<<st>>FUCK this boring-ass life! It's time to chase your dreams!
You told your boss to fuck off and decided to dive into your own business. They say all the big bucks are in real estate now, right? So that's where we're heading. It's gonna be dirty, chaotic, and absolutely thrilling.
Buy your fist apartment and start moving in your first bitches (they have no idea what's coming their way 😈).<</st>>
<<st>>If you like the game, support its development on <a href="https://www.patreon.com/c/PayDayGames" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<st>>Enjoy the game. We hope you'll like it.<</st>>
<<st>>Enter your character name: <<textbox "$ch.nom" "Mark" autofocus>><</st>>
<<button [[I`m 18+|Im18]]>><</button>>
<<button [[I'm not 18+|I'm not 18+]]>><</button>><div class="logo-cont">Payday</div>
<div class="long-container3"><<date>><<time24h>></div><div class="card-main">
<div class="card-container"><div class="card-left-main">
<div class="card-left">
<div class="balances-text-container">
<span class="balance-text">Balances</span>
<div class="balances">
<div class="actual-balance-container">
<span class="actual-text">Current balance</span>
<div class="balance-value-container">
<span class="actual-balance">$ch.money $</span>
<div class="credit-balance-container">
<span class="credit-text">Credit balance</span>
<div class="balance-value-container">
<span class="credit-balance">$ch.credit_money $</span>
<div class="card-right">
<div class="dots-container">
<div class="circle"></div>
<div class="circle"></div>
<div class="circle"></div>
<div class="diagram-container">
<canvas id="myChart" width="75" height="75"></canvas>
<div class="card-right-main"><div class="card-left">
<div class="balances-text-container">
<span class="balance-text">Info</span>
<div class="balances">
<div class="actual-balance-container">
<span class="actual-text">Mortgage #1</span>
<div class="balance-value-container">
<span class="actual-balance">$ch.mortgage_1/$ch.mortgage_1_full</span>
<div class="credit-balance-container">
<span class="credit-text">Mortgage #2</span>
<div class="balance-value-container">
<span class="credit-balance">$ch.mortgage_2/$ch.mortgage_2_full</span>
<div class="card-right">
<div class="dots-container">
<div class="circle_back"></div>
<div class="circle_back"></div>
<div class="circle_back"></div>
<div class="balances-back">
<div class="actual-balance-container">
<span class="actual-text">Mortgage #3</span>
<div class="balance-value-container">
<span class="actual-balance">?/?</span>
<div class="credit-balance-container">
<span class="credit-text">Mortgage #4</span>
<div class="balance-value-container">
<span class="credit-balance">?/?</span>
<div class="stats-main"><div class="long-container">
<div class="day-cont">
<p>Days: $days</p>
<div class="payday-cont">
<p>Payday: $payday</p>
</div><div class="long-container">
<div class="day-cont">
<p>Inc. + $full_week_income</p>
<div class="payday-cont">
<p>Exp. - $full_week_expenses</p>
</div></div><div class="long-container2"><div class="long-text">Energy</div><div class="progress-cont"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$ch.energy" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="750"></progress></div>
</div><div class="long-container2"><div class="long-text">Lust</div><div class="progress-cont"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$ch.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div>
</div><div class="long-container">
<div class="day-cont">
<p>Fitness: $ch.fitness_lvl</p>
<div class="payday-cont">
<p>Charisma: $new_charisma</p>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.circle').click(function() {
$('.circle_back').click(function() {
let creditMoney = variables().ch.credit_money; // Пример начального значения
// Функция для рисования круговой диаграммы
function drawDoughnutChart(canvas, creditMoney) {
let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
let total = 50000; // Общее значение, которое отражает максимальное значение
let moneyAngle = (creditMoney / total) * 2 * Math.PI;
let creditMoneyAngle = ((total - creditMoney) / total) * 2 * Math.PI;
// Очистка canvas
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// Рисование бублика
let centerX = canvas.width / 2;
let centerY = canvas.height / 2;
let radius = Math.min(centerX, centerY);
// Рисуем сегмент для потраченных денег (creditMoney)
ctx.moveTo(centerX, centerY);
ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, moneyAngle);
ctx.fillStyle = '#7ee6c0'; // Голубой цвет
// Рисуем сегмент для оставшихся денег (maxCreditMoney - creditMoney)
ctx.moveTo(centerX, centerY);
ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, moneyAngle, moneyAngle + creditMoneyAngle);
ctx.fillStyle = '#ffffff'; // Белый цвет
// Рисуем центральную дырку
ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius / 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.fillStyle = '#4a6864'; // Цвет заднего фона
// Получаем элемент canvas
let canvas = document.getElementById('myChart');
// Рисуем диаграмму с начальными значениями
drawDoughnutChart(canvas, creditMoney);
// Пример обновления диаграммы новыми значениями (через 2 секунды)
drawDoughnutChart(canvas, variables().ch.credit_money);
<</script>><</done>><<set $see_camera_one=0>>
<<set $whoinroom="">>
<<set $fontStyle to "slim">>
<<set $charisma_wear=0>>
<<set $bought_rolex=0>>
<<set $bought_boots=0>>
<<set $bought_suit=0>>
<<set $choose_dinner=0>>
<<set $already_date_lana=0>>
<<set $already_date_riley=0>>
<<set $already_date_lana_riley=0>>
<<set $lr_flower_counter=0>>
<<set $lr_candy_counter=0>>
<<set $lr_alcohol_counter=0>>
<<set $rl_flower_counter=0>>
<<set $rl_candy_counter=0>>
<<set $rl_alcohol_counter=0>>
<<set $ln_flower_counter=0>>
<<set $ln_candy_counter=0>>
<<set $ln_alcohol_counter=0>>
<<set $rs_flower_counter=0>>
<<set $rs_candy_counter=0>>
<<set $rs_alcohol_counter=0>>
<<set $inventory to []>>
<<set $choosen_event=0>>
<<set $check_mus=false>>
<<set $already_solve_mus=false>>
<<set $lawyer_blocker=false>>
<<set $lawyer_way_counter=0>>
<<set $choosen_10k_lawyer=false>>
<<set $choosen_25k_lawyer=false>>
<<set $choosen_50k_lawyer=false>>
<<set $killer_way=0>>
<<set $killer_way_counter=0>>
<<set $killer_paydays=0>>
<<set $lawyer_way=0>>
<<set $is_see_check_mus=false>>
<<set $is_see_camera_mus=false>>
<<set $flat_1_closed_mus=false>>
<<set $flat_2_closed_mus=false>>
<<set $rs_event_activator = { <!-- активаторы разных ивентов -->
<<set $quests = {
<<set $patron_activated=false>>
<<set $photos_in_folder = { <!-- сколько фото в папке -->
rosie_like: 14,
lana_riley_like: 12,
rosie_rel_minus: 5,
lana_rel_minus: 15,
riley_rel_minus: 19,
<<set $is_flat_closed=false>>
<<set $game_over=0>>
<<set $insurance_needed_pay=0>>
<<set $insurance_needed_sleep=0>><!-- 1 день сна для страховой-->
<<set $insurance_needed=false>><!-- нужна ли страховая -->
<<set $insurance={ <!-- какой ивент страховой запускать -->
event_rs_fire: 0,
<<set $brothel_counter={ <!-- счётчик для борделя -->
blowjob_elsa: 0,
vaginal_elsa: 0,
blowjob_gina: 0,
vaginal_gina: 0,
blowjob_dani: 0,
vaginal_dani: 0,
<<set $exp_needed_fitness = { <!-- опыта для левелапа -->
0: 10,
1: 15,
2: 25,
3: 40,
4: 60,
5: 85,
6: 115,
7: 150,
8: 190,
9: 235,
10: 285,
11: 99999,
<<set setup.levels_fitness = [10, 15, 25, 40, 60, 85, 115, 150, 190, 235, 285, 99999, Infinity]>>
<<set $exp_needed_charisma = { <!-- опыта для левелапа -->
0: 10,
1: 15,
2: 25,
3: 40,
4: 60,
5: 85,
6: 115,
7: 150,
8: 190,
9: 235,
10: 285,
11: 99999,
<<set setup.levels_charisma = [10, 15, 25, 40, 60, 85, 115, 150, 190, 235, 285, 99999, Infinity]>>
<<set $exp_needed_work = { <!-- опыта для левелапа -->
0: 10,
1: 15,
2: 25,
3: 40,
4: 60,
5: 85,
6: 115,
7: 150,
8: 190,
9: 235,
10: 285,
11: 99999,
<<set setup.levels_work = [10, 15, 25, 40, 60, 85, 115, 150, 190, 235, 285, 99999, Infinity]>>
<<set $exp_needed_steal = { <!-- опыта для левелапа -->
0: 10,
1: 15,
2: 25,
3: 40,
4: 60,
5: 85,
6: 115,
7: 150,
8: 190,
9: 235,
10: 285,
11: 99999,
<<set setup.levels_steal = [10, 15, 25, 40, 60, 85, 115, 150, 190, 235, 285, 99999, Infinity]>>
<<set setup.levels = [10, 15, 25, 40, 60, 85, 115, 150, 190, 235, 285, 340, 400, 465, 535, 610, 690, 775, 865, 960, 99999, Infinity]>>
<<set $stealed_money_lr=false>>
<<set $stealIndex_lr=0>>
<<set $lr_check={ <!-- Разовые ивенты в check-->
event1: false,
event2: false,
event3: false,
event4: false,
<<set $lr_show={ <!-- Разовые ивенты в camera-->
event1: false,
event2: false,
event3: false,
event4: false,
event5: false,
event_update: false,
<<set $rs_check={ <!-- Разовые ивенты в check-->
event1: false,
event2: false,
event3: false,
event4: false,
<<set $checkIndex_rs=0>>
<<set $checkIndex_lr=0>>
<<set $need_check_room_1=false>>
<<set $rs_show={ <!-- Разовые ивенты в camera-->
event1: false,
event2: false,
event3: false,
event4: false,
event5: false,
event6: false,
<<set $stealed_money_rs=false>>
<<set $stealIndex_rs=0>>
<<set $events_action_counter=0>>
<<set $full_week_income=0>>
<<set $full_week_expenses=0>>
<<set $insurance_price={
fires: 150,
floods: 150,
repair_costs: 100,
broken: 50,
burglary: 300,
income_loss: 300,
aphrodisiacs: 100,
pheromone: 100,
wine: 200,
flowers: 200,
<<set $insurance_bought={
fires: false,
floods: false,
repair_costs: false,
broken: false,
burglary: false,
income_loss: false,
aphrodisiacs: false,
pheromone: false,
wine: false,
flowers: false,
<<set $full_week_income_flat1=0>>
<<set $full_week_income_flat2=0>>
<<set $hagglingValue=0>>
<<cacheaudio "gong" "0.1/music/gong.mp3">>
<<set $already_talk_hire_rosie=false>>
<<set $already_talk_hire_lana_riley=false>>
<<set $already_talk_hire_zulfiya=false>>
<<set $already_talk_hire_rosie_flat_2=false>>
<<set $already_talk_hire_lana_riley_flat_2=false>>
<<set $already_talk_hire_zulfiya_flat_2=false>>
<<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter=0>>
<<set $hire_lana_riley_sex_counter=0>>
<<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter_flat_2=0>>
<<set $hire_lana_riley_sex_counter_flat_2=0>>
<<set $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1={
kitchen: 0,
bedroom: 0,
bathroom: 0,
balcony: 0,
<<set $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1={
kitchen: 0,
bedroom: 0,
bathroom: 0,
balcony: 0,
<<set $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2={
kitchen: 0,
bedroom: 0,
bathroom: 0,
balcony: 0,
<<set $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2={
kitchen: 0,
bedroom: 0,
bathroom: 0,
balcony: 0,
<<set $flat_1_current={
selected: "none",
selected: "none",
selected: "none",
selected: "none",
<<set $flat_2_current={
selected: "none",
selected: "none",
selected: "none",
selected: "none",
<<set $flat_1 = { <!-- Хата номер 1-->
bd_level: 0, <!-- Уровень спальни-->
bd_name: "none",
kit_level: 0, <!-- Уровень кухни-->
kit_name: "none",
bat_level: 0, <!-- Уровень туалета-->
bat_name: "none",
bal_level: 0, <!-- Уровень балкона-->
bal_name: "none",
total_level:0, <!-- Уровень общий-->
<<set $flat_2 = { <!-- Хата номер 2-->
bd_level: 0, <!-- Уровень спальни-->
bd_name: "none",
kit_level: 0, <!-- Уровень кухни-->
kit_name: "none",
bat_level: 0, <!-- Уровень туалета-->
bat_name: "none",
bal_level: 0, <!-- Уровень балкона-->
bal_name: "none",
total_level:0, <!-- Уровень общий-->
<<set $flat_1_desc={
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
<<set $flat_2_desc={
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
<<set $days = 0>>
<<set $payday = 7>>
<<set $flat1_settings = { <!-- Жилец хаты 1-->
avatar: "0.1/сharacters/empty.png",
week_income: 0,
flat_avatar: '0.1/flats/repair/flat1_bedroom.png',
bedroom: "0.1/flats/repair/flat1_bedroom.png",
toilet: "0.1/flats/repair/flat1_bathroom.png",
kitchen: "0.1/flats/repair/flat1_kitchen.png",
balcony: "0.1/flats/repair/flat1_balcony.png",
is_mortgage_paid: false,
<<set $flat2_settings = { <!-- Настройки второй хаты-->
avatar: "0.1/сharacters/empty.png",
week_income: 0,
flat_avatar: '0.1/flats/repair/flat1_bedroom.png',
bedroom: "0.1/flats/repair/flat1_bedroom.png",
toilet: "0.1/flats/repair/flat1_bathroom.png",
kitchen: "0.1/flats/repair/flat1_kitchen.png",
balcony: "0.1/flats/repair/flat1_balcony.png",
is_mortgage_paid: false,
<<set $ch = { <!-- Основной персонаж-->
id: "ch",
nom: "Mark",
img: "0.1/сharacters/mark.jpg",
coef_work: 1,
coef_steal: 1,
coef_fitness: 1,
coef_charisma: 1,
work_lvl: 0,
work_exp: 0,
steal_lvl: 0,
steal_exp: 0,
fitness_lvl: 0,
fitness_exp: 0,
charisma_lvl: 0,
charisma_exp: 0,
<<set $st = { <!-- Разкасчик-->
nom: "",
<<set $rs = { <!-- rosie-->
id: "rs",
nom: "Rosie",
img: "0.1/сharacters/rosie.png",
lust: 0,
rel: 0,
love: 0,
hire_attemps: 3,
plus_or_minus_kitchen: 0,
plus_or_minus_bedroom: 0,
plus_or_minus_bathroom: 0,
plus_or_minus_balcony: 0,
plus_or_minus_kitchen_flat_2: 0,
plus_or_minus_bedroom_flat_2: 0,
plus_or_minus_bathroom_flat_2: 0,
plus_or_minus_balcony_flat_2: 0,
<<set $lr = { <!-- lana riley-->
id: "lr",
nom: "Lana and Riley",
img: "0.1/сharacters/lana_riley.jpg",
lust: 0,
rel: 0,
hire_attemps: 3,
plus_or_minus_kitchen: 0,
plus_or_minus_bedroom: 0,
plus_or_minus_bathroom: 0,
plus_or_minus_balcony: 0,
plus_or_minus_kitchen_flat_2: 0,
plus_or_minus_bedroom_flat_2: 0,
plus_or_minus_bathroom_flat_2: 0,
plus_or_minus_balcony_flat_2: 0,
<<set $ln = { <!-- rosie-->
id: "ln",
nom: "Lana",
img: "0.1/сharacters/lana.png",
love: 0,
<<set $rl = { <!-- rosie-->
id: "rl",
nom: "Riley",
img: "0.1/сharacters/riley.png",
love: 0,
<<set $lc = { <!-- lucy-->
id: "lc",
nom: "Lucy",
img: "0.1/сharacters/lucy.png",
<<set $girls = { <!-- girls-->
id: "girls",
nom: "Girls",
img: "0.1/сharacters/girls.png",
<<set $clerk = { <!-- clerk-->
id: "clerk",
nom: "Office Clerk",
img: "0.1/сharacters/clerk.png",
<<set $rf = { <!-- Rosie Friend-->
id: "rf",
nom: "Rosie's friend",
img: "0.3/сharacters/rf.png",
<<set $zl = { <!-- Zulfiya-->
id: "zl",
nom: "Zulfiya",
img: "0.3/сharacters/zulfiya.png",
weekly_payment_standart:"A lot",
<<set $ad = { <!-- Abdusamad-->
id: "ad",
nom: "Abdusamad",
img: "0.3/сharacters/abdusamad.png",
<<set $mus = { <!-- Семья-->
id: "mus",
img: "0.3/сharacters/mus.png",
<<set $law = { <!-- Адвокат-->
id: "law",
nom: "Lawyer",
img: "0.3/сharacters/law.png",
<<set $lawtwo = { <!-- Адвокат-->
id: "lawtwo",
nom: "Lawyer",
img: "0.3/сharacters/lawtwo.png",
<<set $lawthree = { <!-- Адвокат-->
id: "lawthree",
nom: "Harvey Specter",
img: "0.3/сharacters/lawthree.png",
<<set $ch.nom="Mark">>
<<set $week_stats = { <!-- Еженедельная статистика-->
income_work: 0,
income_flats: 0,
income_percentage: 0,
expenses_mortgage: 0,
expenses_credit: 0,
expenses_repair: 0,
expenses_requsets: 0,
expenses_insurance: 0,
<<set $week_chart_stats = [ <!-- Еженедельная статистика для диаграммы-->
<<set $week_income = 0>> <!-- Еженедельный доход-->
<<set $week_expenses = 0>> <!-- Еженедельная расход-->
$("#menu-item-saves a").addClass("saveANDrestart");
$("#menu-item-restart a").addClass("saveANDrestart");
<<set $ch.charisma=0>>
<<set $shopItems = {
s1: { name: "Noodles", description: "Cheap noodles to get you through the day", imagePath: "0.4/shop/noodles.png", price: 100, stock: 9999 },
s2: { name: "Regular Food", description: "Basic eats everyone loves", imagePath: "0.4/shop/regular.png", price: 200, stock: 9999 },
s3: { name: "Killer Food", description: "Epic meals that’ll take you to the next level", imagePath: "0.4/shop/killer.png", price: 500, stock: 9999 },
s4: { name: "Alcohol Set", description: "For a wild time.", imagePath: "0.4/shop/alcohol.png", price: 1000, stock: 9999 },
s5: { name: "Candies", description: "Usually girls love these gestures.", imagePath: "0.4/shop/candies.png", price: 1000, stock: 9999 },
s6: { name: "Bouquet of Flowers", description: "Something they’re always happy to receive.", imagePath: "0.4/shop/flowers.png", price: 1000, stock: 9999 },
s7: { name: "Disposable Lockpick Set", description: "Allows you to enter an apartment unnoticed.", imagePath: "0.4/shop/lockpick.png", price: 400, stock: 0 },
s8: { name: "Fingerprintless Gloves", description: "Prevent anyone from determining who entered.", imagePath: "0.4/shop/gloves.png", price: 600, stock: 0 },
s9: { name: "Black Ninja Suit", description: "Enables you to remain unseen while inside an apartment", imagePath: "0.4/shop/ninja.png", price: 600, stock: 0 },
s10: { name: "Suit", description: "Increases charisma by 1 lvl", imagePath: "0.4/shop/suit.png", price: 5000, stock: 1 },
s11: { name: "Boots", description: "Increases charisma by 1 lvl", imagePath: "0.4/shop/boots.png", price: 2000, stock: 1 },
s12: { name: "Rolex Watches", description: "Increases charisma by 2 lvl", imagePath: "0.4/shop/rolex.png", price: 20000, stock: 1 },
s13: { name: "BDSM Kit", description: "Everything you need to get kinky", imagePath: "0.4/shop/kit.png", price: 600, stock: 0 },
s14: { name: "Giant Dildo", description: "Huge dildo for big thrills", imagePath: "0.4/shop/dildo.png", price: 600, stock: 0 },
s15: { name: "Liquid Vibrator", description: "Slick vibes for smooth pleasure", imagePath: "0.4/shop/liquid.png", price: 600, stock: 0 },
s16: { name: "Anal Beads", description: "Naughty beads for extra fun", imagePath: "0.4/shop/anal.png", price: 600, stock: 0 },
s17: { name: "Nurse Costume", description: "Sexy nurse outfit for role-play", imagePath: "0.4/shop/nurse.png", price: 600, stock: 0 },
s18: { name: "Sexy Bunny Costume", description: "Flirty bunny suit for role-play", imagePath: "0.4/shop/bunny.png", price: 600, stock: 0 },
s19: { name: "Schoolgirl Costume", description: "Sexy schoolgirl outfit for role-play", imagePath: "0.4/shop/school.png", price: 600, stock: 0 }
/* This must be set to whatever the initial game date/time should be. */
$gameDate to new Date("2000-05-01T16:00Z"); /* Must use UTC time. */
window.GameDays to [
"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"
window.GameMonths to [
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
Date & Time Advancement Widget Definitions
/* Adds the specified number of minutes. */
<<widget "addmins">>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCMinutes($gameDate.getUTCMinutes() + $args[0])>>\
/* Adds the specified number of hours. */
<<widget "addhours">>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours($gameDate.getUTCHours() + $args[0])>>\
/* Adds the specified number of days. */
<<widget "adddays">>\
<<run $gameDate.setUTCHours($gameDate.getUTCHours() + $args[0] * 24)>>\
<<widget "time12h">>\
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() eq 0>>\
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCHours() gt 12>>\
<<print $gameDate.getUTCHours() - 12>>\
<<print $gameDate.getUTCHours()>>\
<<if $gameDate.getUTCMinutes() lt 10>>0<</if>><<print $gameDate.getUTCMinutes()>> \
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() gte 12>>PM<<else>>AM<</if>>\
/* Prints the current time (24H). */
<<widget "time24h">>\
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() lt 10>>0<</if>><<print $gameDate.getUTCHours()>>:\
<<if $gameDate.getUTCMinutes() lt 10>>0<</if>><<print $gameDate.getUTCMinutes()>>\
/* Prints the current date and time (12H). */
<<widget "datetime">><<date>> <<time12h>><</widget>>
<<widget "date">>\
<<print String.format("{0} {1} {2} {3}",
<</widget>><<set $randomNumber to random(0,100)>>
<<if $ch.money<0>><<set $ch.credit_money=$ch.credit_money+$ch.money>><<set $ch.money=0>><</if>><<if $ch.credit_money<=0>><<set $ch.credit_money=0>><</if>><<if $ch.credit_money>$ch.max_credit_money>><<set $ch.money+=$ch.credit_money-$ch.max_credit_money>><<set $ch.credit_money=$ch.max_credit_money>><</if>>
<<set $full_week_income=$full_week_income_flat1+$full_week_income_flat2+$week_stats.income_work+$week_stats.income_other+$week_stats.income_percentage>>
<<set $full_week_expenses=$week_stats.expenses_mortgage+$week_stats.expenses_credit+$week_stats.expenses_repair+$week_stats.expenses_requsets+$week_stats.expenses_insurance>>
<<set $week_stats.income_flats=$full_week_income_flat1+$full_week_income_flat2>>
<<set $events_action_counter+=1>>
<<if $ch.mortgage_1>400000>><<if $ch.mortgage_2<400000>><<set $ch.mortgage_2+=$ch.mortgage_1-400000>><<set $ch.mortgage_1=400000>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $ch.work_lvl != getLevel_work($ch.work_exp)>><<set $ch.work_lvl = getLevel_work($ch.work_exp)>><<set $ch.coef_work +=0.25>><</if>><<set $value_work = $exp_needed_work[$ch.work_lvl]>>
<<if $ch.steal_lvl != getLevel_steal($ch.steal_exp)>><<set $ch.steal_lvl = getLevel_steal($ch.steal_exp)>><<set $ch.coef_steal +=0.25>><</if>><<set $value_steal = $exp_needed_steal[$ch.steal_lvl]>>
<<if $ch.fitness_lvl != getLevel_fitness($ch.fitness_exp)>><<set $ch.fitness_lvl = getLevel_fitness($ch.fitness_exp)>><<set $ch.coef_fitness +=0.25>><</if>><<set $value_fitness = $exp_needed_fitness[$ch.fitness_lvl]>>
<<if $ch.charisma_lvl != getLevel_charisma($ch.charisma_exp)>><<set $ch.charisma_lvl = getLevel_charisma($ch.charisma_exp)>><<set $ch.coef_charisma +=0.25>><</if>><<set $value_charisma = $exp_needed_charisma[$ch.charisma_lvl]>>
<<if $rs.lust>100>><<set $rs.lust=100>><</if>>
<<if $lr.lust>100>><<set $lr.lust=100>><</if>>
<<if $bought_suit == 0 && $inventory.some(item => item.name === "Suit" && item.quantity > 0)>>
<<set $charisma_wear += 1>>
<<set $bought_suit = 1>>
<<if $bought_boots == 0 && $inventory.some(item => item.name === "Boots" && item.quantity > 0)>>
<<set $charisma_wear += 1>>
<<set $bought_boots = 1>>
<<if $bought_rolex == 0 && $inventory.some(item => item.name === "Rolex Watches" && item.quantity > 0)>>
<<set $charisma_wear += 2>>
<<set $bought_rolex = 1>>
<<set $new_charisma=$ch.charisma_lvl+$charisma_wear>>
<<if $insurance_needed_pay>0>><<set $insurance_needed_pay-=2000>><<set $week_stats.expenses_insurance+=2000>><<set $ch.money-=2000>><</if>>
<<if $ch.credit_money<$ch.max_credit_money>><<set $week_stats.expenses_credit+=Math.round(($ch.max_credit_money-$ch.credit_money)*0.05)>><<set $ch.money-=$week_stats.expenses_credit>><</if>><<if $ch.money>0>><<set $week_stats.income_percentage+=Math.round($ch.money*0.05)>><<set $ch.money+=$ch.money*0.05>><</if>><<if $ch.credit_money >= 2000>><<if $flat1_settings.is_bought and not $flat1_settings.is_mortgage_paid>><<set $week_stats.expenses_mortgage += 2000>><<set $ch.money -= 2000>><<set $ch.mortgage_1 += 2000>><<if $ch.mortgage_1 >= 400000>><<set $flat1_settings.is_mortgage_paid = true>><</if>><</if>><<if $flat2_settings.is_bought and not $flat2_settings.is_mortgage_paid>><<set $week_stats.expenses_mortgage += 2000>><<set $ch.money -= 2000>><<set $ch.mortgage_1 += 2000>><<if $ch.mortgage_2 >= 400000>><<set $flat2_settings.is_mortgage_paid = true>><</if>><</if>><</if>><div class="stats-cont">
<div class="inc-cont">Income
Work: $week_stats.income_work
Flats: $week_stats.income_flats
Other: $week_stats.income_other
Interest on the balance: $week_stats.income_percentage
<<set $week_income=$week_stats.income_work+$week_stats.income_flats+$week_stats.income_other+$week_stats.income_percentage>>
Total: $week_income</div><div class="exp-cont">Expenses
Mortgage: $week_stats.expenses_mortgage
Credit: $week_stats.expenses_credit
Repairs: $week_stats.expenses_repair
Residents' requests: $week_stats.expenses_requsets
Insurance: $week_stats.expenses_insurance
<<set $week_expenses= $week_stats.expenses_mortgage+$week_stats.expenses_credit+$week_stats.expenses_repair+$week_stats.expenses_requsets+$week_stats.expenses_insurance>>
Total: $week_expenses</div>
<div class="containerchart-main">
<div class="containerchart">
<div class="containerBody">
<canvas id="myChart_week" height="400" width="800"></canvas>
<div class="week-stats-buttons">
<<button [[Insurance|Insurance]]>><<set $week_stats.expenses_insurance=0>><</button>></div>
<<set $week_chart_stats.push({ week_income: $week_income, week_expenses: $week_expenses })>><<set $insurance_bought.fires=false>><<set $insurance_bought.floods=false>><<set $insurance_bought.repair_costs=false>><<set $insurance_bought.broken=false>><<set $insurance_bought.burglary=false>><<set $insurance_bought.income_loss=false>>
<<set $ch.credit_money+=$week_stats.income_flats>><<set $stealIndex_rs=0>><<set $checkIndex_rs=0>><<set $checkIndex_lr=0>><<set $stealIndex_lr=0>><<set $is_left_money=$week_stats.expenses_credit+$week_stats.expenses_mortgage+$week_stats.expenses_insurance>>
<<if $ch.credit_money < $is_left_money>>
<<flash "Didn't have enough money for the weekly payment; if this happens again, the game will end.">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<set $game_over+=1>>
<</if>><<if $game_over==2>><<goto GameOver>><</if>><<set $is_flat_closed=false>><<if $quests.quest_dinner_with_rosie==false and $need_payday==true>><<set $need_payday=false>><</if>><<if $killer_paydays>0>><<set $killer_paydays-=1>><<if $killer_paydays==0>><<set $killer_way_counter+=1>><<if $flat1_settings.flat_avatar=="0.3/flats/1/flat_1_damaged.png">><<set $flat1_settings.avatar="0.1/сharacters/empty.png">><<set $flat1_settings.is_empty=true>><<set $flat1_settings.flat_avatar="0.1/flats/repair/flat1_bedroom.png">><<set $flat_1_desc={
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
}>><<set $flat_1 = { <!-- Хата номер 1-->
bd_level: 0, <!-- Уровень спальни-->
bd_name: "none",
kit_level: 0, <!-- Уровень кухни-->
kit_name: "none",
bat_level: 0, <!-- Уровень туалета-->
bat_name: "none",
bal_level: 0, <!-- Уровень балкона-->
bal_name: "none",
total_level:0, <!-- Уровень общий-->
}>><<set $flat1_settings.bedroom="0.3/flats/1/flat1_bedroom_damaged.png">><<set $flat1_settings.toilet="0.3/flats/1/flat1_toilet_damaged.png">><<set $flat1_settings.kitchen="0.3/flats/1/flat1_kitchen_damaged.png">><<set $flat1_settings.balcony="0.3/flats/1/flat1_balcony_damaged.png">><<set $game_over_killer=2>><<elseif $flat2_settings.flat_avatar=="0.3/flats/2/flat_2_damaged.png">><<set $flat_2_desc={
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 2,
summer_optimism: 4,
cozy_modern: 4,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
}>><<set $flat2_settings.avatar="0.1/сharacters/empty.png">><<set $flat2_settings.is_empty=true>><<set $flat2_settings.flat_avatar="0.1/flats/repair/flat2_bedroom.png">><<set $flat2_settings.bedroom="0.3/flats/2/flat2_bedroom_damaged.png">><<set $flat2_settings.toilet="0.3/flats/2/flat2_toilet_damaged.png">><<set $flat2_settings.kitchen="0.3/flats/2/flat2_kitchen_damaged.png">><<set $flat2_settings.balcony="0.3/flats/2/flat2_balcony_damaged.png">><<set $game_over_killer=2>><</if>><</if>><</if>><<if $game_over_killer>=0>><<set $game_over_killer-=1>><<if $game_over_killer==0>><<goto GameOver_Killer>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $lawyer_paydays>0>><<set $lawyer_paydays-=1>><<if $lawyer_paydays==0>><<set $lawyer_way_counter+=1>><<if $lawyer_way_counter==2>><<set $lawyer_way_counter+=1>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $rs_show.event1==true and $rs_show.event2==true and $rs_show.event3==true and $rs_show.event4==true and $rs_show.event5==true>><<set $rs_show.event1=false>><<set $rs_show.event2=false>><<set $rs_show.event3=false>><<set $rs_show.event4=false>><<set $rs_show.event5=false>><</if>>
<<if $lr_show.event1==true and $lr_show.event2==true and $lr_show.event3==true and $lr_show.event4==true and $lr_show.event5==true>><<set $lr_show.event1=false>><<set $lr_show.event2=false>><<set $lr_show.event3=false>><<set $lr_show.event4=false>><<set $lr_show.event5=false>><</if>><<set $lr_flower_counter=0>><<set $lr_candy_counter=0>><<set $lr_alcohol_counter=0>>
<<set $rl_flower_counter=0>><<set $rl_candy_counter=0>><<set $rl_alcohol_counter=0>><<set $ln_flower_counter=0>><<set $ln_candy_counter=0>><<set $ln_alcohol_counter=0>><<set $rs_flower_counter=0>><<set $rs_candy_counter=0>><<set $rs_alcohol_counter=0>>
<<script>>let week_chart_stats =variables().week_chart_stats;
let myChart;
// Функция для добавления новых данных каждую неделю
function addWeeklyData(income, expenses) {
week_chart_stats.push({ week_income: income, week_expenses: expenses });
// Получение массивов данных для диаграммы
function getIncomeData() {
return week_chart_stats.map(week => week.week_income);
function getExpensesData() {
return week_chart_stats.map(week => week.week_expenses);
// Функция для обновления диаграммы
function updateChart() {
myChart.data.labels = Array.from({ length: week_chart_stats.length }, (_, i) => `Week ${i + 1}`);
myChart.data.datasets[0].data = getIncomeData();
myChart.data.datasets[1].data = getExpensesData();
// Обновление ширины контейнера в зависимости от количества данных
const containerBody = document.querySelector('.containerBody');
if (week_chart_stats.length > 5) {
containerBody.style.width = week_chart_stats.length * 160 + 'px'; // Увеличение ширины контейнера для отображения всех столбцов
} else {
containerBody.style.width = '800px'; // Возврат к начальной ширине, если данных меньше 5
$(document).one(":passageend", function (event) {
// Создание и обновление диаграммы
let ctx = document.getElementById('myChart_week').getContext('2d');
myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: Array.from({ length: week_chart_stats.length }, (_, i) => `Week ${i + 1}`),
datasets: [
label: 'Week Income',
data: getIncomeData(),
backgroundColor: 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
borderColor: 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
borderWidth: 1
label: 'Week Expenses',
data: getExpensesData(),
backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
borderColor: 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 1)',
borderWidth: 1
options: {
maintainAspectRatio: false,
scales: {
y: {
beginAtZero: true,
position: 'right'
plugins: {
legend: {
position: 'right'
// Пример добавления данных для новой недели
$('.containerchart').on('wheel', function(e) {
const delta = e.originalEvent.deltaY;
const scrollSpeed = 0.1; // Скорость прокрутки, можно настроить по желанию
this.scrollLeft += delta * scrollSpeed;
});<</script>><<if not tags().includes("nofooter") and not tags().includes("nofooter-small")>><div class="main-house-cont" style="position:absolute; top: 0%; left: 59%; width: 40%;">
<div class="main-rooms-cont" style="margin: 2.5em;margin-top:14px;"><div class="rooms-cont">
<div class="room1-cont"><div class="footer-cont"><div class="name-cont"><p>Flat 1</p></div><div class="repair-level"><p>Lvl $flat_1.total_level</p></div><div class="income-cont"><p>Income: <<if $flat1_settings.avatar==$rs.img>><<set $full_week_income_flat1=(($rs.flat_level_coef*$flat_1.total_level)*100)+$flat1_settings.week_income>><<elseif $flat1_settings.avatar==$lr.img>><<set $full_week_income_flat1=(($lr.flat_level_coef*$flat_1.total_level)*100)+$flat1_settings.week_income>><<else>><<set $full_week_income_flat1=0>><<set $flat1_settings.week_income=0>><</if>>$full_week_income_flat1 </p></div><div class="camera-cont"><<if $flat_1_closed_mus==true>><<button [[Camera|Camera_flat_1_mus]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[Camera|Camera_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>></div></div><div class="body-cont"><div class="avatar-cont"><img @src="$flat1_settings.avatar" width="95" height="95" alt="Avatar"><div class="fire-cont"><<if $flat1_settings.is_empty==false>><<if $flat_1_closed_mus==true>><<button [[X|Fire_flat_1_mus]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[X|Fire_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<else>><<button [[✓|Hire_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>></div></div><div class="body-part-1"><div class="top-body"><div class="left-top-body"><img @src="$flat1_settings.flat_avatar" alt="Avatar"></div><div class="right-top-body"><div class="check-room"><<if $flat_1_closed_mus==true>><<button [[Check|Check_flat_1_mus]]>><</button>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter > 10>><button data-passage='Check_flat_1' class="check-active">Check</button><<else>><<button [[Check|Check_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>></div><div class="repair-room"><<if $flat_1_closed_mus==true>><<button [[Repair|Repair_flat_1_mus]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[Repair|Repair_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>></div></div></div><div class="bottom-body"><<if $flat1_settings.avatar==$rs.img>><progress class="progress-bar house" @value="$rs.rel" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="200"></progress><<elseif $flat1_settings.avatar==$lr.img>><progress class="progress-bar house" @value="$lr.rel" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="200"></progress><<else>><</if>></div></div></div>
<div class="room2-cont"><<if $flat2_settings.is_bought==false>><div class="room2 buy-image"><<button [[Buy|Buy_Room_1]]>><</button>></div><<else>><div class="footer-cont"><div class="name-cont"><p>Flat 2</p></div><div class="repair-level"><p>Lvl $flat_2.total_level</p></div><div class="income-cont"><p>Income: <<if $flat2_settings.avatar==$rs.img>><<set $full_week_income_flat2=(($rs.flat_level_coef*$flat_2.total_level)*100)+$flat2_settings.week_income>><<elseif $flat2_settings.avatar==$lr.img>><<set $full_week_income_flat2=(($lr.flat_level_coef*$flat_2.total_level)*100)+$flat2_settings.week_income>><<else>><<set $full_week_income_flat2=0>><<set $flat2_settings.week_income=0>><</if>>$full_week_income_flat2 </p></div><div class="camera-cont"><<if $flat_2_closed_mus==true>><<button [[Camera|Camera_flat_2_mus]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[Camera|Camera_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>></div></div><div class="body-cont"><div class="avatar-cont"><img @src="$flat2_settings.avatar" width="95" height="95" alt="Avatar"><div class="fire-cont"><<if $flat2_settings.is_empty==false>><<if $flat_2_closed_mus==true>><<button [[X|Fire_flat_2_mus]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[X|Fire_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<else>><<button [[✓|Hire_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>></div></div><div class="body-part-1"><div class="top-body"><div class="left-top-body"><img @src="$flat2_settings.flat_avatar" alt="Avatar"></div><div class="right-top-body"><div class="check-room"><<if $flat_2_closed_mus==true>><<button [[Check|Check_flat_2_mus]]>><</button>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter > 10>><button data-passage='Check_flat_2' class="check-active">Check</button><<else>><<button [[Check|Check_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>></div><div class="repair-room"><<if $flat_2_closed_mus==true>><<button [[Repair|Repair_flat_2_mus]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[Repair|Repair_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>></div></div></div><div class="bottom-body"><<if $flat2_settings.avatar==$rs.img>><progress class="progress-bar house" @value="$rs.rel" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="200"></progress><<elseif $flat2_settings.avatar==$lr.img>><progress class="progress-bar house" @value="$lr.rel" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="200"></progress><<else>><</if>></div></div></div><</if>></div>
</div><div class="rooms-cont">
<div class="room1-cont"><div class="room3 buy-image"><<button "Buy">><</button>></div></div>
<div class="room2-cont"><div class="room4 buy-image"><<button "Buy">><</button>></div></div>
</div><div class="rooms-cont">
<div class="room1-cont"><div class="room5 buy-image"><<button "Buy">><</button>></div></div>
<div class="room2-cont"><div class="room6 buy-image"><<button "Buy">><</button>></div></div>
</div><div class="rooms-cont">
<div class="room1-cont"><div class="room7 buy-image"><<button "Buy">><</button>></div></div>
<div class="room2-cont"><div class="room8 buy-image"><<button "Buy">><</button>></div></div>
</div><div class="rooms-cont">
<div class="room1-cont"></div>
<div class="room2-cont"></div>
</div><div class="rooms-cont">
<div class="room1-cont"></div>
<div class="room2-cont"></div></div></div></div><</if>><<set $is_lana_riley_here=false>><<set $is_riley_here=false>><<set $is_lana_here=false>><<set $is_lana_riley_here=false>><<set $is_lana_here=false>><<set $is_riley_here=false>><<set $whoinroom="">><<set $whoinroom_lana="">><<set $whoinroom_riley="">><<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="">><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>></div>
<<if $flat1_settings.avatar==$rs.img>><div class="rooms-cont repair"><div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair cam bedroom">[img[$flat1_settings.bedroom][Bedroom_camera_flat_1]]<!-- Условие для Понедельника - Пятницы -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Saturday" and GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж с 6 до 7 утра -->
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=7>><<set $whoinroom="Rbed">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Персонаж с 16 до 24, но с рандомным шансом -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=16 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24) and ($randomNumber>=0 and $randomNumber<24)>><<set $whoinroom="Rbed">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Условие для Субботы и Воскресенья -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Saturday" or GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж с 6 утра до 24 с рандомным шансом -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24) and ($randomNumber>=0 and $randomNumber<24)>><<set $whoinroom="Rbed">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<</if>><</if>></div></div><div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair cam kitchen">[img[$flat1_settings.kitchen][Kitchen_camera_flat_1]]
<!-- Персонаж в комнате с 8 до 9 утра (для всех дней недели) -->
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours()>8 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=9>><<set $whoinroom="Rkit">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Проверка для будних дней (Пн-Пт) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Saturday" and GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 16 до 24, если рандомное число от 25 до 50 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=16 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24) and ($randomNumber>=25 and $randomNumber<50)>><<set $whoinroom="Rkit">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Проверка для выходных (Сб-Вс) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Saturday" or GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 6 до 24, если рандомное число от 25 до 50 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24) and ($randomNumber>=25 and $randomNumber<50)>><<set $whoinroom="Rkit">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<div class="rooms-cont repair">
<div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair cam bedroom">[img[$flat1_settings.toilet][Toilet_camera_flat_1]]
<!-- Персонаж в комнате с 7 до 8 утра (для всех дней недели) -->
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours()>7 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=8>><<set $whoinroom="Rtoi">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Проверка для будних дней (Пн-Пт) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Saturday" and GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 16 до 24, если рандомное число от 50 до 75 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=16 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24) and ($randomNumber>=50 and $randomNumber<75)>><<set $whoinroom="Rtoi">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Проверка для выходных (Сб-Вс) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Saturday" or GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 6 до 24, если рандомное число от 50 до 75 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24) and ($randomNumber>=50 and $randomNumber<75)>><<set $whoinroom="Rtoi">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair cam kitchen">[img[$flat1_settings.balcony][Balcony_camera_flat_1]]
<!-- Проверка для будних дней (Пн-Пт) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Saturday" and GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 16 до 24, если рандомное число от 75 до 101 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=16 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24) and ($randomNumber>=75 and $randomNumber<101)>><<set $whoinroom="Rbal">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Проверка для выходных (Сб-Вс) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Saturday" or GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 6 до 24, если рандомное число от 75 до 101 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24) and ($randomNumber>=75 and $randomNumber<101)>><<set $whoinroom="Rbal">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $flat1_settings.avatar==$lr.img>><<if $already_date_lana==1 and ($lana_activator_one==1 or $lana_activator_one==2)>><<goto Camera_Date_Events>><<elseif $already_date_riley==1 and ($riley_activator_one==1 or $riley_activator_one==2)>><<goto Camera_Date_Events>><<elseif $already_date_lana_riley==1 and $lana_riley_activator_one==1>><<goto Camera_Date_Events>><<else>><div class="rooms-cont repair"><div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair cam bedroom">[img[$flat1_settings.bedroom][Bedroom_camera_flat_1_LR]]<!-- Условие для Понедельника - Пятницы -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Saturday" and GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж с 6 до 7 утра -->
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<7>><<set $is_lana_here=true>><<set $whoinroom_lana="Lbed">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Персонаж с 16 до 24, но с рандомным шансом -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=16 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24)>>
<<if $is_lana_riley_here==false and $is_riley_here==false and $is_lana_here==false>>
<<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>>
<<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>>
<<if $randomLana and $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_lana_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="LRbed">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley.jpg" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rbed">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomLana>>
<<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lbed">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><</if>><<else>><<if $is_lana_riley_here==false>><<if $is_lana_here==false>><<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomLana>><<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lbed">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><<elseif $is_riley_here==false>><<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomRiley>><<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rbed">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Условие для Субботы и Воскресенья -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Saturday" or GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж с 6 утра до 24 с рандомным шансом -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24)>>
<<if $is_lana_riley_here==false and $is_riley_here==false and $is_lana_here==false>>
<<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>>
<<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>>
<<if $randomLana and $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_lana_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="LRbed">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley.jpg" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rbed">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomLana>>
<<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lbed">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><</if>><<else>><<if $is_lana_riley_here==false>><<if $is_lana_here==false>><<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomLana>><<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lbed">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><<elseif $is_riley_here==false>><<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomRiley>><<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rbed">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<</if>></div></div><div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair cam kitchen">[img[$flat1_settings.kitchen][Kitchen_camera_flat_1_LR]]
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Saturday" and GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж в комнате с 6 до 7 утра (для всех дней недели) -->
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<7>><<set $is_riley_here=true>><<set $whoinroom_riley="Rkit">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<</if>><<if $gameDate.getUTCHours()>=8 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<9>><<set $is_lana_here=true>><<set $whoinroom_lana="Lkit">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
<</if>><<if $gameDate.getUTCHours()>=7 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<8>><<set $is_riley_here=true>><<set $whoinroom_riley="Rkit">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Проверка для будних дней (Пн-Пт) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Saturday" and GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 16 до 24, если рандомное число от 25 до 50 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=16 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24)>>
<<if $is_lana_riley_here==false and $is_riley_here==false and $is_lana_here==false>>
<<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>>
<<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>>
<<if $randomLana and $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_lana_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="LRkit">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley.jpg" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rkit">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomLana>>
<<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lkit">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><</if>><<else>><<if $is_lana_riley_here==false>><<if $is_lana_here==false>><<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomLana>><<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lkit">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><<elseif $is_riley_here==false>><<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomRiley>><<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rkit">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Проверка для выходных (Сб-Вс) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Saturday" or GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 6 до 24 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24)>>
<<if $is_lana_riley_here==false and $is_riley_here==false and $is_lana_here==false>>
<<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>>
<<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>>
<<if $randomLana and $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_lana_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="LRkit">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley.jpg" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rkit">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomLana>>
<<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lkit">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><</if>><<else>><<if $is_lana_riley_here==false>><<if $is_lana_here==false>><<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomLana>><<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lkit">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><<elseif $is_riley_here==false>><<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomRiley>><<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rkit">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<div class="rooms-cont repair">
<div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair cam bedroom">[img[$flat1_settings.toilet][Toilet_camera_flat_1_LR]]
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Saturday" and GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж в комнате с 7 до 8 утра (для всех дней недели) -->
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours()>=7 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<8>><<set $is_lana_here=true>><<set $whoinroom_lana="Ltoi">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
<</if>><<if $gameDate.getUTCHours()>=8 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<9>><<set $is_riley_here=true>><<set $whoinroom_riley="Rtoi">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Проверка для будних дней (Пн-Пт) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Saturday" and GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 16 до 24, если рандомное число от 50 до 75 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=16 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24)>>
<<if $is_lana_riley_here==false and $is_riley_here==false and $is_lana_here==false>>
<<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>>
<<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>>
<<if $randomLana and $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_lana_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="LRtoi">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley.jpg" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rtoi">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomLana>>
<<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Ltoi">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><</if>><<else>><<if $is_lana_riley_here==false>><<if $is_lana_here==false>><<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomLana>><<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Ltoi">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><<elseif $is_riley_here==false>><<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomRiley>><<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rtoi">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Проверка для выходных (Сб-Вс) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Saturday" or GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 6 до 24, если рандомное число от 50 до 75 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24)>>
<<if $is_lana_riley_here==false and $is_riley_here==false and $is_lana_here==false>>
<<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>>
<<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>>
<<if $randomLana and $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_lana_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="LRtoi">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley.jpg" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rtoi">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomLana>>
<<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Ltoi">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><</if>><<else>><<if $is_lana_riley_here==false>><<if $is_lana_here==false>><<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomLana>><<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Ltoi">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><<elseif $is_riley_here==false>><<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomRiley>><<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rtoi">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair cam kitchen">[img[$flat1_settings.balcony][Balcony_camera_flat_1_LR]]
<!-- Проверка для будних дней (Пн-Пт) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Saturday" and GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 16 до 24, если рандомное число от 75 до 101 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=16 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24)>>
<<if $is_lana_riley_here==false and $is_riley_here==false and $is_lana_here==false>>
<<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>>
<<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>>
<<if $randomLana and $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_lana_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="LRbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley.jpg" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomLana>>
<<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><</if>><<else>><<if $is_lana_riley_here==false>><<if $is_lana_here==false and $is_riley_here==false>><<set $is_lana_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="LRbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley.jpg" alt="lr Icon">
</div><<elseif $is_lana_here==false>><<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><<elseif $is_riley_here==false>><<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Проверка для выходных (Сб-Вс) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Saturday" or GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 6 до 24, если рандомное число от 75 до 101 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24)>>
<<if $is_lana_riley_here==false and $is_riley_here==false and $is_lana_here==false>>
<<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>>
<<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>>
<<if $randomLana and $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_lana_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="LRbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley.jpg" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomLana>>
<<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><</if>><<else>><<if $is_lana_riley_here==false>><<if $is_lana_here==false and $is_riley_here==false>><<set $is_lana_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="LRbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley.jpg" alt="lr Icon">
</div><<elseif $is_lana_here==false>><<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><<elseif $is_riley_here==false>><<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<<else>><<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><<addhours 1>><<set $already_date_lana=1>><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>></div>
<<if $is_flat_closed==true>><<ch>>“Nothing to do here, everything’s burned. Time to hit the insurance office.”<</ch>><<else>><<if $flat1_settings.avatar==$rs.img>><<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $need_check_room_1==true>><<set $need_check_room_1=false>>
<<rs>>You head over to Rosie’s door and knock. After a moment, she opens it, looking surprised to see you. “Hey, what’s up?” she asks politely.<</rs>>
<<ch>>You flash a casual smile. “Hey, need to check something in the apartment, if you don’t mind.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie tilts her head, a little curious. “Sure, what exactly?”<</rs>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Check the Wiring'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>“Yeah, I heard some tenants in the building complaining about the wiring—said it’s been acting up and even giving off a weird smell. Thought I’d better check it out here too, just to be safe.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie’s eyes widen slightly. “Oh wow, that’s really nice of you. Yeah, go ahead, please check it out.”<</rs>>
<<st>>You walk in, pretending to be focused on inspecting the wiring.<</st>>
<<ch>>You start moving around the apartment, pretending to inspect the outlets and switches. As you do, you can’t resist making a bold comment. “You know, I’ve seen a lot of apartments, but none with a view as good as this one,” you say, your eyes lingering on her body just long enough to make the meaning clear.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie chuckles, though it’s clear she’s not entirely sure how to take the compliment. “Thanks, I guess?”<</rs>>
<<st>>You continue to move around, but your eyes keep drifting back to her.<</st>>
<<ch>>Finally, you casually drift toward the spot where you know she hid the stash. “Wiring looks fine so far,” you say, then ‘accidentally’ move a cushion aside and uncover the bag. You hold it up, your playful tone gone. “And what do we have here?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie’s face pales as she stammers, “I-I… that’s not…”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You cut her off, your voice turning serious. “Look, I don’t need this kind of trouble. If I’d known you were hiding this stuff, I never would’ve rented to you.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie’s face pales as she quickly tries to explain. “Oh my God, it’s not what you think! I swear, it’s really not!”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You take a step closer, giving her a knowing smile. “Come on, Rosie. You and I both know what’s going on here.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She sighs, realizing she’s been caught. “Yeah, yeah, okay… you’re right. I messed up. So, what happens now?”<</rs>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Kick her out'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<ch>>You stare at her for a moment before shaking your head. “I’m not going to rent this place to you anymore, Rosie. You’re out.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Her eyes widen in panic. “No, wait! I don’t have anywhere else to go, and I’ve gotten used to living here. Come on, there has to be something I can do.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You pretend to hesitate, acting like you’re not sure if you want to give her a second chance. Finally, you let out a sigh, looking at her like you’re making a big sacrifice. “Alright… maybe there’s one option.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She looks up at you, desperate. “What is it?”<</rs>><<set $flat1_settings.avatar="0.1/сharacters/empty.png">><<set $flat1_settings.is_empty=true>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Raise Her Rent'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<ch>>You lean in, holding the bag up. “Alright, Rosie, here’s the deal. I’m not kicking you out, but this little ‘mistake’ is gonna cost you.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She looks nervous, eyes darting around. “What do you mean?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You smirk. “I’m raising your rent. You want to stay here? It’s gonna be 30% more. Consider it a fee for keeping my mouth shut.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie’s eyes widen, but she nods, clearly knowing she’s got no other option. “Fine. I’ll pay the extra. Just... don’t tell anyone.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You grin, satisfied. “As long as the money’s on time and this place stays clean, we’re good.”<</ch>>
<<st>>Besides being hot as hell, turns out you’re also pretty interesting to keep an eye on, you think to yourself.<</st>><<set $flat1_settings.week_income=$flat1_settings.week_income*1.3>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Have sex with her'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<ch>>You look Rosie up and down, a smirk tugging at your lips. “You know, Rosie, you’re one hell of a sexy woman. From the moment I handed you the keys, I haven’t been able to keep the compliments to myself.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She crosses her arms, a wary look in her eyes. “So, what exactly are you getting at?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You step closer, your voice dropping to a low, suggestive tone. “I think you know exactly where this is going, Rosie.”<</ch>>
<<st>>She hesitates, searching your face for a moment.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Let me fuck you, and I’ll forget all about what I found here. Shit, just the thought of it is already getting me worked up,” you say checking out her body, not even trying to hide the lust in your eyes.<</ch>>
<<st>>Rosie pauses, clearly weighing her options. After a moment, she looks you up and down, a confident smile spreading across her face.<</st>>
<<rs>>“Alright,” she says, giving you a slow, deliberate wink. “I’m in.”<</rs>>
[img[0.1/gifs/oneTime/2.webp]]<<set $rs.lust+=10>><<set $rs.rel+=10>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Go Straight to the Stash'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You give Rosie a half-smile as you step into the apartment without waiting for an invitation. “Yeah, there’s just something I need to check real quick.” You’re already heading straight for the living room, your eyes locked on the spot where she hid the stash.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie watches you, her confusion turning to suspicion. “Wait, what are you—”<</rs>>
<<st>>Ignoring her, you crouch down by the cushion, your hand slipping underneath with a sense of purpose. Your fingers brush against the small bag, and you pull it out, holding it up for her to see.<</st>>
<<rs>>Her eyes widen with shock and fury. You smirk, ready to lay into her, but before you can even open your mouth, Rosie quickly catches on and flips the script, going on the attack. Her voice rises, cutting through your confidence. “Did you plant this? You trying to set me up, you creep?”<</rs>>
<<st>>You didn’t see that coming, and it throws you off balance.<</st>>
<<rs>>She takes the opportunity to raise her voice even more. “You want me to call the cops? Get out of my apartment, you jerk!”<</rs>>
<<st>>Before you can even process what just happened, she’s slammed the door in your face, leaving you standing there in the hallway, stunned.<</st>>
<<ch>>Damn, she really turned the tables on me.<</ch>>
</span><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>><<if $checkIndex_rs < 3>><<set $checkIndex_rs to $checkIndex_rs + 1>><</if>><<switch $checkIndex_rs>>
<<case 1>><<rs>>You knock on Rosie’s door, and she answers with a curious smile. “Hey, what’s up?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You lean against the doorframe, trying to seem casual. “Just thought I’d check in on you. How’s the apartment treating you?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She nods, still smiling. “Everything’s good. The place is nice, no complaints.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You give her a nod and a smile. “Great to hear. Just wanted to make sure. I’ll, uh, let you get back to whatever you were doing.”<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<rs>>You knock on Rosie’s door, and she opens it, her smile a bit more forced this time. “Hey, is there something you need?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You shrug, trying to keep the conversation light. “Just wanted to see how you’re doing. Everything okay?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She hesitates for a moment, her tone polite but a bit stiff. “Yeah, everything’s fine. Thanks for checking in.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod, the awkwardness more noticeable now. “Alright, well, just making sure. If you need anything, you know where to find me.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<rs>>You knock on Rosie’s door, and when she opens it, her expression is icy. “What do you want now?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You try to keep it light, giving her a grin. “Just checking if everything’s still good with the apartment.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Her eyes narrow, and she practically spits out her words. “You’ve asked me that a hundred times. Everything’s fine. Seriously, can you fuck off already?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>Before you can say anything else, she slams the door in your face, the force of it echoing in the hallway.<</ch>><<flash "Relation -5">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<set $rs.rel-=5>><</switch>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<if $rs_check.event1==false>><<st>>You swing by Rosie's place to talk about party plans, but find her struggling with a window that won't open.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Hey, everything cool?"<</ch>>
<<rs>>She sighs and steps back. "Nah, this window’s stuck, and it's boiling in here. I've tried everything."<</rs>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help Fix the Window'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You walk over, eyeing the window. "Let me give it a shot."<</ch>>
<<st>>After a few tries, you manage to get it open. Rosie grins.<</st>>
<<rs>>"You're a lifesaver! Finally, some air! Thanks!"<</rs>>
<<ch>>You shrug. "No problem. Just hit me up if it sticks again."<</ch>><<set $rs.rel+=5>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<set $rs_check.event1=true>>
<<link 'Can’t Help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You scratch your head. "That’s a tricky one. I don’t really have the right tools. You’ll probably need to call someone."<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie sighs. "Figures... Guess I'll deal with it myself."<</rs>>
<<ch>>You shrug. "Wish I could help, but I’d probably just make it worse."<</ch>><<set $rs.rel-=10>><<flash "Relation -10">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<elseif $rs_check.event2==false>><<st>>You stop by Rosie's place to chat for a bit, but she’s staring at her fridge, which is making a loud buzzing noise.<</st>>
<<rs>>"That thing's been driving me nuts," she groans. "I can’t even sleep with that racket."<</rs>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help Fix the Fridge'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You walk up to the fridge and listen. "Let me check the motor real quick."<</ch>>
<<st>>After a few tweaks, the noise dies down. Rosie looks relieved.<</st>>
<<rs>>"Wow, you actually fixed it! I thought I was stuck with that noise forever. Thanks!"<</rs>>
<<ch>>You grin. "No biggie. Just needed a little adjustment."<</ch>><<set $rs.rel+=5>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<set $rs_check.event2=true>>
<<link 'Can’t Help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You wince at the buzzing sound. "Sounds like the motor’s acting up. I don’t mess with appliances. You’ll need a pro for that."<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie groans. "Ugh, great... Gotta live with this noise until I can get someone out here."<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod. "Yeah, that sucks."<</ch>><<set $rs.rel-=10>><<flash "Relation -10">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<elseif $rs_check.event3==false>><<st>>You swing by Rosie’s place to drop off some papers she asked for, but find her struggling with her door lock.<</st>>
<<rs>>"This stupid lock keeps jamming," she grumbles. "I’m afraid I’ll break it if I keep forcing it."<</rs>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help by Calling a Locksmith'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You take out your phone. "Sounds like you need a locksmith. I’ll call one and cover it for you."<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie blinks. "Wait, you’d really do that? And pay?"<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod. "Yeah, it’s no big deal. Consider it handled."<</ch>>
<<rs>>She smiles, clearly relieved. "Wow, thanks! I was really stressing over this."<</rs>>
<<ch>>You grin. "Don’t worry about it. I’ll get someone here today."<</ch>><<set $rs.rel+=5>><<set $ch.money-=200>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets+=200>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money -200">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<set $rs_check.event3=true>>
<<link 'Can’t Help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You shake your head. "That’s a tough one. You’ll need a locksmith. I don’t wanna make it worse."<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie sighs. "Great, another thing to deal with."<</rs>>
<<ch>>You shrug. "I’ll look up a locksmith for you, but fixing it myself is probably a bad idea."<</ch>><<set $rs.rel-=10>><<flash "Relation -10">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<elseif $rs_check.event4==false>><<st>>You knock on Rosie’s door, feeling the bass thumping through the walls. After a moment, she swings the door open, a little unsteady on her feet. She’s clearly had a few drinks, her usual cold demeanor replaced with an overly warm smile.<</st>>
<<rs>>“What’s up?” she asks, practically shouting over the music.<</rs>>
<<ch>>You give her a pointed look. “It’s 11:30, Rosie. Noise rules say no loud music after 11. People are going to start complaining, and I don’t need that hassle.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie pouts, her eyes glazing over as she glances back at the party. “Ugh, we’re having such a good time. It sucks to cut a great party short.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You cross your arms, not budging. “You need to turn the music off, right now.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She hesitates, before a playful smile spreads across her face. “Hey, maybe you could just join us? What do you say?” Her tone is unusually friendly, almost flirtatious, something you’ve never seen from her before.<</rs>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You hesitate for a split second, then grin, thinking this could get interesting. “Alright, I’m in,” you say, stepping inside.<</ch>>
<<st>>The music hits you as you walk in, expecting a wild party, but instead, you find a cozy scene: seven girls in skimpy pajamas, drinking wine and dancing to Britney Spears.<</st>>
<<ch>>Holy shit, you think, eyes widening in delight. An all-girls pajama party? This is every guy’s fantasy.<</ch>>
<<ch>>You smirk, leaning against the doorframe. “Looks like I hit the jackpot. Seven gorgeous girls in PJs? You sure know how to make a guy feel special.”<</ch>>
<<girls>>The girls turn to look at you, tipsy and giggly, but their smiles fade as they notice you’re still fully dressed. One of them, a brunette in a silky robe, raises an eyebrow. “You can’t stay dressed like that. Pajamas only!”<</girls>>
<<girls>>The others start giggling, nodding in agreement. Another girl, already blushing from the wine, chimes in, “Yeah, strip down! You gotta fit in.”<</girls>>
<<ch>>Well, if you insist, you think, already feeling the excitement build. You start peeling off your clothes with a grin, stopping at your T-shirt and boxers. “How’s this? More comfortable now?”<</ch>>
<<st>>The girls giggle and cheer, clearly enjoying the show. Damn, this is turning out better than I thought.<</st>>
<<st>>As the night goes on, the music gets louder, and the wine flows freely. The girls get even more tipsy, and the atmosphere shifts from playful to downright wild. You’re right in the middle of it, tossing back drinks and throwing out flirty comments that make the girls laugh and blush.<</st>>
<<st>>At one point, someone suggests a game of “Truth or Dare,” and it doesn’t take long for things to get out of hand. Dares become more outrageous, and the laughter gets louder. One of the girls dares you to take a shot off her stomach, and you’re all too eager to oblige, making a big show of it, much to everyone’s delight.<</st>>
<<st>>As the game heats up, so does the tension. The girls are all over each other, playful touches and lingering glances turning into something more. You can feel the energy in the room shift, and you’re loving every second of it.<</st>>
<<st>>Eventually, you find yourself sandwiched between two of the girls—one’s a brunette with mischievous eyes, and the other’s a blonde who’s been eyeing you all night. The game has completely devolved into a drunken mess, and when the girls suggest heading somewhere more private, you don’t hesitate.<</st>>
<<st>>You lead them to Rosie’s bedroom, the door closing behind you with a quiet click.<</st>>
@@.img_small1;[img[0.1/gifs/rosie/check/2.webp]]@@<<set $rs.lust+=10>><<set $rs.rel+=10>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<set $rs_check.event4=true>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You look at Rosie, and for a moment, you’re almost ready to say yes. You even start to open your mouth to agree, the idea of joining the party sounding better by the second. But then, out of nowhere, your stomach cramps up hard—like, really hard. You realize with sudden urgency that you need to get home. Fast.<</st>>
<<st>>Damn that Chinese food, you think to yourself, cursing your decision to eat at that sketchy place. I really need to stick to restaurants I can trust.<</st>>
<<ch>>But on the outside, you keep it together, shutting your mouth before the word "yes" slips out. Instead, you give her a firm look. “As much as I’d love to join, I’m not interested. I’m here to keep things under control, not add to the chaos. The music goes off, right now.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie’s playful smile fades, replaced by a slight pout. “Come on, you sure you don’t want to stay? It’s just getting good.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You shake your head, determined to make a quick exit. “Nope. I’m not dealing with noise complaints all night. Shut it down, or I’ll do it for you.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She sighs, rolling her eyes a bit, but nods. “Alright, alright, we’ll turn it off.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You give her a final look, doing your best to stay composed. “Good. Don’t make me come back here again.” And with that, you turn on your heel, ready to sprint home.<</ch>><<set $rs.rel-=10>><<flash "Relation -10">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><<elseif $flat1_settings.avatar==$lr.img>><<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>><<if $checkIndex_lr < 3>><<set $checkIndex_lr to $checkIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $checkIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>You knock on the door, and Lana opens it with a bright smile. “Hey! What brings you here?” she asks, genuinely curious.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You shrug casually, “Just wanted to see how you’re settling in and make sure everything’s okay.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley walks over. “Well, everything’s going great! Thanks for checking in.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana nods in agreement, leaning against the doorframe. “Yeah, we’re settling in just fine. No complaints so far.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley chuckles, nudging Lana with her elbow. “Yeah, don’t worry, we’ll keep you in the loop. But for now, we’re doing just fine.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>“Alright, I’ll leave you two to it. Just wanted to make sure.”<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<rl>>You knock on the door, and when Riley opens it, she greets you with a sweet smile. “Hey! Nice to see you again,” she says, her tone friendly but with a hint of surprise. “Didn’t expect to see you today.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You grin, leaning casually against the doorframe. “Yeah, I thought I’d drop by, maybe chat for a bit.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Riley starts to respond, but then glances back at Lana, who quickly steps up beside her, matching Riley’s bright smile. “We’re glad you stopped by,” Lana says, “But we’re actually about to head out soon. Maybe we can catch up another time?”<</ln>>
<<st>>They both exchange a quick glance, their polite smiles never wavering, making it clear they’re ready to wrap things up for now.<</st>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>You knock on the door, and when it opens, both Lana and Riley are there to greet you, their smiles warm and welcoming. “Hey,” you start, leaning casually against the doorframe. “Thought I’d drop by and make sure everything’s running smoothly for you two.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana flashes a gentle smile, a hint of playfulness in her tone. “Hi! You're so attentive!”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley nods, still smiling. “It’s sweet of you, honestly. But you’ve been dropping by a lot lately. Everything’s going great here, so maybe give us a little space to miss you?”<</rl>>
<<st>>They both laugh softly, their tone light and friendly, but they're making it clear that a little more distance will be appreciated.<</st>>
<<ch>>You raise your hands in mock surrender, grinning. “Got it, not a problem. I’ll see you... um, later. Much later, haha.”<</ch>><<set $lr.rel -=5>><<flash "Relation -5">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</switch>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>>
<<if $lr_check.event1==false>><<set $lr_check.event1=true>><<rl>>You knock on the door, and Riley opens it with a casual smile. “Hey! What brings you by?”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You step inside, taking a quick glance around. “Just checking in. Everything alright around here?”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley’s smile fades a bit as she leans against the doorframe. “Actually, not really... the kitchen sink’s clogged or something. Water’s just sitting there, not draining at all.”<</rl>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help Fix the Sink'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You nod, rolling up your sleeves. “Let me grab some tools. I’ll fix it for you.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley’s eyes light up. “Seriously? That’d be amazing. We’ve been dealing with it for days.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You get to work, and before long, the sink drains perfectly. “All done. Should be good now.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana walks over, grinning. “Thanks! You’re a lifesaver.”<</ln>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Ignore it'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You shrug, “Sorry, that sounds like a job for a plumber. I’m not really equipped for that.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley frowns but nods. “Yeah, I figured... Guess we’ll have to call someone in.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana sighs, “Great, more bills.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You give them an apologetic look. “Wish I could help, but you’ll get it sorted.”<</ch>><<set $lr.rel-=5>><<flash "Relation -5">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<elseif $lr_check.event2==false>><<set $lr_check.event2=true>><<ln>>You knock, and Lana opens the door, welcoming you in. “Hey, what's up?”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You smile. “Yeah, just making sure everything’s alright and you're enjoying your lives.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Lana exchanges a glance with Riley. “Well, the light in the living room flickers nonstop. It’s driving us crazy.”<</rl>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Call a Professional'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You glance at the light and shake your head. “That sounds like an electrical issue. I’m no expert, but I can call a professional to handle it for you—and I’ll cover the cost.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana’s eyes widen in surprise. “Wait, seriously? You’d take care of that for us?”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You nod. “Yeah, it’s part of my job to make sure everything’s working right.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley grins, visibly relieved. “You’re a lifesaver! We thought we’d be dealing with this forever.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You smile. “No worries. I’ll make sure it’s handled ASAP.”<</ch>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<set $ch.money-=300>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets+=300>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money -300">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Can’t Help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You glance at the light and shake your head. “That sounds like an electrical issue. I’m no electrician, so you might wanna call someone for that.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana groans. “Ugh, I was hoping it’d be something simple.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You shrug. “Better safe than sorry. A professional will handle it better than I could.”<</ch>><<set $lr.rel-=10>><<flash "Relation -10">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<elseif $lr_check.event3==false>><<set $lr_check.event3=true>><<st>>You decide to check up on girls and chat for a bit, but notice Lana and Riley looking a bit off. They seem frustrated, definitely not their usual cheerful selves.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Hey, everything alright?” you ask, raising an eyebrow. “You both look kinda down.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana sighs, crossing her arms. “The shower’s been leaking nonstop. It’s a mess in there, and we’ve tried everything, but nothing’s working.”<</ln>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help Fix the Leak'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You glance at them and shake your head. "A leaky shower sounds like more than just a quick fix. I’ll call a plumber and cover the cost.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Riley’s face lights up. “Wait, really? You’d take care of that for us?”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You nod. “Yeah, I’ll handle it. No point in you both dealing with that mess.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana smiles, clearly relieved. “Thanks! That’ll save us from living with a flooded bathroom.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You pull out your phone. “I’ll get someone over here today. Consider it done.”<</ch>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<set $ch.money-=300>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets+=300>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money -300">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Can’t Help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You scratch your head. “That sounds like a plumbing issue. I don’t have the tools for that one. You’re better off getting a plumber.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana sighs. “Figures... Guess we’ll have to handle it ourselves.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You shrug. “Sorry about that. I’d help if I could.”<</ch>><<set $lr.rel-=10>><<flash "Relation -10">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<elseif $lr_check.event4==false>><<set $lr_check.event4=true>><<st>>You knock on the door and after a moment, Lana opens it. She’s dressed in a skimpy, barely-there outfit, clearly not expecting company. Behind her, you catch a glimpse of Riley adjusting a light stand in the living room, where they’ve set up a photoshoot. The room is a mess of clothes, props, and camera gear.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana flashes you a playful grin. “Well, well, you’re just in time for the show.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley looks over, smirking as she notices your surprise. “Yeah, we’re in the middle of a little project. Want to stick around and help out?”<</rl>>
<<st>>You step inside, trying to play it cool, but the sight of them, barely dressed and clearly having fun, makes your heart race, and your dick harden. <</st>>
<<ln>>Lana tosses you a camera, winking. “Why don’t you try your hand at shooting? Let’s see if you’ve got what it takes.”<</ln>>
<<st>>You grab the camera with a confident smile on your lips, but your mind’s not on the job—you're too distracted by how hot they look. Your hands are unsteady as you try to snap some shots, the photos aren’t coming out right, but you're playing it cool. You’re too caught up in the moment, and there's only one thought in your head ''I hope this moment never ends.''<</st>>
<<st>>You take a deep breath, delving into the process and getting more and more horny with every picture you take.<</st>>
<<st>>Lana and Riley are posing, and you begin snapping pictures, quickly getting the hang of it.<</st>>
<<st>>The session heats up fast, each pose more revealing than the last. By the end, they’re both happy with the results, and you? You’re beyond thrilled with how everything turned out.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana checks the photos on the camera, grinning. “Damn, these are HOT. You’ve got a good eye.” Riley winks. “We might have to call you for our next shoot.”<</ln>>
<<st>>Hearing that, your mind’s already racing ahead, imagining what might happen during the next shoot.<</st>>
<<ch>>You smirk, leaning back with a hint of a grin. "I'm already looking forward to it."<</ch>>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<set $lr.lust +=5>><<set $lr.rel +=5>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</if>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<st>>Wait, why’d I come to an apartment that’s got no one in it?<</st>><</if>><</if>><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>></div>
<div class="room-repair-level-cont"><div class="room-repair-level"><div class="room-repair-level-title">Bedroom level: <<if $flat_1_current.bedroom.selected=="Ebay Trash">><<set $flat_1.total_bedroom to $flat_1.bd_level+$flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup.ebay_trash>>$flat_1.total_bedroom<<elseif $flat_1_current.bedroom.selected=="Summer Optimism">><<set $flat_1.total_bedroom to $flat_1.bd_level+$flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup.summer_optimism>>$flat_1.total_bedroom<<elseif $flat_1_current.bedroom.selected=="Cozy Modern">><<set $flat_1.total_bedroom to $flat_1.bd_level+$flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup.cozy_modern>>$flat_1.total_bedroom<<else>>0<</if>></div> <div class="select-button"><<link [[Set|Repair_flat_1]]>><<set $flat1_settings.flat_avatar=$flat1_settings.bedroom>><</link>></div></div><div class="room-repair-level"><div class="room-repair-level-title">Kitchen | Living level: <<if $flat_1_current.kitchen.selected=="Ebay Trash">><<set $flat_1.total_kitchen to $flat_1.kit_level+$flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup.ebay_trash>>$flat_1.total_kitchen<<elseif $flat_1_current.kitchen.selected=="Summer Optimism">><<set $flat_1.total_kitchen to $flat_1.kit_level+$flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup.summer_optimism>>$flat_1.total_kitchen<<elseif $flat_1_current.kitchen.selected=="Cozy Modern">><<set $flat_1.total_kitchen to $flat_1.kit_level+$flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup.cozy_modern>>$flat_1.total_kitchen<<else>>0<</if>></div> <div class="select-button"><<link [[Set|Repair_flat_1]]>><<set $flat1_settings.flat_avatar=$flat1_settings.kitchen>><</link>></div></div></div>
<div class="room-repair-level-cont"><div class="room-repair-level"><div class="room-repair-level-title">Lvl up: <<if $flat_1.bd_name=="Ebay Trash">>$flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup.ebay_trash ($flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.ebay_trash $ needed)<<elseif $flat_1.bd_name=="Summer Optimism">>$flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup.summer_optimism ($flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.summer_optimism $ needed)<<elseif $flat_1.bd_name=="Cozy Modern">>$flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup.cozy_modern ($flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.cozy_modern $ needed)<<else>>0<</if>></div> <div class="select-button"><<if $flat_1.bd_name=="Ebay Trash">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup.ebay_trash<2>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_1]]>><<set $flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup.ebay_trash+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<elseif $flat_1.bd_name=="Summer Optimism">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup.summer_optimism<5>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_1]]>><<set $flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup.summer_optimism+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<elseif $flat_1.bd_name=="Cozy Modern">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup.cozy_modern<5>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_1]]>><<set $flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup.cozy_modern+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<link "?">><</link>><</if>></div></div><div class="room-repair-level"><div class="room-repair-level-title">Lvl up: <<if $flat_1.kit_name=="Ebay Trash">>$flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup.ebay_trash ($flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.ebay_trash $ needed)<<elseif $flat_1.kit_name=="Summer Optimism">>$flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup.summer_optimism ($flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.summer_optimism $ needed)<<elseif $flat_1.kit_name=="Cozy Modern">>$flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup.cozy_modern ($flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.cozy_modern $ needed)<<else>>0<</if>></div> <div class="select-button"><<if $flat_1.kit_name=="Ebay Trash">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup.ebay_trash<2>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_1]]>><<set $flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup.ebay_trash+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<elseif $flat_1.kit_name=="Summer Optimism">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup.summer_optimism<5>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_1]]>><<set $flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup.summer_optimism+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<elseif $flat_1.kit_name=="Cozy Modern">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup.cozy_modern<5>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_1]]>><<set $flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup.cozy_modern+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<link "?">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div>
<div class="rooms-cont repair">
<div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair bedroom">[img[$flat1_settings.bedroom][Bedroom_repair_Room_1]]</div></div>
<div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair kitchen">[img[$flat1_settings.kitchen][Kitchen_repair_Room_1]]</div></div>
</div><div class="room-repair-level-cont"><div class="room-repair-level"><div class="room-repair-level-title">Bathroom level: <<if $flat_1_current.bathroom.selected=="Ebay Trash">><<set $flat_1.total_bathroom to $flat_1.bat_level+$flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup.ebay_trash>>$flat_1.total_bathroom<<elseif $flat_1_current.bathroom.selected=="Summer Optimism">><<set $flat_1.total_bathroom to $flat_1.bat_level+$flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup.summer_optimism>>$flat_1.total_bathroom<<elseif $flat_1_current.bathroom.selected=="Cozy Modern">><<set $flat_1.total_bathroom to $flat_1.bat_level+$flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup.cozy_modern>>$flat_1.total_bathroom<<else>>0<</if>></div> <div class="select-button"><<link [[Set|Repair_flat_1]]>><<set $flat1_settings.flat_avatar=$flat1_settings.toilet>><</link>></div></div><div class="room-repair-level"><div class="room-repair-level-title">Balcony level: <<if $flat_1_current.balcony.selected=="Ebay Trash">><<set $flat_1.total_balcony to $flat_1.bal_level+$flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup.ebay_trash>>$flat_1.total_balcony<<elseif $flat_1_current.balcony.selected=="Summer Optimism">><<set $flat_1.total_balcony to $flat_1.bal_level+$flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup.summer_optimism>>$flat_1.total_balcony<<elseif $flat_1_current.balcony.selected=="Cozy Modern">><<set $flat_1.total_balcony to $flat_1.bal_level+$flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup.cozy_modern>>$flat_1.total_balcony<<else>>0<</if>></div> <div class="select-button"><<link [[Set|Repair_flat_1]]>><<set $flat1_settings.flat_avatar=$flat1_settings.balcony>><</link>></div></div></div>
<div class="room-repair-level-cont"><div class="room-repair-level"><div class="room-repair-level-title">Lvl up: <<if $flat_1.bat_name=="Ebay Trash">>$flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup.ebay_trash ($flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.ebay_trash $ needed)<<elseif $flat_1.bat_name=="Summer Optimism">>$flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup.summer_optimism ($flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.summer_optimism $ needed)<<elseif $flat_1.bat_name=="Cozy Modern">>$flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup.cozy_modern ($flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.cozy_modern $ needed)<<else>>0<</if>></div> <div class="select-button"><<if $flat_1.bat_name=="Ebay Trash">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup.ebay_trash<2>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_1]]>><<set $flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup.ebay_trash+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<elseif $flat_1.bat_name=="Summer Optimism">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup.summer_optimism<5>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_1]]>><<set $flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup.summer_optimism+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<elseif $flat_1.bat_name=="Cozy Modern">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup.cozy_modern<5>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_1]]>><<set $flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup.cozy_modern+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<link "?">><</link>><</if>></div></div><div class="room-repair-level"><div class="room-repair-level-title">Lvl up: <<if $flat_1.bal_name=="Ebay Trash">>$flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup.ebay_trash ($flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.ebay_trash $ needed)<<elseif $flat_1.bal_name=="Summer Optimism">>$flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup.summer_optimism ($flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.summer_optimism $ needed)<<elseif $flat_1.bal_name=="Cozy Modern">>$flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup.cozy_modern ($flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.cozy_modern $ needed)<<else>>0<</if>></div> <div class="select-button"><<if $flat_1.bal_name=="Ebay Trash">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup.ebay_trash<2>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_1]]>><<set $flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup.ebay_trash+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<elseif $flat_1.bal_name=="Summer Optimism">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup.summer_optimism<5>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_1]]>><<set $flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup.summer_optimism+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<elseif $flat_1.bal_name=="Cozy Modern">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup.cozy_modern<5>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_1]]>><<set $flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup.cozy_modern+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<link "?">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div>
<div class="rooms-cont repair">
<div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair toilet">[img[$flat1_settings.toilet][Toilet_repair_Room_1]]</div></div>
<div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair balcony">[img[$flat1_settings.balcony][Balcony_repair_Room_1]]</div></div>
</div><<set $flat_1.total_level=$flat_1.total_bedroom+$flat_1.total_kitchen+$flat_1.total_balcony+$flat_1.total_bathroom>>You really sure you wanna throw her out of this place?
<<link [[Evict|Lobby]]>><<set $flat1_settings.avatar="0.1/сharacters/empty.png">><<set $flat1_settings.is_empty=true>><</link>>
<<link [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</link>>[[inventory]]
[[SETTINGS]]<<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>In case you couldn't figure out the simple rules, here you are. On the left side of the screen, there's a "Help" button. Press it, and you'll see all the assistance you need for the game.<</st>>
<<st>>You need to do some basic renovations in the apartment. We suggest just upgrading all the rooms to level one. Think you can handle that without screwing it up?<</st>>
<<st>>Next, you need to strike a deal with a tenant to rent out the apartment. Try not to scare them off with your charming personality.<</st>>
<<st>>Rent is paid weekly. Keep an eye on your expenses and make the right decisions, and you'll succeed! (Oh, and don't forget to buy a camera, because without it, you'll miss out on 50% of the content. Can't have you missing out on all the juicy bits, can we?)<</st>>
<<st>>Current Balance – this is your cash. Keep it here to earn interest on it.<</st>>
<<st>>Credit Balance – this is your borrowed cash. Spend all you want, but remember, interest will hit you hard.<</st>>
<<st>>Just a neat little circle showing your credit status (We honestly had no clue what to put here).<</st>>
<<st>>Click here for the ugly details.<</st>>
<<st>>This is your mortgage—yeah, sorry you got stuck with that. Interest hits every week, and good luck paying it off before your grandkids are on the hook.
Oh, and you can track how much is left to pay. Your mortgage is done once the numbers on the left and right finally match up.<</st>>
<<st>>1. Flat Number – Nothing complicated, just the apartment number.
2. Apartment Level – The higher the level, the more cash rolls in. Adds a little boost to the rent you set up.
3. Current Income – How much money this apartment is raking in for you right now. Easy.
4. Camera – Spy time. See what your tenants are up to.
5. Check – Drop by for a little "visit"... or to set things straight if needed.
6. Repair – Time to fix it up or upgrade, make this place worth even more.
7. Relationship Level – Keep this up, or they’re out. If it hits 0, say goodbye to your tenant.
8. Invite / Kick Out – Bring in a new girl or show the current one the door.<</st>>
<<st>>Food: Food will automatically be taken while you sleep, and it’ll affect your energy for the day. It gets taken from the best to the cheapest food.<</st>>
<<return "Go Back">><<st>>Welcome to our <a href="https://www.patreon.com/c/PayDayGames" target="_blank">Patreon!</a>!
