set $humiliation+=1>>
<<if $washcockrounds is 3 and $comesfromchange is false>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 4)>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>As you command the girl to continue, she shifts her technique by letting her tongue slide like a pendulum over your entire shaft – starting from the root and moving all the way up to your cockhead, where the stimulating act forces her to swallow a drop of salty precum. <br><br>$girlname then leaves your penis and uses her mouth to suck your balls clean from sweat and other amassed filth. Judging from your _callit's frowning eyes, she seems to have accidentally tasted a pungent spot of bodily grime down there as well, but that doesn’t stop her from continuing. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>You want more, but the strain is beginning to show on $girlnames brow, as she tries to fight the onset of cramps in her jaw. Despite this, the girl continues to lick and kiss your shaft, although with less effort and far more sloppiness than what she had a moment ago. <br><br>
A coat of glistering saliva now covers most of your ball-sack and slimy tendrils connect $girlnames chin with your genitals. The outlook is very arousing, but also humiliating for the girl who's forced to perform such a degrading act.<<set $humiliation+=1>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>As $girlnames ordeal continues, she increases her pace and frantically moves her tongue all over your genitals. It’s a very sloppy exhibition, but she’s not missing out on any of her master’s bodily crevasses.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>$girlnames pace becomes far less intense. Instead of a frantic, sweat-searching stride, she uses thorough tongue motions that carefully lap every inch of your cock and cover it in a thick coat of saliva. Her effort is genuine, and she puts a lot of spirit into making you as aroused as possible. <<set $cumbuild+=1>><</if>>
<<if $washcockrounds is 4 and $comesfromchange is false>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 4)>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>> As you nod at the girl to proceed, she lets out a sigh of exhausted discomfort before moving your penis-head into her mouth. She starts a real blowjob that, after just a couple of seconds, ends with her lips wrapping themselves around the root of your shaft. She then moves her lips upward – slowly and carefully – scraping off every drop of sweat and filth that might still be there. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>As you force the <<if $age lte 19>>teenager<<else>>girl<</if>> to proceed, she shifts her focus to your belly and covers it with several sloppy kisses all the way down to your <<if $masterage gte 46>>grayish<</if>> pubes.<br><br>After inhaling the musky odor from her master’s groin, $girlname continues her kissing until she reaches the lower part of your ball-sack which she covers with yet another layer of saliva. <br><br>The girl's becoming really exhausted by now.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>> With closed eyes and exhausted moans, $girlname covers your cock with numerous wet kisses until the entire shaft drips with saliva. She then tries her best to lap it all up with her tongue but fails as the bitterness of your manly juices overwhelms her completely. By now, you’ve pushed the limits of what the girl’s stomach can handle! <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>> While uttering submissive moans and sticking her ass out, $girlname places her tongue on the lower part of your ball-sack and moves it upward in slow-motion. <br><br>Tendrils of saliva drips from your scrotum when she deems herself done and moves up toward your shaft. But you force the girl to go down with her tongue again to clean up the mess she caused. <</if>>
<<set $humiliation+=1>>
<<if $washcockrounds is 5 and $comesfromchange is false>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 4)>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>> The weary act has been going on for quite some time by now, but you continue to force $girlnames tongue to wrap itself around your shaft. <br><br>The girl is obviously exhausted, and her actions consist of a slow-going flurry of wet kisses, randomly placed all over your shaft, creating nauseating strings of saliva between her lips and your groin. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>> You push $girlname to continue her degrading act, and she tries her best to please you by lapping submissively over your shafts over- and undersides. But she’s running out of ideas – the last couple of minutes consist only of her landing random, wet kisses all over your groin, with eyes closed and strings of saliva streaming down from her lips. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>Sweat has drenched $girlnames face and her weary eyes look up at you pleadingly. You force her to continue the degrading act, however, which she now puts her final, genuine effort into.
<br><br>Using slow, trembling motions, the girl moves her tongue in one consistent pull from the bottom of your ball-sack up to the precum-covered cockhead that gives her a bitter-sweet taste of what’s to come when the blowjob starts. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>> With tired motions, $girlnames tongue continues to lap its way over the pungent crevasses of your groin to find any remaining salty spots that’s not yet been visited by her mouth.<br><br>Both your ball-sack and cock are covered in <<if $age lte 19>>the teenager’s<<else>>the girl’s<</if>> saliva and have become reddish from the long session both of you have endured by now. <</if>>
<<set $humiliation+=1>>
<<if $washcockrounds is 6 and $comesfromchange is false>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 4)>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>> You push it on even further and force the trembling girl to continue searching your ball-sack for the last streaks of filth it might carry.
<br><br>$girlname, using her last remaining stamina, forces her tongue deep below your ball-sack, not stopping until she’s just half an inch away from your anus. She temporarily parks your balls over her tongue, trying to get a moments rest from the elongated ordeal. The girl doesn’t even seem to care that her nose is buried deep into your scrotum, that's oozing with sweat and saliva. It's clear that she's given up on her last remaining pride.<<set $willpower-=1>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>> As the exhausted girl tries to pass the act over to an ordinary blowjob, you force your cock out from her mouth and instruct her to continue cleaning your genitals.<br><br>And it’s with a notion of tiredness that she uses her last remaining energy to move her trembling tongue up and down along your shaft’s underside. It’s a tedious act, not giving you much arousal, but you’re making sure that she’s not missing any last remaining spots of filth. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>> You tell $girlname to keep on cleaning your genitals, despite her weary looks and reddish lips – which have tasted way more cock than they probably should by now.<br><br>The girl’s eyes tear up, not from sadness, but because of the physical strain of continuing using her tongue. She’s haphazardly moving it up and down your shaft while constantly moaning out her troublesome predicament. The weariness forces the girl into frequent stops that's she's unable to control, just to get a few moments here and there to rest her cramping jaws. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>> $girlname, using all her remaining stamina, makes one last attempt at going through your genitals from top to bottom. <br><br>With weary eyes, she takes the upper half of your shaft in her mouth and greets your cockhead with a fast-moving tongue that touches on every spot. The ordeal becomes a sloppy mess after a couple of minutes as she pulls out the saliva-dripping shaft and starts licking your balls one last time. $girlnames mouth is noticeably tired, and you feel how the pressure from her tongue turns fainter for every minute that goes by. <br><br>Finally, she’s physically unable to continue and crumbles down in between your legs, eyes closed, panting from exhaustion. <</if>>
<b>//You’re as clean as you’ll ever get! It’s time to start the real blowjob.//</b>
<<if $washcockrounds is 8>>
<b>The girl has had enough!</b>
<<if $descroll3 is 1>><b>$girlname:</b> //I… I can’t continue with this. Please, let me blow you instead, okay?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>><b>$girlname:</b> //(Smiling)… Mmm… it’s time to blow your cock now, Sir. I think I'm finished!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>><b>$girlname:</b> //Awwwgh… My tongue! It’s cramping. I’m just gonna blow you instead, okay?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>><b>$girlname:</b> //This will take all day. Let’s move on, okay?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 5>><b>$girlname:</b> //(Smiling) Now this little puppy here wanna start the real thing! You're spotless.//<</if>>
<<if $washcockrounds lte 5 and $likesadist lte 44>>
<<if $cleancounter is 4>>
Your bad hygiene has really turned $girlname off. She’s repulsed by the muskiness of your cock and shows it with frequent frowns.
<<set $arousal-=1>>
<<if $cleancounter is 5>>
$girlname can’t hide her disgust anymore as your bad hygiene completely overwhelms her. The filthiness forces her to utter gags and moans of revulsion that turn the intimacy into a deplorable scene.
<<set $masterlove-=1>>
<<set $arousal-=1>>
Her ''Affection (-1)'' toward you has decreased!
<<if $cleancounter gte 6>>
The amassed filth in her mouth makes $girlname terribly disgusted. She’s constantly retching and expresses severe discomfort as the taste of your penis fills her with repulsion.
<<set $masterlove-=1>>
<<set $arousal-=1>>
<<set $happiness-=2>>
$girlnames ''Affection (-1)'' toward you has decreased!
<<set $tempstamina-=1>>
<<set $masterfilth+=1>>
<<if $masterfilth lte 10>><<set $cleancounter+=2>><</if>>
<<if $masterfilth lte 24>><<set $cleancounter+=1>><</if>>
<<if $masterfilth lte 49>><<set $cleancounter+=1>><</if>>
<<if $washcancel is false>>
Your hygiene has improved!
''Total wash time:'' $washtimetotal minutes.
<<set $daycount+=2>>
<<addmins 12>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<if $cumsave is true>>
<<if $fuckcount lte 0>><<set $fuckcount=1>><</if>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 6)>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 6)>>
<<set $skillroll to random(1, 100)>>
<<if $avatarunc is false>>
<<if $arousal lte -4 and $willpower gte 80>><<set $cancelact to true>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -6 and $willpower gte 40>><<set $cancelact to true>><</if>>
<<if $event5 is false and $arousal lte -5 and $willpower lte 39 and $keepdown isnot true and $firstthroat isnot true>><<set $event6 to true>><</if>>
<div class="headsign">$girlname</div>
<<include Libido>>
<<if $oralwhip is 1 or $oralwhip is 3>>
<<include OraWhi>>
<<set _readywhip to true>>
<<if $event6 is true and $event5 is false and $avatarunc is false and $willpower gte 1 and _readywhip isnot true>>
<<include DeepPlead>>
<<set $event5 to true>>
<<set $oralstate to 5>>
<<if $fuckcount gte 1 and $stampoints gte 1 and $event6 is false and $avatarunc is false and _readywhip isnot true>>
<<if $deeprounds is 1>> You take a firm hold around $girlnames head and start to force your shaft deeper into her mouth. It's clear that your intention is to push it in as far as possible.<br><br><</if>>
<<if $deeprounds gte 2 and $action4 is true and $action5 is false>> You press your <<if $cock gte 2>>huge<</if>> cock down $girlnames throat again.<br><br><</if>>
<<if $deeprounds gte 2 and $action4 is false and $action5 is false>> You pull your cock out from $girlnames throat!<br><br><</if>>
<<include DeepThroat>>
<<set $drool+=1>>
<<if $fuckcount lte 0>>
<b>You need to cum right now! $girlnames <<if $body is 1>>narrow<</if>> throat is too hot!</b>
<<if $stampoints lte 0>>
<b>You are extremely exhausted and cannot continue!</b>
<div class="pic">
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $action6 is true>>
[[Ouuch!|Finishsex][$cancelact to true, $action3 to false, $action4 to false, $action5 to false]]
<<if $action6 is false>>
<<if $fuckcount gte 1 and $stampoints gte 1 and $cancelact is false and $avatarunc is false>>
<<if $action4 is true and $action6 is false>>
[[Keep it down!|Deepthroat][$action5 to true, $action4 to false, $throatrounds+=1, $deeprounds+=1, $keepdown to true, $oralstate to 4, $oralwear+=1]]
<<if $action5 is true>>
[[Keep it down!|Deepthroat][$throatrounds+=1, $deeprounds+=1, $keepdown to true, $oralstate to 4, $oralwear+=1]]
<<if $action4 is false and $action5 is false>>
[[Deepthroat again|Deepthroat][$action4 to true, $action7 to false, $deeprounds+=1, $event6 to false, $throatrounds=0, $oralstate to 3, $pic to 23, $oralwear+=1]]<</if>>
<<if $action4 is true or $action5 is true>>
[[Pull out|Deepthroat][$action4 to false, $action5 to false, $deeprounds+=1, $deeptime=0, $throatrounds=0, $keepdown to false, $cumsave to true, $oralstate to 2, $pic to 233]]
<<if $action4 is false and $action5 is false>>
[[Back to oral|Oralsimulation][$action4 to false, $action5 to false, $action6 to false, $oralstate to 1]]
<<if $fuckcount lte 0>>
[[CUM!|Cumming][$hadoral to true, $deepcum to true, $action1 to false, $action2 to false, $action3 to false, $action5 to false]]
<<if $stampoints lte 0>>
[[Cancel|Finishsex][$hadoral to true]]
<<if $cancelact is true or $event6 is true>>
[[Cancel|Finishsex][$hadoral to true]]
<<if $avatarunc is true>>
[[Fuck!|Finishsex][$hadoral to true, $wentdowndeep to true]]
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<<if $cancelact is false and $avatarunc isnot true and $stampoints gte 2 and $tempstamina gte 1>>
<<if $ownwhipstick gte 1>>
<<if $oralwhip is 0>>
[[Ready whip|Deepthroat][$oralwhip to 1, $pic to 230]]
<<if $oralwhip is 2 and $oralwhips lte 19>>
[[Strike ass!|Deepthroat][$oralwhip to 3, $pic to 231]]
<p class="usedpass">Ready whip</p>
<div class="alt3">
<<include BondInt>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<<unset $firstthroat>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 4)>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 4)>>
<<set $descroll4 to random(1, 8)>>
<<set $skillroll to random(1, 100)>>
<<set _ran to random(1, 4)>>
<<set $chance=$likeoral>>
<<set $chance-=$skillroll>>
<<if $mastercharm lte 20>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $mastercharm gte 60>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $mastercharm gte 70>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterfilth lte 4>><<set $chance-=15>><</if>>
<<if $masterfilth lte 24>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterfilth lte 49>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterfilth gte 70>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 0>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 19>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 39>><<set $chance-=12>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 65>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 75>><<set $chance+=20>><</if>>
<<if $masterage gte 46>><<set $chance-=10>><<if $age lte 19>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -8>><<set $chance-=8>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -7>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -5>><<set $chance-=7>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -3>><<set $chance-=7>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -1>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 1>><<set $chance+=12>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 2>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 4>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 6>><<set $chance+=7>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>><<set $chance+=12>><</if>>
<<if $tempstamina lte 19>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $tempstamina lte 9>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $like is true>><<set $chance+=30>><</if>>
<<if $likeoral gte 50>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $likeoral gte 70>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $likeoral gte 80>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist lte 3>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 5>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 35>><<set $chance+=8>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 40>><<set $chance+=50>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 50>><<set $chance+=50>><</if>>
<<if $happiness lte 19>><<set $chance-=6>><</if>>
<<if $skillroll is 1>><<set $chance+=60>><</if>>
<<if $skillroll is 100>><<set $chance-=60>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist lte 29 and $arousal lte 5>>
<<if $afraid gte 3>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $afraid gte 8>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $afraid gte 15>><<set $chance-=20>><</if>>
<<if $traitsize gte 5 and $cock gte 3>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $traitsize gte 5 and $cock lte 2>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $chance gte 1>>
<<set $arousal+=1>>
<<set $descroll2+=1>>
<<if $chance lte 0>>
<<if $descroll lte 2>>
<<set $arousal-=1>>
<<if _npc.lesbian gte 25>><<set $chance-=25>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 1>><<set $pic to 20>><<else>><<set $pic to 21>><</if>>
<<if $oralxp lte 6>><<set $descroll3 to random(0, 7)>> <</if>>
<<if $oralxp gte 7 and $oralxp lte 12>><<set $descroll3 to random(2, 7)>> <</if>>
<<if $oralxp gte 13 and $oralxp lte 22>><<set $descroll3 to random(3, 13)>> <</if>>
<<if $oralxp gte 23 and $oralxp lte 49>><<set $descroll3 to random(6, 17)>> <</if>>
<<if $oralxp gte 50 and $oralxp lte 74>><<set $descroll3 to random(8, 18)>> <</if>>
<<if $oralxp gte 75>><<set $descroll3 to random(12, 20)>> <</if>>
<<if $betterblow is true>><<set $descroll3+=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>><<set $fuckcount-=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 5>><<set $fuckcount-=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 14>><<set $fuckcount-=1>><</if>>
<<if $girlid is 13>>
<<if $masterlove lte 74 and $likesadist lte 39 and $likeoral lte 79 and $quest_cat lte 22>>
<<set $arousal to random(0, -3)>>
<<set $sexfeel to random(-1, -3)>>
<<set _stopcat to true>>
<<if $isjerking gte 1>>
<<if $isjerking is 1>>
<<if $badblow is false>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>$girlnames skillful tongue beckons your cum to start shooting her with jizm, causing you to jerk off inside her mouth for a couple of minutes. It's too good to hold back!<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>You can't hold back and decide to jerk off inside $girlnames mouth for a couple of minutes. The girl's tongue just did wonders to your cockhead and your entire body wants to shoot her full of hot, oozing jizm.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>$girlnames mouth is impossible to endure, so you decide to jerk off inside it for a couple of minutes.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 4>>You grab the root of your cock and start jerking it off, while still holding the cockhead over $girlnames tongue.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>You decide to shorten the time $girlname needs to blow you by jerking of inside her mouth for a couple of minutes.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>To enhance the somewhat lacking spirit from $girlname, you decide to jerk off inside her mouth.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>To hasten the time it'll take before squirting $girlnames mouth with cum, you decide to jerk off inside her mouth for a couple of minutes.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 4>>Since $girlnames blowing you in a rather dull way right now, you decide to jerk off inside her mouth for a couple of minutes.<</if>>
<<if $arousal lte 0>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>However, the girl's only marginally relieved by the new approach of hurrying the spunk out from your ball-sack. It will cut the time she needs to blow you, but she's still noticeably disgusted. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>Despite your will to hurry yourself to an unavoidable shootout, the girl squints her eyes shut and moans from discomfort. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>The girl remains motionless and rigid, with her mouth marginally open. It's obvious that she's not enjoying herself, despite your will to hurry things up.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>The girl moans from disgust as your cockhead bounces up against her palate with each pull you make. It's obvious she's not looking forward to the unavoidable finish you're about to summon.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>The girl smiles at you and moans suggestively, waiting eagerly for the finish that's about to happen.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>The girl closes her eyes and beckons your cock to erupt by teasing the cockhead's underside with her tongue.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>The girl helps out by moving her lips back and forth over your shaft as it slides in and out. Each pull you make also lands comfortably in the softness of her tongue. $girlnames eagerness is very enjoyable and you look with delight at how she seems to appreciate serving her master orally.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>The girl's tongue greets your cockhead with a flurry of motions that create a whole new enjoyable dimension to the act. She's clearly enjoying herself too.<</if>>
<<set $fuckcount-=1>>
<<if $isjerking gte 2>>
<<if $descroll4 is 1>>You continue jerking off inside $girlnames mouth. It has become pleasingly sloppy by now, and your cockhead moves around like a drumstick all over her palate, slathering around the gobs of spit and precum that your act has formed.<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 2>>You prolong your jerking inside $girlnames mouth, slowly moving it deeper and deeper down her throat in search for that perfect angle. It feels like your sheathing your dagger over and over again.<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 3>>You grab $girlnames head as you continue jerking off inside her mouth. You've been doing it for well over <<if $isjerking is 2>>ten<</if>><<if $isjerking is 3>>fifteen<</if>> minutes by now and it has become a shaky and messy ordeal, causing tendrils of spit to stream down over your victim's belly.<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 4>>You don’t care that you've managed scrape your shaft against $girlnames teeth. The jerking session continues relentlessly, and you've turned the girl's mouth into a <<if $masterfilth lte 20>>stinking<</if>> swimming pool of spit and precum.<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 5>><<if $body lte 1>>You've had to force $girlnames little mouth wide open in order to save your shaft from getting scraped bloody by her teeth. But you're determined to continue jerking off inside it.<<else>>You continue masturbating inside $girlnames oral cavity, and you've been doing so for over ten minutes by now. It's a messy sight - irregular streams of spit stream down from her mouth as you repeatedly hammer it with rough strokes. Over and over again.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 6>>You continue pulling at your penis, each time scraping the cockhead against $girlname palate. <</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 7>>You continue jerking off inside $girlnames mouth. By now, it's nothing more than a monotonous mess, with sloppy secretions streaming down all over the girl's body. But at least you're in control and know you'll cum soon. <</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 8>>You continue tugging your penis while holding it over $girlnames tongue. Her hands are now resting casually over her thighs and she acts more like a genuine cum dumpster than anyone who's involved in an oral session.<</if>>
<<if $arousal lte 0>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>It's obvious that the girl's not liking it. She closes her eyes shut and holds her mouth open, hoping that you'll relieve her from this ordeal as soon as you're done.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>The girl's looking at you with watery eyes, trying to keep her mouth as wide open as possible. She doesn’t like it, but this is at least not as despicable as having to blow you herself.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>Even if this is better than having to blow you herself, the girl cannot hold back her repulsiveness. You notice how the disgust causes her belly to cramp and heave uncontrollably on several occasions.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>The girl tries to hide her disgust by closing her eyes and holding her own feet with cramping hands. She's very uncomfortable, but this is at least not as bad as having to blow you herself.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>The girl tries to smile at you and meets your eyes with a submissive gaze that's very enthralling.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>You're further aroused by the girl's genuine attempts at pleasing you. She caresses your swinging ball-sack, strokes your thighs, and moans with a delightful submissiveness. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>The girl's sitting completely still, content with acting as a hole where you're allowed to dump your load.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>While holding her cramping mouth wide open, the girl spirals your lust further by moving her body suggestively and moaning with submissive undertones.<</if>>
<<set $fuckcount-=2>>
<<if $oralrounds is 1>>