This is where you can support the game, drop comments, ask questions, or pitch your wild ideas. Maybe one day your idea will make it into the game—or maybe we’ll just laugh at it. Either way, you’re helping us keep the madness going.<</st>>
<<return "Go Back">><<if $payday==0>><<set $payday=7>><<else>><<set $payday-=1>><</if>><<set $days+=1>><<if $inventory.some(item => item.name === "Killer Food" && item.quantity > 0)>><<set $ch.energy=200+($ch.fitness_lvl*5)>><<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Killer Food").quantity -= 1>><<elseif $inventory.some(item => item.name === "Regular Food" && item.quantity > 0)>><<set $ch.energy=150+($ch.fitness_lvl*5)>><<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Regular Food").quantity -= 1>><<elseif $inventory.some(item => item.name === "Noodles" && item.quantity > 0)>><<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Noodles").quantity -= 1>><<set $ch.energy=120+($ch.fitness_lvl*5)>><<else>><<set $ch.energy=100+($ch.fitness_lvl*5)>><</if>><<st>>You got some sleep—great rest, your energy topped up.<</st>><<set $insurance_needed_sleep=1>>
<<button [[Wake Up|Lobby]]>><</button>><<addhours 8>><<st>>Time to head to the bank and apply for a mortgage on a second apartment.<</st>>
<<link [[Let’s do it|Succesfull_Buy_Room_1]]>><<set $flat2_settings.is_bought=true>><<if $ch.mortgage_1<$ch.mortgage_1_full>><<set $ch.mortgage_2-=400000>><<else>><<set $ch.mortgage_1-=400000>><</if>><</link>>
<<button [[I can’t handle this|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<span class="ins-text">Domestic accidents.</span>
<div class="insurance-cont">
<div class="insurance-checkmark">
<label class="container"><<checkbox "$insurance_bought.fires" false true>>Fires <span class="checkmark"></span> </label></div><div class="tooltip">🛈
<span class="tooltiptext">"This one saves your ass if a fire breaks out—no out-of-pocket expenses for the damage."</span>
</div><div class="insurance-price">$insurance_price.fires $</div></div>
<div class="insurance-cont">
<div class="insurance-checkmark">
<label class="container"><<checkbox "$insurance_bought.floods" false true>>Floods<span class="checkmark"></span> </label></div><div class="tooltip">🛈
<span class="tooltiptext">"Flood damage? Covered. No need to drain your bank account dealing with water damage."</span>
</div><div class="insurance-price">$insurance_price.floods $</div></div>
<span class="ins-text">Machinery failures</span>
<div class="insurance-cont">
<div class="insurance-checkmark">
<label class="container"><<checkbox "$insurance_bought.repair_costs" false true>>Coverage for repair costs<span class="checkmark"></span> </label></div><div class="tooltip">🛈
<span class="tooltiptext">"Appliances busted? Repairs or replacements are covered, so no need to buy new ones on your dime."</span>
</div><div class="insurance-price">$insurance_price.repair_costs $</div></div>
<div class="insurance-cont">
<div class="insurance-checkmark">
<label class="container"><<checkbox "$insurance_bought.broken" false true>>Replacing broken appliances<span class="checkmark"></span> </label></div><div class="tooltip">🛈
<span class="tooltiptext">"Appliances busted? Repairs or replacements are covered, so no need to buy new ones on your dime."</span>
</div><div class="insurance-price">$insurance_price.broken $</div></div>
<span class="ins-text">Theft and burglary insurance</span>
<div class="insurance-cont">
<div class="insurance-checkmark">
<label class="container"><<checkbox "$insurance_bought.burglary" false true>>Coverage for loss from theft of personal belongings and property<span class="checkmark"></span> </label></div><div class="tooltip">🛈
<span class="tooltiptext">"If anyone decides to help themselves to your stuff, this coverage will have you sorted."</span>
</div><div class="insurance-price">$insurance_price.burglary $</div></div>
<span class="ins-text">Loss of Income Insurance</span>
<div class="insurance-cont">
<div class="insurance-checkmark">
<label class="container"><<checkbox "$insurance_bought.income_loss" false true>>Compensation for the time when the apartment is not rented due to various reasons.<span class="checkmark"></span> </label></div><div class="tooltip">🛈
<span class="tooltiptext">"If repairs keep your place empty, this one compensates you for the rent you’d miss out on."</span>
</div><div class="insurance-price">$insurance_price.income_loss $</div></div>
<span class="ins-text">Lust</span>
<div class="insurance-cont">
<div class="insurance-checkmark">
<label class="container"><<checkbox "$insurance_bought.aphrodisiacs" false true>>Ventilation Aphrodisiacs<span class="checkmark"></span> </label></div><div class="tooltip">🛈
<span class="tooltiptext">"Want to turn up the heat? Install aphrodisiacs in the vents, and let the mood take care of itself. (+ lust)"</span>
</div><div class="insurance-price">$insurance_price.aphrodisiacs $</div></div>
<div class="insurance-cont">
<div class="insurance-checkmark">
<label class="container"><<checkbox "$insurance_bought.pheromone" false true>>Ventilation Pheromone Sprayers<span class="checkmark"></span> </label></div><div class="tooltip">🛈
<span class="tooltiptext">"Want the place feeling extra inviting? Set up pheromone sprays in the vents and let ‘em do the work. (+ lust)"</span>
</div><div class="insurance-price">$insurance_price.pheromone $</div></div>
<div class="insurance-cont">
<div class="insurance-checkmark">
<label class="container"><<checkbox "$insurance_bought.wine" false true>>Wine Delivery Service<span class="checkmark"></span> </label></div><div class="tooltip">🛈
<span class="tooltiptext">"Keep the wine coming. Nothing says ‘welcome’ like a bottle waiting to be popped. (+ lust)"</span>
</div><div class="insurance-price">$insurance_price.wine $</div></div>
<div class="insurance-cont">
<div class="insurance-checkmark">
<label class="container"><<checkbox "$insurance_bought.flowers" false true>>Flower Delivery Service<span class="checkmark"></span> </label></div><div class="tooltip">🛈
<span class="tooltiptext">"Fresh flowers on deck—sets the vibe and keeps things looking classy. (+ mood)"</span>
</div><div class="insurance-price">$insurance_price.flowers $</div></div>
<div class="insurance-cont">
<div class="insurance-total"><span id="total-name">Total:</span>
</div><div class="tooltip"></div><div class="insurance-price"><span id="total">0</span> $</div></div>
<div id="link-container"><<link [[Sleep]]>><<if $insurance_bought.fires==true>><<set $ch.money-=$insurance_price.fires>><<set $week_stats.expenses_insurance+=$insurance_price.fires>><</if>><<if $insurance_bought.floods==true>><<set $ch.money-=$insurance_price.floods>><<set $week_stats.expenses_insurance+=$insurance_price.floods>><</if>><<if $insurance_bought.repair_costs==true>><<set $ch.money-=$insurance_price.repair_costs>><<set $week_stats.expenses_insurance+=$insurance_price.repair_costs>><</if>><<if $insurance_bought.broken==true>><<set $ch.money-=$insurance_price.broken>><<set $week_stats.expenses_insurance+=$insurance_price.broken>><</if>><<if $insurance_bought.burglary==true>><<set $ch.money-=$insurance_price.burglary>><<set $week_stats.expenses_insurance+=$insurance_price.burglary>><</if>><<if $insurance_bought.income_loss==true>><<set $ch.money-=$insurance_price.income_loss>><<set $week_stats.expenses_insurance+=$insurance_price.income_loss>><</if>><<set $week_stats.income_work=0>><<set $week_stats.income_flats=0>><<set $week_stats.income_other=0>><<set $week_stats.income_percentage=0>><<set $week_stats.expenses_mortgage=0>><<set $week_stats.expenses_credit=0>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair=0>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets=0>><<set $week_income=0>><<set $week_expenses=0>><<if $flat1_settings.is_empty==false or $flat2_settings.is_empty==false>><<if $insurance_bought.aphrodisiacs==true>><<set $ch.money-=$insurance_price.aphrodisiacs>><<set $rs.lust+=10>><<set $lr.lust+=10>><</if>><<if $insurance_bought.pheromone==true>><<set $ch.money-=$insurance_price.pheromone>><<set $rs.lust+=10>><<set $lr.lust+=10>><</if>><<if $insurance_bought.wine==true>><<set $ch.money-=$insurance_price.wine>><<set $rs.lust+=10>><<set $lr.lust+=10>><</if>><<if $insurance_bought.flowers==true>><<set $ch.money-=$insurance_price.flowers>><<set $rs.rel+=10>><<set $lr.rel+=10>><</if>><</if>><</link>></div>
<<script>>$(document).on('change', 'input[type=checkbox]', function() {
var total = 0;
var creditMoney = variables().ch.credit_money;
var buttonContainer = document.getElementById("link-container");
$('input[type=checkbox]:checked').each(function() {
total += parseInt($(this).closest('.insurance-cont').find('.insurance-price').text());
buttonContainer.innerHTML = "";
if (total > creditMoney) {
// Replace the link if total exceeds credit money
new Wikifier(buttonContainer, '<<link "Not Enough Money">><</link>>');
} else {
// Restore the Sleep link if total is within credit limit
new Wikifier(buttonContainer, `<<link [[Sleep]]>><<if $insurance_bought.fires==true>><<set $ch.money-=$insurance_price.fires>><<set $week_stats.expenses_insurance+=$insurance_price.fires>><</if>><<if $insurance_bought.floods==true>><<set $ch.money-=$insurance_price.floods>><<set $week_stats.expenses_insurance+=$insurance_price.floods>><</if>><<if $insurance_bought.repair_costs==true>><<set $ch.money-=$insurance_price.repair_costs>><<set $week_stats.expenses_insurance+=$insurance_price.repair_costs>><</if>><<if $insurance_bought.broken==true>><<set $ch.money-=$insurance_price.broken>><<set $week_stats.expenses_insurance+=$insurance_price.broken>><</if>><<if $insurance_bought.burglary==true>><<set $ch.money-=$insurance_price.burglary>><<set $week_stats.expenses_insurance+=$insurance_price.burglary>><</if>><<if $insurance_bought.income_loss==true>><<set $ch.money-=$insurance_price.income_loss>><<set $week_stats.expenses_insurance+=$insurance_price.income_loss>><</if>><<set $week_stats.income_work=0>><<set $week_stats.income_flats=0>><<set $week_stats.income_other=0>><<set $week_stats.income_percentage=0>><<set $week_stats.expenses_mortgage=0>><<set $week_stats.expenses_credit=0>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair=0>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets=0>><<set $week_income=0>><<set $week_expenses=0>><<if $flat1_settings.is_empty==false or $flat2_settings.is_empty==false>><<if $insurance_bought.aphrodisiacs==true>><<set $ch.money-=$insurance_price.aphrodisiacs>><<set $rs.lust+=10>><<set $lr.lust+=10>><</if>><<if $insurance_bought.pheromone==true>><<set $ch.money-=$insurance_price.pheromone>><<set $rs.lust+=10>><<set $lr.lust+=10>><</if>><<if $insurance_bought.wine==true>><<set $ch.money-=$insurance_price.wine>><<set $rs.lust+=10>><<set $lr.lust+=10>><</if>><<if $insurance_bought.flowers==true>><<set $ch.money-=$insurance_price.flowers>><<set $rs.rel+=10>><<set $lr.rel+=10>><</if>><</if>><</link>>`);
});<</script>><div class="rooms-cont repair-buy">
<div class="room1-repair-left-cont-buy"><div class="room1-repair-bedroom-buy"><img src="0.1/flats/repair/flat1_bedroom_1.png" width="95" height="95" alt="Avatar"></div></div>
<div class="right-cont-repair"><div class="bedroom-buy-text"><div class="r_name">$flat_1_desc.bedroom.name.ebay_trash</div><div class="r_style">Style: $flat_1_desc.bedroom.style.ebay_trash</div><div class="r_level">Lvl: $flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvl.ebay_trash</div><div class="r_price">$flat_1_desc.bedroom.price.ebay_trash $</div><div class="r_button"><<if $flat_1_desc.bedroom.is_bought.ebay_trash==0>><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_1_desc.bedroom.price.ebay_trash>><<link 'Not Enough Money'>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<link [[Buy|Bedroom_repair_Room_1]]>><<set $flat_1_current.bedroom.selected="Ebay Trash">><<set $flat_1.bd_name="Ebay Trash">><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.bedroom.price.ebay_trash>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.bedroom.price.ebay_trash>><<set $flat_1_desc.bedroom.is_bought.ebay_trash=1>><<set $flat1_settings.bedroom="0.1/flats/repair/flat1_bedroom_1.png">><<if $flat_1.bd_level==0>><<set $flat_1.bd_level+=$flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvl.ebay_trash>><<else>><<set $flat_1.bd_level=0>><<set $flat_1.bd_level+=$flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvl.ebay_trash>><</if>><<goto Repair_flat_1>><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Sold Out">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div>
<div class="rooms-cont repair-buy">
<div class="room1-repair-left-cont-buy"><div class="room1-repair-bedroom-buy"><img src="0.1/flats/repair/flat1_bedroom_2.png" width="95" height="95" alt="Avatar"></div></div>
<div class="right-cont-repair"><div class="bedroom-buy-text"><div class="r_name">$flat_1_desc.bedroom.name.summer_optimism</div><div class="r_style">Style: $flat_1_desc.bedroom.style.summer_optimism</div><div class="r_level">Lvl: $flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvl.summer_optimism</div><div class="r_price">$flat_1_desc.bedroom.price.summer_optimism $</div><div class="r_button"><<if $flat_1_desc.bedroom.is_bought.summer_optimism==0>><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_1_desc.bedroom.price.summer_optimism>><<link 'Not Enough Money'>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<link [[Buy|Bedroom_repair_Room_1]]>><<set $flat_1_current.bedroom.selected="Summer Optimism">><<set $flat_1.bd_name="Summer Optimism">><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.bedroom.price.summer_optimism>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.bedroom.price.summer_optimism>><<set $flat_1_desc.bedroom.is_bought.summer_optimism=1>><<set $flat1_settings.bedroom="0.1/flats/repair/flat1_bedroom_2.png">><<if $flat_1.bd_level==0>><<set $flat_1.bd_level+=$flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvl.summer_optimism>><<else>><<set $flat_1.bd_level=0>><<set $flat_1.bd_level+=$flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvl.summer_optimism>><</if>><<goto Repair_flat_1>><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Sold Out">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div>
<div class="rooms-cont repair-buy">
<div class="room1-repair-left-cont-buy"><div class="room1-repair-bedroom-buy"><img src="0.1/flats/repair/flat1_bedroom_3.png" width="95" height="95" alt="Avatar"></div></div>
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<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<link [[Buy|Bedroom_repair_Room_1]]>><<set $flat_1_current.bedroom.selected="Cozy Modern">><<set $flat_1.bd_name="Cozy Modern">><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.bedroom.price.cozy_modern>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.bedroom.price.cozy_modern>><<set $flat_1_desc.bedroom.is_bought.cozy_modern=1>><<set $flat1_settings.bedroom="0.1/flats/repair/flat1_bedroom_3.png">><<if $flat_1.bd_level==0>><<set $flat_1.bd_level+=$flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvl.cozy_modern>><<else>><<set $flat_1.bd_level=0>><<set $flat_1.bd_level+=$flat_1_desc.bedroom.lvl.cozy_modern>><</if>><<goto Repair_flat_1>><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Sold Out">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div>
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<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
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<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<link [[Buy|Balcony_repair_Room_1]]>><<set $flat_1_current.balcony.selected="Ebay Trash">><<set $flat_1.bal_name="Ebay Trash">><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.balcony.price.ebay_trash>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.balcony.price.ebay_trash>><<set $flat_1_desc.balcony.is_bought.ebay_trash=1>><<set $flat1_settings.balcony="0.1/flats/repair/flat1_balcony_1.png">><<if $flat_1.bal_level==0>><<set $flat_1.bal_level+=$flat_1_desc.balcony.lvl.ebay_trash>><<else>><<set $flat_1.bal_level=0>><<set $flat_1.bal_level+=$flat_1_desc.balcony.lvl.ebay_trash>><</if>><<goto Repair_flat_1>><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Sold Out">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div>
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<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<link [[Buy|Balcony_repair_Room_1]]>><<set $flat_1_current.balcony.selected="Summer Optimism">><<set $flat_1.bal_name="Summer Optimism">><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.balcony.price.summer_optimism>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.balcony.price.summer_optimism>><<set $flat_1_desc.balcony.is_bought.summer_optimism=1>><<set $flat1_settings.balcony="0.1/flats/repair/flat1_balcony_2.png">><<if $flat_1.bal_level==0>><<set $flat_1.bal_level+=$flat_1_desc.balcony.lvl.summer_optimism>><<else>><<set $flat_1.bal_level=0>><<set $flat_1.bal_level+=$flat_1_desc.balcony.lvl.summer_optimism>><</if>><<goto Repair_flat_1>><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Sold Out">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div>
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<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<link [[Buy|Balcony_repair_Room_1]]>><<set $flat_1_current.balcony.selected="Cozy Modern">><<set $flat_1.bal_name="Cozy Modern">><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.balcony.price.cozy_modern>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.balcony.price.cozy_modern>><<set $flat_1_desc.balcony.is_bought.cozy_modern=1>><<set $flat1_settings.balcony="0.1/flats/repair/flat1_balcony_3.png">><<if $flat_1.bal_level==0>><<set $flat_1.bal_level+=$flat_1_desc.balcony.lvl.cozy_modern>><<else>><<set $flat_1.bal_level=0>><<set $flat_1.bal_level+=$flat_1_desc.balcony.lvl.cozy_modern>><</if>><<goto Repair_flat_1>><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Sold Out">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div>
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<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<link [[Buy|Toilet_repair_Room_1]]>><<set $flat_1_current.bathroom.selected="Ebay Trash">><<set $flat_1.bat_name="Ebay Trash">><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.bathroom.price.ebay_trash>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.bathroom.price.ebay_trash>><<set $flat_1_desc.bathroom.is_bought.ebay_trash=1>><<set $flat1_settings.toilet="0.1/flats/repair/flat1_bathroom_1.png">><<if $flat_1.bat_level==0>><<set $flat_1.bat_level+=$flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvl.ebay_trash>><<else>><<set $flat_1.bat_level=0>><<set $flat_1.bat_level+=$flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvl.ebay_trash>><</if>><<goto Repair_flat_1>><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Sold Out">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div>
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<div class="right-cont-repair"><div class="bedroom-buy-text"><div class="r_name">$flat_1_desc.bathroom.name.summer_optimism</div><div class="r_style">Style: $flat_1_desc.bathroom.style.summer_optimism</div><div class="r_level">Lvl: $flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvl.summer_optimism</div><div class="r_price">$flat_1_desc.bathroom.price.summer_optimism $</div><div class="r_button"><<if $flat_1_desc.bathroom.is_bought.summer_optimism==0>><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_1_desc.bedroom.price.summer_optimism>><<link 'Not Enough Money'>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<link [[Buy|Toilet_repair_Room_1]]>><<set $flat_1_current.bathroom.selected="Summer Optimism">><<set $flat_1.bat_name="Summer Optimism">><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.bathroom.price.summer_optimism>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.bathroom.price.summer_optimism>><<set $flat_1_desc.bathroom.is_bought.summer_optimism=1>><<set $flat1_settings.toilet="0.1/flats/repair/flat1_bathroom_2.png">><<if $flat_1.bat_level==0>><<set $flat_1.bat_level+=$flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvl.summer_optimism>><<else>><<set $flat_1.bat_level=0>><<set $flat_1.bat_level+=$flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvl.summer_optimism>><</if>><<goto Repair_flat_1>><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Sold Out">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div>
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<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<link [[Buy|Toilet_repair_Room_1]]>><<set $flat_1_current.bathroom.selected="Cozy Modern">><<set $flat_1.bat_name="Cozy Modern">><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.bathroom.price.cozy_modern>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.bathroom.price.cozy_modern>><<set $flat_1_desc.bathroom.is_bought.cozy_modern=1>><<set $flat1_settings.toilet="0.1/flats/repair/flat1_bathroom_3.png">><<if $flat_1.bat_level==0>><<set $flat_1.bat_level+=$flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvl.cozy_modern>><<else>><<set $flat_1.bat_level=0>><<set $flat_1.bat_level+=$flat_1_desc.bathroom.lvl.cozy_modern>><</if>><<goto Repair_flat_1>><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Sold Out">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div>
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<div class="hire-card-cont"><div class="hire-avatar-cont"><img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie_big.png" alt="Avatar"></div><div class="hire-description-cont">Rosie
<span id="hire-stats">Weekly payment: $rs.weekly_payment_standart
Preferred Style: $rs.prefered_style
Flat level coef: $rs.flat_level_coef
Charisma coef: $rs.coef_charisma
Minimum repair level: $rs.minimum_repair_level
Renovation in every room: Yes</span>
<div class="hire-button-cont"><<if $flat1_settings.avatar==$rs.img or $flat2_settings.avatar==$rs.img>><<button "Already a resident">><</button>><<else>><<if $already_talk_hire_rosie==true>><<button [[Haggling|Haggling_Rosie]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[Schedule a meeting|Schedule_a_meeting_girl_1]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>></div></div></div>
<div class="hire-card-cont gold"><div class="hire-avatar-cont"><img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley_big.jpg" alt="Avatar"></div><div class="hire-description-cont">Lana and Riley
<span id="hire-stats">Weekly payment: $lr.weekly_payment_standart
Preferred Style: $lr.prefered_style
Flat level coef: $lr.flat_level_coef
Charisma coef: $lr.coef_charisma
Minimum repair level: $lr.minimum_repair_level
Renovation in every room: Yes</span>
<div class="hire-button-cont"><<if $patron_activated==false>><<button [[Patreon Content|Patreon Content]]>><</button>><<else>><<if $flat_1.total_level<20>><<button "Repair Level <20">><</button>><<else>><<if $flat1_settings.avatar==$lr.img or $flat2_settings.avatar==$lr.img>><<button "Already a resident">><</button>><<else>><<if $already_talk_hire_lana_riley==true>><<button [[Haggling|Haggling_LanaRiley]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[Schedule a meeting|Schedule_a_meeting_girl_2]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>></div></div></div>
<div class="hire-card-cont"><<if $already_solve_mus==true>><<else>><div class="hire-avatar-cont"><img src="0.3/сharacters/zulfiya.png" alt="Avatar"></div><div class="hire-description-cont">Zulfiya
<span id="hire-stats">Weekly payment: $zl.weekly_payment_standart
Preferred Style: $zl.prefered_style
Flat level coef: $zl.flat_level_coef
Charisma coef: 2
Minimum repair level: $zl.minimum_repair_level
Renovation in every room: Yes</span>
<div class="hire-button-cont"><<if $flat_1.total_level<30>><<button "Low repair level">><</button>><<else>><<if $flat1_settings.avatar==$mus.img or $flat2_settings.avatar==$mus.img>><<button "Already a resident">><</button>><<else>><<if $already_talk_hire_zulfiya==true>><<button [[Haggling|Haggling_Zulfiya]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[Schedule a meeting|Schedule_a_meeting_girl_3]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>><</if>></div></div><</if>></div>
</div><<addhours 1>><<st>>You meet your first potential tenant on the street. It’s a young woman with a killer waist, a tight ass, and a fantastic pair of… eyes, of course. "Perfect tenant material," you think.<</st>>
<<ch>>''Hey there,'' you say, flashing your best grin. ''You must be here for the apartment. I'm $ch.nom. And you are?''<</ch>>
<<rs>>She gives you a quick once-over, not missing a beat. ''Rosie,'' she says. ''So, are you the landlord?''<</rs>>
<<ch>>''Landlord, real estate mogul, future billionaire… you know, just a regular day,” you chuckle. ''Ready to check out your future pad?''<</ch>>
<<rs>>She smiles softly, ''Sure, let’s see the place.''<</rs>>
<<button [[Hallway|Hallway_Rosie]]>><</button>><div class="rooms-cont repair-buy">
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<div class="right-cont-repair"><div class="bedroom-buy-text"><div class="r_name">$flat_1_desc.kitchen.name.ebay_trash</div><div class="r_style">Style: $flat_1_desc.kitchen.style.ebay_trash</div><div class="r_level">Lvl: $flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvl.ebay_trash</div><div class="r_price">$flat_1_desc.kitchen.price.ebay_trash $</div><div class="r_button"><<if $flat_1_desc.kitchen.is_bought.ebay_trash==0>><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_1_desc.bedroom.price.ebay_trash>><<link 'Not Enough Money'>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<link [[Buy|Kitchen_repair_Room_1]]>><<set $flat_1_current.kitchen.selected="Ebay Trash">><<set $flat_1.kit_name="Ebay Trash">><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.kitchen.price.ebay_trash>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.kitchen.price.ebay_trash>><<set $flat_1_desc.kitchen.is_bought.ebay_trash=1>><<set $flat1_settings.kitchen="0.1/flats/repair/flat1_kitchen_1.png">><<if $flat_1.kit_level==0>><<set $flat_1.kit_level+=$flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvl.ebay_trash>><<else>><<set $flat_1.kit_level=0>><<set $flat_1.kit_level+=$flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvl.ebay_trash>><</if>><<goto Repair_flat_1>><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Sold Out">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div>
<div class="rooms-cont repair-buy">
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<div class="right-cont-repair"><div class="bedroom-buy-text"><div class="r_name">$flat_1_desc.kitchen.name.summer_optimism</div><div class="r_style">Style: $flat_1_desc.kitchen.style.summer_optimism</div><div class="r_level">Lvl: $flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvl.summer_optimism</div><div class="r_price">$flat_1_desc.kitchen.price.summer_optimism $</div><div class="r_button"><<if $flat_1_desc.kitchen.is_bought.summer_optimism==0>><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_1_desc.bedroom.price.summer_optimism>><<link 'Not Enough Money'>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<link [[Buy|Kitchen_repair_Room_1]]>><<set $flat_1_current.kitchen.selected="Summer Optimism">><<set $flat_1.kit_name="Summer Optimism">><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.kitchen.price.summer_optimism>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.kitchen.price.summer_optimism>><<set $flat_1_desc.kitchen.is_bought.summer_optimism=1>><<set $flat1_settings.kitchen="0.1/flats/repair/flat1_kitchen_2.png">><<if $flat_1.kit_level==0>><<set $flat_1.kit_level+=$flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvl.summer_optimism>><<else>><<set $flat_1.kit_level=0>><<set $flat_1.kit_level+=$flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvl.summer_optimism>><</if>><<goto Repair_flat_1>><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Sold Out">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div>
<div class="rooms-cont repair-buy">
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<div class="right-cont-repair"><div class="bedroom-buy-text"><div class="r_name">$flat_1_desc.kitchen.name.cozy_modern</div><div class="r_style">Style: $flat_1_desc.kitchen.style.cozy_modern</div><div class="r_level">Lvl: $flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvl.cozy_modern</div><div class="r_price">$flat_1_desc.kitchen.price.cozy_modern</div><div class="r_button"><<if $flat_1_desc.kitchen.is_bought.cozy_modern==0>><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_1_desc.bedroom.price.cozy_modern>><<link 'Not Enough Money'>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<link [[Buy|Kitchen_repair_Room_1]]>><<set $flat_1_current.kitchen.selected="Cozy Modern">><<set $flat_1.kit_name="Cozy Modern">><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_1_desc.kitchen.price.cozy_modern>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_1_desc.kitchen.price.cozy_modern>><<set $flat_1_desc.kitchen.is_bought.cozy_modern=1>><<set $flat1_settings.kitchen="0.1/flats/repair/flat1_kitchen_3.png">><<if $flat_1.kit_level==0>><<set $flat_1.kit_level+=$flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvl.cozy_modern>><<else>><<set $flat_1.kit_level=0>><<set $flat_1.kit_level+=$flat_1_desc.kitchen.lvl.cozy_modern>><</if>><<goto Repair_flat_1>><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Sold Out">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div>
<<button [[Leave|Repair_flat_1]]>><</button>><<if $flat_1_current.bedroom.selected=="none" or $flat_1_current.kitchen.selected=="none" or $flat_1_current.bathroom.selected=="none" or $flat_1_current.balcony.selected=="none">><<st>>You and Rosie step into the hallway. Rosie glances around, and her expression quickly shifts.<</st>>
<<rs>>''Hey, $ch.nom, there’s not even a hint of renovation here. What are you renting out, a raw developer’s shell? I’m not about to spend my cash fixing up this place.''<</rs>>
<<st>>With that, she turns on her heel and walks right out.<</st>>
<<st>>//Here’s a little hint for you, bro: slap some paint on those walls and at least pretend you care. Do a basic reno, then try your luck with her again. Maybe this time, she’ll stick around longer than two minutes.//<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Hire_flat_1]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $flat_1_current.bedroom.selected=="Summer Optimism" and $flat_1_current.kitchen.selected=="Summer Optimism" and $flat_1_current.bathroom.selected=="Summer Optimism" and $flat_1_current.balcony.selected=="Summer Optimism">><<rs>>You and Rosie step into the apartment, and the moment she lays eyes on the interior, she practically lights up. ''Oh my God, this is exactly my style! The design, the colors, the way everything’s laid out—it’s like you read my mind. I can’t believe how perfect this is. I’m already ready to sign the lease.''<</rs>>
<<ch>>You feel a surge of pride, like you’ve just won the lottery. ''Nailed it, huh? Glad to hear it. But let’s still take a quick tour of the other rooms, just to make sure it’s as perfect as you think.''<</ch>>
<<button [[Show Rooms|Show_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $flat_1_current.bedroom.selected!="none" and $flat_1_current.kitchen.selected!="none" and $flat_1_current.bathroom.selected!="none" and $flat_1_current.balcony.selected!="none">><<rs>>You and Rosie step into the apartment, and she starts looking around. Her face lights up a bit as she takes it all in. ''Oh, this is nice… it’s bright and cozy, and the ceilings are high. I like it.''<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod, feeling a bit smug. ''Awesome! Let’s check out the rooms.''<</ch>>
<<button [[Show Rooms|Show_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>>
<</if>><<st>>You’re choosing what to show her<</st>>
<<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><<set $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen=1>><<st>>You and Rosie step into the kitchen-living room combo, thinking what the hell to do next.<</st>><<if $hire_rosie_sex_counter==0>><span id='options1'>
<<link 'Talk About the Apartment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You clear your throat, trying to sound like you know what you’re talking about. ‘’So, as you can see, it’s an open layout. Perfect for when you wanna, I don’t know, cook a frozen pizza and still pretend you’re doing something important in the living room. What do you think?’’<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie nods, a small smile tugging at her lips. ‘’I like it. It feels spacious.’’<</rs>>
<<ch>>Not one to miss a chance to show off your ‘charm,’ you decide to keep the conversation going. “So, Rosie, got any hobbies? Besides looking way too good for this crappy apartment?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She gives a polite laugh, “I’m into yoga. It keeps me grounded.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod like you actually know something about yoga. “Yoga, huh? Well, this place is perfect then—tons of space, natural light… You can stretch out and do all those bendy poses without worrying about, you know, face-planting into the wall.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie chuckles, clearly amused. “Sounds good. I can see myself doing that.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You grin, feeling a little too proud of yourself. “I bet. And hey, if you ever need a partner for those, uh, ‘poses,’ I’m your guy. Plus, who doesn’t love a place where you can downward dog without knocking over the TV?”<</ch>>
<<st>>Rosie gives you a weird look, like she’s not sure if you’re joking or just a total idiot, but she says nothing and moves on.<</st>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Slap Rosie’s Ass'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>As Rosie steps forward to check out the room, your eyes can’t help but lock onto her perfectly shaped ass.<</st>>
<<ch>>''Damn, look at that peach. Wouldn’t mind giving that a good slap. Hell, I’ll do it right now!''<</ch>>
<<st>>Without another thought, you reach out and give her a firm smack on the backside.<</st>>
<<rs>>Rosie spins around, glaring at you like she’s ready to murder you. “What the hell? What do you think you’re doing?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You quickly throw your hands up, scrambling for an excuse. “Uh, I… slipped? Yeah, that’s it! Slipped right into your, uh, fine piece of… I mean, rear end.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She crosses her arms, absolutely fuming. “Slipped, huh? You’re a real genius.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You shrug, trying to play it off. “Hey, you gotta admit, it’s a pretty damn tempting target. Couldn’t help myself.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed. “You’re such a dick.”<</rs>>
<<st>>She gives you one last disgusted look before turning away, muttering something under her breath. You can’t quite catch it, but you’re pretty sure it wasn’t a compliment.<</st>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_kitchen=1>>
<<elseif $hire_rosie_sex_counter==1>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Talk About the Apartment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You clear your throat, trying to sound like you know what you’re talking about. ‘’So, as you can see, it’s an open layout. Perfect for when you wanna, I don’t know, cook a frozen pizza and still pretend you’re doing something important in the living room. What do you think?’’<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie nods, a small smile tugging at her lips. ‘’I like it. It feels spacious.’’<</rs>>
<<ch>>Not one to miss a chance to show off your ‘charm,’ you decide to keep the conversation going. “So, Rosie, got any hobbies? Besides looking way too good for this crappy apartment?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She gives a polite laugh, “I’m into yoga. It keeps me grounded.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod like you actually know something about yoga. “Yoga, huh? Well, this place is perfect then—tons of space, natural light… You can stretch out and do all those bendy poses without worrying about, you know, face-planting into the wall.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie chuckles, clearly amused. “Sounds good. I can see myself doing that.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You grin, feeling a little too proud of yourself. “I bet. And hey, if you ever need a partner for those, uh, ‘poses,’ I’m your guy. Plus, who doesn’t love a place where you can downward dog without knocking over the TV?”<</ch>>
<<st>>Rosie gives you a weird look, like she’s not sure if you’re joking or just a total idiot, but she says nothing and moves on.<</st>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Make a Sleazy Comment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You look around the room, then lean in way too close to Rosie with a stupid grin. “So, you gonna be living here alone or bringing in some company? ‘Cause, if you ever need someone to help you break in that bed, I’ve got plenty of experience.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You throw in a wink, completely oblivious to how cringy that sounded.<</st>>
<<ch>>It’s only now that you notice the look on Rosie’s face—like she’s trying to process the sheer stupidity of what you just said. It was a 'What the hell did I just hear?' face.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Without even bothering to dignify it with a response, she walks towards the door and says flatly, “So, what’s the next room?”<</rs>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_kitchen=1>>
<<elseif $hire_rosie_sex_counter==2>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Talk About the Apartment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You clear your throat, trying to sound like you know what you’re talking about. ‘’So, as you can see, it’s an open layout. Perfect for when you wanna, I don’t know, cook a frozen pizza and still pretend you’re doing something important in the living room. What do you think?’’<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie nods, a small smile tugging at her lips. ‘’I like it. It feels spacious.’’<</rs>>
<<ch>>Not one to miss a chance to show off your ‘charm,’ you decide to keep the conversation going. “So, Rosie, got any hobbies? Besides looking way too good for this crappy apartment?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She gives a polite laugh, “I’m into yoga. It keeps me grounded.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod like you actually know something about yoga. “Yoga, huh? Well, this place is perfect then—tons of space, natural light… You can stretch out and do all those bendy poses without worrying about, you know, face-planting into the wall.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie chuckles, clearly amused. “Sounds good. I can see myself doing that.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You grin, feeling a little too proud of yourself. “I bet. And hey, if you ever need a partner for those, uh, ‘poses,’ I’m your guy. Plus, who doesn’t love a place where you can downward dog without knocking over the TV?”<</ch>>
<<st>>Rosie gives you a weird look, like she’s not sure if you’re joking or just a total idiot, but she says nothing and moves on.<</st>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Make an Inappropriate Move'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>As Rosie checks out the room, you check out her boobs and suddenly get a stupid idea. Without thinking it through (because when do you ever?), you lean in way too close, then abruptly lower your head and motorboat her boobs, making a ridiculous “brrrbrbrbrbr” sound.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie jumps back, eyes wide with shock and fury. “What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!”<</rs>><<button [[End|End_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_kitchen=1>>
<</if>><<set $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom=1>><<ch>>''Alright, maybe I should’ve prepped something to say before taking her into this room. What do I say now?''<</ch>><<if $hire_rosie_sex_counter==0>><span id='options1'>
<<link 'Ask Rosie What She Thinks'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You turn to Rosie with a casual smile, hiding the fact that you’re winging it. “So, what do you think of this room?''<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie takes a moment to look around. “This is pretty nice. The bed looks comfy, and I like the way the room’s set up. It feels cozy.”<</rs>>
<<rs>>She walks over to the window, checking out the view. “Oh, I like the natural light, and the view is decent too. I can definitely see myself living in this room.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod, trying to act like you knew she’d love it. “Glad you like it. So, are you planning to make this cozy little nest all yours, or are you thinking of sharing it with someone?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She smiles, looking back at you. “I’m planning to live here on my own.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You flash a grin. “Living alone, huh? Well, at least you won’t have anyone hogging the bed or… accidentally stumbling on your ahem private drawer. You know, if you have one of those.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie raises an eyebrow, clearly amused but trying to keep a straight face. “Wow, you really know how to make things awkward, don’t you?”<</rs>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Slap Rosie’s Ass'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>As Rosie steps forward to check out the room, your eyes can’t help but lock onto her perfectly shaped ass.<</st>>
<<ch>>''Damn, look at that peach. Wouldn’t mind giving that a good slap. Hell, I’ll do it right now!''<</ch>>
<<st>>Without another thought, you reach out and give her a firm smack on the backside.<</st>>
<<rs>>Rosie spins around, glaring at you like she’s ready to murder you. “What the hell? What do you think you’re doing?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You quickly throw your hands up, scrambling for an excuse. “Uh, I… slipped? Yeah, that’s it! Slipped right into your, uh, fine piece of… I mean, rear end.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She crosses her arms, absolutely fuming. “Slipped, huh? You’re a real genius.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You shrug, trying to play it off. “Hey, you gotta admit, it’s a pretty damn tempting target. Couldn’t help myself.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed. “You’re such a dick.”<</rs>>
<<st>>She gives you one last disgusted look before turning away, muttering something under her breath. You can’t quite catch it, but you’re pretty sure it wasn’t a compliment.<</st>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_bedroom=1>>
<<elseif $hire_rosie_sex_counter==1>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Ask Rosie What She Thinks'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You turn to Rosie with a casual smile, hiding the fact that you’re winging it. “So, what do you think of this room?''<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie takes a moment to look around. “This is pretty nice. The bed looks comfy, and I like the way the room’s set up. It feels cozy.”<</rs>>
<<rs>>She walks over to the window, checking out the view. “Oh, I like the natural light, and the view is decent too. I can definitely see myself living in this room.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod, trying to act like you knew she’d love it. “Glad you like it. So, are you planning to make this cozy little nest all yours, or are you thinking of sharing it with someone?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She smiles, looking back at you. “I’m planning to live here on my own.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You flash a grin. “Living alone, huh? Well, at least you won’t have anyone hogging the bed or… accidentally stumbling on your ahem private drawer. You know, if you have one of those.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie raises an eyebrow, clearly amused but trying to keep a straight face. “Wow, you really know how to make things awkward, don’t you?”<</rs>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Make a Sleazy Comment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You look around the room, then lean in way too close to Rosie with a stupid grin. “So, you gonna be living here alone or bringing in some company? ‘Cause, if you ever need someone to help you break in that bed, I’ve got plenty of experience.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You throw in a wink, completely oblivious to how cringy that sounded.<</st>>
<<ch>>It’s only now that you notice the look on Rosie’s face—like she’s trying to process the sheer stupidity of what you just said. It was a 'What the hell did I just hear?' face.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Without even bothering to dignify it with a response, she walks towards the door and says flatly, “So, what’s the next room?”<</rs>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_bedroom=1>>
<<elseif $hire_rosie_sex_counter==2>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Ask Rosie What She Thinks'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You turn to Rosie with a casual smile, hiding the fact that you’re winging it. “So, what do you think of this room?''<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie takes a moment to look around. “This is pretty nice. The bed looks comfy, and I like the way the room’s set up. It feels cozy.”<</rs>>
<<rs>>She walks over to the window, checking out the view. “Oh, I like the natural light, and the view is decent too. I can definitely see myself living in this room.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod, trying to act like you knew she’d love it. “Glad you like it. So, are you planning to make this cozy little nest all yours, or are you thinking of sharing it with someone?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She smiles, looking back at you. “I’m planning to live here on my own.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You flash a grin. “Living alone, huh? Well, at least you won’t have anyone hogging the bed or… accidentally stumbling on your ahem private drawer. You know, if you have one of those.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie raises an eyebrow, clearly amused but trying to keep a straight face. “Wow, you really know how to make things awkward, don’t you?”<</rs>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Make an Inappropriate Move'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>As Rosie checks out the room, you check out her boobs and suddenly get a stupid idea. Without thinking it through (because when do you ever?), you lean in way too close, then abruptly lower your head and motorboat her boobs, making a ridiculous “brrrbrbrbrbr” sound.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie jumps back, eyes wide with shock and fury. “What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!”<</rs>><<button [[End|End_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_bedroom=1>>
<</if>><<set $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom=1>><<st>>$ch.nom and Rosie step into the bathroom. It’s a decent-sized room with a clean, modern design.<</st>><<if $hire_rosie_sex_counter==0>><span id='options1'>
<<link 'Talk About the Bathroom'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You give the bathroom a quick look, trying to play it cool. “So, here’s the bathroom. For me, it’s just a spot to get clean, you know? But I hear girls really care about this stuff, so go ahead, check it out. It’s got a tub, a sink, all the basics. Honestly, it’s kinda nice, I guess, if you’re into that. I’m sure you’ll find something in here to fuss over.”<</ch>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Slap Rosie’s Ass'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>As Rosie steps forward to check out the room, your eyes can’t help but lock onto her perfectly shaped ass.<</st>>
<<ch>>''Damn, look at that peach. Wouldn’t mind giving that a good slap. Hell, I’ll do it right now!''<</ch>>
<<st>>Without another thought, you reach out and give her a firm smack on the backside.<</st>>
<<rs>>Rosie spins around, glaring at you like she’s ready to murder you. “What the hell? What do you think you’re doing?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You quickly throw your hands up, scrambling for an excuse. “Uh, I… slipped? Yeah, that’s it! Slipped right into your, uh, fine piece of… I mean, rear end.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She crosses her arms, absolutely fuming. “Slipped, huh? You’re a real genius.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You shrug, trying to play it off. “Hey, you gotta admit, it’s a pretty damn tempting target. Couldn’t help myself.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed. “You’re such a dick.”<</rs>>
<<st>>She gives you one last disgusted look before turning away, muttering something under her breath. You can’t quite catch it, but you’re pretty sure it wasn’t a compliment.<</st>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_bathroom=1>>
<<elseif $hire_rosie_sex_counter==1>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Talk About the Bathroom'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You give the bathroom a quick look, trying to play it cool. “So, here’s the bathroom. For me, it’s just a spot to get clean, you know? But I hear girls really care about this stuff, so go ahead, check it out. It’s got a tub, a sink, all the basics. Honestly, it’s kinda nice, I guess, if you’re into that. I’m sure you’ll find something in here to fuss over.”<</ch>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Make a Sleazy Comment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You look around the room, then lean in way too close to Rosie with a stupid grin. “So, you gonna be living here alone or bringing in some company? ‘Cause, if you ever need someone to help you break in that bed, I’ve got plenty of experience.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You throw in a wink, completely oblivious to how cringy that sounded.<</st>>
<<ch>>It’s only now that you notice the look on Rosie’s face—like she’s trying to process the sheer stupidity of what you just said. It was a 'What the hell did I just hear?' face.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Without even bothering to dignify it with a response, she walks towards the door and says flatly, “So, what’s the next room?”<</rs>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_bathroom=1>>
<<elseif $hire_rosie_sex_counter==2>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Talk About the Bathroom'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You give the bathroom a quick look, trying to play it cool. “So, here’s the bathroom. For me, it’s just a spot to get clean, you know? But I hear girls really care about this stuff, so go ahead, check it out. It’s got a tub, a sink, all the basics. Honestly, it’s kinda nice, I guess, if you’re into that. I’m sure you’ll find something in here to fuss over.”<</ch>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Make an Inappropriate Move'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>As Rosie checks out the room, you check out her boobs and suddenly get a stupid idea. Without thinking it through (because when do you ever?), you lean in way too close, then abruptly lower your head and motorboat her boobs, making a ridiculous “brrrbrbrbrbr” sound.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie jumps back, eyes wide with shock and fury. “What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!”<</rs>>
<<button [[End|End_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_bathroom=1>>
<</if>><<set $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony=1>><<st>>You and Rosie step out onto the balcony, and you can’t help but feel a bit smug. The view isn’t half bad—open sky, a decent stretch of greenery, and you can see the whole courtyard below.<</st>><<if $hire_rosie_sex_counter==0>><span id='options1'>
<<link 'Talk About the Balcony'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You lean on the railing, trying to sound like you’ve actually planned this out. “So, this is the balcony. Nice spot to light up, take in the view, and just kick back. Not bad, right? You smoke?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie nods. “Yeah, I do.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You flash a grin, feeling like you’ve hit the jackpot. “Perfect. You can come out here, have a smoke, and enjoy the quiet… well, mostly quiet. Except for those damn kids running around down there.” You gesture to the courtyard, where a bunch of kids are yelling and chasing each other like it’s the Olympics.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie sighs, rolling her eyes. “Ugh, kids. Not really a fan. They kind of ruin the vibe.”<</rs>>
<<st>>You nod, pretending to share her pain, then something incredibly stupid pops into your head. Hmmm… what if I bought up all the apartments here? Then I could pick who gets to rent—no kids, no noise, just peace and quiet… <</st>>
<<ch>>You grin, the idea too ridiculous not to share. “You know, maybe one day I’ll own this whole damn building. Then I’ll make sure no kids are running around to mess up your smoke breaks. Sound good?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She smirks. “If you somehow pull that off, I’ll be the first to toast to a kid-free zone.”<</rs>>
<<st>>It’s a dumb plan, but in your head, it sounds like pure genius.<</st>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Slap Rosie’s Ass'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>As Rosie steps forward to check out the room, your eyes can’t help but lock onto her perfectly shaped ass.<</st>>
<<ch>>''Damn, look at that peach. Wouldn’t mind giving that a good slap. Hell, I’ll do it right now!''<</ch>>
<<st>>Without another thought, you reach out and give her a firm smack on the backside.<</st>>
<<rs>>Rosie spins around, glaring at you like she’s ready to murder you. “What the hell? What do you think you’re doing?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You quickly throw your hands up, scrambling for an excuse. “Uh, I… slipped? Yeah, that’s it! Slipped right into your, uh, fine piece of… I mean, rear end.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She crosses her arms, absolutely fuming. “Slipped, huh? You’re a real genius.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You shrug, trying to play it off. “Hey, you gotta admit, it’s a pretty damn tempting target. Couldn’t help myself.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed. “You’re such a dick.”<</rs>>
<<st>>She gives you one last disgusted look before turning away, muttering something under her breath. You can’t quite catch it, but you’re pretty sure it wasn’t a compliment.<</st>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_balcony=1>>
<<elseif $hire_rosie_sex_counter==1>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Talk About the Balcony'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You lean on the railing, trying to sound like you’ve actually planned this out. “So, this is the balcony. Nice spot to light up, take in the view, and just kick back. Not bad, right? You smoke?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie nods. “Yeah, I do.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You flash a grin, feeling like you’ve hit the jackpot. “Perfect. You can come out here, have a smoke, and enjoy the quiet… well, mostly quiet. Except for those damn kids running around down there.” You gesture to the courtyard, where a bunch of kids are yelling and chasing each other like it’s the Olympics.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie sighs, rolling her eyes. “Ugh, kids. Not really a fan. They kind of ruin the vibe.”<</rs>>
<<st>>You nod, pretending to share her pain, then something incredibly stupid pops into your head. Hmmm… what if I bought up all the apartments here? Then I could pick who gets to rent—no kids, no noise, just peace and quiet… <</st>>
<<ch>>You grin, the idea too ridiculous not to share. “You know, maybe one day I’ll own this whole damn building. Then I’ll make sure no kids are running around to mess up your smoke breaks. Sound good?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She smirks. “If you somehow pull that off, I’ll be the first to toast to a kid-free zone.”<</rs>>
<<st>>It’s a dumb plan, but in your head, it sounds like pure genius.<</st>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Make a Sleazy Comment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You look around the room, then lean in way too close to Rosie with a stupid grin. “So, you gonna be living here alone or bringing in some company? ‘Cause, if you ever need someone to help you break in that bed, I’ve got plenty of experience.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You throw in a wink, completely oblivious to how cringy that sounded.<</st>>
<<ch>>It’s only now that you notice the look on Rosie’s face—like she’s trying to process the sheer stupidity of what you just said. It was a 'What the hell did I just hear?' face.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Without even bothering to dignify it with a response, she walks towards the door and says flatly, “So, what’s the next room?”<</rs>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_balcony=1>>
<<elseif $hire_rosie_sex_counter==2>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Talk About the Balcony'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You lean on the railing, trying to sound like you’ve actually planned this out. “So, this is the balcony. Nice spot to light up, take in the view, and just kick back. Not bad, right? You smoke?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie nods. “Yeah, I do.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You flash a grin, feeling like you’ve hit the jackpot. “Perfect. You can come out here, have a smoke, and enjoy the quiet… well, mostly quiet. Except for those damn kids running around down there.” You gesture to the courtyard, where a bunch of kids are yelling and chasing each other like it’s the Olympics.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie sighs, rolling her eyes. “Ugh, kids. Not really a fan. They kind of ruin the vibe.”<</rs>>
<<st>>You nod, pretending to share her pain, then something incredibly stupid pops into your head. Hmmm… what if I bought up all the apartments here? Then I could pick who gets to rent—no kids, no noise, just peace and quiet… <</st>>
<<ch>>You grin, the idea too ridiculous not to share. “You know, maybe one day I’ll own this whole damn building. Then I’ll make sure no kids are running around to mess up your smoke breaks. Sound good?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She smirks. “If you somehow pull that off, I’ll be the first to toast to a kid-free zone.”<</rs>>
<<st>>It’s a dumb plan, but in your head, it sounds like pure genius.<</st>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Make an Inappropriate Move'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>As Rosie checks out the room, you check out her boobs and suddenly get a stupid idea. Without thinking it through (because when do you ever?), you lean in way too close, then abruptly lower your head and motorboat her boobs, making a ridiculous “brrrbrbrbrbr” sound.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie jumps back, eyes wide with shock and fury. “What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!”<</rs>>
<<button [[End|End_Rosie_flat_1]]>><</button>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_balcony=1>>
<</if>><<st>>After making your way through the entire place, Rosie takes a final look around. She seems to be weighing her options, but then she nods to you.<</st>>
<<rs>>''Alright,'' she says, a small smile on her lips. ''Despite the interesting sales pitch, I like the place. I’ll take it. The apartment has charm, and I think I can make it work.''<</rs>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'I`ll Contact You Later'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You cross your arms and give Rosie a confident nod. "Glad to hear you liked it. I've got your number, so I'll give you a call later to sort out the details."<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie raises an eyebrow, a hint of confusion on her face. "Wait, can't we just handle the paperwork now? I'm ready to move forward."<</rs>>
<<ch>>You glance at your watch, pretending to be busier than you are. "Ah, I'd love to, but I've got another appointment coming up soon. Don't worry though, I'll be in touch real soon. We'll get everything sorted, easy peasy."<</ch>>
<<rs>>She looks slightly annoyed but tries to stay polite. "Alright then, I guess I'll wait for your call."<</rs>>
<<ch>>You flash her a quick grin. "Perfect. Talk soon, Rosie."<</ch>>
<<button [[Leave|Hire_flat_1]]>><</button>><<set $already_talk_hire_rosie=true>>
<<link 'Rent the Apartment to Rosie'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You can’t help but feel a rush of satisfaction. “Awesome! I knew you’d come around. You’re making the right choice—where else are you gonna find a place with a balcony view like that and an almost genius landlord?” You wink, still riding the wave of your own overconfidence.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie rolls her eyes but doesn’t argue. “Yeah, yeah. Just get the paperwork ready, will you?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod, grinning like you’ve just won the lottery. “Consider it done. Welcome to your new home, Rosie.”<</ch>>
<<button [[Haggling|Haggling_Rosie]]>><</button>>
</span><<rs>>Rosie whirls around, eyes blazing. ''You’re such a creep! What the hell do you think you’re doing?''<</rs>>
<<st>>She glares at you before storming out of the apartment. The door slams behind her, leaving you standing there alone, realizing you’ve blown it big time.<</st>>
<<st>>Come on, man, what did you think was gonna happen? In real life, she’d have bolted after your first dumb move. But lucky for you, this is just a game. We’re giving you one more shot before Rosie bails for good.<</st>>
<<st>>//And pro tip: you can start making the sleazy moves after she’s signed the lease.//<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Hire_flat_1]]>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter=0>><<set $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_1={
kitchen: 0,
bedroom: 0,
bathroom: 0,
balcony: 0,
}>><</button>>@@.hide;<<st>>With Rosie agreeing to rent the apartment, you move on to the next step. You lean back a bit, feeling pretty good about yourself. “Alright, since you’re on board, let’s talk price…”<</st>>@@
<<audio "gong" play>><<set $ch.img= "0.1/сharacters/box_boy.png">><<set $rs.img= "0.1/сharacters/box_girl.png">>@@.hide;<<ch>>You crack your knuckles, grinning like you’re about to step into the ring. “Alright, let’s get this show on the road. Let the haggling begin!”<</ch>>@@
@@.hide;<<rs>>Rosie gives you a challenging smirk, crossing her arms like she’s ready for a fight. “Bring it on. Name your price, and let’s see if you can keep up.”<</rs>>@@
@@.hide;<div class="main-haggling-cont"><div class="left-haggling-cont"><div class="left-haggling-cont-text">What is your budget?</div><div class="left-haggling-cont-atempt">You have <span id="attemptsLeft">$rs.hire_attemps</span> trading attempts left</div><div class="left-haggling-cont-scrollbar"><div class="left-haggling-button"><span id="haggling"><<button "Haggling">><<set $rs.hire_attemps-=1>><</button>></span></div><div class="left-haggling-scrollbar"><<if $rs.hire_attemps==0>><input type="range" id="slider" name="slider" disabled value="1000"><<else>><input type="range" id="slider" name="slider" min="0" max="2000" value="0" step="5"><</if>></div><div class="left-haggling-price"><span id="sliderValue">$flat1_settings.week_income</span></div></div><div id="dialogueText" class="haggling-text"></div><div class="haggling-complete-button"></div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont"><div class="right-haggling-cont-text">Additional income</div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><<if $rs.plus_or_minus_bedroom==0>><div class="arrow-up"></div><<else>><div class="arrow-down"></div><</if>> Bedroom opinion (coef: $rs.coef_bedroom)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<if $rs.plus_or_minus_bedroom==0>><<set $add_bedroom=$rs.coef_bedroom*$rs.money_bedroom>><<else>><<set $add_bedroom=-($rs.coef_bedroom*$rs.money_bedroom)>><</if>>$add_bedroom dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><<if $rs.plus_or_minus_kitchen==0>><div class="arrow-up"></div><<else>><div class="arrow-down"></div><</if>> Kitchen opinion (coef: $rs.coef_kitchen)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<if $rs.plus_or_minus_kitchen==0>><<set $add_kitchen=$rs.coef_kitchen*$rs.money_kitchen>><<else>><<set $add_kitchen=-($rs.coef_kitchen*$rs.money_kitchen)>><</if>>$add_kitchen dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><<if $rs.plus_or_minus_bathroom==0>><div class="arrow-up"></div><<else>><div class="arrow-down"></div><</if>> Bathroom opinion (coef: $rs.coef_bathroom)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<if $rs.plus_or_minus_bathroom==0>><<set $add_bathroom=$rs.coef_bathroom*$rs.money_bathroom>><<else>><<set $add_bathroom=-($rs.coef_bathroom*$rs.money_bathroom)>><</if>>$add_bathroom dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><<if $rs.plus_or_minus_balcony==0>><div class="arrow-up"></div><<else>><div class="arrow-down"></div><</if>> Balcony opinion (coef: $rs.coef_balcony)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<if $rs.plus_or_minus_balcony==0>><<set $add_balcony=$rs.coef_balcony*$rs.money_balcony>><<else>><<set $add_balcony=-($rs.coef_balcony*$rs.money_balcony)>><</if>>$add_balcony dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><div class="arrow-up"></div> The impact of charisma (coef: $rs.coef_charisma)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<set $add_charisma=($new_charisma*$rs.coef_charisma)*$rs.money_charisma>>$add_charisma dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><<if $flat_1_current.bedroom.selected=="Summer Optimism" and $flat_1_current.kitchen.selected=="Summer Optimism" and $flat_1_current.bathroom.selected=="Summer Optimism" and $flat_1_current.balcony.selected=="Summer Optimism">><<set $add_style=$rs.coef_style*$rs.money_style>><div class="arrow-up"></div><<else>><<set $add_style=-($rs.coef_style*$rs.money_style)>><div class="arrow-down"></div><</if>> Matching the style of the apartment (coef: $rs.coef_style)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count">$add_style dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name">Amount of additional income</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<set $add_income=$add_kitchen+$add_bathroom+$add_balcony+$add_bedroom+$add_charisma+$add_style>>$add_income dollars</div></div></div></div>@@
var hireAttempts = variables().rs.hire_attemps; // Примерное начальное значение (замени на $rs.hire_attemps)
var hireAttempts = 3; // Примерное начальное значение (замени на $rs.hire_attemps)
var flat1Income = 0;
var buttonAdded = false; // Переменная для отслеживания, добавлена ли кнопка
// Получаем элементы ползунка и кнопки
var slider = document.getElementById("slider");
var attemptsLeft = document.getElementById("attemptsLeft");
var sliderValue = document.getElementById("sliderValue");
var buttonContainer = document.querySelector(".haggling-complete-button");
// Обновляем отображение количества попыток и значения ползунка
function updateAttemptsDisplay() {
attemptsLeft.textContent = hireAttempts;
// Это условия когда попыток становится 0, попал он или нет
if (hireAttempts <= 0) {
// Проверяем, если значение ползунка находится между 0 и 1300
if (slider.value >= 0 && slider.value <= 1300) {
// Блокируем ползунок на текущем значении
slider.disabled = true;
flat1Income = parseInt(slider.value);
slider.value = flat1Income; // Устанавливаем фиксированное значение
sliderValue.textContent = flat1Income; // Обновляем отображение значения
} else {
// Если значение ползунка вне диапазона, блокируем ползунок на 1000
slider.disabled = true;
slider.value = 1000; // Устанавливаем фиксированное значение
flat1Income = 1000; // Устанавливаем значение для week_income
// Проверяем, добавлена ли кнопка уже
if (!buttonAdded) {
new Wikifier(buttonContainer, '<<button [[DEAL|Rosie_Deal]]>><<set $flat1_settings.week_income=$add_income+$haggling_value>><</button>>');
buttonAdded = true; // Отмечаем, что кнопка добавлена
} else {
slider.disabled = false; // Включаем ползунок, если есть попытки
flat1Income = parseInt(slider.value); // Текущее значение ползунка сохраняется
sliderValue.textContent = flat1Income; // Обновляем отображение значения в span
// Событие при нажатии на кнопку Haggling
document.querySelector("#haggling button").addEventListener("click", function () {
if (hireAttempts > 0) {
hireAttempts -= 1; // Уменьшаем количество попыток
updateAttemptsDisplay(); // Обновляем отображение
var hagglingValue = parseInt(slider.value); // Получаем значение ползунка
variables().hagglingValue = hagglingValue; // Сохраняем в переменной SugarCube
document.getElementById("dialogueText").innerHTML = ""; // Очищаем содержимое диалога
if (variables().hagglingValue < 100) {
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<rs>>“You seriously gonna set a price like that? The game’s dead before it even starts, man. Are you out of your fucking mind?”<</rs>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 100 && variables().hagglingValue < 400){
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<rs>>“Holy crap, that’s dirt cheap! Of course, I’ll take it!”<</rs>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 400 && variables().hagglingValue < 900){
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<rs>>“Whoa, that’s lower than I expected. I’m in!”<</rs>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 900 && variables().hagglingValue < 1300){
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<rs>>Rosie takes a moment to think it over, then nods slowly. “Alright, I can work with that. We’ve got a deal.”<</rs>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 1300 && variables().hagglingValue < 1500){
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<rs>>“Now we’re getting somewhere, but it’s still a stretch. You’re close, but not quite there.”<</rs>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 1500 && variables().hagglingValue < 1700){
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<rs>>Rosie doesn’t budge. “It’s still too high. I can find something just as good for less. You’re gonna have to do better.”<</rs>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 1700 && variables().hagglingValue <= 2000){
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<rs>>Rosie crosses her arms, eyes narrowing. “Whoa, hold on a second. Are you serious? That’s way too high for this place. You’re really trying to milk it, aren’t you?”<</rs>>');
// Если значение между 100 и 200, добавляем кнопку
if (variables().hagglingValue >= 0 && variables().hagglingValue <= 1300 && !buttonAdded) {
buttonContainer.innerHTML = ""; // Очищаем кнопку перед добавлением
new Wikifier(buttonContainer, '<<button [[DEAL|Rosie_Deal]]>><<set $flat1_settings.week_income=$add_income+$haggling_value>><</button>>');
buttonAdded = true;
// Инициализация интерфейса
// Событие при изменении ползунка для отображения текущего значения
slider.addEventListener("input", function () {
flat1Income = parseInt(slider.value); // Сохраняем текущее значение ползунка
sliderValue.textContent = flat1Income; // Обновляем отображение значения в span
<</script>><</done>><<set $ch.img="0.1/сharacters/mark.jpg">><<set $rs.img="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png">><<ch>>You can’t help but feel a rush of satisfaction. “Awesome! I knew you’d come around. You’re making the right choice—where else are you gonna find a place with a balcony view like that and an almost genius landlord?” You wink, still riding the wave of your own overconfidence.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie rolls her eyes but doesn’t argue. ''Yeah, yeah. Just get the paperwork ready, will you?''<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod, grinning like you’ve just won the lottery. ''Consider it done. Welcome to your new home, Rosie.''<</ch>><<set $flat1_settings.avatar=$rs.img>><<set $flat1_settings.is_empty=false>><<set $rs.rel=0>><<set $rs.lust=0>>
<<button [[Hand over the keys|Lobby]]>><</button>><div class="lobby-main-cont">
<div class="lobby-buttons-cont"><div class="button-lobby"><<button [[Work|Work]]>><</button>></div><div class="button-lobby"><<button [[Steal money|Steal money]]>><</button>></div><div class="button-lobby"><<button [[Fitness|Fitness]]>><</button>></div><div class="button-lobby"><<button [[Charisma|Charisma]]>><</button>></div><div class="button-lobby"><<button [[Brothel|Brothel]]>><</button>></div><div class="button-lobby"><<button [[Insurance|Insurance_Need]]>><</button>></div><div class="button-lobby"><<button [[Shop|Shop]]>><</button>></div><div class="button-lobby"><<link "+1 hour">><<addhours 1>><</link>></div><div class="button-lobby"><<if $flat1_settings.avatar==$rs.img or $flat2_settings.avatar==$rs.img>><<button [[Interaction: Rosie]]>><</button>><</if>></div><div class="button-lobby"><<if $flat1_settings.avatar==$lr.img or $flat2_settings.avatar==$lr.img>><<button [[Interaction: Lana & Riley]]>><</button>><</if>></div><div class="button-lobby"><<if $patron_activated==false>><<button [[Patreon Content|Patreon Content]]>><</button>><</if>></div><div class="button-lobby"><<link "Sleep">><<if $payday==0>><<goto week-stats>><<else>><<goto Sleep>><</if>><</link>></div><div class="button-lobby"><<if $rs.rel>150 and $quests.quest_rosie_in_trouble==false>><<button [[Rosie’s in trouble|quest_rosie_in_trouble]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $quests.quest_rosie_in_trouble==true and $quests.quest_dinner_with_rosie==false and $need_payday==false>><<button [[Dinner with Rosie|quest_dinner_with_rosie]]>><</button>><</if>></div><div class="button-lobby"><<if $flat_1_closed_mus==true or $flat_2_closed_mus==true>><<if $choosen_10k_lawyer==false and $choosen_25k_lawyer==false and $choosen_50k_lawyer==false>><<if $is_see_check_mus==true and $killer_way_counter==0>><<button [[Hire a killer|Hire a killer]]>><</button>><<elseif $is_see_check_mus==true and $killer_way_counter==1>><<elseif $is_see_check_mus==true and $killer_way_counter==2>><<button [[Give money to a killer|Hire a killer]]>><</button>><<elseif $is_see_check_mus==true and $killer_way_counter==-1>><<elseif $is_see_check_mus==true and $killer_way_counter==3>><</if>><<else>><</if>><</if>></div><div class="button-lobby"><<if $flat_1_closed_mus==true or $flat_2_closed_mus==true and $killer_way_counter==0>><<if $lawyer_blocker==false>><<if $is_see_check_mus==true and $lawyer_way_counter==0>><<button [[Go to the Court|Go to the Court]]>><</button>><<elseif $is_see_check_mus==true and $lawyer_way_counter==1>><<elseif $is_see_check_mus==true and $lawyer_way_counter==2>><<elseif $is_see_check_mus==true and $lawyer_way_counter==3>><<button [[Go to the Court|Go to the Court]]>><</button>><<elseif $is_see_check_mus==true and $lawyer_way_counter==4>><<elseif $is_see_check_mus==true and $lawyer_way_counter==5>><<button [[Go to the Court|Go to the Court]]>><</button>><<elseif $is_see_check_mus==true and $lawyer_way_counter==6>><<button [[Go to the Court|Go to the Court]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>><</if>></div>
<div class="lobby-main-progress-cont"><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont"><<if $ch.work_lvl==11>>Max<<else>>Lvl: $ch.work_lvl<</if>></div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$ch.work_lvl" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="11"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">x $ch.coef_work</div></div><div class="lobby-progress-cont two"><div class="lobby-level-cont"><<if $ch.steal_lvl==11>>Max<<else>>Lvl: $ch.steal_lvl<</if>></div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$ch.steal_lvl" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="11"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">x $ch.coef_steal</div></div><div class="lobby-progress-cont three"><div class="lobby-level-cont"><<if $ch.fitness_lvl==11>>Max<<else>>Lvl: $ch.fitness_lvl<</if>></div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$ch.fitness_lvl" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="11"></progress></div></div><div class="lobby-progress-cont two"><div class="lobby-level-cont"><<if $ch.charisma_lvl==11>>Max<<else>>Lvl: $ch.charisma_lvl<</if>></div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$ch.charisma_lvl" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="11"></progress></div></div>
</div><<audio "gong" play>><<set $ch.img= "0.1/сharacters/box_boy.png">><<set $ln.img= "0.1/сharacters/box_girl.png">><<set $rl.img= "0.1/сharacters/box_girl.png">>@@.hide;<<ch>>You lean forward, a confident smirk on your face. “Alright, let’s cut to the chase. Ready to see if you can keep up with me when it comes to the numbers?”<</ch>>@@
@@.hide;<<ln>>Lana’s eyes light up with a mix of excitement and challenge. “Oh, we’re more than ready. Let’s see if you can handle what we’ve got in store.”<</ln>>@@
@@.hide;<div class="main-haggling-cont"><div class="left-haggling-cont"><div class="left-haggling-cont-text">What is your budget?</div><div class="left-haggling-cont-atempt">You have <span id="attemptsLeft">$lr.hire_attemps</span> trading attempts left</div><div class="left-haggling-cont-scrollbar"><div class="left-haggling-button"><span id="haggling"><<button "Haggling">><<set $lr.hire_attemps-=1>><</button>></span></div><div class="left-haggling-scrollbar"><<if $lr.hire_attemps==0>><input type="range" id="slider" name="slider" disabled value="1000"><<else>><input type="range" id="slider" name="slider" min="0" max="2000" value="0" step="5"><</if>></div><div class="left-haggling-price"><span id="sliderValue">$flat1_settings.week_income</span></div></div><div id="dialogueText" class="haggling-text"></div><div class="haggling-complete-button"></div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont"><div class="right-haggling-cont-text">Additional income</div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><<if $lr.plus_or_minus_bedroom==0>><div class="arrow-up"></div><<else>><div class="arrow-down"></div><</if>> Bedroom opinion (coef: $lr.coef_bedroom)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<if $lr.plus_or_minus_bedroom==0>><<set $add_bedroom=$lr.coef_bedroom*$lr.money_bedroom>><<else>><<set $add_bedroom=-($lr.coef_bedroom*$lr.money_bedroom)>><</if>>$add_bedroom dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><<if $lr.plus_or_minus_kitchen==0>><div class="arrow-up"></div><<else>><div class="arrow-down"></div><</if>> Kitchen opinion (coef: $lr.coef_kitchen)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<if $lr.plus_or_minus_kitchen==0>><<set $add_kitchen=$lr.coef_kitchen*$lr.money_kitchen>><<else>><<set $add_kitchen=-($lr.coef_kitchen*$lr.money_kitchen)>><</if>>$add_kitchen dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><<if $lr.plus_or_minus_bathroom==0>><div class="arrow-up"></div><<else>><div class="arrow-down"></div><</if>> Bathroom opinion (coef: $lr.coef_bathroom)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<if $lr.plus_or_minus_bathroom==0>><<set $add_bathroom=$lr.coef_bathroom*$lr.money_bathroom>><<else>><<set $add_bathroom=-($lr.coef_bathroom*$lr.money_bathroom)>><</if>>$add_bathroom dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><<if $lr.plus_or_minus_balcony==0>><div class="arrow-up"></div><<else>><div class="arrow-down"></div><</if>> Balcony opinion (coef: $lr.coef_balcony)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<if $lr.plus_or_minus_balcony==0>><<set $add_balcony=$lr.coef_balcony*$lr.money_balcony>><<else>><<set $add_balcony=-($lr.coef_balcony*$lr.money_balcony)>><</if>>$add_balcony dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><div class="arrow-up"></div> The impact of charisma (coef: $lr.coef_charisma)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<set $add_charisma=($new_charisma*$lr.coef_charisma)*$lr.money_charisma>>$add_charisma dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><<if $flat_1_current.bedroom.selected=="Cozy Modern" and $flat_1_current.kitchen.selected=="Cozy Modern" and $flat_1_current.bathroom.selected=="Cozy Modern" and $flat_1_current.balcony.selected=="Cozy Modern">><<set $add_style=$lr.coef_style*$lr.money_style>><div class="arrow-up"></div><<else>><<set $add_style=-($lr.coef_style*$lr.money_style)>><div class="arrow-down"></div><</if>> Matching the style of the apartment (coef: $lr.coef_style)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count">$add_style dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name">Amount of additional income</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<set $add_income=$add_kitchen+$add_bathroom+$add_balcony+$add_bedroom+$add_charisma+$add_style>>$add_income dollars</div></div></div></div>@@
var hireAttempts = variables().lr.hire_attemps; // Примерное начальное значение (замени на $rs.hire_attemps)
var hireAttempts = 3; // Примерное начальное значение (замени на $rs.hire_attemps)
var flat1Income = 0;
var buttonAdded = false; // Переменная для отслеживания, добавлена ли кнопка
// Получаем элементы ползунка и кнопки
var slider = document.getElementById("slider");
var attemptsLeft = document.getElementById("attemptsLeft");
var sliderValue = document.getElementById("sliderValue");
var buttonContainer = document.querySelector(".haggling-complete-button");
// Обновляем отображение количества попыток и значения ползунка
function updateAttemptsDisplay() {
attemptsLeft.textContent = hireAttempts;
// Это условия когда попыток становится 0, попал он или нет
if (hireAttempts <= 0) {
// Проверяем, если значение ползунка находится между 0 и 1300
if (slider.value >= 0 && slider.value <= 1300) {
// Блокируем ползунок на текущем значении
slider.disabled = true;
flat1Income = parseInt(slider.value);
slider.value = flat1Income; // Устанавливаем фиксированное значение
sliderValue.textContent = flat1Income; // Обновляем отображение значения
} else {
// Если значение ползунка вне диапазона, блокируем ползунок на 1000
slider.disabled = true;
slider.value = 1000; // Устанавливаем фиксированное значение
flat1Income = 1000; // Устанавливаем значение для week_income
// Проверяем, добавлена ли кнопка уже
if (!buttonAdded) {
new Wikifier(buttonContainer, '<<button [[DEAL|Lana_Riley_Deal]]>><<set $flat1_settings.week_income=$add_income+$haggling_value>><</button>>');
buttonAdded = true; // Отмечаем, что кнопка добавлена
} else {
slider.disabled = false; // Включаем ползунок, если есть попытки
flat1Income = parseInt(slider.value); // Текущее значение ползунка сохраняется
sliderValue.textContent = flat1Income; // Обновляем отображение значения в span
// Событие при нажатии на кнопку Haggling
document.querySelector("#haggling button").addEventListener("click", function () {
if (hireAttempts > 0) {
hireAttempts -= 1; // Уменьшаем количество попыток
updateAttemptsDisplay(); // Обновляем отображение
var hagglingValue = parseInt(slider.value); // Получаем значение ползунка
variables().hagglingValue = hagglingValue; // Сохраняем в переменной SugarCube
document.getElementById("dialogueText").innerHTML = ""; // Очищаем содержимое диалога
if (variables().hagglingValue < 100) {
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<ln>>You really think that price is gonna fly? The game’s doomed before it even kicks off. Are you out of your damn mind?<</ln>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 100 && variables().hagglingValue < 400){
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<rl>>Riley laughs, shaking her head in disbelief. “That’s a steal! We’re taking it.”<</rl>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 400 && variables().hagglingValue < 900){
// Вставляем другой текст через макрос <<ch>> с закрывающим тегом
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<ln>>Lana grins, clearly impressed. “Didn’t expect that. I’m in!”<</ln>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 900 && variables().hagglingValue < 1300){
// Вставляем другой текст через макрос <<ch>> с закрывающим тегом
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<rl>>Riley nods slowly, clearly satisfied. “Alright, that’s more like it. We’re on board.”<</rl>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 1300 && variables().hagglingValue < 1500){
// Вставляем другой текст через макрос <<ch>> с закрывающим тегом
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<ln>>Lana taps her fingers, thinking it over. “You’re close, but it’s still a bit too much. Trim it down a bit more.”<</ln>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 1500 && variables().hagglingValue < 1700){
// Вставляем другой текст через макрос <<ch>> с закрывающим тегом
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<rl>>Riley gives a half-smile, but there’s no humor in it. “Come on, you know that’s pushing it. We’re not paying that. You’ll need to drop it if you want us to stay interested.”<</rl>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 1700 && variables().hagglingValue <= 2000){
// Вставляем другой текст через макрос <<ch>> с закрывающим тегом
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<ln>>Lana arches an eyebrow, her tone sharp. “You’ve gotta be kidding. That’s way too steep for this place. You’re trying to rip us off, aren’t you?”<</ln>>');
// Если значение между 100 и 200, добавляем кнопку
if (variables().hagglingValue >= 0 && variables().hagglingValue <= 1300 && !buttonAdded) {
buttonContainer.innerHTML = ""; // Очищаем кнопку перед добавлением
new Wikifier(buttonContainer, '<<button [[DEAL|Lana_Riley_Deal]]>><<set $flat1_settings.week_income=$add_income+$haggling_value>><</button>>');
buttonAdded = true;
// Инициализация интерфейса
// Событие при изменении ползунка для отображения текущего значения
slider.addEventListener("input", function () {
flat1Income = parseInt(slider.value); // Сохраняем текущее значение ползунка
sliderValue.textContent = flat1Income; // Обновляем отображение значения в span
<</script>><</done>><<addhours 1>><<st>>You spot two women standing outside the building, both looking effortlessly hot—one with sleek hair and curves in all the right places, the other with a wild, confident vibe that’s impossible to ignore. You walk up, ready to make your move.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Lana and Riley?” you ask, already guessing the answer.<</ch>>
<<st>>They both nod, flashing polite smiles.<</st>>
<<ch>>You squint at them for a second, something about their faces triggering a memory. And then it hits you like a ton of bricks. Your eyes widen in disbelief. “Wait… hold up. Are you two the Lana and Riley? Like, pornstars?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana grins, clearly enjoying your reaction. “Guilty as charged.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley smirks, crossing her arms. “We get that a lot.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You’re practically buzzing with excitement now. “No way! I’m a big fan, seriously. This is wild. I never thought I’d be renting a place to—well, you two.”<</ch>>
<<st>>They laugh, clearly not put off by your enthusiasm.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Thanks,” Lana says, still grinning. “But right now, we’re just looking for a nice place to live.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Yeah,” Riley adds, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “So, are you gonna show us the apartment, or just keep fanboying?”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You snap back to reality, a huge grin on your face. “Right, right! Let’s check out your future pad. Follow me, ladies.”<</ch>>
<<st>>As you lead them inside, you can’t help but feel like you’ve just hit the jackpot.<</st>>
<<button [[Hallway|Hallway_Lana_Riley]]>><</button>><<if $flat_1_current.bedroom.selected=="none" or $flat_1_current.kitchen.selected=="none" or $flat_1_current.bathroom.selected=="none" or $flat_1_current.balcony.selected=="none">><<st>>You lead Lana and Riley into the hallway, trying to keep your swagger intact, but everything changes the moment they step inside.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana’s eyes sweep over the unfinished walls and bare floors, and she lets out a low whistle. “Wow… so, this is what they mean by ‘rustic charm,’ huh? $ch.nom, did you bring us to a construction zone by mistake?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley’s eyebrows shoot up as she glances around, her tone dripping with sarcasm. “Seriously, you think we’re gonna spend a dime fixing up this dump? We’re looking for a place to live, not a DIY nightmare.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Before you can even stammer out a reply, Lana shakes her head, already turning on her heel. “Yeah, we’re out. Good luck with… whatever this is.”<</ln>>
<<st>>You’re left standing there, the empty hallway suddenly feeling a lot colder as the door clicks shut behind them.<</st>>
<<st>>//Here’s a little hint for you, bro: slap some paint on those walls and at least pretend you care. Do a basic reno, then try your luck with her again. Maybe this time, she’ll stick around longer than two minutes.//<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Hire_flat_1]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $flat_1_current.bedroom.selected=="Cozy Modern" and $flat_1_current.kitchen.selected=="Cozy Modern" and $flat_1_current.bathroom.selected=="Cozy Modern" and $flat_1_current.balcony.selected=="Cozy Modern">><<st>>You swing open the door, letting Lana and Riley step in first. The moment they cross the threshold, their jaws practically drop.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana’s eyes widen, and she lets out an excited laugh. “Holy shit, this is amazing! This place is exactly our vibe!”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley’s all smiles as she spins around, taking in every detail. “Damn, $ch.nom, how’d you manage to pull this off? It’s like you raided our Pinterest boards or something!”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but beam with pride, feeling like a total genius. “What can I say? I’ve got an eye for style. And hey, if you’re already impressed, wait till you see the rest. You might wanna sign the lease on the spot, haha.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana smiles, nudging Riley. “If the rest of the place is as good as this, we might.”<</ln>>
<<button [[Show Rooms|Show_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $flat_1_current.bedroom.selected!="none" and $flat_1_current.kitchen.selected!="none" and $flat_1_current.bathroom.selected!="none" and $flat_1_current.balcony.selected!="none">><<st>>You lead Lana and Riley into the hallway, smiling confidently. They step inside and look around, and you can see a spark of interest in their eyes.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana tilts her head, giving a nod of approval. “Oh, this is kinda cute. Definitely not bad.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley brushes her fingers along the wall, smirking. “Looks like you actually tried, $ch.nom. Fresh paint and everything.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You puff out your chest a bit, feeling like you’ve done something right for once. “Yeah, of course! Only the best for you ladies. Fresh coat of paint, no rats—what more could you want? But seriously, the other rooms are just as good. Let’s check ‘em out.”<</ch>>
<<button [[Show Rooms|Show_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>>
<</if>><<st>>Choose what to show them<</st>>
<<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><<set $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.kitchen=1>><<st>>Having learned a thing or two from the last time, you’re actually prepared this time. You lead Lana and Riley into the kitchen-living room, feeling pretty good about the whole thing.<</st>>
<<ch>>You start your pitch, trying to sound like you’ve got your act together. “So, this is the kitchen-living room combo. It’s a studio layout, open space, perfect for, you know, cooking while still being part of the action…”<</ch>>
<<st>>But mid-sentence, you lose your train of thought. Lana’s wandering around the room, and Riley crouches down, peeking into one of the lower cabinets. You can’t help but stare at her ass, completely forgetting what you were saying.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Uh… right,” you mumble, trying to shake yourself out of it. “What was I saying again?”<</ch>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Continue the Pitch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You shake your head, trying to get back on track. “Right, the kitchen. Plenty of space, modern appliances, all the fancy stuff. Great for whipping up some food… or whatever else you might be into.”<</ch>>
<<ch>>You decide to steer the conversation their way. “But enough about the kitchen. What about you two? What do you get up to when you’re not, you know, starring in your… videos?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana raises an eyebrow, a grin spreading across her face. “You mean when we’re not doing porn?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley chuckles, straightening up from the cabinet. “Yeah, that’s pretty much it. We don’t really do much else.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>Feeling bold, you throw in a joke, grinning like an idiot. “So what, you gonna be filming your next scene right here in the apartment?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>For a moment, they exchange glances, and you wonder if you just completely blew it. But then they start laughing, and Lana smirks at you. “Why, you wanna be part of it?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley winks, clearly enjoying this. “Yeah, we could always use some fresh meat.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You laugh along, trying to keep your cool even though your heart’s practically doing backflips. “Hell yeah, sign me up. Just let me know when.”<</ch>>
<<st>>But inside, you’re losing it. Holy shit, this is happening. This is actually happening!<</st>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Approach Riley'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You completely lose track of what you were saying, your brain short-circuiting as you fixate on Riley’s ass while she’s bent over, digging through the cabinets. And because your genius brain thinks this is the best idea ever, you saunter over and give her a playful bump with your hips, grinning like a fool.<</st>>
<<st>>The second you do it, the whole room goes dead silent. Lana stops in her tracks, staring at you both like you’ve lost your mind. Riley slowly stands up, turning to face you with a look that makes you wonder if you’re about to get decked.<</st>>
<<rl>>But then, Riley’s lips twist into a wicked grin. “Well, damn, looks like we’ve got ourselves a cheeky little perv in the house.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana’s shock melts into a smirk as she watches you squirm. “You do know that before you try to screw a girl, you’re supposed to take your pants off first, right? Or is this your first time?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley lets out a laugh, sizing you up. “I mean, I get it. With a piece of ass like mine, how could you resist?”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You laugh awkwardly, trying to act like you’ve still got some cool left. “Uh, yeah, exactly. Who could resist?”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley leans in a bit, giving you a look that’s half-challenge, half-tease. “Just watch it, buddy. Playtime’s fun, but you better be ready to back it up.”<</rl>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $lr.plus_or_minus_kitchen=1>>
</span><<set $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bedroom=1>><<st>>You lead Lana and Riley into the bedroom. The room is large, and the big bed takes up most of the middle.<</st>><span id='options1'>
<<link 'Talk about the room'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You gesture around the room, trying to keep their interest. “So, as you can see, the bedroom’s pretty spacious. That bed’s a king-size, perfect for stretching out—or whatever else you’ve got in mind. Plenty of closet space too, and the windows let in a ton of natural light in the morning. It’s got that whole ‘relax and unwind’ vibe, you know?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana nods approvingly. “This is a nice setup.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley glances around, a satisfied smile on her face. “Yeah, I could definitely see myself relaxing here.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You can’t resist the urge to crack a joke, trying to get back into your groove. “Mind if I ask a question? When you walk into a bedroom like this, do you ever feel like you’re clocking in for work again? Hah!”<</ch>>
<<ln>>They exchange a quick look, their smiles tightening just a bit. Lana lets out a small laugh, but it’s clear the joke didn’t land as well as you hoped. “Depends on the day, I guess.”<</ln>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $lr.plus_or_minus_bedroom=1>>
<<link 'Let the girls talk'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ln>>Lana grins, glancing around. “Well, this is the most important room, isn’t it? Better make sure it’s up to standard.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>Before you can react, both of them leap onto the bed. Lana quickly gets into a doggy-style position, while Riley playfully scoots in behind her, pretending to twirl an invisible lasso. With a mischievous smile, she “throws” the lasso right at you.<</ch>>
<<st>>Normally, you’d have some slick comeback or a cocky move to make, but right now, you’re just a deer in headlights, blushing like some nervous kid.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana glances back at you, a teasing smirk on her lips. “What’s the matter, $ch.nom? Cat got your tongue?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Riley, still twirling her imaginary lasso, laughs and winks at you. <</st>>
<<rl>>“Don’t tell me you’ve never been roped in before.”<</rl>>
<<st>>You attempt to say something—anything—to calm down, but all you get is a nervous laugh.<</st>>
<<ln>>The girls exchange amused looks, clearly enjoying your struggle. Lana raises an eyebrow, half-laughing. “Well, looks like someone missed their cue.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley giggles, shaking her head. “Too bad. Guess the moment’s passed.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>They hop off the bed, still chuckling, and saunter out of the room, leaving you standing there like a statue.<</ch>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
</span><<set $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bathroom=1>><<st>>You lead Lana and Riley into the bathroom. It’s spacious, with modern fixtures and plenty of room to move around, definitely a plus for any potential tenant.<</st>><span id='options1'>
<<link 'Show bathroom'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You clear your throat and gesture around. “So, this is the bathroom. It’s pretty big, plenty of space for whatever you might need. Nice shower, lots of storage, and even room for a washer.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley’s eyes light up as she spots the washing machine. “Oh, nice! There’s a washer in here, too. Remember that video idea we had where you get stuck in the washing machine?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana bursts out laughing. “Oh, yeah! Classic genre stuff.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley grins, nudging Lana. “Well, this place is perfect for it. Plenty of space to, you know, make it look convincing.”<</rl>>
<<st>>Hearing that, you choke on your own breath, completely caught off guard.<</st>>
<<ch>>Damn, you think to yourself, maybe I should’ve rented this place out for something a bit more… interesting.<</ch>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Do something creative'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>Feeling a sudden burst of inspiration, you decide to show off the bathroom in a way that’s anything but ordinary. “You know what? Let’s check out this tub.”<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Come on, girls, there’s plenty of room in here for all three of us.”<</ch>>
<<st>>They exchange amused glances, clearly intrigued by your audacity. With a playful shrug, they climb in, crowding around you.<</st>>
<<ch>>You glance at them with a mischievous grin. “I’d turn on the water, but then we’d all get... soaked.”<</ch>>
<<st>>They burst into laughter, clearly enjoying the ridiculousness of it all.<</st>>
<<st>>You can’t help it—your eyes immediately drop to their cleavage. You’re trying to stay cool, but your gaze is glued to their tits, totally obvious.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana notices first, smirking as she catches your stare. “Eyes up here, Didn’t think we’d be giving a free show today.”<</ln>>
<<ln>>As you all climb out of the tub, Lana laughs, nudging Riley. “This has to be the weirdest bathroom tour ever.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley smirks, giving you a once-over. “Yeah, but it was definitely impressive."<</rl>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
</span><<set $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.balcony=1>><<ch>>You lead Lana and Riley to the balcony. “This balcony is something else—freshly renovated, and the view is the real showstopper. You’ve gotta see it.”<</ch>>
<<st>>As you all lean on the railing, you instinctively wrap an arm around each of their waists, pulling them in close. They don’t resist, and you can’t help but feel a rush of disbelief. Is this really happening?<</st>>
<<st>>It’s the kind of moment you never thought you’d get lucky enough to experience, but damn, here you are, right in the middle of it.<</st>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_1.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Lana_Riley_flat_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<st>>After touring the entire apartment, Lana and Riley share a quick, knowing glance. Lana turns to you, a sly smile tugging at her lips.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Alright,” she says, “Your unique sales tactics definitely worked on us. Plus, the apartment’s not bad either. We’ll take it.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley nods, chuckling. “Yeah, you sold us. The place is decent, but you? You sealed the deal.”<</rl>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'I`ll Contact You Later'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You grin, pleased with how things have gone. “Glad you girls like the place. It’s great to hear my, uh, sales tactics did the trick. But, just so you know, there are a couple more people scheduled to see the apartment later today. I’ll give you a call once they’ve had a look, and we can finalize things then, alright?”<</ch>>
<<lr>>Lana and Riley nod, still smiling. “Sounds good. We’ll be waiting for that call.”<</lr>>
<<button [[Leave|Hire_flat_1]]>><</button>><<set $already_talk_hire_lana_riley=true>>
<<link 'Rent the Apartment to girls'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You grin, feeling pretty satisfied. “Awesome, I’m glad you both decided to take it. Now that we’re all on the same page, let’s talk about the price.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana smirks, crossing her arms. “Oh, we’re ready to talk price, but don’t think it’ll be easy. We’re not going down without a fight.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley nods with a playful glint in her eye. “Yeah, you better bring your A-game. This is gonna be a battle.”<</rl>>
<<button [[Haggling|Haggling_LanaRiley]]>><</button>>
</span><<set $ch.img="0.1/сharacters/mark.jpg">><<set $ln.img="0.1/сharacters/lana.png">><<set $rl.img="0.1/сharacters/riley.png">><<ch>>You can’t help but smirk with satisfaction. “Perfect choice! I mean, where else are you gonna find a place this good—with a landlord this brilliant?” You flash them a wink, feeling your ego swell a bit.<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana chuckles, shaking her head. “Sure, sure, genius. Just get the paperwork, alright?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley grins, nudging Lana. “Yeah, we’ll take it. Let’s make this official.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You nod, grinning like you’ve just hit the jackpot. “Consider it done. Welcome to your new place, ladies!”<</ch>><<set $flat1_settings.avatar=$lr.img>><<set $flat1_settings.is_empty=false>><<set $lr.rel=0>><<set $lr.lust=0>>
<<button [[Hand over the keys|Lobby]]>><</button>><<st>>You finally get called into the office, and as you step in, you can’t believe your luck. Behind the desk sits an absolute stunner—long legs, a fitted blazer, and a smile that could sell anything. This was not the dry, number-crunching mortgage specialist you were expecting.<</st>>
<<lc>>She glances up and smiles. “Alright, let’s get you started with the mortgage terms and talk percentages—”<</lc>>
<<st>>She goes on about rates and numbers, but you’re barely listening, eyes fixed on her neckline as she leans over her desk. Percentages? Interest rates? Yeah, whatever. You decide to cut to the chase.<</st>>
<<ch>>You lean back in the chair, flashing her a grin. “Percentages, huh? You know, I think you just doubled mine by walking in here looking like that.”<</ch>>
<<lc>>She raises an eyebrow, clearly caught off guard but amused. “Bold move, sir, but let’s keep this professional, alright?”<</lc>>
<<ch>>“Oh, I can be professional,” you say, still grinning, “but I’m not exactly known for it. Not around someone like you.”<</ch>>
<<lc>>She chuckles, then gives you a playful, challenging look. “And what is it exactly you are known for?”<</lc>>
<<ch>>You lean forward, locking eyes. ''Let me show you.''<</ch>>
<<st>>A while later, you step out of her office with a satisfied grin—and an approved mortgage in hand.<</st>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>><<set $is_lana_riley_here=false>><<set $is_riley_here=false>><<set $is_lana_here=false>><<set $is_lana_riley_here=false>><<set $is_lana_here=false>><<set $is_riley_here=false>><<set $whoinroom="">><<set $whoinroom_lana="">><<set $whoinroom_riley="">><<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="">><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>></div>
<<if $flat2_settings.avatar==$rs.img>><div class="rooms-cont repair"><div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair cam bedroom">[img[$flat2_settings.bedroom][Bedroom_camera_flat_2]]<!-- Условие для Понедельника - Пятницы -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Saturday" and GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж с 6 до 7 утра -->
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=7>><<set $whoinroom="Rbed">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Персонаж с 16 до 24, но с рандомным шансом -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=16 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24) and ($randomNumber>=0 and $randomNumber<24)>><<set $whoinroom="Rbed">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Условие для Субботы и Воскресенья -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Saturday" or GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж с 6 утра до 24 с рандомным шансом -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24) and ($randomNumber>=0 and $randomNumber<24)>><<set $whoinroom="Rbed">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<</if>><</if>></div></div><div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair cam kitchen">[img[$flat2_settings.kitchen][Kitchen_camera_flat_2]]
<!-- Персонаж в комнате с 8 до 9 утра (для всех дней недели) -->
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours()>8 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=9>><<set $whoinroom="Rkit">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Проверка для будних дней (Пн-Пт) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Saturday" and GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 16 до 24, если рандомное число от 25 до 50 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=16 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24) and ($randomNumber>=25 and $randomNumber<50)>><<set $whoinroom="Rkit">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Проверка для выходных (Сб-Вс) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Saturday" or GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 6 до 24, если рандомное число от 25 до 50 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24) and ($randomNumber>=25 and $randomNumber<50)>><<set $whoinroom="Rkit">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<div class="rooms-cont repair">
<div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair cam bedroom">[img[$flat2_settings.toilet][Toilet_camera_flat_2]]
<!-- Персонаж в комнате с 7 до 8 утра (для всех дней недели) -->
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours()>7 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=8>><<set $whoinroom="Rtoi">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Проверка для будних дней (Пн-Пт) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Saturday" and GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 16 до 24, если рандомное число от 50 до 75 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=16 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24) and ($randomNumber>=50 and $randomNumber<75)>><<set $whoinroom="Rtoi">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Проверка для выходных (Сб-Вс) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Saturday" or GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 6 до 24, если рандомное число от 50 до 75 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24) and ($randomNumber>=50 and $randomNumber<75)>><<set $whoinroom="Rtoi">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair cam kitchen">[img[$flat2_settings.balcony][Balcony_camera_flat_2]]
<!-- Проверка для будних дней (Пн-Пт) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Saturday" and GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 16 до 24, если рандомное число от 75 до 101 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=16 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24) and ($randomNumber>=75 and $randomNumber<101)>><<set $whoinroom="Rbal">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Проверка для выходных (Сб-Вс) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Saturday" or GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 6 до 24, если рандомное число от 75 до 101 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24) and ($randomNumber>=75 and $randomNumber<101)>><<set $whoinroom="Rbal">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $flat2_settings.avatar==$lr.img>><<if $already_date_lana==1 and ($lana_activator_one==1 or $lana_activator_one==2)>><<goto Camera_Date_Events>><<elseif $already_date_riley==1 and ($riley_activator_one==1 or $riley_activator_one==2)>><<goto Camera_Date_Events>><<elseif $already_date_lana_riley==1 and $lana_riley_activator_one==1>><<goto Camera_Date_Events>><<else>><div class="rooms-cont repair"><div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair cam bedroom">[img[$flat2_settings.bedroom][Bedroom_camera_flat_2_LR]]<!-- Условие для Понедельника - Пятницы -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Saturday" and GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж с 6 до 7 утра -->
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<7>><<set $is_lana_here=true>><<set $whoinroom_lana="Lbed">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Персонаж с 16 до 24, но с рандомным шансом -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=16 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24)>>
<<if $is_lana_riley_here==false and $is_riley_here==false and $is_lana_here==false>>
<<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>>
<<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>>
<<if $randomLana and $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_lana_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="LRbed">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley.jpg" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rbed">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomLana>>
<<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lbed">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><</if>><<else>><<if $is_lana_riley_here==false>><<if $is_lana_here==false>><<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomLana>><<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lbed">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><<elseif $is_riley_here==false>><<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomRiley>><<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rbed">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Условие для Субботы и Воскресенья -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Saturday" or GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж с 6 утра до 24 с рандомным шансом -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24)>>
<<if $is_lana_riley_here==false and $is_riley_here==false and $is_lana_here==false>>
<<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>>
<<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>>
<<if $randomLana and $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_lana_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="LRbed">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley.jpg" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rbed">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomLana>>
<<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lbed">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><</if>><<else>><<if $is_lana_riley_here==false>><<if $is_lana_here==false>><<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomLana>><<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lbed">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><<elseif $is_riley_here==false>><<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomRiley>><<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rbed">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<</if>></div></div><div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair cam kitchen">[img[$flat2_settings.kitchen][Kitchen_camera_flat_2_LR]]
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Saturday" and GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж в комнате с 6 до 7 утра (для всех дней недели) -->
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<7>><<set $is_riley_here=true>><<set $whoinroom_riley="Rkit">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<</if>><<if $gameDate.getUTCHours()>=8 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<9>><<set $is_lana_here=true>><<set $whoinroom_lana="Lkit">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
<</if>><<if $gameDate.getUTCHours()>=7 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<8>><<set $is_riley_here=true>><<set $whoinroom_riley="Rkit">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Проверка для будних дней (Пн-Пт) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Saturday" and GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 16 до 24, если рандомное число от 25 до 50 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=16 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24)>>
<<if $is_lana_riley_here==false and $is_riley_here==false and $is_lana_here==false>>
<<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>>
<<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>>
<<if $randomLana and $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_lana_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="LRkit">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley.jpg" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rkit">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomLana>>
<<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lkit">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><</if>><<else>><<if $is_lana_riley_here==false>><<if $is_lana_here==false>><<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomLana>><<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lkit">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><<elseif $is_riley_here==false>><<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomRiley>><<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rkit">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Проверка для выходных (Сб-Вс) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Saturday" or GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 6 до 24 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24)>>
<<if $is_lana_riley_here==false and $is_riley_here==false and $is_lana_here==false>>
<<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>>
<<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>>
<<if $randomLana and $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_lana_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="LRkit">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley.jpg" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rkit">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomLana>>
<<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lkit">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><</if>><<else>><<if $is_lana_riley_here==false>><<if $is_lana_here==false>><<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomLana>><<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lkit">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><<elseif $is_riley_here==false>><<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomRiley>><<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rkit">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<div class="rooms-cont repair">
<div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair cam bedroom">[img[$flat2_settings.toilet][Toilet_camera_flat_2_LR]]
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Saturday" and GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж в комнате с 7 до 8 утра (для всех дней недели) -->
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours()>=7 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<8>><<set $is_lana_here=true>><<set $whoinroom_lana="Ltoi">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
<</if>><<if $gameDate.getUTCHours()>=8 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<9>><<set $is_riley_here=true>><<set $whoinroom_riley="Rtoi">>
<div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Проверка для будних дней (Пн-Пт) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Saturday" and GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 16 до 24, если рандомное число от 50 до 75 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=16 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24)>>
<<if $is_lana_riley_here==false and $is_riley_here==false and $is_lana_here==false>>
<<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>>
<<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>>
<<if $randomLana and $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_lana_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="LRtoi">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley.jpg" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rtoi">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomLana>>
<<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Ltoi">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><</if>><<else>><<if $is_lana_riley_here==false>><<if $is_lana_here==false>><<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomLana>><<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Ltoi">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><<elseif $is_riley_here==false>><<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomRiley>><<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rtoi">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Проверка для выходных (Сб-Вс) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Saturday" or GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 6 до 24, если рандомное число от 50 до 75 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24)>>
<<if $is_lana_riley_here==false and $is_riley_here==false and $is_lana_here==false>>
<<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>>
<<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>>
<<if $randomLana and $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_lana_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="LRtoi">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley.jpg" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rtoi">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomLana>>
<<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Ltoi">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><</if>><<else>><<if $is_lana_riley_here==false>><<if $is_lana_here==false>><<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomLana>><<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Ltoi">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><<elseif $is_riley_here==false>><<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>><<if $randomRiley>><<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rtoi">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair cam kitchen">[img[$flat2_settings.balcony][Balcony_camera_flat_2_LR]]
<!-- Проверка для будних дней (Пн-Пт) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Saturday" and GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] isnot "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 16 до 24, если рандомное число от 75 до 101 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=16 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24)>>
<<if $is_lana_riley_here==false and $is_riley_here==false and $is_lana_here==false>>
<<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>>
<<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>>
<<if $randomLana and $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_lana_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="LRbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley.jpg" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomLana>>
<<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><</if>><<else>><<if $is_lana_riley_here==false>><<if $is_lana_here==false and $is_riley_here==false>><<set $is_lana_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="LRbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley.jpg" alt="lr Icon">
</div><<elseif $is_lana_here==false>><<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><<elseif $is_riley_here==false>><<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<!-- Проверка для выходных (Сб-Вс) -->
<<if GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Saturday" or GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()] is "Sunday">>
<!-- Персонаж может быть с 6 до 24, если рандомное число от 75 до 101 -->
<<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=6 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24)>>
<<if $is_lana_riley_here==false and $is_riley_here==false and $is_lana_here==false>>
<<set $randomLana = random(0, 1)>>
<<set $randomRiley = random(0, 1)>>
<<if $randomLana and $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_lana_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="LRbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley.jpg" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomRiley>>
<<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<<elseif $randomLana>>
<<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><</if>><<else>><<if $is_lana_riley_here==false>><<if $is_lana_here==false and $is_riley_here==false>><<set $is_lana_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana_riley="LRbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley.jpg" alt="lr Icon">
</div><<elseif $is_lana_here==false>><<set $is_lana_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_lana="Lbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="lr Icon">
</div><<elseif $is_riley_here==false>><<set $is_riley_here=true>>
<<set $whoinroom_riley="Rbal">><div class="rs-container">
<img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="lr Icon">
<<else>><<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><<st>>You really sure you wanna throw her out of this place?<</st>>
<<link [[Evict|Lobby]]>><<set $flat2_settings.avatar="0.1/сharacters/empty.png">><<set $flat2_settings.is_empty=true>><</link>>
<<link [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</link>><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>></div>
<div class="hire-main-cont">
<div class="hire-card-cont"><div class="hire-avatar-cont"><img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie_big.png" alt="Avatar"></div><div class="hire-description-cont">Rosie
<span id="hire-stats">Weekly payment: $rs.weekly_payment_standart
Preferred Style: $rs.prefered_style
Flat level coef: $rs.flat_level_coef
Charisma coef: $rs.coef_charisma
Minimum repair level: $rs.minimum_repair_level
Renovation in every room: Yes</span>
<div class="hire-button-cont"><<if $flat1_settings.avatar==$rs.img or $flat2_settings.avatar==$rs.img>><<button "Already a resident">><</button>><<else>><<if $already_talk_hire_rosie_flat_2==true>><<button [[Haggling|Haggling_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[Schedule a meeting|Schedule_a_meeting_girl_1_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>></div></div></div>
<div class="hire-card-cont gold"><div class="hire-avatar-cont"><img src="0.1/сharacters/lana_riley_big.jpg" alt="Avatar"></div><div class="hire-description-cont">Lana and Riley
<span id="hire-stats">Weekly payment: $lr.weekly_payment_standart
Preferred Style: $lr.prefered_style
Flat level coef: $lr.flat_level_coef
Charisma coef: $lr.coef_charisma
Minimum repair level: $lr.minimum_repair_level
Renovation in every room: Yes</span>
<div class="hire-button-cont gold"><<if $patron_activated==false>><<button [[Patreon Content|Patreon Content]]>><</button>><<else>><<if $flat_2.total_level<20>><<button "Repair Level <20">><</button>><<else>><<if $flat1_settings.avatar==$lr.img or $flat2_settings.avatar==$lr.img>><<button "Already a resident">><</button>><<else>><<if $already_talk_hire_lana_riley_flat_2==true>><<button [[Haggling|Haggling_LanaRiley_flat_2]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[Schedule a meeting|Schedule_a_meeting_girl_2_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>></div></div></div>
<div class="hire-card-cont"><<if $already_solve_mus==true>><<else>><div class="hire-avatar-cont"><img src="0.3/сharacters/zulfiya.png" alt="Avatar"></div><div class="hire-description-cont">Zulfiya
<span id="hire-stats">Weekly payment: $zl.weekly_payment_standart
Preferred Style: $zl.prefered_style
Flat level coef: $zl.flat_level_coef
Charisma coef: 2
Minimum repair level: $zl.minimum_repair_level
Renovation in every room: Yes</span>
<div class="hire-button-cont"><<if $flat_2.total_level<30>><<button "Low repair level">><</button>><<else>><<if $flat1_settings.avatar==$mus.img or $flat2_settings.avatar==$mus.img>><<button "Already a resident">><</button>><<else>><<if $already_talk_hire_zulfiya_flat_2==true>><<button [[Haggling|Haggling_Zulfiya_flat_2]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[Schedule a meeting|Schedule_a_meeting_girl_3_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>><</if>></div></div><</if>></div>
</div><<addhours 1>><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>></div>
<<if $is_flat_closed==true>><<ch>>“Nothing to do here, everything’s burned. Time to hit the insurance office.”<</ch>><<else>><<if $flat2_settings.avatar==$rs.img>><<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $need_check_room_1==true>><<set $need_check_room_1=false>>
<<rs>>You head over to Rosie’s door and knock. After a moment, she opens it, looking surprised to see you. “Hey, what’s up?” she asks politely.<</rs>>
<<ch>>You flash a casual smile. “Hey, need to check something in the apartment, if you don’t mind.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie tilts her head, a little curious. “Sure, what exactly?”<</rs>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Check the Wiring'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>“Yeah, I heard some tenants in the building complaining about the wiring—said it’s been acting up and even giving off a weird smell. Thought I’d better check it out here too, just to be safe.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie’s eyes widen slightly. “Oh wow, that’s really nice of you. Yeah, go ahead, please check it out.”<</rs>>
<<st>>You walk in, pretending to be focused on inspecting the wiring.<</st>>
<<ch>>You start moving around the apartment, pretending to inspect the outlets and switches. As you do, you can’t resist making a bold comment. “You know, I’ve seen a lot of apartments, but none with a view as good as this one,” you say, your eyes lingering on her body just long enough to make the meaning clear.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie chuckles, though it’s clear she’s not entirely sure how to take the compliment. “Thanks, I guess?”<</rs>>
<<st>>You continue to move around, but your eyes keep drifting back to her.<</st>>
<<ch>>Finally, you casually drift toward the spot where you know she hid the stash. “Wiring looks fine so far,” you say, then ‘accidentally’ move a cushion aside and uncover the bag. You hold it up, your playful tone gone. “And what do we have here?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie’s face pales as she stammers, “I-I… that’s not…”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You cut her off, your voice turning serious. “Look, I don’t need this kind of trouble. If I’d known you were hiding this stuff, I never would’ve rented to you.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie’s face pales as she quickly tries to explain. “Oh my God, it’s not what you think! I swear, it’s really not!”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You take a step closer, giving her a knowing smile. “Come on, Rosie. You and I both know what’s going on here.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She sighs, realizing she’s been caught. “Yeah, yeah, okay… you’re right. I messed up. So, what happens now?”<</rs>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Kick her out'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<ch>>You stare at her for a moment before shaking your head. “I’m not going to rent this place to you anymore, Rosie. You’re out.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Her eyes widen in panic. “No, wait! I don’t have anywhere else to go, and I’ve gotten used to living here. Come on, there has to be something I can do.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You pretend to hesitate, acting like you’re not sure if you want to give her a second chance. Finally, you let out a sigh, looking at her like you’re making a big sacrifice. “Alright… maybe there’s one option.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She looks up at you, desperate. “What is it?”<</rs>><<set $flat2_settings.avatar="0.1/сharacters/empty.png">><<set $flat2_settings.is_empty=true>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Raise Her Rent'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<ch>>You lean in, holding the bag up. “Alright, Rosie, here’s the deal. I’m not kicking you out, but this little ‘mistake’ is gonna cost you.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She looks nervous, eyes darting around. “What do you mean?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You smirk. “I’m raising your rent. You want to stay here? It’s gonna be 30% more. Consider it a fee for keeping my mouth shut.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie’s eyes widen, but she nods, clearly knowing she’s got no other option. “Fine. I’ll pay the extra. Just... don’t tell anyone.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You grin, satisfied. “As long as the money’s on time and this place stays clean, we’re good.”<</ch>>
<<st>>Besides being hot as hell, turns out you’re also pretty interesting to keep an eye on, you think to yourself.<</st>><<set $flat2_settings.week_income=$flat2_settings.week_income*1.3>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Have sex with her'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<ch>>You look Rosie up and down, a smirk tugging at your lips. “You know, Rosie, you’re one hell of a sexy woman. From the moment I handed you the keys, I haven’t been able to keep the compliments to myself.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She crosses her arms, a wary look in her eyes. “So, what exactly are you getting at?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You step closer, your voice dropping to a low, suggestive tone. “I think you know exactly where this is going, Rosie.”<</ch>>
<<st>>She hesitates, searching your face for a moment.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Let me fuck you, and I’ll forget all about what I found here. Shit, just the thought of it is already getting me worked up,” you say checking out her body, not even trying to hide the lust in your eyes.<</ch>>
<<st>>Rosie pauses, clearly weighing her options. After a moment, she looks you up and down, a confident smile spreading across her face.<</st>>
<<rs>>“Alright,” she says, giving you a slow, deliberate wink. “I’m in.”<</rs>>
[img[0.1/gifs/oneTime/2.webp]]<<set $rs.lust+=10>><<set $rs.rel+=10>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Go Straight to the Stash'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You give Rosie a half-smile as you step into the apartment without waiting for an invitation. “Yeah, there’s just something I need to check real quick.” You’re already heading straight for the living room, your eyes locked on the spot where she hid the stash.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie watches you, her confusion turning to suspicion. “Wait, what are you—”<</rs>>
<<st>>Ignoring her, you crouch down by the cushion, your hand slipping underneath with a sense of purpose. Your fingers brush against the small bag, and you pull it out, holding it up for her to see.<</st>>
<<rs>>Her eyes widen with shock and fury. You smirk, ready to lay into her, but before you can even open your mouth, Rosie quickly catches on and flips the script, going on the attack. Her voice rises, cutting through your confidence. “Did you plant this? You trying to set me up, you creep?”<</rs>>
<<st>>You didn’t see that coming, and it throws you off balance.<</st>>
<<rs>>She takes the opportunity to raise her voice even more. “You want me to call the cops? Get out of my apartment, you jerk!”<</rs>>
<<st>>Before you can even process what just happened, she’s slammed the door in your face, leaving you standing there in the hallway, stunned.<</st>>
<<ch>>Damn, she really turned the tables on me.<</ch>>
<<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>><<if $checkIndex_rs < 3>><<set $checkIndex_rs to $checkIndex_rs + 1>><</if>><<switch $checkIndex_rs>>
<<case 1>><<rs>>You knock on Rosie’s door, and she answers with a curious smile. “Hey, what’s up?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You lean against the doorframe, trying to seem casual. “Just thought I’d check in on you. How’s the apartment treating you?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She nods, still smiling. “Everything’s good. The place is nice, no complaints.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You give her a nod and a smile. “Great to hear. Just wanted to make sure. I’ll, uh, let you get back to whatever you were doing.”<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<rs>>You knock on Rosie’s door, and she opens it, her smile a bit more forced this time. “Hey, is there something you need?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You shrug, trying to keep the conversation light. “Just wanted to see how you’re doing. Everything okay?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She hesitates for a moment, her tone polite but a bit stiff. “Yeah, everything’s fine. Thanks for checking in.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod, the awkwardness more noticeable now. “Alright, well, just making sure. If you need anything, you know where to find me.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<rs>>You knock on Rosie’s door, and when she opens it, her expression is icy. “What do you want now?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You try to keep it light, giving her a grin. “Just checking if everything’s still good with the apartment.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Her eyes narrow, and she practically spits out her words. “You’ve asked me that a hundred times. Everything’s fine. Seriously, can you fuck off already?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>Before you can say anything else, she slams the door in your face, the force of it echoing in the hallway.<</ch>><<flash "Relation -5">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<set $rs.rel-=5>><</switch>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<if $rs_check.event1==false>><<set $rs_check.event1=true>><<st>>You swing by Rosie's place to talk about party plans, but find her struggling with a window that won't open.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Hey, everything cool?"<</ch>>
<<rs>>She sighs and steps back. "Nah, this window’s stuck, and it's boiling in here. I've tried everything."<</rs>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help Fix the Window'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You walk over, eyeing the window. "Let me give it a shot."<</ch>>
<<st>>After a few tries, you manage to get it open. Rosie grins.<</st>>
<<rs>>"You're a lifesaver! Finally, some air! Thanks!"<</rs>>
<<ch>>You shrug. "No problem. Just hit me up if it sticks again."<</ch>><<set $rs.rel+=5>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Can’t Help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You scratch your head. "That’s a tricky one. I don’t really have the right tools. You’ll probably need to call someone."<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie sighs. "Figures... Guess I'll deal with it myself."<</rs>>
<<ch>>You shrug. "Wish I could help, but I’d probably just make it worse."<</ch>><<set $rs.rel-=10>><<flash "Relation -10">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<elseif $rs_check.event2==false>><<set $rs_check.event2=true>><<st>>You stop by Rosie's place to chat for a bit, but she’s staring at her fridge, which is making a loud buzzing noise.<</st>>
<<rs>>"That thing's been driving me nuts," she groans. "I can’t even sleep with that racket."<</rs>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help Fix the Fridge'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You walk up to the fridge and listen. "Let me check the motor real quick."<</ch>>
<<st>>After a few tweaks, the noise dies down. Rosie looks relieved.<</st>>
<<rs>>"Wow, you actually fixed it! I thought I was stuck with that noise forever. Thanks!"<</rs>>
<<ch>>You grin. "No biggie. Just needed a little adjustment."<</ch>><<set $rs.rel+=5>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Can’t Help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You wince at the buzzing sound. "Sounds like the motor’s acting up. I don’t mess with appliances. You’ll need a pro for that."<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie groans. "Ugh, great... Gotta live with this noise until I can get someone out here."<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod. "Yeah, that sucks."<</ch>><<set $rs.rel-=10>><<flash "Relation -10">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<elseif $rs_check.event3==false>><<set $rs_check.event3=true>><<st>>You swing by Rosie’s place to drop off some papers she asked for, but find her struggling with her door lock.<</st>>
<<rs>>"This stupid lock keeps jamming," she grumbles. "I’m afraid I’ll break it if I keep forcing it."<</rs>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help by Calling a Locksmith'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You take out your phone. "Sounds like you need a locksmith. I’ll call one and cover it for you."<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie blinks. "Wait, you’d really do that? And pay?"<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod. "Yeah, it’s no big deal. Consider it handled."<</ch>>
<<rs>>She smiles, clearly relieved. "Wow, thanks! I was really stressing over this."<</rs>>
<<ch>>You grin. "Don’t worry about it. I’ll get someone here today."<</ch>><<set $rs.rel+=5>><<set $ch.money-=200>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets+=200>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money -200">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Can’t Help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You shake your head. "That’s a tough one. You’ll need a locksmith. I don’t wanna make it worse."<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie sighs. "Great, another thing to deal with."<</rs>>
<<ch>>You shrug. "I’ll look up a locksmith for you, but fixing it myself is probably a bad idea."<</ch>><<set $rs.rel-=10>><<flash "Relation -10">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<elseif $rs_check.event4==false>><<set $rs_check.event4=true>><<st>>You knock on Rosie’s door, feeling the bass thumping through the walls. After a moment, she swings the door open, a little unsteady on her feet. She’s clearly had a few drinks, her usual cold demeanor replaced with an overly warm smile.<</st>>
<<rs>>“What’s up?” she asks, practically shouting over the music.<</rs>>
<<ch>>You give her a pointed look. “It’s 11:30, Rosie. Noise rules say no loud music after 11. People are going to start complaining, and I don’t need that hassle.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie pouts, her eyes glazing over as she glances back at the party. “Ugh, we’re having such a good time. It sucks to cut a great party short.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You cross your arms, not budging. “You need to turn the music off, right now.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She hesitates, before a playful smile spreads across her face. “Hey, maybe you could just join us? What do you say?” Her tone is unusually friendly, almost flirtatious, something you’ve never seen from her before.<</rs>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You hesitate for a split second, then grin, thinking this could get interesting. “Alright, I’m in,” you say, stepping inside.<</ch>>
<<st>>The music hits you as you walk in, expecting a wild party, but instead, you find a cozy scene: seven girls in skimpy pajamas, drinking wine and dancing to Britney Spears.<</st>>
<<ch>>Holy shit, you think, eyes widening in delight. An all-girls pajama party? This is every guy’s fantasy.<</ch>>
<<ch>>You smirk, leaning against the doorframe. “Looks like I hit the jackpot. Seven gorgeous girls in PJs? You sure know how to make a guy feel special.”<</ch>>
<<girls>>The girls turn to look at you, tipsy and giggly, but their smiles fade as they notice you’re still fully dressed. One of them, a brunette in a silky robe, raises an eyebrow. “You can’t stay dressed like that. Pajamas only!”<</girls>>
<<girls>>The others start giggling, nodding in agreement. Another girl, already blushing from the wine, chimes in, “Yeah, strip down! You gotta fit in.”<</girls>>
<<ch>>Well, if you insist, you think, already feeling the excitement build. You start peeling off your clothes with a grin, stopping at your T-shirt and boxers. “How’s this? More comfortable now?”<</ch>>
<<st>>The girls giggle and cheer, clearly enjoying the show. Damn, this is turning out better than I thought.<</st>>
<<st>>As the night goes on, the music gets louder, and the wine flows freely. The girls get even more tipsy, and the atmosphere shifts from playful to downright wild. You’re right in the middle of it, tossing back drinks and throwing out flirty comments that make the girls laugh and blush.<</st>>
<<st>>At one point, someone suggests a game of “Truth or Dare,” and it doesn’t take long for things to get out of hand. Dares become more outrageous, and the laughter gets louder. One of the girls dares you to take a shot off her stomach, and you’re all too eager to oblige, making a big show of it, much to everyone’s delight.<</st>>
<<st>>As the game heats up, so does the tension. The girls are all over each other, playful touches and lingering glances turning into something more. You can feel the energy in the room shift, and you’re loving every second of it.<</st>>
<<st>>Eventually, you find yourself sandwiched between two of the girls—one’s a brunette with mischievous eyes, and the other’s a blonde who’s been eyeing you all night. The game has completely devolved into a drunken mess, and when the girls suggest heading somewhere more private, you don’t hesitate.<</st>>
<<st>>You lead them to Rosie’s bedroom, the door closing behind you with a quiet click.<</st>>
@@.img_small1;[img[0.1/gifs/rosie/check/2.webp]]@@<<set $rs.lust+=10>><<set $rs.rel+=10>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You look at Rosie, and for a moment, you’re almost ready to say yes. You even start to open your mouth to agree, the idea of joining the party sounding better by the second. But then, out of nowhere, your stomach cramps up hard—like, really hard. You realize with sudden urgency that you need to get home. Fast.<</st>>
<<st>>Damn that Chinese food, you think to yourself, cursing your decision to eat at that sketchy place. I really need to stick to restaurants I can trust.<</st>>
<<ch>>But on the outside, you keep it together, shutting your mouth before the word "yes" slips out. Instead, you give her a firm look. “As much as I’d love to join, I’m not interested. I’m here to keep things under control, not add to the chaos. The music goes off, right now.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie’s playful smile fades, replaced by a slight pout. “Come on, you sure you don’t want to stay? It’s just getting good.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You shake your head, determined to make a quick exit. “Nope. I’m not dealing with noise complaints all night. Shut it down, or I’ll do it for you.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She sighs, rolling her eyes a bit, but nods. “Alright, alright, we’ll turn it off.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You give her a final look, doing your best to stay composed. “Good. Don’t make me come back here again.” And with that, you turn on your heel, ready to sprint home.<</ch>><<set $rs.rel-=10>><<flash "Relation -10">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><<elseif $flat2_settings.avatar==$lr.img>><<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>><<if $checkIndex_lr < 3>><<set $checkIndex_lr to $checkIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $checkIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>You knock on the door, and Lana opens it with a bright smile. “Hey! What brings you here?” she asks, genuinely curious.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You shrug casually, “Just wanted to see how you’re settling in and make sure everything’s okay.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley walks over. “Well, everything’s going great! Thanks for checking in.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana nods in agreement, leaning against the doorframe. “Yeah, we’re settling in just fine. No complaints so far.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley chuckles, nudging Lana with her elbow. “Yeah, don’t worry, we’ll keep you in the loop. But for now, we’re doing just fine.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>“Alright, I’ll leave you two to it. Just wanted to make sure.”<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<rl>>You knock on the door, and when Riley opens it, she greets you with a sweet smile. “Hey! Nice to see you again,” she says, her tone friendly but with a hint of surprise. “Didn’t expect to see you today.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You grin, leaning casually against the doorframe. “Yeah, I thought I’d drop by, maybe chat for a bit.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Riley starts to respond, but then glances back at Lana, who quickly steps up beside her, matching Riley’s bright smile. “We’re glad you stopped by,” Lana says, “But we’re actually about to head out soon. Maybe we can catch up another time?”<</ln>>
<<st>>They both exchange a quick glance, their polite smiles never wavering, making it clear they’re ready to wrap things up for now.<</st>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>You knock on the door, and when it opens, both Lana and Riley are there to greet you, their smiles warm and welcoming. “Hey,” you start, leaning casually against the doorframe. “Thought I’d drop by and make sure everything’s running smoothly for you two.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana flashes a gentle smile, a hint of playfulness in her tone. “Hi! You're so attentive!”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley nods, still smiling. “It’s sweet of you, honestly. But you’ve been dropping by a lot lately. Everything’s going great here, so maybe give us a little space to miss you?”<</rl>>
<<st>>They both laugh softly, their tone light and friendly, but they're making it clear that a little more distance will be appreciated.<</st>>
<<ch>>You raise your hands in mock surrender, grinning. “Got it, not a problem. I’ll see you... um, later. Much later, haha.”<</ch>><<set $lr.rel -=5>><<flash "Relation -5">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</switch>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>>
<<if $lr_check.event1==false>><<set $lr_check.event1=true>><<rl>>You knock on the door, and Riley opens it with a casual smile. “Hey! What brings you by?”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You step inside, taking a quick glance around. “Just checking in. Everything alright around here?”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley’s smile fades a bit as she leans against the doorframe. “Actually, not really... the kitchen sink’s clogged or something. Water’s just sitting there, not draining at all.”<</rl>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help Fix the Sink'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You nod, rolling up your sleeves. “Let me grab some tools. I’ll fix it for you.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley’s eyes light up. “Seriously? That’d be amazing. We’ve been dealing with it for days.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You get to work, and before long, the sink drains perfectly. “All done. Should be good now.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana walks over, grinning. “Thanks! You’re a lifesaver.”<</ln>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Ignore it'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You shrug, “Sorry, that sounds like a job for a plumber. I’m not really equipped for that.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley frowns but nods. “Yeah, I figured... Guess we’ll have to call someone in.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana sighs, “Great, more bills.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You give them an apologetic look. “Wish I could help, but you’ll get it sorted.”<</ch>><<set $lr.rel-=5>><<flash "Relation -5">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<elseif $lr_check.event2==false>><<set $lr_check.event2=true>><<ln>>You knock, and Lana opens the door, welcoming you in. “Hey, what's up?”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You smile. “Yeah, just making sure everything’s alright and you're enjoying your lives.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Lana exchanges a glance with Riley. “Well, the light in the living room flickers nonstop. It’s driving us crazy.”<</rl>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Call a Professional'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You glance at the light and shake your head. “That sounds like an electrical issue. I’m no expert, but I can call a professional to handle it for you—and I’ll cover the cost.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana’s eyes widen in surprise. “Wait, seriously? You’d take care of that for us?”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You nod. “Yeah, it’s part of my job to make sure everything’s working right.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley grins, visibly relieved. “You’re a lifesaver! We thought we’d be dealing with this forever.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You smile. “No worries. I’ll make sure it’s handled ASAP.”<</ch>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<set $ch.money-=300>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets+=300>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money -300">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Can’t Help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You glance at the light and shake your head. “That sounds like an electrical issue. I’m no electrician, so you might wanna call someone for that.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana groans. “Ugh, I was hoping it’d be something simple.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You shrug. “Better safe than sorry. A professional will handle it better than I could.”<</ch>><<set $lr.rel-=10>><<flash "Relation -10">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<elseif $lr_check.event3==false>><<set $lr_check.event3=true>><<st>>You decide to check up on girls and chat for a bit, but notice Lana and Riley looking a bit off. They seem frustrated, definitely not their usual cheerful selves.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Hey, everything alright?” you ask, raising an eyebrow. “You both look kinda down.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana sighs, crossing her arms. “The shower’s been leaking nonstop. It’s a mess in there, and we’ve tried everything, but nothing’s working.”<</ln>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help Fix the Leak'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You glance at them and shake your head. "A leaky shower sounds like more than just a quick fix. I’ll call a plumber and cover the cost.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Riley’s face lights up. “Wait, really? You’d take care of that for us?”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You nod. “Yeah, I’ll handle it. No point in you both dealing with that mess.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana smiles, clearly relieved. “Thanks! That’ll save us from living with a flooded bathroom.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You pull out your phone. “I’ll get someone over here today. Consider it done.”<</ch>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<set $ch.money-=300>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets+=300>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money -300">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Can’t Help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You scratch your head. “That sounds like a plumbing issue. I don’t have the tools for that one. You’re better off getting a plumber.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana sighs. “Figures... Guess we’ll have to handle it ourselves.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You shrug. “Sorry about that. I’d help if I could.”<</ch>><<set $lr.rel-=10>><<flash "Relation -10">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<elseif $lr_check.event4==false>><<set $lr_check.event4=true>><<st>>You knock on the door and after a moment, Lana opens it. She’s dressed in a skimpy, barely-there outfit, clearly not expecting company. Behind her, you catch a glimpse of Riley adjusting a light stand in the living room, where they’ve set up a photoshoot. The room is a mess of clothes, props, and camera gear.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana flashes you a playful grin. “Well, well, you’re just in time for the show.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley looks over, smirking as she notices your surprise. “Yeah, we’re in the middle of a little project. Want to stick around and help out?”<</rl>>
<<st>>You step inside, trying to play it cool, but the sight of them, barely dressed and clearly having fun, makes your heart race, and your dick harden. <</st>>
<<ln>>Lana tosses you a camera, winking. “Why don’t you try your hand at shooting? Let’s see if you’ve got what it takes.”<</ln>>
<<st>>You grab the camera with a confident smile on your lips, but your mind’s not on the job—you're too distracted by how hot they look. Your hands are unsteady as you try to snap some shots, the photos aren’t coming out right, but you're playing it cool. You’re too caught up in the moment, and there's only one thought in your head ''I hope this moment never ends.''<</st>>
<<st>>You take a deep breath, delving into the process and getting more and more horny with every picture you take.<</st>>
<<st>>Lana and Riley are posing, and you begin snapping pictures, quickly getting the hang of it.<</st>>
<<st>>The session heats up fast, each pose more revealing than the last. By the end, they’re both happy with the results, and you? You’re beyond thrilled with how everything turned out.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana checks the photos on the camera, grinning. “Damn, these are HOT. You’ve got a good eye.” Riley winks. “We might have to call you for our next shoot.”<</ln>>
<<st>>Hearing that, your mind’s already racing ahead, imagining what might happen during the next shoot.<</st>>
<<ch>>You smirk, leaning back with a hint of a grin. "I'm already looking forward to it."<</ch>>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<set $lr.lust +=5>><<set $lr.rel +=5>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</if>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<st>>Wait, why’d I come to an apartment that’s got no one in it?<</st>><</if>><</if>><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>></div>
<div class="room-repair-level-cont"><div class="room-repair-level"><div class="room-repair-level-title">Bedroom level: <<if $flat_2_current.bedroom.selected=="Ebay Trash">><<set $flat_2.total_bedroom to $flat_2.bd_level+$flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup.ebay_trash>>$flat_2.total_bedroom<<elseif $flat_2_current.bedroom.selected=="Summer Optimism">><<set $flat_2.total_bedroom to $flat_2.bd_level+$flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup.summer_optimism>>$flat_2.total_bedroom<<elseif $flat_2_current.bedroom.selected=="Cozy Modern">><<set $flat_2.total_bedroom to $flat_2.bd_level+$flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup.cozy_modern>>$flat_2.total_bedroom<<else>>0<</if>></div> <div class="select-button"><<link [[Set|Repair_flat_2]]>><<set $flat2_settings.flat_avatar=$flat2_settings.bedroom>><</link>></div></div><div class="room-repair-level"><div class="room-repair-level-title">Kitchen | Living level: <<if $flat_2_current.kitchen.selected=="Ebay Trash">><<set $flat_2.total_kitchen to $flat_2.kit_level+$flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup.ebay_trash>>$flat_2.total_kitchen<<elseif $flat_2_current.kitchen.selected=="Summer Optimism">><<set $flat_2.total_kitchen to $flat_2.kit_level+$flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup.summer_optimism>>$flat_2.total_kitchen<<elseif $flat_2_current.kitchen.selected=="Cozy Modern">><<set $flat_2.total_kitchen to $flat_2.kit_level+$flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup.cozy_modern>>$flat_2.total_kitchen<<else>>0<</if>></div> <div class="select-button"><<link [[Set|Repair_flat_2]]>><<set $flat2_settings.flat_avatar=$flat2_settings.kitchen>><</link>></div></div></div>
<div class="room-repair-level-cont"><div class="room-repair-level"><div class="room-repair-level-title">Lvl up: <<if $flat_2.bd_name=="Ebay Trash">>$flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup.ebay_trash ($flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.ebay_trash $ needed)<<elseif $flat_2.bd_name=="Summer Optimism">>$flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup.summer_optimism ($flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.summer_optimism $ needed)<<elseif $flat_2.bd_name=="Cozy Modern">>$flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup.cozy_modern ($flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.cozy_modern $ needed)<<else>>0<</if>></div> <div class="select-button"><<if $flat_2.bd_name=="Ebay Trash">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup.ebay_trash<2>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_2]]>><<set $flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup.ebay_trash+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<elseif $flat_2.bd_name=="Summer Optimism">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup.summer_optimism<5>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_2]]>><<set $flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup.summer_optimism+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<elseif $flat_2.bd_name=="Cozy Modern">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup.cozy_modern<5>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_2]]>><<set $flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup.cozy_modern+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<link "?">><</link>><</if>></div></div><div class="room-repair-level"><div class="room-repair-level-title">Lvl up: <<if $flat_2.kit_name=="Ebay Trash">>$flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup.ebay_trash ($flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.ebay_trash $ needed)<<elseif $flat_2.kit_name=="Summer Optimism">>$flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup.summer_optimism ($flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.summer_optimism $ needed)<<elseif $flat_2.kit_name=="Cozy Modern">>$flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup.cozy_modern ($flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.cozy_modern $ needed)<<else>>0<</if>></div> <div class="select-button"><<if $flat_2.kit_name=="Ebay Trash">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup.ebay_trash<2>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_2]]>><<set $flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup.ebay_trash+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<elseif $flat_2.kit_name=="Summer Optimism">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup.summer_optimism<5>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_2]]>><<set $flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup.summer_optimism+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<elseif $flat_2.kit_name=="Cozy Modern">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup.cozy_modern<5>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_2]]>><<set $flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup.cozy_modern+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_2_desc.kitchen.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<link "?">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div>
<div class="rooms-cont repair">
<div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair bedroom">[img[$flat2_settings.bedroom][Bedroom_Repair_room_2]]</div></div>
<div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair kitchen">[img[$flat2_settings.kitchen][Kitchen_Repair_room_2]]</div></div>
</div><div class="room-repair-level-cont"><div class="room-repair-level"><div class="room-repair-level-title">Bathroom level: <<if $flat_2_current.bathroom.selected=="Ebay Trash">><<set $flat_2.total_bathroom to $flat_2.bat_level+$flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup.ebay_trash>>$flat_2.total_bathroom<<elseif $flat_2_current.bathroom.selected=="Summer Optimism">><<set $flat_2.total_bathroom to $flat_2.bat_level+$flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup.summer_optimism>>$flat_2.total_bathroom<<elseif $flat_2_current.bathroom.selected=="Cozy Modern">><<set $flat_2.total_bathroom to $flat_2.bat_level+$flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup.cozy_modern>>$flat_2.total_bathroom<<else>>0<</if>></div> <div class="select-button"><<link [[Set|Repair_flat_2]]>><<set $flat2_settings.flat_avatar=$flat2_settings.toilet>><</link>></div></div><div class="room-repair-level"><div class="room-repair-level-title">Balcony level: <<if $flat_2_current.balcony.selected=="Ebay Trash">><<set $flat_2.total_balcony to $flat_2.bal_level+$flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup.ebay_trash>>$flat_2.total_balcony<<elseif $flat_2_current.balcony.selected=="Summer Optimism">><<set $flat_2.total_balcony to $flat_2.bal_level+$flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup.summer_optimism>>$flat_2.total_balcony<<elseif $flat_2_current.balcony.selected=="Cozy Modern">><<set $flat_2.total_balcony to $flat_2.bal_level+$flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup.cozy_modern>>$flat_2.total_balcony<<else>>0<</if>></div> <div class="select-button"><<link [[Set|Repair_flat_2]]>><<set $flat2_settings.flat_avatar=$flat2_settings.balcony>><</link>></div></div></div>
<div class="room-repair-level-cont"><div class="room-repair-level"><div class="room-repair-level-title">Lvl up: <<if $flat_2.bat_name=="Ebay Trash">>$flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup.ebay_trash ($flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.ebay_trash $ needed)<<elseif $flat_2.bat_name=="Summer Optimism">>$flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup.summer_optimism ($flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.summer_optimism $ needed)<<elseif $flat_2.bat_name=="Cozy Modern">>$flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup.cozy_modern ($flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.cozy_modern $ needed)<<else>>0<</if>></div> <div class="select-button"><<if $flat_2.bat_name=="Ebay Trash">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup.ebay_trash<2>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_2]]>><<set $flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup.ebay_trash+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<elseif $flat_2.bat_name=="Summer Optimism">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup.summer_optimism<5>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_2]]>><<set $flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup.summer_optimism+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<elseif $flat_2.bat_name=="Cozy Modern">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup.cozy_modern<5>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_2]]>><<set $flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup.cozy_modern+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_2_desc.bathroom.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<link "?">><</link>><</if>></div></div><div class="room-repair-level"><div class="room-repair-level-title">Lvl up: <<if $flat_2.bal_name=="Ebay Trash">>$flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup.ebay_trash ($flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.ebay_trash $ needed)<<elseif $flat_2.bal_name=="Summer Optimism">>$flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup.summer_optimism ($flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.summer_optimism $ needed)<<elseif $flat_2.bal_name=="Cozy Modern">>$flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup.cozy_modern ($flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.cozy_modern $ needed)<<else>>0<</if>></div> <div class="select-button"><<if $flat_2.bal_name=="Ebay Trash">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup.ebay_trash<2>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_2]]>><<set $flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup.ebay_trash+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.ebay_trash>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<elseif $flat_2.bal_name=="Summer Optimism">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup.summer_optimism<5>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_2]]>><<set $flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup.summer_optimism+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.summer_optimism>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<elseif $flat_2.bal_name=="Cozy Modern">><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><<link UP>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<if $flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup.cozy_modern<5>><<link [[UP|Repair_flat_2]]>><<set $flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup.cozy_modern+=1>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_2_desc.balcony.lvlup_price.cozy_modern>><</link>><<else>><<link "MAX">><</link>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<link "?">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div>
<div class="rooms-cont repair">
<div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair toilet">[img[$flat2_settings.toilet][Toilet_Repair_room_2]]</div></div>
<div class="room1-repair-left-cont"><div class="room1-repair balcony">[img[$flat2_settings.balcony][Balcony_Repair_room_2]]</div></div>
</div><<set $flat_2.total_level=$flat_2.total_bedroom+$flat_2.total_kitchen+$flat_2.total_balcony+$flat_2.total_bathroom>>@@.hide;<<st>>With Rosie agreeing to rent the apartment, you move on to the next step. You lean back a bit, feeling pretty good about yourself. “Alright, since you’re on board, let’s talk price…”<</st>>@@
<<audio "gong" play>><<set $ch.img= "0.1/сharacters/box_boy.png">><<set $rs.img= "0.1/сharacters/box_girl.png">>@@.hide;<<ch>>You crack your knuckles, grinning like you’re about to step into the ring. “Alright, let’s get this show on the road. Let the haggling begin!”<</ch>>@@
@@.hide;<<rs>>Rosie gives you a challenging smirk, crossing her arms like she’s ready for a fight. “Bring it on. Name your price, and let’s see if you can keep up.”<</rs>>@@
@@.hide;<div class="main-haggling-cont"><div class="left-haggling-cont"><div class="left-haggling-cont-text">What is your budget?</div><div class="left-haggling-cont-atempt">You have <span id="attemptsLeft">$rs.hire_attemps</span> trading attempts left</div><div class="left-haggling-cont-scrollbar"><div class="left-haggling-button"><span id="haggling"><<button "Haggling">><<set $rs.hire_attemps-=1>><</button>></span></div><div class="left-haggling-scrollbar"><<if $rs.hire_attemps==0>><input type="range" id="slider" name="slider" disabled value="1000"><<else>><input type="range" id="slider" name="slider" min="0" max="2000" value="0" step="5"><</if>></div><div class="left-haggling-price"><span id="sliderValue">$flat2_settings.week_income</span></div></div><div id="dialogueText" class="haggling-text"></div><div class="haggling-complete-button"></div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont"><div class="right-haggling-cont-text">Additional income</div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><<if $rs.plus_or_minus_bedroom==0>><div class="arrow-up"></div><<else>><div class="arrow-down"></div><</if>> Bedroom opinion (coef: $rs.coef_bedroom)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<if $rs.plus_or_minus_bedroom==0>><<set $add_bedroom=$rs.coef_bedroom*$rs.money_bedroom>><<else>><<set $add_bedroom=-($rs.coef_bedroom*$rs.money_bedroom)>><</if>>$add_bedroom dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><<if $rs.plus_or_minus_kitchen==0>><div class="arrow-up"></div><<else>><div class="arrow-down"></div><</if>> Kitchen opinion (coef: $rs.coef_kitchen)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<if $rs.plus_or_minus_kitchen==0>><<set $add_kitchen=$rs.coef_kitchen*$rs.money_kitchen>><<else>><<set $add_kitchen=-($rs.coef_kitchen*$rs.money_kitchen)>><</if>>$add_kitchen dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><<if $rs.plus_or_minus_bathroom==0>><div class="arrow-up"></div><<else>><div class="arrow-down"></div><</if>> Bathroom opinion (coef: $rs.coef_bathroom)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<if $rs.plus_or_minus_bathroom==0>><<set $add_bathroom=$rs.coef_bathroom*$rs.money_bathroom>><<else>><<set $add_bathroom=-($rs.coef_bathroom*$rs.money_bathroom)>><</if>>$add_bathroom dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><<if $rs.plus_or_minus_balcony==0>><div class="arrow-up"></div><<else>><div class="arrow-down"></div><</if>> Balcony opinion (coef: $rs.coef_balcony)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<if $rs.plus_or_minus_balcony==0>><<set $add_balcony=$rs.coef_balcony*$rs.money_balcony>><<else>><<set $add_balcony=-($rs.coef_balcony*$rs.money_balcony)>><</if>>$add_balcony dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><div class="arrow-up"></div> The impact of charisma (coef: $rs.coef_charisma)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<set $add_charisma=($new_charisma*$rs.coef_charisma)*$rs.money_charisma>>$add_charisma dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><<if $flat_2_current.bedroom.selected=="Summer Optimism" and $flat_2_current.kitchen.selected=="Summer Optimism" and $flat_2_current.bathroom.selected=="Summer Optimism" and $flat_2_current.balcony.selected=="Summer Optimism">><<set $add_style=$rs.coef_style*$rs.money_style>><div class="arrow-up"></div><<else>><<set $add_style=-($rs.coef_style*$rs.money_style)>><div class="arrow-down"></div><</if>> Matching the style of the apartment (coef: $rs.coef_style)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count">$add_style dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name">Amount of additional income</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<set $add_income=$add_kitchen+$add_bathroom+$add_balcony+$add_bedroom+$add_charisma+$add_style>>$add_income dollars</div></div></div></div>@@
var hireAttempts = variables().rs.hire_attemps; // Примерное начальное значение (замени на $rs.hire_attemps)
var hireAttempts = 3; // Примерное начальное значение (замени на $rs.hire_attemps)
var flat1Income = 0;
var buttonAdded = false; // Переменная для отслеживания, добавлена ли кнопка
// Получаем элементы ползунка и кнопки
var slider = document.getElementById("slider");
var attemptsLeft = document.getElementById("attemptsLeft");
var sliderValue = document.getElementById("sliderValue");
var buttonContainer = document.querySelector(".haggling-complete-button");
// Обновляем отображение количества попыток и значения ползунка
function updateAttemptsDisplay() {
attemptsLeft.textContent = hireAttempts;
// Это условия когда попыток становится 0, попал он или нет
if (hireAttempts <= 0) {
// Проверяем, если значение ползунка находится между 0 и 1300
if (slider.value >= 0 && slider.value <= 1300) {
// Блокируем ползунок на текущем значении
slider.disabled = true;
flat1Income = parseInt(slider.value);
slider.value = flat1Income; // Устанавливаем фиксированное значение
sliderValue.textContent = flat1Income; // Обновляем отображение значения
} else {
// Если значение ползунка вне диапазона, блокируем ползунок на 1000
slider.disabled = true;
slider.value = 1000; // Устанавливаем фиксированное значение
flat1Income = 1000; // Устанавливаем значение для week_income
// Проверяем, добавлена ли кнопка уже
if (!buttonAdded) {
new Wikifier(buttonContainer, '<<button [[DEAL|Rosie_Deal_flat_2]]>><<set $flat2_settings.week_income=$add_income+$haggling_value>><</button>>');
buttonAdded = true; // Отмечаем, что кнопка добавлена
} else {
slider.disabled = false; // Включаем ползунок, если есть попытки
flat1Income = parseInt(slider.value); // Текущее значение ползунка сохраняется
sliderValue.textContent = flat1Income; // Обновляем отображение значения в span
// Событие при нажатии на кнопку Haggling
document.querySelector("#haggling button").addEventListener("click", function () {
if (hireAttempts > 0) {
hireAttempts -= 1; // Уменьшаем количество попыток
updateAttemptsDisplay(); // Обновляем отображение
var hagglingValue = parseInt(slider.value); // Получаем значение ползунка
variables().hagglingValue = hagglingValue; // Сохраняем в переменной SugarCube
document.getElementById("dialogueText").innerHTML = ""; // Очищаем содержимое диалога
if (variables().hagglingValue < 100) {
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<rs>>“You seriously gonna set a price like that? The game’s dead before it even starts, man. Are you out of your fucking mind?”<</rs>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 100 && variables().hagglingValue < 400){
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<rs>>“Holy crap, that’s dirt cheap! Of course, I’ll take it!”<</rs>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 400 && variables().hagglingValue < 900){
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<rs>>“Whoa, that’s lower than I expected. I’m in!”<</rs>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 900 && variables().hagglingValue < 1300){
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<rs>>Rosie takes a moment to think it over, then nods slowly. “Alright, I can work with that. We’ve got a deal.”<</rs>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 1300 && variables().hagglingValue < 1500){
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<rs>>“Now we’re getting somewhere, but it’s still a stretch. You’re close, but not quite there.”<</rs>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 1500 && variables().hagglingValue < 1700){
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<rs>>Rosie doesn’t budge. “It’s still too high. I can find something just as good for less. You’re gonna have to do better.”<</rs>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 1700 && variables().hagglingValue <= 2000){
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<rs>>Rosie crosses her arms, eyes narrowing. “Whoa, hold on a second. Are you serious? That’s way too high for this place. You’re really trying to milk it, aren’t you?”<</rs>>');
// Если значение между 100 и 200, добавляем кнопку
if (variables().hagglingValue >= 0 && variables().hagglingValue <= 1300 && !buttonAdded) {
buttonContainer.innerHTML = ""; // Очищаем кнопку перед добавлением
new Wikifier(buttonContainer, '<<button [[DEAL|Rosie_Deal_flat_2]]>><<set $flat2_settings.week_income=$add_income+$haggling_value>><</button>>');
buttonAdded = true;
// Инициализация интерфейса
// Событие при изменении ползунка для отображения текущего значения
slider.addEventListener("input", function () {
flat1Income = parseInt(slider.value); // Сохраняем текущее значение ползунка
sliderValue.textContent = flat1Income; // Обновляем отображение значения в span
<<addhours 1>><<st>>You meet your first potential tenant on the street. It’s a young woman with a killer waist, a tight ass, and a fantastic pair of… eyes, of course. "Perfect tenant material," you think.<</st>>
<<ch>>''Hey there,'' you say, flashing your best grin. ''You must be here for the apartment. I'm $ch.nom. And you are?''<</ch>>
<<rs>>She gives you a quick once-over, not missing a beat. ''Rosie,'' she says. ''So, are you the landlord?''<</rs>>
<<ch>>''Landlord, real estate mogul, future billionaire… you know, just a regular day,” you chuckle. ''Ready to check out your future pad?''<</ch>>
<<rs>>She smiles softly, ''Sure, let’s see the place.''<</rs>>
<<button [[Hallway|Hallway_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><<audio "gong" play>><<set $ch.img= "0.1/сharacters/box_boy.png">><<set $ln.img= "0.1/сharacters/box_girl.png">><<set $rl.img= "0.1/сharacters/box_girl.png">>@@.hide;<<ch>>You lean forward, a confident smirk on your face. “Alright, let’s cut to the chase. Ready to see if you can keep up with me when it comes to the numbers?”<</ch>>@@
@@.hide;<<ln>>Lana’s eyes light up with a mix of excitement and challenge. “Oh, we’re more than ready. Let’s see if you can handle what we’ve got in store.”<</ln>>@@
@@.hide;<div class="main-haggling-cont"><div class="left-haggling-cont"><div class="left-haggling-cont-text">What is your budget?</div><div class="left-haggling-cont-atempt">You have <span id="attemptsLeft">$lr.hire_attemps</span> trading attempts left</div><div class="left-haggling-cont-scrollbar"><div class="left-haggling-button"><span id="haggling"><<button "Haggling">><<set $lr.hire_attemps-=1>><</button>></span></div><div class="left-haggling-scrollbar"><<if $lr.hire_attemps==0>><input type="range" id="slider" name="slider" disabled value="1000"><<else>><input type="range" id="slider" name="slider" min="0" max="2000" value="0" step="5"><</if>></div><div class="left-haggling-price"><span id="sliderValue">$flat1_settings.week_income</span></div></div><div id="dialogueText" class="haggling-text"></div><div class="haggling-complete-button"></div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont"><div class="right-haggling-cont-text">Additional income</div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><<if $lr.plus_or_minus_bedroom==0>><div class="arrow-up"></div><<else>><div class="arrow-down"></div><</if>> Bedroom opinion (coef: $lr.coef_bedroom)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<if $lr.plus_or_minus_bedroom==0>><<set $add_bedroom=$lr.coef_bedroom*$lr.money_bedroom>><<else>><<set $add_bedroom=-($lr.coef_bedroom*$lr.money_bedroom)>><</if>>$add_bedroom dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><<if $lr.plus_or_minus_kitchen==0>><div class="arrow-up"></div><<else>><div class="arrow-down"></div><</if>> Kitchen opinion (coef: $lr.coef_kitchen)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<if $lr.plus_or_minus_kitchen==0>><<set $add_kitchen=$lr.coef_kitchen*$lr.money_kitchen>><<else>><<set $add_kitchen=-($lr.coef_kitchen*$lr.money_kitchen)>><</if>>$add_kitchen dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><<if $lr.plus_or_minus_bathroom==0>><div class="arrow-up"></div><<else>><div class="arrow-down"></div><</if>> Bathroom opinion (coef: $lr.coef_bathroom)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<if $lr.plus_or_minus_bathroom==0>><<set $add_bathroom=$lr.coef_bathroom*$lr.money_bathroom>><<else>><<set $add_bathroom=-($lr.coef_bathroom*$lr.money_bathroom)>><</if>>$add_bathroom dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><<if $lr.plus_or_minus_balcony==0>><div class="arrow-up"></div><<else>><div class="arrow-down"></div><</if>> Balcony opinion (coef: $lr.coef_balcony)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<if $lr.plus_or_minus_balcony==0>><<set $add_balcony=$lr.coef_balcony*$lr.money_balcony>><<else>><<set $add_balcony=-($lr.coef_balcony*$lr.money_balcony)>><</if>>$add_balcony dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><div class="arrow-up"></div> The impact of charisma (coef: $lr.coef_charisma)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<set $add_charisma=($new_charisma*$lr.coef_charisma)*$lr.money_charisma>>$add_charisma dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name"><<if $flat_2_current.bedroom.selected=="Cozy Modern" and $flat_2_current.kitchen.selected=="Cozy Modern" and $flat_2_current.bathroom.selected=="Cozy Modern" and $flat_2_current.balcony.selected=="Cozy Modern">><<set $add_style=$lr.coef_style*$lr.money_style>><div class="arrow-up"></div><<else>><<set $add_style=-($lr.coef_style*$lr.money_style)>><div class="arrow-down"></div><</if>> Matching the style of the apartment (coef: $lr.coef_style)</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count">$add_style dollars</div></div><div class="right-haggling-cont-stats"><div class="right-haggling-stats-name">Amount of additional income</div><div class="right-haggling-stats-count"><<set $add_income=$add_kitchen+$add_bathroom+$add_balcony+$add_bedroom+$add_charisma+$add_style>>$add_income dollars</div></div></div></div>@@
var hireAttempts = variables().lr.hire_attemps; // Примерное начальное значение (замени на $rs.hire_attemps)
var hireAttempts = 3; // Примерное начальное значение (замени на $rs.hire_attemps)
var flat1Income = 0;
var buttonAdded = false; // Переменная для отслеживания, добавлена ли кнопка
// Получаем элементы ползунка и кнопки
var slider = document.getElementById("slider");
var attemptsLeft = document.getElementById("attemptsLeft");
var sliderValue = document.getElementById("sliderValue");
var buttonContainer = document.querySelector(".haggling-complete-button");
// Обновляем отображение количества попыток и значения ползунка
function updateAttemptsDisplay() {
attemptsLeft.textContent = hireAttempts;
// Это условия когда попыток становится 0, попал он или нет
if (hireAttempts <= 0) {
// Проверяем, если значение ползунка находится между 0 и 1300
if (slider.value >= 0 && slider.value <= 1300) {
// Блокируем ползунок на текущем значении
slider.disabled = true;
flat1Income = parseInt(slider.value);
slider.value = flat1Income; // Устанавливаем фиксированное значение
sliderValue.textContent = flat1Income; // Обновляем отображение значения
} else {
// Если значение ползунка вне диапазона, блокируем ползунок на 1000
slider.disabled = true;
slider.value = 1000; // Устанавливаем фиксированное значение
flat1Income = 1000; // Устанавливаем значение для week_income
// Проверяем, добавлена ли кнопка уже
if (!buttonAdded) {
new Wikifier(buttonContainer, '<<button [[DEAL|Lana_Riley_Deal_flat_2]]>><<set $flat2_settings.week_income=$add_income+$haggling_value>><</button>>');
buttonAdded = true; // Отмечаем, что кнопка добавлена
} else {
slider.disabled = false; // Включаем ползунок, если есть попытки
flat1Income = parseInt(slider.value); // Текущее значение ползунка сохраняется
sliderValue.textContent = flat1Income; // Обновляем отображение значения в span
// Событие при нажатии на кнопку Haggling
document.querySelector("#haggling button").addEventListener("click", function () {
if (hireAttempts > 0) {
hireAttempts -= 1; // Уменьшаем количество попыток
updateAttemptsDisplay(); // Обновляем отображение
var hagglingValue = parseInt(slider.value); // Получаем значение ползунка
variables().hagglingValue = hagglingValue; // Сохраняем в переменной SugarCube
document.getElementById("dialogueText").innerHTML = ""; // Очищаем содержимое диалога
if (variables().hagglingValue < 100) {
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<ln>>You really think that price is gonna fly? The game’s doomed before it even kicks off. Are you out of your damn mind?<</ln>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 100 && variables().hagglingValue < 400){
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<rl>>Riley laughs, shaking her head in disbelief. “That’s a steal! We’re taking it.”<</rl>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 400 && variables().hagglingValue < 900){
// Вставляем другой текст через макрос <<ch>> с закрывающим тегом
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<ln>>Lana grins, clearly impressed. “Didn’t expect that. I’m in!”<</ln>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 900 && variables().hagglingValue < 1300){
// Вставляем другой текст через макрос <<ch>> с закрывающим тегом
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<rl>>Riley nods slowly, clearly satisfied. “Alright, that’s more like it. We’re on board.”<</rl>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 1300 && variables().hagglingValue < 1500){
// Вставляем другой текст через макрос <<ch>> с закрывающим тегом
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<ln>>Lana taps her fingers, thinking it over. “You’re close, but it’s still a bit too much. Trim it down a bit more.”<</ln>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 1500 && variables().hagglingValue < 1700){
// Вставляем другой текст через макрос <<ch>> с закрывающим тегом
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<rl>>Riley gives a half-smile, but there’s no humor in it. “Come on, you know that’s pushing it. We’re not paying that. You’ll need to drop it if you want us to stay interested.”<</rl>>');
} else if (variables().hagglingValue >= 1700 && variables().hagglingValue <= 2000){
// Вставляем другой текст через макрос <<ch>> с закрывающим тегом
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("dialogueText"), '<<ln>>Lana arches an eyebrow, her tone sharp. “You’ve gotta be kidding. That’s way too steep for this place. You’re trying to rip us off, aren’t you?”<</ln>>');
// Если значение между 100 и 200, добавляем кнопку
if (variables().hagglingValue >= 0 && variables().hagglingValue <= 1300 && !buttonAdded) {
buttonContainer.innerHTML = ""; // Очищаем кнопку перед добавлением
new Wikifier(buttonContainer, '<<button [[DEAL|Lana_Riley_Deal_flat_2]]>><<set $flat2_settings.week_income=$add_income+$haggling_value>><</button>>');
buttonAdded = true;
// Инициализация интерфейса
// Событие при изменении ползунка для отображения текущего значения
slider.addEventListener("input", function () {
flat1Income = parseInt(slider.value); // Сохраняем текущее значение ползунка
sliderValue.textContent = flat1Income; // Обновляем отображение значения в span
<<addhours 1>><<st>>You spot two women standing outside the building, both looking effortlessly hot—one with sleek hair and curves in all the right places, the other with a wild, confident vibe that’s impossible to ignore. You walk up, ready to make your move.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Lana and Riley?” you ask, already guessing the answer.<</ch>>
<<st>>They both nod, flashing polite smiles.<</st>>
<<ch>>You squint at them for a second, something about their faces triggering a memory. And then it hits you like a ton of bricks. Your eyes widen in disbelief. “Wait… hold up. Are you two the Lana and Riley? Like, pornstars?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana grins, clearly enjoying your reaction. “Guilty as charged.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley smirks, crossing her arms. “We get that a lot.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You’re practically buzzing with excitement now. “No way! I’m a big fan, seriously. This is wild. I never thought I’d be renting a place to—well, you two.”<</ch>>
<<st>>They laugh, clearly not put off by your enthusiasm.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Thanks,” Lana says, still grinning. “But right now, we’re just looking for a nice place to live.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Yeah,” Riley adds, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “So, are you gonna show us the apartment, or just keep fanboying?”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You snap back to reality, a huge grin on your face. “Right, right! Let’s check out your future pad. Follow me, ladies.”<</ch>>
<<st>>As you lead them inside, you can’t help but feel like you’ve just hit the jackpot.<</st>>
<<button [[Hallway|Hallway_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><<if $flat_2_current.bedroom.selected=="none" or $flat_2_current.kitchen.selected=="none" or $flat_2_current.bathroom.selected=="none" or $flat_2_current.balcony.selected=="none">><<st>>You and Rosie step into the hallway. Rosie glances around, and her expression quickly shifts.<</st>>
<<rs>>''Hey, $ch.nom, there’s not even a hint of renovation here. What are you renting out, a raw developer’s shell? I’m not about to spend my cash fixing up this place.''<</rs>>
<<st>>With that, she turns on her heel and walks right out.<</st>>
<<st>>//Here’s a little hint for you, bro: slap some paint on those walls and at least pretend you care. Do a basic reno, then try your luck with her again. Maybe this time, she’ll stick around longer than two minutes.//<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Hire_flat_2]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $flat_2_current.bedroom.selected=="Summer Optimism" and $flat_2_current.kitchen.selected=="Summer Optimism" and $flat_2_current.bathroom.selected=="Summer Optimism" and $flat_2_current.balcony.selected=="Summer Optimism">><<rs>>You and Rosie step into the apartment, and the moment she lays eyes on the interior, she practically lights up. ''Oh my God, this is exactly my style! The design, the colors, the way everything’s laid out—it’s like you read my mind. I can’t believe how perfect this is. I’m already ready to sign the lease.''<</rs>>
<<ch>>You feel a surge of pride, like you’ve just won the lottery. ''Nailed it, huh? Glad to hear it. But let’s still take a quick tour of the other rooms, just to make sure it’s as perfect as you think.''<</ch>>
<<button [[Show Rooms|Show_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $flat_2_current.bedroom.selected!="none" and $flat_2_current.kitchen.selected!="none" and $flat_2_current.bathroom.selected!="none" and $flat_2_current.balcony.selected!="none">><<rs>>You and Rosie step into the apartment, and she starts looking around. Her face lights up a bit as she takes it all in. ''Oh, this is nice… it’s bright and cozy, and the ceilings are high. I like it.''<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod, feeling a bit smug. ''Awesome! Let’s check out the rooms.''<</ch>>
<<button [[Show Rooms|Show_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>>
<<if $flat_2_current.bedroom.selected=="none" or $flat_2_current.kitchen.selected=="none" or $flat_2_current.bathroom.selected=="none" or $flat_2_current.balcony.selected=="none">><<st>>You lead Lana and Riley into the hallway, trying to keep your swagger intact, but everything changes the moment they step inside.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana’s eyes sweep over the unfinished walls and bare floors, and she lets out a low whistle. “Wow… so, this is what they mean by ‘rustic charm,’ huh? $ch.nom, did you bring us to a construction zone by mistake?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley’s eyebrows shoot up as she glances around, her tone dripping with sarcasm. “Seriously, you think we’re gonna spend a dime fixing up this dump? We’re looking for a place to live, not a DIY nightmare.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Before you can even stammer out a reply, Lana shakes her head, already turning on her heel. “Yeah, we’re out. Good luck with… whatever this is.”<</ln>>
<<st>>You’re left standing there, the empty hallway suddenly feeling a lot colder as the door clicks shut behind them.<</st>>
<<st>>//Here’s a little hint for you, bro: slap some paint on those walls and at least pretend you care. Do a basic reno, then try your luck with her again. Maybe this time, she’ll stick around longer than two minutes.//<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Hire_flat_2]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $flat_2_current.bedroom.selected=="Cozy Modern" and $flat_2_current.kitchen.selected=="Cozy Modern" and $flat_2_current.bathroom.selected=="Cozy Modern" and $flat_2_current.balcony.selected=="Cozy Modern">><<st>>You swing open the door, letting Lana and Riley step in first. The moment they cross the threshold, their jaws practically drop.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana’s eyes widen, and she lets out an excited laugh. “Holy shit, this is amazing! This place is exactly our vibe!”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley’s all smiles as she spins around, taking in every detail. “Damn, $ch.nom, how’d you manage to pull this off? It’s like you raided our Pinterest boards or something!”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but beam with pride, feeling like a total genius. “What can I say? I’ve got an eye for style. And hey, if you’re already impressed, wait till you see the rest. You might wanna sign the lease on the spot, haha.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana smiles, nudging Riley. “If the rest of the place is as good as this, we might.”<</ln>>
<<button [[Show Rooms|Show_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $flat_2_current.bedroom.selected!="none" and $flat_2_current.kitchen.selected!="none" and $flat_2_current.bathroom.selected!="none" and $flat_2_current.balcony.selected!="none">><<st>>You lead Lana and Riley into the hallway, smiling confidently. They step inside and look around, and you can see a spark of interest in their eyes.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana tilts her head, giving a nod of approval. “Oh, this is kinda cute. Definitely not bad.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley brushes her fingers along the wall, smirking. “Looks like you actually tried, $ch.nom. Fresh paint and everything.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You puff out your chest a bit, feeling like you’ve done something right for once. “Yeah, of course! Only the best for you ladies. Fresh coat of paint, no rats—what more could you want? But seriously, the other rooms are just as good. Let’s check ‘em out.”<</ch>>
<<button [[Show Rooms|Show_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>>
<</if>><<st>>Choose what to show her<</st>>
<<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><<set $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen=1>><<st>>You and Rosie step into the kitchen-living room combo, thinking what the hell to do next.<</st>><<if $hire_rosie_sex_counter==0>><span id='options1'>
<<link 'Talk About the Apartment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You clear your throat, trying to sound like you know what you’re talking about. ‘’So, as you can see, it’s an open layout. Perfect for when you wanna, I don’t know, cook a frozen pizza and still pretend you’re doing something important in the living room. What do you think?’’<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie nods, a small smile tugging at her lips. ‘’I like it. It feels spacious.’’<</rs>>
<<ch>>Not one to miss a chance to show off your ‘charm,’ you decide to keep the conversation going. “So, Rosie, got any hobbies? Besides looking way too good for this crappy apartment?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She gives a polite laugh, “I’m into yoga. It keeps me grounded.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod like you actually know something about yoga. “Yoga, huh? Well, this place is perfect then—tons of space, natural light… You can stretch out and do all those bendy poses without worrying about, you know, face-planting into the wall.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie chuckles, clearly amused. “Sounds good. I can see myself doing that.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You grin, feeling a little too proud of yourself. “I bet. And hey, if you ever need a partner for those, uh, ‘poses,’ I’m your guy. Plus, who doesn’t love a place where you can downward dog without knocking over the TV?”<</ch>>
<<st>>Rosie gives you a weird look, like she’s not sure if you’re joking or just a total idiot, but she says nothing and moves on.<</st>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Slap Rosie’s Ass'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>As Rosie steps forward to check out the room, your eyes can’t help but lock onto her perfectly shaped ass.<</st>>
<<ch>>''Damn, look at that peach. Wouldn’t mind giving that a good slap. Hell, I’ll do it right now!''<</ch>>
<<st>>Without another thought, you reach out and give her a firm smack on the backside.<</st>>
<<rs>>Rosie spins around, glaring at you like she’s ready to murder you. “What the hell? What do you think you’re doing?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You quickly throw your hands up, scrambling for an excuse. “Uh, I… slipped? Yeah, that’s it! Slipped right into your, uh, fine piece of… I mean, rear end.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She crosses her arms, absolutely fuming. “Slipped, huh? You’re a real genius.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You shrug, trying to play it off. “Hey, you gotta admit, it’s a pretty damn tempting target. Couldn’t help myself.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed. “You’re such a dick.”<</rs>>
<<st>>She gives you one last disgusted look before turning away, muttering something under her breath. You can’t quite catch it, but you’re pretty sure it wasn’t a compliment.<</st>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter_flat_2+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_kitchen_flat_2=1>>
<<elseif $hire_rosie_sex_counter==1>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Talk About the Apartment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You clear your throat, trying to sound like you know what you’re talking about. ‘’So, as you can see, it’s an open layout. Perfect for when you wanna, I don’t know, cook a frozen pizza and still pretend you’re doing something important in the living room. What do you think?’’<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie nods, a small smile tugging at her lips. ‘’I like it. It feels spacious.’’<</rs>>
<<ch>>Not one to miss a chance to show off your ‘charm,’ you decide to keep the conversation going. “So, Rosie, got any hobbies? Besides looking way too good for this crappy apartment?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She gives a polite laugh, “I’m into yoga. It keeps me grounded.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod like you actually know something about yoga. “Yoga, huh? Well, this place is perfect then—tons of space, natural light… You can stretch out and do all those bendy poses without worrying about, you know, face-planting into the wall.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie chuckles, clearly amused. “Sounds good. I can see myself doing that.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You grin, feeling a little too proud of yourself. “I bet. And hey, if you ever need a partner for those, uh, ‘poses,’ I’m your guy. Plus, who doesn’t love a place where you can downward dog without knocking over the TV?”<</ch>>
<<st>>Rosie gives you a weird look, like she’s not sure if you’re joking or just a total idiot, but she says nothing and moves on.<</st>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Make a Sleazy Comment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You look around the room, then lean in way too close to Rosie with a stupid grin. “So, you gonna be living here alone or bringing in some company? ‘Cause, if you ever need someone to help you break in that bed, I’ve got plenty of experience.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You throw in a wink, completely oblivious to how cringy that sounded.<</st>>
<<ch>>It’s only now that you notice the look on Rosie’s face—like she’s trying to process the sheer stupidity of what you just said. It was a 'What the hell did I just hear?' face.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Without even bothering to dignify it with a response, she walks towards the door and says flatly, “So, what’s the next room?”<</rs>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter_flat_2+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_kitchen_flat_2=1>>
<<elseif $hire_rosie_sex_counter==2>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Talk About the Apartment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You clear your throat, trying to sound like you know what you’re talking about. ‘’So, as you can see, it’s an open layout. Perfect for when you wanna, I don’t know, cook a frozen pizza and still pretend you’re doing something important in the living room. What do you think?’’<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie nods, a small smile tugging at her lips. ‘’I like it. It feels spacious.’’<</rs>>
<<ch>>Not one to miss a chance to show off your ‘charm,’ you decide to keep the conversation going. “So, Rosie, got any hobbies? Besides looking way too good for this crappy apartment?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She gives a polite laugh, “I’m into yoga. It keeps me grounded.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod like you actually know something about yoga. “Yoga, huh? Well, this place is perfect then—tons of space, natural light… You can stretch out and do all those bendy poses without worrying about, you know, face-planting into the wall.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie chuckles, clearly amused. “Sounds good. I can see myself doing that.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You grin, feeling a little too proud of yourself. “I bet. And hey, if you ever need a partner for those, uh, ‘poses,’ I’m your guy. Plus, who doesn’t love a place where you can downward dog without knocking over the TV?”<</ch>>
<<st>>Rosie gives you a weird look, like she’s not sure if you’re joking or just a total idiot, but she says nothing and moves on.<</st>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Make an Inappropriate Move'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>As Rosie checks out the room, you check out her boobs and suddenly get a stupid idea. Without thinking it through (because when do you ever?), you lean in way too close, then abruptly lower your head and motorboat her boobs, making a ridiculous “brrrbrbrbrbr” sound.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie jumps back, eyes wide with shock and fury. “What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!”<</rs>><<button [[End|End_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter_flat_2+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_kitchen_flat_2=1>>
<</if>><<set $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom=1>><<ch>>''Alright, maybe I should’ve prepped something to say before taking her into this room. What do I say now?''<</ch>><<if $hire_rosie_sex_counter==0>><span id='options1'>
<<link 'Ask Rosie What She Thinks'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You turn to Rosie with a casual smile, hiding the fact that you’re winging it. “So, what do you think of this room?''<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie takes a moment to look around. “This is pretty nice. The bed looks comfy, and I like the way the room’s set up. It feels cozy.”<</rs>>
<<rs>>She walks over to the window, checking out the view. “Oh, I like the natural light, and the view is decent too. I can definitely see myself living in this room.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod, trying to act like you knew she’d love it. “Glad you like it. So, are you planning to make this cozy little nest all yours, or are you thinking of sharing it with someone?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She smiles, looking back at you. “I’m planning to live here on my own.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You flash a grin. “Living alone, huh? Well, at least you won’t have anyone hogging the bed or… accidentally stumbling on your ahem private drawer. You know, if you have one of those.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie raises an eyebrow, clearly amused but trying to keep a straight face. “Wow, you really know how to make things awkward, don’t you?”<</rs>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Slap Rosie’s Ass'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>As Rosie steps forward to check out the room, your eyes can’t help but lock onto her perfectly shaped ass.<</st>>
<<ch>>''Damn, look at that peach. Wouldn’t mind giving that a good slap. Hell, I’ll do it right now!''<</ch>>
<<st>>Without another thought, you reach out and give her a firm smack on the backside.<</st>>
<<rs>>Rosie spins around, glaring at you like she’s ready to murder you. “What the hell? What do you think you’re doing?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You quickly throw your hands up, scrambling for an excuse. “Uh, I… slipped? Yeah, that’s it! Slipped right into your, uh, fine piece of… I mean, rear end.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She crosses her arms, absolutely fuming. “Slipped, huh? You’re a real genius.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You shrug, trying to play it off. “Hey, you gotta admit, it’s a pretty damn tempting target. Couldn’t help myself.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed. “You’re such a dick.”<</rs>>
<<st>>She gives you one last disgusted look before turning away, muttering something under her breath. You can’t quite catch it, but you’re pretty sure it wasn’t a compliment.<</st>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter_flat_2+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_bedroom_flat_2=1>>
<<elseif $hire_rosie_sex_counter==1>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Ask Rosie What She Thinks'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You turn to Rosie with a casual smile, hiding the fact that you’re winging it. “So, what do you think of this room?''<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie takes a moment to look around. “This is pretty nice. The bed looks comfy, and I like the way the room’s set up. It feels cozy.”<</rs>>
<<rs>>She walks over to the window, checking out the view. “Oh, I like the natural light, and the view is decent too. I can definitely see myself living in this room.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod, trying to act like you knew she’d love it. “Glad you like it. So, are you planning to make this cozy little nest all yours, or are you thinking of sharing it with someone?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She smiles, looking back at you. “I’m planning to live here on my own.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You flash a grin. “Living alone, huh? Well, at least you won’t have anyone hogging the bed or… accidentally stumbling on your ahem private drawer. You know, if you have one of those.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie raises an eyebrow, clearly amused but trying to keep a straight face. “Wow, you really know how to make things awkward, don’t you?”<</rs>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Make a Sleazy Comment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You look around the room, then lean in way too close to Rosie with a stupid grin. “So, you gonna be living here alone or bringing in some company? ‘Cause, if you ever need someone to help you break in that bed, I’ve got plenty of experience.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You throw in a wink, completely oblivious to how cringy that sounded.<</st>>
<<ch>>It’s only now that you notice the look on Rosie’s face—like she’s trying to process the sheer stupidity of what you just said. It was a 'What the hell did I just hear?' face.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Without even bothering to dignify it with a response, she walks towards the door and says flatly, “So, what’s the next room?”<</rs>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter_flat_2+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_bedroom_flat_2=1>>
<<elseif $hire_rosie_sex_counter==2>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Ask Rosie What She Thinks'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You turn to Rosie with a casual smile, hiding the fact that you’re winging it. “So, what do you think of this room?''<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie takes a moment to look around. “This is pretty nice. The bed looks comfy, and I like the way the room’s set up. It feels cozy.”<</rs>>
<<rs>>She walks over to the window, checking out the view. “Oh, I like the natural light, and the view is decent too. I can definitely see myself living in this room.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod, trying to act like you knew she’d love it. “Glad you like it. So, are you planning to make this cozy little nest all yours, or are you thinking of sharing it with someone?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She smiles, looking back at you. “I’m planning to live here on my own.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You flash a grin. “Living alone, huh? Well, at least you won’t have anyone hogging the bed or… accidentally stumbling on your ahem private drawer. You know, if you have one of those.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie raises an eyebrow, clearly amused but trying to keep a straight face. “Wow, you really know how to make things awkward, don’t you?”<</rs>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Make an Inappropriate Move'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>As Rosie checks out the room, you check out her boobs and suddenly get a stupid idea. Without thinking it through (because when do you ever?), you lean in way too close, then abruptly lower your head and motorboat her boobs, making a ridiculous “brrrbrbrbrbr” sound.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie jumps back, eyes wide with shock and fury. “What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!”<</rs>><<button [[End|End_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter_flat_2+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_bedroom_flat_2=1>>
<</if>><<set $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom=1>><<st>>$ch.nom and Rosie step into the bathroom. It’s a decent-sized room with a clean, modern design.<</st>><<if $hire_rosie_sex_counter==0>><span id='options1'>
<<link 'Talk About the Bathroom'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You give the bathroom a quick look, trying to play it cool. “So, here’s the bathroom. For me, it’s just a spot to get clean, you know? But I hear girls really care about this stuff, so go ahead, check it out. It’s got a tub, a sink, all the basics. Honestly, it’s kinda nice, I guess, if you’re into that. I’m sure you’ll find something in here to fuss over.”<</ch>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Slap Rosie’s Ass'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>As Rosie steps forward to check out the room, your eyes can’t help but lock onto her perfectly shaped ass.<</st>>
<<ch>>''Damn, look at that peach. Wouldn’t mind giving that a good slap. Hell, I’ll do it right now!''<</ch>>
<<st>>Without another thought, you reach out and give her a firm smack on the backside.<</st>>
<<rs>>Rosie spins around, glaring at you like she’s ready to murder you. “What the hell? What do you think you’re doing?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You quickly throw your hands up, scrambling for an excuse. “Uh, I… slipped? Yeah, that’s it! Slipped right into your, uh, fine piece of… I mean, rear end.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She crosses her arms, absolutely fuming. “Slipped, huh? You’re a real genius.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You shrug, trying to play it off. “Hey, you gotta admit, it’s a pretty damn tempting target. Couldn’t help myself.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed. “You’re such a dick.”<</rs>>
<<st>>She gives you one last disgusted look before turning away, muttering something under her breath. You can’t quite catch it, but you’re pretty sure it wasn’t a compliment.<</st>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter_flat_2+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_bathroom_flat_2=1>>
<<elseif $hire_rosie_sex_counter==1>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Talk About the Bathroom'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You give the bathroom a quick look, trying to play it cool. “So, here’s the bathroom. For me, it’s just a spot to get clean, you know? But I hear girls really care about this stuff, so go ahead, check it out. It’s got a tub, a sink, all the basics. Honestly, it’s kinda nice, I guess, if you’re into that. I’m sure you’ll find something in here to fuss over.”<</ch>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Make a Sleazy Comment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You look around the room, then lean in way too close to Rosie with a stupid grin. “So, you gonna be living here alone or bringing in some company? ‘Cause, if you ever need someone to help you break in that bed, I’ve got plenty of experience.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You throw in a wink, completely oblivious to how cringy that sounded.<</st>>
<<ch>>It’s only now that you notice the look on Rosie’s face—like she’s trying to process the sheer stupidity of what you just said. It was a 'What the hell did I just hear?' face.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Without even bothering to dignify it with a response, she walks towards the door and says flatly, “So, what’s the next room?”<</rs>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter_flat_2+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_bathroom_flat_2=1>>
<<elseif $hire_rosie_sex_counter==2>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Talk About the Bathroom'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You give the bathroom a quick look, trying to play it cool. “So, here’s the bathroom. For me, it’s just a spot to get clean, you know? But I hear girls really care about this stuff, so go ahead, check it out. It’s got a tub, a sink, all the basics. Honestly, it’s kinda nice, I guess, if you’re into that. I’m sure you’ll find something in here to fuss over.”<</ch>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Make an Inappropriate Move'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>As Rosie checks out the room, you check out her boobs and suddenly get a stupid idea. Without thinking it through (because when do you ever?), you lean in way too close, then abruptly lower your head and motorboat her boobs, making a ridiculous “brrrbrbrbrbr” sound.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie jumps back, eyes wide with shock and fury. “What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!”<</rs>>
<<button [[End|End_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter_flat_2+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_bathroom_flat_2=1>>
<<set $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony=1>><<st>>You and Rosie step out onto the balcony, and you can’t help but feel a bit smug. The view isn’t half bad—open sky, a decent stretch of greenery, and you can see the whole courtyard below.<</st>><<if $hire_rosie_sex_counter==0>><span id='options1'>
<<link 'Talk About the Balcony'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You lean on the railing, trying to sound like you’ve actually planned this out. “So, this is the balcony. Nice spot to light up, take in the view, and just kick back. Not bad, right? You smoke?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie nods. “Yeah, I do.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You flash a grin, feeling like you’ve hit the jackpot. “Perfect. You can come out here, have a smoke, and enjoy the quiet… well, mostly quiet. Except for those damn kids running around down there.” You gesture to the courtyard, where a bunch of kids are yelling and chasing each other like it’s the Olympics.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie sighs, rolling her eyes. “Ugh, kids. Not really a fan. They kind of ruin the vibe.”<</rs>>
<<st>>You nod, pretending to share her pain, then something incredibly stupid pops into your head. Hmmm… what if I bought up all the apartments here? Then I could pick who gets to rent—no kids, no noise, just peace and quiet… <</st>>
<<ch>>You grin, the idea too ridiculous not to share. “You know, maybe one day I’ll own this whole damn building. Then I’ll make sure no kids are running around to mess up your smoke breaks. Sound good?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She smirks. “If you somehow pull that off, I’ll be the first to toast to a kid-free zone.”<</rs>>
<<st>>It’s a dumb plan, but in your head, it sounds like pure genius.<</st>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Slap Rosie’s Ass'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>As Rosie steps forward to check out the room, your eyes can’t help but lock onto her perfectly shaped ass.<</st>>
<<ch>>''Damn, look at that peach. Wouldn’t mind giving that a good slap. Hell, I’ll do it right now!''<</ch>>
<<st>>Without another thought, you reach out and give her a firm smack on the backside.<</st>>
<<rs>>Rosie spins around, glaring at you like she’s ready to murder you. “What the hell? What do you think you’re doing?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You quickly throw your hands up, scrambling for an excuse. “Uh, I… slipped? Yeah, that’s it! Slipped right into your, uh, fine piece of… I mean, rear end.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She crosses her arms, absolutely fuming. “Slipped, huh? You’re a real genius.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You shrug, trying to play it off. “Hey, you gotta admit, it’s a pretty damn tempting target. Couldn’t help myself.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed. “You’re such a dick.”<</rs>>
<<st>>She gives you one last disgusted look before turning away, muttering something under her breath. You can’t quite catch it, but you’re pretty sure it wasn’t a compliment.<</st>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter_flat_2+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_balcony_flat_2=1>>
<<elseif $hire_rosie_sex_counter==1>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Talk About the Balcony'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You lean on the railing, trying to sound like you’ve actually planned this out. “So, this is the balcony. Nice spot to light up, take in the view, and just kick back. Not bad, right? You smoke?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie nods. “Yeah, I do.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You flash a grin, feeling like you’ve hit the jackpot. “Perfect. You can come out here, have a smoke, and enjoy the quiet… well, mostly quiet. Except for those damn kids running around down there.” You gesture to the courtyard, where a bunch of kids are yelling and chasing each other like it’s the Olympics.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie sighs, rolling her eyes. “Ugh, kids. Not really a fan. They kind of ruin the vibe.”<</rs>>
<<st>>You nod, pretending to share her pain, then something incredibly stupid pops into your head. Hmmm… what if I bought up all the apartments here? Then I could pick who gets to rent—no kids, no noise, just peace and quiet… <</st>>
<<ch>>You grin, the idea too ridiculous not to share. “You know, maybe one day I’ll own this whole damn building. Then I’ll make sure no kids are running around to mess up your smoke breaks. Sound good?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She smirks. “If you somehow pull that off, I’ll be the first to toast to a kid-free zone.”<</rs>>
<<st>>It’s a dumb plan, but in your head, it sounds like pure genius.<</st>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Make a Sleazy Comment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You look around the room, then lean in way too close to Rosie with a stupid grin. “So, you gonna be living here alone or bringing in some company? ‘Cause, if you ever need someone to help you break in that bed, I’ve got plenty of experience.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You throw in a wink, completely oblivious to how cringy that sounded.<</st>>
<<ch>>It’s only now that you notice the look on Rosie’s face—like she’s trying to process the sheer stupidity of what you just said. It was a 'What the hell did I just hear?' face.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Without even bothering to dignify it with a response, she walks towards the door and says flatly, “So, what’s the next room?”<</rs>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter_flat_2+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_balcony_flat_2=1>>
<<elseif $hire_rosie_sex_counter==2>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Talk About the Balcony'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You lean on the railing, trying to sound like you’ve actually planned this out. “So, this is the balcony. Nice spot to light up, take in the view, and just kick back. Not bad, right? You smoke?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie nods. “Yeah, I do.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You flash a grin, feeling like you’ve hit the jackpot. “Perfect. You can come out here, have a smoke, and enjoy the quiet… well, mostly quiet. Except for those damn kids running around down there.” You gesture to the courtyard, where a bunch of kids are yelling and chasing each other like it’s the Olympics.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie sighs, rolling her eyes. “Ugh, kids. Not really a fan. They kind of ruin the vibe.”<</rs>>
<<st>>You nod, pretending to share her pain, then something incredibly stupid pops into your head. Hmmm… what if I bought up all the apartments here? Then I could pick who gets to rent—no kids, no noise, just peace and quiet… <</st>>
<<ch>>You grin, the idea too ridiculous not to share. “You know, maybe one day I’ll own this whole damn building. Then I’ll make sure no kids are running around to mess up your smoke breaks. Sound good?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She smirks. “If you somehow pull that off, I’ll be the first to toast to a kid-free zone.”<</rs>>
<<st>>It’s a dumb plan, but in your head, it sounds like pure genius.<</st>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Make an Inappropriate Move'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>As Rosie checks out the room, you check out her boobs and suddenly get a stupid idea. Without thinking it through (because when do you ever?), you lean in way too close, then abruptly lower your head and motorboat her boobs, making a ridiculous “brrrbrbrbrbr” sound.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie jumps back, eyes wide with shock and fury. “What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!”<</rs>>
<<button [[End|End_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter_flat_2+=1>><<set $rs.plus_or_minus_balcony_flat_2=1>>
<</if>><<st>>After making your way through the entire place, Rosie takes a final look around. She seems to be weighing her options, but then she nods to you.<</st>>
<<rs>>''Alright,'' she says, a small smile on her lips. ''Despite the interesting sales pitch, I like the place. I’ll take it. The apartment has charm, and I think I can make it work.''<</rs>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'I`ll Contact You Later'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You cross your arms and give Rosie a confident nod. "Glad to hear you liked it. I've got your number, so I'll give you a call later to sort out the details."<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie raises an eyebrow, a hint of confusion on her face. "Wait, can't we just handle the paperwork now? I'm ready to move forward."<</rs>>
<<ch>>You glance at your watch, pretending to be busier than you are. "Ah, I'd love to, but I've got another appointment coming up soon. Don't worry though, I'll be in touch real soon. We'll get everything sorted, easy peasy."<</ch>>
<<rs>>She looks slightly annoyed but tries to stay polite. "Alright then, I guess I'll wait for your call."<</rs>>
<<ch>>You flash her a quick grin. "Perfect. Talk soon, Rosie."<</ch>>
<<button [[Leave|Hire_flat_2]]>><</button>><<set $already_talk_hire_rosie_flat_2=true>>
<<link 'Rent the Apartment to Rosie'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You can’t help but feel a rush of satisfaction. “Awesome! I knew you’d come around. You’re making the right choice—where else are you gonna find a place with a balcony view like that and an almost genius landlord?” You wink, still riding the wave of your own overconfidence.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie rolls her eyes but doesn’t argue. “Yeah, yeah. Just get the paperwork ready, will you?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod, grinning like you’ve just won the lottery. “Consider it done. Welcome to your new home, Rosie.”<</ch>>
<<button [[Haggling|Haggling_Rosie_flat_2]]>><</button>>
</span><<rs>>Rosie whirls around, eyes blazing. ''You’re such a creep! What the hell do you think you’re doing?''<</rs>>
<<st>>She glares at you before storming out of the apartment. The door slams behind her, leaving you standing there alone, realizing you’ve blown it big time.<</st>>
<<st>>Come on, man, what did you think was gonna happen? In real life, she’d have bolted after your first dumb move. But lucky for you, this is just a game. We’re giving you one more shot before Rosie bails for good.<</st>>
<<st>>//And pro tip: you can start making the sleazy moves after she’s signed the lease.//<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Hire_flat_2]]>><<set $hire_rosie_sex_counter_flat_2=0>><<set $visited_rooms_rosie_flat_2={
kitchen: 0,
bedroom: 0,
bathroom: 0,
balcony: 0,
}>><</button>><<set $ch.img="0.1/сharacters/mark.jpg">><<set $rs.img="0.1/сharacters/rosie.png">><<ch>>You can’t help but feel a rush of satisfaction. “Awesome! I knew you’d come around. You’re making the right choice—where else are you gonna find a place with a balcony view like that and an almost genius landlord?” You wink, still riding the wave of your own overconfidence.<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie rolls her eyes but doesn’t argue. ''Yeah, yeah. Just get the paperwork ready, will you?''<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod, grinning like you’ve just won the lottery. ''Consider it done. Welcome to your new home, Rosie.''<</ch>><<set $flat2_settings.avatar=$rs.img>><<set $flat2_settings.is_empty=false>><<set $rs.rel=0>><<set $rs.lust=0>>
<<button [[Hand over the keys|Lobby]]>><</button>><div class="rooms-cont repair-buy">
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<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
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<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<link [[Buy|Bedroom_Repair_room_2]]>><<set $flat_2_current.bedroom.selected="Ebay Trash">><<set $flat_2.bd_name="Ebay Trash">><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_2_desc.bedroom.price.ebay_trash>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_2_desc.bedroom.price.ebay_trash>><<set $flat_2_desc.bedroom.is_bought.ebay_trash=1>><<set $flat2_settings.bedroom="0.1/flats/repair/flat2_bedroom_1.png">><<if $flat_2.bd_level==0>><<set $flat_2.bd_level+=$flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvl.ebay_trash>><<else>><<set $flat_2.bd_level=0>><<set $flat_2.bd_level+=$flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvl.ebay_trash>><</if>><<goto Repair_flat_2>><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Sold Out">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div>
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<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<link [[Buy|Bedroom_Repair_room_2]]>><<set $flat_2_current.bedroom.selected="Summer Optimism">><<set $flat_2.bd_name="Summer Optimism">><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_2_desc.bedroom.price.summer_optimism>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_2_desc.bedroom.price.summer_optimism>><<set $flat_2_desc.bedroom.is_bought.summer_optimism=1>><<set $flat2_settings.bedroom="0.1/flats/repair/flat2_bedroom_2.png">><<if $flat_2.bd_level==0>><<set $flat_2.bd_level+=$flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvl.summer_optimism>><<else>><<set $flat_2.bd_level=0>><<set $flat_2.bd_level+=$flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvl.summer_optimism>><</if>><<goto Repair_flat_2>><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Sold Out">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div>
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<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<link [[Buy|Bedroom_Repair_room_2]]>><<set $flat_2_current.bedroom.selected="Cozy Modern">><<set $flat_2.bd_name="Cozy Modern">><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_2_desc.bedroom.price.cozy_modern>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_2_desc.bedroom.price.cozy_modern>><<set $flat_2_desc.bedroom.is_bought.cozy_modern=1>><<set $flat2_settings.bedroom="0.1/flats/repair/flat2_bedroom_3.png">><<if $flat_2.bd_level==0>><<set $flat_2.bd_level+=$flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvl.cozy_modern>><<else>><<set $flat_2.bd_level=0>><<set $flat_2.bd_level+=$flat_2_desc.bedroom.lvl.cozy_modern>><</if>><<goto Repair_flat_2>><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Sold Out">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div>
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<<Timeout 3000>>
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<<Timeout 3000>>
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<<Timeout 3000>>
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<div class="rooms-cont repair-buy">
<div class="room1-repair-left-cont-buy"><div class="room1-repair-bedroom-buy"><img src="0.1/flats/repair/flat2_balcony_2.png" width="95" height="95" alt="Avatar"></div></div>
<div class="right-cont-repair"><div class="bedroom-buy-text"><div class="r_name">$flat_2_desc.balcony.name.summer_optimism</div><div class="r_style">Style: $flat_2_desc.balcony.style.summer_optimism</div><div class="r_level">Lvl: $flat_2_desc.balcony.lvl.summer_optimism</div><div class="r_price">$flat_2_desc.balcony.price.summer_optimism $</div><div class="r_button"><<if $flat_2_desc.balcony.is_bought.summer_optimism==0>><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_2_desc.bedroom.price.summer_optimism>><<link 'Not Enough Money'>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<link [[Buy|Balcony_Repair_room_2]]>><<set $flat_2_current.balcony.selected="Summer Optimism">><<set $flat_2.bal_name="Summer Optimism">><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_2_desc.balcony.price.summer_optimism>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_2_desc.balcony.price.summer_optimism>><<set $flat_2_desc.balcony.is_bought.summer_optimism=1>><<set $flat2_settings.balcony="0.1/flats/repair/flat2_balcony_2.png">><<if $flat_2.bal_level==0>><<set $flat_2.bal_level+=$flat_2_desc.balcony.lvl.summer_optimism>><<else>><<set $flat_2.bal_level=0>><<set $flat_2.bal_level+=$flat_2_desc.balcony.lvl.summer_optimism>><</if>><<goto Repair_flat_2>><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Sold Out">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div>
<div class="rooms-cont repair-buy">
<div class="room1-repair-left-cont-buy"><div class="room1-repair-bedroom-buy"><img src="0.1/flats/repair/flat2_balcony_3.png" width="95" height="95" alt="Avatar"></div></div>
<div class="right-cont-repair"><div class="bedroom-buy-text"><div class="r_name">$flat_2_desc.balcony.name.cozy_modern</div><div class="r_style">Style: $flat_2_desc.balcony.style.cozy_modern</div><div class="r_level">Lvl: $flat_2_desc.balcony.lvl.cozy_modern</div><div class="r_price">$flat_2_desc.balcony.price.cozy_modern</div><div class="r_button"><<if $flat_2_desc.balcony.is_bought.cozy_modern==0>><<if $ch.credit_money<$flat_2_desc.bedroom.price.cozy_modern>><<link 'Not Enough Money'>><<flash "Not Enough Money">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><</link>><<else>><<link [[Buy|Balcony_Repair_room_2]]>><<set $flat_2_current.balcony.selected="Cozy Modern">><<set $flat_2.bal_name="Cozy Modern">><<set $week_stats.expenses_repair+=$flat_2_desc.balcony.price.cozy_modern>><<set $ch.money-=$flat_2_desc.balcony.price.cozy_modern>><<set $flat_2_desc.balcony.is_bought.cozy_modern=1>><<set $flat2_settings.balcony="0.1/flats/repair/flat2_balcony_3.png">><<if $flat_2.bal_level==0>><<set $flat_2.bal_level+=$flat_2_desc.balcony.lvl.cozy_modern>><<else>><<set $flat_2.bal_level=0>><<set $flat_2.bal_level+=$flat_2_desc.balcony.lvl.cozy_modern>><</if>><<goto Repair_flat_2>><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Sold Out">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div>
<<button [[Leave|Repair_flat_2]]>><</button>><<st>>You’re choosing what to show them<</st>>
<<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><<set $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.kitchen=1>><<st>>Having learned a thing or two from the last time, you’re actually prepared this time. You lead Lana and Riley into the kitchen-living room, feeling pretty good about the whole thing.<</st>>
<<ch>>You start your pitch, trying to sound like you’ve got your act together. “So, this is the kitchen-living room combo. It’s a studio layout, open space, perfect for, you know, cooking while still being part of the action…”<</ch>>
<<st>>But mid-sentence, you lose your train of thought. Lana’s wandering around the room, and Riley crouches down, peeking into one of the lower cabinets. You can’t help but stare at her ass, completely forgetting what you were saying.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Uh… right,” you mumble, trying to shake yourself out of it. “What was I saying again?”<</ch>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Continue the Pitch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You shake your head, trying to get back on track. “Right, the kitchen. Plenty of space, modern appliances, all the fancy stuff. Great for whipping up some food… or whatever else you might be into.”<</ch>>
<<ch>>You decide to steer the conversation their way. “But enough about the kitchen. What about you two? What do you get up to when you’re not, you know, starring in your… videos?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana raises an eyebrow, a grin spreading across her face. “You mean when we’re not doing porn?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley chuckles, straightening up from the cabinet. “Yeah, that’s pretty much it. We don’t really do much else.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>Feeling bold, you throw in a joke, grinning like an idiot. “So what, you gonna be filming your next scene right here in the apartment?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>For a moment, they exchange glances, and you wonder if you just completely blew it. But then they start laughing, and Lana smirks at you. “Why, you wanna be part of it?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley winks, clearly enjoying this. “Yeah, we could always use some fresh meat.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You laugh along, trying to keep your cool even though your heart’s practically doing backflips. “Hell yeah, sign me up. Just let me know when.”<</ch>>
<<st>>But inside, you’re losing it. Holy shit, this is happening. This is actually happening!<</st>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Approach Riley'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You completely lose track of what you were saying, your brain short-circuiting as you fixate on Riley’s ass while she’s bent over, digging through the cabinets. And because your genius brain thinks this is the best idea ever, you saunter over and give her a playful bump with your hips, grinning like a fool.<</st>>
<<st>>The second you do it, the whole room goes dead silent. Lana stops in her tracks, staring at you both like you’ve lost your mind. Riley slowly stands up, turning to face you with a look that makes you wonder if you’re about to get decked.<</st>>
<<rl>>But then, Riley’s lips twist into a wicked grin. “Well, damn, looks like we’ve got ourselves a cheeky little perv in the house.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana’s shock melts into a smirk as she watches you squirm. “You do know that before you try to screw a girl, you’re supposed to take your pants off first, right? Or is this your first time?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley lets out a laugh, sizing you up. “I mean, I get it. With a piece of ass like mine, how could you resist?”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You laugh awkwardly, trying to act like you’ve still got some cool left. “Uh, yeah, exactly. Who could resist?”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley leans in a bit, giving you a look that’s half-challenge, half-tease. “Just watch it, buddy. Playtime’s fun, but you better be ready to back it up.”<</rl>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $lr.plus_or_minus_kitchen_flat_2=1>>
</span><<set $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bedroom=1>><<st>>You lead Lana and Riley into the bedroom. The room is large, and the big bed takes up most of the middle.<</st>><span id='options1'>
<<link 'Talk about the room'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You gesture around the room, trying to keep their interest. “So, as you can see, the bedroom’s pretty spacious. That bed’s a king-size, perfect for stretching out—or whatever else you’ve got in mind. Plenty of closet space too, and the windows let in a ton of natural light in the morning. It’s got that whole ‘relax and unwind’ vibe, you know?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana nods approvingly. “This is a nice setup.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley glances around, a satisfied smile on her face. “Yeah, I could definitely see myself relaxing here.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You can’t resist the urge to crack a joke, trying to get back into your groove. “Mind if I ask a question? When you walk into a bedroom like this, do you ever feel like you’re clocking in for work again? Hah!”<</ch>>
<<ln>>They exchange a quick look, their smiles tightening just a bit. Lana lets out a small laugh, but it’s clear the joke didn’t land as well as you hoped. “Depends on the day, I guess.”<</ln>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $lr.plus_or_minus_bedroom_flat_2=1>>
<<link 'Let the girls talk'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ln>>Lana grins, glancing around. “Well, this is the most important room, isn’t it? Better make sure it’s up to standard.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>Before you can react, both of them leap onto the bed. Lana quickly gets into a doggy-style position, while Riley playfully scoots in behind her, pretending to twirl an invisible lasso. With a mischievous smile, she “throws” the lasso right at you.<</ch>>
<<st>>Normally, you’d have some slick comeback or a cocky move to make, but right now, you’re just a deer in headlights, blushing like some nervous kid.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana glances back at you, a teasing smirk on her lips. “What’s the matter, $ch.nom? Cat got your tongue?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Riley, still twirling her imaginary lasso, laughs and winks at you. <</st>>
<<rl>>“Don’t tell me you’ve never been roped in before.”<</rl>>
<<st>>You attempt to say something—anything—to calm down, but all you get is a nervous laugh.<</st>>
<<ln>>The girls exchange amused looks, clearly enjoying your struggle. Lana raises an eyebrow, half-laughing. “Well, looks like someone missed their cue.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley giggles, shaking her head. “Too bad. Guess the moment’s passed.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>They hop off the bed, still chuckling, and saunter out of the room, leaving you standing there like a statue.<</ch>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
</span><<set $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bathroom=1>><<st>>You lead Lana and Riley into the bathroom. It’s spacious, with modern fixtures and plenty of room to move around, definitely a plus for any potential tenant.<</st>><span id='options1'>
<<link 'Show bathroom'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You clear your throat and gesture around. “So, this is the bathroom. It’s pretty big, plenty of space for whatever you might need. Nice shower, lots of storage, and even room for a washer.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley’s eyes light up as she spots the washing machine. “Oh, nice! There’s a washer in here, too. Remember that video idea we had where you get stuck in the washing machine?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana bursts out laughing. “Oh, yeah! Classic genre stuff.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley grins, nudging Lana. “Well, this place is perfect for it. Plenty of space to, you know, make it look convincing.”<</rl>>
<<st>>Hearing that, you choke on your own breath, completely caught off guard.<</st>>
<<ch>>Damn, you think to yourself, maybe I should’ve rented this place out for something a bit more… interesting.<</ch>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<link 'Do something creative'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>Feeling a sudden burst of inspiration, you decide to show off the bathroom in a way that’s anything but ordinary. “You know what? Let’s check out this tub.”<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Come on, girls, there’s plenty of room in here for all three of us.”<</ch>>
<<st>>They exchange amused glances, clearly intrigued by your audacity. With a playful shrug, they climb in, crowding around you.<</st>>
<<ch>>You glance at them with a mischievous grin. “I’d turn on the water, but then we’d all get... soaked.”<</ch>>
<<st>>They burst into laughter, clearly enjoying the ridiculousness of it all.<</st>>
<<st>>You can’t help it—your eyes immediately drop to their cleavage. You’re trying to stay cool, but your gaze is glued to their tits, totally obvious.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana notices first, smirking as she catches your stare. “Eyes up here, Didn’t think we’d be giving a free show today.”<</ln>>
<<ln>>As you all climb out of the tub, Lana laughs, nudging Riley. “This has to be the weirdest bathroom tour ever.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley smirks, giving you a once-over. “Yeah, but it was definitely impressive."<</rl>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
</span><<set $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.balcony=1>><<ch>>You lead Lana and Riley to the balcony. “This balcony is something else—freshly renovated, and the view is the real showstopper. You’ve gotta see it.”<</ch>>
<<st>>As you all lean on the railing, you instinctively wrap an arm around each of their waists, pulling them in close. They don’t resist, and you can’t help but feel a rush of disbelief. Is this really happening?<</st>>
<<st>>It’s the kind of moment you never thought you’d get lucky enough to experience, but damn, here you are, right in the middle of it.<</st>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bedroom==0>><<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.balcony==0>><<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bathroom==0>><<button [[Bathroom|Show_Bathroom_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.kitchen==0>><<button [[Kitchen-Living room|Show_Kitchen_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bedroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.kitchen==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.bathroom==1 and $visited_rooms_lana_riley_flat_2.balcony==1>><<button [[Final apartment inspection|Final_apartment_inspection_Lana_Riley_flat_2]]>><</button>><</if>><<st>>After touring the entire apartment, Lana and Riley share a quick, knowing glance. Lana turns to you, a sly smile tugging at her lips.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Alright,” she says, “Your unique sales tactics definitely worked on us. Plus, the apartment’s not bad either. We’ll take it.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley nods, chuckling. “Yeah, you sold us. The place is decent, but you? You sealed the deal.”<</rl>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'I`ll Contact You Later'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You grin, pleased with how things have gone. “Glad you girls like the place. It’s great to hear my, uh, sales tactics did the trick. But, just so you know, there are a couple more people scheduled to see the apartment later today. I’ll give you a call once they’ve had a look, and we can finalize things then, alright?”<</ch>>
<<lr>>Lana and Riley nod, still smiling. “Sounds good. We’ll be waiting for that call.”<</lr>>
<<button [[Leave|Hire_flat_2]]>><</button>><<set $already_talk_hire_lana_riley=true>>
<<link 'Rent the Apartment to girls'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You grin, feeling pretty satisfied. “Awesome, I’m glad you both decided to take it. Now that we’re all on the same page, let’s talk about the price.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana smirks, crossing her arms. “Oh, we’re ready to talk price, but don’t think it’ll be easy. We’re not going down without a fight.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley nods with a playful glint in her eye. “Yeah, you better bring your A-game. This is gonna be a battle.”<</rl>>
<<button [[Haggling|Haggling_LanaRiley_flat_2]]>><</button>>
</span><<set $ch.img="0.1/сharacters/mark.jpg">><<set $ln.img="0.1/сharacters/lana.png">><<set $rl.img="0.1/сharacters/riley.png">><<ch>>You can’t help but smirk with satisfaction. “Perfect choice! I mean, where else are you gonna find a place this good—with a landlord this brilliant?” You flash them a wink, feeling your ego swell a bit.<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana chuckles, shaking her head. “Sure, sure, genius. Just get the paperwork, alright?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley grins, nudging Lana. “Yeah, we’ll take it. Let’s make this official.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You nod, grinning like you’ve just hit the jackpot. “Consider it done. Welcome to your new place, ladies!”<</ch>><<set $flat2_settings.avatar=$lr.img>><<set $flat2_settings.is_empty=false>><<set $lr.rel=0>><<set $lr.lust=0>>
<<button [[Hand over the keys|Lobby]]>><</button>><<if $ch.energy<50>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<st>>Nice job! Wallet’s a bit heavier now.<</st>><<set $ch.credit_money+=100*$ch.coef_work>><<set $week_stats.income_work+=100>><<set $ch.energy-=50>><<set $ch.work_exp +=5>><<set $gained_stats = 100*$ch.coef_work>><<flash `"Salary +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<addhours 4>>[img[0.1/images/hi-guys.jpg]]
<<st>>The goal of this game is to help our main character achieve his simple dream: buy up all the apartments in a complex and rent them out for a steady stream of cash.<</st>>
<<st>>Just a couple days ago, you told your boss to go fuck himself and ditched that shithole you called an office to start your own business.