<<if $descroll3 lte 1>>You notice immediately that $girlname doesn’t know how to properly handle a man's penis, and the act turns monotonous and boring right away despite the sensual feeling of <<if $age lte 19>>a teenager's<<else>>a woman's<</if>> lips wrapping themselves around your shaft.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>> $girlname doesn't show any devotion or skill at all when she starts blowing your manhood. The only thing getting some form of attention is your cockhead, which she sucks and licks repeatedly, handling it like it's a lollipop. <<if $body is 1>>This young lady still needs some serious practice.<</if>><<set $fuckcount-=1>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>> <<if $cock is 3>> $girlnames having trouble coping with the size of your penis and doesn't know how to gulp it properly. The first five minutes is a display of lackluster experience, fear, and animosity that doesn’t impress you at all. <<else>>$girlname fails to impress after starting her blowjob and makes no effort to give you a satisfying experience during the following ten minutes. It might be because of her own inexperience, however, as you notice so many details that she needs to improve on. <</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>> <<if $body lte 1>> $girlname starts blowing your cock with lackluster dedication, devoid of both effort and real skill. It's expected from a girl so young, though, but you'd wish she'd be at least somewhat committed to her master despite her poor knowledge in male anatomy. <<else>><<if $girlid is 13>>Caitlin deliberately pushes her mouth down onto your cock, but stops immediately when the tip touches the entrance to her throat. She coughs uncomfortably, pulls back and then slides her mouth slowly back down your shaft using a more careful technique that makes you crave more stimulation.<<else>>There's no skill or dedication when $girlname starts blowing you. She moves her head monotonously up and down and seems too uncomfortable taking your cock past her tongue, at least right now.<</if>> <</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 5>> $girlname starts her blowjob without dedication; she's either too inexperienced or too tired to put in any real effort at the moment. The feeling of her tongue arouses you as it tickles your cockhead, but she'll have to do a lot better if she wants this to end any time soon. <<set $fuckcount-=1>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 6>> <<if $age lte 18>>As $girlname starts the blowjob, she tries to perform adequately by looking at you with her young, teenage eyes while sticking her ass out, and gulping your shaft deep enough to hopefully leave you with a lasting satisfaction. Unfortunately, she fails in most aspects.<br><br> The attempt was sincere, though, and you're able to maintain your hardon by just observing her young body working away over your cock. <<set $fuckcount-=1>> <<else>>$girlname makes a half-hearted attempt at energizing the start of her blowjob, but she's either too inexperienced or too tired to surprise you in any good way. It quickly turns monotonous and boring, but you're at least somewhat satisfied by just the feeling of a young woman's tongue around your shaft. There's never anything wrong with that.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 7>>The first minute is rather pleasant, but $girlname fails to build on her initial success as she's either too tired or too inexperienced. She can fill her entire mouth down to the uvula with your cock, but needs to improve her tongue techniques and ability to deepthroat if she wants to earn the status of a professional cocksucker.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 8>>$girlname impresses with the first minutes of her blowjob before it turns mechanical and ordinary. But the initial success has energized you with a feeling of arousal, despite her lack of professionalism, leaving your cock throbbing and aching for more head.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 9>>$girlname starts her blowjob by satiating your cock with a thick coat of saliva, to make it easier for her mouth to take it deeper. <br><br>The following ten minutes are very pleasant; she dedicates herself to your slippery shaft and blows it in a way that's perfectly balanced between satisfied monotonousness and surprise.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 10>><<if $body is 1>>The young girl starts her blowjob in a highly gratifying way. It's not just the softness and suggestiveness that she applies to your hardon; it's also the enjoyment of feeling a young teenager doing her best to satisfy <<if $masterage gte 40>>an older man<<else>>a mature man<</if>> orally. Her small body wiggles in a submissive way as she blows your cock, and you have to work hard not to cum prematurely. <<set $fuckcount-=1>><<else>>$girlname applies just the right amount of softness around your hardon and starts her act in a very satisfying way. It turns monotonous after a couple of minutes, but in a good way - you don't want to cum prematurely.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 11>><<if $cock is 3>>Despite feeling uncertain about the massive shaft she's about to blow, $girlname starts by doing just the right thing when she satiates your cock with saliva and licks its underside with submissive hunger. Three minutes later, she's gobbling the large hilt like it's something she was born to do and leaves you feeling very satisfied, despite her relatively simple techniques. <<else>> $girlname starts right away by kissing and moisturizing your shaft to make it easier for her to slide the thing down to the back of her throat. She does this several times right from the start, feeling either overly-eager or just wanting to end her ordeal as fast as possible. <</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 12 and $descroll3 lte 14>>$girlnames good at what she's doing and leaves you feeling blasted away right from the start. Your cock has been down the girl's throat at least three times before the first minutes have passed, and each part of your shaft gets to feel her soft tongue dedicating itself in a slurping, sloppy dance that satisfies you in every way. <<if $oralsp2 isnot true>>It's all done a bit too hurried, unfortunately, but you cannot question $girlnames devotion and skill, which is far above the average cocksucker on the street. <<set $oralsp2 to true>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 15 and $descroll3 lte 17>><<if $age lte 19>>$girlnames wraps her teenage mouth around your cock like she's done nothing else in her life. She squeezes, laps, and stimulates every part of your shaft, like a ceramics master forming the last pieces of her work. The youth and narrowness of $girlnames throat add another layer of excitement - you actually need to hold her back a bit, just to avoid a premature finish of something that's too delightful to end right now. <<else>>$girlname wraps her mouth around your cock and starts taking it deep right away. The first five minutes are delightful. You could almost call it //too delightful//, as she moves her tongue in such an arousing way that you're forced to hold her back if you're not to cum prematurely. Letting her freely play around with your cock would end this wonderful session way too early.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 18>><<if $girlid is 13>>Caitlin’s lips plunge down the length of your shaft with such force you have to remind yourself that it’s her mouth, not her pussy, that is pushing you relentlessly toward orgasm. She glances up at you casually, watching you squirm from her ceaseless oral attention.<<else>>You wish that $girlnames mouth would remain permanently wrapped around your manhood when she starts blowing your cock. She uses such devotion and skill that it's almost too much; you're catapulted into an ecstasy that you know will be (unfortunately) short-lived.<</if>><<set $fuckcount-=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 19>><<if $cock is 3>> $girlname shows no signs of repulsiveness or fear as she begins her blowjob, despite having to deal with such a large cock. Instead, she handles your shaft in just the right way by smudging it with saliva and using her tongue to gulp the cockhead without suffocating herself by mistake. <<else>>$girlname starts her blowjob with unmatched professionalism. She's like the warmth of a campfire and envelops you with softness, wetness, and excitement - all directed at your groin - a place she's more familiar with than her own bedroom. <</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 20>>$girlname descends on your penis like a choir of innocent academy girls. She gulps the shaft with adamant professionalism, and you're moaning like a bull when her tongue works your cockhead in an unreal manner that's only comparable with the rush of a tryptamine dream. <<if $body is 1 and $oralsp3 isnot true>>That such a young girl could handle a man's penis like this is almost unbelievable. <<set $oralsp3 to true>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $oralrounds gte 2 and $isjerking lte 0>>
<<set $tempstamina-=1>>
<<if $descroll3 lte 1>>$girlname continues to blow your cock like a sloppy amateur. She's frequently scraping her teeth against your shaft and doesn’t use her tongue at all, making it feel more like an ordinary jerk-off.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>>$girlname tries to stimulate your shaft by running her tongue up and down its underside<<if $cock is 3>> but fails miserably to handle the massiveness of your cock – she can't take it properly in her mouth and seems scared that she'll get hurt if you'd decide to deepthroat her.<<else>> while gently holding your ball-sack with her hand. <br><br>Unfortunately, she performs an amateurish job that fails to arouse you in any noticeable way. The girl needs more practice.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>>$girlname continues by sliding your shaft in and out from her mouth in a monotonous way that's devoid of both sexual stimulation and excitement. She does it either too rough or too soft, acting like you're some kind of milking-machine that she needs to pull a set number of times until it's done. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>><<if $girlid isnot 13>>There's nothing sensual happening when $girlname continues to blow your cock. She takes it deep a couple of times but forgets to apply a satisfying pressure with her tongue and doesn’t give a single thought to the head and its delicate areas.<<else>>Caitlin slides her mouth up and down your shaft with a steady rhythm, although you would barely consider her efforts a proper blowjob. She hasn’t summoned up enough spit to properly lubricate your cock, and it occasionally grazes her teeth, making you wince.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 5>><<if $girlid isnot 13>>$girlname continues to blow your cock without skill and professional dedication. The only things giving you some form of arousal are her <<if _npc.beauty lte 49>>impaled<<else>>beautiful<</if>> face and the sensation of her lips running desperately up and down your shaft.<<else>>Caitlin’s head bobs in your lap, her mouth moving up and down on your cockhead. However, she does nothing with her lips or tongue to enhance your experience and your shaft is still too dry to fully enjoy her efforts.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 6>>Apart from a couple of unexpected surprises, $girlnames oral skills are lackluster and do very little to stimulate you. She manages to apply enough pressure on your cockhead to make you excited a few times, but it’s probably just a coincidence as it happens too sporadically.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 7>><<if $girlid isnot 13>>$girlnames doing a mediocre job by working your penis with mechanical, monotonous blows that linger too long at the wrong parts. You're pleasantly surprised on a few occasions but her display is far from professional.<<else>>Caitlin performs adequately, taking your cockhead deep enough into her mouth to trigger the release of her bubbling, slick saliva. She seals her lips around your manhood and sucks hard with each pull, but the result is still mechanical, more like a machine than a woman.<</if>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 8>>$girlnames mouth takes your cock deep enough for her palate to act as a stimulating lip as it scrapes the head of your penis over and over. This creates an exciting sensation of lust in combination with her moans, which arouses you greatly.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 9>><<if $girlid isnot 13>>As $girlname continues to blow your cock, her tongue tickles the cockhead in such a way that you squirt <<if $action1 is false>>a droplet of precum<<else>>another droplet of cum<</if>> into her mouth. <<set $action1 to true>> The following ten minutes are a slimy, throbbing marathon that's pleasantly arousing and satisfying.<<else>>Caitlin bathes your cockhead in her slick saliva, working her warm mouth up and down your shaft. It feels good, and she uses her hand to keep up the stimulation when she pulls away to catch her breath.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 10>><<if $girlid isnot 13>><<if $action2 is false>>$girlname takes your cock deep down her throat a couple of times, attempting to show off her oral skills and make you satisfied with her performance. Your _callit's success is mediocre, but the feeling of her cramping larynx against your cockhead gives you a more than satisfying stimulation.<<else>>$girlname tries to deepthroat your cock again, this time with a more favorable outcome; she takes the entire shaft and can even use her tongue to touch your scrotum.<</if>><<set $action2 to true>><<else>>Caitlin vigorously applies her mouth to your sexual satisfaction as she continues to blow your hardon. She comfortably takes your cockhead right up to the entrance of her throat, bathing it in her thick, bubbling saliva while varying her rhythm enough to keep you interested.<</if>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 11>> $girlname needs to rest her neck and stops gobbling your shaft for a couple of minutes. She hasn't halted her engagement in making her master satisfied, however<<if $arousal lte -4>>, despite her current distress<</if>>. While taking it slower, she continues to stimulate your cockhead with an eager tongue and skillful lips that leave you feeling satisfied. You even have to hold her back on one occasion when you feel a dangerously large load of precum tunneling its way up your penis.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 12>> <<if $girlid isnot 13>>While eyeing you submissively, $girlname takes your cock out and inserts it again with each blow, making you feel every part of her mouth repeatedly. It's an overwhelming feeling of stimulation that leaves you groaning and shaking from arousal. <<if $cock gte 2 and $body is 1>> <br><br>The girth of your penis and $girlnames young age contribute to making your _callit overly-fatigued when using this technique, however, and she's panting from exhaustion after less than three minutes. <<set $tempstamina-=2>> <</if>><<else>>Caitlin’s lips slide up and down your spit-slick shaft while her saliva dribbles from the corners of her mouth. She services your cock with confidence, occasionally pulling it out to draw her wet tongue from the base or your balls to the tip of your cockhead, while looking up at you submissively.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 13>> <<if $cock is 3>> Despite overwhelming feelings of nausea brought on by the massiveness of your cock, $girlname continues to worship it like it's a pillar of a pagan god. She dances around it with her tongue and moans suggestively <<if $arousal lte 2 or $like is false or $masterlove lte 19>>(but probably insincerely)<</if>> while trying to gobble it down far enough to make you satisfied. <<else>>$girlname dances around your cock with her tongue, almost like a well-rehearsed performance. She's frequently taking it all the way down her throat<<if $oralxp lte 59>>, and does it with satisfactory devotion that puts a sincere smile on your face. Several involuntary gagging sounds remind you that she still needs some practice to become a perfect cocksucker, however. <<else>> and doesn't even flinch as the cockhead plants itself over the larynx, smearing it with precum and oozing saliva.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 14>> $girlname blows your cock with skillful variation. She moves her tongue all over the shaft and embraces each part of it with just the right amount of pressure. <<if $action3 is false>>A few attempts at deepthroating your cock fails, however, and results in a series of violent coughs that are stimulating in their own way.<<else>>This time, $girlname does a more successful attempt at deepthroating your cock. She manages to take it over five times before giving up from exhaustion and lack of oxygen.<</if>><<set $action3 to true>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 15>><<if $girlid is 13>>Caitlin’s lips slide up and down your spit-slick shaft while her saliva dribbles from the corners of her mouth. She services your cock with confidence, occasionally pulling it out to draw her wet tongue from the base of your balls to the tip of your cockhead.<<else>> A series of determined blows work up immense arousal that tickles your manhood to the point of ejaculation. $girlname takes your shaft halfway down her throat and embraces it with the tightness of her pharynx each time. The only thing stopping you from squirting her throat full with cum is the growing sensation of monotonousness. In all other aspects, $girlname gives you head like a true professional. <</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 16>><<if $girlid isnot 13>>$girlname continues to blow you with an oral dexterousness that few other <<if $age lte 19>>teenage<</if>> girls can match. She knows exactly how to work her tongue along the upper part of your penis, while using her left hand to stimulate the underside of your ball-sack. This goes on for almost ten minutes, and every second of it feels like bathing in an angelic waterfall.<<else>>Caitlin’s lips plunge down the length of your shaft with such force you have to remind yourself that it’s her mouth, not her pussy, that is pushing you relentlessly toward orgasm. She glances up at you casually, watching you squirm from her ceaseless oral attention.<</if>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 17>><<if $girlid is 13>>Caitlin’s attention to your cock with her mouth leaves you writhing in ecstasy. Then, she abruptly stops blowing you and looks up with a sly smile before moving her shivering lips down to your balls, which she starts to work hard with her tongue; hand clamped tight around the base of your shaft. <<else>> $girlname moves her tongue all over your cock with great skill and knows exactly which parts to stimulate at what time. She alternates the phenomenal blowjob by sudden shifts in her focus, like licking the shaft's underside down to its root, or deepthroating it while looking at you submissively, or bending it in just the right angle with her jaws to give you that feeling of virginal penetration. <</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 18>> <<if $body is 1>>Despite her young age, $girlname works your cock like a goddess, moving it in and out of her little mouth in just the right way to bring you closer to an unavoidable ejaculation. But it's not just her skill, it's the scene itself - a young face, crowned by innocent eyes, working <<if $masterage gte 40>> an older man's <<else>>a mature man's<</if>> cock with devotion that you normally only see in more experienced girls. <<else>>With great effort and skill, $girlname continues to blow your cock like a goddess. Her wet tongue dances around the head of your penis as her lips and moan-induced vibrations work in unison to bring you closer to ejaculation. <</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 19>>A strong, sexual euphoria envelops you as $girlname continues to blow your cock with her <<if $body lte 2>>little<<else>>sweet<</if>> mouth, in a way that's almost indescribable. It’s like standing at the bow of a ship, with the pull of the strong ocean just below your waist.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 20>> The sensation of $girlname giving you head, as she continues pressing her warm<<if $age lte 19>>, teenage<</if>> body against your legs, is like having an adolescent angel wrapped around your cock in the halls of the Gods. She moves her tongue and lips in perfect unison, enthralling every part of your cock simultaneously. <<if $oralsp1 isnot true>> <br><br>There's very little more she could do to make this better. You have trained your _callit fully in the oral arts.<<set $oralsp1 to true>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 8>><<set _sk to 1>><<set $badblow to false>><<else>><<set _sk to 0>><<set $badblow to true>><</if>>
<<if $isjerking lte 0>>
<<if $arousal lte -8>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>> <<if _sk is 1>>However,<<else>>In addition to her swaying effort<</if>> you notice that the girl's extremely disgusted and is obviously blowing you only out of fear of what might happen if she disobeys. There's no genuine participation coming from her at all.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>> <<if _sk is 1>>Despite her good efforts, you notice that<<else>>If this wasn't enough, her nauseating sounds indicate that<</if>> the girl's extremely uncomfortable, and she's forced to take frequent pauses due to overwhelming feelings of sickness. There's not even a hint of arousal in the way she's taking your shaft.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>><<if _sk is 1>>The girl has to stop her act for almost a minute at one point, despite her good efforts, as she's overcome by feelings of disgust and repulsiveness toward you.<<else>>The girl's lack of professionalism is exacerbated by her constant gagging. It's obvious that she's finding this ordeal very unpleasant.<</if>> <br><br>Tears are trailing down her cheeks in a never-ending stream, brought on by her nausea and overly hurried deepthroating.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>The girl suddenly stops for a second to catch her breath. You notice that she's very disgusted, <<if _sk is 1>>despite her good show of skill and devotion<<else>> which is probably why she's having trouble fully devoting herself to you<</if>>. Every part of her body begs you to finish this ordeal as soon as possible.<</if>>
<<set $masterlove-=1>>
<<set $oralwear+=1>>
<<set $likeoral-=3>>
<<set $happiness-=1>>
<<if $arousal gte -7 and $arousal lte -4>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>> <<if _sk is 1>>The girl's sobbing and moaning from disgust, however, despite her good skills.<<else>>In addition to her swaying effort, the girl cannot check her repugnance and moans and sobs uncontrollably.<</if>> Her watery eyes also reveal a deep feeling of disgrace and aversion toward the act you're putting her through.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>> The girl performs her duties, but frequent moans of discomfort tell you that she’s not okay and would probably like to end this right away if given the opportunity.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>The girl does her job without interruptions. She's not looking overly pleased when your dick goes too deep but it's nothing that disturbs her actions. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>> There's something about having a man's dick inside her mouth despite the nauseating feeling it might create; your _callit is mysteriously enthralled<<if $likesadist lte 19>> ''(Corruption +1)''<<set $likesadist+=1>><</if>> by the whole thing, which catapults her into a less agonizing state of mind. She's still finding it mostly repulsive, however. <</if>>
<<set $masterlove-=1>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 2>><<set $oralwear+=1>><</if>>
<<set $likeoral-=1>>
<<set $happiness-=1>>
<<if $arousal gte -3 and $arousal lte -1>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>> <<if _sk is 1>>However, the girl cannot conceal her disgust when she tries to swallow the mix of saliva and precum that's formed in her mouth.<<else>> The girl's inexperience is also unable to conceal her overwhelming disgust when she tries to swallow the mix of saliva and precum that's formed in her mouth. <</if>> The sloppy secretions are expelled in a terrible gag and flow down in cascades over her body, smearing it with a curtain of disgrace and failure.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>> The girl is very uncomfortable but tries to hide her disgust from you. $girlnames watery eyes, staring blankly into a bush of <<if $masterfilth lte 29>>smelly<</if>> pubes, make her revulsion pretty apparent, however, as if the tremor running through her body wasn't enough of a sign. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>The girl seems distant. It’s obvious that she’s not genuinely into the act, probably finding it both disgusting and boring. <<if $oralsp5 isnot true>>For now, she's able to maintain an air of calmness, but that might change if you decide to prolong the blowjob or turn it into something more unpleasant by forcing her to deepthroat your dick. <<set $oralsp5 to true>><</if>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>The girl’s eyes stare right through you, devoid of both sexual pleasure and physical excitement. Her mind seems to have wandered off to a place that's more enjoyable and if feels like you have your penis connected to a milking machine instead of a <<if $body lte 2>>young<</if>> girl's mouth. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 2>><<set $oralwear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $arousal is 0>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>> <<if _sk is 1>>However,<<else>>Adding to the atmosphere of mediocre performances,<</if>> the girl is devoid of any real affection while performing her duties. She fakes it pretty good, though, at times almost convincing you that she likes having your cock in her mouth. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>The girl seems lost at times, obviously having trouble staying focused. You cannot tell if she's enjoying herself.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>The girl has her focus set on finishing the oral intercourse as quickly as possible. Any aroused moans or suggestive smiles she might throw your way are false and used only to stimulate you into the ejaculation that will end this ordeal. And that is hopefully very soon. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>The girl moans and seems relaxed, but it's hard to tell if she actually likes what the two of you are doing right now.<</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 1 and $arousal lte 3>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>The girl isn’t too uncomfortable but seems to lack that genuine spirit of sexual arousal you want your _callit to have while working your dick. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>> The girl seems genuinely satisfied, occasionally smiling and making aroused comments about your cock. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>><<if $arousal gte 3>>You notice that the girl seems genuinely aroused<<if _sk isnot 1>>, however<</if>>. She gives you a suggestive look while saying: <<else>>The girl isn’t overly-excited but doesn’t seem to suffer from disgust. There might even be some form of excitement in the way she handles your ball-sack.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>><<if $arousal gte 3>>Words uttered by $girlname during the act confirm a genuine commitment from her side<<if _sk isnot 1>>, despite the poor performance<</if>>:<<else>>The girl occasionally smiles at you, even if she doesn’t seem to be completely blown away by arousal herself. It's hard to judge if she's enjoying herself.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 3 and $arousal gte 3>>
<<set $descroll4 to random(1, 6)>>
<<if $girlid isnot 13>>
<<if $descroll4 is 1>> ''$girlname:'' //Mmm… Yeah… you like this, $callname? You like my warm mouth?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 2>> ''$girlname:'' //You like my mouth? <<if $masterage gte 46>>You like having a young girl like me sucking your dick?<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 3>> ''$girlname:'' //Mmh… yeah… I’m gonna take it deeper this time. I love having your dick in my mouth!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 4>> ''$girlname:'' //Your cock is really hard, $callname!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 5>> ''$girlname:'' //<<if $body gte 2>>You’re really hard! And sooo big! Almost too big for a little girl like me!<<else>>You like it when a young girl like me blows your cock, $callname? You're almost too big for my little mouth!<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 6>> ''$girlname:'' //Mmh… You can cum in my mouth anytime, $callname! I love having your cock inside me!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 lte 2>>MMh… This isn’t too bad… After all…<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 gte 3>>Mmh… You state surprisingly well, Sir…<</if>>
<<if $likeoral lte 69 and $descroll4 is 6>><<set $likeoral+=1>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 4 and $arousal lte 7>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>Aroused moans and genuine shivers of sexual pleasure confirm that the girl really likes what the two of you are doing right now.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>You observe a genuine dedication as the girl works your penis. It’s obvious that she’s enjoying herself.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 3>>The girl's commitment reveals her true lust; she seems turned on and works your dick with a devotion that's impossible to fake<<if _sk isnot 1>>, despite the poor performance<</if>>.<</if>>
<<if $traitjaded lte 49>><<set $happiness+=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 2 or $cock gte 3>><<set $oralwear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $likeoral lte 69>><<set $likeoral+=1>><</if>>
<<if $likeoral gte 70 and $descroll4 is 6>><<set $likeoral+=1>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>The girl is in heaven. She's moaning constantly, with sweat streaming down over her face, clearly aroused to the point of an orgasm and loving every second that your dick is inside her. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>Without doubt, you’re observing a girl whose oral dedication and arousal is nothing more than the works of a true cum slave. She absolutely loves what she's doing and worships your cock with each pull<<if _sk isnot 1>>, despite the poor performance<</if>>. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 3>>Ecstatic shivers, lustful moans, and a focus of euphoric dedication around your penis reveal that the girl has ascended to a higher plane of ecstasy. Her body could go on doing this until turning limp from exhaustion. <</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 79>><<if $traitjaded lte 49 or _ran lte 1>><<set $masterlove+=1>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $traitjaded lte 49 or _ran lte 1>><<set $happiness+=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 2>><<set $oralwear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $likeoral lte 69>><<set $likeoral+=1>><</if>>
<<if $likeoral gte 70 and $descroll4 is 6>><<set $likeoral+=1>><</if>>
<<if $traitoralfix gte 50 and _ran lte 3>><<set $happiness+=1>><</if>>
<<if _stopcat isnot true>>
<<if $arousal lte -8>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal-=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>><<set $arousal to -7>><</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel-=2>>
<<set $humiliation+=1>>
<<if $arousal gte -7 and $arousal lte -4>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal to -8>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>> <<set $arousal to -3>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel-=2>>
<<set $humiliation+=1>>
<<if $arousal gte -3 and $arousal lte -1>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>> <<set $arousal to -4>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>> <<set $arousal to 0>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel-=1>>
<<if $arousal is 0>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal to -1>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>><<set $arousal to 1>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll to 2>>
<<if $arousal gte 1 and $arousal lte 3>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>><<set $arousal to 4>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel+=1>>
<<if $arousal gte 4 and $arousal lte 7>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>> <<set $arousal to 3>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>><<set $arousal to 8>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel+=1>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal to 7>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>><<set $arousal+=1>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel+=2>>
<<if $tempstamina lte 5 and $arousal lte 0 and $likeoral lte 59 and $masterlove lte 99 and $happiness gte 29 and $isjerking lte 0 and $oralxp lte 19>>
$girlname is exhausted. Her ''Happiness (-1)'' has decreased! <<if $toldjerk isnot true>><br><br>It looks like she'd appreciate if you just jerked off inside her mouth instead.<<set $toldjerk to true>><</if>>
<<set $happiness-=1>>
<<if $fuckcount lte 2 and $fuckcount gte 1>>
''You’re extremely aroused and will cum any second!''
<<if $fuckcount lte 0>>
''You need to cum right now!''
<<if $arousal gte 9>>
<<if $arousal gte 12 or $likeoral gte 60>>
//Suddenly, $girlname burst out in a scream as she's overcome by an orgasm! The girl's touching herself intensively and you feel waves of arousal in her mouth as it clamps frantically around your hardon!.//
<br><br>''Her disposition <<if $masterlove lte 64 or $skillroll lte 2>>toward you and<<set _both to true>><</if>> toward oral sex <<if _both is true>>have<<else>>has<</if>> increased!''
<<if $masterlove lte 64 or $skillroll lte 2>><<set $masterlove+=2>><<set $scarefactor-=1>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist lte 19 and $arousal gte 12>>
Her ''Corruption (+1)'' has increased!
<<set $likesadist+=1>>
<<set _ranoo to random(1, 8)>>
<<if $oralxp gte 60>><<set _ranoo-=1>><</if>>
<<if $oralxp gte 80 and $traitoralfix lte 20>><<set _ranoo-=1>><</if>>
<<if _ranoo lte 1 and $traitoralfix lte 99>>
<<set $traitoralfix+=1>>
$girlname has increased her ''Oral Fixation Trait Value ($traitoralfix/100)'' with one point!
<<set $likeoral+=1>>
<<set $arousal=3>>
<<set $sexfeel+=3>>
<<if $traitnymfo gte 51>><<set $happiness+=1>><<set $masterlove+=1>><</if>>
<<if $traitoralfix gte 51>><<set $happiness+=1>><</if>>
<<if $traitperv gte 51 and $traitjaded lte 49>><<set $happiness+=1>><<if $scarefactor gte 1>><<set $scarefactor-=1>><</if>> <</if>>
<<if $oralrounds is 1>><<set $oralrounds=2>><</if>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<div class="headsign">$girlname</div>
<<include Libido>>
<<include IniDescs>>
<<if $pussyscene3 is true>><<set $penetratepussy to true>><</if>>
<<include PutinTexts>>
<<set $action11 to false>>
<div class="pic">
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $penetratepussy is false and $pussyscene3 is false>>
[[Penetrate pussy|Pussyini][$penetratepussy to true, $pussyrounds=1]]
<<if $penetratepussy is true>>
<<if $pussyscene3 isnot true>>
[[Continue (careful)|Pussysimulation][$actway=1]]
[[Continue (normal)|Pussysimulation][$actway=2]]
[[Continue (hard!)|Pussysimulation][$actway=3]]
[[Start|Pussysimulation][$actway=1, $pussyrounds=1]]
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<div class="alt3">
<<include BondInt>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 4)>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 5)>>
<<set $descroll4 to random(1, 8)>>
<<set _ran1 to random(1, 4)>>
<<set _ran2 to random(1, 6)>>
<<set $skillroll to random(1, 100)>>
<<include DiceRolls>>
<<set $chance=$fuckskill>>
<<set $chance-=$skillroll>>
<<if $skillroll lte 4 and $pussyscene3 isnot true>><<set _inc to true>><</if>>
<<if $mastercharm lte 20>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $mastercharm gte 60>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $mastercharm gte 80>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $manipulate gte 70>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterstrength gte 65>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $lickskill gte 50>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $lickskill gte 75>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $lickskill gte 90>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $masterage lte 25>><<set $chance+=6>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -8>><<set $chance-=8>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -7>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -5>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -3>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -1>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 1>><<set $chance+=8>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 2>><<set $chance+=8>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 4>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 6>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>><<set $chance+=12>><</if>>
<<if $like is true>><<set $chance+=20>><</if>>
<<if $like is false>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $likepussy lte 20>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $likepussy gte 40>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $likepussy gte 50>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $likepussy gte 70>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $likepussy gte 80>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist lte 3>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 5>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 35>><<set $chance+=8>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 50>><<set $chance+=20>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 0>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 19>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 49>><<set $chance-=12>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 75>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterage gte 46>><<set $chance-=3>><</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 74>><<set $chance-=8>><</if>>
<<if $happiness lte 19>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $skillroll is 1>><<set $chance+=60>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist lte 29 and $arousal lte 5>>
<<if $afraid gte 3>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $afraid gte 8>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $afraid gte 15>><<set $chance-=20>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist lte 74>>
<<if $pussywear gte 25>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $pussywear gte 50>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $pussywear gte 75>><<set $chance-=15>><</if>>
<<if $analwear gte 25>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $traitnymfo gte 51>><<set $chance+=20>><</if>>
<<if _npc.lesbian gte 25>><<set $chance-=25>><</if>>
<<if $fuckskill lte 49 and $skillroll lte 7 and $pussyscene3 isnot true>><<set $fuckskill+=1>><</if>>
<<if $cock gte 3 and $skillroll lte 5 and $willpower gte 25 and _npc.status isnot 5 and _npc.ostatus isnot 5>><<set $willpower-=1>><</if>>
<<if $traitsize gte 5 and $cock gte 3 and $masterlove gte 20>><<set $chance+=18>><</if>>
<<if $traitsize gte 5 and $cock lte 2>><<set $chance-=8>><</if>>
<<if $traitdelicate gte 50 and $likesadist lte 19 and $cock gte 2>><<set $chance-=20>><</if>>
<<if $actway is 1>>
<<set $descroll3 to random(0, 9)>>
<<if $pussyscene1 is true>><<set $pic to 28>><</if>>
<<if $pussyscene2 is true>><<set $pic to 30>><</if>>
<<if $traitdelicate gte 50>><<set $pussywear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $cock gte 2 and $descroll lte 2 and $pussywear lte 24>><<set $pussywear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $actway gte 2>>
<<if $actway is 2>>
<<set $descroll3 to random(6, 12)>>
<<if $pussyscene1 is true>><<set $pic to 28>><</if>>
<<if $pussyscene2 is true>><<set $pic to 30>><</if>>
<<if $descroll is 1 and $pussywear lte 25>><<set $pussywear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $actway is 3>>
<<set $descroll3 to random(11, 16)>>
<<if $descroll is 1 and $pussywear lte 55>><<set $pussywear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $pussyscene1 is true>><<set $pic to 29>><</if>>
<<if $pussyscene2 is true>><<set $pic to 31>><</if>>
<<if $traitdelicate gte 50 and $cock gte 2 and $pussyxp lte 40>><<set $pussywear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $traitdelicate gte 50 and $cock gte 3 and $pussyxp lte 29>><<set $health-=1>><<set $pain+=1>><</if>>
<<if $traitvanilla gte 50>><<set $chance-=15>><</if>>
<<if $cock gte 2 and $descroll is 1>><<set $pussywear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 15>><<set $descroll2+=1>><</if>>
<<if $traitdelicate gte 50 and $cock gte 2 and $descroll lte 2 and $pusswear lte 19>><<set $pussywear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $traitdelicate gte 50 and $cock gte 3 and $pussyxp lte 60 and $descroll lte 2>><<set $pussywear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist lte 39>>
<<set $arousal-=1>>
<<set $descroll2-=1>>
<<set $arousal+=1>>
<<set $descroll2+=2>>
<<if $chance gte 1 and $likesadist gte 15>><<set $arousal+=1>> <<if $arouser gte 1 and $arousal lte 7>><<set $arousal+=1>> <</if>><</if>>
<<if $give is 5 and $descroll3 gte 12 and $traitjaded lte 49>><<set $happiness+=1>><</if>>
<<if $chance gte 1>>
<<set $arousal+=1>>
<<set $descroll2+=1>>
<<if $chance gte 30>>
<<set $arousal+=1>>
<<set $descroll2+=1>>
<<if $chance lte 0>>
<<set $descroll2-=1>>
<<if $chance lte -50>>
<<set $descroll2-=1>>
<<set $arousal-=1>>
<<if $girlid is 13>>
<<if $masterlove lte 74 and $likesadist lte 39 and $likepussy lte 79>>
<<set $arousal to random(0, -3)>>
<<set $sexfeel to random(-1, -3)>>
<<set _stopcat to true>>
<<if $pussyscene3 is false>>
<<if $pussyrounds is 1>>
<<if $descroll3 lte 1>>You begin your lovemaking with $girlname using the uttermost care and respect, focusing solely on her well-being instead of your own self-gratification. It's sometimes hard to tell if your cock is even moving since you're sawing into her womb with such tenderness. <<if $cock is 3 and $likesadist lte 29>> <br><br>But despite all your softness and care, $girlname moans from discomfort when your large shaft expands her in a way that's physically impossible to ignore, no matter how careful you are.<<set $arousal-=1>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>>You're careful when you begin your lovemaking and move your shaft in and out of $girlnames pussy with a devout tenderness that puts her before your own gratification. You increase your pace after a couple of minutes but slow down the moment you notice any signs of discomfort from your partner.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>>You try your best to make $girlname feel relaxed and comfortable<<if $age lte 20 and $masterage gte 46>>, especially since your age difference makes such emotions harder to summon in intimate situations like this<<else>> by using a tenderness that's solely focused on gratifying your partner<</if>>. The girl's experience shifts between a gentle cradling, draped in aroused sweat, and devotional pauses where you stop moving your cock and focus on caressing and kissing her <<if $age lte 19>>young<</if>> body instead.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>>You start your intercourse rather intensively and fuck $girlnames pussy with deep thrusts that she's able to feel through her entire body. However, there's nothing wrong with your attitude - you show your _callit your fullest respect and slow down when she seems uncomfortable or utters a painful moan. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 5>>You land your first thrusts slowly and carefully deep inside $girlnames pussy before increasing your power. You slow down if you notice she's feeling uncomfortable but maintain a rather intense pace during the following ten minutes.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 6>><<if $cock is 3>>$girlname lets out a shriek of surprise when you park your huge cock over her cervix and push it deeper into her womb. Your _callit is obviously having trouble coping with its size, and it <<if $arousal gte 1>>doesn't matter how aroused she is<<else>>wouldn't matter even if she'd be aroused<</if>>, your enormity makes it physically impossible to react in any other way.<<else>> You park your cock deep inside $girlnames pussy with a vigorous push, but give her a couple of seconds to adapt and embrace your manhood before continuing. <br><br>The following ten minutes are both loving and intense. You thrust her deeply, and caress her body in all sorts of ways, hoping that a joint excitement will bring the best outcome. <</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 7>><<if $age lte 19>>You embrace $girlnames teenage body and wallow in its youth as you begin thrusting her with your cock; in a careful way, of course, but also deep and thoroughly. <<else>>You wrap your arms around $girlnames body and begin working her pussy with deep, slow-moving thrusts. <</if>> <br><br>The following ten minutes are rather intense. The girl's thrown back and forth as you increase your rhythm, only held in place by your resolute grasp. The mixed noises of $girlnames cries, your masculine moans, and the wet sound from when your bodies hit each other create a cacophony of lewdness that's heard by anyone passing your building on the outside.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 8>>You squeeze your body tight against $girlname, trying to increase the passion between the two of you<<if $arousal gte 1>> even further<<else>>, especially now when she seems to be slipping away<</if>>. Your new position makes it difficult to fuck her thoroughly, so you focus on holding still during longer intervals, which gives $girlname a chance to feel your cock throbbing and pulsating inside her. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 9>><<if $girlid is 1>>$girlnames pussy is unusually slick, with barely defined pussy-lips, and plowing through it feels more like fucking a mouth than a vagina. <<else>> $girlnames pussy wraps itself around your cock more and more with every thrust, and you've built up gratifying wetness after only 30 seconds of fucking. <</if>> <br><br>The following ten minutes see a wide variety of focuses and degrees of savagery. You fuck $girlname with deep thrusts that hammer against her cervix repeatedly, but you also shift your rhythm and coarseness between slow-paced passion and fast-moving roughness. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 10>><<if $cock is 3>>$girlname moans out loud from shock and discomfort as you lodge your massive cock inside her pussy. Unfortunately, its size is physically difficult to handle for the girl, no matter how experienced or aroused she is.<<set $pussywear+=1>><<else>>$girlname moans when your lodge your cock inside her pussy with one quick push.<</if>> You vary your intensity and depth during the following ten minutes, always careful not to cause her too much pain while still trying to enjoy the act yourself.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 11>>You put yourself first and try to get as much gratification as possible from your intercourse with $girlname. You're not abusing the girl as you start ramming her pussy, but don't pay too much attention to smaller signs of discomfort, like when you fuck her a bit too rough or act on her in an unpleasant way.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 12>>You're not overly-brutal, but you still use $girlnames body to satisfy your own sexual needs, with no thoughts on the girl's feelings or emotions. After plowing through your _callit's pussy and squeezing her naked breast in a display of hungry arousal, you begin to ram her over and over in a prolonged act that lasts for almost fifteen minutes. <<if $body is 1>>$girlnames young pussy has trouble taking a mature manhood like yours and cramps involuntarily for a moment before adapting to the girth of your member.<<set $pain+=1>><<set $pussywear+=1>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 13>>Your first thrust is very painful and slams against $girlnames cervix with such power that her entire body trembles from the impact. The following ten minutes are rough, sweaty, and brutally passionate as you're almost punching your _callit's pussy with your hips. Streaming sweat joins with $girlnames pussy-juice, creating a glistening hue that makes it look like you've been on it for hours already. <<set $pain+=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 14>>You jump $girlname like a predator attacking its prey and immediately jolt your cock deep inside her womb. The following twelve minutes are far from calm. as you ram your _callit over and over in a display of hungry arousal. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 15>>You invade $girlnames pussy right from the start and penetrate it with such power that she gasps for air. The following ten minutes are a display of an unusual sexual hunger as you plow her womb with your cock over and over, solely thinking about your own gratification with no respect or care for the one you're fucking.<</if>>
<<if $pussyrounds gte 2>>
<<if $descroll3 lte 1>>You continue to fuck $girlnames pussy with long, tender thrusts, careful not to push your cock too deep inside or cause her any unnecessary pain.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>>While caressing $girlnames hips and smelling her bodily scent, you continue to fuck her pussy, slowly and methodically, mixing depth and thoroughness with tenderness and compassion.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>>You caress $girlnames inner thighs while fucking her pussy with deep, careful thrusts, aiming to bring her as much satisfaction as possible. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>>Your continue to hammer $girlnames pussy in a passionate way, trying to enjoy the moment yourself while still adapting to any yelps or uncomfortable twitches from your _callit.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 5>>You continue to churn your cock inside $girlnames <<if $age lte 19>>teenage<</if>> pussy and enjoy the wetness it has built up during the past minutes – especially when you feel trails of sweat and pussy-juice streaming down her inner thighs. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 6>>You continue to hammer $girlnames pussy with fast and determined thrusts. Her body trembles from the force of impact and you enjoy the view of her <<if $body lte 2>>small<</if>> boobs bouncing as your hips slam against her womb. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 7>>You continue to fuck $girlname with determined thrusts that mix tenderness with bestial force. <br><br> At one occasion, your lust breaks out in a loud cry:
<<if $descroll is 1>>''You:'' //By the fucking Moons. Your pussy is wonderful!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>'''You:'' //Oh my God, I could fuck you all day!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>''You:'' //Yeah. Oh, yeah, this is fucking heaven!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 4>>''You:'' //Yeah… Your <<if $body lte 2>>little<</if>> pussy is the best thing I know. <<if $body lte 2>>So fucking tight… Wow…<<else>>So wet… So fucking warm…<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 5>>''You:'' //Oh, yeah… This is wonderful. I love bangin' your <<if $body is 1>>little<</if>> pussy!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 8>>You continue to plow your cock deep inside $girlnames pussy and make her feel the fullness of your manhood with every thrust you execute.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 9>> Your intercourse shifts between softer and rougher intervals. You occasionally slow down and enjoy the smell of $girlnames hair as you move your cock in and out of her pussy with caring gentleness. A minute later, you’re thrusting your shaft with relentless vigor and pound her cervix with the head of your penis, being way too enchanted with lust to have any thought on how your _callit is feeling about it. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 10>>The intercourse moves on into a more mechanical ordeal as you fuck $girlnames pussy monotonously for a long period. You’ve found just the right spot that stimulates you in a very wonderful way, and continue using your _callit to build on that feeling. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 11>>You press yourself closer to $girlname as you continue to fuck her with deep, determined thrusts. It's really delightful<<if $arousal lte 0>>, at least for your part,<</if>> and you enjoy the smell of her freshness and the feeling of every tremor – either of arousal or discomfort - that runs through her body.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 12>>You continue to fuck $girlname in a hungry and dominating manner; pulling her hair, biting her neck and slapping and squeezing her buttocks in an invasive way that demotes her to something resembling a fuck-toy. If this wasn’t enough, you’re also pounding her <<if $age lte 20>>tight<</if>> pussy with heavy thrusts that slam against the opening of her cervix.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 13>>$girlname is thrown into a deep, submissive state, created by your selfish search for lust and gratification. Her pussy is nothing more than a cum-bucket and you fuck it like it's a tool you can dispose of after finishing your act.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 14>> You continue to fuck $girlname with savagery, only thinking about your own sexual gratification and that your _callit is nothing more than a tool to accomplish it. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 15>>You fuck $girlname in a way that makes her body fling violently back and forth each time you hit her with one of your heavy thrusts. The impacts are so great that they splatter drops of pussy-juice and sweat over the surface below. <</if>>
<<if $pussyscene3 is true>>
<<if $pussyxp lte 9>><<set $descroll3 to random(0, 7)>><</if>>
<<if $pussyxp gte 10 and $pussyxp lte 19>><<set $descroll3 to random(2, 8)>><</if>>
<<if $pussyxp gte 20 and $pussyxp lte 39>><<set $descroll3 to random(3, 13)>><</if>>
<<if $pussyxp gte 40 and $pussyxp lte 79>><<set $descroll3 to random(10, 18)>><</if>>
<<if $pussyxp gte 80>><<set $descroll3 to random(12, 20)>><</if>>
<<if $skillroll lte 49>><<set $pic to 32>><</if>>
<<if $skillroll gte 50>><<set $pic to 33>><</if>>
<<if $pussyrounds gte 1>><<set $tempstamina-=1>><</if>>
<<if $pussyrounds is 1>>
<<if $descroll3 lte 1>>$girlname is a true novice when it comes to riding a man. She's even having trouble getting started and needs to push and twist your cock before she's able to fit it properly inside her <<if $body is 1>>little<</if>> pussy. It's an unpleasant experience<<if $age lte 18>>, and if it weren't for your _callit's youthful cuteness, you'd scold her for her lack of skill.<<else>> and you express your irritation with a meaningful glare.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>>$girlname doesn't notice that she's insufficiently lubricated, causing your penis a flash of pain as she slides it inside her pussy. She continues after adjusting herself but fails to repair the damage caused by her inexperience. Your next ten minutes are nothing more than a burning and uncomfortable session of monotonous riding that provides you with very little satisfaction. <<set $fuckcount+=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>>The following ten minutes are monotonous and boring. $girlnames devoid of both skill and effort, almost riding your cock like it's her first time. You constantly need to adjust her; she's either too dry, or she's arching her back in a way that makes the experience more painful than pleasurable.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>>$girlnames having trouble finding a satisfying pace with her hips after settling herself, but eventually gets the hang of it, with some help from you. <br><br>The following ten minutes are decent but far from exceptional. She's stiff and uneasy, focusing entirely on moving her pussy-lips up and down your cock, which leaves out all those important little details - like stroking her hands over your chest, rubbing your hips, or giving you a passionate gaze.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 5>>$girlnames a little rough around the edges but performs adequately. She starts with slow-going motions before working up a faster pace that leaves you feeling somewhat satisfied. Involuntary shivers and grimaces tell you that she needs to build more muscle mass in her hips, however, and she's not doing anything spectacular during the following ten minutes.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 6>><<if $cock is 3>>$girlname is still a bit too inexperienced to handle the massiveness you possess between your legs and has to adjust and twist before finding herself in a position that's not overly painful. <<else>>$girlname has to adjust and twist herself before finding a not too-uncomfortable position with your manhood inside her. She's able to start her act almost right away, though, and provides you with a decent feeling of satisfaction as the wetness inside her womb embraces your cock. <</if>><br><br> The following ten minutes are rather good but lacking in anything even close to being advanced or devotional. But you're luckier than most guys when you think about it. Right now, a <<if $age lte 19>>young,<</if>> naked girl is sitting on top of you, trying her best to please and satiate your sexual desires with her body. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 7>><<if $cock is 3>>$girlname moans deeply as your huge rod begins to move in and out of her pussy.<<if $girlid is 1>> It's more reminiscent of a timber log in the house of her former master than a male penis, and she's not experienced enough to handle it properly. <</if>><<else>>$girlname begins to move back and forth a bit too hastily, but adjusts her pace accordingly after you've corrected the position of her hips and pressed her deeper down over your cock.<</if>> The following eight minutes are perfectly okay but far from extraordinary. She cannot maintain a satisfying rhythm due to her lack of proficiency, but the constant change in speed makes the act pretty interesting and varied.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 8>><<if $age lte 19>>$girlname begins to move her teenage body like she's riding a horse at Whitehaven stables. The sight of her youthful figure is enough to make you forgive every mistake and every sudden jerk that she does when she tries to adjust her pace.<<else>>$girlname straddles you like she's riding a horse and shows a determination that's both stout and pleasing. Every thrust she does take the fullness of your cock and leaves no part of your manhood untouched. <</if>> The following ten minutes are rather intense, and a glistening hue of sweat quickly covers your partner's body as she continues jumping on top of you. It's a bit monotonous, but still exceptionally pleasant. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 9>>What follows is a sweat-covered and sweet-smelling ordeal of heated passion<<if $arousal lte 0>>, at least for you, <</if>> as $girlname offers her entire arsenal - a churning, naked body<<if $age lte 19>>, dangerously youthful and pleasant<</if>>, long-going thrusts with her hips, and <<if $age gte 20>>bouncing, delicious breasts<<else>> high-pitched moans<</if>>. <br><br>The act goes on for almost ten minutes and leaves you feeling very satisfied.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 10>>$girlname builds up momentum during the first minutes and moves into a speedier ride after she's lubricated her pussy enough to take the fullness of your cock in a not-too-painful way. She's good, there's no doubt about it, but seeing her young body working on top of you adds as much to your satisfaction as the feeling of her cunt muscles tightening around your shaft.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 11>>$girlname builds up a satisfying pace almost right away and cradles you into a heated dance that goes on for over five minutes before she switches to a more slow-going but still very gratifying ride. <<if $age lte 19>>A glistening hue of sweat covers her teenage body after the lustful swirl. $girlname has outdone herself again.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 12 and $descroll3 lte 14>>$girlname knows what she's doing, there's no doubt about it, and except for a somewhat rushed start, her skill and devotion are enthrallingly pleasant. She's doing the first five minutes with arms raised high above her head, giving you a clear, and almost painfully exciting, view of her <<if $age lte 19>>teenage<</if>> body.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 15 or $descroll3 is 16>>$girlname shoves you into a lustful swirl of sweat-covered passion right away. Her body sits on top of you and rides your cock like a true professional that excels in all aspects: excellent muscular movements, perfect wetness, and with hands always touching you on the right spots.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 17 or $descroll3 is 18>>$girlname excels herself again when she starts to ride your cock, showing a professional devotion that's nothing else than superb. Everything is so delightful, the churning motions from her hips, the wetness of her pussy, and the enthralling <<if $age lte 19>>teenage<</if>> body displayed in front of you, writhing back and forth in a dance of lust and sweat.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 19>>$girlnames skills are beyond top-grade. You moan like a bull when her pussy welcomes your cock with the touch of a hundred massaging hands, and it's impossible to control your legs as they start to tremble from desire. The next ten minutes are like a wet dream - the combination of $girlnames soft strokes and her writhing<<if $age lte 18>>, teenage<</if>> body on top of you is mesmerizing beyond a normal man's understanding. <</if>>
<<if $pussyrounds gte 2>>
<<if $descroll3 lte 1>>$girlname moves her hips with the stiffness of a true amateur. You’re getting very little stimulation as her pussy either is placed too high or too low on your shaft, when it's not occupied with having to take your cock again after accidentally pushing it out.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>>$girlname continues to ride your shaft with a noticeable stiffness. She doesn’t know what she’s doing and keeps your shaft too far inside her to offer you any real satisfaction. She's only giving herself unnecessary pain with her current technique, while also failing to pleasure you in a satisfactorily way. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>>You fail to get any satisfaction when $girlname tries to find a better rhythm by moving her hips in a more upturned way. She’s also shaking from the effort, as if a corporal spasm is about to overtake her body. The girl’s obviously very untrained.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>>$girlname stretches her back upward, trying to get a heavier thrust over your cock. Her amateurish performance makes you even less satisfied than before, however, and only succeeds in bruising your shaft when she’s rubbing her cervix way too rough over its head. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 5>>Your intercourse is stiff and provides you with very little stimulation. $girlname rides your cock with amateurish sloppiness and has no idea how to apply the right amount of thrust or weight over your shaft. It’s only the scene of her wonderful <<if $age lte 19>>teenage<</if>> body bobbing in front of you that keeps your hardon stable. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 6>><<if $girlid isnot 13>>$girlname continues to ride your cock with reckless, disorganized movements. You’re enjoying her jerking hips a bit, but she's using the wrong technique to really turn you on and forgets all the other important details to make this interesting.<<else>>Caitlin’s vaginal canal spasms as it expands to embrace your rigid member. She’s wet enough for a good fuck, but she is moving much too slowly – afraid that her discomfort will be transformed into actual pain if she increases the pace.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 7>>$girlname rides your cock with good effort. She’s breaking a sweat as she moves her hips and really tries to please you by showing off her body. Her movements are a bit too short to really bring you on, however.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 8>><<if $girlid isnot 13>>$girlname continues to ride your cock with long and thorough thrusts that are really satisfying. Your penis snaps out a couple of times but she's able to insert it immediately without breaking her rhythm or causing an unpleasant pause. Every movement turns you on, not just from having your cock inside her pussy, it's also the display of her body when it works and rides eagerly in front of you.<<else>>Caitlin’s vaginal lips slide up and down your manhood as she works to relax the powerful muscles of her birthing canal. Her rhythm, taking your rigid shaft into her wet, inner embrace is too slow for you to consider a proper fuck, but she is working hard to stretch her sex to your needs.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 9>><<if $girlid isnot 13>>$girlnames continuous efforts are giving you a good ride and stimulates your cock’s entire length with long, thorough strokes that are genuinely satisfying. She's bending herself forward a bit too much occasionally, but it's not something that displease you in any way.<<else>>Your slave takes your cock into her cunt with a smooth, regular rhythm. It’s stimulating, even if she misses the opportunity to enhance your pleasure using the muscles in her vaginal walls, or by changing the timing or angle of the insertions.<</if>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 10>><<if $girlid isnot 13>>$girlname rocks her hips in just the right way as she continues to fuck your shaft. She doesn’t take it deep enough a couple of times, but you’re fast at hand, helping her by grabbing her buttocks and increasing the intensity of your intercourse.<<else>>You feel the heat and wetness of Caitlin’s pussy as she slides up and down your shaft. She’s comfortable with the feeling of your rigid male organ inside her, taking it from the tip to the base of your shaft with each movement.<</if>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 11>>$girlname rides your cock in a satisfying way. You can really relax as you pull your arms upward and leave the entire act to her.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 12>>$girlname arches herself backward and displays her naked body in a very gratifying way. You have to hold firmly around her waist so that she doesn’t fall away from your shaft, but she manages to stimulate you immensely in this position, both with her hips and by exposing her <<if $age lte 19>>teenage<</if>> boobs.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 13>>$girlname shifts her position several times and manages to stimulate your cock from all sides. Her sensual motions make you extremely aroused.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 14>><<if $girlid isnot 13>>$girlname uses her hands to caress your chest and belly with skillful passion. She’s also moving her hips in a delightful way and manages to drive you a great deal closer to an orgasm.<<else>>Caitlin is aggressively riding your cock while kneeling astride your hips. It feels like she is trying to pull the cum right out of your balls. You gasp, grabbing at the bed sheets as you try to hold back and enjoy the divine sensation a little bit longer.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 15>>Your cock is throbbing intensively as $girlname continues to ride it. She also lets you touch her body wherever you like – you’re able to enjoy her<<if $age lte 19>> youthful<</if>> breasts, her belly, and the trembling buttocks that’s working your shaft closer and closer to ejaculation.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 16>>$girlname builds on your sexual sensation as she continues to ride your cock. She does it with great skill and knows exactly how to pressure and angle herself correctly.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 17>>$girlname bends and wriggles her <<if $body lte 2>>little<</if>> body in just the right way as your intercourse continues. Your _callit is a professional, there's no doubt about it, and you're painfully aroused by every little churning motion she does.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 18>><<if $girlid isnot 13>>$girlname continues to ride you with long, well-practiced strokes. She’s making the entire shaft stimulated and knows exactly how to caress your penis-head with her pussy-lips to give your intercourse that special angelic touch.<<else>>Caitlin is working your shaft hard with her hot, wet pussy, sliding up and down its length while the powerful muscles in her vaginal walls massage your cockhead. Her eyes are closed, head tossed back as she teases her own nipples to stiff peaks while you watch her writhing body doing what it was created for.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 19>><<if $girlid isnot 13>>$girlname moves her hips with devoted professionalism and lets her pussy-lips gently squeeze around your shaft, almost like a mouth blowing it. She’s also moaning with passion and caresses other parts of your body in a way that reveals her familiarity of male anatomy.<<else>>Caitlin slams her pussy down to the base of your shaft with each thrust, deliberately clenching the strong muscles of her birthing canal around your cockhead. The sensation is exquisite – like claiming the virginity of a new girl over and over again as you tunnel into your slave’s belly. You groan, overwhelmed by the wonderful sensation.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 20>>$girlname rides your throbbing shaft like a true goddess. She’s able to move you into a state of pure bliss by working her pussy, belly, and hips in a divine unison that propels you into something that resembles an opioid dream. It’s almost like having a teenage angel blowing your cock.<<set $fuckcount+=1>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -8>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>The girl is having a nightmare and yelps from discomfort almost constantly. It feels like your penis is manhandling her pussy and a shriek of agony answers each <<if $pussyscene3 is false>>thrust you plow into her trembling womb<<else>>pull she’s making with her hips<</if>>.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>The girl is very uncomfortable and you can feel her dissatisfaction as a constant tremor inside her pussy.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>The girl experiences an almost unbearable sensation. She twitches from pain each time your cock plows through her pussy and there's not even a faint indication that this is in any way pleasant for your partner.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>The girl's uttering constant moans of discomfort<<if $pussyscene3 is true>> while sitting on top of you<</if>>. She’s obviously finding the entire ordeal unbearable and her twitching body tries to eject your penis each time it parks itself inside her.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 5>>The girl's moaning and crying in pain as your penis ravages her womb in a very unpleasant way. You’re able to find a somewhat less agonizing position as you move your hips sideways, but $girlnames continuous tremors still reveal her discomfort.<</if>>
<<set $masterlove-=1>>
<<set $pussywear+=1>>
<<if $cock gte 3 and $pussywear lte 49>><<set $pussywear+=1>><</if>>
<<set $likepussy-=3>>
<<set $happiness-=1>>
<<if $arousal gte -7 and $arousal lte -4>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>A deep push with your penis causes the girl to twitch violently and utter a shriek. Her discomfort doesn’t subside until after almost a minute, when you feel her stiffness subsiding. <<set $pain+=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>The girl is really uncomfortable. Your penis causes her inner uterine walls to cramp and her facial expressions are constantly shifting between frowning, gasping and shivering distortions of agony.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>The girl lets out several cries of pain as your penis slams her in all the wrong ways possible. She’s finding your intercourse almost unbearable and shivers constantly.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>You’re the only one enjoying your sexual act right now. Contrary to you, the girl lets out a constant tirade of moans and yelps, caused by the unpleasantness she's currently feeling. $girlnames hips are shivering<<if $pussyscene3 is true>> as she continues to ride your cock,<</if>> and her gaze tells you that she’d be very happy to end this as soon as possible.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 5>>You manage to push the girl into a better position and free her from a ten-minute-long scene of discomfort. This relives her from some of her pain and increases your own stimulation as a stream of pussy-juice embraces your penis.<<if $willpower gte 1>> $girlname is obviously still very uncomfortable though, and she utters:<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 5 and $willpower gte 1>>
<<if $descroll4 is 1>> ''$girlname:'' //Yeah… please, stay there. I’m hurting really bad.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 2>> ''$girlname:'' //Please, please, take it slow. My snatch is really sore. I think you’re too big. But this is better… Yes…//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 3>> ''$girlname:'' //It hurts really bad. This is better. Go <<if $willpower gte 26>>fucking<</if>> slow now, okay.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 4>> ''$girlname:'' //Ahhh! No, please just, just be still now, okay. Like that… Better…//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 5>> ''$girlname:'' //This is better but… Can't we do something else? I could blow your cock instead?//<<set $promisedoral to true>><</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 6>> ''$girlname:'' //Ouch! You're fucking me too fast. It hurts! Take it slow. That's it.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 7>> ''$girlname:'' //Oowww... It stings! Please, be more careful.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 8>> ''$girlname:'' //Go easy now, okay. Oow…//<</if>>
<<set $masterlove-=1>>
<<set $pussywear+=1>>
<<set $likepussy-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=1>>
<<if $arousal gte -3 and $arousal lte -1>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>It's not hard to tell that the girl experiences great discomfort and her pain increases even further <<if $pussyscene3 is true>>when you grab her buttocks and press them deeper down over your shaft<<else>>when you get a little carried away while moving your hips<</if>>. She expels a loud cry and starts to shiver.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>The girl is mostly silent during your act. Occasional frowns of discomfort and sporadic moans of pain reveal that she’s not enjoying herself that much, though. <<set $likepussy-=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>The girl tries to avoid all eye contact. She’s obviously not aroused by the mutual intercourse and your throbbing penis doesn’t entice her in any way.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>The girl seems distant. It looks like she's doing a shift at the assembly plant with her mind far away from your physical interaction. It's obvious that she’s <<if $pussyscene3 is true>>riding your cock<<else>>spreading her legs<</if>> just to please you and not herself.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 5>>Your cock manages to hit the girl in just the right spot, which turns her on for a few seconds. The rigid stiffness continues thereafter, though, and it’s obvious that she’s far away from truly enjoying herself. <</if>>
<<if $cock gte 3 or $pussywear lte 49>><<set $pussywear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $arousal is 0>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>The girl expresses a mechanical stiffness and <<if $pussyscene3 is true>>rides your penis<<else>>spreads her legs<</if>> only to get the job done as quickly as possible. You’re getting more and more aroused, however, and manage to grab her a bit too hard, causing $girlname to scream out in pain as your cock slams into her cervix in a way that no girl is able to handle.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>You’re not getting any response from the girl, she’s closed her eyes and seems to drift away mentally.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>After she’s had her eyes closed for several minutes, the girl opens them up and looks at you with an aroused gaze. It’s pretty obvious that she’s faking it, though, perhaps playing along just to drive you faster to an ejaculation.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>You get nothing more than a few moans from the otherwise silent girl. It’s hard to tell if she’s enjoying herself.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 5>>A wave of lustful tremors unexpectedly catch the girl after she's been silent for several minutes. An ensuing long moan confirms that she’s becoming genuinely aroused by your act. <</if>>
<<if $pussyxp lte 25>><<set $pussywear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 1 and $arousal lte 3>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>After she’s expressed a series of delightful moans, the <<if $cock is 3>>massiveness of your penis<<else>>size of your penis<</if>> overwhelms the girl as you thrust yourself a bit too hard<<if $pussyscene3>> upward<</if>>. She lets out a cry of pain and freezes for a couple of seconds before the agony subsides.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>You manage to lead the girl into a delightful sexual arousal after a couple of minutes and she seems genuinely turned on by your intercourse, although not in a heavenly way. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>The girl seems to have relaxed herself and fallen into an aroused state. She’s uttering moans of lust and moves her hips in unison with your penis.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>The girl’s obviously enjoying the feeling of your throbbing penis expanding her pussy, telling from her aroused moans and lustful shivers.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 5>>You manage to drive the girl into a state of rushing arousal for a couple of seconds as you hit her g-spot perfectly with your penis. She lets out a moan of lust and utters:
<<if $descroll4 is 1>> ''$girlname:'' //Yeah… please, please, just like that. Go on..!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 2>> ''$girlname:'' //Please, please, take me harder.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 3>> ''$girlname:'' //Yees! Please, fuck me!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 4>> ''$girlname:'' //Ahhh! Oooh… yes. Fuck my pussy, $callname… Please, fuck me harder!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 5>> ''$girlname:'' //That’s it! Just like that. Please, take my pussy!<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 6>> ''$girlname:'' //Oooh… I love it. Just like that!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 7>> ''$girlname:'' //Yeah. That’s perfect. Just like that!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 8>> ''$girlname:'' //Oh… you’re soo deep inside me. It feels so great!//<</if>>
<<if $pussyxp lte 50 or $descroll is 1>><<set $pussywear+=1>><</if>>
<<set $likepussy+=1>>
<<if $arousal gte 4 and $arousal lte 7>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>You've turned the girl on, and she makes you aware of your successful mission by uttering a continuous stream of moans. You respond by fucking her more intensively but accidentally drills her pussy a bit too hard with your cock, causing a drop in $girlnames arousal.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>Your intercourse continues to drive the girl deeper and deeper into sexual ecstasy. She’s moaning passionately and her entire body language – moving hips, pouting lips, and caressing hands – beg you to fuck her harder.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>After a timeless moment of mutual bliss, you have to stop yourself for a bit as you’re driving both of you too close to a simultaneous orgasm.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>The girl screams out in arousal as your <<if $cock is 3>>massive<</if>> penis stimulates her deeper and deeper into a state of uncontrollable lust.<br><br> <<if $pussyscene3 isnot true>>She begs you to take it easier, afraid of what might happen if you'd push her into a world of carnal savagery that she might not be able to handle. <</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 5>>A long, moaning howl reveals that the girl's closing in on an ultimate climax. She’s extremely aroused and her hips shiver intensively <<if $pussyscene3>>as they ride your cock<<else>>as your penis drills her pussy with an ongoing consistency<</if>>.<</if>>
<<if $traitjaded lte 49 or _ran1 lte 2>><<set $happiness+=1>><</if>>
<<if $pussyxp lte 50 or $descroll is 1>><<set $pussywear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $cock gte 3 and $traitdelicate gte 51>><<set $pussywear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $likepussy lte 79>><<set $likepussy+=1>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>A wave of sexual ecstasy grips the girl and she extrudes deep moans of lust each time your penis hits her cervix. A few hits become too hard, though, temporarily throwing her out from her blissful state. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>It’s obvious that the girl is on the verge of a powerful climax! She’s moaning out loud with her mouth gaping, while shivers of strong arousal rocks her body in constant waves.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>The girl works her hips intensively, wanting just more and more of your cock, deeper and deeper inside her. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>The intensity of the girl’s aroused state is extreme – loud shrieks and violent tremors constantly rock $girlnames body. She wants nothing else than your throbbing hardon and her pussy welcomes it like a hungry mouth.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 5>>The girl has reached a state of constant, lustful screaming. She’s immensely aroused and her entire body tells you of an impending climax. <</if>>
<<if $fuckskill lte 79 and $descroll2 gte 4 and $skillroll lte 10>><<set $fuckskill+=1>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 79>><<set $masterlove+=1>><</if>>
<<if $traitjaded lte 49 or _ran1 lte 2>><<set $happiness+=1>><</if>>
<<if $pussyxp lte 50 or $descroll lte 2>><<set $pussywear+=1>><</if>>
<<if $likepussy lte 99>><<set $likepussy+=1>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -8>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal-=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 5>><<set $arousal to -7>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel-=2>>
<<if $arousal gte -7 and $arousal lte -4>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal to -8>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 5>> <<set $arousal to -3>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel-=2>>
<<if $arousal gte -3 and $arousal lte -1>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>> <<set $arousal to -4>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 5>> <<set $arousal to 0>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel-=1>>
<<if $arousal is 0>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal to -1>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 5>><<set $arousal to 1>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<if $descroll4 is 7>><<set $arousal+=2>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 1 and $arousal lte 3>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 5>><<set $arousal to 4>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<if $descroll4 is 8>><<set $arousal+=2>><</if>>
<<set $sexfeel+=1>>
<<if $arousal gte 4 and $arousal lte 7>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>> <<set $arousal to 3>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 5>><<set $arousal to 8>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel+=2>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal to 7>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 5>><<set $arousal+=1>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel+=2>>
<<if $age lte 19 or $traitpure gte 51>><<set _purefall to true>><</if>>
<<if _purefall is true and $happiness gte 10 and $actway gte 2 and $likesadist lte 29 and $descroll lte 2 and $arousal lte -5>><<set $happiness-=2>><<set $masterlove-=1>><<if $willpower gte 10>><<set $willpower-=1>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $fuckskill lte 99 and _inc is true>>
Your ''Copulation skill (+1)'' has increased!