And here you are, about to buy your first apartment in the Balls Deep Towers complex.
You've spent countless hours dreaming about this moment, imagining how rich you'll become. You picture yourself cruising in a fancy convertible, surrounded by hot chicks, and tossing money in the air like it’s never gonna run out.
But reality? It's a real bitch.<</st>>
<<st>>You barely had enough cash, so you had to take out a loan and a mortgage for your first apartment. And the saddest part? The place is a total dump, not even a lick of paint on the walls.
It's gonna be a rough ride, but you know what? You’re up for anything and ready to kick ass better than anyone else.<</st>>
<<button [[Next|Intro_2]]>><</button>><<st>>Are you sure?@@<</st>>
<<button [[No|Im18]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Yes! Back to the beginning... |Intro]]>><</button>><<st>>You're sitting in a worn-out chair, surrounded by stacks of papers with contracts for property purchases, loan agreements, and mortgage documents.<</st>>
<<st>>Hours of studying these damn papers have left your brain feeling fried, and the letters are swimming on the page. You realize that even if you spent a month trying to make sense of this legal bullshit, you wouldn’t have the smarts to spot the hidden traps or fully understand the contract.<</st>>
<<st>>You’ve got two choices: pick up that pen and sign, or ditch the whole idea. Maybe this isn’t what you really wanted after all?<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Wait and think more about it">><<st>>Well, that was quick. Thanks for playing the game. That's the end of $ch.nom story, and he's off to chase other ideas for his happy life. Maybe you should too?<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'This is not for me'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<goto Intro>>
<<link 'Sign the papers'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Ah, screw it. Why waste precious brain cells on boring paperwork? You decided not to bother with the fine print and just chase your damn dream.<</st>>
<<st>>So, you slapped your signature on all the documents, probably signing away your soul in the process. Congratulations! You've got the keys to your very own shithole apartment.<</st>>
<<st>>Once you slap some paint on the walls and maybe fix that weird smell, you can rent it out. Your first tenant's gonna love it - if they don’t mind living in a dump. But hey, dream big, right?<</st>><<set $ch.mortgage_1-=400000>>
<<button [[Next|Intro_3]]>><</button>>
<<st>>In case you couldn't figure out the simple rules, here you are. On the left side of the screen, there's a "Help" button. Press it, and you'll see all the assistance you need for the game.<</st>>
<<st>>1. You need to do some basic renovations in the apartment. We suggest just upgrading all the rooms to level one. Think you can handle that without screwing it up?<</st>>
<<st>>2. Next, you need to strike a deal with a tenant to rent out the apartment. Try not to scare them off with your charming personality.<</st>>
<<st>>3. Rent is paid weekly. Keep an eye on your expenses and make the right decisions, and you'll succeed! (Oh, and don't forget to buy a camera, because without it, you'll miss out on 50% of the content. Can't have you missing out on all the juicy bits, can we?)<</st>>
<<button [[Start|week-stats]]>><</button>><<if $ch.energy<50>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<if $flat1_settings.is_empty==true and $flat2_settings.is_empty==true>><<st>>Nobody’s living here, so... nothing to steal<</st>><<else>><<if $flat1_settings.avatar==$rs.img or $flat2_settings.avatar==$rs.img>><<button [[Steal from Rosie|Steal from Rosie]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $flat1_settings.avatar==$lr.img or $flat2_settings.avatar==$lr.img>><<button [[Steal from Lana and Riley|Steal from Lana and Riley]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<set $stealed_money_rs=true>><<set $ch.energy-=50>><<set $ch.credit_money+=100>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=100>><<st>>You slipped a little cash, giving your stash a nice boost. Better check the cameras to make sure no one’s caught on.<</st>><<set $ch.steal_exp +=5>><<set $gained_stats = 100*$ch.coef_steal>><<flash `"Stole +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><<set $stealed_money_lr=true>><<set $ch.energy-=50>><<set $ch.credit_money+=100>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=100>><<st>>You slipped a little cash, giving your stash a nice boost. Better check the cameras to make sure no one’s caught on.<</st>><<set $ch.steal_exp +=5>><<set $gained_stats = 100*$ch.coef_steal>><<flash `"Stole +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><<if $ch.energy<20>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<st>>You hit the gym, pushed some weights, and now you’re feeling like a damn machine. Keep going, and you’ll have energy for days!<</st>><<set $ch.energy-=20>><<set $ch.fitness_exp +=2>><<flash "Fitness exp + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><<if $ch.energy<20>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<st>>You’re flipping through a ‘How to Be Charismatic’ book, picking up tips. Soon, you’ll be smooth-talking like a pro.<</st>><<set $ch.energy-=20>><<set $ch.charisma_exp +=2>><<flash "Charisma exp + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><div class="brothel-main-cont"><div class="brothel-ava-cont">[img[0.1/сharacters/elsa.png]]</div><div class="brothel-button-cont"><<button [[Pick a girl|Pick_Elsa]]>><</button>></div></div>
<div class="brothel-main-cont"><div class="brothel-ava-cont">[img[0.1/сharacters/gina.png]]</div><div class="brothel-button-cont"><<button [[Pick a girl|Pick_Gina]]>><</button>></div></div>
<div class="brothel-main-cont"><div class="brothel-ava-cont">[img[0.1/сharacters/dani.png]]</div><div class="brothel-button-cont"><<button [[Pick a girl|Pick_Dani]]>><</button>></div></div>
<<button [[Glory Hole|Glory Hole]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><<button [[Blowjob|Blowjob_Elsa]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Vaginal|Vaginal_Elsa]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Anal|Anal_Elsa]]>><</button>>
<<set $ch.money-=100>><<set $week_stats.expenses_other+=100>><<flash "Money -100">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>><<button [[Blowjob|Blowjob_Gina]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Vaginal|Vaginal_Gina]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Anal|Anal_Gina]]>><</button>>
<<set $ch.money-=100>><<set $week_stats.expenses_other+=100>><<flash "Money -100">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>><<if $ch.energy<10>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<st>>You step into the booth, grinning to yourself. Time to see what kind of “fun” you’re in for today.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,13)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gloryhole/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $ch.money-=100>><<set $week_stats.expenses_other+=100>><<flash "Money -100">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>><<if $ch.energy<10>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<set $brothel_counter.blowjob_elsa+=1>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>She gives you a sly smile. “Let’s go, babe.”<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<st>>She grins, giving you a playful wink. “Alright, let’s get to it.”<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<st>>She leans in close with a smirk. “Ready when you are, handsome.”<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<st>>She smiles, pulling you along. “Follow me, honey”<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep going'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random >>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull it together, gathering your strength, and keep fucking her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<st>>Clenching your fists, you push on, determined to keep fucking her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<st>>You dig deep, refusing to stop, and keep at it, fucking her even harder.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<st>>With a smirk, you steady yourself and dive right back in, no way you’re done fucking her yet.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Cum inside'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Blow it all inside<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Unload deep<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Fill her up<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Fill her to the brim<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum on her'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Paint her all over<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Cover her up<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Mark every inch<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Soak her up<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum inside'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Blow it all inside<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Unload deep<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Fill her up<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Fill her to the brim<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum on her'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Paint her all over<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Cover her up<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Mark every inch<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Soak her up<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<</if>><<if $ch.energy<10>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>><<else>><<set $brothel_counter.vaginal_elsa+=1>>
<<if $brothel_counter.blowjob_elsa<5>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>She smirks, tilting her head. "That kind of service? Only my regulars get that, darling.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>She chuckles, shaking her head. “Not so fast, sweetheart—save that for the regulars.”<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>She raises an eyebrow. “Oh, honey, you’re cute... but that’s VIP only.”<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>She smiles, crossing her arms. “Not today, babe. Only the regulars get that.”<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>She winks, grabs your hand, and leads you to the back.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,16)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<st>>She winks, takes your hand, and guides you to the back. “Let’s not waste any time.”<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,16)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<st>>She gives you a playful smile, grabs your hand, and pulls you along. “Follow me, babe.”<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,16)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<st>>She winks, slipping her arm through yours. “Alright, let’s make this fun.”<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,16)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep going'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull it together, gathering your strength, and keep fucking her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,16)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<st>>Clenching your fists, you push on, determined to keep fucking her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,16)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<st>>You dig deep, refusing to stop, and keep at it, fucking her even harder.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,16)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<st>>With a smirk, you steady yourself and dive right back in, no way you’re done fucking her yet.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,16)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Cum inside'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Blow it all inside<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Unload deep<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Fill her up<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Fill her to the brim<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum on her'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Paint her all over<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Cover her up<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Mark every inch<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Soak her up<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum inside'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Blow it all inside<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Unload deep<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Fill her up<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Fill her to the brim<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum on her'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Paint her all over<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Cover her up<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Mark every inch<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Soak her up<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<</if>><</if>><<if $ch.energy<10>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>><<else>>
<<if $brothel_counter.vaginal_elsa<5>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>She laughs, raising an eyebrow. “Oh, slow down, sweetheart. Only regulars get that kind of treatment.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>She laughs, shaking her head. “Easy there, tiger. That’s for regulars only.”<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>She raises an eyebrow. “Whoa, slow down, babe. Only the usuals get that.”<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>She smirks, giving you a light push. “Oh, honey, you’ve gotta work up to that!”<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You head off with her, a dumb, satisfied grin spreading across your face.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,2)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<st>>She smirks, hooking her arm around yours. “Alright, you’re in luck—let’s go.”
You follow her, grinning like you’ve just won the lottery.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,2)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<st>>She gives you a playful nod. “Sure thing, babe. Right this way.”
You trail behind, barely holding back a goofy, satisfied smile.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,2)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<st>>She leans in, winking. “Looks like today’s your lucky day. Let’s make it happen.”
You follow her with a dumb grin, feeling on top of the world.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,2)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep going'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull it together, gathering your strength, and keep fucking her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,2)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<st>>Clenching your fists, you push on, determined to keep fucking her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,2)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<st>>You dig deep, refusing to stop, and keep at it, fucking her even harder.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,2)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<st>>With a smirk, you steady yourself and dive right back in, no way you’re done fucking her yet.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,2)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Cum inside'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Blow it all inside<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Unload deep<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Fill her up<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Fill her to the brim<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum on her'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Paint her all over<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Cover her up<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Mark every inch<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Soak her up<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum inside'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Blow it all inside<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/cum/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<st>>Unload deep<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/cum/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<st>>Fill her up<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/cum/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<st>>Fill her to the brim<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/elsa/cum/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum on her'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Paint her all over<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Cover her up<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Mark every inch<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Soak her up<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<</if>><</if>><<st>>You walk into the insurance office and go to one of the service windows, where a tired-looking clerk glances up from their computer.<</st>>
<<clerk>>“What can I help you with today?” they ask, barely looking up.<</clerk>>
<<button [[The apartment caught fire|The apartment caught fire]]>><</button>>
<<button [[The apartment was flooded|The apartment was flooded]]>><</button>>
<<button [[The apartment was robbed|The apartment was robbed]]>><</button>>
<<button [[The rest|The rest]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<if $insurance_needed==false>><<ch>>“No reason for me to be here—everything’s fine with my apartment.”<</ch>>
<<button [[Leave|Insurance_Need]]>><</button>><<else>><<set $insurance_needed=false>>
<<if $insurance.event_rs_fire==1>>
<<ch>>You approach the service window and say, “My apartment caught fire.”<</ch>>
<<clerk>>“I’m sorry to hear that. We’ll need some information and documentation to get started.”<</clerk>>
<<st>>You provide all the necessary details—how the fire started, the extent of the damage, and any reports you have. The clerk nods as they input the information.<</st>>
<<clerk>>“Alright,” they say, “our insurance agent will need to visit the property today to assess and document the damage. Once that’s done, you can come back tomorrow, and we’ll proceed with the claim.”<</clerk>>
<<if $insurance_needed_sleep==1>><<st>>You return to the insurance office, heading straight to the same window. The clerk greets you, and you hand over the additional documents.<</st>>
<<clerk>>“Thank you,” they say, reviewing the paperwork. “Let’s see what your coverage looks like.”<</clerk>>
<<st>><<if $insurance_bought.fires==true>><div class="arrow-up"></div><span class="ins-name">Fire Insurance</span>
Your fire insurance is active—excellent!<<else>><div class="arrow-down"></div><span class="ins-name">Fire Insurance</span>
It's unfortunate that you didn't have fire insurance—now you’ll have to spend a lot more money out of pocket.<</if>><</st>>
<<st>><<if $insurance_bought.repair_costs==true>><div class="arrow-up"></div><span class="ins-name">Repair or Replacement Coverage</span>
Your coverage for repairs or replacement of broken appliances is active—it will be taken care of!<<else>><div class="arrow-down"></div><span class="ins-name">Repair or Replacement Coverage</span>
Unfortunately, without coverage for repairs or replacement, you’ll need to handle the costs of fixing or replacing broken appliances yourself.<</if>><</st>>
<<st>><<if $insurance_bought.repair_costs==true>><div class="arrow-up"></div><span class="ins-name">Compensation</span>
While the apartment is under repair, we’ll compensate you for any lost rental income.<<else>><div class="arrow-down"></div><span class="ins-name">Compensation</span>
You won't receive any compensation for your lost rental income during the repairs since you didn’t have insurance.<</if>><</st>>
<<if $insurance_bought.fires==true and $insurance_bought.repair_costs==true>>
You fill out the forms as instructed, and the clerk reassures you. “We’ll start the renovation work immediately and restore everything just the way it was. Our company is known for getting things done before Monday, so your apartment will be ready next Monday!”
As you walk out, relief washes over you. Damn, glad I didn’t skimp on that insurance. I could’ve been in a world of trouble if I hadn’t.
<<button [[Leave happy|Insurance_Need]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $insurance_bought.fires==true and $insurance_bought.repair_costs==false>><<clerk>>“Considering all the factors and after calculating the costs, we can only cover 80% of the damage. You’ll need to fill out a couple of forms to get those 80% covered.”<</clerk>>
<<clerk>>You fill out the forms as instructed, and the clerk looks at you seriously. “Before we can start the renovation work, you’ll need to pay your share of the costs. You can write a check for the payment now.”<</clerk>>
<<clerk>>After you hand over the check, the clerk nods and says, “We’ll start the renovation work immediately and restore everything just the way it was. Our company is known for getting things done before Monday, so your apartment will be ready next Monday!”<</clerk>>
<<ch>>As you walk out, relief washes over you. Damn, glad I didn’t skimp on that insurance. I could’ve been in a world of trouble if I hadn’t.<</ch>>
<<link [[Start paying weekly (20,000$)|Insurance_Need]]>><<set $insurance_needed_pay=20000>><</link>>
<<else>><<clerk>>The clerk frowns as they look over your file. “I’m really sorry, but it looks like you didn’t have coverage for fire or accidental damage. Unfortunately, that means we can’t cover the costs.”<</clerk>>
<<clerk>>They pause before continuing. “The only thing we can offer is to help coordinate the repairs, but you’ll need to cover all the expenses yourself. You'll have to fill out a few forms.”<</clerk>>
<<clerk>>You fill out the forms as instructed, and the clerk looks at you seriously. “Before we can start the renovation work, you’ll need to pay your share of the costs. You can write a check for the payment now.”<</clerk>>
<<clerk>>After you hand over the check, the clerk nods and says, “We’ll start the renovation work immediately and restore everything just the way it was. Our company is known for getting things done before Monday, so your apartment will be ready next Monday!”<</clerk>>
<<st>>Shock hits you like a ton of bricks. Why the hell did I have to be so cheap about the insurance? I’ve really screwed myself over this time.<</st>>
<<link [[Start paying weekly (200,000$)|Insurance_Need]]>><<set $insurance_needed_pay=200000>><</link>>
<<button [[Leave|Insurance_Need]]>><</button>><</if>>
<</if>><<ch>>“No reason for me to be here—everything’s fine with my apartment.”<</ch>>
<<button [[Leave|Insurance_Need]]>><</button>><<ch>>“No reason for me to be here—everything’s fine with my apartment.”<</ch>>
<<button [[Leave|Insurance_Need]]>><</button>><<ch>>“No reason for me to be here—everything’s fine with my apartment.”<</ch>>
<<button [[Leave|Insurance_Need]]>><</button>><<st>>Your debts have buried you, and there’s no digging out of this one. Looks like the hustle’s finally caught up with you.<</st>>
<<button "Restart">><<run UI.restart()>><</button>><<button [[Blowjob|Blowjob_Dani]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Vaginal|Vaginal_Dani]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Anal|Anal_Dani]]>><</button>>
<<set $ch.money-=100>><<set $week_stats.expenses_other+=100>><<flash "Money -100">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>><<if $ch.energy<10>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<set $brothel_counter.blowjob_dani+=1>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>She gives you a sly smile. “Let’s go, babe.”<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,7)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<st>>She grins, giving you a playful wink. “Alright, let’s get to it.”<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,7)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<st>>She leans in close with a smirk. “Ready when you are, handsome.”<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,7)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<st>>She smiles, pulling you along. “Follow me, honey”<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,7)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep going'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random >>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull it together, gathering your strength, and keep fucking her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,7)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<st>>Clenching your fists, you push on, determined to keep fucking her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,7)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<st>>You dig deep, refusing to stop, and keep at it, fucking her even harder.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,7)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<st>>With a smirk, you steady yourself and dive right back in, no way you’re done fucking her yet.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,7)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Cum inside'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Blow it all inside<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Unload deep<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Fill her up<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Fill her to the brim<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum on her'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Paint her all over<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Cover her up<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Mark every inch<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Soak her up<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum inside'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Blow it all inside<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Unload deep<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Fill her up<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Fill her to the brim<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum on her'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Paint her all over<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Cover her up<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Mark every inch<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Soak her up<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<</if>><<if $ch.energy<10>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>><<else>><<set $brothel_counter.vaginal_dani+=1>>
<<if $brothel_counter.blowjob_dani<5>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>She smirks, tilting her head. "That kind of service? Only my regulars get that, darling.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>She chuckles, shaking her head. “Not so fast, sweetheart—save that for the regulars.”<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>She raises an eyebrow. “Oh, honey, you’re cute... but that’s VIP only.”<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>She smiles, crossing her arms. “Not today, babe. Only the regulars get that.”<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>She winks, grabs your hand, and leads you to the back.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,15)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<st>>She winks, takes your hand, and guides you to the back. “Let’s not waste any time.”<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,15)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<st>>She gives you a playful smile, grabs your hand, and pulls you along. “Follow me, babe.”<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,15)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<st>>She winks, slipping her arm through yours. “Alright, let’s make this fun.”<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,15)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep going'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull it together, gathering your strength, and keep fucking her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,15)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<st>>Clenching your fists, you push on, determined to keep fucking her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,15)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<st>>You dig deep, refusing to stop, and keep at it, fucking her even harder.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,15)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<st>>With a smirk, you steady yourself and dive right back in, no way you’re done fucking her yet.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,15)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Cum inside'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Blow it all inside<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Unload deep<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Fill her up<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Fill her to the brim<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum on her'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Paint her all over<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Cover her up<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Mark every inch<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Soak her up<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum inside'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Blow it all inside<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Unload deep<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Fill her up<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Fill her to the brim<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum on her'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Paint her all over<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Cover her up<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Mark every inch<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Soak her up<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<</if>><</if>><<if $ch.energy<10>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>><<else>>
<<if $brothel_counter.vaginal_dani<5>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>She laughs, raising an eyebrow. “Oh, slow down, sweetheart. Only regulars get that kind of treatment.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>She laughs, shaking her head. “Easy there, tiger. That’s for regulars only.”<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>She raises an eyebrow. “Whoa, slow down, babe. Only the usuals get that.”<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>She smirks, giving you a light push. “Oh, honey, you’ve gotta work up to that!”<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You head off with her, a dumb, satisfied grin spreading across your face.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,7)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<st>>She smirks, hooking her arm around yours. “Alright, you’re in luck—let’s go.”
You follow her, grinning like you’ve just won the lottery.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,7)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<st>>She gives you a playful nod. “Sure thing, babe. Right this way.”
You trail behind, barely holding back a goofy, satisfied smile.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,7)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<st>>She leans in, winking. “Looks like today’s your lucky day. Let’s make it happen.”
You follow her with a dumb grin, feeling on top of the world.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,7)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep going'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull it together, gathering your strength, and keep fucking her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,7)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<st>>Clenching your fists, you push on, determined to keep fucking her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,7)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<st>>You dig deep, refusing to stop, and keep at it, fucking her even harder.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,7)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<st>>With a smirk, you steady yourself and dive right back in, no way you’re done fucking her yet.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,7)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/dani/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Cum inside'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Blow it all inside<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Unload deep<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Fill her up<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Fill her to the brim<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum on her'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Paint her all over<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Cover her up<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Mark every inch<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Soak her up<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum inside'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Blow it all inside<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Unload deep<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Fill her up<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Fill her to the brim<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum on her'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Paint her all over<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Cover her up<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Mark every inch<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Soak her up<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<</if>><</if>><<if $ch.energy<10>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<set $brothel_counter.blowjob_gina+=1>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>She gives you a sly smile. “Let’s go, babe.”<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<st>>She grins, giving you a playful wink. “Alright, let’s get to it.”<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<st>>She leans in close with a smirk. “Ready when you are, handsome.”<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<st>>She smiles, pulling you along. “Follow me, honey”<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep going'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random >>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull it together, gathering your strength, and keep fucking her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<st>>Clenching your fists, you push on, determined to keep fucking her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<st>>You dig deep, refusing to stop, and keep at it, fucking her even harder.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<st>>With a smirk, you steady yourself and dive right back in, no way you’re done fucking her yet.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Cum inside'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Blow it all inside<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Unload deep<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Fill her up<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Fill her to the brim<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum on her'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Paint her all over<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Cover her up<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Mark every inch<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Soak her up<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum inside'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Blow it all inside<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Unload deep<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Fill her up<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Fill her to the brim<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum on her'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Paint her all over<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Cover her up<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Mark every inch<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Soak her up<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<</if>><<if $ch.energy<10>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>><<else>><<set $brothel_counter.vaginal_gina+=1>>
<<if $brothel_counter.blowjob_gina<5>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>She smirks, tilting her head. "That kind of service? Only my regulars get that, darling.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>She chuckles, shaking her head. “Not so fast, sweetheart—save that for the regulars.”<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>She raises an eyebrow. “Oh, honey, you’re cute... but that’s VIP only.”<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>She smiles, crossing her arms. “Not today, babe. Only the regulars get that.”<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>She winks, grabs your hand, and leads you to the back.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<st>>She winks, takes your hand, and guides you to the back. “Let’s not waste any time.”<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<st>>She gives you a playful smile, grabs your hand, and pulls you along. “Follow me, babe.”<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<st>>She winks, slipping her arm through yours. “Alright, let’s make this fun.”<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep going'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull it together, gathering your strength, and keep fucking her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<st>>Clenching your fists, you push on, determined to keep fucking her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<st>>You dig deep, refusing to stop, and keep at it, fucking her even harder.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<st>>With a smirk, you steady yourself and dive right back in, no way you’re done fucking her yet.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,5)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Cum inside'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Blow it all inside<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Unload deep<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Fill her up<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Fill her to the brim<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum on her'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Paint her all over<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Cover her up<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Mark every inch<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Soak her up<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum inside'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Blow it all inside<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Unload deep<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Fill her up<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Fill her to the brim<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum on her'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Paint her all over<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Cover her up<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Mark every inch<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Soak her up<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<</if>><</if>><<if $ch.energy<10>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>><<else>>
<<if $brothel_counter.vaginal_gina<5>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>She laughs, raising an eyebrow. “Oh, slow down, sweetheart. Only regulars get that kind of treatment.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>She laughs, shaking her head. “Easy there, tiger. That’s for regulars only.”<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>She raises an eyebrow. “Whoa, slow down, babe. Only the usuals get that.”<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>She smirks, giving you a light push. “Oh, honey, you’ve gotta work up to that!”<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You head off with her, a dumb, satisfied grin spreading across your face.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,6)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<st>>She smirks, hooking her arm around yours. “Alright, you’re in luck—let’s go.”
You follow her, grinning like you’ve just won the lottery.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,6)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<st>>She gives you a playful nod. “Sure thing, babe. Right this way.”
You trail behind, barely holding back a goofy, satisfied smile.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,6)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<st>>She leans in, winking. “Looks like today’s your lucky day. Let’s make it happen.”
You follow her with a dumb grin, feeling on top of the world.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,6)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep going'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull it together, gathering your strength, and keep fucking her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,6)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<st>>Clenching your fists, you push on, determined to keep fucking her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,6)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<st>>You dig deep, refusing to stop, and keep at it, fucking her even harder.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,6)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<st>>With a smirk, you steady yourself and dive right back in, no way you’re done fucking her yet.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(1,6)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/brothel/gina/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Cum inside'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>>
<<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Blow it all inside<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Unload deep<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Fill her up<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Fill her to the brim<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum on her'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Paint her all over<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Cover her up<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Mark every inch<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Soak her up<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum inside'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Blow it all inside<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Unload deep<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Fill her up<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Fill her to the brim<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Cum on her'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $random to Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Paint her all over<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Cover her up<</st>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Mark every inch<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Soak her up<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Brothel]]>><</button>>
<</if>><</if>><<if hashStr($patron) == 1090550899>><<set $patron_activated=true>><<st>>You have successfully activated the code, enjoy the game and thanks for your support!<</st>><<else>><<st>>You have entered an invalid code, please try again.<</st>><</if>>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<set $patron = "" >><<st>>This is the Patreon panel! Enter your code here to unlock access to another girl. And thanks for supporting us—we appreciate it!<</st>>
<<textbox "$patron" "Paste code here" "Access Patreon Content">>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>v 0.1.4
- A time system has been added
- Now when something may happen you will see an indicator on the button
- A “Settings” button has been added where you can change fonts
- A new quest with Rosie has been added
- Camera system for Rosey, Lana and Riley has been changed.
- New events after dates with Lana and Riley
- Fixed a bug with Lana and Riley when there were no events
- Fixed minor bugs
<<st>>v 0.1.3
- Fixed minor bugs
- Item store in the main lobby has been added
- Changed the mechanics of extra money for charisma
- Added character development mechanics (3 new dates)
- Gift giving mechanics<</st>>
- Gina’s BJ bug in the brothel has been fixed.
- The Gloryhole button now takes you to the brothel as intended, not back to the lobby.
- A major bug causing errors has been patched.
- Progress bars now fill by level instead of overall progress, and when maxed, they’ll display “MAX” with a full bar.
- Rosie’s events no longer get stuck on the window scene.
- The max renovation level for the second apartment has been corrected from 9 to 10.
<<st>>v 0.1.2
- New Tenant: A new tenant has moved into the apartment! Be careful—they might bring some unexpected twists to the story.
- Rosie’s Relationship Quests: The first quests about starting relationships with Rosie are now available.
- Relationship Dynamics: If your relationship with any character drops below 50, they’ll start fucking other guys. Starting points are now 80-120, with a max of 200.
- Rosie’s Camera Event: The scene where Rosie is caught on camera sleeping with someone else has been moved to the "Bad Relationship" section for a more natural progression.
- New Dice Roll Mechanic: We’ve added a new dice roll mechanic to spice things up—luck now plays a bigger role!
- Lana and Riley’s Highlight: Lana and Riley now have a shiny golden outline to make them stand out more.
<<st>>v 0.1.1
- The left panel for Firefox browser has been fixed
- The brothel gifs have been corrected and put in the correct scenes
- In some parts of the game, gif animations have been added where they should have been originally
- Fixed minor bugs (incorrect indentation, errors in logic)
<<st>>v 0.1
First Version
<</st>><<addhours 1>><<st>>You’re sitting around, bored out of your mind, when you wonder what Rosie’s up to. Curiosity wins, and you pull up the camera feed. At first, it’s just her in the bathroom. But wait—hold up. This isn’t just a bath; it’s the bath.<</st>>
<<st>>She’s got the works—wine in hand, snacks within arm’s reach, music softly playing in the background, and enough bubbles to cover a small country. She’s living it up like it’s a goddamn spa day, and she’s sipping that wine like there’s no tomorrow, so you decide to keep watching.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Glass 1">><<rs>>She downs the first glass like a pro, not a drop wasted, and shouts, “Aaaare you ready for it?!” before cranking up the music.<</rs>>
<<st>>And then it starts. She’s belting out notes so off-key it’s like she’s waging war on music itself. Arms flailing, bubbles flying—she’s clearly convinced she’s at some kind of sold-out arena.<</st>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but snicker. “What the fuck am I even watching? American Idol: Drunk Edition?” She sways with the music, fully committing to her imaginary concert.<</ch>>
<<ch>>As the show goes on, you mutter, “Jesus, she thinks she’s Beyoncé. But she has no idea she’s actually got an audience.”<</ch>>
<<linkreplace "Glass 2">><<st>>As her imaginary concert wraps up and she downs her second glass of wine, you notice something new brewing. She’s not just singing anymore—she’s talking to herself. Scratch that. She’s giving an imaginary interview on a late-night talk show.<</st>>
<<rs>>“Oh, how did I become so famous? Well, it all started when I was just a small-town girl with big dreams… And, of course, everyone knew I’d be a star. I mean, look at me now!” she slurs, waving her hand like she’s talking to a crowd.<</rs>>
<<ch>>You roll your eyes. ''Christ, the wine’s hit her hard. Hot water and booze—lethal combo for brain cells.''<</ch>>
<<linkreplace "Glass 3">><<rs>>“Wanna know if I can dance? Of course, I can!” she declares, practically shouting at her nonexistent audience.<</rs>>
<<ch>>You raise an eyebrow. “Alright, let’s see this.”<</ch>>
<<st>>She stands up, water cascading off her like some ridiculous shampoo commercial. And yeah, okay—hot as hell. You can’t deny it. But just as she starts to sway her hips, disaster strikes.<</st>>
<<st>>Her foot slips on the edge of the tub, and she crashes onto the floor with a loud thud.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Shit,” you mutter, leaning closer to the screen. <</ch>>
<<rs>>You sit there for a moment, debating if you should just pretend you didn’t see any of this. But then you hear her yell, “Help! Someone, please!”<</rs>>
<<button [[Help Rosie|quest_rosie_in_trouble_2]]>><</button>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><<st>>Alright, you need a reason to go there. Can’t just show up empty-handed—that’d be weird. What if you say there was a mail mix-up? Yeah, that’ll work.<</st>>
<<st>>You grab some junk mail from your counter, head down the hall, and knock on Rosie’s door.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Hey, Rosie! Sorry to bother you—I got some of your mail by mistake,” you call out, trying to sound casual.<</ch>>
<<st>>No answer. You knock again, then ring the doorbell.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Rosie?” you say, louder this time. Still nothing. But then, faintly, you hear her shout, “Help! Someone, help!”<</ch>>
<<st>>Oh, shit. You don’t hesitate, pulling out your spare key and letting yourself in.<</st>>
<<ch>>The place smells like bath soap and wine. “Rosie? Where are you?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>“In here!” she yells, voice muffled by the bathroom door. “I’m in the bathroom—I fell! Can you help me?”<</rs>>
<<st>>You take a step toward the bathroom, hesitating for a moment. Should you grab a towel to cover her up? Or just head in as is?<</st>>
<div class="dice-main">
<h1 id="sum">Sum: 0</h1>
<div class="dice" id="dice">
<div class="die" id="die1">
<i class="fa-solid fa-dice-one" style="font-size: 3.5rem"></i>
<div class="die" id="die2">
<i class="fa-solid fa-dice-six" style="font-size: 3.5rem"></i>
<button class="btn" id="rollButton">Roll Dice</button>
<div id="message-dice"></div>
<div id="button-dice"></div>
function rollSingleDie() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
function rollDice() {
const die1 = document.getElementById("die1");
const die2 = document.getElementById("die2");
const disSum = document.getElementById("sum");
const message = document.getElementById("message-dice");
const button = document.getElementById("button-dice");
const result1 = rollSingleDie();
const result2 = rollSingleDie();
const sum = result1 + result2;
die1.innerHTML = result1;
die2.innerHTML = result2;
disSum.innerHTML = "Sum: " + sum;
if (sum >= 6) {
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("message-dice"), '<<st>>Screw the towel. You step into the bathroom and scoop her up in your arms. Your hands inevitably end up on her naked ass. Jesus, she’s even hotter up close than she looks on camera. You swallow, trying to keep your thoughts from spiraling as you lift her up.<</st>>');
new Wikifier(button, '<<button [[Continue|quest_rosie_in_trouble_3]]>><</button>>');
} else {
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("message-dice"), '<<st>>You grab a towel and step into the bathroom. Without wasting a second, you drape it over her, lifting her carefully. You don’t see much—just a quick flash of bubbles before her body’s covered.<</st>>');
new Wikifier(button, '<<button [[Continue|quest_rosie_in_trouble_3]]>><</button>>');
rollButton.style.display = "none";
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
// Используем addEventListener вместо onclick
document.querySelector("#rollButton").addEventListener("click", rollDice);
<</script>><</done>><<st>>You help Rosie to the couch, carefully propping her up with a couple of pillows before grabbing your phone to call a doctor. While waiting, she gives you a tired smile.<</st>>
<<rs>>“Thanks for helping me,” she says, her voice soft. “You didn’t even hesitate… And the whole ‘mail mix-up’ thing? Perfect timing. That was really sweet.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You lean back with a sly grin. "Well, how could I not help a girl this... wet? Would’ve been downright rude of me."<</ch>>
<div class="dice-main">
<h1 id="sum">Sum: 0</h1>
<div class="dice" id="dice">
<div class="die" id="die1">
<i class="fa-solid fa-dice-one" style="font-size: 3.5rem"></i>
<div class="die" id="die2">
<i class="fa-solid fa-dice-six" style="font-size: 3.5rem"></i>
<button class="btn" id="rollButton">Roll Dice</button>
<div id="message-dice"></div>
<div id="button-dice"></div>
function rollSingleDie() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
function rollDice() {
const die1 = document.getElementById("die1");
const die2 = document.getElementById("die2");
const disSum = document.getElementById("sum");
const message = document.getElementById("message-dice");
const button = document.getElementById("button-dice");
const result1 = rollSingleDie();
const result2 = rollSingleDie();
const sum = result1 + result2;
die1.innerHTML = result1;
die2.innerHTML = result2;
disSum.innerHTML = "Sum: " + sum;
if (sum >= 6) {
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("message-dice"), '<<rs>>Rosie laughs, shaking her head. “You’re impossible, but… I’ll give you that. Thanks for saving me tonight.<</rs>>');
new Wikifier(button, '<<button [[Continue|quest_rosie_in_trouble_4]]>><</button>>');
} else {
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("message-dice"), '<<rs>>Rosie raises an eyebrow, her tone deadpan. “Wow. A little full of yourself, aren’t you? But, uh… thanks, I guess.”<</rs>>');
new Wikifier(button, '<<button [[Continue|quest_rosie_in_trouble_4]]>><</button>>');
rollButton.style.display = "none";
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
// Используем addEventListener вместо onclick
document.querySelector("#rollButton").addEventListener("click", rollDice);
<</script>><</done>><<st>>Just as things start to get less awkward (or not), the doctor arrives. After giving him the rundown and making sure Rosie’s in good hands, you head for the door.<</st>>
<<rs>>She calls out after you. “Hey, thanks again. I really mean it.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>“You owe me dinner for this.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She tilts her head. “Dinner? Like a date?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You wink, already halfway out the door. “You bet it is. Try not to sprain anything before then.”<</ch>><<set $quests.quest_rosie_in_trouble=true>>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<set $need_payday=true>><<addhours 1>><<st>>The big day arrives—Rosie’s finally paying you back for saving her. She invites you out for dinner. Sure, you’d prefer a different kind of "thank you," but hey, a dinner date is a start.<</st>>
<<st>>You meet her at the restaurant, sit down at a cozy table, and start browsing the menu. But as the waiter arrives, your jaw drops.<</st>>
<<rs>>“I’ll take the lobster… oh, and the steak. Medium-rare. Throw in the grilled shrimp appetizer too. And a bottle of Chardonnay. Make it the good stuff.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>What. The. Actual. Fuck. Lobster? Steak? A bottle of wine? She’s eating her way through your wallet faster than she pays you rent. Should you say something?<</ch>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say something'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You can’t help yourself. “Lobster and steak? Damn, Rosie, are we feeding the table next to us too?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She tilts her head, grinning. “What? I’m hungry.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You smirk, leaning back. “Yeah, don’t worry, get whatever you want. Just wondering if I’ll need a second job after this.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie crosses her arms. “Wow, thanks for the guilt trip. Should I just order a salad instead?”<</rs>>
<<st>>The evening’s going surprisingly well. After a couple of glasses of wine, Rosie loosens up, and it turns out she’s actually fun to talk to. You start swapping stories about the most awkward and ridiculous first dates you’ve been on.<</st>>
<<button [[Continue|quest_dinner_with_rosie_2]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Stay silent'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You bite your tongue, plastering on a fake smile as the waiter jots down her extravagant order. Internally, you’re doing mental math, calculating how long it’ll take you to recover from this dinner.<</st>>
<<rs>>Rosie glances at you. “You’re quiet. Not impressed by my appetite?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You shrug. “Nah, just mentally preparing to sell a kidney to cover dessert.”<</ch>>
<<st>>She laughs—or at least you hope she does.<</st>>
<<st>>The evening’s going surprisingly well. After a couple of glasses of wine, Rosie loosens up, and it turns out she’s actually fun to talk to. You start swapping stories about the most awkward and ridiculous first dates you’ve been on.<</st>>
<<button [[Continue|quest_dinner_with_rosie_2]]>><</button>>
</span><<linkreplace "Story 1">><<rs>>Rosie leans back, her glass of wine in hand, chuckling as she recalls, “Alright, you’re gonna love this one. I went on a date with this guy, super normal at first. Cute, polite… so I ask him, you know, just casual small talk, ‘Do you like to travel?’”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod, curious. “Seems like a safe question.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She grins. “You’d think, right? But this guy looks me dead in the eye and says, ‘Traveling’s fake. The Earth is flat.’”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You choke on your drink. “No way.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>“Oh, I wish I was kidding. He went on this whole tangent about how planes are just simulations, and maps are a government conspiracy.” She shakes her head, laughing. “And the worst part? He was 100% serious.”<</rs>>
<<linkreplace "Story 2">><<rs>>Rosie leans forward, barely able to contain her laughter as she starts her story. “Okay, so this was back in college. I had this terrible stuffed nose, and for some reason, I just couldn’t pronounce my R’s properly. Normally, no big deal, right? Except…”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You raise an eyebrow. “Except what?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She grins. “I was on this date with a guy—pretty cute, seemed nice. He was showing me some of his drawings, stuff he’d illustrated. So, I’m trying to be nice, and I say, ‘Wow, you sure are artistic.’”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod. “Solid compliment.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She bursts out laughing. “Yeah, except he thought I said, ‘Wow, you sure are autistic.’”<</rs>>
<<ch>>Your jaw drops, and then you lose it. “No fucking way. Poor guy probably still thinks about it.”<</ch>>
<<st>>Now it’s your time to tell a story. You should definitely impress her.<</st>>
<div class="dice-main">
<h1 id="sum">Sum: 0</h1>
<div class="dice" id="dice">
<div class="die" id="die1">
<i class="fa-solid fa-dice-one" style="font-size: 3.5rem"></i>
<div class="die" id="die2">
<i class="fa-solid fa-dice-six" style="font-size: 3.5rem"></i>
<button class="btn" id="rollButton">Roll Dice</button>
<div id="message-dice"></div>
<div id="button-dice"></div>
function rollSingleDie() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
function rollDice() {
const die1 = document.getElementById("die1");
const die2 = document.getElementById("die2");
const disSum = document.getElementById("sum");
const message = document.getElementById("message-dice");
const button = document.getElementById("button-dice");
const result1 = rollSingleDie();
const result2 = rollSingleDie();
const sum = result1 + result2;
die1.innerHTML = result1;
die2.innerHTML = result2;
disSum.innerHTML = "Sum: " + sum;
if (sum >= 6) {
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("message-dice"), '<<st>>You start spinning a completely made-up story about rescuing a kitten from a tree.<</st>>\n<<ch>>and that’s how I climbed up, saved the little guy, and brought him down safely. All the grandmas in the neighborhood adore me now,” you finish with a smug grin.<</ch>>\n<<rs>>Rosie laughs, her eyes lighting up. “Aww, that’s the cutest thing I’ve heard in ages.”<</rs>>\n');
new Wikifier(button, '<<button [[Continue|quest_dinner_with_rosie_3]]>><</button>>');
} else {
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("message-dice"), '<<ch>>So, there was this girl I really liked. We went on a couple of dates, and things were going great. One day, she wanted to take a walk in the park. Sounds nice, right?”<</ch>>\n<<rs>>Rosie nods, intrigued. “So, what went wrong?”<</rs>>\n<<ch>>“Well, it was freezing outside, and I wasn’t exactly feeling 100%. But I wanted to impress her, so I went anyway. We had a nice walk, but by the end, I was freezing my ass off and just trying to hold it together. Then it’s time to say goodbye. She leans in for a kiss, and… I, uh…”<</ch>>\n<<st>>You trail off, your face flushing.<</st>>\n<<rs>>Rosie raises an eyebrow. “What? What happened?”<</rs>>\n<<ch>>“I sneezed. Right in her face. But not just any sneeze—a fucking snot cannon. This gigantic, slimy blob of snot shot out… and landed straight in her mouth. And, man, she swallowed it before she even realized what happened.”<</ch>>\n<<rs>>Rosie’s jaw drops, her eyes wide. “Oh my god, no fucking way!”<</rs>>\n<<ch>>“That was the last time I saw her. Can’t say I blame her, though.”<</ch>>\n<<st>>Rosie stares at you in shock, her eyes wide, but you can tell she’s trying not to laugh. Meanwhile, you’re already regretting your choice of story.<</st>>');
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<</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><<st>>You decide to switch things up and ask about her love life.<</st>>
<<ch>>“So, how’s a gorgeous girl like you still single?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie shrugs, swirling her wine glass. “Honestly? There are just too many unserious guys out there. So, I decided to weed them out.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You raise an eyebrow, intrigued. “Oh yeah? How’s that working?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She smiles. “No intimacy until the 13th date.”<</rs>>
<<st>>What the actual fuck? Your brain short-circuits for a second. Is she serious? Who the hell waits that long? How are you even supposed to react?<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>Yeah, I totally get it. If you’re looking for a serious guy, that kind of plan might actually work. Makes sense.<</ch>>
<<st>>You ordered dessert, kept the conversation going, and by the end of the night, it actually felt… good. Surprisingly good.<</st>>
<<rs>>Walking her back home, you exchange a few more jokes, and when you finally reach her door, she turns to you with a smile. “Thanks for tonight. It was… really nice.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You shrug, playing it cool. “Yeah, it was alright. Guess you’re not so bad, after all.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She laughs softly. “Goodnight, $ch.nom,” she says, before heading inside.
You get home, kick off your shoes, and drop onto the couch, letting out a frustrated groan.<</rs>>
<<ch>>"Twelve fucking dates?" You shake your head, staring at the ceiling. "Blue balls for weeks… Goddamn, what the hell did I get myself into?"<</ch>>
<<button [[Think About the Date with Rosie|quest_dinner_with_rosie_4]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Say something'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>“Wait, what? Ahahaha, you’re telling me you want to go years without getting laid? That’s insane!” You burst out laughing, but then you catch her death glare. Mid-laugh, you choke on your wine, coughing like an idiot.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Sorry, uh… I mean, yeah, sure, of course. You totally have a chance to find someone serious that way. And, uh… weed out the… you know… the not-so-serious ones.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You ordered dessert, kept the conversation going, and by the end of the night, it actually felt… good. Surprisingly good.<</st>>
<<rs>>Walking her back home, you exchange a few more jokes, and when you finally reach her door, she turns to you with a smile. “Thanks for tonight. It was… really nice.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You shrug, playing it cool. “Yeah, it was alright. Guess you’re not so bad, after all.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She laughs softly. “Goodnight, $ch.nom,” she says, before heading inside.
You get home, kick off your shoes, and drop onto the couch, letting out a frustrated groan.<</rs>>
<<ch>>"Twelve fucking dates?" You shake your head, staring at the ceiling. "Blue balls for weeks… Goddamn, what the hell did I get myself into?"<</ch>>
<<button [[Think About the Date with Rosie|quest_dinner_with_rosie_4]]>><</button>>
</span><<st>>You sit back, staring at the wall as your mind drifts to Rosie.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Thirteen dates? She’s out of her damn mind. That’s like a year of work just to get laid."<</ch>>
<<ch>>You sigh, already annoyed. "No, screw that. There’s gotta be a way to speed this shit up. What’s her deal, anyway? What does she really want?"<</ch>>
<<ch>>Your thoughts start to spin. "Romance? Compliments? Expensive dinners? Ugh. This better not turn into me paying her rent just to get laid."<</ch>>
<<ch>>"Alright, Rosie. Time to crack the code and skip the bullshit."<</ch>>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<set $quests.quest_dinner_with_rosie=true>><<set $rs_event_activator.event1=true>><<ch>>You cross your arms, keeping your tone firm. “Alright, here’s the deal: I rent this place for $5K a week. Non-negotiable. If that works for you, we’ll sign, and it’s yours.”<</ch>>
<<ad>>The husband’s eyes widen as he clutches his chest dramatically. “Ohhh, brother! What are you saying? Such a beautiful apartment, such a good man! No, no… we’ll pay $10K! No question. You deserve it.”<</ad>>
<<ch>>You blink, caught off guard. “Uh… okay. Deal.”<</ch>>
<<st>>They cheer, shaking your hand as you both sign the agreement. You hand over the keys, forcing a polite smile as the family piles into their new home.<</st>>
<<ch>>The moment you step outside, the exhaustion hits you like a truck. "Shower. Sleep. Now," you mutter, dragging yourself back home.<</ch>>
<<button [[Sleep|Sleep]]>><<set $flat1_settings.avatar=$mus.img>><<set $flat1_settings.is_empty=false>><<set $flat1_settings.flat_avatar="0.3/flats/1/flat_1_damaged.png">><<set $flat_1_closed_mus=true>><<set $already_solve_mus=true>><</button>><<addhours 1>><<st>>You’re standing on the street, checking your phone, when you spot her walking toward you—a woman in a hijab, grinning like she just won the lottery. You try not to grimace, watching her approach.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Hey, you must be here for the apartment?” you say, already picturing the fat stacks of rent money—the only thing that could make you consider renting the place to her.<</ch>>
<<st>>She nods, and before you can even finish your sentence, a beat-up minivan screeches to a stop nearby. The doors fly open, and bam—kids start pouring out like someone kicked over an anthill. There's at least six of them, all yelling in a language you definitely don’t understand. Then a guy steps out, hauling a giant bag that looks like it’s full of bricks—or possibly grenades.<</st>>
<<ch>>You blink. “Uh, I thought it was just you?”<</ch>>
<<zl>>She laughs, waving it off like it’s no big deal. “Oh no, brother! It me and a family. Is okay, yes? Weee look apartment, yes?!”<</zl>>
<<ch>>You hesitate, staring at the chaos spilling out of the van. One of the kids is already smacking another with a sandal. But money is money, and they’re waving a lot of it. “Yeah... sure, let’s check it out.”<</ch>>
<<button [[Show Rooms|Show_Zulfiya_flat_1]]>><</button>><<ad>>As you step into the apartment, the husband immediately runs his hands along the walls, knocking on them like he’s trying to find a secret passage. “Mmm, solid walls. Very good for… privacy.” He winks at his wife, who giggles like a teenager.<</ad>>
<<ch>>You think, “Ugh, that’s disgusting. How do I unsee this?”<</ch>>
<<st>>Meanwhile, the kids have already started a full-blown riot. One of them sprints down the hall screaming, “I found my room!” while another is dangling from the doorframe like a monkey. A third one is kicking the baseboard like he’s training for the UFC.<</st>>
<<ad>>The husband turns to you, grinning. “Oh, brotha, don’t worry about kid. Very disciplined. No problem, no problem!”<</ad>>
<<button [[Kitchen|Show_Kitchen_Zulfiya_flat_1]]>><</button>><<st>>You hang back in the hallway as they step into the kitchen.<</st>>
<<zl>>The wife gasps as she steps into the kitchen. “Ohhhh, brother! Such a big fridge! We can keep all the lamb in here!”<</zl>>
<<ch>>You think to yourself, “I should totally send them a welcome gift—a delivery of pork. Hah, classic.”<</ch>>
<<ad>>Her husband nods enthusiastically. “Yes, yes. And this counter space—perfect for… chopping. Very sharp knives, you know.”<</ad>>
<<ch>>Behind him, one of the kids climbs onto the counter and starts opening every cabinet like he’s searching for a hidden bomb. You blink, trying to shake the thought. Don’t say bomb. Don’t say bomb.<</ch>>
<<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Zulfiya_flat_1]]>><</button>><<st>>While they head into the bedroom, you make a break for the balcony, squeezing past a swarm of kids to throw the window wide open. The air hits you like salvation—anything to escape the stifling smell that’s already making your stomach churn.<</st>>
<<st>>They walk into the bedroom, and the husband’s face lights up like he’s just found Mecca. “Ahhh, perfect, brother. Big enough for us… and maybe a few more little ones, eh?” <</st>>
<<ch>>“Oh, for fuck’s sake, gross 2.0,” you think, forcing a smile as you clutch the window frame. But then the mental image of a fat stack of cash flashes in your head, and suddenly, tolerating this circus doesn’t seem so bad.<</ch>>
<<zl>>The wife laughs, swatting his arm. “Stop that! We already have enough soldiers—uh, children, to drive us crazy.”<</zl>>
<<st>>Before you can respond, the kids storm in like a hurricane. One of them climbs onto the bed and starts jumping, while another darts under it, yelling, “Baba! There’s so much space here, you could hide a hundred bombs!”<</st>>
<<ad>>“Ahahaha, kids! What can you do, brother? Always joking!” the husband says, laughing as he smacks the kid on the back of the head.<</ad>>
<<ch>>You force a laugh, nervously wiping your forehead. “Haha, yeah, kids, right? Always... so creative.”<</ch>>
<<st>>Think about the money. Just think about the money.<</st>>
<<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Zulfiya_flat_1]]>><</button>><<st>>They step out onto the balcony, and for a brief moment, you catch yourself hoping the damn thing collapses under their weight. But no such luck. Instead, the husband turns around, beaming.<</st>>
<<zl>>“Ahhh, perfect for morning prayers. And look—so much space! For laundry. For rugs. Very good.”<</zl>>
<<ad>>Before you can even process the image of rugs draped everywhere, he claps his hands together. “We love it, brother! You name price, we pay. No question.”<</ad>>
<<zl>>The wife nods enthusiastically, her grin wide. “Yes, yes! Anything you want. Just let us live here!”<</zl>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'I`ll Contact You Later'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You hold the door open for them, plastering on a polite smile. “I’ll give you a call, okay?”<</ch>>
<<st>>As they leave, one of the kids tugs on your sleeve. “Don’t worry, mister. We’ll take good care of the balcony goats.<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Hire_flat_1]]>><<set $already_talk_hire_zulfiya=true>><</button>>
<<link 'Rent the Apartment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You glance at your watch, feigning impatience. "Look, I don’t have much time. Let’s settle on the price, and I’ll be on my way."<</ch>>
<<button [[Deal|Haggling_Zulfiya]]>><</button>>
</span><<ch>>“I’d love to kick them out too, but they’ve turned the place into Fort Knox. Nobody’s getting in.”<</ch>><<ch>>“How exactly am I supposed to fix anything if I can’t even get through the door?”<</ch>><<ch>>“I’d love to kick them out too, but they’ve turned the place into Fort Knox. Nobody’s getting in.”<</ch>><<ch>>“How exactly am I supposed to fix anything if I can’t even get through the door?”<</ch>><<ch>>You cross your arms, keeping your tone firm. “Alright, here’s the deal: I rent this place for $5K a week. Non-negotiable. If that works for you, we’ll sign, and it’s yours.”<</ch>>
<<ad>>The husband’s eyes widen as he clutches his chest dramatically. “Ohhh, brother! What are you saying? Such a beautiful apartment, such a good man! No, no… we’ll pay $10K! No question. You deserve it.”<</ad>>
<<ch>>You blink, caught off guard. “Uh… okay. Deal.”<</ch>>
<<st>>They cheer, shaking your hand as you both sign the agreement. You hand over the keys, forcing a polite smile as the family piles into their new home.<</st>>
<<ch>>The moment you step outside, the exhaustion hits you like a truck. "Shower. Sleep. Now," you mutter, dragging yourself back home.<</ch>>
<<button [[Sleep|Sleep]]>><<set $flat2_settings.avatar=$mus.img>><<set $flat2_settings.is_empty=false>><<set $flat2_settings.flat_avatar="0.3/flats/2/flat_2_damaged.png">><<set $flat_2_closed_mus=true>><<set $already_solve_mus=true>><</button>><<st>>You’re standing on the street, checking your phone, when you spot her walking toward you—a woman in a hijab, grinning like she just won the lottery. You try not to grimace, watching her approach.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Hey, you must be here for the apartment?” you say, already picturing the fat stacks of rent money—the only thing that could make you consider renting the place to her.<</ch>>
<<st>>She nods, and before you can even finish your sentence, a beat-up minivan screeches to a stop nearby. The doors fly open, and bam—kids start pouring out like someone kicked over an anthill. There's at least six of them, all yelling in a language you definitely don’t understand. Then a guy steps out, hauling a giant bag that looks like it’s full of bricks—or possibly grenades.<</st>>
<<ch>>You blink. “Uh, I thought it was just you?”<</ch>>
<<zl>>She laughs, waving it off like it’s no big deal. “Oh no, brother! It me and a family. Is okay, yes? Weee look apartment, yes?!”<</zl>>
<<ch>>You hesitate, staring at the chaos spilling out of the van. One of the kids is already smacking another with a sandal. But money is money, and they’re waving a lot of it. “Yeah... sure, let’s check it out.”<</ch>>
<<button [[Show Rooms|Show_Zulfiya_flat_2]]>><</button>><<ad>>As you step into the apartment, the husband immediately runs his hands along the walls, knocking on them like he’s trying to find a secret passage. “Mmm, solid walls. Very good for… privacy.” He winks at his wife, who giggles like a teenager.<</ad>>
<<ch>>You think, “Ugh, that’s disgusting. How do I unsee this?”<</ch>>
<<st>>Meanwhile, the kids have already started a full-blown riot. One of them sprints down the hall screaming, “I found my room!” while another is dangling from the doorframe like a monkey. A third one is kicking the baseboard like he’s training for the UFC.<</st>>
<<ad>>The husband turns to you, grinning. “Oh, brotha, don’t worry about kid. Very disciplined. No problem, no problem!”<</ad>>
<<button [[Kitchen|Show_Kitchen_Zulfiya_flat_2]]>><</button>><<st>>You hang back in the hallway as they step into the kitchen.<</st>>
<<zl>>The wife gasps as she steps into the kitchen. “Ohhhh, brother! Such a big fridge! We can keep all the lamb in here!”<</zl>>
<<ch>>You think to yourself, “I should totally send them a welcome gift—a delivery of pork. Hah, classic.”<</ch>>
<<ad>>Her husband nods enthusiastically. “Yes, yes. And this counter space—perfect for… chopping. Very sharp knives, you know.”<</ad>>
<<ch>>Behind him, one of the kids climbs onto the counter and starts opening every cabinet like he’s searching for a hidden bomb. You blink, trying to shake the thought. Don’t say bomb. Don’t say bomb.<</ch>>
<<button [[Bedroom|Show_Bedroom_Zulfiya_flat_2]]>><</button>><<st>>While they head into the bedroom, you make a break for the balcony, squeezing past a swarm of kids to throw the window wide open. The air hits you like salvation—anything to escape the stifling smell that’s already making your stomach churn.<</st>>
<<st>>They walk into the bedroom, and the husband’s face lights up like he’s just found Mecca. “Ahhh, perfect, brother. Big enough for us… and maybe a few more little ones, eh?” <</st>>
<<ch>>“Oh, for fuck’s sake, gross 2.0,” you think, forcing a smile as you clutch the window frame. But then the mental image of a fat stack of cash flashes in your head, and suddenly, tolerating this circus doesn’t seem so bad.<</ch>>
<<zl>>The wife laughs, swatting his arm. “Stop that! We already have enough soldiers—uh, children, to drive us crazy.”<</zl>>
<<st>>Before you can respond, the kids storm in like a hurricane. One of them climbs onto the bed and starts jumping, while another darts under it, yelling, “Baba! There’s so much space here, you could hide a hundred bombs!”<</st>>
<<ad>>“Ahahaha, kids! What can you do, brother? Always joking!” the husband says, laughing as he smacks the kid on the back of the head.<</ad>>
<<ch>>You force a laugh, nervously wiping your forehead. “Haha, yeah, kids, right? Always... so creative.”<</ch>>
<<st>>Think about the money. Just think about the money.<</st>>
<<button [[Balcony|Show_Balcony_Zulfiya_flat_2]]>><</button>><<st>>They step out onto the balcony, and for a brief moment, you catch yourself hoping the damn thing collapses under their weight. But no such luck. Instead, the husband turns around, beaming.<</st>>
<<zl>>“Ahhh, perfect for morning prayers. And look—so much space! For laundry. For rugs. Very good.”<</zl>>
<<ad>>Before you can even process the image of rugs draped everywhere, he claps his hands together. “We love it, brother! You name price, we pay. No question.”<</ad>>
<<zl>>The wife nods enthusiastically, her grin wide. “Yes, yes! Anything you want. Just let us live here!”<</zl>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'I`ll Contact You Later'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You hold the door open for them, plastering on a polite smile. “I’ll give you a call, okay?”<</ch>>
<<st>>As they leave, one of the kids tugs on your sleeve. “Don’t worry, mister. We’ll take good care of the balcony goats.<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Hire_flat_2]]>><<set $already_talk_hire_zulfiya_flat_2=true>><</button>>
<<link 'Rent the Apartment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You glance at your watch, feigning impatience. "Look, I don’t have much time. Let’s settle on the price, and I’ll be on my way."<</ch>>
<<button [[Deal|Haggling_Zulfiya_flat_2]]>><</button>>
</span><<if $check_mus==false>><<if $is_see_camera_mus==false>><<st>>You knock on the door. No answer.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Hello?!” you shout, pounding harder. Still nothing.<</ch>>
<<st>>Annoyed, you pull out your key and try the lock—no dice. The key doesn’t fit.<</st>>
<<ch>>“What the fuck?!” You jiggle the handle, your pulse racing.<</ch>>
<<st>>Did they seriously change the locks overnight? What the fuck is going on?!<</st>><<else>><<st>>You storm up to their door and start banging like your life depends on it.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Hey! Open the fucking door, you thieving camel-humpers!”<</ch>>
<<st>>From the other side, you hear muffled laughter, then the husband’s smug voice.<</st>>
<<ad>>“Shut the fuck up, braaather! Or we’ll turn you into a kebab!” he yells back, his words dripping with mockery. “This is our house now, infidel! Go fuck yourself!”<</ad>>
<<ch>>You feel your blood boiling. “You sand-sucking bastards! Open this goddamn door before I call the police!”<</ch>>
<<ad>>“Go ahead, call whoever you want.”<</ad>>
<<st>>You whip out your phone and dial the cops. When the officers arrive, you lay it all out for them.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Listen, these… psychos stole all my shit! The apartment’s gutted—no furniture, no appliances, not even the fucking balcony windows are left! They’ve locked themselves in and won’t let me in!”<</ch>>
<<st>>For forty agonizing minutes, the cops try knocking, calling out, and generally pretending to give a damn. But the family doesn’t budge. No door opens, no progress is made. Finally, one officer turns to you, clearly ready to cut and run.<</st>>
<<st>>“Look,” he says, scratching the back of his neck, “there’s not much we can do. You signed a lease with them, and since they’re a family with kids… well, legally, they’re protected. Our hands are tied. Sorry, sir.”<</st>>
<<st>>Without waiting for your reply, they pack up and leave, their sympathy paper-thin and entirely useless.<</st>>
<<st>>Furious, you kick the door hard, and from the other side, you hear the husband’s mocking voice:<</st>>
<<zl>>“Hey, no need to kick, idiot. Do that in your own house!”<</zl>>
<<st>>Clenching your fists, you stomp back to your apartment.<</st>>
<<ch>>“I fucking knew it,” you mutter. “I should’ve kicked their asses out the moment I saw that goddamn van!”<</ch>>
<<st>>*you spend 10 minutes swearing at them in every possible way*<</st>>
<<ch>>“Alright. I’ve got two options here…”<</ch>>
<<linkreplace "Hire a Killer">><<ch>>Turns out finding a hitman these days is ridiculously easy. You laid out the situation, and he named his price—100k. Pay up, and you’ll never see those bastards again.<</ch>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Go to the Court">><<st>>To take this to court, you’ll need a lawyer—and it’s time to pick your champion. After some online digging, you’ve narrowed it down to a few options:<</st>>
<<st>>10k: Promises to handle everything smoothly and keep everyone happy.<</st>>
<<st>>25k: Guarantees results—you’ll win for sure.<</st>>
<<st>>50k: Justice will be served, and they’ll regret crossing you.<</st>>
<<st>>The catch? Court cases take ages, and while it drags on, you can’t rent out the apartment.<</st>><</linkreplace>><<set $check_mus=true>>
<</if>><<else>><<st>>“They’re not opening the door.”<</st>><</if>><<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<set $is_see_check_mus=true>><<if $is_see_camera_mus==false>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your heart stops.<</st>>
<<st>>The apartment is fucking empty. Stripped bare.<</st>>
<<st>>No furniture, no rugs, not even the goddamn curtains. Just a busted stove dumped in the kitchen and a filthy mattress in the bedroom. The fucking balcony glass is gone too.<</st>>
<<ch>>“What the fuck is this shit?!”<</ch>>
<<st>>You decide to march over there and bang on their door until someone answers. You need to figure out what the fuck is going on.<</st>>
<<set $is_see_camera_mus=true>><<else>><<ch>>“Looks like they swiped the cameras too—no signal. Of course, they’d stole them.”<</ch>><</if>>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><<if $check_mus==false>><<if $is_see_camera_mus==false>><<st>>You knock on the door. No answer.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Hello?!” you shout, pounding harder. Still nothing.<</ch>>
<<st>>Annoyed, you pull out your key and try the lock—no dice. The key doesn’t fit.<</st>>
<<ch>>“What the fuck?!” You jiggle the handle, your pulse racing.<</ch>>
<<st>>Did they seriously change the locks overnight? What the fuck is going on?!<</st>><<else>><<st>>You storm up to their door and start banging like your life depends on it.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Hey! Open the fucking door, you thieving camel-humpers!”<</ch>>
<<st>>From the other side, you hear muffled laughter, then the husband’s smug voice.<</st>>
<<ad>>“Shut the fuck up, braaather! Or we’ll turn you into a kebab!” he yells back, his words dripping with mockery. “This is our house now, infidel! Go fuck yourself!”<</ad>>
<<ch>>You feel your blood boiling. “You sand-sucking bastards! Open this goddamn door before I call the police!”<</ch>>
<<ad>>“Go ahead, call whoever you want.”<</ad>>
<<st>>You whip out your phone and dial the cops. When the officers arrive, you lay it all out for them.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Listen, these… psychos stole all my shit! The apartment’s gutted—no furniture, no appliances, not even the fucking balcony windows are left! They’ve locked themselves in and won’t let me in!”<</ch>>
<<st>>For forty agonizing minutes, the cops try knocking, calling out, and generally pretending to give a damn. But the family doesn’t budge. No door opens, no progress is made. Finally, one officer turns to you, clearly ready to cut and run.<</st>>
<<st>>“Look,” he says, scratching the back of his neck, “there’s not much we can do. You signed a lease with them, and since they’re a family with kids… well, legally, they’re protected. Our hands are tied. Sorry, sir.”<</st>>
<<st>>Without waiting for your reply, they pack up and leave, their sympathy paper-thin and entirely useless.<</st>>
<<st>>Furious, you kick the door hard, and from the other side, you hear the husband’s mocking voice:<</st>>
<<zl>>“Hey, no need to kick, idiot. Do that in your own house!”<</zl>>
<<st>>Clenching your fists, you stomp back to your apartment.<</st>>
<<ch>>“I fucking knew it,” you mutter. “I should’ve kicked their asses out the moment I saw that goddamn van!”<</ch>>
<<st>>*you spend 10 minutes swearing at them in every possible way*<</st>>
<<ch>>“Alright. I’ve got two options here…”<</ch>>
<<linkreplace "Hire a Killer">><<ch>>Turns out finding a hitman these days is ridiculously easy. You laid out the situation, and he named his price—100k. Pay up, and you’ll never see those bastards again.<</ch>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Go to the Court">><<st>>To take this to court, you’ll need a lawyer—and it’s time to pick your champion. After some online digging, you’ve narrowed it down to a few options:<</st>>
<<st>>10k: Promises to handle everything smoothly and keep everyone happy.<</st>>
<<st>>25k: Guarantees results—you’ll win for sure.<</st>>
<<st>>50k: Justice will be served, and they’ll regret crossing you.<</st>>
<<st>>The catch? Court cases take ages, and while it drags on, you can’t rent out the apartment.<</st>><</linkreplace>><<set $check_mus=true>>
<</if>><<else>><<st>>“They’re not opening the door.”<</st>><</if>><<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<set $is_see_check_mus=true>><<addhours 1>><<if $is_see_camera_mus==false>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your heart stops.<</st>>
<<st>>The apartment is fucking empty. Stripped bare.<</st>>
<<st>>No furniture, no rugs, not even the goddamn curtains. Just a busted stove dumped in the kitchen and a filthy mattress in the bedroom. The fucking balcony glass is gone too.<</st>>
<<ch>>“What the fuck is this shit?!”<</ch>>
<<st>>You decide to march over there and bang on their door until someone answers. You need to figure out what the fuck is going on.<</st>>
<<set $is_see_camera_mus=true>><<else>><<ch>>“Looks like they swiped the cameras too—no signal. Of course, they’d stole them.”<</ch>><</if>>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><<if $killer_way_counter==0>><<st>>Turns out finding a hitman these days is ridiculously easy. You laid out the situation, and he named his price—100k. Pay up, and you’ll never see those bastards again.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Hire a Killer">><<st>>You decide to hire a hitman. He lays out the terms: 25% upfront via a crypto wallet, and the remaining 75% upon completion.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Send the 25% deposit">><<if $ch.credit_money<25000>>You don't have enough money to pay for a killer.<<set $killer_way_counter=-1>><<else>><<st>>You send him the 25% deposit. After confirming the payment, he assures you he’ll need some time to prepare. “Give me two weeks,” he says. “It’ll all be taken care of.”<</st>><<set $killer_way_counter+=1>><<set $ch.money-=25000>><<set $killer_paydays=2>><</if>>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><</linkreplace>>
<<elseif $killer_way_counter==2>>
<<st>>You need to pay 75,000 for the killer`s work, or who knows what the consequences might be.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Pay the Remaining 75%">>
<<set $total_money_ch=$ch.credit_money+$ch.money>>
<<if $total_money_ch<75000>>You don't have enough money to pay for a killer.<<set $killer_way_counter=-1>>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><<set $game_over_killer=1>><</button>><<else>><<st>>“You’ve successfully paid the second half. Problem solved—permanently.”<</st>><<set $flat_2_closed_mus=false>><<set $flat_1_closed_mus=false>><<set $killer_way_counter+=1>><<set $game_over_killer=-1>>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><</if>>
<</linkreplace>><</if>><<addhours 1>><<if $lawyer_way_counter==0>><<st>>As expected, the court case dragged on, and you found yourself attending countless hearings.<</st>>
<<st>>You show up at the courthouse, hand over all the necessary documents, and wait for a response.<</st>>
<<law>>Finally, the clerk looks up and says, "Alright, we’ll review these. Come back in two weeks."<</law>>
<<ch>>Two weeks? Are they freaking serious?<</ch>>
<<set $choosen_10k_lawyer=true>><<set $lawyer_paydays=2>><<set $ch.money-=10000>><<set $lawyer_way_counter+=1>>
<<elseif $lawyer_way_counter==3>><<st>>You arrive at the courthouse, and the judge bangs their gavel like they’re auditioning for a courtroom drama. Your lawyer nervously adjusts their tie, mumbling under their breath, “Oh God, help me.”<</st>>
<<ch>>For the first time, it hits you—Did I seriously hire the right person for this job?<</ch>>
<<st>>And then, the circus begins.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Scene 1">><<st>>Your lawyer stands up, clearing his throat nervously.<</st>>
<<law>>“I would like to argue on behalf of my clitoris! My client! I meant, khm, my client...!”<</law>>
<<ch>>You peek through your fingers, thinking, Oh, for fuck’s sake. This guy’s a total moron.<</ch>>
<<linkreplace "Scene 2">><<zl>>“We have six children! We’re barely surviving... How can you not understand? We’re not bad people, we just need help! Please, don’t throw us out onto the streets. Is that what being human means? Is this what justice looks like?”<</zl>>
<<ch>>You sit back, rolling your eyes, thinking, No one’s gonna fall for this bullshit.<</ch>>
<<st>>Then you glance at the jury and freeze. A couple of women are dabbing at their eyes with tissues, visibly moved.<</st>>
<<ch>>Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me. Seriously?!<</ch>>
<<linkreplace "Scene 3">><<st>>When it’s your turn to speak, you rise, ready to unleash your frustrations. You’re in the zone, ranting about how they gutted the apartment, turned it into a landfill, and refused to pay rent. And then it slips out:<</st>>
<<ch>>“These filthy, freeloading bottom-feeders!”<</ch>>
<<st>>The courtroom falls completely silent. You can feel every pair of eyes burning into you.<</st>>
<<ch>>You mentally kick yourself. What the hell is wrong with me?!<</ch>>
<<linkreplace "Scene 4">><<ad>>The husband stands up dramatically, pointing a shaking finger at you. “I treated him like a brother! I called him ‘brother,’ said he was such a good man!” he shouts, his voice trembling with indignation. “And what does he call us? Camel-humpers!”<</ad>>
<<st>>The courtroom collectively gasps, a loud, drawn-out “Oooooohhhhhh!” echoing through the room like you just dropped a nuke.<</st>>
<<st>>This hearing is a total disaster.<</st>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><<set $lawyer_paydays=2>><<set $lawyer_way_counter+=1>>
<<elseif $lawyer_way_counter==5>><<st>>The judge clears his throat and looks over the room with a heavy expression. “After hearing all the testimonies and taking into account everything presented in this court... I’ve made my decision. The eviction request is denied. The tenants can stay in the apartment until all their kids turn 18. And since the law protects families with children, they won’t have to pay rent either.”<</st>>
<<ch>>I wasted my money, my time, my sanity, and still got nowhere. Well, I gave them a chance.<</ch>><<set $choosen_10k_lawyer=false>><<set $lawyer_blocker=true>><</if>>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><<if $lawyer_way_counter==0>><<st>>As expected, the court case dragged on, and you found yourself attending countless hearings.<</st>>
<<st>>You show up at the courthouse, hand over all the necessary documents, and wait for a response.<</st>>
<<lawtwo>>Finally, the clerk looks up and says, "Alright, we’ll review these. Come back in two weeks."<</lawtwo>>
<<ch>>Two weeks? Are they freaking serious?<</ch>>
<<set $choosen_25k_lawyer=true>><<set $lawyer_paydays=2>><<set $ch.money-=25000>><<set $lawyer_way_counter+=1>>
<<elseif $lawyer_way_counter==3>><<st>>You arrive at the courthouse, and the judge bangs their gavel like they’re auditioning for a courtroom drama.<</st>>
<<st>>First up: your pseudo-tenants.<</st>>
<<zl>>“We have six children! We’re poor, we have no money! How can you not understand? We’re not bad people—we’re just trying to survive! Please, don’t throw us out onto the streets.”<</zl>>
<<st>>Her voice cracks dramatically, and she clutches her chest like she’s about to faint. It’s over the top, pure theatrics, but the sobbing is loud enough to make half the jury squirm. Even her husband starts dabbing at his eyes with a tissue for effect.<</st>>
<<ch>>You sit back, rolling your eyes, thinking, No one’s gonna fall for this bullshit.<</ch>>
<<st>>Then you glance at the jury and freeze. A couple of women are dabbing at their eyes with tissues, visibly moved.<</st>>
<<ch>>Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me. Seriously?!<</ch>>
<<st>>But then your lawyer steps up, and starts laying down the facts.<</st>>
<<lawtwo>>“Your Honor, let’s cut through the sob story and look at the truth. These tenants outright lied to my client. They said they’d pay any price he named—5k a week? No problem! They even upped it to 10k themselves. Now, does that sound like broke people struggling to survive? Or is this a clear case of manipulation and outright fraud?”<</lawtwo>>
<<st>>He’s sharp, he’s convincing, and for a moment, you think you’ve got it in the bag. But a few jury members still cast pitying glances at the tenants, as if six kids is some kind of magic shield against accountability. Fucking freakshow.<</st>><<set $lawyer_paydays=2>><<set $lawyer_way_counter+=1>>
<<elseif $lawyer_way_counter==5>><<st>>The judge finally delivers the verdict, his voice echoing in the quiet courtroom. “After reviewing all the evidence and arguments, I have decided: the tenants are to vacate the apartment within a week. However, given their financial situation, there will be no compensation awarded to the landlord.”<</st>>
<<st>>You glance over at your lawyer, who gives you thumbs-up, like this was the best-case scenario.<</st>>
<<ch>>Great. At least they’ll be gone—but you still end up eating all the losses.<</ch>><<set $choosen_25k_lawyer=false>><<if $flat1_settings.flat_avatar=="0.3/flats/1/flat_1_damaged.png">><<set $flat1_settings.avatar="0.1/сharacters/empty.png">><<set $flat1_settings.is_empty=true>><<set $flat1_settings.flat_avatar="0.1/flats/repair/flat1_bedroom.png">><<set $flat_1_closed_mus=false>><<set $flat_1_desc={
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
}>><<set $flat_1 = { <!-- Хата номер 1-->
bd_level: 0, <!-- Уровень спальни-->
bd_name: "none",
kit_level: 0, <!-- Уровень кухни-->
kit_name: "none",
bat_level: 0, <!-- Уровень туалета-->
bat_name: "none",
bal_level: 0, <!-- Уровень балкона-->
bal_name: "none",
total_level:0, <!-- Уровень общий-->
}>><<set $flat1_settings.bedroom="0.3/flats/1/flat1_bedroom_damaged.png">><<set $flat1_settings.toilet="0.3/flats/1/flat1_toilet_damaged.png">><<set $flat1_settings.kitchen="0.3/flats/1/flat1_kitchen_damaged.png">><<set $flat1_settings.balcony="0.3/flats/1/flat1_balcony_damaged.png">><<elseif $flat2_settings.flat_avatar=="0.3/flats/2/flat_2_damaged.png">><<set $flat2_settings.avatar="0.1/сharacters/empty.png">><<set $flat2_settings.is_empty=true>><<set $flat2_settings.flat_avatar="0.1/flats/repair/flat2_bedroom.png">><<set $flat_2_closed_mus=false>><<set $flat_2_desc={
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 2,
summer_optimism: 4,
cozy_modern: 4,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: "Ebay Trash",
summer_optimism: "Summer Optimism",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: "Shit",
summer_optimism: "Sunshine",
cozy_modern: "Cozy Modern",
ebay_trash: 3,
summer_optimism: 5,
cozy_modern: 5,
ebay_trash: 10000,
summer_optimism: 30000,
cozy_modern: 32000,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
ebay_trash: 1000,
summer_optimism: 2000,
cozy_modern: 2500,
ebay_trash: 0,
summer_optimism: 0,
cozy_modern: 0,
}>><<set $flat_2 = { <!-- Хата номер 1-->
bd_level: 0, <!-- Уровень спальни-->
bd_name: "none",
kit_level: 0, <!-- Уровень кухни-->
kit_name: "none",
bat_level: 0, <!-- Уровень туалета-->
bat_name: "none",
bal_level: 0, <!-- Уровень балкона-->
bal_name: "none",
total_level:0, <!-- Уровень общий-->
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><<if $lawyer_way_counter==0>><<st>>As expected, the court case dragged on, and you found yourself attending countless hearings.<</st>>
<<st>>You show up at the courthouse, hand over all the necessary documents, and wait for a response.<</st>>
<<lawthree>>Finally, the clerk looks up and says, "Alright, we’ll review these. Come back in two weeks."<</lawthree>>
<<ch>>Two weeks? Are they freaking serious?<</ch>>
<<set $choosen_50k_lawyer=true>><<set $lawyer_paydays=2>><<set $ch.money-=50000>><<set $lawyer_way_counter+=1>>
<<elseif $lawyer_way_counter==3>><<st>>You arrive at the courthouse, and the judge bangs their gavel like they’re auditioning for a courtroom drama.<</st>>
<<st>>Things start out smooth, and then your pseudo-tenants step up, putting on the same tired sob story they’ve been rehearsing for weeks.<</st>>
<<zl>>“We have six children! We’re poor, we have no money!” the wife sobs, voice cracking like she’s gunning for an Oscar.<</zl>>
<<lawthree>>Your lawyer cuts in sharply, “Didn’t your husband claim he was an engineer? Or was it an architect? Which is it this week?”<</lawthree>>
<<zl>>The wife stammers, “Well, we lied but… we’re not bad people! We’re just trying to survive!”<</zl>>
<<lawthree>>“Oh really?” your lawyer interrupts again, raising an eyebrow. “Because you also claimed you’d pay double the rent—double. Tell me, is that surviving? Or scamming?”<</lawthree>>
<<lawthree>>The husband tries to speak, but your lawyer steamrolls him. “And let’s talk about this furniture situation. Where is it? The fridge, the stove—hell, even the balcony windows are gone. Were you ‘surviving’ when you hauled them off for cash?”<</lawthree>>
<<st>>The jury shifts uncomfortably, glancing between the tenants and the judge.