<<set $fuckskill+=1>>
<<if $fuckcount lte 2 and $fuckcount gte 1>>
''You’re extremely aroused and will cum any second!''
<<if $arousal gte 8>>
<<if $arousal gte 10 or $likepussy gte 30>>
//Suddenly, $girlname bursts out in a loud scream as she's overcome by an orgasm! You can feel her pussy pulling together around your shaft in a delightful cramping sensation.//
<br><br>''Her disposition <<if $masterlove lte 64 or $skillroll lte 2>>toward you and<<set _both to true>><</if>> toward vaginal sex <<if _both is true>>have<<else>>has<</if>> increased!''
<<if $girlid is 201 and $av_int lte 119 and $descroll4 is 1 and $masterlove gte 40>>
Your stormchild's ''INTELLIGENCE (+1)'' has increased due to a mysterious, mental discharge!
<<set $av_int+=1>>
<<if $traitnymfo lte 99 and $arousal gte 8 and $fuckskill gte 66 and _ran2 is 1>>
$girlnames heavenly experience has increased her ''Nymphomaniac Trait value (+1)''!
<<set $traitnymfo+=1>>
<<if $plimp[5] gte 1 and $traitvanilla gte 1>>
$girlnames ''Vanilla Trait value (-1)'' has decreased!
<<set $traitvanilla-=1>>
<<if $actway is 3 and _ran1 lte 1 and $traitvanilla gte 1>>
Your rough act has decreased $girlnames ''Vanilla Trait value (-1)''!
<<set $traitvanilla-=1>>
<<if $masterlove lte 64 or $skillroll lte 2>><<set $masterlove+=2>><</if>>
<<set $likepussy+=1>>
<<set $arousal=3>>
<<set $sexfeel+=3>>
<<if $traitnymfo gte 51>><<set $happiness+=1>><<set $masterlove+=1>><</if>>
<<if $happiness lte 74>><<set $happiness+=1>><</if>>
<<if $scarefactor gte 1>><<set $scarefactor-=1>><</if>>
<<if $actway is 3 and $likesadist lte 29>><<set $likesadist+=1>><</if>>
<<if $afraid gte 3 and _ran1 lte 2>><<set $afraid-=1>><</if>>
<<if $traitperv gte 51>><<set $happiness+=1>> <<if $scarefactor gte 1>><<set $scarefactor-=1>><</if>> <</if>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrapwborder"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<set $intalk to true>>
<div class="headsign">TALK</div>
<<if $talk4 is true and $action is 0>>
<<if $fearpoints gte 1>>
You can either ''Frighten'' or ''Terrorize'' $girlname in an attempt to increase <<if _sex is 0>>her<<else>>his<</if>> obedience and understanding of <<if _sex is 0>>her<<else>>his<</if>> current situation. While ''Frighten'' is a cruel but more subtle way of instilling fear, ''Terrorize'' is an all-out sadistic way that'll have a more noticeable impact whether you’re successful or not.
<<if $fearpoints lte 0>>
You have exhausted your mental capabilities to instill fear today!<br>Try again tomorrow.
<<if $likesadist gte 40>>
<div class="red tex18px">
$girlnames CORRUPTION is too high! Intimidation will not have any effect!
<<if $defcount lte 2 and $likesadist lte 39>>''NOTE!''<br> Due to $girlnames low Defiance score, any threats issued from here might<br> //severely// decrease <<if _sex is 0>>her<<else>>his<</if>> Affection toward you!<</if>>
<<if $free isnot true>>
<<if $talk1 is false and $talk2 is false and $talk3 is false and $action4 is false and $talk4 isnot true>>
What type of conversation did you have in mind?<</if>>
<<if $action4 is true>>
<<if $dayblock gte 1>>
''$girlname is currently working. You have to withdraw your _callit from labor before you can give <<if _sex is 0>>her<<else>>him<</if>> the day off.''<br><br>
<<if $dayblock is 0>>
''You:'' //Alright! I'll not ask anything from you until tomorrow. Take some time to recuperate.//
''$girlname has taken the day off! <<if _sex is 0>>She<<else>>He<</if>>'ll not be available for interaction until 7 am tomorrow.''
<<if $anticheat is true>>
<<set $busy to 5>>
<<set $happiness+=2>>
<<set $masterlove+=1>>
<<unset $anticheat>>
<<if $talk1 is true and $action lte 0>>
<<if $give gte 1>>
''//You have an active special event concerning $girlnames unhappiness. This has to be resolved or cancelled before you can ask about <<if _sex is 0>>her<<else>>his<</if>> well-being again.//''<br><br>
<<if $okanswer is true and $give lte 0>>
''//You have already asked $girlname about <<if _sex is 0>>her<<else>>his<</if>> well-being. Try again tomorrow!//''<br><br>
<<if $hopesanswer is true>>
''//You have already asked $girlname about <<if _sex is 0>>her<<else>>his<</if>> hopes and dreams. Try again tomorrow!//''<br><br>
<<if $action is 6>>
<<if $virgin is true>>$girlname is still a virgin and can't answer questions about her thoughts on vaginal sex!<br><br><</if>>
<<if $analvirgin is true>>$girlname is still an anal virgin and can't answer any questions about what she feels for anal sex.<br><br><</if>>
<<if $spokensex gte 3 and $spokensex lte 5>>You have asked $girlname enough about her sexual preferences for today. You can continue tomorrow.<</if>>
<<if $spokensex gte 10>>
You have turned $girlname off completely by your dominance and cannot discuss her sexual preferences anymore today. Try again tomorrow!
<<if $talk1 is true and $action isnot 2>>
<<include AskEngine>>
<<if $talk1 is true and $action is 2>>
<<include GirlHistory>>
<<if $talk1 is true and $action is 3>>
<<include GirlHistory>>
<<if $talk2 is true>>
<<include ExplainEngine>>
<<if $action is 0>>
<<if $talkchores is true and $talksex is false>>
<b>//You have already explained $girlnames duty as a servant and cannot affect <<if _sex is 0>>her<<else>>his<</if>> more in that matter today!//</b>
<<if $talkchores is false and $talksex is true>>
<b>//You have already explained $girlnames duty as a sex slave and cannot affect <<if _sex is 0>>her<<else>>his<</if>> more in that matter today!//</b>
<<if $talkchores is true and $talksex is true>>
<b>//You have already discussed $girlnames duty as a maid and as a sex slave. You cannot affect <<if _sex is 0>>her<<else>>his<</if>> more today!//</b>
<<if $talk3 is true>>
<<include EncourEngine>>
<<if $talk4 is true>>
<<include FearEngine>>
<<include FreePass>>
<<if _def is true>>
<<if _defscore is undefined>><<set _defscore to 2>><</if>>
$girlnames ''Defiance (+_defscore)'' has increased!
<<set $defcount+=_defscore>>
<div class="pic">
<<if $tpic is undefined>>
<<include TalkTraits>>
<<if $tpic is 1>>[img[$imgpath + "Av" + $girlid+ "/enslave.jpg"]]<</if>>
<<unset $tpic>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $talk1 is true>>
<<if $action is 6 and $action3 is false and $spokensex lte 2>>[[Tone: Normal|Talk][$action3 to true]]<</if>>
<<if $action is 6 and $action3 is true and $spokensex lte 2>>[[tone: Dominant|Talk][$action3 to false]]<</if>>
<<if $talk2 is true and $action is 0>>
<<if $action3 is false>>[[Tone: normal|Talk][$action3 to true]]<</if>>
<<if $action3 is true>>[[Tone: dominant|Talk][$action3 to false]]<</if>>
<<if $talk1 is false and $talk2 is false and $talk3 is false and $action4 is false and $free isnot true and $talk4 isnot true>>
[[Ask something|Talk][$talk1 to true]]
<<if _sex is 0 and _status lte 3>>[[Explain something|Talk][$talk2 to true]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Explain something</p><</if>>
[[Affect|Talk][$talk3 to true]]
<<if _sex is 0 and _status lte 2>>[[Intimidate|Talk][$talk4 to true]]<</if>>
<<if $wsex isnot 1>>
<<if $give is 3>>[[Take day off|Talk][$action4 to true, $anticheat to true]]<</if>>
<<if $ver lt 10830>>[[End slave contract|Talk][$free to true]]<</if>>
/* Ask Below */
<<if $talk1 is true and $action lte 0>>
<<if $okanswer is false and $give is 0>>[[Are you okay?|Talk][$action to 1]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Are you okay?</p><</if>>
<<if _girlid lte 299 or _mychild is true>>
[[Background?|Talk][$action to 2]]
<<if $girlid lte 99>><<if $hopesanswer is false>>[[Hopes and dreams?|Talk][$action to 3]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Hopes and dreams?</p><</if>><</if>>
[[About me?|Talk][$action to 4]]
<<if _sex is 0 and _age gte 18 and _blocksex isnot true>>[[Sexual preferences|Talk][$action to 6]]<</if>>
<<if $girlid is 14 and $masterlove gte 60 and $quest_bro is 6 and $invhold gte 5>>[[About my brother|QuestRoom][$questgo to 23, $adpos to 0, $adpos2 to 0, $adpos3 to 0]]<</if>>
<<if _npc.girlid is 361>>
[[Tell me about Blaylock house!|MScaving][$mscaving to 70, $adpos to 0]]
<<if $quest_aria is 8 or $quest_aria is 7>>
<<if _npc.girlid is 11 and _npc.masterlove gte 60>>
[[I'll help you with the rebellion|MScaving][$mscaving to 44, $adpos to 0]]
<<if _npc.girlid is 44>>
<<if $ionafirst is 2 or $ionafirst is 3>>
[[About investment|MScaving][$mscaving to 63, $adpos to 0, $adpos2 to 0]]
<<if $quest_aria is 11 and _npc.girlid is 11>>
[[Phase two?|MScaving][$mscaving to 46, $adpos to 0, $adpos2 to 0]]
<<if $quest_aria is 12 and _npc.girlid is 11>>
[[Phase three?|MScaving][$mscaving to 50, $adpos to 0, $adpos2 to 0]]
<<if $quest_aria3 lte 1 and $quest_aria gte 11 and _npc.girlid is 40 and _npc.masterlove gte 60>>
[[Joining the rebellion|MScaving][$mscaving to 47, $adpos to 0, $adpos2 to 0, $quest_aria3 to 2]]
<<if $talk1 is true>>
<<if $action is 2>>
<<if _rcc is true and $ownrrc is 1>>
[[Present circlet|Talk][$ownrrc to 0, $action2 to true, $ownrrcnote to 1]]
<<if _looktat is true>>
[[Let me take a look at your tattoos|MScaving][$mscaving to 52]]
<<if $action is 1 and $event1 is true and _sex is 0 and _status lte 3>>
[[How can I help?|Talk][$action to 7]]
[[It's your fault!|Talk][$action to 8]]
<<set $event1 to false>>
<<if $action is 3 and $event2 is true>>
<<if _noscold isnot true and _npc.status isnot 5>>
[[Never going to happen|Talk][$action to 9]]
[[If you behave|Talk][$action to 10]]
<<set $event2 to false>>
<<if $action is 4 and $event3 is true>>
<<if $improve is false and _sex is 0>>[[How can I improve?|Talk][$action to 11]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">How can I improve?</p><</if>>
<<set $event3 to false>>
<<if $action is 6 and $scarefactor lte 1 and $hopessaidno lte 1>>
<<if $spokensex lte 2>>
<<if $virgin is false>>[[How about sex?|Talk][$action to 12]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">How about sex?</p><</if>>
<<if $analvirgin is false>>[[How about anal?|Talk][$action to 13]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">How about anal?</p><</if>>
[[How about oral?|Talk][$action to 14]]
[[How about BDSM?|Talk][$action to 15]]
<<if $spokensex gte 3>>
<p class="usedpass">How about sex?</p>
<p class="usedpass">How about anal?</p>
<p class="usedpass">How about oral?</p>
<p class="usedpass">How about BDSM?</p>
/* Explain */
<<if $talk2 is true and $action is 0>>
<<if $talkchores is false>>[[chores|Talk][$action to 1]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">chores</p><</if>>
<<if $talksex is false and _sex is 0 and _blocksex isnot true and _mychild isnot true>>[[sexual duties|Talk][$action to 2]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">sexual duties</p><</if>>
<<if $talk2 is true>>
<<if $action is 2 and $event3 is true>>
[[Answer dominantly|Talk][$action to 4]]
[[Answer carefully|Talk][$action to 5]]
/* Affect */
<<if $talk3 is true and $action is 0>>
<<if $encour is false and $scarefactor lte 1 and $hopessaidno lte 2 and _sex is 0>>[[Encourage|Talk][$action to 1]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Encourage</p><</if>>
<<if $compliment lte 1 and $scarefactor lte 1 and $hopessaidno lte 2 and _sex is 0>>[[Compliment|Talk][$action to 2]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Compliment</p><</if>>
<<if $mcrel.faith isnot $traitrel and $mcrel.devotion gte 100>>[[Convert!|Talk][$action to 10]]<</if>>
<<if _npc.status is 3 and _npc.enslave isnot true>>[[Enslave|Talk][$action to 13]]<</if>>
<<if $talk3 is true>>
<<if $action is 2>>
<<if _sex is 0>>
[[Beauty|Talk][$action to 3]]
<<if _npc.age gte 18 and _mychild isnot true>>[[Sexual appeal|Talk][$action to 4]]<</if>>
[[Intelligence|Talk][$action to 5]]
<p class="usedpass">Beauty</p>
<p class="usedpass">Sexual appeal</p>
[[Intelligence|Talk][$action to 5]]
<<if $action is 10>>
[[Wise approach|Talk][$action to 11]]
[[Dominant approach|Talk][$action to 12]]
<<if $action is 13>>
[[Normal|Talk][$action to 14]]
[[threaten|Talk][$action to 15]]
<<if $talk4 is true>>
<<if $fearpoints gte 1 and $likesadist lte 39>>
[[Frighten|Talk][$action to 1]]
[[Terrorize|Talk][$action to 2]]
<p class="usedpass">Frighten</p>
<p class="usedpass">Terrorize</p>
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<<if $talk1 is true>>
<<if $action is 0>>[[Back|Talk][$talk1 to false]]<</if>>
<<if $action gte 1 and $action lte 11>>[[Back|Talk][$action to 0]]<</if>>
<<if $action gte 12>>[[Back|Talk][$action to 6]]<</if>>
<<if $talk2 is true and $action is 0>>
[[Back|Talk][$talk2 to false, $talk3 to false, $action to 0]]
<<if $talk2 is true and $action gte 1>>
[[Back|Talk][$action to 0]]
<<if $talk3 is true and $action gte 1>>
[[Back|Talk][$action to 0]]
<<if $talk3 is true and $action is 0>>
[[Back|Talk][$talk3 to false]]
<<if $talk4 is true and $action is 0>>
[[Back|Talk][$talk4 to false]]
<<if $freed isnot true>>
<<if $wsex isnot 1>>
[[Stop talking|Interact][$intalk to false, $freedslave to 0]]
<div class="alt3">
<<include InteractStart>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<</nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
set stuff here
<div class="headsign">NAME OF LOCATION</div>
Here goes texts, story and scripts that should be displayed.
<div class="pic">
[img[$imgpath + "Interiors/ZZ.jpg"]]
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<div class="alt3">
<<include InteractStart>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include DiceRolls>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 3)>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 3)>>
<<set $comesfromchange to true>>
<<include NewLoad>>
<<if _npc.girlid lte 17>>
<<set $pic to 35>>
<<set $chance=$kisskill>>
<<if $masterlove lte 9>><<set $chance-=20>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 19>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 39>><<set $chance-=15>><</if>>
<<if $scarefactor gte 1>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $scarefactor gte 2>><<set $chance-=20>><</if>>
<<if $age lte 19 and $masterage gte 46>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterfilth lte 19>><<set $chance-=14>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 50>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 70>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 80>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $happiness gte 50>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $mastercharm gte 50>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $mastercharm gte 80>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $dommake is true>>
<<if $likesadist lte 19>><<set $chance-=20>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 40>><<set $chance+=20>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 50>><<set $chance+=180>><</if>>
<<if $pain gte 5>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 1>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 3>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 5>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>><<set $chance+=20>><</if>>
<<if $traitoralfix gte 5>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<set $chance-=$skillroll>>
<div class="headsign">$girlname</div>
<<if $makeoutrounds is 0>>
In what manner do you kiss $girlname?
<<if $makeoutrounds is 1>>
<<set $fuckcount+=2>>
<<if $pussynow>>
<<if $pussyscene1 or $pussyscene3>>
<<if $passmake is true>>
You move your head down over $girlnames face and begin to kiss her passionately.
You dive down on $girlnames mouth like a hawk attacking its prey, and smother her with kisses that are both painful and invasive.
<<if $pussyscene2>>
<<if $passmake is true>>
You lift $girlnames body up carefully, so that her arching back meets your <<if $masterage gte 46 and $masterstrength lte 49>>protruding <</if>>belly like two pieces of a puzzle. You then start to kiss her with heated passion, while still having your cock inside her <<if $body lte 2>>tight<</if>> pussy.
$girlname yelps out loud when you raise her body up toward your chest with a violent jerk. You twist her neck around and slide your tongue inside her mouth, like a tentacle searching for food.
<<if $analnow>>
<<if $passmake is true>>
You move your hands down over $girlnames body and grab her gently around the shoulders. Then, carefully, you start to lift her upward so that her arching back meets your chest. Your tongue has started to lick the girl's neck in a matter of seconds, before seeking its way over to her mouth, which you begin to pry open.
You're still having your cock buried deep inside $girlnames ass when you suddenly and violently pull the girl's body up like you're shouldering a rifle. She's only able to gasp for a second before you grab her by the neck, turn her head around, and start to slither your tongue all over her facial features. <</if>>
<<if $makeoutrounds is 2>>
<<if $willpower lte 0 and $masterlove lte 74>>
$girlname answers your kiss obediently. She opens her mouth completely and allows you to freely taste her youth and feminine flavors. The girl lacks real compassion, though. It's obvious that she's just a broken sex-slave and not your real partner.
<<if $skillroll lte 10 and $kissingxp lte 99>><br><br>$girlnames ''Kissing skill (+1)'' has increased!<<set $kissingxp+=1>><</if>>
<<if $willpower lte 0 and $masterlove gte 75>>
$girlname answers your kiss by opening her mouth up obediently. You're able to taste every part of her, and you notice a somewhat heated response in return, at least in the small things, like the twitching muscles in her <<if $pussynow>>pussy<<else>>anus<</if>> and the intensity of her tongue. Even though she's your subordinate, the girl seems to have feelings for you and genuinely appreciates what's going on right now.