The wife, now full-on sobbing, wails, “Please, don’t throw us out onto the streets!”<</st>>
<<lawthree>>Your lawyer doesn’t let up, shaking his head. “The streets? You mean the streets where all your ‘missing furniture’ probably got sold? Come on, Your Honor. These people aren’t victims—they’re grifters, and bad ones at that. And you know who the real victim is here? My client.”<</lawthree>>
<<lawthree>>He gestures toward you, his voice rising. “A hardworking man who saved for years to invest in a property, someone trying to make an honest living. He wasn’t planning to rent to these people, but he gave them a chance—and how did they repay him? By gutting his apartment and leaving it in shambles.”<</lawthree>>
<<lawthree>>Your lawyer takes a step forward, looking the judge dead in the eye. “My client put everything he had into this property. Every cent of his savings went into that renovation. And now? What’s left? A wrecked apartment! If anyone here deserves sympathy, compensation, and justice, it’s him!”<</lawthree>>
<<st>>By the end of it, the jury looks at the tenants like they’ve crawled out of a sewer, and the judge’s expression is pure disgust.<</st>>
<<set $lawyer_paydays=2>><<set $lawyer_way_counter+=1>>
<<elseif $lawyer_way_counter==5>><<st>>The judge enters the courtroom “After careful review of the case and all presented evidence, I hereby rule in favor of the landlord. The tenants are to vacate the apartment within 14 days. Additionally, they will pay compensation for damages caused to the property. As for their immigration status, the necessary agencies have been informed for further action.”<</st>>
<<lawthree>>You glance at your lawyer, who sits back with a smug grin, tapping his expensive watch. “Told you I’d deliver,” he whispers.<</lawthree>>
<<ch>>Damn, worth every penny.<</ch>><<set $choosen_50k_lawyer=false>><<if $flat1_settings.flat_avatar=="0.3/flats/1/flat_1_damaged.png">><<set $flat1_settings.avatar="0.1/сharacters/empty.png">><<set $flat1_settings.is_empty=true>><<set $flat1_settings.flat_avatar="0.1/flats/repair/flat1_bedroom.png">><<set $flat_1_closed_mus=false>><<elseif $flat2_settings.flat_avatar=="0.3/flats/2/flat_2_damaged.png">><<set $flat2_settings.avatar="0.1/сharacters/empty.png">><<set $flat2_settings.is_empty=true>><<set $flat2_settings.flat_avatar="0.1/flats/repair/flat2_bedroom.png">><<set $flat_2_closed_mus=false>><</if>><</if>>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<st>>You didn't pay the killer, unfortunately you were killed.<<st>>
<<button "Restart">><<run UI.restart()>><</button>><<if $choosen_10k_lawyer==false and $choosen_25k_lawyer==false and $choosen_50k_lawyer==false>><<st>>To take this to court, you’ll need a lawyer—and it’s time to pick your champion. After some online digging, you’ve narrowed it down to a few options:<</st>>
<<st>>10k: Promises to handle everything smoothly and keep everyone happy.<</st>>
<<st>>25k: Guarantees results—you’ll win for sure.<</st>>
<<st>>50k: Justice will be served, and they’ll regret crossing you.<</st>>
<<st>>The catch? Court cases take ages, and while it drags on, you can’t rent out the apartment.<</st>>
<<if $ch.credit_money<10000>><<button "A lawyer for 10k (10000 needed)">><</button>><<else>><<button [[A lawyer for 10k|A lawyer for 10k]]>><<set $ch.money-=10000>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $ch.credit_money<25000>><<button "A lawyer for 25k (25000 needed)">><</button>><<else>><<button [[A lawyer for 25k|A lawyer for 25k]]>><<set $ch.money-=25000>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $ch.credit_money<50000>><<button "A lawyer for 50k (50000 needed)">><</button>><<else>><<button [[A lawyer for 50k|A lawyer for 50k]]>><<set $ch.money-=50000>><</button>><</if>><<else>><<if $choosen_10k_lawyer==true>><<button [[Meet with a lawyer|A lawyer for 10k]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $choosen_25k_lawyer==true>><<button [[Meet with a lawyer|A lawyer for 25k]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $choosen_50k_lawyer==true>><<button [[Meet with a lawyer|A lawyer for 50k]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<set _items to Object.keys($shopItems)>><<set _containerSize = 6>><<for _i = 0; _i < _items.length; _i += _containerSize>><div class="hire-main-cont shop"><<for _j = _i; _j < Math.min(_i + _containerSize, _items.length); _j++>><<set _currentItem = $shopItems[_items[_j]]>><<capture _currentItem>><div class="hire-card-cont shop"><div class="hire-avatar-cont shop">[img[_currentItem.imagePath]]</div><div class="hire-description-cont shop"><div class="hire-text-cont"><span id="item-name"><<print _currentItem.name>></span>
<span id="hire-stats-shop"><<print _currentItem.description>></span></div>
<<if _currentItem.stock > 0>><<set $cur_price=_currentItem.price>><<if $ch.credit_money >= $cur_price>><div class="hire-button-cont shop"><<button "Buy for $cur_price">><<set $ch.money -= _currentItem.price>><<set _currentItem.stock -= 1>><<if $inventory.some(item => item.name === _currentItem.name)>><<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === _currentItem.name).quantity += 1>><<else>><<set $inventory.push({ name: _currentItem.name, quantity: 1 })>><</if>><<goto Shop>><</button>></div><<else>><div class="hire-button-cont shop"><<button "Not enough money">><</button>></div><</if>><<else>><div class="hire-button-cont shop"><<button "Out of stock">><</button>></div><</if>></div></div><</capture>><</for>></div><</for>><<return "Go Back">>
<h3>Inventory:</h3><ul><<for _k = 0; _k < $inventory.length; _k++>><li><<print $inventory[_k].name>>: <<print $inventory[_k].quantity>></li><</for>></ul>
</div><div class="interaction-main-cont"><div class="interaction-top-cont"><div class="interaction-avatar"><img src="0.1/сharacters/rosie_big.png" alt="Avatar"></div><div class="interaction-progress"><div class="progress-container">
<progress class="progress-bar house" value="$rs.rel" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="200"></progress> <div class="progress-percentage">Lust</div>
<div class="progress-container">
<progress class="progress-bar house" value="$rs.lust" style="accent-color:#ff6b6b;" min="0" max="100"></progress> <div class="progress-percentage">Relation</div>
<div class="progress-container">
<progress class="progress-bar house" value="$rs.love" style="accent-color:#6ba8ff;" min="0" max="500"></progress> <div class="progress-percentage">Love</div>
</div></div></div><div class="interaction-bottom-cont"><div class="button-interact">
<<button [[Make a gift to Rosie|Make a gift to Rosie]]>><</button>>
<div class="button-interact">
<<button [[Invite her on a date|Invite her on a date Rosie]]>><</button>>
<div class="button-interact">
<<button ".........">><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><div class="interaction-main-cont"><div class="interaction-top-cont"><div class="interaction-avatar"><img src="0.1/сharacters/lana.png" alt="Avatar"></div><div class="interaction-progress"><div class="progress-container">
<progress class="progress-bar house" value="$lr.rel" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="200"></progress> <div class="progress-percentage">Lust</div>
<div class="progress-container">
<progress class="progress-bar house" value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#ff6b6b;" min="0" max="100"></progress> <div class="progress-percentage">Relation</div>
<div class="progress-container">
<progress class="progress-bar house" value="$ln.love" style="accent-color:#6ba8ff;" min="0" max="500"></progress> <div class="progress-percentage">Love</div>
</div></div></div><div class="interaction-bottom-cont"><div class="button-interact">
<<button [[Make a gift to Lana|Make a gift to Lana]]>><</button>>
<div class="button-interact">
<<button [[Invite her on a date|Invite her on a date Lana]]>><</button>>
<div class="button-interact">
<<button ".........">><</button>>
<div class="interaction-main-cont"><div class="interaction-top-cont"><div class="interaction-avatar"><img src="0.1/сharacters/riley.png" alt="Avatar"></div><div class="interaction-progress"><div class="progress-container">
<progress class="progress-bar house" value="$lrrel" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="200"></progress> <div class="progress-percentage">Lust</div>
<div class="progress-container">
<progress class="progress-bar house" value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#ff6b6b;" min="0" max="100"></progress> <div class="progress-percentage">Relation</div>
<div class="progress-container">
<progress class="progress-bar house" value="$rl.love" style="accent-color:#6ba8ff;" min="0" max="500"></progress> <div class="progress-percentage">Love</div>
</div></div></div><div class="interaction-bottom-cont"><div class="button-interact">
<<button [[Make a gift to Riley|Make a gift to Riley]]>><</button>>
<div class="button-interact">
<<button [[Invite her on a date|Invite her on a date Riley]]>><</button>>
<div class="button-interact">
<<button ".........">><</button>>
</div></div></div><div class="interaction-bottom-cont but"><div class="button-interact">
<<button [[Make a gift to Lana & Riley|Make a gift to Lana & Riley]]>><</button>>
<div class="button-interact">
<<button [[Invite them both on a date|Invite her on a date Lana and Riley]]>><</button>>
<div class="button-interact">
<<button ".........">><</button>></div></div>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<button [[Give flowers to Rosie|Give flowers to Rosie]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Give candies to Rosie|Give candies to Rosie]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Give alcohol to Rosie|Give alcohol to Rosie]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Rosie]]>><</button>><<button [[Give flowers to Lana & Riley|Give flowers to Lana & Riley]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Give candies to Lana & Riley|Give candies to Lana & Riley]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Give alcohol to Lana & Riley|Give alcohol to Lana & Riley]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Lana & Riley]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><<if $ch.energy<20>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=20>><<if $inventory.some(item => item.name === "Bouquet of Flowers" && item.quantity > 0)>>
<<if $rs_flower_counter==0>>
<<st>>You arrive at Rosie's door and softly ring the doorbell.<</st>>
<<rs>>"Hi! What brings you here?"<</rs>>
<<ch>>"Hey Rosie, I got you a little something."<</ch>>
<<st>>You give her the bouquet. She blushes and smiles shyly.<</st>>
<<rs>>"Oh wow… I didn’t expect that! These are beautiful. Thank you so much."<</rs>>
<<ch>>"Just wanted to brighten your day a bit."<</ch>>
<<rs>>"That's really kind of you. Thank you so much."<</rs>>
<<set $rs_flower_counter+=1>><<set $rs.love+=10>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Bouquet of Flowers").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $rs_flower_counter==1>>
<<st>>You arrive at Rosie's apartment and softly ring the doorbell. Rosie opens the door, looking pleasantly surprised.<</st>>
<<rs>>"Wow, thank you! But my first bouquet is still fresh. Why the second one?"<</rs>>
<<ch>>"Nah, nothing special. Just wanted to surprise you, see a smile, make you happy."<</ch>>
<<rs>>Blushing slightly "That's really kind of you. I really appreciate it."<</rs>>
<<ch>>"Glad you like them."<</ch>>
<<set $rs_flower_counter+=1>><<set $rs.love+=5>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Bouquet of Flowers").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $rs_flower_counter==2>>
<<st>>You approach Rosie's apartment with the third bouquet. Rosie opens the door, looking surprised and a bit flustered.<</st>>
<<rs>>"Another bouquet? That's... unexpected. It's a bit much, don't you think?"<</rs>>
<<ch>>"I just wanted to make you happy, nothing more."<</ch>>
<<rs>>"I appreciate it, really, but bouquet after bouquet feels a little strange. Are you sure you don't need something from me?"<</rs>>
<<ch>>"Nope, just trying to bring some joy your way."<</ch>>
<<st>>Rosie blushes, giving you a shy smile.<</st>>
<<ch>>‘’Maybe I've taken things too far this time.’’ - you think to yourself.<</ch>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Bouquet of Flowers").quantity -= 1>><</if>>
Weird, why was I planning to give her this gift when I don’t even have it?
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Rosie]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><<if $ch.energy<20>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=20>><<if $inventory.some(item => item.name === "Candies" && item.quantity > 0)>>
<<if $rs_candy_counter==0>>
<<st>>You approach Rosie's apartment and give a friendly knock. Rosie opens the door with a bright smile.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Hey Rosie, thought you might like some sweets."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand her the box of candies. Her eyes brighten up with joy.<</st>>
<<rs>>"Oh wow, these are adorable! Thank you so much!"<</rs>>
<<ch>>"No special reason, just wanted to make your day a little sweeter."<</ch>>
<<rs>>"Aww, you're so thoughtful. This really made me smile!"<</rs>>
<<set $rs_candy_counter+=1>><<set $rs.love+=6>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Candies").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $rs_candy_counter==1>>
<<st>>You return to Rosie's place with another box of candies. You give a casual knock, and Rosie opens the door, raising an eyebrow with a playful smile.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Hey Rosie, figured you might want some more treats."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand her the candies. She takes a moment, smiling but slightly puzzled.<</st>>
<<rs>>"Mm, you really love these, huh? My first box is still here, and now another one? Are you trying to stock up my candy stash?"<</rs>>
<<ch>>"Just thought you'd enjoy another sweet surprise."<</ch>>
<<rs>>"Well, thanks! But maybe slow down a bit, I haven't even finished the first box yet."<</rs>>
<<set $rs_candy_counter+=1>><<set $rs.love+=3>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Candies").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $rs_candy_counter==2>>
<<st>>You show up once again at Rosie's apartment with yet another box of candies. You knock on the door, and Rosie opens it with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Hey Rosie, thought you might like some more candies."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand her the box. She looks at the candies, then back at you, clearly finding it a bit odd.<</st>>
<<rs>>"Another box? Maybe take a break, I haven't even eaten the last ones yet."<</rs>>
<<ch>>"Nah, just wanted to surprise you again. See you smile is all that matters."<</ch>>
<<rs>>"Alright, alright. But seriously, what are you trying to do here? You're starting to look like a walking candy dispenser."<</rs>>
<<ch>>"Just spreading some sweetness your way. Didn’t mean to overdo it."<</ch>>
<<rs>>"Looks like you've gone a bit overboard this time."<</rs>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Candies").quantity -= 1>><</if>>
Weird, why was I planning to give her this gift when I don’t even have it?
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Rosie]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><<if $ch.energy<20>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=20>><<if $inventory.some(item => item.name === "Alcohol Set" && item.quantity > 0)>>
<<if $rs_alcohol_counter==0>>
<<st>>You approach Rosie's apartment with a box of alcohol in hand. You give a friendly knock, and Rosie opens the door with a warm smile.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Hey Rosie, thought you might enjoy this."</<ch>>
<<st>>You hand her the box of alcohol. Her eyes light up.<</st>>
<<rs>>"Oh my gosh, this is awesome! Thank you so much!"<</rs>>
<<ch>>"No special reason, just wanted to treat you."<</ch>>
<<rs>>"Well, you definitely succeeded. Can't wait to invite a few friends and try these out!"<</rs>>
<<set $rs_alcohol_counter+=1>><<set $rs.love+=2>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Alcohol Set").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $rs_alcohol_counter==1>>
<<st>>You arrive at Rosie's place with another box of alcohol. You knock, and Rosie opens the door, looking a bit surprised.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Hey Rosie, brought you some more drinks."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand her the box. She looks at it, then back at you with a slight frown.<</st>>
<<rs>>"Another box? You're really stocking up, huh? Thanks, but maybe slow down a bit."<</rs>>
<<ch>>"Just thought you'd like some extra for the weekends."<</ch>>
<<rs>>"Yeah, sure. Just don't expect me to host a party every night."<</rs>>
<<set $rs_alcohol_counter+=1>><<set $rs.love+=1>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Alcohol Set").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $rs_alcohol_counter==2>>
<<st>>You show up once more at Rosie's apartment with yet another box of alcohol. You knock, and Rosie opens the door, looking annoyed.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Hey Rosie, thought you might want these."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand her the box. She raises an eyebrow, clearly bothered.<</st>>
<<rs>>"Again with the alcohol? What’s your deal? Are you trying to make me an alcoholic?"<</rs>>
<<ch>>"Haha, no, just wanted to keep the good times going."<</ch>>
<<rs>>"You're taking this way too far. Cut back a little."<</rs>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Alcohol Set").quantity -= 1>><</if>>
Weird, why was I planning to give her this gift when I don’t even have it?
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Rosie]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><<if $ch.energy<20>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=20>><<if $inventory.some(item => item.name === "Bouquet of Flowers" && item.quantity > 0)>>
<<if $ln_flower_counter==0>>
<<st>>You walk up to Lana's apartment and ring the doorbell. She opens the door with a bright smile.<</st>>
<<ln>>"Hey! What’s up? Didn’t expect to see you today."<</ln>>
<<ch>>"Surprise! I got you a bouquet."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand her the flowers. Her eyes light up.<</st>>
<<ln>>"Oh wow, these are gorgeous! Thank you so much! Is there a special reason?"<</ln>>
<<ch>>"No special reason, just wanted to make your day a bit brighter."<</ch>>
<<ln>>"Aww, you're too sweet. Thanks again!"<</ln>>
<<set $ln_flower_counter+=1>><<set $ln.love+=2>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Bouquet of Flowers").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $ln_flower_counter==1>>
<<st>>You approach Lana's apartment and ring the doorbell. She opens the door and sees the flowers<</st>>
<<ln>>"Wow, thanks! But my first bouquet hasn't even dried yet, and you're already giving me a second one?"<</ln>>
<<ch>>"Oh, it’s nothing special. Just wanted to surprise you, see a smile, make you happy."<</ch>>
<<ln>>"Oh, you're so sweet. Seriously, thank you again!"<</ln>>
<<ch>>"Anytime. Hope you like them."<</ch>>
<<ln>>"I love them. You're amazing."<</ln>>
<<set $ln_flower_counter+=1>><<set $ln.love+=1>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Bouquet of Flowers").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $ln_flower_counter==2>>
<<st>>You walk up to Lana's place, a third bouquet in hand. You give a confident knock, and Lana opens the door, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<ln>>"Third bouquet? Seriously? Wow, thanks, but that's kinda weird. I already feel like I owe you something."<</ln>>
<<ch>>"Nah, it's all good. Just wanted to keep surprising you, see that smile again."<</ch>>
<<ln>>"Aww, you're too much sometimes. Maybe slow down a bit."<</ln>>
<<st>>You chuckle, giving her a playful wink. Seems like you went a bit overboard.<</st>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Bouquet of Flowers").quantity -= 1>><</if>>
<<st>>Weird, why was I planning to give her this gift when I don’t even have it?<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Lana & Riley]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><<if $ch.energy<20>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=20>><<if $inventory.some(item => item.name === "Alcohol Set" && item.quantity > 0)>>
<<if $ln_alcohol_counter==0>>
<<st>>You walk up to Lana's apartment with a sleek box of alcohol in hand. You knock on the door, and Lana opens it, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Hey Lana, thought you might like some drinks."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand her the box. Lana takes it, giving you a half-smile.<</st>>
<<ln>>"Oh, alcohol? Trying to make sure I forget something? Thanks, I guess."<</ln>>
<<ch>>"Nah, just wanted to add some fun to your evening."<</ch>>
<<ln>>"Well, mission accepted. Maybe now you'll stop being so annoying, haha."<</ln>>
<<ch>>"I'll take that as a compliment."<</ch>>
<<set $ln_alcohol_counter+=1>><<set $ln.love+=10>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Alcohol Set").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $ln_alcohol_counter==1>>
<<st>>You return to Lana’s place with another box of alcohol. You give a casual knock, and she opens the door, crossing her arms with a teasing smile.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Guess what? More drinks for you."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand her the box. She inspects it, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<ln>>"Another booze set? Seriously, are you trying to turn my fridge into a liquor store?"<</ln>>
<<ch>>"Haha, just thought you'd appreciate another round."<</ch>>
<<ln>>"Appreciate it? I thinks it’s a bit much. But thanks, I guess."<</ln>>
<<ch>>"Glad you like them. Just keeping the good times rolling."<</ch>>
<<ln>>"Yeah, yeah. Just don't expect me to host a keg party every night."<</ln>>
<<set $ln_alcohol_counter+=1>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Alcohol Set").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $ln_alcohol_counter==2>><<set $ln.love+=5>>
<<st>>You show up once more at Lana's apartment with yet another box of alcohol. You knock on the door, and Lana opens it, looking amused but slightly annoyed.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Hey Lana, thought you might like some more drinks."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand her the box. She looks at it, then back at you with a smirk.<</st>>
<<ln>>"Seriously? What are you trying to achieve with all these alcohol sets? Planning to turn me into a permanent party animal?"<</ln>>
<<ch>>"Haha, just keeping the surprises coming. Thought you'd appreciate it."<</ch>>
<<ln>>"Appreciate it? You're going to run out of money before I run out of drinks. Maybe stop before you end up broke."<</ln>>
<<ch>> "Alright, alright. But I was just trying to be nice."<</ch>>
<<ln>>"Nice, sure. Just maybe find a hobby that doesn't involve buying me booze, okay?"<</ln>>
<<ch>>"Got it. Maybe next time I'll bring chocolates instead."<</ch>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Alcohol Set").quantity -= 1>><</if>>
<<st>>Weird, why was I planning to give her this gift when I don’t even have it?<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Lana & Riley]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><<if $ch.energy<20>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=20>><<if $inventory.some(item => item.name === "Candies" && item.quantity > 0)>>
<<if $ln_candy_counter==0>>
<<st>>You walk up to Lana's apartment with a box of colorful candies in hand. You give a friendly knock, and Lana opens the door with a bright, genuine smile.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Hey Lana, thought you might like some sweets."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand her the box of candies. Her eyes light up with delight.<</st>>
<<ln>>"Oh my god, you're such a cutie! I absolutely love candies. Thank you so much!"<</ln>>
<<ch>>"If I knew, I'd have brought them earlier, haha."<</ch>>
<<ln>>"Thanks, you're the best!"<</ln>>
<<set $ln_candy_counter+=1>><<set $ln.love+=6>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Candies").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $ln_candy_counter==1>>
<<st>>You return to Lana's place with another box of candies. You give a casual knock, and Lana opens the door, raising an eyebrow with a playful smirk.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Guess what? Brought you some more treats."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand her the candies. She takes a moment, smiling but slightly puzzled.<</st>>
<<ln>>"Oh, you brought me candies again? Damn, thanks! But I haven't finished the first ones yet. I don't eat them as fast as you think, haha."<</ln>>
<<ch>>"Haha, okay, got the hint. But I hope these will make you happy."<</ch>>
<<ln>>"Yeah, thanks-thanks!"<</ln>>
<<set $ln_candy_counter+=1>><<set $ln.love+=3>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Candies").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $ln_candy_counter==2>>
<<st>>You show up once more at Lana's apartment with yet another box of candies. You knock on the door, and Lana opens it with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Hey Lana, thought you might like some more candies."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand her the candies. She looks at the box, then back at you, clearly finding it a bit odd.<</st>>
<<ln>>"Oh, hey! Another box of candies? Are you trying to give me a sugar rush? That's a bit much, don't you think?"<</ln>>
<<ch>>"Haha, okay, got it."<</ch>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Candies").quantity -= 1>><</if>>
<<st>>Weird, why was I planning to give her this gift when I don’t even have it?<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Lana & Riley]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><<if $ch.energy<20>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=20>><<if $inventory.some(item => item.name === "Bouquet of Flowers" && item.quantity > 0)>>
<<if $rl_flower_counter==0>>
<<st>>You approach Riley's place and give the doorbell a ring. Riley opens the door with a playful smirk.<</st>>
<<rl>>"Well, well, look who it is. What do you want now?"<</rl>>
<<ch>>"Just thought you might like these."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand her the bouquet. She raises an eyebrow, amused.<</st>>
<<rl>>"Trying to impress me, huh? Nice touch, I guess."<</rl>>
<<ch>>"Maybe a little. Just wanted to see you smile."<</ch>>
<<rl>>"Well, mission accomplished. Thank you!’’<</rl>>
<<set $rl_flower_counter+=1>><<set $rl.love+=4>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Bouquet of Flowers").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $rl_flower_counter==1>>
<<st>>You walk up to Riley's place and give the doorbell a ring. <</st>>
<<rl>>"Hmmm, bouquet after bouquet? You could go broke. Aren't you scared, haha? Time to stop."<</rl>>
<<ch>>"Nah, nothing special. Just wanted to surprise you, see a smile, make you happy."<</ch>>
<<rl>>"Alright, alright. Don't get any weird ideas now, but thanks."<</rl>>
<<ch>>"No weird ideas, just spreading some good vibes."<</ch>>
<<rl>>"Sure thing. But don't make a habit out of this, haha."<</rl>>
<<set $rl_flower_counter+=1>><<set $rl.love+=2>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Bouquet of Flowers").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $rl_flower_counter==2>>
<<st>>You swagger up to Riley's place with the third bouquet, giving a casual knock. Riley opens the door, crossing her arms.<</st>>
<<rl>>"Oh, wow, another bouquet? Are you trying to bankrupt yourself? Seriously, slow down, it’s getting weird."<</rl>>
<<ch>>"Come on, it's just a little something to brighten your day."<</ch>>
<<rl>>"Yeah, yeah, appreciate it. But bouquet after bouquet? Makes me think you want something from me."<</rl>>
<<ch>>"Nah, just trying to make you smile. No strings attached."<</ch>>
<<st>>Riley rolls her eyes, but a small smile tugs at her lips.<</st>>
You’re glad it didn’t get weirder, but you're definitely pushing the limits here.
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Bouquet of Flowers").quantity -= 1>><</if>>
<<st>>Weird, why was I planning to give her this gift when I don’t even have it?<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Lana & Riley]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><<if $ch.energy<20>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=20>><<if $inventory.some(item => item.name === "Candies" && item.quantity > 0)>>
<<if $rl_candy_counter==0>>
<<st>>You walk up to Riley's apartment with a box of colorful candies in hand. You give a knock, and Riley opens the door with a bright smile.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Hey Riley, thought you might enjoy some sweets."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand her the box of candies. Her eyes light up.<</st>>
<<rl>>"Oh wow, candies just for me? That's awesome, thanks!"<</rl>>
<<ch>>"Gal d you like it, wanted to see you happy."<</ch>>
<<rl>>"You definitely succeeded. These are perfect for my tea time!"<</rl>>
<<set $rl_candy_counter+=1>><<set $rl.love+=10>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Candies").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $rl_candy_counter==1>>
<<st>>You return to Riley's place with another box of candies. You give a casual knock, and Riley opens the door, raising an eyebrow with a playful smirk.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Guess what? Brought you some more treats."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand her the candies. She takes a moment, smiling but slightly puzzled.<</st>>
<<rl>>"Oh, more candies again? Repeating yourself, cowboy. But alright, hand them over."<</rl>>
<<ch>>"You loved them last time, thought I'd surprise you again."<</ch>>
<<rl>>"Well, thanks-thanks, yeah. Just don't flood me with sweets."<</rl>>
<<set $rl_candy_counter+=1>><<set $rl.love+=5>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Candies").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $rl_candy_counter==2>>
<<st>>You show up once more at Riley's apartment with yet another box of candies. You knock on the door, and Riley opens it with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Hey Riley, thought you might like some more candies."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand her the candies. She looks at the box, then back at you, clearly finding it a bit odd.<</st>>
<<rl>>"Oops, more candies? You want me to get fat and break out? You're really going overboard with the sweets, stop it."<</rl>>
<<ch>>"I thought you liked them."<</ch>>
<<rl>>"You're overthinking it. Maybe take a break from the candy deliveries."<</rl>>
<<ch>>"Alright, alright. Just wanted to make you smile."<</ch>>
<<rl>>"Looks like you've gone a bit overboard this time."<</rl>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Candies").quantity -= 1>><</if>>
<<st>>Weird, why was I planning to give her this gift when I don’t even have it?<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Lana & Riley]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><<if $ch.energy<20>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=20>><<if $inventory.some(item => item.name === "Alcohol Set" && item.quantity > 0)>>
<<if $rl_alcohol_counter==0>>
<<st>>You arrive at Riley's apartment with a sleek box of alcohol in hand. You give a casual knock, and Riley opens the door with a raised eyebrow.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Hey Riley, thought you might enjoy this."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand her the alcohol set. She looks at it, then back at you with a smirk.<</st>>
<<rl>>"Oh, booze for me? Didn’t see that coming. Thanks, I guess."<</rl>>
<<ch>>"Yeah, just wanted to add some fun to your evening."<</ch>>
<<rl>>"Well, you know how to keep things interesting. Cheers to that!"<</rl>>
<<set $rl_alcohol_counter+=1>><<set $rl.love+=2>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Alcohol Set").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $rl_alcohol_counter==1>>
<<st>>You return to Riley's place with another box of alcohol. You give a straightforward knock, and Riley opens the door, crossing her arms with a skeptical look.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Hey Riley, brought you some more drinks."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand her the alcohol set. She raises an eyebrow, inspecting the box.<</st>>
<<rl>>"Another booze set? You're really trying to keep our fridge stocked, huh?"<</rl>>
<<ch>>"Thought you might need an extra stash for the weekends."<</ch>>
<<rl>>"Haha, appreciate the thought, but maybe ease up a bit. We don't party as much as you think."<</rl>>
<<ch>>"Got it, just trying to spread some good vibes."<</ch>>
<<rl>>"Yeah, yeah. Thanks, though."<</rl>>
<<set $rl_alcohol_counter+=1>><<set $rl.love+=1>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Alcohol Set").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $rl_alcohol_counter==2>>
<<st>>You show up once more at Riley's apartment with yet another box of alcohol. You knock on the door, and Riley opens it, looking both amused and annoyed.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Hey Riley, thought you might like some more drinks."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand her the alcohol set. She looks at it, then back at you with a sarcastic grin.<</st>>
<<rl>>"Another alcohol set? What’s the deal, trying to turn us into drinking buddies or something?"<</rl>>
<<ch>>"Haha, no plans. Just wanted to keep the surprises coming."<</ch>>
<<rl>>"Yeah, and I’m sure it’s all innocent. Maybe take a break before you start a booze empire."<</rl>>
<<ch>>"Alright, alright. Just trying to make your day a little better."<</ch>>
<<rl>>"Well, mission accomplished, but seriously, slow down with the gifts."<</rl>>
<<ch>>"Got it. I'll chill out."<</ch>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Alcohol Set").quantity -= 1>><</if>>
<<st>>Weird, why was I planning to give her this gift when I don’t even have it?<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Lana & Riley]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><<if $ch.energy<20>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=20>><<if $inventory.some(item => item.name === "Bouquet of Flowers" && item.quantity > 0)>>
<<if $lr_flower_counter==0>>
<<st>>You walk up to Lana and Riley’s apartment and ring the doorbell. Both girls open the door together, smiling brightly.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Hey, thought you might like these."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand them each a bouquet of flowers. Their eyes light up with joy.<</st>>
<<ln>>"Oh wow, thank you so much! These are beautiful!"<</ln>>
<<rl>>"Seriously? You didn’t have to, but I love them. What’s the occasion?"<</rl>>
<<ch>>"No special reason, just wanted to see you both smile."<</ch>>
<<ln>>"Aww, you're so sweet. This made our day!"<</ln>>
<<rl>>"Yeah, thanks a lot. You’re the best!"<</rl>>
<<set $lr_flower_counter+=1>><<set $ln.love+=5>><<set $rl.love+=5>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Bouquet of Flowers").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $lr_flower_counter==1>>
<<st>>You return to Lana and Riley’s place with another bouquet in hand. You give the door a confident knock, and they open it together, slightly surprised but smiling.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Thought you might like another one."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand them the flowers. They both take a moment, exchanging amused glances.<</st>>
<<ln>>"Another bouquet? That’s... impressive. My first one hasn’t even dried yet!"<</ln>>
<<rl>>"Yeah, bouquet after bouquet? You’re not trying to bankrupt yourself or anything, right?"<</rl>>
<<ch>>"Nah, just keeping the good vibes going. Wanted to make you both happy again."<</ch>>
<<ln>>"Well, mission accomplished. Maybe ease up a little next time, though."<</ln>>
<<rl>>"Yeah, don’t want you running out of flowers before the week’s over."<</rl>>
<<set $lr_flower_counter+=1>>$ln.love+=2>><<set $rl.love+=2>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Bouquet of Flowers").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $lr_flower_counter==2>>
<<st>>You show up once more at Lana and Riley’s apartment. You knock on the door, and they open it together, raising their eyebrows in unison.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Hey, thought you might like these."<<ch>>
<<st>>You hand them the flowers. They both take a moment, looking a bit puzzled.<</st>>
<<ln>>"Another bouquet? Seriously? What’s going on here?"<</ln>>
<<rl>>"Yeah, bouquet after bouquet? Are you trying to impress us or something?"<</rl>>
<<ch>>"Just wanted to surprise you. See you smile is all that matters."<</ch>>
<<ln>>"I appreciate the gesture, but it's getting a bit much. Maybe take a break?"<</ln>>
<<rl>>"Yeah, what are you trying to achieve here? It's starting to feel weird."<</rl>>
<<ch>>"Alright, alright. Just wanted to make you both happy. Didn’t mean to overdo it."<</ch>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Bouquet of Flowers").quantity -= 1>><</if>>
<<st>>Weird, why was I planning to give her this gift when I don’t even have it?<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Lana & Riley]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><<if $ch.energy<20>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=20>><<if $inventory.some(item => item.name === "Candies" && item.quantity > 0)>>
<<if $lr_candy_counter==0>>
<<st>>You walk up to Lana and Riley’s apartment, holding a colorful box of candies. You give a friendly knock, and both girls open the door together, smiling brightly.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Hey, thought you might like some sweets."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand them each a box of candies. Their faces light up with delight.<</st>>
<<ln>>"Oh wow, these are perfect for tea time! Thanks a bunch!"<</ln>>
<<rl>>"Yeah, we love candies. This was a nice surprise."<</rl>>
<<ch>>"Glad you like them. Just wanted to make your day a little sweeter."<</ch>>
<<ln>>"Aww, you're so thoughtful. Thanks again!"<</ln>>
<<rl>>"Yeah, seriously, thanks!"<</rl>>
<<set $lr_candy_counter+=1>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Candies").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $lr_candy_counter==1>>
<<st>>You come to Lana and Riley’s place with a box of candies. You give a confident knock, and they open the door together, exchanging amused glances.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Thought you might enjoy these."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand them the candies. They both take a moment, smiling but slightly puzzled.<</st>>
<<ln>>"Mm, yeah, we love candies, but you're spoiling us."<</ln>>
<<rl>>"Yeah, you're not trying to buy something from us, are you?"<</rl>>
<<ch>>"Nah, just keeping the good vibes going. Wanted to see you smile again."<</ch>>
<<ln>>"Well, mission accomplished. Maybe take it easy next time."<</ln>>
<<rl>>"Yeah, don't want you running out of candies before the week's over."<</rl>>
<<set $lr_candy_counter+=1>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Candies").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $lr_candy_counter==2>>
<<st>>You show up once more at Lana and Riley’s apartment with yet another box of candies. You knock on the door, and they open it together, raising their eyebrows in unison.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Hey again, thought you might like these."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand them the candies. They both take a moment, looking a bit confused but still polite.<</st>>
<<ln>>"Another box of candies? Are you running a candy factory or something?"<</ln>>
<<rl>>"Seriously, bouquet after bouquet, candies after candies? Maybe slow down, we haven't even finished the last ones yet."<</rl>>
<<ch>>"Nah, just trying to keep the surprises coming. Wanted to make you both happy."<</ch>>
<<ln>>"I appreciate the gesture, but it's getting a bit much. Maybe you want something from us?"<</ln>>
<<rl>>"Yeah, what are you trying to achieve here? It's starting to feel weird."<</rl>>
<<ch>> "Alright, alright. Just wanted to make you both happy. Didn’t mean to overdo it."<</ch>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Candies").quantity -= 1>><</if>>
<<st>>Weird, why was I planning to give her this gift when I don’t even have it?<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Lana & Riley]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><<if $ch.energy<20>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=20>><<if $inventory.some(item => item.name === "Alcohol Set" && item.quantity > 0)>>
<<if $lr_alcohol_counter==0>>
<<st>>You arrive at Lana and Riley’s apartment with a box of alcohol in hand. You give a straightforward knock, and both girls open the door together, curious and smiling.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Oh wow, what’s this you brought?"<</ch>>
<<ch>>"Yeah, here’s an alcohol set. You can mix cocktails and have some wild times with this."<</ch>>
<<st>>You hand them the box. Their eyes sparkle with delight.<</st>>
<<ln>>"Oh my god, this is awesome! We love making cocktails. Thank you so much!"<</ln>>
<<rl>>"Haha, seriously? You know exactly what to gift girls. This is perfect!"<</rl>>
<<ch>>"Glad you liked it." You wink at them playfully.<</ch>>
<<ln>>"You're the best! Can't wait to try these out."<</ln>>
<<rl>>"Yeah, thanks a lot! You really know how to make our day."<</rl>>
<<set $lr_alcohol_counter+=1>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Alcohol Set").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $lr_alcohol_counter==1>>
<<st>>You return to Lana and Riley’s place with another box of alcohol. You knock casually, and they open the door together, exchanging amused glances.<</st>>
<<ln>>"Oh, again with the booze set?"<</ln>>
<<rl>>"Yeah, you're filling our supplies to the max. Thanks, handsome, but maybe slow down. We don't party as much as you think, haha."<</rl>>
<<ch>>"I thought you’d enjoy another round. Wanted to keep the good times rolling."<</ch>>
<<ln>>"Oh yeah, we love it, but you're spoiling us a bit."<</ln>>
<<ch>>"Just trying to spread some cheer. Hope you have fun with these."<</ch>>
<<set $lr_alcohol_counter+=1>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Alcohol Set").quantity -= 1>>
<<elseif $lr_alcohol_counter==2>>
<<st>>You show up once more at Lana and Riley’s apartment with yet another box of alcohol. You knock, and they open the door together, both raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<ln>>"Oh, you brought us alcohol again?"<</ln>>
<<rl>>"Buddy, it feels like you're chasing some crazy goals."<</rl>>
<<ln>>"Yeah, you're overdoing it with the alcohol. Don't you think it's a bit much?"<</ln>>
<<ch>>"Haha, just wanted to surprise you guys. Thought you'd appreciate another set."<</ch>>
<<rl>>"Seriously, what's with all the alcohol gifts? Are you expecting something in return?"<</rl>>
<<ch>>"Nah, just trying to keep things fun. Didn't mean to overdo it."<</ch>>
<<ln>>"Alright, alright. Maybe ease up a bit."<</ln>>
<<ch>>"Got it. Just wanted to make you both happy."<</ch>>
<<set $inventory.find(item => item.name === "Alcohol Set").quantity -= 1>><</if>>
<<st>>Weird, why was I planning to give her this gift when I don’t even have it?<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Lana & Riley]]>><</button>> <<if $quests.quest_dinner_with_rosie==true and $quests.quest_zoo_with_rosie==false>><<button [[Ask her out on a date|quest_zoo_with_rosie]]>><</button>><<else>><<st>>Yo bro, either keep clicking on other buttons and dates, or the content’s in progress 🛠🛠<</st>><</if>>
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Rosie]]>><</button>><<if $already_date_lana==0>><<st>>You knock, and after a moment Lana cracks the door open, leaning against it with a casual smirk.<</st>>
<<ln>>What’s up? You need something?<</ln>>
<<st>>You grin, letting your eyes wander from her face down her body, lingering a moment at her chest before you look back into her eyes.<</st>>
<<ch>>Oh, you know, just wanted to check in. Make sure things are all good.<</ch>>
<<ln>>You’ve been “checking in” a lot lately. What’s up?<</ln>>
<<st>>You chuckle, pretending you’re super relaxed.<</st>>
<<ch>>Guilty. Actually, I was thinking... maybe you’d want to go out with me. Like, on a date.<</ch>>
<<st>>Her surprise is obvious—she snorts, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<ln>>A date? Seriously? I haven’t done that in, I don’t know, a decade. Usually I just skip to the fun parts. I mean, I’m a porn actress—do you really think I do the whole candlelight dinner thing?<</ln>>
<<ch>>Porn actress, hairdresser, whatever—who cares? Let’s just try something that doesn’t end with your clothes on the floor… at least not right at the start. After that—who knows?<</ch>>
<<st>>Lana stares at you, amused, like she’s sizing up a stray puppy that insists on walking upright.<</st>>
<<ln>>Fine. Let’s say I’m in. What’s your big plan then?<</ln>>
<<ch>>I was thinking… an amusement park. When was the last time you hopped on a roller coaster?<</ch>>
<<st>>She blinks, clearly not expecting that.<</st>>
<<ln>>An amusement park? Damn, I haven’t been to one since I was a kid.<</ln>>
<<ch>>Perfect. That’s exactly why we should go.<</ch>>
<<st>>There’s a brief pause before she rolls her eyes, but her lips curl into a half-smile.<</st>>
<<ln>>Alright, I’ll bite. Let’s do it.<</ln>>
<<button [[Amusement Park|Amusement Park]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Yo bro, either keep clicking on other buttons and dates, or the content’s in progress 🛠🛠<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Lana & Riley]]>><</button>><</if>><<addhours 1>><<if $already_date_lana==1 and $already_date_riley==0>><<st>>You ring the doorbell, and after a moment, Riley appears with a slight smirk.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Oh, hey. Didn’t expect to see you. What’s up?”<</rl>>
<<ch>>“Hey, gorgeous. I was, uh… looking for you. Wanted to see if you’d go on a date with me.”<</ch>>
<<st>>Her expression shifts—she looks a bit surprised, maybe a little playful.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Really? First you take Lana out, and now you’re at my door? You got a checklist or something?”<</rl>>
<<st>>You falter for a second, your usual smooth talk nowhere in sight.<</st>>
<<ch>>“N-no, it’s not like that, I just… I wanted to—”<</ch>>
<<st>>She cuts you off, eyes glinting with mischief.<</st>>
<<if $choose_dinner==1>><<rl>>“Relax, roller-coaster boy. I’m messing with you. So, what’s the plan this time? Another ride that’ll make you puke?”<</rl>><<elseif $choose_dinner==2>><<rl>>“Relax, roller-coaster boy. I’m messing with you. So, what’s the plan this time? Wanna hit your head once more?”<</rl>><</if>>
<<st>>You laugh, shrugging like it’s no big deal.<</st>>
<<ch>>“No, no… got something else in mind—go-karts. Figured you’d like that.”<</ch>>
<<st>>Her eyes light up; she looks genuinely excited.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Go-karts, huh? Hell yeah. Give me a minute to grab my stuff.”<</rl>>
<<st>>She disappears inside, and you can’t help eyeing that ass as she walks away, a dumb smile spreading across your face. Guess dating these girls is gonna keep you on your toes. A moment later, she’s back, keys in hand, practically buzzing with energy.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Alright, hotshot. Let’s see if you can actually impress me on the track.”<</rl>>
<<button [[Go Karting|Go Karting]]>><</button>><<else>><<st>>Yo bro, either keep clicking on other buttons and dates, or the content’s in progress 🛠🛠<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Lana & Riley]]>><</button>><</if>><<addhours 1>><<button [[Give flowers to Lana|Give flowers to Lana]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Give candies to Lana|Give candies to Lana]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Give alcohol to Lana|Give alcohol to Lana]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Lana & Riley]]>><</button>><<button [[Give flowers to Riley|Give flowers to Riley]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Give candies to Riley|Give candies to Riley]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Give alcohol to Riley|Give alcohol to Riley]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Lana & Riley]]>><</button>><<if $already_date_lana==1 and $already_date_riley==1 and $already_date_lana_riley==0>><<st>>You ring the bell at Lana and Riley’s apartment. They both open the door, eyeing you with mocking smiles.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Well, well, look who’s back. Another desperate attempt at a date? Tell me—who’s the lucky one this time?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Riley snorts, folding her arms.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Yeah, you gotta pick. Don’t tell me you’re planning on screwing up twice in one night.”<</rl>>
<<st>>You flash a confident grin, ignoring their digs.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Actually, I realized my big mistake. You two are like yin and yang—separating you ruins the vibe. So here’s my perfect plan: the three of us, booze, right here, right now. No fancy crap, no roller coasters, just a good time. Seriously, what could go wrong?”<</ch>>
<<st>>Lana rolls her eyes but steps aside, motioning you in.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Booze and a ménage à trois? Bold move. You think you can handle both of us without puking again?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Riley laughs, patting you on the shoulder.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Let’s see if you survive. Either it’ll be the night of your life, or another epic fail—and we’ll be here to laugh at you.”<</rl>>
<<st>>You set up the bottles and snacks on the table.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Oh, you prepared well.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>“Of course, today’s gonna be hot.”<</ch>>
<<st>>They laugh while you pour the first shots. Lana and Riley grab and down them quickly. Everything's going smoothly, and you feel pretty damn good about yourself.<</st>>
<<st>>After a few hours of nonstop drinking, things start to heat up. The drinks keep coming, and the conversation gets sexier. You decide it's time to take things to the next level.<</st>>
<<ch>>“You know what I came up with? Let’s play Truth or Dare.”<</ch>>
<<st>>They giggle, already feeling loose and playful.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Alright, hit us with it.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Yeah, let’s see what you’ve got.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>‘’Ok, let’s start with Lana. Truth or dare?’’<</ch>>
<<linkreplace "Lana - Truth">><<ch>>What's the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you during sex?<</ch>>
<<st>>She blushes slightly.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Come on, you're a porn star. There can't be anything embarrassing for you.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>“It was a long time ago, before I started in porn, but it was still kinda funny and embarrassing. My first boyfriend, Mark, I really liked him, and I wanted to surprise him by giving him a blowjob for the first time. I got so into it that I choked when he came inside my mouth. Some of his cum got stuck in my nose and throat.”<</ln>>
<<st>>You look at her in disbelief, waiting to hear more.<</st>>
<<rl>>“So, what happened next?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“I sneezed, splattering his cum and snot all over his body and the bed.”<</ln>>
<<st>>You and Riley burst out laughing wildly.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Right now it’s funny, but back then it was terrible. I was so embarrassed. I wanted to impress damn Mike, but he didn’t get it.”.<</ln>>
<<ln>>adds, laughing: “And you should have seen his face when he was wiping cum from his forehead and my snot all over him.”<</ln>>
<div class="dice-main">
<h1 id="sum">Sum: 0</h1>
<div class="dice" id="dice">
<div class="die" id="die1">
<i class="fa-solid fa-dice-one" style="font-size: 3.5rem"></i>
<div class="die" id="die2">
<i class="fa-solid fa-dice-six" style="font-size: 3.5rem"></i>
<button class="btn" id="rollButton">Roll Dice</button>
<div id="message-dice"></div>
<div id="button-dice"></div>
function rollSingleDie() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
function rollDice() {
const die1 = document.getElementById("die1");
const die2 = document.getElementById("die2");
const disSum = document.getElementById("sum");
const message = document.getElementById("message-dice");
const button = document.getElementById("button-dice");
const result1 = rollSingleDie();
const result2 = rollSingleDie();
const sum = result1 + result2;
die1.innerHTML = result1;
die2.innerHTML = result2;
disSum.innerHTML = "Sum: " + sum;
if (sum >= 6) {
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("message-dice"), '<<ch>>“That’s a pretty funny story. But honestly, if I were Mike, I’d have thought you were amazing. You really tried to impress him—girls like you are rare.”<</ch>>\n<<st>>Lana smiles, clearly pleased with your comment.<</st>>\n<<ch>>“Damn, I hit the nail on the head. I should say more sweet stuff like that. Tonight’s definitely going to work out.”<</ch>>\n<<ch>>“So, Riley, truth or dare?”<</ch>>\n<<button [[Riley - Dare|RileyDare]]>><</button>>' );
} else {
new Wikifier(
'<<ch>>“Haha, he must’ve looked like a total mess. I’d never wanna be that guy.”<</ch>>\n<<st>>Damn, that was stupid. I need to give myself a mental slap for that.<</st>>\n<<st>>The girls exchange amused glances and burst out laughing.<</st>>\n<<rl>>“Oh my god, you’re such an idiot. Stop with that crap, haha. Let’s just keep playing.”<</rl>>\n<<ln>>“Riley, Truth or dare, huh?”<</ln>>\n<<button [[Riley - Dare|RileyDare]]>><</button>>');
rollButton.style.display = "none";
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
// Используем addEventListener вместо onclick
document.querySelector("#rollButton").addEventListener("click", rollDice);
<</script>><</done>><</linkreplace>><<else>><<st>>Yo bro, either keep clicking on other buttons and dates, or the content’s in progress 🛠🛠<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Lana & Riley]]>><</button>><</if>><<addhours 1>><<st>>You meet Lana at the amusement park entrance. She’s wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket, looking hot as fuck.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Damn, you look good. Is that how all porn actresses dress, or is it just you?”<</ch>>
<<st>>Lana lowers her shades, staring at you like you just said the dumbest thing in the world.<</st>>
<<ln>>“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”<</ln>>
<<st>>You realize you screwed up and quickly clear your throat, looking around at the rides and crowds.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Uh… anyway, so where do we start?”<</ch>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'The craziest coaster'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $lana_activator_one=1>><<set $choose_dinner=1>><<st>>You point at the biggest, meanest roller coaster in sight.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Let’s hit that monster over there.”<</ch>>
<<st>>Lana raises a brow, amused.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Really? I’m in!”<</ln>>
<<st>>You strap in, the coaster rattles up, and before you know it, you’re screaming like a psycho. Then comes the drop. Instead of a brave yell, a hot stream of puke explodes from your mouth. It’s not a little spit-up either—this is chunky, foul, and smells like a dumpster left in the sun. It splatters forward, hitting the backs of heads in front of you, and when the coaster loops, it splashes behind you too. People scream, and some gag, and one guy yells he’ll sue somebody. Somehow, Lana’s seat stays miraculously clean, though she looks both horrified and amused.<</st>>
<<st>>When the ride ends, you’re shaking, pale as a corpse, drool and puke still clinging to your chin. You stumble off, knees buckling, and Lana drags your sorry ass to a bench. She shoves a bottle of water at you, trying not to laugh too hard.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Goddamn. That was… wow. Next time, maybe we start with something that doesn’t end in a fucking puke shower, okay?”<</ln>>
<<st>>After a few more rides—and one disastrous attempt at the shooting gallery where you fail to win her even the smallest plushie—you both start feeling hungry.<</st>>
<<ch>>“So… I’m kinda starving, and I bet you are too. There’s this nice restaurant—”<</ch>>
<<st>>Lana cuts you off, waving a hand dismissively.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Let’s skip the fancy crap. Order a pizza, watch a dumb movie at my place. I’m not in the mood for candlelit bullshit.”<</ln>>
<<button [[Dinner|Dinner]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Something easy'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $lana_activator_one=2>><<set $choose_dinner=2>><<st>>You pick a slow, old-school carousel. The lights are cheap and the music is way too cheerful. Lana steps closer, squinting at it like it’s some rare species of lame.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Really? This is your idea of a warm-up? I was hoping for a little more, I don’t know, adrenaline.” You shrug, trying to sound casual. You: “Hey, chill. We’ll start easy, then dive into the crazy stuff.”<</ln>>
<<st>>You both climb on the carousel. It wobbles gently, the music tinny and too cheerful. As it starts moving, you lean in, thinking you’ll land a quick, romantic kiss on Lana’s lips. Perfect plan, right?<</st>>
<<st>>The carousel jerks, you lose your footing, and—crack—your forehead smacks straight into a cold metal pole. Your vision blurs for a second, and you fight back a curse. Lana breaks out laughing, not even pretending to hold it in.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Wow, that was cute…and awkward. Maybe we hit something a bit more exciting next?”<</ln>>
<<st>>You rub the sore spot on your head, trying to act like it’s no big deal.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Yeah, yeah. Let’s skip this kiddie crap.”<</ch>>
<<st>>After a few more rides—and one disastrous attempt at the shooting gallery where you fail to win her even the smallest plushie—you both start feeling hungry.<</st>>
<<ch>>“So… I’m kinda starving, and I bet you are too. There’s this nice restaurant—”<</ch>>
<<st>>Lana cuts you off, waving a hand dismissively.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Let’s skip the fancy crap. Order a pizza, watch a dumb movie at my place. I’m not in the mood for candlelit bullshit.”<</ln>>
<<button [[Dinner|Dinner]]>><</button>>
</span><<st>>You’re slouched on her couch, half-dead pizza on the table. Lana’s got her legs draped over you, her top barely hiding those tits that are making your dick hard. She’s yammering about your “big dreams,” but you’re too busy eyeing her tits and that juicy ass. Who cares what she’s saying? You nod, pretending to listen, but all you want is to bury your face in her and fuck her senseless.<</st>>
<<st>>You ask her how she got into porn, if she actually enjoys it. Just words to fill the space, really—your mind’s stuck on the idea of ripping off that top and tasting every inch of her.<</st>>
<<st>>Lana sees right through you, her eyes flashing with amusement.<</st>>
<<st>>But the moment you lean in, ready to make your move, she places a hand on your chest, stopping you.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Whoa, slow down, cowboy. What kind of classy girl puts out on the first date?”<</ln>>
<<ch>>“Uh… the best girl in the world?”<</ch>>
<<st>>Lana laughs.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Nice try. But you asked me on a date, remember? Not just a quick fuck. And judging by how you nearly died on those rides, I’m thinking maybe your body needs a little more… training before you handle me.”<</ln>>
<<st>>You stare at her, half in disbelief, half kicking yourself. Seriously? It could’ve been that easy all along?<</st>>
<<st>>Lana stands, brushing imaginary dust off her jeans.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Anyway, let’s call it a night. Next time, maybe we’ll see how serious you are.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>“Fine. I’ll just, y’know, quietly daydream about you at home.”<</ch>>
<<st>>She rolls her eyes but there’s a slight smile on her lips.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Good luck with that.”<</ln>>
<<st>>You mumble some half-hearted goodbye, then head for the door, wondering how you went from ready to pounce to walking out alone. Still, at least there’s a “next time.” But seriously—did a porn actress actually turn me down?<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<set $already_date_lana=1>><<st>>You arrive at the go-kart track, feeling extra tense—no way are you gonna screw this up like you did with Lana. But before you can even settle into your kart, Riley smirks over at you.<</st>>
<<rl>>“I’ll bet Lana’s ass I can beat you.”<</rl>>
<<st>>You open your mouth to protest, but she slams on the gas and takes off, leaving you gaping for a second before you punch the accelerator to chase after her.<</st>>
<<st>>Riley’s starts zooming around like a maniac, and you catch the rush too.<</st>>
<div class="dice-main">
<h1 id="sum">Sum: 0</h1>
<div class="dice" id="dice">
<div class="die" id="die1">
<i class="fa-solid fa-dice-one" style="font-size: 3.5rem"></i>
<div class="die" id="die2">
<i class="fa-solid fa-dice-six" style="font-size: 3.5rem"></i>
<button class="btn" id="rollButton">Roll Dice</button>
<div id="message-dice"></div>
<div id="button-dice"></div>
function rollSingleDie() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
function rollDice() {
const die1 = document.getElementById("die1");
const die2 = document.getElementById("die2");
const disSum = document.getElementById("sum");
const message = document.getElementById("message-dice");
const button = document.getElementById("button-dice");
const result1 = rollSingleDie();
const result2 = rollSingleDie();
const sum = result1 + result2;
die1.innerHTML = result1;
die2.innerHTML = result2;
disSum.innerHTML = "Sum: " + sum;
if (sum >= 6) {
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("message-dice"), '<<set $riley_activator_one=1>><<st>>You floor it like there’s no tomorrow, thinking you were about to overtake Riley at least ten times, but she keeps slamming you into the guardrails on every turn. Finally, you manage to pull ahead on one of the curves and snatch the win just before the finish.<</st>>\n<<rl>>“Wow, I don’t remember these things going that fast. You really want her ass that badly?”<</rl>>' +
'<br><br>' + // Добавляем две пустые строки
'<span id="options1">' +
' <<link "Nah, I’m just having fun">>' +
' <<replace "#options1">><</replace>>' +
' <<append "#options1">><<ch>>“Nah, I’m just having fun—here for your ass, actually.”<</ch>>\n<<st>>Riley laughs, revving her engine.<</st>>\n<<rl>>“Then you’d better catch me!”<</rl>>\n<<st>>She floors it, speeding away with a loud “Yuuuhuuuu!” as she disappears down the track.<</st>>\n<<st>>By the end race, you’re panting, relieved you didn’t make a complete fool of yourself. Riley, on the other hand, is all smiles, looking more alive than ever. You figure it’s the perfect moment to seal the deal.<</st>>\n<<ch>>“Hey, that was awesome. You hungry? I know a decent spot we can hit.”<</ch>>\n<<rl>>“Yeah, I’m starving. Lead the way.”<</rl>>\n<<button [[Go to the Restaurant|Go to the Restaurant]]>><</button>><</append>>' +
' <</link>>' +
'<br>' +
' <<link "Dispute">>' +
' <<replace "#options1">><</replace>>' +
' <<append "#options1">><<ch>>“We bet on Lana’s ass and I won, but I think I’d rather pretend I lost.”<</ch>>\n<<rl>>“Aww, you’re such a sweetheart.”<</rl>>\n<<st>>She bumps you into the guardrail, then speeds off.<</st>>\n<<st>>By the end race, you’re panting, relieved you didn’t make a complete fool of yourself. Riley, on the other hand, is all smiles, looking more alive than ever. You figure it’s the perfect moment to seal the deal.<</st>>\n<<ch>>“Hey, that was awesome. You hungry? I know a decent spot we can hit.”<</ch>>\n<<rl>>“Yeah, I’m starving. Lead the way.”<</rl>>\n<<button [[Go to the Restaurant|Go to the Restaurant]]>><</button>><</append>>' +
' <</link>>' +
} else {
new Wikifier(
'<<set $riley_activator_one=2>><<st>>You tear around the track like there’s no tomorrow, thinking you should’ve passed Riley a dozen times, but she keeps bumping you dirty into the barriers on the turns. Even though you lost, it’s clearly not as bad as it was with Lana.<</st>>\n' +
'<<rl>>“Too bad—looks like Lana’s ass is still mine.”<</rl>>' +
'<br><br>' +
'<span id="options1">' +
' <<link "Don’t worry, I’m here for your ass!">>' +
' <<replace "#options1">><</replace>>' +
' <<append "#options1">><<ch>>“Don’t worry, I’m here for your ass!”<</ch>>\n<<st>>She revs the engine with a grin.<</st>>\n<<rl>>“Then you better catch me first!”<</rl>>\n<<st>>With that, she floors it, racing off and shouting, “Yuuuhuuu!” at the top of her lungs.<</st>>\n<<st>>By the end race, you’re panting, relieved you didn’t make a complete fool of yourself. Riley, on the other hand, is all smiles, looking more alive than ever. You figure it’s the perfect moment to seal the deal.<</st>>\n<<ch>>“Hey, that was awesome. You hungry? I know a decent spot we can hit.”<</ch>>\n<<rl>>“Yeah, I’m starving. Lead the way.”<</rl>>\n<<button [[Go to the Restaurant|Go to the Restaurant]]>><</button>><</append>>' +
' <</link>>' +
'<br>' +
' <<link "We were playing for Lana’s ass?">>' +
' <<replace "#options1">><</replace>>' +
' <<append "#options1">><<ch>>We were playing for Lana’s ass?<</ch>>\n<<rl>>Aww, you’re such a cutie when you pretend you don’t know what I mean.”<</rl>>\n<<st>>She slams you into the guardrail, then speeds off.<</st>>\n<<st>>By the end race, you’re panting, relieved you didn’t make a complete fool of yourself. Riley, on the other hand, is all smiles, looking more alive than ever. You figure it’s the perfect moment to seal the deal.<</st>>\n<<ch>>“Hey, that was awesome. You hungry? I know a decent spot we can hit.”<</ch>>\n<<rl>>“Yeah, I’m starving. Lead the way.”<</rl>>\n<<button [[Go to the Restaurant|Go to the Restaurant]]>><</button>><</append>>' +
' <</link>>' +
rollButton.style.display = "none";
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
// Используем addEventListener вместо onclick
document.querySelector("#rollButton").addEventListener("click", rollDice);
<</script>><</done>><<st>>You lead Riley into the restaurant, your chest puffing up a bit when you see her eyes widen at the fancy décor.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Wow, this place is awesome. Didn’t know you had such expensive taste.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>“It’s not that big a deal.”<</ch>>
<<st>>She smirks, tapping a fingernail against the glossy table.<</st>>
<<rl>>“So you’re secretly loaded, huh? If me and Lana had known, we’d have given it up ages ago.”<</rl>>
<<st>>You laugh it off, just as the waiter hands you both menus. You skim the options—steak, fish, maybe some oysters. People say oysters work like an aphrodisiac—who knows, maybe splurging on them will score you some action later. On the other hand, steak is a safe (and cheaper) bet. So what’ll it be? Oysters or steak?<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Steak'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Oh bro, no, no, no, what steak? That’s too ordinary. That definitely didn’t happen in this story. You totally went for the most exotic choice:<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Oysters">><<ch>>“Hey, wanna try the oysters? I’ve never had ’em before, but I hear they’re great here.”<</ch>>
<<st>>Riley licks her lips, eyes sparkling.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Yeah, oysters with wine sounds perfect.”<</rl>>
<<st>>You catch the heated look she sends your way and think, Damn, the aphrodisiac’s kicking in even sooner than expected.<</st>>
<<st>>Feeling all cocky, you order a dozen oysters and a bottle of wine. You chat about random stuff until the oysters arrive. One sip of wine each, and you both slurp down your first oyster.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Mmm, this is good. Really fresh.”<</rl>>
<<st>>You swallow yours, washing it down with more wine.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Weird taste, though. Like a slight burn? Maybe that’s the aphrodisiac doing its thing—”<</ch>>
<<st>>Your joke cuts off when you notice Riley frowning at you.<</st>>
<<rl>>“You okay?”<</rl>>
<<ch>>“Huh? Yeah, I—wait…”<</ch>>
<<st>>Suddenly, your throat feels tight, swelling up. You start to panic, voice coming out raspy.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Oh crap, you must be allergic! Hang on, I’ll call an ambulance!”<</rl>>
<<st>>Thirty minutes later, you’re lying in a hospital bed, IV hooked up, doctors saying you’ll have to stay overnight. You glance at Riley, letting out a shaky laugh.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Well, that’s one way to discover a food allergy. Guess I was too quick to celebrate not screwing up like I did with Lana.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You cough a little, still fighting the reaction. Riley snorts, arms crossed but a hint of a grin on her face.<</st>>
<<rl>>“You might be the unluckiest loser alive… or maybe you’re just not cut out for dating porn stars. But hey, if you hadn’t nearly choked to death, I was totally ready to let you rip my clothes off tonight. Too bad you ended up attached to an IV instead.”<</rl>>
<<st>>She winks, giving you a mock-pout.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Too bad we’ll have to postpone any ‘fun’ till another time.”<</rl>>
<<st>>You stare at her, refusing to let the moment die that easily.<</st>>
<<ch>>“You know, I’ve seen plenty of videos about a sick guy and his sexy nurse. Now’s the perfect time to make that real.”<</ch>>
<<st>>She bursts out laughing.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Oh my god, look at you—like some sad puppy that was promised a bone but ended up with deworming pills. Sorry, stud, that ship has sailed. Next time.”<</rl>>
<<st>>She gives you a playful wink.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Anyway, I gotta run. Can’t wait to tell Lana all about this.”<</rl>>
<<st>>She turns around and struts off, hips swaying.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Tell Lana? Oh fuck my life.”<</rl>>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<set $already_date_riley=1>>
<<link 'Oysters'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>“Hey, wanna try the oysters? I’ve never had ’em before, but I hear they’re great here.”<</ch>>
<<st>>Riley licks her lips, eyes sparkling.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Yeah, oysters with wine sounds perfect.”<</rl>>
<<st>>You catch the heated look she sends your way and think, Damn, the aphrodisiac’s kicking in even sooner than expected.<</st>>
<<st>>Feeling all cocky, you order a dozen oysters and a bottle of wine. You chat about random stuff until the oysters arrive. One sip of wine each, and you both slurp down your first oyster.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Mmm, this is good. Really fresh.”<</rl>>
<<st>>You swallow yours, washing it down with more wine.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Weird taste, though. Like a slight burn? Maybe that’s the aphrodisiac doing its thing—”<</ch>>
<<st>>Your joke cuts off when you notice Riley frowning at you.<</st>>
<<rl>>“You okay?”<</rl>>
<<ch>>“Huh? Yeah, I—wait…”<</ch>>
<<st>>Suddenly, your throat feels tight, swelling up. You start to panic, voice coming out raspy.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Oh crap, you must be allergic! Hang on, I’ll call an ambulance!”<</rl>>
<<st>>Thirty minutes later, you’re lying in a hospital bed, IV hooked up, doctors saying you’ll have to stay overnight. You glance at Riley, letting out a shaky laugh.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Well, that’s one way to discover a food allergy. Guess I was too quick to celebrate not screwing up like I did with Lana.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You cough a little, still fighting the reaction. Riley snorts, arms crossed but a hint of a grin on her face.<</st>>
<<rl>>“You might be the unluckiest loser alive… or maybe you’re just not cut out for dating porn stars. But hey, if you hadn’t nearly choked to death, I was totally ready to let you rip my clothes off tonight. Too bad you ended up attached to an IV instead.”<</rl>>
<<st>>She winks, giving you a mock-pout.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Too bad we’ll have to postpone any ‘fun’ till another time.”<</rl>>
<<st>>You stare at her, refusing to let the moment die that easily.<</st>>
<<ch>>“You know, I’ve seen plenty of videos about a sick guy and his sexy nurse. Now’s the perfect time to make that real.”<</ch>>
<<st>>She bursts out laughing.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Oh my god, look at you—like some sad puppy that was promised a bone but ended up with deworming pills. Sorry, stud, that ship has sailed. Next time.”<</rl>>
<<st>>She gives you a playful wink.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Anyway, I gotta run. Can’t wait to tell Lana all about this.”<</rl>>
<<st>>She turns around and struts off, hips swaying.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Tell Lana? Oh fuck my life.”<</rl>>
<<button [[Leave|Lobby]]>><</button>><<set $already_date_riley=1>>
</span><<rl>>“Let’s have some fun, let’s go with dare.”<</rl>>
<<st>>Lana looks at you, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Got any ideas?”<</ln>>
<<st>>You pretend to think for a moment, then smirk.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Imitate what you sound like when you orgasm.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You grin slyly, challenging Riley.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Haha, that’s easy. Did you forget what I do for a living?”<</rl>>
<<ch>>“I haven’t forgotten even for a second.” (sly smile)<</ch>>
<<rl>>“Well, alright.”<</rl>>
<<st>>But as she starts to moan and look at you, it’s no longer funny.<</st>>
<div class="dice-main">
<h1 id="sum">Sum: 0</h1>
<div class="dice" id="dice">
<div class="die" id="die1">
<i class="fa-solid fa-dice-one" style="font-size: 3.5rem"></i>
<div class="die" id="die2">
<i class="fa-solid fa-dice-six" style="font-size: 3.5rem"></i>
<button class="btn" id="rollButton">Roll Dice</button>
<div id="message-dice"></div>
<div id="button-dice"></div>
function rollSingleDie() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
function rollDice() {
const die1 = document.getElementById("die1");
const die2 = document.getElementById("die2");
const disSum = document.getElementById("sum");
const message = document.getElementById("message-dice");
const button = document.getElementById("button-dice");
const result1 = rollSingleDie();
const result2 = rollSingleDie();
const sum = result1 + result2;
die1.innerHTML = result1;
die2.innerHTML = result2;
disSum.innerHTML = "Sum: " + sum;
if (sum >= 6) {
new Wikifier(document.getElementById("message-dice"), '<<ch>>“Is it me, or did it get hotter in here? That was awesome. I wish I was the one that made you moan like that!”<</ch>>\n<<rl>>“Okay, okay, hero, let’s see if luck is on your side.” They wink at you playfully. You: “I hope so. So, my turn?”<</rl>>\n<<button [[Me - Truth or Dare|MeTruthOrDare]]>><</button>>' );
} else {
new Wikifier(
'<<ch>>“Wow, you really sound like a slut, just like in the video. Any guy would get turned on by that! Did you train for this for a long time?”<</ch>>\n<<rl>>“Oh my god, you’re such an idiot. Stop with that crap, haha.”<</rl>>\n<<ln>>“Sometimes I look at you and I wish you’d just shut up.”<</ln>>\n<<ch>>“Haha, alright, alright, let’s change the topic. My turn?”<</ch>>\n<<button [[Me - Truth or Dare|MeTruthOrDare]]>><</button>>');
rollButton.style.display = "none";
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
// Используем addEventListener вместо onclick
document.querySelector("#rollButton").addEventListener("click", rollDice);
<</script>><</done>><span id='options1'>
<<link 'Truth'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ln>>“Alright, let’s see what you’re ready for. Truth or dare?”<</ln>>
<<st>>They exchange sly glances, a playful spark in their eyes.<</st>>
<<rl>>with a breathy whisper: “Who would be in your dream orgy?”<</rl>>
<<st>>You look at Riley, then at Lana, and already know what to answer.<</st>>
<<ch>>“I feel like everything I imagined in my dream orgy is already here—both of you, me, drinks, but you have just a bit more clothes on you than I dreamed.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>“Well, then we need to do something about that.”<</rl>>
<<st>>Riley smirks and starts unbuttoning her shirt, pulling it off effortlessly.<</st>>
<<st>>Damn, is this really happening? God, I'm already about to cum just thinking about it.<</st>>
<<st>>But you keep a confident face, realizing they've given you the green light. It's time to act.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Then let’s make it happen.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You reach out, pulling Lana close, and kiss her deeply. Riley moves in, her hands roaming over your chest as she joins the kiss.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.4/video/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<ch>>Man, I can’t believe I just hooked up with both of them!
Wonder what’s gonna happen next…<</ch>>
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Lana & Riley]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Dare'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ln>>“Alright, let’s see what you’re ready for. Truth or dare?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Lana smirks and leans closer.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Then kiss a part of our body you want to cum on, and then do it.”<</ln>>
<<st>>You look at them in disbelief at first, but then catch their intense gazes and realize they’re serious.<</st>>
<<st>>God bless the tequila that so liberates girls.<</st>>
<<ch>>“You don’t need to repeat it twice, beauties.”<</ch>>
<<st>>Without hesitation, you move towards them, pulling your shirt over your head and tossing it aside.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.4/video/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<ch>>Man, I can’t believe I just hooked up with both of them!
Wonder what’s gonna happen next…<</ch>>
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Lana & Riley]]>><</button>>
</span><<set $already_date_lana_riley=1>><<set $lana_riley_activator_one=1>><<addhours 1>><<st>>You’re sprawled on your couch in your apartment, and it hits you—it’s time to ask Rosie out on another date. You know, just to keep the momentum going. If you give her too much time to think, she might suddenly remember you’re not some perfect prince on a white horse, but just the guy who rents her the apartment. And that’s not exactly the vibe you’re going for. But here’s the problem: where do you take her? Dragging her straight to the ice rink, like she hinted at in that conversation with her friend, is way too obvious. She’s not stupid—she’ll figure out you were eavesdropping. And that’s not exactly the move of a smooth, romantic gentleman.<</st>>
<<st>>So, you need to start with something neutral, something that’ll make her think, “Oh, how sweet and romantic!”<</st>>
<<st>>The plan’s genius, no doubt, but the real question is: where do you take her? Rosie’s the definition of a “girly girl.” She probably loves all those cute, cozy spots where she can take a selfie with a cappuccino and post it on Instagram with some caption like, “Best day with the best person.” Ugh. But what can you do? For the sake of the mission, you’ll have to suck it up.<</st>>
<<st>>So, where do you take and what will she like best?<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Take her to the zoo'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You meet Rosie at the entrance to her apartment, and she’s already grinning, her eyes lighting up with curiosity.<</st>>
<<rs>>“So, where are we going?” she asks, tilting her head like she’s trying to read your mind.<</rs>>
<<ch>>“It’s a surprise,” you say, pulling out a blindfold. Her eyebrows shoot up, but she laughs and lets you tie it around her eyes. You lead her to the car, trying not to smirk too hard at how easy this is.<</ch>>
<<st>>When you finally pull up to the zoo, you guide her inside, keeping the blindfold on until you’re standing in front of the petting zoo. You place a raccoon in her hands—soft, fluffy, and surprisingly chill—before gently removing the blindfold.<</st>>
<<rs>>Her eyes widen, and she lets out this little gasp, like you just handed her a diamond. “Oh my God, how did you know I love animals?” she squeals, cradling the raccoon like it’s her firstborn.<</rs>>
<<ch>>How did I know? You roll your eyes internally but put on your best “I’m a thoughtful guy” smile.<</ch>>
<<rs>>“Well, you’re just such a kind person. I was sure you couldn’t not love animals.”<</rs>>
<<st>>She beams at you, and for a second, you almost feel like a decent human being. Almost.<</st>>
<<st>>But then it begins—your personal hell.<</st>>
<<st>>You wander through the zoo, and she’s in her element.<</st>>
<<rs>>She’s petting a baby goat, cooing, “Isn’t he just the cutest?” and you have to force a smile and nod like you’re not dying inside. <</rs>>
<<st>>You fake awe at the tiger cubs, pat some horses like you’re auditioning for a cowboy movie, and even manage to look mildly interested in the ostriches—though, honestly, who even invented those creepy dinosaurs?<</st>>
<<st>>The peak of your suffering comes when she stops in front of the camels, staring at them like they’re the eighth wonder of the world.<</st>>
<<rs>>“They’re so resilient,” she says, her voice all dreamy. “I really admire that about them.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>What the hell? You blink, trying to process what just came out of her mouth.<</ch>>
<<ch>>Before you can stop yourself, the words slip out: “If we were in Egypt or something, I’d trade, like, 20 camels for you. Easy.”<</ch>>
<<st>>She freezes, staring at you like you just sprouted a second head. Then, to your relief, she bursts out laughing. Phew, dodged that one. But you make a mental note to think before you speak next time.