<<if $skillroll lte 10 and $kissingxp lte 99>><br><br>$girlnames ''Kissing skill (+1)'' has increased!<<set $kissingxp+=1>><</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 1>>
<<if $chance gte 1>>
<<set _kiss to true>>
<<include Success>>
<<if $passmake is true>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>$girlname answers back with the same heated passion,<<if $arousal lte 0>>despite her current lack of arousal,<</if>> moving her trembling lips carefully over yours as you exchange kisses for a couple of minutes.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>You receive the same passion in return. $girlname allows your tongue to dance inside her mouth, greeting the heated initiative with <<if $arousal lte 4>>a somewhat surprised<<else>>an expected<</if>> eagerness.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>The girl greets your initiative with almost the same passion,<<if $arousal lte 0>>despite her current lack of arousal,<</if>> and the two of you spend several minutes kissing each other intensively.<</if>>
<<set _ran to random(1, 5)>>
<<if $willpower lte 4>>
<<if _ran is 1>>Oh, $callname… You… Mmh…. Mmh… You're the best. I love you.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>I love you so much, $callname. You're my everything… Mmh… yes…<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>You… Mm… Mmh… You taste so good, Sir. I can't wait for you to cum in my mouth…<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>Mmmh… I love you so much… You taste so good. Mmmh! I want… I want to take your cum in my mouth. <<if $likesadist lte 29 and $likeoral lte 79 and $masterlove lte 69>>(Fake smile)<</if>><</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Mmmh… I love your lips, $callname… I… I love everything about you. Mmm…. You taste so good.<</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 5 and $willpower lte 39>>
<<if $masterlove gte 25 and $scarefactor lte 1>>
<<if _ran is 1>>Mmmh… Haha… You taste… So manly… Haha…<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>> <<if $girlid is 1>>Mmmh… Yes, mmmh… Kiss me, daddy… Hold me… Take your big arm around me and hold me tight.<<else>>Mmmh… I love you… Yes… You taste really good (laughter)<</if>> <</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Mmmh… You really know how to turn a girl on. And you're so big… I love the feeling of you inside me.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>><<if $girlid is 1>>Mmm… Yes… I just… Love the feeling of a big man inside my tight, little pussy. Please, daddy, take me… Kiss me… Eat me… Mmmh…<<else>>MMmh… You're so big… And taste so good…<</if>> <</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>MMmh… Stop it… You're turning me on, Sir. Haha.<</if>>
/* HATE */
<<if _ran is 1>>Mmmh… Yes… I hate you… Haha… Mmmh…<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>> <<if $girlid is 1>>Yeah… mmmh… I like this. Please. Can't you always be this kind?<<else>>Mmmh… I'm still…. Mmh… Yes…. Mmmh… I'm still mad. Just so you know that.<</if>> <</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Mmmh… Yes… I'm still mad at you… But this is… So good.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>><<if $girlid is 1>>Please, daddy… Please, be kind to me. I beg you… Mmmh… You can be so gentle sometimes. Ooh… Yes… You're so big. And I'm so very, very small… I just love the feeling of you inside me.<<else>>You're sooo fucking big… Too bad you… Mmh…. Yes… I love this… Fuck…<</if>> <</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Mmmh…. $callname. Please, can't you always be this kind? OOoh… Yes… Mmmh…<</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 40>>
<<if $masterlove gte 25 and $scarefactor lte 1>>
<<if _ran is 1>>Fuck yeah… Mmh… This feels so good…. Fuck my pussy… Yeah…<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>> <<if $girlid is 1>>Oh… Sir! Haha… You're so big. Mmmh… Yes, that's it. Kiss me daddy… I love feeling your tongue raping my mouth…<<else>>Ooh… Yes… Mmmh… I… I'm so horny right now. <<set $arousal+=2>><</if>> <</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Yeah… That's it… Kiss me… Mmmh… More… Yees!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>><<if $girlid is 1>>Daddy… Mmhh… you're so big. Ooh… yeah, that's it.<<if $arousal gte 5 and $masterlove gte 60>> I love feeling your cock inside my tight, teenage pussy… Mmh… Yes!<</if>><<else>>Oooh… Yeah… MMmh… That's it.<</if>> <</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>MMmh… Come on. Kiss me more. Kiss my body… Yeah, that's it.<</if>>
/* HATE */
<<if _ran is 1>>Yeah, that's it. Eat me… You should be serving me after all the shit you've done.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>> <<if $girlid is 1>>Mmmh… Yeah… I like this man. He's so kind… Mmmh… <<else>>Fuuuck… I hate you but… This is… So good…<</if>> <</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Oooh… What's this. Mr. Badguy trying to act good? Mmmh… You gonna treat me better from now on, asshole? MMmh… I hope so.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>><<if $girlid is 11>>Fuck you…. Mmmh… Damn… You're too hot… Mmmh… I… Hate… you…<<else>>Mmh… is this your way of saying sorry… Yeah… Mmh…<</if>> <</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>I like this… Mmmh… You make me wet, asshole. Hahah…<</if>>
<<if $scarefactor gte 2>><br><br>$girlnames ''Anger (-1)'' has decreased!<<set $scarefactor-=1>><</if>>
<<if $skillroll lte 15 and $kissingxp lte 79>><br><br>$girlnames ''Kissing skill (+1)'' has increased!<<set $kissingxp+=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>$girlname greets your initiative with lustful eagerness, despite your dominant nature, and allows you do treat her like a piece of fuck-meat.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>Your sadistic approach is more enticing than scary for $girlname. She allows you to dominate her in whatever way you want<<if $likesadist lte 24>>, at least for now,<</if>> and you can freely ravage her feminine flavors for the next ten minutes.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>Your dominant approach turns $girlname on, and she's bending and writhing her body in a suggestive way as you violate it with your mouth.<</if>>
<<set _rande to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $pain+=1>>
<<if _rande is 1>><<if $likesadist lte 59>><<set $likesadist+=1>><</if>><<else>><<set $arousal+=1>><</if>>
<<set _ran to random(1, 5)>>
<<if $willpower lte 4>>
<<if _ran is 1>>Mmmh… Yes $callname… Yes… Eat me… Use me…<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>>mmmh… Ouch… Yeah… Aw… MMmh!<</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>I love you $callname. Ouch! Yes… Mmh…<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>>Ouch… Mmmh! You're the best, $callname. I… Ooow… I… love you.<</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Mmmh… Yes, $callname. You know how to make me horny…<</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 5 and $willpower lte 39>>
<<if $masterlove gte 25 and $scarefactor lte 1>>
<<if _ran is 1>>Ouch…. Aww… yes… Mmm…<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>> <<if $girlid is 1>>Please daddy, be gentle… Mmh… That's it… I like when you take advantage of me, Mr Rob.… $callname… Mmmh!<<else>>You like the taste of me? You like to… take me like this? Mmmh… Yes!<</if>> <</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Mmpphf! I love it when you're rough like this… Mmmh… <<if $likesadist lte 29>>But not too rough… This is perfect.<</if>><</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>><<if $girlid is 1>>Mmmh…. Yes daddy… Mmmh… Please be careful… I'm… I'm so small… Mmmh… Yes!<<else>>Wow… Mmh… You're so… powerful…<</if>> <</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Oh, you're so powerful, $callname… I love feeling your power inside me.<</if>>
/* HATE */
<<if _ran is 1>>Fuck you… Mmmh… Yeees….<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>> <<if $girlid is 1>>You're so… powerful… Mmmh… Please… Don’t… Ouch… Yes… (blushing face)<<else>>Mmmmh… I hate… you… Mmh, yes…<</if>> <</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Oh, yes… Take me… I still hate… Mmh… Yes… What are you doing to me… mmmh…<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>><<if $girlid is 1>>Fuck… Mmh… you're turning me into aslutty bitch… Stop it, please daddy… Mmmh…<<else>>Fuck… you… Mmmh…<</if>> <</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Mmmh… This is… Mmmh… Stop… Mmm…<</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 40>>
<<if $masterlove gte 25 and $scarefactor lte 1>>
<<if _ran is 1>>Mmmh… Yes… I love powerful guys… Come on… Yeah…<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>> <<if $girlid is 1>>Mmmh… You're so powerful, daddy. Please… Mr. Robert… Mmmh… yes…<<else>>Fuck… Ouch… Yeah… Bite me… take me!<</if>> <</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>This feels so… Mmmh… Powerful… Mmmh.. Yes…<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>><<if $girlid is 1>>Stop it daddy… You're break…. Mmmh… Yes… Mmmh…<<else>>You're gonna punish me? Mmh.. Yes? You like this? MMh… You're so big and powerful…<</if>> <</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>Mmmh… Yes… My powerful stallion… Mmmh!<</if>>
/* HATE */
<<if _ran is 1>>You're gonna break my fucking neck? Mmmh…. You gonna do that? I…. hate… you…. Mmh… But this feels… So good…<</if>>
<<if _ran is 2>> <<if $girlid is 1>>Mmmh… Yes… You like treating me like a toy, daddy? Mmmh… Fuck… Please… You're so powerful…<<else>>Fuck… I hate you… Mmmh…. But… Mmh… Yes. That's it…<</if>> <</if>>
<<if _ran is 3>>Mmmh… Fucking bastard… Mmmh… Yeah…<</if>>
<<if _ran is 4>><<if $girlid is 1>>You're so cruel, daddy… Mmmh… But… I like when you try to teach me… love… Mmmh…<<else>>Mmmh… You're still a bastard… Okay? Mmmh… Yees…<</if>> <</if>>
<<if _ran is 5>>So powerful… Mmmh… I like this. Even if I don’t like your attitude… Hahah… Ooh… There… Yes…<</if>>
<<set $arousal+=1>>
<<set $humiliation+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 19>><br><br>$girlnames ''Corruption (+<<if _rande is 1>>2<<else>>1<</if>>)'' has increased!<<set $likesadist+=1>><</if>>
<<if $skillroll lte 15 and $kissingxp lte 89>><br><br>$girlnames ''Kissing skill (+1)'' has increased!<<set $kissingxp+=1>><</if>>
<<if $chance lte 0>>
<<if $willpower gte 1 and $willpower lte 19>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>$girlname remains docile but has trouble giving back the response that's expected of her. She's holding her mouth slightly open, but you're not able to taste her entirely.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>Your attempt doesn’t entice $girlname at all and she remains stiff and nervous throughout the two-minute ordeal.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>You fail in your attempt at spicing things up. $girlname greets your initiative with resentment and awkwardness. But she's too mentally weak to object, and you're free to taste every part of her facial features for the next couple of minutes. It's terribly one-sided, however. <</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 20 and $willpower lte 39>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>$girlname pulls her head away but doesn’t verbally or physically object to your <<if $dommake>>sadistic<</if>> initiative. You're unable to taste her for longer than a couple of seconds, however.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>Unfortunately, you only get a couple of seconds inside $girlnames sweet-tasting mouth before she pulls her head away. She doesn’t like your initiative at all.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>$girlname moves her head away after less than ten seconds. You've managed to turned her off and her arousal has decreased <<if $arousal lte 0>>even further<<else>>by a small amount<</if>> due to your botched attempt.<</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 40>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>The girl is not interested in joining tongues with you and twitches her head away.<<if $dommake is true>> She's obviously upset over your dominant approach and glares at you for several seconds.<</if>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>Your initiative feels too eager and manages to turn $girlname off instead of the enticement you hoped for. She turns her head away and makes it impossible to even get a second's taste of her mouth.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>$girlname doesn’t appreciate your initiative and twists her head away, making it impossible to reach her mouth.
<b>$girlname: </b>
<<if $dommake is true>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>What the fuck are you doing? Stop that or you'll be sorry, okay?<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>Hey, fucking stop that! Don’t treat me like I'm your fuck-toy, okay?<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>What are you up to? That's not my game, okay?<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>><<if $masterfilth lte 19>>You're too smelly, okay? I don’t want to kiss you.<<else>>Please, I don’t want your mouth all over me right now, alright?<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>><<if $masterfilth lte 19>>Your breath stinks! Take that pie-hole away from me, please!<<else>>No, stop it. I don’t want to kiss you right now, let's just focus on what we were doin', okay?<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>Hey… Stop it… <</if>>
<<if $dommake is true>><<set $scarefactor+=1>><</if>>
<<set $arousal-=1>>
<<set $humiliation+=1>>
<<if $dommake is true>><<set $masterlove-=1>><</if>>
<<if $kisskill lte 119>>
<<if $skillroll lte 3 or $skillroll is 69>>
<<if $chance lte 0>>Despite your failure to arouse $girlname, you've increased your ''Kissing skill'' by one point!<<else>>You've increased your ''Kissing skill'' by one point!<</if>>
<<set $kisskill+=1>>
<<unset $dommake>>
<<unset $passmake>>
<div class="pic">
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $makeoutrounds is 0>>
[[Passionately|Makeout][$passmake to true, $makeoutrounds+=1]]
[[Dominant|Makeout][$dommake to true, $makeoutrounds+=1]]
<<if $makeoutrounds is 1>>
<<if $makeoutrounds is 2>>
<<if $pussynow>>[[Resume sex|Pussysimulation]]<</if>>
<<if $analnow>>[[Resume sex|Analsimulation]]<</if>>
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<div class="alt3">
<<include BondInt>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<set _isinbond to true>>
<<set _isinbond2 to true>>
<<include NewLoad>>
<<if $ownrack is undefined>><<set $ownrack to 1>><<set $rackbusy to 0>><<set $stoolbusy to 0>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist lte 29 and $afraid lte 2>>
<<if $analhook is true or $clamped is true or $dildoing is true>>
<<set $afraid+=1>>
<<if $punok gte 1 and $defcount gte 1>>
<<set _punok to true>>
<<if $procbondbirth is 1 and $agedays is 0>>
<<set _bday to true>>
<<if $enoughdildo is true>>
<<unset $dildoing>>
<<unset $adildoing>>
<<if $bondcat is 0 and $bondage gte 1>>
<<if $bondage is 1>><<set $pic to 59>><</if>>
<<if $bondage is 3>><<set $pic to 60>><</if>>
<<include BDSMpara>>
<div class="headsign">TRAINING ROOM</div>
<<if $bondrounds lte 1 and $bondage is 0>>
You can perform a bondage session in your brother's old slave training room.
How do you want to initiate this session with $girlname?
<<if $defcount gte 2>>
''//Defiance threshold reached! New dialogue options available.//''
<<if $agedays is 0 and $procbondbirth isnot 2>>
Special birthday event available!<br>
<<if $procbondbirth gte 1>>
<div class="green">(ENABLED)</div>
<<if $bondage is 0 or $starting is true>>
<<if $virgindildo is 0 or $virgindildo is 1 or $virgindildo is 2>>
<<include VirginTied>>
<<include TiedText>>
<<unset $starting>>
<<if $bondage gte 1 and $starting isnot true>>
<<include BondText>>
<<if $stampoints lte 4>>
<div class="red">''You're over-fatigued and need to rest!''</div>
<<set $bondcat to 0>>
<<if $health lte 0 or $tempstamina lte 0>>
<div class="red">''$girlname is unconscious! You cannot continue.''</div>
<<set $bondcat to 0>>
<<if $bondcat is 2 and $dildoing is undefined and $adildoing is undefined and $hooking isnot 1 and $owndildo gte 1 and $bondage isnot 3>>
<<set _nodef to true>>
<div class="storybottom">
<div class="padd10left">
<center>''DILDO SIZE''</center></div><br>
<div class="padd10left">
<div class="padd80left">
<div class="row">
<div class="ulsmall">
<<if $activedildo isnot 1>>[[SMall|Bondagemaster][$activedildo to 1]]<<else>><p class="ulsmallselect">small</p><</if>>
<div class="padd30left ulsmall">
<<if $activedildo isnot 2>>[[medium|Bondagemaster][$activedildo to 2]]<<else>><p class="ulsmallselect">medium</p><</if>>
<div class="padd30left ulsmall">
<<if $activedildo isnot 3>>[[massive|Bondagemaster][$activedildo to 3]]<<else>><p class="ulsmallselect">massive</p><</if>>
<<include ClothCheck>>
<<if _nodef is undefined and $offcloth is undefined and $bondcat isnot 2>>
<div class="storybottom future tex18px center">
''Defiance:'' <<if $defcount gte 25>><div class="red">$defcount</div><<else>>$defcount<</if>>/100
<div class="pic">
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $bondage lte 0 and $bondready isnot 1 and $bondready isnot 2>>
<<if _npc.status lte 3 or _npc.likesadist gte 60 or _npc.willpower lte 19>>
<<set _bruteok to true>>
<<if _npc.status is 4>>
<<if _npc.likesadist gte 60 or _npc.willpower lte 0>>
<<set _bruteok to true>>
<<set _bruteok to false>>
<<if _npc.status is 5 or _npc.ostatus is 5>>
<<if _npc.likesadist gte 100 or _npc.willpower lte 0>>
<<set _bruteok to true>>
<<set _bruteok to false>>
<<if _bruteok is true>>
[[brute force|Bondagemaster][$offcloth to 1]]
<<if $refuse1 isnot true>>
[[Demanding tone|Bondagemaster][$offcloth to 2]]
<<else>><p class="usedpass">Demanding tone</p>
<<if $refuse2 isnot true>>
[[Casual tone|Bondagemaster][$offcloth to 3, $casualv to true]]
<<else>><p class="usedpass">Casual tone</p>
<<if $defcount gte 2 and _npc.status lte 3>>
<<if $refuse4 isnot true>>
[[Proclaim punishment!|Bondagemaster][$offcloth to 4]]
<<else>><p class="usedpass">Proclaim punishment!</p>
<<if $bondage lte 0 and $bondready gte 1>>
<<if $analvirgin is false and $virgin is false>>
<<if $stoool is true>>
<<if $owndildost gte 1 and _punok isnot true and $stoolbusy isnot $owndildost and $girlid isnot 17>>[[The chair|Bondagemaster][$action to 3, $bondage to 3, $starting to true, $stoolbusy+=1]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">The chair <<if $stoolbusy gte $owndilsost>>(Busy!)<</if>></p><</if>>
<<if $stoool is true>>
<<if $virgindildo isnot 1>>
<<if $owndildost gte 1 and _punok isnot true and $stoolbusy isnot $owndildost>>[[The chair|Bondagemaster][$virgindildo to 0]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">The chair <<if $stoolbusy gte $ownrack>>(Busy!)<</if>></p><</if>>
<<if $virgindildo is 1>>
[[Yes, the chair!|Bondagemaster][$action to 3, $bondage to 3, $starting to true, $virgindildo to 2, $stoolbusy+=1]]
<<if $rackbusy isnot $ownrack>>[[The rack|Bondagemaster][$action to 1, $bondage to 1, $starting to true, $rackbusy+=1]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">The rack (busy!)</p><</if>>
<<if $bondage gte 1 and $stampoints gte 5 and $tempstamina gte 1>>
<<if $bondcat is 0>>
<<unset $offcloth>>
[[Gags & deprivation|Bondagemaster][$bondcat to 1]]
[[Dildos & Hooks|Bondagemaster][$bondcat to 2]]
[[Pain instruments|Bondagemaster][$bondcat to 3]]
[[disciplinary acts|Bondagemaster][$bondcat to 4]]
[[Stimulate|Bondagemaster][$bondcat to 5]]
<<if $bondcat is 1>>
<<if $ballgag isnot true and $oralgag isnot true and $owngags gte 1>>[[Ball gag|Bondagemaster][$gagging to 1]]<</if>>
<<if $ballgag is true>>[[Remove Ball gag|Bondagemaster][$gagging to 1]]<</if>>
<<if $oralgag is true or $owngags lte 0>><p class="usedpass">ball gag</p><</if>>
<<if $oralgag isnot true and $ballgag isnot true and $owngags gte 1>>[[oral gag|Bondagemaster][$gagging to 2]]<</if>>
<<if $ballgag is true or $owngags lte 0>><p class="usedpass">oral gag</p><</if>>
<<if $oralgag is true>>[[Remove oral gag|Bondagemaster][$gagging to 2]]<</if>>
<<if $bondcat is 2>>
<<if _big isnot true>>
<<if $dildoing is undefined and $adildoing is undefined>>
<<if $refusehook isnot true>>
<<if $owndildo gte 1 and $bondage isnot 3>>
[[Dildo (pussy)|Bondagemaster][$dildoing to 1, $pic to 61]]
<<if $analhook isnot true>>[[Dildo (anal)|Bondagemaster][$adildoing to 1, $pic to 61]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Dildo (anal)</p><</if>>
<p class="usedpass">Dildo (pussy)</p>
<p class="usedpass">Dildo (anal)</p>
[[Push it in!|Bondagemaster][$continuehooking to true, $hooking to 1]]
[[Abort|Bondagemaster][$nohook to true]]
<<if $bondage isnot 3>>
<<if $bondage isnot 3 and $adildoing is undefined and $dildoing is undefined>>
<<if $ownanalhook gte 1 and $refusehook isnot true and $analwear lte 99>>
<<if $analhook isnot true>>[[anal hook|Bondagemaster][$hooking to 1]]<<else>>[[remove hook|Bondagemaster][$hooking to 1]]<</if>>
<<if $ownanalhook gte 1 and $refusehook isnot true and $analwear gte 100>><p class="usedpass">Gaping anus!</p><</if>>
<<if _big isnot true>>
<<if $dildoing gte 1 or $adildoing gte 1>>
<<if $dildoing gte 1>>[[Continue|Bondagemaster][$dildoing+=1]]<</if>>
<<if $adildoing gte 1>>[[Continue|Bondagemaster][$adildoing+=1]]<</if>>
[[Enough|Bondagemaster][$enoughdildo to true, $dildoing to 0, $adildoing to 0]]
<<if _big is true>>
<<link "Abort">>
<<goto Bondagemaster>>
<<unset $dildoing>>
<<unset $adildoing>>
<<if $bondcat is 3>>
<<if $clamped isnot true>>
[[Nipple clamps|Bondagemaster][$clamping to 1]]<<else>>
[[Remove clamps|Bondagemaster][$clamping to 1]]
<p class="usedpass">Hot wax (WIP)</p>
<<if $bondcat is 4>>
<<if $slaprest2 isnot true and $bondage isnot 3>>[[Slap ass!|Bondagemaster][$slapping to 2, $noclick to true, $slaprest2 to true, $justwhipped to true, $justslapped to true]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">SLap ass!</p><</if>>
<<if $slaprest2 isnot true and $ownwhipstick gte 1 and $bondage isnot 3>>[[Whip (cane)|Bondagemaster][$whippingass to 1, $noclick to true, $slaprest2 to true, $whipping to true, $justwhipped to true, $thrash to false]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Whip (cane)</p><</if>>
<<if $slaprest2 isnot true and $ownwhipstick gte 1 and $bondage isnot 3>>[[Thrash! (cane)|Bondagemaster][$whippingass to 1, $noclick to true, $slaprest2 to true, $whipping to true, $justwhipped to true, $thrash to true]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Thrash! (cane)</p><</if>>
<<if $slaprest2 isnot true and $bondage isnot 3>>[[Whip (belt)|Bondagemaster][$whippingass to 2, $noclick to true, $slaprest2 to true, $whipping to true, $justwhipped to true]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Whip (belt)</p><</if>>
<<if $bondcat is 5>>
[[Grope pussy|Bondagemaster][$groping to 1, $pic to 68]]
[[Caress pussy|Bondagemaster][$groping to 2, $pic to 68]]
<<if $saydirt isnot 2>>[[Dirty talk|Bondagemaster][$dirty to 1]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">dirty talk</p><</if>>
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<<if $bondage lte 0>>
<<if $agedays is 0 and $bondrounds is 1 and $procbondbirth isnot 2>>
<<if $procbondbirth isnot 1>>[[Enable birthday event|Bondagemaster][$procbondbirth to 1, $bondrounds to 0, $justprocced to true]]<<else>>[[Disable birthday event|Bondagemaster][$procbondbirth to 0, $bondrounds to 0, $justprocced to true]]<</if>>
<<if $bondcat gte 1 and $dildoing is undefined and $adildoing is undefined and $refusehook isnot true>>
[[Back|Bondagemaster][$bondcat to 0]]
<<if $bondcat is 0 and $bondage gte 1>>
<<if $hascummed is false and $tempstamina gte 4 and $stampoints gte 5>>
[[Fuck girl|Bondsex][$bondsexrounds=0, $event1 to false, $event2 to false, $event3 to false, $event4 to false, $event5 to false]]
<<if $hascummed is true>><p class="usedpass">Fuck girl</p><</if>>
<<if $action12 is false>>[[Free girl|Interact][$tied to false, $oralgag to false, $gagged to false, $ballgag to false, $clamped to false, $analhook to false, $returned to 18, $sexacts to false, $uncheck to true, $groperound to 0, $bdsmfree to $bondage, $daysabond to 0]]<</if>>
<<if $action12 is false>>[[Leave girl|Interact]]<</if>>
<<if $health lte 10 and $ownstimb gte 1>>
[[Use stimpack!|Bondagemaster][$health+=15, $stimmed to true, $ownstimb-=1]]
<div class="alt3">
<<include BondInt>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<<unset $gagging>>
<<unset $folding>>
<<unset $slaprest>>
<<unset $slaprest2>>
<<unset $refusehook>>
<<unset $nohook>>
<<unset $hooking>>
<<unset $clamping>>
<<unset $dirty>>
<<unset $groping>>
<<if $bondage is 1>><<set $pic to 59>><</if>>
<<if $bondage is 3>><<set $pic to 60>><</if>>
<<if $justwhipped isnot true>><<unset $whippingass>><<unset $endwhip>><<unset $slapping>><</if>>
<<if $justwhipped is true>><<set $endwhip to true>><</if>>
<<unset $whipping>>
<<unset $justwhipped>>
<<unset $justslapped>>
<<unset $enoughdildo>>
<<set $refuse3 to false>>
<<if $agedays isnot 0>>
<<unset $procbondbirth>>
<<if $continuehooking is true>><<unset $continuehooking>><</if>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<set $pussypart to "pussy">>
<<set $boobparts to "boobs">>
<<if $girlid is 13 and $masterlove lte 59 and $willpower gte 10 and $likesadist lte 39>><<set _cat to true>><</if>>
<<if $girlid is 13 and $masterlove gte 65 and $willpower gte 10 and $likesadist lte 39 and $quest_cat gte 23>><<set _cat2 to true>><</if>>
<<set $ismaking to true>>
<<set _checksed to true>>
<<include ClothCheck>>
<<if $comesfromchange is false>>
<<set $sedrounds+=1>>
<<include DiceRolls>>
<<set $skillroll2 to random(20, 75)>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 5)>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 5)>>
<<set $descroll3 to random(1, 10)>>
<<set $descroll4 to random(1, 5)>>
<<if $arousal lte -5 and $willpower gte 30 and $action5 is false and $action6 is false>><<set $cancelmakeout to true>><<set $returned to 15>><<set $sexacts to false>><<if $wsex is 1>><<goto WInt>><<else>><<goto Interact>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -6 and $willpower gte 15 and $willpower lte 29 and $action5 is false and $action6 is false>><<set $cancelmakeout to true>><<set $returned to 15>><<set $sexacts to false>><<if $wsex is 1>><<goto WInt>><<else>><<goto Interact>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -18 and $willpower gte 1 and $willpower lte 14 and $action5 is false and $action6 is false>><<set $cancelmakeout to true>><<set $returned to 15>><<set $sexacts to false>><<if $wsex is 1>><<goto WInt>><<else>><<goto Interact>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $tempstamina lte 1>><<set $event1 to true>><<set $tempstamina=0>><</if>>
<<if $comesfromchange is false>>
<<if $sedrounds is 1>>
<<set $daycount+=1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<if $sedrounds is 2>>
<<set $daycount+=1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<if $sedrounds is 3>>
<<set $daycount+=1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<set $stampoints-=1>>
<<set $tempstamina-=2>>
<<if $sedrounds is 4>>
<<set $daycount+=1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<if $sedrounds is 5>>
<<set $daycount+=1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<if $sedrounds is 6>>
<<set $daycount+=1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<if $sedrounds is 7>>
<<set $daycount+=1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<set $stampoints-=1>>
<<set $tempstamina-=2>>
<<if $sedrounds is 9>>
<<set $daycount+=1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<if $sedrounds is 12>>
<<set $daycount+=2>>
<<addmins 12>>
<<set $stampoints-=1>>
<<if $sedrounds is 14>>
<<set $daycount+=1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<if $sedrounds is 16>>
<<set $daycount+=1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<if $sedrounds is 21>>
<<set $daycount+=5>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $stampoints-=1>>
<<set $event2 to true>>
<<if $sedrounds gte 21>>
<<set $event2 to true>>
<<set $comesfromchange to false>>
<div class="headsign">$girlname</div>
<<if $action6 is true>>
<<if $event is 0>>
Any commands issued from here will use demeaning words in an effort to lower $girlnames ''WILLPOWER'' and raise her obedience. A failed skillroll will have a lasting impact on your relationship with the girl!<br><br>
<<if $naked is true>>Stripping disabled. $girlname is already naked!<br><br><</if>>
<<if $panties is 1 or $pants is 1>>$girlname needs her panties removed before she can spread her buttocks for you!<br><br><</if>>
<<if $refuse6 is true>>
''You cannot command the girl right now! She's too upset and won't obey you at all!''<br><br>
<<if $event1 is true>>
The girl passes out due to exhaustion! You can no longer seduce her!<br><br>
<<if $event1 is false and $event2 is true>>
Your foreplay is closing in on two hours! Get on with it!<br><br>
<<set $action1 to false>>
<<set $action2 to false>>
<<set $action3 to false>>
<<set $action4 to false>>
<<set $action5 to false>>
<<set $action6 to false>>
<<set $action9 to false>>
<<set $action10 to false>>
<<set $action11 to false>>
<<set $action12 to false>>
<<set _nomore to true>>
<<if $event3b is true>>
<<if $nooralday is true>>You've turned off $girlname in such a bad way that she'll refuse oral sex for the rest of the day!<br><br><</if>>
<<if $noanalday is true>>Your attempts at getting the girl to spread her buttocks are met with such defiance that she'll not agree to any form of anal sex for the rest of the day!<br><br><</if>>
<<if $nopussyday is true>>You have failed miserably at getting $girlname to spread her legs<<if $nooralday is true or $noanalday is true>> as well<</if>>, making any attempts at persuading her into intercourse impossible for the rest of the day.<br><br><</if>>