Trying to smooth things over, you grab a carrot and start feeding one of the camels.<</st>>
<<ch>>“See? I’m good with animals too,” you say, just as the camel decides to spit right in your face.<</ch>>
<<st>>Rosie gasps, but then she starts laughing so hard she’s practically doubled over.<</st>>
<<st>>You wipe the slobber off your face, and despite yourself, you start laughing too.<</st>>
<<st>>You head back to her place, and she even lets you use her shower to clean off the camel spit. As you step out, towel around your waist, she’s sitting on the couch, flipping through channels. <</st>>
<<rs>>“Want to watch something on Animal Planet?” she asks, grinning.<</rs>>
<<ch>>Oh God, kill me now. But you nod, sitting down next to her.<</ch>>
<<st>>The show starts, and you’re half-paying attention, half-wondering how you ended up here. But then she leans into you, her head resting on your shoulder, and you realize—this might actually be working.<</st>>
<<st>>You turn your head slightly, and she looks up at you, her eyes soft and a little teasing. Without thinking, you lean in and kiss her.<</st>>
<<st>>She pulls back, smiling, and you can’t help but smirk.<</st>>
<<ch>>“What?” you say, pretending to be casual. “I figured I’d earned it after the camel incident.”<</ch>>
<<st>>She laughs, shoving you playfully, and you settle back into the couch, her hand still in yours.<</st>>
<<st>>Okay, maybe the zoo wasn’t that bad. After all, it got you one step closer to your goal.<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Rosie]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Take her to the Ice Cream Cafe'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You meet Rosie at the entrance to her apartment, and she’s already grinning, her eyes lighting up with curiosity. “So, where are we going?” she asks, tilting her head like she’s trying to read your mind.<</st>>
<<ch>>“It’s a surprise,” you say, pulling out a blindfold. Her eyebrows shoot up, but she laughs and lets you tie it around her eyes. You lead her to the car, trying not to smirk too hard at how easy this is.<</ch>>
<<st>>When you pull up to the ice cream café, you guide her inside, careful not to let her bump into anything. You sit her down at a table, and the server brings over two massive sundaes—your idea of a grand romantic gesture. You place a spoon in her hand and gently guide it to the ice cream.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Okay, try this,” you say, grinning like an idiot.<</ch>>
<<st>>She takes a bite, and at first, her face lights up. But then, slowly, her smile fades. She pulls off the blindfold herself, staring at the mountain of ice cream in front of her, then at the one in your hands.<</st>>
<<rs>>“You… got me ice cream?” she asks, her voice flat.<</rs>>
<<ch>>“Yeah,” you say, confused. “What’s wrong? You don’t like it?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She doesn’t answer. Instead, her face turns bright red, and she stands up abruptly. “I… I need to go home,” she stammers, grabbing her bag and practically sprinting out of the café.<</rs>>
<<ch>>You sit there, stunned, holding your spoon mid-air. What the hell just happened? You paid for the sundaes (what a waste) and head home, your brain spinning.<</ch>>
<<st>>As soon as you get back, you flip on the camera feed, desperate to figure out what went wrong.<</st>>
<<st>>And there she is—Rosie, pacing her apartment, looking like she’s about to cry. She’s on the phone with her friend, and you turn up the volume to hear what’s going on.<</st>>
<<rs>>“He took me to an ice cream café!” she wails. “Like, a whole surprise ice cream date! And I didn’t want to ruin it, so I just… ate it!”<</rs>>
<<st>>Her friend’s voice crackles through the speaker. “Oh no. Rosie, you’re lactose intolerant!”<</st>>
<<rs>>“I KNOW!” Rosie shouts, clutching her stomach. “And now I’m paying for it. I’ve been running to the bathroom every three minutes. This is a nightmare!”<</rs>>
<<st>>You wince, watching through the camera as she bolts to the bathroom again. The sound of her stomach growling like a pissed-off bear echoes through the speakers. Oh. Oh no.<</st>>
<<st>>Her friend is practically wheezing with laughter. “Well, at least he tried, right? It’s kind of sweet.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Sweet?!” Rosie yells from the bathroom. “I’m literally dying here! How is this sweet?! I didn’t tell him about the lactose thing, so it’s not his fault. I just… I had to run before I shit myself in front of him. Can you imagine?!”<</rs>>
<<st>>Her friend snorts. “Yeah, that would’ve been a disaster.”<</st>>
<<st>>You lean back in your chair, trying not to laugh but failing miserably. The whole thing is gross, sure, but also hilarious. You’re practically crying from how hard you’re laughing.<</st>>
<<ch>>The next day you decide to text her: Hey, sorry about yesterday. No idea what went wrong, but I want to make it up to you. No surprises this time, promise! How about the zoo? Heard they just got some baby raccoons, and you can even hold them.<</ch>>
<<rs>>A few minutes later, she replies: Yeah, I’d love that. And sorry for running off like that yesterday… I, uh, remembered I left the iron on at home.<</rs>>
<<st>>You smirk. Sure, Rosie. The iron. Totally believable. But hey, at least she’s giving you another shot.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Take her to the zoo">><<st>>You meet Rosie at the entrance to her apartment, and she’s already grinning, her eyes lighting up with curiosity.<</st>>
<<rs>>“Let’s go?” she asks.<</rs>>
<<ch>>“Yep, can’t wait to see you smile!” you give her your cheesiest smile.<</ch>>
<<st>>When you finally pull up to the zoo, you guide her inside, walking directly to the petting zoo. You place a raccoon in her hands—soft, fluffy, and surprisingly chill.<</st>>
<<st>>Her eyes widen, and she lets out this little gasp, like you just handed her a diamond.<</st>>
<<rs>>“Oh my God, it’s sooooo cute!!! How did you know I love racoons?” she squeals, cradling the raccoon like it’s her firstborn.<</rs>>
<<ch>>How did I know? You roll your eyes internally but put on your best “I’m a thoughtful guy” smile.<</ch>>
<<rs>>“Well, you’re just such a kind person. I was sure you couldn’t not love animals.”<</rs>>
<<st>>She beams at you, and for a second, you almost feel like a decent human being. Almost.<</st>>
<<st>>But then it begins—your personal hell.<</st>>
<<st>>You wander through the zoo, and she’s in her element.<</st>>
<<rs>>She’s petting a baby goat, cooing, “Isn’t he just the cutest?” and you have to force a smile and nod like you’re not dying inside. <</rs>>
<<st>>You fake awe at the tiger cubs, pat some horses like you’re auditioning for a cowboy movie, and even manage to look mildly interested in the ostriches—though, honestly, who even invented those creepy dinosaurs?<</st>>
<<st>>The peak of your suffering comes when she stops in front of the camels, staring at them like they’re the eighth wonder of the world.<</st>>
<<rs>>“They’re so resilient,” she says, her voice all dreamy. “I really admire that about them.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>What the hell? You blink, trying to process what just came out of her mouth.<</ch>>
<<ch>>Before you can stop yourself, the words slip out: “If we were in Egypt or something, I’d trade, like, 20 camels for you. Easy.”<</ch>>
<<st>>She freezes, staring at you like you just sprouted a second head. Then, to your relief, she bursts out laughing. Phew, dodged that one. But you make a mental note to think before you speak next time.
Trying to smooth things over, you grab a carrot and start feeding one of the camels.<</st>>
<<ch>>“See? I’m good with animals too,” you say, just as the camel decides to spit right in your face.<</ch>>
<<st>>Rosie gasps, but then she starts laughing so hard she’s practically doubled over.<</st>>
<<st>>You wipe the slobber off your face, and despite yourself, you start laughing too.<</st>>
<<st>>You head back to her place, and she even lets you use her shower to clean off the camel spit. As you step out, towel around your waist, she’s sitting on the couch, flipping through channels. <</st>>
<<rs>>“Want to watch something on Animal Planet?” she asks, grinning.<</rs>>
<<ch>>Oh God, kill me now. But you nod, sitting down next to her.<</ch>>
<<st>>The show starts, and you’re half-paying attention, half-wondering how you ended up here. But then she leans into you, her head resting on your shoulder, and you realize—this might actually be working.<</st>>
<<st>>You turn your head slightly, and she looks up at you, her eyes soft and a little teasing. Without thinking, you lean in and kiss her.<</st>>
<<st>>She pulls back, smiling, and you can’t help but smirk.<</st>>
<<ch>>“What?” you say, pretending to be casual. “I figured I’d earned it after the camel incident.”<</ch>>
<<st>>She laughs, shoving you playfully, and you settle back into the couch, her hand still in yours.<</st>>
<<st>>Okay, maybe the zoo wasn’t that bad. After all, it got you one step closer to your goal.<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Interaction: Rosie]]>><</button>>
</span><<set $quests.quest_zoo_with_rosie=true>><<addhours 1>><<if $whoinroom=="Rbed">><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Camera_flat_1]]>><</button>></div>
<<if $is_flat_closed==true>><<ch>>There’s nothing left to see here—it’s all ashes. Time to go to the insurance office.<</ch>><<else>><<if $flat1_settings.avatar==$rs.img>><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$rs.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$rs.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $rs_event_activator.event1==true and $rs_event_activator.event2==false>>
<<ch>>"Wait a second… no fucking way." Your eyes widen as you realize what’s happening.<</ch>>
<<st>>Her breathing picks up, her lips part, and then, clear as day, she whispers something. You crank up the volume, barely catching it.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Did she just say my name?"<</ch>>
<<ch>>You sit back, grinning. "Alright, Rosie. Guess I’m living rent-free in your head now."<</ch>><<set $rs_event_activator.event2=true>>
<<elseif $rs_event_activator.event2==true and $rs_event_activator.event3==false>>
<<st>>You flip on the camera, hoping for something good, and jackpot—Rosie’s sprawled on the couch, phone in hand, chatting with her friend on speaker.<</st>>
<<rs>>“…yeah, I went on a date with $ch.nom,” she says casually, like it’s no big deal.<</rs>>
<<ch>>Your ears perk up. "Well, this just got interesting."<</ch>>
<<rf>>Her friend practically screeches. “Wait, what? You went out with that guy? How was it? Are you seeing him again, or did you scare him off with your whole '13 dates before anything fun' deal?”<</rf>>
<<rs>>Rosie laughs. “He definitely looked freaked out, but I think he’ll call. Guys like him love a challenge—they just don’t know it yet.”<</rs>>
<<rf>>Her friend snorts. “He doesn’t know you’re crazy about ice, does he? Like, if he surprises you with that, it’s over for him. You’ll be planning your wedding by date three.”<</rf>>
<<rs>>Rosie laughs. “Yeah, that would definitely speed things up— like, that would definitely shave a good five dates off the countdown. But he’s not gonna figure that out.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You lean forward, confused as hell. Ice? Like… hockey? Melting glaciers? Cocktails? What the fuck does she mean by ‘ice’?<</ch>>
<<ch>>And then it clicks. "Wait… ice skating? That’s gotta be it. Bingo, motherfucker. All I need is a rink and some skates, and I’ve got this in the bag."<</ch>>
<<ch>>The plan’s already forming in your head as you turn off the feed. "Rosie, you’re going to love this next date. But I guess I’ll love it more."<</ch>><<set $rs_event_activator.event3=true>>
<<if $stealed_money_rs == true>>
<<set $stealed_money_rs=false>>
<<if $stealIndex_rs < 5>>
<<set $stealIndex_rs to $stealIndex_rs + 1>>
<<switch $stealIndex_rs>>
<<case 1>><<rs>>Whoa, I thought I’d saved up more. Guess I need to keep a closer eye on my spending.<</rs>>
<<case 2>><<rs>>Huh, I could’ve sworn I had more cash here. Maybe I’ve been spending more than I realized.<</rs>>
<<case 3>><<rs>>Hmm, wasn’t there an extra 100 bucks here? That’s weird…<</rs>>
<<case 4>><<rs>>I don’t remember spending this much. Why the hell am I short? Did someone take it?<</rs>>
<<case 5>><<rs>>What the fuck? Why is my money vanishing in this damn apartment?<</rs>><<set $rs.rel-=5>><<flash "Relation -5">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<if $events_action_counter <= 10>>
<<if $rs.lust < 50>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 8)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Boooooring<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Ugh, so dull.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>This is putting me to sleep.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>I can’t believe how painfully dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>Is it possible to die from boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>I’d rather watch paint dry.<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>Please, something interesting happen already.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>I’m seriously debating if watching tumbleweeds would be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<if $rs.rel>50>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 8)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Oh yeah, now we’re talking!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Hell yes, now that’s cool!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going in my collection.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now this is worth my time!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<st>>You tune into the camera, and there she is—Rosie, jerking off, again?<</st>>
<<rs>>Her head tilts back, and you hear it— “…$ch.nom…”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You freeze, then grin. “Oh, hell yeah, Rosie. Looks like I’ve got a VIP suite in that head of yours.”<</ch>>
<<else>><<ch>>This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<case 7>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<rs>>You check the camera, not really expecting anything new. And there she is—Rosie, and you already know what she’s doing. Just a couple minutes, and your name slips out. “…$ch.nom…” <</rs>>
<<ch>>You shake your head with a smirk. “Yeah, yeah, Rosie, I get it. You’re obsessed. Not that I blame you—but damn, a guy could use a little variety now and then.”<</ch>>
<<else>><<ch>>Oh yeah, now we’re talking!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<case 8>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=20 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24)>><<st>>You check the camera late at night, figuring Rosie’s probably asleep. Instead, that girl is masturbating. Well, you’re kind of getting used to it<</st>>
<<rs>>“…$ch.nom…” Your name. Again.<</rs>>
<<ch>>You smirk, leaning back in your chair. "Alright, Rosie, this is hot as hell, but seriously? How many nights are we gonna play this game? Just spread those legs for me already and let me do it right."<</ch>><<else>><<ch>>Now this is worth my time!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<else>><<ch>>Now this is worth my time!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 7)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<rs>>Huh, alright then.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rs>>Interesting choice, I suppose.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<rs>>Well, I guess that explains a lot.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rs>>Oh, okay. That’s… normal?<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<rs>>Alright, moving on then.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<ch>>Tries to sleep but ends up tossing and turning because she suddenly recalls some random detail—like the kitchen light still being on.<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>Lies in bed scrolling through memes and funny videos, laughing until she realizes it’s way past her bedtime.<</ch>>
<<set $events_action_counter=0>>
<<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >>
<<if $showEvent > 70 and $rs_show.event6==false>> <!-- Показываем событие разово, если >70 -->
<<if $rs_show.event6==false>><<set $rs_show.event6=true>><<st>>Rosie is lying on her bed, eating chips, and venting to about her job to someone.<</st>>
<<rs>>“I’m so done with work. Like, why do I even go there? To make someone else rich while I slowly die inside?”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Mood. But, you know, bills.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Ugh, don’t remind me. I just want to win the lottery, quit, and live on a beach somewhere. No emails, no meetings, no Karen from accounting.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Karen from accounting is the reason I believe in karma.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Same. If I ever quit, I’m sending her a glitter bomb. Like, Thanks for the trauma. Enjoy the mess.”<</rs>>
<</if>><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<if $rs.lust < 50>>
<<set $random to random(1, 5)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>> <<st>>Alright, let’s see what Rosie’s up to, you think, pulling up the camera feed.<</st>>
<<st>>The screen flickers to life, but the apartment is completely empty—no Rosie, no action, just empty rooms.<</st>>
<<ch>>Seriously? Why the hell am I watching this? Where’s Rosie wandering off to? This is a total snooze fest, you grumble to yourself, leaning back with a sigh, frustrated by the lack of anything interesting.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and see Rosie tidying up around the house. Normally, this would be boring as hell, but she’s in these skimpy little shorts, and every time she bends over, you get a perfect view.<</st>>
<<ch>>Damn, that’s one fine ass, you say to yourself, completely hooked. Could watch her do this all day.
<<case 3>><<ch>>Picks up a book, reads one or two pages, and then dumps it on the nightstand to gather dust for months.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>Scribbles out an elaborate to-do list for the year, only to cross it out with a “just survive” note.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>Grumbles about tomorrow’s responsibilities, silently cursing the alarm clock that never seems to get the hint.<</ch>>
<<set $random to random(1, 1)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, seeing Rosie lying in bed. At first glance, nothing exciting seems to be happening, and you’re about to switch to another view.<</st>>
<<st>>But just as you’re about to click away, you notice something—she’s flushed, her cheeks a bit red, and she pulls her armout of her panties. Then, she reaches over to her nightstand, pulling out a dildo that catches your full attention.<</st>>
<<ch>>Whoa, didn’t see that coming, you think, eyes widening. Damn, she’s full of surprises! And that thing’s not small, either.<</ch>>
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><</if>>
<<else>><<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><<addhours 1>><<if $whoinroom=="Rtoi">><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Camera_flat_1]]>><</button>></div>
<<if $is_flat_closed==true>><<ch>>There’s nothing left to see here—it’s all ashes. Time to go to the insurance office.<</ch>><<else>><<if $flat1_settings.avatar==$rs.img>><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$rs.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$rs.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $rs_event_activator.event1==true and $rs_event_activator.event2==false>>
<<ch>>"Wait a second… no fucking way." Your eyes widen as you realize what’s happening.<</ch>>
<<st>>Her breathing picks up, her lips part, and then, clear as day, she whispers something. You crank up the volume, barely catching it.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Did she just say my name?"<</ch>>
<<ch>>You sit back, grinning. "Alright, Rosie. Guess I’m living rent-free in your head now."<</ch>><<set $rs_event_activator.event2=true>>
<<elseif $rs_event_activator.event2==true and $rs_event_activator.event3==false>>
<<st>>You flip on the camera, hoping for something good, and jackpot—Rosie’s sprawled on the couch, phone in hand, chatting with her friend on speaker.<</st>>
<<rs>>“…yeah, I went on a date with $ch.nom,” she says casually, like it’s no big deal.<</rs>>
<<ch>>Your ears perk up. "Well, this just got interesting."<</ch>>
<<rf>>Her friend practically screeches. “Wait, what? You went out with that guy? How was it? Are you seeing him again, or did you scare him off with your whole '13 dates before anything fun' deal?”<</rf>>
<<rs>>Rosie laughs. “He definitely looked freaked out, but I think he’ll call. Guys like him love a challenge—they just don’t know it yet.”<</rs>>
<<rf>>Her friend snorts. “He doesn’t know you’re crazy about ice, does he? Like, if he surprises you with that, it’s over for him. You’ll be planning your wedding by date three.”<</rf>>
<<rs>>Rosie laughs. “Yeah, that would definitely speed things up— like, that would definitely shave a good five dates off the countdown. But he’s not gonna figure that out.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You lean forward, confused as hell. Ice? Like… hockey? Melting glaciers? Cocktails? What the fuck does she mean by ‘ice’?<</ch>>
<<ch>>And then it clicks. "Wait… ice skating? That’s gotta be it. Bingo, motherfucker. All I need is a rink and some skates, and I’ve got this in the bag."<</ch>>
<<ch>>The plan’s already forming in your head as you turn off the feed. "Rosie, you’re going to love this next date. But I guess I’ll love it more."<</ch>><<set $rs_event_activator.event3=true>>
<<if $stealed_money_rs == true>>
<<set $stealed_money_rs=false>>
<<if $stealIndex_rs < 5>>
<<set $stealIndex_rs to $stealIndex_rs + 1>>
<<switch $stealIndex_rs>>
<<case 1>><<rs>>Whoa, I thought I’d saved up more. Guess I need to keep a closer eye on my spending.<</rs>>
<<case 2>><<rs>>Huh, I could’ve sworn I had more cash here. Maybe I’ve been spending more than I realized.<</rs>>
<<case 3>><<rs>>Hmm, wasn’t there an extra 100 bucks here? That’s weird…<</rs>>
<<case 4>><<rs>>I don’t remember spending this much. Why the hell am I short? Did someone take it?<</rs>>
<<case 5>><<rs>>What the fuck? Why is my money vanishing in this damn apartment?<</rs>><<set $rs.rel-=5>><<flash "Relation -5">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<if $events_action_counter <= 10>>
<<if $rs.lust < 50>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 8)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Boooooring<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Ugh, so dull.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>This is putting me to sleep.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>I can’t believe how painfully dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>Is it possible to die from boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>I’d rather watch paint dry.<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>Please, something interesting happen already.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>I’m seriously debating if watching tumbleweeds would be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<if $rs.rel>50>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 8)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Oh yeah, now we’re talking!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Hell yes, now that’s cool!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going in my collection.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now this is worth my time!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<st>>You tune into the camera, and there she is—Rosie, jerking off, again?<</st>>
<<rs>>Her head tilts back, and you hear it— “…$ch.nom…”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You freeze, then grin. “Oh, hell yeah, Rosie. Looks like I’ve got a VIP suite in that head of yours.”<</ch>>
<<else>>This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<case 7>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<rs>>You check the camera, not really expecting anything new. And there she is—Rosie, and you already know what she’s doing. Just a couple minutes, and your name slips out. “…$ch.nom…” <</rs>>
<<ch>>You shake your head with a smirk. “Yeah, yeah, Rosie, I get it. You’re obsessed. Not that I blame you—but damn, a guy could use a little variety now and then.”<</ch>>
<<else>>Oh yeah, now we’re talking!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<case 8>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<st>>You check the camera late at night, figuring Rosie’s probably asleep. Instead, that girl is masturbating. Well, you’re kind of getting used to it<</st>>
<<rs>>“…$ch.nom…” Your name. Again.<</rs>>
<<ch>>You smirk, leaning back in your chair. "Alright, Rosie, this is hot as hell, but seriously? How many nights are we gonna play this game? Just spread those legs for me already and let me do it right."<</ch>>
<<else>>Now this is worth my time!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<rs>>Huh, alright then.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rs>>Interesting choice, I suppose.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<rs>>Well, I guess that explains a lot.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rs>>Oh, okay. That’s… normal?<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<rs>>Alright, moving on then.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<ch>>Spends an absurd amount of time doing makeup—even though she knows she’ll just wash it off later.<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>Reads the ingredients on her shampoo bottle as if deciphering a secret code, shaking her head at the “chemical attack.”<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>Ends up shedding a dramatic tear in the shower because, well, it’s one of those evenings.<</ch>>
<<set $events_action_counter=0>>
<<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >>
<<if $showEvent > 70 and $rs_show.event3==false>> <!-- Показываем событие разово, если >70 -->
<<if $rs_show.event3==false>><<set $rs_show.event3=true>><<rs>>You check the camera and see Rosie in the bathroom, frustrated as the water in the sink isn’t draining properly. She sighs, rubbing her forehead. “This sink is clogging up again. It’s so gross.”<</rs>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Call a Plumber'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You grab your phone and knock on her door. “Hey, Rosie, just wanted to check if everything’s okay with the apartment.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She opens the door, looking a bit tired. “Yeah, mostly... except the bathroom sink is clogged again.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod, pulling out your phone. “That sounds annoying. I’ll call a plumber for you and get it sorted. Don’t worry, I’ll cover the cost.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie’s eyes widen. “Really? You’d do that?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You smile. “Of course. It’s part of keeping the place in good shape. I’ll get someone here today.”<</ch>><<set $rs.rel+=5>><<set $ch.money-=200>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets+=200>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money -200">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>A clogged sink? Not a huge emergency. You turn off the camera feed and decide to let Rosie handle it herself. She can call a plumber if she really needs to, but for now, you stay out of it.<</st>>
<</if>><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<if $rs.lust < 50>>
<<set $random to random(1, 3)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Rosie in the shower, water running down her bare skin.<</st>>
<<ch>>Well, finally something worth watching, you think, a smirk creeping onto your face. Damn, she’s smoking hot. Could watch this all day.<</ch>>
<<st>>Your mind wanders for a second, imagining yourself in that shower with her. Hell, it’d be even better if I was in there with her, you chuckle to yourself, unable to tear your eyes away from the screen.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Enjoys a long, hot shower while belting out off-key tunes, convinced she’s the star of her own concert.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Tries out a new face mask that leaves her with a streaky green look, and laughs at her reflection.<</ch>>
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Rosie in the shower. You’re already thrilled to catch her in such a private moment, your eyes glued to the screen as she soaps up, the water running down her body.<</st>>
<<st>>But then things take an even more interesting turn.<</st>>
<<st>>She slowly lets her hands slide down her body, disappearing between her legs. Your pulse quickens as you watch her start to touch herself.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Rosie is staring at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, talking to her friend on the phone.<</st>>
<<rs>>“I swear, I found a gray hair yesterday. A gray hair. I’m too young for this!”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Maybe it was just, like, a shiny blonde one?”<</st>>
<<rs>>“No, it was gray. I pulled it out and burned it. But now I’m paranoid. What if I wake up tomorrow and I’m 80?”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Relax, you’re not even 30 yet.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Yeah, but time moves so fast. One day you’re 25, and the next, you’re Googling ‘best anti-aging creams’ at 2 AM.”<</rs>>
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><</if>>
<<else>><<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><<addhours 1>><<if $whoinroom=="Rkit">><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Camera_flat_1]]>><</button>></div>
<<if $is_flat_closed==true>><<ch>>There’s nothing left to see here—it’s all ashes. Time to go to the insurance office.<</ch>><<else>><<if $flat1_settings.avatar==$rs.img>><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$rs.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$rs.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $rs_event_activator.event1==true and $rs_event_activator.event2==false>>
<<ch>>"Wait a second… no fucking way." Your eyes widen as you realize what’s happening.<</ch>>
<<st>>Her breathing picks up, her lips part, and then, clear as day, she whispers something. You crank up the volume, barely catching it.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Did she just say my name?"<</ch>>
<<ch>>You sit back, grinning. "Alright, Rosie. Guess I’m living rent-free in your head now."<</ch>><<set $rs_event_activator.event2=true>>
<<elseif $rs_event_activator.event2==true and $rs_event_activator.event3==false>>
<<st>>You flip on the camera, hoping for something good, and jackpot—Rosie’s sprawled on the couch, phone in hand, chatting with her friend on speaker.<</st>>
<<rs>>“…yeah, I went on a date with $ch.nom,” she says casually, like it’s no big deal.<</rs>>
<<ch>>Your ears perk up. "Well, this just got interesting."<</ch>>
<<rf>>Her friend practically screeches. “Wait, what? You went out with that guy? How was it? Are you seeing him again, or did you scare him off with your whole '13 dates before anything fun' deal?”<</rf>>
<<rs>>Rosie laughs. “He definitely looked freaked out, but I think he’ll call. Guys like him love a challenge—they just don’t know it yet.”<</rs>>
<<rf>>Her friend snorts. “He doesn’t know you’re crazy about ice, does he? Like, if he surprises you with that, it’s over for him. You’ll be planning your wedding by date three.”<</rf>>
<<rs>>Rosie laughs. “Yeah, that would definitely speed things up— like, that would definitely shave a good five dates off the countdown. But he’s not gonna figure that out.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You lean forward, confused as hell. Ice? Like… hockey? Melting glaciers? Cocktails? What the fuck does she mean by ‘ice’?<</ch>>
<<ch>>And then it clicks. "Wait… ice skating? That’s gotta be it. Bingo, motherfucker. All I need is a rink and some skates, and I’ve got this in the bag."<</ch>>
<<ch>>The plan’s already forming in your head as you turn off the feed. "Rosie, you’re going to love this next date. But I guess I’ll love it more."<</ch>><<set $rs_event_activator.event3=true>>
<<if $stealed_money_rs == true>>
<<set $stealed_money_rs=false>>
<<if $stealIndex_rs < 5>>
<<set $stealIndex_rs to $stealIndex_rs + 1>>
<<switch $stealIndex_rs>>
<<case 1>><<rs>>Whoa, I thought I’d saved up more. Guess I need to keep a closer eye on my spending.<</rs>>
<<case 2>><<rs>>Huh, I could’ve sworn I had more cash here. Maybe I’ve been spending more than I realized.<</rs>>
<<case 3>><<rs>>Hmm, wasn’t there an extra 100 bucks here? That’s weird…<</rs>>
<<case 4>><<rs>>I don’t remember spending this much. Why the hell am I short? Did someone take it?<</rs>>
<<case 5>><<rs>>What the fuck? Why is my money vanishing in this damn apartment?<</rs>><<set $rs.rel-=5>><<flash "Relation -5">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<if $events_action_counter <= 10>>
<<if $rs.lust < 50>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 8)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Boooooring<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Ugh, so dull.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>This is putting me to sleep.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>I can’t believe how painfully dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>Is it possible to die from boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>I’d rather watch paint dry.<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>Please, something interesting happen already.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>I’m seriously debating if watching tumbleweeds would be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<if $rs.rel>50>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 8)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Oh yeah, now we’re talking!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Hell yes, now that’s cool!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going in my collection.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now this is worth my time!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<st>>You tune into the camera, and there she is—Rosie, jerking off, again?<</st>>
<<rs>>Her head tilts back, and you hear it— “…$ch.nom…”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You freeze, then grin. “Oh, hell yeah, Rosie. Looks like I’ve got a VIP suite in that head of yours.”<</ch>>
<<else>>This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<case 7>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<rs>>You check the camera, not really expecting anything new. And there she is—Rosie, and you already know what she’s doing. Just a couple minutes, and your name slips out. “…$ch.nom…” <</rs>>
<<ch>>You shake your head with a smirk. “Yeah, yeah, Rosie, I get it. You’re obsessed. Not that I blame you—but damn, a guy could use a little variety now and then.”<</ch>>
<<else>>Oh yeah, now we’re talking!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<case 8>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<st>>You check the camera late at night, figuring Rosie’s probably asleep. Instead, that girl is masturbating. Well, you’re kind of getting used to it<</st>>
<<rs>>“…$ch.nom…” Your name. Again.<</rs>>
<<ch>>You smirk, leaning back in your chair. "Alright, Rosie, this is hot as hell, but seriously? How many nights are we gonna play this game? Just spread those legs for me already and let me do it right."<</ch>>
<<else>>Now this is worth my time!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<rs>>Huh, alright then.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rs>>Interesting choice, I suppose.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<rs>>Well, I guess that explains a lot.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rs>>Oh, okay. That’s… normal?<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<rs>>Alright, moving on then.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<ch>>Attempts to cook dinner, usually ending up with burnt toast or scrambled eggs that stick to the pan.<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>Finds herself standing by the fridge at 2 a.m., snatching a piece of cheese straight from the package because why not?<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>Does “yoga” by lying on her mat while endlessly scrolling through TikTok, thinking, “Well, this is almost like yoga, right?”<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Binge-watches Netflix in a ridiculous starfish position on the couch, even though the show isn’t really her thing.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>>Hops on a video call with friends to trade snarky comments and laugh at the day’s absurdities.<</ch>>
<<set $events_action_counter=0>>
<<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >>
<<if $showEvent > 70 and $rs_show.event1==false or $rs_show.event2==false or $rs_show.event4==false or $rs_show.event5==false>> <!-- Показываем событие разово, если >70 -->
<<if $rs_show.event1==false>><<set $rs_show.event1=true>><<rs>>You check the camera and see Rosie standing in front of her microwave, pressing buttons with frustration. “Why won’t this stupid thing heat anything up? It’s like it’s given up on life,” she mutters, shaking her head.<</rs>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Fix the Microwave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You decide to step in and grab your phone, knocking on her door. “Hey, just wanted to check if you got your delivery package. I saw it by the door.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie opens the door with a tired smile. “Oh, thanks, I didn’t even see it.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>As you chat, you glance at her microwave and see her fiddling with it. “Microwave not working? Want me to take a look?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie sighs. “Yeah, it just stopped heating.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You pull out a screwdriver. “I can open it up and check real quick.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>After a few minutes, you manage to fix the wiring, and Rosie smiles as she tests it. “You actually fixed it! I was about to give up. Thanks a lot!”<</rs>><<set $rs.rel+=5>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>> <<st>>A broken microwave? She can figure that out or buy a new one. You turn off the feed and let her deal with it. Not really worth getting involved.<</st>><<set $rs.rel-=10>><<flash "Relation -10">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<elseif $rs_show.event2==false>><<set $rs_show.event2=true>><<rs>>You check the camera and you watch Rosie as she struggles with the blinds in her living room. She pulls the cord, but they won’t go up or down. “Why do these things always get stuck when I’m in a rush?” she mumbles, visibly annoyed.<</rs>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Fix the Blinds'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You grab a small tool kit and knock on her door. “Hey, I found a letter in my box that’s actually for you. Thought I’d drop it off.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie smiles and takes the letter. “Oh, thanks! I was wondering where that went.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>As you hand it over, you notice her battling with the blinds. “Those blinds giving you trouble?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, they’re stuck again.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You step closer. “Mind if I take a look? I’ve got some tools with me.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>A few minutes later, you fix the mechanism, and Rosie pulls the blinds up and down easily. “Wow, that was fast. Thanks for saving me from that hassle!”<</rs>><<set $rs.rel+=5>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Ignore the problem'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>> <<st>>Stuck blinds? She’ll manage. You turn off the camera feed, deciding to let her deal with it. Not really a big deal in the grand scheme of things.<</st>>
<<elseif $rs_show.event4==false>><<set $rs_show.event4=true>><<st>>You see Rosie in the living room. Your eyes narrow as you notice her carefully stashing something behind a cushion. Zooming in, you realize it’s a small bag of drugs.<</st>>
<<ch>>Well, well, look at that, you think, intrigued. Didn’t take Rosie for the type to hide her drugs. This just got a lot more interesting<</ch>>
<<st>>Guess I gotta go check the apartment.<</st>><<set $need_check_room_1=true>>
<<elseif $rs_show.event5==false>><<set $rs_show.event5=true>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately your eyes widen in shock when you notice a thin trail of smoke creeping along the ceiling of Rosie’s apartment. Squinting closer, you spot a small flicker of flame dancing on the kitchen countertop, dangerously close to catching onto the curtains.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Oh shit, is that a fire starting?”<</ch>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Check the Apartment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You rush into Rosie’s apartment, spotting the source immediately—a kettle left on the stove, flames starting to lick at the nearby wall. You grab the fire extinguisher from under the sink and quickly douse the fire before it has a chance to spread.<</st>>
<<st>>The room fills with a cloud of white dust, but the fire’s out, and the damage is minimal. You shake your head, annoyed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Damn it, Rosie, you brainless idiot,” you think, wiping the sweat from your brow.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Lucky I caught this shit in time, or it could’ve been a hell of a lot worse. She’s definitely coughing up for the repairs.”<</ch>>
<<st>>After putting out the fire, you stick around, stewing in your anger as you wait for Rosie to return. When she finally walks in, you don’t waste any time, your frustration boiling over.<</st>>
<<ch>>“What the hell, Rosie? You left the damn stove on and nearly burned the place down!” you snap, barely holding back a shout. “Were you trying to torch the whole apartment or what? Good thing I showed up when I did.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie’s face drains of color as she stumbles over her words, trying to come up with an excuse. But then, something shifts. Her eyes narrow, and she fixes you with a sharp, suspicious glare. “Wait a minute… how did you even know there was a fire?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You don’t miss a beat. “Look up, genius. There’s a smoke detector right over the kitchen,” you say, pointing to the ceiling. “It went off, and I came running.”<</ch>>
<<st>>She blinks, her suspicion wavering, then finally nods, realizing she’s in the wrong.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Anyway,” you continue, your tone firm, “you’re covering the cost of fixing the kitchen. The damage might be minimal, but you’re damn well paying for it.”<</ch>>
<<link 'Ignore It'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Suddenly, your phone buzzes incessantly with notifications. As you check the messages, dread fills your stomach—Rosie’s apartment caught fire, and the damage is extensive. Emergency services had to be called, and now the entire floor is dealing with smoke and water damage.<</st>>
<<st>>You rush back to the building, your heart sinking as you approach Rosie’s apartment. The place is a charred wreck, with smoke still lingering in the air. At the entrance, you see Rosie, tears streaming down her face as she sobs uncontrollably.<</st>>
<<st>>Fuck, you think, as the reality of the situation hits you. The apartment is ruined, and you’re on the hook for a massive repair bill. This is going to cost a fortune to fix.<</st>>
<<ch>>''Oh, I'm so fucked…''<</ch>>
<<if $insurance_bought.fires==true>><<ch>>Who the hell said apartments never catch fire? For once, I’m glad I didn’t cheap out and actually forked over the cash for insurance.<</ch>><</if>><<set $insurance.event_rs_fire=1>><<set $insurance_needed=true>><<set $is_flat_closed=true>>
</span><</if>><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<if $rs.lust < 50>>
<<set $random to random(1, 9)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and spot Rosie in the kitchen, methodically chopping vegetables and cooking like she’s in some wholesome TV commercial.<</st>>
<<ch>>God, how boring can you get? you think, shaking your head. I need to figure out how to turn up her lust level. Next time, she better be cooking naked.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and see Rosie tidying up around the house. Normally, this would be boring as hell, but she’s in these skimpy little shorts, and every time she bends over, you get a perfect view.<</st>>
<<ch>>Damn, that’s one fine ass, you say to yourself, completely hooked. Could watch her do this all day.
<<case 3>><<ch>>Rearranges throw pillows for no reason at all, as if redecorating counts as productivity.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>Dozes off during an episode, then wakes up later to giggle at a meme she suddenly remembers.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>Sits with a glass of wine, silently congratulating herself for nailing at least one adult responsibility.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Has a mini “fight” with the toaster after it burns her bread for the umpteenth time.<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>Stares into an empty pot and daydreams about becoming a top chef—even if it’s just a silly fantasy.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<st>>Rosie is on a FaceTime call, showing off her shopping haul. You can hear a few women's voices.<</st>>
<<rs>>“Okay, so I wasn’t gonna buy anything, but then I saw this dress, and it was 50% off. Like, how could I not buy it?”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Wait, let me see it!”<</st>>
<<rs>>holds up the dress “Right? It’s perfect for summer. And then I found these shoes that match it perfectly. They were only 80!”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Only 80 ? Rosie, that’s not ‘only.’”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Girl, it’s girl math. If I wear them 10 times, that’s 8 per wear. That’s basically free.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“You’re gonna wear heels 10 times? Who are you, Cinderella?”<</st>>
<<rs>>Okay, fine, maybe 5 times. But still— 16 per wear is still a steal.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Your logic is flawed, but I respect the hustle.”<</st>>
<<case 9>><<st>>Rosie is lying on her couch, eating ice cream, and talking on the phone.<</st>>
<<rs>>“Sometimes I think it would be nice to have a guy who’s just… reliable, you know? Like, someone who’d remember my favorite coffee order and wouldn’t freak out if I cried during a rom-com.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“So, a golden retriever in human form?”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Exactly! But, like, with a job. And maybe a nice smile.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Dream big.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“I’m serious! I’m tired of dating guys who think ‘Netflix and chill’ is a personality trait. I want someone who’ll actually like me, not just tolerate me until something better comes along.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Wow, that got deep. You sure you’re not just hungry?”<</st>>
<<set $random to random(1, 5)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting another mundane moment. But this time, you catch Rosie in the living room, standing in front of a mirror. She’s trying on different outfits, tossing aside one piece of clothing after another.<</st>>
<<st>>She’s in the middle of slipping out of a dress when she pauses, checking herself out in the mirror, clearly enjoying the view.<</st>>
<<ch>>Well, this is interesting, you think, your eyes glued to the screen as she admires her reflection.<</ch>>
<<st>>She suddenly grabs a set of lacy lingerie from the pile and starts putting it on, adjusting the straps and giving herself a spin, touching herself through the thin layer of lace.<</st>>
<<ch>>Damn, Rosie, didn’t know you had that in your wardrobe, you think, feeling a rush of excitement. You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Rosie is sitting on her couch, painting her nails, and gossiping with her best friend on speakerphone.<</st>>
<<rs>>“Okay, so get this—Sarah from work? She’s dating the guy from IT. You know, the one who always smells like pizza?”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Ew, the one who looks like he hasn’t seen sunlight since 2015?”<</st>>
<<rs>>“YES! And guess what? She told me he proposed to her… with a Ring Pop.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“A Ring Pop? Like, the candy?”<</st>>
<<rs>>“I swear! She said it was ‘romantic’ because it was grape-flavored, and that’s her favorite.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Wow. Love is dead.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Honestly, I’d take the Ring Pop. At least it’s edible.”<</rs>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Rosie is on the phone with someone. Is this a man?<</st>>
<<st>>“Do you need any money? You’re not struggling, are you?”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Dad, I’m fine. I have a job, I pay my bills… mostly on time. I’m an adult.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Are you sure? Because last time you said that, you called me three days later asking for grocery money.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Okay, but that was an emergency. They had a sale on wine.”<</rs>>
<<rs>>“Relax, Dad. I’m good. But, uh… if you want to send me money, I won’t say no.”<</rs>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Rosie is sitting at her kitchen table, surrounded by skincare products, talking to someone on Facetime.<</st>>
<<rs>>“I spent, like, $200 on this new serum. It’s supposed to make me look ‘refreshed and youthful.’”<</rs>>
<<rs>>“I look the same, but now my bank account is crying.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Maybe it’s a metaphor. Like, your wallet is aging instead of you.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Great. So now I’m broke and stressed, which is probably giving me wrinkles. This serum is a scam.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Welcome to adulthood. Where you spend money to fix problems you didn’t even have before.”<</st>>
<<case 5>><<st>>Rosie is staring at a salad, talking to someone on the phone.<</st>>
<<rs>>“I’m on day three of this stupid diet, and I already hate my life. Who decided lettuce is food? It’s basically crunchy water.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“You could always just… not diet.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“I can’t. I have a beach trip in two months, and I refuse to be the girl who looks like a potato in a bikini.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“You know diets don’t work, right? You’ll just gain it all back as soon as you eat a slice of pizza.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Don’t say the P-word. I’m already dreaming about it.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Okay, but if you’re miserable, what’s the point? Just wear a one-piece and call it a day.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Ugh, fine. But if I look bad, I’m blaming you.”<</rs>>
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><</if>>
<<else>><<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><<addhours 1>><<if $whoinroom=="Rbal">><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Camera_flat_1]]>><</button>></div>
<<if $is_flat_closed==true>><<ch>>There’s nothing left to see here—it’s all ashes. Time to go to the insurance office.<</ch>><<else>><<if $flat1_settings.avatar==$rs.img>><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$rs.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$rs.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $rs_event_activator.event1==true and $rs_event_activator.event2==false>>
<<ch>>"Wait a second… no fucking way." Your eyes widen as you realize what’s happening.<</ch>>
<<st>>Her breathing picks up, her lips part, and then, clear as day, she whispers something. You crank up the volume, barely catching it.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Did she just say my name?"<</ch>>
<<ch>>You sit back, grinning. "Alright, Rosie. Guess I’m living rent-free in your head now."<</ch>><<set $rs_event_activator.event2=true>>
<<elseif $rs_event_activator.event2==true and $rs_event_activator.event3==false>>
<<st>>You flip on the camera, hoping for something good, and jackpot—Rosie’s sprawled on the couch, phone in hand, chatting with her friend on speaker.<</st>>
<<rs>>“…yeah, I went on a date with $ch.nom,” she says casually, like it’s no big deal.<</rs>>
<<ch>>Your ears perk up. "Well, this just got interesting."<</ch>>
<<rf>>Her friend practically screeches. “Wait, what? You went out with that guy? How was it? Are you seeing him again, or did you scare him off with your whole '13 dates before anything fun' deal?”<</rf>>
<<rs>>Rosie laughs. “He definitely looked freaked out, but I think he’ll call. Guys like him love a challenge—they just don’t know it yet.”<</rs>>
<<rf>>Her friend snorts. “He doesn’t know you’re crazy about ice, does he? Like, if he surprises you with that, it’s over for him. You’ll be planning your wedding by date three.”<</rf>>
<<rs>>Rosie laughs. “Yeah, that would definitely speed things up— like, that would definitely shave a good five dates off the countdown. But he’s not gonna figure that out.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You lean forward, confused as hell. Ice? Like… hockey? Melting glaciers? Cocktails? What the fuck does she mean by ‘ice’?<</ch>>
<<ch>>And then it clicks. "Wait… ice skating? That’s gotta be it. Bingo, motherfucker. All I need is a rink and some skates, and I’ve got this in the bag."<</ch>>
<<ch>>The plan’s already forming in your head as you turn off the feed. "Rosie, you’re going to love this next date. But I guess I’ll love it more."<</ch>><<set $rs_event_activator.event3=true>>
<<if $stealed_money_rs == true>>
<<set $stealed_money_rs=false>>
<<if $stealIndex_rs < 5>>
<<set $stealIndex_rs to $stealIndex_rs + 1>>
<<switch $stealIndex_rs>>
<<case 1>><<rs>>Whoa, I thought I’d saved up more. Guess I need to keep a closer eye on my spending.<</rs>>
<<case 2>><<rs>>Huh, I could’ve sworn I had more cash here. Maybe I’ve been spending more than I realized.<</rs>>
<<case 3>><<rs>>Hmm, wasn’t there an extra 100 bucks here? That’s weird…<</rs>>
<<case 4>><<rs>>I don’t remember spending this much. Why the hell am I short? Did someone take it?<</rs>>
<<case 5>><<rs>>What the fuck? Why is my money vanishing in this damn apartment?<</rs>><<set $rs.rel-=5>><<flash "Relation -5">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<if $events_action_counter <= 10>>
<<if $rs.lust < 50>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 8)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Boooooring<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Ugh, so dull.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>This is putting me to sleep.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>I can’t believe how painfully dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>Is it possible to die from boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>I’d rather watch paint dry.<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>Please, something interesting happen already.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>I’m seriously debating if watching tumbleweeds would be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<if $rs.rel>50>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 7)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Oh yeah, now we’re talking!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Hell yes, now that’s cool!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going in my collection.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now this is worth my time!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<st>>You tune into the camera, and there she is—Rosie, jerking off, again?<</st>>
<<rs>>Her head tilts back, and you hear it— “…$ch.nom…”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You freeze, then grin. “Oh, hell yeah, Rosie. Looks like I’ve got a VIP suite in that head of yours.”<</ch>>
<<else>>This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<case 7>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<rs>>You check the camera, not really expecting anything new. And there she is—Rosie, and you already know what she’s doing. Just a couple minutes, and your name slips out. “…$ch.nom…” <</rs>>
<<ch>>You shake your head with a smirk. “Yeah, yeah, Rosie, I get it. You’re obsessed. Not that I blame you—but damn, a guy could use a little variety now and then.”<</ch>>
<<else>>Oh yeah, now we’re talking!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 7)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<rs>>Huh, alright then.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rs>>Interesting choice, I suppose.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<rs>>Well, I guess that explains a lot.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rs>>Oh, okay. That’s… normal?<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<rs>>Alright, moving on then.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<ch>>Sips coffee from a big mug while gazing at the city, thinking, “I’m so aesthetic right now.”<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>Takes a few selfies with the sunset, adding snarky, self-deprecating captions for her Instagram feed.<</ch>>
<<set $events_action_counter=0>>
<<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >>
<<if $showEvent > 70 and $rs_show.event7==false>> <!-- Показываем событие разово, если >70 -->
<<if $rs_show.event7==false>><<set $rs_show.event7=true>><<st>>“Are you eating well? You’re not just ordering takeout, are you?”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Mom, I’m fine. I cooked pasta last night. With… sauce. And cheese. That’s a meal, right?”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Rosie, that’s not a meal. That’s a snack.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Okay, but it had carbs, protein, and dairy. That’s, like, the food pyramid.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“The food pyramid hasn’t been a thing since 2005.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Well, neither has my will to live, but here we are.”<</rs>>
<</if>><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<if $rs.lust < 50>>
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>> <<st>>Alright, let’s see what Rosie’s up to, you think, pulling up the camera feed.<</st>>
<<st>>The screen flickers to life, but the apartment is completely empty—no Rosie, no action, just empty rooms.<</st>>
<<ch>>Seriously? Why the hell am I watching this? Where’s Rosie wandering off to? This is a total snooze fest, you grumble to yourself, leaning back with a sigh, frustrated by the lack of anything interesting.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and see Rosie tidying up around the house. Normally, this would be boring as hell, but she’s in these skimpy little shorts, and every time she bends over, you get a perfect view.<</st>>
<<ch>>Damn, that’s one fine ass, you say to yourself, completely hooked. Could watch her do this all day.
<<set $random to random(1, 4)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>“Are you eating well? You’re not just ordering takeout, are you?”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Mom, I’m fine. I cooked pasta last night. With… sauce. And cheese. That’s a meal, right?”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Rosie, that’s not a meal. That’s a snack.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Okay, but it had carbs, protein, and dairy. That’s, like, the food pyramid.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“The food pyramid hasn’t been a thing since 2005.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Well, neither has my will to live, but here we are.”<</rs>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Chats on the phone with a friend, casually roasting the neighbors and the day’s mishaps.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Watches the bustling street below, mentally noting how everyone else seems to live a more interesting life.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>Stands there for a few quiet minutes, half-musing about life’s absurdity, half-enjoying the cool evening air.<</ch>>
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><</if>>
<<else>><<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><<addhours 1>><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Camera_flat_1]]>><</button>></div><<if $is_flat_closed==true>><<ch>>There’s nothing left to see here—it’s all ashes. Time to go to the insurance office.<</ch>><<else>><<if $whoinroom_lana=="Lbed">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</ln>>
<<case 2>><<ln>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</ln>>
<<case 3>><<ln>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</ln>>
<<case 4>><<ln>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</ln>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Huh, Lana, not what I expected, but okay.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ln>>Well, Lana, that’s one way to spend your time.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ln>>Alright, sure, Lana, why not?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ln>>Lana, that makes sense… I think.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ln>>Guess we’re just doing that now, huh, Lana?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and ($lr_show.event1==false or $lr_show.event4==false)>><<if $lr_show.event1==false>><<set $lr_show.event1=true>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and spot Lana fanning herself while Riley sprawls on the couch, looking miserable.<</st>>
<<rl>>“This heat is unbearable,” Riley groans. “The AC’s been out for days.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana wipes sweat from her forehead. “Yeah, I’m practically melting here.”<</ln>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Improve AC'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You knock on their door with a casual smile, holding up a package. “Hey, this was delivered to my place by mistake. Thought I’d bring it over. Everything alright in here?” you ask, glancing around.<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana sighs. “Honestly? No. The AC’s busted, and we’re dying in here.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You raise an eyebrow, pretending to notice the stuffy air for the first time. “Oh damn, I can feel it. Alright, I’ll send someone over to get that fixed ASAP.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley perks up from the couch. “Wait, really? That’s awesome. I was starting to stick to the furniture.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana grins. “Thanks, you’re saving us from roasting alive!”<</ln>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<set $ch.money-=200>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets+=200>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money -200">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>I know what it's like to live in this kind of heat… but damn, I don’t have the budget to fix that AC right now.<</ch>>
<<ch>>You close the camera feed, muttering to yourself, They'll have to deal with it. Maybe they should spend their own money for once.<</ch>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
</span><<elseif $lr_show.event4==false>><<set $lr_show.event4=true>><<st>>You open the camera feed, and immediately, the screen grabs your attention. Lana and Riley are in the middle of filming a new porn scene, and it’s clear from the get-go that something crazy is going on there. The way they move, the setup—it’s hot as hell. You can feel your pulse quicken just by watching, and you cannot take your eyes off the screen.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You lean back, knowing full well that society’s rules would tell you to stop watching. But screw that—you’re not here to play by the rules. This is way too good. You settle in, locked on the scene like nothing else exists.<</st>>
<<st>>With every passing minute, you’re getting more fired up. This is wild. It’s like I’ve got front-row seats to a private show, and I’m the only one lucky enough to watch.<</st>>
<<link 'Go to the apartment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>Just watching? Nah, that’s not enough. You need to be there. But before you rush out, a thought hits you—at least put on some clean underwear, for fuck’s sake.<</ch>>
<<ch>>You pull open a drawer and dig through it until your hand lands on a familiar pair. You grin. Hell yeah, my lucky boxers. Quickly slipping them on, you mutter to yourself, "Don’t let me down," and head straight to their apartment, heart pounding with anticipation.<</ch>>
<<ch>>You knock on the door, and as it opens, you lean in with a smirk.
“Ladies, anyone call for help?”<</ch>>
<<if $lr.lust>50>><<st>>You stand there, smirking like an idiot, waiting for their reaction. It hits you—maybe they weren’t exactly expecting you to show up, and things could go south real fast. Your confidence starts to wobble for a second, but then you see their eyes widen in surprise. They glance at each other, then at the camera, then back at you—your goofy grin still plastered across your face.<</st>>
<<st>>Just when you start to doubt yourself, you can tell they’re about to improvise.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley is the first to catch on. She puts on an exaggerated pout, “Oh no, Lana, did we forget to pay our rent again?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana plays along quickly, her expression switching to mock concern. “Oh my god, you’re right, Riley. What are we going to do?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>They turn toward you, and before you can say a word, they grab you by the arms, pulling you inside the apartment and closing the door behind them. “Don’t worry, Mr. Landlord, we’ll fix this right now,” Riley says, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm.<</rl>><<set $lr_show.event4=true>><<else>><<st>>You stand there, smirking like an idiot, waiting for their reaction. It finally hits you—maybe they weren’t expecting you, and this could go sideways fast. For a second, you catch that look on their faces like, Is this really happening?<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana and Riley stare at you, and their expressions drop. “Dude, seriously? What are you doing here?” Lana asks, more confused than amused.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You shrug, trying to play it off. “Uh, I thought I’d just drop by like usual, you know... chat or something.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley crosses her arms, clearly not impressed. “One thing’s making jokes, but showing up while we’re working? You totally just messed up our shoot.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You scratch the back of your head, suddenly feeling the weight of your bad decision. “Didn’t mean to interrupt. I just thought, you know, maybe I could... join in or something?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana steps forward, pointing back toward the hallway. “Yeah, no. Time to go, man. We’re busy.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You stand there, realizing you’ve definitely overstepped. “Alright, alright, I’ll bounce... next time I’ll knock first.”<</ch>>
<<st>>Tip: Your relationship with Lana and Riley isn’t strong enough for this. Work on improving it and try again later!<</st>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<else>><<set $random to random(1, 5)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your jaw practically drops. Lana and Riley are casually walking around the apartment completely naked, not a care in the world.<</st>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but think, Holy shit, I’d give anything to be there right now.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting something exciting, but instead, you see Lana and Riley cleaning the apartment—fully clothed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Seriously? What a snoozefest. They’re porn stars, not housemaids! And why the hell are they cleaning with their clothes on?” you think, shaking your head in disappointment.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Looks like I need to crank up their lust. This kind of boring crap isn’t cutting it.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and freeze, your eyes glued to the screen. Lana and Riley are in the bedroom, and things are getting heated fast. But there’s no camera equipment—this isn’t for a shoot. They’re just fucking around, enjoying each other without an audience.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Holy shit,” you mutter to yourself, feeling a rush of excitement. “I’m so damn glad I rented this place to them.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You can’t look away. The sight of it makes your pulse race.<</st>>
<<ch>>You lean in closer, almost holding your breath as you watch them. “Damn,” you think, barely able to tear your eyes away, “This is exactly what I needed to see.”<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ln>>Lana lies in bed, reading a romance novel and rolling her eyes at the unrealistic love scenes<</ln>><</switch>><</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 5)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your jaw practically drops. Lana and Riley are casually walking around the apartment completely naked, not a care in the world.<</st>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but think, Holy shit, I’d give anything to be there right now.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting something exciting, but instead, you see Lana and Riley cleaning the apartment—fully clothed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Seriously? What a snoozefest. They’re porn stars, not housemaids! And why the hell are they cleaning with their clothes on?” you think, shaking your head in disappointment.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Looks like I need to crank up their lust. This kind of boring crap isn’t cutting it.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and freeze, your eyes glued to the screen. Lana and Riley are in the bedroom, and things are getting heated fast. But there’s no camera equipment—this isn’t for a shoot. They’re just fucking around, enjoying each other without an audience.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Holy shit,” you mutter to yourself, feeling a rush of excitement. “I’m so damn glad I rented this place to them.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You can’t look away. The sight of it makes your pulse race.<</st>>
<<ch>>You lean in closer, almost holding your breath as you watch them. “Damn,” you think, barely able to tear your eyes away, “This is exactly what I needed to see.”<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ln>>Lana lies in bed, reading a romance novel and rolling her eyes at the unrealistic love scenes<</ln>><</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $whoinroom_riley=="Rbed">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<rl>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</rl>>
<<case 2>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</rl>>
<<case 3>><<rl>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</rl>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<rl>>Huh, didn’t see that coming, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rl>>Oh, well, Riley, that’s something new.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<rl>>Alright, Riley, I guess that works.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rl>>Interesting. Very… interesting, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<rl>>Okay, that’s nice, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and ($lr_show.event1==false or $lr_show.event4==false)>><<if $lr_show.event1==false>><<set $lr_show.event1=true>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and spot Lana fanning herself while Riley sprawls on the couch, looking miserable.<</st>>
<<rl>>“This heat is unbearable,” Riley groans. “The AC’s been out for days.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana wipes sweat from her forehead. “Yeah, I’m practically melting here.”<</ln>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Improve AC'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You knock on their door with a casual smile, holding up a package. “Hey, this was delivered to my place by mistake. Thought I’d bring it over. Everything alright in here?” you ask, glancing around.<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana sighs. “Honestly? No. The AC’s busted, and we’re dying in here.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You raise an eyebrow, pretending to notice the stuffy air for the first time. “Oh damn, I can feel it. Alright, I’ll send someone over to get that fixed ASAP.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley perks up from the couch. “Wait, really? That’s awesome. I was starting to stick to the furniture.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana grins. “Thanks, you’re saving us from roasting alive!”<</ln>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<set $ch.money-=200>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets+=200>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money -200">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>I know what it's like to live in this kind of heat… but damn, I don’t have the budget to fix that AC right now.<</ch>>
<<ch>>You close the camera feed, muttering to yourself, They'll have to deal with it. Maybe they should spend their own money for once.<</ch>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
</span><<elseif $lr_show.event4==false>><<set $lr_show.event4=true>><<st>>You open the camera feed, and immediately, the screen grabs your attention. Lana and Riley are in the middle of filming a new porn scene, and it’s clear from the get-go that something crazy is going on there. The way they move, the setup—it’s hot as hell. You can feel your pulse quicken just by watching, and you cannot take your eyes off the screen.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You lean back, knowing full well that society’s rules would tell you to stop watching. But screw that—you’re not here to play by the rules. This is way too good. You settle in, locked on the scene like nothing else exists.<</st>>
<<st>>With every passing minute, you’re getting more fired up. This is wild. It’s like I’ve got front-row seats to a private show, and I’m the only one lucky enough to watch.<</st>>
<<link 'Go to the apartment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>Just watching? Nah, that’s not enough. You need to be there. But before you rush out, a thought hits you—at least put on some clean underwear, for fuck’s sake.<</ch>>
<<ch>>You pull open a drawer and dig through it until your hand lands on a familiar pair. You grin. Hell yeah, my lucky boxers. Quickly slipping them on, you mutter to yourself, "Don’t let me down," and head straight to their apartment, heart pounding with anticipation.<</ch>>
<<ch>>You knock on the door, and as it opens, you lean in with a smirk.
“Ladies, anyone call for help?”<</ch>>
<<if $lr.lust>50>><<st>>You stand there, smirking like an idiot, waiting for their reaction. It hits you—maybe they weren’t exactly expecting you to show up, and things could go south real fast. Your confidence starts to wobble for a second, but then you see their eyes widen in surprise. They glance at each other, then at the camera, then back at you—your goofy grin still plastered across your face.<</st>>
<<st>>Just when you start to doubt yourself, you can tell they’re about to improvise.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley is the first to catch on. She puts on an exaggerated pout, “Oh no, Lana, did we forget to pay our rent again?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana plays along quickly, her expression switching to mock concern. “Oh my god, you’re right, Riley. What are we going to do?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>They turn toward you, and before you can say a word, they grab you by the arms, pulling you inside the apartment and closing the door behind them. “Don’t worry, Mr. Landlord, we’ll fix this right now,” Riley says, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm.<</rl>><<set $lr_show.event4=true>><<else>><<st>>You stand there, smirking like an idiot, waiting for their reaction. It finally hits you—maybe they weren’t expecting you, and this could go sideways fast. For a second, you catch that look on their faces like, Is this really happening?<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana and Riley stare at you, and their expressions drop. “Dude, seriously? What are you doing here?” Lana asks, more confused than amused.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You shrug, trying to play it off. “Uh, I thought I’d just drop by like usual, you know... chat or something.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley crosses her arms, clearly not impressed. “One thing’s making jokes, but showing up while we’re working? You totally just messed up our shoot.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You scratch the back of your head, suddenly feeling the weight of your bad decision. “Didn’t mean to interrupt. I just thought, you know, maybe I could... join in or something?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana steps forward, pointing back toward the hallway. “Yeah, no. Time to go, man. We’re busy.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You stand there, realizing you’ve definitely overstepped. “Alright, alright, I’ll bounce... next time I’ll knock first.”<</ch>>
<<st>>Tip: Your relationship with Lana and Riley isn’t strong enough for this. Work on improving it and try again later!<</st>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<else>><<set $random to random(1, 5)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your jaw practically drops. Lana and Riley are casually walking around the apartment completely naked, not a care in the world.<</st>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but think, Holy shit, I’d give anything to be there right now.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting something exciting, but instead, you see Lana and Riley cleaning the apartment—fully clothed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Seriously? What a snoozefest. They’re porn stars, not housemaids! And why the hell are they cleaning with their clothes on?” you think, shaking your head in disappointment.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Looks like I need to crank up their lust. This kind of boring crap isn’t cutting it.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and freeze, your eyes glued to the screen. Lana and Riley are in the bedroom, and things are getting heated fast. But there’s no camera equipment—this isn’t for a shoot. They’re just fucking around, enjoying each other without an audience.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Holy shit,” you mutter to yourself, feeling a rush of excitement. “I’m so damn glad I rented this place to them.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You can’t look away. The sight of it makes your pulse race.<</st>>
<<ch>>You lean in closer, almost holding your breath as you watch them. “Damn,” you think, barely able to tear your eyes away, “This is exactly what I needed to see.”<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<rl>>Riley tries to meditate but ends up scrolling through TikTok, laughing at memes and thinking, “This is basically mindfulness, right?” <</rl>><</switch>><</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 5)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your jaw practically drops. Lana and Riley are casually walking around the apartment completely naked, not a care in the world.<</st>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but think, Holy shit, I’d give anything to be there right now.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting something exciting, but instead, you see Lana and Riley cleaning the apartment—fully clothed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Seriously? What a snoozefest. They’re porn stars, not housemaids! And why the hell are they cleaning with their clothes on?” you think, shaking your head in disappointment.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Looks like I need to crank up their lust. This kind of boring crap isn’t cutting it.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and freeze, your eyes glued to the screen. Lana and Riley are in the bedroom, and things are getting heated fast. But there’s no camera equipment—this isn’t for a shoot. They’re just fucking around, enjoying each other without an audience.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Holy shit,” you mutter to yourself, feeling a rush of excitement. “I’m so damn glad I rented this place to them.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You can’t look away. The sight of it makes your pulse race.<</st>>
<<ch>>You lean in closer, almost holding your breath as you watch them. “Damn,” you think, barely able to tear your eyes away, “This is exactly what I needed to see.”<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<rl>>Riley tries to meditate but ends up scrolling through TikTok, laughing at memes and thinking, “This is basically mindfulness, right?” <</rl>><</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $whoinroom_lana_riley=="LRbed">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</ln>>
<<case 2>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</rl>>
<<case 3>><<ln>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</ln>>
<<case 4>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</rl>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Huh, Lana, not what I expected, but okay.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rl>>Huh, didn’t see that coming, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ln>>Well, Lana, that’s one way to spend your time.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rl>>Oh, well, Riley, that’s something new.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ln>>Alright, sure, Lana, why not?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<rl>>Alright, Riley, I guess that works.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 7>><<ln>>Lana, that makes sense… I think.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 8>><<rl>>Interesting. Very… interesting, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 9>><<ln>>Guess we’re just doing that now, huh, Lana?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 10>><<rl>>Okay, that’s nice, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and ($lr_show.event1==false or $lr_show.event4==false)>><<if $lr_show.event1==false>><<set $lr_show.event1=true>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and spot Lana fanning herself while Riley sprawls on the couch, looking miserable.<</st>>
<<rl>>“This heat is unbearable,” Riley groans. “The AC’s been out for days.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana wipes sweat from her forehead. “Yeah, I’m practically melting here.”<</ln>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Improve AC'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You knock on their door with a casual smile, holding up a package. “Hey, this was delivered to my place by mistake. Thought I’d bring it over. Everything alright in here?” you ask, glancing around.<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana sighs. “Honestly? No. The AC’s busted, and we’re dying in here.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You raise an eyebrow, pretending to notice the stuffy air for the first time. “Oh damn, I can feel it. Alright, I’ll send someone over to get that fixed ASAP.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley perks up from the couch. “Wait, really? That’s awesome. I was starting to stick to the furniture.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana grins. “Thanks, you’re saving us from roasting alive!”<</ln>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<set $ch.money-=200>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets+=200>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money -200">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>I know what it's like to live in this kind of heat… but damn, I don’t have the budget to fix that AC right now.<</ch>>
<<ch>>You close the camera feed, muttering to yourself, They'll have to deal with it. Maybe they should spend their own money for once.<</ch>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
</span><<elseif $lr_show.event4==false>><<set $lr_show.event4=true>><<st>>You open the camera feed, and immediately, the screen grabs your attention. Lana and Riley are in the middle of filming a new porn scene, and it’s clear from the get-go that something crazy is going on there. The way they move, the setup—it’s hot as hell. You can feel your pulse quicken just by watching, and you cannot take your eyes off the screen.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You lean back, knowing full well that society’s rules would tell you to stop watching. But screw that—you’re not here to play by the rules. This is way too good. You settle in, locked on the scene like nothing else exists.<</st>>
<<st>>With every passing minute, you’re getting more fired up. This is wild. It’s like I’ve got front-row seats to a private show, and I’m the only one lucky enough to watch.<</st>>
<<link 'Go to the apartment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>Just watching? Nah, that’s not enough. You need to be there. But before you rush out, a thought hits you—at least put on some clean underwear, for fuck’s sake.<</ch>>
<<ch>>You pull open a drawer and dig through it until your hand lands on a familiar pair. You grin. Hell yeah, my lucky boxers. Quickly slipping them on, you mutter to yourself, "Don’t let me down," and head straight to their apartment, heart pounding with anticipation.<</ch>>
<<ch>>You knock on the door, and as it opens, you lean in with a smirk.