<<set $event3b to false>>
<<if $sedrounds is 1>>
<<include SedPos>>
<<if $event1 is false and $event2 is false and $cancelmakeout is false>>
<<if $action1>>
<<include SeduceText>>
<<set $action1 to false>>
<<if $action2>>
<<include SeduceText>>
<<set $action2 to false>>
<<if $action3>>
<<include SeduceText>>
<<set $action3 to false>>
<<if $action4>>
<<include SeduceText>>
<<set $action4 to false>>
<<if $action5>>
<<include TalkText>>
<<if $action6 and $event gte 10>>
<<include CommandSed>>
<<if $action7c>>
<<include SeduceText2>>
<<set $action7c to false>>
<<if $action9>>
<<include SeduceText2>>
<<set $action9 to false>>
<<if $action10>>
<<include SeduceText2>>
<<set $action10 to false>>
<<if $action11>>
<<include SeduceText2>>
<<set $action11 to false>>
<<if $cancelmakeout is false and $event1 is false>>
<<if $action8a>>
<<include SeduceText2>>
<<set $action8a to false>>
<<if $action8>>
<<include SeduceText2>>
<<set $action8 to false>>
<<if $action7>>
<<include SeduceText2>>
<<set $action7 to false>>
<<if $action7b>>
<<include SeduceText2>>
<<set $action7b to false>>
<<if $event2 is true>>
<<if $action8>>
<<if $event1 is false>>
<<include SeduceText2>>
<<set $action8 to false>>
<<if $action7>>
<<if $event1 is false>>
<<include SeduceText2>>
<<set $action7 to false>>
<<include ClothCheck>>
<<if $action15 is true>>
<<set $massagerounds to 1>>
<<set $action15 to false>>
<div class="pic">
<<if $pic is 74>>
<<set _skippic to true>>
<<if _skippic isnot true>>
<<if $arousal lte -3>><<set $pic to 56>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte -2 and $arousal lte 2>><<set $pic to 55>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 3>><<set $pic to 57>><</if>>
<<if $cun is true>>
<<set $pic to 13>>
<<unset $cun>>
<<include Actives>>
<<set $pic to 0>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $event1 is false and $event2 is false and $action5 is false and $action6 is false and _cat isnot true>>
<<if $aggroround is 1 and $refuse3 is false>>
[[Continue|Makeoutsimulator][$action3 to true]]
[[Take it easier|Makeoutsimulator][$aggroround to 2]]
<<if $aggroround is 0 or $aggroround is 2>>
<<if $refuse4 is false and $caressround lte 1>>
[[Caress|Makeoutsimulator][$action4 to true]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Caress</p><</if>>
<<if $refuse1 is false and $kissround lte 1>>[[Kissing|Makeoutsimulator][$action1 to true]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Kissing</p><</if>>
<<if $refuse2 is false and $bodykissround lte 1>>
[[Body kissing|Makeoutsimulator][$action2 to true]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Body kissing</p><</if>>
<<if $massageround lte 2 and $refuse10 is false>>[[Give massage|Makeoutsimulator][$action10 to true]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Give massage</p><</if>>
[[Talk|Makeoutsimulator][$action5 to true]]
<<if $action5 is true>>
<<if $saynow is 0>>
<<if $talkround lte 1>>[[Dirty talk (rude)|Makeoutsimulator][$event5 to true, $saynow=1]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Dirty talk (rude)</p><</if>>
<<if $talkround lte 1>>[[Dirty talk (normal)|Makeoutsimulator][$event6 to true, $saynow=1]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Dirty talk (normal)</p><</if>>
<<if $talkround lte 1>>[[Sweet talk|Makeoutsimulator][$event7 to true, $saynow=1]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Sweet talk</p><</if>>
<<if $saynow is 1>>
[[Continue|Makeoutsimulator][$saynow to 2]]
<<if $action6 is true and $refuse6 is false>>
<<if $event is 0 or $event is 10 or $event is 20 or $event is 30>>
<<if $ubody gte 1 or $pants gte 1 or $panties gte 1 or $bra gte 1>>[[Get undressed!|Makeoutsimulator][$event to 10]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Get undressed!</p><</if>>
<<if $panties is 0 and $pants is 0 and $event isnot 20>>[[Spread your butt!|Makeoutsimulator][$event to 20]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Spread your butt!</p><</if>>
<<if $event is 11>>
[[Threaten|Makeoutsimulator][$event to 12]]
<<if $event is 13>>
[[Threaten!|Makeoutsimulator][$event to 14]]
<<if $event is 21>>
[[Threaten|Makeoutsimulator][$event to 22]]
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<<if _nomore isnot true and _cat isnot true>>
<<if $aggroround is 0 or $aggroround is 2>>
<<if $action5 is false and $action6 is false>>
<<if $event1 is false and $event2 is false>>
[[Dominate|Makeoutsimulator][$action6 to true]]
<<if $refuse3 is false and $aggroround lte 1>>[[Rough petting|Makeoutsimulator][$action3 to true]]<<else>><p class="usedpass">Rough petting</p><</if>>
<<if $ubody gte 1 and $refuse7 is false>>[[Take off dress|Makeoutsimulator][$action7 to true, $action to 0]]<</if>>
<<if $refuse7 is true>><p class="usedpass">Take off dress</p><</if>>
<<if $ubody is 0 and $bra gte 1 and $refuse7b is false>>[[Take off bra|Makeoutsimulator][$action7b to true, $action to 0]]<</if>>
<<if $refuse7b is true>><p class="usedpass">Take off bra</p><</if>>
<<if $ubody is 0 and $bra is 0 and $boobfondleround lte 1 and $refuse7c is false>>[[Fondle breasts|Makeoutsimulator][$action7c to true]]<</if>>
<<if $refuse7c is true or $boobfondleround gte 2>><p class="usedpass">Fondle breasts</p><</if>>
<<if $pants gte 1 and $refuse8a is false>>[[Take off pants|Makeoutsimulator][$action8a to true, $action to 0]]<</if>>
<<if $refuse8a is true>><p class="usedpass">Take off pants</p><</if>>
<<if $action8 is false and $pants is 0 and $panties gte 1 and $refuse8 is false and $event1 isnot true>>[[Take off panties|Makeoutsimulator][$action8 to true, $action to 0]]<</if>>
<<if $refuse8 is true>><p class="usedpass">Take off panties</p><</if>>
<<if $panties is 0 and $pants is 0 and $lickround lte 1 and $refuse9 is false>>[[Lick her pussy!|Makeoutsimulator][$action9 to true, $cun to true]]<</if>>
<<if $lickround gte 2 or $refuse9 is true>><p class="usedpass">Lick her pussy</p><</if>>
<<if $event1 isnot true>>
<<if $action8 is false and $panties gte 1 and $refuse8 is false>>[[Take off panties|Makeoutsimulator][$action8 to true, $action to 0]]<</if>>
<<if $action7 is false and $ubody gte 1 and $refuse7 is false>>[[Take off dress|Makeoutsimulator][$action7 to true, $action to 0]]<</if>>
<<if $ubody is 0 and $bra gte 1 and $refuse7b is false>>[[Take off bra|Makeoutsimulator][$action7b to true, $action to 0]]<</if>>
<<if $saynow isnot 1>>[[Return|Makeoutsimulator][$action5 to false, $action6 to false, $comesfromchange to true, $event to 0]]<</if>>
<div class="alt3">
<div class="padd20left">
<<if $event1 is false>><div class="ul">[[Suggest sex|Sextime][$comesfromsed to true, $comesfromint to false]]</div><</if>>
<<if $wsex is 1>>
<div class="ul">[[Abort|Interact][$returned to 17]]</div>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<<if $spanking is true>>
<<if $spankmarks gte 1>>
<<if $likesadist gte 40>>
<<set $masterlove+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 29>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=2>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 9>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=1>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<if $spankmarks gte 5>>
<<if $likesadist gte 30>>
<<set $happiness+=1>>
<<if $likesadist gte 40>>
<<set $happiness+=1>>
<<set $masterlove+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 29>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=2>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 9>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=1>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<set $tempstamina-=1>>
<<if $spankmarks gte 15>>
<<if $likesadist gte 30>>
<<set $happiness+=1>>
<<if $likesadist gte 40>>
<<set $happiness+=1>>
<<set $masterlove+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 29>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=2>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 9>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=1>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<set $tempstamina-=2>>
<<if $spankmarks gte 35>>
<<if $likesadist gte 30>>
<<set $happiness+=1>>
<<if $likesadist gte 40>>
<<set $happiness+=1>>
<<set $masterlove+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 29>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=2>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 9>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=1>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<set $tempstamina-=2>>
<<if $spankmarks gte 75>>
<<if $likesadist gte 30>>
<<set $happiness+=1>>
<<if $likesadist gte 40>>
<<set $happiness+=1>>
<<set $masterlove+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 29>>
<<set $happiness-=2>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 9>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=1>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<set $willpower-=1>>
<<set $tempstamina-=2>>
<<if $whipping is true>>
<<if $whipmarks gte 1>>
<<if $likesadist gte 40>>
<<set $happiness+=1>>
<<set $masterlove+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 29>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=2>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 9>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=1>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<if $whipmarks gte 5>>
<<if $likesadist gte 30>>
<<set $happiness+=1>>
<<if $likesadist gte 40>>
<<set $happiness+=1>>
<<set $masterlove+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 29>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=2>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 9>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=1>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<set $tempstamina-=1>>
<<if $whipmarks gte 15>>
<<if $likesadist gte 40>>
<<set $happiness+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 29>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=2>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 9>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=3>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<if $willpower gte 20>><<set $willpower-=1>><</if>>
<<set $tempstamina-=1>>
<<if $whipmarks gte 25>>
<<if $likesadist gte 35>>
<<set $happiness+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 29>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=2>>
<<if $likesadist lte 9>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<if $willpower gte 20>><<set $willpower-=1>><</if>>
<<set $tempstamina-=2>>
<<if $whipmarks gte 35>>
<<if $likesadist gte 40>>
<<set $happiness+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 29>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=2>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 9>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=2>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<set $willpower-=1>>
<<set $tempstamina-=3>>
<<set $health-=1>>
<<if $whipmarks gte 55>>
<<if $likesadist gte 40>>
<<set $happiness+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 29>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 9>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=3>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<if $willpower gte 20>><<set $willpower-=1>><</if>>
<<set $tempstamina-=2>>
<<set $health-=1>>
<<if $whipmarks gte 100>>
<<if $likesadist gte 40>>
<<set $happiness+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 29>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=2>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<if $likesadist lte 9>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=3>>
<<set $scarefactor+=1>>
<<set $willpower-=2>>
<<set $tempstamina-=3>>
<<set $health-=1>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<set $asscum to false>>
<<set $pussycum to false>>
<<set $pic to 101>>
<div class="headsign">
<<if $gotoanalvirgin>>ANAL SEX<</if>>
<<if $gotovirgin>>VAGINAL SEX<</if>>
<<include Libido>>
<<if $gotoanalvirgin>>
<<include AnalVirginreactions>>
<<if $gotovirgin>>
<<include Virginreactions>>
<div class="pic">
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $adpos is 0>>
[[Normal|Virginmaster][$normsuggest to true, $suggestdone to true, $adpos to 1]]
[[Dominant|Virginmaster][$domsuggest to true, $suggestdone to true, $adpos to 1]]
<<if $wsex is 1>>
[[Nevermind|Interact][$suggestdone to false, $normsuggest to false, $domsuggest to false]]
<<if $suggestdone is true>>
<<if $chance gte 1>>[[Continue|Virginsimulation][$refusedanalvirgin to false, $refusedvirgin to false, $pic to 102]]<</if>>
<<if $chance lte 0>>
<<if $refusedanalvirgin is true or $refusedvirgin is true>>
<<if $wsex is 1>>
[[Cancel|Interact][$suggestdone to false, $normsuggest to false, $domsuggest to false]]
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<<if $refusedanalvirgin is true or $refusedvirgin is true>>
<<if $comesfrom is 1>>[[Go back|Oralsimulation][$gotopussy to false, $gotoanal to false, $gotooral to false, $cancelact to false]]<</if>>
<<if $comesfrom is 2>>[[Go back|Analsimulation][$gotopussy to false, $gotoanal to false, $gotooral to false, $cancelact to false]]<</if>>
<<if $comesfrom is 3>>[[Go back|Pussysimulation][$gotopussy to false, $gotoanal to false, $gotooral to false, $cancelact to false]]<</if>>
<div class="alt3">
<<include BondInt>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<<set $skillroll to random(1, 100)>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 5)>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 5)>>
<<set _mani to true>>
<<set $chance = $manipulate>>
<<set $chance -= $skillroll>>
<<set $chance -= $willpower>>
<<if $willpower lte 0>><<set $chance+=120>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -8>><<set $chance-=8>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -7>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -5>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -3>><<set $chance-=7>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -1>><<set $chance-=8>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 1>><<set $chance+=8>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 2>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 4>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 6>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>><<set $chance+=12>><</if>>
<<if $domsuggest is true and $willpower lte 29>>
<<set $chance +=10>>
<<if $domsuggest is true and $willpower gte 40>>
<<set $chance -=20>>
<<if $cock gte 3>>
<<set $chance -= 10>>
<<set $chance+=$likesadist>>
<<if $masterlove gt 59>> <<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gt 75>> <<set $chance+=25>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gt 90>> <<set $chance+=25>><</if>>
<<if $happiness gt 69>> <<set $chance+=6>> <</if>>
<<if $happiness gt 89>><<set $chance+=10>> <</if>>
<<if $chance gte 1>><<set $takevirgin to true>><</if>>
<<if $chance lte 0>><<set $takevirgin to false>><</if>>
<<if $suggestdone is false>>
<center>''NOTE!'' <br>$girlname is still an anal virgin!</center>
In what manner do you propose your intention to introduce her to anal sex?
<<if $suggestcon is false>>
<<if $domsuggest is true>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>''You:'' //Hey. $girlname. It’s time to crack your little butthole! Stick your ass out really good so I can show you a completely new world of perversion!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>''You:'' //I feel like taking your ass! It's been wigglin' around way too long. It needs to know who's the master around here.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>''You:'' //It's time for your innocent little ass to taste a real manhood. Follow me!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 4>>''You:'' //It's time, girl. I’m gonna take your virginity. In your cute, little ass!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 5>>''You:'' //It's time to pluck that virginity from your ass! Follow me. This is gonna hurt.//<</if>>
<<if $normsuggest>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>''You:'' //Hey, you want me to show you how anal sex feels like? I’ll be really careful. I promise.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>''You:'' //Maybe you want me to show you how anal sex feels like? I promise I’ll make it really nice for you.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>''You:'' //Every girl has to know how it feels like to take a cock in her ass! Please let me show you! It can be really… pleasurable. I promise.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 4>>''You:'' //I think it’s time for me to show you how a really nice session of butt sex feels like. I’m a professional. I promise I'll show you in a nice, arousing way!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 5>>''You:'' //I think I’m just the right man to show you how anal sex feels like. What do you say?//<</if>>
<<if $suggestdone is true>>
<<if $chance gte 1>>
<<include Success>>
<<if $willpower lte 0>>
Your obedient slave doesn’t object at all when your proposal sinks in.
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //My… my ass is yours master. If you think it’s time, I’ll be a good girl and bend over for you.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //Of course, $callname. But please, please, try and be gentle to me. It's a very delicate… area of my body (nervous smile). //<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //I… I… I’ll make my ass ready for you, $callname. Just gonna apply some extra lube.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //I'm ready, $callname. And… I’m so thankful that you want to… want to take my virginity (faint sobbing). It is my duty to offer myself to you – in all ways possible.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //Yes, $callname. I’m… I think I’m… I mean, I know I’m ready to take your cock in my ass, Sir.//<</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 1 and $willpower lte 39>>
The girl hesitates for a couple of moments but eventually accepts your proposal.
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Well, alright, $callname, I’ll do it. I’ll spread my ass for you, but you have to promise to be careful!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //Alright, I’ll do it. I’ll let you take me in the ass.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //I’ve saved myself for this. I guess it’s time. But you have to promise to be careful!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Well alright, I’ll let you do it!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //Okay, I’ll let you do it, but please, promise to be really careful.//<</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 40 and $willpower lte 79>>
The girl gives it a long thought before finally accepting your proposal.
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Hmm, alright, but you have to promise to be really careful, okay?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //Actually I think I’m ready. I’ll let you do it. But be fucking careful or I’ll stop it right away.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //I’ve saved my ass to be taken on a special occasion. I guess this is it… But be fucking careful now okay, because it’s really, really tight!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Well okay, sure. Let’s do it. But be gentle. Promise me that!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //Alright, but you have to be really gentle with me. That’s an order if you want to do this!//<</if>>
<<if $cock gte 3>>//By the way, do you really think that massive shaft of yours will go in?//<</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 80>>
The girl gives it a really long thought before finally accepting your proposal.
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Hmm… well, alright. But only because I’m curious. I won’t let you do anything that’s gonna hurt me. Not in any way, understand?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //Alright. Let’s do it. But only on my terms, okay? I call the shots. If I say stop. We stop, right? //<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //Fuck. I’m really nervous but I think it’s time. But we’re doing this completely on my terms. You do exactly as I say, okay?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Alright. But if you push too hard or hurt me in anyway, you’ll be fucking sorry! Let’s get this done.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //Actually I’ve been thinking about this for some time. I think I’m ready. But be really fucking careful, okay?//<</if>>
<<if $suggestdone is true and $chance lte 0>>
<<include Fail>>
<<if $willpower gte 1 and $willpower lte 39>>
With meager words and an uncertain body language, the girl refuses to do as you say.
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //No… please, just accept that I’m not ready. I won’t do it!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //Actually no. I’m too tight down there. And you’re too big <<if $masterage gte 46>>and too old<</if>>. It just feels wrong.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //I don’t think I’m ready yet. Can’t we do something else?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //No, please, I’m not ready… Why don’t we… why don’t I suck your cock instead?<<set $promisedoral to true>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //No, I’m certainly not ready. I don’t think you’re the right one. The right man that should take my virginity.//<</if>>
<<if $massivecock>>//And besides, that massive cock will never fit inside me!//<</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 40>>
The girl is very reluctant. Her body language sends a clear signal that this isn’t going to happen anytime soon.
<<if $masterlove lte 49 or $hardsuggest is true>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Haha, no way! I don’t want your cock in my ass. Fucking never!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //Are you insane? No fucking way I’m letting you fuck me back there.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //Haha, no way! I’m saving my ass for someone else. Someone who isn’t you!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //No fucking way. You’re a sick<<if $masterage gte 46>>, old<</if>> pervert! And I’ll never let you take my ass!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //You’re sick! I’ll never let you do that!//<</if>>
<<if $massivecock>>//And that huge<<if $masterfilth lte 19>>, smelly<</if>> cock of yours would probably tear me apart anyway.//<</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 50 and $hardsuggest is false>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Haha, well, sweety, I like you, but not so much that I’ll let you do that.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //Nah, not right now. Let’s do something else, that doesn’t involve sex.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //Maybe I’ll let you take my ass someday, but not today. I don’t feel like doing it.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Please honey, no, I don’t want you there. You just have to accept that.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //Maybe when I’m ready, but that isn’t today, sorry!//<</if>>
<<if $massivecock>>//And to be honest, your massive cock scares me a bit. You think it will fit?//<</if>>
<<set $refusedanalvirgin to true>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<set _isvirgin to true>>
<<set $virgintime to random(8, 20)>>
<<if $comesfromchange is false and $virginrounds gte 2>>
<<set $virgintimetotal+=$virgintime>>
<<set $stampoints-=1>>
<<set $fuckcount-=1>>
<<set $masterfilth-=6>>
<<set $tempstamina-=3>>
<<set $hygiene-=3>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<set $daycount+=1>>
<div class="headsign">
<<if $gotoanalvirgin>>ANAL SEX<<set _anal to true>><</if>>
<<if $gotovirgin>>VAGINAL SEX<<set _vag to true>><</if>>
<<include Libido>>
<<if $action4>>
You pull out your finger from $girlnames tight asshole.
<<set $action4 to false>>
<<if $gotoanalvirgin is true>>
<<if $arousal lte -6 and $willpower gte 1 and $willpower lte 39>>
<<set $analvirgincancel to true>>
<<include GenVirginDesc>>
<<if $arousal lte -4 and $willpower gte 40 and $willpower lte 79>>
<<set $analvirgincancel to true>>
<<include GenVirginDesc>>
<<if $arousal lte -3 and $willpower gte 80>>
<<set $analvirgincancel to true>>
<<include GenVirginDesc>>
<<if $gotovirgin is true>>
<<if $arousal lte -7 and $willpower gte 1 and $willpower lte 39>>
<<set $virgincancel to true>>
<<include GenVirginDesc>>
<<if $arousal lte -5 and $willpower gte 40 and $willpower lte 79>>
<<set $virgincancel to true>>
<<include GenVirginDesc>>
<<if $arousal lte -3 and $willpower gte 80>>
<<set $virgincancel to true>>
<<include GenVirginDesc>>
<<if $action3>>
<<include GenVirginDesc>>
<<set $action3 to false>>
<<if $gotoanalvirgin and $fuckcount gte 1 and $stampoints gte 1 and $comesfromchange is false and $analvirgincancel is false>>
<<include AnalVirginEngine>>
<<if $gotovirgin and $fuckcount gte 1 and $stampoints gte 1 and $comesfromchange is false and $virgincancel is false>>
<<include VirginEngine>>
<<if $fuckcount gte 1 and $stampoints lte 0>>
''You're totally exhausted! Cum right away or cancel the act!''
<<if $fuckcount lte 0 and $arousal lte 7>>
''$girlname is too sexy! You need to cum right now!''
<div class="storybottom">
<<if $gotoanalvirgin is true>><<set _like to $likeanal>><<else>><<set _like to $likepussy>><</if>>
''DISPOSITION (<<if $gotoanalvirgin is true>>ANAL<<else>>VAGINAL<</if>>)'' <br>
<progress @value="_like" max="80"></progress>
<div class="pic">
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $fuckcount gte 1 and $stampoints gte 1>>
<<if $virginrounds is 0>><<set $pic to 102>>[[Penetrate|Virginsimulation][$virginrounds+=1, $pic to 103]]<</if>>
<<if $virginrounds gte 1 and $analvirgincancel is false and $virgincancel is false>>
[[Continue|Virginsimulation][$comesfromchange to false, $action1 to false, $action2 to false, $virginrounds+=1, $pic to 103, $pain+=1]]
[[Continue hard!|Virginsimulation][$action2 to true, $action1 to false, $comesfromchange to false, $virginrounds+=1, $pic to 104, $pain+=2]]
[[Continue gently|Virginsimulation][$action1 to true, $action2 to false, $comesfromchange to false, $virginrounds+=1, $pic to 103]]
<<if $analvirgincancel is true and $toobig is true and $fuckcount gte 1>>
<<if $analvirgincancel is true and $toobig is false and $fuckcount gte 1>>
[[Cancel|Finishvirgin][$hadanalvirgin to true]]
<<if $virgincancel is true and $toobig is false and $fuckcount gte 1>>
[[Cancel|Finishvirgin][$hadvirgin to true]]
<<if $fuckcount lte 0 and $stampoints gte 1>>
<<if $gotoanalvirgin is true>>[[Cum!|Cummingvirgin][$hadanalvirgin to true, $action5 to true]]<</if>>
<<if $gotovirgin is true>>[[Cum!|Cummingvirgin][$hadvirgin to true, $action5 to true]]<</if>>
<<if $stampoints lte 0>>
<<if $gotoanalvirgin>>[[Finish|Finishvirgin][$hadanalvirgin to true]]<</if>>
<<if $gotovirgin>>[[Finish|Finishvirgin][$hadvirgin to true]]<</if>>
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<<if $fuckcount gte 1 and $stampoints gte 1 and $virginrounds gte 2 and $analvirgincancel is false and $virgincancel is false>>
<<if $gotoanalvirgin is true and $fingerbutt is 0>>[[Insert finger!|Virginsimulation][$action3 to true, $comesfromchange to true, $fingerbutt=1]]<</if>>
<<if $gotoanalvirgin is true and $fingerbutt gte 1>>[[Pull out finger|Virginsimulation][$comesfromchange to true, $fingerbutt=0, $action4 to true]]<</if>>
<div class="alt3">
<<if $gotoanalvirgin is true>><<set _like to $likeanal>><<else>><<set _like to $likepussy>><</if>>
<div class="interactbox">
''DISPOSITION (<<if $gotoanalvirgin is true>>ANAL<<else>>VAGINAL<</if>>)'' <br>
<progress @value="_like" max="80"></progress>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<<set $skillroll to random(1, 100)>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 5)>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 5)>>
<<set $chance = $manipulate>>
<<set $chance -= $skillroll>>
<<set $chance -= $willpower>>
<<set _mani to true>>
<<if $willpower lte 0>><<set $chance+=120>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -8>><<set $chance-=8>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -7>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -5>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -3>><<set $chance-=7>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -1>><<set $chance-=8>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 1>><<set $chance+=8>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 2>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 4>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 6>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>><<set $chance+=12>><</if>>
<<if $hardsuggest is true and $willpower lte 29>>
<<set $chance +=10>>
<<if $hardsuggest is true and $willpower gte 40>>
<<set $chance -=20>>
<<if $cock gte 3>>
<<set $chance -= 10>>
<<set $chance+=$likesadist>>
<<if $scarefactor gte 5>> <<set $chance-=15>><</if>>
<<if $scarefactor gte 2>> <<set $chance-=15>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 9>> <<set $chance-=35>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 29>> <<set $chance-=15>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 59>> <<set $chance-=15>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gt 59>> <<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gt 75>> <<set $chance+=25>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gt 90>> <<set $chance+=25>><</if>>
<<if $happiness gt 69>> <<set $chance+=6>> <</if>>
<<if $happiness gt 89>><<set $chance+=10>> <</if>>
<<if $chance gte 1>><<set $takevirgin to true>><</if>>
<<if $chance lte 0>><<set $takevirgin to false>><</if>>
<<if $adpos is 0>>
<center>''NOTE!'' <br>$girlname is still a virgin!</center>
In what manner do you suggest it's time for her to lose her virginity?
<<if $adpos is 1>>
<<if $domsuggest is true>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>''You:'' //It’s time, $girlname. You can't walk around this world without knowing how a manhood feels like. We're going on a ride – and you better brace yourself. This is gonna hurt!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>''You:'' //Sweet, sweet $girlname. So innocent. Well… The time has come to take that innocence away. Follow me!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>''You:'' //Your innocence is about to be taken! Spread your legs! You're gonna feel this for days after I'm done with you.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 4>>''You:'' //I’m gonna invite you to a new world of sensations! Haha. Follow me. It's time to crack your snatch open!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 5>>''You:'' //My cock can’t fucking take this. A virgin girl like you, walkin' around like she owns the place. I’m gonna show you how a real man feels like! Come with me.//<</if>>
<<if $normsuggest is true>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>''You:'' //It’s well over due, $girlname, don’t you think it’s time I show you how a real intercourse feels like? Come. Follow me.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>''You:'' //<<if $oralxp gte 10>>I know you can blow cock<<else>>I know it’s scary to be around a stallion like me<</if>> but you should learn how it feels like to have a man inside you. What do you say? Shall we… get it over with? (smile)//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>''You:'' //I know it’s scary, but I really think it’s time I show you how a real man feels like. What do you say?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 4>>''You:'' //What do you say? I think it's time for the two of us to sleep together. You're not gonna regret this. I promise!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 5>>''You:'' //You want to sleep with me? I know you're still a virgin – but… your initiation is long overdue. Might as well get it over with. Right?//<</if>>
<<if $suggestdone is true>>
<<if $chance gte 1>>
<<include Success>>
<<if $willpower lte 0>>
Your obedient <<if $wsex gte 1>>wife<<else>>slave<</if>> doesn’t object at all when your proposal sinks in.
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //My pussy has always been yours, master. It’s been… it’s been waiting for you.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //Of course, $callname, I’m always ready. But… But if $callname doesn’t mind, please… could he be gentle with me? I'm really tight down there.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //I… I’m ready. My pussy is always ready. Always. (nervous smile)//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Y… Yes, of course, I’m ready, $callname. Take my pussy in any way you’d like.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //I think I’m ready, I mean, I’m always ready for you, $callname. But… Could you please be gentle to me?//<</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 1 and $willpower lte 39>>
After some initial hesitation, the girl accepts your proposal.
<<if $scarefactor lte 1 and $masterlove gte 10>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Alright, but you have to be really careful okay? This is big for me. <<if $cock gte 3>>And YOU'RE big as well!<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //Okay, of course, I’m ready if you want to do it. But please, could you be careful? <<if $masterlove lte 9>>I know you're cruel, $callname, but this time, please, just show some leniency, please.<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //<<if $girlid is 1>>Ooh… Well… Mr. Robert used to say I was a very special flower that should be plucked by a very special man… I… I guess you're gonna be that man. I think I'm ready to… To finally enter womanhood (nervous smile).<<else>>I have waited for the right time and I guess this is it. Just… Just show some tenderness, okay?<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Alright, I’m ready. Just be really, really careful, okay? I don’t want to be hurt or anything. <<if $masterlove gte 70>>But I know I can trust you, honey (nervous smile).<</if>> //<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //Alright, I’ll do it. I’ll have sex with you. But you gotta promise to be careful, okay? <<if $masterlove gte 70>>I… I know you will, sweetheart. I'm just nervous!<</if>> //<</if>>
''$girlname:'' //
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>Ehm… Well… Okay. Even if you've behaved like an ass lately. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>Alright… Alright… But this doesn’t mean I like you, Sir. We still have some issues to settle.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>Okay. I'll do it. If you're really careful. And promise me you'll start behaving better?<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>If I say yes, will you promise to start behaving better towards me? And… You have to be really careful, okay?<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>Well… If… If it can make things better between us I guess… We could just do it… But you have to promise me to be careful, okay?<</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 40 and $willpower lte 79>>
The girl gives it a long thought before finally accepting your proposal<<if $scarefactor gte 2>> - despite her apparent anger toward you<</if>>.
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Hmm, I guess I’m ready. But if you do anything wrong, I’ll stop right away, okay? <<if $masterlove gte 70>>Understood, honey? (smile)<</if>> //<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //Alright, I’ll do it. Just to get it over with. <<if $masterlove gte 70>>Haha, I guess it's a crucial part of all this… courting and loving stuff we've been doing lately (smile).<</if>> //<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //I’ll do it, if you promise to be really, really careful? And that's an order. Not a suggestion. Okay?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //I’ll do it, but only if you’re really careful, okay? I cant stress how serious I am when saying that. You're gonna regret yourself if you do anything stupid. <<if $wsex gte 1>>Got it, husband?<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //I’ll do it, if you promise to be careful?//<</if>>
<<if $cock gte 3>><br><br>//By the way, do you really think that huge thing of yours will fit inside my pussy? Without hurting me?//<</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 80>>
The girl gives it a really long thought before finally accepting your proposal.
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Hmm, well…. Noo… hmm… well okay, I’ll do it. I guess it can’t kill me!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //Alright, I’ll do it. But only because I… want to, okay.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //I’ll do it. But if you do anything that hurts, I’ll fucking kill you, okay?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Okay. But if it hurts or anything, you’ll be really sorry, okay?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //Alright. But you owe me after this. Got it?//<</if>>
<<if $cock gte 3>>//And if that fucking huge cock thrashes me too much, we’re aborting this right away.//<</if>>
<<if $domsuggest is true>>
$girlnames ''WILLPOWER (-2)'' and ''Happiness (-2)'' have decreased!
<<set $willpower-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=2>>
<<if $suggestdone is true and $chance lte 0>>
<<include Fail>>
<<if $willpower lte 39>>
Even if she looks uncertain and afraid, the girl refuses to follow your command.
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Ehm. Actually, I prefer to stay virgin. At least for now. Please respect that.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //<<if $girlid is 1>>Ehm… I… I think I'll pass. Okay? I remember how Mr. Robert once said that I was a very special flower that a very special man should pluck one day. I… I think those words were very vise.<<else>>No, I’d prefer not to. I’m actually a bit tired to this is not a good day.<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //Maybe some other time, okay? I don’t feel like doing it right now.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //<<if $wsex is 1>>I… I know I'm your wife and that I have certain… obligations. But… I don’t think I'm ready yet… Sorry, husband.<<else>>I think our relationship should be of a more professional sort, don’t you? I’ll just be your maid. Nothing sexual.<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //I actually don’t feel comfortable doing it with you. So please, can you accept that? <<if $masterage gte 46 and $wsex isnot 1>>Besides, you’re way too old for me. Why don’t you find someone your own age?<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 40>>
The girl looks very reluctant and her body language sends a clear signal that this isn’t going to happen anytime soon.
<<if $masterlove lte 49 or $domsuggest is true>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //No fuck you, I don’t like your attitude. And my pussy is off limits! Every day of the week!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //Haha, fuck you! Who do you think you are? Some <<if $masterage gte 46>>old<</if>> pervert who wants to nail every girl he sees? Well this girl is off limits! I'm saving myself.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //I’ll never surrender to you! Just leave me alone!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Haha, in your dreams! Just leave me alone, okay?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //Ehm, no! No fucking way! And I’ll never give my virginity to you!//<</if>>
<<if $cock gte 3>>//And that huge<<if $masterfilth lte 19>>, smelly<</if>> cock of yours would probably tear my pussy apart anyway.//<</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 50 and $domsuggest isnot true>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Well, sweety, I like your kind words, but my pussy is still not going to be owned by you tonight. Let’s just do something else. Okay?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //Hmm, I like you, I do, but no, I don’t feel like it right now. Perhaps never. Or maybe another day. Got it?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //Thank you, but no. Not today.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Naah, not today, okay? Just accept that.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //Hehe, honey, <<if $masterage gte 46>>I think you’re a bit too old for this young girl, don’t you?<<else>>I’m not really up to something so big today, okay?<</if>>//<</if>>
<<if $cock gte 3>>//And to be honest, your massive cock scares me a bit. I don’t think it will fit.//<</if>>
<<set $refusedvirgin to true>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 8)>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 8)>>
<<if $virginrounds is 0>>
After undressing, $girlname places herself over your <<if $bedroom is 1>>dirty<</if>> bed sheets with a nervous stiffness.
Then, while using gentle but determined shoves, you turn the girl over to her stomach and slowly move yourself into position behind her. The sight of her naked, virgin asshole is truly arousing - and it’s there, right in front of you, ready to be penetrated.
''$girlname:'' //
<<if $willpower gte 9>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>T… Take it really easy now, okay. You wouldn’t believe how tight I am.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>Okay… Go easy with that big thing of yours. Please. Don’t push it in too hard.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>Oh… Fuck… I don’t know why I agreed to do this…<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 4>>Okay. Slowly now, please.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 5>>Woow… That thing of yours… It's really big. Be really careful now, okay?<</if>>
<<if $descroll gte 6>>Oow… Shit. Go easy on me now, okay? My ass is really tight.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>I… I hope you'll enjoy yourself, $callname.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>My… My ass is ready for you, Sir.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>I… I hope this will be… a pleasurable experience for you, $callname.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 4>>J… Just tell me if I'm not sticking my ass out enough, okay, $callname.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 5>>I… I can't wait to feel your manhood inside me (faint shiver).<</if>>
<<if $descroll gte 6>>(Shivering voice) I've been waiting for this day, $callname. Please, go be gentle…<</if>>
<b>NOTE!</b> Your choice of dominance, gentleness and successful skill rolls will form $girlnames disposition toward anal sex.
<<if $virginrounds is 1>>
<<if $cock gte 3 and $analxp lte 5>>
You move your massive cock to $girlnames untrained anus and start to press the huge shaft against her pinkish sphincter. The <<if $body lte 2>>small girl<<else>>girl<</if>> sighs and whines during your assiduous efforts - but after several fruitless attempts, you understand that your cock will never be able to penetrate $girlnames anus in its current, untrained state.
She must either use anal plugs, dildos or have sex with other men before her ass will be relaxed enough to take your manhood.<br>
<<set $analvirgincancel to true>>
<<set $toobig to true>>
<<if $cock lte 2 or $analxp gte 6>>
<<set $analwear+=10>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>You're working with the head of your penis around $girlnames anal opening a good while before finally thrusting it inside her. The girl answers with a violent shiver - creating a vibration that stimulates you with surprising intensity.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>After working $girlnames anal opening with your fingers, you press your cock against her sphincter and give it a steady push. Your penis slips past her anus with an unexpected quickness, making her slam her knees together in pain. The girl’s cramping ass also causes a reaction that almost squeezes every drop of blood away from your cock. The tightness is almost divine.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>During a minute or two, you caress the girl's anus with your cock head - moving it up and down between her outspread buttocks with an almost sadistic slowness. After you've made $girlname really wet with precum and lubricants, you carefully press your cock through her tight butthole. The cramping reaction from her anal muscles squeezes your cock really tight, while the girl moans out loud:<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 4>>You start to work $girlnames anus with your finger, making it really wet with lubricants. After about a minute, you resolutely place your cock against her opening and press its entire length inside her. You lock the flailing and whimpering girl with your arms as you feel waves of stimulating muscle cramps run through her anus and your cock - a sensation you only get to experience once with every virgin girl.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 5>>After a couple of hard pushes with your cock head against $girlnames tight anus, you run your entire shaft in between her buttocks with one quick push. Her screams and trembling reactions don’t disturb you from experiencing a fantastically tight sensation, however, that you'll carry with you for weeks after this session is over.<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 6>>You almost tease the girl - making her wait for her inevitable fate by running your shaft alongside her anus and letting it rest between her buttocks like a hotdog. Finally, and at a surprise for the poor girl, you snap her anus open and run your shaft inside her with one, quick push.<</if>>
<<if $descroll gte 7>>Your entry into $girlnames virgin ass is prolonged by its tightness and becomes an uncomfortable, painful experience for the poor girl. Once you're inside her cramping ass, the girl arches her back up and down, almost fucking your cock back unintentionally. Her sphincter squeezes your penis in a series of cramps, almost making you cum at once!<<set $analwear+=5>><<set $fuckcount-=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Noooo!!! Ouch!! Careful!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //OUCH!! Fuuuuck!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //Careful, careful! Ahhh!!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Nooo! I'm cracking!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //I'm gonna break! OUCH!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 6>>''$girlname:'' //No... no! Careful!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 7>>''$girlname:'' //OUCH! Nooo!!!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 8>>''$girlname:'' //Please! No! Ahh!//<</if>>
<<set $analwear+=2>>
<<if $virginrounds gte 2>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 5)>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 4)>>
<<set $descroll4 to random(1, 8)>>
<<set $skillroll to random(1, 120)>>
<<set $chance=$fuckskill>>
<<set $chance-=$skillroll>>
<<if $mastercharm lte 20>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $mastercharm gte 70>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -8>><<set $chance-=8>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -7>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -5>><<set $chance-=9>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -3>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -1>><<set $chance-=8>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 2>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 4>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 6>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>><<set $chance+=12>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist lte 3>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 5>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 35>><<set $chance+=8>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 55>><<set $chance+=25>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 0>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 19>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 49>><<set $chance-=12>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 75>><<set $chance+=20>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 95>><<set $chance+=20>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 110>><<set $chance+=20>><</if>>
<<if $masterage gte 46>><<set $chance-=3>><</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 74>><<set $chance-=8>><</if>>
<<if $happiness lte 19>><<set $chance-=6>><</if>>
<<if $skillroll is 1>><<set $chance+=60>><</if>>
<<if $skillroll is 120>><<set $chance-=60>><</if>>
<<if $action1 is true>>
<<set $descroll3 to random(0, 5)>>
<<if $action1 is false and $action2 is false>>
<<set $descroll3 to random(1, 8)>>
<<if $action2 is true>>
<<set $descroll3 to random(4, 9)>>
<<set $arousal-=1>>
<<set $descroll2-=1>>
<<if $chance gte 1>>
<<set $arousal+=1>>
<<set $descroll2+=1>>
<<if $chance lte 0>>
<<set $descroll2-=1>>
<<if $chance lte -10>>
<<set $descroll2-=1>>
<<if $chance lte -30>>
<<set $descroll2-=1>>
<<set $arousal-=1>>
<<if $descroll3 lte 1>>You continue to fuck the girl’s tight ass with tender thrusts, using as much care and respect as you possibly can.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>>You fuck the girl’s ass with determined thrusts, moving your throbbing cock all the way in and all the way out, not missing out anything from the experience of taking her virginity. You do it with care and tenderness, however, not wanting to cause too much pain for the girl.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>>You continue to fuck the girl’s ass with slow, yet thorough pushes. You’re holding your hands really tight around her waist, use your position as a leverage to make your thrusts go as deep inside her as they possibly can.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>>With fast, determined thrusts, you continue to hammer the girl’s poor ass with your throbbing hardon.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 5>>You continue to fuck the poor girl’s tight ass with determined thrusts, making sure you’re the one that’s enjoying yourself as much as possible.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 6>>With rough, determined pulls, you continue to fuck $girlnames ass – sometimes pulling yourself out before going inside again - just to make her experience the painful penetration over and over again.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 7>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>''You:'' //Oh God! Your ass is so tight! I’m in fucking heaven!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>'''You:'' //This is a fucking great day! Yeees! You’re so tight!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>''You:'' // Come on. Stick your ass up for me. That's it. I want to go deeper!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 4>>''You:'' //Oh fuck! Your squeezing my cock really hard! Man, you’re a tight little virgin!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 5>>''You:'' //Hush! Yeah, take my cock! You’ve just lost your innocence! Oh yeah, this is fucking heaven!//<</if>>
You utter your words as you continue to fuck the girl with sadistic thrusts. You’re enjoying her virginity fully, but the poor girl is rocking back and forth from the force of impact as you slam her buttocks with your hips.
<<if $descroll3 gte 8>>You’re holding $girlname in a firm grip as you push your entire body over the girl's back, while at the same time fucking her virgin ass raw by thrusting your cock inside her with brutal force.<</if>>
<<if $fingerbutt gte 2>>
<<set $fingerbutt+=1>>
<<if $descroll3 lte 3>>
<<if $descroll lte 2>>The sadistic part of you is however expanding the girl’s anus by having your finger lodged inside it, together with your cock.<</if>>
<<if $descroll gte 3>>The kindness you’re showing is however perversely twisted due to having your finger pressed inside her anus. <</if>>
<<set $arousal-=1>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 4 and $descroll3 lte 6>>
The finger you’re holding inside $girlnames anus adds further to the expanding sensation she’s feeling.
<<if $descroll3 gte 7>>
<<if $descroll lte 2>>To add too her predicament, your finger is constantly stretching the girl’s anus to the point of ripping it open.<</if>>
<<if $descroll gte 3>>Your sadistic choice of fucking her with one of your fingers lodged inside her anus intensifies the horrible ordeal even more.<</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -8>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>$girlname is screaming from extreme pain as your shaft thrashes her virgin anus. You’re also feeling shivers of discomfort rocking her body each you’re your ballsack touches her pussy lips.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>$girlname utters a cacophony of moans and cries. The stretching of her virgin ass is an experience of pure agony – it’s like she’s having a rocket thrusting her ass, ready to explode anytime.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>$girlname tries to twist her butt away from the painful experience, but your penis manages to remain deep inside her – almost squeezed into position by the tightness of her anus. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>$girlname is in great pain, yelling and crying from agony as your shaft almost snaps her anus wide open. She gains a short respite when you manage to find a more monotonous drive for a couple of minutes, but every time you move sideways just a fraction of an inch, the girl screams out in pain again. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>
<<if $descroll4 is 1>> ''$girlname:'' //Nooo! I’m breaking! Please stop!!!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 2>> ''$girlname:'' //Oooouch! It burns! IT BURNS!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 3>> ''$girlname:'' //Please, stop, $callname! It really hurts!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 4>> ''$girlname:'' //Nooo! I’m gonna die! It hurts too much!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 5>> ''$girlname:'' //No, please! I'll do anything, if you just stop! I’ll… I’ll suck your cock really good! Please! (sobbing)//<<set $promisedoral to true>><</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 6>> ''$girlname:'' //Ouch! It’s too fast! I think I’m hurt! My ass is on fire!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 7>> ''$girlname:'' //Oowww... It stings! Please! Please stop!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 8>> ''$girlname:'' //Nooo! I can’t take this anymore!//<</if>>
<<set $masterlove-=1>>
<<set $analwear+=5>>
<<set $likeanal-=5>>
<<set $happiness-=1>>
<<if $arousal gte -7 and $arousal lte -4>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>$girlname is extremely uncomfortable! She’s only getting a short break from the pain when you occasionally decide to hold your shaft still inside her. Each time you start fucking her again, a violent tremor of agony is felt throughout her shivering body.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>> $girlname is in serious pain, obviously not enjoying a single second of this horrible ordeal! She screams out loud:<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>Painful whimpers and tremors of discomfort reveal that $girlname is in serious agony. You're also able to feel how her sphincter is constantly cramping as your shaft violates it over and over again – in a never-ending exhibition of agony.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>$girlname cries out from discomfort and can't stop whimpering as you're plowing through her ass. The girl's voice becomes fainter when you find a better angle – fucking her from a more downwards position seems to ease her cramping sphincter somewhat. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>
<<if $descroll4 is 1>> ''$girlname:'' //Ouch... Nooo... //<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 2>> ''$girlname:'' //Please, it's enough! I'm gonna crack!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 3>> ''$girlname:'' //Please, stop, $callname! It really hurts!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 4>> ''$girlname:'' //Ahhh! No, please, don't do it like that!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 5>> ''$girlname:'' //No, please! I can blow you instead of this! I'll do anything!//<<set $promisedoral to true>><</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 6>> ''$girlname:'' //Ouch! You're fucking me too fast. It hurts!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 7>> ''$girlname:'' //Oowww... It stings! Please, be more careful.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 8>> ''$girlname:'' //That's too deep! Noo, go easy!//<</if>>
<<set $masterlove-=1>>
<<set $analwear+=4>>
<<set $likeanal-=2>>
<<set $happiness-=1>>
<<if $arousal gte -3 and $arousal lte -1>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>$girlname gives out a loud, painful cry when you manage to thrash her ass after changing to a more uncomfortable position. You can feel her sphincter cramping in waves as a response – a sensation that brings at least you closer to orgasm! <<set $fuckcount-=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>$girlname is mostly silent and squeezes her eyes tightly shut during the entire act. Faint mumblings of discomfort tell you that she’s not enjoying herself very much though.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>$girlname has trouble finding a comfortable position with her butt. She twitches from side to side and tries to push you away when you go too deep inside. <<if $willpower gte 1>>The girl is obviously uncomfortable and begs you:<</if>><</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>$girlname is very stiff and doesn’t respond with any passion at all. Frowns, uncomfortable mumblings and her rigidity tell you that she’s not enjoying herself.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3 and $willpower gte 1 and $willpower lte 39>>
<<if $descroll4 is 1>> ''$girlname:'' //No. No, not like that, please.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 2>> ''$girlname:'' //You have to take it slower! I’m getting really sore!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 3>> ''$girlname:'' //Ouch, it hurts! Please be gentler! //<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 4>> ''$girlname:'' //Nooo! You have to take it easy on me, please!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 5>> ''$girlname:'' //No, please! Go slower, I beg you!<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 6>> ''$girlname:'' //Ouch! It’s too fast! Slow down, please!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 7>> ''$girlname:'' //Oowww... It stings! Please! Please be more careful!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 8>> ''$girlname:'' //Noo… easier, please! Take it easier!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3 and $willpower gte 40>>
<<if $descroll4 is 1>> ''$girlname:'' //No. No, not like that! Go slower or I won’t let you continue!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 2>> ''$girlname:'' //Fuck! What did I say? Take it slower!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 3>> ''$girlname:'' //Ouch, it hurts! Stop doing me too hard! I’ll stop this right away if you continue!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 4>> ''$girlname:'' //Nooo! Fuck, it hurts! I said, take it easy on me!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 5>> ''$girlname:'' //No! Stop it! I won’t let you continue if you do it like this.<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 6>> ''$girlname:'' //Ouch! It’s too fucking fast! Slow down!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 7>> ''$girlname:'' //Oowww... It fucking stings! Take it easier or I won’t let you continue!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 8>> ''$girlname:'' //Noo! Fuck, this hurts too much! I will not let you do this!//<</if>>
<<set $masterlove-=2>>
<<set $masterlove-=1>>
<<set $analwear+=3>>
<<set $likeanal-=1>>
<<if $arousal is 0>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>$girlnames cramping sphincter tells you that she’s not quite comfortable. You also notice how she twitches and gives out several faint moans each time you slam the bottom of her ass.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>> $girlname is completely silent. She’s holding her eyes shut and gives away nothing that will reveal if she’s liking this or not.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>Except a few unreadable moans, $girlname is totally motionless and silent. She lets you fuck her ass freely, but doesn’t do anything herself to enhance the act.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>$girlname is silent – at first trying to escape the somewhat uncomfortable intercourse by shutting her eyes and looking away. A few times though, your cock strikes her right on the g-spot, which makes her utter a few pleasant moans.<<set $likeanal+=2>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 1 and $arousal lte 3>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>$girlname doesn’t seem to be in too much unpleasantness – she actually utters a few moans of arousal as your shaft continues to ram her virgin ass over and over. After fucking her for several minutes, you go in a bit too deep though, forcing her to scream out in pain.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>> $girlname seems to actually enjoy getting her anal virginity taken. She moans from arousal on several occasions and caress her pussy and breasts - obviously trying to stimulate herself more. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>$girlname gives out several faint moans. You’re also feeling her body shiver from the tenseness that’s slowly escaping the girl as you ram her tight ass more and more. A few times, the girl almost screams out her pleasure! She’s enjoying this!<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>$girlname cries out several times during the act. It’s not cries from pain though, instead it’s a screech of lustful arousal. After ramming her butt for a couple of minutes, another bout of passionate screams is followed by a tremor of sexual ecstasy that goes all the way from the girl’s groin up to the back of her neck.<</if>>
<<set $likeanal+=2>>
<<if $arousal gte 4 and $arousal lte 7>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>$girlname is very aroused – she utters several lustful moans and trembles violently as your cock rams her tight anus. Sometimes you do it a bit too rough though – the girl is already very sore. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>You can clearly tell that $girlname is extremely aroused by her shivering ecstasy. The girl’s words also confirm her lustfulness: <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>After giving out a cacophony of aroused screams, the girl utters:<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>$girlname is transferred into a divine dance of sexual bliss as your shaft touches her ass just in the right spot. She’s almost completely silent but her violent tremors and relaxed sphincter clearly reveals her intense passion. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2 or $descroll2 is 3>>
<<if $descroll4 is 1>> ''$girlname:'' //Ohh… yeah, fuck my ass! It feels so good!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 2>> ''$girlname:'' //Oooouch! Yeah, that’s it! It burns, but I’m feeling soo good!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 3>> ''$girlname:'' //Please, go on, go on! Take me a little bit harder!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 4>> ''$girlname:'' //Yeah, that’s it! Go one! Do it like that, yeah, just like that!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 5>> ''$girlname:'' //Oooh, please! Fuck me harder!<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 6>> ''$girlname:'' //Ouch! I love you! Yeees, please, go on, fuck me! Fuck my ass! <<set $masterlove+=5>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 7>> ''$girlname:'' //Oowww... Yeeah… go on, please! Go on!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 8>> ''$girlname:'' //This is… this is wonderful! Go on! Fuck me!//<</if>>
<<set $masterlove+=1>>
<<set $happiness+=1>>
<<set $analwear+=1>>
<<set $likeanal+=5>>
<<set $likesadist+=1>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>$girlname is caught in a world of sexual ecstasy for several minutes. She’s stretching her ass out really good all the time – the girl’s buttocks are almost begging you to take them harder and deeper! That’s also something you eventually do a bit too much, making her snap out from her trance in a shout of pain.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>> $girlname is moaning from pure, sexual delight. Her tight asshole is almost blowing your cock with its spasmodic movements – a sensation that’s also transferring you into the same lustful heaven that the girl’s currently in. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>$girlname is rocking her body back and forth as your shaft goes in and out from the girl’s virgin asshole. She’s caught in a long wave of pure sexual bliss and moans out loud from the extremely arousing sensation that’s ascending her right now.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>$girlname is shouting and screaming from pure sexual lust. She’s holding her eyes tightly shut – unable to grasp the extremely arousing situation that she’s currently experiencing. The girl is very close to an orgasm and her trembling body forces you to take it easier – else you would most certainly ejaculate immediately!<</if>>
<<set $masterlove+=2>>
<<set $happiness+=2>>
<<set $analwear+=1>>
<<set $likeanal+=7>>
<<set $likesadist+=1>>
<<if $arousal lte -8>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal-=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>><<set $arousal to -7>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel-=2>>
<<if $arousal gte -7 and $arousal lte -4>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal to -8>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>> <<set $arousal to -3>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel-=2>>
<<if $arousal gte -3 and $arousal lte -1>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>> <<set $arousal to -4>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>> <<set $arousal to 0>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel-=2>>
<<if $arousal is 0>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal to -1>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>><<set $arousal to 1>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<if $arousal gte 1 and $arousal lte 3>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>><<set $arousal to 4>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel+=1>>
<<if $arousal gte 4 and $arousal lte 7>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>> <<set $arousal to 3>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>><<set $arousal to 8>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel+=1>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal to 7>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>><<set $arousal+=1>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel+=2>>
<<if $fuckcount lte 2 and $fuckcount gte 1 and $arousal lte 8>>
''You’re extremely aroused and will cum any second!''