“Ladies, anyone call for help?”<</ch>>
<<if $lr.lust>50>><<st>>You stand there, smirking like an idiot, waiting for their reaction. It hits you—maybe they weren’t exactly expecting you to show up, and things could go south real fast. Your confidence starts to wobble for a second, but then you see their eyes widen in surprise. They glance at each other, then at the camera, then back at you—your goofy grin still plastered across your face.<</st>>
<<st>>Just when you start to doubt yourself, you can tell they’re about to improvise.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley is the first to catch on. She puts on an exaggerated pout, “Oh no, Lana, did we forget to pay our rent again?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana plays along quickly, her expression switching to mock concern. “Oh my god, you’re right, Riley. What are we going to do?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>They turn toward you, and before you can say a word, they grab you by the arms, pulling you inside the apartment and closing the door behind them. “Don’t worry, Mr. Landlord, we’ll fix this right now,” Riley says, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm.<</rl>><<set $lr_show.event4=true>><<else>><<st>>You stand there, smirking like an idiot, waiting for their reaction. It finally hits you—maybe they weren’t expecting you, and this could go sideways fast. For a second, you catch that look on their faces like, Is this really happening?<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana and Riley stare at you, and their expressions drop. “Dude, seriously? What are you doing here?” Lana asks, more confused than amused.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You shrug, trying to play it off. “Uh, I thought I’d just drop by like usual, you know... chat or something.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley crosses her arms, clearly not impressed. “One thing’s making jokes, but showing up while we’re working? You totally just messed up our shoot.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You scratch the back of your head, suddenly feeling the weight of your bad decision. “Didn’t mean to interrupt. I just thought, you know, maybe I could... join in or something?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana steps forward, pointing back toward the hallway. “Yeah, no. Time to go, man. We’re busy.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You stand there, realizing you’ve definitely overstepped. “Alright, alright, I’ll bounce... next time I’ll knock first.”<</ch>>
<<st>>Tip: Your relationship with Lana and Riley isn’t strong enough for this. Work on improving it and try again later!<</st>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>><</if>>
</span><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 6)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and freeze, your eyes glued to the screen. Lana and Riley are in the bedroom, and things are getting heated fast. But there’s no camera equipment—this isn’t for a shoot. They’re just fucking around, enjoying each other without an audience.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Holy shit,” you mutter to yourself, feeling a rush of excitement. “I’m so damn glad I rented this place to them.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You can’t look away. The sight of it makes your pulse race.<</st>>
<<ch>>You lean in closer, almost holding your breath as you watch them. “Damn,” you think, barely able to tear your eyes away, “This is exactly what I needed to see.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You open the camera feed and catch Lana and Riley in a bedroom, whispering and laughing over something.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Did you hear about Dave? The director?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“The one who wears socks with sandals? What about him?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“He’s dating the new makeup artist. The one who looks like she’s 12.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Ew. Does she know he still uses MySpace?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Probably not. But hey, at least he’s consistent. Socks with sandals, MySpace, dating teenagers—man’s stuck in 2005.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Someone needs to stage an intervention.”<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Lana walks into the bedroom fresh from her shower, a towel loosely wrapped around her waist. She notices Riley standing by the bed, clearly turned on.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Lana, let me help you dry off.”<</rl>>
<<rl>>“Just relax.”<</rl>>
<<st>>Riley moves closer, pushes Lana onto the bed<</st>>
<<case 5>><<rl>>Lana and Riley brainstorm ideas for their next video, with Riley suggesting, “What if we do a roleplay where I’m a CEO and you’re my intern?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Only if I get to fire you at the end.”<</ln>>
<<case 6>><<st>>Lana lies on the bed, and Riley kneels between her legs. Riley pulls Lana’s panties off and buries her face between Lana’s thighs.<</st>>
<</switch>><</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 6)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and freeze, your eyes glued to the screen. Lana and Riley are in the bedroom, and things are getting heated fast. But there’s no camera equipment—this isn’t for a shoot. They’re just fucking around, enjoying each other without an audience.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Holy shit,” you mutter to yourself, feeling a rush of excitement. “I’m so damn glad I rented this place to them.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You can’t look away. The sight of it makes your pulse race.<</st>>
<<ch>>You lean in closer, almost holding your breath as you watch them. “Damn,” you think, barely able to tear your eyes away, “This is exactly what I needed to see.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You open the camera feed and catch Lana and Riley in a bedroom, whispering and laughing over something.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Did you hear about Dave? The director?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“The one who wears socks with sandals? What about him?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“He’s dating the new makeup artist. The one who looks like she’s 12.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Ew. Does she know he still uses MySpace?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Probably not. But hey, at least he’s consistent. Socks with sandals, MySpace, dating teenagers—man’s stuck in 2005.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Someone needs to stage an intervention.”<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Lana walks into the bedroom fresh from her shower, a towel loosely wrapped around her waist. She notices Riley standing by the bed, clearly turned on.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Lana, let me help you dry off.”<</rl>>
<<rl>>“Just relax.”<</rl>>
<<st>>Riley moves closer, pushes Lana onto the bed<</st>>
<<case 5>><<rl>>Lana and Riley brainstorm ideas for their next video, with Riley suggesting, “What if we do a roleplay where I’m a CEO and you’re my intern?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Only if I get to fire you at the end.”<</ln>>
<<case 6>><<st>>Lana lies on the bed, and Riley kneels between her legs. Riley pulls Lana’s panties off and buries her face between Lana’s thighs.<</st>>
<<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><</if>><<addhours 1>><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Camera_flat_1]]>><</button>></div><<if $is_flat_closed==true>><<ch>>There’s nothing left to see here—it’s all ashes. Time to go to the insurance office.<</ch>><<else>><<if $whoinroom_lana=="Lkit">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</ln>>
<<case 2>><<ln>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</ln>>
<<case 3>><<ln>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</ln>>
<<case 4>><<ln>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</ln>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Huh, Lana, not what I expected, but okay.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ln>>Well, Lana, that’s one way to spend your time.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ln>>Alright, sure, Lana, why not?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ln>>Lana, that makes sense… I think.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ln>>Guess we’re just doing that now, huh, Lana?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and $lr_show.event2==false or $lr_show.event3==false>><<if $lr_show.event2==false>><<set $lr_show.event2=true>><<st>>You check the camera and see Lana struggling to balance her coffee cup on the kitchen table, which wobbles every time she puts something down.<</st>>
<<ln>>“This table’s about to drive me crazy. It won’t stop wobbling,” she complains to Riley.<</ln>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Fix the Table'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You knock on their door, holding an envelope. “Hey, just dropping off the rent receipt for last week.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana opens the door and smiles, taking the envelope. “Oh, thanks!”<</ln>>
<<ln>>As you step inside, you notice the kitchen table wobbling with every touch. Lana frowns at it and sighs. “This damn table is about to fall apart.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>“Looks like it just needs a quick fix. I’ll go grab my tools and take care of it.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley peeks over. “Wait, really? You’d fix it for us?”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You nod, heading back to your place to grab the tools. “Be right back.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>After a few minutes, you return and quickly tighten the screws, steadying the table. Lana sets her cup down, testing it out. “Thanks! No more spilled drinks.”<</ln>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>A wobbly table? Not really my problem.<</ch>>
<<st>>You close the feed, leaving them to deal with it. They’ll figure it out eventually.<</st>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
</span><<elseif $lr_show.event3==false>><<set $lr_show.event3=true>><<ln>>You pull up the camera feed, and you catch Lana and Riley in the middle of a conversation. “The internet sucks here,” Lana grumbles. “I can’t even upload this damn video.”<</ln>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Improve Internet'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You knock on their door, and Lana opens it, looking a bit surprised. “Oh, hey. What’s up?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>“Just thought I’d let you know—I decided to switch internet providers for you. You’ll have a faster connection soon.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley pokes her head around the corner. “Wait, really? That’s great! Thanks.”<</rl>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<set $ch.money-=100>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets+=100>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money -100">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You decide it’s not your problem and let them deal with their internet woes. You close the camera feed, shrugging it off.<</st>>
<<else>><<set $random to random(1, 8)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your jaw practically drops. Lana and Riley are casually walking around the apartment completely naked, not a care in the world.<</st>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but think, Holy shit, I’d give anything to be there right now.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting something exciting, but instead, you see Lana and Riley cleaning the apartment—fully clothed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Seriously? What a snoozefest. They’re porn stars, not housemaids! And why the hell are they cleaning with their clothes on?” you think, shaking your head in disappointment.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Looks like I need to crank up their lust. This kind of boring crap isn’t cutting it.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You open up the camera feed and see Lana and Riley gossiping on the couch while drinking wine.<</st>>
<<ln>>“So, I shot a scene with that new guy yesterday. You know, the one with the arms?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Oh, the one who looks like he lives at the gym? How was it?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Girl, his dick was huge. Like, I had to use both hands just to hold it.” mimes with her hands<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Damn, did you need a permit for that? Like, ‘Caution: Oversized Load’?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>laughs “Pretty much. I think I pulled a muscle trying to keep up.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Well, at least you got a workout. I’m over here with guys who think ‘average’ is a compliment.”<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Lana and Riley are cooking dinner at the kitchen and laugh about something.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Okay, real talk—how do you deal with the gag reflex? I almost threw up on set yesterday.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Oh, easy. Just pretend you’re deep-throating a burrito. Works every time.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“A burrito? What kind of monster deep-throats a burrito?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“The kind who doesn’t puke on camera. You’re welcome.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Noted. Next time, I’ll just imagine it’s a taco. Less traumatic.”<</rl>>
<<case 5>><<st>>You open up a camera feed and see a cozy dining area where Lana and Riley are mid-debate over a takeout order.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Pineapple on pizza is a crime.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Says the girl who puts ketchup on her eggs.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“That’s different! Ketchup is a condiment, not a fruit.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“And pineapple is a topping, not a war crime.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“You’re dead to me.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Cool. More pineapple pizza for me.”<</ln>>
<<case 6>><<rl>>Lana and Riley argue over who forgot to buy groceries again. Riley says, “You were supposed to get milk!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And you were supposed to remind me!”<</ln>>
<<case 7>><<st>>Lana and Riley film a steamy scene for their OnlyFans, with Riley teasing Lana about her “overly dramatic” moans.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “At least I don’t sound like a dying seagull.”<</ln>>
<<case 8>><<st>>After a long day of shooting, Lana and Riley collapse on the couch, exhausted.<</st>>
<<rl>>Lana jokes about how stiff she feels, and Riley smirks, saying, “I can help with that.” <</rl>>
<<st>>Riley climbs on top of her, pulling off Lana’s shirt and kissing her deeply. Her hands slide down, teasing Lana until she moans and arches into Riley’s touch.<</st>>
<</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 8)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your jaw practically drops. Lana and Riley are casually walking around the apartment completely naked, not a care in the world.<</st>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but think, Holy shit, I’d give anything to be there right now.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting something exciting, but instead, you see Lana and Riley cleaning the apartment—fully clothed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Seriously? What a snoozefest. They’re porn stars, not housemaids! And why the hell are they cleaning with their clothes on?” you think, shaking your head in disappointment.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Looks like I need to crank up their lust. This kind of boring crap isn’t cutting it.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You open up the camera feed and see Lana and Riley gossiping on the couch while drinking wine.<</st>>
<<ln>>“So, I shot a scene with that new guy yesterday. You know, the one with the arms?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Oh, the one who looks like he lives at the gym? How was it?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Girl, his dick was huge. Like, I had to use both hands just to hold it.” mimes with her hands<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Damn, did you need a permit for that? Like, ‘Caution: Oversized Load’?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>laughs “Pretty much. I think I pulled a muscle trying to keep up.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Well, at least you got a workout. I’m over here with guys who think ‘average’ is a compliment.”<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Lana and Riley are cooking dinner at the kitchen and laugh about something.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Okay, real talk—how do you deal with the gag reflex? I almost threw up on set yesterday.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Oh, easy. Just pretend you’re deep-throating a burrito. Works every time.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“A burrito? What kind of monster deep-throats a burrito?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“The kind who doesn’t puke on camera. You’re welcome.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Noted. Next time, I’ll just imagine it’s a taco. Less traumatic.”<</rl>>
<<case 5>><<st>>You open up a camera feed and see a cozy dining area where Lana and Riley are mid-debate over a takeout order.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Pineapple on pizza is a crime.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Says the girl who puts ketchup on her eggs.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“That’s different! Ketchup is a condiment, not a fruit.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“And pineapple is a topping, not a war crime.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“You’re dead to me.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Cool. More pineapple pizza for me.”<</ln>>
<<case 6>><<rl>>Lana and Riley argue over who forgot to buy groceries again. Riley says, “You were supposed to get milk!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And you were supposed to remind me!”<</ln>>
<<case 7>><<st>>Lana and Riley film a steamy scene for their OnlyFans, with Riley teasing Lana about her “overly dramatic” moans.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “At least I don’t sound like a dying seagull.”<</ln>>
<<case 8>><<st>>After a long day of shooting, Lana and Riley collapse on the couch, exhausted.<</st>>
<<rl>>Lana jokes about how stiff she feels, and Riley smirks, saying, “I can help with that.” <</rl>>
<<st>>Riley climbs on top of her, pulling off Lana’s shirt and kissing her deeply. Her hands slide down, teasing Lana until she moans and arches into Riley’s touch.<</st>>
<<elseif $whoinroom_riley=="Rkit">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<rl>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</rl>>
<<case 2>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</rl>>
<<case 3>><<rl>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</rl>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<rl>>Huh, didn’t see that coming, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rl>>Oh, well, Riley, that’s something new.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<rl>>Alright, Riley, I guess that works.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rl>>Interesting. Very… interesting, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<rl>>Okay, that’s nice, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and $lr_show.event2==false or $lr_show.event3==false>><<if $lr_show.event2==false>><<set $lr_show.event2=true>><<st>>You check the camera and see Lana struggling to balance her coffee cup on the kitchen table, which wobbles every time she puts something down.<</st>>
<<ln>>“This table’s about to drive me crazy. It won’t stop wobbling,” she complains to Riley.<</ln>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Fix the Table'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You knock on their door, holding an envelope. “Hey, just dropping off the rent receipt for last week.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana opens the door and smiles, taking the envelope. “Oh, thanks!”<</ln>>
<<ln>>As you step inside, you notice the kitchen table wobbling with every touch. Lana frowns at it and sighs. “This damn table is about to fall apart.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>“Looks like it just needs a quick fix. I’ll go grab my tools and take care of it.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley peeks over. “Wait, really? You’d fix it for us?”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You nod, heading back to your place to grab the tools. “Be right back.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>After a few minutes, you return and quickly tighten the screws, steadying the table. Lana sets her cup down, testing it out. “Thanks! No more spilled drinks.”<</ln>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>A wobbly table? Not really my problem.<</ch>>
<<st>>You close the feed, leaving them to deal with it. They’ll figure it out eventually.<</st>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
</span><<elseif $lr_show.event3==false>><<set $lr_show.event3=true>><<ln>>You pull up the camera feed, and you catch Lana and Riley in the middle of a conversation. “The internet sucks here,” Lana grumbles. “I can’t even upload this damn video.”<</ln>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Improve Internet'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You knock on their door, and Lana opens it, looking a bit surprised. “Oh, hey. What’s up?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>“Just thought I’d let you know—I decided to switch internet providers for you. You’ll have a faster connection soon.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley pokes her head around the corner. “Wait, really? That’s great! Thanks.”<</rl>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<set $ch.money-=100>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets+=100>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money -100">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You decide it’s not your problem and let them deal with their internet woes. You close the camera feed, shrugging it off.<</st>>
<<else>><<set $random to random(1, 8)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your jaw practically drops. Lana and Riley are casually walking around the apartment completely naked, not a care in the world.<</st>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but think, Holy shit, I’d give anything to be there right now.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting something exciting, but instead, you see Lana and Riley cleaning the apartment—fully clothed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Seriously? What a snoozefest. They’re porn stars, not housemaids! And why the hell are they cleaning with their clothes on?” you think, shaking your head in disappointment.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Looks like I need to crank up their lust. This kind of boring crap isn’t cutting it.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You open up the camera feed and see Lana and Riley gossiping on the couch while drinking wine.<</st>>
<<ln>>“So, I shot a scene with that new guy yesterday. You know, the one with the arms?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Oh, the one who looks like he lives at the gym? How was it?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Girl, his dick was huge. Like, I had to use both hands just to hold it.” mimes with her hands<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Damn, did you need a permit for that? Like, ‘Caution: Oversized Load’?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>laughs “Pretty much. I think I pulled a muscle trying to keep up.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Well, at least you got a workout. I’m over here with guys who think ‘average’ is a compliment.”<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Lana and Riley are cooking dinner at the kitchen and laugh about something.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Okay, real talk—how do you deal with the gag reflex? I almost threw up on set yesterday.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Oh, easy. Just pretend you’re deep-throating a burrito. Works every time.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“A burrito? What kind of monster deep-throats a burrito?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“The kind who doesn’t puke on camera. You’re welcome.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Noted. Next time, I’ll just imagine it’s a taco. Less traumatic.”<</rl>>
<<case 5>><<st>>You open up a camera feed and see a cozy dining area where Lana and Riley are mid-debate over a takeout order.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Pineapple on pizza is a crime.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Says the girl who puts ketchup on her eggs.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“That’s different! Ketchup is a condiment, not a fruit.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“And pineapple is a topping, not a war crime.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“You’re dead to me.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Cool. More pineapple pizza for me.”<</ln>>
<<case 6>><<rl>>Lana and Riley argue over who forgot to buy groceries again. Riley says, “You were supposed to get milk!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And you were supposed to remind me!”<</ln>>
<<case 7>><<st>>Lana and Riley film a steamy scene for their OnlyFans, with Riley teasing Lana about her “overly dramatic” moans.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “At least I don’t sound like a dying seagull.”<</ln>>
<<case 8>><<st>>After a long day of shooting, Lana and Riley collapse on the couch, exhausted.<</st>>
<<rl>>Lana jokes about how stiff she feels, and Riley smirks, saying, “I can help with that.” <</rl>>
<<st>>Riley climbs on top of her, pulling off Lana’s shirt and kissing her deeply. Her hands slide down, teasing Lana until she moans and arches into Riley’s touch.<</st>>
<</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 8)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your jaw practically drops. Lana and Riley are casually walking around the apartment completely naked, not a care in the world.<</st>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but think, Holy shit, I’d give anything to be there right now.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting something exciting, but instead, you see Lana and Riley cleaning the apartment—fully clothed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Seriously? What a snoozefest. They’re porn stars, not housemaids! And why the hell are they cleaning with their clothes on?” you think, shaking your head in disappointment.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Looks like I need to crank up their lust. This kind of boring crap isn’t cutting it.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You open up the camera feed and see Lana and Riley gossiping on the couch while drinking wine.<</st>>
<<ln>>“So, I shot a scene with that new guy yesterday. You know, the one with the arms?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Oh, the one who looks like he lives at the gym? How was it?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Girl, his dick was huge. Like, I had to use both hands just to hold it.” mimes with her hands<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Damn, did you need a permit for that? Like, ‘Caution: Oversized Load’?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>laughs “Pretty much. I think I pulled a muscle trying to keep up.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Well, at least you got a workout. I’m over here with guys who think ‘average’ is a compliment.”<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Lana and Riley are cooking dinner at the kitchen and laugh about something.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Okay, real talk—how do you deal with the gag reflex? I almost threw up on set yesterday.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Oh, easy. Just pretend you’re deep-throating a burrito. Works every time.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“A burrito? What kind of monster deep-throats a burrito?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“The kind who doesn’t puke on camera. You’re welcome.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Noted. Next time, I’ll just imagine it’s a taco. Less traumatic.”<</rl>>
<<case 5>><<st>>You open up a camera feed and see a cozy dining area where Lana and Riley are mid-debate over a takeout order.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Pineapple on pizza is a crime.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Says the girl who puts ketchup on her eggs.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“That’s different! Ketchup is a condiment, not a fruit.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“And pineapple is a topping, not a war crime.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“You’re dead to me.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Cool. More pineapple pizza for me.”<</ln>>
<<case 6>><<rl>>Lana and Riley argue over who forgot to buy groceries again. Riley says, “You were supposed to get milk!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And you were supposed to remind me!”<</ln>>
<<case 7>><<st>>Lana and Riley film a steamy scene for their OnlyFans, with Riley teasing Lana about her “overly dramatic” moans.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “At least I don’t sound like a dying seagull.”<</ln>>
<<case 8>><<st>>After a long day of shooting, Lana and Riley collapse on the couch, exhausted.<</st>>
<<rl>>Lana jokes about how stiff she feels, and Riley smirks, saying, “I can help with that.” <</rl>>
<<st>>Riley climbs on top of her, pulling off Lana’s shirt and kissing her deeply. Her hands slide down, teasing Lana until she moans and arches into Riley’s touch.<</st>>
<<elseif $whoinroom_lana_riley=="LRkit">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</ln>>
<<case 2>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</rl>>
<<case 3>><<ln>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</ln>>
<<case 4>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</rl>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Huh, Lana, not what I expected, but okay.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rl>>Huh, didn’t see that coming, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ln>>Well, Lana, that’s one way to spend your time.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rl>>Oh, well, Riley, that’s something new.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ln>>Alright, sure, Lana, why not?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<rl>>Alright, Riley, I guess that works.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 7>><<ln>>Lana, that makes sense… I think.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 8>><<rl>>Interesting. Very… interesting, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 9>><<ln>>Guess we’re just doing that now, huh, Lana?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 10>><<rl>>Okay, that’s nice, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and $lr_show.event2==false or $lr_show.event3==false>><<if $lr_show.event2==false>><<set $lr_show.event2=true>><<st>>You check the camera and see Lana struggling to balance her coffee cup on the kitchen table, which wobbles every time she puts something down.<</st>>
<<ln>>“This table’s about to drive me crazy. It won’t stop wobbling,” she complains to Riley.<</ln>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Fix the Table'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You knock on their door, holding an envelope. “Hey, just dropping off the rent receipt for last week.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana opens the door and smiles, taking the envelope. “Oh, thanks!”<</ln>>
<<ln>>As you step inside, you notice the kitchen table wobbling with every touch. Lana frowns at it and sighs. “This damn table is about to fall apart.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>“Looks like it just needs a quick fix. I’ll go grab my tools and take care of it.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley peeks over. “Wait, really? You’d fix it for us?”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You nod, heading back to your place to grab the tools. “Be right back.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>After a few minutes, you return and quickly tighten the screws, steadying the table. Lana sets her cup down, testing it out. “Thanks! No more spilled drinks.”<</ln>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>A wobbly table? Not really my problem.<</ch>>
<<st>>You close the feed, leaving them to deal with it. They’ll figure it out eventually.<</st>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
</span><<elseif $lr_show.event3==false>><<set $lr_show.event3=true>><<ln>>You pull up the camera feed, and you catch Lana and Riley in the middle of a conversation. “The internet sucks here,” Lana grumbles. “I can’t even upload this damn video.”<</ln>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Improve Internet'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You knock on their door, and Lana opens it, looking a bit surprised. “Oh, hey. What’s up?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>“Just thought I’d let you know—I decided to switch internet providers for you. You’ll have a faster connection soon.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley pokes her head around the corner. “Wait, really? That’s great! Thanks.”<</rl>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<set $ch.money-=100>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets+=100>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money -100">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You decide it’s not your problem and let them deal with their internet woes. You close the camera feed, shrugging it off.<</st>>
</span><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 8)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your jaw practically drops. Lana and Riley are casually walking around the apartment completely naked, not a care in the world.<</st>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but think, Holy shit, I’d give anything to be there right now.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting something exciting, but instead, you see Lana and Riley cleaning the apartment—fully clothed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Seriously? What a snoozefest. They’re porn stars, not housemaids! And why the hell are they cleaning with their clothes on?” you think, shaking your head in disappointment.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Looks like I need to crank up their lust. This kind of boring crap isn’t cutting it.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You open up the camera feed and see Lana and Riley gossiping on the couch while drinking wine.<</st>>
<<ln>>“So, I shot a scene with that new guy yesterday. You know, the one with the arms?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Oh, the one who looks like he lives at the gym? How was it?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Girl, his dick was huge. Like, I had to use both hands just to hold it.” mimes with her hands<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Damn, did you need a permit for that? Like, ‘Caution: Oversized Load’?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>laughs “Pretty much. I think I pulled a muscle trying to keep up.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Well, at least you got a workout. I’m over here with guys who think ‘average’ is a compliment.”<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Lana and Riley are cooking dinner at the kitchen and laugh about something.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Okay, real talk—how do you deal with the gag reflex? I almost threw up on set yesterday.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Oh, easy. Just pretend you’re deep-throating a burrito. Works every time.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“A burrito? What kind of monster deep-throats a burrito?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“The kind who doesn’t puke on camera. You’re welcome.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Noted. Next time, I’ll just imagine it’s a taco. Less traumatic.”<</rl>>
<<case 5>><<st>>You open up a camera feed and see a cozy dining area where Lana and Riley are mid-debate over a takeout order.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Pineapple on pizza is a crime.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Says the girl who puts ketchup on her eggs.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“That’s different! Ketchup is a condiment, not a fruit.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“And pineapple is a topping, not a war crime.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“You’re dead to me.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Cool. More pineapple pizza for me.”<</ln>>
<<case 6>><<rl>>Lana and Riley argue over who forgot to buy groceries again. Riley says, “You were supposed to get milk!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And you were supposed to remind me!”<</ln>>
<<case 7>><<st>>Lana and Riley film a steamy scene for their OnlyFans, with Riley teasing Lana about her “overly dramatic” moans.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “At least I don’t sound like a dying seagull.”<</ln>>
<<case 8>><<st>>After a long day of shooting, Lana and Riley collapse on the couch, exhausted.<</st>>
<<rl>>Lana jokes about how stiff she feels, and Riley smirks, saying, “I can help with that.” <</rl>>
<<st>>Riley climbs on top of her, pulling off Lana’s shirt and kissing her deeply. Her hands slide down, teasing Lana until she moans and arches into Riley’s touch.<</st>>
<</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 8)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your jaw practically drops. Lana and Riley are casually walking around the apartment completely naked, not a care in the world.<</st>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but think, Holy shit, I’d give anything to be there right now.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting something exciting, but instead, you see Lana and Riley cleaning the apartment—fully clothed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Seriously? What a snoozefest. They’re porn stars, not housemaids! And why the hell are they cleaning with their clothes on?” you think, shaking your head in disappointment.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Looks like I need to crank up their lust. This kind of boring crap isn’t cutting it.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You open up the camera feed and see Lana and Riley gossiping on the couch while drinking wine.<</st>>
<<ln>>“So, I shot a scene with that new guy yesterday. You know, the one with the arms?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Oh, the one who looks like he lives at the gym? How was it?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Girl, his dick was huge. Like, I had to use both hands just to hold it.” mimes with her hands<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Damn, did you need a permit for that? Like, ‘Caution: Oversized Load’?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>laughs “Pretty much. I think I pulled a muscle trying to keep up.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Well, at least you got a workout. I’m over here with guys who think ‘average’ is a compliment.”<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Lana and Riley are cooking dinner at the kitchen and laugh about something.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Okay, real talk—how do you deal with the gag reflex? I almost threw up on set yesterday.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Oh, easy. Just pretend you’re deep-throating a burrito. Works every time.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“A burrito? What kind of monster deep-throats a burrito?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“The kind who doesn’t puke on camera. You’re welcome.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Noted. Next time, I’ll just imagine it’s a taco. Less traumatic.”<</rl>>
<<case 5>><<st>>You open up a camera feed and see a cozy dining area where Lana and Riley are mid-debate over a takeout order.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Pineapple on pizza is a crime.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Says the girl who puts ketchup on her eggs.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“That’s different! Ketchup is a condiment, not a fruit.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“And pineapple is a topping, not a war crime.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“You’re dead to me.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Cool. More pineapple pizza for me.”<</ln>>
<<case 6>><<rl>>Lana and Riley argue over who forgot to buy groceries again. Riley says, “You were supposed to get milk!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And you were supposed to remind me!”<</ln>>
<<case 7>><<st>>Lana and Riley film a steamy scene for their OnlyFans, with Riley teasing Lana about her “overly dramatic” moans.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “At least I don’t sound like a dying seagull.”<</ln>>
<<case 8>><<st>>After a long day of shooting, Lana and Riley collapse on the couch, exhausted.<</st>>
<<rl>>Lana jokes about how stiff she feels, and Riley smirks, saying, “I can help with that.” <</rl>>
<<st>>Riley climbs on top of her, pulling off Lana’s shirt and kissing her deeply. Her hands slide down, teasing Lana until she moans and arches into Riley’s touch.<</st>>
<<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><</if>><<addhours 1>><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Camera_flat_1]]>><</button>></div><<if $is_flat_closed==true>><<ch>>There’s nothing left to see here—it’s all ashes. Time to go to the insurance office.<</ch>><<else>><<if $whoinroom_lana=="Ltoi">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</ln>>
<<case 2>><<ln>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</ln>>
<<case 3>><<ln>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</ln>>
<<case 4>><<ln>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</ln>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Huh, Lana, not what I expected, but okay.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ln>>Well, Lana, that’s one way to spend your time.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ln>>Alright, sure, Lana, why not?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ln>>Lana, that makes sense… I think.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ln>>Guess we’re just doing that now, huh, Lana?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and $lr_show.event5==false>><<if $lr_show.event5==false>><<set $lr_show.event5=true>><<st>>You check the camera feed, expecting just a normal day, but instead, your jaw drops. There’s some random guy in Lana and Riley’s apartment, frantically going through their stuff. But here’s the weird part—he’s not taking anything valuable. No cash, no jewelry... just their panties. Clean, dirty, doesn’t matter, this freak is stuffing every pair he can find into his bag.<</st>>
<<ch>>What the hell? you think, eyes wide. Is this guy seriously stealing their underwear? What kind of psycho would do that?<</ch>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Stop Him'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Without wasting another second, you decide to play the hero. The guy doesn’t look too big, probably just some scrawny, perverted nerd. You can take him.<</st>>
<<ch>>You storm down to their apartment, adrenaline pumping. You swing the door open, catching the weirdo mid-grab with a fistful of panties. “Hey, asshole!” you shout, and the guy freezes like a deer in headlights. You don’t give him time to react, tackling him to the floor and pinning him down just as Lana and Riley walk in.<</ch>>
<<ln>>“What the hell is going on?” Lana gasps, her eyes wide, darting between you and the creep on the ground.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You quickly stand, trying to act casual. “I was passing by, heard some weird noises, and when I looked in, I saw this psycho breaking in. Had to stop him,” you say, wiping the sweat off your brow.<</ch>>
<<ch>>Then you glance down at the pile of panties spilling out of the bag. “Only now did I notice what he was trying to steal.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley pulls out her phone, already dialing the police. “This psycho was stealing our underwear?”<</rl>>
<<st>>Within minutes, the cops arrive and cuff the guy, dragging him out as he mutters incoherently. Once he’s gone, Lana and Riley turn to you, their eyes filled with gratitude and something more.<</st>>
<<rl>>“You really saved us,” Riley says, her voice soft, a smirk creeping onto her face. “We can’t just let that go unthanked.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, a playful glint in her eye. “Yeah, we’ve definitely gotta find a way to repay you.”<</ln>>
<<st>>They grab your hands, leading you inside the apartment. You can’t help the huge grin spreading across your face.<</st>>
<<st>>Daaamn, this is my lucky day, you think as they close the door behind you.<</st>><<set $lr.rel +=10>><<set $lr.lust +=10>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Do nothing'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You think about heading down to stop him, but then you reconsider. Getting involved with this weirdo might be more trouble than it’s worth. So instead, you keep watching through the camera. As the guy keeps grabbing panties, a sly idea starts forming in your mind.<</st>>
<<st>>No one knows what this dude is stealing, you realize. He’s only after the panties, but I could take the opportunity to swipe all their cash while the place is a mess. Blame the thief for everything.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Steal Their Stash">><<st>>Once the panty thief is gone, you make your move. You head down to the apartment, slipping inside unnoticed. The place is a wreck—he’s tossed everything around. But amidst the chaos, you find their hidden stash of cash and pocket it without a second thought.<</st>>
<<st>>By the time Lana and Riley return, the apartment is trashed, and all their money is gone. You act completely clueless when they call you down, putting on your best concerned landlord face.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Oh my god,” you say, glancing around the wrecked apartment. “What happened here?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley is already dialing the police, her face pale with shock.<</ln>>
<<if $insurance_bought.burglary==true>><<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley’s already dialing the police, her face pale.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You take a breath, putting on your best concerned look. “That’s terrible, but don’t worry—I made sure the apartment is covered by theft insurance. The company will reimburse you for everything.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>They both stop, staring at you through teary eyes. “Wait... seriously?” Lana asks.<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley lowers her phone, a look of disbelief crossing her face. “You actually thought ahead about that? You’re the best! I can’t believe it.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, smiling. “We have to thank you for being such a responsible landlord.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley winks. “Yeah... we owe you big time.”<</rl>>
<<st>>Before you know it, they’re pulling you toward the bedroom. You grin; everything’s turned out even better than you expected.<</st>>
[img[0.1/gifs/all_girls/7.webp]]<<set $lr.rel+=10>><<set $lr.lust+=10>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<else>><<rl>>After the police leave, Lana and Riley sit on the couch, defeated. “I can’t believe we lost everything,” Riley mutters. “We've been saving up for so long!”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You try to look sympathetic, shaking your head. “Hey, I know it’s tough, but money can be replaced. You’ll bounce back in no time.”<</ch>>
<<ch>>They nod, still looking crushed, but you can’t help but think to yourself, Good thing I stepped in when I did. They really had quite the stash saved up.<</ch>><<set $lr.rel-=20>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation -20">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $random to random(1, 2)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Lana and Riley argue over who used the last of the good conditioner.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “You’re the one with five different bottles in here!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “Yeah, and you keep stealing them!”<</ln>><</switch>>
<</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 2)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Lana and Riley argue over who used the last of the good conditioner.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “You’re the one with five different bottles in here!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “Yeah, and you keep stealing them!”<</ln>><</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $whoinroom_riley=="Rtoi">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<rl>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</rl>>
<<case 2>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</rl>>
<<case 3>><<rl>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</rl>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<rl>>Huh, didn’t see that coming, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rl>>Oh, well, Riley, that’s something new.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<rl>>Alright, Riley, I guess that works.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rl>>Interesting. Very… interesting, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<rl>>Okay, that’s nice, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and $lr_show.event5==false>><<if $lr_show.event5==false>><<set $lr_show.event5=true>><<st>>You check the camera feed, expecting just a normal day, but instead, your jaw drops. There’s some random guy in Lana and Riley’s apartment, frantically going through their stuff. But here’s the weird part—he’s not taking anything valuable. No cash, no jewelry... just their panties. Clean, dirty, doesn’t matter, this freak is stuffing every pair he can find into his bag.<</st>>
<<ch>>What the hell? you think, eyes wide. Is this guy seriously stealing their underwear? What kind of psycho would do that?<</ch>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Stop Him'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Without wasting another second, you decide to play the hero. The guy doesn’t look too big, probably just some scrawny, perverted nerd. You can take him.<</st>>
<<ch>>You storm down to their apartment, adrenaline pumping. You swing the door open, catching the weirdo mid-grab with a fistful of panties. “Hey, asshole!” you shout, and the guy freezes like a deer in headlights. You don’t give him time to react, tackling him to the floor and pinning him down just as Lana and Riley walk in.<</ch>>
<<ln>>“What the hell is going on?” Lana gasps, her eyes wide, darting between you and the creep on the ground.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You quickly stand, trying to act casual. “I was passing by, heard some weird noises, and when I looked in, I saw this psycho breaking in. Had to stop him,” you say, wiping the sweat off your brow.<</ch>>
<<ch>>Then you glance down at the pile of panties spilling out of the bag. “Only now did I notice what he was trying to steal.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley pulls out her phone, already dialing the police. “This psycho was stealing our underwear?”<</rl>>
<<st>>Within minutes, the cops arrive and cuff the guy, dragging him out as he mutters incoherently. Once he’s gone, Lana and Riley turn to you, their eyes filled with gratitude and something more.<</st>>
<<rl>>“You really saved us,” Riley says, her voice soft, a smirk creeping onto her face. “We can’t just let that go unthanked.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, a playful glint in her eye. “Yeah, we’ve definitely gotta find a way to repay you.”<</ln>>
<<st>>They grab your hands, leading you inside the apartment. You can’t help the huge grin spreading across your face.<</st>>
<<st>>Daaamn, this is my lucky day, you think as they close the door behind you.<</st>><<set $lr.rel +=10>><<set $lr.lust +=10>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Do nothing'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You think about heading down to stop him, but then you reconsider. Getting involved with this weirdo might be more trouble than it’s worth. So instead, you keep watching through the camera. As the guy keeps grabbing panties, a sly idea starts forming in your mind.<</st>>
<<st>>No one knows what this dude is stealing, you realize. He’s only after the panties, but I could take the opportunity to swipe all their cash while the place is a mess. Blame the thief for everything.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Steal Their Stash">><<st>>Once the panty thief is gone, you make your move. You head down to the apartment, slipping inside unnoticed. The place is a wreck—he’s tossed everything around. But amidst the chaos, you find their hidden stash of cash and pocket it without a second thought.<</st>>
<<st>>By the time Lana and Riley return, the apartment is trashed, and all their money is gone. You act completely clueless when they call you down, putting on your best concerned landlord face.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Oh my god,” you say, glancing around the wrecked apartment. “What happened here?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley is already dialing the police, her face pale with shock.<</ln>>
<<if $insurance_bought.burglary==true>><<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley’s already dialing the police, her face pale.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You take a breath, putting on your best concerned look. “That’s terrible, but don’t worry—I made sure the apartment is covered by theft insurance. The company will reimburse you for everything.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>They both stop, staring at you through teary eyes. “Wait... seriously?” Lana asks.<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley lowers her phone, a look of disbelief crossing her face. “You actually thought ahead about that? You’re the best! I can’t believe it.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, smiling. “We have to thank you for being such a responsible landlord.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley winks. “Yeah... we owe you big time.”<</rl>>
<<st>>Before you know it, they’re pulling you toward the bedroom. You grin; everything’s turned out even better than you expected.<</st>>
[img[0.1/gifs/all_girls/7.webp]]<<set $lr.rel+=10>><<set $lr.lust+=10>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<else>><<rl>>After the police leave, Lana and Riley sit on the couch, defeated. “I can’t believe we lost everything,” Riley mutters. “We've been saving up for so long!”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You try to look sympathetic, shaking your head. “Hey, I know it’s tough, but money can be replaced. You’ll bounce back in no time.”<</ch>>
<<ch>>They nod, still looking crushed, but you can’t help but think to yourself, Good thing I stepped in when I did. They really had quite the stash saved up.<</ch>><<set $lr.rel-=20>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation -20">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $random to random(1, 2)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Lana and Riley argue over who used the last of the good conditioner.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “You’re the one with five different bottles in here!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “Yeah, and you keep stealing them!”<</ln>><</switch>>
<</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 2)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Lana and Riley argue over who used the last of the good conditioner.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “You’re the one with five different bottles in here!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “Yeah, and you keep stealing them!”<</ln>><</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $whoinroom_lana_riley=="LRtoi">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</ln>>
<<case 2>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</rl>>
<<case 3>><<ln>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</ln>>
<<case 4>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</rl>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Huh, Lana, not what I expected, but okay.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rl>>Huh, didn’t see that coming, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ln>>Well, Lana, that’s one way to spend your time.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rl>>Oh, well, Riley, that’s something new.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ln>>Alright, sure, Lana, why not?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<rl>>Alright, Riley, I guess that works.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 7>><<ln>>Lana, that makes sense… I think.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 8>><<rl>>Interesting. Very… interesting, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 9>><<ln>>Guess we’re just doing that now, huh, Lana?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 10>><<rl>>Okay, that’s nice, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and $lr_show.event5==false>><<if $lr_show.event5==false>><<set $lr_show.event5=true>><<st>>You check the camera feed, expecting just a normal day, but instead, your jaw drops. There’s some random guy in Lana and Riley’s apartment, frantically going through their stuff. But here’s the weird part—he’s not taking anything valuable. No cash, no jewelry... just their panties. Clean, dirty, doesn’t matter, this freak is stuffing every pair he can find into his bag.<</st>>
<<ch>>What the hell? you think, eyes wide. Is this guy seriously stealing their underwear? What kind of psycho would do that?<</ch>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Stop Him'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Without wasting another second, you decide to play the hero. The guy doesn’t look too big, probably just some scrawny, perverted nerd. You can take him.<</st>>
<<ch>>You storm down to their apartment, adrenaline pumping. You swing the door open, catching the weirdo mid-grab with a fistful of panties. “Hey, asshole!” you shout, and the guy freezes like a deer in headlights. You don’t give him time to react, tackling him to the floor and pinning him down just as Lana and Riley walk in.<</ch>>
<<ln>>“What the hell is going on?” Lana gasps, her eyes wide, darting between you and the creep on the ground.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You quickly stand, trying to act casual. “I was passing by, heard some weird noises, and when I looked in, I saw this psycho breaking in. Had to stop him,” you say, wiping the sweat off your brow.<</ch>>
<<ch>>Then you glance down at the pile of panties spilling out of the bag. “Only now did I notice what he was trying to steal.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley pulls out her phone, already dialing the police. “This psycho was stealing our underwear?”<</rl>>
<<st>>Within minutes, the cops arrive and cuff the guy, dragging him out as he mutters incoherently. Once he’s gone, Lana and Riley turn to you, their eyes filled with gratitude and something more.<</st>>
<<rl>>“You really saved us,” Riley says, her voice soft, a smirk creeping onto her face. “We can’t just let that go unthanked.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, a playful glint in her eye. “Yeah, we’ve definitely gotta find a way to repay you.”<</ln>>
<<st>>They grab your hands, leading you inside the apartment. You can’t help the huge grin spreading across your face.<</st>>
<<st>>Daaamn, this is my lucky day, you think as they close the door behind you.<</st>><<set $lr.rel +=10>><<set $lr.lust +=10>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Do nothing'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You think about heading down to stop him, but then you reconsider. Getting involved with this weirdo might be more trouble than it’s worth. So instead, you keep watching through the camera. As the guy keeps grabbing panties, a sly idea starts forming in your mind.<</st>>
<<st>>No one knows what this dude is stealing, you realize. He’s only after the panties, but I could take the opportunity to swipe all their cash while the place is a mess. Blame the thief for everything.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Steal Their Stash">><<st>>Once the panty thief is gone, you make your move. You head down to the apartment, slipping inside unnoticed. The place is a wreck—he’s tossed everything around. But amidst the chaos, you find their hidden stash of cash and pocket it without a second thought.<</st>>
<<st>>By the time Lana and Riley return, the apartment is trashed, and all their money is gone. You act completely clueless when they call you down, putting on your best concerned landlord face.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Oh my god,” you say, glancing around the wrecked apartment. “What happened here?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley is already dialing the police, her face pale with shock.<</ln>>
<<if $insurance_bought.burglary==true>><<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley’s already dialing the police, her face pale.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You take a breath, putting on your best concerned look. “That’s terrible, but don’t worry—I made sure the apartment is covered by theft insurance. The company will reimburse you for everything.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>They both stop, staring at you through teary eyes. “Wait... seriously?” Lana asks.<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley lowers her phone, a look of disbelief crossing her face. “You actually thought ahead about that? You’re the best! I can’t believe it.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, smiling. “We have to thank you for being such a responsible landlord.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley winks. “Yeah... we owe you big time.”<</rl>>
<<st>>Before you know it, they’re pulling you toward the bedroom. You grin; everything’s turned out even better than you expected.<</st>>
[img[0.1/gifs/all_girls/7.webp]]<<set $lr.rel+=10>><<set $lr.lust+=10>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<else>><<rl>>After the police leave, Lana and Riley sit on the couch, defeated. “I can’t believe we lost everything,” Riley mutters. “We've been saving up for so long!”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You try to look sympathetic, shaking your head. “Hey, I know it’s tough, but money can be replaced. You’ll bounce back in no time.”<</ch>>
<<ch>>They nod, still looking crushed, but you can’t help but think to yourself, Good thing I stepped in when I did. They really had quite the stash saved up.<</ch>><<set $lr.rel-=20>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation -20">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $random to random(1, 2)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Lana and Riley argue over who used the last of the good conditioner.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “You’re the one with five different bottles in here!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “Yeah, and you keep stealing them!”<</ln>><</switch>>
<</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 2)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Lana and Riley argue over who used the last of the good conditioner.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “You’re the one with five different bottles in here!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “Yeah, and you keep stealing them!”<</ln>><</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><<else>>
<<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><</if>><<addhours 1>><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Camera_flat_1]]>><</button>></div><<if $is_flat_closed==true>><<ch>>There’s nothing left to see here—it’s all ashes. Time to go to the insurance office.<</ch>><<else>><<if $whoinroom_lana=="Lbal">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</ln>>
<<case 2>><<ln>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</ln>>
<<case 3>><<ln>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</ln>>
<<case 4>><<ln>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</ln>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Huh, Lana, not what I expected, but okay.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ln>>Well, Lana, that’s one way to spend your time.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ln>>Alright, sure, Lana, why not?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ln>>Lana, that makes sense… I think.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ln>>Guess we’re just doing that now, huh, Lana?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and $lr_show.event5==false>><<if $lr_show.event5==false>><<set $lr_show.event5=true>><<st>>You check the camera feed, expecting just a normal day, but instead, your jaw drops. There’s some random guy in Lana and Riley’s apartment, frantically going through their stuff. But here’s the weird part—he’s not taking anything valuable. No cash, no jewelry... just their panties. Clean, dirty, doesn’t matter, this freak is stuffing every pair he can find into his bag.<</st>>
<<ch>>What the hell? you think, eyes wide. Is this guy seriously stealing their underwear? What kind of psycho would do that?<</ch>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Stop Him'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Without wasting another second, you decide to play the hero. The guy doesn’t look too big, probably just some scrawny, perverted nerd. You can take him.<</st>>
<<ch>>You storm down to their apartment, adrenaline pumping. You swing the door open, catching the weirdo mid-grab with a fistful of panties. “Hey, asshole!” you shout, and the guy freezes like a deer in headlights. You don’t give him time to react, tackling him to the floor and pinning him down just as Lana and Riley walk in.<</ch>>
<<ln>>“What the hell is going on?” Lana gasps, her eyes wide, darting between you and the creep on the ground.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You quickly stand, trying to act casual. “I was passing by, heard some weird noises, and when I looked in, I saw this psycho breaking in. Had to stop him,” you say, wiping the sweat off your brow.<</ch>>
<<ch>>Then you glance down at the pile of panties spilling out of the bag. “Only now did I notice what he was trying to steal.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley pulls out her phone, already dialing the police. “This psycho was stealing our underwear?”<</rl>>
<<st>>Within minutes, the cops arrive and cuff the guy, dragging him out as he mutters incoherently. Once he’s gone, Lana and Riley turn to you, their eyes filled with gratitude and something more.<</st>>
<<rl>>“You really saved us,” Riley says, her voice soft, a smirk creeping onto her face. “We can’t just let that go unthanked.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, a playful glint in her eye. “Yeah, we’ve definitely gotta find a way to repay you.”<</ln>>
<<st>>They grab your hands, leading you inside the apartment. You can’t help the huge grin spreading across your face.<</st>>
<<st>>Daaamn, this is my lucky day, you think as they close the door behind you.<</st>><<set $lr.rel +=10>><<set $lr.lust +=10>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Do nothing'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You think about heading down to stop him, but then you reconsider. Getting involved with this weirdo might be more trouble than it’s worth. So instead, you keep watching through the camera. As the guy keeps grabbing panties, a sly idea starts forming in your mind.<</st>>
<<st>>No one knows what this dude is stealing, you realize. He’s only after the panties, but I could take the opportunity to swipe all their cash while the place is a mess. Blame the thief for everything.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Steal Their Stash">><<st>>Once the panty thief is gone, you make your move. You head down to the apartment, slipping inside unnoticed. The place is a wreck—he’s tossed everything around. But amidst the chaos, you find their hidden stash of cash and pocket it without a second thought.<</st>>
<<st>>By the time Lana and Riley return, the apartment is trashed, and all their money is gone. You act completely clueless when they call you down, putting on your best concerned landlord face.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Oh my god,” you say, glancing around the wrecked apartment. “What happened here?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley is already dialing the police, her face pale with shock.<</ln>>
<<if $insurance_bought.burglary==true>><<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley’s already dialing the police, her face pale.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You take a breath, putting on your best concerned look. “That’s terrible, but don’t worry—I made sure the apartment is covered by theft insurance. The company will reimburse you for everything.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>They both stop, staring at you through teary eyes. “Wait... seriously?” Lana asks.<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley lowers her phone, a look of disbelief crossing her face. “You actually thought ahead about that? You’re the best! I can’t believe it.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, smiling. “We have to thank you for being such a responsible landlord.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley winks. “Yeah... we owe you big time.”<</rl>>
<<st>>Before you know it, they’re pulling you toward the bedroom. You grin; everything’s turned out even better than you expected.<</st>>
[img[0.1/gifs/all_girls/7.webp]]<<set $lr.rel+=10>><<set $lr.lust+=10>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<else>><<rl>>After the police leave, Lana and Riley sit on the couch, defeated. “I can’t believe we lost everything,” Riley mutters. “We've been saving up for so long!”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You try to look sympathetic, shaking your head. “Hey, I know it’s tough, but money can be replaced. You’ll bounce back in no time.”<</ch>>
<<ch>>They nod, still looking crushed, but you can’t help but think to yourself, Good thing I stepped in when I did. They really had quite the stash saved up.<</ch>><<set $lr.rel-=20>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation -20">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $random to random(1, 1)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Lana and Riley share a joint and laugh about their chaotic lives.<<st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “We’re basically living in a rom-com, but with more nudity.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And less plot.”<</ln>><</switch>>
<</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 1)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Lana and Riley share a joint and laugh about their chaotic lives.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “We’re basically living in a rom-com, but with more nudity.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And less plot.”<</ln>><</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $whoinroom_riley=="Rbal">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<rl>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</rl>>
<<case 2>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</rl>>
<<case 3>><<rl>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</rl>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<rl>>Huh, didn’t see that coming, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rl>>Oh, well, Riley, that’s something new.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<rl>>Alright, Riley, I guess that works.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rl>>Interesting. Very… interesting, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<rl>>Okay, that’s nice, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and $lr_show.event5==false>><<if $lr_show.event5==false>><<set $lr_show.event5=true>><<st>>You check the camera feed, expecting just a normal day, but instead, your jaw drops. There’s some random guy in Lana and Riley’s apartment, frantically going through their stuff. But here’s the weird part—he’s not taking anything valuable. No cash, no jewelry... just their panties. Clean, dirty, doesn’t matter, this freak is stuffing every pair he can find into his bag.<</st>>
<<ch>>What the hell? you think, eyes wide. Is this guy seriously stealing their underwear? What kind of psycho would do that?<</ch>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Stop Him'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Without wasting another second, you decide to play the hero. The guy doesn’t look too big, probably just some scrawny, perverted nerd. You can take him.<</st>>
<<ch>>You storm down to their apartment, adrenaline pumping. You swing the door open, catching the weirdo mid-grab with a fistful of panties. “Hey, asshole!” you shout, and the guy freezes like a deer in headlights. You don’t give him time to react, tackling him to the floor and pinning him down just as Lana and Riley walk in.<</ch>>
<<ln>>“What the hell is going on?” Lana gasps, her eyes wide, darting between you and the creep on the ground.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You quickly stand, trying to act casual. “I was passing by, heard some weird noises, and when I looked in, I saw this psycho breaking in. Had to stop him,” you say, wiping the sweat off your brow.<</ch>>
<<ch>>Then you glance down at the pile of panties spilling out of the bag. “Only now did I notice what he was trying to steal.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley pulls out her phone, already dialing the police. “This psycho was stealing our underwear?”<</rl>>
<<st>>Within minutes, the cops arrive and cuff the guy, dragging him out as he mutters incoherently. Once he’s gone, Lana and Riley turn to you, their eyes filled with gratitude and something more.<</st>>
<<rl>>“You really saved us,” Riley says, her voice soft, a smirk creeping onto her face. “We can’t just let that go unthanked.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, a playful glint in her eye. “Yeah, we’ve definitely gotta find a way to repay you.”<</ln>>
<<st>>They grab your hands, leading you inside the apartment. You can’t help the huge grin spreading across your face.<</st>>
<<st>>Daaamn, this is my lucky day, you think as they close the door behind you.<</st>><<set $lr.rel +=10>><<set $lr.lust +=10>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Do nothing'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You think about heading down to stop him, but then you reconsider. Getting involved with this weirdo might be more trouble than it’s worth. So instead, you keep watching through the camera. As the guy keeps grabbing panties, a sly idea starts forming in your mind.<</st>>
<<st>>No one knows what this dude is stealing, you realize. He’s only after the panties, but I could take the opportunity to swipe all their cash while the place is a mess. Blame the thief for everything.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Steal Their Stash">><<st>>Once the panty thief is gone, you make your move. You head down to the apartment, slipping inside unnoticed. The place is a wreck—he’s tossed everything around. But amidst the chaos, you find their hidden stash of cash and pocket it without a second thought.<</st>>
<<st>>By the time Lana and Riley return, the apartment is trashed, and all their money is gone. You act completely clueless when they call you down, putting on your best concerned landlord face.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Oh my god,” you say, glancing around the wrecked apartment. “What happened here?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley is already dialing the police, her face pale with shock.<</ln>>
<<if $insurance_bought.burglary==true>><<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley’s already dialing the police, her face pale.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You take a breath, putting on your best concerned look. “That’s terrible, but don’t worry—I made sure the apartment is covered by theft insurance. The company will reimburse you for everything.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>They both stop, staring at you through teary eyes. “Wait... seriously?” Lana asks.<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley lowers her phone, a look of disbelief crossing her face. “You actually thought ahead about that? You’re the best! I can’t believe it.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, smiling. “We have to thank you for being such a responsible landlord.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley winks. “Yeah... we owe you big time.”<</rl>>
<<st>>Before you know it, they’re pulling you toward the bedroom. You grin; everything’s turned out even better than you expected.<</st>>
[img[0.1/gifs/all_girls/7.webp]]<<set $lr.rel+=10>><<set $lr.lust+=10>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<else>><<rl>>After the police leave, Lana and Riley sit on the couch, defeated. “I can’t believe we lost everything,” Riley mutters. “We've been saving up for so long!”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You try to look sympathetic, shaking your head. “Hey, I know it’s tough, but money can be replaced. You’ll bounce back in no time.”<</ch>>
<<ch>>They nod, still looking crushed, but you can’t help but think to yourself, Good thing I stepped in when I did. They really had quite the stash saved up.<</ch>><<set $lr.rel-=20>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation -20">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $random to random(1, 1)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Lana and Riley share a joint and laugh about their chaotic lives.<<st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “We’re basically living in a rom-com, but with more nudity.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And less plot.”<</ln>><</switch>>
<</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 1)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Lana and Riley share a joint and laugh about their chaotic lives.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “We’re basically living in a rom-com, but with more nudity.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And less plot.”<</ln>><</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $whoinroom_lana_riley=="LRbal">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</ln>>
<<case 2>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</rl>>
<<case 3>><<ln>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</ln>>
<<case 4>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</rl>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Huh, Lana, not what I expected, but okay.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rl>>Huh, didn’t see that coming, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ln>>Well, Lana, that’s one way to spend your time.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rl>>Oh, well, Riley, that’s something new.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ln>>Alright, sure, Lana, why not?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<rl>>Alright, Riley, I guess that works.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 7>><<ln>>Lana, that makes sense… I think.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 8>><<rl>>Interesting. Very… interesting, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 9>><<ln>>Guess we’re just doing that now, huh, Lana?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 10>><<rl>>Okay, that’s nice, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and $lr_show.event5==false>><<if $lr_show.event5==false>><<set $lr_show.event5=true>><<st>>You check the camera feed, expecting just a normal day, but instead, your jaw drops. There’s some random guy in Lana and Riley’s apartment, frantically going through their stuff. But here’s the weird part—he’s not taking anything valuable. No cash, no jewelry... just their panties. Clean, dirty, doesn’t matter, this freak is stuffing every pair he can find into his bag.<</st>>
<<ch>>What the hell? you think, eyes wide. Is this guy seriously stealing their underwear? What kind of psycho would do that?<</ch>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Stop Him'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Without wasting another second, you decide to play the hero. The guy doesn’t look too big, probably just some scrawny, perverted nerd. You can take him.<</st>>
<<ch>>You storm down to their apartment, adrenaline pumping. You swing the door open, catching the weirdo mid-grab with a fistful of panties. “Hey, asshole!” you shout, and the guy freezes like a deer in headlights. You don’t give him time to react, tackling him to the floor and pinning him down just as Lana and Riley walk in.<</ch>>
<<ln>>“What the hell is going on?” Lana gasps, her eyes wide, darting between you and the creep on the ground.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You quickly stand, trying to act casual. “I was passing by, heard some weird noises, and when I looked in, I saw this psycho breaking in. Had to stop him,” you say, wiping the sweat off your brow.<</ch>>
<<ch>>Then you glance down at the pile of panties spilling out of the bag. “Only now did I notice what he was trying to steal.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley pulls out her phone, already dialing the police. “This psycho was stealing our underwear?”<</rl>>
<<st>>Within minutes, the cops arrive and cuff the guy, dragging him out as he mutters incoherently. Once he’s gone, Lana and Riley turn to you, their eyes filled with gratitude and something more.<</st>>
<<rl>>“You really saved us,” Riley says, her voice soft, a smirk creeping onto her face. “We can’t just let that go unthanked.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, a playful glint in her eye. “Yeah, we’ve definitely gotta find a way to repay you.”<</ln>>
<<st>>They grab your hands, leading you inside the apartment. You can’t help the huge grin spreading across your face.<</st>>
<<st>>Daaamn, this is my lucky day, you think as they close the door behind you.<</st>><<set $lr.rel +=10>><<set $lr.lust +=10>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Do nothing'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You think about heading down to stop him, but then you reconsider. Getting involved with this weirdo might be more trouble than it’s worth. So instead, you keep watching through the camera. As the guy keeps grabbing panties, a sly idea starts forming in your mind.<</st>>
<<st>>No one knows what this dude is stealing, you realize. He’s only after the panties, but I could take the opportunity to swipe all their cash while the place is a mess. Blame the thief for everything.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Steal Their Stash">><<st>>Once the panty thief is gone, you make your move. You head down to the apartment, slipping inside unnoticed. The place is a wreck—he’s tossed everything around. But amidst the chaos, you find their hidden stash of cash and pocket it without a second thought.<</st>>
<<st>>By the time Lana and Riley return, the apartment is trashed, and all their money is gone. You act completely clueless when they call you down, putting on your best concerned landlord face.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Oh my god,” you say, glancing around the wrecked apartment. “What happened here?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley is already dialing the police, her face pale with shock.<</ln>>
<<if $insurance_bought.burglary==true>><<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley’s already dialing the police, her face pale.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You take a breath, putting on your best concerned look. “That’s terrible, but don’t worry—I made sure the apartment is covered by theft insurance. The company will reimburse you for everything.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>They both stop, staring at you through teary eyes. “Wait... seriously?” Lana asks.<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley lowers her phone, a look of disbelief crossing her face. “You actually thought ahead about that? You’re the best! I can’t believe it.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, smiling. “We have to thank you for being such a responsible landlord.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley winks. “Yeah... we owe you big time.”<</rl>>
<<st>>Before you know it, they’re pulling you toward the bedroom. You grin; everything’s turned out even better than you expected.<</st>>
[img[0.1/gifs/all_girls/7.webp]]<<set $lr.rel+=10>><<set $lr.lust+=10>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<else>><<rl>>After the police leave, Lana and Riley sit on the couch, defeated. “I can’t believe we lost everything,” Riley mutters. “We've been saving up for so long!”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You try to look sympathetic, shaking your head. “Hey, I know it’s tough, but money can be replaced. You’ll bounce back in no time.”<</ch>>
<<ch>>They nod, still looking crushed, but you can’t help but think to yourself, Good thing I stepped in when I did. They really had quite the stash saved up.<</ch>><<set $lr.rel-=20>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation -20">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $random to random(1, 1)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Lana and Riley share a joint and laugh about their chaotic lives.<<st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “We’re basically living in a rom-com, but with more nudity.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And less plot.”<</ln>><</switch>>
<</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 1)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Lana and Riley share a joint and laugh about their chaotic lives.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “We’re basically living in a rom-com, but with more nudity.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And less plot.”<</ln>><</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><<else>>
<<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><</if>><<addhours 1>><<if $lana_activator_one==1>><<set $lana_activator_one=0>><<st>>Lana and Riley are sitting at the kitchen table, eating takeout. Riley leans back in her chair, smirking at Lana.<</st>>
<<rl>>“So… how was your date last night? Did he take you to some fancy restaurant and try to impress you with his ‘big dreams’?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>laughs “Oh, it was… something. He took me to the amusement park.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“The what? Did he think you were 12?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Right? I haven’t been to one since I was a kid. But honestly, it was kinda fun. Until he puked on the roller coaster.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>bursts out laughing “No way. Please tell me you’re joking.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“I wish I was. Dude went full Exorcist on the first drop. I’ve never seen someone projectile vomit like that. It was… impressive, in a gross way.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>wiping tears from laughing “Oh my God, that’s amazing. Did he at least try to play it cool after?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Not even a little. He was pale as a ghost, shaking like a leaf. I had to drag him to a bench and shove water at him. He kept apologizing like he’d ruined my life or something.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Aw, poor guy. At least he didn’t cry. So, let me get this straight: he took you to an amusement park, puked on a roller coaster, and then… what? Tried to seduce you with pizza?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>grinning “Pretty much. He wanted to go to some fancy restaurant, but I was like, ‘Dude, let’s just order pizza and chill.’ So we did. And then he spent the whole time staring at my tits like he was trying to memorize them for a test.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Classic. Did he at least make a move?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Oh, he tried. Leaned in all dramatic, like he was in a movie. I stopped him, though. Told him he needed to ‘train’ before he could handle me.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>snorts “Damn, you’re ruthless. But hey, at least he’s trying. Most guys just skip straight to the ‘let’s fuck’ part.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“True. I’ll give him points for effort. But seriously, he’s gotta step up his game. I mean, puking on a roller coaster? That’s not exactly sexy.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Yeah, but it’s kinda cute in a pathetic way. Like a puppy that keeps falling over its own feet.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>laughs “Exactly. I mean, he’s not the worst. Just… needs a little work.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Well, let’s see how he does on my date. I bet he'll ask me out. But if he pukes on me, though, I’m out.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Fair. But if he does, make sure to get it on video. I need proof for when we roast him later.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>grinning “Deal. But seriously, if he’s gonna juggle both of us, he better bring his A-game. No more puke and shit like that.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Agreed. But hey, at least he’s entertaining. And he’s cute when he’s embarrassed.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“True. Plus, it’s kinda fun watching him try so hard.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>smirks “Yeah, well, let’s see if he can keep up. Two porn stars, one guy… he’s either the luckiest dude alive or the dumbest.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>laughs “Probably both.”<</rl>><<elseif $lana_activator_one==2>><<set $lana_activator_one=0>><<st>>Lana and Riley are sitting at the kitchen table, eating takeout. Riley leans back in her chair, smirking at Lana.<</st>>
<<rl>>“So… how was your date last night? Did he take you to some fancy restaurant and try to impress you with his ‘big dreams’?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>laughs “Oh, it was… something. He took me to the amusement park.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“The what? Did he think you were 12?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>grinning “Right?! But honestly, I kinda liked the idea. Thought it might be fun. And it was… up until he knocked himself out.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>laughs “Okay, what? How the hell did that happen?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“So, we get on this stupid carousel—yeah, a freaking carousel—and he tries to be all smooth and lean in for a kiss. And guess what happens?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>already laughing “No fucking way.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“BAM. Forehead straight into a metal pole. I swear, I heard the ding like he was in a cartoon.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>dying “OH MY GOD. Did he at least pretend it didn’t hurt?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Nope. He sat there, holding his head, blinking like he forgot what planet he was on.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>wiping tears from laughing “Holy shit. Please tell me you laughed in his face.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“I tried to hold it in, but, dude, I snorted so loud people stared.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Oh, I would’ve lost it. Did he at least recover and win you a stuffed animal or something?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>rolling her eyes “Tried. Failed. Miserably. He was missing every shot at the shooting gallery.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>shaking her head “This man is out here fighting for his life on a date. Poor guy. At least he didn’t cry. So, let me get this straight: he took you to an amusement park, and then… what? Tried to seduce you with pizza?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>grinning “Pretty much. He wanted to go to some fancy restaurant, but I was like, ‘Dude, let’s just order pizza and chill.’ So we did. And then he spent the whole time staring at my tits like he was trying to memorize them for a test.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Classic. Did he at least make a move?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Oh, he tried. Leaned in all dramatic, like he was in a movie. I stopped him, though. Told him he needed to ‘train’ before he could handle me.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>snorts “Damn, you’re ruthless. But hey, at least he’s trying. Most guys just skip straight to the ‘let’s fuck’ part.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“True. I’ll give him points for effort. But seriously, he’s gotta step up his game. I mean, hitting his head on a fucking carousel? That’s not exactly sexy.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Yeah, but it’s kinda cute in a pathetic way. Like a puppy that keeps falling over its own feet.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>laughs “Exactly. I mean, he’s not the worst. Just… needs a little work.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Well, let’s see how he does on my date. I bet he'll ask me out. But if he tries to entertain me with some kids’ stuff, I’m out.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Fair. But if he does, make sure to get it on video. I need proof for when we roast him later.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>grinning “Deal. But seriously, if he’s gonna juggle both of us, he better bring his A-game. No more puke and shit like that.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Agreed. But hey, at least he’s entertaining. And he’s cute when he’s embarrassed.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“True. Plus, it’s kinda fun watching him try so hard.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>smirks “Yeah, well, let’s see if he can keep up. Two porn stars, one guy… he’s either the luckiest dude alive or the dumbest.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>laughs “Probably both.”<</rl>><<elseif $riley_activator_one==1>><<set $riley_activator_one=0>><<st>>Lana and Riley are sitting at the kitchen table, picking at the leftovers of last night’s takeout. Lana leans forward, smirking as she stirs her drink.<</st>>
<<ln>> “Alright, spill. How did your big date with our boy go? Did he take you somewhere ridiculous like a magic show?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>laughs “Close. Go-karting.”<</rl>>
<<ln>> raising an eyebrow “Oh, that’s actually kinda cool. I wouldn’t mind racing too.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>grinning “Yeah, it was fun. And guess what? I bet your ass on the race.”<</rl>>
<<ln>> pauses, staring “You what?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>shrugging “Relax, now you’re safe. But yeah, I actually lost.”<</rl>>
<<ln>> leaning back, arms crossed “Damn. So my ass belongs to him now or what?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>laughs “Technically, yeah, it did, for a few minutes. But he was a gentleman about it—said since the date was with me, he won my ass instead. Real noble of him.”<</rl>>
<<ln>> rolling her eyes “How generous. What a hero.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>smirking “Oh, don’t worry, he worked for it. Dude was practically throwing himself into the guardrails trying to win me.”<</rl>>
<<ln>> “So, was it actually fun, or was it another disaster?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Honestly? It was fun. He was trying so hard not to screw up, and you could tell. Kinda cute, actually.”<</rl>>
<<ln>> “Aw, our little try-hard. So, what happened after? Romantic walk under the stars? Deep emotional confessions?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>snorts “Yeah, sure. More like dinner where he poisoned himself.”<</rl>>
<<ln>> “What?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Ordered oysters. Turns out he’s allergic.”<</rl>>
<<ln>> cackling “This fucking guy. He can’t catch a break.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Nope. One minute he’s all cocky, making aphrodisiac jokes, next thing you know, his throat’s closing up, and I’m speed-dialing an ambulance.”<</rl>>
<<ln>> laughing harder “I swear to god, dating him is like watching Final Destination but just with dumb injuries.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Right? And then at the hospital, he still tried to hit on me. Full-on ‘sexy nurse’ fantasy while hooked up to an IV.”<</rl>>
<<ln>> wiping tears from laughing “I like this idiot.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>grinning “Yeah, me too. He’s a mess, but… it’s kinda fun.”<</rl>><<elseif $riley_activator_one==2>><<set $riley_activator_one=0>><<st>>Lana and Riley are sitting at the kitchen table, picking at the leftovers of last night’s takeout. Lana leans forward, smirking as she stirs her drink.<</st>>
<<ln>> “Alright, spill. How did your big date with our boy go? Did he take you somewhere ridiculous like a magic show?”<</ln>>
<<rl>> laughs “Close. Go-karting.”<</rl>>
<<ln>> raising an eyebrow “Oh, that’s actually kinda cool. I wouldn’t mind racing too.”<</ln>>
<<rl>> grinning “Yeah, it was fun. And guess what? I bet your ass on the race.”<</rl>>
<<ln>> pauses, staring “You what?”<</ln>>
<<rl>> shrugging “Relax, I won. Your ass is safe.”<</rl>>
<<ln>> mock sighs “Well, thank god. But seriously, what if you hadn’t? Were you really about to hand me over like some medieval trade deal?”<</ln>>
<<rl>> laughs “I mean… kinda? But don’t worry, I was never gonna let you down. I had it under control.”<</rl>>
<<ln>> rolling her eyes “Great. My hero.”<</ln>>
<<rl>> smirking “Oh, don’t worry, he tried so hard to win. Dude was practically throwing himself into the guardrails trying to keep up.”<</rl>>
<<ln>> “So, was it actually fun, or was it another disaster?”<</ln>>
<<rl>> “Honestly? It was fun. He was trying so hard not to screw up, and you could tell. Kinda cute, actually.”<</rl>>
<<ln>> “Aw, our little try-hard. So, what happened after? Romantic walk under the stars? Deep emotional confessions?”<</ln>>
<<rl>> snorts “Yeah, sure. More like dinner where he poisoned himself.”<</rl>>
<<ln>> “What?”<</ln>>
<<rl>> “Ordered oysters. Turns out he’s allergic.”<</rl>>
<<ln>> cackling “This fucking guy. He can’t catch a break.”<</ln>>
<<rl>> “Nope. One minute he’s all cocky, making aphrodisiac jokes, next thing you know, his throat’s closing up, and I’m speed-dialing an ambulance.”<</rl>>
<<ln>> laughing harder “I swear to god, dating him is like watching Final Destination but just with dumb injuries.”<</ln>>
<<rl>> “Right? And then at the hospital, he still tried to hit on me. Full-on ‘sexy nurse’ fantasy while hooked up to an IV.”<</rl>>
<<ln>> wiping tears from laughing “I like this idiot.”<</ln>>
<<rl>> grinning “Yeah, me too. He’s a mess, but… it’s kinda fun.”<</rl>><<elseif $lana_riley_activator_one==1>><<set $lana_riley_activator_one=0>><<st>>Lana and Riley are lounging on the couch, half a pizza between them, still feeling the aftermath of last night. Riley lazily tosses a crust back into the box, smirking at Lana.<</st>>
<<rl>>“So, that happened.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>grinning “Yup. And I gotta say… not bad.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>nods “Yeah, I was expecting, I don’t know, more awkward fumbling. But the guy actually handled himself.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>laughs “Right? I mean, considering his track record, I half-expected some dumbass moment—tripping over his own pants, knocking over a lamp, something.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>grinning “Hey, give him some credit. He kept up. Not everyone gets the privilege of us and manages to make it through the night in one piece.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>mock serious “True. And honestly? The Truth or Dare warm-up was almost more entertaining than the main event.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>laughs “Oh my god, the way he tried to act all cool with that ‘dream orgy’ answer? Like, bro, we see you.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>grinning “At least he committed. And your ‘fake orgasm’ dare? Iconic.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>mocking “Oh please, you saw his face. Man was fighting for his life trying to pretend he wasn’t that into it.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>laughs “He did his best, poor guy.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>tilts her head “Still, gotta admit, the night was fun. More fun than I thought it’d be.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>nods “Yeah, we should do that again sometime.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>grinning “Oh, look at us, turning into repeat customers.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>smirks “Mmm. We’ll see if he can handle the sequel.”<</ln>><</if>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>><<addhours 1>><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Camera_flat_2]]>><</button>></div><<if $is_flat_closed==true>><<ch>>There’s nothing left to see here—it’s all ashes. Time to go to the insurance office.<</ch>><<else>><<if $whoinroom_lana=="Lbed">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</ln>>
<<case 2>><<ln>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</ln>>
<<case 3>><<ln>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</ln>>
<<case 4>><<ln>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</ln>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Huh, Lana, not what I expected, but okay.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ln>>Well, Lana, that’s one way to spend your time.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ln>>Alright, sure, Lana, why not?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ln>>Lana, that makes sense… I think.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ln>>Guess we’re just doing that now, huh, Lana?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and ($lr_show.event1==false or $lr_show.event4==false)>><<if $lr_show.event1==false>><<set $lr_show.event1=true>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and spot Lana fanning herself while Riley sprawls on the couch, looking miserable.<</st>>
<<rl>>“This heat is unbearable,” Riley groans. “The AC’s been out for days.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana wipes sweat from her forehead. “Yeah, I’m practically melting here.”<</ln>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Improve AC'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You knock on their door with a casual smile, holding up a package. “Hey, this was delivered to my place by mistake. Thought I’d bring it over. Everything alright in here?” you ask, glancing around.<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana sighs. “Honestly? No. The AC’s busted, and we’re dying in here.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You raise an eyebrow, pretending to notice the stuffy air for the first time. “Oh damn, I can feel it. Alright, I’ll send someone over to get that fixed ASAP.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley perks up from the couch. “Wait, really? That’s awesome. I was starting to stick to the furniture.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana grins. “Thanks, you’re saving us from roasting alive!”<</ln>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<set $ch.money-=200>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets+=200>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money -200">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>I know what it's like to live in this kind of heat… but damn, I don’t have the budget to fix that AC right now.<</ch>>
<<ch>>You close the camera feed, muttering to yourself, They'll have to deal with it. Maybe they should spend their own money for once.<</ch>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
</span><<elseif $lr_show.event4==false>><<set $lr_show.event4=true>><<st>>You open the camera feed, and immediately, the screen grabs your attention. Lana and Riley are in the middle of filming a new porn scene, and it’s clear from the get-go that something crazy is going on there. The way they move, the setup—it’s hot as hell. You can feel your pulse quicken just by watching, and you cannot take your eyes off the screen.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You lean back, knowing full well that society’s rules would tell you to stop watching. But screw that—you’re not here to play by the rules. This is way too good. You settle in, locked on the scene like nothing else exists.<</st>>
<<st>>With every passing minute, you’re getting more fired up. This is wild. It’s like I’ve got front-row seats to a private show, and I’m the only one lucky enough to watch.<</st>>
<<link 'Go to the apartment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>Just watching? Nah, that’s not enough. You need to be there. But before you rush out, a thought hits you—at least put on some clean underwear, for fuck’s sake.<</ch>>
<<ch>>You pull open a drawer and dig through it until your hand lands on a familiar pair. You grin. Hell yeah, my lucky boxers. Quickly slipping them on, you mutter to yourself, "Don’t let me down," and head straight to their apartment, heart pounding with anticipation.<</ch>>
<<ch>>You knock on the door, and as it opens, you lean in with a smirk.
“Ladies, anyone call for help?”<</ch>>
<<if $lr.lust>50>><<st>>You stand there, smirking like an idiot, waiting for their reaction. It hits you—maybe they weren’t exactly expecting you to show up, and things could go south real fast. Your confidence starts to wobble for a second, but then you see their eyes widen in surprise. They glance at each other, then at the camera, then back at you—your goofy grin still plastered across your face.<</st>>
<<st>>Just when you start to doubt yourself, you can tell they’re about to improvise.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley is the first to catch on. She puts on an exaggerated pout, “Oh no, Lana, did we forget to pay our rent again?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana plays along quickly, her expression switching to mock concern. “Oh my god, you’re right, Riley. What are we going to do?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>They turn toward you, and before you can say a word, they grab you by the arms, pulling you inside the apartment and closing the door behind them. “Don’t worry, Mr. Landlord, we’ll fix this right now,” Riley says, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm.<</rl>><<set $lr_show.event4=true>><<else>><<st>>You stand there, smirking like an idiot, waiting for their reaction. It finally hits you—maybe they weren’t expecting you, and this could go sideways fast. For a second, you catch that look on their faces like, Is this really happening?<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana and Riley stare at you, and their expressions drop. “Dude, seriously? What are you doing here?” Lana asks, more confused than amused.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You shrug, trying to play it off. “Uh, I thought I’d just drop by like usual, you know... chat or something.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley crosses her arms, clearly not impressed. “One thing’s making jokes, but showing up while we’re working? You totally just messed up our shoot.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You scratch the back of your head, suddenly feeling the weight of your bad decision. “Didn’t mean to interrupt. I just thought, you know, maybe I could... join in or something?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana steps forward, pointing back toward the hallway. “Yeah, no. Time to go, man. We’re busy.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You stand there, realizing you’ve definitely overstepped. “Alright, alright, I’ll bounce... next time I’ll knock first.”<</ch>>
<<st>>Tip: Your relationship with Lana and Riley isn’t strong enough for this. Work on improving it and try again later!<</st>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<else>><<set $random to random(1, 5)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your jaw practically drops. Lana and Riley are casually walking around the apartment completely naked, not a care in the world.<</st>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but think, Holy shit, I’d give anything to be there right now.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting something exciting, but instead, you see Lana and Riley cleaning the apartment—fully clothed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Seriously? What a snoozefest. They’re porn stars, not housemaids! And why the hell are they cleaning with their clothes on?” you think, shaking your head in disappointment.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Looks like I need to crank up their lust. This kind of boring crap isn’t cutting it.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and freeze, your eyes glued to the screen. Lana and Riley are in the bedroom, and things are getting heated fast. But there’s no camera equipment—this isn’t for a shoot. They’re just fucking around, enjoying each other without an audience.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Holy shit,” you mutter to yourself, feeling a rush of excitement. “I’m so damn glad I rented this place to them.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You can’t look away. The sight of it makes your pulse race.<</st>>
<<ch>>You lean in closer, almost holding your breath as you watch them. “Damn,” you think, barely able to tear your eyes away, “This is exactly what I needed to see.”<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ln>>Lana lies in bed, reading a romance novel and rolling her eyes at the unrealistic love scenes<</ln>><</switch>><</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 5)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your jaw practically drops. Lana and Riley are casually walking around the apartment completely naked, not a care in the world.<</st>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but think, Holy shit, I’d give anything to be there right now.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting something exciting, but instead, you see Lana and Riley cleaning the apartment—fully clothed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Seriously? What a snoozefest. They’re porn stars, not housemaids! And why the hell are they cleaning with their clothes on?” you think, shaking your head in disappointment.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Looks like I need to crank up their lust. This kind of boring crap isn’t cutting it.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and freeze, your eyes glued to the screen. Lana and Riley are in the bedroom, and things are getting heated fast. But there’s no camera equipment—this isn’t for a shoot. They’re just fucking around, enjoying each other without an audience.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Holy shit,” you mutter to yourself, feeling a rush of excitement. “I’m so damn glad I rented this place to them.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You can’t look away. The sight of it makes your pulse race.<</st>>
<<ch>>You lean in closer, almost holding your breath as you watch them. “Damn,” you think, barely able to tear your eyes away, “This is exactly what I needed to see.”<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ln>>Lana lies in bed, reading a romance novel and rolling her eyes at the unrealistic love scenes<</ln>><</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $whoinroom_riley=="Rbed">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<rl>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</rl>>
<<case 2>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</rl>>
<<case 3>><<rl>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</rl>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<rl>>Huh, didn’t see that coming, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rl>>Oh, well, Riley, that’s something new.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<rl>>Alright, Riley, I guess that works.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rl>>Interesting. Very… interesting, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<rl>>Okay, that’s nice, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and ($lr_show.event1==false or $lr_show.event4==false)>><<if $lr_show.event1==false>><<set $lr_show.event1=true>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and spot Lana fanning herself while Riley sprawls on the couch, looking miserable.<</st>>
<<rl>>“This heat is unbearable,” Riley groans. “The AC’s been out for days.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana wipes sweat from her forehead. “Yeah, I’m practically melting here.”<</ln>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Improve AC'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You knock on their door with a casual smile, holding up a package. “Hey, this was delivered to my place by mistake. Thought I’d bring it over. Everything alright in here?” you ask, glancing around.<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana sighs. “Honestly? No. The AC’s busted, and we’re dying in here.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You raise an eyebrow, pretending to notice the stuffy air for the first time. “Oh damn, I can feel it. Alright, I’ll send someone over to get that fixed ASAP.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley perks up from the couch. “Wait, really? That’s awesome. I was starting to stick to the furniture.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana grins. “Thanks, you’re saving us from roasting alive!”<</ln>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<set $ch.money-=200>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets+=200>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money -200">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>I know what it's like to live in this kind of heat… but damn, I don’t have the budget to fix that AC right now.<</ch>>
<<ch>>You close the camera feed, muttering to yourself, They'll have to deal with it. Maybe they should spend their own money for once.<</ch>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
</span><<elseif $lr_show.event4==false>><<set $lr_show.event4=true>><<st>>You open the camera feed, and immediately, the screen grabs your attention. Lana and Riley are in the middle of filming a new porn scene, and it’s clear from the get-go that something crazy is going on there. The way they move, the setup—it’s hot as hell. You can feel your pulse quicken just by watching, and you cannot take your eyes off the screen.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You lean back, knowing full well that society’s rules would tell you to stop watching. But screw that—you’re not here to play by the rules. This is way too good. You settle in, locked on the scene like nothing else exists.<</st>>
<<st>>With every passing minute, you’re getting more fired up. This is wild. It’s like I’ve got front-row seats to a private show, and I’m the only one lucky enough to watch.<</st>>
<<link 'Go to the apartment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>Just watching? Nah, that’s not enough. You need to be there. But before you rush out, a thought hits you—at least put on some clean underwear, for fuck’s sake.<</ch>>
<<ch>>You pull open a drawer and dig through it until your hand lands on a familiar pair. You grin. Hell yeah, my lucky boxers. Quickly slipping them on, you mutter to yourself, "Don’t let me down," and head straight to their apartment, heart pounding with anticipation.<</ch>>
<<ch>>You knock on the door, and as it opens, you lean in with a smirk.
“Ladies, anyone call for help?”<</ch>>
<<if $lr.lust>50>><<st>>You stand there, smirking like an idiot, waiting for their reaction. It hits you—maybe they weren’t exactly expecting you to show up, and things could go south real fast. Your confidence starts to wobble for a second, but then you see their eyes widen in surprise. They glance at each other, then at the camera, then back at you—your goofy grin still plastered across your face.<</st>>
<<st>>Just when you start to doubt yourself, you can tell they’re about to improvise.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley is the first to catch on. She puts on an exaggerated pout, “Oh no, Lana, did we forget to pay our rent again?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana plays along quickly, her expression switching to mock concern. “Oh my god, you’re right, Riley. What are we going to do?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>They turn toward you, and before you can say a word, they grab you by the arms, pulling you inside the apartment and closing the door behind them. “Don’t worry, Mr. Landlord, we’ll fix this right now,” Riley says, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm.<</rl>><<set $lr_show.event4=true>><<else>><<st>>You stand there, smirking like an idiot, waiting for their reaction. It finally hits you—maybe they weren’t expecting you, and this could go sideways fast. For a second, you catch that look on their faces like, Is this really happening?<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana and Riley stare at you, and their expressions drop. “Dude, seriously? What are you doing here?” Lana asks, more confused than amused.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You shrug, trying to play it off. “Uh, I thought I’d just drop by like usual, you know... chat or something.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley crosses her arms, clearly not impressed. “One thing’s making jokes, but showing up while we’re working? You totally just messed up our shoot.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You scratch the back of your head, suddenly feeling the weight of your bad decision. “Didn’t mean to interrupt. I just thought, you know, maybe I could... join in or something?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana steps forward, pointing back toward the hallway. “Yeah, no. Time to go, man. We’re busy.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You stand there, realizing you’ve definitely overstepped. “Alright, alright, I’ll bounce... next time I’ll knock first.”<</ch>>
<<st>>Tip: Your relationship with Lana and Riley isn’t strong enough for this. Work on improving it and try again later!<</st>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<else>><<set $random to random(1, 5)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your jaw practically drops. Lana and Riley are casually walking around the apartment completely naked, not a care in the world.<</st>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but think, Holy shit, I’d give anything to be there right now.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting something exciting, but instead, you see Lana and Riley cleaning the apartment—fully clothed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Seriously? What a snoozefest. They’re porn stars, not housemaids! And why the hell are they cleaning with their clothes on?” you think, shaking your head in disappointment.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Looks like I need to crank up their lust. This kind of boring crap isn’t cutting it.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and freeze, your eyes glued to the screen. Lana and Riley are in the bedroom, and things are getting heated fast. But there’s no camera equipment—this isn’t for a shoot. They’re just fucking around, enjoying each other without an audience.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Holy shit,” you mutter to yourself, feeling a rush of excitement. “I’m so damn glad I rented this place to them.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You can’t look away. The sight of it makes your pulse race.<</st>>
<<ch>>You lean in closer, almost holding your breath as you watch them. “Damn,” you think, barely able to tear your eyes away, “This is exactly what I needed to see.”<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<rl>>Riley tries to meditate but ends up scrolling through TikTok, laughing at memes and thinking, “This is basically mindfulness, right?” <</rl>><</switch>><</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 5)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your jaw practically drops. Lana and Riley are casually walking around the apartment completely naked, not a care in the world.<</st>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but think, Holy shit, I’d give anything to be there right now.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting something exciting, but instead, you see Lana and Riley cleaning the apartment—fully clothed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Seriously? What a snoozefest. They’re porn stars, not housemaids! And why the hell are they cleaning with their clothes on?” you think, shaking your head in disappointment.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Looks like I need to crank up their lust. This kind of boring crap isn’t cutting it.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 4>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and freeze, your eyes glued to the screen. Lana and Riley are in the bedroom, and things are getting heated fast. But there’s no camera equipment—this isn’t for a shoot. They’re just fucking around, enjoying each other without an audience.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Holy shit,” you mutter to yourself, feeling a rush of excitement. “I’m so damn glad I rented this place to them.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You can’t look away. The sight of it makes your pulse race.<</st>>
<<ch>>You lean in closer, almost holding your breath as you watch them. “Damn,” you think, barely able to tear your eyes away, “This is exactly what I needed to see.”<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<rl>>Riley tries to meditate but ends up scrolling through TikTok, laughing at memes and thinking, “This is basically mindfulness, right?” <</rl>><</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $whoinroom_lana_riley=="LRbed">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</ln>>
<<case 2>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</rl>>
<<case 3>><<ln>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</ln>>
<<case 4>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</rl>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Huh, Lana, not what I expected, but okay.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rl>>Huh, didn’t see that coming, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ln>>Well, Lana, that’s one way to spend your time.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rl>>Oh, well, Riley, that’s something new.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ln>>Alright, sure, Lana, why not?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<rl>>Alright, Riley, I guess that works.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 7>><<ln>>Lana, that makes sense… I think.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 8>><<rl>>Interesting. Very… interesting, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 9>><<ln>>Guess we’re just doing that now, huh, Lana?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 10>><<rl>>Okay, that’s nice, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and ($lr_show.event1==false or $lr_show.event4==false)>><<if $lr_show.event1==false>><<set $lr_show.event1=true>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and spot Lana fanning herself while Riley sprawls on the couch, looking miserable.<</st>>
<<rl>>“This heat is unbearable,” Riley groans. “The AC’s been out for days.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana wipes sweat from her forehead. “Yeah, I’m practically melting here.”<</ln>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Improve AC'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You knock on their door with a casual smile, holding up a package. “Hey, this was delivered to my place by mistake. Thought I’d bring it over. Everything alright in here?” you ask, glancing around.<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana sighs. “Honestly? No. The AC’s busted, and we’re dying in here.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You raise an eyebrow, pretending to notice the stuffy air for the first time. “Oh damn, I can feel it. Alright, I’ll send someone over to get that fixed ASAP.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley perks up from the couch. “Wait, really? That’s awesome. I was starting to stick to the furniture.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana grins. “Thanks, you’re saving us from roasting alive!”<</ln>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<set $ch.money-=200>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets+=200>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money -200">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>I know what it's like to live in this kind of heat… but damn, I don’t have the budget to fix that AC right now.<</ch>>
<<ch>>You close the camera feed, muttering to yourself, They'll have to deal with it. Maybe they should spend their own money for once.<</ch>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
</span><<elseif $lr_show.event4==false>><<set $lr_show.event4=true>><<st>>You open the camera feed, and immediately, the screen grabs your attention. Lana and Riley are in the middle of filming a new porn scene, and it’s clear from the get-go that something crazy is going on there. The way they move, the setup—it’s hot as hell. You can feel your pulse quicken just by watching, and you cannot take your eyes off the screen.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You lean back, knowing full well that society’s rules would tell you to stop watching. But screw that—you’re not here to play by the rules. This is way too good. You settle in, locked on the scene like nothing else exists.<</st>>
<<st>>With every passing minute, you’re getting more fired up. This is wild. It’s like I’ve got front-row seats to a private show, and I’m the only one lucky enough to watch.<</st>>
<<link 'Go to the apartment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>Just watching? Nah, that’s not enough. You need to be there. But before you rush out, a thought hits you—at least put on some clean underwear, for fuck’s sake.<</ch>>
<<ch>>You pull open a drawer and dig through it until your hand lands on a familiar pair. You grin. Hell yeah, my lucky boxers. Quickly slipping them on, you mutter to yourself, "Don’t let me down," and head straight to their apartment, heart pounding with anticipation.<</ch>>
<<ch>>You knock on the door, and as it opens, you lean in with a smirk.
“Ladies, anyone call for help?”<</ch>>
<<if $lr.lust>50>><<st>>You stand there, smirking like an idiot, waiting for their reaction. It hits you—maybe they weren’t exactly expecting you to show up, and things could go south real fast. Your confidence starts to wobble for a second, but then you see their eyes widen in surprise. They glance at each other, then at the camera, then back at you—your goofy grin still plastered across your face.<</st>>
<<st>>Just when you start to doubt yourself, you can tell they’re about to improvise.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley is the first to catch on. She puts on an exaggerated pout, “Oh no, Lana, did we forget to pay our rent again?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana plays along quickly, her expression switching to mock concern. “Oh my god, you’re right, Riley. What are we going to do?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>They turn toward you, and before you can say a word, they grab you by the arms, pulling you inside the apartment and closing the door behind them. “Don’t worry, Mr. Landlord, we’ll fix this right now,” Riley says, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm.<</rl>><<set $lr_show.event4=true>><<else>><<st>>You stand there, smirking like an idiot, waiting for their reaction. It finally hits you—maybe they weren’t expecting you, and this could go sideways fast. For a second, you catch that look on their faces like, Is this really happening?<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana and Riley stare at you, and their expressions drop. “Dude, seriously? What are you doing here?” Lana asks, more confused than amused.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You shrug, trying to play it off. “Uh, I thought I’d just drop by like usual, you know... chat or something.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley crosses her arms, clearly not impressed. “One thing’s making jokes, but showing up while we’re working? You totally just messed up our shoot.”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You scratch the back of your head, suddenly feeling the weight of your bad decision. “Didn’t mean to interrupt. I just thought, you know, maybe I could... join in or something?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana steps forward, pointing back toward the hallway. “Yeah, no. Time to go, man. We’re busy.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>You stand there, realizing you’ve definitely overstepped. “Alright, alright, I’ll bounce... next time I’ll knock first.”<</ch>>
<<st>>Tip: Your relationship with Lana and Riley isn’t strong enough for this. Work on improving it and try again later!<</st>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>><</if>>
</span><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 6)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and freeze, your eyes glued to the screen. Lana and Riley are in the bedroom, and things are getting heated fast. But there’s no camera equipment—this isn’t for a shoot. They’re just fucking around, enjoying each other without an audience.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Holy shit,” you mutter to yourself, feeling a rush of excitement. “I’m so damn glad I rented this place to them.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You can’t look away. The sight of it makes your pulse race.<</st>>
<<ch>>You lean in closer, almost holding your breath as you watch them. “Damn,” you think, barely able to tear your eyes away, “This is exactly what I needed to see.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You open the camera feed and catch Lana and Riley in a bedroom, whispering and laughing over something.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Did you hear about Dave? The director?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“The one who wears socks with sandals? What about him?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“He’s dating the new makeup artist. The one who looks like she’s 12.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Ew. Does she know he still uses MySpace?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Probably not. But hey, at least he’s consistent. Socks with sandals, MySpace, dating teenagers—man’s stuck in 2005.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Someone needs to stage an intervention.”<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Lana walks into the bedroom fresh from her shower, a towel loosely wrapped around her waist. She notices Riley standing by the bed, clearly turned on.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Lana, let me help you dry off.”<</rl>>
<<rl>>“Just relax.”<</rl>>
<<st>>Riley moves closer, pushes Lana onto the bed<</st>>
<<case 5>><<rl>>Lana and Riley brainstorm ideas for their next video, with Riley suggesting, “What if we do a roleplay where I’m a CEO and you’re my intern?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Only if I get to fire you at the end.”<</ln>>
<<case 6>><<st>>Lana lies on the bed, and Riley kneels between her legs. Riley pulls Lana’s panties off and buries her face between Lana’s thighs.<</st>>
<</switch>><</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 6)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and freeze, your eyes glued to the screen. Lana and Riley are in the bedroom, and things are getting heated fast. But there’s no camera equipment—this isn’t for a shoot. They’re just fucking around, enjoying each other without an audience.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Holy shit,” you mutter to yourself, feeling a rush of excitement. “I’m so damn glad I rented this place to them.”<</ch>>
<<st>>You can’t look away. The sight of it makes your pulse race.<</st>>
<<ch>>You lean in closer, almost holding your breath as you watch them. “Damn,” you think, barely able to tear your eyes away, “This is exactly what I needed to see.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You open the camera feed and catch Lana and Riley in a bedroom, whispering and laughing over something.<</st>>
<<ln>>“Did you hear about Dave? The director?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“The one who wears socks with sandals? What about him?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“He’s dating the new makeup artist. The one who looks like she’s 12.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Ew. Does she know he still uses MySpace?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Probably not. But hey, at least he’s consistent. Socks with sandals, MySpace, dating teenagers—man’s stuck in 2005.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Someone needs to stage an intervention.”<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Lana walks into the bedroom fresh from her shower, a towel loosely wrapped around her waist. She notices Riley standing by the bed, clearly turned on.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Lana, let me help you dry off.”<</rl>>
<<rl>>“Just relax.”<</rl>>
<<st>>Riley moves closer, pushes Lana onto the bed<</st>>
<<case 5>><<rl>>Lana and Riley brainstorm ideas for their next video, with Riley suggesting, “What if we do a roleplay where I’m a CEO and you’re my intern?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Only if I get to fire you at the end.”<</ln>>
<<case 6>><<st>>Lana lies on the bed, and Riley kneels between her legs. Riley pulls Lana’s panties off and buries her face between Lana’s thighs.<</st>>
<<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><</if>>
<<addhours 1>><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Camera_flat_2]]>><</button>></div><<if $is_flat_closed==true>><<ch>>There’s nothing left to see here—it’s all ashes. Time to go to the insurance office.<</ch>><<else>><<if $whoinroom_lana=="Lkit">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</ln>>
<<case 2>><<ln>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</ln>>
<<case 3>><<ln>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</ln>>
<<case 4>><<ln>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</ln>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Huh, Lana, not what I expected, but okay.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ln>>Well, Lana, that’s one way to spend your time.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ln>>Alright, sure, Lana, why not?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ln>>Lana, that makes sense… I think.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ln>>Guess we’re just doing that now, huh, Lana?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and $lr_show.event2==false or $lr_show.event3==false>><<if $lr_show.event2==false>><<set $lr_show.event2=true>><<st>>You check the camera and see Lana struggling to balance her coffee cup on the kitchen table, which wobbles every time she puts something down.<</st>>
<<ln>>“This table’s about to drive me crazy. It won’t stop wobbling,” she complains to Riley.<</ln>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Fix the Table'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You knock on their door, holding an envelope. “Hey, just dropping off the rent receipt for last week.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana opens the door and smiles, taking the envelope. “Oh, thanks!”<</ln>>
<<ln>>As you step inside, you notice the kitchen table wobbling with every touch. Lana frowns at it and sighs. “This damn table is about to fall apart.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>“Looks like it just needs a quick fix. I’ll go grab my tools and take care of it.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley peeks over. “Wait, really? You’d fix it for us?”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You nod, heading back to your place to grab the tools. “Be right back.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>After a few minutes, you return and quickly tighten the screws, steadying the table. Lana sets her cup down, testing it out. “Thanks! No more spilled drinks.”<</ln>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>A wobbly table? Not really my problem.<</ch>>
<<st>>You close the feed, leaving them to deal with it. They’ll figure it out eventually.<</st>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
</span><<elseif $lr_show.event3==false>><<set $lr_show.event3=true>><<ln>>You pull up the camera feed, and you catch Lana and Riley in the middle of a conversation. “The internet sucks here,” Lana grumbles. “I can’t even upload this damn video.”<</ln>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Improve Internet'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You knock on their door, and Lana opens it, looking a bit surprised. “Oh, hey. What’s up?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>“Just thought I’d let you know—I decided to switch internet providers for you. You’ll have a faster connection soon.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley pokes her head around the corner. “Wait, really? That’s great! Thanks.”<</rl>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<set $ch.money-=100>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets+=100>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money -100">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You decide it’s not your problem and let them deal with their internet woes. You close the camera feed, shrugging it off.<</st>>
<<else>><<set $random to random(1, 8)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your jaw practically drops. Lana and Riley are casually walking around the apartment completely naked, not a care in the world.<</st>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but think, Holy shit, I’d give anything to be there right now.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting something exciting, but instead, you see Lana and Riley cleaning the apartment—fully clothed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Seriously? What a snoozefest. They’re porn stars, not housemaids! And why the hell are they cleaning with their clothes on?” you think, shaking your head in disappointment.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Looks like I need to crank up their lust. This kind of boring crap isn’t cutting it.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You open up the camera feed and see Lana and Riley gossiping on the couch while drinking wine.<</st>>
<<ln>>“So, I shot a scene with that new guy yesterday. You know, the one with the arms?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Oh, the one who looks like he lives at the gym? How was it?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Girl, his dick was huge. Like, I had to use both hands just to hold it.” mimes with her hands<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Damn, did you need a permit for that? Like, ‘Caution: Oversized Load’?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>laughs “Pretty much. I think I pulled a muscle trying to keep up.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Well, at least you got a workout. I’m over here with guys who think ‘average’ is a compliment.”<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Lana and Riley are cooking dinner at the kitchen and laugh about something.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Okay, real talk—how do you deal with the gag reflex? I almost threw up on set yesterday.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Oh, easy. Just pretend you’re deep-throating a burrito. Works every time.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“A burrito? What kind of monster deep-throats a burrito?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“The kind who doesn’t puke on camera. You’re welcome.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Noted. Next time, I’ll just imagine it’s a taco. Less traumatic.”<</rl>>
<<case 5>><<st>>You open up a camera feed and see a cozy dining area where Lana and Riley are mid-debate over a takeout order.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Pineapple on pizza is a crime.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Says the girl who puts ketchup on her eggs.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“That’s different! Ketchup is a condiment, not a fruit.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“And pineapple is a topping, not a war crime.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“You’re dead to me.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Cool. More pineapple pizza for me.”<</ln>>
<<case 6>><<rl>>Lana and Riley argue over who forgot to buy groceries again. Riley says, “You were supposed to get milk!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And you were supposed to remind me!”<</ln>>
<<case 7>><<st>>Lana and Riley film a steamy scene for their OnlyFans, with Riley teasing Lana about her “overly dramatic” moans.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “At least I don’t sound like a dying seagull.”<</ln>>
<<case 8>><<st>>After a long day of shooting, Lana and Riley collapse on the couch, exhausted.<</st>>
<<rl>>Lana jokes about how stiff she feels, and Riley smirks, saying, “I can help with that.” <</rl>>
<<st>>Riley climbs on top of her, pulling off Lana’s shirt and kissing her deeply. Her hands slide down, teasing Lana until she moans and arches into Riley’s touch.<</st>>
<</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 8)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your jaw practically drops. Lana and Riley are casually walking around the apartment completely naked, not a care in the world.<</st>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but think, Holy shit, I’d give anything to be there right now.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting something exciting, but instead, you see Lana and Riley cleaning the apartment—fully clothed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Seriously? What a snoozefest. They’re porn stars, not housemaids! And why the hell are they cleaning with their clothes on?” you think, shaking your head in disappointment.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Looks like I need to crank up their lust. This kind of boring crap isn’t cutting it.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You open up the camera feed and see Lana and Riley gossiping on the couch while drinking wine.<</st>>
<<ln>>“So, I shot a scene with that new guy yesterday. You know, the one with the arms?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Oh, the one who looks like he lives at the gym? How was it?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Girl, his dick was huge. Like, I had to use both hands just to hold it.” mimes with her hands<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Damn, did you need a permit for that? Like, ‘Caution: Oversized Load’?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>laughs “Pretty much. I think I pulled a muscle trying to keep up.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Well, at least you got a workout. I’m over here with guys who think ‘average’ is a compliment.”<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Lana and Riley are cooking dinner at the kitchen and laugh about something.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Okay, real talk—how do you deal with the gag reflex? I almost threw up on set yesterday.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Oh, easy. Just pretend you’re deep-throating a burrito. Works every time.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“A burrito? What kind of monster deep-throats a burrito?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“The kind who doesn’t puke on camera. You’re welcome.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Noted. Next time, I’ll just imagine it’s a taco. Less traumatic.”<</rl>>
<<case 5>><<st>>You open up a camera feed and see a cozy dining area where Lana and Riley are mid-debate over a takeout order.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Pineapple on pizza is a crime.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Says the girl who puts ketchup on her eggs.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“That’s different! Ketchup is a condiment, not a fruit.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“And pineapple is a topping, not a war crime.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“You’re dead to me.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Cool. More pineapple pizza for me.”<</ln>>
<<case 6>><<rl>>Lana and Riley argue over who forgot to buy groceries again. Riley says, “You were supposed to get milk!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And you were supposed to remind me!”<</ln>>
<<case 7>><<st>>Lana and Riley film a steamy scene for their OnlyFans, with Riley teasing Lana about her “overly dramatic” moans.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “At least I don’t sound like a dying seagull.”<</ln>>
<<case 8>><<st>>After a long day of shooting, Lana and Riley collapse on the couch, exhausted.<</st>>
<<rl>>Lana jokes about how stiff she feels, and Riley smirks, saying, “I can help with that.” <</rl>>
<<st>>Riley climbs on top of her, pulling off Lana’s shirt and kissing her deeply. Her hands slide down, teasing Lana until she moans and arches into Riley’s touch.<</st>>
<<elseif $whoinroom_riley=="Rkit">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<rl>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</rl>>
<<case 2>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</rl>>
<<case 3>><<rl>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</rl>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<rl>>Huh, didn’t see that coming, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rl>>Oh, well, Riley, that’s something new.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<rl>>Alright, Riley, I guess that works.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rl>>Interesting. Very… interesting, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<rl>>Okay, that’s nice, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and $lr_show.event2==false or $lr_show.event3==false>><<if $lr_show.event2==false>><<set $lr_show.event2=true>><<st>>You check the camera and see Lana struggling to balance her coffee cup on the kitchen table, which wobbles every time she puts something down.<</st>>
<<ln>>“This table’s about to drive me crazy. It won’t stop wobbling,” she complains to Riley.<</ln>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Fix the Table'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You knock on their door, holding an envelope. “Hey, just dropping off the rent receipt for last week.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana opens the door and smiles, taking the envelope. “Oh, thanks!”<</ln>>
<<ln>>As you step inside, you notice the kitchen table wobbling with every touch. Lana frowns at it and sighs. “This damn table is about to fall apart.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>“Looks like it just needs a quick fix. I’ll go grab my tools and take care of it.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley peeks over. “Wait, really? You’d fix it for us?”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You nod, heading back to your place to grab the tools. “Be right back.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>After a few minutes, you return and quickly tighten the screws, steadying the table. Lana sets her cup down, testing it out. “Thanks! No more spilled drinks.”<</ln>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>A wobbly table? Not really my problem.<</ch>>
<<st>>You close the feed, leaving them to deal with it. They’ll figure it out eventually.<</st>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
</span><<elseif $lr_show.event3==false>><<set $lr_show.event3=true>><<ln>>You pull up the camera feed, and you catch Lana and Riley in the middle of a conversation. “The internet sucks here,” Lana grumbles. “I can’t even upload this damn video.”<</ln>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Improve Internet'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You knock on their door, and Lana opens it, looking a bit surprised. “Oh, hey. What’s up?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>“Just thought I’d let you know—I decided to switch internet providers for you. You’ll have a faster connection soon.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley pokes her head around the corner. “Wait, really? That’s great! Thanks.”<</rl>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<set $ch.money-=100>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets+=100>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money -100">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You decide it’s not your problem and let them deal with their internet woes. You close the camera feed, shrugging it off.<</st>>
<<else>><<set $random to random(1, 8)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your jaw practically drops. Lana and Riley are casually walking around the apartment completely naked, not a care in the world.<</st>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but think, Holy shit, I’d give anything to be there right now.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting something exciting, but instead, you see Lana and Riley cleaning the apartment—fully clothed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Seriously? What a snoozefest. They’re porn stars, not housemaids! And why the hell are they cleaning with their clothes on?” you think, shaking your head in disappointment.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Looks like I need to crank up their lust. This kind of boring crap isn’t cutting it.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You open up the camera feed and see Lana and Riley gossiping on the couch while drinking wine.<</st>>
<<ln>>“So, I shot a scene with that new guy yesterday. You know, the one with the arms?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Oh, the one who looks like he lives at the gym? How was it?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Girl, his dick was huge. Like, I had to use both hands just to hold it.” mimes with her hands<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Damn, did you need a permit for that? Like, ‘Caution: Oversized Load’?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>laughs “Pretty much. I think I pulled a muscle trying to keep up.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Well, at least you got a workout. I’m over here with guys who think ‘average’ is a compliment.”<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Lana and Riley are cooking dinner at the kitchen and laugh about something.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Okay, real talk—how do you deal with the gag reflex? I almost threw up on set yesterday.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Oh, easy. Just pretend you’re deep-throating a burrito. Works every time.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“A burrito? What kind of monster deep-throats a burrito?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“The kind who doesn’t puke on camera. You’re welcome.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Noted. Next time, I’ll just imagine it’s a taco. Less traumatic.”<</rl>>
<<case 5>><<st>>You open up a camera feed and see a cozy dining area where Lana and Riley are mid-debate over a takeout order.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Pineapple on pizza is a crime.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Says the girl who puts ketchup on her eggs.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“That’s different! Ketchup is a condiment, not a fruit.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“And pineapple is a topping, not a war crime.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“You’re dead to me.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Cool. More pineapple pizza for me.”<</ln>>
<<case 6>><<rl>>Lana and Riley argue over who forgot to buy groceries again. Riley says, “You were supposed to get milk!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And you were supposed to remind me!”<</ln>>
<<case 7>><<st>>Lana and Riley film a steamy scene for their OnlyFans, with Riley teasing Lana about her “overly dramatic” moans.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “At least I don’t sound like a dying seagull.”<</ln>>
<<case 8>><<st>>After a long day of shooting, Lana and Riley collapse on the couch, exhausted.<</st>>
<<rl>>Lana jokes about how stiff she feels, and Riley smirks, saying, “I can help with that.” <</rl>>
<<st>>Riley climbs on top of her, pulling off Lana’s shirt and kissing her deeply. Her hands slide down, teasing Lana until she moans and arches into Riley’s touch.<</st>>
<</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 8)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your jaw practically drops. Lana and Riley are casually walking around the apartment completely naked, not a care in the world.<</st>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but think, Holy shit, I’d give anything to be there right now.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting something exciting, but instead, you see Lana and Riley cleaning the apartment—fully clothed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Seriously? What a snoozefest. They’re porn stars, not housemaids! And why the hell are they cleaning with their clothes on?” you think, shaking your head in disappointment.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Looks like I need to crank up their lust. This kind of boring crap isn’t cutting it.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You open up the camera feed and see Lana and Riley gossiping on the couch while drinking wine.<</st>>
<<ln>>“So, I shot a scene with that new guy yesterday. You know, the one with the arms?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Oh, the one who looks like he lives at the gym? How was it?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Girl, his dick was huge. Like, I had to use both hands just to hold it.” mimes with her hands<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Damn, did you need a permit for that? Like, ‘Caution: Oversized Load’?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>laughs “Pretty much. I think I pulled a muscle trying to keep up.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Well, at least you got a workout. I’m over here with guys who think ‘average’ is a compliment.”<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Lana and Riley are cooking dinner at the kitchen and laugh about something.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Okay, real talk—how do you deal with the gag reflex? I almost threw up on set yesterday.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Oh, easy. Just pretend you’re deep-throating a burrito. Works every time.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“A burrito? What kind of monster deep-throats a burrito?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“The kind who doesn’t puke on camera. You’re welcome.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Noted. Next time, I’ll just imagine it’s a taco. Less traumatic.”<</rl>>
<<case 5>><<st>>You open up a camera feed and see a cozy dining area where Lana and Riley are mid-debate over a takeout order.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Pineapple on pizza is a crime.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Says the girl who puts ketchup on her eggs.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“That’s different! Ketchup is a condiment, not a fruit.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“And pineapple is a topping, not a war crime.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“You’re dead to me.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Cool. More pineapple pizza for me.”<</ln>>
<<case 6>><<rl>>Lana and Riley argue over who forgot to buy groceries again. Riley says, “You were supposed to get milk!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And you were supposed to remind me!”<</ln>>
<<case 7>><<st>>Lana and Riley film a steamy scene for their OnlyFans, with Riley teasing Lana about her “overly dramatic” moans.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “At least I don’t sound like a dying seagull.”<</ln>>
<<case 8>><<st>>After a long day of shooting, Lana and Riley collapse on the couch, exhausted.<</st>>
<<rl>>Lana jokes about how stiff she feels, and Riley smirks, saying, “I can help with that.” <</rl>>
<<st>>Riley climbs on top of her, pulling off Lana’s shirt and kissing her deeply. Her hands slide down, teasing Lana until she moans and arches into Riley’s touch.<</st>>
<<elseif $whoinroom_lana_riley=="LRkit">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</ln>>
<<case 2>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</rl>>
<<case 3>><<ln>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</ln>>
<<case 4>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</rl>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Huh, Lana, not what I expected, but okay.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rl>>Huh, didn’t see that coming, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ln>>Well, Lana, that’s one way to spend your time.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rl>>Oh, well, Riley, that’s something new.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ln>>Alright, sure, Lana, why not?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<rl>>Alright, Riley, I guess that works.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 7>><<ln>>Lana, that makes sense… I think.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 8>><<rl>>Interesting. Very… interesting, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 9>><<ln>>Guess we’re just doing that now, huh, Lana?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 10>><<rl>>Okay, that’s nice, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and $lr_show.event2==false or $lr_show.event3==false>><<if $lr_show.event2==false>><<set $lr_show.event2=true>><<st>>You check the camera and see Lana struggling to balance her coffee cup on the kitchen table, which wobbles every time she puts something down.<</st>>
<<ln>>“This table’s about to drive me crazy. It won’t stop wobbling,” she complains to Riley.<</ln>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Fix the Table'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You knock on their door, holding an envelope. “Hey, just dropping off the rent receipt for last week.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>Lana opens the door and smiles, taking the envelope. “Oh, thanks!”<</ln>>
<<ln>>As you step inside, you notice the kitchen table wobbling with every touch. Lana frowns at it and sighs. “This damn table is about to fall apart.”<</ln>>
<<ch>>“Looks like it just needs a quick fix. I’ll go grab my tools and take care of it.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley peeks over. “Wait, really? You’d fix it for us?”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You nod, heading back to your place to grab the tools. “Be right back.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>After a few minutes, you return and quickly tighten the screws, steadying the table. Lana sets her cup down, testing it out. “Thanks! No more spilled drinks.”<</ln>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>A wobbly table? Not really my problem.<</ch>>
<<st>>You close the feed, leaving them to deal with it. They’ll figure it out eventually.<</st>>
<<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
</span><<elseif $lr_show.event3==false>><<set $lr_show.event3=true>><<ln>>You pull up the camera feed, and you catch Lana and Riley in the middle of a conversation. “The internet sucks here,” Lana grumbles. “I can’t even upload this damn video.”<</ln>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Improve Internet'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You knock on their door, and Lana opens it, looking a bit surprised. “Oh, hey. What’s up?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>“Just thought I’d let you know—I decided to switch internet providers for you. You’ll have a faster connection soon.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley pokes her head around the corner. “Wait, really? That’s great! Thanks.”<</rl>><<set $lr.rel+=5>><<set $ch.money-=100>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets+=100>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money -100">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You decide it’s not your problem and let them deal with their internet woes. You close the camera feed, shrugging it off.<</st>>
</span><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 8)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your jaw practically drops. Lana and Riley are casually walking around the apartment completely naked, not a care in the world.<</st>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but think, Holy shit, I’d give anything to be there right now.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting something exciting, but instead, you see Lana and Riley cleaning the apartment—fully clothed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Seriously? What a snoozefest. They’re porn stars, not housemaids! And why the hell are they cleaning with their clothes on?” you think, shaking your head in disappointment.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Looks like I need to crank up their lust. This kind of boring crap isn’t cutting it.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You open up the camera feed and see Lana and Riley gossiping on the couch while drinking wine.<</st>>
<<ln>>“So, I shot a scene with that new guy yesterday. You know, the one with the arms?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Oh, the one who looks like he lives at the gym? How was it?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Girl, his dick was huge. Like, I had to use both hands just to hold it.” mimes with her hands<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Damn, did you need a permit for that? Like, ‘Caution: Oversized Load’?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>laughs “Pretty much. I think I pulled a muscle trying to keep up.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Well, at least you got a workout. I’m over here with guys who think ‘average’ is a compliment.”<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Lana and Riley are cooking dinner at the kitchen and laugh about something.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Okay, real talk—how do you deal with the gag reflex? I almost threw up on set yesterday.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Oh, easy. Just pretend you’re deep-throating a burrito. Works every time.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“A burrito? What kind of monster deep-throats a burrito?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“The kind who doesn’t puke on camera. You’re welcome.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Noted. Next time, I’ll just imagine it’s a taco. Less traumatic.”<</rl>>
<<case 5>><<st>>You open up a camera feed and see a cozy dining area where Lana and Riley are mid-debate over a takeout order.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Pineapple on pizza is a crime.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Says the girl who puts ketchup on her eggs.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“That’s different! Ketchup is a condiment, not a fruit.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“And pineapple is a topping, not a war crime.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“You’re dead to me.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Cool. More pineapple pizza for me.”<</ln>>
<<case 6>><<rl>>Lana and Riley argue over who forgot to buy groceries again. Riley says, “You were supposed to get milk!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And you were supposed to remind me!”<</ln>>
<<case 7>><<st>>Lana and Riley film a steamy scene for their OnlyFans, with Riley teasing Lana about her “overly dramatic” moans.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “At least I don’t sound like a dying seagull.”<</ln>>
<<case 8>><<st>>After a long day of shooting, Lana and Riley collapse on the couch, exhausted.<</st>>
<<rl>>Lana jokes about how stiff she feels, and Riley smirks, saying, “I can help with that.” <</rl>>
<<st>>Riley climbs on top of her, pulling off Lana’s shirt and kissing her deeply. Her hands slide down, teasing Lana until she moans and arches into Riley’s touch.<</st>>
<</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 8)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, and your jaw practically drops. Lana and Riley are casually walking around the apartment completely naked, not a care in the world.<</st>>
<<ch>>You can’t help but think, Holy shit, I’d give anything to be there right now.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting something exciting, but instead, you see Lana and Riley cleaning the apartment—fully clothed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Seriously? What a snoozefest. They’re porn stars, not housemaids! And why the hell are they cleaning with their clothes on?” you think, shaking your head in disappointment.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Looks like I need to crank up their lust. This kind of boring crap isn’t cutting it.”<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<st>>You open up the camera feed and see Lana and Riley gossiping on the couch while drinking wine.<</st>>
<<ln>>“So, I shot a scene with that new guy yesterday. You know, the one with the arms?”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Oh, the one who looks like he lives at the gym? How was it?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Girl, his dick was huge. Like, I had to use both hands just to hold it.” mimes with her hands<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Damn, did you need a permit for that? Like, ‘Caution: Oversized Load’?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>laughs “Pretty much. I think I pulled a muscle trying to keep up.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Well, at least you got a workout. I’m over here with guys who think ‘average’ is a compliment.”<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Lana and Riley are cooking dinner at the kitchen and laugh about something.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Okay, real talk—how do you deal with the gag reflex? I almost threw up on set yesterday.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Oh, easy. Just pretend you’re deep-throating a burrito. Works every time.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“A burrito? What kind of monster deep-throats a burrito?”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“The kind who doesn’t puke on camera. You’re welcome.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“Noted. Next time, I’ll just imagine it’s a taco. Less traumatic.”<</rl>>
<<case 5>><<st>>You open up a camera feed and see a cozy dining area where Lana and Riley are mid-debate over a takeout order.<</st>>
<<rl>>“Pineapple on pizza is a crime.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Says the girl who puts ketchup on her eggs.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“That’s different! Ketchup is a condiment, not a fruit.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“And pineapple is a topping, not a war crime.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>“You’re dead to me.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>“Cool. More pineapple pizza for me.”<</ln>>
<<case 6>><<rl>>Lana and Riley argue over who forgot to buy groceries again. Riley says, “You were supposed to get milk!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And you were supposed to remind me!”<</ln>>
<<case 7>><<st>>Lana and Riley film a steamy scene for their OnlyFans, with Riley teasing Lana about her “overly dramatic” moans.<</st>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “At least I don’t sound like a dying seagull.”<</ln>>
<<case 8>><<st>>After a long day of shooting, Lana and Riley collapse on the couch, exhausted.<</st>>
<<rl>>Lana jokes about how stiff she feels, and Riley smirks, saying, “I can help with that.” <</rl>>
<<st>>Riley climbs on top of her, pulling off Lana’s shirt and kissing her deeply. Her hands slide down, teasing Lana until she moans and arches into Riley’s touch.<</st>>
<<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><</if>><<addhours 1>><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Camera_flat_2]]>><</button>></div><<if $is_flat_closed==true>><<ch>>There’s nothing left to see here—it’s all ashes. Time to go to the insurance office.<</ch>><<else>><<if $whoinroom_lana=="Ltoi">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</ln>>
<<case 2>><<ln>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</ln>>
<<case 3>><<ln>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</ln>>
<<case 4>><<ln>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</ln>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Huh, Lana, not what I expected, but okay.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ln>>Well, Lana, that’s one way to spend your time.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ln>>Alright, sure, Lana, why not?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ln>>Lana, that makes sense… I think.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ln>>Guess we’re just doing that now, huh, Lana?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and $lr_show.event5==false>><<if $lr_show.event5==false>><<set $lr_show.event5=true>><<st>>You check the camera feed, expecting just a normal day, but instead, your jaw drops. There’s some random guy in Lana and Riley’s apartment, frantically going through their stuff. But here’s the weird part—he’s not taking anything valuable. No cash, no jewelry... just their panties. Clean, dirty, doesn’t matter, this freak is stuffing every pair he can find into his bag.<</st>>
<<ch>>What the hell? you think, eyes wide. Is this guy seriously stealing their underwear? What kind of psycho would do that?<</ch>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Stop Him'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Without wasting another second, you decide to play the hero. The guy doesn’t look too big, probably just some scrawny, perverted nerd. You can take him.<</st>>
<<ch>>You storm down to their apartment, adrenaline pumping. You swing the door open, catching the weirdo mid-grab with a fistful of panties. “Hey, asshole!” you shout, and the guy freezes like a deer in headlights. You don’t give him time to react, tackling him to the floor and pinning him down just as Lana and Riley walk in.<</ch>>
<<ln>>“What the hell is going on?” Lana gasps, her eyes wide, darting between you and the creep on the ground.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You quickly stand, trying to act casual. “I was passing by, heard some weird noises, and when I looked in, I saw this psycho breaking in. Had to stop him,” you say, wiping the sweat off your brow.<</ch>>
<<ch>>Then you glance down at the pile of panties spilling out of the bag. “Only now did I notice what he was trying to steal.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley pulls out her phone, already dialing the police. “This psycho was stealing our underwear?”<</rl>>
<<st>>Within minutes, the cops arrive and cuff the guy, dragging him out as he mutters incoherently. Once he’s gone, Lana and Riley turn to you, their eyes filled with gratitude and something more.<</st>>
<<rl>>“You really saved us,” Riley says, her voice soft, a smirk creeping onto her face. “We can’t just let that go unthanked.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, a playful glint in her eye. “Yeah, we’ve definitely gotta find a way to repay you.”<</ln>>
<<st>>They grab your hands, leading you inside the apartment. You can’t help the huge grin spreading across your face.<</st>>
<<st>>Daaamn, this is my lucky day, you think as they close the door behind you.<</st>><<set $lr.rel +=10>><<set $lr.lust +=10>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Do nothing'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You think about heading down to stop him, but then you reconsider. Getting involved with this weirdo might be more trouble than it’s worth. So instead, you keep watching through the camera. As the guy keeps grabbing panties, a sly idea starts forming in your mind.<</st>>
<<st>>No one knows what this dude is stealing, you realize. He’s only after the panties, but I could take the opportunity to swipe all their cash while the place is a mess. Blame the thief for everything.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Steal Their Stash">><<st>>Once the panty thief is gone, you make your move. You head down to the apartment, slipping inside unnoticed. The place is a wreck—he’s tossed everything around. But amidst the chaos, you find their hidden stash of cash and pocket it without a second thought.<</st>>
<<st>>By the time Lana and Riley return, the apartment is trashed, and all their money is gone. You act completely clueless when they call you down, putting on your best concerned landlord face.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Oh my god,” you say, glancing around the wrecked apartment. “What happened here?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley is already dialing the police, her face pale with shock.<</ln>>
<<if $insurance_bought.burglary==true>><<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley’s already dialing the police, her face pale.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You take a breath, putting on your best concerned look. “That’s terrible, but don’t worry—I made sure the apartment is covered by theft insurance. The company will reimburse you for everything.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>They both stop, staring at you through teary eyes. “Wait... seriously?” Lana asks.<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley lowers her phone, a look of disbelief crossing her face. “You actually thought ahead about that? You’re the best! I can’t believe it.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, smiling. “We have to thank you for being such a responsible landlord.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley winks. “Yeah... we owe you big time.”<</rl>>
<<st>>Before you know it, they’re pulling you toward the bedroom. You grin; everything’s turned out even better than you expected.<</st>>
[img[0.1/gifs/all_girls/7.webp]]<<set $lr.rel+=10>><<set $lr.lust+=10>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<else>><<rl>>After the police leave, Lana and Riley sit on the couch, defeated. “I can’t believe we lost everything,” Riley mutters. “We've been saving up for so long!”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You try to look sympathetic, shaking your head. “Hey, I know it’s tough, but money can be replaced. You’ll bounce back in no time.”<</ch>>
<<ch>>They nod, still looking crushed, but you can’t help but think to yourself, Good thing I stepped in when I did. They really had quite the stash saved up.<</ch>><<set $lr.rel-=20>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation -20">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $random to random(1, 2)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Lana and Riley argue over who used the last of the good conditioner.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “You’re the one with five different bottles in here!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “Yeah, and you keep stealing them!”<</ln>><</switch>>
<</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 2)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Lana and Riley argue over who used the last of the good conditioner.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “You’re the one with five different bottles in here!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “Yeah, and you keep stealing them!”<</ln>><</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $whoinroom_riley=="Rtoi">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<rl>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</rl>>
<<case 2>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</rl>>
<<case 3>><<rl>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</rl>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<rl>>Huh, didn’t see that coming, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rl>>Oh, well, Riley, that’s something new.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<rl>>Alright, Riley, I guess that works.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rl>>Interesting. Very… interesting, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<rl>>Okay, that’s nice, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and $lr_show.event5==false>><<if $lr_show.event5==false>><<set $lr_show.event5=true>><<st>>You check the camera feed, expecting just a normal day, but instead, your jaw drops. There’s some random guy in Lana and Riley’s apartment, frantically going through their stuff. But here’s the weird part—he’s not taking anything valuable. No cash, no jewelry... just their panties. Clean, dirty, doesn’t matter, this freak is stuffing every pair he can find into his bag.<</st>>
<<ch>>What the hell? you think, eyes wide. Is this guy seriously stealing their underwear? What kind of psycho would do that?<</ch>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Stop Him'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Without wasting another second, you decide to play the hero. The guy doesn’t look too big, probably just some scrawny, perverted nerd. You can take him.<</st>>
<<ch>>You storm down to their apartment, adrenaline pumping. You swing the door open, catching the weirdo mid-grab with a fistful of panties. “Hey, asshole!” you shout, and the guy freezes like a deer in headlights. You don’t give him time to react, tackling him to the floor and pinning him down just as Lana and Riley walk in.<</ch>>
<<ln>>“What the hell is going on?” Lana gasps, her eyes wide, darting between you and the creep on the ground.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You quickly stand, trying to act casual. “I was passing by, heard some weird noises, and when I looked in, I saw this psycho breaking in. Had to stop him,” you say, wiping the sweat off your brow.<</ch>>
<<ch>>Then you glance down at the pile of panties spilling out of the bag. “Only now did I notice what he was trying to steal.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley pulls out her phone, already dialing the police. “This psycho was stealing our underwear?”<</rl>>
<<st>>Within minutes, the cops arrive and cuff the guy, dragging him out as he mutters incoherently. Once he’s gone, Lana and Riley turn to you, their eyes filled with gratitude and something more.<</st>>
<<rl>>“You really saved us,” Riley says, her voice soft, a smirk creeping onto her face. “We can’t just let that go unthanked.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, a playful glint in her eye. “Yeah, we’ve definitely gotta find a way to repay you.”<</ln>>
<<st>>They grab your hands, leading you inside the apartment. You can’t help the huge grin spreading across your face.<</st>>
<<st>>Daaamn, this is my lucky day, you think as they close the door behind you.<</st>><<set $lr.rel +=10>><<set $lr.lust +=10>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Do nothing'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You think about heading down to stop him, but then you reconsider. Getting involved with this weirdo might be more trouble than it’s worth. So instead, you keep watching through the camera. As the guy keeps grabbing panties, a sly idea starts forming in your mind.<</st>>
<<st>>No one knows what this dude is stealing, you realize. He’s only after the panties, but I could take the opportunity to swipe all their cash while the place is a mess. Blame the thief for everything.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Steal Their Stash">><<st>>Once the panty thief is gone, you make your move. You head down to the apartment, slipping inside unnoticed. The place is a wreck—he’s tossed everything around. But amidst the chaos, you find their hidden stash of cash and pocket it without a second thought.<</st>>
<<st>>By the time Lana and Riley return, the apartment is trashed, and all their money is gone. You act completely clueless when they call you down, putting on your best concerned landlord face.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Oh my god,” you say, glancing around the wrecked apartment. “What happened here?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley is already dialing the police, her face pale with shock.<</ln>>
<<if $insurance_bought.burglary==true>><<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley’s already dialing the police, her face pale.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You take a breath, putting on your best concerned look. “That’s terrible, but don’t worry—I made sure the apartment is covered by theft insurance. The company will reimburse you for everything.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>They both stop, staring at you through teary eyes. “Wait... seriously?” Lana asks.<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley lowers her phone, a look of disbelief crossing her face. “You actually thought ahead about that? You’re the best! I can’t believe it.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, smiling. “We have to thank you for being such a responsible landlord.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley winks. “Yeah... we owe you big time.”<</rl>>
<<st>>Before you know it, they’re pulling you toward the bedroom. You grin; everything’s turned out even better than you expected.<</st>>
[img[0.1/gifs/all_girls/7.webp]]<<set $lr.rel+=10>><<set $lr.lust+=10>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<else>><<rl>>After the police leave, Lana and Riley sit on the couch, defeated. “I can’t believe we lost everything,” Riley mutters. “We've been saving up for so long!”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You try to look sympathetic, shaking your head. “Hey, I know it’s tough, but money can be replaced. You’ll bounce back in no time.”<</ch>>
<<ch>>They nod, still looking crushed, but you can’t help but think to yourself, Good thing I stepped in when I did. They really had quite the stash saved up.<</ch>><<set $lr.rel-=20>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation -20">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $random to random(1, 2)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Lana and Riley argue over who used the last of the good conditioner.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “You’re the one with five different bottles in here!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “Yeah, and you keep stealing them!”<</ln>><</switch>>
<</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 2)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Lana and Riley argue over who used the last of the good conditioner.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “You’re the one with five different bottles in here!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “Yeah, and you keep stealing them!”<</ln>><</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $whoinroom_lana_riley=="LRtoi">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</ln>>
<<case 2>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</rl>>
<<case 3>><<ln>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</ln>>
<<case 4>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</rl>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Huh, Lana, not what I expected, but okay.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rl>>Huh, didn’t see that coming, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ln>>Well, Lana, that’s one way to spend your time.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rl>>Oh, well, Riley, that’s something new.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ln>>Alright, sure, Lana, why not?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<rl>>Alright, Riley, I guess that works.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 7>><<ln>>Lana, that makes sense… I think.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 8>><<rl>>Interesting. Very… interesting, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 9>><<ln>>Guess we’re just doing that now, huh, Lana?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 10>><<rl>>Okay, that’s nice, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and $lr_show.event5==false>><<if $lr_show.event5==false>><<set $lr_show.event5=true>><<st>>You check the camera feed, expecting just a normal day, but instead, your jaw drops. There’s some random guy in Lana and Riley’s apartment, frantically going through their stuff. But here’s the weird part—he’s not taking anything valuable. No cash, no jewelry... just their panties. Clean, dirty, doesn’t matter, this freak is stuffing every pair he can find into his bag.<</st>>
<<ch>>What the hell? you think, eyes wide. Is this guy seriously stealing their underwear? What kind of psycho would do that?<</ch>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Stop Him'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Without wasting another second, you decide to play the hero. The guy doesn’t look too big, probably just some scrawny, perverted nerd. You can take him.<</st>>
<<ch>>You storm down to their apartment, adrenaline pumping. You swing the door open, catching the weirdo mid-grab with a fistful of panties. “Hey, asshole!” you shout, and the guy freezes like a deer in headlights. You don’t give him time to react, tackling him to the floor and pinning him down just as Lana and Riley walk in.<</ch>>
<<ln>>“What the hell is going on?” Lana gasps, her eyes wide, darting between you and the creep on the ground.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You quickly stand, trying to act casual. “I was passing by, heard some weird noises, and when I looked in, I saw this psycho breaking in. Had to stop him,” you say, wiping the sweat off your brow.<</ch>>
<<ch>>Then you glance down at the pile of panties spilling out of the bag. “Only now did I notice what he was trying to steal.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley pulls out her phone, already dialing the police. “This psycho was stealing our underwear?”<</rl>>
<<st>>Within minutes, the cops arrive and cuff the guy, dragging him out as he mutters incoherently. Once he’s gone, Lana and Riley turn to you, their eyes filled with gratitude and something more.<</st>>
<<rl>>“You really saved us,” Riley says, her voice soft, a smirk creeping onto her face. “We can’t just let that go unthanked.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, a playful glint in her eye. “Yeah, we’ve definitely gotta find a way to repay you.”<</ln>>
<<st>>They grab your hands, leading you inside the apartment. You can’t help the huge grin spreading across your face.<</st>>
<<st>>Daaamn, this is my lucky day, you think as they close the door behind you.<</st>><<set $lr.rel +=10>><<set $lr.lust +=10>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Do nothing'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You think about heading down to stop him, but then you reconsider. Getting involved with this weirdo might be more trouble than it’s worth. So instead, you keep watching through the camera. As the guy keeps grabbing panties, a sly idea starts forming in your mind.<</st>>
<<st>>No one knows what this dude is stealing, you realize. He’s only after the panties, but I could take the opportunity to swipe all their cash while the place is a mess. Blame the thief for everything.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Steal Their Stash">><<st>>Once the panty thief is gone, you make your move. You head down to the apartment, slipping inside unnoticed. The place is a wreck—he’s tossed everything around. But amidst the chaos, you find their hidden stash of cash and pocket it without a second thought.<</st>>
<<st>>By the time Lana and Riley return, the apartment is trashed, and all their money is gone. You act completely clueless when they call you down, putting on your best concerned landlord face.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Oh my god,” you say, glancing around the wrecked apartment. “What happened here?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley is already dialing the police, her face pale with shock.<</ln>>
<<if $insurance_bought.burglary==true>><<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley’s already dialing the police, her face pale.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You take a breath, putting on your best concerned look. “That’s terrible, but don’t worry—I made sure the apartment is covered by theft insurance. The company will reimburse you for everything.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>They both stop, staring at you through teary eyes. “Wait... seriously?” Lana asks.<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley lowers her phone, a look of disbelief crossing her face. “You actually thought ahead about that? You’re the best! I can’t believe it.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, smiling. “We have to thank you for being such a responsible landlord.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley winks. “Yeah... we owe you big time.”<</rl>>
<<st>>Before you know it, they’re pulling you toward the bedroom. You grin; everything’s turned out even better than you expected.<</st>>
[img[0.1/gifs/all_girls/7.webp]]<<set $lr.rel+=10>><<set $lr.lust+=10>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<else>><<rl>>After the police leave, Lana and Riley sit on the couch, defeated. “I can’t believe we lost everything,” Riley mutters. “We've been saving up for so long!”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You try to look sympathetic, shaking your head. “Hey, I know it’s tough, but money can be replaced. You’ll bounce back in no time.”<</ch>>
<<ch>>They nod, still looking crushed, but you can’t help but think to yourself, Good thing I stepped in when I did. They really had quite the stash saved up.<</ch>><<set $lr.rel-=20>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation -20">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $random to random(1, 2)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Lana and Riley argue over who used the last of the good conditioner.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “You’re the one with five different bottles in here!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “Yeah, and you keep stealing them!”<</ln>><</switch>>
<</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 2)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Lana and Riley getting ready for a night out. Riley is in the shower, water cascading down her body, looking hot as hell.<</st>>
<<st>>And Lana, already done with her hair and makeup, is strutting around the bedroom completely naked, trying on outfits. Each outfit is more revealing and hotter than the last, and you can’t help but stare, practically drooling at the sight.<</st>>
<<ln>>As you watch, Riley steps out of the shower, dripping wet, and walks into the bedroom. Lana, who’s been trying on clothes, looks over and asks, “Hmm, what do you think—should I wear a bra with this or not?”<</ln>>
<<st>>Your mind goes blank as your eyes lock onto her chest. Lana tries on the bra, then takes it off, and you can only think one thing: Nooo, it doesn’t need a bra. Definitely no bra.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Lana and Riley argue over who used the last of the good conditioner.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “You’re the one with five different bottles in here!”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana fires back, “Yeah, and you keep stealing them!”<</ln>><</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><<else>>
<<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><</if>><<addhours 1>><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Camera_flat_2]]>><</button>></div><<if $is_flat_closed==true>><<ch>>There’s nothing left to see here—it’s all ashes. Time to go to the insurance office.<</ch>><<else>><<if $whoinroom_lana=="Lbal">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</ln>>
<<case 2>><<ln>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</ln>>
<<case 3>><<ln>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</ln>>
<<case 4>><<ln>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</ln>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Huh, Lana, not what I expected, but okay.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ln>>Well, Lana, that’s one way to spend your time.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ln>>Alright, sure, Lana, why not?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ln>>Lana, that makes sense… I think.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ln>>Guess we’re just doing that now, huh, Lana?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and $lr_show.event5==false>><<if $lr_show.event5==false>><<set $lr_show.event5=true>><<st>>You check the camera feed, expecting just a normal day, but instead, your jaw drops. There’s some random guy in Lana and Riley’s apartment, frantically going through their stuff. But here’s the weird part—he’s not taking anything valuable. No cash, no jewelry... just their panties. Clean, dirty, doesn’t matter, this freak is stuffing every pair he can find into his bag.<</st>>
<<ch>>What the hell? you think, eyes wide. Is this guy seriously stealing their underwear? What kind of psycho would do that?<</ch>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Stop Him'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Without wasting another second, you decide to play the hero. The guy doesn’t look too big, probably just some scrawny, perverted nerd. You can take him.<</st>>
<<ch>>You storm down to their apartment, adrenaline pumping. You swing the door open, catching the weirdo mid-grab with a fistful of panties. “Hey, asshole!” you shout, and the guy freezes like a deer in headlights. You don’t give him time to react, tackling him to the floor and pinning him down just as Lana and Riley walk in.<</ch>>
<<ln>>“What the hell is going on?” Lana gasps, her eyes wide, darting between you and the creep on the ground.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You quickly stand, trying to act casual. “I was passing by, heard some weird noises, and when I looked in, I saw this psycho breaking in. Had to stop him,” you say, wiping the sweat off your brow.<</ch>>
<<ch>>Then you glance down at the pile of panties spilling out of the bag. “Only now did I notice what he was trying to steal.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley pulls out her phone, already dialing the police. “This psycho was stealing our underwear?”<</rl>>
<<st>>Within minutes, the cops arrive and cuff the guy, dragging him out as he mutters incoherently. Once he’s gone, Lana and Riley turn to you, their eyes filled with gratitude and something more.<</st>>
<<rl>>“You really saved us,” Riley says, her voice soft, a smirk creeping onto her face. “We can’t just let that go unthanked.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, a playful glint in her eye. “Yeah, we’ve definitely gotta find a way to repay you.”<</ln>>
<<st>>They grab your hands, leading you inside the apartment. You can’t help the huge grin spreading across your face.<</st>>
<<st>>Daaamn, this is my lucky day, you think as they close the door behind you.<</st>><<set $lr.rel +=10>><<set $lr.lust +=10>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Do nothing'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You think about heading down to stop him, but then you reconsider. Getting involved with this weirdo might be more trouble than it’s worth. So instead, you keep watching through the camera. As the guy keeps grabbing panties, a sly idea starts forming in your mind.<</st>>
<<st>>No one knows what this dude is stealing, you realize. He’s only after the panties, but I could take the opportunity to swipe all their cash while the place is a mess. Blame the thief for everything.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Steal Their Stash">><<st>>Once the panty thief is gone, you make your move. You head down to the apartment, slipping inside unnoticed. The place is a wreck—he’s tossed everything around. But amidst the chaos, you find their hidden stash of cash and pocket it without a second thought.<</st>>
<<st>>By the time Lana and Riley return, the apartment is trashed, and all their money is gone. You act completely clueless when they call you down, putting on your best concerned landlord face.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Oh my god,” you say, glancing around the wrecked apartment. “What happened here?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley is already dialing the police, her face pale with shock.<</ln>>
<<if $insurance_bought.burglary==true>><<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley’s already dialing the police, her face pale.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You take a breath, putting on your best concerned look. “That’s terrible, but don’t worry—I made sure the apartment is covered by theft insurance. The company will reimburse you for everything.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>They both stop, staring at you through teary eyes. “Wait... seriously?” Lana asks.<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley lowers her phone, a look of disbelief crossing her face. “You actually thought ahead about that? You’re the best! I can’t believe it.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, smiling. “We have to thank you for being such a responsible landlord.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley winks. “Yeah... we owe you big time.”<</rl>>
<<st>>Before you know it, they’re pulling you toward the bedroom. You grin; everything’s turned out even better than you expected.<</st>>
[img[0.1/gifs/all_girls/7.webp]]<<set $lr.rel+=10>><<set $lr.lust+=10>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<else>><<rl>>After the police leave, Lana and Riley sit on the couch, defeated. “I can’t believe we lost everything,” Riley mutters. “We've been saving up for so long!”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You try to look sympathetic, shaking your head. “Hey, I know it’s tough, but money can be replaced. You’ll bounce back in no time.”<</ch>>
<<ch>>They nod, still looking crushed, but you can’t help but think to yourself, Good thing I stepped in when I did. They really had quite the stash saved up.<</ch>><<set $lr.rel-=20>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation -20">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $random to random(1, 1)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Lana and Riley share a joint and laugh about their chaotic lives.<<st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “We’re basically living in a rom-com, but with more nudity.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And less plot.”<</ln>><</switch>>
<</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 1)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Lana and Riley share a joint and laugh about their chaotic lives.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “We’re basically living in a rom-com, but with more nudity.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And less plot.”<</ln>><</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $whoinroom_riley=="Rbal">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<rl>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</rl>>
<<case 2>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</rl>>
<<case 3>><<rl>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</rl>>
<<case 4>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</rl>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<rl>>Huh, didn’t see that coming, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rl>>Oh, well, Riley, that’s something new.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<rl>>Alright, Riley, I guess that works.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rl>>Interesting. Very… interesting, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<rl>>Okay, that’s nice, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and $lr_show.event5==false>><<if $lr_show.event5==false>><<set $lr_show.event5=true>><<st>>You check the camera feed, expecting just a normal day, but instead, your jaw drops. There’s some random guy in Lana and Riley’s apartment, frantically going through their stuff. But here’s the weird part—he’s not taking anything valuable. No cash, no jewelry... just their panties. Clean, dirty, doesn’t matter, this freak is stuffing every pair he can find into his bag.<</st>>
<<ch>>What the hell? you think, eyes wide. Is this guy seriously stealing their underwear? What kind of psycho would do that?<</ch>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Stop Him'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Without wasting another second, you decide to play the hero. The guy doesn’t look too big, probably just some scrawny, perverted nerd. You can take him.<</st>>
<<ch>>You storm down to their apartment, adrenaline pumping. You swing the door open, catching the weirdo mid-grab with a fistful of panties. “Hey, asshole!” you shout, and the guy freezes like a deer in headlights. You don’t give him time to react, tackling him to the floor and pinning him down just as Lana and Riley walk in.<</ch>>
<<ln>>“What the hell is going on?” Lana gasps, her eyes wide, darting between you and the creep on the ground.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You quickly stand, trying to act casual. “I was passing by, heard some weird noises, and when I looked in, I saw this psycho breaking in. Had to stop him,” you say, wiping the sweat off your brow.<</ch>>
<<ch>>Then you glance down at the pile of panties spilling out of the bag. “Only now did I notice what he was trying to steal.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley pulls out her phone, already dialing the police. “This psycho was stealing our underwear?”<</rl>>
<<st>>Within minutes, the cops arrive and cuff the guy, dragging him out as he mutters incoherently. Once he’s gone, Lana and Riley turn to you, their eyes filled with gratitude and something more.<</st>>
<<rl>>“You really saved us,” Riley says, her voice soft, a smirk creeping onto her face. “We can’t just let that go unthanked.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, a playful glint in her eye. “Yeah, we’ve definitely gotta find a way to repay you.”<</ln>>
<<st>>They grab your hands, leading you inside the apartment. You can’t help the huge grin spreading across your face.<</st>>
<<st>>Daaamn, this is my lucky day, you think as they close the door behind you.<</st>><<set $lr.rel +=10>><<set $lr.lust +=10>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Do nothing'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You think about heading down to stop him, but then you reconsider. Getting involved with this weirdo might be more trouble than it’s worth. So instead, you keep watching through the camera. As the guy keeps grabbing panties, a sly idea starts forming in your mind.<</st>>
<<st>>No one knows what this dude is stealing, you realize. He’s only after the panties, but I could take the opportunity to swipe all their cash while the place is a mess. Blame the thief for everything.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Steal Their Stash">><<st>>Once the panty thief is gone, you make your move. You head down to the apartment, slipping inside unnoticed. The place is a wreck—he’s tossed everything around. But amidst the chaos, you find their hidden stash of cash and pocket it without a second thought.<</st>>
<<st>>By the time Lana and Riley return, the apartment is trashed, and all their money is gone. You act completely clueless when they call you down, putting on your best concerned landlord face.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Oh my god,” you say, glancing around the wrecked apartment. “What happened here?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley is already dialing the police, her face pale with shock.<</ln>>
<<if $insurance_bought.burglary==true>><<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley’s already dialing the police, her face pale.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You take a breath, putting on your best concerned look. “That’s terrible, but don’t worry—I made sure the apartment is covered by theft insurance. The company will reimburse you for everything.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>They both stop, staring at you through teary eyes. “Wait... seriously?” Lana asks.<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley lowers her phone, a look of disbelief crossing her face. “You actually thought ahead about that? You’re the best! I can’t believe it.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, smiling. “We have to thank you for being such a responsible landlord.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley winks. “Yeah... we owe you big time.”<</rl>>
<<st>>Before you know it, they’re pulling you toward the bedroom. You grin; everything’s turned out even better than you expected.<</st>>
[img[0.1/gifs/all_girls/7.webp]]<<set $lr.rel+=10>><<set $lr.lust+=10>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<else>><<rl>>After the police leave, Lana and Riley sit on the couch, defeated. “I can’t believe we lost everything,” Riley mutters. “We've been saving up for so long!”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You try to look sympathetic, shaking your head. “Hey, I know it’s tough, but money can be replaced. You’ll bounce back in no time.”<</ch>>
<<ch>>They nod, still looking crushed, but you can’t help but think to yourself, Good thing I stepped in when I did. They really had quite the stash saved up.<</ch>><<set $lr.rel-=20>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation -20">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $random to random(1, 1)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Lana and Riley share a joint and laugh about their chaotic lives.<<st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “We’re basically living in a rom-com, but with more nudity.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And less plot.”<</ln>><</switch>>
<</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 1)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Lana and Riley share a joint and laugh about their chaotic lives.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “We’re basically living in a rom-com, but with more nudity.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And less plot.”<</ln>><</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $whoinroom_lana_riley=="LRbal">><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$lr.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$lr.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $stealed_money_lr == true>><<set $stealed_money_lr=false>><<if $stealIndex_lr < 4>><<set $stealIndex_lr to $stealIndex_lr + 1>><</if>><<switch $stealIndex_lr>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Hmm, I thought there was more cash here. Maybe Riley borrowed some—no biggie.<</ln>>
<<case 2>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash here? Maybe Lana took some for her shopping spree and forgot to mention it.<</rl>>
<<case 3>><<ln>>Didn’t I have more money saved up? Guess I’m just not keeping track.<</ln>>
<<case 4>><<rl>>Wait, wasn’t there more cash? I must’ve spent more than I realized.<</rl>>
<</switch>><<else>><<if $events_action_counter <= 10>> <<if $lr.lust < 50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Same damn nothing, every time.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Man, this is boring as hell.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Ugh, what a snoozefest.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>This is making my eyes droop.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>I can’t believe how mind-numbingly dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Can you actually die of boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>I’d rather be watching grass grow.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>For the love of all that’s interesting, something happen!<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Tumbleweeds might actually be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>> What am I supposed to make money off of here?
<</switch>><<else>><<if $lr.rel>50>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Damn, this just made my day!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>Finally, something worth watching!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Oh hell yes, now we’re in business!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going on replay.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now that’s what I call entertainment!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_riley_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/lana_riley_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<else>><<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>><<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ln>>Huh, Lana, not what I expected, but okay.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rl>>Huh, didn’t see that coming, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ln>>Well, Lana, that’s one way to spend your time.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rl>>Oh, well, Riley, that’s something new.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ln>>Alright, sure, Lana, why not?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<rl>>Alright, Riley, I guess that works.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 7>><<ln>>Lana, that makes sense… I think.<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 8>><<rl>>Interesting. Very… interesting, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 9>><<ln>>Guess we’re just doing that now, huh, Lana?<</ln>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.lana_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/lana_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 10>><<rl>>Okay, that’s nice, Riley.<</rl>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.riley_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/riley_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<set $events_action_counter=0>><<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >><<if $showEvent > 70 and $lr_show.event5==false>><<if $lr_show.event5==false>><<set $lr_show.event5=true>><<st>>You check the camera feed, expecting just a normal day, but instead, your jaw drops. There’s some random guy in Lana and Riley’s apartment, frantically going through their stuff. But here’s the weird part—he’s not taking anything valuable. No cash, no jewelry... just their panties. Clean, dirty, doesn’t matter, this freak is stuffing every pair he can find into his bag.<</st>>
<<ch>>What the hell? you think, eyes wide. Is this guy seriously stealing their underwear? What kind of psycho would do that?<</ch>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Stop Him'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Without wasting another second, you decide to play the hero. The guy doesn’t look too big, probably just some scrawny, perverted nerd. You can take him.<</st>>
<<ch>>You storm down to their apartment, adrenaline pumping. You swing the door open, catching the weirdo mid-grab with a fistful of panties. “Hey, asshole!” you shout, and the guy freezes like a deer in headlights. You don’t give him time to react, tackling him to the floor and pinning him down just as Lana and Riley walk in.<</ch>>
<<ln>>“What the hell is going on?” Lana gasps, her eyes wide, darting between you and the creep on the ground.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You quickly stand, trying to act casual. “I was passing by, heard some weird noises, and when I looked in, I saw this psycho breaking in. Had to stop him,” you say, wiping the sweat off your brow.<</ch>>
<<ch>>Then you glance down at the pile of panties spilling out of the bag. “Only now did I notice what he was trying to steal.”<</ch>>
<<rl>>Riley pulls out her phone, already dialing the police. “This psycho was stealing our underwear?”<</rl>>
<<st>>Within minutes, the cops arrive and cuff the guy, dragging him out as he mutters incoherently. Once he’s gone, Lana and Riley turn to you, their eyes filled with gratitude and something more.<</st>>
<<rl>>“You really saved us,” Riley says, her voice soft, a smirk creeping onto her face. “We can’t just let that go unthanked.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, a playful glint in her eye. “Yeah, we’ve definitely gotta find a way to repay you.”<</ln>>
<<st>>They grab your hands, leading you inside the apartment. You can’t help the huge grin spreading across your face.<</st>>
<<st>>Daaamn, this is my lucky day, you think as they close the door behind you.<</st>><<set $lr.rel +=10>><<set $lr.lust +=10>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Do nothing'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You think about heading down to stop him, but then you reconsider. Getting involved with this weirdo might be more trouble than it’s worth. So instead, you keep watching through the camera. As the guy keeps grabbing panties, a sly idea starts forming in your mind.<</st>>
<<st>>No one knows what this dude is stealing, you realize. He’s only after the panties, but I could take the opportunity to swipe all their cash while the place is a mess. Blame the thief for everything.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Steal Their Stash">><<st>>Once the panty thief is gone, you make your move. You head down to the apartment, slipping inside unnoticed. The place is a wreck—he’s tossed everything around. But amidst the chaos, you find their hidden stash of cash and pocket it without a second thought.<</st>>
<<st>>By the time Lana and Riley return, the apartment is trashed, and all their money is gone. You act completely clueless when they call you down, putting on your best concerned landlord face.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Oh my god,” you say, glancing around the wrecked apartment. “What happened here?”<</ch>>
<<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley is already dialing the police, her face pale with shock.<</ln>>
<<if $insurance_bought.burglary==true>><<ln>>“We were robbed!” Lana exclaims, her voice shaking. Riley’s already dialing the police, her face pale.<</ln>>
<<ch>>You take a breath, putting on your best concerned look. “That’s terrible, but don’t worry—I made sure the apartment is covered by theft insurance. The company will reimburse you for everything.”<</ch>>
<<ln>>They both stop, staring at you through teary eyes. “Wait... seriously?” Lana asks.<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley lowers her phone, a look of disbelief crossing her face. “You actually thought ahead about that? You’re the best! I can’t believe it.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana steps closer, smiling. “We have to thank you for being such a responsible landlord.”<</ln>>
<<rl>>Riley winks. “Yeah... we owe you big time.”<</rl>>
<<st>>Before you know it, they’re pulling you toward the bedroom. You grin; everything’s turned out even better than you expected.<</st>>
[img[0.1/gifs/all_girls/7.webp]]<<set $lr.rel+=10>><<set $lr.lust+=10>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lust +10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<else>><<rl>>After the police leave, Lana and Riley sit on the couch, defeated. “I can’t believe we lost everything,” Riley mutters. “We've been saving up for so long!”<</rl>>
<<ch>>You try to look sympathetic, shaking your head. “Hey, I know it’s tough, but money can be replaced. You’ll bounce back in no time.”<</ch>>
<<ch>>They nod, still looking crushed, but you can’t help but think to yourself, Good thing I stepped in when I did. They really had quite the stash saved up.<</ch>><<set $lr.rel-=20>><<set $ch.money+=2000>><<set $week_stats.income_other+=2000>><<flash "Relation -20">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money +2000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
</span><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $random to random(1, 1)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Lana and Riley share a joint and laugh about their chaotic lives.<<st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “We’re basically living in a rom-com, but with more nudity.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And less plot.”<</ln>><</switch>>
<</if>><<else>><<set $random to random(1, 1)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>Lana and Riley share a joint and laugh about their chaotic lives.<</st>>
<<rl>>Riley says, “We’re basically living in a rom-com, but with more nudity.”<</rl>>
<<ln>>Lana replies, “And less plot.”<</ln>><</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><<else>>
<<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><</if>><<addhours 1>><<if $whoinroom=="Rkit">><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Camera_flat_2]]>><</button>></div>
<<if $is_flat_closed==true>><<ch>>There’s nothing left to see here—it’s all ashes. Time to go to the insurance office.<</ch>><<else>><<if $flat2_settings.avatar==$rs.img>><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$rs.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$rs.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $rs_event_activator.event1==true and $rs_event_activator.event2==false>>
<<ch>>"Wait a second… no fucking way." Your eyes widen as you realize what’s happening.<</ch>>
<<st>>Her breathing picks up, her lips part, and then, clear as day, she whispers something. You crank up the volume, barely catching it.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Did she just say my name?"<</ch>>
<<ch>>You sit back, grinning. "Alright, Rosie. Guess I’m living rent-free in your head now."<</ch>><<set $rs_event_activator.event2=true>>
<<elseif $rs_event_activator.event2==true and $rs_event_activator.event3==false>>
<<st>>You flip on the camera, hoping for something good, and jackpot—Rosie’s sprawled on the couch, phone in hand, chatting with her friend on speaker.<</st>>
<<rs>>“…yeah, I went on a date with $ch.nom,” she says casually, like it’s no big deal.<</rs>>
<<ch>>Your ears perk up. "Well, this just got interesting."<</ch>>
<<rf>>Her friend practically screeches. “Wait, what? You went out with that guy? How was it? Are you seeing him again, or did you scare him off with your whole '13 dates before anything fun' deal?”<</rf>>
<<rs>>Rosie laughs. “He definitely looked freaked out, but I think he’ll call. Guys like him love a challenge—they just don’t know it yet.”<</rs>>
<<rf>>Her friend snorts. “He doesn’t know you’re crazy about ice, does he? Like, if he surprises you with that, it’s over for him. You’ll be planning your wedding by date three.”<</rf>>
<<rs>>Rosie laughs. “Yeah, that would definitely speed things up— like, that would definitely shave a good five dates off the countdown. But he’s not gonna figure that out.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You lean forward, confused as hell. Ice? Like… hockey? Melting glaciers? Cocktails? What the fuck does she mean by ‘ice’?<</ch>>
<<ch>>And then it clicks. "Wait… ice skating? That’s gotta be it. Bingo, motherfucker. All I need is a rink and some skates, and I’ve got this in the bag."<</ch>>
<<ch>>The plan’s already forming in your head as you turn off the feed. "Rosie, you’re going to love this next date. But I guess I’ll love it more."<</ch>><<set $rs_event_activator.event3=true>>
<<if $stealed_money_rs == true>>
<<set $stealed_money_rs=false>>
<<if $stealIndex_rs < 5>>
<<set $stealIndex_rs to $stealIndex_rs + 1>>
<<switch $stealIndex_rs>>
<<case 1>><<rs>>Whoa, I thought I’d saved up more. Guess I need to keep a closer eye on my spending.<</rs>>
<<case 2>><<rs>>Huh, I could’ve sworn I had more cash here. Maybe I’ve been spending more than I realized.<</rs>>
<<case 3>><<rs>>Hmm, wasn’t there an extra 100 bucks here? That’s weird…<</rs>>
<<case 4>><<rs>>I don’t remember spending this much. Why the hell am I short? Did someone take it?<</rs>>
<<case 5>><<rs>>What the fuck? Why is my money vanishing in this damn apartment?<</rs>><<set $rs.rel-=5>><<flash "Relation -5">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<if $events_action_counter <= 10>>
<<if $rs.lust < 50>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 8)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Boooooring<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Ugh, so dull.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>This is putting me to sleep.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>I can’t believe how painfully dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>Is it possible to die from boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>I’d rather watch paint dry.<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>Please, something interesting happen already.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>I’m seriously debating if watching tumbleweeds would be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<if $rs.rel>50>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 8)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Oh yeah, now we’re talking!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Hell yes, now that’s cool!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going in my collection.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now this is worth my time!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<st>>You tune into the camera, and there she is—Rosie, jerking off, again?<</st>>
<<rs>>Her head tilts back, and you hear it— “…$ch.nom…”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You freeze, then grin. “Oh, hell yeah, Rosie. Looks like I’ve got a VIP suite in that head of yours.”<</ch>>
<<else>>This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<case 7>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<rs>>You check the camera, not really expecting anything new. And there she is—Rosie, and you already know what she’s doing. Just a couple minutes, and your name slips out. “…$ch.nom…” <</rs>>
<<ch>>You shake your head with a smirk. “Yeah, yeah, Rosie, I get it. You’re obsessed. Not that I blame you—but damn, a guy could use a little variety now and then.”<</ch>>
<<else>>Oh yeah, now we’re talking!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<case 8>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<st>>You check the camera late at night, figuring Rosie’s probably asleep. Instead, that girl is masturbating. Well, you’re kind of getting used to it<</st>>
<<rs>>“…$ch.nom…” Your name. Again.<</rs>>
<<ch>>You smirk, leaning back in your chair. "Alright, Rosie, this is hot as hell, but seriously? How many nights are we gonna play this game? Just spread those legs for me already and let me do it right."<</ch>>
<<else>>Now this is worth my time!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 10)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<rs>>Huh, alright then.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rs>>Interesting choice, I suppose.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<rs>>Well, I guess that explains a lot.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rs>>Oh, okay. That’s… normal?<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<rs>>Alright, moving on then.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<ch>>Attempts to cook dinner, usually ending up with burnt toast or scrambled eggs that stick to the pan.<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>Finds herself standing by the fridge at 2 a.m., snatching a piece of cheese straight from the package because why not?<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>Does “yoga” by lying on her mat while endlessly scrolling through TikTok, thinking, “Well, this is almost like yoga, right?”<</ch>>
<<case 9>><<ch>>Binge-watches Netflix in a ridiculous starfish position on the couch, even though the show isn’t really her thing.<</ch>>
<<case 10>><<ch>>Hops on a video call with friends to trade snarky comments and laugh at the day’s absurdities.<</ch>>
<<set $events_action_counter=0>>
<<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >>
<<if $showEvent > 70 and $rs_show.event1==false or $rs_show.event2==false or $rs_show.event4==false or $rs_show.event5==false>> <!-- Показываем событие разово, если >70 -->
<<if $rs_show.event1==false>><<set $rs_show.event1=true>><<rs>>You check the camera and see Rosie standing in front of her microwave, pressing buttons with frustration. “Why won’t this stupid thing heat anything up? It’s like it’s given up on life,” she mutters, shaking her head.<</rs>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Fix the Microwave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You decide to step in and grab your phone, knocking on her door. “Hey, just wanted to check if you got your delivery package. I saw it by the door.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie opens the door with a tired smile. “Oh, thanks, I didn’t even see it.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>As you chat, you glance at her microwave and see her fiddling with it. “Microwave not working? Want me to take a look?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie sighs. “Yeah, it just stopped heating.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You pull out a screwdriver. “I can open it up and check real quick.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>After a few minutes, you manage to fix the wiring, and Rosie smiles as she tests it. “You actually fixed it! I was about to give up. Thanks a lot!”<</rs>><<set $rs.rel+=5>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>> <<st>>A broken microwave? She can figure that out or buy a new one. You turn off the feed and let her deal with it. Not really worth getting involved.<</st>><<set $rs.rel-=10>><<flash "Relation -10">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<elseif $rs_show.event2==false>><<set $rs_show.event2=true>><<rs>>You check the camera and you watch Rosie as she struggles with the blinds in her living room. She pulls the cord, but they won’t go up or down. “Why do these things always get stuck when I’m in a rush?” she mumbles, visibly annoyed.<</rs>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Fix the Blinds'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You grab a small tool kit and knock on her door. “Hey, I found a letter in my box that’s actually for you. Thought I’d drop it off.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie smiles and takes the letter. “Oh, thanks! I was wondering where that went.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>As you hand it over, you notice her battling with the blinds. “Those blinds giving you trouble?”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, they’re stuck again.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You step closer. “Mind if I take a look? I’ve got some tools with me.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>A few minutes later, you fix the mechanism, and Rosie pulls the blinds up and down easily. “Wow, that was fast. Thanks for saving me from that hassle!”<</rs>><<set $rs.rel+=5>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Ignore the problem'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>> <<st>>Stuck blinds? She’ll manage. You turn off the camera feed, deciding to let her deal with it. Not really a big deal in the grand scheme of things.<</st>>
<<elseif $rs_show.event4==false>><<set $rs_show.event4=true>><<st>>You see Rosie in the living room. Your eyes narrow as you notice her carefully stashing something behind a cushion. Zooming in, you realize it’s a small bag of drugs.<</st>>
<<ch>>Well, well, look at that, you think, intrigued. Didn’t take Rosie for the type to hide her drugs. This just got a lot more interesting<</ch>>
<<st>>Guess I gotta go check the apartment.<</st>><<set $need_check_room_1=true>>
<<elseif $rs_show.event5==false>><<set $rs_show.event5=true>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately your eyes widen in shock when you notice a thin trail of smoke creeping along the ceiling of Rosie’s apartment. Squinting closer, you spot a small flicker of flame dancing on the kitchen countertop, dangerously close to catching onto the curtains.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Oh shit, is that a fire starting?”<</ch>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Check the Apartment'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>You rush into Rosie’s apartment, spotting the source immediately—a kettle left on the stove, flames starting to lick at the nearby wall. You grab the fire extinguisher from under the sink and quickly douse the fire before it has a chance to spread.<</st>>
<<st>>The room fills with a cloud of white dust, but the fire’s out, and the damage is minimal. You shake your head, annoyed.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Damn it, Rosie, you brainless idiot,” you think, wiping the sweat from your brow.<</ch>>
<<ch>>“Lucky I caught this shit in time, or it could’ve been a hell of a lot worse. She’s definitely coughing up for the repairs.”<</ch>>
<<st>>After putting out the fire, you stick around, stewing in your anger as you wait for Rosie to return. When she finally walks in, you don’t waste any time, your frustration boiling over.<</st>>
<<ch>>“What the hell, Rosie? You left the damn stove on and nearly burned the place down!” you snap, barely holding back a shout. “Were you trying to torch the whole apartment or what? Good thing I showed up when I did.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie’s face drains of color as she stumbles over her words, trying to come up with an excuse. But then, something shifts. Her eyes narrow, and she fixes you with a sharp, suspicious glare. “Wait a minute… how did you even know there was a fire?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You don’t miss a beat. “Look up, genius. There’s a smoke detector right over the kitchen,” you say, pointing to the ceiling. “It went off, and I came running.”<</ch>>
<<st>>She blinks, her suspicion wavering, then finally nods, realizing she’s in the wrong.<</st>>
<<ch>>“Anyway,” you continue, your tone firm, “you’re covering the cost of fixing the kitchen. The damage might be minimal, but you’re damn well paying for it.”<</ch>>
<<link 'Ignore It'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Suddenly, your phone buzzes incessantly with notifications. As you check the messages, dread fills your stomach—Rosie’s apartment caught fire, and the damage is extensive. Emergency services had to be called, and now the entire floor is dealing with smoke and water damage.<</st>>
<<st>>You rush back to the building, your heart sinking as you approach Rosie’s apartment. The place is a charred wreck, with smoke still lingering in the air. At the entrance, you see Rosie, tears streaming down her face as she sobs uncontrollably.<</st>>
<<st>>Fuck, you think, as the reality of the situation hits you. The apartment is ruined, and you’re on the hook for a massive repair bill. This is going to cost a fortune to fix.<</st>>
<<ch>>''Oh, I'm so fucked…''<</ch>>
<<if $insurance_bought.fires==true>><<ch>>Who the hell said apartments never catch fire? For once, I’m glad I didn’t cheap out and actually forked over the cash for insurance.<</ch>><</if>><<set $insurance.event_rs_fire=1>><<set $insurance_needed=true>><<set $is_flat_closed=true>>
</span><</if>><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<if $rs.lust < 50>>
<<set $random to random(1, 9)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and spot Rosie in the kitchen, methodically chopping vegetables and cooking like she’s in some wholesome TV commercial.<</st>>
<<ch>>God, how boring can you get? you think, shaking your head. I need to figure out how to turn up her lust level. Next time, she better be cooking naked.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and see Rosie tidying up around the house. Normally, this would be boring as hell, but she’s in these skimpy little shorts, and every time she bends over, you get a perfect view.<</st>>
<<ch>>Damn, that’s one fine ass, you say to yourself, completely hooked. Could watch her do this all day.
<<case 3>><<ch>>Rearranges throw pillows for no reason at all, as if redecorating counts as productivity.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>Dozes off during an episode, then wakes up later to giggle at a meme she suddenly remembers.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>Sits with a glass of wine, silently congratulating herself for nailing at least one adult responsibility.<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>Has a mini “fight” with the toaster after it burns her bread for the umpteenth time.<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>Stares into an empty pot and daydreams about becoming a top chef—even if it’s just a silly fantasy.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<st>>Rosie is on a FaceTime call, showing off her shopping haul. You can hear a few women's voices.<</st>>
<<rs>>“Okay, so I wasn’t gonna buy anything, but then I saw this dress, and it was 50% off. Like, how could I not buy it?”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Wait, let me see it!”<</st>>
<<rs>>holds up the dress “Right? It’s perfect for summer. And then I found these shoes that match it perfectly. They were only 80!”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Only 80 ? Rosie, that’s not ‘only.’”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Girl, it’s girl math. If I wear them 10 times, that’s 8 per wear. That’s basically free.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“You’re gonna wear heels 10 times? Who are you, Cinderella?”<</st>>
<<rs>>Okay, fine, maybe 5 times. But still— 16 per wear is still a steal.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Your logic is flawed, but I respect the hustle.”<</st>>
<<case 9>><<st>>Rosie is lying on her couch, eating ice cream, and talking on the phone.<</st>>
<<rs>>“Sometimes I think it would be nice to have a guy who’s just… reliable, you know? Like, someone who’d remember my favorite coffee order and wouldn’t freak out if I cried during a rom-com.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“So, a golden retriever in human form?”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Exactly! But, like, with a job. And maybe a nice smile.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Dream big.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“I’m serious! I’m tired of dating guys who think ‘Netflix and chill’ is a personality trait. I want someone who’ll actually like me, not just tolerate me until something better comes along.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Wow, that got deep. You sure you’re not just hungry?”<</st>>
<<set $random to random(1, 5)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, expecting another mundane moment. But this time, you catch Rosie in the living room, standing in front of a mirror. She’s trying on different outfits, tossing aside one piece of clothing after another.<</st>>
<<st>>She’s in the middle of slipping out of a dress when she pauses, checking herself out in the mirror, clearly enjoying the view.<</st>>
<<ch>>Well, this is interesting, you think, your eyes glued to the screen as she admires her reflection.<</ch>>
<<st>>She suddenly grabs a set of lacy lingerie from the pile and starts putting it on, adjusting the straps and giving herself a spin, touching herself through the thin layer of lace.<</st>>
<<ch>>Damn, Rosie, didn’t know you had that in your wardrobe, you think, feeling a rush of excitement. You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Rosie is sitting on her couch, painting her nails, and gossiping with her best friend on speakerphone.<</st>>
<<rs>>“Okay, so get this—Sarah from work? She’s dating the guy from IT. You know, the one who always smells like pizza?”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Ew, the one who looks like he hasn’t seen sunlight since 2015?”<</st>>
<<rs>>“YES! And guess what? She told me he proposed to her… with a Ring Pop.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“A Ring Pop? Like, the candy?”<</st>>
<<rs>>“I swear! She said it was ‘romantic’ because it was grape-flavored, and that’s her favorite.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Wow. Love is dead.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Honestly, I’d take the Ring Pop. At least it’s edible.”<</rs>>
<<case 3>><<st>>Rosie is on the phone with someone. Is this a man?<</st>>
<<st>>“Do you need any money? You’re not struggling, are you?”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Dad, I’m fine. I have a job, I pay my bills… mostly on time. I’m an adult.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Are you sure? Because last time you said that, you called me three days later asking for grocery money.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Okay, but that was an emergency. They had a sale on wine.”<</rs>>
<<rs>>“Relax, Dad. I’m good. But, uh… if you want to send me money, I won’t say no.”<</rs>>
<<case 4>><<st>>Rosie is sitting at her kitchen table, surrounded by skincare products, talking to someone on Facetime.<</st>>
<<rs>>“I spent, like, $200 on this new serum. It’s supposed to make me look ‘refreshed and youthful.’”<</rs>>
<<rs>>“I look the same, but now my bank account is crying.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Maybe it’s a metaphor. Like, your wallet is aging instead of you.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Great. So now I’m broke and stressed, which is probably giving me wrinkles. This serum is a scam.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Welcome to adulthood. Where you spend money to fix problems you didn’t even have before.”<</st>>
<<case 5>><<st>>Rosie is staring at a salad, talking to someone on the phone.<</st>>
<<rs>>“I’m on day three of this stupid diet, and I already hate my life. Who decided lettuce is food? It’s basically crunchy water.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“You could always just… not diet.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“I can’t. I have a beach trip in two months, and I refuse to be the girl who looks like a potato in a bikini.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“You know diets don’t work, right? You’ll just gain it all back as soon as you eat a slice of pizza.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Don’t say the P-word. I’m already dreaming about it.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Okay, but if you’re miserable, what’s the point? Just wear a one-piece and call it a day.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Ugh, fine. But if I look bad, I’m blaming you.”<</rs>>
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><</if>>
<<else>><<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><<addhours 1>><<if $whoinroom=="Rbed">><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Camera_flat_2]]>><</button>></div>
<<if $is_flat_closed==true>><<ch>>There’s nothing left to see here—it’s all ashes. Time to go to the insurance office.<</ch>><<else>><<if $flat2_settings.avatar==$rs.img>><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$rs.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$rs.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $rs_event_activator.event1==true and $rs_event_activator.event2==false>>
<<ch>>"Wait a second… no fucking way." Your eyes widen as you realize what’s happening.<</ch>>
<<st>>Her breathing picks up, her lips part, and then, clear as day, she whispers something. You crank up the volume, barely catching it.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Did she just say my name?"<</ch>>
<<ch>>You sit back, grinning. "Alright, Rosie. Guess I’m living rent-free in your head now."<</ch>><<set $rs_event_activator.event2=true>>
<<elseif $rs_event_activator.event2==true and $rs_event_activator.event3==false>>
<<st>>You flip on the camera, hoping for something good, and jackpot—Rosie’s sprawled on the couch, phone in hand, chatting with her friend on speaker.<</st>>
<<rs>>“…yeah, I went on a date with $ch.nom,” she says casually, like it’s no big deal.<</rs>>
<<ch>>Your ears perk up. "Well, this just got interesting."<</ch>>
<<rf>>Her friend practically screeches. “Wait, what? You went out with that guy? How was it? Are you seeing him again, or did you scare him off with your whole '13 dates before anything fun' deal?”<</rf>>
<<rs>>Rosie laughs. “He definitely looked freaked out, but I think he’ll call. Guys like him love a challenge—they just don’t know it yet.”<</rs>>
<<rf>>Her friend snorts. “He doesn’t know you’re crazy about ice, does he? Like, if he surprises you with that, it’s over for him. You’ll be planning your wedding by date three.”<</rf>>
<<rs>>Rosie laughs. “Yeah, that would definitely speed things up— like, that would definitely shave a good five dates off the countdown. But he’s not gonna figure that out.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You lean forward, confused as hell. Ice? Like… hockey? Melting glaciers? Cocktails? What the fuck does she mean by ‘ice’?<</ch>>
<<ch>>And then it clicks. "Wait… ice skating? That’s gotta be it. Bingo, motherfucker. All I need is a rink and some skates, and I’ve got this in the bag."<</ch>>
<<ch>>The plan’s already forming in your head as you turn off the feed. "Rosie, you’re going to love this next date. But I guess I’ll love it more."<</ch>><<set $rs_event_activator.event3=true>>
<<if $stealed_money_rs == true>>
<<set $stealed_money_rs=false>>
<<if $stealIndex_rs < 5>>
<<set $stealIndex_rs to $stealIndex_rs + 1>>
<<switch $stealIndex_rs>>
<<case 1>><<rs>>Whoa, I thought I’d saved up more. Guess I need to keep a closer eye on my spending.<</rs>>
<<case 2>><<rs>>Huh, I could’ve sworn I had more cash here. Maybe I’ve been spending more than I realized.<</rs>>
<<case 3>><<rs>>Hmm, wasn’t there an extra 100 bucks here? That’s weird…<</rs>>
<<case 4>><<rs>>I don’t remember spending this much. Why the hell am I short? Did someone take it?<</rs>>
<<case 5>><<rs>>What the fuck? Why is my money vanishing in this damn apartment?<</rs>><<set $rs.rel-=5>><<flash "Relation -5">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<if $events_action_counter <= 10>>
<<if $rs.lust < 50>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 8)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Boooooring<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Ugh, so dull.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>This is putting me to sleep.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>I can’t believe how painfully dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>Is it possible to die from boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>I’d rather watch paint dry.<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>Please, something interesting happen already.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>I’m seriously debating if watching tumbleweeds would be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<if $rs.rel>50>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 8)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Oh yeah, now we’re talking!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Hell yes, now that’s cool!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going in my collection.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now this is worth my time!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<st>>You tune into the camera, and there she is—Rosie, jerking off, again?<</st>>
<<rs>>Her head tilts back, and you hear it— “…$ch.nom…”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You freeze, then grin. “Oh, hell yeah, Rosie. Looks like I’ve got a VIP suite in that head of yours.”<</ch>>
<<else>><<ch>>This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<case 7>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<rs>>You check the camera, not really expecting anything new. And there she is—Rosie, and you already know what she’s doing. Just a couple minutes, and your name slips out. “…$ch.nom…” <</rs>>
<<ch>>You shake your head with a smirk. “Yeah, yeah, Rosie, I get it. You’re obsessed. Not that I blame you—but damn, a guy could use a little variety now and then.”<</ch>>
<<else>><<ch>>Oh yeah, now we’re talking!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<case 8>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<if ($gameDate.getUTCHours()>=20 and $gameDate.getUTCHours()<=24)>><<st>>You check the camera late at night, figuring Rosie’s probably asleep. Instead, that girl is masturbating. Well, you’re kind of getting used to it<</st>>
<<rs>>“…$ch.nom…” Your name. Again.<</rs>>
<<ch>>You smirk, leaning back in your chair. "Alright, Rosie, this is hot as hell, but seriously? How many nights are we gonna play this game? Just spread those legs for me already and let me do it right."<</ch>><<else>><<ch>>Now this is worth my time!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<else>><<ch>>Now this is worth my time!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 7)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<rs>>Huh, alright then.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rs>>Interesting choice, I suppose.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<rs>>Well, I guess that explains a lot.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rs>>Oh, okay. That’s… normal?<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<rs>>Alright, moving on then.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<ch>>Tries to sleep but ends up tossing and turning because she suddenly recalls some random detail—like the kitchen light still being on.<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>Lies in bed scrolling through memes and funny videos, laughing until she realizes it’s way past her bedtime.<</ch>>
<<set $events_action_counter=0>>
<<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >>
<<if $showEvent > 70 and $rs_show.event6==false>> <!-- Показываем событие разово, если >70 -->
<<if $rs_show.event6==false>><<set $rs_show.event6=true>><<st>>Rosie is lying on her bed, eating chips, and venting to about her job to someone.<</st>>
<<rs>>“I’m so done with work. Like, why do I even go there? To make someone else rich while I slowly die inside?”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Mood. But, you know, bills.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Ugh, don’t remind me. I just want to win the lottery, quit, and live on a beach somewhere. No emails, no meetings, no Karen from accounting.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Karen from accounting is the reason I believe in karma.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Same. If I ever quit, I’m sending her a glitter bomb. Like, Thanks for the trauma. Enjoy the mess.”<</rs>>
<</if>><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<if $rs.lust < 50>>
<<set $random to random(1, 5)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>> <<st>>Alright, let’s see what Rosie’s up to, you think, pulling up the camera feed.<</st>>
<<st>>The screen flickers to life, but the apartment is completely empty—no Rosie, no action, just empty rooms.<</st>>
<<ch>>Seriously? Why the hell am I watching this? Where’s Rosie wandering off to? This is a total snooze fest, you grumble to yourself, leaning back with a sigh, frustrated by the lack of anything interesting.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and see Rosie tidying up around the house. Normally, this would be boring as hell, but she’s in these skimpy little shorts, and every time she bends over, you get a perfect view.<</st>>
<<ch>>Damn, that’s one fine ass, you say to yourself, completely hooked. Could watch her do this all day.
<<case 3>><<ch>>Picks up a book, reads one or two pages, and then dumps it on the nightstand to gather dust for months.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>Scribbles out an elaborate to-do list for the year, only to cross it out with a “just survive” note.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>Grumbles about tomorrow’s responsibilities, silently cursing the alarm clock that never seems to get the hint.<</ch>>
<<set $random to random(1, 1)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed, seeing Rosie lying in bed. At first glance, nothing exciting seems to be happening, and you’re about to switch to another view.<</st>>
<<st>>But just as you’re about to click away, you notice something—she’s flushed, her cheeks a bit red, and she pulls her armout of her panties. Then, she reaches over to her nightstand, pulling out a dildo that catches your full attention.<</st>>
<<ch>>Whoa, didn’t see that coming, you think, eyes widening. Damn, she’s full of surprises! And that thing’s not small, either.<</ch>>
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><</if>>
<<else>><<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><<addhours 1>><<if $whoinroom=="Rtoi">><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Camera_flat_2]]>><</button>></div>
<<if $is_flat_closed==true>><<ch>>There’s nothing left to see here—it’s all ashes. Time to go to the insurance office.<</ch>><<else>><<if $flat2_settings.avatar==$rs.img>><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$rs.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$rs.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $rs_event_activator.event1==true and $rs_event_activator.event2==false>>
<<ch>>"Wait a second… no fucking way." Your eyes widen as you realize what’s happening.<</ch>>
<<st>>Her breathing picks up, her lips part, and then, clear as day, she whispers something. You crank up the volume, barely catching it.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Did she just say my name?"<</ch>>
<<ch>>You sit back, grinning. "Alright, Rosie. Guess I’m living rent-free in your head now."<</ch>><<set $rs_event_activator.event2=true>>
<<elseif $rs_event_activator.event2==true and $rs_event_activator.event3==false>>
<<st>>You flip on the camera, hoping for something good, and jackpot—Rosie’s sprawled on the couch, phone in hand, chatting with her friend on speaker.<</st>>
<<rs>>“…yeah, I went on a date with $ch.nom,” she says casually, like it’s no big deal.<</rs>>
<<ch>>Your ears perk up. "Well, this just got interesting."<</ch>>
<<rf>>Her friend practically screeches. “Wait, what? You went out with that guy? How was it? Are you seeing him again, or did you scare him off with your whole '13 dates before anything fun' deal?”<</rf>>
<<rs>>Rosie laughs. “He definitely looked freaked out, but I think he’ll call. Guys like him love a challenge—they just don’t know it yet.”<</rs>>
<<rf>>Her friend snorts. “He doesn’t know you’re crazy about ice, does he? Like, if he surprises you with that, it’s over for him. You’ll be planning your wedding by date three.”<</rf>>
<<rs>>Rosie laughs. “Yeah, that would definitely speed things up— like, that would definitely shave a good five dates off the countdown. But he’s not gonna figure that out.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You lean forward, confused as hell. Ice? Like… hockey? Melting glaciers? Cocktails? What the fuck does she mean by ‘ice’?<</ch>>
<<ch>>And then it clicks. "Wait… ice skating? That’s gotta be it. Bingo, motherfucker. All I need is a rink and some skates, and I’ve got this in the bag."<</ch>>
<<ch>>The plan’s already forming in your head as you turn off the feed. "Rosie, you’re going to love this next date. But I guess I’ll love it more."<</ch>><<set $rs_event_activator.event3=true>>
<<if $stealed_money_rs == true>>
<<set $stealed_money_rs=false>>
<<if $stealIndex_rs < 5>>
<<set $stealIndex_rs to $stealIndex_rs + 1>>
<<switch $stealIndex_rs>>
<<case 1>><<rs>>Whoa, I thought I’d saved up more. Guess I need to keep a closer eye on my spending.<</rs>>
<<case 2>><<rs>>Huh, I could’ve sworn I had more cash here. Maybe I’ve been spending more than I realized.<</rs>>
<<case 3>><<rs>>Hmm, wasn’t there an extra 100 bucks here? That’s weird…<</rs>>
<<case 4>><<rs>>I don’t remember spending this much. Why the hell am I short? Did someone take it?<</rs>>
<<case 5>><<rs>>What the fuck? Why is my money vanishing in this damn apartment?<</rs>><<set $rs.rel-=5>><<flash "Relation -5">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<if $events_action_counter <= 10>>
<<if $rs.lust < 50>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 8)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Boooooring<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Ugh, so dull.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>This is putting me to sleep.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>I can’t believe how painfully dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>Is it possible to die from boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>I’d rather watch paint dry.<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>Please, something interesting happen already.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>I’m seriously debating if watching tumbleweeds would be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<if $rs.rel>50>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 8)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Oh yeah, now we’re talking!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Hell yes, now that’s cool!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going in my collection.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now this is worth my time!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<st>>You tune into the camera, and there she is—Rosie, jerking off, again?<</st>>
<<rs>>Her head tilts back, and you hear it— “…$ch.nom…”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You freeze, then grin. “Oh, hell yeah, Rosie. Looks like I’ve got a VIP suite in that head of yours.”<</ch>>
<<else>>This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<case 7>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<rs>>You check the camera, not really expecting anything new. And there she is—Rosie, and you already know what she’s doing. Just a couple minutes, and your name slips out. “…$ch.nom…” <</rs>>
<<ch>>You shake your head with a smirk. “Yeah, yeah, Rosie, I get it. You’re obsessed. Not that I blame you—but damn, a guy could use a little variety now and then.”<</ch>>
<<else>>Oh yeah, now we’re talking!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<case 8>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<st>>You check the camera late at night, figuring Rosie’s probably asleep. Instead, that girl is masturbating. Well, you’re kind of getting used to it<</st>>
<<rs>>“…$ch.nom…” Your name. Again.<</rs>>
<<ch>>You smirk, leaning back in your chair. "Alright, Rosie, this is hot as hell, but seriously? How many nights are we gonna play this game? Just spread those legs for me already and let me do it right."<</ch>>
<<else>>Now this is worth my time!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 5)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<rs>>Huh, alright then.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rs>>Interesting choice, I suppose.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<rs>>Well, I guess that explains a lot.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rs>>Oh, okay. That’s… normal?<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<rs>>Alright, moving on then.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<ch>>Spends an absurd amount of time doing makeup—even though she knows she’ll just wash it off later.<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>Reads the ingredients on her shampoo bottle as if deciphering a secret code, shaking her head at the “chemical attack.”<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>Ends up shedding a dramatic tear in the shower because, well, it’s one of those evenings.<</ch>>
<<set $events_action_counter=0>>
<<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >>
<<if $showEvent > 70 and $rs_show.event3==false>> <!-- Показываем событие разово, если >70 -->
<<if $rs_show.event3==false>><<set $rs_show.event3=true>><<rs>>You check the camera and see Rosie in the bathroom, frustrated as the water in the sink isn’t draining properly. She sighs, rubbing her forehead. “This sink is clogging up again. It’s so gross.”<</rs>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Call a Plumber'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ch>>You grab your phone and knock on her door. “Hey, Rosie, just wanted to check if everything’s okay with the apartment.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>She opens the door, looking a bit tired. “Yeah, mostly... except the bathroom sink is clogged again.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You nod, pulling out your phone. “That sounds annoying. I’ll call a plumber for you and get it sorted. Don’t worry, I’ll cover the cost.”<</ch>>
<<rs>>Rosie’s eyes widen. “Really? You’d do that?”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You smile. “Of course. It’s part of keeping the place in good shape. I’ll get someone here today.”<</ch>><<set $rs.rel+=5>><<set $ch.money-=200>><<set $week_stats.expenses_requsets+=200>><<flash "Relation +5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money -200">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>A clogged sink? Not a huge emergency. You turn off the camera feed and decide to let Rosie handle it herself. She can call a plumber if she really needs to, but for now, you stay out of it.<</st>>
<</if>><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<if $rs.lust < 50>>
<<set $random to random(1, 3)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Rosie in the shower, water running down her bare skin.<</st>>
<<ch>>Well, finally something worth watching, you think, a smirk creeping onto your face. Damn, she’s smoking hot. Could watch this all day.<</ch>>
<<st>>Your mind wanders for a second, imagining yourself in that shower with her. Hell, it’d be even better if I was in there with her, you chuckle to yourself, unable to tear your eyes away from the screen.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Enjoys a long, hot shower while belting out off-key tunes, convinced she’s the star of her own concert.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Tries out a new face mask that leaves her with a streaky green look, and laughs at her reflection.<</ch>>
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and immediately spot Rosie in the shower. You’re already thrilled to catch her in such a private moment, your eyes glued to the screen as she soaps up, the water running down her body.<</st>>
<<st>>But then things take an even more interesting turn.<</st>>
<<st>>She slowly lets her hands slide down her body, disappearing between her legs. Your pulse quickens as you watch her start to touch herself.<</st>>
<<case 2>><<st>>Rosie is staring at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, talking to her friend on the phone.<</st>>
<<rs>>“I swear, I found a gray hair yesterday. A gray hair. I’m too young for this!”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Maybe it was just, like, a shiny blonde one?”<</st>>
<<rs>>“No, it was gray. I pulled it out and burned it. But now I’m paranoid. What if I wake up tomorrow and I’m 80?”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Relax, you’re not even 30 yet.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Yeah, but time moves so fast. One day you’re 25, and the next, you’re Googling ‘best anti-aging creams’ at 2 AM.”<</rs>>
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><</if>>
<<else>><<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><<addhours 1>><<if $whoinroom=="Rbal">><div class="lobby-button"><<button [[Back to the room|Camera_flat_2]]>><</button>></div>
<<if $is_flat_closed==true>><<ch>>There’s nothing left to see here—it’s all ashes. Time to go to the insurance office.<</ch>><<else>><<if $flat2_settings.avatar==$rs.img>><div class="lobby-progress-cont one"><div class="lobby-level-cont">Lust</div><div class="lobby-progressbar-cont"><progress class="progress-bar lobby" @value="$rs.lust" style="accent-color:#7ee6c0;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="lobby-mult-cont">$rs.lust</div></div>
<<if $ch.energy==0>><<st>>Time to recharge—go catch some sleep and get your energy back.<</st>><<else>><<set $ch.energy-=10>><<if $rs_event_activator.event1==true and $rs_event_activator.event2==false>>
<<ch>>"Wait a second… no fucking way." Your eyes widen as you realize what’s happening.<</ch>>
<<st>>Her breathing picks up, her lips part, and then, clear as day, she whispers something. You crank up the volume, barely catching it.<</st>>
<<ch>>"Did she just say my name?"<</ch>>
<<ch>>You sit back, grinning. "Alright, Rosie. Guess I’m living rent-free in your head now."<</ch>><<set $rs_event_activator.event2=true>>
<<elseif $rs_event_activator.event2==true and $rs_event_activator.event3==false>>
<<st>>You flip on the camera, hoping for something good, and jackpot—Rosie’s sprawled on the couch, phone in hand, chatting with her friend on speaker.<</st>>
<<rs>>“…yeah, I went on a date with $ch.nom,” she says casually, like it’s no big deal.<</rs>>
<<ch>>Your ears perk up. "Well, this just got interesting."<</ch>>
<<rf>>Her friend practically screeches. “Wait, what? You went out with that guy? How was it? Are you seeing him again, or did you scare him off with your whole '13 dates before anything fun' deal?”<</rf>>
<<rs>>Rosie laughs. “He definitely looked freaked out, but I think he’ll call. Guys like him love a challenge—they just don’t know it yet.”<</rs>>
<<rf>>Her friend snorts. “He doesn’t know you’re crazy about ice, does he? Like, if he surprises you with that, it’s over for him. You’ll be planning your wedding by date three.”<</rf>>
<<rs>>Rosie laughs. “Yeah, that would definitely speed things up— like, that would definitely shave a good five dates off the countdown. But he’s not gonna figure that out.”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You lean forward, confused as hell. Ice? Like… hockey? Melting glaciers? Cocktails? What the fuck does she mean by ‘ice’?<</ch>>
<<ch>>And then it clicks. "Wait… ice skating? That’s gotta be it. Bingo, motherfucker. All I need is a rink and some skates, and I’ve got this in the bag."<</ch>>
<<ch>>The plan’s already forming in your head as you turn off the feed. "Rosie, you’re going to love this next date. But I guess I’ll love it more."<</ch>><<set $rs_event_activator.event3=true>>
<<if $stealed_money_rs == true>>
<<set $stealed_money_rs=false>>
<<if $stealIndex_rs < 5>>
<<set $stealIndex_rs to $stealIndex_rs + 1>>
<<switch $stealIndex_rs>>
<<case 1>><<rs>>Whoa, I thought I’d saved up more. Guess I need to keep a closer eye on my spending.<</rs>>
<<case 2>><<rs>>Huh, I could’ve sworn I had more cash here. Maybe I’ve been spending more than I realized.<</rs>>
<<case 3>><<rs>>Hmm, wasn’t there an extra 100 bucks here? That’s weird…<</rs>>
<<case 4>><<rs>>I don’t remember spending this much. Why the hell am I short? Did someone take it?<</rs>>
<<case 5>><<rs>>What the fuck? Why is my money vanishing in this damn apartment?<</rs>><<set $rs.rel-=5>><<flash "Relation -5">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 200>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<Layout "top-left">>
<<if $events_action_counter <= 10>>
<<if $rs.lust < 50>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 8)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Boooooring<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Ugh, so dull.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>This is putting me to sleep.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>I can’t believe how painfully dull this is.<</ch>>
<<case 5>><<ch>>Is it possible to die from boredom?<</ch>>
<<case 6>><<ch>>I’d rather watch paint dry.<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>Please, something interesting happen already.<</ch>>
<<case 8>><<ch>>I’m seriously debating if watching tumbleweeds would be more entertaining than this.<</ch>>
<<if $rs.rel>50>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 7)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<ch>>Oh yeah, now we’re talking!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<ch>>This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<ch>>Hell yes, now that’s cool!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<ch>>This one’s definitely going in my collection.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<ch>>Now this is worth my time!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<st>>You tune into the camera, and there she is—Rosie, jerking off, again?<</st>>
<<rs>>Her head tilts back, and you hear it— “…$ch.nom…”<</rs>>
<<ch>>You freeze, then grin. “Oh, hell yeah, Rosie. Looks like I’ve got a VIP suite in that head of yours.”<</ch>>
<<else>>This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for.<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<case 7>><<if $rs_event_activator.event2==true>><<rs>>You check the camera, not really expecting anything new. And there she is—Rosie, and you already know what she’s doing. Just a couple minutes, and your name slips out. “…$ch.nom…” <</rs>>
<<ch>>You shake your head with a smirk. “Yeah, yeah, Rosie, I get it. You’re obsessed. Not that I blame you—but damn, a guy could use a little variety now and then.”<</ch>>
<<else>>Oh yeah, now we’re talking!<</ch>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_like)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.1/gifs/rosie_like/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</if>>
<<set _randomIndex to random(1, 7)>>
<<switch _randomIndex>>
<<case 1>><<rs>>Huh, alright then.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>><<rs>>Interesting choice, I suppose.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 3>><<rs>>Well, I guess that explains a lot.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 4>><<rs>>Oh, okay. That’s… normal?<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 5>><<rs>>Alright, moving on then.<</rs>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rosie_rel_minus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2/gifs/rosie_rel_minus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 6>><<ch>>Sips coffee from a big mug while gazing at the city, thinking, “I’m so aesthetic right now.”<</ch>>
<<case 7>><<ch>>Takes a few selfies with the sunset, adding snarky, self-deprecating captions for her Instagram feed.<</ch>>
<<set $events_action_counter=0>>
<<set $showEvent to random(0, 100) >>
<<if $showEvent > 70 and $rs_show.event7==false>> <!-- Показываем событие разово, если >70 -->
<<if $rs_show.event7==false>><<set $rs_show.event7=true>><<st>>“Are you eating well? You’re not just ordering takeout, are you?”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Mom, I’m fine. I cooked pasta last night. With… sauce. And cheese. That’s a meal, right?”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Rosie, that’s not a meal. That’s a snack.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Okay, but it had carbs, protein, and dairy. That’s, like, the food pyramid.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“The food pyramid hasn’t been a thing since 2005.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Well, neither has my will to live, but here we are.”<</rs>>
<</if>><<button [[Back to the room|Lobby]]>><</button>>
<<if $rs.lust < 50>>
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>> <<st>>Alright, let’s see what Rosie’s up to, you think, pulling up the camera feed.<</st>>
<<st>>The screen flickers to life, but the apartment is completely empty—no Rosie, no action, just empty rooms.<</st>>
<<ch>>Seriously? Why the hell am I watching this? Where’s Rosie wandering off to? This is a total snooze fest, you grumble to yourself, leaning back with a sigh, frustrated by the lack of anything interesting.<</ch>>
<<case 2>><<st>>You pull up the camera feed and see Rosie tidying up around the house. Normally, this would be boring as hell, but she’s in these skimpy little shorts, and every time she bends over, you get a perfect view.<</st>>
<<ch>>Damn, that’s one fine ass, you say to yourself, completely hooked. Could watch her do this all day.
<<set $random to random(1, 4)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 1>><<st>>“Are you eating well? You’re not just ordering takeout, are you?”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Mom, I’m fine. I cooked pasta last night. With… sauce. And cheese. That’s a meal, right?”<</rs>>
<<st>>“Rosie, that’s not a meal. That’s a snack.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Okay, but it had carbs, protein, and dairy. That’s, like, the food pyramid.”<</rs>>
<<st>>“The food pyramid hasn’t been a thing since 2005.”<</st>>
<<rs>>“Well, neither has my will to live, but here we are.”<</rs>>
<<case 2>><<ch>>Chats on the phone with a friend, casually roasting the neighbors and the day’s mishaps.<</ch>>
<<case 3>><<ch>>Watches the bustling street below, mentally noting how everyone else seems to live a more interesting life.<</ch>>
<<case 4>><<ch>>Stands there for a few quiet minutes, half-musing about life’s absurdity, half-enjoying the cool evening air.<</ch>>
<</switch>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><</if>>
<<else>><<st>>Why the hell am I even watching a camera in an empty place?<</st>><</if>><<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>Once you have decided on a font, reload the page and select it again (please click on it ONE time).<</st>>
<<button "Change font">>
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