<<if $stampoints lte 0>>
''You’re too exhausted and cannot continue!''
<<if $arousal gte 9>>
//Suddenly, $girlname burst out in a loud scream as she's ridden by an orgasm! You can feel her sphincter pulling together in delicious cramps as it tightens around your shaft.//
<<if $fuckcount lte 0>>//You also manage to time her orgasm with your ejaculation!//<</if>>
<br><br>''Her disposition towards you and anal sex has increased!''
<<set $masterlove+=4>>
<<set $likeanal+=10>>
<<set $arousal=0>>
<<set $sexfeel+=3>>
<<set $likesadist+=2>>
<<set $analvirgin to false>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 8)>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 8)>>
<<set $descroll3 to random(1, 4)>>
<<if $virginrounds is 0>>
You walk the girl over to your <<if $bedroom lte 1>>dilapidated<</if>> bedroom where she places herself next the bed and starts to undress. <<if $likesadist lte 29>>She’s doing it slowly and hesitantly – obviously trying to prolong her inevitable fate. <<else>>She's both nervous and eager, obviously looking forward to finally getting her virginity taken.<</if>>
After putting her naked body on top of the bedsheets, $girlname spreads her legs and reveals a beautiful, virgin pussy that’s beckoning you like a siren's song.
<b>Note!</b> Your choice of dominance and gentleness will form $girlnames disposition toward vaginal sex!
<<if $virginrounds is 1>>
<<if $cock gte 3>>
<<if $descroll3 is 1>>You put your massive shaft right over the girl’s pussy-lips and push it inside her with determined force. It feels like plowing through an unbroken field, requiring a thrust that's painful for both you and the girl, but with the subtle reward of wet, fertile soil.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>>The sensation of your grotesque shaft being pushed inside her pussy causes $girlname to scream and moan from pain. As you plow through the girl's hymen, you’re greatly aroused by a surprising tightness that wraps around your cock like a hangman's noose.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>>The sensation of rupturing a virgin is something you rarely get to experience. It's a unique mix of tightness, nervous tremors and the feeling of entering a cavity that no other man has entered before. Your cock adds further to the narrowness, causing the girl to whimper from pain as she tried to embrace the girth of the massive thing that's now lodged inside her.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>>You break through $girlnames hymen with a determined thrust, causing the girl to whimper from pain. <</if>>
<<if $girlid is 17>>
''$girlname:'' //Noooo! By the grace of Allah! Pleeeaase….//
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Noooo!!! Ouch!! Careful!// <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //OUCH!! It hurts! It really hurts! You’re too big… ooohh….//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //Careful! You’re so big!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Nooo! My pussy’s bleeding! I’m gonna die! You’re too big!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //I'm gonna break! OUCH!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 6>>''$girlname:'' //No... no! It hurts! You have to pull it out, it’s too big!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 7>>''$girlname:'' //OUCH! Nooo!!! Fuck, it hurts!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 8>>''$girlname:'' //Please! No! You’re too big... Aawh…//<</if>>
<<set $pussywear+=5>>
<<if $cock lte 2>>
<<if $descroll3 is 1>>You start to push your cock through $girlnames tight pussy with slow determination – maybe partly to ease her pain, but mostly so that you get to prolong the sensation of giving a virgin her very first thrust. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>>You push yourself through $girlnames tight pussy with one determined thrust. It slips inside with ease, despite the girl's shivering tightness, causing your shaft to become completely lodged inside her.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>>It’s a delightful experience, to plow through $girlnames hymen and burying your shaft all the way inside her pussy. The girl shivers from nervousness and doesn’t really know how to relate to this new sensation.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>>After letting your shaft rub her pussy-lips for a minute, you angle your cock downwards and thrust yourself inside her with one push. $girlname lets out a cry of pain as you rupture her hymen and fill her narrow cavity with your manhood.<</if>>
<<if $girlid is 17>>
''$girlname:'' //OOww… Please… By the sacred Walis! Be careful!//
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Noooo! Ouch. Careful!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //OUCH! Fuuuuck!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //Careful, careful… Ahhh!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Shit. This really hurts!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //Ah, ah, ah… Careful, careful!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 6>>''$girlname:'' //No... no! Careful!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 7>>''$girlname:'' //Wooow… shit…//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 8>>''$girlname:'' //Chhi…. Thhhw… Ouch… Yeah…//<</if>>
<<set $pussywear+=2>>
<<if $virginrounds gte 2>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 5)>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 4)>>
<<set $descroll4 to random(1, 8)>>
<<include DiceRolls>>
<<set $chance=$fuckskill>>
<<set $chance-=$skillroll>>
<<if $mastercharm lte 20>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $mastercharm gte 70>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -8>><<set $chance-=8>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -7>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -5>><<set $chance-=9>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -3>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -1>><<set $chance-=8>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 2>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 4>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 6>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>><<set $chance+=12>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist lte 3>><<set $chance-=5>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 5>><<set $chance+=5>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 35>><<set $chance+=8>><</if>>
<<if $likesadist gte 50>><<set $chance+=20>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 0>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 19>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove lte 49>><<set $chance-=12>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 75>><<set $chance+=25>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 95>><<set $chance+=20>><</if>>
<<if $masterlove gte 110>><<set $chance+=25>><</if>>
<<if $masterage gte 46>><<set $chance-=3>><</if>>
<<if $willpower gte 74 and $masterlove lte 49>><<set $chance-=8>><</if>>
<<if $happiness lte 19>><<set $chance-=6>><</if>>
<<if $skillroll is 1>><<set $chance+=60>><</if>>
<<if $skillroll is 100>><<set $chance-=60>><</if>>
<<if $action1 is true>>
<<set $descroll3 to random(0, 5)>>
<<if $chance gte 1>><<set $descroll2+=1>><</if>>
<<if $action1 is false and $action2 is false>>
<<set $descroll3 to random(1, 8)>>
<<if $action2 is true>>
<<set $descroll3 to random(4, 9)>>
<<set $arousal-=1>>
<<set $descroll2-=1>>
<<set $willpower-=1>>
<<if $chance gte 1>>
<<set $arousal+=1>>
<<set $descroll2+=1>>
<<if $chance gte 20>>
<<set $arousal+=1>>
<<set $descroll2+=1>>
<<if $chance lte 0>>
<<set $descroll2-=1>>
<<if $chance lte -20>>
<<set $descroll2-=1>>
<<if $descroll3 lte 1>>You continue to fuck the girl’s pussy with tender thrusts while also trying to ease her with calming words and gentle caressing as she goes through this new experience.<<set $descroll2+=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 2>>You’re moving your cock in and out of the girl’s pussy with deep, careful thrusts, trying to find a balance between not hurting her too much while still getting the most out of fucking her.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 3>>You continue to fuck the girl with slow, careful thrusts. Sometimes you get a little carried away and plow yourself too deep inside her, but you make it up by kind words and passionate kisses.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 4>>You cause the girl to whimper a couple of times as you continue to fuck her tight pussy with determined thrusts. You’re trying your best not to hurt her, but the sensation of her tightness summons an uncontrollable lust inside you that's probably a bit too much for a virgin of $girlnames status. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 5>>You continue to fuck the girl’s tight pussy with determined thrusts, moving in and out, bathing in the sensation of her cramping vaginal canal.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 6>>You’re working the girl’s pussy really hard as you continue to hammer her with deep, thorough thrusts.<</if>>
<<if $descroll3 is 7>>
<<if $descroll is 1>>''You:'' //Oh God! Your pussy is so tight! I’m in fucking heaven!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 2>>'''You:'' //This is a fucking great day. You’re so tight!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 3>>''You:'' // Come on! Spread those legs! I want to go deeper…//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 4>>''You:'' //Oh by the Moons! You're squeezing my cock really hard. Man, you’re a tight little virgin!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll is 5>>''You:'' //Hush! Yeah, take my cock! You’ve just lost your innocence! Oh yeah, this is fucking heaven.//<</if>>
You utter your words as you continue to fuck the girl with rough thrusts, whose sole purpose is only to satisfy you, not caring a moment on how $girlname feels. And you are indeed enjoying taking her virginity, even if the poor girl rocks back and forth from the force of impact as you slam her pussy with your cock.
<<if $descroll3 is 8>>With sadistic brutality, you continue to hammer the girl’s pussy. You’re also caressing her body with a selfish brutality, making sure you get to enjoy the poor girl thoroughly by pulling her nipples, biting her neck and squeezing her buttocks really hard. <</if>>
<<if $descroll3 gte 9>>You continue to ram the poor virgin with brutal savagery. Each thrust makes her body shake from the impact and you show no mercy over the fact that her pussy’s never taken cock before. <</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -8>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>$girlname is in severe pain and cries constantly. You’ve really abused her body and the girl’s expression reveals that you’ve scarred her sexual experience permanently.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>$girlname is extremely uncomfortable! Her body shivers from the abuse and a continuous tirade of shouts and cries tell you that she would like to end this right now. After a minute of constant pain, the girl utters:<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>There is nothing enjoyable in this for $girlname – she’s very uncomfortable and has her face locked in a very painful expression.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>$girlname tries to hold her cries back but it becomes too difficult as your cock scrapes her tight pussy on all sides. She gets a short respite a couple of times when you slow down your thrusts, but it doesn’t help to ease the sensation of overwhelming discomfort.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>
<<if $descroll4 is 1>> ''$girlname:'' //Nooo! I’m breaking! Please stop!!!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 2>> ''$girlname:'' //Oooouch! It burns! IT BURNS!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 3>> ''$girlname:'' //Please, stop, $callname! It really hurts!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 4>> ''$girlname:'' //Nooo! I’m gonna die! It hurts too much!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 5>> ''$girlname:'' //No, please! I'll do anything, if you just stop! I’ll… I’ll suck your cock really good! Please! (sobbing)//<<set $promisedoral to true>><</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 6>> ''$girlname:'' //Ouch! It’s too fast! I think I’m hurt! My ass is on fire!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 7>> ''$girlname:'' //Oowww... It stings! Please! Please stop!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll4 is 8>> ''$girlname:'' //Nooo! I can’t take this anymore!//<</if>>
<<set $masterlove-=1>>
<<set $pussywear+=5>>
<<set $likepussy-=5>>
<<set $happiness-=1>>
<<if $arousal gte -7 and $arousal lte -4>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>$girlname expresses great discomfort as your cock thrashes her virgin pussy over and over. She's not enjoying herself in any way right now.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>$girlname is really uncomfortable – a condition that’s further confirmed by constant moans and whimpers of pain.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>$girlnames cramping pussy is a clear sign that she’s really having a bad experience right now. She’s also squeezing her eyes while holding her hands tightly around the bed poles. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>After many minutes of uncomfortable moans and yelps of pain, you manage to ease $girlnames agony somewhat by changing to a downward position that saves the girl from the pain of having your cockhead hammering her cervix.<</if>>
<<set $masterlove-=1>>
<<set $pussywear+=4>>
<<set $likepussy-=3>>
<<set $happiness-=1>>
<<if $arousal gte -3 and $arousal lte -1>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>The otherwise silent and motionless girl lets out a cry of pain as you go too deep inside her. A long tremor of discomfort follows and drags the poor girl down into an even worse state than before.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>$girlname seems pretty uncomfortable and stiff. She doesn’t give much response in return but it’s quite clear that she’s not enjoying her initiation rite at all.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>Except a few sobs and cries of pain, $girlname doesn’t express anything that truly reveals how she's feeling right now.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>$girlname feels and looks very nervous, her body being locked in a stiffness that makes her pussy even tighter than when you plowed through her a couple of minutes ago. It's hard to determine what she really feels right now.<</if>>
<<set $pussywear+=2>>
<<if $arousal is 0>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>$girlname remains silent. A few twitches and frowns reveal that you’re occasionally thrusting her a bit too hard, though, and that she's not in state where she's enjoying herself.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>$girlname is completely motionless and devoid of any expressions. You can’t tell if she’s enjoying herself or experiences discomfort right now.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>It’s really hard to interpret $girlnames expressions. Sometimes she’s frowning and whimpering, obviously from discomfort, but you also perceive a faint shiver of arousal running through her body a couple of times.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>You’re using $girlname like a fuck-doll - she’s just lying there, relaxed and unmoving. The girl is obviously wrestling with a set of sensations she's never felt before. After a couple of minutes, however, a shiver of arousal tells you that she’s suddenly embraced by a wave of sexual lust. <<set $likepussy+=1>><</if>>
<<set $pussywear+=1>>
<<if $arousal gte 1 and $arousal lte 3>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>$girlname goes through a long wave of aroused lust. Having her virginity taken is both exciting and scary. Occasional flashes of pain as your penis scrapes her sensitive parts hinder the girl from reaching higher ecstasy right now, however. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>$girlnames virgin pussy embraces your shaft with aroused nervousness. It’s enrolled in a series of intense shivers, caused by both pain and lust, shivers that drive you closer and closer to ejaculation. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>$girlnames expressions shift between painful uneasiness and lustful pleasure. She’s having trouble grasping the new sensations she's currently going through, but her virgin pussy is obviously accepting your cock as it continues to ram her.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>After you’ve rammed $girlname for over ten minutes, you manage to arouse her greatly when you shift your position sideways. A moan of sexual lust is followed by a delightful shiver that runs through the girl’s entire body, even planting itself deep inside you.<</if>>
<<set $pussywear+=1>>
<<set $likepussy+=3>>
<<if $arousal gte 4 and $arousal lte 7>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>$girlname is extremely aroused, up until one of your thrusts becomes too powerful for the girl’s pussy to handle. A long cry of pain is followed by a subsiding shiver of discomfort as she tries to gather herself again.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>$girlname shifts between trembling sensations of sexual lust and more uneasy, nervous shivers as your thrusts continue to hammer her delicate insides.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>$girlname is raised higher and higher into a state of pure sexual ecstasy as you ram her virginity away. The girl doesn’t really know what to do with her flashing emotions of lust – she’s uttering uneasy moans of arousal and squeezes her eyes shut, obviously afraid of viewing the man that's taking her into this new world of perverted sex. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>After stimulating her in just the right spot for several minutes, you manage to propel $girlname into a crying, shivering state of sexual ecstasy. <</if>>
<<set $happiness+=1>>
<<set $pussywear+=1>>
<<set $likepussy+=7>>
<<set $likesadist+=1>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>>After bathing in a blissful state for several long minutes, $girlname gets pulled back when you thrust her too deep with your manhood. Fortunately, the painful cry dies out relatively fast. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>$girlname is constantly rocked by shivers of lustful arousal. She’s crying out loud each time your shaft slams against her cervix - she’s obviously finding extreme pleasure in getting rammed, despite the growing soreness in her vaginal cavity. <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>$girlname doesn’t know where to put her arms or how to hold her legs properly – she’s extremely aroused and flails around constantly, unable to settle herself in this new sensation. If it wasn’t for your firm hold, the girl would probably fall down onto the floor.<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>>A tirade of lustful cries reveal that you’ve managed to drive the virgin into a state of pure, lustful ecstasy. She couldn’t dream of a better initiation – your cock has permanently cemented a state of corruption inside her that'll make the girl more positively inclined toward sexual acts in the future. <<set $fuckcount-=2>>
$girlnames ''Corruption (+5)'' has increased! <<set $likesadist+=5>>
<<set $masterlove+=1>>
<<set $happiness+=2>>
<<set $pussywear+=1>>
<<set $likepussy+=10>>
<<set $likesadist+=1>>
<<if $arousal lte -8>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal-=1>><</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>><<set $arousal to -7>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel-=2>>
<<if $arousal gte -7 and $arousal lte -4>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal to -8>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>> <<set $arousal to -3>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel-=2>>
<<if $arousal gte -3 and $arousal lte -1>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>> <<set $arousal to -4>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>> <<set $arousal to 0>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel-=1>>
<<if $arousal is 0>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal to -1>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>><<set $arousal to 1>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<if $arousal gte 1 and $arousal lte 3>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>><<set $arousal to 4>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel+=1>>
<<if $arousal gte 4 and $arousal lte 7>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>> <<set $arousal to 3>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>><<set $arousal to 8>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel+=1>>
<<if $arousal gte 8>>
<<if $descroll2 lte 1>><<set $arousal to 7>> <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 gte 4>><<set $arousal+=2>> <</if>>
<<set $descroll2 to 2>>
<<set $sexfeel+=2>>
<<if $fuckcount lte 2 and $fuckcount gte 1 and $arousal lte 8>>
''You’re extremely aroused and will cum any second!''
<<if $stampoints lte 0>>
''You’re too exhausted and cannot continue!''
<<if $arousal gte 9>>
//Suddenly, $girlname burst out in a loud scream as she's ridden by an orgasm! You can feel her virgin pussy pulling together in delicious cramps as it tightens around your shaft.//
<<if $fuckcount lte 0>><br><br>//You also manage to time her orgasm with your ejaculation!//<</if>>
<<set $masterlove+=2>>
<<set $likepussy+=10>>
<<set $arousal=0>>
<<set $virgin to false>>
<<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<set _isvirgin to true>>
<<set $hascummed to true>>
<<set $cumbuild to 0>>
<div class="headsign"><<if $gotoanalvirgin>>ANAL SEX<<set _anal to true>><</if>>
<<if $gotovirgin>>VAGINAL SEX<<set _vag to true>><</if>></div>
<<include Libido>>
<<include VirginCumEngine>>
<div class="pic">
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $hadvirgin is true and $action5 is true>>
<<if $virgincancel is false>>
[[Cum (pussy)!|Cummingvirgin][$pussycum to true, $action5 to false]]
<<if $virgincancel is true>>
[[Cum (belly)!|Cummingvirgin][$pussycum to true, $action5 to false]]
<<if $hadanalvirgin is true and $action5 is true>>
<<if $analvirgincancel is false>>
[[Cum in ass!|Cummingvirgin][$asscum to true, $action5 to false]]
<<if $analvirgincancel is true>>
[[Cum over ass!|Cummingvirgin][$asscum to true, $action5 to false]]
<<if $action5 is false>>
[[Continue|Finishvirgin][$action13 to true]]
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<div class="alt3">
<<include InteractStart>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div id="borderwrap"><div id="wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="story">
<<include NewLoad>>
<<set $gotoanalvirgin to false>>
<<set $gotovirgin to false>>
<<set $passionsex to false>>
<<if $hadanalvirgin is true>>
<<set $analvirgin to false>>
<<set $analxp+=1>>
<<if $hadvirgin is true>>
<<set $virgin to false>>
<<set $pussyxp+=1>>
<<if $tempstamina lte 0>>
<<set $tempstamina to 3>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 5)>>
<div class="headsign">$girlname</div>
<<include Libido>>
<<if $analvirgincancel is true and $toobig is false and $hascummed is false>>
Despite $girlnames unwillingness to continue, you did at least get the honor of taking her anal virginity.
<<set $analvirgincancel to false>>
<<if $analvirgincancel is true and $hascummed is true>>
Despite $girlnames abrupt refusal to continue, you did get the honor of taking her anal virginity and spraying her buttocks with your cum.
<<if $virgincancel is true and $hascummed is false>>
Despite $girlnames unwillingness to continue, you did get the honor of taking her virginity.
<<set $virgincancel to false>>
<<if $virgincancel is true and $hascummed is true>>
Despite $girlnames abrupt refusal to continue, you did get the honor of taking her virginity and soiling her body with your cum.
<<set $virgincancel to false>>
<<if $toobig isnot true>>
<<if $action13 is true>>
<<include GenVirginDesc>>
<<if $sexfeel lte -2>><<set $pic to 42>><</if>>
<<if $sexfeel gte -1 and $sexfeel lte 2>><<set $pic to 41>><</if>>
<<if $sexfeel gte 3>><<set $pic to 40>><</if>>
<<if $sexfeel lte -8>>The girl is totally destroyed by the brutal abuse you’ve subjected her to. She probably couldn’t imagine, not even in her wildest fantasies, that losing her virginity would be such a terrible experience.<</if>>
<<if $sexfeel is -7 or $sexfeel is -6>>The girl has crawled into a fetal position and lies motionless, obviously terrified and mentally destroyed by the extreme degradation and humiliation she’s been subjected to by her <<if $wsex gte 1>>husband<<else>>Master<</if>>.
<<if $willpower gte 1>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Please… I’m in such pain… Why… Why did you do me so hard? //<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //(Sobbing) Why… I… I feel sick…//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //I’m… I’m really… hurt! That was awful!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Why did you have to hurt me like that?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //I never want to do that again… please… this is all over now…//<</if>>
$girlnames ''WILLPOWER (-3)'' has decreased!
<<set $willpower-=3>>
<<if $sexfeel is -5 or $sexfeel is -4>>The girl is very uncomfortable. It’s obvious that she didn’t enjoy her session and you’ve probably scarred her experience in a way that’ll take many months to recover.
$girlnames ''WILLPOWER (-2)'' has decreased!
<<set $willpower-=2>>
<<if $sexfeel is -3 or $sexfeel is -2>>The girl didn’t like this at all. She expresses serious discomfort and aversion to the act you just subjected her to and you’re really made her start off on the wrong foot concerning <<if $hadanalvirgin>>anal sex<<else>>vaginal sex<</if>>.
<<if $willpower gte 1>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //That was really awful. Every thrust was… so painful in the end. Fuck…//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //That was really painful. Did you have to do me so hard? I thought I was going to die!// <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //I… I hope I don’t have to do that again. I hope it’s all over. Please…// <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Why did you do me like that? It was really painful. Didn’t you notice how I cried?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //I never thought it would feel so awful. I feel… Really injured…//<</if>>
$girlnames ''WILLPOWER (-1)'' has decreased!
<<set $willpower-=1>>
<<if $sexfeel is -2 or $sexfeel is -1>>The girl seems uncomfortable and lies stiff and motionless, crawled into a fetal position. When asked, $girlname turns her head and says:
<<if $willpower gte 1>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //It was… it felt strange… I don’t know…//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //No, I didn’t like it at all. You did it too rough.// <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //If you would’ve done it a bit gentler, I think I’d enjoyed it more. But now… now I’m just sore and feel ill.// <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //I don’t know how I feel. I didn’t find it nice at all, to be honest.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //Meh, it was… it was nothing special. Just a tingling sensation of pain and discomfort.//<</if>>
<<if $sexfeel gte 0 and $sexfeel lte 2>>It’s really hard to tell if the girl has enjoyed herself. She’s silent but also seems comfortable and relaxed, maybe just due to the relief that the whole thing is over?<</if>>
<<if $sexfeel gte 3 and $sexfeel lte 5>>The girl seems to have enjoyed herself. She’s smiling and stroking her naked body, obviously very curious about the new sensations that’s rocked her body for the last hour or so. When she turns her head towards you, a relaxed slur of mumbling words confirms her blissful state:
<<if $willpower gte 1>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Mmmh… that was really nice. Thank you for showing me!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //By the Moons. I loved it!// <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //You’ve really showed me something I never thought I’d actually like. But this was… Wow!// <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //I hope we… I hope we can do it again someday? I really, really liked it! (Smiling)//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //I never thought I’d like it this much! Thank you for showing me, Sir. (wink)//<</if>>
<<if $sexfeel gte 6 and $sexfeel lte 7>>The girl is still very aroused, stroking her naked body intensively while giving you a long, suggestive smile. You’ve really managed to arouse her curiosity, creating a perfect growing-ground for future <<if $hadanalvirgin>>anal sex<<else>>vaginal sex<</if>>.
<<if $willpower gte 1>>
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //I… I think I’m in love. A man such as you, who can fuck a woman like this. Wow, I’m so lucky! <<set $masterlove+=20>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //I think I love you! That was… that was Heaven!//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //Fucking Moons. This was the greatest thing I’ve ever experienced. Thank you, $callname! You took me to heaven and back. Haha…// <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Wow! Just wow. I never knew sex could be so fucking awesome.//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //Wow! Thank you for turning this little girl into a woman (laughter). I really am lucky!//<</if>>
<<if $sexfeel gte 8>>She couldn’t get off with a better start for her <<if $hadanalvirgin is true>>anal<<else>>sexual<</if>> debut. You’ve managed to arouse her greatly – telling from her lustful shivers and moans. The girl is all over you, like you're still having sex, wrapping her legs and arms around your body and stroking your genitals with enticed pleasure.
<<if $descroll2 is 1>>''$girlname:'' //Please, please, oh please, can’t we do this again? Tonight? Tomorrow?//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 2>>''$girlname:'' //You’ve made me so happy! Thank you for persuading me and showing me this world of pleasure. I’m so lucky to be your <<if $wsex gte 1>>wife<<else>>servant<</if>>.// <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 3>>''$girlname:'' //This… That was… Wow! I’m really lucky to be… to be yours!// <</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 4>>''$girlname:'' //Wow, I think I’m in love. You’ve made me so happy! Mmmh! Thank you for this.<<set $masterlove+=15>>//<</if>>
<<if $descroll2 is 5>>''$girlname:'' //I never thought it would be like this. I’m so fucking lucky! Wow! I’m still tingling down there.//<</if>>
<<if $analvirgincancel is true and $toobig is true>>
Unfortunately, your massive shaft is too big to enter $girlnames virgin ass. Her sphincter needs to be more trained.
<<set $pic to 41>>
<<set $analvirgincancel to false>><<set $toobig to false>>
<<set $hadanalvirgin to false>>
<<set $hadvirgin to false>>
<div class="pic">
<<include Actives>>
<div class="row">
<div class="acts">
<div class="alt1">
<<include OptionsMain>>
<<if $wsex gte 1>>
<div class="alt2">
<<include OptionsOther>>
<div class="alt3">
<<include InteractStart>>
<div class="alt4">
<<include OptionsETC>>
<div class="acts2">
<div class="alt1b">
<<include HealthSystem>>
<div class="alt2b">
<<include StamSystem>>
<div class="alt3b">
<<include Time>>
<div class="alt4b">
<<include alt4>>
<div class="alt6b">
<<include HomeGo>>
<<set $descroll to random(1, 4)>>
<<set $descroll2 to random(1, 6)>>
<<if $action11 is true>><<set $descroll to 4>><</if>>
<<if $hadoral is true>>
<<if $throatcum is true or $mouthcum is true>>
<<if $oralxp lte 9>><<set $descroll2-=1>><<set $chance-=10>> <</if>>
<<if $oralxp lte 19>><<set $descroll2-=1>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $oralxp gte 40>><<set $descroll2+=1>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $oralxp gte 60>><<set $descroll2+=1>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $oralxp gte 90>><<set $descroll2+=1>><<set $chance+=10>> <</if>>
<<if $traitoralfix gte 90>><<set $descroll2+=1>><<set $chance+=25>><</if>>
<<if $likeoral lte 9>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $likeoral lte 19>><<set $chance-=10>><</if>>
<<if $likeoral gte 50>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $likeoral gte 75>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>
<<if $likeoral gte 90>><<set $chance+=15>><</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -8>><<set $chance-=10>> <</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -6>><<set $chance-=10>> <</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -5>><<set $chance-=10>> <</if>>
<<if $arousal lte -1>><<set $chance-=10>> <</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 1>><<set $chance+=10>> <</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 3>><<set $chance+=10>> <</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 6>><<set $chance+=10>>